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In order to save space inthe Bulletin, bound periodicals of ngenernlnature are no longer included in the list. Thosedealing with a special

subjectare entered under the subject.


Oarrington.H erewnrd . Thephysica lphenomena of splrltnnllnm,

fraudulentand genuine ; being a brief accountof the mostln

portant historical phenomena , a criticism of their evidential

va lue, and a complete exposition of the methods employed infundnlently reproducing the same . 1907. C28

Dinsmore,0. A . Atonement in literature and life. 1906. 284 D61

This 13 an origina l a pproa ch to the dootrine_ot the atonement.

through literature. rather than through the Scriptures. Dr.Dinnmore a ssumes thatdivine forgiveness is ana logous to human (or

zlvenesn. H e studies princip les upon which reconciliation ha s

been treated by the Greek ma sters. by Dante. S ha kespea re. Job.

Tenny son.George E liot.H awthorne.Whitma n. and elsewhere.

Eunynand Reviews . 6th cd . 1861. 204 E78

Contents : E ducation of theworld . by Frederick Temp le.—Bunsen’


Biblica l resea rches , by Rowland Williams.—ou the study of the

evidences of Christianity , by Ba den Powell .—8éa.noen hintoriquesde Geneve—'1‘he nationa l church . by H . B .Wilson.

—OutheMosa iccosmogony . by O . W . Goodwin.

- Tendenoien of religions thoughtin E ng land . 1688-1750. by Ma rk Pattison .

—Outhe interpretationofScripture. by Benjamin Jowett.

—Note on Bnnaen’n B iblica l rc

Funk , I . K . The psychic riddle. 1907. 184 F96

Contents : Somewhat persona l.—Bome rea sons why the study of

psy chic problems by scientists should be enoonmced .- Oommnn1

cations purporting to come from Dr. R icha rd Hodgson.—The

phenomena. known a s independent voices.—Ty pica l ca ses of

severa l classes of psy chic phenomena .—Oonclneion ; some thing s

that seem proven and some things that seem not proven.

Dleonasenthe popular attitude towa rd what a re commonly ca lledap lrltna listlo phenomena . and describes some of the author’s ndventnreund observation onan investizntor

nnoon mnm o LB M Y .

m m , Adolf. Christianity and history . Trans . by T . B .

Saunders . 1907 [lotEng. cd . 281 11280

K arnaek , M olt, and H artman , Wilhelm. Essays on the

social gospel. Tune. by G. M. Craik , and cd . by M. A .

Canney . 1907. 261 1122

Contents : The evangelica l socia lmission in the lightof the historyorthe ohnroh .

—Themora l and socia l significance of modern education.

—Themora l teachings of Jesue.

K ent, 0. l , tram. The student’s Old Testament, [v0] .Israel

’ laws and legal precedents from the days of Moses tothe closing of the legal canon. 1907. 221 KmThe introduction givena brief history of Israel ’s lawn and lega l

precedents. Following this thedifl’erent laws are given.arranged

accord ing to sub ject. with references to their position in the

Bible. Thema in groups are : persona l and family laws. constitutiona l laws. crimina l laws, humane laws. laws defining ob ligationsto Jehovnh. and ceremonia l laws. In the Appendix is a. fullbibliogra phy .

l nthewn, Bha iler. The church and the changing order. 1907.

261 M420

Contents : The crisis orthe ehnroh .—The church and schola rship .

The church and the gospel ofthe risen Obrist.- The church and

the gospel of brotherhood .—The church and socia l discontent.

The church angl the socia l movement.—.The church and ma teri

nlinm.- The sword ofthe Christ.

Philipeon, David . The reform movement in Judaism. 1907.


A history orthemodern progressivemovement awa y from trad i

tiona l orthodox Judaism. in Europe and the United States.

Bnnnchenbnnch , Welter. Christianity and the social crisis .

1907 261 1119

Contents : H istorica l roots of Christianity : the H ebrew pronhete.

Socia l aims of Jesns.—Sooinl impetus of primitive Christianity .

Why has Christianity neverundertakenthe work of socia l reconetrnotiont—The presentorieie.

—8tnke oi the church in the socia l

movement.—Wha t to do.

A vigorous and outspokenbook . In his account of social condi

tions and tendencies the author has drawn largely on his experi

ence ofeleven yea rs anputor among the working people ofNew

York City .

PHILOSOPHY AND W GION . SOCIOLOGY.Sa leeby , 0.W. Worry . the disease of the age. (1907. 181 816

A mostca pa ble and thoughtful series of essay s. spectator.

Bollock , w . 0. The new appreciationof the Bible : a study ofthe spiritual outcome of Bible criticism. 1907. 220 846

The author’s a im ha s been to prepa re a manual that might behelpful to those who desire to a ppropriate the best results of

mod ern Biblica l scholarship . H e has had in mind the needs or

pa stors. teachers. young peop le ’s cla sses and societies rents. and thoughtful persons genera lly who rea lly want to

know the truth. butwho wanta lso a justly constructiveinterpretation and a pplicationorthe truth . P reface.

Swedenborg, Emanuel . Divine hea ling : the orlgln and cure ofdisease a s taught in the Bible and explained by EmanuelSwedenborg. With an introd . by C .W. Broomell. 1907. 181 897

A brief comp ilation of extracts on this subject from the variouswork s of Swedenborg .


B agley ,W . 0. Classroom management: its principles and tech

nique . 1907. 871 B 14

Bell, Mrs . r . lady. At the works : a stndy of a manufactoring town. 1907. B41“A thrilling a ccount of the lives and work of iron-workers at

Midd lesbrough. a town in the north of E ngland . The romanceof

industry is vividly pa inted . and the student of socia l problems

should nud itofmuch interest. Sp ectator.

Birdseye, 0. F . Individua l training inourcolleges . 1907. B58

A book of interestnotonly to tea chers inH igh School and college.butto pa rents . The author believes that the average studentshould receivemore benefit than he now does from his eollece

course. and a lso thatthe college fraternities mightserve a higherusefulness .

Burbank , Luther. The training of the human plant. 1907.


Contents : The mingling of races .- The tea chings of nature.

Difl’erentiation in tra ining .—Sunsh ine. good a ir. and nourishing

iood .—Dangers.

- Marriace of the phy sica l ly nnflt.—H eredity .Dre

destination. training.—Growth —E nvironment the architect of

heredity .—Chara cter.

~a damenta l princip les.


Cadbury , Edw ard ; l atheson, H . and Shaun, George.

Women’s work and wages : a phase of life in an industria lcity . 1907. 011

An enlightened study of the condition of labor amongwomen inB irmingham. England , covering more than a hundred 00 a

tions. The conclusions a re va lua b le to students in America . a s it

a p pea rs thatthe lega l protection ofwomen a nd girls in Birmingham is fa r in advance ofthatenjoy ed by women in similar oooo

pations in New York . Philadelphia . and Chicago.

F lorence K elley .

Charities and the Commons . Vol . 17. CB

Civic League of St. Louis . A city planforSaintLouis : reportsof the several committees appointed by the executive boa rdof the Civic League to drafta city plan. 1907. 0. Sl4c

This full and ca reful reportwith its numerous illustrations.mightfurnish suggestions to other towns and cities. In p lanning for

greater convenience and beauty .

Commons , J'

. B . Races and immigrants in America . 1907. 078

Contents : Race and democracy .—Oolonia l race elements.


—N ineteenth century a dditions.—Industry .


life, crime. and poverty .—Polities .

—Ama lgamation and a ssimilation.

Oonyngton, I ary . A manual of practica l charity : how tohelp .

Designed for the use of non-

professlonal workers among the

poor. 1906 . 076

Readab le and mostinteresting . Busy peop le whoma y be outoftouch with progressive organizations. but who wish to do moreintelligentwork for the unfortunate in their communities. willnud the book stimula ting and va lua ble. Its ma in defects a re la ckof sequence and proportion. Anna ls of the American A ca demy .

Educationa l R eview . Vol . 88. 1907. E8

Guthrie, W . B . Socialism before the French Revolution : a

history . 1907. 835 G98

H adley , Arthur Twining . Bacca laureate addresses and other

ta lks on kindred themes . 1907. 177 1112

The addresses dwell on the fundamenta ls of cha ra cter and

citizenship. of ind ividua l and socia l virtue. and . in the la rge and

wholesome sense. of piety and religion. Dia l.


H a dley , Arthur Twining . Standards of publicmorality : the

Kennedy lectures for 1906, in the School of philanthropy, conducted by the Charity Organization Society of the city of

New York . 1907. 172 [1118

Contents : The formation of public opinion.—The ethics of trade.

The ethics of corporatemana gement.- The workings of our polit

ica lma chinery .—The politica l duties orthe citizen.

H a ll , G. Stanley . Aspects of child life and education, by G.

Stanley Ha ll and some of his pupils . Ed . by Theodate L

Smith. 1907. 872 1114

Contents : The contents of children's minds.—The psychology of

da ydreams .—0uriosity and interest.

—The story of a sandpile.—A

study of dolls.—The collecting instinct.—The p sychology of owner

ship .—Fetichism in chi ldren.

—Boy life in a Massa chusettscountry town forty y ea rs ago.

H owe, F . O. The British city : the beginnings of democracy .

1907. 852 H884b

The contra stwhich the author drawnbetween municipa l cond itions in E ngland and the United States is rea lly the book

's most

va lua ble and illumina ting feature.” N ation.

K ropotkin, P . A . The conquestof bread . 1907 [pref . 1906] 385 K92

The book fi rstof a ll a ims to show the weakness of the position of

those who cla im that. because the schemes ofidea l states thathave

haunted the think ers of a ll ages have not rea lized themselves.we

a re therefore to conclude thatcommunistic or socia listic sy stems

are not suited to the needs of human na ture. It a ims a lso to

demonstrate that despite setback s and rea ctions, communisticand socia listic idea ls have been a pproa ching nea rer to pra ctica l

rea lization. A fter this. the book proceeds to the exposition ofthecommunism for which its author sta nds .

Loane, H . The nextstreetbutone . 1907. L78n

By the author of The Queen’s p oor. Ba sed on experience as a

nurse among the Eng lish poor. the book shows admira ble sympathy . penetration.and a bovea ll origina lity . Itis full ofhumour,and spa rkles with ep igram. A themeum.

l ass . Boa rd of R ailroad Commis sioners . Thirty-eighth an

nnal report, 1906 . 0 .

l ass . Commissioner of Public Records . Nineteenth reporton

the custody and condition of the public records of parishes ,

towns , and counties . 1907. 0.

naoon nu PUBLIC M Y .

I an . General Court. Supplement of the Revised laws of thecommonwealth of Massachusetts , 1902- 1906 , containing the

general and permanentacts and resolves of the years 1902- 1906

inclusive,with annotations . Comp . by J H. Peck . 1907. Ref .

l a ss . I etropolitanWater and Sewerage Board . Sixth an

nua l report, 1906 . 0.

Nationa l E ducationa l Association. Index by authors titles

and subjects to the pnblicatione of the National EducationalAssociation for its firstfifty years . 1857 to 1906 . 1907. Ref.

Oxford, l a ss . Souvenir of the Charles Larned memoria l andthe Free Public Library, Oxford , Mass . 1906 . G. 027 098

Pedagogica l Seminary . Vol . 18, 1906. P84

Sincla ir, Upton. The industrial republic a study of the

America of ten years hence. 1907. 885 86 1

The author believes thatsocia l changes in the United States willresult in an industria l republic. founded on communism in

materia l production. Incidenta lly he gives ana ccountof H elicon

Home Colony in E nglewood . New Jersey . a oo-onerative community . now sca ttered as the resultof a fire in Ma rch. 1907. The

book is dedica ted to H .G . Wells. the nextmosthonefnl .Thoma s , w . 1 . Sex and society : studies inthe socia l psychology

of sex . 1907. T86

Contents : Organic diaerences in the sexes.—Sex and primitive

socia l control .—Sex and socia l ieeling .—Sex and primitive indus

try .—Sex and primitivemora lity .

- The p sychology of exogamy .

The psychology of modesty and clothing .- The adventitious

cha ra cter ofwoman.—Themind of woman and the lower races.

A strong . schola rly . well-ba lanced . and well-a rrans ed book on

the sociologica l status of woma n pa st and present. Most of the

materia l ha s been published in va rious journa ls at diflerent

times. A . L . A . B ookltct.

U. 8 . Bureauof American Ethnology . Bulletin 80. Hand

book of American Indians north of Mexico. Ed. by Frederick

Webb Hodge . Part 1 [A-M] . 1907. 570 6 U5h vol . so

Conta ins a descriptive listof the stocks. confederacies , tribes.triba l divisions. a nd settlements north ofMexico. with the va riousnames by which these have been known : together with biogra

p hies of India ns of note. sketches of thei r history . a rche logy .

manners. a rts. customs, a nd institutions .

The a rrangement is a lpha betic like a cy clonwd ia . and at the end

ofma ny a rticles are bib liogra phica l references tofurtherma teria l .


U . l . Bureauof Education. Reportof the Commissioner forthe year ending June 80, 1905 , vol . 1 . 1907. 1904/05 vol. 1

Besides theusua l informa tion and statistics on educa tion in thiscountry and its dependencies. this report inclndes articles on the

Mosely Educa tiona l Commission : the Rhodes schola rships : odn

ca tion in France. in PortoRico. and inChina : and onthe tea ching

of agriculture in France, Belgium , and the United States.

0 . 8 . Bureauof Labor. Twelfth specia l report of the Commissioner of Labor. Coa l mine labor in Europe. Prepared

under the direction of Carroll Wright, 1905 .

Includes an account of coa l mine labor in Austria . Belgium,

France, Germany . and Grea t Brita in. Under ea ch country . the

topics discussed are : output. va lue. and distribution of product;emp loyees ; wages ; accidents ;miners'relief fund s :mineworkers ’unions ; labor disputes ; and legislation.

0 . 8 . Bureauoi the Census . Special reports .

Wealth, debt, and taxation. 1907. G.

Manufactures , 1905 . Part 1 : United States by industries .

1907. G.

U . 8 . Coa stand Geodetic Survey . Reportof the superintendent, showing the progress of the work from July 1, 1905, toJune 80, 1906 . 0 .

17. l . Liia-Baving Service . Annual report for fiscal year ending June 80, 1906 . 0.

Vanderlip , r . A . Business and education. 1907. 885 V28

Contents : Oo-ordina tion of higher education.—A new college de

gree.—The young man'smtnre.

- Tra de schools and la borunions .

The businessma n’s readin¢.

—The America n inva sion of Europe .

The industria l mtnre .—Old-a ge pensions tor workingmen.America 's foreign commerce.

—Theultima te dependence of New

E ng land upon foreign trade .—Politica 1 problems of Enrone as

they interest Americans.—The currency .

—Banking develop

ments .—The lessons of our wa r loan.

-The trea sury .

The writer is vice-presidentofthe Nationa l City Bank .New York .

Wa shburne, I . F . Study of child life . 1907. 178W27Contents : Develonmentofthe child .

—Faults and their remedies .

C haracter building .—Pla y .

—Occupations .—A rt and literature in

child life.—Studies and accomp lishments .

—F inancia l tra ining .

Re ligions tra ining .—App lica tion oi princip les .

- 0ther peop le’s

children.—8ex question.

- Fathers .—Unconscious influence .

10 nnoon num no m m r .

Washington, 3 . T. , and DuBois , W . l . B . The negro in the

South, his economic progress in relation to his moral and religlons development; being theWilliamLevi Bnll lectures foryear 1907. [1907 W27nThe lectures by Mr. Wa shington a reupon the economic develop

ment of the negro ra ce in slavery and since its emancipation.

Those by Mr. DuBois a re on the economic revolution in the South ,

and on religion in the South .


Ba ll , W. W . B . A primer of the history of mathematics . 2d

ed . 1906 [1stcd . l p

Oonpin, E , and Lea , John . The romance of animal arts and

crafts : being an interesting accountof the spinning, weaving,sewing, manufacture of paper and pottery, saronantics , raft

building, road-making, and various other industries of wild

life. 1907. 088

l atill, J . 0 . Numerical problems in plane geometry, with metricand logarithmic tables . 1905 [cOp . 5 18 E81

H ampson, William. Paradoxes of nature and science : things

which appear to contradict general experience or scientific

principles , with popular explanations of the how and why .

msAmong the topics treated are the boomerang, perpetua lmotion

fa llacies. optica l illusions , the philosopher’s stone a nd many

others from chemica l , physiologica l a nd mechanica l sources.

E xp lana tions a re nota lwa y s thoroughly scientific but a re very

ingenious and interesting . A ca p ita l book to putinto the hands

of a thoughtful boy .

K ennelly , A . 3 . Wireless telegraphy : an elementary treatise .

1906 . K88

A presentationofthe elementa ry facts concerning the nature a ndOperation ofwireless telegra phy . in language a s free from tech

nica lity a s possib le. and withouttheuse of a lgebra . The authoris Professor of electrica l engineering in H arva rd University .

Morris , I . E . , and Husband , Joseph . Practical and solid

geometry . Rev . cd . 1905 [pref . 518 M88

Nichols , E . H . Elementary and constructional geometry . 1902

[ 1sted . 518 N51

scumcn. usm mm. 11

Perry , John. The calculus for engineers . [pron 517 P42

Porter, Mrs. G. 8tratton What I have done with birds

character studies of native American birds which, throughfriendly advances , I have induced to pose forme, or succeededin photographing by good fortune , with the story of my ex

periences in obtaining their pictures . [cop . P88

Proctor, B . A . Easy lessons in differential ca lculus . 5ih cd .

1894 . [cop . 517 P94

Roberts , 0. G. D . The haunters of the silences : a book of

animal life. 1907. 591 E54h

Belongs to the sma ll but fortuna tely growing cla ss of the best

nature story -books . Ma y E stelle Cook.

St. John, T . H . Wireless telegraphy for amateurs and students ;containing theoretica l and practica l information, togetherwith

complete directions for performing numerous experiments on

wireless telegraphy with simple home-made apparatus . [cop .


Shaw , Mrs . B. J’

. B . First lessons in observational geometry.

1908. 518 858

Young , J . W. A . The teaching ofmathematics inthe elementaryand the secondary school . 1907 [cop . Y8


B ailey , 8 . H . l . A text-book of sanitary and applied chemistry ;or, the chemistry of water, air and food . 1906 . 640

Contents : Pa rt 1 : S anita ry chemistry . The atmosphere.—Fuels.

H eating and ventila tion.—Lighting .

- Water.—Purifica tion of

water snpp lies .- 8ewage : disposa l of household wa ste.

—01eaninsuseof soa p and bluing .

- Disintectants, antiseptics, and deodora nts.

Pa rt I I : Chemistry of food . Food .—0e11ulose. sta rch. dextrine,

legumes .—Bread .

—Breakfa st foods and other specia l foodsSugars.

—Glucose group .—Lea ves. sta lks . roots, etc.


E dib le fats and oils ; nnts.—Meat.

—E ggs .—Milk , cheese, and

butter.—Non-a lcoholic beverages.

—Alcoholic beverages .—Food ao

cessories. Preservation of iood s.—E conomy in the selection and

preven tion of food : d ietaries .—Bib liogra phy .

Requires butslightchemica l tra ining and is readab le.


Barrows , Anna . Principles of cookery . 1907. 641 B27

Bevier, I sabel . The house : its plan, decoration and care . 1907.

728 B46

Discusses the p lanning and construction of modern homes. and

prob lems of decoration and furnishing . Gives suggestions a s to

changes , repa irs , household conveniences. etc.

Boston Cooking School Maga zine . Vol . 11. 1906 1907.


Chittenden, B . H . The nutritionofman. [cop . C44n

The sub ject-matter oi the book wa s presented in a course of lectures before the Lowell Institute of Boston in 1907. The author’sconclusions a re ba sed upon extended experiments atYa le Univeralty . testing the effects of differentkind s and diflerent amountsof food .

Cotton,A . 0. Care of children. 1907. 649 C82

Good advice on how to keep children hea lthy . from baby hood on.

The author is a professor in Bush Med ica l College. University ofChicago.

Dodd, l . 8 . Chemistry ofthehousehold . 1907 [cop . 1904


A popular account.written primarily for the housekeeper, oi theunseen forces atwork in the common things metin a day

’s work .

Tells of the chemistry of food . ofcooking.of digestion. of cleaning ,

of lighting , etc.

E aton, Seymour. Business forms , customs and accounts .

[cop . 658 8 14

E lliott, 8 . l . Household bacteriology . 1907. E46

An a ccountof themicroscopic forms of life and their relation for

good and evil to the household , and of the princip les of sanitation.

Household hygiene . 1907. 640 E46

A practica l guide for the housekeeper who wishes the home surroundings to be a s hea lthful as possib le. Discusses such subjectsas dra inage, heating , ventila tion, p lumbing , water supp ly , and

hygienic housekeeping .

Foul, A . H . Hygiene of nerves and mind inhea lth and disea se .

Trans . from the second German cd . by 11. A . Aikins . 1907.


um m a. 12

H arcourt, L . F . V. Sanitary engineering with respecttowater

supply and sewage disposal . 1907. 628 321

Discusses the sources. storage and purifica tion of water supp liesand the disposa l of sewage. Written in language devoid of tech

nica lities wherever possible. Purely technica l top ics a re a voided .

Numerous references to the litera ture of the sub ject.Huluck , P . N . , cd. Metalworking : a book of tools,materia ls ,

and processes for the handyman. 1907. 671 8 27

Conta ins over two thousand illustrations and working drawings .

Sewing machines ; their construction, adjustment, and repair.

1905. 687 3 270.

Holmes , Str 0 . 0 . V. Ancient and modern ships. 1906 . 2v.

H78Vol . 1 . Wooden sa iling-ships .

z. The era of steam. iron, and steel .

Jarrett, Charles . Ten years ofmotors and motor racing. 1906 .

796 J29

Laughlin, 0. E cd. The complete dressmaker, with simple

directions for homemillinery . 1907. 646 L86

Lol osquet, I auriee. Personal hygiene. 1907. 618 L49

Norton, A .P. Food and dietetics . 1907 [cop . 1905 N82

Intended especia lly for the intelligent housewife. Discusses thenutritive va lue and digestibility of food s , food adulterations.hea lthful dietfor the sedentary . the aged and children.

Pope, A . l . Home care of the sick . 1907. P81

Roxiord, l . 1 . Four seasons in the garden. 1907. 716 8821

Contents : Mak ing and ca re of the lawn.—F lower-bed s .

—A ga rden

of native p 1ants .- Back -ya rd ga rdens and window-boxes.

—8prin¢in the ¢a rden.

—The ga rden in summer.—Flowers oi ia 11.—Fa 11

work in the ga rden.- The growing of bulbs.

—The winter windowgarden.

—The home greenhouse.—The culture and the ca re of

pa 1ms .—Decora tive p la nts.

—Use of growing p lants for table decoration.

—Our village improvement society .—Rura1 and village

improvementsocieties .

8a¢lio, André. French furniture. 1907. 645 812

A genera l history of the subiect from the time of the Gauls downthrough the Empire. il lustrated by ninety rull-pace p la tes .

14 nnooxnmn runuo m an y .

Schofleld, A . T. Nerves in disorder : a plea for rational treat

ment. 886

Nerves inorder ; or, the maintenance of health . 1905 . 886n

Bowen, 0 . V. V. Common sense gardens , how to plan and

plantthem. 1906 . 716 S51

Dea ls especia lly with the choice of shrubs. trees, and vines ; the

use of flowers for color ; and the arrangement,oi gardens and

lawns .

Technica l World Magazine . Vol . 6 . 1906/ 1907 605 T2

Terrill, B . l . Household management. 1907. 640 T27

Contents : E conomics . Housek eeping a s a profession. Homeexpenditures.

—Dr. E ngel’s 1aws.

—Rent.—Operating expenses.

Food .—C lothing .

—H igher life.—Household a ccounts .

—Bank ao

count.—Organization and d ivision of 1a bor.—Domestic service.

Buy ing supp lies .—K itchen furnishings .

—Ta b1e and bed linen.

Oa rpets and rugs .—Ma rketing .

—Beei.—Vea 1.—Mutton and lamb .

Pork . Poultry . F ish . Vegetab les . Anima l products . Dry

groceries.—Laundry work .

Thorp , F . H . Outlines of industrial chemistry : 9. text

book for students . 2d cd . , rev . and enl. , and including a

chapter on meta llurgy , by C . D . Demond . 1907 [cop . 1898,


Tuthill, W . 3 . Practica l lessons in architectura l drawing; or,how tomake the working drawings and write specifications

for buildings ; for the use of architectura l students . car

penters , builders , etc . 12th ed . 1905 . 744 TBS

The work includes sca le drawings of p lans , elevations, sections

and deta ils of frame, brick , and stone buildings ; with full descriptions and a specifica tion showing the va rious forms of writing thesame for differentkind s of buildings . There is a lso a cha pter con

ta ining extracts from the New York building laws .

U . 8 . Bureauof Forestry . The use of the national forests .

1907. G. U58d

Watson, K . H . Textiles and clothing. 1907. 646 W88Fully illustrated descriptions of a ll processes in the making of

clothing ,—themanufa cture of the cloth . cutting a nd fitting , the

use of ornamentand a ll kinds of sewing . Intended as a pra ctica l


m s n u. 15


Architectural Review . Special apartmenthonse number,August,1908 . 728 A66b

Beschreibendes Ven eichnis der Osmalde lm Kaiser Friedrich

Museum. 6te Auflage . 1906 . 708 B45

Boston Symphony Orchestra . Programmes of rehearsa ls andconcerts , with historical and descriptive notes , 1908 04

1906/ 07. By . B65

Bryant, L . H . Pictures and their painters : the history of

pa inting. 1907. 759 B91

Bumpus , T. F . The cathedra ls and churches of the Rhine and

north Germany . 1906 . 388

A va lua b le guide. notonly describing the buildings fully . buta lso pointins outwha tparts of them a re origina l. and whatnew.

Itshould be ca refully read before any of the churches describedare visited . A thenwum.

Connoisseur. Vol . 17. 1907. 705 C76

Oorreggio, Antonio Allegri da . Corregglo, des Meisters

Gemmae, in 196 Abbildnngen. Herausgegeben von Georg

Gronau. 1907. [Klassiker der Kunst.) 750082

Oruttwell , l and. A guide to the paintings in the Florentine

galleries : the (mm, the Pitti, the Accademia . A critica l

catalogue with quotations fromVasari, illustrated withmanyminiature reproductions of the pictures. 1907. 708 E6sc

A vastamountof information in sma ll compa ss. Miss Oruttwellsupp lies

in clea r and concise form every esta b lished ta ct con

nected with each picture. For criticism she ha s drawn la rgelyupon Va sa ri. supp lementing her quotations by origina l rema rksembody ing the views of the bestmodern authorities The

slightsketch of F lorentine pa inting which serves a s introductionis a ma rvel of lucid condensation.

” The A theneum.

Dresden. K énigliche Gemi lde Ga lerie. Katalog der kbnig

lichen Gemmdega lerie zu Dresden,von Karl Woermann.

K leine Ausgabe. 1905 . 708 D81w

Duncan, J . H . E lder . Country cottages and week-end homes .

1907. 728 D91

Fry , 3 . 8 . Giovanni Bellini . 1899. 750 B44

16 PUBLIO LIBRARY.Gilbert, Josiah . Landscape in artbefore Claude and Salvator.

1885 . 758 037

Va lua ble a s an historica l record of la nd sca pe pa inting in Europe.

from the backgrounds ofmed ie va lminiatures in books and mosaics down to Rubens.C laude Lorra in, and Sa lvator Rosa .

Sta rch and K rehbtel.

Guest, Antony . Artand the camera . 1907. 770G98

A pra ctica l guide book to the methods of ma king artistic printsfrom photogra phic negatives. The proper a pprecia tion of the

artistic possibilities of a sub ject. the rules governing point of

view. composition. lighting and the like. a re dwelt upon ; andafterward themethod s of treating negative and printin order to

produce such qua lities a s a re shown in the pictures which illustrate the book .

H arwood, E dith . Notable pictures in Rome. 1907. 708 R66ha

H a s10pe, L . L . Repoussé work for amateurs : being the artofornamenting thinmeta l with raised figures . 1902 . 789 1127

Holme, Charles , cd. The Brothers Maris . James , Matthew,

William. Textby D . Croal Thomson. 1907. 750 1184

Thema in interest in this book centers in the colored p lates illustrating the work of the Brothers Ma ris.

Royal Scottish Academy . 1907. 1178b

This is a specia l spring number of The Studio,” 1907. Itgives a

history of the Aca demy . by A . L . Ba ldry ; a list of themembersfrom its foundation in 1826 ; a nd forty colored p lates. some of

them very beautiful , illustrating their work .

Jeky ll , Gertrude . F lower decoration in the house. 1907. 716 J88c

Laienestre , Georges , and Bichtenberger, Engine. La peintureen Europe : Rome . 1903- 1905 . 2v . 708 3661

Vol. 1. LoVatican. les és lises.

2 . Leemusees. les collections pa rticulieres. les pa la is.

La peinture en Europe : Venise. 708 V551

E arshall, John. Anatomy for artists . 3d ed . 1890. 743M85I aucla ir, Camille . AntoineWatteau, 1684- 1721 . 1906 . 750W34msMorris , 1 . H . Geometrica l drawing for art students . 9th cd .

rev. 1902 [pref. to l eted. 513M83;Perkins , 0. 0. Historica l handbook of Italian sculpture. 1883.

735 P41

18 n oon : m uo m an y .

Hurley , 1 . G. Gregorian chant for the teacher, the choir, and

the school . 1907. 782 2 1196

Practica l little book of instruction in the singing of Gregorian

cha nts. by a New York city choirma ster.

Lang, l . B . More nonsense rhymes and pictures , by EdwardLear. Set to 11111810 by M. R . Lang. 1907. 784 L27c

Pianoiorto-A lbum . Sammlung beliebter Compositionen ffir

Pianoforte zuvier Handen. 2v. P57

Schubert, F . P . Entr’acts und Ballets zum Drama Bossmunde.

Lop . Fur,Pianoforte zu vier B luden arrangirt von

Friedrich Hermann. 786 888r

Tomlins ,W. L . , ed . The laurel song book , for advanced classesin schools , academies , choral societies , etc. 1906 . T65

Tscha i'

kowsky , P . I . Sonate 1111 Pianoforte . Opus 37.

Neue, vom Componisten revidirte Ausgabe. 785 T8750

Y a le Song Book . 1906 [cop . 1882 Y2

Baker, 6 . P . The developmentof Shakespeare as a dramatist.1907. 822 3DO4

Benson, A . 0. Essays . New cd . 1907 [pref. to 1stcd .

811 B47

Contents : The ever-memorab le JohnH a les.- A minute philosopher

[John E a rle].—H enry More. the Platonist.—Andrew Ma rvell.Vincent Bourne.—Thoma s Gra y .

—William B1a ke.—Poetry oi

K eb le.—E liza beth Ba rrettBrowning .

—The latemaster of Trinity

[Dr.W . H . Thompson].—H enry Bradshaw.—0hristina Rossetti.

The poetry of E dmund Gosse.

Brown, John. Rab and his friends, and other papers and

essays . [Everyman’

s library] 824 8 s7a

Contents : Ra b and his friend s.—My stery of Black and Ta n.—Our

dogs.—Ma riorie F lemin¢.—Jeems the doorkeeper.


Black dwa rf ’s bones.—OurGideon gray s. With bra ins , 8ir.

’—H er

la st ha li-crowm Queen Mary ’s child-ga rden. Presence of

mind . etc.—Dr. 0ha lmers.

—Letter to John Ca irns, D. D.—My sti

flca tions. Oh. I’n wa t.wat.’—Arthur H . Ha llam.

Chaucer, Geoffrey . Works . Ed . by A . W. Pollard , 11. F .

Heath, M. H. L iddell,W . 8 . Mccormick . Globe edition. 1908.

820 049fc

Li'rm 'mn . 19

fi eld, W . T. Fingerposts to children’s reading. 1907. 028 F415

Contents : The influence of books.—Readin¢ in the homm- List of

book s for home read inz .—Read ins in the school.—Sup p lementa ry

read ing .—The school library .

-The public libra ry .—The Sunda y

school libra ry .—The illustrating of child ren’

s books .—Mother

Goose.—Listof book s for school a nd Sunda y -school libra ries .

An extremely useful book for pa rents, tea chers. and libra ria ns.

ba sed upon a sympa thetic knowledge ofchild nature. The l istfor

home reading is cla ssified according to age.

Fulton, B . L , cd. Standard selections : a collection and adapta

tion of superior productions frombestauthors foruse inclassroom and on the platform. Arr. and ed . by B . I . Fulton, T .

0. Trueblood, and E . P. Trueblood . 1907. 8p 55

H ey'

se , Paul . Die B linden: Novelle. With introd . , notes, exer

cises and vocabulary . 2d ed . , rev. 1907 [cop . 883 1151b

Hugo, Victor. Victor Hugo’

s intellectua l autobiography ; beingthe lastof the unpublished works and embodying the author


ideas on literature, philosophy and religion. Trans . with a

study of the lastphase of Hugo’

s genius , by LorenzoO’


1907. 844 H83v

Contents : Genius and taste.—Promontorium somnii.—Utility oi the

beautiful .—Great men : Jubilee of Shakespea re. La Fonta ine.Volta ire. Beauma rcha is.—Genius .

—French Revolution.—Tt

oi the inflnite.-Liie and death .

- Reveries on God .- An atheist.

Supreme oontempiationa—Thoughts .

Writtenma inly during Hugo's exile inGuernseyunderthe SecondEmpire. The trans la tion is good .

Hutton, W . H . Burford papers : being letters of Samuel Crispto his sister atBurtord, and other studies of a century , 17451845 . 1905 . 824 11986

The letters add butlittle to our sum of knowledge of Fanny

Burney . Johnson. and the other famous peop le of the da y ; butthey are well worth preserving for the cha rm of their kindliness

and humour. a nd a s a picture of the times. The other essa y s are

la rgely concerned with the litera ry history of the Cotswolds.

sma l l beermostly , butrefreshing and p lea sa nt. A ca demy .

Lincoln, A braham. Speeches and letters , 1832- 1865. [Withintrod . by James Bryce.] 824 L788

20 nnoonnu runuc unnuur.


s , h e


déric. A short history of comparative literature,from the earliesttimes to the presentday . Trans . by M. D .

Power. 809 L83

MacDona ld , l'

. W. In a nook with a book . 1907. 804 M18

Contents : Books and a boy .—E a r1y loves and 11kin¢s .

—Memories oimid-Victorian literature.

—E ar1y a cqua intance with Macaula y .

Oi certa in boy s and theirbook s.—Ooncernin3 a book-lovins gra nd

father.—Oi the former owners of certa in books .

—A libra ry that

never wa s or wil l be.—Ben Jonson's Bib le.

—Oi the housing of

books.with a few word s concerning theolo¢y .—Oi old book-shops.

and of book-hunting.—A ldus of Venice and his ed ition of P ruden

ttue.—A young pa rson and his read inc.

—Oi Word sworth. and The

sonnets dedicated to liberty .—Oi b iogra phy . and of Richa rd Baxter.

Further. oi biogra phy , and autobiogra phy .—The Oxford and Cam

bridge ma gazine.

l argueritte, Paul and Victor. Lo désastre. [1897 843 M33d

A novel ofthe Franco-Prussia nWar.

l a sson, Tom, cd. The humor of love : an anthology . 2v . 1906 .

828 M88

The tiratvolume is a selection of humorous writings on love in

verse ; the second , in prose.

l uaset, L . 0. A . de. Poésies choisies , cd . by 0. E . Delbos .

1906 . 841 M97Newmarch , Boss . Poetry and progress in Russia . 1907.


Beginning with a shortaccountof the precursors of Poushkin. the

rest of the book treats atgreater length of Poushkin, Lermontov.

K oltsov, Nekra ssov. N ikitin, K homiakov. and Nad son. In ea ch

ca se a transla tion of a few poems is given.

Noyes , Alfred . The nower of old Japan, and other poems .

1907. 820N95!

Prbvost, Marcel . L’heureux ménage. 1901. 843 P922h

Rus sell, G. W . 1 . Seeing and hearing. 1907. 824

Shortchatty pa pers on a ll manner of sub)ects. Twelve of these

sketches ha ve been publishedunderthetitle.F or better i for worse 1

Seccombe, Thomas , and Nicoll, W . B . The Bookman illustrated history of English literature . 1906. 2v. 810844

Shaw , G. B . John Bull’s other island , and Major Barbara . 1907.

Conta ins a lsoH ow he lied to her husband . 8” 858)

m m m ms'ronr . 21

Swift, Jonathan. Prose works . Ed . by Temple Scott. Vol.

11. Literary essays . 1907. 824 8977

Conta ins two rather long humorous writlncs—the Polite conversa

tion, and the Directions to servants. and a number of shorter pieces

rela ting to literature, the Dean’s contemporaries. and his own


Tytler, A . 12, Lord Woodhouselee. Essay onthe principles of

translation. [1sted . 179l .] 407 T99

Tytler, while nota greatcritic.wa s a cha rming dilettante. and

a man of exceed ing ta ste : and something ortha tgra ce he is sa id

to ha ve had persona lly is to be found lingering in these pages.

Vinci, Leonardo da . Leonardo da Vinci’

s note books : arranged

and rendered into English with introductions, by Edward

McCurdy . 1906 . 750V77a

Rea lly an anthology . The tra ns lator ha s omitted a ll purely~sclontine pa ssa ges.—oonflnin¢ himself to those of litera ry . artistic,

or philosophica l interest. The selections are well made. and the

sty le of the translation deserves the highestpra ise.

A s the Hague Orda ins : journal of a Russianprisoner’s wife in

Japan. 1907. 952 A7S

Interesting a nd vivacious a ccountof life among the Russians in

the Japanese prisons. and of the wa r as seen from there. Purportsto be the dia ry of a Russia n p risoner

’s wife, and is evidently

written by someone who wa s on the neid .

Budge, E . A . T . W . The Egyptian Sfidan, its history andmonuments . 1907. 2v. B85

The work includes virtua lly a ll tha tis atpresent known of the

history and antiquities of the Suda n. The inva lua ble drawing s ofLopsius a nd other exp lorers a re reproduced in multitudes , andillustrations trommodern photogra phs a re numerous .

Burrows , B . l . The discoveries in Crete and their hearing on

the history of ancient civilisation. 1907. 989 08b


Cambridge H odern H istory , planned by Lord Acton; cd . by A.

W . Ward , G. W . Prothero, Stanley Leathes . Vol . 10 : the

restoration [firstpartof 19th century] . 1907.

Contents : The Congresses. 1815-22.—The Doctrina ires.

—Rea ctionand revolution in France.

- Ita 1y .—The Pa pacy and the Catholic

church .—Greece and the Ba lkan peninsula .

—8 pa in. 1815-45.—Bra zil

and Portuga l .—The Germanic federation. 1815-40.—Literature in

Germa ny .—Russia .

—Pola nd and the Polish revolution.—The

Orlea ns mona rchy .—The Low Countries.—Mehemet Ali.—Great

Brita in, 1815-82.—0atholic emancipation.

—Great Brita in andIreland , 1832-41.—0anada .—The revolution in English poetry and

flction.—E couomic cha nge.

—The British economists.

Dunning, W : A . Reconstruction, political and economic,1865- 1877. 1907. [The American nation, vol . D92

Geoffrey ofMonmouth. [Histories of the kings of Britain] trans .

by Sebastian Evans . 1904 . G29

The Latinorigina l. entitled H istoric reaum Britannica!wa s in cir

culation a s ea rly a s 1189. and p roba b ly a ssumed its fina l sha pe a

few y ea rs later. The book purports to be a translation of an

ancientWelsh chronicle, and while schola rs d isagree a s to how

much of the book is the inventionof Geoffrey . it is undoubted lyla rgely ba sed on ea rlier traditions . It gives the history of the

kings of Brita in from Brutus, sreat-grand son oi B nea s . to 0nd

wa lla der, who wa s defeated by the Saxons. Geofl rey’s history

is one of thema in sources of the legend of K ing Arthur, a nd a s

such is of high interestand va lue. Many other legends and to

ma nces oimedimva l Europe a ppea r in his pages.

H amilton, Sir I . 8 . l . A stair officer’s scrap-book during the

Russo—Japanese war. Vol. 2 . 1907. 952 1118

H arrison, William. Elizabethan England. Ed . by Lothrop

Withington, with introd. by F . J Furnivall . [ l stpub .


Repub lication oi Harrison’s Description of B ritta in, one of the

mostoften quoted a nd trusted authorities on the condition of

E ngland in E liza beth’s and Shakespeare

‘s da y s.

” Furnivau.

H odges , George. Holderness : an accountof the beginnings ofa New Hampshire town. 1907. H6h

m ar . 28

Johnston, W . E . Memoirsof Halahol beingextracts fromthe correspondence and papers of the late William Edward

Johnston; cd . by his son, R. M. Johnston. [pref . 2v.


The author wa s Paris correspondentoi the New York Times fora while. 0!American birth , a phy sician, he lived in Paris from1852 tom H is book is therefore a history of the Second Empire.

Itconta ins much tha t is noteworthy and thata historian mayprofita bly observe. Sp ectator.

Jorga , N . The Byzantine Empire. [Trans . from the French

by A . H . Powles .] 1907. J76

Loliée, Frédéric. Women of the Second Empire : chronicles of

the court of Napoleon III . , compiled fromunpublished documents ; trans . by A . M. Ivimy with an introd . by Richard

Whiteing . 1907. 896 L88

A volume of glorified gossip . brillia ntand amusing , with a tone

of cynicism. The highest va lue of such a study is not for con

tempora ries. butrather for future genera tions a nd centuries.a s ameans ofreconstructing the socia l life ofa period from those stories

ofmore or less loca l gossip which ma ke a ba ckground to history .


London Times . The Times history of the war in South Africa ,1899- 1902. Vol . 5 . 1907. L84

I a ssachusetts Infantry . 19th reg’t, 1861- 1865 . History of

the Nineteenth regiment, Massachusetts volunteer infantry ,1861- 1865 ; issued by the History committee. [Comp . by

ErnestLinden Waitt.] 1906 . Jl9

H ontagua , F . 0. The history of England from the accession of

James I . to the restoration (1603 1907. [Politica l history of England, vol. 7 M76

l olmsnti, P . G. Venice, its individual growth fromthe earliestbeginnings to the fall of the Republic. The Middle Ages . 2v .

1906 . V5mo

Munson, J’

.W. Reminiscences of a Mosby guerilla . 1906 . M92

Mosby 's rangerswere anindependentbody ofConfederate ca va lry .

recruited for scouting and ra iding purposes.a fterwa rd s organizedas a regular bra nch of the Confederate service. The author’s purpose is purely reminiscentand notthe serious one of estima tingMosby ’s service.

24 snoon nm runuo m an y .

Northmen, Columbus , and Cabot, 985- 1508. 1906 . (Original na rratives of early American history .) N81

This series, edited by Dr. J . Franklin Jamoson. oi the CarnegieInstitution. is to consistof twenty volumes. bringing the na rra

tivesup to 1700. Its objectis to render accessible to students thesourcesuponwhich our ea rly history rests. The undertakingopens auspiciously with reprints of the Icela ndic a nd Norse saga s.and ofthe na rratives of the voyages of Columbus and John Cabot.with supp lementa l letters and other pa pers. The documents re

lating to the Northmen a re ed ited by Professor Julius E . Olson oi

the University of Wisconsin ; those relating to Columbus a nd

Ca botby Professor E . G. Bourne of Ya le. No better experts on

these subjects could ha ve been obta ined . N ation.

Osgood, H . L . The American colonies in the seventeenth cen

tury . Vol. 3. Imperia l control ; beginnings of the systemof

roya l provinces . 1907. 082 vol . 8

A schola rly work in a sty le thatis readable and effective. Itis

an institutiona l history of the American colonies, intended to

serve both a s an introduction to the study of American institutions. and a s a contribution to the history of British 001o

tion. N ation.

Paras , Bernard . Russia and reform. 1907. P21

A competentand dispa ssiona te survey . written with historica l

perspective. and in full view of a ll the fa cts. politica l, socia l, a nd

economic. The author writes with wide knowledte. tethered

with great patience , in Russia . Itseems to na one of the best

books onRussia published inthe la stdecade. Standa rd .

Paterson, W . R . The Nemesis of nations , studies in historythe ancientworld. 1907 930P27

Contents : Introduction.—H industan.

—Ba by lon.—Greece.


A h unusua lly interesting book . It is a study especia lly of the

institution of slavery in the nations of antiquity . of its socia l

eilects, and its influence in their deca y . The method adopted is

descriptive. and there is in the ca se of ea ch na tion a ra p id pre

liminary sketch of politica l. artistic. and religious conditions .

Pryor, Mrs. B. A . B . The birthof the nation, Jamestown, 1607.

1907. J2p

Sidgwick , Frank , comp . Ballads and poems illustrating Eng

lish history . 1907. 821 856

26 nnoonnu rvsmc m an y .

Dunn, B obm —cmut’nued.

oi exp lora tions give him“a horrid ta ste of varnish. a s a ll the

coward ice or heroism oi the author is left out. and the thing is

told dry ly , oh how dry ly . In this book he tries to give the

whole truth. if such a thing be possible.

E ighty Club . Hunga ry, its people, places , and politics ; the

visitof the Eighty Club in 1906 . 1907. E34

Ford ,R ichard . Gatherings fromSpain. [ 1906 . l stcd . F75g

Conta ins portions of the first edition of the author’s H andbook

for tra vellers in Sp a in. a delightful book of travel. with some newmateria l .

Fra ser, J . E . Red Russia . 1907. F86

Contents : Ga iety and tragedy hand in ha nd .—In St. Petersburg

The gistof thematter.—The City of Terror (Warsaw) .—8tory of a

nicht.—Within the Jewish Pa le.—Mood s oi Moscow.

—The C za r.

Greatfa ir at N iiui-Novcorod .- Men ofma rk .

-A politica l tria l

Scenes a ta secretmeetinc.—B lack Hundred .

—Ag ra ria nd istress .

In the famine region. B lood y Baku.—Revolution in the Can

ca sus.—Little stories from Ozar-la nd .

- Russian working ma n.

Black Sea pictures.—Lea ves from a note-book .

