

17th Edition July 2021 | Zulqa‘dah 1442 H




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Terima kasih yang tak terhingga kepada seluruh donatur atas kepercayaannya kepada TIM SYAFANA PEDULI PALESTINA.

“ Semoga Allah memberikan ganjaran berlipat dan memberkahi para orang tua murid, guru/karyawan, siswa semuanya dari apa yang sudah di donasikan.”

Peduli Palestina, Peduli Saudara kita, Peduli Perdamaian!

Donasi terkumpul sebesar

Rp 500.000.000Telah diserahkan melalui ACT

pada tanggal 2 Juli 2021




FOREWORDS-DigestSyafana Information and Communication Media

Commissioner: Ade Kismantoro Advisor: Nanang Firdaus Masduki, Lc Editor in Chief: Ummu Latifah Deputy Editor in Chief: Hamidah Liliarni, S.Pd Grapic Designer: Nurul Ikhwan Priambudi, S. I.Kom Editor: Mogamat Faik Sulaiman, MBA Contributors: Sainur Rahim, M.Pd Nanang Jamachsary, Lc Mantazakka, Lc Nanang Jamachsary, Lc Nurtrianov, Lc Marjak,SS., M.Pd Haris Hadikusuma, Lc FathurRachman Suhendi, M.Pd Khoirul Ihsan Hasibuan, Lc Firza Fitriani Natungga, S.Pd.IAsep Aunillah, S, Sy Siska Juwita, S.Pd.I Windy Novianty, S.Ag, S.Pd Francesco Ch. Winy Nila Wisudawati, M.Psi.,Psikolog Bella Gemilang P. S.Psi Mira Kania Wardhani. M.Psi, Psikolog Mogamat Faik Sulaiman, MBA Alvin Hikmah Sukmawening, S.Ip Sri Hastuti, M.Pd Gwi Widayani, S.Pd dr. Fachri Valyasevi Larasati Putri Hanindyawanti G-11 Akbar Ramadhani Destu G-12 Kayriva Shaqeeqah G-12 Siti Hanifah Shahrani G-12 Muhammad Fadhil Rafah G-10 Kyla Aurellien Azzahra G-9BM. Rafi Prawira Gandana G-12 SocialAhmad Rafi G-12 Science PTA Syafana Kindergarten Gading Serpong PTA Syafana Kindergarten Graha Raya PTA Syafana Kindergarten The Icon BSD PtA Syafana Primary PTA Syafana Secondary DKM Masjid Agung Syafana Al Iman Atta’awunMT Khorunnisa Published by: Public Relations 2021 Syafana Islamic School Jl. Raya Curug Sangereng No. 1 Paradiso, Gading Serpong-Tangerang 081930437479/[email protected]

الم عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته السMay Allah SWT peace and blessing be upon you.

Alhamdulillah, all praise is only to the Lord of the universe. Greetings and salawat are always given to our Prophet Muhammad SAW.

Dear Valued Reader,For the 2020/2021 academic year Syafana Islamic School has completed running Home-Based Learning to the fullest, Alhamdulillah. The development of technology and knowledge cannot be denied, which is very helpful for the HBL activities. The school also greatly facilitates this by subscribing to paid zoom, as well as increasing internet quota bandwidth so that HBL can run relatively smoothly. Even though the school runs online, the maintenance of school infrastructure is ongoing, that's why Syafana is ready at any time if the government requires us to do face-to-face learning again.Masha Allah, students and teachers are accustomed to HBL learning so school activities can still take place, they are only limited by their respective screens.Congratulations to Syafana Islamic School for launching a Boarding School for the academic year 2021/2022, so that it can facilitate students who live far away but want to experience school in Syafana.Welcome to the new academic year 2021/2022, we are ready to hold Hybrid Learning. Thank you for the active participation of all students, parents, teachers, employees and management of Syafana Islamic School for this unfinished achievement.

Enjoy reading the 17th edition of S-Digest magazine everyone! And stay healthy, obey the life-saving health protocols. Hopefully covid-19 will pass soon. Aamiin!

Hamidah Liliarni, S.PdDeputy Editor in Chief

الم عليكم ورحمة الله وبركا ته والس


Table of ContentsSTEPPING UPSyafest 2021

Winners Syafest 2021

Donasi Kemanusiaan Ambulansuntuk Palestina

SIBS House Parent

Upper Secondary Vice-Principal Academic Affairs

Welcome Remarks & Motivation

The Implementation of Routine Rapid Tests

MD Weekly Morning Briefing

Tasyakuran Pembangunan Syafana Islamic Boarding School

Persiapan KBM Tatap Muka

Vaksin Covid-19 Guru Kindergarten

Mengapa Harus Divaksin Covid-19?

Pembekalan TIM Satuan Tugas Penanganan Covid-19

Sosialisasi Syafana Hybrid Learning Programme

Persiapan Penting Ananda Masuk Sekolah

Mendampingi dan Mendukung Pemilihan Karir Anak

Self-Regulated Learning

Teacher Training

DKM Masjid Agung SyafanaSalurkan ZIS

Semarak Sholat Idul Fitri 1442 H

Importance of Masjid Al Aqsa in Islam

Qurban, Syi’aryang Sangat dicintai Allah

Seni Musik Dikala Pandemi

FEATUREHybrid Class


Syafana Islamic School Pioneers

Refleksi Pendidikan Selama Pandemi

"Snacking" Professional DevelopmentLower and Upper Secondary

A Review on our ESL PD sessions with Native English Teacher (LS/US) of Syafana Islamic School

Overview of our Home-Based Learning Programme

Teaching Engish During the Pandemic – 1 Year On

Congratulations to G-12 students


Selamat Kepada ParaHafidz & Hafidzah 30 Juz

Students Achievement 2020/2021 Lower Secondary

Students Achievement 2020/2021 Upper Secondary

I LOVE READINGA Memoir of Memories

Reflecting on My Time at Syafana



The Significance of Ramadhan

When The Stars Come Out

PTA NEWSPTA Syafana KindergartenGading Serpong

PTA Syafana KindergartenThe Icon BSD



I CAN DO IT!Amazing G12 Graduation Ceremony

Adios S7ette Estrellas

Kindergarten Virtual Graduation

The 8rilliant is You

Wisuda 21 Hafizh 30 Juz

Innovation if The Future Day – Pimary

Let’s Strive Towards Creativity

Road to Entrepreneurship Day

Islamic Fun Learning

Cross-Country Fun Learning

Mobile Learning

Entrepreneurship Day – Upper Secondary

Health Day

Ramadhan Camp

Care For Others

Syafana Festival or Syafest is the biennial competition of Syafana Islamic School. The purpose of this event is to create the next national generation who excels, has noble character, is insightful and knowledgeable. Two years earlier, the Syafana Festival was usually held offline and various schools in Jakarta, Tangerang, Bogor, and surrounding areas were invited to participate. However, this time around it was different to the previous ones. Syafana Festival 2021 was held virtually in order to comply with the Covid-19 health protocols. It took us approximately four months to prepare everything such as proposals, correspondence, social media, and necessities for the event. Of course we found it difficult to prepare. However, we worked well because we are assisted by the Upper Secondary and Lower Secondary Student Council who became one team in order to achieve our targets together. After several meetings between the Student Council of Upper and Lower Secondary and Teachers, we finally managed to find a suitable theme for the Syafana Festival 2021. We chose “LUCES DEL FESTIVAL” as our theme. It means “Lights Festival” where we hoped to engage the participants to remain motivated under any conditions as well as helping the participants to shine and be confident in their potential and talents. We had three competitions, namely Poetry Writing and

Declaration, Al-Qur’an Calligraphy, and Digital Poster Design. Registration was held online and officially opened on 24th March 2021 and was free of charge. Then the Syafana Festival opened with a Technical Meeting which was held virtually on 1st April 2021. Registration officially closed on 3rd April 2021 at 6 PM. At first, we were not sure of how many participants we would have. Our prediction was only 100 participants will join our event. However, our prediction was wrong. A total of approximately 2.300 participants from all over Indonesia participated in the Syafana Festival 2021 with varying ages and schools.

The Syafana Festival was officially opened by Ust. H. Nanang

Firdaus Masduki, Lc. on 6th April 2021. It then proceeded with remarks from the MCs, then showing of Syafana Festival 2021 trailer, Qur’an recitation by the

Upper Secondary students, singing our national anthem, Indonesia

Raya, remarks from the Chairperson of the Committee and Managing Director,

and followed by various performances from Kindergarten until Upper Secondary level. The Opening Ceremony of Syafana Festival 2021 was held via the Zoom Meeting and Live YouTube Syafana TV. On the second day, 7th April 2021, the Poetry Writing and Declaration competition was held through the Syafana Islamic School Zoom Meeting. Here, we showed the works of participants from all over Indonesia as well as judges from Kak Marwan and Kak Raras, who have won many national poetry competitions.

SYAFEST 2021By: Larasati Putri Hanindyawanti - Head of Committee






Meanwhile, the Digital Poster Design and Al-Quran Calligraphy competitions were judged behind the scenes by design and calligraphy art experts. The last day, 9th April 2021 was the announcement of winners of all competitions, from Kindergarten until Secondary levels. The event was opened by the MCs, followed by Qur’an recitation, remarks by the Deputy Chairperson of The Committee, Syafana Islamic Boarding School launching, and the announcement of the winners of the competitions that was announced by the Chairperson of The Committee and Deputy Chair of The Committee. The event was then, closed by the Upper Secondary Band and prayer. The Syafana Festival officially closed on 9th

April 2021.

Alhamdulillah, although we are faced the pandemic, Syafana Islamic school has continuously dedicated 16 years to creating dynamic Muslims to be future leaders and ushering in the glory of the Islamic civilisation. Syafana celebrated its 16 years of dedication by having a four-day festival from 6th - 9th April 2021 with virtual competitions such as arts, academic and Islamic education. About 2300

students were present to participate from various schools in Indonesia. The competition for Primary level were National Storytelling and National Tahfizh competition for external participants. Besides external competition Syafest also conducted competitions for internal Syafana Primary students. There were 3 competition such as Storytelling, Tahfizh and Singing. Congratulations to the winners of the Syafest 2021 competition both internal and external. Hopefully, this event, provided valuable experience for all participants. We are very proud of the confidence and prestige that our students showed. See you at the next Syafana Festival.

Syafest 2021 at Primary Level

WINNERS OF NATIONAL STORTY TELLING SYAFEST EXTERNAL • 1st Place : Tsuraya Mayendra Alfachranni - SDN 053 Cisitu Bandung• 2nd Place : Queen Aisyah Hatta - SD Mentari Jakarta• 3rd Place : Anasya Sidra Alea - Binus School Serpong (Tangerang Selatan)• The Honourable Mention : Shakeela Zhafirah Arsy - SDIA 61 - Tangerang • The Honourable Mention : Daphne Maxine Thio - Ipeka Plus BSD Tangerang Selatan• The Honourable Mention : Janeeta Nalaraya Irfani - SD Al Azhar Syifa Budi Talaga Bestari (Tangerang)

WINNERS OF NATIONAL TAHFIZH COMPETITION SYAFEST EXTERNAL• 1st Place : Aisyah Putri Al Khonsa - SD At Taufiq Kota Jambi• 2nd Place : Aisyah Azzahrah - SD Arromah Malang• 3rd Place : Shafa Abyana Azra - Ruqu Daru Hasbi Jakarta • The Honourable Mention : Mailya Ikrima - SDI Alghaffar Malang• The Honourable Mention : Irdina Khalila - SDN 013 Balikpapan• The Honourable Mention : Tsuraya Ufairah M - SDIT Insan Cendekia Krian Sidoarjo• The Honourable Mention : Anindita Faranissakhi Azzahra SDIT Ar Ruhul Jadid Jombang

By: Ust. Fathurrachman Suhendi, M.Pd - Vice Principal Student Affair



FUN INTER-CLASS ACTIVITIES AT SYAFANA FESTIVAL 2021 KINDERGARTEN Developing and exercising students’ abilities and skills is a must, even in a covid-19 pandemic situation, because it stimulates building self-confidence, fine motoric skills and teaches them independence skills. This is why from 6th – 9th April 2021 Syafana Islamic School had Virtual Fun Inter-class activities. Students could participate in reciting daily supplications, fashion show, Tahfizh, reciting sholawat nabi, buttoning clothing and storytelling competitions. Alhamdulillah, our students were happy and seemed to enjoy it.

By: Sydh Windy Novianty, S.Ag, S.Pd

WINNERS OF STORYTELLING SYAFEST INTERNALLEVEL P1 • 1st Place Kanaya Zuhda Taqqiya (P1F)• 2nd Place Achmad Yardan Zaverio Mirza (P1H)• 3rd Place Moza Almalika Naraga (P1D) LEVEL P2 • 1st Place Alzam Ghaisan Haufanhazza (P2D)• 2nd Place Mutiara Sabrina Lumanauw (P2H)• 3rd Place Andjani Adinda Wibowo (P2G) LEVEL P3 • 1st Place Qory Anargya Hidayat (P3E)• 2nd Place Ayla Andalusia Fathulbari (P3B)• 3rd Place Aisha Naira Aqeelsa (P3A) LEVEL P4 • 1st Place Kirana Adiva Putri P. (P4E)• 2nd Place Janeeta Fakhira Wiza (P4D)• 3rd Place Adwino Nugroho (P4C) LEVEL P5 • 1st Place Akhtarelgusya Al Dian (P5B)• 2nd Place Selena Ratu Sakeena (P5E)• 3rd Place Rayhan Zain Harwono (P5D)

• LEVEL P1 • 1st Place Mahira Mumtaza Primanda P1B• 2nd Place Falih Muhammad Axellio N. P1D• 3rd Place Muhammad Al-Fatih Shaquille P1G• • LEVEL P2 • 1st Place Faiza Rokhoul Aisy P2B• 2nd Place Ayman Maska Almairi P2D• 3rd Place Fathan Assyauqi Hiliry P2C• • LEVEL P3 • 1st Place Rizvi Akhtar Muthohari P3C• 2nd Place Ameera Azzahra Dinda P3E• 3rd Place Muhammad Syuja Alcantara P3D• • LEVEL P4 • 1st Place Raisah Kei Laiqa P4F• 2nd Place Freya Alova Rizkatama P4C• 3rd Place Muhammad Farel Sugandi P4A• • LEVEL P5 • 1st Place Kenes Khanza Rafida P5D• 2nd Place Alhazen Muhammad P5E• 3rd Place Almira Fithratunnisa P5C







1st day .. Opening by reciting du'a and continued with reciting daily supplications for Playgroup students. Kinder 1 students had Tahfizh and buttoning clothing and Kinder 2 students had Tahfizh / reciting short surah of Al Qur’an. 2nd day ..There was also a fashion show class competition for Playgroup level and Kinder 1 and 2 had a Sholawat Nabi competition. 3rd day .. K1 and K2 Final Tahfizh competition and storytelling by watching videos of all students. 4rd day .. virtual closing ceremony announcing winner. Alhamdulillah, all participants were extremely excited and the event ran well and smoothly.

CONGRATULATIONS KIDS!KindergartenGading Serpong

Playgroup• Fashion show1st Nayyara Bitari Bumi (PG Ibnu Taimiyah)2nd Maritza Shazfa Navisha (PG Ibnu Taimiyah)3rd Kavyaa Aneesha Talyza (PG Ibnu Taimiyah)• Daily Supplication1st Muhammad Radiv Arsya (PG Ibnu Taimiyah)2nd Eshan Rayyan Altair (PG Ibnu Taimiyah)3rd Kavyaa Aneesha Talyza (PG Ibnu Taimiyah)

Kindergarten 1• Tahfidz 1st Kanesa Haflani Almashyra (K1 Al-Mawardi)2nd Ghaitsa Azkia Nirwasita (K1 Ibnu Sina)

3rd Tsaniyah Sakhi (K1 Al-Mawardi)4th Nalendra Muhammad Rashya Ringgaran (K1 Al-Mawardi)5th Akbar Rasyidin (K1 Al-Mawardi)6th Renjiro Arshan Haritz Azenda (K1 Al Farabi)• Shalawat1st Iqsyana Alesha Arsyafa (K1 Al-Mawardi)2nd Kaira Anindita Ramadhani (K1 Al-Mawardi)3rd Lakshita Agni Ayudia (K1 Ibnu Sina)4th Nyemas Salma Rasyida (K1 Al Farabi)5th Chloe Ameera Kusmawan (K1 Al-Mawardi)6th Yurendra Khale Arrasy (K1 Al-Mawardi)• Buttoning Clothing1st R Arsyila Lavina (K1 Al-Mawardi)2nd Zefa Safaraz Harnawan (K1 Al-Mawardi)3rd Karel Ramadhana Ibrahim Risantoro (K1 Ibnu Sina)4th Nameera Ashalina Diansyah (K1 Al Farabi)5th Mireya Fujisawa (K1 Al Farabi)6th Diandrayu Aryasena Rasyid (K1 Ibnu Sina)

Kindergarten 2• Tahfidz 1st Denisha Putri Irsad (K2 Al Kindi)2nd Ahmad Khaizuran Wafi Arkan (K2 Ibnu Rushd)3rd Ramadhan Piningit Jagat (K2 Ibnu Bajjah)4th Chiara Nadifa Azaety ((K2 Ibnu Rushd)5th Fatih Gerrard Rasyid (K2 Ibnu Bajjah)6th Alesha Wiejaya ( K2 Ibnu Rushd)• Storytelling 1st Laudya Senja Madinah Alisjahbana (K2 Ibnu Bajjah)2nd Adzkiya Syafina Putri (K2 Al Kindi)3rd Ava Jasmine Putri Pratama (K2 Al Kindi)4th Alshaan Arganta Oziel (K2 Al Kindi)5th Muhammad Zavran Hiro Ayubi (K2 Ibnu Rushd)6th Wishell Iceu Rafanda (K2 Ibnu Bajjah)• Shalawat 1st Chaira Alya Aqa (K2 Ibnu Bajjah)2nd Thalita Naomi Azzalea Agra (K2 Al Kindi)3rd Galuh Shafiya Khalisamecca ( k2 Ibnu Bajjah)4th Darrel Athallah Stevino (K2 Al Kindi)5th Muhammad Noah Al-Ghifari Afrizal ( k2 Ibnu Bajjah)6th Airin Salsabila (K2 Ibnu Rushd)


KindergartenGraha RayaPlaygroup• Fashion show:1st Keana Charesa Nash (PG Medina)2nd Kalilla Izza Qanita (PG Mecca)3rd Kinantya adreena putri Shabira (PG Medina)4th Khalif Rafan Antarikso (PG Mecca)5th Alesha Despina Bandawi (PG Medina)6th Athalla Gaizka Herling (PG Mecca)• Daily Supplication PG:1st Shairra Jhena dewantara (PG Medina)2nd Ibad Al Wiyatna (PG Medina)3rd Almira Shaqueena Qianzi (PG Mecca)4th Zhafira Azzahra Nasution (PG Medina)5th Khalaf Ahza Himawan (PG Mecca)6th M.Tristan Ar Raffasya (PG Medina)

Kindergarten 1• Tahfidz 1st Arvenu Rayanarkha Donggala2nd Albarra Wafiq Saverio ( K1 Shafa)3rd Muhammad Mazra Kayyisi ( Arafah4th Artefa Kianzie Farianto ( K1 Arafah)5th Zidan Alfarezel Akbar (K1 Marwa)6th Shavira Fathinia Nugraha (K1 Marwa)• Shalawat K1 level1st Aina Talita Zahran ( K1 Arafah)2nd Sumayya Azzahra Syarif Assady ( K1 Arafah)3rd Cataleya Adib (K1 Marwa)4th Zerina Khanza Ayumi ( K1 Shafa)5th Alisha Adhisti Aylani ( K1 Shafa)6th Malik Khiar Ardani (K1 Marwa)• Buttoning Clothing 1st Muhammad Abyaz Alrafaezya Anwar ( K1 Shafa)

2nd Annisa Adzkia Nadine ( K1 Shafa)3rd Athaya Khanza Faiha ( K1 Arafah)4th Azka Abrizham Ardian ( K1 Arafah)5th Senandana Abimanyu Sukmana (K1 Marwa)6th Alesha Shaumaluna Irawan (K1 Marwa)

Kindergarten 2• Tahfidz 1st Arsyad Mahfud Sauqi ( K2 Muzdalifah)2nd Jihan Earlyta Putri Firmansyah ( K2 Iskandaria)3rd Elvina Ayu Kinanti ( K2 Andalusia)4th Massaid Putra Madlin ((K2 Iskandaria)5th Ghania Safia Okyno (K2 Andalusia)6th Ainun Rubyan Andraiko ( k2 Muzdalifah)• Storytelling1st Alfarezel Albifardzan (K2 Muzdalifah)2nd Aerilyn Faradiba Seizka (k2 Muzdalifah)3rd Kylo Rayyan Antarikso (K2 Iskandaria)4th Kenisha Farrasia Hazira (K2 Iskandaria)5th Caramel Shakila Warmansyah (K2 Andalusia)6th Dyandra Aleesha Shieru (K2 Andalusia)• Shalawat 1st Whianka Selomitha Azalea (K2 Andalusia)2nd Maira Hanun Mumtaza (K2 Andalusia)3th Gaia Gemintang Agisha ( k2 Muzdalifah)4th Ghaida Dzakiyah Ashila (K2 Iskandaria)5th Andi Vira Fadhilah ( k2 Muzdalifah)6th Azizah Dzakiyah Talita (K2 Iskandaria)

KindergartenThe IconPLaygroup• Daily Supplication1st Farrasha Nadhira Laksana (PG Al Wahab Class)2nd Arsyila Naureen Fadhillah (PG Al Latiif Class)3rd Adskhan Raefal Arzanka (PG Al Latiif Class)






• Fashion Show1st Feisya Alice Oscar (PG Al Wahab Class)2nd Zylbeena Fathiyya Al Kautsar (PG Al Latiif Class)3rd Anjani Ishana Almayra (PG Al Latiif Class)

Kinder 1• Tahfidz1st Ory Amare Gothra (K1 Al Aziz Class)2nd Izzara Aisya Shanum Aji (K1 Ar Rahman Class)3rdAgisa Alkhaleena Dzakira (K1 Al Malik Class)4th Adrien Quinzha Valerie (K1 Al Malik Class)5th Andjana Ananda Wibowo (K1 Al Malik Class)6th Sabran Abiyyu Prasetiyo (K1 Ar Rahman Class)• Sholawat1st Inara Ayudia Nugraha (K1 Al Aziz Class) 2nd Mikhayla Inara Aristo (K1 Al Malik Class)3rd Rajwa Mardhiyya (K1 Ar Rahman Class)4th Alisya Jemima Pamungkas (K1 Al Aziz Class)5th Syawla Qurrotaayuniy (K1 Al Aziz Class)6th Khanza Shaqueena N (K1 Al Malik Class)• Buttoning Clothing1st Arfa Arsyanendra Yudhistira (K1 Al Aziz Class)2nd Farah Adiba Aulia Arman (K1 Al Aziz Class)3rdAisyah Nuha Raga Malo (K1 Al Malik Class)4th Aisyah Megumi Kilmani (K1 Ar Rahman Class)5th Falihah Shidqiyah Asyrof (K1 Ar Rahman Class)6th Caitlyn Nadhira Salsabila (K1 Ar Rahman Class)

