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.Veather to -m orrow . Probably fair with light winds. t t e w m i LAST EDITION.





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T H E H O R S E S H O E C U R V E , N E A R A LT O O N A , PA.

National Qolf Champion Beaten t j Hrs. Caleb F. Fox in Women's Team Match

OD Norris Coanty Maks.

O n e o f A m e r ic a 's M o s t P ic t u r e s q u e S p o ts M a y S o o n Be C u t OflF t h e P e n n s y l v a n i a R a i l r o a d 's L in e , W h ic h W il l T h e n P lu n g e I n to t h e M o u n ta in 's F a c e a n d T h r o u g h

t h e L o n g e s t T u n n e l i n th e W o rld .

ALTOONA. Pfl., Oct. 31 ,-T he moat co- loflsal: en te rp rise y e t u ndertaken In m od­e rn A m erican ra ilro ad in g U to sacrltlce the g re a t H orseshoe Curve of the Penn- ■ylvahia Rail-way Crim pany nn its m ain line along the A llegheny Mnuntnlna, five mllM w est of here, by constructing a tu n ­nel seven m iles in length .

i t will only be Burpaased In d istance by th e famoum St. G o th a rd hole, betw een the

AI[>9 In Sw itzerland. The tunnel will be­gin a t a point a few roda below the ctir^e, and come ou t of the m ountain a shnrt d is tan ce beyond Cresson, a sum m er re­so rt. T he length would approxim ate seven mile*. The d istance between K il­t s nn lng Point, w here the curve in locaterl, an d CrcBSon over th e p resen t line is about te n m i l^ . The tunnel will save a t least th re e m inutes, lo say no th ing of the steep g rad es an d sharp cuiwea to be elim inated.

I t la expec ted th e cost w in run Into the m illions. F o r y e a rs It h as been Ruid th a t th e H o rsesh o e C urve would h aw to be abandoned on account of th e grnw'lng de­m ands fo r fi sh o rte r and less p tf'clpltalc line fo r fa s te r trav e l between the E ast and W est, b u t It w as presumed a nil w ould be m ade so th a t th e n>ail m ight c ross th e gorge below th e twt. i>|g n-aer- voirs th e re w hich supply thia c ity w ith w ater.

Spcr'lljl /FjtJWR'/i to th f i?V£i.Vf.VO SEW S.(.'ONA’KNT STA TIO N . N. J .. Ocl. 31.~

U v."3fl like n second cham pionship ic see the weli-know'p wom en go lfe rs g a th -

I ered here to-day. T he fa ir ones had Iork , been looking fo rw ard to th is annual tnaicL J betw’cen the M etropo litan W om en's Askiw

elation and the W om en 'a Odif Aasocl.k- iloii of P h ilade lph ia fo r the C lem ent A Oilscora Trophy. T he riv a l asaoclatloii.H agreed some tim e ago lo have eighteen piayerB on a sble fo r Ihla m atch , bu t I ’tiil- iuleiphla found It Im possible to pres-'nt more th an seventeen , and fo r this. MLhh W illis, the e igh teen th w om an on the Mi-i- ropolitan team , won h e r m a tch by default, being credited w ith th re e holes-

The course Is a Jong one, m easuring fi.fi30 yards, and in every w ay calculated to test the ab ility o f th e women. Thent att^ the d istances of th e holes:

Out-23A, 176, 234, 370. 3ifi, 363. <20. 350. LU. total, 2,S93. Jn—1.263, *16, «2, H5, 333, IRo. ID3, 383; to ta l, 3.137; g ran d to ta l. 6.li30,

Mrs W. Fellow ea M organ. preBUb^nt of ihe W om en's M etropo litan Qolf Assiviii- tlon, wea on hand, b u t could not play on the team . Miss? Ru4h U nderhill, f <rmrr national cham pion. Is secre ta ry , She played No. 9 on th e M etropolitan being paired .with M rs. Paterson .Hecker. the p resen t cham pion, f-layt'tj again st Mrs. Caleb F- F o x .. The farmer t s tarted well hy w inn ing th e first bL>l<' in

I fmir. hut her d riv e from the n<>;t ti'»' hit J a tree and rebounded back in to tlu- «lrcail- ; ed “punch bow l."1 Mrs. E. A. M anice played Rgalnsi Mis.'*; S. S ta rr , th e P h ilad e lp h ia chamiiiiui, ;in.l

Miss B eatrix H o y t, o f Shlnnecuck. had •Mrs. G orham for an opponent Mntu of the women show ed excellen t form nt the s ta r t. Miftfl H oy t a n d Mrs. OurhATvi were the flrat pa ir to ftniBh. th e form er having her opponent th re e dow n. Thf-y tore up the ir cards and each m ade abmit ii»i.

I t soon becam e ev iden t th a t ihi’ m etro­politan team w as going lo win b\- an nver- w helm ing m ajo rity . Mlaa Blshnii o.impNln 10 up on Mrs. B arto w , while Miss Fatko had Mias M cNeely 16 dow-n. MIsh Kipp had Mrs. S teele 7 dow n and Mis.-* U urlhurt was 6 up on Mrs. W ork .

Some of th e early card s rr-rd as follows: M iss Kip—

Delegates from All Parts of New Jersey Present a t G aiheriig in East

Orange This Moniog.


• 3fre. S te w n r t H n r ta h A rO i lia H e^ Aw« D ual A ild re a n . T a k e a O c e a a lo a t « UJaensB U n e a t to n H r o n s h t Vp a t l.n a t G e n e r a l P e d e r n t l o a —R e p o r t* o f S e c r e t a r l e a — T h r e e D tre e to rp R le c ie d —^ .b a n g e a In r o n a l im t f o k t


‘ E ra iig N e v s’’ S ta r ts a F o i lf i r Widow a d CbiMrea of the Late

Joha BalL

T lili 1b th e i to r y o f » hero. I t Is th e p leln , unvarn ished ta le o f the way one m an 'd ied , no t to r h ie coun try , b u t for his city , and It h a s fo r a background the g rief Of his widow and th e p a th e tic devotion of a n o th e r w om an to h e r afflicted children. Yhla m an w aa J o h n Ball. Ball gave up h i t life to pubUn d u ty a n d le ft a widow a n d lo u r e b l ld n y w ith no eourcea o f reve­nue ^for th e ir aupport. T he NG1W8 has a la rte d a fu n d w ith a contribu tion o f | 2& fofitfae M neflt of th e fam ily and a ll sub- ■erlptlona w ill be acknow ledged and tu rn ed over to th e widow.

I F o r J o h n B a l l 's F a m ily . tI )1 SrVBNlilG N B W g ...............^ ,■ J a m e s L . U ay w ....................... B i

Those who te ll th e s to ry a re hla widow an d little o n e a an d the h ea lth tnspectora w ith w h o h t' he worked, for he waa one of th la bund In gray th a t, In Us own quiet way, does so m uch to pro tect the c ity and Its people from th e ravages of disease. T hey speak of him as "Johnnie B all," o r "p ap a ," a s the ease m ay be, and If te a rs come to t h e i r eyes while they ta lk th e lis ten er is n o t surprised. If tl^rough hia ow n te a rs be c an aee thoae In the eyes of the speaker, th e lum p th a t seem s to he la bis th ro a t s lleo ce i him, and he says never a word. B u t he ag rees w ith the h ea lth Inspecto rs w hen they aay John B all woa a h e ro ; hq nods In sllsn t ac- qnlw cence w hen th e to rrow lng irtdow oaya "John B all w aa the best husband t i u t ever lived," and h is h ea rt a lm ost s tan d s s till w hen fou r w eeping children a sk s him w hen “ p ap a" Is coming home. T he lis ten er c an n o t tell them th a t never ag a in will th e y oee the face eo d ea r to them , and so he silen tly tu rn s ew ay, lo w onder w h a t th e c ity is going to do to r th ese Ultle ones an d the widow at th e m an who died In th e perform ance o f hie du ty .

I t w aa seven y e a rs ago when John Ball becam e a m em ber o f th e H ealth B oard 's d istn feetlng corps. He, Hke o thers In the squad, rushed In w here angels m ight fear to tread , and w ith them he disinfected m any a place w here germ s o f various M nda held h igh carn ival. Hla sense of d u ty and h la love fo r hts family and hla hom e m ade him b rave , and nlgtit and day he worked th a t o th e rs m igh t live. Op to la s t m onth a ll w en t well w ith him.

One day—It w as Septem ber 4 -Jo h n B all's chief, S am uel K n o tt, waa nouded b y H ealth Offleer C hand ler th a t there wa* a c a ie of am allpoz In B a r i s t r e e t T h a t m ean t w ork fo r th e d isin fec ting corps, an d a f te r send ing to e em bulance ' to thehouse, Mr. K n o tt w en t t h e n to prepore

m) \4 ith e poUent to r rwmovml to the Isolstloo hoopttal. H e w as oecom panted by John B ali and In sp ec to r L eonerd Ollicn. It w as no th in g new to r th ese men to en te r g "m nellpott bouse," end though m any an o th e r would ra th e r face a pistol, th is tr io h u rried to th e E a rl s t m t place wUh- s u t a . slngla th o u g h t of danger. K nott and Qtllen hod h ad araallpos. and so they eoBildered th e m e tiv e e Immune, b u t John B all hod no ib in g b u t h la pluck behind

A u n i s t m s l l p o a P a t i e n t ..'Vheu they reached th e bouse they found

th a t t h t p a tla n t w aa a n elght-year-oh) b w . H la b rig h t cu iiy b a lr w as tangled g sd m a llsd obd h is p n t t y face bore tb a m m le ta k a h le m a rk s o f th e d m d dieeaae, WtUi U m sra s hm m other, a h igh -strung ,

I gsrvnus w om an, a n d in h e r a m u she ca r­ried « baby—a d e licate little m te of

. b u n o n lty th a t oeemed to 6eaatbe w ith d tflcu lty . H r. K n o tt Is a 'm a n of tac t. H g m w th e su ffe rin g hoy, tbo h e a rt-

'h rb k e a m o the r e n d th e po n y In fa n t andtaiM ead^B b lu rtin g om tb a sh lec t of b is 'VMt op to H g en tly and la a seneepaved th e w ay fo r w h a t ssoe to th o r omoTol o f tb o p o t ic a t T m sfa lly tbo m am on IHIcnod to bhSL a a d w b ia A t loot

M ftt said thoy w oaM Im va ta g a h o th e hay V h w o y , tb o tod ’s m o lh o r s a s p a i, B ee fa a t

^ l e w polo an d h « whoto body i—»«—. o |. - m oot r ig u . I t w aa on ly Cir a m em sBt.

hognver. T he m a te ra o l tne tlaet waa a m o g w ttbfn h e r. W ith a load c ry ebo a ^ o g botwaon th a hcoH h o S lcen an d th e m oantog boy. ' Mevor, aevor wnWd aha p a rt w tih him . I f they took him. obe oaM, th ey WOoM b a v a ta to te bee. H e w as b o rs -w b a t t w i a wo hod they to to acb btm l. to r. k a o t t ezp to taed th in g s In own lynspatbeltc w nv. a ,jd tbo wom an w aa m ade to u n d o rs tan d th a t ihg r -vaval o f

, tb a B ttle s s f e r o e w aa fo r lb< • t. T he . a to c a n h ad tb o H g b t to n o t k> ..a to go t

th e b ^ b s t th s F o ns* C M rf KftoU'o w ay " w as to th e way. a f John BsU

O itlcn. T hey rsa sssad w ttb tb a m o the r f a r a few m toa to e s a g SasUly ^ eswssn tsd t s Ifee r e m s r o lK b a r boy. M r. K a s t i t oton t r iT i i to c a n y th a a s - H in t t o ­

n a l m t r : iito


M ditem aeaB S fii lro ii iT Three Sattle* ships a id Two Craisers Ea Roate

to the Leraat.

PARTS, Oct. 3l.^The Toulon correspond- ent of The Figaro sa/a:

“T he en tire F ren ch M edlterranenn Squadron departed yeste rday afternoon .

'W hile one division put in a t Lea SaUns- d 'H yerea , anotherp compoaed of th re e b a t­tle sh ip s and two cru isers, under th e com ­m an d o f A dm iral •Caillardp proceeded to th e L e v a n t Two thousand troops wlU be added to th is force.

*'AdiiMral Calllard"a o rd e rs a re th a t, tf com plete saltefsctioB Is no t Im m ediately given by the O ttom an O ovem m ent to a il th e claim a of F rance , he shall aelxe the cuatoR) house of the p o rt n ea res t h is squadron.

" I t la believed h ia d e stin a tio n la the Island of M ltylene (In the G recian A rchi­pelago) g r Satonlca- The Island com m ands the en tran ce to th e D ardanelles and the O ulf o f Sm yrna,"

Several m orning papers confirm T he F ig a ro 's Toulon advlcea.

R nm om lo the sam e effect w ere c o tre n t In P a rla la te la st evening, b u t the Foreign Office profesaed to know no th ing abou t the m atte r.

A d m ir a l H a s S e a le d O rd ers^PA R IS , Oct. 31.- T h e officials of the

F ren ch Foreign Office confirm the report th a t a division of the F ren ch M ed iterra ­nean fleet, composed of th ree ba ttle sh ip s and tw o cru isers, under the com m and of A dm iral CalllanS. has proceeded from Toulon to tha LevUnt. to m ake a naval d em onstra tion ag a in st Turkey.

A F oreign Office official, in com m uni­cating the foregoing to the correspondent here uf the A ssociated P ress, la td :

“The equadron sailed w ith acaled orders, and proceeds first to a G reek p o rt, the Inland of fiyra, I th ink , w here the adm iral w1l! recelvb definite In struc tions a s to ca rry in g out hla sealed o rders, i am not a t liberty to say w ha t the sealed orders a re , bu t the selsure of the custom a at S m yrna vrould probably be a very elfectlve w ay of convincing th e B ultan th a t F ran c e 's patience Is exhausted , and th a t we h ave decided to enforce an Im m ediate execu tion of the T urk ish O overnm enrs engagem ents. We. however, a re very hope­ful th a t th e Sultan will not compel ua to go to th a t ex trem e."

“T he S u ltan ’s Irade i rem ain unad justed . T he in te rn a l s ituation In th e T urk ish E m ­p ire d e te rfed us fo r some tlpie from tak in g d ra a tlc m eaau rfs to enforce our dem ands. B u t th e d ign ity of Prance could not perm it th e p resen t a ta ta of affairs to be prolonged Indefinitely . We sincerely hope th e S u ltan w ill fu lly appreC43te the fac t th a t we can ­n o t an y longer be trifled w ith and relieve u* o f ta k in g fu r th e r steps to safeg u ard our in te re s ta ,"

W i l l V a m b a r d P o r t i t J lc c r a s a r y .T he offlelal w as asked w h a t would hap­

pen In th e event of the F rea c h squadron being ordered to sslse the custom * and If th e T u rk ish au th o rttle s reaU ted, and he rep lied : '*That Is a very unlikely con tin ­gency, b u t If it occurs I aoppoM wa shall b a re to bom bard th e port. W e do n o t w an t b loodshtd. in d 1 d e no t behave th e re w ill bs a n y pcaaalon fo r I t

"O ur squad ron no t reach th e Greek port before Sunday. The T u rk ish Qov- em fnen t h a s th u a oilU th re e dtys* grace, ttSd wa tru s t. In tb* BMantlwe, to recalra com plete katlafacilo it. W e ^ v a acted very considerate ly tew ard T urkey , b e p l^ . up to th e la s t m ainent. th a t aha would ca rry out h e r engagem ents, and It is only QOW w hen wa find th a t th e re U no serious Indlsatloii o f h e r doing so th a t wa have re lu c tan tly resolved to put s tra n g e r p ress­u re 1b b e a r In the sh sp s o f s m v «I d ^ - onstrbtlDci. I t Is sow tw o m onths U pct the Fhsnch A m bassador. M. C o n ju n a left Coti-etatitlnvplA H is d ep artu re failed to p ro d u ^ the destrsd e ffe c t On th e coti- tran* . iv e n th e quays and tuM nl ques­tions,- affUch w ere settled by the F u ltan 's trades, ram ala uBsatlsfled.**

TU IK fil SOLMEtS K l i M r n t tw a a B a N toit TV A J -

M r * M t a a . ■ tk o M k a a n k to o MC O N frA K T IN O P L E , Oct. B .- A w atlo -

iM tra lh w opoa a a d . Iq fM to to gtotol ' Tuoadar hr M tok-

■ oa-cam tolM lMFil Bkoliibaamika.w k ld i S<wod dtatoaj a a m w tka uteup an to o l t>to TIM li P o l a e a ^ T ^ ' paj. gf

'^ ik p a n to to e <totoee*ratl” ■MPlka to O m a n , oad otor a ■ v i t o t o t o O l e M t p t * n a M

« « l o l t k n a to « r raiidM r Bp.

Tha M ■« toa krMfa. with toa « .oopttoa « l to* toO lUW an t *oid % n ,to > to « to i k to OMi to s r ftn u toh a t to# om fclr setortto . M giaiuto toMS totoht n ooK to oa M V M M B .to Btotoa A M al H u t

I t o t


Preparm g ( o te f o e Aitictpated Deataad far l e p a js M t of Hiss


C O N STA N TIN O PLE . O c t S l.-T h e T u rk ish G overnm ent Is a lready p repa ring to re s is t th a an tic ip a ted dem and of the U nited S ta te s fo r repaym en t of th e ra n ­som n ecessa ry lo secure the re lease of M iss E llen M. Stone, the abducted A m eri­can m lsa ian ay ]\.. S h e F o r te rep u d ia te s all respocislbllty fo r th e k idnapping o f M iss Stone an d m a in ta in s th a t the U nited B ta tes h a s no claim a g a l t i i t T urkey , and th a t, th e re fo re , th e la t te r Is Justified In re fu s in g to recoup the U nited S ta te s fo r th e m uney expended In her rescue.

A h igh T u rk ish official th is m orn ing de ­c la red th a t th e T u rk ish re s is tance o f any c la im s would be based upon the con ten­tio n s: F ir s t, th a t Miss Btone, a lth o u g h w arned o f Ihe dan g ers o f the road , per­s is ted In tra v e llin g , second, th a t she did n o t n o tify th e a u ih o rltie s of her In ten­tion, In o rd e r to ob tain an escort, w hich p recau tio n even th e foreign consuls a l ­w ays ta k e w hen tpavelUng in euch ou t­lying, in secu re d is tric ts of the em pire, and th ird , th a t the b rigands who kidnapped M iss S tone and her com panion w ere B ul­g a ria n s ; th a t the coup w as p lanned In B u lg a ria an J th a t la n c tu a ry w as found in B u lgarian te rrito ry .

H e r R e le a s e I s 9 o o n E x p e c te d .SO FIA . H ulgarla. Oct. 3 l.-A m erlcan s

a re p reparing a reception fo r M iss Stone upon h e r release. The Ruaatan M inister. M. B akh ire ieT . expects a le tte r soon from Mlsa Stone < rid th e b rigands th ro u g h the envoy sent \nM F riday . I t Is believed th a t Mias Stone wjii be able to be p re sen t a t PhlllppopuhH on N ovem ber 8 a t th e ded i­ca tio n of tile new A m erican chu rch there . A fte r th a t ehe will doubtless go to Ihe U nited Biains ta see her relativaa.

If T urkey is m ade responsible fo r Mias S lo n e’s ransnm . ih u l coun try will Insist on sending guards w ith the tra v e llin g m lsalonarlee .Now they rarely go w ith g ua rds .

I t I t hoped that Miss S tone will be able to reach America liy T hanksg iv ing Day, In case she Is rehMsed by the brigands.

W a a k lu g to i i o m e ta U S a a g n la e .W A8 J1 IN G T "N . Oct J l- -R e fe r r in g to

the opinion eTjTf-swl yeste rday in some of the R ussian tnibllcatlons to the e f ­fect th a t Mlsj* Is probably dead . Itm ay be s ta ted that the S ta te D ep artm en t 1s convinced to ih ' con tra ry . sn<j u latLs- fled th a t . w*l(h the m eans of com m unica­tion It now hail 'll Its disposal, the even t of kflss S to n e’s d»*aih certa in ly would be m ade know n to It

T he depsrtm *iJi Is In a lm ost hourly com m unication with itn agen ts In T urkey and B u lgaria The ia iest advices received ind ica te th a t com m unication h a s been estab llahed with ibe hrlgnnds them selves. T he d ep artm en t 'fficisis a re sangu ine of the outcom e.

5 G 7-51

3 6 5 6 7 6 0 G

G 9 8—64—IIS J’nilcrson six

6 6 6

5 7 B D-55

O u t............' . ‘j.A 5 5 7 5M iss Btecle-

O u t...................Mias K ip -

In ...................... 4 7 7 8 5 1 5 7 8-5&-106MlSfl S teele—

I n . . . ............. 4 7 10 10 6 fiM iss I'tirierh lll had Mrs.

down as folldw s: 'Miss U nderhill—

O u t........M rs, r a u e ra o n —

O u t.................. 6 6Mlsa U nderhill-^

In ----------- 5 6Mrs. P a tte rso n —

In ...................... 7 a S 9 B 4 5 9O ther card s w ere:Mlsa Bishop—

O ut.................. 6 6In ...................... 4 6

Miss Fargo—O u t.................. 6 4

Miss M cN eely -O ut.................. 7 6 6 7 6 7 6 6 9-60

Miss F a rgo—In ...................... 5 6 7 6 6 5 4 6 7-62-102

Miss M cNeely—In ...................... 6 7 fl 7 5 5 5 9 6—65—115

10 5 6 6 6 6 - 56—109

7 - 63-118

5 6 5-417 -5 1 - 96

6 5 6 5 5 7-50

Tile sensation of the day cam e In the de­feat d f M iss H ecker, who found In Mrs. Fox the s tro n g est U nd of an opponent. The cham pion hM been 111 for several

STATE S liP lE S MAY BE $2,3tS,tN TO-NIfiflT

r t o c n l Y ea r's Km 4 a t S P.trw U er to T e le g r a p h A osaw at

■ a la a e e to G o v era o r . ffpoHal Dupatrh to t*e E V E y/SO SBW 6.

T R IW T O N . Oct. S i . -8 ta te C om ptro lle rMaiietKkH aneo^k to-niKht will send to G overnor

V o o r h s f his STinual telegram concern ing th a m irplus money In the T reasu ry . T he flaenl y e a r ends a t 5 o'clock th is a fto m o o n .

A t th e ciooe o f the preceding tw eiv* f lu f ith s th e S ta te had a balane* o t »,60g.. m I t la sa fe to say the balance wlU rsoch a figure a t least 6IW,I»0 in advance of th e •a rp lu s repo rted fo r 19H.


lU a a G e n e v ie v e l ie c k e r .

days and could not do h<»r*flf Justice, but even ao, H rs . F o x pl^«veil her hw t game, and going ro im d 1ti hs fin:.*) i-up. Up to th is Usds th e only irtetr>-i--itisn p layers

MIm Qll-

■— win/ |ji'>i'-idefeated w ore H ie i Hr' k<r sii'l M l» W<ii. more, to a ta t te r flnlehlr.K I .lnwn lo M in A. M cN nU '.

Mre. B o c e n Oniehr.l S ui' on bert.

Borne o t tile o th e r r.irdi> h i m T e r r y -

O u t................... tH toa B i ^ l e * -

H t o a i t t o ^l a .......

•opiU et o ^ tooBtoe—

O u t....... ........... i I, Mtoa B ia r r -

M to AtaaiDe—l a - ...................I t

toto* I t a r r -....... f «

^ M ri. Ttot—

OOT V K -t* *<>■■ F O B tokCA FK .

■ a r d o r s k o r k i r r Bodt r o r r O f o r * la T e o re .

kpertof iH 'r a i '* to l i t e r a x t s g XMwa.rR S E H O L J) , O ct. a . —ThU to o fn lu s to

oou rt her* Jan iee ihock lay , colored, w as n o c s tc n c o d by Judd* H elaley fo r n » n i n ( a w ay fro ia Coootoble S tro o c a t to la plaoa on Tueodey-

H e hod 'boqn M te n c o d lo olx y o o n fo r t « , ( l e r y a t Aahory P a rk . B h e c m y * a a recap tu red yooterdoy a t T ren ton . Judpo Heiotey to -d ay add ed en o to e r y e a r to to o fo n t one*.

t o r i 'P w i :I n . , , . . . , . . ....... t I

t tom .L O o t... . . . . . . . . 4 4

“ toe Q H b er t-

t o ......... ... .T ... I T. to to i O tlb e r t- I s . eaaoe enpoeO— 4 6

6 : & i if 4 6—0

6 A S 1 6 6 7-S6

H J 4 B 0- ^ —lat

9 4 5 6 7 6- 66^111

4 S f. & 5 7-47

H % 1 : i> 5 3-54

: : i 4 6 1 6-4B - $6

6 k 3 4 S 6 7-63-106

< 7 < l> 5 1 6—0

5 K i 7 C 4 6-<0

T 7 i 4 6 6 7-d»^ l i

« t 4 5 5 7

6 ( « 6 4 6

4 ; 7 9 9 6 7 - «

1 I 5 5 < 7 4-S 7-I# ;

R 4 1 i 6 I 6 - ^ 1 0 6



United States Cearl Rererses J id p ie n t t f $1.131,M Obtained Bjr BeUeriile

F an il; Against New York C it;,

T he long s tan d in g suit of the heirs of the la te W illiam A. B rlckell. nf Belleville, sg a in a l th e city of New York, fo r dam ­ages am ounting lo m ore th an ll.OdO.OOfl, for the use of his palon l device nn fire en ­gines, ended yeste rday In fnvnr of the city . Judge Waliirfu^ in the U nited Stjrtos C ircu it C o u rt of A ppeals a t New York handed dow n a decision reversing the de­cree of th e C ircuit Cotirt, which had been In fav o r of the pialntlfTN.

The llllgo tlon haa d ragged on fo ‘ the p a st th ir ty years. P revious decisions w ere «U In favo r o f the B rickell heirs, but by the the C ourt of Apneots them a tte r la end«»d,for th a t co u rt Is the court o f la s t r e a a n in patgn t cases. T h r la te st decision relieves New Y ork fri>m lh*j pay­m en t of ih e Judgm ent of 11.036,666.lO p re­viously rendered a g a in st th e m unicipality . O f th is am oun t th e widow nnd children o f th e la te Inventor would have 4llvide<t a o n e -q u arlc r share, the rem ainder going to th ree o th e r IrBtcrosled litigan ts , one of w'hom had a claim of alleged infiingem eni on th e p a ien t. whlU* tw o o th e rs had given e ith e r th e ir money o r lim e to carry ing on (he suit.

H rickell died five y ears ago in Bellevlllp. Ho had in hJs you th been a m em ber of Valley Forge Kngltio Com pany a t ^New York. He w as o f an Invem lve tu rn of niliui and evolved the arpRraiiiJi fo r keeping the boilers of s team Hr#’ engines hot while not In a c tu a l serv ice and thus sav ing valuab le tim e in hcln N' able to Ihro'w a s treun j on a fire ImTui-illjiieiy oti the a rriv a l nf th e engine at the blaze Thp device was tried on the engines In New York und proved successfu l from thi- s ln rt.

R e a ig n c d W hem D « b I«<1 Ha j .The young Inventor resigned from hin

com pany when (he c ity refused (o pay hits' for the use Aif th e p a te n t, an d in t l iu u d proceeding ngalTYSt the m unlc li'a llty it. ]pul. Jam es A H udson w as empl.ty,-d i.. carry on the c la im an t 's cAse. The pssh r,' WHS affirm ed first and th e n cami-vp w. nf years while th e am o u n t of darnuKfs ' Ihe invA'nior. or ra th e r th e saving (n fe ­rity by tin? use of th e device, was t.i i coinpuiA'd. T his sum w as finally piruM i H referee In the U nited S ta te s 'C ourt at som eth ing over 1600.000. h w ith In te res t, am ounted to over ll.'** ’"

RAlph J . Mosew had ta k e n hold r.< Brlckeil side of the case an d was instrum en lrtl In securlitg th e JudKtri- About two years ago. T h e Cage wfi> r- Tied to the C ourt of A ppeals by ihi* r . and the decision of the C ircu it Court is reversed. M essrs H udson and Mo>»-s i resen ted the ow ners o f th e patcn i co u rt of la st re so rt’s a rg u m en t nnd c ity s In te re s ts were looked a f te r t.\ J R E?ennett

T he Judgm ent now reversed was ■ , f th e heavlffli ever obtained ag a in -i n a York , and Is said to be th e g res te* ' rendered In an In frlngem aiu vult

Mrs. A della B rickell. w idow of th r in­ventor, lives on New s tre e t . In Beiievi:;. The children a re Oeorga, M iss Lucy rf .i H a rry Brickell. a ll of w hpm resld.* « • her; lYlrs. R ichard Cross, w ho liven in ” • c ity , and Mrs. C onrad C loaoen, a resi ! - ; of New York.

OppnsitiBO Arises to Plan for lrrinj;ioD to Baild Its OwD Hospifai and Hiss-

meeting is Calied.

Irv ing ton offlclnl« were eongrn tu ta llng th^mHClvCi yrsteV'Iny ihfit they had 5olvpd. J n t b d r own Railafacilon arul ihn t o f th e projMTtv-owncTi, ih<' problem of cupltig w ith the BTnalipnz nu tb reak In ibRi low n, a l thu a .^m ettm e deteo ting N ew ark 's desire to build nn Isolation hos- p lla l on the p rcm lsrs owned liy the city In G rovo s tree t. A pparently, however, ihe lr troubio.'t t*rc not o \tT yet. Opposi­tion hna itrlacii tn th tlr p lans and n m ass- m eeting o f (he d ilie n a has been calleei for B ntnrdny n ight In the Town H all, a l which e ffo rts will bo made iq p ass a p ro lip t a an inst ihe jAUrciiFiso of th e W lll- bitn I'u- r rs ia iti on J4Ui>'v<'flAint av rnue for nn Ixolnllon hospital atid to declara In fuvor nf perm lttljig the enaction of ihu cJiy IniiiltutloiL

An iig recm cnt of r«ale, ns told In lh« NKWS. w as APtend Into yealerdiiy he- Iwocn th t' K»wtt ofllrljila jinU .ranli'H peer, (ho o x 'T u to r of lh<‘ ra in t:. The piirihaHO price, It iM said , h hboiK The prem ­ises com(ir|>.e nlmiit lhlrt»:'n ncres. ami the Uwclllug which the jinthorltioH pro- poRC to convori itito rvn tMiiailon hosp ita l alAt(T4ls in ihu C4n lre of the lot. U U clulmed by (he optinslrli ti th a t to perm it Iho schem e tn b<* cfjrrici mu would be a menitco (o (hi* Cfimmiujll.v. fur the a l­leged roaHon th a t the Ftru. l. rc cannot be m sdo Inin a m odri Ihi IuC m hosplLHl, bvil would be 11 I'Mnuiioti pesiliiiUB>'. For th a t riMKoii (he ciiM 'iil .on 1*a nmde tliiil the oT]l>‘ log iia l 40urMt‘ la to iiJIow Ni-'w'aikto put oti a ? iriimiiM*. InfiMmuch ax llui'lt\ proBoUid lo lak . r^ rl• of Irvihgiiu . muuIIlm-x p .iiitu ' : fi'AM> (>f chargi- MM II Ihe [xrrnlsRloi^ (u bollit1' i Iu;r .-HaupK tlie town a large-nm rif nion< y.

Will am X Hh rnv a and Jo*eph M Ji i k i r r* p i ' R*ni liir; l>:>th poL tbai fa>- 1! r. ijf iti. t vvh" have c!a11,-.i1 .“-iutut' . . - m <r(!n^. tii<ve m ade a canvH'-.i uiiu h i'. • L'-iind. ih iy f‘0 \ , th a t whll<* the ir-iip 'o t^ hJiV '- a d 'clib 'fl nh)ec(b,n pi the • M l lion of iiTT LhoIu iIoji hospital .iiiy- af i'T' 'w tihln iJu' t'lwn. (Fu-j an- of th<I iiini! (h a l If iK'h tin in s titu tio n Ih tY<-i--

t-u-.iry It Would F>'- le-tter to accep t New-fk ^ .vffer I>r U. C. H H erold, It Ih

' . li'l. wUl bo proftPiK i>ii S a tu rday night tn ■ \p la 1n th a t no d:un «g> w -uld re su lt from •hi . n c i lo n of a m-Hp rn lio^ipilal.

Club wom en fro m a ll p a rts of New J e r­sey, rep resen tin g ninety-five federated eluhfl and 7,300 m em bers, convened In th a T rin ity C o n g reg a tio n a l C hurch, E a s t Or­ange, ihls m orn ing , fo r the seventh a n ­nual m eeting o f th e S ta te F edera tion of W om en's Clubs. T he gloom o f th e m o ta - Ing in Tto w ay In te rfe red w ith th e m eet­ing, and th ro u g h o u t th e seeeloD th e u t­m ost In te rest w aa m an ifes ted la the p ro­ceedings of the body.

The chu rch w as d eco rated With ta ll palm s and tro p ica l plants* w hile qu an ti­ties of a u tu m n a l fo liage com pletely cov­ered the pu lp it, an d w ere banked on e ithe r a^ldc. M asses o f yellow and w hite ch ry i- an ihem um s w ere p laced abou t the friat-' form arid p u lp it, an d on the president'e tab le WRH a la rg e bun ch of lilies of th a valley. P a lm s w ere a lso placed a t th a doorway. A t th e re a r of the p la tfo rm was (he sh ield o f th e fe<)erat]r>n. In blua and w hite, and b ea rin g the Initial le lte ri. of (he nam e o f th e organization and th a word "U n ity .” T h e pews of the church were appo rtioned , tho delegates from each coun ty ta k in g th e ir places In the p ew i designated by blue and w hile banners.

The m eeting waa called to order a t 10:11 o'clock. M rs. S tew art H a rtsh o rn tak in g her place on the p la tfo rm w'Uh Rev, F r l t i Baldwin, paRtor of T r in ity C hurch. On lh a p la tfo rm with them w ere Miss C harlo tla V. Tutllc, of E as t O range, corresponding secre ta ry of the fed e ra tio n : Mrs. H en ry ' H Tuylor. au d ito r: Mlsa Celia B. G ardner, Mrs, John Jj. Scudder and Mrs. E m m a Li, HlflckwcM, pr«‘sliien t of th e O range W om - Tin's Club, w hich Is th e m o the r of the f td - eriitlon. having Issued th e Call fo r Its o r- ganiziiilon seven y e a rs ago.

r l e r g y m a i i O ffe ra P ra y e r*Mr Haidwin Invoked D ivine blessing oil

liic (nei'tlng, re fe r r in g to the m ovem ent !if ihA' women fo r th e b a tte rm en t of th a coarlitlons o f th e ir fellow-beings. Hr* Hiinilmon rendered an o rgan vo lu n ta ry , aftfir which M rs. B lackw ell was In tro - <iured. She w elcom ed th e federation a tfiijJowR;

'1ti behalf o f th e seven fede ra ted c lu b t of ihfl O ranges. I give you a very cordial wNc^ime and g ree tin g . T h e F edera tion o t W omen's C lubs h a s th e r ig h t to the best of welcomes, fo r It s ta n d s to r the b est and nohleei o f w o m an 's 'work. Federstloik Itself s tan d s fo r p rog ress. In the oldeu days the trib es u n ited th e ir forces for pro­tection, fu r pow er and for un ity ; Is tS r the clans un ited , th a t th ey m ight gain streng th . T he w om en o f the coun try have un ited In fed e ra tio n , th a t th e re m ight be a w idesp read effort for the bet­tering of them selvea an d th e ir ils te re -eu t unselfish effort fo r m u tu a l good. These federation m eetings a re fur u i oil a n im petus fo r a m ore a. undan t life, la which we all m ay sh are . "

Mrs. H a rtsh o rn m ade th e reip^nie*The re p o rt o f th e record ing sec re ta ry

w as then read , an d w as followed r read ing of th e co rrespond ing eei report. M iss C h a r lo tte V. T u ttle . I t ^

I a s follnwe;N o 'w om an In o u r S ta le oould giiesHdh

JW€t gg


D rr lH te a T o l tc r R e f a s e d to 9 r n d mi O lllr e r W ith H im lo L o o k fo r

■ H e le n v^.


AMO iB auB r r s u iv ^M o a wtatooK by to 'o io to n a d la a■ t o , .

Th* aeora * a »

■ n iT C K w r H A M. M A r m n m r h o o * . !

n a u l f c t o T a t a m t Mao. Jma

■ ID G S T O W K . (to t., ja m m K o M tta n i « o a k « ro to jrototoBo*. oo*. ito * oneefcoB b r a *r«

Oot. a - t o n .

• m t Oh

jsr „ ........ -


Ito M M llP In K * l t * a r l B ( V oM lIy l<l>.J m r J ' t o L It llr Pm tlri.t

(Salim i e iM t o i la a H a a p lm l.Tw o 0h ll4i * r w*r» ta k e n to Ih.'

tlon ho ip iia ] ye>t*rday w ith Bmnll; . T1» y WOT* F l o i w * K attn irlnK . r .u r y e a n oM. o f IW u r« * * a tro a t. an d Hu. 1*11 A n a i* n n a n . tw * n ty -(o u r d a y i .'I.I of (1 A otor o trw t. whoa* m o thp r .h. i frov i th e d 1o*aa« to a t WOak.

T h*re w aa a d ispuw w hen to* tf,™ w ant to U k* to* KattoniiO K chilJ and It to ctotinad Ik o t a n a tte m p t m ode to oaaau lt tb a B a* i« o f B o alth ployaa. H e a lth Offlear (n tan d le r oaM- howoTer. th a t t h a n woa no oorloua tTAPU- hic, and th a t tk* only dUBculiy wo* th" ob jac tlo iu ra id * to t i n r t » o v a l of th. ch ild by a doiiHwtlc m The OBnioy of th* K e tte n rin c fam ily . 8t>* dW n o t w ant to a llow tb a Inopactora la tb a b n ia*

K u d u lrh ^ c tteD T ln k . th a fb th n - of th* patlM it. c ^ tK f to a oaloew. an d th* w * . . waa cloaa* up (otoporarlly .

I >riing Kano'uec, a hotel-keeper, nim . j.iTTiri^lil AANcnuto. M oniclelr. caib-J ui ■ »> I'lrRt Precincl l'<illce 8 (ut1on yesterday ;if(crtimin end asked th a t an officer he sen* w ill him to 13 Liifayeitt* s tree t, w herr .* said he undcreluud an opium Join t w as .1 It a; m ain ta ined Kanoiise to ld the ser-

iT'rii.t iiH du ty th a t hla step-aon-in-law K i> in Fhe place. ahU he w anted him taken iw L>' from sUk-h Murroundlnga. He was 'k+ 'l If he w ;inird to msk»* a com plaint

the place, but thU he wan nut vki.liiig to do. On the ground th a t he hud n>i p 'r^iunal know ledge of the c h a ra c te r ol iViM place. He Insisted th a t «n officer go vk.ih him. but his request w ju refused.

Kan«»u*»f then, according to his etorj*. » .[ .! !o 12 L afay e tte sir<“e t alone. He <.<>s th a t hl» step>son-1ndaw w'as In the

'wlih tw o o th e r w hite men and fullyn, 'lo ien A'hinese Kanouse saya moat nf Ihe men w ere sm oking long pipes.

Ktoturnlnif to the police-station, K anouse . hilms he m ade an-ither reques! fo r a p(). .J. im .in but me! with the saoie re fusa l a* i.yfure.

,\i llu police-station-th is m orning It w as >,iil ih« i K sftouse was there yeatarday , , l ti.ld hts s to ry , but Inasm uch as he

m»( sw ear to any cum plalnl, (ha .lu itiortdea Whs powerless (o net. They * tl'rc sscd them selves as ready to tsaue a wHrrnnt If K anuuse Would only m ake for- rntol charge


L iT T i to a m i . O R K , 83 .SO*.

B la r h - w a d - t a a P * l ■■ B a to s i s w m . ( t t a p i o H o n * * f I ' r l a a d .

le a s iNPiaiwa.

. jgrs. G o r f i uBartow............ •

.............. Mr* OUhert...............#

^ . . . .e M ! e -■ S c l to a ly .. •

’I . ' " ': q tote- ■— »........... - •C r . tS to a B a r i ...............

■" , y lito* • to c to ...—. , . . • * to n . •

........ , Mia. B c ia B ir ..„ .. a

>♦«•«*••*** fi

F C H * r*V l M t o l n l w ■ tw w « r ._ i„ rL o w s n a r « w « .

H lnola B. Browwr. tba toe-ym r-old daokbicr o f Jobu B . Browor, « ( a , Halory •Uw«(. baa twaaM a oaH to tk* Circuit Ooart. Ibrooch toaleo4« MeLaar, oa at-

O ak*, a . Ml B tood oUM t, tar IM N dotoodoo. _

(to lb* ofuroM w o f Octobor b. It to ■UUd. tbc Ctrl w u o u a d to c to f to s t o f a---------* lot a* Hotoor oiraat. ao*

It to riotoiad Ikot a toam (tH wltbn*t ocorati

th* f M dep-to bm oktoh _ ________btadOL (to* botod to ooU to haw* otraokth* girl'wH k oM h IMow Otot ita m «C h to Im ia .

Uprriml IH tpal'h b. I f f f.'l't’M U / VgW S.HATONTOWS. Ocl M .-A blork-and-

tnn 'li>g. bearing a tag tooued by tb* A t­lantic Highland* Bornugh. (uArrlng from rabic*. mad* Ua appcaraoc* bar* yaalrr- d i) Th* anim al, after biting aavarol dbga, ftartrd toward Occauport.

At Ih* Horn* of tb* rrlandlraa tba dog Krtoualy t i l >wo of tha boyo. agad >v* and fwnr and a half yaarw, r*apart|yaiy. On* of tb* boy* waa badly OHugled tir th* brut*, wblcli waa afterward oboe.

K r a iv y W aoaaa IHaa to toaoMM to n . Joatoa A. Brown, wlfb *d Ji

Mrowa. o f • Jahogtoa arabWA K tlad yaoterday afteraooa *■ — B m pn oL after a tow da

for one m om ent th e Influence and powef (he New Jersey S ta te F ederadon o f W om­en 's Clubs If she shou ld read the (ettorareceived by y ou r correapondlng sec re ta ry during th e p a s t few m onths. The 7,300 wgmen rcp rese tiiln g the nlnety-flve feder- ulod clubs have ju s t cause to be proud oC and th an k fu l fu r th e ir unity.

"TUIb y ea r nine club# h iv e fed e ra ted * the Town Im p ro v em en t Association of R utherfo rd . M edical C lub of Newark* d a l- maKunill C lub of N ew ark . Tueertay Mu»U cul d u l l of F a s t t)ran g e , Teachere' C lub of Camden. W om an’s C lub of Upper M ont­clair, K llzabeih T ea c h ers ’ Club, S a tu rd ay Club of Ashury U ark and the Borough lm> provem enl IvV'Hgue o f M etuchen. Only one hsA wKhAirawn—th e WumAh's M unicipal Im pnivem eni A ssociation of Newark.

’Tbi- m anual w as aen l lo (he clubs early In Ihe year. If the Individual mem bers ap> |irA'«liAted th e value I'f ih ls little book (here would lie u BfeKier dem and for it. A few ro r rc c tlo rs m ay he noted. The New Jersey Hoctely cf (he D aughters of th# ReNulullon w as Inudverlcn lly omilted, and (he College W o m en 's C lub of Jersey C ity shiujld read ’Cullege C luh.’

“The rom m unh ttilous sent out by th is orgHnUatlon d u rin g tb s past tw elva muiithH have gone considerably bey'ond ih« l. iOn rH|Kirtpa a y e a r ago, while the le t te n , po>tnl!*. iidvcrU sem enls and year hooka rr-c‘f»ivei1 by «he co rresponding s a c re u r^ h n \e sm ounted (o 400.

“Hi‘v«rQl E^(a:e y e a r iKPoka have h«en eX- i"hiifill'd with o u r s la te r federallotis and riinhl of ihe New J e rse y c luba have- sent Ui th. If ra k in la rs T hese calendars Rfo of tin- hlgiirsi .((am lard. T he h istory , lltera« OLfr. urt und m u s lr nf a ll countries an d iigi'-j II r»' being stuilUHl. Tha social prob» b niA of ihi- da> a re com m anding speclatUt li'MtiuM.''

i f-iid K G ard n er, ibo treasu rer, re* ]toirt>'l u biiul umcFunl. Aif 6339.64 received t>) ih.- fcrdi-ralion. v( w hich $332.37 had li*'.'!! I'Xpt'nded, itoMving a TiaJance of $107*]7* Mrs tl-'Firy it T>i>lnr m ade the au d ito r 's rt-i-trl iifUT w hich Miss T u ttle called th a roll, (hi- •li'iegHics TfsiKinding. N ew arkWjs w.'li rvprt'sent**il

Koni wing (he roll call, d irec to rs w ere elecifil !•< flit the viicanctes* occasloaed bv Ihe e ip ira tlo n of (he term of officA of Mrs. Kb^renc*' Howe H all. Mrs. E m m a

Newbury and M iss Belle R. Snyder. The following w ere nam ed by th e nom l- nndng com m lH ee: Mr*. M ary 8 . K insey, of ArllngtiMi. Mrs. C 8 ' W 'right, Mrs. C harles J Stivers, of E lisabe th ; Mrm. Eugene V Makle. M iss Annie L. Tlchenor, o f N ew ark yr*-ni the floor w ere nom i­na ted M rs UrriTTia W ilkinson, of Mer- chan tv llle . Mr* M E D craaresl. of P a s ­saic. and Airs Fanny Hates, of C ranford, T he voting re*uHed In the election of Mr*. K insey, Mr*. W ilkinson and Mra* Silvers.

Only a few u n im p o rtan t changes In th q c^Mistltutlon w ere reonram ended by th e Revision t 'o rn tn ittee . I ts report w as pre­sented by Mlsa AlcKeen. the chairm an. The constitu tion , as revised, la longer and roofi- In de ta il th a n the old one. One change provide* th a t h e re a f te r the fe« fo r s cluh rtf fifty n r le*a will be II: for a club of ion. H. and ah a d d itio n a l doUar for ©very sdldU nnal hundrf(J member*. A fte r th e vote on the revision th e re was an o rgan selection hy .Mr. H um l*ton, and the meet* ing wa* ad jo u rn ed for luncheon, which wa* served In B erkeley >Ull, on l la n is o qs tree t

The delegate* and guest* reconveitod shortly a f te r 2 o 'c lock and sn organ volun* ta ry opened th e p rog ram m e for th e a f te r ­noon. Mrs. H m n sh o m took h e r place on the pla tform , w ith Mm. W11:ioid Tod H el- rauth. Ml". C harlea D. Ymrdley. Mr*. lU - t*ecca lAouglas Lowe, p residen t of Genorol F edera tion . Mrs. D tm les T 8 . Dealson, first v ice-president o f G eneral Federattom ; Mm. George W. K ead rtck , Jr., correspoafi- Ing sec re ta ry o f O s n c n l F«4eraU oa; M rs, P o rn en as Zabidskl** p ra ld s R i o f Now York S ta te F e d e ra tk m . $ irk ElU* Iiowte Cam pbell, of P en n sy lv an ia : Mra, H qgji Reid Griffin, pre*W ent o f f lo r te tr o f Amori* can W omen in London.

Mrs. H a n a h o m d H ire red Um p raM tartfq addresa. aaylsg . in part:

'T h e eyeW of tb a t m y o tk a n b o r m w m haa b ro u g h t ua aroo iid tb# p to ia off o u r b irth , oad tb* d o b th a t lOTofi Iba coll to cedfarecic* t» e o o ^ f itr tb a arg»»> tanUofi o f a ffta t* PadoraM oo of Cluba ki to -d ay m i t« r t a M i t tb* body o f tt* o w i eroatloD. Obo o f tb * plto o ig tio t tb o o g b ia tbploco to ttooi « o f ib i OD m m r o f

vbD took f ib r t lb th b t I tioB b*r* iP-dbr*

bbwo lb * robtm ^ t r « f **tob« b p a o o f tb* M i r • ! tbtor offbm* 0 « r %

tb* M l obBbbl OMOttor b s S Ik ,■ay toiiptoi i



M '

m now nearly double th a t num ber. W ith (tie Increase In num ber* the work of in* r l S e S t l ^ r hV* llltewlee IncreaeeU and

m BO m any dlrecUon* th a t we have b reu ah t to Bee the neceesUy of - •

b ^ S r * w « '" * “ '** otubB“ M th e S ta te Into

?or tl> rp ro m n tlo o of h feher «o<lal amm ora l conditions.' W e have so grown X f our otd conellm tlon no longer a c r ^ s ou r present aBillratl..ns and d e a lr - . m u tu a l helpfulnCBS has oiiencrt our minus r f h e f B ^ th a t If wc would serve nnr- aelves we m ust serve the world, ami ilia th e re l i no iiuestlon foneernliig ihe gri ai Tum an lam ily th a t should not ftm tern aa. Tim chairm en of the deiiurtm enis win ^ v a y M Ih the lf rep o rts th e siwclal Wnik th a t has been cn rrtfd on lhl» shall not Bpeak of th ™ *et)an .u .l.|. 1 ey can b e tte r apeak for them selves I would

« _o__«__ & .s_ vnmws)

Btlle*. T ow n Im provem ent M o n tc la ir -M rs . Jam es A. m n. Mrs.C larence W. B utler, Mrir. tm l l " t ' ’'n- M rs p 'raiik A. Hall. Qul Vive I'loh, i-ltiE' J t i h - M r e . K. n . MaxBeld, Mra, H .A«.rd M axfiel.l. S ta te Sccleiy, I). ■tieo rg e W. Hotlksa, Mrs. Jolin M rs. A ndrt'w Bruy. Saturdu> ; ' ' * ... a rk -M re . ll.-nry Hellishelim r. ■V'.'’'- 'sm v ih - T h e W o m an s Cliih. wM iss V ic to ria C ow perthw alh , M i.. J- imi-r. IVn and I*olnl flrcl.-, ' “ M rs. S tephen J. Sia lr. Mrs. 1; m i ‘ ■ Ha u-win Fioonl.iri im provem ent So.-e-u . B 'l'n lo n -M rs - Jam es -M. (la rd m -r Mr“ ' l'eH|'^ M !..awton- ShakeBpi'are U'lU, l.lir.,il. 1 . -M is s A nnie I.. (-•iilhoun. Mr> ,Mlll. r. W om an's L iterary i ! .i- " ■'

I B ro o k -M rs i v i t r S tryker. Mrs. W- is. I t M ason. M-d1eal Club.K a lh e r tn e Porter. CoBinoB t ■ i'-” “h e th -M rs . H a rris Tahor, Mrs M ■' 1‘ Ineon. W ednesday Afteriiuoii ' VW. M c ln lr -M rs. Ilandell 0pauldln.J -Mi-

I Johnson The In te rna tiona l riuri'lim e bi



L«ii frt mftki TiTYNrp uiNp of ihc I p.A,'iiv —Mrfx Walirr 1-*. Siurr, Mrn. Isriii'rc.'u dhd'‘,'n all ens..s whe.i colUnl. Mrs. JeBBle ('rear

;Ti;,Tb"‘'m have a paper read by ' 1 >>* “TIh" reml-Tinn’L l ’meeting at I i.hi|r,n,,ah!an. Newark-Mar:, It ' or,pet

■•resKlrnl o f VenCBUClk’s A n sw er «» ( | . | l u - l l l i i T l c * n R F B ola tlo lIB W ill I

■ M n k e T r o u b le . jI tv iL L l’-MaTAD. le lan d o f Curacao, O' l. j

"1 .Advices i-ecelvfil h e re lo-day from - 1'l‘ ',ra.■a.s say th a t a C ab inet crisis is ex■ ,,..,,,,.(1 there, as a re su lt o f the wording

of ih.- iinsw er of ihe I'rea ld en t of V.n>- 1,1,.1,1 to llo‘ rvaolollon adop ted by the |>II A m .rb-aii I'o llgress, expressing Ho- hcii,.' Hull V. ro-X'lela ami Colombia woiil,|

‘ ,,, h all lta lile and ra tio n a l a g re .-^Iioiii reg.irdlng ih c ir j.resen t difficuilj.

■I'l.,. I-, |,|y wtib h w as received hy acting ,1,1- h h e s id .- iil 'i la lK iaa . “ t IteX jM . « -ednca-

H 1 ,iny. w.,s sent agu liis t the w lshe* of L'abLnyH.

tCcjutluiit-'J froin. Flrtt



w a i well a ttended, the day wim perfu . u id the cordial h osp ita lity "f ‘" 'r hosi- esses seemed to vie w ith N aiure In her prodigality on tha t p e rrw i Ma.v day. H e ^ le g a te s will long rem em ber md unlv the beau ty of the hills, but Ihe warm recep. m n given them hy the mem bers of Hie BodntiHi Im provem ent Society, who wti- S n te d Ibem to Iheir li,wn. The sub ject ^ day, "W om en a , AVorkers," was oWV BTCrtnted hy club wnmnn. m any or them prafesslomils nnd well flltcd hy e x ­perience to speak on such a subj.'i l.I-D b r in g th e y e a r It h a s b aer my P ™s-

u re to v isit m any olubH, W hen I have m e t you In your club hom es, have mup,' to know the c lfcu in stancea Ihnt brought | you together, tho o rig in and meaolng of y o u r name, am! yo iir plun " t work, I carried aw ay w ith m - a much s tro n g .r IhtereBt In you and ym ir work. A mi wer.i no longer Just club wom en to me. there « ■ * bond un iting us, a conimun van ta g e ground. T his I* one of the objects of ou r fadBratlon. m u tu a l acqunlnlam -e and In te res t, b u t it BUhds fo r nomethlng far h igher and beyond th a t, i t enables us to coriirdinate our forces and Join

. fu r th e rin g a good nr ab a tin g nn evil. The ■ federation also s tan d s fo r d em o crao . At

pu» conventions we m eet as women, f g i s o d g c t lo n W a s V ii lo r lo o a te

' "TbaTe ts one queetlon I m ust tmich UMir. glthough t feel titte rly unequal to th d iM k - th * color queatloii th s t came o g a t MllwBukee, »nd th a t will again he plaoed before u* a t tho next biennial.

. T h e m ajo rity will agree th a t the Intrn- i ductlon of fh* huestlon was tm fnr.f tu n a te . b u t It l» w'>h »»• ’" ’t™ '’! ,' th in k W It end p rep a re ourselves to imt

The fed e ra tio n s of M iissachuscus an d Georgia have each form ulated plan* fo r rep resen ta tion In th e General Fcdera- I t a w ^ t h a view to se tllln g the m atter.Aa v e t they have n o t found the common

’ ground upon w hich th e y could f w '• tM cerritlcBte o f corpora tion wc read ." ^ G e n e r a l F ed era tio n of W om ens

C lo h i has been form ed to bring Into com- n u n lc a tlo n w ith one a n o th e r th e varloua etuha th roughout the w orld, th a t they

com pare m ethods o f work nnd be com e m u tua lly helpfu l.'^ S T h T G e n e ra l F ed era tio n w as not only

to he n a tiona l, b u t In te rna tiona l. t t U Femam an In te rna tiona l l ^ y the

oUeBIlon can have nn place In It. I t r tS u ld rem ain a s It w as organised, on a broad dam ooratlo basis, whore w ^ C ' AftMMrt. o ro fr tilo n a l wom^n «nd at la l iu f t reM ardltM of iiAllonftllty o r ^ m i h t . S e t as women for the f 1m« M B g w ith BCK-lal dlsttnclluna laid ^ e 'tfend a h e a r ty g ree ting to the c lubs th a t have Joined the federation ‘fuf*"* i t e year, aod w Uh to aasur* ijism ‘h a t I bava a w arm In te res t In their p u r l i n S ; j V » n f H o r k I « n snm e^m es naked t l r t nueatltm, 'W h a t O dvsnlage s th e re ta^balong ln t to Ih* federa tion! It Is th e UMBtratlon one ge ls In m eeting * ”" 'c h J S S n g from a ll p a rts of the S ta te fo r the mirpoos 0* co-operation and In terchsngoS( WasA In All tW gOpns there sliould lanlTirodltr A n u th e r question m ight bs H S i e S d : W haA 'okn we take to th e fa d a if rt»n’ ' ,W e gieed each other. T here la a tr tn k th 1 union."• D M e g n ie s * t C n n y en H o n -

• The nam es o f the delegates present and th e clubs they rep re sen t a « a* follows

Pen sn d P o in t Club. C aldw ell-M ri. J. Q Baldwin, M iss S a ra Young. W. A , G

S i d s r w r , r U ' : m L . \ . u p c ,u b

"■ CUo Club, 1-Mts K. U v lngsion . Mrs. l>e<-

me K r t w H . B aldw in. W om an's Cluh, A M nga-M rs George W. Blackwell, Mia*

f ^ M a i t o n , Mrs. A lbert O. Field. Mrs. J ^ r ia * »■ T ard ley , Mrs, H. P. i e m n 's Club, C aw d en -M ra . C. B. H ach -

« t » i r s . H en ry C. W atts. F o r tn lg h l l / J aM t* . M ad tson -M rs, W. O. Rogers, J r ., l l ls s M C H olden. The C onlem im rary O u b T re n to n -M rs W illiam N M um per. M rk C harles E. H ew ltl. T he W om an s Club, 8 a le m -M lss P rio r. Miss Ids -

U rs Blnntckson. Mrs C raven.

T he n t y im provem ent i ' '.v -tin m aw lck , Mrs. M. H. Hull >n, Mrs .Abh- o la s W illiam son. The K!m,,r.i an d fkiclal Club, K llzahclb - M i ' h.irb N. H lngbam . Mrs. M. Hobson, ' ' " b ', '" ' C lub, F b m lng lou -M rs. P. !. .s.-un*. .Ml. J a n e IV Klllgorc. Home KculU'i:R a b w s v -M rs. 8 . L. tVIlson. M '- A B an g s tru ib , H alf H our He,oil-,« i 1 11R„s,.vlll,r Mrs. Ocorge K b.r,g. -]■ ■■ PrecbTick. 'A. Dudley. F o r ln lg h ih ' bi';,M m lis,,n- Mrs. Calvin Andcr.“ou, ,Mrt.

V e n rs n e ln ii F o r c e * W il l L e a v em c h l r a - d o lo r a h ln SI r e n g t l i e n l n g

II* l■n■IHon a t H lo H n c lia .("I,I,IIS'. Cebim bia, via t,a1vpston, Tex.,

Oi-t ;1 - 'ih i V e n tlu e la r troops a t T ach tra have bc-ii ordered to w ithdraw , accord ing

tbi- Uiii-*-! advices received here from H.,rraM<iullla. w here the aggression of v,.uezu,‘l.i Is w aning The ro lom blan Oov- ru m e n hriw evT, c.intlnuc* to s tren g th en

ns postilon 01 Bio H ,'cha. Four thousand

mine I tell loll lie Is mine. Don’t touch Z T I 'll V rrv I'im -m y ow n d ear boy."

ov ia li n s-.i.l Ihc ch ief In h is m ost IeJ! I'vTtn -vou muBi calm yourself. i

Vo 're " c a rry th a t boy. H e I ls ’,n u ,h too b.-'vy for yon. L et m e ta k e |

'' '■ "v ev er" ir l i 'l 'h e w om an, an d she | snrarm lo ' 1'" *''* “ '

waU 0- your own u rd th e b ab y 's hy0 ( - ,'m liri'-- A'ow- <10" ’^

1 S c r . % i , ' I 'b '- -ake lb* boy to th e bos-

1 “ on h 'i r ,d " 'M id 'h e w om an, and put-, , , , I,. I ,nv she picked up the in f-

1 " f ' 'I'li, Mr KiioH stopped h e r w ith a

.ilif-r dartpd brtt'K to It, ,luhn Hall a» It

!►. Jr. Rt-adluK n u b . Short Jjbla— M rs iien ry C. Mr**. Ilk 'lm nlkina. ' Monrliiy Afl*'nui*m ('hih. snfiinb^'liJ

..Mr*. Edw in W. t'onk lln Mrs Baranol llu n tln g lo n , Mr*. Isa '" ' I- P .illtlcn l Study n u h , o ra n g e -M rs .H rnham Sexton, Mrs. O.W om an'* I ’lnh. Jersey ( l iy - I > r Dc Mart. Mr*. W alker. Mr*. B ishop. Mrs, f *»■. 'I'own Im provem cnl Siu leiy , H ulherf rd Mrs, H. le <’lark, Mr*. W. II f " '" * ' / ^ c Ha.lmagnndl Club, N ew ark -M ra . B lack­fo rd .Mrs. Vondewoiirl. W o m a n s Ing Club. R u th v rfe r t l- llrF . Abbot. J iD s . Irf-wis Mrs H. Hoopet'. T bu rsday Morti- l i T c u r M L ll.nn--M r,. W im ..m W'ehb- D avla Mr*. J, a. W hlltuker H um ane As- s ^ Ia U o n . N ew srk -M rs. H. M. Sayre. Mrs. E. a . Rule*. W orking O lrla' Clnh, New-

. a r k —MIm Jenkliiioii, Miss M ay Brown. M Us Mury Caffrey. guard Ihe Colombian fron tie r, nnd l..',]ii iroups have been sent to Aiiioqnlo. of n h lch a division of .W men rceently arrlvod a t B arriinqiilila , They arc sho rtly fxpi'ctcd on the iBihmus. The Colom bian gnnboBi Clchcntl P in io n rem ains a t Colon, III urik 'r to tak e p a rt In the molillisatIon of troituB from th a t direction. In case of un aildlHonal rein forcem ent being u rgen l- Iv on th e isihm us. U splna. the Colombian M inister of Wsr, who w as recently a rre s ted on the i-harge of conspiring in oust acting f’resldeiil M arroqulti from ofllce, s tu b b o rn ­ly dcHb ,1 llia t he has had any connection with a c n isp lrsc y ag a in st ihe governm ent.


renc*.E dgew ster L ib ra ry Cluln C llffslde-M rs.

L o en l B nsp lm ll t '« p ll« H * l* I’u reh n se lir n e k tu n Fr»nrlil*<r » “ '• " I I I Put

' T e a m In F ie ld A e ii S e a so n .A nunilwr ■ f N ew ark huaehiill en-


ixm aldsou. T eachers ' Cluh, f am den ■Mr* M A B urrough , Miss Helen M. R lakly ' The P o rch c lub , R lv e rto n -M l* s Helen V. W iggins. The Open Hand C lub Jersey c i ty —Mis* A ugusta a tu h r, MIsS A nns Reeslde. W om an 's R esearch Club, A tlan tic C lly -M rs . E. 8 . Thom pson, M rs. W illiam W right. W ednesday M orning

r 'rn n ro rd —Mra. ^.Xohu W. B arker,

ih n s l .s is have form ed a synd icate and purchased the llroektun iM ass.)) r,a»i.-rii U -ague franrhlse, slid will tra n s fe r the c lub 10 thi* cliy. N egulla tlon i have been under way for some lim e and li w“- s a id lo -day th a t un-.iiigerneuts f,T pu tting ,t league team In Hd" 'ItV llra lly decUed upon

U is said lh a l H'l.'IIW ha* already been

R aard n f W o rk * W ill T ry t» H a v e i'««R riic l» P ln l ih e d B efo re

4 » ld W e a th e r .Effortft e re b ^ ln f nrn<*« by th e d irec t de-

UftTlmtjnt of tb e of W orks M hHvilitnimciM .................■ill yirt'ot imvliift rtutshert Ikefuro ivUi w ciilhi'r nvin In. l>f foriy-tw n sireetn ouihiJiiaHl laul j*prltiR m be piived. seven lilt' uniinlshtHl, iiiul the ft-ork on (int*, MmIU liilr uvfuuo. b«s ixoi Ixeen oonx m f nu'f'<l.

RniH rln tondent Mun<ly said ih lr TiioriiliiB ihu i fomT- ir w as diiwn In the In b<’ iisiihallert aini nil ih r Work- Inrlurt- InC M onlcU lr avenue, would Im- dnlRhed wulilii fnui wevkt Tlie ispbaltlnk of Bvfond rttroel ha?* Jiisl bf'pn bnlshed rtiTPflH nftw bfliiK i4P|ih«llt'd aro E'liurtli, SoiilJi Tcinh, TuaCerilon and i 'U.\ inii. (irrtrilii* i''' ‘ Ks an

ipii avenue and <'hiipel And Ku08Uln •It The rbiUH'l sireet work hnn Jusl

d Tiie iiavliik w ja jje- I .13 lOTifC ii ' le to allow <he tpol-. nifiony tu m.iit' r« i>airs In Its tr a tk s -Himpany vs.'' i ntiflfit hint week of

i l t s ’A im euihni u> Tironeed wUh the 'iiml IK " '' ■ ' IninK'f's to ih'- tran k s ; '

. i '- rli) cry, -1! ' ’ ■Then It . |,r,.-i<h

,k, ' C.e'^'babv, m adam ," he said , k ,d up the cry ing In fan t. The

S r; up a t him. and J o h n B alllU tlc ,10' 'n ^ ' I iittie ones‘ d CIS helpless ch ild appealedtit bnllK 111 I

to him „ , _ aW ool,I to t h e H o s p i ta l .

I y , , , . ' said th e in f a n ts

mo her a-' -b'Z l then 1" " r '''" ' " "P and tlu n n th a t If her boy,0 th e ‘" P ' " ; , ' " , ; , u n i sb* would go

w ifh him.’ '’ 'vlrdn’n? ' ' ' ’i ‘,'':imlot go to Ihe h osp ita l,''

we m us. get this ....... m tle fellow out uf

’'* .tv„ev well ■ -'"d " T 'vnm an, and she s ta r te d rtohii tl'v -'""P- Upk* " '* m g the ..Inn.s' U""0"S''1«US buy a " 'i

h L v ilv on Mr K no tt's arm . At the h. r sir-eiigth failed her. ahe

enuiri not UH in '' P 'vcloua b u rden Inlu

fl s* pu t him into 'bestopped out In <Ae dour. A s he d dso th e woman him gave a wild c ry m ore like n mo,m than an y th in g else, and she s p o '-g t ” * am bulance,Bcorcely loucWng n.c stop. „

"Oh my darllriq. nxy durHng she m oaned as she 'brew he rself beside her su ffering boy sod hugged him to her b rea s t. F o r a niomciit Mr. K no tt w as too su ip rlsed to riien. see ng heW tntail In the ambuliince, he Jum ped In to he lp her out. When he spoke to her she never moved. On,- glance a t her face told th e sto ry . 8 he hail fainted. Mr. K no it tried to lif t her, hut her hands were g ripped In the moaning, sem i-conscious buy 's clothing. In her la st m om ont of cnnsclousnesa she had tak en w ha t was like a dea th grip on her offspring, seem ­ingly determ ined never to p a n w ith him. Tenderly Mr. Knoll unclasped the Ungers nnd gen tly he lifted hrr fr,)m the vehicle. W hile he and Ollh-n carried her to her roem s th e ambulau,-e ,ir lv rr slam m ed and

i lorked the door u! the vehicle and drove I aw ay.

All th is occurred In fa r less tim e th a n [ It lakes to w rite or read It. U all hap- I iieiied w ith in five m inutes a f te r the In- ' spec to rs reached the house, and when

G illen and K no ll carried th e ir uncon­scious burden hark Into her room s they found John Ball ptcing up and down the hall w ith the babv In his arm s.

e | ’v e Got L ittle O nes a t H om e." "Jo h n n y !" cried -Mr. K no tt, in a w a rn ­

ing tone.••It's all right- chief." said John Kali, "i

Know I d ld rrt come her, t„ mind hablca, b u i-w e ll, w liol's u fellow going to do? This m ite Isn 't well, fls m ,nher Is so rruzcrl th a t she c an 't take care of it and — well, I know hot* it 1*. I've got little ones a t home."

While he spoke he petted the youngster and soothed It. and Kn,iU and Gillen gave their n ilen tlon lo the unconscious m other. It look them h a lf nn hour to re ­vive her, and alt this lim e John Rail play- etl the part of nurse W hen the womnn r,-ga1ned coiisclunsnesa her first Ihfnlght w as of her boy. It w’as John Ball who tried lo com fort her.

" I t s a bad case," he whispered to K n o tt, "bu t 1 th ink th e hoy will get over It. If -we don 't raak* th is wom an cry shu will go crazy. "

"Otv- her the baby." said Kn,itL anti Joiih Ball pisend the in fan t In h e r arm>In an Inslanf th e m o ther gazed a t him. t'hert a t the child. In a n o th e r m lm il* she was crying. Then John Bkll left h w and did th a t for which he w as being paid. He disinfected the house w ith Q lllen’i help. WKeii he reported la te r to h is ch ief at their headquarters he m ade ligh t of w hat he had done-

I ta .All In t h e B n a ln e a s ." I t 's nil In the business, c h ie f ." he said,

■and there w asn 't an y th in g b rave about It. You would have done It yourself. If yon hiirtn’i been busy w ith the tnothei, and BO would OlMen o r tho re s t of the buys .Vlaybe the baby had smallpoxT Well, maybe R did. W h at of th a t ! I'm ge tting paid to Ink,' care of em allpox case* and places, and It 's all Ihe sam e w hether I c a rry a baby up and down a hallw ay or lift som e one Into Ihe amhu-

. lance R w ss d u ty and p lc isu re In th is I .-ase—I Ilk* ch ild ren—nn,l then, there was

bcinv laid In I 'h e poor m other."^ ’ The chief said no more, and John Ball

went on wllh hla w ork Nine days la ter he and K no tt w ept down to Earl s treet. This lime the sm allpox psilen t was the .,ne-year-old baby . The Inspectora then j.-allieri that the In fan t bad had the dle- ,.,-e when John B all played nuric . hut he

ver eveo chatlgvd color The child 's

g e r v lc e a W i l l B e H e ld a t th e H a l­s e y a t r e e t M e th o d la t Epl*c"F>>l

C h ttre h '—I n t e r m e n t la F l e n a n n t C c u e i r r y .

Tht: fu n e ra l o f John M, t.jwinnfll. filed y ea terd ay m orning M his lat*' dence. 545 M l; P rospee t uvkuiie. will be held n ex t S a tu rd a y munilrxHC frtim thi" ‘ aey S tree t M ethodist Episv<M>“ ' ch u rch . Bcv. Jaco b A. Cole will fo 'id " '' v ices and ho will be aaalfted by R'"''- C hadw ick and Rev. J. .Mi'Otg',™'-''?• fo rm er pasto r* of the chun h

Mr. O w lanell w as one of .A, work » mosprom inen t cRUena. tic " c a m e n , the F ran k lin Savings ln s iir" lo " . PfC'bus I of the N ew ark Telephna,.' '■'"’’'"‘hi'; .p resiSent of the Mcrchariie - R " > B ank, p res id en t of the Duran,,id M en ''lec­tu rin g C om pany, and he ‘i ' ' " u i^ f l r v a rious o th e r en lerprlee- h ea rta m onth previous to hi.-, d,'"ih fa ilu re Is ascribed n n 'Q w innell w as born in l■■,l,gllln,nn an ^he cam e tg thi* ,„ ', '" rv 'J*abou t tw elve veare ".d learn th e cftm entt-r - ■ tered, the em ploy - f 'I" ' d le ry H ard w are Mu'i ,f.,, '' 'f 'n g t,,n i H e arose to be sup-rl'iK ,' - nt of ‘ pany and he ld this p

! cerh suspended b u s h , ■' ^ ;Mr. G w lnnell was i . ..nected wRl a nom

ber of f ra te rn a l 'I’CK "■''-•‘’' ‘" '’' “a - r ^of the a t one tim e supr-nn .„n im ander of theA m erican Legion ol H'lnor.

Hc w as an acllv , c o n b e r ,S tree t M ethodist L pbnipal C hurch an ^ w as m uch In le rfsii d !n ‘ widow, one son .m'l ^ iv m ia „ e b vIve him. T he la 'h 'r .are B.G w lnnell, A ntilf ■'•I Gwinncll and M is, H fiiry L. Colt.

N O V E M B E R !A C o m m a n d in g O c c a s io n

I t w ill b e f iv e y e a r s t h e 1 6 th o f N o v e m b e r s in c e w c r e - o iK n e d t h e d o o r s o f th i s o ld S t e w a r t S t o r e f o r re ta i l b u s in e s s . T h e r e f o r e i t is q u i te p r o p e r th a t w e s h o u l d m a r k th i s e n t i r e m o n t h D y a g r e a t i l l u s t o h o n o f t h e p r o g r e s s o f m o d e r n r e ta i l in g a s r e p r e s e n t e d b y t h e W a n a m a k w o r g a n - iz a t io n . T h e o c c a s io n w ill b e w o r th y t h e c a r e f u l a t t e n t io n o f t h e e n t i r e P u b l i c , a n d w ill h a v e m a n y p o in t s o f in t e r e s t f o r t h e m o s t c r l t i a l a n d c u l t iv a te d a u d ie n c e . Y o u r c a r e f u l a t t e n t io n is r e q u e s t e d t o t h e f o l l o w i n g :

riR -S T -T h e A n n a on the South side o£ Winlh Btwel. The l i ^ old b u i l d ^ h « « to n aiteicd and thrown into t j i tn d sMtaroom for T ^ , Musical l™trumen»,^ J i c Boxes, Baby CafiiiEes, & nese, Japanese and North Amencan Indian Gooda.

T h i s c o l le c t io n o f f a n c y a n d c u r io g o o d s is a v e r y b a z a a r o f a m u s e ­m e n t a n d c u r io s i ty . E n t r a n c e f r o m m a in s t o r e t h r o u g h t h e s u b w a y .

5 E C 0N D -A n assembly on the Fifth Floor af a vast variety of very high-grade fancy goods.Art Nerdlncork Pieces of very many sorls.Htib-Crade Linens for decorative and table useslejiber IVori and l^arious Finer Goodi imm P ita , Berlin, Vienna.Rich Slufis m Silks and Woollens from Paris and Lyons.ImporUd Books in choice bindings.

TH IK D - New Salons on the Third Boor for the sale of high-grade Carpels.fO U R TH -A n addition to the art collection (Fifth Floor) of some twenty important painU

ings from the last Paris Salons. _In a d d i t i o n , t h e e n t i r e s to r e w ill d i s p l a y a t e v e r y p o s s ib le p o i n t lU ua-

t r a t io n s o f t h e v a r io u s g o o d s n o w in s to c k . T h e c o l le c t i o n o f m e r c h a n ­d is e n o w s h o w n h e r e h a s o n ly o n e e q u a l— t h e d u p l i c a t e c o l le c t i o n m o u r

P h i l a d e lp h ia s to r e .Philadelphia store.

J O H N W A N A M A K t K -. - F. ww . ___ llkRlIlStlF. Ni YgFREEIOLDli SMITH READ. Formerly A. T .S te w a rt ft C o-.B ro.dw ay, d th Ave., 9 th « n d lO th S ti.. N. Y.

H a d B e e n A lH n uW ith H e * r t T r« * b le —W «» t ) r .

D ili '* Sin 'c*""® '-F reeh o ld e r I ra I'r,iden 8m lth. of th e

E lev en th -Ward, riK'l a< h'* home, 191 N orth Second s tre d . a f te r a n Hines* of alntost a troub le w as the caure of his ^1, 1- -S m ith w ae a membei; A the c o u n ty C o m m iiu - for hI.' ‘wa* well know n ihrouKlmut the cRs ■

He w as horn furl>-«'Vcn year* ago In M orris Plain*. a '»l "R endcl th e public schools th e re until hla he w as ab o u t twelve yo'-t* w en t to M orris lo* ',, where he -tay ed fo r a few years , an.l wlien quite a young m an he cam e to th is riD' and learned the sash and b lind makliiB ir s R . W hen he w as ab o u t tw en ty -th r-,- year* old he wa-' m a r ­ried to Mias M araarei ll"*a and "horlly a f te rw a rd he Btitrieil In the saa i blind m anufac lu rm a ""*lhe** as a mem her of th e drm of llenneman & Sroivn. F o u rteen y ea rs ago the llrm was .and Mr. Sm ith eontlnuert Ihe busR

“ M r^'B m l.h w as appobiteJ a the B oard of Freeholders to All the va can cy caused by the reulgimllun of Dr. D aniel Dill, who wa* placed the E ssex C ounty Host,Hal for the •’m o" _ A widow and a *,™ uc'l 'laugh ter “u rv h e him T hey are A rthur Uverton am lili am i F R ren o e Ross Smithy K nlghUme m ber Of H enry rlay of P y th ias , and of the Llneolu Club. 'Th fu n e ra l will be held frem hla tale re s i­dence S unday iiflerno. o at 2 o c lork

Pianola RecitalllO-MOBROW (FRIDAY), NOVEBBER 1, a t 3:3» P . M-l


I hive been astonished at tlie performances of your Pianola, which dilTers radically from any­thing of the kind I hive ever heard. 11 is a wonderful instru­ment. Nothing 1 hive ever heard before could be called artistic in the true sense ol that much- abused word. It will have a great Influence on the future of piano-pliying.

LUIGI MANCINELLl.Com poser, C onduclor.

P r o g r » . m .

March fram TV....^Bl*etAKOLtAN ORt'MHJaTRBLLR.

Grand ............ Chopin

fax Nljtht Sonic.......... ...... .Rhclnb^rK^r(b> PaB ilM Flcun". Yr^m N allA -.D eli^ ' p ia n o l a .

Matourka, «v- 4«....... ...H en«h«l\b} Old Huttilnic Son*.sCurs"" ■ • - - ......rrgsinrii


‘-’" '■ T ^uL T rs-O B C H E iiT B E -L li!:'" '''Val»® dl Wr»vura.................... B*laklr»w


L # a \ i t e r C o . , 6 5 7 B r o a , d S t «

Wb 'I * ll*y*«* |M rs. Caroline Davl* Hayes, m o th e r "f

H ow ard W. Hityes on,! Ml** Alice R . Iluyc* and wl,low of the late D avid A. Huya*. who three decade* ag,, wa* ,a leading law yer of the State, (lied a t hei home, seg High street, last n ight as a r i- su lt of paralyal*. Mr*. H al'es w as nearly seveiiy-Seven years old and for a year und a h a lf had suffered from the disease W hll,r verv young she m arried a m an by th , nam e of H a y »■ «"<' " ■nr'nths a f te r her m arriage she was left a wldovw In 1661 Mra. H ayes m arried David A. H a jea , who w as no relation hi her flrsi husbaiul.

D avid A. H ayes ,Hed suddenly in HITS, leav ing a la rge esta te to his widow. The p ro p erty wa,. granted to * H ayes whn w as am ong th e first aeltler* of N*w Jersey nearly 800 years ago, and has rem ained m the fam ily slue* th a l time. The fu n e ra l serv ices wRI be held a t the H ayes re s i­dence S a tu rd ay afternoon oi 2 o clock In te rm en t will be In Ml P leasan t C em e­te ry .

CowardIf you have a Bun ton,

w o n ij n v e t h e s h o o to f it I t, a n d f l t t h o r e s t o t t h e f o o t b e s id e s .

K e l ie f w ill b e a b s o ­lu te , i in m e d la to , la s t - t n g —w o r th te n t im e s t h e c e m t- M e n ’s , W .90 & $1.4i W o m e n ’s , |4 .5 0

A n d n o t to b o h a d In a n y o t h e r s h o e ,

w h e th e r r o a d v m a d e o r m a d e to o r d e r . I t Is b e t t e r , o f " , to b u n io n s . W e a r G o o d S e n s e S h o e s

Yrom y o u th .

ShoeF o r B t m i o n s .

W e a r G o o d S e n s e S h o e s

J A M E S S - C O W A R D ,268.272 Qreenwicli Street, near Warren Street. New York-

S sad f b . Now C atw laca* .

g | | » l a . l i r l l . M o o rs .Mis* Isabella Stoorc, daugh ter of John

N. M oorr. 'of IB Brlcninoll place, died th is m orning a t h sr paren ts ' home, a f te r a long nine**, Mis* Moore wa* l« < n ty - five v w ra old *Ti(i harl bPt'n ailing with h€-*rt troubl#- for sov^^ral year»- Sli? wa* a m em ber of eovoral young wom en t» sn- olotlM connected wUb Bt. P a trick s r a ih c d r a l and wan well known am ong tna m e m b e " o fT he church. Thy fu n e ra l w .h he held on S a tu rday m orning a t 9 .fl ii'clock At the cathedral a *nlemn high ™ ° s of r ^ u le m will be offered. T he It,^ le rm en l wilt he In the C em etery o f the Holy S e p u l c h r e . ___________ _



n-B Silat,' |■.1!■|,,B up the new pave- i ,|h er would no t surren-Ier b to the Of-I n, ,T*. They had ftiw d revolver* in o ther


H M P L O t 1 * lA rH IIT tlA R D .

t'nm paA T


' I:,

where they Went to remoi* iiatlents.■ m-l ,11,1 U w ithou t lunching, hut here wa* snmelhlrqt th a t m *de them weak,-n T ears

. ;in l hysterica m ade them w j w r where i ilangi r never caused them lo H,,, h H ug­

ging the baby to h e r breast, ih- wom an kl**e,1 li again and again . an,l mouae,] and tminned Never. ah« said- w o l 'l “h-- oarl

i with 11 Had they no t taken her -«,y from Wait not th a t e n o u g h ' If they took

HntI HnilAon Csiialo 4Dtnri* Klnff.

I iRon Oan r^ m p a n yrni|>lo^ I H iftst night.

, -,r,i.l il Hir fif 111 newId AfuT 4Ti in te rf jit- | jj,. ............I'iitirini-i w v f served baby, ahe declir^d , sb*" wmiiii go w ith

,njo\F '1. T l.r 'fib jec t I It. Nothing UTtder - it if dpath■ rtHd fLi iirom aie Ihe | w julii pari tham . I t w as ni \ai!i tfiat th«

men drgued with


• • mplo> t N and t t<Huh with fhIV I


hiipcuherry . Slid Ji pap<-r

r, flUpfrvliilnBavilsf:tn t j,e<. -

" ' f t Th' I'pEiarr’w 111 !r»'’»S'>*p were

- t i . Yii •'•iiri'sKlvniI 'r s ik P MoHea.

S-' .i!i jE ’sey O br

M o th e r’a l’r e ,* i irh ie t ," said Jo h n Ball w i"- ■,

ey, *. "lei her go With th .' tm'i; know how she feels."

■'Very well." said Mr, K , . - i , ,oui hi* handkerchief, " .h * >ti», ,

The woman * a a aoon r.nd- her bahv hugged l lg h ll, t'-

climbed In to th e am hulan ■

f pull#*d

O r r a n L l i i r r " l l r U t > I* 1

L*iil Of*NKW TOHK, Oct. 31.- T h e denr**

ihlfl m orning shut oul flU vese^l** Oum Rl^ht. ftnU Hi H A. M. the m arltif nh- iierver^ at the several oba. rv lng s ta it.n R lo Ihe harbo r reported nothlitg !>•

T h r 'W hltf Rtar liner fromLiverpool atnl Queenetown. wMoh arrU '-d In o i.aran llne and unchore«l a t St V m si n ight, in w aiting there fo r th r fng |n lift havStifi on board the Irish N ationa l- le tf and o ther notable paM engere Ih e Savaim ah Line slfum iT Na(-0(>che,-_ wa* *lghi,'d passing In Saruly Hook a t I .a , th is m orning, but ha* notT here wa* ol*" a stcnm er_s!gbt«d p ■■'1 g Kir,' m e n d a t 2:44 IhU m orning, showing1)11 fklgnaLB

Among the steam ers due to -day ar. I,e N orth G erm an Lloyd steam er Kolrl. Urem en, and th - H am burg-A m - - liners B ulgaria, from Ham burg, n lla from lb* M edRerranean.

Ferociois Attack By Jm b o II. io Wild A lina) Show a t Paa-Antri-

c a i Eipositiai-


Mrs. Chartraad S a js P istil Wm * OH II Enbracc f hRi Shi Kisiid

Rin R iod 'b j.



fb f

Tti'* tlr - ' d n ttc ^ ttri- c

, O len Mi lk

and tnm r n r r f>f

Mri»Mrf*. A Mrfl. A

K. 14*

In dilrii

Oft thn > ■ I'M rt ^

H U lftr.M "f thr+ p a«w<Gml»l>- I ^ .i^wfmhly ti&ll of riuol IhaI nighl. T.tA

• - ni .1 i«'(i n M II dagw •iislif'1 musM, L'lif ' wrf 'h*’ put rnn^N.'* '' >ill> Hrrnngril nsi a •• i ;i''K*4’2*vir*. A lkn Nicb'^h.

M-n F- r Mityh^il. Mr-* J Alb'Tt t>^nuJn.« Talb,.i Rijot. Mrn ' ■ H.imN dn«1 lb**We> ■ 'li-Ti Mr- " r r , FIrt Kr 'b y nrvl iJwigliT

Mrw L *’ nrvTY'ff «Tanford V lR n«' ImproNvTn-nt Awv«-iHiion rr.*fif'^rd-M rw B* A nen<*dU'l Mlww A lxnh(*-y K alm tna Club, L ^m bf'rtvnu—Mr* SHmu**!, V. Cochran. Uny C\\d,. N e w a rk —k in RJrhardfMin. Mrw F n r i-olCblly ' ’I'Jb. Had.l.iOdeld Mr- S-im ,• I ClemeoL Mre F rancis D. Wean* '•'ri'’ * ' Club. H lgb ia tow n—Mrs Tbnm.i* F lr ta .Mm. C. M- A shtou ru r re n t Nwtw® Clut* — M orristow n—M r» Edw ard Yoon* Mr" M eddaugb Athen* tUub. llay o n ru ^ M r* H tn tiw . Mrs. GalUen Social L l ie ra rv Club. M on lrla lr-M rs . A r C hase Mrs l i i n U a J . Dyke* Study O uh, R ahw ay — MMs Nellie W aters, Mle* May O arfhw att* . MtM CeMb O ardaer. Altaentan Club. H ah- W —Mre George Crane, Mre M H F r.J

, F6a ln fle ld -M » . H oraee K im ball.. it. O. Rnwer*

tboaday A lternooii Club. P a a e a tc -M in Bream elL Mr*. 11 A. C unaai. T r a v t lb rs C taK RootvUle—Mra. Cb*rWa W D leken- sag . Mr*. Chxrie* E. B r to A lb g r,, C lub M * f * e e —Mre. Thom aa J. K ennedy. Mlaa

O en w a t. Civic Clah. EU xabeih — M r* W a r m R. D u , M r* KlUt- R- H eek-

Mr* G eorge M. M orrell. Mlea S M

-nli*, rlh--d ,i„d 'h .il more money will bepilT In t'' th '' e TiU r)trl«*w tf T>»i »**■*'*r\

WflMtH"" n wjMirilnp m n i Njibl th is eift' rnotMY it-rtt ihv I'liib » fl'd d • yitd nnd tt.ttt EUtti'-trri Wcfia jiVHtlahle tocair> f'R th^ \b‘ni'jr* th ro m h o n l Ih^

T h o m as

* * * * + + + + + + + -H + -H - f r+ + + + +

I n o t e s FR O n THE +



All v«*t n<i KfiMindapnn. I'lil It l* iir'ili-itdr ihJil WfbleB- mAYeTN Furk w'H Y’' *W**s’t ^

WnUfT lililhbInM. m ia a g ’-r "f th f laicall.MNwtyall rliib. It la «Hld. will Ir>olt « fl« r t h r tiUNlnMN intrrh'wtN nf the n*** organl*** .- r and mufYag<* T hr rluh

A lim ll. su f of Jr rp-T C liy ■ 1»to Form a i lul» In th a t vll>.- artd

hftVf pLrrhfl**-d lb# M onifral E aste rn Ld .igu*’ fr*ncht>^^

In nil lh»>rft will t># ^ tghl rlu4« In the Itnuu*. inclULlina ih?* N ew ark uu4 Jem^jr CU> nln*-»

f c T B

4 e + + + + + + -f+ + + IA blrti k " Ml

oftKwriTYi V.' • - . « .o f 4'h I t . ' - ^ ■slrci-t w as r» )•"'

lH*rtn di^ldfO I Biii’ i' •luorntn s

T t e l t r , H X w ig l C yoriti a r i W U ta*

L U M B E Rm i Aiit snetuTtEs.


l l r ^ g g e d h t l lw ra e !■ K ^ a ru ? *John Kay. ■ d river for a local

ftrtn. wu* painfully i n j u r e uhciut 5 o Cio-Tt sy«Y«>rda> aftt-raoon. H«* d riU ^nngswim** goods! to « cuatoUKT on fircen » t r « ^ and a* c«oi# out oftb« th r hor*c aiArtiKl off. Kgye »agrabbing hoM of w t»f ihi* rH na f«» gfw was gfappad ab o « t f l f t / f ^ t h^fora tb a anim al < ouM be piuppvd. ivay waa lAfcan to Dr 8 B f l t rm w r a wbar* b itIniurKm w rrr drrWMd H r ihrft v a n tbomr

4 - H - + + + 1 - H - H 4 - !•ruHTi * ivllh

Tri-m ih f p'-rvh ■■ hi'in** 07 Br*kud

n:«{hi The* m au » rps. I n.l r r « irjGt I'li-

'■•iKin K1r«*'hman this

" l'r«e#|i#rt I Nfrt-w(. WRlli> ( Ji2<]g«' $< halk tn

f >!;•'? i.’iiuTMhi3 m orn- - - r t . k Pl.hl of 12 Elmr Mfij "f <t a Ui'h. Sh» . fiarthrr h««rtnng n n i I '. 'If '‘I tha t YhiF TTTia*ing ■■! ihft defendan t's fhm»-

.Mr K noll w*a »bom m • -■Hie Jumped out, gnd said „.-anary H would s ta rv e , sh. - , jln iie In the houee. Mr. Kn i- . and gave It 10 her, am! kissing H » «hlld. eh, » a ^ a y

Th,' chief and John B all ,i.- , honse and th en w en t aw*> lat- r Mr K n o tt w * i noilll. .Ball was 111 a t hl» hom e, k,Five days la te r be W « la k e , ' non h,>*plial au B trtn g from »m , eumahiv eonttw cted a t Ih- i house e lth a r w hile carin g r

! I here or d la lnfectliw ‘h r r„I srea - t once th a t hM ro tid l" ’

( .,1 and, desp ite e ll th a t ' ■' fur him, he died " ’ '’7

r„cty-une y e a n okk HI* » IL him again a f te r » « 7 5 f baby tha t hearm* m th e hoag lU l o " ' and a few d a y i .that she had « «she was p e rm R I^ * tz lT ^ in i ^ - , , h„y I, still tbar* . H e i' ' ■' re-

"■rw * - a * th e "I'l “o O.A r.t t iM lfb rbojn® vp«i-flav andWhr^n t h / Ttscrlr*>a mGn-h-iv a a i.r t .-a In tb a

' ‘*n7 < 'her a S la H T lIf t lh««l w th lit,'., orhf#d B0ttrc* o f Inofjm- 4nd kq

SohT ’ i w i r . f r t i - i b T d


MIKE AND BDCiSS BOBLK in g Kdwraed. R wee* A Ie * » « d r a and

T h e ir < h lU r r a O* «* * ♦ * » T h en .At

TA B M O l'TH . Is lr of W ight. O ct .1 The O phir, hearing the D uke and Du, h. of York, anchoredM ight, S t 4 I> M. to-day, K ing M - and Queen A lexandra **** Je” "'*"','. 'Special tra in a t 6 ?■ « ' h - .

The children o f the * J^ ,h e? r m .of C ornw all and York a re w ith the irJrltlWI'e ____ _

t h i s 19 A*.*. M ALLOW K'KA.

T r a d l t l o * . ! M wde. o fTH Be !■ « T M e « e e T * - « * * k I

Speclnl flRixHiA l*e ffVi'.MYft SKWK.BUFFALO. N. Y., Oct. 31.-H e n ry

Mullen, a*al*tant keeper of Jnm bo IL. th* largest elephant In captiv ity , w as a t- lacked th is m orning by hi* charge, while atlem pilng lo clean nut hla atall l n BoKiock'a wll'l an im al show, on th e Mld- ,,Bj. .Mullen suala lned frac tu re s of four ribs, hi* ank le a as broken and he re ­ceived uum eroup cu ts. He la a t th e hos­pital In 0 precarlou* cfindltlon.

Jum bo has a lw ay s been a fe ro c lo ^ heasit. For y.-nra he ha* been ha rn e ii™In ehaln*. and lo ihl*. coupled w ith the timely assis tance n f Jam es Miller nnd Ekl- waril, w. .Mullen OWvS tils life.

Mullen had en tered th e H all w ith a ,.h (ii ju m b o took ex ­

ception. and sudden ly w rapped hi* tru n k i.hnul he keeper * body and lifted him high ,o e r his head, bringing him down V,iih terrific force a g a in s t th e floor. This aim,.- was sufllclent to b reak (mvsral I,.,m s Before ihe keeper could s tir, 1 ^ l,ea..i a tlem p ted lo gore him, but f a ^

Lhe chftlnD* h«li3 hi* head ** * . ’ Falling In th a t . Jp m b o quickly IhrtW hi* irunk about ihe p ro s tra te roan and aga n n „ ,, l him ln t„ the air. -T ^ rc ho he i

: I,hr, for a m om ent and tw iH «) h‘">S ian n c l from the shock he had received

when he Hr*! s tru c k the floor. M ullen was , I anahlc to do an y th in g . ^A i'^ough con-

lou* his m ind w as bewildered and the ram dity Of the e le p h an t's m ovem em s pre-

h .ied any p lan of defence. .Mullen w as , .gain th row n lo the floor, and then

Jiiraho a liem p te ii to (Tu*h him under hla f,-ei hut ag a in Ihc chain s held him. I n- ahle to reach hi* keeper with e ithe r fest

' :r tusks, Ju m b o lashed again and again the p ro s tra te form wRh his tru n k As he I,rough! h is tru n k down un Mullen, the

' t„.ne* could be heard lo snap, and w ith ' -a rh blow M ullen would give a yell, while

the e lephan t ven ted the wild howl of the

' Miller and B arlow reached the sta ll In 1 time to heat the e lep h an t off w llh sharp I i.rong* and club*. MuUen w as d ig g e d ' ',way and rem oved to lb* hospital. The ' doctors say Ms in ju riea a re ie rto u * kui I not necs tsar ily fa ta l.

HOBO K EN , Oct. 3 l .-J o h n C h artrao d , m an ag er o f a curiing rink here, is dead from th e effect* of a pistol w ound IB tb s head. HI* wife Is under a rre* t. pandlng InvMiigkYlon.

M rs. c h a r lre n rt'p story *■ t h i t Iver band had been imahle lo re n t for th e ir accom m odation Of 1a l« and th a t for th a t reason ahe had gone to I t o Wl h her m other She visited h e r h u a ^ n d ^ the rin k last n ight and rem ained w ith all night. She says ' ' “• ' i f About to W firf ihf* rink th ta husband took out a revolvef and offered It

' “cha'rtrB nd had arranged , ahe aaya, to p on B hun ting trip to ^gone ten days, and Mrs. • f h a r t r a o d vraa to have taken care of the fin k during hla absence. He gave r*]'® '''* ' / g j

to prot^vt herself d u rin g n#r itfty Rt the fink. . ^

Mr*. C hftrtrand w y e ihftl arm around h^r huabftnd-n neck to k l ^ him go,m-by. snd th a t t»» . I "some way * • 'te red C h artrau d 's head beh tirf te * 1 ^ e a r and he died lefrjfe he could ba taken to R ho ip ita l.

Mrn. r h a r t r tn i l wa* TlsitHi Ihjfc nuon tn her « l l hy her widowed m other and two sGier*. She told 1**™ shooting was *n accident, ^ h * P<dl» .warched the rink ihl* a fte rtioon and foun.1 Ihe revolver w here M rs. (T w r- iranrl *aW *b« had th row n H a « H the • h 'lo tln i. H w as nn old w orn -ou t rusty* loiiklng weapon of » -ca llh re . Two empty chrtBihera w ere found Ri th e •,*'though Mr*. C h artran d Inalat* th a t only nn#' Ithot w a t 8 r#d-

C h artran d wa» abou t ih in y f tv a yaam old and well know n to a ll sportam en th roughout t h . S m te He ae a n expert wing* .h o t and In m any proleerional pigeon ahoota In a ll p a rts of the etm nlry. He Imd b em m u ' rted abou t ten yoari. b u t had ncit ^ a f l w ith Ida wife lo r eeveral year*. They m u tua lly tb •©pftffttk*


f>n«ngr C fftk lR#4*fB.Tb« Ct»b t O rftftft held a

Afternoon. W jjttDf>d *> ar-- 1 rrm fiT f ft *-vtxk H. 8 b « 'p ^

O ft

nilftiniN hRkrt ikevn made . ; lately by conlfftt’-

'- -1 iio le ti fruro r\#w;*!«■> ftft ftrtH-unu Lfti*t

< - 'f lool# OWfiAfl t.y W <T.d-u)En from « n# « bu tld ln f ' V' to. Irv ln ftnn . VRlued ri

nlgbt a lot of tools :r -m h huliilng In 8lx t* rn tnr;*T tdifiV. g mllkmftCL of SB Kftin

,* ,** .. v.-e*. Drmnge. wftt ftrre«t#d y#»- Arniuiv on rotni'laini of H rrsiftn Pftftrftotl IfT bftTlr.jf it\ Di* poftMVfiion boil}«« be- |f»n»r>xig to oth'9-T irAl#r9 Tlii#rv w#r» l» o

I z >^ympk*lnis Rftsinst him H# v i t tn Ih# |-nr»i C oort thto

I tsoT-nlikl ftbd IR OQ ^ftek of tb ^ two j gviMrcMk Tk« rtw tf In th# raft# ftorom tsd [ lo |L ^ . Rftw» pftW tkft ftftd\ tU rff la * A * * k i fiv v d M s f r s e d o ^

B a d !> •« * • * * * ! " * ' ' ' 'V - a s — -w aaM r to c k e ic lten .ant ,n A mad . . . a e f a f •fte rr,o "n it rsn

tow ard HI" mneldf ; n u e ^ ^A r m i r ouvi Tws wom#n atw.B. _^^__w* w<nn#n

(or [siRc#ftof 8af« ty sBd ftU ^

goira 8chw*rt.f*. jhT

Two dcvs* l i 1* e«moe

F«lfx UrOtUelayuy^ M

road last bridge- i be sarioBSIr

[ kla huiM . i l IhulgBsav

____ to getting „uti t reeBaWie-1 m the

■od then started Bgg M o r e 11 had UP Iflerah shot it.

k « ten hy the

N ew ark will en>iy R i ««> «* ' H .llo w c en | revel to -n igh t, and p repum tkm a for the even t a re g n lo , on U. .11 P * i^ . ^H ty 1, Is euatom of m any y . « « a t.n d - ;^ng fo r th e younger * V in d

s o r u of groteaqu* m ake-upa. I t m -n lgh t I, an y th in g Ilk . o ther in N ew ark thew ith all aorta of m a r te d ,ever p resen t b m HI boy .P d flour will be on h u r f l o • nd w hiten tlw olotbaa o f ^

cu sto m er* tb e ra baa IweB P ------mand lor oulflU U »n *“ • ^

A nother femtura r f th e «th r HftUowe'ftft bob-

w ig for .PPM . *"« « ^ ** t ^ n 7 c suapended from th*, ^ n . - lU throw a g *shoulders aod I.M B t M r

Othm T ea t*" a w k «M d IB buckeU a t o ^ t a k a c ^ Uknow ledge from Ihe a h p p « U W be tried- ______

P rr , h .gm h oy'a O yalee Y ie ld , h'wrtel friepate* to Ike grfl.V/.YG .Vff ltd.

PBH'TH A M B o f. Oct. tl.- ;O y a te r grow- er* S re ” rep o rt th e yield of "ea r b e tte r th a n ever ire large, t a t »"«>/rn r will be ftboul 9(f t60 buihel*-

5 o a ^ d o n t

G irl * f F o « r k ftd lrgpertal fUmatrk to l*e **’*-''

P L A IN F IB L D . Oct. *“ 5 S Sw ith paper* ab o u t a k itch en a tp ro y t o t e r d a y ^ u l s c D a m * fou r y a a r a ^ . d au g h te r of Mj* M ary {!h e r c lothing. T tw f S S t t f ^ r i S

t h e l l t t l V ^ B M bad ly burned , t a wad H r. H a w lira b an d *

Tooth Powder 25®

A a t .m a k t K Y W r t - a _ ^ » « * ^ 1 0 ! f * w YOIUL OcL D - ^ 3 5 L * S L 2 !K L$r

f l n r t . t a r t r . trb * was eta- , UP Qm C g i r a l kaiK

I th e W art strart pha' w as funna ta

M e IBMOeea , M * BMIca a

Good Ibr Bad Teeth Not Bad ffop Good Teeth

A t « ■ • » ■ « « ' 9 •

f i ^ a v BP d aaH ifeM ha wW B**

i d y m i i l u u i i f t w . d f c d i . p d y H M i k




B u j T i^ la j i i tliat C om tj T ellig T iters ¥ b j T bej Sbotid Hake

Dim fioTenor.


R i v a l C h ie f C a n d id a te * M eet T w ic e l a T h e i r T o u r Y e m le rd a y —N ew ark** M a y o r M ak e * F 'lv e A ddream e*—il iv O u tp o a r iD f a t N ew B ro a* w le lc« P e r t h A u ib o y la d a rn tr le * Vtmlted* A t O th e r P o lD ti .

N ^ T A gK JIV B yiN G NEWSi THg^ftfeoiY, OCTOBER 31. 1901.

By Tf}((fraph from a S ta ff CorrtMpondcnt.M ATAW AN. Oct. 31.—The to u r of Mon­

m outh C ounty, w hich M ayor Seymour, the D em ocratic G u berna to ria l candidate, a ta rto d on th is mornlnK, began In a fog, b u t th e cheerlcRtf w eath e r did no t seem to chill the i^plrlta of any of his companions. B efore th« jo u rn ry w as long under w ay the sun cam e ou t and dispelled the m ist.

The M ayor w as accom panied th is morn- Uig by W illiam H . A ndrew s, o r A tlantic H ighlands, a m em ber o f the County Com­m ittee , whO' hod rem ained over n ight In N ew ark. T he can d id a te le ft N ew ark a t 8:38 o 'clock, being Joined on the tra in by Jo­seph R. B uchanan , of M ontclair.

A t M ataw an , w hich placa w as reached a b o u t 10 o 'clock, a tra in fo r A tlan tic H igh­lan d s w as boarded, and M ayor Seym our w as m et by S u rro g a te David B. C ra te r, Judge J C larence Conover, Jam es E. Deg- nan. seve ra l m em bera of the M onmouth C ounty C om m ittee and th e Assembly can­didate*. M essrs. M cDonald. Lefferson and Posten . Theae accom panied the M ayor on h is tour.

T here w4s qu ite a crow d a t the A tlantic H ig h lan d s S ta tio n w hen th e cand idate '^ tra in pulled In. M em bers of the Middle- tow n Tow nship D em ocratic Committee and a special com m ittee of lOO clilscns g reeted th e M ayor. D rake 's E lizabeth band, tu n ed up and from this on m ade music.

A brief recep tion took place in A tlantic H igh lands. Mr. Seym our shaking hands w ith m any people, who wished him *uc- oes8. A t noon th e w ord to s ta r t "was g iven once m ore, th e destination this <lm e being jveyport, the home of big o y s te rs and d a m a . A brief m eeting was held in the K ey p o rt A rm ory, W’ htch waa well niled. S evera l old s a lts told Ute M ayor th ey w ere going to vote for hin> snfi th ey received the cand idate 's thanks,

A bout 2 o’clock the p a rly le ft K eyporl fo r th is place, a rr iv in g here In due sea ­son fo r th e second lim e lo-day. The p a rty proceeded to th e Aberdeen, Inn, w here a f te r luncheon a n Inform al recep­tion w as held.

L a te th is a fte rn o o n th e M ayor and his p a rty wlU leave fo r R ed Bonk. From th a t place th ey w ill journey to Aabury P a rk , ta k e su p p er and partic ipa te a t a m assm eetlng . Beside* th e M ayor, R obert 8. H udspeth , M r. B uchanan and A lexan­der Young will speak . A tro lley ca r will convey th e M ayor from A sbury P ark to Txing B ran ch a t 8.30 o’clock, w here he will sp eak a t a n o th e r meeting, thus b ring ing to an end hi* M onm outh County tour.

M ld d l* « ea E a th « * t* * tlc .N E W B R U N SW IC K , Oct. 31. (S p e c ia l-

N ot since M ayor Seym our s ta r te d on his cam paign ing to u r of th e S ta le has he met, w ith such a reception In any county as th a t accorded him in Middlesex j'cste r- day and la s t n ig h t. I t wa* on* o f the best m anaged and m oat successfu l' tripi; yet m ade and m uch cred it seems to be due to G eorge 8 . StlBer. chairm an of the Qounly C om m ittee: O liver Kelly, of tb s S ta te C om m ittee, and the ir associates. T hey provided fo r fou r day m eetings In dlflferent p a rts o f th e county and ihea© w ere exceedingly well a ttended in spite of th e tim e and place* where they were held. B ut the bast w as reserved fo r the last, and w hen N ew Brunsw ick was reached th in g s w ere “c u t looao'' and there w as a good o ld-fashioned Dem ocratic ou t­pouring w ith th e u sual accom panim ents of redflfe, rocke tf. tlrecm p^ers and nuislc, reHev«4 npw ^ b u rs ting bomba.

Tbara- w as * p a rad e la which Mr. Sey­m our rode. To conclude the day ’s work tb e re w * s a n ig h t m aasm eitlng In Colum ­bia lialU w here every one o f the 3,600 sea ts Was ta k e n and S tand ing room only le f t T he m eeting w as a success. A fea tu re of th e d ay 's cam paign ing w as the tw o m eet­ings of th e M ayor and F rank lin M urphy on the tra in s com ing from N ew ark In the m orning and re tu rn in g a t night.

The M ayor and his p a rty arrived here abou t 6:30 o 'clock In a special trolley car from M llltown. A t this M ansion House supper w as served , the meal being in te r­rup ted freq u en tly by several citizens. Vho en tered the d in ing-room to shake hands w ith th e candidate.

T here was only a brief re s t for the M ayor a f te r th« m eal, ae the Democratic boats w ere g a th e rin g w ithout, roudy tu m co rt th« nom ln ,? to th e h ill. The etreots w ere u b k u e w ith redflre and noisy from ezplodlaff bomba and hreorackera.

M ayor Seym our, w ith Mr. Kelly and Mr Bllaer, rode In a oloaed ra rr lag e In I he m iddle o f the parade. The M ayor was cheered m any tim es aa he paaaed alona A t the h a ll It w as a ll the M ayor could do to aqueeao hie w ay th ro u ih the crowd, w hich w as ab o u t the en trance. The hull w as a lm o st Oiled w hen he w ent In and the rem aln ln* sea ts w ere quickly occupied. H u n d i^ s had to s tan d In the re a r of the b i t room. Sm all flacs had been d is trib u t­ed sa o n K th e aud ience and when the M ayor atepped ou t on th e s tase , there was a roar. T hen those of the 2.500 persons who w ere no t a lread y a ta n d ln f Jumped up, still ah o u tln c and cbeerlnx , and waved the Caci.

A a a e m h la s c stwwa -A eaeriew .”T he m e ttla c w as opened by the a ln s ln i

Of "A m erica ,’' th e band leading. Then fo r­m er S enato r Jam ca H. Van Cleef waa In­troduced a s chairm an . He rem arked th a t never before w ere chances of D em ocratic success b righ ter. The iJrst speaker was H ow ard A. R eynolds. Assembly nominee,

«who s^ ld th a t he w as proud lo be on the ticke t tr l th H r. Seym our. U r. Reynolds a ^ e d D em ocrats to work h a rd fo r the Succces o f the A ssem bly ticket, so th a t It th e M ayor w as elected O oT lm or he would ka upheld to w h a tev e r he undertook to do. G eorge A. V lebm an, cand idate for M ayor, d iscussed the local Isaoea o f the tam p a lg n ,

Mr. V an C leaf Introduced the M ayor as one of w hom It srould be said, "W elt done, goad and fU tk fu l earv an tl thou h ast been fa ith fu l w a r a few th ln g a and I wltl m ake yau ru le r av er m an y th ings "

W h sn the M ayor a n a e a rousing n c e p . tlo a w a s given to him. I t w as a receptlua such aa a c an d id a te seM ora haa received h i th le city .

I t begnn w ith a ro a r, cheer, th ree times Uuras obaare end t ig a n galore. E very men h ad Juiswed to hla fe e t en d waved any­th in g h e could w e t h la beads on—a bat, a S w a r a h a n d k e re h le l

T hen av er a t th e le f t side o f tb s hall th e re w as s m ovem ent am ong som e young men. O ut a t a n d sb av e the cheers cam e a n o th e r noise- I t w as a song, to th r ch o ru s a ir o f " Jo h n B row n's Body." It

8w i* In ttnl*— t r tk s y w m t m n mambert of * local d a b . H sre i* the i M v*r*e: ^

"A nd th e people w ill th a t Seym our, .nzttinie, J im m ie Seym our,

And the people wBI th a t Seym ourShalt oe their Gomemor."Then, w hite th e hag* w ere w aving, cam e

th is cam paign cry :“ R ah! R ah! R ah ! T iger! Sis, boom, ah!

