Download - Rewa~d Leads to Theft Ring - City of Newport Beach


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Hun(ingtotl,,· Teen . -.

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Rewa~d Leads to Theft Ring I

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WINS STATE TITLE Huntington Beech'• Hogle

Huntington Teen Takes State Crown

tbt Seventeen-year-o ld Donna wl j Hogle of Huntington Beach has led an Orange Count>- sweep of

to f th e Californ ia Jun ior Miss si: ~ Santa R~sa . po ; 'Miss Hogle, a senior Kl Edison sh• I High School, was crowned lhe ba slat e 's Junior Miss Saturday fo ' night while Susan Pasqua . 17. of sl J San Clemente was selected lbe

first runner-up.

a1 I Miss Hogle. the da ughter or I Herbert and Georgia Hogle. f performed a baJlet dance In the

talent portion or the contest.

She also WMS judged for poise, appearan<'e, physical fitness and grade point averue

She plans a career in nursing and has recorded a 3.6 average m math and science courses at Edi son, according to he r mother.

She had plantted to enroll at Northern Colorado University next fall, but may switch to a California college because or

· new rommitmenl.s, Mrs. Hogle said. /

One of those obligations is to. ride on a Rose Parade noat next J a n. 1.

Miss Hogle 's winnings in· eluded Sl0,500 ln cash a nd 1cb0Janhipe.

She afso won a trip to Washlnston. D.C., where she


will work lo the office of Rep. Del ClaWIOll. at the end of tM achoolyear. •

She will compete in the ~ American Junior Mlsa Pageant f inllobtle, Ala., April 14.

1 Donna's tiater Mary, a senior E at Walhln«ton Slate University, 01 waa named Fount11n ValJey

• Juolor Miu in 1175.

75 Flee · ·11ier

Blaz WHITTIER <AP ) - A fiN!

that started on the second noor of a n old, three-story Whittier hotel forced the evacuation or 75 people early today, authorities said.

The roof of the William Penn Hotel, built in 1924, partially col· lapsed as the blaze spread to the top floor of the building. said Capt. Joe Day or the Los Angeles County Fire Department.

One firefighter s uHe red a broken ankle while battling the blaze , he said.

Twenty unit s and 100 firefighters were on the scene of the fire. which burned for more than 21Az hours.

" It's an old building and there a re a lot of concea led attic spaces, which makes it very dif. fi cult to fight," Day said .

The cause of the blaze was UD· der investigation . The value of the building was estimated at $500.000

Head-on Crash Claims 'Ihird Life

A blazing h ead-on traffic crash Saturday ln the Yorba Linda area hes claimed its third fatality , Orange County cor· oner's deputies reported today.

Darlene Doyle, 17, of Yorba Linda, died Sunday at Canyon General Hospital of injuries suf· fered in the afternoon coUision.

Miss DoyJe, of 4402 Casa Oro Drive, was a passenger In a pickup truck that collided head­on with a car on Imperial Highway west or Orangelhorpe Avenue, a CaUfomla Highway Patrol spokesman said.

The auto burst into flame, burning two persons inside beyond recognition, patrolmen said . Gorone r ' s deputies said they eJCped to identity the vie· tima Jaler today through a check of dental records.

Tbe driver of the pickup truck, 18-year-old Craig Burrow ol Cer· rilol , was lilted ln stable condi· tlon at Canyon Hospital today where he ls being treat.eel ror what were described as major iJ:\j u ries.

Dr8ft Pool Eyed LOS ANGELES <AP) - The

Carter AdminlstraUon la explor· tnr ~ poulbtlity oC uaina SOetll Security recordl and tu relw'u to supply a pool of draft-11e men for a rejuvenated Selective Service System, the Loa AqeJes Tlma llu reported.

• I

White Stuff Piles Up

A youngster emerges from arch built of snow outside a tavern in Crestline. A weekend storm dumped snow up to the

,. .. .,,.,........ window level of nearby businesses and s narled m os t ro ads into th e San Be rnardino Mountains .

Informer Lives in Fear 'Price Too High' Despite New Identity

DALLAS <AP) - David McCrory. who testified against his millionaire boss, Cullen Davis, in a murder -for-hire triaJ, bas a new Ure, new identity and. he says, a constant urge to look over bia shoulder.

' ' The price has been too damned high." McCrory, 40, told the Dallas Times Herald in a telephone interview arranged through federal authorities.

It is not known where McCrory and bis wife a re Uving under the Federal Witness t>rotectJon pro1ram, but be toto the newspaper, " It's bad ... It's cold up here / . . and I've go\ a cold.'

McCrory told the FBI last sum mer that Davis bad asked him to hire a hit man to kill the

f'udte ov.neeing the millionaire nduttrtalilt 's bitter divorce . He

Hid Daris had a llst of about 15 people he wuted killed.

Tbe FBI wired McCrory for sound and recorded bis con· venatlanl with Davia, who wu arrested on a murder soUcita.· Uon cbarle after a rendervoua ta Fort Worth, where Davis al· le1ec1J1 1ave McCrory $25,000 to hire a killer.

The defense contended that McCrory had conspired wltb Oavla' est.ran1ed wife1 PriscUla, to frame tbe wealthy aeCendant.

A JUl'J waa Wlable lo reach a t

verdict after a lengthy trial and Davis was freed recently on $30,000 balJ . Prosectors lo Houston have said they will seek a retrial.

' 'I'm &ooking over my shoulder constantly," McCrory s-ald , a$1· ing that be checks under the hood of tus car every ume ne

gets into tt, even ror short trips to the grocery store.

McCrory said a U.S. attorney in Fort Worth told him last sum· mer to enroll in the witness pro­tection program. " He told me I wouldn ' t live 15 minutes," McCrory said. .

(See WITNESS. Page AZ)

FarmerN Foul Up Washington ·Traffic

WASHINGTON (APl Tbou1a.ndl ol farmers plowed a fteld ol political and 1poradically violent dluent today as they snarled commuter arteries ud blocked bridses in a motorized cte. mand for bi.her 1overnment priceaupportalortheircrope.

" The Farmers Are Here!" declared banners nappln1 from tract.on and truckl that entered the city at a anaU '1/a~ ln the chlll of dawn. ahea of normal ruah·hour tramc.

In one cue. police used tear ca• to IUbdue a drtver who tried to blotk an lnterHctlon and al· le&edJy realated anwt.

Many workt1ra round that •

commuting drive that ordinarily took 30 minutes required up to four hours today. Others slmply stayed home. The Agriculture Department reported a 1S per· .nnt absentee rate. •

At least four separat e cavalcades totaltna an eaUmat­ed l,~ to 2 ,000 vehicles and sponsored by the A merlcan Agriculture Movement, ed&ed lnto the tlty from 1t.attn1 areas in \'lrstnfa and Maryland .

The Geor1e Waahlnstdn lle~ortal Parkway, a princlpal north-south route for tena of thousands of C10mmuters from both 1tale1, was closed te m·

CSee FAltMEU, Pa•e A.I)


Ne-wport Statues Fo11nd

81 JACKIE HYMAN CM•o.lty "lletSt.tff

A $500 reward offered for a s tolen 850-pound statue has Jed to the recovery of the statue along with other goods valued at $40,000 to $50,000, Newport Beach police said today.

Detective Sgt. Bob Gatewood said four me n were arrested Saturday a t two Santa Ana apartm~nts lrom which police ha uled about 20 statues alQng with a number or la mps and pl a nters also be lieved to be stolen.

Facing grand theft charges lo· day are Jacque Remi Swal. 21. James Daly Bonesteel. 20. and Mark Lee Hudson. 22. all of San· ta Ana. AH three were still in ci­ty jait today in lieu or bail, Gatewood said .

Being held on suspicion or re­ceiving stolen prope rty was Michel Reoe Swal , 27, of Santa Ana . whj)se bail ls sel at $2,500. he s aid.

Gatewood s aid the case began when lhe large statue. called Glor ia. was ripped from the pavement to whi c h it wa s cemented in front of Lydia's Inc .. a Newport Beach interior design firm.

A companion statue of Caesar was shattered in the theft last wee kend. Gatewood said. Gloria was valued at $750 and Caesar at $950. and lbe owner offered a SSOO reward for the recovery or the missing statue.

Gatewood said , a man who heard about the reward on the radio recalled loaning his plckup truck that weekend to several neighbors who told him they wanted " to pick up a s tatue."

He contacted police, who then a llegedly recovered the items

CSeeSTATUE, Page A% )


W~ather Fair through Tuesday

and slightly wa rm er. Highs mostly 64 to 70. Lows tonight 36 to 43.


Ml latatcMd "' 1919 fund· rai11ng campaign with a goal o/ $55,fl(JO. Ftatdl U7ill be uaed to ~ tM Y's f/Oulh J>TO· gram• naming. ~e Fealvr­mg. POIJI CJ.

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Khomeini Sets Showdown Revolutionary R gime Prime Minister Named

TEllR lr1n I AP A> •tolhah Ruholl•h KhumNru dmrt><'tly chullt<n tn1 lrnn 'll •haky llO\ ernmt-n\ , n•m d VNf'ran oppositaan POhUclan l'th·hd1 lla1ar1t11n today u prtm~ mitll~U:r ol ~ · rc.•voluUon ry" N"j4lmt• ll> J>JVt• lht• WO) for CrtU t ion of un l"l 1mu· r.-pubht·

t\homt•lni culhod on th• PfOplc­or Ir n to Ob\')' th.- nc~ QI)\ t'rn mt>nt .tnd '6Qmn urat4 Prime ~lm.!>tt>r Shuhpour 81khllr to re· 1gn Tht> rl·h~tou:s lead t'r "·ho

OlJde h1" ~•nnounn•mt>nt 11t .a ccw~ rool~rencc:. lhereb> ~ t the

ta-e ror • ~stble howdov.-n wtth Bukht1•r . ~h o h iH threatened to arrest Khomeiru 11 he trt lo supplant Baltbllar s :titling eovernment

The rt- "'•:s a prcu report earlier todoy that th& Iranian military. which has pledBf'<i sup. port to the current admmlstra tion , was relnfordng IL<i ltOopti outside and 1nstde some govern. ment ministries

BakhtJ1tr hu wornt-d hlis roe,,. flt' •ould .. n wt"r Molotov l'o klajJ for Molnto\ roclluiU" II' t'arr y oul K hom•tnl • lhl't'at lo htunth a holy ...- to OU!ll him

Tht• '10 n •ur otd 8oio.ra n. . ~ ted n<'ltl tu Khonw1n1 dunn11 the.> mtl"tmg with rt!portcrb ot a Moslem ~<'hoo l , 111 a lon&Umt' human nght~ .actt\ ll't, i. Moel rn naltonah5t and OM·ltme head o( Iran '1 oil industry Ha waa a cloH as~O<.'lat of the lat , d posed Pn me M anl lt:r Mohiimm•d

'Moss dE'q

8112are1tt1 and t.hc &2-year-old Bakhtaa r both se rved under Mobsadt>Q, who was ou1led by Shah Mohammad Reza Pahlavi in 1953 fter nationalblng the Anglo-Iran.Jan Oil Co

Bakhlutr was a deputy labor minister and Bazargan served as the farst monaBing director or the National Iranian Oil Co.

The two poUtic1ans were allied in the opposition National Front for a auarter -century until


Iran'• Mehdi Buargan

BakhHar accepted the prtme m lnistry from the shah last month.

Before Khomeini returned

Teng Concludes Visit Invites U.S. Alliance Against Soviet Union

SEATTLE IAP > - A weary Teng Hsiao-ping concluded his visit to the United States today. c<.i lling it "smooth and suc · tessfull . ··

" He in\'iled U.S. leaders lo forsake detente with the Soviet Union and 1oin China rn an rn· formal all 1ante aga ins t the Russ rans.

··we also hope that more American friends' in all walks of life will come over and see our tountry. China opens its door

wide lo all friends alike," the vice premier said at an airoort departure ceremony.

His plane left Seattle at 9: 30 a .m . PST

Sufferin J! from a cold and fatigue. according to aides. Teng cancelled a scheduled breakfast m eeting with Northwest editors and publishers. Faof( l. vice pre· mier for science, education and technology, was called on to lake Teng 's place at the question-and· answer session.

He has invited the West and Japao to give China science and technology , allowing Peking to modernize. He is also asking the West to join the worJd •s largest country in a common ca use against the Soviets. at a time when many in American politics are questioning the wisdom of detente with the So­viets.

Teng also invited former Preliident Nixon to visit China. No lime was set. It would be Nixon 's third viSit to China.

from exile ln Fraoce last week. Bazarpn was the rellglous leader 1 oil-Industry trouble· and was Instrumental in aettini 1trikJng oil workers to beatn producing t o meet domestic needs .• .

From e'tlle, Khomeini led the year-long anU·shah movement of strikes and mass protest that virtually forced the monarch to leave Iran ror an indefinite period Jan. 16. He says the Bakbtlar government. appointed by the sbab, is llJegaJ and vows to abolish the monarchy am establish a reU~lously

He told Radio Tehran he would not "permit a new-type dictatorship which will be worse than before " But he agreed with the ayatollah that a re· ferendum should be held to de· cide the natJon's future .

Pope Reviews Mexico Visit

VATICAN CITY <AP> - Call· ing Latin Americans "the people of God," Pope John Paul II briefly reviewed his visit to Mex ico and the Dominican Republic before a cheering

·crowd of 80,000. r

Tbe PoUsh·born ponllft, ad­dre11lng the crowd In Italian from his studio overlookfog St. Peter·s Square. said Sunday lhat his meeting s with Lalin Am erican clergy and Mexican workers and peasants showed that the Roman Catholic Church is a ··great community that believes and prays ... that it is a sole heart and a sole s pirit.· ·

The pope went to Mexico last week to open the Third Latin A!Jlerican Bishops Conference in the city ot Puebla.

,.,. ........ •PRICE TOO HJOH'

Finger Man McCrory

,....., Pf&fll! A J

WITNESS ••• However. U.S. Attomer Ken·

neth Mitchell said Sunday he bad not talked to McCrory aboufhls testimony. and did not know what an assistant might have said about the dangers McCrory fac~d .

··1 know he 'II <Davis> try to have me killed sooner or later." McCrory said. " Somebody with that kind of money can buy in· formation lo find out where I am ." McCrory said he bad been told bl people he did not identify that 'they ha ve spent $100,000 trying to find me."

Davis ' attorney , Ri chard " Racehorse" Haynes called the allegation " absolutely, une · quivocably wrong ."

··w e've not s~nt one dime looking for him.· Haynes said.

'Free Luve' I

In Cambodia 81\NGKOK . Thailand

<AP l Cambodia ·s new government says it is end· ing reg,ulations of the former ~overnment that restricted married couples to one night a month together.

Te ng once again noted that both the United States and China had slated their opposition to " hegemonis m," the word the Chinese use to describe Soviet ex·

...JXlnsionism. · 'The Chinese people will do

their bit toward opposing global and regional hegcmonjsm, '' he said .

He said that President Carter. who has accepted an invitation to visit China al an unspecified aate. "can be sure of a warm welcome and reception."

Carter to Reject Taiwan Security?·

Davis was acquitted or murder in 1977 after he was tried for the s laying or l2·year· old Andrea Wilborn, Mrs. Davis' daughter, during a shooting spree at the mansion Mrs. Davis s hared with her lover. Stan Farr. A murder c harge for Farr's death is still pending.

" When you fear somebody is trying to have you killed and you're worned about your tam1· ly . .. it ·s probably one or the wors t things that could happen to a person other than death:· said McCrory.

The old regime, driven from Phnom Penh las t month by Vietnamese In· vaders and their Cambo· dian rebel proteges. re · gulated marriages s trictly and required government permission for weddings.

· 'The only right that coup)es had was to live together for the first two days of marriage and then to meet at night once a -month, ·· the report said . " The rest of the time, they lived in separate camps."

The Chinese vice premier drew friendly crow<b in Atlanta, Houston and SeatUe. But long after the s mmng little man In the gray Mao suit has left, the Carter administration is _ likely to be wrestling with t.he choices Teng has presented.

Interviews with administra· lion officials who traveled with Teng indicate that there ls no consensus in the White House or Slate Department on how to han· die some of the specific policy questions that will arise in the wakeofTeng 's joumey.

Ted Hood's Robin Wins Yacht Race

FORT LAUD~RDALE, Fla. ' AP l The corrected-time win· ner or the Southern Ocean Rae· ing Circwt yacht race from St. Petersburg , Fla . . t o Fort L:iuderdale is Ted Hood in the J6.root sloop. Robin.

The race was marred by the death of Thomas E. Cunis Jr. of New York City. a crewman on the Obsession who was struck on the head and killed by a boom.

The Tenacious. with Ted Turner at the helm. was the C l ass A cor r ecte d -time winner. The Tenacious was fifth in Class A In actual order of finish . Six classes of boats were in the race. The Robin was in Class F. the smallest .

Hood. the 1974 America's Cup defender as s kipper of the Courageous, brou~ht the Robin across the finish tine or the

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370-mile course in a corTeded t ime of 44 .6594 hours . The Robin's actual time to complete the race was just over 64~ h~rs.

The corrected time is based on each vesse l 's ha ndicap, which involves such · factors as weight, length and displacement of the boat.

The first boat to finish the race was the 79-root Kialoa, the la rgest of the 66 entries, with an actual lime of 50 hours and 18 minutes.

" She's the fastest s loop In the world," beamed Dick Stimaon, navigator of the Kialoa. That finish time, however , was not a course record, officials said. , The fatal accident aboard the Obsession occurred Wednesday when Curtis, 33, was hit by the boom during rough weather. He was flown by Navy helicopter 77 miles to Keys Memorial hospilaJ . but was dead on ar. rival.

Golden Globe Fo1D1der Due in County

Howord E. 1'Ull, an author and founder of the Golden Olobe Awards, will speak at Courreaes Elementary School, 18131 Santa Carlotta St., Fount.aln Valley, Monday at 7 :30 p .m .

The 81·year-old author wtll ditplay a gavel used by hla aunt Phoebe Ap~non Heant wbo belped organlH lb• !f rtt DI· Uoaal Parent·Teacbef' AllOda· tJon.

Ifill'• lecture •• part ot the Courrecee School PTA'• foun· der'• da7 protram. He b., writ· tea 32 boob includlq ''ltnef'l:la· la1 tbe 12 Powera of Your"

TH public ii lnvlted to l&UDd lllODdq'• e""1.

W ASfllNGTON (AP > - Presi· dent Carter will reject any con­gressional resolution on the security of Taiwan it it contlicts with the new policy toward mainland China, Deputy Secretary of State Warren Christopher said today.

··u would be inappropriate for the president to approve any legis lation inconsistent with the normalization of relations with the PeopJe·s Republic of China,·· Christopher told the Senate Foreign Relations Committee.

Opening a campaign to obtain congress1onal approval of the new China policy, Christopher was questioned harshly by com· mittee members skeptical of as­surances that Taiwan is safe from military and economic threats by Peking.

Committee Chairman ·Frank Church. D· ldaho, said the panel


FARMERS. • porartly by police to all but the farm traffic.

Meanwhile, a 25-mile-loag line of 750 farm vehicles crossed the Potomac River from the south over the city's busiest bridge, emptying into Washington just short of the Agriculture Depart­ment and creating a huge traffic jam attheheightofrusb hour.

Police tried to dtvert com muters to a branch artery that serves Capitol Hill, but the con­gesUon mounted to a complete standsWl.

Some of the arrests resulted from tractor collisions with police cars. One of the tractor drivers al· legedly ran 9ver a policeman's foot and, after brandishing • baseball bat. was clubbed and dragged into a paddy wagon . Other police formed a circle and pushed a number of nearby pro­testers from the area.

One group of farmers threatened to bar entrance to the Agriculture Department. Three tractors, chained together. were driven within three feet of one door to the building, while other vehicles blocked all she lanes oC lndepen· dence Avenue.

A (ew blocks away. Penn· sYlvania Avenue was filled w ltb tractors driven seven abreast. One can1ed a placard reading " We've raised ·enough corn , but not enough hell."

The farmers also usurped the parktn1 spaces for A1rfoulture Depart~nt officials, iocludint t h at fo r Secretary Bob Ber1Jand, although be was not due to return trom a trtp to Seat· Ue unW late in the day. One vtblcJe outllde tbe departn>ent Wit let ablan, but the fire WU quickly exUnauiaMd.

OQ Capttol Hill, uJ> to farmers were expected ror demoautrattons and lobbytn1 overtbenextaeveraldaya.

The tanners are '"ttq ruU implemeat1Uon of le1l1fatJon pqMd lMt year which would aJ. Jow price IMl'Uteel at IO ,.... ceat ot parky. ,

will approve some dedaralion of U.S . intent to come to Taiwan's defense i! such threats occur.

Cbriatopeher replied : ''It is not necessary for there to be such a resolution."

Nonetheless. be said . if Congress ls determined to ap­prove such legi s lation. ad · ministration officials will work with the. commit.tee in deciding how it should be worded.

But be said three times that Carter does not want to see legislation that might jeopardize the opening or diplomatic ties with Peking.

In announcing the new rela· tionship with China in December, Carter said it rests on the assumption that Peking would make a peaceful resolu· t~ Qr .its hiaotircal differences ~&wan.

In exchange. Christopher said Chinese Vice Premier Teng· ffslalo-plng agreed not to con­tradict the U.S. statement.

U.S. relations with Taiwan are to be hndled by a private American Institute , but Christopher said there is a chance that Taiwan may refuse to establish a similar organba­lion to continue its ties with the United States. · If that happens, he said. " then

t he picture I ha ve painted becomes very t'lear indeed, and the prospect or a hiatus in our relations · becomes real."


STATUE • • • from Jacque Swal 's apartment at 1323 .S. Standard Ave. and Hudson's al 1264 E . McFadden Ave . , Gatewood s aid.

He said the case clears up 30 to 40 theft investigations around Orange County .

The statue of Gloria was re­covered unharmed, although the same might not be said for some policemen 's backs . Gatewood noted. . " It took six of us to carry it, and I mean it look all six of us,·· he said.

Doctor Urges Genetic Study

KITTERY, Maine CAP > The government is ignoring the

'possibility of genetic damage to the children of worke rs at Portsmouth Naval Shipyard says a scientis t inves tigating radiation·induced cancer deaths at the yard.

· ·Nowhere in the govemment•s guidelines was a mention or a genetic s tudy:· said Dr. John Cobb. one of nine civilian scien· tists assigned by Congress to watchdog the investigation.

We Recommend Banded Collars and ~

' '

U.S. Hit In Cult

l!:u~~~P> -A former Peoples Temple member whose son died ht Guyana uld today the V .S. government wu aware of an "unmistakable POtentlaJ for mass violence by the cull" but took no action.

Grace Stoen. ln prepared le5thnony before an unofficial congressional hearing on Jbe cult phenomena , sajd s ucl a potential Cor violence is not limited to the Peoples Temple.

" Other cults also have a pres· ent pote ntial for ext r e me violence,·· she said. " Some of them are far more sophisticated than the Peoples Temple."

Mrs. Stoen said that lf the hearing, conducted by Sen. Bob Dole. R·Kan .• can bring such a potential ··within t.he eyes of the public and government, perhaps s uch foreseeable disaster can be thwarted in u~ future . ..

She said her 6-year-olcf son was murdered in the Jonesto~ tragedy.

The U.S . government was warned months in advance, not only by ex-members but also by the wife of cull leader Jim Jones. that there was an ~vious and unmistakable potedtl'aJ for mass silicide. she said .

But, Mrs. Stoen said, "nothing was done by the government. Had the government taken ac­tion . such needless slaughter might have been avoided." ·

She said cults use an argu. ment of religious liberty to create a smokescreen in the minds of the government and the general public.

"Rehgious liberty cannot be used to hide immoral and violent practices, .. she said.

·· ir it is allowed to be used this way. it can only destroy the freedom it was designed to pro· tect ."

Another witness, Virgin ia Mabry. who described herself as a former member of the Rev. Sun Myung Moon's Unifihtion Chu rch . said she was told to solicit money on fal se pretenses and commit other illegal acts to bolster the finances of the or· ganization.

2Sky Divers Collide; Both Die in Plunge

GUTHRIE. Okla. <AP > - t free falling sky diver slamm~ through another ju m per ' . parachute in a freak accident tha apparently killed them both a 5.000 feet.

The man whose parachute wa. open floated lifelessly to eartJ after the collision. The othe1 man's chute never opened .

Sooner Parachute Associatio1 officials said the two victim: were among four club member: who jumped· from an air plane a about 5 : 15 p.m. Sunday with the intention of doing " a four-mB.l star freefall formation.· ·

As about 10 other associatior m e mber s wat ched from th• jump zone on the ground, om man apparently opened hi: parachute at feet Instead o 2.500 feet as planned.

At the request of his family, hf was identilied only as a 26-year old man from Edmond.

Ron Payne, 21 . fell through the chute"s canopy and collided will the other victim . witnesses said Fellow chutists s aid Payne wru probably falling at about 121 mph when he hit the othe1 jumper.


Orange eoast· l'.:0 1tI 0 N

Today' Closiiagj N. "t". Stoeks '


. ·~ . ..

Farmers Fmstrate_ Washington .·

Carter ToSlwn Taiimn?

WASHINGTON (AP ) Pres1· dent Carter will reject any con gressional resolution on Ut~ security or Taiwan 1f it conflicts with the new policy toward mainland C hina Deput y Sec retary or State Warre n Christopher said today.

" It would be inappropriate for the pres ident to approve any legislation inconsistent with the normalization of relations with ' the People's Republic or China."~ . Chris topher told the Senate Foreign Relations Committee.

Opening a campaign lo obtain congressional approval of the

' new China policy. Christopher was questioned harshly by com· m1ttee members skepticaJ or as­

. surances that Taiwan is safe r fro m militarY. and economic

-1 threats by Peking.

Committee Chairman Frank Church. D-ldaho, said the panel will approve some declaration of U.S. intent to come to Taiwan's

' deft!nse if such threats occur. Christopeher replied : " It is

not necessary for there t.o be such a resolution."

Close Enough to Touch? A week of heavy rain followed by bright s unshine opened up this panoramic view for motorists northbound o n Jamboree Road in Newport Beach this weekend . The

c lea r air and warm we ather sent lar~e numbers of rain· weary coast res ide nts outside to enJOY som e very s pecial Southern California days.

Traffic Halted in Protest

WASHINGTON <AP I Thousands of farmers turned their plowshares into swords or civil dis ruption today , .jamming the capital 's commuter li'.feline~ and triggering sporadic violence despite a total mobilization of police ...

" We've raised enough corn. but not enough hell !·• came the battle cry. as seve ral cavalcades of tractors, trucks and other farm vehicles poured into th e city for a traffic - " snarling display in protest of the amount of government pri ce s upports for their crop~.

Police arrested at le ast 14 farmers and impounded more than a dozen vehicles. many or which were left abandoned in key intersections . ..

Several police cruisers were r am med, and tires were s lashed and windows broken on others. One officer was injured when a tractor wa~ driven over his foot . and Police Chief Burtell Jef· rerson. who called out his entire rorce , was mvolved in a shoving match

Tear gas was fired at one ' driver who allegedly resisted ar­

rest blocking Independence Avenue near the Agriculture Department.

Nonetheless, h e sa id , if f Congress is determined to ap-1 prove s uch legislation, ad ­

minis tration officials will work with the committee in deciding how it should be worded.

But be said three times that Cartt!r does not want to see

' legislation that might jeopardize { the operung of diplomatic ties , with Peking.

In announcing the new rela­tio n s hip with China in December, Carter said it rests

AAUNixes 'Too Short' Irvine Pool

Klwmeini Launches Islamic Republic

Theft Loot Recovered In Newport

Another tractor driver was clubbed and dragged to a paddy wagon ; officers said he had bra ndished a baseball bat at them . In another episode. a vehi· cle was set ablaze near the de · partmenl.

The d e mons tralipn was launched by the Am e rican AgricuJture Movement, an ot· gaoization seeking full im· plementatioo of existing a uthori· ty to euaranteee farmers prices of up to 90 percent of parity for their crops.

1 on the assumption that Peking would m akf> :i t>f'aceful resolu· tion or its historical differences with Taiwan. ·

In exchange, Christopher said, Chinese Vice Premier Teng· Hsi aio-ping agreed not to con­tradict the U.S. statement.

Bottles Set Roof Blaze In Newport

Water botUes that acted as a magnifying glass for sunlight were blamed for setting a roof ab laze at a Newport Beach apartment Sunday, a fire de· partment spokesman said.

Inspector Art Morton said Keith Epley awoke in his apart· mental 507 Redlands Ave . about 9:30 a .m . Sunday and realized the roof was on fire .

Epley extinguished the blaze with a hose. then called firemen to investigate. Morton said.

He said severa l wate r bottles s itting on a balcony werp pin· pointed as the cause . Re~idents should cover bottles with paper bags outdoors to keep them from focus ing sunlight and possibly starting fires. Morton said .

He said damage to Epley 's apartment was put at $2,000.

-The Amateur Athletic Unfon has refused to certify an Irvine swimming pool intended to host Olympic qualifying m eets -because the pool was built a half· incb too short - despite work to stretch it

The lalmosU 50-meter pool, built at a cost or $650,000, is scheduled to be the s ite or the AAU National Swim Cham· pionships, a speed swimming event, m the summer or 1980.

Also scheduled that summer is a non-AAU competition, the Na­tional Synchronited Swimming Cha mpionships. for water baJlet.

The Heritage Park pool had i\s grand opening last July. The ci­ty learned later or the error.

The contractor, Ruane Corp. of San Gabriel , returned to Irvine to stretch the pool , which is made of aluminum.

That work was done, and city engineers certified the length as proper and resubmitted their ap· plication for AAU certifi cation.

As it turned out. the stretch work only improved the pool lo the correct length al the surface or water level . down to two feet below.

The AAU requires that the pool be uniformly SO meters down to 42 inches depth.

T he lanes or the pool that s tiJI come up short vary from five· sixteenths or an inch to a half

<See POOL, Page AZ)

l ~tnm .,.,., .. ,,

OXt-! l'~J'r (9,\HOl.l~t-:


Beadfl fer Ratfo•l•fl Stamps like these may become f amlliar items tr the standby rederal gasoline rationing proeram goes Jnto or· reel. The Carter administration hBB told the Senate Energy Committee that·finishing 'touches are being put on such a plan.


TERR-AN. Iran <AP> -Ayatollah RuhoUah Khomeini. directly chall e nging Iran's s haky government, named veteran opposition politician Mehdi Bazargan today as prime minister or a " revolutionary" regime lo pave the way for crea­tion or an Islamic republic.

Khomeini called on the people of Iran to obey the new govern­ment and aeain ur~ed Prime Mi~ister Shab~ur Bakhliar to res ign.

Tne religious lead e r , who made his announcement at a news conference, thereby set the s tage for a possible showdown with Bakhtiar , who ha s threatened to arrest Khomeini if he tries to supplant Bakhtiar's s ilting government.

In his first reaction· to Kho­meini's announcement. slate radio quoted Bakhtiar as re· iterating his statement of Sun­day night that there cannot be two governments m Iran.

There was a press report ea rlier today that the lf"anian military. which has pledged sup­port to the current administra­tion, was reinforcing its troops outs ide and inside some govern­ment ministries.

Bakhtiar bas warned his roes he would ·· answer Mo lotov cocktail for Molotov cocktail " if they ca rry out Khom eini's threat to launch a holy war to oust

The 70-year ·old Bazar~an , seated next to Khome 1ru during the meeting with reporters nt a Moslem school. is a longtime human-rights activist. a Moslem nationalist and one-time head or Iran's oil industry. He was a close associate of the late, deposed Prime Mini s t e r Mohammad Mossadeq. •

Bazargan and the 62-year-old Bakhtiar both served under

<See IRAN, Page AZ)

Gola Soars To New High LOtiOON cAPI - Feverish

s pec ulative buying of gold, sparked by a threatene<S world oil shortage. sent the price of bullion soaring nearly $15 an ounce to a r ecord $246.50 an ounce at the close of trading in London.

The price jumped $14.875 from last Friday's c~o.g of $231.625 an ounce, the sharpest rise for a single day. Jn Zurich. Europe's major bullion market. gold closed at $243.50 an ounce, up more than $13 from Friday 's closing $230.375.

On toreifn excban1e markets, the U.S. dollar, meanwblle. lost ground a1atnat all major curren· ciet, from Lonidon to Tokyo.

ii ••


HEADS R~LUTIONARIES Iran's Mehdi Bazargan

Sailors Held In Car Theft

A naval enlisted man was be­ing held Loda)' in Newport Beach on a charge of auto theft after he allegedly ran into a car while speeding, police said

They said Thomas J-Oseph Wehrle. 20, or Yorba Linda. as­signed to the USS Paul Revere in Long Beach, was in city jail today in lieu of $5,000 bail ..

Police aJlege Wehrle stole the car in Anaheim. was pursued by a Newport Beach office r for speeding and reportedly struck a second car during the pursuit Saturday n ea r Newport Boulevard and 30th Street.


A $500 reward offered for a s tolen 850-pound s tatue has led to the recovery of the statue along with other goods valued at S40.000 to $50 .000 . Newport Beach police said today .

Detective Sgt. Bob Gatewood said four men were a rrested Saturday al two San\a Ana apartments from which police hauled about 20 statues along with a number of lamps and planters a lso believed to b~ stolen .

Facing grand theft charges to· day are Jacque Remi Swal. 21, James Daly Bonesteel. 20. and Ma rk Lee Hudson . 22. all of San· ta Ana. All three were still tn ci· l y jail today in heu or $5.000 bait. Gatewood said.

Being held on ~usp1c1on of re· ce1vi ng s tolen property was Michel Rene Swat. 27. or Santa Ana. whose bail is set at $2.500. hesa~. ·

C atewood said the case began when the large s tatue, called G Iona . was ripped from the pav e ment to which 1l was ce m ented 1n front or Lydia 's Inc .. a Newport Beach interior design firm .

A companion s tatue of Caesar was shattered in the theft last weekend. Gatewood said Gloria was valued at $750 and Caesar at $950. and the owner offered a $500 reward for the recovery of the massing statue

Gatewood said a man who <See STATUE, Page A2>

Irvine Car Windows Broken by Vandals

Vandals smashed windows on the driver's side out of 20 to 30 parked cars ln residential and in· dustrial areas of Irvine over the weekend. policesaid .

Police are seeking the owners of a Ugh\ blue pickup truck seen double-parked in front of one or the cars whose window later was dis cove red to have beeQ s~ashed.

The truck was observed at Barranca aod Lake roads. in Woodbridge, the heaviest-bit area . •

Other window·emashin1s have been reported In Greentree . Northwood. and the Irvine ln· dustrlel Complex aro"nd Mllllken Avenue.

There were five reporta rtom ~ reaidente 1lvln1 along a loop formed by Sparrowhawk and

Meadowgrass streets in Wood· bridge.

tnvest\gator Ron Flathers said some of the windows were sbol out with a 88-gun and some were smashed.

The vandals concentrated on new model luxury cars . .

Flathers said there have been previous incidents in the city in· volving auto vandalis m . " bul not where the vandals work right down a residential street. That's kind of biaarre. "

Flathers said the vandala made sorties both on Friday and Saturday nights.

The truck poUce are loolnng for was further described as having a tamper shell with acrollwoian<J p0rtbole window .

A lo car repair s hop eatimat the cost or replacing a 1ld~ wmdow at $1.SO.

Full parity would give them roughly the same purchasing power that farmers enjoyed ear-1 y this century . Prices now range around 70 percent.

<See FARMERS, Page A.2>

Newport Cop Injured as Auto Flips

A Newport Beach poli ce detec· live remained in serious condi· lion today after a Saturday acci­dent in which his car ra n over a 30-foot embankment a nd flipped end over end. police sa id.

Doug Thomas. president or the Newport Beach Police Associa · tion . was in intensive ca re today at M1ssi0r1 Community Hospital.

Sgt . Bob Gatewood said Thoma!\ was returning home from work ea rly Saturday when he apparently fell asleep at the wheel.

Thomas' car ran off the San Diego Freeway near Lake Forest Drive, over an embank· ment and into a ditch . nipping several times, Gatewood said.

He said Thomas attempted lo nag down motorists but was un­able to and managed lo walk half a mile to a phone to sum­mon help.


Weather F a ir through Tuesday

and slightly warmer . Highs mos tl y 64 to 70. Lows tonig~ 36 lo 43.

INSIDl!'TODJ\ Y Th~ Orange <:ocut YMCA

h<U launched It$ 1979 fund· ramng campaign !lMh 0 goal o/ 155.000. F'ul'llh wW be used to keep tM Y'a youth pro grams running. See Featur· mg, Page CJ.

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98th Birthday Cmt Honors Eubie Blake.

t:W \ otiK cAP J E ryon I ' wild over co mpoat•r ubi Bl k , e1p.: c ially wh. n he t•t•lt•br1ttt• unotht•r h1rthct1.1y

ntukt•, "ho turn d , wMlay. w nl to lhe Am· h1• :.~adu1 T hl•;ttN. "h •r " Eubtc" ta pl yh1e. And h'"" ' ' tht• 11 nwmbc•r C'U t •11ns 'Wt•'rc• Ju~t Wild About to:uh" •' :a modafwd \er,lon of Blnk~ 's hlt " I 'm su.,t W1ltl \ hout 11.:.un ·•

Afh>r th' ho " , B·lakti i.lo"lY <" •nckd Uw 11tu1t lt•.uhnJ:L onto the l dJ.t Th• t' a. t und audience una t\'oruui u~vt•r ioo~of "H ppy8irthd yToVou "

... n,,mk \ OU hl~ r •plll'd .. And t thank" ull thft t •I

1>t•o1,h· " ho had the nerve to bclil'' e rn my mu:oc

Blaz in· Whittier ot I Routs 75

Wlll'M'IJom AP I A rir~ thJl started On th' bt'l'ODd floor o ( Jn old . lhrt.•t> 'Lory Wh1llit•r hokl fort' \'tl thl' l'Vacuataon of 7!>

f'ro• P.agr A I

POOL ... inch ofthe AAU stundard

Assastunl Caty Munager Paul Brady said today the swimmin~ poo l ha~ been drarncd and was closed

Brady :.aid the Ruane Corp .. obhgah•d by c·ontrncl lo meet AAU spec1f1catwn , wall tcur out the north wall or the swimmlnA pool and rebuild it to make it YJ meters.

The construcl aon schedule calls ror reopening the pool by March 1. But Brady sa id rain de lays cou ld throw liff that timetable

The caty ha:. withheld a fmal payment or $125.000 Lo Ruane Corp .. pending AAU certifica · llOn

Drifter Takes Big Lead in Mexico Race

l"rcsh north/ northeast winds nff the Raju Califor nia coast pushed the 69-foot ultralight d1s­pla rc-ml'nl sloop Drifler to a suh -.tanti al IC'ad at today 's roll call in lhl' Marana dcl Rey to Puerto VJllarta yacht race . <Earlier story Pa~e A9. >

Urifle r 's position re port >n· dacated s he was approaching Cedros Island, about 330 males from the start with 795 miles to go

Thc·rt· was no report from the 65-foot Ra~lame, scratch boat in the l.12S·male race

Closest boats to Drifte r were C'ht•t: kmatc, 11 males a stern, and Nulu IV . 12 miles behind Nalu's position gave her the handicap ll'acl in Clai-.s A and overa ll.

Th<' escort vessel Pioneer re­ported north /noatheasl winds at J7 knots at 10 a .m. She was about fiO males behind Drifter .

Psychic Fraud Su8pect Held

PllJLADELPHIA <AP > A s uburban Gladwyne m a n has been charged with conspiracy in a scheme to lure more than 500 people into investing $4 .5 million in oil and ~us ventures in which he used a psychic to select drlll­m~ sit<'11.

Robert II Mortimer, 48, was named in fede ra l indictments charging him with one <'Ount of consp1rucy and 26 counl11 of mail fraud .

Tht' indiclm<>nts a lso accused two securities broker -dealers, a gcolof?lsl a nd an accountant or faalin~ lo uncover the fraud and late r with helping to conceal it from investoroi.

peopt~ ~arly l.oduy. uthoritaes l\Oid

The roof of the William Penn Holt.'I, bwlt m 1924, partially col lapsed as the blaie spread to the top floor or the building, said Capt. Joe Ony of the Los An.geles County Fmt DepartmonL

, One firefijJhle r s uffered a broken ankht while bttltling the blaze. he said

T wenty u nit s a nd 100 firefighters we re on the scene of the fire. wttich burned ror more than 2""2 hours .

" It's an old building and there nre a lot o f concea led attic spaces. which makes it very dif· fi cult to fight." Day said .

The cause or the blaze was un· der investigation. The value of the building was estimated at $500,000.


STATUE ••. hea rd about the reward on the radio l'eealled loaning his pickup truck that weekend lo several nci.J?hbors who told him they wanted " to pick up a statue ."

He contacted police, who then a lle~cdly recovered the items from Jacque Swal 's a partment at 1323 S. Standard Ave . and Hud son 's al 1264 E . McFadden Ave .. Gatewood said .

lie said the case C'lca rs up 30 to 40 thefl investigations around Orange County

The statue or G Iona was re · covered unharmed, although the s a me might not be said for some policemen's backs. Gatewood noted.

" It look six of us to carry il. and I mean il took a ll six of u:s." he i-.aid.

Japan Invites Carter to Visit

TOKYO (AP > - A J a panese ne wspaper said Sund ay lhc gov · c rnm enl will invite President Carter to make a fivc ·day s~le visit to Japan this s ummer lead· ing up to an economic !lummit confe rence in Tokyo.

T he news pa pe r Sankei s aid the government hopes Carter and his wife will ~gin the tour June l9. The economic summit has long been scheduled a nd will a ls o involve the leade r s of J a pa n. Canada . West Germany, France, Italy and Britain.

Sankei said the government is soundin g out U.S . o ffi cia ls th rough diplomatic channe ls about the Carter trip. There was 'lO immediate official confirma­tion here or in Washington.

'IR4SH GOES ON Lincoln 's a nd Washington 's

·birthdays won't be a holiday for rubbish collectors In Newport Beach, city offi cials say. They report that refuse will be picked up as usual.

""" "llled

Same Slftyer In 2 Hold~ps?

• 1 TM ~lated Ptt11 · AulhoriUcs believe the Rnme

robber muy buve shot 1and killed t hr ~e yo ung drua $Lor e cmployCH ln San Mateo tMn traveled 7! miles to Tra~y and klllt!d two men at a desolate crv1c • statlon less than eight

hours late r. A II five were 81aot ln the head

ut clOI • ranae during a rmed robber\ • San Mateo Detective sit Larry Wciasell said today.

W el11aetl aald San Mateo detec· live would drive to Stockton to­day to compare a slug found Sundll.Y nhrht on the floor of the Pay Less Super Drug $tore with slugs recovered from tho bodies ofthe two Tracy victims.

Jn both cases. authorities said, the only people who s aw the gun. man were those who died.

Killed ln the Pay Less shoot­ing were Michael Ray Olson, 23, of Fremont, the merchandise manager of the store; William D. B.aumgartner, 17, of San Mateo and Tracy J . Anderson, 16. or Foster City, both stock clerks .

Police specula te the gunman hid in the suburban Sao Fran· c1sco store until it c losed at 7


IRAN ••• Mossadeq, who was ousted hv Shah Mohammed Reza Pahlavi in 1953 after nationalizing the Anglo-Iranian OU Co.

84khliar was a deputy labor minister and Bazargan served as the first managing director of the National Iranian OU Co.

The two politicians were allied in the opposition National Front for a auartcr-centu ry unti l Bakhtiar accepted the prime mini s try from the s ha h last month . .,,,.

Be fore Khomeini returned from exile in France last week. Bazar~an was the r e li gious leader 's oil -industr y trouble ­shoote r and was instrumental in gelling striking oil workers to b e gin prod u ci n g lo m eet domestic needs.

From exile, Khome ini led the year -long anti-shah movement of strikes and mass protest that virtually forced the monarch to leave I r a n for a n indefinite pe riod J a n. 16. He says the Bak htiar government, appointed by the shah, is illegal and vows lo abolish the monarchy and establish a relhtiouslv

He to ld Radio Te hra n he would not " permit a new-type dictatorship which will be worse than before . " But he agreed with the ayatollah that a re­ferendum should be held to de­cide the nation's future .

1bree Injured In Costa Mesa Auto Accident

Three members of a Newport Beach family were treated for injuries Sunday after their car s mashed iato lhe rear or another vehicle on Newport Boulevard near Mesa Drive, Costa Mesa police said.

Injured in the 1:45 p.m. acci­dent were driver Kathleen Sue Imhoff, 32, or 1609 Anita Lane. a nd her two children, 4-year-old Shawn and 6-year -old Laurel. ·

The lmhoffs were taken to Hoag Me mori a l Hospita l In Newport Beach where they were trea t ed for c uts and late r released.

Police said the Imhoff car ran Into the rear of a vehicle driven by 42-year·old Rod ney Scott Re rky of Santa Ana . He wasn't injured. according to police.

p .m . Sunday , the n accosted Olson and B3umgartner and forced them ut gunpoint through a series or locked doors lo an up· stairs accounting room.

Their bodies. shot. in the back· of the head, were round on the accounting room floor and the safe was open. Police estimate at least SS.000 and possibly as much as S20,000 was ta ken.

Anderson was found shot in the race. He was still alive in a rear s toreroom whe n police were called to the scene by the store's cleanup crew . at about 9 :30 p.m . Anderson died several hours Later at a hospita l.

Weissell said the re was no sign of a struggle. He guessed the gunman was ~ing a .38· caliber r e volve r o r a .3!57 magnum.

In Tracy, police were called about 3 a .m. to an Arco service station near on off ramp of In· terstate !580.

An elderly service station at· tendant and a delivery service worker, Identified as Russell Drew. 22. of Sacramento, were round shot several limes .

Both me n had their hands bound, police said.

The attendant, who has not been identified pending notifica­tion or kin, was dead on the scene .

r ..... r~AJ

FARMERS/ • " The Farmers Are Here!"

declared banners trailing from many of the 2,000 tractors and trucks that entered the city at a crawl just before dawn today.

Several of the vehicles cars. trucks and e ven mobile homes - had severa l farmers aboard , and American Agri culture claims their ra nks will swell to 30,000 over the next several days .

T e ns of thous and s o r e x­aspe r a ted commute r s found the mselves arriving at their of­fices up to four hours late, if at all, due to the massive traffic lic ups on princ ipa l freeways a nd slre<?ts. Many , hearing of th e c h ao s via r a di o and television. stayed home.

Once ins ide the c ity, the farme rs drove up and down the m ajor avenues. c ircli ng the White House. the Capitol and othe r landma r ks . In several cases, vehicles were stopped in the m iddle or key intersections and abandoned .

Jn one episode, demonstrators turned on one of their own as well as the police. When one farmer 's wife attempted to help move a tractor that had been a ba ndoned. she was pe lted with eggs. Other farmers Jumped on the cab a nd smashl!d a window.

The woman and police were jeered with shouts or " Go back in your tole, scum ! .. Similar in­c ide nts cropped up elsewhere throughout the city.

Gera ld McCat h e rn of Hereford. Texas. the " national wagoomaster " for the protest, said the activity "exceeded all our expectations.

Rescue Plan A8ked NE W YORK f AP l

Hadassah, the nation's largest Jewish organization. is urginM President Carter lo launch an in­ternational rescue program for refugees from Indochina .


DAILY PILOT ffWo tlt •,...fM•t f.,_1., fi11~I • Uft _...t( " t''°"' bo''t"•t u .. ,...._., '""' 1\ N Jh "twd bw ltv-- Or.ww> Io"· 1'Wi ~nQ(emp.tftY .. IMfat•f'Ott t«t .. .-1• f'ttht 1H a MIWMt.-y t~ I • .,...., ' ''' • •l'tla M t _.. N~t ~- ~iiftllftf\ t\4"1M"' f .,.,,.. , ,.,,. Y •ll•Y ll"Vltw' l-.WW ..... fl l \Mflft('Ollht A ~f'Wll• ft~l flCttt >on ... nuol••"""«l '\atlo1'4' .. ... , .N1

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Ted Hood's Robin Wins Yacht Race

Wr•ltt• w'f'""' (~t-~v (ltflt~~· ... ,.Jfi

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Cllol'IM It. UM lll<"*fil P' ..... ..... ,.~, AAiflfflnQ r<tOton

TJi.tttlorie (7t4)MMU1 Cl•19Hlect Mitert ..... 142-MR

FORT LfUDERDALE. Fla . !AP ) Th corrected-tame win· ner of the Southe rn Ocean Rae· ing Circuit yacht race from St. Peters burg. ft' la . , to Fort Lauderdale is Ted Hood in th~ 36-foot sloop, Robin .

The race was marred by th death of Thomas E. CurtJs Jr. of New York City, a crewman on the Obsession who was 1truck on the head and killed by a boom .

Robin 's actual time to complete the race was just over 64 'h hours.

The corrected lime is based on each vessel 's handicap, which involves such (actors u weight, length and displacement or the boat.

The first boat to finish the race was the 79·foot Kialoa , the largHt or the t6 entries, with an actual tJme or 50 hours and 18 minutes. .

"Sh~'• the f astcsl sloop ln the world,·• beamed Dick Sllmeon, n1vl1at.or ot tbe KJaloa. Thal fln lab Ume, however, wu not a coune rec:ont; officials aald.

O.lly ...... '""" .._

STATE PULLS PLUG ON THEIR CHARITY PROJECT Dtane Colgate, _.nntfer Retoake With Tabs

Tops Popped ·State Ban Crimps Collectors

Students al Ada ms Elementa ry School in Costa Mesa can 'l be blamed fo't having maxed emotions over a new st.ate law. •·

THE LAW puts an end lo fami liar pull-tab rings on the students' favorite canned drinks

And while the students know the stale law wi ll mean less litter and re wer foot cuts. it also puts a crimp ln~ei r effort to be lp the needy, says PTA President Carol Colgate.

Last year. students set out to collect one million of the pop tabs. They figured that many pull rings would be worth enough money an a luminum to buy a seeing eye dog they could donate lo a bland per~on .

SO FAR, lhe k id~ have collected about 250,000 or the rings. says Mrs. Colgate .

A few cans with pull t abs are stall on grocery shelves. but the kids figure their best bet lo make their goal is to find other pull tab collectors with sizeable stashes in Costa Mesa.

The kids will coml' by and pick up your collection if you can help. ,lust ca ll At.Jam::. School at 556-3452. or Mrs . Colgate 979-2160.

China Leader Ends 'Successful' Visit

SEATI1...F. <AP l - A weary Teng Hsiao-ping concluded his visit to the United Stales today. ca ll ing it "smooth and s ue cess(ull ."

" He invtl<'d U.S. leaders to forsake delcnte with th<• Sovll' l Union and join China an a n in­form a I alliance aga inst the Russians .

" We al so hope that mort• American friends in a ll walks of li fe will come over and sec 04f cou ntry. China opens its door wide to all friends a like," the vice premier saic:J al an airport departure ceremony.

His plane left Seallle al 9:30 a .m . PST.

Suffe rinli! from u cold a nd fatigue, according to aides. Teng cancelled a scheduled breakfast meeting with Northwest editors and publishers. Fang l , v1cft pre· mier for science. educalldn and technology. was called on to lake Teng 's place at the question-and· ans wer session.

Teng once again noted that both lhe United States and China had slated their opposition to

" hegemonism ," the word the Chinese use to describe Soviel ex­pansaonas m

·'The ~hinese people will do the ir bit. toward opposing global and regional hegcmonism.'' ht• i-.aad

Ice Skating Party Slated

A day of ice skating will lu s po nso r ed Feb 19 h y th " Newport Beach Pa rks. BPach•·., :rnd Recreation Department 111

ce le brate Washington 's Birth day

Slud('nt s in kinde rgar tt·n through the 12th grade can enJll} s ka ting from noon to 5 p.m JI the Ice Capades Ch a let Jt Ha rbor Boulevard and Adam., A venue in Costa Mesa for $2 • .t mission. with free sktt te rent<il

f"urther information is nvail" ble by C'alling 640-2271. Tlckt't cun be purchased al the door

<~\ ·--= - ) ~''\


,, "r-,J ~ I . I

The Tenacious , with Ted Turner at the helm, was ttie C l ass A corroctcd -tlm e winner . The Ten1clou1 was flftb in Clats A ln actual order of finish. She clUHt ot bo1t1 weN ln the race. The Robin wu ln ClaH F . the 1mall•t.

Hood, the 1974 AmerieJ 'I Cup de f ender ·~ •kipper of the Coura.-.. bl"OU(bl lb• Robln acro11 tbe tinl1b line of the 370.mUe coune In 1 ~ ttme of 44 .8594 hours. Tb•

Tbe fatal accident abo1nl the Obl..,kln occurred Weclneeday when C\a"UI, aa. • .. bit by the boom durtnc roullt weatbet. He WH flown by NaVJ bellcop&er 'n ml1e1 to Keya Memorial :-..O.ptta11 bat waa dead oe a... rt HI.

We Recommend Banded Collars and Vesfs 56 FASHION ISLAND NEWPORT BEICH (714) 644·7030

• - · f.

CaJJt Honors EUIJie Blake t.'"\\r YORK CAP' Everyone I . wild over

compo r Eub1 Blake. sp dally h n ho l' l'll"brutC's unotht•r barthd y.

Hink • \\ho turn d unday, wenl lo lh4! Am· · bussudor The~ter. "h\•re " Eub1 ·~ playlna, and ht' .ard lht• l l ·mcmtwr <'ll t . inft " e 'n• Ju. t WJld

bout i;.ubit'." o mocHftc-d H·~lon or Bluke'~ htt " I 'm .lw.t Wild Abuul ll ••rr~

Mh.•r tht· shu" . Blukc lo\\ I)· sc nd<'d th • i.luars h·ndtnR onlo th(' \lU~(' Tht• <' t and audi nc un "'" musiriJ! ver on 0 1 ··H ppy Blrthd yTo You "

" Tiuutk you , he.> n-pUed. • od l lh11nk oU lhe pl'upk ~ho hud lhu nt!rv • lo belle\ e in my ·

Blaz in Whitti Hot I R outs 7 5

w lllTTI ER I p I • .. ran Lhal starttd on th~ second floor of an old, three !ttory Wh1tUN hott'I fort't.>d thl' \'VUl'UUllon of 7S


POOL ... mchoflhe AAU !>tandard.

Assistant City Manager Paul Brady sctid today the ~wimming p()ol has been drained and was t>losed. .

Brady said the Ruane Corp., obligated by contrat't to meet AAU specification. will tear out the north wall of the swimming pool and rebuild it to make it 5f! meters.

The construc tion schedule calls for reopening the pool by March l . But Brady said rain delays could throw oH that timetable .

The city has withheld a finaJ vayment of $125.000 lo Ruane Corp .. pending AAU certifica­tion

Drifter Takes BigLemlin Mexico Race

Fresh north/northeast winds orr the Ba1a Ca lifor nia coast pushed the 69-foot ultralight dis· placement s loop Drifter to a sub· s tantial lead at today's roll call 1n the Marina <icl Rey to Puerto Vallarta yacht race. <Earlier s tory Page A9. l

Drifter 's Position rePort in· dicated she was approaching Ced ros Is land, about 330 miles from the start with 795 miles to go

There was no report from the 65-foot Ragtime. scratch boat an the 1.125-mile race.

C'tosest boats to DrHter were Checkmate. 11 miles as tern, and Nalu IV. 12 miles behind. Nalu 's pos1t1on ~ave her the handicap lead an Class A and overall.

The escort vessel Pioneer re· ported north/northeast winds at 17 knots at 10 a .m. She was about 60 miles behind Drifter.

Psychic Fraud Suspect H eld

PHILADELPHIA CAP> - A s uburban Gladwyne man has been charged with conspiracy in a scheme to lure more than SOO people into investing $4.5 million in oil and gas ventures in which he used a psychic to select drill· ing s ites.

Robert H . Mortimer, 48, was named in federal indictments cnarging him with one count ~r conspiracy and 26 counts of m ail fraud.

The indictments also accused two securities broker-dealers, a geologist and an accounta nt of (ailing to uncover the fraud a nd later with helping to conceal it from investoP'<; .

people l'arly today. uthonues said

The root or tbe Wilham Penn Hotel , bwlt m 1924, partially COi· lapsed as lhe blue spread to the top floor of the building, sa1d Capt. Joe Day of the Los Angeles County Fire Department.

One firefighter suffered a broken ankle while battling the hlau. ~s~d. ~

Twenty unit s a na 10 0 firefighters were on the scene of the fire. which burned for more than 2lh hours.

''It 's an old building and there are a lot of concealed a ttic spaces, which makes it very dif· ficult to fight ," Day said. ·

The cause of the blaze was un· der investigation. The value of the building was estimated at


F,.... Page AJ

STATUE • • • heard about the reward p~ the r adio recalled loaning his jtklcup truck that weekend to several nei1thbors who told him they wanted " to pick up a s tatue."

He contacted police. who then a llegedly recovered lhe items from Jacque Swal 's apartment at 1323 S. Standard Ave. and Hudson's at 1264 E. McFadden Ave .. Gatewood said .

He said the case clears up 30 to 40 theft investigations a round Orange County.

The statue of Gloria was re­t overed unharmed, a lthough the same might not be said for some policemen 's backs , Gatewood noted.

" It took six of us to carry it, and I mean it took all s ix of us," he s aid.

Japan Invites Carter to Visit

TOKYO (AP l - A J a panese newspaper said Sund ay the gov­e rnment will invite President Carter to make a five-day st.ate visit to J apan this summer lead· ing up to an economic s ummit conference in Tokyo.

The nt:wspaper Sanke i said the government hopes Carter and his wife will begin the tour June 19: The economic summit bas long been scheduled a nd will also involve the leade r s of Japan. Canada. West Germany, France. Italy and Britain.

Sankei said the government is sound ing ou t U .S. o ffi c ials through diplo matic channels about the Carter t rip. There was 110 immediate offi cial confirma­tion here or in Washington.

7R4Sll GOES ON Lincoln's and Washington 's

birthdays won 't be a holiday for rubbish collectors in Newport Beach, city offi cials say . They report that refuse will be picked up as usual.

B)' TIM' Auoclated Preq Authorillt.'fi believe the same

robbtr muy huve shot und killed t hr oe yo ung drui s tore \•mployees an San Mateo then traveled 75 miles to Tracy and kllled two men at a desolate :tl'rv1ce stolioo less than eight hours toter.

All five were shot in the head ut dose runge during armed robbert , Sao Mateo Detective Sgt t..arry Weissell said today.

Weissell said San Mateo detec· tlves wouJd drive to Stockton to­day to compare a slug found Sunday nlabt on the noor of the Pa}' Less Super Drug Store with s lues recovered from the bodies orthetwo Tracy victims .

lo both cases, a uthorities said, the only people who saw the gun­man were those who died .

Killed in the Pay Less shoot· mg were Michael Ray Olson, 23, of Fremont. the merchandise manager of the !!lore; William J> . Baumgartner, 17, of San . Mateo and Trac>.' J . Ande.{'S()n, 16, or Foster Caty, both stock clerks.

Police speculate the gunman bid in lhe suburban San Fran· cisco store until it closed at 7 ·.

IRAN •• ~ Mossadeq, who was ousted bv Shah Mohammed Reza Pahlavi in 1953 after nationalizing the Anglo-Iranian Oil Co.

Bakhtiar was a deputy labor minister and Bazargan served as the first managing director of the Na lion al Iranian Oil Co.

The two politicians were allied in the opposition Nationa l Front for a ouartcr-century unti l Ba khtiar accepted the prime ministry from the s hah last month.

Before Khomei ni r e turned from exile in France last week. Bazargan was the r elig ious leader 's oil-industry trouble­shooter and was instrumental in getting striking oil workers to b eg in prod u ci n g to meet domestic needs.

From exile. Khomeini led lhe year-long anti-shah movement of strikes and mass protest that virtually forced the monarch to leave Iran for an indefinite period Jan. 16. He says the BakhUar government . appointed by the shah. is illegal and vows to abolish the monarchy and establish a relij!iouslv

He told Rad io Teliran he would not "permit a new-type dictatorship which will be worse than before." But be agreed with the ayatollah that a re­fef endum should be held to de­cide the nation's future.

Three Injured In Costa Mesa Auto Ac~ident

Three members of a Newport Beach family were treated for injuries Sunday after their car smashed into the rear of another vehicle on Newport Boulevard near Mesa Drive, Costa Mesa police said.

Injured in the 1:45 p.m. acci· dent were driver Kathleen Sue Imhoff. 32. of 1609 Anita Lane. and her two children , 4-year-old Sha wn and 6-year-old Laurel.

The lmhoffs were taken to Hoag Me morial Hospital in Newport Beach where they were • treated for c uts and later released.

Police said the Imhoff car ran into the rear of a vehicle driven by 42-year.old Rod ney Scott Berky or Santa Ana. He wasn't injured, according to police.


DAILY PILOT 1 "- ()IA"'Of' (.ol'\t P1t&t w t•t\ ~I' "., (Oft'I

btf>f't1 '"'" Hf'w\ Prft I\ oubfi\-f'M"O by IPW (')f~ f N""t Pubf1"'1ftq(Of"PMIY 5-P,11tt4llt•f'f11hfli1"\tttr pubf1,N"O ~. ltwovqt'I f t1°'41y fOf ( O"lt• .,., A H-1 ~ .. -hl>OIO<\ O•Mh i ..... •• •"VAl ... , 1rvw, L~~ftl5out~(Olt'I A

Ted Hood's Robin WinsY~Race

"" •• ,,.~lfl'Oll....nt, ~l\IW"dS.l~..-(M·\ l"Ct ~n" TfW prt"'l•pat pwOif\.t\tttQ Of.,..t fl\ Al JJ6 W 1 I ftAY,t'"'1 (~l•~ (l fitNf'hll•>t>t.

•-n•­P''"'tCM"t •fti0 ""9ifWl>f

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f-1AM­"'4••t•"4 COllor

°'"' ... "· ... _ ........... ~· .-.... _. M<l••••-o [dllon

Telephone (?t4)~ C11Hlflff Actvertlelng '42·Wll

11 I

FORT LfUDERDALE, Fla . CAP> - - Th corrected-time win­ner o( the Southern Ocean Rae· ing Circuit yacht race from Sl. Pe t ersburg, Fla ., to Fort Lauderdale is Ted Hood in the 36-foot sloop, Robin.

The race was marred by the . death or Thomas E. Curtis Jr. or

New· York City, a crewman on t~e Obsession who was st ruck on the head and killed by a boom. ·

The Tenacious, with Ted Turner al the helm, was the C l ass A co rrecle d · t i m e winner. The Tenacious was fifth in Class A in actual order of finish. Six classea of boats were in the race. The Robin wu in Claaa F. the smallest.

Hood, the 1974 Amenc,•1 Cup dtlender 11 1klpper of the CouraJeC)UI, bl"O\l(bt the Robin acro11 tbe flnlsh line or the 370·mile course lo a corncted ti me of 44 .8S94 boun. Tbt

Robin's actual ti~ to complete the race was just over 64'h hours.

The corrected time is based on each vessel 's handicap, which involves such ractors as weight, length and displacement or the boat.

The fint boat to finish the race was the 79-foot Kialoa, the largest of ~ 96 entries, with an actual time of 50 hours and 18 minutes.

"She's the fastest s loop in the world ," beamed Dick Stimaon, navigator of the Kialoa. That fin lab Ume, however, wa1 not a course record; officials said.

The fatal accident aboard the Obse11ion occurred . Wednesday when Curtll, 33. was bit by the boom dwinl rou•b weather . He Wal nown by Navy bellcopter .,., mi l es to Keya Mem orial !".otpltaJ, but WU ~Id Oii U • rival.


p. m . Sunday. then accosted Olson and Baumgartner and forced them at gunpoinl through a series of locked doors to ao up­ataira accounting room.

Their bodies, shot in the back of the head. were found on the accounting room floor and the safe was open. Police estimate at least SS.000 aTid poss1bly as much as $20,000·was taken. . Anderson was found shot in

the face. He was stJll alive in a rea r s toreroom when police were called to the scene by the store's cleanup crew at about 9:30 p.m. Anderson died several hours later at a hospital.

Weissell said there was no sign of a s truggle. He guessed the · gunman was ysing a .38· caliber revolver o r a .357 magnum.

In Tracy. police were called about 3 a .m . to an Arco service sta tion near an orf ra mp of In· terstate 580.

An elderly service s tation at· tendant and a delivery service worker. identified as Russell Drew I 22, or Sacramento, were round shot several times ..

Both men ha d thei r hands bound , Police said .

The attendant, who has not been identified pending notirica­tlon of kin, was dead on the scene.

F,....Page A J

FARMERS. • " The Farmers Are Here!"

declared banne rs ... a iling from many of the 2.000 tractors and trucks that entered the city at a cr a wl before dawn today.

Several of the vehicles · cars. trucks and even mobile homes - had several farmers aboard, a nd American Agri c ultu re claims the ir ranks will s well to 30 ,000 over the nex t several days.

Tens o f tho usand s of ex · asperated commuters found themselves arriving at their of· fices up to four hours late, if at all, due to the m assi-.te traffic tieups on principa l freeways and st reets. Many. hearing of the c h ao s via radio and television. stayed home .

Once inside the city, the farmers drove up and down the major avenues. circling the White House. the Capitol and other landma rks . In several cases, vehicles were stopped in the middle of key intersections and abandoned.

In one episode, demonstrators turned on one of their own as well as the police. When one farmer's wife attempted lo help move a tractor that had been abandoned. she was pelted with eggs. Other farmers j umped on the cab a nd smashed a window.

The woman and Police were jeered with shouts of "Go back in your t:ole, scum!" Similar in· c ide nts cropped up elsewhere throughout the city.

Gerald Mc ca t he rn of Hereford . Texas, the " national wagonmaster" for the protest , said the activity "exceeded all our expectations.

Rescue Plan Asked NEW YORK CAP I

Hadassah, the nation's largest J e wish organization. is urging President Carter to launch an in· ternational rescue program for refugees from Indochina .

Oflly l'llet S!Mf "'99

STATE PULLS PLUG. ON THEIR CHARITY PROJECT Diane Colgate, Jennifer Reto1ke With Tab•

Tops Popped1 State Ban Crimps Collectors

Students at Adams Elementary School in Costa Mesa can't be blamed ror having mixed emotions over a new state-law.

THE LAW puts an end to familiar puJl-tab rings on the s tudents' favorite canned drinks.

And while the students know the slate law will mean less litter and rewer foot cuts, it also puts a crimp in their

\ effort to help the needy . says PT A President Carol Colgate.

Last year. students set out to collect one million of the pop tabs. They figured that many pull nngs would be worth enough money in aluminum to buy a seeing eye dog they couJd donate to a bhnd person.

SO FAR, the kids have collected al)out 250,000 of the rings. says Mrs. Colgate.

A few cans with pull tabs are still on grocery shelves. but the kids figure their best bet to make their goal is to find other. pull tab collectors with sizeable stashes in Costa Mesa .

The kids will come by and pick up your collection if you can help. Just call Adams School at 556-3452. or Mrs . Colgate at 979-2160.

China Leader Ends 'SucCessful' Visit

SEATTLE CAPl - A weary Teng Hsiao-ping concluded his visit to the United States today, ca lling it "smooth and s uc · cessfuJI. ..

" He invited U.S. leaders to forsake detente with the Soviet Union and join China in an in· formal alliance against th e Russians.

" We also hope t hat more American friends in a ll walks or life will come over a nd see our country. China opens its door wide to all friends a like," the vice premier saia al an airport departure ceremony.

His plane lefl Seattl~ al 9 :30 a .m . PST.

Suffering from a cold and fatigue. according to aides. Teng cancelled a scheduled breakfast meeting with Northwest editors and publishers. Fang I . vice pre­mier for science. education and technology, was called on to take Teng 's place at the question-and· answer session.

Teng once again noted that both the United States and China h~d stat~ their opp()sition to

" hegemonism," the word the Chinese use to describe Soviet ex· pans1orusm.

" The Chinese people will do their bit toward opposing global and regional hegemonism." he said

Ice Skating Party Slated

/\ day of ice skating will be s ponso r e d Feb . 19 by th e Newport Beach Parks. Beachc!> and Recreation Department. to ce lebrate Washington's Birth day .

Studen t s in kindergar t en through the 12th gtade can enjoy skating from noon to 5 p .m. al the Ice Capades C halet lJl Harbor Boulevard and Adam' A venue in Costa Mesa for $2 aJ mission. with free skate rental

Further information is ava1 la ble by calling 640-2271. Ticket~ can be purchased at the door.

-~ \ ). ~,,,

,., ·. r·J .. 'J ' ,.

' - ----- - - - - - - -

'Ne Recommend· Banded Collars and 'ksfs


NEWPORT BEACH (714) 644-7030


Mpndlf. f!b!Uf!X s. t 979 DAIL,Y PILOT I

~ Press Club Ba uet Families To Lose

Daily Pilot. Staff Homes?

Awarded 34 Prizes LOS ANGELES CAP > - More than l ,000 Southern California families race the loss or their homes aa a result of entering in· to " lien sale" contracts ln an at· tempt to finance improvements for their residences1 according to documents at the i..os Angeles County Hall of Records.

Twentv -one Daaly P ilot editor11. wrtler!I and pholOI· raphers plckCMI up a total ,of 3' a~ards and more tb o ft ,000 In prize money durh\& th ~ k od ut the annual Oranae County Pt •S Club award banquet

Led by phot.oarapb~r Patnck O 'DoM ll who plcktd up two first Qlac~ awards, Pilot •ta.ffers carried o ff 11 first place plaques. Th~y were named second St'Yen limes and won 16 honorable me.nUons.

Gary Granville , the Dally Pilot's Orange County bureau chief, ~on a first place award fo r the best editor ial or 1978 and was then called back to the podium to receive the Sk y Dunlap Memonal Award.

The annual Dunlap award rec· ognizes an Orange County journabst who. in the opinion of b is peers. has gone far beyond lhe call of duty to advance and el evate his p rofession.

The award i s named after the l ate John W "Sky" Dunlap, a l o ngt ime Orang e Cou nt y journalist

Ceremonies at the Registry Ho tel m Irvi ne inc luded the in· stallat1on of Dick Bratt of the Anaheim Bullettn as Press Club president for 1979

Los Angeles Times writers and photographers won 45 awards, including 14 first place plaques. T he Daily Pllot was named 34 times , 11 of them for first place. and the Register won a total of 29 awards

Award ·winning Journalist s c<irned off a tot.ii of m or e than $4.000 in prize money.

The 889 entries m the 1978 con· test were ; udged by editors. re­PorH>r!> and photographers from · the San Otego, Fort Worth and San Bemardino· R1verside press c lubs backed by volunteer s from the Ventura County and Tucson c h ap t ers o f the Society of Professional Journalists, Sigm a Del ta Chi

The second annual W atchdog a ward w as pre s e nt ed l o Register r eporter J oe Cordero who was r ecognized for a series of articles r evealing an attempt by the Oranl!e County Sanitation District to i gnor e the provisions of Proposition 13.




FlrSI Place 0..viCI °'tHm ..... Tt. Aeqlsl•r Second Plac• - C..-1 S..w yer, T~ R~lsler .. onor_ - Ion - Em,. C.sllllo. the O.Hy


Finl Platt Oon KtlSOfl, LOS Afl90IH Yl....s Se<Of'd Pt.tee G•rv Ambrow llw D•llv Piiot Honorable -- Palrkli O'Ootwwll, tfll

Among the Daily Pilot's first place winners were:

O.tly PllOI: Don IC.rtoft, ~A1t991H Tll'llft &EST CANDID PORTRAIT

' Finl Pl«• -s-Rlu. Los A"90 ... Tl ......

M a n~g1 n g Ed itor Tom Murpbine for best page o ne m:ikeup

Reporter Gary G ranville for h is editonal that c riti cized f ormer County S upervi so r L aurence Schmi t

- Patrick O'Donnell, w ho won first place awards for best spot news ohoto and the best photo PQrl foho. I l is spot news winner dep1c·ted two dangling window w ashers who cam e close lo dis· ast er when t hey fell from thei r scaffold near the top of a New Port Center bulilding.

Coov editor Tom Titus for best headline portfolio

Copy ed_@r Jerry H erteb· stein for beStinside page l ayout.

Feature writer Cheryl Romo for lJe!-it wom en ·s page story on Oran~eCounty v ictim s of cnme.

Featu r e w r iter D ennis McLeltan for his column on the prt>sent day t•xpertences of Viet· nam "eter ,1n~

Starr membe r Debbie Whi '>tl t r for best entertainment story based on her v iewing of pop star Bellt: M idler 's movie­mak m~ crtorts in Long Beach

Rt>portcr Joanne Reynolds for be~t humorous short, based on the side-splitting prayer pro­nounced by Newport Beach Councilwoman Jackie H eather shortly before a council m eet ­ing.

- Rcportt1r Arthur R. Vinsel for best outdoor r ecr eation arti· cl e on the topic o f a tri p he and com pan•o n s made lo B aja California

OEHl!RAL AWARDS 8CST PUBLICITY '!ELEASE """ P•ac• .. _,,Ctn C .. y P11blkom Honor•blt Ml>nhon Mi•~ GlbC>. L• IJ>nd ()11-

Como"r>Y Inc . T""Y L-. Rouwell ll\l­t 1on4tt

8£!>T MAGAZINE 'IRTICU! ,..,,I Pl<•U M<U SIOCk•llll FOrum Fllfy Ho...,.,.bt., Mentkln SUMI" Pa<-. l.-BMch

lnd•!Mndforrt Pr•\\ Ttleor•m Lind• Smllh, o • .tno• Count• 1u1ntr•1ed Rt:ST COITOAIAL

Flr\1 PIKt Gary ()(..,..Iii., ' "" Dally Piiot ~-Pl.. lvnn Smllh. C•pl•l•- ll•lleY

N•w• Oon A.noel . l~ 11,.itt Ttmn Honor11>1t Mention Tl"' l'•ro11son, TM

R•91,1er . Ar1- Vin1"1, IM O•llv Piiat; Tom Murpfll ........ 0.llY PllOI; Nl<k H•roer, Ootlly Ntws Tr<OUl\t 8UT HEADLINE PORT,OLIO

r1rs1 Pl«f Tom Tllo<L, lhl Oelly P llOI ~<OllCI Pleet ICettly H&reler. tllt Oelly Pllol H-•111• M91\llOll - Jim HNI, Ful~f'lofl 0.1°


Flr\I Pleet - wry Htrtensttln, llW o.lly Piiot

SecOflCI Plec·• Crelq Sheff, I~ O•llv Pll04 Honorelff Meflllon CMCM Moore, Ille Da lly

Pllol. Tom Bl'Mt'lt, N-por1 Enslon BUT PAGE ONt MAICE!UP PORTFOLIO

Flr,1 Pitt• Tom Murplllrw, t ... Delly PllOI SecONS Pl«• Jim NHI, FullltlOll Delly •

"'"'' Trf!Ml9 H_,eliie W!lt lOn • Jim TO"IOI-, Or.,,ge Cou"IT twtftll\Q N.,... ltUT WOl\llli<N 5 OR FA.MIL Y Sl!CTIOH STORY

l'ltsl Pleet Chlr'(I Romo, IM Oelly Piiot Se<°'"' Pl~ SN•r,.aft °'*••Loe A"9t4"

Tlmu H-olbl• MmllOft AllM L• Rlvlen, I.A

A""lt\ T-. llalflt Rlsl119tr, Ortn99 Cour'lty , E nnl fllt *"""' IEST WIEICL. Y NIWS STORY

Flril ~- - Cemne ~""· SoMdlt4IKll VtlleyN- '

• SKtM ,._. - L'fM $tnlltl, Gn4&tr- lf.ile¥

~ Mffl!WI - Ce!\°"""'._ lrvlnewar141 "4!Ws, a.tOftll'I, ~It Votlley Newt HST -~nnO•Y

Honor- - llOn Lit Alley, Oelly -T•lbUne BEST FEATURE PHOTO

F1rs1 Pike Jao O.Mlli.r. Tnt Reql"tt HonoraOte ,...nllon Rk"••d l<CM'l\ler, lhe

011<1¥ Pi lot. Lee Pitynt, ll'W Dally Piiot BEST SPOT NEWS PHOTO

l' lrs1 Pl«• • Palrl<l1 O'OonMll, IM 0.llY PHOI

Second Pl«• - IC-•••· IM 0e11y Piiot 8EST NEWSPAPER SERIES

First P••• - OrT'o ... D•T. T~ Reql•l•r s,col\O Plac• - E\lh<tr Bauer •nd Rita

Robln\On, TM Roqlftpr Honorable ~llon - Tr&< y Wood. LO\ AnotlK

Tlmo. ~11• ~l1>lllno. The Rf'O••le• &EST STORY ANO PHOTOS BV SAME IN· OIVIDUAL

Fina Pleet - Mk-I Run1ler, The Re91S11'f Se<onO Place - 5""11•IHI> OU••· Los Ar>Qelff

Tim"\ Honorable Mf!l\llon - Sherry A"9'1I, LO$ A"9ele\ Tl~ BEST NEWSPAPER FEllTURE

First Pt~o - Pall Morrison, LO. Anoeltt Time.

Se<Of\O Pl«~ - Lfll~ &<trt<m.,,, Los Al\gtlff Tim~

Hono•able Mention - Shf!rrv A.noel. Los Anotltt~ 8EST NEWSPAPERCOLUMN

Ft•~I Plact Oennts M<l"llan. t he O.ily Pllof Se<oncl Pl&<• - SWY't MllcMll, I ... Daily Pilol Honor--- . Jactt.le HYm•I', IM O•lly


For•t Pia<.• Lorr• lne BeN>ett. Lo-. Al\901.-1 1,~,

Se<ond Place Su""' Pactt., Lonq 8'-<Kh I" --t. Ptt-s• T•l~ram

HonorM>I• ..... ntlOll P~ll MO•rlSIO'I, LOS A,.lesTI-' BEST !>TORV ON A SI NGL E PUBLIC MEETING

First Pl«e - Don Smitll. l<n A.-~ Tlmf'S Second Plac• 6ucl L•mol>.•. L~ ""9tle$

Times Honorlltlle - Ion M•ir'Clda OodSOf\, Los

11~1es Times: l vnn o·o.11. ri.. Rf'Ol, ttf BEST NEW!tSTOAY

Fir$! PIKll - Oorh 8yron. The Reoht ... S«ond Pl.Ce - L""" 0·0..11. The Reolner Honorlll>le Mlfttlon Charle• Robel'll, T1>e

Af'olster; Aor> 1Cln11atrlc k, Tiie Reo1"er ; ThOmlH F'O<tUM, LOS Ar\q@IM Tl~ 8EST HUMAN PROFll E

Finl Place • CraioTurner, LocsAnoeln Times Se<Of'd PIM:e - Lfllkl ~mel\, Los AnQtlles

Times · Honorable MeMlon - SMartl.., l>UQ, I.Os

Aflo@I" Tlmt\ S~€CIAL AWARM

BEST BUSINESS OR FINANCE ARTICLI! Fir-st Pike - Jot c;o.oero, TN Re~ltl ...

Huge Stoc~ Takeover Set By NB Firm

Executive officers of Western Pacifi c Financial Corp ., Newport Beach, and Sbearson Hayden Stone, Inc., have an­nounced a proposal for a $16.8 million stock takeover ar:range •• ment that would make Western a wholly owned subsidiary of Shearsoo.

They said Western Pacific bas agreed t o sell lhe company 's shares of stock to Sbearsoo at $l6.25 a share ll and when the of· rcr becomes etrecuve. Shearson officen aaid Western will con­Unue operaUons u.ndeT current management as a wholly owned sublldiat)' of Sheanoo.

W estern Pa~lflc currently services approxlmately Sl. '1 billion i n mortga1ea Crom 27 branch otnces ln 15 states. The company ls also involved ln the 1naurance agency and escrow bualneu.

O•llY Piiot SI~ PMtot

DOUBLE WINNER Patrick O'Donnell



Once an individuaJ signs a lien contract, that person can lose his home even without a court bearing.

And the indlvidual can lose all the value built up in the home over a period of years.

During the last year, more than 50 lawsuits have been filed by various individuals trying to cancel contracts they consider fraudulent or in other cases t.o recover property l ost l o un­scrupulous businessmen.

City Councilman bavid Cun· ningham plans lo open hearings ton ight on tbe '"lien sale" situa· lion.

According to Deputy Attorney General Ronald Reiter, the goal of the contractor and the finance company ls not to sell m erchan· dise but to get a contract signed that could l ead to a home foreclosure.

Oft.en, the salesman assures the buyer that his purchase does not jeopardize home ownership. T his is fraud and violation of state law.

" Lien sal e" contracts are not illegal in (\alilornJa, but Reiter said they are being abused fre­qu e ntly by hig h -pressure sa lesmen who are looking to m ake fast money, who often do not r eveal some terms of the contract or the buyer 's legal right to cancel within three d ays and sometimes add terms after the contract i s si gned, also an ii· legal act.

Two Orange C.Ounty Fires Under Probe


Dr. Robert Morrte Debunac. Supernatural Phenomena

Oeeult Exposed Leciurer Debunks Pherw~na

By PIUUP ROSMARIN Ola. OaOy Pli.t St.lff

help, he will be led to the person on whom the object has been hidden.

That psychic wbo c l aims he The psychic grabs b is assis-can read your mlnd- and then tanl by the band or wrist. Jt 1s b ' gosb seems to do it- more th'e band that leads him to the-lik el y is reading your muscles, a b idden object. narapsychology r esearcher vis· " Jf you' re good," Morris said, iting UC lrvine say s. "you can pick up the pulse, in·

Dr. Robert Morris. a leeturer voluntary changes in the angle in the School of Social Sciences. or the hand, or pushing and pull-has investigated all m anner or lng. "supernatural" pbenomea : " By s lowly walking i'!,. the mind r eading, clairvoyance , direction the assistant sub· precognitioo, psychok i nesis. consciously wants you to go - if

M ost of it, he says, i s super he's a believer, and which direc-buTnhke. • ~t.cases m· Mo-'"' of· lion he doesn 't want you to go i f

Orange County firem en are ~ . . .... he's a cynic-you can narrow n~~ Pl«• - <Jalo T11,,_, Los ~ies still iovestigatinj the cause of fice on lhe fifth floor of the the field down fairly quickly to a

Ho11orabte Me11t1on - John 0·0.11, th• two weekend blazes that caused Social Scienc es Tower are group of four persons on whom :r~~·~~RE PREVENTION ARTICLE $200,000 in damage to a Villa stuffed with volumes of the the object may be bidden.

Finl Pl•• - Nkhae• R.,...1.,. tr.e R~i.1~ · Park home and $220,000 damage peculiar. " By this time the entire rest of N~o"d Place - OOfl OeMls. lrvlrw -Id to a Los Alamitos business. o:C~~f, .. isH~rylin. ~~~~?~S ,:2!~ the a1~e .. n~ediis SOU excitthed, halt

Ho,,ora111t "'-"non - 0>erv1 Pruett. tl'Ht Or. and Mrs. John U nger and are ~ rec Y at e spot.

8ReqEs1T1i.N'·TuREOR · ~1 .. •L ~To three live-in servants esca-.1 fessions of a Ghost Hunter... and half are deliberately looking

" .. A ..... ~......, ~ Hat"Old Sherman 's " How To di U ·teit d F1rs1 Pl•• - oay M•ner Tr.e Re<)i>ttt without injury when fl am es rec Y opposa - an you can s.<onc1 Pl«~ - Rotie,, wn•ie. oai1., - San Make ESP Work for Y ou. " tell wbicb.

Tri- swept their home at 20651 • There is "The Geller Pa~rs," Honor.c+e -.."°" - von.c1o N•Mttl. Tiw Uago Canyon Road at 12:39 a.m . d Oth e r mind read e rs use

:~;i~rouu.T10f.I aRncLe Sunday. t!~d:r ~~u:~~ ere 1

illlY· sophisticated codes when work· Tl~;!' Pl«• - ,.,,,,,. u RIVlerr. L~ Angalfl ll took~ firefighters one hour In bis library are book after ingwitbconfederates. ·- Pl ... _ 1 Los -'--..... t o coQtrol tbe wind -whipped b k b t · t '

Tl ...... '".,- K1 - 1.Arra1ne.,..,"~1 . ·-~· oo a o u retnca rna so n , The man who says, .. Swami .

