


(A Case Study at Tenth Grade of MAN 1 Kota Tangerang )

A Skripsi

Presented to the Faculty of Educational Sciences in Partial Fulfillment of the

Requirements for the Degree of Strata 1 (S.Pd.) in English Language Education











NURHASANAH. 2020, The Application of Authentic Assessment for Students’

Writing Skill (A Case Study at Tenth Grade of MAN 1 Kota Tangerang), Skripsi,

English Education Department, Faculty of Educational Sciences, Syarif Hidayatullah

State Islamic University of Jakarta.

Advisors : Dr. Fahriany, M.Pd. and Desi Nahartini, M.Ed.

Keywords : Authentic Assessment, Writing Skill

This research focuses on the application of authentic assessment for students’

writing skill at tenth grade of MAN 1 Kota Tangerang in the academic year 2019/2020.

The scope of the research is divided into some points: (1) the facts about the

implementation of authentic assessment for teachers in assessing the students’ writing

skill; (2) the teachers’ problem in applying the authentic assessment on students’

writing skill.

The researcher used a descriptive qualitative method. It has a purpose to obtain

the complete data and comprehensive description. The techniques of data collection

are interviews, observation, and documentation. And, the researcher analyzed the data

by using the model data analysis of Miles and Huberman. It includes data condensation,

data display, and drawing and verifying conclusions.

Findings of the research: the teachers implement the authentic assessment on

student writing skill including three aspects – affective, cognitive, and skill. For

affective aspects: the teachers used observation and journal techniques, however, they

do not use them for students’ writing. Cognitive aspects: written test and assignment

techniques, however, they are not published for audiences’ purposes. Skill aspects:

project assessment, however, this aspect is similar to cognitive aspects. In general, the

teachers know the application of an authentic assessment of writing skill based on the

2013 Curriculum, although they have not yet applied optimally. Nevertheless, the

teachers have challenges in applying authentic assessment in learning activities, in

such: having limited time and large class.



NURHASANAH. 2020, The Application of Authentic Assessment for Students’

Writing Skill (A Case Study at Tenth Grade of MAN 1 Kota Tangerang), Skripsi,

Jurusan Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris, Fakultas Ilmu Tarbiyah dan Keguruan, Universitas

Islam Negeri Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta.

Advisors : Dr. Fahriany, M.Pd. dan Desi Nahartini, M.Ed.

Key words : Penilaian Autentik, Keterampilan Menulis

Tujuan penelitian ini adalah tentang penerapan penilaian autentik untuk

keterampilan menulis siswa di kelas X MAN 1 Kota Tangerang pada tahun akademik

2019/2020. Ruang lingkup penelitian ini dibagi menjadi beberapa poin, yaitu: (1) fakta

tentang penerapan penilaian autentik bagi guru dalam menilai keterampilan menulis

siswa, (2) masalah guru dalam menerapkan penilaian autentik pada keterampilan

menulis siswa.

Peneliti menggunakan metode deskriptif kualitatif. Hal ini bertujuan untuk

memperoleh data yang lengkap dan menjelaskan secara komprehensif. Teknik

pengumpulan data yang digunakan adalah wawancara, observasi, dan dokumentasi.

Dan, peneliti menganalisis data dengan menggunakan model analisis data dari Miles

dan Huberman yang meliputi reduksi data, penyajian data, dan kesimpulan serta


Hasil penelitian, yaitu: guru menerapkan penilaian autentik pada keterampilan

menulis siswa melalui tiga aspek – afektif, kognitif, dan keterampilan. Pada aspek

afektif: guru menggunakan teknik observasi dan jurnal, guru tidak menggunakannya

untuk tulisan siswa. Aspek kognitif: tes tertulis dan teknik penugasan, kedua teknik ini

tidak dipublikasikan untuk tujuan audiensi. Aspek keterampilan: penilaian proyek,

aspek ini pun sama dengan aspek kognitif. Secara keseluruhan, guru mengetahui

penerapan penilaian autentik pada keterampilan menulis berdasarkan Kurikulum 2013,

meskipun guru belum menerapkan secara optimal. Namun demikian, guru memiliki

tantangan dalam menerapkan penilaian autentik pada kegiatan pembelajaran, seperti:

memiliki waktu yang terbatas dan kelas besar.



In the Name of Allah, the Most Merciful, the Most Compassionate. All the

praises and thanks be to Allah, the Lord of the world, granted me blessing onto the

researcher in finishing this research paper. Our leader, Prophet Muhammad has been

particularized with the characteristic of eloquent and concisely speech, and ease in the

religion. May the peace and blessings of Allah be upon him, the other Prophets and

Messengers, and justifiably proud of all of their families.

First, the writer would express her gratitude to her parents (Mr. Suhaman and

Mrs. Ade Tianah) for providing her with blazing support and continuous

encouragement throughout her years of study and through the process of researching

and writing this research paper. This accomplishment would not have been possible

without them.

Furthermore, she would like to thank her advisors Dr. Fahriany, M.Pd. and Desi

Nahartini, M.Ed. of English Education Department at State Islamic University Syarif

Hidayatullah Jakarta. They always accommodate and assist her research or writing.

They always support this paper to be her own work and provide the right direction for

her research paper writing.

Besides that, she would like to acknowledge the contribution of this research

project to:

1. Dr. Surrurin, M.Ag., the Dean of Faculty of Educational Sciences.

2. Didin N. Hidayat, MA.TESOL., Ph.D., the Head of English Education


3. Zaharil Anasy, M.Hum., the Secretary of English Education Department.

4. All lecturers of English Education Department who have taught her

knowledge and have given her gorgeous experiences in study.

5. Drs. H. Ali Purqoni, M.Si., the Head of MAN 1 Kota Tangerang who has

given permission to conduct this research.


6. Mrs. Esti Rohani, S.Pd., and Mr. Dzul Fahmi, S.Pd., the English Teachers

at tenth grade of MAN 1 Kota Tangerang.

7. All students of MAN 1 Kota Tangerang. She would like to appreciate their

valuable participation. Without their passionate assistance and input, this

research could not have been successfully conducted.

Finally, she realizes that this research paper though has some weakness and

deficiency. Hence, she would appreciate in accepting suggestions and corrections from

anyone for increased writing.

Jakarta, January 2020







ABSTRACT ..................................................................................................... i

ABSTRAK ....................................................................................................... ii

ACKNOWLEDGEMENT ............................................................................... iii

TABLE OF CONTENTS ................................................................................ v

LIST OF TABLES........................................................................................... ix

LIST OF FIGURE ........................................................................................... x

LIST OF APPENDIX ...................................................................................... xi

CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION .................................................................... 1

A. Background of the Research ................................................... 1

B. Formulation of the Problems .................................................. 7

C. The Objective of the Research ................................................ 7

D. Limitation of the Problems ..................................................... 7

E. Significance of the Research .................................................. 8


CHAPTER II REVIEW OF RELATED LITERATURE .............................. 9

A. Theoretical Description

1. Authentic Assessment

a. Definitions of Authentic Assessment ........................ 9

b. Kinds of Authentic Assessment ................................ 10

2. Writing Skill

a. Definitions of Writing Skill ...................................... 17

b. Macro and Micro-skill in Writing ............................. 18

3. The Application of Authentic Assessment of Writing

a. Definition ................................................................. 19

b. Characteristics of Authentic Assessment ................... 20

c. Techniques and Instruments of Authentic Assessment Used

by the Teachers to Assess Students’ Writing Skill..... 21

d. The Teacher’s Problem in Applying Authentic Assessment of

Writing ..................................................................... 23

B. Reviews of Relevant Studies .................................................. 24

CHAPTER III RESEARCH METHODOLOGY .......................................... 27

A. Research Method.................................................................... 27

B. Research Setting ..................................................................... 28

C. Research Participants ............................................................ 29

D. Source of Data ....................................................................... 30


E. Techniques of Data Collection ............................................... 30

F. Research Instruments ............................................................. 32

G. Validity of Data...................................................................... 34

H. Techniques of Data Analysis .................................................. 35

I. Research Procedure ................................................................ 37


A. Research Findings .................................................................. 38

1. Data Description

a. The Implementation of Authentic Assessment for Teachers in

Assessing the Students Writing Skill.......................... 38

b. The Teachers’ Problem in Applying the Authentic Assessment

.................................................................................. 51

B. Research Discussion ............................................................... 52

1. The Implementation of Authentic Assessment for Teachers in

Assessing the Students Writing Skill ................................ 52

2. The Teachers’ Problem in Applying the Authentic Assessment

......................................................................................... 58

CHAPTER V CONCLUSION AND SUGGESTION..................................... 61

A. Conclusion ............................................................................. 61

B. Suggestion ............................................................................. 63


REFERENCES ................................................................................................ 64

APPENDICES ................................................................................................. 68



Table 2.1 Anecdotal Record Form ................................................................. 11

Table 2.2 Estimated the Aspects, Techniques and Instruments of Authentic

Assessment ................................................................................................... 21

Table 2.3 The Analysis of Rubric Scoring in Writing .................................... 22

Table 3.1 Research Schedule ......................................................................... 29

Table 3.2 Instruments Grids .......................................................................... 33



Figure 3.1 Model Data Analysis of Miles and Huberman .............................. 35


Appendix 1 Observation Guidelines .............................................................. 69

Appendix 2 Observation Results ................................................................... 78

Appendix 3 The Results of Observation on the Application of Authentic Assessment

Based on Affective Assessment .................................................................... 93

Appendix 4 The Results of Observation on the Application Authentic Assessment

Based on Cognitive Assessment .................................................................... 97

Appendix 5 The Results of Observation on the Application Authentic Assessment

Based on Skill Assessment ............................................................................ 101

Appendix 6 Interview Guidelines for Head of Curriculum ............................ 110

Appendix 7 Interview Guidelines for Teachers .............................................. 119

Appendix 8 Interview Guidelines for Students .............................................. 129

Appendix 9 Interview Transcript of the Head of Curriculum ......................... 136

Appendix 10 Interview Transcript of the English Teachers ........................... 147

Appendix 11 Reducing of Interview Transcript of Students........................... 168

Appendix 12 Teacher’s List .......................................................................... 175

Appendix 13 Field Notes .............................................................................. 176

Appendix 14 Lesson Plan .............................................................................. 178

Appendix 15 Syllabus ................................................................................... 190

Appendix 16 The Result of Document Analysis ............................................ 193

Appendix 17 Documentation ......................................................................... 195




This chapter presents the background of the research, formulations of

the problems, the objective of the research, limitation of the problems and

significance of the research.

A. Background of the Research

The 2013 Curriculum represents a scientific approach in teaching and

learning process. The scientific approach characterized the dimensional

prominence of observation, reasoning, discovery, endorsement, and

explanation of the truth as well as the integrated application of scientific

principles.1 It requires scientific instruments to measure the achievement of

educational objectives.

Authentic assessment is relevant to a scientific approach. Because it is

able to describe the students’ learning in observing, analyzing, experimenting,

and network building.2 It means this assessment allows the students to perform

their competences in more authentic rules. The following competencies are

attitude, knowledge, and skills.3 Both can develop the students’ learning in

complex or contextual tasks in the classroom.

Authentic assessment captures the constructive nature of learning. This

assessment applies what teachers have considerably taught to students. It can

engage them to develop a current interpretation. This statement is supported by

Mueller about authentic assessment, which carries out a function that obtains a

1 A Copy of an Attachment of Permendikbud No. 65 Year 2013, “Standar Proses Pendidikan

Dasar dan Menengah”, p. 3. 2 A Copy of an Attachment of Permendikbud No. 104 Year 2014, “Penilaian Hasil Belajar oleh

Pendidik pada Pendidikan Dasar dan Menengah”, p. 4. 3 Ibid, p. 5.


standardized assessment that serves as recognition and thinking of

information.4 Moreover, they can explore and discover their understanding of

the knowledge in learning processes, teaching practices, and high-level thinking

skills. Those are the requirements to succeed in the real world.

Authentic assessment is direct measure.5 It is able to measure with the

gained knowledge and skills in the real world. And, it can be appraised by the

teachers if students can implement what they have acquired in an actual state.

For example, in knowledge aspects, teachers can score from argumentation,

debate, computer skills, and other skills. Attitude aspects, they can assess from

students’ behavior toward something or while doing something. Therefore, this

assessment is scored directly due to being clear.

Authentic assessment provides multiple paths to demonstrate in

learning. It assesses the students’ preparation, process and filled outcomes.

Since it provides an alignment of assessments such as input, process, and output

to generate instructional effects and nurturing effects of learning. Besides that,

their achievement can be assessed by various measurements. These allow

teachers to observe the outcomes of their implementation that they have studied

from varied perspectives. Based on Frey, Schmitt, and Allen, multiple

indicators used to assess the authenticity of measurements in learning.6

Therefore, real assignments allow students the freedom in how they will

perform what they have learned.

The most precedence in authentic assessment is the text-based writing

skill. Since the text seemed a meaningful contextual language unit. This

learning is performed on the principle that: (1) the language viewed as text, not

merely the linguistic rules, (2) language is the electing process of the linguistic

4 Jon Mueller, Authentic Assessment Toolbox, 2018,

( ). Accessed on 5th July 2019 at 02.45 PM. 5 Ibid. 6 Bruce B. Frey, Vicki L. Schmitt, and Justin P. Allen, Defining Authentic Classroom

Assessment, Practical Assessment, Research & Evaluation, 17, 2012, p. 8.


form to reveal meaningful ideas, (3) functional language, (4) language as a

means to form human thinking skills, as explained by Kemendikbud.7

Writing skill enhances primary development. Because writing is a

complex skill and it must be trained as a thought process. It needs coherent

sentences in written language, supported by Ambo.8 Additionally, it will be

more visible to mastery of competencies. It appears when the students attempt

to make sense of what they get a singular beam of information. Even the

complexity of writing often found in students writing skill, the teachers provide

an effort to be open-ended on how to reflect their students’ writing. Because it

can identify the levels’ achievement of students’ writing in the learning process.

Besides that, writing ideas can integrate an isolated subject to learning

activities. Teachers demonstrate the students how to engage a new line in

connecting the ideas or thoughts in writing skill. At that point, the students have

to notice what features in their writing. They will discover some experiences of

their life during expressing ideas. While producing the writing, they imagine

the events that require a focus to organize their writing. Furthermore, teachers

can observe the students’ outlines. In this case, the students recognize how to

organize the outline to become a good paragraph. Since the teachers have

explained to them any kind of writing text. It can affect them to enhance their

writing and be able to understand the authentic world topics from the types of


Authentic assessment in writing concerns on social interactions.9 It

implies that the purpose of making a text can communicate and promote to the

public or audience in measuring the construction of meaning in writing. In other

words, the students will have a good achievement in the learning process. It can

7 Permendikbud No. 65 Year 2013, op. cit., pp. 1-2. 8 Ambo Dalle, “The Effectiveness of Cooperative Learning Model Concept Mapping in

Learning Writing Skill in German Language”, International Conference ADRI-5, Makassar, 2017, p.

516. 9 Sara Cushing Weigle, Assessing Writing, (Cambridge: University Press, 2002), p. 178.


improve their learning from passive to be active participants in the classroom

activities. So, this assessment can develop on how well the students

comprehend the process of learning in writing.

The application of authentic assessment in writing has two components.

It consists of writing for an audience and writing through genres.10 The design

of authentic writing activity, the teachers demonstrate an example of reading

passage response. Then, they explain to students that their writing will be read

by other students or audiences. While the students choose the relevant topic to

a kind of text in writing. This activity observes the circumstances inside or

outside the classroom. It occurs when teachers involve authentic writing

through genres.

Based on English 2013 Curriculum and syllabus at MAN 1 Kota

Tangerang, teaching writing objectives at tenth grade relates to text learned

such as descriptive text, to describe in an oral and written; announcement text,

to make announcement text with writing from interview in narrative form;

recount text, to write self-experiences and biography; narrative text, to tell the

legends or fairy tales.11 In other words, teaching writing at tenth grade aims to

make and organize various texts attending social functions, structural text, and

language features clearly and appropriate context, the relevant sense.

An impact of focusing on English learning occurs in transferring ideas

and knowledge after revising the curriculum. Sara explained that writing is an

act to plan, revise, edit, and organize the work for communicating what the

readers’ demand.12 So that writing skill becomes the most important skill in

English learning. It can guide the teachers to show the benefits of writing in the

10 Victoria Purcell-Gates, Nell K. Duke, and Joseph A. Martineau, Learning to Read and Write

Genre-Specific Text: Roles of Authentic Experience and Explicit Teaching, Reading Research

Quarterly, 42, 1, 2007, pp. 13-14. 11 Utami Widiati, Zuliati Rohmah, and Furaidah, Buku Guru Bahasa Inggris Kelas X Edisi

Revisi 2017, (Edisi Revisi Jakarta: Kementerian Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan, 2017), pp. vi-viii. 12 Sara, op. cit., pp. 22-23.


real-world especially interaction outside the classroom. It is based on

Competency-Based (Kompetensi Dasar) that organizes international text

interaction in an oral and short or simple written. So, the application of English

learning is appropriate with this mainly in assessing students writing skill.

Brown finds that performance-based assessments, portfolios, self and

peer assessments are some techniques and instruments in authentic

assessment.13 It means that the application of it requires a scoring rubric as a

source to assess the students writing skill for teachers. It can assist the teachers’

guidance to score their students’ progress, process, and product based on

genuine instruments of assessments.

Other researchers found research relating to authentic assessment.

Based on previous studies, Azim and Khan’s findings, active participation of

teachers and students in the learning process occur for replacing traditional

paper-pencil test to authentic assessment.14 This research was conducted for

that has advantages in the learning process. Also, this study focused on high

order thinking skills and the authenticity of the appraisal to students in the

educational process. It confronts to be a significant headway in student’s

assessment due to be an effective learning process.

However, the observation of the 2013 Curriculum appraisal is necessary

for teachers in finding the problems when authentic assessment applied. Based

on Abna, Alwen, and Ulfia, few teachers do not comprehend this concept. Most

teachers assume that the application of it affects them more challenged.15 These

explained that they should have more practice to comprehend a scientific

process. Afterward, they can elaborate on the learning assessment system and

13 H. Douglas Brown, Language Assessment Principles and Classroom Practices, (San

Fransisco, California: Longman, 2003), pp. 254-270. 14 Sher Azim and Mohammad Khan, Authentic Assessment: An Instructional Tool to Enhance

Students Learning, Academic Research International, 2, 3, 2012, pp. 318-319. 15 Abna Hayati, Alwen Bentri, and Ulfia Rahmi, Analyzing the Issues in the Implementation of

Authentic Assessment in the 2013 Cirriculum, Al-Ta’lim Journal, 24, 1, 2017, p. 54.


appraisal instruments. This makes them have difficulty in facing the complex

assessments itself.

Besides, implementing this does not run well because of the whole class

and complex procedure and limited understanding of teachers about the 2013

Curriculum, according to Trisanti.16 As regard, the English teachers’

perspective has not performed good management yet in classroom activities.

This case engages them to adjust the quality of teaching in the educational

process based on a scientific process in the authentic assessment. Since the

students will have the possibility to get experience professionally through the

instruments of assessment.

Furthermore, the specification of Al Fama’s finding in Dwi and

Lenggahing prefers to implement authentic assessment in teaching writing. She

finds the influence between knowledge and experience had by teachers when

implementing it. The nature of profound knowledge in this appraisal is the most

essential for teachers. For authentic models are designed to enhance the

students’ quality that relates to a real-world case. Like, interpersonal skills,

ability to solve problems and mentality or outlook. Both can be observed by

teachers to be acquainted with the growth as feedback. These circumstances

achieve the student goals in professional needs due to having a similar

experience in classroom activities.17 So that real design leads to the students to

have skills after teachers gave them feedback.

In this research, the researcher attempts to find facts about the use of

techniques and instruments for teachers in assessing the students writing skill.

Also, the researcher efforts to identify the teachers’ problem in applying the

authentic assessment of students writing skill. Proceeding from the reason

16 Novia Trisanti, “English Teacher’s Perspective on Authentic Assessment Implementation of

Curriculum 2013”, The 61st TEFLIN International Conference, Solo, 2014, pp. 1174-1175. 17 Dwi Rukmini and Lenggahing Asri Dwi Eko Saputri, The Authentic Assessment to Measure

Students’ English Productive Skills Based on 2013 Curriculum, Indonesian Journal of Applied

Linguistics, 7, 2, 2017, p. 263.


above, the researcher intended to conduct a research entitled “The Application

of Authentic Assessment for Students’ Writing Skill (A Case Study at Tenth

Grade of MAN 1 Kota Tangerang)”.

B. Formulation of the Problems

Based on the background above, the following formulation of the

problems in this research:

1. How does the teacher implement authentic assessment on students

writing skill at the tenth grade of MAN 1 Kota Tangerang?

2. What are the teachers’ problems in applying the authentic

assessment of students writing skill at the tenth grade of MAN 1

Kota Tangerang?

C. The Objective of the Research

Based on the formulation of the problems above, the following objective

of the research:

1. To find facts about the use of techniques and instruments used by

teachers in assessing the students writing skill.

2. To identify the teachers’ problem in applying the authentic

assessment of students writing skill.

D. Limitation of the Problems

This research focuses on the application of authentic assessment for

students’ writing skill at tenth grade of MAN 1 Kota Tangerang. The

formulation of problems is into some points: (1) the facts about the use

techniques and instruments for teachers in assessing the students writing skill.

(2) Teachers’ problem in applying the authentic assessment of students writing



E. Significance of the Research

The result of this research is hoped to be useful information for

educational participants.

1. For the students, the tenth grade students at MAN 1 Kota Tangerang,

it will identify the writing skill progress by implementing authentic

assessment in learning activities.

2. For the teachers, the result of this research will be used as an input

in assessing the students’ writing skill in the teaching and learning


3. For the researcher, this research will be used as a source for others

who research the application of authentic assessment for students’

writing skill in the English teaching and learning process.




This chapter discusses the definitions and kinds of authentic assessment,

writing skills, the application of authentic assessment, the characteristics of

authentic assessment, techniques and instruments of authentic assessment used by

the teachers to assess students’ writing skill, and the teachers’ problem in applying

authentic assessment of writing. The last, the reviews of relevant studies.

A. Theoretical Description

1. Authentic Assessment

a. Definitions of Authentic Assessment

The objectives of learning seem the students obtaining a

meaningful performance. It can guide the educational participants to

enhance the specific assessment in subject contents. This leads to

teachers and students perceiving a real-world activity in the educational

process. It means authentic learning represents a design for students. It

can integrate the real application through experiments and experiences.

Those are implemented in the school community.1 On the whole, the

teaching-learning process used an “authentic” word to apply the new

curriculum in the assessment.

Assessment is one of the appropriate techniques. In particular,

the students respond in questions, observe, or produce current words

and structures. This statement supported by Russel that assessment is

planned, performing instructions, settings and students’ observation in

classroom activities.2 It caused teachers scoring from students’ tasks

1 Sarah Pearce, Authentic learning: What, Why and How?, e-Teaching Article, 10, 2016, p. 1. 2 Michael K. Russel and Peter W. Airasian, Classroom Assessment Concepts and Applications

Seventh Edition, (New York: McGraw-Hill, 2012), p. 7.


unintentionally. Furthermore, authentic assessment is appraisal which

needed in the teaching and learning process of present education.

At the present time, the educational needs focused on

competency uses, or insight integration, skills and attitudes. According

to Gulikers, Bastiaens, and Kirschner asserted that authentic assessment

emphasized the students’ skills measurement. It escorted with

knowledge aspects in a real-world context.3 In other words, the students

focus on their project. On the ground, teachers can provide feedback to

measure their students’ performance. It can engage the students to be

the most powerful producing achievements between knowledge and

skills. This assessment causes them easier to confront the professional

life cases needed rather than using a traditional assessment to measure

their capabilities in classroom activities.

b. Kinds of Authentic Assessment

The variety of forms in authentic assessment showed that the

2013 Curriculum considered the educational process extremely

necessary to boost educational participants qualified. It includes the

following types in assessing the authenticity of language or subject such


1. Observation

Conducting research is necessary to observe the “real-

world” case in order to be sufficient time in analyzing the

phenomenon. Observation is conducted to field more

familiar with anecdotal records and developmental

checklist. According to Gloria, observation is as part of an

assessment cycle deliberating on an ongoing basis. To

3 Judith T. M. Gulikers, Theo J. Bastiaens, and Paul A. Krischner, Perceptions of Authentic

Assessment Five Dimensions of Authenticity, ResearchGate Journal, 2014, p. 5.


perform the observation must be prepared the 5W+1H

(what, who, where, when, why, and how) questions.4 In

addition, the researcher must look out the types of

observations to conduct the assessment. Following types of

observation being:

a. Anecdotal Records

The teachers can be observed the students such

as significant in written accounts, personal

events and behaviors students. Both are used in

assessing the students’ performance by teachers

to obtain the information clearly and real.5 It

means they have a role in conducting

observations in the classroom. It used to record a

comprehensive range of authentic experiences

objectively and subjectively information.