J^frerso}!, Jackson . A bbett, Seym our, Sey­m our! Jam es M. S eym our!"

N ot once, but m any time*, were the*© repeated. T h e M ayor stood looking on in woAdertneat. I t w as the h e a r tie s t re­ception he had ye t received, and it* fa lr- ly took him off b is feet.

He began to speak , first than k in g the young men for th e ir efforts.

T he M ayor'* rem ark s w ere m uch the sam e th a t he h a s been m aking all along, and, though he spoke on old topics to those who had h ea rd him before, yet the audience received them exceedingly well.

T he M ayor to ld of h is election as Chief E xecutive o f N ew ark and of hi* friend ­ship for the laboring people, of whom be said he waa one. H e said he found out to run N ew ark i t took only businesa ju d g ­m ent and a little horse sense. He prom ­ised, If elected G overnor, to use hi* en­deavor* fo r th e In to resia of the people of all the S ta te .

<*Dlck*’ R ea d ik iir Tarw«?t f o r B enuyuF orm er As.semblymaii A llan Benny w'as

th e nex t speaker. As usual he derided the s ta tem e m s of th e R epublicans th a t they w ere the friends of th e schools o r the laboring m an. H e denounced the Stokes School iatv as an am biguous m easure, and poked fun a t “Dii.'k" Reading, who In tro ­duced F ran k lin M urphy a t a recent m eet­ing by saying th a t he would “ vouch’* for Ml. M urphy.

“And it 's d o lla rs to d o u g h n u ts th a t If Mr. M urphy Is elected he 'll h ave to vouch for 'S lippery D ick’ R eading ," said Mr. Benny.

A lexander Young m ade a few rem arka telling of Mr, S eym our's record.

T h a t closed the m eeting an d the M ayor and hla p a rty w alked to the ra ilroad s ta ­tion, tak in g th e 11:30 tra in fo r N ew ark. On the tra in w as Mr. M urphy, and Mr. Seym our w ent buck In the c a r w here be w as and g reeted him.

The s ta r t in th e cam paign of M iddlesex County w as m ade a t P e rth Amboy, aa told In the N E W S o f yeste rday . M ayor Seym our left N ew ark sh o rtly a f te r 9 o’clock, being m e t h i th e N ew ark sta tion by George S. Silzer, chairm an of- the C ounty C om m ittee, and O liver Kelly, of th e S ta te C om m itted. W hen the M ayor boarded th e tra in he w as told th a t hl.s opponent, F ran k lin M urphy, waa In the nex t car. The *am e in form ation w as c a r­ried to Mr. M urphy, who w ent to where th e M ayor Wn* s ittin g . T he two greeted each o th e r and then ta lked about lh(:i w eathe r un til P e r th Amboy waa reached, w here they bade each o th e r good-by.

The tra in a rriv ed In P e rth Arnboy a little a f te r 10 o 'clock, and th e re the M ayor w as m et by WMllain P. O’H ara . Howard A. R eynolds a n d C h ris tian Sin iub . the th ree A ssem bly can d id a tes ; Edw ard N. Kelly, George H ard im an . Hugh Timmins, P e te r M ulvany. John K elleher. Jnhn R ear­don, C harles K . Seam an, cundidate for M ayor; Jo seph S trieker, t’am iidaie for freeholder; C harles C. H am m an. Jam es Glenn and P a tr ic k Convery. Iti carriages ih e jia rty w as conveyed about the d iy . Among the p laces v isited wan thn m achine shop of P. W hile & Sons, where the M ayor .spoke briefly ; th e S tandard T erra C otta W orks, and the m arhlne shop’ of Adam E ckert. A fte r the tou r of the shops th e M ayor m et severa l thnii.sand w ork­m en from the Lehigh Valley R ailroad docks and the G uggenhelm er Sm elting W orks, a t H all avenue and S ta te s treet. He w as kept busy fo r some tim e ahak lng hands.

A fte r th is the p a r ty went to the C entral T lotel, w here th e M e3’or spoke from tin* balcony to a good-sized m.iwd. Luncheon followt^d, and then cam e a reception until 2:30 o'clock. A t th a t hour It waa tim e to leave for S outh Amboy, and a band pre­ceded Lb* p a rty to th e station . The way w as along flug-hedecked buildings, most of them in p rep a ra tio n fo r the firem an 's parade, bu t m any o f them ha<LMr. Sey­m our’s p ic tu re for a centre-piece.Hootli A m b o 7 .9 * r r e v t l l« 3 o i it i i R iv e r .

A t South A m boy M ayor M ulrhead m et tb s p a rty and esco rted them to the borough hall. A m eeting w as called for th a t place a t 3 o 'clock, an d in sp ite of tho hour the hall w a» filled to overflow­ing, probably 350 persons being present. M ayor M ulrhead called the m eeting to order, and D. C. C hase w as chosen as chairm an. M ayor Beym our and Mr. Reynold* spoke briefly, a s did Mr. S traub. A special p a rlo r tro lley cor, th e p roperty of E dw ard R adel, o f th e T rac tion com­pany, conveyed the p a rty over the clity- p lts of Micidlesex to Sayrevttie .

F orm er A ssem blym an John J. Quaid, of the ^ e e l i t lS e ' C ozbm ittte j abd- A ugust W agner had Charge o f m a tte rs there . A crowded m eeting w as held In M iller's H all, M ayor Seym our being th e only speaker to oddreiB th© audtsnoe. Fro>ni SayrevlUc to South R iver wa* an o th e r *hort trolley ride, and a t th a t p lace t^."^cand1dat© *poke In T ates’s C en tra l H all. T his place, too, w as crow ded a t S p’clock.

M lltow n wo* th e nex t stop , an d was read ied by tro lley . T here w ere red fire an d ro c k s u there . M ayor S sym our m ade his fifth add ress of the day to a sm all audience, but one th a t a im oat filled the hall. I t w as 6 o 'clock, and every one was going to supper.

The day me«Ungs y e ste rd ay w ere a source of w onder to Mr. Seym our, who did not u n d e rs tan d - th e en th u siasm m an­ifested and the crow ds th a t tu rned out during w orking hours, l i a rgued well for th e D em ocratic tickf't, he said.

The tro lley w a r once ag a in taken, th is tim e fo r New Briinaw tck, which was reached a t 6:30 o'clock.


§ . 0 . F. Cfllsraatoria] Caididale to Be Aided ia Flea Te-aijkt h j


nom inefs busk day in NEBCEB.

F u m r T h r e e M e e tin g sftu d T e n -n a lle D r U e ^ H lv a l A « p |. r n n t* B n c a i in t e r Enelk O th e r T w ic e . l* r ln c e to n S tu d e n t s a n d T b u s e a t H ig h ts to w n P u t L i fe in W e lc o m e s . B ab y K tssAnA A bantla i'netl.

Sole Agents fofIVaisl for Boys.

•^Conqueror ” Sole Agents Underwear.

for “ YpsUanti’’ Sole Agents for "SHlesky’ Shirts for Men.

Dress i Sole Agents for j Shoes for H omen.


m i i s n s tL H . J L 1

T H E D R Y G O O D S S H O P P I N G C E N T R E O F N E W J E R S E Y .

L. S. PL AUT & CO. m tm w M smtxHEWAMK.N.J.

T H I R D W A R D E H i O T T I I I F O R C E .

R e p v b llc a n V o ter* Em Iliw alasttC A lly R a t i f y th e T te k e t ,

The R epublicans of th* Third W ard turned out In force Is s i n igh t a t the ma*a- meatlng, held In S chneider's H all, com er South O range avenue an d Broom* street, Aimoat every s ca t In th e la rge hall was occupied. A ssem blym an J H enry B acheh ler. cand idate fo r re-election , m ade a brief speech, and fo rm er Judge A ugustus F. Eggers told w h a t he proposed to do 11 elected to the B oard of W'orks.

' John F oster, th e a ld e rm aalc ooinln**, and Charles F. Eoh« J r ., the candldat* for school comml-sstoner, niade speech**, and AssemblymBn W illiam B. Q a rrab ran ts held the a tte n tio n of the audience fo r ha lf an hour, w hile he d iscussed S ta te laaue*^ The chairm an nex t In troduced form er Sen,, a to r K eteham a s “one of th« old tim er* ,’’ and Mr. K etcham w as followed by R. C. JenklnsoD, D. 8 S u therland , of Jersey City, and F. N, Jacobus. A cam paign soag of the T w elfth W ard , called “Qood-by, J im Seym our. Q ood-by," w as sung by the crow d In chorus.


••tjood Clothes.

Bring Your Boy Along

y o a c o m eT h e v e r y n e x t t i m e h e r e f o r c l o t h i n g .

S e e h o w w e l l t M c G r e g o r - t n e d e S a i l o r , N o f f o l k o r D o s h t e - f a r e e s t e d S i f i t b e i^ b p ie B h io L

T e o c h a n c e s t o e w e i t w i l l m a k e a c o n v e r t o f y o u ( i f 7 0 a a r e n o t « w e i ^ r m i j ) .

. W o * r» B o jr ’a C l o t k i e t s e v e r y b i t a s m u c h a a M e w ^ a

ScSwel Swits, iwwSa rigSt^S 2 .9 0 a p .

NwWft S«lta-$4.0a M tor me«M SwKa-4U 0 w^

Aw<MaV«lm ^ c k OXasta-

McGregor &Co.

H l> ta W a r e R e » a M lr a a > S h a w a a ta a ia to r th e T ic k e t .

A R epublican m aegm eetlng w u held la st n ight b r th e Republican* o f the P o u itb and S ix th d lttr ic U of the N in th W ard a t th a sou th end of B road a tra e t Before th# m ee tin s upened a n A m erican flag w as sw ung ac ro a i the aipeet »,H a large am oun t o f red Are and flrawork* w as consum ed.

A htenaaa W altoa 8. Howarth preaided over the m eeting and Gcoige E. RuatcU waa the f ln t apeaker. Mr. Rusaall dU- cusaed th e State and municipal laaoW and then gave w ar to George U. Ballard, prealdmit of the Board of W oika Aa- srmUyiBaii J. H a iry Bacheller, Bchoot Commlasloner C h a r in Lagan and Bd- ward U . Stonakcr alao made addewasa.

' The com m ittee which had charge o f the M air conalated o f Alderman Howarth. A m ea Armstrong, George W. Hoorc, Jer- emlan Baldwin and Qottlleh H esla.

P w lt t ic a l F e in te r a .A ratlOeatlon m eeting w ill be held to­

night hr the FTemonl Boclatr a t Its head- qnm tu e . W Liacota W raet.

The Weat End RepubUcaif Club win hoU a taililcatlan m aetlng a t t i t B gh teen tli arenue ta-nlght.

A R tpuhH can m eeting wRl ha haU a t Ziefaar'a H all, B ea th O raag a n i . i a i , gag C a m te w r ta t . tw m ig b t hpaakars wtB haM M ttaadaica

Amaag tha speak ara who WUI - | | - m the Oamooratle a t I B H i . p jo ,.

avanua te -n ir t t a ia TBagHa B. r. rredertek T . J o h a a o i C o M ^ I and WUnam C. M k«n . '*

^ K. D aan, o f Bpaatoa. w ig g 4 a , » a ^ n o o B t f e m astM t a t Baah a a a C a m .

Bp Tet^raph from a S taff ('•irn Mji,j/t,fi-ni.EL IZ A B E TH , Oct. 31.—G \ m; iinrs final,

p resen t and, possibly, fu u ir r m l: h«lp along tho Republican campFiiyn in L ulou County to-night. CundbLiiy Frariklln M urphy is to ca rry h is liftiji im.j ihi^t county then, and Ctovernur ]-’<j.-ur M V oorhtes will be am ong ihu-t' tn lirt.-ot Wm, whlJe fo rm er G overnor Julm \ \ . Grigxs is to discuss cam p^j^n i.s-ue.s be­fore u meeting in Ellsal^eth.

The R epublican nomine** t|]i» morning in N ew ark, lookm>' j i i r busi­ness m a tte rs and m ak ing a shxr; mnP id ; R tliubllcan S ta te headquaritr.-^ Hr will leave for the home o f the pri-.'-tui: Guv- t-rnor late this a fte rn o o n unJ o I’ia.n fielfl, w here th e re Is lo bt- n r<- • followed by an early evl‘mn^ nitMiing, bffnre re tu rn in g here, w’herf ihi- I'm di- ' date is Hcheduled to ta lk a t !\s.> rnajiin m eetings In d ifferent p a rts of th.- lU v

Form er Attorn©y-Q«nerHl fin.i Mrs, Griggs wilt be the gu ests of I'niteii .Siai a Senator John K ean a t h is hum ■ in Kl zu- both before th e m eeting , but .is S-n .iior Kean is going to P lainfield wl:li .\lr .Mur­phy, they will h ave to dint- witii.mi ih**ir host. A rrangem ents a rc m i>: ng. ny the local com m ittees to mnky ihi- I'n lon trip one of the roost succei^M'ul in [he c-umpalgn. ,

T h r o w Bo*!4 B « ts * t Eni*h U ttir r , J NEW B R U N SW IC K , (Km. ;m T\>luf

yesterday the rival nomlnei .** fur ib-vi-nior of New Jersey met, shook Inimh ,imi1 sulii p leasant th ings to each a lln r Tlu inert- ing Iti the m orning on the irlb tu Ferih Ambuy was told of In yesienluj. s NEWS. The second m eeting w as fu lh a.s unex­pected and Just as cordial. Franklin M ur­phy, accom panied by S enato r J-iim Kean, Halsey M. B arre tt and F rank lin .Murphy, J r., hud left T ren ton on thv Ij .m Feiin.'iyl- vanla tra in for th is c ity , and were ueeupy- Ing the sm oking cotnparlniM u in the Full- man when a t U:40 o’clock tin- tra in pulled in to New B runsw ick. Th'*ri- u lag urowd of men and boys, am id red iK'-, was bid­ding M ayor Jam es M. Si>rn<iur good night a t the close of hla -Miijdle^<i-x trip M ayor Beymour w as told of hi.s ipponeiu a presence before he waa fairly mi the train ,

“ Well, he called on m e this nn'niliig and I guess r u b e tte r re tu rn tin* i’om plinii'nt." said Che Mayor, a* he s ta rted ;it pnee for the parlor car.

“Good evening. Mr. Murphy.'* was the M ayor'a g ree ting os be cnUTcd the com ­p artm en t w ith ou ts tre tch i ii hand.

“Oh. good evening, Mr Mayor; rom e righ t In and i l td o w n ,” reiurn»*d Mr. M ur­phy, a f te r they had shuken hands.

“ No: I Just called to any huw-do-do.’’ re ­plied the M ayor, b u t he sat di'wn a f te r a moment.

“Well, w hat kind of a day did you have?’' Inquired th e RepubUi’uii nominee.

“Oh, splendid, splendid. How wnn yyur d-iy?"

"■We had a de ligh tfu l day, «‘}oo4j m cet- IngB everyw here and lots of enthusiasm . Now. M r M ayor, te ll us the tru th about w hat you’ve been doing aiid we'li tell you the tru th abou t o u r d a y .’’ fluggebi' d .Mr. M urphy, and fo r h a lf an hour the two men and S enator K ean exchanged stories and Incidents of the d a y 's cam paigning.

“Well, how do you feel abou t It?’’ finally Intiulred Mr. M urphy, “You o ugh t to feel p re tty welt encouraged a f te r such a du^."

"Oh, L guess we b o th feel sncouragiKl ivhen we have had a good day ," adm itted tho Dem ocratic nominee.

“ Weil, you m a s t keep your sp irits up. Mr. M ayor.’’ adv ised h is o p p o n en t “D on't le t your sp irits go dow n."

“ I wont, and don’t you droop, e ith e r,” re to rted the D em ocratic nominee.

W'hfle discussing th e even ts of the day H ightstow n w as m entioned.

“ W’e Were a t H igh tstow n and had a good m eeting th e re ,” rem arked Mr. Say- mour,

“And did the college boys tu rn ou t for youT ’ asked Mr. M urphy.

“Oh, yes. yes!’' replied the Mayor.’'Well, they tu rned out for us. too," com ­

m ented Mr. M urphy. “The college boys’ smiles a re like th e #un. T hey sh ine upon Republicans and D*ro<Krats alike, bu t I like the ir sm iles."

As the Pullm an w as too fu ll fo r all the Domoeratic p a rty to find aeala IhtTo, Mr. Seym our left th e pa rlo r c a r a t Ellaalw ih and w ent tu a sea t In one of the day coaches.

“ H e 's a line m an. I t s a p leasure to have such an opponen t," com m ented the Mayor.

“ Isn i It nice to have a cam paign ci>n- ducted w ithout any h a rd reelings?'' r<- m*rkL-d Mr. M urphy, a f te r bis riva l hud gone.

M e rc e r W tio u p * I t T p .TRENTON. Oct. 31 (S p tc la l) .-A ll

throuRh M errer C ounty F ran k lin M urphy w as wricnmed with open a rm s by enthu* I elastic Republicans yeste rd ay , and lo^-al I leader>^ .iruj nominee* assu red him ihat | the 1.2in Republican m a jo rity pr©di< t d I fo r (h<r cuuniy Id the S ta te C om m ittee 's I forecaai would be increased by several | hundrfd . if nut doubled, I

Four receptions, th ree meetiDgs, a ten- 1 mile drive uver th e w orst road In New Jersey, 11 record-breaking tro lley trip, and I lively dem otistratlons by ■ tudstita In twu c o l l i e t' wns w ere th e fe a tu re s of one of the tiuMrsi and m ost n u c re slio g da>e o f camiial^nmg the can d id a te h a s pu t In tiiice hifl nomination. Once, when the country driver m ade a w rong tu rn in the road and <lr se the p a r ty Into the woo»ls. there i pruspeot of the pn»gi'attm<H being abrupUy ended fo r the day and big audUMlt' ' » bring d isappoin ted by th© absaiuM; of ihf nominee, b u t a oa tlve w as found who ^l‘L th in g s rig h t a f te r the caiopaigTirrs had gone only abou t th ree miles out of th r way.

Tht normii '* *■' n*cepUon a t H igh tstow n w as unlquf He had be?n accom panied from Jsmi.ohurg by W inkler’s band and a num ber ><f .Mercer leader*, headed by B enstor Elijah C. H utch inson , who 1* m n a tn g for re-election, and C ounty C lerk B arker iTurnm- re The qu1 llttl# coun try tow n took K day off to receive th e c an ­didate. and the Peddle In s titu te closed fo r the day to give the s tu d en ts a chance to take part .n th e deCBonstratlOn.

There was a parade from the ra ilro ad fttadOQ to the tow n hall, w here Mr*. R. W. N orton, president o f th e local Bunahljie Society, presented the nomlDee w tth a big bunch of violets and w ished Wm si»c- eeos. Then the na tives trooped in to sh ak e hands, while th e collage b o y a a b o u t MO strong, got toge ther in a c o m e r and

hooped th ings up In th e ir ow h way. They gave a do*en school and cU m crUm, •vary one ending w ith “ M urphy,” and only stopped cikeeiing sn d s ing ing to m ake a raid on a s u p p i/ o f coffee and sandwichetf provided by th e local coia- B lttee.

Among the n a tives In troduced to th e candidate was an old m an w ith a green necktie and um nlstakab te Ir ish brogue.

“Mr. Murphy. I wmot yo* 10 know Mr. Murphy. ' announced B ark e r Q um m ere, ag he presented the H ig h ts to w n m an

**Ab ' i t 's a good th in g to know th e re be

Nottingham Lace Curtain Sale!1,000 pairs of Nottingham Lace Curtains, 3 to 50 pairs of a pattern, all new and desirable, purchased from the

maker away below regular prices on account of his closing out certain patterns, designs in Irish Point, Renaissance, Novelty Floral, etc., 3^ yards long, full width, regular prices mean regular prices in this store, no inflated

iA'alues. Note these reductions for this special sale;

Regular $1.48 Curtains a t - 9 8 c I Regular $2.50 Curtains a t - 1 .69Regular $1.98 Curtains a t - 1 .25 Regular $2.98 Curtains a t - 1 .89Regular $2.25 Curtains a t - 1 .4 8 Regular $3.25 Curtains at - 1 .98Flanael S p e : i a l x ‘“ '', ™;,‘bleached Canton F lam iel. closely w ott u and firm, jiis l for s Friday eyt;- Q opem r, re^^ular value I3c,, sjje- c i o l ............................................. .... . .

Sheeting Mnu ■Bleached Sheeting, best qm ililv iiuiie, heavy w eight, no dressing. re|>ular jSc. yard, jilst for a f f C Friday flyer . . . . . . . .

Ituslio S p e d a l l T s H ' ;entis! to'^Wamsufia. ill,” *tc., AOSOyatdM-

Sale of New Moquette Rugs.The fact that our stock is a little too large is the only

reason why we cut prices on these new and desirable Rugs. When we get our stock down to nonual proportions, up will go the prices again, therefore if you to save good money on good Rugs come F r i d a y and Saturday. Every R u g i.s as fresh and desirable as a newly minted gold dollar.

Comfortable Special«l1l© St itrlmd or lufttMl, rloublo boti si^o. figured oo bi tii sidcHur rhUu 0T1 oth' and fi|rnrt‘tl nn rlie uilier. Kog. 11.30, JiiHjclal Friday

-Full size BUkaltiic Com fori-

1.29' 1 1 . . ! . . . . liBve.secuLining Special

prioeH w hich enable U» to offer them

| —We have secured ■ I pieesN . . i g s ut

priceH w hich enable u» to offer th em at alx>ut I regu lar prUeki. Hohi block K nncli llaii'ch iih . thoroutfldy nhrunk, a w id tiu ; '

'24-iiich. Keifular 390. .Special, do-iueb. Koaulariihc, Bpedal, ike 18-luch. KeguMr'JSc.. BpaciaU 15c

host quality.entia! to'^Wamsufia " r i j c a ." “ flill,” *tc., fi-OWyaKlw ihe Utc, kind reduced to ctealu a Klif Friday to

Size I 8 x 3 ( . ^ ^ Slze27xii3.| A C I Size36x72.'1 A C! • / « / 1A i i Huff / t )6 i c 4 $1 log.. o w e A a | 0 | . . 1 .9 3 1,1 $4 Rug.,

Japonette Handkerchiefs"5c

'I o-morrnw Khali offer 3,000 Men'sliiitlai llomAtitohed Japonette Handki'ich io /s, all inilialH, reifular ScvaluoH. very special............................

F u r N o v e l t i e s .Come to the Fur Opening This Week.

Marten Stole, with tw o full bushy tails. A . . g rest bargain a t ........................................ , • * ^ 0

t o l C S — D a rk h!astern Miuk S to le, with e i^ lu bushyt a i l s ..........................................................................................^ V tv V

t o l C S — Shape Stole, choice skinK nf Isabella fox , ^tw o full biLsIiy tails, four natural paws . . . . . 4 U iU U

S a v e o n U m b r e l l a s .I l m h r A l l f l C n / w i j n |—Me"'® “ni* * iS-mcli aud 28-in cht I U U I C I l a j p c t l a l Um breUas, all-silk and Union TaffeUcoveritiifs, tape eili^e, case and tassel, d o se roll, niom ited ^ - __on rich H orn, Fiir/e, D resden, C ongo and Boxwood, I C sterling silver trim m ed han dles; rcg. value # 2 .50 , special I g V T t J

llm brella Close-out-B len d ed Hudson Bay Sab le Stole, w ith four

beautiful natur:il t a i l s ......................................................

-F in e Dark hi^sLeni M iak, new strais^hl cut. s ix _ |v select skins, fourteen natural tails and four paw*, O y .J ) U

-R ussian Salle Stole of four selected sk ius, with ten natural uiils and four p a w s ..................

5 9 . 0 0

1 0 0 . 0 0

S u t t i Fur jicktls at 3 S .0 0 . 32.S0 ju J 7S.OO, amt tte Fur TrmmuHgs at 20c. la 4.SO rard.

-W e ve .secured n lot of good U m brellas at cost o f handles alone— 5 0 0 L ad ies’

26-ineb U inbreltas, jiaragon fraiiiv, c lose roll, case and tassel, wiUi fine H ngitsli Britannia, haiidle.s lo please every taste, burns,D resdens, fancy wootls, trim m ed C ongo and novelties regularly worth .0 0 , c h o ic e ......................................................... 75csplendid Values in Men's, IVomen's, Boys’ and

Maekintosbes in this Department.Girls'

Dress floods at Half Price To=raorrow.Ten days ago we offered a big bargain in Dress Stuffs, which many economical shoppers responded to. To­

day we duplicate the offer in value— 53-iuch all-wool Mohair mixtures, beautifully blended with dashes of colors in checks and ipixtures in brown, gray, blue, red, etc.; 52-iuch Canvas, twine effects in knickerbocker tones, select from brown, blue, gray, green and garnets. T hest two fabrics made to retail at $ i a yard, but on account of the lucky we give them to you at half the regular p r i c e ......................................................................................................................................................................................

4 c . a n d 5 c . N o t i o n s S p e c i a l a t 3 c . F r i d a y .Maebioe Oilput up exnrsMly fur us in ounce iMittkH, m uisr PUT ov p l*b*l. r ^ .

; DressiofAmerican Finn. :va to the paper, all Kizeii, reg­ular 3c.

Iroa Hoyers-Ji!,„,A’-nicely ft vered lu nil colofs. our r e g u l i i Oc.

Bunchn bunch. OurbeM ciuj].l ily liulian latte, retjular ‘ 3o.

Feet’s Invisible Eyes- lSewingH’chweHeedles| Basting CotttaNo isetlfir rn a d o .d o r .e n All pjakutf, U> fit ev*r;111 packimu. iiur regular Is-.


..tine, nor best qua! fogularr 4c.

Spool, 'w h its , lor Sc.

5monlTi o t t


7«7 to 7ZI Bread Sireet

See the Laces in tiindows

Specials in Lace Curtains

tw o ffood M urphys, for sure ih^'ro's enough bad ones." remarkiMi the , M er­cer Murphy,

■'Bad one-i’ You don’t moan th a t? " said th e candidate.

“Dh, bu l I ‘la, find t fa yourself th a t know s It a.H well." a.HS»rl-'l the other

“ Well, we'll havp to try to k^ep up the good nam e of the family, m n a rk e d the nominee

"A n ' I'll do nty end: sure, I'm no in ­form er." aKterted iln- "ihcr M urphy.

An a i u i r p l was* lu pm a M urphyb u tto n on the HlKhisii«>wn M urphy, bu t he took it off and put n In hla i»fH k e t

“No, I wont wtnir il." he Hriid. “and you c an ’t tsU anybuw huw a m an ’K going tu vo te 'by the buitHn Ik- wearn."

T hroughou t thi- rown and surrounding co u n try big poaivni, with the B tara anu S tripes p rin ted in briKhi fo lu rs a t ih lop. had ^ e n posinl ti.r il>o m eeting. Thv poster headlines

“ E a s t W indsor A r" - - - ' S tand by the flag! V ots to Ihe policy of uurm arty red Preside ru

*^Aii*l* MuoeeW lille the canditli*''

Peddle boys max=iad up and down the village s tre e ts Kinyl'is ' iunpaign songs 3»*t to popular *ira. ' rc* of the ir favtirllea w ent;“Oh. J im gkym oiir’ l ’"'^r J im Seym our: And we’U never !"or Seym our any­

more.He w ont aw ay, on*' “ui mn day.And w e'll never i Seym our any

B oro ,"A no ther Jong ih*- ' shouted to the

tune of a comic i.|“ S trike up the f-anU.

Oov'tior,M urphy hi* name, he S tand IB a row. ii >n t

I 'a r o d le d .a t d inner the

I riuruK n as. here comen tb s

a w onder ’ him go.heera for Qov’nor

an o rchard he rememben^d from his P rince ton days, and annuuncL'd thui th- y Were going aw ay from the university in ­stead of luw arrl i t

I t WII.S proposed to tu rn nround nf ojice find rc tru c e the road, l>ut Senator H utch- Iniion hud a n idea.

“ Therf-'B a widow w ith two *cuis who live h a lf a m ile down iii'ie and w'e m ight as well look a f te r those voles while W f'rr lu 're ." su ggested lh«; Bi-nnior Bn iht i iiVHlctide drove on In the wldijw-'a hou-'-i'' i-iml th e sons, Impresse^d by thi fiu'i ih,i- ilie G ubcrm ito rlal notnlm-c hod comr- n iiorson to a sk thero. prunilwt-d to early .

E v e n t* In T Ig ertu iffib .The parl\- had b*an due In PrinceUin it

5 u’d o ck . but it wa* n e u rtr w'hen i ' • . arr1ve<l. T hen there w as un Inform • i cp ilon a t r ii lv e ra liy Hall, ul whi- i score nf the fa cu lty ihook hands will: 11>* nom inee before dinner.

.4 big de legation o f StudeiUS. w h . drum and bugle carp*. turiK^'d o<jt - \ escortetl M r M urphy from th e S i - i H otel lo the I 'n lv e rs ity H all for tin- • -

lug ineeilng. T here wi-rc l.'<fU ptr-Hons in the hull Mr NLirphy i<n<l H< n a to r Kean ijiiik'' I rletly, itri«l ihcri h ft fiir Traiiioii. The audit nrc .-‘ta rte il in fuilow* the iiom- Ihre tmt. and the (ha lrin .iii. Mosca T ay­lor Pvne. hud much diflU\ilty In jier- suuillitK tlu-m (o rgifurn a ;«l h*ur tornuT .luiilgi- <'h.’uir>fty li Heaslyy atiil ll.ilii-y M UarnMt, who were dow n fa r adilifM-es,

A sjuMlal imih-v fo r was in riM-lliicss fiir ihn Moinliiee'x p u n y iiiid Ih-U-r llnrli v. die siq.erlnUrHlem nf the Imo, ll«'lini- reij a i um r tra ck to Tn-nm n. ihlr-

I IN ,n riUh-H iiwu> Tin run io thi* i tplt il ina<|i' In Juel foriy-flve mln'.i*‘s.

T h 're Were fully I’.TiOO permiuri in ilw T ..\lr,r U;.era 1L>um» w hen (he < i IhU.IhIi'

t He put a ntU 'ilpg r> i rpTl u Sr-u- I' l K ian an<l F cno ior IIiathl'.>i, r> were

j H.. gret-ied wHh uheers Oei.ric" I. B '<•- Pi'll was lalklMK when, the noniuu-e ar- rjci il. ujid closed hla speech b«-f u h*- had ‘ .d l a ll he liad to say . Mr. .Mnuhv and Si-nftior K ean m ade sh o rt •pii-chu*. und form er flptuiker G eorge W. M. lT erion read A s ta tem en t of the record >if both liarties in the m an ag em en t of ih<‘ city

ffoveninient. Form er A ssem blym an B or- ton U H utch inson was chuirnnan of th a mei-ting

A fte r 1 ho m eeting Mr. M urphy and hi* p a rty siieiit half an hour a t a receptii>ni given hy the ReiniliUcan Fliih. vjfhere h a lf th e oiiertt-hi)M:iv .juillehce followed him tO

I shake hand '', und th 4*n drove lo th o ra il- ru.ul sle.iloa In time lu catch th e 10:34 tra in fur Newark.

< o l t i r e d ^ l e i i F < » r i n M n r i i h y I ’ I n b .A'pr-hil /tiApuhft h> ikr h :V K \l\( i \EW H.

Ml>RRU*Tt)VVN. Uel. M.—An urKa.n1**- lloi), to ha known us the M urphy Clubg « waH form ed hy more th an IIM cnk irt-j Voters o f M orristown last n ight, wh*n a nuM ling wos h' Id In MercaTUile H all, ad - d r is s ed |j> J T Chiiliman, J. T. Taylop ami Joseph H (Towder

M c K i n l e y F l u b t i i c o e p o r M t e i l .E U /A i lK T i l , OM. « . - A o iT linca te o f

Incorporation wan y tu ts rd a f I n 'th onflice of the county clerk by the M cK inley Flub nf E H tabetri Among Ihe irrcor-

I porjilo rs a re G ovenw r Yoorhaes. I 'n ite d j H tates H eaator John Kean, f u ign ssmaTi j FoH ler firnl o th e r p rom ineat U^iiubUoano,


H o a a e b o l d e n C M t t o n « d .

Wa Pinen!S* w»iHgg —tulgiia tak* ptae* I t K*Ur-i ^ *■ w V iS n ? •INM. hM « M P«gtpgM« g g t t l K

A tU U fT K : c m . Ogt. n .-T k * a t y t m n k A tk a t la Cttg hM m S m S ------vto ttac* Uk - - m i g g i

BrwT hoM IlMiair k kar*br y>g,g to M* 4 k t* k e H a k W lT , tfeag M r A g g tiM p rw 5 « » * rnm m ~ . tatm* m nntm tm g ig i r jk g tk*

' atrm. A u tk , kafe> M i gS w w t«S k T iB ik W lt i tar •K ta fc lk g g k « ^ th* etOUib ■I n f .inl k . Me.. H « trg C h lo rtik k w trav w i h kMC ra k '

( •B k lN t M M fg M u t. I t k h < ikd. « a i v k M i l M e i g g t • n t lMT«a aa k a k *r mb*B, wIa i . hitM tly I M i TM h ) k w i m g ^ l j ^ J

g g t ik « ■ k g t « h h « « n a h k k i i g a I« « OM t i a h k l a r t U aS

And ftT* thre* rvuilnsliu rphy t"

And then they . iu-.r.-<l A fter dinner th. meeting In the

HlghUtown Oper.. “" JpopulAIlon turned hear the candi-dnte apeak. Not ,v, n th. [Mbies were left home, and roan. I 't ; moihera ^oked »!■.fully a t the tal.Ji.iele a , they fihowed the UUIe one* off i ■' "dvanUge and remembered Mr i l ' i h y > B uringion baby-kleatna eap. ' after alalng up the crowd, and .•-.■..nime up the of Infanta, the rliandoned anyIdea he may have i - : 'Two or three girl-- h a taalt-hoHday. a ..I p '>ers and studeuuw ent to the nff

Dr. WUllam a Wiiriur was chairman of the meeting. aM hetof the .peaking be- n n be MW ihai a I ’b" y 'nronerle i*»erve.‘ hi haiing a eeeretaryS S t S '. S .h e - 1-taard. There ».'■ f 'r t 'S S id«n^!™ nd «.< hi-.-, of .hero had pur- J I S S / u L n .-eat- - ‘he audlene. «> a . to m ake thelt p r - g r , "> 'he n o u b le wheu .h. r ■ “ "took aome ilroe iu *■' 'h-h.

T he epere huu- « „ !*!. M o fo k ra n d Sen»"'r b .an made ip e« h ea a M ^ .eeretary .' >< "uie*. When

U Ree.ird hail Peea talking twenty 1 the aecretar, went lo eleep. M r.

_____ ,p f,v h »*" broken to half bytha « m of the noBlne^s **““ “!

« n ,e e foll.r**'* f !ill but at nu re-iue*. went beck u

^ re*, of Beeord * ^leech. twalve-mile 'Ir.'e •<> ^ n c e lt m waa

beg w».At 1:*. o'rloek Mr Murphy. 8 ^

a h e o i In a *urr,) and the otbera followed

kU. hadn ' found them on

----------HuPthliuoa.^ ^ I l y IB f» '0*‘ *••’* <*A»i

[[^yuichiDaen. who k n u u ik g for gjd *M* aetlr*

afcoMi durkg tha dthw, atop- •r a a r t a t taraaata___ ■ a a k lh to a joore

w as IB CBik

|5^ 1

Aaron W ard & Sons,S p « c i a l 8 f o r

F r i d a y a u d S a t u r d a y . 951 and 953 BROAD ST. O L 'A R A N T E E D( i K O C U R lE S .

C EN TS for i pC'inJ of | H ^ Fancy English I’suy

■ f IC H E E S E .I Thi* lot of I'h 'esf

K I Ibt good old u e l I Myk o f ttalrp. r \ - n.d i i fu i Slvored kirJ-

S ip S afo CbecM, in p o r te J lO t. ti. Im ported Cam em bertCheese. 2V c.c i SocMte d o Roquefort Chees*. bFancy Im ported Sartj* Cheese, we i.t *

sum m er n u k e . 2 9 c . Its Fancy Full C r e in Cheese, 1 7 t. It-

B l H t E R I - w i » you buy Eiilter y ou v e u su re d oi i t s e

lately fresh cream ery t o o l s .r-bouse s to ck s o i l O w price is - h

COFFEE DEPAITMENThas never doM lodi a b usiness ' The r e u o n I Finest o h ta iia b k l! re ison ib le prices I Just m ake one trial uf -u r P a a c y J a v a anM n a c h a , mireJ, only M e . th

Old G o v 't Java, O c . ib.G eouine Arahtaa Mocha, 2 8 c . lb Fancy C ucata M aracaibo, 2 0 c . tb

KAN DY ** — * of onr ot Ce> -l o a ’a d b u ic ts famous lor Us

in e T eu . We hi«e th it Tea m ‘.. 'l^ seakd packaiaa M U c . , M e . and s 6 c.

CALIFORNIA WINES.W £ o D p o t i o S a r a t t e n t io n to

Sbern, Port, Oucatcl, Angelicaand (^f ........fuS

itawha W ines; ^ pad up in q u art b o t tk i

S par- J k A c *1 9 U |iO ld R esene l ^ e , fu ll q t b o t .

Tlie ^ i t j r tk u la n x i «

CENT5F o r • p a c k o g * o ftbs iaUbrdtsdl


Picked In air tight packigeA After you have tasted one you'll say. -Must have a pack ire”

0 M C EN TS for a gallon can of mm White Label Vermont

7 w M A PL E S \K U P ,. t . Gal cans S8«., Qts. JWc., Bis. 28c. I Van Deuien's Columbia County Sau- ( sage. 20c. per pound.

While Label prepared Buckwheat, 14c. AunI Jemima Pancake Flour, 9c. pa Purina Pancake Flour, 9c . pA

Orchflnl Qaeen Fruitsare here in ill varieties. Lemon Ging Peaches. Apricots, PeaiA Cherries, etc.,

only 25c. |>er can, Z 75 per dozen Egg or Gage Ptums, 2 0 c . caa

■ C EN T8 (or i can of Fancy I Blueberries, under the WbttaI Label Brand, 1 .7 5 dozen.

, white Label Sliced o r Crated Pineapple, I only 20c. can, 2 .2 3 doztm

Whue Label Pitted Red Cherries only, special It 20c. CAD, regular price 25c

I Rob Roy Ja m s ! 1 1{ Just arrived from S co tk n d , all varieties

2 0 c jar, 2 .3 3 doiesL

W h ite L ab e lm k o e s , h ts jg it ar-

K e iC O a p , riwad, fu l p k t h*t-tles only 18c .While U b d MayahkMe. Ltfe E k . 33c.

S n ^ b a H k a ,M g .S t James W a r a a te iA k e Saae^ F k tk 2 3 « u k Fiaiik l i e . raM y g aM M O k M e. M « h . 2 k . h a u k . Laif a b an k S k y 0 S m % life .

CENTSKvr a A7 Van Camp's

Condensed Soups.

3 r*u« for ‘tOc.Gsly 3 i’*Di to n oattoiBor.

We cirry a full line of Curtice Broi." Celebrated BiU* Lib^l Soups, oaly 25c* cani 2 .4 5 doz.

Fish Departmenr^^J^/z^i^lantic Coast Lobster, t lb. Hat tins, paper lined, J l c . ; L, lb. flats, I8c.

ICennebeC Salmon Steaks, l lb. flath 22c .; L. Ib. flats. 12c.

Barataria Shrimps, 2 Ibh 19c,; t lb.lie.

Burnham's Clam Chowder. 18c. can. Devilled Crabs, 21b. tins, 3 J c . ; l lb.

22c . t boa sbelh with eacb can.Caviar, large tins, 1 .00; medium,

6 5 c .; sojilL 3 S c .Crosse & Blickwclfs Kippered Her­

ring. 20c . can.G osse & Blackweirs Yarniouth Bloat­

ers, 3 0 c . can.Soiaed Mackerel large tins, 2 6 c .;

smalL 15c.Green Turtle Meat, 33c, can.

Caonsii Meals, elc.“ '‘4h'“ kSo f Im ported Fiankiurtera, 6 to tin , 3 3 c .tin.

Pate de Fotc Gria, in lerrloes Mtge, 1 .10; medium, 8 5 c .; tmall, S5c.

Puree 3e Foie C m , 2 0 c . can.Curtice Bros.’ Boned C U c k « 3 9 c .

for a kH of Fancy Noneay N a 1 SaR Mackerel

lor a sa iB kk of F n c y Mackertfeea h ek k o e tg jk

ItHffM tr * F e e e w e Mfaoe2 C k > cen kkM, Mly 2 ^ k h u

r . U Ktcire k a w e eC U k t k . W c .




TESTIMONY INBis Siie of tiM Story CooclmW Before

*lke Maral Coart of la*


Nmrifll m ’lyalch to O'f EVEXISO ,EL IZ A B E TH , Oct. J l.-C »pU i n

Moore pllfft »( the fe rry b oa t. ih. A rtlm rKu!l, plying between Ell.ahrthrH.rt ntwlS ia ten Island, dropped d ead a t th is morning. ... . , „#<»rt

The delay In Kdlln* the rlitnaMn t cflueed Inve.llJtntlon. and *,!“found dead, lying »cro -. the • h " ' ' nllot-hmi-e. He wa« sU ty -.ev . a .areuu i and had been a pilot to r many ye 'rs.

F o rm er F ire Chief C aptain Chr.riefl Bol- ' ImaiT, of p:iiial)cth. is eom oiande/ of ‘be I A rth u r K ull. Imi w anted to ta k e p a r t to-

day In the last parade of th e Ellaiibeiti irire U eparlir.ent, ami C ap tain M oore vol- iintcered to tem porarily fill hlB place. Thu , |

Good Evening, Parents!Iintcererl to tem porarily fill hlB place. Thu

I new s of C ap latn iloure '* sudden death w as II s re n t shock U. .Mr. B ulllnger, who | at once Iia.H|eiied to L llaabe thnort to take

. fh iu g e of the ferryboat. C ap ta in Moore 1 leaves a wife.

T o - m o r r o w m o r n i n g a t 8 o 'c l o c k w e p l a c e o n s a l e

237 New 5 u its for Boys.T h e c lo th s w e re b o u g h t a t l e s s t h a n m a r k e t r a t e s — tw o a n d

t h r e e p ie c e s o f a k i n d - w i t h e v e r y t h r e a d o f h o n e s t w o o l.

IlacniB«<>ta> th * A d m ir a l ’sR e i w r t ®f tl»* B *“ l® » ' SantlaB O , Pm l I* B o rd e n , W h oS e rv e d o n t h e B r o o k ly n , t h e L n .t O B ee e C n lle d b y S e h le y 's C o n n ee l. T e s t lm a n y L » e « e ly C o r ro b o r n t lv e .


The Price is $5.00.

' R('-uip


K n r n l i >‘iini^ii o l T hofte W h o P a l l« 4 W ith t o n a iU o D ft—G ir -

I f o r d fc “ W ld o W ’ N ow .I Thp Couniy i^oiirtl of KlectionB m et to- I iltv 111 111#- I’lrfull Courfroom for the puf- ' of mitllriti: to the irgiHtry Uet the


f ® '

W A SH IN G TO N . OcL 31.~Counarl for A dm iral Schley hhnounced th is m orning la tha haVnl e o o r t ot inquiry th a t they had closed th e ir eaae. Thla announce­m en t w ^ m ade a t the conclualon of the testim ony of C ap tain T . B, B orden, who w as th e Ural wllnuBS oUled to-day . I t hod beep ejtpectcd th a t Adm iral B arker would be called, b u t U w as decided th a t h is testim ony, If given, would not be m a­te ria l. ,

C ap tain Borden, A dm iral Schley fl m sl w ltnea i. Is a n oBlccr In the M arine Corpa. and served on th e Brooklyn during the C uban .campaign, Hla teatlm cny wua largely co rro b o rativ e ot evidence which h as here to fo re been given by o th e rs who w ere on th e B rooklyn.

The N av y D ep artm en t la expected to call a num ber o f wUneoses for the p u r­pose o f im pcach ln g ce rta ln p a rts of th e te s ­tim ony ^ v e n In support of A dralralSchlcy.Included In th e list, fo r th is purpose If Cap ta in C harle s D . Slgsbee, o t th e St P a u l; CSaptaln F ran c is E. Chadwick, o. A dm iral' Sam pson 's flagship, the New T ork ; flH vestcr Bcovll. who w as a new s­paper corresponden t In Cuban w a ters d u r­ing th e cam paign ; M ajor T. N. Wood, who se rv ed on board the M asBachuaetlo, aa m a rin e ofllcer; IJentenant-C om m ander P o tla and U c u te p a n t . G rant, who also

; ' w ere on: th e M assachu ie tis , and C aptnhi Joseph O. E a to n , who w as on the Reeo-

. lute.; ' B ch ley 'a R e p o r t k n m b tttrd .- When C ap ta in B orden waa eicuaud and

; H r. R ay n er had announced the cloBlng of " th e case to r A dm iral Schley, C ap tain F ar- w h e r a ikeri to have pu t In evidence a num- '- ber o f docuroenla, including the rep o rt ot

th a b a ttle of Ju ly 3 w hich A dm iral Schley

T e l l M a jo r L e n ta t h a t t h e n e . l ofF e r l l i i g E a l s t s B e t w e e n I BiiU tilole

a n d W o r l i tn B m e n -M ajor C arl L en ts , ch a irm an of ih

publican C ounty C om m luee. mok ■ , . , .................. ..Into th e T en th W ard la s t n ight, , ;;!;m ea 'o('‘icm>rvMU-rs who w ere unavotd-a large audience In th e t a a t EnO Rei : fruni reg iste ring on thocan C lub m ade M s th ird apee. h id (j,.slKmitud for th a t pm poai-. ThBcam paign. Thu room s o f th e d u h at convriird at S o'clock and held aclfle and Oliver streetH w ere crow ilcd a” I ' m uons ResBion until noon, w hen a the m a jo r was given a h earty welc'inc' takun. By th e tim ethe m a jo r wa. g _ ---------- 1 f„rly-cw o nam es

had been added, iirnojig ihera being th a t t,r Itav ld Yoimg, of irolluy fam e. Mr. Young explained tha t he had supposed iliut he had been regitU-red hy u friend

C h o o s e f r o m b r o w n , o l i v e a n d g r a y c h e v i o t s , i n c h e c k s , p l a i d s a n d o v e r p l a i d s , f r o m b l a c k a n d b l u e w o r s t e d c h e v i o t s .

The Value is $6,50.Y o u 'l l p a y th i s p r ic e f o r s i m i l a r g a r m e n t s , t h o ’ n o t o f S to u t-

e n b u r - 'h m a k in g . S u i t s a r e t w o - p i e c e — a g e s 7 t o i 6 y e a rs .

Boys’ New Cadet 5hoes

S h a p e l y , s t r o n g , s t y l i s h ; s i s c s i 2 >^ t o 3 — $ 1 .3 5 ; s i z e s t o 5— $ 1 .5 5 .

Wi'l‘'iTii' ' I an hour wtrs laBo'we’re'form er judge Eggera, the nTeBR wuh orderedof W ork* cHndldate; fo rm er Judge WUDur ........................A. M oil uhd o thers who spoke.

PreBldeiii John P lllsh u ry . of 'h ” ;introduced M ajor L en ts , who spoke f u t o liour and a half. Som e o t the ihltiKi* i" said w ere In reply to recen t vampm;;''ta lk abou t F ran k ltn M u rp h y s relalluus ...... . ........ ,w'Uh h is employee. * , w i^i i iJerniUtfd lo vittf.- In Ihu Seventh ulfclrlct oi

Th** m ajor put It up to *ome of ine \ t:it.vt‘Ti(h W.ird. t f r who WE*rf‘ proB tnt to b e a r him it Anolh<*r name uddf*] to ihe H it waa th a t

S t o u t e n b u r g h ’s , 797 to 805 Broad 5t.

P i a n o

t'iB a r g a i n s . !To m m ke r o o m f o r n o w s io o k , w e w i l l o f fe r to r th e n e x t to w ^ d a y s o o m o S B S e e o n a - H a n a ^


P ia n o s a t H a l f VahiSm

See These P rices:


and did mil learn d tfltren tly until too lute to .u iend to It In person. The pxplunallon WHB .lecepKd and Mr, Young will be per-,s rs__ _ sk» rktgSwIysf gig

w hat he had said. T his w as to the effect th a t th e employes w ere well trea led , well paid and had no co m p la in t to make A m ost cordial feeling ex isted , according to th e speaker, betw een th e Q ubernatorlai c and idate and th e m en w ho w ork fo r him

(if I 'litrlek J. Hlggltii. who recen tly re- liinieil from s.TVlee In th e Philippines. He will vote In the Sixth d ls trle t of the F ifteen th Ward, Jam es Q lftotd, of 33 ITInce street, presented n a tu ra lisa tio n napets, recently Issued, and asked to be“ ^ . vr- U .> Vv a el lluPncanaiafliB nna iivA? int i' i papers. jaavis...,

When he was on iho. subject, the miijor | permlttf'd to vote. He s*alAl he had livedW hen he was im ifF'- ■uiyjx x.v, w.w perm ineo m vm*-. jic . ...........ABkcd If any of these w ere In th e room. , Newark th lne i'n years. C hairm anTen o r a dozen stood upn ur u UUA.... rsxxr™ „ i KHllsrh him why he had no t nb-

T m glad to see so m any h e re .” said j iuinc.\ nainru llzatlon pEvpers before, ami the county chairm an , ‘‘arid I I f piled


prom ote Shane to engineer when th e first vacancy occurs.


to tell me fran k ly tt w h a t I h ave said I „ widow now and have lime,abou t you and Mr. M urphy Is o r Is not , i pw am e a widow I did no t havetru e If It la nut, 1 will never re fe r to | thlng-s,"it again . .

" I t Is every word tru e . ’ one o f the em ­ployes replied, and the o th e rs answ ered la

'’''"T hat's good," the m a jo r declared, and w ent on to speak o t w h a t has been anld of M ayor Seym our's m em bersh ip In ly p o - gruphlcal Union No. 103. He understood, he said, th a t the Demofcratlc cam paigners had been showing the M ayor's union card around In South Jersey ,

"I do not th ink ," the m a jo r com m ented, 'th a t the union gave the card to Mr.

Seymour w ith any Idea of having It used

lllf li'i iii.i.p'-GlfToril’:? mime wavA a<ldp*l lo the

Iry afi!*r Mr. KiilJsch rrmEirked thrtl he WTH sJTAiigi* KiiTn-.ent3 for a ■'Twldow.’'

I’p 1,1 o A'lix'k ihy board had enrullvdpHVfmy^rivi* tjhuivs.

The board will mpet ngaln Saturday.

record accepts nomination.

WofflU Has Three Stepdaughlers Ar- resltd for Distorbiog Her by

Singiog Cwn Soigs.


■ th a b a ttle of Ju ly 3 w hich A dm iral Schley Seymour w tn an* mew ...m ade from M ontevideo, Ju n e U, IBM. This for political purposes, " r ‘ J™ '" ‘J®-. _____ . ____ that the cand idate for u o v e rn o rBMW ••«*« ......w -----rep o rt never h a s been printed. Follow ing | i jm e x tra c t from It;

" In m y ju dgm en t, from an unobetruc ted view o f [ th e dn ltre field of aeO on du ring th e contbal. th e VIscaya w as n o t m ore th a n I,BOB y erd e d istan t. My nag Ueuten-

’ a n t„ * t* n d 1n g n t m y elbow, rem inded m e » th a t th a d is tan ce betw een th e lead ers o t

the Spanish squadron and ourselves w as

lOr yuimkrtj |r»si - • S'*presBlon lh a t the cand idate for G overnor wee a lypese ttc r."

aphroBcblng Oob ta c tic a l a tam ele r. T he a u d lra s le r M th is In s tan t Indicated SOB yards. 'Sba B rookly it then swting to s ta r -


board to a te e t w h a t proved to be tho la s t of th e a t te m p t! to ram th e B rooklyn, fo r th a V Iscava th e n tu rned square to s la r - -board an,t followed the M arla T eresa un - tU the ta t te r 's destruction . These tac t* ad- m ll o f no con trad ic tion , for they a re based upon the Independent Judgm ent and ob- P frv a tln n of tw o , o r m ore persona, an d upon th e s tad lm ste r In th e h an d s of a p m o o n»imed in Us use."s n o u

'l ic u ta n a n t Q fh n t w as then called a s tho Irot w lt je s a fo r rebu tta l. The w ltnees w as

eoiirernlng the even ts ofU se n.> w hen fM ay IL ‘ w hen Commodore Schley w ent

■ ‘ke M<K»»vhil«qlts fo r the purpose ig « reednnolaKsnce regard ing the Spec ia lly to the conversation

With L tw ie p a n t Bears, who accoihnanled C o m m o £ re Schlsty. In which the lleu ten-

D r ro n c ra t le N o m in e e H e cn ile H ow H la r r e s e n l O p p o n e n ts O nce l . r g e d

M in o r ity l l e p r e s e n in t lo i i .M embers ..f the T h irte en th W ard Dmi.i-

c ra tlc AssoflaiUm m et In Jacobs 's Hall, ,M F ifteen th avenue, lust night, tii do no th ing more than flx up s"me business m a tte rs , but before they had been to ­ge ther long the session w as resolved into an en thusiastic ra lly hi the In terests of the p a rly candidates. No speakers hud been expected, but A lderm an John F. Sin


[ In d s o n 's lle p u llH e o n S e i i l l t « r ln l A s- lilrno l H n k e i N eyniour a n d

J e r s e y f ' l t y 's W o n id - b e M ayor g n ii th .

Sprebjl l<(.|p(iO/l l« flif EVF.SiyO VEtVR JER SEY t'lT Y , Oct. 31.—G eorge

R ecord. Ueiiubllcnn cand idate fo r S ta te S enate In lludsun i.'ounty. h a s w ritten hla ■IqUer ot acceptance. He says. In p a rt:' ‘ ’T h e IsHuea of this cam paign a re prln- CjpaHv l.ieal and S tate, and In a m inor degree rallonal. In Jersey C ity the D em - , o o ra tte candidate for M ayor Is a h ith e rto unknow n mmi polltiealy, selected by the j bos* for some niy.sterlous rea.*on. There w as no ilemsiol for hi* iiom lnutlnn am ong th e Democnille voters, Slid It 1* fa ir in a ssu m e that his nom ination w as m ade , upon the .Kimiild of the num erous loeui | coPpoTHilons with -whlvh hf* 1* clof*^ly Identltleil. urul who»i* Influ^ncMi! w ith the ' Deifioorfillr marhliie 1ft know n to be pow- | erfu l. ,

"ConcecllJijf him |»erannftl h o n esty atyU a I fa ir m enaure of nhlllty. It is ohvlouftly un­fa ir th a t a ropreHYMMEllv** of these rail

K a n s a s F a r m e r D r l . m f ro m T o w n ■or N a m in g M l. hoti A f te r L e o n t s o l g o s s — L iv e P o ssu m S e n t to H o o s e v e l t — T h re e - w e e k s B r td e S nya H a s b a n d B es ts H e r — I t r n v r F t r e i n a n S av e* I h lid 's L ife .

P a r l a h lo n e r * H e sH n tc to A tte n d a t a Y V IIH am slio rg E illf lc e .

St. M ichael's IV n t.s tan t Episcopal C hurch In N orth F if th s treet. W illiam s­bu rg , N T„ Is In Biiih a d ilapidated con­dition th a t, according to acme of Ita m em ­bers, It is liab le to collapse a t any time. M any of the m em hers fear to a ttend ser­vice th e re and applic,atlon has been m ade to the a rchdeaconry for Vl.ntiB of diocesan funds to m ake such improvem ents as will s tre n g th e n th e eillrtuf*. The building is v e ry old.

J t la fl fram e s tru c tu re hiillt on ft L»rlck foundation . T he m u ri ir Iiha dropped aw ay In m any placeft und ihere a rc m any HsflureB In th e wallH


u p r ig h t s . 'R. \V. Munn’s . . $50.00 New York. . . . - 75.00Sterling................ jtO.OOHoffman . . . . 135.00 Kranicli & Bach. 155.00 Chickering . . . 165.00 Rennick . . . . 185.00

SQUARES.Chickering. . . . $10.00Clark Co. , . .Bacon & Raven Truslotn. . . .Gilbert . . . .Hamis Bros . .Pease..................


. 25.00

. 35.00



srxw*. -------- -------- A , , ' fa ir th a t a rpprent'uni*ivr imn o flU u fird o f Workft nominee, iin<l f o r - j jrolley and Raw corpornHoiift. whlef!m er A zsem hiym an WUllern J. Keftma »,,.at«gvBa rfin tlo jii witTi th e c ity Im. , Yv__ _..^_..a .L..4 IsAnS inAII

^;g iliaiuujiV wv*Mw/» *1* .................- --a a t w as re p re sen te d as urging th a t no ob- fU c le i be p u t tn th e « a y of le ttin g the bom bard ine itt go on, because, a s he w as n p re s e P te d to h ave said, it had been d lm cu lt enough to get the com m odore up

.to th e p o in t o f undertak ing U. ,T i l t B e t w e e n R a y n e r a n d L e m ly .

T he w ttn e ia a ta rtad , to ra la te (h» con- v o n a tlo n . .Bheit Mr. B a j f n ^ in lerpoaed an ohlasU od. O ap to lo Lem ly quoted th e re-

'B i n k w hich L ieu ten an t .Bears .1* alleged " to n i 'v e xoade.. a s foPows;

" F o r h eav en 's sake, don 't d iscourage Mm (Uiawttpg ftHtley). I t h aH we have b e a n a b l* to do to w ork him up to this.

Th# c o u r t re ttn sd to consider th e ohjec- Bon w U eh w as Anally susta ined .

C a p ta in .-Blgsbee w as th en called . A oon troveray he re arose betw een R ay n e r and Lemly over the question w he ther th o w itn e ss could produce new leetlm ony, o r a b o o ld .b e called only In re b u tta l. Mr. H a n n a ch im ed In, objecting to th e a l­leged uae' 6f th e te rm prosecution . In con­nection .wtlYi th e tr ia l, declaring It to bo

ftpd unw&rr&ritfld. R a j n^r dented ever h av in g spoken o t tho Inquiry aa a proaecutlon .

A t th is point, a t 11:» o'clock, th e cou rt ad jo u rn ed fo r luncheon.

W h en th e co u rt reconvened Adm iral S ew e y announced the decision of the o o u rt o n - th e question of rehuU lng te s t i ­m ony. ho ld ing th n l w itnesses m ay bo called a t a n y tim e or recalled for the pur-

. poee of m ak in g corrections of form er tea- tlm ony o r add itions In the n a tu re of cor­rec tions . They cannot, how ever, re ite ra te fo rm er evidence.

----------------------------- ----------------------

m cr ^■semiYiynian » n iJo n i **• aw^r*'—peered end ihe crowd ik n kept ,In made it neewflary to throw opert tnt? bowling alleys. '

Mr. Keiinis was the first speaker, and dwelt on S tate and municipal Issue* Mr Blnnott followed him and hsd the crowd with him from the sta rt. He spoke prin­cipally on the question of mliiorliy repre- •entallon In the Board of Work* and '!*- clar^ii thflit h r only to recall tru*urffumentn raised In f<AVor of It fteveral y ears ajfo. _

“ ! want this campftfKtt "to be lO free from unpieuBant per»u>ntMllilefi thiu if Mr. Ki?

have hUft which Ih

.ifiBft relfttloni w ith th e c ity Im I ,r In terests ure ad v erse to those

^Of th«‘ shoald he iie rm ltlrd to alt inJiidum en' upun these eonfUetlns; Interefltft, and th is ,lin]>ruprlBty Is ttU th e g rea te r witen wh rem eniher th a t th is D em ocraticcundldHiei wh**n a m om her of the S la te noa rd <if t'ardons. a c t the deciding vole In favo r 'uf ih^ pardon of th e notorloua ru cp irfu k KamhierB. a i th e com m and of Home ucitiow n. .b»it pow erfu l Influence, and In t e fcae of an Ind ignan t public opinion, In th ln g Ift m ore c e r ta in th a n th a t the DcmhtTfltlc candidate. If elected , will

B enaonhura t aocl^tv hiyb well rep re sen t­ed Lit the hearing Kiven by M ag is tra te Vnorhees to th e trouV'li's "f the Han^l ajrt tly of lieneon avem n' i>nd Fhiv T hlr y- nrih fttreel In th e ('^>ney Dliind Police I 'ou rt yeaierday . Mrs E-’annle H and had her th ree slepdiiugbi* rs, May. Annie and Wlnhle. sum m oned i" au'^wor a charge of m:iJlclou8 m isch ief hi ih ii they mude l e m laerable fo r h e r She iillegc.l th a t the three young: wom en i»liy the piano ant organ a t all houra o! tin- day and iilgn t sim ply hecause they kiitn i>y It On m ore th a n b'ges the g irls have com** home from pome social func tion long iif trr m idnight and i s ta r te d lEoth Instrum entp going. Pinging 1 "coon” pongs, m uch to her nnrn>yance and | (llBcomfort. I

“ Y'ou can Im agine, vour H onor,'' said , Mrp. Hand* "how one must feel to he

I iirnYiaed from sleep with the snumls of nn , organ and a piano ringing th rough the

hnALse. accom panlfd hy th ree luaty voices I sing ing "Coon, coon, coon. 1 wish my ccHor

would fade,” iin<i songs of th a t kind*Mrp. Hond'H Htepdaughterp denied th a t

ihpy fiver piayed both piano nnd o rgan a t the p a n e lim e and paid they Hlwaya t r e a t­ed th e ir fttepniother with rill the respect she (ieperved. M aglPtrm e Voorheep sftld he (lid not th in k U wise for the young women to annoy the ir atepm oiher by s in g ­ing "coon” songi) a t m idnight and advised them to refrain . They prom ised to do so and the case w as dismissed.

B ro o k lx n Jn«lB<- A nnuls One* M ar­r i a g e a n d G rn iils n U lvoree.

M ichael Baron lo.*i iw , wives In the Bu- prem e C ourt In Bronklyii vvsHraBy, when J u d se H errick elgned n ilerree of thvorre fo r his first w tfa ami nnmilleit the m ar­riag e to his seco'irt wlf.-. Both wives hod pooled Issues and Hi* irlnl ot the divorce case sufficed for boih decrees. Annie Barnn. who w as m<srrbd to the defendant D ecem ber IS, 1891. discovered In 1899 th a t th e re wa» ano th e r Mr*, ilnron w ith whom h e r husband w as llvliia

Miss Sadie K esler wn* Ihe second wife, and had not the sllgbiest ilnubt th a t she w as the .on ly Mrs. Hnron. Baron proposed . m arriage to her In March. 1899, and they | w ere m arried hy a clergym an In her ■

1 vlBlte 1

A beautiful upright, mahogany case, three pedals, ivory keys, in use only ten months, original price$3cxj.oo Sale p r ic e ...........................

Large upright, handsome carved panels, revolv­ing fall board, fu ll swinging music | | A f [ in desk, ivory key§, three pedals, # ^ n UU original pricep r ic e ................................

Cabinet grand upright,finished in Burl walnut, best ivory keys, full 7 ^ octaves, in use only 4 months, original price $400.00. Sale price

A small cash payment at time of purchase, and monthly payments of $6.00 or $7.00, will secure anyof the above bargains. cut, c *

A stool accompanies each instrument. Ih e nrstcomers will secure the best’bargaius.

9 9 9 V W W

/ea panels, rev

235.2 9 0 0 0



. i h n ith e r 's home, Mr*. Bsron N(xV she Is a n n u je a i she learnedon nccaslon she al-


hriw she had been Irlckrd. an* very In­d ignan t. She told the tlrsi wife th a t she weiilrt do all In her power In help her ,„ ge t a divorce and cnn,*ulted ihe sam e law ­yer w ith n view to having h“r ow n m ar- ringf* .'mnuUfd. .

Judge H errlfk nalrt thn lefttlmony In .n first cawe would do for holh.

603 BROAD ST., NEWARK.3 D o o r s N o r i l i o f H a h n e ’g.

Open EYory EYening Till 9 o’Clocl-Satnrtay Etenings TUI 10:30.



r h l r a c "

TO Dt V Ml'MSN E t R S .

f a y eilW)

unpleasan t personiH ltles J;'* conduct the city bualn..**.prim arily In thog e ra ,jio y opponent, Is ‘ In te rest of the D em ocratic m achine, anush ak e hi* hand and heM ilne. corporations w ith w hich he ts fdeii-I am fortunalB enough lo be elected. As oi (v v 10 th e m a tte r o f a nifnfirlty rep resen ts t, m I tu h u


Ill 1JI«r iiiniAv-i A>I ■* ..a*....*.-./In th e board, I th in k It hard ly necessary to do more th an m il you r a tten tio n lo the R epublicans' n llltu d e on the question w hen the orig inal B oard of Work* a r t w as In force. I t w as Senator K etchsm

"Their (the D em orrataJ cand idate for G overnor has never been know n to d i- nnunce (he Dem ocratic leader* responslhle for th la rtlsgraepful ch ap te r In our S la te hiBlorv (the S late house expose six year*

was I I I lu i.e . „ f , „gn). Imi on the co n ira ry . he la spendingwho, ns u m em lier of th e " , . j , , cam paign In close persons!

have the adv an tag e o t a minority m em ber ih r l r ^ ^ ^P^

V h e n m m d e d hill w as parafd , nn1 M ayor | n k rly to t u r n against them nod destroy iJ tIk u e rh e r, Ihe buslnes* m.'iu'* adm lnla- [ th e ir power a fte r hs Is e le .ied . And IfI j t e D H U V V U r i , I I I C aiiar.*,** - *............. ,e . Vtrn to r. in RvoordAnre wiih St-naioT ket^Tv- am '* HTgument. Hjiiiolnteil twi> I) miHTftift and th ree Hepiihllrjjnft- Wh;it l-e lttr c am ­paign thunder do 1 w ant th an the Hepu llcanft’?”

L IIH'U (H' " '-3 “ ..............h<* d ' CH lUri. how run gn-Dd Knvtrum eni cxptfted Rt the huiidt* I'f (h’'i?o tiiacffilited and fllNgniced polHU'liiiis"'

M QF S tin tU IN S I l l l lR O il l .



l^ aek ax tA W n a C o a s p a n y YVa* th e O e- (ea d « M * A A W * t B eanaer kaya

^ l e CqitreTB ing F re ig h t * " H oM b Good.

T h e it»H of Uyue A M cC airen ag a in st th e D elaw are, L ackaw anna and W estern R a l ln u i l Com pany, which w as pending In th e Sec en d D ls trb t Court, h a s tieen d is­con tinued , an agr*."menl having been leech ed betw een th* counsel on tonh aides. A bner K alH ch represented L yne A Mc- C urren , a n d Bedle, .Mulrhead A McGee, o ( J c r s r» City, th e defendant*.

T h e s { |l . so It t* claimetl. grew ou t ot th e re ftiaa l of tb* railroad eom p.iny to a llow a b o u t 2JKI0 iwunda of potatoes ron- a lsned W Lime * U cC arr-n tn be loaded on a wdgon w hich th e firm had brought In th e tfa lg h t yard. A carload of potnloea had b ees bought by Dyne & M cC arren In N ew Y ork S ta te and shipped h e r- W hen tho good* arrived a t the B road s tre e t

B * T . M r. V a il T e lls T b e n i AH P o b l l e t^ p r . t lo n * f a n He T r a c e d to

!*$ Httinwnfo iTUU'h •'tiihtJi'lRftm m anlf^D

i»t Khe BopIhII'** n>**rtlng In U'fk k«=T'ft Sprlngfl^l^^ nntl FiilTmt.imT ftVf’nues. laftt

Th** prlnrtiuil iirMrrpft hy


frvighL jr trd the flrni unloaded the g rea te rpartlOD w t^em, aw-i-but, according tu their » tory, Uiey were not allow ed lakea w ay lh« remHinder. the com pany cU lm - \ng th a t D|^v«e agalnM th e rule* lo de­liv e r g ooda 'tp o th e r than T^hep o U to es w ere kept th e ra ilro ad peo- p ie iiever*A, days. » J

U ean w K lk Uvne A M cC arren hroyght •u lt fo r ib e lr recovery. A day or two la te r th e ra ilro ad coskpany notined Lytu- J r M cC arren lh a t th e po tatoes were w.-nli- IM fo r th em and they w ere toon remo\'*-l O n th e day following the refunHl of Gif com pany to give up the |K>tatoeft. a car- load o f cabbage came for Lyne ft M cC ar­ren* T rouble eneued t*eiwe*'n the firm and tb e ra ilro ad com pany over th e delivery of th e goods, and the reeult th*it LyneJt M cC arren, TbomaB Gllruy und pe ier

■were arrented and tak en to th** P rec inc t Police H lation. Their

will be heard to-m orrow morn lug F re ig h t Ag^ni John R eam er, uf the rail-

ra a d com pany, said to-day th a : be had beard th a t Ly&e ft kTc:* "ren had dlscon- tin u ed tb * f ^ t . but he knew no th ing about tb e p a rticu la rs . The fac t th a t a n agree- t t e n l bad been reached betw een Lyne ft M cC areea and the ra ilroad com pany. Mr R eam er tftld. wcaild not p revent him fniiiii e v r y in g out the ruW to deliver freight im ly to etmaigiMe#.


Rev! Georgs H Vull. the '.* randPlale forGoverrinr. uml he was frequently In tcr- n lp led hy ni>|)l“use K T Neben, a cand i­d a te for .x-semhiy. also made a short ud-

Frederick Mrintosh was rhalrmnn 01 th e m eeilrg .n"l «Her H Htng ihe iiudlenee to ihow He’S were union men hy not •' ' iln- S... ulL*t lU-k."l on electiond a y . he Inirnilui ed Mr Vail.

"The ,,iil> r,"ii -iii'-sil"!! -11 Issue In th is oampalgn D l.iH-m vs. c a p i t a b e ­gan the c.iiidhlale "Y .11 are ta iled uponto choose Wliph -o s t.n i you p re fe r - th e crt-oi'erallvc "r . ti.p iiu lv e A vole to r eUher one "f the ..lii [..iriles 1* n vole fur th e ro n lln u a rc . of the present conditions.A man who . f t * h i. vole for (heae con- dUlun* liH* If. right to complain of the m oral a ril .tomic effecis which resu lt from the *■. Mcm whl. h he has voted to maintHln

411 Trnr<-il to 44 a a * k y a tr iu ."Y'ovj -ir* a rnembtr uf lh«* laboring clftftB

,, ,1 . an t (s' iirMhlng else. You are loid to prut lice e,-onomy and -save l,,ur wag." tf voil did not spend your

i money the w.ieele of Industry would stop. I' il'in 1- !-u«ialiied hy con»umption. Stoll the consumption and you ih-ck pro. dutlloti. and then (he latoirer Is OUl Of a }.)li Thf'TT' '-f* lYOt H t’llTtllC ijUMtlOU tn*t cannol 1» traced to the present wage *!"*-

1 '■"y'.-.u are lold th a t nv."i mu*t rise from I the r.iiik.s to be aniw rln tendents and insn- ' ager* You s r . toid th a t they worked up I b«-ause they w ere honest and tem p era te I and were s lw s y , looking out t h '

tnterei-i* of t h ' l r em ployer That Is to sav tf sou were all h-mesi and tem pera te y,.u w tu 'd s " he superin tenden ts and

' '"Ai'the'^close of Mr. Vsll'* address Chalr- ted ihst the collection

R o o s e .e l l W IH ( nst IH . H allo t a t t ly s te r t i a i Y eil T neailay—f o r -

1*^lyun A'finiliiA, TffO.WASHINGTON. <V t 31. - PresUlent

R oosevH ond He,r,i:irv forielyou will leovo for New V, rk i .rly next Monday morning to vote ot. Tu. s.lay. The I'resl- denTand Mr CurMjuu arc luith from the

Ciuuiiy 1* * \i-rk, ;ind llielr vr»i-ur pisht miltfl

RooftHwli will voif* nt Oy?l?r Bayt) LiYtEt; Iftlfi"!, .tml Corlel-you M Hempst' -i'l' LcTiji Island Both will V0l 6 (Fturii lo WttfihlnglnhT u n d a y Mrs. Hoosevelt willa'CCOOipatiy Ihi* i ' n n t .

S n n te o o H oopd Arm Tiio T ig h tly '(iraDgrren* F u llow eil.

Jeremiah Mahoney, » m ire d policeman, of W IK'dford RYenue. Wllllamftburgt N. V.. fell Inst Saturday In front of a Rtore ne,ir hlft home and fractured hl.s right forearm* Ambulance Surgeon UmHh* of the Kuatern District HaapUak bandaged the Injury and udvl.sed the man to call at the huipUal the next (lay. Ovi the aame night Ma- hn.iej H arm awelled and cauaed him much pain- Dr William J. D'HrlerY, nt UerryKtr*rt't. wuR -summuni’d and illftoi>%‘ert-(lgangrene. He found Uie bandagcH very ligh tly draw n.

Mahnney wan taken It* Bt. Catherine's where it was found neteHsary

on Tuesday to am putate. It was the oplri- inn of ?*ome nf the <l(K*tora that thi' light liiindagi* had brought ah-'iii Muln'nKy’fl crlMffil rnmJItinn. At th*’ hn-“i*lial Br-wL ulghi ll waa Raid that he rniglit not re-O l \ I T

P tiyN irlana 44'UIA piece fee Tivo*

Three hundred dollara Ih mnrket price fur it healty human ear. os offtred by Dr. Elmer E Prescott, a skin-grafting specialist, of t ’hicngo. who desires two ears for an unupual operation he wtahea lo prrfurm. He has already received two ofTera. One Is from a paralytic, sixty yearn old. and the other from a cripple of hair thfll age. Hoth mon declared they needed the CHsh more than the car. The paralyticsaid: ' - a. la I#

"I wnnliJ consider It an act of charily If you would jmy me that money; my family neeils tt. and a* I am pear death tny loss

I will not be m aterial." V I Judge'Biuroe Informed Dr. Prescott that 1 severing a healthy ear from a person 1 would be mayhem. Btate-a Attorney

Denecn lold the doctor, however, th a t in hl» opinion U would be no ertme. The ap- pllcatluns came to Dr. Prescott's office In answer to an advertisem ent____


I it* 9 t 9*99**9**— ********'>»

n nciinlillcanM F.allltiRV. NurrtsI/Hiyah* "•»' l.VU StSn .VA’WS

M O RRISTeeN^N ' ' a’i 31 —An cnthUBluR- tlc- crow d, niisnl ’mg l.Ot"'* (**'rRun?. h#- Ka^mblid In Ly*i’u:n heAll last night to at- l e n d .a Republi. :|| mi,»,m""eiing and up- m aro u a ly a p i ' ' m e n i l o i i of F ran k lin Murpli.i • name as well a* gen­e ro u s ly chcerliia ,,f the M orris r o u n ty caniUd;u - U,. the n la tf.irm wereC o lm a l E. 1. l - t i " -u Je rm si, Emile H u r ia ls P rasr .ii ,r Allred Elm er .Mills. C o u t i r "clerk l b '» nurhei-a. R e j J,


NAMED AON FOR LBON rZIll.tiOSZ.K a n s a s F a r in e e T h e n t l r l i r n O nt

B y I r a t e N e lg h lm rs .Tbr siiirv reaches O ttaw a frum tViirden,

a htnull tow n no rth w ea t of o ii iw ,. Kan., ut 11 fa rm er who nam ed hi- in( u;i son Leon L'sojgii*!. and w as drlv, ■. rr.,m the netghb'irhiaKl by hi* neighbors Ttie fa rm er Is a foreigner. He called In ,, i ri. -i to ch ris ten hi* son. W hen tin- iiitm- I,,-on Fxolg .jsi w as given. Ihe p r im r- t'o - d to proceed and delivered a stlliKllii: r. huke to the paren ts

As *0011 SB the fa rm ers beard of the a f ­fa ir Thev w slted on th e m an and a -n r him and hi-' fam ily a few hour* to I. iw They hav? d isappeared .

i . ia R ro N N rs i f o b R o o s r t F . i .T .

P r i n t e r . F o r m S o e la l C lu b .The E sse* C ounty Union P rin te rs ' Club

w as orgnnlxed bast n ight a t Lundy * H all, tin M arket s tree t. The object of the or- ganlx.'iilon Is of a social natgre. One hu n ­dred anil tw en ty nam es have been placed „n the roll. The list will be kept o p tn for

wef^kft fo r ibe enrolm ^ni of adui- tlonal (’hftrter mA*mbers- The offleers el«ct- f>fl w^rc- VrA'ftldenl, F rederick D ealy ; vice-president. R ichard M urray: treiiRurer, John D aly, sec re ta ry .serg ean t-a t-a rm s, W illiam Amullen. The next meeting will be held on fiunday a f ­ternoon, N n \cm h er 10

V o lu n ta r y A ct n e l l e v e d to E n d In - . a r r e e l l a n In I s la n d —B o h o l -\f-

f n l r a Not So H a tls f a c to v y .W ASHINGTON, Oct. 31—An Im portan t

cablegram was received a t th e W ar De­pa rtm en t thla a fte rnoon from G eneral Chaffee. It followa. In p a r t:

"M an ila . OcL 31.■ 'A djutant-G eneral, W ash in g to n ;

"T h e following la from B rigadier-G eneral H ughes; 'In su rrecto force* Cebu Island h av# come In, laid dow n a rm s In gtnd fa ith . In obedience to dem and of people for peace; 150 rifles, e ig h t bras* pieces, s ix ty ofllcers. 470 men. A ffolrs n o t yet m t- Isfaeto ry In Bohol Island; m ay move a d ­d itional iroopa there to force settlem ent.'

"This settles for p resent, a t least, dis­tu rbance hereto ex isting In Cebu, S ia ll advise Hughes w aste no tim e, hut move on Bohol Imm ediately. C H A F F E E .



Nnr« fo r l>nmwcrB-An acKlon for *15.0Jn dflmagea ha<i bejn

InutliuiMj 111 The Circuit Court BgaiMt th j North JfrHey Street Hallway Company hy Wlllinm Lu< tlchftu and hi* wife Arn^- lls% nf >4 South Nineteenth suit la riHsed upon Injurlefl eald to have been rerelved by Mrs. Lueltcbfcu whll«. alighting from « Springfield ®venue car. near South Nineteenth e trfe t, on O ^ober 8. Mrft Luittchau places her at IW.Wrt- Tb«> huftl^nd ftuea for lo.WJ for l"id of h ’ft wife's service*.

J*o fieorfte M. T Ifu* , •* a B e«-■on 44'hr 4‘«*rdtot S b o q ld Be

14el \v ld e .A motion to ?et ftftlde the \-erdlct of a

JiAry In the case of MolUnello again stlet

In the case ofDotto. which waft tried In the F irst Dls- t r l r l Court T\ie»dnj, wa'a m ade th is m orn- Ing before Judge H a rris by George M. Titua* counael for the defendan t. The liiwvyer presented an affidavit by Jacob Francke, one of the w itneaaee, charg ing -ifre of the Jury with h av ing nf^epe^i to

the cflfte for E rn es t V, A. Bel- fa tto , counftel for th e p la in tiff, who waa

I verdict fo r the fu ll am ount pre«ented affidavit* denying Allegation*

« aumoni. r l 1, Ki-aftbey. Posl-m a ^ ^ r QeoT£<‘ I ''UrU* form*"r A^st m-hivmi'n "joneYn M Kighler, AAftembiy- m an Charlef M Wh ruht’a ’l and Jacob rt- riMfliilUr f'T S ta te ftenalorS tate Senator T . N’ 5ti*Carler. ofNewark, and i ■!.ii tM’‘man Fowler were vhe apiakar*.

DeoiOATui l.Ffiilii Cl. O. r . M eet.ASBUH^' i ’AlG^ 'J 'l ol.—Senaiorft E.

C. fltoki'* and ThiiM.*'.' .N Mu'i’skrter spoke 1a*t night H( ‘h» U> ; 'iNlcan rallflcratlon tneetlm lb Kd t< Arifntu Hall to an au­dience of alw-ut ......... . •rg*' Freil Krtv^hl.u r ^ d e u t ol III' rir>t National Bank, a ^ t d Demot-nii jir.-i.i-l Former Judge ' .’IIHam T i,> I'f tMe itn al can-dldataa for Aft'-tm.h ii»,i ciMjke.

g o n th e ru e r P o a ftta a II to dent*a T ab le .

T'res.dvni RooaeveU has ri-. i) \t I prk*& . fruin an anonyrnf^^^ .lo r where In the South, a large f it , Tlie pfjftsum te aUve, although, l reftl of hlft kind, ha ta fond d (o tMj de-jd when anybody appro.c ‘ The giver altachWi a Uhi I y m dlratlng (hat Ihft animal h i' Hooker Wjfthlhfflon, Hettr) T'l

' the rn s ld e m 's alewatd, Is u S-' ollnlan and underafand* the arj ■ r posftumft in ftavory atyle-

rTTbsft there thoukl b* deflnlto' ii I frum Mr RooaevalL P tnckno u i ,he posftum for tb a ProBjdrTi: -

ITrftldeiu Rooaevelt if '

th r I’m


Uuens F a ta l to R a lley CbH#-Nora Halley, ih^ n Y ^ y e an o ld ^ grand-N ora iiauey . m t'

d au g h te r ,.f Mra- Ellxa _ a h p u « . o ' «*AcaSlSmy Blreit" wdio was a d m U te d ^ thec l lF h ™ |i t ta l ' T uesdayvere burns, died at th a t Institution abuulvere burns, oiea m iri*»A12:39 this morning. The pElld was pl^JuK

a wardedclaimed, ------------Francke’* sllegatlona. Mr. Titua also contended lhat the verdict was contrary ti> the evidence and contrary to the court's charge. .

The sperlflc allegation In Francke a *i- fi.lavii was that shortly before the case was called he was approached hy a man who *.sld he had been summoned a* a jury-ylnt; I WHO paitl lir lima* vs-s.. *» —------------ 'fllv

■q,' . the biTrh'en nf her home.' when I man in the case, and would agree to S ^ c r ig s she held In her hand* becam- [ k for IV Francke replied, U la said, that ignited bv the kitchen range. They flameil tniereated In the caae '" ’’J’ ,up. seuliig Are to her dreea | wliness. The case was ca lle d ju s t M l°re


’S Mim. i> Ihe < irlRg- him,

Ih>XIMF 14' ktY» y,

f King

■j'-vHon■ "jk

t .biv, t| of

, itu« cIi»'a»IjT a itr* .’

Southern t a h of "p s-um .ud


The Repul'l" .•- ington will h'J.I TheEvfcn* * HaU lAf; Fr«iiian '!i ll.didftte for ^caruEt-.t 'number of tiLJ *-r

In Wrftil HadaoD.: K. i4rn> hhiI Arl-

lo-nlghl' A1,; iliKr pldl't 12i

’ ■ "iht-r win be In• '(:• l,-*!, cai*-I..I -r Thomaft •"'hum r T *nd -i. ,w>-T« w ill make ad-

v'.th aY . rk.

The trustees of the New Jeraey Htslnrl- cal Society will meet to-morrow to ele.-t oftli’crs.

The Utrculias follows; Sos. 190, 2« , » , 1« . 1™. 'M ATUl LB£.

At the High Street Syna^gMe, to-m or­row night Rabbi M. G. Botpmoo tHlI ,“wak on the subject 'R ather Concede Than Contend."

I A feature of theChurch, a t Ham burg place and Ferry S tr« t. to-night, will be tha prea,Btallon of "The Fire In the Hotel."

Rev Ju llu . BllberftM will t e ^ e e a ! lecture on the subject "Prose

in the Temple B'tiat i ington street, to-m orro* tW^l-

* meeting ol lb , BoKvUla Toung Wom- I sn 's Chrtatlani held at the reatdaiic* o* litaa Sva van ' S e » . 9g N orth Third i « « t , tft-morrow


W lln t 'f t S . I l i r V n n ^ vaaarr -----------------“J ’1.1 es* and the Jury swdm In. 'TheTi reM » was taken until a fter lunch. During this r, , e*s. Francke aays he waa *P',,r .ached In a Mechanic atreet saloon by the same juryman, who again offered lo

flx " the case. *The name of the Jurym an re fe rrrf to li

not mentioned In the aOldaylt. but the i .rtles interested In the caae say he can L.e Identlfled. Mr. B elfatto « ld he W ^ d w,-h-ome an Investigation of th* c h a ^ s ami Mr. Titua aald he waa anxtoua to Imve th . matter thoroughly a lH ^ - Judge Her- rij reserved decision pending an Invesll- griTlon.


B rid e A c r .a e a T h r e * - * c ' ‘* b a .d o f Bemflwg H er.

Arthur TrlptcolQO. •*>studio on Seventeenth street. N.w , . n a v xrlll be Sun.

, was before i


mJii --------- ,am ouiuH ro im rB i KlrhlwB**

jjr Neb^n. the Aftft**nibl) ran<RQ*t . ! '4 -til iiciuJ :i. m* h^ld * mas*-«P(ike of ih^ ivx-al Iftsu*'* and the conrti- In V' - K'nu. Ufe n Hall. SuasexH. rYA Ilf the l*borlT4f man. dwelt tor | ^ ^ p u e *Jid i^urnm;i Mt-t-eE. la*l nlfht. R mV lUni on the f*ilur« of the Republtcan j wa* l«rg. Former fir,.

Anat-mbly candidal*** lo CoffiTninloner Jams... M \ a n Houicn prr- Accept b T c h a !u n g e f « a debate. Mded. and .tn . s;.^..ker, Board of


» f , e r a t ie » ta te C o m m ittee X eere- | jy^mccrat* feasted on roast ox tn d turkey tm rr a a y s Im te e H -w otrt. lod lew t* i ssndwlche* at « h a r t ^ « given hF the' V 'lt ia b eth Democratic a u b t t the l e te r tn

rh m t Mskforlty Iw g to te . j Armory Uet night. Nearly *bfcm fal B t^ rc * I, t*e rT£.V /yo .VEIT*. ' u tm ocrai* from vartoua part* of the

JE B S feV ' CtTT. Oet. tf.-I>rmoeT*l1r State and county were* • * * ‘ ” r‘e" y M -llteV StU . of New York;^ to-Our ncefltlllg r tp o r ti of ebunty were ----- . . „ ^

tSlON DEiOCBATS BiBBEdiE.urt^ K. Ru»- i R Garra-

I and uyiQPork* Cardi-S.i'*' e;MII, \ r. 1 d W !)||aBl n u«tri«-brant*. Frank SjihFri.Tnd, Abraham Kal*- *r and Augufi Mu* U- r

Xhf Twelfth Why.I l»*'mv‘ra tk ‘ H uh will hold a «m<>k* r at Vfs Ifwr'm Hj U 87 Kcoituth f t r ^ t , ia-n‘,ghi j hn F SiTinuit and the ward candl'inted «in prefteni

A BepdMti'in mdh<>'n#setli>g will bf heldtO-fUftbt at ieaifs N Hall. KlghteetHh Ave-no* and Twvifih under the COftpic^of tbe Rcpuiiii'-aft of rhe F u u i dt*-Iflce of the ThirtFfnih 4Vard, T|

A raltflcailcn m— itng will be held hf the ReDUbiic*n» of ih< Second dXatrict of tb«

%\Tt - " ■ - * • - .........

k r Streel Court .., on a charge of asaghW »»<1» hv hi ; H innah Trlplccloo. The coupl. w..r.

m a rrie d three weeka tg « by a» atJ.-rman in the city hall and th*y w*"/Brooklyn with the w ifea reUUvee

The alleged asaault Wok place m the ' cour*- of a quarrrt l«< Th"

hutyband saya he fall »

I and th a t before th> *1*' r ' " " -tsed to Invest ».«• to • 5?“*'.,*:';’ him a half intereat ^

, .here was trouble When deUlued u, I lie. up .0 her p ro m f-. Tim eaatnlnau ,,,

fra* adRrtiiwd.


ta ta w r t f* » « * ’I t r-wm

Thomas Shane, a «* « “■W eatern mUk train N«- >V pr- vM

I Tmftft*nth Weird aI 0»Cp (iftll* Ninth. m mAe.mbw, » m*de -WkL* V* WNST- TH|n«rnY[) -- ,*** vamx w a .,.............. .Ur r v ^ t t l ix rtpOTt* at coun F | -. « of W«*hlnff*on, D. C . ftnd ptro^l Si-mh Omnft^ fttf’nar, to-nichi.tfte r*U rr Derer*ox *Dt»ouo<wd ; * t-n i« i D E*nd*TUl«e of tbe Thlr- i Fortner Judjip »nd a number of

w n th Brooklyn Reglmeni. A number of otbara will addree. the a t tits la taa t reparti Indicata tha t th , — f—lee ta tk t B u te for ■ agastir wm ^ g t ItM t U n and tba S taU Cotniaitiec a i a l f ga t be aurpelmd ta am fb , aia-

____ btdkmte tk a t tbera la «IUt f l i a r r 'wmXa. and that tbe

' ; dM Hbotod a n aat ap to , t f aanta t f Ifea a a ia tg

IMPin orw tfijia aaa» -- ---------joUy Republican* purch***d ticket* for the barbecue la order to hav , a good night't apoTL ^

t a b a t o

B a e k l a J e iw ey la Aid (L ft- P- gaiefai Dtrpefcb t* ■A' ETCSIXO XKWM.

WABHINOTON. OcL gL -F lrat Aealtt- a s i poanaate i-O eB eta l JobnaoB la tt lo tf e n a in g tor b it bo n a a t Haebspaaak, ib- mndtod ta pa t to . tb a b a Ja a g -et*i fim ymlB d a m a n

-f *#•» **

L iv r l r Btmnr In f t n iM re*Fire oriKlnoiins in * aniftlli irqiMlen box

In ft *bowcA*e c*u»«d ronshtombta d f t^ to ibe *rt stock ot T* V.

7 arr1tt. t t « West Purk strM t, ahortty nfCer K) o'clock iftst tiLftht. Tb* cftuftft ol tkr* Are l» unknown, Tbft kMft Sftftt u . m

hlnftelf ft hero y e a ta m r anact th a t resulted la lha aa»ta* t f a chil l , life. The train . w t f i f t " » » ^ , * t o " 7 N T with E ng la im • ’te r c t ie . was <toaM «Bile an hourdriver and F t w a a W f?*U the lo c o m o d v a ra ^ w l B lo wg , child hi dram m tf lf tW “ ™« liftt'fthead

While tb* t f r t r a k

F r r a fd e a tia l A a p a la lm eg ta .NYAUilNOTON. OcL tL—Ib e PTiiOd ia t

made tbe (eUowlng agpebatarngU lO-dAf. ■ ail W. Taylsr. b a t ■adm aast. caaaItT, Chartoi Lmrla Lanhaak mcM d baaten-

aaL ArtlHwv Cl—

F m u iaa Bhan# hoard sad g ay cm the cot

rm ch a«t ta r cblM w as rsaxhid

to n ig h t AJl SalBti' cora»ual«> wlH be r d m i C . « d a t IW tfty Church to-mor- row morpKni ftl I t 0 clock-

Ptfnr«emfttlTft* of Tftrtoo* locftl ftocie-tles ftttfndod the ik \i b tlo f

give a wbiat party a t t » o clock to-porrow -ra l inT itattoai ha*a kgan axtendad ta m afriend* o t Uhl clTCl*- __

; Kev Sa Ow licr» rU D d will

Church. L aU T atta and night <m T l» ^xhf £*•** C o*oty Pftfihv

BomrUle CtmoaOevoleat Lactoh w ^ “ T ."* iL ^IS S F aleucbr* to-n>ortow aigbt to1 Hall, Hoaerine awaam and D ardiid Wtu folbsw the card ptoF*— -

A horaa ownad h r T tadartU F. H a h a ^■ f m W a ^ to d to a a w w ^ i j t o ^ “ J i Sasphalt a t

' ft** IftlllU tt * ^ yWft* •* bft«y IRJW** tt bftft »kiBeft. ______-

, T hrm falau

I I L a •■to' • f t f t f .* —a v J i T M ft t h k i «ftft • k k t im i n mmftat&X 90m ftt

. « c k a l b w * ; I k . . -------- -wa* ahl* 1 T as f*A ik tfh t

E ll ia h e th Maw C ha ig ted W ith Shwal- Ina a t M irro r a n d K le e tr le U g k t

B aiba la » • « O ag o g e H ote l.«,Kvi*l UMpalck to » e Erg.V/VO \S W S .

CRANFORD, OcL IL—A "D utch" wa* given at O. Relm fr'a hotel. New Orangg last night, during which **>e came dliorderlT. Policeman Behlndler waa sent to the hotel. *»> h to b tf >»>» to Belmer to protect hlmaetf. P rank Bat­i n of EUiabeih, took the ptatol away from Relmer. tnd. It U charged, atarted In* into th* bar aalrror and M lb* eloetrk: llxht bulb*. Darknea# foUowtd. Bora* aa*

; then made a raid on Ih* cash regtater. and I Relmer wa* kicked and a e w e ty beatan.

Feeling "sumethlng alive" In her ear. Katie V/hlle, ot Mantua, consented to have hot Ittrd dropped in ll and out came a large black spMer-

A midnight Are on Tuesday night totally destroyed the H, G. H art Foundry iu Salem. The Bolem Glass W orks were saved, after a hard tlghL Mr. H art 's lo u Is

The congregation of the Daretown Prea- hylenan Cliureli wll meet thla evening to confer w ith Pastor Ewing over the dis­solving of relations th a t have existed for sixteen years- The pastor has resigned.

The corner-stone of the Dempsey D. Butler Masonic‘Temple, Morris street and Katghn avenue, Camden, was laid yester­day by the officer* of the Mott W orship­ful United Grand Lodge, F. and A. M. (colored), headed by Grand M aster J . M. Morgan, of Bordentowm.

J B. Jagm elty, of Atlantic City, who was a member of the Fourth New Jer- aey V olunteers, has declined to appear before a military hoard to lake on e iam - Inallon for appointment In the regular army- He does not care to run the risk of further active service In the Philip- pines.

w illiam Ia>lce and William Burk wera taken from the Camden County Jail to tho atalo Prison at Trenton, yesterday, to

1 serve sentences of eight and five year* respectively, which were Imposed on

I inem upon their convinlon on a charge of assaulting a fourteen-year-old girl a t Gloucester City.

While J. C. Walker, proprietor of the Hotel Carlsbad, Atlantic City, and his family were a t dinner yeaterday, thieves entered their apartm ents and stole Jew­elry and other article* valued a t ttOO and tm In cash Detective Barry arrested ^sio arrvanis and some of the stolen At- tlrles were found In the possession of one ot them.

Pennsylvania Railroad detective*, w ho ' have been looking for th* persona who robbed Ihe MIdtUebuab sU tlon on S atur­day night of fil. brought two small lads to the county Jail a t Somervllie yester­day charged with th* crime. One boy la the nlne-year-old son of Abram Sylvester, and the other ta Jacob Johnson, th irteen years old. I t was through tbe confession ot the Johnson boy that the arreat* were made.

A half doxen society girls of Brtdgaton have formed a club for aortal and In te l- , leotual beneflt. The first thing a t their meeting which they ruled upon was th a t "poaltlvely no young men should Join or be present *1 *ny ot tbe meetings." "F lo . rodora" was chosen as the name o t the club These officers were electsd: P resi­dent Miss Berth* Filch; vloe-preaiaaot, Idas' H attie ElWrti; lec re ta rr. Miss Maud* Parker; irea iu rsr, Hlsa W llhel- mlna W hitaker; Programme C om nlltae, Misses Mabel Vauller and Bertha Parker.

A temporary organlsatJon t f tha Bridge, ton Lodge ol Elk* waa elTectad U at aren- inc with the following proposed officers; B^elted ruler. Edward J. Levy; satesened iMdtng knlghL W. O. Qarrlaon; eetaamed loyal knight, F rank tk Miller: esteemed lecturing kntghl, Jem es Boyd P o tter; see. retary Joeeph H. Powell; trsesu rer, John G. Mitchell; eequlre, Horrie D ev il; tyler, Joseph N. Deeslg; chapleln. J , W ard Ricbirdeon; Inelde aentinel. Chatriec Betchner. The new lodge wlU be n a s e d Bridgeton Lodge Mo. IM, B. P. O. Eu ABd will be iDStltuted November M.

W ed a ew in y s h p rc ie l H e g l NEWS. •

g g d ggtw Tdgye a n B e ta te D gye in the

W eetdeM a n d Ngarbry.W H Berten. t f Weetlleld, je c r lv tf

word of ble musing lerday They were loented U P w nwhert the m e n who l^ e d t ^ rig h ^tbe horseenyihlng be c e t f d g t f r e ^

The revised regUtry t f ^Tolere show « : * * «

and district U .! * g L * ? ig £eWe agida. g l v ^ w eetnnki tnine

They ™ 2 * M i Z s S S t L m u^ H t p i drsmeB e d e m n w r a u e e in

night. _____

P U Ia g e M .The boerde of r e g U t ^ h a w ftaUhed

their work. T he Sgoiee from the w t l W warda show e falltog off to u m ^ total rsgUtraUon to t t o city Thetotal regUtwHon ft* tha bermigh t f N erth

’’I f h S r i i t f h S » '• « > « ' »>ll be bold a t Holy C iea t P iw taeunt EpUcoiml Church ™ Mevwnbw lA when tbe comUiied ehoire of Holy W n lty Church of Harlem. New ? o ^ i t f Holy c re w Chnich wU) etagGewl'a "BoW City." ___ _____

m B. c u r b baa resigned tnm i the BeeiM of oow im ore t f M u b ten J ^

iSeD enK K raU e City CeenmUlw h w ^je w o c ra iie vviy ar2_y~M g t a to hetd a mw em eetiBg to RsgermH ad to__ to-m om iw n lg K „

■Oie engagement U enneuneed t f K Iw Jennie te jUebIheM H, D*i W .

A general * "peK n t f -lo Ieoh out

^ Rutlcdga.

't*K JftgWIhdpKgw *

u t in r i left tf.'T toiW —



■ ew . tor. 'Dr. D.

theR Ml hy

n «

the th e HntUnnl

I In a ttm Mim tim .

Iter ol the

l O T iS '


The W ow an'igwcUty t f Ds iw r d s m ie. w « g » w * >«■: t v u t M Novem hef U to th e m r t h w s and

hair haahands.T U MBs f tr B ft iu r t s

uami U eofd. The raU Ls e the doUnr. .»

s w U tf yaar'a r ^ tf^

tfgW la«, Mirt-anB



J f E W A i O C


fieienl fcffiiKtia, bid of Hireu. Ao cued of Falsebud bj iiveiier

of Isbui SbelL


la C o rm iil C Jliurires M ad e a t W a r D e - ^ a r t m r a t —H a d F o o le d W i th D r. T a t t l e , I n v e a t o r o f T h o r i t e , a n d S o ld S c e r e ta f o r ftOO,uOO t o G o T'* e r m a e a t , h o t D e a l W aa l u t e r r a p t e d h y O r d n a n c e C b lrF a R e p o r ta ,


Sper^ol to ik« EV E SIN Q SB1T8.PL A IN FIE L D , Oct. *J.—In a race for

h e r life, Mrs. Bird, of S um m it avenue, a t ­tra c ted a crowd y e ite rd a y a fte rnoon as ahe cam e speeding a long W ash ing ton ave* nue 00 her bicycle w ith h e r hair In a bla*e. Mrs, Bird w as c losely followed by M iss Fanny Mills, d a u g h te r of E. Wlok. ham Mills, local m an ag er of the United S ta tes Express Com pany. Ulus Mills call­ed loudly for Mra. B ird to a top and le t her ex tingu ish th e Are, w hich had already

consum ed Mr*. Bird a p ic ture h a t and was m ah lng aad havoc of her ligh t brown hair.

M rs. B ird, however, kep t on her course, h e r ey es fixed upon a sm all b lacksm ith shop n e a r W est F ro n t s tree t, w here she knew th a t aaslstance aw aited her. Wit* neaes w ere horrified a t th e spectacle. F ro m th e blacksm ith shop Joseph D. C a rv e r ra n to the w om an 's usslslance. W ith th e a id of Miss Mills the firt> was speedily extinguished. T hen Mrs. Blnl fa in ted . She w as badly burned abou t the neck and face and her h a ir w as ruined. .



W ASHIN G TO N , Oct. 31 ,-S erlou t charges ag a in st the O rdnance B u reau of th e arm y, and particu larly G eneral B u f­fington, th e p resen t Chief of O rdnance, who re tires for ugc next m onth , w ere m ade yeaterday by C, G. Isham , Inv en to r of th e Ishum pa ten t shell. The ch arg ee have not yet been presented In a fo rm al m anner, bu t It U sabl they will be as aoon as Mr. Isham can see B ucretary Hoc'.. Mr. Isham called a t the W ar D e p a r t- m ea t y este rd ay and had a conversa tion With A aalttn t Secretary Banger, In w hich he declared th a t General Buffington w as g u ilty o f de libera te falsehood, an d th a t a n o th e r officer of the O rdnance B u reau w as Involved in the acceptance o f b ribes.

The im m ediate cause of Mr. Is h a m 's action la found In a s ta tem en t In th e a n ­nual rep o rt of G eneral Buffington, in w hich he condem ned the explosive th o ­rite, because "by the lapse of ilm e U proved to be so unstable th a t It could nut be k ep t and by conclusive te s ts th a t it could no t be detona ted ,” and th e lah am shell "b y reason of the inheren t d an g er of defective aae lls .”

G eneral Buffington then te lls o f th e d is­cover}' of an o th e r explosive, know n as "m ax itn lte ,” the Inventor being H udson M axim, of New York, from w'hom, u n d er au th o rity o f the Secretary of W ar, 75,000 pounds have been purchased.

The d iscoverer of thorite wa.'i Dr. T u ttle , o f Seattle . Dr. T u u le came to W ash in g ­ton seve ra l y ea rs ago and b ro u g h t th o ri te to the a tte n tio n of the m lllu ry experts. To fac ilita te the Introduction of the Ish am shell and th o rite the two inventor?! pooled th e ir In te res ts to the ex ten t lh a l they were equally In terested In both In v en ­tions.

T hey v e o ' soon secured the friendsh ip of G eneral M iles, of the Board o f O rdnance and F ortification , and were enab led to aecure a n a llo tm en t from the aboard for the pu rch ase of experim ental lo ts o f both the explosive and shell. Q :n e ra l B uffing­ton opposed both inventions, believing th a t som eth ing b e tte r could be founiJ. M ean­while, the m a tte r was brought to th e a t ­ten tion of C ongress, and a t the la st ses­sion a lum p sum of 1100,000 w as ap p ro p ri­ated for th e purchase of the p a ten ts o f the Ish am shell and thorite. The S e c re ta ry of W ar w as au thorized to m ake th is p u r­chase. provided he considered It fo r the best In teresla of the service to do bo.

Since th e n the persons in te re s ted In th o rite and the laham shell ha>e sm igh t to have S ec re ta ry Root expend ih la a p ­propriation , bu t as m axlm lte cam e in to the field a f te r the appropria tion w as m ade and th e O rdnance Bureau reporter! In Us favor, the S ecre ta ry of W ar declined to purchase th e secret of thorite. Dr. T u ttle . disappolQted and almo?it broken h earted , left th is citry some m onths ago fo r his home In S e a ttle and w as reported to h a v a died th e re very recently. H is son here, how ever, an d Mr. isham were deternnlned to ge t. th e m a tte r before the S ee rtn ry of W a r

They con tend th a t m axlm lte la no th in g n^ore th an tho rite , w ith the add ition of a picric acid compound, and U Is sa id th a t th e re w as som ething w rong In th o w ay th a t th e sec re t of Dr. T u ttle 's com pound became know n ouisifle of the W ar D e p a r t­m ent. I t is Also hinted th a t a c o rru p t use h as been m ade by one of the officers of th e O rdnance B ureau of his official po­sition to profit by (he secret In fo rm atio n o f the com pound of tho rite and th a t he has also betrt gu ilty of accepting b ribes to oppose th e Isham shell. Mr. Ish am has declared th a t unless he g e ts s a ti s fa c ­tion from the Secretary o f W ar he will c a r ry th e w hole m a tte r to C ongress and dem and «n Investigation o f th e O adnancs B ureau .

D e c r e a s e In S n m b e r o f M en P r e p a r - l a g f o r M la l e t r y —i o c U l I 'n lo n

E l e c t io n .gprrjol Dispatch to (Of B Y E S IS G .NL’irg.

FLEM INOTON. Oct. 31.—T he closing session of the New Je rse y B ap tist Edu­cational Society la te y e s te rd ay afternoon w as m arked by tw o s tro n g addresses. Rev. R. B. Fisher, of H olm del, answ ered the question, " Is T here a D ecrease In the N um ber of Mpti P rep a rin g fo r the Minis­try ? " A survey of re p o rts from the d if ­fe ren t denom inations show ed a universal decrease. One denom ination 's loss was

Elizabeih T bro igs Gbe RdOibR Fare-1 well 10 Mark Retireaieat for New |

Paid System. |



K ew Y o r k B a k e r f s e d O il 1n«<en<l ofL a r d a n d H U C u s to m e r s P a id

t h e P e n a lty *N E W YORK. Oct. 31,—M any ptTf-un.s in

th e neighborhood bounded by N lm h ami T en th av en u es and F o r ty -th ird and f-’onv- n ln th s tre e ts were poisoned yesl^rtliis hy e a tin g ccullcrs and doughnuts. Uui uf i.;- Bcore o r m ore cases none Is suppoa*?-! t.i serious. The poisoned c ru lle rs and dmi^n- n u ts w ere purchased a t the bakerle* uf U | H . W ebber, a t 6i56 and 694 T e n th livuvjf.

T uesday Wt-bbor bought a new haknirT oil from the w holesale g ro ce ry firm '<f S m ith & SlilH. E igh th avenue and i- 'un \- a lx th s tre e t . I t was m an u fac tu red . It w ib , sold, expressly for cooking c ru lle rs ati l d o u ghnu ts , and when the b ak ers won: i > w ork T uesday n igh t they used the .>:i ' In s tead of lard. Yesterday m orning ma-iv ordern^ w ere received ft)T cruJIera an 1 doughnu is . nnd scores o f ch ild ren iTuni

Som e l£,IMkb M n r c h e r i lii L ia e ^ M n n y | V U ltl i ia L n d d lrH W ith T belV Al>- ; p a rn tu H til E v i d e a o e — C e le b r a t io n to V \ln d I p W i th B a ll T o - n ig h t . \ e iv H e p o r tm e n t D e c e m b e r l'*“ B ld U rg a u tz e d iu IHUT.

fijjf'c I'u/ [iiMfjfitclt to the EVEYISG I-:UZ.\11KT11. Uet. 3 i.-T h le c ity pre-

seiitoil a galii ap p ea ran ce to-day, and th e Htreets wen- rtlled wUh thousands of P^r-

Fill imxloufl to aIo honor to the gal- l.inl voKirileer firem en of E lizabeth on ihl>! ihelr lust pubUr pAxrade.

Ily iK't'cnTbAT I llu ‘ vo lun teer system w'lll Pii-'AH i)UL of exlHtem'p. and E lizabeth will havf; a paid fire d epartm en t. The volun- U’(T de iia rim ent wa.s organised la liiJT. wI:It i ’olunel D avid Sanderson as first I'lili-f engineer, and Ichabod W illiam s, as- alsiaiii chief. At the p resen t tim e R con-

uf »lx att'o rners and two tru ck com- paiiU'Aj. Tliere used to be three hose com-

(hc public schools on W est F o r ty -fu u n ii

H « . n » » l i R tie e* .P res ld ftu of B ocheste r i:nlverp lty , who

spoke on ''C hrlB tlnnlty and S cho larsh ip .”

.‘•FARMER ORATOR’S” SISTER HURT.M laa M a r t l t tc W a s T o s a rd Ot ^ v D a a b .

b o a r d b y S ta m b l ln g o f H o ra e .ISow O a t o f D a n g e r .

fipfClal Diepafcli to the SEW S.P L A IN F IE L D . Oct, 3 L -W h lle rid ing

w ith a wom an friend near Dog C orne r ■everal d a y s ago, Miss M ary E. M arline , th e y o u n g e it s ister of Jam es E . M artlne , th e " fa n n e r o ra to r," was th row n from h e r carriag e d irectly beneath th e h o rae 's feet. A t the tim e ol the Etceldent sh e and h e r com panion were erlvlTtg dow n a sm all bill n ear th e M arcoanier chapel. T he b o n e stum bled and fell, th row ing M iss M artin s over the dashbeard of th e c a r­riage.

MlJii M artlue was carried home In an UBCOnicious condition. Dr. B ndlco tt fou n d th a t h e r in ju ries consisted of a s lig h t con- cugalon of tb s brain and b ru ises a b o u t th e b s ^ and shoulders. F o r severa l d ay s M iss I f a r t ln e lay In a sem i-conscious s ta te a n d b e r Ilfs w as despaired of. She is now oooaldered o u t of danger.

s tre e t anrl W est F if tie th s t re e t bouKhi [ som e before going to school.