~ blaze, firemen said. · J gho t s iritua11·sm Honorable M•nllOll - LYM O'Dell. Th« an1ma s ' sp ' oh Swami, what is it that I am :~~'~'RrrctEONTHE ENv11wNMENT mi~~r~ ~~~ft~tge~s fi~~~~tA~ pyramid power, survival of bodi· holding in m y h and? .. could

F1"1 Place Doris w.1~er. D•n• 1>o1 .. 1 ly death, psychokinesis. easily have told the old Swami Sa w and Supply, I nc., 5420 A lot of the books are about

H~:~~Scel~•G•a~11. T~~~st•r Katella Ave., Los Alamitos, Fri· t 1 th just then what it is . Honor•bl• WMlon Jer~ F. Collin._ Tiie e epa y. " Th h · th Irvin .. eo. , era1q Tur~• . t°' ange1u r ;,,_, day evening . Efforts there were " People being able to read e way e says at, e way

Janet c1n1on, L°' Ar>oe1~ T1,,,..; Orman o.v. h a m per e d by burnin g your mind .has been a money· he phrases the question, may ~';s~~~1~a.E ON THE H1noRY oF THE m agnesium which i s difficult to maker for a long time," said tell the psychic, for example," AMERICAN WEST extinguish, firem en said . Morris,36. Mords said, •·whether he 's bold·

Firs1Pi11<r Jo11,,o·~11• Thf'R!'Qisler No one was inJ·ured in either " But they' r e r eading m or e Ing m oney." ~cond Pia<• l<alhl.,.,,, Cairns, Lono Buel\

llMllC>e- Press-Ttleordm blaze. firemen reported. muscles than minds." be added. Th be r t ' h all HOf'Orlltll" MentlOn con lM 0>aaman. Sad- Wb t.hink ~ ... ,_ ,.e num r o tm es e c s dleC.O V•llty N~: OMnll McLellan. 1111! Oal· •


en YOU 0.1 SOm eu.WJg, h im 'swami\ m ay be the Signal :;'/~-i'~NTERTA INMENTREv•Ew ~fu!..:;:.Y ~z:es ~~1! ~~rfi for whether it's coin or paper."!,"' ~~~.!: :~::.-:s. ,.,. '"p T. Deo•n~' bodf language." M orris said there are an un· DAiiy Piiot l.JJ c I r By w ay of explaining, Mortis l imited number or schemes to 8EST PHOTO PORTFOLIO d "led b l t . l L. : g t d b . ,.1n 1 Pl«• _ Patr•o o·0onneo . .,.. o.11y eta1 w a a ypaca psyciuc e aroun sensory arr1ers. P1io1 Show Slated does when his " revelation" is to other by mind alone. s.<onc1P1.u - ~1ewRke. LosA•~ T1~ f . d b ·ect hidden among an H0110<~ Ment- - R1<1>ard K""hler, 1ne ID an ° J Sealed envelopes are no trou· ~~:1:'RT1c-L£ ON LAW oR THE AO· The SO-member international audience while he is out of the ble to learning what 's inside. M1N1srRAT10NoF JusncE t o f Up Wt' th P eople will room . · h F1r<1 Pl«• - Shur1ea" 011k•. Los An9eiH cas Typically, Morris said . t e Chemicals available in any T1mn perform at 11 a.m .. 3 and 7 p .m . performer will select a volun· magic shop can render an en-B~T~~~Eo~fD?tiN~r.e Re<i•Jter Thursday at Fashion I sland in t eer from the first few rows of velope transparent and by the

First P••• Sl>err• A"'ll'•. tOi Ano-itt r imes Newport. Beach . the audience. The selected ass is· ti m e it's banded b ack to the ri~~ PIK• - Anne L• R•v•er•. L~ Al\Clties The free tvent is sponsored by tant i s genuinely unknown to the am azed sucker the chemical b as Honor~ Mtfltlon . sr.ar1 .. n OtJtt•. us the Fashioh Jsland M erchants psychic. who tells h im to concen· dried and the envelope again is :~~~E~~M~mi~oR~~_A_s_~_c_i_a_U_o_n_. ___ _______ ~tr_a_t~e_a~n_d~·~w-it_h_h_i_s_u_n_w_i_t_ti_n~g~-o~p_a~q~u_e_._M_o_m_·_s_s_ru_· d_. ____ _ ABUSE

F lr~t PliKf! - ~ryl Pr~tt. The A~lllff Se<Oflll Place LornlM Btnrwtt, Los A"'Oelo>s

l lt11e\ Honorable Menilon - Marth" F11rM. 0..lly

H• w• TrlbuM; Paul Ketme, Oeilv N"'' Trlb\IT'O' BEST ART I CLE ON SCI ENCE OA TECHNOLOGY

First Place - Lorr•l..- 8"n~lt, L~ Al>QtleS limes


Fir" Place M&r<ICS. Oodwn. Los AnoP~ TtlflH

H-abif! Mention - · ~lie M••l•lt ..... TM Reol•ler; l(•tflY Cl&My, lllt O.lly Pilot BEST ARTICLE ON LANO DEVELOPMENT OA REAL ESTATE

Finl P!Me - OcwlsB'(n)ft. Tiie Reolst•r s.tond Plac.e - Ttlotnes F0<1Ufte, LO. AnO@~

Tlmtt "-Mlle Memton - LnUe 9«rltnwft, Los


Finl Pl.Ce - tClft ~. Los ,.,,_~ Tl.,. S.Cond Pl.c. - Plllllp Aoimatln. t ... Diiiy

Piiot "-tei. ~IOfl - Sllearle.., Ouk•. Los

Anoelff TlmH: Lorraine ....... tt. Lot ~' TimU llEST YOUTH l<OllE.VEMENT ARTICLE

,,,,,, ..._ - A.- LA Riviere, L~ Al\Otlft Tl-.._ebll M9ntl0fl - L-nt Sll<'Ve ...... l"'IM WOt-14-•EST AIUICLE ON SENIOR CITIZENS

l'lrsl Plem - Elelne RI""°"'· Or•"9t Couflly £ ... 11~-

'le<GN ~ - \.on•lfMI 8eMett. LOS A ..... Tl..,.s

Ho11or•bl• MentlOfl - Muta Hof'f'ls, The ReQlsler; Oeflnll MtLell•n, the Del•• Piiot IESTHUMO~SSHORT

First PIK• - Joanne Rtyl'O~. tM o.ity PllOI S.C:end Piece - O.vtd Fe,.,...I, Los Al\gtln


l'lnl Place, Al'll\Uf Vlnwl. IM O•llY Piiot S.cOllCI Pleet - LHtle e.t• m .... LOS ""9tleS

Tl""\ H-.ele Mef\l lOll - Gery Or•"vllte, the 0.1· ly PllOI, Otvkl Ferrell. Los Anoelea Tllflft a HT llELIOIOf.I ARTICLE

,.lr1t Pla<e - David Ferrell, l4t AllOtlH Time•

S.C:Oflll f'l llC• - lftl .. eenim.... l" ~

''""' HOllOf'ebl• ~tlon - l"r•n•lln O'Def\Nll, lrYlllt Wlwtd News , o..-, Gr.,,vllll. lflt 0.Wly ltll04; E ...... Ce\llllO, ltw O• llY PllOI I fl ST I HT6RTAINMCNT STORY

l'trsl PIK• - O.Well Wlllst~. "" o.iw Pli.t

Sl<eM "'- - Fl'IMIS Pl'*lf1 \'Nit, """' T~llilolllt 'WATCHOOO AWl<RO

" Int Pl11<e -Jot~. The RtOI~ H_ .... MHll1911 - TllO<!\M l"ort""'9, UK

MtMt '"'*

our do evtZ-rything jack<Z-t, eurv-ivelon ...

th<Z. fin<Z.St cotum poplin you1l l f!Nfl,i <ixp<z.Mmce. ~ve.1oJJW: by t.m, rcyal air ibrCe.. dur~ ww II , this uniqu<Z- fabric is wat<a arii wind r<i~Uznt, pz.rhaps tm flnq,et cloth Ibr protJz.ction against the cz.1e.mmts known toman .

44 RllhJon l.sland • Newport Beadt· 7141644·5070 LOOJ aaa.uoodBWd.·~b.uoOd VUlaQC•2J3/479-7727

' I




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Monday. 'abnwy 5. t11'1



f14tort Bared

Yan~s Aided r ...... ~Ir Tom~~'

Marphln• Reds in Viet? Posting a .Profit?


WASJUNGTON <AP > - A previously secret intelligence report auaa ata some American servlcemeh. Including a black-whlte team nicknamed " Sa!t and Pepper .... probably stayed In Vietnam and col­laborated wtth communist forces after the U.S. withdrawal,

" There are Indications that American collaborators or deserters B&IGlft' MONOAV D ~". Wb o lb fir t day of

lb wottc k roll around. you search about tranUcally for tomethlnc to chttr you uo Well , how about. the Us. Poatal Sen·lc tod•> •

Oilpatchea out of Wash1niton now augg~st that our po t al oraaruuuon may actually tum a profit at the end of tht- cWTent fllcal year

Lo. \M maJlman maktth money You may not Uuok much of tbal untess you probe the

tlaures for put postal performance. In the middle of Uus



\~ \\\

. \\. I . \

~\ ' '

' '\

. '\' . \ , I I ' \I I\\ '.

\\1 ..

• I'

Old-Ttme Mailman Who Didn't Fret Over Ezceu Profits

decade . our postal people were losing money at the rate or roughly $1 billion a year. That's billion.

By those standards. a modest profit or $180 million this year comes out looking like a real bonanza.

VOU ARE LEFT BAFFLED in wondering how the postal people could have so abruptly cut their losses.

Maybe the postal brass have been watching some of those huckster TV commercials who insist you can buy som e old old heap of a car cheaper from them because they 're a " volume dealer. " Volume m ight be the a nswer .

Postmaster General William F. Bolger says the number of m ailed pieces handled is setting records. About 97 billion pieces were handled last year and 99 billion will be ha ndled this year.

It's that word " ha ndled" that leaves you wondering about how they'resuddenly turning profits.

Okay , so they handled those pieces. But bow m a ny did they deliver? That's the nagging question.

Also. the new postal profits are partially attributed to increased mailing rates and the higher cost or sta mps.

INDEED, THE PENNY postcard is now a collector's • item

Maybe part of this new postal profit picture can be a\ tributed to general confusion among the populace.

The postal people have raised the so m any limes in recent years that the hapless customer can't keep track of how many stamps he sho~d lick and slick onto a glven letter

MAYBE A LOT of the mail customers a re just taking wild guesses.

We pull out the envelope and heft It in our hands. After guessing. we just slap as many stamps on it as space will a llow. Then you mail and pray.

If this keeps up, the government ought to bit the Postal Service with an excess profits tax.

could have remained in South Vietnam a ft er April , 1973 although their exact numbers cllnnOl be determined," said a ~9 page Defe nse Intelligence Aaency report.

THE AGENCY ALSO ex· amlned lbe possiblllty that lbe co mm~ol s t s h e ld back American prisoners of war after the general 1973 ·'Operation llom~mlng" release. but said . " There does not appear to be any validity to reports that U.S. POWs were alive in South Viet· na m between the t ime of the last re leased Americans . . . ana the fall of South Vietnam" in April. 1975.

The report, completed in No­vember. 197~ was included in about 10,000 pa ges o r de c lassified material chiefl y comprising what the Pentagon ca lled " uncorrelated informa· lion" on Americans missing in Southeast Asia. All names of in­dividual A111ericans and sources of information were blotted out

No Hike Seen lnMail Rate For 2 Years WASHINGTON CAP > - The

cost of mailing a letter probably won 't rise for two years, unless Inflation plays havoc with the Postal Se r vice budge t, the postmaster general says .

William F. Bolger , head of the U .S . Mail . says the Postal Service's finances are in good shape and no rate increases ap­pear needed until the s pring of 1981.

BUT TIIERE is a string at-.. tached - inflation. Most of the cpstof handllng mail is in salaries for workers. who get automatic cost-of-living pay increases lied to the inflation rate. Inflation pushes up Postage Service ex· penses and, consequently , postal rates .

" For every $200 million in ad· dilional expenses we incur. the next rate increase will have to be about one month sooner. " Bolger sald in an intervie w.

BE ~ predicted that the current fi scal year that ends Sept. 30 will sbow a $180 million surplus. the first 12-month sur­plus s lnce the postal reor ganiza­tion of the early 1970s.

" Inflation is. giving us the same problem that everyone else has, but l still think we can bave tbe surplus because the volume or mail continues to go up," Bolger eaid.

When Congress voted in 1970 to r eplace the Post Office Departme nt with th e Postal Service. one of the m ajor goals was a mall system that would break even financlaJly.

The new agency · was or · ganized like a private corpora­tion In the hope that ''business· like" management could make it work more efficiently than its politics-laden predecessor.

Gulf Area Dampened Texm Sleet Brings Travelers Warning

•11 ... ta All.,.t k City e.111-. 111,,.,•rct llols. llCKIOft llutt•lo Chl<<t90 CfM IMMI Cle,,..l•ftd COlu"'°"' 0.llH Ft. Wor11t Deftvlr OHMoll'H Detroit OUlutlt Hfftfor• .... _ HovtlOf' ,...,, ... ._,, J<Klll0ft¥111f! K ... tHCllY L•tV~ Llllle llocll LOUl\"'11 .. Miami MllwWll .. MlllflHtlOll•St. P.ut New Yon Olll~Oty ,

°'• Pllll ........

lreerl1>9 rain mlKed wllll •lf~t ~­pe< l..S l hf'oUC!h mu<ll 01 IO<Say In ll>e Oallu-Fort WOrtll • ,.a.

<:aUfontla 8•aut lful sl\le" w•rm -•Iller •nd .. ed mountains eMO•lf~ motor lstt to ""ao lor thot NII,, c ... s-1"9 tr•ffk 1- tltat strwtclle<I uo to sl• tntltt '°"9 on SoutllUll Calllon>la -l•lftroec!S.

In tM pnl(HS. • strancled oft rOold ,,.ltkl• dl.0 Nd lo be rtt<ueO from '"' Icy r'NCI Ill IM Angetn Het loNI Forni lale Sun<Uv, Los Angell\ C-tySfltrtlf's~lttWIO

" Last - II ••• Ille - .. UIO S•" llernudlllO Couftty sMrlll ' s 0.pulY Todd Hunter. " AM ~04Y II W•S 11\e 1'91tt-n. Clr1Yfn9 UO to ll8W a 10011 •I Ill• snow . You c a n ' t w lf"I , ...

" W• ~ ~ 00' more SIOlll'"'"' cemlnQ In and 904119 out tNn - cen ll•nclle ," u ld a CtjP $!>0Usmen.

. c •••••• ,., •• ,,.~r Fe lr l"""'Oll TuesdAy. t.19111 verlabl• winds nlgllt <1no

lllOfn lno houri. H'11"S T.,.tcla, M 10 10

COHtal i.mtiel'~et "'"' range llewteen n , an<t ... lnleno ttm· P«•lllf'ff wltl ranvt be-n 3t encl to. Tiit Wattr let'llllff•llH'e wlll be SS.

before the recent release of the 15 volumes. .,

"VIRTUALLY ALL reporting on American collaborators and deserters is impossible to assess with unequivocal confidence," the report said.

" However, the facts indicate that certain circumstances have lured a few known Americans into desertin1t and associating with enemy forces ."

Pentagon officials said they have no information on the whereabouts of any alleged col­laborators or deserters.

" Generally, only sm all num­bers of alleged American· col· la borators were seen at any one time ," the report said .

IT NOTED THAT " through th e years there h ave been persis t e nt r e po rt s o r two Americans, one Caucasian and one Negro. working with com· munist forces in Military Region I <the northemmost provinces of South Vietnam )."

It added that " the two col· laborators eventua lly became popularly known as ·salt and Pepper·.· · ·

According to the report. an in· vesligation conducted by an American civilian official result· ed in three informants in effect identifying pictures oC the two Americans

....... .,........

A Bonaparte's gull swims past a sign warning nature . lovers that the waters of this suburban New Orleans canal are not fit for man nor beast. If birds. could read • no doubt this one would be doing the Bonaparte 's retreat .

Convention Plan Gains 26 States Demand Balanced Federal Budget WASHINGTON (AP > - An or·

ganizalion trying to fo r ce Congress into convening a na­t ional convention to draft a con· s titutional a mendment requiring a balanced budget says it has high hopes for victory this year.

· A count kept by the National Taxpayers' Union indicates 26 s tates have demanded such a convention be called . a lthough 16 give Congress the a lternative of approving a balanced -budget constitutional a mendment itself.

TWO-TIURDS OF STATE con­s titutions requi~ balanced budgets, but the U.S. Constitution does not. The federal budget has been in the black· only once s ince 1960.

The current fiscal year·s def· icit is expected to be about $40 billion on a total budget of about $490 billion. President Carter has proposed a $531.6 billion budget with a $29 billion deficit for the fiscal year beginning Oct. 1.


pro mised to seek a balanced budget by 1981 . but. he has s ince said that goal must be delayed because of economic conditions. He indicated in h is budget message to Congress last month that e limrnating the d efic it might be possible by 1982.

The Nationa l Taxpayers' Union proposal would requi re that the budget be balanced each year . exceet in the even¥f a national e mergency such a:. war.

Holly~Pat'\ want to give you

the best service in town. O rigirudly from Mt. ~mon, Illinois. HoUy now lives in Huntington Beach. Reading the Bible and Christian fellowship are among her favorite interests. H olly also enjoys backpacking, racque6all and water skiin g, and has attended the Savings and Loan Institute. When asked about First Federal, she will tell you about the many free services available to customers.

Branch Secn:tary Pat wa born in Los Angeles and now lives in Costa Mesa. She brings five years of experience to the f irst federal team. While earning he r Certificate at the Savings and Loan Institute, Pat won the Outi.tanding rudcnt Award for the highest gnde average. Jn her pare time, she • enjoys cooking and hunting. Pat also plays the piano and he likes 10 get 1ogether with her family fo r music and song sessions.

At first Federal Savings, our friendly and efficient staff is alway ready to help you. We know the importance of extra-personali%ed service. And we make sure nil of o ur customers receive it. Every time they come In. Stop by and sec us today. We want to ~how you just how fr iendly a savings institution can be.


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\\\: want to give you the best service in town !"

First Federal Savi~

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•rM .. ""°"" CMS! today, utllftO. Fin l low u 42 P m O t tn1 from Mrtllern f l•rld• • nd S.C9ft<I Mtll 1 up,.. is ~ °""91a nwwtlfl mu<lt Of S.COllCI tow It S1 p "' 2 I ,..,... •• Sufi r ltH• •l • m , n Pm ~ fMI 411tO .. ti Ill MUIMatttnl ~ fl~ It )I p m.. 1th I ..

Ar ltoNI -.!fl'""'"'"'•.,... •er .. _,, 8•rl Rqert ef 119f111 Tea• WMft lt•Y9Mrt N • \ll-19t -· '°"" A<cvmvf•tlofll H1111tl""911 a.Kii Wa'lft - 19 ., llCI tt • lll<Nt Of .... , llfl4' - ttwt- letl. CAINllloflt t.tlr Hewoor1 Wfft tl<PK'" In tM .trt41 ..._ 8Ntll We- tw6 '-1 C~ltMWI\ WIClllt• fMlt elld ll'lftt, TH , wtltl l•w ''"" nN ....... It IN jelly


Costa Mesa Office Baker Near Harbor •

HOUR : 01ilv 9AM to 4PM. Friday 9AM to 6PM. •t~rda 9~M t~lPM. Ample free parkint· Telephone 549·914l for mformaoon.



Marvin Trial in

L Th

erty "as ln r ce. while 11 Jud~ handle'~ othtr mntt.-r and a t torn~>~ prepar~ for another lhl"€ WC' o( trhal

Marvin Mitc>ht1l on, t h f" a t t ·o r n e r o r M1chellt' 1'rtoJ Marvin,

( ST.4TE said he couJd wind up h11 ca e ror the plaantttr this wttk. Mis Marvin is suing lhe actor for Sl mill\on as her share In their assets dunng the s ix years they lived together.

.... w,,.,..._

Mondey, Feb"*Y 5. 19J? DAIL v PtLOT A5

~Boat People Her~ . 4

Viet Refugee• Land in Los Angelfia LOS ANGEL ES CAP > - A

chartered airplane carrying 396 Viet ­namese " boat people" from refugee camps in Malaysia has arrived ln the United States - another chapter in the continuing Immigration of ref· u~from Southeast Asia.

The group, which anived Sunday night at Los Angeles International Airport aboard a Trans-lntemaUonaJ charter night, is part of an estimated 40,000 refugees from Laos, Cem· bodla , and Vietnam expected to re­settle in the United States by April 1, said Virgina Callahan or the sponsor­ing lnte m atiooal Rescue Committee.

" Refugees have been pouring in almost daily, on regular commercial flights-: ever s ince South Vietnam fell

three years ago. But this is one o(;lbe largest cha rtered flights to arrive since then, " Mrs. Callahan said. ,

The P'O\IP of Vietnamese refug~. which included 20 infants ancr. an 82-year-old man of Chinese descent. a re destined for various cities ac.-oss the country .

" Some or lhe refugees are able to find jobs and get on their feet within a week afte r they arrive ," Mrs. Callahan said. " Others m ay t.akd as much as three or four months to

· become self-sufficient.

•'Some of the m wlll be joining relatives already ip the United States, but sponsors will have lo be found for the rest,"sbesaid .

M itchelson 's firs t wit n ess Tue s day 1 1> scheduled to be Meyer M ishkin . Marvin 's longtime agent

TWO FIREFIGHTERS TREATED FOR SMOKE INHALATION IN TEMPLE BLAZE Rabbi Herbert Teitelbaum Felled to Blame Antl·Semttlam for Fire

Tell her you love her with a cheerful heart.

1..._,rBabt.,d BEVERLY HILLS

I AP ) ll i s not a " foregone conclusion " t h at the Ayato l lah Ruhollah Khomeini will e m erge as ruler of Jran , says former Secretary of State Henry Ki ss i.nger.

Synagogue Fire ~rson? A heart full of diamonds means a heart full of joy. Cive her your heart forever. The~t.' pendan ts. in Val,uable Temple Torahs Lost in Blaze 14 karat white gold, s tart

Speaking at a ne ws co nference Sunday before attending a fund · r aisi n g d inne r for Cedars-Sinai Medical Center . KissinJter said a radical Is lamic govem­m e n l wou ld create a couhtry wit h little freedom.


dish-rattling earthqua)<e rum bled lightly through the East Oakland hills, but there were· no · ve­ports of damage or l'n· Juries

REDWOOD CITY IAP > - The rabbi wept as he watched his synagogue and its sacred scrolls -one rescued from Nazi Germany - go up ln flames. torched by an arsonist .

.. We have m any congregation members who witnessed Crystal Night in Nazi Germany, on Nov. 10, 1938, the first time they saw their synagogues burn. This was the second time," Rabbi Herbert David Teitelbaum said Sunday night. 24 hours after his synagogue was burned out, in this com­munity 25 miles south of San Francisco.

BUT T EITELBA UM REF USED to blame the blaze on anti-Seimit is m despite a half-dozen recent arson attempts, a rash of vandalism a nd burglary, and a note mailed to him two weeks ago that said, .. We wilrg'et you "

' " It is absolutely astounding, incred ible, devastating·. But this sort of thing should never hap­pen in America ,·· he said. ··u it does happen1 it can't be the result of .. a concerted effort to aestroys Jews and lheir property.

" It must be somebody who is sick, because Am erica gives us the opportunity to practice our religion freely," he said.

Redwood City fi refighters estimate the fire, which began a bout 7 p .m ., left $1.S m illion dam age to the Temple Beth J acob-Conservative, its auditorium, school a nd offices.

Teitelbaum s aid a ll that are left in the shell of the 19-year-old building is one Torah and several bun· dred smoke-damaged library books.

Four of the temple's five Torahs, hand-lettered scrolls on parchment a nd richly encased in velvet and s ilver , were destroyed by lhe fire. Each is valued a t about $3,000, but all had a value deeper than that, especially one carried from Nazi· Germ any by one o f the cong regation 's 440 families, said Teitelba um , 52. ·· ·

THE ONLY SCROLL saved Saturday night was rescued by the te mple's cantor , Hans Cohn, who r ushed into the burning building to save it.

at $250. I

SLAVICK'S The U n~ver s 1t y of

Cal1 forn11:1 ·~ Seismo­graphic Station at Berke l ey sai d the temblor occurred at 6:08 p m Sunday and measured 2.5 on the Richter Scale

Jagger's Wife Seeks Divorce t 8 f.ishioo lsl.i.nd • 64:t- l \80 Nt>Wpo« Be.tch

Llguna Hills • Wes1m1ns1tr .. ,,., lleant Backed LOS ANGELES CAP> - Blanca Jagger will SAN FRANC ISCO file for divorce today from rock superstar Mick

lAP> _ After five years Jagger, asking $10 m illion for her share in com· 0 f s i 1 e n c e , t h e m unlty property {lDd $13,400 a month In support, news paper owned by her attorney said. Patr icia Hearst 's father , "She Is asking fo r half of the community prop-

erty , which is estim ated at $20 million. a bd sup­the . San Fr ancisco Ex- port for herself and the couple's daughter, J ade -a m mer • mar ked t~e an· she's 7 -- whk'h would total $13,400 a month," said n~versary of her k~dnap- divorce attorney Mar vin Mitchelson.

by bis (Jagger's> total disregard or his marital a nd financial obligations to her - cutting off her credit and closing her bank accounts and doing things or that nature, .. Mitcbelson said..:. " And while she was hopeful of a reconciliation' in the pas t, it's been made somewhat impossible by lhe fact be continues to live with another woman."

c, , .. .,« Anjtelt'I • S.0 DKicv • Lu Vtlf•l

v ... ""'"........_, . ~.......,. ,.._ -·--'----""-'-

ping by the Symbo1onese ~i b~ration. A~my with Ml'l'CRELSON HAS THE day off from another its fi rst editorial <?n her celebrated Hollywood' community property case -~.xper1ences. I.t said ~he that of Michelle Triola Marvin against actor ~

pa id an unJust price Ma r vin becaus~ of who she w~s T he Marvin cas e, i n whi ch Mit che lson - a child of affluence. represents Miss Mar vin, was in recess today while Dad lalf#d the judge attended to other matters . ~

SAN DIEGO (AP l _ " I had a day off from the Marvin case, so I A North Park m an. Jose lh?ught I 'd ca re of t.he J~gger case," Astorga. 27, has been M 1tchelson said 1n a telephone mterVIew. booked ror investigation . . or a ttempted m urder . MRS. JAGGER , A t:Jicaraguan cl~uen who a fter allegedly holding hves ~ere , has been marned to the Rolling Stones his 1-year·old son. J ose le~d singer for eight years . They have only one J r .. as hos tage during a child . domestic argument. •· Basically, lhe s uit has been made necessary

Tax Benefits -~

Reform Urged1 LOS ANGELES CAP >

- ·'Stru c tur a l r e · visions" and " prlnclpled reforms" must be made in the Social Security system if it is to st ay! a li ve, wa rns the pro-I g ra m 's commlssioner.

" Social security is anl admirable progr a m and Important social ins tilu· tion ," Social Security Comm issioner St a nley G. Ross said Sunday.

DINNERS \VORTH A WHOLE LOT MORE Spires Dinner Specials q.q,~ dinners at prices which don't provide more than just '@:.,; ~ >" . , bust t he budget. See for good food. They supply solid ~~ yourself this evenin!f at

dining values. Complete · "" ~~ one of the 20 convenient ~ Spires.

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Qllestions Remain . On Coastal Plans

It is we to ume ~t Or n1e Coatl mot.orilta trav~liJ1JC ulong lb 3 S mU trelt'b betWttn Corona del Mar nJ L.1 unu B~ ch " ould be happy to that pri tine grau oa nd rol.l tat rronta f' l fl ln its natural l>lUt~.

And tt ' CM)' to ag~ v.lth a rea1on I and atat.e con~t.tJ l'omm1 ton staff recommcndauon that would lcll\'l' 75 µt.•r cent of th ln anc Company's 10,000.acre coastal ~n lo public nnd prl\' te open apace.

Sul Uw tough que tt0n lJt : Who abould pay for the pubhe tu-qwsatlon or ttus l nd and how and when"

The landowner hab t.ndicated walllngn s to retain the 1and In 01x.-n ~P ce ror a number of yeats thouah P<>St· Propos itwn 13 propcrt~ ta on the ac reag as $438,000 a year

to ftlVl' the various public agencws lime to acquire funds Ior purrhas~'

The co s ta l commission staff, however, thinks the l'Ompany hht>uld. 1n f.'bSence, dedicate the land to open space 10 J>('rpetuaty on the PoSSiblUty that ome or au or at moy be bol~Jthl som Ume do..,..-n the road.

Tht> <·ompany obviously thinks this is an inequitable. one-s1dt."<1 dt.'a l Which at as

The normal way to handle a m~Jor land acqujsition or this kind would be for the county, the state. the federals or whomcv~r to obta in option on the land for a definite number of yea rs m r e turn for eithe r a financial payment or · 'olher good and valuable considerations,· as the Jargon goes. u

Both the definite time limit and some form of com­pensation or incentive seem elementary fair dealing. The commission s taff 's approach would be a form of confisca· don. .

The Irvine Company has said it is more than willing to d edicate -· give · some of its land in exchange for de· \'f 1opment, and has expressed willingness to make open space lands available for public acquisition. . . • But the firm s hould be able to seek other low-mtens1ty uses for its land s hould federal or state acquisition funds not be forthcoming in a r easonable amount of time.

Ha\ring said an this, the fact remains that a land· owner making a long-ran~ land planning or land ac­quis ition deal with a government agency doesn't have !llluch to re ly on .

The government can renege on the plan or the agree­m ent at any time - · and all too frequently does - but the

·landowner can 't. And the landowner is the one who takes the financial licking.

.Bureaucratic Trap? Sen. Alfred Alquist, D-San Jose. has introduced

legislation that would r eplace. the ,present Board of Regents of the University of California with a new. 25-m em ber board . It would take over the responsibilities or the present UC regents and those of seven other bodies governin~ higher education in the state .

These would inc lude the governing boai:ds of the sta te univers ity and s tate college and community college sas t ems. the Post-secondary Education Commission, ·Sludent Aid Commission, s tate Board of Education, De partment of Education and Superintendent of Public Instruction .

On the s urf ace it would appear that a single unified sys tem of public h igher education could help coordinate policy and eliminate duplication of e ffort .

But trying to deposit aJl the various problems in the lap of a sing le board and expecting that body to cope with a workload now divided among eight boards is unrealistic.

Inevitably . there would have to be sub-boarqs, in effect. ove rseeing the various divisions of educat ional service and inevitably the members of the m aster board would have to lean ever more h eavily on staff recommendatio n s , since they could not possibly familiarize thems e lves with all the issues to be dealt with . The staff, not the s uper-board, would be running the s how.

Top-heavy bureaucracy can be even less eflective than compartmentalized bureaucracy as witness the cumbersome and costly efforts of the federal Department of Health, Education and Welfare, a cat ch-all for three related services that manages none of them very well.

The Legislature would be well-advised to think this one through again and seek some more practical way· to reduce duplication and coordinate higher education policy.

• Op1n1ons expressed In the space above are those of the Daily Pilot. Other views expressed on this page are those of their authors and artists. Reader comment is invited. Address The Dalty Piiot, P.O. Box 1560, Costa Mesa. CA 92626. Phone (714) 642-4321 .

BoydiHomestead Trick ByLM.BO\'D

A single pane of window elass sometimes saw duty in as many as a dozen difCefent houses in the Old West. The Homestead Law required lbal the house the farmer built on his 160 acres have a g)ass window. But glass was e" pe nsive. So when the farmer was ready lo prove up bis claim, be . borrowed lbe window pane before be called in the inspector, and after lbe Inspector left, passed lt on to the next homesteader who was ready.

Plastic piano keys took all right. But they don't have the

Dar Gloomy Gu

Tbc .. ste llar" performance or Lee Marvin only shows us once again the total dJs· recard Hollywood has for our American de­cency.


cool touch of elephant Ivory. Some pianists insist that makes a difference in the music.

Under the ordinances of Colorado Springs, Colo., a waiter who i n s ult s a restaurant customer there can be Jailed.

Bulgarian television sta­tions only broadcaat 10 hours a week.

Q . "How long would It take to read the Bible aloud?"

A. Old Testament, 71 hours 40 minutes. New Testament, 22 hours 30 minutes. Thal 's if the reader spoke up at a typical pace.

Q. "How much milk does a mama whale give?"

A. A 11.zable female can pump out about 200 quart.' a day.

Thtt Indiana down on the Yucat.n PminauJa once used t be t ails of such flab as s kates and rays as wood rasps.

Fifteen dJrrerent town1 at. one lime or anot!Htr have been the st ale capital or Texu.

A cblld ~ aoy a1e CH bu,y cl1arettes te1aUy lft Ohio . .

Robert N . Weed/Publ~hef' T~s KMvll/Ed1tor

Monday, February 5. 1979 Barbara Krelblch / Edltorlot P• Editor

Carter's Troublesome Cronies WASHINGTON - The ooly

penoo rivaling Bllly Carter u a coo1t.ant source of emb&rrus· ment Lo tbe Wblte House ll Bert Lance, the prffla nl's lll·sl&nff cbolc~ u bJs original budget d r~tOC',

Like Brotbn Billy, there tffQ\s lo be no one Lance won't do bualnus wlth . Wblle Billy Carter waltt.e • around lhe counlr)' with .cro nies of L h byan -1 dictator Moammar Kbadaly, the Jolly Georgia banker has been thick as thieves with the Saudi Arabians ln various finan­cia I deals.

Recent revelations that Lance, when chlef executive officer of the National Bank of Georgia, gave preferential interest rates to the Carter family 's peanut busineu a lso besmirched the president's boped·for Mr. Clean image.

NOW WE HAVE uncovered evidence that Lance may have tried to wangle bankIDg business from a union boss who was on the verge of indictment for em­bezzling union funds - and who had retained iwo Atlanta al· torneys Lo use their supposed in· fluence at the Whlte House and the Justice Department to help him. His case was too bot to ban· die that way, however, and au the president's friends were able to achieve was a five-month de· lay in the indictment.

The union boss is former paperworkers president· Joseph Tonelli, one of the first major labor leaders to back Jimmy Carter for president. Finally in· dieted last July, Tonelli pleaded gullty to embezzlement and ob· struction or justice.

Just six weeks before TonelU 's indictment. Lance phoned Tonelli about the possibility of doing some business with the un­ion boss. reliable sources told our associate Gary Cohn. Tonelli

Earl Waters

later speculated that Lance may have wanted mllllons io paperworkers ' pension funds transferred from a New York bank lo one-in Geor11a. <Lance still owns &tock m the NaUooal Bank ol Geor&la. >

ABOVT TOE same time, one of TonelU's Atlanta lawyen, preaideottal pal Jrwln Stolz. wrote carter with an incredible sugee&tioo: "Bert and I believe tbat Mr. Tonelli wouJd be an ex· cellenl adviser and informal

llal_aon for you with organized labor." '

There is no evidence lbat any transfer of union funcb took place. probably becauae TooeW was by then under sucb clo8e scruilny by federal invu tigators that a large transfer would UD· doubtedly have come to UgbL And the suggestion that Carter strengthen bis ties with Tonelli, at a time when tb'e union leader's legal lroublea were ob­vloua to apparenUy everyone but Lance and Stolz, was too lau&ha·

ble to be slven serious con· sideration at the White House. • On one pre\tious occasion. UD· ion funds did wind up in the Na· UJlna l Bank J>f. Geor....&t@. !n February 1976, the Teamsters Central States Pensloo Fund set up an $18 million trust account ln Lance's bank. The fund was under federal investigation a t the time. and the Teamsters evidently fe lt it might be worthwhile to do business with a good friend of the man who mi.ebl become president .

ALTHOUGH, as we have em­phasized, there is no evidence to show that the e fforts to use Carter cromes lo influence the pres ident' ever amounted to anything, the fact that such at­tempts were made has proved an embarrassment to the ad· ministration.

With friends like bis, Jimmy Carter doesn 'l need enemies.

RIP-OFF ARTISTS: Some of the rip.offs that have given nurs· ' ing homes a bad name have been detailed by the Federal Trade Commission. Such as these:

- Many homes won' t itemize a patient 's moot.hly bill , listing c h arges f o r '"la undry , " " therapy" and, vaguest or au. "miscellaneous."

- Patients are often billed for essentials that should be part of the basic fee, like soap, bed bars, crutches and aspirin. . - Patients usually have no

cho ice in purchasing drugs: many suppliers are owned by tbe nursing home proprietor. and charge more .

- Patients• families must guarantee payment of bills. but need not be told of changes in fees or patient care .

- Many contracts absolve the nursing home from virtually any liability. One disclaimer states. · 'The facility and its manage­m e nt specifically disc la im liability for any act or omission of any physician, patient. guest o r intruder which results in personal injury to the patient. "

The New Breed of Cloned COi:igressman Among those taking a seat In

Co n gress thi s month is Sacramento's n~wly elected Vic Fazio. He may be the forerunner of a new breed of Congressman.

He is young, energetic and capable . A blue eyed blond, his appearance is hand some enough to m eet th e criteria or t e levi s ion which b as become the medi ~ ~or / campalgrung. His peTSOnaJj· ty is pleasant and he wins friends 9uickly. He is also a political anunal of the lint order.

For Fazio is a product of the political machine. He was in· cubator hatched, brooder raised and nurtured to maturity by the politicians to become an elected representative. With the advent of cloning he may well be the first or many Congressmen, for a lready there are dozens more like him in the hatchery or the California Legislature, Including


.ov'r a score now serving as members.

AT 36 FAZIO enters Congress having spent his entire career in politics as a campaign worker, legislative aide and, since 1975, a member of the Assembly.

Born in Massachusetts and educated in New York, Fazio is without roots in either the dis· tricl be represented in the Legislature or the dlstricl be will now represent in Congress. Neither does be have a back· · ground of achievement as a citizen of the community in busi· ness or civic activity nor does be have any experience working for the private sector or meetiilg a payroll ol bis own.

He migrated to California shortly after graduation Crom Union College in 1965 and com· menced workin_g for the As· sembly Ingratiating himself with the leadershlp of 1hat house he rose rapidJy in the pecking order of legislative attaches. The sudden and untimely death of Assemblyman Edwin Z'Berg of Sacramento provided the op­porturuty for bis sponsors lo shove him into a well financed,

professionally conducted . special election campaign to win him an office of his own. The re· tiremenl of Congressman John E . Moss of "Sacramento opened the door to his elevation to Congress, again backed by the professionals and tb,e financing of the party powers.

THERE IS no doubt Fazio will do well in Congress but the question is whether bis type of machine produced · person who seeks to make a career out of holding e lective of· fice is r eally t he kind of representative who best serves the the people.

As contemplated by the found· ing fathers of the pation, those serving in Congress would be chosen from the ran.ks of tbe people by popular vote lo serve short stints. This presumed tbey wo1.1 ld be citizens who b ad achieved a measure of success in private life with s ufficient roots in the district to truly represent the thinking or those who e lected them. The con­clusion that such wu the pre­sumption is drawn from the very designation of the body ln which

they were lo serve as the House of Representatives.

There certainly was no intent that such representatives would seek office as a career. The founders sensed the dangers of one being in office too long and losing sight of the wishes of the folks al home. ·

TO INSURE that the represen tatives wouJd responsive to their constituenci es the) established the terms or office at two years. Although there was considerable sentiment in favor of onJy one year this was over· come by a rguments that th1• longer period was more praC' tical, taking into account the di f· ficulties ol travel in the 18th cen­tury.

The danger of the nation bein1: r epresented by young person:-. cloned lo assume polita c ~ I careen but lacking maturity broad experience and deep root~ ~ the community is not a ran c1ed one. It is an imminent peri l Each election sees several mon of these types taking thei r places in th e Califo rni 3 Legislature where they already hold a s ubstantial number of seats.

Here's the Real Reason People Quit S1noking The Surgeon General keeps

cominJ( out with res><>rts saying cigarels will kill you. At the same lime, more and more Americans each year knock off smoking. There is, however, no direct relalion!hip what.soever between these lwo phenomena.

The reason tbal Americans smoked two billion fewer clgarets last year ls that smoking ~ ts no longer _ '\ fashionable. •

lt baa taken T several dec­ade s f or s m oking to go out or vogue. The lran s mog · rtclcation was so gradual few were aware it waa taking place. l would thus llke lo record ror posterity as best l can exactly bow tt all happene<1.

WREN I was a lad. smoking was de rtcueur . Humphrey Boaart smoked, Betty Grable smoked, FDR s moked, Mrs. Grundy smoked. Everybody who was anybody putted away Uke locomotives. And when Lucky Strike are.en went to war, our be.rt. swelled w1tb prtd• at the

~ .. '

patriotic sacrifices being made to lick the Axis menace.

Ob, there were always a few around who didn't smoke -hypochondriacs, health nuts , cowards - not the sort you'd in­vite lo fun parties. And when you offered these lackluster souls a cigaret, they woutd in· variably say, "I'm sorry; I don't smoke.·• They knew their falling was something to apologize for. RlghtJy so. .

It's difficult lo date with pre· clalon wben renouncing smo1cln3 became aocially tolerated, if not approved. I recall a lady I knew qpll tlng ln 1957 because she was too thin and wished to gain weteht . This excuse was 1enera1ly accepted as an ex­tenuating circumstance.

THE FI R ST Surgeon General's report in J anuary of 19'4 waa. of course, a tumi.Jll point. But il should be remem· bered that only a ve ry few hlthly lntelUgent, extremely ra· llonal people quit at tbal time. The rat of us displayed that fierce American Independence of spirit, our commoo c17 bel.ftl, " If 1 ,,.. to kW 1117Mlf, Cbat'• my batnnsl" And botlelfft conthwed lo place UW. vue1 ot

cigarets on the table so their guests could ltlll themselves.

Those disappeared by 1971. Whal bad happened was that more people had quit to prove they were highly intelligent and extremely rational. Those of us who were left bad gone on the defensive, "I'm no quitter." we'd say with a little burst of hollow laughter.

By 1974, as htr ays had vanished as well. If you were bold enough, you could request one from your hostess sotto voce. It was like asking her where the bathroom was - not impoUt~ exactly, jual somewhat embarrassing.

The year, lbe hordes from GASP aod a host of other anti-smoking organlzations were in lull cry, complalnlo.g that we

Quotes " We have alwa.ys admired the

spirit wltb which American women pursued UberatJon, and we tb1Dk h11hly or lhe lncn:as· ln•lY lm]>Ortant role they pl&)' ln American llOdety." - Madame CIMt Liii, wile of Chinese Vice PNIDier Tq


were not only k.illing ourselves <and good riddance ). but we were killing them. too. By now, buses had banned us, airlloes had segregated us and no hostess could find a match ID the house.

"You mean YOU are stlll smoking:'" they would say with incredulity. indicating they hadn't realized until that mo­ment what an Idiot you were.

That's when I quit.

IN CERTAIN circles, s moking mav still be stylish - among ghetto teen-agers, ror example, Hell's Angels, or numbers nm- • ners. But in the middle claas, lt most definitely ls not.

Pity poor addf ct wbo de· vioualy lights up in any IJ'O'{P. We reformed sinners look down upon him a.' a stupid, irrational, weak-willed. anti-social slob -absolutely the last sort of pei:son with whom you 'd wis h )'OUr children to assocl te.

And that's the 1ole reason more and more people ne quit· Ung cig.tttta. For Lhe lnlth ol lhe matter Is thet we proud, fre e, lndependent-m ipd ed Americana don"t 1lve a damn If we kil110\ll"HIVU - Just aa long aa we loc>k IOOd dolq lt.



• Wt>ll IL•ll ~b U.u kt•r tllal llu I') ~11 • .n l l IJl<.1lih '>lO\ hunw ,.,, u~,, l'r1111•11 tont:.11,. 1-. 11111' •·

D~ll• l'Wet lrn CAMl'~llLO


Aid DuP-

~ ....

Mondlly, Fet>ruaty 5, 1979 DAILY PfLOT A 7

Partial Lb•

Bureau Wants Alcohol Label

"O<>t a prob/rm" Then wntr to Pol Dunn. Pol wUl cut rttJ tape. grttmq the a'1$toe"r.t and aclwn you rtttd to aolve 1nequ111e:r 1n government and busmeu . Moil JIOUr qiwatKMI to f>at Dunn. At Your Sennce, Oran~ Coast Dcnly Prtot . PU 60.r 156CJ. Costa Me$0, CA 92626. As many ~tiers as posStblt wtll be OMWeTed, but 111qu1nes or leltf'r& not includi.n" the reader'• full name. address and bumleu hours' phone numberCOl'lnot beconftderttJ Thu column appears dai­ly ucept Saturdays. ··

WASHINOTON <AP > Whut's " brewed rrom mull. 00s> ~xtract . water. yeut. enzymes. pro· u,,..~adl119 Cl•••e• C1Ml•fled former owaer e ither &o refund c1epo11ta to teau&s pr'en a lycol alalnal , natural and artificial DEAR READERS: Julia E. O~aailmessy, or to tl'Ulfer tbem to the new owner at UM U•e ( avort . ca r a mtl co lor and pota sai u°4 ••penilor of Oasis Senior Center, says tbe day tbe propertywas_rkl. mt1tabllu1llte as a preservative?" and time of tbe llp·readln1 classes •t &be c.en&er

That's betlr, budd)' . and the government wants hH been changed from Friday aftenaooas t0 1..,,.rted €•n Meet St••d•rd't o label on the can-saying so. TueMaye from 5:31 to1:-M p~111 ., begbndq Feb. I . DEAR PAT: 1 know all imported cans bave lo

AND YOU THOUGHT BOOZE contained only llellt RaQe St~t'-•-I meet California emission control standards. but alcohol ._ &IOK;IJ- what provision is made when a penon wbo baa

DEAR PAT: You can imagine my dismay been living abroad wants to bring a car he's Not ot all . . when I ~eived a letter from Woodco Investment purch&.sed and driven in Europe into California? Blended wbl.likey miay be made from "com or C<>r Inc., Newport Beach, informing me that it had I'm thinldngofoldermodels lhatmlgbtnotbeableto

wheal or rye, mall, water, yeast, enzymes. ac4ulredlheduplexwherellive. AsofMarch, my be refitted to conform to Cali fornia Colored with caramel " rent ls being raised from $220 a mOblh to $350! Can standards. I'm aho curious if older cars brought to

Thti ¥OVemment wants a label saying that, this be dooe? If I move, can I use the last month's CaWomia from other states also must conform to lo<> rent, which I paid to the previous owner when I ourtougbemisslonstanda.rd5.

Alter consideri.nR the matter since 1972, the moved in, as m y February rent payment? E .C., irvine Treasury Department 's Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco J .H., Costa Mesa AD 1115 and newer ~an broa&)lt into Callfonla and Firearms bas decided that labels should be re- There ls no re nt mora&oriam ln effect ln - wlledler frem abrottCI or from state -quired on aJcobollc beverages after Jan. 1, 1983. Orange County, and this Increase ls Je1al on yoar maat meeUld11tate'ae111laaloncontrolataadarda.A rental . Woodco'a spokesman ••smog certificate" s howing lnspeetlon aad JORN G. KROGMAN, ACTING director, said declined to comment on the reuoa for tbll nearly certification by an aatborbed facility mu& acee•­

labels would be helpful to people who are allergic 59.l perceat Increase. The Orange Couaty Fair panyanyflntappllcatJonforvelaklerellstra&IHln to some ingredients in their drinks. Hoaslng CoancU says yoa can apply tbe prevloasly tJds sta&e. according to the Departmeat of MMor

Consumer groups asked for labels in 1972. In paid lut month's rent of SZZt to yoar Febnary VehlcltJt.Reqalredeml11loaeo11troleq1llpmeatdoes HILDA I CAMl'l"tELD '"''°""' ol Cost• MO• , . Pa\uO ""'"Y l"ebt111'Y a. 1'7' S11tvi•ed b? lw1• 04Hl0flltr\ Con"•nc• Wl\11~ Of CO'ol t Mtw . C• •M Rutll Ber""r 1111" 9r9flel( lllkltren Jollf> B~r tier T •" • LW Wlllle ; Steven Wllil• •ncl P•,,.,.,1• w 1111e . .... vPn ore.II orandClllldr•n

1974, the bureau published proposed regulations rent If you alJO Include your DOtke of lateat to vary depeDdlng oa tbe car meclel and lta year of but withdrew the m ln the face of industry objec- move wtthln 30 days. If you delay the move ud do maaafactme, however. lafonaaUoa cad be

An eight-week stop- tlons. not give notice. you must pay the $131 difference at obtalDed by pllolllng the BareH of Aatomo&lve s moking program will that time. The council adds tbat it was ap to the Repalrat<•>tsz·52lt.

I T •mart O<lrt»r Olrl\IOP""' B&ro.r Jeflil rv e.rt»r J•win 811rtwr R.0.-C <• Wllll• : S••wn WtlllP •nd T~n• Wllltt .......... Wf'VIC~\ Witt.,. ~Id "" T""rSO<ty, l'eOr'uiry I 1'7t et 10 AM

be offered at St . Josephr------------------~=.:.....:.:=~:.:.::....:.::.==-==-==-::...:=:....:~:..:=._:.::!:::::.:.:.::~~~~---------.....-

a.ti 8rotc1Wty Clwlpel Crtm•llon •nd lfturnmf'ftl b • B ell 8roedwev ~uery 8ett Broactwev Morlu•rv 01-IOr\ "'7·"S0 In tl•11 01 llOw~" l•.., lh woof'\!\ ron lr lbullon' •o A-r icen !ioc••IV


Hosp i ta I in Orang e starting Feb. 13. It will run T u esdays and Thursdays from 7 to 9 p. m . in meeting room B

A SlO non-refundable registration fee will be required for the classes. s ponsored by Rancho Sant iago Com munity Coll ege. the Lung As­sociation's local chapter and the Orange County Health Department.

More information is

tCAR L A SJO!,TAOM. r~Sldenl of Costa ,.,..,. c • PAHf'd •••• f'ebr ... ry 1. 1•7' ... I• >11rvlved by -'°" C•rt S~trom 0 1 Cosl4 M•-. C• - u..,_, Gvftdh !.awyP• 01 Co"• Mht, Ce on• brol llPr Mot9•r Sjos t r om o t F l nl•nd ,..,.., or•ftOChitdr•" •"d hwo Qr,.At • QtMIO<flt~eft f'.-r11I '4'r-.l<e\ Wiii .,.. ftf'tcl on T-v Feilruary 6 1•7' at II AM 8"11 B-.. •• C'"3Pel lnt•r mf'nt • I P..:1IK Vlf'w ~lal Pant Friend•-· c.i• •• e.11 Broa<tYw•• available al 633· 9111 , ex­Mortuarvan Mon<iaY F.t><uarv S 191• t - 7 troMJPM 10 1 lllPM ~" er<M<I••"" ens1on 475 Mor1uarv dl"Kton. ,.,,_,,~

• GOt.OaEAO RUTH GOLDBERG. C>a\~O . .. .,,

Fet1ruarv S. 191't. $Prv1<P\ .,,. """a lno HMbor Ltwn Moun1 Ollvt Mortu1ry ol Costa Mo!\.> S.O SS~


Coll• M•u . Ct P•-.~d 11w1H f'ebrv ¥V 3, 191't H~ I• w rv,v..i b• "''

. ...... Lor.t1• Pov Of Co5t• Mt~ C• -cHUQllle" Carol Al1nl\ of Sant• F• Sprl119s, C..; •nd DebOr•ll Aov ol USAF; "'°" Fra"" T Roy Of Co.13 Mn• C. ; and two or ll'd< l'l• IGre11 Recll•llon ol tl'e rO\IJtY on ru,.,..,Av February 6 "'• "' 6 JO PM r11~ H.,bOt l•- M<Y'luAry CMOl'I MAS! Of Ille Olr l\t l&n burolJI w ill llf' h<'l<I 11n - nelday, Ff'l>ruar? 1. 1'79 •• 9 AM • I St .IOKlliM C..tlloll< Cllur<ll with # \QI T-s J Ntvln ofli<l•t'"O In. te< me11t "'rvl<M lo follow Al Harbl'lr L-n Mf'rnorlal P•rit Servi<"' unclt>• lf>f' dirKfton Of HarbOI 1.awn· MO""I Ollv• Mor t u•ry OI CO•I• Nit' \" s.o.sss.


lldeft• o l Lanc• ste<, C• ....ct tormH re­.iaertt oi CMI• --... c. P•~W'CI ••n ~ry ~. 191' 111 tr.. i.Qt of II Y'-'"· He 11 MiNlwd DY Ills • II•. Cl•ra O T111ir-ol ~Hier, C. ; two \OM, O.lbert ~ ol CO\ta Mttii. C• aftd Fr..,., Tt1ut1•1onc1 of Binion II llnoh . Tw o O•u9nl9' \, Van••• Wl~hffWr ol MOuflfaln H-. ld"llO - Rut11 Wllll- ol uneasier. C• · two '"'*"" Alfl\t FOK •"" T"-lma W1ll~oa, botll of Benton llllno• • e ltttn Qf~llll,.n, n"""'"'" QrPill .,_,,,_; - fin oreat O"'•t· Ot•nd<lllklren In 19S. Re• fllurmon<t tounded Tiie H•rbOr A•Wmbly Of God V.urc11. Cl>st• -~. Ca . r~tlrf'<! • net tin .,..,, IMno '"" .,.,, ·~ ... yt'M' '" u1ncu1.,, Cd Funeroi wrv l<e\ wtll ~ n•td on T11ur~v Fet1ru11ry I , 1'79 ., 1 PM " ' TM HMbor ........ mbty ol Oocl Cnurcn , 7•0 w Wll•on , Co•t a Mn • . CAI. wlttl P&\lor v l Mf'r1WtK k otfk.leflno lnfe<ll'lf'"I al Mt1rtior l .own M 1rnor1Af Partl . F'r1end1' m•• t~ll A t

Btt• Br-•v M.lrluMY on r uP•d•v February 6. 1'1• •nd Wpdn•»dlly l"<tDrv•r, 7. 1t7' from • PM to 8 )0 PM 8e11 Bt'O.te!W&Y Morlu•rv dlr .. c tors. '41 '1SO


Elsewhere NEW YORK !AP > -

G'len E . Jorgensen. for ml'r board chairman or C . l.T. Financial ServiC'es, died Saturday at the age of 64

OAKLAND I AP > C alb e rin e Nimlt1 , widow of Adm. Chester W Nimitz , who com­ma nded the Navy in the Pacific in World War II . isdead atR6.

SAN DIEGO IAP I -Pianist·bandleader Ray Vas que:&. wh ose o r · c h ~s tra provided the music for dancer Arthur Murr ay 's t e le vi s ion s h ow in H o lly wood several years ago, has died in a local hospital at age 57


• -721411 SU PEIUC>tt COUtCTOF THE


UAELL MO. A·tll1• WILL IAM r UPELL. rn•d9"1 Of NOTICE OF NEA• t NG 0,

He• oort BHcll, C• PH .. d •w•v PETITION l'OA P•OeATIE 01< WI LL Feb<uary 3, 1t1't Ml' II , ....... "' bv "'' ANO PO• LETTE•S TEST AMEN· ..,11. M••I,,. Urell ol Newoort Buell TA•Y ANO "'°" AUTHO•tZATION U . OM l>rotr..r. Tllon11is Urell Of T O AOMINtSTIElt UNO l!A T H E Loreto Bala SoM', M<t• l<o ~,._lei INOEl'ENDl!NT AOMINIST•ATION mass • Ill be llelo on fllursd•Y OF ESTATES ACT. .=ebr11••Y • • 1t7t .. , s :JO PM St E •t• te of NFI L A ltl NG!>TO N .»«lllm CAllllOlk Cr>urcn Prh••t., In O.cPa..0 1tfMent. Ill lieu°' llO~- contribu NOTI CE IS HER EBY GIVE N ,.,., llom mty be ...-10 • l•vot1t• '"'°" NEIL A KINGSTON. JR .. 11.n. flied IY !kit ftrCNldWty MC>rtuary dlrt<1Ms ,,..,,.1n • petltklf> IO< ""-le ol Will "7.tUO •nd lor kwan<• of Letters THtam<tn -;iOiiiiiiiiiOiiiiiiiiiOiiiiiiiii;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;::=:::: t1ry ... a IOI AutllOrlHtlOn to Ad II m1n,.ter ~ th<' 1~-..1 "O


627 Main St Huntington Beach



HOMI 7801 Bolsa Ave

Westminster 893-3525


Cemetery Mortuary Cnapel

3500 Pacific View Dnve Newoon Beach





Laguna Hills 768-0933

San Juan Cac>tstrano 49$- 1776


M6-~424 Costa Mesa 673-9450


110 Broadway Colla Mesa 642-9150


WllTCLW atAr& Crel'NtOf'Y • Flower Srop

427 E. 17th St C:O.taMesa

m1ni\tratioll ol Esl&tt.\ ,t.c t. referHIO t o "' "''" 15 m•dl' t or f ur ther P••llcul•l'"S, tnd 111•1 Ille time •l\d piece of P1ear1no , ... ~ 11.s bffft wt lor F f'llruarv 10, lt1't. at 10 00 a m . In IM courtroom of O.p11rt""'"t No 3 of said court, at 100 Civic C...t"' Drive w u t , '" tlle cuv ot s.,,,. Ana . Callfornla.

Oat•d January 30. tu• LMA Br&ncll, County c .....

ltlCMnll', ..._,._ HI CKIEY&NEULAND 226'1 Un•o 1 StNtf" S11ttt SM El Ten, cat"-!• .,e Ttl: 17'• >7 .. net AtttnotY> tw: -M-

' PubllSN!d Or~ Q>ast O•llY P iiot. FebrU•• vS.6. 12, ,.,. ••1•



ISECS. 6M141flf U.C. C.I Nol l< • •S llereby given to tfle

CrNlton of OEAME. INC., Obe Wtf>. co TraftSferorl\I, ~ businen .o­drtU Is 116$ ,.__, 91"4., '°51• Mne, County of Or•""· 51•1• of C•lllornl• , ttw1t • bulk t•efl1filr h ellOut to i.. meoe to Joe l. In c , Tret11 .. ,.lll, - businHs eddfen h 11U Newport Boutnerd, Cttl• Mes• , CtulllY OI Or•noe. Sl•I• ol CtlllOmlt

Tiie ~ to M tt811t .. rred II lo<tlecl itt 116S _.,.,. llt'td., OKI• Melt , Count., Of Ore119t, Sift• of Callfomle. ~ (

Seid ~y lsO.Krlbed tn qenerel H I All alltk lfl ~- fl•t~a, MUIP. ,,,..,, --- teed wlll .. llltt Df'lftl 1119 bu1ol- ~ ft Dteme, In< , Obe Wtb<O end ~ •f 1165 Newport Blvd., ccm.e Mesa, Countv OI Of8f\Oe, $\alt Of C.tlfoml•,

Tllfl b\1111 trt111fer Wiii tit contum­n'l•l• d Of\ or afte r tllt UrO 11.., ot l'terllefV, "" et tt:OO • ·"'· It Offl<• Of Hwt.rt I . JU-, '7 .. Pe!11 0,tMCle, Clli.OH• ... ..-_ °"""" Of Lei All09'"- Stele ol cet~l<I.

to ft r . , k ftO Wn lo fllt Tr_ .. ,..ttl, ell~.....,.. ellfl ...,,.Uf!t .,_. by TreMlt.orC• I tot ltl9 tllf9t """ 14" 1 pnt, are: ...,..,

84&-"*888 A Tiie IHI da11 t o fllt cla l'"I It P::Wlltl"I 22, ""' ,.._ clelfnt ,., • ., lie

---------- filed wltll """"1 I , Sit_, .. ,.. Pen Gf'e!MIN, ~ Perl!, c.t"""'I• . ..,



~: J-v t•. 1t1't Jee!, I~ ...... ,. """*"' Tr en,.....

""°''""° °'""°" CNil O.lly P llf'.11 Fetlfut•'f s. "" .,,.,.

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Investor Club Membership­More than good books. When you maintain a $2,500 minimum balance in any Home Federal Saving Account. you automatically become an Investor Club member. And, a private library is just one of the large portfolio of services you'll enjoy.

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Anda way to double your money



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"" ot• •ttf"~" """"~' •""' lf'l W(OV"f ' 'Jll l'J,_ 1" t •ttJ Jl''Ol.""f ,.b.lSf'(! Cln .,,~"" CJf_....11.1 II 4flf1 .,..,,, 1 tnt1•acuw t 1...,1t--e~nri-1m

Here's tiJe best way to get started Visit our office, right in the Seacliff Shopping Center, and meet Ernie McGill, manager ... and his courteous staff. They'll be happy to take you on a tour and answer any questions you might have. Once y-ou visit Home Federal, you'll discover the kind of service that made us a 3 Billion Dollar Family Financial Center ... and why they call Califomia­Home Federal Country.


Huntington Beach Offtce: 2111 Main Street-SM-6511 Office Hours: Monday-Thursday 9:00AM-4:00PM, Friday 9:00AM·6:00PM, Saturday toot 9:00AM· l :OOPM

Walk-up Hours: Mon-Thur 8:30-9AM, 4:00"4:30PM/ Frt 8:30-9AM Drive-up Hours: Mon-Thur 8:30AM·4:30PM/ Frl 8:30AM-6:00PM

I l<Jn>e VII\ .. •!\Cl l,.o.oft A i•tlOft °' i..n Oltao





"Doddy l We just lost Mormoduke ... ond Heovenly Burger hos got him !... -

..(. . ·-SUPERHEROf;S



By Bil Keane

"That's my little brother's potty train."



I 1




tl l

--~~--------~----. 1HE ~~'NE.VE.rt PUT A r-0(.)R LEAF ~

BE1WEE>l 1ME ~ CJ! A 60C)K •••

_JL --,


PEANUTS by Curles M. Sdwlz

MISS PEACH by MeU Lazarius ~A5KS~r 00&1 ME AATES ME"'


by Jeff MacNelly

by Ferd & Tom Johnson




rr WAI) NOT I WMO OIO ~Sift,

FOJC1Ht: FOLL.OWINC'a (,1()()0 ~EA50N~ •.




1= Pl c::>N' 'T" HSAR YA ANSWE::R "fHe KIP 'S GUE::S'T°ION,


')) I


' I ~ r

J====i, J

by Bill Hoest

f ~---ll ..... ~~~--1H;;;;~ ..

by Gus Arriola

by Harold Le Doux

by Ernie Bushmiller



ACROSS '5 Sharpest 1 Pofls 48 Marry 6 Russ. news St Contemn

agcy. 52 Clatm 10 ConOelled ~Custodian 14 C.llun 58 Peewee 15 Droop 58 Hence 16 ··rom 6t - Gab4es,

Thumb" Fla composer 82 Poller tenn

17 Room 13 Evening: Fr. 18 Stenctl 14 Gl¥es off tt Inlets 15 Llcerate 20 Stepping ICI Resorts

SOYnd f7 llTlp0'1 220ye DOWN 24 Jazz. e.g. 1 Ste 26 Emergen- 2 Kafflr warrt-

cie1 ors 'l7 More curt 3 Adroit 30 Relat1¥es 4 Sets up 31 Tunes tents 32 Collectof's S Increase

Item: I Double-2 WOfdS layefed

37 - - line: 1 Relief Queued up 8 Swlll

38 Fofeatall I Afflicted

UNITED fMtUre Syndicate S.t11'1UY°• Pvwe Sotw.f·

21 "- - was 3t Discourtesy saying" '2 Animat Dial.

23 Grain 43 Channing 25 Cowards 46 Anderson's 27 levantlne ''High - "

ketch 47 Armistices 28 Boy: Sp. 48 Small fish 29 Oii country 49 Dried fruit 33 EdltM 50 - - ITan<f: 34 Toward shel- Helped

htf S3 Fall 40Falaehood '1 All O'l9f'

10 Rucal: Dial. 35 Wire meas- 55 One triplet 11 The rem urea -56 Consumes

43 He11thy 12 Empty 38 Bombard ST Other 44 Matfl. abbt. 13 Nldes :ia Set eo Ms. Scala




t ly

he ~ar est

ber ack

~ 'Om link .Wd do . ,der wed ere

~ate nle Call


ed ide I -end I to-1\al -· rida , Al.· .... • or


Last Sunkist Rae ailed The Ralbou Yacht tub ~ up ii. th

mont old unkiat 5'-rl S.turdav and Sunday In a bl if'thntth annual wlnun eri l namf'dfor

uunng thl• thr months atartJnc c.M nr t WHk in Oc-cf'mb\'r th e r1 dnw at bo1t1 lll e'1ht C'I aili ng on rou iMld the bay and JOO bo t6 m $ x t'l 11a 11"1 ~•n C'OUJUI. H ,.. ure th nnal n: uJb oC th •nllre rt

lnaidea SABOT A & 8 115) no.... n-uu .. BYC · 2 Jon.

Pln(kn v. B("'fC 3. C'Hsanftra ~,4'jb,.r NJ:ivr 4, J ohn Pt-m1tk, BCYC S, J MNorman, BCYC

AROT <8> l , J oy St.oder. BYC, 3 Jim NufC, 8VC. 3, J uncl Nl'lson, BCYC '

LJOO 14 OS > l , Tom Wilson BYC 2 Brian Hench, tn C. 3, P01ul Murph)' , BYC' ' '

• L100· 148 C l~ l l. Marv K rvl Thornt , BYC : 2W, Klien Pedt>r<i<>n, 8\'(' ' 3. fo' rt'd TCM"pel RYC' 4 r "'uL'

1 aums. ttYC' ' • ' "' METCAL F c 101 I . Bob Reill y BYC 2

Oonuld Proul. B't C ' ' ' LASER A C12l t , J~rry Norman BCYC 2

Mark Whitehou e 8 YC ' ' · LAS ER 30 plus 111 1 \ , Al Ntl on, SSYC 2

Jim Kerrigan, BCYC ' ' THISTLE 181 1. Bob Ball, BVC, 2. Steve

Thomas, Fresno YC Out.ajde Ctasaes

PHRF· A 126 >- J. Con ceptual Des ign Dougherty/ Proi. ter . SDYC. 2. Antares. Alan An: drews , BYC. 3, Sparkle . Alex Irving , BYC: 4 News Boy. J ack Baillie, BYC; s Cottontail Joh~ Arens, BYC. ' '

PHRF·B 122) l . Hawkeye, Mike Schacter BYC: 2, Amm al Farm, Bruce Hansen, BYC; 3: Theresa , Robert Staats BCYC· 4 V-Max John Hooper, DJ>YC ' ' ' '

~HRF·C 119l 1. Aloha II, Susie Reed, SSYC; 2 . Pmtado. Dave Willi a ms, VYC; 3, Gimme Shelter Too. J ohn and Linda Barrow, VYC~f4, ~un· ~a . Graham G1bllons. BYC, s. Quest , Roger Good· mg, VYC

. ~TCHELLS· 22 '12 1 1, Bon Bon , Roger Meis inger. NHYC. 2. Gel Going Ted Munroe · NHYC ' ' SSYC'

SANTA1'1 A·20 ClS I 1, Daisy. Tad Palmer, NHYC: 2. Seven , J erry Norman. BCYC: 3 An· das tar . Will Templeton. BYC : 4, Fa mily Feud , Ra lph Rodheim RCYC; 5. Breaker. Doug Teuhe BYC '

Newport Skipper Collegiate Champ

Long Beach Sta te Unive rsity s ailors with Bruce Ayres of Newport Beach at the helm of the Peterson·tWO·ton s loop Doe Patch won the In· dcpendt'nl ·P rcss Telegra m Trophy Sunday in a re · ga tla off Lon,g Beach hosted by Long He;i ch State.

The annual event 1s the big boat ch1tmp1onsh1p for Parific Coast intercollegiate sailors. . · Second was UC lrvine with Tom Burton skip­pering the Tartan·41 Mistress Ill . and third was USC with Scott Mason and Don Ayres Jr. or ~ewport Beach co·sk1ppering the 46.foot s loop

·High Roler.


Mondly. Febr\IMY 5, 1979 DAIL. Y PILOT A9

ClasS B Yachts Leading By ALMON LOCKABEV

Dellr f'INt _....,.., Wrttw

A-yacht race is.n'l always to the fas-.C&t boat. It •omelimea goe11 to the skipper and crew who choose the shortest, wisest or luckier course.

Secret Love, Green Hungariah and Bravura were sailed on a course close inahon where they picked up a brisk northeast breeu during the ni&ht hours. Their morniog position report placed them about 25 miles offshore from Eosenada.

That truJsm was demonstrated in the first 19 hours or sailing In the 1,125-mlle Marina del Rey to RAGTIME AND DRfli~ER, both lo the race Puerto Vallarta race Sunday when two Class B for first to f~lsh, apparently covered each other boats reported positions ahead or the Class A all night, seeking better winds oftshore and wound 1pet!datm up ln a ddftlna match lor several..b.ourJ.

Secret Love, a Class B entry skippered by. Winds off Ensenada were reported at about Bradley Herman of the host Del Rey Yacht Club five to 10 knots from the northeast Sunday mom· was showing the mos t distance under her keel at ~g . There was no forecast as to what wind direc· the 8 a m . Sunday roll call with 138 miles logged hon or velocity the racers could expect farther

O.lty f'llel \IMI - ince the l p.m . Saturday start. Secret Love Ls a down the Baja California co~ . Swan-44 s loop ~~~~~~~~~~---:.--~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~-

WINS SAILOFF Oennl• Durgan


AN EVEN WWER RATED CJass B yac)1t, Kris Kristoff's CF-41 Green Hungarian was show· m.R 132 miles. Irving Loube's Frers-48 Bravura, a Class A entry, bas logged 133 miles.

The va unted ultra · light displacement

Ca d speedsters, Ragime and Drifter reported positions

Plure de ad even, 126 miles from the start. The answer to the unusual circumstance ap· By Durgan peared to be a choice of course Saturday night.

Denn!H Durgan or the Aries Top Newport Harbor Yacht Club won the 10th and DP Racer f1na~ berth on th e Con g r ess ional Cup Aries. skipper ed by roster Sunday by defeat· Bob Burkhardt of the ing Mark Gaudio at the Dana P6inl Yacht Club, Bahia Corinthian Yacht was the Class A winne r Club, in a t ight three· Sunda)i , in DPYC 's race sail off out or the Midwinter Tuneup r e · Long Beach Yacht Club. g atta for Performance

The sailoff involved thr e e s k i pp e r s -Durgan , Gaudio and Jack Woodhall or the California Yacht Club. Gaudio d e f e at e d Woodhall in two or their t hr e e r aces, one of which was woo in the protest room.

Handicap Racing Fleet yachts.

Winner in Class B was Vulgar Boatman, sailed by Hugh Curran, DPYC; the Class C winner was El s oki n d . Harry Sprague, DPYC, and the winner in the No Spin · naker cJass was Puff, Tom,Adamson. DPYC.

Trophy winners In each


. !.I. Ltt . 1 111>~1 !>erv1ce T1mes1 .. 1s • I v~ Coor

ICall Store Nct4rest Your Ar1-6 I

COSTA MESA642-175J ls» Hew..-1 BIYcl.

¥1SSIOH \llEJ049s-()401 ?"22 ... a..•tt-

f n D F • ilt A Pt• • I

Durgan flew to Long Beach for t he sa iloff from Florida where he had been competing in the Southern Ocean Rae· ing Circuit. He defeated Gaudio in the final race by 20 seconds after a 58·second deficit a t the s tart.

Class : ' Jh1111Hloclt Collot" CLASSA - ' · ArlM: 1. Mas Reoiclo . T OILET TANK BALL

H o llywo od / Serdon•. D PY C • J, AudlKIOUs. M ike l(e11ntH1y, LAVC.

CLASS B 1. VUIQ81' Boelm&n . 1, H OIO 1(1111. Ak~ Reff. C8oo SVC J, On T11e W•'f. A l lfflMlll. C.PO eve

CLASS C 1 Eh.-lnd· 1. eo-l ef19IH, c.nos w 1111a ms. C.po eve 3, e 04 0 Forllts, Ed Cummln•. eve

NO S Ptll!NA l(£R I Putt l T,,m M • . Jao E lhotl C•PO 8 YC

The two yachts had an 7 *;Liiii:i e ig ht · m inule luffing match before the start of the race with Gaud io forcing Durgan over the line early, requiring him to res tart.

The efficient Water Master Tank ball lnsianlfy atopa lhe flow ol water alter llushlng every lime.




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Elvis Estate Sale Refused

By HANK GllANT .......... ~---It 's all systems go with a February camera

atart on Paddy Claayevsky'a " Altered States" epic for Columbia Pic-s. Signed to pick up the director reins zilcbed by Artltar Peu (don't ask me wby ) is bombastic British helmer Ken Rwssell. . . . CUnt Eastwood started the year with a new home buy in Mill Va~ley . While wife Maule keeps the home fires bum\ng in their million-dollar manse in Carmel? . . . Still Steady As They Go: Kaye S&evens & David B~kefeller Jr. . Ditto: thesps Katbarine Ross & Sam EIUoU <and will they get hitched after s he gets her final divorce papers ?) .. . . Them-That-Has-Gets Item : Brtglt&e Bardot's ex-hubby Gutber Saelta, whose daily income is about 30G§, totaled his winnings at the Monte Carlo gambling tables for 1978 and be came out ahead by 750Gs.

• • • The odds were on Sammy Davll Jr. to grab

the tiUe BW llobluon role in the forthcoming " &­jangles" biopic, but Mld•ael Jackaoa has grabbed it in.stead. His "Scarecrow" role in "The Wiz" did it .... Never Mind that Elvis Prt!sley 'a father turned down a $10 million dollar offer for bis late son's Graceland estate, Presley's home away from home in Palm

• Springs is on the sales block for ~ a mere 450Gs - a bargain price

01MaGG10 methinks , since the pad on about two acres is completely walled in with security gate, has five bedrooms and seven baths, an Olympic-size swim pool, sauna & steam room and a 30x40 music room - that's feet, not in­ches. . . . New Two You: TiDa Loa1ae & Art Roberts on a spaghetti spree at Dan Tana's .... Ditto Duo: comic Roger Belu & thrush SlleUa Aldridge. half of Welk'• Ald.ridae Sis· ters. . . . Producer Brad Marb bas chutzpah, to say the least. Even tbougb bis forthcoming " Movie Star and the Slugger" pie is the thinly disguised love of Marilyn Monroe for Joe DlMa111o, he's of­fering Joe a guest spot as judge on bis "National Collegiate Cheerleading Championship" spec for CBS.

* •• . Never mind that Robert Redford turned down

a quarter-million-dollar offer of a teleblurb rais­ing the pleasure of a new JApanese soft drink. Will he be able to turn down an offer directly pitched him by celeb broker Marty Inge ls of a million dollars from a natura l food manufacturer for a telly pitch, not emphasizing the product, but key environmental issues facing the country? How can environmentalist Redford re -fuse? ... in London, Dlaaa .... .. Don got a hefty advance of 70Gs from a British publisher for her memoirs after glomming a slzzl­ing oullme of her tome involving encounters with the llkes of Peter Sellen, Sopllla Lorea, Jou Collln.a and Paul Newman, among others .... My New York spy reports that But Reyaold.a dldn't waste many words explaining bis alleged dalliance with Candice Bergen to g .f. Sally Ftekt. He whisked her off to a fur emporium and gifted her with an $8,500 creole coat .

• • * Juliet Prowse will be getting the fir;m offer of

the title role in that "Superhuman" pie from New World Pies as a doll with even greater powers than Superman. . . . My studio spy reports that Universal Pies set­tled outta court scribe Sam Locke'• suit against them. Something about U. using a por­tion or portions of Sam 's "W .C." b iomusical for their " W.C. '1elda and Me" pie, star­ring Rod S&etger • ••. My Lon-

"ltOWSE doo spy reports that ••• Stewart was caught in the middle of a fracu between ex-sweetie Britt Eklalld and current sweetie Alana Hammon. Seems Brt\t waltaed across a crowded room at the Mayfair nttery to plant kisses on Rod from ear to ear. ADd wben Britt's ardor showed no sign of diminishing, Alana cooled her ofr by pouring a goblet of cbampape down her back - Dom Perignoo, of coune. Mak­ing it a small world item, indeed, sittlna at anotber table nearby, wu Rod's orig live-in 1.1. Dee Bar· rtngtoa.. . . . Also in Bllghty, not necessarily coin· cidentaJ with aes Barrlaon'a recent takinC of Mercla 'ftnker u bis 6tb wife, sth wife EllaaMdll ia planning to marry blzmao Peter Al&llet1 (who's 10 years her junior), but not unW his divorce comes through. Whic~ is the onb' decent thin& to do .•

Scouts to Sell ,· Special Cookies

The Gi~ Scout Council of Orance eo..ty will -eondud ita annual cootie Hle feb. 15 tb.roulb • · A box of cookies coats $1.25.

Orders wtll be taken dwina the aale da11 wltb deliveries belftC made from ilarcb ~to April 1.

Proteecb 10 to Girl Scout Pl'OP'ams ln Oraqe County.


' '

Rail Tax Refulld 'NiXed by €ounty

The South ro P•ciflc Rallroad clalma it ha• pa1d mono lhkn half a milUon dollara ln taxea that it 1houldn ' t have to the County of Oran1 .

But Oran ae C ounty Supervleo,.. have rejected the railroad • «Wm nd for ea $521,000 r fund

The rauroad cont@nds that ln· corrttct aueum nt practices used by t.lw t"OUDty from t974 to 1971 lt'ft It overtaxed. During those yean, the firm paid $1 .9 mllllon in prol)i!rty taxes in Orange County


Westminster Man Honored

A 20-yea r -old Wes tminster man has been named Goodwill worker of 1979 by the Goodwill Industries of Orange County.

Counsel Laurence Watson ad· v\aed the county Board of Supervllors that the rallroad's claim relates to policies ror as­seHlng railroad property that are aet down by the s tate Board o( Equalization. lt's a statewide issue, he noted

County s upervisors aareed, denying the clalm md telling Southern Pacific. In effect. to seek relief elsewhere.

&try Forms Now Available ~rtists and craftsmen who

would like lo participate in the 1979 Laguna Beach Winter Festival can pick up exhibitor entry forms af the Chamber of Commerce.

The 16th annual festival, in­cluding an Artisan's Faire, opens Feb. 16 on the FesUval of Arts grounds.

Display space is reserved on a " first-paid" basis and the $85 ex­hibitor fee covers all 17 days of the winter event.

Innocent P lea Entered in 14 Robberies

A 21-year-old Westminster roofer hu pleaded lnnoceat to charges that be robbed 14 West Orange County 1aaollne stations with the aid or a teen-age girl and netted $800 ln loot.

• Raymond John Edward Tarbell has been ordered to face a Feb. 14 bearing to detennine ti be will stand trial for robberies in Huntington Beach, Fountain Valley, Westminst er, Garden Grove and Santa Ana.

IT IS ALLEGED that Tarbell, .armed with a pellet gun, and his 14-year-old driver, robbed sixst.a­tionsin31At hours Jan. 25.


The palr were arrested Sun­day night at a Huntington Beach gas station police staked out because it has been robbed three times in the oast month.

WEST ORANGE County Judicial District Judge John Wyatt Wednesday set bail for Tarbell at $100,000 and assigned a publicdefendertoaidhim.


Faees Life

Teen Gitilty Of Slaying

An El Modena teenager bas beeo found guilty of first-degree murder for stabbing a Norwalk man to death after be refused to buy the youth beer.

Tony Mendoza Romero, 17, who was trted before an Orange County Superior Court Jury as an adult-. faees a possible Ufe term ln prisoo, ma.king him eligible for parole in seven years.

Romero ls one of three teenagers charged with stabbing Jose Louis Nuno 26 tJmes last April as be sat in bis car outside a n El Modena bar.

Co-defenda nts Randy Moreno and Roy DeRaro, both 18, face trial later tbls month.

County Seeking Return of Fees

Orange County Supervisors think the state of California bas overcharged the county $2.8 million for handling lbe automobile registrations of county residents.

Supervisors plan to file a claim with the state Department or Motor Vehicles to get back the money given to the state from July 1, 19'10 to June

Rene Demers, who is mentally retarded and s uffe r s from e pilepsy , was chosen for the honor from among 1,122 other handicapped people served by the rehabilita tion facility last year.

Demers is employed by Peck . Laboratories, Inc., of Huntington Beach.

For more information, call the chamber at 494-1018. The Winter Festival runs from Feb. 16 to March 4. Hours are 10 a .m. to s

30, 1978. ' The teen-age girl. whose lden· . According to county staff' members, the $2.8

lily was oot released, bas been - 'million is part of a total of $9 million in excessive lodged in Orange County~ administrative charges levied by the DMV

p.m . -. .... ,Juvenile Hall"] statewide.

Are )'OU a "cookie-:jar"saver? Some old-fashionl'd ideas are never out-of-dare.

Like saving money. Bui, with lhe cookie-jar or bank-occount

approach 10 saving. you arc always rempll'd to take out money almost as often as vou put it in. J\nd vou nc\'er scl'ffi to ha\•c lhc Dig Money \vhcn you finally need ii mosl.

Thc price tags on che things you're saving for-a new home, college, retirement, a business-arc a lready high a nd getting higher. Way out of the cookie­jar cfoss. So a i.avings plan where your

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At Imperial, we'll give you a &ySlematic plan for saving.

With our high interest rates on savings. and rhe many servi~s Imperial now offers. saviqg is an old-fashioned idea whose time has come.

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And your money will be safe. But, most important, you'lf have lhe Big

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Money when the time comes. S3 billion behind you. 90 offices. Telephone

transfer and more. So don' I ger caught wilh your hand in the

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Saving. An Old-fa11hionftl id.:a whotte lime luut com~.

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,, INSIDE: •Stocks •Radio

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•Television •Entertainment

-~-, ......... QUICK CHANGE - Julius Erving of the East changes directions as Kareem Abdul-Jabbar <33 ) of the West snags a rebound in the NBA All-star game Sunday in Pontiac, Mich .

Mandly. Ftb"*Y 5, 197'9 DAIL.\' PILOT


Will Carew Put Halos Into the World Series? By WICK TEMPLE

•~'-"1·•--1'h trade of batting champion Rod

Ca rew from Minnesota to California set· tlea baseball 's most bitter offseason at.rur· gle and leaves the grand old game with o ne of Hs s habbiest, If fascinating , memories.

talent that should eventually come together.

The Twins get four players \hat are far from being household words and the reputation of a team that will never be a contender .

- The Yankees avoid what could have


sald. " Minnesota would bave been better off.taking the deal the Yankees wanted t.o give them."

But Carew kllled off that chance by bad· mouthing the Yankees , owner Calvin Griffith Into a corner. Carew could play out his option this year and w a lk away , leaving the Twins with nothing. He had set a Monday deadline for a tra d e which Is a prlvllege under

It alao may prepare Gene Autry 's Angels to challenge George Steinbrenner's New York Yankees for domination of the American League.

been a disaater with another reluctant baseball's new player rights situation.

ADDING UP THE WINNEas and losers in Saturday's deal : -Carew iot $4 million ancf a chance tOt

play on a pennant contender. - The Angels get a solid - if aging (33 >

- bitter to add to a lineup of free-aaent

A/ ter Slwoting 77

superstar they don't need anyway. - The fans may be a UtUe tired of the STEINBRENNER PULLED the

yapping or all these big-money baseball Yankees out of the Carew bidding Satur· people. day a fter read ing Carew 's comments

about lbe New.York"owner and the Yankee WHITEY HERZOG, manager of the clubhouse a rguments.

Kansas City Royals, got in the best crack So Griffith took four players - out-in the post-trade quotations sweepstakes. fielder Ken Landrea ux, pitchers Paul " The Angels d:• ·o 't l!ive...:u::!·:_"..:h.:.:e:.__ _____ See~..:...AN;_G_E_~_...:.•_P_a=.1e_B3 ____ _

Hinkle Felt Like a Loser

PEBBLE BEACH <AP ) - Things were golng so bad for Lon ~ Hinkle that his competitors - the men who were trying to beat him - were feeling sorry for him.

" 1 didn't thlnk I had a chance." he said. Somehow. with the famed Pebble Beac~ Golf Li~s taking i~s

exacting toll of the challengers, Hi~le survlved a sp~~ fmg~r. his own 77 and " the worst looking putting you ever saw lo wm the Bing Crosby National Pro-Am in a three-man sudden death playoff. He did it by s inking bis only birdie of the day on the third hole.

iThompson Stars

" THIS PROBABLY WAS the toughest day I've ever had," the emotionally drained Hinkle murmured Sunday after he 'd holed a 10-footer to turn back Mark Hayes and Andy Bean in the playoff that was blacked out lo half the country.

CBS went to regula r programming in the eastern and central time zones while the playoff was in progress. Highlights were shown later in the night of one of golf's s tranger tournaments. i Balance of Power

Shi/ ts to the West PONTIAC, Mich. <AP l - The National Basketball Associa·

\ion 's All-star game may have helped dispel the myth that the Western Conference is dominated by big but plodding players

Arter 6-Cool-3 David Thompson or the Del'\ver Nuggets SCOTM 25 points, led the West to a 134-129 triumph and earned lbe game's Most Valuable Player honors Sunday. Wesl Coach Len Wilkens or the Seattle SuperSonics said : " People have said that lhe West tea ms have been big and slow. I thought we were big but not s low ·

" TIDS GAME GOES TO SHOW that the balance or power Is • not s trictly in the East. as people have thought," Wilkens said.

1t was Thompson. Denver's thlrd-year forward , who supplied the power Sunday. Thompson, who missed the only All-star prac· tal'e Saturday because his plane arrived late, was the runaway star

' of the run-and-gun contest . ~ " [ thought David had an outslandinR 2ame." said WilkPiflS. ··1

would concur with the MVP voting. 1 tbouBhl he deserved ll. For Washington Coach Dick Motta, who handled the East. the

1 git me had more fun than disappointment.

" I LEARNED A LOT about other people I compete against {or a living, .. he said . " If a fan didn 't gel what he came for today. he's not really a fan . There were stuff shots and there was great in· dividual play. It was not a guard's game."

With most or the world 's best players under one roof, and the teams taking only a token practice, it was inevitable that the game would bt> an offensive show.

" Usually the team that comes in and takes the tempo takes the ga me ... Wilkens said. " I think that's what we did."

Hinkle started with a S shot lead, p.ut blew it in eight holes. Hayes had a three-shot lead at 'one lime . He blew it in 90 • i• ' seconds with a four-putt green. ••l~;-~ Jtean had a chance to win it all, after

• starting the day eight shots back. Hinkle came from three behind

without beneffl or a birdie t.o gain a spot in the playoff.

" I was sweating blood," be said.

BEAN SHOT A CLOSING 69 and Hayes had a par 72 - despite the four-putt disaster - to tie Hinkle at 284, four strokes under par, at the end of the regulation 72 holes.

All three made routine pars on the first extra hole. Bean went out with a bogey on the next one and Hinkle failed on

MINUS ANO OAUOMTU a three-fool birdie pull that would have won it. On the thlrd playoff hole, the par three 17th that juts into the surf of Carmel Bay. Hlokl~ fmally took lt wltb a lO·fool birdie putt. the first he'd m ade .

. Essentially, it was a tournament of missed opportunities.

HINKLE APPEARED to have it wrapped up after three rounds. But he suffered a dry-skin split In the m iddle finger of his r ight hand before starting the final round. He put a bandage on it and prompUy jerked a shot out of bounds on the first hole.

" It was like an omen," he said. He bogeyed three in a row starting on the sixth. By the eighth

the gulet Hayes had a share of the lead. By the nth be led by two and , when Lon bogeyed the 14th, Hayes led by three.

" I was just plugging along feeling sorry for Lonnie," Hayes said later. " Now I gµess l don'thaveto."

HAYES GAVE THE LEAD away almost immediately. He hooked into a bunker on the 15th, came out to six reel and took rour ----------'See~;...:BINKL=-' E, Page BZ

A~W ........

AGONIZING PUTT - Andy Bean reacts as his putt miss­es the cup on the 18th hole at Pebble Beach Sunday. The birdie would have given him the win in the Bing Crosby pro-am. Instead, he lost in a playoff to Lon Hinkle.

THE EAST WAS HURTING, be said, because it had only three gua rds in its ll·man lineup and lacked the quick backcourt which might have been able to s top the West 's fast breaks.

" We were trying to push the ball down the court. as fast as we could." Wilkens said.

So even though the wind-chm factor made it 19 degrees below zero oatside the Silverdome, the court was red-hot. And the 31,745 fans at the giant stadium loved it

Jeranko Hot in DurangQ. Thompson a nd guard Paul Westphal or the Ph<>t:nix Suns

topped the West with 14 a nd 13 points, respectively. in the first half as the w10ners built an 80-58 lead. The East pulled to within five points early in the final period. but Thompson scored four baskets in the last fi ve minutes to put the victory away.

THOMPSON COLLECTED 76 of a possible 114 MVP votes from the s ports writers and broadcasters in attendance. The Ea s t ' s Juliu s Erving o f P hiladelphia was the runnerup with 29 votes.

