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today architecture ambiguity of The Hade akbare Seddiq

Postgraduate students Research Science, Engineering, Architecture , Islamic Azad University of Bushehr , Iran


In our architecture , both in terms of the criteria is not clearly established and in practice , factors such as Once again , if the architecture , authenticity, distinctiveness , the wonders of creation and expression as selfish and accepting diversity and change Or create unity through replication of the same architecture , without regard to its meaning and importance only to the lack of standardized And disorders of the lap . That can be one of the causes of the current turmoil in the architecture , what is profound confusion at the fixed Would be variable . Relying on the world order , to clarify ambiguities concerning stability and change , rather than as ideas on how to spend Architecture , but also a reflection of the fixed and variable nature of human life , it is within the architecture begins to make way for The architecture consists of fixed and variable life open . Humans have a sort of fixed Tand in response to nature and the The tradition of the divine , infinite time and space. Architecture can be defined as the degree to which it is fixed under Special skirt can be made in time , the variable is fixed Tmdar .

Keywords Architecture Today , fixed , variable , nature , divine tradition .

The measure of the reflective architecture today The field In architectural education today, the question of the existence and nature of the soul Fixed principles , with students and teachers is abundant architecture . At Architecture schools are often not clear which part of the design Students can be their personal creativity and Mtghyrsh

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In which sectors can be assigned a fixed rule to speak . Proof of Jesus' words , what hospital school of architecture Familiarize students with a variety of insults occurring at Aid The so-called modern architecture , while acquainting them And leave them without any knowledge of the architecture of the Value and the direction is clear architectural identity , the The criteria and their wandering in the valley of the training Yfrjamy A ) H. , 1383, 27 ( . Terms " Architectural Education Today ... Remains in a state of suspension . Learning that occasionally diverges So the modes of Architecture ) postmodern Dykanstrakshn , Folding , ... (Dell closes due to low abundance of life Learning styles " to the " have become the focal point of any No '), H. , 1389, 14 ( . Salyngrvs acquired in the most Architecture communities , stating that a young student in question Path to becoming an architect who learns , says , " For example, the As the fundamentals of optics and medical Tshnasy Ybynym in There is a consistent set of data and information architecture Reference that can be made ? " And his answer as many Another of us is a " surprise, there is no such thing No " ) Salyngrvs , 1387, 33 ( . 's One reason he about This is the standard speech , ignorance , and ignorance or defiance In other words, the architects studied the law and is consistent It can be learned from past architectural architecture today The continued ) Salyngrvs , 1387, 37 ( . Face of architecture in our country today than any other time Plural , is confused and disconnected from its past . Molt Great cities and landscape architectural identity in the outside world Scholars are more visible and acknowledged . The Next Step Architecture today is known as the equation with infinite To answer . Most of the architects of the current dispute over the What is binding and how the architecture is fixed or variable and Altghyyr or necessary . Since one of the important steps in the treatment of It is a pain , this article seeks to demonstrate that pain Ambiguity in determining what constant pain in architecture today And variable returns and benefiting from dispersed proposals and

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Introduction The pain turns to face lap while treatment can Adherence to a worldview and set the path to stability and change It goes on in people's lives . View article with a The architecture reflects the current situation and the issue will help Documentation and argument to explain the method which deals What is the seemingly obvious and simple fixed- and variable - conflict and ambiguity There is a reference in the fundamental principles of necessity To be seen. Basics about the world 's dependence on paper Ruling Container architecture is convinced that human life and human 1 Approved by the world 's indigenous people , the architecture in response Fixed human nature , fixed Tmdar is defined . In addition to education , most of the architectural competition The problems caused by the measure or seek change and variety and B Yhd Hand account of the struggle is such recognized standards , Personal preferences of judges or organizers are 2 different designs And lacking in common with others , or even if the last 3 Changing habits and ideas just presented and well run 4 or 5. Do not really have any fixed criteria or the judge who initially The final order and judgment is tested to work together and interact with Vannhd being past or different and surprising , that the Schwann " has come to a point where it just based on the works of art Apart from any other fixed objective criteria , assessment The Ygyrd " ) Schwann , 1383, 133 ( . Legislation and common rules in the field of architecture Criterion is often either a mother or a law in force in the Basics Brnkhvasth is reliable . Under what rules Every city has decided to set up the hospital building architects , More instructions Lhayy so that each time constant But it may simply be paid under such circumstances Fines or modify the decision of the management and policies of macro- To 6 . The question that needs to happen here is that the stability Basically, if so , to what extent can this be true Frequently spoke of the true uncertainty in these rules or the There are changing ?