M any chpcb of Illness followed, ihc |,,i. ' tlent.s Buffering Intensely. In every i-.i.-o the p a d en ts were pufferlrig from pium iini. poisoning, alleged to have been Uv (he ea tin g of the c ru llers or doughnuin . '

D etective F ran k G allagher w as put i n ; the cat^e, bu t during the a fte rn o o n It • could not find Webber. E xcltem eiil w,is rife In the neighborhood and a la rge cruw i had g a th e re d outside W ebber's hak*'rli«i on T en th avenue. I( w an‘ rum ored ih>: W ebber had disappeared, and th is (0 the confusion. W ebber tu rn ed up. li- w- I ever, and explained to the police ih a i iv ! WDM not At fault- H is exp lanatlo ii nliHuit (h*‘ newr cooking oil he had purcha.scT! sa lIsfac fo ry and he w as not arrealed .

[)r. H oke procured several of ih'- cr il- ier.H and dotighnuls and sent them i-» i n - B oard of H ealth . An In sp ec to rw j i ;* to th e bakery and he made an cx;ltnt^l^. lion o f th e flour and the ulenallB l vW ebber. He exonerated W ebb! r fruin blam e. An analysis of the p a s try will i m ade by the Board of H ealth .


P * w h fc a « |» s le A v o lo a U t f o r Cu I k o i i ■ •■ te B e o d to E l c h t r c n M o a tb * In

t k « A llia K r P r a l t e n t l u r r .B fte M Dtapaiek le l \ t i rE .V /v o SB W 8.

P O U aH K E S P flIB . N. T., OrC J l .-D o in - Inlek l u l , a n Ita lian ■hoemaki.r liv ing a t 1 N o rth C lin ton itre e t , th li city , w aa a rn t to tho A lbany p rn ltrn tla ry fo r r i s h te r n n o n th a by B ccarder M orarhauarr to -d ay (o r d a c la r in s th a t d o l r o a i did h is dtR y an d o ^ h t to h r praised In stead o f ex*, en trd to r th e m urder of P res id en t Mc­K inley. P e a r ln t th a t he could n o t con- r f c t upon th e charge of an arch y , th e re - oAYder m ade the nom inal accusation a g a i iu t liBl. th a t o f condbeUng a d lto r- derfy houge.

Tb® cou rtroom w as crow ded w hen sen- tooee wma p s n e d . and th e p riso n e r was h u rried to A lbany.

tw enty-eight per cent. In the Inst deciide; ano th e r th irty per cent. In tlie last years; tweruy-flv© per cent, of uiioihA'r denom ination w as w ithou t m inisters. The reasons fo r th is condlllon as they appear to young men choosing g -ca rep r were re ­viewed as follows:

One, the trea tm en t o f n mlniflU-r aa ,i "h ired m an;" two. com m erclalism lu the church, the m inister Is m easureil liy dol­la rs instead of c h a ra c te r : ihree. th«‘ theo­logical s ta te of the ch u rch by whli h the Intellectual freedom of the mlnl.'UtT Is curtailed .

The com m ittee on resokitloiiB rri'seiKod Its rep o rt through R ev. S. Z. Batten, of M orristown, In these re so lu tions;

"Resolved, T ha i we cxpri^as our confl dcnce In our B aptist echuolB, colleges and sem lnarU s. We urge upon pasto rs to p re­sen t to the churches th e c la im s and quall- ficAllons required in th e m in istry to-day.

"T h a t vie deplore the efforts th a t are being made to secure th e repeal of the AiUl-canteen law. and call upon our pas* to rs to lead In the fornruitlon df a 's tro n g and healthful tem p eran ce sentim ent. »

"T hat a copy of th is reaoliWlon be sent to the Congressmen and S enato rs of th is

'S tate."T hat we express o u r nppreclatlon nt

the fdll and exce llen t rep o rts of rmr meetings as given In th e N ew ark E V E N ­ING NEWS.

"T h a f we urge upon o u r p asto rs to se­cure ns large a c ircu la tion us posBlhle to our denom inational p ap ers.”

In the dlscusslnn th a t followed some criticism was made' o f a p o r tio n ’of the press for its advocacy of the arm y can teen. I t vas a sse rted th a t soim; papers give InstmcUon no t to publish m a tte r favorable to th e A n ti-can teen taw. The l reso lu tions were nil unan im ously voted.

Rev. Ruih Rhees. LL. D., president of R ochealer I ’n lv e n lty o f N ew York, ad- dreased (he audience. H e re ferred to his rpsidence In Plainfield and th e F irs t B ap­tis t C hurrh w ith w hich he un ited several years arat. His pubjeet w as "C hria tlsn liy and Scholarship." He said In pari:

"The scleallflc tem per of to -day Is rever­ent devotion lo tru th , Ip a cham cteris tlc of the leading sc ien tis ts ."

He spoke of these dem ands of m lnlalers upon scientists: U) T hey should givesym pathetic re rogn liinn of sp iritua l reali­ties. There Is n tenilency IhLs way. (2) j SrlentlstM should d iscrim ina te betw'een | fac ts ftTtd gueflses.

The dem ands of sc ien tis ts upori minis- I ters are: (1> fl..*mpftthy w ith the scientific spIrK. (21 teachab leness and candor; (3) I the sp iritual fac ts of C h ris tian ity . |

The afternoon session closed w ith a m eeting of the New Je rsey B ap tist For­eign Mission Society, addressed by Miss C lara R lghter. of C hina. M rs. Dr. P e ttit, of Elisabeth, presided.

The State B ap tis t Social Union last evening hrnvight (o a i\ end th e series of jneetlTYgp with a banquet. Judge A. E. Armpirong. of C am den, presided. Ad­dresses were given by th e president, Rev. L. D. Temple. Rev. J. M. H are . Rev. W. T. D orw ard and Rev. Dr. M cBride, of Brook­lyn. Miss A. May Bm lth, of New York City, gave two solos, "M ay M orning." and "God T hat M sdest E a r th and H eaven," accogipanled by M iss W tnnlfred W hitney, o f Roycefteld R- H. B ritto n , of Flem ing- ton, sang "As T hose ," accom psnled by M lsf Anna Sutphln, also of Flem lngton.

Election of officenc fo r the Social Union resu lted as followsT

President, Judge A. B. A rm strong ; vice- president, H. E. C olem an, o f T renton; sec­re ta ry , A ustin M. C olgate, of O range; tre a su rer , H enry B. Zim m erm an, of N«w Brunswick, and an E xecu tive C em m lttee Of one from M ch association .


J o h n ( 'a n im ln g B .f’rvspnl chief of K H zabeth's vnj-

u n lec r fin? departmeTH

K e n f a c k y M ob T a k e s H im f ro m Jn il. R id d le s H im W ith B a l l e t s tinil

H nuffa H im .H O D O E N V IL L E , Ky., Oct. 31.-A mnli

of fif ty o r seventy-five determimMl . lili.*risi cam e dow n upon th is tU tle tow n nhou: 2 o 'c lock th is m orning and took fruni iht- ja il S ilas E s te r s , 'a negrq, chaimiil wIili forcing G ranville W ard, a flf(ei*ij-yi'ar-oM boy, o f near Upton, to com m li a rrim**, and s t iu n g him to the caurthouP!C So qu ie tly and aystem atlcn ly d!J (he mob go al>out Its work th a t the c itizens of tli*' tow n w ere in Ignorance of the existence of th e mob Linill the negro wan In Ua c lu tches.

T he c itlienp compoptng thv )>nrhli\g p a rty a ijproachcd the jail, and upon tlielr dem and the keys w-erc su rrendered i.) them . T he cell In w hich the negro wan confined w as entered and the noose was a d ju sted ab o u t his neck. He w as draggo j dow n th e JBII s ta irs and nut Into ihe s tre e t. He m anaged to slip the notise from hip neck and made a b reak for liber­ty . T he mob, crazed w ith sn g er , m ade a f­te r th e negro, howling and firing a t him w ith g u n s and pistols. T h e negro fell w hen ab o u t 100 yards from the jaJl, riddled w ith bu lle ts .

T he noose w as ageln placed abou t the n eg ro 's neck, and he w'Sa d ragged u> the cou rthouee and sw ung to the lopmont Steps

T he mob w as formed In th e nelghl>or- hood o f th e crime. T\'hep th e w ork of lynch ing the negro had been accom plished the m em bers of the mob qu ie tly dispersed and w e n t to the ir homes.


K A M C n A K K IIX H D BY lY D IA Y i.

O tk c x M a r d c r a b r V b«B la A r* R * .Y brtcA t n m A i i u a a .

I^ C S O N , A rU .. Oct. t l .—Jo« R an iada . Ula ow ner o f » I t r f* ranch n ear O a .riM ix > w aa la a a u l t r f by a band of T aquI In d ian a and klUad. TiH Taquia raided th a ran ch , ftaaH nc tb a borao . and com . T hey v la lted aavara l o tb a r raacbca, and It la ra p o ita d th a t tb ry ktU«d o tbar raneb rra .

A tn o a t evary day d u r i ^ tb a p a a t w ark r a i ta h a r e b*an a u d a . 'and tb« ran eb aa

tb a riv a r a ra Almoat daaartad.&Eveiy Exertion a Task

Every Care a Burden

ROllSS BOIB IKQDENT REVIVED.T r« r M as A e k a a w lw A cea fte a g la a 1«<

fe rm a l M o c h ta e T h r e a t a n s to A w a tk o r .

Special DIepefcA to the E T g S iS O VEWR,NEW YORK. Oct. t l . —'The reddence la

B rooklyn of F e te r W , Rouo% to whom a bomb W it sent In th e m all recently , la now guarded by the police. Tbl* precau­tion Is token because o f a le tte r, poat- m arked Troy. N. Y„ received b y 't lo u aa y esle rd iy . T he w rite r o f th e le tte r ooye It him fo n t th e bom b and be ex- preomn regret th a t It did not explode In Rouse's hands. T h e w rite r wtrids up hie miwJgMil com m unication by aay lag ;

"1 will lervd you a n o th e r bomb and 1 w tu make ce rta in th a t U w ill do you up.** Rowse Js the son . o f C heriee Broadw ay R oess, \h t mitllonmlre m erckan t.


Then l> tkflura o( lh« etrengith to do and tlw power to endute; there la wuhieet -t]] over" that la pentatent aidcoaatant.

The vital functioai are In^alnd. (ood does not nooriik. and the whole qialain b nn down.

A medicine ttat atreofthene tkn perfects dtfeattaa. tmr1(0(-

end tones b needed.i'a a wewWa Hi iw Mie. U b

f tk a a e a M lB e teak » w h ie * i waa eh n e

O p a r a t l r a a V « ta * • B taV 1 - | A a - t k a r M eo ttw g Tw »m lEkt.

' F A U . HlVlfR, Mo2a , O ct SL -I1ie mill opcMttves of tlila c ity looc njght decided Bot to itr ile for on iBcroost o f wogM next IfoQday mwTilng, the w istte t belxg dedd id Iqr a mojoftty o f four rote* In the Loom Plxor** ta len . T b t weavofm. tlo ilM n and cardmw votod In favor o f atrftiaga but ibe eplWMta Voted against It by a majority of « vo ttea and the loom ftxore by a ma­jority o f ooly A TtM gplTineffi wore ex­pected to vote ^ O a” 0 0 the qotetlon v ia fvally decked by th e four rotes In tpe

Union.Tlte antebe th a t voted to e trlke o re no t

o ttS b M whli tk e ra o n t t a n d th e T estlte ComedK h u cnOed n m re tfo g fo r te-nlglkt, a t wfoch time tboee wBo voted **ree*' wOi b a re on opioftn n tty to edy w b sfo ir o r n e t tWF v m w l U ^ w frem th e Texttm Coud- efl en d n s ie r tn ite n s tr ik e w ltkoo t tk r

o iillo o

V O to R e e e n o 1 i s i ^ R r E F m i r f V i .

B M X A n m . Oct. f i .-* m jn m lB Cnmm tk lrty -fortejrean «M. ofoglE « W d e e t e€ Beaebn * e e tttted tbero iM t Rdffo n b o te m e f f M l y S £tM e tbs O t M n D M M d I x m n 3 &

w i r e W 'h o O b je r te d to H a n h a a d * s D e­t e n t i o n by P o i t t t r s Cieta

F u l l L ib e r ty .P A T E R 8 (.>N. Ocl. 31.—S fp a rd d u n papers

have been drHwn up berw een N icholas P ttppas and hie wife of a fow raentha. In Ju ly N icholes, who la h w H I-cducaiid G reek candy makt'r. whs m arried to Mis® Alice W righ t, iirknowlcdged to he one of th e p re ttie s t plrlw In the T o io w a dljRtrlct. W hen th e political cam paign opened she declared th a t h tr husband s tay ed aw ay from hom e (oo much to ta lk politics, and th a t she woiih! not endure to be left alone so m uch. TTiU WHS ihe first q u a rre l and th e la s t, for they never "m ade up."

He signed psiierH to th is effcK't: N ever to com e n ear hi-r, nor to moleat her In a n y w ay ; to her to h ave a s m anym ale e sco rts u*t ^hc sees fit, none of her e sc o rts to be m olislfd by P ap p as: she can live w here Itkes and can e n te rta in w hom she j>Iohh«'S He prom ised no t lo no tice h e r or i<' I'mvoke h e r by appoaring pu rpose ly in her flRhi w ith o th e r women, bu t if o th e r wnnifn meet him he need not avoid them for fear of h la wife. She p rom ised to k 'i^n nway from him and never a ak for s u n ‘"rt of any kind, and to rem em b er to sih' hK respec tfu lly o f him If h l i nam e should h^ ihp su b jec t o f conver- M tlon . I

panics, but th ese w ere •dlsharidrii v irs .'IRO,

'I'hc v o lun tee r deju irtm cnl tljd .1work in Us tim e, and It w as with f-'lliiK?* of genuine re g re t th a t the reeieU lUs i-f E lizabeth rea lized th a t w ith ih- m iirrh of v“ogresB th e vo lun teer hadoutlived Its usefu lness.

The populutinn nf th e city \v;is ;is*lr bright and e u rh ' th is mornlUK l«-« nuee of the celebration , und the bullilliipj^ hIktik (he line of nmr<'h w ere firenily iir-.iri\t! il with (lagH, Im u iu ts and biinun^ iii('i-r- spiTSCYl w ith rtijproprlttte motto, s.

I 'T D o tlc n lly H H<»1iilB]i.Il 1(5 jin icticiilly a hohdiii’ thin a lu rn o o n

hi the .ui(l all th e .scliuolfi ;in>l mostof the imlutflrtul eslab ll?hm ents i lui*«d iiinoon.

The visiting fire engines fn m .New rir\jnswk'k arrived here lu it night [iio'Jm- Ing (Tains brinighl crowds of ])enpU‘ fr!iin nearby towns and cUIch to witnofw the parade, ami. with the tilg RepubMoiin ilemunHtrathm and welcome ti> Fraiikhn Murphy lhu( Is to take plact' this evening, il certainly la a memorable day for Eliza­beth. ^

A feiilure of the parade was the nl<l steam er of W a.'ihlnglon Kiigine Company No, 3. which WKM built in Newark by the Gould M.achlne fo m p an y , more thun th irty years ago. anil was the seventeenth engine con stru c ted by the firm. It was proudly hfiul+*d In to -day 's puraiie by the ExemiRt F irem en 's AssncU^tlon of Eliza­beth. T he old a p h ara tu s wan well b u r­nished up for the uccaslnn. Mort of the companle.s had hew nnlfiYims In honor of the fact tlia t it would be their a p ­pearance, and never dJd E litabeih s v<il- un teer fire laddies m ake a iniiri- a ltrac tlv e showing

All ihe a p p a ra tu s also wa,« In flrsl-i h-*.s comJltlon, wW;e the floral nud other Hecoi- atlorvs on th e steaineTs iiiifl irtiok- .^ei them off to g rea t advantage.

All the vlHltlag companleij mftfl • a t redii able app ea ran ce and tu rtn d mu with foil ranks,

TRAIP WRNED TO DEATH IN BARN.A li* 4 k e r W h o m He fc lje rteg f r o m th e

P v e m la e a Soppooed fo H a r e

P r o c e s a in n 'o ForniiMloTi.The fo rm ation of the prfu■e« -lon. W!i-< nt

MafUson S quare . In (he casl'Tlv r:ir! Af the city, an d Inclurilng tiantl-i .ind ilrnrn corps th e re w as about 2 ' “* m«-n in lim­

it muvod In ih e rtilb-wini; nriP-r: ^First D ivision—C hief i ' T -nny

ami C ap tain Jo h n A. T itu- KUza-In th I’ollce [>i*partment I'lrttmin uf p«*- llce. Sergean t Jo h n T Hm>-\ cnrnmanil-Ing I'X-chlefs and ex-n-<.'<Lsi u t rhlefs, F.F. l> J a m e s 's b an d ; F tim i'i F trrn n ’n 's Assoidallon o f E . P . 1>, s .rli iripanitu.s; Miis*T. F ire Commltt*'* i' it'»nr<! i>f F ir - (‘'op tm lsslonera ai il < • rity nf- flclHls In c a r r ia g e s ; Ch - f J- tin .1- C um ­mings and A ss is ta n t ChP-r- J- hri (Jorm an and E dw ard 8 - R eeves. K F 1» : D rake’s buml. P ro tec tio n Engln- ' fi:p.(nv No. 1, E. F D.. e sco rtin g Nept . i'‘ Ivigine Com­pany No. 2 o f N ew B ru n s.': ' 'ml I’ro ter- ilon Engine C oippany .N ■ * [iny«>nne; Rosa s h and ; I# a fay e ttf HonX Miid-Iudder Com pany No. 1. K. F I' M arkivlth 's hand. Rolls ETYglne CoTOi. m« .N" 2. U F. D. M arine B an d ; Jarks.^n Il ink-iind- ladiler C om pany No. 2. V. K ♦'Hi't>rtlng B taten (aland F ire P a tr-I "f I'-'ri Rlch- moml. S ta te n Island , uii I K^f-mpi F lre-


Set th e F le e ,Bpeciat Ditpolrh to fitr KyEM S'G SEW S.

Me d i a , p a <vi sL-^Nichoios mc-Henry» a n aged tram p, w as burned to d e a th in th e barn of W illlani H anley , of th is place, (his morning s o d clrcum - ■ tanew Indlcale that he w as m urdered . M r. H an tey has bet-ii g rea tly a sn o y ed by tra m p s fo r aeverul years and g ave Mc­H en ry pormlsalun to sleep In the born w ith th e proviso that he keep o th e rs o u t

lo i ts toat night a a trange tr a m p was •eew In th e vlctnlD and the crew of a tfo llsy c a r subseautm tiy saw (wo m en Id on a lte rca tio n . Cne is supposed to have been M cH enry The flames w ere doubt- leoa s ta r te d by th« ejected tram p.

, I W ash- y. V D .

t flfi:iii<1. Red! I-: F D.. ■lYi'Hnv Niv

- i:.iiid. ill- K F D ,

' :npnnj- of I 'lm p an y

• ij UhuA nf klPH I'OtTI'

F A U E l BLINS MS TeiACCD.I a d > e * 4 < • I> r> tr* |' C ro p k p P m r h c r ,

D*BoBHC*d It* C trvw lap ;■■ m, ■!■.

4p«ri«l Dt<p*lr» ta Me E T S S IS O SBW B.aOAMOKE. V».. OcL I l . - A n

h U b p o i p m th iD f u n c tlA caU o a « l flt. H attb tir 'a Church. !■ PlttiphrmnU Coun­ty , ^ t t p d iv t . d u iin c w hich tim e h* h u d eeeo eeed (obecco-ralslnp u ■ e ln end f k r m m w ho releed the weed u e tn iion .

lU t tk e w Bceuce. ■ re rm er. beem ae le InWfMPcd w ith the p raoch thc th a t he « » t> iped hht tobeceo ( r n e h a lf d doeen b e n u , piled tt up In « h eap u d | q the

• r hla iw icb b en U a l a ic k t e|>- pMai A m atch , dea tray lac U a r a t i r a crop, v a la ed a t cav ira l ih m u a a d d o n a r i .

a t T urn

Mil - While , i werf* PTi

’ Visit the Picture Gallery

‘Ihird Floor.j

S^hts of Interest ! i« the


A Growing Shoe Business.O ur shoe trade, already im m ense ,, continues to g jow ; there has n o t been a

halting m om ent in the m any years of its brilliant career. Begun on r ig h t principles, m anaged by a m aster hand , sustained by legitim ate advertising , the shoe sto re has progressed and devel­oped , until it is to -d ay in the fron t rank of the shoe s to res of the tow n .

W ith such unrivalled specialties as Ihe “ V ic to ria”Shoe, the “ Rehan" f } Shoe and the " P eerless” S2.?0 Shoe, we have built a business such as no other store in New,irk can match. W e began by selling on ly good shoes, we continued by con­stan tly givin.g better shoe value than any o ther s to r e ; we mean lo go on doing lietter and better that the business m ay never cease to expand.

The special events scheduled to n u k e Friday, “ Shoe D ay," notable are told of below .

High Grade $5 Boots—$4.25.Wonicn's Hind Sewed Hisli G ride Bools, made of ideil

kill, vic'i kid. enim el in d p ite n t lea th er: in Ihe latest Oulldos, nvinnisli, opera and com m on sense shapes: opera. C uban ind

'iJimrtn sense h eels : ou r snnd«ird $$ shi^t, to $ 4 . 2 5tc sold on Friday only at.

$3.50 Ideal Kid Boots—$2.50.75 pairs tat f t less than their value, made of frse ideal kid

on hulldof lists with DonROta Kid tops; new Cuban heels; i.oodyear welts; all sues; widths C and D; laee itylea only: our refulir S j.50 jrade, to be sold on shoeat the very low price o f.

$3 Enamel Shoes—$2.50. $ 1 . 5 0 ^ c i K i d s u p p e r s — $ / , 2 5 .100 piirs WomFn’s Enimel Lace Shoes, with calf and kid

(<>ps; heavy exlension soles, new Cubjn heels In new bullJcv^siispf; ill sizes and widths; a good 13 shoe, lo be $ 2 . 5 0sold on Friday at .

Hand sewed Vici Kid Slippers made over opera-and com­mon sense lasts, with, low common sens: and opera beelS; all sires and widths; one strip; our regular #1.50 slip-per I t 1 quarter under price to -m orrow , it .

$2 Dongola Kid Shoes—$1.50.A special tot of 7 5 pairs Women's Dongoli Kid Lace

Shoes; buildoj shipe: kid tips; heavy soles, low heels; not ill sires; a food .52 grade; to be sold to- t f a m orrow......................................................................

$t lack Chef)?hts— 7Sc,T o-m orrow m orn ing we will place on sale a libsral

lot of 52 inch All W ool Black C h e v io t o f m edium weight in good jet black, already spo n g ed an d 'sh ru n k .

7 5 c Taffeta of the m ost popular fabrics of th e season

■ a t .. / J Ctor suits and skirts; our regular $1 g rad e .' A line lot o f s tric tly new silks— about 5on y.irds

in all; sold regularly a t 75c. a yard , to be placed on sale to-m orrow at on ly 59c. a yard,

Included in th is Offering ird (incy corded u ffetis, in white, blick, nile, b row n , g r iy , c is lo r, light blue, navy blue, cadet, livemler, garnet, iilcl rose, p in k , reseda, mais. turquoise.

You'll be deligh ted w ith th is offering.

Colored Dress Goods,A special offering for Friday and Saturday,

c d (54 inch unfinished W orsted Cheviots, Hon\espuns, Palm a Suitings, and Mixed Venetians in g ra y b ro w n ,blue, reseda and castor; all regular 8Sc. togrades, to b : sold on Friday and Saturday a t

Fridayi*s Lining Specials, Heal>y Kersey Cloths*Remnant D ay brings the usual grist of lining

remnants, which will be sold a t rem arkably low prices.Remnants of Fast BUck Percillne—mostlv Nubian ^

10 10 v jn l lengths, ou r regular lac. grade at / CGoods; 1

Remninls of soft finish Cambrics; i lengths; all colors; regular 5c -goods a t ........

Anolher lot o f 36-ind i Fast Black i'ercatine, handsomely finished on both sides, has Ihe same swish as silk, the standard 25c. grade at the extraordinary price o i . .

to 5 yard



In o u r C lo th D epartm ent, you will find an un ­equalled assortm ent of 56 inch Kersey Cloflis, so largely used th is season for jackets, box coats and raglaiis, because it can be made up w ith o u t linjng; in popular tans, castor, reseda, brow n, blue and golf red a t >2.50 a y ard . ■

W e have just received another lot o f those pop­ular 57 inch All W ool Black C h ev io ts, the reg- ular J1 .25 grades, which we are go in g to sell at

b r o a d



BIG LEADERS!C hrim R plaoop al C 'onfirefranon W ill

|nh«»rl( R r i. K H a a b e lb K a p lu p d 'i E ntiilr—^ a y l lv a r h fXOjMK).

M rs E lliubcth K orianti. of Rell^vIllP.TA'hO (llftl O rtolJfr 20. has b^qu€ttlh<*0 hor m tlre G-siato !o C hrist Episcopal Church. In that township. II 'T will w aa Rdm liiffl to j>m- hfllp tiy Surr<iKit(«' Jo seph W Ellor toKlttV

The arnount of fo r tu n p left hy Mrs K«“elaTiil Is nn( known ileflnlt^ly, Pul Is bf- McvmI to bo ans-wherA* betw een Rh.OOn or WVnOD The wifi was execu ted nii M'lV 3, lltOiJ, the execu to rs nam etl In II arelieriTpe W. S tn lnar arid R obert L. Min­ion. It w-UH vi'Unessed by KtlwanJ g Ki'iiJfbpy and I 'av ld T. Ifowell.

Miff* Ki-elHn<l w as the d a u fh te r of Jjimf's KcA'Iiirul. mid. w ith h e r (wo sl^ irrs m il fim- iTi ther, whs b o rn In th s nnrUrern p a rt of irf'liinil. near A rm agh . H»r luAn-nis cam e i-' this ciAuntry sev en ty yciirH uko T he ftimily .seUlA-d In Dellevllle, ru.>l all of ihr^m w ith ih ‘‘ excep tion rf the b ro ther Jf hn. lived th e r« conilrmoualy nine*’ '^ .1! lim e

John K 'elanil enfiaffcd In th e hoivl busl- nes.«A 111 New- Y'lfk »ind a m a ise il h fortune. He IK .•'Hill to hrtvc m ad e a ffreiit deal of moni-k fliirtnK th f gold c ra ie in +!»- In th a t .war hv ■ b a rte red a veoael wlih aup- plies for the L'nllfornla tn tnere tind sent It In t hafgf* of one o f hla barfendi-r.^ to Ihe tei|il*-n Gfite W hen th e hoiel-keepe^^-


Fresh Roasted Coffees, I S l o * to S T c , per 1b. Fine New Crop Teas, All Kinds, t^ O O a p^r lb.

Jelly or Apple H ultrr. iit. - a n ....................l-fi-espfVM or Jn n i. in M a --u riflirt jars.

ijars arc w orth Tic.), c jr h - - — ........... 10® INew Pens, extrti *jfte<l, ii Ciiii..................... *1 ® ,Po-vhea. Ihiilimoi-e pack, a eaji,............. tOcpeiifh, Maltiinuro la i'K . ft eaii ................ Urt'lilifornift A.tri«olK, lipa\y syrup, large

THIl.......... • .................................... .14©t ahfcvriilii Pracliea or E’ears, heavy syrup,

lan^e t-an .......................... .......................Salmon, Ma^ka. i-lh. tuU i . i i i ........... I'^e

Pruue.'A, PKlra Hlze, SftiRla Clara, a ib.^ fle>* or ? Uifl, for .......................................

EiOUii C It TtfliftcOo, host, tH‘r ib-. Imporlod IMIlifJt, (ikg...................

... 30o. . . . ««

I'uro VhiejfHi-, gikl ...... . ........... .I*ei'l-idi er'H GelHtihe. H|wrln1 a package, 7c,, or

:i parkiiges for........................... .....................*OeItriormiitfeluD, tiie fuinm u }e11y powder» a

lAra I

!i('k:igP vlU

Salmon. t1iic> t parked, 1 Ih, !lut cuti, 1«c.;4-lb riftt call............. ...................... I

Sanlines. Fancy Frnnch. i-esns, AVith key. a <-aii — • • . 1

. !i4 Pndiiiiig. H d a in ty dMcierl. alj vorle-tir>. a |!ivckftg<‘ .. .......................................#e

He"t t ■(«'<>«, due 1/ ooiJk, lb. c an .- ,...fO a( 'rrniliiH Hice, fancy vrhole grain. tbs.. - tflo IlC'i .\iimmhui, fur to ile t ur naiht lorae

Hiitle ...........................................................lA o

.il. a pack


Siirdioes, IG •( Doiiii‘sl I t. .. ...A large l'i*Tlk5 Pirkles tirape \ u 1'. tin* fortec'- '-<•!

ng-* I or J f o r ................................. 2vVPriin«". !>n. St S u n n ( lai’H. m»Mliuni Hixf.

.ill-. fl<-. nr .( lb s ....................................... Ifte

I iiiile Milt. imuMlire iiroof, a bag ...... . ... . OoSalad oil. Wsi <^tlr. h pint Viltle.... ieU'lnons, line juicy Messina, u doyen........l i Kftuee, uur pint bnttlea

Jfk-., ...............................— ...........Tet'orti Start'll, <iur very l«st, a package..... 7eKngllffh Mustovtl. iier lli ..................iiall n ine, our l>eHt 1 lb. b o t ...... ......... -.......

I’u rr ( HlirornlA l^'lues, g d. 75cv Turn WhtiMles, a ll k inds , per gal. 1,56 lo 4«0CW4.7a Hbl.^HKKT F l.O i n ( » £ A H T H -K b l. 4.75.

0(K )D S D E U V B R B DFfJPFSEN D P O ST A L , TIERNEY, 35 M arket Street,

Near Court Houie.

men of New I'^ irecht. L<Sei’ond D tv lilon—C olum 'I'i I

IngtoT^ Knglne Conipanv escorting ; T ru ck Coinp;n >Brighton, fiiatem Isln* 'Jack e t E ngine Compan> S ' escortln^p W arren Kirnt 1. of N orth P la in fie ld . hernia K ngine Corapar-> ' ezcortlng; H a rm o n la Lnei:->T renion . an d R a i iu 'n I'oki'- No. 4. of N ew B ninew lck 'New B runaw lck ; J e f fe rs n K pany No. t, B. F . D., e'-'ir*.inK iiibA-mla Ehirine Uofttpany No 'd " Uruns- wick, and B ayonne Engin*- -mpany No.1, of B&yonite.

The flrem eo’a ce leh ra t. n '*■ l; wind up tb i t even ing w ith a grnn-t nsU i ■ Ik* given by H ib e rn ia ESnglne e'Ainiimii Hall-

P L A IX riB L D . Oct, SI th e firem en o f N o rth i ro u te to B U w b e th thli! m‘<rnr>«. u sm all | houM In W a rre n atretM --jiiShT fir-. The j lack o f a ch ie f to lead tn-- r^r- figlMera I cam e n e a r b e in g d leastr-' i* ' 'h f bund­ing. F in a lly a promln--ni iinzcn took com m and of U ie few flrfcn«:i "h-* were on hand to m an th e hooe .irni ti.. flrr w as ex tingu labed a f t e r a hsrd Th«’loM will n o t exceed Yt- h o u ^ w«s oocupted by th e famil> ^ H-or> Qeld* tm llh . I t te ow ned by Iasj i iiu i. The o r i^ n o f th e life la a my^i^rv i’hc fam ily o ty th a t th e A re cau g h t fr-un a defective chim ney.

m arrleil he s i'ttled n com petency on hW ffttb- r. and U whs <»n th e realdue of this fh a t the r K ccland . an d la te r ih»-............. laughters, lived. J o h n died lu rhin thi‘ leav ing ■ Widow and fruitchildren T he la tte r h av e a ll passeduwny since.

The three -laters. w ith th e ir fa th e r, IIvp'1 on Main street, in B elleville, cloM to ih- Htdicviile hrUlge. acrooe th e Pogsalc. f- r m any yeiirs. and then m oved to th e honi** jtTftt'.l iFn I'o riland e tre c t . w here ttn ' passer] the last h a lf c en tu ry . M ary « * The first ot Ihe p lstera to die, Ann v, - the second, her dea th ta k in g p lace ah> g four years ago.




A a e e a ia a tB la B a a k O aaa D * f a n * a . • p M a i I t A , f f U ' / V e BKWM.

N e w TO R K , Oct. tL —A r v w a a t a o a ttt* Alwiiii I i r ta dlNhriM tb a In tie tH a n ta a fB la a t a a t ta ln nSli^ la W tb a S m a t b N a ttb a a l B ank. vblBb w r a * t « a t a ba b a a i« to -d a r balo ra J a d a a T b a iaaa t a Iba O a lM b ta ta a C iR a tt C b n rt. w n « t ba n a 4 a r « < a a d l a a i t -waab. Tm t^a

A a i a t a r t e a i X a t tf la a l !■ X rn Y o rk S a b t a a r a t a G a ra ia a \ f l t 1a a a l

mt bew arli.S b K M M t f M talA v A' l : ' ' ' ' -

W AaillHOTON. Oil S l- 'n ie OoiBi>. troU ar ^ tb a ' h*, approvad ot

ih.Ti Nxilooxl Bank of N w r Took C H y ae th-\ r-eerv-- agent f<w tlM O arvaaa N a tio n ,r Hank

P erear E. C u n Is has («■'' i l f a U a a t^ aa a n a a b a r o t ‘tb a -C iv ii ganlca Board foe th a D o o M ^ ^ At P e n h

ASphOa W o r m C oudD. ruena™ ^A rp Ig g k U — pM tnwiswr

W ill ia m F . R y a n R e e k a f H e e a ^ c r 6 l,GUki.GlU f ro m Me«. A a M a S a r r la g to i t

The tria l of the au lt upon contr.:- brought by W illiam F R y an a g a in s t hi:'

F- U arring lon , o f 0 L l 4>ula. > V.HS :3egun th is m o rn ing lo th e C ln u r P o u ri before Judge S w a y ie knd a Jun T h f plaintiff was rep reo en ted by A u Keftsbey A Son an d th e d efendan t l-> R obert H. M cCarter. 'm * proceeAlltig> w ere brought to fw o v e r troini th e d- fendai^i |1,G64.M alleged to be due fo r cl.- collection ot l&.OOO from th e M utual R»-ij fit Life Insurance C om pany o f N ew ark nn a policy IbSueO on th e Ufa o f th e Ih- C harles C. B arrin g to n , huahond of the- defendarvt.

It waa s ta tfd d u rin g th e t r i a l th a t .Mr B arrington entered In to a w ritten igr*** m rn t With Ryan In w h ich ohe o tlpulaied jvay the la tte r one-chlrd o f a l l the nun^'y he collected for life InoiarmAco oo ht r la te h'jeband. The d a te o f ik te ogrceni«-n( w a i u k ) to be |f« y M. IW , « ad tl wa« claioH d th a t on Ju n e M. 1Mb the M.ui» waft paid by th e M u tual B enefit Life |n^ su ronce Company to th e plalnuiT and th a t she had ever s in ce th e n refttsed d> )i«y Ryai\ the o n e -th ird ib o re he claimed fur htfl servlcee.


Will Sell To-m orrow :labbaclK d lllosltB“ Vj'jT *«ki <,nai.full 1C inrlies wide, no b ed er lli the ciry (nr 6r .. 10 yards I U) a i uslom er. ) uni - 34-c lafanls’ Long

Brass C irtaia Rods^”™umU, they will extend U>4 4 ln('hts anil are the UteM and moat im prm pd kind, with fixtures t oinplele. y.ftiue &c., lo-inoiTos eai li.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .........

raijiiuM-, full leng th and Multii. itnl l.«'e IriTinnSAl.'i.V. \s lu e . <mly . to a caMAUner. ai. a

l i e■ ^3c

I n F a f i f t ' c n l n r t andemi>ioi<lere>) anil (sricv trim m ed, up tu ;KH-, clnip >*, esA I I .........

■viine arem vsloe lO cO P N N m V M N I N O S t i l l 9 .

W adm caaara a a a l a i a i ^ a j a arv b a a r la l R e a l K a ta la D a » la lh aJlEW i. •

D tra f ra a a S a a a t a T b a a a l .H IN N B A PO U B , M ine., Cket. M irv

B. l iT ln p to a a diad la a t m a b t daM ac ,~ opMaUoD to r tlM r«B w ra] a l a baa* nv> b* r ib roaL NIm U v liic a ta a a a ttaad o d p a rty H oD dar a v e a lu . a a d wMia aarta l 1s t of a lunch a am all b o a a M bfad Is b tb ra a t.

^iDprd^Die ( 'o o i te t l o f t h e O r g a a ls m t lo a ID b ld tag Ms A a n a a l C e o v e a t io B

In T h U CItr.rti-llral chatigei In (bti r itu a l of the Or-- ' Hhej-herds of Bethlehem a re ex-

.1 tn be m ade ihl* a flem o o n a t the- -I'-i-nlii-in of the Suprem e IxKtge o f the ■ ■r0d»r now In session a t th e New Audi- T.iD.m Several am endm ents to th e con-

itl'in a re also expected to come up fo r- and the oalarles of eeveral

Ax nfllcera will probably be ratsed.T: < m orning sesirlon was taken up w ith

ih* l■xamlnatlon of c reden tials o f th e <1 I' and the oeatlng of the p re la te s.:r;<1 \ isuors. The rep o rt of th e nom lnel- .1 com m lUee cloeed the m orning ses-

Hi -' Suprem e M aster Jooeph Kicolla. of T'tih.'tdplphle. w as remYmlnated In a n s4 - ilrd'NS of welcome to (he osoem bled dele- gMirs Suprem e Comma Oder John B. Fine.


SItEPHERDS UF BETHLIHEM MEET. I BELLEVILLE L4D HELD FOR GRAND J i l lH a y m o a d H e e k w r A rew sed o f Ag*

a a a l t im a ( 'o in i r a a lo o od W ay H o n e t r o n S e h o u l.

,f I'iimden. outlined the g row th and pf-xsixcriiy o f th e order, and told oC th< incrb^afte In m em bership du ring th e post year. About MO rep resen ta tlvea from the vari ous lodges of th e order w ere preoeaL A rveepdon will be fo th e dclegatOS10 the New A uditorium lo-nlght-

Raym ond Meeker, tw elve year? old. of Cotontel te rrace . Belleville, wgs placed uir- d e r lUW ball, pending th e Sctlnn of the g i^n d Jury, by Ju stic e La Faucherle, la st n ight on ft charge o f asoau lt and battery^ p referred by M rs. C onstance Cahill, of Um some s tree t The lad is accused o f b sst-

Ing H arry Cahill, th e e le v ea -y e a r^ ig sok of the com plainant.

According to the la t te r 's s to ry , young M eeker knocked th e C ahtlt boy down

T while they w ere re tu rn in g from oeboot tost F riday and k icked him In th« head. The p a ren ts o f M eeker deny th a t thglr son com m itted th e ac ta o« alleged In thu com plaint, and d eclare th a t he did no m ore th an te v e ra l o f h is companloam. gR o f whom, they c laim , w ere raixod up lx the trouble.

m m r t M n s p m i . i i 'P ' '® T a o o P « ._ ■ ______ !■

« *iii>

jKfewatk to ijag

te n t aouw e beck-ectlon k lckln* a p l» - n t p . e t h l i b « . ln « . end « h loh w orks on a ball joint, and which ha is ap t to use reck ltaaly when hie Etx'iieafr rise*-

Mr, Jerom e haa done such splendid sor- vlee in th is cam paign that It !» painfu l

recognlae a epot M his effulgence, Heto

gtering PaMtsWi? Confaij,^ * I » - 3 I 7 M A R K E T S T R E E T .

K E W iR K , »• J -^ u n d at the FoamHoa as aeaaadsjlasa aaatts*.

Telephone i mconnectingP tlea te Branoh Eiohange ,g all depertmente.

' IWleewJ treatrieia i* an7 ^ E w d County »nii town* in NorthernMew Jeiaey.HAIL SUBSCRIPTIONS 1 -

The ETeniof Newi, fi« doH»n • T*" • h h ; centa a naenth.The Stmdiy Newi, twe deUari and dftj tonli e jeap.The Eienhif Newa tn l SuBday New% •CT«A deBm 9

can do g rea t dam age to his own side and to those personal Inteiesta hound up In the aucceas of th a t aid.- hr' Introducing a n elem ent of dlaaenslon into the s.dl ty tit the FusUmlata, The l,.-si th a t he can do now la to let this m a ti-r drop ou t of discussion, w hether I' *-<■ ‘ rue or false- The th ing now 1a to stntiBli Tam m any to sm ithereens, and that '■an'‘ be done y howling a t Tom P la tt, 1-- he never so g rea t It rogue, Jerom e can .'eunr.- ld i nc( oun a lo m uch be tte r advantage with the New York Senator aa rtlainn .iiiu rtic i. let him get to he that lU'i 1

But fore he be­

g ins the private campidgo.

T htfv ao m i N«w«, dilivajed by catrtenii* | g^tely M tw iih, tan emW a ^ > 1 , Phval.ive c o l l a copTi r ,,Sunday Newi, Sneen cantl a wrwk.

J l h a Iven ln i Newi

tee and ftftaMOtdIaUT advcrtiaemaln,m h e U n t , ecitc. . T* ‘ cauilmianeaa,

I soder head! pt Wanted, T» ;L it, Fer Sale, Feneoel, ««., eue em t a

IM than Ian eanh each laaartian.

A D IS C B E m T E li p itiH ’llE T .lU publlcan doctors il.stK P" as to the

m a jo iity which Frnnldtn M 'lrpby ™ay look for from E"S'v ' ' ,unty. c.u

Phyalclan Lenta tnalsis ,h..t u i least lO.OOO. Consulting l‘h:. si. l o cr

puts It a t half that mimls-r while O is-rat- 1 Ing Surgeon McCart.-r, with su rpris ing

thlnkn 'h a t It will not he ,han l,'«d. A H rrsafe to count on more

iu i r i r o r tT p e n e B i l l 10 ca*B a

opinion^ Lhe


f o b IK BPBCTO R JOHN BA Lb.MOT. th a n a m onth hna elapsed since

John Ball, h e 'o , laid h i . IKe upon the Altar of hlB devotion to the c ity of New- Ark. He did no t die on th e buttle held. T hat la com paratively easy, for In the fierce p h ren iy o f terrib le strife , when guna Are thundering end ihousanda of m en are .moved by A common purpose, th e re a a ♦hlrlw ljjd of enthuBlasm th a t awceps one

. an to herM am, denplte himself. I l ls Hfv ~4 u not given as a pledge fo r some g ren t

" Principle In pollHoa or s u le c ra f t . T his 1m , Is n o t ao difficult. The reform er Is up ­held no t only by Wi convictions, b u t by th e coMCloueaeaA th a t w ith him a re ih e h e a r ts o f the, people. He dice w ith fcia K u l’a eyee fixed on the day when h is nam e yrlll ih in e In hlatory and h it fam e be auug ground I h t w orld, John Hell w a . n e ith e r fo ld ler or re fo rm er. He waa n san ita ry In- ip ec lo r of N ew ark , He died In the liu la - Mon hoBpltal a n d w a . burled as sm allpox tlc tlm a a re la id aw ay.

And ye t, w h ere In recen t history haa ( r e a te r herolani been manlfeStedT W hen th e re w ere none to do the arduoue work v a d e n e c e a a ^ by th e rap id spread of the

■ terrib le-d ieeaee, th ia roan ateppe.1 forw ard 1 1 . D ....i.m rsar and stood betw een N ew ark

hearing theae divergent p a rty 's whole medical sialf cincluded to figure on 6.000 as n ri-aaoiin!ilc estim ate.

a le now up lo M ajor L en ti m vindicate his reputation as a polltlral iirosili.’t tfom the Im putation placed upon 1i by the S ta te Com m luee. W hen th a t body ent his eatl- m ate In half It p ractically nu lllbd the Essex County chairm an th a t be 'h 'l nut know w hat he Wa* ta lk ing abuul, and waa Ignorant of the political situation In his own county. M ajor Lent* Is not the man to lam ely accept such a public dcprecln- Uon of hla acum en as a political leader w llhout a vigorous effort to refu te it. K can be safely aasutned th a t from now until election day the R epublican chairm an will work overtim e to m ake th e reau li verity hla original estim ate.

And U Is possible th a t th e S ta te - m ltiee had some such ob jec t In view when It filing the red rag In the in a jo r 'e face.

la s t y e a r d » * alm llar mission, by n o nMAnn taproU able th a t «he wlU y e t oc a successfu l applicant. T heae s ig n s reco g n lie th e appreciation of our rap id ly g ro w in g poBSlbilttlsS on the lending side am ong foreign countries. They also ex ­p la in m ore vividly the sen tim ent of fe a r In tensify ing in to dislike w tlh w hich wo a re regarded In la rg e tnensure ab road , fo r i t portends the tim e w h n i this coun ­try will add to her o th e r elem enw " f con­tro l over the affa irs of o th e r nalliins. the bonds of money obligation on a g re a t

' scale.j W e can scarcely avoid th is outcom e H i we would. Money aelecti Its chnnuel.s t.y

lie own law s, snd g rea t bank ing reaou rcei I canno t be kept w ithin geograph ical lim its, o th e r th ings being equal. >Vhether it will ,uld to the genuine happ iness and proa- i pe rlty of the [leople of th e co u n try a t I la rg e Is a problem on b o th sides of w hich aom cthlng .-ould be said . B u t the f a r t Is coming, H has com e an d come til stay lu-nceforwurd. P robab lj. f o r e ig n ' countrli'B will become used to It In tim e and accep t It, as they do a ll o th e r galling th in g s out of which as m uch good a* |ios.slhlc should be gotten. I t w ill sidd m ati-rlully lo our foreign com plications, bu t Its power to avert war by th e consid ­e ra tio n s of m utual In terest m ay p rove as pow erfu l us its power to s tim u la te Jeal­ousy and envy. It has th u s w orked In m any Instaru-es for G rea t B rita in , and th e re Is no r.-ason why It shou ld no' ope ra te sim ilarly for the U nited S ta te s

Srewlng trouble fo rB rm v sr H ladH lt* .

D em ocratic pap ers In Hudaon C oun ty a w now charg ing th a t a c m r t lnW tPr«‘ f fh a s urev. nt.-d m any forelgnera. who could n o t Six-sk lingtlah . from securing n a tu ra l- Ixallon piiiH-rs because they would no t

of n g t s " l Jury InvesHgatlon. The liodlng o f that Lody sh o u ld M th a t an y ap p lican t fo r the righ t to exercise the fran ch ise should bo able to apeak .Hi* language of hlH s il'ip tc l coun try before securing hla

rn4ii.tcr fo r whom he deslrea topaiNr-rN.VOI+',

Nu H:. era 111- '■

IDt-ni ' ’■ pra< ■ n. ieuil' rutU K

were d raw n a t the Demo- . 1 Ill-rue a l f illiahe tb , w here th e . oMed th e ir ftnjftrs. T hus w»a

slnuiUeUy conserved and in« .1. i by the ft>re«!»fht of th e

do poi, proposM? to have any p lashing during this cam -


N E W A R K T H E A T R E The Rogers Brothers

in WashingtonJN ext U e e k - T H E C H A P E R O N E .

COLOMBIA TBEATRE STogK,.c o m p a n y

T bla E n l l n W eek.T he S llrr in g E n g llih D rsina,

THE PAYMASTERliitrm luciuje A K T H tR HOLDEN,

C hauiiiloo H igh Diver,D «fylait Dive In to » Twhk « f

Heal W ater.t u a D eath

M atinees-T iiefday , 'riinrsdny. S a tn rd jy . Next M 'oek-T lie Kmpire fliea trc (« . Y.)

Succeas, "SOW ING TH E WIND."

C L O SE D A T 6 S A T U R D A Y S A T lo P.

Law H r r ’’''* Eyeri<l«Th je c ia lly R eported for tli*

" L yeu ing N aw»."

BANKRUPTCY.Uiidrr the Uw of P en n sy lvan ia ,_a^d rttw


a volunteAc and stood betw een gnd the pestilence. H* had a wife and gsblcB. H e w as poor. T h ere w as in his gsa* every aeJftah reason w hy ho should le fu ss to u s u ro e a risk th a t could be ^voided. Y st. d sy * tt* r day h . en te red the ahsdow of th* pestilence, a n d po*H- Mno* la room te rrib le th an w ar. D a y a f te r l a y h* did W» d u ty , w ith no th o u g h t of popular app lau se and never a d ream of Any groAl reWAtd. Day a f te r d ay , u n til

w aa .m itte n a t hie poat of du ty , c a rried lo th e paathouae to die.■ N o tb ln l Inora aeed b* a»ld ‘o eonvinoo

* M ew arb th k l H owea a heavy obligation to '^ ih e fallen .anItA ry Inspector, w hose d ea th

{Ita In the line of duty th a t m ean t life to r n u lt l tu d e a Ih . th f ,clly. ..No m arb le pH* o r tab le t of h ro i* b ^« nc**»aary. Jo h n DAll’A am bition or d*alre never ran In th is d irec ­tion Hla w ork la m onum ent enough. H ut ih e moot e leroenU l sen ie of g ra lltu d e dlc- ta teo th a t the little home, w hich waa a t once hla m aplration and hla heaven, shall not lack to r com forla. In dying. John B all le ft hla arife and children a sac red tru s t to th e c ity o f N ew ark and N ew ark m ust aea th a t thov lack noth ing of th a t tem -

a l support, w hich the huabund andwould have given them .

* 1 / - i lV E N IN a M BW 8 now form ally ap p ea l! ^ -■* J a r a iu b a ta n f l i l evidence of th e c ity 's

T jp a t l tu d e to the fallen Inspector. I t will ^ g lad to receive and record any sum of money froni any perion an d wUl tu rn It over to th e bereaved fam ily. The .a n tta ry lhapectflri of the c ity have a lready Inaug­u ra ted th e m ovem ent hy d o n a ttn a a pe t- g en U g e io f thel.- m onthly sala ries . I t but K m a ln i fo r the people a t large, the people In whoge aervtco John Ball died, to com ­p le te th e w ork and save hla wife and pfalldrM from w ant. ________

ja m U M B B B B A K ST he fiery charges of Ju ttlc e Jerom e.

Who haa been th e M urat of the m untcipiil earopalgn In New York, have excited g re a t adm ira tion . He la a plc tureaque a^u ro . a v a lia n t aw ordim an. a d esp e ra te fighter. He haa probably got n ea re r lo th e hearta of hla aud lenw . . vi-n the faab- lonable awclla, whose d lle iu n ie Inillffer- ence In polltlca he aaSiills so hotly, th a n an y o th e r of the New York . rwaadeni. H e haa to ld m ore tru th In te rrib ly d irec t and e a m e e t Words, alw ays calling a spade a spade, Uuvn any of the stuinp-Bpcukor* o f tb a lim e. He has a habit of te lling ih f tru th very fearlessly.

I t will be wondered a t w hether he h a s to ld th e tru th In the b lu e r a ccusation w hich he so audd.'niv sp rang ag a ln a t Sen­a to r F la tt . the whilom B epubilean boss, la s t night. T hat statra ii-n t Indicted Mi. P la tt for having held a louncll o f w ar w ith Mr W hitney, the inngnate of the M elrupi'lliaii Hiillwav and ex -S ec rc ta ry of the Navy, with the Idea of dow ning Jerom e nex t Tuesday a t the poll* by some m ethod of trad ing votiw or o th e r politi­cal Ir lrk . the m n ilv being th a t Jerom e 1* quite a* objectlonaide to tb a RepubU- cao boaa a s to any of the band its of the T am m any gang, or their back ers in the S p l ta l ls l le Uam .irra. Judge Jerom e paid hU rtapet-is to ,Mr. 1‘la lt in tb la rwey la n ­guage. -Niiw. I have got no use uno never had any uae fo r T hom as U IMaii. any m ore than 1 have fo r E lebnn l U rok ,r T hey iiave lltied th is cam paign b) co rrup t m ethod* Into a ta tnp ,ugn people a g a in st those who' o-.r., ri -.r- to debauch the g rea t publm h i- . i A nnt- tca th a n any tw o mi n Ih s l ,e ,-r ll.eal 1

t h e w o r k o f t h e 9IGNAI, SBH-Y K 'B .

. The annual report of a a n w a l Greely, chief signal nlTlcer of th e U nited S tales arm y, Is a record of ach ievem en t which.If not Biieotacular. is neverthelena of aub- e lan tla l benefit lo every In te re s t of the country. Three Items are of e spec ia l In­te re s t In the llrst plgce, th e d ifferen t A laskan telegraph system s h ave been con­nected and, through the cou rte sy of the Canadian Government, linked w ith the w ires of this country by those o f th e Dominion, so th a t eom irtunlcatlon hpW rein Waa^llngfon and the fa r N c»th now established. U Is a cnnsum m SlIon long wlahod to r - * tremeiidoua (o rw fg ^ '.atop In tj-i g reat work of converting th o a o -ta r- bulem mining camps Into peaceful and law-abiding American te rri to ry a n d 'd e ­veloping I heir manifold resourcea. N o leas im portant haa been the w ork done lo the Philippine Islands, w here cable* h ave been laid so Induslrlouaty th a t the p rin ­cipal Islands are now In d irec t te leg rap h ic com m unication with M anila F ln a jly . It seem s th a t Inteillgent a tte n tio n ha* been paid lo developing the possibilities of w ireless telegraphy. Ihe system u « # b«- lopglhg lo the Signal B e rv Jr t.ltM lf I Sei^ era! s tations have been estab lished and notable e itenelons a re coniem plaU d^ especially in the Philippine*.

A* to the future, G eneral G reely h a s noth ing more Im portant to say. perhaps, th an this: -'The United S ta te s and Its re ­m ote colonics should be connected by a Pacific subm arine cable, as recom m ended by th e PrM tdent to Congress In bis special measage of February , IKS I t la only a m a tte r of lime when'Duaq|p shall be con ­nected with Japan an d T opkln and th e Chlnene Empire. The P hilippine Is lan d s a re now only accesaible te leg raph ica lly over a sho rt cable of abou t 600 miles of th* K aile rn E xtension Com pany betw een M anila »nd Hong K ong," T hank* to th e tireless energy of the able body of m en In Ihe Signal Corps, It needs b u t th is Pacific cable to place the United S la tea In com ­m unication with every portion of Its fa r- reaching colonial dom ain and In a u g u ra te the work of aaBlrpIlatlon, upon whoa* comiiletlon depend* the Justltlcatlon of th e jiresent policy of expansion. T his le a trium ph th a t deaervea g re a te r rew ard , perhaps, than many of those upon w hich history will dwell w ith fa r g re a te r e m ­phasis. it may be, too, th a t m ore th a n one of ilu-se Intrepid m en, who have braved ill. frosts of A laska or th e d a n g e rs of the fur East In the p rosa ic ta s k of dtrinKluK lelegrapb w ires and la y in g cable* has perforroed more consp icuous service tr. Ihe lOuntry th an som e of th o se whose mlliuiry or naval exp lo its made ilieni poi'Ular lJula. 1

HO.HPITAli OH F E 9T > UOl'gE.

The situation growing out of th e o u t­b reak of smallpox In Irv ing ton h a s be­come so serious th a t a t la st a conalderable lUiralier of the realdanta of th e to w n sh ip luivc reached the conclusion th a t th e best Ciiurse to pursue Is lo allow N ew ark to pr—t ti modern iselstion hosp ita l on the trs i 1 owned by this city on Grove s tree t. The property holders, who believe th is to l«. Ihe best solution of a aerlous prohletn. h.ivc called a pulillc m eeting for S a tu r­day evening, when a rgum en ts will be p re- setiled In the people In a n endeavor to have them give their approbation to th*pliin.

The Irvington Bnanl of H ealth ha* a l r.vidy declared In favor of purchaYiing to r Ifl.ivKI property on S luyvoaant avenue and iransfarm lng an old house th e re Into an Holutkm hospital. This move has caused nn Indlgiiiinl protest. T he o lijeclora de­clare th a t the carry ing ou t of such a p lan would mean the opening of a com nuin "pesihouse," Instead of a randern ho*, pital, In a thickly populated p a r t of Ihe

■ toon , to say nothing of th e b u rden th a t would he entailed upon the lax p ay era as well as the danger of sp read ing coniaslon ,II Is argued th a t should N ew ark be given the privilege. It would build a mod.d Lso lallon hospital in an ou tly in g section, the danger of contagion would be reduced 10 a minimum, and th a t th e Irv ing ton pa ilents would be cared for free of charge,

These argum ents a re baaed on solid common sense, and It le to be hoped th a t, when preaented to the people-of Irv ington, they will prevail. This c ity la ask ing nothing unrea.sonable o f th e tow n re s ­idents, and the g ran ting o f th e righ t to build the hospital will re su lt In m utual heneftt. There I* no tinge of p a r ty polities In the movement, as Is Vhown by the fac t th a t Hepublleans and D em ocrat* In Irv - Ington hgve united In Issuing th e eajl fo r

, th f pUblld jaM llng . T he flve cases of ‘sw a n p o i lidw existing In p riv a te houses In the town are more of a m enace lo the h ta lth of the com m unity th an a hundred c»aea would be In an iso la tion hospital. This Is a statem ent of fa c t w hich even t t e m ost biased m ust adm it to be true . I | mails plain a t the m eeting on S a tu rd ay rig h t, there should be no q uestion of the ilitcom e.

"T ow n

nuisi lei I hla exem ption of OOO from th . ''i 'i . . |" i t ' owned by him, and a bank- rau i In ■liii s ta te cannot, by ag reem en t with liG iru tiec . om it such selection, and claim Ihe .imouTU of his exem ption fW m the pr.ii... d.< of the property a f te r It* Bale UK) Ped. Rci'. ™

l.oi-A L OPTION NEWS.The general election law of th e B ta ta

Is tint .niil ealde to an election In a tow n under ih - i.ui.or ta x law, but such election Is go v en .'d hy laws known as the Law ." 71 N V ilupp. m

m u n i c i p a l m a t t e r s .The I haiintl "f a creek was changed by

a city so that ‘on to a neighboring lake The c ity pt 'Poacd to build an add itiona l sew er c.innecilng with Ihe creek, and enip- ty lng near the luml abu tting on the lake, and thereby Increasing the pollution o f th e creek and lake. Held, th a t such a c t will be restralm 'd, where It ap|>eared th a t the land was llooiied a t Ihe tim e of th e sp rin g floods, and largo sewage deposits m ade, w hich became extrem ely offensive w hen the w aters reciU d, 71 N. Y. Supp. 986.

PATENTa.A pa ten tee rounot claim as new a device

designed lo accotnpllab a p a rticu la r p u r­pose. where, although »uch device w as not an tic ipated by any th ing shown In a p rio r p a te n t, the machine of such p a te n t w as capable of accnmijllshlng the sam e reau t by su bstan tia lly the sam e m eans, and it waa so accomplHhed by users generally m Us p rac tic a l operation. 109 Fed. Rep. 667.

SALES.In a n action to recover the p u rch ase

price of steam boilers, the answ er p leaded as a p a rtia l del-iice th a t by the co n tra c t of sa le the hollera were w arran ted lo be of the b est qualliy of workm anship and m a ­te ria l, bu t thai, on being put Into serv ice , they w ere found to he of Interior quality , both In w orkm anship and m ateria l, and alleged the ilifterciice In value betw een th e boiler* a* sold and aa delivered. Held, th a t such answ er, eapedully under code P t ^ " lice an d pleadiiiB. wa* sufflclent to e n title d efendan t to ehow, by way uf reduction of plalntlff'B recuvery. the dlm inlahed vatu*

$ 1 7 5for a really good piano


_ _ _ _ _ _ t h e a t r eAll TliN Wf'frk* Bliincy'a AII-^ht W€*«k 0 ^

PUDD'IIHEID WILSOV.Tuea*, Thur»., »«t,—a# CeRti*

Neat W eek -" THK ONLY WAY.”

i a / a l d m a n nI H l v W »■ •

Hon., Tues., That*. S a l

pT lC '

p JIAJ MllgAD --- . _Of th e boilers by reason of defective w ork- raansh lp tiind nialerlul. 169 Fed. Rep. 2M,

^Of course iw ltlng Is gam bling . I t is con trary to th* s ta tu te* of every Com­m onw ealth In the Union. I t la opposed to good m orals and a s such Is rlgorouely punished—when Indulged In In poolroom s, e rsp gam es or by people who depend upon U for Bubslktence, B ut In W all s tre e t, during political cam paigns, b e ts ore m ade, heralded abroad by new spapera th a t fa irly quiver with reform fervor, an d not even referred to by cand idates w hose whole aouls i r e enlisted In the work of sup p ress­ing gambling. From the foregoing It a p ­p ea rs p rf liy certa in th a t th e re la b e ttin g and twttlng.

SH IP P IN G AND m a r i n e .W here a tu g hauled a ferryboat out of a

slip a t th e tim e when danger from a rtro appeared threatening , and It was un ac t of prudence to move such bual aumc d lsianco aw ay, a n aw ard uf salvugu uf tloo will be g ran ted , the lug Itself being bv uo d anger and the ii*rv1oe h'eing .lellher prolonged uor laborious. 109 Fed. Rcii. 917.

STATUTES,In constru ing a stu tu le . the In ten t of th e ls la tu re Is alw ays n proper m a tte r to he considered ; and. where any u n c e r ta in ty ex ists as to the meaning of l u language. Hiich in ten t Is controlling, and th a t con ­stru c tio n should be given which acco rd s with the general sp irit of the e n a c ln ^ n t and harm on lie* Its provision*. 109 Fed. Rep. eoa.

S T R E E T RAILW AY COM PANIES, in an Bctlan by a husband ag a io a t a

s treet ra ilroad company for InJurlea to h is wife, the wvidynce showed th a t the p o s ts uf an elevated road In the street compeUetl the wife to aw nd w W ln fe n d a n r* tra ch s In oNler to 66* ih« k a ra approB C hitif'her strtort crossing. the tender of a car coming w fT W ***'^' and w ithout ringing a the clo thes and threw her down, her Held. *” <>'■ “ > dUmlBS the c o m p i^ n t at the close of plalm lfFs '■’“ ‘i™®* ‘ ' ’; igroun«l of h«r roiuH butory negU jence, Tl N. Y. Supp. 1020. ^ ____


M ralo o haa Y j u u 1». w h o Ih m iB h o fl subdued AOiJ lihpii with AdnilrAiJun for the wl&e n ile of l ‘rNnliJ«»nt DIa*. fl*era to h a v t an Irrcslstlb lf Jcslre to raid rnnehea and m urd«r Binxli-An imMlerH E n g lan d has her

If Ir'T'l Klirh**ner‘8 prtxrlannU ous .ttid r^'poTl? itr*’ wurthy of c red it. W e hav* Mur FUlplnns, ■fiiurely aubdued and radl :int w ith weicnriH*, but ra th e r given to oi'cailonal ''liiujrhipr of A m erican tfoop.^ [t all rn jih- w th a t *'to h a v e ” 18 oneth ing and to bold” la an o th e r.

» h « l Is »h* M a tt.r w i t h L a m b e r t!

m atfer w ith ourf - i L t vm n George H Lam bert. Ju d g e of th e P c U ce C o u rt'o f this Gty, appoin ted 10 th is posltlnti by M a yo r Seym our a t a

he“ is* nmdl.tlnguuhliw Wmiwlf In ihl*

If ever thete -was a good thing at a very low ■, the Piano we sell at O N E H U N D R E D

AND S E V E N T Y - F IV E D O L L A R S is it. T h is instrument is really a marvel of value, and has istounded many musical people who have criti­cally examined it. It has a good tone that will satisfy the most captious critic; it has been thoroughly tested for durability; it has a case that is architecturally correct, and of the best materials. It is a carefully constructed Piano, and is destined to give thorough satisfaction wherever it may be placed.

It will pay any person well to come here and spend an hour investigating the merits of this instrument. Let us play it for you that you may hear its fine tone; let us remove the top and bottom panel boards that you may see its good, worthy construction ; pay attention to the fine, easy working of the action, and its con-, comitants. In short, this instrument will stand the severest tests you may care to put it to, and will leave no doubt in your mind as to its being all that we claim it to be— a good, durable Piano.

We guarantee the quality by our written warranty good for a long term of years, as well as by our agreement to E X C H A N G E I F N O T SATISFACTORY after the Piano has been many months in use. T his means that if the instrument is not to your lik ing after it has had a thorough test in your home, you have the right to come and select another; the second Piano will be delivered to your home and the first one taken away.

You can pay as low as T E N D O L L A R S when Piano is taken, and the balance at the rate of S I X D O L L A R S each month. Thus, in a very little while the instrument is your property solely, and you have secured 'it witbdut incon­venience of any kind.

Com. Oct. J8—Mats

SAM DEVERE’S ^ : » WN ot. B enU San tley Burlesque CompAnr*

E M P I R E " S &e v e r y e v e n i n g THIk W EEK.

M ATlNKEs—W odD«d»y »nd Hftturd*yK

“ T H E H E A R T O E M A R Y L A N a ”W « * k -T H E L ILL IPU TIA N ^.

Cold DebVS Com ing WT o i n d u c e y o u to

b e r e a d y i n t in x ea n d ( I v e y o u a c h a n c e l o « o v e m o n e y , w e o f f e r f o r a s h o r t l i m e o u r F a l l s l o c k o f w

S T O V E S a n d

R A N G E S ^ v ga t R E D U C E D P r t c e s . W e h t x v e t h e toL rifest a n d b e s t s e l e c t e d s t o c k e v e r o f f e r e d i n N e w J e r s e y .

C fx l l s o o n .

W . H .

D r u m m o n d ^ ^C o . S 5 - S 7 M a r k e t S t

■ W E D D IN G S !



. W edding Rings. II anil IS k tsjlaM jrt “ patterns, p e rie rt inff elegant wsortniant......... vWEDDINO OIPTS—Sllverware,F«lcy

Clocks, Etc., Scarf Pins, Cuff ‘ Buttons, Brooche*. Etc., lor. Brfdb*

maid*. Beat Man and Uahmo*-.n.


a-hlch he s ta te* tlia l he haa a p riva te ll»t fair FipnubtlcanB who h aw p^r*onal

dU svs to Urn to vote for Sv>mimr fo r Flovernor. H e sl*l* > he ha* (urt> of ‘bes* .lam es In h ls ow n d is irlti In the k le v e n lh W ard a ll good Rei'nlilhaiis. .md th a t all ,iver the C llyT hr personal . .nvos* am ong L w arin . kbclsl P- publle.ins tm an y of

a ro h i . chor. h an.l Masonic a » o.■laies) he ba* ailciaii'ilai. il a la rg e Hat.

' r r j o VG ^vvrnor " B u t a l..a 1 t a r ibe Ju d g e 1* m istaken . In

I^CRKASE OF A H EB IC A HAi’ctirdliig to fldurep prt*fi«ntwS f>7 o M

of the mo:«t rchubl** of New Yofll new s- PiptT“, Ihe divldt'ndrt paid by th e In-iliiptrlal cfirporaltons fi*r ten ro o n th i fo o t

L'D" AcfppitnK ih ls an an titdlcS-t^oii ih+ prntliN rnadp by the Innum crsbls ■niGu-rci mpi:!!)!! ar d Individual Brma eh* gag-il In 111!' m .inu f'irlu rlng and r o m n i« - rlnl iiur^iiitf ill d by ihr- ag rlc u iiu ru l com* murniy w ■■.li i airily Ju iilfy a n e a llm a te IjNiwi-er ■ - iirivl two btm ona of doHOW

Rrt.letl if> lUr active cap ita l of the coim - lii .1 .-t-eklnj! Inve iitnen t- N ot

The Tn f.inn Ttuh A m erican cannot e x ­pect to hr 111 lii'veil when It ttneerl* th a t John W ilriggH rr« elved the financial «up-port of Hir rpaip> f'Jt ;h- pervt-rNi 'tl ieounif'l fi^r 1 la hurti ss irK the tTui fi

'i r a t 'k people In h l4 cam- nvc-rnurRhlp. Such a plain f IN a.'' th is ta n n o l be ac- > ;ii Iin the g round th a t H If H paritjEian o rgan to tell


th- li .if IT-

t‘w n > '*\i> r> tu rn such ylelda o f en- lerprlM- ,ia th f U«t two years have and UN ihri n< vt vi-ar prom laee In s till m orejjlfjw -g j«iH . t Bui the fac t, w h a tev e r »-bb th .r. may b f fTom th is h igh tid s , SO-

1 ts-iMi, ih f iGinvlLtion th a t from th is time f' ‘wflni ih-* I 'n iied S ia iee Is c e r ts t s I Til i-ipiiTiil in Ih? available a toek o f Ite

m.Ti-v t apitii! at a ra te unpreceder^led tn ‘hf rtuanrlal hlatory-iLir MirpMs Hit'' will, of rours'e. b« * V j.f.irbfl 111 fu rth -'t developm ent of every

I Li9rb f) nf InduairlAl deveW pm ent a t home, i f -r the rteUl. In •*\AU>

Sooth .' quietly ♦lectio r Mayol ' h l i dHi. . tbrouKb Gcntehil though . wmis

■Murphy cigur Seym our r j iljttt he wa* not suth ot !■ r the Influence of the .Murphy iiuknowlkMlgtnl th a t

- i-.-H.HiriLa' It WM0 eauy to see -M .kf‘ [hai n e ith e r of the ■r <■» had K'ven op, even . resting on M urphy s

I 'ongresa • p e n o n a i

f K e n d r a n d w y much su* h k list (th o u g h -h v re a te r ont*. i( li* pr.-surntd). ail

ilv rr "the c ity—Pfonilst f> nf R epublican i n I* - lv e t on elir-tl.m niktit. It w as an -n o u u ^ th a t B*r.13 and th a t he jhv-i'i >f hie t» ^ e t . t h a s S M a X a Is tirunipr .1 Uy k1n t o « a, h i t Ju S ae L arobeti ......... . tu r th e r ftWleU1, d io tlv e d I t can 1. a.dd Ot t h r » Uival RL-puWleaas wli.. hi,.- t.i gtv* lh« Judge a Full* lu" ^• th e a trl -r-rnct.-niirg h^r conftaenCe In th - a tten O an s of h-r , i r He s fool

thee. ‘

The Best Adviceto a young man who would save a little money out of his sal­ary is, “Secure a policy of Life Insurance”— The cost is small, the returns certain.

A L I v O F *K i r v o s


PC e n t sJYARDr* lle ,i fur and D»ll»«r«L

JONES Tsl, SSI, K. A', and N .J


Departmeirt Store Piaios

(iA kfio th e• -illp:

Ik tp u h llc an *

l o r ' r o th ta / * * r "Iof t

l.'.rM. 1901. the thlJi < . ' wiLh a s m uch

carta 'ln iy a . they vut,,l i. r M KlM*y and H-waevrU. expect I" 'r F ran k lluM urphy. ____ _ ULICAN


P ru d en tia lInstiranca Co.<rf America.

of the rapid g ro w thsay th is here bevaus*- l do jioi bulu \ iluni I uiiLiBtloTi -if the re sou rces o f h a ­lf Ibx- ptHtph- ff Nrw YoJk rua li\ kii-jw 1 iiGlI rnorinniis and w ill be a« fo rw kat ex ists n«.' h t Ki-p^M-llirati ur : ^ while lo t'ooie. B u t m ak in gDemctcral. wl.l prvvfiil lln-m a t th is iiTii’- ' m.iitt g.-nerfU' t lo a -a n d 1 km-a Ih* y w jli- '^ m H ig

B lgb‘ c o rp u r .campii t Repubi they i ■ the ir strong


ivkritlnn of street-u sing <1. of thi- Issues of (he

’ i 1, i 'iiv No woculer Uie '■ ickiiig v o te rs w hether h.', H E'tigan or Kmiih lax

rrl !ge lies a re snm edm es ■ -I f roosangu ln liy .

t H a GlorlouMb re a lb o' w inur


band lo do th '' rlghi against n .rfupiU m , both H epubll'fin and iN'mcn ra tli'

ThJs ir.vectivr and what lit implJeM m»> o r m ay not he m u ’ N<> will qurKl on Mr. Jerom y'ii i oiiviciUm of its tru th No one wHl fall «o reiUemltcT sun-iry pa*- • Kuye* la lb. cAftrifr ol the afore.^auJ

the iT iirrpretstlon uf whtcb , woukd square with the pTe.*eni J iro m e riew . T r t it If a gravv accuaalion to tn a k t ju s t a t (his juncture, and slngukarky l ^ l s c r a a t a t tbe beat. We can fancy C roker In the recesses of ihe club grln- nlng across the whole w idth of hjs bull- dog js w St this p leaaani episode of a deadly qtixrr«l amoiig bis fo is . Mr. Sbep- grd . w kd d o ts not Isck a s tu tsn e ss in spite • f h ls aeceptSbCe of the T a n m a n y nom- tBStla», w m setoe on It for h ls rostrum

• htiAgry tro u t d s rtlo g to r a grass- h s f l ^ . I t w ill ho tw dled^ss proof th a t b ig g iM Ih M n o c h fscred re c o g a iu d |g tb s m s k s o f tb* rustontstB . Intrewched, ^igadL ts tb s work of th e opposl-

^ h i U to Ih T&aUhsny. [ t wUl b sh s p t Ih tb s s ir Uks s ju g g lo r 's tasJI U pggee Ib h t bftUhd fhobm F to l t to ^ Is tb* M hi vMbxv ^

kM *

It w ill M b s vdhMhi* t e M n t * h ih d i wber*

fllluwance fo r th is . It w ill Filll leave h va&t grow ing sum o f cap ith i

be u^e4 fur In tsm a tlo n a l I n v e i ta iM t Th- fxpsnslon o( t b . naG on In weoUA HVPn fi.-fvdlna Hi ra tio of locreas* Ip poP- uiailon ra rm .i J .ll lo In s o r . u s *»for* many years have elapsed s s tb e g r e a t **1 lla ll.t and ,-TedlU.r power o t llw *orW - The London S ta tls l, m s re cen t pop * ' rom rlbuted by a n o u b l* nnsDCter. r « - soned thia out w ith « m v lo c ln « rle srue iO , even from the B ritish view point, w h leh 1* nsiu rally loath lo accept abd lealloB o l a throne which G rea t B rita in ha* Ion* oc­cupied Tbl. coun try , then . 1* llkalY *• he money lender to th* w orld, a* «*U *» greatest producer stmI msnufscltlfW *-

Forelxn loans have beien seek ln # one financial m arket wUh Increaain* **«er- neas. Bn»land haa not d laclainietl IW* !■ spite ot her enorroous w ealth . thoU *h.

I perhtp*. liuplred by Ifc* w U k lo d P * « tb* i ' two qouilirie* tow ethw In » o r* ,

Rusaia ha* inaA* the a t t * n # t | i ih o (« b wHhoot atMjc***. ** wo* I* * tKct j [ *1*» Im hev d e a l in g w ith O e n sa iiy a o i ;

Qfoat B ritala. Now th* r i ty *C F ra n k - t a r t th* oVleat ffna nclaJ e a n tr* o l E u rtp s ahd one* a grM tt kouk lK pow w , , a u COSH to n* to n*#Bllate a fafaHA*!* , loan, which dwpnwoed coadiU oM I* O er- j many, thoiw h th a t omsnlrT » « « » >Hth ‘

It Ih.worih>

might ! m luurr bpkrd In Mr ihus*e ■■

num lnsied a

. .\'.ig-;!,:up F K ggsrs for • r t urntriiT^Hlurifr ib«re ■ioii Iii lb« cisim th a t lh« l»H rrprM-H'fUed in the

lMIc InlrTHisla a re as safe -.riU-li* as they c<juld be in!i • ra t

Jes taw sy .

Though ,you h e a r the nd.i ,Ylt I t 's * 0^ to . ■

lh a t brtE htly flan r.An' Ihe root#• lo ry o' the dance Je s t ; b roa lh o' w Y nt.r-a ,

plhcB,An fewer *on*» O raor^r

in t h . Tlll*^An th e fo U '•• 'te*. . * wall, the .ui. . H u1 U s w in ter Ulal m -

m erry is l* *h bn 'J e s t a b re a th O' winter

a iay aw hile.The sw eet » p rtj* ah'l U

all ih e iM d e n * i.inl. B ut w in te r

bova'Il tak* their I W ith th* ro*t*ft 0 -■

round o ' •••• 1 .- F r a n k L. S U nlon In Vtlon

■ ou.4in '( so fu r I

H om s Office I N*wark, N. i .

AT THEB i j U p to w n P ia n o S t o r e ,

A n d o a r p r h x t *r* n o t •' P A itcy B roA t S tr td t P r ie t* ."


15 S p riastid 4 Ave., cor. l ig k %

PARQUET__ AITtoa....


wl>< d l8 ntl!i! i 1.1 MS JuJ'S.

. • . ft-r the 1

T b sth* NSW Q lfl '

And my old-fa*W«"e*' m-

*'r^l I- 1

On- r. SivU h kno w t : lion tli.Hs.vurv.Ouvi-r-

■( .jslv,-!)- ih*e Jfri*ry City wi>uld JM’itrufly

Wti* J I iu h rrn a io rls ] elec- hi both i-ltlt'S lh«

qu ii4- itverohadoww the 1 mIc.

Hut »he dsdd*®*

BoAt th* H *» M a l^ h s I:

In the dV tr old Arcadian_ A TiMA M fatbtW kn IP F ta r k

wT\TE ETt HI%C».A 'L th'P' clos*' tAsUmstc^ so lo

" ha? only tSv» mrrr^ days <; ■ 'j'hecy '

Bi:pr- r-'♦d :■ lbs( AlO wl(h h:-tltiu' th j-

,rt Ju»tlo6» F ort haa Impress- I 'tiiiriry r lr rk of M onm outh '

iwi e to (be pubilA' do not eod 1 • hi>un> T ^la lin t ibe ftrsi ' :Jie Ju stK e b ss bH>Qkbt Mon-


muuil. r . ^rrty nfncials to s reaUssUoo of ' th^lr

Th^ I'tveiKir m an. who defends his de­sertion hip wife on tb« grouad-A bst she ts a pvKif hfTusek^epcr. m igh t h s v s kept oi:' r divorce c o o n by swiftk^riof s hlr%d girl

e U d a t

' ADythlag to ssT s Smith'* Is tb e p emo- cratic try in J e r ^ y C ity. W ith no scape* g o it In Mghu It looks s s tboogh cbe s* rlflcUl knife wovM IsB M b tym egr.

THEY SAY.R d aM cm S a y s :

Borne■ W o r t .”

I i l i p f c i w i t S cT T fec .

Tfce New Vwk awl New

Jerw y

aoKBC cnd H o rlit to J o p a a

The C andm C ooriir kaa dtacwmod t e t RepubHcaa eoi

Pate la th* I

1 6 0 l U i f c o * W *

R e a d T h i s - M o n e y T o Y o uo r e s ^ »S A T V I L D A Ye v e n i n g s »

TW J ^ E k n o w t h w t t o k e e p i n . t h e j V w f r o n t w e m u « t o f f e r “ B e t t o r 1

P i a n o s ” B t “ L o w e r P r i c e s

t h e n c a n b e b o v # h t e l s e w h e r e T h i s i s w h t k t w e n r e d o i n g . M d i v o v i d c a l l y o u r a t t e f v t f o n t o t h o f a c t t h n . t o u r e n i w U e x p e o e * e n s - b l e s u s t o d o I t . W e h n v e f v U r g e s t o c k o f U p r i g h t s f i n i s h ^ I n M w h o g n n y , W a l n u t n n d O w *

w h i c h w e h w v e p l w c e d f o l l o w i n g l o w p r i c e s , v i z . * 5 1 4 5 , $ 1 4 0 . S I 5 0 . $ 1 7 5 . 5 2 0 0 . 5 2 ? ^ ^ 5 0 . A p a y m e n t o f S W « g » a n d f u t u r e p a y m e n t s o f $ o ' d i l ,

• S G U r e a n y o n e o f t h e I H a n o s . E v e r y o n e o f t l w n f ' *<Y g u a r a n t e e d . W e t a k e a l l d * e i U k

a n d y o u g e t w c e r t n i n t y .

O i w » H > l i r 5 S till! r m m i m ¥tticitr « Sofentr* GKrtoa, Hratunwrg * U O riFa-TOM TOfa-SV

i S . A . W A R a b6 a o \d 8 W est Pe*rk S l r ^

6E0.n.YANEIBI}lt(i.4 ^ BMd4 Sb«i Newiifc. N. X

;\Hair\ ^ A k i nAND1S calp

V r

The a w n r o a h w Aika, eaaamhlTiollowad W

ot IM ikhi aod KOlp.•atr. aad im ars lo th . c ip*«*f * ~ T C : n « d * ik>*. CoMttltatMa ig **»»!" * ^ lam r a ira* aad tlileilr <

m H. fOM BW T, » w. ao, W*

D U B S ? <Ih esk ri*

W IN T E R R E S O R T S p ,a m .

-T«k M I M * «i * s» lia ii > i ^GALEN

i i T A J M i r i o o m r j - a i . 4

vicbia tu ta r «f .7 - .

B cy





I S . J





S r J W A B K B V B K I N a N E W S , T H U B S D A T . O C T O B E R 8 1 , l O O l T


F n a i t e n of the F n iU h i Sjadicote Swiadk Forced to Tell Their

Stories i i Coort.


B*«h A * re« O m t t li« M ditInE S clilea* . (■ ■ c r W h o P ru O lc ilO r * « tlr h r *ho F r a a d —M iller flar> Ho W a i O n ir • > E m iilo r * at flO U a W 'eek—A m in oa D e a le a H a T ln c M il­le r H oB ar,


B R O O K L IN , Oct. ai.—W illiam F. Mlllef, o f the defunct F ran k lin SyniUcaU. anti lilH a tto rn ey . Colonel R o b ert A. Ammon, were on the w ltneaa e tan d yeaterday In the F ed ­era l Bulldiiig. w here R obert L. Tltney, a referee In b ank rup tcy , la holding ati Inves­tigation for th e benelU of credltora. who ch arg e th a t MlUer aud his agents have OOnceaied 1115,000 lo be used when M iller rega in s his freodom . Colonel Ammon, who, It I.H alleged, know s m ore about the iinaccouiited m oneys th an he wishes lu ULy, wan an In te i'estlng wllnoBa whose testim ony proved In Im portance hardly IMS th an th a t o f M llU r Wmaelf.

Mlllor con trad ic ted every aflldavlt atid sw orn B tatem ent th a t he has made so fa r and began on an en tire ly new tack. Ha said th a t he w as connected w ith the syn­d ica te only In the n a tu re of an employe, and he accounted for all nilasing moneya by saddling them on K dw ard Schleaslnger, o f the syndicate , who is a t prcsant In p a rts unknown.

Colonel Am mon, who w as .b rought to the stand in the afte rnoon session, was an unw illing and poor w itness. His m em ­ory served him such tricks th a t several tim es all In th e room . Including the re f­eree, had to amtle

Only one new po in t was brought out, one th a t w as con trad ic ted by Ammon when on the s tan d la te r In the day. A young womaiL a certa in Mlsa Kellogg, had made afflilavlt th a t Ammon hud told h e r th a t he had W90.000 of M iller's money locked aw ay, and th a t he had also ten ll.tiOO New York C en tra l bonus, which w ere afterw ’a rd tran sfe rred to the N asjau Bank.

A lfred R. Goslln, who w as called to the stand about th e end of the first eeaston, declared th a t In J an u a ry or February . IIOD, Ammon told h im th a t there was un Item of fU5,000 deposited fo r M iller under a flclltlous nam e, and th a t the am ount would he av ailab le to M iller under th a t nam e w henever he w ished 1L

Ammon said th a t a t th is tim e he had not one cent of M ille r's money in h is pos­session, and th a t, so f a r as he knew. M il­le r had not a cen t In the wide world. T he $180,000 a t W ells-F a rg o ’s bank, he said, had been d e s a l te d a t th e tim e fo r M iller Out Of th is money he had used 140,000 In de­fray ing the expenses Incidental to M iller's tr ia l and also fo r M iller's living expenses tTi general. Asked w hat share of the money had been paid to the w itness for his services, he said $500 had been paid him fo r his serv ices In Incorporating the com­pany, and th a t he had received a sim ilar am ount for serv ices rendered In Boston white there to help M iller ou t of a scrape. These services, A m m on explained, consis t­ed In a v isit to a B oston newspaper ofRce, Inviting an editor, who had a ttack ed some o f the sy n d ica te 's m ethods, lo send hla n e n dow'n and to convince him self th a t all was rig h t and proper. Of the presence of tho repu ted 4118,000, Ammon said, he bad read only In th e newspapers. Ammon said th a t he th o u g h t Schlesslnger had gotm oney out o f the w reck, b u t th a t he did no t know w here to And the man.

A fter ga in ing from the w itness th a t a t the tim e proceedings in bankruptcy were begun ag a in st the defunct syndicate A m ­mon had |90,0l!ll) In bank fo r his client. L aw yer F lash ask ed :

"Now, Colonel Ammon, do you sw ear th a t a f te r you had learned of these pro­ceedings you did no t Invest any of lhat money which you knew perfectly well be­longed lo the c red ito rs?"

Again A m m on declined to answer, and only when ordered by the referee snapped out: "I did ev ery th in g a s the a tto rney for W llllaro F . M iller." Then he added, ho tly : "W ith a ll due respect to the court. I f th is Is a ochem e to get testim ony out o f me to be used ag a in st me In some fu ­tu re pfoceedlr^g, 1 decline to answ er on tb o ie grounds."

Mr. F lash th en w en t Into the question W hether A m m on o r M rs. Ammon had any bank account, an d where, If so, th e a c ­count w as open. A m m on denied th a t he had an account. M rs. Ammon, he said, had an account, b u t he did not know w ha t i t was, as th a t w as som ething th a t did no t concern him.

Miller was b rough t Into the room, and he took hie sea t In the w itness chair, amiUng. I t w as w ith th e first question asked by Mr. F la sh th a t he becam e the penniless M iller, w ho had nut a friend in the world except th e pennilese colonel.

"H ave you any personal property, e ither In your poaseaelon o r under your control, o r have sny o f yonr agen ts, servants, nr a tto rn ey s any euch p roperty In the tr pos­session. or under their contro l?" was esked.

"N ot th a t I know of." As fa r as the w itness knew, he hed not a dollar In th e world. H e had "n ev er been Interested in the syndicate except as an employe," and he bad te k e n th e $140,000 to Seym our. Johnson A Co. m erely by order of Schles- singer. The la tte r , (he w itness said, had engaged him and had given him various a tnounts, ra n g in g from $10 to $100 a week, for h is services.

P l t a t s G a v e C h i r k «o V le tw ry l o r D oT T httre t P l a t r ^ M a ta e r a n d

J e a k l a e F o l l o w H im .fipfdol Cabie JHepotcA to file Si-JWS.

N E W M ARKET, E n g lan d , Oct. 31.—C ap­ta in E u a iace ’fl Qame Chick, w ith Johnny R eiff up. won the D ew hurat PlFite of 300 Sovereigns here to-day . J. GXibbln'a Ard P a tr ic k , ridden by D ani.y M aher, Antshed second, and P rince S o ltykoff's Snowberry, w ith Clem Jenk ins op, th ird .

T he A m ericans con tinued th e ir success, w hich w as th e fea tu re of yesterday .

London (M aher) won the H oughton H and icap . T he d ls iance w as five furlongs an d 140 y a rd a

D ealnvolluro (M aher) won a tw o-year- old ae-lllng plate.. T he d is tan ce was live fu rlongs.

K ing 's Courier, a n A m erican bred horse (M aher), won the Jockey C lub Cup. The d is tan ce w as two miles, tw o furlunga and th lf ty -n v a yards. S an to 1. was second, and W lllliim C. W h itn ey 's E lkhorn (J. Relff). finished third.

Porclere <J. RclJT) won the Ditch Mile W elte r H andicap. T he dlatancA w as one mile. Em|>erador (J. H. M artin) ran sec­ond an d Oooeender third.

fiA L V A T lO ^ ARMY W ED D IN G .

C a p ta in C h ar les C, w « M « M arried l.a a t NSglit to E u i Ibtl .Mary M aurer,T he wedding of E nsign M ary M aurer

and C aptain CharlcR C. W elte. both m em­bers of the balva ilon Arm>. w as solem n­ised la s t n ight a t Salva tion A rm y Hall,

I 211 M arket s treet. H rlgudler . Thom ai S co tt, a s s is ta n t nationa l social secretary , perfo rm ed the cerem ony T he wedding w aa a tten d ed by m any friends of tho couple, both of whom a re well known in S a lv a tio n A rm y circles for th e ir work In th is city . C ap tain W elte w as fo r a long tim e th e national head of th e social de­p a r tm e n t and will sh o rtly assum e the position of general s ec re ta ry of the Cen­tra l Social Provlnice,

T he bride for several y ea rs waa prom i­n e n t In the work of the a rm y In C incin­n a ti and has recen tly been engaged In slum work Shortly a f te r the cerem ony th e couple left fo r th e tr home In New Y ork, w h ere 'th ey will resum e the ir work.

V A N D O R E N -T IS C M N U P T IA L S .Miss Caroline Tlsch, d a u g h te r of Mr. and

M rs. 0 . F. Tlsck, w as m arried lust night a t tho home of her p a ren ts , hW Sherm un avenue, to M arry H. V an Doren, of P ark - h u ra l s tree t. The house w as beautifully deco rated w ith palm s and Bowers, while s trin g s of evergreen and au tum n leavee w ere hung abou t all the rooms, Rev, J. M artin N elferl, rec to r o f 8 t. P a u l’s Epis­copal C hurch, officiated. The cerem ony WttB perform ed In ih^ fron t parlor, beneath a bow er of palms, and the bridal party en­te red the room as the M endelssohn wed­ding m arch was played. T he bride was a ttire d In a gown of point d ’eaprU over w hite silk. She wore a veil and carded a bouquet of w hite rosea. H e r slsier, Miss AgnsH Tisch, was the m aid of honor, and wore w hite silk. Mlae A gnes W ntsun, of New' York, wiis the bridesm aid, ami was gow ned In w hite flwlRe m ulle os’er blue. O eorge L ang was best m an. and Archie T rap p er, of O range: Jo h n Nichols, of New Y ork, and George N elson Booth were u shers. W illiam M cQlnnls acted as page. Follow ing the cerem ony a supper waa served . D uring the su p p er the engage­m en t w as announced o f Mlsa Mamie E. TIsch to George Nelson Booth.

KELLEI^-SCHAUPP.A t St. M ary 's R om an Catholic Church,

H igh and W illiam s tree ts , yesterday a f ­ternoon , Miss E t ta Schaupp. daugh ter o f Mr. and Mrs. H erm an Bchaupp, of Ifi H am pden s treet, becam e the bride Jf Joeeph Keller. Rev. F a th e r Irtelphonse perfo rm ed the cerem ony. T he couple were a tten d ed by Miss Annie Bchaupp and O eorge H arth . A fte r the cerem ony there w as a reception a t H uegel's Hall, Bank and R utgers s treets, Mr. and Mrs. Keller w ill on Q uitm an street.

VAN H O U T E N -SC H A F F E R .M iss M ay M ahn SchafTef. dau g h te r of

Mr. znA Mrs. Henry B. Schaffer, of River road , Belleville, and E dw in D ortm ue Van Houten, also of th a t plaoo, w ere m arried la st n ight At the residence of the bride's p a rin ts . The cerem ony w as perform ed by H er. John O. W inner, o f the Wesley M ethodist Church of Belleville. The bride was given aw ay by her fa ther. The bridal party stood In a m in ia tu re bower of m aH enhalr ferns and palm s while the cerem oty w as' beln^ perform ed. Miss ZUla CidmuB, a cousin of the groom, of Bloomfiild, w as hridefimald, and Alfred J . BchiCFer, a b ro th e r of the brlds, acted as beet m an. T h e bride w as gowned In w hite ta ffe ta silk and chiffon, trim m ed w ith D u r e s s e lace, and sh e carried brida roses an i m aidenhair fern. The brides* m a id 's costume w aa o f w hite Persian law n, trlxim ed w ith sa tin ribbon o f the sam e shsde and vatepclennea lace. H er bouquet w as of w h ite carnations and m aidenhair fern.

T he rceeptlon th a t followed the nup­tia l cerem ony was a tten d ed by guests from Phlladslphla, (he form er home of the brids: Newark. New York sn d Stn- gac, and by membtire «f the Nereid Boat C lub of Belleville, o f w hich Mr. Van H outen Is a m ember A f(er a w eek 's trip li> the South. Mr. and Mrs. Van Houten will reside on the R iver road In Belle­ville.

WHITNBY-SPELLER,A p re tty home w edding took place a t $

o 'clock la st n ight a t th e residence of Mr. und Mrs. W illiam H. Bpeller, of Grove s tree t, I ’pper M ontclair, when (heir daughter. Miss F lo rence Mabel Speller, was m arried to Guy T hom as W hitney, of Bloomfield. The cerem ony w as perform ed by Rev M alvern A ndarlese, o f ColesvtUe. The rooms were ta s te fu lly decorated w ith

w o r t h $ 1 . 7 5

O n F r i d a y a n d S a t u r d a y O n l y o f T h i s W e e k .

Mar>fhatt i'S l 'BatVj;8 0 7 i o 9 I 5 ^ r o a d S i .

* 3 TOTCf J4etvarK , / f . X

Will p lace on Sale at $1.37 a Pair

” ?I n d e s t r u c t i b l e ” 5 ? ^ S h o e s f o r B o y s

E very pair cylinder fitted, genuine Kan< garoo tops, bulldog toes, satin calf vam ps, extra heavy soles, steel circlets in h e ^ s .There is no better boys’ shoe on the m arket for th e $1.75 w h ich other s t o r e s are getting for this quality. To-morrow and Sat­urday. on ly $1.37.

Everyth in g to w ear for Men and Boys, an d some things for Women.

B o y s ’S h o e s


A rth u r C h ru tla n , of E lU aheth. The <;er<- m uny wa« ,>frform 8d a t tn# home of (tie bride'e parent!,, Mr, and Mre. Sam uel Hnh erliton. The bride w as a tten d fd liy Mlh* Caroline C h ris tian , a la ter o f the bri,!. - Kroom. The ta t te r wae unattended, Tho L-ouple will live In E lisabe th .

h a l l -c a r p e n d e r .NEW B R C N SW IC K . Oct. SI.—Miss AlU'.

I lax a ll C arpender, d au g h te r of Mr. aisl Mrs. C harles J . C arpender. of this ,iiy . and G natavue Abeel H all, of T renton , were i m arried la s t evening by Rev. W Dutlnn \ Dale, a ss is ted by R ev. C. B, Phelpa, In the \ C hurch of 81. John the E vangellsl. Tho I maid of honor w as Mias F ran ces Stoven.s. | of th is c ity . T he best m an waa Koppele ■ H all, of Red B ank.

KINSLEY-ALPAUQH fj'peciol Jliti'Otok to t^a FFfi.VfNf?

W H ITE H O O B B , Oot. 31.—Lee KInsIiy, a son of M ichael K insley, and Mins Addle A lpaugh, d a u g h te r of N ewton Alpaugh, all of th is p lace, w ere m arried a t tho p a r­sonage of th e R eform ed church a i Leb­anon by Rev. W illiam E. Davla.

PALM ER.K ELLY.B O H D E N TO W N . Oct. 31 .-T he m arriage

of Miss A nna T h e re sa Kelly, daughter of P a tr ick K elly , of B ordentow n, lo rh a rle a Pa lm er, of TVenlon, took place ycsicrday a t St. M ary 's R om an C atholic Church, th is city.

JO H N SO N -H O PFM A N ,B R ID G E PO R T , Oct. II,—M iss Mabel T.

H offm an, o f B ridgeport, and Charles R. Johnson , of Cam den, were m arried here yeste rday . T he cerem ony w as performed by Rev. Z. D ugan, p as to r o f the M ethodist Episcopal C hurch.

RIDOBW AY-JONES.B R ID G E TO N , Oct. M,—A t the home of

Mr. and M rs. Jo h n C. Moore, in D utch Neck, n e a r th la c ity , yeaterdav afternoon, Miss Ltdle Jones w as m arried to F rank B allenger R idgew ay by Rev, H H. Beadle.

OOUQLA5-KELLAR.M E R C H A N T V IL L E , Oct. M .-M lss Ray

K etlar, d a u g h te r of Mr. and Mrs. Volnoy P. K ella r. w as m arried la s t n ight to W ill­iam D ouglas, a s s is ta n t q u a rte rm as te r tn the U nited S ta te s arm y, stationed tn Cuba.

a t t b r b u r y -dodoe .PA T ER SO N . Oct. l l . - I n St. P au l's

C hurch y este rd ay a fte rn o o n Mias EleaJior. Godwin Dodge, d au g h te r of Mr. and Mrs F re d e r lc t N. Dodge, and R obert Rennie A tte rb u ry w ere m arried .



sWeds Mollj Somerrille Accordiig English Laws, Affer First Wife

Obtains Olrsrce.

Vohlt Dlaptffrk io <$«M>NDON. Oct. 31.—Ttie rom ancp of Karl

Huflfspll and Mrs. M olly Somerville, uf Nevada, reached a h a p p y coriatimniitiion at 1') o'clock thifi m orn ing , Virhaii thecuuple were m arried a t (h« H o lU orn reslste r of- tlce. The cfrem ony w aa very b rlrf Mrs Somerville wax a ttire d In h g^Fiy iravellltiK (Ircfls. and Im m ediately a f te r (he ^premony the coujile drove off. T h e ir desltnatJuri Is not known.

Before the cerem ony B a r i Ruisell du' d a re d :

"I do this In o rder to be tn ronfnrroHy with (he IflWB of my co u n try with a warn- an already iny wife. T h e caremony In no sense Imi'lleB th a t th e N evada marrlAKe w as Now I hope everybody will beMtttlsfled. "

T5flrl hufbell w'an prev iously ma tried to Mrs. Som erville In N evada, behevlnx that hla divorce obtained In N evada would hold good In England. He dlacovered hla mis­take when he a rrived In Gritut Britain, however, for he w as a rre s ted on a charge of blgntny, tried by th e House of Lords and Imprisoned fo r th re e mnntha. The Countess H usmoII, th e E a r l 's furmer wlfo. several duys ago w as g iven on ahaolute divorce from her husband , and the wpd-


F o u r W e d d la s B In P l i l l l l p ib n r F .P H iL L lP S B U E lG , Oct. S l.-F o u r couples

w ere m arried y e ste rd ay In Sts. F h illp and Jam es C atho lic churches. They were Miss E lisa b e th L o v e ll .o f (hla place, and Sam uel A lcher, of E aston . P a .; Miss C aih arln e D w yer and Joseph G avin, of ih ls p lace; M iss X jottle M. Sandt, of D u r­ham , Pft., and Jam es B. M addock. of th is

Jtaoe, and M iss S a rah Duffv an d T hom as . C roughen, bo th of th is place.

C^apa Mwy*a D o w b la W a d d la v .C A PE MAY, Oct. SI.—A double wedding

occurred v este rd av a t th e residence ol M ayor and M rs. T hom as W. Millet, when one d au g h te r. Miss S ara E lisabe th , be ­cam e the b rid e o f A lbert Reeves H and, eon of Mr. a n d Mrs. Aaron W. H and, ahq an o th e r d au g h te r. M iss Ida V lrglnta. be­cam e tho bride of C harles A ugustus Johnson, son of Btokeley Johnson.

ding to-day England.

waa, accordingly , legal In



— --- 1-G erm a a -A m erlea n W few spaper IWan

E v a d ed F a tb e r la a d M ilita ry D aty .B x p n la lo a H ay B« R e v o k e d .

B ER LIN . Oct. 31.—Joseph Ht-rrlngs. the w ar correspondent, who w as present a t the battle of Taku, h a s been ordered to leave Prussia, on the g round of evsslon of m ilitary service a num ber of years ago.

The Vosslsche Zeltung points out th a t H errings’s ease Is no t an exceptional one, since the P russ ian Q overnm ent trea ts alike alt persons who failed to serve In the arm y by em ig ra ting as minora and then re tu rn , a fte r a cqu iring a foreign natlonaUly, to lake up a perm anen t resi­dence In Prussia.

An official of the Foreign Office said yesterday th a t the o rder for bis expulsion


T k a lv G o ld e n W e d d tn s ,T R E N T O N , O c t $L—J u s t ftfty years ago

yeste rday Mr. and Mrs. Thornas Cooper w ere m arried , and la s t evening they cele­b ra ted the a n n iv e rsa ry a t the ir home tn th is city.

*jA«« . a profusion of palm s, sm llax and yellow A sked w h a t w as $40,000 no t white chrysan them um s.

accounted for, even by tb e d lM ppearance o f Schlesslnger, M iller said th a t he had vsad $ of the mon*y while In C anada, and th a t fo r the t&.OOQ he had never had an accoun ting from Colonel Ammon. He did no t a sk a n ItemLied account of the expenditure of th is becauae he " tru s te d Celoiiai A m raoa im p lic itly ," He said th a t when troub le began to brew SchlcM lnger advised him (M iller) to keep hie m outh ib u i, and he would have it fixed th u t no th ing could happen to him W itness •w ore lh a t he did not know where Schles- Moger could be found a t the present t in e . Tbe case w as then adjourned (o S a tu rday . N ovem ber 9, a t 10 o ’clock A. M.

LOHI U iN C B TIEATIE FIILf l a n n , D I»p *T *r*« ta B r« « d w a r

P l a r h o u a B cU ereB ( • R* • ! ' . l B e « a 4 l a r 7 O H v la . _

Upwtol la Iht t r t V i y O y A t f .LONG B RA N C H . O c t U .-A n ( t t e n p t

m Diaila y n te r d a y to b titn the Brtwd- V tF T h e a tre btitldtnc. Janiee G. W eat. a <M> dealar. irh o occtiplea . t a r t m e n u m tba bulldtnA. w aa aw akened b r anoka. 'WMeh fo k red ln t» b ia room. An Invewtl- (a tlo n show ed t i n t a plie at rubbish In the basem ent w as on Are and m skln< rapid h ta d w ay . S

T b s d lscoverr T k s a u d s a t 4 o 'clock In th a aaraliiA . W ta i. unassisted , pu t ou t

Mrs. W ast. who waa alasktrakeiM d. la p o M tltrs ^ ta t aha heard th e l»e«atepa o f som e e ttrw a a ! 'awlitt Uia pran-

I aa b a r husb an d l e f t tb a bedcham ber.

CDUH MRITS iONEf i e ald e a t t m t t f a H a v e lad atw eA

lfarm er*a S a lcv tlw a ae C h a lrm a a a t raaatM B M ala llam s C a a im ltta e .

Warlal JKepaark la « t t t a l t m V tW t .W ARHIHOTOK.Oet IL-flaiiator Lodae.

t t Xaaaecbuaatta. daepKa U a eioaa rala- ttoaa wttb tb e r ita ld eu t, « t a aat aeWere Wa asablttoo a t bacamlaa ekatamaa o f tbe S w a la Commlttae on r o n is a Retatloiia, h h at baia daeWed tk al baaatat Callam, a t m rn tm , m fii a a a v r that paaitMa.

T k i | ^ ta aooaidaaea attih SeaBte tra- •UiNM; baaaawt K r. OuHom It a p v tbe ta a U a g m im km a f eom aittae, s a 4 st la a a d ir a m d IbaL a ftm caaaaUatlaB ir<tb M aar laaBtara aa tbe fab lect. I T iM diat X iaaaaaW baa ta d iraad tb

. , . 1.. —C a n

I empm red

a i Marlas down tba aid coarlboBae n a ie r - S J ^ M o M b a d tb a eeb la * b k b Bab


would u^uiuubtedly be revoked as soon as he petitioned for th e annu lm en t uf tbe order of expuialon.

Joseph H errings w as born In Ravarla and came to the U nited S ta te s when he was about seventeen years old. He has been connected w ith new apayers in New York and Chicago. In th e spring nf IWO be took charge of The O susliiilsche E,loyd, a new spaper In Shanghai. He was aboard the G erm an m an-of-w ar lUls at Ihe battle of T eku. A piec'ti of shei't-lrmi from a sm okestack was drlvejj Into his ch fs l by a shell, severely wounding him. He had to go to Berlin ui umlfrg.i nn op­eration. Since th e n he hX'* b#*m doing special new spaper work in (hat Hty.



T he bride wore a gow n of w hite satin , cu t en tra in and oarrled a bouquet of w hite roses Her veil w as cau g h t up with an ornam ent, a fam ily heirloom. The m aid of honor w as Miss M ary Louise M orehoiis. of Orange, who wore a gown of w hite organdie and carried yellow roses. T h s bridesm aids w ere M iss Alice M SpeL ter, s iste r of the brida, and H iss F lorence A nnette W hitney, s is te r of iha groom. C harles W hitney, br<fther of the groom, ac ted as best m an T he wedding m arch w as played by M iss Lucy W hitney, s is ­te r o f the groom. T he ushers were Will- la tn J. O a rrab ran t, of M ontclair, and llo lt ls H a rris , of New York.

Follow ing the cerem ony a wedding sup< p e r w as eerved, aud la te r Mr end Mrs. W hitney left on a n ex tended trip, through C an ad a and Verm ont. Oq their re tu rn th e y will m ake th e ir hom e In Glen Ridge. Am ong th e gtiosts w ere Dr. J. B. Mc- K eiuda. Mima M ary C ra n d a l l Mr. and M rs. A lvin Taylor, Dr. A. M. Phelps, of N aw Y ork; Mr. an d M rs, C* 1C W h it­ney , Round Lak«, N. T .; Mr. and Mrs. T : K . Coopu^. a i m RiAc*. N. J ; M in K dnh V an N n t . Ckldw ell. N. J . ; M in V irg in ia H and, f ta a a lc , N. J.

P O R T H U B e a -B A U e te .M lu B ounc B uaer, d e u fh te r o( Mr. end

Mru. O eerpe B auer, o f lU Union Irv tn fto n , m e m arried Fee terdex e f tw - tloon (o H enry F u rtb u h er , o t Union. Tbe cem eeny m a p e rfo rm ed h i Bt. Peter** u en v en t Chapel, In Liron aeeWM, Irtrlnc- ton. by Re*. F i t M r Alola Stecher, o t St. Pe la r'e CathuUc C hurch . thU d ty . M in AoRellca SbipeT acted u b rld n o ia ld . and J o e ^ h O lM b u s beat m an . The bride w aa a ttire d In w h ite crape de chine, and earribd / beiH|Bet o f p ink roeae. T b t b r ld c e m ld wore wfalta pa in t de eatwit otcar blue. A raeeptloB followed a t the b o n e of th a bSde'a parente. H r. and M ri. F tirt- buber frill reaide tn Union.

T ■ > L IN •D fl^ M A ^ .M tn Blaacka Dcbtaaa. dauihtar o l Mr.

aad Ml*. Albert S. Denm aa. o f It* K l(h itraat, Wae n a n ia d a t tha reaMeoee ot ber parm te an Hewday cTcalBf to Harry B. TlpUn. o f Beat Ore Bye Re* C barln I U aaU i^a Dodd, a t tbe Paddle M em orial' Churcb, performed the ocrematty In the p m e n c i wt the m eabara a f tba lamai diata Ikmlly.

T W N B U .- C A M P 8 E L UMMa Mb it CanpbaU aad Cbartaa Two-

~ i i a t I larrtN o, v e ta mairlad a t 4 e'eloek rektorday aftam oan a t tbe Chaieb • f tba Maty Crow bi that town. ‘Hm eata- now y w U pi r t e m ad by Ita*. M. P. VCaw. •a e . Aiuda R aasay waa l» T H » a | | aad Jab* Bropby w ia beat n e a . A faaap- Cia)i falMwad tba oaeaaaaay a t tba MW baraa a( tba eaeela a t M Harrlpon •* « .

l a h a n s in n y In A d m In IsC ra tlo ia a fT v a a to n r i l l l lo n a lr« * a P r a p a r t y

g h o w n by f la l t t a ChA Boory*fiperiol IH$futtrh f.j R V B M SO NEWS.

T R E N T iaN i>ci. SI.—Through a su it In chancery inMiiiuifd (o-day by the widow of Sam uel K Wilson, It developed th a t the e s ta te ibe reputed m ulti-m illion ­a ire la noi I'eing harm otitoualy ad m in is ­tered.

W ilson w as ih f ow ner of severa l m ills here. «a welt a vaat am oun t Of real e sta te , and hi*- bt^lJlngs w ere generally re ­garded as riiiinliig Into the m illions. Hla wife w as a ( forty years hla Jun io rsnd ha iled frtini Million,

She how brit it* again st B arclay H. Stokes, tb e cutinili'ntUl m aa o f Wtlaon* and who Is «»ii- "<■ (he i»xei.utors of the will. A nothnr 4 x.tHU(or la C ounsellor Sam uel K. H "' * '! '**• Cam den, a nephew of W ilson, w hili- M n Wilson h e rse lf Is rfn' executrix .

S tokas h a s In charge of th s e sta te , and th e widow seeks to com pel him to m ake an accooniitig

Judge DavliJ J I’ancoasl. of Camden.

0 *r>f>tinellth e

rsp rsaenU the widow, and In th e hill which he files K is chargod th a t Mr. Stokaa. a t the- Uitp of the p ro b ad n g of th s w ill prorureil from the com pla inan t a pow er o f i lto rn ev . snd h a s olnr# refuosdl to deliver a coj y -'f «be sam e to th e bene- ficiaripa

M n . W lJeor alleges (hat when th e jm- pars g tv tng such pi>wers werv signed by her she w ar d*>eplv grieved over the d«s(h of h e r h u sband and scarcely realised w ha t she did.