The West 's 80 points in the firs t half were six short of the Atl·slar game record for a half, set by the 1962 West squad. The team tied a pair of game records with 19 fi eld goal attempts in the second quarter a nd 35 in the first half

* * W"'11MI

M. JotlMOn McGIM IS AllduhJor Tllom­WHlllMI BlnftollCI

°""'' GllM0<'9 D.~ Lll<M Slktn•


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EX-occ Product Sparkles for Fort Lewis By JORN SEVANO

Of U. O.tlf'f ~Ii.I le.ff Located in the southwest cor·

ne r of Colorado, the city or Durango isn't particularly noted for lls basketball team. .

Yet, one college- Fort Lewis or the Rocky Mountain Athletic Conference-is t rying to do its bes t to change that image.

After a successful 21·7 cam· paign last year which netted the Raiders a berth ln the district playoffs, the school- with an enrollment of 3,000-ls on the verge of repeating the feat again this season.


Orange Coast product , is being given much of the credit for the team's fortunes the pasl two years. ·

Jeranko, a 6·7 forward-center , is currently leading his team· mates in rebounding (9.5) and r anks fourth in scoring (11.9>. As a j unior, he averaged eight boards and 13 points.

" It's good competition here, a lot better than 1 expected," said Je ranko by phone Crom Durango.

" l'VE BEEN PRE1TY happy with my playing here so far, and the personnel on the team is a lot better this year .

Confere nce," sa)s the biology m ajor who's pointing towards dental school al the Universll~ or Colorado. ~

"WE'VE PLAYED the U'nlversity or Wyoming and tbe University of Colorado this year and held our own. The greatest difference ls depth and size."

Jeranko's hoping his brother Dave, the starting quarterback for the OCC football team ~ year will move to Colorado after occ.

Baker £aptures Crosby Southern . Jeranko fled the warm regions

of Orange County for the snowy confines of Colorado following his freshman year at OCC. The Pirate coach , Herb Livsey, was reassigned after the basketball season and J eranko thought it was a good time to make a change.

" He (Dave> just left here from a little skiing vacation. I think he enjoys the area and would like t o plar in Colorado. som e where .· said his older brother. " I know they've offered him a sc holar s h i p here already.' '

Who knows, maybe ii Da~ shows up at Fort Lewis the little southwest city of Durango can become one of the s ports capitals of Colorado. By HOWARD L. HANDY

OI \fie Deity l"ttet 1 .. "

Bobby Baker lsn 't exactly a household name on the PGA golf tour but he ls happy he came to the Orange Coast area to participate In the Crosby Southern touma· ment at Irvine Coast Country Club this weekend.

Baker, a tourlng pro who bas bad lo qualify twtce for the privilece of playing on the tour, fired his second straight two­under-par 69 Sunday lo capture first place and his blqest payday as a pro on a brl1bt, clur day.

BAKER PICKED tJP the fint place check or $2,900 for winnillC the Crosby Southem. Ke lt•d only won Sl ,4~ total pro·

vlously, $1,200 coming with a 19th place tie lo the 'Buick Open last yea r. ·

Unlike his opening round Saturday. Baker was the model or consistency Sun· d ay , firing 16 pars and two birdies. He had sbared the lead with his Sunday playing ~ro partner. Barney Thompsori alter the first round or play.

Baker won the tournament on the final hole when he collected his second birdie. He hit a driver and four-wood to the green, then two-putted from 65 feet on the par· five hole. The other bird came on the 10th hole.

HE RAD BEEN TIED wtlh Thompson and Roger Calvin before the 18th, all al three under par. Calvin and Thompson finlshed Ln a Uo for second place.

" I tried not to think about playing Thompsqn." Baker said . " J bad talked myself lnto not worrying about what he was dolng. I felt if 1 did my job, 1 would wln .

" The group I played with today was ex· cellenl. There was a feelln1 ln the group that everyone was pu1Un1 for the other guy and that included Barney.

"IT-S NICE TO SEE your partner and the other two players pulling ror you. Claude Akins <the actor> i1 as fine a gentleman as I have met and my partner Bob Cunard was super." Baker sald the course played 1 little easier on Sunday and

· scores would auu t to tbla fact. " It was a littl e easier and the 1reens were

See BAKER, Pa1e .. 8Z I

" I had bad several offers rrom other schools and I just wanted to get out of the s tate," he explained.

u1 LIKE IT UP here. It's nice although there's an awful kit. Ot snow. 1 have no regrets, the only thing I miss is the warm weather."

The- Raiders are pre5ently 13-8 overall and in a good position to tnake the district play0Cf1 for the second straight year.

·' I think we ' re as good as some of the letm• tn the WAC

JlanJelbeck Injured During Bicycle Ride • PHILADELPHIA CAP) -New Enaland Patriots ll&ht end Don Haseelbeck was iniured to­day ln the llrlt hour of the 1\11 KcG raw Bicycle Caravan It - a l,300·mile bicycle trip to Florida for the MUICWll' Dystrophy M · eoclation.

Detalla of the 1ccident wwe unavellable from police o:r ho1pltal offlclala .


., ~


A C.,tule Report From the World of Spoftt

Ang I Tick t

Aft r Car w ales Zoom

• • • cqu1s1t1on TIKI canromla An&fl had hardly eompteted Ill

lbe d al lo brin1 Rod Care here for tho 1979 rnon wh n lh bOo licl~ .. tea alarted to

ioom upwanla Sunda.v Tho Mc la Opt"M°d lMir Anahetm Stadium llcket or

ftce to lake advanLa1e of the intere t 1teneraled by the: tradl· &And IK"t a one--day dub rtt01'd by Hllln• 131.

Tho 131 a.son duuu translated lo approximately ~.000 and brln,a the s.alea to 6,~7 23 more than las t ytoar'a club ~rd

" I think the atrnllacant thins about Sunday '' sale, " U · s1stant lJcket d1~tor Bob Tenes e.aid, " is that It wu mostly to fomlUes and Individual.a. We won't s tart to bear from the business community unlll today."

Caneer tt't•• •••~• Pl•fl ere.,• RANCHO MIRAGE - JoAnne Carner l!I

wishes the Ladies Professional Golf Association would stage more match play tournaments. The other tourine pros are probably thankful there's . only one. ·

Playing d~vaalating golf tn the bead ·to-head compeli­t1.on . 9amer j iwepl to her second consecutive cham­pionship In the Triple Crown with a 4-and-3 victory over Pat Bradley Sunday at Ml~ien.Hills Country Club.

"'Let's m,a~~~all the LPGA tournamenta play," a ~millng earner said after she collected the $23 ooo fi rst prue check '

The 39-year-old Carner , who clidn't join the LPGA tour unW she was 30, posted (our decisive victories in her Tri~e Crown malcbea, wtnning every one without ever having to play the final two holes

-----q..,e •I f lw Da11,-----


Arcbaic Stockton Convention Center. which seata 2,900 for UDiversily of Pacific home basketball games and bas a theater stage at one eod 0( the court. bas drawn a variety o( expletives for ita p it· Uke quality. Add to the lilt Utah State Coach Olde~ Belaap, who gave this reply wben asked if his team waa awed by ita bi.story : " Well, they certainly should have been. You know, Llncolo was abot here."

• • ,.., iw • ., .... ... ., .. 6ertd8Ula • •• Three-lime Wambledon champion BJora •

Borg capped bis com eback from a six week layoff with a 6-'!l, 6-1 romp over G11Wermo VUaa fl for the championship of the Richmond tennis classic . . . Fired up after three losses to Tracy Aatlb, lop·seeded Martina Navratilova successtully defended her championship with a 6-3, 6-4 victory over the 16-year-old In a women's professional tournament .... Vilas Genalaltls dereated Butch Walts 6-2. 6-2 to capture a Grand Pri x tournament at North Little Rock

B '4ac!lc a • .,,,. R a ll11 r .. i ••i.•der• Rookie Tim Higgt.n.s denected a SO·foot ~

slap shot by Doag Wilson midway iD the third , period only 66 se<:<>nds after teammate Gran\. Malvey had tied the game as the Chicago Black Hawks captured a 5-4 National Hockey League victory over the New York Is landers Sunday ..• Pierre Mondoo's firs t ~ bat trick powered the Montreal Canadiens to a com e-fro m -be hind 8·4 victory over tbe Washington

Capitals ... Second period goals by Glen Slaarpley and Steve Payne broke a 3·3 lie and led the Minnesota North Stars lo a 6-4 victory over the Toronto Maple Leafs . . . Don Saleskl, Tom Gorence and Reggie Leacb scored a goal aplece within t.wo minutes of the m iddle period to give the Philadelphia Flyers a 7 -4 win over Atlanta . . . Rookie defenseman WUUe Haber had two goals and two assists and Vaclav Nedomansky also scored twice

McNu as Detroit routed Pittsburgh, 8-3 . .. Rene Robert's goa\ at the 12:14 mark of the third period was the winner and be added another into an empty nel in the final seconds as the Buffalo Sabres defeated the SL Louis Blues, 3-1 . . Rick Mlddleton and Peter McNab fired goals 37 seconds apart in the fourth minute of the firs t period and the Boston Bruins went on to a 6-1 lriumph over the Vancouver Canucks.

F'1'• B ....... 11 FlaWae9 Tldrd OTHER SPORTS Fountain Valley's Jack Babaaboff

finished third lo lbe SO-meter freestyle as Americans dom inated a three-day intematieal swim meet which ended Sunday in Amersroort, Netherlands by winning 11 or the 22 events. Jim Montgomery won three events for the U.S. with Babasboff second lo him in th e 100 free .. . Alexis Arguello of Nicaragua knoc ked Alfredo Escalera down three times and stopped the Puerto Rican challenger in the 13th round to retain h is WBC junior lightweight title . . . Beth Heiden won the world speed skating overall title in the Hague, Netherlands, only the second U.S. woman lo accomplish the feat. when she cap­tured the 3,000.meter c rown lo go with her 500, 1,000 and I.500 titles. Later, her brother Erle Belden, a six-time world champion, swept all !our distances in the men's s peed skating competition al Orebro, Sweden ln the World Cup . . . Baseball Commissioner Bowie Kubn celebrated his loth anniversary in the sport by presenting two awards :i t thP New York writers dinner . He presented one award to Ralpb Hoak and the other to New York Yankee ground crew chief, Jimmy Esposito . .. Although Miam i is on the NBA list or possible expansion sites, a newspaper report ln· dicates that entrepreneur Mel Blam has a s tring of dis­satisfied credllors to match his slrin~ of promises.

Te~Radlo Following are the maJor sp0rts events on televlslon

t onight. Ratings are: ./ ./ ./ ' excellent ; ' .t .1 worth watching : .f .t fair; .t forget It. \

(s2 J 5 p.m •• Ch•nnel 52 ./ ./ v COl.LEGE BASK ET BALL: Loyola at Notre Dame. Announc«s: Tom Hawkins and Ray Carveles.

Notre Dame's (1S-2) No. t rated Fighting Irish host the Loyola University Ramblers C6-11 >out of 1 lllnols.

Two former area stars are members of the Loyola team lncludlfl9 starter Dan Bush from Golden West and top re· serve Tim Shaw from Saddleback Coll999.

Rich Branning, a graduate of Mar ina High, ls a starter f or Notre Dame.

8 p.m •• Ch•nnel 5 ./ ./ ./

COLLEGE BASKETBALL: USC at Oregon State Announcers : Mike Walden and Pete Newell.

use <&-2, 13-6) attempts to move Into a tie for first place In the Paclflc· 10 Conference wi th UCLA at Oregon State <M 13·-6> tonight. '

Cliff ~OblnSOf'I leads the Trojans who hope to make Fri-day night's battle with the Bruins at Pauley Pavllfon a showdoWn tor t he conforence championship.

RADIO Basketball - use et o~ St6te, a p.m •• K Fl <640> •

Washington State at Athletes rn Action. 8 p.m., KYMS c106 FM >.


p ,...p-aJ

BAKER • •• amoot.ber," he said . " And there wasn't !Dr. wind u.ntll the fiAal two bola. '

About hi.a birdie on the 18th bole to wrar. up the ehamplonabip. be Hld: 'I left it shorter than I wanted to and I was glad to get it down in two." Kl.I final putt was for about six feet.

BAUR SAID BE PLAYED very poorly last year on 1be tour. b1a card by not mak­ing enough money, then regain· tng lt at the last quallfyrna school.

"I bad a poor swing aod took some leuooa from my teacher in Houatoo, Jack.son Bradley. I reel I now have a better un· deratanding or the swing and have positive thoughts. I'm real happy with the results here and feel J can eet inlo contention on the lour,"

Thompson got off to a bad s tart. three bogies on the first five boles before com­ing back with birdies on the next two.

" I was under a tree on the first bole. three-putted the par. three fourth and missed the green on the ftfth." be said. "" ........ I• 1$1,6001_...,.,., BMw. ~.

,,. Cl1.2)Sl-e.mey Thom-.... 70; A~

DAYTONA DRIVER CHANGE • Newport Beach's Ted Field takes over from Costa Mesa's Danny Ongais during the closing

.,. .......... hours of the Daytona 24-bour r ace Sunday. The duo with Hurley Haywood, won the mara thon event in a Porsche.

, .... 1 ... 11 .... UO l"°'I~ Nie._, n..._ UI CUISl-Jeff H-. J0.11. 1'1 1'51151-0.W l!l«ber. 71-71; hter Clwpifi,

JO.n. 10 ("441.fOl-ttodly 'Tllclm9son. , .... ; Georoe

C•dl• . 14· • • : 8ob Z•1tder, 10· 11 ; L•"Y ~. 11.n.

Ongais P~oves a Point lo IU:141 - 0wlOllt N•vll, 14· 70 ; Oen1tl9

Svlllve1t, 7•10: Mw'& Lye. 7•70. 14S 1'11'1.»l-OoftHel~. 14-lt ; e.i.-.

n.11. U6 IUMl-rld Voellll, 7S.11 ; S.... Tr-.

n-1'; °"'' a..1<. 1s.11: ~ ,__.,, n -1•: J-y J--.,1•n.

147 Cll171--0<9Q ""-"· 811ddy ~. llllt M11rc lllS01t, Mer • M llte. Chip Bee•, To1ty HOlllflelcl.y

THE nRST QUESTION to Ongals was. " Whal went wrong?"

"Nothing, " he responded blandly.

H aywood . a veteran en­durance driver from Jackson· ville, Fla. , who won lbls race for

F ,....Page B J

HINKLE • • • putts. He missed a D" 18·Jncb second putt and ran it seven feet by the cup. And he missed that one . Bean birdied at about the sam e time and it was a three· way Ue for the lead, setting up the playoff.

The victory, Hinkle's second on the PGA tour, was worth $54,000 from the total purse of $300,000. Hayes and Bean each won $26,400.

Tom Watson, winner of the two previous Crosbys, never r eally got In the chase Lhis time. He finished with a 71 and wasweU backat292.

70**77- lM '2·1').'°'41t-lM 1a.1w.n - a. 11 .... ,..~-1"10·1').n-a. n .1 .. 10-11- n1 .,.,,.1 __ m 10.l'0-1•1•-­, .. n .... 1>-M 12·1l-10-T>- -11 ·1'1-1'"11- 21' 1'1-10-1).11- M 13-10-IHl- 1" ...1J.n.,._,.. 10-1"1»4-M

- n .n.n.16-191 1s.~n-m 11 ·11•11·1.,_,., 11·1'·1WJ--2'1 14-12•13-N- 2'1 7'·1S.72•H- 2'1 11·1 .. 1>-'1- 1'! 1s.n.11.1J-2ft 13-11·1"'1......,,., 7NM>PO-m 11.1 .. 13-n- m 11. r1.1 .. n- m ,,., .. , .. 10-m lf.11-1 .. 1...m 10-1).14-1 .... ,., , •. , ...,.l'l-4'J ,,., .. ,.,~ 1"' .. 7>7.,_,.. 7).10-,.71- "4 IMS.,..11 ...... 1S.7WS.,,_... 71.,.,, .. ,,_,.. ... ,,.,..,,_.,.. ,..,,.,.~ ... ,s.,,.,.._,.. ,.., ..... ~ 1>11·1• 1?-M 1J.IJ.~ 7471.,..~ 1MJ..I .. ,...... 1~

the fourth time and has won at LeMans, supplied the answer :

" Danny came on the radio and said the turbo had packed in. The crew chief made a qu.lck de­cision and told Danny to pull up and wait until the checkered n ag falls and come over the line."

JAPANESE DR IV ERS Yoshimi Kay a ma , Yojlro Tereda and Takasb.i Yorloo took fifth . 1be American driving team of Walt Bohren of Flemingf.oo, N .J .; Jim Downing of Atlanta and Roger Mandeville of Spartan· burg ,S.C. was s ixth.

....._._ 173 tl6SOl-.clly ~. J im ~les

llllo C-Vofll• : 1'4001 · OIOf\t Nevll. Geor9e •Y- 19i. CMt'tOf\ I. • --.,..-,off.

121 IUOO I 0•1t fl 9' S11lllw•"• Jo1'11t1t" Ille..___ •Bio ea....-1. 126 1\\4.Sl-U.. - · .W-... Helpefln ClliQ

Cen\'Oft I ; T_,,., "'°"'"• 8141 ICe41eY IS.Clco\tl. 111 ISUIOI "'°"" (Mvlft, JKk HNd 11-...

W.110 . ,,. 1\1151 s.rn ,,.....,, Wiii u ...... - f8'Q c.

..,_.' : T-Hol•lfleld. ""11lletous0411knnu •

~downey Second POMONA <AP> - Bob Noice wasn' t an

a rtistic champion , but a s the 40-year-old veteran from Van Nuys put It, " Racing's 75 percent car a nd it's the driver and luck after that. ··

Noice had his sha re of good fortune in upset· ting defending cha mpion Kelly Brown , Shirley Muldowney a11d Rob Bruins in winning the top fuel eliminator category in the 19th annual Winterna· tionals drag races at the Los Angeles County Fair· grounds Sunday.

Noice dereated the heavily favored Muldowney in the semifinals when the latter s moked her tires al the starting line. In the finals, Noice beat Bruins when the Bremerton , Wash., driver was forced out with a stripped ruel line.

The 29-year-old Bruins took out low qualifier Gary Beck of El Toro, in the other semifinal when Beck 's engine erupted in names j ust before the finish of their two-car heat.



THEODORE ROBINS LEASING CO. 2060 Hcnor R lmFA[Sl 642-00 I 0 Costa Mesa ~ 54M21 I

Daily Pilot circulation sale s superviser A. Foster Ouellet congratulates carrier Pat Dyson on winning a 10-speed bicycle.

Pilat Carrier Wins Bicycle Dally Pilot carriers face the re·

allllea of business - both good and bad.

They win and lose by managing their own businesses.

P ay Dyson, 12. recently won a tO·speed bicycle for his efforts as a Dally Piiot carrier.

Two months before , however . his other bike was stolen , so he walked his route for that time .

The seventh g rade r at Lincoln School lives In Corona del Mar, where he plays baseball .

He has a ttracted and maintained 78 customers on his route during his one year or delivering the Daily Pilot.

tr you are a boy or girl al least 10 years old and would enjoy earning your own money and opportunities to visit Disney land , Catalina and other a rea attractions. call our circulation department al 642-4321, or mall the coupon to Circulation Dept. Dally Pilot, P .O. Box 1560. Costa Mesa, CA 92626.


--------------------------------Mall To: Orange Coast Dally Pilot P .0 . Box 1500. Co ta Mesa CaJlromla 92626

Yes! I'd like to find out more about beinE: a Daily Pilot newspaper carrie r





"''· . --------------------------------

DAILY PILOT 642-4321

, '




~kl all College Basketball

Lessard' s Play Leath Kings, 4-1

Fullerton Upset

By San Jose St. OE~VER • AP 1 lo A~~I Co th 6ob Bfrry credit· ~ floe ,.-un from rooklt- aoah~ M • rio ~WU'd and a t.rona at fon11vo fimsh ,for th t\ln1r1' 4 1 Natiooat HU<"kty U. tu«! v1cwry ovtr Cbft Boektt

L('i. ard i.toppttd 30 '>f 31 t'olorudo 11ho1i; ~undu\ nt(lht , .ii lowing onJy B rry B <'k '• 3$.lout pa t ham at 6:0S of lht' 'econd ptonod for a hort hved 1 0 Roc~u.·~ lt>.-d Thl' l\ ln91 re now 12 ~6 \\Ith Lff rd a.b lht.•tr go11 k4! per U\111 t>a1'Qn

" t\ t: AMt; 0 trong tonaahl an the Uurd l't'rlod \\ nh 13 i.hob JU t Hiio,• " e did lot n1Mht ag:un t the Han~ers I 17 bbot~ 10 beat New York 4 2 1," n~rry 11~1d ··our jiloalle 1 Le~l>drd, olayed a l"l'<tl rme game ..

He said thl' Kings h•h e been 1>lay1n11 wt-II on tht' road Thl'v nre 9 9-1 In 19 road gamt!S sance Jun 1

The Klngs are now three points aheud of Pittsburgh in the batt le for SN'ond place in the Norris Div1s1on white the Rockies remain in the Smythe Division cellar, one point behind St Louis

ROCK I ES· COAC H Ald.o Guidohn said his team made a good effort, but, "Tonight was Just a tough s truggle. You- get games lake that once in a while. ll 's kind or like kicking a field

* * * lo·"-~ o 1 1 • COIOr- 0 I 0 1

Fl"t ~lcld N- P•.,•lllr\ M•ll-i Col I 03 M~t10, L A I " \11>,, 8o•mtt< Col

" OJ Seto"" P•rlod I Co•o ••Oo B• r lt. 11

tG•r- 5c>ru<•I. 6•CK 1. l~ A,..,.IH. T.11¥ '°' lO <M.,ntt>r ~1." o. 3. lo• •~IM 1e ... 1 "lll>O'o D W1l'IOftl 16 )Cl l>fo,,.tlly Kiie ....... COi, • O?

1 n• rd l'f<"od • . l°' An90'le\. s,1,.,.,,.r ' 10~ ~ty l 10 31 S. lO. A"'l"lrS. ~ 1._ IMurl>tlv P,.,,,,., 1, 1' Sii ~rwlllo Sim· ....,,, LA.• .lS. Cotor-ti.nc11 W>rW'dbyWuc•

13 '*' 5 1101\ Of\ 90<01 Los AnQelu IC).14-13 37 (l>for-S 17 U JI

f·O!ltul\ lo' AnQ('lf"\ '-"'' nrd (OIOf4'0o Plo•"f' A 6 911

Hockey, Basketball Standings

Hockey lflttleooel MKU• ._._ c. ......... ~.

~.,.kit. Olvhi...

N•wVor'• t•le-...~ Nr.,Yon11-~

All•"'• Pl\11-l llM&

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Basketball NellOft~I 8ltUl•INll Attft

EHtefll Conttr~<t

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Sen Anll>"'O H Ou\tOf't

•11en•• , ........ rid l)fofrOll N-Orlt..,,

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,..,, 111·,

·'" 1l'1 .MO 164'>

.ses .s..o 1'' .S?t 3 lt?IO ~s ,,,, 311 u

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Midwelt Olvltleft ,, ?II .608

1nc11 ..... M 11 ... " " .. ( Ille-

'\e•lll'I' l~ Anotle\

""°""'" s. .. o...., Portl­Go"'-'1Slai.

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~e<HIC OM'*'


,. ,. J1 70 )1 70 ,, '1 7• 7S " ~

..,, 6U .) .is i 500 • 4'° • • )

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NllA ""·SI .. Geml' ~I 1114, EHi 12' .......... ~ No oemn scllNlt1te1 ,_, .• o. ..... Sa,. AlltOfllo at L~ ,.,,.. .. , $eenlt .ot ~ YOf11 80lt0fl el All.tllla New .J~MY 9t Clewlancf ll\Cll-8'Clllcato 0.tfOll .tt "°"''"" P~nt• ei ""'11.t'ld

C<l I and rumn.i the C'ro b11r " o.,,. Taylor'a J)()Wl'r play goal at 1 ·08 of U1e etond period c\ened the l l l 'ommy W1U1&m1 ~rt'd the ao aheod Quul al 18 $0 of ttw mlddh• penod on a rebound ahot by lk:rt Wl~on CharJu.• Simm<>r pul thll 1'.ln ahead 3 I Wllh hiK 80D1 al 10 37 of the third period and Steve Jen.cwn wound up the scor in.: with four aecond rt•ma1rung

Ct'nttl" Mar~I Dlonn,. and d • ren ~man Ratndy M'ry each had :l paJr of u~1t.t~ for tht• Kings

AffirIDed No Longer lnSlmnp

ARCADIA (AP> AfCirL has recovered from his s lump and trainer La z Barre ra no longer has his JOb in jeopardy. but jockey Steve Cauthen is still s idelined.

Barrera named Laffit Pincay to ride the 1978 Triple Crown­winning Affirmed in the $232,500 Strub Slakes for the 4-year-olds at Santa Anita Sunday. and the pair breeud to a JO-length vic­tory.


From AP Dlapatclles SAN JOSE - Junior guard Michael Mendez poured in 20 points

and set a new school free throw record to lead San Jose State to a n up11et 84-80 victory over conlen!nce-leadlng Cal State Fullerton Sunday nigbtin Pacific Coast Athletic Assn. basketball .

Mendez, 6-3, made all eight frtt throws be attempted to set the record. In all, San Jose State made 23 of 25 free throw attempts, also a school record, while Fullerton made only four of six.

The loss knocked Fullerton (6-2) into second place behind Utah State C7-2l in the PCAA, while San J ose's victory picked it up out of the celJar.

San Jose is 2-6 in the conference and S-15 overall, while Fullerton is lS-SoveraU.

Fullerton Coach Bob Dye was forced to leave the game at halftime due to Mgb blood pressure, but was expected to be back on the court this week.

Middfla• Scace, 85-fJJ EAST LANSING, Mich . - Michigan State's 15lh· ranked

Spartans, led by Gregory Kelser's 22 points, whipped Kansas 85--61 in a nationally televised nonconference game Sunday.

Michigan State sophomores Jay Vincent and Earvin Johnson were named co-most valuable players of the contest.

Vincent scored 20 points on 10 baskets and grabbed eight re­bounds. Johnson collected 12 points, dished . off 11 assists and snared 10 rebounds. · .,,

The intersectional battle Improved Michigan State's overall record to 14-5. In the Big Ten. the Spartans are 6·4. 1

Kansas, 12-8 ror the season, is 4-4 in the Big Eight. Micrugan State held high scoring Darnell Valentine of Kansas

to 13 points. The Spartans also managed to neutraliz.e Kansas' 7. foot-I Paul Mokeski underneath, taking a 16·3 rebounding edge in the firs t 12 minutes of action en route to an early lead of 36-18.

Wilmore Fowler led Kansas with 18 points . Mokesky wound up with 13.

Cauthen. the teen-age idol who was maJe athlete of the year in 1977 and rode Affirmed to victory in the Kentucky Derby, Preak· ness and Belmont Shores last year , was benched by Barrera last Monday. The move was made, the trainer said, because ·'he bad lost so many races that the pressure would have been too

TALL ORDER - Michigan State's Gregory Kelser <32> finds it a difficult task to get a pass off against Kansas forward John Crawford at East Lansing Sunday. Michigan State won, 85-61.

~La. l'egas, 83·16 LAS VEGAS .Forward Earl Evans scored 21 points and

pulled down 13 rebounds and guard Flintie Ray Williams set a Nevada-Las Vegas school record with 16 assists Sunday night as the Rebels rolled to a 93-76 non-conference victory over visiting Wyoming.

p,....pflfJC!BJ A total or rour UNLV players scored in double figures as the Rebels raised their season reeord to 17-4. Wyoming dropped to 12-9.

great " · ANGELS A CONTENDER? .• Williams had only five points but broke the previous record of 15 assi~ established by Ricky Sobers, who plays for the Indiana Pacers of the National Basketball Association, in 1975.

CAUTHEN FINALLY scored a victory on Thursday to end his losing streak at 110 races and rode Ouiel Crossing to a $49 payoff in the fourth race on Sun­day

Barrera said that Pincay will continue to be the Arrirmed 's regular nder as long as the colt stays inCaJiforrtia .

Plncay sent Affirm~d into a quick lead out or the gate, gave up the rront-runnllig chores to Quilligan Quail going past the grandstand for the first time, and then sat back in third place wi tta Qullligan Quall and Johnny's Image in front.

PJNCA Y SENT Affirmed into

Hartzell and Brad Havens and catcher -third baseman Dave Engle. The Yankees had offered first-baseman Chris Chambliss, centerfielder Juan Beniquez, in­fielder Brian Doyle and a minor !eague pitcher or two.

Twins players were not happy. " I 'm a little disappointed." said third baseman Mike Cubbage. " I 've been going around telling everybody the trade might make US a contender again. I've been saying Chambliss can drive ln 100 runs and Beniquez is as good a centerfielder as anyone. I figured anyone else the Yankees gave us would be frosting on the cake."

the lead rounding the far turn ., and the veteran jockey said " I . ' "l 'M REALLY SHOCKED, could tell he was full of run, ~o [ ' ~.a id shortstop Roy. Smalle~ . was only concerned with keep· Not. to have a .guy like Rod an ing him clear and out or trouble. the hne up - without even. talk­A l the five-eighths pole. he Ing about who for him -breezed to the lead and I just wi ll ha Y,e a big e ffect on waited until the stretch to ask anybody. . . him to nin. But in Cahfornaa there was

" I hit him right-handed, but elation. " I trunk this is one oft~e he didn't seem to notice, so r . best deals that has been made m switched to my left hand . He has the American League for many a tendency to loaJ when he geJ,s yea r s," said Ang e ls owner in front so I hit him three or rol}r A~tr;r. who has shelled out SI t imes more jus t to keep his mind m11ltQn p~us for such players as on business. I didn't want to take Joe ltuda. Don Baylor , Bobby any chances." Grich a nd the late Lyman

Pincay and his colt fini shed Bostock. . the 1v. miles in 2·01 over a track " I'm thrilled to death, " swd rated good but ~t fast. Angels Manager Jim Fregosi.

Prep Basketball

Rankings The Daily Pilot's Top 10

Orange County P rep Basketball Pos. Team Record

1.- Corona del Mar 16-2 2. Marina 17·3 3. Los Amigos 16·3 4. Estancia 16-4 5. Mater Dei 14·4 6. Katclla 12-7 7. Ocean View 16·4 8. Mission Viejo 18·3 9. Servile 13·5

10. Troy 15-4

" He's a leader on the field, ex­cellent on the pickoff play, so many things."

Angels third baseman Carney Lansford, whom the Twins de­manded for Carew as tbe key player ln the deal when it Cell through a week ago, said he was relieved s tiJl to be in Anaheim.

AND CHAMBLISS was re­lieved to remain a Yankee. " I knew I could be traded and that there was nothing J could do to stop it," he said. " All I could do was hope." Chambliss does not have the seniority to block a trade as Carew does.

Alamitos Entries T--·s~•atrt.s

""""' llAC:E - 1SO v8nn. 3 year okh.. Pun• » ,600 ClelmiftO prk e w..soo 1 1,...10 8H Rk ll IW...01 , SqvloOJ IMvtes l

Aoemerl< ICrffQerl: $4)¥ MHler IC .. rlua l , Tile Ct•W• o..t lflltmffl: C10UO CN~ l~tal; Par- ffrf'Mun!I ; R8Clkl Rac:lltl 18¥dl. Fl•m'"9 c-lt IH«t l, YOll K,_ Wllo IAOUOf\I

s•COflo llAC•-aso vartn. ) YH• Otcb. Purw 11,400. Clelmlno r>riet SS,000

Ber Bo Men 1 ~"6oral : Rout Eno....or ILIOflaml; Ml JM Frost IMll<Mll l; ~Ar~ !Hert); ~o ICnocl•oul IF~"°"" A G<-ey Surf)l'lse l~rl. Kitt tntentlon1 I AOVOll l, f/IH R"IU"lt IClerls~ I

TMlllO RAC• - JSO .~. J v••r Olf maio.n. Purse U.100.

Few the~ ILIPMITI) , Olout>o IAN!r l; 1!1-lh OellCtr IC¥OoT• I ; C•tcll Luc• l~llol, P"'"" Clwrs "'•YI 18"0Clll,I; IC IPln COPY IC•t 1Cler1-I; Vlkln9 Four Sons tF,..y l; Lowly Fl•ma l&erdl . Mt Trv Grit IWlntffi.

1 Purse~.200.Ctalmlnciprlci''4.000. Bob Ven Moon ICerdo rl> I, Strld 'N Men

"'IPunerl; ~•tf' Jet IHert l. Fl•Y U•U1<t­nent IWettOft l; Mr 8o OMtrve IClutue l. War Truole lrmtonl.

i<tnH llAC. - fOO ~ 1 Yf'er o1cb & .,p. Flllles & "*"" Ctetml11q purse n ,soo 0.""'"9 price SS.CICIO~

M iu Katie M oore ! Hartl ; Enlov "'• IC!f>rluel ; P•lmadtl" IMlltMlll l; T .... P .. 11 IW•rd l : Cllrl\IY Love 1&..-•I: Arure Te's N leu IMY!csl. Born 0-:er I ~mer I ; '\'~ Al ... ..,, OIOUOll I; Fly Bulltrfly I freHU•• • L ... sl-(Mytn)

$ 1llTM ltACIE 870 ,.,.,,. 3 'l'•er ~ • .,p, Purw S2 llOO Clelml"ll Prkr u ,soo .

8e Rtcfl Fof'tl Sur. IC.$1rol. C.tllomla s.,..n Ul•"ll ; Don' \ 00 M•'\ ILIP"•ITI I; W.119"d Manuever IP9m8rl· Too Roen Man IOVf.sMI' P•l>Oe\ IA•I Clle11ct IH•rU; Grumoy Chic~ I ,.de Ir I: On CMr9e I Rou9'1 I.

SIVINTH ltAC:I - • Y .. ds. t '!'(., oldt & ~. Purw UOCO. Cl•imlnq Pf'k• s 101000.'

Yankees supporters have been asking why Steinbrenner was ~rying so hard lo buy another

1 superstar who, might further fuel 'the clubhouse fires from ·whi~b f h e Y a n k c es h a v e b a r f?'l y !!scape<! to win two Woda 'SeHes

Tony Smith and Brett Vroman added 18 and 17 ~ints, respec:. lively. for UNLV. Freshman Freddie Thompson had 12 points for the Rebels.

ma row. T ,

F reshman Bill Garnett paced Wyoming with 19 points and 12 rebounds. Charles Bradley added 15 wints and seven assists for the Cowooys. Kenneth Ollie and Lonnie Buckner had 14 points ilPiece for the losers.

Carew, despite his s even league batting champlonsrups, is not a power hitter foF. Yankee Stadi u m 's " Death Valley" and Chambliss, a .290 hitter, is at least as good at first base. Carew said last week " be resented being pushed around," a reference to Steinbrenner 's bidding for him , and said " I am offended when I read all this stuff about the New York Yankees and what George wants, George gets. "

The Rebels led all the way. It was 13-4 after five minutes and UNLV stretched its advantage to 53-39 at halftime. The Cowboys weren't closer than 12 points after that.

PCAA Baskethiill Standings ~AOitlCCOAST ilTHLETIC A$S#.

...._ o-.i• ~ .... ,~.

i>Mt JeM~M. C.I State Ful~ IQ

Ulo911Stal!e C~ISleteFUI~ Pe<lllc Fresno Stele Long &e<Kll SC8'i' UC Senta e.rt»ra Sen Jow SC.te UC'"''""

How Top ?O Fared Mow ll'f Too T-nty If""'' In Tll40

A\'41<1&1@<1 Pr~s tOllt<)t ~SkflWll 0011 lar<'d ""00911 Sund4IY0

l G8mP, : I Notre 011mct llS 71 brft l Brown

l ·SJ ; be&I XMltr , Olllo 06-57 ; ti.a l D11vtonlf>.1l

?. lnd•MWI Slat~ ( 10-41 bflll Nfw Mulco St. 91-8', Of , beat Tul\e 66-~

• l Duk" 111>-ll bOll wne Fotttl ls-60 bHI ~ryf8nd 81 le

• · Norlll CMoHn• Clf>.41 10,1 lo FU'"'''"• 0.70; l:INI \1"01nl• Tf<ll 97-IJO OT

S UCLA tti..31 bOe l Or~ 6S·S& ; bu t 0r"90ft St ~ S6

& Lour\•lllp '"·ll ""'' FIO<ld• St ... 11 . l>HI CIMlnn.tll .. ..U

7 Ohro SI 113-41 IO\I •o Mlcl'llO .... SI M·7' lo\t lo lrld•M;\ 10-67

fl Syr.ocu• .. 118·71 br• I WUI V trO•n•• 90 14

9. ~town. 0 C. 116-41 IOSI lo Or•• Robtrh 7~7•; lo~I to OrlroH "11.

tO. Loul,len• St. 1 1~3 1 bot Ten­~\<>ell M•tl ; beat Ker>lu<"• 7().61 .

fl Te~M ll~S) l)fft HOUS10fl f'l.S3 : 10\I lo A•~·""'' 68· 541 ; beat T CU 1l·b0

11 MarQUftte 11~31 ~Ill C ... igMon r. 11; bret SI. lOUI\ If.SI.

IJ Alabama CIJ.Sl IOU lo Ten ~'~11).11

" tlllnoh 117 SI bffl Minnesota '7°S7; lost lo MIClllQMI ·~74.

IS Ml<h!QMI SI I IHI bffl Otllo SI ... . ,., bffl Horthwe\ ti'm 61-)0; beet K.iinses "-'1.

16 Tt•41\ A&M 110-41 bNt 8aylor 11-Sll; bell SMU •M4. bHI Hou~on .. ~

11 Marvtlftd (IHI IOSI lo Vlrvo,,i• 6'-4>3 , 10\t lo Dvl!e 8l· 7t.

1e T""'l)4e 111 31 lost to Vlrvlnia 7J ·71, bNI ttofstra 9?-10. br•t DrHel

McCulley Hired ., ,7: "'"'"n'" ns." beet r ... u 68-5&, _. RKU•SO.

NEW YORK IAP ) 70. VaflOortlllt 11~1 IO\t lo FIOflckl Pele McCulley, fired as -..1. 0T: 11N1M1u1n 1pp1 u.1•.

head coach or the San Francis co 49ers las t season, was hired today by the New York Jets as an assistant coach, the National Football League team announced Monday.

Basketball e-...11 s.,.....,.,Scw.s

Vtll&nov" 3", PeM SI. )4 "' '<111911" St . 85, ICanwt •t NOett.LH V&Oe\ tJ, WyomlnQ 76 San Jose St. 84, C11I Slate Fultet1on


w &. w &. 7 , I\ 6 6 ? IS S 6 1 10 tO S • ltlO l s ti ' J s • " 1 6 S IS I 1 S t4

,._,.., •• G-. Ulltft 5'* .C UC l"'l<W ~ c..I ~Fut~ l-8'Mcfl St- •t F,_ St•I• UC 5-• BM1Mtre et Plt<lfk

S-..J°sO­S...J-Si.teetUCtrvl11e Ulet1StMee(C.IS4 ... 1Fuoenon ucs.nw F<"-.oStatr

The HartKw Rae~ Club is a ctllb for pHple who want to plCIJ lots of tennis Clftd have lots of fun doing it.

HRC has th most cet1tr•a:e4 locatioll in HM Hat bor-.Meso area and 1110re cowt availability than mty other local prfYat. club •• •

The costs of membership• are but a fraction of those at comparable clubs.

I. R~ MtnibenMps: Single membership: s 100 per year. $25 monthly dues ...

Family membership: $150 per year, S35 monthly dues ...

Santa Anita Race Results

IC lllOQue Jr ll'rtt., I, llfestyte I Pemtr>; Gtfl'le 0..rqer l°'"'°'•I : Cralo Go tf,..awrel : Mf l(ltbtrQ M •YU\ (H .. t l; .Chtrro ' t AotUt ICerdou11 ; Sino l..OUdtr IWardl ; Rtln., &un fMllc "9fll : 8rl0tnll,,. (8ardl : l"HI 11"'1fnl lildelrl.

•IOM'tM llAtl - - y~f'lh.' Yt•r oklt & up' Allowa!IC'a ""'"V.000 '

OllfHIUla <Jtl IWerlf l. Ou'e l•P'"-U tC•tdort l, Ht rtn IAdtirl ; So<ttolfl J""10!fl IC•HO•r t · Binary Win IBroo••I : VI 0.1 IT,...wrwl , Oltralno 8ird ILIPlwlm I Holt! On I-Conllfte ( "-"ttr I '

fflMf'M ltAC:W )JO Yarft t 't'tfr Old& & \"4 ""rw tJ.• Clelml,_. Pl'lc• ~.-. 01~ IMM!el ; Ell.t<ort °'4MI! 1110 M

Mto11 c11 .. ,. <Cl••lne>. s11 ... L••11• ~~I, 0...'t Miner 111"'9111, Ml T C 2

II ~ !'ftrf(llft IWllbeoll Wattll ~:,;'" Olttrt+. llwttt t•rtYl i Sent

• -·



, .

Monday' lo inM Pric





Panelists Urge Criteria Change

By SYLVIA PORTER ....... ""'"~..-. Under the auto insurance rating system in moat states,

basic or " standard rlsk" premiums can vary by 10 per. cent. ranain& from $160 a )'.eat in Ames, Iowa, to as much as $950 in New York City: On top or that, ace. sex and marital status can add some 235 percent. Hfgb horsepower. apedal cars and extra mlleaae can boost pre· mluma 95 percent. Claims can boost it more.

A YOlJNG SINGLE MAN IN Manhattan could pay $4,512 a year for lnsurance. An unmarried male under 21 in Ames could pay as much as $768 for a thrice-dented fiberglass " muscle" car.

In addition Alllstate, the nation's second largest auto insurer, and a few other firms, rate the "safety" of certain makes and models of cars. Allstate adds 20 percent to its " standard" rates - or subtracts 20 percent from those rates - for the models it considers · more or less risky than average, based on its claims from drivers. That 20 percent difference ap­plies only to the col· li s ion-comprebenslve

Money's Worth

portion of the policy, not to liability. The company says about 9 percent of auto models sold

in the United States qualify for the discount and 6 'percent are subject to the surcharge. Allstate will provide its list of cars in the two categories.

The National Association of Insurance Commissioners, the group that regulates the insurance industry , wants to make major changes in the way auto insurance rates are figured. •·nattening" the peaks and valleys, as its recent report puts it. Among its proposals :

- 111AT THE COMPANIES STABILIZE their per. policy expense charges. The normal practice ls to pro-rate these charges as a pecentage or the tc5tal premium. The commissioners say they should instead impose a set fee, based on the company's overhead costs of the policies. This could reduce the rates in high·risk areas and raise them substantially in the tow·risk regions.

- That sex or marital status be eliminated as criteria, for these categories are Insurance company "shorthand'' for rating drivers. The insurance companies should dig deeper into their statistics and come up with more •·socially acceptable" premium-pricing factors. even U claims vary according to these two factors , the commissioners say.

- 1bat studies be continued on rating "driver ex­perience" regardless of age. A motorist who bad just re­ceived his license, for instance. and who had no driver training. would pay 310 percent of the ' 'standard '. ' rate. As the driver gained experience, the rate would drop to " stan· dard" levels in two to four years.

- THAT MILEAGE SURCHARGES BE revised . Under today's system, virtually anyone who drives the na· tional average of 9,000 lo 10,000 miles a year pays the max­imum mileage r ate. with most " breal(point" maximums al 7,500 to 8,000 annual miles or travel. ' 'Average" mileage, qualifying for "standard" rates, often is as low as 3,000 to 5,000 miles a year. Says one auto insurance veteran:

" For someone driving 20,000 to 30.000 miles a year to be paying the same rate as one driving one-third or one­quarter of that distance is statistically absurd . They should be paying three to four times the standard rate."

Worry Over Energy Brings Market Down

NEW YORK CAP> - The stock market Cell sharply to­da y, resuming last week's decline amid some apparent concern over the energy outlook.

The Dow Jones a verage or 30 industrials, off 25. 12 points last week, fell another 10.65 to 823.98 today.

Analysts said the ma rket was depressed by concern a bout the energy outlook resulting from the politicaJ up­heaval in Iran.



NE W YORK (AP ) ·NY Stock ~IH Al>O• o • ffMI ... , • •, ••••.•.• ?6.4'0,000 Pt•YIOu$ daY •• " · • • ·" • • •· • · 7S,3ro.ggg We•I< 41!!0 ' .• , • ". " ,. .. • .. " 1•. !.o' 000 Mofllh eoo ................ .. 1:·m ·ooo Year • QO ..................... io·100'000 Two vn rs eoo .............. • ·..,. J a n 1 to det• ....... . ..... · 11s-:·ooo 1'78 to dllte ........ . ....... 504.

640•000 t•77 to date • • .. .. .. . • • .. .. . .. •11, •

WHAT AMEil 01 0 NEW YORK (.llP l

t (




TelevUion Monday, F~ 5, 1979 DAIL V PILOT •tJ,



aoo1•• Nlwt ~ONE

" olo!Wlg • " .,... 10 a lie\ fil l, fell.I( - Pet . 9()1119 We l tnic1ed M ii\ I l!Pwto.18-­D .,.... Ott 8'own la ~ II\ Loa~ .no-..... hie r1ent11., to QMcli .Mi ., ,.. .. ... !Of' Ill\ ""'°' oenl~ e lM IMO\' 1UNCH M~ _.. CM '°' -' . .. eft "' ..._ i. ~11)-1 by '* "'°"*' to OtOl4 .,..., M Q0011 ,,.,. • j 1'Niii0l'IAN ~ A h•niued •o"'•" ~ lnlomw111011 9lld it nMftt CC)9: .. ""' • CWPIASY au-1 ac;tor ~ o·er-.. 19 ™fU I "°8TAL 8YWTDt CAH IT D£LMR•


Mal!Oy llld At9d c.ell tM r lfNffM Md E~YM

' a.eJIOll -'*' lfl4IV ~ ·~~found .~. • ltT'OHIGHT .. P1n1ntlnf'l The F ltfflfty Of Thev..-· • MM Ot«.O NtlO

°'*"""' " lirtMe!Y oww.u (I) lt00.000 NAl!leTHAT l'UNI \ti THI flNCS • NCIKr

l:OO 8 ()) AU .. 1"' ,,.,._y Arctllt end Edlttl lntr~ .,.,.,,., Hefl'IW to.~ widOW lfW .W. wlf9 NM 19Wey ..

D UTT\.I HCMJM OH THllllMRI Mer; INtN Ille le ~ nent encl eeta out to~ Cile '* huebetld wrth hll ll!Mr • • oou.ioe llAIQTM&.L. O<~ s .. 11 vs. U$C eu IALVAGEI Harry llk• I _,tlrMntal jOUmey IO , ,.._ BufmeN Cef> Ille Po91411 StntOI tie

meOe mo<• 9"....enl ind c:omo.o1111w?


Plag Coolldges jungi. to r~ a bomber Ile pllofed In WOl1d W11 n. a .,.. CA1Jf'ONlllA PAOfAHT'

HO l~lUCY Lucy ui.not In llWlllllOtl 10 the d91>Ce by throwing netMlf al Van JohnlOll ., t.IOiAEL JACt(8C)H

Guest~ .. ~.

Ed F landers and Lee Grants ta r as President and Mrs Calvin Coolide in Book T wo of ··Backstairs at t he White House' • tonight a t 9 on " NBC Monday Night a t the Movies," Channel4.

Forty.low girts trom • ttl8 Stete ol Clllfornla wlll CQm9ete for t"8 title ol MISS C.Ulomla UnlWtN •


(!) MERV GIWFIN GuestL Angie Oidtlneon. Cllllatopfler ~. St­~

Oaa1111el 1....lst hags 8 KNXT (CBS) Los Angeles D KN6C (NBC) Los Angeles D KTLA (Ind) Los Angetes D KASC-lV (ABC) Los Angeles (I) KFMB (CBS) San Otego • G KHJ-lV (Ind ) Los Angeles 9 KCST (ABC) San Diego tD KT1V (Ind ) Los Angeles G> KCOP·TV (Ind) Los Angeles e KCET-lV (PBS) Los Angeles G!) KOCE· lV (PBS) Hun tington Beach

• SIXMI~ DOU.AA .. AH An American Mving In the 0ri.n1 11e1p1 Steve to unoover hi• retller'• pett. 41> 8AHFOAO AHO 80N " red r._,.. the llory he wlll 1811 hit Mure g<9nd­~hllcken about being a Wond Wtlf II hero. fl!) MACNEIL I LE.>tAat AEPOAT ~ IHfAOOUCIHO 8K>l.OGY .. Earth And The UnlverM"

1:30 8 THE MUPPET'8 G~: Danny Kaye.


" Strange Encounters"

Slttts: " Wrong Number." "Saturdey Night ," " TN Recital," .. V•cuum Salesman." ti) MOVIE * * * " The Pini< p~· (1964) ~ Ni1;en, Peter Sellera. A jewel t hief •lletn9t• 10 take l>OtMl­• lon ol a Pl'lceleN gem. With tl'ie help of the Freoc:t'I poUce lnapec1or'a wife. (2 hra.L •• 8UMOYEM'

~~· 8 111 Moyers reoorts on a city family reconclltng llfe' • reelltlM With their dreams on a family tarm In North Oeko­I L

Taft Leads Group Buy

lllllllSI Of Studios CINCINNATI CAP ) -

Ta ft Broadcasting Co. s ays il will lead a group of investors acquiring m os t a sset s of QM Productions from Quinn Martin.

The $12 million a c· qu isitlon includes QM s tud ios , production personnel and a libra ry of 18 hour-long series , in c ludin g " Th e Fugiti ve,· · " Cannon," • "Streets or San Fran­cisco" and "The FBI." Also included are 24 feature length films.

BaUolFa..e Portrait s of news caster and com ·

TAFT EXPECTS lo m e n tat 0 r p a u I J recover the $12 million H a rvey, above. and

purchase price within a ctor Orson Welles , Can't Cane five years through syn- below. will be placed - r dicatlon of programs in in the hall of fame of

Vic Tayback, s tarring a s Mel, has prob- ba nd . s aid T aft Vice the National Associa-1 · ·th h ' th 1 ed b President Greg Thomas . · 8 d em s copmg WJ i s mo e r , Pay Y T a ft will ac quire h on of roa caste rs . guest star Martha Raye , when s he p ays a . between 51 percent· and They were elected ~o surprise vis it in " Alice," at 8:30 p .m . to- 80 p e r ce nt o f QM t h e h a ll by radio d ay on CBS-TV, Channel 2 . Productions. with an op. broadcasters a round ·

-------------------- tion to buy the rest later , the na tion .

Commercial Strike Over?

N EW YORK <AP ) - The performers who sing Jingles and declaim slogans on television and radio may be back at work by Tuesday if a tentaµve contract with advertise rs is r atified.

The settlement came Sunday night in talks between Lt1e Sc reen Actors Guild and lhe Amerit'an Federation of Television and Radio Artists on one hand and the Association of National Advertise rs and the American Association of Ad· vert.ising Agencies on the other.

ABOUT 70,000 PERFORMERS have been on strike for seven weeks. and the advertisers have been unable t.o make and air new commerc:iab.

A spokesman for the Screen Actors Guild said the joint boards of directors of the unions will meet for ratification votes in New York, Los Angeles and Chicago tonight and Tuesday.

Calling the tentative agreement " favorable," spokesman Ed Flynn said lt i s expected that the slrike "can be officially termlnated by Tuesday night" if the new contract is ratified.

FLYNN SAID THAT PENDING the outcome of t_be ratification votes, the unions would not com­ment on terms of the new contract, which would cover performers and extras in television and r adio commercials. Partial agreement on terms covering TV commercials was reached last week.

The key issue tn the dispute had been higher commercial fees. The advertisers also bad sought t.o ball multiple payments for alternate scenes that ended up on tbe cutting room fioor.

company officials said. Two QM Productions of­ficers, Allan D. Yasnyi and Merrill Karpf, will control the rest.

TAFT IS still negotial· ing its precise share o( the new company and the final purchase price, lo be specified in a final agreement, including a provision that Martin will serve as consultant for four years. It also ,.......,,,_ . .,.. gives the new company the right to use the QM Productions name.

The Cinclnnali·based Taft , via its Hanna Barb<!ra Productions , is the largest supplier of animated shows lo lhe televia1oo networks.

._ORSON WELLES ............. HAL LINDSEY .. u•• H • INCf(~llll(lftl:SUll(UAll t""" "

LAST 2 DAYS -ENDS TUESDAY MESA UA SOtJnt COAST c.i..... """·-""' ' .._. 1661 , ..._ M0-469'


TUBE TOPPERS KHJ 8 8 :00 - Miss Cali fornia

Pageant. Forty.four young wom en com· pete for the title of Miss California-USA in a 90-minutespecial.

KCET 9 and KOCE It 8:00 - " Bill' Journal' ' returns to television witb " Harvest ," lbe s tory of New Yorkers who m ove to a North Dakota !arm. (See s tory below.>

KCET 9 10 : 00 - •'The Actress.·· Emil 1.ola 's nove l is d r amatized in five we;k.Jy episodes .

l:IO 8 Cl) AUCE ' Mel'• pua11y mom (Martha Aey9) - xpec;tedly Orope In from , Brootllyn and ~In on her 1on. tD ntl ODO OOUP\.E Felhc triee to - en old Army ICOfe with comedian Richard Oawaon ~ Oecli1 ii Uked to ~t on AIOtl8fd'1 talk lhOW.

t:008 (1) M•A•s•H The .anth evacuates to • nearby caw to avoid U.S. artlller; fife G Ma<STAIM AT ntll WHITEHOU8E MagQ!e replKM lhe 1yr.,.. rucal Mrs. Jaffray (Clorft Leec:tlm8nl u heed hou­kaeper dunno President Coolldge'• term; end wtlh Ille onM4 of the ~ lk>fl. Maggie's daughlef llHlan (Leelle Ugoam•I tlnally ecctpll • jot> ., a Whffe HouM mMd. (Pert 2 of 4) 8 ltl HOW THE MST WA8WOH Zeb Mecahan. a nal\'8 anrry lieu1enant end his

~ - trapped In • deadly ambUah beC­two lndien trib&S. • MERY OAIFFW GuHta: PeachH and Herb. ()non Wetlee. Rob­ert Bleile , John tioueem..n.

-~l.EAOEM Norman Corwin l)reMlll S

O.C.,-wfnnlnO and "°""" nated ehort lltme. lndudlng " Oreat," " Overture," "ScNlll Md CN~.. and ' 'The Beed Game .••

C90MAT ~ ·v1neu1" Samuel

Barbef'• Pvlltnr Prtt• 'WIMing opera lelle IM sto­ry of M aging beaUt)' WflO penlct .. her youth fadeL

e:tO 8 Cl) WKRP IN CIHCNfAT1 Jennifer. an expert al mou1n-to-moulh r-.telt• tk>n. Is the only one able to COCN1 when a lomado hlla C;nonnatl. IJ ADVENTUAEM

~•cr~QRAN1' The Trlb kWesllgat• 11M1 pllgtlt of IUagal alien•.


" The Ring With The Red Velvet Aoc>ea" Tiie ,_ MJll-<:Onfldent ~~t boKin9 cNmPon of the world llH one more. untcheOuled, boul. • NANA " TN Actreea .. Emile Zote's llOY8I II drtmal iz.c:I In fMI weeilly 904.sodes.

!:ll:Wo NEWI t.WC.1 Ml l.AUOH MOVlf

" They Call Him Mt St1a11tr" ( 1t75) Stuen Whl11Y1an. Peter ~ Ari lnWnaflOnal hit man II glY9f\ "" Mllgnrnent 10 the PrMIOwlt ot an !M1 A!Ytc:M S\119 (2 hrl.) 41) THI 000 OOUPl£ Oecar 1t1ee to ~r• FtN111 ot hie ,.., of r¥nQ '° ht can OOYW I mllO' phOlGgraof\­lc utignment

•~oooou The Ooodiae ..... • cee11e. do battle wtth a dr8QOI\. end duel with a deYloul destroyer from the ..,..,..

• OCKCAVITT Outtt: ~ t<oal1111CI. (Part 2 of 2)

11:30. Cl) AOCt<fOAO A.a Roell lord .. ernbtolled In • S30.000 awlndl• and becomlll tM ta<Qet of gangllet'S While trying 10 help Angel. 0 TONIOHT a.-1 hoel: Don flidlleL O ueat1: Na talie Cote, LOtettl Lynn, Or. ~ \liaeoll 9 TWIUGHT ZOHt "St~ tn A Quiet Town" • 9 POUC€ 8TOf/('f A ,..I.,.,., po11eit olftctt puts hit life on the line on lhe acheduled day of hi• retK-1 Q) THE OONO SHOW Cl> GET SMART Mb II aulOned 10 P<Olect 1 l<AOS agent wN> le detecttnO to CONTROL. fD CAPTIONIO A80 NEWS MORNING

1.2:00 8 TWIUOHT ZONE "JuCSoement Nlghl " Cross­ing the wertlma AtllnllC lr1

an Englltto lrtlgllltt. a man MnMt lmpendlnQ ooom . • AC.l'MD HrTCHCOCK PRESENT'& A man hlr• • detective to follow ,. .... Ill hopeS ot providing grounds for divorce.

., a.TIMART When CONTAOt. 1100 eco.. .,1111 dlea. he coni.­t~t 1"8 real btllN b4lllnd tM1 WOf'k It Or T

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1~1• NEwt , 9 AQAM..12 ~ end MaltoV reeoonct \CJ 11'1 "otflolr nMOI ,. .. call.

t~ 8 Cl) CU &.Art ..aYtl • • ~ " McM iiian And Wlle. Tiii 0o Ua Part" (19721 Aoelt Hud1on. s..ean Saint J-.

1:00 G TOMOMOW Guatt: ~ WtH:tenNld, former Pl'eM MCnttaty to

le.ti::: 1XP91'1'8

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OETIMART Maic and 99 are mletatMn •• KAOS •oen11 ano recel\le • doll lhal It .,.,,., valueble lo KAO$.

~"I NIWS "° NIWS 2:.. MOW: * * " AccuMd Of Mutdet" < 195n Vera AlllfOI\, O•Yid Brian.

4:19. NlWIMN<EM


Dayd...e /Jlo.,ie• AFTERNOON

12'008. ·~ ·The Purple MMll" ( 19551 Tony Ciirtll.. Co11ean Miller.

at*** .. NoTlme For ComeOy'' ( tUOI Jama Stewart. Aolalind Auuell.

S;OO QI * • *"' " Tiie Ot-11"4>­alt" ( 1967) Dustin Hoff • man. Kal ha11ne AoH .

3:308 ***'A"ABIQ~ For The Little ladf' C 19681 Henty Fonda, Joan,,. WOOdwllrd.

Moyers Journal Returns &rudler PBS Forum Bro<Ukns His ~pe


LOS ANGELES <AP ) - In 1976. afte r fiv e years a s television's master essayist, Bill Moyers closed bis .. Journal" and left public televis ion Cor the greener fields of commercial TV.

He went to CBS News for tbe big audiences, the big produc­tion money and because be bad tired of the rigorous routine of bis weekly public television se r ies. Those same factors , viewed from the perspective of lhe other side, have now prompt· ed him to ditch the job at CBS and renew his " Journa l" on public TV.

TONIGHT, "'BIU MOYEllS' Journa1 ·· returns. " Harvest " Is the first of this year's 26 chap­te rs of the " Journal," that clear Moyers·eyeview or the world presented through documentary. discussion and essay.

Moyers on his return to PBS: " I found I was spoiled ln a

sense by my previous five years at PBS, where I had more air lime, a more regular slot and a more consistent audience , all of which you can achieve with a re· gular series.

At CBS. where be was editor and chief r eporter for "CBS Reports," he round the bigger audiences be wanted.

" NONE OF TOE shows I did at CBS was seen by fewer than 10 million people, which Is a bunch of folks for a boy from East Texas. But they were a capricious audience. They never knew, for instance, when it was going to be aired, and I was in danger of losing that loyal, com· mltled a udience that bad followed the journal for five years ."

At CBS, where be only had a dozen or so documentaries a year. be found relief from lhe grind of a weekly series, as he wanted.

" Yes, but my nature cried out for a greater variety than 1 could accomplish with an OC· casional documentary. Each of the 10 or 12 documentaries at


'I WAS SPOILED' Moye,. Returns

CBS was supposed to be on a very serious issue and on a cer· taln kind of format."

AND AT CBS, be found the big production money he wanted .

•• 1t ga ve m e $160 ,000 t o $200,000 to produce a documen· Lary instead of $50,000 to $90,000 at PBS ... . But I couldn't bave done a show like 'Harvest ' at CBS. Commercia l television as· sumes that the audience has an abbreviated time span. 1 don't have lo force 'Harvest ' to lhe

pace that bas t.o be maintained for a commercially successful program. l can let the story un· fold 'with lhe assumption that lhe audience ls going lo ~ there waiting for it t.o unfold. I do not h a ve to massa ge il a long artifically. · '

" Harvest " is the story or George and Hasine Fishe r , New Yorkers who left the city to farm a piece of North Dakota Jand in- · herited by Mrs. Fisher. Souoda like a puffy " Wilderness Famj. ly, Part Ill." But Moyers. in bls us ual atyle. puts this curious blt of Americana in pers pective, s h9wing lhe Fishe rs' struggle wit" their "th st h~sl and the home birth of their second chlld. <Channels 28 and 50. 8 p.IJ!. >

SO. HE'S BACK. this erudite seeker and explainer from East Texas . It's a s maller forum, public TV. but Moyers says ve nture into co mm e rcia l television taught him it 's not size that counts.

.. Commercial TV reaches for th e l a r g e s t c omm o n d e · nominator. Our role Is to r each for those smaller denomina tors, to m a ke som ething popula r a mong a discerning audience even I C~ it is not accepted by ever ybody. No one of us caa satisfy the needs of a ll au­diences. The trick is to rind out which your audience i s and how to service them."

Bergen, DeNiro Win CAMBRIDG E, Mass. (AP ) - For Candice Bergen and Robert

DeNiro. the proof of the pudding is in the pots . Harvard's Hasty Pudding Theatricals, the nation's oldest

theatrical organization. announced that the two film .stars have been named woman and man or the year and that they would re.· ceive the traditiona l awards - pudding pots.

The woman of the y~ar award Is given for "great artistic skills and feminine Qualities.

The man or the year award is given to •'that performer who has made the most outstanding contribution lo the entertainment profession during the past years."

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~Every Day a Cliallenge' World Newa Roundup' Longest on RadiO

•·woaLo NEWS Roundup" waa broadcut by CBS on March 13, um, Just before the start of World' Warn, with Robert Trout as anchor •

''Tonight the world trembles, torn by conflicting forces," Trout began that initial broad· cast, which ran nearly an hour.

Townsend. who took over as anchonnan Jn 1956, says "WOi'td News Roundup" bas "stubbornly retained the 15-minote length despite efforts to cut the pro­gram.

"One station, which I won't name, dropped the second half or tbe show some lime back," Townsend says, "and they got so many letters they bad to go back to lS minutes."

., ......... COMMITMENT 'KEY'

D•ll•• Townaend

TOWNSEND SAYS radio news has changed a great deal over the years, both in style and COO· tent.

HE TOOK THE " World News Roundup" to Paris during the Vietnam peace talks there, and was on hand during the anti-de Gaulle protests.

" Writing is far lighter than it used to be," he says, " and there is a greater emphasis on Umeli· ness.

" And I think cont ent has changed considerably . In the old days, we seldom dealt with stories or a social or sociological nature, like divorce and pre­gnancy and so on."

Townsend also handles special assignments. like " Newsmark," CBS News ' monthly radio documentary. TOWNSEND P UTS a pre­

mium on the ne wscaster's com· mitment Jo his work.

Townsend's career In radio began at New York's WQXR In 1940. He joiJted CBS Ne~s y a newswriter in 1941, was named director of special events in 19t9 and director of television news broadcasts in the still infant medium in 1953.

'T.P s~e th~ interest come9 through. f think I can tell when the man on the air is ir\teresled lo what he's dolng, and whet.her he knows what he 's talking about. •

By Tbe A ssocla&ed Press The following are Billboard's bot record bits

for the week ending February 10 as they appear in next week's issue of Billboard magazine.

. HOT SINGLES 1. " Do You Think I 'm Sexy" Rod Stewart

<Warner Bros. ) 2. "Y.M.C.A." Village People CCasablanca > 3. "Le Freak" Chic CAtlanUc) 4. " A Little More Love" Olivia Newton-John

<MCA > s. "Fire" Pointer Sisters <Planet) 6. "Every l 's ~ Winner" Hot Chocolate <In·

finity) 7. " I Will Survive" Gloria Gaynor CPolydor ) 8. "September" Earth, Wind & Fire (Arc) 9. "Too Much Heaven" Bee Gees <RSO ) 10. "Lotta Love" Nicolette Larson <Warner

Bros. ) TOPLPs

1. "Blondes •/ave More Fun" Rod Stewart !Warner Bros. I

2. " Brief Case Full Of Blues" Blues Brothers .Atlantic>

3. "52nd Street" Billy Joel <Columbia ) 4 . "You Don ' t Bring Me Flowers" Neil

Diamond CColumbia > s. "Greatest Hits, Vol. II,'' Barbra Streisand

!Columbia) 6. "C'Est Chic" Chic CAtlanUcl 7. ''Greatest Hits'' Barry Manilow <Arista) 8. " Cruisln"' Village People <Casablanca ) 9. " The Best of Earth, Wind & Fire" Earth,

Wlnd & Fire <Columbia ) 10. "Backless" Eric Clapton <RSO >

COUNTRY SINGLES 1. "Every Which Way But Loose" EddJe Rab­

bitt C Elektra ) 2. " Back On My Mind Again-Santa Barbara"

Ronnie Milsap <RCA>

Music Center Prescnt,111ons


FRI. FEI. I, 1:30 pm LES PATINEURS . Conover PAS DE DEUX lchino/Rndofcvlc

SAT. FEB. 10, 2:30 & 8:30

COPPELIA (full-lcnwth) Matinee, 2:30 LA SYLPHIDE (Act II)

Tch rkn ky/ Pctc"on Tcherk~ky/Radojcvlc THEME & VARIATIONS Ennllll, 1:30

3. "Come On In" Oak Ridge Boys <ABC > 4. " Why Have You Left The One You Left Me

For" Crystal Gayle CUniled Artists I s. "Texas When I Die" Tanya Tucker rMCA I 6. " I Just Can't Stay Married To You" Cristy

Lane <LS> . 7. " Maybeflene" Georg~ Jones & Johnny

Paycheck <Epic> 8. "Tonight She's Gonna Love Me" Razzy

Bailey CRCA > , 9. " I'll Wake You When I G-et Home" Charlie

Rich <Elektra ) 10. " Happy Toge ther" T .G . Shepparo

!Warner·Curb >

EASY LISTENING 1. " J Just Fall In Love Again" Anne Murray

<Capitol 1 . 2. " Lotta Love" Nicolette Larson <Warner

Bros.) 3 . "The Gamble r" Kenny Roge;s !United

Artists> 4. "This Moment Jn Time" Engelbert Hum·

perdinck C Epic > 5. " Forever In Blue Jeans ' Neil Diamond


SOUL SINGLES 1. " Aqua Boogie' ' Parliament <Casablanca> 2. " I 'm So Into You" Peabo Bryson <Capitol > 3. "September" Earth, Wind & Fire <Colum·

bla l 4. " It's All Th~ Way Live" Lakeside <Solar> s. " Bustin' Loose" Chuck BroWn & The Soul

Searchers 'Source)







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Seen Connery





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• • • CJ

Orange (Mast YMCA. The Y has launched its 1979 fund-raising campaign, and the goal is $55,000. Funds will be used to keep the Y's youth programs running ..

By DENNIS McLELLAN Of.._ O•llr ~lief SYH

In 1968 the Oranee Coast YMCA closed its storefront operation and opened its sleek new building overlooking Upper Newport Bay.

Officials predreted that in the first year 1,000 to 2,000 people would be using the two heated swimming pools, health club, steam rooms and handball courts.

In the decade since 500 pigeons were sent aloft during dedication ceremonies , Orange Coast YMCA membership bas swollen to more than 7,000.

" We've seen our fitness program grow from 1,200 to 2,600 in the past two years," notes executive director Jim de Boom, who predicts Y membership will continue to rise in the 1980s.

In making a forecast for the decade ahead, . de Boom discussed the Y's three major goals . The first is to enrich the quality and activities of 'family life.

" In the '80s," de Boom says, ' 'working in the family is going to be a major emphasls of the Y. I'm a marriage and family counselor oo the side and it's really interesting bow important that family unit is and that it be a positive, enricblng experience."

TO ACIOEVE THAT GOAL the Y offers a dozen programs including family camp, posltlve parenting, family communication workshops and the popular Y·lndian Guides, Y·lndian Princess, Y -Indian Maidens and Y·TraUblazers.

To he lp keep these and other youth programs running, the Orange Coast Y bas launched ita 1979 fund-raising campaign. More than l!iO volunteers are canvassing the area to enHst financial support for raising $55,000 between now and Feb. 22 .

" We ' re appreciative of those who do (See YMC~, Page CZ>

Basketball is a popular activity at the Orange Coast YMCA. Above, from left. are Robert Carrillo, Ed Manzano and Larry Higby.

o.1tr.....,. ~..., ue ,..,..

Bob Rossow works out with weights at the Orange Coast YMCA.

Royalties For Artists?

• A growing group of artists is _hoping to get a g!)*Jter share of profits from the artJhey create.


NEW YORK - When Robert R a uschenbe rg was a struggling painter in the late 1950s, a collector of " pop" art bought one of his works for $960 - and resold It later for $85,000.

The collector made a profit of 8, 754 percent in the resale.

" I've worked .. . for you to make all this profit." the painter heatedly, and publicly. told him right after the auction.

That has long been a problem ror artists. but now hundreds of them are supporting a propos11I to change their fin a nces by guaranteeing them roy a I ties much like those which writers and composers get .

THESE ARTISTS, both struggling and ISUccessful , say it is only right that they get a share of the profits from the resale of their work.

California Rep. Henry A. Waxman is proposing that Congress pass a law to do just that , but there ls a major problem. He says the " full support of dealers, collectors, and others who would be paying royalties on visual art,'· is needed for congressional approval.

And many art dealers, collectors and muaeu11111 have been critical. Art dealers, ln particular, argue it would freeze the market for contemporary art.

THOSE AcrJVE IN the movement 1eeklq the new law include such well-known names u Jasper Johns, James Roaenq4lst, and Robert Indiana, who painted "LOVE" with the now-famlllar block letten In wblcb the "0 " teeters off balance. tndJana made 2S copies ln sculpture and prtnu, but be never copyr11bted the works, and thus mlssed out on moat ol profit..

Waxmao'a bU1 would help artistl by Httlq up a NatJonal CommJsalon

on the Visual· Arts to "require payments by certain sellers of works of visual arts," and r egister art transactions just as the Library of Congress registers books printed.

Rubin Gorewitz. a New York City lawyer who heads the larges t lobbying group, the 700·member Anists Rights Today, said royalties would keep intact " the umbilical cord between the a rtist a nd his work."

WAXMAN, WHO PLANS to present to Congress this month a third revised draft of his bill, says, " It' s only just tbal visual artists share the benefits of profitable resales ."

But most major dealers disagree. Spokesmen for Sotheby Parke Bernet, a New York a rt auction gallery with a salesroom in Los An~eles, say a similar bill already In effect in California had " an adverse effect on the business of ... auction houses and galleries."

I{ the concept is written into Cederal law, " it would dissuade most American collectors from buying contemporary art,•• asserted David Nub, a director at Solheby Parke Bernet.

One dealer who asked to remain anonymous s aid that lf the government decides to protect artists in the face of increasing specuJaUon. the number of collectors who buy their work will dimini s h substantially.

" WREN MOST BUSINESSMEN buy art. they like the Idea ol buyln1 beauty without the burden of a •real ' financial transact.loo," be said.

Gilbert Edel'°11, a lawyer for the Art Dealers AuoclaUon, argues that arU1ta are different rrom •rlten and compoeen, who "1et royalties when they UcenM their work, not when they reee11 it. '•



Artist Robert Indiana stands on the floor of the Milwaukee Arena in Milwaukee, Wis., after the court of the Milwaukee Bucks was painted in a design he created in 19n.

The California law. which dates to 1976, entitles an artist to collect 5 per· cent of the price of ··a registered work which was profitably resold over '$1.000." • '

The artists' argument ts that their work is a commodity and should be treated as such. They want to sell art· works as they would novels if they were writers - with a contract.

Even without a law , Judy P endleton, an artist who heads a New York City-based group called the Artist Rights' AssociatJon, tias begun selling ber paintings with a contract entiUlng her to a share of resale profit.. She claims that " It hasn 't proven to be a hindrance In selling my work" - and that abe hH received SOI requesta for a copy of the MH'aUed aareement.

A couple O( years a10. her 14-member group held two ahowa ln

which buyers bad to sign the contract. Since tben, 18 more artists have joined the group, and the members plan anotbet' exhibit next spring. Once more, they will sell only to those who agreetothecontract.

BUT IF ECONOMIC justice is the aim, a Vlaual Arts federal law wouldn't fully solve the problem, says Ralph Colin, president of New York's Art Dealers Associatlob. He claims that only a third of the 30,000 new artists emerging every year in America are successful enouch to dictate the price of their wort.

Waxman, on the other band, userta that " today's famed artlata were yesterday's unknowns" - an ar1umeot that certainly appllee ln the cue of Rauachenber1. whose work today frequently aell1 for $100,000, and lndJana, who recently sold one sculpture for

. ~

Ms. Pendleton's work sells for an average $500 to $2,000.

SHE AND OTBEB artists have been lobbying lo Was hington , fighting for a share o f an unprecedented resale bonanza ln contemporary art.

But without unity In the art com munlty, their efforts may be futile.

The Call!ornia law "was enacted without the participation of all constituents," says Robert Wade, of tbe Natlonal Endowment for the Arts. The law bu already been the subject of court fl&bb.

Al Car as the national law ts concerned, Wade aaya " there is undoubtedly a lack of unity ln tbe art community, and legislation cmmot be enacted on tbe federal level un1eea all COftltltqeata air-. II


l '

• • CFrom Paa r. i l

upJ>Qn us," i.~}• de Hoom, ~ho ha1 be-ton ,_ 1lh thl' 'M(' A 13 y ara " We 11:1uldn 't urvh1• wllhout th<-m "

In lhe I , d~ fklom uys, tht' Y hoP" to build • u ·mn ~•um , more 1haw•r room• ~e11ht trlllnlnM roonu handmlJ an.a n ~ Ut"t ba II C'OUIU

lJul tu do thol II must r1 f'f!l\' Cl muJnr ddn•flon.'I Mont IU) am h•\4' tM-1 0 n •r1 lwtf m lht Pibl but 1l b ~t.t6 fuwJ1n• dooors, tJ Soc,)m ic4>~ ( ~ ...

TH • nni .tTJN • 110Nc; h ay • i t. man) Pi"VPl\' don l ' •~"' lht• Oran~r Co;.i ~ t '\H'A " nevdy ~l'au t • of lla Nt'!"'port lk1u·h addr . ·· w,. dnn ' t b1\r rlt .,, bl Jlhll nlhropu.l ho upµot1 lhu YMC:A ht• '")b "On<" of tht' probh•m. th• "r' 1' f <'f'd wl\h 1 ... that o k•t c.>f pt"t>Jdt' nm' tnl( m ' UIL lwt:p their u1leg1 ll<'l' ' tu f' '\Mdf'nl.I ut fo Wit r10D

"~fan µeoplt> hot icru"' n c htldrt-n ,ind don't adN\Ufy with lh1a \'. TtK>> •till bu"c twi. wath ~r places "

Dt> Boom, "bo feels tht- rolt' o( lht Y Mt A in

lhe <'OOlmWUt)' "ill &row 1trN,Uy OOC(' the full impact uf Pro~tllon 13 Ill r~ll , ~ voluntel'I ~ .1s 1mport.!nt tu lh~ future' ol lht: 'r an lht- 1980~

Tht>n1 currently cire 20 volunteer board mcmbe~ und more thun 600 voluntt-er leader!> work.ln1t wtth different Y grou1>s lhrou1thout tht• year . h\' &ays. ' If you didn't ha1;c the voluntenl'> Jnd had to w.e the ... taff at r(•ally would b~ unuffordablt'

••1 THINK THE 'R~ Wll,L SEE mo11· con trol o f local governmen t going t<> Saerarrwnto. SO the plaee pC:'Ople can muke un imvad on thelr community is ln the volunk1•r sector That <"ontrol as not going to go to Sal' ramenlo or Wai.hington "

De!->cribing the YMCA as.r "goa l orienh•d ori.~anizallon." de Boom sa)'lt l ht' Y's sec·ontl goal m the decade ahead 1s to reduce health problems and Increase the fatness of the individual.

" For the children," he says, ' 'part of It is try. m g to insltU an altitude about having a healthy body as a desirable Roal.•·

Among the programs offered for young people are movement edurallon. gymnastics, swimming. rock cllmtJ1ng , leader's club, soccer and racquetball.

For adults, de Boom says, the thrust is lo inrrease their fitness so they will become more self-fulf1lled and better family members.

" In the old days we'd throw out a basketball and blow a whistle," he notes. " We're becoming morP techMcal 1n our approach."

AS AN EXAMPLE, he explains thut the Y offers back care c lasses whi ch have been rlt>veloped hy a panel or doctors

The third goat 1s to rPduce dehnquency and crime by providing opportunit ies to enchanc(' personal self-worth , devf'IOp leadership and UM!

leisure time constructively

A•• ~--clft-s

Bath Time For Genius

DEAR ANN: Don 't you think you were a Lillie hard on the husband whose wife complained that he s meJled like a goat and refused to shower? Are you sure Bill is ''sick, sick, sick"?

A recent study on the h.lstory of personal hygie~ cites that carelessness in body cleanhness frequently occurs durlng times of great lnsplra· lion . For example: Beethoven refused t.o bathe throughout the enUre period of his composihon of tbe Ninth Symphony. Likewise, ·Napoleon didn't wash his hair during the whole Russian campaign. And even more surprisingly, Michelangelo refused to wash during the four years he pamted the Sas· hne Chapel .

Without further information, don't you thlnk It's .a little early to judge "Walting's" husband? Who knows what Bill may be up to? - A PLEA FOR TOLERANCE JN PONCE

DEAR PLEA: Most geniuses bne ldJosyn. traales that. ln the range of ordinary behavior, border oa the aaUy. Tbe people refer«d lo ln your let~r wen all extraordlnartJy gJfted:

If Bill's wUe wr:ltes and says be composed • magnificent coa~rto. or became a commander-In· eblef ol an army, or pitnled aome fabuloos 'murals on tbe celllng of one of the world 's 1reatest chapeh, I'll take 40 lashes with a wet wash cloth and eat a bar of !W>ap.

DEAR ANN LANDERS: Speaking of family pictures, here's a goody for you:

When my brother was married , the bride's parents engaged a photographer to wander around and take random shots. After the brunch, the bride's family. slster!i, nieces. nephew!i, 3un~ un· cles , all went into the side room with the photog· rapher. My pa rents t railed along -only lo have lb~ bride's mother shut the door in their faces . She said, "Sorry. we're taking family pictures now."

My folks were crushed. Their only son, and they were not included in a single wedding photo! As if that wusn't enough, the bride's parents lnvit· ed them over a few months later lo ''look at the wedding plcturt's."

Was ll apllc? Was it selfl!Jhness? Wns It lhough\leuness? Could anyth.lnl( be done to spare my parents' feelings at the ltme? STILL SHOCKED

DEAR STILL: Sacb crude bdllavlor I• out· raaeoaa. ~ ~st move •ou.ld have bffn lo pltone a p._oCo(raplter on an .. emef'leocy" MS baaia and H lr lllm IO •fll'I')' .over and take pJcturet ot YOtJK aide .

. fJmlllQ:DlllSt\ ~

A great place for klda.

, ..

Many people don 't view the Orange Coast YMCA as needy because of its Newport Beach address. and that's frustratmg, says Jim de Boom.

..We're tryi ng to help people develop realistic expectalJons of what they can and can 't do, and helping them feel successful al what they can do."

Offered a r e family counseli ng crisis co unse ling, res ide n t camps and ' yo uth · govern ment program

ln the l!ltiOs. <le tiOOm adds, the Y will get into what is called a fam11y growth center a pproac h whi c h will prov ide avocational couns~ling and help people make good use of their time throughout their entire Ille.

"There's more lo life than what most of us are living a nd hopefully that's what the growth cente r will help us discover. "

In the area or Catness, de Boom says " J think .you'll see the YMCA play an important part in prov1d1ng healt h maintenance for the aver a~e family though fitness programs. health educatmn program:-., cardiovascular testing and stress testing."

( __ n_o_r_o_s_c_o_p_e __ i T UESDAY, FEB. 8 BySYDNEYOMARR

ARIES !March 21 -April 19> : Lay your cards on table your hand 1s strong and others wHI know it. Short trap. message, relative with money nPWl! these ~rab scenario sootUght. Capricorn. Cancer individuals figure prom· lnently - so doe!\ thf' number 8. Be confident. Financial pil'lurc bnghtens !

TAURUS (April 20-May 20J : Study AMes message, accent on personal possessions, costs, payments. collections, genuine bargains. Finish rather than begin - tie loose ends. Strive for uni versality. Means get pulse of public, go wltb tide .

GEMINI <May 21-June 20>: Cycle is such that you ca n grab initia\ive. Stress indepen· dence, innovation, fresh concepts, originality, gelling to heart of matters.

• CANCER !June 21-July 22> : Ypu decide on direction, goal, commitment to older family member. You're on brink of discovery. What seemed out-0(-reach becomes available - If you' re ready for it. Hunch 1s on target.

LEO (July 23-Aug. 22 >: Accent on getting what you want, once you know what you need. You're being pulled in more than one direction. Special association is highlighted .

VIRGO (Aug. 23·Sept. 22> : You know what should be done - and you can do It. Accent on business, civic duty. career, reputation, bonora. ble intentions .

LIBRA !Sept. 23-0ct. 22>: Travel, character analysis, change, variety are featured. Special formats. publications. specialized periodicals are pa.rt of scenario.

SCORPIO <Oct. 23·Nov. 21 ): Money con· nected with home, security commands aUen­tion. Check lega l ties, agreements. Partner or spouse has Rome money questions - and sur· prises. Strive tor harmony within family circle. Be d iplomatic, make intelligent concession.

SAGITl'ARIUS <Nov. 22-0ec. 21) : Steer nway from schemes, deceptions, wlodbags. See In light of actuality - define terms, oulline thesis.

CAPRICORN <Dec. 22·Jan. 19): Work , basic procedures. costs, production, lntensllled buRlness an d pe r sonal r e lations hips are featured .

AQUARl\JS <Joo . 20·Feb. 18): Good lunar aspect coineldes now with creativity, children, speculatJon, Mfe?Ction , reachlng beyond current expectations. Aries, Libra figure prominently.

PISCES <Feb. IQ-March 20) : You learn what can be done as contrasted t.o realm of pure speculallon. Strive for creativity, gettina to heart of mntters, independence, fresh contacts

ond lov~. Imprint style.

• I"' • IP ,_

PtJBLlC NOTICE .. ,.,.. .,,m11oua MIMM u ~ ... , ..... .,., '"- ........... ,.,_ .,. ••11e

llwll""'" ttAlll( LIOO W \I , 001 ~IV

•tao, New-1 .. ~ti. Gelllornl• .,... lM QlliO ,._.MIMI ll19 111-911(0

Co m11•11y, •n Oll lo nrporallon, Wiiii..,_ H II H~ Clft<#I. Mii, ~.,_.

, . ....... .,,.,,~ c.. . • ll'"llM Ptl11Mr"'4p, 4101 Wti'9rly Place, H.......,;ltfffll. c.lllonll•9*0

f lll\ ...,.._, ,,~.., o flMlt• .. ..,._,,,,.. TM Olllo Nel'9MI 11191..-all(t~ w c. 1(41U11, Ylce ...... llMM

Tllh lt-.t Wft lllof wtttl IM nty OtA of Ot' ..... ~ "'

_.., ... tm. P••• '"""'I"-' Or°"91 Coos• o.lly .......

}Ml 11, 1' ... ""' s. 12, .. ,. tst-,,




$'tATIE Of' CAUl'OIUllA l'Olt THI COUU'tY OP OttA..Oll -A47-E•l•I• of NORENE 'tAYLOR,

o.<••W'd NOT ICE 1$ HERESY GIVEN to""'

Crf'dllOf\ of,,_...,... Mmed dee~ tr.I all ~ f\av1nq Cl .. _ ~ln•I IM !.<110 Ot<.-. ••P ~rt.S 10 tile t,,.,m, Wiii\ 0... "tel~~Y -~\, In tho offf<t of - (1~1' of IM _,,.. en. Hll tcl <OUrt, Of lo ~I I~. With ""' ne<oi..rv "°"'i,.o. 10 ,,,.. un­d~rslQntd at 4416 Admtr•llY W•v. 'Mrlno o.I RllY. CA, wfll<h 15 t"9 Ille<• ot b\1$l~J of the unoen!QNd In •II .... ntrs Ptrtelnlng 10 the Hllll• of uld CIK..O.nt, "'41Nn four"'°"'"' .ti~'"' 11nt pul)f 1<Mlon of tllls noou.

Dated J_., •. rm llHOA AEYNOLOS AdtNnl S1r Ill r11: Of Ille Estelt of Ille "~ Nlmedde<~

ll!ltMAN, ILOOM & CU.ltK 461' A""'lu tty Wav s.iff• ltOI Martu de4 ltey, CA""' ht : UIUU.~ Afl-y& !« Aclmlnllln1rta Put>tlS~ 0r'"'Qe C.0.H 0.lly Piiot

J•n IS, U , 2'1, Feb, ~. 1'1' ,..,.,,


Cf'-«Ut M<mCI TO CllCMT'QftS

SU~lllC>tl OOUllT Olli' 'tHli STATll Olll'CAl.l"OltNIA lll'ott TMll C:OUHTY OP OltAHOa

MC) . ...... Estate of Ej...SA MAltlE llllllAOlE'I',

OK .. Mil NOTICE IS ~l!ltEB'I' (;IVEH to 1M

Cnidll~of !tie abo_. n-~I tllet ell llet''IOM "4Yl"O cla lms <fO<lfn.t Ille \Old ~ .... Ffl!Ulntd I<> Ille them, wltl! ..,. ntaUM'I ~rs. In

"'' olllce of me oen o1 ttlt • bo¥e .... 1111..r court, or IO prewnt t!Mm, with t he n&ou11ry 1t0<1Chflrs, to I~ un· <Mr1lqne0 •• tll<> raw office of J&rnf'\ E. Wtl!Mlm of l(I HOEL & AN OERSOH, 1070 Norttl 8l"Ol!Ow.ov Pool! Off It e Roa n~. S4nl• Al\8, Cal1lorn1a fl10? . w111c11 I• Ille Pia<~ of bu\1114'\\ of tl'W' un oerslqMd In all "'"~" o•rt•lnlnii to lhfl Ulal• of wlO de<.clenl, within '°"' rnoflthS ..,.._ ttlt first putlUUllOtl of t lllSr>Olke

D•l ed J-ry >o, lf7'1 Gt- 8reotey l:loyd Ell9Cutrl• of tilt Will Of'"'·- l\8rntd 0.C-1

Ja-1.WI.....,,. KI NOIL&ANOlillM>N ... o. 1e .. ns ,.,. "°"" ......... Saitta Ana, CA m'2 l .. : 11141 S.1117 A"-.W IW IMCWi•

Publhhotd 0r"'91 Coest Da lly Piiot. F.i>. S, 17, It, 16, 1'7' '40-,,


-.- .... -




HANIESfATt!MENT TM to11owt119 perSOf'll ••• dOl!!Q

bu\l....SJM ,..... GLOBE EHTERPRtSES, 111S2S.y

Pao., Sull•llO, lntlne, C.tllornl•ttl lf. Or lt/GIOl:le, Inc. •• • c.tllornlO CO<'·

p0retion, 1 ng Slrv Par11. S..tte 120. Irv lne. CellfOtftl•tV 14.

