Download - The Crown Chakra


Tour of the Chakras: The Crown Chakra ©2016, updated 2020

an Angelique M. Bouffiou Creation

Welcome to our 8th class in the Tour of the Chakras Series! The crown chakra is the 7th chakra in the energetic system. Its Sanskrit name is Sahasrara, which translates to "thousand pedals". The colors associated with this chakra are indigo, violet and white.

The crown chakra is at the crown of the skull. There are 3 layers to the crown chakra, which are not often written about. The depictions of these three layers are found in Christian depictions of angels, saints and ascended masters in the form of halos. Most Buddhist statues show the detail of the three layers that may look a little like a thick layer of hair and a bun.

The ancients knew that we connected to Source energy through this access point. Yet, the only way to open the crown painlessly is to align, clear, and balance all chakras that are below.

This is the primary reason why the root is counted as the first chakra, because our alignment from root to third eye is what it takes to open the crown and reach beyond. In our

next and final class, we will be going over the sub and super chakras.

Over time as you work with the material within this course and develop your own experience, you will strengthen the central channel that connects all of the primary chakras. Your expansion will continue to deepen your consciousness within this and all the chakras. Your life will align with

your desires and callings, and you will know peace, serenity, creative ambition, authentic compassion, a clear and love-centered voice and identity, increased psychic abilities, and palpable connection to your Higher Power,

The crown is strengthened through the invitation of the Light & Wisdom.

I wish to emphasize here that opening the crown is not the goal. While no chakra is slammed shut -or we wouldn't have the function of the coordinating organs. (In this case the brain is the primary organ of the crown.) However, each chakra to balance needs to be unfolded. We unfold through our chosen actions and chosen thoughts. The opening of the crown is more of a result of our harmony, meditation, and mindfulness practice. The corresponding chakra to the crown is the root. The deeper the roots are the higher the branches may reach.

Go within or go without. 1


The Crown Chakra:

Sahasrara 1

Empathy & the Crown 1

Cont'd Empathy & the Crown 2

Three Layers of the Crown Symptoms of Imbalance 3

Crown Chakra Mudra &


The Crown Chakra: Sahasrara

Sahasrara By Courtney Kayser

Tour of the Chakras: The Crown Chakra ©2016, updated 2020

an Angelique M. Bouffiou Creation

Empathy & the Crown

Empathy is defined as the ability to feel the feelings of others within. A person who is an empath literally feels the feelings of the people that they interact with in public, on the phone, or through a connecting thought. To some of you this might sound a bit inconvenient. To others this might describe your own experience. Empaths have a buildup of gray matter in certain regions of the brain specifically, the frontal lobe and hind brain under the top notch of the spine (1/3 of the way into the skull). Therefore, becoming an empath is a step in evolution* (refer to sidebar) developed through meditation and awakening consciousness…

The brain changes as a result of consistent meditation. Gray matter increases over time, which empowers the brain to have better memory, stronger synapse connections, balanced hormones, improved senses, the healing of some brain injuries and in some- eventually empathy. Empathy is a gift. It is a higher form of intelligence that increases our conscious connection to the world about us.

It is a way of signaling us into helpful Service to our friends, family and even strangers. It takes great discernment and reliance on our intuition in order to discover how and when we can use this gift to take action as opposed to when it…(cont’d page 3)

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“May all people be free

of suffering and the The 3 layers of Sahasrara are visible in this statue of the Buddha.

*There are varying degrees of empathic-intuition. There are emotional empaths which most people have access to developing. Some are born empathic, due to active gray matter in the parts of the brain that experience empathic sensitivity. Studies show that experiencing trauma in early childhood development creates “brain damage” that also increases the likelihood of becoming empathic. It depends on how the individual processes their experiences that will determine the pathway to empathy or hyper-sensitive narcissism.

There are also empathic psychics who may possess medical empathy all the way to telepathy.

Tour of the Chakras: The Crown Chakra ©2016, updated 2020

an Angelique M. Bouffiou Creation

Empathy& The Crown Cont’d

…is simply meant to guide our intentions and prayers for those in need.

Before I understood this gift I thought maybe I was cursed. I was hypersensitive, and anxiety ridden before I knew what was mine and what feelings belonged to others. This was especially so as a resident of New York City, where I lived for 6 years. Any major city holds a lot of energy because it holds a lot of people, intentions, and ambitions.

Before I knew that I was an empath I would get bowled over with so many emotional waves seemingly one after the other. Until one day, as I was sitting on the cross-town L train, I felt a horrific pain traveling up and down my legs. I knew immediately that it could not be mine. The pain shot through my whole body.

In a panic, I began to scan the train car. Two benches to the left and across the way sat a man with a condition that looked like elephantiasis. His legs, arms and feet had outgrown his skin.

His shoes had ripped through, and were taped onto his feet.

There was no doubt that I was feeling exactly what this man was feeling. Noticing where it was coming from actually increased the

sensation. I jumped off at 6th Avenue and 14th street, bolted to the corner, and threw up on 6th Avenue. While this relieved my connection to the pain, I have learned a far simpler way to distinguish between what is mine and what is not. Through this one simple statement, I learned how to let it go quickly. Here it is, if feeling something (physically or emotionally) that seems to have no correlation to the conditions of my present moment, I simply say, "This is not mine."