I t la exp lained Iti the hlU th a t som e hur>- d r ^ dwwUlngs o r m ore w ers le ft to th e WkbrWp to g e th e r w ith tha residue of th e •o ta ta and th a t to th is day no InformstloTi

the sam e has (teen offered to hor by Mr. S tokea A fter aevaroJ c h a r ita ­ble bequea ts the will leaves to Mrs. W il­son a n tb e residue to he held by b e r u&tlj tba onnxpletlon of tha education of th e daugktor. M ary d oael WUson* t b t roel- dsnoo, otablos and grounds on Q rsaaw ood avenne aad a ll o f (he ir eo n te s ts to be held hy lllo orldow as an ou trig h t g ift,

A m M o f the mills Is also directed and the proceeds, toffathor v n h the stocks, hotida, mortgages, ete., M d a t th e tim e of tha tsstator*s death, shs to boopoM a part o f ih s reolduary.

tjpda th« (liughtar a tu in ln g ber m a­jority the estate Is to real ta ber th« nuD o f tSih.OOk to (bon bs paid to tho kiodbof* together wttb mm akTuilty o f

nctlm oH d* M rH q g li a n d R e a r h h o w 3 o rk on

gteO M O rNEW YORK. Oct. :il - <'n V>nard (Tifl

W hile S tar Lins ateSTnt-r MaJp^iKc, which arrived la st night, weri* J- he K Redmond, Hijrrlrk A. M cHugh ar-il Tli'-m-tn O'LKrn* Tielli ths N a tlo n a lla t nl P a rlia ­ment. who come to vlhli (( 1“ country In behalf of th e I i i s b csuru Koberl (J'F Ib- heftv^ John O 'C allaghar T Sr John Gaffney and O oneral Jamus It O 'Belrnb were a t Q u a rin tln e , lo are Mr.Hr.linnnd and hla fr le t .4 - i ' ight

General O 'B elm e whb IpI ^ tu ix nn ad- dreaa a t a po litical me«*i:ra ^’*-w Dorp, rtraien Island, w hen - -'ved word thar the M ajestic wouid r* - i: g u a ru n d n e ahr>m t o’clock P. M H--

suddenly, and hurried to Q uaranfinp I:* the M ajestic. In th .ii ( ' unats cetsfu l, a s the (Quarantine too la te t ihlii morning. Mr. had had a p leasan t iru - very well.

' “* d his ad- Mr Gaffney r s IO buanl \ 4<r. ha- was

-i'- reached , .iruil (icforc

tld lhat b'* viQB feeling

CRO W B'II luBTTKHS IHK.Jle W ill Sue-

. f

. till f

C h ie f D oe# 7fo« B ellr e n d e r , l ia b le

OMAHA. Neb., Oc(D onahuf baa recelvt-:Chicago handw riting le tte rs recolved by th Crowo, a ro genuine com parsd w ith sper^m-f* h andw tu lng In th e a r deteettvo agency Th- celved OctobCT IS and J ' condllkm a un w hich surread i.r to th s chief cf i 'ice

Tho chief acknowl-'v**_.^'( h' abou t Bbawdofied" lb ' Cn wcwin give hlmoelf up. f-*'In the lattora abov^ [*f> rTt lag ih a eood ltion t

Newark’s Best Cloak and

Suit Department.

Boys’ Clothing and




A sto n ish in g Barj^ains abound in our Friday Bargain list. The public expect a g rea t deal, for we have given them regularly each w eek b u y ing chances tha t have placed us forem ost in the ranks o f bargain-givers. There will be no d isappo in tm en t to -m o rro w , fo r the follow ing excel m ost of our fo rm er efforts, and o u r only regret may be th a t we have not en o u g h of som e of these items for all th a t will w ant them .


i s i s FRIDAY BARGAINS. is is

Rid Glove Special~i),"„?e‘IjirlicH' two-olftiip, ill ail Ihfl iaading fall hliadcH, also black a tjd f w iritc, valap 7fic., for F riday J J I I i , only, pa ir.................................... w v

Taffeta Fleeced Used filoves—kaiilav four-builrm ta ffe ta HilkOlovas,

cffeil lIiH'd, in blank only, vuluu i»c„ lor FrUluy only,

Fascinators-;i ;i;VJ'i*n"°?A.''l*A!rlouH rolorh, aolls regularly a t I?5c.* to-motrow -

Bojs' Waist and Blonse~“ ‘^^T ^\t#ablue llanofil. waist duuhlo

back and frofii, strongly m ade. — regnbir prino special for A W L Friday

Men’s and Bojs’ Night Shirts—Mnde ef . Hue he.vytroiarht oultna flttiLuel. also . tint], so it.flu lthed tptw- lln cut full eit.e In le n a tb and bodlra. well made, pearl bultune. afood HOC. Talue, epeclal tor .‘i V L

r id a y ............................................

all-*Boys’ Sweaters-” *?*made, in plain color and fancy cruKH stripe, the reg. price &8C.. for to-morrow only.

rqdi uloi

< i7 5 c

Men’s Shirts Millie nf ;v ^rood qual­ity dark Kdripc outing

tlanneh double fmiu m d l>apk, Net on I'ollar band, all Feams____ || lilt rt'.tiii:* l)nuble*N(it< ll-ed* pearl buitoiih. odliir iit- iopbed: riw ular price 4: ,,^pe - lalfur Friday................ 35cWomen’s Underwear ^ ,1 :of ihjieavy ■.•ruton, ribbed, heav.lly nccced, full ri'irwiu,r modle, eitherlong or bh<>rt ftlecvfs, im nu (o

' ' ‘ al ;*t»r_ jgjnaicb. A ifiKiil viilutt here to-murrow nt 19cWomen’s U n d e r w e a r m ”natural u'lxil, full rogiilar made itar- DientH, [fflurl button, pantM U> maudi, reyuhtr pricn "fie.. !*pe- ^ V CCial b tre to-murrow.

Men’s U nderw ear-;?;?;^ ''*’/ ialiirts, foil reKular mada, i>eiirl l»iit- ionhitlnesy iirt' very fin it and heavy gar-Srents, all perfect, no aecondek

rawer.H to lualcli. w ell worth A y P 50t’.. special for to-uiorrow ....... ^

Woo! Mittens'-Ouly about l.W lo iwvi pair of lailU>H.' mlSHaV

ami (')iildren'H wool mliteiis. Mune with small holes, only need a little niemiiiig. pb'kod from mir hettoi A KOtdH, vtilne up to iV:. For Fti- A C day ouly, j-a ir...... ............................

r.Jhrcpt of a good qua)-biirhCl VUVCn mufllin ni Frenchand \ ’esliaped xiyieH, trimmed _ w ith lace fttid embroidory. mIIh I /C regularly m-itK'.. apooial at....

Children’s Apronstrin inm d w H li lace and era- brultlery, sella re g u la rly al

to-niomiw a t . .

Trillltllfid H*f€“ R®*^ydo-wear Hatfj n m u ic u l la ld trlm uied with fnik*. rty xaiin, volvot, ill blue iiml tan.

__ ________________doHod liberty xaiin, velvot t am i blue iiml tan, I . A y uixdo t i»rtc II a t | i ■ • '

of good quality w ra p p e r s K lannelette alen acmePeroalex ainoiig them , all gcMxl woeh- able colors and neat p a ttem i. xklrtu w ith nouiice, Heparale waiHt Hntiiir und trim m ed w ith braid, insixes 34 to 40. regular 89c„ day a t .............................................

coverings, good n a tu ra l wood ha.. 4Be. ge qdi. Special

lOATngs, good fram e and

n a tu ra l wood handles* regular


29cRavc IfiMR P en tc^ M ad e of »ll-woo) D ?J5 aWsO r a n i5 cheviotclo th , double k nee and aeaU, patent w aist baud. sIroTigly made, reg. price *v ., ages 3 lo ia,spec- A n C la lfo r F riday only..

CantM Flinnel.Uubleached canton fiao-

nel, full ‘Jfi in. w'ide, well (iL'cred. regular .1*0 C 1 yd.. Friday bargain.

Bleached Muslin,Yard wide bleached mus­

lin. good close weave, round thread, free from droaslng, well worth 7c. yd.. j 1 ^ for Friday ouly. A q C yd.............................

Pillow Cases.wxlifl Hleached F l l l o w

(^asci, made from heavy, cloM woven mupllii, about fui 1107611. Ui sell fur I A l

each. l O a CFriday at. well worth tAc. ea

Exceptional Flannel Waist Bargain.

7 9 cThe best 98c. Wal»t In the city will be sold to-morrow • t ..............................................................

We believe, and th e public teema to agree w ith us, tUat we sell th e liandtom est ami best waist in the city at 98c. They are made of ail wool flannel, g raduated cUiatera of Ulcicing and heniititchiiig front and t» c k , biahop sleeves, lined throughout, trim nied w ith fancy gun m etal and brass buttons, In all the leading shades. A I 'riday bargnin al

Bleached Sheets,Extra good valna.aQ dilx#

irxOit, full blearhod thosts. made of tho hoxt Hoivard(XnDit, full bleachod made of tho hoxt J MilU [nmOln, torn and iMuod, would itell If P A .n wo bought them t o A I I C duyatADc.for Friday V ' ' *

Bed Spreads.

7 9 c

I.nrge Alie w hite Bed Hprcadfl, HarsolIlM dosigiis mid hem m ed,w orth &Ac. each* fur Fri- 4 o C day. each ...................

TaMe Linen.Bllvor bleached Table Lin­

en. n6 Imdiert wide, sdexlgni.all new and a S3c. value, for Fridayyard. : 25c

Women’s and Misses’ Walking Skirts.Made of good quality Oxford

melton, deep flounce, entire flounce stitched and beautifully tailored, silk belts, in all lengths .g and waist bands, regular I ^ 1 1 52.98, special at . .. . .

Grand Ribbon Offer.Heavy purchase from large rib­

bon importer, about 600 pieces, con­sisting of about 6,000 yards, his en­tire stock of sample-pieces of fancystriped all-silk ribbon from to 4inches wide, all colors and combina­tions, suitable for fancy work PW and neck ribbons, value 15c., A Cfor Friday only, yard .

Table Covers.Foat color turkey red

tah locoven . arttrert, ](>]4j T&c.; A x 8 x4,49c.for rr id av only - worthsMc.* B()c. uiid 4^'- each.

Tewelllng.Linen finittbed towelling,

18-ni. wide, full bleach- A ed, Worth 4c. yd.: for AL^ Friday, yd....................

O itiag Fluuiels.Heavy c u r d e d Outing

“ elFlaniiet on ligh t gromtde, l a r g e variety o f at aU ay n HuJd^al M.y a r d : for FrldaTi per yard> >.........



Comfortable Bargain.A 52.0D V a lu e a t $1.69.

Biaaket Special.

We offer to-morrow an excellent cliance to buy a comfortable below its regular price; it is full size, made of a good qual­ity twilled saline, and with fine soft white cotton, well finished with corded edges, pretty jjatterns lo choose from, our regular excellent quality, ' “ S*.oo comfortable, to-morrow o n l y ..........................................................

1 '.’•V I * v.>i M r


Extra heavy oottou blan* k^l. full IM rtir.e, pr«t(y h‘>rtler!i and hound wlifi tap^, ri'Riilar flor. F A pair; fur Friday, i>«r ^ U Cp a ir .

Heaw Domet Ffanoel,Twtllcd Diimct Flannel,

itichert wide, good clniw wMkva and well «w | fletTeil, w l wortli ,/ 'iCluc y i., fur F rld*y,rd

Amoskeag Giaglta>«5.Hoal finality Atnoakn'ag

Apron Ctiork!!, all the watit- »d >iyle<rt. in oliwkn p aud^IjlaidN, roir, eit*..

—• for Friday, yd

Window Shader^,., \V .'m ounted on xtrOBg ^ t n g roUant In whitfi. pvru. tafi. olfve <*nd | A ^ Nile groeti. perioct. regu lar l y L 2ftr., rt|teclal at, e u b .......... .

Men’s and fo tn e i’s Umbrellas—and '.'H Liirh. inadg of ft fftat hlo^k

' iiivh^'rizfd ghtrlft." paragon friintuH cnitH and la w i'l: a largo ftloortliiaiil i>l

Lace Special'fi™ ^*"^"forchiiri Lii(>e mid In* •Ttlou. from H t.» .1 inchnA 'y

lyhit*.\a lu o ap tofle. For Fri- ( jQ

Handkerchief S p c W - , i reriti'hed haridkftrcblaft. with i inc'h hern.vftluft Uk). For Friday out}, ftacb-............... .......... . .-

pretty handlox inq^udiug ‘.jlDCii poark -liver inouiitr'd. iiupux, l)re»- tJi'ii kiiolm and Congo handl^x. y f C hpoidal.............................................

day tKily. yard •

Black Taffeta Silks-^;S7,

Kfbhoii r rtold eii^gwher at lu . for ift-yd | o L

fur Friday oft] y, place- .

uood fftat black, a grade '^ A ^ Hold fur poc , M a Fri- Q j Q,lllWllTs . .

day hargi^lT)- yard, at

plain Satins loadlhgev iu tn g

J'. IMDresser Covers p**;?, a ! ; ’'pr«uy deaifns. r »1 A y i F r id ay fmTy*«nh

m ill veryMV TfW',, for

•In all tho hireo^t and

«.hi\d»*s. includlriir hlurk or ___a'ood heavy (jutnity. very high silk loHir**. rofti 5*10^. uut lA *-^m"ll-known 4pr. goods, for one (lay o n l i . yard, a t ............... ^ ^

liiiv'd douhh* Hole. vuIuh I'v . for Friday only, pair . .

Biilero I Bolftro .lack ftUd collars ' f

Point Veiiise and Rocurial Ih -r i i rreftin. w hite, block ftgd A ri hioji tshades. value up w Ihxa, f l t L fur Friday utily, eftcn,............ ^

Black Silk V e lv e t r ^ ^ " ; , J ' ',v : :perfect fx«l bloek* for lad ies'

or entlr«_iwiU* a realTV. valtio, for yard, a t ..........-

Friday only.

Rape Portieres ‘. r .and Tj fre t IniiR. Mftdo of heavy ool- um wuvein'ordrt. 'V> can match y u ir I arpctii oc w all iMiT>er. 2&dif- A T fr ein colors *o w lerl from. V i^ C \Scrlli#lrt« S|*ftcta] a t ..........x wrirafhPri' Nckf'-*-'luchM wide T'lecan l i n p e r ) n t l lirapery N ltah lefur di>SHe*s and waista. in hlork f ,iiilv. valuu 4V-. fur Friday Z n C uiily. y a rd .................................... * r t / v

Misses' Hose

, for Fndav i‘i»ly. pair

For 5carf Special ' L rt il t !■»' hiur ^■arf', fiiadr xf

Title \u'\ati fo i fnr, « ith large tail-, 111 aia>. biuic-k XimI I |k n t4r «wn, value IX!#. lor l-ri'Uy |only, ei»'*h


aaaj'nrd JutIldnUkCrVDICISpf u.,meu ftliuro linen hem ailtched handkpri‘h1'‘fx

-tfh fihn>b. rvady fux ums, | A Tiiue lt<c.. for Friday ouly, l l l ri :0-|i ..................................... * V V

H oskrj Special I2c


fin*lltm 'i ^ n rk e 'M eri'rt alt - ffltHS 4W.15 rariiinoreiHH-k#. | P m l.iKt hlac-k arid tfHliiral.vulue SM huf Kfidik/ pair- ix - r v

'<r» drt/rn only in I he lot. tliio

rtlib«*d liiH'#* HilK tleevrtd. w aiTrtiiia.l fft.8l 411.1 douhle %u!r 'Yand V''L'. 'V •'i/i'K, ^a|i;e ^ ^ C

if PHIca

ramt* from « th a t tbu

signed Fa( ft Lara were cf Crowe'e ( & Chicago ■* wen* rv*’

named thef nrt«re4j t f

ha I



I". i|«eclfy*

W liite ftoB avn u a O r will be a.' 1h\ Ir the Ch«r-

n 'v llle U ep tiit C hurrh lurM e n r t

■ b.i* hobt»* of the

andl» l B k D eri* , r ta n ih i.r nf Mr. ana MraTjaBiB B. Devi*, • (re in ­ed D u n » .| s W » * h ln « i .n. I ' . h »* Leer, ta Ih* eM ptar of H en r' II .n e j™ n . «n In- r a n t . tlM ra fa r a Innr l((ne Reeendy he

1 pu rch ieed ft torge ith. t ‘f 'n iu ao ia land a t Lft Olorift. iM Cuba, apli gave a portion of U t* (mo V'hlidrwn and ta Mifta

f p a r t tw La b t .

Ivlab K a lir h t May Raew tk * 9haiiirf^<*V Agftlw a n d B w lld

^ r w Bo«tar * 6V DUpntrk f* Uh« ItBW S,

I.IV E H P O O U Oor « l . - 8 i r T hom as U f ton arrived h^re to-day. H e M id h r h^d

t yet made any plana fo r building < ne w cbiMleitger for (he Ameiicet’a Cup

stiir Thom ea M id he fe lt eonvlDCvvi likOL S ham roek 11., w ith oodm a l te ra ihvi-* would be able lo wtn th* eup. But (>« added. If ah* failed to COIM op ** expecla- tiona ft new boat would be buUt.

C op esh a g ew O O lelal G aaelt* Saya H e Did %ol Conaw lt Ue*w>*rk g p e c la l-

iMa D a r ff iv R e ce n t \ la l t .fw rE N H A G E N . Oct. 51- T h r Ofllrlal

'i;iz*t(*' plihtirthea a denial uf th« a ta te- m>-ni rimt K ing E dw ard La aufferlnf from.itr

I, 4(<iarefi un true the re$>ort th a t apec- ;«n4it.« mere In ro n tu lta tlo n regarding him J jrtr.g his. r r r t n t v latl to U**ninark.

N KW VORK. C*<'< IL—The London uor- rt-Mpondenl of The Tribune rahle# the fol-


PAN-klEUCiN C M fieS S .tn cftoe o f (be dftugbtnr’a dootti __ „ , , ...............-

for* reacblBg bar juaJ^rUg^ tb t e* u t* la 1 b a r i a T 'l o r m * brotherdn*ta ba divided b*tve«* iM o*,,'to*r» O M i i r brcih-rr J y T ^ w i i ^ a J i ib a r h*lre to ta k a o n r - h a a a t th e . ^ ^ f o a a tkar* *nd wlh «(-"* iobtcco >i»d p ro p a r tj an d wvarmt _ ao ra r«Uttvas

HVeR-APOAR.f f a r W Cdf Uk ta 4k* i i m U t i H I J W f .

w a m n o u a t o e t m - T m b a « a • ( Hra. a u l k k M « r a t M nr O a r a u u n n i

*I tba_ half. Tka c o n n ta aaked to diract

O okra to d a iltar M. ik» n a c d tr tz tha h olla#* o f (be moo«Y I* big bobdg, itir - rrad ii tba pawra a t a tto ra w aad i » a * » i aD tha daada. laaaw. pa lleM « k a to^ aaraaoa. hooka, raeatpta, aonckan an d ia lt othar 4h>eaiaaBla aod papart M a H a f to Oto p u p a tltat to U i cara.

Irotto.B a to rd a r n iah i a rx-mo-rstlc ra lly wfll

b a U M hi B^ryhl* JT ka lo aak a ,a will («• J"bn J M atihawa

Co*»palt<*«*a A p g « ln l* R ood i W ovlc Be* SW »-^B^e1ia n a B S la i* R f o r t . S.

4 a b U r o i l* o B *B*"**a*toU v**M EX ICO CITY. Meric** Oct. a - T h e

Pfto-American CongrcM y e m r d a y mom-

ng com-emliLg th* beaUh uf King Kdftikrd.

Urirh a full oervo^ of Ita reaponalbllKy In ihv rrm tttr. Tbe M edical hreoe and O r- I Lilcr ['rlnta et-me nlarrnlr.g de ta lb on ih* tijhjei-i f>f th e K in g * heeKh !i (• am ted lhat papillom atuu* grow th* have on three (H'larione been retnotiTed froTh the K ing'*

rt vc*'ft] chord and th a t an Im m edlaie uc>eralion *f a n o th e r na tu re ha^ rinc* ».een rendered fM»oe**ary. "U nder tbe d r - ( um riancen." may* The Medical Preos. "It fvrO in righ t ami p roper (ha t ihe n a tu ra l anxiety ahcmld be a t once r»et w ith a d e a r a ftnounetm ent a* to th* tn itb o r oth- P-rvlae of th**c dlatr*aal& i reportt.'*

a»d v I S i l E S 'c ’o e ^ i le i^ r J ! . 1 ! . ! » ■“ “ * « «* « » a - m « a . InH ow ard V an «ek l* . L e^n o ii. I» » o - t n-nwictioD w ith th a oon c t t l a ea th a dal* famine n e i s suppkgssed.

S S S S T o fa T m ir a .ie P- H C a . t ^ ; membar aach for the C o M ttta a on Arbi of C h e w A 'h S at* metobar* of iha |,tratloa and Ooart of A r h itn tla s . It le ~ ltd aT DtraeWre ' “ " ...................... "

T p w a rr Cara c n w h lai *f - — D u p a M ta A t S T a s m x t w a

____________ It hold It* a^^ i uDderwload th a t th a U oltafl»■ •! o a iW tle n a t Oraoi*. i x ™ b * r H | appoin t w . J, '

I It* r a p re a m ta tlra on tln 14.

r i r w l o a t * * '

o i t a l ta e i r d

I ri**t*«t iM O f te ■

Maa la n«w J A^ l a i a a a w n a r

Arbitration VommltUw ovriog to tba (b e i that b« opcaka Spgolabe a*A M fom ltlar wttb South Araarkean quoptlotm tbroogb bM rrftlArACC * t Buenoa A m * * • Ukitod SUtoa MlBMUr,

Tb* Orwamlft** • * Iw iarhBtlaM BCvttF aaA OMTt o f CWmo M oqn*l Mi MaperV m am t* that oriMwatlaK ft m m A tbfti Jobs Potwott,

w m ba * u m b g f *« tb*

ilB aa l* * S e w * M b * r * P iw b lb l ie d ■ * - D t* tr* * * I s M u t a m P v* t *

t s e e * i * OIRwlwl r * e m .BT P F T E R S B t'R O e Oct. XL—T he dl*-

H '* « r ra h e d . Y eale i-d ay '■ V3 ta * e r , llrlM gB i£,UOO i i a l n e a a a n d vfi. Vcr>

n o n P i l iy n.BOO G w lnraa*Fper-adF CiliVlf /isajwKi* to fAe .Vfftrg.

X L U 'M A K K E T , Englund. ( 'c t 31. —In nrcoM lanfc with V\'U]lanj C 'Whltncv i d«>icrsnlnat)f>n. announot^l aome dayp aso , In rnilrH frum (he K ngllth tu rf .And rii-e excluslv#-!y la ih*- rnJt«*d F talM , aeverdl of h!» h o ri4*ik wern oold here to-day

T hey were- W atershed. 2 W guinea*; r>eU ry and T^ukward, 4WI guTn«*a* each; H nlfttdn. Mno gu ineas; Ml. V .'m on flily. 1.500 g u ln rae . Convam nre, klO fulno**. and th e H enry uf N avarre filly, DuO gulnoao.

I f\ Carload of...Great Bear Spring Water is sold in this vicinity

6 D tr y D a y .t r w canard la the eaatrni prot-tneea of jtural* hr the fatlura of the cropa la ao KYMY that the authoHtlaa have forMddeu tbe neaapapera to pubHah a*r aava o®- clal mfonnaUotl-

Great Bear Spring Water 15 Pure.

50C Ptr CastA llo e v d M aa«*ror MoM.

BARN*T«JU-B, l la a a . OM. B .—Waa Jar* TuiMrVe rharpad w tU ika au*t«ar

' S u ie j OIbha at ^ la w M t A a a ^ , n a M w n h o a th a a tor ta « M r '

■ i

1 .


AAR WmdkMd €MMii

N E W A B K E V E N IN G ^ W S . T H U R S D A Y . O C T O B E R 9X, 1 9 0 E



NewMrs. E iienia W e r Arrested in Tirk 01 Chirge of Passiof

Wortliless Checks.

R B A Ii B S T A T * E O Il 1 A1.B1—<J1TT._A .-T U rw rtory buJtnM propfrtr, with » ^



"ULASBERO * ZIEGEliK,b u c c e s b o r b t o

LOU18 A. FEL®Klt.R E A L E S T A T Q IN B C IIA A '-'E A N D

WK) im O A P S'-.

STOBEB, O F F IC E * . 1 .0PT S , KA('TO- B IB S . ST A B L E S , E T C ., TO

DOCK-Por rent, llw ftn« l» n e dmk *i th« foot of n m i Ol.. foriw rly occupl.J by the

Knlcltprbocker Cement 2ldJck from. P. UALLANTINK trfJ.Sb, 54Fulton at. __ _________________ _______.FlAH'>R—Tu rent. 4tJi floor, Ififl Marlte'-

BUliable for lodiw or offlceo. Inguira Market

FURNlfiiJfKIi lyr«® from room: aultor tVo Bcnt>min. runtllnf WHter.

*1*. Laiii- "O': near .S'ew.tor one

am heat,


H A K iiA lN S - Ftcsev’llla loU» anJItKHUi'. Ine., Ref*l M arkt^


She In -D e c la re * , H o w e v e r , T lin l ie n A e d to M o t r D r |iu » ll* <« < o v r r t h e C h e c k . B e lo re T h e y W e r e I ' r e - ■CBteil f o r P a y m e n t — T l t n a A l le s e d t h a t X r . M ah e r H a . C ora - ■ B ltted S im ila r C r im e . B e fo re .

E, E. H n N l)d C u .l;H B A L , ES T-T ill- IF IR E 1N 61 RAN IB U '.a d HT. (iLOANB u.N

FSTAH. 1S4:j. liHEN'TlNC A. '" liD\VARD H 1.1 „,,t,rilsalnReal estate, Inauratice, Itian;' '»'• * Ml ■ '

W2U Fruilential iin' _ __Tht llrua-J,K. J. HKYfcin Hi CO., real •-

corner Marknt at.. ui»en rvi“i>

lift Store on Kmiavilla ave.. near t>r-unk‘* kihhI liA-atlun for bualnefii , jn lfN n. T n r i'lN . +K1 O ra n g e ^

WiF-Ttt ssllh t*ov-'‘r anrt Hienm heat. 46 Law- rence'et, WASIJlNOmS' WILSON.


I I , niH fur eteady n^ntlemen; we»^ j-.;n ‘,t iii'hln^ton al., 'ITi^ R^elShj_

FTItNI.“ IIF.T' oTHih. Blnfle and connecting.4Sfi SVfbt Kl _ _ - —

FAIItM'Jl N'l' .\V E-.:ia-rusnlshed room*; Im-provemeti' ■■ ____ __ - _____

f a i r HT . b-J - I'jrnlBhed roomi for light houae-J^F ^ng ________________-__________

' Sfiiily fiirnlahed rooma; ateara, '•menta.

A1 poal*

GREIFN heat. aJ.

Li H-’TS5 with jiowoT lit let; Bteano heat; ele- ail'] all convenience*. Inquire C- RAD-

('Lll'T-'K \ SONS r o . 270 N. J. R. R. ave.

i ORKKS rouiti.

.'if 74 Nicely furnUhed front hall

HALSbV S’l 1 or V gfMI

Sli—Furnlahed rooma aultalile for • ii eri; private; central: reference.

S ch o o l* .FORTIETH TEAR-Do you want an

tion? Are yon quallfled for bnsineM? If yoti are thoroughly ready, we cun hnO a place fu* you; If you are jiOl ready, why n ' b^ome *o at oDce? Coleman National IiLi»hi«'i<» College Is the oldoai, the heat, ibe m -et ‘■Qulpvedacd the ino*t aucceaaful of Ra kinoIn the State, in addition !■ ’he i»'S« roomy aptrth ienti we have oi i uMed f”f twelve yaara in the Central H- hulidlnga, h82-b40 Broad tt. “'"Ji to occupy, we have aecureJ a h'ti<wnMww e w m .< i.v, e . .1.W uiHldlug. comeT

uhlfh miikM iheof Acedemy »nd lUHey sis , " " 't '',"T ,;uT „iid Aalvm.A Buftlneu I'


HTW.' a PPI.I’ Til -KNlilNEKR."

HALAKI roi/Jn .

IK you have properly you v«\i and cheap, I van hendk

SEITZ. ■ “cneap, i

7S12 Rrnai.1 ei.

{,, dptl qiilvk .11 lilUb iii.

.IflHN JACKS' >. ,Tteftl t i ia ie ami Inanninv*' i ri,.<

JSfl Market ri!Morey in loan on bond and iu r guic

of Ifjoo t'l tlb.Otk'.

.tj; pi KriT.tTi;,




JSEW YORK, Ocl. 31.-M rs . _E linen la AdelaWe Baker, nf Ridgewood, N. J w .s a rrea ted In this c ity yeste rday on o e lia rse o f passing a w orthless cheek fo r >100 In u d ep artm en t store. C ap tain T iius, of t (■ D etective B ureau, declaress-hs ha" paasi'd aeverai o thers, am ong them one which ih e gave her fa ther-in -law Im inedlaiely a f te r she w as m arried.

T he young woman went on Mnmlay to th e rea l esta te office of Hrntin & Hronn g t « Union Square and asked It she could re n t a furnished apartrnen i through th a t firm She was offered a furn ished a p a r t­m en t a t 981 M adison avenue. T he ren t would be ta » a m onth. T hat sum w as aareeab le to young Mrs. B aker, hut aho aH pplated th a t the wom an to whom th e heuM helonged should leave all her stl- ▼arwafe in the apartm en t, as she w ished to ' h a A the apartm en t looking nice and w ail filled when her hushand cam e nn to N aw Turk. The H isses Bronn agreed and l i r a . B aker decided to lake tho ap artm en t.A t a gua ran tee ahe gave the M isses B ronn a check fo r P5 on the F if th Avenue B ank, a n d w ant o»t- u .

She re tu n led m an h ou r and e rtd she would like to h ave th e M Bronn cash a sm all check for her. The women rea l e s ta te agen t* readily cashed the check. I t w as fo r »60, and, like the other, w as un th e F if th Avenue B ank. I t happened, how- over, th a t th is w as th e sam e bank In which th e M lssea B ronn deidSiU the ir money every day, eo la ta In th e afternoon they aen t the two ckecka ilg n ed by Mrs. B aker to the bank w ith th e ir o th e r recelpia.

W ord cam e back a lm o st Im m ediately t h a t no auch perion a t Mrs. B aker had a n r account there . T hs M isses B ronn a t onoe sen t word to A s s ls u n t p la tr le l-A t- to m e y L« BarWer. an d D vtoetlvs-Ser- goanta Cutf and Bynders, o f th e d ls tr lc l- a tto m o y 's office, w ere sen t ou t to find the w om an who had given th e checks. T hey

ti^^t lli<y woiiltl p robably flnO n«*r f l r t t a t the apaTlra«nl and they net aW»cctl lh « T . g, a aw,

Mrs. B ak»r re tu rnpd to th e fla t inlfl • fte rn o o n . She wan n r m t f d and tak en to t b t Crim inal C o u rli Building. T here Cuff 4 «cMed th a t ahe waa a wom an for w hom w a rra n ti were Iseued on Bept em ber 12 on lad lc tm enia c h a rg ln f forgery In the aec- ond degree and larceny in Ihe second for paafing a w orlhleaa check for lltW on the BIflgel-Cooper Company.

• lie paaM d th e n ight a t tho M ercer B iH et Police Station- A t flrat Ihe young

aald her a rre e t w as all n m istake a n d th a t she w as a vlcUm of rlrcu m - atanoas. L aU r, according to C ap tain T ltaa . she adm itted th a t her checks w ere bad , btit said she had Intended to m ake a dapoalt a t the bank to cover them be­fo re th e y w ere p resented for paym ent.

C ap tain T itu s said th a t ehe had given a b id check to the m istress of a bo a rd in g ­house a t f? W est T h lrty^elghth s tre e t , and h ad given two bad checks to a dow ntow n law yer. He added th a t she w as m arried on ly a sh o rt tim e ago to a yotm g Boa* ton tan , and th a t a few days a f te r th e m a rriag e she gave h e r fa th e r-in -law a b ad check for 1100.

^ p M g h i e e o t F r e d e r i c k E d w a r d s .POEW OOD. N. J., Oct. 31.—Mrs. en la Adelaide B tiker Is th e d a u ib ta r

. .lYederlck Edw ards, of Qlen Rook* a sa il place abou t two milea e a s t o f R idge-

iWpod. Eugenia w as well know n ab o u t llldg tw ood . and visited here at>out fou r tlam a a week. She w as a lm ost Invariab ly lit th e com pany o f a w ell-know n m ale re s ­id en t of Olen Rock.

M iss E dw ards w as m arrlcfl ab o u t five o r * li m onths ago. and w ent to live In N ew York. She visited her i>arcnts' hom e la a t week w ith her husband. H e re tu rn e d to New Torh on S a tu rd ay m orning. nn<l h is wife and her m uiher followed him In th e sRernoon.

I t w as not known in Ridgewood th a t tht< young woman had reaoried to lorginR checks un til a m onih itgo, when a youiiK m an en tered the village set’k lna her. l ie said th a t he cam e from M ary & ('n. e de­p a rtm en t store In New York, and th a t Mias Edw ards, or Mrs. Raker, had given th a t store a check for to w hich she had signed her fa th e r 's name. The young m an told his s tory to V. E IMills. oblnr of th e Rldgewr>od police, nnd wa.* a m i I'y him to Mr. Kdwnrdn'B home. H r K dw ania to ld the >’oung m an th a t lu- had paid enough money for ids daughif'r. »nd he refused to puy this rheck. wlui h bud not been honored by the hunk uiK'n w hich It w as drawn.

J V L irs 1-: REITZ. 7tf2 Heii-' bijughi. *"IU and reniad. Nrv.t

U»i’[S S‘‘H].ESlNOER, RtlAt Tu_240_h*RJAD 8T.

M^VHi'N W. M0H8E. ISD Tlitnl ftv* . liPlTHiaer, (juiiriih) iiurvifyOT and real


I.i 'KT .'nix'*!.UKht. li'V. f"

ReM ft\e.

A and s'levalor; llr-iitttl Anency.

[ilenty of 76 Hpring'

HTm f9ij riKiniN [II iei: auUabiS for I'nii.bFF, run reaaunable. 102HE aii'l

1.1-erv andtitYatr.r'l p i__ ___________ ____ ____s riF lE and two ryconM u! Warren al.; rent

til Ifiyulre 4 Sayliro'ik p l _____HT*’bE r'l'itni*; NullH^le lor frucSery. IIM

\Ve*i KOin*-v tA . :-l ll -jr ____________m»'niRHTMlU-: 10 In , Irnprii ITI'. O n ira i


N-LWHi'k'* m.«( pronilnmt r»"l ".viU-.Jetuury UuiUlUiK. 14- Mrtritet,peralor?, Century 'r*lione isi.

; rguii« for\V I- hEATTY. 755 Broad *1. Bi'i aale nr exchange: loana. Are inaurance.___

^tVALTKU tv. UALTHR. ''K'ReaJ tIatuiB. Money to la^an un Jlurtgaae.

SHfiF for inariufflidorlnp I'urpuaFa; rent tIO................... -ijemy ft.FJlEn RiiMlSE 4

TWO[’Union Bt .

ftei-nnd story flty._______ _

front. Inqaire 1ft

. DWSlItBgS*AT 12 12IM> down. 115 monthly: nc* l'‘»u*e,

II rxiniB- hi'ui: nil impt*.; U aoUI. fitli ave.. open every day. J. H. D I.N V _____\~ |i u r ia ln : three-atory bulldln*, W nioiu

huuM; In gond order; food location; cheai'.rUA N K A, W H5.S ZL-;U n Pe»hln» bvh ______


f a c t o u i e i i f o b s a l b o h t o l b t

KAV'TgRV 2 alor yard, railroad «l

tory Blltw Inquire



;;i Second-fttory front alcove ( room for genllemen^ Impta.

ll'.'l I'urnishfil frunt room fur)l »r, wpek, ^ _ ____

HIU—Gas. haih and

and largaat builnea* acliu-4 U m-faculty of ths college haa bl*. riScreaaed- Evenlai eGinhjl i |ien ng, hept.

1 later early, H. COLEMAN I'reNldenl ‘ or call for catalogue T>=-l •4 24



HIGH h-.ifM

U til

4:}o-l*[irgB furnlahed ruom for

.illfUlIllNL _LO^MAhl-Y .

Pinm. •.ni. •■■•'rLAWHIA 'E

and liirK-' Ifni'i

ill- lairg* frunt ronm; nicely n.imverni^nts; one ball room.


WOOD'i? ('Ml LK'JE.

8Tfl Broad N‘ V> ’rk. N J-f ir s t in t h e I NiTKI) pTATES

Isiirae. ele janl fruHt, ulao improVHinerua, ___ _

i:i hamliheil rooni*; Hmall .■etiienta; reuaonable.

in - I Mb'KIlV ."T n;:, unU in l.llwriyMLI.Mt.Jd |,„j.ek"rtilnK; h»li roomi. |1.<T Furnished rooms for

mi-l null roitm*. ___ _


houBekfi-i iinME'TlAN'b'

heal. «•** i'T-m l-niTnlnhed room*: aieam

Hiih entral, mficTerate.

well lighted, s u h atorags ing; atorage yard* and 1 I. B- JAClCaQH.TIO BfOSd St

l o d g e r o o m s t o ^

LODUKKUUU to Ut lh« .'‘’i ' i r ' r fW .d n .^ .y . , ‘ Sl

HUllable for meeting

2d end 41b Broad Pi.

KHHP'X AV?7 —I'by houae, S rooms; slat* LSHEX A y 25aH)0: will sellII. r , »BAf7H. 122 Market at.big ImrfCaln;

on eaay term*.l-'ijiR HALE>-nne brick and atona private real-

d.iicM, on South "<■. near Broad; 9 ,ach ; aiio bnlhrooim. pan trl,, and laundriw, n .a m h,Bl. nlckPl-pUIvtl op*n plumblli*. cili- iRoi mantt'lp; up-to-date; tariwa cosy. itiLt man p , oamthiKLU 171 Dmad st.FOR BALl-I-AI am E lliah ,^ ava., a no*

en*room houae. with all Improvements;

I ARfiK !-oom with planu,limulre Cafe, corner

an-l Il.iilrubd a*e.Kinney at.

fr.ijt room for cne or twoNEAT, • -g, boxgcnilenien,

5ft. NewH iifT.''’ VNORFol.K

• two rmjiii rnenta.NICELY f n

men. A'l-lr-Ni M

l:»i7 Ijjrge ftunl parlor, also p([hi, hmiaeke<>plng: Improve-

Kitii* to rent: single gentle* Bo* Wi. New* office

A faculty of nfttljndi r-pJiallon. ratea of Itlon ami couraea t-1 i-i j mat ure just right have placed Wo tJ < i first in Americe

21M ftppIleatKina f' i help received In one month. Day and --[iln}.- scsalona- Huslneas, shorthand, typewilihijj and ucaJeiulc sludles,

H 1. WOOD. FreaiJent,YouHOW about vour etiiifsilun llila yesr •

have ''bralhi," Arr y>tu using them to aJ vanUge? Haa it u. urn red to you to your brain fo the aciiairFii.tnt of a p rac il^ l edu cation? l i ie great**a'- power on liMrCh la knowledgs-pracU- iti knowledge.

Toij don’t le t niu h .if rtnyrhlng now with your education limited iMbden your Win ae« your way .i-ir'i clearly. THE NE’t\ ■ ARK BUSINESS '' l.LEGE. corner Broad and Market its.. Newark will *how you how ^oai* but little. Fall -ns begin September 3.

'■\v’’T WWNKR. Prin.





ON Bo n d a n d m o r t g a g e a t 4 PER CE.NT.


I - S. c r e d i t S Y S TtIM B U I L D I ^ , M A R K E T A N D W A S H IN G T O N BTK.

LOANS nenotlated on re»I fiU tt, Holes, IJonAi Hulldln* Kixn slock and all klnda uf ner*onal

property; alRjri lime loans on second mortgage. U. J. BROWM CGmmlB*l<iner of Deeds. Notary Public. Room 10. Itfl Market at.______________MONEY to loan on bond and mortgage In aum*

to suit; no bonus ur oomnilsflionfi. r Iiit,- MEN'S INS. CO., cor. Broad and Marks! at*.1.700,000 TO LOAN on t">nd and mort*«is In

aumx to in it.a i S per rant .wllhmn bonus. LU- WARD 9. BLACK, oounafllor, SH l»rudentlal.

a t IU2 MARKET BTBKET,l o a n s m o n ey on h o u s e h o l d g o o d s


NESS IN THE CITY OP NEWARK?b e c a u s e o u r s y s t e m o p l o a n in g


BEYOND A DOUBTNO Ra t e o p in t e r e s t a d v e r t is e d t o

, m is l e a d y o u .we will loan you any amount of money on

your FURNITURE, FUNUS. ORGANS, or any kind of peraonal property, without removal or publlcfty. Qur loans are so arranged that you can have the loan taken out for one year, with the privilege of paying It oft at the end of any month you chooae, and we will charge you only for the time you keep the money, or we will make you a loan for any length of time you may dealre, so you can make the size of th* payments to suit you; makej no difference how small you want them, we gtv* you the full amount of money you aak for and charge you nothing un- leaa lean la naade. We will positively guarantee to give you the cheapest rate* In the city. If

In doubt who la the cheapest, get rati“you are I

MONEY to loan on bond and per cent., In luma to aull. JOHN tH A N uis

CAHILL, Lawyer. Wft broad * 1 . __________MONEY TO LOAN In sums to suit.

CiKEltY. H37 Broad at.

LOAMi W A ffT BD .W’ANTKD; secured by one or three

mortgages on three properilea In city, •forth 124,000. AJdrea* Security. Sox 20. New* office.

r sL.______get ours. If

you are In duuht who la the cheapeat, get rate* at other ufflee* and then call and gel oure. If you have a loan with any other company acid think you are paying too high a rate of Inlereii1 will lake It un for you and advance yoq more money. Don't ilalen to all you hear In news*


NELbON HLt, Nli'ely furnlaheU room;vale American family


NKL£0N PL.ImpfoverneMiN

H -Sl'-ply furnished room, with

IIOOMS AND P L A T § TO LfllT.six rr>om* and

only (BOO cash rvquirfd; It you w u t * l«r»*ln. look a t tbU- _FOR SALE. Rt 14 Fifth at.. Roaevllie; a new

(.wn-fnmily house, with all Improvements: only small cash luiyment needed; lbt* la a bar-gajn^____________________ -

INE property for sale. Cor. kth at, and South Orange nve. _,ilKCK MUTUAL m iLDiNG COMPANY

■Ul inske sperlal pUna. buy a lot and build a houae fur you. on easy payrnenti. If you want

home, conHull u*.Pbone 7WS4.

\T .'lU Mi'hui" at., second floor; iislhriKim, iniprjvements. Inquire 7J NlckoJt

Bt _____________ ______ . _____Al‘ \Krm *NTS 5 ro>mis and bath; all Improve-

nirtite. i*i>URTNEY. 3v^IaJ^3^*b_ _ __IDO feel from corner of-Wevt-n-

rn.,ni, mo.lern. steam-healed fCHsluu Immediate, J. WARD PMITH 4 • ,I'ruiiHntlril Hulldlng._^____________________ _

Oh—Four rooma to let-______llAllHAll.A HT.,I'HEllUY HT,. 2ft—3 room* to let-KldHTH AVE.

fs 'lrg Brunt'llNice dean floor to Je t.

lirook Park; water In kitchen;

1NHnear Roae-

25al00; 122 Market it.

[.ifii’M*'—-icriF gale 275 Slith ave,*%tlle avV. house suitable tor two famines. J8 rooms; improvements. Inquire on prwmtaes.M T ~ A V E . —Houae, eight

xuam hHU, all "I'll™ '™ ;?'*:,•nfal cohdIHnn. H- • RLA< H, ___

NEW h'lUae, II ro49mi; all Improvement*;liicamy: l2.Wik»: small payment down. HSal

Estate and r^ wI_Agcnry.JTd Bprtngfleld ave.ftT^EVlU*F/-North Stub ft , h?iu*e,

and hath; hU Imiiruvements only ».r»00. H

0 ruoms. Ahm 181 Rroad *i.

si« rooms lot 7»kUMI;

' r. n'EAi’IL LH Market at.

M1,K'I.\ST fli>or of *1* fine light rouma. rentonly H5- tmiulre IlHl High a t . ^ ____

KLM KT.. Ift-Tu let, 4 of Ti room*, second Ui7\T lu^to-datp. l«i Rritad at.. 2d A'*'''-

.......... fine reaiileut part; beat of order;adul^la1271. fl«i. 123 Orange *t., 2d floor Dfiler; ailulia; |2u. U>HB<>RN, __Fl.AT^t- HeauUful flats In *

hcuHF. 7 rooma and bath; all Impmvementa rent luw. 4dP rtnuih Belmont av*.; Inquire 4TJSouth rieltnonl_Bve.________ _________ _ ,El*AT To let, 47 Nelson pi . aerond flU: eevi^n

room* and lAth; allNovember 1. inquire JOHN RLLKEL.SHAI S. 22K Market at, _________ _____

NICE light lull12UI It.

1 iji.iii t.i rent-

ORANGR STheat; prlva^'

Inquire 629 South

withI#jrge front room ill; imt>rovenient*.

IWji New at.—Two connect-nimsi ruinlahed for light house*-

j.iiiieru F-eA'und flCKir; private f«m-PLaANE ST

Ing front keeping or ifly.______ __ ____ ___l'LEA.SANT fuiiilxh-' '■'.■nl ?'>? 1>7'‘

fMlllemm, In l-rUJlf 7J Fourlhave., near Itenruib- ___

THE NKW.aHK s e m in a r y .MISS WHITM HES Luariling and DAY

SCHOOL for \'2 C'lnii.r ava NewarkN. J. Hpacloue n - ir - Large ami well-equipped gymnailum. lltuiiiv iHburaiory. Primary de- parfraent for glrln „i’ I !*iiy.; art cla.a.s; vw a culture and ,,l»n,,. [ n the lenauaie ot the tchool, ITeporiil-u r .r all rnilraea: the onlv private school lu Npa’Hrk whose cerllflcaSa ad mils to WpJleal^y. Nti llidi'oke Cornell Unlveralty rSrrulai*.

MY wife, Harriett A. Bellew. having left my bed and board. 1 will not be resininelble fur

any debts contracted by her after thl* date, ^ JOHN BELLfSW.

. liM Monrue at.

isy'NTLl-lM AN stranger, would Uke to meet ibdv. between 24 and a3 year* of age; object

mull linutiy. Addre** O. . D.. Box 2b, New*t.mi-e. _______ ______

it propE lel/ZlE WEFtEll does not call for hei .V V. ithln lin days, same will be sold to pay

•utensre- MllSi. PliTTEitStW.________________Y'uUNUr MAN. some means, aeeks acquaintance

yieiiiiK lady ot widow; object matrimony iwM K , b->* 2. NewH office. ________


Vaaear and FIilEN'M- Urlday evening, early: alone. Friend.

PROflF’KUT HT lUi furnluhed rooma for one or two g*ntlem*;ri. private family. ____

JARK 8T.. Tf'L Eiirnishert roiim; heat: ga»;^ t h ; gentlemHC. jrfl'Hip,___ ________ ____

RnOMfl—One or la-. ill-e large fnml rooms to let; furnlahed. ..n I'llftun ave.. over drug

store; aisam lirai Lath, switablv .JIng parlor* or any buuinetss. Apply P. O, Bur MO. Lakewood. N J _ _____UOOU, heat, gus an‘l u>“' <>f prL'^lefamily; referentnR furnished and required. Adiireaii Moderate, irt Uourlh ave.


ILud Master*,Thorouili rtPi-arall.t! (or »ny colltg* or

■citntiftc ichool. or r.r hu.lows Mfr. PrimaryDopxrtmcnt. txlaloBu. iin xppllcxtlon^_______MTS8 T0WN8ENI' o M,,anllns aiit D y Bohool

B u l m c u p a m u l s .S lA L l ' T R E A T M E N T ,

ELtVTRlCAL MECHANICAl. nur Mirtlio.! ''■ill positively etup hair from

fulllne cure unv case of scalp disease and pru- du r a nVw ai“d 'lu iurlani growth sf hair. iHx- amlnatlV.n d fcalp free. Wiga. Toupees and all Klnda of Hair Good* on hand and made to order.

papers, but call and get rates—that 1* the only way to convince yourself who 1* the cheapeai. , Information will always tie cheerfully given. I t ; win coat you nothing to get our rate*, or ff not convenient to call, we will «end our agent to the hiiitae tn explain terms. We have private ofnesg and all buslnesa with u* Is eirlctly confldeiulal.

HOUHEHOLn U>AN CO..1U2 Ma r k e t s t ., 3d floor.




TIMMERMAN’S677 ItKrtAD ST. tOver Wal*h'a’»_

fur G’lrla. 54 Uurk i l .»wark. N .1. Thorough pre|)ara.Uun ftir any ullage upm to tvomen, acadenUL prlmnn an J klnd*»rgarisn depart­ments, ^ t depart men I I'erilflcale admits to Wellesley, Smith. UaUlm-rre and other colleges. Clrculara on applUatton.


B loom Ac 14*FI NEAT pint for rose misiward;

frome'lCi'eptlnnally l«w; 1300

ijiT voRE. 7.W Hniad *1., Newark.

in the Hi n i*; i«i200 feet: *l<vplngside of Hlooinneld; three mlnuieaeast , -trolley nr steam car*


E » 8X t a r k .xT-PTIOM SALK—HlIjDRltRAXDT, xurtlunwr,

RnurnTt-rtlh .t„ will «I1 »*|urt!.L Novewlicr S, f P. M.. »fv.u bulWIti* lotr ■Willoughby at. anil Hobson at,, bsa^i I ark.

RGME very desirable reairlBnllal properties for at luw prlceri rtiey lenna. Ai»ply luale

KDWARD H. LUM and Chatham, N. J-

jft ITuilentlal Bulldihg.

FLAT in let; second floor: No. lUft Bberinan ave.; el* roomi, all Improvement*; rent. IIa

Inquire HENRY HCHEIDKR. No- W W’arren a(_FLAT-Tu lot. flve-n>om flat. For further ip-

fiirmatlnn Inquire ft2 South I4th it-. Boa#- vllle; t'eniral ave. cars pats the door.FLATS- Two flats, with all improvenmnia, |o

let. South l.lih at., near B$»rlngfleld ave. in­quire 5H4 Springfield ave. _______

city.RORETVILLE-b'viriilahnl room; Improvementa;

private fajnlly. .North BthSOUTH 12TH ST 7 Nicely fumlelied n.juma;

•ultabl# for coupif • r single gentlemen. __TWO new eieganily fiiriilahed connecting ruomi,

with all lmproveni''fits. Poatoffioe block. Au- dreaa Prompt, Bo* kl, N'**wa o f f i c e . ____ __WASHINGTOxV st . likL-Two very pletnont

frdht room*: aec.tfui ail ImpruvpmenU.

\VANTE1>-By thre^ sdulta, three rooms, fur-dni

references. Addreas D.. Bog

MISS CRAVEN'S .'i H'>i>L FUR LlRI.^,998 Broad *t , NewuiK, N J.. reopens Wednes­

day, September 2.*.. iTImary. academicand College prepardi ir> ilrparimenLs. UlaMe* for boy* under iw»*|\*' yearg gf age. Circular*on a p p l i c a t i o n . __________

' ' tu-

RHKUMATISM Conquered by J. BIrken's Ano­dyne the moHt wonderful of all blood purlflera,

it baa'never talDd lo cure the moat ubatlnatB case H you want to be safe from that moat dreaded dlfietu v. HmalliHj*. use Blrken a An< dvne- It wlU purify Vour bluod, ao that yoU will be sa'fe from all^auch dlaea*M-

865 Broad at.

will placp the money in your band* a couple sf lioura after leaving your application- can ibe paid buck In weekly or monthly InatalmentA eacii paymeju reduces the loan.

FHIVAUY AND PROMPTNESS - FAIR [ THFIATMENT AND IlONIiiJT DKAUNQ—19 OUR MOTTO.A great many people do not borrow money : when they are In urgent nwd of It. becauaa they \ are not acquainted with our way of doing hus- Jnea*.

I'all and let ua explain our methods and ra ‘n , and we will show you A way you eaft help yotii'self when you mo«t need help.

Our officea In the TELEPHONE BUILDING are eirlctly PRIVATE, and no one knows your business when you call on ua for a loan.

If yuu cannot <**11. WRITE or TELEPHONE u*. and our agent Will call at your house and explain our methods thoroughly.

IF YOU HAVE A TXIAN WITH BOMB OTHBB COMPANY TVE WILL TAKH IT U r a n d a d v a n u e you m o r e m o n e y .

o i 'R RATEP a r e t h p : i >»w e s t in TOw i^AND WFIKN YOU BORROW FROM US YOff &4AKR NO MISTAKE.

HIGHEST grade i-t.liege and preparatory torlng. T9 Boutli Arlington ave.. E. Orange.

M16S BROWN'S S(hi mediate, 116 Third

<1, primary and Inter-


PAPkBHANilEItS. RK-'-^ONABI-K PRICEB rONBlBTENT WITH (ItX>D WOgK'ID E A S T O D lc n n ltA T E A N D B E A U H I! Y Y O U ll H O M E ; IH Et Y E A R S E X P E R I ­E N C E A R E A T V l i n i D IS P O S A L: L A L L OR W H IT E FO R E S T IM A T E S O N H O U H E P A IN T IN G O K IU O 'o R A T IN O .


(TeLphone moll. 100 MARKET ST.

MONET TO LOAN m o n e y t o l o a n

plxh«d for ilxht hoo.-It.’-ptP*. muxt »>r next■it)Wciudalde Cftf iine63. News ofllcf,

FLAT - l‘*lve r(xiTna.»ta,, filler ftoutli Orange ave.

no* Hb, New* office.

tietween Bergen and 1 AadresB X.

FliAT 371 Summer ave.; * ro-jms on first floor.d on tlilnl: ^ per mmith. 183 Belleville ave.

P. B. TL'MPKJNR. ________ ___



ART—The daily piun durie rlaau for uhildren begins November This 1* ilie hleal way for beginners, with no practice at home. I'arenis are Invited to ayateiu. Normalola**ea for planuforfe teachers tRusaell's new modern method) win be formed first week In November. Mi Tre\l>n'si Baturday claaaee hi Violin now open. ITIvate Instruction In voire culture, pianoforte, nrghrr and theory. College of Muilc 17 Uenlrp ei. {Uamegle Hall. New York). L, A. RUHSKi.L, I)lrectoi\^___________iiNOING” AND VtjlCK “ PRODUCTION-All

Voices, mal* or femaie. prepared for either church, concert, oratorio or opera; good voice* improved; epeclal training for boy* voices; weak vuloea strengthened, pupils received at private aludlo, IWU Bloomfield ave.

SL'FEUFLL'OL S HAIR,Wart*. Mules and Birthmarks removed forever by electricity; l« years' experience.

MMK, il. \Vl-»TERVELT.213 Washington st-


FLAT_5 r'Kim* ami bath: uh modern Improve*menta. FRANK D. 1*ELU>. 327 Rroad »l.

FI*A.T—Four nice rooms in brick house, to acnall family; rent |10. Inquire 25 Lemon at

FI«V1 -h>)ur-room flat to let; Improvementa. i’<ir*er North 7lh *i and Berkeley ave,______

FLa 'P of six room* anil bath; all Improvementa. 2tsl ituaaex nve., cur llecker s t . _________

E sftt OrSDffe.CART ORANGE-House. H room*, all lmpruve-

Mrfect oreJar: lot Ut«x20«: decided bar­gain to quick buyer. Addreaa Owner, 15 Arling­ton ave.

I r s t n v t o s .IBVlNGTON-For aale houia

•K.OW. WBUER'i^ Bakery.and two lot*.

R aburbA ti.OUR city olllc »t No. 'f* . 1. J i l l bo

open from 0 A. mber 15.

i:o., Newark.

U to 4 P. M. on anrt after NoT,n>b*r in. 1001. 'OIK r . ARNOLD HKA1. H

BouthGrange and Vallaburgh.


T Flve room*; all improvement*; ateam \ i 1129 Bouth Orange ave- __________

TWO furnished room* wanind for light bouae- keeplng, In BelJevUle. for marrlwl couple;

price reas'nable, and *teady lenanta. Addrw* Ij EMBT, 32 New at., Newark.

BOAnOflfG*14RUAD ST., 4ti2. corner Grant—PlPBBanl doubj#

and connecting rpoms. with tmard; all im- nrovemehts; convenient for buslneaa men; two minute* from U. A E. Dej>ot.___ _____13LERCKER BT., MU-l'runl room for two gen­

tlemen. «nd alngle ri>ora for one. with board; ImprovemenU: terms Ih._____________ _______

6 CHRiaTlNE MftCCALL.THOMAS BOTT chulrtnsHlcr of the Church of

the Redeemer, give* private l**^'i* production and arnging; studio, 673 Broad at., rooma Nos. U and 12, huura. 10 to I krid 2 to ft; evening* by appointment- Roslaence, 21 Court at. Telephone b8I2, __________ _

your bonie by h av iu your up* hoiaterlng done at Meeker'e, 2flO Mulberry

It.; low pricea; maursase* remade and return* ed *ame day when desired. satisfaction guar­anteed; telephone 3W)8, or puaial will do; UblUhta i m MEEKER’S. 2IB Mulberry «t.ALICI'>-M«t m» at KENT’S I,lytit Slura. 22

Academy at., to-day, who »«n» H'C "e* H*l't. best to date, fur tl fumplete; the brllllanl and durable Black Diamond mantle* for Wels- bach*. imly 15c.; also mantel* for Kern llghta, 12Hc. up. Don't disappoint GLfiRGL. ___

All payment* are of equal amount.A receipt given for every dollar iiald.WE GIVE F l’LL AMOUNT APPLIED FOR.Everything Just aa represented.You know exactly what coal Is to be betorg

paper* are signed. Lfians from |lh up. Money can be had la two hgura after making appUoftr tion.

DON’T WANT FOR A FEW DOLLAR3you can ' inunthly

MIBS KATHRYN GLINNON. pianist and teacher of arllailc pianoforte playing, ivel-

dence-atudlo. 7 Ueniral ave. (Ga* Office pidg-)

BLOOMFIELD AVE-. 98-^Furnished rooma. with firet-cliaa board; suit man and wit*.

F’l a ’I - T o let. 5 rooms and hath. Corner Falr- moi|nl and Hprlngfleld avea. __ _

FLAf of five GRl'MMON,

n^uma on Milford 810 Broad st.

FLrti' to let, 5 rooma, 112; new building.V '^efly ave.______ _________________

FRHRY HT.—Two rooms;ROMJNE. 4 Academy at.

f o r s a l * o r t o l b t .

ttAlAa w T-nt. 1122 Rro.J •*- hot>w. ft.uf new U-rooni huuaea. lO N G li,

12 rsMma 757 Broad

l A t E OB EX C H A lfO B ,r o m

EUR SALE ur r«<t''*"**- or unimproved property. 10-sporn house, with impfovcment*. l-calpd at Ifloomfleld- P. J-QUINN. 24 Hrtiad st , nioomflel^


f o b s \ l e o k b y c h a n o b —o d t o f TOW."I

HHAhUBV n m t ’11- Ltout.l- e r n r r Malt, HnJ Nawark a '’f; v . " ' l u A ■11 i>r SKAUON. RatlreaJ anti i l

av*., Asburv i*ark| N, < 7 ._______

HAI Ll-X’K HT . 'JS—Seven room*, all improve­ments. rent lift- FHKD ROMINF. 4 Academy

it. _______________LnTLKTOS AVE.. 300—To let, ft room* and

bath; In n«w houae,_________________ ___Mi>*I)ffiH.N~flaU at 144 Lliileion ave. and 159

FaIrtSouat ave. J. J. SUHMIDT. 38 Canalat. ________ _____ . ___

;I53-F uur large ruoma and

FA nH ft W A N TED .f a r m Sli I 'til houfl*. with rmm '»ne lu ten

acre* uf "nvl. iu*ar stailun, nit>derale r*Di- Addresi J S' H 'x :i,‘i. News ..mce

MtmRIS AVE., bath, first firwir. ______ ________

^ : i i o N P L . 01-Klai to l<*t, 7 moiw aii'l bath- all Improvements, iteam heat; |>er

m.mth. Ciill -NAT HKINt-JM.\N Mi Market -l_NElJiON P L . M ^Nlra flat; 5 room* and hath;

rent | 22, BL^SHERti A /JKGLKR KSI Broad.57k\ \^ Y O R K AVK 120 Fiiur larg-. llghi

n>i-ms; Hiatli>nary iul>a _ __UHANGE s t .. I'lais t" l«l- ’V'lb Impt*.1’I.a NK ST,. 71*. near .Ixiiieit- l-'lr*i fi N'r 5

rnoiTiH. bath. h«itrr, J2i> .Apply 111 J a r^ s it__UOtK HURST ? r Ut T'lve rooms lo let, all

impTovemantsTMAN ST . 1 iind ildlng. lno«l'iEWOOl> 'VI , lo7 Sis ond rt'

T'-’tms, bs(h , 1.Brii-’i* it.

BANK BT.. 54-Nlce room, with bnard; very reaatmable tu two;jkl*o aIngU room. _______

HRi-IlNTNALL P L . lOtft-Board for one or twogenUeoieri.________________ |____________ _

CONQREPS BT., 144—A young man to board wUh private family_______ ___________ _

COURT BT., lUO—Nicely furnished rooms; good board.

EAST PARK rt*ofti

oonvenlenc*3T . G2'

rt*oroa; on* alcove^nitle room; e*c*l!*iit table; UafactLnn

Savanil large *l!*i

guaranteed.withEAST KINNEY ST.. Ift-Pleaaanl rooma

board; location central, ^K!-M bt., 113—Furnished room*, with or with­

out lH*ard. ___

MIBB LOUISE L. HCXJD. teacher of violin and piano; «onata and duo practice IPlano aiva

violin) for advanced piano players. Studio, 21 Pulton It.: applications received Monday and Thursday afternfwna. _________________

FURS—39 yeara’ experience aa a practical fur­rier fur garraenlB mad* loorder; remudelUng.

r^yeing ' and repairing dene at reasonable prices; formerly with VV. 11. & R. Hupnett. _ M. J. CARRULL. 214 W ^lnglo£_"l_Gpen evn g*.lak o es^ s e l e c t io n o f u p h o l s t e r y


No. !1 Franklin street, near Broad afreet Don’t fail 10 Inspect them. Prices thajoweat.

^ CARPET CLEANING.CarpelB and ruga carefully and thoioughly

cleaned. ^ ^ ^ METER,N. Y. » N. J. ’I'huna 88S1, 3S2 ’Wa.hlnfton

when you can borrow from ua and return In amel) munthly Instalment*. Our rates are lower than any other company In Ne^wark, and we oak that you call and see u*. No trtiunis whatever lo explain our irrma, and no expena# tu you. Information cheerfully given on adw pulnl you do not understand.

DON'T BORROW FROM FRIEJNDS,but to a gtk^d, rel1ii>le co n ca r^^duo obllgatloria to ntiy one. Any per»un who hM ever dealt with u*-to them we refer you.


Ol'VLlPT.fill oculWt presvrtpllon* In gold,

BARITONE uf vunJlderable ability desire* a few r<>^ pupil* In the study of singing sn'l

tone pruducllon. Addre« Baritone, Box 24, Newa office. _______

mi'fd, i'iuniVwum Kn>i # t«I trtm tr. *1 upvl.rU, SltHELLEH. Optician, '2S6 Market

| 0ld-tarU.Bear

Uenn. Depot.

MR. AND MR3. a . H. BOLIJNQFR banjo, mandulln, guitar and piano teacher*. 7ft N-13th

at , -Newark; also 508 Bloomfield ave., Montutair.CLAtlDE H WARFORD.

from RoyAl (’onaarvat«n*y, Stuttgart. Germany. Vocal. Plano, Harmony. 44'J High si.

LADIKB wishing nuralog in cannnemenl. pri vale house, doctor In attendance; beet care

given. 24 Second at., near Central ave-_______

FULTON ST,, 3ft—Bearding and table feoard.large and amallHlIA* HT.. 21—Boarding

ruoma; table board.HALSEY ftT., 36—Furnished rooms to let with


vjri Eight High *1.




•even | 7iipro\^ment*. Inquire M-t

MT PLEASANT AVE., 2«2- Three large front Ti Hims. one double from room, all improve*

menta; ga*. bath and h * a i . ___N in^ER R Y BT., ZVl. near Franklin Mrge

miun*: private famll> . alsu table ii.-i«r>i.__MULHERHY^BT-. 2dl- lArge fmni whh

tiuarJ. reasonablr. _ ____vp*Tflr>V PT- 14—HfXUii’', with buar>i. for on*■ ur iwn. steam he a t; go.4 iBt'le_____________

sT . 4(prpleaaiht from r.N mH. with - - \ iMiard also ta b le b ^ ro _ __

lih l i.^rd

w a n t e d . In exchange for vocal Inatruclinn. h lady aceompaniil; alao French or German

leason* Addreaa FlL. Hot 00, Newa office._____ulture can accept

full nil- foT It.BC: alKJ upholiUrln* n-itly doni. OR^aTOlV. m ^roomf ut. __ _[’A TlSl'n-LA RS; Ire-. «cr.l#d. ' ''■“2' ^ “ ',

Insert*, pruning of all kinds. HAHaNwSJt, IM Belleville ave.

IMPORTANT FACTS TO READ AND r e m e m b e r w h e n NEEDINQ MONEY* THAT You ran borrow any amount from bt.

from UtJ to likAi. the iama day that you apply*.^**THAT. Wa make these lu*na on hoiwhOld furniture, pianos, hor*ea and wagan*. and o lh^ persimal properly, and that the mortgaged proji- Mty !• always left In your poeaeaslon.

’THAT You can pay the luan back to auit vour own convenience, from one month u>* montln. IIKI In urnall paym .nt. « lay** iiavmeni*. 'Vou only pay fur Ihe loan the actual lime that you have it, oa a dloi'ount la allowad in th i unexplred time If paid before due.

THAT Every payment made goe« towwd pay­in g "S your loan, ao when the time explraa you are nui of debt.t^ aT If you have a loan now, we will takeI. fw you and let you have more money. If

a iS give you a len»et Ume tu pay u*back


AddnUmi»e<J number of pupil* at a fifty cent rate,

la Voice. Box 12, New* office.MISS BMUA L ALLEN.

Inatructlon cm the piano and voice cultur*.Studio, 7 Weal Park al.. Tueoday*-_toC.—Experlenrfd lady teacher desire* few Itior*

pupils; beginner* a specialty. Plano. tJux OJ.Sew’a office. ____ __________WM BOWRN. l>*nJo IntlTUClloni; F'arliind'*

melhdKl; day or evening. OftU Bn>ad, 'Jd t!i»r^Mlftri MAl-rPEJlHiNE-Vuiiin. plann, Giorn-igii-

ly taught, reasonable tertni- 156 OrcUaril *t5fANDOLIN. banjo, guitar, xlther and violin

taught. A. J WEIDT. 44*5 WHsh ngtun stMU*51U STUl'ltJ—t'arlo Hrizil. Sr., Luigi Firlsu

and ''arlo brlxii. JT.,_.'Ut> High *tPIANO l e s s o n s given «i 73 Pouih 7th at-;

L!5c. per lesson. Addre** Mu*ic^ __PIANO lepsuns, pupil's reildence, 50f Pi-if-j-

•ur. Box 31. New* office.

GERMAN M lbw iFE ^L adlet » J ''* ,‘’'I;***ni>raln|f confldenHiH Heatment.^244^fang« n .d i p h t h e r ia , membranuui croup; alto for

coughs, cold*. UM WEESEL'3 troughJ-ordULGFTTMAFTmldwIfeTVraduale; ladle* imarded.

MRB. K, ElTTfiE. IT Spring aiy.___ _■ ........................ R.

THAT We do the jargaet huxlneaa in the clty» bei'auae' our terms are the i;nn«i

MATTHE8SBP made over »i your hrtne. WILLIAMS. 73tt llergen M^


NEW ST.. 5 4 - 8 ^ leNKWTu N r t .. IBl—Laigr furm»lieil front

with n.eo.

k u t a t e w a s t e d .

been (>lh»'r MectloriH

C a n r l a b W n iita l l ln i i y l l e o f tb e D u u k e r Wgali-*

lOBiOD I iic ld e t i l .L Y N C H B U R G . V q . O ri. 31 - A few tlk ys

Bffo iTifinbers of the L y iu h b n r g Gvin i.'lub doddftd 10 s^nti 1^ ITo s h ic n l R n o w e l t a n In v tia llo n to partlc lp uie in » big ra m p IttK ' o u t hum from N o vem ber Id to .N ovem ber Ifi O n an-nuiU of the H'ioh< r W a e h in ifto n lEycldent the action of {h** club has crltlclse 'l. lH>lh in tills an<l of the Staif.

Te*ferday the m ttite rup g n i uniinimousi)- iuilur**'-'! the jw iullns uf an invIliH on to Uic Prepldenl. T h e Tuembers tleplnreil the puM bllv given lo the m ailer, but In decld*--! t-rm * (l*---lare<l they regardrd Mi HooecVcii us u th o r- Durh gentiem an and n .u n t« eu u - itrouAl- p)1nded man horn they would dolight t<» fef'elve and en ie rta in Tiiey deolured, f u r ­therm ore, th a t Mr Roosevelt wa* iihU U> Iw the Judge of hi* own Ada. and «l'a, the flub had no apology w hatever lo mak* for thft tour*® U had puraued-

!t « aa inaied fu rth er , however, club did not m ean bV D**Prexidenl HooaeveU’* p<*11t'y Injr Booker W aahlngum

n r . A I. __ ___________ _^^TRLlTlN'-rA Wioio'l

dwelling-. *-iiii .miTuscmcnia. bend full tlcu lan tu ju '1. Ki.lS I' Urudential HulM|^ -rV lL l.-IU J> b-iJU-oriN In pn-rerty fur cftolL

OErt. T I'KI’K. UJ iUrkvt -I ___ __R K ^ 1I 'K N ''K Wartcil, l.> pun'liaac. a getitle-

maii'’' rr-*idrii. r in Uu^pviil* or F-sai with i-laMc .*n.i RI iinilf. Send full parilculanto H W iJKEltV. N'17 llruttii bI ___ _____ftpM i r',i. -I ,1' i . n i '1 >n uf Nuur i.ruiw-rty If.ynu

" nJi t.i m ;I -j'll- hiv have iduh buyer*.: Mitrk- t M ______

RixiM H-Flvr»'tit 112. U'"i

Tll- I • MU* \Nlth impTovemen'a <>t'tim»‘ *rd Madlaim awa.

td ti’HAllD J4T.. |2(>—Ple#*ai't f" h..Bril; Improvem *!^:j-^n’ra

Fuui Ok rent JhL Inij-n '.

RDUM?-To . ' rent Inqulrr l^

' in* t<> ailuli^. third fiuor.; ■* (k’d'i lit^aluh Rt



p lU n M 'U T" .f1

l.Tr-^.sicry brick houi

Vi‘l '■>Jpen fir-places,. r .. 1,%^

O rrrn pi fti iN?* I ' '

,. H onK ltTftO ; . P \ a N D E K H O O Frity

SllicH ' aie IKI|U*»ruv'iii 24.

'UminM at, . ttfCii] naitifHi

til MAKCLft

riHim*, bo­lt, Immedl-L. W .VBD,

r u N'T' -V irj . L';. -


I , „,mN. I .jih . buil*r'i p«n.|ri, uirk*‘ l [ilttied plumbtn^

f r e t .ISr '*1,01 ►

PA Kk Kf:I U ' - n o u . r r ^

h,tnv^i<-a t Park. I'linlon pl

v \ K ■,;4- ll'iune. Inquire t*

I t>mnv'*rre el . or S

I p. l:I '

lent U» r-'Orn*; 1m* ji-* new p*ra


■ iLge »tBOUTH IWTIl - I . ;■

tlon. rohs t-i ’ and ga*. lb if |J ‘-

Tmitn«, heiillhy loca- t »hi4 and tnilley , water «i PniSit at , room 524.

.K.’HARL) s t ., M—T *t’ kft:e family: regoouable.

or cuuple; prl-

SOl^TH 7TH - ; nicely p a p -f i

atstl' n.o ^

i'iiii of fi-rUT larg.* ro->m*. A . Btf'Tj houae, wUh l»un-

S E C O N D flu- ave., v 't

ling* clow n r

H i' penn"^ |\*nia •iratile. tiew mai-

PLANE HT . SftS-To Sat * riuor fruhi. alcov* room,

x:ip liume cumfftTti; t-rlcc*I 'L A .^ : HT." 213- T wo la rg - i

all lidpruvatnent*-i'iH K PD. W-Room »t,J

buartl ________

-1. Racond •bim: bath,


PH rtr M ilFRIiY, taachar of fancy araK- nml ptep dancing, glide wait* and two-slej. auar-

aniceti 111 iix private leawma. day or evening. M. in a large hall, with lady a*ilalanis and mutcic Ht 44H liroad^aj select cl*s* Thura.Uy evenljig at Uraiun Hall. 4lH Broad ai. b*-Kin- hpr* g^ranteed all dance* in one quarter i^-- HUMP ‘J5< a night, aaleci maaquerade n--'! ii-.n Welneaday, Thankaglving Kve. No'. 2 .. admits, aluii. iruludlng wardrobe. 35c._______ _______


ItuSEVlLLE—aa Fourth ru'Jin, suitable finr •* ''

bfurd If «Se*lred; rt-*i:*i'nabl*-

; ail ImprtiHiied front

• r couple; Plugin hH*;


BrVHFT HALL ft CRNTRAL AV.. NEW ^HV Private leieurk* day or evening, walls and

In 8 pr1v . t . « » .n -Ruevlalivi music and every facility, clasar*

clreulmri, 1-rm r -U’ . *1 Hail, our School and raaldcncc; hall i.

rerit for dances, elc^_______ ■


The inlfRl nnu juosit modern machine In IBe cSiy- lu. tipping t htarne, frayt^ ,-dges or ehiliaking, nil \>ork gui^ranteed. ri*nt the .*utM*rvlslon nf Mr. t ' K. Cadmus, over 49 yrMru In the vari-ei '-leftning butineoii. ,

We make a *p«-iaity t f irthlng “P / ret-.iiiiig end relaying u!d carpvia. making them luuk like new. Spcrlal gileiitlon given lo rug*. Iteai v-urk Hi low prices. „ v,

HTullAOE - UlrRi-class and tirr,'All rronia are clean, light and l-V .eu. !■ uruj^

Ur* packed, muicd nr *hipp«'d all P*«*Ibe country hv i areful men at ra.e*.

AJkKlS H. VAN HORN, ^V -',oA %lmw Omoe. 73 Mairkei st . near Plan*. .*1. 580 N«w ark. N- £. .. .

been In thriruiineRi for the la*l tm Newark our cuatomer* are aMured fair and hameat ijeallng*. and courtems ireatmenl.

t h a t All fu r tras^cilona are strictly con-** THAT Thera arc thhuaendp ot propto who h.Vf nevar appHrd for luani, bocUM th(T do not know nf a reliable idace to

THAT You will malie no m ltttke when you rdare sour loan with U*. a.i we make lenni to l i u m rb o rro ’orr. .-.ll or w rit. « .dlet u« explain our plan of loaning

UL’T l’AL lAIAN AND INVWTMENT CO..H. R JOHNS. Maruiiror.US ptid 122 Market M. Hkliwy Ot-Woorl* Bulld'n*. nrpr


By New Jersey Loan Co.*

740 Broad at.

REMEMRER-M‘e are not pawnbroker*. tiel^W do advt'nlt^ pawnbrokeU* rale* W nol**lead the public.

L’ARI’KTB ant KL'OS tl» h fd pm .™ , Piaj.. i.veT khd relalJ. C A K rt.infiMn-il , n ii,r no*,r *Ith ot;r nrw i” " ? , ; ’;! ! FUlt.VlTI UU r'?'UphnUtvred- reiralr^ ana ^ ,,n|l,h-.l vtitv HAIR MATTRE9HE8 to order,Uld one* ^ d IC K ER ^N . ^

Both 'Uiiune* 414 H43-M5 Uro*ftUcrffi**ori to

r,i iirf Carpel uiftaning CoTTipany.

WB M IKE U>AN9 on fumltur*. PlMO^ “ ri.n e . horer. «m l " ’ndoh'. '*'■ y..u >r«iH It, »« only *“ hotll'*notice.

tiAZOR-S, acUeors,Bh*n>ened and

ftPl'T/HOFT-'. 44 ind dealer inpucketkril vea. outiery. «c.

TiUuT* repaired and„ln..,r.p on .bookr.MVVnd

und dealer inp u c k e tk m v e g ._____ ___

A S T i y i :e ' (urniiurp r p i» H }d _ ,» i^ _


BTER UNf manta ••

M rrh m*.ino< rz

mf ,!


- ;ii* l-Ii! iv i K IIL IJ

S O U T H !• 1rnahtB. Ml. -i.

' ; -<.1 I- miB. j i i imiiriUF-

T H ^ P f ruum* 1' •

furnish*'' otfk*.

•U’A t- |fI rafi'prtll ,1 ' -‘i YH E> ft' gii A liffi 11*\ |i.r . H \ in Nfta 4

T K W pN ' I . rooms ati.i

■ r‘ r-i n-N r ihtft'*' large• . ■ rii'Ti ii;:

i ntiSEVlLLE AVK-. M -jlngle ur double rosHiia. '►it''

' iitm and trolK y ; improvern- .' h n j ; F V I L l j ^ - I > r i 7aWe r - i f

Niirih Ninth iL _____uTTsEvii.iJJ—DMlr»t>ip I - ’

K.iuth 12ih al.TK U Ti->N ic H O T E L I'-;;'

niffiti* ru.»ma. wltb 0 ^,Uy j.r wffi*»k.

furnished near ata-

-MiiY fur- I I by III*


EVKRTTinNO ’TAraM T; t e r m * M'.tiK.H i t F I 'n iV A rB LESSONS AND CLASSF'i ina p p o i n t m e n t ________________PROF'’ ETTENaER’S 8*lKt P l» > « . D " '" I

m r Brtwd: FrtdkJ rv .n ln p 4 |..


on ' w „k - A. iriRNKAROT * ^ uph0l.«r^ . r , ,nd <-»blnri ni.kpro, 11 m nk llD n « r ll[.,id it.: tflPphone 4l»H._______ ___________

- «|a and Ingrain. 2^c , mo-

tprlvatei. t5. elegant ' ' ’elevator, lodg* rcR»m* to let aioo-

N. C Mulberry

s|M« lal p ii«a . RruUr...----- 1, —- ««■juetien and vet\etw _4c^;_w lliun^ac.__________

o v E R A ~ lX rio r.ll ir»d« : » '“' v . ^ 7J'ck^ ';h .ury tnd whit, denim . ?SreLlv*lerip.i ,tMk .nd t » t tin. 0( i l w In th*

HARRY W. SMITH. 214 M .rk .t rt-

n o TOP k n o w - We w’ll »rrmi»e the loin PO ^ „,u r .n ppy It Kl";lenleoce ih .t 1". Phort lime or W E

time, emel! p»ym-nti or «nrl It you p.y tit.; X Ime time eipiree ere will iHo* yotl l»* tereet on the uueiplred time.

TOP EXPaOT ANT’THINQ m o r e U B .rVoVn with « m . «U,«

{'cimpany we will pay th«m to^

WAKKM ^ \ laundr>

• tU! ii> rtiR. hath and .4 , hiMren.

yv.K nnus4 p » 0 J'

w a r r e nruume ’

f,.it ih f in l

It. « nil n IL!, at iL tin .f T h -

club did not coh iider the ib .ok.'r W anh- inirtoti incident in any wav whrrt‘ v.-r imi pimply Invited Mr bevHu.^,. iiwighftd for Uie lU -a^ur*- of hi* and II was not a* I'^resldent. hut a* u l»rt- va ie cUlaen. ih«l he was u-keil tu i-ar- t ld p a te in ihc ^hnot.


t un UmI- *''' ■'•f.< tu > lie- *> - _ ___ _

.■niK ami i4*ih. " lib all kly and tliw^^ufated. NO.- Al'VHyNu T - ________

i \UGK'^ttiii'M'<hr.i tH-jirding huuoe hnu** filled wnh iHiaiJers and nt-mem, . ‘ '^ 5 3

t'.e .Uv will ■'••II fiirnliuTt' ur pa‘'^ .7 'U iirbithi-rh-d rr-n U** i'i»NKKL>LA *

MULh.'iN '■**' lb' u-i *l , »e> __ ___ _I-ITTLK h'UM ta;lh f'Ur and a *lur»

lo lei 4.1 1‘lum *t rent _____ _____ _•ho>-Eight rconia rloOet,jH. ■! fH '«TH

fk00414HARRIS- N

|tO. FKI-'

liV I I T—Ol T OK T O W Vrent

4 .At'a-tem' atOKAeNGK$15 ]aonabl

$15 per n.■lie. IL'\

4tn<llf t ; Vis 1 ■n i-remleeM, (<

5. e 4'tinge.

F L \T a . ETC., W A ^T E D -HAVE d


< r .1, 4 aDiil Ti rLM>m •X Hentai Vgenev. 7b

» Mter. *;j

1 I* E .T W K S T Y ' - F l V K F lH S O W lH '*

J a i l H e e a k r r a I4el<1i

Ti) t 1'*7 Hrii X ti Aj*e No IBS l*ergen . T ^ , U m . eitl It ” ’ 1 2 2 -■« n 't F U HK\TH Zii IVarrOti s t ____ -

'W>a< Y lrg lt ifo r M a r ile r . I

FAYETTEVlLeLE. 'W Va . ' t, i l l -Twenty-flve pfiatmer*. rix of whom wcr« l bald for m urder from the r«.uintyJail here yesterday. Ai'i^earmii Indi­cate that tfie m en worked all u lkh l i«> e u l an opening through ih * rc ih n g and roof. The prioonerg rearhed thd- ground )i>- cUmblng down a Ughinlng rod

WilUam Moore, A rth u r C arpen ter. Qat^rge C lark. C harley O m w and H arry Flotea had been tried and gertienred to the pa id ten tla ry for term* rahglng from tw o ta fourteen y e a n . The aheriff and poa*e a n la p iuau lt of the fugltivea

LUT 4 ■ eM» ■( iiot Kllubetb avehouar with allIiMluIre at 2lM-

TO LET—OCT o r TOW H.A i2 ltLK.»M Lluae. uoar Highlwad Aerna* §to-

Uon. Drang*. GO*sonabl* ENSTICE BRuB. A iiO liE hSA W -.4W *t^ _ - - _____ —_______ChV tRVM- a beautiful pruiierty la J^ f* * ^* !

iVi fur Winter. MHO t^ t S t !V 1902. Apply to KD'*AjlD H- L l M. 939 Prti

IF you « your t r

rail on ■ flats and%. KEnv.

;.-<>] reliabi* teoaDta for n* a po«ifel and ! will *;2ViiriUons fur room*.

' desciipuiini. JUr.lUft

F tt t-^ IM IK II $'l. 4T9 W A A T ED p

B O A R D lS O -O tT O F TOWN,

I ’'rrKsiRABLB 5 '; ’*’ ' ■YAiih *ivcl1«nl lK»rd. 5-- H

1. t'> rwnl.A-

1 iTEna*. - -ee.nn.CBD—If yoo ed 'unc- 1 • »

IIW 1 >HI1 Sl'’V yoo free three mfinthP 1» » y P’*” **". ' pure, win refund money wJ '„ ‘ un rnupt he doeee UnmedroD LUiX "ft. New* offles-

WmegB•><m for

Kdel Gr- irana-

• - "nilLlffi,

HDAKD-W»nied. one Bc 1*0 C - (.eld Kh.eJle e M l I ^ I '^ * ' • ’

pl,le. reference If reffintw'l H I 112. 1 pper Montclaly. b . J I.AHOK end email PlvnAAnt . ..

,r unfurnlehed: B*sr trx-n'' P’ 1 nurnett « .. EAPt Otaaae. plp.

tbiard, i.d 7**i*iin-'• t Box

•An>ne 2fi- ib.ardFri.

uRANGE—18 S o y d o r^ -;, "U-fgur meri; pfIvKtS imi >

leMflin!* for

I'lLAS.tNT frost ™ w . ”’ , prp 14 North MaiAe eve



luTTk KV-EPKR tlady) ’ ‘e,l room. epcOOd” * ^ ' ’j e .t.m leople: eootb ot M erte, ,

j A<l-trFEi Refloat!. Bo» 12.

4 '1 1 hei t - ’ ■■’ft-. 1'r.rt ' ■ 'ft (t-r TIN,

/i. da c h a t e a u !■.nfid 1«u eU*^Ttrial leoeoh. free, Clinton av*

If t H»ht linked Tootni, $l per month. Waah* ^ [^^tl 'jA ic’l C PhO CO.. « « W ..hInplun PI., tol. 3!t.V4l fnmlttiro i:profully mo'pil

]^ '__D H gT A V 1J8 J^SCHBR, *■ M ‘ iMvktP clkPOP. to

WIr ppirchm DtutkCb Ht Mr

I’pnlrtl Vkti Co.— ntoy*!!; (*looftth wp. 4OT.442


IN B T H I ’ . ’T IO N IB En«u*ll 0^ 1* ^ f';;? rPkPutiiililP. lie M kvo.. MIW BKO"

K lo e v tto m Pfcr»**«* C A lto ro .I t lJ J A S M. l in e s —Root*". ’

t » n . J iM jit le M u’ p*'luro; votcp dovpiopoe- ____


I'.ET WISH kite doh't rok.l tiooPOBPo: look whkt1 offpr to p«p»y » ™“"t iP f '*■piiij. kith *m pkpot; t“ * 1*5° V.Sl.1;*kc Bo pamtln*. IQ one outkldo, kklPom-

lolni. otc.. Pt din vhMp pricMI wo poll pkpojPl fc. p-r mil. >• «» kkvo U» lk r« M l^ l« k of



'‘."J vSf s” ” ”" ■*-Biudto. «> Sh*rma» ave^_______

I '.fp k S r ' K " th r B tit7 X td Vit^rd to -io 'I .T k ^ S ^ P C.I1 • h i cOQtiBCJI ™ t» M . ^ , SoND* WATCHW. 1 ^ . „pr. no. p Z * Ann. t v ll Ip “ >* CALL BEEDRE QBTTING IT EL8EW H EM .Urooklyo W’.llpop .r p " ^

WALLPAPER BARGAINS.S feo rth .m A « . * T T » * w P l t l « .

SHOR’TKAN D. Court p; *Womeri a ChrtotlM ft to 12 A il: , ' r ' 1. .* ^E N W E d V. » Wr,.h-


Our line oI w»llp»por» for the canine penpon Ip now open for yiBir '*??£**“**■, . , unp.~ruAP e opeclll INDrCKMENT for thU MONTH ONLY we offer el»hl rollj Mdewnll. oU of celling and fUleea yarda r»f h«w^r ^

, EitImUH cheerfully *1™

awwAw h I w • > * CwlleMfB**


for in*

Properly for aale 7 Forty-aeven thouagn-l buy- n c4 (be K K ^'i Mul oil theU frtootia vdl kn>>w lAoVt M If tb* etory ia brtefiy told to a real

dmtial rent un i irt enwo*.*! a\e, * 2 *

t-raftfr .11 rmrnt* fineMKFKLKf Real F^tatr fc-iu-haiii*. Wt w a r­ren »t __ ______ ________________ .SM MaL houpffi ?un*^i V .ilaburih. HJ;and tr.U^y. Inquire REACH.Vatlsburgh IrtingtuP-

H o m e s w A X T E t t - o r rRMALiL hoc** want«"d. N e w ^ *ti

ling* pr*f*Trtd reat murt ►*»<>»Dwrtirallra s-t-tre- flul... Box ST. Newa oftce

8MALI.COU t'lp.

1. Vi* rumlsh*' 1..AHI) wonted ft* »— V

..rl.ple ranuly.,,|.!r™ K. A. C.. Boa 10.

New York ™l“ , S ,S r i r S i — i » « ’ 0«nke.u.} , or T i y i ^ , y . w A S . Ph. -•tudffipUa boiae.

Tel. m TA,W A L L PA rei3~to 'the trkde

pp Cbenp M « y of the New T o n J 2 - U nt hoiAoeei eel l wt of OPU’ f»B W— fTT? SIBENBERO A CO.. » New e t .

me onty wholeekl* johhlM l»u*« l» »*» f f * - SEND portAl ckfdk; we do pkper-hkB ff^CJ^



pou end let y u hAve more money.




Second 0«.-, 740 BfiAd plreet

Oppopite Poetoffice.




CVTJl OFFEBEO TO THE PI'BLIC ON E? r. v,-r.p.MnrTnr. j r

n o P O f A i e * .’^ iS u S T w t th»enceefOT work. lntemAtlon»l_ W « ll |« * r «oAPoint more, » Mkto M- Epet OrmB«e.

F lH M w M F .n ROOMS TO i.K T.a c a d u m v

*d ruv-r-A, K Ub'ln fiat* furnlah-'-rupTitj. mc^Brai* terma

KMSHEDlad) ; urtvato t ' n'full bariirt*iartsJ5 - ,^ - n ETC Kaxraiw. I*. 4. _I « Ith

hr *n «i*.

o f t i c e o r - hkCl.EnK OF THE CITY OF 11. lUI

RRl RN nyimn ’

mentN -e'T ■ rumi*h* 1

UP^Kmr|.|n|sinn**-iing tmtinis m-

LADY wiPhee boAPd • ' ' J Pr’:.*"' VI .VJ. cenumlty lwc*Wd. Addn-.- \ ’*w)i i-lfife. ■

! SM.)ed propsrtata •, plZ .iact J*ta ............... ' l _.-

,» be beM Al. tb . City BAU OB „ . _ . p.l, "iP In the BUte; y « n n ^« BBtll «!W “ ' ' “ ■'t I llrpt-ClAAe dlliPH n S t^ S S H y I D * :

French m U lloen; even J S ;laukUy; di i W Q S ‘ f * r r ? — pwA eTMhw: cleewlmrp m

N ^w w n'N , }.. Ort. l l . luul Newkit, I..

THE .irlgtiMl A i* ^ ' ® 2 ^JS ,S 5 !lJ* p Mper *ot*. L Kkl*. • Spftn«ff»M P pp.-er At 3c. pod " P - .i" '’ '* * • “ rrlc** fwr work- t*L I4aa.

Te wallw otUa

BANK au1i*t>''<

prevetr*: I'■i'TiiKh*'l frvsTSi " K*ni|f'm*n ■

SINC.IJ: men »;5?S?*XST'’'flTr'"F' I e-iwifortp m- ' pprty AddI I*iS5?= ng It I


in-t r-wnidjprvis «

___ Miutaonr f t booi

fr a iB I n*— — ■ SBtFlMr. g ,„ (r | OltEBir* M Bk £ r » ' / \ 0 .VEWA- ~%ipBMYXn a iD O E . Oct. 0 .-J o l in Sulll- x m , n lA to iw »o>ph>y«> >>Y " IlUam.xCtLt. Jr on bis t s m here, com niliied i S S S W ^rdA T Afteniooii, by lAklnc I l r i . WTMB. The potmm » aa tskea nhortly 5 ^ %BiMr. Tben Bull Iren went to U s i S r t ant At tbs faAra. Akout a haUeboor

tftla b s sb ow U al(2>< <>Y <N* polsati* & aa< tka otBss hsl» soccaoBwd in Ert- ___ BiftA Mfiw* o f h is Ul'

F A c e o -■TORES, O FFIC ffit. LOFTB,H IE S. FT A M .E S. W T C -T ? -V Y !j

A FLOOR power, he»t ««d c^v en leo re^ s ^ - •htTfor jSLll^rk. klPO reu£ lor SMcalntat.

H Q ^EFOBT, SB Axllsston »t-_______

BHlDTaa tfs tsU

v « M rP t. F . C. J obss, a

m r Useot fia sU n a Rider,

tort a n . O ^ b a a ffiad a t 1a t i o'clock


old I



b r ic k f*ct«TT; * a torl« ; J* ^ ^IWWI OB Ikre* •*d«a. CWp

B It » « .

ia» ru: Lofoyotta sL owl

BRrtAL ' r',rniEb*'*l pe'mi iroallkargft i^'r- - 7 t# fur do* t>r i * tl

b u r n k . ' A Kr-re,t r'Om EUHahiee f, ifCHRs'T'S' t r ;*i h*«r hniffi- <ln*

g*nt iFir.e ‘■ntl if-Mdl «iN’<iTnin'Nto<><jn.xat* b*-uto* ^ FXchsncFtl

H y m c A la .M.VRT iicDOW inx

•Bd tv—tog Y *LTKCm, i t t B«wb4U


CR AWRiiit:' bo-jssea*-;- ' i

T la -PurnlEhFkl r\a)Bl ' g*TiTl*Tnan. tl S*>

CUNTi IN !h bnuargreE >n|

74 Rumi*b*i1 r'Nun ■ lu. h*)l rrM-mi

IM a a a B £ g S L - »” Fk Hour* ,uil7 ,

ftuud*. tP M ________

s r a t ' in c

tiFot fystam l» viola

cliTtOar; I riYm sBre. e a & ra T c t

I TU TK leaUb.TU I b leatSB- »«A.'M*“ f t

COl'RT ST r\K'm*. a a*



COMMKR<'K frtott r*v»BE

BROAD BT.. 5 0 - I #QBr form*TY'BOt11«

TU Brood IA K. RKAU ax J- «

DIVlrSION PLe pIbIi . pno*na


furatahnl (si*a

SO—lArg* rffiom. nlrely htr-

a «tir* atkd Slaritloa. Address ’

I by iBall. Sow k y ^DR. rA N D ggff

majoBge.ruH ^. etc.; I lai H * BrSw’

SBitaMa for is rhO'BmaUr frt4 i

'tods'^wUl'b* r«r**v*4 frtJ4"‘‘ p J ii—. l . to hr lor t u

f T T L s u n ’' « ^ j r t 2 2 £ j 5 d satm lni.2, All c a r p n a r

P - «■

‘1JSSS; 2ii*SE! *« -well p . 1« S sw e * ------------- - w , by the eon-

*“ ** 5 aU. st thepent IB wiTlIn* oY t w o o p r w O s ^ j r n ^ ^T s a i se*^

tiww .2 t r i e tbo Boatnet

— - ! f o n a a n o< • s o S w o n ^ s M n (»s g y 7 i ^ , j , .s n f e . n . L , ^ r u - ; S 5 ? I S % T S r S . « S S s 2 S ______________________ ^

iwk, tl. exxe. y weM t u s . ^ mo- j TO WHOM f f MAT__ hSTW h s n T .^‘2 l i 3 r t h » M t T 5 l » s w e i t stay the p. iielstaM sF SH a * es the

^ S ? ^ e n H U ' -hssQ waeb «■«»»*_J * i £ A ^ S B S ^ s t l* t ! ptwnd TkCaalF . —F-O" I pD MtSSroSTime «». •ft**™ i ffbaet




LOAN n s to HW to honest eatploFea,lliBtr pwioOBt notsa, wltboviWC

Ke^tBortcase. Ho iDdareer. Mo pub^ ^ 't ^ i r 'k a e w ot losn. Offlee v e r rM e a ta . y * ^ - — notedly onaadeallM. .O t to e n

BiMrday oad Wsdaftsdsy, to 9 gfauikiwnEW AS CREDIT c a . Peddle f a a U to m n to ‘UM ijfBj Ktog'a ctototog Btsra)e UB tfiiSga M*f a n t ispr ftbpos rtrssteX « A .U 8HED i n UH.TP.U, Office iT rrto iin te the eideet e e ta to ta 'SSd sr& Eumj.iwpwlry. eie.. IB aay i

I Van e a n tms le to *

I FIKB dnssMRte»rKar sL_

s t

' KOTiCV O T A f f l J C A l


UM hy loo w w ’"" e ------- — “ * i” ----- Ig T S ^ N E . T Q ito *■■ oesT Broad. .

*at' * ” * % b E R * C E e . P » * » i l » p u

i l Main St ' sky I I sU I

M a-fS l 1

41-To Hi, pleusnl Hi


V *» a Halocyall rouvrs^CSca*.

tady viU ' I fo r I to I oowHDir:•CBMtDT. ; frtvofeab n I

I obow * 1 4 pto tlM t m P U T o a io c t I

D«- Pw ' At Ik* SRg;» gOaosSb d w 4

lukN'ctms i ' Halt,

- :

I '

I «

a nLA*

A! & '




C U U L E N -H I N E S -O n SaturdBy, AuruBt 24. 1*01, » t Arlington. N. J .. by Bbv. R. »ac- Mlchlel. pastor Finn Baptlrt Cliuroh HIM U&rrLec Prance# Hln«. Blotimneld, N.

i . to Mr. Thomas Finlay CuUen. of Laii ranr^, N. J.

n U N K E —MONTEITH-At Baal ^ a n i# . p i- lober SO, by Rev. Aleiander Mann. Mies Rebecca Montftlth to Richart Franke. b«tb of Saat Oranfte.

iCHONER—MAIN-On Wedneaflay. October by Rev. Wimam A. Rice. M l* U m Ic Main.of Silver Lake. N. J-. to iScboner, of Newark, N. J>

Ur. Harry L.

n K A T K S .BROWN—Suddenly. October 31, IbOl. Jennie

A., beloved wife of Jam * G. Browm, ated years.

Funeral eervicee will be held a t her laie real* dence. 4b Johnston avenue, Kearny, on Fri­day. November 1. iwn, ai if t*. U. Relatives and fiienria are refrpeolfuily Invited. Inter­ment a i Fftlrmoum Cemetery.

Tliy wHl be done.BUXCHER-On October 29. IWlI. Mary, beloved

daurhter of Willlain and Henrieitu. Butcher,

a M 22 yearailtves and friend# are kindly Invited In

attend the funeral on Prlday. S'oveinher 1. from her Ute refldence, dl Elm road, at 2 P. If. Interment at Woodland cemetery.

BLPHICKE—On the 2Pth Intt., Martha E.. wife of the late Walter Elphickn, aced yaar.?.

Funeral aervicea will be held a t her late resi­dence, 4i) East Kinney alreel, on Friday. Mcivember 1. a t £ P. U. Relative# and frienda are kindly Invited. Intermviit at Falrmount Cemetery.

OWINNELL—On October 30. ittOl. John M- Owlnnell. In hla iITth year.

Relatives and friends are Invited to attend the funeral service# from the Halsey Street M. E. Chtirrh on Saturday. November 3, at 2'30 F. M. Interment a t Mt. Pleasant Ceme­tery.

OORMAN-On thp 2»lh ln*t.. Frank E. Oar- tman, a^ed 57 years.Relatives and Immedlftie friends wlH meet

at his late residence. 62 H ifh street, on Sunday, November 3. a t 1 P. M. Funeral aervlces will be held at the North Reformed Church. Broad, near Prldg:# street, a t 2 o’clrtck. Friends are kindly Invited. Inter­ment a t Falrinount cemetery.

New York patters jilease ropy.H A TE F-In this rhy, on W’ednesday. Ovtober

30. tlWl, Caroline I>avl» Hayes, widow of David A. Hayes. In the 77th year of herage.

Funeral from her late rpsldenoe, WB atrtet, on Saturday, November 3, 1901, a t » b’cl«xi p. M.

JAROLE3UAN—cm October £9. lOOl. Georfe W., beloved husband of Habetta Jaroleman, ana son of the late Cornelius and EUiabetn Jaroleman.

Relative* and fnenda are kindly Invited to attend the funeral frfm hi* late resldenre. No. 743 flouth Twentieth street, on Friday. November 1, at '1 P. M. Interment In F*alr- mount Cemetery,

KEATINO-On October 31, Mary. belo\e<1 child of Patrick and Mary Keating, aged 1 year 1 month 13 days

Relative# and frlwida of the family are In­vited to altend the funeral from parents' residence, *04 Ferry aireet, on Fh-iday. November 1, 2 P. M. Interment In the Cemetery of the Holy 8«i»ulchre.

MOORB-On October 30, IWJ. Belle, only daughter of John N. and the late Hattie Moore.

Relallvea. friend* and members of the Chil­dren of Mury B ootety of Ri. Patrick'# Church are resiwctfully invited to attend the funeral from her late reridence, 15 Rrelntnall on Haturday. November 2,a t 9:30 A. M., to t't, Patrick's Church, where a ^lem n High Mas* of Requiem will be offered for the repose of her aouj. Inter­ment In Ihe (''emetery of the Holy Sepulchre.

MATTHEVrP-Suddenly. on the 3tHh Ins!., John A. Matthews, In hi# h7th year.

Friends may view ihe remains at the home of Ms mother. Mrs. Ann Matthews. 16 Hampden street, on FYlday, November I, from 12 M. to 1 P. M. Funeral private, tntermem at Falrmount Cemetery. Friends kindly accept this only Intimation.

REir??CM-On Tuesday. October 2ft, 1901, G iU- frled Reuach, beloved husband of Eliunbetli Reuach tnee Mfller), aged 4B years 1 motuh >uid 8 days.

RaJattvea and frienda, also the Newark Tan­ners' Boclety, are reapectfully Invited to at­tend the funeral, r>n Friday. November 1. nl 3i30 P. M.. from 111# late realdence, £h5 Roee street. Interment In Woodland CVms- tery.

B M IT H —On ThupsiUiy. October ,31. Uk)l, Ira PrUden Rmlih. l>elovfd husband of Maggie flmlth (nee Ross).

Relallvea and friands, also ofTlcere and mem­bers of Henry Clay l^dgc No. 45. K, of I’., and the vaiinus other socletieB of which the deceased was a member, also the itoard ot rhosen Freeholder#, are Invited to attend hla funeral from hi# laie residence, ivi Vrtr'V, <; .-nrid Tln«4'v ll> , nn Sirndsy.November 8, at 2 P. M. Interment at Ever- gre< u i.eineiery.

Morriaiown papers plaape copy.

H E L P W A N T E D - H E H .

NOTICE—A d v c r t l a e a e v t a t o lie e la a - ■ ia«< e k o B ie fco » » * l T « d k e f o r e 12 ,30 o 'e lo e k .

T r a o e le B t B tlT e rtla lB K t o t k e N E W S m a l t lie p r e p a i d . Jlo d o e o d d te w i l l b e o p e n e d f a r n a c h .

S o n d T e r tU e m e n ta w i l l b e r e e e l v e d o v e r t b e t e l e p h o n e e x c e p t Itaoee s e n t b r n n th o r l x e d n c e i i tn .

A n i w e n t o n d v e e t lB e m e n te n r e k e p t fo e tw o w e e k n n n d t h e n d e - ■ tro y e d . U a n y o t h e r d le p o n l t lo n t* d e e l r e d th e o d lc e e h o n ld b e n o t id e d .

T ~H E L P W A S T B D - M E S .

3ALEBKAN W hiindle entirely or as »ide line.our 11 OQD BOCldent inaurance. u-Ltli reglitra-

lion and Id e n t l lk ^ n ; II annually; llheral com tn!«IOOl; C M .* * depoalteO lor pmlevllon of pollcy-hoM*™- Jer* '!' Berlauy l o ..IIB Market at-____________________________BALESMEN—L.. BAMBERGER t t-<>. RE-

o iriR E e x p e r i e n c e d s a l e s m e n FOR t h e H MEN'S FURNIBHINC. 0 O,lOA DE. PARTM EN^ APPDT t o SVPKR1NTF..S-- DJytT BEFORE IS A. M.

AOENTS WAN'rED--Our graat aet 0« mas books now rea4v; beat and

for ebltdren; colored piciureii best sellera ever known; agent# aenlng trom 13 lo 2b broka per day; also life of ^\m. KcKm* ley and complete etory of hla aseAsaln|tlon, in­cluding live* of Ltncoln and Garfleld knd elOK lea of ihflP aaaaaMjiatlon; about 600 extra w g# page#: blnktc, beat buok; superbly llluatratedi lowejJt price; handsome and valuable premiumi 76 per ;eni. to agents; one book free with each ten ordered; freight paid; credit given; **" perlence oeceaaary; outfit free, sell the beat book; make the mofl money; we give the most llbetil treatment, all ordera shipped day they are rncelvcd; we own the largeat binderies end are the only pabllahera shipping books prompt­ly. HENRY NElLacago, 111.

Pearbom ai-i Ohl-

AGEN'TS wanted for Newark, Orange.fiHd, Montclair and ElUsbeth, by the ^ D e ­

ers Idfe Ijisuranee Comrs-r’ t no better opportunity e^e^ ortered to *5 **^"' salary and commlaalon. Call 8 to 100 Market at., room JW; aee H. F. l ^ ^ A R D-AGENTS for New JerBoy Insurance Company

to work Orange and Montclair; and opponunliy for prnmotion ever offered: good credential# tndlppensable. Apply BERJ- BOWEN, manager, room 16. Orange National Bank, ft to 1ft mornings.AOENTS-Wanted. otie or two men as l * h ^ l

agenta for ihla State to handle the !>••« and meat chopper made; sold by agents only- Address, enclosing stamped envelops, B «on^y Food and Meal Chopper Co.. Phoenla. N. x-AOKNTf WAKTED-All'Woel M U

t2.§ft: »U lU , lift; overooaU. lift- 1 Tailoring Co.. 286 Market R- ____

to order. Mew TOfk

AQENTB-Bonanaa; new goods; fast seller*. Phoenix Company, 22 MLechanlo e t . ______

ABLE-BODIED, u titn a r^ d men wanted for the II, S. Marine Corps:

llatraeni must be cltixeni of the L n ltw B U t* or those who have legally declared /***!' lentlon Of becoming euch; 2l and not o%er so year# of age: R feet 4 Inches *iOt over 8 feel 1 Inch In height; able U reed the English tanguag* •» -Apply s i 10ft West si., or 2B3 Third avt.York city. _______ ___________ _


AN experienced underwriter w*-^*** ^An5iv charge of local Are lasurwace tfS.Vv

with reference, slating «»P«rtence exp^ied. Address Inaur»Bce» p . O. oox i»i, New York imelllgeni man to fill v io a n ^ with Met

ropoUtan U fe Insurance Company, good opening- Apply 0-12, 164 Market et.jT fY P E ^R lT E R aligner and

state experience end wage*. Address tiua 6ft. News office.A YorNQ man wanted w work a t a shaper,

34 Ward *t ______ _______________BOOK-KEEPER-Toun« IBM j ' '*

fner in (siK;wrlllag; llabl.. AflAret*. lUltOX •*« »nd »•««, fd, I'omlwtFnl. Bnx_ M, Xew« Bfflnf.BOOK KEEPKB—Thoroulllly

keopw » «n tfd . A ddriM . lUtln* pfctwl, Double-tt^y. Box t, N*» i ____BOolokEBplBR *U,;Vd;tug experlenoe In builnrt.' pr'^ferrM,HIM •“ r ' “ _ r - J* *Adrweas Plumber, Pox 86. Hew# nfflce.DOTft—L. BAMBERGER i CO.

Rl F nOYR OVBR 16 YISAR8 OF aOL, AP­PLY AT o ffic er BB-FX3RE 10 A. sT _______


TriElR CARPET DEPARTMENT APPLY AT BVPBBlNTEh&fiHrB OFFICE. bKKORE 10 A. M. _________________ .S A LES M A N -B xpertenced

steady work^ good pay- Addr?#* o«iNew# oltlce. ______ _B A L E B M E N ^ ’xm sllc m f" *■;

day selling our new artli.le. • « Thomas si. __________SALESMAN to sell JeweJ^^

salary. TOWNS MiT3.SALESMEN wanted to

Eureka Co., 68 Market i

CO.. 2ft A^aOeii'vIl be r it'rH ci

B g L P W A B T B P - W e a i j a _HOrsBW (>RK~ain nxm ed (or u n n i l house-

work. Ift3 High at. __________ ________JANITRESS wanted; familiar with of of­

fice. Apply ai Kste houa^ WeMon SlectrlcklI’onstructlon ( 'a , ^Vaverly Park. _K n V H E N ^ 't T O in r ^ N e a i colored Foman for

kitchen work and aeslat In plain cooking, jftFulton st. ______________U B A ld B E R iiir &. CO. RDQW ma.EXPgRI-


■ M F L O T M B K T W A N T M D - W O M K I I .

STFNOQRAPHEH- FxiMTlenced stenographer.typewriter and L ik keeper daalrei boalilon:

beet reference. .ttliL-esa R,, Box ftl. News of* nee.

