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Vol. 48 No.. sa IUVERTON-PALMYRA. N. J., TlU.lRSl>A'. AUGUST' 1936 '


Freeholder. Reject A.U Bld. for StOne. Buying B.etter on

. Th[. Year ' A~ a apecltl nieetinl of the Bur.

Unaton Count, Boa.rd of F'tfthotd. en Fridilf · bida were rutlved and I:ontratta were rel:t)mmendt!d, lubject to the approval Ctf It Doll· aid Btem~r, Btate "llbwl1 C.mmla. aloner, for road and bridle materiala for the remainder. of lOS&'

The leated blda . were o~ned at 10 a.m. and It WII &.30 btfore the luctellful bidders were announM. Se'iertl hOUri worlt were rtIlulted for the tabuta,lon and InlpKtlon of the bide. .


. . Drlver Hurt. Hom Fatllly In·

jured and WallOn ~adly . . . Damaged lri Crath Tuesda)' aflemoon, AllI\lat 4, It

Us. a tru~lt dnftn b1 Leonard W. Sayer., of Salttville, Vlrtlnhi, tralth. ed Into the rear of a milk walOn dri"en b1 Janie. . Johnaoni HI WtKldblne iaftnue, Merchantville. on Route' 1$ near Penn.auken creek. The milk wRton WII owned b), tbe Supplee-WIIl.-Jon .. Co. The truck wall owned by Charle_ Stur.... Jr., ello of SlIatvllle, Vlrllnl .. wal tahn to Cooper ho.pltal In the Palmyra embutllnce, after In eltamlnatlon b, Dr. Le-Favor. . .

h w .. fOUnd 'that John.on WII lufferi"l from '"lht laceratlonl of the head and bod)' and the , lOll of hi. front teeth.

The milk w.alGn WI. ' badl, dllm· aied and the horae 80 lerlGUlty hurt thltt he wal IhOt b" Dr. Miller, a veternarlan of heddon Hellhta.

John Klnl, of ~17 Wallhlnlton avenue, Pill myra, toolt Johnlon to Dr. LeFevor: .

Silyerl Ii beln. held by 'Recorder Cecil A. Bowel'l lor a IRter heltrlnl.

Both wRion and truclt were pro­I:eedlnl lowa)-d 'Camden. .

Durlnl the ' ieilion Director Pal. mer L. Adama IUlftounced that a Ichedule coverlnl dlatrlbutlon of "5,000 atate aid mone)' to \:ounty townihipi and boroulha . for bridle 'and road rtlilnten.nce .had , been for· wardW to the State Hllhway De· partment for Rllptoval. The ached· ule empowera the county' tre8llurer to dlitrlbute the fund a to the !II townlihipi Rnd borou.hl · In equlli proportlonl. 'twenty munlt:lpRlltltll will receive '1151.90 an~ 18 will reo celve t657.811. BUrllnlton City · I" .GASOUNE fAXES the only munlclpRlIty thRt will not receive a 'Ihlue of the fund,.

The only other bUllnel1 tranlllC· IN VARI' OUS STATES lion aside from awardlnl contracta . II for road and bridle luppllel' w .. the Irantlnl of permlllion to Public Servll:e Company for the erectlon 'o( Special Levy on. Motorl.tll a3 etettrlc ·pol .. alonl the curb .lIne Ranllea from Two Cent. to of Marlton Pike Medford .townahlp. Sev~n Ce~t. per Oallon

Director o( Hllhwa)'1 and Enlln· -eerln. Albert O. Jon.. atUtounced In re~ponle to tourllt demand (or that the low bid (or 71111,1101 •• 1I0na Information rllpedln. the ratea of of .Iow cllrln. 011 Wli .010a c:e~tl I tuatlon on la.ollne In the varioul .illlon hl.her t.han paid lor the .tatll, the KeYltone .Automoblle aam. matertal la.t "ear. . Ite e.· ClUb of N.w Jeney h .. compll.d a plalnld thit the .peeiReation. called lilt .howln. t1lat In two Itate. and for a better .rlde o( 011 thll y'ear the DI.trlct .of Columbia the ta. I. dUI to the unl.Ulfactor" rllult. qb· '3 centi; In ellven 'Itatll, 3 centl, taln.d ftom the Uti ot the cheiper IIYentlin Itate"~ 4 cant.; ten Itatea, mat.rlal. !I cantl; flve .t.te •• II centi; on.

All bldi (or yarioul all" of Itone It ate, II~ clntl, anel two Itatel, 7 wire rejected beeau.. of the pre. clntl. yaillni 1I1.h prlcII, and ·the cleric A que.tlon v.r" (requlntly .. ked waa authorilid to readvertl.. (or b" motorllti plannin, Ion, trip' I. bldl, .ubJect to the approytl of the ' the ,lI t •• In thi .tite. th." State ~.hwa" D.partment. Bid. plan to and In numlrou. In· (or whit. traffic paint al.o re· Itancil plan. arl to Ivold JII:tld. tho .. Impo.ln. hl.h t ..... Club of.

The followln. contract. were rec· Rei II allirt. . omm.ndadl , Followln. I. the ta. rate b" .tate.

Creo.ot.d lumber - J.nnllon. In 10llel Company. Ohio. on 2 Clnt_Rhod. Itlind. MII.ourl. It. bid of 17.414037. HI.h bldder_ Dlittlct of Columbl •• Atlantic Creoaot/n, Compan". Inc.! a c.nt_North Dakota. Nlw Phllad.lphla. 17.1110.72, Th. WOod York. N.w Jln.". Mlnn •• ota. Mich. Pr"I",ln, CorporatiOn, Phll.d.l· I,an, M .... chulittt.. Iowa. , K.n .... phi a, ",10l1.li5. IIllnol., ' Co"n.ctlcut, Ctllfornla.

8Ia.-Duqu .. nl II.. Product. 4 centa -Wyomln.. WI.c:onaht. Company, Phlladelfhla. 12.00 a tob W .. t Vlr.lnla. T..... Vermont. (or 1,000 ton •• tota bid, 12.000. No Penn."lvanla. Ohio. Oklahom •• Ne· other bldd.r.. ' , yada. N.w Hamp.hlre, Maine. M.ry·

Pebble. (pea ,raYI1) - D.lawar. land. Indiana. D.laware. Colorado. River and Drad.ln. Compan)" Bor. 'outh Dakota. ' dentown. on It. low bid of la.17 per 6 cent.-Wa.hln.ton. Vlr"nia, lon. or total bid of 11,170 for 1,000 Ore.on. N.w M •• lco. Montana. toni. Hl,h bldder-NaUonal lup- N.brlika."a. K.ntuCilcy. II· ply Company. Mount Holly. 11.46 a aho. Arlaona. toll. II cmt ...... outh Carolina, North

Joint Mer - Warn., - QulftWl Carolina. MI.IJUIppl. O.o;.la. Ala. ComplllY, N.w York, oa It. bid of bam .. • 0118& per ,allon, or la01 for 2,000 e!4 c.nt_Ar .. an .... .allona. Hl,b bidder - Pranklla 7 c.nt.-Plorlda and' T.nn ...... Contraetlni CompeDY. N.warlr. ___ ;;;...~ ___ _

.106 emt. a ,alloD. lOME JOB IIow CI&tl ... OU-Bltlllldaoul 1.1'·

vie. Company. WHt CbHttt. Pa., Itc"tarf Wallac. hal und.rtallen on It. bl4 of .061 ,alJoa. or .... ,. onl booftdolllln, project .hlch II

r- .: .. ~ HI It carried to compl.tlon .ould IIHP 411.711 for 7119",1 ._a. , .un.y",. at .orll 'or'" year •• = bldd.rt-'l'ar A.phalt Itr¥lce Co.. • f ... Inc .• N- Bruna.fclc • .!J emt. a direction of the .cretary ° .... .

-.... ,,01 __ cultur •••• ery farm In the U tad ,aUoaal 8ltumlnou. oatt.c ..... It at .. I. to b. ma~ the liIape to


OEOROE N. WIMER who will . hud ' the ctlmpRlltI for futldl! for R' new 'l\mbulante IItartln. September 14,


t~mn~~od Wom.n ilnd Mothitt' lltSured 11\ CalUlIlon: ev.

. lladl,l' Dilmared


Se\len New tnlltrue\t)f'& Sm· Lalit Thutldl\)' efte.moon. JUly ~ p'o~ for Comln8 Veer,

Il." o'~lodlt a \~ilr dn~lt b, Mno kqulplhent Ordered Marl"~t H .... nelend, It illene aft- The Valmyta bMlil of ~\1c.\t'"' nut, Col\ln .. wt)~, wa. IItrUek while electtd lIeven tMchel'1l for tbe ~t crulllllnl Route ~s ilt ~ve hint .. b)l 1ftI' l~Ii~~. at It It ~Ilillll' meetll\l one drl"en And t)wntd by Wllllem htld Int Thutldily, In the hlth A: Olll.ct:um, 13"0 II:. 3tth atreet, ,ehool bulldln" ' Bf(loltl,l'n. New. 'lork. Thel\tw IIliper"llIinl print\t)at.

Rldln .. with Mrll, Nlellnd well het Paul Reele Jon ... wall preten.t at the .. Meetln,. ·

thother. Mrs. Marillret lticlten, allo Sldne)l Burter. chli.ltmal\ ot , the of thlt Illne Ilvenue ' eddreta. ', educa\lonill eommittet, ~«Immend.

MI'ti. Nletend and Mta. Hlchl\ ed the teRchetl for elet:tlon, .. ltd iln were tRlten to CooPer hOIiPtttl In were unlnlmoulIl,l' eleded b1 biillot tht Palltt)tra Itmbulance, ilccompiln. by the. boerd thembe ....

.. D" They Ilre MIIlI Leona 8ulU'IU led 0)' Mri. Oeo~lt! ·orwort." one 'Rnd Oeotle M. t;>are, Commerclal of the mentbera tlf the Red Crolla Cour .. : Mlall MarjOrie Frldl\ Get. first aid ',tillion IltFlve Point .. · man Ilnd Frel\l:ht Chatle~ Itolfma,

Mra. Nlelllnd Wall tHilted for la~- PhyslcI and Chemllitr~ I Arthur 'l'er. eratlonl of the ·rlcht eye and Mfl. .rlll Pilimyra and Kul Whitcraft, Hlclten WII liven eJtRmlnatlon b), 8e~enth O~Rde t Mill Mildred DUt­X-I'a), for InJurln to the I:hellt lind tin. 'Palmyra. f'lrat Orade: rlbl. The educational I:tlmmlttee waa. . The acddtnt . Willi InvelltllRted by Inlrueted to Rnanle (or a t\!lcher

the liRImyra pollee ' Ilt\d Oltt~el' while MII8 autt .wlll be ctlnvalua Oeorae 'Dol'worth of lite Clnnflmln- tin, (rom' an operation Which t. to lion township police. Nb arrelltll take "lace lIt1me tlt"e ' In the middle were made. or AUlJu_t• .

CAMPAIGN FOR . AUTO INSPECTION One thoUllllhd dollets wall ttanll­

rerred ' b)l reliolutlon from the cur.· rent eltpenlie RCI:Ount to the repair. 'Rnd replRC!l!mentl Recount, and ad. dltlonRl [urnlture llUtchRsed to ile­commodllte the lilrler hllh lehoot NEW AMBULANCE,' TO Sf ART NOV. 1 attendance eltpected thl. year. .

Alllodation Serving Three Com· Burlhlgton County Station at munltle. Will Open Drive Mt. Holly li:ltpected to

September 14 63,116 Tellt.

Fifty table-arm chalts were ordet:­etl ftom the Allied Eql\lllment Cot­porationl 'trenton, at a co lit of ... ~. delivered' and Inlhilled. One hUh dred and el,ht IIteet lotllerll, ilWlrtltd '

. LllIIt FrldRY ellenlni the Ambu· Twenty·ellht . Inlllledion Itatlon. to ' the Lyon ~et.1 Prodildli Com lance Alloelatlon held • Ipedal will be operated b), the Itate o( pany, o( Aurora, Ill" at a coilt of meetltl, In the Indelle~dence Fir. New Jet.ey for the c:omllulllor" In· 1813.44, Secretllr,,'. duktor 8SUO ltouae, with Prflldent Hart" J. III1tI' IIpeetlon 0(' motor vehh:le. tentative- and a teacher', desk It ho,OO. In th, chair Itnd Addllon ChRndler Iy· ,cheduled to Itart Novemb.r 1. Rellladtli leatll and batlll for the ac:tln. all aecret.r". A rota tin, .".tem o( In.pectlon auditorium chairs at It co.t 01 hl.30.

The dtlver.' committee reported hili been devl"d to prevent dela" A reptelenta\lve froM the Bell that the ambulanee wal In need o( at the Itatlonl Rnd to In.ure the Telephone Company Wa. at the eonllderable repair and the b .. t ... employ .. beln, kept bUI" contltant. meetln, and explained the' adnn. Hmati they tould .et for doln. the Iy. Motorllt. will receive nodell tales of a Iln,le .trunk PBX t.ll • . work wil iUO. In view o( the (act by mall to hive their Clrs Ift,plcted, phone e)teihan,e fbI' the ithool .y •• ,. thlt much mone)' ~81 beln, Ipent and the teat II mUlt · be mide within tem. A motion W81 ·palnd autbor. on the equipment and that It hid two weeka ' at any of ' the Itatlonl. IllIn. the Initallition of the 1I11telft become lomewhat oblolete. the .UI· A fee o( SOc will be chlr.ed, with a monthly ehllrle ot I.MS. ,eat Ion wall made that the commit· A different IItt o( mptorlltt will All telephone calli to the Ichoot 1)11. tea be In.trutted to ' take .tepi to- receive notlcn every two weeki, 10 tem will be handled throu.h the ward. the purella.e o( I new . ma- the work will be Ipreld thtoulhout lIupervlllnl prlnclpal'li office. The chine, and that an appeal 'for fundll the year. repreaentlltlvl! Itat.ed that luc:h • be made to the people 'o( Palmyra, The etatlon for burllnlton county IIYltem IlvII mO're Reltlblllty and In RIYerton and Clnnamlnlon . town· will be In Mt. HolI" where It I. ea· hi. eapetlence redutl!t tha toll caU. Ihlp, . tlmated the annuli Inillectloni will ftelm within the .chool. whete a

The A.,oelaUon ha. .bout ,aoo total ,ea.t 711. Rchool operator I, In chat,e of but-available towardl the pUl'chile lind ,oln, calli. . ' hal Bulldln •• nd Loan .tock .up. The Editor·. Beatitude. A letter from the Rlvetton Board po .. d to mlture In two yellfl. It 'of Itducatlon wa. tead, In Whlc:h the will tlqulre 11600 In donlltlon. to "Blened ate the merchatltl who Riverton Board protelted payln. tul-

Cut the project over Ind when the advertl., beeau,e they Iii It tlon (or 1lI1 luplli. billed b" the mm.nll load the ambulance ' hAl and In their bUllnul, for th.ltlro.. Palmyra Boat ,mllntalnln. thit III

done In the community. I. con.ld· p,tlty .. hlll ·lncrtlie many (01 • WI. the correct number. The Pal. .rad. thl, .houtd nelt he a hard "Blutled ate the countty corte· myra Boatd, .ctln. on adllice from ptopolltlon to carry out, .pondent, Who lind In their w.1I the c:ollnty .UlI.tlnt.ndent'. office,

It wa. a.rlld that a drly •• hould written Iteml every weekI for tame .tat.d the" ate entitled to collect (or be mad. the wllk of •• pt.mb.r 14. 01 friendly "al,hbor •• hall ,0 tal pupili. Ind appointed the (Inanee and O.or.a N.Wlmer wa. appointed abroad Itt the lalld. committee meet with the Rly.rton to h .. d the commltt... Bu.ln... "Blelled I. th • . woman who •• nd. Huard to .ffect an .dJultm.nt. The m.n and or.anlaatlonl will b. con· In' a 'written ilccount of a pllrty or approalmate. 1600. tact.d per.onaU,. and a hou .. · to· waddln., for .he .halt II. the d., A ".,rllentatlve. from tbe T.rm­houll canyal. will b. made to cov.r tall. of th. function' and the nam.. In •• Compan". Termite .at.tmlnat. th. thr.. munlclpalltl... f h t tl". t.'" ore. ..plalnid the flndln,1 r.laUve

Th. ".lOcl.tloa I. milntaln-" .n- 0 '1' JU'I I cortlll , r por u. f d I h ft ... "BI.llitd are tho .. who do not .a. to a 1'armlt. Inl •• taUon oun n t •

tlrely by voluntary contributIon.. p.d the .dltot to know .",rythln.. cafat.hla. A quotation for .at.rmln· Th"a are no .,ald olllc.t •• worll.rll. but who call up and teU him .h.n. (eoaua..ct OB .,.,1 4) drive" or nur.... Th. onty OYtt- .v.r .n Int.tlltlrt, .Y.nt OCCUti to -:=====;;;;;;;::;;;;;;;;;;:~ I. repaln. all and ,... Mon.y th.m for th.y .hall ha'" a n.wI, .. rectlyad at all tim •• I. placad In a .,aott In town. replacem.nt lund for a new ambu· "Bt .... d at. the)' .ho .et their lance from tim. to tim., 'or natur· copy In eatlYI for th.y .h.U occu. aUy from the u ... I".n IUClh a car py a warm plac. In the ~ltor·. It •• ar. qut raJJ/dl,. heart.