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Reflecting on the dismal landscape architecture Today in practice Along with anarchical current architectural solutions in In practice, the architects of this work is to improve the Requires rethinking is as much part of the problem Rome B C inhibits the self Lhayy architecture intended to improve the course 63, Situation and the loss of stability or variability and favorable changes in It is going on .

Mere imitation of the past The problem is some confusion and parting Drahng Architecture Historically, the direct use of the architecture in the earlier chapters Signs of a simplistic and superficial form of Dora final Sometimes they are merely historical portrayal of the city , or Lhay the form instructions , as common surface treatment 7 and even affecting the recognition of professional Has 8. This is the view of people like Shari M. Assume that states have absolute abandonment of traditional architecture More unforgivable is ) Shariyatzadeh, 1374, 66 ( . Concerns such What can be said against the fixed architecture , which These imitations have one serious criticism : "What can and should To pay for it , rather than the traditional architecture is an architectural traditions.

traditions That the progress of science and technology, and the lower ends Change , the more they affect global weather and climate and Certain aspects of a particular culture are G·hay " ) the same , 67 . (

Escape the past , the originality and sheer multiplicity In contrast, these same so-called traditionalism and nationalism Formally, the insatiable ambition of characters and events , and even Recoverable Data Architecture for school modernization . This Inclined to form so-called Modern architecture building in the country We are enjoying the opportunity false traditionalism through Once again the architect has created a Lhay more cleavage

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And architects who want to acknowledge their evolution have been Thanks to an ever-increasing range of communication resources to re- experience Oriented departments or the architect of teeth today on the West and Face turbulent time for cities seeking to change It is necessary to have created . Some of the farmers in The following acts are 9 comments about Tavt Bruno says : "Woe Our concepts : space , home style! How these concepts are bad ! They Destroy them and beginning to read ! They do not leave anything out ! Schools close them , let them take their masks of four yea Lay down . Contemporary fuck you ! Leave a soil scientist Been tangled up and stay Hey concepts , ideologies and systems And we taste the cold north wind . Death of pests ! Death Suffocating everything ! ... Death to anything serious ! " ) Salyngrvs , 1387 , 370 ( . Way that Salyngrvs words , today's architects Academic justification for avoiding patterns, the old debate of modern In traditional times before the Ykshnd ) Ibid, 383 ( . Thus it can be said, in the lap of art and architecture The only area where some form of pluralism and Escape past punished and the only constant argue any time We have changed . In a time where the build artifacts , Every human has absolute discretion , any action authorized , any new good And strangely beautiful track ! No shortage of schools and competitions It 's only been recently that the architecture is stable and differentiated only by Others can be considered. In Jencks says , " If something This community is dominated by pluralism is the same as the ' radical ' It can not be ruled Asassh principle , promoting the principle of selection Is " ) Jencks , 1374 , 47 ( . Way that some of us reject all Things such as what date the certificate is being held accountable , Urge to have a career , unaware of the fact that the choice Regardless of what the man has proven responsive Does not have to interpret Salyngrvs 10 " to avoid Applying traditional architectural solutions initially only anti-patterns Will remain for architects " ) Salyngrvs , 1387, 398 ( . This series of events can be inescapable and inauspicious results. Modern so- called intellectual development of its assets in Have their names included in promises ' as standard ' just '

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He demanded , " what an unusual architectural style, or to speak more Is more effective than so-called " string Ragy Netter " would be 11 ) as , . ) 375 Identical ) constant ( shape and repetition of meaningless In the turmoil of pluralism , a similar mechanism of teeth 12 in connection with the inauspicious appearance of a vast global village ideas and Same currency values , indigenous origin caused 13 deaths and The loss took place with unique character and As part of the human character in the light and places grows Each person to interpret Nvrbrg Schultz , a native of the land Ynmayd 14 , Nmnd mocha man has destroyed the identity of the subject . Such The man of today , more than ever , with the land appearances Same or similar , there is an alien and stranger . Today once That have been described with Chrmayf and Alexander 1963 with the help of Bernie Christopher word " variety, spice of life It is not original content " ) Chrmayf and Alexander , 1376 ; 86 ( dread it that " when one of the stations. General underground subway emerges destined to be lost ... Ha points in a raster map of all the dead , and all communication Thay Underground building them, are identical and no differential Among them is the ... " ), The 66 ( . Thus the interpretation Shayegan , of the " ultimate human frame 15 " with a garlic spaces Uniform mobility and stimulate today 's daily life experiences "Truly , .. " Genuine diversity " is missing " ) Shayegan , 1387, 89 ( . Uniform and dense residential building with 16 icons and fixed interest Contemporary manifestation of this problem is from North to South and from East Large variety of genuine diversity to detect a difference in the West , the forgotten And the error is gone .