L A l'N D H E S S -W h iia laundriua, Oerman Tuesday.

pre-mferreil, wunied for Monday (W

Pnrk ave.. Orange. _______________

M A ID warned for upatAlra work charge of grown children. A p i^y •* North

Arlingion ave., Ehst Orange. _____________M IL L IN R H Y apprenilcc wanted,

247 Mulberry si.. vHy.U . r iS H b lH ,

.N rilS K -tV a nio .J. nb elderly woman to take care of an oM lady as nurse and tb artlat In

hnusework, must fvirnlsh good reeofOmend^|®J': a X'<h1 home and fair racontpense. M> A , M l L - L IN , 2111 \%a#hlngron at. _________N l'H S K warned in

S H O E S A L E S M A N -Y o u n g man wani-'d.perieneed shoe saleaman; slate ' « 1h i>

pected, referencee, etc. A d dr’ is rermui;-' Box B, New# nfflve^__________ _______ ^_______io L lC IT O R -W a n ie d . younf ni^an.

and colle.-t fnr manufacturing house, required; 112 u week to start. M. n News office, ____

i!-♦' !ir t .'P 'S aij,

g lL V H R l’L A T E R wanted; must be a<-|-viM. m- i lo saddlf^ry hardware work, T H " b . l .V\\-

C E T T 126 \Vet*t 32d at.. New Tnrh,

BTENOORAPHEB: yoxrtg m*n of gnee. Addre*?, stating wkges wante-l. '

Box 82. News office. ____SOLtTBLE'coUon makers wanted, steady wora.

Addreea M. O.. Box 22. News oflire.S T E A M F IT T B R S '

merce si.helper* wanted. 03 c^m-

f ilN G L E man; doctor’s family^__W tVdarT A I l 6 b ^ 3o tailor and buAelm en on new

and eecond-hand d o thittg. Norfolk el.__

T A I u 7 H6 ^ a m e < r"3fl ladles' Jackets. UE ST Cfi.. WW Broad St ____________

T A I L O ^ l i d l e J rIngtpn st., city.

r i N r m Tt i F w a n l ^ berry st.

tailor wanted. Mfl Wn#b-. ■■__,.i_ ___

E L I A S B E R L A . 7d Mul-

r P H 0 L 8TE R B R * “ Afi upholsterer wanted.WEJSB, 264 South Orange ave.____ _ _

r s i T u L man: country place, 3ft O ls r etWCjODW ORKEJBS. three flrst^lasii, st or:.<-

American Gear and Vehiole Co.. Halsey uni Crawford aia. ____________ ____________Y O lT fO M A N wanted for buffing and poTlahing.

one accustomed to saddlery hsniware pre­ferred. A ^W _FR EEM A N ^^ R. R. are.y O V N O M a n (speaking iCbgUkh and aermani.

to take care of horse; rtference required ( . l U S. HEJTEMEYBR, 314 Market a t___TOUNQ mill for railway mail clerk#, Inter-

stats Corras- Ihat., Cedar Rapids. la._______

uke care of small child, man preferred, al»o girl for ^*''**!'i

w<Tk. iiiupt understand c.MJkHlg. A. WSLLiB'L i;i*i Wuabingitin lU. __________M 'H -< E girl

rruitiy. 32 »wnntcil. >iiire pl,

Call iTetween 1 and 2

German nurse girl.N IK Sf-> -W ani«U ,Warren at. _________

>tP H H A To n S - Exi^ei-lvnced flrst-clM#\v-&nu.i; gy<Hi wlaf> ; yearly pesltton. B E r i

.*;• TiM BtOHd *1 _F 'lL IH ilE lir i -i il f lx , fii>frlenctd In pnllihlnx

MivHi' niivfiiieH: eieadv work; good phs. f'llY riH N g V E L T Y CO.. 4T8_W a^l_nglon Pt.

J’! ‘Ll.-illl-jn -W anted, r g«K?d pollgher. .V'l • I 'lK l.D A- V A N L iE H U lL T , 4S ^ a l n ut #L

1' ' want ed on small silver work. A| l‘\y I«T Ihirh fii.. Newark. N. J- __

I ’'»IJF»H K K S wanted. S O K W A R Z K O P K & lHdU;H, 473 WftHlitnglon St. __

K E F IN 'K D nurB.' girl and to assist with u;- Ptalni wurk MRH, G. K R U J O E R , M 7 H igh «'

hOPilANOF; in the rboru* at First ^ s b y i e n in Chureh- Apply in MR. B B C K B U U -

rb u i'li, Frulay evening, between 7 and 8 .

’ALL'^«\^■OMAN wanted in cloak store b> h -ir •ut Saturdays; exi'SrSenced preferred, llh-ra;

pay. Call 3ft Market SL ________________S T m i ’P B R a-W anted. experienced stflppers d-

ntice; good wag*# and steady Job. 236 S.fuiU urange ave. ________T M iiR O l'G H L T reUable girl, about Sw, In im+l]

fam ily; good wages. 24 Lenox ave, ta il < Mvuige.

S T E N O O K A J ’H L H X desire#' pemiHiMK-',!

Address Bteno, ik,^ >

>1 typewntrf, experienced, lnMililon. Itvst reference.

II. New# office.S TC N O G R A P H l':i( ,>#pert, ten

ence, destr*-' i -iiupn, Expert, office.T W O colored

work or w a- y«e St.

year#' axperl- Ihvx 24 , New#

Hftnt '*mi>lL'j m«*rn; h"U#e- iiMUif or oui. Call :#> Dur-

'li.i- work In #mali fondly;' ■Mldren; understands '"■j«'klng; \ HellaMf*. Box 27. News of-

'•■'I by expert iwiin.IrpHH, also roiii SeaniKire##, H<vx J4 . New#

eanlng wanted by iheM St-iliuroughly iind quUkiy

eanina or ae ohambermaid. 1’' . rh.-,

tft (in w'KahIng ai

w.inlR eliiiatlon, wRUrea# 92 S rhrbu ft.

i l w u,.Lm>i washing anii Ironing tn take ■' ■ ;'i i Os IsiRii jil.

Ma n wunte wstjMng '■«: Uerseii #1 .

ami Ironing to take

idy wi old hke oi^yini itf tu (In In an office. ••wh flttlve.

Address M. H..

B l S I I B S B O P P O R T U ? f l T | ] j ^ _ _

> trixerles. Liutcher shops, saloon*,fl' •!> and I'lgar stcres. hakerlae anrt all other

R H i.- (if*. quii-k ealea. nt<rfler»ie cora- ii MS t■h*^gl l A ild rt^ F R A N K A . W E N - / I li I’ i’shlne Ri-e , and 1 will call..•\ iiti** gf the hem grocery slort# In New ark.

ill Sflii trade 4 r\«oma and store, rent t2*); irK#;* ir anid at once. F R A N K A. WSNZKrl.., 7ii! P-fihine ave.

. — Partner wanted In real iTik e r's office; gfRinl paying

rtr^#* Bi, lioX 8, New# (ffllce.

T W O girls wanted to 10 &choo) Bt.

work on custom Ciiatn.

• Gt-xl new#, jiatlortery, I’&nily and #inre, gi:Htfl route; si a bSfguln. F. A . "W

Z L U t 2 Pashine a vs,

H E L P W A M T E D ^ - W O H S U f

A COOK and laundress, also second girl, must be capable and neat; hone nofd opp1> wHh-

out reference. 47 South CUnten st.. East Or­ange. _____ _____

____ with slight knowlfdiAddress Mualo, Box 86, New# oi

A N active woman mualc. •ffiC'

ofIce.% terlin at.

BOY about 17; oM ^ho has had experience In boilng deparinicQt of brush fai tory. A. F.

rO N B R Y . 276 Haltsy a t .__________ ________

P N D E R T A K H E B .

CALLEN k MATTHBmS, Undertakers.278 Broad sL, cor. Marshal! et.

Prompt attention ilvan to calls, day or night. Telephone 1B1. _ ____________

W U ^ A M O O L D S TIC K E B . Undertaker, for­merly of 506 High ai., hs# removeiJ to 41 Snuih

Orange g ve .; I hsve no partner connected with the abova eatabUihmenl; tel. 30S8 B. Newark.

MRS. JDU A A. MEYER, formerly of the Arm of Mayer k Gtnas, undertakera, will ennttnue

bufflnaas s t g.i Rralntnail pi.; long dlatanos ’phone b0()2 . Newark 'phone 8TSb.



Office I t Bridge s t. , near Broad. 'Phone 16ft.JOHN J. OAN82, undertaker, formerly 21ft Nor­

folk at., ha# removed m No. 5 Wallace at., op- pMlte Academy st. L D. T*l. 4222K . If. P E A R C E , undertakrr. has removed to

181 8 . Orange ave., near Bergen at. Tel. 8878.B. M. 6 K 1N N E R , undertaker and, tmbalmer,

No. 214 iTllnbm ave. Telephone 2 <3a.

O. L E R R . undertaker and embalmer. No. 22 WttRSth at- Rqih lel<|phonas. 61ft

C B m B T B R l E i .

ROBEIDALJC AND LINDEN PARK Osmeterlea open for IriapacUon: lorgeat snd best equipped cemetery lodge in the country; frve truapertatlon to braspctlvs lot buyer*; car- Hkiea meet all trams to take visitor# over the pTOpertisa; special advantage# now offered to elivrebta. fraternal orfanisationi and Individual lot buyers. Officea. tft W, Zld #l , Naw York, and Linden Ledge. UndSh, N- J.ARLINGTON CBMETEHY-PlcHirs*que W u ty

of modern pork planting with osrefttl min- a^ m e n t of beat oameteCy aystani. Arlington ears leave Broad at, at Clay at. Offleea, filft Bragd, at. pnd at Cemetery< Arilngtos. W. J.


OCOROE BROWN A^CO. _ E H tab ils^

gTO-874 BellevtU* AVe,, eppoMts entranra to Mt. Pieaaant Cemetery.


H a r in g a g r y r r .tMUflMBUlP Tel. 6iM2

M. T, 1 174 Summer are.,

B N O H d B lm *an lata, memorlaU,

Con.; 240

J. t r a i n e r , pen artist; 8T4 Broad at., elly.

engrossing a ape- Telephona 481)4.

___________ P H M R O L O O T ,

K T R E N O L O a T ^ ^ n iran

t o w :ik s t '

you W'btt you are, what can be end what you should do. Call at

LER A WELL^ phr*n<.i|ogiBta, 27Tweoly-dret at,. New York.

N F O E N T . phrenoltiglet Academy

MME.Jora at 21

•ell 4. near P.

m o F

baa oi<eneil par- #t- (Huraetl Building,

conaultatlon, ft to ft.

"ROF. PRITCHARD. phrenclilclH and fllhef vlktices. 6TS Broa8 st., room 8 ; opea g^c&lnf*-

HMR. p a t t ie s sclentlPc phreookwtot I'oe odrlce r i l l 304 W sfren at.; hours 1 to 8-

^ D A M A - r A r i l^ . '^ h r e n o lo g U L h M feinnt- _s i. iS fi bs QOftibUsd W NeW TS gk srs.

BOT-Wanted. colbrsd boy. abnui 18 y«ra .understands housework, ^-all ai 38 Iledden

terrace, ctly.____ _ _ ___________ ______K O Y S ^ O O d stout boys

oJil, to le#m a trade. I N G L Il BHOS., 31,Beecher a t._ _ , _______ ____________BOY wanted In Jewelry abop, muBl have g ^ d

reference. Addr#§a Jeweller, Room 6. Tk > Rr> ad et. ________BOY wanted for grocery store;

ence; >U weekly. Address Boy nfflee.

one 6f einerl- Box 23. News

BOY wanted lo work in shop and run errand#- c a r l F. JO H N S O N , fli B prlng f^ei^k ^-

BOY lu deliver raper# and run errands. M. B. FOSii, 32 Railroad pi.. E s w Orange._________ _

BO Y— Bright bo>‘ for TO W N E , 20 Academy ol.

•paclal collecting.

H fiY— A neat voung bc»y wanted for grocery work. 447 Plane st.

ROY wanted for house painting and pasilng pa­per. h6 Bremen st. _____________________ _

BOV wanted. 216 Mulberry at.__________________^ H c K e M J T H — Wanted, A I ckrrlage and

wagon blacksmith, staady « s r k i^ d V18 a week; imhe other need apply- H O D G E , 12 Day

OroTige. _____________ _____B V a H E L M A N — practical workman Can hav#

permanent poslilon. H ie Model Tailbrlng Ct».» 222 Market. _________B I’T C H E R S — Tw o butrhem wanted. Friday and

Saiurdsy. V IN C E N T f i , Main at.. Orange.

n V T O H E R wanted. M Orsngs st.

B R irK L A Y E R B wanted %» Woodslde T a n w ry , Woodslde, N . J . JO H N W . k^EROrBON.

i m i t ^ L A Y E R S Cedar,

wonted. Broad at., near

c o a c h m a n wanted, a single m th Who tin- derstanrta the care of horses and carrlagea,

and make himself generally Useful- Address I ’sefuL Box 1» . N ews c»flloS.__________rni,T.B<'rrr>R wanted who coo fumlah bond

from guaranty company; one fa n llla r with insislmenl collections preferred. Collector. Rox SI, News officec o l l e c t o r and salesman wanted; must give

bond; apply after 9 o'clock Fridayi M. L . B A L L A R D . M 2 Main s t . Orange.c l e R K — A flrtt-claos grocery clerk wanted In

the aoulhem port nf the M iy ; reference re- quired. Address 0 -. Box office.___ ____t USTO M c n T E R — Parmaaant and good p a y

ing puioltlon to gc«d wortoioiL Tws Model Tailoring Co.. 2*» Market at.______ __c t N V A iS E R F wonted on rlbSka and clothing.

a r o NBON, Harrlaoti ave., cor. Th ird . H a yTllUD._____________C a H P E N T R R B —T wo union men. YV'hIts gktd

K#sex sis., Orange. ___________

B O O K -K E E P E R experienced In double entry autl general office work, MartUfarturvr. Box

8B. Newi office. __ ^C fW K — Clean g irl for cook and kluhen work;

private famitv. wages fSO a month other help ept; please call at ones: carfare imid. MRS.

R D B B L near Nutley HUtLon. NuileyL'OOK— Wanted, cook and laundrn#. with down­

stairs work, In family of three, beat refer­ences required. 89ft IJnooIn avs.. Orange. N. J.

CO O K — Wanted. flrst-Claaa Garroan cook, with besi references. Apply MR-- I'ETTEB

IlA U C K , 52U Harrison ave., Harrison.COOK-layndreaaee, house workers, wal tresses.

laundreaaes. seatnstreaaM, nurses. L A R ' K IN ’P nmi-e. 240 Main ft.. Orange.

W'snted, a good cook for general house­work; family of three, good wage*. Inquire

185 Market it,, second floor.

CO O K — Wanted, good cotiK (w hite): assist w'lih laundry work; sleep home, |fi a week. 5tl

Main at.. East Orange.exJOKS. cnok-laundresses. nurses, walircase*.

housewnrkers, lid to t90 . wanted. 78 Centreat,. Orange.C O O K — rieln Ck>ok wanted to help at light

housework. A pply st tW Csntre st.. orange.

C O O K — Colored cook wanted at Palace H otel: one quiet and active. Cal] at o&ce.

Ct}OK*CoJored cook Call st once.

warned a t Palace Hotel.

COOK and laundress; rkferenosa required. High It.


C tX )K for boardlng'houae; New at.

Blaap honii. 64

CO O K waiUtd at 173 cilnton av*.; raferanc* re­quired. ______________ _______ __

C R O T H lrro R B . ladle*' ahawM; pay one dollar more on doien than others, and carfare. On

Kearny, cor. Quincy ave., ATllngton,

D R K S SM A K O R 'S apprcDtlca wanted at once. MRS. C. G. F 18H E R . 373 Main at.. East O r-

W A lT R E S S -G Ir l to w ilt on U b lM ram . lift Halsey al.______

E M P L O V l I B N T W A R T B D - M i m .

A B L E and energetic man of good address, well acquainted In Newark and surrftunillrgJ-,

wants empliiymeni, Addreaa German and RnK- llah, R ci 47, NewsnffioBi___________B Y an honeat, Industrlnua man. poslilon want­

ed In i fflre. or eiockroom of ftcibry sreudy emnloym«Pt desired ralhar than high wages. Addresa Wanted. Box 41, News office_____ ^R A K E R "Y o u n g man wtahis posIMnn as a first-

class rake and bread baker; day work pre­ferred. C. F R A N Z . 39 M o© «om en #iB O O K -K E E P E R , thorough, reliable, d»v!r^e po­

sition. beat of refereflc#*; salary m-»loraje. Competent. Box 18, Nfwa ofllC^___B A R T E N D E R , experienced and reliahl*' wants

poeJLlon. Address W . T . . 418 'W'aehinginn jt

Rr)y.--Colored boy wishes pofeltlon with a doo- tor. 2ft Augusta et

A.-'O ue of the best oyster and chop houwaa In city for sale at a bargain. F R A N K A. W EN *

ZI-iL. 72 Peshine uve. _ ____ _________

A .—4].-,od paying t-aeh griicery; all freah stock’.will Inventory, h bargain. F R A N K A . W E N ­

Z E L , 72 1‘eshine a w . ___

A.—IITO buys grocery, rent (T.^ if t bitya tea and coffee route,

buy# barherahop; 3 chairs, buys good paying saloon.

8350 buy* citAl and tea buelnasii. tftOII buys bulrherahop; old establiihe#!. i l . 3tKJ buys One saloon, near Poatoffica.

M E G C R O N H F IM , Plane, cor W illiam at.

C O O K — Flrat-claaa French CCbk mints poalUon in private fam ily, good referencea. Address

Cock. Bo* 48, News office._________________c o a c h m a n . English. Single. dlsenk#|ed: gf»n,i

references Address K le lO H T . HUion office, N. J.D R r o Q IS T — Comi>eient presrrirtlonlst. go->d

pharmacln and A l salesman. Addrf#s Hales- man. Box U , New* o4lloe.E N G IN E E R d^'flre* position; .under#lsnd# rtyna-

nii>*. pump# and Corllas engine; aleo flbpi.rf tiun Ice machine. Address Reliable. Hex 18, Newsoffice, ___ _________E N G IN E E R -M rs l-r la a s engineer wants situa­

tion at once; heat referencea of late fTCplnyers. Engineer, 6H Hunterdon y . . city. _ENOI*7 e e R. prmviicat man, «ng!nes, dynamos,

etc. deetrsa position: total abstainer. 1ft North 13th #t.E X P ra H JE N C E U book-keaper and offic# man de­

sires p^^lUon, salary moderate. Addrea* Of­fice, Brjx 8. Nbws o f f i c e . __________F IR B M A N — Y’ouTtg man wlrtic* position a# Are-

than; d ly or elsewhere. Addrees Fireman, Box RH, News office,____________________ ^ _F IR E M A N , on bnllera. warns situailon. Ad-

dresa nrem an. Do* 7ft, New# offire.

L A C N D H T M A N hmg experlenea. wishes ph- sltlon es manager of steam laundry, or would

rorroapond with pAfty with capUal, wishing ro elan In laundry boilneoa. Addrei# Lsunory. Box 30, New# office.

P R EgftM A K IN G -A ppreruloea •ewers. Apply J E L L K Y A

w'snted; neat 0 0 .. 2Sa Mulberry

M A N A O E R -W a n te d . a |Hi*lilnn ta manager ur iuperlntendent of a builneea nr new enter

prise by a mechanical and electrlcsl snglaeer, with 8 years' eommerrlal experience in aalllfif and management, atid 6 years In engineering work, conalating of dsalgn and construction of Ligwer plants, trolley roaAx, faotoMea. m#nu* faclured srilcles, aulomoblle*. etc ; funlller with fiiotory metkoda. coet kaaplttg aystemlh etc. F O e TB R D A T . Qrartga, N- J-__________

M A R R IE D man want* clerical work. et|>erl- «nce in beat offices; good correspondent; me

curate accotioiam; m e ih ^lca l hard worker; best refarencea. R .. Box 98. New i office.

'Apprenncei end waist hands Apply at 40Q Halsey at.

D R E H B U A K IN G wanted. ___

F R E E slttiatlona to capable domestics, cook*.waltresBea. house Workers: ws place office,

ator*. hotel and factory help. GermaA-Amarlcait Agency. 30 C ^ a r st. ; established 19T3 .F IN liH E R S -W n m e n

coats. 34ft Plane st.anted to nnlsh on

C O O K -W hM e man, cook In private bokrdlng- huuae 38 Fulton a l ._________________

C ^ ^ K wanted. 523 Booth Orange ave. ________

im iV E R V -L K B A M B E R G E R k CO. R B Q U l

A. M. ______ _______ ___



D R IV E R S — WAiUed. driver* fot dellverr wagrm. M. A. S M ITH . «ft rhSwibem at.

D IA M O N D fetUTTER— Fliwl-claea dlamoad a ^ pearl setter wanted, D A V iD C. D O DO , iS

Marabalt et ________________ ___DRL’Q C L U R K wanied; at least three gears*

experlencr^ Addrews j T 'L I f B LE?W tT. IMffpruce at._______________ ^ __________ ____d i s h w a s h e r *»anied In nwtaum ni. 325 M ar­

ket at. ____ _ __ __ __ ^F A R M H A N D wanted. (s M tflU k e r. [nq;tiin

cortieT Baydan and Irvlttgtoii avea., §oqtb Or* ange. ______O R tX ’K R T ^ T o u n # sMn wanted In grocery and

........................ »#i

G IR L B not Under 17 years of age wanted Hardman Rubber Oo-, H#|lc%‘llle

O IR L to wash dishes and make herself ginarml- ly useful IT Kim it __

G IR L to a*AHl; giwff wages. 287 North Sixth t., RosevilF

G IR L S —18 flTle wanted. r.'*aii 32 New M-

Q IR l ^ wanit^ T* Oreeit Xt.. 2d flour.

Slrl or woman for ly of three; good

H O V S E W O R K - t’twtpvtent general tlou ‘ewoTh in fa

wagaa and h >mc to proper parsocia Call be­tween 9 and t> I' M., 109 South 11th at., near C in lra l ave . , arfare paid. ____________IIO l-S E W Q H K ^Vnnied. Mean. respectable

American girl ti- dr- Ughi h^oi^work tn fam- 1!y of two. Kii-1 fcwlsl wllh baby: good home. Addreaa Home, n ^ i 3. New# office __________H O V B E W O R K Warned, f l . l for general house

work' pliUi king; la amaJI fanuly, good hMua and wat;>e GT-rman prefstred. 91 douth Walnut st.. Ea:’ i orange.h o u s e w o r k - " “nted. girl

hbusework in cook; referent ■■ r-e ju lr«i. Call at avs,, this evenma

irt to do general must be a rood

m 'Third

: wanted (white) for general h h I Iron: family fl\*e; refer- • ' 114 Inquire two days, 291

v>#nie^ in s tn a ll^ ^ m lly : k and laundrees; personal

i l l at 39 fiumett at.. E*»t

htitrher hualnei reference. J First st.

gel orders and deliver; r . U c D O N N S U -s Central ave.

to! and

, « T l T T E A ^ T w bffillatad wtib aa]:4 d m Want P ii



good gasitiers wasted: kot any obierb, A pplT Roocn 1. F i r k •(*•. m a a ir manilpg.

L O f T A in > r o t n ,

b O S T ^ tra y a d Tuesday, from 1ft Liberty «i.. wirfie f « terrier, with «po< on ore eye; iwerp the name Roo«. Buliable reward will

glvi a by returamg same tb tb* above so*

H A dajr. la Bast Orange, bull tssrisr dog; owner caji have n m e by paying

g lliia g ii aad proviag preperty. 8ft4 Pmapect ffi., fc s t Oraflge- ___________________________lO B T ■ gsrsf al daya ags. enrfeer spaalel P «M r .

wsdrldg collar' answers lo naoM of "F lirt* B e w a il for return to 811 Park ava,. ecnier MB9 SA., O r a n g e . _______________________IvO ffir-tA ily ’s black sUk hand

wL. between PaciOe and H n nrm stf.n m

Inderrewarded by retuniiiig to D U K C A N '8 .

i E lm

f c o r r - ]Hosra]

— Baak booh No. 143908, laansd- BavtBff* iBstautton F i n d e r ^ n la leave book at bank. 799 Broad st


lO B T-^G re cn laprobe; leather Mndlng; oa Park................ m or b a r yeatw ' --------------

knydar st., Orange.

U 3S T - U Bambener'a star*, black oilkfiiarilnlag pair a l a g m giaM si Rewaik

If c P W M d t s f r x ^ a B i W e ttrad , a 1

1 9 0 ; fkaggry airvlaw a e ^ , ortaiga.

paaM. M Oe- iw a r d . 19

__ Not F k i4 sr

M M I n D0m

M T ^ - P ^ No. 91919, m Dhma 9artogf F la ie i ftlsaas fstara to baak.

* 9 E S V ! R * J a i r , ; a K

GO O D Metura fntaa steady Job. i"'

Ora tigs.

kHner aad ffttar wanted; 9T9 Mala aC, B a »

K O U W W O R K — K an wanted to do for fam llT of four: oittst be geed eeok aad

waiter and have good rsfcrencee. toM M . R. M A C E . per. Oag road and H lg h ia M ave,. Montclair. ___ ^

C O .T N E W A U K . W A N T E X P E ­R IE N C E D U P - n T T W F O R F 1 ‘ R N T T U B 1

D E P A R T M E N T : O N E W H O I N D E R 9 T A N P B A L L O U TE fP M W O R K . A P P L Y T O i U P B U ikF^ p p q ._____________ _________________R A H N E * CO .. N E W A T ^ W A N T E X f ^

L. m i u n s i r a A i n . « u H H t M i

* K 5 " , r j r ’'n J S k ? . 'U T i a f T r s iPridat m orkliB. N*v. 1. _________L . B A M n S R O M E k C ^ - W f M k

.m m k n P O E e a t u r d a t E A P P L T d T9 C P E R 1N TC N X )E N T* B O P P lC E .

B A l

M A N '.X


v - A I III d m tikde.

bright, eaarg tiic aiaa wbc eaa fa t-

wnaiad fhr fwcaU' at I

dSTi^r L T l t l. l,l|lllJ M lt IcIh m , f t r I w b e lli M B . W M bu<t and *I|| BBrtInBUn. (^BfaM)* Box XX. i r » « iV oAr*.

to**u3 ' hBiUx’ ortii xb4 wifoo. FBotorx, Bo* U . Hi

II KBOtro, t it . .

l U x 'o S s r * " * "

H B N . X B M c n ; x xU x.H tto ««*t* nr, pooBiB- w^rtto or s d S iO B M

V M A N I.'m , H I I b i x It . , a m CBb iib o .

M B H w x t H . - - - - - - . .•Bw. A i ^ *t W b A iBotorr.M). a . xT; m x * rtBoDoHM ). m .

M A C K tK ttrf far asa ita l w f a ff week ahoat fae- tdou n . M W H M H N 'E B O N K naag

W a M M iiatlea.

i a i H > t » A O C D ■■ 199 l^ a g v t le at.

■ t r - T y j . r -P A X irTK f li a M Mfk e r r t m ; iM a a t r t n aad

H O l’S E W O U K houaework,

enre required ‘vnjt'W n s h i i^ o el

HOUPETXt'DRK r K must be gvii'«i

reference require tOrange. N. J __________________________ _H O l^ e w O R K <iiTi warned for general house­

work tb small ■'irTni\ . good home, reference# required. Call ^ ‘ uih 14ib #t . near CTInioaave. ^ ________

1 f i r general housework J . , small family, refer-

t 4T F iin b e ih ave.. citjr.

H O U S E W O R K ’«o-lo go to (.Ttalher . N

enre required. A n iy *

H O U W E W O R K - »And houaewnrk’ r

iBgi. ITT Holme# f' . ’Rellevllle.

Agra to good irtain rook Hi family. * -* -A ^ t y Biorti-

N . J.H O V 9 E W O R S — lAhiie girl wanted lo assist

With bousew<'>rl( nn washing m a ll faBity. 194 Oreeawood # ' * . Fset (irange.h o u s e w o r k - mi email family; emperledced

girl; dbsoluie required; references.H LsMle st . near *'llnt<m gve^________ ______

f lO U li t W O R K 'A tiesi German girl for gefi- •ral houteverk In 4msI! fam ily; must ooqm

TTth fio o m n iin lri 47 H ill eC H O M lfW O R K -C o m p e te n t girl wanted for gen-

w al hottsswnrk lti a small fam ily: refertnes required. H » Third ave _____________H O rS B W O R K napahle girt for rSnaraJ

bo^gwock. must be goud cook. 183 W aM ut•t, S n Q ra n g v__ ._______ __________________R O C E B W O R K — Weftied. a good w h iu gjrt for

•mall family Apply imDediately. 99 C v lto a s L ^ E a g l Oraage■ O U M C W O R K — W sM cd. German or HuagartaA

gtri for general housework; maall faailly. “ “ W M M g to a SL_____________B O U E E W O R K ^-To n n g German girt w asrtat ifl

fsasm l housework. 91 dtate sc . Fbreot H ill beta pass d o o r - _______________M O W K W O R X -W a n te d . o< ift, k» aaMst la

boasaworh. Apply 199 North NVttb st., Rose' vUJe; no I r i s h _______________________

M A N warns place to take oar# ,if horses and make hlmeelf useful abnul houae, .fOilN

L E E I 9 IN O B R . rare of Johionah Foran, Valley at . from of HUon pi.. Otenge Valley.M A N wants poslilon. waiter b a rk e ^ r .

from ft P. M. to 12 night Write PR'TBR LAFFlTTK, 392 WaahlMii>n ava . Newark

week Of monthMAN want! Job b;anvil anvihlng. S .. 1ST lil-Mjmfleli


I ’U S IT IO N wanted M o^wchman and generally uteful man of caretaker rif gentleman ip lave

written and gtrannsl referenve# Aadresa B Stift \ Qoa are., aonth O n nge N J ___________I’lA N O t u n e r wahtB « -r* few day* each

Addnao TuAtr. Mam «l . Kasti Or.week,ange. _ __________F H o T O O B a P H IW » » n , » .Itua.lnni,, tny Xlni.

AdJrMB P h «o , Box » . N ' » ’ "in."'IS JirvKor

care of gen- JOHN PRU-

f^iN ijLS man wants stableman .or ussfui man

tleruan'B place; referent-^I 'F N . 39 Orsen at.. clt> _ _ ____ _

y T F .N U Q R A P H E n ltn d iyv** ' ik.n In law office; adm iuH aUomey June

term. Ad'Jiwss Attorney, o. S*«a office.

fcjlTl'A TlO N wanled as gardtnsrgix.d referencea Apply A U Mi^rrli avs

Aummli _ ____ _T I ' I 'S I ) mxn, with -M w ,ll xe-

(u .io iin l » i lh Ju ilM , . . .r ,; .'m ,-' wM-x, CQi,,,,fr. collxctor, rh4h ,«Wh»r» fxUhfal »iii '* 1" •■tvxnciwntA Jilm w Va L K N T IN E .Orange,

E M F L O Y M f c X T W A M R D - W O M E ? ! .

A LtVA Yft— Otrla; every picyment Agency. 7n o

2AH]O •M rAN'lON-'A 'anted. 1-

>i’Ung uuman. M lt lo n am lo grown children wnrx. I l once. AddreM ■ I 2 ih at,, Newark, N. J .

C O M P E T E N T •tenrwnij’' years eiparience, dealr^

having bMQ ftoplnred \ Ttindermle; Isw aten<^gra| 24. Nexra office.C O C K — A good cook *

restaurant oe prepare ;i hom r. bast refereffces W ^ i st.

hPH.irr -

Home Em - rnangf, tel.

*T..'ri i>r«'ipatant #tLl, n, attend- s'^ner#; h moe-

4 jirturti

, S p»

nim-wi fwo T n thia city

\>rk. salary ;:e#e R . ItoX


work l:j a, e1|.4 n, ftleepS t ls U N U . IT

A - liutohcT buslntso i»n main st.; horae and I'Afona and all llxturr*. at half roit. I^TIA N K

A U l lN y -K U T2 PMhlnv ave^_______•A 1 hftvr aevefal good iuUK>na for o ile ;

eHiubllaheil bualneu, at u bargain. F R A N K W E N Z F I,. T2 Pcihltir avc.

estate buslnesa hueinefiA. Ad-

c ^ rV K N .

H O I I I B f . C A I I R I A O B K E T C ,

B A N f n - A BRO.,AT lo 41 Bridge #i.. Newark, N. J.

Don't fall to see what we have to offer if yon are looking for a good norw, Always what you want II here.

160 C A R R lA O K HnRBKB. acdim aiei and In pcrfe- i omdUlon for Imme­diate city use. —A 1*0—

25 r a d d l e liOKBE^,Among them four slnglif finjt twPtes; perfect

manners; trot In hameon-100 D R A F T HORJsEiP

1.20U lu 1,900 pounds, auUs I>1h fur iU kinilt of Work. Lung dlitanca telephi'iie 124.


4 9 6 ^ 7 B R O A D B T.. Nt:\\A R K , N. J. L A R O E B T COMMlSBlOxN d TA iiU ^ IN N E W

JK R Bk’ Y.R E G U L A R A U C T IO N t»-\i.KP EVERY' T l'E S ^

D a y a n d F R ID A Y . .\T III A H 4 HAH P. lUU to Iftft bead of borirr lu select from, either

at auction or private salt.Horae#, vagona and harneaa revelved from

any one to be sold od commission. T wn days' trial on *11 honss Sold, and If rmi s# repre­sented money cheerfully refund.-d

JA U U B S H U T T S AouilonetT. J L 9. B. HOY, Prop. J. B. M O R E H u l'S , .^#|p*ni#n.

Telephone TTS-ltlS2 Nen*rii. __


BKitT i^ U A L lT Y A T I'lllL 'E S T H A NE L S E W H E R E . C A L L AND IN S P E C T O U R N E W L IN E S O F I I a RNLKS, W HIPB. L A P - ROBES. R U B B E R UO\ i;ll,4. HRU81I12S. E T C . B L'O O Y H A R N E S S . Su Ju I 'P . O H O C EftY H A R N E S S . I I 7 .0U U P I'ASH uR C R U D I'f.

B H A lt'l h .M ii-K 'J it lUJUl.SSuN. t o M A R lv L T lif N E W A R K .IW) ’

; p s T S ftu;

M IC H IG A N H U R S E H -I '. i earn nieed ?Then bflng your m s i, n. I will #hnur op track;

Nulrahge, rso. 2-lft. itiui b.IO, gresiesi m ati­nee h*jr*a In A n i«r ca, l’ fi..rt»e C , veJ» go a 2 minute gall, a great iMtiul)- mare; I'eru, r«o. 2 .22 4, can beat 2 . 1.1 sweet Kolhg tfolier of irottere, 4 and .1 year# l.t, oan. p<de ia fine coach pair, own I t .(.reii. 6 srtri ft years; Nettle G blur rltOMm ointiei. irtn In 2.4 0 , oihera with Bpred, from lo J iK> W. C A L - B E C K . at fdHIolnfw'# triable, 2W Clinton ave.W a r d k JCi HNB^j N, lucr-^aanr# tO Oberl**

Orube, 287-afdt W*irlirl #t.; T#l. 134ft, We have a full tin# nf new station wagons, canopy exieiision top surrey#, 'buggies, phaeton and rubber-tired r»ad uugom>. Ws also carry a full line of iri'.'t'ry, buti-her, laundry and tea wagons, oart>eiiier, plumber and mawm w ei- ous; all pur own make. Fa<-toG'; Rahway, N- i . We will build any kind of carriage or buiihesa sagon lo order, and all work war- rkbted.

A N old-esiabllHhrd. good-paying real estate and Insurance liuNinvHB. recelpis over 19,0)10 year­

ly : aieknes# ih# r*e#nn fur Belling; must b* aoDl Immi^dlatelv. price I L 6<)0 S lE G . C R O N - H K lM , Dane cor. W iuiam il.A F E W first-class salnnn# for sale or th rent.

S IEG - U R O N H K IU . brewery agt , notary pOb.A N opportunity tn secure some atoi'k nf g WSl]>

paying l<* ai comrsny. Interest guaraataad;eatablfaheil

f bval company shares lluu each, oualneasyears. Addrea# Security. Po* 70, News dl

Fin&T-C'LASS milk ri<Ule foe sjle , >45 < also horse unJ wagon. Addreai B. J., !

News office

tugrts;l o t 4ft,

F IR B T -rL A S H Halwn for Bale. B A R C IC L G W , oppoalie the Erie Depot, I ’usialc, N- J .

IK > TK LB — Tlnee flrsl class hotels fur sale. N. J. Real Bststr Co.. Ifth Market at.

IN \'EN TU *N ’ f ir suit-, or iqifiner waiHed, 1j I»AteTit anti dHip|..p the name. Address Inven­tion, box 7i>, News <illlce.

L A R G E eelsb labed bi srd nir house house fl:ie<;] with boarders and ruomer#; owner. tiaving

the city; wHi Hell furnUufr itr pan nf It. g*v>d ne1|hbr'rhr*od; rent kVi CtiN S El A'fCA k

J lK ltL -iN , HCK> Broad at., sveond floor

L IG H T biislne##: iT.'i can make |2o weekly. LeRlilmste. Box 'id. New# office.

MH..K R ( ) r T E uATitivI in BioomfleLil. Addraoo Milk, I!o« ft, Newn office

Inquire Li. F. R E E V E ,

price reduced. 207

M IL K R O U T E for Stic.Hlltcn. N J,

M U S T sell store this week;Mulbsrry et. ^

NERVaPAPER r.nite warited in K m i Orings. R O S Z E U 93 Hussex hvc . Ka«l Orange.

m ^ r» - 'w T A B Ija H H r> #eeen«l-hsnd fu^U lTrs store for sale cheap. Address Furniture, Doi

7 , News office.O Y S T E R and Chop house Wanted to buy. Afl-

drPSB Cagh, Box 32, News office.

PARTAKER with |T3 for aiora show bualmas;booked through Rhode Island and Musaa-

chu*etta. Addrss# Partner, Dox 14. New# nf- flee.

P A R T N E R with |in for mall order business;quick rseults. Address Mali. Box 13. Ntw#

officePATENT—Ha\e valuable patent for sate, call

or write. A. J. TOWNn. 20 Academy si.H A LO O N —1700 buys a goccl corner aalnsn; ••-

lahilfhed 20 year#; rent for salrnm and 6 rootna. only 140 monthly. N. J. Heal Eitats Co.^1 9 9 Market a t ____________

S A LO O N — Bloomfield ave . Mlaon; 20 halves weekly, rent t2ft. 10 )-tsrt' Itase; Ileansn to

July, l«> 2 ; price lOftO. N. J. A*a| Estate Co., IM Market #1.

S A LO O N ; Warren at., near factortes; zn halves weekly; gond dinner trade; rent 129: prica

tSflO. N J. Real Kstsls UO.. Ikk Market #1.

S A L O t N —Gofld paying aakran for sale, inquire 47H Market si.

RUNAiUM TS !<0 ‘l>ah, up-lb-d*le, high or low wheel ruhb4-r.tlred runalKmta, IlOO, reg H 2ft

value; enfiu- ,.f ihe | lw kind at IW . a few blkea, 1126, broughams, depot carrlagea, cihipes, Wealchener#, cali», phaelona, bugglea, etc : full line nf liuaihest waguJia of every description at (he Piwesi prices. ‘The Central Wagon Works. C'eniral ave., hetween nd and 4th sts,F L Y s e a s o n la wver; Clipping season has

comntenL'ed, our cisotrlo clipping machlnea are runnitii; work guaranteed: buraaa called ^ r . Q lT N N & N lC G L U lUb flpringfleld ava.


YELIaiW f a w n b l a n k e t s , F a n c y B g U A H B b l a n k e t s .

aTAHLE u l a n k b t s .L A P HODBB

BANISTER k POLLARD.2u6 2UK Ma r k e t bt .

r O R iA LR *A T Newark Poultry Supply Co.'a .; special Ih li

week only; If yuu nave roup c»r alckMsa among your fowin now Is your opportiinttr; Rustams Havens Climax conditloa p o w ^ r. Mic., 40c. and Ifti'.; Ruats's Roup Pills, tpc.; Ilua u 's I^ g Produesr, 40c. and unkey's Roup Cure. 7Sc. and 40« . SSft Mar^ ksi st.

A G R E A T flxiurea, giol

lamin. bracket*.


given <m gas piping . . open evenings. « Springfield ave<

sole Ip M l Incaoaesceat

etc.; esilmates ami fljttures;

iA D O IjL A R saved la a dpilar earned;

buy yuur gas fixtures, brsckeU, globes. In the cheapest place in the city. N. T . Gas Fixture Co., 24 RelmofU ave., near Bprliiffldd sva.

A F IN E lot ol young singing canaries, also A large variety of guid and fancy A#h. for sale,

chrap, at lid Mulberry at-, I'lra ati.'ie.

A S I 'E C IA L In wedding annuuncerfienia; low prlcee, c«rd plate urkUtlng. G R B A T H E A D ,

Tft5 Bruad #t., over w Iim ^ tH;nS.

Ing.opp, iTamberger'i.L IN G , 14H Market at.,

B H K 'K it. grate# and repairs for alt kinds aiuten and ranges, olo atoves bought; seni

iKiataL^BAM PM AN. 4Rh HruAfl at.

L ^ H Y .. "111/ use fur it,

Rirmej' at.

H F I/ IIA N HAtH-U**--Hvicks fr.r sale. C K .N TS . >iaiD n .. Drange.

’1idiF . In gfvid (-•indltb'ii; reason, price gi.ftn. Call at 242 East

H A N TA M ^u 1(1 (T ry htniurn# for $3 . 200Main #1., Orange.

C‘HAB, F IN K wtil aell at corner Bprlngfleld gve, ami West si., also $i Coney Island ateatnbiiat

dock, flve carloads wine graiiea, dally through­out the Keason. lowest, price*.

C U T U LA S B l«rgakne. Mmplee. odd pieces, eto. Newark Cut GJa#s Co., Ik'l Arlington st.

C A M E R A — flastman camera and outfli, |ft, al* rm*ei new. Aim Main si., Otaiiie.

U llO F poatal to W. W ^ R B ID , "aumlooter,~M Academy #t.. before selling your househbld

goods or merchandise; will buy R from you or aell If for you on commission.

Iftu hands; bia<k iir hay

W IL L receive ttet. 24. carload flrsi* elaa# drivers, business and h isvY

Arafl horse#: will sell at lowsatmarket prio ri; trial glvsn: for sals Or exchangs. The CUV Line Sglsi

Btsble#. 6jirlngfl»*ld ave. and Twenty-first it.M. R T E l ’H R R . Frop. T i l . 4919,

lI.\R.VEri0 -M a * v y isam harnaaa, new and w * ond-haml, from 110 up, elan heavy single har-

neci. from M2 up. Hanketa. from |1 up; wMpa frum lOc. up; alno anything else pertaining In Ihe horse ibd atabi*, M cheap. W A G -NJlR k UK G A N T CO., tb Hedfonl si., between Uih jtiid 13lh ss’ea. ____ _ ____ ______[ KNO\S’ you K^t tirsd sometlmei ftrglHng *o

l.ifiK Jujit Lu gel your Urea set; Ift minute# H all 1 aek lo eel 4 tires, and also aa^w you 2ft per cioii In the price. ^ my livilraullc cold tire ■ftier IH 'U ilE . 12 D ay at . Orange. _______

IP iH srH — Ray cob, 7 yra .h*if#e, ft yra., Ifl hand#: psir

lieusy irurk team, 4 -yBar-i)Ul pony. Ane 9 -)J'ar- ■.■M cult. IroUlrig Htock O n ira l av».. c o l 4 lp st.

1 AM eellhig nut all my runal»outs and other carriages at ‘'I'st, as T don't Intend keeping

any through the winter. n<>w is your lime lu get a bargain. H f^D O K . l2 n#y jii.. Omnge^^

I 'E L l»L E H H rig fur aule. com[>leie outfit; plat.form eiirlng wsgLm; new Hide racks. #tcp* aiid

llre n w alw good hor»e and harn###: price |IJI» C?all r . V. M lX )K ia a*»2 North filevenlh at._

CINE pair of black ratrlig e horoee. Jft.3 ; twnJftJ ■nd kind; for anle at Itl'R LE fT H ataftlee. W

McKinley ave.. near llarrlBon at , East Orange, where they may t>e #e»n wt >hy time.

•4ft buys chunky gray rnsre. aull fant- jly or any light business, aafe for lady to

drlvi^ f'nll after I F , M , at 3S0 Sahdford at-.East Orange. __________ _________H O R B FH -ftlx ihiund w^rk horse# fnt- « l e ; four

trnttwf#, Ihai can beat a 2h shot; at North Blith flt. and B loo m fle lila ^., b^trl^__________ _

H A R ^ IE iftr i l A R N B S ^ B I f b ttftln #*!• nf new and aecond-hand harnaaa; aon't tnlas U-

A B U H E N H A U H e. 7t) MarWet #l._ ___ __r o H want of use, flva vnung horses, from DU)

to 1.400 pounda. trial .lOft Rlveralde ave., Woodalde. W IL E R 'H Katnie._____________ ^__

DXPRBSft "ft’A G O N — For sale, a fl-apring can­vas lop cliy axpros# wagon and harfioss

cheap- 76 Dumet at., rear, m iU B E R -T IR K D vehicle repairing; tires tall

niaksft), Cheap, prompt and rellible, L . J W U R T H , tn W illiam *1.

L E S K 9 — Hol)lut> dtak, l3-fl. risk Btandlhg deak, cashier'# desk. Central Trading Co., 2Mi

W iiaTungton at.

IHM'J- Ht. Bernard dng for rate cheap- U M*d- l#on at.; rwll evaiUng#.

FO R S A L E ’ tiecnnd-hftiHl huHdtog xnatfrli^ consisting of ail kinds of timber, from Ik l td

12 Inuhes equaro; lumber all klnAai saah. bfikda» diH>ra, wood add slate mantels, banlwoodl ftsor*

and trim, at very low prices. Inquire ql A. WK^Hft Ukih «t..Eaat Orange: teK I K I J b D .

Fi.>R SAlJ;;— Lady'# Uin cloib coat, slate iTl, cost •2ft, will sell for |3 ft0 ; nlah nearly new hahy

carriage for t2 . AddrsM C o «i, Box 17, Ntwfl office.

F IN K brass bed. lift; .Mk roll-lop T w k , ravolving nffioe rhalra, one-haJf their vslyft

extension table, I8<7fti oak wasbsiaoda, U ^ T l; other furnliure, cheap. 2D3 Halaey st.

K U H N A C ^ F o r sale, sBonnd-runt! hot air fur­nace. L a w s o n ItllOft.. W commaroo gt,

Ing I RflV

GOOD lamb Chops. 10c. per lb .; good satM gM , li)e. per lb.

V lN C IO N rS , . 200 M ilit *1., o ttn ff .

O R A M O F 110N E and cash and Instalmeeiia.

reesria aachangsd; repairing.

talks talk; — ,,-lb le rscartT"

A02 Broad at.Zohrtuhone; ____ _____ ,' Inseatructlble rseardi;

GUN, 12-gauge Ithaca hammerleM, cba*|v TROWURIDGB y Hnte]^ Waverly^ N . J.

LADIES' kid shoes, lies or button, t l j lodlsi^Ane kid, lace or buitan, IL If l: ladlti' fiampt*• • • .......................................... 1'Ui

. .............- jff calf w e s tll .lf t ; men's superior laced shoes. I I .M ; nietl'a

kid aliuas, ladles' supsrlor kid shosa.l msn'a Une laced ihoea, f l , mes's buff calf liftSd

russet Js< «d, 11.4 0 ; men a viol kl<t loceg. | L U i boya' laced shoes, tl. W M . /. H o K lN f t ^ T , 979 Plane #i.. near W||Ha;n a t , ___________________U lL P A IN TIN G P , by gi>*d foreign and A ih fr-

b'sn artlits. lJi heavy t U t rnthisa, wltk shadow hoxas. at tslonishlngly inw prlcH. ROB* K R T H Y M a N. manufseturpr of plrturt rramas. wholesale and retail. 90 C sttU nd t at., nMb L'hufch at., New Y<»rk.

P<>TATORrt-Ilest winter pa<ato*a,~f|,l9 "bar- rel. J. N E M IC K , 9ft 1#I1II» at. D r llr t r y fTM.

K>’fA Tn B H .“he*t“ m the ms r k f t T K .JsTdsU V S ff tree. 444 Beriftn st.

S H t ir G l 'N B -F n r sklo, '.lo, new slngis^barrU sl}at- doithle-barrsled. .• a.W _«pl

leggida,'etc., at lowcalB u n n b r o t h e r s .

gimp, I4.fth up' .... . .. -------.loaded new club shflla, ) 1.9(i! nltro club, Ovlp. and smiikrteea, I2.DO 100; hunilng 4M t& ..f l up; gun bag#. I -— * -......................... ... • ■ •Jsme Iswa free

prlngfleld av*.. bf>n 2212

Belmont. NeWaA *Fliai

t<TOHK fliiurea sold, bought Slid eXchMffsdl flxturaa mad# tc order from soft and fia(4

ivnod; low prlca#. HCj h B N R A IJM . 00 Ferry sL

g p R U jA L S A L u , serond-hind cash rtglsiarsi repairing cbesiuy done. National Cash Kegls*

ter Ub.. Market at.. 2d floor.____________ __B H O W C A 9K - A very flite shewests for sale

clieati; HI feel long, very faney. U . D O R N - llU P rfl. 4ft Belleville ave

aiQNH. sh«w cards and U i t a r lu of tvsry d*- »crlpilon, R K N -A -T A R . TDfl Broad at., cor.

Market St.

f f itA N O i A M D O R Q A 1I 9 .

H 0 R B E8 - 1 will have a oar nf I'olorado mUa lb my yard Thursday, 81 si. G, R. L E P O U T. ftft

Jefferson et , fh-angs. ____p r e t t y hay mare, nine years old; g ^ fbr

rarrlage or buslnesa, ils<i good phaeloh. 4Rft er.uih Orange avsM IL K w a g o n ■ flB buys milk wagon and har-

nsM O L IV E R SC^NH, cornsr Broad andVxnderpnol »t.

rill I'arry |g fttaer-

a r e y o u g o i n g T o m o v e ?Are ymi folns to buy a n«w piano? if so, 1st

us tnhf your #quar« piano out of ihe way and save r ou ths unneofsoary sxpsaae uf moving It to your now home, we glvg you an exchange recsijit. allowing you a n lg h ^ value than yuiy can gel eisewhsr* and whlsh U go\rt any time,

M A T H I D H E K * HOW P IA N O u d .9fl Bpriiiglleij av*.

Corner High s t ._________

B K A l T l F l L upright Chlckerlng pianu for tale, will not refuse xfiy rakasoable ifle r; has

o ily btsn In up.- lw«. ye a n ; oust H&>. tn^h tany Vast I muai leave for Ds&vtr, C l , by ih# lenili of S.nrm ber, when I jta%*S b-e firde » l for my hesMh, and if I do hst sell hy h*i li - w uM ]ea^e rlMh" wuh goud parly who m :,o i purchase later MRH. M. Ikti 4A N e .joffice

C O N N O R PlA.NOft. renfjwhwl for durabllUy #■' ' tone, MllLon pianos can't b« boat fu r fuii.- i

uf tun# and keeping In tUBSi sasy pay on . taken. If you w«ni td SSvs ||)u (q ||(iy ftrsi-'iaa# piano, call and saw thsen. Hi'ICN UM Hfuth nrang* ave.. aor. Bruot ib

IVArtONft Tw n filRtfiirm wagon# i 2 ,iM#i i-ounJa each. 8 W, i'L A H K ,

man ave _____ __T H A T - psie, iwo-ee#ied HSp. PUhber tire#

Ki^il as new. Inquirs at IM Markst st 2dfloor ______________ ______'a KHJA'>K8 and t J cooi>ea

wagoTie. all desQriat|oaa, tw i A L B E R T TtP IxlN . 526 tvm ra!

ftlGNfl -Arim tU' hronxe signs by an expert wiirkman. Matbplea can he sewn at 27b Mui-

twrry at.

tw i n i t •

X UI prtxtxi - m ."

a s i , . . , /T R B B 8 , plants. vln«a,

and vtrlstles; guoran'. trass up lo SO ft. bight —wanta, and i will quota yau prtosat ■wek can ba saon^aj'rt'

and gpMoffflilj > If _______w i ^ 7 r S B (H R E N T l H i h't o C K O f

I 'M E N T a A T f’H iO S B T O C i ^ I H p O T l H A N K B O U B D B l r O N i * N D r M B i j y M tK P W A H D J l K l** -'N O , JR . e CO.. C B N T R A t A V E . a K D ^ W T H l l i H « T . ___________ ,

tn , l a i - l irnprovafl “ if*chach* at a Mcrlncs; all alssa; *11 tWfaht***’

179 Ferry at., in rear. _______10,000 P O TA TO baga, 5 rants each and upward,

i t 'A L 9 H -8 SONS A CO-. 890 Washlngtoo at-

■ « « a e h 4 l 4 ® * * A * m n S F » P « U M F 9 .A seremd-hafid sinvca and p*rlO*

plovep as i'K>d as new. fnr aals; ws also bugitnvoa. I b Fh F F ,_48 Uuso#* ____________f o r i A L ^ ^ A l l n r i o l Of oarpata. Btusaols Ofld

Ingrains, front « up. iioap to fit itaw a of all kinds, nhsan: bureaus. 14-M up.Household mschlne. ift.ollcloih. m sitln i and furnliur*. eh*»p. tO ihOk*ruora for olhsr goods. 2*8 Maiaey atF u ll SALF^-Artlcle# of houpehold __

Including handenme buffet, bedroom, partor xnd other furniture, rugs, »u-

furnItUTW.m. parlor

Hki) RelltviUs

-Id bl*r work hursea, from horriereei r .uniy. tSfl uv. Pall ,4m ftplingffeld gva

\ - ' jS or cnal wagon chewr LffW ‘11 Farr;™ s ■- fttuyvcpant ave frvinigton

VI vJth;. *: 1-*

hernesp and top wagon foe sals reib*A/ii Ihyuire 3ftl ArS-lemy it.

it 8a 1b}'' rhsat*. aecontl'hsfid trucks a rJ i,g»i lift-1 Is A calrm y it, ____

arrUg# cheap.a K H U G Iv - Fine fM«ny >-m ; . At. 2ftt> Miiln si iVen

F O B B A I.E -F ln e allk parlor suit. 928 ; » Rruasels carpet. |12 . 24 ytiMa Moqueits, | I8 .

pcwirg mat bine. 583 H s iscy #tF u lT iA U il-t^o iJC 'h . M ftu. walnut rhambef t i ^

lift lot ane mlifat carpels, half price, cook and parlor siovaa. 2kA H ilw -y et- _____


.a rl--r

H .\ l,K -O a k faJdin# heft. I* -Vt, e. f'd up, ljureau, |4 Ni. H ^ »

f'-Mlnx bed. 9 7 : Werdrobtv fT.hft;S3 I'ler gla*#, F' bureau

tt >' P

parlue Halsey el.

hallIfla*#. F* , Piir-HUB t2 ftO; iTanft and nlher ri.-lP at a

2I«,> W sahlnfion it.

1 l'< T wiig>ur-1 el

in for Nile. InH vrry Pintle

gornl urder.

1211 buy* gnu(\ huneat work hnnU liHi.d et ___ _ ^ _

>|<iKSK va|<m and harnasi for psli.

I 'F R IG IT T piam>, moM new, Itftfl.

three yaara jn use,

niahocsfly > _ _uprtfht p i r n . '9 fk^'aii.

I ped#l’

0 ^ ' m m '\TIrop'headlr->p-hea<1

W M 9 N K H 999 Gv'hid ■


IT Bridf* at-i lb Hark boese#

F R Y wagoft sale. I 3i). 4ft4 8 prtn|fl'*ld

C O O K —ffitmatR* wtTjter!Worker la o riU l fitnily ' ' '

woman. I l l PxrX ave .-tn

C O O K ^W o m an wants i-;* - "' erencaa. Call this evenr.- '

38 Lindea Sva.. Maai fira' b *-

C O O K -rm a fjs ie m young ■Oa cook In private fam

dreaa H ,, B a a l, News nffi -C O O K ^ Y o iw f ewtored « in .-

as flrM-elaas cook, wage' L’ '

P R S B iM A K S lC ' engggtffiaau b

N * w i offisa.

with Ver; i fam ib'

nr x*nert| . urg rolorwd

.'M s 'VmJ ref- lay m- nting.

« snip roeiih’b • jpfiing Ad-

p u- sUmhi t V rhngt in #t.

rir'»rl*nce wants A M . B . » 4A,

v in tpB ... ' '

D n m g i A X B i tday. R tM M x t l

D H M S M A X m ^ B E A « ? T n r p . ‘k f A « r I t M .w . H H a n '" - '-"

h> lhaiTirv, Oraagi.

aewingwant ft■ 1 city

D A T *1 W O B M Vkoiise. 19 M r o tay « ‘

GO O D . iwlIgMa womanO g r 't a r w M . S0 I>ixle--n

• VP'eft rn do at

•rk i f any kmd.

Mtuatlon in 'w '

H O C K D W O R K -W o iw an wgnisd far gewaral k u ^ n i Lir washing aud IroMUig; two adults.

81 klflisr st. ___________________________________8r o t r t K w o H K -w h i» * ^ 0 ^ ,

vratk; two tk fkmllF. t t l BMlrwood Baal Ormxige- _____H O U B E T T O R K -T I-h ll* l ^ T r W B iB ^

M it tn k a a « * n O : •**.* kaiM . M

*0 « K - i V

B O O E w o R K - W b b u c b t M la r m m b I B M B w e rt. .IK B xt h u M . I n Bm IB O m a f .

H O U W e W O R K -1 i " h ^H a t * Tife M.

■ ^ S 2 S " V J 3 S T L . * S L i ‘3 r f ' ^

Af errand girl.

n:iA miihea N|U> • B houeHteeper. \ bw*

1 uRg wants to do .•A T l in f -r d flrat

r . f . a . carda.

“ s s r e s K r ^ ' T ' , : '

B O C TW W M K ^ I r l

yBUa at

do getkenl

]#>■'» sroct, any

rt.VN'n*! #b"Uld l>e L>tigiu of mRable r - - - ■ n<l fair ileoirra wh(»ee guavnotee I* .>

*oniA>ti.>iit: Hn>1 rr-piitaiirm eatabhshed 'fln-l ih ii Bl D W O L F F 4 f i ' •

m - U T Marke

V rtR F .^T H 4 R«;.4 lN itn be aei'urV' jiuri h»M^r. a niagnl9« n i uprlghi .

ftioi <iwr<l make entip jy new. and fully ranted, owner ns# no us^ for i t Addres* I' vill* Ilex flfi New# office

W E carry a fthc line cf upright phmo# rf ferent rrakes. for r^au na b U prlftss; i-a*n

rtalment or to renp. an alegggt ntcdtid haoj right for IITS. F H A N K U N “31 Fulton st

I T F U 'i H T r U N O ifrom llfth upwanl. veuarsv r e n ohsan M \ r 8 HP-;K 4 P Ia N O CO.. «ft Hprlti*’ *tte Ciimer High #(.

S X C L L I bE N T moke. IttJO mahogany upi>t (dan». like newr, for tlOft coHl; good rea^'-'

pwliinf Addraaa H A R T . Boa S . Neva m ^f L E A 8 E make me an ottrt;

good rohdUtun; must #«ll. ai e.. top flat.TftT -


-•Kri Tw.

IA M. . .rk lioree f

e*#, r r ftsle Hl2 Rera#n #' ~21 Hu'JftT.n

F o r Itg le o r R a o b o iiK O .i>i|tlO 1

i>r J Mir-IktW-RV for IT*''Main at , Orana*

I'A ltl^^ft iOit, ixl'ie and organ f'U #aii. W>l ^ipupen #1 . Kaei Orange, ___^

h B W IN G M A C H IN KR— N e » drop- \Vh«e!er 4 Wilson#, new .Irop

ttnigef#, drop-1,eid New H>•Mil Mome*iic#. cinJy tS a ip'^ptn, niu arhine# taken in irad*. hef'^re httylOg dr 'P me a y>naial ■nd gel my IlgU t^ :

I h:ij «*iliua m«'bine# in Newark frvr the pastir . , f X I msihmeft Ift, gunranteei frwa■ r „ I i<M .n> given #M make# repaired,

< l i r A ■‘2' ' ll#l#e> tl . near 'b ir 'e i r»Te # neTT-Mllv. and rthlf

IK.- H •\ hln-i tl fair l-rlre«. fliaV be had at 11 W mv,» -f 4 CO.'S.

121 111 Market at

S'Hn'Ufil sewing rn*» A ’idrea# K . Mas

VI V' M l'- f.

W jiR E n O ‘ u.-

P o r IC a o h o a g e ri\qy;fk i ir « -1e #’>H#b ihnrwugbhre'

/'Id, f<-r rtn* drl>m f pacer. Aodr#** H - [ ! .ngflel.i. N j l ____________

rio rs e a . f o r r l o ^ w a . B t e ,. W 4 a t « 4■ IISF. w ant«l lift keep Hfht_ Wni. nfk,

- #r» ''an give A ] referenrea. J A fl.* -h ftt . A rlln f t.m _ _ ____ ______

?*rfi#n h rw» warned rheip 430 WiiX'oii #vw , \Vood#>de

beati 4d

upright rift' 191 Thlr(e<-

L O r O M O B M .R P .

.......XIOHILS^ re|Aalrmg. msC'hinef soldi»m>n1ftftii n wtnlar aloTMe, 16 per rtbath

w I B TH 2ft Williarn m

.■( fllfTiMilTr ue ktliU^ Iff no plaLWWill llnd II so rxliable aud prtCaa

V oi.FF 4 I'O '8. 121 is r Market #1.

!bT i 'V F 44

,1b - s, lilt, I iranS"* ■ ■

•ate MH* H IR TH ^

r'rpem we«~narl-haAd futsi* I «< i\#» It tk>; Wager sewltjo r Bi+llB, lift b*dro«>m eUltS. I*;

ja n 8fl' a lo t n d iher g-wroe sbid at a aocr’lflre T * 27*1 W'-n ei________ ______

T U K l«rf»*iTire in ih'

mwrhlne s:

riajuw, orxuftS tuno9 ' tftAddresafT C W A t i ) . W

yaara’' Mulberr)

F IN E #<yare nlano. |3ft; fifty eegu ween B F N R in F R . M l H r ^ d g t : open evaesniv

F IN K urrtfbt plane, * P«9a ^ 190 ; ptanoe I’l'.- *cKT»cUr. « l / A f c v f i C j S W B i r S i It

E J .E O .t y T pUno, IWl, oeftext, b i l » i ln ~ B r v R ID E R M T Broad a t.: apHl ivXBInxi.

I t .T H O O A V T o p riflii: n n -» r bbM : will ’rhrap le «uWMi B a Tn . AT Ofxnga it .

P lB B B a » r # # H W b b « b # .! f O g l'A R E plBBoa v iB U d M l io u lV -r i

or4 a r. can, rnM. X d O m a M iBBtaciBrrr, T: ,^ ?<«W« ogpo, _______________

u n t s a i ___ . rr.s" - ' r 'the d#' ^

N ^ « b -F-werebew. A d g s w

m m i i # —

> y W W t <Bx. KU A l « « r w L w a - K M ‘ le *

hM m . H I t f L flGtKMA'v t «uoias *»fl iroolhgn f is are., M *—

■ 4 C « n i B B Y F M S A t M .W K buy aad

■bapete, plaaera, diilta, tfu|w, ghvg, aiwfttnK pulleyr, hangerw. beUMg. SMai »W s angUie# i bellar*. fail Hat always aa hggff; oatlro p U n ii bowgbt for cash, U yog wmgt Is W g or sell ma- chtnary. address Newarii ■H im 9 *h4 ag Mai i CSwa 844 N . J . R. R. m . |

GAB E N O L N B i fbr Ohls. They art I eArtagt, eonaamJaal u g ta h o r^ ^ -

tog- Na oogi ashoh. ihgasasr. 4ait«er 9oM «• luataimsotj Lf drstroi. u m Mvd i p o m . m e tsa K99X X A N D B D D 0 CC4 QAt* \

, tx iM F A M T . __________' C O U te 4 B O L T tW . M B i M M t i i m i r M i SMoed t a o i ^ belUM ; rg — 91 M m i , toltp. L M t f ^ i e t a ^ nisphoa* m S T OM ; tpc Qi iwiM. M o f Maihet S M B

W A M T X D .

I C A T H IG H C A b li F R U ’Ea F O B G E N T * 'I v F T -o r r C lA JT M IN q A*ND i H O B i , »

H R C F S T M U R E T H A N A N T O T H E R f viaFR. G IV E M B A T R IA L AM D CON* V iv - B V O rR B E L .4' DROP TO

M I A H S . B O X 2A H ^ y n o m e f T a .n d1 -.VtlaL ' A I J - AT_ TO U ft T t E f i i r t l ^ ^ ____JO T T E f l P F U C E fi^ l fUy fo* all k | o ^ «f gents'

#«<-uff cM h lh g and feaiherw. f ^ d i y send i.w'#l to JO B R B C K X R . 142 West Rmney st., , i J will call- _____________ __________M M UK ffT prices paid ftr tecsod hand furtil-

I Lira, Mv^rv htnuwa. ete. Wsahlagum Auc-j I ,>n and 8t->rage t.'o.. 174-ITV R V M tagton_rt

, v<iH R t 'T E R of furotturw, feather*, elethiag jir<l siuff# w ill pay the beat j>r4rew. KEN*

Klnoey at

W lL lA 'O X >ar-U. lift, rag carpel-


wcond hind itjve* t llndftro, rrofft 5

W E have flvv hiiO'iTei all kinds. aauAfe j i‘i

o r , largft Im nf .-arpeie for all p o rp v w . rouchea Iron bwt#. •rrtntv. maurwase* and furniture of wU km ili bwogni a M aoW. 41 tu

Helievllle _____ _____ ___G iR H g. like new. ||2 . nkgs. l i *

jAc. yard • tlcloih, TBOb fln* veh*el i*wrpet, | ^ . SM KtiSey St

40 h f t l ing L V n

C A W * .ro tY P . r iiW S . Juftt r*relv

of freeh row* and springer*, weighing to l.ono lbs earh r*member, this I* the sew# lot of cewa ever received In Newark M A X M E IE R , onr ISth at and ftprlngfla^ ave.______

e nW P <TjW 8 . rAW i*— Forty bead of good fresh row*, ft’ in New York and Pwattiylvanlaj

nrtrew r*asi>naMr. <*offie and ftes them, tnw t bS sold. Newark Pterk Varfls. Harrleroi


T H IK R i it iL D R E R G Z9D W en Klnoey i

3F N T B i*aai-off rie ib laf: ihr .lealer yuw eave paddi

iilrT^ to i M A D A H i K

by aelilng direct to asve iM d U r'a p r ^ t , fiendNSIKJL 24 C ^ \ F . ____

c iil.i^ vllvef. 4 l»cwrd«d Jewelry, d la meads on* ■ ntiquo#. Beet prlpee paid by V E R k I k R, 9T9

Hr wd it near kinglith avg.

-Xwentv-two head of fla* rrweh and sp rin g s cow# for aale a i F C lLA U M A +4 d.

Lynna Finits. N J-

flAfea.24x80 . go«d a* new. 923

.................. 9 8 -1 9g A F E . -------------- ^iWk* Hr* Units. 4.

for 3% spring, one levi ange Jv*

*ever I

sandpaper aad one new gear 8M fiouth O r-

o U ' 0 " U J . - l , c c abA m . l r r b*M M -m i R T IN . T3A tlrB*A. . w J. W t* B Bop.'.

, l.trcp D .

C ,S H r*IT f*c Cl4 EcMb r a d i - e t m w p B i •

• I C T C L B B .

.n d . l A ' l r M M kiP p BoIw b I . c o b i,new I S u ,d H . - 0— 1». BOW U i iB o B vo n

w C ct,. I l l .M up. ItD l u m A PhrtiB tIB; .m o d - I.4 U I v M r iB t& •■>. T r O m U n . n i u b t . c t It: i r w FmtBMr. a te . lillT ttr»

e . U m e .H : r r m k kBitm M n . W J » . t ' » IB -B . M r : M- * W . B ^ t iB * . M r . : fout m s B , U r . : oat m * n e , U r : se t cH|P- S r .: I l M e rc i. HBBAi. 3B r.; M llB M r a ruMWB. M W . iBBrr tuBM, M e ., m iBM

c - m i r .aBBl.. M r . : .#>. M n . Me. u m a i i T A u m # .

S A F E , ofllc. r .[ l lu ( . to u B Irr. .iwl ibowcMMr h « V r -m r e l T ra d ln t Co,, 3 U W uh lB B lW

It ________________________________________ .

B A F E — 8 maU sofa f ir rp tW . M orris reaK4 9afc. be* S L N awi office.

W 4 twBg«B S k k F k k r t w W ko .W A T C H E R . atlTer*ore *■ cv«dltj og

extra cborge; sunetly coniasatigl CoU. v iU tT O W N E M FO . 29 A cad tia j at . I d dosg.

T . J.j H r y ________________________________________

D IA M O K D # a ^ oW gskd hoggM I l 9 e f i ^W k m CsoM M 41. Nows sAoa.

T r ^ r w r U e r e mwM I ■ p v t t f i iT T P E W K r m L X S n A A ^ ~ -------------- -

H E W A J U C r m

f iH A D U r r . jtam nadi, w a b M ^ ^i coA or w w s^ sayaatt- f t * fesad sb



SeM Will Fartllel Peiasy from Haoui- k a C tn k t t Trenton and



P H IL A D E L P H IA , O c t 31 .-R a!lw ay circle* here have been s tirre d to the ir d ep th s by even ts w hich Indicate th a t the D elaw are , L ackaw anna and W estern R ailro ad la a rrang ing to secure a Cam den te rm in a l fo r lU line In o rder to have an en tran ce to Philadelphia. The «;hem e Is

_ , la id to be fo r the L ack aw an n a line toE -S S " build a line paralle ling th e *’*“ "*^*X,^!*^ ■' R a ilro ad from M anunka C hunk to T ren­

to n and thence to Cam den.N egotla tlona a re now on fo o t tne

p u rch ase of a l i6-ncre t r a c t of land >n C am den, a n d m en suppoaed to he acting In th e in te re s t o f the ra ilro ad a re engaged In "eaW ntt boring* of th e land and In pr - n a r ln c blue print* of th e property.

T h e la n d In uuestton I* the property of th e M orro Fhllllp* esta te , of iWs city. I t 1, s itu a ted between Cooper's Creek and ^ e D elaw are R iver, in ‘Camden The r ip a rian r ig h ts also belong to the M tate l U ^ t b e site would he an fo r a ra ilw ay term inal, escep t th a t som e Uttle d redg ing would have to done he- Jorc ferryboBU couid be run to thla c ltj

of Ph iladelph ia and f C am den iwofeea to have no deflnlte knowl-g d g w o f t h e p r t n d p a l a in w hose Iwhalf the

M fO U atlon i a rc being conducted, bu t all m i r o f th e opinion th a t the Lackawanna Hne Is behind th e deal. The *hol« a t a l j up to d a U h as been In the hands of

* ^ " m a t deal of red tap e m ust be u n ­w ound before the p roperty can he sold, g j th e consent of the he irs o f th e ^ hllllps u U t e m u s t he obtained and even a fte r t h a t It srtll probably he necessary to *e- e tire th a sanction of th e O rphan* C o u rt

r o w o RICANS ASK~FOR FREE TRAOe FOR COFFEECHICAOO. Oct. r . - F r e e trs d e with the

tlB ltsd i t s U * snd E urope w ss asked tor t o m em bers of the P o rto R ican delegation to tit* Vnlted Btale* a t a hanQuet given by th e B oard of T rade In th e ir honour a t the i ^ l t o r l a i n annex la s t n ig h t The s ^ ' l - wMnta voiced by the li la n d o r i m et with th o approval of lha bualnes* m en presei t a t the d inner and cheer* g reeted the ir m f- arenees to the desire lo r an open m a rk e t

Dr. J . C. B arbosa w as the speaker who delivered the appeal fo r the revocation of tb « lADOit upott P o rto RIcBn itn fr* .

P « t o BJoan TartfT bUI w a . passed ," he ssld, "U w as w ith the under- ■ U ndlng t h i t It would rem ain In eftect u n til wo wore able to become self-sup­porting . D uring the la s t year we have

' n la e d ItflM.WO fo r local governm ent e i- penset. Of th is sum I5M.1I0C h as been spent fo r education*! purpose* snd HOO.OOO for wood road*. The people of tho Isisnd w ant

A m erican people “ hnow th a t they S n help them selves. T hey w ant them to wA.w th a t we a r t tru e to the American

an d a s good A m erican cltlsena oa

tv. A." M o n i t u i J i

wIlli liie

H in te d H lo T ln to , tn lu m e t anO I le c ln a n d A m a lo a iu n ted .Htty

H r a tr le t O uinuis.BOSTON. Oct. 31,-TliB r.-iiori th a t the

A m algam ated Copper Cunipnuy ban ee- cured an option on d majority of th e C alum et and Hecla CopptT < om- pany a t lEiOO a »hare was nnt only denied by th e om clala of the U tifr oompimy. but declared to be w ithou t the bounds of poa- Albllity on a b o r t notice.

C alum et an d H ecla Is epHi ypamoPK n.OM Of lli.OOO holde rs, and wJiHe ■ the Agaaalx and Llvennuro arela rge holderB. they d<i not ooiitni tn f 'i m ajo rity . Should the CaMnu-t and ^Com pany ever m ade up Ui^niln-l to eh'ii o . th e re w ould ftral have lo in ^ non of : an o rgariU atlon of widely piirni'-d Inter- | eats.

N E W YORK, Oct. 3l.-Bpniilor C lark , iom etlm e* ealbd Copper Klng,'^ who Is frl*‘TF'ily AmalKV^h**?d, Bald yenierday.

"I dn not th in k th a t tbe rf Is any n^rfc- m ent betw een th e Amalijiimalod Com pany and th e Lake Hnpf rior co[»per producers, o r w ith Phelps, A Cu.I th ink , how ever, th a t the ultunMnn Is well In hand, and th a t people will buy more freely ."

T he M ateraen t wne accepted In >vau e tre e t y e s te rd a y th a t the Ilio Tltiio rn p p e r Com pany, contro lled by the Hothflchlldf*. th e g re a t com p e tito r In Europe nf A m eri­can copper, had agreed w ith ihe Amal- gnm aied Copper Com pany and hUU*<1 rum- punlea to re s tr ic t production, and tha t U has. In fa c t, been operating under th is agreem en t.

G A G r r o l i v MORE BONDS

Setting Snnilnf F u d s in linvenigient V ailts 6nt Into T rn te


Shares Fairly Active and Market SteadyEridently Aniting


“ Conservatively Speaking,” from Casial Observatkw,

The Watson Cnstoa Ready-to-Wear . Antnmn

“ O V E R C O A T ANB S U IT S ”

3U nd0ut In Bold Relief Par ExcellentlliuB th is 31st Day o f


W A SH IN G TO N , O c t Si.—Tho S ec re ta ry of th e T re a s u ry announced th le a f te r ­noon th a t he would resum e th e pu rch ase of s h o rt th ree , sh o rt fo u r and s h o r t five per cen t, bonds, on a basis of 1.736; a n d of long fo u r per cent, bonds, on a basis of 1.906.

He r« ic rv e s th e r ig h t to dlScohUftue p u rch ase s a t an y time.

NEW YORK, Oct. 31,—B usiness war mort” iifilve than of la te a t th e opening of the Btfick m arkPt, but th e re w as sn ab- senre Of any decided tendency to prices. rhniig>-» either way were nmall, w ith the railw ay list under pressure. A m algam ated opdivd a shade higher a t 37. b u t Imnrc- dlHiniy dropped a point. The local stocks

I were Btrengihened by th e rise In M an- I ha tlan to 122^.

11 A. M.—special stocks w ere bid up I strongly, but their advance wbb w ith o u t i nym palhetlc (‘ffpct. F o r Instance. Dela- I w are and Hudson advanced to I7 t^ .\ bu t Dlh'-r coalnrs were barely steady* al- I though there was som e Im provem ent In • PenuBs h ’linlH, M an h a ttan go t up IH.I while M elrnpollian S tree t R ailw ay w as

heavy. The Junior V anderbilts. Including Lake Erie and W eiiern , New York, C hi­cago. and St. Louis and Cle%’eland C. C. and flt. L^ula p referred , were higher nnd N ational Salt, p referred . Hooking Valley and Buffalo, R ochester and Uiushurg. p referred , a point. A m al­gam ated Copper was supported below W and rt-oovered to y e sle rd ay 's close. Llqul- djiUiiii was renewed In Glucose, dropping U to 37. Scarcely any m ovem ent occurred in I hr* G rangers and Pacific, these stocks liemg conspicuously neglected.

Noon.—There was no aggressive selling in any quarte r, hu t prices dropped s te a d ­ily Losses, however, w ere lim ited to the

1 leaders. G reat N o rth e rn preferred . L ack- I aaan u a and C otton Oil p referred lost a

point and V lrglnla-C arollna Chem ical rose It, The decline In G lucose w as checked, Buiiportlng orders lif ting It H over y e s , icrday 's close lo 33, w ith a la te r setback. Bonds were Irregular.

1 P. M -S p ec ia l stocks w ere advanced, l)iit elsewhere there w as a s teady de- cllnr, r<*achlng about a poin t In 8 *. Paul, I'nltin I’aclflc, M etropolitan S tree t R ail­way, A m algam ated Copper and United Slates Steel. T he w eakness o( Ihe last nicnlloned Increased the heaviness of the market. Chesapeake and Ohio ran up Ua to 17, and WLsconsln C en tra l preferred advanced a point. L ak e Erie and W estern ureferte<l rote

3 r M.—Prices w avered uncerta in ly wUhln a narrow com pasa. b u t tended lower L ackaw anna rose 3 poln^a yeatorday, A m erican E ip r e s i 2,

S a l t t » ‘ i « n n t a 1 n « f t m a n y genuine attractions that economical housekeepers look for­ward fail to take advantage of the excellent bargains

Onr special offer for this week is certain to crowd our stores.

HAMS.E xtra sm all, lean, honey

cured, city smoked, worth 1 4 c., special per lb. j | ^

MACKERELN ew fat, W h ite G loucester

M ackerel, late catch, ju st re­ceived, w o r t h 1 4 c., " y * special per lb ................§ O

C M N B E I I R C S .Extra Fancy Cape Cod Cran­

berries, rich dark color, first ship­ment of fancy berries, worth 1 2 c. perqt., special for this sale only.............

SPECIALS!,N e w M a p le S y r u p , 1 9 c

O r a n g e M a r m a la d e ,“» " S ® 1 0 c

C o m b H o n e y , 1 7 c

S m y r n a F ig s , 1 2 c

S h e p p ’s C o c o a n u t , 6 c

SPECIALS!na t J Premium b«at bitter, B fVChocolate, |5crk J n JA the celebrated new mmPeanut Butter 8cMASON’S A No. 1 SAUCfi, the famous | | ^

condiment, regular 18c., special I I UT -L .I . C _ li One Qranulated In 3 lb. bags, O * la O le >alt special per bag O CL beat Laundry, Duryea’s and other A f s JiarCU fancy brands, per lb.

K sl.hllshsd HalfCcnluIT.Call and see th e many new styles

we are prepared to show you at such re- m irkgble low prices.

C » . fl/roAO

to-day , arc N E W S by tl'

furnl.shed L Smith


D astk a f* a r* In Chloa,go , _ .- "On* w o rt a* to th e hustness of Porto R ico; W hen we had a m ark e t for our eot- 1*0 to B nrope w* iwcelved B2.«»,0» a year Now th a t we have none we fake In but |AttlO,onL Qlv* US a n opportunity to mnr- b « t o u r cofl*o~our A m erican coffee—and o n r m oney will be c ircu la ted In the U nited S la te s ." ___________ _

soon JEKET WATEI TIUST.i j R e e s l i t D e e t ln e d lo r O bp , B le o tr lo

T r e l ie r C em blw e li-'-' A e n e e tk o « a * e .

c A Ii d b N. O c t W.—T he G eneral W ater ‘ V f e w l y Com pany o f tbla c ity , w ith a cap-

‘ 'B l l atooli o f * .* « paid in, wasIw ecp o n ttad tn T ren ton y ea le r tay . The a S c e a t th e oom pany w ill be a t the south- o a s t e o m sr o f n f t h and M arket street*. C am den, w ith th e following—*.'1 of Catn- d«D—as offleera; P a u l I. Shkin, president; Jo h n M. K elly , tre a su re r , and Thom ae O ordon C oulter, sec re ta ry .

A so c rt la g to th a tre a su re r . Its obR cts • r e to secure franch ise* fo r snd build w a ls r w orks an d ortU lclal lo* p lan ts In to w n s and c ltlss th ro u g h o u t N sw Jersey en d e th e r S ts tee .

M r. K elly said th e new concern alreedv ow ned severa l w a te r p la n u . I t Is itatB d In Cam den financial circlee th a t the com­p any le th e nucleue fo r a w a ter p lant t r u s t th a t will be ev en tually m erged Into th e South Jereey Qas, B lectrio L igh t and TTalley Company.

D o m te to n L le e B e y s th e C ag e .L IV E R PO O L , Oct. IL —A telegram re ­

ceived here aay* th a t the Dominion Line haa purchased the W hite S ta r liner Cufic.

X o r th w e a t W a r * e ld to B e a P a e t o r In P l a n fo r R a i l r o a d

P e a c e .N E W Y ORK. Oct. 8l.~ T he only new d e ­

ve lopm ent in th e N orihern P ad fle R a il­ro ad s itu a tio n yeste rday w as the a p ­p earan ce o f Chicago and N o rth w estern as a fa c to r In the settlem ent. As a m a tte r of fac t, It w as learned from a repreB snta- llve o f th e H arrlm an In terests the N o rth ­w este rn h a s been considered In the settle- m en t fro m th e first. The Chicago and N o rth w este rn is the Chicago connection of th e U nion Pacific, and its im e re s ts a re closely Identlfled w ith the la tte f. i t form s - connec ting link betw een the V anderbilt „ud th e H a rrlm an system , and Is supposed to be con tro lled In the In te res t of both.

R eg ard in g th e m any rum ors abou t the N o rth e rn Pacific affairs, w hich c ircu lated In W ail S tree t during the day. "It w as lea rn ed ," says The Times, " th a t they w ere a lm ost en tire ly w ithou t foundation. The re p o rt th a t an announcem ent of a •e ttlem e n t will be m ade before th e end of th e week w as charac te rlacd a s u m ru e by one of the gentlem en la ie rested In the m a tte r . The sam e au th o rity Is responsJhls foi> th e s ta tem en t th a t It m ay be several w e ek i before the m a tte r can be pe rm a­n en tly dls|K5sed of. W hen the se ttlem en t sh a ll have been finally m ade it will be on a b asis w hich will preclude any possibility o f th e questions Involved aris ing again a s d is tu rb in g factors *'

On th e o th e r hand. The Sun 's Inform a­tion w as: "A ctual progress w as m ade yes­te rd ay In the negotiations for a perm anen t se tt lem e n t of the N o n h ern P a d h e -B u r- Hngton controversy Persons in te res ted declared unreservedly th a t the outlook for a n a d ju s tm en t of all differences w as very faVAirable and an announcem ent of the p lan of settlem en t Is looked for w ith in a few days."

overyeaLuiumj, ---------------------—Electrle 1^. th e M inneapolis, 8 t. P au l and Bault Ste M arie s lo c t a po in t each. Dela­ware tind H udson reacted 1%, w hile Rock Island lost H i and A m erican Bicycle pre­ferred. 3V M any of th e leaders were u point under la s t night. The closing was dull end easy a t the low point,

NEW YORK STOCK HAKKET.The ranffe of to -day 's prices fo r the m ors

active stocks and bonds of th e New York ■narkeii. as furn ished for the NEW S by Post St Flagg, la glv«i> below;Opsn-Hlgh-Low-Clos-

Ing. eat. est. Ing. 4 m. co tton oil Co,, » » .Amer. Sm elting...... ^Amer. S ugar............. IIW USJk l l j iW *Am. C. A R. Co., pr. SlHi Amal. C o y ie r .. . . . . . JIAnotonda C, M. Co. 84^A lch.............................. j ®Atch.. p r ....................BalCJmore & O hio.. 106%B. i T.......................Canada B oulhern .... 81%UheSupeake & Ohio..Uhloitgv G. W ..........Chicago & A lton... S6%Chicago A Alton, p r.c ., c . c . & at. L.eCOL k V. A T ....... KHCol. Boulhern............ 11%C'oasoUdalsd G a s ... 114Del. A H udson........ 171%Del.* Ejsek. & W est. 236 Den. A Rio G rande. 44%

A m algam atid Co|'i"T... AmejTcan Tvl. & Ttl. Cu

the E V E N IN GI C o.:

................. 86%....................... IfiS

A rcad ian ........... ......................................A tlan tic ....................................................... SwAdventure .............................................. .>5%B oston & Allj‘iFiy...................................... 7°1B oston & M iln r.............. ...........................

B altic ...........................................................

C opper Rang*-.............................................Centennial Copiinf.....................................D om inion Sit-t-l....... ................................. ■JJJD om inion Coal........................................... ~D aly W e s t .. . .............................................. “E rie T elephone.......................................... ^Is le R o y aie ................................................. %*MoflPachusetts (’onj'Olldatcd................. *4%M ichigan .....................................................M ohaw k ....................................................Old D om inion ............................................Old Colony R .........................................Osceola ...................................................... ^


PRUNES.”rh e first car of s tric tly fancy N ew S a n ta C la ra C alifo rn ia

P n in e a h a s read ied th is c ity , a n d w e s h a ll .“lell th e 600 boxes a t th e fo llow ing low prices:

SanliC liilteil Santa Clir?][r|!®Santa ClaiiCnffi.

p o n n d ..................40 to the pound

pnum 10 th e p o u n d

p o u n d __90 to th e pound


CIGARS.A complete line of the best known of Domestic

and Imported Cigars will be offered at less than wholesale prices for a limited time.

Childs Famous Cigar, regular 5 c. straight,Si>ecial, 7 for 25c., $3.40 per hundred.

Lillian Russell Cigar, regular jc. straight.Special, 7 lo r 35c., §3.40 per hundred.

White Fleet Cigars, regular 5 c. straight.Special, 7 for 35c., §3.40 per hundred.

Our Cracker DepartmentOffer These Specials for Two Days Only:

U needa Biscuit, sold ev ery w h ere fo r 5 c. p a c ta R e , O ls p e c ia l ................................................................................................G in g e r C akes, crisp an d de lic ious, sp ec ia l, lb . . , , . , 1 1 c

V illage M ixed, regular 15c., specia l, l b .....................................1 1 c


Our Wine DepartmentGuarantee absolute purity on each and every article

H u n te r ’s R ye W h isk ey , sold ev ery w h ere a t Q R a| i . o o , p e r b o t t l e ................................................. O v wC la re t W ine, cho ice C alifo rn ia , sp ec ia l...................................R ock an d R ye, 3 y ea rs o ld, p u re , reg . 98c ., specia l, h o t .

QuincyTrl-MoM ountain" 41Trinity ..........................................................

U nited FYult Co......................................... ^Untied Btatea JIInltiK...................■'.......... i?,*U tah .............................................................W olverine ...................................................

T o -day ’s m arket closed dull and firm.

NEWRK-StCURlTIES MARKET.following quotallona a re fu rn ished

R tppel;

O u r C fln d V replete w ith a ch o ice a s s o r tm e n t o f fresh, ^ * delicious cand ies, m ad e w ell k n o w n m anu-D c p f l n n i C n t tac tu rers; free from a ll im p u re in g red ien ts Spec ia l fo r th is week, C hocolate C ream D rooa, w orth 14c. lb ., specia l, lb . , . . . .....................................................

2 4 e<13o

A f ln n H f u n A good th in g c a n n o t be said to o o fte n ; we re-s ^ ^ * V’P “ f “ **O t v O tiC C . ch eap est a r t ic le o f fo o d o b ta in a b le ; it c le a rs th e

b ra in , w a rm s an d to n e s th e s tom ach and s tim u la te s th e h e a r t. 4 A _ | 4 - | ^ C . S C H E U E R ’S P R E M IU M JAVA CO F- 1 1 Q ' ^ I l b . F E E is th e b e s t of a ll gotxi Coffees. 27li

S. SCHEUER ®. SONS.N ' e ’W ’ Q r o o © r » ,

Aak. 67%

ll'»% 102% 29 171i s2 u7%

106% 118% 142 23 83

m iom10:2S

L)en. & R. O., pr.Erie ......... t i l tErie, 1st p r ................. 70Oen. B leetiic C o— 25714 Glucose Refin. Co, ., WjhIllinois C en tra l........ IKKIow a C en tra l.......... . kH4Kan. 4 Tex., p r . . . , 50K.I.oule. 4 N ash .........lOSKM anbaltan C onsol.. 122 Met. 8 t. R s llw ay ... 155%

- ■ 39‘4



ditions and general forecast:Th« baroin«^irtc <fondttlunB eaat of tha

lilaaliallApI changed bui llllle In thela it twanty^four hours. An area uf high preMure still t>aralati over the Middle At- lanttc coast. Iti tha lake regiun tha ba- rom attr coDtlnuea to fall, but lha d1«- turbance has' made lit la progress east­ward. Local rains and thunder storms have occurr^ In Iowa, Wisconsin. Upper Mlchlgiin. Eaatern Nebraska, Eastern Kanaaa and W estern Mlsscnirl. The cem> perature has fallen sharply in the region u d changed but slightly elsewhere,

Getwraliy fstr weather, with continued tooderate tempernlure. Is liullrated for all pertloos o f the Washlnirton forecast d is­trict except the East Florida cnoat and possibly f^rtiuna of the B%uth Atlanta* coast, wh^re light riihia art- probable to­night. The winds along the ^ u th Atlan­tic ooait wtH continue fresh from the east Coast; on the Middle Atlanllc coast they wUl be light and variable. Fresh south- ir e it to south 'ninds will prevail in lue lower lake region-

The following heavy precIpUatlim fin inches) has been reported during the past tw enty-four hours: Omaha, LOi

FAIR AND MILD WEATHER.OwneraUy fa ir a n d m ild Is the preibr-

tle n of the local w e a th e r bureau for the ncJtt tw en ty -fou r Hours. The tem peraiurv M I O'clock th is m orning was di.>gn ea, 44 T o 'clock 41 degrrees and at uoaiti 6t de- g ree i. H um idity a t T o'clock was ninety- iw o per cent, ami a t noon seventy-three p e r cent. The wind a t noon w h s south by sou theast, with a ve lo rliy of six mllen a n hour Y este rd ay s h ighest tem i'era- tu re w as ft? degrees, lowest 3$ degrees, -with 48 degrees as an average. The av e r­age hum idity was seventy per cent <Jne ypor ago to-day the average tem perature w as SO degree*

TR E N T O N . Oct- 31.—The following com ­pan ies havr lieen incorporated here:

Is le of IMnes Company, to engage In g e n era l rt'al i‘MhIc business, cap ital 000' lticor]>oriitori', John K. House, ESd- w a rd Beckt-r and N athan 8 . Griffith. N ew ­ark ,

T h e C entral Cnnsuroors’ Ciimpany. cap i­ta l U ,2f'h.t)0o, of whirh t'iifc'.ow) Is p r tfo rre d i to c k w ith live per cent, cu im ilallve dlvl-* d ends; the company i* form-ki to m an u ­fa c tu re an<l ih*al In foods, beverages and m erchandise In Keneril, the In co rp o ra lo n a re Hiin^id W alker. N athan A. Bm yth, Jo h n J T reaty . Jvrsey City

The S tandard H otary Motor Com pany, cap ita l, iQ. m anufactu re and deal In ro ta ry motors and m achinery of all Itlnds, ihe liiMiri-^riitorH arc W illiam Q- Ro1»eTlji. John M Mcl-*-an. Mark J. 8 ira iia , Bs-nJamln T'i>ikM, N«'W York.

G eneral < dl I’lmii'HOA, Jersey C ity, ob­ject. to mlnn .11. ..ii'liiil f5.sjiiiiL. Incor­porators, O org .’ W A v ry . Ch;*rles T. Uulttnnn. Jr . mimI Henry J Hr-xn r

Inter-t^'i'--’n KN ' irb f 'o n stn n Tl«>n Com­pany, ‘ Its. ol)}e«i:, t l t 'c ir lr con-B iruclton. I niilt.H 13 In. orporatom ,Jo h n C I t '”* ' . FM’*. r«l U. rr ltig le and K, K. II

Cro*.** K 'lk uU ah'l Has t'i>mp-'itiy. ob- Jert. lo mine oil, ei> , i Hi«Hal Incor-

’ ^^o^Htor^, K C A nnsirong, M.' D avis ixiul Charle** H Th'im as ! A l a s k a a n d \ V * s U ’ t i i M i n i n g a n d T r a i l i n g 1 C o m p a n v T n - n t - m . o b j e c t , m i n i n g , c a p i t a l ' In' .'n'^ir^itors. J t.*ahlll,

Y V l l U a m J h u i I K r w i n M u r s h a l l i .I A nerban Musk I'uMlshlng Cnmv»any,I J t i T h t y r i i s , o b . ' e . i . p r i n t i n g h c k I p u b l l s h -I Ing. capital In’ orp.irapin*. Joseph J.j C u n n l n g l i H i n , F r a n s ’ i s T ( J l b h l n s a n d Ira ' K M tilerI T o w n ' M p o f I l i i r h n g t . . n ‘ r a s t ‘ o m r > s n y ,

Burlington, ob je t m i i n u f i i c i iirr gas. capi­t a l i l o ' 4 " * . u I . ' r p o r a i o r s . T h u e n a s H .

' B irch. K rnrsi W aits. J-iho J Burleigh, llf l ie r R o b i n s o n . K*ra B H . l s b r . W ill­iam H Sheilvikrr and Kd*.4;4nl W Ibnlmnn.

F-ATERSt^N < b ' ' - T h e Turn-h |e f L'otnpany \>< iriHmifacturir- am usem ent ilevices. sut h .is the sho.ii-i h r-,-h .|t*,« and loop !he-loop Mnvor J o h n Mir.. hlilTe Is ag en t for the new '-.n'*-rii ' ’I' la l 110.*U W . of whlr“h I I I s | m l d i i I n . orpor- o io fs . John Him hllfTe IMw.ird ii CuD-

Mlssourl Pacific.Mexican Cejil- H- R- N ational Biscuit National Lead C o ...N. Y- A ir B ra k e ... .New York C entral .Norfolk A W e l l ......N urthern Fac.. pr N orthw est Ontario A W estern.iV nniy lvan la .......... 146SParlfic M all............... 43SI ’t-opie'a Qa*............1'rfSKcd B. C ar rn . .. 4l»% •I'r+'Bsed 8 . C. C’o .prR'*a<llng .................... 43SHi-tfillng, 1s t ]ir. 77 \H o c k Island .......... 1434H.’l'. I. ft 8 .Hep. I. ft S. Cn , pr.St Louis 8 - W .St- Ivouls 8 . W , pr ,Bl, P au l..................... 17Y‘Southern P a c ...........Souihom Ry 3JSBouthern Rv. pf fflS t L. A S. K . t lSBl. L, ft B F . 2d pr.Tenn- Coal a iron T exas A Y'rtclilr Union Pwriib’ . ini% Union P:H llb-. pr U. 8 StpH . 41%U S. IT - 91

j U. 8 . Le-uh'^r . 12IU. 8 . l^M th' T pr .U, 8 . R u b b e r . i F i

I V. 8- llublH r . pr . 4S\V ahash 2*0*W abash, pr .WSVVeat. I'nloTi T. 1 Wlsconslri ' . ' ■ M r a l Wlfl- Ceninil. i«r P'S

•Bx-dly Id-'niJ








Theby J. S. g i jConsolldatefi T m ctlnn Uo .......... CTC unsolidated Traction Co. 5 s .. .. 110Celluloid ............. .............................E ssex A Hudson Gss L o ............. *J. C., Hoboken & P a te rso n ........ 17',J . C., Hoboken & PSterson 4a... St' N ew ark Consolidated O a s .._ .... 56' •N ew ark Consolidated Gas 6a .. . 105N ew ark Paaa. Railway 6<........... IIS•N ew ark Gas Co. Sa...................... 141N orth Jersey St. R a ilw ay .... .. g N orth Jersey SI. Hallway 4s... 81%United E lec tric Co...................... 16U nited ' ,??•E ssex C ounty P a rk 4s 1938....... 117•Newark 4s 1922.............................. HI•Hudaon C ounty Gas 6s ............... 101Hudeon County Gas.................... 26

•And In terest. ______

TO-DAY’S TBEASUIY STATEMENT.W ASHINGTON, Oct. 81,—T o-day ’s s ta t e ­

m en t of the treasu ry balsncea In th e gen ­eral fund, exclusive of the 8160,006,000 gold reserve In the division of redem ption ,shows:Available cash balance................... ’ l U - S S S

T rM su ry notes of 1S90..................... „ J?'???NuTlonal bank notes......................... 8,M1,131Total reoflpta this d a y .. . .............. 1.746,444Total recelpta this m o n th .............. 49,631,952Total receip ts this y e a r .................. 191,980,841Total expenditures th is d a y .......... ^ . 0 0 0T otal expenditures th is m o n th ,,. 40,i8ia,000T otal expenditures th is y e a r ........ 164.499.WltDi'poaits In national b an k s........... 110,994,172

J e r s a e y *■*

T & Q ’ T S S B R O A D S ' T R B B ' T .ford R ailroad Company has placed a n o r­der fo r th ir ty engines with the A m erican Locomotive Company, and fo r 1,100 fre ig h t cars w ith Ihe Pressed Steel C ar Com pany.


tS C V R IT IB I, IK 8K «T lfB irT I. BTC, gBC DItITIEg, IN V B S T in iirT I. BTfh

. ♦ ♦ • ♦

341,lie 's436,

1 0 3 ’ ,4 l ' r >911’,4 3


---- I dell snd Robert JU n ited S ta te* D e p a r tn c iit o f A { r k u l - c a m d e n c.-i i: t :,. I'n 'unn E i-

W M th s e R u e .. . . ploratlon Cnm|1an^ »;th i ... i si st,wkta r e , w e a tn e r B ureau . f, f, article*N«w Y*fk, N. Te, Oft. S i. 1 0 0 1 , ; ^-fnierday In the* • cumy ■ I- 'k •< ' m. v The

O ^ erratk iu laken at 8 A. TSth mar* i oouirwiny will d^vt in.i the rv-nurte* of ______________________________ __ H^ytM n mining.

A-TT. a s K Chen. AChl.. R. 1 ft »' Erie 4bMo.. K A T . B Nor. IV'-iil 7<iv Ont. ft w«'si w HeadlTiK I”Ban. An. A A I' Bl- L. A P 1. Boulhern H w i v : Union •i"vi !«'. Union I'hi’H' h- Wabaith (!•-' WIicOnMn

Open­Hlgh- Low*'Cloiing: Amt

\i-Q\ IfiTS 1024lOi't 1074 1074 l" i4l-4i\ lOtPiiW »

. IX} »71^ TSkH 734 ,34

1H3S l'>34 E134 lu3U97S ypYg ;t74

1- *7 ^ •ff4 ht4T. fUOr,- 111+-R 119S n 4|.ai» 100^ lo«4 !‘i§4

|0fi4 1 ^ 4■M* 5A4 Vsl*

Ml •54


H fo e lp ta a n d Q m ulatlona fo r G ra in a n d F ro v la lo n a .

NKW YORK. O ct a i.-F lo u r-K ece lp U , Kt.131 bhip; palee, tS.V> pkgB.; State and WDHtern, hleadlly held and quiet

WheRt-“Ilecelpt8 , bu .; aatea, 1,210,-110 hu.: oi>fned caay on ralnB U'est, rallied with corn, but sold off again before noon under lliiuSdatlon; December, 76 7-16®76%: Mny,

Hy(x_Dull: flu te . 67®5S c. I f. New York car lotd: No. 2 Western. rtTS f. n. P. afloat.

('n rn -lb celpta, 18,000 bushels, soles. 150,- w bushels; again atrong and higher on beltfr cables, strength West and local covt-rlng. October. December,

May.O ats—Receipts. ISO.FiiM) bu.; slow,

track white, 42‘i'^47.Biendy.

rnrh-Steady.Lard—Steady; prime W estern eteam,

5 10.Ituller-R ccelpU . 4.164 pHgs.; Steady:

Stale dairv. creamery. l;9(|f22V». Junecreamery, factory.

2.<rn pkgs ; quiet; fancylargM rtilnred. fwiicy Urge white,

fancy small colored, fant )' stmill while, lO’rij

T-:Kg9- Kh -elpls. 4,711 pkgs , etcady; State nn«l E'cnnflylvaaU. 22<f’-i3 ; W estern candled,: i b r , WcRiern iincamlled.

Rugiir- Ritw. quiet ami easy; fa ir re- nmiig 3 1-16. centrifugal. % lest, I 13-16; nvilae»4’S sugar, S L16: refYned, qu ie t;rriishcd. 5 60, powdered. a .» . granulated,6 10.

Coftcf—Easy: No. 7 Rio. 6 4 .M olasws—Steady.

\ Aoaton P a llu r e A n n o w a e e d .niiPT>>N, Mass.. Oct. Si.—The failure of

Toi’iiff ft Brooks has been announced on the Slock Exchange-^______

The gold which went out In to-day* h stearoers aggregated | 2,8&0,(l00.

• • •The Bank of England rate haa been

raised from three to four per cent.• * •

Jersey Central’s net gain o f 4 points yesterday was based on rumors of an In­creased dividend.

• • •The Bank of Bengal at Calcutta, re­

duced Its rate of discount from flve to four pee cent to-day- * * •

The story that syndicate support of United SlHies Steel has been withdrawn Is untrue. It will remain In force until May next. . • • •

The Pittsburg Plate Glass Company are considering a proposition to combine the American and Belgian plate window g lass trade ot the world.■ » I*

Estim ates of approprlivtlons for the postal service for the next fiscal year aggregate |W4.731.^. and revenues HS2,- 088 630, leaving a deficit of 22,710.1)46,

The First National Bank of Colorado City. Cot. has been organised, a consoli­dation of tho Interests of Ihe Cltliena' State Bank of Colorado City and those of a number of Kansas capitalists.

Charles C. Carroll, of this city, and P B Powell, of St. Ixmls, have sold the e lec­tric railroad on the Eads bridge across the M1hs1bhI|ii>1 River at St. Louis to a synd i­cate of New York, Chicago and St. Louisc a p i t a l i s t s . ^

Edwin Gould was elected president of the reorganised Seventh National Bank In New York yesterday. The bank will open in a few days and pay Interest at the rate of three per cent, on depoalts during the period of suspension,

To the Purchaser of Real Estate ::and LoanerUpoD Bond and Mortgage;::

Which-of the two following systems offers you the best pro­tection ; I

FIRST:—To have your title searched by an individual, who certifies that "he finds nothing of record affecting the title in question,” and in the event of trouble arising in the title at a future date, assumes no responsibility ivhatever beyond the cor- rectness of his own work, or

i SECOND—To have your title absolutely guaranteed (in- ''A eluding all errors in the records themselves and inaccuracies of ' i

every description in the title) by a company with a paid-in ^

o Capitol Of.............................................................. 1,000,000 "<' SorplM and Profits.................................. ... 1,475,000 * ’

I ' Total Amoaot AvaSaWe for the Proteetioo of Its fiaaraaty 2,475,000 'i ' l


but bound about ihe STATE.

The interstate Telephone Company, which recently purchssed the Independent Horae Telephone Company at Bridgeton, will put In an entirely new plant .hece^ New quarter, have alresdf been securedand leased for ten y*»rs.

« * *The Interstate Telephone Company h a .

purchased the plantTelephone Company, which will be u .,d In the Interstate .y .tem ,

A national b a n k .V th t» .« » capital, will s ^ n startrt by » v e r . l of the leading citlsens of Stewarwvllis-

Oliver Merchant, hotel-keeper at At- U ntie City. h a . t lM • noruotcy H I. llabimMs are .,fwhich P 8.OOO Is due In ren t A sse t .. 6 , «w,

New York, modern


fa ll firm n , 't i tile l»afHr r change flnti, « n frw‘ blll^48S%*4m f ■'

'•■f 31 —Noon—Mon<»v on I" r m*Tciin-|M'T I'Piit.. 5tcrllna **1 - K'lMHl In bank-

iMvT ftiT ilcmand in<i Ht



ClearUoodTClearUloarPartly cloudy noor

FLENTY MOKF. I’ltOOF I.IKF T ill* , a n d ALKe FKOM \F.W 4I{K f'F.DHLF,

• nd ’ mmfr.Ml hllln, barx l W § r . 3 7 ' n ' r i r i n l l a r w , p c o V c r n -iw n t ht'Ti'1 -i-.iiU rnfundlnx 2ji. rcy 106H; ■ ^1 I'"'*! 3i. Trg l.rr\. ilocoupon. 'w 4*«. r*"g 1J7\; do rou-pcin. ‘ 'I rci{ l l l \ , do. coupon,1114*; i#. r«-K coupon. 108.


Exenang*'. ft Co-:

on rhf Philadelphia Stock | :.ibulalcd by Dick Broo- |

C»<«rCl. •CloftilT Ooody forttv cloudy t'Umiy PirUv «k«dy "loadj

irk pco-

' ia4ick-


No cbiDCA for jrKume-nt nett No better pr«.io( i^n hr Whar a N>a»rk mHii s* )- la the b«ai of rMdvnrt [ it N*

pH.Read tMr ca*^W e have loi§ morf hk^ ;i Mr George Jimm'-ri»«in. '-f

w atchm an mi ih r avaRD'i and ^ cMtMrr. Hiil»road.

litrad r ; "1 bad trouble In ihc nMtf^h.t.rnt/od ofPortly oloodT year* with my ba.k am; and

' w««i using tD»«Iw1nM all t.njM XheCloodT I vain In thr rci,-lt>D or tn* kidnt-ya

I conttsiAird, and U b^camt much tRikfc av-Ef I look jFf aoi »e-t. Jn fact,

N r lty e ln d y Qesrnear tV or CVmdr Qoady Clest

Am ef AikiiliI Amer Huil'-' '* > • —

E'on. Trat • i ; Con. Trm’Uofi , CoiabriM 8te-»-:I L’htK.'laa , CbiHlrta vr

KU-ctrir ('o nf America

Nat A*r>h»iU ; r ............Nat Vhiu phlLi. f'nT!dtWMi-r 8tocl ..............Union TrAftloQ ..........1 'h ltH Oar l a p ...............Warwick B i« l ...............

, Ina COw o t N- A*............

industry and COiMERCLAt a meeting o f FsU RtveC mill oper-

aiiw'-i last night the eBori to order a .trike w a. deteaiefi-

* • *I Tb« cableff Tor rxl**nalon of ih* Olas-

gnw Scotland, tramway* to cost nearly I will be manufactured at H a.tlnga-I on-the-Hudixin. , , ,

Standard OH will build a refinery at Port Richmond. C a l, P*P« fr">" E rm Bl»»r district, and oupplk tbe Orient and Hawaii .

The British Weotlnghouse Electric snd | M anofsrturisg Company, limited, has | closed fJOO.tOO worth Of contract, with ' Amertcin raschliiory m anufacturer* for rtie equipment o f Its work^ s i Mancheo-

. . .independent OlMeo** " " * '

war with tho OlWtose Refining t ompany or Truat *tld tb* pTlM o f the prodoel I. down to 0 » t o f W>prico c l corn. It I* « W . m akes g|uco«-coot iTfinerg 6tM .“« • •

Tha — e w tll he«l" running tratna betSoea T o l e d o - N n v e m t A r 5.

i and Into ClevMghd • few *»ys laterT b . New T o r t » • * Mayen end Hart-

------------ , 1J,'-I J— 77^^--------------

tract of «S acrea ot <»nd n » r tor *12.000. and will « ‘»bH«b plant for sterilising milk.

I a - glam u l* o f TltYPnp £mv»n£ tmvtsiAn ordw poitponlng -h lc h wa^ to TcicDhorii Company itock. which a an to

k !v . taken place at Trenton yesterday, w ss m o if b y ^ a n c e l la r "'derwas ma ' netltlon o f Andrew J

,K . .Iwht weeks required by low

i D t a . a U wsd. te j ^ 9 a o * « "la W.U 9t»*.t T%t ir ta lts j A n u n ttm / » - raaei wfrfgslUeml inAfetgaa, Aw, Jfarr.*oa, e .jf a/*eer r*e fndm cti a*4 Ikttr a«a/M tWJ agra-mmiaUdUtnarH ITaU S ir ttI mrlMtds amA ttctin-IU4. n e twaB ca>t<oIu/ itprrtUnraag a m u n a tiv ty ilaadt eyaef r io « / w ^To r r a t aod pa* > » /< prefertianaUty. H “ tag. Urn* frew yoar cdsiaatary occapauao. jve orAre Muiiwu i* Uu morU p r a fir t ifmal ref*™* /row IsuU i**gjfii«»tt. le t *• wan T « ^ ftA ca p p U oat M * page, lllawtaiwl

TO I H T W r o ^ ”W r«.oteaUf«ltatM iyaf « « o*™*th t taaOtr f l r yaartlV. t>’. aao* t. W twKop. awl iiW m *st.Tt. IM ^U Md w a c ^ * * —M oeuloa oaoM */ aatviu (o mantf, katp U s primeipat taU tI

ai Aiaes OtoMMO. '

& Freese

“ 1

Dickinson, Ornnunon■ . . t o e . Of a - Raw Toek • « - *

15 Wall St, Nrt Vofk.b h a r c h <w » i c »

7SI Broad St, Newark. N. J. Ttia^wM laex

rrivaM w iee •* » • »

1S«0. COa** ■**■»• ";V*STOCKS, BONOS, 6 U IN , COTTON-

IttliitiiSU , • Rmrt-“ Detenotela* the e W y t o t . !■«. * aoMo<

***'‘“ *

Do You Doubt lif^Tbe M*ae namber of doUen

peU maaaetly ta tbe Matuel Beit- ebt Lite lB§anace Cempeuy wlO pay lor aiore amd better protee- tfott than an e^aal aamber e l doUarw paid to amy etber IM laemraaee Cempeey. SItpBm & Day, DDL Ageat, fte> Broad S t

tM O N O Y M A . D B >



3 p er cent, interest paid on am ounts from $ 2 . 0 0 to $5,000.Its m anagem ent is wise, conservative and economicaL

G R O S S A S S E T S . $ 2 ,0 0 0 ,0 0 0 . S U R P L U S , $ 1 7 2 ,0 0 0 .1 V I A N A O I 5 I * * * .