Kinder 2 • Tahfidz1st Rabbi'raid Rabbani Rinaldi (K2 Al Jabbar Class)2nd Radiv Atha Chandra (K2 Al Hakim Class)3rd Bianca Faradina Azzarine (K2 Ar Rasyid Class)4th Akhtara Ghaisan Alfarezqi (K2 Al Hakim Class)5th Muhammad Gibran Arrafif (K2 Al Jabbar Class)6th Arashel Mahesti Jenar (K2 Ar Rasyid Class)• Sholawat1st Ayasofya Azzahra Dewantoro (K2 Ar Rasyid Class)2nd Alesha Karnaira Robi (K2 Ar Rasyid Class)3rd Thalia Selena Anggala (K2 Al Jabbar Class)4th Misya Anindya Ramadhani (K2 Ar Rasyid Class)5th Keenar Fathima Lunayra (K2 Al Jabbar Class)6th Callysta Nafasya Azzahra (K2 Al Hakim Class)• Storytelling1st Daneen Jenna Alesha (K2 Al Jabbar Class)2nd Alkhalifi Arsenio Ibrahim (K2 Ar Rasyid Class)3rd Bashirah Annisa Nadiah (K2 Ar Rasyid Class)4th Aurora Fathima Prasetyo (K2 Al Hakim Class)5th Latifa Aimee (K2 Al Hakim Class)6th Naisha Aqila Suri (K2 Al Hakim Class)

1. Larasati Putri Hanindyawanti2. Luna Kayla Fathiya3. Athallah Abhiramadhani Ananta Destu4. Defanya Afifa5. Alia Naura Khairani6. Dennisa Ramadhina Koswara7. Naralsha Tsuraya 8. Gaizka Cika Maharani S.9. Deandra Putri Agung 10. Lutia Nurfadillah11. Nadia Camilla Darmawan

Head of CommitteeVice-Head of CommitteeCo-ordinator: Upper SecondaryCo-ordinator: Lower SecondarySecretarySecretaryTreasurerTreasurerProgrammes DivisionProgrammes DivisionProgrammes Division

Thank you and see you next Syafest!Committee Syafest 2021 Students Committee


12. Damar Makasa Rizwan 13. Seo Hyerim Artha14. Putri Nabila Mutiarani 15. Charissa Amira Aqiladithia16. Shafira Amelia Shanty R.17. Azra Irdina Hadian18. Reana Ramadhani Astraliana 19. Nida Nasywa Tsabita Ganis20. Akmal Nararya Hasan21. Dea Putri Dwinanda Hutomo22. Imam Muflih23. M. Aufa Dika Abiyyu 24. Fachrysa Firstiara Nadia25. Garini Maura Maharani S. 26. M. Fadhil Rafah27. Kamilah Khalishah Endrian28. Alayya Keisa Amarta Pujashinta29. M. Daffa Anugerah30. Salsabila Nurhaliza K.P.31. Liana Ekahaldini Santoso32. Azwa Ihsania Rachman 33. Ayla Fakhirah34. Jihan35. Livia Nadia Salsabila36. Keisha Putri37. Azzahra Amare Amodia38. Laras Puspa Hayaak Abbas 39. Naufal Azka40. Natasha Ahlu Alauna 41. Azira Fatin Annasywa 42. Fabian Abubakar43. Razikha Kayla Farzhani 44. Azka Zhafirah Adianca 45. Ilham Athallah Nugroho46. Nayla Amani Dinar 47. Shadrina Callista Jasmine48. Syifa Ayu Fatimah49. Nawra Savaira Rizqin Siregar 50. Resh-‘Aina Humaira Tsania Utomo 51. Setia Nurul Shiba Mahdiyya T.S.52. Athiya Nadira53. M. Daffa Fahrezy54. Valzan Baruna Arkananta55. Afif Zydan56. Aisha Chairunnisa57. Nasywa Laffaiza

Programmes DivisionProgrammes DivisionPrize-Giving DivisionPrize-Giving DivisionWorkshop DivisionWorkshop DivisionWorkshop DivisionWorkshop DivisionOperatorOperatorOperatorCo-ordinator: OperatorsOperatorOperatorOperatorRegistration DivisionRegistration DivisionCompetitions DivisionCompetitions DivisionPIC of Remake Movie Poster & Treasure Hunt CompetitionPIC of Remake Movie Poster & Treasure Hunt CompetitionPIC of Remake Movie Poster & Treasure Hunt CompetitionPIC of Breaking News CompetitionPIC of Breaking News CompetitionPIC of Battle of Ideas CompetitionPIC of Battle of Ideas CompetitionPIC of Poetry CompetitionPIC of Poetry CompetitionPIC of Poetry CompetitionPIC of Calligraphy CompetitionPIC of Calligraphy CompetitionPIC of Calligraphy CompetitionPIC of Poster Design CompetitionPIC of Poster Design CompetitionPIC of Poster Design CompetitionPublications DivisionPublications DivisionPublications DivisionPublications DivisionPublications DivisionPublications DivisionDocumentation DivisionDocumentation DivisionDocumentation DivisionDocumentation DivisionDocumentation Division

SEE YOU NEXTSyafest 2023







4th [email protected]

5rd Place@myra_snacks

3rd Place@farshanoza

1st Place@yanzdewiParent: Yanuar Dewi S.Son: Alvaro Adhyatma N.Level: P2A

Parent: Aniza AmaliaSon: A. Khadafi Adry Level: G9C

2st Place@anisafreedomhoki

Parent: Farrie FarshaDaughter: Espinoza C.Level:P5C

Parent: Mira ChairyahDaughter: Kamilia MumtazLevel: G7A

Parent: Irma AgustinaSon: Aldric Ari H.Level: K2 - Ar Rasyid, The Icon


Nama Ibu: Yanuar Dewi SetyowatiNama Anak: Alvaro Adhyatma NugrahaKelas: P2A

Nama Ibu: Aniza Amalia OktaviaNama Anak: A. Khadafi Adry SwasonoKelas: G9C







16 Pemenang Lomba Food Photography Syafest 2021


Nama Ibu: Farrie FarshaNama Anak: Espinoza CorreliaKelas:P5C

Nama Ibu: Mira Chairyah HadiyaniNama Anak: Kamilia MumtazKelas: G7A

Nama Ibu: Irma AgustinaNama Anak: Aldric Ari HamizanKelas: K2 - Ar Rasyid, The Icon - BSD

Nama Ibu: Kiki MariahNama Anak: O.U.QuennazahwaKelas: P3D

Nama Ibu: Christine andriyaniNama siswa : Rajwa Mardhiyya Kelas: K1 Arrahman Syafana Icon

Nama Ibu: Dian SabriNama Siswa: KimiKelas: K2 Ibnu Bajjah

Nama Ibu: R Mugiasih Endah S SP MPNama Anak: Faizul Haq SuhartonoKelas: G11

Nama Ibu: FitriNama Siswa: Keisya KaelaniKelas: G8A

Nama Ibu: NuryantiNama Siswa: Muhammad Mazra KayyisiKelas: K1 Arafah

Nama Ibu: Eliza Fitriani NatunggaNama Anak: Ghanya Sabrina Qurrotul’aini NatunggaKelas: P6ENama Anak: Hizbunnashor Natungga AperiyandhoKelas: P3D

Nama Ibu : Yanthy TaswirNama Siswa:Ayesha Nazira Kelas: G9C

Nama Ibu: VinyNama Anak: Cleopatra KabsyaNama Kelas: K2 Alhakim-The Icon

Nama Ibu: Erika SariNama Siswa: Kiandra Alika Shaelynn MasruriKelas: K1 Ar Rahman The Icon

Nama Ibu: KarwatiNama anak: Great Nasya ZafiraKelas: G12


































Managing Director Syafana Islamic School:Bantuan ke Palestina Sebagai Bentuk Ukhuwah Islamiyah dan Kemanusiaan

Alhamdulillah pada hari Jumat, 2 Juli 2021, Syafana PEDULI telah menyalurkan donasi ambulans untuk Palestina sebesar Rp 500.000.000 melalui pihak Aksi Cepat Tanggap (ACT). Dana ini diperoleh dari orangtua murid, guru, staf dan tenaga kependidikan Syafana Islamic School. Managing Director Syafana Islamic School, Ustadz H. Nanang Firdaus Masduki, menyampaikan bahwa Syafana sudah beberapa kali aktif dalam penggalangan donasi ke Palestina. Jika dihitung sejak awal, total dana yang terkumpul sudah mencapai Rp 2,5 milyar. Penggalangan donasi untuk Palestina ini dilandasi oleh tiga hal, yaitu: ukhuwah islamiyah yaitu persaudaraan sesama muslim, ukhuwah wathoniah persaudaraan sebangsa walaupun tidak seagama/satu suku dan ukhuwah insaniyah yaitu persaudaraan sesama manusia. Bantuan untuk Palestina sudah menjadi suatu keniscayaan. Sebab Palestina saat ini sedang dijajah, ditindas dan hak-hak mereka dirampas. Tentu saja yang

menjadi korban mulai dari rakyat, pejabat sampai ulama panutan ummat. Kondisi memprihatinkan disana juga tidak hanya dirasakan oleh kaum muslimin, namun juga oleh masyarakat non-muslim. Sebagai muslim kita sudah diajarkan untuk mengulurkan tangan kepada sesama manusia yang butuh pertolongan tanpa memandang agamanya. Secara kemanusiaan semua masyarakat yang ada di Palestina juga sudah sepantasnya mendapatkan perhatian dan bantuan. Ustadz H. Nanang Firdaus Masduki juga menyampaikan bahwa penggalangan dana kemanusiaan yang telah dilakukan oleh Syafana tidak hanya terbatas pada masyarakat Palestina. Selama ini Syafana telah berperan aktif dalam menggalang dan menyalurkan bantuan kemanusiaan bagi yang membutuhkan di dalam negeri, seperti: Bantuan peralatan medis ke dinas kesehatan dan rumah sakit di Tangerang Raya, bantuan kemanusiaan bagi masyarakat yang terdampak bencana alam di Tangerang, Lombok, Mamuju, dan lain sebagainya.

Oleh: Ust. Khoirul Hasibuan, Lc - Koordinator Program Tahfizh 30 Juz







Bismillaahirrahmaanirrahiim..Assalamu’alaikum warahmatullahi wabaraakatuh.. Praise be to Allah SWT who will exalt those who believe among you, and those who have been granted knowledge, to high ranks. Prayers and peace be upon our master, Muhammad SAW who Allah SWT sent with Fathanah (smarts and wisdom). My name is Salyono Siswo Utomo, Lc. I joined Syafana Islamic School in 2014, so this is my 7th year walking along with this great educational institution in creating dynamic future leaders as its mission. To support this great mission, this academic year 2021 - 2022 Syafana Islamic School launched a

new programme, called Syafana Islamic Boarding School (SIBS). Alhamdulillah I have been given the opportunity to become a House Parent who will be in charge and responsible for learning and daily activities of students at SIBS dormitory. SIBS is a boarding school concept, which is a mix between curriculum based on religion with intensive daily practical application in the boarding environment, and formal school with international curriculum. With this collaboration SIBS will create generations, strong in faith, diligent in worship, smart, and with good emotional and intellectual intelligence, who will lead the world in the future. SIBS has tahfizh Al-Qur’an 30 juz as it feature programme. Combined with Arabic lessons and Islamic studies students will be the qur’anic generation. Students will not only memorise 30 juz Al-Qur’an, but will know its meaning, and apply the teachings of the holy Qur’an in their daily lives. May Allah SWT guide us in this big step. See you there.wassalamu’alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh

SIBS House Parent

Ust. Salyono Siswo Utomo, Lc

Private Guest House Meeting room/Dining HallBedroom for 2 or 3 students

Lobby / Entrance Swimming pool


Hello, my name is Azalia Sabila, also known as Sydh Bella. Alhamdulillah, this year I had an extraordinary opportunity to become Vice -Principal: Academic of Syafana Islamic School-Upper Secondary of academic year 2021-2022. It seems like only yesterday I got my Bachelor of Education Degree and joined Syafana Islamic School as a Maths Teacher, and now I am in my fifth year at this amazing school. I learned and developed a lot through all the processes and also from my fellow teachers and great students at this school. School is not just a place to pursue high grades, but more than that. At school, we can collect as much information as possible, make mistakes and learn from them, and also experience the role in mini-life simulations. Our job is to provide the best quality and facilities for students so they can develop the skills and abilities that they have. It is a challenge to satisfy all the student’s needs during this whole pandemic. However, I believe, as Allah SWT promised in Surah Al Insyirah: 5-6 "…For indeed with hardship (will be) ease. Indeed, with hardship (will be) ease …”, This situation provides us a million lessons that we can take, as evidenced by technological advances that are currently growing rapidly in Indonesia, especially at Syafana Islamic-Upper Secondary School. The world of education is very dynamic and broad, as is knowledge. Along with the times, information is very easy to obtain. So our students must not remain passive, they must seek knowledge as high and wide as possible, not only from Indonesia but also from other parts of the world. Therefore, in achieving those noble goals, with Allah SWT's permission and the best co-operation of all Teachers, students, staff and education personnel, Syafana Islamic School-Upper Secondary's Vice-Principal: Academic will focus on developing a creative and dynamic curriculum so that students get the best education and strong knowledge in their preparation to continue their education and contribute to social life.

Upper SecondaryVice-Principal Academic Affairs

Sydh Azalia Sabila, S.Pd






The webinar on the first day of work in early 2021 and attended by more than 250 employees consisting of Syafana Teachers and staff. The theme of this webinar was about a New World setting, and was delivered by the Managing Director of Syafana Islamic School Ust. H. Nanang Firdaus Masduki, Lc. It was the hope that 2021 would be better than the previous year. With an optimistic outlook, starting this year, it was hoped that all involved in Syafana's academic community would be able to adapt quickly and accurately. Whatever events and opportunities that have been done well in the past year would increase in speed this year because for everything that happens there must be a lesson behind it. We all know that this is the time of the Covid-19 pandemic where a lot of things have changed, especially how people work, how students learn and how we communicate with one another. Therefore, the Managing Director of Syafana Islamic School invited the academic community of Syafana to always be optimistic during this difficult time by always adhering to health protocols. He also invited us all to focus on Syafana's educational goals by continuously improving the way we work, how to convey learning well so that there is comfort in the KBM process until the output was in line with shared expectations. Zoom conference meeting, 4th January 2021. (LA)


THE IMPLEMENTATION OF ROUTINE COVID-19 RAPID TESTS: MANAGEMENT, TEACHERS & STAFF OF SYAFANA ISLAMIC SCHOOL As a step to prevent and the spread of the Covid-19 virus, Syafana Islamic School conducts regular checks on Management, Teachers & Staff, covering 340 participants, as was done on 2nd January 2021, after the Semester-1 holiday. Alhamdulillah, all the results were good and there was nothing to be worried about. Consequently, everyone was ready to welcome Semester 2 2020/2021 Academic Year with enthusiasm and peace of mind. (HLA)

Since the middle of February 2021, Syafana Islamic School has held an event entitled Morning Briefing. The purpose and objective of holding a routine event every Wednesday morning between 07.00 - 07.20 WIB was to ensure the realisation of the vision and mission of the school and its objectives. It was hoped that this would result in a more focused Management, Teachers and Staff, who would have a greater sense of belonging and responsibility and dedication to an institution that has been established for 16 years to benefit the ummah. Hopefully all advice given by our Managing Director Ust. H. Nanang Firdaus Masduki, Lc can be useful for us in achieving our goals together, Aamiin! (HL)



Alhamdulillah, rasa syukur yg tiada terhingga kami panjatkan kehadirat Allah Ta’ala atas telah dimulainya pembangunan Syafana Islamic Boarding School di Kp. Pugur Greenwich BSD. Hal ini ditandai dengan beberapa kegiatan yang dilakukan pada hari Sabtu, 23 Januari 2021.Sebagai ucapan terimakasih dan perhatian terhadap warga sekitar, Alhamdulillah telah disalurkan bantuan bagi warga yang membutuhkan. Sejumlah 300 paket telah dibagikan dalam kegiatan ini. Selanjutnya, acara dilanjutkan dengan khataman Qur'an 30 juz dan doa memohon kelancaran proses pembangunan serta sambutan dari Managing Director Syafana Islamic School Ust. H. Nanang Firdaus Masduki, Lc. Dalam sambutannya beliau menyampaikan bahwa Syafana Islamic Boarding School di desa Lengkong Kyai ini sebagai tonggak pengembangan Agama Islam di Tangerang sebagaimana yang telah dilakukan oleh para Kyai terdahulu dan semoga dari Syafana Islamic Boarding School ini akan lahir tokoh-tokoh nasional dan international yang baik akhlaqnya, hafal Al quran dan berguna bagi masyarakat, bangsa dan negara Republik Indonesia. Acara diakhiri dengan peletakan batu pertama oleh Yayasan Syafana Media Insani dan perwakilan tokoh masyarakat setempat. Semoga Allah memberikan kelancaran, kemudahan dan keberkahan dalam proses pembangunan Syafana Islamic Boarding School ini. Aamiin







Untuk menjaga kesehatan para pendidik dan tenaga kependidikan Syafana Islamic School Kindergarten, alhamdulillah pada bulan April 2021 para pendidik dan tenaga kependidikan Syafana Gading serpong sebanyak 20 orang, Syafana Graha Raya sebanyak 23 orang, dan Syafana Icon BSD sebanyak 20 orang telah melakukan Vaksinasi Covid-19. Namun demikian kami tetap menjaga protokol kesehatan dengan memakai masker, mencuci tangan, menjaga jarak, menjauhi kerumunan dan mengurangi mobilitas. Dengan demikian, kami siap menyambut tahun ajaran baru dengan semangat sehat. Semoga masa pandemik ini segera berakhir dan kita bisa melakukan kegiatan di sekolah lagi dengan penuh kebahagiaan bertemu dengan guru-guru dan teman-teman. Aamiiin...

Vaksin Covid-19 Guru KindergartenOleh: Sydh Firza Fitriani Natungga, S.Sos, S.Pd.I - Principal Kindergarten Graha Raya

Tahun ajaran baru telah semakin dekat. Hanya dalam hitungan 1 bulan kedepan kita telah memasuki tahun ajaran 2021-2022. Tentu kita masih menunggu dan terus berdoa agar proses KBM tahun ajaran baru dengan tatap muka walaupun terbatas. Sekolah dan orangtua serta anak-anak tercinta tentu sangat bergembira dengan arahan yang disampaikan oleh Bapak Menteri Pendidikan bahwa tahun ajaran baru 2021-2022 sekolah diperkenankan untuk melaksanakan KBM tatap muka dengan syarat-syarat yang harus dipenuhi oleh setiap satuan pendidikan.

Hal ini merupakan kabar yang sangat menggembirakan semua pihak. Akan tetapi hal ini disesuaikan dengan kondisi setempat dan arahan pemerintah daerah. Syafana Islamic school tentu merespon positif arahan ini dengan mempersiapkan berbagai hal agar dapat melaksanakan KBM tatap muka terbatas dengan menjalankan protokol kesehatan yang sangat ketat sehingga semua siswa, guru dan tenaga kependidikan terhindar dari virus Covid-19. Beberapa persiapan yang telah dilakukan adalah SOP bagi pelaksanaan Pembelajaran Tatap Muka terbatas (PTM) dari mulai kehadiran siswa di sekolah hingga mereka pulang kerumah masing-masiang, kegiatan didalam kelas, durasi pembelajaran, kegiatan bagi siswa yang di sekolah dan dirumah, melengkapi fasilitas kesehatan seperti hand sanitizer, tempat cuci tangan, tenaga kesehatan, kerjasama dengan dinas kesehatan dan Alhamdulillah, tenaga pendidik dan kependidikan di Syafana Islamic School telah divaksinasi tahap 1 dan tahap 2. Sehingga ini membuat orangtua merasa lebih aman ketika mengijinkan siswa untuk belajar secara tatap muka. Marilah kita selalu berdoa dan mohon kepada Zat yang Maha Pengasih dan Maha Penyayang agar kita selalu mendapat perlindungan dari Allah SWT. amin

Persiapan KBMTatap Muka Oleh: Ust. Marjak, M.Pd - Principal Primary


1. Menurunkan angka kesakitan dan kematian akibat COVID-19 Seperti yang disebutkan sebelumnya, vaksin COVID-19 dapat memicu sistem imunitas tubuh untuk melawan virus Corona. Dengan begitu, risiko Anda untuk terinfeksi virus ini akan jauh lebih kecil.Kalaupun seseorang yang sudah divaksin tertular COVID-19, vaksin bisa mencegah terjadinya gejala yang berat dan komplikasi. Dengan begitu, jumlah orang yang sakit atau meninggal karena COVID-19 akan menurun.

2. Mendorong terbentuknya herd immunity Seseorang yang mendapatkan vaksin COVID-19 juga dapat melindungi orang-orang di sekitarnya, terutama kelompok yang sangat berisiko, seperti lansia di atas 70 tahun. Hal ini karena kemungkinan orang yang sudah divaksin untuk menularkan virus Corona sangatlah kecil. Bila diberikan secara massal, vaksin COVID-19 juga mampu mendorong terbentuknya kekebalan kelompok (herd immunity) dalam masyarakat. Artinya, orang yang tidak bisa mendapatkan vaksin, misalnya bayi baru lahir, lansia, atau penderita kelainan sistem imun tertentu, bisa mendapatkan perlindungan dari orang-orang di sekitarnya. Kendati demikian, untuk mencapai herd immunity dalam suatu masyarakat, penelitian menyebutkan bahwa minimal 70% penduduk dalam negara tersebut harus sudah divaksin.

3. Meminimalkan dampak ekonomi dan sosial Manfaat vaksin COVID-19 tidak hanya untuk

sektor kesehatan, tetapi juga sektor ekonomi dan sosial. Jika sebagian besar masyarakat sudah memiliki sistem kekebalan tubuh yang baik untuk melawan penyakit COVID-19, kegiatan sosial dan ekonomi masyarakat bisa kembali seperti sediakala. Kelompok Prioritas Penerima Vaksin COVID-19 Saat ini, jumlah vaksin yang tersedia di Indonesia masih belum cukup untuk diberikan kepada seluruh masyarakat Indonesia sekaligus. Maka dari itu, ada beberapa kelompok yang diprioritaskan untuk mendapat vaksin COVID-19 terlebih dahulu.

Berikut ini adalah beberapa kelompok yang termasuk prioritas vaksin COVID-19:1. Tenaga kesehatan yang memiliki risiko tinggi untuk terinfeksi dan menularkan COVID-19.2. Orang dengan pekerjaan yang memiliki risiko tinggi tertular dan menularkan COVID-19 karena tidak dapat melakukan jaga jarak secara efektif, seperti anggota TNI/Polri, aparat hukum, dan petugas pelayanan publik lainnya.3. Orang yang memiliki penyakit penyerta dengan risiko kematian tinggi bila terkena COVID-19, termasuk lansia.

Setelah semua kelompok prioritas di atas mendapat vaksin COVID-19, vaksinasi akan dilanjutkan ke kelompok penerima vaksin COVID-19 lainnya, mulai dari penduduk di daerah yang banyak kasus COVID-19 sampai ke seluruh pelosok Indonesia. Dari fakta-fakta di atas, bisa kita lihat bahwa vaksin COVID-19 membawa banyak manfaat, tidak hanya untuk diri sendiri tetapi juga bagi banyak orang. Oleh sebab itu, meskipun banyak beredar isu-isu seputar vaksin yang belum jelas kebenarannya, Anda tidak perlu ragu atau takut untuk menjalani vaksinasi COVID-19. Selagi menunggu vaksin COVID-19 diedarkan, Anda harus tetap menjalani protokol kesehatan dan sebisa mungkin menghindari bepergian ke luar rumah atau berkumpul dengan orang banyak.