Table 2.1

Anecdotal Record Form6

No Tanggal Tempat Kejadian Komentar/Interpretasi Saran


Adapted from: M. Ramli, et. al., Sumber Belajar Penunjang PLPG 2017 Mata Pelajaran/Paket

Keahlian Bimbingan dan Konseling BAB II Asesmen Bimbingan dan Konseling, (Kementerian

Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan Direktorat Jenderal Guru dan Tenaga Kependidikan, 2017), pp. 20-21.

4 Gloria Maccow, Everything You Need to Know about Observational Assessment, 2019,


Webinar-Handout-042115.pdf). Accessed on May 7th 2019 at 11.04 PM. 5 Russel and Airasian, op. cit., p. 216. 6 M. Ramli, et. al., Sumber Belajar Penunjang PLPG 2017 Mata Pelajaran/Paket Keahlian

Bimbingan dan Konseling BAB II Asesmen Bimbingan dan Konseling, (Kementerian Pendidikan dan

Kebudayaan Direktorat Jenderal Guru dan Tenaga Kependidikan, 2017), pp. 20-21.


b. Checklists

A written which includes a list of performance

criteria in order to use overtime in diagnosing the

stability, instability, and improvement in

students’ performance. The teachers focus on

specific terms to give the students’ score of their


c. Rating Scales

Rating scales have similar to checklist terms, but

rating scales focus on the range of scoring. To

determine the range scoring is setting the

performance criteria as similar to checklist terms.

Besides that, rating scales have common types

just being: numerical, graphic, and descriptive

scales. Numerical scales are a number stance for

pointing on a rating scale. It requires the estimate

or standard in graphic scales to score a position

on a line. Descriptive scales also called scoring

rubrics which have requirements as the rating to

select the different descriptions of real


Also, the most important of observation can be

gathered all information in classroom activities by listening

and watching as students’ work and play in order to evaluate

their growth. So, teachers can do an observation on how the

7 Russel and Airasian, op. cit., p. 217. 8 Russel and Airasian, op. cit., pp. 219-220.


students’ practices, their efforts and how they associate with

the work.9

2. Self and Peer Assessments

According to Andrade and Du, reflecting the students,

evaluating their assignments, and their learning including in

a formative assessment process which has purposes for

students and teachers to know the strength and weaknesses

in classroom activities.10 It showed that the educational

process focused on “what”, “how” and “why” the students

to have self-improvement in their learning. Regarding this,

they could have a motivation to reflect on themselves in the

learning. Since they observed themselves to be good for

personal growth at the earliest. It achieved them to have self-

confidence, bravery, and mastery of their personality,

knowledge, and skill. These attempted to analyze the

strength and weaknesses of themselves. These explanations

showed that self-assessment involved the students in the

application. It has engaged successfully in the classroom

learning process.

The key point dimensions of implementing self-

assessment such as affecting the certain attitude and

instructional acts’ impression comprised the self-assessment

presuming; the students have been extensive capability in

prior knowledge even conducting the self-evaluation while

the process of learning.

9 T. Reddy, Assessment Framework for Foundation Phase, (The Foundation Phase Assessment,

2013), p. 38. 10 Heidi Andrade and Ying Du, Student Responses to Criteria Referenced Self-assessment,

Assessment and Evaluation in Higher Education, 32, 2, 2007, p. 169.


Meanwhile, peer assessment in the learning process can

do with one student to other students to reflect together

confidently because of peers. This statement is supported by

de Raadt et al., comparing the work or project to other

students is be able to instigate for evaluation of their

performance, the objective of peer assessment.11 Moreover,

do compare the reviews with students’ involvement in

language learning is the most regular correlating which is

namely peer assessment, as explained by Falchikov.12

Furthermore, this assessment increases cooperative

learning for each student. It is suitable for teachers who are

selecting a collaborative education in class. It can be guided

in understanding behaviors and attitudes appearance. This

case helps the teacher in making a record for students. So, it

can develop the direct involvement of self-students, the

encouragement of autonomy and motivation.

3. Journal and Interview

The main focus of journals is on the expression of

students’ opinions, points of view, experiences, and has

figurative imaginations in writing tasks, products, or

exercises. Meanwhile, to have interactive communication

between a teacher and student does an interview. It is a kind

of conference, but it is a different specification term. The

teachers used an interview for gaining the information of

11 Yuni Pantiwati and Husamah. Self and Peer Assessments in Active Learning Model to

Increase Metacognitive Awareness and Cognitive Abilities, International Journal of Instruction, 10, 4,

2017, p. 187. 12 Nancy Falchikov, Learning Together Peer Tutoring in Higher Education, (London and New

York: RoutledgeFalmer, 2001), p. 2.


students to assess their performance.13 At this point, the

teachers can become better to assess their affective daily,

including terms of learning progress, finding the students’

individual needs and recording a range of student attitudes


4. Performance Assessment

Students’ requirements in the assessment are to exhibit

the skills and knowledge by performing a formal

performance. It is used in broad terms for describing

assessment which usually employs multiple choices and

short answer items.14 This implies that the necessity of

students is main to develop objective learning in showing

performance after complete their tasks. Eventually, the

teachers have multiple objectives to encourage their

students’ work for performance-based assessment. For

instance, they scored the students’ work through specific

skills and knowledge. In this matter, the students applied the

performance-based to their skills’ achievement. It can

demonstrate them to observe the items of skill performance.

Moreover, according to Stecher et al. in Hidayati, hand

creation activities are required for students to establish their

capability to do positive actions. Since this assessment can

be made the students having breadth and depth behaviors. It

includes experiments, tasks, projects, or reporting the events

13 Eneng, Syamsiah, Kinkin Susansi, and Nur Via Pahlawanita, Alternative Assessment:

Portfolios, Journals, Interviews, 2014, (

portfolios-journals-interviews). Accessed on May 9th 2019 at 08.40 AM. 14 Russel and Airasian, op. cit., p. 201.


or presentations.15 Similarly, performance-based can

achieve the students’ writing skill measurement. The

teachers can take a reliable task for writing includes the

topics due to make the students describing themselves how

to create writing to be an actual state. It made them enhance

their imagination in expressing their thoughts. This case can

expand equally in knowledge, attitudes, and skills aspects.

These figurations noticed the teachers when they assessed

their students’ hand-creation based on their abilities.

5. Portfolio Assessment

In a pedagogical sense, reviewing, reflecting, and

improving students’ progress in works in order to drive a

record for learners is the definition of the portfolio.16 This

means that the educational process required the innovative

method due to characterize a different student level. It can

guide teachers’ observation to conduct the student’s

progress, work, and showcase portfolio. More, teachers can

record student learning activities. It assisted them to select

the students who one the best-written works.

In general education, portfolio assessment is necessary

to be an alternative approach in order to the assessment

encouraging. The goals of portfolio assessment are to

heighten the teaching-learning process in language or

subject terms; to bolster the learning quality or generating

quantitative and qualitative learning that is thorough of

15 Nurul Hidayati, The Authenticity of English Language Assessment for the Twelfth Graders

of SMK (Vocational High School) Negeri 4 Surakarta, Premise Journal, 5, 1, 2016, p. 144. 16 Ricky Lam, Portfolio Assessment for the Teaching and Learning of Writing, (Singapore:

Springer Nature Pie Ltd., 2018), p. 2.


assessment instruments.17 Referring to this, the necessity of

students’ improvement can be seen by upgrading the

instrument in scoring the students’ works due to having

multiple purposes of portfolio assessment.

2. Writing Skill

a. Definitions of Writing Skill

Defining of writing has been examined by the experts. Written can

be suitable to name the writing since it makes the person realizing how

to be crucial in historical self-experiences in written language. Even

though self-experiences which already wrote without thoughtfully, it

needed the ideas coming back surrounds the person’s minds. According

to Elbow (cited in Chintya), expressing the ideas, sensations, and

thoughts are a definition of writing.18

Moreover, to the product, the writing should be attended the process.

Based on Ann Longknife in his book, the following writing process:

having a specific mind and deciding the thesis statement, choosing the

method of improvement, increasing the headline, creating the first draft,

preparing for the last draft, last, revising and final.19

Based on the explanations above, briefly, the writer can conclude

that writing, the thoughts which are transferred from the brain onto

notes or paper is developed by experimenting with conferring the

chronological order. Also, writing has a multi-process that comprises

planning, drafting, and complete drafting, revising, and editing to have

conceptual unity. Then, the necessity of motivation from internal and

17 Ibid. 18 Cynthia Laksmi Dewi, Improving Students’ Creativity in Writing Recount Text by Using

Mind Mapping, 12, 2, 2017, p. 130. 19 Ann Longknife and K. D. Sullivan, Easy Writing Skills Step-by-Step Master High-Frequency

Skills for Writing Proficiency – FAST, (New York: The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc., 2012), p. 5.


external is needed in writing. It can appear in the appreciation in self-

writing for having the sense to produce the writing.

b. Macro and Micro-skill in Writing

To be a star of writing is hard. Because many persons focus on the

product, it does not evaluate the process. To engage the stars of writing

should differentiate between general and specific heads. It will help the

person deciding the smallest and largest of items in writing. In other

words, when developing the writing skill needed the component of

language and other skills in the English language. The component or the

element of language is named micro-skills, meanwhile, other skills in

the English language are called macro-skills.

The following micro-skills stated by Brown such as20 a) the

model of English does graphemes and orthographic; b) the goals in

writing focus on how to create the efficient draft; c) creating the

sufficient diction and formulas of word order; d) using the grammatical

structures that are respectable; e) differentiating of the grammatical

pattern can show the accurate context.

On the other hand, Brown pointed out the following macro-

skills: a) writing discourse is used the cohesive mechanism; b) writing

discourse uses rhetorical mode; c) based on a pattern and aim seems in

reaching the communicative goals of written texts; d) the necessity of

transitions or links in organizing the paragraphs (main idea, supporting

detail, today information, generalization, exemplification); e) literal and

implied content must differentiate when do writing; f) be careful to

transmit the specialized sources in context of writing that relates to

20 H. Douglas Brown, Language Assessment Principles and Classroom Practices, (San

Fransisco, California: Longman, 2003), p. 221.


cultures; g) to appropriate the writing strategies is enjoyable that

expanded by clustering.21

In summary, not only the process of writing but also the

sequences to make accuracy in the written context of the text. Presenting

the component and primary language is supported to raise the writing

skill process. In addition, divided into several heads in writing

concluding this skill cannot be separated from the functions of grammar.

It provides the macro and micro-skills, both have the grammar


3. The Application of Authentic Assessment of Writing

a. Definition

The hardest of English teaching is applying the English

knowledge, scoring, or performance to promote them in the learning

process. Mostly, if the language is used passively, the learning process

will not be satisfactory in language learning. In that case, the need to

apply authentic materials in language subjects is the most essential. So,

the learning process prioritizes the realistic activities “real-world” in the

classroom. These statements comforted by Richards, comparing and

producing the future in English learning wisely and are actually the

students’ needs.22 In consequence, authentic materials behavior for

students in upgrading the English learning component. It is for teachers

in teaching English excessively.

In other words, it can be called “authentic” if there is a

fundamental to decide the assessment. As pointed out by Guliker, the

21 Ibid. 22 Fauzan Islami Idham, Nadrun, and Darmawan, The Use of Authentic Assessment in English

Writing Skill to the Eleventh Grade Students, e-Journal of English Language Teaching Society (ELTS),

3, 1, 2015, p. 1.


genuineness of assessment has integrated with a real task, physical and

social contexts, the scores, and criteria of it.23 Additional information,

in modeling authentic assessment required the preparation or plan well.

The objective of systematization orders is to achieve this model.

According to Mueller (cited in Idham) explained that likes determining

the standard, selecting the authentic task, deciding the students’

performance criteria, and making a scoring rubric.24

b. Characteristics of Authentic Assessment

Frey has explained nine characteristics of authentic assessment.

He classified them into three main categories such as assessment

context, the students’ role, and scoring. It involves realistic activities or

is called the actual situation in life. In a cognitive aspect, real assessment

is based on projects and complex tasks. Through this, the students

played their roles because they gave chances to inspect and justify their

answers or product. This form is namely formative assessment. In other

words, the assessment is continuous progress during the learning

process or study period. The students must collaborate with workmates

and teachers. In that case, the students can know the criteria that must

be achieved in authentic assessment. They can develop the assessment

criteria based on the tasks. Any instructions and portfolios can be used

to scoring. It enables students to master the performance needed.25

23 Judith T. M. Gulikers, et. al., Authenticity is in the Eye of the Beholder: Student and Teacher

Perceptions of Assessment Authenticity, Journal of Vocational Education and Training, 60, 4, 2008, p.

7. 24 Idham, op. cit., p. 3. 25 Bruce B. Frey, Vicki L. Schmitt, and Justin P. Allen, Defining Authentic Classroom

Assessment, Practical Assessment, Research & Evaluation, 17, 2012, p. 5.


c. Techniques and Instruments of Authentic Assessment Used by the

Teacher to Assess Students’ Writing Skill

The teacher used some techniques and instruments to appraise

three aspects of authentic assessment.

Table 2.2

Estimated the Aspects, Techniques, and Instruments of

Authentic Assessment 26

Aspect Assessment Technique Instrument Forms

Attitude Assessment Teacher observation


Checklist completed

with rating scale

Field note



Written test


Essay test

Homework or tasks

individually or


Skill Assessment Project work

Product assessment

Rubric Scoring

Rubric scoring

Table 2.2 showed that teachers implemented three

aspects in the authentic assessment such as attitude, knowledge, and

skill assessments. The first, attitude assessment. It used a checklist,

rating scale and field note as instruments. The scope of this existed

students’ behaviors i.e. teamwork, curiosity, discipline and honesty. To

identify the students who showed the behavior lists, the teacher used a

checklist. It comprises behavior sequences organized in any category

26 Devia Elva Natalia, Abdul Asib, and Diah Kristina, The Application of Authentic Assessment

for Students’ Writing Skill, Journal of Education and Human Development, 7, 2, 2018, p. 51.


Then, to record the students’ etiquette, the teacher used field notes

during the learning process.

Second, the knowledge assessment technique used written-test

and assignments. Essay tests and homework individually or groups are

used as instruments. It conducted to identify the language feature and

function itself. Third, skill assessment. It used project work and product

assessment as techniques. The students appointed to produce the details

text during the process. Then, the teacher used a scoring rubric to

students’ measurements. This is for giving feedback concerning the

quality of students’ projects.

Table 2.3

The Analysis of Rubric Scoring in Writing 27

No Assessment Technique Description

1. Observation


Rubric scoring is in table form

(holistic rubric)

Field note

2. Written test


Rubric using a rating scale

The rubric of discussion

assessment (holistic rubric)

3. Project work


Rubric scoring is in table form

(analytic rubric)

Rubric scoring is in table form

(analytic rubric)

Table 2.3 showed the rubric above based on various assessment

techniques used. The teacher used holistic, analytic rubric and field

notes. Two rubrics include the criteria descriptions that have to be

27 Ibid., p. 52.


learned by students. In holistic, it provides all achievements in single

criteria rubrics or one-dimensional level in the assessment. Then, the

performance descriptions are written in paragraphs and sometimes in

full sentences. Meanwhile, in analytic rubrics has a rating score in each

criterion. It is capable of a teacher in assessing the student achievements

based on some criteria using single rubrics. All achievements with

specific criteria are written in table form. In the lesson plan, a rubric

scoring put at the back with the assessment guidelines.

d. The Teacher’s Problem in Applying Authentic Assessment of


The two problems found by teachers in the implementation of

authentic assessment for writing. The first, limitation of time between

learning and assessing process at once. Second, the complex procedure

of assessment. The difference between techniques and instruments

conducted to assess various aspects of implementing this.28 Therefore,

teachers’ preparation is necessary for real assessment.

In the beginning, limitation of time between learning and

assessing process at once.29 This situation made teachers having

difficulty to master the whole class since the students’ quantity. It

related to applying an authentic assessment to be limited in the

classroom. Whereas, an assessment must be performed in the learning

process at one time. The claim appeared in student capability and

learning style differences. For confronting the student who gains a late

response in understanding the materials. It evolved into the learning-

teaching process ineffective.

28 Ibid. 29 Fitri Aliningsih and Ahmad Sofwan, English Teachers’ Perceptions and Practices of

Authentic Assessment, Language Circle: Journal of Language and Literature, 10, 2015, p. 21.


Second, the complex procedure of assessment.30 The

circumstance caused many aspects to assess, like behavior, attitudes,

and knowledge. These were assessed based on each indicator of those

aspects. It composed the teachers to be complicated in scoring the

students. Then, they noticed the basic competence and rubric of each

topic, subtopic, and criteria. For that reason, the teachers have a hazard

in applying the authentic assessments with appropriate procedures.

B. Reviews of Relevant Studies

This part explains the previous studies that relate to the research above. It

divided into three points, such as the relevant study of authentic assessment,

writing, and applying authentic assessment in writing.

1. The Relevant Study of Authentic Assessment

Azim and Khan (cited in Siti) claimed that students’ unconscious ability

was the key to implementing the authentic assessment. So, students appreciated

this assessment well. As stated by Muller (cited in Siti), an authentic assessment

represents an assessment that measures, monitors and assesses all aspects of the

learning process. This assessment provided a complex output in the real world.

Such as the alteration and development of activities and the study of learning

inside and outside the classroom.31

Besides that, one of the prime models of alternative assessment is peer-

assessment. As stated by Cheng and Warren32, the role of this assessment is

30 Novia Trisanti, English Teacher’s Perspective on Authentic Assessment Implementation of

Curriculum 2013, The 61st TEFLIN International Conference, Solo, 2014, pp. 1174-1175. 31 Siti Ermawati and Taufiq Hidayat, Penilaian Autentik dan Relevansinya dengan Kualitas

Hasil Pembelajaran (Persepsi Dosen dan Mahasiswa IKIP PGRI Bojonegoro), Jurnal Pendidikan Ilmu

Sosial, 27, 1, 2017, pp. 94-95. 32 Winnie Cheng and Martin Warren, Making a Difference: Using Peers to Assess Individual

Students’ Contributions to a Group Project, Teaching in Higher Education Journal, 5, 2000, pp. 253-



beneficial for students and teachers in the learning-teaching process. Namely,

as student facilitator and guidance to be clear about the performance of students.

2. The Relevant Study of Applying Authentic Assessment in Writing

Carney in Javed, 95% of high school teachers consider that opinion

writing is the most important. Otherwise, 19% decided that was not

predominant. It causes writing assessment having long-time process needs. In

colleges or universities level examined that writing represents laborious

activities and less appreciated. But, it was appreciated by the administration.33

Then, the needs of the rubric monitored the students’ writing and

teachers’ assessment in the writing process inside the classroom. It provides a

description to assist the students’ writing development based on the criteria.

This made beneficial for teachers to assist them in scoring the students’ writing,

as stated by Montgomery.34 At this point, Stevens and Levi stated that the

teachers provided feedback by looking at the description of the rubric that is

considered as effective as a tool to use less time in correcting the students’


Further information, Montgomery explained that one of the authentic

assessment tools is a rubric. It has detail descriptions or criteria which are

especially to assist the students’ evaluation of processing, progressing and

product in writing.36

33 Muhammad Javed, Wu Xiao Juan, and Saima Nazli, A Study of Students’ Assessment in

Writing Skills of the English Language, International Journal of Instruction, 6, 2, 2013, p. 131. 34 Kathleen Montgomery, Authentic Tasks and Rubrics: Going beyond Traditional Assessments

in College Teaching, College Teaching Journal, 50, 1, 2002, p. 37. 35 Dannelle D. Stevens and Antonia J. Levi, Introduction to Rubrics: An Assessment Tool to

Save Grading Time, Convey Effective Feedback, and Promote Student Learning, (Stylus Publishing,

LLC, 2005), p. 17. 36 Montgomery, op. cit., p. 35.


Nevertheless, the findings of the researcher found that the teachers have

a problem when applying the authentic assessment of students writing skills.

This research supported by Heri, Samsul, and Ariadie. Their research equally

found the teachers have some difficulties in applying the authentic assessment.

They have strengthened the attitude instruments, formulated the indicators,

designed the rubric scoring, and gathered the scores from measurement

techniques. So, the application that is practicable for students’ learning

achievement could not be found by the teachers.37

37 Heri Retnawati, Samsul Hadi, and Ariadie Chandra Nugraha, Vocational High School

Teachers’ Difficulties in Implementing the Assessment in Curriculum 2013 in Yogyakarta Province of

Indonesia, International Journal of Instruction, 9, 1, 2016, pp. 38-42.




This chapter is a description of the research method, the setting, the participants,

the sources of data, the techniques of data collection, the research instruments, the

validity of data, the techniques of data analysis, and the research procedure.

A. Research Method

The primary research was sufficient when the researcher used valid

data, for instance, existing theory to support the arguments. It obtained a robust

new thing which was to find out or to prove a theory. Thus research explains

the application of authentic assessment for students’ writing skills. So, this

research can be classified as a descriptive qualitative approach.

According to Miles and Huberman, qualitative research involved the

participants in a naturalistic setting and using eye-contact intensely. It is

conducted to investigate the social lives of the groups. In analyzing the data is

relied on descriptions. It can be classified using themes, clusters, or codes. This

method used the theoretical reasons and interpretations to gain credible and

trustworthy data.1 It meant that paying attention and grouping preconceptions

about the topic discussion is used to obtain the data from the local perceptions

in-depth. All of them can be redesigned by the researcher to make comparisons

and analyze the construction of the formula. In other words, this method cannot

be unavoidable from the influence of the researcher’s personal. Such as

attitudes, perspectives, and values to interpret the data.

Vickie and Clinton claimed that qualitative descriptive research is the

1 Matthew B. Miles, A. Michael Huberman, and Johnny Saldaña, Qualitative Data Analysis A

Methods Sourcebook Third Edition, (Thousand Oaks, CA: SAGE Publications, 2014), p. 5.


least handicapped research, correlated with other qualitative research, etc. For

instance, phenomenology, grounded theory, and ethnographic represent the

framework of methodology which has a discipline tradition specification.2 This

is an indicator that can make it easier for the researcher to find the symptoms

or problems. For the one is a realistic picture of the activities, reasons, and

interactions that occur in an environmental context as the process progresses.

On that ground, the researcher used descriptive qualitative research to

obtain facts about the implementation of authentic assessment for teachers in

assessing the students writing skills. Also, she identified the teachers’ problem

in applying the authentic assessment of students writing skill. In case, this

research only describes the application of authentic assessment for students’

writing skills at tenth grade of MAN 1 Kota Tangerang. Since the

characteristics of the data patterned qualitative, it uses tools that intend to

comprehend the phenomenon of what is experienced by subjects of the research

such as process, motivation, perceptions and attitudes. Thus, to obtain

comprehensive data, in-depth and provide a valid answer to the problem

investigated the researcher using qualitative research.

As regards the explanations on the top, this research using a descriptive

qualitative method has a purpose to describe in-depth about the application of

authentic assessment for students’ writing skills at tenth grade of MAN 1 Kota

Tangerang in the academic year 2019/2020.

B. Research Setting

1. Location of the Research

The research took place at MAN 1 Kota Tangerang. It conducted in

tenth grade.

2 Vickie A. and Clinton E., Qualitative Descriptive Research: An Acceptable Design, Pacific

Rim International Journal of Nursing Research, 16, 4, 2012, p. 255.


2. Time of the Research

This research conducted in the first semester of the 2019/2020 academic

year. It conducted from 7th until 15th October 2019.

Table 3. 1

Research Schedule

No The

Participants Observation Interview

Name of


1 Teacher 1

1. 8th October 2019

2. 9th October 2019

3. 14th October 2019

4. 15th October 2019



2019 MAN 1



2 Teacher 2

1. 8th October 2019

2. 11th October 2019

3. 14th October 2019




3 Teacher 3 14th October


4 Students of MAN 1 Kota



October 2019

C. Research Participants

This research involved the English teachers and tenth-grade students of

MAN 1 Kota Tangerang in the academic year 2019/2020 to help the research

process to conduct successfully. There are eight classes in tenth grade. And, the

total number of students is 40 students. But the researcher used purposive

random sampling with eight participants in each class (X IPA 1, X IPA 2, X

IPA 3, X IPS 1, X IPS 2, X IPS 3, X Agama 1, and X Agama 2). It aimed to

reveal the specific data based on the statements of the problems in the research.


D. Source of Data

The data source is the data collection techniques which divided into two

parts, such as primary and secondary data sources. Two data are required in this

research, just being:

1. Source of primary data

The primary data source is a source of research data that obtains

the original data. It is taken from a first-hand of the research in the field,

according to Burhan in Abdul.3 It used to have authenticity, objectivity,

and reliability of the data. Sources of primary data in this research the

vice principal of the curriculum and the English teachers at the tenth

grade of MAN 1 Kota Tangerang. The data that was obtained from

English teachers were related to the assessment used in learning by

implementing the 2013 Curriculum concept.