BimrapSTlTIlTKlliC nner B n a i n i i la a k S ln ttf-

IHTBRBFT AIXDW MO ®Ea t > FK R C * » T . F * R JUiireW-

Open Irtaa » A. M to* f - **• fiatartaya W So I t

Holiday ayoolngi -loB T MEB . D . F A JU U W M ttM .

I M am ogtsolih* Now Task I


OolT (p et'sllM JH ik « flmitod h'rrTnoji dfbil g ialnuS,1ii) porn

anylblng that went wrong with uar iwca* to affyd my k:4d»wy». Doarra KUftr

pOIWi wCFw rwornmrndfd to mr. and


SKBDOIT Togtk Ptwler 2 j l ^A

KUftry I —— —k ^ w rrf many raltmad wbJ c w « e r t b * e h o l« n p tn ,them with pond rwuit». *0 1 thcwi at ** BOMOO umA Alboaty and boatoo »M M rnk'. d 'ugflore on Marker n m i . | Malar, la arMch, ow tag to their yaluc astwo h(.xcw In all snd was cured." Invent m eats ttsillag Is limited, of Osty

For eaL bv • ’L.*r**-Ta prre » rewts ( West, o f Trtsdtr sod o f miocellatwou* , *^®**rtrMUbota_ B«Staln._M. j oogpR’ otoeka, doOir gaotaUoos o f which•aeB ti for tbe United StaUn.

’ the name noon's ood < I or* DsttooUg o f lodal taiereoi-Tho tgilwwiB* ffte*% n«Kd<d « t r.

• t o o l:M lr lM rjisr> <ASA MEW ICjXUnfVa^1 8 4 O K A M O K

OoaBom* i * m J

lit -J A a lo W'th peotv to d iseu ea of- yreakhec, 1

. yanr*irak& ; l.rea n lu M

- - iL c t r o r a !

V S W A i^

_______________ Ywrk.

m H A N O U o r r i o s ;

774 Broad S t . Newark, N. I

ILFlID L DKUB, M M fntiK*. w tm w m o .w too .

loea! IwesnsMi SectfitiBLw.a.0 i>»f«*w.a.i EsH tM m lW fX

W. B.SMITH4Ca,lO tF IB H HBT* * * •

* M M M * * • * -

B gT A R U kB R O U N -

O . B 'wb a n k e r a n d b o o k e r .2C« m a r k e t * T - H K W A RK JR. 4 .

l£ 3 f i S S S f 4 3 i * « r S i t S rl A f - a m o M C M r .

a A. HARNED & Ca,M IIX * B TIL StM S. H .T .


TUJ6FM 03IR HR- - - - - -LuK urr f i u t a T S w i M

Dick Brothers & Go.My bom Bow t s t k usd FI I l i l i l i h H H M .

^L-ChUOOA n iE B O A B I T .,I I * W t^ A A

w u x ia K r . j r o m ■ ■■*»«*H f i£ ! S S J W £ S « %

Hiaoa: X, Owtyoo. M oem mi* »ga*eYBl.KnK>trB tMh

o u r y e e a e c n e rv s a 8 B t O A . O ^ x ,

iibg*^nTLiO C A I»]

J. S. RIPPElw.1 > tkom lH Hi 8 4

Lrai tanstaefl Sedrtiti

N en rark (Ktrcning H a w s .- m


O ra n g e B ra n c h — N ational B ank B u ild ing , T e lep h o n e O ra n g e 47 8 .

0RAN6E T. H. C. A. WINTER COURSE.>‘JS iifc rfm lnn i«n1«i to 1l« In M aalc

H a l l—O th e r I te iu k f a t h e r e d In t h e O ran f^ek ,

I t has been decided to hold the O range M. C. A. a n n u a l course of en terta ln -



Itn en ts In O range M usic H all th is neason. ^These a ttra c tio n s h av e been arranged :, N ovem ber 6. the P a rk S iste rs and Miss I p ipe , reader i D ecem ber 4, Com m ander ■Wadhame, U. S. N ., on L ife on Board n M an-of*TVar;" J a n u a ry 22. Edgiir J, F i>-

'ijels , Im personations from “B lack R ock;" jP e b ru a ry 19, concert by the CeclHa B rad ' .fo rd Trio: M arch 12. concert by the orlg- |ln a l "O ld H om estead Q u a rte tte ."I F ra n k A. O 'C onnor, o t W est Orapgc; [C harle s J . B a r re tt , of S ooth O range, and j D aniel A. D ugan , of X>range. m ade a

.^ 'num ber o f speechea in B ergen Couiuy Utst n ig h t fo r Seym our.

O range C onclave No. 475, I. O. H., will m eet n ex t W ednesday n igh t, when ar- Tangetnenta w'ill be m ade fo ^ ji sm oker.

T he Young W o m an 's A uxiliary Society ro f S t Jo h n 's C hurch , Orange, will hoid ft m eeting to>m orrow night.

A m aeauerade ball w as held la st n ight • Sn C entra l H all, M ain s tree t. Orange, by th e F riend ly F riends.

A song rec ita l will be given In t'n lori H a ll, M ain s tre e t, O range, by Mlaa F lo r­ence Stevena, of C healnu t a ireet. F ast u r - ange, on T hursday n igh t, N ovem ber 21.

"T he K a lzcn jam m er K ids" will be pre- eenied In O range M usic H all on T a tsd o y ftfternoon and n ight.

D aily m orn ing an d evening p rayer will be resum ed In C h ris t PlplscoiNil Church, E a s t O range, to-m orrow .

A H allow e’en Hocial w as held la st n ight by th e C h ris tian E ndeavor Hacloty of the F ir s t P re sb y te r ia n Church. Orange. G am es su itab le to the occasion were in ­dulged In and "B llas B ean ’s Obi Country F a rm h o u se” w as p resented . The room.s w ere decorated w ith au tu m n a l folluge and vegetab les. R efresh m en ts w’ere served.

Dr. M ary D, H ussey , of A rlington uve- nue. E ae t O range, l» home from Point p lea san t.

H enry T. Sm ith, of E a s t O range, has re tu rn ed frt>m a s ta y of a week at Cul- v e r’.H Luke.

Judge J . F ran k lin F o r t, of E ast Orange, will m ake an ad d ress on ' ’KducaMonal and P en a l R efo rm " n t the New York School­m a s te rs ’ Club mee4.1ng In the St. Denl.A H otel on S a tu rd a y evening . N ovem ber 9.

Mrs, A. Well.s, of 17 TV'ehster place. Eavi O range, mol w ith an accident u few days ago by fa lling dow'n a p a ir of s lalrs. She ButTered a sorlous in ju ry to her hip.

A m eeting of th e teach e rs of the puh'.l- BChoolB of O range w as held In the High Bchonl H all, D ay street* yesterday a f te r ­noon. An In te re s tin g address was dellv- crctl by Dr. E d g ar C. Seibert, president o f the O range B oard of Education, on the sub jeci. ■•ScUool D laeaa te and T heir Pru- vunllon."

A m eeting of the P r im a ry and T eachers' Union of the O ranges will be held on Tiie-- day afterno<in In th e p rim ary room of the C en tra l P resb y te ria n C hurch. Orange. T he lesson fo r Sunday, N ovem ber will be studied , and a p ap er wdll he read on

' "‘H nw Shall Wo D irect the A ctivity of a C hild?"

D r S te a rn s ’s B ible c la ss will meet on T uesday m orn ing in Union H all. Main • tre e t . Orange.

A reception will be given a t the residence o f Mrs, O tto E. L ohrke. K» Prospoci Btreot, E a s t O range, on F r id ay afternoon* No­vem ber IB.

Policem an O’Neill, of E ast Orange, found an aged w om an w alking on the L ack aw an n a R allrnnd tra c k near P u rn e tt afreet. E a s t O runge. a t 2 o’clock th is m orning. The poUcir m ade Inquiry and found th a t tho e tra n g e r w as an Inm ate o f th e llom ’O fo r th e Aged.M ary Sullivan. She wna ou t for a walk and got lost.

The B achelors ' C lub of the Oranges held I ts first reception o f th e season la st night in rhfc Inwei assem bly m om s of Colunibus H all. O range, About seventy couples w'ere In a tten d an ce , an d the nffalr was

DEATD OF VtTERAN FURNITURE 9IAN.'W llllf tiu .W n ta o i i PmiiMeii A w a y « t

E a s t O r a n g e —R e t i r e d f ro m B u s t- n e s s T v re n ty -f lT e Y e a r s .Ago,

W illiam ’W ataon, who died la s t n ig h t ut hla farm In Liv ingston , w as one o f th e first fu rn itu re m an u fac tu re rs In New York. H a re tired from buslneas tw en ty - five y e a rs ago, and aJnee th a t tim e had spen t h a lf the year a t his residence a t 72,E a s t P a rk s tre e t. E ast O range, and th e o th e r half on hig farm In L lv lngaton ,w hich had been In the posseasloa of his fam ily for m ore th an |00 years. He wua seven ty- nine years of age. and la surv ived hy a pon, John P. W ataon, and two d au g h te rs . The funera l aervlcee will be held a t L iv ­ingston on S a tu rd ay afternoon, and will be conducted by Rev. Dr. J am es T ay lo r D ickinson, p as to r of th e N o rth O range B ap tis t Church, naalated by R ev. W . H. G ardner, pnato r of the L iv ingston B ap tis t Church.


The O range F ire D epartm ent had a h^rd fire to fight Inat ntght. and. desp ite the fact th a t there w as excellent w a ter p res­sure, the loss w as conBlderahle. The broke out abou t 11:3( o’clock in, the c a r­pen ter shop of Cilfford M. M atthew s, in M inton place, ru n n in g th rough to F n itik - fo rt s treet, and before the depfirini. nt could reach the place the B trucm ri' was ablaze. It w as filled with dry, Infiummublc m ateria l, and surround ing It wore .s 'Vit u I b arns and outbulldlnga, as well as hou.^u's, on F ran k fo rt s tree t, and soon aft- r the d ep artm en t a rrived two barns nn F ra n k ­fo rt s tre e t cau g h t fire, one belorigirig lo Mrs. John P from m er and Ih'- o ilier to F ran k Z-ahner. Both wore j)arUiilly do- slroyed.

Mr. M atthew’S estim ates his loss at on W'hlch he b ad Insurance nf only fl.200. This Is th e th ird fire he has had in a dozen yenr.s.

T he dep artm en t rem ained a t the Maze nearly all n ight before th e fire was com ­pletely cxllngTjlBhed.

A p ecu liar affa ir In connection w ith the fire w'QH.lhe fact th a t the smoke settled In Main s treet, m ore th an a q u a rte r of a mile Hway, and hung like a pnll over th e F irst PrE'shyterian C hurch I ’nllce C ap ta in L eary and a few' citizens tiruke open the front door of the church ;iml explored the edifice, even up in to the Hjiire. but w ere unable to find any trace of fire, and w hen they -T-merged from ihe edifice the sm oke had' tieen dlHSl])aicd In the atm osphere.

f lo d th O ra n g e O fllcer R e w a r d e d .Policem an John Muri»h>. of South O r­

ange, has received from Miss L au ra R. f’etersou , of E ast nraiigT'. u gold w utch chain as a rew-ard for recovering an tim- breiia w hlc^ was lefi by Mlfta P e terson In a trolley c a r and wiis curried off hy a n ­o ther passenger whos-- idem liy w as d is­covered hy the officer

a success. H a n n ’s O rchestra of New "YERrh furn ished m usic. A fine auppur whs Served a t m idn igh t, w hen a fiaahllght p ic tu re WHS ta k e n of those present. 'Theat com m ittees had ch arg e : A rrangem ents,T. J . Moloney, H. J. O arrah an John D, H aag . John H. Jacobs. J r .; reception and floor. Paul H. Shcridnn. J F M cCarthy J. F. O arrahan , L. B. M. Ilnag . M- J. Caasidy, '^^*lll!a^l A. Moloney. T A. C ur­rie. V. A. B rennan. John A Rush, P. R. U oloney and F. H. K earney.

H A N D E L -H U Y S S O O N .Rev, Donald D. M unro, p as to r of tho

H aw thorne A venue B ap tist Church, E a s t Change, a ss is ted by Rev. H erm an C. G ru h n en , of tho F irs t G orm an P resb y ­te rian Church, Orange, united Iti ■wedlock last evening a t Ihfs; home of the b rid e 's paren ts, Miss C larg May H uyosoon, d a u g h te r of Mr. and Mrs. P e te r V H u y s- soon, of P a rk avenue. O range, to P au l F. H andel, of E oat Orange. Mias M abel Shoem aker, of P a terson , w as m aid of honor, and tho best m an w as George

l i f t n aa ie A s^H knde l, a b ro ltie r of the brldegroem .The bride w as becom ingly a tt ire d In a

costum e of w hite satM peau de sole, and carried a bouquet of w'hlt© bride ros<'s. The mold of honor w'ore a rlresa of W’hile silk mull, and carried p ink carn a tio n s. A rthur Ch*r. of New York, and A rth u r Gaynor, of E a s t O range, w ere the ush '

V a f U b a r s h D . o f L. F n n r l l i in .An en te rta in m en t w as given In Union

H alt, V allsburgh, la s t n igh t by Vallsbureh Council No. IJL D augh ters of hUicrty . T here w as a la rge crow d present, R«- fresh m en ts w ere served a t midnight Am ong those who took p a rt were the fol- ■ low ing: Mrs Jo rdon , Mrs. L au ra D un­ham . Mila H a ttie Stocker, Miss C am e ' *Van H outep. Ju liu s and WSlIInTn Feiier- berm . D ancing w as also Indulged in T hese m em hera com posed the en te rta in - , m ent and a rra n g e m e n t com m ittee; Mrs L a u ra D unham . M rs. A. A. Van Houten I M rs, L. Q untllach an d C hlslopher Bucher. |

ers. Following a reception. Mr. and M rs H andel w ent on a trip South. T hey will m ake th e ir home In Grange,

R0BliRT50N-MARSH,Miss Josephine M arsh, g ra n d -d au g h te r

of Mrs. KUza M arsh. Of 9 ’W ash ing ton s treet. E ast O range, w as m arried la s t evening to W illiam F. R obertson , of P a s t Orange Rev. Dr. John F. P a tte rso n , pas- tn r of the C en tra l P reaby terlan C hurch , Orange. offlclHted. He waa assisted hy Rev D r George S. Bishop, p a s to r of tho

( F irs t Reform ed C hurch of E a s t O range, j A large num ber of friends w itnessed the

ceromiiny F rank lin ft. R obertson , a b ro ther of the bridegroom w as best m an. T h rre w as no bridesm aid. Spencer 8 . M arsh and C hauncey M arsh, b ro th e rs of Ihe bride, w(*re the ushers. The bride

■ wore a gown of crepe de chine, trim m ed w ith old point lace an«! carried a bouquet

' of roses. A t the conclusion of ihe wed-

nues. Glen R idge, w aa destrovi-d by fire | a t 3 o’clock th is m orning. i

A lecture, e n titled “The W onderful ! W est," w hich w as recently d- liv.-r. d t.y Rev. C harles A. Cook, was rf-iicatod bv h im In the F ir s t Baplipi Uh.irch Iasi nlghU under tho ausiiires of the lia r iu a Bible ClasB- H e rb e rt K. Clark also ren ­dered a num ber o f m usical «< l- riion.'.i. '

A series of evangella ilc 4. rvi. - .s jin- lo be held in the F ir s t H air.isi ri,.irG i m x t j week. . . ' , I

The charge ag a in s t TbciHior+'* O. i S teenw etih . of aolling liquor ■■:i Sjuiiiiy. j w aa dism issed by R et'ord-r m ttu* >Police Court y e s te rd ay .ui»>riion:; to the Inability of the prlnni'.il wtine?^s I fo r the proaecullon, Ju lian a |.- Ipear. Edwin G. Adkm s, for tli'» •Anti-Saloon League, s iu i.ii to iln' r . ,a ri th a t Aube had been ohliRrd to c . lo (’aii- fo rn ia fo r h is hea lth , and ul , m ui,- quence he could not go .in u lih cuhi-, T he liquor dealers a re Jubilstit

NONTC'LAl A.The D em ocrats will hold a i i:iv in ihw

opera liouse (o-m orrow itlBi,! u i u h \si.i be addressed by S ta te ft-'t-ut-r p.oiu'ri: H udspeth , of Je rse y C ity : n ru . i.,in-an, of M ontclair, and a iiun.l..*!- of the cand idates for A ssem bly

R ecorder Yost. In the iifili.c . mutu 'U,!:' mornlTig, held Alice Dean. ^|,,iF ran k iicun for the gruiirt j m;. ubr- wf>ni.,n had m ade a coiiifiiJi:.: le iii.j-iF ran k Dcun for a ssa u lt and li.nifT' a u .m the eN.Linlnatlon the Recordi.i i ..i lo hold both.

Local Union No. 429, C urp 'iiifia and JontTM’ I ’nlon, of M ontclair, i miimk-L‘f ami c iite ria ln m en l In Leai'ii ij i night. A delegation from uriu.K-' \ lUon uiicnded. K ecltatlona and um crtiu lered add resses w ere made- n.v urse Dodd, prewldeni of t^ e locul uni-;i;. S jin uvl H nueriil and Jam es McD'inia.i^ri i c.aTTmliLee In charge o f the anc.r fHanpofiod of G eorge B arton , Juni.^ I'uul and A ugustus Spatz.

UouiuHm an H enry V. Crnwf a.i, of Uhinn Hireel, re tu rn e d from IJuif u-. last night,

’i he funera l of J aco b C- BruiJiii*;im. v hn c|jr>d on M onday, w as held from i,,.- n s i- fU-nce of his son-ln-law , Saniu.'i

i 'u rk s tree t, y este rd ay aftoi M.i.K; i{, v Dr. Frederick B, C arte r, of ht l.ijk-'d Fpiflcopnl C hurch , and R w .\mi i> il flrudford, of The P'lrs! (.’‘oiicn^’iiiirirul I 'h u rfh , conducted the s e r v i - i n T t - i - inoMl was In R oscdale Cemrr-TN

Mrs. Levi W. Case, of Park s tr - i i . [s .^pending A m on th in ’Virginia.

T he F ree E ven ing SchoiJ will n nn M onday night, N ovem ber 1 ’;''n- pt::t i-pal Is B. \v . Thorpe. T he spphI";i will In- rudii from 7:45 to 9:45 o ’clock \ r i v i,iyUt hut W ednesdaya and S a tu rd i\-i.

Miss H elen a a s rh e r le . f' rrYu-rlv M ontclair, Is th e g u est of Mish Susan Dcnlke, of N o rth F u ltertnn hv. ;;n.

T he first of a scries of th r- . ri-tpsl -ul rcadlncH under the aUBplrcH "f Ttu y iild

■ ia1 I ”g l\ en to-of St. i*uke’s E piscopal •‘huc’ li will be

n ig h t hy John R.-jn-.l.i.s a t his home, W P lym ou th s tree t.

Mrs., Susan W hite, of riym .uiih street, has re tu rn ed from R ochester X Y.

Hetty Hoyt, youngest datJcbT.r ..f Mr and ^^r^. F ra n k Hoyt, nf \ ’ali.’v r iad, Ih III with d ip h th e ria .

Edgar Alcorn, of OalHiaillv o , bantaken up hJs residence In M.inMuir,

a fte rnoon a t th e ^om e of Mrs K.lwh] M,T he W ednesday C lub m-1 y. sp.rdny

IlFirrlson, 81 N o rth Mountoii: l■.■nlle. Tlif Hiib.lect w as “ Leading iilai-sm . n and Their Politics A fte r th e A. ■ tn. "

B E L L E V H .L K .The Belleville B oard of l■:.ll|.u^ l.»n will

hold a piMitponed m eeting t.>-ni>nTihW nigh t a t Public School No. 1.

Mr. and Mrs. H enry MrUn- ry. who w as m arried tw o weeks ago. wen tinderM l a reception la st n igh t by tho bridegri.f»m’a m other, Mrs. B. F. McEnerY', ui her real- denee 1m W illiam s tree t. .A large m:mher of friends from Bcllevllli^, U utherfnrd, Bloomfield and N ew ark .‘njoyed a pro­gram m e of vocal and Insirurnentai mualc and dancing, th a t waa fidlnwed by a sup­per St m idnight.

Mrs, George W loacbusen. of New York, who form erly resided in Belli-vllle. ii said lo be Im proving In condition a t Si. Bariia- baa s H ospital, In N ew ark , where she un» derw ent un operu llon on 't'uesday.

Hf-nry K elU r. a huckaier of Spring Garden, w as b itte n by a dog w'hlle serving a <'u8tom er on W itahlngton stret i on Tuejs- day, He en te red a yard and attem pted to fondle the fox te rrie r , who was w atching n litte r of put>s. T he anim al sprang a t th e huckste r and n m k Its teeth Into Ills face, draw ing th e blood.

W O OD SID E AIVD F O R E S T H IM ,.A H allow e'en social will be held a t ilie

Summerilield M ethod ist Eplscupui Church, Woodalde. to -n igh t.

T he Social C om m ittee of the For. at Hill P'lelii Club w’lll holii a Indlcfj whist i >- m orrow afte rnoon ,^at th e c lubh-iusc. Ui<rd pibylrijf'tvlTT'Be Trbiff 2T3wtok o’clock, a l te r which tea wlU be served . Prizes a re to be uwaixUd,

U 'llllam M iller, of F o res t iflll. recently purchuscil a pacing horse w ith a 2.3b r e e r d .

Mrs. E. T u ttle and son Robert, of 75 Peabody place. W oodalde, left yesterday for Buffalo, w here they w'lU spend a wet k.

O. E. F oxcro ft, of 13 C arte re t s treet. Woodalde, la hom e from the Adirondack^.

IVLTLET.The Echo Q u a rie iit ' will give a jubilee

concert lo -n lg h t a t P a rk iia ll for the benefit of the Union Mission of Nuiley.

The FiepublU'fins of t'^Lukltn held a wclU atU 'iidiil m agH tneetlng"nsi night at l^ark H all and heard addresses on cam palgri lssue.s by C'nlonel C harles tV Fuller, of New' York, and W illiam Spoor, of Jersey City.

T U. King will deliver a lecture on 'N a i i i r a l T ax a tio n " before the Nutlny Single Tax Club a t C onnolly 's Hall on Nti- vember 7

THB beat eoat tb*t moner «aii bur i» 7T»«<Da£i-« **Ctltbr«t«d Hot Btutf-*' try It. Ofiks* xno

{ardo, Ptenon** alley. Orange; telechoae u a . Branch affloe, cwf. Mala and ^outh QIntoa Ka, kaat Oratigei lelepbpne IS. W. a . KR£EMAS‘ A SON. formerly A. F. Plerac^n.THE women of the Ferry M. E. Chufcfi of East

Orange will hold a baz»r and supper at Xftlcher'l Hall, North Park street, near Dod.i Thnrvday and Friday nighiit of this week-THD undesigned gives puhlli no tl^ that his

wife, Annie R. V. llraer. ha» left his bed and beard, and he U not In any le'fcj raeponalble fur any debts she may coniracl. PAl'L VOIAAIER

Orange. X. J.. Lk>c. 3u.BABY CARKIAfiES—Rubber tlr> s, fine each,

you wait. All site*16 Park It.. Orangi

put on while you wait. All alae* In stock a t FOTH B R O S .'-----BBST and cheapest place; blcycl«».

repairing. FOTH BROS.. Ifl Park Ht.FALL lb


SUndrtea.. 0 -ang*.

m jRBsntaken f

le'^lovea and underwear n w ready. tST i^M aln at.. W'est Orang-'.

atam’w of all deecripdona- LOHTOX'B. S«9 Main at.

P a r k rrC L B r o . —New management, call tftd give UI a trial. S Park at.__________

JOHN F LEE. UBOcrxaaar and ewnMiinsr. 2s OMtrw M. TeA. STlft.

S A Y R E ’S Fish. Fish,

^ 5 ^ 0 * l t i > *

CtnireSt., R.R. Crosslin;, OrangeP rciih P i th , 9 ) ^ . l b ; lo Ih. for 2 )> e

ding a reception w as held, following which M r and M rs R obertson left on a trip south. They will m ake the ir p e rm a­nent home In E ast Orange.

BRADBLIRY-KINAST.Miss Helen K lnasi. d au g h te r of Mr. and

Mrs R obert K lnast, of Ridgewood road. South Orange, w as m arried la st n ig h t In Ihe M. E. church patsonsKo In P rospac t airi'ct, Sm ith O range, by Rev. H, F. R an -

! ilolph. to W illiam B radbury, a lto of S ou th j Orange. Robert K lnasi, Jr., a b ro th e r of

the bride, w as beet m an. and Mies M ary Locker, of South Orange, wan bridesm aid. A rcrepilon followed the cerem ony a t the new home of the young couple. In IJn d sley avenue

F R A N K -M O N T E IT H .Mlaa Rebecca M ontellh and R ichard

P ranke w ere m arried a t th e ir home, 33H M ain s tre e t. E ast rtrnnge, la s t n igh t, by Rev. A lexander Mann. The b ride w as a t ­tended by her cousin. Miss M ary A. Mc­Bride. of E as t Orange, and John Bchlner, of Roseville, w as bant man. T he bride wore a costum e of pearl gray A recep­tion followed the cerem ony.

P H IL L IP S -S U L U V A N .Rev. H ugh P. F lem ing officiated a t the

m arriag e nf Misa H elen V. Sullivan, d au g h te r of Mr. and Mrs. D ennis S u lli­van, of 14S Lincoln avenue. O range, to John R. Phillips, of New York, la st n igh t. Tho cerem ony w as solem nUed in th e rec­to ry of St. J o h n ’s C hurch In R l d ^ s tre e t. Orange.


F resh &nel'ts ................................. 1 0 c . ttkH tU b M S t e s k ...............................Ih.F re d i l ls c k e re l. Bine F ish , W eak Fi

W hite F ish.F r e s h O r M c n , ........................... 3 0 e . q o s nC h ins ...........................C O e . per hundred

F i ^ ,

Suburban «l)ew$ Dotes

i \ 4 * * ^ 9 4 * ^ * * W 9 9 9 * ^ * 9 9 9 * 9 * ^S O tT B O K A .!iaB AXD V A IL SSL -m aB .

“ he South Orence Townsbin Commlttas I m M t on W sd n e id sy n lsS l. he DeraoersUe Club of VsUsbureh will

P a r t S s i i on wtU furnlsb


Vincent'sA t R M iu iiu ib ly L»w P r ic n .

Pm H sh. 7c. mtr M a d , toar aaM ds lo r aOfc

Waak P M , 7c. per poaad. faar I for 3Sc. W— PWWb

' f o n i , tkroa

s n i c h m hiid X a r e l S t n a ^ ’ ss

R n s f i i l v s y i I v y Fish I w k e t


k l h '

bom a relljr In the Shoottnc es tiB ilsr n isht. A band m usk

Bd(ar WlUlamA N. C. BrtatoL William a a r r tb fsn U and Halaey M. B ^ u ad d raa a R enM lcan inaaam eettns in L'nlon Rail. V auaburtb, to -n teh t

Street Conunleeloner Peter M onahan haa oeinpleted e number e t etreet tm p ro e ? m enu In Sooth Orance r t l l e n duHnw tha paat Week. ^ *

The South Oraoae Council of th e A. n U. O'. -vUl meet on Monday niahL

Mias Annie Daly, of Mew Bruiwwlek. la Ttsllinf m ende la South Oranae.

VaUekuif h li havint a buUdlnk boeoi at preeeitt. Ground erlU be broken la a few daye tor two new houasa In Hnaa aeanue to he macted hr Alderman O«ot» a ProcUclL The oallar of a new hbimi Prederti^ lUller In Campkoa Zboon bntll and work haa hoan started Uw handtiic ot two new honsoa ta w —■

eeeae# for the Homestead Lead Ce*. ashy r

T he Vshahw iTh Boetal d a b w n i M d 'a n a n la r meeUas a t tTaiea B a ll H em tee M n i A amaker aad nnliirfittimeiit « th follow aad each awm hee Is «m i h sA h r te a mm M ead . T he c inb 'a e a b w L f meat sad reem U m i w U he held T frrrm jhL M Im D alsa B a l l ^

n O « SKA TO FAa.Ih* . . . . . ....

I h . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ™

■M OM FIM US.I T h e S o c la la ts heM

M a tea L T SI r t i

£ b a .re a r o r


Hearing iu that City Last Night o i Central Avenue Trolley Question

Marked By lively Episodes.


Dab 1(1 ^ o u n g a u d l l r n r y H , i l n l l Hr- r n n i c l i iv o D e d In H e a le d D IxoqhhIoii

e r T ro lU ‘} F r a n c h lf le lu H a c k e n - MjLi'k —S u g g e M ed t h a i A a o t h e r n o n i p ShniiDI He 4 hnM«n « Arc('lY('Xny l-TirUifr I drag.

U rohalily no m eeting lifts ev er Im'i-h l..In L hmi O rangi’ th a t ■was m ore liir!.,,, th a n llio liriirlng before the E a s t v 'lty U’ouncil Jaat ijlght In Com m anw ruliIi Hftll i«n the ui>pllcatlon of the N nrtli .in - «vy S tree t Railw ay Com pany fo r a fr ft- c'hlae III C m lrsii avenue. Persuu.i.iii-. s w e rr f r t ’fl>- Indulged in, b u l th e iin-iut . x- c iting c'pisofiti look place Just tn.-coni hiLslon -'f the hearing , wlit-ii J|i'[ir>- H. Hiill, alliullng to D avid Yutit;u, < x,. r la im c il;

■ It niakcH my blood boll to h .i\. this nuin ^statul up and snap the ■whlii n r liv'.iila, and in> m an w ith atty |" i:t; .il aspir.tUoniii flarea s tan d up .jim1 ii[ ; ise him . \ \ ’i* a rc In his power, in . ry inw n w here he goes c o r ru p t 'H r. i^jns. JoCi the pt (iple of Hackeiisfti k t*iJ <>i the sau ir tia llii w hen he secured i>ohi\v franchlBo In th a t town. It Is .iand \ ci wp hiund here and tak ■ ihi' In- fiuliH uf th is a u to c ra t.''

■ T he m an w ho rh.iractcriz* w m-. lu ih in H ack en sack 119 c o r r u p t .” ri 1 ,]• d Mr Yiiung. 'is a Hcoundrel. T Iiii irnm lilac wa.s given honestly and 1>\ i !i..i j.iii \ of

.J'MIy of •tod any mvn arc

IRVIX G TO X .MIhh M tirgaret H ow len . of Union a \ t -

nue, wii: lie m arried M onday lu A rth u r Roger- -f N ew ark .

A Mirpn.'^c p a rty w as tendered to H erirj Rngu’hi ii 'if 37 P a rk place, on Monday ntgni

’ih e fh!.-k*-n supper given In the lecture- room Tlif Flrist U hrlatlan Church, hij*t night* A.ii well im ironlted .

The it 'i i .iJ fa ir and HUpper of ihf* women f ihe H ilton M ethodist Eplacnimj C hurch ‘ pm i il la st n igh t. The affa ir will contlm u 1 - night.

An <nti n.dTiment and dance and lunch- box [lan? w dJ be given by P ride ot Irvlngu' ’"uncll, D au g h ters of L lben> , In the iiWTi hall on T hursday , N ovem ­ber 7.

A cnd-fibf^;T.^ tr ip Is being a rranged by HaasfieKl - iiy L ine F ish ing Club.

The Hi-Af-t .if E ducation will meet In Ihe ' i iJ 'in A vfnue School to-n lghi.

IIARRI^IVN E .\S T ^ E W A H K .A Dim . ■ rnatsameellng will be held

to-morruv\ : atn in the H arrison Town Hall.

Mr. nri'l Mf* ''h a u n c e y Dolson. of New York, Hr- iiut-sis of Mr and Mrs. Ira Dolsoti. >.• 1- ’•-•I'ii s tree t, H arrison.

A rei.c|.i -1 Hale was held last n ight In Christ ' h guildroom , on Clevcdaml avenue. H r i -• n

Mr and '’I '- F rederick Oaeaert, of 21'i Harrlftotv ■i’- ' H arrison , have re tu rned from BufTiii' wh'-n the> 'spen i a week

A cunci n h given n ight by the Jun ior 'L !.■* ‘ ’roHH cho ir at the b a ia r of Holy C n'se I'h . ri h. H arrlson.

A largf ' r •» i .-iitenijed a clipping p a rty given hist \.ucb^ at ih f German E v a n ­gelical Lutli' r I li ' 'hu rch .

Miss .Mullaney, of G ran t av e ­nue, Harrih. '1. b-fi yeste rday for New- hurg. N V \sh*'re she will spend several Weeks

Ihi <-nijrirll. Three men, th a t linard. gave the fraIh'l.l^' m an who say s th a t these tlir» c o rru p i la a scoundrel h liustif

“ I d id n ’t say th a t these nji 11 wiTr cor­ru p t. I said there w as a .Ttliiti undti .‘iiiU irnalla which w as a ilixgr.i' i- in you an d a d isg race to the towii

C'ne m an w as told h«' w .ippiisrd lo the tro lley bfoauso he owijid .iri iiuionio- hllo anil wfnitt-d lo rtice u;i .nid d«-un the nv*-nuf. Some one aekeii if h. ever klil'-d any one. “No. l>ut lo 's in-»[i e r- rcHti'd,” w as the re to rt A uniln r muti wa« to ld by some one in Un audience th a t If H vunk him tb«- tnin }u- .said It did lo go K certa in dlfll.ini I h- imisi bavo been d runk .

W o u ld A eo ep t \ o O ilie r .\^’hlle the people wnn opimse Ihe

trolle>' in iV n tra l aveinii s iy th a t the M nithern section of the rHj needs tra n s it fad lU le s, th e re was In tb»- spencliep r»f all th e OjKxinenls of the franrhl'^e a suRgos- lion th a t ttitn ther route shi^uld ho srlectrd . and o \a 'fv one of lhl.'« 1 ln.<?lsled tha t no perpoliial franch ise sheidd be Kranl'^d -Mr. Y'liiing expressly staieil, h iwever, tha t th e coimpany would accrpi ruithlOK hut a perpfU nil frn rrh lse . and rliat the route m ust be In t ’en tra l avenue. The mcMlng iusi nlRht wu.s not f oncltislve In any way, the' council tak ing no rictl'-n on ih e peti­tion.

So Foiin as the petHlon had been rend H eriry < J. .\i w:il> r objected to Its conBUU o ra tiun . cs ho claimed the com pany did not liii\c ihi- ffirsen ts of a majciritv of the prop-«riv owners In the avenue, as the con- .sh-niM sec o n d In D9T did not hold good. Af­ter th is objfcrlnn had been noted there w as a long dl.scusglon as to the proper p rocedure, and U was decided th a t the com pany sbnuld present Us case and then th e opposition ahnuld be heard. Mr Young a! once niafle an opening.

'"ITie ConsoJidated T raction f^ompany h a s m ado an appllcflflon for a Lroll(’y line In C entra! avenue, am! iiowiiere else, ^Ve h ave asked th a t a franchls*' be g ran ted In p e rpe iu lty . and tio o ther will hn accepted. In re tu rn for that w ' nr<- willing to do severa l tilings \Vc will Inithl (he trackh In the ci-iilre of thi* tnenuc . the rail used to be the Trilby, not the ordirmry flnnge fall. W e will pave between the tracks; wUh vitrified brick; we will curb each side of th e avcm iv. wc will p.ive tfie g u tte rs for a w idth o f three feet with vltrlfW# brick, cxci pt bn M\inn avenue hill, whcpo the g u t te r s will lie four feet \Vi will pnvp the roadw ay w ith teifnrd f)r!V»meni Its entire w idth . will dho pav the franchise tax of tw o per cent, cn “ur groes reoripts. and In C!is(‘ lhaf does r.ot Amruinf to ll.fGVi we will pay that sum W<- .lErec. of course, to be responslhle f- r d miiH' S. to sprinkle o u r tra c k s , the cirv fu n d “hliig rhe w ater, an d to n in on hU' Ii le.idw.iy ns dlrectM , the fa re to he with transfer*an>’Wher-e In the > lr\ -d .X-work. In case the line exteniliil « ‘ “lir ! \ the fa re Is to be fl\’e re n ts t'l \\- d ifrancre im fa r ns the RAihwnj' R h rr 1’fo •> ihtnRs will I'ost US SOit.iXlO !n pxces< ' ‘h ro inary Work of p av ing betw een '!■ >■ ”

R ep ly ing to a h ■ f ’lin lrm sn Tard- well, o f the c i i i i H ' ' '- d ih ii the city en g in ee r bad Inf'it ac •: ti o tu'II th a t the com pany had ><'•.H.sary am ount

Mr, AtvTA

Tafcis No. 5“ - ^r j g u r e d

\ c'.our,2 7 indies wide,floral and Oriental i^esipns, very larj^elv patronized for cosey i-'orners, dens, Oriental moms and cnsliion tops, regular 65c, yard, for 5 0 c .

Table No.M ocha Ciloves, P aris po in t cm- liroificrcd, s la te color only, sizes 5 to 7 roy. 98c., fur S'Jt.


Friday 10 to 12 A. iW.No M alt Or T elep h o n e O rders

F il le d a t T hese P rices:

Table No. 8“ ru'cc“'liS hirts or Drawers, soft, warm, non-irrita tin ;; garm en ts that will not shnnlc, regular u~c., for 4?>c.

Table No. 9“ P“;a yard Domet F lannel for Sc.

O ur 5c. a yard Domet Flannel fu rA '^c .

ja x tttc

T a b l e N o .and Gen­

tlemen’s 2S and 26 inch I'liion TafTeta Umbrellas, horn, pearl, Dresden, morn­ing; hardwood and trinuiied handle.?,reiT. <1.3^,for 1 . 0 9 .

T a b l e N o . 8 " " y r r iWool I nderw ear; shirt,s w ith ribbed ends, drawer.s to m atch, heavy, warm and well linished, perfect goods, reg. 75C.,forS7c

Tliirtl I'innr* of Bridjjc.

Hall Furniture a t Special Prices.T h is d r iv e is o n ly to u rg e o u r g o o d t r a d e to e v e n b e t t e r .

Solid M.ilinpany H all S e t te , .s f « t 6 inrhea long, 22 inehea deep. P A A A 4S inches hij;li, very elahoratelv carved, nnt'i|iie design, reg. f 75.iJO, for O U .U w

Mahogaiiv D ivan for linll or reception roenn. h ighly jioUahed, A A carved imncl li.-icka, h'rench legs, claw feet, regular, f o r ................ L i i M v

Mahoganv D ivan , polished saddle aent, large cro tch , veneer panels P A m back, regular 0 0 , f o r ..................................................................... .... . l / . o U

Bcaiitiliilly Iiil.iid M ahogany Hall S e tte , Itcsl rub iinisli, h igh J Q A A sides ami li.iek, lliited colunm a, Corinthian caps, regu lar JfiK.oo, for , . " T O .U U

r.i.lden Oak II all S e t te , Napoleon stvie, liiglt roll anna and back, regular #y6.o..i, f o r ...................................

Rosennod D ivan , sadiilc seat, nicely finished, carved hack! 3 feet A A long, regular #->2.oo, f o r .......................................................................................... 1 / ,U U

2 0 .0 0


Main ITtxir, N o rlh Aisle.

Our Men’s Shoes.O ur M e n 's S h o e s a t J . 50 M a lly

ho ld f i r s t p lace a m o n f ftll sh o e ^.e v e r so ld fo r 4 .0 0 .

W ell n ia ile in every p a r t from sH crlo il IttiLlicr. O ver tw e n ty s ty le s tn selec t from ; nil k itn ls of le a th e r ftihi w vi^ 'ht nf soles. We can fit any shape L>ot an il k^uarantee y o u a savinj^' in p rice . W e p o lish a ll our slin^-s fn-f Tif oltiirpc

M e n 's 3 h o e s 2.U0i the same I'r.nlc fi.s shoe; stores sell f o r |3 ,S‘'. S.itin ftinl Lox Calf, Vici Kid, liull- (lo£r, Lond 'it and plain toe», solid le a th er soles; shoes th a t ■will we-ir iuifl give satisfaction.

B o y s ' S a t in C a lf S h o e s* do ti^o la lops, w ith liack straps, oak le a th e r soles, neat a n d perfec t fit- | J A

sizes 12 up to 5C21 I * 4 yf o r .................... ....

LH lIe B o y s ’ .‘‘ prlnR Heel S h o es,Jlox Calf, \ ' i r i K ill and Calf.some have lijjs Llial can’l

rkctl oul for . . .

be k ic k e d o u l sizes 9 to 1.231.1

H.\I1N'I- & CO,

Main Floor, a t lla lscv St.

November Bridesshould visit our Stationery D epartm ent and look at our grand and beautiful stock of W edding S tationery in all the new est presenhedaiw;*, shajtes and styles. Estim ates fu r­nished for church, house, “ at home " and visiting cards

W edding C a tf Hoses in large variety.

Ilritial Present.- in Piainonds. Jew ­elry, Cut Glass, Ihic-d-brac. Silver, line ChiTia atul a formiilable rollev- lion of o ther th ings for nrtiaitu-nl and use. H.VHNU i t CU.

“Sylbrol”wontlerful Silver Polish. It

qnieVIv gives a bright and lasting polish to ste rling silvir ainl plated ware, and adds, furthvnnori . " j C ^ a deposit of pu resdver vvlulv cleaning Price, Ixittli-

D e m u n s tra te d a t Our S ilv e r ­w a re D e p a r tm e n t.

Il.'UINF. & CO

Thin! Floor, llroad and N'civ Streets.

Bed Sets and Portieres.We are showinsr a large and very p re tty assortm ent of B e d

Sets that can he used on single, dmtble nr twin wood or brassbed.s, wi th V alance or w ithou t, Nolti'igh.iiii. 1.05 to 6 .0 0 each.Irish Point, doiildc, each, 7 .5 0 to 2 2 .5 0 Irish Point, single, each, (.68 to 1 4 .50 . .\ FITfcl, each, 12.00 b. 2.5,00. Iteinii.ssancc, each, 15,00 m 5 0 .0 0 . R(iiais.sanre, with Valance, each ,2 0 .0 0

m 7 5 .0 0 ..\p|ili(pie with Valance, each. 5 .2 5 to

15,do.Plain llohinet, with ^■lllancc, each,

5 .25 to 15.00.

■NOTE—.Vll the above descrilrcil seta .ire c.mtplcle with shams.

O rien tal M r ip e P o r t ie r e s — ma i 300 yds. b e s t n u a l i t v P rin te dpair, full width and length , fringed 1 1 i n e n T nfte-fii fo e ...fU eilee .,-.. top and bottom, all new g a id s and ' I ' * T a f f e t a , f o r upholstery,dainty dream s in colors which .are j f " ' ' " P“ ’;-combined as w ill as th e ^ yard,more PXiiensivc ones. Reg. A 4 M ' -Special.....................................price fy IX) pair. S p e c ia l . . * ^ I HAlINIy & CO.


Main Floor, N orth Aisle, Halsey Street.

Men’s Sack Suits.The men of Newark and vicinity

have never had an opportunity like this presented to them. We give them the most reliable material, the correct style, perfect fit and entire satisfaction in all our clothing; but we draw attention at this time to our splendid Sack Coat Suits at $14 .95 every day except, when, a.s in the instance of to-morrow, we shall make the price

IS .O O .N O TE—These suits are all Wool

Cheviots or Rib Worsteds in fancy effects, natty, nobby and smart patterns. Re­member,

F r id a y O n ly 12,00 a S u i t .H .U IN K & CO

r ' h 'I ih^ ncc-' if'qulroflfT'* ^(nfrmenl.

1' ' •. in lo th f (►xari■ > ter fTirth to

Votinj?," f*al(i wHiKs a Tran * ' r wi.rdw. iinnl

q ti 'f f!nn th^ rr. ■ 'T ,i queHlI'-n

I, h av r n frrtn- - 'h>- only kind .! \vhF-thF"r ThG>l' 'h r f-nd of tim r iiKt} hrii* an In-

K E 4H N Y .4M> -liRLINrQTOlV,The Ju iil'-r !*un5hlnf Society of Arllnir-

ton will ho:«j A H allow e'en f^ftrty a t th e A rlington H all ti»-nlKht

A recepil'm was* held laat n ight a t Ihe C en tra l lU '^rhou^^ on Davie avenue. K earny N early two hundred people were preaetit

A large audlm<’e a ttended an organ r e ­cita l Iasi n igh t a t (h r Knox P reab y te rtaa Church, K earny. It w a ^ g ite n h r L C ar- roll ^ o k c i . o rgan is t of the F lra t Preaby- te r la n Church. N ew ark , aaalated by Mr*. Beckel

A New England a u p ^ r waa given by the women of the F ir s t B ap tist C hurch la«( n ig h t In the FfG^^man building.

The Boclallttfl o f K earny did not hold lb« opcn-ftlr m eeting on Johnson avenue la s t ntghL s* advefilsed . The only persona who put In appea ran ce were th e stM akers.

!«0 R T H ARLl!fQT4>S.[ l i r a Andrew G rah am le ft yeste rday fpr ! Boston, w here she * il l spend a m onth w ith

fiien d a . —U t. and U n . J. P . U n d en ib k le r, of R iver

) road, a re e n te r ta in in g the ir son. R u d o l f

I U n d en tb a ler. o f K earny .The condition o f PreeM eat W UllaA

B randenburg , o f th e Board o f K ducallon. who Is conflnad to h u h o n a w ith a severe a tta c k of lumtMtgo, Is reported to be im - nroved.

The llo o ito r a . C* will bokt a dance a t Bcrstleman’s A udtto rlu ra on N orem ber U.

John H unkelc, o t R lv«r road, h u re - luniFd from a t r ip to th e P a o - A a c i ie u B ipoaltlon ._________ '

ProBtrv !«••*•? Pow-rena u e w u kor- Wte1 “' • * »■tevt tt tf t te A9TJ !■ ■THOr tM tn o l u i


M n . W laolaw ** t M t f t la a O m p t e r U «teuM St ■hllinv lua u lutWre. rteO- xaJK. M.nijM , iteT j* • rUUM h m 4 MM«| th» fliite tw » loM.!S t * * 1 “M la taa Hatl T a i o q t »i a a u a a 1

Tui m m m * 1


” 1 desire to rir: d ' •.m tlu re nf the up; ' > fully and fran k ! ' Mr Mr A tw a te r "W ■ ' ■ v hl«?e in perpeuiii '

th r d ay o f judgm- ' T t'vre n a rro w s dnw' ’ w h e th e r the CDmi ^.h lee fbr !wefit}‘-f'- ■ '* g ra n te d |n New \ rk h^hftll h a v e a frao ' ■ ' 'K very one In ihl* te ree l In th is qiip-' '

If we exam ine • co m p an y .'' co m i' ■ ’ will And th a t ih-- f 'l r ty per cent, r n d e r s ia n d me. x ot.le p ro p e rty in ■to a tro lley line " '5ent8 they have I’’ ab le p ro p erty , kn th e H oly Sepult ' ■ vested In the hi-! com pany has nt>< ■ • ■ p re sen t hlshop -A and C en tra l aven ‘ - m our. an agen t ■ ■ ' th e pu rpose of f ihu lk o f the r»ri ' p ro p e rty below \l dev ise a rou te ► • th e people weai *

W illU m H. Hik. I ' avenues, said 1h■■' " fifth tim e he ha l ' o f p re sen tin g th ' "c ' ow ners in Centr th e avenue had ' # ■ poles in sn tlc lp a ' r a p a rk w ay . H<* i' s e n t i ob tslned t \%-ftlUfttlon WHF npl- •r’f on ly HN.OOO fav«r- ■ n

B d w ard O. r-calK d th a t fivey e o rs ago the th-- T ('o ram lttee ,o f w h ich he w a t « had refu.*ed as tm tlftr appllcatln:, a petitionSigiked by a maJ--'rUT f ih* vnier^ of the d t y hftd beea ri’-el'ed 5 atlng th a t it waa fo r tb s b est lnif-r.'«‘..5 • f !h** •‘Hy th a t the ftVWDBS should 7<«rkway (featm ent.I t w as fe lt that ih* mnnlfesi destiny of B a s t O range wb* (h"t f » resldenU ai city Of tb s h ig h est rh^ra and so the com- mlttss unanlm rt .»!,• r a 'e the aOenue to th e ^ r k Commir*i''n

* b * « g | l a * e L ea rn ed a L e u a n .S tate sh-^i.1'1 have learned Its

tfggon from th* zT.iu:rg of m onopolies'^ p u t IB M r. Hall. is th a t a ts ie .d o to the hi"(nn ■ ' ihe Cam den and A » b e y rood, eergnng •U h Its franchise t b s fthso iu te poliuc:4l control o f th s S ta te fo r f if ty yesre and reu rd ln g th e progress Of t h s B u te ART Near*. Bntlghtened pahB c asfiUment i* perpetual^ i te h ls e t T h u Mtr.e com pany w ent to M s s tc U lr snd ‘ Hmited franchiae.W h en th e telepb^'ft'^ft f le e c h U t in thU d t r you lim ited t t s Hfe ___ f ts v ld e d that th*' should h iv e the

t h , va lue attSSTp^lK rlv IB E«l 0™»*« 4*P«d*

h a iMliitmliitn* t^ p M lU o n M a ree^-

■ T* fiU d h \ f hN -Mw;ircr "I TTii re rh in

T J b e TTopi r( \-• ■•D Af ih r tnx-

\ ■‘-'U-n U ■■p|.o-4e-lTb*- i*Dn-

■ e t nf n nn -l RX- • h.' I ■••m'’terN of

■biN i Ii Ip hHnRI . 1 i.4- The

I’ - i -f n i of Ihe ' ‘■■i l l ,i ( M inn w f .1 hN Mr CM-

■ I t.ought for■ frotu.ige The

!i-4'i5t '4 lire nf , Why n»ii■ rf< rp w ith

I ’l I'mif*' ’' '.n flnd u#xntral

• th* fourth orienMAnt duly

if th>' property H o ir»hl how

r d <'f wires and king Ihe avenue

th-it nf Ihe ro n - ■T.i>any rtA.fsjO in - :he ircrlley snd

flOtgiinunuy White tr^ le y a arcoa^m (0 te p re p e rtr y tered. the locutihti on a PtHrkw iv wn» u fsttalde T h c 'rio re J- W erniT !irl:.r-.l ■I r'l envcrnlng body h a d the rlghi i" r B yfv\ r'.iial franch ise , thereby b-ri i d (f'tliy

■‘.Mr Voung snys he will 'bi,T II prri«« tiial franchtae . Th it " ■-(tie the qiicfitlon. They krr>»v ■! ri limit >1 fran ch ise ihi-y will t c » w iier Their s tock , l l would h* n- rnv pcfi ket lo have th is troIlcN vv iuld ra th e r lose | t an d inor« ih in : a p 'rp e iu a l fradclvlfte g ran ted . '

WilUHin K. K astepfillta OPshishJ ’■ lr \ nu (^cntrul avew ie, A seUrlr*Wiiijhi b* 111 ihv personal InconN*’K large nur.jh'-r of people a l il-- “ f ilic I'onvenlcnoe of a am i H." hIf.j cnlliol a tte n tio n to th- 'Th<F d>> had ft beau tifu l schO'il i iivrnut* and r a l l ^ a tten tio n t'Rcr tc the ih lld ren sU endlne i .

.'^rthur Ruldw in then aroH- ’ ili.itfly Mr A tw a te r objected .1- IxipentF o7 (he tro lley had n c Mr E^aMwMn ri lo rted th a t he ri the er.llre even ing should be n k l!ie --pponents Mr, A tw ater he underKtoevi Mr. Baldw; t uofcl fo r the tra c tio n cotni i‘ IbGldsiiii, v.'hi> is a p a rtn e r or .1 riiii. denied th is . aUHTig th a t I eenifG the H yde P a rk proper^ 'M< kept the floor. Sixty fam ’l ’ lu. j u d m H yde P a rk . Mr. li.i cu red , w aiting fo r th e iro iii\ t>«en argued th a t th e tro lley « th'f avenue, bul he called a tteou- - f.ict th a t sevep ty -n ine per rvni traffic on th a t avenue w a / :traffic.

i ' V erniuele rem arked th a t ’ s-N-tlnn arm th o f th e avenue Is pt ’ rapid irao b it. he objected to (Kd - ijsM.i A% a c lub to forde the cUy to c som ething Ic did n o t w ant to p;i- v namely, a p a rk w ay . He de. In rm nchlse In C en tra l av enae to h- ^ Co,(4lh a year. W ataon W hittle-^'- clsrd th e P a rk Com m laslon for iis na • In r tla iio n to parkw aya. and d** th a t he had paid m ore fo r the <1 r farm th an th e p ro p e rty of the tw ' i n- PAi Objectors to th e trolley, wiMi-nn- Bjiker and Jo e l T . P re e a a n . was 5h -

^^C eB aam aisS s A s f ia e i ty ."WUham E. B c a ire tt said i t

th a t c e r ta in people b a d bought land <

M A SnN blltA LftiD fftN U trtS '

< - O N * » I I I » r \ T I O W .

Nvci.- im u b k til s i l l It. so v.,itk-*.I'h-- Ml.!,. V t ‘ li> l}i th em uin M h t l ­if n ted (Ilf jslatcfneht th a t the I 'lrk i - tn- mis-'.- n lid O' i v. am i ’rn tr 'i : ji , , .\.-fc-r ihr hrojiCislMnn of the I r a n r [ a n \ i-i i.k\ II <H'<i n > ear. he chfir.i' i-'i t. - 1 ih;.i .ij» 'rri'-'niirni'nial check und >mftM . c|i ■.

John J I'.icn. Mr M iller. A \V AA li!i. • lie-ni. John VA H algrle. M r M urn^ Mr \A0 I-m , Nlrlinlfisi W ah lcrs and (Jeor^-' V Fii:s\ .ill fn \- .r4‘«l the tro lley Jam en It lnb r a il bis Tfspe. (.s ll) th o se who sTigkr.v, tr . iUTHs Iriji vrh'i cn u td n 't hulld !hen> T -

nti nf . on-Hntfl w as slm pV lAh.-ii,. trie mnu.Hny had n fnifflcleiK num b-r .. Tr- ( III ih f cnuiicll Jiirls>lb ii-m'■ If iig I parkw ayt. hnd hecfi rr^niis- 1‘ 'jt v4-rb«l piirKways had t“ ' n givi o n . lull I (hill u w as Impossir-.H i.. Khno ■1 i-urkw.n- w'lfliout ^ trolley- » p.nk- « IV lb n lA i\ i.t gci to a park ii 0 >v» w ul I g4-t (here Unle»H r! rr, «>*?-

ii Ti-fMial f ran c h ise . '* conrim ,. I Mr loll "rr.'finp. tbiii ihc i‘«»mpan> - >"11 1' \ Ih. fsamhl*'-' only so Jong as K inm- :iiv*- wlln Its frr.v is io n s You n;Us*l irn-

t. i, ti . un lit lOriH as shall be p« ri.r iu,il I f.iljT.r.n.H rtod sfi long h9 (hey a re i urn-

*' '1 w ith wi' :ir.- ernlilt"! tu ihe fev In Hie! H F't

I Hin glad ro fin.l th a i everyhody here '.IV. r'« (h*- i r - 'l l - v . ' s.ibi Mr Y oiiig. “but..... Uss waiJtM Ih** lin - In I 'en tra l avenues n l rh#» nt9f»r -l.^esn i N.> Qth.-r iMrpora- Mi-ii or Jtriiividual ♦•Kl«(s iha( can offers. i 'h ('*rms as the 1‘oTis<dl.laleij T ractionI ’empHhV 1 ven tu re (o j*redb 1 that here -I. ‘ Jraiigt. wHh fill jn u r Wealth, you• sn i get im-rr to build (b a t line In O n - Tr.H avenue, and if ihey will do ll we will Nvitr.'lrsw Atjr app ltcatlon W# propose to ■ ; i n 1 llV'.att. BTU wc gc( any th ing for :t ‘ No It IS Blmply to c a rry (he people ef N ewark th rough y ou r c ity and you (0 N-w urk In M onrclalr we took ih a t forty- N»sr fran th lae In Valley road In order to gel (hs uniim lied fran ch ise In Pioom flell avenue and the people can have th a t \ 'a l . lev r--ad line as soon as (hey want K They don’t have to w ait for fo rty year*. '

ti WAS at ilila Ju n c tu re th a t .Mr Hall sT.ri Mr Young had th e ir argum ent, and luring both the spee-'hea there wag the g rea test co n fu s io n . w hich Chairm an I ’ardW'ell was unable to sub d u e . Joseph W Stover asked perm iasion to subm it some reasons why a fran ch ise should not he given In p e rpe tu ity , e ip reaalng the Opinion th a t (he com pany would tak e a lim ited fran rh lae ra th e r th a n nothing a t nil He was (old th a t an y com m unication ad«1re*aed t.» the C ity Council w ould re- neive conaiderailon a n d th en the meet* mg adjourned.



i.)r w«*anng sg. . Jii i. It C4nrku|.( iijiinu the rui>tuia► -Nil.ill iD.t) 'dUFf ij--4»th. Thruw |(•1 ur lair-M i[\.-d T h u ttili*rn«4. N I ir-'D I i:,,U "iruii>i. rii>r

If ’i)f ffcvi -f. H i-l« fMrnf'risbiy uri-'-•4" aTaln ............. - - ■ -................n f-nr -r , ri I- -il-ntlflc. th« p«.| r- ^ r Uiiur*- ;il vh- ring ar hoU.

iTiVk" "•.\ 11H 0\V -* M IT n CO ,>I I* A Y,

ISriwH ■lid hr*rlr«> '*ire«ts^>K U Ai<K. J .

Itu-i-j-, l.i'li., hlii-,11. li.,auTr, .^m ii'l I.lm ba

. D e l i c i o u s J e i l y

JELLYCOAIT h e Q u i c k D e s s e r t .

t O P U R E F RUI T FLAVORS.I 1 0 C *!n t4 a f a ll O r n c e r s ^

Tow nship, he served jdx lerm s as a rnetu* her i‘f lh»- T'>wn*«hlp C'NmnUiIe*-

P-^stnm ster Chase wa** born a t S m ith- field. R I . slx ty -elgh i y ears ago. and during M h y m th a tten d ed the publfq Schools of th a t plH.*e He g rad u a ted l a i t r from the providence High S-.hooL

CHAfiG 19 XOW P 0 9 T X A 9 T E R .

• vow V . . . . . t l , .* . Il O W t . T M l i « > A T /

L h fMTiaLmMtfft

^ Mk fiaftt. Atiawd w.X* J*.


Dteeotre t in t i

r« v lT « t l r « 4

I ’s Y a l a w . - - T a b l a l B i

P r ^ a t d e w t R w o a a v v l t A g ^ l a t a H la i fo F il l V BeaB«r a t IVatlvy.

Robtnaon J U. C haw was app<MntM poatmaater at Nutley yaateeday by Pt*»* Ident HojMTait. to •uccew] Leonard Rusty, wbo died last July. Chaa« had l>een acting tem porarily dnoe chat time, having been selected by the bondsmen of the deceased lacumbnc.

PosOBaater Chase b a j reaUed in Xut. ley for the paat tw eoty-ibree yeara, gBing iberc fr<MB th e boenr ot bla paraftta la Rhode lalftftd to ftct ftft m aaager ftf the old UndarhiU Maaatactarfcftg Caapftiiy,

pOBtmaXar C teae ri»fttftftd arltk the Iftl- tar i r v ufttQ ha raafttved l ia w g t g a n ' BiBQ^taaftt Iftax mmmrnr. D v l i^ Mr.

f*B Umm raaMftPfta ta KvUay, irMeh te

F ire W aa Reivie^en M*alla>Fire rausiHl shout tZ> damage An ft

clothes closet nn th-’ st-cond fi....r of the j house of L’harles AV Dlfklnsoti. a t 654

W arren str-'Ct. b**r»*een 11 an.l \Z o’clock I this morning Smoke was dLiicovered by I Mrs Dicklnaon Issuing from ihe cloaei I and she rushed downstair* shouting flre»; H er c ries w ere heard hy Dt-[4‘« ilve->8er- ! geant T yler, who waa oti a iraT'slng car,

and Jum ping off he tu rned In an a la rm from box No. 36, a t Sussex avenue an d W arren s tre e t ' The Salvage I ’nrpa engine No. 7 quickly reached (he aceiift and ex tingu ished the flamea, w hich w«r» betw een the walls. It waa neccaaary txT cut aw ay the wail to get a t the &r«. N o cause Is aaeigned for the o rig in o f IM blaxe

A cg ftltie d of Ara«B Ckorgw ,John O’Shaughneasy and hla wife. Catib*

I erlne O’Shaugbneasy. of il Bridge aUoat, I who were tried In the Court o f Qtiartrr ' fieaaloaa on ah Indicunent lo r allegafi ‘ araon. were found not guilty by a Jury , la ie yeatorday. The proaecnUon aadaftv-

orad to prove that « ^ y la the m arulag at Jufta t U tl. the ftcvuftod rat firg ift tkatr foralture In th* bouse they nrrtrnlifi Tho bonding w as ovmod by MUsa W, Bftftey and Oeorgs W. Baney. Tba f ttraW torn wan tpoftroa ___________

C u o a CftM t a B a a Dagw T a k o L a ia t tv o 1 ftiiiagfau tor W. ( i g v r ^ I


I t e i t iM f t l ilssocialioa Maj Recommend n a c i far Pkjsical Berelopmeat

i f Boys Tkere.




V m tO er Dlmeamii^d Y e i te r d a y , W h « ii R e p o r t* at A F a T o r a h ie > « in i ’e W e r e M ad e o n th f W o r k at Thom e I k C h e r e e o f t h e r i a y i t r o a n d i i . PlKKK f o r th e F « n *ii»d W h i t e r Ef- f o r l a o f t h e O rB au lm n tio n .

T h a t th e pltty^rounde r^onduclfd during th e ru tn m er under the auflptc'®'® of the Sfaw ark E ducational Awboctation In nlritj •chool y a rd s and the old burying ground W ere tho rough ly aucceaaful whb ev ident h t th e m eeting ot the aaflociatlon held In th o rooniB of th e W orking G irls ' C lub, SH6 B ro ad afreet, yesterday a lte rnoo ti. The pOBaiblllty o f the eutabliahincnt o f a n ouj- floor gym nasium In the "H ilT ' aectlon of th e c ity w aa spoken of by M rs. Ijaban t>ennls, and discussed by the mombers- ^O d W alte r Fairchild , who hud charge nf t t e gym nasium located In the old burying g round , w as au thorised lo m ake an t-stl- gM te o f th e cost of the com plete equlp- BMnt o f such a n (natitullon. liep o rts were re e d b y the dlreclreaBes of all the public

'pU jrgroundB, and Mr. Fairchild gave a

ripfehenfilve review nf the w ork done athlctlcB, e la ting th e dlfncultlea on- 0#ufitered In conducting such a w ork, and

itteJtlng BUggeatione for th e ir avoidance tn th e fu tu re .

T h e Antagonism of several of th e B road g trec t m erchan ts had been aroused M * ln * t the gym nasium In the burying ■Vound, because of the annoyance can nod py th e rough boys and th e older m en and boya, w hom Mr. Fairchild term ed "laaf- eya,'* w ho congregated there In the g teo ln g .

M eseb era Qrec'ted r o r d le t ly .• T h e m ee tin g wus the tlrat scsHion of the peoaon, and w aa opened a t 3 o'clock, with H n . Z n eh a rU h Belcher, president of the grganlaAtion, In th e chair. She greeted the to em b erf roM lally , welcoming them afte r th e eum m er vacation , and speaking of the la rg e r w ork opening up for tho E duca­tio n a l A aaodatlon In the ir fa ll and w inter gtudy. re fe rrin g to th e success o f the past faaaon . The a fte rnoon w aa devoted to the

There a’aB much re jo ic ing la st n ight In the home of fo rm er Sheriff Jacob Huuss- llng, 440 H igh s tree t, because ihu silver­w are th a t w as s to len fifteen months ago had been recovered by th e pullcv t*nd re ­stored Jntiici to Its ow ner. N ot a i'Se<‘e of those that w ere s to len w as mifj^lug. The set. which La valued a t 1900. am i which waa presented to tho fo rm er aherlfT at tliu ex­piration of Wb te rm of office, comahis 225 rlfccea. At tho tim e o f th e robt)ory the only a rtic le of the set th a t w aa not taken hy the th ief wa.s a c ru m b knife, which Mrs. HauBsIlng had le ft ou t of the case. 'I'W. rred ll for recovering the sllvtrwar^- be­longs alm ost wholly to D etccllvi -H» rg* writ Jam es Urmovan, who la conn'cit-il wTih police headquaTiers.

In the face of m any obstiicU?. aiid a t tim es when it seem ed almoBt c<-rb»!ii that tho goods would ptiVer bt; fouiaL ibe 'b - tectiv-fM TRcant kept tr> his l>Hsk N*-v'T once did he hise fa ltb in the ultSm.itc re ­su lt of Itis search . H is felP)W-dirt'‘ctiv«’s frequently lohl him th a t th e re was no r‘ir- Iher use of w nrking on th e case, th'H ihc stoluii hltverware had long btH-n me up and disposed of. and iha i he spending hlH Um« In « hopeless scare Tlieae illscouragementB Only made Hono- | viin work the h fird tr. !

The police have no t captur-.d the man who stole th e silverw are , hu t they :ir- on hiB inu:k. and hope lo h av e him in rur^todv shortly . D etec tive-S ergean t DonuvHo h a i his photograph, and It Beems only a que:-- tlon of a few w eeks a t th e most wh^ n he wUl be apprehended.

L ong §lf>ry B e h in d R o b b e r y .There la a long sto ry behind the rob­

bery and the recovery of th e etolen silver­ware. I t w as tak en from Mr. HauaBllnk'a rcaldcnce a y ear ago U bI A u g u s t The robbery w as com m liled betw een 19 o'clock In the m orning and noon, w hile th e m em ­bers of tho fam ily w ere a t th e eeaahore.

u wan not un til t:30 n-<.Iook tn th e a f , . r - t o ^ h f U r o p -nnon th a t the the ft w as repo rted to Cap ta tn of D cleetlves CtiSitrove a t police hea'I nuarte ra . D etecllve-S ergean t Donovan w as detailed on the case To ehow how quick th e th ie f worked the det«ctlvc-»er- Keant In the course of hla inveatiK atlan. ; team ed th a t he left N ew ark ab o u t 12 [ o'clock nofpn on the day of the ro b b ery .an d w ent 111 New York, where he had the .joodH lildden befoi'e the robbery w as re ­ported to [he police.

F o r I'lcven m onths D etective D onovan worked on clues which luriiHit out to have no conueetlon with the liau.sellnK Job.However. In Ihe ro u rse of his in v estig a ­tion he recovered tw o loads of s to len B<n.,ls that ha.l lieen taken from Elooin- lleld avenue. This cleared '>P n'tnne o f the liurKlarlia th a t had been fo tnm lued In the Second I’reelnrt.

The. th’icc llv f Irafi'd rliu-s fi,-? fa r ns ItiilhnK'f*-, und cvi'H wvm to th a t c ity , hut hlH irlp wA.'< unsuccc-ssfkil. On one oc-

I r-tmlon hi- mmlt- a irl)) lo K liigshrldgc, a s m- had karm -d thal a stolen silver set lu ih*;- jpi'iHH -siflon of th#* police there. W hen

i h." looktd iit the oT lirhs lu- saw a t once lied I ib a t they Were plated. Tho H aussllng Wiis I silver Is solid. . , » . *

:h. 1 '('hi.! first real cLiv was ubtalned la s tJu ly . Donovan wai.H In Brooklyn, fttid III {•oiiversiitliiu wKli oiii' " f hl3 frlt-nda In the radlcc SiTvE-e learned Pom« fac ts th a t

him hiiiiv. This friend had been Ir.ohluK itUtf ruhln-rUs. ainl In th e coiirae i.f Ms Uiv* slIgatioiiH had run aernys a Kilvt-r set th a t ai^Hwcred th»- di-scrlptlon Ilf the on' ?lol+'n from the H aussllngs.I o i i f e r e n o e W llh C U p ta in C « * g ro v * .

HeturnloK t<- .Newark Donovnn con- terred with C uptsln Cosgrove, and the la tte r im m edlalilv told his aubonllna te lo keep a t work on the case. F requen t 1 rips were made to Now York, and each tim e the horn- of suceeaB seem ed brighter.The d e t.c tiv .-se rg ean t In terested htmseti: c ru m b -k n ife sle

I so much In the ease th a t he allow ed hts * s to len sttver.


Donovan was al.l- tn gel hold of Infor­m ation wliich , ■suited In hlB g e ttin g th e i.h .to g ra i h ef ih- m an whom he Ormlybelieves com inlib'd Ihe robbery.

■n... uiiv.Tw ire was [iiially located In a w irebnuse ,u New York. T he n e a t step w as to get |„ ,s s e - i .m o r l t . Severa tim es the d e tf f l lv .-s - re e a o t WHS alm ost near enough to I lie M -lea artic les to lay his liands n|iim tleni, lait th e re w ere m any

I.........inpleted, and he was,,l.lle, ,i [,, I, loM hoiile em pty-handed.

The -irrest o ' .1.1 ot, Hcefea, 11 New Yorkjew eller II I • V.. el.B ago. was an Im por­ta n t link 111 Hi' ■ N 'l" ' ' ‘'" ’s- Jufll " ’hbl

H . 'f - s pl.iv.-.l In Ihe m a tte r the po­lice win net -!■■■ aiiHI I"' 1« b rought to■Neweik I'.I 11 I- geiienilly supiiosed that he w.'is ll ’ . i ■ I' of the stolen silver.

K sh lh M eil ii. t i r n n d J u r y r o i im .Ig .st C aptain fo sg ro v e and

D eieellv . I .... .. ao wea>expcc tli’.g I ' l■ ■lal b“ ' 't M aussUng M l'er. but they re tu rned w lth- OUl ll Veal. I-lay. I.uwever, It w as tu rned over to Ipoin^iii l-oter In the day it waa exhlb lteil 111 lie e r in .l Jury room a s evi­dence agaiii.-u lie ih i- t In case he la ap- prt-ht'ndi ll. ,

A bout S ■ ■ I ■ k the silver was Imeh ag a in in ih . llaiisBlifig residence, to Hie g re a t Bu Uhlii.M 'n -T its u w n tr and thu m em bers "1 iL-' ifimlly- I rail a few w eeka £iffi> Du ' slvt-n up any hope o f ev er S filuu M iKi'lTi.

A fte r the -liver bud rlfposltod a tth© house Duii'iviiTi w ithdrew from h is p o ck st the crumL-kulfo th a t the th ie f had le f t behind at ih- Urn^ of the robbery , an d w hich bi'-u lurrifid over to thu deiocUve-serm '-int t i a id him lu hla sea rch . W hen 'T tulRd mi th e case he told M rs. H au»lln« ituii vsln n htr r^turm -d Iho

■wiiLiltl reci-lvc a lj the

The Jo lij ComedieiiBe f i l l Retire to P rirate Life a t tbe Close of

This Season.


n .-v . H r, V o n e e O e l l v r r s I n t e r f a t l n g A d d re ss o n " T h e C h n ro h o f «he P 'n tn re ”—D r. M n r i ln .Man S p ea k s .

The centennial celebration of the B rook- dale netnrm i-d Church. In the lirookdalu section of Blonmlleld, wa.s concluded la s t night. The e ic rc lsea w-tre In ch a rg e of

M naldera tlon o f th* p layg rounds, and jj^^vBrk C 'lsssls and w as a tten d ed byH m , Q«>nrffe A ihm un read the repo rt of |h « O am m lttM on P lay g ro u n d i. She spoke

W > « f th e generovf app rop ria tion m ade by th e M ty, and told of how th e 12,500 had been expended for salarlea , Ruppllea and e^n lp ioen t. T here had been som e de lay In I th e delivery of th e aiippUoB In th e v e rlo u i •eh o o ly ird s . w hich had necea»ariJy re ­ta rd e d the w ork fo r a week or tw o. The

' p lan s o f th e com m ittee had been m oat ’pnceesafuny carried out. a n a an tn estlm a- >»•* num ber of children bcnelUed. R ep o rts V vra tc a d of the wrork done In th e v a rious g U y fro u n d s by Miss B ertha F ln rk . o f th e

.'.Cn-wrence s tre e t ground; Mtse Em ille t l l e r c y , o f the S ta te s tre e t g ro u n d ; Mlse J h n m a Bailey, of the South M arket s tre e t

. feround; Mies Iren e Jerv is , of N ew ton }S tree t ground; Mies E d ith B rew er, of ' B ru ce g tree t ground, and M iss M ary Hkln- m r , o f the C entral avenue ground.

Aw .A dm irable IH n w tlo u .M r. Fairch ild s ta ted th a t a lth o u g h th e

^ laadT an tages of the location o f th e gym - M tlu in In th e old bu ry ing g round w ere g re a t, altice It w as used as a "g en era l du ts tp in i ground for the whole city.'* and Was A pabWe thoroughfare, yet I t w as an

' A dm irable sUuetlon In th a t It la w ith in . r w e l l o f th e boys In all p a r ts o f th e d ty . In »*s«n p lay grounds tho opon * %B M tle w ork w as tau g h t by M y PB rC W i* w ho claim ed th a t the posalb lim es o f the w o rk w ore la e h th a t fifteen m en m ight W 'c o n s tan tly engaged In th e field covered b y h im loat lumnnor. In o rder to obviate th e aifllcu lty of the annoyance to the h c i l n n s m en. whoae s to res open tn the n i r to th e bury ing ground, ad eq u a te po- m dng an d th e erection of * fence would ■ tr re w tlh o u t doubt accord ing to Mr,

Pa rapo rt. The re p o rt w as clo-art__ Moomvn^ndRtk»n lo concBtitrAta

k a «|Tort» OP ih© m aking o f tho.........I hi tho burying ground o thorough-

/b ita s If It dpcldvd no t to lii- tbo ifuniber of tesohore, and th a t

try M curo abso lu te con- p t I t d u rin g tb e p layground eraaon,

M o w in g It to be used for no o th e r pur-


A Large Audience Agreeably Enlerlained by Chorus and Soloists a t Kru gcr


pooe.A vo te o f th a n k s w as given to all tho

ta ach e re on the playground*. Mr*. B ek h e r io c la r ln g th a t m uch of th e sucew * of the io a v o n 'i w ork wo* due to tht-tr emtlnitlaKfli %ma abllUys J

M lei F lo rence Johnson *ald a few worda tn reg a rd to th e Tt-illan flohooi. nelri'ng th e taetnbore of the aeeoolRtlon for magualneA, grhlch a re used to eupplem enl th e ru g u 'a r

• w o rk w ith the Hiile Ita lian childron. Mrs. B elcher ipoke of the encouragem ent de- R ved by th e aneocSation from th e aum - m eria work, and recom m ende') th a t the 3Ptayground Com m ittee continue th e ir pr^- p o ra tlo n a fo r next year during th e w inter. A f ie r th la th e m eeting waa adJourne<l a?Td w afe r* and lea were served.

T hore w as an exhibit a rra n g e d about the tab le* and chair*, conaleting of tia»keta w oven o f Rafllla grasa, quilt* , du^t hag*, d u a te rs , p lncuiblon* and Iron holders, m ad e by th e children In th e phiygn-im da. an d th e re w as m uch favo rab le romm-ant upon the work.

many visitor*. T he principal ad d rew es were made by Rev. Dr. Hunlel H. M artin , pastor ot th e C linton Avenue Church, an d Rev. Dr Jam es I. Vance, pasto r of th e North R eform ed Church, thla city. T he latter, a f te r a few w ords of g ree tin g , (.poke nn “T h e C hurch of the F u tu re /* AmoTiK o ther th ings, he said :

“There are som e who are unable to get beyond the denom lnationaUsm Involved tn the queetlon. They are wondering w hether the church of the fu tu re will be P resby terian . M ethodist, C ongregational, RpUCopal. P ro te s ta n t or Catholic. W h a t diflerenee does It m ake, so long na ll Ih a church th a t glorlflea God and blesae* m an ­kind?

"O thers of a p rac tical and ph llan lh rop - leal tu rn , prophesy nn InslUuUonal church, with school* and Innchroom s nndt? recreation deparlm enta. M aybe such a th ing Is on th e borlofin. hut 1 predict th a t for th e church of th e fu tu re ih e chief book will be the Bible, the main m om a sanc tuary , and the principal hualne**, preaching the Qoai^el. T he church of the fu tu re will be an established church. Ft will have a creed and believe Bomeihlng. I t will ho Ihfl church of th e past *o fa r ns i t i doctrlDftl belief is concerned, but it will bo aggreoalva in It* m ethods. I t will m eet preaent-day need* w ith up-to -date equip­m ents. I t will not condem n a th ing be­cause It 1* new, nor a ttem p t lo run fo r­w ard by p lodding backw ard. R everencing a ll th a t la good In the paat. It will believe th a t the b est is ye t to come.

w n i lie A b o v e t r e e d a ,‘i t will be the C huroh of the Ltord Jesu*

Chriat. Above all creed* and method*, all Beets and a ltar* , l l will adorn the living and e te rn a l Lord. I t m ust be a*chu rch trharged w ith t h e ap lrlt of C alvary, w hich is the Bplrlt of Bncrmce. The church of the fu tu re w ill c a re m ore for people th a n for church m illinery , and be m ore con- oerned In com forting hum an sorrow th a n In building g re a t c a th e d r iila "

In the course o f hi* rem ark s Dr. V ance read an e x tra c t from a volum e c o n ta in ­ing tho Journal o f Rev. P e te r H tryker. th e first pasto r of th e Brookdtile Church, who w ent on p reach ing tour* th rough New York. New J e fs ry and P ennsy lvan ia , t a k ­ing him aw ny from hi* honot* for a year a t a time. He said the need of the ch u rch lo-day wa* for m ore such mlnl*U‘rs, who believe w hat they pTeach and hall h a rd ­ness as a p a r t of the ir service for C hrist.

Dr. M artin spoke on •‘The R eform ed C hurch of 1W»): W hat W as ll? " In wblcii he re ferred to th* conditions which cxlutcd In the *or1*I, civil. |io!1tical. m oral and religious circle* of a cen tu ry ago.


Th« Uormaiiln Singing Society p le a sa n t­ly InRUgurateJ Its soason of m usical a c tiv ­ity hy giving a concert In K rueger A udi­torium last night. The so tie iy had the an- alBtnnceof Mrs. D ora E- I’hllllps, soprano ; Em l] Muench, tenor, and H enry Bartola. barllone, as soloists, and an o rchealra of tw en ty munlrmna. Owing to the varied ch ariu ier and excellent q ua lity of th e pro­gram m e and to the adm irable m anner In w hich the m ajority of U» num bers wtia Interprt'ted. the concert w as fru itfu l In m uch enJovmHnt fo r the large audience

T he Clrrmaiila m ale chorus, w hich In­cluded f«iriy-8lx singer* on th is occasion, w as hc.Trd In hIx Hclectlons, and In all »>t


“ T h e R o g e r * B r o t l i e r s In W a * h la g - toK ,” ‘T k e H e a f t o f .Mnryland,** “ P a d d ^ n h e a d \M tlnon ." ’'r i i e l*uy-m a a ter" a n d f i e v e r r 's ' n u d e v lll la iiaF a r n l a h A’* r |e d a n d H r i te r t a lu ln g A in u a e m e n t f o r l . a r a e A u d le n ee * ,

M ay Irw in , who. wlih h 'r com pany, ap peared In *-,MinlNi!'- SoiUh, A tto rn ey .” a t th e N ew ark laat w eek and arnuaed la rg e audleni.'S I-)' her dro ll com ­edy, will re t ire fr'irn Ptage a t theclose o f the p resen t re i^ She h a s beenco n tem p la tin g such i for over ayear, b u t m ade no ih iliilte s ta tem en t rv- gu rd tng hor InU-niu j:.- uinU la s t n ight. She la p lay ing un < k muni in l-taltl- m ore th is w eek, ami UiuiiiK the perfo rm - anc* o f “M adge Smith. .'U iorney.’’ a t th e A cadem y, m ade ht r hthi pabllc announce­m ent of h e r purpnsA-.

" I would have n r u . . ! a year ago ," she said, "b u t fo r my < u! truct.-i. A num ber s till rem ain to be < t-midulud and then 1 sh a ll be free, i sluil! i’erta ln ly . aa fa r a s h u m an purpusu '■.m never a c t again a f te r th e p re sen t seastm. I h ave been on th e Btage ever slncu 1 was eleven years old. and th is is why many persons th in k I am older th an Is really the case. I have passed throu^'h an unoirnous am ount of h a rd w ork arnl W"i;id 1ll<e l* enjoy a re s t fo r the re m n ltid 'f "f my l:fe."

Mlaa Irw in has ..... .. u uon>plcuous fig­ure on th e Am^ric.iii s iai^o Rir m any y e a rs and h a s duiu' o. yruat lieul in the w ay o f rn te rta ln lr .g th*' amus- merit loving public. Sh* ha* eurnud the a rtis tic recog­n ition and the hniM '-al rew tint m erited by ta le n t and indu.^iry, vind, hav ing saved a la rg e fo rtu n e frum h 'r « iirnlugs, w hlrll h ave been well liu es i-d . Is in *"1 poaiiion to re tire to privat-^ ynil lo en joy the q u ie t and c o m fo n - f"r which she longs a f te r a busy and ardi.uiis career.

M onlcnl t om edie* .Th© e x tra o rd in a ry pnim U rlty of the

Rt.»gers B rother* In th li c ity Is show n by the p resence of flU'hi‘'n£:’f'}i That nightly crow d the N ew ark The.iSre, w here Ihcee

1 m erry com edians ari'l tliG r com pany are i ap p earin g in the iG«ly vaudtvSlle farce, f 'T h e R ogers B roih-'rs in VV'ashtngton.

T he p roduction 1* e laborate in c h a r­a c te r a* i t Is m irth fu l m result-a, and Us popu larity is Jiistlll-'d by the am usem ent w hich It affords. The RoRPrs U roihors will hft followed iit Hit- N ew ark next hy F ra n k P ir lc y ’Fi r.iToedSans In 'T b e C haperone.'■ th e new mu.‘i •■4ll comedy, whos© a ttra c tiv e qualU i'S as a upectacu- la r and a r t is t ic p ro h M lo a and as an '•nllvenlng and agreeable en te rta in m en t

Ih*. David Kenne<fyk

I^YOriteRem edy

Do you luffer from any form of kidney trouble ?Do you have pain In the back 7 (that li the fint jymplom),Do you urinate often, especially at hijht?Does your urine ttain linen 7

■ Do you have Dyspepsia, Indigerilon, Rhcumatiimt Are you troubled with skin diieasc, itrofula, eczema, salt

rbtum 7Do you suffer from any form

ot liver trouble 7 If a woman, do you have

Ihe usual distressing lickncia prculiar to your sex?

Every disease or symptom mentioned above comes from a disordered condition of the Kidneys.

Dr. David Kennedy*, Favorite Remedy


OF ARMY CANTEENG enerik l Dr©cLlnirhlK<'''N R e p o r t C on­

ta in * EzpreHnloiiN fresov J iia p e c to r*• t V arlo im MIIMurj- Vumim.

W A B H IN G T O N -' U.—The annual re ­port of Inspector-* irnciiil J G. B recken- rUlge say s of the uxctmiigc:

“The re p o rts show (hat w herever p rac ­ticab le, p o st exchifiiK " were In operation nt Ihe garrisoncfl loi-ts a t lime of the InspEctor'a vl*lt» th>‘ tiffscrlljcd ru le s and regu la tion* w ere being fully compiled w ith ,an d th a t their bur^inuas wua generally lu'liig ftatlsfactorlly t, urTlucted. A m a ­jo rity of the posts nt which exchanges uro m a in ta in ed weru iisspfCi'fd before the law proh ib iting th f b-ile of beer In the Ciinteens w as etiaA p''!, and m ost of the rcFiorts w ould not feh'>w ihe effect of th a t law upon them . A t sum'' of Ihe po^ls In- s|MM'teAl since, ll Ft ported th a t theexchange w as closeii. as It w as being op­era ted u t a Jobs a f p r the sale of beer .................... .......w«* prohibited, while m others 'the oper- | hr^ye m ade It very p tpuhir w ith theatre-

It has cured th ousan ds o f sufferers ; It trill ri:re you. T hat’s w hy m ost physicians prescribe it. T hat’s why it is used so genera lly in hospital practice. In every san itan u m you will find it prescribed for th ese troub les. / I i s tk e on ly K id n ey ntedu ine th a t w i l l n o t cousHftate. D on t ioo l aw ay your health , tim e, m oney and strength on advertised exp erim en ts c a l l e d " Su re C ures.” with no record back of them , but take D R . D A V I D K E N N E D Y ’S F A V O R IT E R E M E D Y , w hich h as a record o f thirty years oi cures lo its credit, and g e t well,

Triml botiSB F ree' By special arr,in cem cn tw itlv th *D R . D A V ID K E N N E D Y C O K R O R A TIO N the readers of th e are enabled to obtaina trial bottle o t this wonderful m edicine and a pam phlet oi valuable m edical advice absolutely free, postpaid, by sim ply 'seodinft their full Rost Office address to the DR. D A V ID K E N N E D Y C O R PO R A T IO N . Rondout, N .Y ., and m o t io n , in e having seen th is generous offer in the

T he publishers of tins oaner eu a ra n tee th e genuineness of this/tAcroJ X K r i i e R m l d y is sold by all druggists or direet, l i a b o t t le ; d bottles for ,

th*m Qf’qiiiurfl llftelf bo well uniter iho j to ra-genera l

jiUona under ex isting law were s tu led to by u n sa lla fac to ry . Tlu-* at-ntlmcnl of the a rm y on the sub jec t IH well known, and Is glvun In the following rem arks of Inspec-

dlrt-cUon of t’ornluctor Cnrl ItU-gg, a* to compel gi-nernuN and s tim u la ting a p ­plause, The choral iiumbA^ra em braced M arsebner's “Out* Mhii," P .ichc’s ' ‘C’naey IjUIIo H om e/' Muiixlnffcr’s “ Spring Ruin,'* Eiuents'a “H eaven cm E a rth ," O rth 'a “The W arrio r’s U epartu re" and Podhertsky 'ft old Gernian cas tle song, “ W aieh O u t.” D uring the singing of th e In troductory se­lection, ll was quickly a i)pareni th a t the chorua was well balanced; th a t the Indl- vblUAil sltigers poBsesKcd m ore th an ordb narlly good volees: ihat they had been thorouKhly tra ined In p a rt singing ami were capable of producing very m usical and charm ing effect* The finale of tho ManAchniT num ber udm irubly lllu s lra ied th e BkHI of th© choru* In w orking up a creacendo from a delicate planlsj^imu. In it* HulkBequent perform ances, A*ppecially in the “Spring R ain ,” “Coacy L ittle H om e” and “ H eaven on E a rth ," ll fre ­quently gave evidence of uncommon ab il­ity in vocAil shading and coniniHls, and In securing very ugreeable and aril* llc ef-

(Jolonel B urlon (Cuba) say-R; ’OfllccrB generally com plain th a t Hi*' elim ination of beer haa worked u hardship on the so l­dier, and h as been dctrln ientu l to got»d o rder and m ilitary discipline.’

■•Lieutenant-Colonel Read (D akota) re ­p o rts th a t ’the conseiiauH of opinion Is th a t the canteen fea tu re prim otcfl the Tnonils, tem perance, discipline and health o f th e m en.'

"M ajor Bharpe (Colorado) conBlders the an tl-c iin teen legislation of last w inter iti- advlseil. and rem ark s lh a t *lf th e re la no authoriiA 'd and dt-cently kept pS* ce of re ­so rt whhiiT a garrison, where the soldier can find recreatb in s u l i f j to hla la s l f s anil s ta tion In life, he will seek It oul*lde, and the Innum erable brothels and w hiskey dens which a re springing up on (he edge of the reservallonH wJl] prove the m ost balefu l and destructive t-nstny to co n ten t­m ent and good order which a g a rriso n can h*‘ cursed w ith .’

" t ’olnnel Sanger ('Phlllpplnea) repo rts : ’T he suppression nf the canteen haH p ra c ­tically sUKiK-ndCii all post exchanges in ihe*e Islands, and until officer* and en-

fecta by nice nuances of lone ih iil could ' listed men can adap t them selves to the

A Daily Nuisance.A S im p le R em ed y W h ic h W ill in -

te r e e t C aterrh S u ffe r e r s .

tn It* tatilcr stages cBiiiTh Is more iif k nut- taone* than * tuCDac# t..i the genera) health, h'ut

r iftUr, the disease rxteiiits to the

l le c r p t lo n til^ rn b y (h e !tleiub©r* ^ a s t M s b t In l<ta*t P n rk

g trret tta n r tera ,The openlnn n 'f pilnii in the »u'W cliio*-

room* of Hr Yiiuiic W om en's r h r ls tU n A saoclatlon. a t H KasI P ark Ptreel. wa* held la i t nluht, and Its auci'OMS wa* even g rea te r th a n anti; ipoti d by thi* assoc ia ­tion '* OftlA'iTfl ai*d niimiit-rs. The bu ild ­ing w as d rn .r . i trd Ibrniighi'Ut w ith tlugs and palm s ami thi- lnTm«- gym naalum . In which the gu.-PtM wiTp rt-rrlvcd. waa flDedi w ith thoft' iinxI'Mi?* Im view the ussocla- Uon’s nrw q u art. r.«

Mr*. K i* J« nkiiiinn and Mis* C-irnclIft B. H a lf y rv i-flu d while Mrs N'arl Lent* and M rs \ \ | i | ! im H Jon<* preBldfHi a l the refrcshm .'iii tHbU-, by theyuutig w om in . f ib- .^uxMLirv

An ori'hcHtr.i of 'h ree piece* w as *l«- tli.m d a t "He . Ill) of till- n«>m. and the m usical proKriimm*' wh* rtim pi’scd of singing liy Hob* i t Ib'ld^ 'n Hint Mlf* Wld- mer, and *■ !•< ii-./i^ I n ih^- o rchestra . MI»b K irk rc n d -r- .l i . on.iiions

D uring the r- .i'*inri the room s uf th e new Ifulldlng wr-r* I 'li 'iiftl f;'r tiispoctton and Y xcll'-'l mm h .oim lratloii on uccciinl of th»* mi-b t- n»-» of the ir u rn in g e- moTit*. T h r i'ix h .o .l th is work Ihe build­ing will "T" ll 1" hII tliose lb s iring tog.i thro Kh It

S n •• iMo i.iir'h;i'-* .-f th'- bundling th ree rru’- ih s Mg'. Ih.'^o I 'm n tf t . i l w ith the work h.ise , n i'UHv gr-tting It in ahape. ji*> ihal niiw u Is pro\*ii)»lv one of the most oompl-'t'' .*f llfi kind In the S ta le New r\iu*»rs h;ive b>H*n form ed tn d re ssm ak ­ing mllllikcry and kindred branches, and wUhlTi a few dH>* these will convene to recUve InstnjcD ons

have bct;n obtained only by pa instak ing rehoaraiil; by the complete auljordlnatlon of the Individual incllmUlon to ilv* m usical In ten t of the whole U»dy; by un Intelli­gen t appreciation of the seniim ent* of the oompoaUloas In terp reted und by w illing obtHllencft to the wlaht-s of th*' conductor.

T he Voice* blemlMl Ilnely ami w ere under such i-xcrlletil control that ih'- singing mjirked by a Bpontaneliy In expression, sm oothness in execution, [irci Isioii lu a t- tu( k, tidA-lliy to pitch and a vlvbl muaicl^l coloring that gave ilu»> Hlk,nlf1canci' to .ill the liittrp re ia llo n s arid niiob- th*- efforlsiof th© rhorua really ncdiilib* a rtis tic uchlcvt'- m epH , th a t gav»- pU- isun- tcf, while com ­m anding lb© adm irhtbin of. AeiisUive U*t- ©ners.

The aria . “ W lih Venlue T lad .” from H uydn 'e oratorio, "Thi- i.'reatlfrii.” Iniro- ducad Mrs, Phillips. vMu> Ih glftcfl w ith a io p ran o of exlen&ive nuigu and of b rlgh l (ind pleasing qYiailiy, nn-1 whose nkill In COnlrulllng u 1* nuiich.d l y her gfiod test© In singing. The t l n i u l T th*’ ilay d n Ailr W©re dHIvcrefl m i iU griicefullv and ftu- •n tly and her gen*'rHl [MtTiirelHllon of the selection eBlal'Iisi,. ,i b. r in ffivor. H er subsequent effuri i-i de Cad)*.” bs i>.i. m ira tio n tar h> r and by her sicKit r poetic and id .il"n \W tth Me Ini-' showed a ph-i-*' i ' ta tto n of terub r I egreeabU -

In Ih© " s."Dl€ w a lk u r . 1 B ohn and from KrruiZ '■ung w ith Mr Mr. M ucnch and w ell svbw lih ao m u rliend in th e o • c musical setnr u w ith necdfA.l fo r th hearty lisr te ls, wh*’-' p a th e tic Ir <a ’ pow er for sm h p ray e r. miT*"O Dio Fon*' II nod’* “F « ust num ber wa* w ork. In th .’ >m rio ris D epiri'-^ . gave a betb-r > m erited th© ’M il ence recogniz-.i and th e stirrivR

Tbe orchfNtr. the pietauT. . ■ of tb e Ughier r

change It Is not probable that they will l e re-eHtabllshed.' ‘‘



1 b. tiorlil ’‘Lcs Pill' * >- vion further atl-

i i .•lonttura slng«‘r,I r X'-TT der Stucker'.s

ri'manXiY. "t) ('niP-e >:-rliig N lghl,” *li©

- • Id In the ln ten> r '- ■ iig lhat was ver>'

• S. X " frt>m W agner's 1 '’•mpbr ball ids bv

> I- Ilf er, and In the trio I • r 1. "NnchtlageT. ■

- .ird Mr BartetHT Y. Ml h iic ii."* 'J

Lh H m'- in- t'' t b.i ’■I ll' Inu-nt, and ll -f

h -Inglug liifiiscil •! f<‘ellng. f'HlIel . ‘ ,1 aT'plause. Mr,

ll rich uiid syin- , kn I h»- rfqAjliilic 'lull as \ ’aU'nllc»-'* ■\ ki'- \vii the

mor," from O m • I- singing <!f th a t I • rr* ■ nvi’ of Ills

.1 in • ThH W ar- ; I ih- -hi'nis. he f 1 \n x - \ f nm1 ful y i-h NN li:ch th*- au*li- ■ 1 llN <if hts i«:i' "N

f his p'-rfnrman* e .1 ■'.! A g'i'id deal 'o

i-:.iE>y Us pl« Tiumbcra.

O riiAniKatloB Had Mftny G ueate F lra t A ffa ir «Rf (h© steasun

L ast Milgh^,The HrogreB* Club gave its first cuter-

talnment of th© season, ronslsiliig of a illRiner and vaudeville perfnrmance. at tht* rooms of the organisation, & \\*>at I'ark Ktreet. laal night. About an of ih*' mem­bers and friend* of the c]ub were prea- eiu. In the vaudeville Jfin.-s and Hui- t.-n, ktmwn a* "Th* CoonioNvn I'lahlon, I'!.ii.*s." and Fields and I, cn cm rlc cmt-fllanB. were seen to p^.-d advantage, aiMl Mr and Mrs, Jlramle Barry. In a Hk.ich entitled ’'Mrs. W llkbrs ii-y ,’ ■were amusing.

S'NeTFii clever parodies w. rt- *'ing by Qu* Vorke and Nick Adame. mivI J W. WiTilon gave aa exhibilkm uf ventrll- oqtilsm. Joseph Undner, lu i i.a!. i selec­tion.* and Fiosul* Allen, Id snuii-. wers also heard. A dance was g iv u .ift.-r th© vaudeville performance. Th-- -n u r u ln - metii l ummlne© consisted nf a> SchlcS- Ingi-r. chairman; Isaac L'lirij.n, j J. Flsch, lUrnard Straus, Hm r, C, C* M. Myers and F rsderick r :,. .ur.


goers w herever ll h»a bfen prt-i?ented thla Kcuson,

R o m a n tt* ' n n il M a r tia l .P o p u la r In te re s t In “Th* n -arl of

lan d " show s no signs of lessening. The p re sen ta tio n of th is notable rom antic and m ilita ry d ram a by Itiivld Bc’lasco a t tb e E m pire T h e a tre th is wc-k Ip a ttra c tin g Eiudlcnces whoae size IndlcaieH th a t the p lay poaseases enduring qualities a» a th e a tr ic a l a ttra c tio n . The com pany now em ployed In llluBtratiiig Its scenes gives an ex ce llen t perform ance of ll and w ins th e app lau se th a t deserving effort m erlta. T he R oyal Lllllptitlan.*, In "T he M erry T ram p s." will occupy the Biago of the E m ­pire nex t week.

S t tr r ln s .H elotlrnm a.T he p o p u la rity of tm-lodranui In general

and the en te rta ln lu g ch a rac te r of ’'T he P a y m a ste r" in p a rticu la r m ak* the p ro ­duction o f th is w ork lU the Colum bia T h ea tre th is w'cek a po ten t a ttra c tio n . T he play abounds jn th rilling Incidents, including a i tn n l ln g “ leap for life.” ac- com pllkhed In Ibis Instance hy A rth u r Holden, th e p rofessional high d lw r, who wti-a engaged by M anager Jacobs e spe­cially fo r th is production, and tho sp irited ac tin g by th e com pany su sta in s In te re s t In the d ram a tic s to ry ^ ro m the rise to the fall of th e cu rta in . Sydney G rundy * strong goolety d ram a, "Sowing th e W ind, will bo p resen ted a t the Colum bia nex t week.

A M ark T w a in l*lay.The p roduction of F ran k M ayo’s d ram -

a llra lio n of M ark T w ain 's popular novel, "P u d d ’nhead W ilson,” a t B laney 'e T h e ­a tre th is week Is proving to be one of the moat popu lar w orks staged a t th a t house ih l* season. Owing lo U» serious as well AS comli- a spec ts, and to tho p en etra tin g hum or of M ark Tw ain, tbe play strong ly appeals to a wide range la the*ithcal ta s te , and the audiences w itnessing the perfo rm ances rep resen t all claaaes of iheatrcKijera. " Ih u b riih cad W ilson" will be succeeded by "T he Only W ay” next week

E u l lv e i i la g V aadevlll© *AmuBF-rnent seeke rs w‘ho delight in

U) « * Cortlandt at 613 ft sfr Ferry st ................... ........

Jacob (jcrber e l ux to H.Stacy Smith, w a Vincent bO ft B fr Horatio at, 71x75... 1

. . . , —Miirgarett'a Morit* to (’olo- man Blebodink et ux. 100 ft fr the 3 w cor I7th av andLivingston at. 25x100............... 8.510

TOW NSHIPS.—Fannie H. Ofttman and hus­

band to Frances Raminel- kamp and husband, E ast Or­ange, a B Main Bt w * George and John Harrison's land, ^25x112 ............................................ 1

—Henry M. l>oremu* (lata sheriff) to Richard W. Park­er, W est Orange, (1) begin­ning In the mlddl© of Eagl©Rock road, where U Inter- Bccis Valley mad, and the road leading to WoBt Bloom­field: (2) beginning tn the mlddl© of wTgwam brook In the lln© of land of U . W ill­iams ..............................................

-E d w ard E. W rlghl et u* lo Katherine Clark and hua- hand. M ontclair, be^nning nt a point In the centre line of M otitaguc pi Ml ft e ifValley road, 56x75 ..................

I 50—Sophia Euvrurd to Thomas A. McKcnnell, M ontclair, w s Grove st f t & w fr Belle-vue BV, fOxlSO ........................ 5,600

. . . . —Caroline H. Lyman to Archi­bald Lawson. E ast Orange, f e s Sandford st 7*6 ft s wfr Central qv. 6 x 150.............. 112

.. , —George V lrtu | (sheriff) to Al­bert Klocblcn, Orange, * * W allace et 75 ft w fr Parkat ....................................... 815

. . . . —H an n ah B. R ob* and hu«- IvanJ to Jo seph M. Brown.East Orange, w s North Six­teenth st 3C1 ft B fr Park av, 30x100 ............................................


VlfapAtrlck^B B y* lBjur<U riiid HeW a s . ir re « t© 4 iM o iltH iliM i,

> .a rs , I'- fore 'T this 7ii-l>it>n

Ti;-- of ,i v:)iF ■i trol- l..iider

MORTG.AOE9.The following m ortgages were recorded

ut the County reg lsiv i’B ofQt© ytslerday: CITY.

F rancla O. M cGuire e t ux to Ellxabeth B fver, w a Jelllff av, |70.

A ntonio G ialanella e t ux to Philip lAFwy, e B Mt, Prospect .w. .

Aniia M. Lehm ann and husband tov a T a r J llir ' ; ; . m Bund.and en te rta in them in the ‘ ■ \nit and L oan As>0(-’la ilon , e b P rince at,by Bum i>evcri*’*a Own Company

Have you heard of the man who bought Wek* ory nut* of the old woman and then coropwnea «aylDf they were not what they were craftk«d

the trouble with most oheap grade* of^Thw're not what they're "craeked up" W b«, Tnere'e entirely ton rjiuoh "crucklng tm au around-Mth hy th«* iigenie and the PBi™* Elvery elelm we maHe for our paint l»QP" by the i alnt liftelf. It » backed up, »«, hr every one who baa ever used It-

The price is 15c. per one-pound can, and f i l .5 0 per gallon.

A. C. Getchius & Co.,183 M ir k e t S t . . 'P h o a e 428*

m an n ’s i)p e ra H ouis th is week. Th# l>i>> Lb long and varied and haslde* Mr. l>e* vert* lu trudiiccs such clever perfo rm ers af th e ITiasey iroup© of dancer*, singers and com edians; th e lmi>©rlal Trio. Hodge*. H aywood and l.A ncaster: th© Mls»ee Beii- n e ti and B icm bler. singing comedieniu*

C u r s e- O F -


White Ribbon Remedy.C¥n b* *I»«P 111 <ilnM of WotoT, 'Too M

Coffoo Vt'ilhoul K h ow loo(* .Whlw HIbSon Hfmsdy «JII c a n or JiMre.

Ih, lIlM.ed •iq.eilt, lor ol'ioholKj iiT to trie Mercer whither ihe iwllrnt 1* , cooflrine^ I n e i^ ; ,^ .

.00 n ;r iiprier.;L ivingston bL aft^r u»lna Whlti litbboii TUmady.

Bodoraed by filember# o f W« C* T. IT*Mrs ilOor*. ssupermieoJeut uf the Woa»a'*

Chn^ian Teiu^ranCB^UQiw.

NUholap Seme lo William Hill. 8 s Avon av r.OtK).

CoUiman h'-dnlk et UX lo the Mercer Rulhtlng aiL-1 Iri>ans w enr ITih Fiv and —........ . -

Fram-ls i;. M cGuire cl ux to the How­ard Savings Inslltutlon. w s Jelllff bv, H.JW-

»nnlnn1rs. .Mias M ildred H ow *rd D« U rej’ and thv W orld 's Comedy Four. Yht R en ti-a a ii ile y N ovelly and Burlesque Com pany will be the a t t r .c t lo n a t tlila bouse nex t week.

Miss fP-rtFe be C lair a n d 'h e r four pleh- T 'o e n e ro so C om plerchlo e t u* to Philip '"V lte 'lfib '^o RelaedV on wxiiyB VI i i ic ^ Lowy ■' s C am dsn USD. aiwi th* eur«* have 1t««b maafe tgOciD rns.o romp)»*rchto e t ux to th e

m an Kuiktlna I.oan A »»clatlon , e . I ^Cnnnleri at. Jl.Md. _ ______ , _ __ j «J,;i a _ ,, n ,c l_ l^ _an d ^«o M ^M l tiral-

"'the'woenaa', Chifa.nninrii sr. ra fiii,, - ___________Th. Fifth Avenue Prrsbylerian m «t to aid ui In our ieinj)#r«nc#_«fork.;’

- ."1 . W i . prosIdMt uf l)lo th

' 1..1

i tbseat. br'mrhlal t h«© artd rrrn to tH# fft'-rnach Oftd lat«*«iB*a.

ColofTti is ^wnMiiIly a of (h* muoiiAlaiBiTiSBiu ihf local lytDptovpa a poifuu*fflBCbargp o| mvrUB, •tupfht** n( the -noaiiii*. tflUolton ta thru«i. cauitin* <‘‘.'UXhiTi*. an^ennr

T gagging and Crvquem ckanna* >< ihriiat j god bead.

Tb* *s«al treatnfvt hy local d.j<ichM. cnufCxI AtTf*. Hr., often *liei irtn('ur%ry r«U.-r, but

Myihiog Ilk* a cure can onlN be oMxInt-d by t tmata>eot which renK-en >h« caiarrba) taint flnos th# thioed and tM dioaprearmnc# (f tIi*

< tagomHatlon from th« mucuu* a#rfac«n.A orw rtflHdy vhK-h me^if ibeac requir^aerlj

and wtUch #0 for Htm been remarkably rucreaa- r«t la ra lB f eatOTTta 1j Biaarr't Catarrh T»b-

I M *ThM# tabtH# o#t npoQ th# bkiQd and murenii

■ttahraooa «oty. con hardiy bt coiled aI OlLiit SOMat medtetae. a* they or* eempnoed of

•oak oataabi# rtmedlea o« aangamarta. HydrM- ■oeolyptel 0*4 olatlar cl«aaa)ng ontii»pt»ca

vMsk ear# hr ©Umloatlng rrora i*# Mood »nd 1»g*u* oorCocna tb* oatnrrboA Ootoow.

gtaori'* Ckton^ Tbbl#ta or# )arg«. pA«a#«*i • taodog teoaoesa tolt*a RatmaTty. alkrwtng them } ta iiaaetv* otowtr to Um owtitb. in thii may : ta#ar tm e^ to* tteoat. CawMa tae eatir#

If ffMlnd, ta#7 loay b1k > be S la v e d tn w«:#e •O i aosi • • a taosha. la addlikm tn th« latemai 000, ba t M I# oo* at oU neew ary tn a ffooiffa: a l*a «f th*a 4t#*ntT#d t* tOe oovt* 4Mlg O fl bo *afflrrlML H#w«T#r. «o»* th«r* lo ffosta Btflggof ef tk# onoe. o ntod#

a taoo# t*M»* Witt gtr# Imwdiei# rHierf. M ta* M g ^ taffff 00* totanofiy «( tbM*

tatalta Wfll m m tbJHBa*li ea«arf*ml tr#oM« «4taoat r m e e m ta f ita iao ^ i f o B # ^ «

Sr- U m tm t i ia l io ^ h a t A© lotavaol tnot- . ffwta tm m m m toktog tat Ma«* •<** itao r t M r t ta g *04 loeol oortioottoa., o«« fortaMT 8M# dot pTwtok ^ th# taol Oo« Mr- < tairtrt ta* fttfok N M 4r of pr«0«at «K tat oar-

t a l r t t a w r * Ortorta Tkbrtta m tm socrot rt taoff# r t ta rt# ■i g t r t d mo, oo4 olt t a t im ty

(.OT Ll( L>M i AFTER ALL,.^ p p lleo lloB o f (»©orge K o k le r fo r HfO

rtorrtel h ir e r t W o* H ec o a a i4 # r# d .The ai'pllcotloM G4.-orge Kukicr fur o

saloon llrenjM- for 5T" Miirkel etreet, vh icb w.’is turned d'^wn by Ihe Excise Rootil oeveraj weeks ago. wa# r«eon»ldered ofid gTui.lcd at B me+llng of that t»ody loot night Objecli-ThB had been made to Kuk- ier on the groundt (hat he had not lived her* the Uine required Sworn ptaleinertt* that Ihe applicant had resided here oliQC* a year ago lanl August were submitted.

l l wa# deckdt’d by the commloalonef^ to reconsider the iicrnsc granted to John Slaittry. for U Colden aireet. two weeks agu. The m atu r will be brought up at the next mecUng It was claimed the po­lice hove sl'me objectiooj (o tbe placo, Tbe appllcoUun of John Hudglnsld, of M Hayes street, which was brought up last week, was olou Laid over, pending Inveotl- gaUoQ


S E C U R IT Y .