MENGAPA HARUS DIVAKSIN COVID-19?Oleh: dr. Fachri Valyasevi - Puskesmas Bojong Nangka, Tangerang

Ada banyak manfaat yang bisa diperoleh jika Anda mendapat vaksin COVID-19, di antaranya:






Dalam rangka antisipasi penyebaran Covid-19 menjelang rencana Hybrid Learning Programme di sekolah pada Juli mendatang, maka Syafana Islamic School membentuk Tim Satuan Tugas Penanganan Covid-19 yang beranggotakan perwakilan masing-masing kampus. Bekerjasama dengan instansi kesehatan yang diwakilkan oleh dr. Ranny Rulianty, Tim Satuan Tugas Penanganan Covid-19 Syafana Islamic School mendapatkan materi pembekalan pada Selasa, 15 Juni 2021. Acara pembekalan ini menekankan peran sekolah dalam upaya preventif penularan Covid-19 di sekolah serta bagaimana penanganan jika ada salah satu anggota sekolah yang terpapar covid-19. Dalam arahan yang disampaikan oleh dr. Ranny Rulianty dipaparkan bahwa perlunya sekolah mengambil tindakan yang riil dan disiplin terhadap penerapan

protokol kesehatan mulai dari mengunakan masker, cuci tangan, jaga jarak, menghindari kerumunan, serta membatasi mobilitas. Kemudian ketersedian sarana dan prasarana penunjang lainnya seperti tempat cuci tangan, hand sanitizer di setiap kelas, stok masker baru dan masih banyak lagi sarana lainnya yang harus disiapkan sekolah. Tim Satgas Penanganan Covid-19 diharapkan dapat menjalankan tugasnya dengan baik serta menjalin komunikasi instens dengan orangtua terkait pencegahan Covid-19 di sekolah. Tentunya upaya ini menjadi langkah positif dalam persiapan rencana Hybrid Learning Programme di sekolah. Semoga kita semua selalu dalam lindungan Allah SWT.

PEMBEKALAN TIM SATUAN TUGAS PENANGANAN COVID-19Oleh: Sydh Siska Juwita Sari, Spd.IPrincipal of Kindergarten Icon


Berdasarkan SK Bersama Menteri Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan, Menteri Agama, Menteri Kesehatan dan Menteri Dalam Negeri Republik Indonesia no. 03/KB/2021, no 384 tahun 2021, HK.01.08/menkes/4242/2021 dan Nomor.440-717 tahun 2021, maka rencana tatap muka siswa untuk hadir ke sekolah mendekati titik terang untuk dapat dilaksanakan di tahun ajaran baru nanti. Tentunya selama zona di daerah sekolah berada di wilayah zona hijau atau kuning. Kendati demikian persyaratan untuk dibukanya sekolah bagi siswa ini tidak bisa serta merta dilangsungkan selama pihak-pihak berwenang seperti gubernur, bupati/camat dan desa serta untuk satuan pendidikan yang terdiri dari Kepala Sekolah dan orang tua semua sudah menyatakan siap. Untuk mempersiapkan rancangan pembelajaran Hybrid Learning Programme dimana memadukan belajar online dan offline secara bersamaan, Syafana Islamic School dengan tanggap membentuk TIM SATGAS COVID di lingkungan sekolah yang terdiri dari Management, Guru, General Affairs seperti Service Maintenance (SM) dan Security masing-masing kampus mulai dari Kindegarten, Primary, Lower dan Upper Secondary. Sebelum pembentukan Tim SATGAS ini, seluruh kampus pun sudah membuat contingency plan yang mencakup alur siswa, SOP, fasilitas sarana dan prasarana dan langkah-langkah antisipatif lainnya.

Persiapan ini pun dibekali arahan dengan mengundang salah satu Tim SATGAS COVID, Dr. Rani. Beliau juga sebagai Profesional Advisor dari Fasilitas Kesehatan yang bekerjasama dengan Syafana Islamic School dalam hal kegawatdaruratan Covid-19 untuk memberikan arahan bagi personil SATGAS sekolah dari masing-masing level. Semua unit mematangkan hal-hal yang berkaitan dengan kedatangan, kepulangan dan kegawatdaruratan siswa menurut persiapan dan arahan yang sudah dipersiapkan di masing-masing kampus. Berbekal arahan dan perencanaan ini, kami mengundang Parents Teachers Association (PTA) dan Class Parents (CP) untuk mendapatkan penjelasan dari masing-masing Principal seperti apa Hybrid Learning Programme yang akan dilakukan dan seperti apa langkah antisipatif sekolah jika ada keadaan gawat darurat yang terjadi di sekolah, dan tindakan yang harus dilakukan. Pelaksanaan sosialisasi diadakan di tempat dan waktu terpisah pada masing-masing level melalui zoom teleconference yaitu Primary Selasa 15 Juni 2021, sementara untuk level Kindergarten, Lower Secondary dan Upper Secondary pada hari Rabu, 16 Juni 2021. Sosialisasi ini mendapat tanggapan positif dari perwakilan parents dimana respon cepat pihak sekolah serta persiapan contingency plan yang telah disusun, memberikan harapan bahwa kesiapan sekolah untuk Hybrid Learning Programme dapat dilaksanakan. Kami sangat mengapresiasi beberapa rekomendasi dan masukan dari pihak perwakilan parents dan PTA dalam mempersiapkan SATGAS Covid untuk memasukkan poin-poin yang diberikan ke dalam SOP pelaksanaannya yang tentunya sesuai dengan keadaan kampus masing-masing. Kami tak pernah berhenti berharap, berdoa dan berikhtiar dengan semua langkah dan persiapan yang sudah dilakukan akan memberikan harapan yang lebih baik untuk terlaksananya pembelajaran hybrid learning di tahun ajaran baru mendatang. Bismillah…







Pertama, bantu anak mengenal apa itu sekolah danapa saja kegiatan yang biasa dilakukan selamakegiatan pembelajaran. Dengan sudah mendapatkanpenjelasan dari figur terdekatnya tentang maknasekolah, anak akan lebih terbantu untuk bersiap danpada akhirnya beradaptasi dengan kegiatan belajardan bermain secara lebih bermakna danmenyenangkan untuknya kelak. Begitu juga dengananak yang akan mengalami transisi dari levelpendidikan, bantu mengenalkan anak tentangbeberapa perubahan sistem pembelajaran yangmungkin akan anak alami berbeda dari levelpendidikan sebelumnya.

Kedua, perhatikan bahasa tubuh dan antusiasmeanak tentang sekolah. Hal ini bisa membantu ayahbunda memprediksi akan kesiapan anak secaramental untuk sekolah. Tanyakan buah pemikiran danperasaannya tentang sekolah. Kadang kala anakmengungkapkan kekhawatirannya terkaitpengalaman baru akan sekolah yang akan iadapatkan. Ayah bunda bisa menanyakan alasan darikekhawatiran yang ia rasakan, sekaligus bisa menjadimomen belajar diskusi dengan anak dengan

memberikan penguatan yang mungkin diperlukanuntuk membuatnya nyaman dan lebih siap untukmemasuki dunia sekolah. Selain itu, ayah bunda bisamengetahui kesiapan anak sekolah secara kognitif,fisik dan akademik melalui psikotes untukmendapatkan gambaran yang lebih komprehensif.

Ketiga, ajak anak untuk mengenal sekolahnya.Tidak ada salahnya mengajak anak untukmengunjungi sekolah barunya, atau setidaknya anakmengetahui lokasi dan bentuk sekolahnya nanti. Selainitu, ajak anak mempersiapkan segala peralatansekolahnya yang baru. Jangan lupa berikanpengertian sebelumnya tentang apa saja yang nantiakan dibeli, untuk melatih komitmen anak untuk hanyamembeli barang yang dibutuhkan. Denganmemberikan kesempatan anak untuk mengenalsekolahnya dan memilih alat tulis sekolahnya, orangtua secara tidak langsung memvalidasi antusiasmedan perasaan anak untuk memasuki dunia baru yaitusekolah.

Keempat, cari info sebanyak mungkin tentangsekolah dan program sekolah untuk ananda. Hal ini


Ananda sudah memasuki usia sekolah? Atau harus bersiap naik levelpendidikan selanjutnya? Tahukah ayah bunda, terdapat beberapa

persiapan yang bisa dilakukan sedari dini.

Pertama, bantu anak mengenal apa itu sekolah danapa saja kegiatan yang biasa dilakukan selamakegiatan pembelajaran. Dengan sudah mendapatkanpenjelasan dari figur terdekatnya tentang maknasekolah, anak akan lebih terbantu untuk bersiap danpada akhirnya beradaptasi dengan kegiatan belajardan bermain secara lebih bermakna danmenyenangkan untuknya kelak. Begitu juga dengananak yang akan mengalami transisi dari levelpendidikan, bantu mengenalkan anak tentangbeberapa perubahan sistem pembelajaran yangmungkin akan anak alami berbeda dari levelpendidikan sebelumnya.

Kedua, perhatikan bahasa tubuh dan antusiasmeanak tentang sekolah. Hal ini bisa membantu ayahbunda memprediksi akan kesiapan anak secaramental untuk sekolah. Tanyakan buah pemikiran danperasaannya tentang sekolah. Kadang kala anakmengungkapkan kekhawatirannya terkaitpengalaman baru akan sekolah yang akan iadapatkan. Ayah bunda bisa menanyakan alasan darikekhawatiran yang ia rasakan, sekaligus bisa menjadimomen belajar diskusi dengan anak dengan

memberikan penguatan yang mungkin diperlukanuntuk membuatnya nyaman dan lebih siap untukmemasuki dunia sekolah. Selain itu, ayah bunda bisamengetahui kesiapan anak sekolah secara kognitif,fisik dan akademik melalui psikotes untukmendapatkan gambaran yang lebih komprehensif.

Ketiga, ajak anak untuk mengenal sekolahnya.Tidak ada salahnya mengajak anak untukmengunjungi sekolah barunya, atau setidaknya anakmengetahui lokasi dan bentuk sekolahnya nanti. Selainitu, ajak anak mempersiapkan segala peralatansekolahnya yang baru. Jangan lupa berikanpengertian sebelumnya tentang apa saja yang nantiakan dibeli, untuk melatih komitmen anak untuk hanyamembeli barang yang dibutuhkan. Denganmemberikan kesempatan anak untuk mengenalsekolahnya dan memilih alat tulis sekolahnya, orangtua secara tidak langsung memvalidasi antusiasmedan perasaan anak untuk memasuki dunia baru yaitusekolah.

Keempat, cari info sebanyak mungkin tentangsekolah dan program sekolah untuk ananda. Hal ini


Ananda sudah memasuki usia sekolah? Atau harus bersiap naik levelpendidikan selanjutnya? Tahukah ayah bunda, terdapat beberapa

persiapan yang bisa dilakukan sedari dini.


Oleh: Sydh Winy Nila Wisudawati, M.Psi., Psikolog – Kindergarten Counsellor

Ananda sudah memasuki usia sekolah? Atau harus bersiap naik level pendidikan selanjutnya? Tahukah ayah bunda, terdapat beberapa persiapan

yang bisa dilakukan sedari dini.

mengetahui kesiapan anak sekolah secara kognitif, fisik dan akademik melalui psikotes untuk mendapatkan gambaran yang lebih komprehensif. Ketiga, ajak anak untuk mengenal sekolahnya. Tidak ada salahnya mengajak anak untuk mengunjungi sekolah barunya, atau setidaknya anak mengetahui lokasi dan bentuk sekolahnya nanti. Selain itu, ajak anak mempersiapkan segala peralatan sekolahnya yang baru. Jangan lupa berikan pengertian sebelumnya tentang apa saja yang nanti akan dibeli, untuk melatih komitmen anak untuk hanya membeli barang yang dibutuhkan. Dengan memberikan kesempatan anak untuk mengenal sekolahnya dan memilih alat tulis sekolahnya, orang tua secara tidak langsung memvalidasi antusiasme dan perasaan anak untuk memasuki dunia baru yaitu sekolah. Keempat, cari info sebanyak mungkin tentang sekolah dan program sekolah untuk ananda. Hal ini dapat membantu orang tua untuk mengetahui dan perlahan membuat rutinitas untuk ananda tercinta, khususnya di waktu belajar sekolah atau sekolah secara daringnya. Selain itu, orang tua sudah dapat mulai mengubah rutinitas anak sesuai dengan aktifitas sekolah yang baru setidaknya 2 -3 minggu sebelumnya,

Pertama, bantu anak mengenal apa itu sekolah dan apa saja kegiatan yang biasa dilakukan selama kegiatan pembelajaran. Dengan sudah mendapatkan penjelasan dari figur terdekatnya tentang makna sekolah, anak akan lebih terbantu untuk bersiap dan pada akhirnya beradaptasi dengan kegiatan belajar dan bermain secara lebih bermakna dan menyenangkan untuknya kelak. Begitu juga dengan anak yang akan mengalami transisi dari level pendidikan, bantu mengenalkan anak tentang beberapa perubahan sistem pembelajaran yang mungkin akan anak alami berbeda dari level pendidikan sebelumnya. Kedua, perhatikan bahasa tubuh dan antusiasme anak tentang sekolah. Hal ini bisa membantu ayah bunda memprediksi akan kesiapan anak secara mental untuk sekolah. Tanyakan buah pemikiran dan perasaannya tentang sekolah. Kadang kala anak mengungkapkan kekhawatirannya terkait pengalaman baru akan sekolah yang akan ia dapatkan. Ayah bunda bisa menanyakan alasan dari kekhawatiran yang ia rasakan, sekaligus bisa menjadi momen belajar diskusi dengan anak dengan memberikan penguatan yang mungkin diperlukan untuk membuatnya nyaman dan lebih siap untuk memasuki dunia sekolah. Selain itu, ayah bunda bisa

Pertama, bantu anak mengenal apa itu sekolah danapa saja kegiatan yang biasa dilakukan selamakegiatan pembelajaran. Dengan sudah mendapatkanpenjelasan dari figur terdekatnya tentang maknasekolah, anak akan lebih terbantu untuk bersiap danpada akhirnya beradaptasi dengan kegiatan belajardan bermain secara lebih bermakna danmenyenangkan untuknya kelak. Begitu juga dengananak yang akan mengalami transisi dari levelpendidikan, bantu mengenalkan anak tentangbeberapa perubahan sistem pembelajaran yangmungkin akan anak alami berbeda dari levelpendidikan sebelumnya.

Kedua, perhatikan bahasa tubuh dan antusiasmeanak tentang sekolah. Hal ini bisa membantu ayahbunda memprediksi akan kesiapan anak secaramental untuk sekolah. Tanyakan buah pemikiran danperasaannya tentang sekolah. Kadang kala anakmengungkapkan kekhawatirannya terkaitpengalaman baru akan sekolah yang akan iadapatkan. Ayah bunda bisa menanyakan alasan darikekhawatiran yang ia rasakan, sekaligus bisa menjadimomen belajar diskusi dengan anak dengan

memberikan penguatan yang mungkin diperlukanuntuk membuatnya nyaman dan lebih siap untukmemasuki dunia sekolah. Selain itu, ayah bunda bisamengetahui kesiapan anak sekolah secara kognitif,fisik dan akademik melalui psikotes untukmendapatkan gambaran yang lebih komprehensif.

Ketiga, ajak anak untuk mengenal sekolahnya.Tidak ada salahnya mengajak anak untukmengunjungi sekolah barunya, atau setidaknya anakmengetahui lokasi dan bentuk sekolahnya nanti. Selainitu, ajak anak mempersiapkan segala peralatansekolahnya yang baru. Jangan lupa berikanpengertian sebelumnya tentang apa saja yang nantiakan dibeli, untuk melatih komitmen anak untuk hanyamembeli barang yang dibutuhkan. Denganmemberikan kesempatan anak untuk mengenalsekolahnya dan memilih alat tulis sekolahnya, orangtua secara tidak langsung memvalidasi antusiasmedan perasaan anak untuk memasuki dunia baru yaitusekolah.

Keempat, cari info sebanyak mungkin tentangsekolah dan program sekolah untuk ananda. Hal ini


Ananda sudah memasuki usia sekolah? Atau harus bersiap naik levelpendidikan selanjutnya? Tahukah ayah bunda, terdapat beberapa

persiapan yang bisa dilakukan sedari dini.


Pertama, bantu anak mengenal apa itu sekolah danapa saja kegiatan yang biasa dilakukan selamakegiatan pembelajaran. Dengan sudah mendapatkanpenjelasan dari figur terdekatnya tentang maknasekolah, anak akan lebih terbantu untuk bersiap danpada akhirnya beradaptasi dengan kegiatan belajardan bermain secara lebih bermakna danmenyenangkan untuknya kelak. Begitu juga dengananak yang akan mengalami transisi dari levelpendidikan, bantu mengenalkan anak tentangbeberapa perubahan sistem pembelajaran yangmungkin akan anak alami berbeda dari levelpendidikan sebelumnya.

Kedua, perhatikan bahasa tubuh dan antusiasmeanak tentang sekolah. Hal ini bisa membantu ayahbunda memprediksi akan kesiapan anak secaramental untuk sekolah. Tanyakan buah pemikiran danperasaannya tentang sekolah. Kadang kala anakmengungkapkan kekhawatirannya terkaitpengalaman baru akan sekolah yang akan iadapatkan. Ayah bunda bisa menanyakan alasan darikekhawatiran yang ia rasakan, sekaligus bisa menjadimomen belajar diskusi dengan anak dengan

memberikan penguatan yang mungkin diperlukanuntuk membuatnya nyaman dan lebih siap untukmemasuki dunia sekolah. Selain itu, ayah bunda bisamengetahui kesiapan anak sekolah secara kognitif,fisik dan akademik melalui psikotes untukmendapatkan gambaran yang lebih komprehensif.

Ketiga, ajak anak untuk mengenal sekolahnya.Tidak ada salahnya mengajak anak untukmengunjungi sekolah barunya, atau setidaknya anakmengetahui lokasi dan bentuk sekolahnya nanti. Selainitu, ajak anak mempersiapkan segala peralatansekolahnya yang baru. Jangan lupa berikanpengertian sebelumnya tentang apa saja yang nantiakan dibeli, untuk melatih komitmen anak untuk hanyamembeli barang yang dibutuhkan. Denganmemberikan kesempatan anak untuk mengenalsekolahnya dan memilih alat tulis sekolahnya, orangtua secara tidak langsung memvalidasi antusiasmedan perasaan anak untuk memasuki dunia baru yaitusekolah.

Keempat, cari info sebanyak mungkin tentangsekolah dan program sekolah untuk ananda. Hal ini


Ananda sudah memasuki usia sekolah? Atau harus bersiap naik levelpendidikan selanjutnya? Tahukah ayah bunda, terdapat beberapa

persiapan yang bisa dilakukan sedari dini.tujuannya untuk membantu anak agar bisa beradaptasi lebih cepat di awal masuk sekolah barunya kelak. Seperti, tidur malam lebih cepat agar bisa bangun pagi lebih cepat saat sekolah nanti. Dear ayah bunda, persiapan yang baik dalam memasuki sekolah yang baru dapat membatu membuat anak lebih berani, optimis dan percaya diri. Di awal masa sekolah, kerap terjadi hal-hal tidak terduga di awal-awal masuk sekolah, seperti sehari sebelumnya anak tiba-tiba tidak mau sekolah.

Terkadang disertai alasan sakit perut begitu sampai di gerbang sekolah dan menolak masuk kelas. Namun, ayah bunda tidak perlu panik, penting bagi orang tua untuk tetap tenang dan mencari tahu penyebabnya dengan perlahan. Dampingi dan bantu anak merasa nyaman selama masa adaptasi, ajak bicara mengenai apa yang terjadi tanpa membuat anak merasa bersalah. Apabila dibutuhkan, diskusikan hak tersebut dan tidak perlu sungkan untuk bekerja sama dengan guru kelas ataupun konselor di sekolah.






Pemilihan Jurusan di SMA maupun di perguruan tinggi merupakan Hak Anak. Namun, tentu saja orang tua harus mendampingi dan mendukung pemilihan jurusan tersebut karena kaitannya dengan masa depan karir mereka.

Hal yang perlu orang tua sadari adalah pemilihan jurusan di SMA maupun Universitas sepenuhnya adalah hak anak, sehingga pendapat dan aspirasi dari anak harus dipertimbangkan dan didiskusikan terbuka. Sebenarnya, hal ini harusnya sudah dilakukan ketika pemilihan TK, SD maupun SMP, namun karena kemampuan kognitif dan kematangan emosi saat masih terbilang dini, pendapat yang akan diterima dari anak biasanya berdasarkan konsensus peers atau teman sebaya mereka di lingkungan rumah dan sekolah. Berbeda saat pendapat tersebut ditanyakan pada saat pemilihan jurusan SMA dan kuliah, pertimbangan tambahan seperti; cita-cita, minat, bakat, profeciency dalam beberapa skill, dan lainnya akan muncul. Hal-hal tersebut, digabungkan dengan pengalaman hidup orang tua, pengalaman orang-orang di sekitar orang tua, dan tuntutan jaman (sekarang dan masa depan), seharusnya menghasilkan keputusan yang bisa diterima kedua belah pihak. Anak

merasa didengar dan termotivasi untuk melanjutkan studinya dan orang tua merasa pengalamannya bisa berguna untuk anaknya. Mendampingi dan mendukung pemilihan karir anak pada usia remaja menjadi tantangan tersendiri bagi para orang tua. Bentuk komunikasi yang selalu berubah sesuai masaanya serta perbedaan kebijakan, aturan dan sistem pendidikan Indonesia yang berbeda dengan jaman orang tua sekolah dulu kadang menjadi masalah utama tidak terjadinya diskusi sehat. Ketika orang tua tidak mencoba mencari tahu mengenai hal ini membuat orang tua terlihat tidak tahu didepan anak, tidak sedikit anak remaja tidak mau berdiskusi dengan orang tuanya karena dianggap tidak update terhadap informasi. Sebenarnya tidak perlu bingung atau risau, karena pemilihan jurusan seharusnya sudah bisa terlihat sepanjang perjalanan anak di sekolah. Orang tua sebenarnya bisa melihat anaknya lebih cocok berada di jurusan mana. Namun, terkadang

hal yang membuat kacau masih ada beberapa orang tua yang menyangkalnya dikarenakan pengetahuan akan penjurusan saat ini yang kurang. Salah satu stigma lama yang masih banyak dianut orang tua namun tidak relevan pada jaman sekarang adalah bahwa anak pintar harus di jurusan IPA, karena nanti saat memilih kuliah bisa lebih fleksibel. Jika nantinya akan memilih jurusan sosiohumaniora pada level universitas, disarankan untuk mengambil jurusan IPS pada saat SMA. Hal pertama yang orang tua harus lakukan sebagai langkah awal menemani anak dalam pemilihan jurusan dan karir adalah berpikiran terbuka dan sadar bahwa bahkan pemikiran kita sebagai orang tua bisa salah dan tidak relevan dengan jaman. Setelah itu barulah orang tua bisa fokus untuk mendampingi dan mendukung pemilihan karir anak. Lantas bagaimana cara kita mendampingi dan mendukung anak dalam pemilihan karirnya? Ada beberapa hal yang bisa

Mendampingi dan MendukungPemilihan Karir AnakOleh: Sydah Mira Kania Wardhani, M.Psi.,PsikologLower & Upper Secondary Counsellor


menjawab pertanyaan ini; 1. Mengenali minat dan bakat anak Minat adalah suatu hal menyenangkan yang bisa dikerjakan anak dalam waktu relatif lama. Orang tua bisa memberikan banyak waktu, kesempatan dan dorongan untuk anak melakukan hal-hal yang menyenangkan untuknya. Beberapa kendala yang muncul terkait mengenali minat anak biasanya remaja jika ditanya mau melakukan apa mereka menjawab “tidak tahu”, dan ketika orang tua memberikan pilihan kegiatan mereka menjawab “tidak mau”.