Th. tim. hal come for replac.. "BI.Hed ar •• 11 tholl .ho coo.,. mmt and ",,,y m.n, .oman and .tat. with the editor In hi •• IIort. chll!! In the th". to.n. I. yltally In b.half of the community; for Interllt.d In thll matter. , their town Ihalt be IInown fit and


, 'th. loUowlna .1. num· bet. at. the wlnn .... Ih "Th. N.w Era Cotnlc Section Cont •• t thla Wetlt. Corp .• Ifew Yorll • .0'1 ctac t. aNpll"'!., be dr •• n to teal.. TIle "til

Franklin Contractln, 0., ewar., .4,000 'arm. .er. mapped. Tbtte .0669; II. a. you .... Trlllton •• 06711 ar. 11,1.2,110 farm. In tIM United BIJ'1'.tt Pa"la, Company, lac •• ltatH. Only 11.7",110 remain to be A VOICK FaOM THE TOMBI Trenton, .01. mappad. At the ral. of '4,000 a ,.ar w. no. 1uIo. what Prelid.nt

wid. •• • ,oad place In which to U" .... -Ch.rryv.le (Kin,) R"",b. Ucan.

934 79 . 441 220

Tar or A.pbalt-Bltumlnou Itr. t'" ~,"'n, •• nl'/Of crew .111 ROOII".1t thJnu 0' Thoma Jeff.r • • Ice Co •• Wilt C .... ter. Pa·t~ 01 .UII be -raUa ... tile 2440. . toll. But •• will n ... r llnow .hat 1'en million doll.,.' worth of farm

etat. • ,a1Ioa for a.,_.. Of -..... . Tbomae Jeffenon woul4 ha •• for 2Jt,2M ,alJoaa. HJp dIoulht of P"tl4IIIt ROOIIY.II • ."Cidtact •• It. 1014 .t 'armtt·owaad

~E'~'~~~~~~ a.c., 1'0aOO1"l'&If' -Roanoll. (Va.) TI .... marll.t. In New Jer.., Ia ItI'. a. _I, .., ..... ,.lIacfaddea. ........ _-!falillil." CGllt'll&till. Cotp., If .. ... ...,..u la a If .. Yotlr.,.., ,.. DOlI tIM moon file"" at t'" 'th • ."cwlaut of Quebec. Oatarlo,

II ....... ....... c:eatl, tlIat M" 1Iootn.1t .... ,... bowI4 .so,' .... ".." AIII'OIII'IIlf ...... Uab Co ... Wa art Mdt lat."

1994 1.16

P" .. "t any of the .bon n ..... be'. at lhe Itor. of tlla ... erc"."t In .hoM •• rtl .. - · ......t It a.,.,.ara OB t ....... P ... of the cedlc ... UotI. d4 ,OU will rec"", ....... t ..... fot tile .roadw.t TllMtta. :°j.;'roa.- ·Co.. P'" the lot..,.... ....... ,·· .... 1, tbia ...... IftYioM toa ........ ak..u ..... tile IUtI of T 1 QutNc I.

(MIIIII '1f _ .... .... a ta coIIectof tit« .... 01 , ........... -.-....... ... tlIIII ..... Iat,.. '-.... ________ ...

.. : -".TWO


.. '.' to. itA WORIEllS CAR BITS POLE.

'billa ... -. ~ • -.: 1I~"'t n.~~ ttnt .

Y'ftWrlii' y" ~ ~~\la_"" ~-- fl . ... ........... . "WII W.U "IOU ~..... --~ ~ ~""\M ....... 4 .. bDNtO ...... a ~._~ •• - .. . ~ lIt\1Ul'\~""--.•. Y MUTe- .. ,- UVUI\ItU ~ ~ .. ~ .... ~ ...... ~ I .N*I)

D '.' ~ ... ~. ~\ •

...... -~rt..m..\\ Aab "' .... to ~ AND Cbedela ~> of ~ ~!IM4"",IfMiI~,,,"""''''''''IIMo4ItMt1~''''''''''''''~ ... -.~ ~\ C\lft;"lt~\ft . ''hktb t6 I\l~ bJ: r

of Pay lt~ . MIO· . .,..b, M~ ". '. ~ ~\lttt fW tft\QfttiOll 01 wp" .' .. . ~ ~ 001 "* ~ t.t Wilt .:v.n: ~ B~ t-\. fit W~ t~ ... 001 '.l o'dlod aattta ~. cI FREE! ~ \t\~ ... , . ~ \0 &~tt ".\\\1. ttIi ......... .n \M .~ .... ~ WHt at.\h ,Uftt., ~ dill Ill·

. tt1l."", m:, >Ol\ '1!fa-t_ ~ ~ ~ --•• 0--. ~ ... - \0. ~ Idt I.' ~ ~ 1Ilt.t\ 1>.. l.aI'ot Po~ of ~ at t~ ~adlt C~ t& tft~ \lpMl tl\t hMt - .~ RoM. . aMl .. ~ C\;u\\t\a S4tlln!a:t I'ftft. 1M l'\\. ~ ~ .... t&\ttl to ~ ~ ttlt paf ~n: ~ PIlt of tbt W"a)' tuft _. \0 at'ft .H_t.\ ~ bJ 'r, W. Ha.p. .

"II~'" • ~w ~ lito t~ C>Ol\-. aOb\~ of tM ~ ~ben· • of • 'N"" .tfttt. ~~ wMft am~ ~~.:ttd t~ Adl'\\t\\.\i'~· ,,-lw\~ \1) et\\ti 1l\\1) at\lM of \he tit ... , \t8ttd fw '-dn~' 0( \M \Of. lIot ~'+td ft\)I:t to ttlt ~t jt)ys 001 ttcl\\a ttlt '"lNIttt" bMt., tID k\\d, ah\l, ~ d\tft -' .bra· t .. t ~ 8\ttt dla,,*-" lline ~ a\\d ttlt i'oI\~'''' of Op(ftl>Ol\ t& tM\ U>Ol\. C!l tM rlaht .m\. He ~ ~ ~ttW ~trtl\\ tftt WPA It ~ll ttl~ lIild •• wen ttlile ., ..n b ~td .t tM ho.pI.tal fw ~ .bt ~d tbt Bu~ t.i1lft\1 \eefT\l\\& """It 0' .t~ f\l\\damet\tal. -..\l>Ol\ " ~rit'& 001 tM ~t Ut

Git Urn' Dust Cloth

\t\ti\ ""'It \\ot ~ftd • ~~ o( .allli\a. M~. ~ ~"I\ ,te\'tls to that Satllrtl~ ~, , ~ Itftt '\1111, '-t fit a~t w,a Ib'fft~\td b) lttttt il\l-'af\\1 lib tMt tM Wo~ \\\)t for tt~, . t.,t -* tMrt Olltdt ~rt, of Cl\\\\.~_


IH Pt;)tt(tlft A,~lltl>Ol\ Unit 1\\ WI' a SUpH llbll\\d.n~ 001 ~ll'" ttll. hI_,ht~ . "OIlBt Holl:t he, told hl\t\ tbt ~ -0 a\\ ettpl\t dtftdtliq. . Tbtl ' .' of ,,-boru. 'h .. 'IIt ~ .:lIt (rom 1M ~~ .. tilth were beht .t P'" '"tt \\\U,t bt \tffibl~" ..,. • trl"~ lI\>Ol\tbl; \1) _so. Point tor tbe btlteth of tM ... t ..... ~ • COIt\tdlo ","1M tbat M '

LESTER s. ' FORTNUM. Coo\lttaHtia wllh $et\llhlf CUltoni R\~~\\. Fbot eom~, dtvtloptd ba. 10iat tbt -'tt of betl\a lwuw." S~RVICI,t

PALMYRA 115·125 W. lltolld Strt!4et

It. .,.,_\\ Be~ttl \\\onth, alO th~' Into tlolh!nl \\\Ol't \bllll Ilorintd n t. l'\\ore ttrrlblt ,tl,l ' wMl\ be COl,a" .. ",all. wa' Inlltrumtntlll in drllll\\l \\\attbts.. . dotsn\ retUat It. h.'f\1\1I tile ra~ I'IIlaed to" t\\ . Tht nnt tft\\t 0\\ tbt "roar-m -"um\)rI.t ("Ot\dol\.). •