—Finland a s a

na tion.

Gould, 8 . B aring A book of the Pyrenees . 1907. P9g

H ammond, 0. 8 . pub. Hammond’s modern atlas of the

world . 1907 [cop . 1904 8 18

H issey , J . J . Untravelled England . 1906 . 8 62uA ccountof a summer vacation spentin motoring .

Hodgson, W . E . How to nah z a treatise on trout and troutfishers . 1907. 8 66

Bustier, l'. M . England and the English : an interpretation.

1907. 8 86

Lee, Vernon, pseud. for Violet Papa . Genius Loci : notes on

places . [2d cd .] 1907 [dedication L51gContents : Augsburg .

—H oly week in Tuscany .- InToura ine.

—Sienaa nd SimonMa rtini.—Among theMarb le Mounta ins .

—E pita phs atDetwauc.

—Fribourc.—France aga in.

—Lion of St. Ma rk 's and

Admira l Morosini.—0ha rcoa l a nd ice.—St. Geryon of Cologne.

—InPiedmont.- Ba yeux and the ta pestry .

—La kes oi Mantua .—Ans

bach a nd the K nights of the Swa n.—H ich up .

—The south .

Martin, P . F . Through nve republics of South America : a

critica l description of Argentina , Bra zil , Chile. Uruguay andVenezuela in 1905 . 1906 . 980M86

nascmm on um m m . 27

H arlin, Rudolf. The future of Russia : trans . from the Germanby Hulda Friederichs . 1906 [ l stGerman cd . 1436

Contents : The world 's most immrtant question.—Russia ’

s futurelies inthe villa ge.

—The Russian a nd French pea sant before the

Revolution.—Oauses oi the Russia n ca ta strophe.

—Russia n sta te

bank ruptcy .—The grea t Revolution.

—The Germa n Emp ire and

the Russia n Revolution.—A glance a head .

K ara echi, H orace . The Roman Forum and the Palatine accord

ing to the latestdiscoveries . 1906 . B6mr

Contents : H istory . b iogra phy . and genera l tom ra phy oi the

Roma n Forum.- Description oi the monuments.

—A short history

of the Pa latine.—A pra ctica l visit to the monuments.

—B ib liocra phy oi the principa l publications on the Roman Forum and the

Pa la tine 8 111.

Maxwell , George . InMalay forests . 1907. 799 M44

Interesting descriptions of the author’s hunting adventures.

Scherer, J”

. A . B . Whatis Japanese mora lity? 1906 . 832W

While the book does full justice to Ja pan’s lofty idea lism. ita lso

points outthe wea k points in the Orienta l code. The Indep endent

sa y s. On the whole Dr. Scherer is rea sonable a nd judicia l.

8elous , F . 0. Recent hunting trips in British North America .

1907. 799 S488

Seton, Mrs . G. G. Nimrod’s wife. 1907. 799 849

Contents : In the Sierra .- In the Rockies.

—OntheOttawa .—InNor

wa y .

E nterta ining accountof the author’s life in the open during her

trips with her husband . E rnest Thompson Seton.

Wa llace, Dillon. The long Labrador trail . 1907. Ll iwa“A ta le of exp loration well told . The outwa rd journey was by

ca noe to La ke Michikamau. thence down the practica lly unexp lored George River to Unca va : the return journey by dogs led

a round the bleak . rugged Labrador coa st. N a tion.

Williams , 28 . 0 . Sojourning, shopping, and studying inParisa handbook particularly for women. 1907. P2w

My a im ha s been to give the addresses of suita ble boa rding

p la ces. shops , schools, tea chers. and p laces of amusement: to indi

cate enjoya ble excursions : to mention the usua l cha rges for

boa rd , fees. a nd prices genera lly ; in short. to provide information

thatwill beuseful to a woman a lone in a strange la nd . The ad

dresses I ha ve given a re a ll known to be desira ble, and they ma y

be relied on. Condensed from P refa ce.

28 nnoon mn rusuc mnm r .


Crosby , Mrs . W . comp . A biographical sketch of eight

generations of Hoopers inAmerica : William Hooper. 1635 , to

Idolene Snow (Hooper) Crosby, 1883. 1906 . G.

H a ll, E . V. The friends of Voltaire, by 8 . G. Tallentyre

1907. R4.Tl 4f

Contents : D'A lembert: the thinker.- Diderot: the ta lker.

—Ga lianithe wit.—Vauvena rcues : the a phorist.

—D ’Holbach : the host.

Grimm : the journa list.—8 elvetius : the contra diction.

—Turcotthe sta tesma n.

—Beauma rcha is : the p la ywright.—Oondorcet: the

aristocra t.

“We have picked up no other book in a long while so ea sy to read ,

so ful l of vivacity and the spirit of its age .”

M an on. Michael Anagnos , 1837- 1906 : [tributes andmemorialexercises] . 1907. G. B .An13

Atkyns . Barbey, Frederic. A friend of Marie-Antoinette (LadyAtkyns) Trans . from the Frenchwith a prefaceby Victorien

Sardou. 1906 (introd . E .At47

Oolonna . Jerrold, M. F . Vittoria Colonna , with some accountof her friends and her times . 1906 .

Lee, B . 28 . Adams , 0. F . , jr. Lee’

s centennia l : an address .

Pamphlet. 82P12

Itwa s an interesting event.when.on Janua ry 19. 1907. atLexington. Va .. Colonel Cha rles Francis Adams of Ma ssachusetts delivered the oration in commemora tion of the centennia l oi the

birth ofGenera l RobertE . Lee. a tthe invita tion of the president

and fa culty ofWa shington and Lee University .

Lincoln. Williams , 8 . L . , comp . The Lincoln story book : a

judicious collection of the best stories and anecdotes of the

greatpresident, many appearing here for the firsttime in book

form. [cop . E .L635 .wi

Marguerite of Austria . Hare, Christopher. The high and

puissantprincess Marguerite of Austria , princess dowager ofSpain, duchess dowager of Savoy, regentof the Netherlands .

1907. E .M3365 .h

BXOGRAPBY . nc'nom 29

I arguerite oi Austria—continued.

A book worth reading . Ma rguerite of Austria , daughter of the

Emperor Ma ximilian. and auntof Cha rles V, wa s a woman good

and y etin power. pious.moderate. and wise.

H ontagu. Paston, George,pseud . for Miss B'J L Symonds. Lady

Mary Wortley Montaguand her times . 1907. E .M7665 .p

Sidney . Greville, Sir Fulke. Life of Sir Philip Sidney, etc

firstpublished 1652 ; with an introd . by Nowell Smith . 1907.

E .Sil72 .g

Terry , Ellen. St. John, Christopher. EllenTerry. 1907. E .T295 .s

Tree, 8 . 3 . Gran, Mrs . George. Herbert Beerbohm Tree .

1907. E .



Tattle, D . 8 . Reminiscences of amissionary bishop . 1906 . E .TS75

B ishonTuttle consecrated twenty yea rs of his life to patient.

unhera lded pioneer service among Mormons, miners. state men. and the heterogeneous popula tion of ea rlyWestern communities . This pa rtia l autobiogra phy is a record of

episcopa l activity and human intercourse. such a s only a WesternAmerican bishop could ha ve written. N ation.


A dams , Andy . Reed Anthony , cowman : an autobiography . A212 .5

A truthful picture of life on the cattle ranges of Texa s. and of the

cattle business in its la rger rela tions .

Andrews , Mrs . K . B . 8 . The militants : stories of some parsons , soldiers , and other fighters in the world. A579.4

Arnim, H . A . 3 Grdfln eon. Fraulein Schmidt and Mr.

Anstruther. A749.7

A love story in the form of letters written by the girl. letters that

givena those humorous descriptionsofGerman life.and those comments on life in genera l , that we expect from the author of

E liza beth and her German ga rden.

B agot, Richard . Temptation.

Bradley , Shelland . An Americangirl in India .

Brooks , H . W . A prodiga l .

Comstock , Mrs . A . 3 . (Marian Lee, pseud .) Confessions to a

heathen idol . 07

A curious love story . prettily written. sprinkled with sense and

humor. A woman of forty makes nightly hea rt-ooniessions to a

little teakwood idol .

30 snoon mn runuc m mnr .

Davies , A . 0. For . The Dangerville inheritance : a detective

story . D278.1

Davis , R . 8 . The scarletcar. D291.18

Three connected short stories. entitled The lod-brea kers. The tree

p a esers , a nd The kidna ppers.

Davis , W . 8 . A victor of Salamis : a tale of the days of X erxes ,Leonidas and Themistocles . D298.5

A historica l novel ofGreece in the da y s of the Persia nwa r. The

hero of the story is a victor in the Isthmian games and an armyofficer.who ata critica l period sa ves his country from disa ster.

Del organ, William. Alice-for-short. D401 .2

By the authorof Josep h Vance. The scene is London and rura lE ng land thirty years ago. Anunusua lly long novel.butexcellentin its cha racter-drawinc and delinea tion of life.

Dixon, Thomas , jr. The traitor : a story of the fall of the

Invisible Empire . D655.3

A novel dea ling with the da y s of Reconstruction in the South ,

a fter the war. and with the KuK lux K lan.

l ogauaro, Antonio. The sinner ; translated from the Ita lian

by M. Prichard-Agnetti. F687.8

The second novel ofthe trilogy ofwhich The p atriot(Piccolomohdoantico!is the first; and The sa intII I canto) , the third . The prin

cipa l cha racter is Piero Ma ironi. the sonof the heroof The p a triot.

H e is a lso the ma in cha ra cter in The mint. which follows thisGa lsworthy , John. The country house. 013854

The author’s forte lies in depicting trad itiona l prejudices and

the types which representthem. With its pervad ing tone of in

dulgentirony .this is a novel tha tin a true sense is a criticism of


Green, A . K . Themayor’s wife.

Grundy ,K . Barnes Hazel of Heatherland.

A rather amusing love-story .

H a ll , E . 0. AuntJane of Kentucky .

A picture of rura l K entucky life. elven in the recollections orAuntJane, a country philosopher and humorist.

Janvier, T . A . Santa 3195 pa rtner ; being some memorials of

events in a New-Mexicantrack-end town. J

1 1011011 . 81

King ,Capt. Charles . The rock of Chickamauga .

A story ofthe CivilWa r, inwhich Genera l George 8 . Thoma s isthe principa l figure.

Kingsley , F . H . The princess and the ploughman.

A bitof romantic a bsurdity . or a refreshing love idy l. accordingto the reader’s point of view . Outlook.

Lee, Vernon, pseud. Pope Jacynth other fanta stic tales .

Contents : Pope Jacynth .—Prince A lberic and the sna ke lady .

—Awedding chest.

—The la dy and Death .—8t. Eudaemon and his

orance-tree.—The featureless wisdom.

Lighton, W . B . The shadow of a greatrock. L628.I

A story of p ioneer da y s inNebra ska .

Locke , W . J . Derelicts .

Lincoln, J . 0. The Old Home House .

Shortstories by the author ofMr. Pratt.

Lynda , Francis . Empire builders . L9BS.5

Dea ls with the building of a Western ra ilroad .

l attin. 8 . 3 . 8 1s courtship . M8685 .8

A roma nce of life among the Pennsy lvania Dutch.

l oody ,W . 8 . The Pickwick ladle, and other collector’s stories .

M781 .1

Contents : The Pickwick lad le.-Buyinc a sideboard .

—The E M I 3Lowestoft.—The black H awthorn ian—The discip lining of Peter.

The Rosebeck p late.

I ott, Lawrence . To the creditof the sea . M8592

E ightstories of the sea and the Labrador coa st.

Oldmeadow , Ernest. Susan.

A lightand enterta ining story .making no specia l pretensions to

being true to life. The eterna l triangle in this ca se consists of

the pretty ma id Susa n. hermistress. and a young lord .

Orczy , Emusk a , Baroness . BeauBrocade : a romance.

Oppenheim, E . P . A lostleader.

A story ofmodern Eng lish politica l life.

Parker, Gilbert. The weavers .

Pyle, Howard. Stolentrea sure : [shortstories ] . P997. I2

Contents : ,With the buooaneers.—TomOb latand the trea sure-box .

The chostp i Capta in Brand .—The devil atNew Hope.

32 nnooxmm: runnc m an y .

8ag'e, William. By rightdivine.

A politica l story . in which an old Senator. the boss of his state.

struggles with an honestyoung governor for power and for the

a llegiance oi the Senator‘s daughter.

Scott, J . B . Beatrix of Clare.

The scene is la id in E ng land in the time of Richa rd I I I .8cudder

,V. D . The disciple of a sa int: being the imaginary

biography of Raniero di Landoccio dei Pagllaresi.

The sub jectis notimagina ry . H e was one of the firstdiscip les of

St. Catherine of Siena and the ea rliestof her secreta ries .

Stables , W . G. War on the world’s roof .

A story of a British milita ry expedition in Tibet.

Travers , Graham, pseud. forM. 0 . Todd. Growth : a novel . T699.4

The theme is the intellectua l and spiritua l develomnent of an

E dinburgh student. in the da y s of Ma rtineau, N ewma n. and

Huxley .

Vance, L . J . The brass bowl. V275.I

Improba ble but exciting ta le in which are concerned a youngNew York girl aotinc a s amateur burgla r. a rea l burgla r, and hisdouble. a young milliona ire.

Whitson, J'

. H . The ca stle of doubt. W615 .4

Themy stify ing story’

of a young ma nwho finds himself identifieda s the husband of a beautiful young woman whom he is sure heha s never seen.

Williamson, 0. N . , andMrs . A . H . L. The botor chaperon. W681.9

The Princess Virginia . W681.8

The heroine. a n Ans lo-Germa n princess. rebels aga inst the

ma rri age p lanned for herwith the emperor of Rha etia . whom she

ha s never seen. Butthe two, while going a boutin

and fa ll in love.

Woods , Mrs . H . L . 3 . The king’s revoke : an episode in the

life of Patrick Dillon. W872 . 1

H istorica l novel dea ling with an attempt to restore Ferdina nd

VI I to the throne of Spa in, from wh ich he had been deposed by

Na poleon. A delightto read for the cha rm of its cha ra cterisa

tion. for its fine historic sense of the glory and weakness of Spa in.

and for a genuine distinction of sty le. Spectator.



Week Days.—9 a . m. to 9 p . m. , lega l holidays excepted.

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Week days .— 2 to 6 p . m. , and also from 10 to 12 on Saturday

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— School Reference Room, 2 to 9 p . m.


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6 . indica tes gifts .


In order to save spa ce in the Bulletin, bound periodica ls of a genera l nature are no longer included in the list. Those dea ling with a

specia l subject are entered under the subject.


M tt,W. camp. English proverbs and proverbia l phra ses ,

alphabetica lly arranged and annotated . [Rev . and enl .

cd. ] 1907 [lst cd. Ref.

Morrison, 8 . A . Preliminary check list of American a l

mana c», 1639—1800. 1907. G.

Rand, E d d y , and publishers . Indexed atlas of the

world historica l, descriptive, statistica l , containing large

scale maps with a specia l index to ea ch map . [Rev . cd . ]1907. 2v . R . R .

Severance, H. 0. A guide to the current periodica ls and

seria ls of the United States and Canada , 1907. 1907.



Fletcher, Horace. Happiness a s found in forethoughtminus fea rthought. 1898. 131 F63h

Contents : Hypothesis. Theory . Prefatory definitions. Value of

simile.—Ana lysis oi fear.

—Ba leful efiects of fear.—How to eliminatefea r.

-How to cure special forms of fear.—The now-field.

—Pertinentpages .

—Stop importing , or eradication versus repression.- Impotence of


-Unhappy unless miserable.—Thou sha lt not strike a woman.

The point-oi-view .—Don’

tbe a sewer.—Ca ll suspicion a liar.

—I can’


doit.—Amilliontoone on the unexpected—Love cannotbe qua lified.

Last sometimes fint—A beginning and not an end.—Dr. Wm. H . Hol

comb—George Kennan.—Explanation of the A. 3 . 0. series .

Harrison, Frederic. The creed of a layman: apologia pro

fide mea . 1907. 230H24c“Aboutone-fifth of the volume is an autobiography ; the testis composedof essays and addresses. the object throughout being to commend to hisreaders the religion ofhumanity . or Positivism. The book is a rea l humandocument of a man eminently sincere who cannot accept the Christian

36 3300x11 11: m ud m m v .

International Journa l of Ethics . Vol. 17. 16

James, William. Pragmatism. a new name for some old

ways of thinking: popular lectures on philosophy . 1907.

123Contents: The presentdilemma inphilosophy .

—Whatpragmatismmeans .

Some metaphysica l problems pragmatica lly considered.-The one and the

many .—Pragmatism and common sense.


s conception

Lindsay , Mrs . A . B . 8 . Gloria Christi : an outline study of

missions and socia l progress. 1907. 266 L64

Contents : Evangelistic missions.—Educational missions .

—Medica l misnons s—Industrial missions .

—Philanthnopic missions .—Missions con

tributing to other forms of socia l progress.

The seventh and closing volume of the United Study of Miret'

ons Series.

H arden, 0 . 8. The optimistic life ; or, in the cheering-up

business. M33OSpinney , W. A . Hea lth through self-control in thinking,

breathing, eating. 1906 . 131 S75

Trine, B . W. This mystica l life of ours : a book of suggestive thoughtfor ea ch week through the yea r, from the com

plete works of Ra lph Wa ldo Trine. 1907. 131 T73t

Wellington, Mrs . H. 0 . Historic churches of America . In

trod . by Edward EverettHale. 1907. W15Includes nearly seventy churches, giving their early history . Well 11lustrated.

Woods , E . For faith and science. 1906. W86Com : Obiectof faith—Genesis of faith in the individual .—Influencesunderwhich the religious consciousness is developed.

—Lirnitations oftheBible as the standard ofChristianfaith and mora lity .

-Positive influencesof the Bible upon Christian faith.

—Science and the Biblec4 cience and

Providence.-Influence of the scientific spirit on the study and inter

pretation of the Bible.—Influence of the scientific spirit on Christian

doctrine.—Science and egnosticism.4 cienw and sin.

—Science and



Curtis, Natalie, cd. The Indians’

book : an ofiering by the

American Indians of Indian lore, musica l and narrative,

to form a record of the songs and legends of their race.

Illustrations from photographs and from original drawings

by Indians . 1907.

Written and illustrated entirely by Indians.

80010LO0Y .—80m 0l . 87

Education. Vol. 27. 32

Index, vols . 1—25.

000 , D. E ., cd. The transa ction of business [by l Sir ArthurHelps : How to win fortune [by ] Andrew Carnegie. 1907.

650G55Contents : The transaction of business. by Sir Arthur Helpa—How towinW. Ferguson.

— Importance of audits, by John Fm —Analyzing a

ctmning, by Francis Baoon.—Getout, orgetin line. by Elbert Hubbard.

Hall, G. Stanley . Youth, its educa tion, regimen, and hy

giana . 1906 . 150 1114sCondensed 80 111 the author’s Adolescence, published in 1904.

Patten, 8. N. The new basis of civilization: the Kennedylectures for 301 P27n

Contents . 3aa1'

s in renumes .—Baais in heredity .

-Baais in £amily life.

Basis in socia l classes .—Basis in socia l conscioumm —Baais in amuse


—Basis 111 character.—Baais '

m socia l control.—New civilisation.

Programme of socia l work .

Rollins , r. W. What can a young man do? 1907. R65“I have ix'ied to present the advantages as well as the drawbacks of a

Schauffler, B . cd. Thanksgiving; its origin, celebration

and significance a s nelated in prose and verse. 1907. j390 S3ISmith, 8. G. The industria l conflict: a series of chapters

on presentday conditions . 1907. 865

Spaulding, l'. l . and Bryce , O. T. Lea rning to read : a manua l

for tea chers . 1907. 873

Winterburn, Mrs . B . V. Methods in tea ching : being the

Stockton methods in elementary schools , including a

cha pter on nature study by Edward Hughes . 1907. W73“The author wa s formerly supervisor of English and history in the city

schools of Stockton, Ca lif. The book grew out of the exhibit made bythe Stockton schools atthe Exposition in St. Louis. and later in Portland.which attra cted widespread attention.


slwrs’ WesHy .

l'auth, Philip . The moon in modern astronomy : a summaryof twenty years selenographic work , and a study of re

cent problems . Trans . by Joseph McCabe, with introd.

by J. Ellard Gore. 1907. F27

88 naooxmm runmom an y .

Bough, B . i Handbook of the trees of the northern states

and Canada east of the Rocky Mountains . Photo-de

scriptive. 1907. 582“May well be sty led photo-desa iptive. Opened atany page, its scope and

value are instantly apparent. The unique wood sections. which comprise Mr. Hough

s American Woods, are widely known; and it wa s during trips in sea rch of them thathe obtained the series ofnearly

seven hundred negatives which practica lly constitute the present work . For the

nature-lover, the lumberman, and for the studentof the evolution of ourtrees. this mode of gra phic presentation will prove of great help . Two

pages facing each other are devoted to each species . The photographs

are excellent, and there is nothing but praise for the work as a whole.


Kellogg, V. L . Darwinism today : a discussion of present

day scientific'

criticism of the Darwinian selection theories.

together with a brief a ccount of the principa l other pro

posed auxilia ry and a lternative theories of species-form

ing. 1907. 575 K 29“Itis a book thatthe studentmusthave athand atall times. and ittakesthe place of a whole library . No other miter has attempted to gather

together the scattered literature of this vast subject. and none has subjected this literature to such uniformly trenchant and such uniformlykindly criticism.

David Sta rr Jordan. in The Dial.

Olcott,w. T. A field book of the stars . 1907. 523 043

Cements : Scheme of study .—Constellations of spring .

—Constellationsof summer.

-Conste11ations of autumn.—Constellations of winter.

—Meteoric showers .

—The planets .—The milky way .

—Motions of the stars.

Meteoxs , or shooting stars.—Names of the stars and their meanings.

Aims to include only whatmay be seenwith the naked eye. or an opera

glass. from the latitude of New England and the Middle States.


Dodd, 8 . 0. The hea lthful farmhouse . By a farmer’s wife ,

with an introd . by Ellen H . Richards . 1906 . 640D65

Duncan, 8 . K . The chemistry of commerce : a simple inter

pretation of some new chemistry in its relation to modernindustry . 1907 [cop . 1905 660D91Contmts : Cata lysis .

—The problem of the fixation of nitrogen.—The rare

earths and some of their applications . High temperatures and modernindustry .

—Modern chemistry and glass -making .

— Industrial alcohol.

Flora l perfumes .—The making of medicines .

—The new microbe inocalation.

-Cellulose .

— Industria1 fellowship : a scheme by which a manufacturer ma y solve his problems .

Fair, Albert. The steel squa re a s a ca lcula ting ma chine,

17m m. ants. 89

Fair, Albert, continued.

._for the solution of complica ted mlculations that occur inthe everyday work of ca rpenters , builders , lumber dea lers ,plumbers , ga s

-fitters, engineers , electricians , tinsmiths ,

Zbla cksmiths , masons , stone cutters , etc . 1906 . PI5

GardenMagazine. Vol. 5 . 1907. 0 15

Good Housekeeping . Vol. 44 . 1907. G5

Maxwell, A . and Pope, A . 3 . Pra ctica l nursing : a text~book for nurses and a handbook for a ll who care for the

sick . 1907. M45Model Engineer and Electrician. Vol. 16 . 1907. M72Powell, r . 8 . Sma ll electric motors : how to make and use

them. 3d . cd . 190 P87a

Practical Electrics : a universa l handy-book on every-day

electrica l matters , including connections , a la rms , bat

teries , bells , ca rbons , induction intensity and tesis

tance-coils , dynamo-electric ma chines , fire risks , maa suring, microphones , motors , phonographs , photophones ,

storage , and telephones . 8th ed . 1907. P88

Schneider, N. 8 (H S . Norrie, The study of elec

tricity for beginners , comprising the elements of electricityand magnetism as applied to dynamos , motors , wiring,

and to a ll branches of electrica l work . 1906 [cop .


Schofleld, A . T. The home life in order; or, persona l and

domestic hygiene. 1906 . 6 13 S36

Shackleton, Robert, and Mrs . E . r. The quest of the colo

nia l. 1907. 645 S52“The personal experiences of two enthusiastic home-makers in quest of

useful, beautiful , and interesting articles of colonial furniture and bric

a -brac. The book gives much information on colonial furniture. and

ofiers helpful suggestions as to selection.

"Book Review Digest.

Sindail, R . W. Paper technology : an elementa ry manua l on

the manufacture , physica l qua lities and chemica l constit

uents of paper and of paper-making fibres . 1906 . 676 SGI

Thomas Publishing 00. Thoma s’

register of American

manufa cturers and first hands in all lines : the buyer’


guide . 3d annua l cd . 1907. Delivery Ha ll

An alphabetic listof all kinds of manufactured goods. giving under each

kind manufacturers, arranged by place. There is a deta iled index .

40 nnoon nu: runmc m y .

run ARTS.

American Amateur Photographer. Vol. 19. 1907. A51

American Architect. Vol. 91. 1907. A5 I

Architectural Record. Vol. 21. 1907. A69

Barber, 8 . A . Artificia l soft pa ste porcelain; France , Ita ly ,

Spain and England. 1907. 738 323s

Beck, 0. W. Art principles in portrait photography : com

position, treatment of backgrounds , and the processes

involved in manipulating the pla te . 1907. 770B39

Oi great value to photographen . Its trenchant and concise teaching

Chal ets, William. Marks and monograms on European

of each manufa ctory ; over 3500 potters’ ma rks and addi

l lth ed. 1906 . 738 C34

Ooenen, Frans. Essays on gla ss , china , silver, etc. in con

nection with the WilletHolthuysen Museum collection,

Amsterdam. 1907. 738 C65

Connoisseur. Vol. 18. 1907. 705 C76

001 , Kenyon. Painters and sculptors : a second series of

Old masters and new. 1907. 759 C47a

Contents: The education of an artist—The Pollaiuoli.—Painters of the

Cram, 8 . A . The Gothic quest. 1907. 726 C84gContents : On the restoration of idea lism. Concerning architecturalstyle—Gothic ascendency .

—Meeting-houses or churches .—Development


ecclesiastical architecture in England.—Development of ecclesiastical

architecture in America —On the building of churches.—Inter1or dec

oration of chumhn —Oontemporary architecture of the Roman Catholic

Am—Architectursl education in the Unitd States.

l ast, Alfred. The art of landscape painting in oil colour.

With illustrations in colour and bla ck-and-white. 1907 751

Leaks , L . 8 . Bla ckie’

s nature-drawing charts . 1907. 745

Fifteen large sheets ofcoloured drawings of plantforms ,with enlarged draw

42 311001 1511: runuc m an y .


Adams, Samuel. Writings . Collected and edited by H L.

Ca shing. Vol. 3. 1907. 824 A2 14

Benson, A . 0. The alta r fire. 1907. 824 3473

The diary of a man who loses much of the outer happiness of the earlier

part of his life. but fina lly achieves inner peace. The author sa ys.“The

aim of this book is to show thatM a ins is atonce curative and cumThe diary includes some ca pita l character sketches. and some interesting comments on life in general.

Beside still waters. 1907. 824 B47w

The medita tions and recollections of a man retired from active life to thequietof a college town, bound together by a slender thread of narrative.

By the author of the Upton letters. this book also is probably more or lessautobiographical . In his usual graceful. wise, and sober fa shion, the

author pictures the pleasures of a life of simplicity , friendship , and quiethelpfulness. and protests aga instthe love of power, luxury. and strong ex

citement. Possibly the spiritof the book is too introspective and self

centered, too remote from active life.

Orawshaw , W. 8 . The making of English literature . 1907.

810 C89

A thoroughly readable and interesting history . Athenmmt.

Glider, R . W. The fire divine : [poems ]. 1907. 820G466

Gunsaulus, r. W. The higher ministries of recent English


C01mm The literary phases of the religious problem.—Matthew

Arnold.—Al£red Tennyson.

—Robert Browning .

Kipling , Rudyard. Collected verse. 1907. 820 K57

Luce, Robert. Writing for the press : a manua l. 5th ed . te

written. 1907 [cop . 1886- 1907 655 L96

Meyer, 0. r. Jiirg Jena tsch : cine B lindnergeschichte . 28te

Auflage. 1898. G. 833M57iPain, Barry . First lessons in story

-writing. 1907. P16

Contents : How one thinks of a story .—Sty le and bana lity .

—Subject andmateria l.—The concea lment of art.—Dia logue .

—The selection of de

tail.—Miscellanea .—Principles.

“A little book of advice, sensible and acute. born ofMr. Pain'

s experience

as a publisher's reader. London Times.

Reed, Myrtle. Love afia irs of literary men. 1907. 811 R32

Canicuts : Jona than Swift.—Alexander Pope. Samuel Johnson.

Lawrence Sterne.—William Cowper.

—Thomas Carlyle.—Edgar Allan

Poe .—Percy Bysshe Shelley .

—John Kea ts .

Riley , J. W. Morning : [poems ]. 1907. 820 K57m

mm u‘unm ms'roar . 48

Shakespeare,William. The tragedy of Anthonis and Cleo

patra . 1907. [Variorum cd. of Shakespea re , cd by H . H .

Fumee s . Vol. K3l vol. 15

Tappan, l . M. A short history of America 's litera ture , with

815 TIG

Van Dyke, Henry . Days 08 , and other digressions . 1907.

824 V24d

Brief, chatty essays and sketches.

Woodberry , G. l . The appreciation of literature . 1907.

801 W85principles .

—Lyiica l poetry .—Narrative poetry .

—Dramatic poetry .

- Fiction.—Other prose forma—Prac

Greatwriters : Cervantes , Scott, Milton, Virgil, Montaigne,Shakspere. 1907. 804 W888

Wordsworth, William. With Wordsworth in England : beinga selection of the poems and letters ofWilliamWordsworthwhich ha ve to do with English scenery and English life, se

lected and arranged by Anna Bennes on McMahan. 1907.


Wyld, 8 . 0. K . The historica l study of the mother tongue : anintroduction to philologica l method . 1906 . 409W98

Yeats, w. 8 . Poetica l works . Vol. 2 . Dramatiml poems .

1907. 820Y41a

Contents : The Countess Cathleen.—The Land of Heart


s Desire—Theshadowy wetera—On Baile's strand .

—The king's threshold.



AmericanHistory Leaflets, colonia l and constitutiona l. Ed .

by A . B . Hartand Edward Cha rming. Nos . 1—33, 35—36 .

1892- 1907. 2v . A5

Belloc, Hilaire. Paris . New ed . 1907. 944 .5 P2bl

Contents : Introduction—The plain of Paris.—Lutetia —Paris tuthe dark

ages.—The early Middle Ages .

—The later Middle Assa—The Renais

44 saoon num nc W Y

Chart, D . A. The story ofDublin. Illus . by Henry J. Howard.

1907. D8

One of theMedie val towns series, well-illustrated, giving both history and

description. The Athm m says :“There are plenty oftruths in his book

-plenty of learning also ; but there are grave gaps and oftenmaccuracies . . The accountof the suburbs is pleasantand chatty , and

will serve as a useful guide to the ordinary visitor.


Dewey , D . 8 . Nationa l problems , 1885 - 1897. 1907.

[American nation : a history . Vol. D51

3. 8. The missions of Ca lifornia and the old South

west. With 35 illustra tions from photographs . 1907.


Aibrizht, popular account,—thorough and sympathetic.

Lang, Andrew. History of Scotland from the Romanoccupation. Vol. 4 . 1907. 941 L25

Lea , H . 0. A history of the Inquisition of Spain. 1906

1907. 4v . L46“The ripe work of a great scholar, acknowledged to be the greatest living

authority in his field.—the history of the Inquisition. A . L. A . Booleh


Lindsay , T. M. A history of the Reformation. 1906—1907.

2v . L64

Vol. 1. The Reformation in G'

ermany irom its beglnning to the reli

sinus peace of Augsburg .

2 . The Reibrmation in Switzerland, France, the Netherlands,Scotland and England , the Anaba ptistand Socinianmovements.

[In spite ofsome defects.] the total impression is very favorablezitis the

bestthing we have in English on the subject. The work combines scientific worth with literary charm, and will appeal strongly both to the student and to the thoughtful layman. American Historical Review.

Moore, 8 . A . The story of a cannoneerunder Stonewa ll Jackson, in which is told the pa rt taken by the Rockbridge a r

tillery in the Army of Northern Virginia . With introds .

by RobertE . Lee , jr. , and Henry St. George Tucker. 1907.

He tells the story of the four years ' struggle in a clear, direct. soldier-lilseway , always with a

sense of the humorous , and always sympathetically ,like a man to whom life is larger than any one man’

s experience.

Parker, 0. 8. Town of Arlington, pa st and present. 1907.


nm onm nnscnnvnox 1 111) m m . 45

Seignobos, Oharles. History of medie va l and of

civilization to the end of the seventeenth century . Trans

lation ed . by J. A . James. 1907. S45

Sparks , 2 . 3 . Nationa l development, 1877—1885 1907.

[American nation: a history . Vol. 873

Victoria History of the Counties 01 England.

Berkshire. Vol. 2 . 1907. B4

Gloucester. Vol. 2 . 1907. G51pLanca ster. Vol. 3. 1907. L2

Oxford . Vol. 2 . 1907.

Sussex . Vol. 2 . 1907. SQpWhitty , E . M. St. Stephen

s in the,

fifties , the session

1852—3: a Parliamenta ry retrospect. With an introd . by

Justin M’

Carthy , and notes by H . M. W. 1906 . W61“A history of the English parliamentary session of 1852-3. Itis made upof a series oi letters written in the press gallery of the House of Commons ,and supplied for a leading newspaper dining that year.



Bradley , A . 0 . Round aboutWiltshire. 1907. W65bOain, Georges . Nooks and corners of old Paris . With a

preface by Victorien Sardou. [Dedicatiom P2cn

Butt, W. A . Some literary associations of Ea st Anglia .

1907. N7dc

Pleasantly written book with much matter interesting to readers with

literary tastes. Much better than the average book on a particular sec

tion. Mx. Dutt is a recognised authority on East Anglia .

Grimshaw , s . 3 . Fiji and its possibilities . 1907. 088

Miss Grimshaw has penetrated to the interior of the cannibal islands

and describes the savage ttibes , as well as life in more civilized parts.

Hind, 0. L . Days in Cornwa ll. 1907. C7hi

Mansfield, M. r. (Francis Miltoun, The automo

bilist abroad by Francis Miltoun, with many illustrations

from photographs , decorations ,maps and plans, by Blanche

McManus . 1907. M64“Contains all the essential elements of a motor guide through Europe,presented through themedium of persona l and very practica l experience.

46 snoon nul m us m auur.

Miyakawa , Msluji. Life of Japan. 1907.M69

Contents : New Japan as old as cver.—Religions in Japan.

—Japanesemoral ethics .

—Japanese women.—Japanese customs and habits .

—Topography of Japan.

—Feuda lism in Japan.—Causes for overthrow of feudal

ism.—Ja panese medieval foreign intercourse.

—Romantic relatidn to theUnited States .

—Txiumphs of American diplomacy .

—Present Emperor tothe throne.

—Reform of the financia l system.—Japanese industrial de

velopment.-Army and the new of Japan.

—Education in Japan.

Japanese constitutiona l government.—Japanunder reignof1aw .

—Journa lism in Japan.

—American-Japanese war.

Smith, A . 8 . China and America to-day : a study of conditionsand relations . 1907. 951 S645;

Contents : The Occidentand the Orient—The new America .—OldChina .

A great race.—The brass dish and the iron brush.

—The new far East

and the new China .—America ’

s advantages and disadvantages in China .America ‘s opportunities and responsibilities in China .

Tel ler, Josephine . A spring fortnight in France. 1907.


Wendell, Barrett. The France of to-day . 1907. W48Contents: The universities .

—~Structure of society .—The family .

—TheFrench temperament.

- Relation of literature to life.-Question of re

ligion.—The Revolution and its eflects.

—The republic and democracy .

White, 8. 8 . Camp and trail. 1907. 799W578¢Contents : The wilderness traveler.

—Common sense in the wilderness .

Personal equipment.—Camp outfit—The cook outfit.

—Grub .—Camp

cookery .—Horse outfits .

—Horse packs.—Horses , mules, buries .

Wright, 3 . M. A handbook of the Philippines . With 3

new maps. and 150 illustrations from photographs . 1907.

W93“The outgrowth of investigations made for a reportto a manufacturers ’

association in San Francisco. Gives interesting facts about the commerce, productions. industries , and prospects , of the islands .



Carlyle. Harrison, Frederic, cd. Carlyle and the London

library : accountof its foundation, with unpublished lettersof Thomas Carlyle to W. D . Christie. Arranged by MaryChristie. 1907. E .C2125.h“Carlyle

s twenty letters make this little bit of history lively and col

loquial The charaeter of a librasian is the tesrtof one discourse.

The book is worth reading if only thatone may see how deftly and surelyCarlyle couldmodel practical business while he stormed.


moaa sm . 47

Crane, Walter. An artist’

s reminiscences . 1907. 750WDumas, Alexandre, pen. My memoirs. Trans. by E . 14.

Wa ller.with anintrod . by Andrew Lang. Vols . 1- 2. 1907.

E .D895

To be in asven voluma .

l ugénio, Empress of the French. Sergeant, P. W. The last

Empress of the French , being the life of the Empress

Eugenie, wife ofNapoleon III . 1907. E8s

ginson. 1907. E .H5391‘

This h the storYd the life oi Colonel Hiaginson's a

-andfather, who was

a member oi the Continental Congress in lm , and one ol the iounders oithe Amesican Navy . He is also known ior his authosahip of the“Laco Letters

“in which he sharply criticised John Hancock.

The book pictures socia l.politica l. and commercia l New En¢land fmm 1775

to 1830. as reeorded in the life of one oi her active and public-spirited cifisens . There is a cha pter on 01d 8slem faniifiea amther on the 0uarmdeck in politics, and one on l unicipal li£e in 30ston betwem 1790 and

and some curious cuts oi old Salem and Boston.

Pasteur. Va llery-Radat, M. R . The life of Pasteur, trans .

from the French by Mrs . R . L . Devonshire. 1906. E .P269.v

Babelais . Tilley , A . A . Frangois Rabelais. 1907. E .R 112 .t

Roosevelt. Morgan, James . Theodore Roosevelt, the boy

and the man. 1907. E .R685 .m

Sonar,Mrs . E . M. D . Recollections and impressions . 1907.

E .Se492

Hm Sellar, wife of the Profusor oi Latin atEdinburgh, who hsd had a

distinguished career at Balliol, saw much of both Scottish and Oxford

society . To her house came all mannerof visim induchng mmy of the

chiei names inVictorian literature. . Hermannerofwritiucould scamely be bettemd. It is simply good talk, tree from all self-consciousness .

This delightful book is full of pictures of the life and the men and

women of the pas Spectator.

Voltaire. Ta llentyre. S. G. , pseud. forMiss E . V. Ha ll. The

life ofVolta ire. 3d cd. 1905 .E .V888.t

Although the book lach perspective and proportion. itdoes notlack

materia l carefully collected. and itdoes notlack cleamess. precision. a ra

fiona l judgment and occasiona l brilliance in expred on. Itmay prove

to be the best life of Voltaiie in English. for the student. iust becauseof iis amplituds oi detail.


48 nnoon nmm us m an y .

Atherton, Mrs . G. r. Ancestors. AS66 .G

Barr, Mrs . A . E . The heartof Jessie Laurie.

Becks , Louis . Settlers of Ka rossa Creek and other stories of

Austra lian bush life.

Comens: Settlers of Katossa Creek.—3ella of 3a:ina .

Benson, 8 . 8 . 3y what authority?“Dea ls with the religious persecution of the Roman Catholics in the

of Elizabeth. The greater partof the novel'

18 occupied by theologi

discusdons . Mr. Benson has a giit of word-painting which

enables him to give vividly lifelike pictures of the court of Elizabeth.and particularly of the queen herself.


The King’

s a chievement.

A historical novel. dea ling ma inly with the suppression of the monasteries in England, after the Reformation. Written from the RomanCatholic point of view.

Brown, 8 . D . Mr. Tuckerman’

s nieces .

The plotcenters around a professor. who. as a bacheloruncle of three orphaned girls. finds himself suddenly ca lled upon to assume the duties ofguardian. The girls come to live with him and. from his pointof view,

completely upset the quiet current of his life.

Bullen, r. T. The ca ll of the deep : being some further ad

ventures of Frank Brown.

Burnett, Mrs . r. H . The shuttle .

Butler, E . P. Kilo : being the love story of Eliph’


Carey , 3 . N. The angel of forgiveness.

Castle, Mrs . A . and Castle, Egerton. My merry Rockhurst” , being some episodes in the life of Viscount Rockhurst, a friend of King Cha rles the Second , and at one

time Constable of His Majesty’

s Tower of London. C27

Connolly, J. 3 . The crested sea s : [short stories ]. C7674 .4

Couch, A . T. Quiller MajorVigoreux . C835 . l9“Well-written. amusing tale of a middle-aged artillery ofi cer in charge

ofa deserted garrisonon an island ofi the Cornish coast."A . L. A .Booklist.

Crawford, r. M. Arethusa .

A romantic tale of Constantinople in the 14th century.

Orawiurd, 0 . J r. Revelations of Inspector Morgan. C859.1

Four detective stories founded on revelations made by a Scotland Yard

50 naoon nm runuo m eant .

Newbolt, H. J. The old country . N433.1“Ah uncommonly thoughtful and interesting novel.

Oxeaban , John. Man of Sark .

Parrish, Randall. Beth Norvell : a romance of the West. P256 .5

Phelps, 1 . afterwards Mrs . Ward. Walled in. P515.31

Themaincharacters are a eollece pmfeasor, who is“walled in by illness

his pretty and selfish young wife; and her aister, who is the real huoine.

Phillips, D . G. Light-fingered gentry . P5484.4

Reed, Myrtle. A spinner in the sun. R254.2

never was lived. 1 .

Sedgwick, A . D . A fountain sea led.

Sherwood, Margaret. Princess Pourquoi.

Five clever parables are hese told in the form of old—ia shioned fairy tales

with a mediz val settinc and flavor, and yetwith a very modernmeanin¢in them for the observant.

Stevenson, s . a . That afiair atElizabeth.

Another story by the author of The Marathon Mystery , in which Lester.



A novelette about a younc man from Ohio and the flrat countess he

Thanet, Octave, proud. for A . R . French. The lion’

s share.


Woman, 8. J. Laid up in lavender: [short stories ]. W547.22

Wharton,Mrs . E.N. The fruitofthe tree. W556 .9

of a country church. W641.18

Wister, Owen. Mother. W767.8

Practically a shortstory , mildly amusing. aboutthe financial speculationsof a young man and his fiancee.


Aanmd, Hans. Lisbeth Longfrock . Trans . from the Nor

wegian by Laura E . Poulsson. jA113.1

nooxs yon rom an m m . 51

Adams, 3. 8 . Harper’

s outdoor book for boys . 1907. 5796Coutset: Back-yard pleasau —Pet sheltera -4 ummer-houses and

pemolaa—Wea ther-vanes and windmifla—Aeria l toya—Coastens.skees, and snow-shoes .

—Sail-skating and snowba ll artillery .—Kites

and aeroplanea—Fishing-tackle.—Land-yachts and pushmobiles .

Fire-engines and m —Water-wheels .—3oats .

—C atamarans .— Ice

boats.—House boa ts and rafu—liarline-spike seamanship .

—C amps andcamping .

—Traps and tmppinm—Tree huts and brush-houu —Wa lkBaldwin, James. An American book of golden deeds. [cop .

jE l .3 18a

Barbour, R. H . The spiritof the school. j3235 .9

Baylor, l . M. 8 . A little prospector. j3345 . l

Brooks , 0 . 8 . The story of a footba ll season. iB795 .1

Carpenter, l'. 0 . Foods ; or, how the world is fed. [ 00p .

i641 C29Church, A . J. The Odyssey for boys and girls , told from

Homer by A . J. Church. 1906 . i291 C56haDudley , A . T. The greatyear. iD868.5

Eggleston, 0 . 0. Long knives : the story of how they won the

West. jE308.13

Field, Eugene . The Eugene Field book : verses , stories , and

letters for school reading. Ed. by M. E . Burt and M. 3 .

Ca ble . 1906 [cop . 1889- 1898 i811 F45Grinnell, 0 . 3 . Ja ck the young trapper: an Ea stern boy

s furhunting in the Rocky Mountains. jG889.5

Harris , A . V. and Gilbert, 0. coinpilers . Poems by

grades ; containing poems selected for each grade of the

school course, poems for ea ch month, and memory gems .

1907. 2v . j811.8 H3]

Hathaway , 1 . V. Napoleon, the little Corsican. [cop .

jE .N21ha

Robson, B . P. Buck Jones atAnna polis . jH655 .1

Martin, G. M. Abbie Ann. jM3682 .3

Miller, Joaquin, pseud . for C . H Miller. True bear stories ; withintroductory notes by D . 8. Jordan, together with a thril

ing account_oi the ca pture of the celebrated grizzly


[cop. j590M63

52 naoom ml PUBLIC m ma r .

Morris , Charles. Home life in a ll lands. 1907. j910M87Contents : At the world

's dining-table.

—In the world's tailor-shop

In the world's dressing-room.

—At home with the world's people—In

the world'

s kitchen and parlor.—Hunting-iield. pasture. and farm.

Tool-makers of the world.—Meetings and meetings in all lands .

Norris, Charles . Heroes of the na vy in America . 1907.

j973.9M87One hundred and fifty gymna stic games , comp . by the

membersofthe Boston Norma l School ofGymnastics. 1905 .

17 90058

0818 , James , pseud. The light keepers : a story of the United

Sta tes lighthouse service . j0887.51

Peeps at Many Lands Series. With illustrations in color.

France. By John Finnemore . 1907. j944.6 P5I

Holland. By Beatrix Jung‘man. 1907. j949.2 195India . By John Finnemore . 1907. j954 F51Ita ly . By John Finnemore . 1907. j945 .6 P5I

Japan. By John Finnemore. 1907. j952 P5IScotland. By E . W. Grierson. 1907. j94 l G84

Plummet, M.W . Roy and Ra y inMexico. 1907. j972 .6 P73

Pyle, Howard. The story of Sir Launcelot and his com

panions . 1907. j291 A78pbPyle, Katharine, and Portor, L . 8. Theodora . jP9973.8

A story for younger girls , dea ling with the experiences ofTheodora Winthtop in an Episcopal Sisters

School in New York City , where she is sea t

while her father goes abroad.

