Download - Relation between Archaeological Findings from the Altai and Silla




the 1 1 th Seoul International Altaistic Conference

Synchronic and diachronic studies

on Altaic languages

Dates: 5-7 December 2013

Venue: Samik Hall (Room #220), Asia Center (Building #101)

Seoul National Umv., Korea

The Altaic Society of Korea

Institute of Altaic Studies, SNU

Sponsored by National Research Foundation of Korea


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llth Seoul International Altaistic Conference, Seoul, December 5-7, 2013

Segmental OCP in the syllables of Manchu words

/ KANG Hijo, YOU Hyun-Jo & CHOI Woonho

Phonetic correspondences in languages of the Evenks of Russia and China

/ Nadezhda Ya. BULATOVA

Linguistic relics in ritual culture of Evenki


Experimental research of the Evenk language in Buryatia


Acoustic and perceptual features of Selemdzha Evenki consonants


Linguistic styles and language change in Evenki: Relative clause and word order


On verbal su瓜xes -Xe and -Xei in Sibe

/ Norikazu KOGURA

Verbal derivational suffix -du in Udihe

/ BAEK Sangyub

A study on the linguistic interaction between Manchu and Chinese in Qing

Dynasty: Focusing on the Manchu-influenced Mandarin in Qing Wen Zhi Yao


/ SONG Kang-ho

Quoted imperadve statements in Sakha: Between direct and indirect speeches

/ Fuyuki EBATA

To the question on the semantics of the passive forms in the Yakut language:

Comparative aspect

/ Nadezhda Ivanovna DANILOVA

Contraction and elision in modern Tyvan

/ Arzhaana SYURYUN

Verbal representation of the human being in the modern Yakut language


The shared and distinct developments of intensive adjectives in Mongolic: A

comparison with other Altaic subgroups

/ KIM Hyung-Soo

The audio materials of the Moghol language in the Shiro Hatton Library

- Vlll -


Yoshio SAITO, Osamu INOUE, Mongkedalai & Sanae TAKAGI…...… 391

Phonological and literary characteristics of some pieces of Khamnigan oral



The Altai and Silla from the viewpoint of archaeological丘ndings

/ Toshio HAYASHI

A study of the etymologies of the various words originated in a doublet ★siafl-

- *sap- *to love, like'

/ KWON Hyuk-Yang

Investigation of the Baraba Tartars'consonantism by the different experi-

mental methods


The sound systems investigations of the Siberian languages by the latest re-

search technology


Conditional complex sentences of synthetic type in Sakha



The Altai and Silla from the viewpoint of

archaeological findings


Soka University, JAPAN

1, Introdu(ztion

In the Eurasian steppes of the Sarmatian - Xiongnu Period (3 c. BC - 3 c.

AD), the polychrome style ornamentation was widely spread. Small stones

of blue, red and green colors were incrusted on gold (and silver) plate

(Figs.l, 2).

Fig.1 (left). Belt ornament. From Khapry tomb No.3, Rostov, Azov Museum,

South Russia, lc. AD. L; 14.7 cm [Egami et al. 1991]

Fig.2 (right). Belt ornament. From Ar Tsaidam (阿魯柴登), Inner Mongolia, 3

c. BC. L: 5 cm 【Takahama et al. 2000】


The Altai and Silla丘蝣om the viewpoint of archaeological丘ndings

During血e next stage,血e Great Migration Period or Pre-Turkic Penod (4 c.

- the first half of 6 c.) in the Eurasian steppes from Central Europe to Ka-

zakhstan there were spread the characteristic features in archaeology: 1)

incrustation wi血red precious stones(Figs.3-5);

Fig.3 (left). Pommel. From Taman, Northern Black Sea Coast, 5 c, Romisch-

Germanisches Museum, Koln [photo by Hayashi].

Fig.4 (center). Ornaments of a scabbard, inlaid with carnelian. From Sh-

chuch'e, Lake Borovoe, Akmola, North Kazakhstan. Late 5 c - early 6 c.

[3aceijKim 1975; 1994].

Fig.5 (right). A part of a scabbard, inlaid with scarlet agate. From Gyenm-ro

Tomb No. 1 4, Gyeongju,South Korea. Early 6 c. Gyeongju Museum 【Gyeongju


2) granulation on edges of incrustation and metal plates (Figs.6-7);

mea,ca.400 AD, Romisch-Germanisches Museum, Koln (photo by Hayashi).

Fig.7 (nght). Bronze buckles, attachments with round-square frames. From

Shamsi, Catacomb, North Kyrgyz. Late 5 c - Early 6 c. [Pamyatn放i 1983】.