Protips: Dekati ketika mereka melakukan kegiatan yang mereka sukai, misal ketika mereka membuat posting dalam update sosial media berikan love dan komentar yang positif. Atau contoh lainnya jika anak gemar bermain game, lihat jenis game yang dimainkan anak lalu berikan komentar sesuai dengan game tersebut atau bisa juga memberikan informasi bermanfaat seputar game yang dimainkan anak. Bakat adalah keahlian yang menonjol pada anak, mudahnya untuk melihat bakat adalah ketika anak mempelajari suatu hal dan ia mampu belajar lebih baik dan cepat dari orang lain, ini adalah bakat. Biasanya orang lain mampu menilai bakat daripada individu itu sendiri. Kendala yang muncul adalah anak

khususnya remaja tidak percaya dengan penilaian orang tua terhadapnya. Protips: Orang tua bisa membantu anak mengenali bakatnya dengan kalimat apresiasi, dukungan, penilaian objektif, hindari memberikan penilaian subjektif. Contoh kalimat yang mendukung misalnya; “Kak, kue buatan kamu enak banget kayak beli di toko X”, “Nak,lukisan kamu semakin kesini semakin keren ya, ibu frame untuk di pajang di kantor ibu”. Contoh kalimat yang sebaiknya orang tua hindari adalah kalimat me-labeli (labeling) dan meng-hakimi (Judgement) seperti; “Bakat kamu itu jadi MC”, “Kamu berbakat deh ngobatin orang, ibu sakit kamu bisa urusin”, “Kamu berbakat menulis”. Memberikan label dan judgement pada anak dan khususnya remaja bisa disalah artikan atau salah tanggap dengan penilaian yang diberikan orang tuanya. Remaja sering kali menganggap hal yang orang tua katakan adalah hal-hal yang orangtua inginkan ada pada anak bukan kondisi objektif, beberapa anak juga bisa merasa orang tua mengatur-atur pilihan karirnya dengan perkataan demikian. Judgement yang kurang tepat bisa menurunkan rasa percaya anak kepada orang tua untuk tahapan selanjutnya. 2. Berdiskusi mengenai masa depan Berdiskusi dengan anak sebaiknya disesuaikan dengan tingkatan usia. Misalnya pada anak kelas 7 kebanyakan cita-citanya

masih umum dan seputar profesi yang yang sering dia temui atau ketahui. Contohnya anak mencita-citakan kehidupan yang nyaman seperti memiliki banyak uang, bisa liburan sepuasnya, rumahnya bagus, memiliki mobil mewah dan lain-lain. Cita-cita ini manusiawi, setiap orang menginginkannya. Sebaiknya orang tua merespon apapun cita-cita anak dan ketika anak usia berapapun dengan tidak membantah atau terlihat menyepelekan cita-cita anak. Peran orang tua adalah mendampingi dan mendukung mereka. Kita bisa mulai berdiskusi dengan mendengarkan cerita-cerita mereka sambil sesekali bertanya mengenai bayangan mereka.

Protips: Pada kegiatan diskusi bersama anak orang tua dapat menyelipkan sedikit-sedikit fakta atau hal-hal yang nyata yang mungkin mereka akan hadapi, namun tetap disesuaikan dengan usianya untuk membangun komunikasi yang efektif. Contohnya pada anak yang menginginkan kehidupan nyaman, bahagia dengan seminimal mungkin usaha yang di mereka keluarkan. Namun, orang tua ingin membangun rasa usaha, kerja keras dan tanggung jawab dari anak. Diskusikan dengan santai melontarkan pertanyaan-pertanyaan ringan namun diskusi tetap berpusat pada anak, contoh pertanyaan; “Oh ade ingin jadi pengusaha yang






nanti uangnya banyak, terus bisa jalan-jalan?Masya Allah, bunda juga mau”, “Nanti ade punya banyak pegawai ya? mereka kerjanya banyak ga? Ade nanti ajak pegawai-pegawai liburan ga? Oh nanti kalau pegawainya sakit ade urusin ga?” Berdiskusi dengan bercerita hal-hal ringan tersebut kita secara tidak langsung menjelaskan kepadanya bahwa tetap ada hal-hal yang perlu diusahakan dan tanggung jawab dari cita-citanya. 3. Mengenali teman anak Selain mengenali anak, orang tua sebaiknya juga mengenali gambaran minat, bakat, keahlian dari teman-teman terdekatnya. Bersama anak ajak anak untuk mengenali temannya juga. Semakin banyak eksplorasi membuat semakin matang anak menentukan pilihannya. Tidak akan ada lagi drama pilih jurusan hanya karena teman. 4. Bantu anak eksplorasi Karir dan Jurusan Ajak anak ke Edufair atau

Careerday. Perlihatkan berbagai jurusan dan pekerjaan yang ada saat ini. Eksplorasi terhadap perkembangan karir saat ini membuat anak semakin yakin terhadap keputusan jurusan yang dipilih.

Protips: Orang tua bersama-sama dengan anak melakukan eksplorasi terhadap perkembangan karir, ketika datang ke acara-acara pameran edukasi dorong dan bantu anak bagaimana cara bertanya dan mendapatkan banyak informasi dari kegiatan tersebut. Bersama-sama dengan anak mengeksplorasi karir membantu orang tua untuk lebih bijaksana dalam mendampingi dan mendukung pemilihan karir anak. Tidak adalagi drama pilih IPA hanya karena alasan lebih fleksibel. 5 . Value keluarga Setiap keluarga pasti memiliki nilai-nilai terhadap pendidikan atau pekerjaan yang ada. Contohnya; Anak perempuan sebaiknya pilih pekerjaan yang mendukung dan tidak mengganggu tugas sebagai

ibu rumah tangga, atau anak sebaiknya tidak memilih jurusan yang nantinya akan bekerja di perusahaan-perusahaan yang berbisnis riba, atau contoh lain ada keluarga yang tidak mengijinkan dan membolehkan anak berkarir dibidang seni musik atau seni rupa realistik. Nilai yang ada dalam keluarga ini tentu saja bukan berdasarkan penilaian subjektif orang tua, sehingga sebaiknya orang tua menyampaikan dan menginternalisasikan nilai keluarga ini sejak dini agar menjadi nilai anak juga. Insya Allah dengan mendampingi dan mendukung pemilihan karir anak, orang tua dapat lebih menghargai potensi dan pendapat anak serta menurunkan ego orang tua. Tidak ada lagi orang tua yang memaksakan cita-cita orang tua yang tidak tercapai kepada anak. Semakin banyak orang tua yang menghilangkan stigma/pandangan stereotipe yang salah terhadap pemilihan penjurusan. Insya Allah.

Mom and

Dad, ayo kenali anak kita lebih baik lagi dengan

hal-hal berikut: 1. Berpikiran terbuka terhadap perubahan sistem

pendidikan dan karir dimasa depan, 2. Menguatkan komunikasi dengan selalu ajak anak

untuk berdikusi sesuai dengan cara pandangnya, 3. Mempersiapkan finansial keluarga untuk

mendukung perkembangan dan pendidikan anak, 4. Berdikusi dengan guru dan Konselor Sekolah terkait

perkembangan anak dan infomasi penjurusan terkini.

Sebagai orang tua kita menyiapkan anak kita bukan untuk hidup dijaman kita ini, namun

siapkan mereka untuk bisa hidup di jaman mereka kelak.

Salam Bahagia,

#Happy Again


Satu tahun sudah kita mengkondisikan diri pada situasi pembelajaran yang dilakukan di rumah. Semua aktivitas berawal dari pembiasaan rutin yang dilakukan melalui layar zoom. Lalu, pembelajaran apa yang bisa kita ambil ? Kita perlu melakukan pembiasaan Self Regulated Learning, yakni Kemampuan individu untuk terlibat AKTIF dalam kegiatan pembelajarannya secara MANDIRI (Zimmerman,1986). Peranan ini sangat penting apabila disertai dengan pendampingan orang dewasa dalam prosesnya serta mengajak anak kita untuk menerapkan hak dan kewajibannya secara tanggung jawab dan disiplin. Manfaat yang bisa kita ambil dari metode ini adalah• Anak akan belajar secara aktif. Maksudnya, berani

belajar dan mengetahui lebih pada hal-hal yang baru sehingga selalu membuat anak pada rasa keingintahuan lebih tinggi

• Mengajak anak untuk lebih disiplin. • Berfikir lebih kritis dan kreatif• Prestasi lebih optimal. Yang pada akhirnya kita harus menghindari generasi HOME SERVICE yang artinya, generasi dengan pelayanan penuh dari orangtua atau pendamping dirumah tanpa melibatkan anak untuk bersikap disiplin dan mandiri. Sehingga anak tidak dibiarkan untuk mencari solusi sendiri. Faktanya, masih banyak orangtua ingin menyelesaikan dan mengambil alih masalah anak, bukan memberikan tantangan. Lalu strategi awal untuk bisa menggunakan Self Regulated Learning yang pertama adalah mempersiapkan mana yang menjadi prioritas dalam menyelesaikan pekerjaan. Seperti hal yang lebih penting dan Deadline bisa dikerjakan terlebih dahulu. Kedua, seberapa keyakinan diri kita atas kemampuan yang dimiliki. Lakukan tugas harus dengan motivasi

SELF-REGULATED LEARNING(Pembelajaran Pengendalian Diri)

Oleh : Sydh Bella Gemilang Putri, S.Psi - Primary School Counsellor






yang baik. Nah, jangan lupa untuk mengetahui apa yang dapat memotivasi kita untuk terus mau berjuang dan belajar. Ada sebuah kisah menarik tentang seorang anak laki-laki yang bernama ”Muhammad bin Abdurrahman al Auqosh”, ia dilahirkan dengan leher pendek, sampai tulang belakangnya menonjol (BUNGKUK).Ibunya memberikan nasihat motivasi disertai penuh kasih sayang dengan mengatakan :“Wahai anakku, kelak engkau akan mendapat ejekan, ditertawakan oleh banyak orang, maka hendaklah engkau menuntut ilmu, karena ilmu akan mengangkat derajatmu”.

Nasihat ibunya dipatuhinya, dan dengan izin dan pertolongan Allah SWT, ia berhasil menjadi Hakim Agung yang sukses dan disegani di kota Mekah (kota bergengsi, karena gudangnya ilmu). Itulah bagaimana dahsyatnya motivasi dengan cinta, bisa membuat sang anak bisa bangkit dan percaya diri, serta berprestasi tinggi, Subhanallah. Anak dapat meningkatkan self control dalam pembelajaran dengan cara pertama, mempertahankan fokusnya seperti pelajari pola waktu, pelajari bentuk relaksasi, gunakan pengingat waktu/timer serta melakukan pekerjaan dengan bertahap dan tanpa memaksakan. Kedua, untuk menghindari distraksi bisa dengan melakukan pekerjaan disaat tenang tanpa ada gangguan dari sekitar, dan ketiga, menjalankan sesuai rencana yang telah dibuat dan disepakati bersama orangtua atau pendamping. Untuk para orangtua atau pendamping, ada beberapa tips yang bisa kita lakukan untuk mendukung pembelajaran anak, seperti Siapkan perlengkapan pendukung belajar, Identifikasi gaya belajar yang efektif, membuat mindmap/summary untuk mengetahui pemahaman anak serta lakukan checklist harian pada kegiatan yang sudah disepakati antar anak dan orangtua.Ketika Allah mempercayakan anak kepada kita, berarti Allah tahu kita mampu menjadi orangtua. Saling mendukung di masa sulit, akan memberikan kekuatan untuk melewatinya



Technology can never replace teachers but teachers who do not know technology are replaceable. All Syafana teachers are lifelong learners and they are willing to develop themselves by attending different types of workshops related to teaching and learning. The third day of our Teacher training session, the workshop 'Maximizing Digital Educational Tools for Interactive Online Teaching and Learning', was facilitated by Mr. Dadan M.Pd. This time Teachers were trained to implement different types of digital teaching tools directly.

It was hoped that in Semester 2 all Teachers could vary their teaching approach in order to have fun lessons in their class so the students can enjoy lessons.

By: Sydh Elza Oktora - VP Academic Affairs Lower Secondary Syafana Islamic School




Pada hari Rabu, 12 Mei 2021 M bertepatan dengan 29 Ramadhan 1442 H, Tim DKM bergerak menyalurkan amanah ZAKAT, Infaq dan Shodaqoh ke kaum dhu’afa di kampong-kampung sekitar Masjid Agung Syafana Al Iman Gading Serpong. Total ZIS yang terkumpul adalah sebanyak Rp. 16.050.000 dan telah dibagikan berupa uang tunai per orang masing-masing sebesar Rp 150.000. Adapun titik-titik penyaluran adalah Cihuni, Curug Sangereng, Curug Kongsi Baru, Curug Nagreg, Bojong Gintung Medang, Cigaten, Pabuaran, Lengkong Kulon, Rumpag Sinang, Kebon Pala, Lengkong Kyai, Cipicung, Kampung Kandang & Pondok Jengkol. Disela-sela penyaluran ZIS ini, Tim turut merasakan betapa mereka sangat bahagia mendapat perhatian dari saudara-saudaranya sesame muslim, meskipun itubelum sebanding dengan kebutuhan sehari-hari dalam situasi pandemic Covid-19. Mereka juga terharu, terdengar ucapan terimakasih dan untaian doa-doa tulus dari lisan mereka untuk para muzakki dan muhsinin. Doa keberkahan, kebaikan, kesehatan, kemudahan dan perlindungan dari Allah merupakan bagian dari doa-doa mereka diijabah oleh Allah Ta’ala. Aamiin.

Oleh: Ust. Khoirul Hasibuan, Lc Koordinator Program Tahfizh 30 Juz






DKM Masjid Agung Syafana Al Iman Paradiso menggelar shalat Idul Fitri perdana pada 1 Syawal 1442 H atau bertepatan dengan tanggal 13 Mei 2021 M. Pada tahun-tahun sebelumnya, Masjid Agung Syafana tidak menggelar shalat Ied meskipun shalat Jumat telah rutin dilaksanakan. Hal ini dikarenakan jumlah jamaah yang sangat sepi pada saat Idul Fitri dan Idul Adha. Untuk diketahui masjid Agung Syafana Al Iman berdiri di area sekolah Syafana Islamic School Paradiso. Di sekitar Syafana terdapat beberapa cluster perumahan yang tidak berdempetan secara langsung. Beberapa tahun yang lalu cluster-cluster ini masih sepi penghuni. Sebagaimana umumnya, cluster dihuni oleh komunitas urban, saat Idul Fitri dan Idul Adha tidak sedikit yang pulang kampung atau keluar kota. Seiring perkembangan waktu dan keadaan, mendengar masukan-masukan masyarakat dan berdasarkan analisa yang dilakukan oleh DKM, maka dinilai tahun 2021 ini merupakan saat yang tepat bagi DKM Masjid Agung Syafana Al Iman untuk memfasilitasi shalat Ied bagi warga muslim sekitar. Mengingat masih dalam kondisi pandemi

Covid-19, lewat berbagai media yang dimiliki, DKM terlebih dahulu mengingatkan jamaah yang ingin mengukuti shalat Ied di masjid Agung Syafana supaya tetap mamatuhi protokol kesehatan. Pada pelaksanaan Idul Fitri perdana ini ustadz Dimas Hadam Karunia dipercaya sebagai Imam dan khatib. Jamaah yang hadir berjumlah sekitar 300 orang, mulai dari anak-anak hingga orang tua, laki-laki dan perempuan. Mudah-mudahan dengan pelaksaan shalat Ied ini, solidaritas komunitas muslim di sekitar Syafana Gading Serpong semakin tinggi.

SEMARAK SHALAT IDUL FITRI 1442 H DI MASJID AGUNG SYAFANA AL IMAN GADING SERPONGOleh: Ust. Khoirul Hasibuan, Lc Koordinator Program Tahfizh 30 Juz



On 10th May 2021 “Israeli military launched an 11-day bombardment campaign on the already ravaged enclave, killing at least 260 Palestinians, including 66 children.” (Al Jazeera: 03/07/2021)

“But the one incident that led to a significant escalation involved Israeli security forces firing rubber-coated bullets, tear gas and stun grenades at worshipers gathered at Al-Aqsa mosque on May 7.”(The Conversation: 12/05/2021)

Echoed by the NY Times:But then came the most dramatic escalation of all: a police raid on the Aqsa Mosque on Friday, May 7. Police officers armed with tear gas, stun grenades and rubber-tipped bullets burst into the mosque compound shortly after 8 p.m., setting off hours of clashes with stone-throwing protesters in which hundreds were injured, medics said. (15/05/2021)

Whilst the international community has rightly expressed its outrage and looked at this issue from a humanitarian and injustice perspective, as Muslims we however, it is vital for us to understand the central role that Masjid Al-Aqsa plays in Islam, so that it can guide us in our response. Masjid Al Aqsa’s sanctity is so important in Islam that it is mentioned in the Qur’an.

Why is Masjid Al-Aqsa of such importance to Muslims?• It’s the third holiest site on earth for Muslims, after

the two holy sanctuaries Makkah and Madinah;• It was the second masjid ever established on earth,

built by Prophet Adam, 40 years after the Ka’aba, the first qiblah (direction of prayer) as commanded by Allah SWT.“I asked the beloved Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) which was the first mosque on earth? ‘The Sacred Mosque (in Makkah),’ he said. And then which, I asked? ‘Masjid al Aqsa,’ he said. I further asked,

By: Ust. Mogamat Faik Sulaiman, MBA






what was the time span between the two? ‘Forty years,’ the Prophet [Alayhis salaam] replied.” (Muslim);

• It was the first direction of prayer (qiblah) in Islam, prior to the Ka’aba. Muslims were commanded by Allah SWT to turn in the direction of Masjid Al-Aqsa in Jerusalem before the Ka’aba in Mecca was declared as the Qiblah. “We have certainly seen the turning of your face, [O Muhammad], toward the heaven, and We will surely turn you to a qiblah with which you will be pleased. So turn your face toward al-Masjid al-Haram. And wherever you [believers] are, turn your faces toward it [in prayer]. Indeed, those who have been given the Scripture well know that it is the truth from their Lord. And Allah is not unaware of what they do.” (2:144);

• It is the location to where Prophet Muhammad (SAW) was transported to from Makkah and the site of the miraculous night journey (Israa wa-Miraaj). ascending to Heaven “Glorified be He [Allah] Who did take His servant for a journey by night from Al Masjid Al Haram to Al Masjid Al Aqsa, whose precincts We did bless, in order that We might show him some of our Signs. Verily He is the All Hearing, All Seeing.” Surah Isra (17:1)

• It is the place which witnessed the most extraordinary gathering of all Prophets who our Prophet Muhammad (SAW) led in prayer before ascending to heaven to receive the command to pray 5 times a day;

• It is the last resting of many of our Prophets and their companions like Prophets Ibrahim (AS), Yakub (AS), Ishaq (AS), and many of the companions of Prophet Muhamad (SAW);

• Praying in Masjid Al-Aqsa is significant because it results in 5,000 more blessings and rewards compared to any other location.Anas Ibn Malik (ra) relates that the Prophet (pbuh) said:“The prayer of a person in his house is a single prayer; his prayer in the Masjid of his people has

the reward of 27 prayers; his prayer i the Masjid in which the Friday prayer is observed has the reward of 500; his prayer in Masjid Al-Aqsa (i.e. Al-Aqsa Sanctuary) has a reward of 5,000 prayers; his prayer in my Masjid (the Prophet’s Masjid in Madinah) has a reward of 50,000 prayers, and the prayer in the Sacred Masjid (Ka’bah) has the reward of 100,000 prayers”. (Tirmidhi, Ibn Majah);

• Our beloved Prophet Muhammad (SAW) explicitly recommended that Muslims visit this masjid and pray in it.“Set out deliberately on a journey only to three mosques: this mosque of mine (in Medina), the Sacred Mosque (in Makkah) and the Masjid Al Aqsa (in Jerusalem).”(Bukhari & Muslim);

Whilst we welcome the international community’s support of Palestinians and their condemnation of Israeli genocide and occupation on humanitarian grounds and the upholding of international laws, clearly the reasons for Muslims support and solidarity for the people of Palestine goes beyond this. Masjid Al-Aqsa and its surrounds occupies a central place in Islam and therefore all Muslims are dutybound to protect Palestine – it’s part of our faith!

May Allah SWT protect Masjid Al-Aqsa from harm and allow us all to pray there one day






Oleh: Ust. Khoirul Hasibuan, Lc - Koordinator Program Tahfizh 30 Juz

QURBAN, SYI’AR YANG SANGAT DICINTAI OLEH ALLAH Qurban merupakan bagian dari syari’at Islam. Di dalam kitab Fathul Wahhab, Imam Zakariya Al Anshari menyebutkan bahwa qurban meupakan hewan ternak yang disembelih sebagai bentuk taqarrub kepada Allah, dimulai pada hari Idul Adha hingga akhir hari tasyriq.Syari’at qurban mempunyai dua dimensi, yaitu: 1. Dimensi vertikal, sebagai bentuk ibadah pendekatan diri kepada Allah SWT untuk mendapatkan ridha-Nya.2. Dimensi sosial. Daging hewan qurban yang dibagi-bagikan oleh seorang muslim dapat memberikan manfaat dan kebahagiaan bagi sesama ummat manusia, terutama fakir dan miskin. Dengan demikian ibadah qurban juga dapat memupuk rasa solidaritas sesama kaum muslimin. Perintah berqurban termaktub di dalam Al Qur’an, Allah SWT berfirman:

ر فصل لربك وان“Maka laksanakanlah shalat karena Tuhanmu dan

berqurbanlah.”(QS. Al Kautsar: 2)

Sebagai qudwah hasanah Rasulullah SAW melaksanakan qurban. Disebutkan dalam sebuah hadits shahih yang bersumber dari Anas bin Malik bahwa ia berkata:

، هام بيده، وسى وكب ، ذب بكبشي �أملحي �أقرني ضى النيب صل هللا عليه وسلما ووضع رجل عل صفاح

“Nabi (Muhammad) SAW berqurban dengan dua ekor kambing putih bertanduk, beliau menyebelih keduanya

dengan tangannya sendiri. Beliau mengucapkan basmalah dan bertakbir. Beliau meletakkan kakinya di

leher kedua kambing tersebut.”(HR. Bukhari dan Muslim)

Qurban merupakan syi’ar ajaran Islam yang diturunkan oleh Allah SWT. Mengangungkan syi’ar Islam karena Allah adalah amal yang sangat dicintai oleh Allah, sebab ia muncul dari hati yang taqwa. Allah SWT berfirman:

ا من تقوى القلوب نإ فا م شعائر الل ل ومن يعظ ذ

“Demikianlah (perintah Allah). Dan siapa yang mengagungkan syiar-syiar Allah, maka sesungguhnya

itu timbul dari ketaqwaan hati.”(Al- Ḥajj: 32)

Kecintaan Allah terhadap amal qurban juga ditegaskan di dalam hadits yang diriwayatkan oleh ummul mu’minin sayyidah Aisyah RA, bahwa Rasulullah SAW bersabda:

لإل يوم النحر �أحب ا آدمي من ع ل � قال ما ع عليه وسل صل الل �أن رسول اللم ليقع ا لت�أت يوم القيامة بقرونا و�أشعارها و�أظلفها و�أن ادل ن

إم ا هراق ادل

إ من ا الل

بمكن قبل �أن يقع من الأرض فطيبوا با نفسا من الل “Tidak ada suatu amalan yang dikerjakan oleh anak

Adam pada hari raya Idul Adha yang lebih dicintai oleh Allah dari menyembelih hewan. Hewan itu akan datang pada hari kiamat dengan tanduk-tanduknya, bulu-bulunya, dan kuku-kuku kakinya. Darah hewan

itu akan sampai di sisi Allah sebelum menetes ke tanah. Karenanya, lapangkanlah jiwamu untuk

melakukannya.” (HR. Tirmidzi)

Dengan keagungan ibadah qurban ini maka sungguh merupakan suatu anugerah luar biasa bagi seorang muslim ketika ia diberikan kemampuan dan kesempatan oleh Allah untuk bisa berqurban. Semoga kita semua termasuk di dalamnya.