2. Source of secondary data

The secondary data source is a source of research data that will

be conducted by collecting from a diverse source of documents or any

sources to obtaining the data, as stated by Burhan in Abdul.4 Similarly,

it defined that conducts the collecting data of primary data to obtain

strength. In this research, the secondary data source was anything

related to the subject matter in this research, either in the form of

humans or objects (literature, books, documents, or official data).

E. Techniques of Data Collection

The results of the research were gained with the data such as descriptive

qualitative data. Descriptive qualitative data were deducted on the interview,

observation, and documentation. The following explanation of data collection

just as:

3 Abdul Manab, Penelitian Pendidikan Pendekatan Kualitatif, (Yogyakarta: Kalimedia, 2015),

p. 202. 4 Ibid.


1. Interview

The interview method represents a way to obtain a verbal

description from respondents. According to Arikunto, the kinds of three:

(a) unstructured interview, it is just a guideline outlining to be asked,

(b) structured interview, the

interview guide was compiled in detail, so that resembles a

checklist, (c) and semi-structured interviews, the first, interviewer asked

the question that has been structured arrangement, then one by one

deepened with further details. So that, the researcher got the answer that

includes all the variables, with specific details and depth.5

Schools’ principal was the most prominent primary related to

the research, equally English teachers, students, headmaster, etc. who

became the research’s support. The researcher interviewed all of them

based on the necessity. This technique engaged the point of view from

the schools’ principal that was more interested in expanding the


Specifically, the researcher conducted an FGD interview with

students. It means she used a semi-structured interview. It used to

generate the maximum amount of discussion and opinions within a

given time. It helped add meaning and understanding to present

knowledge, or getting at the “why” and “how” of a topic. These required

the researcher to obtain accurate information in presenting the data. So

that, this model was to support the fields studied.

2. Observation

Observation is the key to exploring what occurrences in the

school’s environments. It regarded the condition from the placement

5 Suharsimi Arikunto, Prosedur Penelitian Suatu Pendekatan Praktik, (Jakarta: Rineka Cipta,

2014), p. 270.


that was examined. Then, the researcher took notes to avoid the short

memorable in analyzing the data. She observed two English teachers in

random. For instance, teacher A focused on aspects A and B, and

teacher B focused on C and D. In other words, it can be performed

alternately due to depending on the aspect itself.

In addition, the researcher made a record range of fields. It

achieved comprehensive information. Then, she collected the clear data

– the materials, teaching-learning process that acted in the classroom,

and procedures of evaluation. The researcher conducted from 7th until

15th October 2019. This technique supported the writer in analyzing the


3. Documentation

Using the documents provided to teaching the materials is a key

term in the teaching and learning process. Due to prepare in explaining

the chapters to the students, the English teacher and observer would

carry all documents based on the relation of the research. It included

lesson plans, photos, observation sheets, etc. that relate to the research

needed for the researcher. It guided the researcher to have the clearest

data or authentic information based on the field studied.

F. Research Instruments

The instrument was used to acquire field data in qualitative research,

the researcher itself. This research used the researcher as the primary

instrument. Also, it used an additional instrument as a tool to gain field data.

This was the aspect that observed indicators in authentic assessment. It was

developed in additional instruments such as observation and interview



Table 3.2

Instrument Grids

No Aspects that observed Indicator

1 Knowledge of Authentic

Assessment on the 2013 Curriculum

The Meaning of Authentic

Assessment on the 2013


2 Knowledge of Authentic

Assessment in English Language


The Meaning of Authentic

Assessment in English

Language Learning

3 Affective Assessment Techniques Observation, self-peer

assessment, journal technique

4 Cognitive Assessment Techniques Written test and Assignments

5 Skill Assessment Techniques Project, product and portfolio


Table 3.2 described the tool of the instrument used in this research in

the following way: 1) observation guidelines, 2) interview guidelines, and 3)

documentation guidelines.

1. Observation Guidelines

In this research, the observation technique performed to obtain data

about the teachers’ application of authentic assessment. It conducted

in the classroom while learning the process. The researcher

observed the teacher in applying the authentic assessment of the

student writing in class. Observation guidelines used by the

researcher that including:

a) Observation guidelines in applying the authentic assessment

based on attitude assessment techniques to tenth-grade students

at MAN 1 Kota Tangerang.


b) Observation guidelines in implementing the authentic

assessment based on cognitive assessment techniques in an

English lesson at the tenth grade of MAN 1 Kota Tangerang.

c) Observation guidelines in implementing an authentic assessment

based on skill assessment techniques at the tenth grade of MAN

I Kota Tangerang.

2. Interview Guidelines

In this inquiry, the interview used to obtain the data about the

knowledge of teachers and head of the curriculum and application

of authentic assessment of writing in English lessons. The interview

conducted with English teachers, tenth-grade students and head of

the curriculum. Interview guidelines used by the researcher about

the implementation of real assessment, in such:

a) Interview guidelines for teachers and head of the curriculum

about the knowledge of authentic assessment in English

language learning. Specifically, it was in writing skills.

b) Interview guideline for teachers, head of the curriculum and

students about implementing the authentic assessment based on

attitude, cognitive, and skill assessment techniques.

3. Documentation Guidelines

This was a complement to the use of observation and interview

methods in qualitative research. Documentation of this research

used to record the result of observation data, interviews, and

document analysis. Besides, these used to identify and analyze the

form of assessment from a lesson plan made by head of the


G. Validity of Data

Some standard criteria selected to justify the validity of data. From the

result of this research, the researcher conducted some activities:


1. Member (participant) checking

Seeking to trustworthiness by checking the descriptions,

categories, concepts or theory produced with the participants for

approval and acceptance.6 A member check represents the process of

verifying the data that was collected by the researcher toward the data

providers. It used the research subjects assigned the result of the

interview. The purposes of member checks were the information that

obtained inappropriately with a source of data or informant.

2. Peer analysis checking

Checking by peers, the acceptability of data analysis to evaluate

the emerging interpretation of the research approach.7 It was conducted

for discussion, the result of the research that was still tentative to student


H. Techniques of Data Analysis

Data analysis in qualitative research includes data condensation, data

display, and drawing and verifying conclusions.

Figure 3.1 Model Data Analysis of Miles and Huberman8

6 Thomas Harding and Dean Whitehead, Analysing Data in Qualitative Research,

ResearchGate Journal, 2013, p. 155. 7 Ibid. 8 Miles, Huberman, and Saldaña, op. cit., p. 10.


1. Data Condensation

The process of selecting, focusing, abstracting, and transforming

raw data from the field, definition of data condensation.9 It was like a

form analysis that categorized the data so the conclusion drew and

verified. Also, it worked by making a summary, coding, searching

theme, and writing memos.

In this data condensation, data that the researcher obtained from

observation, interview, and documentation, which were related to the

application of authentic assessment for students’ writing skills at tenth

grade of MAN 1 Kota Tangerang. Further, it focused on what

techniques and instruments used by the teachers in applying the

authentic assessment of writing, then the problems faced by teachers in

applying it.

2. Data Display

After condensing the data, next was to present the data. The

display of data was to deliver information in the form of data that was

compiled with neat, coherent, easy to read and comprehend about an

event in the form of narrative text.10 The data derived from the result of

observation and interview with English teachers, tenth-grade students,

and head of the curriculum and also from documentation study. The

researcher designed everything to combine structured information in a

form that was coherent and easy to reach.

3. Drawing and Verifying Conclusions

Drawing and verifying activities11 were intended, the researcher

was looking for the meaning of data collected by searching for patterns

of relationships, similarities, or differences, the incidences of causal

9 Miles, Huberman, and Saldaña, op. cit., p.8. 10 Ibid. 11 Miles, Huberman, and Saldaña, op. cit., p. 9.


assumptions. This ambiguity raised the need for drawing conclusions

on the basis of the interpretation or interpretation of data, so it appeared

the structure of the whole idea, which was substantiated of the data.

Conceding that, the researcher compiled the data that obtained

from observation, interview, and documentation systematically then

followed by describing and interpreting how the application of authentic

assessment for students’ writing skill at tenth grade of MAN 1 Kota


I. Research Procedure

The research collected the data from 7th until 15th October 2019. In the

first week, on Monday, 7th October 2019, the researcher visited MAN 1 Kota

Tangerang to survey the condition and situation there. The researcher requested

permission to the head of the curriculum and instructed me to go to staff

administration. Then, the staff gave me a permission letter. On Tuesday, 8th

October 2019, the researcher got permission and attempted to get in touch with

some participants and prepared a schedule to interview and perform an

observation. Then, the researcher found more information from the participants

by doing an interview and observation. Three activities above conducted from

7th until 15th October. In the second week, on Wednesday until Friday, 16th-18th

October 2019, the data from interviews and observation were analyzed and

reduced. Then, the researcher concluded the data. The last week (third week of

October), the researcher wrote the report of her research.




A. Research Findings

This chapter presents a description of the research results. The

researcher is intended to answer the statements of the problems that have been

mentioned in this paper. The researcher has gathered the data from

observations, interviews, and document analysis to show the research results on

the application of authentic assessment for the students’ writing skills at MAN

1 Kota Tangerang.

1. Data Description

The research results on the application of authentic assessment for the

students’ writing skills consist of two statements of the problems. The first

problem is the implementation of authentic assessment for teachers in assessing

the writing skill and the teachers’ problem in applying the authentic assessment

at the tenth grade of MAN 1 Kota Tangerang. The data were gathered by using

interviews, observation, and documentation.

a. How does the teacher implement authentic assessment in assessing

the students writing skills at the tenth grade of MAN 1 Kota


1. The Result of Interview

The interview results were conducted by using open and semi-

structured interview methods, FGD interview. Open interviews were

conducted with two English teachers and the head of curriculum, while

semi-structured interviews were conducted with the students. The FGD

interview is a group discussion with students for complete and


specific information. The interview involved the head of curriculum,

two English teachers, and eight students. So, the total participants of the

interview were eleven people. The researcher asked some questions to

them that related to the use of techniques and instruments in assessing

the writing skill.

a) Head of Curriculum

In the first open interviews, the researcher asked several

questions regarding the application of authentic assessment to

the head of curriculum. From those questions, he stated that

MAN 1 Kota Tangerang has already applied the authentic

assessment. He thought the authentic assessment was an

assessment based on the fact and the student’s performance. And

when the researcher asked him how the teachers give assessment

criteria and an indicator of attitude achievement to the students,

he stated that the teachers make the instruments by using the

rating scale, in which the score range is one to four.

Then the researcher asked if the teachers share self-

assessment to the students, also if the teachers record in the time

sequences of events. The head of curriculum stated that the

teachers never shared the self-assessment formats to the

students. And also he said that the sequence of events only

recorded by the class and counseling teachers.

The next question the researcher asked the head of

curriculum was how the teachers perform the assessments with

written tests. In response, he mentioned the examples of the

written tests; they were:


(1) The Preparation of Applying the Authentic

Assessment of Writing Skill at Tenth Grade of MAN

1 Kota Tangerang

The teachers made an instrument, rubric. It has a

range score starting from one until four due to assessing

the student writing. Then, the students were doing the

assignment from English teachers. They commanded

their students to write sentences by points. Then, the

students developed into a simple paragraph based on


(2) The Steps of Applying the Authentic Assessment of

Writing Skill at Tenth Grade of MAN 1 Kota


In implementing the authentic assessment, the

head of curriculum noticed the competency in each

indicator. Since this assessment observed the crucial

needs for students in professional life. At first, affective

aspects; second, cognitive aspects; third, skill aspects.

These are the prominent of real assessment during

learning process.

a. Affective Aspects

During learning activities, the teachers asked

the students how to improve their characters

at school. It could give advice in classroom

to them. This could be seemed how the 2013

Curriculum concerns on this aspect in

educational institution. The following terms

existed in attitude competency: observation,


self and peer assessment, journal and

interview techniques.

b. Cognitive Aspects

The English teachers dictated the students

about descriptive text. Then, the students

answered the group presentation question.

They performed interactively in

communication, like small discussion in

groups. Since the teachers combined the task

of students individually and group.

c. Skill Aspects

The following examples that the English

teachers performed authentic assessment in

the class such as group presentation, paper

and a mind map for projects. On contrary, the

product and portfolio assessments were less

supportive to implement in writing. So that,

at MAN 1 Kota Tangerang have been main

project assessment during learning process.

(3) Reporting the Results of Authentic Assessment of

Writing Skill at Tenth Grade of MAN 1 Kota


The head of curriculum implied that type of

assessment technique existed the pattern to assess the

students’ project. He gave direction to teachers how

to assess the student work in particular task. The

assessments were complicated due to taking note

numerically and descriptively. Numerically score

seemed in the instrument that has ranged score 1-4.


Meanwhile, the explanation of the ranged score

used descriptively. Score 1 is less or the point “D”,

score 2 is fair or got “C”, 3 is good or the point “B”

and 4 is excellent or the point “A”.

He also explained how the teachers assess each student’s

assignment, in which the teachers assess the students’ tasks from

the time collection. The students who are on time, they will get

score four.

However, the late students who submitted the task, their

score will be deducted by two points. Afterward, the head of

curriculum described how the teachers gave students an

understanding of the assessment criteria. It is that the teachers

must give explanations to the students transparently.

In the last two questions, the head of curriculum gave his

opinion on the difference between projects and products

assessment. He stated that the project assessment focused on the

research, while the product assessment prefers to make a

product. In the end, he explained whether the students were

given a chance to improve if their work had not been

satisfactory. The answer was ‘yes’. The teachers will give a

remedial to students.

Besides that, he added that the teacher’s knowledge of

authentic assessment is still limited. At MAN 1 Kota Tangerang,

the training on the assessment of the 2013 curriculum is

necessary for English teachers to apply an authentic assessment

based on government referrals.

b) English Teachers

In the second open interview, the researcher asked two

English teachers of the tenth grade, whose answers were


highlighted into five points. First, the researcher asked if they

had applied an authentic assessment in English language

learning. They said that the answer could be both a ‘yes’ and a

‘no’ because they usually do it unintentionally in applying the


The researcher also asked what techniques and

instruments they use in assessing the students writing skill in the

class. They claimed that they used the mind map as the

techniques, because it can train and sharpen the students’ way

of thinking. Then the students’ quality in writing is used as the

instrument. And it is based on the assessment criteria.

Then the researcher asked when the teachers applied self

and peer assessment, and also how to submit their written test

result. They stated that they applied self and peer assessment

whenever there is a case. And in submitting the written test

result, they give the score to the students. Afterward, they

provide feedback by giving explanations from any symbols they

use in examining the test. For example, circling the mistakes,

which means, the diction is inappropriate. And underlining the

mistakes, so the tenses are incorrect.

Last, the researcher asked the teachers what supporting

and inhibiting factors are applied in performing the portfolio

assessment. They stated that the supporting factor in performing

the portfolio assessment was the students’ motivation to

complete the task. However, the obstacle to this assessment is


c) Students

In the last FGD interview, the researcher gave several

questions to the eight chosen students. The first question was


whether the teachers always tell them the attitude aspects that

the students must achieve at the beginning of each lesson. The

students answered with a ‘yes’ because the teachers always

remind the students to keep the class clean, and to arrive on time

at school.

The next question was whether the teachers share peer

assessment formats with the students. And they said that the

teachers have never shared peer assessment formats in the

classroom. Afterward, the researcher asked the students what

forms the teachers give for a written test. The students explained

that the teachers gave multiple choices and essay test. Then they

stated that there was a deadline for an assignment.

In the last session, the researcher asked the students what

projects that the teachers instructed them to do. One of them said

in response, that the teacher asked him/her to make a power

point for a presentation, voice note, and mind map. And then the

researcher asked if they have ever made product, which, in fact,

they have never done it.

The examples of applying authentic assessment in

writing skill includes three aspects – affective, cognitive, and

skill. There were:

a. Affective Aspects

They said that the teachers assessed them from

observation technique. Because they explained to their

students who are passionate due to influencing of

aspects. It was only for being pleasant like reading then,

writing a topic and developing the topic.

Besides that, they observe the students’ behavior and

response in writing. The responses were shown by a self-


reflection. The teachers instructed the students to write a

simple paragraph. Then, they wrote a simple rubric

including language, vocabulary, and tenses. These could

be identified by themselves for assessing the writing skill

about the strength and weakness.

b. Cognitive Aspects

They said that the teachers provided the

questions form of supplying answers in written test. It

includes multiple choices and essays. But, the teachers

usually gave an essay assignment, then, they instructed

the students to find a relevant topic. Then, the students

summarized the essay into some points. Afterward, they

sent it to WhatsApp group.

c. Skill Aspects

They also explained that the teachers conducted

role play to give students’ motivation before doing a

project. Next, they wrote a scenario to make an

appointment. Then, they performed in front of the class

while their performance was recording to the video.

Last, the researcher asked if there was any remedial or

make-up test from the teacher when their task was not

satisfactory. They said that they did not know what to answer

because the teacher only gave them some correction for their


The data show that the mechanism of assessment

technique has been adjusted to the agreement between the

headmaster, the head of curriculum, and English teachers to

assess the students’ achievement in the aspect of attitude. This

has not done optimally in implementing this technique.


Therefore, it is assisted by counseling teachers. Because they

have an obligation to overcome the problem of students’


2. The Result of Observation

In this part, the researcher conducted the observation in the

classroom. It gained to demonstrate real action during the teaching and

learning process in class. The total class observed by the researcher is

eight classes and two English teachers. It includes social class, science

class, and religion class. The indicator that the researcher observed:

affective assessment, cognitive assessment, and skill assessment. The

description is displayed below.

a) Affective Assessment

It includes observation, self and peer assessments, and

journal. These techniques are followed by the sub indicators in

applying the authentic assessment. The first technique is

observation. Six sub indicators must be applied by the teachers in

this assessment and it has a score range from 1-4. They applied two

sub indicators at a point (c) and (d). They get score three for the

point (c) and two for the point (d) (see appendix 3 on page 93). In

contrast, other sub indicators get score one. It means the teachers

did not implement this technique well.

Then, self-assessment and peer-assessment techniques (see

appendix 3 on page 94-95). These techniques were not applied by

the teachers in the classroom activities. Because the score range of

the sub indicators are one. It means the teachers are still limited to

apply these techniques. The last technique is a journal (see appendix

3 on page 96). Even though the range score is fair and good, but the

teachers are still limited to conduct it.


The analysis of the researcher may conclude that English

teachers use observation and journal assessment techniques in the

learning process. This statement is based on the data. At MAN 1

Kota Tangerang, an authentic assessment has been applied through

the affective aspect, but it still requires evaluation to apply this

assessment well. In general, the coordination between teaching staff

and students has good communication. This provides an impact on

implementing affective aspects with various types of assessment


Besides that, an affective aspect of authentic assessment in

writing requires a relevant assessment in making an assessment

instrument. Because the teachers made an instrument, rubric. It

includes language, vocabulary, and tenses as a sample rubric. It

engaged the students to reflect themselves in producing assignment.

In addition, preparation in the development of an affective

assessment is completed during the learning process in class. The

aspects observed by teachers such as discipline, neatness, and good

manners. So, the way of teaching and learning at school should

identify the needs of students in the classroom. It can support to

achieve the quality of students based on the achievement indicators

of the students.

In other words, the implementation of the 2013 curriculum

at MAN 1 Kota Tangerang has involved many parties. Among them

are teachers, principals, heads curriculum, students, and

administrative staff. All parties support the adoption of an authentic

assessment for the student writing skills.

b) Cognitive Assessment

At MAN 1 Kota Tangerang, assessment techniques on writing

were conducted through the assessment of written tests and


assignments. Following the measurement of student knowledge

assessment can be observed through any form of assessment.

Teachers should require effective components to develop the

cognitive aspects of students during learning activities. For

example, teachers provide real or meaningful topics for writing

skills to students.

The teachers conducted the written tests in the classroom.

All sub indicators almost applied the authentic assessment to engage

the cognitive competency. The score of each sub indicators is 2, 3,

and 4 (see appendix 4 on page 97). It meant that they conducted this

technique during the learning process. Besides that, the teachers did

not run completely on the assignment technique (see appendix 4 on

page 98). For, the sub indicators are not conducted by the teachers

in the classroom yet.

The data showed that the teacher gave questions and the

selection of answers in the form: short answer or description (see

appendix 4 on page 100). It aims to explore or develop the

knowledge of students in constructing sentences in every paragraph.

Then, the student’s response to the interview stated that the teacher

repeatedly did written tests at one time. They use multiple choices

and essays as a form of written test.

Afterward, the teacher conveys the assignment criteria,

including, compactness, language use, timely task collection, etc.

They give a week or two-week deadlines to collect assignments.

Also, students will get scores from the teacher. After that, mention

the names of the students. Then, they can see the results of their

assignments and written tests. Teachers identify students’

achievement levels and students’ needs.


The conclusion of the research analysis at MAN 1 Kota

Tangerang focuses on written tests and assignments as a cognitive

assessment on writing in the application of authentic assessment.

This causes the teacher to assess the student based on the

achievement indicator. They associate with a rating scale as an

assessment instrument. The scoring instrument had a score range of

1-4 in the rubric.

c) Skill Assessment

The data show that the teachers conducted the project

assessment during the learning process (see appendix 5 on page

101). They instructed the students making the group presentation.

Next, they wrote a scenario to make an appointment. Then, they

performed in front of the class while their performance was

recording to the video. And also, they gave the students feedback by

the teachers during learning activities. So that the teachers have

applied the project assessment for the skill aspect.

It can be concluded that implementing the authentic

assessment conducted well by using the project assessment rather

than product and portfolio assessment in the learning and teaching

process in writing skill. Because product assessment was only

conducted when the material related to the product. And, portfolio

assessment was conducted almost at the end of semesters due to

fixing the students’ score.

3. The Result of Documentation

In the research results, the researcher has gathered the data from

the documentation. It comprises a lesson plan, syllabus, and rubric. The

research documentation includes the analysis of documents from the

lesson plan, syllabus, and rubric that related to the use of techniques and

instruments in assessing the writing skill.


The document analysis results showed that the teachers recorded

various writing skills assessment techniques in the lesson plan. It can be

concluded that the teachers use some authentic assessment techniques

and instruments to assess students’ writing skills based on three aspects

(affective, cognitive, and skill).

The aspects, techniques and instruments in authentic assessment

show that the teachers applied three aspects in an authentic assessment

of affective, cognitive, and skill assessments (see appendix 16 on page

193). First, affective assessment. This assessment uses checklists,

scales, and field notes as instruments. The student’s behavior comprises

teamwork, honesty, responsibility, and discipline. For a list of

student behaviors, teachers use checklists. This comprises the order of

behavior occurring within each category. Then, to record the attitudes

of the students, the teacher uses field notes during the learning process.

Besides that, written and task tests are the assessment technique

used on cognitive aspects. While multiple choices, essay, individual,

or group assignments, and homework are used as instruments. Last, the

project’s task is the assessment technique used on the skill aspect. The

rubric is used as an instrument to measure student skills. In addition,

teachers provide feedback to students. It aims to determine its quality in

carrying out the project.

The rubric scoring in writing shows that the rubric is associated

with various scoring techniques used (see appendix 16 on page 194).

Teachers use holistic rubrics, analytical rubrics, and field records. It

consists of a description of criteria aimed at assessing student work.

Holistically, these rubrics provide general achievement at the

dimensional union level. Then, the performance description is written

in paragraph form. Meanwhile, analytic rubrics have a rating scale

within each criterion. This allows teachers to assess students’


achievements according to multiple criteria using a single rubric. All

achievements of the criteria are written in a table form. In the lesson

plan, the assessment of the rubric is placed on the back along with the

assessment guidelines.

b. What are the teachers’ problems in applying the authentic

assessment of students writing skills at the tenth grade of MAN 1

Kota Tangerang?

1. The Result of Interview

In the research results, the researcher sorted the interview results

from the head of curriculum and English teachers (see appendix 9&10

on page 136&147). The following problems are faced by teachers in

applying the authentic assessment at MAN 1 Kota Tangerang, such as

it requires a lot of time to correct the students’ writing because the

English teachers checked it out one by one. Furthermore, there are many

students in the classroom. Also, they performed the material to the

upcoming meeting to the students to understand the materials.

2. The Result of Observation

The teachers have applied the application of authentic

assessment in three aspects. They are affective, cognitive, and skill

aspects. In accordance with affective assessment, the teachers have

applied the observation and journal assessment techniques rather than

self and peer assessment techniques. However, they did not fully

conduct it. Because there is one sub indicator that is not applied, that

was the record of the students’ performance based on assessed


Then, cognitive assessment. They have applied optimally in

written test indicator. In contrast, they did not apply the two sub

indicators in the assignment technique. They are the conveyance of the

Basic Competencies (KD), the indicators, and the rubric scoring for a


good task. For example, the application of written tests and

assignments: they are answering the presentation question, personal

task, written test, and small discussion in the group.