Phone 1180 1\1, "rottlt on Nondll1 P'OWIi!tII III· Will a "buster" lIeritll \'tcll!; whl~h litl-ttd the Bllrl\\\I'O\\ County IMI\I onllnafit, wollld bavt btt\\ .t the thll\lll .li tbtlr OWl\. "'*1 \I\. tbtlr ~t. a~ juit III hllh all the), are dub. 'rhe ,:ollne WIIS ahortelled to ,un of t\tle-holdll\l.

~~~~~~~~~~.~-~:===============~==~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ .... dtabU,htd by tbt ~lIldtnt 01\ or th~ abst\\t wltld. Ttd "un.n lind !ll't&tlon of WPA all tht yanlatl~k Be~t Shoemaker. IIlth\)\Ilb It!lt\\\I. b" .,.I\kh wait rlittl wollid be H· Ii\lod atlltta. . enlaced In a personAl tabUlhed. . feud whlcb tattled them ¥fell on _""","~----,-------:-:' thtlr ,:ollne and permitted Joh\\n1

"";~"liI\I"'''ml'''~'''''U'''I''""'M'I'Wi''''''''''''""4 Lilne to ta.b the leati. At the tint . I mark Bert (ollow\!d Joh\\tly aroll\\l1\ Tennis at ; but Will ~"lIed almollt Immediately

. ! . by "!tllb Oladnty. burl\\l thll . . 1\./1' mor'a' l 1! '1IIa*" of Iht tIl~e Ted HIII\\\ ~ha\\aed

l~.1.e 1 . pOIIIHotl quite (t'tquttllly, btU'1 In Park lalll place ont mlnlite and 10llrth tht

. . . nut.. Howt"er, the pay olt at tht unn" ••• H\' IU"\Umll"hu'"u,nnu'tI'l'\u'U''',,'''''' fihish li"e, which J. 1:.1"e \!:l'1)I.ed . . t firat, althoulh hanl pre'lled lor tht Robtrt B,lddle IItarted tht de enl~ wlnnhill hOMf by "Rllb" Olidlley, .

of the men s .Iltllea CliP, otle Ie. o( Who tante In lecliHd. . Btrt Shot. wllh:h he WO\\ hilt. year. on Monally mnkei' captured thlnl honol"8, fol· tvtll.ltli. by dedievly de(tatln. 'ry. lowed by Ted HlIltn. Tom Moolley lei' Vile. promlllin. NtUor, by n 11·0, a8l11t1. Ttlm toe'll ' '!(llnler," flnlahed &.4 . maf,ll\. BIddie dominated the flrth 9t1d' Frlta .Bttltltt followed the play at aU t1mu, beln. especially fleet In for Inlt place Itl JohntlY IIteurate on hi' forehand drl~lI. Ayrtl "Zephyr." Vile ,e~"'ed 9 trlRe\!tlUI II ht . A few mlnlltel after thll r.ce I feced the champion and cOllld . I\ot ftl!t.ftlr.'lll · waa ,.lIed (drifted to tetut1\ tbe ball with hi' IIctultomed Yllu). The :-Nilld, whleb tame III IIlht telullrlty. purr, In the flrsl ra~e, tame In lIihttt"

Biddie IIlaehed his WilY throulh and more stparated puffi In the free­the fint· lIet without the lOll 01 a Itlt.all .. The "Dulteu" had a dedd­.,me. placlnl the ball (I'oin _Ide to ed· lidvllnta,e ovtr tht ithltlen (oot· tldt atld continually lordni hli 0'" eri 1\\ thl,· reee btclllie they ,tart potlent Into etrorS. Tyltr broke In. movlnl sooner and 10 lain mort to the leotln, colll\t\n Iii the tittbtld (rom tlleh "uff. The hot sun dldtl't ,_me 01 the (ltlal let, and ·the leme add much to the etlJoymtnt 01 tht leote wen I to 4.~, (rOl1\whl~h poilit already thoroulhly dll,ulted and '11111 ptayer held hi. Iei've. .mi the very' dl,irutttied iklp"er.. Malt of ." ended 0.4. the tim!! conllumed by thl. race w .. b.rtll, IIlImber Ilit '" tb. silent ancho".-d, til prevent dtlnlri. rlllllin., w .. the oilly other neded backward. trlll.lly ·the m.Jorlty ot pl."lIt to ••• letlon tbu. filr In the the boat. rounded the lecond mark tourlliment, He eilmlilited JI.Y IIl1d eommetleed drllUll1 towerd the Reed with lome difficulty! but ,.VII "tllih llne. 1'lr.( to drill Itrlli' Wi' the Impre,.lon 01 beltl. abl, til pl1ll bllrt sililemllt.,. who. It .. enUlt I, the fltatch ollt 01 Rre at illl" time the but drifter In the Viteht Cub. he pl .... d. barto. like moat 01 tile 't'om Mooney followed him ,hartly I1l1yer, lit the park, h .. b,," playlnl to let .ecotld hollon. About thl. bll'ow pat thl, ye.r, bUt hi •• llIne lime the club's "bll Hurry" (whl~h ihowed con,hlerable Improvement WII III • bll hurry to let In hi. utond roulld te.t. alld H. Merlh.WI "Valla" wlthdr.w

't'he other four "ed.d plly.rll bec.ute they were ltot mlittlnl ali" Mllbert Borer, Diliid Alletl, Qui headWa" ..nd had IIlIly compl~t.d p.t.rioll. a"cI Oeor.e Ha.,lol Iboul haU the cour... Thul ended ranllllli tecolld, third, (ourth Ind lome rather dull IIIUn •• (We mlal· Bllh riapectllle'y. have lIot .etn at. ed Buell Vlreotl" rid ,lIlrl, which 1I01t III the to"rllal1l.tlt. wOllld hlllle enUv.ned lhe IrtirHoon

Rlthllrd AII.1i1 brother 01 the tlilrd no ellcll) ... ded .,.r. met I tll'tar In Jotllt At thl. time mlny of the cl"b J.rmon Iltd iuccumb.d Ift.r two meinberl have Inlved at It. Mich· rlllt, 1111 &.4, 7.8. Jerl1lon lin .up ... I', for Ihe Intlulil re,ltl.. All pllid UPllt. Ilnce the cllurt. opened hilld. eapeet • rlp.,"ortln· t1mei lUtel Iia year. a.o, Ind thli WII no the ellJoymetit that com .. Irom ook. .. CI.ptlon, In. I up lilt y .. r· • .,.1., Yo,,'11 b.

Itt the ollly other mltch 1J1a".d lOrry "ou dlda't 10 after rll.Unl lilY R .. d Icored a "Ietot" oll.r Kd. thl., but that'. whilt yo" I.t for witt Moor. 11·1, 11·0. Thll WII a lIt.t .Iilylill hol1lel rOWld ftliltch. ------------

'I1I. tompl.t. palrllli for th. flrtt ttr final ro"nd •. todd of the m.II'. ,lnllH tllurnl· the doubl.. to"rn.mellt .uPpU .. IIllllt .rl II (ollbW.1 M'ddl,toll v., at JeI.1 .1 hard a ,roup 01 match" CO., DWlIIII III, B:arpI Woodward with blddl. Ind HI •• to •• 111.d to ".. . ichml.rert Itll"'t ".. Latch I 01'110'" the Allen broth.r. In tb. _ltd "' •. Mllor" Walllc,! Jr. \/., •• ml·fiIlal., whll. Bar.r IIId ... t.r. Itlttttty I AII,II III. Jertttoll. on ',houM clllh with CIldw.1I Illd

1'w.llt".lout phlyer, thl Woodw.rd In the pellultlmlt. rOUtld. liMit', comp.Utloli. od th.r. ere Howard Sirto, holdlr 01 the J", thlrt •• n tllttt. tollt.ltln. fol' the nlor Cup, d.cld.d not to d.flllif It doUbt .. CUpl. Plr,t toliltd matlih .. tJtl ..... r •• nd thl. t"mM the tour· tII",t be compl.l.d all IIr b.lor. nlin.nt Into I wid. 011111 .rralr with .1IIICIt,. Au,u,t t. W Irr.1I Blyler lnet Tyl.r VII. picked

TIN toYrH.m.nt commltt.. I. ••• to milt Iii the 1inIII, ~llItly r.1.I .. d with th_ nltl.. In 1'h. doubl .. collt"t i .. lttl to be ... _Itt. dl,,'lIonl. fiJI pr.ctlca1Iy cI"" 01Jl, III the 8de1., wbtl. II". tVIt" t,"nI. play.r of 1OttI. ablllt" I.r IIId VII, will Jlrobabl" Ilia, 8a,­.... IW hi •• litry. to IIId Dunlap. 80th JwIiciT t .......

If tilt dr.w bold. lDOd .ldd1t IIiItIt .... ~. tad" .,,..,en of ",,0.· ...... iliftt M~t.. HI,.tUl, tbe ...... blHIJI. whldl It a .... ,,,.,I0Il; IJ, Au... ..... lart.. decUltd ~. I,.. tilt .... .. .. , ............. Ie tilt ,16Ir. whleh ...... to ......... hrtIt bail


·Automatically ,,4asurea Perfect TONE!

.............. A_IIO , ... -. ClHt .............. , .. ...

................. l1li011 ..................... , .. ,_ .. ......

.,.... ...... ,. Mlllio ',"" Cl ... NI. _ -,. ..... c-.-_. ,............... .-..;. ".tIHjI 1_. tl> ... ..... IIiIIt*o .. .-HI .......... .._.11.... • ..... - ...... CltIIlo. .- .d ...... tilt ........... ~ , .... ., t 191! ...... C •• ", •• ,,,,, ........................... , 0 ,-..It ...... CII_ ... - ... 1 bttt ........ . .. .

Other Modela $27;50 up CONVIINIIINT PA YM&NTI Ail.ANOIlD

a11..;u ~it. 'Iou'

YOtrloL lie '~lIIltJII ,.....,.. ... . a-Cal..... bt. tl •• ~ ".. ............. ... .... • .... e&retIIt .,. .... 0.& ...... ...... .... 1. ..' .... '1 .. 11' •. ~~,. 10'. • .... 1.1 •• ,_ .... th •• lIdaIt ,.. .. _ ......... 8e'

~ii::: ,:u.:': .. -=-~ ..... ., !f·'!~ , .. ,. ,-~ ¥:. 'I.:.. a.&

TA YLOR .• MATHERS aov E. Broad 8trMt, Palm),f. Phon" Riverton 110

open Monda),. WIdnIIda),. I'rida)' and 'Iturda)' av,"ln.,

. . ," "

llt ltW aM. ~UltaDA-t. A~'~ 1

CHRIS't'IAN SClaNCE CHURCH "SPUUT" . will be tb, IlIbllet IIf

the Llillotl·Barmoll In .11 Chllrchlil lit Chrllt, Scl.nUlt, lin lundl". Au­,Ult 9.

Mr. HUSBAND ••• Whll. "ollr 'UlU, II ' .. ea­

Uo_ at til .... abo'" mou· tlill. Of wlllt'lIot • • • _ , • , •



fry's Dlnln. Room Ii w .. ·.roatt It NIt

P.". Pllott, ... The Ooldlll Teat II, "ThOll art niY Olld I thy iplrlt II loodl Iud me Into the laftd IIf IIlIrI.httl'il" • ___________ ..& (Pillm. 14atl0),


Itop III and ...


Al1Ionl t1l. elt.Uon, which Ilom· prll. the Llilon. l.rmoli 11th. fol. low1111 from the Blbl .. "And JII'" returlled '" the power of Ih. Iplrlt Into Oallleel and ,b.r. Wlnl out iI lIme of hIm throu.h all the r •• lon roulld Ibout, Now wh.n the ,un WI' iettlll" ,II the" thlt hed ",,, Ilek with dlnr. dl ...... bro".ht WIIUlml.Wrllbt .ulldiq them until hlm/ lind h. latd hli .rold, "vltton hInd, Oil I\/Ir~ on. 01 th.ltt. Ind (.-ricH M .. lllbI"I.) build thlm" Lull. 4114. 40) ,

Thl Le •• llil. IrmOIl alllI 1I'I\I"d.. AI.o uk lbo"t the II 'plelal •• Ther the 101l0wl"l p ...... from th. eh Ire .. aU,. wllrth tDlIl' .dnll .... 0 •

,anmmGURNElJ. 'Smmn .. DEP~NDABLE

USED .CARS Ollrtttll'll lIsed Cat Sttn~k

Indlldtll . IItvtral tatt model Oodlt!, Plymllllth. Cbnrultt lind ~nI ClU'1I TIUPLE CHECKED lind OllarAtI~ fllr SO day,:

"PleK 't'HE DIl:Al.ll:R .. THEN P1CK 't'HK CAR"


L. S. GURNELL Dodlt! Itld PI~mollth Salea and Serviee

SO? E. Brold St. . P.hll),ra PbOllt, RI'fIlrtoll Ie




Clearance Sale Berkahire HOliery


Chilton Service

20% off Smith's Store ' 414 MAIN IT .. alVUTON .....,.

tlltllli tu,boC)lt, 'I'cl.n~. I&THIe .. • •• IeAU'I'V IALON .nd H •• lth with K.y to thl Icrl.,. __ ~~~~~ _______ ..:.~,;,;..~~;.;.;~;,:,;:;:;::;;~ IUttl" by Mar" Suer "dd" I .. J'w, ~ delltoll.trlltld the Inlblllt" of cor.,. r ........................................ ;;;;;;;;; oteellty. II w,lI .. the 'nflalt. Ibtl. Il)' III IlIIrll, th". htlplll •• trllli Klolt't' .·MOUND BOUT. OP JlAIT A.A.U. humin lin.. to fI .. froni It I IIWn 80 co""llItl,,", ilIId ... Ia ,.,.t, 'n dl¥ill' XING .deIlC'" (P. 494).

ADVlll1lD "I II~." '11d the plllnll ••• P.rt"

to hll nch ulltle, "1 Wilit "lIur ltd· ~Ice'"

"Well. my l.d,1i .. Id Ih. old talll, r.llllin. whit wa_ 'n the wi lid.

"Whit I. thl b .. t w." til Ipproeeb "IIU lor a '0111'" bur.t o"t the "btltb.

A thou,.hUuI 10011 tam. oYer Ih. old Ultd •• cotllIlIfWlC., "W.I~" h. r.,UId. "If "OU w.r.

.. aaltl •• , l'd ad.... ,,"u t" lUll. ~our ,eqy .. t b" t.t'lIl1 ... IIId ~ 011 before "OU recel,,~ tilt O'Wlt • -Iolitbeta V ........



Tueaclay, Auruat 11th, 9 p.m. RAIH DATIC, THUR,. AUO. 11th


21c General Admlsllon Rlnaslde 31c

You Art! Invited \1)~' \M

SACttEn. CONCltRT .. t

Lakeview M.emorial Park .

SUNOl. Y AFTltIU~()Om , at ~ o'tlodt


A New 1936' Ford V-B Sedan

will bt given away at the

BIG CARNIVAL to be held

August 21 ' & 22 . at

Broad street' & Elm Ave. Palmyra, N. J.

Donationa 10 cenle Bene8t Clf the

Sacred 'Heart Church Jtiverton



We r •• rtt to announce ' that due to clrcumltallcell beyolld oUt control we 10Ulid It IIt~e .. trY to Vlc.te our

RIVERTON BRANCH wbleh WII localed It Braid .nd Pulton Str"t •• Oil

AUGUST lit w. Ire nllw It!rlllni our friend, III Mlnrtoll ud Valtayra frolli

oUt M.III B.I •• ed' '.r.lte StlUbll.t .

219 Weat Main Street

where w. Ire completel" equl"lItd fat 1.11111, ' ilIId IItvldll, Sulcll .nd Pontiac motor ure

W. Ippreclat. your lup"ort III the p .. t .ud hop. to b.tter II'''' "OU at our Moor .. town .dd,ell In Ih. future .


BUICK AHD POHTiAC IALKI AHD ,IIRVIC. T.lepboM, 1I_ .. toWil " ......


THE NEW ERA N.I .... 4~~at_ .. _~

RIV'ERTOM, N. J. .~ at 'd!te Ib~ K. J. '~t Ofict .. Stcc8d aa.. Matte'


WALTER t... ~OWEN. JWl"t-o\' ttARL W. LA Tel{l Ad~lIina Mllnqer


... 1 ..... ~_VE ...... RTO_· _N .... II .......... p~_MYRA_·· ..... 11 Chwcll Notias I ... d'" . OU· ... W'll' M. M. · LeFavor. of Gloucester, CHRISTIAN SCIENcE Mr. an 1ft'" 'wr U . '"t" ."", -"'. ·C .... _ .. of ehd.- Scimti-

and £al'ltily, have returned ro tMir Ohio, is ,"sitinl his '5on and wife. r~ ..... ~:;;-ve. arad Se~th St .... home at Bank and Thomas avenues, Dr. and Mn. Dean H. LeFavor, of allVlU

after spendlnt the .month of July at Morean avenue. Riverton; N. J. Lak-e Placid. New, York. SundQ School 9.30 - ••

Stanley Lippincott, Carl' MeAl. SundaY Servicea. 11.00 Lm. Mt's .. E . V. Bertram ha. returned lister Brandon LaYton, of Palmyra. :~~:'a:o~OC::~burda Buildi"~

to her home on Palit avenue after and Charles Dorworth, of Cinnamin....... . . .. apendtl\e several weeks at Spray son. Hamilton Dioston. of Tacotly, open Tuesday lnd FrIday 2-S0 to 4.30 Beach. 'have returned from" week's eruifte

on the Cheaapealu: Bay in the !>3-Miss Clara Biahop spent Sunday foot. LiPllincott .yacht. "Pytlta~r~s."

with her ,:ou'5ln in Weat Phlladel- Dunna the cru'se the boys Vls,ted , LEClAL i\DVERTISEN:EM'l'a phia. . ,Crystal Beach, and Betterton. ·Mary. _

_ ...... __ . land and Tolchester Beach and Mock

The reaular 'monthly meetine· of the P 0 of A wUl meet In the POS of A hall' next Thursday e-venine. at $ .o·dock.

't\e New Era i •• Lepl NeW..,apel'. CommI ........ Iherit'l aad ... hiitt, A41t11:l\1atrator'i and EllteUtor" Ad'Vtrtl_r. are .olldted. HarTY lt Moyer will spend neltt Hall. ftt Ne ... Eft 'lriU appreciate bei", remembered ill tbi. coMectlO!l' week In Port Clinton, PL. at ' the

_ home of hia P1Irents:. . ·Mr. and Mrs, Leonard R. Baker

SUbstriptiOll 11.50 a \'eer 1ft Ad-.ce Ad-vettialna Ratea on #.p\llication

and family, of GarHeld avenue. are Mrs. 'Lucy W. Shreve il spending 'spendina the month. at Ocean City.

the month . of . Aucust with her dauahter, Mrs. Gorham P. Saraent, at Olou~l!'ster. Man.

The winners of the· Sacred Heart PTA Blanlu:t Club are: MI'II. Mary Moeser. Pulton street. Mlverton, and Mrs. Herbert Clark, Lincoln aVlenue, Palmyra.

Pbilade1»bia Ad-vettia\q R~re.entati~ NEVILLE " HITCHINGS, Inc.

l'l 80. TwelfthSt .. Pliila~elpblL Pa. .

Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Hallell and daulhter, Elicabeth. of Delaware avenue, are spendin, 'the month at Oce~n City.

Mr. and Mrl. Brown. of Camden. moved to 307 Cinnaminson avenue, last Saturday,

Palmyra Board Elects Teachers

(cotltinued from pare l)

atltle the ptllls waft g\Vlen the board iutd will be taln!lt up at their neltt ",eetlnl. . . ' :

the report of the achool nuue was recell,ed and filed. The supervislnl pritlclpal was authorl2ed to write to the COUl\ty superintendent for II set· ui> of houts for the school nurse" itt 81\ effort to obtain 'addiHonal state ald. 'the schooi Is now recelvlnl .too, but by establlshlllg II . tlew .~hedule of hourft Ii: II hojJed to ob· tllllI $300. " the clerk was authotlaed to pay labl:l~ ' blils on Auaust lS. upon prop· n certification by the chairmen of tht property and lIlianee committees.

the followlna bllliS amounting to $2.1)07.43 were pal~ed:

~I\ C h 'lhlS 'f~1I ~~i' illl, · • 0.1.

. b) II .... Ifle.ul. a a .. Co. 48.0. , . B.II Tllephone Co. ' 2'.45 he CIrcle Ilook Co. l2.ta "e.I,·. Drill Blo.. I.', • mb B~'h.rI 1.00 IIllhon 'lI,dde. 1:0. . H," e OeD.'. . Ito..... ..w

llethlnaton R.~d. t"" · 4.25

~t". F.derlUOn 01 B~'. 01 Ed_t.Hon 10.00 e,i IQP. WIper .rnd Suppl, Co. lue

f it Mil. Co.. n.. 1 • •• 2 T. Evan, . 19.10 'hi Rh·erloh a Palmyra W.'e' Co. 10'.42 t.nk Shapp.1I 12.00

.OUI "eldn,an ' .00 Jlllnley Tupper ,.00 Wrn. H. Itofllnlon Co. !',OO' B\oi •• ly .1.2' . A. M.... 110·09 emerit A . Hln.. 1ft.SO

I· I' 9:I~de~·r ,::ra • N. 'Palmer ~:'ro '. ~. ~~~:. I:f: r~~~UL e J.h •• on U:'11 rthur N~ P.lmer 4.10

8 Oltdtter a'.ao ;,olt' Hou.. lor ChUd.... ,!.IO.

Ikt Common,,"'lh Book Co. , lb.. 10.3 Ih commO,n"e'lth Book Co.. lht. 10,.14

Ii.o"h T. .K .... n. ..0 01111 H. Ktd. 2.11 OU~htn Mlflllll Co. , 'US

.""'ertll" II." '01'.1 .'tori IT'" bllihlci~ 111111111 Co. .04 1.lqn • IIbrra, Co .. Inc. 21.74

aleph T. BUnl '0." Dhft H. Kltl. '.tI