64, Schwann searching for the same reasons as mentioned by That " words like " colored congregation "and" thou shalt rest » They have to forge a clear conscience , to hold anything Necessarily due to wearing of the divine revelation of the divine stability

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It is important to get rid of " ) Schwann , 1383, 140 ( . Higher than To say Guenon , in this homogenizing modern , always with the same Asa Netter 17 lower and more successful if the following word "This formal unity , but also because they tend to The situation further realize the true unity , in contrast to It goes to show that the cartoon There . " That's right ," the world " is more uniform Than or equal " is as much of " being together "means This is far from true word " ) Guenon , 1384 , 62 ( .

Distinctiveness and originality of their own selfish Besides being one of the causes of change , because the outer New discoveries , is the industrialization of society , the The purpose of these causes , and the belief in the inherent nobility of man Full conflicting desires and actions of human beings. The immediate result of this authentic "self" and not even human , widescreen To stand upon any person , including any architect Khvdyt Architecture that provides the freedom of being outside This confusion also carries lap . In fact , in the new era Gary and wonderful surprises and attention from May practice standards Selection and is driven by many architects . That The number of humans whom 18 different answers to each question and not allowed Is considered essential in the increasingly cut Mbdyy Divine , his soul the soul of man is an animal . At Shbynanh tempered condition , the treatment strategy for overcoming The current turmoil in sum , and the majority of these Animal population . Arnheim 's blaming it on individualism Architecture provides a " culture of consistent individual differences In the framework of the common style Ygnjd and thereby the whole picture No guarantees Yy society , but Step strengthened . In our culture , individualism Economic competition is often the case that the notion of authenticity Has distorted its strangeness and originality of the surrounding buildings The Ydand 19 " ) Arnheim , 1382, 275 ( . Salyngrvs also referred to Star architecture has been the trend for today 's situation Describes it well illustrates the architecture of our community "It 's true , this is a game that demands Bsazv Data

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Bfrv values and public hu Mdgrayanh consider as backing Henry uses " ) Salyngrvs , 1387, 315 ( . Well as OK Nvrbrg Schultz architects today have emerged that always And can provide a solution and that all architectures other Solution to a problem is not a private affair 20 ) Schultz , 1387 (A) , 376 ( . Jencks also described acceleration and democracy in modern times According to Andy Warhol , "In the future everyone for fifteen minutes. In the celebrity world, " states that every generation and every ism New lasts for at least two years now and no matter The artist is good or bad . The artist even plausibly Data are separated by the two- year Slyq can wait A new development cycle will turn again , he comes ) Jencks , 1375, 53 ( . Thus the validity of this view that the difference between Ghana does not mean it does not work ) Ibid, 55 ( Every Human Allowed to express their opinion and architectural practice and making it worse Express themselves in their appearance is made . This is the first of many scholars today When they wonder where to place a very high degree The real beauty of it is owned by Mohammad Taghi Parsley " .... It is very unfortunate that an artist, a genius of all geniuses And mental and nervous energy and lifetime hours spent valuables Shvranydn inconclusive, the people and the only way to win Wonders convince people person ... If the rioting crowd An introduction to the art and to their surprise transformation Evolutionary audiences and reviewers is not nothing but phenomena Are mentally unstable '), Parsley , 1386 , 21 ( 21 .

, without regard to the meaning and intentImportance of shapes Architecture Regardless of their belief in the necessity of changing or similar forms ; Regardless of the authenticity of the global architecture of comorbidity Pain Is , the experts noted the diverse range of 's . In fact, most of today was taken up in H Lhay FBS can be obtained without regard to prudent financial sense And intent of the architecture is summarized in the creation of buildings We have only Ytlbydh modern or traditional format statues attract If they are . 22 Miss Vndrvhh amid the modern era, Note woes and says it 's " the right architecture