Musik adalah suatu bentuk kesenian yang dapat mengeluarkan aneka perasaan dan gelora jiwa

melalui (suara), bentuk kesenian tersebut dapat dikatakan sebagai musik jika memenuhi beberapa faktor yaitu ritme, melodi, harmoni. Pendidikan musik selama pandemi covid-19 membuat sebuah tatanan ekosistemnya tersendiri. Melalui seni manusia dapat mengasah jiwanya dan melalui seni manusia belajar merasa. Pendidikan musik secara luas bukanlah jalan menuju kesenimanan, melainkan lebih penting dari itu adalah sebuah proses untuk memanusiakan manusia. Ekosistem yang terbentuk antara lain karena adanya kendala dalam pelaksanaan bagi guru dan siswa yang kemudian menjadi sebuah kesatuan unsur yaitu: guru, peserta didik, lembaga, dan lingkungan. Teknologi mempunyai peran tersendiri yang berkaitan dengan pendidikan musik baik pada tingkat pendidikan dasar. Hal yang harus diperhatikan dalam berbagai persoalan tersebut adalah nilai-nilai positif budaya dan kearifan lokal harus selalu ditanamkan dalam tataran ideologis dan praksis sehingga dapat membentuk identitas dan karakter budaya yang memiliki kemampuan untuk menjawab tantangan selama pandemi covid-19 berupa kemampuan menyelesaikan masalah ,kemampuan adaptasi kolaborasi, kepemimpinan, kreativitas dan inovasi.

Oleh: Ust. Asep Aunillah, S, Sy - Primary School Teacher



The pandemic has caused serious effect on various aspects of life including education. Since Most schools in Indonesia have remained shut since March 2020 as authorities struggle to contain the fast-spreading virus then government decided to close the schools in some areas and move the offline learning into online learning. One of the online learning approaches is hybrid class which combines classroom requirements and online instruction. Most people believe that hybrid class seems more effective meanwhile the others think it can be conducted only in certain circumstances. Hybrid class can accommodate students with different learning pace and styles. As we know that students are unique and they learn differently. Due to the learning pace, some students learn faster and the rest do not. In addition, they learn with different styles such as some of them are visual or auditory learners and even combine both. Whitmore (2020) stated that hybrid classes aim to take the best aspects of online learning and combine them with the best aspects of traditional classes for an all-inclusive learning experience. In other words, a hybrid class can help students to learn at their own pace. For those who need more guidance, a hybrid class will help them to get teacher’s guidance during classroom learning while they also have chance to raise some questions and discuss directly in class. Meanwhile for those who have a slower learning pace, hybrid class will enable them to access the materials online and give them chance to review the materials in the comfort of their home and in their own time. Furthermore, a hybrid class also enable students to experience real learning. For some lessons which requires experimentation such as Science or English, students need to visit a laboratory to do some activities. By doing so, students who learn best through experimentation will easily understand

the materials. In addition, a hybrid class is also very essential to be conducted during a pandemic since it can be an option for parents who think that full online learning does not help their kids too much to learn at home. As Gracey (2020) stated, hybrid class is designed to add options for concerned parents, which many school districts have allowed – the option to choose whether their children will attend school virtually or in person. Due to corona breakout, most parents are still in doubt whether to let their children learn at school every day though some schools are now open and apply Covid-19 health and safety protocols. Yet, some problems occur when their kids have full online learning. Moreover, since hybrid class offers the combination of classroom and online learning, it enables students to have chance to learn at school comfortably without feeling being forced to come to school every day and reduce the risk of contracting the corona virus since only a small number of students will attend school while others will learn online at home. Lastly, a hybrid class may expand the innovative use of technology. As Vaughan (2007) claimed that any technology should be applied in a pedagogically appropriate way and used for creating and maintaining socially-situated and highly interactive learning. Then hybrid class offers the opportunity for teachers and students to elaborate the use of technology in their z vv and learning process. Teachers may adopt some learning materials which are available online and teach virtually through some learning platforms such as Zoom, Google Meet, etc. On the other hand, students also need to acquire some technological skills such as being able to use the devices, download some resources and submit the assignment in the provided online platform such as google classroom or Edmodo, for example. Thus, hybrid learning is essential for both teachers and students to enable them acquiring those skills as characterised in 21st century learning. Moreover, there are some factors affecting the success of learning in a hybrid class. Wheeler (2009) has

By: Sydh Gwi Widayani, S.Pd - Primary School Teacher






listed seven skills that hybrid class instructors or teachers should possess, one of them is that teachers should not be afraid to take risks with new technologies. Yet, the previous study which was conducted by Rasmitadila (2020) showed the opposite situation. The study which focused on Indonesian teachers’ perspective on online learning showed a surprising result. It is found that teachers faced several challenges related to the obstacles associated with technical issues and one of them is the lack of teacher’s capability in using ICT. In addition, teachers who do not have online teaching experience or have difficulty running technology and information tools will usually find it challenging to carry out online learning because hybrid class forces teachers to master a variety of applications. In conclusion, a hybrid class offers myriad advantages as well challenges. Furthermore, a hybrid class is very essential since it also accommodates learners with different learning styles and pace. On the other hand, teachers must be open to any change and adapted to various technologies. Hence, schools must be responsible for enhancing teachers’ capability

such as conducting short training or free webinars on relevant topics. Last but not least, it is strongly argued that a hybrid class can be an option to be enrolled as a learning approach due to the pandemic. Additionally, schools and stakeholders must be ready and aware of a changing landscape. All must work together and evaluate the result as the learning process happens and to gain a better result for education.

References:1. Gracey, L. September 21, 2020. Teaching in a Hybrid

Classroom.Retrieved from

classroom/2. Klimova, B.F. 2014. Hybrid Learning and Its Current Role in the

Teaching of Foreign Languages.Retrieved from Available online at

3. Weitzel, A. June 29. 2020. Implementing Hybrid Courses. Retrieved from

4. Whitmore, K.N. July 31 2020. What are Hybrid Classes and How Do They Work? Retrieved from

Assalamualaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh, Kami selaku wali murid sangat terkesan dengan Syafana Islamic School, khususnya pada masa pandemi ini Syafana mampu menghadirkan kegiatan belajar mengajar di rumah yang baik dan positif. Muatan pelajaran bernuansa islami, pengemasan materi yang informatif dan menarik, interaksi antara sayyidah, ustadz dan anak2 murid yang akrab dan kekeluargaan, membuat suasana belajar tetap seru dan menyenangkan untuk anak2 kami, walaupun bersekolah #dirumahsaja. Tidak hanya metode pembelajaran formal yang baik, Syafana juga memberikan ruang dan waktu bagi anak2 murid untuk mengembangkan minat dan bakat mereka, melalui berbagai pameran dan lomba yang diadakan secara reguler disetiap semester. Kegiatan ini terbukti mampu meningkatkan semangat anak2 kami untuk berkompetisi secara sportif dengan teman2 sebayanya, mengasah rasa percaya diri mereka untuk tampil di depan umum, serta wadah untuk berekspresi sesuai dengan kreatifitas mereka masing2. Doa dan dukungan terbaik dari kami selaku wali murid kepada Syafana Islamic School untuk terus mempertahankan (bahkan meningkatkan) kualitas sebagai lembaga pendidikan di tengah masyarakat Indonesia, pencetak generasi bangsa yang sukses di dunia maupun di akhirat, InshaaAllah, Aamiin Yaa Rabbal Aalamiin.Wassalamualaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh.





“I am thrilled to finally be able to graduate and continue to further pursue my dreams. These past few years have taught me valuable lessons that took part in shaping myself and I am thankful for all the knowledge that I have gained after graduating from Syafana. We went through so much during the past decade. But despite all that, it was an extraordinary life-long journey. After finishing high school, I am pleased to say that I am going to continue my education in the field of dentistry and hopefully become a dentist in the near future. Being able to reach this point in my life wasn’t easy. I wouldn’t be here without the help of my family, my friends, my teachers, and all the people who has contributed in this beautiful experience. Looking back now, I would say that I was actually very punctual during primary school. Aside from gaining new knowledge, primary school was also the peak of me gaining new friends. I was socially active and involved in many activities during Primary school such as performing arts, speeches, competitions, I even wrote a book to train my thinking skills. Sitting still was not an option for me at that time, which I am thankful for, that I am not in any way wasting my time. However, it started to be a little challenging during the end of primary school since I had to face the national exams, but nothing I couldn’t handle. All in all, Primary school was an enjoyable ride for me. I thought I’ve gained lots of friends during Primary, turns out I gained even more friends when I entered my junior high school year. Even my current best friends are the ones that I met during lower secondary. At this point I did a lot of exploring which is why there’s actually a lot of stories that until this day I still laugh at with my friends. But field trips are the most fun! I get to take a break from studying and spend time with my friends travelling and do fun activities together. I remember specifically the time we went to Pangandaran. We went to the beach and ate delicious seafoods afterwards. At that time there was also a vlog contest which we had to document the whole time we

By: Ust. Mogamat Faik Sulaiman, MBA

This year marks the 16th year of Syafana Islamic School’s existence. It is also a special year because we have had the privilege of graduating three students, Ahmad Rafi, Muhammad Ilham Isfadhillah and Kayriva Shaqeeqah Kismantoro, who were the amongst the first students to join Syafana at Playgroup level way back in 2006/7 academic Year. Fahdil has been accepted by UNSOED’s, Faculty of Engineering, majoring in Electrical Engineering and Kayriva by UI, Faculty of Dentistry, International Class. Kayriva had her sights on studying at UI since G11, with her 2nd option having been University of Leiden, Netherlands

They are certainly pioneers of Syafana Islamic School and we want to pay tribute to them. So, we’ve asked them to share with us some of their history and experiences at Syafana…

Kayriva Shaqeeqah (G12- Science)She has had the privilege and honour of being the first student to start her schooling at Syafana Islamic School, at Preschool level, way back in 2006/2007 and continue through all the levels to finally graduate from Upper Secondary recently. Moreover, she has been accepted into the Dentistry Faculty at a prestigious University. So, she’s certainly a pioneer at Syafana Islamic School. We asked her to reflect on her history and experience at Syafana Islamic, and this is what she had to say: "I am............. " (until her last word)






were there and make it presentable for everyone to watch, my team actually won second place (if I’m not mistaken). I also remembered that the lady who owns the place where we stayed was totally upset when she saw the pool filled with lots of sand because my friends jumped in without rinsing first after going to the beach, it was too funny! Education wise, of course the level of difficulty started to escalate. I definitely wasn’t a big fan of Mathematics. There was also still no division of majors yet so I still had to learn Social Studies. I also participated in the summer exchange program twice during junior high school which took place in Headington, Oxford. From this experience, I had the opportunity to study abroad, experience different teaching methods, gain new friends from all over the world, and even learn few new languages. I obtained many benefits from it and I hope lots of students would also take this opportunity in the future. Entering my senior of high school year wasn’t as exciting since many of my closest friends enrolled in a different school. I have always hated farewells. I have to admit, this time there was rarely any new students, which was unfortunate. But I’m sure next year there are room for more enrolled students. Senior high school also means that I only had little time left for being an actual student. Fast forward to the third year, I was mainly focused on getting into the university that I have always dreamt about. To be honest it was a lot of pressure knowing I had very little time to maximise everything. Thankfully with all the hard work, prayers, and the help of my wonderful family and teachers, I got in! It still feels unreal and I am overwhelmed by joy. Just to explain a little, I managed to get a seat as a new student in University of Indonesia majoring in the Faculty of Dentistry. I got in through Talent Scouting. I had to write my own motivation letter and had to submit my IELTS score. None of this would’ve happened without the help of my brilliant teachers. To all my teachers reading this, thank you! It seems that it was just yesterday, but we all have come to the time of departure. Now we have

our own goals that I hope we all would accomplish in the near future. We went through many experiences together, the good, and the bad. All the memories are so valuable for me and will always be in my heart. I am very grateful to all my Teachers who have helped me become a good student. I would also like to say sorry for any bad behaviours. Thank you for this memorable ride. I wish you all nothing but the best.”

• How do feel about finally graduating? What are your career plans?“Yaa, of course it was really a great relief for me because finally I could finish my education in high school and show everyone that I could do it. I had never imagined that I could survive Syafana for more than 10 years, wow haha.

“About my plans after graduation, especially about my career plan 10 years from now, I am planning finish my studies until Doctorate (S3) level, majoring in Electrical Engineering. Right now I feel that, Electricity is one of our primary needs and it will be more and more important in future, and may become the primary root for many new knowledge, innovations and standard of living. Also, I think it is a good idea for me to study Electrical Engineering to have a secure and good job in future and contribute in the development of the world.”

M. Ilham Isfadhillah (G12-Science)We (virtually) caught up with another pioneer of class 2006/7, Muhammad Ilham Isfadhillah (G12-IPA), and posed him a few questions about his schooling experience at Syafana Islamic School. Here’s what he had to share with us…



• What are your best memory/ies of your Primary school days?“My best memories in Primary School was my graduation, which was not a different experience for compared to the Kindergarten one. This time I really felt the magic of the graduation. It was the first time for me that I was really sad at such a formal event, losing friends because we choose different paths for our own education.”

• What is best experience/s of your Lower Secondary years?“Then, in Lower Secondary, I was really shocked at first, because secondary school was really different to Primary school in many ways. My best experience during Lower Secondary was the Scout Camp excursion, because that was my first experience of camping in the forest. Horror teamwork experience, and many things were combined in that event.”

• What were your best moments on Upper Secondary?“Then, in Upper Secondary, I was also shocked because it was also different to the Lower Secondary. In this level we were expected to have high responsibility and good manners. But at that time, especially during grade 10, we were not what our teachers expected us to be. We were a bit naughty and sometimes stubborn. So, I felt that the lower secondary students instead of seeing us as a senior role model , they see us as a monsters when came close to them. Since then, it was a big challenge for us to show and fix our mistakes back then. Slowly but surely, through frequent interactions with them, our relationship improved and in the end we could graduate happily.”

• How would you summarise your overall experience at Syafana Islamic School?“So, in conclusion, I’ve experienced many emotions starting from happy, sad, challenging and then ending with big happiness. It’s something that you can’t experience in everyplace. It can only be happen

in some places; some place that can give us a long and different kind of experience that we will never forget, and I found that here, in my school, Syafana Islamic School. Thank you for everything, especially my Teachers from when I was in Playgroup until I graduated, and many more that I can’t mention one-by-one. Because of you, my life at school, became really wonderful :) Thank you”

Ahmad Rafi (G12-Science) I was born in Tangerang on October 13, 2003. I am a graduate of the fourth batch of Syafana Islamic School in 2021. I have been at Syafana since Playgroup. Many people asked me "Aren't you bored being at Syafana all this time?". For me, it's not as bad as people think. I have spent my entire school life in Syafana. For me, Syafana is like my second home. I have also met many people and made many friends during my school years. My friends are like my memories resource. I have many memories during my 15 years at Syafana and would like to share some of them with you. One of the first interesting experience that I can remember was when I participated in a National Science Competition, the Kuark Science Olympiad (OSK), when I was in the first grade. Even though it was a competition, OSK also provided other activities for the participants. I remember taking some kind of study tour to a place. There I met a lot of people and made some friends too. Alhamdulillah, I was one of the runners up from OSK. Until now, I consider this experience as the best academic achievement I have ever had. Moving on to junior high school, there must have been one experience that was very memorable for






me, it was when I joined the Summer Camp programme in London with my friends. Of course, through this summer camp I met many people from various countries. In addition, I had the opportunity to travel in London with my friends. However, it was so hard to get along with new people. So, I just hang around with my schoolmates. But, that doesn't mean I was not happy, it's just that I regret it a bit and if I have the opportunity to do that again I sure would get to know a lot more people. In high school, in the end I didn't have many pleasant memories. Of course, because of Covid-19 we are forced to do online school. This is very unfortunate because high school years for most people are the last moments in their student life and for them it is a very important and memorable period. However, we can't complain too much because it's not something within our control. In high school, I also started to be more active in participating in school activities. I was a committee for several school events and I have also served as a student council member. I really enjoyed my time at Syafana. I met many friends and learned many things. Therefore, to as a sweet-end to this article I would like to thank my friends because without them I would not be as happy as I am now. I also want to thank the teachers who have taught me, without them I would not have been here and writing this article. Lastly, thank you to Syafana for the beautiful memories. I had fun, see you again.

Ahmad Rafi’s career ambition when he was in Grade 11 was being an engineer or movie director; he had ambitions of studying at ITB Bandung, Faculty of Engineering. However, in Grade 12 he changed his mind and decided to study at ITB, Faculty of Food Science and Technology. Fadhil has always had interest in and passion for the Sciences and Mathematics so it comes as no surprise that he was accepted by UNSOED’s, Faculty of Engineering, majoring in Electrical Engineering. In Grade 11 already Kayriva had her sights on studying at UI, Faculty of Dentistry, International Class, with her second option having been the Erasmus University, Netherlands, Majoring International Business and Administration.

Wow! What amazing journeys you guys have had. You’ve certainly done yourselves, parents and

Teachers proud. You’ve left indelible footprints in the sands of Syafana Islamic School’s history. We wish you all the very best and have no doubt that you will be successful in your chosen careers. We look forward to watching you soar. Syafana feels

proud to have helped shape you and we will always remember you as pioneers of

Syafana Islamic School.

Much appreciation to our Upper Secondary team for their tireless motivation, assistance and guidance (HBL, Try-Outs, University visits, career

counselling, etc.), to our students to enable them to achieve their university and course of study targets.


Aktivitas belajar tetap berlangsung walau di tengah kondisi pandemi, tetapi tidak dalam bentuk tatap muka melainkan

dengan belajar daring dengan menggunakan aplikasi zoom.

Sebuah aplikasi konferensi yang mempertemukan banyak orang dalam

suatu forum daring. Namun, Apakah pembelajaran daring berlangsung dengan efektif? Sebagian besar survei yang penulis lakukan, melalui survey evaluasi dan survey offline yang dilakukan dengan wawancara dengan rekan sesama profesi, hampir semua peserta didik mengeluh terhadap pembelajan daring ini. Pertama, hal yang dikeluhkan oleh siswa terutama kelas atas (antara kelas 4-6) adalah sistem aplikasi yang sering mengalami gangguan teknis. Hingga pembelajaran tidak berlangsung dengan efektif karena indikator tidak tercapai. Banyak peserta didik yang tidak memahami materi yang diajarkan pada suatu pertemuan karena suara guru tidak jelas terdengar. Kedua, permasalahan lainnya adalah aplikasi daring ini hanya agak efektif untuk pembelajaran teoritis dan tidak efektif sama sekali untuk praktik. Sungguh sangat sulit melihat perkembangan peran mereka satu persatu di dunia maya dibandingkan interaksi langsung. Contoh masalah yaitu pada mata pelajaran di bidang olahraga yang tidak bisa sama sekali untuk latihan bersama.

Sementara itu, tidak semua orang tua mampu mendampingi anak-anak belajar di rumah dengan optimal karena harus bekerja ataupun kemampuan sebagai pendamping belajar anak. Selain itu, para peserta didik juga mengalami kesulitan berkonsentrasi belajar dari rumah serta meningkatnya rasa jenuh yang berpotensi menimbulkan gangguan pada kesehatan.Permasalahan lainnya adalah adab dan karakter sosial. Walau ini memang tidak dkeluhkan oleh peserta didik namun masalah kesantunan tidak boleh disepelekan. Islam menempatkan adab di atas ilmu. Rasulullah mengajarkan umatnya dengan suri tauladan yang baik. Sementara orang tua mengajarkan ilmu pertama kepada anak yakni adab. Pembelajaran tentang karakter dan adab tidak bisa tergantikan dengan secanggih apapun teknologi. Maka dari itu, peran seorang guru tidak bisa digantikan dengan robot walaupun robot itu lebih pintar dari guru. Dengan bantuan segala macam rupa teknologi, tetap saja dirasakan oleh sebagaian besar pihak tidak bisa menggantikan peran para guru (ustadz dan sayyidah) dalam melakukan kegiatan pembelajaran. Kegiatan pendidikan dan interaksi belajar mengajar dalam mentransfer ilmu pengetahuan, pembiasaan dan penanaman nilai-nilai karakter (Knowledge, Skills, dan Attitude) mutlak diperlukan. Pendidikan yang berkualitas diperoleh ketika kegiatan belajar dan mengajar saling berhubungan. Pengajaran harus memengaruhi pembelajaran, dan pembelajaran harus memengaruhi pengajaran. Dalam hal ini kita melihat bahwa mengajar lebih dari sekadar memberi tahu, dan belajar lebih dari sekadar mendengarkan. Kondisi Adaptasi Kebiasaan Baru (AKB) di masa pandemi covid-19 menjadi tantangan baru bagi para

REFLEKSI PENDIDIKAN SELAMA PANDEMIOleh: Sydh Sri Hastuti, M.Pd - Primary School Teacher





guru untuk menciptakan pembelajaran jarak jauh (PJJ) yang kreatif. Tidak hanya itu, pembelajaran didorong berlangsung dalam suasana yang menyenangkan walau sedang menjalani pembelajaran daring yang berbasis Teknologi, Informasi, dan Komunikasi (TIK). Masa pandemi covid-19 menuntut para guru untuk mengembangkan kompetensinya dengan melakukan pembelajaran jarak jauh atau daring dengan menggunakan berbagai teknologi. Para guru dituntut untuk belajar untuk mengajar, belajar dari berbagai platform untuk dapat menciptakan sistem manajemen kelas (learning management system) yang bagus. Saya sebagai salah satu pengajar juga belajar dari berbagai platform dan memanfaatkannya untuk pembelajaran jarak jauh. Salah satu platform yang saya gunakan adalah aplikasi zoom dan quizizz. Pemberian tugas-tugas mata pelajaran dalam bentuk kuis lebih menarik untuk siswa.Untuk mengatasi berbagai permasalahan terhadap pembelajaran daring, menurut saya penting sekali guru

untuk memahami platform pembelajaran yang mereka gunakan agar pembelajaran berjalan dengan lancar. Guru juga perlu memperhatikan ketersediaan sarana dan prasarana untuk pembelajaran daring dan tidak lupa kondisi peserta didik. Refleksi ini semoga bisa dijadikan hikmah bersama, sebagai bekal dalam merancang program pendidikan yang lebih baik di masa depan. Doa dan harapan kami pandemi ini segera bisa berlalu dan pendidikan belajar mengajar di sekolah bisa segera pulih kembali. Aamiin ya Rabbal ’Alamiin.