Rhys, Ernest, ed. Fairy gold : a book of old English fairy

ta les . iR356 . l

Book , 3 . 0. and L . J. Young folks'entertainment, comprising

many new and novel motion songs , cha rades , pantomimes ,

tableaux , concert recitations , drills , etc. , for home and

school entertainments . 1906 [cop . 1886 j790R77aFor children from five to fifteen years of age.

Russell, r. K . Born to the blue : 8 story of the army. jR919. 1

A story of life in an army post on the frontier.

St. Nicholas . Stories of the Grea t Lakes retold from St.

Nichola s . 1907. j977 SI4Western frontier stories retold from St. Nicholas . 1907.

i978 $14



0 a

"~ox A”D'

n .NDA'




VOL. X IV. No. 3






Week Days .—9 a .m. to 9 p . m. , lega l holidays excepted.

Sundays.—2 to 9 p . m.


Week Days .-2 to 6 p . m. , and a lso from 10 to 12 on Saturday


Sundays .-School Reference Room. 2 to 9 p . m.


Itmay notbe~generally known thatthe BulletinBoard atthe left

ofthe door, a s one enters the Library .is reserved for notices of currentlectures , concerts , exhibitions , etc. Heremay be found theHarvard University Gazette , announcements ofthe various courses forteachers ofHarvard and BostonUniversities and the free lectures ofthe Harvard Medica l School. The Bulletin of the Museum of Fine

Arts gives currentnews ofthe Museum. and information ofthe free“Conferences ,

”and of the privileges thatthe public now enjoys of

being guided through the various parts of the Museum by the“docents .

The library has added about 1700 photographs to its collectionduring the pa stsixmonths . These include photographs ofpainting.

architecture, and sculpture . These are keptinca ses inthe back part

of the library and ma y be used in the building, or taken out forhome use. A card cata logue of a ll the pictures is nea r the photo

graph eases.

Besides these photographs , the library ha s a collection of Bible

pictures ; and also.inthe School Reference Room, ofviews ofpla ces

The December bulletin was not sentout to the libra ries on ourmailing list, owing to a sca rcity in the supply . We can, however,supply copies to anyonewho ca res tokeep a complete file.


6 . indicates gift.

6m m .

Almm ch de Gotha : annuaire généa logique, diplomatique et

statistique. 1908. Ref.

AmericanBook-Pricesm m: a record ofbooks ,manuscripts .and autographs sold at auction in New York. Boston and

Philadelphia . Sept. 1. 1906 to Sept. 1. 1907, with the prim

rea lized . Comp. from the auctioneers ’ cata logues by LutherS. Livingston. Vol. 13. Libr



s Room

Buell’s annua l : a cyclopaadic record ofmen and topics of the

da y . 1908. Ref.

Minerva : Jahrbuch dergelehrtenWelt. Ref.

Whitaker, Joseph, pub. Almana ck . 1908. Ref.

rm o8028? AND RELIGION.

Bible . The modern reader’

s Bible : the books ofthe Bible with

books ofthe Apocrypha , presented inmodern literary form;cd . , with introd. and notes . by R . G. Moulton. 1907.

By the use of thin paper. the numerous volumes ofProfessorMoniton’


Modem reader’

s Bible are here broughtinto one book ofmodera te bulk .

Bible. The Bible for home reading. edited with comments andreflections . for the use ofJewish parents and children, by C .

G. Montefiore. 1900—1902 . 2v .

Gives extracts from the Old Testament. arranged in the main chrono

logica lly . with connecting notes and comments in sma ller type. The

authorha s endea vored to indica te the results ofmodern cn‘

tieism ofthe

Bible as to historica l accuracy. da tes of authorship. and varying ethica l

standa rds . The first volume is largely narra tive : the second volumeincludes the psa lter. prophetica l books. Apocrypha . and wisdom litera

ture. The authorwrites .

“ I ha ve not scrupled to pointouttha twe dothe Bible an ill turnby refusing to indica te to the child wha tis less goodin itand wha tis more. The noblestand grandestpa ssages shine outa llthemore resplendently if difierencee ofworth are freely recognised .

56 BROOKLINE PUBLIC LIBRARY.Brown, A . J. The foreignmissionary ; an incarnation of a worldmovement. 1907. 266“Especia lly useful to the studentlooking forward to service on the mis

sion field. or tomission study classes . The Secretary of the Presbyterian

Board. himself an extensive traveller. wxites from personal experience.

His style is attra ctive, and his book is enlivened with quota tions frombiogra phy . reports. and addresses, and an occa sional humorous anec



Clark, Francis E . Christian Endea vor in a ll lands : a record of

twenty-five yea rs of progress : the story of a great religious

movementwhich ha s spread over a ll the earth from a sma llbeginning in America . 1906 . 206 C54

Gardner, Percy . The growth of Christianity : London lectures .

1907. 270G17

A discussionofthe way inwhich Christianity ha s beeninfluenced by thevarious religions and forms ofciviliza tionwithwhich ithas come in con

tact. The authortakesup in succession the influence of Judaism.Greece.Asia . Rome. and the medie va l Catholic Church. The London Tim :

sa ys :“The scope and purpose of the book. cast for popula r lectures.

allow space only for drawing the broad. obvious outlines . When. how

ever. this is done by anyone as deep -versed in antiquity as Dr. Gardner.his summary presentation ma y clear the vision even of professedstudents .


Hamack, Adolf. Luke the physician, the author of the third

gospel and the Acts of the Apostles . 1907. Z 38

Ptleiderer, Otto. Religion and historic faiths . 1907. 209 P48

Ccumin The essence of religion.—Religion and ethics .

—Religion and

science.—Beginnings of religion.

—The Chinese religion.—The Egyptian

religion.—The Babylonian religion.

—Religion of Z arathustra and the

Mithra cult.—Brahmanism and Gautama Buddha .


The Greek religion.—The religion of IsraeL—Post-exilic Judaism.

Christianity .— Islam.

80th, James. A study ofethica l principles . 8th ed . , rev . 1905 .

170 849

Smith.A . H . The upliftofChina . 1907. S64u

One ofthe series, Foniga mission study courses. The authorhas beenforyea rs an able missionary in China . and is the author ofone of the mostinteresting and well-written books on the life of the Chinese. entitledChints: characteristics . The present volume includes genera l infom a

tion. as well as facts aboutmissions.

58 BROOKLINE PUBLIC LIBRARY.Day , J. B . The raid onprosperity . 1907. D33

“Chancellor Da y . of Syra cuse University . is a champion of corpora tebusiness . and believes tha t trusts are na tura l. and consistentwith the

developing interests of the new age . He discusses corpora tions. the distributionofwea lth. organized cha rity . ta inted money and laborunions.Several cha pters are devoted to a defence ofthe Standa rd Oil Company .


Book Review D380“.

H elvery , 0. O. The soulma rket. 1907. M29Inorder to see the life of the poor in London. His Malvery took up fora time va rious kinds ofwomen


s work. and here describes herexperiences

as swea t-shop worker. street-musician. flower-zirl. waitress. etc. She

writes a book of fa cts.with few comments or theories .

More,Mrs. L . B . Wage-ea rners

budgets : a study of standards

and costofliving inNew York city.with a prefa ce by Frank

lin H . Giddings . 1907. M81A detailed study . ba sed upon records keptby two hundred families .

Rolline. Montgomery . Money and investments : a reference

book for the use of those desiring information in the hand

ling ofmoney or the investmentthereof. 1907. Ref.

The fla t36 pages give general informa tion and a dvice to investors : the

remaining 436 pages are in the form of an encyclope dia . with hea ding s

a lphabetica lly arranged.

U. l . BureauofLabor. Twenty-firstannual reportofthe Com

missioner of Labor. 1906 . Strikes and lockouts . 1907. G.

331 U58aGives the results ofan investigation of strikes and lockouts in the U. S .


1901 to 1905. inclusive. with summa ries covering the yea rs 1881 to 1905 .

Following the discussion and ta bles. a re cha pters on strikes and lockoutsin foreign countries . and on the law rela ting to strikes. boycotts. etc.

Veil, 0. H . Principles of scientific sociah' °

sm. 1906 . 335 V19


Bailey.0. cd. Firelight stories : folk ta les retold for kinder

ga rten, school and home. 1907. B 15f

Betta, G. H. Themind and its educa tion. 1907. 150B46

Bryant, 8. 0. Stories to tell to children: fifty-one stories with

some suggestions for telling. 1907. B84s

Oronson.Bernard. Pupil self-government, its theory and prac

tice. 1907. 371 088


Lindsay , Maud. More mother stories . 1906. L64nA collection of stories to tell to children.

Morel training in the Public I chools : the Ca lifornia prize es

says . by Cha rles Edwa rd Rugh,T.P . Stevenson, EdwinDil

ler Sta rbuck , Frank Cramer. George E . Myers . 1907. 377 M7OMcKinley , A . E . The sufirage franchise in the thirteen English

colonies in America . 1905 . M197The author takes up ea ch of the thirteen colonies by itself. and besidesgiving the suffrage qualifications trea ts oi the changes of public opinionrega tding elective privileges .

Paulsson, A . E . Father and baby plays. 1907. P86fVery simple games and songs.

Tyler, J. M. Growth and educa tion. 1907. TO7A study of the physica l development of the child up to maturity . and

of the propera dapta tionof school life to physical conditions a tdiflerent

ages . Includes discussion of the course of study. and suggestions onschool hygiene in its broadest sense.

Wiltse, 8. E .. comp. Kindergarten stories and morning ta lks .

1904. W71Stories forkindergartens and prima ry schools . 1899. W713

U . 8 . Bureauof Education. Report of the Commissioner of

Educa tion forthe year endingJune 30, 1905 . Vol. 2 .

80131703 .

Black , F . A . Natura l phenomena : a collection of descriptive

and speculative essays on some of the by-

pa ths of nature .

1906 . 504 B56“Ah intelligible and interesting accountof some a stronomical and ter

restrial problems of da ily interest. He explains why loca l time difiers in

various p a rts of the world. why the sun and moon look la rgerwhen theyare nea r the horizon than when they are fa r up in the sky. how the

wea ther is supposed to move in cycles. etc.

"Specta tor.

Chamberlin, T. G. , and Salisbury , R. D . Geology . 1906- 1907.

3v . 550 C35

Vol. 1. Geologic processes and their results.

2 . Ea rth history : Genesis— Pa leozoic.

3. Earth history : Mesozoic. Cenozoic.

Devoogt, 6 03. Our domestic anima ls : their habits , intelligenceand usefulness . 1907. 636 D 4O


l ‘inley ,W. L . American birds . studied and photographed fromlife . 1907. F49

FournlerD ’Albe, E . E . The electron theory : a popula r introduction to the new theory of electricity and ma gnetism.

1906 . 537 F82

Attempts to apply the electron theory to the whole range of electro

magnetic phenomena . The treatment is clear and popular, and the

book fills an acute need a tthe presenttime.

Grout, A . J. Mosses with hand-lens and microscope : a non

technica l hand-book of the more commonmosses of the

northea sternUnited States . Parts 1- 3. 1903—1906 . 588 6 89a

Houston, E . J The wonderbook ofvolcanoes and earthquakes .

1907. R8 l

M aster, I . B . The kingdom ofman. 1907. 509 L27

Contents : Nature’s insurgent son.—The advance of science. 1881

1906 .—Nature's revenges : the sleeping sickness.

Three papers bearing on one main theme.-the necessity of increa sed

knowledge ofnature and of increa sed control ofnatural laws.

Maeterlinck , Maurice. The intelligence of the flowers . 1907.

M26Miller, G. 8. The families and genera of bats . 1907. 6 . M6Piersol, G. A ., ed. Human anatomy , including structure. and

development and pra ctica l considerations , by Thoma sDwight, J. P. McMurrich. C . A . Hamann, G.A .Piersol, and

J. W. White , with 1734 illustrations . 1907. 2v . 611 D96

Ridgway , Robert. Birds of North and Middle America : a des

criptive ca ta logue. Vol . 4 . 1907. G. R43b

I eton, E . Thompson. The natura l history ofthe ten command

ments . 1907. S49

A brief discussion as to how far animals recognize and obey moral law .

Itejneger, Leonhard. Herpetology of Japan and adja centterritory . 1907. 6 . 882

U . I . National Museum. Cata logue of type and figured speci

mens of fossils , minera ls rocks , and ores in the Department

of Geology , U. S . Nationa l Museum . Part 2 : Fossil verte

brates ; fossil plants ;minera ls , rocks , and ores . 1907. G. 560U58

scmncs . usarvi. ARTS.01

Velvln, Ellen. Wild-anima l celebrities . 1907. 591.57V5w

Stories of famous animals. mostofwhom are still living and on exhibi

tion. We learn of the a dventures of the lions. bears. and other animalsfrom their wild days to the time of their ca ptivity . and of the dangers

encountered by the men who care for them.


Aero Club of Amerlee. Navigating the a ir: a scientific state

mentof the progress of a mnautica l science up to the presenttime . 1907. A24

American School 01 Correspondence st Armour Institute of

Technology ,Chicago. Cyclope dia of architecture.carpentry

and building : a genera l reference work on architecture.

carpentry . building, superintendenoe , contracts . specifi

cations , building law , stairbuilding, estimating, ma sonry .

reinforced concrete , steel construction, architectura l drawing. sheet meta l work , heating, ventilating, etc. 1907. 10V .


Beck, A . K . A reference hand-book for nurses . 1907. 610.73B38

Duncan, John. Steam and other engines . 1907. D91

Explains the elementary principles ofscience a pplicable to hea tengines.with descriptions of constructional deta ils of typical engines. Includesmany illustrations and diagrams .

Francine, A . P. Pulmonary tuberculosis : itsmodern and spec

ia lized treatment. 1907. F84

Freeman,W. G., and Chandler, 8 . E . The world’

s commercial

products : a descriptive a ccountof the economic plants of

the world and of their commercia l uses , with contributionsby T. A . Henry , C . E . Jones and E . H . Wilson. 1907. F87

Hanchett.G. Alternating currents : their generation, distri

bution andutilization. 2d cd rev . and enl. 1906 . H 19

Hodgson, F . T. Modern carpentry and joinery . Vol. 2 , ad

vanced series : being a compilation of the very best things

and mostmodern and practica l methods known in the arts

of a rpentry and joinery . 1906 . 694 H66

63 snooxuns PUBLIC LIBRARY.MeOomb, D . 3 cd. Remeo’

s manua l of apa rtmenthouse ser

vice. 1907. 640 M13COM S : Instructions to ianitor.

—Apartment house rules .—Instruo

tions for ha ll boys. elevator operators. and telephone operators.

Care of plant and pmperty .

H el en e, Isabel. Primary nursingtechnique forfirst-yea rpupilnurses . 1907. M18Though intended primarily for professiona l nurses. the book contains

much thatwould be va lua ble to anyone caring for the sick . The authorwas for yea rs Superintendentof the Illinois Training School forNurses .

Prlce.G. B . Gaining hea lth in theWest; Colorado, New Mexico.

Arizona : being impressions of a layman, ba sed on seven

yea rs'

persona l experience with climate .


Comm . Introduction.—The beginning of a hope.

—Climatic condi

tions .—Where and how to live.

—Marita l obligations .—Getting employ

ment.—How to a void lonelines a—Social and ethica l a spects .

—Thelure of the West.

—Nature of the disea se.—A cha pter on dont


s.Appendix : Statistics .

An accountof outdoor life in the West a s a means for the control and

cure of lung troubles .

3100,W. B . and 002 ,W. B . Squabs for profit: a practica l treatise on the raising of squabs from the egg to ma rket. being a

handbook for the beginner and a guide forthe experiencedbreeder. 1906 . R36

Schlieider, N. H., cd. Dry batteries . How to make and usethem. Giving full and detailed instructions for the manufa cture of dry cells of any shape and size. especia lly adapted for automobile , launch , and gas engine work , medical

coils . bells . burglar a larms . and for a ll purposes requiring a

first-cla ss battery . By a dry battery expert. 1907. S35d

Thonger, Charles. The book of rock and water gardens . 1907.

716 T38b

rm ART8.

Berenson, Bernhard. North Ita lian painters of the Renais

sanoe. 1907. B45n

Brown, (I. B. Rembrandt: a study of .his life and work. 1907.

750 R38b

Browne, B . A . Greatbuildings and how to enjoy them : Nor

man architecture . 1907. B81a

mm; ARTS.68

Gathu, O: H . The story of American painting; the evolution of

paintinginAmerica from colonia l times to the present. 1907.


A fully illustrated account of American painting. laying special em

Elha sis on the connection between our art and our na tional life and°


Cole ,Timothy . Old Spanishma sters engraved by Timothy Cole.with historica l notes by Cha rles H Ca fi n and comments bythe engraver. 1907. ArtCa se“A beautiful volume ma de up of 31 full-page reproductions of Spanishmasterpieces (wood engravings. which are works of artin themselves.)with a brief historical survey . sa tisfa ctory so far a s itgoes. and invaluable notes by the engra ver.

"A . L. A . Bookls



Davies, Randall. English society of the eighteenth century inoontemmrary art. 1907. D32

Donatello. Donatello : des Meisters Werke , in 277Abbildungen.

1907. 735 D71d

Duncan, 3. H . Bldeb . The house beautiful and useful : beingpra ctiml suggestions on furnishing and decoration. 1907.

645 D91

Ccutouts : Short summa ry of a century of applied art.—General notes

on decoration.—Constructive and surface decoration.

—Old furniture .

—Modern furniture.—Carpets.linoleums. mattings, fabrics, etc.

Hints to purchasers .

Ferguson, James. Historyof architectureof a ll countries . New

cd . , cd . by R . P. Spiers , with notes and additions by George

Kriehn. 1907. 2v . F381)Includes only firsttwo volumes of the original work .

Gibson, 0. B . The romance of modern photogra phy : its discovery and a chievements . 1908. 770G35

Hodgson, F . T. Practica l bunga lows and cottages fortown and

country ; perspective views and floor plans of 125 low and

medium priced houses and bunga lows . 1906 . 728 H66

Jackson.T. G. Rea son in a rchitecture : lectures deliyered attheRoya l Academy of Arts in the yea r 1906 . 720JIBContents : Introduction.

—Construction and style.—Subordination of

ordem—Constructiontheba sis ofarchitecture.-Developmentofvault'

ing and its efiecta—Art and construction—Ancient M ple and

modern practice.

64 snooxL l t PUBLIC m uu' .

Ksnlbseh,Wilhelmvon. Fema le characters ofGoethe, from the

origina l drawings of William Kaulbach, with explanatorytextby G. H . Lewes . 1867. G. ArtCase

Rowe, Eleanor. Hints on chip-carving and simple northern

styles . 1905. 736 R79h

Strange, B. l'. Flowers and plants for designers and schools .

Photographed from nature by Henry Irving with text andnotes by E . F . Strange. 1907. 745 889

Bleketts, 0. 8. The artof the Prado : a survey of the contentsofthe ga llery.togetherwith deta iled criticisms ofitsma ster

pieces and biographica l sketches ofthe famous pa inters who

produced them. 1907. 708 M26r“A rea l book. containing rea l opinions.whichmay be rea dwith plea sureby anyonewho cares forthe serious study of art.

"N ation

l ose, I . W. Ca thedra ls and Cloisters ofmidland France ; with

illus . fromorigina l photographs by V. H . Francis . 1907. 2v .


Worley, George. The church of the Knights Templars in London : a description of the fabric and its contents , with a

shorthistory ofthe order. 1907. L84w


Annunslo, Gabrielle D’. The daughter of Jorio : a pastora l

tragedy . 1907. 852 A62d

Bailey , 3 . J. The novels ofGeorge Meredith. 1907. M55b

Baldwin, 0. 8. Essays outof hours . 1907. 824 8 18

Contents : False cypsies—Salad.—Travel.—Nota s one thatbea teth the

air.—A parable of America .

—My friend Copperfield.—MasterVenn.

The literary influence of Sterne in France.—The secretofJohn Bunyan.

—Three studies in the short story .

How to write : a handbook basedon the English Bible. 1906 .

426 B 19

Contents : How to prepare a speech.—How to prepare an essay .

- Howto tell a story .

—How to describe.

66 BROOKLINE PUBLIC L IBRARY.Jacobi,Mrs . Mary (Putna m) . Stories and sketches . 1907. 824 J16

C0mm : Found and lost.—Hairchaina—Imagination and language.

A study of still-life.—Paris .

—A sermon a tNotre-Dame.—A ma rtyr to

science .—Concerning Cha rlotte.

—~Some of the French lea ders.

These articles first appeared in various magazines between 1860 and1871.

Jebb, SirB . O. Essays and addresses . 1907. J34

Cam “. The genius of Sophoclea —Pindan—The age of Pericles .Ancientorgans of public opinion.—Lucian.

—Delos .—Ge set z a sketch.

By J. A . Froude. M.A .—Era sxnus .

—The speeches of Thucydides .

Suidaeon the change ascribed to Sophocles in regard to trilogies .—Sam

uel Johnsom—Humanism in educa tion.—On presenttendencies in clas

sica l studies .—The influence of the Greek mind on modern life.

—Thework of the universities for the na tion. past and present.—An a ddress

delivered attheMa sonCollege.—University educa tion and na tiona l life.

Lee.Mrs . J. B . P. The Ibsen secret: a key to the prose drama s

of Henrik Ibsen. 1907. Ise

A reprintofpapers thatha ve a ppea red in Putnam’

sMonthly. discussingthe symbolism of Ibsen. The author is Professor of English at SmithCollege.

Nutter, 0. Hersey. F .W. G., and Greenough, 0. N.. jointeditors . Specimens of prose composition. 1907. 426 N96

For cla sses and students in English composition. Gives a number of examples from standard authors ofea ch kind of prose.—such as argument.description. narration.

—followed by students' themes inthe same kindof prose. The notes include questions on the text.

Seymour, T. D . Life in the Homeric age. 1907. 883H9se

A study of early Greek civilization and life. ba sed on a detailed study ofthe Homeric poems.

Wells , Carolyn.comp. A vers de société anthology . 1907. 821W45


Bushman, D . L . Old steamboat days on the Hudson River

ta les and reminiscence s of the stirring times that followed

the introduction of steam na vigation. 1907. H8bu

Davis. J. 3 . Round about Jamestown : historica l sketches ofthe lowerVirginia peninsula . 1907. D2O

ms'romr. 07

Elliot, G. F . Scott Chile : its history and lfeatures. products , commerce and presentconditions . 1907.

983 E46

Helmolt, H . cd. Historyof the world . Vols . 5 , 6 , 8. 1907. 909H3?

Vol. 5 . The Greeks a fter Alexander the Great.—Turkey in Europe. andArmenia —The Albanians .

—The Slovenian and Servian-Croatian race.

—The Danube peoples .—Eastern Europe.

Vol . 6 . Central and northern Bumps .

Vol. 8. Western Europe atthe age of the Revolution: Napoleon and

the rea efion.—Politica l and social changes in Europe bottn en 1830 and

1859.—Unifiea tion of Ita ly and Germany . 1859—1866 .

—WesternEurope in the yea rs 1866- 1902 .

—The historical importance of theAtlantic.

Matlaren, In . The Sootofthe eighteenth century.his religion

and his JohnWatson. 1907. M218Contents : The kirk as a factor in Scots history .

—The discipline of thekirk .

—The worship of the church.—William Carstares .

—The modera tes .

—Evangelicals .—The theology of the century .

—The piety oi the

century .—The Sootin his homa —The Scotwith his books.

Mattspoisett. Matta poisettand Old Rochester.Massachusettsbeing a history ofthese towns and a lso in partofMarion anda portion ofWareham. 1907. M37

H elmanti, P. G. Venice, its individua l growth from the earliest

beginnings to the fa ll of the republic. Pa rt 2 . The golden

age . 1907. 2v . V5mo

Newberry , P. E , and Quetang, John. A short history ofnucient Eygpt. New cd. , rev . 1907. 932 N42“A broad and intelligentview ofEgyptian history as itha s beenrevealed

tous by recentdiscoveries. Distinguished by its comprehensive brevity .

and its incorporation of the latestresults of exca vation and resea rch.


Saturday Ramon.

Nyevelt, Susette van Z nylen van, baroness . Court life in theDutch republic. 1638—1689. 1906 . NOS“Fills a ga p in the popular historical library . and is excellently written.

The authordraws a full and entertaining picture ofsociety atthe Hague.

To English rea ders. the most interesting partof her story will be thatwhich dea ls with the childhood and early career of the grea tmanwhoafterward became William 111. of England .

Amm an.

60 snooxtmz PUBLIC LIBRARY.

Parrish. Randall. The great plains : the romance of western

American exploration.warfare. and settlement. 1527- 1870.

1907. 978 P24“A readable history . ba sed on the accepted authorities. The firstpartbriefly describes the plains. the principa l Indian tribes. the firstSpanishand French explorations. the expeditions of Lewis and Cla rk. the furcompanies ; the second part tells of the first emigrants. the overland

route. the early army service : and the third gives a picture of the ea rlysettlements. the struggles ofthe settlers. the days ofthe ca ttlekings. andthe building ofthe firstrailroads.

"A . L. A . Bookls


?etrle,W. H . l'. Hyksos and Israelite cities . 1906. P4411

I skatel, Tadayoshl. Human bullets. a soldier’

s story of Port

Arthur. 1907. 952 815“A series of vivid impressions . recounting the author's experience fromthe time when he started outfrom home a s a lieutenantin the Ja panesearmy , until he wa s wounded in the atta ck on PortArthur. Itis a won

deriul revelation of the Japanese pointof view in regard to pa triotism.

obedience. the herea fter. fellowship with those in a subordinate‘position.andmagnanimity towards ca ptured enemies . The horrorofbutchery iscuriously ming led with purpose and dignity ofmind.


8M , Morris. The spiritofoldWestPoint. 1907. S29"General Schafi was atWestPointatthe outbreak ofthe CivilWar. andhis book is a vivid embodimentof the spiritofpatriotism tha tthenfired

young Americanmanhood. The human interestof the book equa ls thehistoric. Anecdotes of student pranks. pen portraits of distinguishedofi oers. and ba ttle scenes follow each other in picturesque succession.

The cha pters ha ve appeared in the AtlanticMonthly .

Singleton, Esther. The story of the White House. 1907. 2v .

W2sIn writing the history of the White House. I ha ve confined myself tothe social life of the Presidents and their families. and ha ve strictlyavoided any reference to politica l turmoils.


Imlth, J. B . Our struggle for the fourteenth colony : Canada

and the AmericanRevolution. 1907. 2v . 865

The author is Professor ofModern History in Dartmouth College. The

work is a full account. based a lmostexclusively on first-hand ma terials.of the efiorts from 1774 to 1783 to incorporate Canada in the AmericanUnion. Itincludes the military movements involved . The New YorkTim : says :

“Prof. Smith ha s notonly conducted a faithful piece of se

sea rch ; he ha s written an interesting book. though it could be compressed to advantage.


Smith,W.H . A politica l history ofslavery : being an a ccountofthe slavery controversy from the earliest agitations in the

eighteenth century to the close of the reconstruction periodin America with an introduction by Whitelaw Reid.

1903. 2v . G. 866

Todd, 0. B . In olde Massachusetts : sketches of old times and

pla ces during the ea rly days of the commonwea lth. 1907.


In olde New York ; sketches of old times and pla ces

inboth the state and the city . 1907. T56

Trevelyan, SirG. 0 2d bart. The AmericanRevolution. part3.

Saratoga and Brandywine : Va lley Forge : England and

France atwar. 1907. T72“His style retains a ll its wonted flexibility and charm. Candid and just.SirGeorge Trevelyan is a lso moved by the keenestsympa thy forAmerican character a s itwas embodied in the Revolution and especia lly in

Has the grea tmerits of truth and good temper.

N . Y. Tribune.

11. 8. BureauofAmericanEthnology . Twenty-fifth annua l te

port, 1907. 6 . U5

Themain partofthe volume consists of two monogra phs by JesseWal

ter Fewkes. entitled Aborigines of Porto Rico and neighboring islands.and Cm in antiquities of eastern Mexico. Besides illustrations in the

text, there are 129 large plates.

U . 8. Continental Congress . Journa ls , 1774- 1789. Ed . fromthe origina l records inthe Library ofCongress byW.C . Ford .

Vol. 9, Oct. 3—Dec. 31, 1777. 1907. s973.03 U5

Victoria History ofthe Counties ofEngland.

Derby . Vol. 2. 1907.

Durham. Vol. 2 . 1907.

Leicester. Vol. 1. 1907.

Whitford, N. 3 . History of the cana l system of the state of

New York , with brief histories of the cana ls of the U. S.

and Cana da . 1906. 2v . [N . Y . State engineer and surveyor. Supplementto annua l reportfor G. W58



Bagot, Richard. The lakes ofnorthern Ita ly . 1907. 3 15

Bates , Katharine Lee. From Gretna Green to Land’

s End : a

literary journey inEngland. 1907. B31“The author has a keen sense ofwhat is picturesque and worth while.

and her work is based upon careful observation and wide rea ding . Abook to be enjoyed both by returned travellers and by those who lookforward to a trip abroad.

Bell,Mrs . ArthurG. The historica l outskirts ofLondon. 1907.


Clark, Francis E . The continent of opportunity : the SouthAmerican republics , their history , their resources.their outlook. togetherwith a traveller

s impressions of presentdayconditions . 1907. 980 C54

Coleman, 1 . L . A historic and presentday guide to Old Deerfield. 1907. D35c

Crawford.M. 0. Among old New England inns : being an ao

countof little journeys to various quaintinns and hostelriesof colonia l New England. 1907. OS5

Personal anecdotes. bits of history . legenda ry lore. and descriptions of

colonial life makeup this volume. which follows the planofMiss Crawford

s other books on old New England.

Downes, A . M. Fire fighters and their pets . 1907. D75Describes the life of the firemen. telling of their diseipline and training.their every -day life.their devotion to their pets. and their brave deedsin time of action. Severa l famous New York fires are described in detail.

Edwards , M. B . Betham Literary rambles in France. 1907.


Ductintionofplaces irfFrance. interwoven withnotes onFrenchwriterswho ha ve been connected with these places .

Gordon.W. J. Round aboutthe North Pole . 1907. 998 (365

HakluytSociety . Works issued . 2d series , vols. 17- 18, 21. 1906- 1907. 910H1?Vol. 17. Mundy. Peter. The travels of Peter Mundy in Europe andAsia . 1608- 1667.

Vol . 18. Spielbergen. Joris van. The East and West Indian mirrorbeing an accountof [his ] voyage round the world. 1614- 1617. and TheAustra lian na vigations of Jacob Le Maire. Trans. with notes and an

introd . by J A . J. de Villiers .

Vol . 21. E spinosa . Alonso de. TheGuanches ofTenerife. theholy imageofOur La dy of Candelaira . and the Spanish conquestand settlement.


Hale, A . B . The South Americans ; the story ofthe South American republics . their chara cteristics . progress and tendencies ;

with specia l reference to their commercia l relations with theUnited States . 1907. 980H13

The countries especially studied are Argentina . Uruguay. Brazil andVenezuela .

Hammerton, J. A . In the tra ck of R . L . Stevenson, and else

where in old France. 1907. 1118

Hume, M. A . 8. Through Portuga l. 1907. H88“The author’s vivid description of the scenery and the people of Portugal. and his observa tions on its art. history . and arche olov . make up a

book ofmore thanusua l interestand charm.

”A . L . A . Bookls



Lee , Vernon, pseud. for VioletPuget. The sentimenta l tra vel

ler: notes on pla ces . 1907. L5 IS

Travels in Germany . Ita ly . France. and Switseriand.

Lindsay , 0.H.A . Forbes-n America ’

s insula rpossessions . 1906 .

2v .

Vol. 1. The greatAntilles.—Porto Rioo.

- Guam.—Hawaii.

2 . The Philippines.

The author has produced a brief and interesting review of the historyofour island possessions : ha s described them and their inha bitants with

accuracy and sympa thy : and ha s loyally soughtto make the best possible showing for their administra tionunder American rule. With thehistorica l and descriptive part.which does notpretend to complete thoroughness . there is little faultto find. though even in this popular trea tiseone could wish formore frequentreferences to the authorities on whomMr. Forbes-Lindsa y relies. In short. as to the pastand present.

this book is interesting and valuable. As to the problem of the nea rfuture itis almostvoiceless .


H arden, P. 8. Greece and the Aegean Islands. 1907. M33

Describes mainly the more remote parts ofGreece.

Monroe,w. 8. Turkey and the Turks : an a ccountof the lands ,the peoples , and the institutions of the Ottoman empire.


Based both on study and travel . There are chapters on the rise and

decline of the empire. and the main events of the lastthirty yea rs. butmost of the book is given to description. including eight cha pters on


73 s aoom s PUBLIC LIBRARY.Mlillet, l . B . Iwan Ireland , to-day and to-morrow . 1907.


Contents : Yesterday .—Ireland to-day .

—Cross-currents.—The tyranny

ofthe U. I. L.—The priestand politica—The land.

—Remedia l work.

Self-help .—Education.

—Higher education.—Conclusion.

Purchas. I sma el. Hakluytus posthuxnus ; or, Purcha s his pilgrimes , oontayning a history ofthe world in sea voyages and

lande travells . by Englishmen and others . 1905- 1907. 20V.

910 P98

Reprint of the original narratives of explorations in all parts of the

world during the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries.

Ransome, Arthur. Bohemia inLondon. 1907. L8ra.

Mr. Ransome describes the life of struggling young authors and artists

ala nd

z. telling how they live andwork and play. and whattraditions

17 ch sh.

Rawling , 0. G. The greatplateau: being an accountof exploration in centra l Tibet, 1903 and of the Gartok expedition,

1904—1905. 1905 . T3ra“Anarrativeofgreatinterest. The style ofthe book is clear andmodest.and the descriptions are full of vigour.


Rey , Guido. The Matterhorn. Trans . from the Ita lianby J. E .

C Eaton. 1907. M4rMountaineers ha ve long been familiarwith the Italian origina l.—verynearly the bestbook onmountaineering everwritten. Ithas only threerivals in ouropinion.

—Leslie Stephen’

s Playground of Europe.Whymper

s Scrambles am ; the Alps. and Mummery’

s Climbs in the Alps andCm aum . The Ita lian is the mostimagina tive writer of thethree. as he is by farthemostliterary. and hiswork has more ofthe poetin it. The volume is illustrated by some of the mostbeautiful photographs and mountain drawings that ithas been our privilege to see.


Schillings, 0. G. InwildestAfrica . Trans . by FredericWhyte.

with over 300photographic studies directfrom the author’


negatives . taken by day and night. 1907. S33i

By the author of Flashls'

chts in the jungle. The author’s photographsbring before us with startling accuracy the life of African birds and

bea sts. and in his textwe find both the spiritof adventure and of seientific investigation.

Singleton, Esther, cd. Historic landmarks of America as

seen and described by famous writers . 1907. 974 861

70 BROOKLINE PUBLIC LIBRARY.Tasso. Boulting, William. Tasso and his times . 1907. E .T186b

Trevelyan, SirG. O. Margina l notes by Lord Ma caula y , selec

ted and arranged by Sir G. O . Trevelyan. 1907. 824 M117fAh essay embodying the notes made by Macaula y on the margins of thebooks in his own library .

Washington. Wister, Owen. The seven ages ofWashington: a

biogra phy. 1907. E .W2755 .wis

Interesting and illuminating . The author has tried especially to bringout“the human side

ofWa shington. Notin any sense a detailed biography . but rather a character study .


Benson, E . F . Shea ves . B446 . 12

A story of presentda y English life. Itis a study of a ma rriage. ideal asto love. congenia lity of tastes and temper. suitable in every respectex

ceptage. the wife being seventeen years the seniorof her husband . The

characters are individua l and interesting. and are drawn with delicacyand skill .

A . L . A . Booklist.

Crawford ,F .M. The Little City ofHope : a Christma s story . C857.39

Tells of an inventor’

s intense struggle for a certain seientific triumph. of

how poverty blocked his way . and of how his little sonkeptup his hope.

Dawson,W. J'

. A prophetinBabylon: a story ofsocia l service .


A religious novel ofmodern life. The author is the Englishminister andevangelist. Dr. Dawson.

De La Pasture, Mrs . E . 8 . Deborah ofTod’

s . L3OS.5

Emerald and Ermine. By the author ofMartyrdom of an Em

press . M3695 .2

A story of a young widowed duchess on an old esta te in Brittany . with

the sturdy pea santlife of the country for a background .

Harrison,Mrs . 0. 0. Latter-day sweethea rts . H25 1.22

Hewlett,Maurice. The stooping lady . 11498 6

A story of social and political life in London in the ea rly pa rt of the

nineteenth century . The heroine“stoops

to one benea th herin station.

though notin worth.

Hinkson,Mrs . Katherine Tynan. ForMa isie .

m 0, 0. J'

. 0. W. Ka te Meredith. finaneier.


Maelaren, Ian. Graham of Cla verhouse . M222.7“A tale of love. adventure. and intrigues. oi incomparable Scottishknights and beautiful Highland maidens .


Martin,GeorgeMadden. Letitia , nursery corps .U. S. A . M3682.3

Short stories about a little girl who is the daughter of an ofi eer in the

army . A good picture of army life a t various posts .

Mason.A . E .W. The broken road . M381. 11

A story of English rule in India .

Merwin, Samuel, and Webster, H . K . Comra de John. M5646A subtle satire upon ourmodern tendency to embrace newly coined re

ligions underlies this enterta ining story .

Moflett, Cleveland. A king in rags . M729 1Montresor, F . F . The burning torch. M775 7

The story of an orphan child endowed with second sight. by which sheforesees the ca tastrophies which befa ll her and her circle.

Nicholson, Meredith . Rosa lind atRed Gate.

Orcsy , Emnska .baromss . The scarletpimmrnel.

Page, T. N. Under the crust: [shortstoriesPhillpotts , Eden. Daniel Sweetland.

The folk afield : [short storiesRichmond,Mrs . G. L

.I . The indifference ofJuliet.

With Juliet in England .

A sequel to The indifference ofJuliet.Silberrad.U. L . The good comrade .

Smith, F . Hopkinson. The romance of anold fa shioned gentle


Strecktnss, Adolph. The lonely house . From the German, byMrs . A . L . Wister.

A German seientisthunting specimens in the mountains of Ukraine isdrawn into a murder mystery .

Vachell, H. A . Her son: a chronicle of love. VI35 .G

Wells, Carolyn. The Emily Emmins papers . W465 6Patty inParis . W465 .5

White, 8 . E . Arizona nights : [short stories W5934 .8

Stories of life and a dventures among Arizona cowboys. many of themtold by the cowboys themselves . Reprinted fromMcC la rs

sm a ins .

Wilkins, Mary I . The fair La vinia . and others : [shortstoriesW657.21


Adams , 3. H . Harper’

s electricity book forboys.with anexpla

na tion of electric light, heat, power and tra ction by JosephB . Baker, and a dictiona ry of electrica l terms . 1907. j537“Contents range from preparing simple cells to making dynamos andmotors and to electro -pla ting . The author’s own boys work constantlyin his labora tory and he ha s placed danger signa ls wherever precautionsare necessary .


Redford, F . D. A nightofwonders . jB396. 1

A Christmas story for younger children; pretty colored illustrations.

Brown, A . F . Friends and cousins . jB814.1

Church, A . J. The Iliad for boys and girls . 1907. i291 C56ilNew edition of The story ofthe I lied.much like the former. The illustrations a fter Flaxman ha ve new coloring .

l 'rancillon, B . l . Gods and heroes ; or, the kingdomofJupiter.

1894. 5291 F84

For younger children.

Hécker, Gustav. Joseph Haydn: a study of his life and time.foryouth. 1907. 17 80H68

Simply narrated in a small book.

Busted,M.H . Stories of Indianchieftains . Pt. 2 . 1907.

j970. 1 H97s

Slight sketches of King Philip . Pontiac. Tecumseh. Black Hawk. and

others ; includes Father Marquette. La Salle. William Penn. An ele

mentary book.

Lang, Andrew. Ta les of Troy and Greece. 1907. 5291 L26tWith the narrative from Homer Mr. Lang has skilfully mingled muchinteresting information aboutthe Greeks drawn from his own extended


Lang, Andrew, cd. The olive fairy book . jZ .L2601

Lucas , E .V., cd. Anotherbook ofverses forchildren. 1907.

j81 L93a

More varied than the usual collections : besides familiar classics are included old-fashioned na rra tive poems. nonsense rhymes. ba llads old

and new. and many modern fa vorites .

sooxs roa vovnssn nzsnans . 79

McIntyre,M . A . The cave boy ofthe age ofstone . 1907. j930M15A symp athetic picture of the life and occunations of the ca ve family .

which makes a succes ful appeal to the reader's imagination.

Bands ,W. B . Lilliput lyries . 1899. 5811me

St. Nichola s . Sea stories retold from St. Nicholas . 1907. 5910814

Schauffler, R . cd. Christmas , its origin, celebration and significance as related in prose and verse . 1907. 5390 S31c

BeheII, Stanley . Hiawatha enterta inments . 1901. 1790S32

Contents : Hiawatha : a pantomimed reading .—Hiawatha : a drama in

five acts.

—Hiawatha battles with his father: a dramatic eeene.—Thefamine : a pantomime.

Shuts , K . camp. The land of song. Sel. by K . H . Shutecd. by Laa Dunton. 1898—1899. 3v . i811.8 856

Vol. 1. For primary grades.

2. For lower grammar grades;3. For upper grammar grades.

Smith, Mrs . M. P.W. Boys of the border. jS656. 14

Smith, N. A . Nelson the adventurer. iS659.3

Stung, Herbert. Fighting on the Congo : the story of an

American boy among the rubber sla ves . iss99.1

Rob the ranger : a story of the fight for Canada . is899.2

In Clive’

s command : a story of the fight for India . is899.4

Jack Hardy :’

a story’oi English smugglers in the days of

Napoleon. is899 .5

On the trail of the Arabs : a story ofheroic deeds inAfrica .


Strange Stories of 1812 . 1907. $89

Strange Stories of the Civil War. 1907. j973.7 889

Ward,Mrs . Humphry . Milly and Olly . jW216 . 12

The plea sant. simple home-life of an English brother and sister. For

younger children.

Wiggln, Kate Douglas , and Smith, N. A ., eds . Pina fore pa l

ace: a book of rhymes for the nursery . 1907. j811.8 W65pThe fairy ring. jW64 1. 18

80 s aooxnms pvsmc LIBRARY.Williams , Archibald. How it works ; dea ling in simple lan

guage with steam.electricity , light, heat, sound, hydraulies .optics . etc. and their application to apparatus in common

use. 1906 . j6ooW72

Wright,Mrs . Mabel Osgood. Gray Lady and the birds : stories

of the bird yea r for home and school. 1907. i598 W953Tongs , 0. M. A book ofworthies , gathered from the old histo

ries and nowwrittenanew . 1903. jE 1.Y8b

Contents : Joshua .—David .


—Nehemiah.—X eno

phon.—E aminondae.

—Alexander.—Mareus Curius Dentatus .

—Cleomenes . mo Africanus .

—Judas Maccabeua - Julius Ce sa r.

Tun R IVI RDALB Pa a ss : C . A . W. Seances , Baooxuua .

JUNE . 1908



VOL . X IV. No. 5



l 908



Week Days .— 9 a . m. to 9 p . m. , lega l holidays excepted.

Sunda ys .— 2 to 9 p . m.


Week Days .—2 to 6 p . m. , and a lso from 10 to 12 on Saturda y

Sunda ys .— School Reference Room, 2 to 9 p . m.

During July and August the libra ry hours are : Sundays . 2—6 ;Wednesda ys and Saturdays , 9—9; other days , 9—6 . During those

months the School Room is closed and the Children’

s Room is

open from 10—12 and from 2—5 .


The library is ready a s usua l to furnish a generous supply of

books for summer rea ding which ma y be taken away to mountain

or sea shore . Excepting the current fiction and works in grea t

demand such books ma y be taken for severa l months . Suggestive

lists on various subjects , a s aids in selection, may be found at the

reference desk .

112 BROOKLINE PUBLIC L IBRARY.Perkins Institution and Massachusetts School for the Blind.

Specia l reference library of books relating to the blind.

Compiled under the direction ofMicha el Anagnos . Part 1.

Books in English. 1907. Lib’


s Room .

Salisbury .G. l , and Beckwith, M. E . Index to shortstories :

an aid to the tea cher of children. 1907. Ref.“Arranged alphabetically under subject. A listof books referred to isgiven. showing author. title. publisher. price. and date of publication.


Thieme, H . P . Guide bibliographique de la littérature fran

gaise de 1800 a 1906 . 1907. Ref.“The complete works in chronological order of eight hundred andforty -three authors. a bibliogra phy of French literature and a bibli

ography on France. Almost all of the lea ding literary magazines oftheworld have been examined . Indispensable to students and readers

of French literature and history .

United States. Board onGeographic Names. Third report,

1890—1906 . Ref.

Who’s who in America : a biographica l dictionary of notable

living men and women of the United States . 1908/1909.



3mm, Ugo. The popes and the Hohenstaufen.


Bowne, B . P. Persona lism. 1908. E68h

Contents : Common sense. science. and philosophy .—Problem of knowlo

edge.- Phenomenality of the physical world .

—Mechanical or volitiona lcausality .

—Failure of impersona lism.—Persona l world .

Professor Bowne's “efiort is to prove thatconscious intelligence is theonly dynamic. thatis. causal . elementin the univers e. and thateverything else. so far as ithas rea lity at a ll, has only a rela tiona l one and

owes thatto the creative power of‘mind.

human and divine.

Om th, W. H . Letters to American boys . 1907.

Pithy advice on such suggestive topics as The managementof parents,Pick up your manners. Playing keeps. etc. Written closely enough tothe boy

s pointof view to be helpful to parents as well as children.

l ckenstein, Lina . Woman under mona stieism : chapters on

saint-lore and convent life between A . D . 500 and A . D .