'the Wom!!rI', AUKiliary 01 ihe BUtllnlton County Medical !loclely hilt cbmpleted planl for a motion pldure beheRt to b.e held al the Broadway Theatre, Palmyra, AUlusl 17 to 21 Illclueive.

Officers of the oriallization .are: prelldent, Mrs. Deah H. LePayor; ~ce prl!lldent, Mrs. C. P . HOlan. BurUnltol1 1 pruldent.elect. Mr,. Verry M. Bcott, Beyerly , lecretary, Mrl. Vernon K Dayl., Vlncehtown, attd tre .. urer, Mrs. Joaeph kuder. Mt. Hotty.


'the AUlult .rally of the BUrllnl' tOh County Federation of M~n'l Blbl. clalles will be held In the Medford Ichool auditorium, 8unday. Au,ult II, 11138. at' 2.50 p.m.

The Ipeaken will be Re ... Come. IJUI B. MUlte. D.D., Jj .. tor of the Flrlt Reformed Church of the "",htl, Brooklyn. New York. • '.,edll mUllc.1 numberl by the

bllanco M. le CborUII. Lalli ... re welcome to attend thll

• ..un •. ------It'- 8IIiI1y Clark. of lIontclalr,

..... at tiia homl of II .... Harwet

Mr. and , Mrs. W. W. Chalmer~ and daughter. Catherine. are sllend. inlf ,several weeks at Wampole, New Hampshire.

Mr. and Mrs. H. M. Kieckhefer have returned after spending sever· a.l. week~ at Lake Placid. 'New York.

----Mrs. Wl\liam Enlle and son. of

Weilt Charles street. are spending the week at Ocean City. Mr. En­ale spent the weekend with them.

Mr. and Mrs. William Ward. of Lakeland. Florida. are spendina several weeks in Palmyra. Mr. Ward is district sup~tintendent of the Atlimtic Commission Company. a branch of which Is ' located on Main street, Rivertolt.

(haue of Aueust ' 3. 1906) Miaa Ruth Hunler is spendinll the According to the census returns week at Ocean City.

for .. Burlinlton County. 190~. Rlv.

Mr. a~d Mrs. 'Andrew Barker. 01 Weshinlton avenue, sailed on Sat· urday from New York cltY ' onthe S. S. , Duchess of Athol, for an ' ex· tended vacation in Nova Scotia.

Miss Nora Carpenter, leave~ ' Fri. day 'for a. visit with her father in Broadwater. Viralnla. Mill Car· penter expedl to be .. gone several weeks.

erton has 323 dwe\llnl and 1557 in· Master 'Donald Hullinls has rie. habitants. Of these 1452 are white tumeil to Miv~ton after spending and i05 colored. There are 102 aeveral days with his aunt, Mrs. more females . than malu: 1381 'are Frank Murphy. of Paoli. " America" born,' and ~he balance is

The Girl Scout mothers and ·chil. dren will hold a' picnic on Thursday, Auaust 13. at Camp Dobbins. Vin· centown. Cars will leave the Pal· myra station itl 10.30 and all those Who wisli to have transportation provided are requeste<! to call Rlv. erton 551 -J or 1002.

Miss Bdty McConnell, of Cam· den. spent a week with. her ,rand. mother, Mrs. Mary McConnell, of Washhilton avenue.

made up of :53 Enallsh, tiO Irish, 2~ Mr. and Mrs: Leon C. Guest and German, 2 italians and 28 of other family, of Thomas avenue, have nationalities. (Th'e 1930 cenSUB of mo~ed to ' Col wick . . ~I\terton reveal.s 2483 Illhabitants,) -C. A. Wrlaht. chairman of the commltlee of B!\nk avenue re,ldents Who have uhderlaken to Improve I hat street, appeared before the Bor· OUllh Council llist nlaht and reported that a price of Si.50 a foot. seve~. teen feet wide, had been recejved, which Was considered too hlah. Other figures had been aaked for and . Mr. Wrllht · hoped t~ report prOlress at the ned meetlnl.


With a population of 1557. and 32·5 bulldlnls, the assel8ed valuation of Riverton this year will be over a million dollas. (The populatloh Is now 2483 and there are 679 build. IngB. . This year the assessment val· uallon liS S2.422.300.)


The iawn parly of the P 0 of A last Saturday cleared about $15.

-...... Mrs: A. 1 Reeves, whb has been

vlsltlnll her mother at EUubeth, re· turned homl! today. iter daughter, Mrs. Arthur Bowker. expect~ to ao to EII~abeth neKt week. (Mr. and Mrs. Bow.ker now live Oh Elm ave· nue. Riyerton.) .

~ A special meetlne of the Board

of Freeholders has been called for 't-uesday nellt to consider the quee· tiOh of awardlna contracts for build· Iril two .Ione roads, bids for which were turned down on the ground Ihat the prlcu demahded by the sin· ale bidder were ellceellYe.

-0-Officers of the Riverton Saylnl.

Bank Ih 1906 were: Heullnls Lip. plncott. preoldent I Chari.. Evan., vlce.presldent, how chairman of the Cinnaminson towhshlp cbmmlttee I Ed"ar Lippincott, secretary. and Robert Biddie. treuurer. The board of manalerl were : Heulln,1 Lippincott. John C. B. Davl •• Pred­eric 8. Grovel, John 8. Bloren, 8am. uel Slim, J. Otto Thllow, Ear. Lip. plncott, Robett Biddie. Howard B. Lippincott. Jamel 8. Coale, Chlrlel Kvanl . Dr. Alea.nder Marcy, Jr., and Joaeph L. Thomal.


Memember the thrill "Ih.te Fair" your heart1 Memember how you laulhed at Will ROlera In hla Irntnt 'role. how Janet Oaynor and Lew Ayrea Itlrred your heart with their .ummer romanc., bow you thrilled . to the Ilamor and •• eltl· ment of tM Ireat alit. falrt

You catt eaperlenc. theM tbriu. 'Ialn. I tartlnl Friday wbeta the .... u T\ieatr., In rHpc;mM to • rll­marbbl. public dlllWld. bliai. the ~rab" Poa plct ..... back for a rebirtl ......... t,

Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Garwood and family are spendlha thl! month In Ocean City.

Miss ', Betty Hardy. of Merchant. ville. is spendlne the week with her cousin, Miss Jean Hardy. of Gar. Held a venue. .

Rev. Norman S.tockett, Jr.. of Christ Church, Palmyra, motored to

.Mr. and Mrs. Clarehce Bell, Sr"1 Asbury p 'ark on Wednesday with a spent Sunday· In Seaside ' Heights. Iroup ,of boys. Those in the party I I

" ! ' wete: Vernon .Stone. Ellsworth OBITUARIES M;. and Mrs. W. L . Caskey ~re Stone. Clifford Milstead ·and WiII- .

spending the week with his mother. lam Munro. . _ Mrs. Allte Caskey. of Hol!llesburg. -,---_ u. __ ~ _________ ..

Miss Lillian Greiner. of Phlladel. phla. spent Friday with Mra. Edwin Evans.

Mrs. Alfred K, Beyer, 01 Palmy. ra. III attendlnll . the Jan alene dre .. convention at the Sprlnl MQuntaln House, Schwenkville, Pa.

Mrs. Elsie Brownell, · of Frank· Miss Dorothy Saitmer, of Row.

JOHN .1:URNER EISLEY, JR. John Turner Eisl,ey, Infant ilon of

M~. alld Mre. John ·T. Eisley, of 4011 Morlan 'avel1ue, Palmyra. died in the Zurbrula Memorial Hospital, Riverside. last week. Interment was made In Morgan cemetery, Sun· day.

ford, spent Saturday with her father, lahd street, is . spendilill the week al Edwin E;vanit. Ocean Cily.

Members of the Cinnaminson ===========================:0== Auxiliary of the Zurbtugl Memorial Hospital were Illes" at the sum· mer cottaae of Mrs. R. J. Woods III Ocean City Tuesday of this week. Tholl! . In the grou" were: Mn. G~orle Wonlor, Mrs. Leslie W. Reeves. Mrs. O. H . Fowler. Mrs, W. C. Paulsen. Mrs. joseph T. Evans and Mrs. Georae Dor~orth.

The Ladles' Auxiliary of Parry Volunteer Fire Company .Is plan. nina a mo.,nlllht excursion Thun· day everilnl.

Mr. and Mrs. Julius Lleb 8Pl!l1t the last two weeks In Ocean City with their daulhter and family. Mr. and Mr.. J. j. Robinson. who are Ipendlnl the lummer there. . '

South Jersey Automobile Driving School 202 Broad St., Riverton

iB equipped to teach you how to drive an automobile properly and will prepare you f,or the New Jerlley State . Auto Driver's uamlnatlons.

The courae of Instruction includell Sight Telt Color Tellt. Traffic Rules, Motor Ve~ic1e LawlI, Oral T~.t and



G. R. COLEB W . D. LAMON, JR. Mr. and' Mrl. Karl Btrinaer, ' of

Philadelphia. vlaheld friend. In IRly. " .... ~ ............. ~ ................ ~ ............. ~ ......... ~~ erton 8unday. Mr.. 8trlnger wa. Mill janet Vardley. a former resl. dent 01 Riverton.

Mr.. Harvey E . 8tewart Is vlalt. Inl . lIer dau,hter. Mrl. Edward Coffey. In Mill Hall, Pa.

Mr. and totn. Brookl Eyert and 'Ion, Peter. left on .aturday for Brant Beach. where they will lpend the month of AUIUlt.




STEAK35c Best Rib Roast 25c


The Palm~ra Foundry w .. halt Stewing Chickens, 29c to .pproxlmately 200 employeel and

lueat. at III annUIII outlnl Shldrs Genuine Sprg Lamb h.ld at Colonn, hear Med· ford, on I.turday. 25c

The prl •• of the da~ wa. won by

Mra. John 'McNln".y, of Palm,ra, WHITMER'S which W.I a hahdaom& toa.tUlUter

::r;;rt!~:~~thew::m~ QUALITY MEAT MARKET of.==: ~ot !t~ IIId 107 E. Broad Street Palmyra cbllilr. Iadlllled ewiauM1aa. 1IDft. Phon. Illy.non 126 JPIlU DELIVDY baU. qIIoita, tq .. _ar ..... -, .............................. .1

f ~ , .


"WHA'r I FOUND IN NEW JERSEY" REPUBLICAN TICKET For Pruident of the United States


For Vice Preaident .COL. FRANK KNOX

-0-For United States Senator W. WARREN BARBOUR



100 FOR 7Sc

Hytu Hylited Vlaltlni carda a ... 0 ,0 nle at The New Itra, One Hun·. dn!d for Seventy.fiVle cent.. Pine Quallt, .todt rotal')' cut.

Firteen-room Houle · Suitable · ~annl h .. deposita of ~clt .. It for Home or Apartment to 300 feet thick and conrine ",a~, , . be Sold Thursday leluare miles In are.. .

For Conaressman An tKceptlonal inVleltment oppor· D. LANE POWERS tunity awaits someone. when the

-0-' property at 405 'Bank avenue, River· WANT-ADS For State Senator ton. ia offered at aherilf'a lale next · CLIFFORD R. POW~LL ·Thursday. "uaust 13. LOIT AND POUND-t&HTI-1ALIII

,_ The. largl! riverbank home lend. HIlL. WAHTIID ' .

For Member of Anembly itself to easy conversion Into an CLllII.nIlD ADUItTIIIIIRIIft DR. S. EMLE,N' STOKES apartment houle. The lot I. ap- Rate lOc o Per Line

-0- proximately 75 .x 225 feet. . (Lt.a 0\ ........ w .. ) 'A' FTER'6 Y .. ~ 01 Service. thl. N ... .Jenq Country Edlt04' , .tn tRvet 0 t\'uy SUit!: tn the Union. These letten .nd the .tip 'tt'n~ C!Ot'U\'"Iue for .t IHIt. ~r. FaUn" the ... hlt.C!

For SutroeClte The houae i. well conltructed and ....... a.,.. *10 for .... oW OEORGIt B. BITTING contain I 15· room •• 3 bath room.. Phone '712

line weekly. bc-.lnnln. ftllhe Illf at New Ju!ey . ' ~ . a apaelous hallway, hardwood Roora I ________ ~----. For Freeholde" ' In part of the hOUle, and hot water

PALMER L. 'ADAMS heat on all flo ora. ' It hal atorm FOR RENT-Furnl.hed apartment and garace, 408 Morlan a't(l!., Pal· myra, phone RIVerton 247,w. 7·~

. LEROY CHURCH sash for the northern expolure. Pint of all. during my l.500 miles succeu. -0- Informlltlon about the property

of travel Into every county In New To the state of New Jersey I .want For Coroner may be had upon application to the Jersey in my Trailer, bearine the to SlY that while J ·have spent the JOHN N. SWARTZ Cinnaminson, Bank and Trult Com. followinl alolan: "New Jersey Coun. ereater part of my life. in fact fifty 'pany, Riverton. try ' Editor Going Places." · [ . want of my fifty·slx years of life, In New ley are made up of S9me of the na. _______ _

Young. rid wanta :work u t,.pllt. Apply a71 or Riverton 1518. 7·1atf.

it known that I found practically Jersey. yet thl. trip 'vividly showed tions large.t and rlches( liusln~ .. every mile the finest roads I ever me the beauty ' of this great Uttle concerns, while the many laree and rode over, beautiful bride .. and eK· state. In the great Pine Belt, lies beautiful estates which we ' had the cellent road slgni. All roads and Lakewood. the only Wln~er Relort' . pleasure of.pailing. ate the homes of streets were patrolled by efficient. of ihe state; the great fishlnl and some of the are at people of this fine police officials. many of Whom in· bathing arounds of the Atlantic land. . spected our Trailer and offered to Ocean; the areat Bays and Lakea. Now ' folks. in my which · I ao alonll with us to proU:ct us from Rivers and Brooks, the great factor. shall write weekly for the newspap. burglars. ' . ies of the many cities and the thou. 'en of New Jeney, as L travel from

Durlna the past five weeks. I. with sands of acres of , the most fertile state to state. 1 do not propose to my youngest dauahter. Mias Treva farms in America. In the great Pine tell you about the , monument o'f the M. Moore, and also my nephew, Har·· IBlids of the S.outhern cou.ntles, we Battle · of BUhker Hili. neither do I vey "Ty" Moore have visited prac· fO'und the rabbits. deer. and pheasant expect to jive YO\l a detailed ducrip. tically every newspaper In all, parts playlnll on the hllhways at nlahf; on tlon of the. falls of N)agara. which of New Jersey, from Atlantic City the miles of bathing beaches, we no doubt you have aeen many times to Sussex. and · we have met ,and found thousands bf city and country or have read or heard about lII!,ny talked with more than four hundred folks spluhlna In 'the cooling waterl times since childhood. but I expect newspaper men' and women during and playing In the pur'e clean sand., to give you a short story each week this trip. As a compliment to . the In the Upper part of' the state we ~f JUst what we lee, what we learll.

. newspaper fraternity of New Jersey. Ilided over mountain and throuah what we think of the etates through I want to say they are one hundted valley. In many places lookln, over which we 'travel and the many little p~r cent men and women and If real rich farms or acros. beautiful lakes thlnls we let by dIrect contact with handshakes and aood wishes mean and wooded hille. The. many beautl. the · people we meet In alt walks of any thine, o.ur trip will be one gra,rid ful towns and busy c:ltle. of New Jer· life.

. . '


Little Boy-':Mother; I've ... en a man who makes hones." . . Mothel'-"Are you 'sure?" "Yea." he rep\.ied. "He had a horae

nearly finished when I saw him; he Wns JUSI nallina on his back feet."

Wanted-By 1. a younc couple deslree 3-room apartmen~ (un,lurnished) In ~Iverton or Pal· myra. Write alvlnl full pattlculara to C. S. Stimson. 112 Madison Itreet, Riverside, N. J. 8-II·at

Boy wanls work of any kind. Call NOTHING ON FARLEY 871 or 15111. 7·Ultl

The gent who carved the Dec:lar. Wanted-Position at light houle­ation of Independence-or whatever keeping or taklnl care of children it was-on a pinhead has nothing on in the evening. Apply Mr •. Clauli. Mr. Farley, who has just eucceeded Pompess avenue, E. Riverton. a·etf · In puttlna the Orand Canyon on a· WOMAN wants houlCwork and postaaestamp. -Macon .Telegraph. cookina. no laundry. In small adult

At completion the Panama Can'al family. Apply up" New Era , office. Riverton. ' . . 1I·6-tf

had COlt 1375,000,000 indudlna 110. 000.000 given Panama for construc· SA LE-4 antique pieces. peacoclt lion rights and .$40,000,000 for the chair. excellent condition, Mexican rllhts and property of the French horn' chair. suitable for gentleman' • . construction company which had den. antique sofa and "two chalra. started the canat. 510 Broad street, Mlverton. 8-6-1



HOUSE To be sold at

. .

, )

Sheriffs Sale on

Thursday, August 13' 2 o'clock, .tandard time


405 BANK AVENUE, RIVERBANK; RIVERTON Lot approximately 75 ft. x 225 ft. Well constructed. 15 rooms and 3 bathrooms. spacious hallway; hardwood floors in part of house. Hot Water Heat. Enclosed Porch, Stonn Suh for Northern Exposure. Must be lUll to be appreciated. · For informa­

tion and keys


!:',_ . _ . _. _ ~ _ ~ __ • __ ~ __ ._._._.-!.._._ .•.......• I •• I A I ,i, I I I I, • I ~_._!_._. __ . ~~ .. l ot

PAGE SIX' THE NEW ERA. THURSDAY, AUGUST e. 1036 ••••••••• l. •• :: ::; ....... ::::


Memorial Park . . Playground

..A' Baseban Dope t!!1- By "BI"" SdIoIIP .



Strong Camden County League Team Yields to "Royals" by .

Score of 6-4 July SO-Nobody thouaht it could . d ' d p ' k f

be done. The "dark hone" Cllrhart Riverton efeatf fnnlllU en. 0 tila thl . nicely defeated the Camden county Lealue,.lut Sat-