John P'tispatrick, af^d :w,4ii ii pitiable object ob ■’*! thf ll—k In the Flr*t PrrclrD t morning III* left eye ^-as .m i: tij- a tiandage held lb placr t \ iulh.'alse plaster, nlgiu(M-lock Frtspairich discovert *! ky ciir wa# rompooed ot n\" material than his head M- t cat''-'! w'hen he was struck L>\ fircrit rar at Bonk and HerB'’i

Th** f.irrc <it the blow m i l. \ ronwinus. PollceiHSb Collinf* Im .moved (o St Barnabos's • ■hia wounds were dre*»ed. a fi.r u was taken lo th© First Pr^i o .Station to spend the night Th- htruck K ttipolrick was In chary lum Guthrie, conductor, and I' motormah.

lit ociun th li morning Jutlg- l.unbert dfOlded lhat tbe Injured man h...i U xn

I sufficiently punished for his • -pree I aiLil he w'Bs JlAchargcd-

LO^GSHOREMBR OTf s t h i k k .

M s H #n Q u it W o r k Dfcaaxf^ Th**y W ere Beqwtrwd tw W *#k l.« u |irr .

H i men em ploys* a* longih.-r. m n hv the SU-phens rt COffdit Transp .n .m n and Forwarding Company at t. r> lal Wharf struck la st Moffdny

I • r c* n

' o im- t'i'in re-

li^re ’ * D h he ■al Ihlil f U ll). It. Illy,

pt'rt C ouna frtrtrtis at ifty

lo g F o lo w * J#ffw#rM ra. iPatents l#*ued to Jerseymen, reported

for the NEW S by X>rake rt Co.. ■oUcltor* of patent#, com er Broad ond Market streets: ren trifuga l machine H patents). •J. J Berrlgon, Orange; telegraph or other ] system . J Hurry. Fort Lee: ooeebankai | Btov^mejiv, O. Goodline. Paieroon. • treat cleaning ImplemenL A. M Q r ^ , Newark; twitch eobiroUIng device. Q H. HIIL 01««i 11 IUdg«; card reialner for card caoee, H. J, 11 Hunier. I r v i^ o a ; bedatoad. J. R. Xocoho. , Short H ills, cor door and car atiochiM Ota ■ <T patento), 8 J Jortoaon. N utler; rtpiMMi | C liitt bowl <2 patCBU). H. 8. Modootta. ' Trebton; indlcoior for Uiboo, J. C. HlUtr, I ' Bk>omfleld, p4pe or rwd corrler. T. O. Bulea, A riiB gM ; rtio* horn. A- Q. W ill- lasso. Kewark; (dssigao) hawdla for Spoons, forka *tc,, O. 1*. CrosPoB, 3r.. ArhogtofL holder for tomhloi s or iim tla i v o iw ^ l l M. Haopsr . R athortaoi: «av and rteppta for pnvrtsr bsaas. a W. trtwt. MrtV B r a e e e W ! tt ir t i— 8rt;> tartst M dS wi t a l s * r ? i L t p y t a .•iFC lU f-

G e n u i n e

C a rte r’sU t t l e L iv e r P d l s .

M u » t a o a i 8 i s n a t u r * « f

S t Ftc-StaU, Wnara* B*tow.

« * U k * « * i

ICARTERSm".^F M I l U t t U O n . F N T N O B i m t . F M CO UTITATIM .f S i y U M m .

money and .h ort* . bdUi*. The , ir ik . q. - vtloped when tw o 0< t*** oi«- I

I rtiurjed tor ta llu r . U> .owplY 'HI' •' n e . | rule o f the company raqulrtn* u,r m.n

I to report . h«U U bOW e«-|ler m tn . ’ m erninc then tmunl.

; When the men fa it .* t» " P ® " ‘ or »ork I I Tufwiay m om U n other woram -n »,-re i

engur-d to take Ibrir placra. At th- - f.I lice o f Ih- company morning u »' u id lh a t the Iroobla i T .» ®“* (

q u n i to th t men to r a p ^ at * JC o . i,k 1. . tn Ihe m om lnc Inrtra* o clock, - n . , - Int them an Incrw a. p* ‘ ”the extra time. It wa* to ld lo-day

i affaire on tbe doeS * « » « " . am-q>ih- , I ly and no furthto tW iW * waa ami,

patMl. __________

B o l l ia s G reaaa C w w ^ * S care.John Detaterberg. ' “"'1

leather factory to t>* t o y • * . Charlton , i r « t left h it r o t * "Up­per laat Bisht alto toto* STtoae botuq .. v,r. caualii* a h la*. on lerfaerg rata (a hta to e tW . M d when net,hhL>r. raw th* MM* ptoee w ai oa * ra j * .***?^ tam edtofrtHB b n n aa* * a t o i^ » i . w >» time to fe tt ln r to H W * * * 1 5 * * * ^ r e greeted them «toUh^ # ** after exptrintoc U toW M a •* “ ®u"t-nd the me« had I caU b* waald 1to««J rUad them to t


Tho deed, which were recorded at the cminiv ng lstcr 'a office yeaterday are nafo llo w -

Julius E. Selt* Company to i\ ililain 11. H. Bovee. * a ,'uiigr,.ss st J32 ft . e ft fe rry st. JialU* ^

^ u h i i c . Eisele el uk to Morr^ Kachilii, w a Broome st o76 {t S h Montgomery at,ssxiuo ......................c ”—George Virtue (aherlff) to luiura I*. H yatt, «Korea! av arid North Ninth, t TSilW ...................................... '> .0

-F red er ick W. Hatalnger et u* to I’eter Haaalnger, e , Bouth Eighteenth at 3#1 ft nfr Clinton av. TSklW-.............. t

-J o h n O'Hagan to Generoso ( ;umplerchTo e l Uk, e » Cam­den «t 5S4 ft n fr BouthOrange av. lOllOB.........‘

-M a r y A. Ruddea to Hen;^ Stone, w a South Eleventh ■t lOu ft n fr Eleventh av,Sxluo .......................................... I

-F red er ic k T. Johnaon (comp- iroiler) to John ColyM. n • Oliver at 112 ft w t i New jeraev Railroad *v. 1»*1» • ^

-E lla a b eth » . and hua-band to John H Adnrom e a Ridgewood av SW ft n frMamson av. 1 |;1 » ............................. ’

-C h a r le . H. ‘W !» “ *to W lnilow 'M M . • » .* h - llngton *v » f t w fr Bum­mer av. l O d i H I . .......

-H a rm a n C. to G o r g e Cw a South Tenth (* ITT H " fr F ifteenth av..................................' g a l S ^ ,

-W illia m O. Campbell (admr) to W alter H. Jamouneam w a Third at » ft • f f *•«-

- A ^ l t a V liiw ' and h i t o t a ^ toW illiam Feindt, # a Coa- grera at I* ft a fr *Un to.

.................................-H a n n a h a Rora and haaband

to Joaeph U. Brown, a a » 17t h j t 6 n a tr C ltotto av.

, s i 'fFiiM d«’" e t aa toAnnia C. W ard w a Cort- landt at OI f t a tr Ferry at.

. W a r d ' t ^ a j wSchelder. (» e a Cortlandt 3H) ft a fr F*fry to. » a » (tl e a Corttoadt *t ■ ! ft .* Y Ferry ■». ■ « * : <*> ton dt_at_ji*A .L (^ £ S B ^ > h

r n i l l Ayaittue- 1 I V le.ay e-u . — -----C i.m m lttec of Preebyterian Church

E t fn G o n In th e P reab v te ry o f ^ w a r k .Tl e cor Roacvllle and &rh nva, Ill.Zetl-

T O W N SH IP S .C hrlG U n M aler e t ux to C hsrloU * E

H..ri.:ird, ad tnx . V allaburgh, a e cor Grove I-',Tdlnand at, tS.SOO. fi,:

Kdwsrd r .Muller c t u x Henry G ^- gcr Houth O range, n a

WUllHin H ill e t u i to Iti.lMinx und Loon A5 Six*lxllon, M lllbufn, | l or Jefferson and W aah lT ^ 'on

P rin ces and B ern ard B am m elkam p o “ P nnie H. O atroan , E a a t O range, a t Main

AlvUt k le rs le a d tn th e E see i Title ,, '■ 'iisrnnty Co.. M ontclair, e a M ountain av,'* !'■ (Vt)

‘o Tirge W helplev e t ux to the Home Hiillillng and L ean A ssnclatlan . Belleville,- 1 W aahington av, »#».

.0 ------- a--------CONTBAC'TS.

The following c n n ira c ti have been re- * i nrded a t the c o u rtb o u ie ;

\ 'e rnon I . D avey. ow ner, e igh t brick .lurlU nga. E aa t Ogangc, N. J .. w ip F ran k

1 P W eber, fo r c a rp eo ta f work, tl0.M7, » lth E. D orem ua A Co., fo r ma*on work, Is.lTd; H o b art A. W alker. arehU eet.

Mnrrla B aehlln , ow ner.1 H r.nner at- city. With O C o " * " * '

for plumbing and other work, tLlW,M B B llberitetn . a rc h ite c t. _____

John R uckelahau«j o ^ e r . M rner n riin to n a re . and e b ad w ick

Wllh George lA n d w aP , tor m uB bltto a ^I Unnlng w ork, B .H I. E d w ard A. M urtn.

1 ■ “ M a x 's ^ t o r , ow ner. * H ow ard M-, with Charle* D om km for m w n arork, r o io , Romolo B otte lll, arcW tecL

Anna V. V oorhra. ow ner. M onntato *v..I ] M ontclair. N. J-. w ith U>*

I a n i Equlpnlbnt C om pany, fo r alaetrleal I work. k S: I ra Btoter, a r e n l ta c t „ . ,

H ow ard U n d ^ l ^ o - ^

■Bra nrnmk, b,jximiw“ *A -— - —tUn Tiinp#rapc« Unlfn. I kaaw © IIrroiiy ueopla r*de*nia<l (ro« th© #ur^ by i b ^ u « ot Whli* r.lbboii R«m«dr, UiOl I •■mMily r*qu«l you to slv* U © 'H^* oal* by dru#fl*t» *v*rywh©f*, or by n^iL «» Trial poclAis* f™* by arltlfiS *SSira, X T m . T o w n aew d tfiw yaara g e c r e w ef the Women’s l’ '"detlin tf iaw ran ea LtolMl, ■18 T rem o n t 81.. B o a fo n , M aaa. bald to Newark by Crescent Urug gtora MX Broad *a.|

I g. Schwara. kol Broad it.

M atihewa. fo r e a rp e n te r a irf Richard K- Mnalay,I work, $S,®; Richard K- Moaiay, r a S F

7S ; ‘"AGa F o icro ft Tyng. ow nw . w ith TJto; I gove A Day. tor naaaon w ort. SUm.I W B. Denman, for carp totraw ra* .

Roaatler ft W right. a r cM to l^

* I r S Sam work. !■#; M1ch»*l B. OlheriMB.I ir< h!te< i ^ *i«

mason work. I * : P H er Ckartok arfbl-

*‘A n x ie ty 1$ t h e P oIm d o f H u n a n L ife .’*

It’s bid enough as it is; don’t make it woree by worry When you come down with a heavy cold, get up by tbe aid of

H a l e ’ s

H o n e y o f

H o r e h o u n d

a n d T a r ^The longer yon wait tbnh*rf« tt wiUbt Now it’s easy,

m p t T w w c a D w w c g a o o M P r t i

fU E L S s C A IH M IS .

' i©^t. ^F ^ * ? = f t o |

_re.. Hon Aih. tor electrical

. , , ,,, _______ _ toe ma-eon t o V.'TJ*: P * * « Charlek. arckHrat ;

“ : j T r a w n * . "ave.. HoBtdaIr, N . l.j


1F1. R a w a a ^ l t a

NoTTto, archllecL . ,'I^ h n art * T ra tra a e^ b w a a to 1

■ O M H I M a *C U M e iO C M VAO ACM S.

__ 1 a f tka troubte.e w ttd e e ia d their

1 ta-

C h a r c a * 1TRSNTCat. CMkI i * t m

Dr. Lyon’sa m r i o T

Tooth PowilorU m i U T T O U T


etoeer. —H.

wood av*.. L _H. Everett, tor ISDqd. BTcU il

B rary A- F«Rr. W itt ^

K. J .

. w ita A I M ^Atftart P s ts m

F K n iE MD lO T I e l M— Wawaatad to M M Iw to

" ^ S U L T A N A

i i 2 r ^ ^ftHV.I

Declares T k j Hell a CoafNcace asd Secretly Discassed tiu District*



Sa t * H e Hais !Vo M ore Vee fo r One T h u m t o r tb e O th er—O ne Me C nlla Gr«& d L a r e e n r e n d th e O th er P e t i t l i a r e e n r —In ttn iA tee th n t m M o t « -

iB c n t 1* o n to D e fe a t H im —T h ln k a H t» Y lc w a W ill a t L aet P r e v a i l .

N E W TO RK , Oct. 31.—J u s tic e Jero tne Sprang th e g rea test su rp rise of th e cain> p a ig n la s t n igh t In L yric H a ll, S ix th ave- n u ^ n e a r Forty -second s tre e t, w hen he dec lared th a t T hom as C. P la tt . WUllatn C. W hitney , T hom as F . R yan a n d H . H. V re slan d m e t yeste rday a f te rn o o n In a con ference Id Mr. W h itn ey 's office to d is­cuss th e d is tr ic t-a tlo m ty eh ip of th e city o f New York. |

S e n a to r P la it , the Ju stic e declared , w as ta k e n to th e m eeting place up th e hack e levato r. H e In tim ated s tro n g ly th a t p lan s w ere d iscussed a t th is con ference to d e fe a t h im fo r the office of d is tr lc t^ a t ' to rney .

“W hen- th is cam paign s ta r te d th e re w as r.iuch ta lk abou t D em ocracy and R epubli­c an ism ; th e re w as m uch ta lk of Shcpoj'd

/ a n d L ow ,” said th e speaher. " B u t there h a s com e in to th is cam paign d u rin g tho l a s t w eek o f It an elem ent so dead ly and th re a te n in g th a t any question o f Individ­u a lity o f cand idates o r any question of XAemocracy o r R epublicanism is lo s t s igh t o f en tire ly . T here Is a m an by th e nam e o f W hitney . T here is also a m an by the nam e o f Thom as C. P la tt . T h a t m an W illiam C. W hitney h a s done m ore to cor­ru p t th e public life of the U nited S ta te s th a n a n y o ther person who b re a th e s on G od's footstool to-day,

* ^ a t sam e W illiam C. W hitney , w ith one R y an of savory S ta te T ru s t Com pany fam e, m e t to -day ki W illiam C. W h itn ey 's p riv a te office In the c ity of New York. T h ey conferred . And a f te r they had con­fe rred th ey sen t for T hom as C. P la tt . And T hom as C. P la t t w ent to th a t office. He

I w en t up th e back e levato r and w as taken [ to th e p riv a te room of W illiam C. W h it­

ney. T h en T hom as R yan and W illiam c . W hitney , who w ere w aiting In th e office o f the M orton T ru s t Com pany, w ent to th e office w here T hom as C. P la t t was. And th e y conferred. 1 know w h a t the conference w as about.

C o m p a res P la tt a n d C r o k er .“I ’ve go t no use and never have had any

m ore u se fo r Thom as C, P la t t ," con tinued th o Ju stic e , w ith sp irit, " th a n I have had lo r R ichard Croker. T hey have lifted th is cam p aig n by the ir c o rru p t m e thods Into a cam paign of the people a g a in s t those w ho h ave done m ore to debauch o u r pub­lic life th a n any tw o m en who ever lived.

“ M aybe those gentlem en I h av e m en­tioned conferred abou t the paraD ex of J u p ite r o r the d a rk side of th e moon. But th ey d id n 't. M aybe th is sam e W hitney and th e ro ad he represen ts, th a t h a s stolen n e a rly $50,000,000 of fran ch ises from the

- people of th e .c ity of New York, w an ted to ta lk to M r. P ia t t abou t the P hilippine Is lan d s. B u t he d idn 't. H e w an ted to ta lk to Mr, P la t t ab o u t the d is trlc t-a to rn ey ah tp Of th e c ity of New York,

“Do you th in k 'g ra f t ' Is th e exclusive m onopoly of Tam m any H all? Do you th ink th e ru le o f Thom as C. P la t t Is an y b e lte r th a n th a t of Dick C roker? E x cep t th a t one Is p e tit larceny and th e o th e r g rand la rceny .

'T m to ld by the cam paign m a n a g ers I o ugh t n o t to say these th ings. I t wilt not be the la s t time the people will be called upon to vote on the question. I t m a tte rs littlq to me If I go down in de fea t, if I can p u t th is fight on the plane on w hich It o u g h t to re s t—a fight fo r princip le and de­cency a g a in s t a n organized pow er of In­te re s ts BO v a s t you can h a rd ly appre­c ia te It. They can c rush me. M aybe they will.

“ I f I have spoken a tru e w ord U will live, an d th e tim e w’lll come w hen Tam- m an y H a ll and th is R epublican alUauce srtU be ripped from Its fo u n d a tio n ."

J o in s H In M o th e r i n C h o r i f ln s W tfeW ith B m b e u l e m e n t —D e f e n d a n t

T h r e a t e n s R eT elm tlone>PATERSON, O ct. 31.—M rs. BUle Bwlck,

a richly d ressed young wom an, w as b rought to th is c ity yeste rday by N a­thaniel Shane, th e p ro secu to r 's detective, from New TorR, w here she had been a r ­rested fo r em bezzlem ent on a charge pre­ferred by her h u sb an d and hla m other. She gave ball an d Im m ediately re tu rned to New York.

Mrs. H este r A nn Sw ick says th a t her daugh ter-in -law h a s ru ined her. At one time she ow ned tw o piano facto ries In th is c ity and w as said to be w orth ISO.OOO. Since her son, Jo h n J . Swlok. m arried , his m other h a s aeen th is fo rtune g radually disappear. She say s th a t she had to sign over th e fa c to rie s to h e r son a n d 'd a u g h ­ter-in-law , one a f te r th e other, and the business w as soon lo s t becaufie of the expensive liv ing of the younger Mrs. Swlek. They a re poor now and for some tim e they h a v e been paw ning the d l ^ monds and pew elry w hich were left from the ir form er w ealth .

In h e r charge tbe e ld e r Mra. Bwick aaya th a t tb e young w om an took a $600 d ia ­mond an d a gold w a tch to Now York and paw ned them , She re tu rned saying th a t she only got $62 on them . Since then it has been discovered, th e com plainants a l­lege. th a t she go t Slin on the diamond.

On A ugust la s t M rs. Swick aaya th a t she gave her dau g h le r-ln -law $62 to go to New York and g e t th e diamond and w a tch out of pawn, and th a t the young wom an did not re tu rn , b u t w rote back say ing th a t she had le ft h e r husband forever. Then th e charge w as made. The young woman said In co u rt th a t she would m ake some s ta r tlin g reve la tions a t her trial.

THOUSANDS FOK FIVE CENTS.S e w Y o rk e r* * R efiiB a l to P a y T w o

F a r e * S e o n re * H im V e rd ic t o f 95,0041.

N EW YORK. OcU 31 .-In P a r t IV. of the tr ia l te rm o f th e Suprem e C ourt y e s ­terday a case tried before Jusllce F u rs- m an and a Ju ry re su lted In the verd ic t of $5,000 a g a in s t the M etropolitan S tree t R ailw ay Com pany- T he Bull grew ou t of a dispute over a ftve-cent fare. T he p la in tiff w as E ugene Ix^zlnskl, who on A pril 3, is9fi, w as a rre s ted a t B rpadw ay and N in th s t r e e t upon com plaint of a B roadw ay c a r conducto r for not pay ing hlH fare.

Mr. Lezlnskl had boarded a cor a t Spring s tre e t an d paid his fare, bu t the c a r had not gone h a lf a block when It stopped. A fte r w a itin g for h a lf an hour he got off the o a r and walked to H ouston s treet, and a f te r te llin g his s tory to an i Issued fo r m oney borrowed. $77r=.o'iu inspector boarded an o th e r car. The con- « i ‘wia n r i n - u « kmi-* of the la t te r demanded nnniher fare, which M r. Lexlnskt refused to pay.He w as then e jected forcibly from iht*, and the conducto r had him arrest^tl.

He w'aa ta k e n before M agistra te (Tunc, who dism issed the case and soundly rated the M etropo litan Com pany, saying the public had rig h ts w hich should bo re­spected.

Mr. Loslnshl then b ro u g h t a rlvll sult^ dem anding $40,000 dam ages for the Indlgnl- lies pu l upon him. Tho Jury w as out only iv/enty m inu tes. A motion to set a.slde the v erd ic t a s excessive wu3 taken under advisem ent.



M rs, M a t i l d a D e n n i n g , o f X o r th B e r .

g e n , R c f n e e d F o o d n n d

B f e d l c l n e .

NORTH ITERGEN, Oct. 31.-Mra. M a­tilda Denning died o f s ta rvation )-e?ter<lRy a t the home of h e r m other. Mrs. Van a t Hudson B oulevard and r ie r r e avenup. N orth Uergen. M rs. Denning tried to com ­mit BUlctde la s t Ju ly by shootlnB herself In Ihe head. T he bu lle t tlattcncd on the frontal bone o f the skull. Mrs. Denning was removed to th e N orth Hudson Hos­pital.

For the la st th ree wepks Dr. Juatln , of W est New Y ork, has been a ttend ing h e r During th is lim e she refused to take th e medicine prescribed fo r her. E very th in g was done to fo rce her to swallow the food and medicine. D r. JuBttn says he does not understand how she It^ed so long, unless some of tho m ilk w as fbreed down her throat.

H I* R « p o r t - o f 1 fe w ‘'J e r * « y ’l lo k * ti» C o jv p i t ro l le r of

■W ASH lSrO TON , D . C .. O c t.Je rse y 's comiitlSBioti o f b an k in g and su ran ce h a s fo rw arded to th e Comptro; o f th e C urrency a s ta tem e n t o f the coi tion of th e sav ings bank , th e tru s t r, panics, and th e S ta te bank* a t the close o0 jla s t, a s 8bowA‘1)y th e reiiflfrta to .*> l .d ep artm en t. I t shew s th a t th e re w-fr-'. ‘ tw en ty -sev en savlugfl banks In qperaii.u., I and th a t th e ir condition I

K esnurces—Bonds, a h d ' l - v ;I90.fki3.0s; U nited State**b9nd4'5$8,ll[f,: p rem ium on U nited S ta te s bonds, t t:; o th e r bonds and stocks; Incluii p rem ium on sam e, $JS,49^3S3.95; loan co lla te ra ls , $2,950,347,75; bankiai; hous> $l.0'i’8,470.99; fu rn itu re and ftxiuree. $?J 423.12: to ta l, tl. 100,894.11; o th e r n a l $735.IS5.54; cash on deposit In hankn <ir t r u s t compa,nles, $2,217,0(80.73; on han>l, viz.; U n ite d 'S la te s cu rrency ur.'I national b an k no tes, $280,115; gold coin. S41.01; s ilver coin, $12,754.42; nl<kelH and ct*nis $994.54; to ta l c ash on hand. c-ihira sse ts , $236,069.83; to ta l n-ficurci.'S, $70kL« < 77R.02.

L labllttle*—C apital stncK paid In,000; a m o u n t due dep<5sit..rH, S04.'i96,fli>3 mj o th e r llabilltlcB, $IG0,941 3T; si.jrpliis, $5.i;c,- 932.73; to ta l liabilities, $7u.:i:i.77s.{i2

T he num ber of tru s t comiiuni' s in op-, e ra tlo n w as th lriy -th reo . and ihe ir con-; diUon w as as follow's; Rcsuiirf"^;-—LianR an d d iscoun ts, $3i>.434,640,16; overdrafts.. $12,537.75; U nited Biaica bonds. pr*e,m lum s on U nited S la te s Stocks, securtttefl, d o ., $36,240,Ing houses, $2,011,741 .09; futnlt^Jrv>lai^l f'li. tu re s , $119,868.94; tm ul, $2.131^61T.3giiothcT! rea l e s ta te . $234,238.21; lio /d s ah'fSbnurt-' gages, $9,953^ . 78; due finm national Stile and p riv a te banks and liankers ancUtrusi com panies. $6,703,015.69; chocks 'add'^ollitr Cash item s, |246,(K5.2S; cash nn vtz; U n ited S la te s currency iiiv l'national bank notes, $1,146,223; gold coin, U"::,576.2d7'..*tl'.'T' coin, $69,063.13; n ickels and nl;a;: $8,761 7l; to ta l cash on hand, tl'l«p lan ts , $225,167.72; o ther a s s n s , $4.S2.097,7l, to la ] resources, $G.S.251.43U*4.

L iab llliles—C apital s to rk paid In. $6.84'.- IflO: su rp lu s fund. $2.47' .273 12; undlvld-d profits, less cu rren t expi.'ns<r*s mul paid, $4,225,266.19; dm* to national. Stan? and p riv a te hanks and bankfr.s and t ru u cnm panles, $511,532.9ri. divliUnids vinpoJ !, $711.26; Individual deposits, payald r on d<- m and, $27,693,018.47: Individual dt ponlia, en tim e, $21.674,329.1.14: dem and cerUIb .ilea ' f d e iio s ll,-$1,124,206.43; tim e certllli’a n 's uf d ' • posit, $62S.f)98,^r certified rhe* ks. $2:7^397.1: r.isU lers' (or tre a su re rs ') checks lUalanil- Ihg, $25,147.06; to ta l deposits, :notes and bUl.s rediscounted, bills Ipayable. Including certifica te s uf deposit |

bondso u ts tan d in g $1.20rt.n(K): o ther llabllKles, $663.-; Ofi9.5d; to ta l liabilities, $68,231,431.94.

Uf S ta te banks there wore n ineteen In o iu ra llo n , iind ihe ir condition w as as fa l­lows: R esources—Doans and discounts.$7,852,447.08. overdrafts , $6,050.02; Unltw! S ta le s hoiids, $U‘l,700. atfjcks. Hecurltlcs, e tc , $l,70fi.99.1.l7: bankhig-hnuacg, $369.248.47; rurnH uru .ind flziurcs, $48,497.81; to­ta l bu ild ings :itnl fixturet;, $417,746.2S; olhei real e sta te , $lini,'(98.9l: Ixmds and mort- gages, $27l,34k64: due from na tional, StlUe and p riv a te banks an d ban k ers an d trust com panies. $1,795,519.86: checks and o ther cash Itema, $4(1.333.25; cash on hand, viz.; r n l t c d S ta tes currency and n a tio n a l bank notes, $42l,0r>5: gold coin, $71,397.16; silver coin. S47,929.r5: n ickels and cents. $5,645.72; to ta l cash on hand, $546,(527.47; o th e r a s ­sets. $12,974.42: to ta l resources. $12.S61.(137.09.

Llabilltle.H—C apital slock paid in. $1,663,- 750; su rp lu s fund. ^5(i,3d0; undivided profits, less cu rren t expenses and taxes paid, $3£N'K,'i.'»3.75: due to niitltinal. Hlate ami p riv a te banks and hunkers nnd trii.Mt com­panies, $347,7fK.34, d k ld en d s unpaid, I2.776.dl: indivldusl dcfiusUs, iiayfible on dem and. $S,978.6irV(12: di-mand ccrilficatefl of deposit, $119.5f>U.l3: tim e re rtlllca le s nf de­posit, $126,082-19, i prtlflr-d checks, $25.^19.01; caah lera ' (nr tre a su re rs ') checke o u ts tan d ­ing. $7,874,64; to ta l deposits. $9.2'j8.ij0fi 99; notes and hills redlRCoURtpd. flO.flOb; hills p a y ab ^ , Inchjcllng ctTlIflcaii^s of deiiosU Isstied^for money borrow'd!. f4.5.CKX(; ulher llabllUloB, r2.360; to ta l llablllUcs, $12,s61.- 037.06,

f i V* , 4 * ■'* T h e b l e s s i n g s o f q u i e t a n d p e a c e f u l s l u m b e r a r e r e s e r v e d ' f o r tb^ow w h o h a v e a g rood d ig e s t io n .

N a t u r e ’,s ^ h d e r f u l p o w e r s i je v e r w e r e m o r e t h o r o u g h ­l y d e m o n s t r a t e i l ' t h M i n t h e u s u a l w o r k t h e s to m a c h p e r ­f o r m s , s o ’' ' ' t ^ a t jw l le n a l l r e a s o n a b l e b o u n d s h a v e b e e n p a s s e d a n d t h e s to m a c h r e b e l s , w e m u s t t a k e h e e d ,

. j f f t o w f e w o f t h e m u n d e r s t a n d t h a t t h e r e a l s e a t o f t r o u b l e i s ' . w i t h “ f t e i r d i g e s t i v e a p p a r a t u s ? W h e n y o u t a k e i n t o a c c o u n t ^ h a t - th e s e s a m e s u f f e r e r s a r e n o t o n ly b e i n g t f e n i e ^ t h e r ^ u p e r a t i v e p o w e r o f n a t u r a l s le e p , b u t a r e n o t g t t t i t e d h a l f b e n e f i t o f t h e i r fo o d , b e c a u .se i t i s n ' t a s s i m i l a t e , ^ i r ^ ‘‘*n6 w o n d e r t h e y s o o u s h o w w e a r a n d t e a r . T h ' e ' g ^ ^ e

> n HoffsE x tra c t

; o n to m c h c o n d i i i o n s o f b o d y a n d m i n d , 'e s p r o m p t l y , u n d e r s u b je c t io n b y d i s -

a t i n g c a u .se , a n d s le e p t o m e s o f i t s f a ^ o t ^ p r e p a r a t i o n i s n o t a s t i m u l a n t

I t m u n i v e ^ l i n i t s h e lp to n a t u r a l e f f o r t s i m i l a t i n g fo o d a n d c r e a t in g a p p e t i t e ;

:t v i r t u e a n d w e l l -m e r i te d fa m e .;|jD m pt a n d e flS fien t a id in a s s i s t i n g t h e f e a c h , J o h a n n ' ‘ H o f f ’ s M a l t E x t r a c t

j c e .s t r e n g th a n d f le s h a n d b lo o d b u i l d e r ., .18 .6 b e n e f i t o f. y o u r fo o d , a n d s t o p s a l l d ' w o r l d a f i d t h e n ^ w lia v e th o u .s a n d s o f

M j e / t h f s , ; g e n u i n e J o h a n n H o lT 's M a l t f n d t e l e e p , ' j i e r f e c t d ig e s t io n a n d to r b u i l d i n g

tiolqH.'I f ib l',

b e c o m e s i I t h e lp w a s te .* v o ic e s j . . E x t r A ^

B e w i ( J o h a n n H o f f ’s a n d y o u a p p o i n t e d .

’ M e n t a t i o n C j j ^ S o t * A g e n t i , N e w Y o rk ,

N e w M tk T t h p h o a t 3 6 L

F. BORMANN,Newark’s Greatest Grocery Store,

93 and 95 Springfield Avenue.

A Most Interesting Listfor Economical Buyers.

Special for This W eek-Friday, Saturday and Mouday.

V ienna Y east.per cake. W ashing Soda,per !b., Cnrjict Tacks, per pkg. C lothes P ins, per doz..T h y m e , p e r p k g ..........

' S hkc. w r pU g..............I Sw eet M aru iram .p k g .

200 P a r lo r M atc h e s ,.,, C o tto n C lo th Line,

p e r y a r d .......................L.irgc bundle Wood... Parafine Ctmdlcs,

e a c h ............................

Ic Sale 3c Sale 5c SaleIC P o tted H am , |>er can — |g po tted Tongue, per can. I ! i Ik pkg. Pow der tlorax.

j Ksgle 8oap, per cake — Ic Itiipnrted C astile Soap,

per cukek JfC* ................*.......Baking Boda. per p k g . ..

iw I Ijtinp Chliniiey,. each.


R tv l ie s fe r W lc k ^ o a c b . .Bottle V aseU na............3 Ben B lack ing . T>er bot., N eufachtel Cheese,

eao li..................................Codfiah In fine shretla ..[land Brush, e a t 'h ............H andle W ax, e ac h .........C hloride of Lime,

p k g ..........................................

New Prunes, per lb .........5e [Prank 's Cnflee. tier pkg.« fte Potash or Lyo. per can-. He jpnp Corn, per pk g ............ 5otin . pkg. Corn Stare h<. 8« ;Imp. loose Cbicory, per

l b ......................................... 5e IRolizolV Beets, perboU* He H ecker’H Farina, p e rtb .. Ae | Large Imtlle V aulilaE x-

Ira o t................................ J$e 'String Beans, per c an - ... 5e Sugar Bnct**, i»er cAn'>>> Be \ Carnllna Riee. per lb — Be Bottle Rye W hibkey-.-. Be IBottle ilo lland (4ln.........ffeBott le Tom U in ........— Bo |N ight Lights, r>cr box ••• • Be Large bottle A inm ouin.. Bo |


la j a r le * R e c e iv e d la J a m p ln v tco n i R a a m w a r R o r ee C o n B a ed ta

Bt b I h i a n d S h o c k .N E W TO RK , Oct. ! l .—B ourkc C ockran.

w ho w as Injured T uesday by Jum ping fro m a horse th a t he w as rid ing and w hich became (rightened and w as ru n ­n in g aw ay , is reported by hla physicians to be m uch unproved.

A n e ia m ln a tto n m ade by hla phyalclans convinced them yeste rday th a t no tames h a d been b roken, and th a t, w hile surTerlng severe ly from shock, the w orat of Mr. C o ck ran 'a Injuries w ere on hla face, one side o f w hich la c u t and b r u is e d . I t was fe a re d th a t Mr. Cockran had B u ffered a Very serloua fa ll fro ia the fa c t th a t he w as unconscious w hen picked up and re ­m ained In th a t condition to r several hours. Y esterday, how ever, t^ e doctors ■atistfed them selves th a t th is w as sim ply from shock and was not a bad case of

'c o n c u ss io n of th e brain , a s they a t Qrst feared .

U r. C ockran w as able y e ste rd ay m orn­in g to give to hts physicians a m ore In­te llig en t account of th e acc iden t. I t ap­p e a rs th a t th e horse did no t th ro w him. b u t th a t be threw him self from th e horse w hich w as then runn ing aw ay , believing th a t In so doing he m ig h t p o ssib ly , be ■avlng h is life. The horse w as a large b ay w h ich Mr. C ockran b o ugh t som e time ago, b u t w hich he h as seldom ridden. It w as a b o u t ( o ’clock when h e s ta r te d out an d tb s ho rse w as then very re s tle ss . As ■con aa H r. C ockran got on h is back h « i t a r t e d oft and w ent a t a gallop down th e road . U r. C ockran trieil to c u rb the gn lm al. b u t perceived th a t h e bad got beyond hla contro l. H e Jum ped ju s t a s th e h o rse reached th e lodge. T h e road la o f g m v s l and H r. C ockran landed on hts faiEe. H o w as seen by Mre. C rom pton, the lodgekecper, and also by a passing livery- m an . In whoee carriag e be w as borne to tb e house.

I t w a s said a t the house y e ste rd ay thS t M r. C ockran would have to rem ain In hod fo r eeverei days and th a t K would be a t le a s t a w eek and p robab ly longer be­fo re he would be out. Thie m akes it im- posalble fo r him to de llvar an y more apesehss In th is c am p a ig n ..

m o T o m c i A i . A i u i u c D .

l l a r a l C b a r w e te r I s A t t a c k e d o a d B e R c e lg a e .

tR O T , Oct. *L--<Jalte a sen sa tio n was CBtiaed In th is c ity y a e ts id ay by th e su i- peoaion from office o f D r. J . T . M cK enna, pgeU dent of th e B oard o f PubUc In s tro c -

' t lo a . T b e acUOtt w aa to k en by M ayor Q enw ay a f te r a m orning p ap er h ad m ade e b a tg ee a g a ln e t O r. M cK enna '* s m m l a h a ro e te r . T b e paper said th a t tb e doctor w aa n o t a a t m an to be a t tb a b ead o f tbe bObUo sebooia of tb e d ty .

T b e M ayor an d D r. M cK enna w ere cloa- e te d fo r a tong eaaslaa d u rin g tb e m em - loKi a n d la te r la tb e day co n tm u n lcaao tti

g te e k o a t R om t t e H a y o r 'a o S e a tb a t D r. M eK enna h s c been eos-

L a t bM own request, pend ing an In- T M M atlo a ta to Ida m ora l e b a n e te r .

V l a d a B to e k W o e « b J H M ,B — .ArV_ TO R K , Oet. IL—G eorge Pope

c a id w e n , a law yer, w « b irffiiisi

5 * w a a wy t t a f jd e im eg tb e ) E

A tttb a M i* d o r t o G e r in a D 7 H o p « * t o D o

Bd W k i^ n R e l l ^ v ^ d f r o m H I*

P r e s e n t l* o « ts

N EW YORK, Del. 31.—The Cornell Unh versity Club’s m em ber* held a reception lOBt night In th e ir room s a t 47 W eal F o rty - th ird Btrtet, In honor of Andrew D. TN’lilte . A m bassador to G erm any, who Is to sal) on the DeutJichland to-day.

A m bauador W h ite m ade a short speech In which he sa id th a t he hoped to be able to resum e som e ac tiv e connection w ith Cornell U niversity w hen he was relieved from his p re sen t post.


V Ietla i T h r e a te n * to Sue M etro p o li­ta n H B*«nin o f A rt.

PATERSON, Oct. a i .-T h e la te Jacob Rogers's fam ous d o ^ have» In all proba^ blllty, got th e M etropolitan M useum of Art Into te rlp u a troub le—th a t is, if tbe dogs belong to tb e M etropolitan Museum.

Last n igh t th e an im a ls savagely a t ­tacked George 4 ^ r k e r and to re bis face so tb a t h is cheekbone w as laid bore, P a rk e r was w alking p a s t th e hedge th a t bounds the grounds, w hen th e dogs bounded over a fte r blm. H e th re a te n s to bring su it.

tw o M(



S o e th

W IT H BIR N IBO T o w n .

Ceroltae Merebut ArpeeteB f o r I n c e w d l e r f .a ,

COLUMBIA, a c . , Oct. M .-W . F . Den- n li, of the fir™ o t Sm ith k Dennis, d ry ­goods m e rc h v iis . wtki a rree tsd le s t n ig h t on the charge of b u rn in g th s tow n o f T im ; m onsvllle y este rday . ,

F ire w as s ta r te d by the explosion o t* k ' keg o f ^ w d e r In th e store of S m ltb iR D n m lt. n e r * ‘•ras no flre'department.H i^ d tw enty-th ree houeea. the w hole b u s ln e i i '|. dpctlon o( th e tow n, were hurned,

A eeeroh o f th e prem lsea of Sm ith b Dennis developed th a t iheir bam s w ere stored w ith good*, la ld to have been re ­moved from th e s to re before the Ore. T he sto re w e» Inaured.

t b e e t t v i m* o « e * n .^ % i jM M k w aa aM ** A t

P r l p v c t a k B a a l o r E l a e i t o a s ,PR IN C E T O N , Oet. J l .-T h e a n n u a l

senior e lections w ere bald yesterday w ith the f o l lo w ln g re s u lu : President, R. r ,B h eS sI^ of W hUsevUle. N. J . ; vice-presi­dent, A W . C olem an, o f N sw burg, N. v , : secretary , R. C. O ordon, of W a y n s i^ ro . l*a. These th re e offloere serve for l i f t F o r the d ifferen t college y ear events th s fo l­lowing elscU ons w ere m ade: M aster of cerem onies. W .. C. Green, o f Trmi<m, N . J . ; d a e* o rsM r, S . U . Johnson, of S ou th Bend, Ind .; c la ss poet, K H . Bheuffier, of C lcvelasd, D .; c la ss b isto rlao . H, H e rn ­don, o f ■Tyler. T * k ; Ivy o rato r, A. J . B ar­ren, of P I t t s b u n . i ^ t pm een ta tlo a o ra to r, C. A. Casa, o f T yrone; prophsL C. V. Boyer, o f 'T ltuevllle, P a.; W asU iyiton '* B lnbilay o ra to r, P . C. Lsmedon, of n u k - ton, K ^ . ; P r tio deboterT R . Ely, o f N ew TorkCUy^^_________ ____________

B u a o r H e e s u P a r d e n o g ,R A S H IN O T O N ,O et.lL -G « n n ar C barlea

H o rg h k of th e nav y , has been pardotied «Bc.m 4tloaaU y by th e P r e e t d a n t t o r u Mfsitc* oem m lttd l som e y e a n ago, and te r V U a be w aa reduced several a u m b e n in his l ead a H s la tb e m an oa whoea a n . a ilca 'lM fa r a com m lttioB m th* n a n A dailra f Sam paon p laced a dam per by t i . c u r in g ffiat m an In h la statioB Were no t q a a lu ed , b y reaaoB o f inadsquaia sociala t t a U M U . Ip be com ari— ------ -of tb e TTt I t r f S ta te a navy.

■ a s s e v e l t A p p s l si ta a D eaaaerm t, ’W ASHDIGTON, O et. tL -T h e P n m d e n i

Cwtft ‘

VIN PALMETTOIn'OahtabU fo r tho * Gr«pp«.*

I w t t k * • W ta ta S « • S w a O y w r a ^i a S * i M t l n t j O m w t t b k M t i o « t r , N t i ^ > ZriM Ik riffiailiy * • Nam lare* a s lu i^ Ip ar i

Crbaaed a Gani( o f Roffinrin W ho ITnd B ee n P e r ie c n l ln a H er Eui-

ploy^ r'* F a m ily .P O U G H K E E T ^IE , Oct. 31.-F a r m e r

W illiam Ketchiim , of Dover FlaliiH, a b ro th e r of C ongn’Raitian John H. Kpich- am . nf th is dlBirli'l, cam e to th is city yes- tenlm y and re la ted a rem arkiiblv m ory of thv p luck o f alxtoen-year-oM M a Tliomp- Kon, who Is employed hy him. F o r a loriK tim e p a st Mr, K etcham ha* tieeri an ­noyed by a gang of ruffians n e a r hi i place. T hey have th row n sto n es throuKli hla w indow s and m any tim es h is fam ily have ba re ly eftcaj>ed serious in ju ry . A few w eeks ago his barn was burned to ihc g round and th e re w as evidence of In­cend iarism . Two b ro th e rs nam ed iJliw.v ■were su sp rt’led of th e crim e ami a rc m^w In th e coun ty jail owaUlmiTthe a* (ion of th e g ran d Jury.

On M onday night th ree or four nifitang m ade a n o th e r a tta c k on Mr K rt<ham 's house. L ato a t n igh t a Urgi* stone c ra sh ' e<j th ro u g h a window m il fill to ihe floor. T h is WAP foliowed iiy u jicrfevt ehow er of stones am i nii>l thefam ily w as lom pclled to s»-ti sh e lte r In a n o th e r p a ri of the bull'liritf

Id a Thomi>son h eard Ih- .’ currying of fe e t dow n the roadw ay ui,! im m ediately ra n to th e barn, th rew a l-rs lie nn a horse and, grabhlL g up a lo r^ r :-ib'k, s ta rted in p u rsu it of the ruffians, riling bareback a t a te rrific gallop. She rt-l- nvpr mile before «ho overtook thf' hind the fotir men She w anted to Irtentl m en so they could be aTiye-ied day. T he bad a ips-^k veryhi* and w hen h ^ u r n e d ^ ^ i m ^ by otto th^ , g av e a v io len t Ing th e hocze

.t b e ^ i i t t b

OFmWAY VRIi ’l t r e e D o a 4 t r o t n D al(liii<»re‘l i a dp.-

UJ\Io C o lllM lon In Pen (nsyL vnn liu T e n 5 * e r $ o ii* ly I n j u r e d . ,

W A SH IN G TO N , P a .. Oct. 31.-T w o m ore ucllrns uf th e B altim o re end (ihiu H all- \say w reck n e a r V ance Slailon. y eater- u ly iiiornlng, h av e died, m aking the to ta l llf t o’ ih ad th ree . T he dead iirc;

Mlrhiu I llu h ti, of F ln l t j vllk', car i=lM*clor.

Janu'fl iJeggan. o f Wa.-^hliisiun, su p er­visor of division.

M. Jv I 'itdd tn , of Roneys l ’<i1nt, c le rk In the HUiiervisiir'n office.

TtMi olhcr.'i wt-re In jured , two of whom ni.iy die. T h ty nr»*: J. A. Sptuipler, of\\ ii.Mliliigton, b ridgo BujuTvlsor, bru ised and iiijnrt'd In ierm illy . m ay not recover; Knhi T i S. iTorc. o f Glcnwouil, engineer on I lie i'iiN>:i'iigt*r tra in , Injiirtsl in te rna lly ,

iild 'il uiid b u n ied ; Jam es R. Fox. of Wa^-hlngiMn. hosilc r, bruised nnd cu t: I'hftih'S Hail, of (JlcnwotHl. ru n d u iin r of pasHi'ngcr tra in , Hcwlp woundi George Do Vaiigl!i;i, c le rk In the Raltlm uru and Ohio ol1lc<- a t W iiNhlnginn. arm and back h u rt; M J>f V aughn. HuKImore and Ohio a g en t :il th is place, face <mii and foot in ju red : Lewis N. Iliirto , FU isburg . brakem an on puAfifiigcr tra in , sovorely shocked; F. M. (.'unnlngham , rif (Jlenwood, conductor on freight tra in , bad ly c u t by broken glatts, condition sertouti; J<ehii Logue. of H azle- wood, nagm iin on fre ig h t train , left arm frac tu red and o therw ise seriously Injured; <’. II. Schull, o f Glenwuod, engineer on freight tra in . lt>ft w rist dlslocfilud.

J, »A. Spnngb 'r and F. M, (hinnlngham ire |to th ly ing a t the W nshlnglon H ob- pltjil In a p rt'curim is cundlllun and Ihclr I'fi-UjVery la doub tfu l.

The w reck i>ccurrcd eaat nf R m dy 's Tunnel, ti. sh o rt a ls tu n ce east of W ashing- K in,.and w aa caused by u heud-eml col­lision betw een a fre igh t engine nnd the wcsfljound • Wh«-ellng accom m ndatlon ;ruln. T he eng ine 'A'Us on Its way fj;um W aslilngton, loaded with road nfflelals go­ing to render uKststEutce at u freight wrec k i;r'nr N'um’c Siiitlnn , wrd wua hit hy the I'iiaaenger tru in Just ys the engine -nierscd from the tuiHu-i, both going a t higli sp4‘C(l.


TU I:N T 0N . Oi-l, 31. -W hit is said to bf sir1i-ri-(Jt i»ure food Icu in the United

'.i(fK will go In to 4 ffe'I ill New Jersey -m orrow . I ts enfor- em. i ' has been en-

•i^d to the New .1*1 J llcjalf-h, I n d e r It, a.'< in,

• < if . S ta te dairy• ili^lu-d and hi* duties -e uf Che ch ie f fn-' i

d a iry com m it- i J- 1 ,lnjii>ector. T in i - m btr of d ep u tie s s- r

' Ot he r d e ta ils ■ :- :d1y pub lished b)

S tate Board ,il II; the N E W S

> ir.inlsaloner i^ iiitne under

l-.-m-clor. The : becomes the

be H la rg t • • d all over the

new law were NEWS.

VI l l^ Y U O M I ' . I . i ; " 1 \ C H IC A C iO .

F i r e t ) e * t r o y * ( b e n l.uflfl o t F

A G O . Oi-t. 31 iTO m a d e h o m i i

deStrnytM l !•aW'ept Mllw >

.*n |on BlrcA-t, and A u s t i n a v e n u e . I an • xf^oBlon o f gji> .!of I • 'jh ard Peters-

I 'b lo n s tre e t .Tl. ■ 'lo ss 1* $6<A'.'«e Tlui build ings

PU'- J |w a re o f ch eap < "*0011011.

l o i n F a t h e r A f t e r I u n g T r i p .

• l iw e l l ln ^ a a t aun.mHI,

'■V'l hundred per- ' .ind m uch pr-q)-

!-i Might b y u flr< avenue and

I ' n K Inile str«-i 1 ,1. lire s ta r te d by

ui th e building 126 tu luu


VH-VNCKUV ' ‘f J lillfUSY—U ftw eenCharl'.iii- -Cuiublil. it-m plalnant, and I-

HaJfM-y budii und iiu iili 'r. d>-f«-ndantB. On final deiTt't' f-T Hdlf- irf i-i-i:ii^.-jv In partition.

Hy \ iimjh ,,jJ u niiiiL itii Ti-.-, to me directed. iHBued uul nf UiiT. i -.i,r: <if i.'1iaricery of NewJrreu-y. I wiii « i ,, muI p u t lle vendue,un \N e-UnrsilHv. ili ouff. >Jay o f Novem ber, iiincieen huiKJre-l Miid .im>. hi ihe hour uf two o’di'cK In tin- ufi«Tn.>-n of Raid day, at the <.‘ourlhinjBe In the t*t:\ i-r N^wiirk. In th e couniy uf hJfthi-x. Kb thxsH tviii i tTtain irac ie or imrcele of IhiiiI, e-iuult', Ij iLj; auil b fln g In ihe borough of i.'Hlduiif. In '!.*• - 'limy cf FIsim'X and Stateof New JtTHMy, r!i-«i-rjlK-il df follOIVB:

hlrnt Tnu'i —i;.-Ki!iiiih|j a,l a imlnt In the Sfiuiberly inie of I'l i 'mht ld Jive'nu*'. which M id point In iliMtant fwo nly five fee l weaierlv from the Itilercpftion of tt i* e--uilherly line of bloom - tleld avem ie and Un- wi-alPTly lin e Of Qould l>laee; huI<1 ;>ulnt Ik a lio Ihe jnoet northerly com er of a of Ian I Ix.iungln^ u> L'niherine 12. L a ln e ; ihenri' runmnii; i]> uUmg her tine south ih lriy-elg lit ii-^Krei-ii iitiy-rlve m lnu ies wi;at one hundred and nrty b -e i. ihenCR l2) biIH along her tine north flfiy-ilvr il<-Rrcea weal Beveoiy-*even and forty -e ll liundn-iltlia feet to landa nf (?har- to(te O, 1 'atitli-lil. ihi-ni-i' Ub aWitis her tine north th irty-n ine iiiir iy -lw u m lnutea east onehundred Htiii ilfty fi'pi 10 the aald line of bloom fleld a ien iie , thence (Am along ilie line ihoreuf *.'Utii llfty -Iiu r degree* plghl mlnulea fcOiiO sevuniy-jirvun un-1 IIMy-frnir hun li'piltha f*?et to the plau*' iif beglnnlnK. FxceptlnA? out of tho »am^ BO ntucli (le wait taken for the widen­ing uf Hlotitnflpltl avenue.

Hecond Tract -IteKiuntiiff a t a point In th r w'tvlerly line uf (Jt-uld |>luce, whh h said twlnl la the m oil stiulhcrly corner of l«‘t of limd tiC’ Innalng to CalJiiTlne ii. lattlne. and Iwo liundred anil tlfioen feet aouiherly from ibe old lliio of TUonmflpM avenue; (henre <I) running al-jng Iter line niirih flfiy-five Uepreea went uiic liurulrcil and ilfty-two and fnrty-alx liimdri*illha feel I0 Ihe line of landa L>elon|1tiff to (.'harloUe O. Can- field, ihetiee (i!) along ner line aoulh ihtrtj-nine ilegrewi thirty-tw o mbiule* went one hundred and Tiur and ntiiety-ihree hiindredlliji fee* to a lot of land belonpjlna to John WllnooVan Duyne; IheTu-e l3) along hln line Bouth llfty 'lw i d«-

fifty nilnuiea euat one hundred and fifty- \ r ajKl enveniy-five hundredtha feet to th« said

line of Could {dace; (hence (4) along the line thereof north th irtym ine degreen (wn minute* enai on* hundred and fijor and forty-four hun- dredlhfi feet 10 the (dare uf beginning. l|j:iud- Ing ih« cBiate and biierent by the curiciy of the deft'tidatii. 1 Halsey tludd. In thd Bald prem- 1am, together with all and singu lar the heri'dl- tamenta and aiipurienanvea to the said premises belonging or In upSH-rUlnlhg.

The flald land* to he eolit to two separRie par­cels. the trofi or parv-el above ileaiTit>e<l the Firm Travt. to be flrai *-:ilii. nml the tract ur imri-el above dwrcrUi'*fl aa iha Ijeeund Tract io be lastly Ri ld.

L»*leiJ UcIoLrT fi, 11H1I.CntlRA N. -niL U A M p.

Fp<rlal M o x er In iTiancery, rrudenila l Hmldhkg. Newark. N. .1.

Llncluley & M aoUmr. flnllcitora. i|2 |.0(n

SI’f ii’I.'NL MAfiTKK’fl SALE OF T,.AM>-In t ’haneery uf New Jersey—Hetween L'lLio J

Rnrlh, c^'miidalnant, and tT iarles llanh and others, defendants, thp bill for partition. ere* fi.T H«|e

N'oth'* Is herefvy gH'en that In pursuam r> of a decree fur eiile made by the rhancellor i.f the State of New Ji-r&e], In (he atxivc-etaied m use, bearing date the tw elfth rJny o f Oi-tober, nine, trtn hundred and Mtie. tfi m e directed. 1. hnmuel K .\yefn, ii|u' of the S ijei'lil Maalerii In (*hln- ci-ry I'f S'ew JtT.-'e> r-hail • fnr sa le ai puh-Mc vendue, lo (ho highest- Iddiier. nn Friday, the twenty nei-ond dn> uf Nnvernher. lt*Ul, at Hi* h«.»ur "f 2 g’rh '.’k In the afierncxjn of that day. In the corridor of the cimrthouH«, in th* city uf Newark. Esei x 'Viunty, N bw JerBCy, _ihti prermnen herelnaf'er desorlbed slln a l* , lyliiK and tn-lng In tbe i-liy of N ew ark, In the county of Bshoi and Btul*- -if N ew Jf-r»ey, and describ­ed In sold decrof m» f<.|1i>wB: H eglnolng on th* nonh erly side of Koesulh Btr*et *t s point one hutuh-^l snd sevent>-dv* f*et d istant tn a we*1- erly direction ff'-in ilie w esterly com er o f K ob* suDi nnd llaga:iin.- th*«ce running alongKoRMjth Btr*ri «')uih llfiy -n jn e di*grs<a fifteen mitiui'-* west fifty fe#t; ihetice norm thirty do- grviw forty-five mJnui:*# w*el one hundred feet; ihoiice north fifry nine d egrees fifteen m lnutee e*st fifty feet, thence eouth th irty degree* forty- five mlnuteB east on* hundred f ^ t to KogfUth Birect and plu>-e uf Ijeglnnlog. B eing known as lot* iNos.TS and 76. on Sm ith A A ilin g'* map,and kntvwn a* N ibi and IM K oeeuth street, In- rluillng Che eatat* and Interest in dower of the Hirfendint, U arle OaiuUn* B srth , widow a t John i ‘. IJarth, dfceaaed, In BAld pretnlset, tug«lher u lih all an>l sin gular, the heredltnm enia an<l iii'li\irtenanc>;B i>< the la id prem lass belonging, '•r In snywiiwi appertaining.

Olven under my hand tht* tw cviiy-thlrd day uf (K-tober. A L). I»JI-

8A M U E L E. A Y ^ H . SfiecioJ Master In Chancery of S e w jersey ,

IW Bni*d Blrrei, N ew ark. N. J. CharleB A. Feh'k. S olicitor. (tlS.60)

H « w Y o r k - IIIIboIm

N B W T O R lC ^A P P elM te tA m r f l jte rH a r h a n d p 4 ‘4 o w n -a ^to a l l la tht-no t* . T i l e r ruled, th a t u i.J . r i s t a t u t e of t h a t S ta l e th e w ife la coB C racted by th b h u sb u n .I

T h e a u l t In w h ich i h ^ ' la 'o n w»* r e t o h e d w a a th e c a se o f fleerc-^ w . U a th - ew a v a S a r a h I*'-' D icldna^nv w ife o f o na l J o h n T . D lrkR uon ,, J f b e pliU

to rec o v e r t l » , * 'b # i i l c e ofl a a n e d p r ic e of * e u l t o f b y U ie p la lD iiff. » b * a t o r c ^ i ip ' ta a h lo a a b l* ta ilo r o f C W q '* " . ‘ n*®Wheot>. '

T l i* D ic a in .o n s i m W c V l f S 'to th ia e lty to U v« *-Talll“tMTooebt a u l t . ln I h M f c ^ t t

D lc k l iu o n being S a p r s m a C o u r l a a l f o r th e pl»l> th l* dpclridn^ Ml

s s f e i t i ■th o i S ^ t

h r l la M t fo r Q liio ti b f iMg liu*- t t o p lM cr w k e iw • tk» $■« g o rm n ia g

a m t u t w h e n Um p a r tf

.vMDEN. O rt. 3 l.~A i fb\jrtf**n and eh

tlTHly, d ftu K h trrs Mf four m onlha o f w»»a: iit th e hom e of c, from R u ^ ..'ir hy thu lr fa lh -r ont')' w ith which t'

and Gohiy years uld,

. 'rnhain W ax, iruvi-iiing. a r-

' ir fa th e r, laflt The g irls w ere

Th'-)’ I n t r u s t ^I ur.-ha*« th td r

4 to a Uug.slari etmgruU>.>n agent, «.nd proveed^hK a* fa r .i* ;.'inilon they d th a t T« had decam , The com -i*Ame t" (h^ ir a id ■ they w ere

1 on a h t 'u m e r bnun . f r C anada , vessel rtiM agroun-l th ree

weel - ago of^ the Nuva 'Ua coa*t. A fu H. w ait of fti-veral dn>- c ra f t wag succ ■I'fully to ;iu -d . and ii.' gtrl# w ere land' 1.

S sirak O n u x d L « c t* r e s on *^Kaa.**HE V Y O RK , OcU 3 L -^ .ru h rtnuuJ, th e icli h a a th o re ss ,. deliver. I (ler Orel lec-

•“ .•eW -Y ort oisdlencK ,ei


NOTICE—Nolle* la hvn'hy given to all parMea ItuereRted that th* Cb-rililrute of aaseBsment uf

the* wliole amount of I'le I'tmis utid eijien*ei of Constructing a sewer kii. wn as

CLINTON ANM:XATlnN NO, 2, has been dsllveretl t>i me uoc-urdlng to law Hald aasi'BsmenI cnmprli « B all the luis, tracts and part-ela of land sti<1 reui estate,

Beginning at a point nn Hawthorne avenue 100 feet west Of Bergen Hirv't; iheni-H slung llnw- thorn* avenue lo t'lliuiuii jiiui-i*. thmve Buuih- erly along Clinton i>1bcp tn Nye avenue; Ihenoe wBBlerly alfun* Nye svenu" to a i‘"lnt Hh> feri Bide of WHlnwrighl Blrei't;lheno*nonh«‘rly along the rear Itna of lot* fnnnthig nn llutisui mvei-t about 12s feel, ihence weBlerty t«> the rf-ar line uf lota fmntlnK on Leslie Btri-et, thence soutb- erly along tlif rear line of lot* frumlMg in Ijt-Blle Btrert nPoul JiXi feel. (Iieilne westorly lu the rea r line ,if lots fmotlng un the wi'aterly Hid nf WKlriuTisbt etreei; ihem’e northerly alonjr the SJime to a i-oinl iHf. feet miulh lif N)'e iive- nue; tlieni‘1- m-fierly tu the rear line of Juts fronllng on ih*- w,«-ft«Tly side of Hchley stre- i . ihenc* nortlierb* nh'ng Die HHtne tu Nye nve- nue; ihenc* \Msi«Tly ulung Nye avenue to ihv city line; theuf-H tu'rtheily along the Hly line to the rear hue (if Itito fronting onthe northerly sM«- of I’linton avenue; thence oaaterly hIotik ' sHine 10 the rear lino of lota fronting «‘i H.'uili KIghieemh pirpei; ihrnce northerly aPma the name tn a juiltii IhO feet suuth of A lull uvi'iiue; IhencH westerly along th* Bti.nw to S-iuth Nlneteenih Bifeet; theuco northerly oli'm; Sunih .Nineteenth street tu the rear linn of |. te rnmUtig an the n'^rtherly side of Avon Hvi-mje. thence euslerly along the eame to!i I'lfieenih Bttwl; thence *outh- eriy along the i«-ar line nf lolji fronlltig on South y^iri'eiitfi Hireet fthnut «2tV feet; thence esBterly lu Uw reiir line of lot* fronting on Ihe eoscsrly kPIi- .f Mouth Flfieemh eltcei, thence nortjierly i" Ai"n avenue; ihcnce easiC'rly lo th* rear line ,>r |<jt* fronting tin ths SttBierly aide of Potnh i-’miTicenth direel; thence aouth- erly alnng the same to the rear line (if tuts fronting ii ific nurtherly ilde uf I’lltuon ave­nue; then...... . along ih© psm* lr> BoulhTlilrtecnih sirrot; inent'e Bouthfrly to ih* rear line of lute fronting on the southerly side of Clinton il^cnoe. eiiiit of Cllnlun plao*; thence BOulherly ulung the rear line uf lots frotulng un the easictlv ei-le of Clinton place to the rear line of lots front Ing on the northerly s l i t of Vernon HM'nue. thence easierly alorii the rear line of I'T* frunilTig on (h* southerly alrie of Clinton n'k*'nue to the rear line of lots from Ing on the eii-eterly slit* of Ingraham place: (hence Boutherly nlung Ibe oatne abmit flOO feet, theni'p. easterly ti iJie ri*ar Uhe of lots fronting on the easterly sMe of Van Nsss place; thence north­erly (iboul l 2.-« f**t. thence easterly In the rear line of lots fronting on Hwlden alreel; (hence southerly al i/ig tl>* sam* to the rear line of lots fronting on llunyon street; them-e easterly along the Hame to Keymmir uv*nue, thenc* southerly lo the suuOierly line of street; ihencfl easterly Hlnng the same to the rear lln* of lot* frxtntlng on the easterly *tde of Seymour avenue, thence southerly slung tiie same to the n?ar line uf kit* fronting on th* nurtherly side of Hawtliorne Jivsnue; then.-* easterly along the same (o the i-f'fir line nf tots fronting on tn* westerly lide of Bergen street; thence southerly along the same UK) feet tu the place nf beginning.

A "lot" represenis an entire plot of land, whether large r»r Bmall.

The uwnera of land and real estate noseBBed In sHld certificate of aowttnent are hereby re­quired to )iay th* amount so aBseased upon them, and each of Ihem, r*sp*<'(lvply to mr at my nfilre, No. & CUy Hall, on or before Decem­ber fi.'iiwn.

N ew ark, N. J ., Oct. 2k, \9CW.FHEDEHlrK T. JOHNSON.


R Ii> ^I had for a long time

suffered from asthma, and continually had to take medicine which it seemed to me spoiled my stomach.I could not enjoy a sub­stantial dinner without afterward having t h a t heavy feeling. After I hadtaken RipansTabules for a short time my di­gestion became better, and I can now say tliat my stomadi seems to be able to digest everytliing,


T he (ive-ceni p ic k e t is e n o u jh fo r i n or*

d in a ry o c c a s io a The family b o t t a

t o cents, con ta in s a supply to r a year.

O F F li'E of the englnser of the Hutrd o f Street and W ater ComtnlBeloneru of the City o f

N fw ark -Notice.ITie final esH n istei for th* following con tm cl* |

win be pretenled lo th* Huanl uf Rtrer-I nful , W ater Com m lsslonem of i1i« city of N ew ark. | for accep tance, on Thurii»iny. Novem ber 7. , lIHil, v iz.: For tkiB paving "f tli* fu]iu>vlng ; najiiud h igh w ays: _ _ j

OF jJEW J E fW E T -T o------------ ------ U)Bi*r-

0U t*

m attar of tlae iiti-

• r e t f ^ y e d l»T dyspept;'- ' fancy .* H e Im a r io a a he h a s w e- T ooa p ro a tra tk > n ,liM itd ie e a !v a s 1 • v e o c m u m i ^ o a . N o th in g tv V T oag e s c ^ h is d% eatiaa , a n d th a t i s a e t r ii fh t b y

IN rU ,\N C ’F.KYAm erican palace ‘ ’a r ' i ’oinpany of

eey. organized under th* la w i o f Ul* o f Ual.i*.

N olle* l i hereby glv*n th at b y virtu* of an order o f the Court of C b ^ c e r r o f th* 8ta t* of New J*r»*y. niad* un th* d ay o f th* date hereof, you ar* r*quired 10 appeoj- and plead, diwnur ur uniwer to (he ornnplalnani'a b|]) on or before th* in-eniy fo u n h day of TVeember next, and that In default thereof ouch decr«e w ill be moil* against you a* th* ohonrellor ahoJl think equitab le aud )uvt. Tb* bll) and Bupplernantal bill are fileal fur th* puxvoe* of obtain ing a deer** that th* Am *r|oon P a la ce Car Company o f N ew Jeroey rertor* to th* A m erican PalaciB Car (’omiMtnv of U aln e *11 Ih* tirr>|>*ny. ch at- t*Ia and ixaient lighta o f every kind aUac(]pi*d to be irRosterred lo th* foim ier com pany. In­clu d in g tb* in tereti o f th* la tte r coiapany In the p alate car "Boaton" and an Injunction a ga in st tellin g or In any w ay dlapoelng o f any o f th* patent r lg h u and p ro p en y of every H n4. and you ar* made t party defetidant because nfyour Intereet In the e u b ^ t ---------- --------------gallon . Your* respectfully,

October 23. IJIOIA. y . K K A PBFT ft SO NS.

I'lnlntlfTB SollcKora PrtiAaatlal Building.

rItt.OO) _ N aw ark. N, J-

IN CHANCERY OF N E W J E R H B T -T o L « i» « Anna U riege/By v ln u * r.f an order pf th* Court o f Choaerty

of NPW Jer*e\. mad* on tb* day of th* dat* hereof. In a t-au** wh«r*m AuguM Orteger la p«mia(b*r, and y<iu ar* defen dant, you a*« r*-

to epprar U d a u w e r tb* p*UtloD«rs MffQoii, on or before Ih* f o u r te e i^ d v of OM^eefiber next, or In d efa u lt thereof, fucta de-

Kjwin be loken^agaliMt you oa th* Choneellor Lthlifk equitable and Ju at

t oaU fWtltlolM I* flJod ogoloM yon for a e* from bf m atrtm oay oa th*

1 October I k A. 1>. n ftl.. ADOLJ>B ALTM AN.

'•* ftoUattor for j^tltUmer,Bmod r t f * t . N e w a r t, gf. J„ U. B. A.

K. T o i S r a i. Irtu* d f o a order o f the Court of Chon-

a h S jm m ode *■ the d ay of th* datehecela O oB tam a Adolph m m l g to ne-

r,- in d you OTB d ofeod oat. you ar* re- . to api*ear ohd oaow er th * p*tlU on*rti p*- «B e t hrior* th * ^ t h d ay o f DwmoiW

r In lefBBh e e c r ^ w * * w in b* u l r a u i a s t you os th * C h u o a lteg *h on think eftolta- M and iu it

Tb* ■aid ;>#UiMa M « )ad to obtata a d l n n , (tm a (In i»nd yl laaiilmaev,

D a n d ttH •M a ta d av M O ria tar, a b M t w• y i id fvd aaa oaa. ,__

c o R T t .A ia v r • w a Y m r a R K R ii.■ eU e lio n ot PvtUbakw,

ORea and PiMUffie* b td n a a , TK B » 4 nrar i, W«wartl, W. J- _______________________(IfcW

E.^BBX c a C C T T O O tlR T -C aarlaa a . K r a w r va. Haarv NHRaa. la aitartiaiwi. On am-

im et. 'NoAiee to hefoby ftlvito that a w rit o f a t t * ^

MILTON KTHKKT.from W lckllffe Htreet in [Auktnh pireel;

HAMI'HKN HTltBFT. from W lck lllte ptreet tu IVmiun aircet;

H A U .K I-K BTBFF.T,from W askilngl'jn iivcnu' lu Sumii;*r avenue;

H LfM itTRKFlT.from aprlngfleld u\i*nue lu ft^uth Tenth Btr*et;

IGirNHW lCK STfltilET. from Pennsyivuniii av«nue tr Mlll«r atreet;

wIlLKAN?! HTItKKT. from W arren Htr«^t i<i New *tfr ft.

* I'AKK |jTRF,h,T. from Mulberry mreui to i ‘h**rry Htreei;

MuNilfoK HTHKRT, from Market uttvet to IClm stiM t;

FMMKT ST III: FT.from New Jeiney iliiilrimd avtnn* 10 Avenu** . and

MT TTlf'Hl’K tT AVtCNt E. from A tliig i n fivi-nurt lo'-I-liw.xid iiiariue.

Ail ohJei-Uiii'S (' Ihe |>Hyiii,^nt uf onttl «biL iiiRtt's miiai tm «'llh me. In w riting , on or l.rf. ri' 2 1' M . .' uvpmtK.T 6, IfHJl.

ImiPd lK.-tul ur 21'. lUVlLKNKflT ADAM.


.\i I'l'K’E - N '!• " (* hereby gjven lo a il purllea lullTi-Bt^d k'd' 'h** >erut1<ates of UBarRiment

• r tr.e will Ir ..iij 'uM uf Ihe ouBlB Hiid rxpenBtfs I rsbini-I ' “• wrtB in

- .1 m T \t j i . r n i n jtu c k t a n d c l o o m -KIK l.l) AVICNI'E

been o -:i‘ - n ‘'t to m* atcordlng to law. bi Ai i v : •'.impriB* all lb* lota, tract*

.m l i>Br>'t' . r hind and rritJ eatate ly in g on

.11 TVVKI.fTJ! STHKET, fr 1-M i--,. ,i«t*nue I'j Thirteenth avenue; on

' " i ,iy « iMKIKLP A V E N l'E ,( . r, HI dr I" ‘ 'liri'in ai'enue and op th*

.. .. n in Iti'lge Bireet ulH>ut 1ST fuel

' -f.,.- HTiiTB uf lend aotl ri>aL eatal* a*****ed Ir, f . 1 I - r Li;;, aii'-s uf oMi-ssnirot urr hereby re-

; I |.H> ihr ttm uini «■ a«a***ed upon ai I • .1 h "f Thi-m reripe.'tlvf-lv, to m* a t

. N 5 1 ‘ity lia ll. on ur before D e-- I 1-«'1

\ .1. tV( ,h#-r 2M, 1W>II-TIFID’K r JO HNSDN.

Compt roller.

j l i i : r Iking ur'llniLn-r liaB been pBBfled hyI'. dt \ • ( Hr«-ri ari'l Water CmTiTnipston-

. . . • L ri|pr’ '<-«l ly the Mayor of the i-lty pf wri.fc. I'lrruHtit ti» <.hn|iier Wk of th* U w * uf

>>i .11 , 1 In tv-tiw i'h |iiii>llthed by title :Ai, '.n llh iin-•- ■ If ' •1'* ’be repeal of BH

r-'DsTii'- 'I" ‘I'T f .NewRrk, 'An ordl-, ,, _ .,. f >r C--- f. nUruclloD o f a pip*

} Ur.NN' H s t r f f t ,.1 fM-uth Tenth Btreei, ret frum the aew*r In

iSk.]m H Ai.LA Rn,

he Cuard ' ( b lreel and W ater• i .O' rsvWlaLlAM E. CR EA TH EAD ,

Clerk of the Hoard. j.tM E S M. BtVMOVU,


HANKSBroad ^Market

N E W A R K .

T E E T Hi That F IT



K-- ■f-.r a '1 fkrr.; •-*-1

A 1 I f 1 1 a 1 t.I rA. . . ,J i - (■ r AI

•: K' II-i , ' ■ ' • . r hp

NEW Y O R K :2 4 3 B'way, opp. C ity Hall 6 th Ave, Cor. 14th S treet,

N E V E R C L O S E D .

Special Sale!2-Quart Fountain Syringes,

2-Quart Hot W aterB egs,.......................

A tomlzera,Contin­uous Spray, . . . .

49c 49c 39c

Massm ann’s Pharmacy,

67 S P R IN O R E L D A V E .41'LKirs Aihive High Si.

M aB(tinann H e p u i* up preo«rl|s> t io n a r ig h t .

E v e ry W om aoiiB LtuercBted Bi‘d ihoald know

aixiaiib* wundittidU aRVEL W h ir liiq , S p r a y

t i e * / » U r c * !<-riui». I’.eii- !iat- Mu*i CoiiT*oletit

- cannul m wj n f <*;Xi r tm V to L . ao*rliiri-« v N "I her. tniia*r*(l stnmi't'WK .ilro(*d iHMk MkfoB.ll K.'veB

’l l ; pattl-iilariaiid djrerii. rulr .< . .ik - e* ^AWVICt

Room 635. T'rnM HM* N V.Fur "•.lie »>\ Haline ft ro,

T \ X R O T K 'B h .

L. 'jAii-B U*c«iv«f Qt Toxoa, r e o a S l>. *• vi ) Umi.

.sBworlL, H. J - Aug. 81. 1*01. Thi* omre " ii- be open from Tuesday, ft*p.

Iffmtytr 8. itfOl. uuUl January 20. IWZ. for tb* rKCutiun of Ill’ll- Rarileulor a tu a t lo ata LMiied tu Ibe f' lluving require(n*nu of la * :

If paid oa ur tiefur* tb* fifleeDih day a t ftep- wmiwr one p<-r c«at. will o* dedortod,

\ f LrRjd ->0 oi before tM thirtieth day * f ft«p- ofi«'baU nt Mto per coal, w m b*

P^-i on hefoff* tb* tw«nU«th day e tOc-.Mt'er, th* exact OBouai *4 tax.

I r r.. i t* id on cr before th* tv*fiti* th dag (f - . -a —. .1 . —

U / A p U C IN HORSES and c a ttle» W I \ I t 1 0 S u re , h*f* and S p e* d y .

T b it okedlelne will remove Worou, Dead or AUt b from Hora*a and CaitJ*- \vm purify th« Blood, correct o&d too* up tb* Btuoacb, and *tr*tigth«n the N*rv*a

d V . E M E R S O W ’!! “ D E A D SH O T ** f v W onna In Horwwg I* (h« best central Cow- dttloe pf«wder la ib*. Doo*: Odb labletpoonful. t>lr«e(toBB w llb each box. Sold by oJl drugglita

! »i.T'i r>v Tnati unnn r<*«**tpt of bO CtaI CBl smith 4C0MPA.NY.WhokMti

mK wadi to6A Broad I t - Jlveeark. .S, J .

t, ,.«r. a charge of oo* U ) p er cent, idd'^d If not paid on or b*for« n ine.

f Nuveniber, a chore* of tw-' tZ) ^ r ' ^ added. If not paid on 4>r W o r eahk Din* '“ Tith day Of Deearnber. a charge of three iJj cent. MU be a d d ^ Apd on Um flrRi daf uf January. IMS. a further charge of ter n ty cent* tcowt of publicallOni on Mcb amount iperMhOij remaining onpoid De­cember 31.

' If f’e Ih* twcDtleth day o f JoBaarT,t warronte wUl b* taaued, «pd 1ft adduloft

tri three «3} per »® t- ihl*r**t t n m JoanarT iu ipy-i H ten ilO) per o eo c . J v U c * ooft aol* toikor • fee* w ill be o d M „

Omee open from 8 A. M. tn I ^ M.t iir^gye frofti B A- DC- to tZ la ftaiurooye ^ ^ UFTBRT. fU e « |e w ,

^ I C B of the-T m • mm, raC^a Jf I

Leather Belting.PURE OAK. SHORT LAP.

B E S T O U A L IT r .

29IIIIARmST.J o g . M e ie r ’s S o n s .

of Tkxra rooM «C APP**I*

pwiMM oftft Be-. City HftU. Co«r; -h. *• ^« T .JM -III Ut M * Co«rt of AW M I*. . — In ;..L,lMBhw, IVOl. fro m * A. M. th R u, h « r i tM M th . iPV M l. t ™

vmlwtlAA. b* . . t . o— v h *

M M U ac tlh a e e n tr a P V ^ ta ttaa coBWfe* ■*!»

itorial gHpak* M ffiagtnmiW XRVS.

■ V A, M.1 . W m hMr . a . iP h -a l . ITM.

_ _ ________ i J i i n . n t J »n4m «it a t ta* c a n M C k arlH Q. K n a n r aaaiuM w ill ■>•»* « i » nab leeud a*a iffecti. »t m* K»r« that w«»«an , cLattaM .l«jMa_ . ■<_tia w i ia u c l C ut S . d a S ? ^ S i a ^ r Z a 2 i. . ------------------■—^ .a - — ^-a.— ^ ^ t t t d W edneoday In AplD t* tb* t t ird W t is o * ,

Oftt of tha niM s 8 5 * Ds oocreet osy *M1*ftl. _____ ___________ ___ _ _______ for Uto B u e tfir* btmdrOt Wt ‘ . . —Co i t y C toeslt C w r t . ______ ____________ ^Oe«aftw. A. D . IM L r o c n s A tab* « m n dvly ezM-wtod h r tft* m m iw o f t fts m m k f a t XMeg

WM a — * *“ -

r ORTW wmmm rmmmmPHILIB IjOWT

l a . t n £ r i R M a u a d ~ k a M

t s f i ja 'Z i J r a T a t^ i^ ■ *'3Z T o t r Ban. Witkia nraatr a a n (K e k e w l I paaaaad la aaT

P R O P O S A L S .

SK ALED propnml* will be r*eelT*d »t f V * r>*pamn*Di Headquartero. eem er o f HoJoer

and Acadrmy etreeta Newark. N, J ., b«t*e*ik S and S 45 o‘ck>ck on (be oftem ooa o f WeO- n««dar Nor*inb*r ft 1901. aod wtlT b* opened ImiwcdUulT after tbe cxrlrailaii of Um U ioe fixed fer reoeiTlng propnoalB oa a/oroeald. for tbe fw Blohlftg '^r to v t aptm rattt oomihwftir kiMWft oa " C oab in atioa eliefiUoai eog lM e o»d hoM wag^JPB. '*

Atoo tw o Becood too* oteam fir* m g lM a wftft firm Bisc ntftfttftg g««f

Board a t Ptr* OimmUal^hete t w r e t* tft* rlgkt t* oetoct oay fclod o f a oooabttstlew efteed- ri3 «QgtM a sd So** wagon tw M «»a I f a oowlwa on M deem* boot for tb* knterw a *f tft* d ty , a sd tt otoo r—Brrw tbe rlgkt to ra$oM OBy a ll pmpQBato oo isM tred .

Board of f l i s Qiwoitooi iiispra. _____T H S a C. S. BLAjrtrHARD, f

To-night Ushers in Hffllolpe en.

mGames Which Will While

the Witching Hours Aipay-

„r1ght tn Hallowe'en.BOt arranged a Plan


J a m w'^'rk" a n ^ w liV n th e d inner horn b l e T h ^ ^ kOt pp alow, all tired nut. and

* o "weil, John, how 's the n a tu ra l h isto ry

" 'T a ln 't be<»n able io ilo unytb lnp y^’ . h f ’d a lw a y s a n sw e r 'The ituuijl.' wl^h

around h^re Ip th ey den t w -'ot 10 on rrit-ndly term s w ith yuu. T h ey relcH.» live ly .’ .

•Tiut ” ih o old m an w ’Ut on w iin a jileam of sa tisfac tio n m hla eyes, "he’s gU

^ >. riphi now, H e’s stive up tlm T h ey roT hose w h o h fi^ e I and ho a in 't Koln

College Women Club *s Grok?th*

Association of Alumnae Hai a Large Accession of


en teria lnm i'iit will l i e 's on Ihe rig h tget some good Idealowing arcoun t «t preparations fo a lowe’en JoUlfleatloii. Ua source Is lUo ,

has 1- n careNUV Dlanned On ent, ring the s lu in g room f u o :n e r ro lases a n,ore pro tenlloos nsm o for I t - o a r h guest 'will reeelve h a lt a pastehoard heart, Is-arlng p a rt o( a 4 U0- Jallon , d raw n a t rat,dura from a sm all baske t. Those [or the, women W'llI tom e from one hsaket and for the men from a n ­other, and th,! couple whose h a lf h e a r ts m ake a cum !,letfd quotation a re to be a s ­signed tr. each o ther to r the evening

T he chairs a rc to he placed In a c irc le , w ith a sm all tab le In the m iddle hold ing a bowl con tain ing tw elve slips of paper, closely folded. I 'rom th is every one m ust d raw , and will be e ip ec ted to obey th e com m and w ith in th e slip- F ro m one w ill he dem anded a song, from an o th e r a Jance , from a th ird a riddle, and so on.

A t 10;30 all will go to th e dlnlng-rn,)m , w here th e tab le w ill be found prepared w ith every possible suggestion or r ia i- lowe'en. Scooped ou t h a lf pum pkins will hold g rapes, pears, apples and im ls, and In a p a rticu la rly la rge h a lf a t each end of the tab le candles lo the m ystic nuni-

Hiuily ’€m a n y m ore ira ck Gt la s t ."

^■And w hat Is he s tu d y in g now^" "BnallB."

Old-Time Veauty 'Recipes.Modern Woman H as Jiuch to Leant

from Her fa i r Sisters o f Vast Ages.T'nc fash ionab le be.uity of to-day. who

spends a la rg e portion tem p ting lo pri'serv i subm its to m assage her eyebrows at,d 1, of L'lll riese

b e r of seven will he stuck Ja c k o te rn s of pum pkin shells, such a s every boy m akes, will adorn the m an te l, and gay chrysan them um s will find th e sam e hom ely vegetable a useful vase.

T he chafing dish will he used to r a W elsh rabb it, and a fea tu re of the feast la to bo a sm all keg of beer In th e middle Of th e tab le One of the v iands will be a curious H allow e'en dish, know n fo r cen tu ries, perhaps. In Bcotinnd, called “ call-cannoh." This Is In honor of the h o s tess 's Scotch ancestry . I t Is m ade of chopped parsnips an,l unions m iseu wU m ashed potatoes, and hidden In It is a r in g th a t presages speedy m arriag e or g re a t good fortune to th e one who g e ls tL T his will be served In a dish m a,le by ■cooping out a large cabbage.

A tew m inutes before m idnight the gueaU will bo summoned m ysteriously , one by one, to an adjoining cham ber, w here the men will bo Invested w ith ■beets, to personate ghosts, and the on w ith pale green robes of cheesecloth, to rep ressn t fairies. All then will f°rm In line of m arch, th e roui,les decided by the m ated heart* , snd m arch tn slow music piftyod on a piano with p rac tice pedal flown, back to the s ittin g roonj. from w hich every light will have been rem oved •x cep t th a t of candles.

T he chair* will rem ain tn th e ir c ircu lar a rrangem ent, bu t the bowl on the table w ill he replaced by a la rge p la tte r holding ■ cake of flour th a t h a s been m oistened 1 gufflclently to re ta in the shape Into which It la pressed.- This will con ta in a ring, a th tm ble and a sm all key, and every one w ill cu t a sUce. The finder o f the ring w ill have to prepare fur an early m a r­riage ', th e w inner of the th im ble m a y as w ell learn to «ew on his or h e r ow n bui- tone, for single blessedness Is thereby denoted, and the fo rtunate person to whom th e key Is aeslgnud py F a te m ay expect w ealth and haiiplhess. In order to possess hlm gelf of the lucky symbol, however, th e w inner of each m ust take It from the ■lice of flour w ith hie teeth!

Thl* cerem ony ended, o ther fo rm s of , guaetlonlng F a te »> ''■will be roasted In the chafing dish m pairs, ««oh being nam ed for the couples p r«san ' I f they Jump ap a rt a q u a rre l Is prug- noetlcated , but It they re s t quietly » <le by aide a lifelong friendship Is assured . An­o th e r te s t of th e fu tu re is try in g to cnich b r th» te e th an apple au ap fiiJ^ l s tr in g from th e door tram e^ H e who iUCCMds w ill Infallibly «a ln th e rtlah uf

**The*'laiit effort to p ry Into the fu tu re w ill be th e "candle tea t " “cand les a re placed In a row " " 'J '; and th e guests In tu rn Jum p over them , one by one, B ach candle blown ou t rep- reaen ts a y e a r to elapse before the Jum per U m arried . If none a re ex tingu ished m a r­riag e w ith in a year Is to '’"..'^fbeeted.

- Of conrae, th e " th roe bowls te s t will e anpUed. One bowl m ust con tain c l e y w ay M on* lui* colored w a ter and on* ;'• . " " P ; t r , B ach peraen Is to be blindfolded and M to th e table. I f he p u ts hie h and In th e c lear w a ter hie fu tu r e hrlde w ill be -weddwl fo r the first tim e; If 4nio the col- o red T h e m ay expect to m a rry a widow, • n d I t In to th e em pty bowl he re ­m ains a bachelor. The In d k a tlm is f the young wom»'n * re Mmllar.

Tie farm er’s Educated Son.H e w a a V a n ln g ag a in st th e fence In a

n ih h llrn a t the en J of Q Tlipre

t*rnli' t:b ijf l;iii

niui^ii th - 1

l her lift la iif- JH'T tfiiOfi lookMt who I ',' ilu- hour, iialnlrt dh-‘H vvlih a

Ink iihfl r<i!"'wat'r. and * *- hflusts evt-ry artlllri- of tli<- Ifnut-y Ifit, In sllU K long wnj' i»i Mud lii-f h f |iu t l ' fill Hluti-rf of pflfit aK' B In h -r '< n ll i-f piTBoiuil •lienuty," «a).b u wtUit In rii*UHh.

I ’upparH, th« w ife of N'-ro. ih»> fainous tir Inffttoous HmiJtTor, ii.Hr d ' • ii.iib- kUlly In iiHftijfl' noUk ilnu ln rctl ih - juli-*' of8lrawbt;rrlt'H; and Murii- A ni"i'i’ i tr e bu th waa n aecrei m lx lu n ' uf BiiU w;i 1'T, wild thym e, m arjo ram uml la=irfl l«avi **.

M ary Qucfii nf Hunts h: wlnn. una ,ffigml the prHC-i li'u S'* <jxpt ribhr s lif i miule It fin rxuiise fut* ilrnuiruJlnj? an In- | crettsetl ulluW’Hnrp; and In-r i-xhiiipIg wn« , followol i y sruroa of E llaabitlum lufllt'S. | e*tlJHi;lully Ihoae who hli'l wrliiklus to r — j muvi*. ViiujsKur laditiii w'ho w« ru >i‘t In- i nooent of wrinkloa w ere <;oiUcnl to bathu In milk.

Any Indy who suffered aimemlr!,and wl«li*'d lo a ssu m e th e #rlnw of h' ^iHh^ used l<> Imlnre persp ira tion , nnd th*'ri , witsh tile ta w w ith red wine, “so th a t wlui | bef litnf b '.ih fu lre an d riubly."

Anm* Moif-yn w as Ipms exiravnKnnt her t«ihlnK. and w as onnlenl w ith " u l w hirh flhe found ' ’preserved her bfiiuiy | be tte r than the ra re s t w ln ts .’’ >

ArirleiU G recian ludins w ere lePP a * s - I ihetlc In the ir to ile ts ; fo r .a fte r wnPhinK ■ Uielr hair they sm eared It w ith ifuaiH f:ii ' m ixed with ashes, and Q orm an beiiuil- H w ashed their loeka w ith a deco, ilnii of j llm<*anJ beer. I

111 the S even tetruh c&ntiiry Kiik'tlph ladles m ade them selves beaiiliful, sip | they thought, by covering Ihe lr fa res v.lTh j black pu lrhes of all shapes, som e n i t u> i resem ble horses and dogs, o th e rs in tb - shapes of auhs and moons, crospen and crescen ts, and one noted beau ty aditriu-'l her face w ith "un uncanny galaxy fd owls’ eyes."

In Queen A nne’P days th e head-drcpp of a faPhlonable w om an reaem bied imthlnir BO much as u tow ering edifice, UirL-*.- stories h igh ; so high, In fac t, th a t ’ev-n the shorleBt lady could not pass ihi-nigh a doorway w ithout imich stooping ." Tio-y took snuff a t th is tim e w ith m ore *e^t ^iid

. frequency th an the m odern g irl muii< h*‘S I chocolate, and coquetted w ith th e ir pnuff

boxes as th e ir successors flirt w ith their fans.

In the. niittjhcr and v a rie ty o f costiim»'s no modern socie ty ludy cun vie w ith hf't predecessora o f th ree or m ore cen n iri.^

E lisabeth , the wife of PhlllP H

P e rh a p s the moBt encourag ing fea tu fe rc in irted 6uLurday a t the nieetUig ^b* A asorlailon of Collcglolo A lum nae, held u t LiufTalo thr«*e days la s t Week, Y?ap ino tjic i th a t durlhK th e laal y e a r nearly four- tei-ri hu iiu rfd wonru'U h a J Joined th e as 0- c la ilo n - jin In .rcase In m em heyahlp or mui '• th a n nriy per cent. T h e re a re atjH m.tiiv lilg lM r Br.Hluaiea n o t IficIuJcd In , t i- uss.„ biui.n. Inn y ear a f te r y ear, fcel- l!ig murt- Jtn 'tig ly the v.tlue o f 0 |rganl*a- iliiii, they f i i i r r It.

Th.- imftiLl" mccilngfl, s a y * - th e - N e w Vurk Trihun.-, w -rc c s ja r la lly . im p o rU n t,I lie • Hist- (hey m arked th e tw o iittp ln annl-v«-rm.i.ry "f ih’e asso tla llo n , which. BLarted til vslth i( nipuili''r«hlp CiS- ulxiy-fllak v iii':i, 1,-prip-uilng td,<ht eoU^^es. . The

m- m bcrshlp haa^.'lUCKm 'O nuj'iii i.'-H l uriiiiy Hum th a t for ■■riU- iwf rii\-iljrui! collegeB lii-.-tf from w hlyh'w nm en m gy.;bftfc»|W u- Ui .1 In thiK ru Utirv Were en title d K.nMi t ' ihr r - ' iit annual niaoting .

T lj- " t i i- ru th e r k l o v ’ln a d -miiiinK m w to memberi^hlp^ bd-4. ,ns- i.iMl> i.k iH-mg co n se rv a tiv e can I f . 'x - n iit[ in tlijin - for rn ls ln g c o ^ e ^l.lll,lar.l^«, ill Sh" Tn-tlti-T bo tjl q£ uh trm cft itt'd >rriifiu:i(bat T-qulTcmentn. .

I’. sbii H Tin :mt« gac Jn meml>erBnWj,.ftр. 'i - i :d fity rut: • ini th ing b ro u g h t thl.i >'fsir H Tt ii'Tis Ilf the v a rio u s “ t.l ili« uj-N^ui lU'iiJ IS the In te res tс . ,llt>i'- g-iriLii N tak in g In Si li nt e. t'"'u I JC!impb*+ th e Boato; for s'.‘Vfr:ii \ hfts had ft Con)Dom-KU ' Honn-’ of theit li.iH n-d huVf hern tabulate

Ji-il In rt'im ns Jss.ucd by tin 'Us hur^’an of Isiibor S ta t ls f

nj' ',ht's. rt'iMiris i-overed if )ii,[Tn‘ I'i’ukcd and purchai o III the In te re s t a ro

IV IS soon ex h au s to d j • I , [ i.‘s c'fime from a ll/j 1 Tlie sam e com m lj

,i, is>.‘ii a ^miliar re p o rt on tho . ,,.1 if 11 iiuirv work, w h e th e r do1 1. ,.r ,,'.i-f!rla of It. Th® BoetOBi?.

.lU'i ^ [n i- ''d ed In g e ttin g cobrs ' In troduced to A Cftfl

I ki-i,t 111 of th e h igh ®Ohools o tIll W iishlngton th e b ra n c h

< -li. «i:iii- Alum nae fee ls r e p a l i - ^ rlTurtP s^-f'lng a dom estic nclenc®' iw

.-i ;i1,!1h!ii-.1 111 the n e w , te c h n ica l h l(l f'.r glrlH.

i lT-rt If) encourage th e s tu d y of (pw nn -il - sfl.-ncE! In *the pub lic echool* h lk ii. f-n hardly set-onflary In tm p o r ta n ^ 'J*, that for furw ardlng th e In te re s ts o t t h ^ inilillc rrh-'OlH. The B uffalo a n d BQ»t(ta_ lir iiu li.-n li.ivn made a com plete Investiga­tion '-f tin- s iiilta ry cond ition o f th e Bos- luii Bthoiilhuiiet'8, and In th e la t te r H ty th.- n suit Wii« a la rg e spec ia l ap p ro p n a - tlun for lm |.roving bad cond itions.

A f.'w )-i-ars ago, w hen th e M ercantile lns|j.-f’iloii bill was u n d e r conalderatlon In

K Vurk, the New Y ork b ra n c h sent out m.-r- tliiirt S.tlOO c lrcu lare und tOtt personal l. u - r s la fovor of It.

l>r;iillL-.'il educational w o rk le. how- . v.-r, Hu- first object of th e o rg an lia tlo n . Tti« iirealdi’iita of the asaoc la tlon have often tn-en women of n a tio n a l rep u ta tio n In intui-ational m u tte rs , am o n g them Mrs,


u n f i t - tor w uTaeV P . ^ r C « , l l e w York <olle jp lc i Car Putaburg to CblMgo, (N» co»o>w*i’“f ®?B7 a"“ m. rsBt L ist. d*nr. for P liuburg

S*27 pennsylvEinU Uralt»d.PtUlnsQ Cotnptrtmsni Slve|>lRf. Dlnlof. kpw * big snd ObMPkHlon Cars. F^r Chicago; land, Toiado. Cincinnati, Indlftnapolft, Loula-

Chicago ijnd 8t. Lopttdally. For Nasb^qile lyla Cln^lnaail and t-oula- vUlc), IndiUnapotli. <^lcato. 8t- ^oula

f «:S6 P. U. Ut.PHtibuTf, Columbufl, lotllantpoll*. Eouisvuia and at. Louts, . .,

f «;28 P. U. TVeaterft Express dally. Plttiburg and Chicago. Pur Toledc, MCtp ujday. f-

i P. U. Pacific ExpreM, dally. ForPUtsburf and Chicago. F«jf Knoxv^l*. via thanaodoah Valley Huuie. coonfcU tor Cleval&nd aaoepi Saturday. , .f 8:67 P. U.. dally, Cleveland and Oaoinn*k| ^prasa. For Pittsburg. Cleveland, C a J ^ ^ a and Nashville (vU Olnclnoad and

WABHIMOTON ANE TW® •OUTB.For Baltimore. Wasbltigton sad the

18:41. 8:S7, 8:M. 9:3ti (Umlted Exprt**. P ^ l- mao Veslittulf Parlor Cars. V»tlbqle Coaches an4 Dining Car. A .^ r y » »1:28. 2:44. 3:58 4;J7,6:W and « :» F-M- On fua- d u . 19:47. 9:27. 11:28 M.. US*. 1Z:SH. 4:66, 6;2Q and 9:68 P- M.

For , Hceirt Sal-

Southern Hailwar- 12:47 night, daily

Exprei ■ 8 ;M. 4;B7 P. M.»gbt. daily. . .

Norfolk and Western HallwsT. For Memphis and New Urteans. 3:68 P. U- dally.

Atlantlc Coast Line. Express, 9:«i t 9:68 P. M- dally

Express. A. U. and-V9 f . iB- umuj. _Chesapeake and Ohio Railway. Ebeprets. B:27

a. M, week-days, 6 :M P. M. dally- »fiealKvrd Air Une. Florida and lietrMOlIlM

Limited, I:!* P, H. dally. Eiareoa. 12:« A. M. dully. „ „ „

Old Point Coniforl and Norfolk. BiprH*, Stai A. M. week-dsye and ll;27 p, M-„diUSy. . ,

For Philadelphia, Exproas, 12:eT, 6:411,7:68. 8:27, 8:5S, U:21).-U:57 110:45, Umlted BB- lireto, Pullman Ve.llbule Parlor Clara, V es^ u la Passenger Coaches and [Using Car). 11 :M A. M.; I2k0. 1:26. 2:44. 6:24, f-SS 4;5T. 6'2«, « : » . 6:28. 8:27, »:57, U:27 and »;58 P. ¥ • Accomino:

■ ■:06 and 7;M P. M. Oali;!IO A. 5: Ekprcsi, 12:4T,

A. M-: 4:24. 4:66, 5tlW,


Aiict- l-'ri't-man F'sliinrr, th e fo rm er pr.-si- i fii-nl «t Wi-llCBlt-y; 'M iss M arlon Talliol,ttgn. AillifcULrxxaa, a.............. - - ......- .U ril l til n i. . = .4 ,t ----------- -------

said n^ver to have worn any gow n iwJce. , t ’hicago U niversU y. and the rvur-nnd her w ardrobe nevt»rj:oniBm®d r«'WiT i.r^xU rnl, A bble Lvueh, utth a n dresaeft.-rrfTT of I h e ebStUrsT. - fo r tho h igher od-Queen EllxunelKT wlvt-n ehe tiled, : , „ ,uign uf wi.mcn has been moRt dellnUe.bind her no ft-wer th a n S.'iOi) gowns. In- I |.-„r ,,,,v„ral yearn the Collegiate- AUut\naochilling exam ples from ev.-ry coun try In j oiiiHirtunmcB fo r tw o wrimeii an-Europe. ' muillv lo ntudy abroad am i In th is country .

It «a> during her r.-lKti th a t Indlcn wore provMe one. T hese fe.-llu«-fartb lngale , uii m om ioua j held by wom en of highthe grotesque fartb lngale , uii m o m io u a t>een held by wom en or hign

hoop worn round the wulat from which | a ttiilnm enta and am bltliina, andtho aklrta hung Mke a pa rtly dellaii-d b i lloon To rival thia am plitude th e m en i atuffed their clothea with feallu-ra. r.tga. and alm llor m nlerlala. whleh Ksve iliem | the appearonce and proportlcma of a n i­m ated [.-Ollier hed.a.

Any attem p t nt w-.olng. iia It la under­stood In our happier day. wua lu d icrously | Inipoaslble. for the l-ivi-r w ho cuul.i g e l i near enough to hla "laily-" to grasp h ef extended hand wiia un i-jr .p ilo n a l am t en vlatile mini. ., , ,,

in the diiya o f "(1<>«1 tjui'en Tleaa Indb a j o f faahlon fed their vanity by carry in g , m irrors suspended from tlid r w iiiats, - th at th ey m igh t feaat ut w ill i o f their oharm *. "Aina,Jean dea Caurea, "In w hat nn age dn we live; to see su th d i-p ra t.iy w hich w e aee, that liidiici-a th em oven !n church to w ear thvae Bcnml.ilr,us ,


the xom en holding th em h a v e gone as In­al ruolura In co lleges and o th er liiatltu- ilciiia, where their w ork hfia been of m uch grenn-r value than U cou ld h ave been the apeclal tra in in g . The m.-nt of child stu d y baa alao been a pcor- ItnhU one for the m em bera o f th e aaao- eU tU .b and the nam e of Mias M lllcent Shtn« aa a gu id ing apirtt In th la work atmww how eariu-atly It h as been under taki'P Thi> H i.loM ni; o f a ta b le u l ihkj N a p M "latlon for the tiae o f w ont-n atiidents la largely th e w ork of th e i;o lleg l« te A tum nae, “ '"I w ho have thla In eh a rg e tuok a tu r lh fl st.-p toward pr.)m-)tlng lion bv i-ainhllahlng a prlxe o f »l-l*» ■twVirded In April, laoS, lo th e w om an w ho ahull present the heat theala g iv in g th e re­s u l t ’ '„t her independant la b ora tory re- a--Hrih- In the b io log ica l, ch em ica l and

AW Toreadors.Tallin x

i ' / f t f j i nP th 'e Spanish T ash ien fo r Them

U Into XiV— fqi ahl on In Spain for

( tu U d -ln g f T h eir t x - a w n y s crow ned

t ju 'lg e from th e 'w hat Sttiipened a t wfihtT ie .W » people

I Tprea to ^ t n e s » jtjJl Ting o f 81*

w a s tke,fl<St. exp er l- ewiBttya acebram g

.Vffi’S.'g_ p iw fe r -tU* ;sbm« Spiuilah

mpre.aslvfi. .hfl th e ring

the, |jrea\- hoived low and

.Ygopt BroadU ia arowet c h d em l an d th e IwjkJ

Dtaved "G od S a v e th e Kin?: A lfon so .D esp ite th® potnp, h ow ever, th e RR€Ct|-

to rs s e fm e d afterw ard lo com e to th e oo»- ClUBlon th a t th e departur<‘ la not lik w y til b ecom e popular- Tho w om en proved very p oor bull klllerB. ami th e ch eers tu rn ­ed to h la ses b efore th e duy a en terta in - ment wu^ over .

The f1r?t b u ll turned into the r in g arnve Ihc gtrlH round th e nrtriu like a nock o i Beared sheep .

W hen B fiior lta Armfiilfi!*, the premlcT Or tho trou p e, ca m e up to halt h im w ith her red flag, th e ardmal ehurKed her. and she wus to o rIow to epoGjie Hhe w a s throw n lo th e grou n d and ftored in the foot.

On« o f th e other g ir ls su cceed ed in fSniwiiiK th e bull s a lte n llo n to h erec ll, nnd th o anlm ul ch»ised her ou t rlhg T h e sp eo lu l'irs begun to yell derl- Blvelv lit th e Klrlfl. uml fin a lly a TPan lum ped Into the ring, and, B nutching x iw ord from one of tho g ir ls, con fron ted the bull, and w ltlih i th ree mlni^t^_^klljcd

T he Spi’clfttiirs roared w ith d e lig h t at th e d eftnw w and s k ill w ith th etrick w a s done- , . -w'an

It w ns d eterm in ed to g iv e th e la d s r ^ n * lighters a n o th er ch an ce. A fre sh d u ii. lam er th an tHe first, w as Introduced-

Incandescent • Cluster Lighting

For stores and public places. Splendid results obtained for little money.

6:26,'d-IT. 8:27, 6:87!'r!r[“ an6 6:58 P.' U- * « - commoAatltjn. 6:86 anfi 1:88 P. M- -o ■ „

Far Trenltm, 12:47. 0:46, T:0U, 7:56. 7:6A * ; « . 6 :66, 6:29. 9:iT 110 :45. Llmltafi EiprjM, Pull- map Veatibute Parlor Ctar., Veatlbule P*a*?J0g** Coach,! anO Dining Caii. 11:26. and 11:86 ^ M.; 12:30, 1:26, 1;6I). 2:44, 8:24, t ; 6i . 6:06, 6 6:28, 7;1|4. 5;Sri, 0:21 and »:W P. H. .kUJ^T. 1 2 :4V. 8:46, 6:64, 0:27. 0:67, 10:26 aoO 11:26 A- M.; 1:26, (1:58, 4:24, 6:26, fi-.M. 6:27. 7:88, 8 :*T, 0:27 anO »;M V*. M. , , , „

For Ailamle City. Through V eatl^ led Blx- prfaa Train., Burfat Partor Cara, PaaMngaj Coach ahd Coitiblnafi Coach, 10:28 A. M. a ^ 8:26 P. M. waak-daya. Exptort, 12:47 and ll:3fl A. 1:26 and 2:44 P. ¥ . wttk-daya, Bundayi, 12:47 and 6 :i8 A. M.

For Allahilc City via D*laware Rlvtr *rl4*« Rout*, 7:65 A. M. an l 8:26 P. ¥ . nrM*-d»T*l 6:48 A. M. and 6:26 P. M. Sundayi.

For Cat* May. Expraaa, 12:47 nl*hi, dally. For point* on the New York and Long Brahe*

Ballroid, 0:27 A, M.. 12:47. 4:63 P- M. Op Sunday. 10:16 A, M. and 6:42 P, ^ Hto* at iitterlahcn for Ocean Qrov, or Aahury

' Park M) Brniday.Fur Boaton. withmit change, 12:86 P. M- weetp

diva DAO P. 11. dally.For Brooklyn. N T .-A ll through train* con­

nect *t Jereoy City with boat! of PennaytTaiilfl Annex.'’


We Furnish Clusters Free

Leave 6tar»et Street Station, 3:IA 8: « , 8:0*.----------- - - 1 , 7:42, 7:50. 7:57, 6i07. t : ! ! .

AS. 4:67, 8:1-5,. » l“ -

and hang same on wiring sup­plied by the consumer.

S;3l, G;43, T;0'3:10, 9:W. 8 :o*fa ®;o». n;Bi. "}0 :0o. 19:47. 10 ;M. lS:nS. iSiSO. \tW . HW- 3:21, 8 :M, 4:1>. 4:M. 6’0«. 0 .» ,8;3T 6:37, 7:o9. 7:28. 7:M. 4:l», i : « 63^lo w U :i4 P. M. snd 12:1 7 B lfk . irslnx S’-IO, 6:42, 3:66. 9:65. 10:05, 10;U*iimea: ll:c6 a . Vd.: 12:fl7. H.eo^ 12:5f l t « . 1 :,54. 2:28. 3:06. 1 :1» . 4:36, 0 :00. 6:4A .J-jg.7:00, 7:'20. 7:25, 7:37. 8:08, 8:34, 6:26, 10:06. lu:SI) P. M., 12:00 nirht. , .

For Rlliabeih and n«![k*y- V.«l' l IS’a -47 a:ri’'. 11:87. 1U:B2. 11:30 A. M.j 1 :00, J.M, 9:58, 3:28, 8 :M. 4:30, 4-38. 5:0*, 6:24, 8 :W. 8:48. 6:06. 6:08. 8:18. 0:41. 8:49. f:0f., f l88. 8.61.8-41. 0:42. 1&;4T, 11:82 T *nd l> il*night, Sundfly, 6:48, 8:80. - lb:16. 10IDUO A. M.: n;85. 1:85, 9:84 4:15. 4A2, 8 5::*) 7:00. V:I4. 7:83, f ;68. 8 :^ , 8-A^ 10


Are You Satisfied With Your Present Method of Lighting?


United Electric Co. of N. J.

10:46. 11:32 P 81., and 12:f5 n!8kt- F « f b 'J : bath only, n:LT. 9:57 A. M., 12:S». 8:06 and^'rbr n ' u'* nruiitwlclt, 6:46, 7:00. 7:M. 8:88, 0:57 tn.l H 'I.; 12:80, 1 :66. 8:28 1 :68,4-10 " no 5 0* 0:2*. 7:39, 8:97. Old* and yO.lf P.' li . 12:17 r lab-, tundiy, 6:18 . 8 :88, M l 1(1-51 r V ■ tt' -5, 1:35. 3-.58, 5:!l«, t : 8*. 8 :S8

r. M 14-47 nleht.Raitcn *Bd______8:21, »;ir

.F..(.lnn (ply 8:06 8urda7„8:aT P M-Per rrt>M-n;il. r-iTmlng4Bl». OIrt auu

rrxnch ‘-n< M-vvm"Mih Jiinr^lan. 1 :5S in a UiW M . m l 4 III p. M w^ek-dav» Fnr FreeholJ

onlY. 'U r M. week-day*, “f ’ ftop* nftlT n®n'lil*"*!* 1'

r. r fjff'-'t'r infnrTTiiillfinfor al' polntj* on thr Pfnn*ylvttilft RiHroad ri(llin*n ic coTTiTOodt(Ion*, • ic .,

•ndii-J-i P. M.. 1«:47 night,m- T4;>n.l • rtv;ll^. PTi”\l!Mtjurs. Efi

M-TUunV# Ctiin':*. 7:5ft. Il'IiW A. M..

and rnnneofl'inv■1 1 lre*T. orftt No.PlJ-MOt R . .3. B. TU'TfHTV'tOV,

O^n^ral Miinng«'r,

ccoTTimt>oakion>a vii...UckH office, l i tr lu t

J R. OOO.PiM#ns»r At*nh

mirrora h ank ing round th .lr w:.iata It la | ' , „(-i.,ncaa. ■ fh e'A n m tn erg w ill In-. _ __ V.., •Vv.y Ilf I f ' a^imlnunt ITieil HUc-

1 High - w ill WlMT


h a lf-h ea rted w ay! n lhh llng at th e em ^ n f a ■rraw HftVB th e MobH^ R eg ister w ere p a tc h e i on hla irouavra, and tha hut b e w ore had n ot Im proved w ith age.