1500. 1896 . 271


Gasquet, F . A . English mona stic life . 3d ed. 1905 . 271 G2 1a

The author is Abbot President of the English Benedictine order. and

is one of the mostconsiderable of English Catholic historians.

Gilbert, G. H. Interpretation of the Bible : a short history .

1908. 220G37

A fairly complete history of methods from the ea rliest rabbinic inter

pretation of the Old Testamentto the genera l seientific tendency of the

pastfifty yea rs. Will be mostuseful to Bible students and to dutymen.

Hall , H . F . The inward light. 1908. H 14

A study of Buddhism as it exists in Burma .

Hastings, James , ed . A dictiona ry of Christ and the Gospels .

1907- 1908. 2v . Ref.

“A scholarly work. which oughtto foster learning among the prea chersfor whom itis written.

"Adum m.

Koran. The speeches and table-ta lk of the prophet Mohammad ; chosen and trans . , with introd . and notes , by

Stanley Lane-Poole . 1905 . K8b

Leighton, J'

. A . Jesus Christand the civilization oftoday ; theethica l tea ching of Jesus considered in its bea rings on the

moral foundations ofmodern culture . 1907. 261 L53

H arden, 0 . 8. Every man a king; or, mightinmind-ma stery .

1906 . 131 M33Demonstrates atta inmentof success and the developmentof characterby the mastery of self through thoughttraining .

Miles. I . H . The power of concentration : how to a cquire it.

1907. 131 M59Directions. ba sed on psychology and mental hygiene. for improving the

powers of concentration and memory . The author contends thatconcentration is only absolutely desirable when the

“aim and the way are

according to one’

s highestconseience.


Olaton, A . 8 . Mind power and privileges . 1907. 131 052

Cm : Mind.—The subjective mind.

—Telepathy .Auto-suggestion.—Mind and body .

-Practica l a pplications .—Doctor

and patient.—Physical culture .

—Persona l power.—Care and trea t

mentof the body .—Hypnotism.

—Subjective training .—Habit.

—C hrlstian Science .




. D . Hypnotic therapeutics in theory and

pra ctice , with numerous illustrations of treatment by

suggestion. 1908. 131 Q ]“The author believes that the translimina l or higher spiritua l self maybe inspired to a ssert a control tha t is practically boundless over the

organs of the body and the fa culties of the mind . He trea ts hypno

tism a s the grea t regenerative force of the age. and bases his state

ments on personal experiences in trea ting physical and moral disea ses .

Band, Benjamin, comp. Modern cla ssica l philosophers : selec

tions illustratingmodernphilosophy from Bruno to Spencer.

1908. 190 R I5“Intended to provide the general rea der with a volume from which he

ma y rea dily discover the content and method of the modern philo

sophica l ma sters and to stimula te the student to the rea ding of their

complete works .


I abatier, Paul. Disestablishment in France. With a prefa ce

by the translator, Robert Dell , and the French-English

textof the separation law , with notes . 1906 . 811“Itwould be impossible to hnd in France a man better qua lified thanM. Sa batier, by his detachment from pa rty politics. by his keen his

torical sense, and by his wide and generous sympa thies. to deal withthe matter in hand .

Stephens , W. B . W. Hildebrand and his times . 1903. SSS

Strauss, J'

. V. The idea s of a pla in country woman, by The

Country Contributor. 1908. 177 S9I

The writer has contributed numerous widely -rea d a rticles to the

Indianapolis News and to the Ladies Home j ourna l . Her sty le is

simple. attractive, and carries the conviction of experience . Her

views are given here under such diverse hea dings a s Philosophies of a

house-cleaning day . The marriage question. The higher education, The

sin of trying to be too good.


Boynton, F . D . School civics : an outline study of the origin

and development of government and the development of

politica l institutions in the United States . 1904 . B71

Clark, J'

. B . Essentia ls of economic theory a s applied to

modern problems of industry and public policy . 1907. 330 C54

Professor Clark ha s won forhimself a distinguished pla ce among livingeconomists . He is orginal and ingenious. and does not fea r to pioneerboldly into new fields of thought.

Journal of Political Economy .


Oolnmhia University . raeulty of Political Selenee. Studiesin history , economics and public law . Vol. 28. 1907. 306 C72

Contents : DeVVitt Clinton and the origin of the spoils system in New

York. by Howard Lee MeBain.-The legislature of the province ofVirginia , by E lmer I . Miller.

-The distribution ofownership . by JosephH arding Underwood.

Fuller, 8 . H . Government by the people : the laws and customs regulating the election system and the formation and

control of politica l parties in the United States . 1908.


Gauss , H . 0. The American government, organization and

ofi eia ls , with the duties and powers of federa l omoeholders . 1908. Ref.

Designed to make federal practice less of a mystery to the goes fa r beyond the ordinary manua l of civil government, contain

ing much useful and interesting information. such a s extensive lists of

sa la ries in various branches of the government. an abstractof the pen

sion laws. a classification by ratings of all the vessels of the navy . and

a description of the uniforms and insignia worn in various branches ofthe service. Nation.

Hunter, Robert. Socia lists atwork . 1908. 335 H91

Contents : The German eoeial democracy .—The Italian socialistparty .

The French socialist party .—The British labor party .

—The Belgianlabor party .

— The program of socia lism .4 0eia lism and social reform.

—Socia lism in the Parliaments .—Socia lism in art and literature .

The Interna tiona l.—The movementin other countries .

Johns Hopkins University Studies in Historical and PoliticalSelenee. 25th series . 1907. 306 J6Contents : Interna l taxation in the Philippines . by J. S . Hord.


Monroe mission to France. 1794- 1796. by B . W. Bond. Jr.—Maryland

during the English civil wars . Part II. by B . C . Steiner.—The sta te

in constitutiona l and internationa l law . by R . T . Crane.—A financia l

history of Mary la nd. 1789- 1848, by H . S . Hanna .—Apprenticeship inAmerican trade unions, by J M. Motley .

N ahum, A . T. Some neglected a spects of war together with

The power thatmakes for peace, by Henry S. Pritchett and

The capture ofprivate property atsea , by Julian S. Corbett.

1907. M27Maroosson, I . l '. How to investyour sa vings . 1907. 332 M33

A little book based on articles which appeared in the Saturday EveningPost. intended to enable the man or woman with savings to becomeacquainted with the facts essential to sa fe and intelligent investment.


Mills ,W.

'I'. The struggle for existence. 1904 . 335 M624

Contents : Clearing the ground .-Evolution of capitalism.

—Evolufionoi socialism.

—Social and economic questions of controversy betweenca pitalists and socialists .

—Current problems of public interest and

socialism.—Political organisation and propaganda .

National conference for Good Oity Government. Proceed

ings of the Providence Conference for Good City Govern

ment and the thirteenth annua l meeting of the Nationa l

Municipa l Lea gue. 1907. 352 N21

Stimson, l'. J. The American constitution: the national

powers , the rights of the states the liberties of the people.

Lowell Institute lectures . 1907. S85“The la st two lectures are devoted to questions of practical polities

applying to them the prineiples assumed to have been established in

the preceding chapters. Among the questions dealt with are thefederal control of corporations. the proposal to limit swollen fortunesby taxation. and the regulation of interstate commerce.


Strong, Josiah. The cha llenge of the city . 1907. S92“An endeavor to give a practica l answer to those who are asking for a

solution of the problem of the city . It is maintained that the social

teachings of Jesus Christ afiord the only solution; and practical

methods a re described by which those tea chings have been successfullyapplied .


Weill , H . 6 . New worlds for old . 1908. 335 W46Mr.Wells has very ingeniously constructed an ideal society in several

of his imaginative stories . In this book he trea ts of socialism as a

gradual evolution working on actual men and institutions. and pre

sents the case for and against the socia list as things are at present.

Saturday Review.


Abhbtt, E . K . On the training of parents . 1908. 173 A I29

Contents : Spasm and habit.-The will and the way .

—By rule ofwit.

Peace at a price .—For ’

tis their nature to.—The beginning ofwisdom.

Sensible a dvice on the home tra ining of children.

Babbitt, Irving . Literature and the American colleges : os

says in defense of the humanities . 1908. B 11

Contents : Wha t is humanism i—Two types of humanita rians : Baconand Rousseau.

—The college and the democratic spirit.- Literature

and the college .—Literature a nd the doctor

3 degree .—The rational

study of the classics .—Aneients and modems.

—Oubeing origina l


A rea dable and admirably written little volume. The centra l thoughtis tha tthe old-fashioned culture and diseipline of the American college

are being crowded out of modern life and education. The remedy is

to he found in humanism—the severe study of great literature in a

spiritof high seriousness . Nation.

Oorbin, John. Which college for the boy? Leading types in

American education. 1908. 08 1

Contents : Princeton. a collegiate university .—Harvard. a Germanised

university .—Michigan. a middle-ea sternunivern


ty .—Cornell. a techni

ca l university .—Chiea¢o. a university by enchantment.

—Wisconsin. a

utilitarian university .—The fa rmer's awakening .

—The sma ll college

versus the university .—The question of expense.

Educational Review. Vol . 34 . 1907. E3

Bolts , L . Nature study : a manua l for teachers and

students . 1908. 507 H74

Contains a discussion of underlying principles and methods. appro

priate subject-matter for the presenta tion of lessons. pra ctica l suggestions on the collection of material . and an organised course in na turestudy for the eightgrades . Mr. Holts is hea d of the nature-study department atthe Brooklyn Training School.

Merrill, Lilbun . Winning the boy . With an introd. by

Judge Ben B . Lindsey . 1908. 372 M55

Contents : Thekid’

s honour.—The heartof a boy .

—Jimmy's heritage of

weakness .—A boy . two flights of stairs. and a £riend.

—The transitionto manhood.

—A study of the individua l boy .-Freeh air work with

boys .—Re1igious meetings for boys .

—A club for boys.

Park, J. 0. Educationa l woodworking for home and school.

1908. 694 P2 I“Intended to be used under the direction of a skilled instructor whohas sufi cient technica l knowledge and tea ching ability to lead his

pupils to become capable in this line of work . The author is instruotor in the Sta te Normal and Training School of Oswego. N . Y.


Ineeessinl teaching : fifteen studies by pra ctica l tea chers ,

prize-winners on the nationa l educa tiona l contest of 1905 ,

with an introd. by J. M. Greenwood . 1906 . 371 S94


Bird-I-ore. Vol . 9. 1907. B53

Brown, Stewardson. Alpine flora of the CanadianRockyMounta ins . Illus . with water-colour drawings and photo

graphs . 1907. B81

l 18 BROOKL INE PUBL IC L IBRARY.Burroughs, John. Lea f and tendril. 1908. 500 B94Ie

Contents : The a rt of seeing things .—The coming of summer.

—Abreath ofApriL—A wa lk in the fields .

—Ga y plumes and dulL—S traightseeing and straight thinking .

—Human traits in the anima ls .—Anima l

and plant intelligence —The rea sonable but unrea soning anima ls .

The gristoi the gods .—The divine soil .

—An outlook upon life .—“All ’s

tightwith the world.

“Records of acute and sympathetic observation of nature. togetherwith a discussion of some of the still unsolved problems with whichevolutionary philosophy ha s to do. The book ha s a wider range than

any other volume ofMr. Burroughs'

s writings .

Huntington, A . 0. Poison ivy and swamp sumach . 1908.


Added to a full description of the nature and habits of the plants , thereare very clea r photographs of the leaves. blossoms. and fruit. makingtheir identification very ea sy . A cha pter is devoted to the treatmentof the poisonous emotion, and ga rdeners will welcome the practical

directions for exterminating the troublesome vine.

Jordan, D . and Kellogg, V. L . Evolution and anima l life :

an elementary discussion of fa cts , processes , laws and

theories relating to the life and evolution of anima ls . 1907.

575 J76eTo be recommended to those who wish to lea rn the present-da y views

concerning evolution, butwho la ck the training necessary for the in

telligent rea ding of more technical works . Neither specula tive nor

polemic. butgives a comprehensive survey of the immense amountofhard work done in evolution since the ea rly da ys of Darwinism.



Murray , D . A . Essentia ls of trigonometry : including solutionof triangles , mea surement of a rea s , heights and distances .

the use of logarithms , plotting of graphs , and finding the

slopes of curves ; with four-pla oe ta bles . 1907. 514 M96

Poor, 0. L . The sola r system : a study of recentobserva tions .

1908. P79“The outgrowth of a series of lectures delivered at Columbia Univer

sity . The subject is presented in untechnica l language and withoutthe use ofmathematics .


Rogers , J . E . The shell book : a popula r guide to a knowledge

of the families of living mollusks , and an a id to the identi

fica tion of shells na tive and foreign. 1908. 594 R63

120 snooxmm; PUBLIC LiBRARY.

M n, H. Insects injurious to vegetables . 1907.


A comprehensive. up-to-date treatise based upon ten yea rs of ex

perience and a knowledge of the mostimportantgovernment publications. reports of esricultural soeieties. periodica l articles . etc. Con

tains an excellentbibliography .

"A . L . A . Booklist.

Ooleman, W. M. Lessons in hygienic physiology . 1907. 6 12

An unusua lly good text-book . The author believes that physiologymore than any other study ma y be ma de a training for practica l life .

Exercises are provided by which the pupil is made to do something withall knowledge acquired. These include thought questions , practicalquestions . and exercises in composition. The book contains a large

number of illustrations. some of which are eolomd in the na tura ltints .

Dyke, A . L . The anatomy of the automobile . Rev . ed .

1908. D99

GardenMagel lne. Vol. 6 . 6 15

Guerra , A . Manua l of dress-cutting. 1907. 646 G93

International Library of Technology : a series of textbooks

for persons engaged in the engineering professions and

trades or for those whodesire informationconcerning them.

Vol. 25B Principles of telephony — Properties of telephone

circuits . Telephone receivers . Telephone

transmitters .— Telephone apparatus .

—Magneto_generators and bells .

— Circuits of telephone instruments .

—Telephone instruments .-Insta lla

tionoftelephones .

— Line disturbances and trans

positions .— Long

-distance telephony .—Magneto

switchboards .— Large magneto-switchboa rds .

Telephone-switchboard apparatus . I 6

68. Locomotive boilers .— Boiler atta chments .

— Hea t

and steam.— The locomotive .

—Va lves and va lve

gears .—Locomotivemanagement.

—Breakdowns .


69. Vaucla in compound locomotives . Cross-oom

pound locomotives . Tandem and ba lanw d

compound locomotives . Train rules .

USEFUL s a rs. 121

International Library of Technology ,— continued.

72 .


74 .

75 .

81 .

Ca r lighting. Ca r hea ting. Electric head

light. I6h

Ga s making.—Ga s supply and distribution.

—Domeatic uses of gas .

—Plumbing materia ls and

tools .—Soldering and wiping.

— Lead work .

Pipe work .—Washing and drinking fixtures .

Baths and urina ls . 696 I6

Water closets .— House drains .

—Soil , wa ste , and

vent sta cks .— Traps and vents — Drainage and

sewerage .—Sewage disposa l .— Souroes of water

supply .

—Water filtration.

—C old-water supply .

— Hot-water supply .—Plumbing inspection.

Plumbing plans and specifications .

Pipes and fittings .-Steam-fitting accessories .

Radiators and coils .

—Hea ting and power

boilers .— Boiler fittings

— Princip1es of hea ting.

—Principles of ventilation. 697 16a

Steam generation.

— Pipe-fitting tools .—Pipe-fit

ting pra ctice .

—Steam~hea ting pipe systems .

Exhaust and vacuum systems .—Hot-water

hea ting systems —Hot-water heating apparatus .

—Centra l-station hea ting. 697 I6b

Hot-air heating.—Blower systems of heating.

Drying and cooking by steam.



— High-pressure pipe fitting.

—Heating plans and specifications . 697 I6

Glossary of wea ves .— Elementary textile design

ing.—Ana lysis of cotton fabrics .

—Ana lysis of

woolen and worsted fabrics .—Twi11 wea ves and

derivatives .-S atin and other wea ves .


bination wea ves .—Construction of spot weaves .

-Wea ves for ba cked cotton fabrics . Woolenand worsted ply wea ves .

—Leno wea ves .— Pile

weaves .

-Color in textile designing.— Designing

in genera l . 677 I6


Vol. 82 .


Marine slide va lve gea rs .-Ma 1ine condensers .

-Multiple-expansion marine engines .—Marine

engine management.—Ma tine-engine repairs .

Auxilia ry marine ma chinery .—Marine pumps .

621 12

Principles of oentra l-energy systems .—Centra l

energy systems .—Centra l-energy main and

branch exchanges .—Common-battery signa ling

trunk eircuits .—Bell toll and testing circuits .

Kellogg centra l-energy system.—Party-line sys

phones . Simultaneous telephony and tele

graphy .—Storage batteries . Mb

Automatic telephone systems .— House telephones .

—Testing of telephone circuits .—Telephone—line

construction— Telephone ca bles .—Power equip

ment. I6a

drographic surveying.—United States land sur

veys .

—Mapping.— Pra ctica l astronomy . 16

Sign and banner making.—Practica l design and

ornament. 659 l6b

Trunk connections .— Resistance coils and cables .

Ra ilway motors .

-Simple control circuits .

Series-para llel control.—Meta llic-return systems .

-Car-wiring diagrams .- Electric ca r hea ting

and lighting.— Hand-brea ks . I6

Straight air brakes .- Automatic air brakes .

Electric brakes and signa ls .—Mechanica l instruo



International Library of Teehnology ,—continued.

Vol. 93. Hea t.—Combustion and fuels —Principles of the

ga s engine .—Automobile and ma rine engines .

Stationa ry gas engines .

—Ga s-engine details .

Ga s-engine lubrica tion and bea rings . I6a

94 . Carbureters .— Electric ignition devices .

—Automobile and ma rine engine auxiliariea — Power gas

producers .—Managementof automobile engines .

—Mana gementofma rine ga s engines —Management of stationa ry ga s engines

—Troubles and

remedies — Power determinations . 621.4 16

Metschnikofl , Elia s. The prolongation of life. optimisticstudies by Elie Metchnikofi . 1908. 613M56“An extension of the author's Nature ofman. Discusses the means bywhich life ma y be prolonged and also examines the question whetheritis desirable to prolong it. Book is intended neither to be exhaustivenor conclusive, but it is highly suggestive and thoughtful. ”

Cam zie Library . Pittsburg.

Moody , W. D . Men who sell things : observations and experi

ences ofover twenty years as travelling sa lesman. Europeanbuyer, sa les manager, employer. 1907. 658 M77

Norris, H . H . Ah introduction to the study of electrica l

engineering. 1907. N79"An unusual method of trea tment. The book is planned to impart a

general knowledge of machinery . appliances. electric plants. etc.. before the theory of action of these things is studied .

Engineering News .

Oeler, William. The principles and pra ctice of medicine. de

signed for the use ofpra ctitioners and students ofmedicine .

6th cd . , rev . 1907. 6 10

Pearson, R . H . The book of garden pests . 1908.

“Methods of combating the fungi and insect pests intestine garden

plants in America . described in a familiar manner. More stress is laid

upon means of prevention thanupon habits of life. The clear illustrations should enable one to recognize the injurious forms with grea t

ea se and accuracy .

"Scientific American.

124 snooxuna PUBL IC LIBRARY .Sager, D . 8 . The artof living ingood hea lth : a practica l guide

to well-being through proper ea ting, thinking, and living in

the lightofmodern science . 1907.

“The author distinctly fa vors recent scientific dietetics not a ll of

which ha ve yet been a ccepted as absolute by the conservatives, buthis recommenda tions a re a ll in accord with the bestmodern thought.


A . L . A . Bookls'


Smith, J . R . The story of iron and steel . 1908. 672 865

TechnicalWorld Magazine . Vol . 8. 605 T2

Waterfleld, Margaret. Flower grouping in English , Scotch ,

and Irish gardens : notes and 56 sketches in color. 1907.

716 W29Whitman, R . B . Motor-ca r principles ; the ga soline automo

bile . New and enl . cd . 1908. W59Worcester, Elwood. Religion and medicine : the mora l con

trol of nervous disorders , by Elwood Worcester, SamuelMcComb ., and Isador H . Coriat. 1908. 131 W89

rm]: ARTS.

Abbot, Etheldred, comp. List of photograph dea lers , with

index by countries and descriptive notes on collections of

photographs in some Ma ssa chusetts libraries and museums .

1907. Lib’


s Room

A list of foreign and American photographers and dea lers in photo

graphs of painting. sculpture. architecture and scenery . giving some

idea of the stock of each dea ler. and of the sizes. styles , and prices of

photogra phs . The list wa s published by the Ma ssachusetts LibraryClub. and ma y be boughtfor 15 cents of the Libraxian of the BrooklinePublic Library .

AmericanPhotography . Vol . 1. 1907. A52

Benensan, 8. L . Reynolds . Illus . with eight reproductionsin colour. 1907. 750 R46b

Bums , James . The Christ fa ce in art. 1907. 755 B93

Connoisseur. Vol . 19. 1907. 705 C76

Desmond, H .W. , and Prohne , H .W. Building a home : a book

offundamenta l advice forthe la yman aboutto build . 1908.

728 D46


Eastman Kodak Rochester, N Y . The modern way in

picture making, published as an aid to the amateur photo

grapher. Rev . cd June , 1907. 770 E 13

I ve , G. W. Decorative hera ldry : a practical handbook of its

artistic treatment. 2d ed . 1908. E97.E93“Will be ofgrea tservice and interestto persons seeking correctinformation as to hera ldic designs. from either the artistic orgenealogic pointofview ; italso abounds in qua inthistorica l incidents relating to chivalry .


Pischhach, f riedrich. Ornamente der Gewebe von 1000 vor

Christus bis 1800 na ch Christus . ArtCa se

Herbert,William, pseud . for H D . Croly . Houses for town orcountry . 1907. 728 H4 ]“Anyone wishing to build. remodel. or decorate a house. or to plan a

suitable garden for it. can find something suggestive here .

"Dial .

Holland, Charles. Design for schools : a handbook for tea chers

for use in seconda ry schools , the upper standa rds of ele

menta ry schools , and elementary classes of schools of art.

1907 745 H71

Applica ble to work notonly upon pa per butfor textiles. pottery . iron.

and other objects of ornament.

Hind, 0. L . Turner: five letters and a postscript. Illus . with

eight reproductions in colour. 1907. 750T94hi

Kellogg, A . M. Forty lessons in clay modeling. 1907. 731 K29

Macqnoid, Percy . History of English furniture . With platesin colour after Shirley Slocombe . Vol . 3. Age ofmahogany .

1906 . ArtCa se“Mr. Macquoid

s work is accomplished with grea t skill and knowledge.

He is extremely well informed in details and has a good. sound ta ste .



Michelangelo. Drawings . Text by E . Borough Johnson.

1907. 750M62drPhythlan, J. I . Fifty years of modern pa inting, Corot to

Sa rgent. 1908. 759 P57

Comit“: Pre-Ra phaelite brotherhood.— Impressionists and their

allies .—Course of Pre-Ra phaelitism.

—Paintin¢ in France.—Painfing

in other countries .—Painting in Great Britain.

Rembrandt. Etchings . Textby A . M. Hind. 1907. 750R3ss

126 snoouma PUBLIC Lxsumr.

Ruskin, John. Our fathers ha ve told us : sketches of the history of Christendom for boys and girls who ha ve been held

at its fonts . Pa rt 1. The Bible of Amiens . 1902 . R89

The Bible ofAmie” was firstissued in five separate parts. butcollectedinto one volume in 1884 . A separate traveller’s edition ofcha pter fourwas issued in 1881 to serve as a guide to the ca thedra l.

Shaw, G. B . The sanity of art. 1908. 701 S53

Contents : Impressionism.—Wm esism.

—Ibsenism.—Why law is indis


e book .

An exposure of the current nonsense about artists being degenerate.written in 1895 for an American pa per ca lled Liberty . in reply to. or

as a criticism ofMax Nordau’s Degeneration.

Sherrill, 0. H . Stained glass tours in France. 1908. 748 S55

Short, 1 . H . A history of sculpture . 1907. 730 S56

Considers sculpture as a record and interpreta tion of national life,giving especial attention to the artistic interpreta tion of historical

events and social conditions .

Sparrow, W. ed. The apostles in art; being a companion

volume to the Gospels in art. 1906 . 755 S73a

Joshua toJob ; being a continuation ofthe Old Testamentin artand a companion volume to the Gospels in art and

the Apostles in art. 1906 . 755 S73

Spelts , Alexander. Styles of ornament exhibited in designs

and arra nged in historica l order with descriptive text: a

handbook for architects , designers , painters . sculptorswood-carvers , cha sers , modellers , ca binet-makers and artis

tic locksmiths as well as a lso for technica l schools , librariesand private study . 1906 . 745 874

Studio. Vol . 4 1. 1907. ArtCa se


Gutter, Benjamin. Harmonic ana lysis : a course in the ana lysis ofthe chords and ofthe non-harmonic tones to be foundin music, cla ssic and modern. 1902 . O9SWith many examples .

Glasenapp , 0. and Ellis, W. A . Life of Richa rd Wagner :

being an authorized English version by W. A . Ellis of


s Dos Lebm Richard Wagner's . Vol. 6 . 1908.


128 s aooxuna PUBLIC LIBRARY .Grieg, Edvard . Quartett fur 2 Violinen, Viola . Violoncell.

Opus 27. Arrangement fiir Piano zu 4 Handen von

AugustHorn. 786 GS43

I nns , K . M. Two hundred shorttwo-partcanons notexceed

ing the compa ss of a fifth for the beginner on the piano

forte . With an introduction by Hans von Biilow ; exp la natory questions and answers between tea cher and pupil byMrs . F . Inman. K96

Meister fiir die Jugend : Kla vierstucke ohne Octa venspannungbea rbeitet von Adolf Rutha rdt. 5v . in 2. M51

Vol. 1 . Chopin.—Mendelssohn.


2 . Haydn.—Mosart. -Beethoven.


Tours , Berthold. Suite de pieces . For piano , four hands . 786 T73

Contents : Prélude—Ma rche.—Menuet.

—Romance .—Ta rentelle.


Brock , Edward. The way of the woods : a ma nua l for sports.

men in northea stern United States and Canada . 1908. 799 B74

Cooke, M. B . Dramatic episodes . 1904 . 822 C77

Contents : A courtcomedy .—Manners and modes .

—The confessiona l .The child in the house.

—The lion and the la dy .—Success .

—La dyBetty

's burglar.

-A dinnerwith complications .—Reform.

—When loveis young .

Holder.0. Big game at sea . 1908. H71b

A fascinating. informing book by a sea sportsman. Discusses the

gamemonsters ofthe deep . the equipmentnecessary for catching them.

and the qua lifica tions required of the fisher.

Millais , J. G. Newfoundland and its untrodden ways . 1907.

799M6 1A delightful hunter's book . Conta ins an important account of the

Newfoundland ca ribou. the results of an especial study of the MicmacIndians. an interesting treatise onwha ling in the Newfoundland waters.and stories illustra ting the cha racter of the typica l Newfoundlander.

Pearson, A . ed. The twentieth century standard puzzlebook . 1907. 793 P3I

Sullivan, J . E , cd. An athletic primer: how to organize a club ,

how to construct an athletic field and tra ck , how to con

duct a meeting, rules for the government of an athletic

meeting. 1907. 796 S94


Walkley , A . 8 . Drama and life . 1907. 792 WISMr. Wa lkley brings to the theatre not only a highly cultivated mindand a wide knowledge of English. French. and cla ssica l drama . buta lsoan understanding of the world a s itis which prevents him from beingda asled by the footlights. Athem m.


Bell , Plorence E . 8 Lady . Topics for conversation. 1907.

824 B43

Contents : Dietetics of conversa tion.—At the telephone—Boreine

Oucha irs and their occupants .—Our vocabulary .

-Place ofthe pocket.

—Boycotted author.—Habits of pencils .

-Man and motor-man.

It is impossible for anyone who takes up this little book not to con

tinus rea ding it from sheer delight at the instinctwhich itdispla ys for

the graceful and a ppropria te use of words. There is a slight subfla vorof seriousness about the pa pers which does not detract from their

cha rm.


Bourget, Paul. L’Emigré. 843 B66em

Carpenter, Edward. Sketches from life in town and country ,

and some verses . 1908. 824 C29

Concerned with the grave and humorous sides of life among the working and middle classes ofGrea tBrita in.

Curls ;R . H . P. Aspects ofGeorge Meredith. 1908. MS50Intended as an interpretation rather than a criticism. Makes la rgeuseof quotations throughout.

Goethe , J. W. von. Werke. Vol . 42 , pt. 2 . 1907. G. 832 (3591

Briefe , 1826- 1827. Vols . 40—42 . 1907. G. 832 6 594

M , Thoma s . The dyna sts : a drama of the Napoleonic

wars , in three parts . Vol. 3. 1908. 822 H27“In this last volume, the doings are more exciting . the pity and the

horror and the humour are more concentrated and more clea rly ex

hibited. The complete drama is a great work of art. unified by itsphilosophic conception. its vision. and its workmanship .

London Times .

Hauptmann, Gerhart. Hannele : a dream poem. 1908. 832 H30h

Hazard, Caroline . A sca llop shell of quiet. 1908. 820 H428

N o series of sonnets. entitled Lenten sonnets and A cycle of grief. a reseparated by an Interlude of miscellaneous short poems . During hersabbatical year. 1906- 1907. President Ha zard travelled in Palestine.and her experiences there seem to have furnished inspiration formuch of the verse. which is filled with a deep religious sentiment.

180 BROOKLINE PUBLIC L IBRARY.Kennedy , 0. B . The servant in the house . 1908. 822 K35

An English vicar. whose church is constantly empty and whose pro

fessiona l life is largely a sham. is awakened to a knowledge of the

truth by the arrival in his household of a new butler.—evidently in

tended as a reincarnation of Christ. The drama is high in purpose.

stern and true in its satire. thoroughly human in its motives. Itputsthe author in the frontrank of living playwrights. Nation.

Lee, Vernon, proud . for Violet Paget. Limbo and other

essays . to which is now added Ariadne inMantua . [Newed .] 1908. 824 L4SI

Other essays : In praise of old housee.—The lie of the land.

—Tuscanmidsummer macie.

—Oumodern travelling .—O ld Italian gardens.About leisure .

—Ravenna and her chosta—The cook-shop and thefowling-plaea—Acquaintance with birds.

Lynn, Margaret, cd. A collection of eighteenth century1907. 821 L99

Nicholson, B . A . A literary history of the Arabs . 1907.


Mr. Nicholson's book is unmistakably charming . The author is

brimful of his subject. and pours itforth only too liberally. butalwayswith complete understanding and often with rea l critical power. The

book mightbe better planned. butit could notbe inspired by a truerspirit. or executed with finer scholarship .


Roland. The song of Roland . Trans . into English verse by

John O ’

Hagan. 1904 . R64

Russell, G.W. l . A pocketful of sixpences . 1907. 824 R963p

Contents : Hours in Parliament.—A Parliamenta ry swan son¢.

—Polifieel women—Politica l wives .

-Great ladies .-Mothers in Israel .WilliamWilberforce.

—Easter.—Exhibitions .

—Carica tures .—A chiva l

rous episode.—Garibaldi.—Mazzini.—Olney .

—The curate of Olney .

The vicar oi Hursley .—The Clapham sect.—Puritanism.


—Dean Church.—Exeter HalL—The Star and Garter.

Cardina l York.—Lord’s .

—The end.—Baps in council.—A prophet in

the Abbey .—The Concé d’Elire.

—Willie’s rooms .—The pension-list.

Greatofi cers of state.—More “greatofi cers .

”—The royal household.

Lord Beaconsfield.—A portrait-gsllery .

—Gladstone.—Politics and



oi—t ualism and disestablishment.—"In living touch with

the na“The two cha pters on Beaconsfield are. perhaps. the most interestingp apers in an interesting volume.

Athem m.

Stanley , Thomas . Thoma s Stanley : his origina l lyrics , com

plete , in their collated readings of 1647, 1651, 1657. 1907.

Ed . by L . I. Guiney . 820 S78


Stevenson, B . E , and Mrs . E . 8 . comps . Days and deeds

prose for children’

s rea ding and speaking. 1907. Sp 58"Days and deeds—prose is an attempt to supp lementDays and deeds

poetry . The two books together will ofier all the ma terial necessa ryfor any programme designed to celebra te any American holiday . or to

commemorate the birth or death of the more famous Americans .


Lbrahams, Israel. Jewish life in the Middle Ages . 1897.

A I5

Coutea ts The centre of socia l life.—Life in the synagogue.

-Communal organization.

— Institution oi the ghetto.—S ocia l morality .

The sla ve tra de .—Monogamy and the home .

—Love and courtship .

Ma rriage customs .—Trades and occupations .

—The Jews and the

theatre .

—The Purim-play and the drama in Hebrew .-Costume in

law and fa shion.— The Jewish badge— Private and communa l cha ri

ties .—The medie va l schools .

—The scope of education—Medie va lp astimes and indoor amusements .

— Personal relations between Jewsand Christiana— Literary friendships .

Acton, 1stbaron, Sir J . E . E . Delberg-Acton. The history of

freedom , and other essa ys . 1907. 904 A 18h

Contents : The history of freedom in antiquity .—The history of freedom

in Christianity .-Sir Erskine Ma y


s Democracy in Europa —Thema ssa cre of St. Bartholomew .

—The Protestant theory of persecution.

—Political thoughts on the church.— Introduction to L . A. Burd’


edition of II Principe by Machiavelli. —Mr. Goldwin Smith's Irish histofy .—Nationa lity .

— D611inger on the temporal power.—D5 l1inger



historical work .-Ca rdina l Wiseman and the Home and foreign te

view .

- Conflicts with Rome—TheVatican council.— A history ofthe iaquisition oi the Middle Ages. by H . C . Lea .

—TheAmerican Commonwealth. by James Bryce. Histon

cal philosophy in Fram and Frea chBelgium and Switserland. by RobertFlint.

Lord Acton. an English Roman Catholic of p artGerman and Ita liandescent. wa s a unique figure in Europe. combining in himself countrysquire. peer of the realm, lord in waiting to the Queen. professor of

history at Cambridge. and profound la y theologian. The essa ys here

republished represent his grea t unrea lized project of the history of

liberty and contain some of the best things Acton ever wrote .

Barzini, Luigi. Pekin to Paris : an a ccount of Prince Borg


s journey a cross two continents in a motor-ca r. 1907.

910 B29A full and detailed a ccount of the a dventurous journey . making a

deeply interesting book of tra vel . The carused is well described in an

a ppendix . Athem m.

ms'ron . 188

Birkhimer, W. 3 . Historica l sketch of the organiza tion,

administration, matén'

el and ta ctics of the a rtillery , United

States a rmy . 1884 . G. B53

Bostonian Society . Publica tions . Vol . 4 . 1907. B460

Contents : New England Gua rds. by J. B . Gardner.-Col . Joseph Ward.

tea cher. soldier. patriot. by W . C . Ba tes .

— RobertOrcha rd. W. K . Watlcins .

—Boston as ita ppea red to a foreigner atthe beginning of the nineteenth century .

— Funeral processions in Boston. 1770


Brown, H . B . Studies in the history ofVenice . 1907. 2v .


Some of the outstanding events in Venetian presented in a

series of careful essays. ten ofwhich ha d alrea dy appea red in his Venetian studies . As an original investigator and as the translator ofMolmenti. Mr. Brown ha s done more than any other contemporary writerto interpretVenice to English rea ders .

"Carnegie Library , Pittsburgh .

Bruce, P. A . Socia l life of Virginia in the seventeenth cen

tury . An inquiry into the origin of the higher planting

cla ss , together with an a ccountof the habits , customs , anddiversions of the people . 1907. B83s“Shows wide reading. an appreciation ofhistorica l values. and a facultyfor presentation. Nation.

Cambridge ModernHistory . Planned by Lord Acton. Vol . 5 .

The age of Louis X IV. 1908. C l 4b

Chamberlain, Mellon, comp . A documentary history of Chel

sea , including the Boston precincts of Winnisimmet,RumneyMa rsh and PullenPoint, 1624—1824 . 1908 . 2v . G.


Oromer, l stearl oi..

Sir Evelyn Baring . Modern Egypt. 1908.

2v . 962 C88“Lord Cromer ha s been officia lly connected with Egypt since 1876.

and from 1887 to 1907 wa s at the hea d of afiairs. He ha s dealt fullyand unreservedly with all the principal historical events. including thena rrative of the episode in which Gordon was the central figure. The

book is written in a most rea dable style, and will prove especiallyva lua ble to Americans in view of the lightitthrows upon the problems

of colonia l management.

B ayot, Armand . Histoire contemporaine pa r 1'

image d’


les documents dl’

i temps , 1789- 1872 . 944 D33

History of France from 1789- 1872 in pictures , with brief explanatorytext.


Dorchester, Mass. Dorches ter Day : celebration of the 277th

anniversary of the settlement of Dorchester, June 8th,

1907, including a lso a brief description of the origin of

Dorchester Day and the three preceding celebrations , by

J. H . Stark . 1907. G. D51da

Dudley , Mass. Vita l records to the end of 1849. 1908. G.


Eaton, John. Grant, Lincoln and the freedmen: reminiscencesof the Civil War with specia l reference to the work for the

contrabands and freedmen of the MississippiVa lley . 1907.

E 11

Contains anunusua l number of good stories of Lincoln and ofGrant.

An interesting biogra phica l sketch ofGenera l Eaton serves as an intro


on to the volume.

Egypt Exploration Fund . Archmologica l report, 1905—1906 ,

comprising the work of the Egypt Exploration Fund and

the progress of Egyptology . 6 . E32a

English History from Oontemporary Writers .

Edward 111 and his times , 1327—1360, cd . by W. J. Ashley .

1887. AS2


s conquest of Irela nd , cd . by F . P. Barna rd.

1888. B25

Themisrule ofHenry III , 1236—1251, cd . by W. H . Hutton.

1887. H97

Simon de Montfortand his cause , 1251—1266 , cd . by W. H .

Hutton. 3d ed . 1907. H97a

The wars of York and Lanca ster, 1450- 1488, ed . by Edith

Thompson. 1892 . T37

Essex, Mass . Vita l records to the end of 1849. 1908. 6 .


Essex Institute. Historica l collections . Vol. 43. 1907.


l'lagg , 0. L , and Jennings , J. T., comps . Bibliography ofNew

York colonia l history . 1901 . Z 1

188 snooxuns PUBLIC L IBRARY.Page,

‘I‘. N . The Old Dominion,

— contimted.

“One of the mostinteresting histories of explorationand colonia l times,including not only the history and development of the state, but a

description of the men and women, manners and customs tha tgrew upin it.

Review of Reviews .

Peters, LI . 0. Justice to the Jew : the story of what he ha s

done for the world. Rev . ed . 1908. P44juPettle, W. M. F . History of Egypt. Vol . 3. From the

X IX th to the X X X th dyna sties 1905. 932 P44

Largely origina l history representing the author’s own resea rches and

conclusions . Oi special interest to Biblica l students. as the period

trea ted covers the entire relation of Israel to Egypt from Abraham to

Jeremiah. I”dependent. l

Boeengarten, J. G. French colonists and exiles in the United

States . 1907. R72“The author has gathered together from the works of recognized his

torians facts about the French colonists and the Huguenots whichshow how much cha ra cter and ability they brought to the United

States . Book Review Digest.

Shahan, T. J The Middle Ages : sketches and fragments .

1904 . S52

Contents : Gregory the Great and the barba rian world .—Justinian the

Great.—Religion of Islam.

—Catholicism in the Middle Ages .—Chris

tians of Saint Thomas —Medie va l tea cher.—Book of a medie val

mother.—German schools in sixteenth century .

—Baths and bathingin the Middle Ages .

—Clergy and people in medie va l England.

Ca thedral builders ofmedie val Europe.—Results of the Crusades .

On the Ita lian Renaissance.Spears , 3. B . A history of the United States na vy . 1908.


The author is an authority on this subject. He aims to describe all

the important na va l battles. and to show how the nation ha s been

efiected a t certain times by the work of its nava l ships, and atother

times by the wantof such force.


Thian, B . P. Legislative history of the genera l stafi of the

a rmy of the United States , itstorganization, duties , pay ,

and a llowances , from 1775—1901. 6 . T34

Thwing , W. E . History of the First Church in Roxbury ,

Ma ssa chusetts , 1630—1904 . 1908. R81t

United States . continental Oongress . Journa ls of the Con

tinenta l Congress . l 774—l789. Vol. 1908. U5


study of the coercive power of the church . Trans . from

the 2d ed . 1908. 282 VI3

A critica l and historical study by a Ca tholic apologist.

Victoria history of the counties of England .

Warwick . Vol. 2 . W2dStafiord. Vol . 2 . 8681)

Hertfordshire. Vol. 1. H4pDorset. Vol . 2 . D7pKent. Vol. 1. K4p

Wel ls , 8 . L . P. The coming struggle in ea stern Asia . 1908.

950W37bThe last of the author’s series of politica l trea tises dealing with the

Far East from the pointof view thatRusso-Japanese riva lry ha s been

the mainspring of the events of recent years. The other works are :

Maucha and Muscovs‘

te, The re-shaps‘

ug of the For E ast. and The trace


Brooks , Noah. The Mediterranean trip : a short guide to the

principa l points on the shores of the westernMediterraneanand the Levant. 1906 . B79

oooh, A . To the top of the continent: discovery , explora

tion and adventure in sub-arctic Ala ska . The first a scent

ofMt. McKinley , 1903- 1906 . 1908. C77

An accountof a unique adventure and a notable fea tin mountaineering . The 1903 expedition failed. the one three years la terwas successful . The a ppendix conta ins a sketch of the geology of the region.

Kennard, H. P. The Russian pea sant. 1908. K36“The author has gained his knowledge of the pea sant

‘from persona l

contact, and living with him in the villages in all parts of EuropeanRussia ,

and he paints a picture of a lmost unrelieved gloom. The

portion of the book devoted to Russian ethnologica l history is succinctand interesting .


Klein, Abbe Felix. An America n student in France. 1908.


The French Abbi who ha s recently visited America has taken backwith him an imagina ry college studentthrough whom he tries to show

us the France he wishes we mightsee.—the more serious side of French

life, its religion, its manners, and its politics .

188 nnoom s PUBLIC LIBRARY .Ladd, G. T. In Korea with Ma rquis Ito. Part I . A narra

tive of persona l experiences . Part 2 . A critica l and his

torica l inquiry . 1908. L IZ“Professor Ladd went to the country to lecture. and sta yed to absorb

matters perta ining to internationa l affa irs and race psychology . This

book embodies the results of his observations, giving not a few side

lights on Ja pan'

s grea test statesman.


Lees , D . N . Tuscan fea sts and Tuscan friends . 1907. T81a

Delightful sketches of the Tuscan pea santry . their work , homes , andcustoms . The author lives in a Tuscan villa nea r Florence.

Merrill, Selah. Ancient Jerusa lem . 1908. 14m

The resultof thirty -five years’

study and explora tionof the remains ofthe ancientcity . Mr. Merrill has been American consul atJerusa lemfor sixteen yea rs .

North, A . W. The mother of Ca lifornia : being an historica l

sketch of the little known land of Ba ja Ca lifornia , from the

da ys of Cortez to the present time depicting the ancient

missions therein established, the mines there found , and

the physica l , socia l and politica l a spects of the country .

1908. C12

Phillips, 1 . M., comp . Los Angeles : a guide book compiled for

the Nationa l Educationa l Association. 1907. G. L89

Sullivan, T. 8 . Lands of summer : sketches in Ita ly , Sicily ,

and Greece. 1908. 895

Coutea ts : Spring-time with Theocritus .— From Athens to Corfu.

—Midsummer in Tuscany .

—Bergamo and the Bergama sque Alps .—The

centenary of Alfieri a t Asti.—The wraith of a duca l city .—Life on a

Tuscan farm.

Workman, Mrs . P. B . , and W. H . Ice-bound heights of the

Mustagh : an a ccountof two sea sons of pioneer exploration

and high climbing in the Ba ltistan Hima laya . 1908.


Dr. Workman and his wife deserve to be reckoned among the mostindefatigable of modern mountain explorers . The present volume,

an accountof two expeditions in thatpartof the Hima la y a which liesnorth of the Indus , is well worth the a ttention of a ll who are interestedin mountain tra vel . It is full ofuseful technica l information, and on

the va rious disputed questions of high a ltitude climbing, the view ofthe writers is in general well rea soned and convincing .

Spectator .

140 BROOKLINE PUBLIC LIBRARY.Goethe. Bielschowsky , Albert. The life of Goethe . Vol. 3.

1908. E .G555 .bi

Henry IV. Montorgueil, Georges . Henri IV, texts de

Georges Montorgueil , aquarelles de H . Vogel. 1907.

K 4m

Lincoln. Binns , H . B . Abraham Lincoln. 1907. E .L635 .bi“The first serious attemptma de by any Englishman to portra y on anyfull-eised canvas the greatestof the popular sta tesmen oi the last cen

tury . I ha ve not attempted to do more than to m e t, by wa y of

background. the events amongstwhich he lived . Even an outline of

the complex action of the Civil War would only ha ve confused the picture of the man which I ha ve tried to draw .



Palmer. Pa lmer, G. H . The life of Alice Freeman Pa lmer.

1908. E .P186 .p“At once a brilliant study of a typica l American woman. whose lifework wa s of historica l importance in the developmentof education inAmerica , and an intimate picture of a vivid and attractive temperament. Hrs . Pa lmer was President of Wellesley College, a member ofthe Massachusetts State Board of Education, and of numerous otherboa rds and commissions , and was for three years Dean of the Woman’

sDepartment, University ofChicago. These are entertaining and inter

esting cha pters upon her travels in Europe. her social life in Cambridl e. and her quiet poetic da ys in her country home atBoxford.

Robinson, Forbes . Letters to his friends . 1907. E .R562

The letters and introductory sketch comprise all the known biographical details concerning a young English clergyman and author. who wasfellow Christ

s College and examining chaplain to the Bishop ofSouthw

Rousseau. Lema itre , Jules . Jean Jacques Rousseau. 1907.

E .R768J

A fresh. unprejudiced and exhaustive study of one of the strangest

geniuses that ever lived. The name ofM. Lemaitre is a guarantee offairness and just judgment.