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Facts relied on , but the true extent of its scope of action implies Meaning { is } . I hope to find innovative architecture with the lowest proportion And { } is the children's playground , both young and not old ... » ) Conrad , 1964 , 154 ( . Architectural school in some of the consequences Definitions and the elapsed time forgotten architectural intentions This is the only concern of the long training and Hajj is apparent how composition skills . Such objections from Bsyarya Concepts and esoteric meanings and diminish the appearance of architecture So the idea is born , for example, the discussion of survival and Both durable stability of the architecture are discussed , but today Some employers and architects in the fall meant survival and survival , The eternal monument to its durability and physical And worse than all the climates are merely trying alike And thanks to the strong interest in architecture to create a viable 65, That the responsiveness , stability and shelf-life real far . In search of solutions Was found that some of the problems of modern architecture in doubt Note that the root of the architecture and the latest Balasalh Direct stability and change in traditional , modern, uniform or vary its Arises while the architectural continuity of life Offer can not be fixed and variable nature of the Thought Balasalh and only if , a reflection of the constant And variable life, then how can the answer to that architecture . This is the default search researching , backed by the ruling ideology As a point of reference and reliance is made . Based on fixed and variable life World order Based on Islamic philosophy , the universe , man and life Zvmrtbh are introduced deliberately in Htryn this sort Hamand After defining the substance and meaning . 23 Plato apparently stable World , share and domain material elements but not Shbahat Meanings or ideas that belong to the world is the sphere of material beyond And stability , stillness , unity and objectivity of their total , followed by Tjl their substance in the universe , the origin of his characters Nmvdyn , The " unity of existence , stability and refers to " the creation of material

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" Multiplicity , becoming , change and relativity " are . Plato in Parmndys paper , Fylbs and Tymayvs twice in the stability and Change , even if it raises issues that any Pairs , one stable and the other is the world of ideas and the world of the universe The material world is changing , belongs. These categories are there The becoming - object in front of otherness , unity versus Diversity , stability, stillness and the movement and change , and apply the Relativity ) Plato , 1357 , 1641-1729 and 1729-1821 and 1821 - 1923 ( . Among the Islamic scholars , in terms of the material world. As a matter of continuous two- way switch and a plurality of potentiality and actuality However, once all of the world 's absolving the sense that Everything in the universe, and as soon as the actual stability and unity. Rafiee Allama Qazwini says that the withdrawal of this chapter Gradual thing from potentiality to actuality , in fact , that the gradual Issue of lack of character and conscience towards its perfection perfection The other component is any component ) Rafiee Qazwini , 1340 , 6 And 7 ( . Such is the defining characteristic is that the stability Reached the ultimate and no other changes need to belong to the realm of abstract But the transformation takes place, the amount , manner and ... And Belong to the material world . On the other hand , the man who defined Zvmratby 24 Of water and mud in the heart of its existence has allocated Basically, in order to prove the truth of the possibility of human exemplar Religion has provided a framework of space and time . The word Sheikh Alryys , self development and reproductive function is only power , " Vegetative soul " and also that you feel should be added , and the " self- Animal 'and when the component is added to that rationally , " self- "Human times the detail man" theory of self- Rational connection with the active intellect that is reasonable to Achieves its true perfection , perfection as it does There . The best thing that a man can realize his Achieve the best balance for what could The true nature of his education , which makes it perfect " ) Aynaty , 1383, 407 ( . , In fact , during his human life

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Migration of the infrared it is supreme " ... John kingdom under the policy. Soil and preen is going to be mental ") Hassanzadeh , 1386 , 56 And 57 ( . Salvation and eternal stability Hey there, then the spiritual The actions that a person with the authority and the tools to next Ygzrd Median Yash Will do . The man who is successful or cause to By far the real meaning of life and living in the lap of Are . In such a world , and in the life Zvmratb Primordial and eternal truths and meanings of the Supreme Order of the universe and the time and place Be plotted and to underscore the man , stopping at ground level and Material is prohibited . Yet Quran " nature " as the basis of sustained and B Yzman location and address of all people named " St. God " has been described as a convert . On this basis we can Manifestations of the same nature as that tradition in humans , the Everything in the universe is stable, based on divine 's . In several verses of the Holy Quran Divine Tradition The B & B turned out to be as Ythvyl " .... Never God, my conversion to tradition for tradition, God never changes Yyaby Not found " ) Fater , 43 ( . 's Interpretations , conversions, the overall change And replace it with something else and deliver the transformation Thing ) Tabatabai , 1374 , 297 (which is mentioned in the verse that can be achieved using The " LEN " indicates that the rule is forever ) Tayyib , 1378 , 212 ( emphasis 's . So God is not a tradition or something else to Can not be delivered or if the other Changes ), al-Husseini , 1404, 338 and Tabatabai , 1374 , 83 ( . It can be said with regard to the introduction of two times beyond the material and Consequently, they lack the human , with all of nature is flexible and Nature , the same elements that over time and across locations It does not change . References to Quran terms of human uniqueness And addressing all the monitors that look , All humans are equal before God and the fixed contacts are stuck together this way , They are the divine nature ; Motahari as in the expression ' the real me man "

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says that although the philosophy spirit and soul