Tllll 11u$111Ht ll C-1ed by o c.or POf'illlon •


~· Tiiis ~ was wlttl l"9 County 0er11 ot Orlf'IQll 00un1v Oft J•nu.rv 1s, 1m.



SU ... •109! COV•T Ofl TM a tTAT90f'CAUHHIMIA PCMt , ... tlMMfY cw CMIA#O•

lfO • ......., ........ l!l.Se M. -y .. t!l..S

MANOel.IAUMMA'I'. O.C.o ... NOTICE It Mlltll'I' 01111.H to ... (,......,.,., ... ~~~ ...... off...,_._....... d olml .!Mt

IM ..i. _..... - ,...,.,... tt f lle lt!MI, -491 .. __.., -""'- In ... Offk• .. tllt deft "' ... •beW eft• tit ... ~ • ., '9 ~ "-""· wf111 .... lie(...., _......, ...... --~II HMt .._._,, lt,...t, l!I T_, C....,..._""'6cllhh~eef Ml_ of ... "'* lltMd lfl ell tftM·

*'~·""'"'*" ...... cMtM, ....... tour -- ....,. ... flnt~klllofltlltnolko.

o.wo J-v l4, "" UHION 9AHK A CMNotftl.t Qw'p,, IJKIMr '1f tM Wiii Of .......... ,,.,,...~

MIOC•Y a •Ut.MtO DM'I .............. ...... llT-~-­y .. ,7...,_ .. ...,...., ... ... '"*I ... Oralllt OMtt o.lly .......

Jlt#l. Jt•"""' j , " · " · ""' JS.Jo



Tiie tol'-119 --- - dol119 lloAI""' a\ CO NTIH EHlAI. SALES AHO

lE A SI H G. ISHl Eerl Circle, W.'1mlf'ISM , ~llOml• '7te3

M lclluf Allen TeaQut, U S)J 811\llord, Wt\lmlnster, C.lllornla .,...,

Oof'lel<I Al- 5-r. 15771 Earl CirCff, Wr.ttlllll\t.,, C.lf!or'nll ~

M o•hlU W• taO.. 1012 8U· l<l\tey, Wellml~, C.lllOnlUI fl.e::t

P.Vf ~I l-nl. 14f Gelle Ol&1, An.,,.."' Call+onlul.,..,,

Tllfl 1>u11neu " <ond1Kt'9d by • Qenttr•I~.

Mio-A 't-fl'll1 J~ "''" !lied Wffl\ ltw

'-'' Cler• of Or"'Ot C......ty °" J..-ry IS, ""


.. OTICll TO c11ao1 fOln SUl"l.IO«C:OUttT Of' TM•

IT A ta Ott ~9!0ltlttA ll04' TMI ~Oft OtlAJIOe

...., fitlate ol MAltOAIU! 't H. MAI.I A,

ell• MAllGAAll'T H. MAD19()M, fkf MA1t 0 AR£T HOYT MA LLA, OKeMtd.

HOflCe IS HUCIV OtVtN ~ I.tie <red!IO... OI "9 ._.. N"""° W<.otM INI fll _.,. IWY4"0 <ftlf'M • 111\I ii. sol• ~ .,. ~f'OCI 10 Ill• ti.11'1, wllft.,. ~ .._,..r,, '" "- Clff~ Cll ... Citfll Of IM~ .n-• llllOll ~. O' le~-· w ill\ Ille ne<•-Y -htl'i, to lht Uf\o dtrslQMd at ~NOO MALt.A, <to Dinh L, l(e1len, l!tQ., '* J:>clw St ., • 110, Hl wjlOf'I e.e<h , CJlll lO.nle t)MO, ~ h , ... !Mt<• Of 11\1\lf'tt\ .. ..,. ""*<~In olt manen p1ut•ln Int to Ille "'Ille ot w 10 Cle<eOl'M, wltl\111 I- ,_Ill\ •lter lht l trU llUll'kllllon., ltlll nolle.e

0. ... J_., IO, ftlf tlOU..HOOMAlV. AOWnllhtwof tflt ....... of -.00-. nfMN dKMtf\I

OIM!t L, l(ASTAM•.•• .. ~1=CM!f.'*9 •n.n.yttr ..............

PWll•'- Or~ eo." O.Hv Piiot JOI\. IS. tt. 2'1 f-. ' • 1m t~i.


su1•1utt0tt OOUltT OP THll ST A Ta Ot' CAI. "'01Utl A ,.Olt THI COUNTY 01" OtlAHOll .......... ,

MOTICI OP MIAltlMO 0" .. 4"1TIO'I flOft l"lt09A'tE O" WILi. ANO ,Olt U!TTl!tlS TESTAME " · T Alt'I' AHO roit AUTHOlllZATION TO ADllllNIST•tt ·'1M0•1t THE IMO ... a~NT AOMIMISTllATIOH OP ISTA~M:T (PltOeATI CODE ttf l'TS«OI

E"e\e of ENIO C. HAMI LTOi'I , "~• EH I O C AOS8\" HAMIL.T ON , Oec•• M.

NOTICE IS HEAtlY 01\ll!H llwt C AO C I( E It NA T I O NAL BAN I( ,

formerly kll OW ll ., C R OCIC r R CITIZENS NATI ONA L. 8AHIC , h<I• "'" tltt9ln • lll'tlllon tor Probel• ot Wiii end fOf' luu• nu• ot ltll••• lttl•,.,,.,....,.., '° ttw> Pt'lt'-• '"° •o• Aull1o•hM lon to Aclrllfnht., -r 11>(> ~ '"""'Pldtnl AO!nlt1l\lr8tlon of E \I•••., Act l~e Code "' .t - >. '" ~~• to WhlCl'I 1, maoe '°' hlrt""• partlc:ulan, allcl rllat IN rim• •nd pie<• ot ~nQ the~ hos bffft "'' , ,,.. P:Hlf'~ 71. rm, at 10,00 e .m , '" IM <_,room of 0.0.f'\"*"' Ho J of IMO ~. at 100 Cl.-K Ce<tr.r Ori .. , Wnt , fn Ille City of Se nt• An.s , c.i11orn1 ..

0•-~7·""· lEE A. 8RAH0t,

'*""" Cler\ •EIMJOtfff, CATLIN & ~llMIENTS '" • • SU.It., •111 Lei A_.., CA Mtr ·--,,.,. .... , l"'e4lt!Mw 1'\11111~ Or8f'l99 '"" o.ll'f P ilot

l'ttl s •• • 11. tm 40 ,.




• t . ·r


I , ' .. 4 c t> n I~

Sc Al fo s. ll ,, )1

23 10 llf All

~~ ()11

'"' COi. llt 121 m m


====T!.:.!h!!•~Bl_gnat Markftplace on th• Orange Coa11

DAIL¥ PILOT~ E~ASSIFIED ADS You Can Sell tt, And It, • [ ~2·M7JI l One Call Service Trade tt Wtth a W•nt Ad • Faat Crecttt ApplovaJ

~.~~ ....•• ~~-~~ ....... ~!.~.~ ........ ~.~~-·--...... 100 ••••• 100 01•r• IOOJ .... ,._. 1002 ...................... . ...................... ·····•·•····•••··•····· ...................... .

·um1:)!!eo 4JO NEWP09'T C NT£R OAlV 1ff.Ot11

CANYON CHST J4,.._ CHllC-sacUllTY AaA Bea.t v Jut.\ In this quiet private t.•ommunlh' Somt• oct>an view. Brand o('w . pht 'Jt.•vcl "S •o Breeze" model with 3 bt,•(.frms. f omny room & formal d1nlnu Air rond , luxury cptng, lundbcnped. nuto sprinklers plus oth('r extrui, 24 Hour gate guarded ur e:u T~nn•~ cour t s. pool & ~n·<'nlwlU. $239,000

o or Corona dt>J Mar ' cbolc~ de V\•l opmf'nl.l ol 41 coodomf ntum , w1Ul ~uperb cho1C'e of attrnC'Uons Su<"h tt-nn.i~. PoOf. J8CUZ1J & sauna In romplt.>~. wt• offtt a lovely <'Ondo Wlth 2 bdrm;, , tud)', family rm & form. I dlnlnf: rm Msnv up~rnd & only 3 )'T~ old $133.SOO ·

,....,...,.-. Hoffu:

HEWINAIEA7 ~lo I~ t'\•l l"lf" lt'AV IJ1i tbt- M'e4 J\h ) Wt· hdp )OU ~Ith th e

WISUY M. TAYLOa CO .. QALTOIS 2111 S-J~ ... lo.d

HIW...,'POl_IT..,, CINTll, H.a. 6.._..,10

pun-~"' ale of your home .\SK fo'OR ~vt'lyn -~--·R•T-lil!-... C-H_,_ __ •~-~--,•__a.--Jud)' , Ot' Soll)' 1tt WO 62511 ,_ ..... ..-v - _... _. .m>'l.Jmt• COHOO-Ul,500 NEW LIS INO

lf#Ll~.)~/b R E A7i. -T Y

Cl\artJUng taric 2 BR 2 Most desired Village 111 Bu. 5WUlY faintly dining.!otd Model. Hlghly ckll-e to pool & tt•nnL<,. upgraded end untt! Pa<'e:. park Plans tor Decorated in warm dJr«t s trel"l In l>t!11t·h ! e.arthtones. All new ap-lnvest. now" pllances-3 Bdrms. 2~':1

OPENSUNOAV 1 S baU-..,-2 fireplaces, with us llig 01p~r one in large master AU real ~ale advertlSt'<f ·--------· ut Uus newspaper Ill 1>ub· •'

1ed. to the Federal Fair Hous ing Act of 1~68 whid> makes it Illegal to advertise "nn y pre · fer<>oce . llmilat1on, or di.scrlminaUoo bai.ed on race. co&or. religion, Sl'x. or nat.looal ongln, or an intent.Ion to make any such preference, IJmita· tion. or discrimination ...

nus newspaper will not ltnowinflY accept any advertising for real <State which \a 10 viola· lion oC the law.

lend of W tlilh St. turn bdrm. An excellent offer· nght> Ing - pri ced t o se ll.

400ll7'~ ... FOR ALL $119




. . PETE BARRETT LIDO Oellghlful 4 Bed room condominium. Walk to Lido Village, restaurant~ TRIPLEX REM.TY

a.2-5200 and shops. Step out to a Gttat lncOOM!! spacious brick terrace Suigle story owner unit -------­and onto your boat- pvt with 2 townhouse dt.>slgn --------slip wlll take up lo SS' rear units . All with CAREER boat. $525.000 pnvate pauo, W ID hoo'c aor COLE Of NEWftORT up & 1ndtv1dual enclosed IN REAL.~ TATE

REAL TORS ga r a~ es . Ca II now Allain your real estate 675-5511 b73-8S50 license now .. start the

::::~ss;1==*=P=U=B=L=1c=*== 1 i .iiii ~~~~~~ "'" ...._diahfy. The *NOTICE* CarHt" Opporlwtity ~· Call for an appt to· DAit. Y PILOT os~s Fmd out about the re11I Sail Real Es tote l.aity few ft.. flnt !. estate sales cart-er OP· School cornet iotMrtioft o..ty. port uni ll el> w 1 l h The

20 HOMES Heal ataters. Licensm~ A subsidiary of

....................... Ga•rd 1002 •••••••••••••••••••••••

Ho QvalifyiltC) Assume ~7.000 VA loan on Uus 3 bedrm. l bath home + small rental unit 10 rear. Asking pnce m.500 but make an of. fer. Will catTY 1tsclr. Qlll 566-2660

No Quolifyif19! school fees completely •-•S•o•tl•P•ro•pe• r1.1- ·es-­relww:lablc Lo school or --------

These homes are localed your choice + cictcns1vc NO LOAN FEES in Anaheim. Buena Park sal~ trainmi.: pro~ram Isl 71r,% & 9~\>' c and Cypress. They are after hcensm~ to assure and l0% 2nd being liquidated and the lhe higheit opportunltlt"! 5103Seashore Or. NB owner is willing to carry for success Jom and s ue · "'11 J asmine, CdM the loans oo these homes ct.'C'd wilb lhe most out· CHARL~QUlNTARD with no quaUfying or standing team or sue · REALTOR since 1946 loan fees. Minimum dn. ccssfuJ professionals •n We• ·~t Multiple~

and 1 tbt> busi.nllcss·Thc Henl ......, payment ow mon· at.ate~ . For lnforma tbly payments . Prin· tioo call Darlene C:oe, FOUR.PLUES cipalsonly. The Real Ei. lat e r s. 2 side-by·slde owner's

CONTACT 714.64().2SOO. unit with fireplace in Worid Afl. each 4·plex. Owner will

U~l()U~ IN a MESA mK lfflC£

SURROUNDED BY GOLF - ~ bdrm (could be 6). 3 bath. estate adjacent to MVCC. beaut. pool. sep. yards and dramatic entry. $300,000.

PRIME LOCALE - Mesa Verde 3 bdrm, vacant, prime location near park, S<:hool and library. Great family home, just $111.900.

U~IVUI: liV,..l:S AEAL TORS~. 546·6990

1525 Mesa Verde Drive, East, Costa Mesa also 1n Corona t.lel MJr, at 675 6000

OCIAM VflW - $144,500 - Watch the sunset ovet Catalina from your own balcony off huge paneled bonus room or swim in the luxury of your own. private pool. Th~s 3 Bdrm 2 bath bo~e bas it all! Even a sunroom for sewing or bobby time. CGI 54Ml41

Serving Cos t .i M esa -Irvin e Huntington Beach -N e wpo rt Beach


Unbelievable value! ~ bdrms + JaCUUJ ! ! Only $80 .900! Crack lin g fl replace! Entertainers patio! Can't last at this price!! Call 645--0303


OLSON ·. .. .. '' "''

•~ ..... c >•

Newport Heights 3 IR~IXER!

Price just reduced ! Giant lot. Walk to beach. One year home warran· ty, too! Call fast. 752-1700

()l'IN 11( 9 • ti~ l/,/1110111 t, o(( •


UDO ISU Bay view from 2 patio deck.a enhances custom spacious S 'bdrm., 4 b•th tradJUonal home; like new. Jdeat fot .entertaJning. Corner lot.

OCIAMFIOMT Quallly craftsmanship ln mahog. trlm & oak floors sets off this landmark : 4 • BR, 3 ba. home in finest locaUon. Established trees & lawns. $485,000.

IACk IAY Fine 4 bdrm .. 2~ bath family home on quiet cul de sac. Oversized pool, playhouse, storage $169,000. Terms. . .

IAYFROMT Several fine bayfront homes

with pier & slip

AVAL.OM Well constructed, • BR, 1 ba. oak floor. partial basement , concrete f oundat1on. Flats area. $120.000-Fee.

BILL GRUNDY, REALTOR J·l ' boy,,J,.[)r v" •.i l\ til'i ,, 10'


z Bdrm tt den, z bath. lllnl locaUon. Pool & ten nl1 courts. •2 Jett y Olwe.

'75-0tSZ 75f·Dl6l

T• of 5ncJlola Cmtm lot· Plans 8000 s.f. home. great. vu. ~.000. 56-36.19

.... 1024

VET8lAHS Nodown for VETS. super ramlly home. spacious 3 Bdrm 2 bath, including ram1 ly room with farepl~. We ll located . near 5Choo!s. Asking on· b' m.soo. To att nil St0-11.51


oraJtOlJ1J ws £llllffTJ · am nu a a as a u ~-------• 3 UNITS•

PllME E'SIDE COSTA EA A very attractive 2 bedroom front cottage with cozy warm fireplace in front. A BRAND NEW DUPLEX Is nestled amongst mature trees on the same SS by 173' site . The duplex contains 2 Bdrm, 2 bath and 3 BR. 2 ba units PLUS 4 car enclosed garages. Great income property with a realistic investor's price of $205,000. ROGas REAL TY 675-2J 11

"1.10llJ ~..,.a Jli t!Fl:1A a 'I


4BR +den $69,500!

Sunken llvlng room . Bnck fireplace. All re· modeled kitchen . Ex· cellent location . Im· maculate bargain! Call

Get Ready for Summer

Hi g hl y upgra d e d 4 bedroom 2 story homl' reaturing conversatioo pit, tile entry, vaulted ceHi.ngs. formal dining. fa mily r oo m and fireplace . POOL ! $139 ,900. BKR Ca ll ~1720

TAllla.L. - · LOOt< HIEllE!!

N'ice upgraded 3 Bdrm home. features family room. with fireplace. 3 car garage and a large kit. Hurry on this one! cau S46-SllBO. AskLD& only m.soo. ~~ HERITAGE


Vacant remod eled Eutside Costa Mesa home. Highly upgraded w / new kitche n ap · pliances Garden window elf ldtcbeo. Lge fmly rm w /sk:yligbt.. Tiled crtyrd entry . Open Eves .


=;a. ~ ~~~e; l~~t!t~t~ (~1\mi:rn1m1m1

fast to take advantage!~~~~~~~~ "r,'\?, 17()0 1:.

t Jl'fN 111Q • 11 \ lllfl •nN N<I'

Reduc~ To SELL!! This home of obvious highly desirable.Castille

qua II t y Ce at u r es 4 area of' Mission Viejo. In· Real Estate bedrooms. 3 baths, a vest now in o n e of separ ate family room Orange County's faslestl....,._._.........., ..... .....,........, ..... _, with wood burninA appreciating a r eas . .a.. * US * * fl.replace. elegant for mal Seller just married, does ""' • • dining and an 8' wide n ot need 2 hom e,s . *VETERANS * st.airway to lhe balcony 646-7711 overlooking the living r-:-~,.IPll"l••P.1 .. •• roomand~ntry . T he rear (~IWOfyHljjUHI yard 1s lu sh l y landscaped around the Real Fistate

!•1111 Prestigious Mesa Verde 4 bedroom home -. ith

CHOICE LOTS plush loterior ... forma l ...-£.a.a NEW.,,.RT dining, family room , ~ r-v fireplace and fresh paint.

IUCH Sunken li ving room . Two lge adjoining $133,000. BKR. Call parcels zooed R-2 w /over 540-1720 Q100 sq ft ol buildable Tl•r= I land. Rare Oj>porturuty. ~ Won't last ! Open Eves. -

36' swimming pool with board, slide & 9' pnvacy wall . Priced to sell quick· ly al only $141,500. Call

Recent changes m V.A regs may enable you to qualify for Sl00.000 home

II It , - --:L..1-? loans with ab6olutely NO .___ DOWN PAYMENT.

545-Mll , .. ________ __


Then make an appoint·

OLD CORONA DEL WoridReal Estate MAR is Orange County's only

4,000 sq. ft. fum specializing tn VA 751-3191


• SELECT IHI Norton Pror cleaning geared for help fmance. Offered at PROPERTIES Realtor s. Developers only $135,000 each. Call

who have vacant homes. ~3666 • SELECT 541-0800 bldgs. ores lhat need to ~~~~~~~ SHB.PS ~~~~~~~~j took good ror future PROPERTIES

Yes!!! Triple A. double home Joans. We're the wide lot just off ocean VETS that h e lp th e

-------- 1 ment to see this beauti£ul 1006 .. .................... . Blvd. Formal living rm VETS.

+ fam1ly rm w/wet bar. For more info. call : I duplx. Including bay

custom home, near the Mesa Verde Country Cub. It features 4 Bdrm,

Transferred. vacant owners. renters. etc. Call ()wn(>r pays buyer's cos What's Your Trade? ~7857 for more info for Real Es tate Inc .

n. b 8 A Sl.77perDay Uus service. Reao;onable1~~~~~~~~~ ~~ ";1c\ i' v Y;8 ~e; mt- Thal'slitt.letopay rates. malot avail. free 1

neighborhood . S98,900. for an ad in the Daily Pilot _es_ l_. -------• C.aU now! Service DlJ"ect()ry can Anotttef' lest lwy ~SIRED

INDEX HAL PlNCHIN establisb)'OW"prolesslonal 3br. 2ba. llcudy lo move RE67~!2,RS . identity. For more lo· in . All new copper ~ fomation call 642-5678.

macnab I Irvine realty

642·1235 f\ 644-6200 tot Oowr Orlw H.trbOt View Center

lrvlM •t Otmpus Valley Cetltff' 752-1414



...... ,;.,,. ., 1111110 ... ,t:: "" '*" ,,,: ~ Mfw "°""" Plft Tl'O'MI -A a.. .... Aolltr Pl1ll " ....... ,,....... ,._ ~ "'""' floor,...._ Grldlr .... Blarlc lnll! ~

T ...-..r. Lldn Allettc.ol hldln

plumbing, roof, carpel. lotchen. & both baths. /\ real doll house in ..:real area. CI06e to schools. shopping. Won't Laltt! S&t.900. !J79.5370.


$20 , 000 UNDER MA RIC ET

WTl&.UFF GIANT Owner a ruuous - Says briog an oHer now! 5 Bdrm. J Bath. 2 ~Lory . Recently redecorated. Aslrulg tlSiS.900.



ft Platt Y• Ad. Cal

642-5678 IUOltS

• •••• 11 ........... . cllff• ..,_ - .., ••4 ,.,.,. .,,., ' i""'•• ..... ly.. n. OlolLY 1'1LOT•_......., fW ... flrof ....,_. ~...,.

HOUSU FOi Sill IOtZ • 1100

ontaUA&.IESTATf IHO • 2900 MMTALS JI .. • 4'$0




.. SOtW..S USO






IO~ · 101' RH TO YOU ....

IOA TS & MilJHi lqUIPMBCT .........


tlll · "7•

CE 810181 ILlllS ca.


DAMA POINT Overlooking Dana Point Harbor & Marina. 'OllS Exceptional Contem· porary Offers A Breathtaking lSO­Vlew. 2 Story Entry Leads To A Dramatic Living Rm W/ Rougb Hewn Wood F.P . Sep. Din. Rm. Gourmet Kitchen. Master Ste + 3 Fam . Bedrms. Beaut. Grounds W / 4'0' Pool. Sauna . Jacuzzi. $600.000.

&31·1• ••• 00¥9 DllQ

WAl"StROKT Pier/float ; duplex on legal R-2 lot; close to shops . Lido Village · a real value for $249.500!

lc6oa lay,,.. Reattors

* 675-7060 . •

5 large bedrms, each .. HortCNI. A~. frool to be exch. down In wllh 1t 's own bath. 3 Sof I "IOO a p«g. 21.3ta4-3200 secluded private patios. .,, Sptral staircase leading ,...,.._...._,......__...._,......__...._. DUPLEX · lo 2nd level. 4 car Two 2 bdrm . unlts enclosed garage. All thJs IEAUTY, llEAUTY +owner 's hideaway; Wlder one roof on corner selle r will finance . lot. Don' t let this one get A real beauty . appealing SU9.000 away! Call 67J.8S50 t.bruout. Extra tg, 3 br NEWPOttT IUCH

OPfNllt9 • trHVNru8lMCf• condo. Frplc .• pool , _,..TY 67rl64"' jacuzzi. One year new. - .,. a

Seller will finance- 00

_0up_OCEANFR0_1ex-oo-big-R-.2-~-ot-.-w-. • ~~~~)~~· f~·~~~~~~ A~. ~~~w interest ~=~V•l•E•W••!~.~~ Npt near new tennis llG HOME £L$'rA 'rE "'6UU1 courts. Easy access- SMALL SSS _ I"' I 1 JASMltfl CRH« street to beachfront lot. LARGE 4 br w / lvly REALTORS ~MY $375,000. added fmly rm. Many -------- /!t1'95S.J454, JACOIS REAL TY xt.ras. Very clean. Very ------- 759..0161

675-6670 motivate d . Orlttlnal IHCH4H11NG --------owners have priced for WATERFltOMT immediate aaJe. Hurry & Enjoy the relaxation of Pl.AH I

HEWPORT HTS. call now! 894-0611 yoor own private com· JASMIME CnH 315stGHALRD. r. munity,youownt.beland VIEW

2Bdnm.. 2balhs, frplc .. l~lj'fjl!;rn 1?11iJt PLUS a BOAT SLIP. ~'55-3454, spacious family nn .. de· Real bl.ate locluded is a comfort.a· Sf.Ol6l

3 bath with separa t e family room and dinang room. Call 546-5880 for~ appoinlmenttosee. _ '


- .


LOAM Take over subject to ex· is ling 91A % loan . Spacious air cond townhouse • 3 bdnns. 2 ba. cathedral ceilings · loft /den • X·slorage • sbdves & walkin closet · ea.rtbt.ooe crpt & warm wallpaper. Dble garage w/e lec door opener. 0peo Sat & Sun 1-SPM, 2921 " B" S . Fairview. Santa Ana. 759-1501

tad>ed 2 car garage: on --------• ble and warm bome for large lot. Vacant; close MARIO« VIEW the family with • GrHtOc.-View Real Fisute to schools. churches & RARE SPLIT LEVEL. bedJooms. family room

~ Walker & Lee

priced at$149,500. Call to Double doors QPeO into and interior pauo. Open Jasm.ineereekTownbse, rcbitect remodeled see! this love ly ( bedrm reeling aoddsuo.oy withh ~. Ta~·r::!!: wood, glass, brdwd 673--3863 64.2·22S3 Eves home. Formal din1n° woods an w a rmt · o noors decks skyUaht "' $335 000 C II Lucy frploo, $295,000. wner • · • 9

room& living rm w/fplc. • · a finance . You own the alriwn in master swte. associated Family room adjoining Howes. land. Pool, jacuzzi, ten· lrg. kit. Owner $119.500 fully bu.Ill-lo afl elec WATERFRONT nis. Principals only,

1_642_ ·_781_7 _____ _

BWC,.fW':> ~fl\lT,,'1S

l t! l ..,.. e 1lt ' , ' ,.. , I lolchen. 3 Bedrms up HOMES Ownr/ ageat 640· 1127, _"'MRM,._ wllb master s uite & nc .. , "'°9'A Tr !i&8-39'74 ~ 5 " added oo bonus rm on "...,._ '"~'"'.. . TOWHHOMES

•iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii I private lower I eve I. ~~;;;;;~631;;;-~l400~~~G~•;•;'; .. ;;;.:::;:.:;' OO~Z "'lrittmlV w oocb'' THllWNGI Specl atular view of •••••••••••••-••••••• (EastsicleCosta Mesa) 210 Feet ol unobstructed ocean, ha rbor & nlte 3432Santa Ana Avt!.

• bo Vi 673-85SO MAL ESTAff view in . Har r ew oPfN flt 9.,, ~ 'VN roN M<1 •

lnlls.Abeautiful4bdrm. , ~ I * FREE * En~Usb Tudor 2&J Br

:~:~:=~~:.~ ··IHl11; ~i:.:'.·:l:lffi · Priced below the mar ket CIMTUltY zee windows , pool, s pa . atS!fB.000. IACI IAY led W. C...... Se ' v TENN1Scourt.

From $89.900 6n-4400 IARGAIM 64&-0061or955-1920

HARBOR Lull\lrioua Woodatream 3 Developed by bedroom. 2 story. Walk WoodlreeDev. Co. to pool, V.M.C.A., shop- 1WO OH 4 LOT IMI- t82.llOO. l0% Down. t 3 BR l 2 BR, good

A OI Yl\\IOO o( llarbor ln\lt'!CtmMI Co

lkry,caJl648-44?7 fAstside location. owner .Q. .,.€Y A~ Reel Estate ~!tent. .WO-. $125,000. 'CJ' REALTOMh Trainer&~ ~€UIG€

• unlimited Income potenttal ff()rt€~ • lntematton.lly acctalmed Hwy. Coldwel Banker . "2 & 1" Training ._.~

rlfSlaNllAl llflOl<lRAGE ~ • true career opportunity

- CAMYOM TOMllOt • An upgraded Augusta Model. 2 bedrooms and den, parquet noon and upgraded carpet. New. never been Uved In. Prime view location next to pooJ. $229,900.

• COLDWIU. ..... co.

844·9060 11t1 IM~MU.IM>.

... ~CUfTI"

IASTSIH -f"resh~- 18Rolder home. R·Z lot.

cloae ~rinooo. Owner THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 8( 1979 11!., McC ... ~.

7:30-10:00 P.M. ue-111t HUNTl•TOM llACH ...


f"or Con'l)tlfnenttty Tk:Mt9. call 0t Dtop By:

2114fl.-OADWAY ~ SAMJAAMA 511-9321 • "~m'Y oftlc. la ,,

owned and •'*'"

DOW'l'WAIT ~ ~ 3 bedroom wtib aua .. lie Jot. alley acc.. for RV. Lota ot lf'\lil tree•. Eitcellent ~. Terrific buy at. • .soo. MIWPOITCINTH

UALn '40-1112

. ... .. - .. -- ....



-. ~ 1U\'UIGr dr\\ 111 l'ilartll« 1 fi4 tmam. a

lb m 1 loll Jlom• ta follwilftl WJ ~c r t lot fl• 'If I ~ I h II II JI It t tllHllh St<J•nat 4 • •r 111 it~l ' l1t111 huu 1• ~n Jlltt't'b r11m nl•u1h 1'94' 1>ln1 \l1"" ol lv'41 nn.1 ln1· tit11Ull<h & I l"h l)(mc1 Oltl r.11.. ... tu ....... 1 -.111.1tf ll(llil (' .....

1 •.111~ ln 11'-i h-r U.ltf' ' "\Bl IUOlf\ II> llt\ prl\ 111\ l'Ollllll( I Ill Ulllll'f Hr•nd.i,. 0 '4nl• r li\111 ,<on~11J~c fln1rnrm11 l 'u II tor 1p~"i':cnt

KA' RIAL TY 147-6061 S4'··U'6


~Al.DIH PATIO HOMI .. ,._ .... CUI a lty .t MOMrClia s-.lf, ye9'1 ........ peel ............... ~ ........ oc ..................... J ... .,.. .... WtM Ill t'1iit ... .._n t1•••d lay. St4,SOO. MIGU!L S HOllS ,llYATI COMMUMITY offu1 prt•.+t koch, ~ c.....,. & ~o•lh .-cwfty. =,.,. .,,,....., 4 ....., ....... c~ .... w•t & deck. OWMt' a... pwcMMd .Ott.ff ............. Ml! $169,000. GOLF Couasl HOME ri9't oe the 13th f._.~ of B MlgHI Gott Coww. a 4 1 .. a-. 4 Mlfi "'"'4etK• _... l of pcMld, r1•aad ..... prt•• .,. & ......, ,.._off Mmhr ,,_.., a.cr1•l1! 1425,000.

. b!n.go 495- 1720

On IM O<anoo · lool( to L•n<JO l1rst - - - -

'0 . ..,

4 ~leach I 048 ~~~~~ ..... ~~~~ .. . ...................... , _________ _

---------4 ••••••••••••••••••••••• OPEN :,Ai SUN 12 3 MOHAR CH $40,000

PER HOUSE " house~ on out• lot l''enet'd yards, <·nc to .. cll ~arages For info l'.ill ·



W 0 0 D I R I D G E IOOClllQUITA CONDO. SUl't;H d1armm.: 2 UH.

2 Br. l •, Im, nr lukc. pool 2 ha , li:c 11 v , (q.11 , ~ .,p a S dl l.'r mn y hrlwd pci:~cd Cloor..,, finanl'l'. ib!HIO fikr wood Pit n e I 1 n ~. 556-6171 book8hel ves, palll> ;

ocean side hwy . t'cw TR'ROCK/ lrdinoor swp. to beach.. N. end

Plan 2 Modified f'roboJlc i. ale i\!>k an g 4 BOltM · 2 BATI I i2W.OOO . submit

$127,500fl't' :! UORM. home. N l'nd,

IAYTERRACE Beautiful 3 bdrm .. 2\, bath custom home with a panor jml c Ol' l'an & cous thne view .. City llghts by na g hl. Ex · qu1&i t cly de corat e d thr\lout. Heated pool & jac!Wl. $305.000

Open Sut/SUn 1 !'> It 2 lot, cun udd untl. 23 &.>thany Dr 3 Monarch Bay Plata

Knoff Pf"Of)HtiH $!59.,l::G ALLEN LaAuna Niguel


_____ -;.-;.~ .... 752-2818 644-2542 HEAL.TOR 4~ 7578 ·4·9·6-·7·2-22 __ ._1_1-.o.e.3.6

EXTRA CLEAN B V l'urlll' HO<'k Gk;;-;Jlr~ UY OWN EH $127.000 1 __ • .... , _ _. 1052

OWNEH · 4bdrm., 2 full ba. 3 car gur . A/C, &POl·e Walk to beach & town -,--""r""'" ba .• office, TV rm . for RV Owner f aJ!l. Coty 1mmaculalt• 1·ot· •••••••••••••• • •.••••· · ,· lndry. dinlnl( & kit fully Phonel>45 0776 evs. Wf!<'.'totally renovated 2 Laguna N1gue l-~IUIPJ>l't.I with first qunh ...,__ TOWuHO E- Br l lilt. some ocean ~ I> appltanrM dhlt• ~:i r '"'"''""'S " M view, mature trees. b1i.: Realty ~ w carport, 2 patw~. tu Sharp & amma c 4 .Bfl, back yard. covert.'Ci deck, ~

~e~;~ '& 8c:~~ t ' ~1 c~ ~:s~er~~y ~~~~~a f~. Pnn on![_

494 22'..16 B. MIGUEL TERRACE f Ou l • lan ·'1n•• vu l111• Spac1ou:;J u"'rm,2l:1 HoJ $150,000 Cull or uppt ~ u ,,.. ~

.148 5879 Audn.-y Kttpelui., A1t1•11t, Condo. forml•r model ---------4 64011112 Ta'itelull y decora te11 ,

J\J<ilr Bdrm 'iUJtt.• ~ J frvk Cre:illVl' l111:m1·1ng J vall. IY OWNER t:ondu. hy

:Jtir.i'h;iMt~udclM:ir ownt•r . Pl a n 3 I br . ~1 .~I '>4 ~• Jli. • AdullJS only Tl'.'nn1s, ixw1I .

- -- - spat'lC. SSl,000 64~UUK

S'I0.1.500 ' 493-9494 495.5220 496-2413 830-5050

EASTSIDE Woodhndgc Creek Side 3 3 ~m homt• on 1~1~1· hdrm, 2 ba. As pen Uµ Ca I< 2 t•nrner lol , ~ood grad~d Lndsc pd & Usey Newport Heights :1rt·u sprinkl~rs . $99 ,SOO &

nv OWNtm ll•i?hly up· graded hom e 1111 i;nlf l 'OUfSe.Wilhl n 1 ) bhwl.. o( ten111s <'luh $275.00tl .

Only ~·~16<16-44,;3 Ownr/Agnt. 5514038 Co

~~;ii I Wuudhlidi.?c Cr eek Sldt· I mpany i!hr 2b~ c-·o_n_d_o - Orl·an / C ; V"L btlrm . 3 ba Willow _ SPARKLING mts. vu. Asking SI02,SOO

H35·4GG5, 495-495!.I

75 ~.? ~~~·~;::~;i:c t~~. 5~1~. MEW DUPLEX t:wl Nancy Deanna Jn - - - - Ownr I J\gnt 551 4038 S p e cl a cu I tt r w r u p . _vest.:...675 !1500 or 7~~H)CI~

5 Ult bf'auly, f1IJlotJ - --- - -- Mound Vll'WS or l(O lf • 8ESTTERMS * w/decrt 'r 1l\>rns. 111· RandtoSanJooquin ('IJUrSCa.ndocean Tv.11 3 qJC.s, drps. i.pht 1"vd Lil 2br 2ha & chm On ~olf UR. 2 BA unit11. Grc•il l JO IM TOWN uh•al ltx:. nr. st·~ls. & l'OI rourlle w / unohs lrul' ll'd Yl'StmenL. Sl~.000 Assumable 9• ~·; l:.l on ll'"c ... lr~ lot . 1h11> I!> a view SI 18•500 p P . • U\Js spurious up~rurled J bar)tain' VA assumublt 55257 l2 Rdrm on lee land in to vel.8. "6-0525. 1104So Coast lliway Niguel Shores. Lots of o.; ,~- I 026 Tu.rtlcnx·k new 2 Br, den. 1.l°G't~';t~~~~ll ex tra s 1 n c I u d 1 n J! ••••••••••••••••••••••• 2ba condo. Best view, u1r skylight, stained i:'la'ls. A

cond .. ull upgrade s 497 245 7 peek of the Po c 1ft l' '111.wufaet.'nloceanvil' '."' $126,900. Ownr / ;.ij,1\ . ~~~~~-~~~~I $189,500.

Nt'w 3 bd, l)tc rm,. <Jrd 714-644-4772 ElmDE REALTY hd sc p . s uite ). A gt _ .. 9"'9~56 K3.1~;644-5742 . ~ .....

WOODBRIDGE MAKE OFFER °'' lh11> 2-slory 4 yr old

l'U.')lQm homt: with vault t.>d tc1hngs 3 Bdrm i., i.plil level, 2 frpks . v1f'w Lus h back y ard wit bwll-m JllCUld and fall s spnnklc·r systems. ell• Katagi: tlr opnr, el<'

SPECIAL~ Desirous of hvin~ 111 the bl'auufuJ Lakeside rom· mumty or Woodbnd1w? We have homeli ava1la· ble 111 the pnce ronitc from S72.900 to $145.000. Please coll for details

Immaculate well c·ons t l''<CC. home UnlquC' loca lion for exec . Scl'klll)t pnvacy Ck vu. PrivJ ll' beach ava1l. Avail t m · med., move-In cond . El

•WOOD/ GLASS N1Ruel CC across way. f'astuonable 2 BOHM . Tcruus and Health l'lub. home designed by James P.P. 661-0544 Eck berg. Nest I e d in _Me_ w_rpot_ rf_h_ oc_ h--1-0-69 private ca n yon with •••••••••••••••••••••••

Oller.......... oee.-........ OttMtr .... Es .... •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••• •••••••••• ••••&e .. aA••• •······· ·~ w..,,.... .._.. ur" •11 2....... 1 °" ................. ... ......................... •::t:··· 1100 "C:SI. .. 1100 --"•·1? 2000 • ••••••••••••••••••••• ·•····•••·•··••••·····• ...•••......•••........ , ________ _

4PLEX * NEW IN llWPGIT 1i ...... :t:.=; C1 t ''

SH ... U 'l::c1. ~AM wMt Mttt• ••• ........ z• wMt ,... .... ,....,.., ... Jl/J MAI. !* 14 .......

.. u..... ...... •• Ogi:; ' •• o,_ W / S.. fNM tO - ,_. 6 16tlt ... ~, ........ s..

c ........... .... Uanllit ..._,.....,146 llOI

ors .. ., -'S•ll9f•Hl..oot4

i duplex, lneludlng b1.1y -------• froot lO be uchanaed dow n In a pka . 213 IGM l2IOO



Ulmer lotaUon. bcarncd Make an offer on this 5 ceilinM, frplcs & floor to bedroom home In Httrbor «1Ung windows that af- View. ll ls fa.1rly priced, fOl'd a view of a aecludt~ bt.t the owner needs U> puuo & 1u1rden. Feuturca move 1t lhill week. Mako make 1300 Sussex him an offer he can't ri: · a deetrable home. fuse. S167 ,500. W.tggenhorn

9 RJtn,67s-61eG. .......;; ..

~=~~~late3 ~21. br1_2~ ba. rormal dining. Hewpori c......-sput level condo. Open 6 .. "531r.7

Information HOT LINE! Exclusive!






E Anaheirn 95G.4500 M8'889S C. Anaheim 956-1011 Santa Ana 554-7070

on approval or credit

Chotce ttunttn irt on B ecrb l ocation . Scheduled l~lh Sl380 '*'mo. May cney amull 2od . SISt,950 . Owner/liroker 842·7407


LOWDOWM NoQ.allfJ ...

Owner to Clll't')'. Low low nc111auve . PrJncl p •lll on&.

DUPLEX 549-7991 H11tch Ea1t1lde Costa Mesa . A • Owne1' may carry s mall ~~~~~~~~~ 2nd . $1 t9 .oso ~~~~ Ownet-/BtoikerlM2· 74&7 ........ Tri••

9 x Orou C· plexe s PrimoEas~ld loc1Uoo . P08Hive cas h rtow J<oorn wbwll.I f>'ullprl cu ~.000 t'ach . Santa Ana $110,000 ~ wiJI helf f111ance €'TIG€ 551 · 1690/5 9 · 4132 __......_...,_ ) B1a.1owner .,... --+--+-HOM€~ .... Property 2000 •••••••••••••••••••••••