The Altai and Silla from the viewpoint of archaeological Gndings

fish-scale pattern on gold and silver plates (Figs.8-9);

Fig.8 (left). Saddle ornament. From

Levice, Slovakia. Second half of 5 c.

Hungarian National Museum 【photo by Hayashi】.

Fig.9 (right). Gold cap ornamented with丘sh-scale pattern. From Gold Crown

Tomb, Gyeon由u, South Korea. 5 c. AD [Gyeongju 2001].

4) wooden solid saddle with front and back bowsl (Figs.10-ll);

wooden saddle without stirrup. 5 c. Mundolsheim, Alsace, Musee arch占0-

1ogique de Strasbourg [photo by Hayashi].

Fig.1 1 (right). Reconstruction of wooden saddle. 4-5 c. North Korea.

LEar】'y western wooden saddle had no stirrups, while eastern wooden saddle had stir-

nips since the earliest stage.


The Altai and Silla from the viewpoint of archaeological銭ndings

5) so-called "Hunnic" type of cauldrons (Figs.13-15), and so on.

Fig.13 (left). Cauldron. From Kapos-vorgy, Hungary. H: 57 cm, 5 c. Hungary

National Museum [photo by Hayashi].

Fig.14 (center). Cauldron. From Nanshan, Urumqi, Cental Tian Shan Mts., H:

34.5 cm, 4-5 c. Xinjiang Museum [photo by Hayashi].

Fig.15 (right). cauldron. From Moron, Northwestern Mongolia, 3-4 c. Moron

Museum 【photo by Dr. D. Erdenebaatar].

Most of the features can be seen in王<orea, especially from Silla royal tombs,

as several scholars have pointed out before [Werner 1956; Anazawa & Ma-

nome 1980; Zasetskaya 1994]. However, we do not know such archaeolog-

ical material between Kazakhstan and Korea. There is a broad blank area

between them.

In this paper, I will try to narrow this blank a little.


The Altai and Silla from the viewpoint of archaeological丘ndings

2. Excavation at the easternmost part of the Altai Republic

In July of 2009, I participated in the archaeological excavation in the Altai

Republic of Russia. The excavation team was led by血e late Dr. Vladimir D.

Kubarev% his son Dr. Gleb V. Kubarev and Dr. I. Yu. Slyusarenko of the

Institute of Archaeology and Ethnography, belonging to血e Siberian

Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences. The preliminary report of the

excavation has been published by G. V. Kubarev et al. [G. Kubarev et al.

2009]. Now I explain this site briefly, based on their report and my obser-


The site is located on山e Upper Buguzun river, at血e eastern edge of

血e Altai Republic just near也e Mongolian and Tuvan borders (50007′047〝

N; 89022′01.7〝 E, 2230 m above sea level) (Fig.16). The nearest town is

Kosh-Agach where are small hotels and a supermarket and the road passes

to Mongolia. The main source of the Buguzun river is the Arzhan fountain

with medicinal effect which is attracting local people to cure disease. So

the site was named "Arzhan-Buguzun" by our team.

The site is composed of rectangular outer low earthwork (ca. 32x36 m)

and inner shallow ditch (Fig.17). There are three passages on the northern

ditch and ear血work (Fig.18: le氏ン In也e ean血work four stone mounds of

varying sizes are lined from east to west (Fig.18: right). Such an archaeo-

logical site of square ditch and earthwork is typical for the ancient Turks.

However, this site accompanies neither stone statue nor balbal , while a

site of ancient Turks always accompanies one or two stone statues and a

row of balbak. Therefore V. D. Kubarev registered this site as a unique va-

He died on May 8, 2011. May he rest in peace.

3According to the Chinese chronicle Be血ni, at the funeral ceremony of the Tuque-Turks

the relatives of the dead person stood a row of stones as the symbols of enemies

whom the dead person had killed before his death. If he had killed a hundred ene-

mies, a hundred of stones were stood. Those standing stones are called bajbah.


The Altai and Silla from the viewpoint of archaeological丘ndings

riant of the funeral monuments of the Turks [V. Kubarev 1984: 53]. How-

ever, we had to change this idea after the excavation.

圏wsl ^fr.**'m"m**1 ^HFig.16 (left). ▲ shows the A柁han-Buguzun site. Yellow line shows the bor-

der between Russia and Mongolia. White line shows the border between the

Altai Republic and the Tuva Republic-

Fig.17 (right). The A血an-Buguzun site before excavation [photo by Hayashi].

The following photos of the site were taken by Hayashi T.

Fig.18. The A血an-Buguzun site by kite photo. Left: before excavation onthe 9th July; Right: after removing a surface soil on the 22nd July.