Last, skill assessment. They have applied optimally in project

and product assessment techniques. Nevertheless, two sub indicators

were not applied in project assessment. They are the conveyance of the

assessment criteria before conducting an assessment of students and the

comparison of the students’ performance with rubric scoring.

Furthermore, none of the portfolio assessment was applied by them. In

the last, of all the 9 sub indicators of table 5.4 (see appendix 5 on page

108), they conducted some of them very good. Yet only a few sub

indicators were fairly conducted and three of them were not conducted

very well.

3. The Result of Documentation

The criteria in writing correction are language, content,

structure, and fragility. In addition, the use of symbols is provided as

feedback to identify errors in writing. Primarily, the teachers conducted

direct assessments to students at the same time. This impedes teachers

in determining and exploring the achievement of students.

B. Research Discussion

1. The Implementation of Authentic Assessment for Teachers in

Assessing the Writing Skill

Based on the research results, the use of techniques and instruments in

an authentic assessment is used to assess students’ writing skills during a

learning activity. It is a part of the focus on the curriculum 2013. Thus, it

supports the students’ need for the development of students’ quality in the

learning process. The following are techniques and instruments used by the

teachers to assess student writing based on the 2013 curriculum:


a) Affective assessment

Assessment techniques on the affective aspect were conducted

through observations, self-assessments and peer assessments, and

journals. Meanwhile, the instruments used checklists, rating scales, and

field records.

1) Observation

Observations were required for the learning process when

teachers prepared materials or carried out assignments. They assess

the student aspect of cooperation, discipline, honesty, and

responsibility. This affects their achievement in the aspect of

attitudes, making it easier for teachers to perform assessments

during the learning process.

Based on the results of interviews, observations, and

document analysis, the teachers have conducted affective

assessments under the 2013 curriculum. For example, the teachers

advise students who arrive late into class and do not wear splendid

uniforms. Then the teacher provided them some advice. It aims to

prevent students from repeating the same mistakes.

In addition, based on the research results, the instruments

used in this technique are checklists and rating scales. This suggests

that the teachers apply assessment instruments based on the

curriculum. This is recorded with a score range of one to four-1:

less, 2: fair, 3: good, and 4: very good. According to Purwanto and

Hamid, reporting of the assessment results from the observation

technique is used to predict the outcome of the interval description-

very good, good, fairly good, or less.1 Thus, the teachers have

1 Purwadi Sutanto and Hamid Muhammad, Panduan Penilaian oleh Pendidik dan Satuan

Pendidikan Sekolah Menengah Atas, (Jakarta: Kementerian Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan, 2017), p. 13.


adopted authentic assessments even though they do not perform

effectively and procedural during the learning process.

2) Self-assessment and peer assessment

Based on the results of the study, teachers did not conduct

self-assessment and peer assessment because of the number of

students who are many in each class. Thus, the teacher has a

challenge in implementing this assessment technique. In addition,

based on interviews, teachers conduct self-assessments and peer

assessments when students have problems in class. It is because of

time constraints in applying the assessment technique at once.

As Nirwana claims, students can improve their learning

performance by assuming self-assessment represent an active

learning process.2 Thus, it can be stated that self-assessment is able

to assist teachers in assessing student performance. This relates to

the affective aspect as the primary role in the 2013 curriculum

before obtaining good knowledge.

Meanwhile, peer assessment is helped by class leader roles

in each class. Teachers will ask them about their friends’ attitudes.

This assists the teacher to identify the student’s character. Although

the teacher does not give the assessment format, they have done it


It can be concluded that the teacher has applied an authentic

assessment in the classroom, although the teachers rarely do this

assessment technique. Besides the FGD interview with the students,

the teacher instructs the students to do the task correction together.

2 Yuni Pantiwati and Husamah. Self and Peer Assessments in Active Learning Model to

Increase Metacognitive Awareness and Cognitive Abilities, International Journal of Instruction, 10, 4,

2017, p. 187.


However, teachers rarely complete this activity because of time

constraints in assessing student attitudes.

Briefly, self-assessment and peer-assessment are associated

with student participation in the classroom. It aims to allow students

to respond to the assessment of an unusual attitude. Based on

Brown, the application of criteria, examples of assignments, and

adjustment of learning objectives is derived from the results of self-

reflection and peer reflection.3 It is claimed that self-assessment and

peer-assessment can support each other to measure students on

affective aspects. Also, it can help students’ awareness in reflecting

themselves and their classmates during a learning activity.

3) Journal

Based on the observation results, teachers rarely complete

this assessment. This is because implementing this work can be

assisted by counseling teachers to observe the attitudes of students

inside or outside the classroom. In line with Hastiani, information

achievement, problem-solving, and aspects of guidance

identification are the usability of collaboration between counseling

teachers and subject teachers.4 This statement explains that the

counseling teacher’s role is very important to the school. This shows

that the application of this assessment technique has been

implemented in or outside the classroom, based on the results of the


3 Nurul Hidayati, The Authenticity of English Language Assessment for the Twelfth Graders

of SMK (Vocational High School) Negeri 4 Surakarta, Premise Journal, 5, 1, 2016, p. 144. 4 Hastiani, “Model Kolaborasi Guru Bimbingan Konseling dengan Guru Mata Pelajaran untuk

Meningkatkan Keterampilan Komunikasi Interpersonal Siswa Cerdas Istimewa”, Jurnal Edukasi, Vol.

1, No. 1, 2014, p. 66.


b) Cognitive Assessment

The assessment techniques on the aspect of knowledge have been

applied in MAN 1 Kota Tangerang are as follows:

1) Written tests

Based on the interviews, the students explained that the

teacher provided a multiple choice and an essay test. Mostly, the

teachers chose the essay test as a form of written test. Conducting

this test is done to determine how far students understand the topic

of writing. The reason, writing tends to establish students’ critical

thinking in measuring their knowledge. Using multiple choices and

essay tests as instruments are conducted to gain high validity in

measuring students’ knowledge. The test form comprises matching,

true-false, multiple choices, and short answers or essays. Based on

a copy of the Permendikbud appendix No. 104 Year 2014 on the

assessment of learning outcomes by the teachers on primary and

secondary education states that the form of written tests such as

choosing an answer (for example, multiple choices, two choices are

true-false and yes-no, matching, cause-effect); provide answers (for

example, full-fill, short answer, description).5 This item will achieve

students to think critically about writing skills.

Meanwhile, the essay test is chosen by the teacher as a form

of written test. Kunandar explains that essays can express students’

minds in remembering, understanding, and organizing. It aims to

encourage students to develop their knowledge of writing according

to their character or style.6 Based on the results of the observation,

5 A Copy of an Attachment of Permendikbud No. 104 Year 2014, “Penilaian Hasil Belajar

oleh Pendidik pada Pendidikan Dasar dan Pendidikan Menengah”, p. 15. 6 Muhammad Kristiawan and Depki Elnanda, The Implementation of Authentic Assessment

in Cultural History of Islamic Subject, Al-Ta’lim Journal, 24, 3, 2017, p. 271.


the teacher conducted this test after completing each chapter

discussion. By the teachers dictating questions, opening an English

book to view the text, and providing time limits for answering the


Inconclusive the written test has been applied at MAN 1

Kota Tangerang. Teachers have been collaborating with students

during the learning process. This could broaden students’ interest in

writing. Also, increase their knowledge of the meaning of learning.

The linkage between instruments and techniques on writing

assessments impacts the students’ critical thinking in class.

2) Assignment

This assessment technique is done individually or in groups

and homework. Based on interviews and observations, teachers

provide individual assignments or groups of science, social, and

religious classes. Mostly, the teachers give group assignments. This

activity can use less time during the learning process. This activity

can also train teamwork between one student and another. The

teachers instruct students to make a descriptive text in groups. Then,

the teacher provided the individual task to students in the form of

homework. This situation occurs when it has a time limitation to

complete their tasks in the class.

c) Skill Assessment

Assessment of the skill aspect consists of project assessments,

product assessments, and portfolio assessments. This is contrary to

implementing assessment at MAN 1 Kota Tangerang that focuses only on

project assessment. Based on interviews and observations, the teachers have

never provided product assessments and portfolio assessments during

learning activities in the classroom. They use portfolios when students feel


dissatisfied with the student’s grades. Thus, they correct the score after

completion of the final semester examination.

Besides, product assessments are only performed on art subjects.

The head of curriculum said that product assessment was a money-making

assessment. While the product assessments and portfolio assessments are

not carried out during the learning process, teachers have implemented a

project assessment well during learning activities in the classroom. Based

on the observation results, teachers have followed the steps of implementing

project assessments in the classroom (see appendix 5 on page 108).

It can be concluded that the teachers have implemented a project

assessment during the learning process. This means that teachers

understand how to adapt these assessments based on the steps listed in the

2013 curriculum. On the other hand, the application of the teachers on

points 1, 2, 5, and 7 are still limited. This is because of the number of

students and large classes in each class. Thus, this situation represents a

challenge for teachers to implement project assessments.

2. The Teachers’ Problem in Applying the Authentic Assessment

The teacher problems in applying authentic assessment to students’

writing skills are found three challenges: the limited time between

assessment and learning activities, and the large class.

First, the limited time between assessment and learning processes.

This part is a problem for implementing an authentic assessment because

the focus on the subjects of the English language is text-based. Thus,

teachers describe various texts to students in the class. This causes the

teachers’ confusion in learning and teaching process when assessing

students’ writing. Based on interviews and observations, teachers assume

that each subtopic should be addressed in class. Thus, the teacher makes a

similar understanding of the assignment given to the students. However,


some students do not collect assignments or projects on time. This situation

makes teachers more challenging.

Second, a large class. In each class comprises forty students. As

claimed by Afrianto, based on the fact that the number of students

comprises thirty or forty students in the class. This is happening in the

Indonesian state class in the school.7 The learning and teaching activities

become obstructed because of the enormous class capacity. Teachers have

difficulty in controlling the class conditions. Then the teachers had to speak

louder when they instructed the assignment to the students. This situation

makes the class unconducive. Based on observations, teachers 2 have

difficulty in managing students to support the learning process in the

classroom. A similar thing happened with teacher 1. He felt exhaustion in

the face of student behavior.

Following the large class, based on the results of the observation,

the number of students, in the tenth grade in MAN 1 Kota Tangerang

comprises forty students. The teachers did not apply good feedback because

of many students. For example, teachers advise students to understand the

material they have learned. But such a situation does not last for a long time.

Students returned unconducive during the learning process. This claim is

supported by Afrianto, the hardest point when the learning and teaching

activities are managing students in the classroom according to

expectations.8 For example, students are very communicative during the

learning process.

7 Afrianto, Challenges of Using Portfolio Assessment as an Alternative Assessment Method

for Teaching English in Indonesian Schools, International Journal of Educational Best Practices

(IJEBP), 1, 2, 2017, p. 113. 8 Ibid.


Overall, the research results, the application of authentic assessment for

students’ writing skills have not been conducted effectively. There are some techniques

not well-designed in the application of student assessments. This relates to the relevant

study that teachers have to save time in correcting the state of their students, they

provide feedback by looking at descriptions of the rubric that could be as effective as

a tool. Kankam stated that routine training and quality workshop developments on an

authentic assessment were necessary for teachers to improve their learning in-class

activities.9 In other words, teachers can be taught how to assess writing skills with

grading techniques based on the 2013 curriculum.

9 Elva Moria, Refnaldi, and M. Zaim, Using Authentic Assessment to Better Facilitate

Teaching and Learning: The Case for Students’ Writing Assessment, Advances in Social Science,

Education and Humanities Research, 148, 2017, p. 336.




A. Conclusion

Based on the research findings and discussion above, the researcher

concluded that:

The teachers implement the authentic assessment of student writing skill by

using various techniques. They include three aspects of students’ ability such

as affective, cognitive, and skill. All considered of things, the teachers know

the application of an authentic assessment of writing skills based on the 2013

curriculum, although the teachers have not yet applied this assessment


At first, affective aspects. The teachers apply observation and journal

techniques to assess the students’ writing skill. In the observation technique,

they observe the students’ character from their students’ progress in writing. It

includes language, vocabulary, and tenses. While observing, they write a daily

journal about the progression in writing English in the classroom. This

technique can evaluate them in teaching and learning process in writing skill.

Although they have applied these techniques, some points are unidentified

during observation in the classroom. They do not use observation and journal

techniques for students’ writing. Like, the development of the students’ writing

is rarely observed by the teachers because they are more focusing on their

students’ attitude. While the aspect of observation, they not only observe the

attitude but the writing of the students as well. And, they only rely on

observation from counseling and homeroom teachers.

Second, cognitive aspects. The teachers apply a written test and assignment

for assessing the students’ writing skill. In the written test, they instruct the

students to make a simple paragraph. Then, they send it to the WhatsApp group.


Meanwhile, in the assignment, they provide some tasks. The students are

making PowerPoint, mind maps, and group presentations. Next, they are

instructed by the teachers to share both of them with other students’ e-mail. But,

the application of these techniques is unauthentic. This is identified when the

teachers give the text from the textbook for written test material. Next, they

only instruct their students to write on a piece of paper. And also, this does not

work effectively because they do not monitor the process of the tasks in the

application. At the same point, they do not publish the students’ assignments

for everyone in publications.

Last, skill aspects. They apply a project assessment technique to assess their

students’ writing skill. The following example of this technique is making a

drama script. This project sends to the WhatsApp group and teachers’ e-mail.

Then, the students respond to other group projects. So, it can develop their

knowledge of writing skill. Although this project looks authentic, in its

application, it is unauthentic. It is proved by completing the projects in groups.

From this point, the teachers involve the media like WhatsApp and e-mail. But

this project is only collected into one folder on WhatsApp and e-mail. Besides,

it is not published by students in their social media accounts to receive a

response from audiences.

On the other hand, there are challenges for teachers to apply authentic

assessment during the learning process. First, lack of time in the classroom

learning. At this point, the teachers describe various texts to students in the

classroom. This causes the teachers’ confusion in learning and teaching process

when assessing the students’ writing. Also, some students do not collect

assignments or projects on time. This circumstance makes teachers more

challenging. Secondly, a large class. From this point, the learning and teaching

activities become obstructed because of the enormous class capacity. And then,

many students in each class. It consists of forty students. Hence, the teachers

have difficulty in controlling the class conditions.


B. Suggestion

Based on the discussion and conclusion, the researcher provides

suggestions in the following ways:

1. For the teachers

The teachers should hold evaluation meetings to determine the

completion of authentic assessment. It can obtain indicators of achievement,

competence, and needs of students in the classroom. Then they provide a

topic that can develop students’ critical thinking in writing. Besides that,

they do a lot of preparations in implementing assessment techniques on

students’ writing skills.

2. For the students

The students can develop an idea of thinking and a topic related to real

life. This can obtain the skills useful for the professional world in real life.

Then, they can increase the higher-order thinking in writing skills, and also

they will provide good motivation to express their thoughts in writing.

3. For the researcher

Descriptive research results on the application of authentic assessment

for students’ writing skills can be followed up to produce better research.

Then, the researcher can be selective in developing questions in each

component of authentic assessment under the 2013 Curriculum. Besides

that, he or she can develop specific solutions for applying the authentic

assessment of writing skills in the English lessons.



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Appendix 1



Observation guidelines adapted from: Direktorat Pembinaan SMA Ditjen Pendidikan Dasar dan Menengah, Panduan

Penilaian Kurikulum 2013 oleh Pendidik dan Satuan Pendidikan SMA, 2017, pp. 15-51.

Score: 1 = Less, 2 = Fair, 3 = Good, 4 = Excellent

Class :

Date :

Topic/Sub topic :

Observe/Week :

Teacher’s name :

No Indicator Sub Indicator Score Description

1 2 3 4

A. Affective Assessment (Observation, Self-assessment, Peer- assessment, and Journal Assessment)


1. Observation

a) The teacher conveys the attitude competencies that students must


b) Teacher conveys the affective assessment criteria and attitudes

achievement indicators to students.

c) The teacher observes students’ performance during learning

activities in the classroom.

d) The teacher records the students’ attitudes.

e) Teacher compares the student attitudes using scoring rubrics.

f) Teacher determines the level of student attitude achievement.

2. Self-assessment

a) Teacher gives self-assessment criteria to students.

b) The teacher shares self-assessment formats with students.

c) Teacher asks the students to do self-assessment.


3. Peer-assessment

a) The teacher conveys an assessment criteria to students.

b) The teacher shares peer-assessment formats with students.

c) The teacher equates perception of each indicator to be assessed.

d) The teacher determines the grading for each student, one student

should be assessed by several other friends.

e) The teacher asks students to rate their friend’s attitudes on the

assessment sheet.

4. Journal Assessment

a) Teacher observes the students’ behavior.

b) The teacher makes the record of students’ attitudes and behaviors


c) The teacher records the students’ performance based on

indicators that are assessed.

d) The teacher records each student’s behavior according to the

time sequence of events.

e) Teacher identifies the students’ strengths and weaknesses.


B. Knowledge Assessment (Written test and Assignment)

1. Written test

a) The teacher gives a writing question.

b) Teacher gives the options on how to answer the question (writing


c) Teacher gives the question in the form of choosing the answer,

including multiple-choice, matching, or cause-effect.

d) Teacher provides questions form of giving answers, namely:

short answers or descriptions.

2. Assignment

a) Teacher explains the task to be done by students.

b) Teacher conveys the Basic Competencies (Kompetensi

Dasar/KD) that will be achieved through assignments.

c) Teacher conveys the indicators and rubric scoring for a good


d) Teacher gives written assignments.

e) Teacher gives a time limit on the work of student assignments.

f) Teacher conveys the role of each group member in working on

assignments in the group.


g) Teacher collects the student work based on a specified deadline.

h) The teacher assesses students’ assignments according to pre-

defined criteria.

i) The teacher provides feedback to students.


C. Skill Assessment (Project Assessment, Product Assessment, and Portfolio Assessment)

1. Project Assessment

a) Teacher conveys the assessment criteria before conducting an

assessment of students.

b) The teacher gives students an understanding of the assessment


c) Teacher gives assignments to students.

d) The teacher provides students the same understanding of the

tasks that must be done by students.

e) The teacher conducts an assessment during project planning,

implementation, and reporting.

f) Teacher monitors the student project and provides feedback at

each stage of project work.

g) Teacher compares the students’ performance with rubric scoring.

h) The teacher recorded the results.

i) Teacher provides feedback to students’ assessment result report.


2. Product Assessment

a) The teacher conducts an assessment in the preparatory stage,

including an assessment ability of students and plan, retrieve,

develop ideas and design products.

b) The teacher conducts an assessment at the product

manufacturing stage (process), including assessment of students’

ability to choose and use materials, tools, and techniques.

c) The teacher conducts an assessment at the product evaluation

stage including evaluating the product based on the criteria set,

e.g. based on expression, role, and aesthetics.

3. Portfolio Assessment

a) Teacher conducts the learning process by using portfolio

assignments and evaluating them during face-to-face activities.

b) Teacher conducts portfolio assessments based on assessment

criteria that have been set or agreed with the students.

c) The students record the results of their portfolio assessment as a

reflection of themselves.


d) The teacher shares the results of the portfolio under the specified


e) Teacher provides feedback on students’ work going forward (for

example, describes the strengths and weaknesses of the work,

how to fix it and be informed to students).

f) Students provide the identity, collect, and save their portfolios in

one folder in their home or the school locker.

g) After student’s work is assessed and its score is not satisfactory,

students are allowed to fix it.

h) The students make contracts or agreements on the period of

improvement and the submission of connective works to the


i) Teacher shows the students’ performance documentation or the

student’s best portfolio results.

j) Teacher saves the total portfolios into a folder that has been


k) The students write the date of making the portfolio assignment.

l) Teacher gives the final score on each student portfolio and also

the teacher gives feedback.


Tangerang, 8 Oktober 2019



NIM. 11150140000005


Appendix 2



Class : X IPS 2

Date : Wednesday, 9th October 2019

Subject Matter : Descriptive Text; Tourist Place and Historical Buildings

Observe/Week : 5/1

English Teacher : Teacher 1

Score: 1 = Less, 2 = Fair, 3 = Good, 4 = Excellent

No Indicator Sub Indicator Score

Description 1 2 3 4

A. Affective Assessment (Observation, Self-assessment, Peer- assessment, and Journal Assessment)

1. Observation

a) The teacher conveys the attitude competencies that students must

achieve. √


b) Teacher conveys the affective assessment criteria and attitudes

achievement indicators to students. √ Less


c) The teacher observes students’ performance during learning

activities in the classroom. √

Use a gray

trouser, it

should be



d) The teacher records the students’ attitudes. √

e) Teacher compares the student attitudes using scoring rubrics. √ Less

f) Teacher determines the level of student attitude achievement. √ Less

2. Self-assessment

a) Teacher gives self-assessment criteria to students. √ Less

b) The teacher shares self-assessment formats with students. √ Less

c) Teacher asks the students to do self-assessment. √ Less

3. Peer-assessment

a) The teacher conveys an assessment criteria to students. √ Less

b) The teacher shares peer-assessment formats with students. √ Less

c) The teacher equates perception of each indicator to be assessed. √ Less

d) The teacher determines the grading for each student, one student

should be assessed by several other friends. √ Less


e) The teacher asks students to rate their friend’s attitudes on the

assessment sheet. √ Less

4. Journal Assessment

a) Teacher observes the students’ behavior. √

b) The teacher makes the record of students’ attitudes and

behaviors rated. √

Concern on



c) The teacher records the students’ performance based on

indicators that are assessed. √ Less

d) The teacher records each student’s behavior according to time

sequence of events. √

e) Teacher identifies the students’ strengths and weaknesses. √

B. Knowledge Assessment (Written test and Assignment)

1. Written test

a) The teacher gives a writing question. √

b) Teacher gives the options on how to answer the question (writing

answers). √

c) Teacher gives the question in the form of choosing the answer,

including multiple-choice, matching, or cause-effect. √

d) Teacher provides questions form of giving answers, namely:

short answers or descriptions. √


2. Assignment

a) Teacher explains the tasks to be done by students. √

b) Teacher conveys the Basic Competencies (Kompetensi

Dasar/KD) that will be achieved through assignments. √ Less

c) Teacher conveys the indicators and rubric scoring for a good

task. √ Less

d) Teacher gives written assignments. √

Prepare the

question to a

friend who



e) Teacher gives a time limit on the work of student assignments. √

f) Teacher conveys the role of each group member in working on

assignments in the group. √

The group of


chosen by


g) Teacher collects the student work based on a specified deadline. √

h) The teacher assesses students’ assignments according to pre-

defined criteria. √

i) The teacher provides feedback to students. √


C. Skill assessment(Project Assessment, Product Assessment, and Portfolio Assessment)

1. Project Assessment

a) Teacher conveys the assessment criteria before conducting an

assessment of students. √ Less

b) The teacher gives students an understanding of the assessment

criteria. √

c) Teacher gives assignments to students. √


project in


d) The teacher provides students the same understanding of the

tasks that must be done by students. √

e) The teacher conducts an assessment during project planning,

implementation, and reporting. √

f) Teacher monitors the student project and provides feedback at

each stage of the project work. √

g) Teacher compares the students’ performance with rubric scoring. √ Less

h) The teacher recorded the results. √

i) Teacher provides feedback to students’ assessment result report. √


2. Product Assessment

a) The teacher conducts an assessment in the preparatory stage,

including an assessment ability of students and plan, retrieve,

develop ideas and design products.

√ Less

b) The teacher conducts an assessment at the product

manufacturing stage (process), including assessment of

students’ ability to choose and use materials, tools, and


√ Less

c) The teacher conducts an assessment at the product evaluation

stage, including evaluating the product based on the criteria set,

e.g. based on expression, role, and aesthetics.



and the



3. Portfolio Assessment

a) Teacher conducts the learning process by using portfolio

assignments and evaluating them during face-to-face activities. √ Less

b) Teacher conducts portfolio assessments based on assessment

criteria that have been set or agreed with the students. √ Less

c) The students record the results of their portfolio assessment as a

reflection of themselves. √ Less

d) The teacher shares the results of portfolio under the specified

format. √ Less

e) Teacher provides feedback on students’ work going forward (for

example, describes the strengths and weaknesses of the work,

how to fix it and be informed to students).