3333 W.Coast HW)', NU 64>6646

~~~ ~~~~

•$5000 DOWN• FOUtlUNITS-C.M. lnc prop, llll.Sume bul of Near new. 3 8r owneri:. Sl.20,000, at si .010 mo. unJt . 2 ba, fl"f>I , 2 l'41r Gross '700/mo. Two gar , 3 2 Br, 2 ba , urulf; on lot. No crodlt needed. _'IBL_~_1n_vs_tm_1.s_64_2_·l_603_ owner will carry . Npt Tnplex. E. Costa Mesu. lltta. 645-~. SllJO mo tncomc. SI 27 .500

22 UHITS By Own~r . 675·1S790 or Only 6 yrs old. 2 BBQ's, 833-?.330 _____ _

rec room. pool. Tenants * * * * * pay uUI. Excellent areu Owner will carry al 9S t. Only $S75,000.

spuce view from living ~"" ~ room. and master suite. --------• Nuw vacant. Offered at Tennis Villas Bluffs, 3 br, $151,500. ~allMo-tl.51 2 '12 ba . Century 21

. fR€HIG€ _ _ HOME:~

AffOaDAllE --+- .,., l.AGUNA CHARMER

3333 W6~5:16~~6y' '~ U

I 9 Foural•xes By owner ~ricee. t•x tn·rool)' tow &oiler will carry :tll financing .il !J\.w'{.

LC1r1JeCatltAow Low Down Pay1Mnt Just listed. hurry on tb1s

~~ HERITAGE Ne wp o rt Cen t er. 640-53$7. one. '140 space rent incl. THRH TWO'S

util. Walk Lo Lown & bch. 3 separate uruu. on laq~e Sngl wide Sparton. total· West.side tot Jo;nrlo!'lcd ly re-eond. New cpl.s. , garages, a ll 2 Bil, below rnu.~~ly $12,950 marketatSl.20.000

lier. 714/ 542-3676 CALI. Jo'Olt St;TUl' · ~ · REALTORS BEACH SPECIALS

MUST sell 3 br, 2 bn, ***** __ W_ES_ l _C_L-lff ____ , =~· reduced

DB.JGHT 3 br on com er 3Bd.rm,2balnbeautlfuJ lot, DfW. Crplc . mint selling. Low dn p ay. cond. Take over 9 .4% ment. S.2 14 ,000. Ope n loan. Sl00.900.


Su n D i ego Cty , arc hi t cchtu ral plan s ava.1loble. ready ror d1· vetopmenl 1n ~rowlh Sat / S 1i1n 1 . 4 . Bob 3 br 2 story + loft

9 SMSOO 3333 W Coast Hwy. Nu

DlckeMOO Agt. ~ $119,SOO. Try ur: down. Costa Mna Finr 64>6646

<tbrbrk paUo$121,000 NEWPORT HEIGHTS Duplex w/land 2 breach.

$I 49,5oo Xlnt coocl.Sl82,000: WALK TO BEACH,

Fantas tic d esigned POOLS. TENNIS FROM an:hitert ' s home. Wood, ANYOFTHESE

Spac. added 12 X 29 room on 10 X ~ CrusadeT 1962. Low park rent Incl. some util. Sluhed lo S12.9t-O. Flexible floonclng . O wn er will ca rr y mon.gage.US16) bnck & glass enhance Npt Crst Plan 4. 3 br

tJus very uruque proper. w /lots of gloss & pride of '77 HOM ... TT ty For per8ona l pre· ownership $135 ooo ~ vi!',~·,~~!~l!"J.!H"''• 1 , NptCrst2 .brwialr.cond, $16,950

[ I D/ W, f•p le. II ut 'Y I 12 X 00 Popul" r.ont & . '1.lfillf t ""1,000 _ _, ~.~:~ .... ,

k~~~~~- ~ 642-llSO PRJClSLASHED a Movmgout oflown Must -~-· _-_-=<-_:-.. ______ , Owner leaving ar ea . selJ!2 bdrm,2"'6ba .. den, Must sell NOW! ! Dbl ocean view lots of extras. BEACH wide 1970 Gulf Stream. 5 Reduced $105,000/ best or- star prest. park. Im mac. fer P.P. 642·9361 eves $20,995. <Gz.8m4n (21J)358-7417doys "FIXER"


5 BR, 3 Ba, Somerset. CllStle lrt n(l(!d of palnl. kit chen knook. family • .950.Try VAlerms. w/wctbar, dining rm. 2 BERTI1A HENRY f • r N REALTORS pie s . vlew·o ewport 21SDel Mar 492·4121 Q?n\er. I\ potting shed. pnvacy & a pnce you S.Ju. WHAT TO DO r an'l beat. Owner has ~ltn.o I 078 WITH bougbl. a nother home, ..... , ..... •••••••••• •• ~~.:x;.t au offers . MIMUlAHCH $20,000

UIOl Port.Carlow 2.3acres, 5 Bdnn, 4 both, TODAY??? pool, cabana, ' 5 -car ~-u1-., ... ~ garage . Zone d for 4 ~"' w•...,...-horses . S tabl es, su r - Dolan

7 UMITS-C.M. f'~~OOdown .. Bkr Beaut . new buildi n g. 1-------­Fireplaces, x.lnt locauon. &lboa Island dplx incl TSLlnvmts 642· 1603 b3yt'ront to be exch. dwn

30HALOT Eastslde C.M. 3 separate housea on corner lot. Super locaUon. Sl.59.000.

213 1684.3200

APARTMEHTS Excellent out of stale m ve:olmt:nt for 1> mur t !:>eyers. 65, 80, 100, l •\O,

[R€HIG€ Ui6 & larger unit com HOM€~ plexes available• Cai.h

r~qul red $300,000 111 3333W. Coast Hwy, NU Sl,000,000. Gash flow &-

645-6646 tugh upsi$1c Prin. onlv ------ --- Call Venture Really

IREAK EVEN 714n52.2737

l 5% DOWN a del Mar tn·Pl<'x 4-Plex & Sngl Family 1031 <'~chg . Sl!t5 ,000 A:.s umc . Se ll e r will Pnnt . Only 673-14ltl l'\'t • rarry paper. Mng ml orwknd avail. Agent. Gary D. ----· _ ----lbs~ 536-2498 C.M. A..PLEX

Pn.ncig~lsonly Annu a l income S31 K Own / Agt AITU 114nsi.11so 4UHITS

AlJ 3 Br 2 Ba units. Good Santa Ana location Mon thly income $1400. Owner will carry 2nd. 1-\Jll pnce SlSS.000.

TWO 1 IRSTUCCO flouseit on I lot.

28LOCKS FROM OCEAN ONLY$87,000. Call anytime

SCOTT REAL TY 536-7533 ~ p~~l~E:

3333 W Coast llwy. NB i--S-... -u,.-, EM- E_N_T_E_ 645-6646 Al"'-

----------· Year old Duplex. 2 liH. :! ll UNT I NGTON HARBOUR'S BEST Big <f·PLEX oo comt>r wt Near new. Must b4.l sold, make .an olfer. Has good assumable loan.

SCOTT REAL TY 536-7533

balh units , fireplace~ Anxious, $139,500.


215 Del Mar 1!12·4121

CAN'T REFUSE a ny rea¥>nable ofrt•r 1

f .. ook AC,..oeJe Seller pays all negatn t' L2 acres. SJ2.000 pr acre cash now for fm~t year Owner will finan ce on thlS 4·plcx. Willing ln wr.!S'~ down rarry paper. no deferred

mainten an ce. Onl y

[R€HIG€ $174.950 Wlth pool. Ctt II

_ _ HOM€~ '"""''s Only · • RB> CARPET

3333W6~~~6y, NB 833-3380

ro\lnd ed by tr ees. Xlntsbort term N!tum & privacy & minutes to own the only sensi ble harbor & city. $665,000. commodity left, Real B 0 N D R E /\ L T V , Eat.ale Land. 831-9411 FAIGO Lots for S. 2200 BUILDERSCLOSEOUT 1/ 677-5691 SIX&FIVE •••••••••••••••••••••••

WEST NEWPORT Elegant olbr1 2"ltba, 3 car I /522-2010 Owner wiU splll unlls. No Will trade 2"'a resort acrl'' 2 Bedroom beach cot· garage, olnln g rm , qualifying, no loan'~· on lake in 1-; tko, NcvadoJ


ocean view. Patio. 2 dee~. skyhles. Stz.1,500 BOOjDP

t..age. Well malnt.a.ined on pancledfam rm, 2frplcs, 5 ACIES on contract. Booming f« <'ash. sailboat. car,

*~000 DOWN* R·2 lot. l block lO bay wet bar. lawidry r m, Tie a yellow ribbon ~a .. 1 mJlc to ocean. diamonds, gold, et l' AND .. -ach Sl"cOOO premi um carpeting. , _ _. ... _~oa.k t.r- on Principals only. Ask for 675-7687

""" · - · · Talcc over existing loan 'h"""· "' u tcM: "'" Bdl Norton. Agt -- ------551-3000

--- -- --- -MARQUETTE

UHIVBlSlTY PARK 11\e bt'St floor &>Ian in a

Luxurious ocean view park bke setting. 3br. · ~mgle family homc& nr 2',.>ba, 2 frp lc , super

the harbor 2012 llJ 3200 view $12.4 ,900. Owner :iq h . l'Om1ng &oo n • willftnance a\91 • ': Call ---------1

.i4!1 Slll wt'ck duys or eves.

(;o;iy 3 yr. old 3 bdrm 2 ba 7l4 552..:.1~· bearh housr . Spal·iou~ S • ltVlng area. many lrN'i.. ~DQCIOUS rcrn garden . cub t om 2100 S'q It !I hd rm . i.:tra i; S91 ,000 PP tnwnh u rn1• L a r ~c "96-2176or751 1343 maslt'r und 2nd bdrm , -- qwl't lor..it1on on r ul llt:•

F...t• Vall.y I 034 s a 1· and g rl't'rt h<· It. •••••••••••••••••••••• • Owner will help llnuoce.

,WSH '" the wo.rd for this ":r lidrm home with ittll'geous family room llJld the new earthlonc l'pt'g. I\ rare rtn(I in the l'(l6{l)e mkt. $98,000 Cu II J> 0.1 . 714 /964 ·2431 or ~40or83S 0211 pogcr #9515

....... ._. hoch '040 lf5Z3 CA91tPU5 Da·IR'tlME ....................... - - -- --HO MAINTEHAHCI

Spanish Villi. Townhouse with tennis, fireplac • and 3 Bdtms, 2 1..\ b1.1 ths

1\edU(.'t'd to S102, 000 MUl.HURN

lH1tylt91ffl' 754-7100

STEAL ME 4 llr horn(• nenr $6,000,000 p1.1rk only $77.000! Orln1t your ll31nt brWlh & tools & makl' mont-y! Jl1ist pnrt• In county. <;all ,,..,-.·,o..1y

3 Hdrm + pool, 188,000. RID CARPfT Super Ire fomlly rm . 133. 33eo Xlnt floandnc &wall. Gel ~~~~~~~~~ ~ for summer now. -Star Rea l 1-;stalt', L..Jl-olffdl 104* ~ .............•.........

2br l 'M>• frpk, nd crpl. * DUPLIX * Nr. tbopplllJ . .U.urn.blo Oeean 11ldo of hwyJ ltvcl to.ft. SST,500963-1.J42 lot. euy ate• to oeach.

- - - - Nt'lt'dl pelnt. minor r<' BY OWNl!:R & BR CON· palna ~ ideal tor hom~ & t)(). Nr. ocean & ho1l 'lf. ln('ome . Jlurry, only RL'frl• &•l• $4$,000 Cllll SlSU,

1a62 _ MIN>'!J Realty 404 0731

The Causey

Real Estate School





• t!NIQUF.



fo'ACULTY 'J'uitlon Refund


• SUrf and Sand

Shopp(nJ Vlllagt' 14& So. Coa.t1t llwy. LAGUNA BEACH



3 Br, pool Npl Ut.s. J\ ~·

0 at 9~% Sl99,500. 26991 l 11 gorgeou s 5 acre 541..0800 Will trade 3 sub·d avid l'<I

sumes baJ . o( $150,000. Via La Mlrada831-~43. parcel Just wailing for k1cs. Las Vescos, for caioh. $1200/ mo. Approx 10' ~ you to build your new srulbool. car, diamonds. ml. No <'red1t needed ~_.._ •- I 010 home £.1..t.. .....____ __ Owner will corry, va· - -- ' , .... ft.A IOI._, __ ......,_ etc. 675-7687 ••••••••••••••••• • • • • • • -wv nu-ee 2 BR unJtlJ m great ~:.:....:.....;;...-_;_ ___ _ cant CallS45-53!r.l. - l!LLti~~· 3 Bdrm , S7.C ,9SO. Verr. 1/ 676-5717 Eastsfde location. Ex· 2 contiguous R· l lot:. .

BEACH HOME ~ sharp,greatfor lrgfam · 1/ 523.4462 cell. area, easy Village or Northwood . Balboa Island Rtah ly, easy t.o buy & easy on finanrioR a vailablc . <former park1ofi lots rev

OHL Y S 119 ,500 """"' .. ,,..,_,~ "I your purse . Star Real 25 hm/avo acres No. S .D. $138 500 models). Plons nc ll.ldcd. 2 story beauly featuring 673•1700 l!Btate, 754·6262 CO. Splltable . Panoramic ' · $$.S,OOOeach 3bdrm,2ba,sundeckoff ----------- vu. 19,llO()per acru, 2.Sq, ~ f R€HIG€ 640-5Jl2 8r<>ker _ _ ms\r bdrm. upgraded COM>OIYOWHH othel-Rftlllstah dn. Call .Mary at Beacon _ _ HOM€ By owner R 2 lot. appro>. U\l'\IOU\. New appllonccs 3br2~ba 1911,500 ••••••••••••••••••••••• Realty 7t&-19'2/ 744..4()81. SOxOO w /s ma 11 hOUbt' &woodpaneUng. (.A)mm NearHoagMS-36311 ~tto.1 Ca •r-lal 3333 W. toastllwy,NB rmtcd at Sl50/ mo. 3233 pl)ol & lennu c r \S ForSale I 100 ,,.,;;., 1600 645-6646 Clay, Newport neaeh. 750-lSOl WATERFRONT ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• . h 0 1 192.500 Prin<' only . Call

$268,000 9';, asaumuble S 16, too , uu•MA •IT ... 1L Sell things fas t wit 3 1 Y owner's lawyer S41l·7lll 1.11, O.W.C pa"'' r . 4 BR, 4 -- "' Pilot WantAdll. lf notlnleaveme1>!>1.1ge.

Lak.,.. d k STEPS TO MACH Buildinl In uie heart or ba. Cherry e w / oc • Dbl w1.a- '81 lraller " ma downtown area, cor-Pnn. only 642-1121 days ....., ., or 675-0516 evenings & <ON518fH 3 pvt bcb & ner location, excellent


Wknd.s pter. SUb letting a!Jowed. property for art gaJlery. · Located in Traeuure Iii. fumllure 1tore, or any

Exe c . home w / 180 degr~ view. 3 bdrm. 3 ba, llt>p fmly rrn . ovtr lookin~ ocean. 2 lvly utnulT\IJ bnng lheoutsido in. 759.1.501


GorReous Wes1cUff 3 br horn•. S pacious llvlng rm . Warm cor n e r fireplace . •'am ity rm . Giant kltcben-loada of CUDboards r Hup maatcr wfna . Big aewl n t · laundry rm. Manlve

000 ON ~c.ralp.eUo. Mlot condl­llonl Call la•t 752-1700 ,

e IWH• loo"Y • ti\ I VN ION fl< I ' n G•Bd•m,2bothhomc [ =n al w / pool, ac, tum rm. j ; <0mplel•l1 '4•mod<l<d & 1~11· Big lot- muc h more . ~ ; Owl>er will finance . No • cr4!dlt needed. ..wrc>aT HTS. balance. Aili for Ed we havo two 3 bdrm. ~964-2455 homea In areal loca·

tlonl ; t.hty bOth have oak DUPLEX noon & frplca .• one hH •

By owner, reduced lo 4 ca r a ar a I e • r or $175,000. Doth 2 BR uruu. Sl.36.000: the other bu a I blk lo ocetn. Good In· 1 h a k e r o o t cir • comear 11. 6"7S.0475 ~. rorS137.500.

SPACIOUS 2BR. d('n DR, CA.l.L648-4463 ut. view~ J BR apt over «&r+4 ror prk'g. 215 Sl Andrew• Rd. Sec b y appt. ~Crane ,_oeoA

Marin~r's Cove I<.l •:_i'. r : 1 Y

• t9 ~ • ... - ..i" . ...

~1 PacUlc Coast Hwy, retail business. Owne r Lag. Bcb. Offered by moYU>g & wanu to sell. ll e naiuance M . P . As king $290 ,000 . 7~3816. ReaJooociUca 6'7H700

S©\\4llA-l££!rS• Thut Intriguing Word Gome wifh a Cliudl• ----- ..... IOy QAY a. '°'*Ml

•::::·~...:. ~ .... 40 '°"" .............. _..


.' I I I r I _

r ...... N_Y .. F---r-C_Aw-tl j . I r I r _ I I :l

l TM mo4> It l~ltlll 10 ~ F r " IC £ . 11110 Alltnllo City. Tney lu•I

· I I r I = .=. :=':.."'":: ------~ In I OuCil« Of Pit •tttr - •

I T U II U M A I '"''eecl of oement.

:::1 ::r::1 ==i ::1 : ! a~.r::.~E! • NINI 1111..MelKO ltllUS IN rmxmm e UNl(l:Uliu .-eov< urrus






If you have just flled your new Flctltlou• BualneH Name and heve not yet aubmltted It for publlcetlon, pleH• don't forget th•t the flmlt•tlon la 30 CS.ya from dete of flllng. The DAILY PILOT wlll publlah your atatement for S38.50. Our clrculatlon Include• the enttre Or•nge CoHt •rea end leg•I nottcea eppear In • II edttJona. In order to aubmft your acat•ment for publlcatJon ••nd •pPrOPtt-.e copy •nd • check to THE DAILY PILOT, P.O. Box 15'0, Coata Meaa, CA. 12929. We'" do tM ,.at. For lnfonnetlon •bout tepl •dvertfalng pf••M cell 142-43.21 EX1. 332.

DAILY PILOT 642-4321




9 r ... r

'· I. e

" rt

. .


C>ttwrlteal&tat• HwtUafwW-"•d ..._.,,UwfwWelllH ........ Ullfwlll•d C~ 3415

j!ly. F!DN!fy5. 11r11 OA!bYPtLOT Q •••••••• ••• • ••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••• ••••••• • • •• - .. ·~. • lL...&-Lohfor S-. 2200 ,.__ ,.~ .. M ) 1 22 ...... ~ leoda 3240 Ml~rt.._.. JJ6t ......................... •IM•hU...... .... t-ati""'-'a: -r=-• •-

~ c"4 Mw JJ22 ~ _. •• 2BR 2BA NpL T •••• •• • •••••••• •••••••• ••• •••••••• •••••••••••• • •••••••••••••••••• .... ••••••• ••••••••• ••• •• •• ••• ., .. ••••••••-••••-• ....... •••.a.a•••••••••• •• •••••n•tt•••••••• err con e~ a.ecll 3140 CDM. n ililf~ l4> biulJ . •II Nciw <'letant 11 bf.droom SUJ>f'r e l1•nt Coodo, • • do. •DJJ 1ty end. unlt MeM 'U24 CoehlMeM 3124=--+•

I r d ,_ ...... 2 R 2 ..... ba ~ ~A ' • • Bl& "'p .... r· ••-••••••••-••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• a pp ro' p arn 11 r or le btodroom + t!n .... .,., • ..,, • • _,,...,. ... "' ..- BDRM 2 b lh. 2 tory duplt•ll IW• ..ti SPY•· .__a s:in C1Ju r I. window Jae . •ur .... b~7 C"'u Crt t ... ~ ... ....,.H ......... s ..... ' • '

Wiil "- hunit t"1ve blocks to pec.s 1112 8LS4 R t'lt • - ~ •--' ~8tinnu Townhouse Apt. ~/mo MaWlt lilolat/ FOi UA•• Lara• 1.2&3 bd 1ardeo ~ 964-1.507

Trtrl'rb ~lOO - lt<111ch llnYllte 2 c ar llACHUVIMG .. lwllhFwWllMd ~Adult.. Dsbwhr. New beaulJful 1•rden1---------6 Ttu" 6bR hom ho• 0 beoutJf\Jl vl .. w or 1aro1' Pull)' main •••••••••••••••••••••• '-..1. 1ar, IU bbq . 1partmeou, pool •IM'· Br. new coodo. 1 mile to

••• • ••••••••• • ••••••••• D llQ bo • . t.. r ... , L lAU\toJ yurd Aduh.•. No ..... JAl .. Hot.a ...,., .. , ..... 3707 Pool a;. Pd. 178 ~OU ~Br ~ beach . Tota I re c . °' i\nJa l!JI' • rocl \'11taac- Pl r r °' l le ocean, orma \I rru. lnqian: at ra27 18th W/dito, L.R .• fam rm. ••••••••••••••••••••••• Pl .,~ .. c.Yt3 •uc_,..11 • _, packuge. Incl. tennis. 3br 11•b1I• ll1m1~. Ns•wl> rm & dl.cun rm. d~n. lJ~l&kfo.~t nook. ~1 <1 t4 )9tl0-tl33l. t:lln. deck. pat. trplc'a, Ckeantront. yrly, 18 1 Br, . .,_ . ...,, ; ._....., AdulU, aopeta lmmed. occllP>'· avail. it.'t"C1Jo1h"t ·T~h·•m~ ~ parnlt' l(~t BR18A, /•e., ol11rm t'le( 1aro~oer. Both mature adult. no pets. W......_VllocJ- ~varicua.rcSWay <213>919-M41. l~1tt l>u1 k I'' l lll'I\ S" "'l•m, lnl'"'r...-m, fuJlrv .. -A-,..n---A """"'2$00 aq I\ 4 lld hom e f)l'l)leulonaUy dec:orat· $t75 673-e4 Beautiful brand new (al Newport Blvd > I' II 0 I J. I' " JI. i J.. .. ~· "' '¥ uJNO>~ ...... v abov llunt Harbour, ed MOO • S100 Ca ll 540-9626 llACHWOOO APTS l"lubl1111111t" R rvt..N AU ulil. & mnlnlennnee lnrluded in many xtr .. ,, f195. Call Marlene at till·~ or eoet. ~ 3724 adult apt&. Nofait.a. Pool, Lee 1 br w/blw sn~ to II 111 n ,. r 3 I u1 .!\l I 1950 n.or mo. Ml.lui ~ °"-· ••••••••••••••••••••••• J~~~ ... 1325. 2 br. Iv. ba, balcony, $285. Adulta 962·1800 •ii~~ .,- -------- - · "'""' · laundry rm. Adu.JUI, no 1---------

C411 ...- w .._.. 711..0100 :i Hr' & • .iari.&e. nic~ly i...------· Weeklv Rates Bach. $i!.55-l265 pet.5. 1 l BLOCK TO OCEAN\ Owl of Cowt+y tk~:(lrutt'd $415 9623571 Z..StryTow..,_. S paciOUfstudioa& l Drl29C>-S305 TSLMgmt s.2· 1603 2 Br. 1~ ba, rrplc, 2 C¥ ~ JSSO UWP£x....- lloml'. 4br.3 on th WATER with lBedroomSultes """'M2 BrS33S-$350645-8122 gar. S35(). mo. Adult.sOI\>

•• ,..................... 1 b&a, aq ft . 3rdnr . no BOAT SUP included Complete Kitchens ,,._ gmt $200. 1 Br. nice, quiet ty. No pets. Ask tor Oirlc i\ "'St tt:7'• ' t1n•1u•llh Carc.a .. Mw lU2 Coi+.Mfta 321C pw ST&s. 493-9'31 dys . Slll5/mo. MaldService · TV Beaut 2 BR, 2 ba, Mesa ~s· ~r;dd · NoNon_!.~oker . only 962-61549to S.. II"' •

111.lU LVUdu. • Ur " ... ,.,. L"W\., W .. T"'°FRONT JiOM "'" c•- -to all ~"' Jor l> . s A c t "'"" . . _, . .... .... .. .... - ... ... .................... •••••••••••••••••••••• • ....,.._... .. y~ " r.n .,.., ""'"' Uld nv~. or . . n ry TSLMgml s.2·1603 .... ~-14 lpll r~-.11 Jiu nr 6l I 1400 freeways and lrvlne Club. Pvt lncd yard, 2 ~ 1842

.iulf ruurH• Cl111nr 1~.k,• nrw,Rruiul\llHH.11 M1 \'rnJ~. 2 Ult. d,·n. ~ Uri'Ondo • •• , ba. pool. • NewportBeacbareas. carport w/storage. $435 srvclous 1 br adult i;r.t . ••••••••••••••••••••••• ( ···;uL•oda• I 7 ,7 ri ..... o ....... 1um11 II w tt•v•·T_,.J p111Uo. m rt• ,ynrd Jlll\'UlU N• peh1 S425 ,,.,,, "139 6311816 l I ... R r

~~nm1> & prhao l~ Lu,rhool& shuVN 1 6154Jtheu. RovalSuites mo. ·• · · val . mmt'v. e g. :>ceanvlewcondo. 1Br& Rid &tot. J~ !'IO mo In .-1 !Ad~' N1rc Will 644 b187 or lbl':"t:~ ~~·m'C:.rC:a~ 20!!0.,.,,ewport Blvd MEWIR.EED APTS avail. 1887 Monrovia. loft S410. Stei- to sunset b~~ 2100 .: .1 rd t' n t' r Own .. r f>M~lll ~e SRR 3b1& t'Ondo w/2 ~6evs. 642-2611 or 1 Bdrm & loft 5350 . 645-4B30. Bch (213)592·5113

• • • ••••• • • •• ••• •• • • •• • • 97'1"'30 r ar a r S4501per m o. Pool l b ....,,. frig C/ D J Sr 2 Hia , I yr o ld tl221 Wildwood Or. •1 m t 54J..2000 fll>lc .• rec room. · !I". , _...,, re ·• • ~leach 3141

TRADE WANTED 1 hi~,. ~ ,~..-~n Nt~r.r t.ownl~ '"' .SO l'o.iat lo h<'h 21~/4311-4UIO after Luxury 3 br, 3 ba condo, jacuui. closed garages. Adults No pets. 731·0 W. ••••••••••••••••••••••• tl'\t· S'.'W.ouo uct'10 ... .., t I Pl i I,. II elec. gar. opur, frpl c . •--leach 3741 t,as &wtrpd. AduJta. no llllhSl. 673-7787 XEANFRONT la...,•lux·

J ...,r, • r'Jl r . ,.,.. aJ.11 1•nm~ pix> "'" Uc>m dshwhr. trash comptr, _,.... u - - •J c M '•"" hu111 M<tw l 'on o l&ntl to'r.>~ tirti7!i !itJIJ t.41H~"'ad)~ .i ll S N rt C l DR ••••••••••••••••••••••• pets 39311L<UUJ ton, . S375 2 ba townhouse. ,...., 1200' 2 br . 2 ba. S750. $00.lllkl ""ol1 .. ,l,1h• l '1\1\1111 ewpo r es · · · • LAGUNA BEACH MTR 6'>44ll k · ;::1 utll ,,~,, l\ICN<.

\\ 'NI \\ ,1 t "rr•un 1 N"w J Utt , I~ 1n rm ~2 br, J l1 b.1 condu, dbl Garden view from every =· ~A~dsN~feoeo lNN. S7S/Wk & up. Maid · ~~~. snu:~~.' ~1i~ llA • • ~. liuu.1• 1w rnmlo uuth o l t0\11\4~. .~un<d .u••a l(nr, I p pc.ol Jucu1t1. room 3 br. 2 ba. prestige 964-i.566 973-29.71 · serv .• color TV. healed Swat MICE Orange. Ave. &40.790S ? BR+dfoo apt. Feet from llu1\11n~t"n lltl'I \\ 111 1'C•mni ~111 & ruun~ Wl'i'lllll uff \.ii I ;1 11 l' hom e, family room . ___ ..;.; ___ .___ pool. UW. (7141 494·5294. • Locked gar. w /lg s tor . oct.>ao . $475 / mo. Ca ll \JaJt' 1 c•r ltulh up ur \ \iltl n1n11 $1100 Mo •~ .,. 1 frpl4'. dshwhr. rnany ex· •••••••••• ~N. Coast Hwy. • D/W, patio, lndry rm. New 2BR, 2ba, no kids or 494-7287or494--4212 1Jown l'nni 1p;1I , uni" \bo 2 BR. Z ba honlt' t rus Prof. landscaped, UDO ISLE ---------~ • Special cabinet space pets. SlSS. 1 mo rent free. l"Jll or 111ri11· \ i\11 :..J ol Hw)' M ~nyon, • • • 1.ncl. gKrdener Edison * * t•wponleoch 3769 -Oas beat, gas cooking, Si2:8-0820 1 bdrm., lba .. 1 blk to 1h r~u n 1111 \ <'.: .i' *.lulb, oo pet?> ~ mo fratKn ICahany II S Kleis ok, oo pets 3 BR. 2 ba, Lrg. Sunny ••••••••••••••••••••••• gas hot water all frff . --------- beach som e vu. '325 \.111\') l>r. 1 •• 1, \ 1•1111 ... Wa•h.awullwr.1 1 2.tlSl:.:noland $6 25 Ag l. n o f ee . Patio. Access to tennis. •Adults, nopet.s. SPACIOUSE-SIDE _494_ 4_1Z7_ an___;.yt_i_m_e __ _ N l'" u Ju 119 I o ti v h grol 6'73~ 1497 33811 HUlllmM!o;'. Oeueh ~-2566. 973-2971 bcb & club. Call Frank IA YFROMT 1 Bdrm. $280 1 br + carport. $255. 702 l:IJti2 i J ur \all - - Youa""'lc w1nnerc1£ Karl. (213) 653-7900. ,..._,._2 BR2 ba year 2BdrmS325 Adu1tsnopets ""'3"..,2 Extralge 2 Br, lb1tS48o2S 711 biJ i!.1:!1 Shoql Jbr Jba w / bit in & . .. Very s pe<-131 3 bedroom. 2 ~~~~~~~~~~ .....,......,, • ., · Month to month • · 01

...,., • ~y l br. 1 ba $310. th trpk. S600. Call Steve Two ff-ff Tickets ba, frplc, dshwhr, rncd = ly,S$67TEPS5moT. Ol~"CH ~Elden Ave c M 2 Br. l ba. gar . Kids. pets , _inc_ l._uw_._83_1_-0300 ___ _

Rentaf' 644 GSI0/540- 1151. to Lht< yd, covered patio. gar. 3 Br 2 Ba condo, sgl leve l, - ~ 642·7605' · • ok. $325 mo. •· ••••••••••••• •••••• ••• • ---- - - lith Annual Prof. land!caped. Avail. newly decorated, $625. 4 BR, 3 ba .. wntr. $600 548-8204 or646-2316 Housft Furnished LOMG BEACH in 3 Wl>eks. $540 mo. incl. Agt. 759-0226 3 BR, 2 ba, wntr. $425 BeauL brand new adult

Ocean view, patio, cov· ered parking. l 2 BR. 2 I BR, $300-$425. Wik. to bch. 549-U86557·5870 ·········~·············

tt.ntinqton leach 3 I 4 0 JASMIHECREEIC RODEO gardener. Yr~y lease.~'-------- 2 BR, l ba, yrly. $435 apts. Spac . 1 & 2 br 2Br. lba. lge y , S300. mo.

l.J::ASES AVAll, /\Bl.E a t the Loo~ Bear h Agt, no rec. !164·2566 : Jasmine Cr~k 2br , den. w / t ow nh sc s tyl e . l Br, fncd yd, gar, $300. ~aut1fuJ3BR · S900mo Arena, 300 E . O cNrn !nJ.2971 pool, tennis, s pa, sec. Schedu l ed move · ln m o . Kids . p e t s ok .

I BR furn C'ondn, adult VILLAGE Blvd .. Lonit Bea(•h. To HunH~ gale. Avail April Isl. Feb.ID. 548-8204 ; 646-2316 ................•...... l bdrm. 'h block to beach .

Si50 area. r lubhoust<, pool , PROPERTIES ~'.riocu:t ~~~eti;. r nll ~ 3242 @

7639· rni.128:a ~= 2 Br. 2 ba. stove & refrtg.

C"~o~a~7 '9k~tores & •'•4•0.-1•4•0•5-•7•5-9•·0•3•6-3 ••••••••••••••••••••••• NEWPORT HEIGHTS TSL M t 642 1603 Cpts & drps. Adults, no Logi.a Hills 31~0 ... - -- - - • * * Bach. rondo. with view AREA ---------~ ___ g.::..m _____ ·__ pets. 646-4382. ••••••••••••••••••••••• l~ ~och 3148 IRVlNE TERRACE EasLSidc 3 l>drm 2 ba. ram Pool & Jar. arross from MEW LG. TWHHSE. """"A'I Near new 2 br townhouse. 2 bdrm No pets. $350 per New Condo. Lag Hls. 3BR ••••• ••••••••• •• • •••••• 4 Br 2 Ra . new r arpets. &din r m. frpk. new crpl bearh. $345. 847-4525 3 Bdrm, 2"2 Ba . Frplcs, & V &n&.I garage, fn c d patio . mo. Private ya rd & 2ba, frplc . $450. No pets. ' ' ' R f I"" C d h f d --- t'ellter of town S355. mo. h 714n~n ""'77 ft6 = sema um. ''" u · rapes. paint t ruout & dd.s. bll -ins , nc Condo 2br 2ba bltm. pool. wet bars. Laundry rm~. LIVING """- ""neves &wknds . ~arage . Nea r beae . _......, a pm. nyoo Al·res Dr So'.>'% Ph Greatrart.>fornghtfam1 ya r . Blol· k from G<>,.,,aes feoced yds & '""""""" """3l57 tenrus. beach. S695mo. - - · · _.._.. _________ Adults. 52 year minimum . 213 399 2501or1'45 l!69~ ly! Refs. Long term vre schools. Gardener No 15 l/ Ls t Dol' k x l r decks. Comer Knox & 2 BR J1"2 Ba. avail Feb. 1.. ..n:-..o Le" w Id

,.._ rt•- h 3 11.9 fcrr<.'<l pets. Lease $625 mo Or a o g e A ve C M . Apartments. fpl S3SO Sharp 2 BR 2 Ba. totally , .. ic.." apt. tsure or · ,_-wpor~ac v DUNCER&ASS<>C. 556-1737 day7J4 / 894 · 17 17 eve. S62S · S650 . 631 - 1388 / e,gar;g5f.2737 mo. remodeled w/ new cpts Top-0..Hill, Mootecito •••••• • •• •• •• •• • •• • • • • • 957-0701 968·5565 ------- 2L1/S92-2977 · l-7~2908. Entertainment thruout. Best Costa Mesa Vil.I, 2 BR. 2 ba. gorgeous

--- 4 br , den 1621 Sa n · WEATHERLY BAY Recreation. .. Stunrung lg. 3br iba gam area. $325 m o. Older north 180 deg. view . ~to Mna 3224 dalwood. Mesa Verdl' p B h Lrg. Npt Crest condo, 3 Yours_ 365 apt. Pool-rec. area. $345 ctuld acceptable. Ask for S 5 0 0 I m o . 0 w n er

•••••••••••• ••• •••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••• S47Slst+ last 549 27 1!1 resti~e 4 r twn m . Br, 3ba.+ mstr ste hv'~ 7lO W. l8lhSl. LarryorPam.546-5880 714/640-llZT, 568-3974. Houses U11fundshed

~ 3202 New 2&3 bdrm. fr plr . orl707>~·656S collect . boat slip. pool, tennis, 2 area. frpl, 2 car + enc days a year! •--a.. 3169 ••••••••• • •• • • ••••••••• bltns, 2 car garage S450 fp . ws hr. dryr . refrg, """"' te · lk l r--t-. S~ Mesa Verde 2 BR. 2 ba. Mlwport-

PTI H ~SIDE LUXURY BBQ. Agt Dia{)a 846-1371 gar • .....,.., nms. wa 0 • B.autiful Si.!M]le. -··' 1150 sq fl Frpk, encl •••••••••••••• •••••••••

LEASEW/ O 0 &up 645-5637. or&l<>-4027eves. bch.$650. 559-7456. 1& 180E. 2LSt Stree rW rds 1 $375 PAllCMIWPOIT 3 BR. 13

• ba , 1n Oran~e. I - uJ t 3 bd ? ba 3 Br, 3 ba & den, 2200 sq , ~·ely ""•tom 2 BR, Npt fumlahed & F.astside 2 br & den spilt Cgarats' D0 ;,, •. ga7rc .. . 6P2·16 or. frplc, pauo.· lrg y:.irct , mmar a e r · ~ ·,. ft+ lush gardens. pool , l"IM 3244 ....,v ~.... Unlumiahed lev el Frplc , de c k . "' ,,... Ba c helors. 1 or 2 1·orne r hou se $3 500 new paint. drps. c rpts. 2 patios. $650. mu. 673·6336 ••••••••••••••••••••••• Hgts, fpl c. lrlr pk g , · skylight, all extras. $420 967·1568 Bedroornsl&Townhouses down, SS75 mo 495 IJ287. l"ar gar, cov patio, ~!l e i or&tZ~ 3 Br. 2 b.a hse newly re · patio, $450. 548-3067 Aparon.nta mo. No children or pets . MESA VHDE From $349.50 !l!l(). Jtr!O ;;1,:U:.cgh.~~~1 lc~~lry~~~ 3bdrm. fencedyard H"'' decrt 'd, erpl 'd lhruout. r:HARMJ NG OCEAN - • AllUtilit1-ePaid Days 646 ·4262 · eves $6~5-MO~ Spectacular s pa. total

' ' "" p a ti o. W 1 D . ro m m 'RONT JB d d . · • No i..a.. Required 645-9543 6 ..-.... "'" recreatio n program . lal>oa Island 3206 SS25/mo. 714·645-61~. Kids &pet OK. pool/tennis crui , chldrns " r. en. ming · Lovely fa mily home ; social program. 7 pools. 8 673 7893 rm. frpk • yrly 675•9969 ' SwunrtU119, Tennla. 3 Bdrm townhouse apt. large 4 bdrm .• ram. rm.. teruus courts. Al Fashion ....................... - --- ---

IBR 3ba. den. diom~ r m, • 2br rondo, pool. Jal·uzzi p11110 wt..:as bl>Q New Nr. S. Cst Plaza $350. tile. very deun S775 C~ 1ld ok No p e t !> b7S 1442 _833-8974_. ___ ---

-----_ __ play yard . Yard rnamt l!illlarda Ul<'. $500 mo 963-1381. Seavlew. 4 BR. 2~ ba .. Adults, H'2 ba $425 mo. formal dining rm .• 3 car b land, Jamboree & San 'Jbdrm fireplace. i:arage.

ya rd $395 per mo 00·2455


formal din .• ram rm .• 2 • AciiYIU.• 0 11- · Gas paid. 642·5073. garage. Vacant , avail. Joaquin Hills Road. Willows - 3br.2 ba, frpll', frpl. ; view. guarded FroaS .. ndavllrunc:b.. now ! Choice a r ea . (7141644-1900 dshwhr. putlo, fncd yd, •HeallbClllhLlocuaia Eastside 2 br. bltns. no n e arby s h o pping & -------gate, pool & tennis. S.<!00 ..,.," 640 1278 gar. kid.'I & pets ok . $445. M PLUS MUCH MOREi pets. _, mo. . ; schools . Agt . no fee 964·2566 : 0

· 562420l evesaft5.

HEW LG. TWMHSE. ~---1 J Bdrm. 2"'1 Ba Frplcs,

lliiillllilllllllliiiiiillt .. iiiiiliil .. tJlll .. 1111111...... Wet Bars, Laundry rms

Agent 631·3444/644-5403 Oakwood 9'13-2971. l Br + Ion. 2 ba, ref.

£SIDE LUXURY IAYCREST Garden ADartrnents stove. pool. adults . no '""' Beaut de"or 4br, sep . _ f S380 ,,.."' 2901

3 B b & d 2200 .. Ne.....,..rt S.Oc:b/North pets. · .....,. ·

l!l ,\!• 11111\" :\; I.!. ti. i~~ l',l l ! 4 ll "

p,,,. 1 1,.11 • '.')h•l Any•1rn o> f ,1•,tblut! l'ro I lll•l-i

Oeluxe 4 BR. 2 ba. gar. no petS, steps to bch, S57S yrly lse. 644-1103.

'550. 3 br, 2 ba, balcony, encl. garage. All bllns, bllt to beach. Vrly.


So Feminine! Merry Clown Doll

, ' I

Walch a child laugh with to1 "' h~n he she sees lh1s clown

V/11n M happy lace and st11ped, rutfljld ou lf1t. lhtS 1s a ital ~Hlll\ clown lnspued gilt foi a rh1ld ol anv age Pa11ern 1~02 011et11on~ chatted Ptt'l.e\ 1nc1uded SI.SO IOI uc:h 1>1ttetn ACld 40l

Nt • ~s•on ol 11111n slettt uch pattern 101 hrst clns .111· Punted Pantin 9' 38 Wom- m11I ano llandhn& Sead I« ens Sites are 34 (38·tr1Ch bust AJkt lroob wllh 40 inch htp) 36 (40 bust N~dlecraft Dept. IOS 42 hip). 38 (42 bust 44 hip) Dai I y Pilot 40 (44 bust. 46 ll1p). 42 146 IOI lU, ~ CW- St., lltw Ml, 48 h•Pl. u (48 bust. !>O Tn llf 10011. Pnm bM. ntpJ 46 (50 bu~t 52 hip). 48 Mdf-, Zipb ''"'"' lhl'llMI. M b11st. ~ 1!1p1 N(W1NOW' ur 1979 NHDt.E

CRAn 200 popu s.M St.SO tar Udl ,..,,.. llf oesans 3 tree pattein AM40clw-.11,._.._ . 7 I I ... _ --'"' ~~....,,.. p1111tt<1 1nSldt Stno St S:.• --· --.. 12'-0llkklfaJ Trwt.n.Sl.SO

:iauern Dept. 442 )adv Pilot

232 Wnt 11111 Sl, .... fA "' 10011. ,,int llAME. ADCMtss, Zl,, SIZC and STYll llUMIH. Alt I"~ new clothtl YOll net<! lor lour busr hie art 1n our SPHI NG· SUMMLA PAITEAN CAT.UOGI Orm•'$, toP~. '~"'" P•nls. 'ff\ts JK~I' Plus SI ~ tr" inttttn coupon send 1sc l»SwattfJ<Sias ll S6 Sl.50 12'-0llKklbtJ frtlllftn JI.SO 121-,ttcllWOI\ Olli"' SI.SO 121·Af1Nfts ' 11' ~NII •• . Ji.SO

111-'""""" O.itta ...• $1.50 127-AllfllM • 11' Dollies. • suo 11"Bfb no.en ...... St.SO l zs.tetll' 0..llb .. ·q· I.SO 124-Citts • ~-OmalMnts. . 1.SO 12J.Stitdl 'n' Pttcll Qui US lU-$Wtt '11' ''" Quilts. . us Ul· .... SMw-Otb... . l.SO 117.far ......,.t. ... $1.00 n••lffJ r~ Qllitb .•.. $1.00 11~ Cltdltt ••.• .. Sl.00 11 l-lllltlllt Sifb ....•. . $1.00 llf.IO'!J Rwp •....... ~ lot-Stw' ltllft •••••.. $11$ 1oa.1 ..... t llacnlne .... SJ.OD 1°"""'81t r .......... s1.oo I~.._... .... ·tu• ,~....., ••..• 1.00 IU.11 Qlilta .. f-., .... 1M lU ..... q.tta ..•...• 75' m-Qllt~ ....... nc

.. ' t •or-o ~ '9 • ' .... .-... .. ... ' a

Garages. foneed yds & decks Corner Knox & Orange A v r: C M s·s25. ssso 631 - 13881 1·756-2908

r . 3 a en. sq. msl. bdrm. living rm . - .. -ft. + lush gardens. pool. dining rm. 3ba. family 880 lrvtne pat.ros. $650. mo. 673-6336 rm. custom drps, fp lc, (e11 l6lhl

2 Br.2 ba. ll50sq. fl. Fplc,

_or_ &ii_·_0282 _______ radio intercom . BBQ. <714> G4>0~~ The Terrace 2 br. 2 ba , grdnr "ioc l · Sl •250 · Ne~~ ~h~[Soutb For lease: Pt Niguel con·

enc. gar. D / W, $375. 0-Polftt 3126 Mesa Verde. Q-4921 or ••••••••••••••••••••••• 499-4721

TSLMgmt 642-1603

IACH&OR UHITS .$225 + .......

frplc, 2 car garage. Up· 64(>.70.SS (Dover a1 l&th) 3 Br. 2 ba upper. Mesa del do. 3 Br 2 Ba, lighted ten· 2BR.-t>cam ~ihngs. frplc . graded. S450 mo. 559-4819 3br 2~ba Blwfs T·plan. 1714) 642•8170 Mar. $350. No pets . nis. pc>tM, Jacuzzi. sauna . pa t io. fe n ced yard days. 5521l30eves Beaut. Back Bay vu . ~. $425 mo. 24096 Paseo

JOI E.l .. u.MI. CGI lftClfa 556-7707

$375/ mo. Adlts. no pets. Cl t p oo l 567 5 pe1a. Corona. No s moking, no l Br 2 Ba • .,_,.1 gar, _ _ 6Jl·ZlTTor646-6789 Executive Turtleroc k ~~ 0

· '-:::-M=od=•=l•=ope==o=da=11y::::IG=7== NOWTAJCIMG _pets. PH. 831-2816 C't!Otly upar;d~. close' to Glen Townhome. Huge 2 :.... ________ - -~~av • ... f - b h ~ "- " 2 br .• l' ... ba, twnhse pvt beach. Avail. 2/1. $475 E. Side. 2 br. I ba. No br. 2 story, 2 rplc w/ ten· 2Br 1 bath eot•Age. Lge 2 BR. s te ps to eac Brand d 1 2 BR ..,. • . 1 5150 .. T.. J · new e wee · gar .• lge patio. n e w per mo. tst ... ast + pets. Dbl gar , frplc. ruslls, pool, jac .• view or yard, patio. Re dwood w/paUo.c:.'!ru

5684une. 2 Ba apts. Xlnt Costa earthtone cpt. & dra""s sec.~. 992-4112

gardener. $375, 548·3683 tu · $675. 559-5588. decks. Concrete walks & ....v Mesa location. Available / M

Planters ••0 c:1mo 23Z7'1!1 March 1,1979. From • ...,5 No p e ts, s3 35 0 • BAYFRONTb1'g, deluxe 2 Ava ilable F l'b . 15th NEW HOUSE. 2 hr, 2 ba . · .,_,, · Fe b 1s t t o June 15 ..,, J.7204 Brann new parti a ll y :t,c· paL, A1C. elec. gar. Margaret Dr. 645-6625. carport2br, W/ D. adul ts per mo . Bring y o ur -67--------- 1 br, frplc. dock privgs.

· heel 2 bd 2 b Pll h I l No I Utll pd no nots 15 roommates. Call, Ocean view lge 2 br, 2 ba , SH~9jt5e pmaoti.o, 6e713ec_

3g3a6r .•. runus . rm . a . .• us came c p . OCEAN VIEW. Lrg. 3 Br. on y. , .. v • o1

Condow/ frplc .557-7162 mamt. Tennis, pool,$460 l "'2 ba. lower duplex. t s t e ps to b c h . $4 25 . 2 balconles.encl.dblgar. 642.9666 075-8138 hse Crom beh. Pref lami· _07_ 5-_77_58_______ ~ v~ private. $375. mo. Avail now. nicest Mesa Verde home. 3 Br 2 Ba +fam rm. SS95. 644·5757

HEW EAST SIDE Large townhouse type, 2 br I "'2 ba. has everything + +. Sma ll pet ok . $395 mo. Dnve by 2536 Santa Ana Ave, th e n ca ll. 642-0282.

LGE 2 br home. cpls. stv. refrag . rncd yd, gar, ad.Its. S290/ mn 644 9806.

2 br. 1 ba $390 mo. Yd & garage Bil-Ins . 646-7378 btwn 6-7PM .

RENTALS ly. SSSO/ yrly. Short term, bayCroot 3 64G-S07S 2 BR w/frplc. W/ D, Cum R b tbs $650 ~ Hilltop 2 Br 1 Ba. 2 sly, kitch . Ocean vu . Nr

1 BR. l ba . · .. · · · · · $350 40• Boal slip 3 br 2' ... ba B • 2 a · mo. d Bay/ F"•h Is l Save walk · · .,-., i I UI Agt675-8170 R.C. T"YLOR CO quiet. mini view & yar · ..., · · 3 BR. 2 ba. · · · · SS25/ 650 condo on Npt Channe Pus u · "' to wor k/bet\. $550 lse. 3 BR 2 1 L ba $600/650 t • $8001 64ft5,l I 1 $325 Less for l norson. "'9't °"'17 ' · ..., · · · · · w/ w r view. mo. Steps to bear h, 4 br. + v- 6 .. ~ 01....,.,

4 BR. 2'h ba . ... . ~5/850 Call den. $395 winter. $675. yr- 491H18L8 4 BR, 2~ ba., N. B SLOOO 075-6775 675-8018 ly. Agt (7l4)075-9000 3 BR. near So. Coast B Toro 3132 ~ blk lo beach. 3 br, 2 ba.

Plaza $490 per mo. downst. bltns. frpl. patio 54g.2253 •••••• ••••••••••••••••• gar. Lease SSOO. 127 44lh

S-Clemrnte 327 6 YEARLY LEASES! --------- Lu."'unous new apt.s. Near St. 641M>l40 •••••••• ••••••••••••••• I Unit off oceanfront. KIDS OIC rveryth1ng. J 's & 2's. -------- -z BR h o u se . S h op · ping / bch. Yr ly lease $375. 125 Ave d e la Grulla.

Bol>oo Penift. b b 1 ..,..,5 S3 10· S3 65 . 494 ·8611. Promontory Point, tenn, 2 r . 1 a, poo · -· · 768-9451 c rt . pool. c lub h se .

2 BR, 2Ba ........... $450 ~10amto7pm . --------- rhoice vu l<X'. I br SSSO.

~ :~: ~ t : : .. : : : : : · ~ 2 Br cottage. frplc. beamd ~ .. ~!'!!~~.~~.~~ ~7 631-0519 _ _ Conta ct Dia ne. Sun .. ceilings. patio. c lose ••••• • , ·do 2BR- b 1 Ct:ny l level. 2/ 3 bdrm TUes or Thurs. 673.9060. gar. Adults only. Nopets. ;HARP, beachl.2&3BR. Near ... · • 2 aux-

Condo. Fireplace. pool Davidson Realty SJ.40. E ·side . 642·3102 frplc. dishwshr. garage ury Wat e rfront apl . '*523C.otPU5Dt·IRVIME view, tennis. gar age . after7pm. & patios . No pe ts Garage. balcony, frplc

.. EASTSIDE lge 2 BR ,t------- --- M95492·0734 I Br furn apt. view. 960-2358 S750/mo. SS9-L802 den. adult condo Dbl •-•---L 3248 S240mo. to June 15th. 2 bdrm. garage, private • -· I •· s · 2b _.,.. ... -aoi;n call 67J.2677 p atio. bu1lt · IO S. No Townhouse. lovely. spac . ...., .. e y "' • pacaous r , ga r . $4 25 559 -6588 , ••••••••••••••• ••••••••

3280, ________ . _--1 ctuldreoorpets. UlOVic· & home·l.&ke. 2 br with 2bll a~ .. with magrufi·

64S-6822 1 Br wlique quiet \.Ai ac. Santo.AM tona pvt, gated entrance + 2 cent view or the Bay. k ••••••••• •••••••••••••• .&....._ftts · patios. Some with att. Sim. 6ll Lido Park Dr. Frplc. kids / pe t s o . A-'ultlstoryCoodo. 2 BR. ~....;::::..i_L_...1 BR b _ .. .....,c: .,.....,.,,... Spacious 3 br. 2 ba Air

eond Frplc . Country kitchen. hit ins . Nr So Coast Plaza 934 Azal~a S500 mo. 546·7214 or 975-6635

Rough. $450. 499-2286. l\U ba kl h / blt ~ East.side 1 8 \,;U . _..... garage. Swimming pool or..-......... -2 , tc en w ns. ••••••••••••••••••• • •• • uW ind. & 2 BR $325. J acUZZJ. Tenn LS rourts. 1 WESTClJFF 2 br oow t il family /dining rm. patio. 8ol>oo ltland 3806 New cpts •drapes in bolh. blk to Huntington shop· June l . Adil.a. 00 pets. 3 Br townhouse w /ocean

view, pool/Jae, $550 mo. 84&-0205, 213/596-1071 ~"i'.m~:;)pl~lus~~::gt, ••••••••••••••••••··~·· 631·3646ah4&wknds . pmg centermall. Adults. 5300. 673 . 6640 . 1700

Shoppln~ & fwy close. 2,~ 'F or .~iJiumA w!tn 1 &2 BR. cpts, drps, bltns, ~a~~~5Nr.1a0gi:. ~llis _w_es_ tc_U_f_fDr_. ____ _ 3 Bdrms, 2 baths. Mesa 2 bdrm. 2. ba. new carpet, Off TusUn Ave. 633·2777, 1rep a ce .... · v encl gar., adults no pets. HimUngton VIiiage Lane. IAYFROHT Ve r de hom e . $ 525 ~View, frplc . $525 538-5798. now. 20l0pal.07S-922S. 645-98.57 HB. (7111)898·9961 . mo. in c l g rdnr . 328 1 util . mcl. 497·3839 lalNNIPtnhtMla 1807 SIJPAVA1L. Spac. 2 br. Qilorado Ln. Ownr/ 11gt. L.acJ-Hltls 3250

3~~·t~~: ~':s:S~ ••••••••••••••••••••••• ~~;~k~~~: 2ct~1J~;~ •W~~t!;• t;Ui~ ~rC:.PL;~~~ SW-6221 ; SS9-4C126 ••••••••••••••••••••••• dogs . k Ids OK . $425. 2BR w/d~k. New accepted. No pets. $450. Beautiful appointments. beaut.

M. v. NORTH 3 br, 2 ba . l bdrm. 2 ba., frplc . bar , 916-756-6816 ~t & cpts. l~ blk lo 838-2917or 837·1809. Adult Apts gardens wit h sa nd y family rm , frpl e. dishwasher, fn cd yd , Saulhl.agllna 3216 ach.073-m

9 2 Bdnnapt, unfurn. fami - 2l66l8rookhurst, HB ~a:.~~~:S~~~

dshwhr, patio, fncd yd, paUo s lrge shed. SS-00 ••••••••••••••••••••••• viry clean lbr ~ blk to 1y compfex, oo pets, $285. 962-6653 (714}67J.84l4 garage. Kids & pets ok. _mo_._492_·11886 ______ Ocean View-Monarch b e ach . Oll i. lncld . 2'2.0l apt 3, College Ave, · s52s . Agt · No fe e · New Shadow Run 4Br. Summit, adult comm . 2 $335/mo. 67$-3029 eves. 642·9700. •2 Br. 2~ ba townhouse 3 bdrm. 2 ba. Ocean view ~2:166; 973-2971. 2~. fam.rm $750/ mo. BR&de o S550 I mo . _or~wknds __ . ______ 1 2 Br. l ba, all e lec. Brand hl~~ll~:.• ~I: uk~tct oothe Pemnsula $485 per

O.C.Poiftt 3226 1162.oo2S or89'l-7S30afl6. Comm. clubhoule. pool, 41 Bay Front 2br. 2ba .• new. 187 E . 18th St. $350. w/bltns, Incl. ri!frlg & mo. Agent6'75-8800 ••••••• .. •••••••••••••• Laglilla...... 3252 ~~c.i!e~~ frplr . garage. Pvt Bcb. mo. Agt. SU-5032. trash masher. Eocl gar SolAL.ogllla 3116 2 BR Condo, ocean vu. ••••••••••••••••••••••• Y c. Vrly lease. AduJts ooly. Comfortable new 2 br. 2 & patio. Small pet ok . •••• .. ••••••••••••••••• ten.nis, pool, $425. Call l Br. 2ba WeatNinecondo ....._,_,.._dor nopet.s. $850. 07J.al62. ba, kids ok, no pets. $UGemmlO. mo0 _aJ .,._.,,,.,.. rablerock Waterfront 7141833-4669 Mr. Red · oogoU course. $390. ~fwlNitlMd 3300 S190. Bachelor. Resp . ~7.-S$36S. mo. "'""lY ~ aiit.lBrlBa, oewlyde · dick. 497.2426 ••••••••••••••••••••••• adults. No pet.a. UtU pd. . . Nice. quiet 2 BR, 2 ba. rorated, SS7S mo. Call

Yr old house 3 br, 2 ba, \Ille Shores) Cust . home. 106 E. Bay Ave, Apt 9. 2 BR. dean. -pnv. pauo. apts. Fplc. Dshwsr. encl eves. 554-71112

~an~~~.9~.fir~" 1.!3BR2FBa. wRoodbrurning1

Tt"f:::f eor.o .. M• 3122 ~~. s:us. 546-6418 gar, 5340 m o. Peggy .. fwlltaFwwl•d c, am m, orma A ••••••••••••••••••••••• :-::=--:-::----;---;-~-: l ~9e()..al2.==::=:_______ •U.fawl"'-d JtOO

2 BDRM. den. 2 bath nin,. e lec gar door. INFORMATION OAC LovelY 2 bedrm duplex, or 2 BR 1 Ba, newly painted Adult Apt.s. nr bcb. New -••••••••••••• •••••••• Newer . Dbl aa r . nr 11 mal pet OK . $700. llMTOPTIOMS beach, reatunng fpk & inside &r out. $325 mo. 2bt frplc , pati<>1 J190I. THEEXCmNG Marina . $400 / mo . Beach, redacll. 493-1675 TOIUY400HOMIS single car gar. Ca ll ~158801 Pam or Larry, ~~a0te. 1702 fioiida, PALMMISAAPTS &7766 Unobstructed OCEAN AUAIUAS wkdays 9-5. (1) $$8-2411 _, .....,._4 MINUTESTONPT8Cli BT~ 3232 VU, 2 Br 2 Ba, many MOIUHOMI =~ 5 & wkndt (l) 3BR2Batwnbse~ l yrold . 3 er, 3 batownhou.seapl, Bach,1W8R •••••••••••••••• • ••••• • a.menJUes. $515. 493-4795 STOttlS Next to S. Ost P1aza ten- r-i... encl. faraae, Jgc from S25S" up.

Sao•· A.aa $54-7070 U= 2 br. l ba. Crplc. ols, pool, S52S mo . .:!:":J:· Uo. c e'"" as new. ~1ts.a_:!0a~r.· Close to !rwy, 4 br. 2 ba. C\8.om3bdrm. 2ba. ram . ... 1

'"""'_aft5 kd "'"" .... ...., ..... Dr. f1J>k, pallo.fncd yd ,g11r. nn. larae fenced yard . E.Ana.hehn 956-4500 ults, nopets. SUSyry . ....,_, "" YI Mn edcouplew/11moll ~BlkaEastof'Newport Klds&pelsok. 5455. Aat. Endofcul-de·tac.mlcro- C. Anabeim 956-lOtl Rcr req . 840-7610 or 2 br, 2 baTwnhll. Pool, childre n ok . 2 1102 Blvd) no fee. 964-2.SGG; 973-2911. wive, 3 car garage. SS95 Westmlnaler 848·8895 ..:5'1----·3.;,,122_.______ Jae, & Rec Rm. Nr Coast Brook h u r st . $ 4 5 0 . 9am·Spm 546-9860

Fw1t•Valty 3234 permo.Owner 494•2067 -------- Unfu rn 2 bedrm apt Plaza. Cbl.ldOk.NoPet.a. SG.-07'78«(21.3)432-868'7 ....................... ...._,..... 3255 CDWdannl.., within walklnl dl11tance :C.~OC:eJ.5181m o • 3br3b,~.dr•Pf',frplc, Co&etoelem. acbool. 3 br. ....................... ...... .. .m 3425 t.o beach. AvaH lmmod -------·---i priv. paOo, 3btk, from 2 ba w/l&e den. Frplc, S!ilfi, 130' oo the ! 3 ••••••••••••••••••••••• Call wkd)'• 9 . 5 · t 1 ) 3 BR, 2 ba eocla•r. s:ns. bcb. $550. dafl ~. dshwhr, covered patio bdrm, 2 be. with prtvate New deluxe hilltop Condo 558·2411 and , aft 5 4c Near OCC. No pe ta . 53M705eve 840-5e49 • w/bbq. KJdt ok, no pets. dock, wet · bar 4i A/C. Ptnoramlc coul&l vi

8•• 1_wk:nda __ U_>_•_ U20____ 'ISl.m&

2 Br,

2 be, pvt .... Uo, cloH

5$85 . Agt. No lee . Avail. now 2'308 + D.PL Harbor, 2 r, OPF.NSAT/SUN1·5 r,m.,. 964-2500; 073.2971 Poncbartratn 754·1'900. den, 2~ Ba. Dbl pr, Lge dlx 2 Br. 2 Ba. Pluah l« I BR Ir ba. to bNdL /mo. Da11,

-' 1269

lalmd. fac, Mlcro-Ov. 2 d 1 f 1 Endo1edaar11e. SIH883; 53M10S eves. ............ )240 ... ..,...... ftpl. -..1.1 cpt, rpsh, Ph•t oU· •1ppdc . M.o848 ..... ... •••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• -:..:........:...;.;.------. BIW. dahwa r. u • -------- -• Nice clean 3 Br 2 Ba Udo Ille. I BR. 2~ ba, 220 Dana PL condo. 2 8r, 2'°' Adwla, no peu. SS2S mo Sell wtU\ £ASE I NEW 2 BR 2 BA. mcl hpk, patio.acarauage Via Bb1,ca, USO . bill. 2 aty, $650. Ovrlk 'I MS-3779 or 146-9114 or ll'uBRl::EZE acaraae. clole to beach. ~mo. 962·2213 84.M>LM.~ pool/Jae.~. M0-9335 Ou.~lficdAdas.2·5178 •permo M4.n:l'1


R.epoueuioM, buy OP­~.lake over S>Qmtnt information. Easy floanclo1 OAC. Trade &Q)1hinl valuable. Sant.a A.a• 554· 10'70 WwtrniD'ftr ~ C. Anaheim tSl-1011 E. ADabeim 956-4500


~.~~~ ...... . >

•!\a \ill M °'"' • l)riH•"'a)a•P1trlllnl1 111 •Repair• • ••h o a1111 •LtC" ll C s .\apf\ ll M • JI ............


~1 .. l tHm <'I aJI lwor bn1thl~rwn -hL C"l )0 n1u1 bt .. a1·h l lt·41n la , Wn rm hall SU A~M rm 17 >U« l' IJI) r hr

( t llm IO£l Cldor it "114111, UH t\l f

l • orli m)'I( r llrb :.ll UIOI

t uunit 11 1111n\ t1 11 111 11111 •••••••••• ••••••• •• • •• ~11 111> . him k, , petw• f~l~tr'I" A\JJl•hJ .. Npl IJ 1 cl \:It. !1411J :\411 4309 tWi.('h 11,...11 ~ Jllllil' I ~<'• 67) IJIJ Child c ...

....•......•.. •.•••••••

WIJl ..... , Own lli.111 l lW? •• IV

1urd run• rh•on u1" &. landa{ •1>1n1. t; e1urii c 1l1Wlu ~ 7072 __ ~

~ .. S..-.lct t •••••••••••••••••••••••

•Ml.. ffXfT• Curp•nt~r . PH lnl1nl( f ( f 'll I Jlt'" 1~ )'I II jj1 ii.It'll Mii 17~

•••••••••••••••••••••• • HORI N ' S lfO USt; L1..ti.A..~lN() hERV&C fi: , fur u lhorouichly cltuo tM>UM ~ 001

W11.11t. fif';ALLY cu: AN 110 SF.? {' II Oin&h1im (1ll l fi'rffKl 64~ 612:"! •

l II Janll'f' 'I HOiJCC'dy Ann'" houac'(' lt•&rnlnt( rur tho ro uah , ri•llt.1 bl1· & lC> Ur t tlO UI ae r'rl C ~ b4.'J UIW

IU...•mA111•':t lloui.t'('lf n U\11 l(('fl,, rca:wo wn ltWL'l 64.2 1403 645 34

l rww~h'\l dn utt.- W P,n h.inkru11t1 > W

Al'TIU'll I .Jo)lAl. T\ t•I Ci 000-~ I . 00 atM6

I tl .J F'11m1I\ d•\. < .trt- ••• •••••• • •••• •• • • •••• • "' 1vr-M·hu .. 1 l>tUl( l um tu lf"uJ k111111 1h'r dump

'"" >~ NB ~~I trl. , ~r•~lnl( , ttl'tl wrk ckmoliuo.a l'l C' KJt ll.'\7

Compl4!te HOU.Sl'C' lcaninl( & 1rwld iterv1ee UJ11) \l.l'Jl.-klY, moulhly "' h vl' 111 Xlnt i.erv1L'e . very low raLt-s. Llc 'd A((t!ncy M2-0lli>

MAHIN A M ON t-: Y AH: I t~ Controd« . Hkkp&. bud;h·tut11 . 11111 ••••••••• •••• ••• • ••••••

P11yl11g Sml bus lli ltt•tnodrl c t!'PJlr INl 1nd11o·11fu111b t.73 711.ll '11rp~n1ry uld t1111t'

u aft111n.iru.h1µ l& yr in CcrpeatH ur~.• 1.11 tJ Mr l'.ilnm ••••••• •• ••••••••• •••• • bU ~Mali ' l\fl>('l\U'f' t-'rf',. f'_,.I An'r '"l.t" JQbb C...11 Alli.In ur lAR.t.n.K•t100 lilll t )' pe No Tooy ~"649 1oh u 111 i.mull l .H.t!ft:.t!tl . Svm.l 7!11 'Nfl~

t. USTOM wo<>Jwurkin i:. re s 1 d e n t 1 a I & r o m 1-: (' fo'ft AN K 1-: N Gt" n menial Ca ll W<iyne , \.A:intr Add 11 room, Im !147 9264 Pf"OV(l bi:l w'° Any11me

.......... ••••••••••••••••••••••• llo1ndyrncn t·uriwntry ,

c.h y w1111J , s>atlo· C'OV\'f'>. p o1 1 n t 1 n K Jo' r 1· 1•

1-~111nJlt'!t ttea11u11al>I~ ralt'll m 0021 Unan OI l '•'iA·

l'JJlllU ('llff. ho nll' 1m prov .. ment i5 y r :; l'X l>t'r GJI 42&t

F\nd whut you want In Dally Pilot Class1f1t'ds

l.t'l ll!i du the blic )Obi. II ke floors , w1nd()w11 & cpl 'I(. Uut c h Malntenonce !171 1154

· J~"T US" howee leun ing We' re honest & eU1 C'1cnl Call 673--0163

lftCOMt Tax •••••••••••••••••••••••


Pers/ Bus lncom o Tax Cnll 842·6439 for appl.

...... 4000Gcr ............. 4450 ....... u ••••••••••••••••••••• tor°t!nt 4 350 ••••••••-••••••••••••• OppottuRlty SOOS ---------•·••••• ••••••••••••••••• ~ Mann~r·s Male ••••••••••••••••••••••• •~sodorlftn• $4() l ll'llllrf'ol li.\.J 17 Pl. Modem 502 11q fl s tore. l'LANT S HOP , ideal

IAvely gardens· Brooks off ~:10ta Ana Ave, aft 2 6 3 0 < C ) A v o n · M!l.up ror lady, exclusive wt r fall llAM, 5'1<>-0130 21.1 471 700_1 _____ area. selling below setup

• Kitchen f'aC'll avail. Nt:wGaraaes for Rent For st.ore & office space al cost Try $7000 full pr1 co • Jacuzzi, healed pool ~ta Mesa reai;onable rules. i\Rl. 751-1400 •Wk.lyordaily11U1id:.rv lOx22 675·5800 500.5000SqFt COCKTAILS . Newport •1V&phooe11voJlJhle - -- MESA Yet.DE Beach , s tones throw

Forrllh h•fo call from w a t er. pa rtne rs 2277 ll tat bor 195ij DRIVE PLAZA f1ghUog. Excellent leui.t·.

Olstn M C'llll M~ 4840 M~a ~Mesa Verne f<:, c M 'J\orms. Agt 751 MOO

Office R...tof '4400 Hoom w klt t·h··n•·t1• ' •••••••••••••••••••••••

$60 week & up i23 Sq tt olt11't> ~pace to 54H 975S !>ub leu s e 1n Lu 2u n 11

J'r1Vate bath , k1lr h1•n & JIJll!.. l..a Paz. l<d )USl laundry pri v-... l'ri·f..r south or I.he S1:1n U lt>go work1nl( huly S1 75 mo 1-'r~t·wuy $3011 month /\vaJI 1-·cb l'>t 642 :-,567 Avail now 8JO 6030

Him mott·I rcMlm 'i, pool , r>~luxt• mt'd1t; a1 s.u1t{' hr1cn.'!. color TV . S:JOO mo ground rlr • l ornn~ llf'I , 1 ht• T1d1•s, 1..,~ lfrh Mar Jfr161l7<~n6c!7"00'"'~ (.;orp 4l>4 2,4(H ;.i

l'ilA CJrt'an 1-'rnt Hoom & l50 500 ~Q rt oHtt•t•:. Ba ror rl'Ot No k1t<·ht•n f'l"om SM5 Ind ulll 71'J pnv Hfg sn 1 m St•µ l ' ll W 19th Sl ~O 2200 Hance, ulll pd l .l!Unfl iuC'1l , oH 111 prk' i: Avail Feb 15 y r ly 1225 / mo Oy s 63 1 0431\ , evt's 645-3731 Mk for Bob

f'n vale swlc w1lh n •c-cp lion & 1>Cl' f t' tar111l scr v1 ce. C'On r e re n cl•

SJ50 Balboa Is l Sng l room . .. 11 fa C'1lltws 20112 JX'l'80l'I. Nr :.hos>pmg & M H ' he Iso n . I r v 1 n c· l)('h 673-3350 752 0234

Vaation R...tofs 4250 Elt'~unt ofrwt.>s up to 760 •••••••••• •• ••• ••• ••• • • S<I ft on Newport Bl . llouse for rt'nt. 011< Hear C M 6452111 . Gilti.6303 l'lty sl~ 6; linens furn l"' ... UTIRJL S2!i nltely pr <•pl. Call ~ ,J ft1tr 3 p m 548 11'H9 SUITES

n'i<; REAH CABIN 400to2000Sq. Jo't. 2 Bit frpl. r pl:. , sle<-ps 8 Cl'J>(Ji. drps, servit'ed Wl't.-korwknJ 640 ~ COll*Mrc• Perk

Newport 833·8813 Mammoc.h Condo. s ips 5 to ti l:leaul furn , funlas tic Downtown ll unt1n~tgn v1.-w, $50 Walk to c hrs lieach. 2 10~, Mam St 7 11, 752.~)() One 2· rrn ofrlce avail.

-- Sl 10 96(). ~

R.-£ .... sto Shar• 4300 'i H ARE n t'W o (( i C<' ,....,. S l 9 S I M o C.: o s t a

• ••••••••••~• •••••••••• Mesa / Newpor t area


Shcr..H·Sav• ON THE EilJoy more Poy lt!sS' W All Ages & Lifestyles ATER! We Check Refercnce11 PLUSH SUITES

Call 546-4282 3SOto t~ !l<J rt . Unfum or will furni sh ror Fantastic Vl•ws you Pvt bdr & buth, WCJ lklrs plus gor Fine loc ad lido Morifta JOlning golr coun.e & VIHoge swunm11111 pool near by Newport 675·8662 Mu.'lt be over 52 & s ingle . 770-4140. MEW OFFICES -- -- 3 lg brand new offices

llesporu11ble M.:i le wonts airport a r ea. w /full re5pons1blt• l' c mule to S<."Crctonnl service ~ood s hare apt or condo & ex Pf1 <'l' 549 1151 ' pensei. 1n be1H'h area -<2131323 0484 Hon CdM Gmd Or. 000 sq ft

Ideal for 1n1 design 2855 M f' lo ~hare lux a pt , Z E C<it llwy bl.ks tx'h. lloom hni. rplr, pvt bath, bulcony, 2 I.: Dix 1 rm uHi ce a(l j . closets . Gar 111cl $200 Airporter Hote l . No mo. ·~uti l 960 5200 lca.'le. ft:!.'\ 3223, 9 to 12

Uldy&daughll•rwlll s hr3 Rwld 1n~ tor lease on Rr2 Ba houi,e S205 mo+ New).lort Blvd . Ple nty of 12 ut1l 275 Rroadway, J>.VklOIC Call646·3928

CM !>48 11935

CAHHBY VILLAGE Fem 24 tear ht>r , nds f("m ~JO :1<t rt. l/J)6tanrs ore rmmatt' nn !lmkr, for 2 <.:miuul. $JOO mo. 2813 Hit h.•11.• 1n CM. $16S m o l,afllyetl<' 67$·4000. 646-671!9 art 6

ti' lo shore w/!lnme c hr . 2 ba homl' M <>sa Verde . $300 + 1~ U ll J II n S46-0786

"iha r e a pa C'lo u s a pt. wtrcrn O JM , 2 llR Z Ba .

Feb '-" Price Sole 3 m M ""1 priC'e on 1 yr 11.c lmnw<l. move in. f\lm W/<'on.fecc rm , secrcurtol 8t•rvlce,

& l<'IC'r>bonr rcccpuon. l' h MG 74411

pvt bch Pool $2.~. Dot --------Ut·67~7413 1 675-6000 CdM Office Sutt•s

Need Fem lo s h r 3 Dr a pt A•allClblt Irv , nn s m k r , $200 . 75• p er rt o nd up . Karyn. 057-7120, 550·8188 ·Ore81\1iidc of Coast llwy

Pro< wom•n ll<'C!ks person to shr Laa Niii home. 2 Br2 Ba EvH, 4116-67M

w / lons or old Cd M <'ha.rm


M/ F (um room . $'40 1 ~ --------• utll. Cotta A1 et1a. Non 135 8 ft In <'l!lllral Foun·

_ amkn. 211.G.IW!l IM:W tJlin ~ulluy JWasonablc . Cut L1vmg Exponsos 1 964·22311or963 8611

Sf\8,. • nom ot 1p 1 -- - ----Hou-.M .... Unllmlted llllSq. f'I . FuUy equipped

' '""" N• "' ROOl'lllMt• r o r m e d I c a I / d e n l'M'""•no ''""' 1911 Wl/pa.ramC'd•I' 3 exam

l tt1111H .f•n T\I ~"'""' rooms, pvt ollke, lab, .. ,,,,.,~ 11p on r •me m110•111n1 daft( room Ground floor.

''"JI.! ( '"'"'1'' No. C0tla Mt'H Prof. ___ 7141132""1:14 Bklll $344/ mo Flex1ble Mtde/ t'cm rm mate, 2 t1r, le . Tom 540 2200. 2 ba, l204 mo $130 11et'. Coolff'•il l Call ht: f lpm , 6Q3540.



WANT ACJ'IONt Cl ired Ad M2 ~II

54S.412l ---MAIL ORDE R mfR, ex


ON WATER. Available ror retail or professional olflet>:. or 3000 s q rt ('an lie d1v1ded into i.tnall(•r un1ls.

Wat.rfront Homu 631-1400

StOfOl)e 4550 ........•.•............ N<>w Go rages for Ht•nt

Costa M~a 10 x 22 67~ 5800

Refttalt Wont.ct 4600 •.•..........•.....•... Resporu11bl<', workinJ( wri t e r seeks one bed r oom collage 1n <'~H"OOu dt'I Mar or Costu Melin Qwetness es11cn u11J Wnte Class1f1ed Ad 11200, Umly Pilot, P 0 Uox 1560, Costa Mesa !12626 or call 675 3862

Working married C'OUple In lh<>ir 50's need unfurn 2 bdrm house or apt, CM or Nil 11.reo with reasor\a ble renl References w .. ·11 take good care of your property. 646·7217 evt..os or weekends .

•Wanted • 4 Br bouse w /2 car garu~e w /yard . Han· dyman /c arpen l cr & i.eamstres11/1nt. dccorter " t eam " will rcpulr . paint, decorate or re novole your home lo uµ mkt vulue In exc hange for renl/leuse allowance. ooi 1.848 -------Mltc.OCIMOUS

Refttal1 4650 •••••••••••••••••••••••

eanfro nt art studio Vf~ry Pn vut.e Capo. Jlch $450mo 400-1338

.. -.11 ...... , Fit...c•

••••••••••••••••••••••• ......... Opporiwdty 5005

••••••••••••••••••••••• •• *

DovldU.,,. 16871J l:Slue Water l.n.

llunlsnl{ton Uea<'h Yoo ore tho wmn<'r or Two Ft-ff Tfc:k .. 1

Lo the 17thAnnuol


a t the Long Rea c h Aren a.JOO 1-: . Ocea n Dlvd . Long Beach. T o claim your tlcket.s, call 642.-56711, ext 272.

••• ...... Opport.Mty 5005


rh.1.'live product ( yuchl mgJ, unllm1led potential Seller under cap1t11bzed Hrang offer . Ai;t 751· 1400.

Bus for sale or exch lrv1ne. OrR. Co 9yr11. old . fi l' mployce :. llm . 714/839-9828

.,,..., ....... Opportunity 5015

••••••••••••••••••••••• Loc al b u1 ldl.'r necd :s $50,000 rntenm rmam· 11)1( , s ecured Call <l!J9..3803 eves

lnveswrs eurn 50'k of pro nts A SUC'C'essrul bwldt•r set.~ funds, Sl5,000 per houst! . S h o rt t erm, M.'(:ured Mr Gordon 955-2464

CDMDUPLEX 10'4 DOWN lo existing f1n11 nc rng. lm med111te sale required. $305,000 l'rinc. only. Th is offer Koodlhru 2/ 10/79

Ct!ntury 21 West 554-484-0

5020 • ••••••••••••••••••••••

•Hcr¥1ng Troubte • Finding a Real f :State bus iness. or pe rsonal loan? We 've s ucceeded whcreot.hers have failed.

Financial Consulta nlS-64S-2509

~1. Trutt Deidi 5035

• ••••••••••••••••••••••

LOWEST 1 .............. ht T .D.'1, atso

2Rd T.D. &.o.t. Fam~t Terms sln<'o llM\I

Sattt.f- Mft. Co. 642-217' 545·06 I I

Purc good Income 2nd TD m Hunllngton n c11rh . Cu ll Andy ~7DI



David P . Carey & ASll()('. R E Broker. fl60. l957

• DISCOUKTID • Small TD incom e notes rrom $25,000 . C . S ull Abury / Ow n er 64().8'7M ......

0,fLDrt..ltJ SOOS •••••••••••••••••••••••


Over 800 Owl Center loc.itions across lhe U S dnd Canada. ANfJ SF.VERAL Will Bf OPENING SOON IN

ORANGE COUNTY AND LA COUNTY We are looking ror ambitious people w11h the de$1re and m~ans to become 1ndependen1

1hrou9h u lf·~mploy ment . Some b.Kkground m Coun5ehng, Nursing. D1e1s, Nulnlion or Bui-.m ~s would be helpful If you have the ~1r(' 10 serve others, you should inveslig.lle 1his un~ue opport'fnely W<' offer t.ln MW. wfe. proven method of rapid weight lo • .1nd control. Be1wttn floQ UM,_10 c.111 714/774 78.;.17.~~18ti .ind ~1sk ror Fc>rn Grover /i Wi . As fea1ured in f.sm1ly Circw CE ER



••••••••••••••••••••••• P tUWESSIONAL

l.NCOMETAXSEHV Your hom1: or m y om ce l-'or api>( <'811 IHll '4~

a...c~ ••••••••••••••••••••••• EuropHn Land U' •i>t-r . Top work t'alr price. ffd• IM& 4tf71 d)'l / t::Veft...:._.

JapwM"'\e Landscaper Sprinklttr, l.Qw pnrt•A . Work Huor Jl 1111 exp U c'd / llonded. Nohuro. ~l 8162, 897 2862

t4al ta::•c• ••••••••••••••••••••••• Co mpl m:untenan c c Patfltinll. ('llrpentry, lite plwnb.. ce11Jng repa1~ w Rt-u $48 ~12

MolCllll"Y ••••••••••••••••••••••• BrlC'kwork. Small Jobs Nt'Wf'Ort, Coslu Mesa & lrvllle 675 3175 eves.

.......... .....,,, .. rtilt n .. , • •

••••••••••••••~•••••••• .. ••••••••••••••••••••• ••••w•••••••••••••••••• " Movma Out• About' " QUAUTY PAINTING Any plumbln1 . w•ter Rcpelr & Keroof All " Dotl' l Delay Call To- lnl /£11t. Neat. Reuooa- Mn, leaks. bathrm e nt'I , t Y P e 11 11 h Ing I e 11 d•y" Loe.I & 1l1ato wide blo. Wayne (1XOY£ ) C'erami c Ulct . Rua . rock.a.hak.a compo l u . Sl•rv Z4 bra . 7 days . &4&-8228 832,a.68 ~:rl , .. t . Ml 5030 Pin

~ PainUna & wallpaperina. HOMESAVF.RS . Plumb· -H a rd work lna men / qual. work, rea.aonable Ina & Holln1. Free ltq>&Jr & re.roof Shake. Luwdt le l{al rates. Int. price. Rels . s.7-4281 ..Umat~JUhr. Hone1l com p C uarirnte e.d . St Uc 1Tllll230. ~74$3 p A INT~ RS N E ED t,v~g~ ~~I cc Rnim MB ~12

WO RK : 30 yrs u p. S.. '~•rilMJ Int / ex • Acc. C'lni• Oeacb City '• Plumbln1 ;:-.-; .................. . ••••••••••••••••••••••• V/ork guar . 847· 518'1 WllJ beat. any oel by 10%. • hot tuba 1n1talled

PETERS PAI NTING 972-IS(M, Gua..t. 24 hr. ~-OUJ3 u . 1•h•<·~ · plumbing ~apr 'd . Rua Rales . Int / ext. Reasonab le . Drain: $10Guara nleed re· Freet~ Lir d 751·9872 _ Free E.s l . Call Gen e Dependable. Free est . ault8. OraJn Speclalista. 1'19 552-<MSI Jay 64$-7965 54M'7U, S4().8784

~.n- Extr/ lnl r . Ex· G & M Patnt.tna. lot & "...., t: lt_A M I (.' T I L F. ; pr~ · l\oMsl, neat, reas F.xt C.ablnet fini.shln«. & w.UJ;,...... lutchetus, blliliii, entrys . Lle dll64·1045Dave ltU<'<'O repair. 751.3448/ ••••• ••••••••••••• ••••• Your ltl 1 or m i n e .

Pro{ painUng. Ext & Int. ~7. lt '1 not what It eotU · S62-:m9 IAw rates. Re fs . t"rec EXCELLENT PAIN · bulwhatltwlUpay l • CERAMIC T ll.E • All est !536-4780, 636-4383 TING. Reuonable rates. Meyer Mamt. 549--1.366 l~. Rewi rat~ . fi' rec floe Exler. Painting by Freeem.imates. 548·2706 .._ .. & Repair es . 1.Jceni1t'<i, 536 SS.2 . ft. Sinor. St. Uc .. ins. Try Palntlnit-lower w inter ••••••••••••••••••••••• European cr11fll1man. all me 836-M.5524 hrs . rata lntenor Neut, Ref Dtdls Ir Adclltlotts kinds of til t> installed.

All types of masonry . Int, ext, servin" a rea for 7 Free est. Greg Riley Rt'lla.l.saa.nce 714/499·3816 Lie/ Bonded S48 IH50 I I " ~5631 T-- c~1c• u ~. oalHJS, put o rov · yrs Prof. q ua I. work • ..... .....,-,, ...

ers,bLc wulls S489150 Res 1d / Apts / Comm looft.g ........... : .......... . Cu-Jtom Masonry, Pal1os, Walls. Flreph1ces. Re ­ Walls. IOO's of loca r e f ere n ces . ~12.

Mo¥11MJ ••••••••••••••••••••••• Moms Movmic Llc 'd & l n surt> d Tll 588 6 . Profcs1oionnl servi c e . MC/V1s n arct•pt . 962·4242 --- ----

Sell t.hinRs fast with Dai:1 Pilot Want Ads.

-Re_ as_. D_av_e_~---- .,_....._JR--' .. •••••••••••••••••••••• ape Creat1on!i t:x ~--- ....-r '""'-A- .. . U f pert shaping. th1nninl( •

WALLPAPllUMG ••••••••••••••••••••••• ··-·....,.par.... c. roo re· re moval 675·2821 Ref8 offe red. Eves, Neat patches & lexture11 !?air " coatings! Feb. Ins 631 ..,... .. 6,, .. 1....,,, ---T 19'1 .. 19 ~· SlOO off on insced · _

. .......,, ..,. ~ nw5 ... ' r ,. oil l~aUnC. s hinglf'S & TRJMMING. Al.I. KINDS Knowles Painting, int / · PATCHPLASTERING shak.ea,asphalt&ac rylJ C' Toppin g. r cmov:ir, e.xt Sand blast, text coat · A II t y p e s • F r e e ooaUng for com pog1t1on C' I ea nu p s, L 1 c II n s . l.llS. Comm / Res. 836-1120 estimates. Call~ shlngles & blt·up roofing. 646-l.84S

Poperhang1nR. Starting ,...._ at SB 00 per single roll ....., 63&9S08 Ask for Bob . ••••••••••••••••••• • •••

Plumbing repair. Spec. In remodeling & ropper re· Custom Wa llpapering

AJJ Work Goar . Free Est. 673-4158

pipe. Good prices. Top Hat Plumbing. ~·3194

20 y r s . ex pe r . Free -- -- -Es t 1 m . M e m b e r Dan'1o Tr4)(' Service T op­Chamber of CommerC'e, 11 t11k1nl(1 & thin No Wait.Ing ~.aJl3 fWlL 646 1123:1

Honest roofer will work for tlme & mat.en a l. Ca II Dave, m.-8008

Stump& trt•c> removal Fret• e!itlmatcs

646-~7 --- .. ~ ........ 5100 Al'llc.cttMfth 5100 ......... , USO HtfpW..ted 7100HelpW .... d 7100 ••••••••••••••••••••••• • •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••

N. t1~ .

•SEQUIM* Modela & Escorts Male· i'~em.S le

Ann, Destiny, Sharon . Heather, Brenda

24 hrs servmg 0 C . Ask about 8pec ra tes


Attounttng .................. accounleni)S. ProWly Annow>Cea Our Mcwe to Large r Offices. Vlsit Us Al Our New Local.ion.


COUMTERMfH! Buay Chevrolet dealt•r near Orange Cou nt y Airport n eed s parlb counte rme n with GM parts expenence. Good p ay, environm e nt Permaoeol Ol>p. for ad vancem e nl. See Bo h Cook.


Modef & Dmte• St.dlo Beautiful girls·pr1 v ate rooms



HOWARD Chevrot•t Dove & Quall Sts.


SPECIAL 531·9510 Ca ll '"' you won ' l be 6l)f'T)'

We have a n Increasing d e m and throughout Orange County for ex· perieoced accountmg & bookkeeping personnel. Call or visit us today- we are loolung forward to greeting you in our oc w location.


Salesptt&On needed for new & used Porsc he & VW sales lmmcdtalt· open.Ing f\ill time l"r Inge benefit s C11 II for 111

terv1e w. 1u-1k lor snh::. manager

C25°/o DISCOUHTJ Ourlnll the month of Februuryl Senior Citb.ens receive 2S'ii orr on their pnv11 t party ads for merrhnnd1~e for 11ale in the Closslfwd Section of the Dally Pilot <fll'al E.'llote is not Included l. Rnng your ad into on<.• or our offices . listed below between 8 AM & 5 PM any day during the week and we will s tart your ad lhe next day.

621So. Harbor. Anaheim Come 1n you ' ll be glad you d1d Mon Sal. lOam to 2am , frl. tJll 3::Kl ·3.30am .

~Uf'F'ERING from sebor· rtiea. psoriasLS, or dan

C7'4t lls.410l FREE PARKING

BILL YATES VW-PORSCHE Costa MHO - 330 W. lay StrHt

LC1CJ111M1 .. ac.h - I 116 Gle•eyre ......... hach- 17175 ~" • •

druff' Ask about Perla I•--------• <1e JoJoba Hair & &111y 1 ________ _

Treatments. Ph L0Co1 f ... ., • .,.. Atcoununc

• I/ I 'I.I/I' • , ... I 11111

837·4800 493-4511 eur. _...._... ACCOUNT ANTS AUTOM01'fV E

"MAH NIDAY!" &=1J:! OVIRl.OAD Annc4Mc:tMtfth/ Lost & fOUlld 5100 ....................... o<fers tOs> pay, a variety P~/ ••••••••••••••••••••••• _.. W..ttd. 7075 of 1oleresllng a u 1gn-

To clean new & ut1ed car:i & to supervis(' I.he lol Like to w o rk a rou nd cars? This will please you' 1 dea I for se mi retJred Sdlary Of)Cn. Sci• Ken Plen·e

Lott & FoWtd LOST. Reward Miner St ••••••••••••••••••••••• ~· servCounes I.he entirde ••••••••••••••••••••• • • Siamese <'al ~/blue col ;;;;;;!xpen~:c!dea an Al~.,..ft'ts 5100 lar, nds presc ription PERMANENTLIVEIN .o. 11...c•-...1.-........... , ........... mec:hcouon. 5-18-6971 COMPANIONS/ ~CCDNL -.. twnl>



ONLY $2 Sell any ite m or com .bulatiOll of 1lcms foe S7S or less with a Penny Pulch .. r Ad. 3 lines for 2 con.'le<!ullve d1o1yi. 1.-:ach addlt1onal hne 1~ oor for

c2A_ays_ C..11a rge 1l' Nocommerctut ads.

Por more Information and to place your ad call


HSKPRS 8"1diieepen & HOW ARO Chevrolet DoH Ii Quail Sts. REWARDSIOO PRACTICAL NURSES. ~,......,......

for n'lurn of m y while WELL SCREENED at all leve ls. Call today MEWPORT llACH cut or mfo leodtnJ( to he r EM PLOY ER PAYS and let us tell you bow lo lJTOM<n' I VI'.' return Long hair fem FEE become a busy, well paid ' w/whl neo colla r . E nd of DYNA SEARCH Ac<'ou.otanll Overload • • SHVICE rollar 1s ~ured w/wht rrdesaiooal. Dl5'ATCHER • thr ead Vic H a r d in g Personnel Servlces Please Call Today Expenc.'flC'ed only. Busy Lane & Yorktown Ave. 2021 E•nt. S.A. For An Appollltment Chevrolet dealer near un. Call 962.4682 aft 5 835-l4S9 547-76] I OranRe County Airport pm. lOMN Main, Suite 1016 Exe'.ellenl pay, ple11sant --------- Ba.rtender, Female, ve ry SANTAANA s.urroundlmc~. P erma lmt: Lon~ hair mulU <'Ir relia ble. looking for Notapublic acctg f1rm nent . Opp. for advance fem cat. M08tly wht. S/W leJlllmate pe rma nent ment. See Mr. Trevino. JlB. Rewal'd. 536-2010 Job. NB area. 675-0021 HOW ARD Chenol•t

LOST cull' s ilky wrner. ~w-.o.......11 7100 Adminis t rallve All · Dove&Qua1ISls. -- for N 8 . NEWPORT BEACH

1/26. ln HB nr Garfield & ••••••••••••••••••• Interior Design firm . - - --

~~1~1:~?· R8tW~'~ D~ ACCOUNTING 956-20.13. A':[~1~:::s 962· 1857 urt 6 PM or CLERK Advertising sales-Otll on We ll groom e d fema lf wknds. n ational accounls by over lB Good dnvtog re

Growing company has phone. 6am lo 12 noon. cord Must Uve in Costa Los l : S ilky T e rr ier opening for a s trong a c · Leading Trade Publica· Mesa arco. Ca ll 556·2500 fwemal lsolen'. vj.cM.PoRmeoowaord&. counting <'lerk in the In· lions . Goo d earnin g ror111tervlewappt . * * • " ventory rootrol /coel ac· PO«enUaJ. Cl.JI for lnterv.

G.argt Mlhr 631-0979 counting area. Excellent '114-956-2680 Babysitte r needed. ex per.

41.SO Patnce Rd Found in Anaheim . s m ~.,f4)m.~toio ~cl:a~ 1 1 APT MANAG ER ~or1f1101:n~:~k h~'!:r·s3

Newport Beach blk dog W/Wh.ile SPOl 00 y, 55 It I c l . You are the winner ot chest . 549--0629 Pl.AH HOLD. P or un 5

• 0 oa 8 s a a r Y n eg o t 1 u b I e . Two frff Tlck .. 1 17621 Von Karman Mesa. Exper d couple. MZ-1798

POUND : Gold e n lrvineCal 92'7l4 Husband m ual h ave •--_.;_ __ _

17thtoAtnnh<'uo l Retri e ver al Marie F.qualoWtyemployer malnt. exp. Wile bkkpg Babysllter loving •

C II d • 17t h ex p . Call eves resporu1lblepersonfor in· LOMGH.ACH ·a c•n o r s 0 " ACCOUNTING CL E RK· (213)86$-3851. fant. Ptr In our Irvine

RODEO Street in C.M' 557'8393

Proceu invoices, handle .ur . .ir......,•• ua borne. Ref. ~4551 at t he Long Beac h f'ound : KC<'11hond fem. mall , assist with ac ---ArenaL00300 £ . O c ean At S. Cllt Plaza Wed Jon c'Olrlt~ duties. l rvlne. MICHAMtCAL Babysitter/ Housekeeper

31 .._.., ""'12 ~1""" E 0 E p ltl I 1 t I IJVe·ln, Jrvrne, 1 infant. Blvd., R Heacb. To . .....,.,,. ..,.., ....., · · . 011 on n e e c r a claim your t1rkt.•L'l, call ----------1 ·---------I mechanical assembly nn11mkr , nndrinker, pre ,,.., ~ l 272 FOUND: 1·31·79 Fem. red area for mecha.nkal 811• rer dnve rs lie. recent vv.-"'" 0 •e; *,; Setler , wearing brown ACCOUMTIMG se mbl e r . S t ia n dard rels,S51800l ; 754·1456

r l FFANY'S l>HIVATE DISCO"' CORJ,O RATE MEMOeRSHIP. $900.00. CALL KAREN <714) M0-6384 Ext 29.


F~la.J~ Fan<'Y -Krule - Autumn

TAY FY 111.e mob 11 l rylng t o move mlo Atla.nUc Clly . 'Ibey JUll round lhrtt bodies In the ocea n whose feet were l l U<'k ltl • bucket ol aall wate r TAFFY. Instead ol ce· ment.

SlOO •••••••••••••••••••••••


Call: 642-H71


(Alt or fo"'oQod 1 r:l' Call An l m•I Au a tanc e LNJue. 53'7·2271, no fH .

flea & cha1n collar. Vic. Cl.HI knowledge ol band tools 8ABVSl1TER wanted for Sla t e r / Brookhurs t Anentr)'lcvelpoelllonls " ablll l y t o r e ad 2112yr.boy CdM or Npt 961Hl78S avall•ble In OW' SALES mechanlcai . assembly Bc.b area Flexible or

USO ••••••••••••••••••••••• RELAXlNO MA.5SAO E Bob James-Lac Masseur

Oulcall ~9. 494-5111

PREGNANT? Ca r ing ; confldenttal counseling & referra l. Abortion, adop. Uon & keeping . APCARE 547·2563

s.irt .......... ms So. El Cam lno Real San Clemt'.ftt.e; tu II y IJ c.

For appt. 492· 7296


llAM·2AM 835-37 49

UteA&YIQCI <MulM•s~ ,..,...,. ..

Servin& all Orao1e Co. 83$-131.J

& CASH ACCOUNTING "'"" ftla a mut1l Min 6 DEPARTMENT , o r •

.,..... · · perman e nt hr . C ull mos. Exp. EOE 557-~l 9·-.12·ooam 644·5347

penon who limited uJt forRayOllman ·-·--· -----­experience, but la •m· S S E M 8 L Y & Babysit~r .EI Toro area, betlous&willlngto leam. AWAREl{SE S 1 Mature woman, s tarLsni: Odinlt.ely a growth posl· • · m e ec Ja.n2nd. wit days 7 am lo lion . Dullea Inc lude prta, lllshln, noexpne<'. 4 ·30, Cure ror Infant al.diUng ol sales reporta. Xlnlfr1oge bent. Nr.,0 .C . req. 768·744S cub deposits, some fil · Airport. Avnot El ec· ----Int & general clerical tronics, 754·8091. BllnldnlJ work. Excellent. benefltt A.5SE.MBLKR TELLER 4t wo rking cond itions MechanJcal bench as· ~our Colla Mesa of wlthae,rowlo~company. R!llblef' needed. Ability f lee. Exper ience pre Apply TI~LLY lo woril frotn printa r e- ferred Call Mr. Wagner

ROGER INC ~=· :c:;r~~a~~~ iat~~. Ft•NI 1"°'201Uett.e Avenue Ca.II ror 1ppt. "2-7701 <-'--Ir......_

lrvifte. Ca 927 l4 ext. 2'S -·.....-11•/5*0331 •-------- Z700ffarborDlvd. C.M.

~~~~~~~~jAalemblY An Equal ()ppor E mplyr a.. J ILIC110MtCS BE A MOONl.IGJITER ••• ...........

944 Victoria Colla Mtaa

YOU art lbe winner of Two"" TlcJ&eh

._.fen tam moooy whlJ ot.htrs Solder~ ~· LA Times hu Wlrina n£J for carritn for early morn 'a r o utes . ~ 21,\-3 h rs dally . Earn

MASSA•I tTUlto :!uat FKMlll MODILS Lo.. MACH

Ttmporery It permanent ~ mo. Call for de-­jobs. Pay according to t.alla. 5"&·4'111 or ll'l9·2ll16 ap. wwk evall.

PMil\c rel'9C>ftMI Beauty ()pcratof wanted Nc!wportBcb 840-1970 Just 1raduated from S.UAna $58-?0IS tchooi OK. r•1u m,.

nw.nlcwi l . N().2474 • ISCOITS lODIO

1'11UW"AU.OMl.Y at tbe Loni Beach•w _ L- Aren1~ E . Ocean

........ .- Blvd , Beacb. To I ·2140 dalm )WI' Ucketl, caJl

~~... Beauty HAIR STYLIST ~,_.. needed, R~ llal r Slyl

~•llL to.Sll.atm. WOO Rew81'(! . Return or ---------,·----*- *- *----' mana gold Va<"h•ron & rhy1tcal mauaae by Oet OREEN c-•h

....... a yn. Jobbtt lftl. So. OJ\ Plata, CM "'11111.ence. Mu1t bt w•ll A&JPb' In pe.raoo. 540-8888.

C:-Swor: r,::;a=~~ -auty 1a_lon nefda ,_;;; wtt.b arowtna company. tlonlat . manlt'url&l & Call ~-asoo for In · ealon au'l CaJI 955-1942,

QlnlUinlltn wrt1t Wltt'h. llc'd . m 11Hur l ecbnl · rorW1HTE 1leoph1nt1 lat ln Lal. Bch . Dec. cla n . 4 · 8 1'M Appl. wtth1Cl111UiedAd 7S 11Jlle.fU S4&-3117 Call Ml·MTI WvMw... ·~Mon Fri.

.J ' . ., - ., . . .. .... .. j •


~~.~~·.~ ... !!.~ ~~~ ...... ?!~ ~!~ ..... ~~! ~~~ ..... ?!~~ ~~~ ..... !!~~ tw. WQted 71 00 Mond!y. February 15. 1979 DAILY PlbOf - 6"!' ~~~]"................... ~ 3lt..J..

1*' lJnt' Fa .hlon1 ha1 Clerk . 7·11 Sale All Dfnl I r e-pUonlU r.or _._. --· licl"pda~ ... i...a.....

Mana1 mC'nt e mbltlou.a Http •tN 7100 HetpWMhd 710Cl twpW..ted 7100 P""'90ft ~f(f lo-a• umf' •• ••• • • • • • • •••• •••••••• • • • .. • ••• • • •• •• ••••• • •• ••.,.•••••••••••••••••••

alamoroua oppc:11 tunu.y tt Good paJ W111 11 ff w \'Id 1

• - vrro... .,...... ~ fUll or P tll'M No m t U'lllll'. DUGl.lll•r , CM ~ ~ ~:hlon ~.~~ Elt'1.·tro n lc Jll t rlbuto r Above ave rafe Wat.Cl & ment or d h\t11')'. Earn Salar cttmm••naui "'" localt'd m I rvin• n !fld11 bPr.lllh w oe it.a Apply 'WlllUrol-. & xln\ pl'\){U.. wuh ~-~nt'nc• t ' ill girl rur offlc~ d ulle Newport Conv C~ntcr.

full rt'l1>0n1fbtlllY t or Part Time newspaper de· rapldJy H f a ndln( bus\ r:very co in mac b loes - JUSTAUR.AN'I gen. f'ul traltllna ,, 631-0Z'78."&C,S.2a - COUNTER =r- Call 64& tlMHl o.r P AltT T1MI OML Y r- - 1

Cw"''S 664 {mt QIPPOt'lUnJhel pl111 u~s S u p rlo r A vv IOO«K""'"UPa P/ C • - - ~ rompa11y bcnt'ht• Nt>wport Unch .,. •·• t D i': N r AL ASST COnla,1. Bob Tra4y, 8 5 1 •. .-.• ~ · •• /\u llhiR, ... p r ... ln\ Unnt lrm, UJQJ[M ,.__...,..._, - · •~ ., M th F Id l'h ....,.._~ "' • ..

I ·n '"""""'' lat ma r •• on ru r •Y .,.._,. Pay. Blue Dolphin.

Must now be employ~ PERSONNEL Manaaement and fr-ff to work hl m y FASHIOM small appUaJlCC bus. or

' DI OP'1l ) ~~ P I. l ~palllt '(! duU C?f>P 5'911&& mum m•lurllr rl"'ld C all ty x ray 1··rt re-qd l'•p l~~~~~~~~~ ----'41Htl.Zl ~·,.,; · · nr'* 41\ all1blc< """d NII of n H ply h> Hoit c:ss. E l To r 1 to ~ r full chiaralf' for fula'" or parl / Umn U71 , ' Uuhy ~11>11 .f' 0 --------· l'\'81.a.utaot, NR. now ac

D ,~ • "1 r 0 r wt• l I r lt'r 11 yn .nd II 3td UclJI l!il.O. C'u\la M u. (~·rlll ()fflc ct<pllng 11ppllcat10M ..aabl.I. nt'l l ll•I• hrm 18 llt11fl9 No •"'r•1nrnr1!. ( 'A .ACCOUMTIMG W1ll train . Apply in lf\ine \l ua~ h;1 ndtf' ~""'~ary wtt lru1n . OP.N"fM A.'iS't Cllltk person . 2·4PM . Mo n lu ti hnanr 1.11 Slal1Sl~h.r ~nt • • 't'Mt pCJlllU\IC\ltr'avalla· Th~'I 422 1 Dolp hin tttalA'nwnt n pll)f\lll ~ 1 to13 GO per hr. t 'hatnldt• X rc uy Ur blc \n our busy account Strllter Wuy. Ii ~ ua1 tcirl)I r <11 porU 'lan.At.-n. t-O SS.JO r'' hr MU :.JOO ' " II 1fopurtmo nt Orw M1m1 "'1mpt1IC'r • 'l> 11 . A''\ 11 n r (' m n ° P U11tl A llld1• po:dtlun 15 In our /\ r ~:-r~~;.f,~1~:; &ln-c.L h'Klnlt')' t.qu1p ponunitt M 1™*" who Driven eounla l'ay11bll' tUvla1on

... h•out nHt t m .. rkt'I vt""'"'"" ~.u ... ... 1 8.J> 1o~PM, Mo n Fri.

8ttome 1 viUll link 1n o ir treatme n t equ1pt . gl'O'oVing tashlOfl chain M·F, 6 to lOPM . or Mon· ShellY'f T•U Girl Shop 1bun ~lOPM ond Sat lrnm<!d Opt'l)ID(l for exp 9 : 3 0 A M . 2 : 3 0 p M ul a o rient e d lod iv, $400/ mo sat or profit ~tunty ol JutJ11em enlln sh a r t n g pro a r 11 m . high vo f alor c & wb~hever you prefer s upervise am stuff. 40"X:. No cxpr. nee. Som e Mgr d~nl, pd. vacations, opport a vail. F o r tn· salary +over ride . Mus t ter'view call alt 1 PM . have s.s yrs aatca exp , _~_&-_38ll0 _______ _ preferably In s~clalty at.orl>s For lo~rvlow coll Westmuurt.t!r Mall , (7l4 )

tn(&ll l\H l• 11111 qu.ilih tnrinrvrmalwo "-'r·••· -~• ··- c:~"' " •t.n1tnnrh1tn lhl'1tt.mcral appt. MS·~ ext. 520

• rm .. 1r oa 11 tr' 1nt1 .. 1 .. tit •· d<1or t ·• 001 octountjn l{ d lv ts o n . \ nr ninton lh«" r1 fllOnnl'I " ,. • " G

!IN ' '" • t IJ'lll'\: p (~1llf drtvt•ri. h l' ~ bookkt'ilPlnft , • I L , r .n " N OI' tC('OUOts uayablc \'X

Hotel-Motel 898-570$. HtGHT AUDITOR MARK-ET- l N_G_ F-IR_M_ h-as

PART TIME EVENINGS 1111() .. L LLJ•Li• ~l.-m-""'Strt-N e"'u 0 pnur l'lCJ>t'r ..

'"' "' "'" r ,. ' .-• I ..,. ( ' ~• ·•n Ill pt'n~nCI.' p refrre-d 10· 1 l'umm1~·oon .. 1 (i anknliru,·e- ~ ~ 11'' ''"""' " \ ll rl.'\' II Ki llil' WJ"lrl l14.•a l' h Im. ''"I 1-"'lual l'lpl"'f b n 11IO)'••r IJl\1'1 No Sun<hiy work z~~t ~~11~ r~:n"d':.:~ tl~f t " rm fulJ l'h•r ••• r11m Or1nar C'o11 !> t Vt1lluw h I f ' ~ ... t• b 17300 ""I II llfillt 1)"~111~ e P u ITil..-.11~ , _ _ ..... l Ml"•r r··~ d • !') .:r r k d .......... ~ ~ c--'""-" w--...... L• VI f ('(' nt wor ng l'On I I'"" In p I'" b 11 '• r ~- ...,..,.._, nn..tM, r )' • · b ( •· • • uons.,. compuny e ne tts )~lt>nu. , """"' l~Ji; , 1n Sc"°°' l>lt.l\fo'T~MAN 1ncludlng dl'n t11l plan tt'il1h11.i cu111 Pl.Ill r rt· 1'..1m Ull I.LI S300 ptot 1o l ·r o "' 0 r It on () p 1 0 l\pply ttam llnm & t pm Jll"1'1 t 'ullt""'Ul:?.1 c.- ~ tu11111n Platt·nwnl Mt' r h101ral dl.'YI C' t•i. 3pm. Nut1ona l l::duca

:.1-.t l~ I IH!M Prt·ft•r 3 ytur1' (" t 1100. -1101 Birc h St . peri t n t'i.' t'Qn111dt• r cv.1)0n Beach (Near form.ti lro.unlnl! In llt!U of 0 C: Airport> Equal Op· e.tJ)i'nt'nc 1· fl ours 8 5 . ix-...n•unl- liii>•"'•.m• pill•oilye• r•.-•I

l'1'n11.lm nt µJrt 11n1t· 1 ---------1 to 4 11. \" 1i.·r "'t<t' I.. fut COlUTOR bt.-.t\ h f\.'JI , ... tntt• c•ffn·.- P.ACl(Elt


f6 50 lo fl 00 per hour t'all for appl 962 7701 t'xt 265

~ti r Ii ~omt• t y p WtlUnfl to train an in lru<, du~tr1uu~ 1•.ueer 10 GK OFC/ SECY l;jurr Whu" llc•altnr, Im lll\ltlual t o Jlttt ka~I.' - Exper & good t y pinst ~l Newpo1 t ltl vd. (II R i-dUL' t1tlonal matt!na rs Dnvt!r, 1•rt11Jl<is. etc for skills , use of dicta phone.

67S.46l0 E>.C'Clk-rtl ~orkinM condi work1nK couple . Mubl handlt! corresponde nce tlonb .ind benefit ,; 40 llve in Or. Co. & have for 2 men + m isc gen t ofr

ROOI\ PASTI-: l 'P lk>ur w~k Apply North pl•rft-1·t driving record duties for s m mfr firm Purl llrnt> pc·r~on on Amc·rt Ctln St'r\' ll't! /\pp l y M rs . Grt!t!n Pleasanlworkingcond& "1on & Tu .. ., No t•l(pcr Ct-nler, 13~ i:: WJrnl• r . P 0 Box (;, Dow ney. good benefits. Tap Malle nl'<'e~ ... ur y A1.11.1h 1n suntJ /\ruJ b:lluJl Op· ~UC _!024 1_ __· Corp, Ir vine. Call Mrs.

11 pm t o 7 a m . ex once m alJ!et.&mechance pt-nericed NCR 4200. Im · a t big earnings, for c pls mediate ope n ing Fu 11 or smgles to· suppleme nt lime. inc, or as main inc w l

A..ecnMdor IM IJme to enjoy llfe. No exp Costa MHO nee. w ilt t ra in . Call <714)~0 betwn 6·8pm fo r in · --------•I lerVl~W 673 ~3().


Pool Attend ME<:HAHIC/ RACIHG Med uutic for BMW Rac­ing team. Must be at ZS yrs, have or can get Class I llc. Have cln driving record . Travel t hru ·OUl US d u ring season Send quull r1ca­uons. salary reqmnts, &

Adults outstand ing, attractive pt!rsonabt1e11 who enjoy working w ith lads. Over 21. Start a t $3.50 per hnur. P hon l' 6 42·4321 Ext 250 , BETWEEN 4 00·5 00 PM

Ask for Andr~Ja Equal Opportunity


PASTE-UP ARTIST, P /T , f'n /Sat . Exper·d. Apply Pen n ysaver. 1660 Placenua. C.M

We are seek ing a reliable person wtth a · cur rcnl waler safety certificate lo attend our hotel s wim· mmg pool area. Apply 9am-12 Noon. Mon / Fr1, Personnel.

M«riott Hotel 900 Newport Cel'\lcr Dr

Newport Beach Equal Opport ,.:;mployer

refs to: 11461, c /o the Dal· pirTE·UP ly Pilot .· P 0 Box. 1560. IW Costa Mesa, CA 92626.

Medical l"r ont Offi ce . . ~SEMBLER

The Causey

Real Estate School








Tuition Rt'fund Progra m

• Surf a nd S and

Shopping Village 14-05 So C:oalSl Hwy. LAGUNA B~ACll


Lunchtime Hours

Al ages ecceptM. tMlf 16 , .... of CllJI·

A""1 ill ,.,... ~ ~ ,...,,, __ ..... tklllhowsllt:

*Carl's Jr.*

24205 Log.a Hiii• Meil

L.AGUHA HIUS Equal Opportunny

EmplC\yer M I F

ROOM & IOARD CARE & KINDNE$ for e lderly ambulatory lady in your home. Salary open. Financia l arrange · ments open. 644-7878

r.i~:u'~~·tn~ .... ni·r 1 000

1 1111itpt•irt-un•l•ty._l-~.'°•P•h•>Y•e•r--1---------1 -Wi_1_ll_. _frl_9-0080_' __ . ___ _ DRIVERS Gi rl 1-~rid a y . T y pin g,

--------HOUSECL EAN ERS Car nee. P IT. Tops

Ging ham Girl. 645 5123

Bl.l!>y NB. O.B. Gyn . of. wtlh at least l year ex· f1cc. Expemmced only ...perlence. p rere r ab l y ... ~ 11{.l(.'d apply. P lease send f'te

1wspape r . l!: xcelle n t ~~~~~~~-~

497-2457 SAILBOAT SALESMAN E xpe r ien ce prefer red Kona Marine 675·1403


rrrfer malure p1.-ri.on O\H 25 for our M1s111on V1 l'Jt1 br11rl l' h l'o lOrl' Minimum ~ \ ri. exp Cashier. 1e lephone & of f1ce r1.'qwred (;ood with figure. Part t1mt! $3 25 l)t!r hr /\pply The Ea r l's Pl u mbing Inc 2~922 l'jm 1no Cap1 i. lrano . M V 4!t5 0401

if you know anyone m the reaJ esta te business you may qualify as a pllrt tJmc rf'presentat1ve for Stewart Title Co. Earn an average of S80 per tran s action No nurumum requirl'menb

Men or wo me n 25 y rs or some Short hand. Heavy older . Know the coast phone work for busy ofc. c1lles. Net $180 a wet!k or 979--365.2. more. Orange Coast _;,... _______ _

resume to P .O. Box 1560. mpany benefits Apply - Sai l make r needs e~P< Caila Mesa, 92627, Box t ween 9AM &. 6PM, Receptionist , Dr's o m ce. seamstress. 423. Monday thru Friday. Newport Beach , heavy 675-6970.

ORAHGECOA.ST phones. t::xper r e q 'd . Housekeeper , live i n ,

Yellow Cab. 17300 Mt 60 FOR 2 Herr mann . F ou nt ai n Valley. (No of Slate r bet w n New h ope &

m ature, refs, 1 o child Medlral Secretary, exp 'd , Rm / T V. Irv . Tt!r r . ma<ure lleavyd1ctat1on, 673-9042 & front desk. Busy orr1ce

D"ILY PILOT Mature. stable. 8 .30·5. SALES • "" Renef1~ 644 1037 HICKORY FARMS

642·5682 '""' W B S R.,."'EPTIONlST ITY PIST Discover th~ wonde rfu l•

Eurlld >

and you do nol have to ~~---------1 f!1ve up your present ELECTRON IC ASSY 6 position Call Mich+>lle at Mo exp. Day & s wing SSl\- 1114 LO arrange an sturts No fee. Good pay ---------1:,appt.10 discuss lh1s ex Paid week ly I rvin e c1Lmi;t opportunity for ex CHA fn:uH & olher

duties Coll ... ge s tudent . 20 35 hours pt>r week Uay or eH·nang dnvml(

t ra inl'ome. Real E.5lalt.' ar~a . Ul'('llS{.'CS are 001 ehi:1 Norrell bit.'

Very plpai;ant JOb Plen· Com panion. hve· in. for ty study um~. avail Neut elderly lady 1n bea1:h apocarani.'e, ~ootJ dn\ home. Car nee. , room, u1A r~ord & C"ahf D L . boa rd & e> nses + 1l'f plw. dark !>UJ L re salary. Call499·2825 quired Non s mokl'r -CONTROLLER~

Temporary Sen ic.'es ~90'.!l t:: 0 F,

EX _E_C_l_I T?'v E- A S S~"TANT for Statewide "l'rade Assoc. near OC airport. S hou ld h ave seeretaria l sk1lls~d1c taphone ) Wil l h die Ci nancta l a nd • m . bcr.>h1p records a ndl be re:;pons1hl1> for~mf>oth r unning o f 11ff1 re As ~oc1at 1on cxperiem·e de s1rnble. Salary Open I' W C A . • I N(; 714 / 833 3131.

~SO per hour ln Slllrt ACCOUNTANT Bi~ Cunyoo .irt>:i 640 5335 c'OMMERCIA L


Full 11111t• µ0.,11100 re . 1•1rc·ulat111n d t:rk Mu~l tvpe 45wpm & u-;c to kt!Y .tdd mi: maf'hinl· Some d(•nt·JI exwnl'nr c Is d e · :-. 1rablt> as well :ts a plea..,Jnt 1.1honl' YCJll'<' a i. ll~ht l.lhont! work 1-. al'lo n.oqwred <:1)(lli compan} llt'OCC.l!>. ml'lud 1n)t 2 wl.s \ dC'Jtwn afl er I yr . t•om pJny pJ1d J:r.oup in · :-.urante c redit union. Mr

/\pµly ;Jl


:t!O W liaySt.CM Apply bet W t'l'O

9/\M·4PM. Call 642·4321 Ext 219

for appoint menl l!: O E



lmmcd opening w ith m a Jo r es l ab Its h l' d Orangt! <..:u Developer I General Con tr actor Must nav1: construd1on & EDP expenence & be capa ble o f assumin~ com plete account1 n J1 Female hve·1n comp11 -respons1b11ity for several ruon 'P refer pensioner ent1L1es . Qualified in for hand1t"appro man No d1 v 1dual w i ll be 1n nurs ing. S m a ll s ala ry novc1uve, we U organized May have part-lime JOb & capab le of implement !73-6866 __ , ____ _ mg an m·house data p ro· 1-'IBE RGLASS cessmg syste m. Perma MOLDI NG neot pos ition w it h ex· lramee 543.5598 reUent salary & benefits. - - - -- -Subnut vou r con hde nllal 1---------•I resume to Ad 11460. Daily Ptlott 330 W. ·Ba y S t. Costa M esa. Ca. 00626

COOKIE MAKER M a tu r e h o u se w lr e w/some cookie ba king exp. 8 :30lo2:30 F /T

So Coast Village

FtLECLERIC l mml'd opening In our continuous policy dept. Pnor tius1oess exper & It typing desi red. but nut nee. P lease a pp ly 1n person : T RANSAM 1-:RIC A I NS

co. Clenl'al. mDl ure person. ___ 55_ 7·_0063 __ . __ _ 3420 Bris tol

Costa Mesa <Ac ross fr S Cst P lazu ) arrurate ty p ist. 11ood CO"llS

with (1g urc:-., Exce ll ~ hend1l!> . Ne w I rv ine t: x Pr ' d . Sm a I I IO('Utlon F'rcd S . Jum cR rC?St a ura nt . Corona. d el Ga r den e r n ee d e d i n ln.'>urance <..:11 11 Muunne ~far. Days & e venings. Laguna Beac h . Ex · H_i:ad~y. 7S2·0'J90 644-0210 pcrienced. Call 673· 1703

U.ERICAL EXPERl ENCEO COOK GENERALOF'FICI:: Coastal Pe-rsonnel S nac k Ba r · Coun try Wholesale Lumber Co.

ACJeftCY Club Must be_ a ~pie Billing exp. 70 wpm. 10 Has lots of Jobs available person . For inter view key, good with hRures. wllh many hnl' , !>UIJt'r .!!.!_I 6"4·:>404 Ma tu re. depe ndable & tompamei. and they' re COOK-SUPERVISING & well $(roomed. Xlnt com· .111 FREE' o r deri n g ex pe ri e n ce pany bener1LS. Call for In·

540-6055 n ecessary L arge. terv1e w weeke n ds Coastal P~d kitchen heavy volum e _67_S._SSZI _______ _

A«JeftCY 1-'o r i n tervie w cal l ---------1 2790 Harbor, CM 493-l948 GENERAL OFFICE

_ ALL JOBS FR f; E _ Couple wanted to ma nage IRVINE s ml busi n ess. P / T .

Clen cnl P (T TR.AIMEE


CUSTODIAM Head Custodian urgently need e d by H . B . City School District. $858 to Sl067 per mo. depend ing .oo exper. Apply 735 14th Street HB. Call 536-885l.

Typlst ·Secr el a ry ( No shorthand) with pleasant phone personalit y. Small bw;y offi ce. Good salary & benefits. Please call for appt.

Bob Dodds P RJM ECONTRO LSCO 16632 M i ll i k e n Ave .

Irvine 754.6300

llave I ruH ltme & I part lJme Entry Lcvt'I po:.1 lions . i:radtnl( exa ms . Vanous dcla11l.'<l duties. L11tht typ ing and neat handwn l init required. We promote Crom within. Apply be l wee n 1:111 m · \ l am a nd t µ m -3pm . ----------!~~~~~~~~~~! North I\ m c r l co n Cor· Data Processing respondt.>ncc School. 440\ D.P. Lead Librarian GEHERA.L OFFICE Bi r c h S t .. N ewport NE.!00 indiv to maint. & E xJ>ilrlence necessary , Uc u r h . I Nea r 0 . C . control the Data Center lite \yping , profic iency Ai rpo rt ) t;qu a l O p · tapelibra.ry using T .M.S . w tflgures, 10 key b y porturuly Em ployer. sys. touch. Opportunity tor

h 1 d hi advancem e nt. Xlnt com· ---- - Should a ve ea ers p pany benefits. In forma l

•--------• exp.

Two. year eolislm e nts avai lable to selected ap· H 0 u s e w 1 v e s & plJcants. You may defer active duty up lo end ol Housecleaners. Wt!. have t h's yea r . Yo u m ay P / T work fo r you . qualify if you are: ~2839. 968-2810 • lJ.34 years old HSKPR/ Companion · ~ll g h sc h oo l g ra d Pvt. Room . board & tnoGEDI

Salary open . 645-7172


Good pay & benefits some med 1c.'al back · ground helpful. Must ha\'e reliable transporta·

_., . ay t. ..,,.,,. • w o rl d o l c hees e & t:osta Mesa Newport Beach Ad Agen· gourme t foo ds wh ile

1-;qu11I Opportunity cy has entry level open- earning e xlra money . Employer 1ng for det.ul minded. P IT AM sales. laking ap·

P BX Answeri n g service operator full & PIT. Ca II 83.5-3561

sell starler with good p h cat 1ons a t Hic.'kory phone personality, xlnt 1-·arms. Westc lilf Plaza. 1yp1ng 11k1lls & good 642-0972

·Wanttoser ve in E u.rope salary. care or elderly No pr io r m al 1 ta r y _cou_.:..pl_e_. 494-8287 ____ _ uoo&enJoydnvmlf. 0 r.111 768-8500 9.5 PBX p,,.,.

s pelling to handle front ---- - ---­offlt'e Excellent o p SALES Ambitious person porwn1ty lb learn ad· who wants to earn but verusin~ business can only work part lime .

serv1ce -------- Part lime or full t ime Eligible for 01seas duty

NOT u l l lra m ing for skills a\'111lable under 2 year pla n. t 'or more in· fo rm ation, call yo ur Army Recrw ler a t :

INSPECTOR Medical Pred5'0fl MechC1Rlcal Newport P ych1atnc ore

Set·up & perform hne & w I P I a n Ls . an t q s & f i o a I ins p ee l 1 o n 0 r stained needs OFC machine parts. Must be MGH lo mulch .

Costa Meta 540-1026 Huntinqton Bch

proficient in the use ol P R I C E S M I T H precision measu ring in · ___ 1_1_41_63_ 1·3800 ___ _

962-8821 ~Hills 768-5251

strumenlS & lhe read ing M E D I C A L R ~ C E p . or b lue p rints . 2 Yrs . TIONIST for busy ram1ly mac hi n ists ex p e r & pr act ice, heavy ph ' s, general machinist tools a !.Qme insuranre. m ust be reqwre m ent. Apply at good w tpeople. t~xpcr G-R·E-A·T

SALES JOI MOW Paul Dosier m:J11datory . (;.ill 64\Ht>31 on Mon,2,5.


Associates, Inc 3050 Redhill Ave

Costa Mesa. CA 92626 l714J 556-7075

Equal Oppor E mployer

FROM WITHIN T RA IN - - - ------F 0 R T 0 P LEGAL SECR ETARY M AN AG E M E NT Laguna Hills 2 yrs CJ\ S T A R T S ' ' I M exp. nee. S/H lOOWpm , M E 0 i A T E L V · • type eowpm, salary com · K E Y B 0 A R D mensurate wit.h abili t y. E X P E R I E N C E Call Mrs. W i n slow HE LPFUL. WE HAVE 837·1060 OUR OWN T RAI NING - -------­PROGRAM PUT ON BY Live . In llo usekeeper rnE COUNT RY'S TOP English s peaking. Lido 0 R G A N S A L E S Isle. NB. 675-2233.

Mess e n ger deliveri ng tirkels for stage s how Must have t'ar. k now area. 4.95- 16!)3 -----

Models Ma le& Female WE HEED HEW FACES: f6r 1V Com mercials. ad· verusing, s hows. etc. H you a re a professional model o r wa nt to gel m to lhls field. please call for appt You could be wor k· Ing as ea r ly a s next wet:k. so call now.

G31·5600 New York West Models PEO PLE. CA LL AT ________

1 _______ _

0 N C E f O R LOAN MOVIEFIRM INTE R VIE W. O RGAN C,..,. 1.,,.SB.Oa EX CH AN GE . S TA N vv,... " SE£t<S EXTRAS NUNN714/586·7302. A poeiUon is available Kids T cens·Adults . E x· ---------1 for a career person who ccptional opportunity for

GUARDS has the d esire to join a n those w ish ing lo break Full & p /Um e. All a reas. a ggressive mortgage Into movies. $20·S200 pe r Un iforms furn is he d . lo a n co mpa ny doi n g day poss. (714 ) 761-1244. Ages 21 or over . Retired b usiness in So. Ora n ite V f 0 E 0 CAS TI NG wclcome. No experience County. A California real SERVICE. <Now in 4th nee . Apply Un iversa l e s tate li cense Is r e .. year) Protection Service. l22E qui red. Pre fe re nce w ill --------­W. Slh Street. Santa Ana be given to applican ts •- ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; Interviews hours 9·12 & who have ha d prior ex· ... IGUEL 14 Mon lhru Fri. penence in I.he field of " ---------1 fmaoce. real esta te, or PtnOf!Mf Agency

ins ura n ce. Exce ll e nt Has Openings For : GUARDS com m ission sched ul e Receptionish

pe r mi t s un l1m 1l ed Sec...tariH SECURITY personal growth & 1m media te income. Send & Other Clencal resume to: L . Blue, 62<1 Pds1t1ons in the

Due lo our recent ex· Newport Center On ve. Saddleback Vly area paosion progra m . Wells Sui t e 211. Newport 27601 foort>esRd. Fargo Gua rd Services 1s Beach , CA 92660. Suit• 49 ~ Secunty Guards -------- (3RagsCtttferl l"IM/ Mewporthach Lot Attendant must be 18. 831 - 1477

Santa Ano~eim Fu II o r P ar t · t 1 m e . ·--L•ag• W\- a• N• iiig•u•el __ 1 ~rt•/ a Porte SSS. 7454 or 848·2212

Costa Mesa & The Machine Operator , no ex· Whittier Area per req'd . Shop e nviron·

ment. call 557-7626

NW'l!es Aides. 7·3. 3· 11.

I M M E D I A T E1-------

Good wages. Low patient lood. l m m ar 41 bed Conv Hosp. 20362 Santa Ana Ave. C.M 549·3061

0P EM ING S for sup•rvisory level Secwlty Officers who WGllt TOP PAY, with a f"llfMded COfllPCll'Y•

EilN $1.00 TO $3.JS PH HOUR



Thurs. · Sun. Mesa Verd e Con v . Hos pit a l , 661 Cente r St. C.M. 548·5585

days or eveninl':S. Must be able to work some weekends . Typing skills requi r ed. Man y com paoy be n erlls ln Fa'>hion Island a rea. Call 640-1110 EOE.

PBX OPERAT OR Orange Co Arprt a rea, mter busy sw1tchbrd , l'' ff & P IT day shifts E.O'.'E. Many benefit s Pay acrord1ng to exp . 546-3333. 833·3333.

Plant S ho p Ma n al':Cr must have extens ive knowledge or in terior plants & have a strong reta i l bar k ground Salary open. Dirt Cheap. ~ .

Pool Clea n e r & r e · prurman Expenenced.


Pre-sdiool a ide for 2 yr old class. Hours 9 AM 12;30 P M M·F 64&4318 7AM-6PM

Pr .. Sc-hool Teoc.Mn Heeded

Banbury C r oss pre · School. Manlyn . 847·5284 or842·2948. HB area.


Rubber hose p roducts, Lrvlne a rea, mus t pass company physica l incl. back X-ray. 541).7639

E .O E.

Prof. sa les m a n / mktg manager needed for ne w pr oduct l i n e Partne rs hip potentia l 549-4285; 494-4291


HUNTINGTON BEACH Work where the average sale pnce is $100.000 for the fastest growing & h ighest p ayi n g Real Est ate Co mp a n y 1n California. Ou r offi ce at Bolsa & Golde owest 1s BOO~UNG. Get in on the actioo. call our 24 hour record ed m essage for more info .


Real Estate HAVE OP ENING for ag. g r ess1vc, m otivated sales agent who has the desire to succeed w1lh unlimited opportuni ties in Mil llon Dolla r IO<'a· IJOn. call Al Stella to fo r confidenti a l In ter view. New Agent.a We lco med . ~5671

The Sanborn Company. Opp. for gd . xtra income. Advert1smg& /\ss1sta o ce g1 v e'n

Public t<elat1ons Whlsle. retail s ales. Call ___ 7_14·640-8444 ..for a ppt. 5: 30-6:30 daily R EC E p T I T y p I S T 731-2198or S59· 1684 lmmed opc~mg, 1-' / l. All SalfloAptR...., ~QJ ooner 214 E Alton , F\Jll time & part ti m e . S I\ Ca ll 557·0961. Exp. helpful. excelle nt

.ALPHY'S H. B. loca tion . G ood RESTAURANT salary. For appt . c all

~1-8541 Has pos1Uon open.for. ~ -HOST ESSES HOSTS Sales & EngraviOR. FuU

WAITRESSES or PIT. Noack Trophy & WAITERS Engraving Co. 102 E

COOKS DISHWASHE RS 16th Sl . a t Superior . C M PaJd weel<ly, compan y _64& __ 3_1_41 _____ _ benefils. Apply 1n person Sal 9aml04pmda1ly . es

AJphys's Restaura nt EARN WHILE 16175 Harbor Bl Edinger YOUU LEARN

Founu11n Valley An Equal

Opportunity E mployer

Have run part.time e a rn· i n f? $300 $400/commission offer ---------1 mg cha rge accts in a ma Jor retail s tore in your Rataura nl

NEW J R fast food oper. needs rt!spo n adll 10 work d ays. may In c wkends. Counter help

area We train ! A.0 .S 714/523·5165

Ext~ 213/945-3961 ----

Aoolv SALESGIRL i.I_-. for T ENN IS S HOP 1n

o~~ CdM. F ff.exper. As k for n.wager =~e:~4172 . GALS GUYS

16 Fatltl• l1ICMCI AILE TO Newport Beach TRA V~OW?

Need 9 ~~als & Restaura nt P IT pe rson guys, must be neat . sgl. needed to take food o r · & t8 & ove r . T r a ve l def! & help p repare cold Flonda, H a wa ii, Ne w foods lt;~t~ m runmni.( y k T •· N a cash register helpful. Or' • ex as"' return. 0

exp. nee. All e xpe nse Apply an person d . · TllE ANTIQU E GUI LD PD.I trairung progra m .

Above avg earnings & t.IKlt E . Oyer Rd . Santa bonuses . Must be e n · Ana


thus1ast 1c & r eady to slart today. Personal in·

REST/\URANT H ELP terview call Mr. Adams. Breakfast & lunch buffet t0AM·5PM Mo n . thru style- 0 C AJrporl a rea Thurs . onJy. 635-4082 Part & Cull t ime n~ed sales Cook, dishwa s her. Manager . Caree r op· counter help Call Ron or porturuty available w ith Omer 2 Spm. ror appt. the w or lds largest in · 955-05S4 dependently owne d & ---------1 opera ted fi gure s 111on Restaurant cha in. Sa les e xp . ae.


s1reable but will tratn bn ght. trim lady. Sa lary + com m pa id. For appt. call 642-3630 or 556-4786.

llGIOY lm med. openings in ourl--------­fa m i ly restaurant a t SALES nearby locattons . We re · M.AICI THIS YOUR qwre no previowi e xpe r . LAST JOBI. Join our frie ndly t eam. Co m e see u s t o da'y between 2·4pm.