m a even~nl d utday by the Icore of II to 4 ..

Secretary' Wallace lay. the 'aver­ace A.A.A. payment wal ".about ,'145 per contract." If one Hawalliln lut­Ilr . corporation and one Florida I:or-poratlon and one Pllerto Rican bank- NOTICE or SETTLEIIENT controlled corpOr.tlon had not each !I: .. tuton A ...... "t been paid .In the nelahborhood of Ellate "f A".a II. 'troh,.ln. d .......

'1 000 000 h Id th " NoUet I. h .... b" II .. " ,IIat til. "_I A •• , • ,. t e .verale pa e ... m- count 01 Ih. lubl.rlbon, lb •• uto .... will be

erll:an farmer could have been ·well .uoUted a"d .t.ted b" th. 'urropl. ,"d above '145 Mr Walla~e frankl" reporled for •• "I.rn.M ."d .lto", ..... to til. : • ~ , Orph'".· Court ·of tho Cou • ." of B\l,lJn~n, addl, and truly, "It'll eaay to C9ncen- .• 1 a .... 10" 10 be h,ld Thurodg. B.,lembt, trate .ttentlon on thne bll p.y_ ~. ~9¥: at toft II ."'~- 1ft , • IIIn.oon. ments." 'JOHN L. STROHLEIN the 19S5 c.hlmplon Bro. way team Although out hit the 10c.l. uaed their

by the ~ount of seven to five. Ke .. - b' lb " d h did I.r and KIIII. for Carhartl, got one inC ea to. eUer Il vantlle t an .on errors In the fir.t Innlnl, and their adverallriu. ~ece .. lty m.y be the mother of with. the help of ·.n Infield out and Pennlauken Icored four runa In the Invention. but It ulually II f.ther hit . b S 11 "Hubbs .. cored the first Innlnll on Itven hit. Gnd who hilI . to Invent a w.y tl) IUPPtY

I Y ma .n., . . ' three errors by the "Royalll," After the nec~IIIHel.


....... 10 ... Pro. lor I Wm. D. LIJlPI".IIII, Dal~ I Jilt" n, I •• ' ,.ao to .. tr-te

RULB TO BAR CR.DITOR. ftrst pllir of runs. "-nother Carh.rt th third "CI t" Welkman allowed' ,,_======_= ............. ==== t.lly wu added In the aecond stan In e • . aly· d RI on Iinalel by Knlc

ht and Ke.ller. only five blna ea an verton went .. __ ~ _________ _

B.rtley and Ander.on .Inaled for on to win ~Y two runs. . .alll: IT' • REGM alii STOP Btondwa In the fourth •• nd when ~Iverton s wlnnlnl rally clime In PIftftIO II' ULIUI

E .... tor·. Notl •• EII.t. of Chari.. L., . D •• 'd,



RIVERTON 1510 Free Delivery


. LAUNDRY N. Ku","t, Prop.

.n outfiefder 'melled up Cahlll'l lIy, the elahth chukker. when · FOUlke, "Jolh" acored. In the fifth a. double N.elson and Elvert put tomaether. three by Carhartm.n King a~counted for hits for two runl. Welk an had IIt­a tany, wherelll In the next fram" tIe trouble with Pennsauken In the Hubba' .nd McDermott'l hit., a IInal frllme, tettlng them down In to Oootee and a lin lie by an- one. two, three ·order. other McDermott accounted for two Sammy Elvert and Shreve Nellon

. NoU •• I. h .... b" .1 •• " Ihlt .n ortl.r h •• blln mad. by Ih. '_frOlatt 01 th. · COllnll of Burlllliton. b •• rlnl da .. Ih • .• rtI d." of Jull'. ule. ur,0n .ppll.ttlo" 01 til. • .... •• rlbar. S".\I or. 'nqulrlnl Ih. crodlto .. 01 Ch.,I.1 L. 1'10"0"", lOll 01 Ih. COUft" of Bu,lIftllon. d ...... d. Iii brlnl ' n Ih.I' 111'nlt the .. tat. ot the ulet dlcedltty UDder or ."'rmltlon,. on or before .nuI"" ard un. or Ihl, will be dlblrrod 01 an, •• Ilon Iher.for .,.Inll Ih. .Id S ... Ulor.


RIVERTON, NEW JERSEY Phone, Riverton m

. D.ted , lui, I,d. ".e. .7.1--. .... more runs. The Iliit Cathart run led Riverton .on the attack, whIle GARWOOD'S In the ninth on three succel' Sexton and Horner did the eame for live hltl. Two hltl Ilnd • lIy lave the vl.ltors. . SERVICE STATION Broadw.y two more runl In the Baseball' Blckerlnls Broad lind M.ln Street.

NOT1~!.~:,,~'r.:!~III.NT ~AIHUlllllllllllllllllllllllillllnllllll • . EII.I. 01 WIIII.m Ie. Oood. d ...... '" • W • alath, whIle a trlRle by Shuck and. a Rambl\naa-Why mUlt the players Riverton

homer by Sloane them their stand whe'n a benth I, provided for :============== Bnlll two in the seventh. them? •.. The "Kida" 'better Itay

· CoJUnl IG-K.C. o · Forfeit. (Tskl) In their lcaaue .nd let the "Royals" 'Atbletica lG-Takaboolt 0 Forfeit remain In theirs .•• The "Wolvell"

. If"".. I. h.reb, .Iv.n IIi.t tb. Pln.1 . • , . Ateount of Ih. Iubacrlbe' !t T","" ~nd.r I . REX'. . Ih. "'Ill 0/ William E. uood, ••• ·d.. 1o, EII •• b.lh 8ehmldl. will b. 1.411ed .nd

(OmYloodnelSl) are startlnl to howl aaaln . ," . How

11.lld by ,h. 8urro.a" an4 reported for MeR 0 S SON' .. ttl.mlnt .nd .11o",.n.. 10 th. Orph.u· C Court of tho Counll of Burllnlton. I' • .

- did Lllndreth score six runl on alx BANKERS 4--EVANS 1 hits? ... Old the Infhild do Ita trlckll

. ·Aua. 3-11 was ia lurprlle.d Evnnl alaln?. '. Why are eecon~'luellerll team thafthls evenlnl went down to always rl&.ht? .• ; From our spot In

. :~.:~~n o'~I:"k ~~~h~ r:,":'n'o':; ... 8·&l.~· ltile. R .. a Eltate .", ..... ruae BURLINOb~':.i~N~.TY TRU8T US E.&ro.d St., p ..... Mo' J~ formorly Th. Burllnllon Cou"l,. Phone Rivelton 500

defeat before the revamped Bank- I"ft field we could gUess at lome of W'!I~"Ii.-" era by the Icore of four to one. Ihe wlerd decision. made on thl!

8af. O.\Iollt ·and Trull Co., ' Proctor, Wm. D. LIP~h!:~·lt . JIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIH Dtled, lUly 11, 1918. 1-3&-1· O·U

· Slnllea by Sexton lind Brodenon bases. . . and II . lIy . by Catcher .Duck Speer Scoops~There's only about time

· br!lulht .the first and only Eva",i for one mol'e twllllht tllt...:.lct'lI IIUP, · run of the same. ' In the fourth :the port It. . ' , . We hear Riverton III . "Bank" Bcored twfte on a walk to aoin,,· to Ocean City to play-It will ,;;;.~ .... - ....... Sutten and a movie pass 'to Land- JUBt be like old home week to many 't· the train' • r.f:....the ball paned beyond the of them; ... Surprlalna al' It lee mil DOR

eo_. mpr'ISceS• Ire lower I

flelderl. Bllnkerl notched two ex- the younae.. on Riverton'. team .. traa onea In the' ell1hth on two er- does not appear to be 10 •••• Where ' DOW chaD they w\1l b. ron, a, arid hits by Wallace are all' the ' youna ball pl.yen that this fall Order now - .

· and L.ndlraf, · lomeday . will pillY at Memorial ..... doli.,11 A.k Ibout • . _ P.rk? .. . T/1e preaent nine will need che N ..... toD.Bud.etPI.D.

The Leaaue·. Judae Landll. Mr. reenforcements very aoon .... How NIAI'ST NEwtON YARD . Conway, 'boarded • train for Toledo. about the fanl lendlna lualllltloni Ca den

· Ohio, lut SaU:lrday nllh', where h. on methods of bolaterlnl tb. team In 101 Wrltb' A..... 1ft

Lawn Mowers SharPened by moderD m.cbln.ry. Ibp.rt ,work .

IUlrant •• d..

Palmyra Lawn .Mower Service . 412 Delaware Ave .• P.lmyr., ~. J.

Phoo.. Rlurton ...

.N. DREIER . 19 W. Bro.d St. PALMYRA

All Xlndl of OrthopediC Shoe Work

Dr. Scholl'. Poot Remedl .. will .pend a week or 80 lurveylnl the future? ... Drop a c.rd to tbe . 'hooll c.sdlD 619.

the 'loIt ball .Ituatlon. Al:cordlnli writer clfe of The New Era. " •. to Conw.y. Toledo II a "hot-bed of Flfty.two. yelfl II • Ion I time but loft ball." It I. exp.cted tli.t he Chick Foulk h •• the beat arm I've will return with .ever.1 new Ideu ICtln In .eml-pro ball In .U th.t th.t ~~NC~

1M ripfinWt for.., ....

OD Or.pefrult B •• eb.n, 80me meth· time. Adieu. ad to reduce the number of fotfelt­urn Ihould be devl.ed,.1f the Prexy

Riverton R H '

CIIlnot find one In Toledo. Reevel, If _ .. _ ............ _ 0 0

JOHN CUSTIS S"."",.-WlI.IIA,. Pal~yr. R. D. .... •.•• _ ..... _

~9, '· N,C,Co'

CESS:~A't~S tL~o,.3:~ASE JOHN · H. ETRIS :WELLS DUO AND ·BRICKED · 17 W, Broad St., Palmyra

HAULINO Pbolle t7I

"""--" .... " .. , ... .... ,"~ ! ~ ~ . .. -----.

..0-A Dumb.r of the pr.yen on the

- to Phlladelphl. teaml thtt recently Ylalted Riverton u ,ue,t of the JOI. T. Evanti' repreaent.tive. of the 10-eaI Soft B.ll I.elue, eaprcIHd their actmIr.tlon for the local p.,k. They marveled .t the wonderful weU­,p.ced treet, the beautiful I.wn, Ute

B. Edle. 2b _ .. _ 0 1 Foulke, 3b __ .. :..... .. 1 1

o A E 4 0 1 S 2 1

2 ' 3 I --~------------------------------------------------------------.

, ,plendld tennl. courtl and ball · field I, .Ion, with the ,vlfled .ppara­~u. lor the JdddiCl. the lieainn. of till ro.dway. .nd the I.rle bed of ror,coul c.nna ·.t the entranc from River Ro.d, . They did teem fA) HIlle the lack of a lake or .wlm­mini pool to make the place com­plete. Blnce no ball. were hit Into the old lily pond. they did not He

· wbat I. now • fro,'1 retre.t, and It wa no doubt for thll reaon that lonny Wrllht .nd the boy. re­frained from drlvlnl the .phete Into the moral and lpollln, It IU,

A. Ed,e. c _ ...... _._ 1 1 NeIlan, cf .... __ ........ 2 2 Elvert. rf .. ". ___ 2 3 Terrell, II ... __ .. _ O. 0 B.\Jer. lb _ ...... ___ ... 0 0 Welkm.n. p ...... ___ 0 0

·Total. _ ....... _ .. _ ... «I • Penneauken

300 300 000 3 3 0 1 0 0 010

27 II 3

. RHOAE \yellh, la __ ....... 1 1 1 2 0 Olt. cf ...... :_. __ .. 0 1 4 0 0 Sexton • . 1f ..... __ ... _ 0 3 2 0 0 Relan. 2b _ .... _~. 0 0 1 «I 0 McElIIotl, Ib ___ 1 0 II 0 0 R. Homer. 3b ___ 1 3 1 I 0 Emerlon, r( ___ 0 0 1 0 0 Oould, c ... ______ 0 1 2 0 0 O. Homer. JI _. I 3 0 0 0

Total. . ...... _ _ 4 1% 21 9 0 Riverton 010300 02a-6 Pennlauken . 031000000-4

Ther. I. no doubt that all of the local peopl. who vlalt the plfk ~. preHtlt Illy pOnd and the creek be IPIctator., or player. of 10m. lam. widened and railed 10 a to brio,

· or other, think of the place a a the wat.r line of • new Jake to tr- .pot where there I. Ulwly • . about the eln.tlon of the path •• , kee&l. "Xeep off the Or ..... alan. that parall... t.h. roadw.y nearby. ar. not to be teen .ltho there are It would allO .be nece • ..,." to pro­...... aI "No parJd~' on tbi.· lid." vide fill tp tal .. the &ottom of the ~IIIII, but they do not ~ppear to lake to &In • depth that .ouId be .... anytbin, to the OWllers of adIoptable for IWinunial - bath­_ cara. In, . . Thli .ould &In an oppor11lll-

The RJverton COUDeU I. urtalnJy It, to provide an overftow and • to be commended . for tbe Int.nt lubm.r,ed draID IDto tH creek. diet' show ID the upkeep of the plfk Water c:ouJd be obtalDecl from a f_ ... alto tbe moral Apport that they driven wIU. - raleed b, electric ...... &Iva to the dlfflfent .porta. pumpa. The "t~ c:ouJd be pIacecI ......,. reallA the DHCI of a Jake aDd In • •• maIl mel_r. that coaJd ..... lII0I'' than once &lv_ Mrioue hoUIe the cllJoriJy apparatUi a .... ~ to the mattat, acI on- qulred by !.be ...... Board of HeaJtb 1r Jut ,.... bad a IlUt'VI)' IDade to lor pUblic IWiIDadq poe'" ... II It .a f&alllbla. The .tll4, ........ oa the coutnICtloa of. New Dule ... 8boaJcIa't N, too .. to IIdIIN tbe tidal watat of the much about the IIIOIIq c.IuaIc' .... .... TWa pro~ .0lIl4 bay. clwlced it ..or. t .... ...... caatIcIaraWe low .... lor aaybod, elM. -hffalo StteIIIIII wtIIdI tIw ___ daIir..t· d,_a:- II..,. AMdItr tad .a tIIat tile river ..... II DOt .... fot NtIIIIII.... W. cIWD't ......... to ra.d .... _' I. . recipe for .. dept.... caJr.... ....



• ,.~ ... ....,; cu ....... 4 .... .." ..... AMI......, c.a. ..... ... , ..................... --""'tint epfI ..... .., III ,_, Doa', IaJ1 to co_ In aad ... chII bnadIu1 Nub aacilaFa,eue mode ... Tab 0 ... OUC .ad drive It. Tbaa. compare ou aUowaau . oa JOIU' p-_ car with ..., ocher you caa pd

la 19J6.N ..... IAP.,... UJe.~ • .,. .1mo_,wIN ,"~, .. cho .. of tIM lacIucrr' W ...... fOIl to lb .... ou IKCleU. BriO, in J- car darla. thJI ~ -.-c aad 'nd OUC bow Hula Ie will co_co drift otIC fa • braGd _ N .... or W.,eael


.I ' ..

....... DOt ..,.. ..... die ..... w ........ ricM ..., dill IMp to __ ,"-- 'tWa -- ... - ...... -. a.. ....... jedI. ...... ...

.... die ........ die ...................... .... CLINTON B. WOOlSTON




Ilnd file their appllc.tionl wltb tbe undenianed prior to the hour . of clolllli bUllnela on the dllte above


latter'. Ion, Jo.epb •• 11 of Moor_ town. WOMArfS CLUB

FLOWER SHOW .peclfied. An open compet.llve ex.mlnation The date (or allembllna of com- Oeorae M.rks. 29, o( 420 E. Sec-

under the rulel o( the U. S. C,'vll petltofl will be .t.ted on the admla- d M d b h One hundred BUllne.. C.rd. (or


on Itnet, an rot er One Dollar at The New Er. Office. Service Commlaalon I. .nnounced alon cardl mailed appllcantl. after f P I R b M k Committee Appointed ' (or Annual

Event to Be Held on September 18

. t 0 .tro man 0 ert .r I, W.I RyteK Hyllted Cardl on fine Itocl!, for the POI tlon of Sub. Clerk,Cllr-' the close of receipt of appllcatlonl. riel' in the Poat Office, Riverton, ' Manlier, third Civil Service DII- killed ~y lI ·tr.ln while fi.hlnl from rot.ry cu~. Even lower price. for ' N. J. Receipt of appllcatlonl will trict. Room 405. Old P. O. BId... • railroad treltle over R.ncocas larler quantities, •• close Auault 12, 111311. Phlladelphl., P.. creek it R.ncocal Park Tueld.y . The committee for the anntial

.flower Ihow of tbe P.lmyr. Wom· an'l Club hu beeh announced by tbe chalrm.n. Mill Helen V. Wol­-cott;

Appllc.tlona for thl. examination' -------- . evenlna· . . I At. London auction a manuKript mu.t be m.d. on the ' prescribed .BOILINO IT 'DOWN Accomp.nyinl Markl were WIll- by Oliver Ooldlmlth w .. lold for form. whlc;h. with neceslRry' Inltr- "Here," laid the editor, "you ule lam Matchett, John Lynch and the 127,000. ' .

The member. of the committee are: Mn . . Raymond Andenon, Mra. Ida Bonlllll, Mra. ·A. J. Brook •• Mrl;

uctlona. may be obtained from. the too many words. You eay 'He ' waalc:==========================--­Commlallon'l 10c.1 reprelentative. poor but hone at.' You have only to oM~t+""+C~t+""+C~t+""+C~I+""+C~I+""+C~'"

. Jullua J. Caprano, Mrl, Em.mett R.

Mr. La"l'ton J. Steedle, .t the Rlver- 'IIIY that he was hone It. you ton Poat Office, or from the under- say 'He wu without money .nd slaned. without friendl: Simply I.y that he

All perlona wlshlnl to thll w.s without money." -Printer'. Finn. Mrl. OrQver C. Fox, Mre. A. C. Olbenon. Mrl, Sidney Headlnl· ton. Mfi. Harry ' A. Kennedy, Mrs . WlIlter S. Keene. Mra. Edward Xlnl, Mrs. J. Eda.r Llmlnl, Mr .. A. L . . Martin, Mra. Frederick W • Rohland. MI'1I. C. F. Sh.w, Mrs. Robert ·K. ·Snow. Mrl. KII8I ·M. Toy, Mra. Levi. H. Wallilce. Mrs. JOleph T. Evans, Mill Mary . Patterson, Mre. Fr.nk Clark and Mra. Clarence T. Yerkel. .

examination should .ecure bl.nkl Realster.

00 ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 0 •••••••

The Hower ,how I. Icheduled for September i8 ilt 'Society Hal\. Pal­myra.

'THe next meeting of the commit­tee will' be. held early In September.

Durlna the comln, year the club will continue to hold meetinlB every. firet and third Monday beainnlna In October and c10sbia the first of June. 'The' first meetinc on Octo­ber 5 will be 'held In the club room in Society Hall with a luncheon pre-

. cedina.Mrs. /. Wilbur Evaul. pres­ident. will preside.

Mrs. William T. Miller ill chair­man of the program committee ar­ranaing' for the 1936-37 calendar. Her aides lI're ' the department' chair­men '81 follows : Mrs. ' Harry B. Williams. American home; Mrs. J. Charles Mallory, civicl; Mrl. Fred­erick Blackbu~n. leclslatlon; Miss Helen V. Wolcott, aarden; Mrs. James Wenrt. junior; MIlA Mary Patteraon, literature; Mrs. Clifton Cooper. music. and Mra. Joseph T. Evan., pUblic wclfnrc.



"The Everbearing Garden" BROAD and GARFI~LD PALMYRA

Free Delivery-Phone 720 and 721


~~m. ~~\~~e&J.~f.~B ~~.~.~~_II .~:.:::=:: .. ::::::.::::.:::=::::::::.=:::=;:::=::::'2iidf~~ ~~~ Pink Meat Canta ou~ea, lood and sweet ............. : ............................. 3 ·for 25c