The covid-19 pandemic has also had an impact on the way in which our Lower and Upper Secondary Teachers’ professional development facilitation has been delivered. Given the new time-table there has been definite pressure on time, which has made scheduling Professional Development sessions almost

impossible. This has resulted in the introduction of a new innovative “snacking” methodology. The ‘’snacking” approach has deliberately been designed to be ‘short and sweet’ and impactful. The session takes place weekly during the Teachers morning (LS) or afternoon (US) meetings. It lasts about 10 minutes and focuses on 3 common ESL mistakes with corrections (and lots of practical examples). Thus far, we’ve focused on Syafana-related common mistakes. The great thing about this approach is that it is compact or easily digestible, it allows Teacher’s to really focus their attention, and there is immediate application of the learning. There has been a visible improvement in the quality of English communication, particularly on the WA platforms. Both Principals have been VP-Academic have been very supportive of this approach. Here are some of their comments:

By: Ust. Mogamat Faik Sulaiman, MBA


“From my perspective after joining English PD, I felt that many of simple things are more important to know.” (Ust Manta, Lc, Principal: Lower Secondary)

“Commonly made mistakes and expressions are often used in daily written and spoken communication and this PD has made us aware of this.” (Ust Sainur, M.Pd, Principal: Upper Secondary)

“Learning languages is essential in order to make us more confident in practicing in a public setting. However, people are commonly reluctant to use it just because they are worried to make mistakes.The situation like that must be eliminated since we are heading to the next era of world flattened where media and information are very massive and we

have to catch-up with them by being more tactful. So we need to face it with habits that learning from mistakes are great step in order to go further. Thanks to Ust Faik for his light, short and sweet sessions in making us more engaged in the ESL meeting how to use English in the right way. Hopefully in near the future, we are also able to communicate more confidently without being worried of making mistakes.” (Sydh Elza Oktora, S. Sos - Vice Principal of Academic Affairs)

So, despite time pressures, and an adapted learning approach, Professional Development still continued through “snacking” alongside sharing of English news content (Jakarta Post) and video of relevant content (environmental, educational, and social commentary), via Google Classroom and WA platform, to enhance vocabulary and to augment teaching materials.

Learning a language has become a demand in preparing ourselves to be able to face the globalisation. It is not only for the students to be able to speak more than one foreign languages, but it is also important for the Teachers as well. Every Monday becomes a very purposeful session in the morning briefing with the Principal where during the meeting, which is attended by Teachers to listen to receive the relevant information from management, as well as getting Professional Development (PD) from our Native English Teacher, Ust Faik. His sessions focusses more on the common mistakes that we, the second language speakers mostly make when having conversations amongst ourselves or with students. This session is not intimidating at all, yet is meaningful and useful to develop ourselves in using and choosing the right words both in written and oral setting. Language is about practicing and we will never improve our language acquisition unless we practice it and learn from our mistakes!


OF SYAFANA ISLAMIC SCHOOLBy: Sydh Elza Oktora - VP Academic Affairs Lower Secondary Syafana Islamic School





Well, reading the proverb for the first time it seems quite exaggerating. However, when we see the hidden message, then we all consciously agree we need simultaneously in co-operate with our society to educate and nurture our next generations, the children.Education has been placed on the top of humankind’s civilisation to improve the social orders, values and cultures of society striving for betterment of life. We cannot deny the disruption of education alongside the fast-changing world has pushed us to the limit as our social order faces multiple challenges. What then must education to do to face these challenges? Due to the rapid changes we are facing currently, we have tried our best to utilise our resources, both human and technology, in supporting and accommodating that teaching and learning at Syafana Islamic School happens effectively and efficiently. Although investing resources in these sectors are costly, it is nevertheless very crucial and worthwhile, since the need to facilitate the process of teaching and learning, not to mention nurturing our children, is our first priority. Home-Based Learning is one of the programmes we have prepared immediately since the pandemic started last year. We had to make a quick decisions and educate our Teachers, students and parents simultaneously on how to use platforms for learning. Everybody was forced to learn quickly, and as time had passed, naturally all the hurdles and discomforts, seemed easier to master. The schedule, lessons, discussions explanation, events and meetings have been organised virtually. Utilising a premium

platform finally had come to our mind after a half year of sudden disconnection due to time limits. Moreover, in making sure that the process of teaching and learning as well as nurturing Islamic values are delivered to our students thoroughly, we also have had to incorporate other components. Surely parents became our close-partners in ensuring the success of teaching and learning, supported by infrastructure such as internet providers, vendor for back-up with a gigantic capacity server as well as other schools to seek common strategic partnerships and learn from. All endeavours in fact become so priceless and breath-taking to anticipate disruption in education. We tirelessly referenced our mission and vision for enthusiasm in applying the norms needed in our society in creating dynamic Muslims to be future leaders. Raising a child for the betterment of our humankind surely will take a village to be in a circle of action. We pause for a second in pursuing our goals and need to continuously invest and investigate for improvements and betterment. Policies, programmes, technology, appropriate infrastructure and most importantly human resources are the key elements to carry on the school’s life. Yet those become meaningless without any awareness, acknowledgement and support of all stakeholders on how these will maximise the effectiveness of our Home-based Learning Programme.

It takes a village to raise a child – African Proverb

Overview of our Home-Based Learning ProgrammeBy: Sydh Elza Oktora, S.Sos VP Academic Affairs Lower Secondary Syafana Islamic School


We are now slowly approaching the end of the second semester for the school year 2020 – 2021. It has now been over one year since the transition from having classrooms alive and buzzing with the sounds children’s voices to the now quiet and steady humming of the classroom computer. One year on from the change away from offline learning to online learning. So, what has it been like teaching English online for a year? How did I, as a teacher, cope with and adapt to the multitude of changes and challenges that came about over the duration of these 12 months? Did I actually enjoy it? Let’s find out a little bit more on this.Now, my answer to the first question might come as a surprise to some, and I do believe that the majority of teachers may not share in my sentiment, but for me, teaching online was not just ‘okay’ or ‘passable’ – it was revolutionary! That being said, teaching online took its time to pick-up on though. It is not like life had prepared most of us teachers beforehand for the sudden shift from dealing with our students face-to-face to then suddenly having to interact with tiny pixelated versions of them

on a classroom computer monitor. We had to learn new skills; we had to let go of a lot of the past ways of doing things that were no longer applicable; all the while trying to not only educate our students, but also to infer their emotions through the screen, pick up on subtleties such as body language, and ultimately try to build an environment conducive to learning . These are all things that are normally done within our teaching but now having to be conducted in what feels at times like a virtual reality. These were challenges that not only I was facing. COVID-19 did not come with a manual telling us how to deal with the situations that arose from a global pandemic. However, necessity is the mother of invention. And reinvent ourselves, we did.

Since things had to change and a departure from many traditional teaching methods was a necessity, the internet, already a useful tool for teachers both new and old alike, became our constant companion. Hours upon hours were spent on searching for fresh websites, apps and other online teaching aids that could be a benefit in spicing up the online classroom, or at the least, provide alternative sources of learning for the students. That process was then followed up with the trial and error stage as we desperately attempted to incorporate these newly discovered methods and tools into our day-to-day teaching – striving to build routine and establish an educational equilibrium between the new and the old.When the dust had finally settled, we came through the year as experienced and hardened veterans of the virtual classroom; we were teachers armed with a new set of skills, ready and capable, multi-dimensional in our vision and application. I personally never expected the amount of positive change that would come around in my work from a year of living in a global pandemic. However, through this situation I received the opportunity to not just learn and grow individually as a teacher but to be able to also branch out further in my teaching career through private classes and thus reach out to a whole new audience across the country and around the world through teaching online.

Teaching English During the Pandemic – 1 Year OnBy: Mr. Francesco C.English Teacher at Syafana Primary






Congratulations!Good Luck On Your New Journey

To all of extraordinary students in grade 12Who have been accepted in public and private universities 2021

KAYRIVA SHAQEEQAHUNIVERSITY OF INDONESIATalent Scouting UI 2021International Undergraduate Programme: Dentistry


GREAT NASYA ZAFIRANATIONAL UNIVERSITY OF MALAYSIAUndergraduate Programme: Bachelor of Social Sciences with Honours (Psychology)


AKBAR RAMADHANI DESTUDIPONEGORO UNIVERSITYUM IUP UNDIP 2021International Undergraduate Programme: Urban and Regional Planning

AQEEL SAADAT ROYHAN NASUTIONBINA NUSANTARA UNIVERSITYUndergraduate Programme: International Business Management








RAVI ALEXANDER AGUNGBINA NUSANTARA UNIVERSITYUndergraduate Programme: International Business Management


SBMPTN 2021Undergraduate Programme: Entrepreneurship Department

2. UNIVERSITY OF INDONESIASIMAK UI 2021Undergraduate Programme: Political Science

3. Gadjah Mada University (UGM)UM UGMUndergraduate Programme: International Relations


SMUP UNPAD 2021Undergraduate Programme: Food Technology

2. Bogor Agricultural University (IPB University) UTM-BK IPB Undergraduate Programme: Food Science and Technology



• Nutrition Science• Mechanical Engineering

2. PLAN BIn process of preparing to continue his studies in Turkey.

ATHALLAH MUHAMMAD BRYANDHIKAIn process of preparing to continue his study in Germany.

MUHAMMAD FAKHRI ZUHDISelection Programme with Bali International Flight Academy (BIFA)

Graduation is the most awaited moment for twelve graders, especially for batch 4 of Syafana Islamic School-Upper Secondary. It was a moment of joy for all parties it is held on SSaturday, 5th June 2021 around the Secondary Building. They called batch ANUCARAKA AKSARA CATRA and they have proved their hard work in accomplishing their studies. Parents have proved that they have completed their duties and teachers have succeeded in transferring their knowledge. So far some students have already been accepted at state universities such as Kayriva, who was accepted for Dentistry at University of Indonesia, Akbar Ramadhani Destu, was accepted to the Faculty of Engineering, majoring in Urban and Regional Planning, International Undergraduate Programme of Diponegoro University, and M. Ravi Adil Rayenzah was accepted to Faculty of Economics and Business, majoring in Management, International Undergraduate Programme of Diponegoro University. More students will show their achievement in the near future. The graduation ceremony had to be be kept moving because everyone had to maintain social distance. We implemented a Drive-in and Drive-through Graduation Ceremony. The MD could only hand-over the Diploma folders. Students had to keep thier distance. In addition, the had to wear face-coverings, so their faces were not recognisable. What a graduation. As proof of their togetherness in Syafana, twelve graders stood in two lines and their picture were taken but again they had to wear face-covering and we know the result. In spite of this, they were still happy and enjoyed, they still enjoyed the ceremony

AMAZING G12 GRADUATION CEREMONYBy: Ust. Sainur Rahim, M.Pd - Principal of Upper Secondary






Saturday, 11th June 2021 was a memorable day for G9 students Lower Secondary, the 7th Batch of our Grade 9s, as they celebrated their graduation on that day. The format was a combination of online, via zoom and formal face-to-face ceremony where four students; Abu Dzar Ibnu Hakim, Faeyza Zahra Anindita, Anak Agung Ayu Fionna Sazkiya and Muhammad Faiz Sahputra, who represented all students, received their Medals and Temporary Graduation Letters. The handing over of the graduating ornaments by Homeroom Teachers to the four representatives had made our graduation procession the most heartfelt event ever! The procession provided the opportunity for the students to meet with their teachers and take photos with the parents and also to listen to memorable messages from Lower Secondary Team including its management. This batch had left us with the hopes and prayers that they are going to light up the world. This batch has been called the seventh of shining star batch… Siette Estrellas. Goodbye beloved G9 students! We hope that you reach your dreams and be proud of the memories you have created at Lower Secondary. Thank you for being part of our story. You will remain in our hearts and prayers…

Good bye is not making us apart but only to give space for us to get closer ….

Adios S7etteEstrellasBy: Ust. Mantazakka, Lc - Principal of Lower Secondary


Alhamdulillah, this year all Syafana Kindergarten campuses held a joint graduation on Saturday, 12th May 2021 (8.25 - 10.40 am) from Syafana studio. There were 145 K2 students who graduated. The theme was ‘You are Your Own rainbow”. Performances included: Kalam Ilahi, Tahfizh, Dancing and Choir. The first performance was opened by Kalam Illahi from 3 campuses. They read QS Al Asr. Afterwards, there were choir performance by the audience who sang Indonesia Raya and the Syafana Song. After that, all parents really enjoyed watching the entertaining dancing performance. Our Managing Director, Bapak H. Nanang Firdaus Masduki, Lc delivered his speech. This was followed by Tahfizh performance (reading Q.S. Al-Fajr). The Principal and Chairperson of the PTA Syafana Islamic School The Icon BSD also gave speeches as well. This was followed by parent testimonies from 3 campuses. The event was made even more touching when the students received their medals from their parents at home. What a special moment this was for all. Graduation was closed by Dua together led by Ustadz. At 10.40 am, we finished all activities for this event. All students and parents were greatly happy and delighted. Thank you parents for your support in making our event a success. Congratulations K2 students. You made us proud. We wish you all a successful life!May Allah SWT bless us and guide always.

KINDERGARTENVIRTUAL GRADUATION By: Sydh Siska Juwita Sari, Spd.I - Principal of Kindergarten Icon






8rilliant! “Surviving Any Situation” this is the proper designation for you the 8th batch of Primary students of Syafana Islamic School. You deserved of the designation because you have spent more than two years in unpleasant situation. You have to learn at home, you may not play with your friends at school, you may see the teachers only by online application. Alhamdulillah, you all can go through this all situation successfully. Therefore, today Saturday, 19 June 2021, we presented a double graduation ceremony for 157 of Primary 6 students academic year 2020-2021. We say double since there are two sessions of ceremony, first students inaugurated by Ustadz H. Nanang Firdaus Masduki, Lc the Managing Director of Syafana Islamic School by his letter of decision mentions that 157 students of Primary 6 academic year 2020-2021 have officially graduate from 6 years of education in Syafana Islamic School Primary level. The letter read by the Principal of Primary Ust. Marjak, S.S.M.Pd. After that, to express their gratitude and love to those who have been part of their life, students presented a special singing performance, so did the teachers. Then the second session started right after the 1st session done by online. Students came to school based on the schedule. They inaugurated by the teachers with a medal. The final session of graduation was students took pictures with their teachers for the last moment of education in Syafana Islamic School Primary. Congratulations the 8rilliant! “Surviving Any Situation” we proud of you. (MJ)

THE 8RILLIANT IS YOUBy: Ust. Marjak, M.Pd - Principal of Primary


Sabtu, 12 Juni 2021 bisa menjadi hari yang akan terus diingat oleh banyak siswa-siswi Program Tahfizh 30 juz Syafana Islamic School. Pada hari tersebut sebanyak 21 siswa dan siswi yang telah berhasil menuntaskan hafalan 30 juz Al Qur’an diwisuda dalam acara 5th Virtual Graduation Hafizh Qur’an. Selain hafizh 30 juz, Syafana juga mewisuda siswa-siswi yang telah berhasil menuntaskan hafalan 5 juz, 10 juz, 15 juz, 20 juz dan 25 juz. Dalam moment tersebut syekh Sayyid Amien Ya’qoub mewakili lembaga Tahfizh Al Qur’an Wahatul Furqan Mesir mengucapkan selamat kepada para wisudawan, muhaffizh dan seluruh parent sekaligus menyampaikan pesan supaya terus melakukan muraja’ah harian sebanyak 5 juz atau setidaknya 3 per hari. Dalam sambutannya, ust H. Nanang Firdaus Masduki, selaku managing director Syafana Islamic School juga menyampaikan alasan penting menghafal Al Qur’an. Dalam pandangannya Program Tahfizh 30 Juz Syafana tidak hanya murni kegiatan menghafal, tapi juga sebagai sarana untuk membentuk pribadi-pribadi yang luar biasa. Karena itu, meski pandemi mengurangi kefektifan menghafal namun itu tidak boleh menjadi alasan untuk berhenti menghafal. Dengan lahirnya para hafizh ini diharapkan mereka akan menjadi para tokoh penerus para ilmuan ternama seperti Ibnu Khaldun, Al-Khawarizmi, Ibnu Firnas, Ibnu Hayyan dan ilmuan hafizh lainnya. Walaupun kegiatan Graduation Hafizh Qur’an ini dilaksanakan secara online namun tetap bisa berjalan dengan penuh khidmat, haru dan bahagia. (Ihsan Hs)

Wisuda 21 Hafizh 30 JuzOleh: Ust. Khoirul Hasibuan, Lc Koordinator Program Tahfizh 30 Juz






Alhamdulillah, our Innopreneur Week has showcased a lot of amazing products by our innovative students. 4 categories of innovations were identified which our students elaborated on and collaborated with team. There are: Technology, Public Health, Fashion and Service. The guiding theme for innovations was mostly providing solutions for our current covid-19 pandemic situation. Our students came up with concepts such as delivery drone, stylish anti-virus outfit, online medical consultation, and much more. They were confidently promoting their products by asking the audience to visit the programme link.(EO)

Syafana Islamic School primary conducted Innovation of the Future Day held on January 4th, 2021 with the theme : Be Creative and Innovative during Pandemic! Pandemic! this word is now very popular. This word limits us to do outside activities such as go to school, gathering, playing with our friends, and so on. But, this is not stopping Syafana Islamic School’s students. During, the Innovation of the future day event, they showed fantastic innovation despite schooling from home. Our event that took place on Thursday, 4th

of February 2021, stimulated students’ creativity and sense of awareness of the present situation and human life. These are shown by some innovations about how to protect us from the virus and the other about how to make our jobs easier.We believe that all students’ ideas and innovation are precious since they are students’ original thoughts.

Students from primary 1 till primary 6 joined different activities as follows:• Primary 1: Making innovative mask straps or mask

connectors.• Primary 2 : Creating innovate idea through digital

painting• Primary 3 : Creating Simple Healthy Solution in

covid 19 • Primary 4 :Making Innovative handsitizer holder,

futuristic mask or Natural Handsitizer• Primary 5 : Creating the tools that make life easier

We hope by conducting this event The students will be independent, creative and action-oriented. (MJ)

Innovation of The Future Day Primary



Setelah menjalani proses mentoring dengan para guru, kini tiba saatnya para businessman/businesswoman (siswa G10 & G11) mempersiapkan interview dengan regulator / pemilik modal (G12), Mereka (G10 & G11) akan mempresentasikan bentuk bisnis kelompok masing masing, dan pihak regulator akan mempertimbangkan besaran modal yg akan diberikan berdasarkan proposal dan interview. Acara dibuka dengan speech dari Ust. Sainur Rahim sebagai pembekalan menuju selling day yang akan berlangsung selama 14 hari.

Boredom is inevitable whilst teaching online, and after 1 year on HBL, in an effort to minimise this phenomenon, Syafana Islamic School had initiated a new kind of virtual outdoor learning. This activity is called Cross Country Fun Learning. Primary 1 Teachers had the opportunity to begin this programme on Friday, 19th February, 2021, from 9.00 to 10.30.Students who participated, spent the learning process at a nearby village named Cigaten. Insya-Allah, both the students and the teachers enjoyed this new programme which helped them to feel refreshed and reinvigorated.

Alhamdulillah, Primary 2 level had its 2nd day of Cross Country Fun Learning. They went to Cigaten Village to explore a different way of teaching during pandemic. Students learnt about nature, living things and non-living thing as creations of Allah SWT live from an open space in Citagen Village.



Islamic Fun Learning (Allah Maha Pencipta) & Science Fun Learning (Living Things& Non-Living Things)at Cigaten Cihuni

Alhamdulillah, G7s had their mobile learning at Jaletreng River Park today, with purposeful, but fun, activities organised by Teachers. Hopefully the programme motivated and lifted the spirits of our students and made them realise that learning not only happens in a quiet room, but also in the exciting outside world.(EO)

G7 Students Fun Outdoor ActivitiesLower Secondary

By: Ust. Nanang Jamachsary, Lc - Vice Principal Student Affair

By: Ust. Fathurrachman Suhendi, M.Pd - Vice Principal Student Affair






"Alhamdulillah. Keren ini, metode "memindahkan" Cigatten Vilage ke depan layar anak-anak. Meskipun pandemi tetap belajar manfaat. Jadi ingat istana Ratu Balqis yang dihadirkan di depan Nabi Sulaiman AS abad 9 sebelum masehi lalu.Jika didukung dengan media visual yg baik, in syaa Allah bermanfaat besar. Barakallahu untuk Guru2 & team kreatif”(Papa Amanda P6-G).

“Testimony from Athar P-D's Mother: Athar said, "Bunda this morning was very fun, our teachers went outside and showed us nature, we were learning about living things and non-living things that Allah SWT created. Ust explained to us in Islamic studies”. It was meaningful to get two testimonies from our respected parents and lovely student to our recent program Cross Country Fun Learning”. Thank you, Amanda Father and Ananda Athar for your testimonies. This will recharge our enthusiasm to provide more fun and meaningful learning. This programme continued today, Tuesday, 23rd February 2021. Primary 3 Teachers visited Cigaten Village and Primary 6 Teachers delivered the learning from a Cross Country Fun Bike plant at Cijantra Village. Exploring open space nature can make students get closer to the almighty Allah SWT by seeing His creations; plants, flowers, fruits, and many more.(MJ)

Friday, 26th February 2021 was an exciting day for Lower Secondary Team to have a day out. We went to Bukit Batu one of the bikers’ spot to go for an adventure on bike. The HRTs had opened their class in the location with the background of meadow and grasses. Such a rare thing to see the activities during HBL done outdoor like this. We hope by having this regularly, it can boost the motivation from the teachers and students to come out from their own room and do some outdoor and useful activities both for their own well-being as well as to experience a different learning environment.(ELZ)




Alhamdulillaah, our students did an amazing job

with online selling within 2 weeks of Entrepreneurship

event with theme “Unstoppable Online Shop.”

They were 8 companies who competed each other

to get the 3 best championship; which were: the most

profitable company, the most unique product and the most

solid management team. On 25th of February we announced

the winner, they are; Strapify from G10 Social as the most

profitable company, Sini Belajar also from G10 Social as the

most unique product and Fabecco from G10 Science as the

most solid management team. Insyaa Allah this journey of

the Entrepreneurship event will bring and help our students

to be creativepreneurs in their endeavours. Aamiin.(SR)

Setahun sudah siswa siswi SMA Syafana Islamic

School menempuh pendidikan dan pembelajaran secara

daring. Tentu saja penat sudah menghinggapi seluk beluk

aktivitas mereka. Rindu saling bertegur sapa antar teman

dan guru secara langsung sudah memuncak, belum lagi

lelahnya mata dan punggung yang harus menghadap laptop

setiap hari. Berangkat dari hal tersebut, SMA Syafana

Islamic School berinisiatif untuk mewadahi semua perasaan

rindu, lelah dan penat para siswa-siswinya, yaitu dengan

mengadakan "G11 Science Mobile Learning 2021 : Healing


Alhamdulillah banyak manfaat dari kegiatan ini,

terutama dalam penyampaian perasaan, keluh kesah dan

harapan siswa selama menjalani HBL setahun kebelakang.