If it gets louder or more intense, it is most certainly mine. If it is not it dissipates and goes away.

Then I direct a loving light-prayer toward the sender (known or unknown).

A light prayer is just the visualization of Light traveling to a person and helping them in whatever way they need. I keep these prayers simple so as not to attempt to control other people's relationship to life. The simple prayer is, "May all people be free of suffering and the causes of suffering."

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Divine Mother, Queen of Angels Unknown Artist

Tour of the Chakras: The Crown Chakra ©2016, updated 2020

an Angelique M. Bouffiou Creation

Symptoms of Imbalance ✦ Physical/Mental-Migraines and headaches

(Headaches can also be the release of negativity through the crown when we have participated in negative behavior internal or external)

✦ Brain dysfunction i.e. memory loss, foggy brain, dizziness, vision loss

✦ Spiritual/Philosophical- disconnection from others, apathy, psychopathic tendencies, overly analytical (ego/fear driven) Having no sense of a power greater than one’s self (God complex)

✦ Emotional- lack of compassion (me/us vs. them), disassociation aka flight mode

All other imbalances referred to in all other chakras could also be included here in the sense that if that which is below is in a state of fear, lack, in resistance to the physical world, power- madness, disconnection, disassociated or unfeeling, dishonest or lacking in humility, un-sensing of one’s intuitive sense, voice or vision, caught up in delusion, then one’s crown is most certainly in need of balancing and gentle stimulation into balance. Primary medicines: meditation, shadow work, therapies that engage the development of consciousness and conscientious living.

Chakra Journal: Assistance with Clear Connection

Write out a list of characteristics that you understand attribute to your Higher Power. Whether you perceive Source as Nature or God, Universe or Goddess, the Spaghetti Monster or Buddha, the Father, Mother or by some other name, write out the characteristics of this being.

You can leave the physical out of it. You are not creating this Being as much as you are developing your understanding of this being. Be specific. Use verbs and adjectives. Any list that

includes loving, tolerant and forgiving is on the right track. Write what you need and want this

being or essence to have.

Once you have completed the list directions will follow as to how to use it.

This is a real game changer and I am so excited for you to have this experience. I suggest doing this writing prior to reading any further in this class pack in order to get the most out of the rest of it.

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Tour of the Chakras: The Crown Chakra ©2016, updated 2020

an Angelique M. Bouffiou Creation

Post Writing Exercise for Connection

Now place your left palm over the center heart chakra, found at the center sternum. Speak these words softly aloud three times, "I can feel my heartbeat and it remembers good." Take a moment, and a few deep long breaths to experience this connection.

Keep your palm connected to the heart throughout.

Then read your list out loud with this statement in front of each line: I need (insert name of Higher Power) to be (insert your line).

When you complete the reading, take three deep breaths, attempting to empty the lungs on each exhale. On the third exhale release the left palm and replace the right palm over the center heart chakra.

Now read the list with this phrase before each line, "(Insert name of H.P.) is..."

When you have completed the list, take a moment to close your eyes. Take 3 deep breaths, and on the third exhale release your palm and allow your eyes to open.

When the chills rush through the body this means old ideas that were out of alignment with this conception are being cleared from the system. As you feel the heat and possibly vibration, this is your system being energized by it.

You can repeat the second step of this process prior to your daily meditation or anytime you like. Over time your conception may expand as your needs do. You can always use this exercise to make that conscious.

Sahasrara Mudras for Meditation There are a number of different mudras for the crown chakra out there. For simplicity's sake, I am

sharing the three that match the three layers we have discussed. At first, it is wise to work with the

base layer, then the second and then the third in separate meditations. As you progress, you might use

all three within one meditation. Just remember that mudras take their own time to complete their

process, and jumping from mudra to mudra may not be beneficial to your practice.

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Tour of the Chakras: The Crown Chakra ©2016, updated 2020

an Angelique M. Bouffiou Creation

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Base Crown: Tips of thumb & second finger are connected. This mudra helps with brain function and improved memory and psychic receptivity.

2nd layer Crown: Similar to root mudra, but the index is connected on the nail bed of the index finger. This mudra helps develop empathy and connection to Source Energy.

Tour of the Chakras: The Crown Chakra ©2016, updated 2020

an Angelique M. Bouffiou Creation

Dear Seeker,

You are making this world a brighter and more peaceful place with each day that you deepen your relationship with your whole being. Our next class will be filled with internal fireworks and I am so excited to be able to share this practice with you. As you prepare for the next class be sure to work with each of the chakras for the next 7 days, from root to crown. This will prepare you for the magnanimous adventure of connecting the sub chakras to the primary seven and develop a kind of energetic diving board to soar within and make deeper contact to the Unified Field or Source Energy. Hold onto your meditation pillow, things are about to get wildly expansive.

Be sure to be drinking plenty of (non-fluoridated) water (with a Ph of 8.8 or higher) and take time to thank and honor yourself for the time and energy you have given to this practice. You have already traveled further than most of humanity in inner-space. Next, we connect the inner to the upper world. Thank you for choosing you.

Keep it wyrd*,


*Wyrd- old English. Alchemically transformational. The magical changes of consciousness.

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The third layer crown mudra is the pinky and thumb joined with all other fingers extended. This mudra helps to develop our interconnectedness or interdependence consciousness (unity).