The Altai and Silla from the viewpoint of archaeological findings

At first we excavated the eastern mound, which was consisted of one or

two layers of stones. Under血e center of stone mound血ere were discov-

ered a thick layer of black soil (Fig.19) mixed with much charcoal, ash and

separate burnt animal (or human) bones [G. Kubarev et a1 2009: 313-314].

Fig.19 (lefit). Thick layer of much charcoal and ash under the center of stone


It is血e great problem whe血er山e bones are human or animal. If也ese are

animal bones,仙is site might have been a cult site or commemoration site

with animal sacrifice. On the other hand, if the bones are human, the site

might have been a cremation tomb. According to the biography of Tuque-

Turks of Beishi (History of Northern Dynasties), the early Tuque-Turks had

a custom of cremation (in the first half of the 7th century they changed

cremation to burial under the ground). Cremation was practiced in Tuva

maybe by old Kyrgyz people. Therefore, if this was a cremation site, the

site could have been related to the early Turks or old Kyrgyz people. At

any rate we have to wait for the judgment of bones and radiocarbon analy-

sis of charcoal.

In血e black soil layer血ere were found血e most interesting relics: an

iron horse bit with S-shaped cheek-pieces, an iron and two bronze buckles,

and many bronze and gold bridle ornaments (Figs. 20-21).


The Altai and Silla斤om the viewpoint of archaeological丘ndings

Fig.20. Iron and bronze relics were found from the black soil with charcoal,

ash, bones.

l ll ▼ -t、-L一一一、-          ーlヽ

Fig.21. Findings from the eastern stone mound.

The bit is consisted of two branches with two attachments for bridle

(Fig.22). Attachments are shaped to round and square frames. Similar at-

tachments and S-shaped cheek-pieces were unean血ed丘:om a catacomb of

Shamsi on the Chu river basin in North Kyrgyz (Fig.23). The cheek pieces

are ornamented by oval gold basements rimmed with granulation and inla-


The Altai and Silla from the viewpoint of archaeological丘ndings

id with red stones (camelian). From this catacomb were found square

buckles and attachments with round and square frames. This set of findings

is quite similar to the Buguzun set. S-shaped cheek-pieces were widely

spread mainly in the eastern part of Eurasia during Early Mediaeval Period:

Central Asia, China, Korea, Japan. Iron square buckles were spread over

Eurasia in 5 - 6 cc.


Fig.22 (left). Iron horse bit, attachments and S-shaped cheek-pieces.

Fig.23 (center & right). S-shaped cheek-pieces with attachments [Pamyatn放i

1983; KO孟0mberdieva et al. 1998].

It is notewor血y也at 26 bridle ornaments i山aid wi血precious stones were

unear血ed here (Fig.21). Basements are made of bronze except one gold

(Fig.24). Six of them are rectangular (Fig.25), others are round or oval and

two of them are attached with buckle (Fig.27). All of them are rimmed

with granulation. Orange-colored stones are agate (Figs.25, 26) and scarlet

stone is probably garnet (Fig.24). Milky white stones may be opal by refer-

ence to也e findings from Solonchanka I of Sou血em Ural (Fig.31).









The Altai and Silla血om the viewpoint of archaeological findings



Fig.24 (left). Gold oval plate inlaid with garnet (?).

Fig.25 (right). Bronze rectangular plate inlaid with agate.

Fig.26 (left). Bronze round late inlaid with agate.

Fig.27 (ngnt). Bronze buckle inlaid with opal.

I left the Altai at the end of July but other members continued to August.

However, Gleb Kubarev informed me血at central biggest stone mound was

completely looted and nothing had been found.

3. Similar inlaid ornaments from other sites and their dating

Similar inlaid ornaments to the Buguzun ones were widely spread mainly

in the western and central parts of the Eurasian Step Belt during the Great

Migration Period. I will list up such ornaments, found from the Northern

Black Sea to the Altai (Fig.28).


The Altai and Silla丘:om the viewpoint of archaeological丘ndings

Fig.28 Finding spots of metal ornaments rimmed with granulation and inlaid

with red stones of Great Migration Penod in Eurasian Steppe. MC - Morskoi

Chulek; SI - Solonchanka I; Br - Borovoe; T - Tugozvonovo; AB - Arzhan-

Buguzun; Zh - Zhuantobe; Sh - Shamsi; Bm - Boma波馬

Fig.29 Ornaments (replica) from tomb of elite warrior. Great Migration Pe-

riod. 4-5 cc. Tugozvonovo, Shipunovskn district, Altai. Barnaul Museum.