Salisbury , William. The ca reer of a journa list. 1908. E .se33l

A book to provoke disquieting reflections in those who look upon ournewspapers a s an importantinfluence in shaping the tastes and opinions

of American citizens . The author professes to ha ve been engaged fornine years, chiefly as a reporter. on Western dailies .

N ation.

Victoria , Queen of Engla nd . Hird , Frank . Victoria the

woma n. 1908. V6hi“The author ha s endea vored to show the Queen as a daughter, a wife,

a woman, a mother, a friend. and a sovereign, and wherever itha s beenpossible, he ha s ma de use of the Queen

's own words .

Wheaten. Paine , H . E cd. The life of Eliza Baylies

Whea ten : a cha pter in the history of the higher educationof women, prepa red for the a lumna ofWheaton semina ry ,

by HarrietE . Paine. 1907. E .W5740Williams , B . H . With the border rufi ans : memories of the

fa r West, 1852- 1868. By R . H . Williams , sometime

lieutenant in the Kansa s rangers and a fterwards captain

in the Texan rangers . 1908. E .WO77SContents : Western Virginia , 1852—54 .

—Kansa s in 1855-59.—Texas.

1860—62.—In the Confedera te service .

—The break-up and a fter.

“Mr. Williams might stand as the model of an adventurer in a boy's

book ; he began life by running away to sea and a fter some years of

hardship emigrated to America , where for fifteen yea rs he was in the

midstof ba ttle, murder, and sudden death. The memoirs are a disconnected simple narrative, and a very va lua ble and interesting pictureof the West before and during the Civil War. Written with no art,

but absolutely truthful.” Spectator.

Barlow , Jane. Irish neighbors [short stories] B252 .10

Bates , Arlo. The intoxicated ghost, and other stories . B307.7

Other stories: A problem in portraiture .—The knitters in the sun.

—Acomedy in cra pe.

—A meeting of the Psychica l Club .- Tim Gallican



¢rave-money .—Miss Ga ylord and Jenny .

—Dr. Polnitzslci.—In the

Basin, Bone. The nun.

Beach, 3 . E . The barrier.

Benson, 3 . H . Lord of the world .

Bourget, Paul . The weight of the name .

Translation of L'émigré.

Bowen, Marjorie. The sword decides : a chronicle of a queen

in the Dark Ages , founded on the story of Giovanna of

Naples . B677.1

Bradford, Gamaliel, ir. Matthew Porter : a story of today . B731.3

Brown, Alice. Rose Ma cleod . B814 . 12

Butler, E . P. The cheerful smugglers . B974 .3

Ohesterton, G. K . The manwho wa s Thursday : a nightma re .

C4348. 1

Churchill, Winston. Mr. Crewe’

s ca reer. O4S2 .7


‘I‘. B . The bishop

s sca pegoat. O5S54 .2

Orawlord, l'. M. The primadonna : a sequel to Fas


r Mao'

CS57.4 I

Crockett, 8. 3 . Deep MoatGrange . C875 .32

Day, H . King Spruce . D332 . 1

Deeplng, Warwick . Bertrand of Brittany . D359.2

Diver, Maud. Captain Desmond , V. C . D644 . 1

Doubleday , Roman. The Hemlock Avenue mystery . D738. 1

Eastman, 0. L . Old Indian days [short stories] . E 135 . 1

l wald, Oarl. T he old room . E944 . 1

l'utrelle, Jacques . The simple ca se of Susan. F989. 1

Gale, Z one . The loves of Pellea s and Etarre . G136 . l

Gardenhire , 8 . M. Purple and homespun : a novel . G169.2

Howells , W. D . Fennel and me . H843.4 1

Barker, Mrs . L . 1 . His first lea ve . H237.3

Litchfield, G. D . The supreme gift. L7I5 .3

Madden, I va . Two roya l foes . MZ 63 1Orel y , Emuska , Baroness . In Mary

s reign.

Parkes , Mrs . E . B . (C . E . Redmond, pseud .) Come and

find me . P238 3

Parrish, Randall. Prisoners of chance : the story of what

befell Geofirey Benteen, borderman, through his love for alady of France . P256 6

Porter, Mrs . G. 8 . Atthe footof the ra inbow . PS2S.2

Prior, James . A wa lking gentleman. P944 . I

Bay , A . 0. Quickened . R205 .8

Sinclair, May . The judgmentof Eve .

Snaith, J . 0. William Jordan, Junior.

8tophous , R . andWestley , G. H . Clementina’

s highway


81mm , Eleanor, pseud . The postscript.

Wesson, G. 8. Home from sea [short stories] . W282 .2

Watts, M. 8. The tenants : an episode ofthe’

808. W354 .1

Westmp , Margaret. The greatermischief. W538.2

Williams , J . L . My lostduchess : an idyl of the town. W678.5

Williamson, 0. andMrs . L . M . L . The powers and Ma xine.


144 BROOKLINE PUBLIC L IBRARY.Nesbitt, Frank. The magic whistle , and other fairy ta le

plays . 1906 . j812 N45

Other plays : Mole king's daughter.

—Rumpelstiltskin.—Golden goose.

—Beauty and the beast.—Goose girl.

Plutarch. Our young folks’

Plutarch , cd . by Rosa lie K aufman.

1907. j930P73b

8anders, l . K . The forest playfellow : a story . j8215 . 1

The imagina ry playfellow of a lonely little English boy who has nomother or brothers and sisters and whose father ha s just returnedfrom extended foreign travels . A book of qua int charm and with

some good lessons .

8kae, H . T. Stories from English history . 1907. 5942 8628parhawk, l

'. 0. A life of Lincoln for boys . 1907. jE .L73sp

Twenty bestfairy tales, by Hans Andersen, Grimm, and MissMuloch. jZ .T97

Z immeru, Alice. Gods and homes of the north . 1908. i291 Z 76

Tna v a nna na Pa ass : C . A .W. Sraxcs a , Baooxuxa .

OCTOBER , 1908




VOL. XV». No. 1






Week Days .—9 a . m. to 9 p . m. , legal holidays excepted.

Sundays .—2 to 9 p . m.


Week Days.-2 to 6 p . m. , and also from 10 to 12 on Saturda y

Sundays .-School Reference Room, 2 to 9 p . m.


The magazines for the current month ma y now be taken out

for three days instead of two . The fine on a ll overdue maga

be two cents a day .

BROOKLINE PUBLIC LIBRARY.Maga l ine Sub]ect-Inde1 . Vol. 1 A subject-index to 79

American and English periodica ls , 44 indexed from their

first issues to December 31 , 1907, 35 indexed for the yea r

1907. Comp . by F . W. Fa xon. 1908. Ref.

To be continued quarterly in the Bulletin ofbibliography. and with an

annua l supplementin one a lphabet.

Scott Stamp and (loin00 . Standa rd postage stamp ca ta logue .

1908. 339 3 842

United States . Congressiona l directory. 6oth cong. , 1st

sess 1907- 1908. 3d cd . 6 . Ref.


Brackett, A . O. The technique of rest. 1905 .

Contents : Rest. Necessity . Freedom. Restlessness .

rose melancholy .

Hofiman, l'. 8 . Psychology and common life : a survey of the

present results of psychica l resea rch with specia l reference

to their bea rings upon the interests of everyda y life . 1907.

131 H67

Powell, L . r. Christian Science , the fa ith and its founder.

1907. P87

Schofleld, A . T. The force ofmind ; or, the menta l fa ctor in

medicine . 1908. 131 S36Urg es the recognition of the psychologica l element in the productionand cure of diseases . Dr. Schofield quotes many highly interestingca ses . Athenceum.

Walton, G. L . Why worry? 1908. 131 W17Discusses worry and obsession from the standpointof the neurologistand contains some extremely beneficia l prescriptions for the


Wood, Henry . The new old hea ling. 1908. 131 W85cConta ins a number of theses for meditation

“ia the silence room. and

brief discussions. in a tolerant and comprehensive spirit, of old andnew forms of fa ith cure and menta l treatment. Independent.



Cleveland , Grover. Good citizenship . 1908. 172 C59

Coutea ts : Introduction.—Good citizenship .

—Patriotism and holiday

Higginson, T.W. Things worth while . 1908. 177 H53

Hyslop , J . H . Psychica l research and the resurrection. 1908.

134 H99pDr. Hyslop

's work and theories deserve serious consideration. T1118

book will prove useful to those who wish to keep abrea st of the pro

gress oi psychica l resea rch in the United StaMiinsterberg, Hugo. Outhe witnes s stand : essays on psy

chology and crime . 1908. 150M92aContents : Introduction.

—Illusions .—The memory of the witness .

The detection of crime .—The traces of emotion.

—Untrue confessions.—Suggestions in court.

-Hypnotism and crime.—Prevention of crime.

“Popular essays ba sed on psychologica l principles and experiments,dealing with the unrelia bility of courtroom evidence. and the influenceof suggestion on crime. The last cha pter is the most va luable and


"A . L. A . Bookli



Podmore , Frank. The natura lisation of the supernatura l.1908. 134 P7551“Mr. Podmore’s book is a skilful and schola rly presentmentof an able

ma teria list. whose main conclusions are those of an intelligent seien

tist. The author gives some ra ther surprising exposures together

with explana tions of some ofthe ghoststories which ha ve hitherto beenaccepted by the followers of psychica l research as ineontrovertib


Allen, A . V. G. The continuity of Christian thought: a studyofmodern theology in the light of its history . 1884 . 231 A42

Allen, W. 0. A critica l and exegetica l commentary on the

gospel a ccording to 8 . Matthew . 1907. 201“The bestwork availa ble in English. Its chiefmeritis the painstaking

and sympathetic interpretation of the Greek text. The author’


schola rly analysis of the sources of the gospel is especia lly praise

worthy . Nation.

Barton, G. A . A critica l and exegetica l commenta ry on the

book of Ecclesia stes . 1908. Z l9b

Bible. The soul of the Bible : being selections from the Old

and the New Testaments and the Apocrypha a rranged a s

synthetic readings and ed . by U. G. B . Pierce . 1908. P6

BROOKLINE PUBLIC LIBRARY.Briggs, 0. A ., and E . G. A critica l and exegetica l commenta ry

on the book of Psa lms . Vol. 2 . 1907. Z 13

Oaird, Edward. La y sermons and addresses , delivered in the

ha ll of Ba lliol College , Oxford. 1907. 204 012

Contents The two a spects of college life .

-Freedom and truth .—8a lva

tion here and hereafter.-0n Queen Victoria


s Jubilee .—The nation

a s an ethica l idea l .—Aiter the Queen


s death .—spiritua l develop

ment.—The great decision.

—True purity .-Courage .

—Immorta lity .

The faith of Joh“Addresses well worth preserving , for they disp la y a like the giftedtea cher


a power of penetrative ana lysis and a rich spiritua l appreciation. Natson

Cambridge Bible for Schools and Colleges. The book of

Esther. With introd . and notes by A . W. Streane. 1907.


Courtney , W. ed. The literary man’

s Bible : a selection of

pa ssages from the Old Testament, historic, poetic and

philosophic , illustrating Hebrew literature . 1907. OS3

Extra cts from the King James version of the Old Testament, withshort introductions and notes .

“Dr. Courtney concerns himself with

the Bible solely a s literature .


Curtiss , 8. I . Primitive Semitic religion toda y : a record of

resea rches discoveries and studies in Syria , Pa lestine and

the Sinaitic peninsula . 1902 . 209 C94A record of origina l explorations , pursued during three tours throughout Syria and Pa lestine . Investigation of the rites and ceremoniesobserved is made to throw lighton the customs and re ligious idea s ofthe ancientHebrews.

George, E . A . Seventeenth century men of latitude : forerunners of the new theology . 1908. G29Contents : Men of latitude in a century of narrowness .

—John Ha les .William Chillingworth—Benjamin Whichcote .—John Smith.


More .—Jeremy Ta ylor.

—Sir Thomas Browne .—Richard Baxter.


“A novel, true and deeply interesting a ccountof a genera lly ignored.

butimportant and illuminating pha se of the period.

Hatch, Edwin. The growth of church institutions . 1887.

262 H28

Hutton, W. H . The age of revolution, being an outline of thehistory of the church from 1648—1815 . 1908. H97


Charities and the Commons . Vol. 19.

Civic Reader for new Americans . 1908.

For adult foreigners oi the Boston evening schools.

Daggett, Stuart. Ra ilroad reorganization. 1908. D13“A study of railroad finance, with particular reference to bankruptcyand subsequent rehabilitation of the property . Va luable to bankersand investors ,—a s well as to those interested in the development ofrailroad and corporate finance during the la stgeneration.

Davis , G. B . The elements of internationa l law , with an

a ccount of its origin, sources , and historica l development.

3d cd . , revised to date , including the results of the second

pea ce conference at The Hague in 1907, and other new

materia l. 1908 . 34 1 D29

Draper, G. 0 . More : a study of financia l conditions now

preva lent. 2d cd . 1908. D79

Forster, H . 0 . Arnold English socia lism of to-day : its tea ch

ing and its aims examined. 2d cd . 1908. 335 F74

Howard, E . D . The cause and extentof the recent industria l

progress ofGermany . 1907. H83

Kurd , B . M. Principles of city land va lues . 2d cd . 1905 .


Johnston, Alexander. American politica l history , 1763—1876 .

1905 . 2v . JenVol. 1 . The Revolution. the Constitution. and the growth ofnationa l

ity , 1763- 1832 .

2 . The slavery controversy , Civil War and Reconstruction,

1820- 1876 .

Oi permanent va lue for the clea rness and vigor with which politica laction and motives are ana lysed . The treatmentof political partiesin the n

g’dldle third of the nineteenth century is especia lly illumina ting

and use

Kelly , Edmond. The elimination of the tramp by the intro

duction into America of the labor colony system a lready

proved efiective in Holla nd , Belgium, and Switzerland,

with the modifica tions thereof necessary to adapt this

system to America n conditions . 1908. K29“A sociologica l and economic study of vagrancy reinforced by knowledge and experience gained during a long residence abroad . Developswha t seems to be a very practica ble plan.

SOC IOLOGY AND POLITICAL HISTORY.Loans , M. From their pointof view. 1908. L78f

Contents : Manufacture of the tramo.—Family life among the poor.

Some menta l and mora l characteristics of the pooa—Our ma sters'rulers .

—Some of the causes of infant morta lity .—The worldng-classfa ther.

-Cost of food .—What is charity i—Practica l drawba cks of

sma ll fa rms .-Spending oi the superfluous .

—Why the poor prefertown lite .

—The art of repairing .—Wasted eflort among the poor.

Remedies for existing evils .

A book to be read by every one interested in the improvementof thecondition of the poor. Miss Loane is a districtnurse whose knowledgeis rea l and extensive. her observation acute and accurate. and her

sense of humor unfailing . She is never sentimenta l though a lways

sympathetic, and she has a rare gift for telling stories .

Lowell , A . L . The government of England. 1908. 2v.


Covers a wide range of subjects. including both centra l and local

government, the Church and the Universities , the party system. the

colonies and imperial federa tion, and forty pages of“reflections at

the close . Professor Lowell's facts are clea rly set out, and as a rulewell backed by ample authority . Saturday Review.

Lucy , H . W. Memories of eight pa rliaments . Part I .—Men;

Part II .—Manners . L96m

Couteats : Prime Ministers I ha ve known.—Mr. Chamberlain—Sir

Stafiord Northcote .—Mr. John Morley .

—Lord Hugh Cecil and his

eldest brother.- Lord Courtney .

—Lord Randolph Churchill .—Thedrama at Westminster.

—Parliamenta ry manners.—Procedure in two

hemispheres .—A new house for the Commons .

- The lungs of the

House of Commons .-Bulls in the Westminster china shop .

“On anything rela ting to parliament Mr. Lucy speaks as an expert.

There is, perha ps , no man living who ha s ha d so constant and so close

observation of parliamenta ry life in its many aspects .


Lyde, L . W. A short commercia l geogra phy 2d ed . 1906 .


Petrie, W. M. Janus inmodern life. 1907 301

Couteats : Character. the ba sis of society .—Present changes of cha r

acter.—Trade unionism, its flower and its fruition.

—Revolution or

evolutioni—Need oi diversity .—Lines of advance.

“A development in some measure from Professor Petrie's recent

Huxley lecture . The burden of what the author has to sa y is‘

tha t

a ll our modern shorts for the bettering of the race by saving the

weaker individua l from the rigors of competition tend to degrade therace.

'N . Y. Times.

10 BROOKLINE PUBLIC LIBRARY.Seignobos , Charles . The feuda l régime . 1907. 8453

Tait, W. 8 . Pre sent day problems : a collection of addresses

delivered on va rious occa sions 1908. T12

Contents : Inaugura l a ddress a s civil governor of the Philippines .Inauguration of the Philippine Assembly .-China and her rela tions

with the United Sta tes .—Ja pan and her relations with the United

Sta tes .—An a ppreciation of Genera l Grant.

-Army of the United

Sta tes.- The Panama canaL—A Republican Congress and a dministra

tion and their work from 1904 to 1906 .—Legislative policies of the

present a dministration.—The panic oi 1907.

-Southern Democra cyand Republican principles .

—Labor and ca pita l . —Achievem,ents oi the

Republican party .-Recent criticism of the federal judiciary .

—Ad~ministration of crimina l law .

“Va lua ble and instructive reading , especia lly significant atthe present

time . Matters of public policy and public interest a re discussed inan informed and persuasive style. The speeches date from the

inauguration of Mr. Ta ft as civil governor of the Philippines in 1901

to his appreciation of Gen. Grant delivered la st Ma y .

New York Times .

Train, A . 0. True stories of crime from the district attorney’


office . 1908.

Contents : The woman in the ca se .—Five hundred million dollars .

The lost Stradivarius.—The la st of the wire-ta ppers .—Confidence

men abroad .—The Franklin syndicate .

—A study in finance .—The

“Due de Nevers .

"-A finder ofmissing heirs .

—A murder conspiracy .

The downfa ll of a crimina l lawyer.—A flight into Texa s .

—A case of

circumstantia l evidence .

The history of some of the celebrated crimes of recent yea rs, vivid

and absorbing a s hetian.

Travis , Thomas . The young ma leia ctor: a study in juveniledelinquency , its causes and treatment. With an introd.

by Ben B . Lindsey . 1908.

“Dr. Travis spent six yea rs in the study of the theoretica l and practica l sides of the question in this country and Europe . He investi

gated the physica l, menta l , and mora l conditions and home environ

ments of thousands of delinquent children in courts and institutions .

"N . Y. Times .

United States . Bureauof Labor. Bulletins . Vol . 15 . 1907.

331 U58

United States . Continental Congress . Journa ls , 1774—1789.

Vols . 11—12 . 1908. U5


Boshu, Max von. Die Mode : Menschen und Moden im

neunzehnten Jahrhundert na ch Bildern und Kupfern der

Z eit. Ausgewahlt von Oska r Fischel ; Text von Ma x von

Boehn. Vol. 1. 1790—1817. 1908. 391 B 63

Gregory , A . P Lady . A book of sa ints and wonders putdown

here by Lady Gregory a ccording to the old writings and

the memory of the people of Ireland . 1907. G86b

A series of charming old-world stories , gleaned from medie va l Irishtexts, and colored in places from La dy Gregory

s own knowledge of

oral tradition. S aturday Review.


Bartholomew Anglicus . Mediaeva l lore from Bartholomew

Anglicus , by RobertSteele with preface by William Morris .

1905 . 502 B 28

Bartholomew Anglicus. wrongly ca lled Bartholomew de Glanville,wa s an English Minorite who taught in France about the middle of

the 13th century . His famous work De Proprieta tibus m um, is a

compilation in nineteen books from va rious depa rtments of humanknowledge . Itwas the encyclope dia of the middle ages .

Dictionary of Natiandl Biography .

Britten, N . and Shafer, J . A . North America n trees : being

descriptions and illustrations of trees growing independ

ently of cultivation in North America , north of Mexicoand the West Indies . 1908. 582 B77Contains a considerable amount of trustworthy and va luable infom a

tion relative to uses . Gives prominence to the common names.

Grout, A . J. Mosses with hand-lens and microscope : a non

technica l hand-book of the more common mosses of the

northea stern United States . Pa rt4 . 1908. 588 G89a

Jordan, D . ed. The Ca lifornia ea rthquake of 1906 . 1907.

J76Eight essa ys and descriptive papers giving perha ps as well as writingscan give , a clea r, comprehensive, and accurate view of the grea t

ea rthquake and its a ssociated phenomena . Severa l of the writers

a re men of science who ha d a peculiar professiona l interest in theea rthquake, while at the same time they were a ctua l observers ofsome of the most striking of its phenomena . Review of Reviews .


Roberts , 0. G. D . The house in the water: a book of anima l

stories . 1908. 591 R54ho


M ore, 8 . B . The sanitation of recreation M ps and pa rks.

1908. 6 14 B29“By the avoidance of technica l terms and the presentation of the

subject in an interesting and pleasing sty le, the writer ha s provided a

most rea dable and useful little work .

N a ttire.

Boston Oooking-School Magazine. Vol. 12 . B65

Daniels , P . H . The furnishing of a modes t home . 1908. 645 D22Aims to promote good taste in the home . The walls and floors . furnishings for the various rooms. pictures. casts and sma ll ornaments.

are discussed in deta il. The interiors of many homes a re shown or

described .

Electrical World. Vol. 51. 1908. E38

Engineering News . Vol . 59. 1908. E5

Pilippini, Alexander. The interna tiona l cook book : over 3300

recipes gathered from a ll over the world including manynever before published in English . With complete menus

of the three mea ls for every da y in the year. 1907. 641 F47“The author is an expert cook and a culinary authority . His book

is entirely practica l and reliable. Itmust prove to be an inva luablestorehouse of information. and a genuine and sensible contributionto the a rtof cookery.

Boston Cooking School Magass'


Gates, 8 . N . Bee diseases in Ma ssa chusetts . 1908. G. 638 G22A pamphlet issued by the United Sta tes Department of Agriculture.with a ma p showing distribution of bee disea ses in Massachusetts and

possible sources of infection from neighboring states .

Good Housekeeping . Vol. 46 . 1908. G5

Hall Bolton. A little land and a living. 1908. 630H 14aPursues the same theme a s Three acres a nd liberty , with a somewhatdifierentmethod, giving more detailed information on the subject ofsmall farming. vacant-lot cultivation, building and equipment.

Langstroth , L . L . Langstroth on the hive and honey bee .

Rev . by Dadant. 1907. 638 L263.

Ma ssachusetts . Agricultural College. Annua l report. 1908.

G M382

14 s aoon ma rusmc annula r.

Massachusetts Agricultural Experiment Station. G

The Libra ry ha s recently received a nearly complete setof the Annua lreports and Bul letins of the Experiment Station ; these conta in valua ble practica l matter with regard to raising vegetables, the care of

poultry. cows, etc .

H assle,W.W. , and Underhill, O. 3 . Wireless telegraphy and

telephony , popula rly explained . With specia l a rticle by

Nikola Tesla . 1908. M38

Model Engineer and Electrician. Vol . 18. 1908. M72

Quinby , M. Quinby’

s new bee-keeping, the mysteries of bee

keeping expla ined : combining the results of fifty yea rs’

experience with the latest discoveries and inventions , and

presenting the most approved methods , forming a com

plete guide to successful bee-culture , by L . C . Root. New

and rev . ed . 1908. 638 Q4a“A guide to the novice and the standard volume of reference for theexperienced bee-lteeper.


Schnabel, Oarl. Handbook of meta llurgy . Trans . by HenryLewis . 2d ed . 1905—1907. 2v . 835“In general , the information is full, accurate. and up to date, and is

conveyed in a pleasant, readable manner.


Sharpe, M . B . L . Six hundred recipes for mea tless dishes .

1908. 641 S53

Spargo, John. The common sense ofthe milk question. 1908.

873Includes various lectures delivered by the author in many cities

during the past seven yea rs . The book makes a va luable addition to

dairy literature, and should be of interest to the genera l rea der for it

lays stress upon the city or family phases of the milk supply problem.

A . L. A . Booklist.

Stoughton, Bradley . The meta llurgy of iron and steel.

1908. 888“Altogether a most comp lete and va lua ble work , as it gives the best

methods of production and records in a thorough and practica l mannerthe most recent advances in the subjects ofmeta llography , corrosion,

and the new a lloys .

"Engineering Digest.

Viollet-Lo-Duc, E . E . Anna ls of a fortress . 1876 . 623V8IThe milita ry history of an idea l fortress supposed to be situated on a

branch of the Saone . The author has been ca lled the discoverer oithe tomotten system of defence adopted in the fortresses oi the laterMiddle Ages .

16 BROOKLINE PUBLIC LIBRARY.(lampbell,W. 8. Thepa sserby in London: a tribute toWren,

Gibbons and John Stow , with some romance and history

of the old city . 1908. Ls4c"Contains brief but readable matter on old London. its

nooks and


and especia lly its architecture.

London Times.

Photographs of the spires and towers ofWren’

s city churches form the

bestfea tures of the hook. Will beuseful to tourists .

Connoisseur. Vol . 20. 1908. 705 C76

Craftsman. Vol. 13. 705 CS4

Davey , John. The tree doctor: the care of trees and plants .

1907. 710D27An extremely entertaining volume which purports to give the resultsof long and devoted study of the disea ses a f 'our cultivated trees. andofmethods of treatment. The author knows how to getathis hearers

in homely speech. and sometimes imparts his informa tion ia


atioa .

Deane, Ethel. Byways of collecting. 1908. 738 D34

Va luable hints as to what should be choun and what avoided in col

lecting old china , prints, furniture and silver.

Garden Magazine. Vol. 7. 1908. G15

Harding, J. D . Lessons on art. Popular cd . [1stcd741 H21a

In appreciation of Harding as art teacher and artist. Ruskin wrote,“Harding is indisputably the highest and most accomplished artist

who gives lemons in England atthe present da y .

Helms , Charles, cd. Art in England during the Elizabethanand Stuartperiods , written by AymerVa llanoe , with a note

on the first century of English engra ving by M. C . Sa la

man. 1908. 728 H73aConta ins pen and colored drawings, illustrating the most interestingexamples of domestic architecture of the sixteenth and seventeenthcenturies still existing in England, and many reproductions of houseswhich ha ve been destroyed.

House and Garden. Vol. 13. 1908. H8

Irving , H . B . Occa siona l papers , dramatic and historiea l .

1907. 792 172Contents : English stage in the eighteenth century.

—Art and status ofthe actor.

—Colley Cibber's Apology .

—Ca llin¢ of the actor.—True

story of Eugene Aram.—Fa ll of the house of Goodere—Fua ldés ca se.

“Able and interesting pa pers by the eldest son of the late Sir HenryIrving . Mr. Irving ’

s defence of the profession of acting is one of thebest yetwritten.



Masters in Art: a series of illustrated monogra phs . Vol. 8.

1907. 759M42Contents Lawrence.

—Ruisdael.—Filippino Uppi—La Tour.-Si¢

norelli. Ma saeeio. Teniers the Younger. Tiepolo. Delacroix .



Maynard, 8. T. The sma ll country pla ce. 1908. 728 M45Contents : The suburban home.

-Remodelling and improving old

buildinga—Building new houses .—Decoration of home grounds .

Lawn and flower ¢a rden.—Family zarden.

—Fruit ¢rowing .—Pears.

peaches. quinces , plums , a pricots. and nectarines .—The gra pe .

—Bushfruits .—Market gardening .

—Poultry keeping .—Dairyinl o the family

horse. and bees .—Monthly ca lendar.

Rimmer,William. Art anatomy . 4th cd . 1893. ArtCa se

Robinson, 8. P. 3 . Celtic illuminative artin the gospel booksof Durrow , Lindista rne , and Kells . 1908. ArtCa se

Robinson, William. The English flower garden and home

grounds : design and arrangement shown by existing

examples of gardens in Great Britain and Ireland followed

by a description of the plants , shrubs , and trees for the

open-air garden and their culture . l0th cd . 1907. 712 R56

“To those who love to plan their own plea sure-grounds and make their

own choice of plants, this is one of the best treatises within reach.



Robinson, William. The ga rden beautiful : home woods and

home landsca pe . 1907. 715 R56“This book is for the country house , or any place where there is land

to plant; its object is to get people to think more of their woods frome sthetic and other points of view .


Studio. Vol . 42 . 705 893

Tuer, A .W. The book ofdelightful and strange designs , beingone hundred fa csimile illustrations of the artof the Japanese stencil-cutter, to which the gentle reader is introducedby one Andrew W. Tuer, who knows nothing ata ll aboutit.

745 TSI

Van Pelt, J. V. A discussion of composition, especia lly a s

applied to a rchitecture . 1902 . 740V34Comprising the essentia l characteristics of design, the principles and

more usua l forms of composition, the decorative application of the

principles. practical suggestions and plans .

18 BROOKLIN! PUBLIC L IBRA RY.Wilson, H . L . The bunga low book : a short sketch of the evo

lution of the bunga low from its primitive crudeness to its

present state of a rtistic beauty and cozy convenience .

Illustrated with drawings of exteriors and cozy corners of

bunga lows which ha ve been built from origina l designs .

2d cd . 1907. 728 W69

M0 810.

Grieg, Edvard. Piano duets . 12 nos . in 2v . 786 G84b

Pianoforte works . 26 nos . in 4v . 785 G84d

Grove, Sir George . Grove’

s dictiona ry of music and musicians , cd . by J. A . Fuller Maitland . Rev . cd . Vol . 4 .

1908. Ref.

Liszt, Franz . Concertos for pianoforte and orchestra : the

orchestra l part arranged for a second piano in score , ed . and

rev . by Ra fael Josefiy . 2v . in 1 . 785 L77c

No. 1 in Eh ma jor.

2 in A ma jor.

United States . Library 01 Congress . Division of Music.

Dramatic music (cla ss M 1500, 1510, Cata logueof full scores , comp . by 0 . G. T. Sonneck . 1908. G.


aroa'ra nus amusaman'

rs .

Abraham, G. D . The complete mounta ineer. 1908.

“Nea rly every grea t European a scent is treated fully , the technical

information is sound, and luminously set out, and the point of view

throughout will secure the approbation of a ll climbers . We have

never before seen so many faithful and beautiful mountain picturesin one volume .


Dudeney , H . E . The Canterbury puzzles and other curious

problems . 1907. 793Puzzles , riddles and problems of various kinds and degrees of diffi

culty , a ttractively presented with amusing illustra tions . Most of thema teria l is origina l with the author, some of it is reprinted from English maga zines .


Adams , Samuel. Writings , collected and edited by H . A .

Cushing. 1904—1908. 4v . 824 A214

Search for materia l ha s been made in a ll available repositories . Byca refully collecting and editing these writings, Dr. Cushing ha s ren

dered a distinctand meritorious service to American history .


Ba sin, a cne. Le blé qui léve . 1907. 843 E34h

Bronson, W. camp. English poems , selected and edited ,

with illustrative and explana tory notes and bibliographies :

the nineteenth century . 1907. 821 B78“Should be warmly welcomed a s an adjunct to the work of teachingEnglish literature 10 both colleges and secondary schools . Dia l .

Brooke, 8. A . Four Victorian poets : a study of Clough ,

Arnold , Rossetti, Morris , with an introd . on the course of

poetry from 1822 to 1852 . 1908. B87a

Comparetti, D . P. A . Vergil in theMiddle Ages . 1895 . 873VIOC

Doyle, Sir A . 0. Through the ma gic door. 1908. 804 D75

An accountof the author's own literary tastes and experiences among

Hadow, G. E . , and W. H ., comps . The Oxford trea sury of

English literature . 1906- 1908. 3v . 825 H 13

Intended for students who are beginning a genera l course of Englishliterature . The brief critica l remarks in the introductions are well

ba lanced. Natioa .

Hamilton, 0. M. Materia ls and methods of fiction. 1908.

H 18From a study ofnumerous famous novels and short stories. the authordeduces and formulates genera l principles .

Heriord, Beatrice . Monologues . 1908.Contents : A sociable seamstress .—The bazaa r.

—A la dy packing .

Pia zza ladies .—The country store.

—A professiona l boarder.

Home , 0. l ‘. The technique of the novel , the elements of the

art, their evolution and presentuse . 1908. H78A very thorough discussion of the subject. N Y. Times .

Hull , Eleanor. A textbook of Irish literature . Pa rt2 . 1908.



Humphrey , L . H . camp . The poetic old-world : a little book

for tourists . 1908 . 82 1 H88

Poems relating to the voyage. Ireland. England, Scotland. Holland,Belgium, France, Switzerland. Ita ly , Sicily , Sp ain, Greece. In someca ses the origina l Greek , La tin, Spanish, and German are given. as

.well a s the transla tion.

James , Henry . Views and reviews . 1908. 811 J27Contents : The novels of George Eliot.

—Oua drama of RobertBrown

ing .—Swinburne ’

s essa y s .—The poetry of William Morris .

—MatthewArnold's essa y s .—Mr. Wa ltWhitman .

—The poetry of George Eliot.

The limita tions of Dickens .—Tennyson


s drama .

—Contempora ry noteson Whistler sr. Ruskin.

—A note on John Burroughs—Hr. Kipling's

early stories.

A collection of pa pers which have appeared in various periodica ls from1865 to 1891 .

MacDonald, Frederika . The Ilia d of the Ea st: a selection of

legends drawn fromVa lmiki’

s Sanskritpoem,theRama yana .

1908. M138This collection of stories delightfully told through the medium of a

French translation. forms a clever popular abridgment of the hugeepic . The introduction a rgues that modern sentiment is rea lly in

many ways closer to the romanticism of India than to that of the

European Middle Ages .

Morley , John. Critica l miscellanies , vol. 4 . 1908. 824 M86Contents : Machiavelli.

—Guicciardini.—A new ca lender of greatmen.

John Stuart Mill : an anniversa ry .—Lecky on democracy .

—A his

torica l romance .—Theophano, by Frederic Harrison.

—Democracy andreaction.

Serious a ppreciations ba sed on exact schola rship and marked by sane

and broad-minded libera lism. The essays are packed with illuminating quotations. Spectator.

Phillips , Stephen, and Our, 1 . 0. Faust, freely adapted from


s dramatic poem. 1908. 822 P56f

Schelling , l'. l . E lizabethan drama , 1558—1642 : a history of

the drama inEngland from the a ccessionofQueen Elizabeth

to the closing of the theatres , to which is prefixed a résumé

of the earlier drama from its beginnings . 1908. 2v .


ProfessorSchelling ’

s schola rship is accurate and wide, and his critica l

iudgmmts are sound and sympathetic.


s aoom a PUBLIC umunur.Stevenson, R . Essays . Selected and ed . with an introd .

and notes by W. L . Phelps . 1908. 824 S84e

Contents : Outhe enjoymentofunplea sant places .-Apology for idlers .

—Aes triplex .—Ta lk and ta lkers .

—Gossip on romance .—Character of

dozs .—College magazine.

—Books which ha ve influenced me.—Pulvis

etumbra .

Stopes, Mrs . 0. 0. Shakespea re’

s Warwickshire contempo

ra ries . 1907. 0863

A useful and suggestive work which aims to help beginners to

rea lize the sort of people amongst whom Shakespeare began his life,and ended it.


Tennyson, Alfred, lstbaron. Works . Annotated by Alfred ,

Lord Tennyson, cd . by Ha llam, Lord Tennyson. Vols . 6—8 .

1908. 820T31fd

Thorndike , A . H . Tragedy . 1908. T49“Attempts to trace the course of English tragedy from its beginnings

to the middle of the nineteenth century , and to indicate the part

which it ha s pla yed in the history both of the theatre and of litera

Tinaoen, Lion De . La clef de la vie . 843 T495c“An amusing and attractive novel . A long experience of being

snubbed in childhood and youth produces in the hero a character ofquite singular charm. The key of life, for him. a ppears to be pureunselfishness . With this, and the author

's ta lent for light comedy ,

unexpected doors are unlocked . Spectator.

Yeats , W. and Gregory , A . P Lady . The unicorn fromthe stars , and other plays . 1908. 822 Y4u

Other plays : Cathleen ni Houlihan, by W. B . Yea ts .—The hour-glass.

by W. B . Yeats.


Atlay , J . B. The Victorian chancellors . 1906- 1908. 2v .

E 2 .A88

Vol. 1. Lord Lyndhurst.—Lord Brougham.

—Lord Cottenham.—Lord


2 . Lord St. Leonards .—Lord Cranworth .

—Lord ChelmsfordLord Campbell . Lord Westbury . Lord Cairns . LordHa therley .

—Lord selborne . Lord I-Ia lsbury .—Lord Her


‘. R . M. Clement of Alexandria . 1899. F26c

Hutton, W. H ., cd. 8 . Thoma s of Canterbury : an a ccount of

his life and fame from the contemporary biographers and

other chroniclers . 2d cd . 1899. T36h

Kelvin. Gray , Andrew . Lord Kelvin : an a ccount of his

scientific life and work . 1908. E .K285“The sections describing Lord Kelvin

s methods in the classroom and

la bora tory will be found the more interesting a s Professor Gra y is oneof the band of students who worked under him in the old touniscolledge

"of Gla sgow . The author gives clearly the impression of the

origina lity and of the enormous vita lity of this intellectua l giantwhoranks with Ga lileo and Newton.


Luther, Martin. Letters . Sel . and trans . by M. A . Currie .

1908. E .L968

Gives a fair specimen of the wisdom, humor. humanity . religion, and

theology of Luther’s life . London Times .

Matheson. Ma cmillan, Dona ld . The life ofGeorge Matheson.

1907. E .M4233.m“A most stimulating book . Appea ls especia lly to young men or

women laboring under some great phy sica l infirmity . It is the story

of a Scotchman who became practica lly blind at eighteen, yet when

he died in 1906 , at the age of sixty -four, wa s the most distinguishedman in the Scotch pulpit.

"N ation.

Panton, Mrs . J . E . Lea ves from a life . 1908. E .F212

An enterta ining volume of reminiscences , published anonymously , con

ta ining piquantand candid recollections ofmid-Victorian artists , actors ,and literary men. and an amusing description of the author’s own

childhood. She is the daughter of William P . Frith, an aged Roya lAca demician, still living .

Poll, Albert. The reminiscences of Albert Pell , sometimeM. P . for South Leicestershire . Ed . , with an introd . , byThoma s Mackay . 1908. E .P36 1“The writer, a Tory of prowess in the party ranks , ha s collected manygood stories of politica l personages . A grea t persona lity stands outfrom his autobiogra phy and the book is rema rkable in the way itendea rs the author to us . It should not be missed by anyone whoenjoys racy humor. and a genuine revela tion of character.


Smith, I . G. Bonifa ce 1896. F26bo

Compiled chiefly from the letters of Boniface and from the memoir byhis companionWillibald.

sxooa s pnt—nasca rtrxox AND TRAVEL . 25

Stanley , Edward, bishop of Narwich. Before and afterWater

loo : letters from Edward Stanley , 1802 , 1814 , 1816 . 1907.

E .St288

The letters record three journey s abroad : the first. a fter the Peace ofAmiens ; the second, just a fter the abdication of Na poleon in 1814

the third, with the crowd of English people who pressed over to Paris

after Waterloo. They are well worth rea ding in themselves and arefull of interest as unstudied pictures of the condition of aflairs and

the state of feeling in England and France in the la st yea rs of Napoleon. London Times.

Stem s . Stearns , F . P. The life and public services of

George Luther Stea rns . 1907. G. E .St350

Biography of a prominent abolitionist. Furnishee interesting sida

lights on the Civil War and its issues .

Stephens . Pendleton, Louis . Alexander H . Stephens . 1907.

E .St445 .p

Alexander Stephens was one of the ablest of Southern statesmen.

From a considerable study of Rebellion records , loca l newspa pers.and imprinted Confedera te ° documents, Mr. Pendleton ha s been able

to state the events of his life in clear deta il.

Summerhayes, Martha . Vanished Arizona : recollections of

my a rmy life . 1908. E .Su630“Impressions made upon the mind of a young New England womanwho left her comforta ble home in the early seventies. to follow a

second lieutenant into the wildest encampments of the American


Amundsen, Roald. The North westPa ssage : being the recordof a voyage of exploration of the ship Gjoa , 1903—1907, byRoa ld Amundsen, with a supplement by First Lieutenant

Hansen, vice-commander of the expedition. 1908. 2v .


An excellent book of arctic exploration, written with sailorlike sim

plicity , and with an attractive enthusia sm for the subject. It is both

a va luable contribution to geographica l know ledge and the record of a

long series of a dventures which make the reader ca tch his brea th in

suspense .



Dayna , 8. G. Quicksteps through Seandina via , with a retreat

from Moscow . 1908. 948 B34

Notes of an excursion giving much substantia l information concerningthe peoples and countries visited .

Oolllngwood, W. G. The lake counties [oi England] with

specia l articles on birds , butterflies and moths , flora ,

geology , fox-hunting, mounta ineering, ya chting, angling,

shooting, and cycling. 1902 . C71

Doughty , 0. M. Wanderings in Arabia : being an abridgment

of Travels in Arabia Deserta , a rranged with introd . by

Edwa rd Garnett. 1908. 2v . D74“An abridgment of one of the greatest travel books in literature .

It is a great story told in the grea t manner, a masterpiece of sty le.

and a record of heroic doings .


Douglas , H . A . Venice on foot, with the itinera ry of the

Grand Cana l and severa l direct routes to useful pla ces .

1907. V5d“A model of clearness, conciseness. and concrete information. In the

course of tenwa lks , Mr. Douglas visits every partofthe city .


Ellis , Havelock . The soul of Spain. 1908. E 47“A travel book of an unusua l sort. it interprets rather than describes .

The author, the famous English psychologist, ha s been a frequentvisitor to the Spanish peninsula r, and is a learned studentof Spanishliterature .

Jerrold,W. 0. Highways and byways in Kent. 1907. K 4j“The book is pleasantly written. Mr. Jerrold gives little description,

but peoples the region with the men and women who ha ve for twentycenturies made the history of Kent.

"A . L . A . Booklist.

Kirkland, Caroline . Some Africa n highways : a journey of

two America n women to Uganda and the Transvaa l . 1908.

K 63

Lamplough, A . 0 . Egypt, and how to see it. 1907. E52

Lesdain, Oount de . From Pekin to Sikkim through the

Ordos , the Gobi desert, and Tibet. 1908. L55

An account of a unique wedding journey . Gives a vivid picture oflife a nd conditions in little known parts of the empire . N ation.

28 snoom a PUBLIC LIBRARY.


American-Irish Historical Society . Journa l . Vol. 7. 1907.


Rain, 8 . N. Sla vonic Europe : a politica l history of Poland

and Russia from 1447 to 1796 . 1908. B 16“A singularly compact. clear. and well proportioned history thatoughtto be a sa fe and welcome guide.


Besant, Sir Walter. Ea rly London, prehistoric, Roman,

Sa xon and Norman. 1908. L8bab

Medie va l London. Vol. 2 . Ecclesiastica l. 1906 . L8ba c

Two of a series of elaborate and fully illustrated quarto volumesentitled a Survey of London. The author’s name will be linked with

tha tof the city in a fashion thatwe can hardly hnd para lleled in the

history of the world’

s ca pita ls . Specta tor.

Blok, P. J . History ofthe people ofthe Netherlands . Vol . 4 .

Frederick Henry , John de Witt, William 111. B62

Condor, 0. B . The Latin kingdom of Jerusa lem, 1099 to 1291,

A . D . 1897. J4c

Portescue, J . W. History of the British army . 1899- 1906 .

4 v . in 6 . 942 Z 3OS

The standa rd history of the British army from the ea rliest times to1803; conta ins a history of the a rmy , its military operations, civil

administra tion, and politica l relations . Oi general interest and

va lue.

” W. Dawson Johnston, 1900.

Green, Mrs . A . 8. The making of Ireland and its undoing,

1200—1600. 1908. G82The author ha s endeavored to gather together some records of the

civiliza tion of Ireland before the Tudor wars ; to trace the progress in

industry , in wea lth. and in lea rning ; and to discover the forces thatruined the nationa l life. Preface.

Gummere, l ‘. B . Germanic origins : a study in primitive culture . 1892 . G95Contents : Introduc'

tion.—Land and people.

—Men and women.- The

home .—Husband and wife .

—The family .—Tra de and commerce .

The wa rrior.-a 80cia l order.

—Government and law .—The funera l .

The worship of the dead .—The worship of nature.

—The worship of

¢ods .—Form and ceremony .

—The highermood .

“A succinct and well-arranged summary of what is to be gleaned ofGermanic thought and life from cla ssica l and German remains .



nxs'ronv. 89

Hanotaux, Gabriel. Contempora ry France. Vol. 3. 1874

1877. 1907. H 19

3 0d , Franklyn. A history of the town of Acushnet.

1907. A 18h

Jacobs , Joseph, ed. The Jews of Angevin England : documents and records from Latin and Hebrew sources

, printed

and manuscript, for the firsttime collected and translated .

1893. 115;“A va luable and industrious compila tion. Consists of notices of the

life of the Jews, of their politica l, economica l and socia l sta tus and

their relations with other classes of English society down to the year

Sonm seheia . Reader’

s Guide.

Jones, K . 8. The Roman Empire , B . C . 29 1908.

J71Aims to present in a graphic na rrative the picturesque and note

worthy periods and episodes of Roman history in their philosophica l rela tians to each other as well as to universa l history .


Molmenti, Pompeo. Venice , its individua l growth from the

ea rliest beginnings to the fa ll of the republic. 1906- 1908.

3 pts . in 6v . V5moPt. 1 . Middle Ages .

2 . Golden Age.

3. Decadence .

A va luable book . The straightforward tale of the old Venetians,the most interesting community in Europe, is told with a frank simplicity , and yet with every detail that can be desired by a ca reful

Moore, Frederick. The pa ssing ofMorocco. 1908. 964 M78“Mr. Moore went to Morocco as specia l correspondent oi the West

minster Gazette, arriving there soon a fter the bombardment of Ca sablanca by the French. This book is a record of many of his exper

iences , observations and impressions in Casablanca . Tangier. Ra ba t,the pirate city of Salli, and other pa rts of the Moorish empire .

Kojine, l . K . The truth about PortArthur. 1908. 952 N69“M. Na jine was the accredited Russian war correspondent in PortArthur. and wentthrough the grea ter partof the siege. His principa l

themes are the unpreparedness of PortArthur for a siege, and his oon

temptforthe Japanese. and the divided authority and qua rrels amongstthe ofi eers entrusted with the defence.