66, Psychologists call the unconscious or the greater part of it was composed , but Me and My Dqy Qtr Qtr mystics of spirit , and those who are witnesses Ydannd Intuition is not separate from God , and so I lay forgotten One is that it has discouraged ) Motahari , 1388 204 ( the " ... focus on your own all right , toward the religion. Do the same nature ) nature ( God 's people on the clay 's . Yyrpzyr not change God 's creation ... » ) Rome (30 . 's Interpretation God has also been addressed , there is a constant element in all If the nature of human beings and all human beings on The same nature , and a keen knowledge of healthy living , and the Lord Will be guided by good deeds ) Tabatabai , 1374 , 75-76 ( . Than Seyyed Hossein Nasr is quoted in describing the nature of the " nature of what In humans, it is essential and eternal , and what is referred to There are all different veil , fixed and remain unchanged ... » ) Nasr , 1385 , 623 ( . Thus be stated mettle Swan in the supernatural aspect of his divine person , the facts and meanings These facts are relevant to understanding the origin of the universe . Fixed and variable architecture based on World order death wish Based on the present basis , both material and spiritual life in order to The complete and true in the world of Vahdnd and Zvmrtbgy We talk on a range of natural and synthetic and extensible architecture Is that the architecture should be a container for his soul and body Nature has provided human life, body and soul . The architecture Be constant communication with all people in every time and place. Order to obtain address and fix your speakers That can be said about any language and on any device Such exposure can be played on every heart the meeting. The architecture can be stored in form and meaning Vmrtbh Or consider the material and immaterial . However, it is clear that Meaning of architecture in the world , but due to the possible occurrence of Yyabd not . 25, thus bringing the concepts within the field of architecture , That such concepts as the FBS , including meanings Optimal human nature , architecture and other things are fixed

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Since all humans have demonstrated that the nature of these meanings Fixed , the utility will be the same . However, since an architectural as well as indifferent and free Are defined from the perspective of the ruling ideologies , concepts and expression Maan Yand , does not require any form of FBS had any meaning . Relationship The architecture can be understood as meaning that a debate At the same meanings interact and communicate with forms varying skills . Therefore , in light of the rise and on the basis that anything and Expression of their true meaning, and the idea is a manifestation of the fact Be different , as according to Plato , an idea or meaning Can appear in numerous modes and the temporal and Spatial substance , found the profile of a variable Qhay Msda Fixed means the first in their hearts , which means " non- Unit while the other unit , the unit has an advantage ... All things Apart from the unit , but is still well beyond their time moving It is well settled and generally all the features of Opposites Is in itself contrary to all situations dermis advance beyond " ) Plato , 1357 , 1707 ( . Then the unit can be Found variable expressions of the ultimate mocha Gvngvn or " units can be However, the final is now available and numerous drifts which Had " ) the , 1649 ( . Notion of" Pyramid manifestation of " the wisdom to know it Islam , as it refers to many forms of skills Base of the pyramid, which can be as specific meaning. That evokes the pyramid . Thus, all of the forms in Most of the concepts that can be taken in order They are still human beings , from a general point of view , the effect is permanent . Repeat the same lack of concern for the delicate stability of expert opinions Many can be seen. Dvksyads referring to the same being But the world is not uniform date of teeth architect says "If ... Architecture calls for a real and lasting solution be gradually Similar to the final building in different parts of the world Small lift ... Although these solutions are essentially one An inexperienced person may view , they look different " ) Dvksyads , BEA , 163-165 ( . These issues are so important

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It is also necessary to be careful in the words of the old Tgrayan FBS Found . Guenon in Nbarh has a " ... It would never do that We commit ourselves to a traditional concrete . Indeed, the See the essential unity behind the multiplicity of traditions more or less apparent If indeed true that there are many organs in the Units , such adherence is very difficult to accept " ) Guenon , 1374 B , 43 ( . , He admits that " ... the formal gathering of the traditional It is apparent that this failure is in unity . But from Since the beginning of the unity of the spiritual traditions of other collectors and Amidst the diversity , not far from its manifestations . It Requires the ability to see beyond the face and Awareness The fact that your original face down wrappers to sophisticated So that it can be communicated . With this understanding , a person is free Or to take such a case , as a means Can be translated into different languages to different people Understanding the outcome " ), the 45 ( . Here are the words of clarification " Tha forms Sabtmdary » Proved to be stable or be replaced by the The meaning of the term stability, lack of rest , elegance , considered , but this New composition , reminiscent of the evolution of the same substance Tmdary fixed . So the answer would not necessarily be a fixed constant 67, Specific forms can be used to change the skirt . Finally, it should be stated in the form of infinite extent in their But if they are changed or fixed Tmdar Sabtmdary on Meanings inherent circuit actual search , optimal architecture of life Will be provided . Is thought to result from this level of understanding Favorites Where exposure to act as the dominant theory and practice , The notion of a fixed meaning or intent , the appearance and If spending is reduced , and the widespread interest and Balasalh to seek unity or traditional architecture or implementation of Duplication of the same or similar meaning to the promotion of Forgive the talk of stability , the filter performs in much cute Should be , prove true that sex is not as limited And there is a very specific manner .