Rasa rindu terhadap teman-teman dan guru juga sudah

terbayarkan walaupun terbatas. Mudah2an dari kegiatan

ini, siswa dan siswi kita banyak belajar tentang teman, guru,

lingkungan dan tentunya belajar memahami diri sendiri,

serta menambah semangat mereka dalam menjalani

pembelajaran di sekolah baik secara daring maupun tatap


After doing HBL for more than a year, our Grade

12 students and Teachers needed something different.

Something that coulf stimulate their brains. Something that

could motivate them to face the university entrance tests.

Mobile Learning is a process which takes place

outside the virtual classroom. This time we did it in TAMAN

KOTA 3 BSD. It's challenging as well as fun for both Teachers

and students. At least it helps them kill the boredom.(NJ)


G11 Student Healing Campat Taman Kota 2 BSD

G12 Studentsat Taman Kota 3 BSD City






Kelas 10, atau yang dulu dikenal sebagai kelas 1

SMA, harusnya menjadi pintu dunia baru bagi mereka yang

baru menyelesaikan tiga tahunnya dijenjang SMP. Tempat

dimana mereka berjumpa teman baru, guru baru, bahkan

lingkungan sekolah yang baru. Namun, pintu dunia baru itu

terpaksa ditutup rapat karena pergerakkan covid-19 yang

semakin hebat.

Begitu pula yg dirasakan siswa/i kelas 10 Syafana

islamic School. Indahnya pertemuan dengan hal-hal baru

terpaksa berubah jadi tumpukkan rindu hingga kondisi

semua kembali aman terpadu. Hampir satu tahun dilalui

dengan temu rindu secara digital, akhirnya mereka pun bisa

bertemu secara nyata tanpa ada gangguan layar diantara


Ya, lewat program "Mobile Learning" Syafana

Islamic School, mereka dapat melepaskan segala belenggu

digital dengan pertemuan yang terasa emosional. Di

Taman Kota 2 BSD, mereka bersua kembali secara nyata,

memasuki pintu yang selama ini tertutup rapat, sehingga

dapat kembali menemukan esensi pembelajaran dunia

SMA secara nyata. Dengan protokol kesehatan yang ketat,

dengan asrinya alam yang jadi tonggak edukasi, ditambah

runtuhnya dinding rindu antar sesama siswa dan dengan

guru, alhamdulillah mobile learning Syafana Islamic School

merubah beban virtual meluap menjadi pertemuan rindu

yg membuat akrab.(NJ)

Sabtu, 27th Maret 2021.

Pagi ini siswa/i kelompok 1-4 Program Tahfizh

30 Juz Syafana menghirup udara segar di alam terbuka,

tentunya dengan tetap menerapkan protokol kesehatan.

Saling sapa, sharing, muraja'ah dan tadabbur alam bersama

ayat-ayat kauniyah menjadi bagian dari kegiatan ini.

Kegiatan ini dilaksanakan dengan harapan supaya

siswa bisa menemukan suasana baru, membuatnya lebih

happy, berbagi ide dan pengalaman bersama muhaffizh

dan teman-temannya serta mengambil 'ibrah dari ayat-ayat


Monday, 29th March 2021

Mobile-Learning Programme is a breakthrough

programme by Syafana Islamic School. This programme

was launced since the students are getting bored staying

at home, cannot play with friends and meet teachers for

almost a year.

The activities takes around 1.5 hours with Covid-19 protocol.

The 1st chance went to Primary 6 A and B that

spent their time in Cihuni Hill Park. They enjoyed natures by

playing games and hiking on the hill.

Alhamdulilah, they returned home with smiles and happines

after following the programme.(JJ)

G10 Students "Makrab(Makin Akrab)"

MOBILE LEARNINGTahfizh Programme 30 Juz

Primary 6 studentsat Cihuni Hill ParkGading Serpong


Kamis, 8 April 2021 Mobile Learning kembali diselenggarakan untuk kelas 12 di Taman Kota 2, BSD, Tangerang Selatan. Namun kali ini, kegiatan tersebut dilaksanakan untuk bertatap muka dengan guru-guru dan wali kelas serta berbagi cerita melepas penat belajar daring dari rumah. "Kegiatan ini mantab, disela-sela berjuang untuk UTBK, ada sedikit fun walk gitu," tutur Akbar, siswa kelas 12 IPA. Masyaa Allah, di tengah-tengah persiapan mereka yang akan menghadapi UTBK, mereka meluangkan waktu hadir dalam kegiatan ini untuk saling bercengkrama. Semoga dengan ridho Allah dan perjuangan mereka mengantarkan para siswa kelas 12 ke tempat terbaik untuk melanjutkan pendidikan dan meraih masa depan yang sedang menunggu digapai oleh mereka.Aamiin ya Robbal'aalamiinSemangat berjuang teman-teman kelas 12

Alhamdulillah, Thursday 14th April 2021, Primary 3 students participated in mobile learning in front of our school. In this programme they enjoyed outdoor activities such as stretching, playing games and sharing about their Ramadhan activities. In total, the activities took around 1.5 hours with Covid-19 protocol in place. It was amazing and surprising to see everybody join in on the program so enthusiastically. The activity finished at 9 o’clock but then continued with Duha and taking pictures together. Alhamdulilah, teachers and students alike returned to their regular activities with smiles and happiness after following the programme. Hopefully by conducting this programme the students received a new experienced and enjoyable moment with their friends and teachers.

What exciting mobile learning! Friday, 22nd April 2021 P1 D, E, and F's turn for this program today, and alhamdulillah it ran very well. Everyone was so eager and excited during the entire activity, especially since it was the first time that we conducted an offline agenda as a whole class together. With nice weather and the bright sun shinning upon us this morning, we smiled and moved cheerfully on to the fun-gym session. Then we competed with each other in a Hijaiyah game.And finally, we created our own DIY Eid Fitr Greeting Cards that we could bring home and give to our family. We really look forward to many other adventurous moments with you, friends! Until next time, stay safe and see youuu.(FRS)


Primary-3 StudentsEnjoyed Outdoor Activities

Primary 1 Students Activities Ice Breaking, Murajaah, Gymnastic, Matching Arabic Alphabet and Making Eid Fitr CardBy: Ust. FathurRachman Suhendi, M.Pd






Stay safe and stay healthy Together, we keep our awarness to stay safe and healthy. We did gymnastic to keep our body health, we wash hands to keep our body clean. It's so much fun to make an art & craft together to keep our mind always in positive vibes. Spread the love not the virus.Health Day - Kindergarten The Icon BSD

Keeping our body and mind healthy is very important, let alone during the pandemic era. Even though students and teachers are physically separated, they can still do exercise together. Our students enthusiastically following instructions, whilst celebrating Health Day on 31st March 2021.(NJS)

Lower Secondary have hosted a Ramadhan Camp from 27-29 April 2021, which includes 'Mobile Learning' activities conducted on different days. Attended by more than 200 students, the opening of the event provided the momentum to start the event. Inspirational tausiyah facilitated by Ustadz and Sayyidah aimed to motivate students to be more committed with their ibadah during Ramadhan. This was followed by our Mobile Learning Programme, which has certainly given us a new way to understand the session in an energising outdoor setting.

HEALTH DAYKindergarten The Icon BSD

HEALTH DAYUpper Secondary

RAMADHAN CAMPWhat Ramadhan Means To Me

By: Sydh Siska Juwita Sari, Spd.I - Principal of Kindergarten Icon

By: Ust. Nanang Jamachsary, Lc

By: Ust. Nurtrianov, Lc Vice Principal Student Affair


Blessing of Ramadhan Masya Allah, our students enjoyed the virtual Ramadhan Camp. Though this event, Alhamdulillah we could gether in virtualrAmadhan Camp. We have done murajaah, dhuha prayer and dzikir. In that occasion, our students have listened to the story that has been given by ustadz to build their good character. After that, everyone was so excited in quiz session. Masya Allah, we hope in that activities we have blessing in togetherness. Aamiin!

Students Council - Lower Secondary Syafana Islamic School, 1st May 2021 Our OSIS (Students Council) organised a charity programme called CFO. This programme was initiated to give a free 'takjil' (meals) in the Banjar Wijaya area. They fundraised amongst themselves. This is magnificent initiative by our students to show their care towards others, which is a crucial part of journey of life and one of the key basis of our existence and worship.

Alhamdulillah, dalam rangka menghidupkan hari-hari di bulan suci Ramadhan, siswa siswi Upper Secondary memaksimalkannya dengan kegiatan-kegiatan yang bermanfaat seperti khataman Alqur'an 30 Juz yang dimulai sejak awal Ramadhan. Selain itu, siswa juga dilatih untuk menyampaikan hikmah melalui kegiatan taklim/kajian yang dilaksanakan setiap hari Selasa dan Jum'at di kelompok/grup masing masing yang telah ditentukan secara bergantian. Puncak kegiatan Ramadhan Camp (28 - 30 April 2021) diisi dengan Talkshow seputar Zakat dan Workshop tentang Waris. Di hari terakhir, kami mengadakan bahtsul qur'an dan menuntaskan khataman 30 juz sekaligus penutupan kegiatan Ramadhan Camp 1442 H. Semoga kegiatan ini memberikan banyak manfaat dan hikmah bagi kita semua, Aamiin!

RAMADHAN CAMPKindergarten Levels

CFO (Care For Others)

RAMADHAN CAMP 1442 HUpper Secondary

By: Sydh Firza Fitriani Natungga, S.Pd.IPrincipal of Kindergarten Graha







I had a chance to catch-up with two young champions in the making to get their insights into a number of questions, which I think most of wants to know….

2. Why is it important for you to participate in English public speaking competitions?

From my perspective, one of the most effective as well as functional ways to learn is from your experiences. Naturally, we all make mistakes and have faults, each of us also has our flaws. Those trials and errors that we experience every single day, those who we think are our worst enemies, and those who make us hate our own guts, are actually our best teachers, as a result of trying to turn those mistakes into valuable lessons. This is what I seek when joining English public speaking competitions. The things I'm lacking, the mistakes to improve and polish, as well as the knowledge that I can obtain from those flaws. That way, I can address my own mistakes and be assured to do better next time.

3. How do you prepare for an English public speaking competition?

Benjamin Franklin, one of the Founding Fathers of the United States once said "by failing to prepare, you are preparing to fail", and I must agree with him. A lot of things need to be arranged before my competitions, such as researching, script-writing, and proofreading, but based on my experiences, one of the most crucial ones to prepare is none other than a strong mental focus. It's not easy to perform even in front of my class, can you imagine performing in front of a whole crowd? For some people, it may not be the most pleasant experience. So to avoid stage frights, I always like to practice in front of the only person I'm not embarrassed

1. What motivates or inspires you to learn and speak English?

I have recently figured out that being an international language, English holds the title of the most spoken language in the entire world, with over 1,35 billion speakers! It is the language of trade, communication, science, and major international media. Knowing how big of a role English plays in society inspires me to master this language because I believe it will give me a selection of opportunities in the future, and help me pursue my dreams. I think that mastering English is going to give me wider access to knowledge too, and possibly open doors I had never thought to open before. It will give me support in spreading my wings to their maximum reach. However, despite years and years of learning, my English is nowhere near perfect, and it will never be, as there are still a million room for improvement. For this reason, every day is a learning process for me. Nevertheless, I believe that English will certainly carry weight for the upcoming days, which is a part of why I want to keep pursuing its field.

Nadia Camilla Darmawan (G7C)Nadia, has become a prolific competitor and the winner of prestigious English Speaking competitions. We posed some questions to her ‘get into the mind’ of a champion-in-the-making.

By: Ust. Mogamat Faik Sulaiman, MBA


what you haven't. Remember, ‘fortune favours the brave’.

5. What is your favourite book and why?This book seems like a representative of the saying "old ways won't open new doors". It shows us that there's always a chance to change ourselves and our old ways of living, it has encouraged me to become a better person. It is a book by the title of "Be the New You", authored by Wirda Mansur. While some of you may recognise her better as the daughter of Ustad Yusuf Mansur, she is actually a 20-year-old author, businesswoman, entrepreneur, and preacher. Completed with sources from the Qur'an and hadith, this book is not only filled with inspirations about success and failure but also packed with spiritual motivations along with religious ways to solve our problems, ways that are shown in Islam. It has taught me that Allah SWT will always be here for us to rely on and that tawakkal, supported by ikhtiar, are the keys to success in this world, as well as in the hereafter.

Can you now see why we believe she’s a champion-in-the-making?

by - myself! Talking to the mirror, practicing my gestures, intonation, and pronunciation before my very own eyes, has definitely helped me overcome my fears of performing publicly, it has also directed me in self-improving. But, before anything else, the MOST important prep is Du'a! Always rely on nothing and no one but Allah SWT, and believe that His decisions are best for you. Back in the days, my mom used to tell me a sentence that is currently my life motto; “do your best, and let Allah SWT do the rest.” Ever since then to this very day, that statement has always prepared me to tackle anything that comes my way.

4. What advice can you give your fellow students who perhaps feel shy to speak English or who wants to participate in English public speaking competitions?

I'm sure everyone reading this is familiar with the saying "practice makes perfect", correct? It sure is cliché, but it's most assuredly true! Make your senses familiar with English, and one way to do that is to surround yourself with the language; read, listen, watch, and speak in English. Well, at least that was how I first started my English-speaking journey. Consequently, your brain will eventually set English as a default language, without even needing to think before speaking it!

I was not always the confident English speaker I have become, and I can vouch for that. I have felt insecurities, self-consciousness, self-doubt, and overall, I wasn't confident in myself. All of that was due to one thing: my fear of making mistakes. And I'm sure that many of you out there have felt the same. That being said, after taking a look back, I realise that you shouldn't be! Mistakes are unavoidable, it's a part of our learning process, so if you make one (or some), don't be discouraged, because every cloud has a silver lining. If there's one lesson I can take from my not-so-confident past being, it's to just do it! Be courageous to branch out of your comfort zone, and explore









Muhammad Akbar (G7E):Over the last few years, Akbar has been raking medals for international robotics competitions. We’ve asked him a pertinent few questions, which no doubt everyone wants to ask him: what inspires him, the process he follows, what’s in the pipeline, and more advice to his peers.

1. What inspired you to choose this particular concept?

I was really concerned of the situation we are in right now, especially the symptoms of the Covid virus. This persuaded me to go for a post-Covid approach, which means that I was trying to make a device which will be used after the pandemic is over. So obviously we still need to social distance ourselves even though the pandemic may be over. With the device I created we are able to navigate ourselves with our own voice, and it doesn't require the assistance of other people.

2. What process do you follow to come up with an innovative idea and how do you make it happen?

So basically my process was breaking down a problem till it's core, and find what causes that problem, and try to come up with a solution. After having the solution I try to translate that solution into engineering terms, basically try to make the solution into reality using engineering methods, and obviously during this phase there's gonna be a lot of problems, so you need to be able to troubleshoot a problem.

3. What other ideas/innovations are you working on?

I'm currently making a side project which is basically similar to a man's helmet. So the helmet will be equipped with an internal HUD, and will also be equipped with google assistant.

4. What advice do you have for your fellow students who may have innovative ideas?

If you're trying to create something obviously there's going to be a lot of problems. I suggest that you seek help from credible sources, such as reddit & YouTube. And also while troubleshooting a problem never give up; not giving up is one of the keys to successfully making a working prototype/device.

Let’s leave our young innovator to dream up and create more cool and beneficial gadgets.

Alhamdulillah, Selamat kepada Aisha Chairunnisa (G11 Social) berhasil lolos ke tingkat Provinsi Banten, setelah melalui seleksi Kompetisi Sains Nasional (KSN) tingkat Kabupaten Tangerang bidang mapel Ekonomi.


MUHAMMAD AKBAR G-7EWHO WON THE GOLD MEDAL AT THE ‘WORLD ROBOTIC GAMES’ COMPETITION HELD IN THE PHILIPPINES Alhamdulillah, congratulations to Muhammad Akbar G-7E, who won the Gold Medal at the ‘World Robotic Games’ competition held in the Philippines. The competition had 612 participants from 6 countries: Indonesia, Singapore, Malaysia, Philippines, Thailand & Taiwan. The protype that he created was a “Smart Wheel Controlled by Sound for Disabled People”. As the Gold Medal Winner he got honour to do a Speech on public live today 4PM on the world robot games facebook page : Hopefully, this will be one of many of Akbar’s examples of a young Muslim innovator competing internationally. Keep up the good work and practicing Akbar.

Muhammad Adni Fityan Qodir from G7C who achieved one of the top scorers at memorising English words from the Cambridge Dictionary in a competition organised by the Indonesia Memory Sports Council on 8th December 2020. Adni was recognised for his amazing ability to memorise 12,861 vocabulary including its meaning. Wow! This extraordinary achievement was scored by independent judges and it was recorded by MURI, Indonesia Top Scores of Record Museum.We are so pleased with the outcome of Adni's performance, especially during pandemic, as he has come out of his shell to excel. Again, congrats Adni. What you have been done is evidence that "where there is a will, there is a way".You are a shining star and an inspiration to your friends!

The Covid-19 global pandemic didn't stop our student from high achievement. This young boy who has also memorised 7 juz of Al Qur'an as part of memorising 30 juz within 2 years programme, finished in the top five of an International Spelling Bee Competition hosted by @virtualspellingbee UiTM Malaysia.










Selamat Kepada Para

Semester 2, Tahun Ajaran 2020/2021

Muhammad Raditya ArafatLevel: Primary 6B

Khatam: 27 Januari 2021

Najla Ghaida AfriansyahLevel: Primary 6E

Khatam: 19 Februari 2021

Muhammad Alvaro EdwarLevel: Primary 6A

Khatam: 10 April 2021

Nadia Camilla DarmawanLevel: Secondary 7CKhatam: 5 Mei 2021

M. Abhaktha Qabil GilbranLevel: Secondary 9CKhatam: 6 Mei 2021

Adzra Ashila Alifiya PrabowoLevel: Primary 6D

Khatam: 4 Februari 2021

Kalyca Athaya ShafakiranaLevel: Secondary 9C

Khatam: 26 Maret 2021

M. Aqiilah Ghani HafizhLevel: Secondary 7B

Khatam: 19 April 2021

Levina Ratu NeemaLevel: Secondary 7EKhatam: 5 Mei 2021

Azira Fatin AnnasywaLevel: Secondary 7DKhatam: 7 Juni 2021

Mahardika MalikLevel: Secondary 8B

Khatam: 6 Februari 2021

Neisha Faeyza CalyaristyantoLevel: Primary 6C

Khatam: 26 Maret 2021

Rafi Ramadhansyah RabbaniLevel: Secondary 8B

Khatam: 27 April 2021



1 Nadia Camilla Darmawan

GOLD MEDAL Spech contest MBI -

GIS Fair - MBI Amanatul Ummah-


8 April 2021

SILVER MEDAL Olimpiade Sains

Indonesia by POSI Pelatihan Bidang: B Inggris

31 Mei 2021

GOLD MEDAL Kanigara English

Grammar Olympiad by Kanigara Education

3 Juni 2021

2 Faeyza Zahra Anindita

SILVER MEDAL Spech Contest - Sonic

Linguistic MAN - Insan Cendikia


10 April 2021

3 Muhammad Akbar

GOLD MEDAL "Smart Wheel

Controled by sound for people with dissabilities"

World robotic Games Philipppines

20 April 2021


International Math Olympiad

24 April 2021




Yayla Amour Mihrijan 1 Kompetisi Olahraga Siswa Nasional (KOSN) SMA

2021Tingkat Kabupaten Tangerang - Cabang Olahraga Renang

11 IPS

Muhammad Razan Rahman 1 Battle of Ideas 10 IPS Fathan Fattarafi 1 Battle of Ideas 10 IPA

Aryasheva Rabbani Parmadhi 1 Battle of Ideas 10 IPA Khansa Sayla Azizah 2 Battle of Ideas 11 IPA Faizulhaq Suhartono 2 Battle of Ideas 11 IPA

Naurah Zayan 2 Battle of Ideas 11 IPA Lutia Nurfadillah 1 Breaking News 10 IPS Jestine Vallendra 2 Breaking News 11 IPA

Jasmine Aqillah Andjani 3 Breaking News 11 IPS









Times goes so fast, realising that this article is maybe the last task that was ‘assigned’ by my Teacher. Times goes so fast, especially if you spent that time mostly from your home. The pandemic has forced us to study from home and changed our vision of how high school life should be. No, I am not going to blame the pandemic; instead, I want to appreciate all my friends, Teachers, and school that had to incredibly manouver through this time. This time shows us that we could do things that were unimagined before, like utilising our gadgets rather than hiding it. My memories ran through my head as I am writing this. It feels like it was just yesterday and many years ago at the same time. I do still remember my first time entering Upper Secondary of Syafana Islamic School, we were wearing PE clothes that day. Some talked to each other, some were just sleeping, and there were a few who were unbothered -- just minding their Rubik's. After that day, we walked through the forest, swim in the middle of the ocean, slept in a ‘faraway village’, and even ‘sat’ on the People Representative’s chairs. I still remember how we used to play a song during breaks, either in the corridor, reading corner, or class through the class speakers. I also do still remember how our recess bell rang and its unique announcement that came with English and Arabic. Each place of the schools will keep our memories; from class, canteen, mushalla, library, sportsfield, labs, Teacher rooms, until reading corner. It's easy to talk about what we had to walk-through, but there are many emotions playing on those moments that I couldn’t describe. We have felt excitement, sadness, anger, surprise, and joy -- ups and down. Teachers, seniors, and friends had taught and helped me through a lot of things, not only in English,

maths, or sciences. They had helped and gave me opportunities to participate in various activities; from organisations, committees, to competitions. From them, I learned how should I be, what should I be, and where I came from. I am grateful that I had spent these 3 years with many wonderful souls and incredible minds. Friends, Teachers, stafs; each have their own uniqueness that really amazed me and would take a lot of space to write about. There are many discussions or even just a little chats that make me realise what huge potential this school has. I mean really, I used to have some discussions after prayer with my principal, and sometimes got some chances to talk with the managing director. Besides that, I often talk with Teachers, staff, and friends when preparing for school events. They all really inspired me and showed me how much potential this school has. All that we actually need are just collaborations and understanding of each other. I invest hopes in this school's future. Thank you to all my Teachers, my seniors, and my juniors. A huge credit too to all my friends, Class of 2021. Anucara Aksara Catra: Sahabat penuh warna yang sukses dan tak terputus yang saling melindungi; they might be known as the generation that often got into trouble, but I’ll remember them as more than that; a generation full of their own uniqueness.