~~~i~~r~i:Bifllr~len;ta Pee;r~B ......... ~:~:.:::::: .... ~:::~ .. ~.~:= .... :~::: ... =:~.:.:: .. :.::~·.··.d~~: .~~~ Seedles! or Tokay Orape! .. : .. ... __ .. _ ..... _ ........ _ ........................... _ ... 2 lb •. 19c Fresh California Suaar ' Peas _ ... _ .......... _ ... _.: .... _ ...... _ ...... _ ... _ .... _ ................ Ib. IDe ~erlley E~!I; Plants . .............. _ ........ ........ _ ........... _ ........ each 5c. 8c and IOe

ancy ea Ifornia Iceberll' Lettuce ..... _ .......... _ .................... __ ................... head 10c Jersey Oreen Peppers ...... , .................. __ ... : ........................ _ ......... _ ...... _ ......... doz. 12c Fresh Pulled Beets and Carrota ........... _ ....................... _ ......... 3 bunches 10c Sound Yellow Onions ..................................... _ ...... _ ..... : ....... _._ ... _ ... ~ pk. IOc

'GROCERY DEPARTMENT Cloverdale Lime of Lithia pI. bot. lie .. doz. liOc . plua bot. deposit. Hires Root Be~r. 3 la. bots. 25c 6 small . bota. 25c plu. bot. dep . Dole or KelloaC Unsweetened Pineapple Juice .

. 2 No. 2 canll 23c Larae can 27c DeliciouB Cream Cookies . .... __ ._ ................ __ ..... _........ ....... _ ............. , 2 Ibs. 29c Snap~y D~ Food .. _._ ........ c .... __ ._ .... _. ___ .. __ ....... _ .. _ .......... 4 cans 1I1e Sunl IDe artlni Butter Cookies _._ ... _ ... _ ..... _ ............................... pkC. 14c Edll'emo~t Smacks. Butter Waferl _ ....... _ :.. ............. - ............ pka. 15c Campfire Marshmallowl · . ... ! __ ... _ ... __ ... _... ... .... _. _ ......... ..Ib. pq. 17c

. Miracle Whip Salad Drellin" ..... __ ....... _ ......... __ ................ __ ... qt. jar 35c


~~::~ ~a~Ubou~ ::::.::::.:·~~::-:::::: ... ~ .. ~-===-:::~::=::.~::::::=::~:=~:::_=It: ~~~ Frelh Crab Meat _.. _ ........... _ ... _ ... _ .... _ .. _ ............... __ ... _ ..... __ Ib. can 49c Freah Sea. Ba.. .. ........ _ ..... _ ........... ;. ___ ._ ........... _ ..... ___ .. _.-' .. lb. 20e Fresh Sea Trout .. _ .. _ .... ':' .. __ .... ___ .. _.,-.' . . 2 ' lb •. 25c Fresh Fi.let of Haddock _._ ... :... _____ . __ ... ______ Ib. 22c .

Presh Steak Cod .. _ ._ .. ___ .. Jb. 19c Fresh Plounder. .._.:.... ___ Jb. 20e Prelh Macke~el ... _____ Ib. 14c Presh Butter Plah ....... _____ lb. lSc Presh Croaken .. lb. 10e Presh Por,!e. _______ .. lOe Freah Blue' Filh .. ___ ..... ___ .. Ib. 19c Lar,. CIame, In lbeD, 4011 2Sc: .,r.h Opened. dos SOc

LOOPHOLES IN THE LAW I The proposed' Palmyra ordinance

to "define 81 'nulsllnce the keepin" of certain animal., poultry and fowl • in dwellina houlell, or within twen­ty-five leet 01 lame . . .. " hal a few

'Ioopholea in it that certainly should be pointed out before the thin" coel too far. In the fint place, .nd moat aeriouB . of all. the punct,tion i'II .. ~~ .. " .. ~~ .. " .. ~~ .. " .. ~~ .. " .. ~~ .. " .. ~~ awry. The comma .fter "fowl" in- __ -===========================:;:::= 'dleatel that the phra.e "poultry and fowl" II In oppoaltlon 10 ".nim.I."; in other 'l'ord. II hint. th.t "poultry and fowl" ate the thlnal b.nned. )f thl. II tnie. then there i •• tin,e of whim ley down In the ordinance itlelf. mentlonin, ·pi ••• rabbltl, and ao forth . No comma II nece ... ry afler "fowl."

III the .econd place. ao menton JI made of fI.h. What .bout IIIP" pie.? Arc the" Included by Infer­encel Are we to have fI"ln, aquad· ron. of 'heAlth In.pector awoop down on our d.ellinl' in mlddl. 01 the Di,ht and Inatch our IJUppiel1 What about ,oldfi.hl Are they a nul.ance? I can thlok 01 no 'more .Ieep-dntroyln, nolH than the IOWId of • herd of loldfiah aurblin, in air, a t.hey do. In the middle of the nllht.

In the third place. DO hint I. liv­a to whether the animal. lelialated aport .re dead or aUve. Perhapa citiun. will be fiDecI for the mere ...,... of a eblckan in the Ice-boa until lunda". And wbat about tile artificial rabbit. that are liv_ to children at Euter.

lIonkt!ya. of .bicb thar. ha ... been • few .row,d her., are omitted. Snakes. . otten. porcupinn, dadr­billed plaf~. ar-~ aad nYIIy other --U aniauls are . DOD­eu.unt .. far .. tile orcllaaace ,_

LqislatiMI apiDat the __ aDd the _ell 01 poultry aad low ... ouId abo be a ,oad tbirla. We haft • rooster-I tblnll it'l I r~­.,.~ ben that all da,. '-- u,. "cod-a • ..• " aDd aotIIiac _e. It ~. oa _ lNrYce _ ..... tIIaa a -..... "cod-a-dooclle- .... .01IIII do, __ __ .o.IIn w ........ tile rOOllUr ia lid!, ,. wtIat; ill fad _ I .. ......... tile ~ _---. a Wow _ tile:

..-.~..... OW"....

... 1 .. OW hoa 'ay. for TIiiI hoa

American Beauty-ol1e of the finest auto­matic .elec1ric irons on the market-reqularly sells for $8.95. We take a dollar oU if you tum in your old iron. Unusually wide tEryll:eT~ ':re

range-22S to S25 deqrees.



NO GRBATICR COST AaIr about our -ReDlote Control" DeUvery S)'8I­




'ON VACATION, As the car b.owls around the cur·ve on your way to the

Ihore or mountain. and you behold a wide sweep of emerald ' Iawn bordered with flamin" Phlox, sky·blue Delphiniums and .aay Lilies ... remember you enn produce the same' aor-"eous display of lawn and border on your own home-around. (perhaps on n smaller ·scale). w.\1h planls and seed procured from the home-town' nursery.

DREER'S Where . Everythina Horticultural May Be Hall ·

•••••••• O ••• OOO.Gooooo~.ooooooooootoo+ooooo •• o •• oo

Building a New America BEHIND each bri~k, each atone, uch piece of lumber th4It goes into any' bunding opera­tion, lies the credit or the relOUrees or the aer­vice of • good bank.. It is the Nckground and the foundat1oO for aU building, fro;m cottages to nations. In innumerable wayw, in every step of each operation. your bank an serve you weD. It is alwayw rudy to serve you and the com­munity.


RiYertoa, N. J.



oil, .0836; al phalt emulelon, .0842; Lake' Asphalt & Petroleum, ~arrls­

bura, Po., asphaltic oil, .085 ; asphal ~ emu Ilion. .0841; Franklin Contract· ing Co., Newark. tar patch • . 16; as·


phaltic oil, .. 12; DOlch· Kina Co., Tommy 'Reilly to Referee Ninj! Whippany, N. J., aap'halt emull ion, Five-Round Bou~s Spon-.11 : Kopper. Product8 Co., Kearny, so red by Palmyra A.,C.

tar patch, ,162; Barrett Pa vina Co., The P.almyra Athletic Club, of Trenton, tar patch, .113; Ilsphalt Palmyra has completed ' ~Iana for emulsion, .063. . an . evenina proaram of a mateur

Tar Asphaltic 011 or Aaphalt boxln.. to be staaed on Tuelday E· mul~ion-Tar Alphalt Service Inc., . ' 'I k .

b 'd f evenlnl. AUluet 11, at 9 a c oc , .~n New Brunswick, on Its low lathe l'almyra Hilh School athletic .0574 cents a lallon for alphaltic field, located a t Weat B,road atreet

'oii, or $6,803.70 for 118,514 lallons an '\ I'ark avenue, Palmyra. and on Ita bid of .0574 cents a' lal· f be riverfront boxer. will meet Ion for asphaltic emullion. or $5,740 the atrong BateRville B. C., of H~d­for 100.000 lallona. Hllh biddera- donfield , in nine five -round boxlnl Bituminou8 Contracting Co" New

L k A bouts. York asphaltic oil •. 067: a e a.. The Palmyra club was founded in phalt' Be Petroleum Co., Harri'sburg, 1934 and maintains club rooma In Pa.. asphaltic oil, .0673 ; asphalt Society Hall, Palmyra. The pri• emul. ion, .0603; Franklin Contrac.t. mary aim of the orlanization is to ing Co., Newa rk. tar •. 099: asphaltic fo ster clean competitive sports in oil •. 0716: asphaltic emulsion, .0671; .

N y k the riverfront town, The Barrett ' Company, ew or, . Rain da te for the boxi'ng matches tar, .10; Bituminous Service Co., has been set for Thursday, AUiust West Chester, Pa., tar, .085 ; asphalt. 13th. . ic . oil, .06 ; Kopperli Products C::0 " The Kearny, -tar, .096; Barrett ~avl~~ Co., Trenton, tar, .087; aphaltlc OIl, .0593; asphalt .emullon, .058.

White Traffic Paint, 3,500 iallons (bids rejected)-Aapden Co., Tren. ton, '1.15 a lallon: John Lucas Be

· Marlon Davies 'and Dick Powell In Co., Inc., Philadelphia, '1.12 : W •. C, "Hearts Divided." Madden Hardware Co., Mount

Road Material Contracts Given

(cont.inued from paae 1)

uphalt, .,0654; Franklin Contracting C;cimpany, Newark, t:ir, .099, asphalt,

· ,0621 ; The Barrett Co., New York, tar, .10; Bituminous Service Co.,

· Welt Chelter, . Pa., tar, .085: Kop, pen Products Co., Kearny. ta r, ,096; Barrett Pavlni .Co., Inc., Trenton, tai-, .087, asphalt, ;0647.