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Was found that the acquisition of knowledge about the actual fixed and variable Architecture and understanding of quality and the two begin to Shanyt Defining a specific worldview , can end Find Ymyary and B being arbitrary, Design, Training and Review Architecture , management turmoil , and the limitless multiplication of dislocations Landscape architecture , and to clarify the extent of diversity and differentiation Introducing tools to establish real unity , stop homogenizing And formal similarities and unconditional backing by increasing the Rather diverse architectural requirements , and so Vmrz hitting tendencies Purely personal and arbitrary demands and the desire to show off Employers and wonderful surprises and architects , a step seen as a new and effective That can be a starting point the era architecture Time to bring it to an unprecedented scale and rate . Teachings of the garlic ruling ideology as mainstays article Shows that the amplitude of the divine tradition, human nature and the constant rank Yzman And the place of humans and can occur by means of Architecture , it is proved in the same addresses . This is To determine the stability and change in architecture , search and meanings Meaning that it is intended to convey the statement by It is appropriate and what is necessary concepts In order to address the common understanding of human nature And creates the unity of their hearts Yzayd . Interestingly, there

Result There are many ways by which to convey a sense of the Share and unity and not repeat the same ingredients and carriers unity Dynamic and infinite. So at first glance , and with a real understanding Constants , the static architecture and the examples are not meant to be fixed forms , But the regularity with which it is fixed in the molds New ways to happen and , at the same time the mean fitness By then , however, can not answer any Qad Hamand and Supplier is in every sense , as well , historically there Many forms , and in particular Data Cup your limit , restrict the height

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Formal semantics and rules are covered and the ability to convey meaning Qad Hamand stigmatized as having either an optimal response is to say, Ytvannd the less be considered a transformation . Finally, this paper introduces the Start Bnya final The theoretical and practical ideas to achieve results. In architecture , the studies that ask what concepts That deserves to be passed on lap architecture and Qad Hamand teeth That need to be answered , and shed light on how Carrier selection and generation skills of forms and meanings to pass Khha discussion . Through the course of studies on the forms of joint Tshnasy And demonstrate knowledge of two worlds Hshnasy relying on the judgment and Architecture Possible exposure of new land for future research departments Be considered .

Notes 1 Many scholars interconnected architecture and human life Composed of words including Mehdi Hojjat admitted : "Our purpose in Architectural design of the building , not the design life Or by adjusting the shape of the building. May initially seem that The difference between the two is not much , but it should be noted that the difference Between the two is important . The difference is the difference between a " ) H. , 1385 , 58 ( . 2 For example, Hussain Shaikh Zainuddin , including the judges of the The " work of architecture is not something science and law . Mixed Very vague habits , tastes and preferences is a global expert ... » ), Architect , 1388 , 3 ( . 3 R. Daneshmir of a national contest judges about architectural standards Says : " ... We have a good number of architects whose work stages The ultimate way to ... Good architects are among those least Risk and doing work outside the norm " ), architect , 1388 , 4 ( . Kamran Afshar Naderi is the fourth race of the jury , " to quote Adolf Loos , the house is where it 's at for confirmation and peace Are where ideas and beliefs in the Nryzd . If the Very often this is precisely the task of the artwork that transform beliefs

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Does " ), architect , 1388 , 4 ( . 5 other Mykvchy Franco same match referee says, " ... In some The project because of their bad performance , or lack of a specific , hey you I even offered to remove poor graphics ' ) Architecture , 1388 , 3 ( . 6 something tragic and notable buildings of high pyramid Tehran ,

68, In recent years new and fundamental aspect of the figure , the sample This is a small description . Sixty percent of the proof Forty percent of the open space that the architect even choose how Fill empty space in the field of adoption and closes. 7 K. Afsharnadry said : " By the mid- seventies, AH , prejudices Perhaps they fear the loss of a level of art that represent the spirit of the revolution, A group of university teachers and government officials were brought under Reviving a lost identity , designers and students Vadarnd appearances Iran 's historic architecture as summarized in the mimetic Do your work ' ) Architecture , No. 34 , 4 ( . 8 For example , according to Secretary of Housing and Urban Development, the government ... " We need to move towards the Iranian and Islamic patterns . Unfortunately this is a forgotten issue . Building Drnmahay any There is no sign of Iranian and Islamic identity . The interior and exterior Build houses to be restored . Open kitchen with Iranian culture models have emphasized Inconsistent. Thanks and sorry some people instead of us Are working with non-technical issues in the Yaystnd outside my door . To Department of Housing and Urban Development , which has the legal responsibility These issues are not important. Our goal is to provide public welfare and social housing A ) " Ali Nikzad told the Khbranlayn , Tuesday 19 Mordad 1389 ( . 9 key member of the group of modernist architects in 1920. 10 M. H. Chvnankh words , once the enjoyment of all human Such as food , water , milk , honey and other victual throughout life. Thousands of years , they are useful with all his taste , Refuses . Adapted from a ) H , 1389 ( .