By: Akbar Ramadhani Destu - G12 ScienceA Memoir of Memories


Well, I feel happy as anyone would after completing high school. But, I'm also kinda sad that I didn't get to experience a complete three years of offline school due to the covid-19 pandemic restrictions. My time between Grade 4 and Grade 6 I regard as the best time in my Primary School days. I had the most fun then with great memories. My best experience during my Lower Secondary years would be the last Field Trip we took to Malang. It was fun and there were multiple activities that I enjoyed. For my Upper Secondary years my best experience would be the Field Trip to Yogyakarta back during G10, for the same reason as the Field trip to Malang. I also enjoyed spending time with my friends in a social setting. Lot’s of great memories. Overall, my time at Syafana has been a pleasant and unique experience. I was saddened that it didn't finish school the way I would wanted; normal. But, overall it was a lovely and memorable time. (Rafi Gandana is one of our students who studied at Syafana from K1- G12)

I’m happy to graduate. But, because of this covid-19 pandemic, graduating became so boring because we could not physically meet with our friends and there were no good/fun moments at all. My best memory from my Primary School days was our excursion to Anyer, which was a very fun and memorable experience because my group’s house was haunted by a ghost…. Whoooo! My best experience in Lower Secondary was last the fieldtrip in Grade 9. I really enjoyed when we hiked at Malang to see the sunrise - it was beautiful. However, my best moment of all time was our fieldtrip, in Upper Secondary, to Jogja, because of the great memories I made with my friends. My overall experience at Syafana Islamic School can be described as: Love and Hate; I loved the fun memories made with my friends and hated the troubles I’ve caused in the recent years. (Agung is one of our students who studied at Syafana from K1 - G-12)

Reflecting on my Timeat Syafana Unforgettable

By: Agung Ravi Alexander - G12 SocialBy: M. Rafi Prawira Gandana – G12 Social






Assalamu’alaikum wr.wb. Hi I am Siti Hanifah Shahrani from G12 Social, Anucara Aksara Catra. I am commonly known as Ipeh, but Teachers prefer to call me Hanifah. I attended Syafana Islamic School since 1st grade to 12th grade. It’s quite long. Feeling bored? Honestly I thought that I was really bored. But after thinking back, it’s not as boring as what I thought. There were many things that made me comfortable. Starting from good and comfortable school’s facilities, good Teachers, super duper friendly staff, and also friends who never stopped with ideas for jokes. Not only that, Syafana also really likes to hold big and exciting annual events such as ETOS, Syafest, Health Day, Entrepreneurship day, and many more. That’s one of the reasons that made me very comfortable going to school here, the fun was never ending. There is one memory that I will never forget while I was in Syafana. This happened when I was in high school. I really remember, namely, LDKS. It was the first time I experienced what is called LDKS. The first time I really felt afraid because what I thought was "torture from the coach" but it wasn't at all. In fact, what I felt that it was a fun experience with my classmates, no to forget the LDKS supervisor. We cooked together, slept together in one tent, were punished together, laughed together, got annoyed together. Basically I learned that it was hard not to be happy together during LDKS. And also not to forget the responsibility, yes we were taught responsibility. Oh yeah, one more thing, we can't be afraid, we all have to go through things so we know whether we're really scared or not. Actually, there's a lot more that I want to talk about, but I'm afraid there's not enough paper, so that's it. If you want to feel what I feel, it's better to go to Syafana Islamic School. Thank you and bye bye. Wassalamu’alaikum wr.wb.

By: Siti Hanifah Shahrani - G12 Social

Ramadan is the ninth month of the Islamic calendar and is a holy month for Muslims where it is mandatory for them to avoid drinking and eating from dawn or sunrise (fajr) until sunset (maghrib). But that is not all it is to know about this holy month. Ramadan is the month where, according to Islam, the Al Qur’an was sent down to the lowest heaven during this month by Allah Ta’ ala, thus being prepared for gradual revelation by Jibril to Muhammad ملسو هيلع هللا ىلص hence making this month a holy month. In this holy month, Muslims are not only prohibited to eat and drink as said before, but they also ought to hold their anger, their lust, swearing, gossiping, etc. But the thing about these other ‘prohibitions’ is that it is actually not prohibited but it is highly recommended to avoid these actions because it decreases the amount of good deeds. Also, for those Muslims who are still young or haven’t reached puberty, the ones that are sick, disabled, old, etc, are allowed to not fast during this month. Same thing goes for females who are on their period. This month also provides an additional prayer called Tarawih to increase the chance of earning more good deeds during this blessed month for those who celebrate.

By: Muhamad Fadhil Rafah - G10 ScienceRamadan



The prohibition of drinking, eating, etc is only between dawn and sunset during this month. Before dawn, those who are fasting prepare themselves before holding their hunger and thirst by eating. This is called Suhoor. Then, they hold it until sunset or when they hear the Maghrib call to prayer. After that, they break their fast by eating where it is called Iftar. Then at night, they do the Tarawih prayer. And in the next dawn, the do the same cycle. So what is so special about Ramadan for those who celebrate is that it makes them closer to their religion. It also makes them closer to Allah Ta’ ala. That is why it is a blessed month.

Ramadan is a very special month, for Muslims to be exact. Ramadan is the month where Muslims are obligated to fast for a whole month from fajr till sunset, which is the pillar or Islam. However, Ramadan isn't just about fasting, it's also the pathway for a person to contemplate their relationship with the Almighty Allah SWT. The whole month of Ramadan is divided into three parts of 10 days. The first 10 days are the days of mercy. The second 10 days are the days of forgiveness from Allah SWT. The third 10 days is believed to be released from the hellfire. Although we assure ourselves in faith that all months are good, Ramadan is more significant compared to other months. Some of the significance are listed below:

The Night of Laylatul Qadr Ramadan has its very special night, which is the Laylatul Qadr night. On this night, the first few ayats of the Al-Quran was revealed to our Prophet Muhammad SAW via Jibril AS. In surah Al-Qadr, from ayat 1-5, Laylatul Qadr is explained.

ن �أنزلناه ف ليل القدر (١إ ا

Behold, We revealed this (Qur'an) on the Laylatul Qadr night.

وما �أدراك ما ليل القدر (٢And what do you know what the Laylatul Qadr night is? ن �ألف شهر (٣ ليل القدر خي مThe Laylatul Qadr night is better than a thousand months.

ن ك �أمر (٤ م م ذن ربإوح فهيا ب تنل الملئكة والر

The angels along with the Spirit descend in it by the permission of their Lord4 with all kinds of decrees.

سلم ه حت مطلع الفجر (٥All peace is that night until the rise of dawn.

The month of forgivenessIf a Muslim made mistakes in the past, Ramadan is the true moment to request the favour and mercy from Allah SWT as this stated by Prophet Muhammad (SAW) through the Hadiths.

Good deeds are multipliedThe Ramadan is a good chance for every Muslim around the globe to do good deeds. In this very special month, the reward for doing good deeds, such as praying, giving charity and many more is multiplied.

The best diet method for human bodiesModern lifestyle is synonymous with unhealthy diet.

By: Kyla Aurellien Azzahra - G9 B

The Significanceof Ramadhan






As we delve into the magical realm that is our universe at night, we discover what makes it so extraordinary, from moonbows to shooting stars and from the polar night to the northern lights. Experience how different habitats, from the city to the ocean, come alive when the sun sets. Meet animals that make their own elaborate beds and others that sleep while swimming or flying. Explore the history of human sleep across the globe and dive into a world of dreams. When the stars come out is a beautifully illustrated book full of fun facts relating to the night. The book explains why the night exists and how people have studied the nighttime sky throughout history. It details what some of the discoveries have been, including why the moon wanes and what the northern lights are. The book answers question about the earth at night and about humans at night. Many different cultures are mentioned as the book goes over the history of sleep and celebrations of the night. The book explains that though nights are safer nowadays with all the light, the sky has become very polluted by it. We can no longer see the beautiful stars like those before us could.

When The Stars Come OutAuthor: Nicola EdwardsPublisher: 360 DegreesCollation: 70 p. : ill. ; 38 cm.

By: Alfin Hikmah Sukmawening., S.Ip – School Librarian

Sometimes almost all that we eat is based on unwise choices! But fear not, cause the month of Ramadan is the best time to give our digestive organs a break and train them to be better organs.

The Umrah to Mecca in Ramadan is rewarded as Full HajjThis is the biggest feature of Ramadan, for some people, who would have difficulties performing the hajj pilgrimage due to the limitation of time and the specific month of hajj. As Prophet Muhammad (SAW) stated that One who performs the Umrah in Mecca in Ramadan would be rewarded equal as a full Hajj. We strongly believed that Full Hajj cannot be replaced, but at least performing Umrah in Ramadan is a very good alternate.

Ramadan the month of blissWe can see and feel that during the Ramadan, everyone

try to be their best selves in all matters. This is why Ramadan is full of bliss because everyone tries to improve everything about themselves: body, mind and soul. And many good reasons that I could not mention.Among those reasons I already mentioned and shared above, we can conclude that Ramadan is the best month there is, due to the best of its features both historically and in real daily life. After All, Ramadan is the month of upgrading ourselves to be a better being, so we could be as pure as a newborn baby after Eid Fitri.




PTA Syafana Islamic School Kindergarten mengadakan beberapa kegiatan di semester II diantaranya :

1. Webinar Kesehatan Setahun bersama Covid (semua kampus Kindergarten Syafana Islamic School)

2. Bakti Sosial, pembagian Paket Berkah Ramadhan3. Pembagian Souvenir :

• Plakat Graduation untuk murid K2 • Meja Mengaji Untuk murid K1 & PG • Mesin Hand Sanitizer Automatic untuk Sekolah

diharapkan dapat menambah pengetahuan kita tentang apa itu Corona Virus Disease 2019 (Covid-19). Dan bagaimana kita menghadapinya terutama sebagai orangtua yang ingin menjaga keluarganya untuk tetap sehat. Tak lupa kami mengucapkan terima kasih kepada seluruh orang tua murid, guru, dan semua peserta webinar yang sudah berpartisipasi dalam acara ini.

Alhamdulillah, pada tanggal 6 Maret 2021. PTA Kindergarten Syafana Islamic School Gading Serpong, Graha Raya dan The Icon BSD, telah melaksanakan Webinar Kesehatan, "SETAHUN BERSAMA COVID”Dengan dr. Radianti Bulan M. Tobing (Kasubag PEP dan Umum Dinas Kesehatan Kab. Tangerang) sebagai pembicara, dan drg. Meutia Zakiati (Ketua PTA Kindergarten Syafana Graha Raya) sebagai moderator. Acara webinar ini berjalan dengan lancar,





Bakti Sosial Ramadhan 1442 H telah terlaksana pada Jum'at 30 April 2021, Adapun dana yang terkumpul dari orang tua murid sebanyak Rp 26.000.000,- . Santunan ini kami siapkan dalam bentuk paket sembako (Setiap paket berisi : Beras 2kg, Gandum 1kg, Minyak 2ltr, Mentega, Gula 1kg, Sirup, 2pcs Indomie) dan telah disalurkan sebanyak 265 paket. Terimakasih sebesar-besarnya kepada seluruh donatur, panitia PTA, CP & segenap guru serta staf Kindergarten Syafana Islamic School Gading yang telah mencurahkan baik harta, waktu, dan tenaganya untuk mensukseskan acara ini. Semoga kegiatan ini dapat memberikan lebih banyak lagi keberkahan bagi kita semua. Aamiin... Allahuma aamin.

Malvin James AlvarezK2 Level Al Kindi

Sabtu, 12 Juni 2021

From : Parents Teacher Association (PTA)Syafana Islamic School Gading Serpong 2020 - 2021

Pemberian souvenir untuk level K2 yang akan mengadakan acara graduation dalam bentuk plakat, souvenir untuk level K1 & Playgroup (meja untuk mengaji) dan souvenir untuk pihak sekolah (mesin handsanitizer otomatis). Kegiatan tersebut terwujud sebagai salah satu bentuk apresiasi kami kepada seluruh murid Kindergarten Syafana islamic School Gading Serpong dan pihak sekolah yang sudah berkontribusi dalam kegiatan home base learning tahun ajaran ini

Kegiatan PTA The Icon Syafana Islamic SchoolTahun Ajaran 2020/2021

Corona virus disease 2019 (Covid-19) sudah ada di Indonesia sejak awal Maret 2020 sampai tahun di 2021 pun Covid-19 tetap masih ada. Maka dari itu Kami PTA Syafana Islamic School Kindergarten dari 3

kampus yaitu Icon BSD, Gading Serpong dan Graha Raya membuat webinar kesehatan : “Setahun Bersama Covid” dengan pembicara dr. Radianti Bulan M. Tobing (Kasubag PEP dan Umum Dinas Kesehatan Kab. Tangerang) pada tanggal 6 Maret 2021. Pembahasan tentang sejarah virus corona dan tentang kondisi setahun terakhir 2020 yang telah melanda semua fasilitas kesehatan baik rumah sakit terutama maupun puskesmas karena adanya pandemi ini. Gejala awal covid-19 yaitu gejala ringan kalau sudah terjadi berat maka akan timbul pneumonia berat artinya sudah ada keluhan sesak bagi penderita yang terkena


covid-19. Pemerintah Indonesia telah menetapkan pandemi Covid-19 sebagai bencana non alam. Peningkatan kasus sangat tinggi sampai 3 Januari 2021

kasus covid-19 belum melandai (dilihat dari grafik). Untuk distribusi usia ternyata Covid-19 paling banyak konfirmasi kasus yang terlaporkan dari usia 15 tahun sampai dengan 60 tahun dengan kata lain ini usia produktif dan yang meninggal dunia paling banyak pada usia lanjut yaitu 55 tahun sampai dengan 64 tahun. Untuk CFR (Case Fatality Rate) Covid-19 untuk Banten sekitar 2,2% masih di bawah angka nasional. Jadi Lalu apa solusinya dalam pengendalian Covid-19 ? Untuk saat ini vaksinasi adalah merupakan upaya kesehatan masyarakat yang dinilai paling efektif dan efisien, walaupun demikian perilaku kunci 3M (memakai masker, menjaga jarak dan mencuci tangan) tetap dipatuhi untuk mencegah penularan dan perlu peran aktif dari seluruh masyarakat agar program vaksinasi Covid-19 berjalan sesuai dengan yang diharapkan. Untuk memperingati Isra Mi’raj yang jatuh pada tanggal 11 Maret 2021, PTA Kindergarten Syafana Icon mengadakan Kajian Anak berupa story telling bersama Kak Agung pada tanggal 16 Maret 2021.Anak-anak sangat senang dengan cerita karena dibawakan dengan ceria dan lucu oleh Kak Agung dan boneka yang dibawanya. Ceritanyapun mengandung moral yang sangat bagus untuk berbakti kepada Orang tua dan solat 5 waktu. Acara ini dibantu oleh pihak sekolah Syafana Islamic School Kindergarten Syafana Icon dengan pembawa acara Ustadz Fauzan dan Sydh Sarah, dan diisi

dengan tahfidz dari Ustadz Dzul dan Ustdaz Fauzan. Peristiwa Isra Mi'raj yang dijelaskan dalam surat Al-Isra ayat satu menjelaskan peristiwa Isra dalam Isra Mi'raj, berikut ayatnya :

ى ب�ركنا ل �ٱلمسجد �ٱلأقصا �ٱلإن �ٱلمسجد �ٱلحرام ا ى بعبدهۦ ليل م ىآ �أس ن �ٱل ـ سسبح

ميع �ٱلبصي هۥ هو �ٱلس نإآ ا ۥ لنيهۥ من ءاي�تنا حول

Artinya: Maha Suci Allah, yang telah memperjalankan hamba-Nya pada suatu malam dari Al Masjidil Haram ke Al Masjidil Aqsha yang telah Kami berkahi sekelilingnya agar Kami perlihatkan kepadanya sebagian dari tanda-tanda (kebesaran) Kami. Sesungguhnya Dia adalah Maha Mendengar lagi Maha Mengetahui. Alhamdulillah telah datang bulan suci ramadhan yang kita nantikan, Allah Swt menyediakan berbagai keutamaan ini kepada orang-orang yang memperbanyak ibadah di bulan Ramadan. Inilah rahmat dan nikmat Allah swt yang diberikan kepada hamba-hamba-Nya yang memanfaatkan momen ini dengan memperbanyak ibadah. Maka bersyukurlah kepada Allah dengan dipertemukan dengan bulan Ramadhan.Salah satu pintu yang dibuka oleh Allah untuk meraih keuntungan besar dari bulan Ramadhan adalah melalui sedekah. Islam sering menganjurkan umatnya untuk banyak bersedekah. Dan bulan Ramadhan, amalan ini menjadi lebih dianjurkan lagi.

قرضا حسسنا يضاعف لهم ولهم �أجر كرمي قات و�أقرضوا الل د قي والمص د ن المص إا

“Sesungguhnya orang-orang yang bersedekah baik laki-laki maupun perempuan dan meminjamkan kepada Allah pinjaman yang baik, niscaya akan dilipat-gandakan (ganjarannya) kepada mereka; dan bagi mereka pahala yang banyak.” (Qs. Al Hadid: 18) Pada tanggal 23 April sampai dengan 29 April 2021 PTA mengumpulkan infaq yang diterima dari seluruh Orang Tua Murid dari Syafana Islamic School Kindergarten Icon. Alhamdulillah kami dapat salurkan infaq ke Yayasan Bayt Al Jamil Raya dan dibantu distribusinya kepada saudara-saudara kita yang membutuhkan. Kebahagiaan dalam menyambut Hari Raya Idul Fitri 1442 H, Kami PTA beserta orang tua murid





KBM (Kegiatan Belajar Mengajar) semester II tahun ajaran 2020-2021 ternyata masih berjalan secara online. Pandemik Covid 19 masih belum usai. Meski vaksin dewasa sudah dimulai pendistribusiannya, namun masih berjalan bertahap & butuh waktu yang tidak sebentar. Alhamdulillah para tenaga didik sudah divaksin. Semoga para orangtua murid juga akan segera mendapatkan vaksin. Meskipun KBM masih secara online, namun PTA alahamdulillah dapat mengadakan kegiatan sosial di semester II ini. Ada dua kegiatan sosial yang dilaksankan pada bulan Ramadhan 2021 oleh Sie Sosial & Atta’Awun. Kedua kegiatan sosial ini berjalan dengan lancar atas kerjasama yang baik antara Syafana Islamic School, PTA Syafana Islamic School Primary Campus, serta para orangtua murid Primary & donatur.

Kegiatan PTA PRIMARY Semester IITahun AJaran 2020-2021

“PTA Berbagi dengan Sesama.”

Syafana Icon BSD juga memberikan parsel kepada Kepala Sekolah, staff pengajar, admin, SM serta security. Semoga dapat berkenan dan memberikan kebahagian pula untuk beliau-beliau di Hari Raya Idul Fitri. “Dan berinfaklah kalian dijalan Allah, dan jangan kalian melemparkan diri kalian kepada kebinasaan. Dan

berbuat ihsanlah, sesungguhnya Allah mencintai orang-orang yang berbuat ihsan.” (QS. Al-Baqarah[2]: 195)


1. Baksos Ramadhan PTA Syafana Islamic School Primary Campus Kegiatan Syafana Berkah Ramadhan telah dilaksanakan pada hari Rabu, 5 Mei 2021 di Syafana Islamic School Primary Campus - Paradiso. Kegiatan ini merupakan wujud kepedulian keluarga besar Syafana kepada warga dhuafa di sekitar Primary Campus, dengan pemberian paket Ramadhan sebagai berikut: • Beras Ramos @ 2,5 Kg• Dana Tunai @ Rp. 100.000,-

Infaq tersebut diberikan kepada warga dhuafa di wilayah Curug Sangereng Rt01/06, Rt 02/06, 03/06, 03/05, Cihuni, Cigaten, Kampung Kandang, Pondok Jengkol, Cibogo Kulon, tukang sampah, petugas security Summarecon (Spring), Catalina (security & tukang sampah), anak yatim & dhuafa, dengan total pemberian infaq sebanyak 378 orang. Berkah Ramadhan untuk bagian internal sekolah sudah dikoordinir langsung oleh sekolah. PTA mendapat apresiasi yang luar biasa dari para orangtua murid dan donatur. Donasi yang diamanahkan kepada kami, alhamdulillah terkumpul uang tunai sebesar Rp. 49,686,700,-. Terima kasih yang sebesar-besarnya atas partisipasi seluruh orangtua murid dan para donatur. Semoga Allah SWT melipat gandakan rezeki para donatur dan menjadi penambah amal jariyah dan memberikan pahala bagi Bapak/Ibu semua. Aamiin.

2. Baksos Ramadhan Atta’Awun Pada hari Sabtu, 17 April 2021 telah dilaksanakan BAKSOS RAMADHAN ATTA’AWUN 2021 dengan menyerahkan sebanyak 306 paket sembako dan amplop senilai Rp. 100.000,- kepada keluarga siswa Atta’Awun di tiga lokasi belajar. Adapun penyerahan paket sembako dan uang tunai dikoordinir oleh para guru Atta’Awun dengan tetap menjalankan prokes kesehatan. Terima kasih kepada para donatur Atta’Awun yang sudah selalu mendukung kegiatan Atta’Awun melalui donasinya. InsyaaAllah amalan ini akan menjadi berkah bagi pihak yang menerima maupun pihak yang memberi. Aamiin. Demikian kegiatan PTA Syafana Islamic School Primary. Semoga kegiatan yang sudah dilaksanakan di tahun ajaran ini membawa manfaat dan memberikan berkah kepada semua pihak yang terlibat di dalamnya. Dan semoga di tahun ajaran berikutnya, PTA dapat terus mengadakan kegiatan yang bermanfaat. Aamiin.





PTA LOWER UPPER SECONDARY SYAFANA ISLAMIC SCHOOL telah sukses mengadakan Bakti Sosial Ramadhan pada hari Rabu, 05 Mei 2021. Walaupun Ramadhan tahun ini masih masa pandemi Covid-19, tidak menyurutkan niat dan semangat kami untuk melaksanakan kegiatan bakti sosial Ramadhan yang memang merupakan salah satu bagian dari rutinitas kegiatan PTA Lower Upper Secondary Syafana Islamic School setiap tahun dibulan Ramadhan. Kegiatan yang pelaksanaannya diwakilkan oleh tim Sie Sosial telah berhasil mengumpulkan dana donasi sebesar Rp. 45.000.000 dari para orang tua murid sebagai donator utama baksos Ramadhan ini. Dana tersebut didistribusikan kepada masyarakat kampung Lengkong Kiai, Kampung Cipucung serta karyawan internal Syafana Islamic School dengan nominal Rp. 250.000 per orang. Dengan tetap memperhatikan protokol kesehatan, pelaksanaan dan pembagian bantuan secara simbolik diwakilkan oleh Ketua dan tim Sie Sosial PTA Lower Upper Secondary Syafana Islamic School kepada masyarakat berjalan dengan sangat baik tertib dan lancar. Alhamdulillah!

BAKTI SOSIAL RAMADHAN 1442 HPTA SecondarySyafana Islamic School











8,9 11





1 Polisi

2 Dokter

Arabic Crossword PuzzleLook at the Picture to Complete the crossword puzzle

Across1. Police4. Student (Boy)5. Mekanik8. Pilot12. Guard / security13. Player

Down2. Doctor3. Judge6. Muazin7. Army9. Nurse10 Student (Girl)11. Ustad









Please submit the answerto [email protected]

the latest at September 2021your gift awaits you!

(Kindergarten, Primary & Secondary)

By: Ust. Haris Hadikusuma, Lc