Cook Traiftff1 23952 /\ ven id a d e la

Carlotto. Laguna Hills Cook Traittffs

Ccnhlen CLERl(

c. P rior data processing office. CM Call Millie a ft . • "vp 9a.m. 645-5800

Work local Te m porary Piease a pply Personnel ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;-~.-.-.-.I 1mmed11Ue work. Dept, Paci.lie Mutual, 700 PA y THOSE


For proto-type machine shop in Ule inst rum e nt division of Uie Oii tool In· d ustry. Worki ng from blueprin ts, s ket r hcs & verbal designs .. d ir ectly with englneerlng, to 38· sist in new p roduct de · velopme nt fo r w orld wide well bore navlga Uon equipme nt. Lathe experie nce he lpful fo r more variety ol projects . Salary open, e xcelle nt beoefits package . E '. 0 . E . SClentiflc Or111.Ulg Con· trol. Corporat e Head · qua rt e rs. N e w p o rt Beach. Call (714) 557-9051 asJc for Mr. Moll or Mr

OHice Manager ·Sales Good opportunity ror ad· vanreme nt. Will tra m / no expen c nce necessa ry . Must be 25 yrs old or older & be avail. o n Saturdays . SS7·0824 o r 774 ·6090 . 1525 Mesa Venle 11206. C06ta Mesa.

(~1wnmg1f'm3 Real Estate

7311 EdJl\ger Ave. H 8 . Cook TroiMft


Beat Lhe h.igh cost of liv· ing, Call on industri al. commercial , and lnstitu· tiooal accoun ts with a q uality line of light · Ing products. Experien<'e not necessary. We train you. Develop a good re· peat buslness at a high raw ol commisslon plus boouses, hospitallutLon p lan, retirement and ot})tt benefits.

. J

Cal For An Newport Ctr Or .• N. B. CNUSTMAS llLLS ...,.,,. ........ Today EquaJ Oppor Employer

557-0061 DELIVERY / DRI VER . WO RK : :J:rN YO U

~Qt office • F /Ume, Mon thru F'r l. Operunga 111 ware hous e,

l d 9-S. $3.25 hr + benel. ractory & office. Ca II 0 ove r o a _9'1&-0'121 __ ._____ VICTotl

t:qunlOppor Employer Delivery Man Full Um e. TtftlPOl.-Y 5-nlcts Local are a d e h ver1n . 4341 Blrch St. Ste 2l3 Beach Stationers. 4020 Newport Beach ---------4

CLlltk TYPIST Campus Dr. N.B. SSM520 And a dd yo ur n e w

OEUVE RY & PICK UP f:.1checkll to 1''ebruary 's

dri ver to deliver a uto ~~get~.~~~~~~

Ne wp o r t B eac h ________ _

Insurance Company of· feni an entry level posl· lion a s bi llin g c le r k . Min imal t y pi ng . $500. C'.ood Com1>any bene fits. flouN fl. 4 . 15. 833.845()

parts In C.M. area. Must - _ have valid CA lie & gd l _______ _

driving re cord . /\pply Hub Auto SUpply. 2120 Harbor Blvd., Cos ta a.aac TYPIST Mesa .

$618/ m o n t h . CET A ~~~~~~~~ ~oded p081llon , requlr· i"'Huntinirton Beech rt· Dental Asel . P .T . 8 ·1, aidenc)' and 10 wetoka un'· M·F . Some exp. prer. but ('mploym en t And m uat wUt t rain . Sbarp . e n · type 45wpm, appllca· t h ual aa t l c peraon . tlona accep ted u n \II 1-.830-.;..._U95_,..._. _____ _ February 8th, a t Tbe £rnl>loyment • Tralnlna Cm.Ur, 538 M aln Street. Huntinlton Beach

Ptlopte who nffd people &hould alwaya check Lhe Servke Diredory ln the


Fw Ad Action Call a

Dlily Pilot AD-VISOR 642·5678

.(bo1y in person Monday tO °Friday, SA M to 5PM ORDER CLERIC Real Estate

Alm, capa ble person for Brokers & Salesmen. We


at : WELLS busy order desk In s m a ll have an opening in ou r

office. ReQWN.'$ phone & Residential Div. for an FARGO math a ptJtude. t ype 60 e xpe ri e n c ed man o r

wpm . E x p e r I e n c c woman possessing e n · GUARD helpful Medical. De nta l th~iasm and Integrity.

SERVI Es benefits. fl you are interested in a

C Fabricated Plastics Inc . beuullful offi ce In the I 532 W M

8 id n eed e d . e x 815 W. 18t.hSt . • C.M. . CLDeat 1ocaUon, working ,._CMIW_......... t d h & 6441-3279. w i th con~e n ia l as·

- ,..,._ pe r e n c e • o n est ,:-;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;.;1 sociates, we are Inte rest· Mert-. CA clean. Must know how to 1• ed in meeting you. In·

OR cook . Llv e · l n . Ca ll OltDfltDESIC terviewby a~pointment . 673-1703 Irv. window mfr. E x· w:...a.w..a avlorCo.

Monday, TuCllday, Wed· ........ , "' -r n u d ay.t Thu r s d ay . ma o for 55 per'd woman prerd. for Realtor11 644·4910 t0/\M· 4l' M , C LOSED unltapl complex ln C. M. respon. h i preaa d e11k . f'nd&y al (213)86s.3851 xtra sharp m&th apt, hv(. R.I. SALES

230 w w - ~s, c111tome r aer, biJ • Openings now avail. In ...,.r Maintenance s upervisor : / invoicing, 4 dy work our 1Uuctl ve, w e ll

a. 217 1 m a I I Pr t v • t e • co benef. Reh . furnlahed La•un• Bu ch . s.... ._CA l.J8Ychlatric hotp llal tn 546-9880. omcc. for exper. or new· &ate Uc. No C·8038 So. Oran&• County. Muat 1~~~~~~~~~ '1 Uce\Sed, enthutla•Uc

'1 at Op-,.. It have tome knowltdle of I· ·-• I XI u ..... ~un >' b·"' ld ln~ m alntenanco, OR1HOOONTlC ASSIST . ... espeoc> e . nt com· mplOyer M/ F ... p U mQalonachedul• ff a tru·

1~~~~~~~~~ i nc lud n 1 p t um bln1. RDA. art· mo. l year 1u ...,..•tJocaUononCout I ~ eiect.riuU s Minor eqlli p. GPef1enct. SftMl m u m e v .. -Head boulekHPtt : part ment repa.ln. 498-5102/ totlualf1ed Ad 1438 Dal· Hwy .. 2 blka. from th• time atock boy • match. Dt..1'174• \y Pllot. 330 w t Bay St. beacll. wtth ample off. The IM Al t.a1una . 2U , ...... _______ C.M... ·~·iua.n N. Cit Hwy, La11.1na Rav. ~ W 1tllT ,..=.:.;;;.;.;.;..;.;.;..:..._____ 4f7·llll Beach Qualfled ad.a do lt weU. W• Ad IM.lp?. W.5618

¥ • • • .