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11 Salyngrvs For example, the word " furnish , crime " of Adolf LOS refers not be forgotten , "What person would agree with that Or may not be sitting directly in memory , so it can be used as a Nera Today's most successful advertising slogans as " ) Salyngrvs , 1387, . ) 375 12 Dvksyads " similar architectural solutions for different areas World "in the first decade of the new era under the influence of such factors Ydard the expression " industrial or transportation of products identical For the world " , " a mechanical ventilation systems " , " used Of construction materials and decorative even in the same production World " , " college educated architects in specific countries Then dispersed themselves in different parts of the world " ) Dvksyads , 25-27 ( and Ybynym In many of these cases are still ongoing. 13 M. proof of " the global village today stigmatized number of characters The making . Assuming the existence of such a nature or villages have a village Bureau chief and a cultural unity , a kind of cultural form and The fact that the dominant American culture today via satellite There will dominate the media . Or that all cultures in the world. Village to work together as a global team . If we Second, when we realized the need to know and what to offer We " ), H. , 1374 , 57 ( . 14 Schultz's words , " When we introduce ourselves as an indicator of the location Use "and" where a group of people with whom the union Brqrry Nero has a shared identity and a company of foot hospital and community based Ygrdand and the role that it can play only on condition of being a permanent location Is possible ") Schultz , 1387 (b) , 14 ( . 15 According to Shayegan , " while the third wave of modernity , democracy Yrsd appears as a necessary condition of the infrastructure of the new modernity. Is a fundamentalist countries , by contrast, tend to continue to raise human form Are. Earning the right to be different and unique uniform model , the image Reduced the retrogressive ideology loses deny " ) Shayegan , 1387, 131 ( . 16 of the examples to overcome the illusion of access Stryn

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Today's word applied to reconstruct some of Ramstan Countries - for example in the city of Najaf Abad - the rule Nsazy and lack of diversity in its equally apply. All stone Ancient graves in the same space in the size and shape of each unit and Colours and specific role , had its own identity , and faith in the name of unity Appearance of new stones and perfectly executed with the same size and color The role of the unit , without artistic value , but with time and Replacement cost is enormous . The age of 17 , " quantity control " , " is capable of other people , all amenities The balance is shared by all of the above , to destroy . The " Alignment " takes place in constant low-level " ) Guenon , 1384 , 62 ( . 18 According to one Iranian singers : " Today everyone is dumb Can not be " fun " to read ! » 19 He went on a Word : " Some traders are cocky Ykvshnd Bnayshan The price is to be dramatic . The remains of the San Francisco skyline B. But the pyramid has an ugly hole . Similarly, some architects Bnahayshan strange and different buildings to attract competitors are Ysaznd Take heed " ) Arnheim , 1382, 275 ( . " 20 of them were involved in the world of consumer Hey Hey Khan Commodity residential as well as Mercedes or Coke had become . Drifts over time were similar to each other in the final and most The cities of Stirling , Botha , Meyer , who tells Ray or Ndvyy offer. Cities such as bananas became modern neurosurgery Hey , findings Which were continuously updated , since everyone knew that the prosperity stars Media not Payd never too late ... » ) Schultz , 1387 A , 376 ( . 21 And in another place , he says: "wonder and upstart per se Interesting case and the public interest .... Unfortunately, most of People " Jalbyt " the "truth" are welcome ... But we must see that preceded and What is Jalbyt prefer ? Prejudice the interest of the majority of disabled The first is dealing with a phenomenon and ignorance about a transformation And reflecting the subconscious creates the surface and then Open subside and finally , the "truth" that remains " ) Parsley , 1386 , 100 ( .