Saturday Review.

Oman, Charles. A history of the Peninsula r War. Vol . 3.

Sept. 1809—Dec. 1810. 1908. 054

80 s aooxtma PUBLIC LIBRARY.Pennell, B . AncientGreece from the earliesttimes down to

146 B . 0. Rev . ed . 1889. 938 P38

Ramsay , Sir I . H . The dawn of the constitution. or the reigns

of Henry III and Edward I , A . D . 1216- 1307. 1908.

R l4d

This volume is the third of a series intended to cover the ea rly historyof Eng land . The first volume Foundations of England to 1154 ,

the second volume The Angem'

n empire, 1154- 1216, and the la st

volume Lancaster and York, 1399- 1485 . ha ve a lrea dy been published .

8mlth, G. A . Jerusa lem, the typography , economics and his

tory from the ea rliest times to A . D . 70. 1908. 2v .

933.5J4sAn admirable complement to the Histhfieal geografhy of the HolyLand . Dr. Smith ha s produced a critical survey of the whole field .

Moderation and sound sense dominate every conclusion. Athenantm.

Victoria History 01 the Counties oi England.

Bedford . Vol . 2 . B39d

Hampshire . Vol . 3. H 18do

Lancaster. Vol . 2 . L2

Shropshire . Vol. 1. 856

Walpole, Sir Spencer. The history of twenty-hy e years ,

1856- 1880. 1904—1908. 4v . W16aDefin ed as a sequel to The history of England from the conclusion ofthegreatwar of 1815 to 1858. butconstructed on somewhat difierent lines .

“We learn much that could not be known to contemporaries and get

outside and beyond the passions and persona l antipathies of the

moment." London Times .

Webber, H. E . Twelve months with the Eighth Massa chusetts infantry in the service of the United States . 1908.

6 . W38Winship , J . P . 0. Historica l Brighton: an illustrated history

of Brighton and its citizens . Vol. 2 . 1902 . B68w


Barr.Robert. Young Lord Stranleigh. B2754 . 14

Barrie, J . M. The Peter Pan picture book , by Alice B .

Woodward and Daniel O’

Connor. 1907. B27

82 nnoom n PUBL IC L IBRARY.

Scott, J'

. B . The Princess Dehra .

Vorse , M. H . The breaking in of a ya chtsman’

s wife . V918. 1

White , F . M. The five knots . W5894 . 1

White, 8. l . The riverman. W5934 .9

Wilkins, M. E . The shoulders of Atla s . W657.22

Williams , J . L . The girl and the game and other college

stories . W678.6

Wright, H . B . The shepherd of the hills . W936 .1

Wright,Mrs . M. 0 . The open window : ta les of the months ,told by Barba ra . W938 .5


Bacon, Mrs . M. 8. H ., ed. Hymns that every child shouldknow : a selection of the best hymns of a ll nations for

young people , cd . by Dolores Ba con. 1907. B 12

Belles , L . D . Lotus bay : a summer on Ca pe Cod. G. jB6367.4

A Norway summer. G. jB6367.2

Underfoot; or, what Ha rry and Nelly lea rned of the

ea rth's trea sures : a sequel to Overhead. G. jB6367.3

Chisholm, Lousy , camp. The golden sta irca se : poems and

verses for children. 581 C54

Doubleday , Mrs . H. B . D . Birds that every child shouldknow : the Ea st. By Neltje Blanchan. 1907. 5598 D72

Elton, Mrs . Oliver. The story of Sir Francis Drake . 1906 .

jE .D76e

Gillie, B . O. The story of stories . 2d ed . 1907. 5220G48The life of Jesus .

Golding , Vautier. The story of Henry M. Stanley .

Gnotbot, H . M. A . Legends of the Rhine . 6th ed .

Horton, Edith . The frozen North : an a ccount of

exploration for use in schools . 1904.

Job , H . K . The sportof bird-study . 1908.

Ta x RtvnanALa Pna ss : C . A .W. Srsncna , Ba ooxmnn.





VOL . XV . No. 2





Week Days.—9 a . m. to 9 p . m lega l holidays excepted.

sundays .— 2 to 9 p . m.


S Rooms.

Week Days.—2 to 6 p . m. , and a lso from 10 to 12 on Saturday


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Residents of Brookline who are not registered borrower'

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Books may be returned to the Stationswhethertaken from themor from the centra l Library ; but books drawn from the Deposit

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The Law Library in the CourtHouse is now open to the publicon Tuesday and Thursday evenings from 8 to 10, and on Saturdayevenings from 7 to 9. This library is in the care of the Brookline

Law Library Association, and it ha s now been classified and

cata logued . A duplica te listof the books may be consulted in theReference Room of the Public Library .

88 BROOKLINE PUBLIC LIBRARY.Hall, 8. R . How to get a position and how to keep it, with

specia l reference to various classes of applicants . 1908.

11 14

Practica l advice on the choice of an occup ation. on forms of a pplication for a position, either persona lly or by letter, on letters of recommendation, and on winning promotions.

Hunt, 0. B . Home problems from a new standpoint. 1908.

173 H92

Contents : More life for woman.—More life for man.

—More life for thehousehold employee .

—More phy sica l vigor for a ll.—Mone ioy in mereliving .

—More beauty for a ll . -More pleasure for the producer of house

zgld stufl .

- More conscience for the consumer.—New work for the


International Journa l of Ethics . Vol. 18. I6

Boyce, Josiah. The philosophy of loya lty . 1908. 170R81

The author intends to present a very practica l philosophy of loya lty .

which he defines first as the willing and thorough-going devotion of a

person to a cause, and last as the will to believe in something eterna l.and to express thatbelief in the practica l life of a human being .

Allen, W. O. A critica l and exegetical commentary on the

gospel according to 8. Matthew . 1907. 201

Brent, 0. H . Leadership : the William Belden Noble lecturesdelivered at Sanders theatre , Harva rd University , December 1907. 1908. 242 B75

Contents : The meta physic of lea dership .- Power


of the single motive.

—Power of the human will.—Power of the blameless life.—Power offellowship with the divine.

- The representa tive lea der ofmen.

Donahoe, D . 3. Early Christian hymns : translations of the

verses of most notable Latin writers of the early and

middle ages . 1908. 245 D71“Metrica l renderings of Latin hymns. ranging in date from the timesof St. Hila ry to those of Pius VII . In genera l Mr. Donahoe's understanding is correct. his pen facile, and his versions eminently readable .


nan erou. 3"

Gairdner, James. Lollardy and the Reforma tion in England :an historica l survey . 1908. 2v . G12

Covers in part the same ground as the author's volume of English

Church History . butis ofmuch wider scope. There is no living writer

more thoroughly equipped for producing a trustworthy work on the

Hamack, Adolf. The sayings of Jesus : the second source of

St. Matthew and St. Luke. 1908. 226 Z 38“Shows tha t it is St. Luke who as a rule has amended the style and

interpreted the meaning of wha tSt. Matthew ha s preserved in a moreorigina l sta te. In this analysis we read Dr. Harnack with the deepest

attention: his acuteness, vigor and freshness make the dullest detailsinteresting . Saturda y Review.

King , H. 0. Persona l and idea l elements in education. 1904 .

242 K58

Contents : The primacy of the person in college education.—The funda

menta l na ture of religion.—Religious education as conditioned by

modern psychology and pedagogy .—C hristian tra ining and the re

vivel as methods of converting men: a historical and psychologica l

study .—How to make a rationa l fightfor character.

Sounds the rightnote. a note of optimism, faith, and manly purpose.

It deserves a large circle of readers . Josmsal ofPedagogy .

Theology and the socia l consciousness : a study of the rela

tions ofthe socia l consciousness to theology . 2d cd. 1907.

231 K5Sa

A sane and helpful book. Its strength lies in its clear unfolding of

en elementa l truth, and the fearless and vigorous a pplication of that

truth to religious thinking .


Matheson, George. Studies of the portrait of Christ.

1899—1900. 2v . M42A broad, serious , thoughtful comparison of the difierent aspects of

Christrevea led by the Gospels.

Watsbn, 0. B . In the va lley of the Nile : a survey of the

missiona ry movement in Egypt. 1908. W33“Mr. Watson has ha d the advantage of close-at-hand, sustained studyof the country of which he writes . His survey of present social and

politica l conditions shows insight and judgment."


Z wing'li, Huldreich. Selected works of Huldreich Z wingli,

1484—1531, the reformer ofGerman Switzerland. 1901.

Z 9


American Academy of Political and Social Science. Anna ls .

Vols . 30, 31. 1907- 1908. 306

Contain valuable articles on the Church in relation to social and

settlement work, on American waterwa ys, on the currency questionand the issue of bonds , and the colonia l problems of the United Sta tes.including Some difficulties in colonia l government encountered by GreatBritain, by James Bryce.

Coolidge, A . 0. The United States a s a world power. 1908.


Dea ls with the growth and expansion of the United States, our rela

tions with the European powers and the problems arising out of ourinvasion of the Pacific. Written with a studied modera tion of state

ment and avoidance of personal feeling .


Pagan, J. 0 . Confessions of a railroad Signa lman. 1908.

Contents : A railroad man to ra ilroad men.—The men.

—The management.

—Loya lty .—The squa re dea l.—The human equa tion.


The author, who has been in railroa d work for twenty -two yea rs , still

holds his position in the signa l tower in Cambridge , while he writes

articles for the Atlantic Monthly and lectures at the new Harvardschool of business administra tion. He is deeply interested in a ll the

problems of ra ilroad management. Although not opposed to labor

organiza tions, he insists that their lea ders should be broad-mindedmen.

Lake Mohonk Conference on International Arbitration. Re

portofthe fourteenth annua lmeeting. 1908. G. Pam6 .

Lingelbach, W. l . The merchant adventurers of England

their laws and ordina nces , with other documents . 1902.

Consists largely of a heretofore unpublished manuscript drawn up by

John Wheeler, the Secreta ry of the Merchant Adventurers. in 1608.

It conta ins new and interesting ma teria l about the life and activities

of the Society , its organiza tion and members, the character andmethod of its tra de, and the regula tions governing the life and conductof the Adventurers at their residences in the mart towns on the con



BROOKLINE PUBLIC LIBRARY.Taylor, Hannls. The science of jurisprudence : a treatise inh which the growth of positive law is unfolded by the hisi-Su

torica l method , and its elements classified and defined by

the ana lytica l. 1908. 340T2 I

United States . Department of the Treasury . Comptroller

of the Currency . The nationa l-bank a ct as amended , and

other laws relating to nationa l banks , 1908. G. U5a


Eliot, O. W. University administration. 1908. E42

Contents : University trustees.—An inspecting and consenting body .Alumni influence.

—The university faculty .—The elective system.

Methods of instruction.—Social organisatiom—The president—Gen

eral administration.

Hanna, P. H . Beginnings in industria l education, and other

educationa l discussions . 1908. 607 K 19

Contents : Industrial education. Industria l education under state

auspices inMassachusetta—Wha tkind of industria l school is needed?—Industria l education and socia l progress .

—The industria l continuation schools of Munich.

—Professional preparation of high-school



zi—School instruction in religion.

—The country schoolmastern Bav a .

“A practical trea tmentof vita l present-day educationa l questions.

Buoy.3 . B . The psychology and pedagogy of rea ding, with a

review ofthe history ofreading and writing and ofmethods ,texts , and hygiene in reading. 1908. H87“An attractive study which is likely to arouse a broader interest in

the questions atissue and tha tcannotfa il to be ofuse to every teacher.

The work, ba sed upon the author’s investigations and observations

and on the experiments of other psychologists, is presented in an unusua lly interesting manner.


“The bestbook on this importantsubject. .4 . L. .4 . Boohis



Swift, 3 . 3. Mind in the making: a study in menta l development. 1908. 897

Contents : Standards of human power.—Criminal tendencies of boys .

The school and the individual .—Reflex neuroses and their relation to

development.—S ome nervous disturbances of development.

—Thepsychology of learning .

—The racia l brain and educa tiom—Experimenta l pedaaozy .

- 8chool-mastesin¢ educatiom—Man'

s educationalreconstruction of na ture.

EDUCATION. senmon. 41

Swift, 3 . 3. Mind in the making,—continued.

“A plea for the persona l element in educa tion, taking a oommon-eenseview of social problems. It presents facts clea rly and accura tely . its

deductions are rea sona ble. its logic denotes a broa d. well-culturedmind .

"N . Y. Times .

Wendell, Barrett. The privileged classes . 1908. W48Contents : The privileged classea—The American Revolutiom—Ournationa l superstition.

—Oi educa tion.

“The rather whimsica l views of a man of letters on the present state

and outlook of the American nation.

Butler,G.M. A pockethandbook ofminera ls , designed forusein the field or cla ss-room with little reference to chemica l

tes ts . 1908. 549 B97

B eechel, E . H . La st words on evolution: a popular retro

spect and summa ry . 1906 . 575 H l l l

Three lectures delivered in Berlin in 1905, summarising the views of

human life and destiny as afiected by the doctrine of evolution. whichthe author has advocated for fifty years. Spectator.

Bill , Alexander. Introduction to science. 1900. 504 H55

Contents First principles .-Age of the ea rth—Ultimate constitution

ofmatter.—Originof species .

—C ause of the coagulation of the blood .

Function of nerve-fibree and nerve-cells .—Microphytolo¢y .

An accountin popular language of prominent scientific problems.

Lo Bon, Gustave. The evolution of forces . 1908. L49a

Minot, 0. 8. The problem of age , growth, and dea th : a studyof cytomorphosis , based on lectures atthe Lowell Institute ,

March , 1907. 1908. M66“Dea ls with some of the fundamental problems of biology . and gives

a series of views , the results of nearly thirty years of study . correlated

in systematic form, so presented as to appea l to genera l rea ders with

out special knowledge of biology .

Osborn, Herbert. Insects afiecting domestic anima ls : an

a ccount of the species of importance in North America ,

with mention'

of related forms occurring on other anima ls .

1896 . 6 . U58

42 PUBLIC mans“ .

Schmucker, 8. O. The study of nature . 1908. 507 835“Suggestive and detailed in the field covered. It is particularly welladapted for teachers just beginning nature work and for use in the

lower grades .

“A . L. A . Boohls



8ness, Eduard. The fa ce of the ea rth. Vol. 3. 1908. 550 894

United States. Bureauof American Ethnology . Annua l te

ports to the secreta ry of the Smithsonian Institution.

Vol. 26. 1908. 6 . U5


American Journal 01 Nursing . Vol. 8. A5

Bailey , The state and the farmer. 1908. 630 B 15c“Advanced idea s on agricultural educa tion, and the position of thefarmer in the community , are discussed by one of the leading authorities on agricultura l subjects in this country .

"A . L . A . Booklist.

Butterfleld, K . L . Chapters in rura l progress . 1908. 630 EQS“Emphasizes the socia l aspects of rural communities and describes

some of the newer movements resulting in the expansion of countryli

ge. Written from a thoroughly sane, if somewhat optimistic point

0 view.


Child, Theodore. Delicate fea sting. 1890. G. 64 1 C43

Much good and sensible advice as to preparation of food, dinnergiving. and service . Abounds in interesting quota tions from theliterature of the subject. N ation.

Davison, Alvin. The huma n body and hea lth : an elementa rytext-book of essentia l anatomy , applied physiology , and

pra ctica l hygiene for schools . 1908. 612 D29

Gould, G. M. Righthandedness and lefthandedness , with

chapters treating of the writing posture , the rule of the

road, etc. 1908. G73“An ingenious study , with useful suggestions for educators and

parents .


McIsaac, Isabel. Hygiene for nurses . 1908. M18aFilled with exactly the kind of information which a ll nurses and a llwomen need to ha ve. It gives in simple language the principles ofhousehold hygiene and synopses of laws governing public sanitation.

The regula tions for school hygiene and food adulteration are treatedextensively . One of the most interesting chapters is that on thehygiene of occupation.

44 BROOKLINE PUBLIC LIBRARY.Boston,Mass. Museumoi PineArts. Handbook . 1908. 708 E65h

This handbook is not a cata logue of the collections. Its purpose is tohelp people to a genera l knowledge of the museum and its contents,

and a closer acqua intance with a number of objects of specia l interest.

The book ma y be used as a guide to the ga lleries or for consecutiverea ding, giving an outline of the developmentof the a rts and branchesof a rtrepresented in themuseum; the illustra tions and comment followin chronologica l order. There a re a lso short bibliogra phies with suggestions for further study . and a synoptica l ta ble of the history of art.

giving the historical rela tions of the museum collections ea ch to theother and to a few main landmarks of universal history .

Bumpns, T. P. The cathedra ls , and churches of Norway ,

Sweden, and Denma rk . 1908. B88

Ornttwell, Maud. A guide to the paintings in the churchesand minor museums of Florence : a critica l ca ta logue withquotations from Va sa ti , illus . with many miniature repro

ductions of the pictures and frescoes . 1908. 708 F63ca

A useful addition to the traveller's library . Up to date in pointof

scholarship and includes a good many things not commonly known.

BurlingtonMaga in .

Hind, O. L . Augustus Saint-Gaudens . 1908. 735 s15h“This a pprecia tion of St. Gaudens’ art. with the added personal reminiscences, gives a vivid picture of the sculptor in his Cornish home. Theha e setof repeoductions includes many unfamiliar subjects.

Holme, Charles, cd. Colour photography , and other recent

developments of the artof the camera . 1908. 774 H73

Illustra ted by fourteen pictures reproduced from autochrome plates.and many more in monochrome. We ma y sa fely look forward to thetime when colour photogra phy sha ll become a universal pastime and

an a id to science .


Jenks , Tudor. Photogra phy for young people. 1908. 770J42

Contains a good dea l of va lua ble information and practica l advice.

N Y. Times.

Kemp , Oliver. Wilderness homes : a book of the log ca bin.

1908. K32“A book for the amateur. practica l in character, sound in advice. andrestricted to cabins of the less elaborate type . Covers selection ofsite. furnishing , decoration, cost, and includes many excellent photo

cra phs pf exteriors and interiors .

".4 . L. .4 . Boohis




Mediei Prints.

The library has subscribed to this new series of colored reproductions.which. according to the Burlington Magazine. far surpa ss the well

known chromo lithogra phs of the Arundel Society , not only becausethey substitute photogra phic accuracy for manua l copyinc. but a lso

in clearness, freshness and variety of hue. Nothing of the kind so

good and so chea p has ever been issued before . The following plates

ha ve been received

Botticelli. Vimin and child. Poldi Pessoli. Milan.

Lorenzo da Credi. Annunciation. Umai, Florence .

Flemish School. Portraitof a la dy . Aca demy .Vienna .

Leona rdo. La stsupper. Sta . Maria delle Gra zia, Milan.

Hea d of Christ. Brera . Milan.

Filippino Lippi. Virgin in adoration. Ufi si, Florence.

Fra Filippo Lippi. Vimin, deta il . Ufi ai. Florence.

Luini. Virgin. deta il . Brera , Milan.

Piero della Francesca ? Portrait of a lady . Poldi Pes aoli, Milan.!Rubens . Fruitfulness. Pinaoothek. Munich.

Titian. Madonna of the cherries . Imperia l Ga llery , Vienna .

Moore, Mrs . R . H . Delftware , Dutch and English. 1908.

738 M783

Osborne, 0. L , ed. Histon’

e houses and their ga rdens

pa laces , ca stles , country pla ces , and ga rdens of the Old

and New Worlds described by severa lwriters . 1908. 081

Both the obiects described and the points of view of the variouswriters difler widely . Some of the articles include the history of oldfamilies and enterta ining gossip concerning them. The rela tions be

tween house and garden are well exemplified, and there are manywelcome suggestions sca ttered through the volume.


Pennell, Mrs . E . B . , and Joseph. The life of James McNeil]Whistler. 1908. 2v . 750W57p“A good biography . Mr. and Mrs . Pennell knew Whistler and were

intimate with him for the lastnine yea rs of his life. They ha ve tried

to tell the truth and the truth speaks for itself. London Times.

Bawlings , G. B . Coins and how to know them. 1908. 737 R 19

Reynolds ,Victor, cd. Stories ofthe Flemish and Dutch artists,

from the time of the van Eycks to the end of the seven

teenth century . 1908. R46

Short lives of the pa inters told as far as possible in the words of the

origina l historians of the schools . These ea rly writers cannot be de

pended upon for accuracy , but give, as does Va sa ri in his histories ofIta lian artists. a picture of contemporary life full of racy charm andquaintdirectness. Preface.

46 [s aooxunn PUBLIC LIBRARY.‘

Salaman, M. 0. The old engravers of England in their rela

tion to contemporary life and a rt, 1540- 1800. 1907. 760 815

Mr. Salaman’

a accountof the engravers is lucid, sufi cient, and ba sed

on reliable authorities . The book makes interesting rea ding ; gossip ,

portraiture, and artare deftly interlaced.

Sparrow, W. cd. The gospels in a rt: the life of Christ by

great painters from Fra Angelico to Holman Hunt; thetextby Leonce Benedite, Henry Van Dyke, R . F . Horton,

and the Bishop of Derry and Ra phoe . 1904 . 755 S73g

An interesting collection of repmductions of nearly four hundredfamous paintings.MV810.

Ooerne, L . A . The evolution ofmodern orchestration. 1908.


A history of the growth of the orchestra and of orchestration rather

than a treatise on instrumenta tion. The work of the more prominentcomposers is set forth in a manner to indicate the distinctive fea turesof their orchestration and of their genera l crea tive ability .

Holman , Josef. Piano playing : a little book of simple suggestions . 1908. 1167

Upton, G. P. Musica l memories : my recollections of celebri

ties of the ha lf-century , 1850—1900. 1908. U7I

The memories are long enough to include a lmost all that Chicago hasha d of rea lly artistic music. Mr. Upton ha s heard a ll the travellingvirtuosi and operatic companies tha t have visited the city and he

gossips about them good-humoredly and interestingly , with keen and

humorous comments of his own. N . Y. Times.

The standard concertguide : a handbook of the standard

symphonies , oratorios , cantata s , and symphonic poemsfor the concertgoer. 1908. U71

An excellentguide, giving only the information needed to make the

reader an a ppreciative listener. A condensation of the materia l inhis ea rlier works. A . L . A . Bookis


MV810 : 800338.

Chadwick , G. W. Five pieces for the pianoforte. 785 C43

Contents : Prélude Joyeux .—Dans le canot.—Le ruisseau—Le crépus

cule.—Les grenouilles .

48 s aooxmua PUBLIC LIBRARY.New York State. retest, l

'ish, and Game Commission.

Annual reports , 1904, 1905, 1906. Vols. 10—12 . 1907. 6 .


Contain valuable special articles on such subjects a s forestmanagement. rufled grouse. and bea vers. Among the many illustrations are

included la rge colored plates of specimen fish.


I verts , Katherine Jewell. The speaking voice : principles of

training simplified and condensed . 1908. E93

roster, W. Argumentation and debating. 1908. F81

An inside view of the art presented by one conversantwith all itsdifi culties and delights ; one of the most satisfactory books in thisfield. It insists rigorously upon method, order, and system, avoidsa ll pedantrles. and a ddresses itself strictly to practica l ends. Nation.

m m m .

Benson, a . 0. At large. 1908. 824 134714

Contents : The scene.-Contentment.

—Friendship .—Humour.

—Trave1.-8pecia lism.

- 0ur lack of grea t men.—Shyness.

-Equa lity .—The

dramatic sense.—K elmscott and William Morris .

—A speech day .

Literary finish—A midsummer day’

s dream.—symbols.

- Optimism.

-Joy .—The love ofGod.

—Epilogue.Another ofMr. Benson’

s reflective books ana lysing the emotions of ameditative mind and its rela tions to fellow-men.

London Times.

Cooke, G.W. A bibliography ofRa lphWa ldo Emerson. 1908.

Ref.15 .69. 1

Makes no aim at completeness. but intelligently arranged, withoutpedantic detail ; Emerson ha s been translated perha ps more frequentlythan any other American author. the many foreign titles in the nuentvolume giving only a partofsuchmateria l. A model book of reference.

Oonlton, G. G. Chaucer and his England . 1908. 820 C49bc


Anunusua lly interesting book . We wa ll: in fancy with Mr. Coultonthe streets ofmedie val London, examine its wares, sit at table. listenbenea th its creviced walls.

Specta tor.

Drummond,W. H . The greatfight: poems and sketches , with

a biographica l sketch by May Harvey Drummond. 1908.

820 D796cFull of qua intFrench-Canadian humor and sentiment.


France, Anatole. Le livre de mon ami. 843 F841

Mackaye, P.W. Mater: an American study in comedy . 1908.

822 M15mA play of uncommon literary quality , cha racterised by felicity of

phra se. witty and satirica l humor, and occasional flights of poeticimagination. Nation.

Martin, I . 8. In a new century . 1908. 824 MS71Contents : Too much success .

—Proclivities and compunctions .- Read

ing .—Writing.

—Exclusiveness .—The impossibility of living on any

thing a year.—Riches .

—Cha racter and money .—The spiritua l qua lity .

—Noise and canned food.—Divorce.

—The prospects of“society

"inAmerica .


-Specula tion.— Is honesty still the

best policy i—Some advantages of the common lot. Womaneufirage.

—The seashore.—The habits of the sea .

—Dea iness .—The

Quondam club.

Periods of European literature. Ed . by George Sa intsbury .

Vol. 7. First ha lf of the seventeenth century , by H . J. C .

Grierson. 1906 . 809 P44g

10. The romantic revolt, by C. E .Vaughan. 1907. 809 P44j12 . Later nineteenth century , by George Sa intsbury.

1907. 809 P44I

A series of sketches of the literatures of Europe from the death of

Volta ire and Rousseauto tha tof Schiller. The German division is themost interesting .


Dutch literature occupies the place ofhonor in volume seven. ProfessorGrierson has not confined himself to Vondel and Hooft and theircontemporaries. but ha s wandered ba ck to their precursors in the

thirteenth century . We a re glad to ha ve this story in English for it

is nottoo well known, and there are few who rea d these authors in theoriginal tongue. Athem m.

Vol. 12 dea lswith English and French, German and southern literature,and ends with a summing up of the whole series . Professor Sa intsbury is as suggestive as usual , and seems even more rea da ble than in

his ea rlier works. A . L. A . Boohls’


Perry , Bliss. Park-Streetpapers. 1908. 816

Contents : Atlantic prologues .—C entenary of Hawthorne .

—Centenaryof Longfellow .

-Thoma s Ba iley Aldrich.—Whittier for to-da y .


editorwho was never the editor [Francis I-I . Underwood] .“Graceful essa ys tha t have appea red in the Atlantic Monthly withinthe last few years. and are concerned with the maga zine itself, withits plea sant home in Pa rk street, and with some of the writers who

have given distinction to its pages .

A . L. A . Booklist.


Repplier, Agnes. A happy ha lf-century , and other essays .

1908. 811 R42

Sandys , J . I . A history of classica l schola rship . 1903—1908

3v .

Vol. 1. From the 6th century B . C. to the end of the Middle Ages.

2 . From the reviva l of learning to the end of the 18th century(in Ita ly , France, England , and the Netherlands) .

3. The 18th century in Germany , and the 19th century in

Europe and the United States of America .

Schauffler, B . H ., comp. Through Ita ly with the poets . 1908.

821 831

An anthology of notably good selections from the chorus of praisesounded in Ita ly 's honor from the da ys of Virgil to Weir Mitchell.The book will prove an agreea ble companion for the tourist.

N . Y. Times .

Shakespeare,William. A new variorum edition, cd . by H . H .

Furness . Vol. 16 . The tragedy of Richa rd the Third ,

with the Landing of Ea rle Richmond , and the Battell at

Ensworth Field. 1908. X 31

Stephens,Winifred. French novelists ofto-day . 1908. 883

Contents : Anatole France.—Marcel Prevost.

—Pierre de Coulevain.

Paul Bourget.—Maurice Barréa—René Basin.

- Edouard Rod.

Pierre Loti.“A guide for those who wish to take up a course in modern Frenchfiction. Specia l a ttention is given in the estimate of the individualauthors to the socia l, ecclesiastica l, and intellectual problems of contemporary France.

“N . Y. Times .

Swinburne, A . 0. The age of Shakespea re . 1908. 897

Contents : Christopher Marlowe.—John Webster.

—Thoma s Dekker.

JohnMarston.—Thomas Middleton.

—William Rowley .—Thomas Hey

wood—George Chapman.—Cyril Tourneur.

Mr. Swinburne discusses Marlowe and Webster almost as if he hadknown them. The essa ys are excellent from many points of view,

but their crowning excellence is the force which is in them thatoompels whoever opens them to go ba ck once more for light and refreshmentto the works of the grea tEliza bethans .


Tennyson, l st baron, Alfred Tennyson. Poems . Annotated

by Alfred , Lord Tennyson, cd . by Ha llam, Lord Tennyson.

1907- 1908. 9v . 820 T31fd

58 BROOKLINE PUBL IC L IBRARY.Sanders, L . 0. The Holland House circle. 1908.

Contents : Lord Holland's youth and ea rly manhood.

- Lord Hollandas a sta tesman.

- UnderGeorge IV. andWilliam IV.—Hostand hostess .

—Miss Fox and John Allen.- Holland House and Fox


s friends .

More ixiends of Fox.—Grenville, Grey , and Windham.

—Whigs and

Irishmen.—Some men of lettera—Rogers and

“Conversa tion

Sha rp .

—Henry Luttrell .—Sidney and Robert Smith.—Moore, Byron, and

Scott.—Authors and wits .

- Amateurs , artists, and actora—Men of

science.—New school of Whigs .

—Lawyem and ra dica ls.—Tories at

Holland House.—The Canningites. Pa lmerston. and Melbourne.

Other colleagues of Canning .-Foreign refugees and visitom—C onti

neuta l diplomatista—The Grey and Melbourne ministries .—A mis

cellaneous company .

“Mr. Sanders ha s given us in a most rea dable form a history of the

best society during a time when entertaining was still an art. and

society was la rgely a cousinhood. His ta ste is ca tholic, his judgmentsound . and he has a giftofhappy epiaram inhis comments . Spectator.

Ions of the Puritans : a group of brief biographies . 1908. E9.869

Contents : George Frisbie Hoar, by F . C . Lowell.—Morrill Wyman, byH . P. Wa lcott.

—Horace Gra y. by E . R . Tha yer.—C harles FranklinDunbar. by C . W. Eliot.

- Phillips Brooks , by C . C . Everett.—Franeis

Channing Barlow , by E . H . Abbot.—Henry Sturg'is Russell, by J. T.

Morse, ia—Roger Wolcott by William Lawrence.-William Eustie

Russell, by C . E . Norton.—Charles Eliot, by W. R . Tha yer.

- WilliamHenry Ba ldwin, by G. R . Nutter.

The subjects were a ll gra dua tes of Harvard College and typica l New

Englanders distinguished in their difierentcallings or professions.

United States . Oensus Office. Heads of families atthe first

census of the United States taken in the yea r 1790. 1907

1908. 12 v.

Maine .

New Hampshire .


Ma ssa chusetts.

Rhode Island .


New York .

Pennsylvania .

Ma ryland.

Virginia .

North Ca rolina .

South Ca rolina .


Winter, William. Other days : being chronicles and memoriesof the stage. 1908. 792 W730

Contents : A roya l line.- Joseph Jeflerson.

—John Bromham.—Dlon

Boucicault.- C harlotte Cushman.—Edwa rd A. Sotherm—JohnMcCul

lough—Lawrence Barrett.—Mary Anderson.- Adelaide Neilson.

Stage conditions, pa st and present.

Full of ana lytica l character studies, fresh and illuminative detail.sound thea trica l philosophy . witty comment. eloquent appreciation

and wholesome scorn. Nation.


Aldrich. Greenslet, Ferns . The life of Thomas BaileyAld1ich . 1908. E .M28“A ha ppy life gracefully shown forth. Mr. Greenslet has bmuht tohis work delicacy and reticence. together with a nice skill in words.

The volume conta ins a‘

number of hitherto unpublished letters fromLongfellow, Holmes, Hawthorne. Howells. and Mark Twain.

Bury , Lady Charlotte. The dia ry of a lady-ia -waiting : being

the dia ry illustrative of the times of George the Fourthinterspersed with origina l letters from the la te Queen Ca roline and from other distinguished persons . 1908. B .R95O1

A new edition of the famous diary which so provoked the satire ofThackera y on its first a ppearance in 1838. Its indiscretions ha ve nowceased to wound, and itis of especia l interestfor the picture itgives ofthe socia l life of the ea rly years of the last century and of Ca roline,Princess ofWales .

Oompayré, J . G. Pioneers in educa tion. 1907- 1908.

Herba rt and education by instruction. E .H4215 .c

Hora ce Mann and education in the United States . E .M3185 .c

Montaigne and education of the judgment. E .M7679.c

Pesta lozzi and elementa ry educa tion. E .P442 .c

Jean Jacques Rousseauand educa tion from nature . E .R768.c

Herbert Spencer and scientific education. E .Sp365 .c

“M. Compa yré possesses keen insightinto the significance of the educational leaders and their contributions to educationa l thought; bothhis critica l and expository writings about them are most excellent.

Educational Review.

54 BROOKLINE PUBLIC LIBRARY.Davis. Dodd , W. E . Jefferson Davis . 1907. E .D298.d

A satisfactory biography : Professor Dodd has written with a graceand a manly sympath thatmakes his book delightful reading . H18

purpose is notto justify or defend the course of the leader of the Confederate cause ; butto rela te the story of thattragic life, and to corre

late his career to the main current of American history .

A . L. A . Boohls’


Dias. Z aya s Enriquez , R . de . Porfirio Diaz . 1908. E .D538.s

The outline here given of the gradua l centra lization of governmentunder a constitution eooied from our own is full of interest. The

author, a life long friend of Pres . Dia s , with the warmest admirationfor his ca reer and ability as a statesman. yetfinds the presentpolicy of

the concentrationof powerin the hands of the executive. full ofmenaceto the future ofMexico. N Y. Times .

Irving . Brereton, Austin. The life of Henry Irving. 1908.

2v . E .Ir82 .b

An authoritative record of the actor’

s pmiessional life. setting fortha ll essential facts with much detail—including financial statistics of amost interesting kind. Its unexceptionable sources of informationand ca pita l index make it an exceedingly useful work of reference forthe studentof the theatre.


Keller, Helen. The world I live in. 1908. E .K298.b

Contents : The seeing hand.—The hands of others .

-The hand of the

race .—The power of touch.

—The finer vibrationa—S mell, the fallenangel .—Relative value of the senses .

—The five-sensed world.—Inward

visiona —Analogies in sense perception.—Before the soul dawn.

—Thelarger sanctions.

—The dream world .—Drea rns and reality .

—A wakingdream.

—A chantof darkness .

A marvellous revelation of how the perceptions gained by touch. bysmell (the fallen angel of the senses) , by the finer vibrations , are byimagination built into a whole and the imprisoned soul made oon

scious of the world seen and unseen. A book of poetic spirit and joyin living , ending in a fine poem, A chantof darkness .

Lee Page , T. N . RobertE . Lee , the southerner. 1908. E .L517.p

An enthusiastic a ppreciation. As a student atWashington CollegeMr. Page feltthe noble inspiration of its President, General Lee.


Raleigh . Selincourt, Hugh de. GreatRa legh. 1908. B .R 140.s

“A most readable contribution to the lighter side of Elizabethan history . The admirable clearness with which the great doings of thetime are described a s a setting

-to the main figure. deserves pra ise.


Athm sms.


Dellenbaugh, l'. I . A canyon voyage : the narrative of the

second Powell expedition down the Green-Colorado River

from Wyoming, and the explorations on land, in the years

1871 and 1872 . 1908. D38“The authorwas artistof the first and second governmentexpeditionsthrough a regionwhichup to thattime had been labelled



The adventures of the expedition, fund of deta ils, and descriptions of

the grandeur of the scenery make a volume of vivid interest.”

l'Iandrau, 0. M. Viva Mexico! 1908. F6 1

“A personal description of Mexico and the Mexicans by a man whoha s lived familiarly with them.

Gordon, L . D . Home life in Ita ly : letters from the Apennines .

1908. (365

A delightful account of the author's life among the peasants and

artisans oi the Lunigiane. the mostnorthern corner oi Tuscany .

Saturday Review.

Grimshaw, B . I . Inthe strange South Sea s . 1908. 996 G88“Pen and pencil pictures of the islands of the South Pacific Seas and

their inha bitants . The book is filled with interesting informa tion.

stories of the islanders. their qua inthabits and customs, strange sightsand ha ppenings.

Harmsworth , 0. B . Plea sure and problem in South Attica .

1908. 968 1122

Homaday ,W. T. Camp-fires on desertand lava . 1908. 972 H78

A lively accountof an exploring expedition to the Pinacate Mountainsof Mexico and the desert of southern Arizona . descriptions of curiousla va forma tions. the wonderful ca ctus of that region, and adven

tures in hunting the Rocky Mountain big horn.

Hubbard, Mrs . Leonida s, ir. A woman'

s way through unknown Labrador: an a ccount of the exploration of the

Nascaupee and George rivers . 1908. L l 1b

In 1903 Leonidas Hubbard. an American journalist. lost his life inan attemptto explore the Labra dorwilderness . Two years la ter, Mrs .

Hubbard sta rted outto complete his work . This volume contains thedia ry keptby her husband of his own attempt, but its chief interestisthe fa scina ting story which she has to tell ofher own triumph.

Johnson.Olilton. Highways and byways of the Pacific coast.

1908. 979 J62


Moses, Mrs . Edith. Unomeia l letters of an omcia l’s wife.

1908. M85Contents : First impressiona—Beginning housekeeping in Manila —Avisit in Apalit—The noutine.

—The southern trip .—Manila society .

A winter in Manila .—In the wilds of Benguet—The return from the

mounta ina—An outing in Batangaa—C haraeteristics of the Filipinos.

Letterswritten fromthe Philippines fromJune.1900. to Deoember,1902 .

Thewriteris a thoughtfulwomanwho reports on everything of interestin a quiet, dispassionate, interested manner. Waltham Public Library .

Pier, 0 . 0. Inscriptions of the Nile monuments : a book of

reference for tourists . 1908. P6 I“The traveller who takes Mr. Pier

s book with him when he visits the

Nile, will be able to identify the various monuments by means of theexcellent photographs, and to rea d authorita tive transla tions of the

inscriptions. in which are preserved the poetry, philosophy , religion

and history of Old Egypt. N . Y. Times .

Bobbins ,Mrs . 8. 8. Old Andover da ys :memories ofa Puritanchildhood. 1908. A57r

Waddlngton, Mme. M. A . I . Chateauand country life inFrance. 1908. Wl lBy the author of Letters of a diplomat

's wife. Her easy conversa

tiona l manner is well suited to the personal reminiscences of Frenchsocia l life which she here gathers together.

"London Times .

Waldstein, Charles, and 8hoobridge, Leonard. Herculaneum,

pa st, present, and future . 1908. H4 1w“Oi specia l interest in view of the excavations now to be undertaken.

Part1 dea ls with the history and topogra phy ; Part II with the progressand future of the excavations . An a ppendix gives passages fromancient authors referring to Herculaneum. and a listof objects whichcan be identified a s coming from the site.

Wharton,Mrs . Edith. A motor-fiightthrough France. 1908.

W55A book to give keen pleasure to all who ha ve visited the scenes which

Mrs . Wha rton reca lls so surely and charmingly .



Anderson, Galusha . The story of a border city during the

Civil Wa r. 1908. A54

Reflects the feeling of both factions dividing the city of St. Louis,where Dr. Andersonwas pastor of a Ba ptistchurch inom 1858 to 1866 .

58 snooxnnmPUBLIC L IBRARY.Andrews, 3 . l

'. Thewa r-time journa l of a Georgia girl. 1908.


Truthful. unafiected pictures of life during the Civil War: home lifeon a planta ti in amid a large group of relatives, somewha t separa ted

by politica l sympathies, yet bound together by the extreme provin

eia lism of the Southerner of tha tda y . Outlook.

Brown, H . B . l'. The Venetian republic. 1902 . V5hf

Battles , J . B . The queens of Egypt. 1908. 932 B98

An admirable work in which queens of six thousand years ago are

made to live again. The portraits. the persona l descriptions. and thema ss of detail are little shortof amazing . Spectator.

Charming , Edward. A history of the United States . Vol. 2 .

A century of colonia l history , 1660—1760. 1908. 973 04511

Corner, William, cd. San Antonio de Bexa r : a guide and his.tory . 1890. G. 819c

Crawford, M. 0. St. Botolph’

s town : an a ccountofold Bostonin colonia l days . 1908. B41c“Dea ls with the romantic history of Boston from the time of Blackstone to the outbreak of the American Revolution.

l'errero, Guglielmo. The greatness and decline of Rome.

Vols . 1—4. 1907- 1908. 937 P4 I

Vol . 1. The empire builders .

2 . Julius Ce sar.

3. The fa ll of an aristocracy .

4 . Rome and Egypt.

The author is now delivering a course of Lowell lectures.

Freeman, E . A . A short history of the Norman ConquestofEngland . 3d cd . 1901. P87a

Lord, 2 . L . Industria l experiments in the:B1itish colonies of

North Ameriw . 1898. L88

Contents : The growth of interest in attempts to obta in na val suppliesfrom the American plantations .—Themethods a dopted by the govern

ment to encourage the production of naval atorea—The conflict ofcommercia l interests between the colonies and the mother country .

One of the Johns Hopkins university studies.

Mijatovich , Ohedomil. Servia and the Servians . 1908. M578“The author considers the Servians, whom he ca lls the Irish of theB a lkans, a most gifted and interesting people, likely to come moreand more to the front as years go by , he writes of their character,ca pacity . and nationa l spirit with symp a thy and discrimination.

80 snooxuna PUBLIC LIBRARY.

Bailey, H. 0. The god of clay . B 162 . 1

Barr, Mrs . A . I . H . The strawberry handkerchief: a romance

of the Stamp Act.

Bell, 1 . 1 . Thoufool! B415 .5

Benson, 3 . H. A mirror of Sha lott: being a collection of ta les

told at anunprofessiona l symposium. B448.4

The queen’

s tragedy . B448.5

Bouvet, Marguerite. Clotilde . B674 . 1

Bnrnham, Mrs . 0. L . R . The lea ven of love . B943. 17

Oalkins , l'. W. The wooing ofToka la : an intimate ta le of the

wild life of the American Indian, drawn from camp and


Carey , 3 . N. The sunny side of the hill.

Gena , Giovanni. The iorewarners : a novel.

Connolly , J. B . An Olympic victor: a story of the modern

games . C7674 .5

Craddock, 0. L , pseud . The fairMississippian.

Orawiord, l'. M. The Diva


s ruby .

Daskam, J. D . An idyll of All Fools’

Day . D268.1l

Day , H. l'. The eagle badge , or The Skokums of the Alla

ga sh. D332 .2

Doyle, Sir A . 0. Round the fire stories . D7

Duncan, Norman. Every man for himself. D912 .4

Fitchett, W. H . A pawn in the game. F559. 1

Fowler, 2 .

‘I‘. Miss Fa llowfield’

s fortune. F8293. 10

Pox, John, ir. The tra il of the Lonesome Pine. PS36 .S

l'renssen, Gustav. PeterMoor’s journey to SouthwestAtticaa na rrative of the German campaign. PSS9.3

Peter Moor is a young German volunteer of the artisan class. He

sees war from the simple direct personal standpoint of men of his

cla ss . The na rrative has the artistic simplicity and the vivid detail of

a ma ster of the Tolstoyan method .

"Saturday Review.

The author obta ined the material and vivid details of this story fromthe veterans of the African war.


in Ita ly .

Gale, Z one. Friendship Village.

“An idy l of American village life.

Getty , Maxim. Mother. 6 669.1

Grundy , M. 8 . Hilary on her own.

B arker, Mrs . L. A . Miss Esperance and Mr. Wycherly . H237.4

Hawthorne, Julian, cd. Library of the world’

s bestmysteryand detective st01ies . 6v .

French, Ita lian, Spanish , Latin.

German, Russian, Scandina vian.


Orienta l, stofies of~modernmagic.

Henderson, 0. H . The lighted lamp : a novel. H383.2

Hope, Anthony , pseud. The greatMiss Driver. H773.28

Howells , W. D., and Alden, H . m., eds . Quaint courtships .

Contents : An encore, by Margaret Deland.—A romance ofWhooping

Harbor, by Norman Duncan.—Hyacinthus. by M. E . W. Freeman.


s gray eyes. by Sewell Pord .—A stifl condition. by Herman

Whitakea—In the interests of Christopher. by May Harris .-The

wrong door. by P. W. Wha tom—Braybridge’s ofler, by W. D.

Howells .—The Rubaiyatand the E .W.Peattie.

— A . II . Donnell.

Humphrey , Z ephine. Over againstGreen Peak . H893.2“An enjoyable record of country life . Three women of New York.

a fter unsa tisfying experience in mere summer boarding , buy an old

house with a bit of land in Dorset, Vt. , and setup for themselves.

Hyatt, 8. P. The little brown brother. H992.1

A novel of love and war in the Philippines atthe time of the last

Filipino revolt.“Of unusua l interest, has the freshness of first-hand observation.

Jacobs,W. W. Sa lthaven.

Johnston, Mary . Lewis Rand.

82 snooxnmn rvsuc L IBRARY.Jordan, I . G. Many kingdoms .

Contents : Varick'

s la dy o’dreama—The exorcism of Lily Bell .—Her

la st day .—The simp le life ofGenevieveMaud.

—His boy .—The oom


s sunbeam.—In memory of Hannah

s laugh.—The quest ofAuntNancy .

—The Henry Smiths’

honeymoon.—The ca se of Katrina .

—BartHarrington. genius.

Lancaster, 0 . B . The tra cks we tread. L229. I

Laughlin, 0. E . Felicity , the making of a oomédienne. L36S. I

Lorenz , Gaston. The mystery of the yellow room: extraer

dinary adventures of Joseph Rouletabille, reporter. L567.1

Lincoln, 3. 0. Cy Whittaker's pla ce . LO37.5

Leonie, 0. B . A holiday touch, and other ta les ofundauntedL875.2

Other stories : The dinner to Paul : The canniba ls and Mr. Bufium.