√ Less

f) Students provide the identity, collect, and save their portfolios in

one folder in their home or the school locker. √ Less

g) After student’s work is assessed and its score is not satisfactory,

students are allowed to fix it. √ Less


h) The students make contracts or agreements on the period of

improvement and the submission of connective works to the


√ Less

i) Teacher shows the students’ performance documentation or the

student’s best portfolio results. √ Less

j) Teacher saves the total portfolios into a folder that has been

named. √ Less

k) The students write the date of making the portfolio assignment. √ Less

l) Teacher gives the final score on each student portfolio and also

the teacher gives feedback. √ Less

Tangerang, 9th October 2019



NIM. 11150140000005




Class : X Agama 2

Date : Monday, 14th October 2019

Subject Matter : Descriptive Text; Describing Things (Place, Person, Animal, etc.)

Observe/Week : 10/2

English Teacher : Teacher 2

Score: 1 = Less, 2 = Fair, 3 = Good, 4 = Excellent

No Indicator Sub Indicator Score

Description 1 2 3 4

A. Affective Assessment (Observation, Self-assessment, Peer- assessment, and Journal Assessment)

1. Observation

a) The teacher conveys the attitude competencies that students

must achieve. √ Less

b) Teacher conveys the affective assessment criteria and attitudes

achievement indicators to students. √ Less

c) The teacher observes students’ performance during learning

activities in the classroom. √


of assignment


d) The teacher records the students’ attitudes. √ Less

e) Teacher compares the student attitudes using scoring rubrics. √ Less

f) Teacher determines the level of student attitude achievement. √

2. Self-assessment

a) Teacher gives self-assessment criteria to students. √ Less

b) The teacher shares self-assessment formats with students. √ Less

c) Teacher asks the students to do self-assessment. √ Less

3. Peer-assessment

a) The teacher conveys an assessment criteria to students. √ Less

b) The teacher shares peer-assessment formats with students. √ Less

c) The teacher equates perception of each indicator to be assessed. √ Less

d) The teacher determines the grading for each student, one

student should be assessed by several other friends. √ Less

e) The teacher asks students to rate their friend’s attitudes on the

assessment sheet. √ Less

4. Journal Assessment

a) Teacher observes the students’ behavior. √

b) The teacher makes the record of students’ attitudes and

behaviors rated. √ Less


c) The teacher records the students’ performance based on

indicators that are assessed. √ Less

d) The teacher records each student’s behavior according to the

time sequence of events. √ Less

e) Teacher identifies the students’ strengths and weaknesses. √

B. Knowledge Assessment (Written test and Assignment)

1. Written test

a) The teacher gives a writing question. √ Make mind


b) Teacher gives the options on how to answer the question

(writing answers). √

c) Teacher gives the question in the form of choosing the answer,

including multiple-choice, matching, or cause-effect. √

d) Teacher provides questions in the form of giving answers,

namely: short answers or descriptions. √ Description

2. Assignment

a) Teacher explains the task to be done by students. √

b) Teacher conveys the Basic Competencies (Kompetensi

Dasar/KD) that will be achieved through assignments. √ Less

c) Teacher conveys the indicators and rubric scoring for a good

task. √ Less


d) Teacher gives written assignments. √ Less

e) Teacher gives a time limit on the work of student assignments. √

f) Teacher conveys the role of each group member in working on

assignments in the group. √

g) Teacher collects the student work based on a specified

deadline. √

h) The teacher assesses students’ assignments according to pre-

defined criteria. √

i) The teacher provides feedback to students. √

C. Skill Assessment(Project Assessment, Product Assessment, and Portfolio Assessment)

1. Project Assessment

a) Teacher conveys the assessment criteria before conducting an

assessment of students. √ Less

b) The teacher gives students an understanding of the assessment

criteria. √

c) Teacher gives assignments to students. √

d) The teacher provides students the same understanding of the

task that must be done by students. √

e) The teacher conducts an assessment during project planning,

implementation, and reporting. √


f) Teacher monitors the student project and provides feedback at

each stage of project work. √

g) Teacher compares the students’ performance with rubric

scoring. √ Less

h) The teacher recorded the results. √

i) Teacher provides feedback to students’ assessment result report √

2. Product Assessment

a) Teacher conducts an assessment in the preparatory stage,

including assessment ability of students and plan, retrieve,

develop ideas and design products.

√ Less

b) Teacher conducts an assessment at the product manufacturing

stage (process), including assessment of students’ ability to

choose and use materials, tools, and techniques.

√ Less

c) Teacher conducts assessments st the product evaluation stage,

including evaluating the product produced based on the criteria

set, e.g. based on expression, role, and aesthetics.

√ Less

3. Portfolio Assessment a) Teacher conducts the learning process by portfolio assignments

and evaluating them during face-to-face activities. √ Less


b) Teacher conducts portfolio assessments based on assessment

criteria that have been set or agreed with the students. √ Less

c) The students record the results of their portfolio assessment as

a reflection of themselves. √ Less

d) The teacher shares the results of the portfolio under the

specified format. √ Less

e) Teacher provides feedback on students’ work going forward

(for example, describes the strengths and weaknesses of the

work, how to fix it and be informed to students).

√ Less

f) Students provide the identity, collect, and save their portfolios

in one folder in their home or the school locker. √ Less

g) After student’s work is assessed and its score is not satisfactory,

students are allowed to fix it. √ Less

h) The students make contracts or agreements on the period of

improvement and the submission of connective works to the


√ Less

i) Teacher shows the students’ performance documentation or the

student’s best portfolio results. √ Less


j) Teacher saves the total portfolios into a folder that has been

named. √ Less

k) The students write the date of making the portfolio assignment. √ Less

l) Teacher gives the final score on each student portfolio and also

the teacher gives feedback. √ Less

Tangerang, 14th October 2019



NIM. 11150140000005


Appendix 3



Table 3.1

Observation Result of Observation Assessment Technique

No Indicator Sub Indicator

Score Descript

ion 1 2 3 4

A. Affective Assessment (Observation, Self-assessment, Peer- assessment, and

Journal Assessment)


a) The teacher conveys the attitude

competencies that students must


√ Less

b) Teacher conveys the affective

assessment criteria and attitudes

achievement indicators to


√ Less


Table 3.2

Observation Result of Self-assessment Technique


a) Teacher gives self-assessment

criteria to students. √ Less

b) The teacher shares self-assessment

formats with students. √ Less

c) Teacher asks the students to do

self-assessment. √ Less

c) The teacher observes students’

performance during learning

activities in the classroom.

Use a



it should

be Scout


d) The teacher records the students’

attitudes. √

e) Teacher compares the student

attitudes using scoring rubrics. √ Less

f) Teacher determines the level of

student attitude achievement. √ Less

No Indicator Sub Indicator Score Descript

ion 1 2 3 4

A. Affective Assessment (Observation, Self-assessment, Peer- assessment, and

Journal Assessment)


Table 3.3

Observation Result of Peer Assessment Technique


a) The teacher conveys an

assessment criteria to students. √ Less

b) The teacher shares peer-

assessment formats with students. √ Less

c) The teacher equates perception of

each indicator to be assessed. √ Less

d) The teacher determines the

grading for each student, one

student should be assessed by

several other friends.

√ Less

e) The teacher asks students to rate

their friend’s attitudes on the

assessment sheet.

√ Less

No Indicator Sub Indicator Score Descript

ion 1 2 3 4

A. Affective Assessment (Observation, Self-assessment, Peer- assessment, and

Journal Assessment)


Table 3.4

Observation Result of Journal Assessment Technique


a) Teacher observes the students’

behavior. √

b) The teacher makes the record of

students’ attitudes and behaviors







c) The teacher records the students’

performance based on indicators

that are assessed.

√ Less

d) The teacher records each student’s

behavior according to the time

sequence of events. √

e) Teacher identifies the students’

strengths and weaknesses. √

No Indicator Sub Indicator Score Descript

ion 1 2 3 4

A. Affective Assessment (Observation, Self-assessment, Peer- assessment, and

Journal Assessment)


Appendix 4



Table 4.1

Observation Result of Written Test


Cognitive Assessment (Written test and Assignment)


or Sub Indicator

Score Descript


1 2 3 4

Written test

a) The teacher gives a

writing question. √

b) Teacher gives the options

on how to answer the

question (writing


c) Teacher gives the

question in the form of

choosing the answer,

including multiple-

choice, matching, or


d) Teacher provides

questions form of giving

answers, namely: short

answers or descriptions.


Table 4.2

Observation Result of Assignment


Cognitive Assessment (Written test and Assignment)


or Sub Indicator

Score Description

1 2 3 4


a) Teacher explains the

task to be done by


b) Teacher conveys the

Basic Competencies


Dasar/KD) that will

be achieved through


√ Less

c) Teacher conveys the

indicators and rubric

scoring for a good


√ Less

d) Teacher gives

written assignments. √

Prepare the

question to

a friend

who already


e) Teacher gives a time

limit on the work of

student assignments.


f) Teacher conveys the

role of each group

member in working

on assignments in the


The group



chosen by


g) Teacher collects the

student work based

on a specified


h) The teacher assesses



according to pre-

defined criteria.

i) The teacher provides

feedback to students. √


Table 4.3

Cognitive Competency Assessment: Written Test and


Figure 4.1

Answering the Presentation Question

Figure 4.2

Individual Task

Figure 4.3

Written Test

Figure 4.4

Small Discussion in Group


Appendix 5



Table 5.1

Observation Result of Project Assessment


Skill Assessment(Project Assessment, Product Assessment, and

Portfolio Assessment)


or Sub Indicator

Score Descripti

on 1 2 3 4



a) Teacher conveys the

assessment criteria

before conducting an

assessment of


√ Less


b) The teacher gives

students an

understanding of the

assessment criteria.

c) Teacher gives

assignments to


√ Presentation

project in group

d) The teacher provides

students the same

understanding of the

tasks that must be done

by students.

e) The teacher conducts

an assessment during

project planning,

implementation, and


f) Teacher monitors the

student project and

provides feedback at

each stage of project


g) Teacher compares the

students’ performance

with rubric scoring.

√ Less


h) The teacher recorded

the results. √

i) Teacher provides

feedback to students’

assessment result


Table 5.2

Observation Result of Product Assessment


Skill Assessment(Project Assessment, Product Assessment, and

Portfolio Assessment)


or Sub Indicator

Score Description

1 2 3 4



a) The teacher conducts

an assessment in the

preparatory stage,

including an

assessment ability of

students and plan,

retrieve, develop

ideas and design


Choose the

group who

wants to ask


questions and

answers from





b) The teacher conducts

an assessment at the

product manufacturing

stage (process),

including assessment

of students’ ability to

choose and use

materials, tools, and


Use a

projector as a

tool and the


and audience

as techniques

c) The teacher conducts

an assessment at the

product evaluation

stage including

evaluating the product

based on the criteria

set, e.g. based on

expression, role, and




and the



Table 5.3

Observation Result of Portfolio Assessment


Skill Assessment(Project Assessment, Product Assessment, and

Portfolio Assessment)


or Sub Indicator

Score Descript

ion 1 2 3 4



a) Teacher conducts the

learning process by

using portfolio

assignments and

evaluating them

during face-to-face


√ Less

b) Teacher conducts


assessments based on

assessment criteria

that have been set or

agreed with the


√ Less

c) The students record

the results of their

portfolio assessment

as a reflection of


√ Less


d) The teacher shares

the results of the

portfolio under the

specified format.

√ Less

e) Teacher provides

feedback on

students’ work going

forward (for

example, describes

the strengths and

weaknesses of the

work, how to fix it

and be informed to


√ Less

f) Students provide the

identity, collect, and

save their portfolios

in one folder in their

home or the school


√ Less

g) After student’s work

is assessed and its

score is not

satisfactory, students

are allowed to fix it.

√ Less


h) The students make

contracts or

agreements on the

period of

improvement and the

submission of

connective works to

the teacher.

√ Less

i) Teacher shows the



documentation or the

student’s best

portfolio results.

√ Less

j) Teacher saves the

total portfolios into a

folder that has been


√ Less

k) The students write

the date of making

the portfolio


√ Less

l) Teacher gives the

final score on each

student portfolio and

also the teacher gives


√ Less


Table 5.4

The Reduce of Observation Data in Project Assessment Based on English Teachers

Indicator Sub Indicator




2 Descri

ption Score Score

1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4




1) Teacher conveys the assessment

criteria before conducting an

assessment of students.


2) The teacher gives students an

understanding of the assessment


√ √ Less;


3) Teacher gives assignments to

students. √ √ Good

4) The teacher provides students the

same understanding of the tasks that

must be done by students.

√ √ Good


5) The teacher conducts an assessment

during project planning,

implementation, and reporting.

√ √ Good;


6) Teacher monitors the student

project and provides feedback at each

stage of project work.

√ √ Very



7) Teacher compares the students’

performance with rubric scoring. √ √ Less

8) The teacher recorded the results.

√ √ Very



9) Teacher provides feedback to

students’ assessment result report.

√ √ Very




Appendix 6



Interview guidelines adapted from: Direktorat Pembinaan SMA Ditjen Pendidikan Dasar dan Menengah, Panduan Penilaian

Kurikulum 2013 oleh Pendidik dan Satuan Pendidikan SMA, 2017, pp. 15-51.

Name : ……….

Date : ……….

Time : ……….

Place : ……….

To Head of Curriculum (Kepala Kurikulum)

No. Questions Pertanyaan Answers

(Jawaban) A. Knowledge of Authentic Assessment Pengetahuan tentang Penilaian Autentik

1. Does MAN 1 Kota Tangerang use an

authentic assessment?

Apakah MAN 1 Kota Tangerang sudah

menggunakan penilaian autentik?

2. What do you think about authentic


Apa pendapat Bapak tentang penilaian



3. What domains are assessed in an authentic


Ranah apa saja yang dinilai dalam penilaian


B. Affective Assessments Penilaian Kompetensi Sikap Answers


a) Observation Observasi


Do the teachers often use observation

techniques to assess the students’ attitude

competencies? Why?

Apakah guru sering menggunakan teknik

observasi untuk menilai kompetensi sikap

siswa? Mengapa?


Do the teachers always convey the

competency attitudes that students must

achieve? How?

Apakah guru selalu menyampaikan

kompetensi sikap yang harus dicapai siswa?

Bagaimana caranya?

3. When do teachers observe the students? Kapan guru mengamati siswa?


How do the teachers convey assessment

criteria and attitude achievement indicators

to students?

Bagaimana cara guru menyampaikan

kriteria penilaian dan indikator pencapaian

sikap kepada siswa?

5. How do teachers record student attitudes? Bagaimana cara guru mencatat sikap siswa?


6. How do the teachers compare student

attitudes with scoring rubrics?

Bagaimana guru membandingkan sikap

siswa dengan rubrik penilaian?

7. How do the teachers determine the level of

student achievement on the attitude aspect?

Bagaimana cara guru menentukan tingkat

pencapaian siswa pada aspek sikap?

b) Self and Peer Assessment Penilaian Diri dan Penilaian antar Teman/Penilaian antar Siswa

1. Do the teachers ever conduct self-

assessment in class?

Apakah guru pernah melakukan penilaian

diri di kelas?

2. Do the teachers always convey self-

assessment criteria to students? How?

Apakah guru selalu menyampaikan kriteria

penilaian diri kepada siswa? Bagaimana


3. Do the teachers give self-assessment

formats with students?

Apakah guru memberikan format penilaian

diri kepada siswa?

4. How do the teachers instruct students to do


Bagaimana cara guru menginstruksikan

siswa untuk melakukan penilaian diri?

5. Have the teachers ever use the journal


Apakah guru pernah menggunakan penilaian


6. What is a journal assessment? Apa yang dimaksud dengan penilaian



7. How do teachers observe student

behavior? Bagaimana guru mengamati perilaku siswa?

8. Do the teachers make notes about students’

attitudes and behaviors?

Apakah guru membuat catatan tentang sikap

dan perilaku siswa?

9. Do the teachers record student attitude

based on indicators to be achieved?

Apakah guru mencatat sikap siswa

berdasarkan indikator yang akan dicapai?

10. Do the teachers record student attitude

according to the time sequence of events?

Apakah guru mencatat sikap siswa sesuai

dengan urutan waktu kejadian?

11. How do the teachers identify the strengths

and weaknesses of students?

Bagaimana guru mengidentifikasi kekuatan

dan kelemahan siswa?

C. Cognitive Assessments Penilaian Kompetensi Pengetahuan Answers


a) Written Test Tes tertulis

1. Do the teachers often use written tests to

assess student knowledge competency?

Apa guru sering menggunakan tes tertulis

untuk menilai kompetensi pengetahuan


2. How do the teachers assess written tests? Bagaimana guru menilai tes tertulis?


3. How do students answer the question? Bagaimana cara siswa menjawab


4. What forms of question do the teachers

often give to students? Why?

Bentuk pertanyaan apa yang sering

diberikan guru kepada siswa? Mengapa?

b) Assignments Penugasan

1. Have the teachers ever used the assignment


Apakah guru pernah menggunakan teknik


2. How do the teachers explain the

assignment of students?

Bagaimana guru memberikan penjelasan

mengenai penugasan siswa?


How do the teachers convey basic

competencies, indicators and scoring


Bagaimana guru menyampaikan KD,

indikator, dan rubrik penilaian?

4. Do the teachers always give deadlines on

student work?

Apakah guru selalu memberikan batas waktu

pada tugas siswa?


When the task is done in groups, is there a

division of tasks for each member? Who

divided the task?

Apabila penugasan dilakukan dengan

berkelompok, apa ada pembagian tugas tiap

anggota? Siapa yang membagi tugas?


6. Do students always collect assignments on


Apakah siswa selalu mengumpulkan tugas

tepat waktu?

7. How do the teachers assess each student’s

assignment? Bagaimana guru menilai setiap tugas siswa?

8. How do the teachers give feedback? Bagaimana cara guru memberikan umpan


D. Skill Assessments Penilaian Kompetensi Keterampilan Answers


a) Project Assessment Penilaian Produk


How do the teachers convey the scoring

rubric before assessing the students’


Bagaimana guru menyampaikan rubrik

penilaian sebelum menilai proyek siswa?

2. How do the teachers give students an

understanding of the assessment criteria?

Bagaimana guru memberikan pemahaman

tentang kriteria penilaian kepada siswa?

3. How do the teachers give assignments to


Bagaimana cara guru memberikan tugas

kepada siswa?


4. How do the teachers give students the same

understanding of the tasks?

Bagaimana guru memberikan pemahaman

yang sama kepada siswa tentang penugasan?


Do the teachers always carry out

assessments during the project planning,

implementation, and reporting? How?

Apakah guru selalu melakukan penilaian

selama perencanaan, pelaksanaan, dan

pelaporan proyek? Bagaimana?


Do the teachers always monitor student

projects and give feedback on each


Apakah guru selalu memantau proyek siswa

dan memberikan umpan balik pada setiap


7. How do the teachers compare student

performance with scoring rubrics?

Bagaimana cara guru membandingkan

kinerja siswa dengan rubrik penilaian?

8. How do the teachers record the results of

the assessment? Bagaimana guru mencatat hasil penilaian?

9. How do the teachers give feedback to


Bagaimana guru memberikan umpan balik

kepada siswa?

b) Product Assessment Penilaian Produk

1. Have the teachers ever used product


Apakah guru pernah menggunakan penilaian




What do you think about the difference

between a project and a product


Apa pendapat Bapak tentang perbedaan

antara penilaian proyek dan produk?


How do the teachers assess the stages of

preparation, manufacture, and assessment

of the product itself?

Bagaimana guru menilai persiapan produk,

pembuatan produk, dan penilaian hasil

produk itu sendiri?

c) Portfolio Assessment Penilaian Portofolio

1. Have the teachers used a portfolio


Apakah guru menggunakan penilaian


2. Are the criteria in portfolio assessment

agreed upon students?

Apakah kriteria dalam penilaian portofolio

disepakati bersama dengan siswa?

3. Do students also record their portfolio

assessment results?

Apakah siswa juga mencatat hasil penilaian

portofolio mereka?

4. How do the teachers collect student

portfolios? Where do teachers keep it?

Bagaimana guru mengumpulkan portofolio

siswa? Di mana guru menyimpannya?

5. How do the teachers provide feedback on

the student portfolio?

Bagaimana guru memberikan umpan balik

terhadap portofolio siswa?


6. What identities are needed in a student


Identitas apa saja yang diperlukan pada

menyampaikan portofolio?

7. If student work is not satisfactory, is there

an opportunity to fix it?

Jika karya siswa belum memuaskan, apakah

ada kesempatan untuk memperbaikinya?


How do the teachers make contracts or

agreements regarding the period of work

improvement and submission of work?

Bagaimana cara guru membuat perjanjian

mengenai jangka waktu dan penyerahan

hasil karya perbaikan?

9. Did the teachers ever show the results of

student portfolios?

Apakah guru pernah menunjukkan hasil

portofolio siswa?

10. Do students write down the date of their


Apakah siswa selalu menuliskan tanggal

pembuatan portofolio mereka?

11. When do the teachers give the final score

of the student portfolios?

Kapan guru memberikan nilai akhir

portofolio siswa?


Appendix 7



Interview guidelines adapted from: Direktorat Pembinaan SMA Ditjen Pendidikan Dasar dan Menengah, Panduan Penilaian

Kurikulum 2013 oleh Pendidik dan Satuan Pendidikan SMA, 2017, pp. 15-51.

Name : ……….

Date : ……….

Time : ……….

Place : ……….

To Teachers (Guru)

No. Questions Pertanyaan

A. Knowledge of Authentic Assessment on

the 2013 Curriculum

Pengetahuan tentang Penilaian Autentik

pada Kurikulum 2013 Answers (Jawaban)

1. What do you know about authentic


Apa yang Bapak/Ibu ketahui tentang

penilaian autentik?


2. What aspects should be observed in an

authentic assessment?

Aspek apa yang harus diperhatikan dalam

penilaian autentik?

3. What are the supporting and inhibiting

factors in implementing the authentic


Apa saja faktor pendukung dan

penghambat dalam menerapkan penilaian


B. Knowledge of Authentic Assessment in

English Language Learning

Pengetahuan tentang Penilaian Autentik

dalam Pembelajaran Bahasa Inggris Answers (Jawaban)

1. Have you applied an authentic assessment

in English language learning?

Sudahkah Bapak/Ibu menerapkan

penilaian autentik dalam pembelajaran

Bahasa Inggris?

2. What techniques and instruments do you

use in assessing the students writing skills

at tenth grade of MAN 1 Kota Tangerang?

Teknik dan instrumen apa yang Bapak/Ibu

gunakan dalam menilai keterampilan

menulis siswa pada kelas X di MAN 1 Kota


3. What are the teachers’ problems in

applying the authentic assessment in

students writing skills at tenth grade of

MAN 1 Kota Tangerang?

Apa saja kendala Bapak/Ibu dalam

menerapkan penilaian autentik pada

keterampilan menulis siswa pada kelas X

di MAN 1 Kota Tangerang?


C. Knowledge of Affective Aspects Pengetahuan Aspek Sikap

a) Observation Assessment Techniques

1. How do you observe the students’

responses and behaviors during the

learning process?

Teknik Penilaian Observasi Answers (Jawaban)

Bagaimana Bapak/Ibu mengamati respon

dan perilaku siswa selama proses


2. How do you record and perform

reporting results with observation


Bagaimana cara Bapak/Ibu mencatat dan

melakukan hasil pelaporan dengan teknik


3. What are the supporting and inhibiting

factors in implementing attitude

assessments using observation


Apa saja faktor pendukung dan

penghambat dalam melaksanakan

penilaian sikap dengan teknik observasi?

b) Self and Peer Assessment Techniques

1. What are the purposes of self and peer


Teknik Penilaian Diri dan Penilaian antar

Teman/Penilaian antar Siswa Answers (Jawaban)

Apa tujuan dari penilaian diri dan antar



2. What do you think is the key to

implementing self and peer


Menurut Bapak/Ibu, apa yang menjadi kunci

utama untuk menerapkan penilaian diri dan

antar teman?

3. When do you apply self and peer


Kapan Bapak/Ibu melaksanakan penilaian

diri dan antar teman?

4. How do you perform self-assessment to

assess attitude competency?

Bagaimana Bapak/Ibu melaporkan penilaian

diri untuk menilai kompetensi sikap?

5. How do you distinguish between self

and peer assessment procedures?

Bagaimana Bapak/Ibu membedakan antara

penilaian diri dan antar teman?

6. What do you think of these techniques?

Which is the most influential of

students’ attitudes assessment?

Menurut Bapak/Ibu dari kedua penilaian ini,

manakah yang paling berpengaruh terhadap

penilaian sikap siswa?

7. How do you record and perform

reporting results with self and peer

assessment techniques?

Bagaimana Bapak/Ibu melakukan

pencatatan dan pelaporan hasil dengan

penilaian diri dan antar teman?

8. What are the supporting and inhibiting

factors in the applying of self and peer

assessment techniques?

Apa saja faktor pendukung dan penghambat

dalam menerapkan teknik penilaian diri dan

antar teman?


c) Journal and Interview Assessment


1. Do you use journal techniques to assess

attitude competency in students? Why?