22 Salyngrvs the criticism of this approach is stated : " ... Sculptures The structures are made from fine arts to attract Are created by viewers . Boast or apprehend the meaning of the form,

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The only aspect of the architecture , however, face turned to the ON Building has finally created a suffocating effect " ) Salyngrvs , 1387, . ) 305 There are 23 approved by Islamic scholars . 24 to Allama Hasan Zadeh word " unity of the human rational soul Numerical integration , and it is a real unity of collective unity Zly » ) Sense unborn , 1375 , 106 ( . 69, 25 The O -Kirmani said : " I look into the eyes of the extent of the If / is the meaning of the following if / when the world is We Svrym / meaningless unless one can see "

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Second edition , Marandiz , GONABAD . Jencks , Charles ), 1374 ( death, birth , the translator Farzaneh Taheri , Abadi , fourth , No. 16 , Spring 1374, pp. 46-55 . Chrmayf , Serge and Alexander , Christopher ) 1376 ( arenas of life Public and private life : toward a humane architecture , translation doctor M. decorated , Third edition , Tehran University Press , Tehran . Proof of Jesus ), 1383 ( Creative Learning Experience 1381, Fine Arts , Number 18 , Summer 1383, pp. 5-36 . Proof of Jesus ) in 1389 ( Homework Architecture , first edition, University Press Tehran , Tehran . Hojjat , M. ), 1374 ( heritage, village , Fifth Year , No. 19 , Winter 1374, pp. 50-57 . Hojjat , M. ) (1385 , expressed in architecture , the first and second sets of words Seminar Topics seminar Architectural Museum, Bath Aligholi sir, to attempt Vahid Ghasemi , Recreation and Cultural Organization Municipality of Isfahan . Hojjat , M. ), 1389 ( Lecture Speech) provided the theoretical courses And Architecture , Tehran University and the University of the Arts in Between 1382 1389 the writer fonts ( . Hassanzadeh Amoli , Allama Hassan ) 1 386 ( one hundred words of wisdom in self - publishing Second , a publication . Lam . Mim Qom . Hassanzadeh Amoli , Allama Hassan ) 1375 ( , tour travel , printing, Raja Cultural Publishing Centre , Tehran . Dai al-Islam Seyed Mohammad ) 1362 ( culture of ) the Persian ( with Etymology and pronunciation of words with the Avesta , Second Edition , Science , Tehran . Dvksyads , of Constantine . ) The date ( architecture, development stage , translation Mahmoud Razjvyan , National University of Iran , Tehran . Dehkhoda , AA , A Comprehensive Dictionary Dehkhoda ) CD ( Institute Dictionary Dehkhoda third story , publishing and printing Institute of Tehran University, Tehran . Rafiee ), Hossein (Qazvin , Ayatollah Haj Seyyed Hasan ) 1340 ( biographies Almtalhyn top secret move Jvhryh Shirazi , Mulla Obituary

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) To celebrate the birthday of Chharsdmyn great sage Sadr Shirazi ( Tehran , Tehran University , pp. 1 to 14. Salyngrvs , Nicos A ) 1387 ( A Theory of Architecture , translated by S. Golden Seal relies Zahir , Research Center for Urban and Architecture , Tehran . Shayegan , Darius ) 1383 ( memory eternal idol mental institution Antsharata Myrkbyr , Tehran . Shayegan , Darius ), 1387 ( under the skies of the world ) Interview with D. Ramin Shayegan with Jahanbeglo ( translated by Nazi Azima , fifth printing , publishing and Farzan Research Day , Tehran . Sharia son , Joseph ), 1374 ( , moderation between tradition and innovation , prosperity , Year V, No. 19 , Winter 1374, pp. 64-67 . Schwann , Frytyvf ) 1383 ( Principles and Criteria of Art , Art and Spirituality ) Philosophy of Art series ( collector and translator : R. Essay Rahmati , First Edition , The Academy of Arts of the Islamic Republic of Iran , Tehran , pp. 105 to 154. Tabatabaei , Allameh Seyyed Mohammad Hossein ) 1374 ( , detailed balance ) Translations ( , Mousavi Sayed Mohammed Baqir Translation Hamadani , Fifth Edition , published by the Office of Community Seminary Teachers of Qom, Qom . Tayeb , Ayatollah Seyed Abdul Hussein ) 1378 ( interpretation of Bayan fi Tafsir Atyb Al , second edition , Islam , Tehran . Karbassi , A. ) 1389 ( fixed and variable architecture, Ph.D. Thesis Architecture , to help doctor consulted doctor conductors Nadim & GR Awan , Martyr Beheshti University , Tehran . Guenon , Rene ) 1384 ( domination number and marks the end of time , the translation doctor Ali Mohammad Kardan , Third Edition , Academic Publishing Center , Tehran . Guenon , Rene ) 1374 (b , encode meaning Cross ) Comparative research in technology education ( , B. Alikhani, translated , printed , Soroush , Tehran . Gideon , Siegfried ) 1381 ( , Space , Time and Architecture , the growth of a

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