"Bo you 're ou t atudytn n a tu ra l h istory , b e you?" he asked th e m an from tow n. "W ell, I'm k in d * Interested tn th a t m y- aeir. Y ou see. m y lioy'a (tot It H e never lik ed farm w ork, bein' of a n -tlr ln dlapn t lt lo n , ao he w ent lo co l'ea e op to flintA I^nlverniiv for ^<*verHl yonm w hen he cam e out he auld natural h latory w a s th e th in g for him 1 hadn 't ."(-r th o u g h t m uch ah oui natural h is to ry be­fore th a t, bein' busy pretty m uch o f ll-o t im e w ith th e rroiia :iiid the cttlves nii-i th e m o rtg a g e un i vhinp* l-ut Ih' rr»CK> 1 it up p retty w ell, 1 bsijs l * him oned ay: , ,

•• ‘J o h n ; SQy« b 'whi rc are you go ln ludo v o ilt Btud\in

“ ‘W®!!.’ ho fold R1C. 1 th in k M l Rluy hpre and Biudy. Somt* folku ar»-m to huvu ih e Opinion that a mUHl go uwuyoff aoroewh^rei and HiisoiiaU' With anlm ala n 'V fral year* linfori; U icv < .m m u kf m uch hcarlwny 'n milijr.4l Idsi-irv.but there's p lenty I'f i huru e nKfit h'lTiic 1 11 stuy heri arul ;itii'l\ i;,*-birds ■

■'ll run nl“n*t for aw h lh ’ and J'lhn diJ:; t peem to i*** d«vln' mu' ti l l ' ‘ suld ih i ' •c wert! Itko Hwlft for hlni. aniJ 1 couid s* ■ that they were, plain enouxfi Hy lim e John would tcvt read)’ t" bealn st inl’. - In’ ’em the tlT'la would u lw a\s; g- I Iim i

NERVOUS JROSTRITIOII.H i s s W . ( h l l d s - B l a c k l i i i n i T p U b

How Shf Wks ('urt'd.P*A H MR". PlNEH .Aji: — I UV®

^Itasur** in ai th eo f L y d l R E* E i B k h f t i u W e |g o t H l > l « C 'o m p o u U t L I n m y e tk U iu * th iu Iher® La i»o fe m x ie r« n ie \ly to e q u a l i t . e a k - &Cft« n o t p r o p e r ly A t te n d e d to , t o g e t h e r

true, at present, m m e hul the ladliM o f the *ourt v en iu re lu wt-ar Ihiru , but Liug It w ill nut be before fV»-ry i liltiiii' ter and every ri-mule pcrsuiii

curhnif* lo le ir n thul in fh -a f ilrnnH A pair o f hbo k nUk wna an ran-H luxury ihu( ibvy w en i n i-ld'-ir-.l h prHHcrU fll f"T .1 d uem or u kingKllziihtlh waa -i- ilr-llKhi^-i " i i l i .i p«lr

ivntcd 10 her ihut ahea nM ; I i!k.- silkl.n

nifraaflut, iind ib lk a t i . (hut horw -M rlh X will wi-HT no mnri i.Ioih stnthMie-i

An Actress Tells a Secret.Ill ItliiKhiim, w ho wi-ara auchMlHfl Am

auiiiniliH friH-ka in high snch'iy pbiv

.lay if .-Im did H.'t ri‘?*R I'[ 1 " d n > and ih - 1-in "1

T h e Clunib* rvi,'’ u ,M!- a sk ed (hi* n ther ihUik Ihe s.K’le ty

t hi- n'uJ fa sh ion h a d e f w ho thl' atylea.

ni!> ifcn, -111 fiald. *’I knp.'i •

w Itil I'Xpfri^'nii' 1 huv-r* had

II . . . . w'Tti*' 1 ' me and nak th®1.1 .2 n 'wi. .ii.'l wh^ra It WHR nijuje.

iind m en a-k If th- i migtii -vipy R. pr«^m iNMIg llvl |n u-' 1 h>' MlUV

hi I ht‘ n ■ <iKnl2' 1 rh. ilranJH

■|„ !• g JI-: on imp- f ' :o.

lorx. Bu th a t It

-lie co n tin u ed .

(■1, 1,1,. aoma o f the moat ulallata In th ese a d e n c e s lu A™-"®®;.

‘ Uv the end o f a n o th er tw en ty yaara w .im en uriuluaiea nf cnUvfft-ft m ay h ave lu rm i-a tc! ao th orou ghly ““ “ n ™ ,

O .ll.'g ia iv AUim nas w ill not be t«IL sa

m ixing Ihcm aalvea E arly b) tbetr b llH h.- ^

,„hl..a „f gtallatlca nt) th e h ca llh o l coUcg:

" ‘’T " t v r c o n - i i c t l n g ' a '’ atm;a% Tn- ilu-iib n on ft ri

lochlnga -O well, bveaua.- t h -v -(r.- tine | i;*' ;.' ',,.V,' ,.'jmbllah.uJ anme mmrcatln g

Ih urh larK -R

Vu 'sim lbtr c lrcu m sta a cv a ou.aKlc

nf lO llig c" ______________

Mrs. Stoloe and Her Epic.w illlu iti G ille tte WAS nl th a t a»re

la m p -p o fte wga his\V>H‘n„ ,, ,r,lng atonea

, , w h c r , S am u e l L . Clen).-na andU.lT-L!

‘ ’h;i r ■

U ITh'-ni*


uv nit-'ft •

. }.. . ]. ■ -.irW\ tr*' iT <l» il

,| p opular on e muRt n ecca - i

1 liouifht. lim e I -y 4;■ hr will w ear . v\ ns « orii by

■ 1 hi part and a-« n early a s

p. :h

l)-„!tpv W arn er w sT f collab orat- | I), bunk "T he n ild c fi Akc- Mra. ,

B r o w s , s e a t e d In ba r 1. t r e e , H artford , knew

i.iW.ih profientalton ot \ ^ .-ilitn" hJid been g iv e n . T h at was- «, (h irtv v esr s

p«'i<plv w erelA-hi.TI I Ilf* iV.WVX

w a i der-if-

They did b e tte r, ahd th e dcrialv'e’ cHm (leased, and w hen one of; th e g irla ra w e r neutl)- i)ltinod tw o ban d erlllo a 'o n th e a n i­m al's shou lder* *he w as h eartily , chew ed.

The g irl who w as to give th e d e a th Mow advanced ao nervously t h i t the^ red flag and tho *w.)rd she carried 'w erevB o th shak ing ; s h e -g o t-h e r n erves back , how ­ever. and socdhedecl. In k llllng-theab 'fll-

The th ird bull w as a M*. * trong, rtfree anim al. Ho did not w ait to l>e b a l te d ,^ u i drove th.- wom en from th e rin g In *bort o rder, and rem ained th e re i ) a w ln g |'h esand. (

The people b eg an , to d e r id e - th e m in - agem enl, and eoon the whole p lace wiia m

T h^re tvere a num ber of ^ I d le ^ u a n d sailor* p reaen t who took opposite'Sfil^ea In a d ispu t.’; nnd soon people -were n«bt- Ing all over tho g ran d s tan d .

\ num ber Jum ped Into th e ring , and the ln.ll ehn rg t-d 'thcm . Nine m en w ere seri- ,iiisly In jured before the bull w as killed n iid 'o rd e r waa restored. , ■ ...

ThPTf* will bi- nn mnr^ Lull ng n tin g w un women to reador* In Cadi* to r n while- ilim igh In o th e r p a rt* of Spain It Is t»-

. 11, le d th a t, under b e lte r condition*, the netv d e p a r tu re In bull figh ting m ay be-COTTin fK>pulur.

Satsed fast in Tlnu.Ml-a F la h e r-"Q u U e a con fiflM tla lfcha t

vou H ire hav ing w ith K iss, K tilc w r. fea r )UM II find me dull by cnm parli

.Mr m u n t- " N o t a t all. i t 'k a r«l ta lk t,> u girl whn Isn 't « !« v -th a t h not a t , . i r Not a t all- —Phllad .ITcRR ^


“IGNORANCEo f t h e l a w e x c u s e s n o m a n , ” a n d i g n o r a n c e i s h o e x c u s e for t d i r t y b o u s e o r g r e a s y k i t c h e n . B e t t e r c l e a n t h e m i n t h e

o l d w a y t h a n n o t a t a l l ; b u t t h e m o d e m a n d s e n s i b l e w a y

i s t o u s e S A P O L I O o n p a i n t , o n f l o o r s , o n w i n d o w s , o n p o U

a n d pans, a n d e v e n o n s t a t u a r y . T o b e i g n o r a n t o f t l u

u s e s o f , SAPOL o

t r e a t sPf n-t■ l« iii w*-.:ir

'iir THTflt''! L’< VI n, halt, -I thl* hrtt5

im pl. ;i2i

. I Um>H r*' i r l \ f. t !i

-tlk vif v r r y,i,*- !i

I. vs 1*. -wM 1 1«) II4M G"


sir i.rT'l.. i- r1 - 1..

Mh-.' latruwi’ l.

• m l In w h it' . M ae, th e tidb­

it I* m aile Kllk frlngv i‘f

1 , lUv-i t '-ir 1 t I'-r f I ' h'I ruu't --H aiu l trin.ui th- KHine color

' lliit«l*-4m tirtVH r wjy thlrt ei-i retlyccuaBe '>•'\|. vH.,m*r; have at*kv0 'f

I whM fnbn-- the V wi. wa.e maJ'Aelphift N'-rlb Arr- : .m

-P h lla -

S®cr®t*r7 L iu n ry &ad .ArtS®ciafx*

wHh tbe c^o«* at p y dedibrooflit on a e r to iM prorntratlon,■o nmeh *0 thai for a ?*ar 1 flectored eonllaoaUT. I triad different rent- ■dlaa whieh only tn«a«<l*e in poloon- | bvaufy ing msj 8y*t*m,' and m j atesacb re- foaod looA a neirbhor wbo bad n l - tered with t r o u b le i nDilwnB p e rfe c tly c u re d , enlled a attention to your Vefctabla Cowponni nnd I nnda np my Bind to five H a ' t*ro Bontba' fair trial. Xow erw , be- te n one w » t k had naaMd I wat Uk* i A ne-w womnn, and after nix *r««ka fnitbfal nne o t the CoBBound 1 'ww in pcrlnot banltk. It ecrtninly is of great ;

to w oBon. n »d 1 'wlab nrery poor ■mCminff wemna eonld barn » ' nbnaeo to **7 T n u n very truly,Man W, c b l » 9 l a c d v » , » » rtftb ,

J ir in e d n t - - flfl88» f e f n V

w i n r a U e r e t h i f l d t e

Queen Draga of Serbia.tjtie*'Ti PrdKX of S«r\tn, »h'» hH* L''»*n

FT'LxLt'i'il liv ih f rz.iT ii.a Hiul ex( luilrslfrom *iiTnl!'!ih’M to th-- Huxai«n cou rt onlirm « "f r ii'.il th e form erSHilv-lu-wk'.ltiix "f Vjuef'ft NalAll*’ ar\d thi widnw of A St-nirtn (<hy*lc1an YounE AJcian^e’T. iL - pr*‘*ffnt Klnjr of Bcn.-lu, fell In Inve n* a w lih hU m oth er -mal^l - f honor, anil n u rr lfd hor w hen L- I’ami- intii Mr thr'/nc The 1rMlor*-t;the voiriif K h ir n \'hir\ I* wwl th«PrnBO ihH dau|fhi«T .»f a r-'l’-nwi ;n -.h

u in iy n r..l I" n--l uf * ^- r » »Mrth. to a«y n. th l’-E f t "‘■•ahy. It U w.ii 1 1 h a l Qu*-cn A i t i u h - i r i tAK* Ih - *-tnuff Ihs rcical p r-t. : of Ih* SeTslaiii.Jucen. r^raxa « r'A** ' ' h»-r. unlr.^ ih« a-; drci*? ‘Tii'arewt ft-U-r Th«> th**n IT lrr-^* of Walofi. It Ip »a 1'1 her rova lfrifftiiJ* ahroasl ■ ' ' .i •.re-a th- a^ daufht-wr i-f * »cf‘cnsto havo l»ccn *•'! 1 DrSiira 1* a

anti alth'-ii«h «hc 1* h a i-s l by the|s<*op1* .-f ftcrMa ••h'- I- * h .’lly Iov«h1 by the Kln. - w ho ri' rnp* l!»d th* L»c*lBlafnr® to tr p n 'v c hl^ m4*rrU«c He alao bxn- Ifhwl hi* mmhi-r ^ -- hum of her jrfot* a*a1n*t th e form er m a ld .-C h lc a c o T rib­un*. _______

A t S e a .o h . wr go down lo o-m In ahlOa,

But H ope reraatu* orhlnd.And lA)vo. w ith l*ught*r on hla lips.

And P »ocs. of pawlT* m tad.W h lls ou t »cTO» ih s deep# o t n igh t.

W ith lifted oa ils of p*ny*r.W e T oyag* o d In q iw st o t ligh t

N or And It anyw her*.O Thou w ho WTOufhlsot sn rth an d •e a .

Y et h*ep*ot from our * y "Th* Hkor** o f an aw enity

In c a ln n o f parndW*.S to w hnck n p o e w w ftBUeh i m «6

W ith n n lh a flrlTtaa m m M hltadMW M p fh and w&d unm at

" ‘ " “ ■ y S itiS .- . i

In ISifl scv,-ral at .Vic* S tow e 's house

ft.-LTue.u w hen ih * 16-«»tb Perform - .( I iu-le T om 's t'nb ln . . .k -b n te d by a h anrtahakf. th e

; r ' ; ' ' ; m e ; : ’:,,;''.h’aT..vcMi<>n .a td : ■ «0 T u have , - r l . .e n a b ook , and you

e tv .n b. the s ta g e a d ram a w hirh , long a s th e E n g lish tmufue

1 , w a* at * m u ch la te r period .q „ ,a - a tten d ed a p erform anceT-.m 's C abin" In H artford , at

h tv e appricctaied how , . ir c n .i th a t had on ce stirred

, ,f th e w h o le people h s.l 1 t th e us(Vt o f clow n in g , .- 1-1 taw d rlea t kind of

’ ,tt p erforo i5Q ^ ',,ul tw o L aw yer

I -, I 'h arlc* D udley ,t rem arked: "W hy

th e ch a r» cu r« * " ii i h r*terfleld of r ‘ so B x cflle iu th e

. . nnd Ih® p layer* .Ir ' '^ a b le to BUP-'

tw o T o p i ^ and I Ph !'• ejftcutftted

■ I K Into h er cuBh- ..;t :ii d ilka a pleaaed

IriNw ill live . wfj .11 IlM' ■ tii.i',f T m U - ?v hi' L "h r.,m i :■ ■■ ’ lii' ■ i<i 'll



n k r\ •Til

h* .1-, '[;:i l\s»TTi I . T 6

NEW JERSEI CENTRH.iOlna leave liroaii atiJ K«r*y Btr**t x*tifflMl

hUK SKW YlfHK. .\ i n-£l> 7.1*1. T-.21). T .-10,

‘ eJ e;4li li:itV \o:tn}. U>:2u,11:30 ,4. M.; l'2:>«l i'-- 'vW - ib“- ‘ '10 S 1*1 4liu. n-5^a B.'Ofl, OiJu,

4U* i-o»i T:M. T;3ii. 7 -*>6. MW, It>:vlO, 10;4Ui 1'. it- . 12:65 n.glil, auirdiys. 7;U6. »:IA).

.l.tKI li.l;(M. 11:611 .t. . H:!*! 51 ■ '4 C t'O, lJ:0ib <-UO, B.OO, ft-OU*

‘'V'or V ;ahlnll(h'’ « ’'l2!' T,:'.o, *:6S 9.48, H : »

1 3;, -l;r,o, ll:W, ll:V3 r .,M . „S6ndaya, 7:3U,

% ;;SS!; V :iS I

i , : i i^ .^ :'^ ^ '.u ‘" i 6 . ‘'4 :S ; n ^ ^ J S i J lS :K l“ :ingto«. 6.1* h :« A. U .il-M .* -.¥S ,

r, "H 1’ M Ruti'lsyw. i; ti> A. M.. P. ^Kor •Utltfiia Oft ln«h Ufitlgv iiTanch. 7 -M A,

r on main Itn* N r« J*ra#y Ciiurxli.ivlnltjin ~ 1‘t't‘ Aiienlown Jii4i M r t;-34. i .I .k', 1 -4'' i.'tli'' i-o b-aniijn) P hC. BUnM,>ig '[■'If .iNIk*rri'I PlTtxTon and flffanton,

'l■ ''r Vh T ILH'lh UTvd Hnffflle, al fl:l2. 7:30v<1 tK It ■ V . 1 ::W. l';Ci.V 4:f3; i:¥s,V:.*.n' vV .'.-: >-4 g:",? K:ilV O-.SO, 11:16 P. M-

iV'wH, ' b;.i\ 1 1 i 2 A- M.;■ I . ■ 4 JO 0;1U. 5.50 P. U. Bud- 1-1.1.1 A M.: 4:ft5 P.

\inb k'. t'17. A;Mt. 9:4 *,i.1 '( <*2, A:A0, fl'JH.

K. 1! , 4:05 P M

1 ; m ,tliiyp. 11:* -

VYir r rP’A. M . 1 :v.M. Hund-y:*. '


..... - . u p..40, fl-lU. 5:50 K

.M i\. ai , ff.uif r . M-11 ahL.ri.U, Saabrifht. ele., via

lt:52 A. 5T; 1:50. 4 : 4 ^ :U6 A. M .: 4:0* P. M. ^ il: l2 A. U .i 1:50, «:4d^

Ffir A Ln:!Marawdr,. U 1-. .ti'la P, >L' Bu.idsiy*. 06 A

Vuf t'ls'Cliyl'J." VVr’’'K;i thmk. Loni »™nrb. 0« n Q n ^

K:8s . l l :32 . A - , ( R s d , « » a k «y l[^(4 Kffil Hank only). 8:19

i 1:30, 4:40 P. ILta n

>Yr lAksH-Ksd, A. • •Biinilky*. A M

Tumfi Jliver and * '

For AUshUe

' I ' O

, D r y K l o i l ^ l n f W o o d » # 1 1 * 0 0 .

ror TTfOion and J.'JS’(»;4H ifXfffW Tremoa). 11-p A. M L » .4 'iH 4 44J, e-.40, T:to. 5:46. 11:IS P. M. iU l- la y t u 0f{ 10:06. it:85 A. M .; 1:10, 4:00, 1:*^

■‘ s ix 'M l

B ath ’P h a n tia « 4 .

jmLLSUPPUES,Belts, Iron and W <^

Steam Pip® and Sittings, id Copper, Bras3 and Copper

all kinds."%*il - 7 » o e « s » o 8

J 4 l a r l £ e t

^ M.'ticketa baBtarj

or <1 n ty TickM A'ftc*. l » K art*t etTWIn TeltphonS 86-Vl* Jenoy City. _____ _

ERIE RilLROAD.D * « o 4 . F o a H h A vc* « b 4 P a

Ko eoal BmoW -n ihroufh T^gt# lo Bnflalc. Cleveland. ChIcafO Wid Cl»*einnatl _

, *Skahamioa. Wavorlpp l lm l t t and Bradford Cwrhci. parlor car and oaft

. _4... Q.L^aln

Daiir—Botld train formnah ...............Coac^i

ogr to Buffalo.'" i'S fc p. « tHity-CMoogo u » n - - ^

....................." ■

Clavpland Id -^ “ • ■ 8l*«p«i* to Buffalo Itrala for BtnghaxH^

...... .. le*to. ilMiMr* la

4 a I I S ,a ’ sViw 10:B, • ' 3 ;i ^ i V ^ ” k.•'^4T■.■7uk; 8J* .


I -•_ . I

Iront Door Tiirrors.K ..ri-j^h p on lb l;

»:otKwol - -1 >.'^|Lh|d

ir io T h l^ l t#I.-! Ilf aiidp

i F a A M .: *■**>

1 « > i l te S a jo - i m - »IH- » 1 :« h . K t

' ('


iK k vall^nf................ x alwfti-e,I'lr' ii 1*6' (f> pul iho li iw "(iriti'uancw^^-etih'

h- kMxk» ai '

L C H J O H V A L I ^

Lazy LiverWhen the liver goes wrong,

everv'thing is wrong. You have dyspepsia, coated tongue, constipation, bilious­ness, sick headache, nausea, general debility. One of Ayer’s Pills each night, Just one, gently starts the liver and removes all trouble.

“ I bava ntfl4 Ayer’s Fftk tw K m cffBpiglBt, Slid bsTC foaad tbMk * I* UM M « (Una I 4 m tv«r ■tad.*’

I a . N . K B n b , S i 4 e g , I I .



Mrs. flaiflcs W iis Hoaors m U cal L iiks a the First fieaad of Womea’s

flaadicap, With 128.


Soith O ra o ^ CoHe^laas Dowi the Nassaa Clih, of Priacciui, b j

Score of i to (.




C lo se C o iite a ta t h e H o le lu t h e P l r a t M A tch P la y R o u n d fo r th e M en 's Clnto d i a m p l o n a h l p a n d th e H t k e r C vp t t h e O ne U e t t r e e n H a r r y Oa- h o m e arad F . E . P ie r c e B e lu ir th e H a r d e a t F o a s h t ^ K e n i i a d a y D e a te n .

Golf w as played early ana ItUe on the links of the N ew ark A thletic Club y e s te r­day. The d a y 's sport began w ith the ihedal play roum l uf th e wDinen’s eigh teen- hole hand icap and concluded with the d ra t m a tch pluy round n( the club chum plun- ih lp lo r the K lkor Cup.

In the la t te r com petition a n u m b er of close m atches w ere rt*corded, the one be­tw een H a rry Oaborue and F. E. P ierce being th e h a rd e s t fought. P ierce had lu lay his app roach dead to w in the hom o bole, an d thereby halve the m atch . This be did. In pluytim ^lJie n ine teen th hole P ierce m ade thu edge of the green un hla aecoi I w hile Oatiome w ent over the b u n b p n h is th ird . P ierce m issed a four- lo o t r . V for the hole and a halve In o re- iU lte l^ iT h e tw en tie th hole w ent to Os- b o r n o K 7 to 8, P ierce ge tting Into the bunker. T here w as also an ex tra -h o le m a tch betw een E. K. Todd and A. C. B arnes, th e la t te r w inning on the iLine*' te en th green. P. C. P u lver b ea t C. O losaga by 3 up rmd 1 to play. D enm an beat M ercer by defiiuU: W ills beat Schuld- bam by d e fau lt, and H alsey beat Moody by default- Moody la very ill, th rea ten ed ■with typhoid fever.

M rs. H a ln e a W |n a M ed a l.Among- the women Mrs. H. A. Ila ln ea

won the golf m edal offered by H a rry D urand for th e person niuklng the best g ross score. Shu m ade the eighteen holes In 128, and aa the com m lllee had conceded h e r a s ix -s tro k e allow ance the n e t to ta l w as b rough t down to 123. There w ere Just six teen s ta r te rs , and they were pa ired to finish out a i m a tch play, the first round to be decided to-m orrow . The scores w ero:

Name. Gross. H an . N et.M lsa w niD .............................. IKJ 18 151M rs. W .-11. O sborne ............177 9 168M iss W 'llllam a................... HI l i 129

’M rs. H. P u r a n d ................. 142 9 133Mies B less....................21 128M iss H ighlu ............................. 164 27 137Mra. H- M. P e te rs ...............14t) 12 128Mm . H. a . H a in e s ............... 128 6 122M iss J ju fn i............................ lf>9 IR mM iss E d g a r .............................15fi 15 HIMrs. A. P. G iffo rd ............... 267 Ifi 189M Hs M. M F lood ............... 162 15 H7Mrs. G. W'. M aoCutcheon 145 9 1.36Mra. B. P n id e n .................... IBfl 15 HJMias Trlprx’ .............................137 12 123Mrs. A drian R lk e r ............ 144 9 133

The p a irin g foi* th e first m a tch Tduy round am ong the women fo llow s’ Mrs. M acC utrhenn vs. Mrs. Gifford, Miss Trlppe YB. MIbs Edifnr, M rs Pruden vs. Miss lllgb lc . Mrs. Klkor v b . Miss W ills. Mrs. P e te rs vs. Mips Lenta. Mrs. H alnea v b . M iss Bless, M iss Flood vs. Mrs. O sborne, M rs. D urand vs. M iss W illiam s.

G ra lin iu B ea in K e D n a d n y .In th e cham pionsh ip lo u rn am en t o f tho

New Jersey S la te Golf AHsorlallon held a t Englew ood la st June Archie G raham , of P a terson , and A llan K entiaday, of M ontclair, tied for low score prize in the qualify ing round , ra c h g e tting a c ap ita l elghty-tw o. T his tie w as never p layed off u n til yeste rday , w hen the p a ir m et a t Englew ood by m u tu a l agreem ent. T heir round w as a lm o st n repetition of th e fo r­m er, so fur as closeness was concerned. orAy th a t G rah am m anaged to win ou t w ith e lgh ly-sU to K erm aday’s e lgh ty - •even. The la t te r la the p resen t S ta te cham pion, w hile G raham held th e title p rio r to la st June.

Goifera- of tho E lizabeth T ow n and C ountry Club havo arran g ed for an active cam paign of eom p e tith 'e events from this tim e on till T hanksgiv ing . On N ovem ber 6 the m en will play for the G overnor's Cup At th lr ty -s Ix holes handicap m edal play, and th is Is to be followed on N o­vem ber 9 wUh a mixed foursom e. On T hanksg iv ing Day there will be a p ­proaching, p u ttin g and driv ing con tests . Those who puellfted for the cliih c h am ­pionship a re W aterbu ry . H ryunt, I \ C. PoinU r. Bakin, T urner. Senmun. C arlto n and Griffin. T he women played on tho c lub 's links y iisterday for the cup know n aa th e wom an’s trophy. Mrs. Seam an m ade a 99; MIbs Borland, 106; Miss Ijcvcy, 111; Mrs. Haines, 113: Miss A. K ankln , 114; M iss E. R anktn . 12K.

Since A m ateu r Cham pion J. \V. T rav is re tu rned from England, It Is noticed th a t ble aw ing la considerably sh o rte r th a n It waa. H e h im self |a au thorU y fo r the ita te m e n t th a t the full or St. A ndrew s iw tng la rap id ly going out on the nth*-!’ fide and th a t th e leading English p laye rs uae b u t a th re c -g iia r lv s swing. On Ills backw ard Bwlng T rav is now ca rrie s the club beyond tho peri>endlcular. b u t §oL dom qu ite to th e horlsonlai, w hile In his follow th ro u g h he is never throw n off bis balance,

m H O O T E m r

B U T S J I I M Y R Y i t N

C o rr M a k e s T vro T b i r ty - l l v e - y a r d R o n s T h r o n g h a B r o k e n F ie ld a n d C 'a p tn ln G le en o n f M itc h e l l a n d Mas> s e y D ls t in g o te h T h e n a s e lv e s —W a t . k lu s , C la p p a n d l lo x r e l l , o f N assnn* P la y a G r e a t G am e ,

The Seton H a ll team played N aaeau Club of P rince ton U niversity a t Seton H all yeste rday aCiem oon, and the v isi­to rs were defeated by Iho score of 6 to 0. The team s m e t la s t y ear and th en & very excitlgg gam e took place, In w hich Seton H all wun. U lu 6.

Y esterday 's gum e 'n'as th e c loseat and best played gom e ever seen on Seton H a ll's grounds. T here w as a good a tte n d ­ance and th e sp e t'ta lo rs w ere well pleased w ith th e exhib ition . N eedless to say th a t the B lue and W hite follow ers a re highly gratified a t th e ir v ic to ry over N assau Club y este rday . C ap tain Qleeson, C ort, MltchfiS and M assey dlsU ngulshed th em ­selves. C orr m ade tw o th irly -flve-yard ru n s th rough a b roken field and Rutledge, w ith tw en ty y a rd s to run, placed the ball betw een tho p osts over the line.

Iljnssan*a S tn r s ,W atkina, C lapp and Howell, of N assau ,

played a. g re a t gam e. The team s were evenly m atched , bu t Seton H a ll's condi­tion w as the b e tte r and It w as her s tay - log pow er th a t won. N assau had the bail b u t th ree tim es d u rin g the gam e, and lost It each tim e on 'dawns.

Once the Se ton la goal w as in danger, but she held h e r opponents for th ree downs on tho fo u r-y a rd line. N assau ex ­pected to win, b u t a f te r five m lnulea of the lirst half had been played those hopes vanished- Tho ILne-up: j

Seton H all. N assau Club.IJoavoy................L e ft e n d ........................S inger ;E n g lish ............... L e ft ta c k le .............Newm an |M artin ............ . . .L e f t g u a rd ...* .....M o n ro e |MiisBey................... C en tre ............... CasslleyD uffy................R ig h t g u a rd ...............Howell iM itchell........... K ^ h t t a c k l e ......... Gllchri.'^tD u rn ln .................R ig h t en d ................W ntkiusGlneson (C .), .Q u a rte r h a c k .......TllllnghastC o rr.................L e ft h a lf b a ck ............ Toi'ueyR utledge. .. .R ig h t h a lf b a ck .......HiirnhlrdS h erid an ............... Full b a c k .........Chipp iL'j

F inal re su lt—Seton H all 6, N assau t ’lub 0. Score a t end of firs t half-^Seion lia ll fl, Nastiau C lub 0. Touchdow^n econ-d by Rutledg*'. G oal from touchdow n kicked by Sheridan. Long ru n s made by Corr. Rutledge. T im e or ha lves—Flfu-t-n i»iln- utea each. Good tack lin g by Glet-son, C'laim, Corr, W atk in s. Referee.—Mr. Koch, of Setoii H all. Umpire—Mr. rhnrnhcr- Un. of Prlnco ton U niversity . Llnoamen— Mr. Rtafford. of Seton H all: Mr. King, T im er—Mr. Q uirk , of Seton Hall.


L o c a l P i g s k in C h a s e r s M eet Y a le L a w S ch o o l S a tu r d a y o tid V al«

V a r s i ty a W e e k L n te r .Tho O range A. C. team has aboYit fully

recovered from tho recen t hard gam es with Princeton , L a fa y e tte and the P h ila ­delphia profcBBlonsl aggregation and will now lend all o f its energies to g e ttin g in shape fnr th e gam e on S a tu rday w ith the Yale Law School. The one big gam e ihe men have In view, and In which all of ihu candidates a rc anx io u s to play, will be the Yale v a rs ity gam e, which will be played In New H aven on N ovem ber 9. As long halves W’lU be played in th is con­test, th e O range m anagem en t has dc-' elded to play tw o gam es on election day, one w ith the Kosevllle A, C. In the m orn­ing, and the o th e r w ith the Rivcrslil© A. 0 . In Ih f aftA^rnoon. T h is fe a tu re of playing two gam es will bu a new one on the w earers uf the llcur^de-lls, but it will u t the sdme tim e allow thi>m to rcalU o ju s t whM It la to play tw o regu la tion halves.

The Orange te am th is season haa l>cen ra fh e r u n fo rtu n a te In having moat of her good men on th e atek Hat w hen big gamea were ach^duled to be played, and, a l­though defealt'd by P rince ton and L a fa y ­ette , the a th le tic o lub m an w ere by n« mcrins dlSKrnccd, as they pu t up a very plucky llKht.

Among thrt playerB who have shown A|ulte prom litenUy by reason of Ihe lr good playing are G eorge Miller, th s big Colum ­bia U niversity g\iurd ; Archie D ailey, who has playtKl d u rin g th e p ast tw o weeks w ith a badly in ju red hand , and A llrn, the half back, who w an cap tain of the Btevena In s titu te team for two years.

The Orang<‘ A th le tic Club team will be out for p rac tice to -n igh t, and wilt line up agAlrtPt the O range Field Club.

Coaches W iedenm ayer. E llio tt and Sut- ph^m will be on hand , and th e te am wilt bi; in s tru c ted on th e L afay e tte s ty le of guards ' back. Siitphen'B new Una o f de­fence will be given a trial.

a>bolo by & B. CVNellU)

Seton H all has a rooiI team and o t gameft )B up to the usual a tnndarfl. The men who nlaved la st year and a re s till w ith the team are llltohell, CM tl Sw alh S™ CaPtfttn O leeson, pluylna at tueklc, Imir full h a rk g u a rdand q u arte r, res[ifctivel.v. The rew m m o n Uie lin e W e U a s te ? , cenU-ftl-Engllah, ta c k le ; IiulTv arid M artin, g n a rd s , D urnlnnriiT T.i'nn etnHfl - ITilllmiilTA H Waift-na-i' KAnGad k1at eai mHj f t a >Hull An m i cr n foi-tlrl.i- J 'ra .a....... __..firul I/.vnn, ends; HuUciige. Swet-ney, behilld JtA-TiiatCB. E. F . Q uirk Is lookirig a f te r tjl* L _ _ _ ................aVmnng o ih c r tcamw to lint- up igalnsl t t o n j H k l l d u rin g 'N qi^lUb leal College, ticinn Hal) succiM-dcd In A p id iu B o h e r t tcavU A tchasers, down to 22 to 0 on Octnijer B p f th !^ gvdl y y f f r r j f l j i

« Hti«; H lUnck. g u n r f ; h^ulis, iiiUng th a t m b ! flkli during N q i^ iu w r.

Iftnough, ta c k ls ; Cnnway. Kirk. Cain and D nrle. ftl- Iror the th ird tim e . Mr. Swet-nr-y in hla Hsalsli^nal, K brdham , OrCDB of Asburj’ I’urk and Bellevue Med-

^ compnspil nf fam ous p igskin■f Triiu’ctun, $ (o 6.Ut th e s tro n g N assuu H uh


Newark LetfW Fhe Defeat the I t s ^ Tille 1 A. Iw e Oat e f Three la

FrIeadI; Series.


: D o itd th « M e tro p o IttJ h n i o f %>w Y o rk In F i r s t G o m e, b u t 1t»e JY ro « rm « ih A re R e i i te u In t h e N ext T f r t ^ B I I n d l lo n t l t c n p T o a r n e r M P o v e a t H llL H e p n b U r a n Clnt> C o p ti i re a S e r ie s W i th th e C e l lu lo id s .

i f

▼ •te ru n F i g h t e r L es la b n l T w o R oundH B e f o re th e O n s lo o g h t

o f Y o u n g e r M an.L O U IS \’IL L E . Ky., Oct. 31.—A u stra lian

Jim m y R y a n ’s puglllatic sun set for good w hen Jac k Root knocked him ou t In the ■ioond round of w hat was to have been a tw enty-round b a ttle before the O lym pic A th letic C lub la s t night. R>'«n to o k a des* porate ch ance to get back Into the fighting g ilM , bu t It proved ujeleas.

A fte r giving the Chicago boxer a hot fight fo r one round ho was easily disposed o r In th e second. R yan w anted lo see If b t w as BtUl good enough to sta> In the gam e, and accord ing ly picked out Root a j fi hard proposition to try h im self out on.

H e m ade a despe ra te effort In the first m n d and fought viciously, ru sh ing Root g ad sw inging rig h ts th a t would have won th e fight if they had connected w ith any p roper spot. He drew blood from R oot’s Wft eye and had m uch the b tU e r of ihe found

I t waa the e e ie ran 'e I ,a t elTort. how ever, tf t rh e ooiild not do anyfhlnp! tn th e second' an d a f te r a m in u te ', work Root s en t the t l t h t to the Jaw end R yan w as dow n until B eteree M asteraon had counted ten , belna • f l o a t

B rftn 'ft best daya a re ov*r and th e log, t t Mb eye ta auch a hand icap th a t he will p iw tah ly d u tt th e r1n«.

P e te T ray tio r knocked out Tounjf M e. O ofe rn In b a i t a round, m ak inc tw o kD odtouta In tw o and a h a l t rounds ofM S s

What They Want


OrBDg;e Hi{h School Fights Hard, bat Is Uaable lo Make a


The OvAUgC' High P«'hoo! foot­ball team thu (Ffiitge HighSchool eleven a t O range Oval ycf^ttTday n fte rro o n by the score of 17 to 0 B ast Orunge had to work hun l lo get thi-se three touchdow ns, and If nrangii had played as hard In the ilrsi part of Ihc gam e as nhe did tow ard the 'n d . there m lghi have been a sm aller s f ire Or* ange 's work oit ihe offensUe wits a A-'ce it fxhU»llli^n. Time niui lim e ngaln rfiaun- lon nu'de big hohn ihrm igh iCti!!;t Or-mge's line and liurdled the o»ntre fur big E a s t Grunge did not play wUh Its Uf'iUiil vim unil siiaj> rind m any <if ihc pi lyers appeared to Ijc In I'our condition, an they frequiinly took tim e out. Tho hurdling of the line iiy S ltulnlon, Ihe Oraiipte full liack w as ft ft-ature of the Kam'v He would ru n a t the B ast Orange line :ind >rt»'ri get over with a c lear fli Id uhr.i.i oi' him until stopped by W hitney The la tte r playeil the s lu r g^hiu for Kn.i Oiange. m aking Jong end ratia and suniu pretty lackUa.

In the first h a lf of the gam-', when O r­ange kicked off, Roper got iNf ball an4 it w as s tead ily pualied down ilu' hold nnlH •Munn go t over tiio line foi a t-iuchfi iwn, k ick ing the goal Hcore, i d> w. ;n bivor of Huai Orange. a m the r.rxt kick-off, a f te r a irw Un** bucks, \\h ltn ey got a round the end fur h forty-llve^vard run for a touchdow n, but Munn mlsaed ibo goat. Bcure. iCaat o ra n g e Jl, 'Frange 0. The h a lf ended w iihtm i jiny nvnrf acoilng. w ith th e ball tn E ast O range b puaecsalon in th e cen tre o f the field.

In lhi> second h a lf w hesever ^>rring»' had the ba ll they to re up East Orung./s line, hu t E a s t G range, by a th ln y -y u rd run of Uoper’B, muTjaged tn score again and kick th e goal Score. E a s t O range 17. iirtrm 'e 0. The gam e en d td w ith the ball ou n rsu g e 's fo r ty -y a rd line In E a s t Orani^e’ji po-scs- alon. The llne-up:

E a s t O range H. S. Oruitgc H 3.C offm an................. La’fl end — i*', vvllliamsM etk e r................... L eft lack!' ... CoinverP a r ith u rs t .............L e ft g u a rd . . V i-iijeralsklA'an Ztlo.................. C en tre ...LordIJaltT’ ........ .........R ig h t guaf'! IltfesirmerR oper..^... .........RYgh t tackJ ■ . W usherfuld

R igh t


YYliftt th f t B i s a n d LHt1« Tenm a A reDo Ib s ow C i ty a n d Kub-

i i r 1» B F ie ld s ,T he Golden A. football <'lcven has

Sunday open, and would liko to a rran g e a gam e w ith any llS-pound tnoni. A ddress Danlei Golden, 69 Golden s treet, city.

-.-00—The E xcelsio r F . C, fo<itbu.ll eleven

would like to m ee t any e lg liiv ^ v e or nlRfiy pound le a ia on S a tu rd ay aTternoon aitd T.'U'ctlon d ay morning. A ddresa Thom as M atthew s, 22 Lemon Hlreet, city .

The Hay View W heelm en have o rgan- Jzfd a font ball team , and would like to ar- rahgfi sami'H w ith team s whilst* w eight la Il3 tjounde. All gam es to be p la \rd »ii Am- horg'a Dark. A ddress O, Vonuh. 27 Holland street, city.

The Oriole A. C. football Hi'vnn would lllii.- to a r ra n g e a gam e for iltv iio n dfiy with som e n lne ty -hve to im* inmnd tuam, h'ami* lo be pla'yed on oppo]Tt*iits' gn>iinda. The L iberty F, C. Is preferred. Adiireas C. O. Luff. S9 F e rry street, city.

- 00-The S h o rt H ills H igh School foothull

team wouid like to a rran g e a gam e wLlli some lUo-pomul learn* fa r ftlectlon day af- ternoon a t Short Hills. H all expenses will be g u a ran teed for th irteen men. A d­dress F ra n k Schm ldi. M lllburn 'N ,J.


Thom pson..W h itn ey .............Q u a rte r 'U hi k.U nderhill " ...............


n. Wlllluma, . -- ................. Hoyt

• L eft h a lf haik ....W iuffin(L w n ard )

V anderbilt ■ .R ig h t h a lf ba< k . .VenindMuhtv.....................F u ll biifk __ Staunton

(Roper)F in a l rePutt-R offt O rs i’pe H. S 17, Or­

ange H. S. 0. ftv-ore At end of first half— E ast O ral ge H. 8 . IL Grange U. S. 0. Touchdov. rie—M um v w Roper.OouIb from Touchdow ns—Munn z. R sferes

L i g h tw e ig h t t o U o t 'p A g B lg af tbe> B ig S i l k W e a v e r mt

F a t e r s o n ,N EW YORK, Oct. 31—h ftr re y P K k e r,

tho ligh tw eigh t rham pinn w restler, a r ­rived In town from Boston, M ass., y«gt«r< day. In fine shape fo r his c o n tss t w ith Emil Selva a t Apollo floJI, P a ie rso n , to ­night. Selva Is know n m th e I t^ l g a giant silk w eaver, and will have a big advan tage in w eight over Parker.

The m atch Is the b est two out o f th ree falls under G raceo-R uinan rulee. 8«)lva Is a Flrong fa v o rite In the betting , a^ h is countrym en th in k he will win In a ivaJk, If P a rk e r w ins th e re will be very Httla ready cash le f t In the Ita lian coiony of Paterson . Jo h n n y Durm, P a rk e r 's m an­ager, will b ack h is m an a t ringside odda,


F ig h t B e tw e e n L i g h tw e ig h t s a t Bo-» t r o l l —O n e s T e n F a s t

R n n n d s*D ETRO IT. M ich.. Oct. M arilg

Duffy, of C hicago, w as given tl^a decision last n ig h t by R eferee S lier ev e r A rt of Akron, a f te r ten rounds o f Hghtnliiji^ fa s t dgh tlng k<^fore tike T w en tie th C en­tury A tbU tIc Club.

Duffy» who did moat of the leading throughout, go t to S im s's Jaw w ith b is le ft repeatedly. H e landed a lm ost'tw o blows to S im s'i one. fn th e th ird round 81 n a wks dazed when th e gong sounded, bu t c titm

—Mills, of ^Orange A. C. rm|Hr«—A ustin, *■ Bohj


twenty nilnutea: second T-iat lirteenljnln

of O range H tehof O rango H l g t .____O range H igh RchooL

iOoL Linesman—Jqerns, gh School: \ViW**r. of -EaM

He—F lra t Jh;Uf,

The O rien ta l F ield C lub football team would like to h ear from aonre^good iuo- poutid eleven to play next- Sun'day. iT h e team would "hlso tike to know if the gam e w iih the E a s t Bide F , C. 1h good lo r tlrc 'tlon day. A ddress C. Holmes, H2 L^roapect s tre e t, city .

The E a s t Bide F. C. fooiball team wUl not Indulge In practice to-night. Tu-m or- ruw n igh t, how ever, all the p layers will m eet ttt the Jefferson Oval, where they will do p rep a ra to ry work for S unday 's gam e wUh the B erkeley A. C. On election day the ICaet Bides will play the O riental F. C. eleven. C ap tain Sliim back wriica th a t the E a s t Bides will not give the Oriental A. C. a game.

The O lympic Field Club football team held p rac tice lost night. The team will alf*o line up lo-m orrow night to round In (nrin for S a tu rd a y 's gam e w ith the Rusell© A. C. eleven, which will be played at itnsndle. Several new formatlonB will be used In th is con test, and all candidate-? for the gam e on S aiurduy Fsh<iuld appear for p rac tice to-m orrow idghf. Tlte team s till baa open d a te s and wmild like to a r ­range gam es w ith local "r* ou t-o f-tow n (eama, a v e rag in g 13& pound-'* A ddress A. Holden, B8 lAhcoTn uvanue, Woodaide.



M oBtftlm lr • —d l l* i r a 3 W i F m t b a l l E lc v M

■ m - r — *IM| ITh« toucbftn t

B aturdayUontclulr XlBIftflf, clftlr ftnd

] n K M iu e li G—H ft o f S b u B le lio a rd o n ' CaBlln*B B—a r d M a r r ird H e a L « »I b r B lw h t r r n r u la U .] Thft mni-livd an d gliiftig m«u o f the John J . Coftlla .Aaau.'latlon playftd a m ateh ra m e a t ah iifllnboar.1 .m the hoiae boaril l»at a l f h t , thft O tte r wlnnlii* a f te r an In- t r e a t in g c o n te s t hy a score o f ITl tb IBl

Redfoed. B ^ t a r . 8 ' NcU. A titM t,.H arr1- (Cta, '<hnd K y m Tk i ]« larKe

|• G s n • tftc Uw Vlctora. and fM; th e losers ith e M ^ M t ^ I f M w ere made' h r fa m p - JHlL U u a iv U U U , Wines, McCg^Mlck and i s M s . 'n ie ,sco?M'.

BKNBm CTB.CHftMOa . . . . i —.'s ;.. tc .in l l t t .........Poft-ers . . . . . . . . . . . . . t i ia iv ta ■■

ta n h n in . '.. ..f t .; ., a i ! c i l n ' ( . . . . i - . '<l i S a i l * 1

iD.. . . . . . . f tH u a tlo l«>.... Jl LHIniTaod ............ 1

Coed u 8 ul!l^«• >•■-*......... $;ltr JtCftee — a<mDony. . .A -.. a j f t ln s w . , .............. *

C Faiw U dit>

11 13 IS D3 94 4

BMcOorutick ...........H J. D e o n e - - ' .......6 W ins* ....................

........ IM U hfie.f-............

i g - f e n ' - ; : : :I d . ' ' lU jfu i ie .V .* ’.

it . f . ' . , . . . . . . . . l iW , Oounftliy.........ew>*t» .............

. . . . m

T H f i a A M > e O BO A R D S, t f . B oever Shuffitboard Asso-

th e Oeorge BUndi Asso- taam kiaicb. The

pU yad OT R oaver's V 'And (Ue second h a lf on

n e x t l^ r S d s y night, o f thkjjLHi'ver Aaeocla-

Irtay ot tb tInj. H«Ych: id v M i ' on f • • « . ( » •

l iA U : . ' -'¥ooiijall C lab

Iti re tu lB t^ h ty 'a C ftlofi. a.ftiHifta. A

ift dealred; da Im poH aat Iranaaetftd . The A fflad .

tM tIertlOB d a r tb i e t r c iv C . o f B ftroaao. All tean is

OBMft w ith the Ai^■ M old odd ree l JaJaee jt . Sm ith, d tn a t .


S e a io r B aske lba il L a i n D ow ns tb e

L ;ce u m of P a te rso n a n d J tm io rs

D efeat tbe Social A. C.

Tht' iwci ciirrH's of ha.‘<ki.'thall played a t Casino Mall lust n ight heiwcM-n the Bt. M ary 's Bynlur tciiin uud th e Hi M ary 's Lyceum u a m uf Uiiti-rHou and thu O rien ts of St. .Mary a aiul ihi- Social A. C., also of P a te rso n , were the fu s ica t played In Caaino Mall this s cu.Mon. U olh the homu tcaniB won, the i.Th-nta Fwatlng the Suclats by u pcorc uf lO to 2. while Hu- St. .‘Vliiry's Benlors dr-ftai.-el thi- Si. M ary n Lyceum live hy u s ru rr of 11 to jU no tim e in t l lh e r gam e did the Iniercfit of the spec- ta to ra lag, fur Ihu team work of both sides hold evury «)iip s a tion llo ji

Aside from heltig fitat. the gtinies were clean. In llie seiil-'r ganu ' not a foul was co-lli'd, while In the ju n io r gnrtie there w ere only two. Tlio u r ie jii und Social gam e w as the Ural pliiyud, and wa» fast th roughou t, tn the llrat ton m inu tes of play no guuis wt-re arured , hu t rtnally i).andtTm an inady a haskL-l. which he fol­lowed W'Uh an o th e r a. m liiuto lu tcr. A foul waa called on lint OrlciilB, uinl J. lirow ii threw u goal Juat us Htiiti was colled fo r the lirst h:Glf.

In the second ha lf tho Orh-ntH showed some tine team work uiul In live m ihutes' piny St-'i;is ilirew a bunkt-t, K hocKoIh oehI Honderrnan ca« h Bcori'd before tim e was Culled, while W alker inoulu a goal fur the Socials.

T he Bi-tilur game s ta r te d off wllh a ru sh und hi IIvd nilrmti-a' p lay goula were m ade by F'ogariy, Nick. Zk-gler and G un­ning. The Bl. MiLry'fl livo did i*ul Work eo hard afUT tllese Koala wen- inud«’, and J. AnJerBon iimile u baskcL lor (he Ly­ceum hvc. Hefure Umv w as cKlied tor the I1r«i ha lf UunnlnK HCfired iwU- for liie N ew ark ii-arn. svMJi! Jj.Grds mudi- a goal for the Lyceum.

In the sfcoinl half tho P n le rso n team Inul the ImnlesL kind of luck, (he hall hilUrig the rlni of the ha.Nkel m any times, but <.inly twice did the Lyceum team score! H eckm an, who p lu y td cerilrB In the sec­ond h a lf fo r the N ew ark team , also sco red -a ba.^ket for hly .sldc. Tlj« senior team lined up us tolic>wa;

N ew ark i ’lUcr.sun.F o g a r ty .......... R ight fo rw a rd ...J , Art.lj-ruonN ick ................ L eft f o r w a r d ............. UlnrdsG u n n in g ................ L’e n i r e ....... G uatenlioben

tlle i'k m an )Z ieg ler............. Ttlglit g u a rd ............. A rno tGibson . . . . Left g u a rd . ........ L agan

Referei—.Spring, of P a te rso n . Umpire— M cTuguv, 4jf N ew ark T lm ek n ep trs -N u ­gent, of N ew ark, and Hamst-y. of pu te r- aun Time- Tw enty m inu te hulvcfl

The llne-up of Uu* Ju m u rs follows: G rlenls. B^jclal A C.

Hajulernvan .R igh t furwuc'd....... U’a,lkerKii'),l..ilg .. lA.ft fo rw arr t....... Itrajillowf i ln lm l i ............. (V n tre . . . ........ W DrownSchri-m pr . .. HIkIk *uarU ......... J. Drown

............. Lg.fl K uard ............. C huahley


O r i r n l i i l a n i l A i- t lv r R a a k a f l i a l l T » a n i . T o o M u rli f u r t h a M ill.

b u r n I ' l a j r r a .B oth tram s of tho E ureka lia sk e lh a ll

C’lul, of M lllburn. who playert In 8 t Htf- ph tT 'a parlsh-hoiigr, th a t placs, m et d r- ffOl lust nlKhi. The genlur team played the O rien tal A c o f N ew ark , an d th a score In this con test w as S& to |2 T h ' jun io rs played the A ctive A. C., also of .Newark, the resu lt being 31 to 9. Ag the grores ahow the home p laye ra w ere ou t- il«jD.'*cd in both m a tfhes .

The senior gaitte w as a d e a n ekh lb ltlon no rciogh lactlca being reso rted to, A large itia jo rltj of the goa ls w ere a c o r ^ on clever pu.sglog u„d team w ork P rom inen t In ih.H work w.r.- P ran k D eatty an d W Ruftsell, of ihe Drletiislg. and t-u lb«rt and Johnson , of the E urikB s i„ the flrgt h a lf the v isito rs threw eigh t flel.l g,,al.i an d a foul, while the E u rekas caged th ree bag- kele from the fleid and one from the free line. In the seeond h a i ' th - .Vew arkers aco r .d eighteen po in ts and the hom e n la r ers e '

in th e Junior gam e „ n tu e " rough house" c ro p ied nu. T he E urekag c o u d not h..lil Ihelr opjHjne t,. who scored K lo & lo the hrar h a lf and 9 to 1 |n ,j |e second The fea tu res Were th e passing of Donnelly and basket th ro w in g of Chad Wick nn.l tY oker fo r (he A ctives, and CondU for the B vroka.'. T he llne-up;

OrleuiaJs- _ E u rek a No IS 'l ^ V w ^ t fo rw a rd .........JohnsonT . B ea tty .......... la -ft fo rw a rd ............... flK lth

9 . , B ea tty ............R igh t g u a r d . . . . . . . ^fio m n ary —O rie n ta l , f t ; E u rv k a . 11

WM m t B. tT w m aa , C m plre—L. B urt, JU N IO R QAM Be

A«nvea ___ E u r« k « No. iBoonH Iy .. fo rw x rd ............Co&dltChadw ick .......R l g h ^ f o ^ x r d . . . ,

* T ow JC y

Ne'Wftrk A thletic Club bow lers rep re- uentbd In the N ew ark L eague ruUad a friendly serlee on the ir own a lleys la s t n igh t w ith the Roseville A. A- N ew ark leaguerH. I t had b(*en orig inally a n ­nounced ihftt tbe N ew ark A. C. m en w ere to roll a t Roeevlile, but th is o rd e r w as changed N ew ark m anaged to win th e <kU1 giinic, tak in g the flrat wUh ft to ta l of S32 and the uecord w ith a eapUuItHl. T hey "fell dow n" tow ard the last, how ever, so (hut the ir modeut to ta l of 734 w as bea ten out by som e 30 odd pint,

M ackln did the tieiidteHt rolling fo r th e locals, g e ttin g an avem ge of 1S3, w hile H u rry N orthrop , Jr,, averug rd ITl, a f te r g e llin g a poor th ird game. O sborne failed to rotl up to h is reg u la r fo rm , as he Is ft Utile "Bhy" o f practice. H e will he able to hold Up his end when he g e ls buck Into hlB swing. The scores:

N E W A R K A. C,Mftckln ....................... 177 291 171M arim-nce ........... 15S 2tfi T'4W oodlund ................... 149 169 LdO sborne ................... ,.144 160 152N orihrijp . J r ................. SUO 178 H.7


‘F lyias D n td i i iu " to Eog[8|e in Batch h o e With the Speedj Pittsfear|



K r e b e I n s i s t e d t h n t N o lh ln g f b o o l f i Q o t o t h e L o s e r , m id O tto W i ld IH an ag ee W llao n * A g re e d toT f te e o T e r m s —Q n o r te r > c e o t i i r r R a e ot o r A m a te iiT A lso o n f ln n d a y 's C o rd n t V n l l s b u r g h .

T olala ...................... teS Ml 734R O SEV IL LB A. A.

B lyvers . ..................... 153<’rurn ............................. 16TLcuraon ........................ 178V an Vlcftl ................... 103C h td ls ie r .................... 145

146 125i n 134171 i :d140 197m 1>2

To(al!!i ...................... 735 733 763 jM etro t» o lllA n s D en t R o s e v i l le . |

An Im porta iil aerlea In the National League to u m a m rn t waa decided at Burr'Ei ulley i, New York, la s t nlghtg the Melr\j- iHillcans of New York being opposed to the Roseville c rack five. The firot game the Jerseym en won by th lr ty - s l t plna, Tmt in th e nex t tw o co n iee ta the M etrupolltana out rolled (he RoBevllles. TTyc scDrcs:

m e t r o p o l i t a n .Uroen .............................. J49 lf>l 2HSherw ood ......................... 170 l!-7 221F lhaer .......... .'................... 173 P‘7 liil#K linge ihofer ............... . 14S it.kA rnold .............'................ ISO 213 M

T o ta ls ...................... . .. 820 Wi mROBKY'ILLE A A.

P ierson .......................... 148 17!l lidS m ith ................................ m ]*\i i : jD loderick ......................... 1»3 no 173V an N m s ......................... 1S4 L8 i7lM eyer ................................ IM 1S6 V.H

lOJT o ta ls ............................ S.yiB lin d l l o n d le a p 'I 'n i in ie i .

T eam s Nos. 4, 7, R ami lu of the Fo rest Hill F ie ld t 'lub twi)-inati blind hun<llea[> bow ling tournum ertl miicil limi n ight on the c lub 's Alleys, with the following re ­su lts;

T E N T H TEAMH erker ... .......................... 127 no 170A tk in — la 175

Tutftls .. .......................... ilSHKVKsS'TM TLAM.

262 345

K nsign .. .......................... l'»7 156 163H retl ....... .......................... 7' ito 123

T .lta ll .. ......................... K'iF O rU T Ii TEAM,

2S6 m

VftBrplIiis .......................... m 113 156W obb ....... .......................... 13C m 145

Tolnig .. .......................... 217p: i g h t i i t f a m .

m 3U1

K reim er . ......................... 140 140J. H un t .. ..................... . . Ill !»3 17K

Tntnlg .. I'MTKNTH TF.AM,

233 31N

A tldn ....... .......................... n s 157 167ile c k ir ... .......................... Lb Ilia Hill

T o tals . . . . . . . . . . . . ZTlF o r u T i i t i :a m

2fl2 327

Vi sei'llus ........................... i :(2 H¥l G25\Vot»b ----- ........ .................. m 145 H2

TotfxlH . 273 306 267l l e p u b l l r f i i i f ' lu h W i n s T mvu,

T he North»^fn Mt-putillcan iind the f’cl- lulobl flve-tnan leani.'i uf the N ewark H4>wli.nR l-gt-ague rolled th ree ramHU lawl n ight nn the laLlor's allryn. Ihc RepuM l- ciin rixib winning two out of threo. Hochrn. of llu* I'fllululda. rtxHili- ihi- hlgh*-et a«.'ori , und V oirh t. of thi- joimn had high average For th»‘ UTi>iiblli’nri Ulub H'-ycr did I he b4‘Ht work for ihe three ^ume.^i, and Jenkins, with Ln | wus high m an The results follow:

N tiUTHKHN TtKIM 'llldCAN G iA 'P .

L e s te r W ilson, the speedy P ittab u rg p rt^ fesolonal eye Hat, w as m atched ye&terdajP to ra c e Floyd Kreba, the ^'Flying Dutok^ m a n ," beat two In th ree h ea t m atch rao tf d is tan ce one-half mile, a t tbe V allsburgh board tra ck Sunday. W ilson left P lt tab u e f M onday n ig h t aud arrived In N ew ark T uesday tuornlng In response to a h u rry - u p call ironi u t io M aya, who Is a cting a s m an ag er for the M aya-W llson team , w hich will fL-prosent A m erica In the com lhg six- day race a t M adlsuti Bquare Garden. I>ur« Ing thu a fte rnoon W ilson w as idven a very f^iat w ork-uul a t the V allsbu rgh trju 'k , and yealerday M aya declared "hts wIlIJngne-Ha to m atch h is charge a g a ln l t the wJmuT of Sunday 's senaatlonal m atch , K rtba, who h a s the sublltnest cobfidenca In hiA ability to defeat any p ro feu lo n k l Hdi i-. nut excepting Cham pion K ram ar. la n m atch race, declared hie w illingness to iJartU'liiaic, M aya w as willing to le t WIF son ride on the w lnner-take-a ll te rm s, which Krobrt claim ed m u st govern th a t l^art of (hu agreem ent, so a m a tch w as gui< kly consum m ated , and both ride rs wUl ira in like good fellows from now on. Buck tacUcs ns holding on the fence will no t "go" hi S u n d ay 's event, and the rid e r w ho can ou tjackey and o u tsp rln t the o th e r w ill get thv prlso purse.

K r e b s f in d M nyn o n t h e C/nte.Then- Is a m ost cordial dislike ex lstio g

for each o th e r betwei-n K rebs an d M aya. Tho la ttiT w as a bold cham pton of uni F reem an , whom K robs beat BundaYi and M aya wels forced to s tand a lo t o f iinpli.-usikni rhafilng a t the way In w hich K reba and his "flying sprint** won th e day.

VVIlHon Is ft splendid rider, and aa a n urm iteur ho easily defeated K rebs tn open races.

'ITit' "Sm oky C ity '' boy was one of th e loaders in the chftmplonchlp race ju s t c lo9iid and Is generally ra ted a s a form id­able rider.

T he local boy 's chances a re considered good If compEirisons a re m ade betw een Frei’innn and W ilson, a lthough th® for- miT'rf frlcruls diH-lured a f te r the rue® th a t the O regonian w as no t tra ined up lo a no tch n vcfesary to b ea t K rebs. The la tte r, 'h o w ev e r, lu considered by g<‘Od ju d g es to b® a good m atch rac® proposi­tion Hgiilnst u r y single r id e r

R esult's the m atch race, Bunday's card will Include IX splendid am ateu r mnigu,® fo r iw eu ty -flve tulles, In which a crack ilat of ride rs will compete.


S h e rrr . Todd ... J*-nkins . B»-yrrT om pklii‘i

TotalH •





Pearr ' S!( r -vBovh in Wid« I Voih'Lt


r i l L L ' fL U n ........... ... 152........ ...... l;.t(

1!'........................... 175

... Ill



17?172173 176 1S5



S16fifi 12 \(a lnn l® H %4ln T h r e e .

Th*- Atrtbini I Wb«‘M]nT-ri rolled a re tu rn w ih Ui- M iiiih f r a n g e F ield Club

on lb '' M' n:Dr"nii'Ty la it n ight. T heAialanT.i.'i (hr"e H tralsht. M illa r's22U w'l'* I'lvh iilthi-iiigh ^HeSdga m ade H6 and i .'Ih 2Vl T lif wrures;

ATAL.4NTA., . ..........T3tM lllur

Hals-HayJia>'C- r


Uane r" ‘ Ch:i ml" II Hlfkt- V ah. |.Mr 1 WUil.s-



t h ■ d lA N 'IK F UJ I7'iI:F,



S3ll l a n i f n iB I L i l l I * r a r l4 c r (4 a in r » .

Te.-’ms A aii'l i ‘ 'T tl.-- Mbinftti Bowling Club ruUt-d tv.fl |.rii '!• ■ SJimea on Duffy s alieytt lu^i rdght wuh the following n ■ suit!*

TFAM -4 t e a m B.w M<<;rHlh.. 140 163r M i4’ ir t l ' ' 1*' R urhflnan 146 13iW *U.w IP w R sr tra m .108 122F ^ 154 (T aw shaw . ,.12ZW Hinjfham II^ 1‘'4 J M cN u lty ... T23" * - — K. M ttthes....... 163 l«!

T-ilai* ^ _ —7: —I Totftis ....... 67t®uh®rli®B L e a g a e Tm ®** B o w l.

N.irihern Republican Club an d th e 1 j-'ir-t w ird Hepubllcan Club. S uburban

L.-uvui' i*-ams. relied th ree p rac t ce gam es on the la tte r 's alleys la st n ight. Lt»wgi-orve were the rule, and the N o rth e rn

. n Club captured a ll three gam es. The s'’ofe* follow:

N idtT H E H N R EPU B L IC A N CLU Br-PiiA4lev .......................

........................ ■ i «.......................... i s

Qrlffliti* ............................

T.italg ............................... ^H gnr.ln rC roker.

...... C g n tre .,U f t g u a rd

Mulroy . H igbl g u a r d . . . , ! .f ip to t i ig S um m an^-A ctiT U . M; B u rak s . A

Referee—ra t te n . Umpire-—B u rt.

X O L L E Q E G R ID IR O N S .U - r r u * C ftf t tlaM ft «■

CAMBRIDOE. OcL n . - T h e Hmnrnrd w ftttT eontlauM t« teftraT* « u l tfl* coftchaft « n eenftcqneaur iB a baspT t n m o o f B lad. W tw t p ftftln la r tr pIm m tb* BeBtar* o f Um CrlaaoB t e e * ta tk* S a t latftifftnaeft o t tlM v a n lt ] . ftlayan-

TUft waa tsenpU flad rea u rd a r —t m B m a r d aBBOt a lail In TiaSHit a r a «< fifty TBida asa laat th* bm bi ataS lm a om- Wiiftll l iia Bft Btw r td th* ball oa a 'Mt, aad, aKbaagli bft

U M ake Ikftdift day.saelber teatara «< tie

_ M tbftta tha BUtift M (ba





144K tlU140m


Quitll.» ..........BchoflrldSmlil’ ........EdierlV ........B.TitgVajiderglilno .......... . .■ ■

T o isis ................ ........... * • *1*ftrw j e n a r B a w l l a a L aaan i* .

C lub . J e d r ln i to gnw r U aoig In Uir N o iih tm N»w JViwT B ow lln f L an ru f . for il> prggrnt ■oafton gbould gend In ap- i p lications a t onca. Th* e n try tta t w ill cIo m OB Novem ber U and oa N ovaialH r U a nw etlns will be held to ftrrmacc a sebad- u ia and deride on yrfaoft. T ba fteaaoa will open In tb e wwek o t Noveaober S . T ba [ I^K u e bad a n o ftt aareaaafal te u r a a a a a i tn 1X0, aad H la bopad ta dupUeftt* K i acnln ib is year. A ddraw M. J. K a a a edy. j nacratary, B Vallay fttraaC O raasa . N. J. I


F o n r m r u n s T e u u in E u s a w e d A l i e a d

f o r I h e .A iin u H l ( ' o i i t e a t ftt U a d l -

au ii k ^ u a r c G u rd v n .NIOVV Yu HK, O ft, 31.--Acror0lng to 4

A'ftblt- nM'dx/'-il yenicrflay from Pjirla, four fitronu liavo been ehgiiged (uf thelH‘i-A>tniiiT slK-dfty eydfl rave In MadlHon Hquaro ilu rden . w ith two more to 1>« ne- A'lii'id. (fougolis and BlmJir, ih® Frviich rjil' is of li'Ht ycftr’R race, whose chances were Hpuiled by the puivclurliYg of a tire, a re ciunlnt* ovat ngatn, full of confidence. MnlW-r. Ihe Uiillah, a n o th e r eonlefllaiit In the littO race, will be aniK her riitnlliur fAxce, iind In Lei>«uiro he will have m com panion uf m ore w orth th an (ho fiiliit-h ea rtid Au- c u u irl’ 1

In ilif USiy ruY-A' Ai pair th a t i'rra led m uch A‘nlJiU»lii>un whh I-liiher Uixd { 'hevalller In lln* hiHi riii-e FTsher rinb* with Freiierli-k, who appt'iiU 'd lu h ii\e lofl snnu' of hla a>UI- liiio ' Ki'4 ftl. 1 ti A tm»f(iiu.’nee F isher haspTcvalli il up4iRi ('hevullU 'i' lo ride w ith himtlilM S'l'ur

I)4‘ It J 4 k ami KvrfT, two Itelglans, will niake t 'o i r Ariu-rteari debui, iind. fiKiirltig on i l i ' i r n-YtirdH In dlstum-e rMliiK, they ^.hiiiibl bo very Im portan t fn rlu rs in the

A . B . , A , 9 L ,

S pecialis t, Offices 102 fialsev S i, Newark

O Fi-tia iT li: W A H IIliN IT H B K T .Long ^oiiVinued cxpelleticc Uta* nk««<l®

him gu,ctgglu l In tlir irva tn ie iit ol a ll C taronl, ixgesges cf .Men and Women.

All N gr\uuM LAliA'aaea.I>i®raxv» uf Blood a.od Bkin.Dlseibc-a of a p riva te N atu re quickly,

oafely and perm aneucly cured.All effevii of abuaes, azcMsies and Im­

p roper life ekilfutly aod •«.lenacWmily t r e a te d .

Dlsenacs of the H eart, KlflneTf ach. L iver and Bladder.

FE M A L E DIBBASEfi.Piles, w iihuui ihB use of tb® knlf® and

de ten llun (roni builuvss.C a ta r rh of E ar. N om and T hroat t r e a t­

ed by (he la te s t m odern m ethods and aiiplloatleina.

V arlro rH f. Enllepfty or F its g f r if t roTifldenre wtl! he observed

CONSULTATION FREEOffice flo u rs. From V 9> A. U. l® 1]

l:9i> to 3 and 1 lo 5 evenings. B unday^ I JO to 4 P M

O ffre s clnjo-d Wedn*S4la 7 hnrt B nlu rdo j, N . Y, AND Ng J , TELEFBO IfK .

WEAK MEN.Are 7QO Rurrerlng frem

N errnui WsaknsM , Ktd- Qe>-, Ur*|- or Stomook t'crnplalnli. Rhevm a*

Ijim e Back. P ® m cr Arb«t l« oay «Cyuur 0u4jyT Do yoQ Es«l

growxngtr d etd t Xi soubY Is yem sr» s roao with th® wyahoeM tt-ai r«®<ilia fnim youthfoi folly or a tu o ln f ’he laws o* nsture. 1 -isn cuoraot®® you a cur* If you us*

Dr. McLauKhlin’s Electric ^ It .

C a l l T o . d B r in d im i bglC 'f'* - » •charge frr con>u1tailo®.

F R E E D O O K -lf you eas t *'^^* ,*'*my b esu tlfu lly lll« # in te d SO tog* booh let- ters from ruf®d pat Dent*. ■*»i- **ai*d. frs*. Address, tackwlng tb it id

OR. M. R McLAUOMtlN,• J l B roadw ay , Noar Id tb M., N«w ToHk.

G.>mc# Houro, a to 9. iuadsy^ § to L

C R A Y ’S S P E C I F I C M E D I C i m b TRABI ■AWK...3? g . q g i Z . M A I W

e a K W . « i ^ . i S ^ s 'Far M ia fey Ckaa. IMafeMMr. * « (•

gM. Braat aat Marfcat Stnata.



J 4 E W A K K J f iV J E il^ lN (T T H U H t y A Y i 6 f f T Q B K B 3 1 t 1 9 0 1 .

G4t v u r ptorSE* rPlPE ftod ■*• our IhouM if you wont itie potlpfoctory toll

-X X -



flTBPURCHASE. » L t t ? K E T A H A L S E Y




Amos H. Van Horn,I v l m l t e c J ,

“ Everybody’s 5tore,’—lower prices than anybody; the best of term s to everybody.


of Charge.' ( j i e O d E R K E ^"'market ST-BROADs,'*

Red StarStamps

With All Pnrchases.

-X X-X X-

BargainGivingRecordsBrokenC V E R Y d ^ e n t manager received instructions to make an extraordinary effort, and the E following ofiEers are the result of their best endeavors.

Overstockin certain weaves of Fall’s best

Gocrkc’s Bargains Arc Best Bargains... __31 f i- ap ^ pp A *«a fill TrAcftarsas

Women’s Hosierj B a rfa ii. Canton Rannel Barj ain.rin ean a llty Imported cotton honlMry

w ith double and heel*- I P -Hertnndorf black—ren. 21n. per IJJI^ pair-special to-morrow,at*.

KulMoinoheH u id e —uTibloachfid ftx- tra heiivT (iwality-lontf nap- z i - Hi-id rejfufarly Tor Ifk*. per yard - Q i j t r while lot la-Ma. ftijccial ut

Womei’s Hosiery B arga it.RfSuIar made all'rrm l caahraete,

*U)clfmK» In fa it b la rk -d o o B ^ lo leiand Tieell—sojd roR. for 3flO. per pair, a t ....................................

Onting Flannel Bargain.■i>areldown tira rd in neat stripes ami

rlisnks—dark RriMinds - iieavy ' 7 1 ^ qniliiy-reBulftr ii«- net y«ril- f ipeclal tu-uiorrow a t ...................

Apron Gingham Bargain.Excellent <iuiiliir variety of

fltyks—brown aoH b lnechcci ef fw-W-Hold reniAlarly for Cfc. per yard—special a t...............................

The above lines are written advisedly---------after a careful investiga-^tion of contemporaneous offers. We shop just as persistently as the most confirmed bargain hunter, because we want to locate the “ best bar- gains.” T h e r e is no jealousy in this, because our business rivalry is a friendly one. W henever we find prices closely touching ours we usemeans of lowering our own figures-------b ecau se our unalterable policy isto give “ best bargains” at all times-------- and “ better bargains” on Friday.lU g i v e LTtau uaigckKxitP ----- ---- ^T hat is why our Bargain Fridays stand out in bold contrast to others offers. Peruse the other advertisements in this paper read ouMalso-------- compare the prices--------- ^inspect the goods, and the verdict wiU_unquestionably favor Goerke's.

Shaker Flannel Bargain.Crlam white Hnimel, -r tndieK wltk

iffiod firm fjuAliiy ■ huitiinlfi r«ir F women’s anaChiloTen'b wear rB . Oic. per yard—

Boys’ Fants Bargain.Gray Oxford Melton C lo th -

■IzM 3 16 vciArB-paiontbandfi and taped iKikete—ftwt color*tic wrIhi•erniH-mWe-reguJ^ir

price 49c. palr-fipeclal O O Vat

Boys’ Reefers Bargain.Made of blue Chlnrhllla. 0.t-

ford sray and brown Mellonloru i»»wrTMdoth-w aijariied faat color*- Telvel ooll»ts-he»vy UaUanTOJvev ^Ihilntt —aizM 3 to fl I A Oyeaffr^oublfrbrcaatea 1 ,7 0

M Qniit Bargain.Full ilie—well tlllsd withru n BIZB— ......

white widdluB — sewed and tied-luBteud (lithe re*, f l C - prlno ll.Bi eaeh-w lulu

Thomson’s (iloTe-Fittinj Corsets.Boys’ Suit Bargain.

Sailor anil doiihlp-hroiinted

which m ust be closed out be%f?. other lines arrive—therefore offer the public the best barga|f>* in fine, medium and low prujod Carpets ever shown in this City !


39c, Und«rw«*r 19c.iJew ey Kiljlsed Vest* and Pant*. Iniped wests wUh h igh neck and OQk Bl6ev6 . pan ts w ith yoke

bwida. 3Bc. grades, F riday | p ^

Half and (Quarter Regular Prices,

TWENTY-FIVE dozen of them—made of coutil, sateen or jean -4 and 5 hook styles—honed and corded busts—M, L,

AA R H K, N and C—white, drab and black_odd sizes — regular $1.00 to $2.25 onfirst floor aisle tables while they last—

pmiiqr Him .nMJi.irstyles tufidf fi I'bnif i iue fancy misted rhevii i mifi t mere — sAilGr hiilts truuiiie'l w ith ioutacho firsiul i A Q regular and 1 , 7 0

Note Every Price Below:

U dlii' 29c. Underwur 14c. Jtraev ribbed, n««co lined, win-

tec weiEhte. shuped veils with ioDF eteevei eud hiRh neck,

such medc pante. worth t A f ' t; Friday a t ....................

Boyi' 39c Underwear 17c.

Boys’ Overcoat Bargain.The $1.40 Ax-

minsters atBojt Ahd RuRsliiTi stylo* piadt*

of Oxford gray incll"tj t loth - fuzf's 3 to je yfar*-siniil\»\T«^ in RUHBiaii stvlfs tufii lelt-

The 85c. vets at

Vd-l ^ t r a hoavv flenrve Un^d shirts

%w drawer , soft aiuj warm,

1 . 2 5 . 6 9 c .

jy rlbhetii twin needle sewn>i 1tout. nil sizes, 17c

yokes ftiid slosh pork ^ AQ- Ita linn l in in g - i * 7 0

Special at 50c Per Pair.Bd Spread Bargain.

W hile crochet t-tlerts in a nuiJil'Or of pi-ettv stylRs— bftn in ed -fu ll Hizo-clnHft pand h e a v y —sold r e g u - y j ^

The $1.25 A x -mlsters at ’

1. 10.$rri4W VJ.oei CO, IIth ey liiat—ipeclal » t- . . .

larly toe # 1.26—spec, ut

Hose Supporter Bargain.Women'* and chUdran'i lire*

nuainy liil* olaatio-hinrk and Z l white-loop and button clasp- rcgulai lOo. por pair—ipeci*! at



Garter Length B arg a iiCattroin wide all illk . fancy fritted

elaitie—a variety of co lon- told | C m retnlarly for from '26c. to 3V. i>or | y u d -ipecia l. per leng th ...........

Hook u d Eye Bargain.

White Blanket Bargain.P a rt wool—<*ztra hfavy q iia lity - lM

slzO'-H humlxT of liamlmnno ‘J A A bordort- hav" hf«ti ^*vrU| 3.M P®r pair-special at

I Wash Machine Bargain.1 M a d e o f b e n t n u a l i t y V i r g i n i a c e d a r —

SAveHtinie a n d f a h o r - s o l d r e g u - ' ’ T ^ C lariy for $3.43 each—On salo A I s p e c i a l F r i d a y a t . . . . . . . . . . . . .

The $1.00 rio- quettes at


T he $ 1 .0 0 B ru#-sets at

85 c.

worth sec., at 59c. Dk si Nettln(( ZSc. Yerd.A wondrous bargain . W-inch I-a

T oec .and drapery nets, adapted ,lo r deOBsCB and robes, .rCB'ilnr BBC,analitlos. on sale bn- 2 5 cdefat, yard..................

S t Trimmings Qc. Yifd.

Men'sl.23 M idlu tedU ndtrw ur75cfScarlel m edicated Hhirt.s and

Drawers, every fibre pure A n^ tra lian wo,il. soil, warm i^ d heavy, w orth #1.26.Friday

Men'* 50c. llnderwtar 25c.F x tra iieavy rteeeelined w inter

w eights, in pray, peeler and ecru, eolt, pliahio and warm, tw in needle sew n,all si^e sh irts ^ and deawera in tlia lot,«ic. valnes. Friday-

Men's 25c. Soclu 12c.One thousand pairs, m ade ofHrsAas aiaAi aai/,*.a 0 P<Lirn,

fine wool, in natu ral gray w . canierH hftir. full beam less, in tn double meriDo heels and I 2 r toes, regu la r 25c. *r}ckH. .- ^

Framed Plcturti.Colored photo aabjeew, size 8x8

incheBi in g ilt framM , fancylUtUdBi U1 aawAA. i .(m etal com ers, easel bMka. | 2 c

■ ■ " a t * * * 'On sale for Friday only i12>^c, Embroideriu 5 t Yard.A superb lot th a t i s ^ n n d to

a ttra c t’manyVhopMrs. N » ln e o ^ and Cam bric Beadlngs, Edgmiraand Insertings, alljrood pa tten is ,

- i . This apecial lotusuallyI2!h5.yard. . . . . . . . r -----on sale in B roi^ s tree t store Friday at, yard......................

Men's tOc. Handkerehltfi 5c.Tape border and al| width

Chlldrcn'i Handkerchiefs I3^c.Fancy Colored Handkerohieti,|neat designs, lull sire, for i !/»'

Friday, at....................... ‘ n*'Ladies' and Children's Itosleiy.Fall seamleas, fast (»)lor. blackor tan, worth iw.. ftiday at, Qc 1 pair............................... '''• A

Infants' SOc. Capa 25c. FUie Silk CaiH, bandsomel:embroidered with silk, rnche. wide strlugs, noc. 25,


h S t r i n W z e , th e anal lly th a t **tt1ng, n®*ulSdfy sells a t lOo. Choice K - 4 9 lF r ! d a /« ................. I regular #t Corsets, Friday.

values, F riday a t.

$L00 C orstb 49c.

Brussol# at

49c., 56c. and 62c.

Fimcy Gim p Trim m ings, silkfcod mohair, new handsometem ss regular 15c. g rid es . 0 £Fiiday.ywd....................

Stationery Department.N ew T in ts In N o te P a p e r an d E n v e lo p e s—Helio,

Cadet, M ilitary Gray, etc.Paper, q u ir e .........................................( S o .Envelopes, 24 for................................ ® S o .Note Paper and Envelopes, box . . S o .

5 0 0 C lo th B ound B o o k s , 25c. k inds a t . , I C O .

39c. Trimmings 25c. Yard,A couple of thousand yards

odd lengthiiof Chlffon,A.ppli(i Spangle and HUk Applique Tj m ln ^ , th a t never eell below

w hile lot last*, Fri- 2

T rli

yard, while ]■ day at, yard'


B la c k S to rm S e rg e . Monsseline de Soie Bargain.

A n elegantly finished all wool fabric—doable iwisted wtrp

—close, firm weave — fall 50

A (lUanlUy of all^allk hlonaselino do Bnie in blink and white o n ly - ( A _ full t2 Iriehea wlde-wOrth sac. | y L per yard—apecial a t ......................

T h e $ 1 .2 5 V el­v e ts a t

A l l - W o o l g ra in s a t

White Ontnet FUnneli, soft fleece flnisti. red edge, SVotr . . . . I-*'


1.00.ipchoB wide—* quality uauilly sold for 75c .— ien pieces only— A Handkerchief Bargain.

52c., 59c., and 65c.

1 yard.

valueac .' F riday , yard- Heavy llleached and -

bleached Canton Flannels, value I2jc. F riday , yard ■■■

T xira Heavy llleaehed and Vnbleachril Canton Klanneia, soft and warm, value ISc. | Q ( t

Pedestrienne Suits 5.9S-Certainly worth double. Fine all wool fahrira, plain and_slrij ed. nicely tailored. On sale during Friday at..

Colonial hooka and eyes in all s l* « - a l l v * ^ and Japanned — extra J q o a llty -re iu la r 3c. to «p. per card —white they laal-apecU l.............

Special I P er Y ard .Women’s all pure linen kinds with hand embrnidered tnltiala-regu- cv larly worth Ifa'.each-while they

last, special at.......................

T h e $ 1 .0 0 V el­v e ts a l

Cubs Fio B argait. f o o l Blanket Bargain.One hundred fine assorted pins on

each eube — jet_ ,na. a^rle 3 ^e»cn OUDC — JPb •“»#colors—told regularly for *<■. per , cube-on ioleipeoUl io-morrow *t

Very hetvy KflitsTn wool kind* In U-4deni—wdd regulsriy'for l^''''^3*75 »cUl*t...... .......per ptlr—ipecTi

A Handkerchief Bargain.85c.

G ood In g ra in s

I 29c., 35c., 42c. yd.

FTiduy.ysrd D r«si <3lnghftm s. very n e tt

piUterpg.Rt r^pee. check» and P '»‘“ colors, T»lua brlday , | ( ) £yat4.................... ........

All wool Elder Dowm., for wrappm i»iiu hoxisc gown*. 2 p r , a l lc o W Friday, yard...

2 J c

5.<MijstV Golf C ipu l.9S<

New plaid effect* in Oxford mixinrc*. nioely made, CsTpcs th a t o1 her* eell at | O ft

Splendid Waists al 29c-2,000 waista of m e ic e r lx e d

Rateen*. flannelettes »nd \e'io-_____ CIOVIOO •tiki . w .a..tians. in a perfect rainbow ofDll

liana, in a peiici onlora, some plain, others prettily trimmed, worth up to 59c. 2 Q f Friday a t ............................

500 Silk Wiiita 1.98.

Frtsh Ginger Snaps.On eale Friday at. per 3 J

pound...................... —Jewelry and

Leather Goods

Out price for ^ id * y

Ledies' Fine 5uHi7.98. II line 01 b»UI|»lOP *•" rsaasKv" liftiBroadcloth, Venetian, Home- j| ^"^„s^g*“ndatr*6h‘’BhVe8fpl'alt-

spun. etc., silk lined jackets, new ® n o r d e d etfects. flare Hkirts. plainly tailored or | i,,„4 “omoij tailored, worth up

Seems *n exaggernlcd stale- ment. bnttt’sfhe truth nevenl-e-1 [vM. We purf^hojaed p maker Bline of Bampl68 of taffeta silk I

narQ nainn. plainly tailored or trimmed with taffeta silk, good value at fl2.00. Friday 7 O f t price.................. ............... / a V O

Men's all-linon k inds-hem ^tiiilii'L l- «ne«half-incli and one-lnoti h e m s- A _ liiTKc Blto-fffHid n u a llty -reg u lr tr 1/H;. value-special a t .........................

OH Cloths, Linoleums, Rugs, M attings also a t special prices.

linbleerKed M uilln reniHants, yard ............................

I'ublaarhed MinHu. full 36inches wide, very fine

Big Sacrifice of Shoes. Women's Blanket B ath Robes.

thread, jrarii........................ *''* ,Indigo bine. Tnrkes red and I

black and white f.n|'™>of 4'2C C!*llcoe».valu« ic.Frid 3.yd *

Ovtlng Flanm*l*. in stripes and rheoks f-'f o h 11 5 aC

Corduroy Skirt* 2.49. Handsome Corduroy W’alklng

Skirts in cardinal, garnet, royal, tan, hrijwn, olive, etc., double faced hem. Kplendldly tailored. Graceful skirt* that look worthfR.rti to #74)0. On sale *2

riday a t ........................

to #r,.(0. 1'fiis lot w in go cn lckw as the price for F riday | O f t will b e . ...........................

1,25 W npptri at 59e.Heavy Flannelette Wrapperi.

all dar* gronndK with pretty col­ored fliiurea, deep flounce, extra lined wftisls. ntcely trimmed

L adles ' M etal C hain P a rsilver, oxidized, French gr:BJ| U.and g]lt.

91.40 Purses a t .................l . i98c. PuTHes a t ..................7ih', Purses a t ................... *44

ftterllDg H 11 T e r every one warranted, ,

7Ho. TliinibifiR................... *9e i49C. T h im b les ...................

Ijid le t' M iter and Gold Plated 1 Bro<K9hea,set with pearl*, r u b i^ i turnnoiaeand rhinestones, | fl/* jworth up to 49c., a t .......... a w ;

l l ie Florodora Comba.Bet with ] ponrisand turquoine. ape- | C rcial At...................................

Men's W atch C halnt, gold* ‘ plated or nickel Special J S C

w ith liraid, w orth S Q rF rid ay ...................................

at.Solid Gold Broochea, every

one warranted, sold elsewheref M o f 3 .5 0 and 4 .0 0

A C O M B IN A T IO N lot offering o p p o rtu n i­ties fo r sav ine the like of w hich have

occurreil b u t seldom , even here. W om en 's V id Kid tace oT liutluii k ln ils ; 'w tth 'p a te n t leather tip s and flexible soles— w orth 1.50. Solid C om fort Shoes of Vici Kid or B e a v e r - C lo th , w ith hand sewed turned soles; Boys’ Satin a i f Lace, in sizes 12 to and G irls’ Vici Kid Shoes w ith spring heels, in sizes 8>4 to 2.

MAD these garments been purchased in or- ** dinary quantities through regular chan­nels the cost would have been tully one-lhirj more than the price we've put upon them. A variet> of pretty stripe designs—large sailor collars—satin ribbon trimmed—shell stitched edges—all sizes—would b; splendid values at fa.gS—while they last

O SESfibt! 1 . 0 0 Special Each.

The Dramcific 5fu4nff .Vuchinc tan fhe cMln rtpti Inrk illfr/»-(UN> maf/Hnw for Ou price of oiu'.’ L’(i*v IKipnAcnt*.

rnc« A,n i“k v ‘i ......a-TAkdreBses And nigbl gowna.yd. 4 Very Benvy Outfng riai»n«U. ,

pretty patterns, value W . 7 1 ^ F riday.................................. * I

Men’s and Boys’ Clothing.genurkible Value* (*r Friday Only.

Odr price*.'LAdlfii' F a tm t Leather |

Belt*..................... .............feal Pocketbooka, Mine with

double fr*mcs_ aud silver 2 S c

Linens.E xtra I . « r a r * - l x * , ^ o w -

cl>, v a n h-avy, colored bnrdera, value lEc . Friday. I Q ceach .......... V - - I ................

Llben Hoeli Tew .la, aizp l.x , 34, colored borders, value ’J ) q 100,. ...........................

\ ■ ■; ■ '*' Send lor the new ratalogue..? •Note tiie iir.,t pame "Amce” and No, 14. Free dellvcdes. I’rivale wagoubnreguesdj


FREE with every purnhoe made in our department of tdigious during to-mormw and ^ tu rd ay , » 'It®™the following wiU be given upon re o M ti TTie pamphlet, Sl Anthony i Bread for the Poor, a medal of Si,

I of Pr*gue ot Sl Ben

fCJixncery _ .SIIBRIFF'S'BALiC-In Chancery of New J * r» r

. .lielweerk Aibbel O. B r o w n , complainant, an* Iraac M. William, et al.. «*f«ailaata. »i. <>ftir aak nf mortiagetl preralH*

of’ tift ■Anthony, Infant of Prague ot Sl BenediclL

By"virtue of’"t!S above itated *ri* faclaa, to me illrefted, I .hallT.iihll,. .r.nrtil* fmi M hnUX# IQ PieWatK, <J|]„lACJfcx, TO me lur^pipo. ( ■ii«n .nubile venOuf, tp ih e Courthoua*TuM.1ay, Ibe tweittn d .y ot ' . " S I ; SfLl

F 1Coffee FItsk Barga a.

Gray enam otled ware - wrew©apx-'regnlAf 2Sc. eiA^li-a IlmUed l A ^ (laaTuity only -on xale Bpwial | 7 ^ w h ile ifiey i u t a t .............................

Hair Mattress Bargaio.8oulh A'tnerls’An hftlr mattri'sMfl

tAvo i»ar*>.-.fuJl forty pnu.tuli'-l^w'l A.

I Dianer Set Barfain.

k ik ti }<naa.w , u j i t ■ n i j »-••'•••! r . A.fir ffiuin ftniffhctl Gf;k

ing-Mgulftra l

ii 12.98I infi piecp* of LlmnffBA f’liiliA -four I pretty iJiinteriis-WHIP furcen tm

uTid 3 meat dislie:* iucliuleid— | | ^ y Q

ITVU y CH iL'K 1 . i « . , .'•■“ Jv '* '*V j j a .land and premlae, lltuale. *1L»'ih« towfiinlp of \\ (rtt uranie, £me% Couniy, nral'l^Vl-n»all,nlni al aTBinlJp }b, n°rtK

ta u ii l i j n r - . i , v i i . v , , v - , ,a v .» a » » .rogular llo.98-t*pcclAl m

- Irai r ra c i-H ^ in ,m n i ai ■ rrly line of Haael avenue Id ehjrty feel wesiterly fr-Ym Uie,>we«erly Un?

Valley • in e t. X i Fuimln*.ilhence w «ier y

Table Laiap B a itiio .Ix rge tall ahap«—pink tln trti and

s h a d e d - p r e t t r g lo lw a -b a tu J Q burner eenlre d ra ft ivero H.W r j youch—w-hlle they laat a l ........ .

A n o th e r L ace W o n d er. ; raiMiifi,.'

Raife aad Fork Bargais.A lot of lx>ne hskiidl« „

and forkn-full 'ix rfee’i'-ragular price U.M per dozen—iwi P»kiT ui .............. • ■

Diooer Set B argaii.

T o r c h o n Lace* md inset' hens in *n irumense variety

of patterns and widths- an iccum- ttlaiioa oi piaces trom a set- to n ’■ selling, and new floods''»oughI at a low figure ind shown toe the fint hme to morrow worth up to K k.

Paper Holder Bargain.Full ftiio nlrkeJ p la ted toilet paier

rftgularly for TpC, eavliwh'while lliey lust ui .

paper-so lil i spei’ial

Cake Tamer Bargain.

alun, Haset nvenu* tlilrly feet, thence nijrlh- erly al r llh t an,lea to H»«*l .Irevl and eilleen feet anda r.mi 1.. lan i fonnrriy ot aTf.iiheot-e eaaterly altmt aald land th irl) fee . ami

.ouiherly a t rl,h i anxlM *® i.ue ,m. humtre<j,ull,1 alltevn and

I ■! indr.dih. fevi to Haiel avenue and p l ^ ' of llr ln , lot number eight In Blcwa aUK mail ot prolMriy belonttn* to tb* f Mary J. Wllllama deoaaawl. m Want Or-IFie, N J

i, r i iW 'I r la h •■•nc' Hueli J " w -I •U , larvF hcav:__ ^‘"’" ''lO c iUt, .....................................

3 .00(1 K»r4» F ine Linen Tnlile Dainnak Bettinanta, 2 to S yard | lengthi. valuB IV-'. yard. jFriday iL yard ................

HlejM'bed n n d linl>l«*eh^rt | H eevy Twill Cr«*h Tow*-l- j

L inen flnU h UnaMn^C ru li Towellliigi yard I

Flaxiue Towelllpg. red edge, j very clean fluiftk'-q Towel- S cing yard....................... \Small White* Barbet iToweU. frlDned red Irfirder*.each...........-

TVIlite H oney t'oinit ToweU. also Borne with rol«>rod 6 c i i derR, ........................... .

Boy*' Re«fnrii navy b lue eh lncb illa w ith deep sailor nr storm coJlftf, plaid lining, inAde. size* 3 lo 0, w orth Q f t |*11.96. a t ..............................

M eu't Overooet*. ftll-wool gray Oxfords, m ade and trini- ineu in th e beat m anner, la te st BtylP. reg. It.W vntne, 4 O g a l ..............

Mew's Trottsera* 1,662 pairs of all wool cheviots In black and bine, m ixed cawinicre* and tweftds, buttons will slayiw u m ia . MU1....10 - - - - --nnJ seama Will not riD, I 111 wortii up to S't.W, a l .. '

V oiiiha’ Snte, all wool h to 'o li Twei'tls. »nod colnra, ilzos l i to ■ai veurs. tburouvlily ta ilored and trim m ed, w orth 2 _ p g I 7.M. a t ...........................

Boy,’ Hlonie Suit., al! wool blue flannel with rte«n «Uor eoliar, blue or red with six rowa of .ilk wjutache bruid, silk tie and embroidered ihield, I Q Xworth I'.'.Sd. special....... * *

B oy,' Taalee Aalti,navT blue pilot cloth and gray Oxfords, silk faced Tuxedo Jacket*, dou­ble breasted vests w ith em-

corncra. Special at,.Nhoppina B a « , w ith '7 R c

sateen tops. F riday .......... * v rwIH' P o ek e tb M k ., of seal

and mOrocco. Sterlinff sil- 4 9 cvei coruer*. •

me Drewevru ‘’j*T.roldered shield, worth | O R 12.96. special........... —

Fincy Futhers, BrcuU, etc/Thousands, of Quills. Wlngt.

PomEK)ii8i. Birds, Bre»et*» black, while and colore, worth up to 49c., »t.. lO c

Boy*' SuHb, dionhle broM ted. s to 15 years, heavv uavy blue* twUlea cheviot, ab jo lu te ly fw t color, strongly m a d e . Q K rTi.rt.dii ei TS ....................... -t -w wcolor, HLn.’u » i7w orth • 1-T6. at..

Men's Kulcs, gray Oxfords, navy blue pilot cloths, c h e ^ icitsandcasfflmeres.reg. C C Q A?dia«ni4 as9A values...lAi tee i » i j u w, . v— - r *7.68 and |k9S valnsi

Boys' Rubber C oa ts........................... ................Boys’ All Wool K nee P a n ts ...................................Boys' All Wool K nee P a n t s ........................... S B B oBoys' Percale S h irt W a is ts .......................... ■ - l O OBoys' Navy Blue G olf C a p s ..............................J O oM en's Union Slade H a t s ...................................

Amaosn Ostrich Plumci.IS inch A m aion Plum es, fu ll

and rich, new French curl, CO<* special a t .................- ......... ..

Ladku' Trimmed Hab.Splendid selection of trimmed

hat*, all shapes, worth | Q X fully »1.0IK Friday.......... a .^ v *

Ladira' Hudy-to-W«r Hifi.Thirty new shapes’, all color*,

same as shown elsewhere Q f t ^ a t l i -ts. F riday price.........

Children's Trimmed Hati.1 P retty creations, trin im ed w ith h ia h class silks, sa tin s, v e lv e ^

,1 feathierB' buckles, e tc ., j 4 0 ' w orth 91011, Friday spec 1 » • '

Hestouality Englisli porcelalB-rlclilvdeciirated-ll.t pieces Incliid- - ’ ' ' ' ' '__ iiraieu-iM pn-w. mci,.,.- I J A Q lull soup tureen and 3 m eal | ‘t . 7 0 llaliee-rux. »IS !»-s|>®cial a t

Special at 3 C . P c f S a rd .

Four inch full i>olip.hAd Msnlc^ and rriainelled wo<nl band lea—instead i.f The r^gn 'ar prh'<* .v. c*ch-*pc-

, -----iV.l TTMi-Be*innln* at 6 1 ^ *ncuiurly line of llaiel *venw__djitjint^

iaI to-moiTMW' a t

firea* F ea tH ' Bargaio.Pnnifl live geexe i a lhertt—pure while I iiFYSo'uleiy odoTlew 'j* small CA*-*nmi nFfiSo'uleTy odoTleW'j* small ?Aa-*

!ni Lilly ■ ?gilar Titc. (Mir pound 3 V C

'ItlUTiy lUIT Q1 liasci ",r.lre-1 rtn.l fovij*on« feet w a itir ly from the w'-dneriy line of Valley atreet, and ninnlngtiier.i- «i"9TeTly olohK HoiOl#r>\fTs ft-F( I hence northerly at rtgM aagiea toHftxvi aYiTiuT- one hundPid tweniy anortfiy-three* huniredcfci feet to Una foemeriy oiritnseon HairkMu; Ihenre easterlyIan 1 tw en ij’5©v«a feet, and tijoneeal ri*hi antsiMo to Haiel *vem«■ nd iw/my-tjne and forty-oeven twm<irealrta iM t..* .__ ^*^,1 KAvdnatlnv. AelltB

- 15 liilo OT Joel at-I ^Haz«'^^l^•/^ue"and’ pUc^ erf beglniaipi..

Ift number fiKoen in Blf>ck A, OA tbo o<oa*aW

Flannel Gown Bargain.W om ens tiow tii m a d e of

atripod outing H xunel-hubhafd yokoa — trinim»*d wHh fftiioy braid - s i l k wallopodl cilge

— full I e n g I h ► irid tb—specixl

Niffct Drawers Bargain.(Iliildren's hcAvr uiil'ieai'hed

ratiiou rt.inm'l Niulii Hraueis will, liuitoned l-ai-k--'Ires friun 1 to 1- year.- "e i: .loide ' l l _ Ibriiiulioiii while fliev i | L iM l- 'p fc ia l ui

Hainy-Day Skirts.Women'* xiid loi'*'***'

made ft h e x 'y int-'i'-u riolli tlsre flounce clf*'''i-N ^ m ccly hill, hed- Uil<*rvil | A Q - reiTulariiy w o r t l i 6 - -‘ > | * 7 0 eacb“bpcclal t i .

Clearing The Silk Remnanis

Th e r e will be a ruth tor thrm, of vourv- — always is, and ilie assortment hemr exceptionally co.xi, there is everv lei-

son to suppose )t will be i;rfJter tfi,in ever. Black and colored si'ks, mchidsn.t: plain .tnJ fancy Taffetas. P eau dv Noies, (dros Poplins, BeiiEaline.s, Snii 1 luchesye. Su .in-. Velours, etc.; also lengths oi ii' iit

to 4 yards-while ihc. i.i -t

* Ctildrei’s Reefer Bargain.An odd lot of reofort. long

r<ml« and sailor nuito fnr mbt^ex and chlldrofY-'only forty of.v r.v , I . ........... w . . a . . I t . .thenj'WTHth fromil.M I A D In IA08 each—apocialal I V n ])»€. and ..................... a . / V/

Third T nci-B eglnnln i a t a Point te . jha ntiTiherly lin« of H aia l a v t m » dtatonlTW W W hundred *nd flft|r-twri frtt wgitany ITOia w v>c$itriy Un« of V»ll*y ^atroff, ana rnnmma i i ( nc« tr//terly along t la iN flv« fMt; iliCTtc* lkor(h*rly a t Hsiel Btnaty-ftva a™■ to tood

Our Special Blend Santos Coffee on Sale Friday at, per lb., 12c.

12cRich, arom atic flavor, »s good a coffee as grocers sell at 25c I* ''......................................................................

Balance of the Felt Shapes on Sale Friday at lOc.

lOcNearly 1,500 F e lt Shapes, all coiors, all styles, -worth 49c., 59C- «nd **P *» Trim m ed free—choice a t ....................................

T.OOO Pairs oi Golf Gloves at a Sacrifice.

Ah im porter's sample line, plain plaids, stripe* end fancy effocU^ »» ^ ^ c t . v a fn d u i- to 50c., but

. . . . — W urth 39c..sold, p a ir

ro o f o4 then .ate w-o 0 ^ rridi^wat'i s

„„ —J formerlywnn. ihenca eaatOflT aiong aoM•irf’tlth* fc«1 wnn. thenca and three hundred^ f^^

Playing Card Bargain.I right to H6wlinoretjl■ HUb BuniQ* 9u 7

'nf*-hundTMJthi ftot W Hiktel ( EreglnoFng. B w f

I he (Mtpulftr ''rv irtefrfftj” and • roluinhia"cards-''ore llucTi litv'l.efjamelledfl’ i h-iwwirieil

■ I negjnntnK. dvip» rart, "'**Iiiock A on lb* aloraaai't ni»Newark. N. J..(0«tphc.r_7,

M riTMUIVtiariaa M ■■ks-snld rm iu lu iij (uf | C c special

Albert C. PtlOWTi Bohcltor.

■a [u r park

Price 54P ap tr Napkin Bargain.Lki>ahCM* tLwtte napkin* In arw’c \ xrietT of pretty deeigM. Hill r e 4ul-iT ulfo—nriiiwd InL and tbrw ^

Pa'iiliir Vk' per hPDdred— | ^

I syUKRirra I t'hartea 2,1 liy virtue

to me .I irtiLIIC wridue,

'I iriMla>‘. the I : i» . t-: <k F> or Uk«; >r I'ai-iM-la of

lU A*- a« f'^tntJML above at

I :-haU

and’ “*inir iTtba «tr <*f

iaI a t ...........

Diiner Set Bargaii. Men's Half Hose Bargain.One hnndrvd i-icv*'!‘ of thin Amt-riyan

pt)Tf«lain - B"ld vilgfh - •HJiip Iruracn-'iufl “3"n;ciraub-Tiu'’ 9 .9 Seluded’-rcg. l i i Uh— »t

SfAin lO'** aviM.I *., •■ k .shxi!e V title III. 7 Ito**K stiM TFiinlHrlY t -r P4ir— 41

Cliildren’s Hosiery Bargain.

r c i9 c.91 [.wool ribbed raabukero

Mlnle,. - atftinlMa I P - llPHH and heab— | o L

'< rr»-<‘t - reg. tte* at. ••■ kill

The Men’s Furnishing Goods Sale.

•■SEr;,...uah tbv

T h e r e ’ s n e v e r b e e n a n y s i m i l a r s a l e to e q u a l i t . S o m

Winter lltideivw*'aT' r^Gxrlv > 23C w<rflh 45C - 1*51 It ...... ’

iP rir'>-' ts :\ iu b t ’ lurtx,s'h-

rctful-kflv V't.kl al

.rth I

Srts> jwriay.F’srwt Trxcl’

Or, rtArtJ s tr .. rr lj f.rty-ae vnrnrr i-f theth TiCp iun:tli*« k»e ■•nd ihrouati t>»

nln.ihw . 1*) .lupBt*n°*.*;»**.* t . « forty.iKhe. to UnaW ‘" dMary HaydiMI ■ t » » r t alnna >1"

wrtfcrl, »t*ai«o

W hile S h ir t* -rep 'iw rlv wKrtli I T . S c jfic each —spec-al at i

l ’b*vu4lactriFi *2w “111:!* rfUT. rg. ii -witecui a ■' ml

Niglit S h irta—reicnlarh wurili I 2 Q c ivt w h-H > ec ia l at.

White I ti.itutuleredituleredA. 1. al

1 .3 9,-rv — reifular \ I *70 •tiil at .

fllTong jtnsp6n4er**rt-gular!» 'wk L,rth 5t»c.—*pt<ial ai

h i r 1 - r ifularly I ^Q r■ Tib 8l ••Os'll apcctal at > ^ ..»j.^ra»ula,;2 .0 0

H nvy IT iderw ear-iepu 'irlj | TC .-—special *t , srsrw.varth sitr

B alb tif ia n I 'n d trw sa r- rs«u i I Q r larlT Wurth sue- at — I

j v i Kid (ili.ves—rrguUrlT I ft K r rth t i iS -.p*ckil at l O J C

Madrw* Fajaroa* - rvcularir' X X rs Orth *1 dS-tpecia! a t , t r t J Vr.t;

- 's ; : \ s r . '**’',*‘ '1 2 .5 0

Moll Order* Filled for Evefytkiag. L. Bamberger & Co.

“* X-


\a Qlpt9vOV onuco UADI

A trial viB NirUai. tktl j ^ W. L. bMgkft okoM Oft tte ( beat te tkt worU.


.Mail O rd e r*Filled for Everythta f.

__A -«4n ChooceI R. Raab

. 1.. defer "1 pre»io«. •^ aO* aby *


NCWAKK> 7 8 5 Broad S t .

J*r»ejPecloairg *i « .r -r

W»u+U«* wlahi ‘•jf'lr*-.! 4r>dfeel witb«e«!rrl> 'r rr ■ > ,.rntt fit RlOce AM s^ei-fidr-d ri*ai,.scibence rkerTr.*rw*iwr!» tn i ; re rLoning jeirw,,. «$(Jl tb* eovth kiD* of H .Jf* armu*. k»un-4u«a . Ibence es^urn^ewi.r'- .n « i;n>(^roUel vktfa tlM WMi ii&w f H tWMlT-lv* th»lK'e ecuiTSTewfer./ i-. irr*

of W«ti.bun« ixfoiK hUAili#^f » « ( , tk M rr bortOeajrtrrlr i}^mi W atdMBC aweai** tveat^-Swe [r«r e i bO|ifta*aA

HevarX. N J . rvtiiber 7 UwOOEnflGR VIRTVE. Bherift

iwestia 4«T of Nuvaaitier mil a: T' M all that timet «r PoreM m(.r rrid stioate. iTlBg ooa aeing*^S»werk. EeMg CMOtT,• eeterly •!« «i "a .U 1 ll * Cww. If •wtw"i a p>4at dUMat Dc^haitTtmm fesoOima t> fli.e feet troa A tm m i

■.r. rra nijr*tt k7 ak*>ag aveameten a half ivcb>e M kn eoli *o ^ • veetertj mirnm !$■$•« Ot rtcOt ««.4 awetsin -jm hvmdNd ood neoce ourtberlr poroUil ^

- 1• T W T fj# '• t lu a i w _________f Lecu.e weeceefT oM M drod 1 Wmj^

I nae Csrty

rnu r*Bimfce 8 Ho«e. $elictti*n._____ Ktmmnrr K-A92.)■ nU T T 'S 9AIX--la Cluuacerjr oc Nem Jereey —B e tv m tbe Ho*«r4 eav in^ tw dtatioa.

^OBpImtmaat. lod aodrew LMMeoaea J r , mdefomdaDU. FI. to.. aoM «C▼Mat At tke obqre ftuol vm «g $iH' *------ -^ncuA . I A an r t jw e Mr41IM Co55ia8i la Sa»Bi* m

-lehi f w eke rem s j m ■ ta^ ;i WosMUMt awemae: (M e* ******^*T?§ name aev eSTT-bw fMt $V* loVMtalfeMJV eauTe of Jote |L Km 4; the MBc oa* ithemcc eonaertf paimBMkventj-tM fMi; **■gees a»4 JoMivMtTware Mm,

kOoHowl e i^$M«a ofloap M ietbert- op« ^

Rummage Sale of Lad­ies’ , Hisses’ and Chil­dren’s Sandals,Slippers and Ox'ford Ties,w hile lo t IwsU, e h o l« .» t

la w n n -

25cMisses’ Aprons, W orth 39c.,

to go a t 12c.Fine Lawn and India Linen Apron*, J

handsomely trimmed with Swiss etn^* broidery and ijisertion, double d ^

shoulder straps and lapeU, sixes *10 14,worth ^ - Frid®?

Dressmakers’ Needfuls.Our prices are so low that dressmaVers will

find that they can do better here than at any wholesale house. These are Fnday specials:

*0O Td. Spool B o stlo fCotton, rc^Iar Sc., at......

S operlo r QoKlIty Mo- 4 . . ch ine O tl.* o z b o it je ......

o o V O w n n m o d F a b le r I.lncd Dr*.* shield*:

No. S, Sc- pair; s»*, doien.No. t. 10c- pair; t.lO doxen- No. S. i*c- pair; I-** doxen. ftcwln* silk*- stoudatd 9J»1-

ItT, lull meanure iflo yd*.. g 9 c per spool Sc -

M rt FInU h f tn c b lo e T h r a ^ - Jglyds., spool »c.. 2 4 c

Swell R ook* ood Eyo*. 3 do*, on card, re au la r price fo- I r.pedal .......................

O or Speclol B rand Crltorlon_ wti- *k»*D m * in i t ia l . We know that--- ird leit weam Tl On'S S u*u»Bt 3!& »nd 30c- This f j culeMe. nad..

Ladies' Canton Flannel Drawe Hsstt Fleeced Canton F laps

nrawora, sort and warm . 2 f worth Me- F riday .............. * *

Outinj Flannel Pcttkiss**.Pink a u d b ln e O u tinc FlaniL

P eU iroau . w ith deep um brM dounce, yoSt* bapda. w orth 7 ■Me- at.

Ladks' Nljht Gowns.Fine Tenalodown flannel, pU

blue, eera, ew . heavily brolacrod w ith silk, ailkmed. worth *'2.®. I 2Friday............................. **

Ladles' OuUnj Flimel Gew H eavy onlltik flannel f o —n j

rtripes and plalda. w orth d fl T»e,^daT..............

Day’o m ic Great Cut Price S?leof Furniture, Carpets and Beddini

* « ti|o n ed in last night's NEWS will be on sale nntil c lo a in g h ^ S a m d a y .so lid o o h

panel hack, 2 .2 0

^ « " * 8 . 8 0 ; **■...................... . Solid Onk

eana 85*1, H4tl Tra*a» ia 9*maho«any and meoxi^sad. 9j

M o r r I * I ..................... JC lu in , Solid soHd ChittiQ u a r t e r e d ulere. jo ioche* O a k , aprinj! I] jroomydrm'wera,ertni s ■ a t, velonr well made, w « t l i o m » h i o n ,

spec- 5^ •

oo-ereM j n eq *;«.

SoUd Oak icOmM - _lere, plate mirroe,

12.75$ o B d Oak C klffoa-

_jat«. with hit box and onl plate minor,£ “ .T . .13.98Sbavtag CAlM«s. 6 dtawen and plate glaia,

i l 8 4 0praetttftpec’l

»ro» w ig ' wrttiarir ilw « ■■IS.f*'!**rt STiS* d r - ? « S 2 St>«—f-I L S r .-o w aad ciw “ “


Toe tlila m fiT yaya ................^ n i x w iaw a

H /SatW edU w ad a tOH w— • J S l S ^ * C * M u

ial, yaia —------

srtb ss a a iJ iI^VPVi, 4H eHAs^hi t i gr*

2 . 7 5 1 . 0 Wtetkk.

T k k d M ( l a l B i i l v t « i 1WnchiarMaatmaa*.ad,poywetena M

ed*leea»4 eeiiiaBWa.r*eatoi^ J.Q JS3 8S. saadal a a , tjfc s iiS S rs J S J a *•■*«(,

•m lobM OotOM MmUAmr —“ ■

matt teidruH. al Am *