The Altai and Sillaかom the viewpoint of archaeological点ndings

At Tugozvonovo in Western Altai, gold buckles and ring inlaid with red

stones were unearthed from the tomb of a man whose skull had been de-

formed (Fig.29). Excavator A.P. Umanskii judged that the Tugozvonovo

site was the easternmost find spot from where the ornaments of the Great

Migration Period were unearthed [Umanskii 1978: 163]. But now we have

to change the easternmost site to the Arzhan-Bugu:芝un.

Near Borovoe lake in Northern Kazakhstan, several ornaments of a

dagger were found (Fig.30)・ On the basis of comparison with a scabbard

from Silla's tomb of South Korea (Fig.32), these have been con丘rmed as

ornament parts of a scabbard (Fig.31) [Zasetskaya 1994], In these orna-

ments we can see inlaid oval carnelians rimmed with granulation. I.P. Za-

setskaya dated it to the late 5* - the early 6th century [zasetskaya 1994: 126].

●/*,A K%)-


Fig.30 (left). Ornaments of a scabbard of a dagger, inlaid with carnehan. Sh-

chuch'e, Borovoe lake, Akmola, North Kazakhstan. Late 5 c - early 6 c. [Za-

setskaya 1975; 1994].

Fig. 31 (center). An example of reconstruction of the Borovoe scabbard 【Za-

setskaya 1995].

Fig. 32 (right). Gold dagger with scabbard, inlaid with glass and garnet. Gye-

rim-ro No.14 tomb, Gyeongju. 5 c - Early 6 c. [Gyeongju 2001].


The Altai and Silla from the viewpoint of archaeological丘ndings


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Fig.33. Ornaments. From Kurgan with -`moustache", Solonchanka I, Oren-

burg, Southern Ural.5 c.-early 6 c. [Tairov et al. 1999]. Left: Horse belt or-

naments and quiver ornament; Right: 1-gold & opal; 2-opal; 3-bronze & car-

nelian; 4-bronze & garnet.

Furthermore, the same ornaments were found丘'om a kurgan "with mous-

tache" of Solonchanka I in Sou也ern Ural (Fig.33), at Morskoi Ch山ek on

the Northeastern coast of the Azov Sea (Fig.34), at Shamsi in Kyrgyz

(Fig.233, at Zhuantobe in Southern Kazakhstan (Fig.36), at Boma in Zhaosu,

Hi, Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region (Fig.35).

Indeed,血ere is a controversy concerning血e date of such ornaments:

也e earlier date of 5 c. (J. Werner, I.P. Zasetskaya),血e later date of 7 c.

(A.K. Ambroz) and也e medium date of 6 c. (BエMarshak) 【Anazawa, Ma-

nome 1980: 261].

I don't agree with the later date. From afore-mentioned Borovoe and

Solonchanka I, thin trian;訂Iiar gold covers ornamented with fish-scale pat-

tern (Fig.37) were unearthed together with ornaments inlaid with red

stones. These covers were attached on the front parts of lower boards of

wooden saddle (Fig.lO). Such gold or silver covers have been unearthed


The Altai and Silla from the viewpoint of archaeological findings

from lots of sites from Kazakhstan to Central Europe but never accompa-

nied stirrups. And from our site we found a horse bridle but not stirrups.

Fig.34 (left). Pendant inlaid with garnet. Morskoi Chulek, Taganrog, NE

coast ofAヱov Sea. The second half of 5 c. - early 6 c. [Zasetskaya et al. 2007]

Fig.35 (center 2)・ Gold nng inlaid with ruby. Boma, Zhaosu (Mongol Hiiree),

Ill district, Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region, ca. 5 c. [Mt. Tianshan 2002]

Fig.36 (right). Yellow metal pendant inlaid with garnet. Borizhar cemetery,

Zhuantobe kurgan No.65, South Kazakhstan. 4 - 5 cc. tAlimbai 2009]

Fig.37 Gold covers forかont parts of lower board of wooden saddle.

Left: From Solonchanka I, Kurgan No.l, Orenburg, 5 c- early 6 c. [Tairov et al. 19991.

Right: From Borovoe, Northern Iくazakhstan, Late 5 c - early 6 c. [Zasetskaya


Wooden saddle with two bows appeared in China at least in the early 4th

century. Almost at the same time, stirrup must have been invented in Chi-

na, although at the beginning one stirrup was hung from the left side of a


The Altai and Silla from the viewpoint of archaeological丘ndings

saddle [Anazawa, Manome 1984]. From Gyerim-ro Tomb No.14, iron sad-

die plates for wooden saddle and wooden stirrups coated with iron (Fig.38)

were unearthed together with gold scabbard inlaid with red precious

stones (Fig.32) 【Gyeongju 2010].