Teknik Penilaian Jurnal dan Wawancara Answers (Jawaban)

Apa Bapak/Ibu menggunakan teknik jurnal

untuk menilai kompetensi sikap siswa?


2. How do you implement journal

valuation techniques?

Bagaimana Bapak/Ibu melaksanakan teknik

penilaian jurnal?

3. What are the things that are prepared to

conduct an attitude assessment with

journal techniques?

Hal apa saja yang dipersiapkan untuk

melakukan penilaian sikap dengan teknik


4. How do you record and report

assessment results with these


Bagaimana Bapak/Ibu mencatat dan

melaporkan hasil penilaian dengan teknik


5. What is the difference between journal

scoring and oral interview techniques

to assess student attitudes?

Apa perbedaan antara teknik jurnal dan

wawancara untuk menilai sikap siswa?

6. What do you think affects you most in

assessing the student attitude of both


Menurut Bapak/Ibu, manakah yang paling

berdampak pada penilaian sikap siswa dari

kedua teknik tersebut?


7. What are the supporting and inhibiting

factors in applying the assessment with

these techniques?

Apa saja faktor pendukung dan penghambat

dalam menerapkan penilaian dengan teknik


D. Knowledge of Cognitive Aspects Pengetahuan Aspek Pengetahuan

a) Written test

1. What types of written tests do you often

use to assess student knowledge


Tes Tertulis Answers (Jawaban)

Apa jenis tes tertulis yang sering Bapak/Ibu

gunakan untuk menilai kemampuan siswa?

2. How do you apply a written test

assessment technique?

Bagaimana Bapak/Ibu melaksanakan teknik

penilaian tes tertulis?

3. What do you prepare before you

perform a written test assessment?

Apa yang Bapak/Ibu siapkan sebelum

Bapak/Ibu melakukan penilaian tes tertulis?

4. How do you submit your written test

assessment results?

Bagaimana Bapak/Ibu menyampaikan hasil

penilaian tes tertulis?

5. What are the supporting and inhibiting

factors in conducting assessments with

written tests?

Apa saja faktor pendukung dan penghambat

dalam melaksanakan penilaian tes tertulis



b) Assignments

1. What are the assignments that are often

used by you to assess students’


Penugasan Answers (Jawaban)

Apa bentuk penugasan yang sering

digunakan oleh Bapak/Ibu untuk menilai

pengetahuan siswa?

2. What do you prepare before assessing

the assignments’ form?

Apa saja yang Bapak/Ibu persiapkan

sebelum melakukan penilaian dalam bentuk


3. When do you make assignments for


Kapan Bapak/Ibu melaksanakan penugasan

kepada siswa?

4. How do you observe the students when

they are doing on assignments?

Bagaimana Bapak/Ibu mengamati siswa

ketika mereka sedang mengerjakan tugas?

5. What aspects do you most notice when

scoring the student assignments?

Aspek apa saja yang paling Bapak/Ibu

perhatikan ketika menilai tugas siswa?

6. How do you assess each students’

outcome and how to extend your

assessment to students?

Bagaimana Bapak/Ibu menilai setiap hasil

siswa dan cara menyampaikan hasil

penilaiannya kepada siswa?

7. How do you give the students


Bagaimana Bapak/Ibu melakukan umpan

balik kepada siswa?


8. What are the supporting and inhibiting

factors during conducting assessments

with an assignment?

Apa faktor pendukung dan penghambat saat

pelaksanaan penilaian dengan penugasan?

E. Knowledge of Skill Aspects Pengetahuan Aspek Keterampilan

a) Project Assessment

1. How do you assess the students’

planning, applying, and reporting

aspects of the project assessment?

Penilaian Proyek Answers (Jawaban)

Bagaimana Bapak/Ibu melakukan penilaian

pada aspek perencanaan, pelaksanaan, dan

pelaporan siswa dalam penilaian proyek?

2. What are the criteria you have noticed

in conducting this assessment?

Apa saja kriteria yang diperhatikan oleh

Bapak/Ibu dalam melakukan penilaian ini?

3. Are there any supporting and inhibiting

factors during enacting the project

assessments? Can you explain it more?

Adakah faktor pendukung dan penghambat

selama melaksanakan penilaian proyek?

Bisa Bapak/Ibu jelaskan lebih lanjut?


b) Product Assessment

1. How do you assess the skill aspect of

product assessments?

Penilaian Produk Answers (Jawaban)

Bagaimana Bapak/Ibu menilai aspek

keterampilan dengan penilaian produk?

2. What do you prepare before carrying

out a skill assessment with this


Apa yang Bapak/Ibu persiapkan sebelum

melakukan penilaian keterampilan dengan

teknik ini?

3. What are your criteria for scoring the

student skills with this technique?

Apa saja kriteria Bapak/Ibu untuk menilai

keterampilan siswa dengan teknik ini?

4. How do you provide the students’


Bagaimana Bapak/Ibu memberikan unpan

balik kepada siswa?

5. How do you record and report appraisal

results with product assessment?

Bagaimana Bapak/Ibu mencatat dan

melaporkan hasil penilaian dengan

penilaian produk?

6. What are the supporting and inhibiting

factors when assessing the students

with product assessment?

Apa saja faktor pendukung dan penghambat

ketika penilaian siswa dengan penilaian



c) Portfolio Assessment

1. Do you use portfolios to assess the

student’s skills?

Penilaian Portofolio Answers (Jawaban)

Apa Bapak/Ibu menggunakan porto folio

untuk menilai keterampilan siswa?

2. How do you make students’

assessments with portfolio assessment?

Bagaimana Bapak/Ibu memberikan

penilaian siswa dengan portofolio?

3. What do you prepare before carrying

out a portfolio assessment?

Apa yang Bapak/Ibu persiapkan sebelum

melakukan penilaian portofolio?

4. How do you display overall assessment

results to students with the portfolio?

Bagaimana cara Bapak/Ibu memaparkan

hasil penilaian keseluruhan dengan


5. What do you think is the best time to

conduct a portfolio assessment?

Menurut Bapak/Ibu, kapan penilaian

portofolio dapat dilaksanakan dengan baik?

6. How do you give the students a time

limit in portfolio creation?

Bagaimana Bapak/Ibu memberikan batasan

waktu dalam pembuatan portofolio?

7. What are the supporting and inhibiting

factors in performing the portfolio


Apa faktor pendukung dan penghambat saat

melakukan penilaian portofolio?


Appendix 8



Interview guidelines adapted from: Direktorat Pembinaan SMA Ditjen Pendidikan Dasar dan Menengah, Panduan Penilaian

Kurikulum 2013 oleh Pendidik dan Satuan Pendidikan SMA, 2017, pp. 15-51.

Name : ……….

Class : ……….

Date : ……….

Time : ……….

Place : ……….

To Students (Siswa)

No. Questions Pertanyaan Answers

(Jawaban) A. Affective Assessments Penilaian Kompetensi Sikap

a) Observation Observasi

1. Does your teacher observe the students

during the learning process in class?

Apakah gurumu mengamati para siswa

selama proses pembelajaran di kelas?



What does your teacher always tell you

about attitude competencies that must be

achieved at the beginning of learning?


Apa gurumu selalu memberitahu tentang

kompetensi sikap yang harus dicapai siswa

pada awal pembelajaran? Bagaimana


3. Does your teacher also explain the aspects

of attitudes that must be achieved?

Apakah gurumu juga menjelaskan aspek

sikap yang harus dicapai?

b) Self and Peer Assessment Penilaian Diri dan Penilaian antar

Teman/Penilaian antar Siswa



1. Have you ever conducted self-assessment

in class?

Pernahkah kamu melakukan penilaian diri di

dalam kelas?

2. Have you ever assessed task with peer-


Pernahkah kamu menilai tugas dengan

penilaian antar siswa?


When does your teacher instruct other

students to assess assignments with peer


Kapan gurumu menginstruksikan siswa lain

untuk menilai penugasan dengan penilaian

antar siswa?

4. How does self-assessment? Bagaimana penilaian diri itu?


5. Before doing a self-assessment, does your

teacher give an explanation first to you?

Sebelum melakukan penilaian diri, apakah

gurumu memberi penjelasan terlebih dahulu

kepada kamu?

6. Did the teacher share self-assessment

sheets to you?

Apa guru membagikan lembar penilaian diri

kepada kamu?

7. How does the peer assessment? Bagaimana penilaian antar siswa itu?

8. Before doing a peer-assessment, does your

teacher give an explanation first to you?

Sebelum melakukan penilaian antar siswa,

apakah gurumu memberi penjelasan terlebih

dahulu kepada kamu?

9. Did the teacher share peer-assessment

sheets to you?

Apa guru membagikan lembar penilaian

antar siswa kepada kamu?

10. Who do you assess when the teacher

carries out peer-assessment?

Siapa yang kamu nilai ketika guru

melakukan penilaian antar siswa?

B. Cognitive Assessments Penilaian Kompetensi Pengetahuan Answers


a) Written Test Tes tertulis

1. When did your teacher give a written test? Kapan gurumu memberikan tes tertulis?


2. What forms questions does your teacher

give for written tests?

Bentuk pertanyaan apa yang guru berikan

untuk tes tertulis?

3. How do you answer the question? Bagaimana kamu menjawab pertanyaan?

4. Is multiple-choice question often chosen

by the teacher as a form of written test?

Apakah pertanyaan pilihan ganda sering

dipilih oleh guru sebagai bentuk tes tertulis?

b) Assignments Penugasan

1. What did your teacher give you as an


Apa saja yang gurumu berikan sebagai

bahan penugasan?


Does your teacher have specific criteria for

tests and assignments? Could you explain

it more?

Apakah gurumu memiliki kriteria khusus

untuk tes dan penugasan? Bisa kamu

jelaskan lebih lanjut?

3. Did your teacher explain first about the

assignment? How?

Apakah gurumu selalu menjelaskan terlebih

dahulu tentang tugas yang akan dikerjakan?


4. Did your teacher tell you about the ability

to be achieved from your task?

Apakah gurumu memberitahu tentang

kemampuan yang akan dicapai dari tugasmu



5. Did your teacher tell you the rubric


Apakah gurumu memberitahu rubrik

penilaiannya kepada kamu?

6. Is there a deadline for collecting

assignments? Adakah batas waktu pengumpulan tugas?

7. How do you do the assignment?

Individually or in groups?

Bagaimana cara kamu mengerjakan tugas?

Sendiri atau kelompok?

8. Is there any rule for each member in the

group? Who divided it?

Apakah ada pembagian peran setiap anggota

dalam kelompok? Siapa yang membaginya?

9. Do you always collect tasks on time based

on deadline?

Apakah kamu selalu mengumpulkan tugas

tepat waktu sesuai dengan batas waktu?

10. Did your teacher tell you about the


Apakah gurumu selalu memberitahu kamu

tentang nilai?

C. Skill Assessments Penilaian Kompetensi Keterampilan Answers


a) Project Assessment Penilaian Proyek

1. Have you ever done a project activity? Apakah kamu pernah melakukan kegiatan


2. When does your teacher give the

assignments in the form of projects?

Kapan gurumu memberikan tugas dalam

bentuk proyek?

3. What projects have you made? Proyek apa yang pernah dibuat?


4. Did your teacher tell and explain the

project assessment rubric to you?

Apakah gurumu memberitahu dan

menjelaskan rubrik penilaian proyek kepada


5. Do you understand every project

assignment that the teacher instructs?

Apakah kamu memahami setiap tugas proyek

yang diperintahkan guru?

6. How does the teacher assess your project? Bagaimana cara guru menilai proyekmu?

7. Does your teacher always check your


Apakah gurumu selalu memeriksa


8. When your project assignments are

finished, where do you save your project?

Apabila tugas proyekmu selesai, di mana

kamu menyimpan proyekmu?

b) Product Assessment Penilaian Produk

1. Have you ever made a product? Pernahkah kamu membuat produk?

2. What products have you made? Produk apa yang sudah pernah kamu buat?

3. How does your teacher assess your

product? Bagaimana gurumu menilai produkmu?

c) Portfolio Assessment Penilaian Portofolio

1. Have you ever saved the task results in a


Apa kamu pernah menyimpan hasil-hasil

tugas di dalam folder?


2. Where do you save the folder that contains

the portfolio assignment?

Di mana kamu menyimpan folder yang berisi

tugas portofolio?

3. What identity do you write on each

portfolio assignment?

Identitas apa yang kamu tulis di setiap tugas



If your score is not satisfactory, does your

teacher give you an opportunity to fix your


Apabila hasilmu belum memuaskan, apakah

gurumu memberi kesempatan untuk

memperbaiki nilaimu?

5. Do you always write the date of your

portfolio assignments?

Apakah kamu selalu menulis tanggal di

setiap tugas portofoliomu?

6. Has your teacher ever shown a student

portfolio assignment?

Apakah gurumu pernah menunjukkan hasil

portofolio siswa?


Appendix 9


Name : Teacher 3

Date : Monday, 14th October 2019

Time : 15.30-16.33

Place : Counselling Room

To Head of Curriculum (Kepala Kurikulum)

No. Questions Pertanyaan Answers

(Jawaban) A. Knowledge of Authentic Assessment Pengetahuan tentang Penilaian Autentik

1. Does MAN 1 Kota Tangerang use an

authentic assessment?

Apakah MAN 1 Kota Tangerang sudah

menggunakan penilaian autentik? Sudah

2. What do you think about authentic

assessment? Apa pendapat Bapak tentang penilaian autentik?

Penilaian yang sesuai dengan fakta, hasil

kinerja siswa

3. What domains are assessed in an

authentic assessment?

Ranah apa saja yang dinilai dalam penilaian


Penilaian sikap, pengetahuan, dan



B. Attitude Competency Assessments Penilaian Kompetensi Sikap Answers


a) Observation Observasi


Do the teachers often use observation

techniques to assess the students’

attitude competencies? Why?

Apakah guru sering menggunakan teknik

observasi untuk menilai kompetensi sikap siswa?


Ya, gak sering. Minimal tiap semester harus

dilaksanakan. Karena berbenturan dengan

waktu. Jadi, yang mengamati itu wali kelas

dan guru BK.


Do the teachers always convey the

competency attitudes that students

must achieve? How?

Apakah guru selalu menyampaikan kompetensi

sikap yang harus dicapai siswa? Bagaimana


Gak sering. Tapi seharusnya selalu

dilakukan selama proses pembelajaran.

3. When do teachers observe the

students? Kapan guru mengamati siswa? Selama proses pembelajaran


How do the teachers convey

assessment criteria and attitude

achievement indicators to students?

Bagaimana cara guru menyampaikan kriteria

penilaian dan indikator pencapaian sikap kepada


Caranya dibuat instrumennya dengan skala

penilaian yang 4, 3, 2, 1.

5. How do teachers record student

attitudes? Bagaimana cara guru mencatat sikap siswa? Guru membuat jurnal


6. How do the teachers student attitudes to

with scoring rubrics?

Bagaimana guru membandingkan sikap siswa

dengan rubrik penilaian?

Guru menilai nya dengan melihat pekerjaan

siswa dan menetapkan skala penilaian

terlebih dahulu. Yaitu dengan mengamati

siswa misalnya dari kerajinan nya berarti

sikap nya bagus.


How do the teachers determine the

level of student achievement on the

attitude aspect?

Bagaimana cara guru menentukan tingkat

pencapaian siswa pada aspek sikap?

Dengan melihat ketentuan nilai nya seperti

siswa minimal mendapatkan nilai B.

b) Self and Peer Assessment Penilaian Diri dan Penilaian antar Teman/Penilaian antar Siswa

1. Do the teachers ever conduct self-

assessment in class?

Apakah guru pernah melakukan penilaian diri di


Seharusnya ada, namun tidak pernah


2. Do the teachers always convey self-

assessment criteria to students? How?

Apakah guru selalu menyampaikan kriteria

penilaian diri kepada siswa? Bagaimana


Dengan memberikan instrumen nya kepada

siswa. Namun tidak diaplikasikan.

3. Do the teachers give self-assessment

formats with students?

Apakah guru memberikan format penilaian diri

kepada siswa? Gak pernah

4. How do the teachers instruct students to

do self-assessment?

Bagaimana cara guru menginstruksikan siswa

untuk melakukan penilaian diri?

Tidak tahu karena guru tidak melaksanakan

penilaian ini.


5. Have the teachers ever use the journal


Apakah guru pernah menggunakan penilaian


Sudah diberikan form penilaian jurnal,

namun belum diterapkan oelh guru.

6. What is a journal assessment? Apa yang dimaksud dengan penilaian jurnal? Catatan harian belajar-mengajar guru.

7. How do teachers observe student

behavior? Bagaimana guru mengamati perilaku siswa?

Caranya dengan melihat sikap disiplin

misalnya datang tepat waktu ke sekolah,

rajin mengerjakan tugas selama proses

pembelajaran. Namun, pelaksanaan masing-

masing guru belum terpenuhi.

8. Do the teachers make notes about

students’ attitudes and behaviors?

Apakah guru membuat catatan tentang sikap dan

perilaku siswa?

Hanya wali kelas dan guru BK. Mereka

saling kerja sama dalam melakukan

pengamatan untuk menilai sikap siswa.

9. Do the teachers record student attitude

based on indicators to be achieved?

Apakah guru mencatat sikap siswa berdasarkan

indikator yang akan dicapai? Hanya wali kelas dan guru BK


Do the teachers record student attitude

according to the time sequence of


Apakah guru mencatat sikap siswa sesuai dengan

urutan waktu kejadian? Hanya wali kelas

11. How do the teachers identify the

strengths and weaknesses of students?

Bagaimana guru mengidentifikasi kekuatan dan

kelemahan siswa? Selama proses pembelajaran


C. Cognitive Competency Assessments Penilaian Kompetensi Pengetahuan Answers


a) Written Test Tes tertulis


Do the teachers often use written tests

to assess student knowledge


Apa guru sering menggunakan tes tertulis untuk

menilai kompetensi pengetahuan siswa? Ya, setiap semester

2. How do the teachers assess written

tests? Bagaimana guru menilai tes tertulis?

PG, ulangan lisan dan tulisan, isian singkat

dan essai

3. How do students answer the question? Bagaimana cara siswa menjawab pertanyaan? PG dan jawaban singkat

4. What forms of question do the teachers

often give to students? Why?

Bentuk pertanyaan apa yang sering diberikan

guru kepada siswa? Mengapa?

PG. Karena mudah mengoreksi dan lebih

mudah dianalisa dengan tingkatan soal dari

yang mudah, sedang dan sulit.

b) Assignments Penugasan

1. Have the teachers ever used the

assignment technique?

Apakah guru pernah menggunakan teknik

penugasan? Pernah

2. How do the teachers explain the

assignment of students?

Bagaimana guru memberikan penjelasan

mengenai penugasan siswa? Melalui tugas kelompok dan individu.



How do the teachers convey basic

competencies, indicators and scoring


Bagaimana cara guru menyampaikan KD,

indikator, dan rubrik penilaian?

Sebelum materi pembelajaran, guru

menyampaikan KD, indikator, dan rubrik

yang akan dicapai pada materi itu kepada


4. Do the teachers always give deadlines

on student work?

Apakah guru selalu memberikan batas waktu

pada tugas siswa? Ada


When the task is done in groups, is

there a division of tasks for each

member? Who divided the task?

Apabila penugasan dilakukan dengan

berkelompok, apa ada pembagian tugas tiap

anggota? Siapa yang membagi tugas?

Ada siswa dan juga guru. Dan yang membagi

tugas nya adalah guru.

6. Do students always collect assignments

on time?

Apakah siswa selalu mengumpulkan tugas tepat


Disesuaikan dengan skala penilaian sikap

yang 4, 3, 2, 1 itu. Tergantung siswa nya.

7. How do the teachers assess each

student’s assignment? Bagaimana guru menilai setiap tugas siswa?

Apabila tepat waktu, siswa akan mendapat

skor 4 tetapi yang terlambat nilai nya akan

dikurangi 2 poin.

8. How do the teachers give feedback? Bagaimana cara guru memberikan umpan balik? Dilihat dari penunjukkan tulisan, margin


D. Skills Competency Assessments Penilaian Kompetensi Keterampilan Answers



a) Project Assessment Penilaian Produk


How do the teachers convey the scoring

rubric before assessing the students’


Bagaimana guru menyampaikan rubrik penilaian

sebelum menilai proyek siswa?

Dijelaskan terlebih dahulu materi nya itu.

Kemudian guru menyampaikan apa yang

harus dicapai dalam materi itu.


How do the teachers give students an

understanding of the assessment


Bagaimana guru memberikan pemahaman

tentang kriteria penilaian kepada siswa? Disampaikan secara terbuka

3. How do the teachers give assignments

to students?

Bagaimana cara guru memberikan tugas kepada


Disampaikan dengan jelas seperti apa

tugasnya dan cara mengerjakan nya


4. How do the teachers give students the

same understanding of the tasks?

Bagaimana guru memberikan pemahaman yang

sama kepada siswa tentang penugasan? Dijelaskan terlebih dahulu oleh guru.


Do teachers always carry out

assessments during the project

planning, implementation, and

reporting? How?

Apakah guru selalu melakukan penilaian selama

perencanaan, pelaksanaan, dan pelaporan

proyek? Bagaimana?

Ya, sering. Seperti diperiksa oleh gurunya.

Jika hasilnya sesuai dengan penilaian maka

siswa tersebut dianggap tuntas dan yang

tidak sesuai maka dianggap belum tuntas dan

segera diperbaiki.



Do the teachers always monitor student

projects and give feedback on each


Apakah guru selalu memantau proyek siswa dan

memberikan umpan balik pada setiap proyek? Ya, pernah

7. How do the teachers compare student

performance with scoring rubrics?

Bagaimana cara guru membandingkan kinerja

siswa dengan rubrik penilaian? Disesuaikan dengan kriteria yang dicapai.

8. How do the teachers record the results

of the assessment? Bagaimana guru mencatat hasil penilaian? Mencatat di daftar penilaian guru

9. How do the teachers give feedback to


Bagaimana guru memberikan umpan balik

kepada siswa? Diperiksa hasil kinerja siswa nya.

c) Product Assessment Penilaian Produk

1. Have the teachers ever used product


Apakah guru pernah menggunakan penilaian

produk? Pernah, tapi di bidang seni.


What do you think about the difference

between a project and a product


Apa pendapat Bapak tentang perbedaan antara

penilaian proyek dan produk?

Projek lebih ke penelitian dan produk itu

lebih ke menghasilkan karya.



How do the teachers assess the stages

of preparation, manufacture, and

assessment of the product itself?

Bagaimana guru menilai persiapan produk,

pembuatan produk, dan penilaian hasil produk itu


Ditentukan oleh guru nya untuk pembuatan

produk. Seperti bahan-bahan, tutorialnya.

Dan guru juga bisa menjelaskan persiapan

untuk membuat produk atau bisa meminta

siswa untuk melihat di You Tube.

d) Portfolio Assessment Penilaian Portofolio

1. Have the teachers ever used a portfolio


Apakah guru pernah menggunakan penilaian

portofolio? Ya, pernah

2. Are the criteria in portfolio assessment

agreed upon students?

Apakah kriteria dalam penilaian portofolio

disepakati bersama dengan siswa? Ya, disepakati

3. Do students also record their portfolio

assessment results?

Apakah siswa juga mencatat hasil penilaian

portofolionya? Tidak

4. How do the teachers collect student

portfolios? Where do teachers keep it?

Bagaimana guru mengumpulkan portofolio

siswa? Di mana guru menyimpannya?

Dikumpulkan data nya kemudian disimpan di


5. How do the teachers provide feedback

on the student portfolio?

Bagaimana guru memberikan umpan balik

terhadap portofolio siswa? Jarang dilaksanakan


6. What identities are needed in a student


Identitas apa saja yang diperlukan dalam

portofolio siswa?

Nama siswa, jurusan, kelas, dan mata


7. If student work is not satisfactory, is

there an opportunity to fix it?

Jika karya siswa belum memuaskan, apakah ada

kesempatan untuk memperbaikinya? Ya, ada. Nama nya remedial.


How do the teachers make contracts or

agreements regarding the period of

work improvement and submission of


Bagaimana cara guru membuat

kontrak/perjanjian mengenai jangka waktu dan

penyerahan hasil karya perbaikan?

Dengan kesepakatan. Misalnya, 1 minggu,

atau 2 minggu.

9. Did the teachers ever show the results

of student portfolios?

Apakah guru pernah menunjukkan hasil

portofolio siswa? Belum

10. Do students write down the date of

their portfolio?

Apakah siswa selalu menuliskan tanggal

pembuatan portofolio mereka? Tidak

11. When do the teachers give the final

score of the student portfolios?

Kapan guru memberikan nilai akhir portofolio


Menjelang semester. Namun seharusnya per

3 bulan.