The coatof a lpaca .—The unhea rd wedding mareh.

—The only vice of

awful Adkins .—A study in optimism.

—Enter the princess.—With a

money king behind me .—Uncle Eli

s induced ambercria—A hurrycall for Shakespea re—The “


”—The man who eang.—Prince

Shamus of Ireland.—“

0nly an American.

Lucas, E . V. Over Bemerton’

s : an easy-going chronicle. L974.2

Mable, H .W., ed. Stories old and new : typica l American and

English ta les . With introductions .

Contents : General introduction: The short story. by H . W. Mabie.

Peter Rugs , the missing man, by William Austin.—Dr. Marigold


prescriptions. by Cha rles Bichena—Rab and his friends. by JohnBrown.

-Ethan Brand. by Nathaniel Hawthorne.—The pit and the

pendulum, by E . A. Poe.—Will o’

the mill, by R . L. stevenson.-The

Marquis Jeanne Hyacinth St. Fela ye, by J. H . 8horthouse.—Quite ao,

by T. B . Aldrich—King Solomon of Kentucky . 13? J. L. Allen.—The

game and the nation. by Owen Wister.

Macnaughtan, 8. The expensive Miss DuCane : an episode

in her life . M235.3

Martin, Mrs . H . B . The revoltof Anne Royle. M3685 .5

Mitchell, 8. W. The red city : a novel of the second administration of PresidentWashington. M708. 18

Mosenthal, 8. H . Stoxies of Jewish home life . M855. 1

Nicholson, Meredith. The little brown jug atKildare. N526 .6

Oldmeadow, Ernest. AuntMaud.

Ollivant, Alfred. The gentleman : a romance of the sea .

Oppenheim, E . P. The long arm ofMannister.


8008 8 POE YOUNG“ RI ABB I .

Alteheler, J. A . The forest runners : the great war trail in

iA475 .9

Barbour, B . 3 . Forward pass : a story of the new footba ll.

jB235 .10

Blaisdell, A . L , and Ball, K . Hero stories from America nhistory . 1903. j973.3 B63

Camp , Walter. The substitute : a footba ll story. j01546 . 1

Carpenter, Mrs . K . B . B . The story of Frederick the Great,

for boys and girls . 1908. jE .F85c

Chamberlain, J. How we are clothed : a geographica l

reader. 1908. j646 044The cotton fields. Ou a sheep ranch, The work of the silkworm.A summer with the seals. Where the mackintosh crows, etc.

Church, A . J’

. The Aineid for boys and girls , told from

Virgil in simple language . 1908 . j291 05611:With colored illustrations.

Oobnrn, 0. M. Our little Swedish cousin. 1906.

Davis, Mrs. M. I . M. The moons of Ba lbanca .

Stories of New Orleans children.

Dudley , A . T. The Ya le cup . jD868.6

31118 , E . B . The Wide Awake girls . jE474 . 1

Grinnell, 0 . 8 . Jack, the young explorer: a boy's experiences

in the unknown Northwest. j0889.6

Hodges , George. When the king came : stones from the four

gospels . 1908. j220 H68Hyde, L . 8. Favorite Greek myths . 1904. i291 H99Irving, Washington. The child


s Rip Van Winkle , ada pted

from Wa shington Irving. iI729.8

With pretty colored illustrations. The author claims to have changedIrving ’

s languace very little.

Johnson, H . 8. Williams ofWestPoint.

Kellogg, V. Is. Insect stories . 1908.

With interesting pictures .

Kingsley , N. Four American explorers , Captain Meriwether Lewis , Ca pta in William Clark , Genera l John 0.

Fremont, Dr. E lisha K . Kane. 1902. jE 1.K55





VOL. XV. No. 3



BROOKL INE PUBL IC LIBRARY .Keller, 8. 8. Mathematics for engineering students . 2d ed . ,

rev . 1908. 3v . 510 K 28Vol. 1. Plane and solid geometry .

2. Algebra and trigonometry .

3. Ana lytical geometry and ca lculus. by S. 8. Keller and W. P.

Hyman, J . 0 . Bacteria in relation to country life. 1908.

L66Structure and growth of bacteria and theiruses in relation to air and

water. sewage. soil fertility , barnyard manure, milk and rela ted

products. food preservation, and fermentation. An excellent, semitechnical treatise, pronounced by an expert the best yet published.

A . L . A . Booklist.

Nowell, L . 0. Descriptive chemistry . 1908. 540N44

Newth, G. 8. A text-book of inorganic chemistry . 12th cd.

1907. 546 N48

Plrsson, L . V. Rocks and rock minera ls : a manua l of theelements ofpetrology withouttheuse ofthemicroscope , for

the geologist, engineer, miner, architect, etc. , and for in

struction in colleges and schools . 1908. 552 P66“Concise. practica l treatise, written to meet the author’s needs in

presenting the elements of petroloBY. without the use of the microscope, to students in the Shefi eld Scientific School .

"A . L. A . Booklist.

Tyndall, John. Contributions to molecula r physies in the

domain of radiant heat: a series of memoirs published inthe Philosophica l transactions and Philosophica l magazine ,with additions . 1873. G. 536 T79a

United States. BureauofAmericanEthnology . Bulletin 34 .

Physiologica l and medica l observation among the Indiansof southwestern United States and northern Mexico. By

Ales?Hrdlilzka . 1908. U5h

United States. Bureauoi f orestry . Bulletins 26 , 56 , 57, 62 ,63—64. 1899- 1905 . U5826 . Practica l forestry in the Adirondacks , by H . S . Graves . 1899.

56 . A working plan for forest lands in Berkeley County , South Carolina , by C . 8. Cha pman. 1905 .

57. Federal and state forest laws, compiled by G. W.Woodrufl . 1904 .

62 . Gra sing on the public lands : extracts from the report of the

public lands commission. 1905 .

63. The na tural replacementof white pine on old fields in New England. by 8 . N . Spring . 1905 .

64 . Loblolly pine in ea stern Texas, with special reference to the pmduction oi cross-ties, by Ra pha el Z on. 1905 .

100 BROOKLINB PUBLIC LIBRARY.H illard, 0. N . The wonderful house that Jack ha s : a reader

in pra ctica l physiology and hygiene , for use in school and

home . 1908. 6 12 M6 1“A htat book in hygiene, a iming to teach children the function and

proper ca re of the body and to help them to form corn etha bits .

A L. A .Roohlist.

The expositions are very simple and a ttractive. The book may bethoroughly recommended as a good class book .


Peabody , 0. H ., and Miller, E . l '. Steam-boilers . 2d ed . ,

rev . and enl . 1908. P3I

For this second edition each cha pterha s been rewritten and broughtdown to date. A cha pter on super-heaters has been added .

“While written primarily for the use of students, it will be foundva luable as a guide to approved practice by engineers interested in

steam-power production.

"Engineering Digest.

Popular Mechanics. Vol. 10. 1908. 605 P8

Putnam, 0 . H ., comp. The question of copyright: comprisingthe text of the copyright law of the United States , a summary of the copyright laws at present in force in the chief

countries of the world, together with a reportof the legis

lationnow pending inGrea tBrita in, a sketch ofthe contest

in the United States 1837—1891, in beha lf of internationa l

copyright, and certa mpapers on the development of the

conception of litera ry property , and on the results of the

American a ctof 1891. 2d ed. 1896 . G. 655 P98b

Roberts , 1 . W. The automobile pocketbook , a compendiumof the ga soline automobile . 1905 . R54


ga s-engine handbook : a manua l of useful informa tion

for the designer and the engineer. 5th cd . 1903.


8abin, A . H. House painting, gla zing, paper hanging, and

white-washing : a book for the householder. 1908. 698 8 11

Standage, H . ed. Decoration ofmeta l , wood , gla ss , etc. ;

a book formanufa cturers , mechanics , painters , decorators ,and a ll workmen in the fancy trades . 1908. 667 878“Collection of recipes for a ll kinds of sta ins and dyes, fixing and var

nishing drawings, decorating ivory and bone, enameling and gla zing ,

Ending and silvering , etching , decora ting china , polishing and decoratingwoods. etc . A valuable reference volume .

A . L. A . Booklist.

Thom, Charles . The electric telegraph : a manua l of com

plete instruction in the principles , mechanism, and practice

of the a rt of sending and xeoeiving telegraphic mes sages ,including multiplex and wire less systems of transmissions .

Pa rt2 . Wireless telegraphy , by A . F . Collins . 1908.

T36Part 1 contains chapters on simple apparatus. the Morse code, commercia l applications and multiple: telegraphy . Part 2 on wireless

telegraphy, gives history , methods and systems of transmission.

A . L. A . Booklist.

Thompson, 8. P. Dynamo-electric ma chinery : a manual forstudents oielectnotechnies . 7thed. 1904—1905. 2v . T37bVol. 1. Continuous-currentmachines .

2 . Alternating-currentmachinery .

Wagner, 3 . Recipes for the preserving of fruit, vegetables ,

and meat. 1908. 641 W12Wiley , K . W. Foods and their adulterations : origin, manu

facture , and composition of food products : description of

common adulterations , food standards , and na tiona l‘


laws and regulations . 1907. W64The treath1ent is popular, but from a scientific standpoint. The

author is chief chemist of the United States Department of Agriculture .

“Authorita tive information, complete and detailed. on a subject of wide, present-day interest. The book is inva luable to themanufacturer and the consumer. to the scientist and the layman.


A . L . A . Boohiist.

rm ARTS.

AmericanHomes and Gardens. Vol. 5 . 1908. A5I

ArtJournal . 1908. 705 A79

Bennett, 0. A . Problems inmechanica l drawing. 1908. 744 B43“Covers simple projection, stra ight lines and circles, problems inyolvinc tangents, planes of projection, revolution of solids. developments.intersections, isometric pro jection. lettering and working drawings. a

large number of simple, practica l problems.

Bode, Wilhelm. Florentine sculptors oi the Renaissance.

1908. 735 B63“A series of essays. addressed to difierent kinds of rea ders, some fullof excellent e sthetic criticism in which anyone can take plea sure.some dea ling ma inly with the pointof detail interesting to the expert

and connoisseur. London Times.

108 DROOKL INB PUBL IC L IBRARY.Bode, Wilhelm. Greatma sters ofDutch and Flemish painting.

1909. B66“There are general cha pters on the Dutch sense picture. on landscapepa inting in Holland. and on Dutch still life ; butthe book for the mostpart consists of studies of particula r painters . Dr. Bode is a masterof his subject, he writes at ea se and out of a full mind, and all tha t

he says deserves careful reading .

London Times .

Orowe, Sir I . A ., and Cavalcaselle, G. B . A history of paint

ing in Ita ly , Umbria , Florence and Siena from the second

to the sixteenth century . Ed . by Langton Dougla s .

Vol. 3. 1908. 095Contents : The Sienese, Umbrian, and North Italian schools.

Davies, 0 . 8. Ghirlandaio. 1908. 750G42d

Didrou03111 , A . 17. Christian iconography : or, the history of

Christian a rtin the Middle Ages . Trans . from the French

by E . J. Millington. 1851—1907. 2v . 755 D56

Dyek , SirAnthony Van. Van Dyck : des Meisters Gema lde in537 Abbildungen. 1908. 750D99v

Prothlngham, A . L . The monuments of Christian Rome from

Constantine to the Rena issance. 1908. F93

The history of art in Rome co-ordinated with politica l, social and

religious fa cts. and a classifica tion and description of the monumentsand works of art.

Gasquet, l'. A . Thegreaterabbeys ofEngland. 1908. G21

“Mr. Goble’

s illustrations in color are full of charm and give accurateidea s of the ruined and dismantled abbeys . Abbot Gasquet ha swritten in a bright and interesting fashion on each abbey described .

His selection of information shows a thorough ma stery of the subiset. Athen ians.

Gensel, Walther. Corot und Troyon. Mit 89 Abbildungenna ch Gemh


ldenund Z eichnungen. 1906 . 033

Haney , J . P. Cla ssroom pra ctice in design. 1907. 745 H 19

La Parg‘

e, John. The higher life in a rt: a series of lectures onthe Ba rbizon school of France, inaugura ting the Scammoncourse at the Art Institute of Chicago. 1908. L 15“Includes a general lecture on the school and five in which the careers

of Delacroix, Millet, Decamps, Dia s , Rousseau, Dupré, Daubigny andCorot a re outlined and their work discussed from an artist

's viewpoint

but in a popular manner. A . L. A . Booklist.

104 BROOKLINE PUBLIC LIBRARY.Williams.Leonard. The arts and crafts of older Spain. 1897.

3v . 729 W67“A work of great va lue to students and to schools of design. as it

gives the ba sis of much of the most interesting modern developmentin art and decoration. The author is the most pnominent authorityon Spanish art.

"PoetLon .

Bash, 3. 8. Piano compositions . 2v . 785 B 12a

Voi. 1. Shorter compositions .

2 . Larger compositions.

Chopin, M dérle l ’rangois . The greater Chopin. Ed. byJames Huneker. 1908. 785 C54g

I rh, Ludwig , comp. Deutscher Liederschatz : eine Auswahlder beliebtesten Volks— ,Vaterlands— ,Soldaten— ,JiigerStudenten—und Weihna chts-Lieder. Fiir eine SingstimmemitPianofortebegleitung. 3v . 784 . 1 G37e

Gilman,Lawrence. EdwardMa cDowell : a study . 1909. 780M13g

Grieg, Edvard. Fifty songs . Ed . by H . T. Finck , for high

voice. 1908. 784 0843

La rger piano compositions . Ed . by B . F . Tapper. 1908.

785 G84e

Krehbiel, H . 3 . Chapters of opera : being histofi ca l and

c1itica l observations and records concerning the lyric dramain New York from its earliest days down to the present

time. 1908. 781 K87“During a quarter of a century Mr. Krehbiel ha s occupied the samesea t atnea rly every importantperformance atthe Metropolitan OperaHouse, and is thus able to record a t first hand the interesting and

instructive struggle between fad and fa shion and serious artistic

endea vor.


oesterle.Louis , cd. Golden treasury of piano music : a collee

tion of pieces written for the virgina l, spinet, harpsichord ,

and cla vichord , by composers of the sixteenth, seventeenth,

and eighteenth centuries . Vol. 3. 02s



Blakely , 0 . 8. Tea chers'

outlines for studies in English , ba sed

on the requirements for admission to college. 1908. B58“A compactlittle book which will be suggestive and helpful to teachers .

Besides general ma tter in regard to tea ching the novel, na rrative

poetry , lyric poetry . drama and essay , itoutlines briefly twenty -fourEnglish classics .


Kleiner, Grenville. How to develop power and persona lity in

spea king. 1909. 426 .5 K 67

Gives suggestions and exercises for the development and training of

the speaking voice, drama tic power in speaking, the imagina tion,memory , etc. Pa1t two conta ins helpful selections for study and

Maselintock, P. Litera ture in the elementa ry school.

1908. M13“Discusses educa tional va lue of literature and applies the underlyingprinciples of selection to folk ta les, myths , rea listic na ture and anima lstories, poetry , drama , etc. Studies methods of presentation, and

gives lists of books suitable from first to eighth school years .

N . Y. State Library .

Percival, Milton, and Jellifle, B . A ., comps . Specimens of

exposition and argument. 1908. 426 P4I“Presents some novel fea tures as the selections include examples fromthe writings of men of afia irs. such as Presidents Hadley and Eliot.Frank A . Vandee and Seth Low , Professor Kennelly and LymanAbbott.

Shutter, l . D. Extempore spea king, for school and college.

1908. 856“Ada pted to the needs of both teachers and students . Rec1assifies

principles and methods and gives , at the end of each cha pter and inthe appendix , suggestions and topics for class exercises.

Benson, A . 0. Poems . 1908. 820 B476“Selections published fnom 1892 to 1905 . Mr. Benson

s verse is minorin the better sense tha t it is unpretentious , and that it is replete withconscious reminiscences . For those who know , his poetry will havea finer and more enduring fla vor than his prose . Nation.

Bury , J . B . The ancientGreek historians : Harvard lectures .

1909. B95“An attempt to bring into a connected view the principles , governingidea s, and methods of the Greek historians. and to relate them to the

genera l movements of Greek thought and Greek history .

108 BROOKL INE PUBLIC LIBRARY.Chesterton, G. R . All things considered . 1908. 824 C52a

“Thirty -five essa ys upon topics ranging from fa iry ta les and phonetic

spelling to the dea th of Francis Thompson.

“Sincere. enthusia stic,

witty little essays’

. Spectator.

Orothers, 8. M. By the Christma s hte. 1908. 824 095b“Five charming essays tha t are worthy successors of those in The

gentle reader and The pardom’

s wallet."

A . L . A . Booklist.

Euripides. The Medea . The Trojan women.—The E lectra .

Trans . into English rhyming verse with explanatory notes

by GilbertMurray . 883 E86m“For Mr. Murray and Euripides in conjunction there could not ha vebeen found a fitter mode of expression than the rhymed five-footcouplet. One poetis the mouth-piece of the other.

"Saturday Review.

More, P. B. Shelburne essays . Series 3—5 . 1907—1908. 3v .

804 M83Vol. 3. The correspondence of William Cowper.

—Whittier the poet.

—The centenary of Sainte—Beuve.—The Scotch novels

and Scotch history .—8winburne .

—Christina Rossetti.

Why is Browning populari—A note on Byron’

s Don Juan.

—Laurence 8terne .—J. Henry 8horthouse.

—The quest ofa century .

4 . The Vicar of Morwenstow .—Fanny Burney .

—A note onDaddy Crisp .—Geome Herbert.

—John Keats .—Benja

min Franklin.—Charles Lamb again.

—Wa lt Whitman.William Blake—The theme of Paradise iost.—The lettersof Horace Walpole .

5 . The Greek anthology .—The pra ise of Dickens .

—GeorgeGissing .

-Mrs . Gaskell .—Philip Freneau.-Thoreau

s Journal .—The centenary ofLongfellow —Donald G. Mitchell .

James Thomson, 8 . V.—Chesterfield .


Itis width of view, intimate acqua intance with so much of the best

that ha s been thought and said in the world, irrespective of loca l

prejudice. that constitutes Mr. More’s strength as a critic.


Stevenson, B . E ., ed. Poems ofAmerican history. 1908. 821

Includes an a stonishing amountof verse of interest. spirit and vigor.

The most striking fea ture of the later verse is the influence of Kiplingand of Mrs . Howe

s Battle Hymn of the Republic. The arrange

ment is by the chronology of events, and brief editoria l paragra phsform an historica l threa d. Nation.

Sudermann, Hermann. John the Baptist: a pla y . Trans . byBeatrice Ma rsha ll . 1908. 832 S95jo“The author’s handling of his theme is always reverent. The mostimpressive and pa thetic fea ture is the portra it of John. a fore-runnerwho knows notthe na ture of the kingdomwhich his Prince will found .


Athem m.

108 BROOKLINE PUBL IC L IBRARY.Basin, Bené . Les Ita liens d


hui. B34a

Bolssier.Gaston. Mme. de Sevigne. 1904 . E .Se875 .ba

Dandet, I n set. Mon frére etmoi : souvenirs d ’

enianoe et de

jeunesse. 1882 . E .D268.da

h nek—Brentano, Prents . L'


aire da collier, d’

apres de nouveaux documents recueillis en partie par A . Begis . 1906 .

M4faLoBreton.André . Ba lzac, l

homme etl’

oeuvre . 1905 .

B .E2Z 32 . L

Lotl, Pierre, pseud . Judith Renaudin : drame en cinq a ctes

septtableaux . 1898. 842 L91jTardieu, André. Notes sur les Etats—Unis : la soeiété, la

politique, la diplomatie. 1908. TI7

l 'letion.

Alexls,Willibald. Die Hosen des Herrn von Bredow . 833 A38

Biihlau, Helene. Ratsmiidel—und altweima rische Ges chick

ten. 833B63ra

Ratsmidelgeschichten. 833 B63

Dahn, L. I . l'. Ein Kampf um Rom : historischer Roman.

3v . 833 D 14k

l bner-l sehenbaeh, Marie, Freiffauvan. Boiena . 833 E 18b

833 E 18g

Neue Dorf—und Schlossgeschichten. 833 E 18n

Ernst, Otto, pseud . Asmus Sempers Jugendland : der Roman833 E71a

Pontane, Theodor. EmBriest. 833 F73e

Grete Minde : na ch einer a ltmarkischen Chmnik . 833 F73g

Prangois , Louise van. Die letzte Reckenburgerin : Roman.

833 F841

Hom e, Rudolf. Die vom Niederrhein. 833H44d

Bush, 3 . 0 . Aus der Triumphga sse : Lebenskizzen. 833 118611

Erinnerungen von Ludolf Ursleudem Jilngenen. 833 H86e


Ipmermann, x. L. Der Oberhof. 833 1336

H eist, Heinrich van. Michael Kohlha a s , na ch einer a lten

833 K67m

833 N55a

Ompteda , Georg, Freihm van. Deutscher Adelum 1900. 6v .

Part 1 Sylvester von Geyer: ein Menschenleben. 2v .

833 o56s

2 . Bysen. 2v . 833 056b

3. Ci eilie von Sarryn : aus einem a rmen Leben. 2v .

833 056c

Polens, Wilhelm von. Thekla Ludekind . 833 P75t

Beebe, Wilhelm. Der Hungerpastor. 833 K 11h

Renter, h its. Aus der Franzosenzeit.—Wie ich zu’

ner Frau1mm. 833 R308a

833 R308auD5rchliiuchting. 833 R308d

Besegger. P. t .


Jakob , der Letzte : eine Wa ldbauerngeschichte aus unseren Tagen. 833 R72j

Bosegger, Peter. Sonnenschein. 833 R72so

833 R72su833 S88in

Tausend and l ine Nacht. Die sch6nsten Marchen aus Tausend und eine Na cht. Fiir Knaben und Miidchen vom12ten Jahre an. j830 T22

Viebig , Olara . Kinder der Eifel : Novellen. 833V671:

Das tfigliche Brot. 2v . 833V67t

Die Wa chtam Rhein: Roman. 1908. 833V67w

Wildenbmch, Ernstvan. Novellen. [833W65nContents : Francealta yon Rimini.—Vor den schranken.

—Brunhilde .

Das edle Blut. 833W65e

Biography , Drama , etc.

From , Gustav. Erinnerungen aus meinem Leben. 1899.

E .F968

832 087

110 BROOKLINI PUBLIC LIBRARY.Hebbel, Friedrich. Werke . 1899. 4v . 832 H35

Rebel, J. P. Schatz-kfistlein des rheinischen Hausfreundes .

838 11358

Hoyl e Paul. Jugenderinnerungen und Bekenntnisse . 1900.

E .H5115

Kleist, Heinrich van. Simtliche Werke. 832 K 67

Biographie—Die Familie Schrofienstein.—Penthesilea .


—Der serbrochene Krug (mit Nachtrag) . Das Kfithchen von Heilbronn.

— Ers§hlungen.—Fabeln, Anekdoten etc.

—Vermischtes .—Prina

Friedrich y on Homburz.—Die Hermannsschla cht.

—RobertGuiskard.Hersog der Normiinner. (Fragment) .—Gedichte, Epigramme etc.

Widmmn, J. V. Der Heilige und die Tiere . 1905 . 832 W63

Beams , Mrs . 0. M. A roya l qua rtette. 1909. E43 38,Contents . Marie Adélaide de Savoie, duchess of Burgundy .

—MadameAdelaide, daughter of Louis X V.-Maria Luisa , infants of Spain,

daughter of Carlos IV. , wife of Carlo Ludovico of Pa rma , King of

Etruria .—Marie Amelie Thérése of Na ples , wife of Louis Philippe,

King of the French.

“In the lives of these four women is traced the history of France fnomthe reign of Louis X IV through the first third of the nineteenth cen

tury . Their careers were eventful and make exceedingly interestingreading .


Carr, J. 0. Some eminent Victorians : persona l recollectionsin the world of artand letters . 1908. E2 .023“Mr. Carr, art critic, dramatist, and novelist, gives na here rea lly the

record of his own career; schooldays, journa lism. the bar, and so ou,to his well-known and varied activities in the cause of art and the

drama ; but he also devotes much space to the eminent men whomhe ha s met, artists, poets , a ctors , and orators . London Times .

Massachusetts. I ecretary o!the commonwealth. Massachusetts soldiers and sailors of the Revolutiona ry War.

Vol . 17. 1908. 6 .

Mnnsell’s 80m , Joel, pub. Supplement, 1900 to 1908, to the

Index to genea logies published in 1900. E96 .M92va

118 BROOKLINE PUBLIC LIBRARY.Bonapu'tes. Williams , H . N. The women Bonapartes , themother and three sisters ofNapoleon I . 1909. E .B6458.w“A biogra phical sketch of Madame 111m and her three daughters.Elisa . Pauline and Caroline, incidenta lly disclosing an intimate view

of life in France under the grea t Emperor. Vivaciously written andfull of interest.




s. Shorter, 0. K . The Brontes , life and letters : being

an attemptto present a full and fina l secord of the lives ofthe three sisters , Cha rlotte, Emily and Anne Bronte from

the biographies of Mrs . Gaskell and others and from

numerous hitherto unpublished manuscripts and letters .

1908. B .B7835 .sa“Gives the whole of the existing correspondence, for the firsttime collooted together, including all thatMrs . Gaskell used, all thatha s sincebeen published, and much thathas nothitherto been published at all,altogether over seven hundred letters . The story of the Brontés is so

perennially fascina ting , that it is delightful to turn the pages. se

reading the old letters , and watching for new ones , here and there

filling in gaps in one’

s knowledge .

London Times .

Elisabeth, Mme princess , sister of Louis X VI . Scott, Hon.

Mrs . Maxwell. Madame Elizabeth de France, 1764- 1794 .

1908. E .EL49

Galton, Francis. Memories ofmy life. 2d ed . 1908. E0 144“The autobiography of a practical philosopher; a characteristic ac

count of his own life and of his relations with three generations of

men of thought and action. The transparent honesty and‘


of the man are revea led in these stra ightforward memoirs ; his energy ,enthusiasm and character ha ve stimulated many during the pa st and



Garrison, W. P . Letters and memoria ls of Wendell Phillips

Garrison. literary editor of The Nation, 1865- 1906 . 1908.

EG 2O8Designed a s a memorial which should exhibit some ofMr. Garrison’s

va ried ta stes and interests, his principles and convictions. editoria lmethods and idea ls, and some of the influences which sha ped hisspirit and conduct.


Jackson. Stewa rt R . L . Sheldon Ja ckson pathfinder and

prospector of the missiona ry vanguard in the RockyMountains and Ala ska . 1908. E .j l36“Sheldon Jackson was a religious adventurer equippbd with greatfaith,

a shrewd mind, and a tireless body . In the sixties and seventies hedid his grea t work a s a Presbyterian missionary penetrating into thevastwastes of Alaska .



Jackson. White, H . A . Stonewa ll Ja ckson. 1909. E .] 138 .w“A concise biography , giving an accountof Jackson

s ea rly life , tracingthe development of his character, and following accurately his military operations . Material has been drawn from every available

original source.

Jeanne D ’Arc. Lang, Andrew . The ma id of France : being

the story of the life anddea thofJeanned’

Arc. 1908. E .J575 .la“A vindica tion of the Maid and a merciless exposure of M. France


History . Jeanne's best friends in her own da y were the Scotch whofoughtby her side , and the Scotch contemporary chroniclers who told

the true story of her life. It is therefore historica lly fitting that the

first real life of her in the English tongue should be the work of Mr.Andrew Lang . Satmday Review .

Lamballe, princesse de . Ma rie Therese Louise de 8a voi!

Carignan. Hardy , B . 0. The Princess de Lamba lle : abiography . 1908. E .L185“A sympathetic study of a supremely touching figure in French history . It is not possible to describe any figure in the great drama of

the Revolution without being almost overwhelmed by the amountofmateria l ; but the author ha s overcome this difi culty well, and ha sikept the later story of his heroine clea r against the background of

confusion and storm. The account of her earlier life ga ins an added

charm from the delightful presence of such a character as the Due deWPenthiévre, the idea l grand seigm r of the eighteenth centu





Lehmann, B . cd. Memories of ha lf a century . 1908. E .L531

Memories tha t are but to a small extent the author’s own, the larger

pa rt have been collected from letters written by or addressed to

his father and mother, and from the father's manuscript reminiscences. A most interesting procession of distinguished persons passesbefore us in these pages . The second part describes the United

States of sixty years ago.

Lincoln. Dewitt, D M. The assassination of Abraham Lin

coln, and its expiation. 1909. E .L635 .d“Mr. Dewittha s studied the official records of the conspiracy tria l, of

the trial of John H . Surratt, and of the impeachment investigation of

1867, and ha s sought to sift the actual incidents of the plot from the

ma ss ofmyth and legend in which they have become involved .


Laughlin, C . E . The death of Lincoln; the story of


s plot, his deed and the pena lty . 1909. E .L635 .lau“To be commended for its clear, concise résumé of the entire story.

with an added touch to the vivid , sympathetic personal side. Treats

most fully the incidents of Booth’

s life and plot, placing him before

us as an erratic, pa ssiona te young sealot. The portrayal of the

a ssassination itself and the death of Lincoln is a remarkable vivid and

dramaticlpiece of work . N Y. Times .


Lincoln. Schaumer, R .H . , ed. Lincoln’

s birthday : a comprehensive view of Lincoln as given in the mostnoteworthyessays , orations , and poems in fiction and in Lincoln


own writings . 1909. E .L635 .sch

Whitney , H . 0. Life of Lincoln. 1908. 2 v. E .L635 .whi

Vol . 1. Lincoln the citisen.

2 . Lincoln the president.

Personal impressions la rgely occupy the first volume. Mr. Whitneytravelled the Illinois circuit with Abraham Lincoln. and a fter theelection he wa s a ppointed payma ster in the army . His accountof thegreat president is simple and straightforward .

Mediei. Horsburgh, E . L . S. Lorenzo the Magnificent and

Florence in her golden age . 1908. E .M4692 .h“Mr. Horsburgh is clear, scholarly , tolerant, and highly conscientious.a competentguide to the facts of Florentine history under the rule ofLorenso. His ma in intention ha s been to produce, not a personal

study , buta sketch of political conditions and movements .


Nevin, Lady D . W. Leaves from the note-books of LadyDorothy Nevill . 1907. E .N375 .a“The contents of Lady Dorothy's note-books were guided by a mostlively , receptive, and curious mind ; her memory yields a valuablepicture of ea rly and mid-Victorian times .


Robertson. Connor, Ra lph, proud . The life of James Robertson missiona ry superintendentin the northwestteriitories ,by Cha rles W. Gordon. 1908. E .R54S

Terry , 8 . A . The story ofmy life . 1908. E .T295“Covers fifty years of Ellen Terry

s stage life, from the time when,

still a little child, she a ppeared with Charles Kean in 1848, down to

her last da ys at the London Lyceum and the dea th of Henry Irving .

The details of her friendships with illustrations persons are mostfascinating. a s are her anecdotes and reminiscences of her contemporaries of the stage.

Wlnkworth. Sheen. M. j . cd. Memoria ls of two sisters :

Susanna and Catherine Winkworth. 1908. E .W7155A deeply interesting volume composed largely of the letters of the

two remarkable women and their sister, Mrs . Sheen. The sisters were

intensely devotional , but had a brea dth and an intellectual comprehension which make their thoughts profoundly stimulating . Theynumbered among their friends Froude, Max Muller. Charlotte a t5,and Mrs . Gaskell, and there are many little sketches of interestingpeople.

“Athen ia n.

116 snoot z PUBLIC LIBRARY.Home, Gordon. Along the Riviera s of France and Ita ly .

1908. R5h“The history , scenery and art of the places along the coa st betwwn

Marseilles and Pisa attractively presented and illustrated.


A . L . A . Bookls'


Hutton,Edward. Countrywalks a boutFlorence. 1908. F6ha“Written as the resultof a spring and autumn spentamong Florentinehills, it is a companion for one

's daily strolls through the fields and

byways without the city , and is crammed with valuable informa tionwhich it is hard to hnd elsewhere about every bridge, ford, village,

and castello. Nation.

Johnston, SirH. H. George Grenfell and the Congo : a historyand description ofthe Congo independent state and adjoining districts of Cong o with some a ccountof the native

peoples and their languages , the fauna and flora ; and

simila r notes on the Cameroons and the island of Fernando

Po. Founded on the dia ries and researches of George

Grenfell, on the records of the British BaptistMissionarySociety . etc. 1908. 2v . 164“Grenfell's valuable contributions to Congo geography ha ve been

dealt with pretty fully , the second volume is filled with informa tionabout Centra l African anthropology , native customs, habits, religionsand other beliefs and practices, folk-lore, etc. The illustrations a dd

considerably to the value of the work .

Athenc tmt.

Mansfield, M. P. In the land of mosques and mina rets , byFrancis Miltoun. 1908. 961 M31Takes the rea der to the less frequented places of Tunisia and Africa .

It is full of information “both ordinary and unusua l, about the lives,

manners, and customs of the na tives, the country itself, and the line28

contact between the natives and the many-nationed crowd of


“A very pleasantly written and readable volume. Spectator.

Maspero,G. 0. 0. New lightonaneientEgypt. 1909. M3811“Recent Egyptology summarized by one who is a ma ster of his subiect and can command an attractive style .


Matthews, Franklin. With the battle deetz cruise of the

sixteen battleships of the United States Atlantic fleet from

Hampton Roads to the Golden Gate , December, 1907Ma y . 1908. M43“An entertaining account of the cruise of the fleet from HamptonRoads to San Francisco. Mr. Ma tthews was correspondent of the

New York Sun. and made the journey on board the battleship Louisiana . The book is composed of his letters to the Sun.

"N . Y. Times .


H illlcan, B . H. The jungle toll: of Africa . 1908. 967M62“The author, after seven years

’ missionarywork in West Africa. givesus his impressions in an instructive and entertaining book . He pictures the Africans he met a s a very interesting people, many of themdistinctly lovable.

N Y. Times .

Renaldehay, Earl of, L . J. L . Dundee. A wandering studentin the fa r Ea st. 1908. 2v . R66“The best book Lord Rona ldsha y ha s written ; a genuinely informingwork of tra vel. The author is a studentof policies and peoples. tra velling widely with open eyes and a quick , discriminating mind. Histour took him from Shangha i up the Yang-tee to the rich province

of Ssu-chuan, and thence through Yunnan to the Burmese frontierat Bhamo. From there he retraced his steps, visited Ja pan, and

finished his journey by visits to Korea and Manchuria .


Russel, Mrs . P . K . A woman’

s journey through the Philip

pines on a ca ble ship that linked together the strange lands

seen en route. 1907. R9I“The record of a round-a bout voyage among the southern islands of

the Philippines. giving information of the tribes-people . A plea sing ,

genia l na rrative . A . L . A . Boohlist.

Stanford, Stanford’

s compendium of geographyand tra vel : Austra lasia . 1907- 1908. 2v . 990 878

Vol. 1. Austra lia and New Z ea land, by J W. Gregory .

2 . Ma la ysia and the Pacific archipelagoes, by F . H . H . Quillemard . 2d ed., rev . by A . H . Keane.

Whibley.Charles. Ame1isen sketches . 1908. W57Centea is : New York .


—New England .—The yellow

press .—Liberty and patriotism.

—The milliona ire .-The American

language—American literature .—The underworld.


Shrewd, witty , well worth rea ding .

31828037 .

Baikie , James . The story of the Pha raohs . 1908. 932 B 14“An admirable history , incorporating the results of the recent work

of exca vators and historians. The author has understood how to

pick out the dramatic and attractive .

"A . L . A . Booklist.

Much valuable matter is given aboutEgyptian social life .

Bradley , A . G. The making of Ca nada . 1908. 971 B813“A brilliant and fa scina ting survey of the period between the fa ll ofQuebec and the close of the war of 1812 . Mr. Bradley

s faults, thoseof a too-ready writer, a re farmore than counterba lanced by his sterlingmerits . Athis besthe is a master of vivid narrative, and he is giftedwith the sympathy to understand and the imagination to depict in

very illuminating fashion the mighty issues involved .

"London Times .

118 BROOK LINI PUBLIC L IBRARY.Dalhousie, X Ith earl of, Fox Mauls Ramsay . The Panmure

papers : being a selection from the correspondence of Fox

Mauls , 2d Baron Panmure , a fterwa rds K Ith Earl of Da l

housie. 1908. 2v . D74

Memories of the Crimean war, giving a new view of the relations be

tween the secreta ry of War and the successive commanders-in-chiefof the army of the Crimea . A work of grea thistorica l interest, which

renders many an obscure portion of Crimean history clea r.

Dennlstonn, James . Memoirs of the dukes of Urbino, illustra ting the arms , arts , and literature of Ita ly , 1440- 1630.

1908. 3v . 945 D42“Dennistoun’

s book is valuable chiefly as a storehouse of curious andvaried information, collected from a multitude of out-oi-the-waysources ; it is written in a distinguished and pleasantstyle . As Urbinowas one of the lesser states of Ita ly , it afiords convenient vantage

ground for a general view of the developmentof Ita lian polities .


Enoch, 0. B . Peru: its former and present civilization, his

tory and existing conditions topography and natura lresources , commerce and genera l development. 1908. 985 E59“The resultof many years of tra vel and work ; by a civil and mining

engineer. It is especially full on Peruvian mineral resources and

agricultura l development.

Hume,Martin. TwoEnglishqueens andPhilip . 1908. H88“A picturesque and dramatic account ofMary Stuart

's marriage with

Philip , the incidents which led to thatmarriage, and the events tha tfollowed Mary's dea th, including Elisabeth's refusal of Philip and the

advance of the Invincible Armada .,

Lent, A . 0. The conquest of the great northwest: being thestory of the adventurers of England known a s the Hudson

s Bay Company . New pages in the history of the

Canadian northwestand western states . 1908. 2v . 971 L37“Accountofthe Hudson Ba y Company ‘

as adventurer, path-finder, empire-builder from Rupert’s Land to California .

'From careful resea rch

and personal knowledge of the country , Miss Laut ha s been able tobring some new light to her story and presents itwith a freshness andenthusia sm thatmakes it a very plea sing piece of wor

A . L . A . Booklist.

Mann, A . W., comp. History of the Forty-fifth regiment.

Ma ssa chusetts Volunteer Militia . 1908. 145Beignobos , Charles. History of contemporary civilization.

1909. 845

180 BROOKL INI PUBLIC LIBRARY.I asen.0. L . The binding of the strong: a love

Bay , A . 0. The bridge builders .

Iteel, Mrs . Plora M e. A prince of dreamers .

Wells , H. G. Tono-Bungay .

Weyman, 8. J. The wild geese.

8008 8 P08 YOUNG“ M E I .

Antes, J. 8 . Pete, cow-

puncher: a story of the Texa s pla ins.

The story of a little English cirl whe makes a long visit to her kind

uncle in Germany . His old ca stle, the quaint village. the happy dieposition of the visitor, and the interesting friends she makes, composeanuncommonly charming tale .

Greenwood. Grace, pseud. Bonnie Scotland : ta les of her

5941 081

Merrie England : travels descriptions , ta les and historical

sketches . 1908. 081

Bough, Emerson. The young Ala skans . 5H812 .1

The adventures of thme boys in Ala ska .

Marriott, Crittenden. Uncle Sam’

s business , told for youngAmericans . 1908. M35The laws .

- Intercourse with neighbors.-Money .

—Sellin¢ publiclands .

—Building warships .- Lookin¢ a fter our food supply .

—Felicinathe sea —Studying the wea ther.

—Irri¢atin¢ the desert- Carrying thema ils, etc.

Moon s, 0. W. The life of Abra ham Lincoln for boys and

girls . 1909. jE .L73mi

0nhen, W. H ., and Baker, 3. 8 . Harper'

s how tounderstandelectrica l work : a simple explanation of electric light, heat,

power, and tra ction in daily life , with a dictiona ry of elec

tricel terms prepa red by J. H . Adams . 1908. 5537 058

Page, T. N. Tommy Trot’

s visitto Santa Claus . 5P147.15

Rankin, Mrs . 0. W. The adapting of Rosa Marie. A sequelto Dandelion Cottage. 5K 162 .3


mm , Julia , and Wallaeh, I . 8 . Good citizenship . 1908.


Rossetfi , 0. 0 . Poems for children. 1907. 5811 R81a

Shakespeare, William. Works . Ed . by Cha rles Knight

with nearly 400 illustrations by Sir John Gilbert. 5812 852

Stevenson, Augusta . Children’

s classics in dramatic form:

a reader for the fourth grade . 1908. 5812 884Ada pted from Grimm, s op. Anderson, Arabian nights , also a playca lled Christopher Columbsss .

Stockton, l'. 8 . Ta les outof school. 1905 . 5910 8857

Tales ofmany countries .

Wheelwright, J.

'I'. Wa r children. 5W57A story of home life during the Civil War.

Williams , Archibald. How it is done : or, victories of the

engineer, describing in simple languagehow greatengineering a chievements in a ll parts ofthe world ha ve been a ecom

plished . 1908. 5600W723Train ferries .

— 8uilding of a big ship —8 rid¢es—Dams.—Reservoire.

—Aqueducts .-0anals .

—Harborworks .—Tunnels.

—Mining andmines.—Power from fa lling water.



Stories to Tell.

Bryant. How to tell stories to children.

Bailey . Firelight stories .

Bailey and Lewis. For the children’

s hour.

Bryant. Stories to tell to children.

Richards. The pig brother.

Books to Read Aloud.

Oobum. Our little Swedish cousin. 5948 065A pleasant picture of another kind of life than our own.

Oollodl. Pinocchio, the adventures of a marionette .

Hie amusing misha ps and misdoinzs before he deserves to be trans

formed into a real boy .

Hopkins . The sandman : his fa rm stories . 5I-I7815 .1

The oxen, the ha y , the maple sugar. the market. the butter, the fireplace. etc. ; in simple language with many repetitions .

Johonnot. Grandfather’

s stories . 5808 J73gFables, legends. historica l stories, stories in rhyme .

Lucas , cd. Old-fashioned ta les . 5L97_4 . 1



ected from Maria Edgeworth. Mrs . Sherwood. Jacob Abbott, and

o ere.

Pyle. Stories of humble friends . 5590 P99Individual horses. dogs. ea ts. a tame crow , etc .

Richards . The nursery fire . 5R389. 1

Short stories of home and playtimes .

8hnte and Danton. The land of song. 856In three volumes ; volume one, for youngest children. An ex cellent

collection of the best and best loved poetry .

Smith. Jolly good times .

A pleasantstory of the home life of a New England family 75 yea rs ago.

Tileston, cd. Children’

s trea sure trove of pearls . 52 .T57Folk-tales and other old favorites , such a s The wolf and the seven littlekids. Se-Se, Joha a y -eahe, Fimmune , The chewy orchard, Little Wa h

deriia . Tons TitTot, etc.




VOL . XV . No. 5





Week Days.—9 a . m. to 9 p . m. , lega l holidays excepted.

Sundays .—2 to 9 p. m.



Week Days.—2 to 6 p . m., and a lso from 10 to 12 on Saturday

Sundays.—2 to 9 p . m.

During July and August the library hours are : Sundays , 2—6Wednesda ys and Saturdays , 9—9; other days , 9—6 . During those

months the Children’

s Room is open from 10—12 and from 2—5 .


Residents of Brookline who are not registered borrowers mayma lse application for cards at the Deposit Stations

Books may be returned to the Stations whether taken from

them or from the centra l libra ry ; but books drawn from the

DepositStations mustbe returned to the Stations only .

Ooolldze Oom r Station.—Delivery of books to and from the

Libra ry onMondays and Thursdays .

Boylston Station. Upper Boylston Street, near Reservoir Lane .

—Weekly delivery of books on Thursday ; box returned to the

Library on Saturday .

OheetnntHill Station, corner Boylston and Hammond streets .

Delivery of books to and from the Library on Thursdays .

188 snooxumt PUBLIC L IBRARY.Fullerton, G. 8. An introductionto philosophy . 1906 . F95

Grant, Sir Alexander. Aristotle. 185 A72gr

Miinsterberg, Hugo. Psychotherapy . 1909. 131 M92

Waters , Robert. Culture by self-help in a literary , an a ca

demic, or an oratorica l ca reer. 1909. W31


Brightman, P. E . Liturgies , ea stern and western: being the

texts origina l or translated of the principal liturgies of the

church. Ed . , with introductions and appendices , by F . E .

Brightman on the basis of the former work by 0. E . Ham

mond. Vol. 1. Ea stern liturgies . 1896 . 264 8 76

The Creed 0!Buddha , by the author of The Creed of Christ.1908. 086“An interesting little book, suggestive and stimulating , well worth

rea ding .

"Saturday Review.

E arnest, Adolf. The Acts of the Apostles . 1909. Z 38

Professor Harnacl: develops the position which he has established in

Lake the Physician, and subjects the Acts of the Apostles to a mostsearching investigation from a ll points of view , seeking to prove afreshthe identity of the author of the “we” -sections with the author of thewhole work .

Lodge, Sir 0 . J. Man and the universe : a study of the influence of the advance in scientific knowledge upon ourunderstanding of Christianity . 5th cd . 1909. L82a“A collection of essa ys . Taken together they constitute an attemptat reconciliation between the recognised exponents of science and

religion. The author is fully cognisant of both points of view , and

treats vital questions with reverence and candour. He makes someinteresting suggestions for the reform of church services and churchtests .


Missionary Review of the World. Vol . 31. 1908. M7

Pennell, T. Among the wild tribes of the Afghan frontier:

a record of sixteen yea rs’

close intercourse with the nativesof the Indian marshes . 1909. P38Dr. Pennell wa s a medica l missiona ry and mendicant on the Indianfrontier. He writes with a wea lth of anecdote which transforms the

volume into a series of human documents .

"N . Y. Times.


Rogers, Arthur. Prophecy and poetry : studies in Isaiah and

Browning: the Bohlen lectures for 1909. Z 75“A comparison between two greatmen, each of them a leader in his

genera tion. I have meant to setmy heroes side by side, to pointoutwhere there is a likeness, and then to prove the likeness, not by myown words, butby theirs .