Patchini 'rar, . Aphaltic Oil o~ Alphalt E'!1ulsion - The Barrett Paving Company, Inc., Trenton, bid of .0647 cent. per gallon of asphaltic

. 011 or $3,882 for 60,000. iallone. Hlah bidder_Tar A.phalt Service Inc. New Brunswick, asphaltic all, .cJ65; up.halt emulsion, .065: Atlantic

'. Re6rilng Co" Philadelphia, aaphaltlc

Iy, 1.86 ; Community Palnt Store, Mount Holly, $1.25 and $1.95.

Stone-(bids rejected)-Lambert. ville Trap Rock Co., Lambertvll~e , 2V. in .. $1.94; IV. in., $1.94: ~ In. $2.10 : ~ in. $2.40; 'Pennington Trap Rock Co., Pennington, 2Va in. '1.?5; l Va in., $1.95: Yoi in :, " 2.04: ~ m ., $2.35 : Kinii; ston . Trap Rock Co. , Kingston, 2V. in., '2 ; IVa in., $2 ; ~ in., $1.99; % in .. ' '2.50; Jotin T . Dyer Quarry Be Co., Birdsboro, ~~" 2Va in., $2.50; I V. ' in., . S2.50; !14 m., $2.80: ~ in.,' '3.09. .

HUMAN TORTOISE Two men were discuu ini the

ed question of the education · of . children. ,Said one :

"What's your . boy going· to be when· he Hnil hes . hil education?"

"An octoienarian, I think," replied the other. -Waahinit~n Labor.

Prices . and Quality That Suit You 111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 U !!.IIII i 1111111111111111111111 i 11111111111111 S ' Young Tender Pre.h :::: Young, Tender, Presh :: :: ' Killed ' :: :: . Killed ::

:: S • g 25 :::: BROILING 28C :: i lewm . C 5 5· PRYING 5 § Chickens § § Chickens § :: . 3 to 4.1b aver.,e :: :: I v. to 2Y. lb.. :: "1111111111111111111111111111111111111111" 811U111111111111111J1111111111111111111111

Rumps and Legs Veal- Ib 20c Veal Cutlets Ib 38c Loin Veal Chops Ib 33c Prime Rib Roast Ib 25c Smoked Ham, string ends Ib 19c

k d T Swift'l Ib 27c Smo e ongues Premium F resh S weet B read s Country Calves Liver

Lees Baby Spring Lamb Ib .27c Shoulders Spring Lamb Ib 21c Fresh Lamb's Liver Ib 22c DoIea Pineapple Juice _ ___ 2 cans 25e Garden T omato Juice _________ 22 o z:. can 10e Po.t T oasties . _ boll 7e Tuoa-wbite mat _ _ 2 c:ans Z7e O .E.. Dog Food . _____ _ 4 cans Ilk

i •• Saltines •

Graham Crac.kcn I 2-1b.boI19c .


. ..... 110-. 1141 IS &. BIIOAD IT .. PALIIYItA

TOES., WED~ THURS. A..- II, II a 1)-



The Crime of Dr. F.bear

lerved eectlon, 35 cent •• The Palmyra c lub I. anxious In

the formation of other boxini dubs throuihout Burllniton County, and would , welcome other competition with ' clubs interested in meetinlt the Palmyra . A. C. leatherpushers In amateur bouts.

Card for the Eveilini

Nat Peraon, P. A. C. VI . Paul Swope, B. B. C., 136 pound •.

Lawrence Cuuupe; P. A. C.' VI. Bill' Broadwater, B.B.C .. 136 pound.,

Lawrence . Belford, P. A. C. v • . Jack B~lIey, B. B. C., 13'6 pounds.

John McMahon, .P. A. C. va. Carl Harris, B. B. C., 140 pounds.

Maurice Griils, P. A. C. vs. Mat Parker; B. B, C., 125 pounds.

Joe Piergross, P . A, C, vs, Ed Spotta, B. B. C., 180 pounds. ,

Joe Cooper, P. A. C. VI. EmIl Tartallio, B. B. C., ISO pounds. "

Bill Groff, P . A. C. .vs. Ediar Bennett, B, B. C., 125 pounds.

George Say tor, P . A. C. vs. Will Hutchinson, B. B. C., 150 pounds.

Tommy Reilly, referee of the fa. mous Demptiey.Tunney match, held in Philadelphia It few years aio, .:wlll be ·in the ring handlina the fiihter •.

The .highllg~ts . 01 the evenina will probably be m th.e 101· lowini matches: Saylor.Hutchmlon, Cuzzupe • Broadwater, McMahon. Harria a.nd BeUord.Bailey.

When you are talking . these Iiot, witherlnl days about the crops the iovernment paid the farm. ers to plow under, reme~be~ that the fellow who really paId ' IS the American consumer, and this includ· es the man on . the farm al wel1 as the fellow in the city.

I ~ .

It Is Alway. Healthfully Cool at the Broadway-the Oaly Theatre in Burlington Coun~ with an Alr·Coadltloned CoOliag PIaD~.

':""'dded-SYBIL JASON




"Early to Bed" ...a TO TRII LADJa

~-~---" 1VUDAY, AIICWt 11-

Doable Fea.... Procnm SHIRLEY DEAJOl iD

"Educating Fathrr" -BUCK JOND ill 'SUNSET OF POWER'




Broadway M~lody of 1936

SATURDAY, August 8-


Hearts Divided with


MONDA Y, August J()-




Direc t froin the leadinl Nilht Club. of Philadelphia and Jeraey





Early to Bed TUESDAY, AUiust 11-


Show' Boat wltb


WEDNESDA.Y, Augu.t 12- ·

Kay Francia as .Florence Nightingale.


The White Angel with .







L S. GURNEI.I . Dodce .sad ~

SUa and Servia: WI E. B ro.cI It.. ~



WKDNESDAY. AIICWt u- II!!==~=::::=====~ CHDTER IIO RRIS ia

"Counterfeit " -c:.-, c.-........... AS n DZIIr

TH11RSDAY, A1ICWt 1)-A 0.,. ______ .... , ...


"Palm~" -c....,c:-u.DI a.. .. "'I'WOOar __ 1r

~:,~,, ':H=""


u,' , ...... S ; ...... 7" •

.... .. 0 'f_ ..... ,.. _sa,.. NO!' 10 GOOD

Doctor : -n.;. r ........ ,..ta~,..........· ca.: .....,. I ....... .,. ...

... ::::~ ...... """ I .................... ....., _ ...... -

Hn'f en I, I place where ther. I, no on. ·, quI" lrln. 'or the more abundant life and concut­rently tr),lnl to take ' it oUl of lome body else', .kln.


81 ItOLOOY su, Stn .. L • D 4 0 D·, 'I'!Kh, 1 hOY bo ... t ..... dor of thl ' .ho .. nlW ,am.. "Hock, Nock.' WII D.t , atan. « b, th' Dom",J' It roll c ,ubUcllJ' ... tll

48th Year No. 33






Harry Bradley and Captain Thea. Organi~ed in 1921 By Group of ,dare D. GottJ~e~, R.?,T.C., b~th

Citizens ; Has Rendered from Newark, VISIted fflends in RIY. Valuable Service erton a~d !'almyra on. August 8th, .

after enJoyang the revIew at Camp Dix as iuests of Colonel Beebe. Mr. Bradley, former assis tant postmaster at Newark, oraanized the firat Lan. don for President Club in New Jer. sey the early part of Mdy, 1935, in­corporated it November 1935, and ia now. preaident of the militl)nt body which is cooperatinng with all other clubs and patriotic eocieties which are working for a return of aane, stable,' ecol1omical iovernment.

In view of the fact ' that ' a drive for funds for the purchase of a new ambulance will be made the week of September 14, it is well to look back to the inception of the .association and Ic:arn why, how and when such a worthwhile project was Itarted •.

In· the fall of 1921 considerabl" diffi c\llty was experienced in iettini a nUnfbe~ of persons to hospitals quickly and comfortably, further

· demonl trating the need for an am. bulance, which had been recoinized

· for some time. Realizing that provis ion for ade.

quate am'bulance faj:i1ities could · nOt be longer delayed; S,idney Snelson conferred with QUB 'Axtman, Lou Krauss and ·Morris· Beck, with a view to rais inl fund s for the pur­chase of an ambulance to serve Pal. myra, ~iverton and Cinnaminson .. The assis tance of a number of in. terested person s was enlis ted, and'

. . a drive lo r fu nds was sta rted in the puillic schoql. of Palmyra. In the minutes of the Ambulance A.socla­

.' tion of January 18, 1922, is recorded a vote of 'thanks to Miss Irene Snel. s on and MilS Florence Harvey, for a donation of $42 turned over as a result of the drive.

Captain . Gottlieb is well known throughout the state aa Patriotic Instructor Veterans of ForeiCn Wars, also for his aigressive 'Amer­icanlzation work in frate rnal; church and club circles. The visitors were asaured that activity for Mr. Landon was the order of the 'day arid that a quiet, persi atent educational cam­paiin was ahowing our citizens the inner purposes of the New Deal.

It 'has been estimated· that 822,-000,000. copies of .the Bible or parts of it have licen printed and circulated sinc~ the inv~lltion of printing.


Quick Thinking . and Pro~pt Action ' Saves Life of East .

Riverton .Resident

A collection wal also taken by the Italian citizens, which netted Over $100, the Porch Club of Riverton cont'ribu'ted, over $80, the Ladies' Auxilia ry of the Parry Pire Com. pany also .rai. ed a con. iderable sum, and P.Olt Rodier. , American Leiion, cave a. dance which netted $40. . Rare presence of mind and quick Other sum.a were contributed from action saved the life of a woman varioul l ourcea. driver late Tuesday afternoon when

The meeting for orcanization of her car was struck by the New York-

., "':~"f~:';

;>~~tj .


who is 'Southeast Regional chairman Of the Women's Coalit ion 'of Amer. ican Women, workini for the elec­tion of Landon for. prelident. The national dircctor, Mrs. Jacques Eich­el, speakinc to members of the group at the Bellcvue.Stratford on Tuesday of · this week said :

·"The New Deal today threa ten s the future of the American form of government. We don't wish to livc under a di ctat orship or a commu­histic government, yet we a re rapid­ly approaching in that direction. If the New Deal is retaincd. we .cer. tainly will live under a di ctatorship and under a' communistic lavern. ment. . . . "That will be because of the New Deal's attitude ; toward the Co'nl ti-tutian." '

Mrs. Piller waa for many years a relident of Riverton, living on Bank avenue in the property now oc~upied by Oliver G. Willits and fa·mily.

. the Ambulance Anociation was held Atlantic City ex pre •• , known as the December IS, 1921, at which time the 'Nellie Sly FACTS ABOUT NEW JERSEY 101l0 ... InC Qfficer. were elected: The wo;"an was Mr. Anna M. P resident, GUl tav Axtman ; vice Brown, 54, of 304 Union Landing president, Loui. A. Krau •• ; secre· road, East Riverton. . tary, Clement ·B. Hom; trea.urer, The accident happened at the Sldaey SnellOll. • Broad and Cedar . treet railroad

The fir.t ambulance was received cron ini which i. ,unprotected. from the builder. on January 28, Mr.. Brown was drivinl w~t a" 1922. The AAOciation had purchased Broad .treet and turned left (0 a Pord from the Palmyra crau the tracks. The approacmne Motor Company for $697.71, and had train was bidden from 'ber view by a body built lor it at Tiedekea Bros~ a row of trees ' .. hich " e're planted of Camden. The entire cost of the along the railroad track. a. a beau. ambulance ws. a little over '1500, tification project by a local civic DOt inc1udine equipmenL . ..lOCi. tion several yean aeo. Wben

The Ambulance Auoda tloD bor. ber car .talled on the traeb ' Mn. rowed S600 from the PalqJyra Bank. Brown leaped to .. fety. The note ..... iped by several pub- The car was thrown 100 feet and lic spirited citizen. interested ill the pr actically demoli. hed. project and w.. paid within abo1lt The train ... as in charee of M. E.

McKean, conductor. The· encineer "u F rank Clayton.

a year.

. New Jeraey i. known 31 the "Gar. den State," because it i. one of the leadini vegetable.producine atatel in the Union.


Ill; 1934, the net valuation of tal<, able property in New Jersey amounted to approximately $5,9000,-000,000. In addition, there "'a. to­e:.empr property valued at about 11.000,000,000.

-0--There a re 193 dil tinct soil type.

in the .ta te, a facl · ... hich accoanta for the ... ide Yarie~ of crops that are produced on New Jersey farm .. -In 1933, 845,734 motor vehicles were reci. tered in New Jersey, or OtIe motor vehicle for every 4.7 per. sons in the Itate.


W illiam Gootee, chief of the Rjv. erton police, took charee of the case.

When it w .. found no one .... _ iajured tbe train proceeded on it. The Geare e W ashiacton Bridee

•• _- C betw«n Port Lee, ill Bercen Coan. Captain Ernst A_ LdtmanzJ wa,. to A ..... tic ity. ty, sad New York Cit,. i . the Jone. broqbt the <Hnnaa diriCible H iD- est _pension bridee ill the world. denbarc to a delayed IaDdiac at RANCOCAS PARK __ Lalrebant at 6.54 p.m. OD Satarclsy, RIDING ACADEM" The value of all procfucta maJIII-aftn- trcac:heroaal, .... ,liac wiDde x fac.tured in' New J ersey In 1931 forced bim to abmdoa - aUempted laat ytar for -hicb ficaret are a>OOriDc tIJat m«DiDc ad to tsJre Ibncocu Park has just been reo able) ... more than ~_IU"'WoIIIUIl. his apacity bid of fifty....-aU'S opened as a ridiac acadaay. Edward -0-on a _boIrr siabt-seeiDc tow Worthua .... IeaNd the place.. -0-

lour which dorded Waahiactoa, _ed hia stable of cow poai .. aad In tbe Priaods' BariaI GrOUDcl, .t Baltimore ad PhI1acIeIphia tbrir ridiuc IoorSQ from the II-..t HoD,. Salem. stands a beaIIIIy oaIr tr« 6I'st ticbt of the bic .IraIrip. Pair aroaad to tbe park aDd cina that bad bepD lu arOW1.b !lefore

The cliricible pued - Palayra his - eaterpri~ the _ of hil Colambaa d'iac:own-ed America. aboat 6.00 pa... e,;.c compuatiftfy old Telal. botDe, the IIiJYG Ie. -0-

low. A a_II, aa-ed at 7.500 RaDc.h Ridin, Academ,. Newark i. the Jareest city in New U" the ...... at IAkeIIwa.. Tbc !aree baiJdine tIJat format, Jerwy and _ of the prindpa.I erne.

Amoac the ...-cas OD oo.nt b--r the carroasd is lIeiac ~ in the Unioo. It i. daimcd that __ t he ainIIip wen: lias 8< ..... ~ ble /looted aad stabla wiD he erect. iDtcnection in this city, a..oad ad ~ --,..eicbt ~ who ed in tIIia baiIdiJoc for !Warty be:ad Market streera, ia lbe basint a-. lmtxbd «*t joe aDd is to of tao.-. Tbc roadl aDd patt. inc in the world. ..-t J- ). Braddock for the alone tbe R..coc.a aed aDd the _ OOOf'ld's c~pioaship - -.II; IUe wiD be cle;ored for bridle ........ Tbc lint IacIiaD rCKiiatiou in tbe mod Doqbs Paubaab aDd his wUe~ The old basdtoaIJ dia--' wiD be United Staus w.. Mabliahed at lbe fonDel' Lady S,ma AsIoek7. clwtced iDto a sbow rille aDd there IDdiaD lIiDs in 17s..