Tangerang, 14th October 2019

Head of Curriculum,

Teacher 3

NIP. 19760514 200604 1 021


Appendix 10


Name : Teacher 1

Date : Friday, 11th October 2019

Time : 10.20-11.22

Place : Language Laboratorium

To Teachers (Guru)

No. Questions Pertanyaan

A. Knowledge of Authentic Assessment

on the 2013 Curriculum

Pengetahuan tentang Penilaian

Autentik pada Kurikulum 2013 Answers (Jawaban)

1. What do you know about authentic


Apa yang Bapak/Ibu ketahui tentang

penilaian autentik?

Keterampilan, keterlibatan siswa di

kelas serta respon dan ketertarikan

siswa terhadap materi.

2. What aspects should be observed in

an authentic assessment?

Aspek apa yang harus diperhatikan

dalam penilaian autentik?

Aspek kemampuan, sikap dan

keterampilan dan pengetahuan yang

dicapai siswa.


3. What are the supporting and

inhibiting factors in implementing the

authentic assessment?

Apa saja faktor pendukung dan

penghambat dalam menerapkan

penilaian autentik?

Pendukung: media, interaktif dan

pembelajaran yang menyenangkan

seperti santai tapi serius. Sedangkan

situasi kelas menjadi kurang

kondusif ini sebagai penghambat

dalam pelaksanaan penilaian

autentik ini.

B. Knowledge of Authentic Assessment

in English Language Learning

Pengetahuan tentang Penilaian

Autentik dalam Pembelajaran

Bahasa Inggris

Answers (Jawaban)


1. Have you applied an authentic

assessment in English language


Sudahkah Bapak/Ibu menerapkan

penilaian autentik dalam

pembelajaran Bahasa Inggris?

Saya melakukannya secara tidak

sadar karena saya tidak

menerapkan autentik secara teoritis

ataupun prosedural. Tapi saya

merasa bahwa telah menerapkan

penilaian autentik walaupun belum

maksimal. Namun, bagi saya

penerapannya dalam pembelajaran

Bahasa Inggris sudah mendekati


2. What techniques and instruments do

you use in assessing the students

writing skills at tenth grade of MAN

1 Kota Tangerang?

Teknik dan instrumen apa yang

Bapak/Ibu gunakan dalam menilai

keterampilan menulis siswa pada

kelas X di MAN 1 Kota Tangerang?

Pemilihan tema umum, diksi dan

model dalam menulis. Item tersebut

merupakan sebagai rubrik

penilaian. Sedangkan teknik nya

lebih kepada penugasan.


3. What are the teachers’ problems in

applying the authentic assessment in

students writing skills at tenth grade

of MAN 1 Kota Tangerang?

Apa saja kendala Bapak/Ibu dalam

menerapkan penilaian autentik

pada keterampilan menulis siswa

pada kelas X di MAN 1 Kota


Writing merupakan skill yang

paling sulit sehingga saya harus

menyemangati siswa untuk menulis.

Kemudian, pengecekan menulis

siswa dengan satu per satu. Hal ini

membutuhkan waktu yang agak


C. Knowledge of Affective Aspects Pengetahuan Aspek Sikap

a) Observation Assessment Techniques

Teknik Penilaian Observasi Answers (Jawaban)


1. How do you observe the students’

responses and behaviors during the

learning process?

Bagaimana Bapak/Ibu mengamati respon

dan perilaku siswa selama proses


Beberapa siswa

semangat dan yang

lainnya tidak. Bagi siswa

yang tidak semangat

diakibatkan dengan

adanya pengaruh poin-

poin luar. Cara agar

mereka memiliki rasa

semangat, yakni dengan

reading kemudian

mereka menulis topik

dan mengembangkan

topik tersebut.


b) Self and Peer Assessment Techniques

1. What are the purposes of self and peer


Teknik Penilaian Diri dan Penilaian antar

Teman/Penilaian antar Siswa Answers (Jawaban)

Apa tujuan dari penilaian diri dan antar


Untuk mengetahui

karakter diri siswa itu

sendiri dan mengenal

sifat teman-temannya.

2. How do you record and perform

reporting results with observation


Bagaimana cara Bapak/Ibu mencatat dan

melakukan hasil pelaporan dengan teknik


Dengan melihat poin-

poin di writing, seperti

kerapihan. Walaupun

kerapihan adalah di luar

konteks, namun item ini

sangat berpengaruh

bukan dilihat dari

tampilan menulis siswa

bagus atau tidak.

3. What are the supporting and inhibiting

factors in implementing attitude

assessments using observation


Apa saja faktor pendukung dan

penghambat dalam melaksanakan

penilaian sikap dengan teknik observasi?

Pendukung: interaktif

dan penghambat:

keterbatasan waktu.


2. What do you think is the key to

implementing self and peer


Menurut Bapak/Ibu, apa yang menjadi kunci

utama untuk menerapkan penilaian diri dan

antar teman?

Kompetisi sehat

dalam pelajaran dan

kerja sama atau saling

mendukung dalam

proses pembelajaran

di kelas.

3. When do you apply self and peer


Kapan Bapak/Ibu melaksanakan penilaian

diri dan antar teman?

Jika ada masalah atau

kasus tertentu.

4. How do you perform self-assessment

to assess attitude competency?

Bagaimana Bapak/Ibu melaporkan

penilaian diri untuk menilai kompetensi


Biasanya saya

melaporkan nya

melalui evaluasi

bulanan. Baik itu

kepada wali kelas,

kurikulum dan guru

bimbingan konseling.


5. How do you distinguish between self

and peer assessment procedures?

Bagaimana Bapak/Ibu membedakan antara

penilaian diri dan antar teman?


terletak pada


Penilaian diri lebih

kepada pengenalan

personal siswa

sedangkan penilaian

antar teman

cenderung meminta

bantuan kepada ketua

kelas untuk

mengamati perilaku

atau sikap teman-

temannya itu seperti

apa. Itu pun ketua

kelas bertanya kepada

teman terdekat siswa



6. What do you think of these techniques?

Which is the most influential of

students’ attitudes assessment?

Menurut Bapak/Ibu dari kedua penilaian

ini, manakah yang paling berpengaruh

terhadap penilaian sikap siswa?

Penilaian antar siswa

sangat berpengaruh.

Karena saya bisa

menilai siswa

seberapa jauh mereka

mengenal teman kelas

nya dengan baik. Hal

ini untuk

mempermudah saya

dalam menangani



7. How do you record and perform

reporting results with self and peer

assessment techniques?

Bagaimana Bapak/Ibu melakukan

pencatatan dan pelaporan hasil dengan

penilaian diri dan antar teman?

Saya hanya

memperlihatkan poin-

poin yang sudah

diberikan oleh guru

bimbingan konseling

kepada siswa.

Kemudian, guru BK


yang menindaklanjuti

nya. Biasanya, wali



poin-poin yang sudah

tercantum pada

segala aspek dan


serta dicantumkan


8. What are the supporting and inhibiting

factors in the applying of self and peer

assessment techniques?

Apa saja faktor pendukung dan penghambat

dalam menerapkan teknik penilaian diri dan

antar teman?

Siswa sangat antusias

dengan teknik ini,

namun terkendala

oleh banyaknya siswa

di setiap kelas


penerapannya kurang



c) Journal and Interview Assessment


1. Do you use journal techniques to assess

attitude competency in students? Why?

Teknik Penilaian Jurnal dan Wawancara Answers (Jawaban)

Apa Bapak/Ibu menggunakan teknik jurnal

untuk menilai kompetensi sikap siswa?


Pernah. Karena untuk

memahami karakter

siswa lebih dalam.

2. How do you implement journal

valuation techniques?

Bagaimana Bapak/Ibu melaksanakan teknik

penilaian jurnal?

Bekerja sama dengan

guru BK.

3. What are the things that are prepared to

conduct an attitude assessment with

journal techniques?

Hal apa saja yang dipersiapkan untuk

melakukan penilaian sikap dengan teknik


Saya memperlihatkan


pelanggaran yang

dibuat oleh guru BK.

4. How do you record and report

assessment results with these


Bagaimana Bapak/Ibu mencatat dan

melaporkan hasil penilaian dengan teknik


Bekerja sama dengan

guru BK. Karena guru

BK yang lebih

mendalami untuk


pencatatan sikap



5. What is the difference between journal

scoring and oral interview techniques

to assess student attitudes?

Apa perbedaan antara teknik jurnal dan

wawancara untuk menilai sikap siswa?

Jurnal lebih kepada

pencatatan struktural


wawancara bisa

dilakukan dengan

cara menegur dan

menasihati siswa.

6. What do you think affects you most in

assessing the student attitude of both


Menurut Bapak/Ibu, manakah yang paling

berdampak pada penilaian sikap siswa dari

kedua teknik tersebut?

Keduanya saling


7. What are the supporting and inhibiting

factors in applying the assessment with

these techniques?

Apa saja faktor pendukung dan penghambat

dalam menerapkan penilaian dengan teknik


Faktor pendukung nya

adalah siswa sangat

partisipatif. Namun

sangat disayangkan

banyaknya siswa di

kelas membuat

pelaksanaan teknik ini

cukup terkendala.


D. Knowledge of Cognitive Aspects Pengetahuan Aspek Pengetahuan

a) Written test

1. What types of written tests do you often

use to assess student knowledge


Tes Tertulis Answers (Jawaban)

Apa jenis tes tertulis yang sering Bapak/Ibu

gunakan untuk menilai kemampuan siswa? Deskripsi.

2. How do you apply a written test

assessment technique?

Bagaimana Bapak/Ibu melaksanakan teknik

penilaian tes tertulis?


kalimat dan membuat


3. What do you prepare before you

perform a written test assessment?

Apa yang Bapak/Ibu siapkan sebelum

Bapak/Ibu melakukan penilaian tes tertulis?

Biasanya saya

memberikan tema

umum, kemudian

siswa membuat ide

atau gagasan sesuai


4. How do you submit your written test

assessment results?

Bagaimana Bapak/Ibu menyampaikan hasil

penilaian tes tertulis?

Dengan menyerahkan

hasil tesnya.

Kemudian, saya

menulis saran di

bawahnya seperti


dilingkari atau

digarisbawahi. Hal

seperti ini untuk

menunjukkan bahwa

terdapat kesalahan

dengan tulisan


5. What are the supporting and inhibiting

factors in conducting assessments with

written tests?

Apa saja faktor pendukung dan penghambat

dalam melaksanakan penilaian tes tertulis


Faktor pendukung:

siswa sangat kreatif

dan penghambat

adalah waktu.

b) Assignments

1. What are the assignments that are often

used by you to assess students’


Penugasan Answers (Jawaban)

Apa bentuk penugasan yang sering

digunakan oleh Bapak/Ibu untuk menilai

pengetahuan siswa?

Presentasi dan tugas

tertulis contoh


descriptive text.


2. What do you prepare before assessing

the assignments’ form?

Apa saja yang Bapak/Ibu persiapkan

sebelum melakukan penilaian dalam bentuk


Saya memberikan

penjelasan terlebih

dahulu. Misalnya harus

menukarkan tugas

kepada teman


3. When do you make assignments for


Kapan Bapak/Ibu melaksanakan penugasan

kepada siswa?

Setiap materi selesai,

saya langsung

memberikan penugasan

kepada siswa.

4. How do you observe the students when

they are doing on assignments?

Bagaimana Bapak/Ibu mengamati siswa

ketika mereka sedang mengerjakan tugas?

Saya mengelilingi meja

siswa per barisan.

5. What aspects do you most notice when

scoring the student assignments?

Aspek apa saja yang paling Bapak/Ibu

perhatikan ketika menilai tugas siswa?

Aspek kerapihan dan


6. How do you assess each students’

outcome and how to extend your

assessment to students?

Bagaimana Bapak/Ibu menilai setiap hasil

siswa dan cara menyampaikan hasil

penilaiannya kepada siswa?

Saya langsung

memberikan nilai

kepada siswa sesuai

dengan ketentuan tugas

yang sudah saya buat.


Kemudian, saya

langsung menyerahkan

tugasnya kepada


7. How do you give the students


Bagaimana Bapak/Ibu melakukan umpan

balik kepada siswa?

Saya memberikan

simbol seperti


digarisbawahi atau


8. What are the supporting and inhibiting

factors during conducting assessments

with an assignment?

Apa faktor pendukung dan penghambat saat

pelaksanaan penilaian dengan penugasan?

Faktor pendukung:

siswa yang sangat

interaktif dan

kolaboratif. Sedangkan

terkendala oleh

pengecekan tugas yang

membutuhkan waktu

cukup lama.


E. Knowledge of Skill Aspects Pengetahuan Aspek Keterampilan

a) Project Assessment

1. How do you assess the students’

planning, applying, and reporting

aspects of the project assessment?

Penilaian Proyek Answers (Jawaban)

Bagaimana Bapak/Ibu melakukan penilaian

pada aspek perencanaan, pelaksanaan, dan

pelaporan siswa dalam penilaian proyek?

Dengan melakukan

role-play di ruangan


2. What are the criteria you have noticed

in conducting this assessment?

Apa saja kriteria yang diperhatikan oleh

Bapak/Ibu dalam melakukan penilaian ini?

Perpaduan kerja

sama antar kelompok.

3. Are there any supporting and inhibiting

factors during enacting the project

assessments? Can you explain it more?

Adakah faktor pendukung dan penghambat

selama melaksanakan penilaian proyek?

Bisa Bapak/Ibu jelaskan lebih lanjut?

Faktor pendukung:

media dan kelas yang

interaktif. Sedangkan

terkendala oleh

kurangnya kondusif

di ruang kelas dan

membutuhkan waktu

yang lama.


b) Product Assessment

1. How do you assess the skill aspect of

product assessments?

Penilaian Produk Answers (Jawaban)

Bagaimana Bapak/Ibu menilai aspek

keterampilan dengan penilaian produk?

Kerja sama atau

kolaboratifnya siswa

dengan teman-


2. What do you prepare before carrying

out a skill assessment with this


Apa yang Bapak/Ibu persiapkan sebelum

melakukan penilaian keterampilan dengan

teknik ini?

Saya memberikan

penjelasan terlebih

dahulu kepada siswa.

3. What are your criteria for scoring the

student skills with this technique?

Apa saja kriteria Bapak/Ibu untuk menilai

keterampilan siswa dengan teknik ini?

Lebih kepada

kolaboratif nya siswa

yakni kekompakan

siswa di dalam


4. How do you provide the students’


Bagaimana Bapak/Ibu memberikan unpan

balik kepada siswa?

Saya memberikan

umpan balik dengan

menasihati dan

memberikan saran

secara lisan serta



5. How do you record and report

appraisal results with product


Bagaimana Bapak/Ibu mencatat dan

melaporkan hasil penilaian dengan

penilaian produk?

Saya mencatat di buku

daftar penilaian

kemudian saya

menyampaikan hasil

nya kepada

perwakilan tiap


6. What are the supporting and inhibiting

factors when assessing the students

with product assessment?

Apa saja faktor pendukung dan penghambat

ketika penilaian siswa dengan penilaian


Faktor pendukung:

siswa memiliki rasa

semangat namun

dengan kelas yang

besar ini menjadi



penilaian produk ini.

c) Portfolio Assessment

1. Do you use portfolios to assess the

student’s skills?

Penilaian Portofolio Answers (Jawaban)

Apa Bapak/Ibu menggunakan porto folio

untuk menilai keterampilan siswa? Pernah.


2. How do you make students’

assessments with portfolio assessment?

Bagaimana Bapak/Ibu memberikan

penilaian siswa dengan portofolio?

Dengan menyerahkan

hasil penilaian

langsung kepada


3. What do you prepare before carrying

out a portfolio assessment?

Apa yang Bapak/Ibu persiapkan sebelum

melakukan penilaian portofolio?

Saya menyiapkan

topik untuk

dikerjakan oleh


4. How do you display overall assessment

results to students with the portfolio?

Bagaimana cara Bapak/Ibu memaparkan

hasil penilaian keseluruhan dengan


Saya hanya

melakukan dengan

random saja dan

diberitahu kepada


5. What do you think is the best time to

conduct a portfolio assessment?

Menurut Bapak/Ibu, kapan penilaian

portofolio dapat dilaksanakan dengan baik?

Penilaian ini

dilakukan menjelang

akhir semester.

6. How do you give the students a time

limit in portfolio creation?

Bagaimana Bapak/Ibu memberikan batasan

waktu dalam pembuatan portofolio?

Saya memberikan

batasan selama satu



7. What are the supporting and inhibiting

factors in performing the portfolio


Apa faktor pendukung dan penghambat saat

melakukan penilaian portofolio?

Faktor pendukung:

siswa sangat

bersemangat untuk

mengerjakan tugas

ini. Penghambat:


Tangerang, 11th October 2019

English Teacher,

Teacher 1

NIP. 19791010 200312 2 006


Appendix 11


Name : Student 1

Class : X IPS 2

Date : Monday, 14th October 2019

Time : 12.10-13.00

Place : Library

To Students (Siswa)

No. Questions Pertanyaan Answers

(Jawaban) A. Affective Assessment Penilaian Kompetensi Sikap

a) Observation Observasi

1. Does your teacher observe the students

during the learning process in class?

Apakah gurumu mengamati para siswa

selama proses pembelajaran di kelas? Iya



What does your teacher always tell you

about attitude competencies that must be

achieved at the beginning of learning?


Apa gurumu selalu memberitahu tentang

kompetensi sikap yang harus dicapai siswa

pada awal pembelajaran? Bagaimana


Iya (kebersihan

kelas, pengerjaan


3. Does your teacher also explain the aspects

of attitudes that must be achieved?

Apakah gurumu juga menjelaskan aspek

sikap yang harus dicapai? Iya

b) Self and Peer Assessment Penilaian Diri dan Penilaian antar

Teman/Penilaian antar Siswa



1. Have you ever conducted self-assessment

in class?

Pernahkah kamu melakukan penilaian diri di

dalam kelas? Belum

2. Have you ever assessed task with peer-


Pernahkah kamu menilai tugas dengan

penilaian antar siswa? Pernah


When does your teacher instruct other

students to assess assignments with peer


Kapan gurumu menginstruksikan siswa lain

untuk menilai penugasan dengan penilaian

antar siswa?

Awal pembelajaran

4. How does self-assessment? Bagaimana penilaian diri itu? Belajar memahami



5. Before doing a self-assessment, does your

teacher give an explanation first to you?

Sebelum melakukan penilaian diri, apakah

gurumu memberi penjelasan terlebih dahulu

kepada kamu?


6. Did the teacher share self-assessment

sheets to you?

Apa guru membagikan lembar penilaian diri

kepada kamu? Gak ada

7. How does the peer assessment? Bagaimana penilaian antar siswa itu? Menilai karakter


8. Before doing a peer-assessment, does your

teacher give an explanation first to you?

Sebelum melakukan penilaian antar siswa,

apakah gurumu memberi penjelasan terlebih

dahulu kepada kamu?


9. Did the teacher share peer-assessment

sheets to you?

Apa guru membagikan lembar penilaian

antar siswa kepada kamu? Gak pernah

10. Who do you assess when the teacher

carries out peer-assessment?

Siapa yang kamu nilai ketika guru

melakukan penilaian antar siswa? Teman dekat

B. Cognitive Assessment Penilaian Kompetensi Pengetahuan Answers


a) Written Test Tes tertulis


1. When did your teacher give a written test? Kapan gurumu memberikan tes tertulis? Mendadak

2. What forms questions does your teacher

give for written tests?

Bentuk pertanyaan apa yang guru berikan

untuk tes tertulis?

Pilihan Ganda dan


3. How do you answer the question? Bagaimana cara kamu menjawab

pertanyaan? Satu per satu

4. Is multiple-choice question often chosen

by the teacher as a form of written test?

Apakah pertanyaan pilihan ganda sering

dipilih oleh guru sebagai bentuk tes tertulis? Jarang

b) Assignments Penugasan

1. What did your teacher give you as an


Apa saja yang gurumu berikan sebagai

bahan penugasan?

Dari buku paket +

buku pendamping


Does your teacher have specific criteria for

tests and assignments? Could you explain

it more?

Apakah gurumu memiliki kriteria khusus

untuk tes dan penugasan? Bisa kamu

jelaskan lebih lanjut?

Tidak ada

3. Did your teacher explain first about the

assignment? How?

Apakah gurumu selalu menjelaskan terlebih

dahulu tentang tugas yang akan dikerjakan?


Always, selalu



4. Did your teacher tell you about the ability

to be achieved from your task?

Apakah gurumu selalu memberitahu tentang

kemampuan yang akan dicapai dari tugasmu



5. Did your teacher tell you the rubric


Apakah gurumu memberitahu rubrik

penilaiannya kepada kamu? Tidak pernah

6. Is there a deadline for collecting

assignments? Adakah batas waktu pengumpulan tugas? Ada

7. How do you do the assignments?

Individually or in groups?

Bagaimana cara kamu mengerjakan tugas?

Sendiri atau kelompok? Kelompok

8. Is there any rule for each member in the

group? Who divided it?

Apakah ada pembagian peran setiap

anggota dalam kelompok? Siapa yang


Kita Sendiri

9. Do you always collect tasks on time based

on deadline?

Apakah kamu selalu mengumpulkan tugas

tepat waktu sesuai dengan batas waktu? Jarang

10. Did your teacher tell you about the scores? Apakah gurumu selalu memberitahu tentang

nilai? Iya

C. Skill Assessment Penilaian Kompetensi Keterampilan Answers


a) Project Assessment Penilaian Proyek

1. Have you ever done a project activity? Apakah kamu pernah melakukan kegiatan


Ada (power point +



2. When does your teacher give the

assignments in the form of projects?

Kapan gurumu memberikan tugas dalam

bentuk proyek? Baru minggu kemarin

3. What projects have you made? Proyek apa yang pernah dibuat? Power point, voice


4. Did your teacher tell and explain the

project assessment rubric to you?

Apakah gurumu memberitahu dan

menjelaskan rubrik penilaian proyek kepada



5. Do you understand every project

assignment that the teacher instructs?

Apakah kamu memahami setiap tugas proyek

yang diperintahkan guru? Sedikit

6. How does the teacher assess your project? Bagaimana cara guru menilai proyekmu? Cara presentasi

7. Does your teacher always check your


Apakah gurumu selalu memeriksa

proyekmu? Terkadang

8. When your project assignments are

finished, where do you save your project?

Apabila tugas proyekmu selesai, di mana

kamu menyimpan proyekmu?

E-mail, media


b) Product Assessment Penilaian Produk

1. Have you ever made a product? Pernahkah kamu membuat produk? -

2. What products have you made? Produk apa yang sudah pernah kamu buat? -


3. How does your teacher assess your

product? Bagaimana gurumu menilai produkmu? -

c) Portfolio Assessment Penilaian Portofolio

1. Have you ever saved the task results in a


Apa kamu pernah menyimpan hasil-hasil

tugas di dalam folder? -

2. Where do you save the folder that contains

the portfolio assignment?

Di mana kamu menyimpan folder yang berisi

tugas portofolio? -

3. What identity do you write on each

portfolio assignment?

Identitas apa yang kamu tulis di setiap tugas

portofolio? -


If your score is not satisfactory, does your

teacher give you an opportunity to fix your


Apabila hasilmu belum memuaskan, apakah

gurumu memberi kesempatan untuk

memperbaiki nilaimu?


5. Do you always write the date of your

portfolio assignments?

Apakah kamu selalu menulis tanggal di

setiap tugas portofoliomu? -

6. Has your teacher ever shown a student

portfolio assignment?

Apakah gurumu pernah menunjukkan hasil

portofolio siswa? -


Appendix 12


No Teacher’s Name Name of Institution Status

1. Esti Rohani, S.Pd.

MAN 1 Kota Tangerang

English Teacher

2. Dzul Fahmi, S.Pd. English Teacher

3. Miftahul Hamdi, S.Ag. Head of Curriculum


Teacher 1 : No item 1

Teacher 2 : No item 2

Teacher 3 : No item 3


Appendix 13


On Monday, 7 October 2019, I came to MAN 1 Kota Tangerang to give a

research letter to the Deputy Head of Curriculum, Mr Miftahul Hamdi. I arrived at

MAN 1 Kota Tangerang at 07.00 a.m. I had to wait until the ceremony was over so that

I could meet Mr Hamdi.

The ceremony started at 07.00 a.m. and ended at 07.45 a.m. After the ceremony,

I immediately met Mr Hamdi to ask for research permission. He asked me to give a

research letter to the Administration staff. After waiting for a while, I finally met Mrs

Juhairiah to talk about licensing. She said I had to wait until tomorrow to get the

disposition letter from the headmaster, Mr Ali Furqoni. Then, I met with Mr Hamdi

again to confirm my research. After he confirmed it, I immediately asked for a 10th

grade English syllabus. And he told me to meet the related English teacher. This is

regarding the research discussion. I met one of the grade X English teachers, Mr Dzul.

And I have discussed with him.