Fig.38 From Gyerim-ro, Gyeongju, South Korea [Gyeongju 20101.

Left: wooden stirrups coated with iron plates. Right: Iron plate for rear bow

of saddle.

However, only wooden saddles were spread from the east to the west ear-

lier than stirrups. Stirrups were spread to the western part of Eurasia in the

latter half of the 6th century or the 7th century [Hayashi 1995: 73]. A lot of

iron stirrups have been found from血e archaeological sites dated to血e 7血

century in Europe. Therefore such gold and silver covers for wooden sad-

dies without stirrups must have been dated earlier than the mid-G* century.

4. Concluding Remarks

Until now, the easternmost finding spot of the ornaments inlaid with red

precious stones and rimmed with granulation was Tugozvonovo in a plain

area of the Western Altai. Our findings have extended the eastern limit to

血e Eastern Altai just near血e Mongolian border (Fig.16).Our discovery


The Altai and Silla from the viewpoint of archaeological丘ndings

has na∫Towed a blank distance between the Altai and Korea. Such archaeo-

logical material must be discovered in Mongolia in the near future.






























The Altai and Silla from the viewpoint of archaeological findings

Pamyatniki. 1983. Pamyatnik日とid'tury i由kusstva坤i: Katalog vystavki. Lenin-

grad: Iskusstvo.

Tairov, A.D. et al. 1999. Kurgan s "iisanti" Solonchanka I. Chekyabinsk: Chelya-

binskii gosudarstvennyi universitet.

Takahama Sh. & Okamura H., ed. 2000. New history of world art Asia series. Veil:

Prehistory, Yin and Zhou (in Japanese). Tokyo: Shogakukan.

Umanskii, A.P. 1978. Pogrebenie epokhi "velikogo pereseleniya narodov" na Cha-

ryshe. Drevnie kul'i叫Aなり′a i zapadnoi Siめin. 129-163.Novosibirsk: Nauka.

Werner, J. 1956. Beitrdge皿r Archaologie des AttUa-Reickes. Mもnchen;: Verlag der

Bayerischen Akademie der Wissenschaften.

Zasetskaya, I.P. 1975. Zolotye ukrasheniya gvnns,koi epokhi. Leningrad: Avrora.

Zasetskaya, I.P. 1993. To the dating of the dagger丘:0m Borovoye-Lake find in

Kazakhstan. F. Vallet & M. Kazanski (eds.). L'armee mmαme et les barbares血

Ule au Vile siecle.437-443.Saint-Germain-en-Laye: Association framぢaise

d 'arch卓ologie merovingienne et musee des antiquites nationales.

Zasetskaya, I.P. 1994. Kul'turaたochevrukov yuzhnorussikikh s呼<ei v gunns,kuyu

epokhu (konets IV-V w..). Sankt-Petersburg: Ellips.

Zasetskaya, I.P. 1995. O datirovke pogrebal'nogo kompleksa u ozera Borovogo v

Kazakhstane. Iz istorii i arkheologii drevnego Tyan'-Shanya. 95-110. Bishkek:


Zasetskaya, al. 2007. Mors*たoi Chul&た. SPb: Izdatel'stvo Gosudarstvennogo



The Altai and Silla from the viewpoint of archaeological findings


During血e Great Migration Period or pre-Turkic Period,也e 4山一也e丘rst

half of the 6th centuries, in the vast Eurasian steppes from Central Europe

to Kazakhstan there were spread the characteristic features in archaeology:

1) incrustation with red precious stones, 2) granulation on edges of metal

plates, 3) fish-scale pattern on gold and silver plates, 4) wooden solid sad-

die with front and back bows, 5) so-called "Hunnic" type of cauldrons, and

so on. Most of the features can be seen in Korea, especially from Silla royal

toms, as several scholars have pointed out before 【Werner 1956; Anazawa

& Manome 1980; Zasetskaya 1994]. However, we do not know such arc-

haeological material between Kazakhstan and Korea. There is a broad

blank area between them.

In 2009 the expedition of the Institute of Archaeology and Ethnography

of Russian Academy of Sciences (Novosibirsk) in which I participated, ex-

cavated the site Arzhan-Buguzun in the Altai from where we found gold

and bronze ornaments and buckles adorned with granulation and in-

crustation of red precious stones, probably dated to也e 5血century一也e

beginning of the 6th century [G. Kubarev et at. 2009]. The site is located at

血e eastern edge of血e Altai Republic just near血e Mongolian border. This

discovery has shortened a blank distance a little. Such archaeological ma-

terial must be discovered in Mongolia in the near future.


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