CALL Ml. ECHT 121 ll 310-8415

F.Qual.Opportunity t mployer M IP

lS4 E. 17th. St . C.M Waihn

Wattr.11H CookT,......s

c..w.n 450I Campus Dr. Irv. l!:qual Oi>POr E m ptyr

M/ F

~~~~~~!Salel I.I.SALIS We have a few openings

RESTAURANT on our aalea staff for UceMed. professional re·

HELP a l es t a t e age'ats or brokers. If intereated, please 8tnd l'ftWDe to J . WANTED Ktembas. Qua ll P lace

Del T • co a rapid ly e x· Propertl.ea, 1400 Qua il PMd1nl fast food c:lialo, St., Suile W . Newport has Immediate openlne 11

1_Be_a_c_h_92880 _____ _

for all poelllont, full a nd Sea m a trcuu. ex • P"J't·Ume. day a nd nlab t perlenced, Mon·Thur s, ahifta. AOP1y daily 2·4pm 6-4:30. Nr o.c. airport. at 2ll2 Bnstol, Newpc>rt &'71H"83 Bctcb. --------

Ill TACO, INC. An Equal Opporlunll1

Employer M / F

SECR ET ARV . Exec­Cefttral Ne'#l)Oft Beach Lawo(c. can~.

SJll.L idle Items with a Dally Pilot ClaMlfled Ad.


loGh,. w.iae Motcmuc:l.B:ktt u •11 ~,._nt tOJO ••••• ••••••••••••••••••

"9il••• IGIV th r ... 1tc9Choch 106& Mhcd•1on 1010 ,.__. 0,.... 0090 ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••


FH M-7 t !lO.. to ""'

ICld• 1 t>N1 1178 Olu o ~ l kltnt' f" r n

t7141 )4Q 3M1

Oriental • rt . obJ ct.s O'Art , Anllqu s IUST SKLL. e nd tt>l11 , fW11JlUr Cser ens, MOflt' lunlcrn.t , Im P 11 r • (' 11 n ,. r •.

bron1e . .shrrn ' !\ , porc~alna , rte > =~t:n· ~"m Ol5


s • c r", a r) p / T Plu,. · gl chmu, '\ ti \' r . & ho~ •hold t110MD3Cm ~·" 1 Offu·• ••P· llt•rns The t."Ollc•C'l1on of wt.•ll known TWl.,.O. FUU

11111~~ :o ~UJO, i r u st • Mattreu or box 1pt1n1C• IEMHETI' laADIUIY p ach ix1 c~ta on tyi

SICUT Alt J ISf\2 Wildwood Rd Q\11'('11 M"l4 Kln(l at"ls ........ ..... 11 - -' So l WJ Sampl~ ml.lit bt' ....... , ... M "'"tl"iat'll'U. • • ..agun 1 r.o&l1 1mmecbatttly f rom 111lt' ll 11 .. nt. f1a l . u l" · ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ll!!!!!!!!i• I OtJ r w11reho u1l' Olsen ' 'W'llle t)'Vllll aiu Ua 10 - Model llomtt l-\lm1tur • lwy 1~:rltlh'\' lo rool of """""W_.... 7 f 00 ..,. IOC"'W ... 1 (':.ill MU 3077 Wed lhru fl"" 1&pJ1t"ar.1nC'to • ....,. "" " --. SUn Crt'dlt Avail IAlso l 'll'll'Ullt jlhun1• Vllh'll ••••• ••• • •••• • •••

0 •• • •• O VB 40, UVAll , ll \llnlj r m , bdrm ,

'1•h1ry ,·uwuwo• ur le 1~~-:" ~ 11110: 'kci~k u J.: LO W MAH t\ 1-: ·r bclQ&1·1&s('1, lamps, tt nd 1.1 .. th npNi1·n1.- S.11d re n• 1 11 1

" • •c " ~ l'Rlt t. llila. ~< 1 '-WUI' w101 al•t-)' fual•ll'Y l '~•&a~~U:. WU O f4l nt-lll6 ---------to P 0 Hox loll!~. \.0

"9l• 1 t :l.l X Ol'>: lt Mt•H r.,i--r·a uni Srmll N 11

"11pt1rt 1n ii f11 m ne«"cb Vt 11Mlfl ~ h f ',\d , :, da)'I II ll t., , SJ Al p(•f l\r f'h'l llt , all t.4tl t>l13 .,. 1.; lo t 1"'1lJO

.Afif!IMU>t IOtO ••I BUY•* S('\rNt)', lllll.'tl h~ 10 I aro 1n1 f ruup 1n .. ur11Rl'ti : ·, ••ll 11 n\ ~-nM1u th"ll ~ J 1o1m" & l'v In Call I~

' "ur1u~ Or11JI .. )' . I-' 0 r-: ~MA&l'> liUlll vn• nh-d, l'Olhus1t1 lll , 'nh r ~n •ntc. 1nJl\11Ju1o4I lu l f\4 11c i:u·ell~o\ at.. 111 • • type ¥0"pm • kuuw IU k o • 01ha ol I 11 ~ m1t'h1n ' '" L1h .• l>ook kl"t1lUli t' JX'nl ml' Ii t Mu!!l be rwul & n u n &molun.i i-'ur u111't \'1) 11 I >ri>orah. ~ l>:r.!8

~-rn't.ltry . full llm1•. mu~t 1-.• 11bk In L)'V't' Ualh<HI Island 673 Jtllj4

• SECAETARY /l~Clll tnr partner . N1•wport ti<'ach l.nw " ' 11 m 1 op ~Y tor lop iwr-.on Xh1t ' k1IL'i, minimum!'> ) 1"'1 t'll pr. ~eneral pra ctice l'1 II Laura 7141759--0234

*SECRETARIES* G.0 JConstru. Several

S!O>-Sl400 Ranit~ 1-;mplo~rs Pay All Fees

l .n Rc1ndeN Agency 4020 Hu-ch Sl , Stt- 104

'lo,t-wport Beach . 833-8190 Call i-'or Appl/ ~tab '64



NOWHllllHG \\ill l1.11n ~ ' ~ lle n• lluwhl 11

EARN S500 WK Cati 957-1150

••••••••••••••••••••••• f' IC YW llT D AM Alo •:o ll<YTl'OINT SAl .t : JJOH W Warn r nr l h arbvf. s.uu.. All• ll'7V 2il2'

llAHW\IN~ l. t'(J n •fn1&"­Wllhnl, dry,. . II U~ll • bto~U ~. Wt' lltfV llppl f'4•11l N'f>I ~ W 11, 5JI> 4330

CAStt f'/\ IU W\hr t Oryrl'l / ltefn iu. wwklnJ or not ~7 1nll

Wi\Slt UHYF.H SAU: ill• I u :t l' 11HJ 111 r y ' l 1• mn1trl6 ( 'ornl' lelt•ly rl' lr1.11lt . n•fm1~h•~I . I v1•11 1 i.:1.11.ranh~ Your d1111rt• $ll:l 1•ul'h l>t>h vt-t )' !'>nl•• 1•nd11i I t ~ 79 Su Co1111t A.wllam·t- ~ .. ,,. :!!.42

Good Wltid 1-\irrulur e & App banr"' C>lt I will It'll or St:.LL (or You MASTBS AUCTIO ... '4MH6 & IJJ.H25

SSTOPS Rl'ad no mort' 1 Wt' huvt> kll 1111' m.a ttresses rrom ~ tc l'l , aor a / lovth·• l Sl71J rww. ~ pc lk'droom 1147, 11 l('('pt'r'I, bunk beds. t'fld t ol>hoe, t'tl' Why pay lltort' 111we8' C 11 II Ct'n tury Moch•l llo ine Fu r n W"I tJu u Sun for di rec -l lo11 11 t o Wu r t> house / 11lor :J1tt' orra . l n11t11nl (' r(•d1l 1.1\l ll ll 5411 3077 SA/t:M a r\•o. -----

(' A.Sii P /\ I D TYPIST l . 1nw m >1 ur.m1•1• 1·0 h i1" J' rwah' µorly will 1111'k u11 Pnr gd u~cd rum. anti· 11n11a•J v 1H·111n11 (or 0 1 bu y your o lrl que8 &clrTV 'a957·8133 1)11h1•v r, p1!. t ~;iwp111 . r\'fr11wr1ttor workrnu or -lvpi.• l'Olll I 11uhr1r" Will 1u ll Tup ras h p o 1d AnUQ.\K'S t ubles & chairs. lnun lo.x t lH•nefll k, IC>78'~ hu.nd cor v<.-d sofa , rust

-- - a rea r uK. l wn bed & 1>l1•a'<.ull >wv• kr ni( l"n111l linerui. Sony color TV . Apply 111 P'' ' "· H 30 :>. '-- -· bl & h Mon thrn l<'ri Snlt•n• 8uUcln9Materiaf18025 nwvest la e c airs . ln"' ur .uH' l ' Co • 1 ;:,7u • •••••••••••••••••••••• S.18·1.290 Mroohkhu1 '1t , F i n \'l) EO ~ M f'

'• . l'AHT ICLJ-: HO \IU Sc>1nc l>ht.-el!I. l2x4 ·. l>Ome w11r1wd. e b rok e n

TYPISTS amounl avai l. Make nfr Call Harold 962·8841

STAT-GENERAL txwn 8AM & 3 30 PM . WOl"k locai Tem porary ,.~ & 1mmt't.11au.• wor k ~-

Catt For An Eqlipmtftt 8030 •••••••••••••••••••••••

Dini n g se t / W ­i n g m a n / rosew ood . 6 chall'S. t a ble, s ide boa rd. SISOO. 545-52-45. •


AppointmtntToday Canon FTB w/ 15m m l 8 SECRETARY JR . 557·0~61 &.120mm2.5Cano n lens &

· ~Q~ of f i c e • case. ~- Canon Peh x

We are authon zed to sell 12 (' sofas & Lov· cseats dirK 1. from the manu!a""\urer a l 'h or the o r1 g1n a l r e t ail price. Pnces start al $248 for both . .Ins tant c r e dit av&Jable . Call Wed . thr u Sal .

Genera l om <'e duties re · w/50mm I 4 35mm 2 5 & quinng good typing s kills 0 over l 0 ad U!)mm 2.5 lenses & case. & light d1ctal1on . Will bt• Sl75 642- 0080 549-1077 traiiled for ~eller or PBX F,quaf Oppor Employer ----- -----operator. Excvllent op DocJS • 8040 w n 11 u n 1 t s , w h i t e rJOrturuly rn s ales dcparl -- - ••••••••••••••••••••••• w/smoked g lass. c hro m e rncnt for self m otivated Uphols terer expcn em·ed Lhai.a i\p:.o puppy I nC't•d tnm. Perfect cond. $350. 111d1v1dua l only t•ustom 11hop Top a lovrnA attent1v<' person 552·3066.

<'ontact Mrs. Wh1t4• waJtt>S and bene P/T or $100. Has papers s hots ----------!<'or Intervie w Apµl. Frr C M. 548 ll56 840-4464 ' Des1gnC' r 's Custom : 7 fool

Paul Dosl·er --- a vocado velvet sofa &

Wa1trl•sses net•d<>d Mr AK c E n i;i Sp r I n ge r brown pa tchwo rk love D'c; Coff<·e Shop. 3050 E. Spaniels li ver & whl t • ·ke Ne 962 6895 Coa'>t llwy, COM $150to$1*>. 559-4489 sea . ..., w. . . Associates Inc.

( 'USTA M l'!S A Sda & two matc hinf oc· ras10nal c hairs, 175. 494·24 17.

.-dy Kf'n morf' 2 .Jlr N'/111 1frttur . w /1r• 'Ii wat~ dltp , WH h r It <J,ryer. l« l\M planta " 11nl1qut' c onta i ners 71.U7~t'M

1075 ....................... IAIYGOATS Nannies a, 81111~•

1 837 m90 Aak for Kn•

Wtndm11l It Towu-. 6 l4 S Clevela nd. Oceanside M •·. a1A>5. 11A·nno10

Mmdtmlry 1071 ••••••••••••••••••••••• SmaJI Craft• m•n m etal c:uUmi band saw. $200.


~ * * HARRY 0 . OQl)IST ---J OrdtiM Prado r •palr . rct>wldlrii .

iT~~ertne rel~. Banlt ftnaoc

l rvne ~H.atniltonAve. H . 8 . Youart UMlwtnMrot *-81U Two'°"" Tld&th

to tb~ 11th Annual


Farrand 5· Grand SZ2SO ~er 5'8" Grand rebwll & re(1n . 13495 Ban k nnand na. s.i6-8775

at t h e Loo~ B e a c h Piano w /beoc b. console Arona . 300 to; O('un Sp1n e l. Xl o l c o n d Wvd. , Loo& Such. T o Waln u t f in11 h . S950 chtlm your tlclteta, call ~-6'2·~. ext 212. --------* * •. bnway Oraod 7' . Ex·

Cl'pt 1oo a l q ua li ty . B Pool tabl~ . beaut. old · Model. New l964. Blk f 1u h1 o n e d m odel r.: b o n y . A beaut if ul w/ a rt lahc p iano le g s . p ia no . $7800 / bs t o fr . Slata . Leather pockets . 64,2.7387. Sl.500 value. 11fcrtf1ce •....; _ _;... ______ _ S485. De ll v c 1-· ree UPRlGlfl' PIA.NO. needs

1010 83&-8102 r e r1n istung J o r paint. S250/bst orr. 642·299S. •••••••••••••••••••••••

••••••••••••••••••••••• ·nu~ M().Pl-~DDLl::R

our t lwwd foflcl> ,. ~O'T M6 ...----l n bo•rd / outbo• r rl "' PF.OS R1•g 14G9. Now other mech.ln1cal wor ks $200. 631·3830 ~ t;xt 20 ----

~~/ 9150 loah. Pow.r 9040 ••••••••••••• •••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• '78 \JNlFLl'ft:

36• L1v1• In llou~ekel'per

SPORTSE DAN ~~h r.peukin&. Lldo LOADE D ' Radar. T V blc, NB 675 2233--­VHF. d •pt.h finder. btut Mu'lt $;Ac: '79 Ya maha 750 lllnU. b1mm1 top. n l',,_, Si>e<: • lllOO m1 Seib lor (W11Jturt' 28 actual h ra. $3~ Will i.ell for $2900. Sl.nCt! new 6'5 &rOt

839-3773 -----Call Now for Appl '14 Suzuk i l&,

l9Mi 25' Twm enJ(rnc Chris C ra H 1 p e~ d b o Kl <clas.51c 1. Xlnt 613-7711.

tr Bost.on Wh a le r 6Shp Me r(' , t'onsole , l"Over. IOIMied roe !11hme. $4900. 549 1005 ------

Mako 23' 1/8. loaded. l'V&.

lom1 $350. 615 74"

i7 Hon<1B GL 1000 Ve lte1 ft'alr1n2 'l'ounn & Scat Clcun. PP 968-9354.

'74 Hon~-..350 . Nt!ctJs 1T11nor ext work . $:JOO or best ofr 642-2995. -- ----LUGGAGE TAGS

from your business ca rd . Send one ca.rd for each

T1Hany mc m berah1p GoJdcard. NO DUES.

(213) 473-6400 e ves Motor Homes, Sol•/

llent/ Storoge 9160 Sldillg 1093 aft 6, 673-9363. Reduced ••••••••••••••••• ...... _d_un __ ng..=...wm __ te_r_. ----

t.ig plus ooe s pare . We ---------ret urn p e rm a n e n ti y ~ C.-pet r-:::::;11c~:-"""":=--':J:':--1 scaled attractive l ag & Salesman ba.s 3200 yrds s trap. mffting a 1rhoe o( 32 oz nylo n plus h . I D. requarements. Pre· brown. beige, or rust. w nl loss & theft • F or a $4.110 yrd. Call 675--9144 or pen1ooaln:ed tag enclose TI(}8284

wallpa pe r . fa bri c or ~~~~~~~~~~' ·========= " D'<l.Y Clo" pape.r & we -will back " tnm you r For Sale · T IHany 's or Men's Scott Boot.s. S IU 7.

la 0 t l .. ds N . B . C o r p o r a t e .........t cond $S0 or best ba~kto ba<'lr. wo c .. r Mmbrshp. Call De bby B. ~ Call · L auri e a rt

PRICES . 644-9030 600pm. (;>h 642·91.36 . $2 ('3 or 3/S5 r A I N T 1 N G : L . R . Stnger rashloo mate w11.b

walnut cabinet . x1nl cond $ 125 . 846 · S26 2 betw 9am·8:30pm.

4/5tags S1.60ea Neu nan ; .. Ah Fr11er ". 6!9tuitS S1 .50 ea. " X· Rated Mov ies" + lOor moreS1.40 e o . oth e rs . Bes t oHe r .

Sales Tax lndudcd 675-3733 art 6P M. NO CAHD?

Draw your own or send nome. address. phone &. we'll make one card per Add 25< e a c h. Send check or money o r · derto:


Co6ta Mesa , Ca . 92626

000 b TY.,_!tadio.

5. BTU porta le ar r rwFI, Steno 8098 condllloncr • less tha n 2 ••••••••••••••• ••••• ••• yrs old · used li ttle · pa'id Bea utlful ZS" rotor TV . 2 over $200. will s ell for yr wrnty free de livery $100 Ca ll a ft e r 4 PM $128 646-l786 wkdoys, all day wkends. · · 548 !!005· Hitachi stereo receive r · 8

38fl. Commer swonu & alb c or e . W /7 0 f l MO OR I NG . $4 2,000 642.-3414

••••••••••••••••••••••• HE.NT '78 Lultury Motor Home 22· sleeps 6. S2SO wit + er m 1. 640-3585

Slapjacll: · 24 It . Oybndge. ~· 1-~ireball. Sell twin 1 7 0 vo l vui. , s wunste p-DHF -s um log. , ____ 64S-__ 2283 ____ , pill'! more. John 675"'229

J6' boat . twn 40hp en~ Trailers. Tro•tl 9170 w/ trlr. $350 or besl. offer ••••••••••••••••••••••• 646-4i18 . 21' 1962 Kenskall with 8x 16

cabaml U\ s r . adull park mx>. 548-6173 or 631-9665

loah.R.t/ · Charier 9050 Camping or all purpo11e

••••••••••••••••••••••• t r lr . Ma ny comp urt Luxury 60' or 75· mcnls. Very handy. S250 motor ya c ht. Reasonu · Ph !ltiJ.~-----..­ble . Hr. daily . weekly . 67$-2172 or 615·3256 All/Jo S..ic:e, Parh

& Ac:c:nlOries 9400 loah. Sail 9060 •••••••••••••••••••••••

••••••••••••••••••••••• :> G o od y ea r t ir es 185/ 70· 14 s leel belt('d rodlals Llkc oew $200 ~88aft5

O'Neill Superswt. T aJ)f'd se am s . Use d o n cl' doesn 't fit Sl 10 548 0256

WIMDOW SHADES wooden shutters. m in i blmds. woven woods & window li n t 1 n l( . February Sale 20%·30'K

88 yds. pi le s pire cpt l yr o ld . <n o pet s c hild >! rouehes 5. II rt X tn t l'O nd 3 Pl'S S:11nson1l«> lu~Ka((e 6 fold1nK Sam somle ch rs Ladiel> r lolhes 12 & 14. 842-DSor 997·8480

Hond;i 4.50 2 int.o l pipes New rear tare. nd-. work

Islander 36 1'3 1ntcrci- l Sl75/ofr t:;ill 536 2148 Magnavolt con.sole stereo, $16,000 Race (.>qwpped. - --AM/FM r adio. A· I Cc: n· Shp tit BCYC. 759•1081 Want w trade pair o r 15 ..

Catalina 27, IJB. Vlff . knot. meter . 4 sails. unr que l y l' QUIPP \• d race/crwse. $14.200 P P 551·21S2 ------

tra c k tap e · Phonos pe ake r s SI OO . Pana so nic Co l o r T e lev rs ron $200 <bo th 3yrs old I 495-5194

dlllOn. SlOO. S57·21S2 wide <sand lire> wheels ---..A.- .-Mori--._---- 25 • PA C l 1" I C S f: /\ for JO" or 11" wide , 5 hole • SUPERMAN COM IC 6/38 & Pally llearsl i'' Bl wtd potile r . 673-8219.

-::::.a4!.-,_...... CRAFT. im. Long list ol v w wheel& 642 3379 ...... r-"" high qual equi pm ent ---

o(f ASP EN

••••••••••••••••••••••• C u s t o m burl l . Ca l l AMtosforSale Ge we rd 90 I 0 631·3068 or 545-8251 ask ...... ........... •••• .. 645-8951 Irvine F a mily

0oU Me mbership Ti f'FANY·s Pnva te Club S600 979-0631 wkds

M e mb e r s hip $250 + trans (er . Call Mitcel••ous 673-3351 W.ted 1081

••••••••••••••••••••••• For a ll your va c uu m cleaner needs. look us up WANTED · 5th wheele r


in t he yello w pages . 27' l o 30 ' reasonably vac uum C l e an i ng p r i ('ed P r iv a t e pl y Center, 1572 Ne wpo r t ~. * *

forSUzanne -----loah. Slips/ '

Docks 9070 •••••••••••••••••••••••

SLIPS AV AILAILIE YAC Newport 646·0551

NEED slip 24 ft Is lander side llc OK. writ ..;h:m use Hurry ! 642-1331 01 548-9996 eves Blv .. C.M. 646-3107 ~ Offlc:e Furniture & 0ouca Partcf'f"

For sale a nllqu<' oak 2 &,ipmtftt 8085 1184R utlund Boats, 5--..1 & door lee Box $275, Oak ••••••••••••••••••••••• Newport Beach Ski ~ 9080 Hoos ier t y p e k1t cht· n Xlnt ne w & Ulled ore furn , Youare lhe wrnner of •••••••••••••••••••••• • cabinet $450, and 3 tub p lan files. wk benches Two FrH Tick.ts stamlesssteel resta urant C.E. SUll PL US631 2777 t.o l he 13· llydropla nl' ' 76, n u trl r . good cond . 45h r t ype :11nk $100. Call arte r llEST QUALITY 17th Annual Mer('. ready for wa te r 5 .00, 964-1761. LOWEST PRICE'S LONG BEACH sim. 646 5574

Anttffl!IK/ Classics 9520

••••••••••••••••••••••• WOODl E 1946 f'ord

BeauuiuJ ' $6SOO. 644.7183

'631.'l f 'ord Galaxy Xlnt Burkel l>cat:. . auto. P' '· p 1b. a /c Mini ~ond Mu i.l -,ec" b38 -7!!5K c GZF9 t9 l S:.!500

·511-'0HOt;UST OM Th•~ 11> the One 2 dr , w1dt• Whlll• wall:, /\II on~rn<il . mohair 1111 S1l..,1•r on Blk , AM/FM l> l t•r<•o S1500 / bs l olr 00-0785 aft 6pm __ . __ _

Carpel Mill Direct 1 -If Sefecti RODEO - --Plush nylon rolls S4 50 -r °" al t h e L o ng Bea c h '78 Rally r.kl/pleai;urt Recnattonm

556-7075 JojquaJ Oppor Employer

Wa rehouse man t':l Lhasa Apso puppies. 8 j)Cncnrl'd in shipping & wk s o l d A KC . $13 5 . 1t.-t•c1v rnR. UPS. P ;in •el BeaUUlul. SS4·7688. P o11 l . Will al s o br ---­responsible for pulhnR & Lab. pups, AKC. ncelle nt packrnl( parts order s pechgree. 5 weeks old

yd . 549-8181167


Decora ting ser vice .1lso Are na . 300 E O cean w1Merc Crsr t1011 P 110 VftMclH 9530 Baby r nb & Mallress $50, avwloble . 640-5540. Blvd. Long Beach . To Ken 8'2·3205. 894 1305 •••••••• ••••• •••••••••• travel c nb $18 all n ew . Air compressor lh . p . Secreta ry c h a i r s SIS, chum your tl ('kets. call

1 __ ___ _.._c _ _ ,I 19711 ,. Ton Chevy PS,

Sec r etary J D 1<' l a t ro n . -; krll f'd l)'plq (')( penenced rn word p ro 1· es s 1 n g .. : '< c· e 11 f' n l llell<'f1L-. f'rl'<l "S .I nmei. to: Co. Irv Call Maurine ttradll'Y 7S2 O'J'JO i-: 0 ~

Must bt' orRan.rted & at 751-8409 curate lfpavy h rtmg re --11wn'tt Appbcations now AKC Yorky pups. 7 wks. bemR acl'<'ptt.'<1. E s.s tJny, 2 fem ale, 2 males lrn: 549 IH72 Pekmcse pups, 2 white

m.ile , 2 Sable 579 2400, El Callon Warehouse

w~ War?!!~e~ n'!e~ ~.~!~ ....... ~~.~~ Please Call F'or Appl f'orklllt eltp prefd. Steel M. Cat., long hair. F e m

lrv1nl.' PeTbOnnc l M~ent'y lOt'd s hoes h e lpfu l. s hor tha1r s p a yed l'al 4H8 E t7U1, COSl a Mesa Permanent & te mporary Good w /kads. 646-.s&tl9

S1.11 leWI 642· 1410 Jobs. Call today, wor k ~ t.ommorrow.

Par 1f1<' Personne l SF.RVICE ~'TATION AT SantaAna 558-7016

l'ENDANT . f / t . exp l'r. NewportBeh 640-1970 not. ne1:1...osssary Ca ll Carl - ~ 195-0121 SJC Welder , exp'd wrth a rc &

5.56-052S. SIOO; alummum s torage Metal & wood desks n5 642-5678. e xt Z72 ~ st.creo. low mrle5 Self / Hones 8060 s hed 6·xs'. $175. Ca ll Sto rage ('abine l s SSS • * * ••••••••••••••••••••••• l'ont 11 1 ? l'ampcr. xlnl ••••••••••••••••••••••• bet w 8 a m · 12 r oo n . Blar kboards Sl5. Assort· ~ SoAe/ t'Olld _!e11t ofr 4~3-8452 Arab Qtr geldrn~. 8 yrs, 962.3737 ed chain & m isc. C E . 1.3' Boston Wha ler 15 H P Reftt 9120 4 WhH4 Dri• H 9550

t::ngl /West. lrar l / s ho w Air less pa rnt s p ray rag Office Fur niture, 2044 Johnson. Re ldote S=· •••••••••••••• • ••••••• • ••••••• • • •••••••••••••• Gd dJsp. 64().9613. wilh hose & g un. Jus t Plarenlla. C.M. ing, cover m e · 67S. Qkjer camper 4-sale. w /t

When you call Clal>SL(ied overha u led. E xcelle nt PicR>s & O"JClfts 1090 loats, '!"aifttenanc•/ tru(' k . St50 5loH t. lO place an ud. you' re as· condiuon $850. 979·9621 ••••••••••••••••••••••• 9020 refn g. 64().2700 ___ _ s ure d o r a fri e ndl y TAP .BE ER keg sysl e m Hanington U R. r efrn . & ••••••••••••••••••••••• ·75i,., El D o r a d o 11 we lcom e a n d h e lp in w/C02 l a nk. New ('Ost recood. $950 Bradsford Prolessrona l boat clean· cam per shell w rthoul •Nordmg your ad for best SlOO. s a c ri fi ce for $60. UR. SS25 Bank financing . mg, wa x m g & bri~hl t ruck . fu lly SelrJcont ~~ .. s~se. Ca ll No w ! 64().6060. 536-8TIS work. Weekly bi ·wbee ly

5 XJnt <.'OOd 646-4SM_

...... ...,,o o r voy a g e a s r ava ilable . Guara nleed ·10 VW CAM P E H VAN work. Ca11 Cathy 963·0258 Ne w e n g. r u n s ~d or964-4072. $1000/bsl 546·390H

m11~ for c rane manuf. m ' Se rvm.· St:i..t/'H\ ..!)j.W.,!; · , Jl'i'>\w..amVlllley\ APl1rt>X-

' , • , , , , , l.l:vl_t " ~u>~r . ~ .. -~·~/\~·\ 5'!40 per wk 'l54·0337 ~:V~ f ull &. p Jt1m1• ., - -- --

CJ/eatl$ of CLove This Valentine s Day send your love a greeting al l the world can share wrth a Daily Pilot Heart ol L ove


ply. Stll'll Stat ion , 17th & WI-: WILL P AY YOU $8 00 Irvine . NB IF YOU AHE

A lJOME Mi\KER You have a c hi ld at

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°' !> & 111 call 152.2904 Alit.llillliliiilNlilllllilw M .,._ lo sec 1£ you qualify

St>rv Sta Help nt•t'<led rm med l"ull or p /l Apply ~E Cst llwy,N R.

and make an a ppt.

WORK AT HOME Phont-Sales


St·wrn R ext ra incom~ Men:handiw allcral10ll5 for d;.•anl'r • ••••• ••••••••••••••••• 1n i. toru or at hom ~ 8005

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pcr 'd s ale" ladv "'ull lime. 5 d ays, x lnt work mg conds. F.11pN·1all y fme clientele 675· IOlb Refn g · side by-sid e Late - - - -- m ode l . ne w co n d .

STOCIC CLERK SJ.15Jle rms . 1:;o.11so or Some llftrng or furn &. 5.11 6333 pq1.1p rcq'd . Porc hasrng - ------­or mainl exp helpful ai. llclrig : New :.! I C.F . 2 dr. we ll a s a n abi li t y t< delux lowest pnre ever perlorm m inor repam1 & Only $400/ le rms 750- 1150 lypm~. Call ror a ppl. 5.11 b33J:.:.:.,:,__ ____ _

W&51'LANDS BAN K ~ E.0 E

TB.ErHOME SALES Work p /l rm e in ou t e lephone u lu room IAM shill ) and s Ull MVt: p l eas u re ti me lo yo u r<.e tr W ag~ . +romm Call ror dela1ls.

L.A TJM ES !)4().0301


Ex.pcricnct'd Only. Se ll Daily Piiot. Hifthest corn· mi o lon p a d . Y o u ~ at hom1-. Over 21 I 0 . Ctl rd Qi II 835 64~3 l 3P M.

What 's Your Trade' ll i1 pt'T Oa,y

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Refn gerat.or for sale $200. Philco. 4 yrs, frost free. Cull 964-"1.:.9.:..:l. ___ _

• * .. M_....Vdklft

2300 Fairview Rd CosuMesa

You are the wlnner of Two Frff Tickeh

to the 11th Annual


n l the Loo ~ Re a c h Are n11 . 300 Ii •. O ccu n Blvd ., Lona Beach. T o clnlm your ll r kets, call 6'2·56711, cxl 272.

• * .. H.OTICE

how Oally Pilot Class· U1l't1 ads d111play their meuaa~ w1Lh lea1blUly and Impact' Our ads. we an proud to say really 1et ruull t , P h o n e 6'2-5G'78.

You may win tickets for 8:00 P.M. performances Friday , February 9th, or Saturday, February 10th . Or a Matinee performancr at 3 :00 P.M . ON Sunda y, February 11th, 1979.

Long Beach Arena 300 E. Oc••n Blvd. Long Be•ch, C•IH. Info: (213) 43&-3961

It s eas y . co m pose y o ur personalized greeting & we II set your message rn type to 111 the border o f your choice or your o wn handwri tten thoughts may appear 1n the border you select

Borders come 1n 3 sizes S 15 $1 O & a special chr ld s srze tor S2 (You must be under 12 to q ualify tor this one). If yo u w ish to create your own greeting . use a black pen & wnte your message 1n the heart below or draw your own Valent ine o f this size

For help w ith your ad . 1ust Cclll 642·5676 & a fr iend ly Valent ine ad·vrser ~111 be happy to assist you Ana. 1f yo u like. yo u can char9e your Valen tine ad o r use your Master Charge or Bank Amer.card


DAILY-P.iLOi . -... . -. ...... 642·S678

Mai~ to Daily Pilot c1oss1 11oa Department. Box 1560

Costa Mesa 9 2626


-. . . . ,.

·····•················· 75 l''ord Counu Bes l Offe r Ken

IK2 3205. 894 1305

'74 UaLc;un Pickup Rl.'11 I spd, cslm mtr llvy dul y :.~p. Mtl"h X :. ,,pokt'11 whl. AM/ fo'M lape St 1110 Nd:. some body work . mu ... 1 l>e ll 752 UllH. 497 291!1


Ma~c;. flares she ll & much more'

Only S2295 l'IUVATE l' /\RT Y


9570 ·•·······•········ ··•··


Au l nm .1 1 IC'. A M I F M s1ert>0 t apt>, pwr s tf'er· in t(. hi - buck :-1·11 t s. SJ>l'<'rnl ptunt. rrul!<c con · t.rol . pop·top roor. ;tux Ra' t11nk i;, T ,1(•11m a wht.-eb & low mrlc!$' Lil' I 1113751 St•r 1'3247




2060 HAAllOl Bl'\10. COSTA M fSA t 6 41:2•0010

'14-Chev 9-pussenger w i ndo w va n $3250 Ml! 1156 eve 6?5--2213

70 3 spd sh1f\ , 6 cyl custom lonJJ bl'd. $900

494-&>12 ---''TM Chevy 100 w /V H & :l spd ironi. P••rfrd for w ork or ('a m p c r M950/ofr &45-3178

i 4 J"or-d Von Convl'ri.ron Auto. ~/PB Xlot cond . $7~. Pb. U16lW:i ----

'73 914 :l o Xlnt l'()nd $4,900/bc .. t off1•r Uy 6 4 6 77 1l <'Vl' t S u n ~6442

'71 Cht-vy Window Von . A/C. aux aaa t a nk , New $2$00. Ph S52 5687

. !



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8353171 Wl-: P v mP uo1.1.Att , .. a""" .. '"., ...... , ........ , for tQP u.('d l'•~ fun-1 · n • S dun llC'I pr d11~~ 1 rl1 If •U ED IMWt• )IJW' t"ld' Ill •1'll a t'I n '7J Bl\ ::-. R I .trill JI' I M"'U.J-1ft,.', I ' "f3 1'11tlt47JJl.I

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We're lhc new Chitvrolet dealerstup m the Jrvmt! Auto Center Wi: ncitd your used car '


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11th \fuau.i.I LONGIEACH

RODEO .11 thl' l oni.? Be a<'h \rt'n..i JOO E Ocean li11.tJ Long Beach. To d..i1m ~uur ll l'.'kcts , call 642 :lbi8, Ext 272

••• ' 77 5301, 4 s pd , s nrf . AM1FM cass. Burgundy $11 ,000 or assum e lse $271 mo 673-3707 (home) or IS.13-0433 ( ol c >

Capri 97 15 ••••••••••••••••••••••• ·73 Ca pri VG 4 spd, AM I F M sler. S1700 Must i;ell 752-0UM.497·2918

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2845 HARBOR BLVD. 540-6410 540-0213

9762 .......•••.....•••••... l!TTU 4 X 4 11t11Uon wan wtt h •vt'r)' ""tr a AM fo'M t..'1t tte d\•ck , /\ l' •k•<l 11h1hm, pu:;l'. hur, 11K1011 111t1f, luago.:1• 111rk lo 11111t·'· lc.lcal tor ' k1t<1tt S42501b • l orr ).';ill I.Ill()

MwcHHleM 9140 •••••••• •• • •••••••••••• Toyota 9765

· MUZ fid cond ••• •••••• •••••••••••• • • ~orb4'!.t uffl'I 7K ( ' til11 a GT Manr

~7 15M .\11 ll!J , \Int l'Olld Be&t o kt~ H1'Jti

1911 Mt•r• •tit• :t\0 l'nv11u· P•U I)' s:.wo L\ tll !flD~J

n Mli .Wll uni) '1il\ rn1 Mu h '"" ' 'lint f111·I ll\lh'lll(4'. <\ nlOUlh i><l tlll\'t• h • .ultlhnl! ., n·al 'otlu1· Pr MOlllHO

l!J'nl~l •. J M Mthtn bm i.kf\.'O, a~olut<•I> mant $211~00 1'\8Sl21J1 941 3301 dys 1~1J 1 ba.>8}35or 1714) Ml 4038

II ( ornll11, 23,000 mt 11tu11dard SJ..-'00 ~411'10

14 l ·orollj 4: aid low m1 $1600

~1 7~ ---·n l't-1Ju1 Low m1. xlnl <Ultl ~till under warr $4950 l'h &4~ 1207

Tl Toyola landcruiser .>Oil I.Op Must &di Best olfer 646- 1331 ----

• •••••••••••••••••••••• '68CORT1NA

For snle 1974 Gru101tn . b..!ttl.fJ u aJ 11 , • u . AM/ fo'M , pwr 1ttetm n1, rww rnH1t tm1k1•1o, ~(.l..,....QJ~~~~~ m1IN1g+', Stl400 <:all alter

Rwmina cood. ~. 142-09

~ 00. 004 1761

t>2 R/\M Bl 1-.H 6 cyl out<>.' gd $3IJO

645 72'>7

New 1979 F o rd Turbo 900 .. _ "'--t w-... Mus~ all e xtras, 3 -- ··-1 mo Cl . Must se ll

L,_. leocti Rd or t ake over (94-1131 p.ayl'.Mft · $1000 down.

'13 Impala Wg n xlnt '76 Ra n chero. camper 'Tf EIC"ctra, all extrus. cond. ong owner.' 49,950 s hell. P /S, P / B, do t good, clean cood. s:i,9MI Mi. many xlru. 11975. oood.. $3950. 631·2227

••••••••••••••••••••••• 9910 -------•1_P_ .. P _. _*7_..0)0_...;_;..__ ___ ,,

ms.1000 CallArt 9739187 S62·7409 evee ....... ~ H4'l • '74 Nova 6 -c y l 2 · dr .. ••••••••••••••••••••·•

·r..s Bwck AIC. PS. New radlo/ htr , P /S, a uto: 73 LeBaron 2dr brd ll'P ltrl'll . Goo d co n d . S HARP . P / P . $l995 . full power, air, toadied ~tofr. Call an. 5 pm 96&-0823 ne w tires, x lnt co r1d. 07t>·3'WI -------- $1950 / offe r 495 · 40 74

67 RIVlera fu ll power, '63 Chev . 4 dr .. IJOod 49S-1.:JS A/C~ood

0 d $800 trans., good tares, newUncoM --------

' 1,,.,, ,,~,! · · baU.. ~. 64H545 AA 7 -

642 ............... eves. PM •••••••••••••••••••••••


Lo w males l e!>s than 37 ,000 Aulomat1<' trans. AM I F M radio, extra clean. You have to see lJus one! l Llc 742K X Y )

$2295 540·5630



--------- '77 Versailles, low mi. '76CHEVETTE. Xlnt cood. $8700/ .Make 31.000 m1, S2295 oCler~2212

s.51·2009 and 673-5138 • M · Mlrcsy ttst 74 onte Ca rlo, 2 d r . ••••••••••••••••••••••• Bucket seats. AM / F M. ORANGECOUNTY'S AJ.r. 968-~ PP NEWEST

'73 Oapn • X ln t cood. IJNCOLN·MERCURY Mags · c°"tom paint, pln Dealership as now OPEN stnping. VG slick . $2450. RAY R.ADEIOI 642·3379. IJNCOLN·MERCURY

'76 Monte Carlo. Xlnl 1&-lBAut.oCenterDr . cood. Air. $4150 SD Fwy-Lake Forest exit

6'2·5950or 751 9918 IRVINE 830-7000

'78 Monte Carlo . $6000 1--------­

tm MB ~.;l . bnlhant red w parchment Ltw.11 & 1 Ownt:r M .ikt: of for 7Sia ntj2

TOYOTA mt'<.·haruc now at Ivans. 1995 Harbor Bhd C M 645· 1982.


Ccdlloc 9915 Xlnt cond intr & exlr dys 'n().3266, eves 831-0949


1 am T4kanx factory dt.> IJvery of 300SD m Apnl Must sell You buy & <>ave$. Zero m1 S24 R409


M c r c e d e s o 1 e s t· I MAR9UIS TOY OT A '78-~D. like nu. l yr MISSlON VIEJO old. lSK m1, Take Over 83 I ·2880 495-121 0 lse paymnts or tash out . ltare mdl 1-~or appt <'all Tri..... 9767 KlaUb at 675 9t~3. Pcrsn. ••••••••••••••••••• • • • • plate MY :.JOCD '75 TR7. $4000. Perfect

cond 752·2281 days and MERCEDES 300D , '75, everung.s caJI 759·0210 Sun r oor. Slvr m e t , M1chel1ns . $12,700 VolcswGCpft 9770 7141299 lOOO early AM . •••••••••••••••••• • •••• • ~ -- '73 Super Btttle gd cond. 75 M 8 450S L . Tan , Needs brakes. $1600. Chocolate convert to p, 961).-0.171 t a n leather .---------

_S2_ 1._000_ 7_52_·_6030_·_. ___ 1YeUow '75 Rabbal. sun·


• Or~ Cowrty'• Bdorodo Center




MAR9UIS COUPE Tbas c lean beauty is wtute wtth black interior and Vlll)'I roof. Ha.s auto trans, P /S & P / B, r ad io, air cood, sharp car . (Lie :n>MFZ) .

-------· $2995 .................. !!.~~ 540· 5630


1975MARIC Deep brown metalltc fmish with saddle leather 2626 HARBOR BLVD. tnle raor and brown padded vinyl roor. air COSTA MESA cond, ult wheel. cruist 1 --19'-7-=-6.::..M-..._:....:....:..C:.:.;U::.R::.Y~-• ccnt.rol. full power , com· ~ fort lounge frt seats. MONARCH GHIA AM / FM stereo with 8 COUPE track tape P.layer Less Low m ales, less t han thn38,000m1les Sharp& 20.00 0 , air co od . clean <Llc8NKO> aut.omatJc trans. P /S &

roof , um t rm. radials. '74 ~. alloy whls, I xlnt 35. 000 m I Im mac NABERS cond. Must see to apprcc. s.ux>trarm 494-7108 B!O(). :>i!J-4930evs ~

$6995 P t B. radio. Metal lic 540·5630 brown with saddle m ·

t en o r and vm yl roor. ShOwroom Fres h. t Lac 1011 \SO~ & SO\ MG '59 VW B us runs gd. •

9742 $500/ best o rrer. Call ......••...•••......... ~ '78 MG Midget. good cond --------- 2000 H<\rbol Blvd take ovt-r paymenta or '73 Ghia Conv . Kelly Cosri'~. S4().QIOO ~. 673-7590 ween, lo1m1 Xlnt cond. ~~~~~~~~!.

Dy 642·0671eve. 840 5158 .: 76 Midget 21,000 m i. Xlnl. 1:ond. AMt!•'M, lug. rck .

1974 vw b us. sun roor, '78 E l Dorado . retired AM/ FM Sll'rco 8 track. GM. Exccuuvc Owner


MGI 97.... xJnl cond. Ai;kanR s;wso. dnven only. Pnmc cond. ..,.., 536-9954 or (213)654·5445 _s_u_.1_00_ 49_3_-7_893 ___ _

•••••••••••••••••••••• • '78 CADILLAC



566NPL) $4295


1011 ~so~ & so~ • LINCOLN· ME RCURY 1971MARK

Cmnamon Gold . Sadd le leather mterlor Tait 2626 HARBOR BLVD. wheel. cruise control, COSTA MESA AM / FM stereo. Comfort ---------1 lounge frl . seats. full ~hn)

9705 ••••••••••••••••••••••• '74 MGB O/ D, new llres. 1958 Giulietta S print , llll!W'!""'""'~~PP!'""P'llllll xlnt rond . No d e n ts nawless Stored IO s f ' SJ.100 Firm !).'ii 5400

AlfaRCM"Mo '72VW Bus AM / FM <'ass. OPERACOUPE C:.irpetin f. & curtains . Loaded with equipment• m · S2.7oo. Call White w ired leather an· 7141552·8440. t.erior. Qrtg. retail selhng

powe r . of course. Air ••••••••••••••••••••••• '78 Mustang ll, P /S. P / B, AM/ FM s tereo. $4100. 496-0481

cond and m o re ! (Lie StOUGBl

SI0.995 540-5630 95"'r re store d .


Ad 9707 ••••••••••••••••••••••• '73 JOOLS. !>nrl. i.l1ck, Jo' M, air cond $1450 496 3695 eves

·73 lOOLS 4 <Ir. air. auto trans, . tcrco Xlnl cond S1TI5 Ph 552 11197

BMW 9712 ···················~···



BARWICK OATSUH "·'" .l 1J.1n l .tp1 .... 1r ... tn11

831-13 75 493.3375

" We oeed to buy clean Datsun U$ed cars"

S Will Pay Top Dollar S

Porsche 9750 ••••••••••••••••••••••• 13 Porsche !114. ~rf ron dil1 on $5900 . Ev es fi39..5667

00 356 B roadster convert l'flmt cond.. S9SOOtoffcr 642-8683

'77 924 : slive r. A /C . stereo, 22,000 mi. Must seU-Best oCCer . C811 days 979·2333 eves & wknds "71J8.5363

Volvo 9772 price $41,000/0ur price ••••••••••••••••••••••• $31.000 . Or l ease .





1966 Harbor Blvd.


CHEVROLET 6633 Westminster Ave

Westmmster 839-3773

'71 CDV S 1600 540-8299/ 645-1235

'74 E1dorado convertible. low mi . Showroom Cond . $8000 673-4642

1011 ~sox & so~ • t INCOt N ME llCURY

' 68 Fas tba c k . Orag . owner . Good cond. $2,000 213/333-0141

2626 HARBOR BLVD. ·~ Mustang V8, P / B, P IS . COSTA ME.SA 311'. $1200. MS-1.305 or aft

_ ___;;;....;:.....::..;..;..;...;.;.;.;:;;..::.:..:..-_ 1 Spm. 675-5488.

1977 MARK V '76 MUSTANG II . only Blue meta.lbc fmlab with 28.000 rru. A/C. am /fm white leather interior. stereo 8 track. 6 cyl, ps, and m41ich1ng padded S3650. ~

COSTA MESA 64~9303 540-9467

v10yl roof Full power, ---------1 aJT cond. AM /f'M s te reo '6S MUSTANG. Hardtop with quad tape player. 289 V8. Bench front seat.

1968 Cadillac ror sale Wt wheel, crwse control 3 s pd on floor . $795 . Sl200 or best orrer. Must and more. See it to-day• 549·2625

ORANGE COUNTY seU! Call645-52S6. (Ser9>4263) ·55 CONVERTIBLE . $8995

'67 9US, 5 s p. Xlnl. Cond. VOLVO 1970 CpedeVille: 540.5630 UKEN~:6S3450155 /Offe r . 2845 HA RBOR BLVD No rust. Moving must EXCLUSIVELY VOLVO Clean tns ide &out

540-6410540.0213 sell $6500. 734 · 6890 / Largest VolvoDealer $1500. 49H439 OldlMnobile , 9955


850N. Beach Blvd. LA H ABRA

530-0905. m Orange County ! '77 Seville. Loaded. Take ••••••••••••••••••••••• New79280ZX Arr. P /S . 4 • BUYor LE""E I •71 ft-.U..-88 pass. s ilver Lie. pd 68 912 Targa. blue. hard DIRECT"" over ease. $296 mo. Ask 2626 HARBOR BLVD. .,...., .. $ll,347 530-6409 to fmd sort rear window. ror Lee. n0-1109. CO_ STA MESA Sml eng w/2 barrel car b . (At Beath & Whittier)

'7141522-5333 Closed SUndays ~c~o!·a~~u~~~l t~~~ -a~-1-.0-~-~o-o_r_b_c_st_o_r_re_r_. 1 "~~q ~~J.'Y~'.· ~~.~~t C.-.<lle 9932 ~~~::ti;Et({,~;

$3595. 979-9707. _.. 9755 ~--· ~ ~-~ ~ warr. Must sell . $6900. •••••••••••• .. ••••••••• tires . C le a n . $1 07~ . --------- 1 ••••••••••••••••••••• • • 2025 S M hest P P 545.5925 '77 350, 4 spd . T lop, 964-l848 DATSUN mechanic no" TEST DRIVE OUR · anc er -·-· -------1 am/fm CB casaette. like _________ 1

~\v~~~~: s.!~~~arbo1 "LECAR Anaheim 750-2011 Ccmlro 9917 s1eo~2so~~e~~ooffe~. ·~wi~~l~~k:~fie~t3~ ' 71 Datsun 510

SSOOF1rm. ~6258 aft 5PM .

LAS~~7~·;;;~,FOR Rat 972 ••••••••••••••••••••••

SAVE! " _,. h

IUYORLEASE \ aaaa HOW! Fanwuc Closeout

79's on 1978 Models NOW 1979 Models

ARRIVING' now a r riving • MUST SELL

Also ltmated number o 1978 320l's 1s sull a vaala ble. Call us today !


120W. Wamer, S.A 557-2132

OFTHEYEAR" Must S9crafice! 1975 .. ••••••••••••••••••••• 731-0317 ult steering wheel. Ex-Volvo. 164 E . 4 dr auto. 77 Met. blue, like ne w -------- --1 cellent condition. $3100.

Good inventory in s tock. sn /rf. a m /fm cass. air, $5000 FIRM. '77 a\M, T top. a m /fm 646-95S9 HWTYwhile thcylasl! new t1rts 4G.OOO mi . 544.5542 cassette, 29,000 m a. ltbr ------ ---1

MIRACLE $5400673-6522 u P h · L o a d e d '78.., Cutless Suprem e MAZDA/ RENAULT s10.000/ F1rm 548·3967 Brougham. lotm i • ex·

2150 Harbor Blvd Autos. Used ChrlnHt 9920 Leaving country must cepUonal. $6350. Days COSTA MESA •••••••••• ••••••••••••• •••• •••••••• ••••••••••• .sell. 547·5832 Eves. 1"'661· 1666

645-5700 AMC 9905 1974 CHEVROLET Collgar' 9933 '73 Cutlass Supreme, air

Rolls Royce 9756 ••••••••••••••••••••••• •1 DEALER IN U.S.A.


••••••••"'•••••• • ••••••• CAPRICE ••••••••••••••••••••••• p/b, wtndows, steering, MUST SB.L 9.PASS WAGOH '70 Cougar XR7, A M/ FM buckets & cnsl. blk on

"74 Hornet Hatchback X6 Auto trans. ai r cond, p/s stereo cass. blk lthr int , btk. $2395646-6745 cyl. Aum t rans, Pow. & p / b . R oo r r at' k . 70sen es w1deovaltires. IDl....L..

Str & Brakes . Air, AM/ FM stereo. clean · whtw/blkvmyltop,Just ..-~ t rm stereo& ru n s Great' CLlc tune d . Xlnt running ••••••••••••••••••••••• more Golden tan wath 63:TI'PR>. rood Must see & dnve! '75 Pinto Wagon V-6, a uto tan mtenor Low miles_ $2795 $1750. 964-1848 trans, 20mpg, low miles . One O wn er. Askang 540•5630 Ford 9940 $2900 / oUe r . ( 714 >

831-2040 495-4949 $2 ,100 . Ca ll 963 11 21 548-8625 after 5 p .m . & weekday s 6 · 10 PM . , rnfrnlt«l..'i't\.1 ....................... weeke n ds . o r (7 14 )

weekends 9AM-6PM . n1~Rr.AfGl!'ifll .o~~RI LOG. 498-1000, e xt. 307 wkdays. 1976 Fiat 131 4-dr . sedan \'----..... ~ radio, 5 spd. less Uia • CtOSfO SUNDAYS 2SK mi. Xlnt cond P .P ._, -_.:.;:=:.:;...;:~=.:;.__-- 1 Call ~0031 (8:30·Spm) Alltol. Mew 551 · 1 G73 e v es . weekends.

Im BMW 320i·Black wit tan interior , air cond .. A M / F M cassett e , Michelin Ures & in im · m ac u lat e con dition . (041SXE) . Prl. pty . S05(l0. CA.11 64$-1475. '76 lat convert, S.spd. xln

1976 IMW 2002 ~ s!J:1~e ove OOUPE. 4 speed t.ran~ :i u.---t... 972 811' coodltloning & LOw .._ miles. (446NYE>. ••••••••••••••••••••••

Cl«. Y $6895 ~New '79 HOWARD Chevrolet H,...,.,,,_.DA C

Dove & Quail Sta. """ ars NEWPORT BEACH MAHY

83J..0555 ToChooHFroMt


$ Trucks 2850 Harbor Blvd .

Co8la Mesa 540-9640 Sales-5crv1ce·Lt'Bs1ng Rov CarY.r IK. 76 Honda wagon. X ln t

RollB rt. • BMW cond . 41 ,000 mi. One l~T!mboree owner. $2850. 873-S615.

Newport Beach 64().6444 ........ 9730 •••••••••••••••••••••••

9800 2626 HARBOR BLVD -~~a~g-~~al 4o!~dsaJ~f. COST A MESA S1275. 6'2-8327

s100 DOWN

Ptu. 1•• • l-

1977 CHEVROLET 1975 Pinto Sta Wgn, V·6 IMPALA SEDAH eng, lo mi. a uto tra ns,

Automatic. pwr . s teer · $2200. 548·1531 a ft. 4PM ing, factory aar cond., PlywtDuttt 9960 tinted glass. wsw tires. •••••••••••••••••••••• • wheel covers & LOW nules. U c . 857RLD Stk '73 F ury . Grand Sedan , ....., • ., .,..., ..... r..~a.... ,, ...... , 8>0/Make olfer r~. ••••...,..WleC....... ,....... 644--2212 497·2292




2060 HARBOR BtVO C05TA Mf SA 042-0010

*** Wilimft T1erMY Jr. 5051 Boxwood

Irvine You are the winner or

TWO fo' REE TlCK ETS tolhe

1974 FOttD LTD Plymouth Fury l , 4-dr. nu COUPE paint & vtnyl top. Runs

Auto trans, P IS & P / B. xlnt. Must see & d rive! air cond .. radio. medium $1475. 964-1848 b rown wi th tan vin yl - - -------• rooC Nice ca r ! ( la c '64 Plymouth V8 Fury. 760KGB) R/H. Runs great . $3SO.

S2" s Call 87$-4834 540.5630 ,..._

••••••••••••••••••••••• • LINl Ol N MF RCURY

'88 PooUac Wagon. Runs xlnt . Very c l e a n . 1011\~0\ & ~O\

2626 HARBOR BLVD. s.'595/ Firm. P .P . 75H t07 eves.

COSTA MESA --------· 1 '73 Grand P r ix·J type.


Includes automatic transmission VS-318 engine extenor sound control radial tires. tinted windst11eld (8120551 (1100541

Only 55495


Buy any new unaltered Dodge Van and we will add one inch loam padding and can:>e hnq and paneling 11 you.wish et no extrJ charge. wlt tl your choice o f available color Oller ends 2· 15-79 No s ubstitutions, Acceotence of this offer must be made e t the time of purchase Advertised vehicles excluded

'75 Super C lean 2002 •XJ6 Repaln&Servlce• bm /lan, AM/ FM cass. J oe Hennessey/Jafua r 5368~fta 595!l 17th Annual


1.973Ford LTD Gold . Ooe owner, Xlnt cond. SIOOO or best orr er. &t0-826S. •---·-..i


al.r. 16.300 49'7·3282 laMl Plac .. C.M. 63 .2742

'19 BMW 633CSI. auto. '6U CK-l50 J a1 Rdstr. lfas mlver w /blk & wht \n· charisma! Bm/ tan lug1 terlor, sunroof, air , P / W. rk 302 boss Ford Must fog lites. stereo. CBC eng dual feed R lly Esk · whe~la . lo mi 's. C a l l cam. Must . C-4 trans: eva, 67~. B&.M hyd. ahtt kJl. new

'76 2002, am/fm stereo. Plrel.lis, A~/FM stereo Mu•t aee. Xln t cond. cass & rec dr. T r1 Ax 557·3657 daya 87' ·~ s pkr S13 .SOO. ( 714 > afl 7'pm O&t-1848: (213) $33>-0666

r .. •noeo a L-'"9ot '1• 00 ror .. f!!Ol!lllt APA 116611. 011 tpprovtd Cltdll 0•1trttd PI Yl'll•lll 0"~-'6000 40 l• A4US&mlOI Eq uipme nt Includes 4 apeed tranamiaeion . carpeting and told down rear seat

2150 HAuoaaVD. COSTA MBA

At the Loni Be a c h '66 Le Mans: Collecto" Arena,

300 E . Ocenn '76 Grand Torino, very choke tn d nt cond.Ask·

clean, p r w s / b , a /c, lngS189SCa.U960-3379a(t Blvd ., Long Beach. t o c/cont Ne tires 1 I I Spm claim you.r ticket&, c1111 rn 050 w •

0 m . -----·---- ---·

M2-5678Ext272. _..;...• _._645-...:......:.27~00..:.----11'Mt~1rtNrd tt70 * * • ' 75 Yord E li te coupe . •••••••••••••••••••••••

Electric moon r oof , T·BIRD '88,allpwr , ena& 'Ill Surfers Dream Car · atereo tap e . All pwr body x lnt cond . R bll Blue Malibu. Xlnt cond . fe.tlW'ft. Crwse Control tram, last month spen t New l1res & palnt . $1500 &.lperb cond t h rough out. 0\-'el' $'700, bllls avail. Qt. Must see! 64.2·5449 ~. ~. fers over $1350. 640-2973



I I r I

t i

Moncsay, 'tOruary G 1f11 \

. . • -National Smoker Study

Long term taste satisfaCtion achieved among low tar smokingS toughest critics-high tars

A detailed, nationwide research effort has confirmed that 'Enriched Flavor:M MERIT really

. does deliver the flavor of higher tar brands. Confirmed: Majority of high tar smokers

rate MERIT taste equal to-or better than­leading high tar cigarettes tested! Cigarettes having up to twice the tar.

Confirmed: Majority of high tar smokers confirm taste satisfaction of MERIT.

· And current MERIT smokers made these confirmations:

Confirmed: 85% of MERIT smokers say it was an "easy switch" from high tar brands.

Confirmed: Overwhelming majority of MERIT smokers say their high tar brands weren't missed! '

Kings: 8 mg' 'tar:' 0.6 mg nicoune-lOO's: 11 mg" tar:· 0.7 mg nicotine av. per cigarette, FTC Repon May'78

Warning: The Surgeon General Has Determined That Cigarene Smoking Is Dangerous to Your Health.

----------- 0"'nt11 M..-ri•h•e. 1'7•

~&lOO's ' '


} I

I • l l

~ ! l . ' I



Your Hometo wn Daily Newspap er



{ lnforn1er Cites Fears in Hiding Slaying Trial Opens

By KA111Y CLANCY Of ... IW!y 1"16.e SWff

The lrlal of an accused murde rer chaf"2 ed in the shooting death or a Huntington Harbour jeweler dunDg a rot). bery lasl year opened today in Orange County Superior Court.

Prosecutor Richard Farnell told lhe jury in his opening·slate· ment Wday that be will show that 29-y~ar-old Edward Tyler Burnett of Long Beach is guilty or murder for his role in the Jan. 30, 1978 s laying of Wayne Golin, 41 .

Golin died or . 38-caliber ' • gunshot wounds during a rob­

bery al his Seal Beach shop, Leisure World Jewelers, 13920 Seal ·Beach Blvd.

Farnell asserted the trigger m an was Burne tt's alleged holdup companion , R o bert Edward Crane, 30.

Crane faces trial in the Golin murder and on another murder charge later.

Farnell attempted to paint for the jury his version or the way the robbery and murder OC · curred last January.

He said It began just after lunch as Golin and bis wife, Barbara, were working m the store and Crane came in " casing the store," Farnell said.

· Oose Enough to Touch? A week of heavy rain followed by bright sunshine opened up this panoramic view for motorists northbound on Jamboree Road in Newport Beach this weekend . .The

oa+ly ,. .... ,_,.., l"atrkll 0'0.-11

clear air and warm weather sent large numbers of rain­weary coast residents outside to enjoy some very special Southern California days.

'Scared' Despite


New Life· DALLAS <AP > - David

McCrory. who testified against bi s millionaire boss. Cullen Davis. in a murder-for-hire trial, has a new life. new identity and. he says. a constant urge to look over his shoulder. .

·"The price has been too damned high ,·· McCrory 40, told the Dallas Times Herald in a telephone interview arranged through federal authorities .

It is not known where McCrory and his wife are Living under th e Fede ral Witness Protection program, but he tOfO the newspaper. '"It's bad . It 's cold up here . . and I've got a cold."

McCrory told the FB( last summer that Davis had asked him to hire a hit man to kill the

. judge overseeing the millionaire industrialisl"s bitter divorce. He said Davis had a list or about 15 people he wanted killed.

The FBI wired McCrory ror sound and recorded his con­versations with Davis. who was a rrested on a murder solicita­tion cha rge afte r a rendezvous m Fort Worth , where Davis al· legedly gave McCrory $25.000 to h1 re a killer.

The derense contended that McC rory had conspired with Davis' estranged wife. Priscilla. to frame the wea lthy defendant.

He left and returned moments 7 ' later and asked to look al some

jewelry, FameU said. Next. Farnell saJd Mrs. Golin

and a friend heard "a thud on the counter. That thud we believe, was Bobby Crane 's handgun coming up striking the counter."

Taiivan's Security Ignored?

Huniington Teen State J11nior Miss

TUXJ Shops Robbed in

A jury was unable to re.ach a ve rdict after a lengthy trial and Davis was M:eed recently on $30 ,000 bail. Prosec tors in Houston have s aid they will seek a retrial.

'"I'm looking over m y shoulder constantly,' ' McCrory said. add­ing that be checks under the hood or tus car every ttme ne gets into it. even for short trips to the grocery store .

{ \

f f

Golin reached for bis own gun. Farnell continued, prompting Crane to ye ll "you SOD of a bilch" as he shot Golln.

Golin managed to fire one shot as he fell , Farnell lold the jury. wounding Crane in lhe arm as the accused robber fired several

-CSee TRIAL, Page AZ)

C..Ouncil Eyes New Projects In Huntington

The Huntington Beach City Council will announce tonight how it pl ans lo spend $1.27 million in federal fund s throug.hout lhe city.

Projects that have been con· sidered lhus far include ex · oansion o( Oak View Community Center, senior citlzen develop­men ts . the purchase or a paramedic unil and rehabllita· lion loans for homes in downtown Huntington Beach.

The city stands to gel the money from Housing and Com· munily Development funds.

Council members a lso will consider increasing the city con­t r i bu lion lo l he r etirement system for its highest paid employees.

The meeting starts al 7: 30 at city council chambers.


WASHINGTON fAPl Presi· dent Carter will reject a ny COD· gressional resolution on the security of Taiwan if It conflicts wilh the new policy to~ard ma.inland China , Deputy Secretary of State Warre n Christopher said today.

" It would be inappropriate for the president to approve any legislation inconsistent with the normalization or relations with the People's Republic of China." Christopher told the Senate Foreign Relations Committee.

Opening a campaign to obtain congress1onal approval or the new China policy, Christopher was questioned harshly by com· mittee members skeptical or as· surances lhal Taiwan is sare rrom military and economic threats by Peking .

Committee Chairm an Frank Church. D-Jdaho. said the panel will approve some declaration of U.S. intent to come to Taiwan's defense if such threats occur

Cbrist.opeher replied : " It ls not necessary for there to be such a resolution."

Nonethe less, he s&1 d , if Congress is determined to ap­prove such legislation , a d · ministration officials will work with tl:e committee in deciding how it shOuld be worded.

But he said three limes tHat Carter does not want to see legislation that might jeopardize the opening of diplomatic ties with Peking.

<See TAIWAN, Page.\%)

Gopher lt Rodents 'Take Over' Sclwol

Ground hog Day may have been celebrated nationwide last week bul in Fountain Valley, school board members seemed more concerned with gophers.

Specifically, the trustees were freWng over gopher holes.

WHEN THE FOUNTAIN VALLEY school people de· clded to close McDowell Elementary School, ll was noted that the campus was spotted with 285 mounds made by the burrowing critters.

Meanwhile by comparison. district gardening chief Luis Calderon reported lhat Tamura School bas only el1bt gopher holes.

School board President Dick Plum said 1ophers weren't the m ain reason for transferrln1 426 student.s from McDowell to Tamura school - declininl student enroll· ment and freeway nolae were the maln eoncerna.

PW M DID 8UGGBST the aopber holes at McDowell coWd lncreue chances for atudeol injury and l1wsuit.s.

Tbat prompted parent Jim Jones. who opposed the McDowell cao.ure, to tell lhe school board, " I would prefer the dbtrict spend . less of my t.a.x dollars cou.nUn1 1opher boln."


Seventeen-year-old Donna Hogle of Huntingtoo Beach bas led an Orange County sweep of lhe California J unior Miss Pageant in San4 Rosa.

Miss Hogle. a senior at Edi.son High School, was crowned the state 's Junior Miss Saturday nighl while Susan Pasqua , 17, of San Clemente was selected the first nmner -up.

Miss Hogle, the daughter of Herbert and Georgia Hogle, performed a ballet dance ln the lalenl portion of the contesL

She alao was judged for poise, appearance. physical fitness and grade point average. "'

She plaM a career in nursing and has recorded a 3.6 average in math and science courses at Edison. according to her mother.

She had planned to enroll al Northern Colorado University nexl fall , but may switch to a California college because or new commitments, Mrs. Hogle said .

One of those obligations is to ride on a Rose Parade float next Jan. 1.

Miss Hogle 's winnings in· eluded $10,500 in cash and scholarships.

She also won a trip to Was hington, D.C .• where she will work in the office of Rep. Del Clawson, at lhe end of the school year.


WINS STATE TITLE Huntington Beach '• Hogle

She wlll compete In l he American Junior Miss Pageant in Mobile, Ala .• April 14.

Donna 's s ister Mary, a senior at Washington Stale University. was named Fountain Valley Junior Miss in 1975.

Khomeini Launches Islamic Republic

TEHRAN . Iran <AP > -Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini , dmrectly challen1ing Iran 's s haky government. named veteran opposition politician MebdJ Ba.iargan today as prime minister of a " revolutionary'' regime to pave the way for crea· lion of an Islamic republic.

Khomelnl called on the people of Inn to obey the new govern· menl and 1galn urged Prime Minister Shahpour BakhUr tote· sign.

The rellgloua leader, who made his announcement at a news conference, thereby set the stage for a possible showdown wilh Bakhtlar, w h o h as threatened to arrest Kbomelnl lf he tries to supplant BakhUar's

· slttln1 aovemment.. T here was a press report

earlier today- that the Iranian mlllt.ary, which has pled&ed sup­port to the current admlntstra· lion , wu relnfordng its uoops outside and lnalde aome govern· ment mlniltriet.

81kbtJar haa warned bis foes be would ··answer Molotov



lr•n'• Mehdi aeurv•n

cocktail for Molotov cocktail" ll th•Y carry out Khomeini '• threat to launch a boly war to oust blm.

The 10.year·old 81ur1an, C8ee 1aAN, P a1e AZ>


Huntington • McCrory said a U.S. attorney

Two pony -tailed bandits in Fort Worth told him last sum· armed with pistols held up a mer to enroll in the witness pro· Fountain Valley variety store tection program. ··He told me r and a Huntington Beach taco wouldn ' t live 15 m inutes, " stand Sunday night with Tosses McCrory said. amounting to about $450. However. U.S . ..Attorney Ken·

neth Mitchell said Sunday he had The thieves struck first at the not talked to McCrory 'a-oout rus

Sp r ouse-Reitz Store . 17120 testimony,andd1dnotknowwhat Magnolia Sl., Fountain Valley, an assistant might have said at 6 :45 p.m . about the dange rs McCrory

faced . Bolh men entered the store " I know h<.'' ll !Davis 1 try to

but one left a s his sidekick have me killed sooner or later ... wahced up to the cashier to buy McCrorv said . " Somebody with some paint. The thug showed the See WITNESS p cashier a pistol in his waistband < • age A2l and demanded money. The ban· dlt ned with s150.

The gunmen lhen hit the Ti· Juana Taco. 6581 Edinger Ave. Huntington Beach, at 8 :30 p.m Both thugs walked into the stand, showed the cashier their pis tols in their bells and de­manded the night's receipts.

Police believe the pair fled both crime scenes in a dark sedan stolen in Newport Beach.

Services Se t For Victim Of Air Crash

Memorial services will be held Thursday for Huntington Beach pilol Kenneth Rand whose airplane crashed last week in the snow-covered Wrightwood foothills near Phelan.

Mr. Rand's body was round Saturday by searchers Inside the wreckage of lhe s mall ex · perimental plane tha t he de· signed himself.

The victim. an ownerof Rand· . Robinson Engineering Inc. ot Hunlir\gt.on Beach. was return· Ing lo Meadowlark Airport from Van Hom. Tex .. when lhe crash occurred Wednesday.

Bob Norton, an inspector for lbe Federal A vlation Agency, aald today the crash Is under In·

• vesligation. He said reports that Mr. Rand

rad ioed a "Mayday'" .. that the plane was icing up near Apple Valley Airport have not been substantiated.

Survivors of the 46-year-old

<;as Rationing Plan Advances

WASHINGTON CAP \ - The Carter administration told the Senate Energy Committee loday that the finishing touches are be· ing put on a standby federal gasoline rationing program.

David J . B ar din , a d · m inistrator or the Economic Regulatory Adminis tration in the Department of Energy. said the plan is currently under re­view and s hou ld be sent to Congress for approval on Feb. 26.

But Energy Committee mem· bers poin te d out that laws passed in ure wake of the 1973 oil <.' mb a r go r e qu i red com · prehensive energy-saving plans to have been complete two years ago.

Co ast

W e athe r Fair through Tuesday

a nd s lightl y warm e r . Hi1ths mostly 64 to 70 . Lows tonight 36 to 43.

INSIDE TOD-" Y Tiu (}Tonge <:ooat YMCA

hos lmmcMd it• 1979 ~nd­ralli11g campaign with a goal Of $55,000. f'unds wilt be 'U$ed to keep the Y's prcr gram• nmning. See Featur· ing, Page Cl.

l•dex crash victim include his wtfe, ••Y-~ Jeannette. and dau1hters Cath1 :::=, a .....

AA Lyn n , Vicki Jean and Susan c.."9nN Nicolle. ~=~

Memorial services wut be-held ~--Thundaf a\ 1:30 p .m . In the • :-.:W.~ c h 1 p e a. t West m l n st er •~ ,....,... Memorial Puk. 14803 Beach ...,_... Blvd.

\ .

"' .. l\.J ..

11 ..... •• ...

I r


U.S. Hit In Cult Deaths

WASHINGTON CAP > - A former Peoples Te mple member whose son dJed lo Guyana aald today the U.S. *overnment was aware of an " unmistakable potential for maaa violence by the cult" but took no action.

Grace Stoen, ln prepared testimony before aa unolfklal congreulooal bear ing on the c ult phenomena , said such a potential for violence ls not limited to the Peoples Temple.

" Other cult.a also have a pres· ent potential for extreme violence," abe saJd. " Some ol them are far more aophisUcated than the Peoples Temple."

Mrs. Stoen said that If the bearing, conducted by Sen. Bob Dole. R·J<4n .• caa bring such a pot~oUal "Within the eyes of the public and government, perhaps~ s ucb foreseeable disaster can be thwarted in the future ."

She said her 8-year-old son was murdered in lbe Jonestown

A youngster emer ges from arch built of s now outside a tavern in Crestline. A weekend storm dumped snow up to the

window level of nearby businesses and s n arled most roads into the San Bernardino Mountains.

tragedy. • The U.S . government was

warned months in advance, not only by ex-members but a1&o by the wife of cult leader Jim Jones, that there was an obvious and unmistakable potential for masa suicide, sbe said. Farmers ~vade Capital F,.... P-.e Al

Tractors, Trucks BWck Bridges, Traffic WITNESS ••• lbat kirld of money can buy in­formation to find out where I

WA S HINGTON <AP I T housands of farmers plowed a held of polJtlcal and sporadically v1olenl d issent today as they snarled commuter arteries and blocked bridges in a motonzed de­mand fo r highe r government price supports for their crops.

" The Farme rs Are Here! " declared banners napping from

Valley Girl Hit by Auto, Hospitalized

T CO-ye a r . o I d S h a n n o n Emerick of Fountain Valley was reported in st able condition to· day after being injured Wednes­dal' in a tramc accident

The youn~ster was rushed to Fountain Valley Community Hospital'~ inte nsive car e unit after she was struck by an auto while riding her bicycle across Slater Avenue east of Ward St reet near her home at 4:56 p.m

Paramedic Gary Wuchner s a id the girl was treated for head and leg inJunes she suf­fe red when she was thrown ooto the auto's hood and then dropped to the stref>t.

Polire said the driver of the a uto involved in the collision wa~ not held or cited

f'l"Olll P~ Al

'IRIAL .•• a dditional s h ots into the wounded Golin

ln the m eantime , 'Burnell , armed with his own .38-caliber revolver had headed toward a safe m the s tore. Farnell assert­ed . as Mrs. Golin cl'awled on the n oor toward her husband and a customer locked herself in a rear bathroom

The prosecutor contended Burnett took items from the safe and had threatened Mrs. Golin " about killing her " before be and Crane fled in a car.

Farnell said police were able to trace the pair to a hbme In El Monte through a wttne!>s who took down the stetaway car 's license plates

Burnett ' s atto rney , James Br u s tman said h e wo uld withhold an opening statement until the prosecution has com­pleted its s ide of the case


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tractors and lrucks that entered the city at a snail's pace ln the chill of dawn, ahead of normaJ rush-hour traffic.

In one case, police used tear gas to s ubdue a driver who tried to block an intersection and al legedly resis.ted arrest .

Many workers found that a commuting drive that ordinarily took 30 minutes required up to fo ur hours today. Others s imply stayed home. The Agriculture Department reported a 15 J>P,r· cent absentee rate.

Al least fou r se para t e cava lcades tota ling an es timat­ed l ,SOO to 2 ,000 vehicles and s ponsored by the American Agri culture Movemertt, edged into the city from staging areas m Vi rginia a nd Ma ryland.

The G eo r ge W a s h i ngton Me morial Parkway, a principal north-south route for tens of thousands or commuters from both states. was closed tem­porarily by police to all but the farm traffic

Meunwhile, a 25-mile -loog line of 750 farm vehicles crossed the Potomac River from the south over the city 's busiest bridge, emptying into Washington just short of the Agriculture Depart­ment and creating a huge traffic Jam atthehelghtofrushhour.

Police tried to divert com­m ut~rs to a branch artery lb at serves Capitol flill , but the con-

Death Suspect Hangs Himself

ROCKFORD, Ill. CAP> - A Rockford man who once told police he committed a series or murders In Califom1a has been found hanged from a footbridge behind a shopping center.

Th e d ea th of Thoma s Filipowicz, 25, appeared to be a suicide, said Ruth Anderson , chief deputy coroner of Win ­nebago County.

The body wa s d iscovered Saturday by a woman crossing the bridge, which connects a housing project for the elderly with th e s hopping center . Fllipowicz's fos t e r mother , E lea nor Ashton, lives in the a partments.

geatlon mounted to a complete am." McCrory said he had been standstill. told by people he did not identify

Some ol the arrests resulted that " they have spent $100,000 from tractor colli.alons with police trying to find me." cars. Oneoftbetractordrivenal- Davis ' a ttorney , Richard legedly ran over a policeman's " Racehorse" Haynes called the foot and, after br andishing a allegation "absolutely, une-baseball bat, waa clubbed and qulvocably wrong." dragged Into a paddy wagon. " We 've not s~nt one dime Other police formed a circle and looking for blm,' Haynes saJd.

hed be f b Davis was acquitted or pus a num r 0 near Y pro- murder in 1977 afte r be was testers from the area . o n e gr 0 up 0 c ra rm er s tried for the slaying of 12-year-threatened to bar entrance to old Andrea Wilborn , Mrs. Davis ' the Agriculture Department. daughter • durin~ a s hooting Thr ee tractors . c ba in e d spree at the mansion Mrs. Davis together, were driven within sh a r ed with her lover , Stan three feet of one door lo the Farr . A murde r charge for building. while other vehicles Farr's death is stiU pending.

" When you fear somebody Is blocked all six lanes of lndepen-. trying to have you killed and dence Avenue.

A few blocks away, Peno- r,ou 're worried about your ramt· s ylvania Avenue was filted Y · • ., it's probably one of the

worst thtn}t's that could happen with trac tors driven seve n to a person other than death ," abreast. One carried a placard s aid McCrory. reading " We've raised enough corn, but not enough hell ."

l'rem P.,,e A J

IRAN ••• seated neXt ·to Khom'einl during the meeting with reponers at a Moslem school, Is a fongtime human·rlghts acUvist, a Moslem nationalist and one-time head of lran 'soil industry. He was a close associate of the late, deposed Prime Minister Mohammad Mossadeq. _

Bazargan and the 62-year-old Bakhtlar both served under MoeaadeQ. who waa ousted bv Shah Mohammed Reza Pahlavi ln 1953 after natk>oau11ng the Anglo-Iranian OU Co.

BakhUar waa a deputy labor minister and Bazargan served aa the first managing director or lbe National Iranian OU Co.

The two poUUclana were allied in the opposition National Front for a auarter -century until Bakhtlar a ccepted the prime ministry from the shah last month.

Be fore Khom e ini r e turned from exile in France last week, Baiargao was the religious leader 's oil-Industry trouble · shooter and was instrumental in getting striking oil workers to begin produci n g to meet . domestic needs.

Girls Club Seeking Applicants

Interviews are belng conducted for the vacant post of executive director of the Glrla Club of Foun­tain Valley-Huntington Beach. Beach.

Persons can apply ror the posi­tion with Joan Warne r , ex ­ecutive director or the Fountain Valley Chamber of Commerce at the chamber's omce at 10525 Slater Ave.

The Job pays rrom $700 to $900 per month and ls open to both men and women who have back· grounds in recreation or social service work.

A bachelor's degl'ff In ooe of those fields la preferred. accord· lng ' to City Councilman Roger Stanton, a member of the Glr~' Club Board of Directors.

The post became vacant with the recent resignation or Linda Goodricb. She took a similar position with lbe Girls Club of Los Angeles County.

Trio Slain; Cops Find No Witnesses

S AN MATEO CAP) -A uthoritles lnvestlgatlng the s laying of three young drug store employees during an ap­pa r e nt armed robbery were s tumped today because they bad no description of the gunman.

" The only people who saw him were those he killed," said one of the 30 police offtce!rs -.vbo con­verged at the Pay Less Super Drug Store Sunday nigbt alter the shootings.

Killed were Michael Ray Olson, 23, of Fremont, believed to be the ualat.ant manaeer of.,.. the s tore ; William D . Baumgartner, 17, of San Mat~ and Trac)' J . Anderson, l&, ol Foster City.

coroner's investigator Leonard Lang.

Anderson, a stock boy. was shot ln the face ln a downatairs rear storeroom and died a few hours later at Milla Hospital, Lang said.

Police speculate the t'Unman hid in.side the store until lt.s 7 p.m . closlag time. then accoet· ed Olson and Baumgartner in the account.Ing room, •booting Andel'IOft on the way out.

All three were •bot wtth a large caliber weapon, poulbl)' a .31-caliber revolver, police sa.ld.

Tbe at.ore safe wa1 found open aDd ' 'there WU DO alp of any money around," aatd PoUce Set· Ed sauu.. s,t. Robert Kaller aaJd Pay Leu otnclab lDCllc:ated u mucb aa $20,000 mlcbt have t>Mnltolen.

Photographer Morgan Ong of the Gilroy Dispatch caught this photo of a 10-month-old mountain lion and his companion, a German shepherd puppy. peering out the window at a fast food outlet in Gilroy .

China Leader Ends 'Success( ul' Visit

SEATTLE CAP ) - A weary Tena Hsiao-ping concluded his visit to the United States today, c alling it "smooth and suc­ceaarull."

" He invited U.S. leaders to forsake detente with the Soviet Un1on and Join China ln an in­

.. formal alliance against the Russians.

" We also hope that more American friends ln all walks of life will come over and see our country. China opent lts door wide to all friends alike," the vice premier said at an airport departure ceremony.

His plane left Seattle at 9 :30 a .m . PST.

Suffering from a cold and fatigue, accordln~ to aides, Teng cancelled a scheduled breakfast meeting with Northwest editors a nd publishers. Fang I, vice pre· mler for science, education and technology, was called on to take Teng 's place at the quest1on-aod­answer 54..>ssion.

Teng Once again noted that both the United States and China had stated their oppos ition to " hegemonism ," the word the Chinese use to describe Soviet ex· pans ion.Ism.

''The Chinese people will do their bit toward opposing global and regional begemonism ," he said .

·He said that President Carter,

* * * ,.,....PageAJ

TAIWAN ••• tn announcing the new rela­

ll o n s hip with China In December, Carte r said it rests on the assumption that Peking would make a peaceful resolu­tion of Its hisoUrcal differences with TaJwan.

lo exchange, Christopher said. Chi nese Vice Premier Teng· Hslaio-plng agreed not to con­tradict the U.S. s ta tement.

U.S . relations with Taiwan are to be bandied by a private American In s titut e, but Chris topher said there Is a chance that Taiwan may refuse to establish a simila r organiza­tion to continue its ties with the United Slates. If that happens, he said , " then

th e picture I have pa inted becomes very clear indeed, an<t the prospect or a hiatus in our relations becomes real. "

who has accepted ,.n invitation to visit China at an unspe<:lfied date, "can be sure of a warm welcome and reception."

Drift,er Takes .Big Lead in Mexico Race ' Fresh north/northeast winds

off the Baja California coast pushed the 69-foot ultralight dis­placement s loop Drifte r to a sub­s tanti al lead at today 's roll call in the Manna del Rey to Puerto Vallarta yacht race. <Earlier s tory Page A9. >

Drifter's pos1Uon report ln­dicated she was approaching Cedros Is land, a bout 330 miles from the start with 795 miles to go.

There was no report from the 65-foot RagtJme , scratch boat in the l ,JZ>-mile race.

Closest boats to Drift r were Checkmate, 11 mites as em, ana Nalu JV, 12 miles behind . Nalu 's position gave her the handicap Jead in Class A and overall.

The escort vessel Pioneer re­ported north/northeas t winds at 17 ''knots at 10 a .m . She was about 60 miles behind Drifter.

Golden Globe Fomider Due in County

Howard E HiU, an author and founder of the Golden Globe Awards, will speak a t Courreges E lementary School. 18131 Santa Carlotta St.. Fountain Valley. tonight al 7:30. •

The 81-year-old author will display a gavel med by hls aunt Phoebe Apperson Hears t who helped organize the first na­tional Parent-Teacher Associa­tion .

Hill 's lecture •is part of the Courreges School PTA's foun­der's day program. He has writ­ten 32 books including " Energiz· ing the 12 Powers of Your Mind."

The public ls invited to attend tonight's event.

AL:SOAAAGE T .. epheM (1t4)1G4Rl

Cl•Mlf!M Ach~Ma.-n ,,__o.-~c.i.-ttf\


But San Mateo DetecUvt Set· Larry Welasell uld omcera beUeve the aame 1unman may be retpooalble for tbe murdera early \oda)' of two men at a Tracy aervtce 1taUon. Wtlaeell 11ld orncen planned to compare aluaa in the cuea today.

Haller l&ld the murdera were not dlacovtred untlt a cleanup crew arrived at the store at 8: 15 p.m . We Recommend Banded Collars and 'ksts

66 FASHION ISl.ANO NEWPORT BEACH (714) 644-7030 ~'C :,Cl!~ ~·.::r.:~ =:".7,., .. '=;m~.r. ... ~.i .... , ':t

~::::=::.....·-· - ···· '"'"'' .. .... \ff• M fl•u ""~ H IS ti (Moll o MoM t • lllot lll• t u• u11eHo" b• utt .. t UM ::".J:.f-"[, :~:' -·~• • """'"''

. .

Olson and 81um1artner wer. lhot In the back of the bead, and were found lylfta dead on tbe noor or the 1tore'1 u1>1taln ac· countln1 office, accordlnt to

Frustrated that no one anewered tht!r knoclrl oa lbe door. the crew called the aore mana1er, obtained bi.I lley and entered the store to llnd the vtc· Um1.

·' • '


, . I



\'our Ho•etown Dally e1"spaper


Life of Fear for-Death Trial Witness DAI.LAS CAP ' - thvtd

M t'Crory. ~bo le Uftf'd agam~t bts m1lllon£tar boa . Cullf'n 04"•l • ln • munter.ror hi"' trial, hH • ne~ life. nev. ldtnUty and, h~ says. a C"OO tanl urge to look over his shoulder

·'The price bib been t oo damnt'd luttb." McCrory , 40 told the Oalla..s T'imes Herald In :. t elepbono lnttrvltw arrangt>d througb federal aulhor1u ·

lt 1s n ot k n own where

McCrory and h'5 wife a~ living under the F4'dera1 Wltne-i. Prot~ct1on proicram . but h~ tolo the ncwspap.-r . " ll'A bad It 's cold up here Mnd I've ~Ol rold '

MrCrory told the FBI lost !>Ummer thal Duva~ had KSked him lo hire u hit man to kill the Jud&e overseeing thE' m1lllon1Ure tndustnalist 's billt.'r divorce lie said DaVl.S had a hsl or about lS people be wanted killed

The •·e1 wtred McCrory for 1ound a nd recorded his con· veraatlons wtth Davis, who was rrest~ on a murder solicita­

tion charg after a rendezvous In f>'ort Worth, where Davis al · leecdl)' gave McCrory $25,000 to hire n killer.

The derense contended that McCrory had ronspired with Davis' estranged wire. Priscilla. to frame the wealthy defendant.

A jury was unable to reach a

verdict alter a lengthy trlai and Davis was freed recenlly on $30 ,000 bal l. Prosectors in Houston have said they will seek a retrial.

''I'm looking over my shoulder constantly," McCrory said. add· ing tbal he checks under the hood or hlS car every tame he gets into it. even for s hort trips to the grocery store.

McCrory said a U.S. attorney in Fort Worth told him lasl sum·

me r to enroll in the witness pro· tection program. " He told me I wou ldn't live 15 minutes." McCror-Y said.

However. U.S. Attorney Ken· neth Mitchell said Sunday he had not talked to McCrory about his testimony . a nd did not know what an assistant might have said a bo ut the dan'gers McCrory raced .

'"l know he 'll <Davis> try to have me killed sooner or later."

McCrory ~aid . " Somebody with that kirlct of money can buy in· formation to find out where I a m ." McCrory said he had been told by people he did not identify that " they have spent $ 100,000 trying to find me. '·

Davis' a tto rney. Richard " Racehorse" Haynes called the a llegation " absolute ly . une· quivocably wrong ."

" We've not spent one dime CSee WITNESS, Page AZ >

Farmers Rage ~ DC Invasion Triggers Violence

WA S HINGTON <AP > -Thousands of farme r s turned their plowshares into swords or c i vii disruption today. jamming the capital's commuter lifelines and triggering sporadic violence despite a total mobilization or police.

tractor was driven over his foot. and Police Chief Burtell Jef· ferson. who called out his entire force . was involved in a shoving match.

Tear gas was fired at one driver who allegedly resisted ar· rest after blocking Independence Avenue near the Agriculture Department.

roughly the sam e purchasing power that farmers enjoyed ear -1 y this century . Prices now range around 70 percent.

" The Farmers Are Here!" dec lared banners trailing from many or the 2,000 tractors and trucks that entered the city at a c rawl just before dawn today.

Several or the'Vehicles cars. ~ .

" We 've raised enough corn. but not enough hell!" came the battle c r y. as seve ral cavalcades or tractors. trucks and other farm vehicles poured into t he cit y for a traffi c · snarling display in protest or the amount of gove rnme nt price s upports for their crops .

Another tractor driver was clubbed and dragged to a paddy

- goo ; officers said he had brandished a baseball bat at them. In.another episode. a veh1 · cle was set ablaze near the de· partment.

trucks and even mobile homes ...

A~laollce A youngster emerges from arch built of snow outside a tavern in Crestline. A weekend storm dumped snow up to the

window level of nearby businesses and s n a rl e d most roads into the San Bernardino Mountains.

Teng Concludes Visit Invites U.S. Alliance Against Soviet Union

SEAITLE tAPl · · A weary Teng Hsiao-ping concluded his vis it to the United States today, ca lling it " s m ooth a nd s uc· cessfull ."

.. He invited U.S. leaders to forsake detente with the Soviet Union and join China in an in· formal a lli a nce aga ins t the Russians. .

" We a lso hope that more American friends in a ll walks of life will come over a nd see our eountry. China opens its door wide to all fri ends alike." the

* * *

vice premier said al an airport departure cere mony.

His plane left Seattle at 9:30 a .m . PST.

Suffering from a cold and fatigue , according to aides, Teng cancelled a scheduled breakfast meeting with Northwest editors and publishers. Fang I, vice pre· mier for science . education and technology, was called on to take Teng 's place at the question·and· answer session.

Teng once again noted that both the United States and China

* * * Carter to Reject Taiwan Security?

WASHINGTON <AP > - Presi· dent will reject any con· g r essional r esolution on the security of Taiwan if it conflicts with the new policy toward mainland C hin a. D e puty Sec r eta ry o f St a t e Warren Christopher said today.

• 'll would be inappropriate for the president lo approve any leg is lation inconsis tent with the normalization or relations with the People's Re pubUc of China," Chri stophe r told the Senate Foreign Relations Committee.

Opening a campaign to obtain congressiona l approval or the new China policy, Christopher was questioned harshly by com· mittee members skeptical or as· sura nces that Taiwan is safe Crom military and economic

threats by Peking. Committee Chairman Frank

Church, 0 -Idaho. said the panel will approve some declaration or U.S. intent to come to Taiwan's defense if such threats occur.

Christopeher replied : " It is not necessary for there to be such a resolution."

Nonethe less, be sa id , if Congress is determined to ap· prove such legislation, ad · ministration olficiaJs will work with the committee In deciding how it should be worded.

But be said three limes lhal Carte r does not want to see legis lation that might jeopardize the opening of diplomatic lies with Peking.

Jn announcing the new rela · CSeeTAIWAN, Page AZ)

Nth Birthday CtUt Honors Eubie Blake

NEW YORK <AP > ... Everyone goes wild over composer Eubie Blake, especially when he celebrates another birthday.

Blake, who turned 96 Sunday, went to the Am­bassador Theater, where " Eubie" is playing, and heard the ll·member cast sing "We're Just Wild About Eubie," a modified version or Blake's hit "I'm Just Wild About Harry." ..

Alter the show, Blake slowly ascended the stairs leadint onto the stage. The cast and audience sang two rousing versions of " Happy Birthday To You."

"Thank you," he replied. "And I thank all the people who had the nerve to believe ln my music.''


had stated their opposition to " hegemonism , ·· the word the Chinese use to describe ~viel ex· pansionism.

• ·'The Chinese people will do their bit toward opposing global and regional hegemonism," he said .

He said that President Carter, who has accepted an invitation to visit China at an unspecified date. "can be sure of a warm welcome and reception."

T he Chinese vice pre mier drew friendly crowds in Atlanta, Houston and Seattle. But long after the smiling little man in the gray Mao suit has left, the Carter administration is likely to be wrestling with the choices Teng has presented.

Interviews with adm inist ra· lion officials who traveled with Teng indicate that ~ere is no consensus In the White House or State Department on how to han· die some or the s pecific policy questions that will arise in the wakeofTcng 's journey.

He has invited the West and Japan to g ive China science and technology, allowing Peking to modernize. He is also asking the West to joi n the world 's largest country in a common cause against the Soviets. at a time when many in American politics are questioning the wisdom of detenle with the So-viets. •

Teng a lso invi ted forme r President Nixon to visit Chlna . No lime was set. It would be Nixon 's third visit to China.

Irvine Apartment

looted by Burglar A burglar used a credit card lo

slip the lock on a s liding glass door ol an Irvine home Saturday and stole $980 in goods and cash. police said. •

Todd Hammeras of 49 Topeka, In the Heritage Point Apart· ments. said the burglar took s tereo equipment. a woman 's wristwatch, a diamond ring, a J>Qrlable television set, a $10 bill, three 1921 U.S. silver dollars and three Canadian s liver dolJars.

North State Warm By Tiie ANoela&ed Prea

Warm, sunny weather was forecast for today for most or northern Callfornla with a chance ol brief showers tn tome areaa.

Police a rrested at leas( 14 farmers and impounded more lha n a dozen vehicles, m any of which were left abandoned in key Intersections.

Several police cruisers were ram med. and tires were s lashed and windows broken on others. One officer was injur~ when a

AAUNixes 'Too Short' Irvine Pool

The Amateur Athletic Un.ion has refused to ce rtify an Irvine swimming pool inte nded to host Olympic qualify ing meets -because the pool was buJlt a half· inch too short - despite w·ork lo stretch it.

The <aJmost> SO-meter pool. bµiJt at a cost or $650,000. is scheduled to be the s ite or the AA U National Swi m Cha m · pionships. a speed swimming event , in the summer or 1980.

Also scheduled that s ummer Is a non-AAU competition. the Na· tional Synchronized Swimming Cha mpionships, for waler ballet.

The Heritage Pa rk pool had its grand opening last July. The ci­ty learned later or the error.

The contractor, Ruane Corp. of San Gabriel , r eturned to Irvine to stretch lhe pool, which is made or aluminum.

That work was done. and city engineers certified the length as proper and resubmitted the ir ap­plication for AAU certification.

As it turned out, the s tretch work only improved the pool to the correct length at the surface or water level. down to two reel below.

The AAU requires that the pool be uniformly SO meters down to 42 inches depth.

The lanes of the pool that still come up short vary from five· sixteenths of a n inch to a half

<See POOL, Page AZ>

Th e d e m o ns tration was laun c he d by the American Agriculture Movement . an or· gan izalion seeking fu ll im · plementation or existing authori· ty to guaranteee farmers prices of up to 90 perc~nr-of parity for their crops.

Full parity would give them



New Regime &tablished By Khomeini

TEHRAN . Ira n <AP > -Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini . directly c h allenging Iran 's s h aky governm ent. na m ed veteran opposition politician Mehdi Bazargan today as prime min ister of a " revolutionary" regime to pave the way for crea· tion of an Is lamic republic.

Khomeini called on the people or lrjln lo obey the new govern· m ent and aeain ur~ed Prime Minister ShahpouY. Bakhtiar to resign.

The reli g ious. leader . who made his a nnouncement at a news conference, thereby set lhe

<See IRAN. Page AZ )

Irvine Car Windows Smashed by Vandals

Vandals smashed wlndows on the driver's side out or 20 to 30 parked cars in residential and ln· dustrial areas of Irvine over the weekend, police said.

Police are seeking the owners of a light blue pickup truck seen double ·parked In front of one ol the cars whose window later was discove r e d to have been sm ashed.

The truck ·was observed at Barranca and Lake roads, In Woodbridge , the heaviest·hlt a .

Other wtndow·smaahlnrs have been reported ln Greentree, Northwood, and the Irvine ln· dustrla l Complex around Milliken Avenue .

There were five reporu from realdenta llvlni alon1 a loop formed by Sparrowhawk and

" -

I #

Meadowgrass streets in Wood· bridge. ·

Investigator Ron Flathers said some or the windows were shot out with a BB·gun a nd some were smashed.

The vandals concentrated on new model luxury cars.

F lathers said there have been previous incidents in the city ln·. volving auto vandalism , " but not where the vandals work right down a resldenUal street. That's kind of bliarre."

F la thers said the vandals made aorties both on f rlday and Saturday nights.

The truck police a~ lookJng for was further described H bav lng a camper s he ll with scrollwortr. and porthole windows

A loca l car repair s hop estimated the co,,t or n!placing a aide window at SJ~.

had several farmers aboard . and American Ag ri cul ture claims their ranks will s well to 30.000 over the next several days.

T e ns of thousands o f ex . as pera ted commuters found the mselves ar riving at their of­fices up to four hours late, if at a ll , due to the m assive t raffic tieu ps on principal freeways a nd st reets. Many. hearing of th e c h aos via r a d io and television, stayed home.

<See FARMERS. Page A2>

Theft Loot Recovered In Newport

By JACKIE HVMAN Of Ille O.Oy Pilot s-.11

A $500 re ward offered for a s tolen 85Q.pound statue has led lo the recovery of the s tatue a long with other goods valued at $40 ,000 to $50,000 . Newport Beach police said today.

Detective Sgt. Bob Gatewood s aid fou r me n were a r res ted Saturday a t two Sant a Ana apartments from which police hauled about 20 statues along with a number of lamps and planters a lso be lieved to bP. s tolen .

Facing grand theft charges to· day a re Jacque Remi Swat. 21. James Daly Bonesteel. 20, and Mark Lee Hudson , 22. all of San· ta Ana. All three were still in ci· ty jail today in lieu of SS,000 bail, Gatewood said.

Being held on suspicion of re · eel vi ng s tole n prope rty was Michel Rene Swat . 27. of Santa Ana . whose bail is set at $2,500. he said.

Gatewood said the case began when the lar~e s tatue. cjlled Gloria. was r ipped from the pavemen t to wh ic h it w a s ce me nted in front of Lydia 's Inc .. a Newport Beach interior design firm.

A. companion statue or Caesar was shattered in tbe theft last weekend, Gatewood said . Gloria was valued at $750 and Caesar at $950, and the owner offered a SSOO reward for the recovery of

<Stt STATUE, Page AZ)


Weather Fair through Tuesm

a nd s lightly warme r . Hi g hs mostly 64 to 70 Lows tonight 36 to 43.

INSIDE TODA 'W The Orange <:oaat YMCA

hol la&otched iU 1919 fund· rauing campaign with 0 goal of Furm will be tued to ~ep the Y 'a JIOulh PTO· gram• running. See /i'eclur. Ing. PO(IC Cl .



a .,.. ... .. , IM

8H M 8J .... A4 A4



Cult Danger ~old u. • of Yiole1we Potential'

WASlll'llle I 0:\ t Al' I formt'r P'-'<IOlt' Tt•mpl mt•m~r •ho'" 'on tht"C.J 1n t1u) :in• •aid hx1.t\ tht• l ' ~ J:ll' 1•rnnH·n1 v. a .. " • • •· uf un unm1 ltktblf' potrntua l ror ma ., vtolen<"C! lt\

the <'Ult but toolt "o aetton li rac1• '\lot•n . an prepan•d

lt•:.ltmom l1t•fon- .. in unt11r1ru1I t'lln.:n•11.,1mwt h\•Utlnp 1m lht· rull phl'nomt•na. 'illd 'u' h i •

poh•ntlMI tor 'tnlt'n(' f 1' n111 llo111t.J lo tht.> Pt.-opJt>., Tt'mp\t'

· <>tht.•r 4•ult' 011 o b .. \ 'f' a pn·' "" t 11tHttnt1al for t• '.\IH· m1·

~ M•nett. •• h u 1a ·Som ol lhrm ur~ lar mort- ()phlt tlcutc.-d thnn Uw flf'IClplf'~ Tl'mplt> "

Mu St0t•n u1 c1 thul Ir tht' hc-1uin t·ondut·tt .. 1 by ~n l4')b Do• . R K11n c n brtn11 uch " I lC'f\(11tl ' v.1th1n lht' C)'l"I of lhe­pubh\' ntJ ii'H ,.mm.:nt , 11~rh~p11 urh fQrl'&l'c blc d1sut1tc..•r c11n ~

lhv. .. rh-d In lhl' ruturt• · :-tht' u1d hl•r ti )'t«•r old !>OO

" 1h murd1•r..J 1n the Jon Lown tratted)

I ht• l ~ ftOvcrn mcnt wa:. waHnrd montt) ?1 in udvanc , not

Huntington Teen tale Junior Miss

St· H•ntt•t•n \t' .H c1ld Donna ll t1gl(' or ltunt1ni.:111n lh' t•<'h hull lc•d an OranAe County sweep or I h l' Cu I 1forn1 ,, J u n IO r M 1 s s Pugttanl an Sant11 Ro~a

M 1 1'~ Hogle, a ·enior at Edt!>On High School , wa!> l' rowned the htatt.' .h .Junior M1 ' 1> Saturday mght wh1ltt Su1:>;111 Pa!>q ua , 17 , of S~in Clemente ":u. 'elel' ted tht.• f1rltl runnttr u1>

l\11 si. ffojtlt' . lht• daughter or llerbt-rt and Gl'or~1a lfogl1• perform1'<I a hallct dunce in lhl' tal<'nt purt1on of the· t•ontesl

She al~ \\as Judged for po1:.e, Jppearanct>. phys1cc1l fitnes:. and ~rade point av<'ra2e

She plan.'\ a car~r in nurs ing .md has recorded a 3.6 averaJle in m ath and science courses at Ed is on . acco rding to her mother

She had pl<tnned to enroll at Northern Colorado Universit v next fall . but may s wit ch to a Ca hforma college because or n<'w c·omm1tments . Mr') Hogle ~a id

Ont• of those ohhgat1ons ll> lo ride on J ROM• Parade float next .Jan I

M 1ss floglt" '> w1nn1n gs in

C'l ud t•d SI0 , 5110 1n ras h and '> <' hnlurs h1ps

S h e a l :.o won a t rip t o wa .. h1ngton. () c . where !>l h•· "111 work rn th<' offi ce of Rei> l><·I Cluwson. at the Pnd or thl ' <'hool yt.•ar

S he> wtll \' llffiP<'lc tn lht• \mcrtt'an Junior Mi lts Pugcanl

1n Mobile. >\la .. April 14 . Donna ·s 111slcr Mary. a senior

.it Washington State University, "'a~ na mNt Foun l <.11n Valley

o.llr ,., ... s ... tt -WINS STATE TITLE

Huntington Beach 's Hogle

Junior Mis:. in 197!} Miss Pasqua . described by a

Sa n Cle mente Hi g h Schoo l spokesman as " an outs tanding s tude nt," plans to be a phys ical thl'rap1st She was the St'hool 's homl"coming queen last fa ll

/\t•tive ror four yea rs in school t•horal groups. she will play the female lead in t he spring pro­duction of "Carnival. " She a lso is on the l>Chool 's cheerlea(Jing squad

Gopher It Rodents 'Take Over' School

Grow1d Ho~ Day m ay have been celebrated nationwide last week but in Fountain Valley. school board members sl'em ed more concerned with gophers .

Specifica lly. the trust t.-es were fretting over gopher holes

WHEN THE FOUNTAIN VALLEY school people de ­cided to c lose Mc Dowell Elementary School, it was noted tha t the campus was spotted with 285 mounds made by the burrowinl( c ritters .

Meanwhile by comparison, district gardening chief Luis Calderon r cPor ted that Tamura School has only eight goohe r holes.

School board President Dick · Plum said gophers wt>ren't the mai n reason for transferring 426 s tudents from Mc Dowell lo Tamura school declining s tudent enroll­ment and freeway noise were tht: maan concerns .

PLUM DID SUGGEST the gopher holes at McDowell could mcrease chances for s tudent injury and laws uits.

Thal prompted parent Jim J ones, who opJ>()sed the McDowell closure, to tell the school board , " I would prefe r the district !>pend IP.SS of my tax dollars counting gopher holes"

Blaze in Whittier Hotel Routs 7 5

WHITT1 ER <A P l A rtr<> that s lurted on the serond floor of a n old , lhree·story Whittier


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hotel forced the evacuation of 75 people early today, a uthorities s aid .

The roof of the Willia m Penn Hotel, built an 1924, partially col· lapsed as the blaze spread to the top noor of the build ing, said Capt. Joe Day of the Los Angeles County Fire Department .

One firefi ghter s uffe red a broken ankle while battling the blaze, he said.

Twenty unit s a nd 100 • firefighters were on the scene of

the fh-e. which burned for mote -tban2~bo~.

" ll's an old building and there are a lot of concealed attic s paces. which makes it very dif. ficult to fight," Day said .

The cause of the blaze was UD· dcr investigation. The value or the building was estimated at $5()(). 000.

Captain Charged HONG KONG <AP) - Tbc

captain or a 1hlp t.b•t brought more than 3,000 Vletnameae refugees to Hant Kong baa been char1ed with \iiolatlna local ablp. ping laws by alle1edly carryin• too many pauenaen, au\boriUes io this 8r1Ulb colooy a.noounc.d Sunday.


only b~ x m mbets but also by tht> wile or c:ult leade r Jam Jont'I, tb11t the~ was •n obvious 1m<1 unmistakable Potential for m H1f s uk1dc, she isuid

Out. Mra. Stoen sutd . " nothJng wa,; done by the eovemment. llud thl' 1overoment tak en ac· tton . hU<'h needless s laughter might hnve been avoided ."

Sh did cull.II use an argu mtnl of rdhdowi Liberty lo create a ~mok~creeo In the minds of the lfOVernment a nd the genera l J>Ubh t•

" Reltgaous liberty cannot be ut1t-d to hide immoral and violent pracllcl'S, " i.he said

" Ir 1l as allowed to be used Utis way . al can only dest roy the frt>edom 1t was designed to pro­tl'ct · ·

Another witness. Virginia Mubr) . who described herself as a former member or t he Rev. Sun MyWlg Moon 's Unification Church. said she was told to soh cat money on fa lse pretenses and commit other illegal acts to bolster the finances of the or ­ganization.


IRAN ••• stage for a possible showdown w it h Ba khli ar , who h as threatened to arrest Khomeini if he tries to supplant Bakhtiar's s itting government.

In his first reaction to Kho­meini 's announcement, s tate radio quoted Bakhtie\r as re­iterating his s tatement or Sun­day night that there cannot be two governments in Iran.

The re was a p ress report earUer today that the Iranian milftary, which has pledged s up­Port to the current administra­tion , was reinforcing its troops outside and inside some govern­m ent ministries .

Bakht1ar has warned his foes he would ··an s we r Mo lotov cocktai l for Molotov cocktail" if t h ey carr y o u t Khomei ni 's threat to launch a holy war to ousl him.

The 70-year-old Bazargan, seated next to Khomeini during the meeting with rep()rters at a Mos lem school. is a longtime human-rights activist, a Moslem nationalist and one-time head of Iran 'soil Industry. He was a close associate of the late. deposed Prime Mini s te r Mohammad Mossadeq . _

Bazargan and the 62-year-Old Bakhtiar both se rved under Mossadeq , who was ousted hv Shah Mohammed Reza Pahlavi an 1953 after nationalizing the Anglo· lranian Oil Co.

Bakhtiar was a deputy labor minis ter a nd Bazargan served as the first managing director or the National Iranian Oil Co.

The two poUticians were allied in the opposition NaJional Front for a ouarter-cenlu ry u ntil Bakhtiar accepted the prime minis try from the shah last month.

Before Khom e ini r eturned from exile in F rance last week . Bazargan was the religious lead er's oil· industry t rouble­s hooter and was instrumental in getting striking oil workers to b e gin producing lo m ee t domes tic needs.


FARMERS. • Once ins ide the city. the

farmers drove up and down the major avenues . circling the While House. t he Capitol and othe r landmarks . In several cases, vehic les were stopped in the middle of key intersections a nd abandoned .

In one episode. demonstrators turned on one of their own as well as the Police. When one farm er 's wife a ttempted to help move a tractor that had been abandoned, she was pelted with eggs. Other farmers jumped on the cab and sm ashed a window.

The woman and police were jeered with shouts or " Go back in your hole, scum !" Similar in· cldenlS c ropped up e lsewhere throughout the city.

Gerald M cCat h e rn of Hereford, Texas . the " national" for the protest. sa id the activity " exceeded all our expectations .

" With tractors from all over the country, this should show the American people that this is a nat ional problem . We're looking at 1948 prices for our com ­modlUes and the 1979 cost or pro­duction."

O n e .senator . R e publi can Larry PreNJer of South Dakota, •&reed and took the wheel or a tractor himself .

" When we talk about the sup. posed lncreue ln farm income last year, we're really talklng about the cofpOrat.e farms," he said. "The family farmer didn't have lt IO good."

But Re p. Peter P eyser. D· N. Y., dltdaJned the proceedinis. • 'J can think of few demooatr•· Uona aa inappropriate and aa count.rprod~Uve as the 1ame currently belnc played on the street.a of our neUon'& capital," beaald.

Ready for Rationing Stamps like these may become familiar items if the s tandby federa l gasoline rationing program goes into ef · feet. The Carte r administration has told the Senat e Energy Committee that finishing touches a re being put on s uch a plan.

Trio Slain; Cops '

.Find No Witnesses S A N M A T E 0 C A P ) -­

Au t hori ties i nvestig a ting the s laying or three young drug store employees during an ap­pa r e nl ar med robbe r y were s tumped today because they had no description of.the gunman .

" The only people who saw him were those he killed ," said one of the 30 Police officers who con­verged at the Pay Less Super Drug Store Sunday night afte r the shootings.

Kille d were Mi ch ae l Ra y Olson. 23, of Fremont, believed to be the assis tant manager of th e s t or e; W il liam D . Baumgartner , 17. of San Mateo and Tracy J . Anderson. L6, of Foster City.

San Mateo Detec tiv e Sgt . La rry Weisse ll sa id omcers believe the same gunm an may be respons ible for the murders ea rly today or two men at a Tracy service station. Weissell sa id orricers planned to compare slu~s in the cases tod ay . , Olson <1nd Baumgartner were

shot in the back of the head. and we re foWld lying dead on lhe

· n oor of the s tore's ups tairs ac­counting office , according to coroner 's investigator Leonard Lang.

Anden.on. a s tock boy, was shot in the face in a downstairs rear storeroom and died a few hours late r al Mills llospital, Lang sajd.

Police speculate the gunman hid ins ide the s tore until a fter its 7 p.m. closing t im e. then accost ­ed Olson and Baumgartner in the accountanc room. shooting

Fl"'Olll Page A I

TAIWAN •.• tion s hlp with C hina in December, Carter said it rests on the assumption tha t Peking would ma ke a peace ful resolu­tion of its hisotircal differences with Taiwan.

ln exchange, Christopher said, Chlnese Vi ce Pl'emle r Teng· Hsialo-ping agreed not to con­tradict the U.S. state ment.

U.S. relations with Taiwan ar e to be h andl ed by a private Am er ic a n In s titut e, but Chris topher said there Is a chance that Taiwan may refuse to establish a s imilar organiza ­tion to continue its ties with the United States.

Ande rson on the way out. . All three were shot with a

large caliber weapon , possibly a .38-c atiber revolver, police said .

The store safe wa~ found open a nd " there was no s ign of a ny money around," said Police Sgt. Ed Smith. Sgt. Robt:rt Haile r said Pay Less officials Indicated as much as $20,000 m ight have been stolen.

Hailer said the murders were not discovered until a c leanup crew arrived at the store at 8. ts p.m .

Frus trate d that no o n e answered their knocks on the door , the c rew called the st.ore m anager. obtained his key and e nte red the store lo find the vic­tims.

Frowt Page A J

POOL ..• inch of the AAU s tande1rd .

Assistant City Manager Paul Brady said today the sw1mm1ng pool has been drained and was c losed .

Brady said the Ruane Corp., obligated by contract to meet AAU specification . will lear out the north wall or the swimming pool a nd rebuild it to m ake 1t 50 meters .

The cons truction schedule calls for reopening the pool by March l. But Brady sa id ram delays could throw orr that timetable .

T he city has withheld a fina l payment of SJ25.000 to Ruane Corp. , pending AAU certifica­tion

Fro. Page A J

WITNESS ..• looking for him." Haynes said.

Davi s wa s acqu itte d o r murder in 1977 afte r he was tried for the s laying or 12-year­old Andrea Wilborn. Mrs Davis ' dau g hter . during a s hooting s pree a t the mans ion Mrs . Davis s hared with h e r lover , S tan Farr . A m urde r ch arge for Farr's death is still pending.

" When you rear somebody Is trying to have you killed and you 'r e worried about your fami ­ly . . . it's probably one of the worst things that could happen to a person other than dea th," said McCrory.

We Recommend Banded Collars and Vasts

Slaying Trial Opem

By KATHY CLANCY OI tN 0.llY l'lt.t ttatt

, i

T h e t r ial ol an llC~used murde r e r c h ar~ed In th e shooting death of a Huntington Harbour jewele r durmg a rob· bery last year opened today in Orange County Superior Court.

Prosecutor Richard Farnell told the jury In his opening stale· ment today tha t he will show that 29-year-old. Edward ty1~r Burnett or Long Beach Is guilty of murder for his role in the Jan. 30, 1978 slaying of Wayne Golin, 41

Golin died of .38-cali ber gunshot wounds during a rob· bery at his Seal Beach shop. Leisure World Jewelers, 1.3920 Seal Reach Bl vd.

F arnell asserted the trigger nian wa s Burnett 's a lleged h o ldu p companion . Robert Edward Crane, 30.

Crane faces trial in the Golin murder and on another murder charge

Farnell attempted Lo paint lor the jury his ve rs ion of the way the robbery and murder oc­curred las t J anuary .

He s aid it began just after lunch as Golin and his wife . Barbara, were working in the store and Crane came in "casing the store." Farnell said.

Drifter Takes Big Lead in Mexico Race

Fresh north/ northeast winds oH the Baja California coast pushed the 69· foot ultralight dis · placement l>loop Drifte r to a s ub­s tantial lead al today's roll call in the Manna del Rey to Puerto Yllllarta yacht race . ! Earlie r s tory Page A9. l

Drifter's pos ition report in­dil'a led s he was approaching Cedros Island . about 330 miles from the sta rt with 795 miles to go.

There was no report from the 65 foot Ragtime, scratch boat in the 1.125-mile race .

Closest boats Lo Drifter were Checkmate. l1 miles astern. and Na lu IV. 12 miles behind. NaJu 's position gave her the handicap lead in Class /\ and overall

T he escort vessel Pioneer re ported north/ northeast winds ctt 17 knots at IO a .m . She was about 60 miles behind Dr ifter.


STATUE ••• the missing statue.

Gatewood s a id a m a n who hea rd about the reward on the radio recalled loaning his pickup truck that weekend to several ne ighbors whq told hi m they wanted " to pick up a s tatue ."

lie contacted police. who then a ll eged ly recovered the items from J acque Swaf's apartment at 1323 S. Standard Ave. and Hudson 's at 1264 E . McFadden Ave .. Gatewood said.

He said the case c lears up 30 to 40 theft investigallons around Orange County .

The statue or Gloria was re­covered unharmed. although the same m1ght not be said for some poli cemen 's backs. Gatewood noted .

" It took s ix of us to carry it. and I mean it look a ll six of us." he Stlld .


Lag1•na/South Coast ED ITI O N

. Your Home t own I Dally Newspape r


J ·

Life of· Fear for Death. Tria-I Witness.-: DALLAS CAP l David

McCrory. "''ho tt> llfied 1&Jl&mst h is mlllion11re boss . Cullc-n Davis, in a murder ror Mrt t.naJ , has a ~whit, new tdt'nttty nd, ht' says. a constant urgf' to look over his should r

·'The pr I ct has been too damM'd high," Mc<'rory . 40, told the OaJlas Tlmes Herald In 111

telephone Interview arranged through federal authortUes

It is not known where

M C'C'rory and his w1ft' art' llvln& under th t 1'' cdt'r11I Wltn"i.s l'rotttlloo prol(ram. but he> l OtO the Mwspaper, " It · bad Its cold up here and I 've i:ot a rold ·•

McCrory told the f'' Bl last . um mer that Davis had asked him to hire a hit man to kill the Judge overseeing the m illionaire industrialist 's bitter divorce He said Davis had a list of about 15 people hew anted kill ed.

The FBI wired McCrory for ound and recorded his con·

vcrsatJon.s with Davis , who was arrested on a murder solicila· lion ch3rge after a rendezvous in Fort Worth, wbere Davis al· legedly aave McCrory $25,000 to hJre a killer.

Tbe derense contended that McCrory had conspired with Davis ' estranged wife, Priscilla. to frame the wealthy defendant.

A jury was unable to reach a

. verdict ·after a lengthy trial and Davis was freed recenOy on $30,000 bail. Prosectors in Houston have said they will seek a retrial.

" I 'm looking over my shoulder constantly," McCrory said, add· ing that he checks under the hood or tus car every ume ne gets into it, even ror sbort trips lb the grocery st.ore .

McCrory said a U.S. attorney in Fort Worth told him last sum·

mer to enroll in the witness pro­tection program. " He told me I wouldn 't Jive IS minutes.•· McCrory said .

However . U.S. Attorney Ken­neth Mitchell said Sundn he had not talked to McCrory about bis testimony. and dJd not know what an assistant might have said about the dangers McCrory faced.

" I know he'll <Davis > try to have me killed sooner or later."

McCrory said. " Somebody with that kind or money can buy in· formation to find out where I am." McCrory saad he had been told by people he did not identify that ' 'they have spent SH>0,000 trying to find me "

Davis · attorney . Richard " Racehorse" Haynes called the a ll egat ion •"absolute ly . une · quivocably wrong."

" We've not spent one dime (Sff WITNESS. Page AZ)

21 Seek Council SC Residents Eye Recall Seats

-Arrlaof •~e

Twenty-one San Clemente res­idents have taken out nomina· lion papers in the past week for the April 24 special election to replace three city councilmen recalled by voters Jan. 23.

New wouJd-be candidates for the one-year terms of recalled cou ncil members William Walker and Donna Wilkinson in· elude Craig Curtner . 108 Ave. Gaviota ; Al Popik , 115 Ave . Dominguez: Eugene Malone. 501 E . Ave. San Juan : Daniel Gabel, 116 E . Ave . Lucia ; Bernard Beckerlegge. 322 W. Ave. Valen­cia , and Jack Brown, 3361 Paseo Halcon.

Most recent applicants for the

A youngster emerges from arch built of snow outside a tavern in Crestline. A weekend storm dumped snow up to the

window level of nearby businesses and snarled most roads into the San Bernardino Mountains.

Washington Fouled Up By Fanners

China Leader Ends 'Smooth' Visit to U.S.

SEA'ITLE CAP ) - A weary Teng concluded his visit to the United States today ca l li ng it ·•smooth and sue'. cessfuJl."

" He invited U.S. leaders to forsake detente with the Soviet Union and join China in an in· formal alliance against the Russians.

" We also hope that more American fri ends in all walks of life wiJI come over and see our country China opens its door wide lo all friends alike," the vice premier said at an airport departure ceremony. ·

His plane left Seattle at 9 :30 a .m PST

Suffering from a cold and (atigue, according to aides, Teng cancelled a scheduled breakfast meeting with Northwest edit.ors and publishers. Fang I, vice pri!· mler for science, education and technology, was called on to take Teng 's place at the question-and· answer session.

Teng once again noted that both the United S,tates and Chjna bad stated their opposition lo " hegemonlsm, ·• the word the Chinese use lo describe Soviet ex· panslonism.

" The Chinese people wiU do the1t bit toward opposing global and regional hegemonism ," he said.

He said that President Carter. who has accepted an Invitation to vblt China at an unspedlied date, " can be sure or a warm welcome and reception."

The Chinese vice premier drew rneodly crowds In AUant.a. Houston and SeatUe. But long after the smiling llttJe man in the gray Mao suit bas len. the Carter administration Is likely to be wresllllfk with the choices Teng has pl"esented.

'New Chamber Board Seated

Gary McAvoy, a 29-year-old Dana Po6nt sailing aaaoclaUon man.,.., wu sworn In Sunday as tM IHlide commu.nJty's new chamber ol commerce president at fntMUe8 in La1un1 Nl1uel.

At.o lDltaUed u new eh1mber officers were Rua Katt0n, vtce president, and Andy toomls, Ht ret.ary.

Bern)'te F'et:Mrleau will con~ Unue u treasurer after being elected to a eecond I.Orm.

,. •

O.lly Pl ... SUH _._


San Clemente Girl&twnd ln}r. Miss

Seventeen.year -old Donna Hogle of Huntington Beach has led an Orange County sweep or the California· Junior Miss Pageant In Santa Rosa.

Miss Hogle, a senior at Edison High School, was crowned the s tate 's Junior Miss Saturday night while Susan Pasqua. 17, or San Clemente was selected the first runner-up.

Miss Hogle, the daughter of Herbert and Georgia Hogle, performed a ballet dance in the talent portion of the contest.

She also was Judged for poise, appearance, physical fitness and grade point average.

She plans a career in nursing and bas recorded a 3.6 average

<See BOOLE, Page A.2)

'DDef Gets Keys, Car in Laguna

While retired radio disc jockey Alfred Poska slept quietly In his LalMa Beach home early Sun­d1y, eomeone broke ln to h1J residence. took hb car keys and ned lnhiuutomoblld

Police said Poska, 71, 1wc*e abortly after 4 a. m . and found hls ur milling and the telephone wtrea pulJed out of the wall of hia home 1tl8701vlota Drive. Police ~•.Id noUUqelaewaa t1ken.

Ranch Project

Capistrano San Jua n Capistrano city