On Tuesday, 8 October 2019, I obtained the disposition letter for the research.

However, I had to wait for the observation. Then, I confirmed the Deputy Head of

Curriculum. Today I made my first observation in Grade X Science 1, checking the

writing assignments done in groups and individually. The next observation was in

Grade X Science 2. After that, the observation was in Grade X Religion 1. The last, it

was in Grade X Social 3.

On Wednesday, 9 October 2019, it was the third day, and the fifth observation.

In Grade X Social 2, there were project and product assessments with group

presentations. The Grade X Social 2 did the presentation, and so did the Grade X Social

1. After that, I looked for the students who wanted to participate in the interview so I


had to go around the school area. I had to get 5 participants each class. Uniquely, it

turned out there are still many students who were shy to be interviewed.

On Thursday, 10 October 2019, it was the 7th observation. I observed Grade X

Science 2. They were collecting papers, because Ms Esti, as their English teacher, had

previously given paper assignments to the class. The class was from 09.00 a.m. until

10.50 a.m. However, the learning activity was not paused for a break instead of it’s to

be continued. This was done to keep the class conduciveness.

On Friday, 11 October 2019, I observed Grade X Religion 2. Then I interviewed

Grade X Social 1 and X Science 3, they were group 3 in the interview. They were

interviewed at the first break, which was at 09.40 a.m. to 10.10 a.m. Then, I interviewed

the English teachers, Mrs Esti and Mr Dzul. They were interviewed at 10.30 a.m.-11.20

a.m. After that, I interviewed Grade X Religion 1 and X Religion 2 after Jum’ah Prayer.

On Monday, 14 October 2019, I observed Grade X Social 1, X Religion 1 & 2,

X Science 3, and X Social 2. Then at the first break, I went to each class to ask the

representatives of the class to be interviewed. After that, I asked each class

representatives to gather in the library during the second break. Sometime later, I

interviewed 8 students which was one student per class. And after school, I went to see

Mr Hamdi and interviewed him. The interview was at 15.30-16.30 in the Deputy Head

of Madrasah’s room.

On Tuesday, 15 October 2019, I did the English language learning observation

in the first period in Grade X Science 1. I observed the students’ attitude, which I

thought, at first, was pretty good. However, how surprised I was when I saw them

standing in front of the class. It turned out they did not do the assignments from Ms

Esti. And they were punished for that. The last class I observed was X Social 3. In the

middle of the learning session, there was an exercise, but this was more about testing

their understanding of the material that has been taught before.


Appendix 14




Sekolah : MAN 1 Kota Tangerang

Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris

Kelas/Semester : X/ Ganjil

Materi Pokok : Teks Deskriptif; Tempat Wisata dan Bangunan

Bersejarah Terkenal

Alokasi Waktu : 7 Minggu x 2 Jam Pelajaran @45 Menit

A. Kompetensi Inti

KI-1 dan KI-2: Menghayati dan mengamalkan ajaran agama yang

dianutnya. Menghayati dan mengamalkan perilaku jujur, disiplin, santun,

peduli (gotong royong, kerjasama, toleran, damai), bertanggung jawab,

responsif, dan pro-aktif dalam berinteraksi secara efektif sesuai dengan

perkembangan anak di lingkungan, keluarga, sekolah, masyarakat dan

lingkungan alam sekitar, bangsa, negara, kawasan regional, dan kawasan


KI 3: Memahami, menerapkan, dan menganalisis pengetahuan faktual,

konseptual, prosedural, dan metakognitif berdasarkan rasa ingin tahunya

tentang ilmu pengetahuan, teknologi, seni, budaya, dan humaniora dengan

wawasan kemanusiaan, kebangsaan, kenegaraan, dan peradaban terkait

penyebab fenomena dan kejadian, serta menerapkan pengetahuan prosedural

pada bidang kajian yang spesifik sesuai dengan bakat dan minatnya untuk

memecahkan masalah

KI4: Mengolah, menalar, dan menyaji dalam ranah konkret dan ranah abstrak

terkait dengan pengembangan dari yang dipelajarinya di sekolah secara

mandiri, bertindak secara efektif dan kreatif, serta mampu menggunakan

metode sesuai kaidah keilmuan


B. Kompetensi Dasar dan Indikator Pencapaian Kompetensi

Kompetensi Dasar Indikator

3.4 Membedakan fungsi sosial,

struktur teks, dan unsur

kebahasaan beberapa teks

deskriptif lisan dan tulis

dengan memberi dan meminta

informasi terkait tempat

wisata dan bangunan

bersejarah terkenal, pendek

dan sederhana, sesuai dengan

konteks penggunaannya

Mengidentifikasi ungkapan-ungkapan

memberi dan meminta informasi terkait

tempat wisata dan bangunan bersejarah


Mengidentifikasi perbedaan cara

pengungkapan dari masing-masing konteks

Memahami struktur teks ungkapan

memberi dan meminta informasi terkait

tempat wisata dan bangunan bersejarah terkenal

Memahami unsur kebahasaan dari

ungkapan memberi dan meminta

informasi terkait tempat wisata dan bangunan bersejarah terkenal

4.4 Teks deskriptif

4.4.1 Menangkap makna secara

kontekstual terkait fungsi

sosial, struktur teks, dan unsur

kebahasaan teks deskriptif,

lisan dan tulis, pendek dan

sederhana terkait tempat

wisata dan bangunan

bersejarah terkenal

4.4.2 Menyusun teks deskriptif

lisan dan tulis, pendek dan

sederhana, terkait tempat

wisata dan bangunan

bersejarah terkenal, dengan

memperhatikan fungsi sosial,

struktur teks, dan unsur

kebahasaan, secara benar dan

sesuai konteks

Menyusun kalimat meminta infromasi

terkait tempat wisata dan bangunan bersejarah terkenal

Menjawab pertanyaan tentang tempat

wisata dan bangunan bersejarah terkenal

yang diajukan kepadanya

Menyusun teks deskriptif lisan dan tulis,

pendek dan sederhana, terkait tempat

wisata dan bangunan bersejarah terkenal,

dengan memperhatikan fungsi sosial,

struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan,

secara benar dan sesuai konteks

C. Tujuan Pembelajaran

Setelah mengikuti proses pembelajaran, peserta didik diharapkan dapat:

Mengidentifikasi ungkapan-ungkapan memberi dan meminta informasi terkait

tempat wisata dan bangunan bersejarah terkenal


Mengidentifikasi perbedaan cara pengungkapan dari masing-masing konteks

Memahami struktur teks ungkapan memberi dan meminta informasi terkait

tempat wisata dan bangunan bersejarah terkenal

Memahami unsur kebahasaan dari ungkapan memberi dan meminta informasi

terkait tempat wisata dan bangunan bersejarah terkenal

Menyusun kalimat meminta infromasi terkait tempat wisata dan bangunan

bersejarah terkenal

Menjawab pertanyaan tentang tempat wisata dan bangunan bersejarah terkenal

yang diajukan kepadanya

Menyusun teks deskriptif lisan dan tulis, pendek dan sederhana, terkait tempat

wisata dan bangunan bersejarah terkenal, dengan memperhatikan fungsi sosial,

struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan, secara benar dan sesuai konteks

D. Materi Pembelajaran

Fungsi Sosial

Membanggakan, menjual, mengenalkan, mengidentifikasi, mengkritik, dsb.

Struktur Teks

Dapat mencakup

- Identifikasi (nama keseluruhan dan bagian)

- Sifat (ukuran, warna, jumlah, bentuk, dsb.)

- Fungsi, manfaat, tindakan, kebiasaan

Unsur kebahasaan

- Kosa kata dan istilah terkait dengan tempat wisata dan bangunan bersejarah


- Adverbia terkait sifat seperti quite, very, extremely, dst.

- Kalimat deklaratif dan interogatif dalam tense yang benar

- Nomina singular dan plural secara tepat, dengan atau tanpa a, the, this,

those, my, their, dsb.

- Ucapan, tekanan kata, intonasi, ejaan, tanda baca, dan tulisan tangan


Deskripsi tempat wisata dan bangunan bersejarah yang dapat menumbuhkan

perilaku yang termuat di KI

E. Metode Pembelajaran

1) Pendekatan : Saintifik

2) Model Pembelajaran : Discovery learning, Problem Based Learning (PBL)

3) Metode : Tanya jawab, wawancara, diskusi dan bermain peran

F. Media Pembelajaran

1. Media

Worksheet atau lembar kerja (siswa)

Lembar penilaian


2. Alat/Bahan

Penggaris, spidol, papan tulis

Laptop & infocus

G. Sumber Belajar

Buku Penunjang Kurikulum 2013 Mata Pelajaran Bahasa Inggris Kelas X,

Kemendikbud, Revisi Tahun 2016

Kamus Bahasa Inggris

Pengalaman peserta didik dan guru

H. Penilaian Hasil Pembelajaran

1. Sikap

- Penilaian Observasi

Penilaian observasi berdasarkan pengamatan sikap dan perilaku peserta

didik sehari-hari, baik terkait dalam proses pembelajaran maupun secara

umum. Pengamatan langsung dilakukan oleh guru. Berikut contoh

instrumen penilaian sikap


o Nama Siswa

Aspek Perilaku yang

Dinilai Jumla

h Skor





1 Soenarto 75 75 50 75 275 68,75 C

2 ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

Keterangan :

• BS : Bekerja Sama

• JJ : Jujur

• TJ : Tanggun Jawab

• DS : Disiplin

Catatan :

1. Aspek perilaku dinilai dengan kriteria:

100 = Sangat Baik

75 = Baik

50 = Cukup

25 = Kurang

2. Skor maksimal = jumlah sikap yang dinilai dikalikan jumlah kriteria =

100 x 4 = 400

3. Skor sikap = jumlah skor dibagi jumlah sikap yang dinilai = 275 : 4 =


4. Kode nilai / predikat :

75,01 – 100,00 = Sangat Baik (SB)


50,01 – 75,00 = Baik (B)

25,01 – 50,00 = Cukup (C)

00,00 – 25,00 = Kurang (K)

5. Format di atas dapat diubah sesuai dengan aspek perilaku yang ingin


- Penilaian Diri

Seiring dengan bergesernya pusat pembelajaran dari guru kepada peserta

didik, maka peserta didik diberikan kesempatan untuk menilai kemampuan

dirinya sendiri. Namun agar penilaian tetap bersifat objektif, maka guru

hendaknya menjelaskan terlebih dahulu tujuan dari penilaian diri ini,

menentukan kompetensi yang akan dinilai, kemudian menentukan kriteria

penilaian yang akan digunakan, dan merumuskan format penilaiannya Jadi,

singkatnya format penilaiannya disiapkan oleh guru terlebih dahulu.

Berikut contoh format penilaian :

No Pernyataan Ya Tidak Jumlah







Selama diskusi, saya

ikut serta mengusulkan



250 62,50 C


Ketika kami

berdiskusi, setiap

anggota mendapatkan

kesempatan untuk




Saya ikut serta dalam

membuat kesimpulan

hasil diskusi



4 ... 100

Catatan :

1. Skor penilaian Ya = 100 dan Tidak = 50

2. Skor maksimal = jumlah pernyataan dikalikan jumlah kriteria = 4 x 100

= 400

3. Skor sikap = (jumlah skor dibagi skor maksimal dikali 100) = (250 : 400)

x 100 = 62,50

4. Kode nilai / predikat :

75,01 – 100,00 = Sangat Baik (SB)

50,01 – 75,00 = Baik (B)

25,01 – 50,00 = Cukup (C)

00,00 – 25,00 = Kurang (K)


5. Format di atas dapat juga digunakan untuk menilai kompetensi

pengetahuan dan keterampilan

- Penilaian Teman Sebaya

Penilaian ini dilakukan dengan meminta peserta didik untuk menilai

temannya sendiri. Sama halnya dengan penilaian hendaknya guru telah

menjelaskan maksud dan tujuan penilaian, membuat kriteria penilaian, dan

juga menentukan format penilaiannya. Berikut Contoh format penilaian

teman sebaya :

Nama yang diamati : ...

Pengamat : ...

No Pernyataan Ya Tidak Jumlah






1 Mau menerima

pendapat teman. 100

450 90,00 SB


Memberikan solusi





Memaksakan pendapat

sendiri kepada anggota



4 Marah saat diberi

kritik. 100

5 ... 50

Catatan :

1. Skor penilaian Ya = 100 dan Tidak = 50 untuk pernyataan yang positif,

sedangkan untuk pernyataan yang negatif, Ya = 50 dan Tidak = 100

2. Skor maksimal = jumlah pernyataan dikalikan jumlah kriteria = 5 x 100

= 500

3. Skor sikap = (jumlah skor dibagi skor maksimal dikali 100) = (450 : 500)

x 100 = 90,00

4. Kode nilai / predikat :

75,01 – 100,00 = Sangat Baik (SB)

50,01 – 75,00 = Baik (B)

25,01 – 50,00 = Cukup (C)

00,00 – 25,00 = Kurang (K)

- Penilaian Jurnal = cara menghitung rata-rata skor yaitu SB (Sangat Baik),

B (Baik), C (Cukup), dan K (Kurang).


2. Penilaian Pengetahuan

Tabel Penilaian Aspek Pengetahuan

No Aspek yang

Dinilai Kriteria





1 Tujuan


Sangat memahami 5 4

Memahami 4 3

Cukup memahami 3 2


memahami Hampir tidak


2 1

Tidak memahami 1

2 Keruntutan


Struktur teks yang digunakan



5 4

Struktur teks yang digunakan runtut 4 3

Struktur teks yang digunakan cukup

runtut 3 2

Struktur teks





Struktur teks




tidak runtut

2 1

Struktur teks


digunakan tidak



3 Pilihan


Sangat variatif dan tepat 5 4

Variatif dan tepat 4 3

Cukup variatif dan tepat 3 2

Kurang variatif


Tepat Hampir tidak

variatif dan


2 1

Tidak variatif





4 Pilihan Tata


Pilihan tata bahasa sangat tepat 5 4

Pilihan tata bahasa tepat 4 3

Pilihan tata bahasa cukup tepat 3 2

Pilihan tata


kurang tepat

Pilihan tata


hampir tidak


2 1

Pilihan tata


tidak tepat


3. Penilaian Keterampilan

a. Penilaian Presentasi/Monolog

Nama peserta didik: ________ Kelas: _____

No. Aspek yang Dinilai Baik Kurang


1. Organisasi presentasi (pengantar, isi,


2. Isi presentasi (kedalaman, logika)

3. Koherensi dan kelancaran berbahasa

4. Bahasa:


Tata bahasa

Perbendaharaan kata

5. Penyajian (tatapan, ekspresi wajah, bahasa


Skor yang dicapai

Skor maksimum 10


Baik mendapat skor 2

Kurang baik mendapat skor 1


b. Rubrik untuk Penilaian Unjuk Kerja





Tidak jelas


Beberapa kegiatan

jelas dan terperinci

Semua kegiatan

jelas dan


Role Play

Membaca script,

kosakata terbatas,

dan tidak lancar

Lancar dan kosakata

dan kalimat

berkembang, serta

ada transisi


mencapai fungsi

sosial, struktur

lengkap dan





Fungsi social tidak

tercapai, ungkapan

dan unsur

kebahasaan tidak


Fungsi social kurang

tercapai, ungkapan

dan unsure

kebahasaan kurang


Fungsi social


ungkapan dan





Tidak lancar, topik

kurang jelas, dan

tidak menggunakan

slide presentasi

Lancar, topik jelas,

dan menggunakan

slide presentasi

tetapi kurang


Sangat lancar,

topic jelas,


slide presentasi

yang menarik



Membaca teks,

fungsi social

kurang tercapai,

ungkapan dan

unsur kebahasaan

kurang tepat, serta

tidak lancar

Kurang lancar,

fungsi social

tercapai, struktur dan

unsure kebahasaan

tepat dan kalimat

berkembang, serta

ada transisi


mencapai fungsi

sosial, struktur

lengkap dan



sesuai, kalimat


serta ada



MAHIR mendapat skor 3

MEMUASKAN mendapat skor 2

TERBATAS mendapat skor 1


c. Penilaian Portofolio

Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris

Alokasi Waktu : 1 Semester

Sampel yang Dikumpulkan : karangan

Nama Peserta didik : ______________

Kelas :_________

No Kompete

nsi Dasar



Contoh aspek yang dinilai Catata








aan kata












.... dst







.... dst

d. Penilaian Kemampuan Menulis





Kriteria Skor




1 Keaslian


Sangat original 5 4

Original 4 3

Cukup original 3 2


memahami Hampir tidak


2 1

Tidak original 1



isi dengan


Isi sangat sesuai dengan judul 5 4

Isi sesuai dengan judul 4 3

Isi cukup sesuai dengan judul 3 2

Isi kurang sesuai

dengan judul

Isi hampir tidak

sesuai dengan judul 2 1


Isi tidak sesuai

dengan judul 1

3 Keruntutan


Keruntutan teks sangat tepat 5 4

Keruntutan teks tepat 4 3

Keruntutan teks cukup tepat 3 2

Keruntutan teks

kurang tepat Isi hampir tidak

sesuai dengan judul

2 1

Keruntutan teks

tidak tepat 1

4 Pilihan


Pilihan kosakata sangat tepat 5 4

Pilihan kosakata tepat 4 3

Pilihan kosakata cukup tepat 3 2

Pilihan kosakata

kurang tepat Pilihan kosakata

hampir tidak tepat

2 1

Pilihan kosakata

tidak tepat 1

5 Pilihan tata


Pilihan tata bahasa sangat tepat 5 4

Pilihan tata bahasa tepat 4 3

Pilihan tata bahasa cukup tepat 3 2

Pilihan tata

bahasa kurang

tepat Pilihan tata bahasa

hamper tidak tepat

2 1

Pilihan tata

bahasa tidak



6 Penulisan


Penulisan kosakata sangat tepat 5 4

Penulisan kosakata tepat 4 3

Penulisan kosakata cukup tepat 3 2


kosakata kurang


Penulisan kosakata

hampir tidak tepat 2 1


Skor Penilaian

No. Huruf Rentang angka

1. Sangat Baik (A) 86-100

2. Baik (B) 71-85

3. Cukup (C) 56-70

4. Kurang (D) ≤ 55

4. Pengayaan

Bagi peserta didik yang telah mencapai target pembelajaran sebelum waktu

yang telah dialokasikan berakhir, perlu diberikan kegiatan pengayaan.

5. Pengayaan

Bagi peserta didik yang belum mencapai target pembelajaran pada waktu yang

telah dialokasikan, perlu diberikan kegiatan remedial.

Tangerang, Juli 2019


Kepala Sekolah MAN 1 Kota Tangerang Guru Bahasa Inggris

Ali Furqoni, M.Si. Esti Rohani, S.Pd

NIP. 19671225 199703 1 001 NIP. 19791010 200312 2 006

Catatan Kepala Sekolah


kosakata tidak



7 Kerapihan


Tulisan rapi dan mudah terbaca 5 4

Tulisan tidak rapi tetapi mudah terbaca 4 3

Tulisan tidak rapi dan tidak mudah

terbaca 3 2

Tulisan tidak rapi

dan sulit terbaca Tulisan rapi dan

hamper tidak


2 1

Tulisan tidak rapi

dan tidak terbaca 1


Appendix 15


Bahasa Inggris Umum

Satuan Pendidikan : SMA/MA

Kelas : X (Sepuluh)

Kompetensi Inti :

KI-1 dan KI-2: Menghayati dan mengamalkan ajaran agama yang dianutnya.

Menghayati dan mengamalkan perilaku jujur, disiplin, santun, peduli (gotong

royong, kerjasama, toleran, damai), bertanggung jawab, responsif, dan pro-aktif

dalam berinteraksi secara efektif sesuai dengan perkembangan anak di lingkungan,

keluarga, sekolah, masyarakat dan lingkungan alam sekitar, bangsa, negara,

kawasan regional, dan kawasan internasional”.

KI 3: Memahami, menerapkan, dan menganalisis pengetahuan faktual, konseptual,

prosedural, dan metakognitif berdasarkan rasa ingin tahunya tentang ilmu

pengetahuan, teknologi, seni, budaya, dan humaniora dengan wawasan

kemanusiaan, kebangsaan, kenegaraan, dan peradaban terkait penyebab fenomena

dan kejadian, serta menerapkan pengetahuan prosedural pada bidang kajian yang

spesifik sesuai dengan bakat dan minatnya untuk memecahkan masalah

KI4: Mengolah, menalar, dan menyaji dalam ranah konkret dan ranah abstrak

terkait dengan pengembangan dari yang dipelajarinya di sekolah secara mandiri,

bertindak secara efektif dan kreatif, serta mampu menggunakan metode sesuai

kaidah keilmuan.


Kompetensi Dasar Materi Pembelajaran Kegiatan Pembelajaran

3.4 Membedakan fungsi sosial,

struktur teks, dan unsur

kebahasaan beberapa teks

deskriptif lisan dan tulis

dengan memberi dan

meminta informasi terkait

tempat wisata dan bangunan

bersejarah terkenal, pendek

dan sederhana, sesuai

dengan konteks


Fungsi Sosial

Membanggakan, menjual,

mengenalkan, mengidentifikasi,

mengkritik, dsb.

Struktur Teks

Dapat mencakup :Identifikasi

(nama keseluruhan dan bagian),

Sifat (ukuran, warna, jumlah,

bentuk, dsb.), Fungsi, manfaat,

tindakan, kebiasaan

Unsur kebahasaan

- Kosa kata dan istilah terkait

dengan tempat wisata dan

bangunan bersejarah terkenal

- Adverbia terkait sifat seperti

quite, very, extremely, dst.

- Kalimat deklaratif dan

interogatif dalam tense yang


- Nomina singular dan plural

secara tepat, dengan atau

- Menyimak dan menirukan guru membacakan teks

deskriptif sederhana tentang tempat wisata dan/atau

bangunan bersejarah terkenaldengan intonasi, ucapan,

dan tekanan kata yang benar.

- Mencermati danbertanya jawab tentang contoh

menganalisisdeskripsi dengan alat seperti tabel, mind

map, dan kemudian menerapkannya untuk menganalisis

beberapa deskripsi tempat wisata dan bangunan lain

- Mencermati cara mempresentasikan hasil analisis

secara lisan, mempraktekkan di dalam kelompok

masing-masing, dan kemudian mempresentasikan di

kelompok lain

- Mengunjungi tempat wisata atau bangunan bersejarah

untuk menghasilkan teks deskriptif tentang tempat

wisata atau bangunan bersejarahsetempat.

- Menempelkan teks di dinding kelas dan bertanya jawab

dengan pembaca (siswa lain, guru) yang datang


- Melakukan refleksi tentang proses dan hasil belajar.

4.4 Teks deskriptif

4.4.1 Menangkap makna secara

kontekstual terkait fungsi

sosial, struktur teks, dan

unsur kebahasaan teks

deskriptif, lisan dan tulis,

pendek dan sederhana

terkait tempat wisata dan

bangunan bersejarah



4.4.2 Menyusun teks deskriptif

lisan dan tulis, pendek dan

sederhana, terkait tempat

wisata dan bangunan

bersejarah terkenal, dengan

memperhatikan fungsi

sosial, struktur teks, dan

unsur kebahasaan, secara

benar dan sesuai konteks

3.5 Membedakan fungsi sosial,

struktur teks, dan unsur

kebahasaan beberapa teks

khusus dalam bentuk


(announcement), dengan

memberi dan meminta

informasi terkait kegiatan

sekolah, sesuai dengan

konteks penggunaannya

- tanpa a, the, this, those, my,

their, dsb.

- Ucapan, tekanan kata,

intonasi, ejaan, tanda baca,

dan tulisan tangan


Deskripsi tempat wisata dan

bangunan bersejarah yang dapat

menumbuhkan perilaku yang

termuat di KI

Fungsi Sosial

Menjalin hubungan

interpersonal dan akademik

antar peserta didik, guru, dan


Struktur Teks

- Istilah khusus terkait dengan

jenis pemberitahuannya

- Informasi khas yang relevan

- Gambar, hiasan, komposisi



Appendix 16


Table 16.1

The Aspects, Techniques, and Instruments of Authentic Assessment

Aspect Assessment Technique Instrument Forms

Affective Assessment Teacher observation

Checklist completed

with a rating scale

Journal Field note

Cognitive Assessment

Written test Multiple-choice and

essay test

Assignments Individual or group

tasks or homework

Skill Assessment Project tasks Rubric scoring


Table 16.2

Rubric Scoring in Writing

No Assessment Technique Description

1. Observation

Rubric scoring is in table form

(holistic rubric)

Journal Field note

2. Written test Rubric using a rating scale

Assignments Rubric using a rating scale

3. Project tasks Rubric scoring is in table form

(analytic rubric)


Appendix 17


Figure 1

Daily Teaching Journal

Figure 2

Teacher’s Journal

Figure 3

The Topic: To be A Good Student