Schleiermacher, Friedrich. Oureligion : speeches to its cultured despisers . 1893. 201 834“A rema rkable book because it had a remarkable influence upon a

nation which for several centuries ha s guided the religious thoughtofall Protestant countries . By many in Germany the author is con

sidered the greatesttheologian since the Reformation.


Social application of religion. 1908 261 S67Contents : The spirit of social unrest, by Charles 8telsle.



conscience and social amelioration, by Jane Addams .-Some ethical

aspects of the labormovement, by C . P. Neill .—Industry and religion :their common ground and interdependence, by Graham Taylor.

Christianity and the social situation, by G. P. Eckman.

Tucker, A . R . Eighteen yea rs in Uganda and East Africa .

1908. 2v . T79“This fascinating chapter of modern church history is well written.

The bishop's style is thatof a strong man who has much to say and

wants to say it fairly . Saturday Review.


American Academy of Political Science. Annals . Vol. 32 ,July—December, 1908. 306 AONea rly all the pa pers a re on the tarifi question; and on the liquorquestion, including local option, prohibition, etc.

Association of Life Insurance Presidents. Proceedings of

annua l meetings . 1st—2d. 1907—1908. 6 . 368 A84

Baker, R . 8. Following the color line : an account of negro

citizenship in the America n democra cy . 1908. 8 17“While confining himself largely to racial conditions a s they existtoday , the author considers various tendencies as they have foundexpression in the past and gives critical estimates of some of the viewstha t have been advanced a s to the ultimate solution of the negro


"Literary Digest.

Bridgman, R . L . The pa ssing of the ta fifi . 1909. 337 8 78“A timely book presenting anuntechnical survey of the economic andmoral merits of the tariff question. The author’s aim is to show thepolitical , industrial and economic forces operating to destroy thetarifl system.


180 BROOKLINE PUBLIC LIBRARY.cart, 0. l . The railway mail service, its origin and develop


Carter, 0. P. When railroads were new . 1909. 024“An entertaining book brimful of interesting records of the earlydays of railmading .

—Incidents and anecdotes. facts. 58m extractsfrom letters and papers. altogether give a pretty complete view of the

attitude of the people toward ra ilroad possibilities, the difi culties ofevery sort that had to be surmounted, the waste and the reckless

extravagance which attended the building and the equipping of the

roa ds , and the boundless enthusia sm with which their success wasgreeted .

N . Y. Times.

Oolumbia University. Studies in ln'

story , economics and public law . Vol . 29. 1908. 306 072Contents : E a rly New England towns : a comparative study of their

development. by A . 8 . MacLear.—New Hampshire as a royal province.

by W. H . Fry .

Evans , W. W., comp. Imports and duties , 1894- 1907: com

parative statement of imported merchandise entered for

consumption in the United States , showing operations

under the general tarifl laws of 1880, 1894 , and 1897, the

Porto Rican and Philippine ta rifi a cts , and the reciprocitytreaties with Cuba , France , Germany , Hawaii Ita ly , Por

tuga l , Spain and 8witzerland . 1909. G. 337 E92Described by the Democratic lea der of the House of Representativesa s the mostilluminating book on the tarifi question yetissued.

Polts , l . 8 . K . The federa l civil service as a career: a manua lfor applicants for positions and those in the civil service

of the nation. 1909. F73“A useful manual , by a government employee. presenting the general

subject in a practical , concise manner. The cha pters on the meritsystem, preparation, examination and appointment are most useful .The final chapter urges the need of college graduates in governmentservice. A . L. A . Booklist.

Henry , G. G. How to investmoney . 1908. H39“Deals with the bonds of railroads , industrial and public utility cor

potations, and municipalities. A chapter is given to stocks. Theauthor has aimed to present nothing more than the simple principlesof sound investment. The book is the outgrowth of his own experience a s a banker.

“Literary Digest.

International Tax Association. State and loca l taxationsecond annua l conference , held at Toronto, Onta rio Oct.

6—9, 1908. Addresses and proceedings. I56

182 snoom na rusuc L IBRARY.Merriam, 0. 2 . Primary elections : a study of the history and

tendencies ofprimary election legislation. 1908. M55“A clea r and practical review of the movementfor legal regulation of

nominations and elections since 1866 , and an excellent statement oftendencies and the present status of the primary problem.

"A . L . A .


Mm e, W. B . The government of European cities . 1909.

352 MO24Explains the structure and functions of city government in thwe

European countries and contrasts these. wherever they ma y be appro

priately compared. with the structure and functions of city govern

ment in the United States .

"Athem m.

National Child Labor00mmittee. Child labor and socia l pro

gress ; proceedings of the fourth annua l meeting, Atlanta ,

Georgia , 1908. 6 . N2 1

National Conference for Good city Government. Proceed

ings , and the fourteenth annua l meeting of the Nationa l

Municipa l League , held Nov . 16 , 17, 18, 19, 1908, atPitts

burgh, Pennsylvania . 352 N2 1

National conference of charities and Correction. Proceed

ings . 1906- 1908. 3v . 1906 . Philadelphia . 1907. Minneapolis . 1908. Richmond , Va . G. N2 1

Palmer, A . 8. The idea l of a gentleman; or, a mirror for

1908. Ref.

Pendred, Vaughan. The railway locomotive, what it is and

why itis what it is . 1908. P37“The locomotive treated in a somewhatnovel manner a s a completemachine designed and built for certain work under peculia r and in

many ways unfavorable conditions of operation. The book is written

with a careful view to the needs of the studentand of the engineerwhois nota specia listin railway or locomotive work.

“Engineering News .

Pergande, Prank. Manua l of examinations for government

positions . 1908. P4I

Smith, J. R . The ocean ca rrier: a history and ana lysis of the

service and a discussion of the rates of ocean transporta

tion. 1908. 865“A valuable work tha thas no predecessor either in pointof subjectscovered or extentand authority of informa tion. The chapters on thedevelopment and extension of ocean trams are especially interesting .


A . L . A . Boohuet.

socxoaocv.—snvcsnon. 138

Thompson, Sla son. Cost, capita lization and estimated va lueof American railways : an ana lysis of current fa lla cies .

3d cd . 1908. 6 . T37

United States. BureauofLabor. Bulletins . Vol. 16. 1908.

331 U58

United States. Bureauof Labor. 22d annua l report of the

Commissioner of labor, 1907. Labor laws of the United

States , with decisions of courts relating thereto. 1908. G.

331 U58a

United States. Census Office. Morta lity statistics : annua lreports , 6th

—8th. 1905—1907. Wa shington, 1907—1909.

3v . 6 .

United States . Census 02160. Reportof the director to the

secreta ry of commerce and labor. 1907/08. G.

United States . Oivil Service commission. N enty-fifth

annua l reportfor the yea r ending June 30, 1908. G.

United States. Department 01 State. Diplomatic and con

sula r service of the United States . Corrected to Sept. 1 ,

1908. G. Ref.

United States . Interstate commerce commission. Twen

tieth annua l report on the sta tistics of ra ilways in the

United States for the yea r ending June 30, 1907.


United States. Lile Saving Service . Annua l report for

1909. 6 .


Birdseye, 0. P. The reorganization of our colleges . 1909


The author having made an inquiry into the present conditions of

administra tion and student-life in our universities and colleges , points

out certa in grave abuses which he has found to exist in many of the

larger institutions, and pmposes a s a remedy a complete college

reorg anization, a scheme which he ha s worked outwith considerable

care. Review of Reviews.

Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching.

Third annua l report. 1908. G. 02 1


Chamberla in, A . 3 . Standards in education, with some con

sideration of their relation to industria l training. 1908.

371Contents : The a im of education.

—The elementary curriculum, its

motive and contena—Industrial tra ining . its a im and scope.-The

meanim of correla tion.—The ba sis of ethical training .

—The significance of habit. —The curriculum in operation.

—8tudy hnd prepa ra

tion.—The mcitation procesa

—Training , professiona l growth and

recompense of the teacher.

“Discusses notonly the psychology and the general aim of education,butthe curriculum of the elementa ry school, the method of its presentation, and the tra ining of teachers .

_To each cha pter are appended

an excellent summary , suggestive topics for study . and references by


of which the student ma y profitably continue his work .


Oelsen, Elisabeth, and Ohlttenden, A . G. The child housekeeper: simple lessons ,with songs , stories , and games. 1903.

37 071

Davidson, Thomas. The education of the Greek people, and

its influence on civilization. 1906 . D28“Prominence is given to the difierentstages in the growth of the Greekpolitical, ethica l. and religious consciousness .


Educational Review . Vol. 36. 1908. E3

Manual Training Magazine. Vol. 9. M31Ravenhill, Alice . Some chara cteristics and requirements of

childhood. 1908. 372 R I9“A


reprint, with revision. of six articles from the Gua rdian, with twonew

, chapters on pla y and on adolescence. and a bibliography for

parents and teachers .

"London Times.

8011 1708 .

Auk. Vol. 25 N S. 1908. A92

A well illustrated magazine devoted to birds.Bird-Lore. Vol. 10. 1908. 8 53

Curtis , 0. 0. Nature and developmentof plants . 1907. 581 094

An attemptha s been made to make familiar our common plants, andto give the student such a comprehension of the subject thathe willa pproach his laboratory work with a desire for investigation.

Gamble, l'. W. Anima l life. 1908. 0 14

A rea dable little book intended for those who have a limited knowledge of zoology , but who wish to systematize the facts they have

acquired, to take an intelligent survey of animal life, and to understand the working of evolution. Spectator.


Allen, W. B . Civies and hea lth . 1909. 613A43“A fresh presentation of the physical ba sis of citizenship likely to 3iveevery tea cher a new sense of proportion in dealing with matters of

hy3iene and sanitation. It is full of suggestions to those communities tha t ha ve not yet put themselves in the right relations to questions of community hea lth. and it records the achievements of the

most advanced among our American cities .

"Review of Reviews .

81thell, J. Handbook ofGerman commercial correspondence .

1908. 652 8 54

DeWesse, T. A The principles of pra ctica l publicity : being atreatise on the art of advertising.

2d cd . 1908. 659 D51“A treatise on the art of advertising and on the successful ada pta tionof advertising to a ll lines of commercial enterprise . The author hasha d wide experience, and the work is practical and well founded .


A . L . A . Booklist.

Dudley , Gertrude, and Keller, r. A . Athletic games in the

education ofwomen. 1909. D86“Having tested for ten years the educa tional value of organized gamesin universities, schools, and socia l institutions, the authors a re con

vinced thatwomen need the development—mental , moral and physical—thatcomes from participa tion in well-conducted athletic contests.

They devote a good part of their book to suggestions for the properorganisation of athletic departments in schools and colleges .


Electrical World. Vol . 52 . 1908. E38

Engineering News . Vol . 60. 1908. E5

French, George. The art and science of advertising. 1909.

659 F88

Hubbard, Provost. Dustpreventives . 1908. [United Sta tes.

Department of agriculture . Oflice of public roa ds. Bulletin No. 34. 625 .7 H86

Lyons , A .W. Grammarof lettering : a handbook of a lphabetssystematica lly arranged for the use of art students , architects , deoorato1s , sign

-writers , and a ll cla sses of cra ftsmen,

comprising pra ctica l demonstrations of various letters and

numera ls , showing their construction, spacing, brushwork ,

etc. 1908. 744 L99“A clea r accountof the principles onwhich the form of letters depends,a practica l course of instruction in the actual writing . or rather painting , of the letters themselves, and a full accountof the materia ls andimplements to be used.

"Athem m.


Massachusetts . General court. The building law of the

city of Boston: being Acts of 1907, chapter 550. 1907.


Maxim, SirB . 8. Artificia l and natura l flight. 1908. M45“The flight of birds and kites is discussed and then follows the pa rt

really importantto students of aeronautics. the accountof the author'searly experiments with screws and supporting asroplanes . These are

both interesting and instructive and present data that probably have

never before been made generally available. Engineering News.

Model Engineer and Electrician. Vol . 19. 1908. M72

Borer, Mrs . 8. T. Mrs . Roter’

s vegetable cookery and meatsubstitutes . 1909. 641 R69mi“Undertakes to show the value of vegetables as a rticles of food and

conservors of health, and to instruct the housewife in making combinations of food that will be a ppetizing and will have equal foodva lue with mea t. N . Y. Times .

Sande, R . 8 . American poultry culture : a complete hand

book of pra ctica l and profitable poultry keeping for the

great army of beginners and sma ll breeders . 1909. 821

Snyder, B arry. Human foods and their nutritive value.1908. 867“Sound science as well as useful information aboutthe many kinds ofhuman food . The tables are taken from the publications of the U. 8 .Department of Agriculture, based largely on the work of ProfessorSnyder. The chapters on cereals and bread are ma inly the results ofstudies in his own laboratory .


Spears, 3. B . The story of New England wha lers . 1908.

874“Tells in popular form the story of the whaling industry from its be

ginning in the middle of the seventeenth century through the period ofits greatestcommercia l success to the presentdays of decline.

Technical World Magasine. Vol. 10. 605 T2


Barron, Leonard. Lawns and how to make them, together

with the proper keeping of putting greens . 1906 . 710 8 27“A practical little book dealing with selection of site. grading , seodin3,

and seed mixtures. turfing , mowing, enriching. rolling , watering. the

weed problem, etc.


188 s aooxama rusuc LIBRARY.Dorner, E . 8 . Window ga rdening. 1908. 716 D73

Contains in small compass information on pots , potting, soils, water

ing , fertilisers. light. heat and ventilation. The illustrations are

succinctand clear, and show practically many of the operations which

the home gardener has to perform.

GardenMagazine. Vol . 8. 0 15

Helms , Charles, ed. The gardens of England in the midlandand ea stern counties . 1908. 712 H73a

House and Garden. Vol. 14 . 1908. H8

Jekyll, Gertrude. Children and ga rdens . 1908. 716 J38d“Gives much advice and useful information re3a rdin3 children


gardens, the flowers they should grow, and tells of the pla y -house thatevery child mustcovetfor its own.

togetherwith various disserta tionsas to weeds and seeds and botany .

"Athem m.

Kingsley , 8 . G. Roses and rose growing. With a chapter on

How to grow roses for exhibition, by the Rev . F . Page-Rob

erts . 1908. 716 K61“A practica l book finely illustrated.withmany tabular lists ofdiflerent

SaintMaur,Mrs . K . V. The ea rth’

s bounty . 1909. 630 814

Waugh, l '. A . The America n apple orcha rd : a sketch of the

pra ctice of apple growing in North America at the begin

ning of the twentieth century . 1908. 634 W35“An excellent general treatise, written from the standpoint of the

practical fruit-3rower. A cata logue of varieties is given. also a selected

listwith dates when the fruitis rea dy foruse and of its storage limit.


A . L . A . Bookie'


rm ARTS.

AmericanAnnual of Photography . Vol. 23. 1908. A5I3

AmericanArchitect. Vol . 94 . 1908. A5 I

Amerlcan Journal 01 Numismatics . Vol .

737 A5I

AmericanPhotography . Vol. 2 . 1908. A52

Architectural Record. Vol. 24 . 1908. A69

Bally , J. T. H. Francesco Bartolozzi. R . A . : a biographica l

essay . With a cata logue of the principa l prints and a six

yea rs’

record of auction prices . 1907. 750 8 292bA readable and animated account of 8 artolozz1 s career. and of thepeople, English and other, with whom he came in conta ct. The grea tand permanent value of Mr. Ba ily

's monogra ph will centre in the

a ppendixes .


140 BROOKLINE PUBLIC LIBRARY.Pairbanks , Arthur. Athenian lekythoi, with outline drawingin gla ze varnish on a white ground . 1907. 738 PI5

Hayden, Arthur. Chats on old prints . 1906. 760H32“Describes processes and qua lities of etching , wood, stub and copper

engraving , messotint, aqua tint and lithography , giving brief characterisations of the principal engravers and hints to collectors of

limited means . Deals ma inly with art in England.

Holman, l . l . A book of bunga lows : containing thirty new

and origina l designs for one story and story and a ha lf

bunga lows in a great va riety of styles , and in frame, stone

and cement. 2d cd . 1906. 728 H728

Lethaby, W. 8 . Greek buildings represented by fragments inthe British Museum. 1908. L56“Describes the remains in deta il, reviews the available evidence, and

criticises the conjectural restorations.


Marquand, Allan. Greek architecture. 1909. M34

Photo-I ra . Vols . 20, 21. 1908. P5

Porter, A . K . Medie va l architecture, its origins and development, with lists of monuments and bibliographies . 1909.

2v . P83Designed primarily with a view to putting the general reader in pos

session of such knowledge as is indispensable for the appreciation and

enioymentoi the greatmasterpieces ofGothic architecture.

Randall, M. L , camp. The Winchester charts . 1908. 2v .


Vol. 1. Paiun

iters of Florence, Umbria. Siena and Vincian school ofan.

The cover represents the two carved ivory covers of Melissenda 'spra yer

-hoolt. in the British Museum.

2 . Painters ofNorth Ita ly : Vercelli, Milan, Brescia and Cremona ,Bologna and Ferrara , Parma , Verona , Padua , Venice.

The cover is a copy of a Venetian bookbinding in the British Museumby TommasoMa ioli for his Hypm otomaehia Polwhili.These charts will prove exceedingly useful to the student. The outlines of history given in the side columns are an excellentrunningcommentary on the schools of painting . Athen ian.

Valerl, l'. M. Cata logo della R . Pina coteca di Brera con

cenno storico di Corrado Ricci. 1908. 708 M58


Vasari Society for the Reproduction of Drawings by Old

Ma sters . Publica tions . Parts 1—4 . 1905—1909.

Architectura l Ca seThe 4th annua l portfolio conta ins facsimiles of 35 °

drawings by the

Old Ma sters, among them a re a noble portra it proba bly representingDiirer, three studies by Corre33io. and fine examples of Van Dyckand Rembrandt. As reproductions these publications cha llenge comparison with the finestthings of their kind.



Gilman, Lawrence. Debussy’

s Pelll as atMflisande a guideto the opera , with musica l examples from the score . 1907.


Lucas, Olarence. The story ofmusica l form. 1908. L96Not a textbook, but 1a tended for any cultured reader who takes an

interestin good music.


Mackinlay , M. 8. Garcia the centena rian and his timesbeing a memoir of Manuel Garcia ’

s life and labors for the

advancementofmusic and science . 1908. 780021“The author bring s to his ta sk a sincere enthusiasm for his subject.

He gives us an interesting account of Ga rcia '

s method as a tea cher,and illustrates his modesty , courtesy , patience and humour by chara cteristic anecdotes . He ha s a lso unearthed some curious informa tionbea ring on the visit of the Garcias to America in Spectator.

Manchester, A L . Music educa tion in the United States

schools and depa rtments ofmusic . 1908. G. M31

Weltm ann, 0. l'. Bowman’


s manua l of musica l theory : a concise , comprehensive and pra ctica l text

book on the science ofmusic prepa red and edited with the

approva l and permission of the author by his pupil, E . M.

Bowman. 1877. W43

8008 8 8.

0harpentier, Gustave. Louise : a musica l romance. 783 0481

Guy , A . 0. Scottish music, comprising strathspeys , reels ,

step-tunes and old airs . Easily and efiectively arranged

for the pianoforte . 8423


der besten und beliebtesten Lieder und Gesange des deutschenVolkes . MitBegleitung des Pianoforte . 037h

Massenet, J . I . l'. Our Lady

's juggler: mira cle in three a cts .


Ollenbaeh, Jacques. Les contes d’

Hofimann: opera fanta s

tique en 4 a ctes . 783 03c

Oxford hymn book . 1908. 09In the selection of hymns the editors have been guided by orincipleswhich are at once sound and ra rely followed . The qua lities lookedfor mosthave been simplicity , directness and genuineness of religiousfeeling . Persons who care to study the history of hymn-writing will

hnd much to a ppea l to them in this scholarly collection of the OldMasters. The music is. in the main. of the same character as the

hymns. plain and di3nified.


Beimann, Heinrich, comp Internationa les Volksliederbucheine Sammlung ausl

alndischer Volkslieder. 3v . 784 .1 R36

Z elner, l . J. A ., comp. The high school song book : foruse inboys

and mixed high schools . 1908. Z 4


Bronson, W. camp . English poems , sel. and ed . with illustrative and explana tory notes and bibliographies . Vol. 3.

The restoration and the eighteenth century . 1908. 821 B78

Burns , Robert. Notes on Scottish song, written in an inter

lea ved copy of the Scots musica l museum, with additions

by RobertRiddell and others . Ed . by J. 0. Dick . 1908.

8 96Introduced by two chapters on the history of Scottish song prior to

Burns, which are more exhaustive than anything on the subject thatha s a ppeared. On the whole, itmay fa irly be sa id thatno book has

recently been published which has done more toexplain Burns'hold

upon his countrymen.


Davenport, 0. J. H. The book : its history and development.

1908. 090D27“A skillful anduntechnical accountof the history and manufacture ofbooks by an English authority who possesses a wide and deta iledknowledge of the subject. Conta ins a grea t amount of informationof value to teachers who are 3ivin3 instruction in the elements ofbook-makin3. printing or bookbinding .

144 n ooxumt PUBLIC LIBRARY.

poetry. 1908. 821 N87“Consists of a thsteful and judicious selection of the fa iry fancies of

English poets from Shakespea re onwards. including among the moremodernMr. Kipling. Fiona Macleod. Mr. 0 . K . Chesterton.

Athm mn

O’Brien, 8. 8 . English for foreigners . 1909. 425 0 13

The author ha s been a successful teacher in public evening schools for

forei3ners . The book is therefore a da pted to the needs of a dults bygiving them a practical knowledge of the English langua3e and a t the

same time making them familia r with the conditions of life in the

United Sta tes and the duties of citizenship .

0ld Yellow Book : source of Browning’

s The ring and the book

in complete photo-reproduction with translation, essay ,

and notes , by Cha rles W. Hodell . 1908. 820 8 8832“The story of the Old Yellow Book and of its transmutation into thegrea test of Browning

s poems is one of the romances of literature,comparable to the use of the old Ita lian story-books by the Elisa

bethan dramatists. By the kindness of Ba lliol College, Oxford,where the book was deposited after Browning

s death. Mr. Hodell has

been permitted to publish a complete photographic facsimile of the

documents . Nation.

OmarKhan ém. Quatrains of Oma r Khayydm, from a litera l

prose translation, by Edwa rd Heron—Allen, of the ea rliest

knownmanuscript, done into verse by A . 8 . Ta lbot. 1909.


Otis, W. 8 . American verse , 1625—1807: a history. 1909.

818 088Includes all the importantAmerican verse of the period which is worthyof note because of its connection with American history. or because ofthe light which it throws upon the social and intellectua l chara cteristics of the time. Much of the material has never before been mentioned in any history or bibliography of American verse .

namecharake, Yogi, camp . The Bhagavad Gita ; or the mes

sage of the ma ster. Comp . and adapted from numerous

old and new translations ofthe origina l Sanscrittext. 1907.

M27rThe 8ha3avad Gita is an episode of the nutHinduepic, the Maha

barata . Its philosophy embodies the prevailing Hindu beliefs , as

expounded by the Brahmans. The compiler has endea vored to givethe spiritof the teachings. in simple form.


Ritchie, Mrs . A . I . T. Bla ckstick papers . 1908. 824 R59Contents : Haydn.

—Felicia Palia .4 t. Andrews .-Concerning Joseph

Joachim.—Eaeria in 8 ri3hton.

-Nohant in 1874 .—Links with the

pa st.—Mary and Agnes Berry .

- Pa ris, prisms, and primitifs .—Jacob

Omnium.~ Mrs . Gaskell.—Concerning Tourguéniefi . Concernin3

Thomas Bewick .

“Ha ppy reminiscences of Tha ckeray

's daughter concerning people,

places and events thatwere a pa rt of her youthful life. The title istaken from Thackeray


s Fairy Blackstick .

"A . L . A . Booklist.

Savage, I . A . The story of libra ries and book-collecting.

1909. 027 826“An interesting little book . The first cha pter gives a satisfactory

account of libra ries of ancient times : then follow monastic libraries ,those of the Renaissance, with specia l mention of Bracciolini and hisfinds and the libraries of modern Europe. There is a chapter on‘

Popula r town libraries .


Sharp , William (Fiona Mdelead, pseud .) The immorta l houra drama in two a cts . 1908. 822 85281Led by dreams and visions Eta in the beautiful, leaves the Country ofthe Young, the land of the Shee, who dwell in the hollow hill , to

wed a morta l man, Eochaidh. the High King of Ireland. Greyis the keynote of the composition throughout; it is accomplishedand closely studied verse, with subtle efiects and gentle melancholycadences .

"London Times .

Swift, Jonathan. Prose works , cd . by Temple Scott. 12V.

824 8977

Vol . 12 . Essays on the portraits of Swift by Sir Frederick Falkiner,and on Swiftand Stella by J. H . Bernard, bibliography of

Swift’s works by W. 8 . Jackson, and a general index .

An authoritative and scholarly revision of the most important of

Swift’s writings. The interesting bibliography is in itself sufi cient to

giveMr. Scott’

s edition a unique va lue to students ofSwift." Spectator.

Thoma s , 0alvin. The history ofGerman literature . 1909

Wharton, Mrs . Edith. Artemis to Actaeon, and other verse .

1909. 820W447“The outside ra ther than the inside of life is whatMrs . Wha rton tells

oi, and therefore it is that she is particula rly happy in painting an

impre ssion. The book has grace and beauty of intellect. frequentfelicity of phrase. and a pt beauty of line a fter line. N . Y. Times.

146 snoot s rusuc LIBRARY.Whiteing, Richard. Little people. 1909. 824 W59


Little people’

here described withMr.Whiteing's quick sympathy

and understandin3 are the world’


nobodies and failures, ’ togetherwith all the host of the unassertive and unambitious to be found inevery class . For its humor and kindliness, combined with anunerrin3eye for foibles and follies. the book is one to be read with rea l plea s

ure .

"Athem m.

Williams , J. 8 . A history ofEnglish journa lism to the foundation of the Gazette 1908. 070W67“Much the most scholarly account of the beginnings of Englishjournalism which has yet a ppea red. Its record of the emergence of

the newspa per through its stages of news-book, coranto, pamphlet,news-letter and the like is in the mainnew, importantand interesting.

American Hs’


eal Review.


Continued fromthe April Bulletin.

8 5hlau, Helene. Der Rangierbahnhof Roman. 833 B63r

Hesse, Hermann. Peter Kan enzind . 833H46p

Meyer, 0. l'. Novellen. 833M57n

Vol. 1. Das Amulet.—Der Schuss von derKanzel .—Plautus imNon

neukloster.—0ustav Adolf’s Page.

2. Die Hochseit des M6nchs .—Das Leiden eines Knaben.


Polenl , Wilhelm von. Das Land der Zukunft. P75

Der Biittnerbauer: Roman. 833 P75b

DerGrabenhiiger. 833 P75g

8 0803301 3P. K . Als ich jung noch wa r: neue Geschichten ausderWa ldheimat. 833 R72a

Feierabende : lustige und finstere Geschichten. 833 R721

Widmann, J. V. Maiki fer Kombdie . 832 W63m

Wildenbmch, I nletvan. Heinrich und Heinrichs Geschlecht:

Tragbdie in zwei Abenden. 832 W64h


0aine, Hall. My story . 1909. E .Cl 235“H a lf the book is taken up with a detailed study of Rossetti. The

earlier portion portra ys in a gra phic manner the everyda y life of thedwellers on the Isle ofMan.

"N . Y. Tim e.

m nnooxnnu runuc LIBRARY.Lincoln. Walsh, W. S cd.

“A collection of the ca rtoons. comments. and poems printed duringthe wet. It afiords e curious glimpse into the humor of a pa st gen

eration. end ha s a certain historical interest besides . Mr. Walsh’


running commenton the cartoons and poems will help younger w aders

to understand the prejudices and pa ssions of the da y . Nation.

Wa rd , H . W. , cd. Abraham Lincoln; tributes from his

a ssociates , reminiscences of soldiers , statesmen and citizens .

1895 . E .L635 .wa

Conteins a rticles by George W. Curtis.W. H . Hemdon, Gen. Howard.

and others .

Marie de H edici. Batifiol , Louis . Marie de Médicis and theFrench courtin the X VIIth century . 1908. M3b“A study of the chara cter of Marie de Médicis during the years of hermarried life and her Regency . and a picturesque accountof the somewha tbourgeois courtof Henry of Nava rre .

"Saturday Review.

Milton. Ma ssa chusetts Historica l Society . The commemoration of the teroentenary of the birth of John Milton, atthe

First Church in Boston, on December 9th, 1908. G.

E .M6455 .ma

Mirabella . Ta llentyre , S . G pseud. The life of Mirabeau.

1908. E .M6712 .t

Napoleon I . Dayot, Arma nd Napoléon. Illustrations d'apresdes peintures , sculptures , gravures , objects , etc. , da temps .

1909. N lda

Poe . Woodberry , G. E . The life of Edga r Allan Poe, per

sona l and litera ry , with his chief correspondence with menof letters . 1909. 2v . E .P755 .wa

Sainte-Beuve . Ha rper, G. McL . Cha rles Augustin Sainte

Beuve . 1909. E .Sa 265


Barker, 1 . 3 . France of the French. 1908. B24The author ha s brought together a surprisingly lame amount ofbiogra phical information covering every field of contemporary Frenchlife . He ha s given to his sketches the a dded personal touch thatbespeeks first-hend acqua intance with the materiel, and makes attractive reading . N ation.


Om er, Jonathan. Travels through the interior parts of

North America in the yea rs 1766 , 1767, and 1768. 3d cd

to which is added some a ccountof the author and a copia s

index. 1781. 974

Jonathan Carver was born in Connecticut in 1732 and served a s ca p

tain in the wa r aga inst the French in Canada . His account of hisexplorations includes chapters on the Indians and many deta ils of

na tural history .

Churchill, W. L . 8. My African journey . 1908. C47Mr. Churchill hes a gra phic touch and a practised pen: oonsidened a s

letters to a newspa per. written in the midstof the scenes they describe,his cha pters could hardly be better.


Collier, Price. England and the English from an American

pointof view . 1909. C68

Oolquhoun, A . 8 . Dan to Beersheba : work and travel in fourcontinents . 1908. 910 C72“An eminently readable book . The author's mving end adventumus '

career hes broughthim into intimate acqua intance with all conditions

of life, the pages sparkle with reminiscences of men who have helpedto make history . Not the lea st a ttractive part of the book is that

devoted to his family anna ls. to the Scotland and India of the earlynineteenth century. and to his fa ther. “the fighting Doctor’ in the EastIndia Company ’

s service . Spectator.

Ourtis, W. B . One Irish summer. 1909. C94

l l cott, T. H . 8. Society in the country house . 1907. 942 E743“Mr. Escottha s brought together some of his bestgossip for the gen

eral reader in this enterta ining volume. The book deels chiefly with

the south of England. A lhcm m.

Fowler,W.W. Socia l life atRome inthe age ofCicero. 1909.

The ma ture judgment of one who ha s studied long and closely . and

has taught the meaning of this supremely interesting period to manygenerations of Oxford pupils . As we lay down his volume we feelthatin a more than local sense

we ha ve been through the heartof thecity ,

we have come nea rer to understanding notonly the weakness ofthe declining Republic, but also the greatness of Rome


s achieve


"London Times .

Gettysburg Nationa l Military Park Commission. Annua l

reports to the Secretary ofWa r, 1893—1904 . 6 . G33

150 nkooa u PUBLIC LIBRARY.

Hayden, l . 0 . Islands of the Va le . 1908. W5ha“l ies Hayden

’s delightful trea tmentas an observer of village life gains

an added charm from the depth and wide range of her interests. socia l.artistic. antiquarian. and historical . When she takes a piece of

English ground and points it for na from the life. with all its

natural beauties end a ll the characteristics of its people. she isnever satisfied with a surface view of present day facts. but with a

ha ppy touch shows how they grew . Half the cha rm of these Islandsof theVale.which are south of Oxford. lies in their remoteness end theair they seem still to breathe of an older England. with its memoriesand superstitions that science ha s not yet swept away . The illustrations are as charming u the letter press .


Henderson.P. l . A British officer inthe Ba lkans : the a ccountof a journey through Da lmatia , Montenegro, Turkey inAustria .Magyarland. Bosnia , and Hercegovina . 1909.


A narrative of wanderings in the region of quaint Anstm-a kish

towns and ancient Italian republics : indispensable for anyone con

templating a trip to the picturesque country which ha s Men the stormcentre of Europe during the pestwinter.

”N ation.

Holbeeh, M. M. Dalmatia , the land where eastmeets west.

1908. H69“A picturesque accountof a land little known toda y . Next to Italy .

no Mediterranean shore holds so many and such splendid memorialsof Roman and Venetian architecture. more especially of the finest

period ofVenetianGothic. the fifteenth century .

”Specta tor.

Irwin.W. A . Letters of a Japanese schoolboy (“Hashimura

1909. 828 172“A Ja panese student’s impressions of our civilization. setdown in ex

tremely sophisticated Anglo-Japanese . Clever. humorous. sometimesenlightening . Firstpublished inCouk r'sWeekly .

”A . L. A . Boom .

Jackson, H. The shores of the Adriatic: the Austrian side,

the K iistenlande, Istria , and Dalmatia . 1908. 1127“Covers ground that is unitequented and full of enjoyment for thetraveller anxious for knowledge and for experience. Living Age.

Lees, Frederic. A summerin Touraine. 1909. TOL

Mr. Lees writes in an ea sy companionable weyzabout his visits to

the cheteauxzof the!Loire . and about the romance and the history ofthem which he has found on the spot or in the French National

153 BROOKLINE PUBLIC LIBRARY.Uhde-Bemaye, Hermann. Rothenburg on the Tauber. 1908.


A little sketch thatsuggests the charm and spiritofthe place. Rothen

burz lies 06 the ma in route of commerce and the result is reflected in

her history . as in her surrounding wa lls and buildings.

”Admin s».

Wilkins , Mrs . L . J. By desertways to Baghdad. by LouisaJebb . 1908. W65“Mrs. Wilkins and her friend. with Turkish and Armenian attendant!»

traveled by way of cara van. railwa y and raft from Constantinople to

Bagda d. Ba bylon. and Damascus . The author has the true wanderingspirit. a keen eye for roadside humours. and gives na the essentia lfacts of the Ea st as seen by clea r and sympathetic eyes . Spectator.

Wolla ston, A . l'. 3 . From Ruwenzorito the Congo : a natura l


s journey across Africa . 1908. 967W83Mr. Wollaston accompanied the British Museum expedition to the

Mounta ins of the Moon. with the specia l objectof forming botanica land entomological collections. The first ha lf of the book is devoted

to the time spentwith this expedition: the restto the countries whichhe and one of his party passed through on their wa y from Uganda to

the WestCoast." London Tim e.


Benton.J. H. The story ofthe old BostonTownHouse . 1658

1711. 1908. G. B44t

Bostonian Society . Publica tions . Vol. 5. 1908. B46ba

Contents : A visitto Boston. Lincolnshire, by J. F . Hunnewell .—TheScolla ys. by A . S . Porter.

—Historic processions in Boston. 1789

1824 .—0riginal documents .

Bruce.H. A . B . The romance of Arnerican expansion. 1909.


An account of the territoria l growth of the United States. with espe

ciel reference to the achievements of the men who were pre-eminentamong their contemporaries in each of the forward steps in the movement from sea to sea .

Cambridge Modern History . Planned by Lord Acton. Ed.

by A . W. Ward , G. W. Prothero , Stanley Leathes . Vol. 11.

1909. 909 C14

Comm : Grea t Brita in and free tra de. 1841—52. by J H . Cla pham.

The fa ll of constitutionalism in France, 1840-8. by Emile Bourgeois .

Libera lism and na tionality in Germany and Austria . 1840—8. by F .

Meineche.—Ita ly in revolution. 1846- 9. by E . Masi.—The French

republic. 1848-52. by Emile Bourgeois.—The revolution and the

ms'ton '. 168

Cambridge Modern History.-cmt£nucd.

reaction in Germany and Austria . 1848- 9, by A . W. Ward.—The

achievement of Swiss federal unity . by W. 0echsli. -Russia and the

Levant.—Napoleon III . and the period of personal government.

1852—9. by Albert Thoma s .—Grea t Britain and the Crimean wa r.

1852-6 , by Sir Spencer Wa lpole .—Grea tBritain. last years of Whigs

ism. Pa rliamentary reform. 1856—68. by Sir Spencer Walpole.—Eng

lish literature. 1840—70. by H . Wa lker.—Cavour and the kingdom ofIta ly. 1849-6 1, by E . Masi.—Austria , Prussia . and the Germanic confedera tion.

—Bismarck and German unity . by G. Rolofi .-The libera l

empire, 1859—70. by Albert Thomas .-The reaction against roman

ticism in French literature. 1840- 71. by Emile Bourgeois .—The

completion of Ita lian unity .—The course of revolution in Spain and

Portugal. 1845- 71. by J Fitzmaurice-K elly .—The Franco-German

war. 1870- 1. by F. Maurice.-Russia and the Levant a fter the

Crimean,wa r.—Holland and Belgium. 1839- 70. by George Ed

mundson.4 candinavia , 1815- 70.-Rome and the Vatican Council.

1846- 70. by G. A . Fawkes .—India and Afghanistan. 1815- 69. by Sir

W. Lee-Warner.—Grea t Brita in and her colonies .

—The fa r east.

“This volume covers the age of Cavour. Napoleon III .. and Bismarck .

The book as a whole contains far more informa tion about the periodthan any other English work . The relations of Europe with the FarEast are excellently sketched . Atlmun m.

Charming, Edward, and Lansing , M. r. The story of the

GreatLakes . 1909. 973 C45st

Colby , O. W. Cana dian types of the old regime, 1608- 1698.

1908. 971 C67

Sympathetic and illumina ting studies of the oldtime Canadianworthies .

Traces the growth of French Cana da through the everyday life of her

people. Vivid in style and fresh in trea tment.

Dawson, W. H. The evolution of modern Germany . 1908.


An elaborate and interesting study of Germany a s a trading nation.

dealing by the way with the education and social environmentwhichform the setting of the grea t trading spirit. The author has wideknowledge. his information is always sound. and is presented impartia lly . Athmaum.

Denison, G. T. The struggle for imperia l unity : recollectionsand experiences . 1909. 971 D41“Colonel Denison'

s long and distinguished ca reer in Canada a s soldier.

publicist. and keen supporter of imperial unity and imperial preferential tarifi. should attract many rea ders to the recollections of the

important part he ha s borne in the movement. covering some fortyyears . London Times .

Essex Institute. Historica l collections . Vol. 44 . 1908.


154 nnoom xx PUBLIC LIBRARY.

1907—1909. 5v. 937 P4 I

Vol. 1. Empire builders.2 . Juliua Ce sar.

3. Fall of an aristocracy .

4. Rome and Egypt.

5 . Republic of Augustus.Floyd, l

'. 0. History of the fortieth (Mozart) regiment New

York Volunteers , which was composed of four companies

from New York , four companies from Ma ssa chusetts and

two companies from Pennsylvania . 1909. 6 . F66

B art, A . 8 . Manua l ofAmerican history. diploma cy , and gov

crament, for class use . 1908. H25a

Hodges, George. The apprenticeship of Washington, and

other sketches of significant colonia l personages . 1909.

H66Other sketches : The hanging of Mary Dyer.

—The adventures of Captain Myles Standish.

—The educa tion of John Harvard.—The fore

fa thers of Jamestown.

“The value of these una ssuming papers lies in the new aspect they

present of people and events tha t ha ve long been familiar. In the

first essay . the influence ofWashington’

s early life on his a fter cancer

is eflectively shown.

"A . L . A . Booklist.

Lawton, l'rederich. The third French republic. 1909.


Mr. Lawton's anecdota l narration of thirty -seven years of French

history is a very rea dable book . Its mostvalua ble partis to be foundin the summaries of science. literature and art. as they have beendeveloped during these four decades. Spectator.

Lecky , W. l . E . Historica l and politica l essays . 1908.


All Lecky’

e writings are the outcome of thought and conviction.

The presentvolume is themore valuable because itconta ins in “Formative influences ” an interesting piece of self-revelation. The personal

element also agreeably colours his estimate of his three friends. toofifteenth E arl ofDerby .Henry Reeve and DeanMilman. Athcm m.

Levering, J. H. Historic Indiana : being chapters in the story

of the Hoosier state from the romantic period of foreign

exploration and dominion through pioneer days , stirringwar times , and periods of pea ceful progress , to the presenttime. 1909.

BROOKLINE PUBLIC LIBRARY.Panl-Bubola, L . r. A . Contemporary Ireland. 1908.

P28M. Paul-Dubois ha s visited the country and shows genuine sympathywith Irish sentiments . As a political study his book was well worthtranslation and ithas been very well rendered. Saturday Review.

Sufloih County , Mass. Registry of Deeds. Suflolk deeds.

Liber 11- 14. 1900- 1906 . 4v . 6 . S94e

Tanner, l . M. The Renaissance and the Reformation: a textbook of European history , 1494- 1610. 1908. TI5“The writer has handled a peculiarly complex and controversial periodwith vigor and directness .

”N ation.

United States. Census onlee. Cuba : papulation, history ,

and resources , 1907. Comp . by V. H . Olmsted and HenryGannett. Census of Cuba , taken in the year 1907. 1909.

G U58a

United States. DepartmentofNavy . Officia l records of the

Union and Confederate navies in the War of the Rebellion.

Series 1 , vol . 22. West gulf blockading squadron from

Jan. 1 , 1865, to Jan. 31, 1866 : nava l forces on western

waters from May 8, 1861, to April 11, 1862. 1908.

United States. Philippine Commission. Annua l report.

2v . 6 . s991 .4 U58

Victoria history of the counties of England. Buckinghamshire, cd. by William Page. Vol. 2 . 1908. B85pA thorough and comprehensive county history , no small part of

which is due to the ladies of the Oxford_Honour Schools. The section

dealing with industries'

is attra ctive'

and informing . Atlmuma .

Barr, Mrs. Amelia . The hands of compulsion. E 275 .46

Bell, 3. 3. Oh!Christina . B415 .7

Blackwood,Algernon. John Silence, physicianextraordinary.

B574 .l

Brown, Alice. The story ofThyrza . B814 , 13

chambers , B . W. Specia l mes senger. C3591.15Ohohnondeley , Mary . The hand on the latch.

Cullum, Ridgwell. The watchers of the pla ins : a ta le of thewestern prairies

p lerlon. 157

Davis, 0. B . The lodger overhead , and others [shortstories ].D2SO.2

Egan, M. P . The wiles of SextonMaginnis . E Z92 .I

Poster, M. L . Old lady number 31 , by Louise Forsslund.


Grant, Robert. The Chippenda les . G769.15

Harland, Henry . The roya l end : a romance . H238.9

Henry ofNavarre : a romance of August, 1572 . H4032 . 1

Henshaw, N. G. Aline ofthe grand woods : a story of Louisiana . H404 .1

Kelly , P . r. The Delafield afiair. K305 .2

King, Capt. Charles. Lanier of the ca va lry; or, a week’


arrest. K587.44

King, Gertrude. The landlubbers . K592 .1

Kingsley , r. M. The gla ss house. K618.7

Kipling, Rudyard. With the nightmail : a story of 2000A . D

together with extra cts from the contemporary maga zine inwhich it appea red. K 629.17

Lane, Mrs . E . M. Katrine . L245 .3

Leroux, Gaston. The perfume of the lady in black . L567.2

Lincoln, 3. 0. Our village . L637.6

Lynda , Francis. The King of Arcadia . L988.6

Marks , Jeannette. Through Welsh doorways . M3466 .1

Contents : The merry merry cuckoo.-Mors triumphans .

—Dreams injeopardy .—Tit for tat.

—An oriel in Eden.—The child.

—An All-Hallows


honeymoon.—The heretic’s wife.

—The choice.—A lastdiscipline.

—Respice finem.

Rice, Mrs . A . 0. 3 . Mr. Opp . R375 .3

Rideout, H . M. Dragon’

s blood. R4385 .4

Rinehart, M. B . The manin lower ten. R468.2

Shaw, A . m., and Beckwith, Carmelita. The lady of the

dynamos .

Tracy , Virginia . Merely players : stories of stage life. T674 . l

Train, A . 0. The butler’s story . T692 .2

Vance, L . J. The bronze bell. V275 .3

Webster, 8 . K . A king in khaki. W394 .3

Webster, Jean. Much ado aboutPeter. W396 .4


‘OB YOUNG“ m us.

Adams, 3. B . Harper’s ma chinery book for boys . 1909.

5600A2 1aMechanics


tools, power, machinery, motor vehicles. shop?hints.

formulas, tables and measures. dictiona ry of [mechanical terms .Illustrated.

Belles, L . D . Nelly Marlow in Wa shington, by Laura D .

Nichols . G. jB6367.5

Drummond, Henry. The monkey that would not kill . jD844 . 1Amusing experiences with anunwelcome monkey difi cultto getrid oi.

Duncan, Frances. Whenmother lets us ga rden. 1909. j630D91aSimple directions when and how to plantvarious flowers .

l ‘orbes , 0. B . Elizabeth’

s cha rm-string. 1907. j94o.6 F69

Elisabeth's auntbrings hernumerous charming souvenirs from Bumps


tells her stories of the history they illustrate.

Ramp , 8. r. The trail of the Badger: a story of the Colorado

border thirty years ago. jH 196. 2

Homer. Odyssey . Trans . by G. H . Pa lmer. Abridged school

cd . 1891. H?Op'

Kidd, Dudley . South Africa . With twelve full-page illustrations in color by A . M. Gooda ll . 1908. K 46

Koch, l'. J. A little journey to northernwilds . 1908. K76Interesting accountof a visitto Newfoundland and Labrador.

Reinsch, P. 8. Young citizen’

s reader. 1909. j973.91 R37Duties of citizens, whatgovernments do, organisation of government,some American ideals.

Beulet, M. P. Nixon Our little Austra lian cousin. 1908.

19 90 R85

St. Nicholas. Vol. 35 , pt. 2 . 1908. jos $2

The tripled crown: a book of English, Scotch and Irish verse

for the age of six to sixteen, chosen and arranged by three

of thatage. 1908. TS3

Willson, Beckles. Canada . 1907. i971 W74Interesting colored pictures illustra te this history , which is long anddifi cult exceptfor older boys and girls.