councilmen will grapple again Wednesday with land use plans proposed for322acresoffarm and ranchland in the northeast por­tion of the Mission city.

Developers of the Honeyman Ranch , located north of the Ortega Highway and east of the San Diego Freeway. are asking councilmen to lift a development res tricllon from Uelicopler Hill.

The hill , so named for a he li copter landing pad on its summit, 1s located on the prop­erty

Councilmen approved zone changes for the property Jan. 3, but were forced to roll back ap· proval when city planners dis· covered the hill 's ridgeline was protected by the city's general plan .

Cou ncilmen will be asked Wednesday to remove the pro­tected des ignation from the hill and to reapprove land use plans on the property.

Those plans call for 220 homes on the land. The homes wouJd be interspersed with farmland and g razing pastrues.

Wednesday's meeting takes place at 7 p.m . in council cham· bers, 32400 Paseo Adelanto.

WASHINGTON (AP> -Thousands of farmers plowed a field of political and sporadJcaJly violent dissent today as they snarfed commuter arteries and blocked bridges in a motorized de­mand for higher government price supports fortheir crops.

"The Farmers Are Here! " declared banners flapping rrom tractors and trucks that entered the city al a snail's pace in the chill of dawn, ahead of normal rush-hour traffic.

In one case, police used tear gas to subdue a driver who tried to block an intersection and al­legedly resisted arrest.

Many workers found that a commuting drive that ordinarily took 30 minutes required up to four hours today. Others s imply s tayed home. The AgricuJture Department reported a 15 per· cent absentee rate.

At lea st four se parate cavalcades totaLing an estimat· ed 1,500 to 2.000 vehicles and sponsored by the American Agriculture Movement , edged into the city from staging areas in. Virginia and Maryland .

The George Wa s hington Memorial Parkway, a principal north-south route for tens of thousands of commuters from both stales, wa s closed tem· porarily by police to all but the farm traffic.

Meanwhile. a 25·mile-long line of 750 farm vehicles crossed the Potomac River from the south over the city's bus iest bridge,

<See FARMERS, P11e A.2>

Gopher It Rodents 'Take Over' School

Ground Hog Day may have been celebrated nationwide last week but in Fountain Valley. school board members seemed more concerned with gophers.

Specifically. the trustees were fret ting over gopher boles.

WHEN THE FOUNTAIN VALLEY school people de· clded to close McDowell Elementary School, it was noted that the campus was spo~ted with 285 mounds made by the burrowing critters.

MeanwbUe by comparison, district garden{q chief Luis Calderon reported that Tamura School has onlY eight gopher holes.

School board Prutdent Dick Plum 11ld 1ophers weren't the main rc!Uon for tranafeninc .. student& rrom McDowell to Tamura school - declinina student enroll· ment and freeway noise were the main concern&.

P W M DID SUGGEST the 1opher holes at McDowell could lMreue chances for student lnJury and lawtu.lta.

That prompted parent Jim Jontt, who oppoeed the McDowell cloture, to tell the acbooa board, " l would prefer dl.utct spend leaa of my lax doll1n cou.nUnt sopber boles."

three-year term of recalled councilman Howard Mushett in· eluded David Dodson. 1531 Buena Vista, Apt. E. and Erik Perkowski. 374 Plaza Estival.

Popik , Dodson and Brown were all unsuccessful candidates for the City Council last March.

Among those . to take out nomination papers last week for the two-one year terms were re· tired businesswoman Elynor Wylde. 52; San Clemente Rape Cris is Intervention Center ad· ministralor Shirley Davis, 35; retired news broad caster Ed Dleden. 57; homemaker 4•atricia Comstock, 52; retired Marine Corps officer and corporate ex-

AP WI .........


New Regime &tablished By Khomeini

TEHRAN, Iran <AP l -Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini. direc tly c hallenging Iran 's s haky government , named vete ran opposition politician Mehdi Bazargan today as prime minister of a " revolutionary" regime to pave the way for crea· tlon of an Is lamic republic .

Khomeini called on the people of Iran to obey the new govern­ment and ae:ain ur~ed Prime Minister Shahpour Bakhtiar to resign.

The religious leader . who made his announcement at a news conference, thereby set the stage for a poss ible showdown wi t h Bakhliar . w h o ha s threatened to arrest Khomeini if he tries to supplant Bakhliar·s sitting government.

l n his first reaction to Kho­meini's ·announcement. slate

<See lRAN, Pa1e A.2)

=1.aguna Man 'lbrown From Car, Injured

A 25-year-old Laguna Beach man ls In crtUcal condition to­day after he was thrown from a car early Sunday when it crashed on Pacific Coast Highway north or Laguna Beach.

Michael Miller is In Haog Memorial Hospital 's Intensive cart unit in Newport Beach.

Callfornla Highway Patrol spokesman Tom Sap p said Miller wu • pauenger In a car d riven by 20-year-old Matthew Cuaed)' ot Laguna Beach. C111edY la ln good condlUon at Hoa1 Hosplta~ followlric the 12: 20 un. coUiaion.

Sipp said th~ accident OC· curred when Cusedy '! north· bound car aldeawlped 1nother

<8ee JOU.Ba, Page AJ)

ecutive Robert Limberg. 57; re· tired auto deal e r James As hbrook . 66 ; se lf -sty le d philosopher Robert Rusin, 41 : and r etired police officer m e dical techn1c1an and in· su rance claims investigator Richard Lentz. Si.

Would-be candidates for the remainder of Mushett's term, which expires in 1982. include sales manager Adrian Navarro. 54: r eti red school t e ach e r Dorothy Hendricks. 70. college s tudent and pharmacy techni· clan Mark Morales. 22 ; rea l estate appraiser Charles Fox, 37 : and h omemaker and pol iti ca l activist Karoli ne Koester . 52.

Theft Looi~t Recovered In Newport

By J ACKJE H YMAN Of aw o.rtv ~1 ... Sulf

A $500 reward offered for a stolen 850-pound statue has led to the recovery or the statue along with other goods valued at $40.000 to SS0 .000 . Newport Beach police said today

Detective Sgt. Bob Gatewood sa id four men were arrested Saturday at two Santa Ana apartments from which police hauled about 20 statues along with a number of lamps and pl a nters a lso b,e lieved to be stolen.

Facing grand theft charges to· day are Jacque Re mi Swal, 21, James Daly Bonesteel. 20, and Mark Lee Hudson'. 22. all of San· ta Ana. AJI three were still in ci­ty jail today in heu of SS.000 bail. Gatewood said

Being held on suspicion of re· ce1ving s tol en property was Michel Rene Swat . 27. of Santa Ana , whose baal is set at $2.500. he said.

Gatewood said the case began when the large s tatue , called Gloria. was ripped from the pavement to which it was cem ented in front or Lydia 's Inc .. a Newport Beach anterior design firm.

A companion statue of Caesar was shattered in the theft last weekend. Gatewood said Gloria was valued al $750 and Caesar at $950. and the owner offered a $500 reward for the recovery of the missing statue.

Gatewood said a man who heard about the reward on the radio recalled loaning his pickup truck that weekend to several neighbors who told him they

<See STATUE, Page AZ>


Weather Fair through Tuesday

a nd s lightl y warmer . Hig hs mostly 64 to 70 . Lows tonight 36 to 43.

INSIDE TODA 't' The Orange < YMCA

ha& lounch«t ita 1979 fund· rolting campaign with o goal of 15.S.OOO. F'1lntU wm be used to ~.,, thie Y's f/Ot.dh pro. grom1 n.ftrl:fng. Sf!e Feotur· · ing, P•Cl.



a .,.. M A1 ..

e14 M •• 9t M

Will U.S. Aid TaiWan Army? WASHINGTON tAP 1 - f~·

dt• nl Cu rll"r will l'('!Jt-<'l ny ron .:n· :mm.ii rt' o lutlon t>n Ibo ,,•N•rlt ~ of Tuaw n tf ll C'onn1rt.. v. ltll Uw nuv. f ohl")' tow•rrt ma•11\ h od ' <~ h n • O ~p ut Sc~rct a rv of S t o le WarrNI Cbru;tophcr .... ud hid )

H ~uuld bt• 1nupJlropnatt ror the pr~1dl'nt to •pproH· •II> k~I lll~O lfl('(IRShh •tt l V. IU\ tht• norm 11l11ot1on u( rnlallons v.•th lht• Propl'"' Rt•pubh<- nf China · Ch r 1, topht•r to ld t h~ Sen tt• t-' ore1gn ltt>IJllon& Comm 1th.-0Pt"m1~ , 1 <'41mP· IJIO to nhtiilll

2 R port Readi d ForCU D T~o long awmted rt'r><>rt'I wi ll

b t' p r cs<' n t ,. d t o 11 1 i.: h t t o Ca pis trano Unified Sc-hool Dis tract trw.tees one on a pn> posed spht of the d1slru:t . the olher nn tht• futun · of a ~rand~! plagut•d voc::.itwnal trainini: pro gra m

To night 's bt1<ird mt·~llng t !> •scheduled lo bt-gin a t 7 30 p m al d1str1C't offi ce'>, 32972 Cal le P e rl ec t o 1n Sa n Ju an Capistrano

The s tudy on the proposed ~chool dist rict split. pre pared by ronsultant Robert J e nkins. wa!> authon zed by lrustees an No­vem ber The Ora nge Countycom­m 1 t l ee o n Sc h oo l Dis tri c t Or ga nization has scheduled a pubhl' hearing next month on whe ther the spr a wli ng south county school d1:;tnct should be d1 v1ded

The distn ct cu rrent ly includes t ht• co'm mun1li t's cJ f Lag una '\i~ul'I . San .Ju a n Capistr ano, J)41na Point . Cupas lr:.ino Rl'a<.'h . Snn Cl<•mt'll' :m d part of Mis~aon \ll'JO

The county ~tudy was 1n1t1atE>cl after a petit ion supporting th1• <11v ision was submitted to tht· c·om m1ttcc last sprm~

T he starr report to t rustees on 1he future of the joint powe~ \ap ast r ano L a~u n a Beac h th'li: IOnal Occupationa l Program includes a recommenda tion by S uperint e nd e nt Jer ome T hnrns ley tha t the progra m be c·o ntanuf' d . b ut with a ftvc ­membeq~overnmg bott rd

T he ROP board curre ntly has fo ur members two from eal'h dis trict 's school board. which 11 a s r e s ult e d 10 fr eq ue ntl y deadh.x:kl'd pohc-y decis ions

H the increased numher of t>oard members is not agreeable t o e ith e r l h e Laguna o r Capistrano school boards. said Thorns tey. he will r ecommend t h a t the Cap istrano di s tri c t ente r into a joint powers agree­ment w1th the Coastline ROP or wi th Laguna Beach a nd Sad­dle b:tck College for vocational <:du cation


The Capistr.ino Unified board 1s not exoectea to take ~lion on e ither re port until F e b 20 . Thnrns ley s<.11d


WITNESS •.. look mg for him." Haynes said.

D<1vi s w as ac quill t! d of m ur<ier in 1977 a fter he was lried for the s laying of 12-year­old Andrea Wilborn, Mrs . Davis ' daug hte r , durin g a s hootin g spree at the man~ion Mrs . Davis

h a red with h e r love r . Stan F a rr. A murd e r c harge for Fa rr's death h; s till pending

·'When you fea r somebody is :rying to have you killed and you ' re worried about your 1am1-ly . it 's pro bu bly one of the wors t things that could happen to a person other than death .·· said McCrory


DAILY PILOT 1"'• Ot •,.,.... Cn..UO..•ltP1tot w•t"-w~~ IHO"' """"1' ''" ,'\. pi,-,..., ., pvnt1• ~ nw ,,... o...,,...,, (r•4'\t Punh\htftQ(~n, ~fMfAh Ht•ll'°"'llt''*

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T4ttephone4...._ rr-~ft'"'"'"'"' ......

t'Ongreulil11 l appro\•al of the nt•w China pain ) . ChrlJ\t t>phC'r ~ H (IU U n •d lu•r hi)' br com mHt " m1•mbc-ri, kt\pltn ur · su ra nrt·~ 01 11• T 111 lw Dn la H h• from m ili ta r y and conomh· threuu b> 1•ckin1

Commlth't' Chalrmon f"r nk t hnrr h t> Idaho, -.usd thr pant-I "'111 a ppro"e ..ome d •d unUOn of l S mlt'nt to ~·omt' to Taiwan ·~ dt>fenat- ti s uch thrt•ata otcur

Ch n'ltupt•h,•r rt•pht-d . ' It 1i. n<>t nf'Ct''IS~TY for th~ru to bl·. s uch ia n·~lutmn ·· ..

ont' th t' h .• si. . h ll sa id , 1f Conan."Sb is d krm 1ncd to up prov t- !'I UCh leg is la tion , ad mtntstruuon t>ffkaul~ wtll wurk -with tht.- c<>mm1llel' in dec1dmg hov. It should be v. ordl'd

But ht.' 1d lhrt.'1.' time thtil ('a rh•r elm•" fH.11 want l o s('t ' ll•t;1i.lat1on that m111ht JCOpurd1ze lht• opcrunJt or daplom nlll' ht'b w1lh Pt'klng

In unnou1w1nit the n t>w re la ­l 1 on i. h i p with C hina an Dt•ct.•mber . Ca rll'r ~aid It rests on tht assumption that Peking would make u pt•aceful resolu­tion or ll!i h1sotircal differences with Taiwan.

In exchange. Chrastophe r said. C'h1nese Vice P re m ie r T eng· ll s 1 a10-pin~ ag rct'd not to con­tradict the U S. i.talt·mcnL

U.S rela tions with Ta iwa n a re to be h a ndled by a private Ame r ica n In s titut e. but Chri s to pher sa id th e re is a chance that Ta iwa n may refuse to establish a s imil a r orgamza­l1on to continue its Lies with the United States.

If that happens. he said , ''then th e pi c t ure 1 have painted becomes very c le ar indeed. and the prospect of a hiatus m our re lations - becomes real. "


FARMERS. • emptying into Washington Just short of the Agric ulture Depart mt-nt and creat ing a huge traffic Ja m atthe heightofrushhour.

Po lice tried to di vert com­mute rs to a branch artery that ser ves Capitol Hill , but the con­gestion mounted to a complete s taodsWl.

Some of the a rrests resulted from tractor collis ions with police cars. Oneofthe tractordrivers a l· legedly ran over a policeman 's foot and , a fte r brandis hing a baseball ba t , was clubbed and· dragged into a paddy wagon. Other police fo rmed a circle and pushed a number of nearby pro­teste rs from the a rea .

On e g r o up of farm e r s threatened to bar entrance to the Ag r icu lture De partment. Thr ee tr acto r s. c h ai n e d together , we re dri ven within three feet or one door to the building. while other vehicles blocked a ll s ix lanes of Indepen­dence Avenue.

A few blocks away. P enn­sy lvania Avenue was filled with trac tors- <triven s eve n abreast. One carried a placard re ading " We' ve raised enough corn . but not enough hell. "

The farmers a lso us urped the parking spaces for A~rlculture De pa rtment offi cia ls. including t h at fo r Sec r e tary Rob Bergland, a lthough he was not due to return from a trip to Seat­tle until late in the day. One vehicle outside the department was set ablaze. but the fire was quickly extinguished .

On Capitol Hill. up to 30,000 farm e r s we r e expe cted fo r d e monstrations a nd lobbying ove r the next severa I days.

The farmers are seeking full implementa tion of legis lation passed last year wti1ch would a l­low price guarantees at 90 per­cent or parity. Full parity would theoretically give fa rmers the buying power they enjoyed in the early part of the century.

The tractors, mixed with cam­pers . va11s. cars and mobile homes. we r e bedecke d with s logans, Confederate nags and AAM pennants. " Born .:!Naked, Cold, Wet and Hungry . Whoever Thought it Would Get Worse," . said one s ign tra iling from a

• green and yellow tractor.


lWLLER .•. northbound car in the Crystal Cove area and nipped over.

The driver of the s ideswiped car. 43 -year · o ld Antonio Rubalcava of Santa Ana, was not injured. The accident ls be· ing investigated to determine the cause.

Decision Delayed WASlONGTON CAP ) - A gov­

ernment panel wlll try acain next month to decide Ir tax · payer.c' money should be u.scd to hel_, finance test tube baby re­search. The 13-member Ethics Advisory Panel of the ~part· ment of Health, Education and Welfare informally agreed Saturday it has no ethical objec­llona to effort.a designed to help lnferWe couple bave-chUdren


E11terpristng ltlo• Dort!cn lngino. of San Clemente, said she was working off part of her four-year-old s on 's tuition at the San C lemente Preschool by painting the school 's s ign. Mrs. lngino learned commercial sign

painting ln Florida. After moving to San Clemente a year a nd a half ago. she worked fo:- a local sign painter until re· cently. when s he went into business for her self.

Hitchhiker Gets Goods, New Auto

A San Clemente man . who pi c ked up a hitchhike r this we ekend , told city police his rider pulled a pis tol on him and took $815 worth of merchandise and his new automobile.

Police said Andrew Vanek, of 2619 S . El Camino Real . Apt. B. drove the hitchhiker - a man in his early 20's - to his apartment Saturday after giving him a ride _

Once at the a~artment. the young hiker pulled a .22 caliber pis tol on Vane k. police said. He the n tied and blindfolded Vanek . be fore stealing a te levis ion. a c lock radio. an adding machine and a 1979 Toyota .

Police sa id the hitchhiker was described as about six feet tall anct weighing }5() .pounds. He had da rk hair and wore sneakers. a bl ac k s tocking c ap and a military jacket.

Drifter Takes Big Lead in Mexico Race

Fresh north/ northeast winds off t he BaJa California coast pushed the 69-foot ultralight dis ­placement s loop Drifte r to a sub· s ta nlia l lead at today 's roll call in the Marina del Rey to Puerto Vall a rta yacht race . <Earlier s tory Page A9.)

Drifte r 's pos ition report in· dl c ated she was approaching Cedros Is land , about 330 miles from the start with 795 miles to go.

There was no report from the 65-fool Ragtime. scratch boat in the 1.125-mile race.

Closest boats to Drifter were Checkmate. 11 miles aste rn. and Nalu IV, 12 miles behind. Nalu's position gave her the handicap lead m Class A and overall.

The escort vessel Pioneer re­ported north/ northea st winds a t 17 knots a t 10 a .m - She was about 60 miles behind Drifter.


STATUE ••• wa nted " to pick up a statue."

lie cont(Jcted police. who then a lleJtedly recovered the items from Jacque Swal's apartment at 1323 S. Standard Ave. and Hudson 's at 1264 E. McFadden Ave .. Gatewood said .

He said the case clears up 30 to 40 theft investigations around Orange County .

The statue of Gloria was re­cove red unharmed , although the sam e might not be s aid for some policemen 's backs, Gatewood noted .

" ll took s ix of us lo carry it. and I mean it took all s ix or us." he said.

Center Plans Free Movie

The Mental Health Hope Unit and South Coast Medical are co-sponsoring a free screen· lng of lngmar Bergman 's 1976 film "Face to Face," Feb. 20 ln the hospital auditorium.


IRAN ... radio quoted Bakhtiar as re­iterating his state ment of Sun­day night that there cannot be two governments in Iran.

There was a press report earlier today that the Iranian military. which has pledged sup­port to the current administra­tion , was reinfor:cing its troops outside and ins ide some govern­ment ministries.

Bakhliar has warned his foes · he would ·· an s wer Molotov cocktail for Molotov cocktail" if they carry o ut Khomeini 's threat to launch a holy war to oust him.

The 70-ye ar-old Bazargan, seated next to Khomeini during the meeting with reporters at a Mos lem school. Is a longtime human-rights activis t , a Mos lem nationalist and one-time head of Iran 's oil industry . He was a close a ssociate of the late . deposed Prim e Mini s te r Moh a mm a d Mossadeq. _

Bazargan and the 62-year-old Bakhtiar both se rved unde r Mossadeq, who was ousted hv Shah Mohammed Reza Pahlavi in 195.1 afte r nationalizing the Anglo-Iranian Oil Co.

Bakhtiar was a deputy labor minis ter a nd Bazargan served as the fi rst man aging direetor or the National Iranian 011 Co-

The two politicians were allied in the opposition National Front fo r a aua rtc r -ccntury until Ba khllar accepted the prime mini s try from th e s ha h la st month.

Be fore Khome ini r e turned from exile in France last week. Bazargan wa s the re ligious le ade r 's oi l-indus try trouble­shooter and was ins in getting striking oil workers Lo begin produ c in g to m ee t domestic needs_

Thief Takes Cash., 2 Valuable Rings

Henry Latimer Hampton. or 459 St. Ann's Drive in Laguna Beach. reported Sl.200 in cash and jewle ry taken fro m his home sometime Friday or Satur­day.

Police said a suspect entered the home by unknown means and fled with $140 in cash and two rings valued a l Sl.060.

Two Marines, Teen Held In Burglaries

Two Marines and a 16·year-old boy were arres ted by San Clemente police Sunday in con­nection with separate burglaries at two businesses -- a downtown clothing stot'f and a restaurant at the end of the city 's pier. , A patrolling police omcer re­portedly saw the San Clemente boy entering a shopping arcade on Avendia del Mar before dawn Sunday. The youth was ap ­prehended leaving the arcade with clothing from The Cotton Duck. 129 Ave. de l Mar, police said . He remained in custody to· day at the San Clemente JaiL

Another pre-dawn burglary was reportedly s topped in prog­ress by police Sunday at The Ga llery. a snack shop and tackle supply storEC_ loca ted at the end of the municipal pie r .

Police arrest ed Thomas J . Adams. 18, and John Montoya, Jr. , 20, on s uspicion of burglary, i n conn e ction with th e restaurant bre ak -in . The two Camp Pendleton Marines were r e leas ed on their own r e ­cognizance, pending their ap­pearance at the South Orange County Municipal Court. police said .

Auditioning Class Topic

A tuition free drama course for high schoo l students and adults, focusing on how to audi· lion for local plays, will start Thursday in Laguna Niguel . s ponsored by the Capistr ano Unified Adult School.

The course will be taught by R ose m a r y Ma llett , drama teacher al Niguel Hills Junior High School and the South Coast Re p e rtory Theate r in Cos ta Mesa_

Anyone interested can register at the first class meeting Thurs· day at 7 p _m . in Room 115. Niguel Hills Junior High School, 29070 Paseo Escuela in Laguna Niguel. Additional information is a vailable by calling the Adult School offices , 498-0340.

. U.S., Hit In Cult Deaths

WASHINGTON <AP> - A former Peoples Temple member whose son died in Guyana said today the U.S. government was awa re of an "unmistakable potential for mass violence by lbe c ult" but took no acU.onL

Grace Stoen, In prepared testimony before an unofficial congressional hearing on the cult phenomena , said such a potential for violence is not limited to the Peoples Temple.

•'Other cults also have a pres­en t potential for ex treme violence," sbe said. "Some of them are far more sophi.sticated than the Peoples Temple."

Mrs. Stoen said that if the hearing. conducted by Sen. Bob Dole. R -Kan .. can bring such a potential " within the eyes of the public and government, perhaps such foreseeable disaster can be thwarted in the future "

The U.S . governm e nt was warned months in advance. not only by ex-members but also by t he wife or c ult leader J im Jones, that there was an obvious and unmistakable potential for mass suicide. she s aid .

But, Mrs_ Stoen said , " nothing was done by the government. Had the government taken ac­tion , such needless s laughter might have been avoided _"

She said cults use an argu­m ent of re ligious liberty to create a s mokt!sn een in the minds of the government and t he general public.

" Religious Liberty cannot be used to hjde immoral and violent pr actices ... she said-

" If it is allowed to be used this way , it can only des troy the freedom it was designed to pro­tect."

Anothe r witness , Virginia Mabry. who described herself as a former member of the Rev. Sun Myung Moon 's Unification Church. sa id she was told to solicit money on fa lse pretenses and commit other illegal acts to bolster the finances of the or­ganization.


'HOGLE ••• in math and science courses at Edis on, acco r ding to her mother .

She had planned lo enroll at Northern Colorado University next ran. but may switch to a California college because of new commitments, Mrs. Hogle said .

One or those obligations is to ride on a Rose Parade float next J a n. 1.

M 1ss Hogle's wi nnings in­clude d Sl0 ,500 in c ash and scholarshrps .

Sh e a l s o won a trip lo Was hington . D.C_, where she will work in the office of Rep. Del Clawson , al the end of the school year . .

S h e will c ompe te in th e American Junior Miss Pageant in Mobile, AJ . , April 14.

Donna's s ister Mary, a senior at Washjngton State University, w as named Founta in Vallt!y Junior Miss in 1975.

Miss Pasqua. described by a San Clemente Hi g h School spokesman as " an outst.anding s tudent ,•· plans to be a physical therapist. She was the school 's homecoming queen last fall .

Active for four years in school choral groups. she will play the female lead in the spring pro· duction or "Carnival." She also is on the school's cheerleading sq uad.

The film, starring Liv Ullman os a psychiatrist who ex · perlcnces a n emotional. breakdown. is being shown to sti mulate awareness of people's emotional needs.

- - -- - - - - - . - '

Dr. Charles Head , mental health program dlrector, wtll discuss the fllm followinc the show Inc.

The movte wm be shown at 7 p.m . at the hospital, located ~t 31872 South Coast Highway 10 South Latuna.


We Recommend Banded Collars and ~ts





• t f

• I ' I ,

Orange COast EDI TI O N

l'ou .. H fown• ,, Dally N wspape r


ltlesa Cops Fight Rash Q{RObfJerieS.'. 91 l. P s F.\' l(R hud• th dtportm •nt 's ln · " """-0...,.,...••" . · \e h•nt1H• <Uv1 ion

tht!r<' v.ouJd be a n estimated 180 ttrm~ robbt'rfois in the city this )'ear { o ta M..- a l>C'JIC"t' U) the) Lorton Htd h<' hud no explana

art' OOln~ all thc-y c n to n"\t''V' tton for the bw y bund1l& la11t In 1978. there were 108 a rmed robberieH which netted S77 ,629 from Costa Ml~a merchants ; a 14 2 percent rise in such crimes over the pre vious years.

a s te>adr r1 l' m .1rmed robt>f'n"\ month " U th<'Y e~ 1mmcth1ng in tht• r1ty that a qwet , thl') ·~ 11101ng to rub

In Uw f1r..t ·month or th n<-" it . · hf' rud Yt"ar, 15 local b~tnh!\l' v.ef'\" Thert- 'i,. no partteulur pat vi(' ttm1i.f'tt by armed band1b . t.-rn , · hP :u1d..-d " It 's k~nd of with l~t·~ rungmg from $It to ltkt a aholJlun effect on the

Lorton sutd investigators " rlt'ft red" 44 or l978's robbenes, mt.inning a suspect was taken in­to c ustody e ither here or in onothcr CallCorrua city. About

$423 (O'\o\ n " " It '\o\U~ !"n unu~ual month," H the s.tut1s t1cal trend con

Sttys Lt Gt.'Or;tf• Lorton . who t1nut•is , whi ch Lorton doubts.

<;arter ToSlwn TaiWan? ·

WASHINGTON CAP I - Presi· dent Carter will reject any con· ~ ressional r esol ution on the security of Taiwan if it conflicts wit h the n~w policy toward mainland C hin a . Deputy Secretary o r Stale War~n Christopher said today.

" It would be inappropriate for the pres ident to approve any legislation inconsistent with the normalization of relations with the People 's Republic of China, " Chris tophe r told the Senate Foreign Relations Committee.

Opening a campaign to obtain congrer;,,1011al a pproval of the new China policy . Christopher was questioned harshly by com· mittee members skeptical of as· surances that Taiwan is safe from milita r y a nd economic threats by Peking .

Committee Chairman Frank Church. D·ldaho. said the panel will approve some declaration of U.S. intent to come to Taiwan's defense if such threats occur

Christopeher rep I ied : " lt is not necessary for there to be s uch a resolution."

No ne thel ess. h e sa id . if Congress is determined to ap­prove s u ch legis lation. ad­ministration officials will work with the committee in deciding how il sbould be worded.

But he said three times that Carter does not want to see legis lation that might jeopardize the opening of diplomatic ties with Peking.

ln announcing the new rela· tion s hip with C hina in December. Carter sa id it rests on the assumption that Peking would make a t>f'aceful resolu· lion of its historical differences with Taiwan.

In exchange, Christopher said, Chinese Vice Pre mier Te n g· Hs iaio-ping agreed not to con· tradict the U.S. s tatement.

U.S. relations with Taiwan are to be ha ndled by a private A m e r ica n In s titut e , but Christopher said t here is a chance that Taiwan may refuse to establish a similar orgamza. lion lo continue its ties with the United Sta tes.

* * *

Oalty Pl ... Staff P-

ST A TE PULLS PLUG ON THEIR CHARITY PROJECT Diane Colgate, Jennifer Retosktr With Tabs

Tops Popped State Ban Crimps Collectors

Students at Adams E lementary School in Costa Mesa can 't be blamed for having mixed emotjons over a new s tate law.

THE LAW puts an end to familiar pull-tab rings on the students' favorite canned drinks.

And while the s tudents know the sta te Jaw will mean less litter and fewer Coot cuts, it also puts a cr imp ln1tleir effort to help the needy , says PTA President Carol Col~ate.

Last year , students set out to collect one million of the pop tabs. They figured that many pull rings would be worth enough money in aluminum to buy a seeing eye dog they could donate to a blind person.

SO FAR, the kids have collected about of the rings, says Mrs. Colgate. ,

A few cans with pull labs are still on grocery shelves. but the kids figure their best bet to make their goal is to find other pull tab collectors with s izeable s tashes in Costa Mesa.

Ttfe kids will come by and pick up your collection if you can help. Just call Adams School at 556·3452, or Mrs. Colgate al 979·2160.

Teng Concludes Visit Invites U.~. Alliance Against Sovie t Union

SEATTLE <AP > A weary Teng Hsiao-ping concluded his vis it to the United States today, ca lling it .. s mooth and s uc­cessfull."

" He invited U.S. leaders to forsa ke detente with the Soviet Union and join China in an in­form a l a lli a nce against the Russians.

l MT~lt 'f\Hi..

o~•~ r~JT (;,\SOl.l~t:

~~mu> 8'tAtwi. 0 . H l'~IT Ct \ MOl.f 1 t\

Readt1 tor Ratioalag Stamps like these may become familJar items if the standby federal gasoline rationing program goes into ef· feet. The Carter admlnistration bas told the Senate Energy Committee that flnisbinJ touches are being put on such e plan.


··we also hope that more American friends in all walks of life will come over a nd see our country. China opens its door wide to all friends a like, " the vice premier said at an airport depa rture ceremony.

His plane left Seattle at 9: 30 a .m . PST. •

surrering from a cold and fatigue , according to aides , Teng cancelled a scheduled breakfast meeting with Northwest editors a nd pubUshers. Fang I. vice pre· mier for science, education and

<See TENG, Page AZ)

Gold Soars To New High

LONDON CAP) - Feverish s p eculative buying o f gold , sparked by a threatened world oil shortage, sent the price of bullion soaring nearly $15 an ounce to a record $246.50 an ounce al the close of trading in London.

The price jumped $14.875 from Jaat Friday's closing or $231.625 an ounce, the sharpest r ise for a single day. In Zurich. Euro.,.,'s major bullion marke t, gold clo•ed at $243.50 an ounce, up more tbao $13 from Frtdu's clos ing $230.875.

On foreign eicchan.ce marteu. the U.S. dollar, meanwhUe, loal ground aiainst all m ajor curren· des, from London to Tokyo.

' .


$16,000 in stolen loot was re­turned to merchants.

" We do eve rything in our power to stop the robberies. but I don't really know what can be done to prevent them," Lorton said .

IC a more positive aspect of the a rmed robbe r ies can be poin te d to , it' s th a t few employees have been injured in the crimes.

" W e recommend that

employees put up no resis tance a nd haTid over the money -the r e 's less chance or being harmed.'· Lorton observed.

'·Anything open in the evening is vulnerable," he said. Conven­ience food marts. liquor stores and service stat ions ran into this category and are the most com· monly robbed businesses.

Business'es near the San Diego Freeway or Newport Boulevard a r e even more vu lnera ble

because bandits can be on the freeways and f(one within a mat. of a rouple of minutes .

Police Capt. Robert Moody re­members the time before the ope ntn g of the San Otego Freeway, when Costa Mesa .. had more murders than robbeaies."

"' Now, " s ay Lorton s ays . " Or ange County is like LA in that it 's one big city. They <ban· di ts J operate eve rywhere . I

<See HOLDUPS. Page A2>

Farmers Rage ,.

DC Invasion Triggers Piolence WA S HIN GTON CAP > -

Tho usands of fa rme rs turned their plowshares into s words of civil disruption today, jamming the capital 's commuter Ulelines and triggering sporadic violence despite a total mobilization of police .

" We 've raised enough corn. but not enough hell!" came the battl e cry, as seve ral cavalcades of tractors. trucks a nd other fa rm vehicles poured into the ci ty fo r a traffic · snarling display in protest of the a m ount of gO\ ernm ent price supports for their crops .

P olice arres ted a t least 14 farmers and impounded more than a dozen vehicles. many or which were lert abandoned in key intersections.

Several police cruisers were rammed , and tires we re slashed and windows broken on others. One officer was injured when a

AAUNixes 'Too Short' Irvine Pool

The Amateur Athletic Union has refused to certify an Irvine swimming pool intended to host Olympic qualifyi ng meets because the pool was built a half-inch too short despite work to stretch it.

The !almost> SQ.meter pool, built a t a cost of $650,000, is scheduled to be the s ite of the AAU National Swim Cham­pionships, a speed swimming event , in the summer of 1980.

Also scheduled lbal summer is a non-AAU competition, the Na· tional Synchroniz.ed Swimming Championships , for water ballet.

The Heritage Park pool had its grand opening last July. The ci­ty learned later of the error.

The contractor, Ruane Corp. of San Gabriel , returne d to Irvine to stretch the pool, which is made of aluminum.

That work was done, and city engineers certified the length as proper and resubmitted their ap­plication for AAU certification.

As it turned out, the stretch work only improved the pool lo the correct length a t the surface of water level , down lo two feet below.

The AAU requires that the pool be uniformly 50 meters down to 42 inches depth.

The lanes of the pool that still come up short vary from five· s ixteenths of an inch to a half

<See POOL, P age A2 >

tractor was driven over his root. a nd Police Chief Burtell J ef· fe rson, who called out his entire force, was involved in a shoving match.

Tea r gas was fired at one driver who aJlegedly resisted ar· rest after blocking Independence A venue near the Agriculture Department.

Another tractor driver was clubbed and dragged to a paddy wa gon ; officers said he had brandished a baseball bat at them . rn another episode. a vehi­cle was set ablaze near the de­partment.

Th e d e m o ns trati on was launched by the Am e rican Agriculture Movement, an or­g an i zalion seekin g full im · plementation or existing authori ­ty to guaranteee £armers prices of up to 90 percent of parity for their crops.

Full parity would give them


Iran's Mehdi Bazargan

New Regime Established By Khomeini

TEHRAN , Iran CAP ! -Aya tollah Ruholla h Khomeini. direc tly c hall e ng ing Iran 's s h a k y gove rnm e n t. n amed vetera n oppos ttion politician Mehdi Bazargan today as prime minister of a " revolutionary" regime,to pave the way for crea­tion of an Is lamic republic .

Khomeini called on the people of Iran to obey the new govern­ment and aeain ur~ed Prime Minis ter Shahpour Bakhtiar to resign.

The relig\ous leade r . who made his announcement at a news conference. thereby set the

<See IRAN. Page AZ )

Irvine Car Windows Broken by Vandals

Vandals smashed windows on the driver 's side out of 20 to 30 parked cars in residential aod in· dus trial areas or Irvine over the weekend. police said.

Police are seeking the owners or a light blue pickup truck seen double-parked In front of one of the cars whose wtndow later was d iscovered to have been smashed.

The truck was observed at Barranca and Lake roads, tn Woodbridge, the heaviest -bit area!

Other wtndow-1ma1bings hne been reported In Greentree, Northwood. and the Jrvlne ln­d u 1 tr la I Complex around Milliken Avenue.

There were five reports from residents liv&ng a lon• a loop formed by Spanowbawk and

Meadowgrass streets in Wood· bridge . _

Investigator Ron Flathers said some or the windows were shot out with a BB-gun and some were smashed.

The vandals concentrated on new model luxury cars.

F lathers said there have been previous incidents in the city in· volving auto vandalism . " but not wbere the vandals work right. down a residential street. That's kiod of bizarre."

F la t hers said the vandals made sorties both on Friday and Saturday nights.

Tho lnlck police a re looking for wq further described as havlnc a camper shell wltb scroll work and porthole windows.

A loca l car repair s hop estimah!d the coat of replacina a aide wtndow at $1.~.

. ,

roughly the s ame purchasing power that farmers enjoyed ear­ly this century . Pr ices now range around 70 percent.

.. The Fa rmer s Are He re!" declared banners trailing from many of the 2.000 tractors and trucks that entered the city a t a cr a wl just before d awn today.

Several of the vehicles cars. trucks and even mobile homes

had several farmers aboard, an d America n Ag ri cu lture claims their ranks will swell to 30.000 over the next several days.

T e ns o f thousands of ex · as pe rated commuters found them selves arri ving at their of· fices up to four hours late, if at all. due to the massive t raffic tieups on princ ipal freeways and streets. Many . hearing .or t h e c h a o s v i a r a d i o a ri'd television. stayed home

<See f'ARM ERS, Page A2 I

Theft Loot ~

Recovered In Newport

By JACKJE HYMAN 04 - O.lly ,.ileC Si.ff

A $500 reward offered for a stolen SSO.pound s tatue has led • to the recovery of the s tatue a long with other goods valued at $40 ,000 to $50 ,000 . New port Beach police said today

, ~elective Sgt. Bob Gate ..vood s a id rour men we re arrested Saturday at two Sant a /\na apartments from which police hauled about 20 s tatues along with a number or lamps and p lanter s also believed to be stolen.

F acing grand theft charges to· day are Jacque Remi Swal . 21, James Daly Bonesteel, 20, and Mark Lee Hudson. 22, all of San· ta Ana . AU three were still in ci· ty jail today in lieu of $5.000 bail , Gatewood said.

Bemg held on suspicion of re· ce iving stole n property was Michel Rene Swal. 27 , of Santa Ana . whose bail is set at $2.500, he said.

Gatewood said the case began when the large statue. called Gloria . was ripped from the pav e m e nt to whic h it was ce m ented in front of Lydia 's Inc .. a Newport Beach interior des ign firm .

A companion statue of Caesar was shattered in the theft last weekend. Gatewood said . Gloria was valued at $750 a nd Caesar at $950, and the owner offered a $500 reward for the recovery or

<See STATUE, Page AZ >


We a t h e r F air through Tuesd ay

and s li g htly warm e r Highs mostly 64 to 70 Lows tonight 36 lo 43.

INSIDE TODAY The Orangr C:oo11t YMCA

hos lmmched UI 1979 fund· rolling campcugn .nth a goal of $5.S ,000. Fund.I wut be used to kt~ the Y's JIOUth pro­grcm1 running. See F'eotur· mg, P•Cl.


---~~4::~~:.:=::.;D~Al~.:.Y..:.P..:;IL::;O:.T.:.__......;C ___ _......:.:Monday, f ebruary &. 1979 ...

i: .... r • ., ' HOLDUP • e

wouldn't say Wt" r•' rnuch dlf krrnt fromolht•1 t'lllt• ·

Wht·ll a robbt·1' ut·rurli. mt•m ben of~ PC>ll<'e· cnm ar "" U\ vestlaio.uon tf'<tm utttm11t to ll t ,1 th tailed dt'''f'rtJ)l 111n of th h.m d11 frum \ll' l1m i; A 11<',ns.: pl.ill• numll(•t l11Hn tht l't a) \'t•h1dt•. t'\t'll thou~h lhl' ri•' mo' hf> ... tokn '" unoth••r Id tf\ polH't' an rw1111ru: th1" n tht· mh twr

.ti\' tk,tdC", t• t'<'UhVt.' tlll"\'<' tor uf lht• l'o tu M t• u Chambt•r of l'omml'f''''· i.a~" ht• 1 •~11n.­uf lhl' 11n.1bkm \\1th rmnl ,.,,t, ht• I II'' • •

llt• uth l't " nwrd111111 i. tu k• •'I• .. ., httlt• t ,1, h 1111 h .111d as 1••!i 1 bit'. p.11twula1 ly on ""t•1·k••111b , .1nd tu dt•1ui... 1t r1•t•••lp1 , .,, 1 llt'Urh\ bJnk ttfl t•n

Ht•.tdt• h.1, . 1 th1•t1n thott th1• r,1:-h ot robbt•rwi. 111 .J .11111 11'

m.t\ ht• hnkt•d lo ;i 11ti...t lhohd.n t 1.:ht Ollllh'\ ,It UUllOll

l\h'rl'11:111t Dom 1t ,11'1 t1 1:- J 1111 l'lobt'r tu th1• .,1tu.1t111n ht i. ft-llo" nwmbt•ri. of tht• \ ·11-.t.1 Mt''•• l'll' C'1111nc•1I

r n l'f77 hh lt.' \H•I n ' hoµ on ~' ' "J1111t Houll'\.Ud \\al. \ll' t1m1u•d in ont' 11( th(• largui,t Jrmed robbt•r H's rn lhl• l'lty'b haslor) Nearl~ S80 uoo in ca.,h and mt•rchandt:-e v.a~ taken by ~rml·tl thug' who U"l' d J.,\Un:. to hlO\\- out <;un t•1ll11m·•· <·amt·r<1' 1n h1:. .,hop

He said he favors ·· :i few morc­poht•emt:>n on thl• cfoot 1 bea1 111 deter bandit~ lie al i;o beht>Vt'' local merc·hunls should continut· to invt>s t in tht> most !>optustic-<.1t ed s urvetllan(•e and a l&rm systems on the market


·POOL ... ln<'h ofthl1 Al\ll standcird

A!>t:.islant City Manager Paul l:JrOJd} said today the <;wimrmng pool has b<·c•n dra in"d and wa ... ,. losed

Br<1dy said the Ruane Corp obligated by contract lo m<•t•t A I\ ll :-.pccif1cat1on, will tc·ar out 1111· north wall of th<.· <,w1mmm~ 1><>o I .ind r<'build 1t to m <i ke 11 511 m1·t1·r:-.

rh1• con~fructwn sc h1•dule ta lb for rl•Op(•ning the pool hy Md rch I But Brady !>a1d rain dela ys t•ould throw off th<it t1metahl1.·

The• city h<ti. withheld a final pay ment of $125,000 to Ruone Corp , pending AAU certific<c · lion


75 M•le• Apart

Same Slayer In 2 Holdups?

8 y T'hf' la t.-d P""9.a Auttmr1h1•/\ b<-hrve lht somt·

robber OH•) hav~ shot nod kalkcJ t h r t' y o u n K d r u M s t o r e emplo\lrt ln San Muteo lfien tra\t'lt'd 7~ m•le lo 'I 1 Mt' .Y und k1llf'cl two mt•n ut u dl•i.<>luh• st• f \ u·• .,t 1tion h·~i. thun cl"ht huu r' hau•r

\II (1 w v. t>rt> hhut 111 lht• hl'utl .11 l'111'f1• runul· durtng ~rm1'(I rnhbt>nl'' S;1n M ult>o Ol'lt'<~llvc Silt l~trrv Wt'I' .(•ll UIC1 loday

W1·"~1·ll 'klld ~Jn Mutt•o dctcc ll \ , • ., would dnvt· to Stockton tu duv to l'Omp<Jrt• " slut¢ round Sunda\ n1i.:ht on tht• (Joor of the l'a} Le ., Su!)<'r Drug Store with ... 1uvb rt•1•0\f'red from the boc:hcs oft he tv.o1 ntl'Y ' wt1mi:.

In both t:ab~:. .iuthoriucs said, th .. 0111} Jk•uple who :-.11w the gun 111;111 \H'rt' tho!>e who died

"•lll•d 1n tht• l'ay Ll'bb shoot

Services Set For Victim Of Air Crash

Memorial M.·rvll'l'b will be held Thur:-.d<t) ror Huntington Beach pilot Kl•nneth Rand whose airplane c·rashed last week in th.e s now-covered Wrightwood foothills near Phelan.

Mr, Rand 's body was found Saturday by s<.>un·hers ins ide the wrrckage of the small cx ­perr mental plane that he de· s ig ned himself

'{he v1t•t1m , un owner of Rand· Hobmson Engineering Inc of Huntmgton Reach, was return mg to Meadowlark Airport from Van Horn. Tex .. when the crush occurred Wednesday

Rob Norton. an inspector for th t; FcckrCll Aviation Agency , a a1d today the erash is under m­\'estigat10n

He said reports that Mr. Rand radioed u " Mayday" that tht> pl<tnl' wa~ icin~ up near Apple Val lt>y Airport have not been s u bstant1;,1tl'd.

Survivor <; of the 46-year-old l'ra.,h \ 1d1m include his wife. .l <•annellt', and daughters Cathi Lynn V1ck1 .Jlo<tn a nd Susan N ICOll<'

Memorial services will be held Thursday at 1.30 p.m . in the ('hapel at We s tmin s ter Memo11 al Park, 14803 Beach Blvd.

Ing were Michael Ray 011\0n, 23. of to' rcmonl . the merchandise mu1u11(t'r of the s tore . WUllam O nuumgnrtncr. 17. of San Mntt>o and ·rrucy J . Anderson, 16. of Foster City. both stock rlerki,

Pohc<· speculate the gunman hid 10 the s uburban San Fran­<' t!lro t.lorc until it c losed a l 7 J> m Sunday . then accosted Olson and Baumgartner and forced them at gunpoint through u series or locked doors to an up­!'lta1 r~ accounting room . Th~1r bodies, s hot in the back

or the bead. were found on the accounting room noor and the safe was open. Police e&timate at ll'a~t $5.000 and possibly as much as $20.000 was t aken

Anderson was found s hot in the face He was still a live in a rear s toreroom when police wen' called lo the scene by t he s tore 's cleanup crew at about 9.30 p.m . Anderson died several hours later at a hospital.

Weissell said there was no sign of a st ruggle . He guessed tht> ~unman was usi ng a .38· caliber rl'volver or a .357 magnum.

In Tracy. police were called about 3 a .m . to an Arco service s tation near an off ramp of In­terstate~-

An elderly service station at­tendant and a delivery service worker. identified as Russell Drew. 22. of Sacra mento, were found shot several times.

Both men had their hands bound. police said .

The attendant, who has not been idenlified pending notifica­tion of kin. was dead on the scene


STATUE ••• the missing statue.

Gatewood said a man who hea rd about the reward on the radio recalled loaning his pickup truck that .... cekend to several neighbors who told him they wanted " lo pick up a statue."

He contacted police. who then all<'~cdly recovered the items from J acque Swal's apartment at 1323 S. Standard Ave. and Hudson's at 1264 E. McFadden Ave . . Gatewood said.

He said the case c lears up 30 to 40 theft inves tigations around Orange County .

tlelly l'Oot St.ff l'Nte

Mesa Bead-on Crash 1-~ 1r e man s urveys remains of George hos pitalized in fair condition today at UCI Charles Bruce's Volkswagen after 26-year- Medical Cente r . The other driver . Nick old Costa Mesan collided head-on with a Charles Cousyn of Costa Mesa. wasn't in -\ an Sunday night on Estancia Drive near ju red in the 8 p. m. collision. according to Swan Drive. Bruce, of 531 Wilson St. . was polite•.


DAILY PILOT , ... ' .H flt (\Mt .... llf J>1• 1f W 1tr. #ft11, l'tt'Jft

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Humington Teen Wi1is Junior Miss

Seventeen -year-old Donn a Hogle of Huntington Beach has led an Oran~e County s weep of the California Junior Miss Pageant in Santa Rosa.

Miss Hogle. a senior at Edison High School. was crowned the s late's Junior Miss Saturday nighl while Susan Pasqua, 17, of San Clemente was selected the firs t runner-up.

Miss Hogle. the daughter or He rbe rt a nd Geor gia Hogle , performed a ba llet dance in the talent portion of the contest .

She also was Judged ror poise, a ppt'arance. physical fitness and grade polnt avern"e.

She plans a career in nursing ond has recorded a 3.6 average In math ond science courses at Edtaon. 1ccordln1 to he r mother


FARMERS. • Once ins id e the cit y, the

farmers drove up a nd down the m ajor avenues. ci r c ling the White House, the Capitol and oth er landmarks . In several ca~es. vehicles were slopped in the middle or key inte rsections and abandoned.

ln one episode. demonstrators turned on one of t heir own as well as the police. When one farm er 's wife attempted to he lp move a tractor that had been abandoned, she was pelted with eggs. Other farmers jumped on the cab and s mashed a window.

The wpman and police were jeered with shouts of ·'Go back tn your hole. scum I" Similar in· cidents cropped up e lsewhere throughout the city.

Gerald M c cathern of Hereford, Texas, the " na\Jonal wasonmaster" for the protest, said the activity "uceeded all our expectations.

Mesa Fa~eUft View north on Harbor Boulevard shows c leared-Out median that will be planted with trees and grass to provide a greener gate way to city . The $167,000 project. part of a n official pus h for a better community

a ppearance. will extend south to Wilson Street . Leisure Services Director Keith Van Holt says the median ground cover should be flourishing ll_y mid-May .


IRAN ••• stage for a possible showdown with Bakhtiar , who h as threatened to arrest Khomeini if he tries to s upplant Bakhtiar's sitting government.

In his first reaction to Kho· meini 's a nnouncem e nt , stale r ad io quoted Bakhtiar as re­iterating his s tatement or SUll· day night lhal there cannot be two governments in Iran.

There was a press r eport earlie r today that the Iranian military, which has pledged sup­port to the current administra­tion . was reinforc ing its troops outside and inside some govern­ment ministries.

Bakhliar has warned his foes h e would .. answer Molotov cocktail for Molotov cocktail " if they car r y out Kho m eini 's threat to launch a holy war to oust him.

T he 70 -year -old Bazargan. seated next to Khomeini during the meeting wilb reporters at a Moslem school. ls a longtime human·righls activist. a Moslem nationalist and one-time head of Iran ·soil industry.

Three Injured . ..\

In Costa Mesa Auto Accident

Three members of a Newport Beach family were treated for injuries Sunday a fte r their car smas hed Into the rear of another vehicle on Newport Ooulevard near Mesa Drive. Costa Mesa police sa id .

Injured in t he 1:45 p.m. acci · dent were driver Kathleen Sue Imhoff, 32, of 1609 Anita Lane, and her two children. 4-year -old Shawn and 6-year .o ld Laurel.

T he lmhoffs were taken to Hoag Me moria l Hospital in Newport Beach where they were trea ted for c ut s and late r released.

Police said the Imhoff car ran into the rear of a vehicle driven by 42-year·old Rodn ey Scott Berky of Santa Ana. He wasn't inj ured, according to pohce.


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Ted Hood's Robin Wins Yacht Rae~

FORT LAUDE;RDALE. Fla . <A P ) - The cor'rected ·time wan­ne r or the Southern Ocean Rac­ing Circuit yacht race from Sl. P ete r s burg. Fla . • to Fort Lauderdale is Ted Hood in the 36-foot s loop, Robin .

The race was marred by t he death of Tilomas E. Curtis Jr. of New York City, a c rewman on the Obsession who was s truck on the head and killed by a boom.

The Tenacious , with T ed Turner at the he lm, was the C l ass A corrected - tame winner. The Tenacious was flfth in Class A in actual order of finish . Six classes of boats were in the race. The Robin was in Class F . the smallest.

Hood, the 1974 America's Cup defender as s kipper of th e Courageous. brought the Robin ac ross the fini s h line of the 370-mile co.irse in a correeted time of 44 .6594 hours . The Robin's actua l lithe lo complete


TENG ••. technology. was called on to take Teng 's place at the question-and· answer session .

Teng once again noted that both the United States and China had stated the ir oppositiQn lo " hegemonis m ." the word the Chinese use to describe Soviet ex­pans ionis m .

" The Chinese people will do the ir bit toward opposing global and regional hegemonis m ," he said .

He said that President Carter. who has accepted a n invitation to visit China at an unspecified date. "can be sure of a warm welcome and reception ."

The Chinese vice premier drew friendly c rowds in Atlanta. Hous ton and Seattle. But long after the s miling little man an the g ray Mno s uit has left. the Carter administration is likely to be wrestling with the choices Teng has presented .

he race was JUSl ove r 64 '12 hours.

The coge~' time 1s based on · each"l'Mq~s~ l 's handicap , which involves s uch factors as weight. length and displacement or the boat.

The first boat to finis h the 'race was the 79-foot Kialoa. the la rgest of the 66 entries. with ao actual time or 50 hours and 18 minutes.

" She's the fastest s loop in the world." beamed Dick Stimson. navigator of t he Kialoa . That finis h tame. however. was not a course reeord . officials said.

The fatal accident aboard the Obsession occurred Werloesday when Curtis, 33, was hit by the boom during rough weathe r . He was flown by Navy helicopter 77 mile s to K e ys M e mori a l hospital, but was dead on a r­rival.

Drifter Takes Big Lead in Mexico Race

Fresh north/ northeas t wmds off the Baja California coast pus hed t he 69·fOOl ultrali~ht dis­placement sloop Drifter to a sub­st a ntial lead at today 's roll call in the Marina del Rey to Puerto Va llarta yacht race . <Earlie r s tory Pa~e A9. >

Drifter':;; pos ition report in­di cated s he was approactting Cedros Island. about 330 miles from the start \llith 795 miles to go.

There was no report from the 65·foot Ragtime. scratch boat in the 1.J.25-mile race.

Closest boats to Drifter were Checkmate. 11 miles aste rn. and Nalu IV. 12 miles behind . Nalu 's posit ion ~ave her the handicap lead m Class A and overall .

The escort vessel Pioneer re­ported north/ northeast winds al 17 knots at 10 a .m . She was about 60 miles behind Drifter.



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•F-amll ';; 6 6' iii::+ ~ c 1eveP.. · 60 12 30 1~ ~ ;;: Ft~or t 40 ; 17S 33,._,.., K•neA11 .28 n 21 1i.:: \; Nor1t/n 1.14 1 22• ;;'Ir- ~ SFelnd 2.20 s SJ ~t-: tt +;f,,O~ 1~ 1 • ~ ~""'.: ~ AGl84 I '64P 21 21'" Ctoro• .6' 7 lot 11 - ' " Foo1 ,C 1 fO 6 ' 18 - "• Kat>eD .70 8 fl? U~- "" Norlin 1.60 .. 6 191'>- '4 SFeln pf .!O • • 4 • • ""' TycoUO .to 3 11 111\r- II, AGnCv 1.37 . 11 11•.. .... Clu~llPe .60 s 118 11 '. FordM 3.60 3 3M «>~- ~ KCtvPL 2,S6 8 30 21 • "" Norris uo 6 61 231/t- "" SFtlnl .6010 IS5 26- ~ TylerCp M • 20 """· • AGntn1 I • '6 ?&Ii) .. ct .. t llP pf I I II , .. ForMIC I 7• s If .. . • • KCSoln .'IO 6 1 Jilt! 14 MAGNI .56, 8 " 21~ "' ~tw,R~E· .n I tel.J 1~!!-_ ~ Tymsllr - JS;.~·-· n- ""· .. Giii pf 1.80 •2S 33 .... Co.Kllm .60 4 ,. e-. " ~ Frt'iow 1.0ll 11 14 ,...,, _ .... •'INb 1.4et> • 7 1'14. .. NOAMto .. 7S 2'9- Vo -u .• .,_ ~ .,....., AmHol5t I 6 tsS U'4 >t. C•ISIGS 30 T $'1 171t, \ .. FosWll 1.10 8 71• 3S'io - 1 .. ICenPLI 1.8' 1 IS 7014- \4 NOAPM 1,50 S " 16~ .... S.vASIJI If ISS 711>- 14 U"L .to t 531 1~ Vo AHome I <IC> 17 1158 2J'l't I.lo CslSG pfl 19 S 11.... . • Folomel SO 12 147 IJfJll· · I kaPL pf7~3' . I U .. ~ "II NoCAtr .20 4 1SO , .,._ ~ S.vOrO ..3' 1 21 • .,.,_ >Ii UGI 1.56 t, I lfV• • V. AmHosp 6111 6'8 7S"W •811 40 'I S& &1't V.. FourPM 13 11 31'* - ~ Ka PL 1)12.13 • 1 1.v • • "" NoCAlr wt .. 6' 2...,- Vo SavE P I ' S 11"9 ..... UMC l .10 ~ 3' 1'- V, Amlnvi1 .3011 21 " "• '"' t(I 17~ \f ~ tl•1,, - ..,. FowSl11P .60 8 'IO It~• io Ketyl11d 3 4-4 6V. - 14 11104!\IUll .02 1 198 9~+ Yo SawE pf I.ti •; 2 11'111.... UNCRtt .AO 1 llt ~- "t AMI .8010 111 2J~ 114 Cldw8k 1 00 e 13 :J'l!'\o • , .. FoaDro 110 9 11 3 1~ ..... Kauf8r .20 7 80 JV•-~ NC•ISL .70 4 • 131111- y. ~vln . 50 ~ ~ 14 - UVlnd 1 ~ Mt 2'llot• .... AmMot15 t 37' ~ "'° Cole Nt .M' I IJ'~ 11. Fr•n~M 30 I 89 6 .... - ~ ICaulpl I.SO . 3 IS• ... .. .. . llllndPS 1.5010 6' 16 ..... .,.!~, I S'4t .... U\llnpf S.SO .. I 86~+ .... 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SCOA .80 8 33 d19 - 1\lo UnC.r'b 2.110 6 209 3' - \<o ATT •60 8110& 6)' · - . , Colllnd 110 ~ 40 JS'", •• GAF .611 S 731> II~-·· ICenr>(I .~1$15'11> '31tt• •1, llltllQ.U• .. _., s.>io ..... ScotL8<1 .'6t .. 31 ·~~ UnCmrce .2011100 . .... . \f) A TT pl .. 11 61<'. ,,, Col Ga\ 7" 6 381 1s-.. 11, GAF' pl 1.70 JO 16 - •• Kvlllll 2 04 II 16 701 , • HOffrP 1,60 • " 3SV.-1>1. S<otFel 1,60 1 60 ~.... UnlonCO .24' • 30 · - .... . ATT pl lf;4 181 •6"-• •• ColG\ pt\~? J w • • "• GATX I 80 s 72 7•11.- .... l(~rrGI• . f()) lJ 11>1. - "' !'lwstAlr'I rs a 1"7 ,,_ "" Scoll F .6' 7 Jtll 11 ..... - ~ UnElec "" , 83 141/t • .... A TT pf 3 I• es '1'4 , '" ColG\ plS 43 I S)•, .. Ii) GAT pf J SO 3 :i.. .. ICerr M I J.S II 9' 4'>''r- ,,.. NwlBCP 116 1 428 J 4li'J · 14 ScottP .14 7 31' 16e.- .... Un El pf ' .SO .. zfO U I'> •I AWalWk .8' S 1 11•.. '< Colu P<I AOo l ?J ~ • GCA . IS 17 )ol 11' • llt 1Co1Con 6 6 17 .... . .. 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UEnRs f .08 6 119 )81/o- 14 Amsl pl .611 t 6,,_ CwE pl 2 37 '3 ,_ G«a"'IO .18 18 91 ,...., _ Ii) 1Co1>11~ 1.20 7 '4 19">.... NortS pf 1.60 .. 2 l6l'i .••. s .. orv .J?e 8 ' 14~. .. UFtnc.t l . ll S 3S tJ~- "11 Amsted 1 n 7 • 31 .. . , Cw E II' 2.81 .. • 21'"' · "• G<ll{o t 10 11 ~· >lo ICopprpt • . 110 ..,.,, .. Nucor .36 1 SS 33"4.- ... St•fPw 1.10 1 16 n v.- UnGrty .12 8 33A :n - It, Ancl!r,._ ~ .60 6 ss 29v,. v; Comsa1 7 II dJ 34V, .., O.mca 1.eoa ~ n\to • "• Korecp .M l 10 e~ - ..., - o-() - Setrl•G .S2 .. 1!107 12"'1.... Ulltum 1.S6 8 19 Jfirt .... AndClay 1 a 11 27•.r;, "• C.OPsvc .SO 17 119 16~ 1., Gtmln I Xia . q 141-lt- '"' Krall 2.80 7 JO ., ,,,. OKC t .20 'I 60 11"'1 • .. . Se•rs l.12e I 234'1 10.,..,- v. Unfllnd .850 5 2 14"'- .,. A~llca lO , '° 61"' •• 0>moS<1 10 IAJ 11 •~ ''• GAln • t ?"' • 10 • '' ICroehlr 4 '"'-- v. O•~lnd 11 1116 21~ \'> S..a1raln 1S 6'I • - Unlllnn .21 • IOS nv.- '"' Ar>f•te• 3'1 1 10 101.1) COtWMI 160 • 18 '"' • • Gn .. mO 60tJ 2' 178 ..,.,.. "" ICrOQt' t 1.J2 · ; 7'I JI!'"' . OcclPe l 125 ll .SJ 17.,._ "' Sedco .6' I 129 78,,,_1 UJe•8- 1.11' S I tlll. .... Anw1Co SJt lh ~ 171, Co'lgolm 90 I JS 71•, '• GnCetlle I IQ 9 15.l 11 Kuhlm .80a 6 17 """ lo Oc<IPtt wt , '" 6"-- a., S..IQLI l.20b 6 If 12- ..... UnP-f,\n .. 20 IMt • '"' AP<KM lO 11 I& 70• • 11 ConnM I 8C>tS ~ 181'o , .. Gn('&r~ 8 Al ,.... ·~ Kysor .80 s q 111-. . ... OcclP pl 4 . ) ) .S - J SvCplnl .29 S I• 7"-- ,,.. UnR"9 .n S 17 20~.- ~ ApldOlo 'I t \\ 10"' ~ Con••< 8Cb 3 3 14' 1 I C.Clnm• I 11 8 l 3111> "• - L -t. - OcclP pf?.SO . . 16 71!11 - •4 Sll•hPr A 6 T .... • • • USFoS l.59e · • 1~ . . · llpplMq • n 8'\it • • (onE d 'u 6 7'J 73' "' ..... C...nOy" T'i<' 11q .. , •• LFE l()r & • 6"11 O<clP pl2 12 ' 70v,- 14 Sii•"'"' .Jf s so ,..,._ ~ USFld 1 • 1•s n~ ... Arc ala C .'i6 J J 2J • ·~ CO<IE pf S . J "8 •~ C...nDyn wt . S JS · I l FE pf 50 ) & • OcuP pll.30 ; , S :n , , . Sfl•,,.11 . IS S ' U'it • ""° USGYPS 1.80 A 0 2J"" - \'o Arcala 1)1116 • 7&"7· •• Con Fd\ 160 1 l>8 n... •• ~nEI H O 'I 1111 ..,,_ _ , lllCO 92 J I 1S _ ' • Oocten 1.IO s 13 ?9.\11- \Q SheorH ..AO l 99 10\t!.... U$Hom .S2 ' 91 . .... .. ArcllrO .lQb 10 .. ! 11 - :\lo ConF pl 0 0 J 591,. • ' GnFd~ I 80 I '13 JS._• 1~ LTV 791 8 • 1 OfiloEd 116" 'II 16>1. , ... SllellOl l 2 6 l'IO Sl'Jr- ¥t USlnd .M S 8'I 8- ~ Ar<hCE l'I 6 13 8"- Cn•Frt I 10 4 dS n >o 1,. GnG tll U?e 11 ~ 21'' >;, LTV pl S J SO'I'> l 'I> OllEd pf 4.S6 .. l100 t 3 ... - ,,.. SMllT l .33e 9 S ~.... US\.HSIJ .52 S 1f1 13V. .... Ariz PS ... J 83 70''> • • CMNG 3 8 1J J8"· .,. Gr>HC)ll 60 n 11 13 - .. LT V pl I . I 8 "' OnP pie 7.bO .. ylSOO J3"" . ... Sllt'IGIO 10 • 23 10 .... - .... us Aly . . 11 s - v. Arlc8•1 .60tJ s s , .. ., (On\PW, 1• , 710 """- \ ~~·~?~~ ·~ 82 1sa,. '13' - ::!' l TV pf 7.60 . IS 1S••- loo ()hp pfGU7 xM1 72'N- .... ~ .. 10, pfl.3S .. .~ !36~ ~ USSl!oe 1.:n s 2 21"- .... ArlcLGs 2.20 8 I• n~. °" CnPw pl4.SO , 1240 U lt, • '• """~'"" ·- I • - .,. L•cGes 1.116 6 7 !'I"" - ,,.. OllP pf A If ., V260 llS - I'> ~ rw n .. ~ • ...- ~ USSteet 160 8 X462 2f - V. A•IPnRty 16 7.t.. CnPw 017 4S zS020 7111, GnMllls 1.16 10 'l'I 21\l'O- "• LamSe t 9 9S 18'1o - '" OllP ptl" ft .. ylOOO 114"'1-1~ Slltw pf 4.40 .. YIOO 4'I - lit USTOOC 1.14 12 11 3S .... . Arm(o I )6 . S Jt7' 19._ •, "'° CnPw pn.n ' 120 ~·; ' GMOI .. S '22 St> - °"' L•M8ry .'IO ~ 21 19\o,.- v. OttlaGE 1.60 I IO'I 1''h + V. Sle<Pac 1.22 I 78 131'r- V. UnTMll 120 I '11 lt~ ~ Arm pl 110 . 1 ""'" • V. Cn,.,., pl! 16 • 110 78'1n 1• . GMot pf aJS .. I 46'1. . • Lanier .SO 17 74 21 .... - v, OklGE pf .80 . r60 8'11. ..... Signal .80 6 11'1 74.._ ~ UT ell pl 7.ZZ .. I 10'I + 111. Armltclt I J xUSl 1/ - ''• CnPw pf1 64 1SSO 80 • ?""- GnPort 60 S 50 13\\- llo LawtCll A 16 S23 17V. Okla NG 1 60 6 43 ~ Slonoclf 1.41 7 S 31~ .... UT di pf 3.81 • • 132 52

14 - 1\lo

ArmAv I 20 4 1 n•'• V 1 CnPw pr110 4 Jt>li . GPU UO 8 7V1 18 LHrSo .80 4 JI 11 ... • ' Olln .88 1 12S 17- :_:·~ SfmP'9( .2' 14 131 11Yt- "t UnlTel 1,4' I U7 t•~ "-AroCOrp I 1 7 :ro•,.. .... CnPw pfl.23 1 ,,,.,. • G11Ptl• • .,ij 8 .... Lurs j>ft.2S . ' ' ' ·· .... Om•rll I ., ·s , , 29~ SlmpP•I .56 II 1..0 11 ..... Unllrod .20 ' 2S 1~ II. Arvlll 1 s )ol u•~ . •-ii C11Pw 1)11.'3 • 1 , . ,,.. . "- Gr'ISlont 1 10 '!IC> nv. - "" LeHw n 1.20 J 47 '1 .... Oneida .IM J Jt 20~..:..:.· i... Slnoer .to • 69 1•.,..- \lo Unlwtr .56 6 ll20 J ..... Arvin pf J 4 2) v. ConlAlr ~ 3 171 8'h "• GnS\e.I .0> J 44 a ... - ... LttEnl .M I~ 7 23,,.'..: \i, OPl!llka .M a 2 10'/r- Vt Sinor pf 3.50 ., 1 33 • Vt UnlvFd .'6 I 26 19~ 14 AWfCO t0 . 841 1JJio - 114< ConlCoP 72 6 • ' " GTE 2 f8 7 Sii ~- 'O Lee501141 I 16 7 9 71 >1. · "1 Or1nRll I st 1 lS UV. ... .. SkltQ9i S .80 9 'M 26 - ~ U11LHf I .Cl' I 4 18~'H .... All•IOll t 611 6 371 36'1. • ~ Cn1C pf 1.25 110 11 \'> + Y, GTE pf 2.f8 • • S 26"' + V. l ehV•llY 5 10 1" Ota"91! 20 • 11 J~ + ~ Skll Ce> .AOe 9 6 28~ V. Up!Ohn U2 111031 4Sll)- ~ A<odOG I SO 1· x16 16''• Yo CnllCorp 1 4 2S3 2S - ~ GTir• 1 50 S J6 2S14 - V. Lehmn t.a . IO'I 9~ ·," ;4 OrtonC :10 J S2 8l,,- V. Skyline A 8 12 ll'Ao- ~ USLIFE .6' 1 106 21.._• V. Athlone , 20 6 I ~ • CnllGrp' 70 8 211 17111 ... GfM\CO • " •>lo- .... LMM• .AO 3 ?9 """"" 14 OUtMa r I.AC> s lJ 1911. - .. SmllllA l.'40 3 v 19 - ~ UlllMF .... .. 36 'I&;,- .... AIC_y£t 1.14 9 31 19 - .... Conllll IM 6 •SCI 7S\'>- >.< Gen~tr 2 6 t SI \/<+ Vt Leno~ 1. IJ 'I S3 28•- .... o .. 11e1Co I 6 ii n - ""' SrnlthlM .92 I SS 4' - .... Ut•PL 1.76 to 561 1'Y> .... . AllRl<ll 180 9 S10 SI~ v. ConlllP l .lOf.3? 3 1 ..... 14 GenuPt 1.10 14 180 36>lo - 1"· LesF.v .... s 11 1.14 ·· " OverllOl' .10 6 38 IS~-.,., Smlr".!n 2~16 319 ll~-l~ U1PLP4 uo .. 4 JttM ... .. AllRc~I UIO e 6'I - ~ ConlllRI 28 Jlol. GaP~ 11010 x•S' 781'> .... levFdC • 8 l&V, - 1,; OvrnTr 110 S 1 1•11. ... .. Srn In Tr - ' 2 1~ IA - Y - V -AllH I& t l''t 'It ContOU 1.SO 1 • ffl 29 '... ;,, GaPacipt wt • 27 l6 • 14 l.tvlSll t ,ef) 4 88S ,7 ~ 0...r511 .50b S t 21~- ~ $mu0er I 1 4 ''~ "" VSI Cl> .60 7 J l&\lo- ~ AtlloO • 5? IS 13 ,... ~ (.on!Tel 1.24 8 9' 1SV..- 14 GaPw pit.IS .. I& '6'1>- 'lo. LevltlF .60 6 116 2114 >to OwenC 1.20 6 120 26 v. Snep()n 1.29 U St ~ V< Valleyt11 <IC> 1, SO SI~ "-AvcoCp I J 'l?9 20" .. CtlO•la ,40 l 3tS l3V.- "> Geosrc .68!' 9 78 291'•- ~ LOF 7a S .fO J"'4 1~ O-nlfl 1 t• s 330 """ SonyCp .1Se 13 •S 71\r- V. V•nOrn .'12 6 7 13,,._+ "" Avto pl • 10 3 56'1. >{, Cn01 pf ' so 1130 ., Ger bPd I 5()" " ,,,,, _ "" LOF pf us . 1 SAt ... . .,, Owl\tl p4t1S 3 63'4 •• • ii. Soolln 4.60t • 22 "3 + "' Viirten .AO St , . 16 Iii< 4wery .51 e I 1611" "* Conwd 1:so '9 1 ?9 .. • Getty 120 9 a250 36\/;o · li. Llbrlv(p • 1 I 3 111, 11, Ox lrdln :61 's 1 ~- ~ SOoLln WI .. U 21\t + \;, Vero .3:1 .. 61 8>4 - ...... Avnet . TO & 10 lt>o , , Coo~Un 391 6 203 41..._;· "'° Gelly of I .JO ·· t 11 ... - .... LlbrtyLn 4 a Jlt _ ,.-0 _ SOAllTr • . 17 3\'t- \.lo Vft<O 8 US l&\lo- "'> Avon 2601J 1m "'"" 1.,.. Coopt11 I 8-t 9 1)1 46~.... G•

1an1PC .Ml 78 4 '"' · ... U blL pf I ?S I 10 ' " PHH Gp '4 IO fl ~- 'h SCrEG 1.69 9 50 UV. ..... VenOO S 5"'- !,\

- 9-8 - Cooolall .4010 66 71 ~ ..., G brfn .60 6 SSS ll-!\ + .._ LIQlltlt 1.SO 6 UJ 36 ' j:,t, PN8MI ,32. 9 • ~ ~ SoJerl" 1.61 9 2 18-\lo- II< Venice .. ts 2'1\1 ., ... BTMIO . u 1•1 .... CoopTR .80 s 1 1714 Gl<IL•• .70 . 387 1SV,· .. LlltyEll 1.8013 • 188t4,... l PPG , .. 6 S6 - - "" SoutdWn .60 7 'f1 31~+ 1~ Vest$e1.3'e .. 1S u_ .... 8atM .«>a 5 88 l.... . . Col>l l)f l.?S A " ""' · : GlllHlll .eo s 13 1sv. .... LlftCNI , ., 6 Sl 11.... .., PSA . • 78 18 \/) SoelBk .60 • " 11~ .... Vlt<Ofn .is 16 ~· 78 - ... 8e"rlnl M 17 21 3?"- v. C°°"lnd .14 1 11 ll'h v, Gfllelle t .bO 'I 7'8 2S1h \lo Lin<PI 1.1• , 11' " P41cAS 17' 1' 12~ SoelPS 1. 111 '7 12 J>lo- "- V•EPw 1.32 e '9S "~ ""° 8aldwU I 6 31 ""' "" ((>powd Ut 8 6 ,. - "· GlncKlnc 6 '" J.... 11• Llonel I? iq 10 S'i't .:: PacGE , 32 'ti 2s• 2~·. ·~ SOC.IE 7.41 8 ,,, 26~ ..... Ve EP l)ft.JS .. ZIO ....... , ..,, 8a11Cp 120 6 11 ?3 \o C'o•dura .U 12 101 4~ ... GIHSW ,IO 1 18 16'1!- '"' Lllton .5'1 2S4 19 _ PacLtg 'J J 46 ~ SoultlCo I.SA 91220 14 - ~ V.aEP l>f2.'IO .. 4 '81'> • V. BallvMt :1021 8?9 SJlio• ..., Cor~ln .78 1 78 "~- "• GIOl>Ma• 13 ,. ISV. - •4 Litt Pl< pf I ?9 1 .. P•<Lm , 20 ,. 14 •s ..... SotnGE & ts 1~ ..... V•EP l)f1.20 •• rtsob )$\IH ll'o 8•11GE' 2.28 • JS 2S>io• "' CornG 1.88 ' 130 Slllo- 1 GldWFn . so s II 11v • • "' Litton pf 3 . I 47 ... 14 PNwTel 1'.$2 , 21 191-\ .... us 7 103 35 •l \'i Vornado 60 IU U V>- ... 811lt pl8 4 so r20 H Cou81~ 1.2• 10 13 74~ ~ Goodrch 1.» s 36'1 II Vt U n on pf J ' & 20 PNwTel r1 '19 :i.1& · · •' SNETel S.20 6 10 31'1• · V. v .. 1clnc .611 S I IJ•t.- v. 8anCal :n's 9 1 ..... . ' "- CoullM l 2~ .... Gdrlch pf,97 " l200 10 i v. LOCkhd •6 116 21111:"" Pee Pel 114 ij 86 WAI ·; ·;,; SOUPac 2.40 6 77 '7!14 .... . \lulcnM 1.60 7 U 31 .... • \ti 8~ndag .SO 8 ?9 U Co,.les .'IO ii 6" 21 .,., Goo<IJr 1.30 6 J66 1,..., - .... Locllle .l611 41 2S... ... P11cPw U2 8 179 ~- 14 SovAy 3.10 6 44 f8\'t- l\to - W-W -81lft1JPnl 60 4 68 71 11 .. •ti Craig .SO ' 1S 10><. '... 'i4 Go•d W .60 1 II 18 >lo l.Oe\'OS UO .§ IOS .. .._ v, PecTT 1.'40 a 1S IS"°· .... SoRy pf Wl?.60 .. I ~ .... WUI .60 12 2°' 34~ ~ BnkNY 2."'1 s 36 33"'- • "" c, .. ,.. t 40b a 64 2'1>11- ' Gould 1.60 I 464 '6"• • 1'. Loml'n 80 -1 .J8 tQY, lo> Pac Tin ~ S I 12,4 SOU11Co 1.J6 6 5 20'h- "" Wet>tsll .50 6 J4 U1'1 - I Bk01V8 1.0. s 1 W • OedlF .<I() • 1q ~- .... Gould pf1 .3S • I 21 - II. LomM IAIS<! .. • '"• 'I• P,alMW>' , 4 fO I .\\ ..... SouUnd .nb • 16' ltV• - 'Ill W&CllOV .76 • s 11 ........ . 8nkAm 1.10 I 118 1f'n ;... Cro<ltN 1.80 S 18 78 Gree<' 1.'IO 6 14' ?61'H ''°' LnSlar 1.<IC> & 110 21 '·• ..., F'91Wpt' 3 !]•,, ..... SOURoyl 11• 34 50 -t~ W.c:nRty • 3J )~,. .. 81111kTr l S )6 ll"-• ~ CroN pl 3 .. S O ,_. -· ii. Gr11l"g 3& 12 8" 33 - ~ LIL Co l .70 1 14S 18 .. P•ll!lllt 1' ·~ 6' 17'1•; .: .. SwtAlr .28 5 36 2~+ Vii Wa1Mr1 .22 ll 16 13>41+ "-8klr pt 7.SO JJ 2~ 1;. CrCkN pl?.18 . 10 7•~~ ,,.. Gunltvl l 39'1 • •3 II\.> LIL ptO 2.4J 6 26 Pemlellf I' 10 22 4"11 . ' Sw18ill 1.24 7 13 2514 • "' W•l9rn l .<IC> 7 I 261'>- 14 8 k1'r pf f .22 . 2 • 1... Cn>MDK 1.0. 6 9 141>11 - ... G••rO• .eo s s 13"-+ "" LongOr .64 il " 27:>.\ -' i " PanAm • ' J 92'1 . ......... SwtFore .JO 4 •197 ,.,.. _ "' WlkrA 1AO.t • 1•S ~· v. Benner .1' 13 '19 11.\lo· ii. CrouHI 1.2510 6 2411>+ " GIA Pc SJ 310 6 ... • 11> LoralCp .80 'I 12 29l\I l 'ilo PanEP 2.80 1 31 4si.... ',.'.'~ SwlF t pfl .SO .. 72 78 • ~ W•t1811' .fM 8 61 7t ....... . . Barber 1,bO 10 20 , ...... • 14 CrwnOt 8 96 3014 G1Lk0 la f 1'5 35 ·- 11• LaLUICI 1.2' q A30 1~ V. P•prcft 1. t4CI I s l""9t• V. ~!PSF I~ 9 26S 13flo .. • .. WelNlu UOb 4 1S 2011t .. . .. 8llfdCA 3711 .. 13 • ·~ CrwZtl 1.'IO 8 1S1 33,,,.:_ ' \.I, Glllltn J 1S. 20 I 271' ~ ·~ L•Pec .60t> 1 22• ,,,,.. .... .Peron 1.08 12 18 13 • 14 ...,..,, .- • " 16..... WtllJm 1.60 s M ,~,,.._ "" earryw "'" 10 90dlS ... CrumF ?.oe • ,. 36-\11 • "" GtNoN• I.AO e 2• """ ,. LOu•Gs J 10 13 n•• .... Par•or .2• 6 65 ,.,4 ~ Se>erton .60 n S 11v . .... WanlFd e 9 10,,.,_ ¥t 8a\e~1 .80 S8 I SJ•• 1.-. C.ulbro 1.001& 'l? 13V) + ... GIWFln 1,16 S ' 2814 y, Lowensl )IO 8 10 14... ... ParH•n 1.10 8 10 2"11 ... .. ~tPllH 1 t5S 2! 72\Y- ;"!- Wtttl<l<O 7 S IO!'lt .... 8euKll 1 n 8 JS 40 "' Cum En 1.80 S 100 36' t. ... GGlanl l ,OI If I ?911•- '" Lullnl 1 bO U llS& 44~ • llo Parl<Pn 60b ' 3 ~ .... _..rry1 • If- " WernS 1.60 7 '1 U ... 8a.1Trv .40 l S 323 391.., "' CunnOro .3' • ? 'Iv,. .... G•~Y" I .Cl' • us 11 ~. - "' LIK kyS .841> 9 138 14'1> ~ Paf Ptl . 26 ... 111/'J· 14 SprryR 1.32 7 565 fSV.-114 WmCom I • '6 45\l'r- 'oi B•vColP 8 11 3"' ... C"rr ln< 110 s t "'"' • "° Greyllnd wl lS "- - 1·16 Ludlow . SO .. 731 13 ... + \'> P•yl1nw .SO 9 IS 11..... 14 ~~0M11SO.OS 8 IJt~ ISV. - v. WernrL 1.20 • xl3'714 - v, 8•YSIG I '16 7 11 1''4 + 1,. CurtW .a> I 41 14''< ''" Grow( ,U I) b 11 •'h. Luker>S .'16 6 IS IS\\ 11, Peobdy .28b 9 33 22 1 ...,uar · I • ?3'N- y, WHllGS 2.21 'I 3 U~ .. .. 8eykCl9 ... 6 10 •• • Clir1W A 1 . ' 77\.> '" Gl~Plv • & . .... LynCSyl .<IC> 16 • II>"- "' Penoo 1l • ""· v. Soulllb 1.0811 421 30W- .... WsllNal 1.20 • • J4h ... . 8e.a1Fd 1.08 ' ns 73'" i..;. Cvclp •• • IS "''H ... Grumm 1.20 s a IOI """ ... - M-M - Pencen •. l•S 1~- \.lo StaAll• ·'° • ' n"' - "' WUN l)f'l.SO .. ' 3' .. . . 8ea1F pfJ.311 . IOI . .... "' CVC><ul .IOb 10 lfO 25"' "• GuUClln .36 • 11 IS'1t .... MACOM ·"° 17 Sii :17"'1- "' PtMOI orA • • 4 IC>\<\ Slal4PV I IS 3~ .t••t.• ... Wa"'Stt l.<I() '° 17' ,..,.._ "' 8tiOm .2916 119 J4'h '' - 0 - 0 - GlfWtln .10 4 311 " "'' v, MCA t 20 8 14' ~~-1'4 PenCn pc8 ·• 41 $,,.,:•·\,; SIBrnd 1,:1610 61 7S - l'o W'llWI J 7 20 J3V.- Ve Be<tnO ... ., 160 JA ... . .... OPF • '9 10·~ . ... GultOll 1.90 6 661 79 11. .., MEI :., • 111 12''t PenOI• •. " • St&Pnt .~10 1116 21v.- "' WtsteM .5012 13S ,._"" 8eecll .92 ' 6' 27 ''> ,,_ Oa"'°" ,JO 111 2J S"'° ''• Gull Ru .7S 13 9:l II"' - "' MGIC .n 1 1()1 " "'" :· i,, Penney 116 ' 1 152 l1'41;;' ii; SldMOIA .M 8 3 16\/o ..... W1tklnJ AO ll J 1814- V. 8etct• SI . ... 14 O•nRlv .18 6 :100 17'~ >Ii Gull~ rn 611 .. S t1 1'1o - V. MtcAF .IOb I J U~ .... PaPL 1.92 7 'IS ~- "" SIOllCt 2.80 7 239 '6 - i.., W•yGoJ A 8 9 ~- 14 8elcoP .ID . i. ,, 1'!\o • Vt g•n•CP l ,<IC> 6 4 1 ""' GllSIU l ,J4 7 139 17... .. • MK On ,.tO S 20 •v.- v. Pe PL pf 4 50 rtO 44 _ \41 St()lnd 3 I 6'9 SS~ 1111 WonUn .JO S 10 S"' .. .. Belden 1.4' 6 1 12'1• • V. eni..1 .76 q 71 18'"' .. 'v; GullUld .88 6 41 13... "- M•<ke .... & 12 ' ""· . .. Pa PL pfl' «> . dSO 83 StOllOll .a 11 SS3 4.S..,_ Iii Wetll>O .20e 12 310 1111'> .. .. Be1011H .36b 8 12 J>\ O••llnd 1.eo 8 .,, '°"" ~ Glltton .«> a 11 "" Matmlll .t1 1 10 11v. ..... PaPL pf9:J • :: dOO 10,.;;;·y; SOOh5 P pf a,rs .. z20 57~ .. ., , W.lsMkll .10 • 6 '714 ... .. 8e11How ."6 J M 1~ O• rt pl 1 .. ' ~- ·~ - H-H - Macy us s s• JA .. .. P.JIPL pf " 160 107'14 ' • cO> .10I> .. 41 • .,._ "' WellsF uo s 28 78 ..... - * Bttllno "" s 40 &"• ii. ga111~n lC J8S ~- 'II HMW ,. SS l'- • ..,. Md\Fd 1399 " 17S 13~- .... P•PL l)f e:: 1SIO 18"'> ... i . Slelldt• ,65 7 •19 16...... Wei FM 1.209 ' 9 Uh .... 8ellCCI 'S6 J 16 S1~ "" •l•T•~ .20t u 18& ,. ... - 1 .. H•OW 3.60 8 7 39~ .... M•ol<Cf .60 s 611'1 ••to- "" PaPL II' 810 140 8S St.nW I .Oii 1 S4 22V.- ~ WIPIPt 180 s 62 33 - .,, Bemis !<IC>' 77 nv •• "" O•tepnl IS 97 64:\4 - "" H•100 • 1 6 .... MefonH .'611 12 JOI'>+"" Ptnwll 2'79 ' 7 IS 33 .:.:·--Ster••• 1.31 6 10 ,, .... . Iii WltCIT .77 8 J ~· v. 8tndlll t.~ 6 43 39~t V. O•yco .50b 4 171 U'lo •. Ht 11'8 1.10 II 4f '611>- ~ Mllfllllll .JO 4 s 1o>11- '1 Ptnw pf 1.ea .. J 11 + ,4 SIMutlnv 72 S7 Olt . .... WnAlrL .40 3 227 I~ l'o etnlCp 1.80 & 102 231.-. "" OaytHd ' 60 • 378 38"- - .. Ha\\Prt .aoa 11 8 ?!.~ ... :...:. M•nlllf .30 10 6S I - "" ~nntol 2 10 31• 32 - "" r.s~•MI~ l.052 ' 7' . 1,a, 1~ ... iL WA.If pf , .. I 2SY,- ~ e-•e . .. , 0 ·-.u · ·,.,;~.;.. O•vtPL 1.fo6 • 111 16V.• v. Helllbt 1.80 ' 44? ...,.,.- ~ MlrH•n 2.29 & 131 31:\lo• ,..., Peof>Or ·'' 1 2 1111. ,.., ...,.., • "w.- ,.. wnenc 1.36 6 'll u .... .... 8erlleyP 1 14 6\\i "" Oe..-e I .SO a 254 )6"'°- '"1 HamrP 1.<IC> 8 4' 73 ~ lie MAPCO 1.<IC> t•IOO 77'11<• Vt l'eopG~ Ull J . 71 ~·~ Sltrclll .SM S 2 II) .. ... W"CONA .'40 9 '4 23:at;-"' 8estPd 16 8 141 ?Sllr ,_. OelmP 1.311 I S6 14 - .... HanJS I Sit· 14 ISllH V. MeretM .801~ '4'1 :w~ .... P,,i)SICo I IOll:lSd2' _ .... Ster18tl> ,6' 8 3 7~• 'ti WPactn 1 S 3S l9V. .. .. BetllStt u o . .... J " "'' " Vo OellaAlr I & •16 3"11 ..... H•nJI I Mo . I• ,. .. Mlf•IO 2.fO • 753 5'\lt-114 ..... nE ..5' IA 2«> ,,,,.._ .... SterlOO .n 10 •11 Ill - ... WnPubl .. ,. 246 2 ..... "" &loTflr 8012 40 33v. lo OellOM n 88 10 - Vt Hndlmn I 6 4$ lfll>', . >Ii Mareml I J 6 ~· "" Pertee 1 4CI 10'1\- \11 Stt'rPre . 1211 10 " 314- V. WUnfon t ,<IC> 6 93 IS"1- l'o 81nnel ID 'I • • IMo. ~ Ot>nMI 1.12 7 9 ,,.,._ v. HandyH .6010 113 11"\4 . 1 .... MtrMld .., 8 11 n .... - l,ll Pelrle 1 '°' u '4014 Ster"':!'ll .!O II 241 ,.~ ..... WVn dp:f1 .11 .. 8 10\lt- v. 81sFS 1 , J 20•~ + v, Oennn .80 1 134 cl11'" - 'II. Hanna 1,90 I? 9 lolV... • M•rlonL ,M 10 116 IS V. Pt1ro111n I.CM a 34 :nv.: .. :.' \\ Sltvt"" l.20b 1 SI U!lt + Ml WUTI pf 2.56 .. I n111 ~ .... 8 1ack0r y 10 313 ""' 'IOI Ot>ntsply ,80 70 3 1614 ,,. HerRrJ 1M" tOS 3S>io - \tt MtrllCU .3614 43 IJf\+ v. Petits t.•7• . . l l 1lilil• lit 5StewW~• 2.~ 6 17 ~ ~ W..st11Ef .97 6 x24' 1N- ~ 81elrJn 1.21 6 J 16,,__ ~ OeS019 1 6 )ol 17 - "" Herdffs .20 6 101 13V.- Vo Mark pf 1.20 . . J 14'\9 ..... p.,tRs P'I JS , 20Vt tokV 1 .... t • 11flt-- \It Wslvac l .32 7 J9 ~v.- \'> 811SSL ' 7 91 1Sll. - .... OtlEd I.SJ. 1?9 U:llo - " H41•!\h lll I 6 '117dl1"'4 - 7/11 Marley 1 8 J J~- ... Pflrer 1:20i61032 ~r· Stoltv pf I .. l10 11~" Weyt>f'g 1.08 5 I 191'-..... 810HR I.~ 11 llJ ,, - " OelE ... 7 M .. 11500 U \/H ' "• Hut eh .so 11 lS 21"' + " Marriot .16 9 S3S 13 .. . .. Plle\pO ,f>033 21' ,.......,_ v. ~'1°""-~u~ ' ..! '6Y· - ~ w everhr I ' m Hiit- .. 81 ... a 1.«> 6 'M ,,,,.,_ .., OetE Of 1.45 •. 11000 ,,..,. _ ..., Herra~ l.66 1 1S ~- V. Mrs/IM s .20 1J 11 •~- Vt PlllleEt 18010 251 11.,.. ., °"""'" - ,. ... ,.,,.,_ ... Weyr r>' 2.80 .. •10 '1~1 \11 81uetwd .20 1 S1 " "' " OelE pf , . 7S , I 26 .... + V. Herr fl .60 ll 00 28>io - '4 Mrs/IF 1.24 ' 83 16,..._ ~ PllllE pf I .JS .. llOO 117 ::.;\/; StopS/lp 1.10 f 3 U\lt- ~ WllfflF 1.20 9 n 30VH .... B°'>«lleer s 2) 6 OE pfB 11S .. s 2S""• "" HMKO 1.80 6 5 ,.,.. l'o M•rtM 190. 17S 3114 -"" Pfll!Epf7A5 t70 71 + I StorTec . ,. ... ,. •114 WlleelFDf 2. , 2 33 ... Boein U01J1MS n~:.:r O.IEpf•n •• 11t101~ .... H••ISM .896 ~ uv. .... M••rK :4110 19 1114- l!oPllllaSull'6 · ;_,s :n,..__l\storer81.l09 21 32-'lt-IN W""IPll 4 24 u~-.. 8olseC 125 6 311 31 "' OetE pr 1.28 .. 2 ,,.,. • "' H••ltH~ .S6" u n>ro ..... Md cup 56 I s 20 - 14 PtlilMr , :os 10 270 61\'e- ~ Strf<lltlt I 6 ' ,. • .. . WlltlPll pf s .. ,., '° - .... Borden 1 n II .SI• 25 - v.. Dealer 80 10 4 72 - VI H&r11ld • .-0 4 11> 911,- .... Me\<O '5210 M ~- ~ Pl\ltllld .28 S II? ·~- ~ StvWor 1.1$ S 21 2'V.-~ Wlllrlpl 1,20 • Sl1 IT ...... eoroW . 1 s '7S ,,....,_ •1. OIGlor A 8 u s """. "" HattS. 1.5011 ,. u .. - ..... M•\qf\11 '.ao • IS 2~- "' P1111Pet 1.10 9 7f1f 31 - ~ SU•vSM .20 14 IS 311'1. ••• Wh11c 1.30 5 260 ,,\,Ir- Yo eorm•ns 4 u J~- V. 0111cr !.20 9 1J ~- ~ Hwll EI 2.2t J d le llo - I'> Mts.M 1.a.t tO 6 u - Vt p" IVH .60 , 96 1'...,_ "" SUbPrG U? 6 '7 to ,. ... Wli teMt .. 150 I - V. SOSECI 2 ... I ., ,,_ .. Oleln 1.20 I 73 38>io ... , Haye1A. 1,28 4 9 17Vo- 14 MnnF '1 t v. - "* PIC!Gll"' ?• 4 3S tll*- V. SU11(Jlm • .O S 4 ,. ..... :r:ltt•ll ,50 6 161 U 'h-1 BOSE pf 889 ISO Miit . ... OlamS 1.41 6 3'1 l 'Wt- V. H•relto ,<I() 7 .-0 1~- Ill M.UCP 161 " 11 1614- '.ll Plar I .JO 6 71 "' SunEI AO 14 34 24~- lit W ckff .'2 S.113 lfllt + \.lo e°'E pr 1.11 : ,.,. ,, 0 10"8 .20&.. SS ·~ \.lo HUlllTK " " :io.. - 1"" M•stnc , ·09 .. 46 11 .... - 14 PU1bfy , · n • ,. 3s...,:.: ·~ SunCo 7.80 • •311 ,,~ "' w el>lot ... 8 24 814- v. Bo•E Pf 1.4" .. •10 13'h.:·v.; OICl•pfl .1410 31 l6'4 - 14' Hetlt\ ,:IA 7 16 '"-'"" M41sul! .l'lt 'i 7 $4\li - \II Pton.r 1:7' 7 1116P '9\l'J• \It epf US .. d " - \Ii WIJ1141Mt I 16 1~ II~ .... eranlll .>6 s m " ""'" 14 Ofellotd .60 13 28 20"7 - VI HH•(, lllM ... . . 217 7\11 . \4 M•lt•I 1 tS4 1~- "" Plonrel ' I 10 - "' .,,,, I.AO ·1 .. 20 .+" ~ w '"'° .u JO S3 7\lo - l'o 8t•UllC 80 I & 11>•Ao Of1Jll81EO 14 'Jf7 SIV.-1 • tmB 1..rv t l8 '°""" ... Ma tltl wt 69 •"'-· v. PllneyO 1.'10 e 109 2S _ I\ $lr .80 8 55 21- lll WlnD11 l.M 10 • JIM\>- \11 8tl9St 1°0!! • n 27~ ·~ Olltfn9m .52 9 346 911>- V. ~lelnrH I " 14? 40¥. ..... MeyOS Ull •7 63 14\/'J- lit Pltt~IO 1.lUJ 100 11 .... - 14 5'111-_M I .2'1l!'39 tt11 !?~~ ~ Winn~ :l'I 40 lVt . .... 8rl•IM I n II 1117 ,..,. _ ~ 0111011 l .17b 10 I ?9~-"" Hll<111fC ' I 7"'>- "" Meyt9 I 60a ' " 14Yt- v. PlanRK • 3' 61'1-· .... SutM'V• ..... "' - - WJ11ttr.. I 11 10 10Yt- .... t11'111M Pl . 2 .. 7 ~- '4 OISMy .... " 6'IO Jll•- ... ~•tlrlll( I .to 6 ,. 11 ••••• MC~mti 1 s 385 21\\- lol! Pt&nlm · ' ' , . 20 1'Yt- $vf>f011 1.~,. •IQ 310 - "' WfsE!P U• 7 108 ,.- .... 8•1tPel '°' 8 ,.. 19"'7 . ~ Olvnldtn " 19 2''>- .... f •mCep .. ,, 1,,. .. "' M<Or pf 2.20 .. JS ,, - ~ Pl•Yl>O'f .1as IS ,._+ \Ii 541Pm•G ,.. s SI 12"'- ... WlsGts 1.92 ' .. 20'9- ... 8rttwGI 1.08 t s 11"> .. g1v~\MtC1 .. IS 3~ .... . lemlnt ,'6e .. t 7Vt- V. M<Orpfl60 28 30.... Ptosv US. 9 I-.... Sutlt<P • 3 7\41 ,..,, WlsGpf2S.S MIO 211\<o• '-8kyUG uo 7 t• 20'' • ~ •Pti>M 64 13 ~ltt 14~ "" Hncuttt I • 7tt ll V.- · \Ii M<Onl'cl :. il 502 ~.,..:.:: -.. Pne~ • 111 J17S •VT""" S11troM .«le ; 31 • - .., WIKP\. 1:,. ·; 1S 1~- "' 811UG pl'l.A7 . • I 75"6 + 111 Oot!ltM .eo. II 9' 81 \/o t 11"o Htnf'y 1.20 I ' 2911>- ~ McOonO .75 8 142 31~1\CI "-Pd .20ll 10 109 ~ "' IWMlll t.AOI 1 3 tt"4- \It W .tc:PS U2 1 11't It~ .... . 8wnSllp ID 6 1 •1111> \la Oont..J · " 12 44 s y, - i.a Htsuo11 u J •~+ "" M<GEd uo 6 u nv.+ y. Pofarold I IS 990 SCM-1\\ ybron .'t • 32 llYt-"" W tco 1.20 S 31 ~'Ill ar-n .30 6 t• , ,..,_ \<t Oon"ly 1 10 19 ~ "" Heublln l.S21v .. ,.~- V. McGrH Ul 11 U.56 7';\lo- >n Pnelro~ .:to 6 '3 ll\li - V> Sytlrt n pttA610 .,. 3 331 ~ 'n WlltrR AO S 1a 11"4, ... . 8wnGp 1.eo s 111 1111. . "" OorOttv .60 • J7 " "' - "" ~·r""" .60" m 4111\li - \'> Mc 1111yr .. 1100 u ~ ..., ~nl I.It> 5 • ,.\It 'f' ""' . .. o .. - lit WOl'WrW .ao • m tt • Iii ewnFer ,6011 12• 13 ~ ... "' OorMv .60 s IS UYi "' ft .v11 . !017 • 1 .. .,. MCLHll .... 10 " ..... Portee. .80b • "' 16-'41 ·; · " - T- 1' - 'MlfncllC .to. " 1•'4- "" e....... 'IO • ,. l l"'- Vo OoYft 1.<I() ' n "'*-- "" ~ ton, 1 ~I ' 2707 7• '4- ~. Mcl.,ollt • 62 l llit- ~ PortGE 1.70 ' •s ,._ !,\ Tiii!! M" 18 , , _"' WOC>dpt .4013 115 ,...,_ "' 8 rn\w Pl?.C .. t ,.,* \Ii OowCll I .«> • tm n>co- \lo :Ira' · 7 ' ll>li't t "" McMot'O toa JC> 14~ 1,1, PorG pf 2 60 1 tt tRw f.IO 1 ,..,, ,....,_ " Wolwth uo s 101 ,...,_ ~ llrusllW 1-: • ,, W~· 1 OowOr Jn. 1,4' ,, " ~IA.c ..... t!f,l'l"' = • '5-ti !!-,""~ M<N•fl :llD 6 • u ...... . Polllcb 1,16 •• I ~·"' TllW.,, ......, • WI 76~1 Wol\lf r>' 2,20 .. 2 19 - ~ 8U<.Y~ • 7 ,. 17~ "' avo l.ll • JA ll>Vt- "" II v.. .,... .. • .. - Melld I JiO 1 564 ,. • ""' PotmE I 1.34 I 6' 1fl4 ..... Ttflllrd AO 1 1• 20Yt- -. W$14Alt • Jl ) \lo- "' 8uCIOC pf. I (>\\. v. Or•Ur 1 , 550 ,,_ 'A Hot yS .. I 17.__ MHtnl .sou ,. • - -.. Pot El pt.i 04 zlOO ~·~ T•1tcott 12 ' Wr ' " 2All • , .. ~ "8 IM,o UO• • s H~ 1-9 O•tll8 I... .. 7 !Slit- .... ~meG!'1' ·.'.t·· !. t~ ..... M'l4ne~ .AO ' " IS - \41 Pmnlef :.. iO ' w ... ::·<i; Jelley I ·; n ,, ~:.:.·" Wllr flf A • 1S ""- " 811!0•• .. J4l fl4 .... orevts ,rse e .. uv... oms1, ,..., 14 16. Vi+ IG MeOI"' A 12 ,. n \lt- ~ P'rtm•Cm ~ 106 "'""- 11, Talley pf 1 14 11- 14 WYl•ln .IO • ,. U \li .. . .. 8\lfldy •• S 6 ll V) :\II d\l~I S. 9 3U U1"1-l~ ~~•11 ;,31~ ' e) J? - t ~ MeMIM 1AO 8 '7 'M- \l'J Pro<IG 113 PO lll't- Ill TM1pf! I.» ·7 Ill 17~ V. Wyltl..b .a S It I~ •••••

• ~'" 1,.,. •• t 19•1o • v. a .. ..,,, pf4.SO .. 2 56 ..... .. ~·• .. .,, ~,. _..,._. ..... ~· • 1'17 ~"' Pro~ S7 16 2s t111111Y • •1s tsVt- vo Wyly .. s.s 49\ ..... 8UllkR !O ' .Sou:IO • \It OuhP I.ID t 16' 1014- "" ..,oo

1vU 1.7' 1 '5 n~ _. MeKSlr fl S t2 ~-I~ a"Col 1.6010 te 1 .... ::·:: Jlnd~ 10 51 1.2"'1- ~ -.JC-Y~

Bnt!Rpf!,50 ,. 19 tt + lrl Qun8r 1.401' '9 *S - ~ ..,or t911 " 53 1~ • " MerT11 l ,Jt 4 I 21'r-Y. Oll ~H y:J6QOJ~•;~ T~ 29to IS 10._ 14 Xtnill 2, S1't r.\11-'4 8\H'llnd i.40 J au. 11~ 1' OUQLI 1.n It 71 .. ~ ..... "°~q, AO ti 'Ml f~I" "'41 r(!l .. , It ttS .. ~ ~ Coi pn'.10 : : xl60 12~. ~ Tecfl!Kr :..0 ' II! H~-..,. ~TRA 1.ot J$ ~·IA! 8ur1No UO • d16 '1 - 1 "- S:::: pf 3 .. ~1'(1 to14 .. • i: ~~"II ,4 t 34 ~ -., Mtntllll • • 27~ PSllld f ,1' t m ftV.- " T<ll!t<Olr AO 6 1t 11,._ !,\ Y4111tt .10 1 9 - lei =~~ ~:: " •1 • .,.._ '-' CMGre '·~: " 000 t7'"' .. "' ~°'"' 1;~ t1 ,., tt~·~ "'1errl,y .. hl'6 I~:;:~ a'!! ~~71 ,. tiO Jtlli ..... T~lllllGll 10 n 1!14- 14 faleCO I 1 ft '16~ \lo 8wlldY MiO ~ ~·;~ Oy"Am .10. 'i ~ ~v;:.."~ HO\IO 1.tq · · a a'1 -· ~ =:::.""tJ~ll ~ r~~ :Ui 'st ":'°° ltV.+ ~ f:= .... ,, J! ~~ z:r,.!~t -J~ ~mt~ ar11i~I. ,JO ·1 ... ~. ~ - ._. - Houj Cl .at • IS •111 ..... Mett•· tOOS ,. " ,.,._" ""' IJ . , in ;i~ \\ ti.ctn ..... i ,.,. m~:.:.j\<ij Ztfllth ! n '" ,,...,_ ~ 811"911 , I S5tt l>tYl-1\lo ~G&G AO,, :M ~ ... =::r:. ;~ • n m~- ~ MCM • M 10 162 21,..._ .... P$vNM , :,. 1 " ~·'4 . ~ •IDNnl • 70 ,,, 13V.- \lo Z11•nt ... , 11 ,...._ .... :111~1" .eo 7 J9 n + v, r;';' .1~ 18 1'1 t~- Yo ~ 1 t.a& ·; 6; ~ Metrm t .10 • JO 5:114- "" P$11EG J.if • ti> n~ \.lo """ .. ,. , .,.,_ v. ea:.!,. 1:io'' ~ ~::· .., H~~,r0 1 f ,,, n~ ~ =te~c:t:'I> .. dOO • .. , ,, PSIG ..,,A& .. ,. ''""·".

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Japan Firm to Add Plant TOKYO <AP> - Marulchl Steel

Tube Ltd. said today it wW establish a subt\dJary near Loi Anteles later this year to pr«h.rc-e steel tubes and pipes.

A apottsman 1ald the new com· pany will buUd a plant capable of produclng 3,000 metric tom of •tee1 tubes and plpet a month ~ Oct. I .

Tbe c:om]>ally wm be owned 48 jlef'o cent by Marulchl and Marulchl Steel S.let Co .• 30 percent b)' Nlltbo-lwa_l Co., 15s»rffnt by llltlublahl C«p. and t percent bJ t.bNe Ja.eaneae banks. the spokesman. aaJd. ~ilsho-lwat and Millubllbi ue ~wo ot Ja,pan•s atant tradlftl c:om.panle!.


Car lnsuranee

Panelists Urge Criteria Change

lly SYLVIA PORTEil ~ .. nn.. .. .,..

Under the auto IQurance rating_ system ln most s~teJ • baaic or "standard risk" premiums can vary by 10 per. cent, ranging from $160 a year in Ames, Iowa, to as much as $950 in New York City. On top of that, age. sex and marital status can add some 23S percent. High horsepower, special cars and extra mileage can boost pre· rnlum.s 9S percent. Claims can boost it more.

A YOUNG SINGLE MAN IN Manhattan could pa.y $4,512 a year ror Insurance. An unmarried male under 21 In Ames could pay as much as $168 for a thrice-dented fiberglass "muscle" car.

lo addition Allstate, the nation's second largest auto insurer, and a few other firms, rate ~e "safety" of certain makes and models of cars. Allstate adds 20 percent to its "standard" rates - or subtracts 20 percent rrom those rates - for the models it considers more or less risky than average, based on its claims from drivers. That 20 percent difference ap­plies only to the col· lision·comprehensi v e

Money's Worth

portion of the policy, not to liability. The company says about 9 percent of auto models sold

in the United Stales qualify for the discount and 6 percent are subject to the surcharge. Allstate will provide its list of cars ln the two categories .

The National Association of Jnsurance Commissioners, the group that regulates the insurance industry, wants to make major changes in the way auto ip_surance rates an figured1 .. flattening ',~ the peaks and valleys, as its recent report puts it . Among its proposals:

·-..l: THAT THE COMPANIES STABILIZE their per. policy expense charges. The normal practice is to pro-rate these charges as a pecentage of the total premium. The commissioners say they should instead impose a set fee, · based on the company's overhead costs of tbe policies. This could reduce the in high-risk areas and raise them substantially in the low.risk regions.

- That sex or marital status be eliminated as criteria for these categories are insurance company "shorthand': for rating drivers. The insurance companies should dig deeper into their statistics and come up with more •'socially acceptable" premium.pricing factors , even if claims vary according to these two factors, tbe commissioners say.

- That 1 studies be continu~ oo rating "driver ex. perience" regardless of age. A motorist who bad just re­ceived bis license, for instance, and who bad no driver training, would pay 310 percent of the "standard" rate. As the driver gained experiet1£e. the rate would drop to "stan· dard" levels in two to four years.

- THAT MILEAGE SURCHARGES BE revised. Under today's system, virtually anyone who drives the na­tional average of 9,000 to 10.000 miles a year pays the max· imum mileage rate, with most "breakpoint" maximums at 7,SOO to 8,000 annual miles of travel. .. Average" mileage, qualifying for "standard" rates, often is as low as 3,000 t.o 5,000 miles a year. Says one auto insurance veteran:

" For someone driving 20,000 to 30,000 miles a yeat to be paying the same rate as one driving one-third or one­q uarter of that distance is statistically absurd. They should be paying three to four times tbe standard rate."

Rossmoor Income Gains in Quarter

Nei income of Rossmoor Corp., Laguna Hills, bas ln· creased 34 petcent for the first quarter ended De<:. 31, 1978, on a 26 percent decline in revenues.

Net income was $1.6 million, or 49 cents a share, com· pared with $1.2 million, or 37 cents, for lbe like quarter a year ago. Revenues were $9.4 million, compared with $12.1 million ln the comparable quarter.

f rofit margins improved principally as a result of in· creased sales prices. the company said. Cost of sales and direct operating expen,ses for the quarter declined rrom $8. 7 million to $5.2 million.

Eighty-eight units were completed during the at Leisure World, the adult residential community at Laguna Hills. Of tbe remaining 60 under construction, SS were W\(ler advance deposit sales contract and five were unsold as of Dec. 31, 1978. They were expected to be sold and delivered during tbe current quarter .

NO DELIVERIES OF RESIDENTIAL units are scheduled until the second quarter of fiscal 1980, according to A. R. Ceresa, president. Revenues and net income for the year, as a result, will tie lower than for fiscal 1978, he said.

Const.ruction on the 58 acres remaining at Leisure World was expected to begin this rail. The company plans to build 160 single·f amily houses on the parcel in.stead of the 533 condominiums previously announced. The houses will be priced from $250,000 to $300,000, Ceresa sald. The company is considering purchasing other property for single-family house development in various areas of Southern California.

RCC N~ App,..~

Shareholders or Rossmoor ConstructJon Corp., Laguna Billa, have voted to change the corporate name to RCC. lnc. They also approved a one-for-10 reverse split of the company's common stock. The split 1J expected t.o become effective about Feb. 15. _

RCC is the developer of Rossmoor Maryland, an adult residential community in Montgomery County, Md., near Wasblngtol'l, D.C. .

A. R. Ceresa. president., saJd the name c:bange was •P·


__ ST_O_CK_

proved to avoid con· fusion about the ~la· llonship of tbe company to lts rormer pu~nl, Ros s moor Corp ., because of the almilari· ty of names.

Tbe revene split, pro]M)Md u a means of improving \ts marhtabWty, re· ducts tbo number of autbori!A!d sbarea from 10millloDto1 mUllon and the number or outatandlng ab1re1 from 3,lOS.2!0 to 3t0,525. •

Sbarebotdera were asked not to submit tbelr c-ertlficatea for ~chance until tr~umlltal forms wen re· C!tived I~ the•DY· In lleu of fr1.cUo.nal lhanll, tbarebolderl wtU receive cub of equal value.

Tbe Commerdal BrWery, Inc .• • firm tpedallllnt In c:ommerdal and todustrial real lltat.o, bu opened at ISlll5 Moultan P1rtwa1_. Laauna HUia.

Founded by PbiUppe Stoner, Da•ld M. No"9, see.. Dean, and T. R.yer Pickren D, the firm's Mnlca lDchlde Ind aalel, leulnl progams and lnvestaMat tr ..... ctkm.




Lessard's Play Leads Kings, 4-1

OENVt-:R I AP 1 l. oa An1t l8 Coach Bob Berry cr'fd•t· td floe work from rooki~ aoallt Marlo Le- • rd a nd a tmaa of fta•lve On.I.ab for lhl" Klnt • •·I Nallonal Jlotk• LA 1i;e \lktory over the Rockl

Lesurd • t opped 30 of 31 Colorado hob • unday nl1M. a l· lowlni only &-rry Ucck'1 3S foot 1hot ga.t hi m at 6 o~ or th~ ~con pe,.•od for a hort hved

1 0 H<>ck1cs lead '\'he Klnj(!\ am now 12 M with Les ard u lhe'lr ao•l·keeper thl aeasoo

' '"£CAME ON '1ron1 toolibl In the third period with 13 shot!. ju~t l ike ~ t' di d l a t ntl(hl against lhe l<angens c 17 shots l() bea t New York 4·2 >." RPrry u ld. " Our f(oa ll e 1l.ess a rd 1 pl ayed a r al (me tzame ·

ll t' sa id lhf' Kmg1 have been playing well on the road Tht•y are 9·9 I m 19 road games 6mce J an l

The Kings are now three points ahead of Pitts burgh m the battle ror second place in the N o rri s Div is io n w h ile t h e Rockies remain Jn the Smythe Divis ion cella r , one point behind Sl Louis

ROCKI ES' COA C H Ald o , Guidohn said his team m ade a

good effort, but , " Tonight was JUSl a tough s truggle. You gel ga mes like tha t once In a while. It 's kind of Uke kicking a rie ld

* * * LO• A- IM. 0 1 7 • (.olor.00 0 I 0 I

l'l"I f'e<tOCI N°"" Pe...lllf'\ - M• ll- 1 Col. I OJ • ..._,,Hp, LA. I " v..., Ro•.._.. (,04 u 03

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SllOI\ on QO<ll lo\ Anctele\ 10.1'-IJ >I Colo•-~17 " JI

( .. O<lhtt l 0-. A"9"1C'' l '-\Jt(I COIO<-Pt.t\\~ A • • 17

Hockey, Basketball Standings

Hockey Na1-.1 Me<ll•• IA­~H CeMt,_e

,...,.lc* Olvlt ...

,... ,. Yoo hi•~ N~w Y 0<• A ""'9"n Atlanta Ptlll- loh<•

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" IJ ,, " " 71 ,, ,.

Norri' Dl•hlOfl J I • 7J ,. ,, 73

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T~'tG•"'9t No o-~w._,,.., ,.,......,.,c; • ..,., NoQ•~v--

World HoOtJ .......

• • 1 IU 116 , 0 l•I 104 1 Jl lllJ 111 8 l1 ISO 7i.

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Baaketball N"'- •-"NII AU it


"". "'1"9*1 Pllo.,0.lf)llla N~w J •r.,.y New York Bo••on

All..,tk Dlvltloft w L )& u ,. " 7l 7\ , , 30 19 J I

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·'°' .604 s·~ ,, ,. 11 ·~ .«• 131~ ·* '" '

a o I and hllUn¥ the cron bur." C>1 \· Taylor • po~·er play coal

a t 9• of t ht" a cond f)f' rlod <"Yt'nf'd UM! IC'O,.. al l l Tommy WUIJ mt score"fl th &<>-ahead goaa a t l ft : t() <>f t ht' m ldd l ~rlc>d on a rebound ahol by Oert Wit oo t'har liti Stmm~r pul lht.> 1\inaa wad 3 l with hi MODI al lO 3'7 of the third p •r lod Jld s t.-v Je-1 n wound up lh scor 10¥ w1lh four coc1"* re-malnlni

Ceo\.t'r Mal't'el Dionne and d feru tman Handy M1101 'r )' '1.DCh h a d • pa ir of- I (1' for the Kina

MfirDled No Longer In SIUinp ·

ARCADIA (AP ) Amrmed h as recove red from his s lump a nd trainer Laz Barrera no longer has his JOb In Jeopardy , but jockey Steve Cauthen is still s lde llned.

Darr-era named Laffl t Pincay lo ride the 1978 Tr iple Crown. winning Affi rmed in the $232,500 Strub Stakes for l he 4-year-olds a t Sa nta Anita .Sunday. and the pair breeit"d lo a 10-length vic­tory.

Ca uthen, the teen.age idol who was male a thlete or the year in 1977 and rode Affir med to victory in the Kentucky Derby, Preak· ness and Belmont Shores last year, was benched by Barrera las t Mond ay. T he move was made, the trainer said, because " he had lost so many races that l he pressure would have been too great "

CAlITHEN Fl NALL V scored a victory on Thursday lo end his los ing st reak a t 110 races and rode Ouiet Crossing to a $49 payoff in the fourth race on Sun­d ay

Ba rrera sajd that Pincay will continue to be the Affirmed's regular rider as long as the colt s tats in Califor nia .

P incay sent Affirmed into a quick lead out of the gate, gave up the front-running chores lo Quilligan Quail goin g past the grandstand for the firs t time, and then sat back in third place wit h Q uilliga n Qu ai l and Johnny's Image in front.

PINCAY SENT Affi rmed Into the lead rounding the fa r turn a nd the veteran jockey said. " I could tell he was full of run, so I was onJy concerned with keep. Ing him clea r and out of t rouble. At the five -eighths · pole , he bree zed lo the lead a nd I just wa ited until the stretch lo ask him to run.

" I h1t him right-handed, but he d idn't seem to riotice, so I switched lo my left ha nd . He has a tendency lo loaf when he gets in front so I hit him three or four times more jus t to keep his mind on business. J didn't want to take a ny chances. · ·

Pincay and his colt firushed the l1/4 miles in 2:01 over a track ra ted good but not fast.

Prep Basketball

Rankings The Dally PiJol's Top lO

Orange County Prep Basketball Pos. Team Rtcord

1. Corona del Mar 16·2 2. Ma rina 17·3 3. Los Amigos 16·3 4. E stancia 16-4 s . Mater Dci 14-4 6. Kat.ella 12·7 7. Ocean View 16-4 8. Mission Viejo 18-3 9. Servile 13·5

10. Troy \S-4

... .,........


Monell¥. Febfuery I . 1111 .. --DAIL V PfLOT ..

College Baaket/Jall

Full~rton Upset -

By San Jose St. Fro• AP Dllpatellet

SAN JOSE - Junior guard Michael Mendea poured lo 20 points and set a new sctiool free throw record to lead San Jose State lo an upset 84-80 victory over conference-leading Cal Stale Fullerton Sunday nlghtin Pacific Coast At.b.letic Assn. basketball.

Mendez. 6-3, made all eight free throws he alt.empted lo set the record. In all, San Jose made 23 of 2S free throw alt.empts. a lso a acbool record, while Fullerton made only four of s ix.

The 1068 knocked Fullerton C6-2) lnto second place behind Utah State <7·2> in tbe PCAA, wbile San Jose'a victory pic;ked It up out ~~~~- -

San Joee is 2-6 in the con!erence and 5-1~ overall , while Fullerton ls 15-Soverall.

Fullerton Coach Bob Dye was forced to leave the game at halftime due to high blood pressure, but was expected to be back on the court this week.

Mldllfla• State, as-eJ EAST LANSING , Mich. - Michigan &"\ale's 15th-ranked

Spartans, led by Gregory Kel.ser 's 22 points, whipped Kansas 85-61 in a nationally televised nonconlerence game Sunday.

Michigan State sophomores Jay Vincent and Earvin Johnson were named co-most valuable players or the contest.

Vincent scored 20 points on 10 baskets and grabbed eight re· bounds. Johnson collected 12 points, d.Jshed off 11 assists and sna red 10 rebounds.

The intersectional balUe improved MlchJgan Slate 's overall record to 14·5. In the Big Ten, the Spartans a re 6-4.

Kansas. 12-8 tor the season, is 4-4 in the Big Eight. Michigan State held high scoring Darnell Valentine of Kansas

lo 13 points. The Spartans also managed lo neutralize Kansas • 7· foot-1 center Paul Mokeski underneath, taklng a 16-3 rebound.Jog edge In the first 12 minutes or action en route lo an early_ .or 36·18.

Wilmore Fowler led Kansas with 18 points . Mokesky wound up wilh 13.

TALL ORDER -- Michigan State's Gregory Kelser C32 > rinds it a difficult task to get a pass off against Kansas fo rward John Crawford at East Lansing Sunday. Michigan State won, 85-61.

~La. Vega, 83·78 LAS VEGAS Forward Ear1 Evans scored 21 points and

pulled · down 13 rebounds and guard Fllntie Ray Williams set a Nevada-Las Vegas school record with ~ H slats Sunday night as the Rebel$ rolled to a 93-76 non-conference victory over visiting Wyoming.

F,...P,,.eSI A lotaJ of four UNLV players scored in double figures as the Rebels raised their season record to 17-4. Wyoming dropped to 12-9.

ANGELS A CONTENDER? •• Williams had only five points but broke the previous record or 15 a ssists established by Ricky Sobers, who plays for the Indiana Pacers of lhe National Basketball Association, In 1975.

Hartzell and Brad Havens and catche r .thi rd base m an Dave Engle. The Yankees had offered fi rs t -baseman Chris Cha mbliss, centerfie ldcr J uan Beniquez, in· fi e lder Brian Doyle and a minor league pitcher or two.

Twins players we re not happy. " I 'm a little disappointed ," said third basem an Mike Cubbage. " I' ve been going hround telling everybody the trade might make us a cont.ender a ga in. l"ve been s aying Cha mbliss can drive In 100 runs and Beniquez is as good a cenlerfie lder a s anyone. I fig ured anyone e lse the Yankees gave us would be frosting on the cake ."

"l'M REALLY SHOCKED." s aid shorts top Roy Sm alley . " Not to have a guy like Rod ln the line up - without even ta lk· ing a bout who we got for him -wi ll hav e a b ig e ffec t on anybody."

But in California there was ela tion. " I think this is one of the bes t deals that has been made in the American League for many years, " sa id Angels o wne r Autry, who has s helled out $1 million plus for such players as Joe Rudi, Don Baylor , Bobby G ri c h a nd lhe l a t e L y m a n Bos tock.

''I'm thrilled lo death." said Angels Manager Jim F regosl. " He 's a leader on lhe field. ex· ceUent on the pickoff play, so m any things."

Angels third basem an Cam ey Lansford, whom the Twins de· manded for Carew as the key player in the deal whe n it fe lJ through a week ago, said he was re lieved sUll lo be In Anaheim.

AND CHAMBLISS was r e· lleved to remain a Yankee. " I knew I could be traded a nd that there wws nothing I could do to stop It," he said. " All I could do was hope." Chambliss does not ha ve the seniority to block a trade as Carew does.

Yankees supporters ha ve been asking why Steinbrenne r was t rying so hard to buy a nother s upers ta r who might further fuel the c lubhouse fires from which t h e Ya nkees h ave b a r e ly escaped lo win two World Series in a row.

Tony Smith and Brett Vroman added 18 and 17 points, respec­tively, for UNLV. Freshman Freddie Thompson had 12 points for the Rebels.

Freshman Bill Garnett paced Wyoming with 19 points and 12 rebounds. Charles Bradley added 15 points and seven as~ists for the Cowboys. Kenneth Ollie and Lonnie Buckner had 14 points apiece for the losers. '

Ca r e w , despite hi s seve n league batting cha mpionships , i s n o t · a po we r hi lle r for Yankee S t a dium ' s " Death Va llev" and Chambliss, a .290 bitter , is a t least -as good a t first base. Carew said las t week " be resented being pushed a round," a r eference to Steinbrenner 's bidding for him, and said " J am offended when I read a ll this s tuff a bo u t th e N e w Yo rk Y a nkees a nd wh a t Geor ge wa nts , George gets."

the Rebels led all the way. It was 13-4 afte r five minutes a nd UNLV stretched its adva ntage lo 53·39 at halftime. The Cowboys weren't closer than 12 points after that.

PCAA Basketball Standings ' .. AQf'IC COAST ATML•TtC ASSN. ~·,k-

s.n J - ~ .... cal SIM• F"ti.rton IO

Ula/I Sltle Col SIAM F~rton Pe<HI<

r '"'"° Slate LOflO lle«1t Sim UC So11t•~• S.11 Jow Stet• UC lrylll4!

How Top 20 Fared .. ow lhe Tot> Twenly le&ms In T ~,

AS'l«l•led Pre.• toll- ll•tt~lll>tlll pall tared lhrOUQll SUndav'• G ..,,..t, .

I Noire CMme 11.S.11 l>HI Brown I-SJ; ~et X•vler, Ohio ... ~7; bea t Oe v1on 111t-11 . ,, '"°'"""' Sla te (»01 l>HI N­Me•lco 51. ' ' "'· OT; l>H I Tul.-66-S..

3. Ou~P llf).31 bl'AI W•lc• Fo,..~I 1S·60; IHAI M•rylanc! 11·1&.

' . North ~roll n• II~-~ I lost 10 Furman. IJ.70; l>HI vrro1n111 Tech 97·IO. O T

s . u ClA llt.-91 Of'eoon U · SI: ~ill Or~ SI 6' ·Slo.

• . loulw tti. " " " bHI Flori<!• SI. ..._, 1; 1>ea1 c1nc.,,,,.11 11 es 1 Ohio SI llU I lol l to Mlcll!Qan

51. 14 1•. '°"I lo Inell.,,. 10-., I Sr r •cuse ( 11.J I l>f'el We \ I

Vlrqfn1• ~7•

' (;oo(Oelawn. o.c. 116-0 .... , to Or el AOC>ert1 1~1•: lost to Oet• Oll •1 ·11.

10 Lou"lan.t SI. 116-31 llH I Tero· nn wo ...,11; beat Kentucky 70-41 .

II Tta._ 116-Sl l>ffl .. OUSIOll 1•·U : lo• t lo ... ,~..,.., ... se; l>H I TCU 7J.60.

u . Merouen. 116-JI bo-• t Cre!QfolOl'I 1• n : !>NI SI. l..oulSI 1-S ' ·

IJ Alellerno ll3·SI to\ I to Ten­Ms'" 1).17.

14 llff l!olt 111·SI l>HI MllltlHOle 61·57: 11111 lo MicltlQafl •H •.

15. Mkl!f9,ln SI ( l '-Sl l>NI Olllo SI '4·1'. l>Mt HOl'tt'IWH~rll 6MO; l>H I Kenws lWI.

16 Teus A&M l '°'41 llffl S erl« 11 St ; l>ffl SMU '1·S6: llOot .. o.ntOft .. ,.

11 Marti" ll'-71 lost to Vlroonl• .. _., , ICKI to o.AetM'L '' Temple 111.JI hKf to lflrolfll•

1l·11. llNt Hol'1re '1·10: llOe t Ol"Hel

McColl Hi d •PJ ey re '' Arblls.ts llS-41 lleol Ton s .. st. l>fft Ilk • ... '°

NEW YORK CAP ) - 10. veno.r1111111s-4>1os1toFloft4t Pete McCulley, fired a s '°"7.oT. 11M1M1u1utoP1u.,. head coach of the San F r a n cis co 49ers las t sea son, was hired today by the New York J ets as a n assistant coa ch, the N a tion a l F oo tb a ll League team announced Monday.

Basketball ........ " S~sSC-

Vllt-o 3', PltM SI )f M k lll(left SI IS, IC811SOU I Nn~s V'9ff '3. WyomlllO 76 Sen .i-SL '4, c.i Stt• Fullerton


LooOllO C>wf atl W L W L 1 7 " • 6 2 IS S 61 tOIO S A 11 !0

J s " ' l S • II 2 6 S IS 1 f S IA

""'""''•a­Ul.MI S._at UC ,,.,,,.,. $a! Cot St.tte Ful .. rton L- ih«" StoltP e l l'r"1'0 St.ilt u c Soflto 8.wtllw • ot Poe.tic ~·10-

S.11)"t~etuc1 .... 1ne UtallS! Ce!Sta11t Fu4Hrf10n u c ...,..eet11oet• etFrflnOSta1•

Don't IAAli for 1he~at ourTenn15 Club

Tit• Hsbor Rae ... Clllb Is a club fw peopte wt.o w.t to plar lots of

and '""• lots of - clolncJ It. HRC has the most c ... h.ud locatt. fft ..._ HmborMna -.a and more cost

So n Antonio Hou\lon All&flt• c i.ttlollO 0tt1-.11

(""l rat QtVi\ltll 11 71

" 1l '~ n 70 31

\IS .SM! 711 ,,. >· ,,., 10 Alamitos Entries

G¥ailaWlty ..... any other local pri•at• clllb ••.

The coats of memberahfpa are but a fraction of those et comparable club•.

New Ono- " 3J 11 )6 w"'°""' Ceitt.•- • ~ "'• .U I, ta

M .. Wftl Dl•ltloft lt~s CllY

Oo-l Miil .... llll ll•Mw Cllk -

Seattle L .. A .... lft PMtfll­SH 0-Port,..., Ool*f\ St~

ltoclfl< Olv11 ...

a-.," k -

" " ,, 10 '°' 7' .SI• 41'1 ,, ,, 30 ... ,, 10 n .it17 IO¥I

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·~·-"'~ Oet f'Olt ot Helulton ......... .. flionl<t"d

. TINllilM'1 Oleo ......... l'.ftl t .. t

l' l lltST lltACIE - 310 Yllf'Ot.. 2 year 111$. Pvrv l UOO C:Mliml"O prk.e 5',*. Tl~to 8eo Ric/I (WMIJI ; Scwl9o1 (Myte1I;

lt00111er11 1c:re.r1; Spy Mo~ler IClofl1WI; The Clevor ON ' """'°"I; CIOud CNnnor tContoa l : l"trckwo,.~ ITroowt'OI ; ttepicl AtK ... I llltrcll ; Floml"9 c-.1 tHonl ; YOll IC-WhO C1'°"'1'1.

H COHO a ACE -»O yorek J """ Gift. Plltw l1 400 Cltill'\lnv llrQ U ,000.

llor 8o M• n ICor001e l; Aoy• t IE""evor 11. lllf\em l , Mt Mot l'•O'f IMllC"'tl ll ; ~ ilVMt , ... .,,, ~o Kl'IOCltOlll IFre, lonl ; " G<'tv \v~IM co-.orr> l(lt• ll'ltOl'ltlOM l•WOll•. TllH R~ IOon Hotl

TMllltD llACll - UO YM O&. ) yeer Old rNloefl ~U.100

f'or " "" ~ IL"""9<n l . OloWo IAOll•I . Ct· lh 0oll(Or IC¥00l•l; ll Lu<ll l~I ; l>lun. .,., , 1'1••11 lllrooll\I ; Klplv. (09'f Kel ICltr11"' l l 111-lfto F- SOfts t rc...,,1; &._, fl- l lorfl l Ml TrvGrll !Wlt!ttn.

Santa Anita Race Results

Pursasu oo. a •1m11111pr1<:e M#IO. 801> Vefl Moon lC.rOOte l ; Sl r lO 'N Mon

IPtrner l ; ~ol• -'-1 IHer'l l : f'lll\' Lloutl• ,..,., IW.....,,>; Mt 8o ("8'119 IC1erl1w l; WM TrlKlllt IF-I.

" '"" 1t•c• - 400 yerds. i nor oldl ~ 1111 F 111 lo\ & INM'OS. Cloim lllQ puno sa. *- Clolfnl!IQ P"l<o SU OO

Miu IC • ll• Moore IH•rtl ; E ll lt y Mt IClorlsse l ; Palmtclille IMll< helll ; Tiie fliHrl IWorO I , Cllrl \IY L- 18roo lll l ; Ar.,,_ r.•e Ht.c. IMy!t>S) , Dorri 1"-rl . YOUft(I AI H•ort IRovqlll ; F ir e u n ortlr <T,. .... ,., . lafttio- (My!H)

Sl•TM llACI - l10 YorOS 3 year tldl & 1111· Put .. tt .eoo. O olmlflQ Pt~• P ,SOO ~ Al<:ll ,..,.. ~ IC..CIN I, t.ill«ftle S....11

ll•td l. Ooft' s Go """"' ILIPllAm l ; w"'INI Mon119wr (Pff,_,I , T~ ROOll Mill ICltfl\w l; PtttH\ l otl Oltno , ... ,.., : Orvmt>Y OllO IMolr l ; Ori CNtrOt ( llOllQll l.

l lrYUfTM ••c• -400 ,~. J ... olcls • "II· P- UCIOO ClolmlllO 11tl<• '90.-0. Kii~ Jr ur,.,,1; t.ifP, IY .. 1~1: o-

0!¥9"''dOlo l : O•IQ 0. ltr•,....... I; Mr ICl•l>or t M • ., ... , ... ,11 , Cll•rr• ' • Rt<- • I ICorC1o1o l : &11111 L~r IW11rd l / Rolny 111111 IMltcllelll ; l r l9111llne l l arctl ; P"• al lttjW h•t IAotlrl .

lrlONTN llAC9 - 400 ytf'ft i YNr o1C11 & !Ill. "''°""'•nco Purto Oupllcllo J•I IWUdl ; Otc') ••• , . ..

IC:O rO.ra l; He '"'" ' IAdolr l1 ~ """""' <Cruoer l; llner 1 w 111 <l roo ... 11 VI l>• I ITl'ffw-wl . Olol'Olnt llnl ILIPl\Ml'll ; Holl Oii ·-CtMlftl (...,.,., ,,

"'".,,. •ace ,,. '~ ' ,_ ... ' • "6rM1t,• ~lll'ktU.-0.....,_ IMl44e l, lt"ocwy IH.Wt l/ 11t M

M1e11 Cll•r•• ICttrluo l , 1~ 1•• t.offlo \ML=h=-~ c-.1. Mf T C1 1• f 'lftc11t1 cw.._11 w-.11 ~~·J Olwlte h d tt ' ""'"' : ..,..

......... Me ......... s: Single membership: $100 per year. $25 monthly dues .. .

Family membership: $150 per year, $35 monthly dues . ..

II Pft'l'ft•1lltMa ..... 1•fpaA•allalal1

m . Specl.a J••W! •tt4 P.W.•ry tt7t .........., .... ., •• ., for Cl ...... or C.:!..._. .... w.t '°.,.. .... ..

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