The bie . toCl: off on its IIinh is a Jarce field ad;oilliac fow wcwIr- . ___

~etllr1l flichC to FraUfort.~, iDe ~ PQIo poeie&. T1Iere.e ... / I. lIedford WUIt """'actwred at II.» .....,. ..... c:arTJ'iac 55 fociad --W ..... fow a fall __ tJ. lint eel __ c.n ... ill

011 ricIiac ~ tCllltlDc a Wp. Americ:a.. ay, .

A --. Gaohr 01 c- TA,K POR THE KLKCTOR _cc. tJ. -- 01;'" kiIud,......... -n... tiIec ... ~ to .rop·dIia VOl.... IDft f ___ 1«..-1-"'. ' S .. A" TIle, IS , .... ncowa'--4ic •• _'WltiCIt to ~ ..... will ** ct.rp 01 - All II. w..- ira ... 'k«p'- pIaIpe -' ,. -161_ I

::-: ·S.· ...... -...... • iaeI


Statc Motor Vehicle Commission. cr Arthur W. Malee, before leavin'g on a trip through the West to in­spect devices for testing automobiles recommended more. drastic puniah. ment' of d runken ' drivers in letters sent to mOii. tra tcs and police chiefs.

Magee urged both fines and jail sentences for drunken drivers and revocation of licenses for any driver who through violation of traffic acts caus~ . an a~cident in which some. one is injured.

In his letter to tra ffic authorities, Magee cited the fac t t hat 25,000 per­SOna are injured annually in New Jeney, many through no fault. of their own.

"The drunken driver still is with us," Maicc said, "and I believe there W:ill be les a operation of motor ve. hicles by this type of driver if more dras ti c penalties are imposed. . The public has no sympathy for the drunken driver, whether he be a con­firmed addict' or a respectable memo ber of the community temporarily gone wrong, and I therefore recom. mcnd that serious consideration be given to imposition of a double pen­'ally on offenders in an effort to fur. ther con trol this serious problem."


Burlington County Workers Boosted' from 40c to 45c

Per Hour


Reduction of :Age Limit and Resi4ence ReqUi . lents

. Swells List

Liberali ~ation of state require. ments for old-aie pensions In can. formity with federal social security .Iegislation has. enabled more than 15000 New Jersey residents 10 bene. fit, it was announced in Trenton on . Tuesday. . .

A total of 15,904 indiViduals over 65 were . recipient l from· April 1 to ' June 30, it was stated, with the av. erage payment SIS.87. Throughout t he nation the averalc is 115.99

Since ,July I , 1932, when the old. age relief law first was ·pa .. ed, the rolls have been swelled more t1ian 9,000.

During the fiscal year 1932.1933 the averale number of recipient. waa 6,587, and in the fiacal 'year 1933. 1934 it increased to 8,665. By the end .of the folio Willi 'fisca\. year 1934-1935 it had riaen to U,524 and the averaic for the laat fiscal ,period was . 14,665. .

Re.duction in' eliaibillty .ale and res idence . requirements tended to swell the Ii ~t, and by the close of the . 1936.37 fi scal year It iii estimated tliat aid will be civen to 32,000 per. sons. . In conforming' to intent. of the

federal socilll security program the 1936 legislature adopted the Barbour act, which chanied the ace limit from 70 to 65, and lowered the 15. year rel idence provi. ion. . .

Under the new program the coun. ty will contribute one.eighth of tot.

William H. J. Ely, State WPA al cos ts of old-aie relief, with the dmlnistrator, has announced an in. I tate sharlnc three:.eighth. of the

creal e in prevallinc waie ratea for burden· and the federal government WPA laborers in eight Jerley colio- ,the remaining one.half. tiea and railinc of the limit of work TOlal co.t of old·ace relief for the

per month from 130 to 140 1936.1937 fi scal year i. e:.pected tQ hours. ranle from between 15000,000 and

The rate increase is retroactive to 16,000,000. AUcU5t I , as i. the IO-hour work Durine 'the first year thi' weUare limit increa..., authoriz ed by Admin. work became effect'!ve the ltate and illra tor Harry L. Hopkin.. countiel contributed '1,195,607. By'

The two increase. will brinK the the ~nd of the . ecoDd year the cost wage of the majority of laborer. up h,.d reached SI,545,453, and in '" to the security wage rate. In some third yeBJ: it rose to 12,061,399, and cases there will be a reduction in tenta tive ficures for 1935-1936 are working hour. for equalization. set at 12,763.soo. ,

The wace increase In the eiCht Pederal contribution. were baaed ' ~ounties is as folIo .... :· Burlington, upon the premise that the ewe 40 to 4S cent. per hour ; Cape May, would liberalize ita law, ~t c:oatti-35 to 40 cents; Cumberland. 3S to 40 butlon. were set at a mialmam of cent.; Gloucester, 40 to .45 centl ; liS a month per peraon. The Moatb­Hunterdon. 35 to 40 cent. ; O cean"ly ceant could be on a balis of 130. 4S to 50 cents;. Salem, 3S to 40 cent.; I . Somerset, 40 to 45 cent •.


The foUowing fix num. bers an the winnen in The New Era Comic Section Contest thia week.

504 1227 1079

1781 787 671 _,. of the above ~ at the aore of the aaerchaut ill wbose .... ertiae­meat it appears _ the laat pace 011 the comic eectioa, -.II ~ wiD recei_e an adaJt .-.

. for the Br~ 1'beatre.

pablic heahh tnIrIinc. ad 0rtho­pedics: for lbe DWIiDc a.istaat I»­sitiOD. lbe bjett is _terna.l ad child he:aJtb.

J.aor acriarltunl eaciDecr. IZ.OOO .~.

HorticaJtarist. of nrioaa erades . t2.6Oo to ".600 a J'Qr, IoiJ c-.r­vat,- !Jen"CIt. Dq,.. t_t 01 Acri.

h'ere. . IoiJ ted ...... 1ocia, Oil Biooes

crada,. ~ 10 ''''00 • ,..,.. 1001 ' C_"'ation 1Ieniote" n.r,..n_t i ~e.

8aeIt; _ d'riC"Nr, a JQ: _

.... _of '-.I~ Tr D~_pw .. ~ .. ~ .... iafOI__ ..... . ...... 11::: L W . ........... 1Ih.no_



OF N. l CLERGY State Commissioner of Motor

Vehicles Asks Help in .' Safety Campaign




Fred McKeither, of Delair. was arrested by Officer Lawrence Betty on Saturday of I .. t week c\lar.ed with poaaeaaion of illicit liquor.

Mc:Keither atated that he had pur­chased the liquor from Tony Sacca, US W. Broad Btreet, Palmyra.


atop In uct ...


Broad Street, RlvertoB (Prices R .. aonable)

Allo aalt about ~he II apedal .. TheF are really, worth taldar adv_taP of.

ETHEL'S BEAUTY SALON Arthu~ W. Maiee, state commls·

aloner of motor vehicles, i, carryinl hll campairn for safe drlvinr irito tbe churches of the state, askinr the paltorl to preach on the Fiftb Com·

, mandment, "Thou Ihalt not klll."

Sacca was tried before Recorder Cecil A. Bowers for violation of a borourh ordinance and fined $50 and "===;:::i=========== COltS. Sacca paid the fine and wall lIt<ooOtO+C;.clltCMO+06<M+CI+IO+OO" released. , I,'

Letten have been lent ' to all min· I.terl. priestl and rabbiB, ur,inr them to ' auist the motor vehicle de· part~ent in reducin, the number of flitu automobile accidents.

A number of pastorB already have co.operated. pointin, out that rec,k. 1_ drivinl Ie not only criminal ' but alnful.

"The c1er,y has alwaye been rec· . ocnized in civic life alone of the Pictured here II the wrecked Hupmoblle ledan from whlc;h Anna M.

"Ientlal factorl of any community ... • Brown. driver, jumped jUlt befote it wal .truck by the Nellle Bly at the the commillioner wrote. "The motor .Cedar Itreet crollin,; Riverton, 5.00 p.m. Tueaday. " '

Bowers Is actlnr recorder durlnr the absence of Recorder Carl Lutz.

Enourh lumber 10 build a church ' wal eawcd from a elnlle California 'redwood tree. '

Mr. HUSBAND . . . vehicle department of New Jer.ey .. I ___________ ...... ___ -:-____ .,.... _______ _ under my direction,' i. and haa 'been warinl a Itatewide educational cam· p,alm to reduce ' the appallin, 1011

of Ufe cauled by automobile aCci-



While your f.mlly 'I vaca· tionln, at the aea.hore, mOIlD~ talna or ' what·not . ' . • • • • . ,


dentl on ,our hi,hwaYI. How Burlin,ton County poultry. , Seventeen Junior c1ubl In the lirst district , will actively enlale, In the work of the Junior Department of the New jeraey State Federation of Women's Clubs durin, the ~re8ent year. r

at ,

fry.' s, Dining Room 11 Weat Broad Street

Palmyra PhoBe IUt

Amonr theae are the Riverton Sub.Debl, under the .leadership of MI.I Irene Sippel, president, and the Junior Woman's Club of Palmyra. of which MilS Marie Jander Is prell-dent. .a.-----~------..)

August Sale, Reductions ..

Men's , '1.00 Golf Hale

3Sc , Kaynee '1.50 Shorte, 6 yr.


Smith's Store 414 MAIN ST .. RIVltRTON

Phae 711

"You no doubt will a,ree with me 'men ~an avail themlelves of,. a free that publi~ opinion 'mult be ar?,!led tattoo service deslrned to thwart to tbe lerlouenelS of the condluon,s poultry thieve. il .explained in a new exlltin,. Hence, I am ' a.ppea~ln, to Extension Semce publication, "Re,. yoU for your co· operation In thll Istered Tattooed Poultry," copies of humane ,effort ,and respectfully' su,· ~hich may be obtained from the • elt that the rna.tter of self.pre~er- office of Chas. A. Thompson, Coun· vation be brou.lit .to the attention ty A.iri!:ultural A,ent, at Mt. Holljl. of your con,~e,atlon ·In lome of The, New Jersey tatoo prOlram your .el1Dons In the future, sur,cat· haa been in effect III,htly more than in, as a text ,'Thou Shalt Not KlIl.''' three years, durine which time com·

~~~B~~ultry~911~h~eb~n .~iiiiiiiiiiiiiii;ii;ii;;iiii~iiii~i;i;~;~-,THIRTY ,


reduced mo~e than SO per cent.


CAR DRIVING , A coune in automobile drivinr ie

The new ,atee for the Main street the latelt addition to the curriculum railroad croliline have arriv~d. at· Mooreltown Hllh School. Be-

•. -0- . elnnine with the fall term In Sep. In thll Illue was pubbeh~d an or· tember, all tenth ,rade boys will be

dinance for the conBtrochon of . a required to take the lubjec" ewer from .Fourth street to Broad ' The hllh school has added this atreet on Lmden avenue. At that lubject in cooperation with the tia· time F. G. Brown was mayor and tlonal .. fety campltl,n. Lester S.

, John H . Reese borou,h clerk. Hesl vocational a,rlculture In. -'-0- atnictor. will teach the courtie, and

Five incandelcent Iiehtl were In. the text book 'to be uled Is "Man Italled in Welt Palmyra Ialt ' week. and the Moto:r Car." -Eula Roach and family lpent the week in Philadelphia with J. H. Harborne and wife.


--0-The water company haa received ' C. W. Ludlow hal been putine on

a lot of 16-inch pipe to be uaed in lome wonderful demonltrations of , conltruclin, a main on Mor,an ave· the latelt and mOlt modem cOQkln.

nue from the river '0 Broad Itreet. utensils. made of Italnle.. Iteel. -0- TheH utenliJl are uaed exclullvely

Motor parties crollin,' rivera on on, top , of the Itove and lave you ferry boatl in the future will be reo time and money, and promote better quested to hide thei,r liehtl, the De. health. partment of Commerce and Labor Anyone ..,llhine a demOll8tration bavine taken thil matter in hand be. may eet in touch with Mr. Ludlow. c:anae it is claimed that the lilht. of phone Riverton 1111. Adv.

~ the apta-carl are often , eonflictine to the pilotl of other ferries and bOat. 011 the river. and that for thil reason precaution must be made to hide them durine the transportation across the riYer.


Someone has amt copy of the Mount Holly 'Herald containine the followine; "The county tas board il loine over the ueeMM'1 duplicates that ban been KIlt in and correctine obvious errorl and ... luations.. In eoine oYer the Palmyra duplicales, Mr. Wimer, .be Ih,es in that townabiP ... ,.. that _,. nJaatioas of real estate are IInIdt below their real worth aDd dIat ~s of dollars worth of .--1 property. IDCb as '-hold .oocb, pi-. horses aDd carrialn. de.. baYe ncapod beiD. aMeMCd He npeets to ,0 Mer the duplicates ' cara.u,. and wben be doep tbiI and the pcopJc eet their tas·bilJa. be win wiaIt be n ed .-wbere elac." P er1Iape he win. ,That remaiu to he -. BIIt hi. frimdl nput Geor,e 10 do his dut,. and let the I ~ look after ~""ca. ! ,

A HEW RYTEX I ODe a.mdred B __ Cuds for .

0- DoOu at Tbe New Era orICC:. 1 R ytes Hylited Cuds _ filM stock. . rotarY cat. Eftft lower' prica for J:arsu' qualities. . ...


Lakeview, Memorial Park


T H It cooleit people in town - the ii_ppie.t and RlO!It 'carefree - .re thole wile folk. to whOm

we've lately delivered one of tbe.e lively Buick SPECIALS.

",,,.,J ••• IIM ,... '/ ". .. .,." 61 "... Mil • . , ~, III ''''1# .,.." .. MI,. ~"I

.-J ". .. , am""" "., ,. .11 ~", tI' '-'''. HtiI • .III -.., " k., ,tHI., M/Ifl ,1411 ,J".",J.,.I ., ~'" ",.,..,. .. hin' wide thote Veotipanee-Iel your foot down

• moothly on the IICCCleT.tor - and you've tot your - - ','0" breeze, mlMle to order whenever you want itt ...-T 'A~ .. '" 'fOIl ~I tiiUUI • "tI __ IIw 0.-.1 M""", 1_11.11."" ,,_

There'. no noiae, no heat, no I.bor to in oil· quie1ed, . valve·in-bead . trlliabt-eiaht eoaiae, There'. DO dort 10 the handl"", W~Ye yet to find a hiD or •• tretch of loU'" amn, tb.t an draw • pufF' or pant from tbi. easy·.teppin, Serie. <4() Beauty . It isn't too I.te to ,et thrillin' plealure out of this .ummer. We ean .... ke quu delivery-~ our eaty te....,. to .uit your like.. c.u us-1Iftd

we'll be ri'ht .round for a demoastration.



T~.M~~77 ~ 4M


BARBOUR ADDRESSES BOY SCOUTS . O~O~OOO •• ~*OO.O ••• O ••••••••••••••• O.O.OO •• O •••• t PALMYRA POLICE


Anoter careltls driver wal picked, up by the Palmyra police Wednea. day of I •• t week, In their drive to lellen ' !'Iotor accidents and deatha. Arthur C. Crair, of 303 St. jam".

' I~EARN TO DRIVE We will 't,esch' yOu the proper way to clri~ a · car and

p~epare you to cope with modem traffic problema 'on the hlghways. . ' .

Our course of'inettuc:tion guarantees, that you will be pass the rigid New 'jersey State l,icense exam­anations.

, Th~: course of initructlon includes Sight Teit, Color Test, Traffic Rules, Motor Vehicle Laws, Oral Telt and


. avenue, Merchantville. paased a IItOP street alld attempted to cut around bnother car at the slime time. He w~s liven a summonl to appea~ be-for" Recorder Carl ' Lull Thur'ad~y :: RESULTS QUARANTEED nenlnr of thll week. The ar.r~st wal made at Broad and Clnnamin- OPEN DAYTIME AND EVENINGS Ion avenue. '

Two cara co~ at Ihe inter. South Jersey Automobile ~e~~~;. of Br~ad street and S·4l laBt . , ' Driving Sc, hoo)

Raymond Jonel, 22, of Pany bve. nue, Mooreetown, drivlnl a Chevro· 202 Broad Street ' Riverton, N. J. let ledan, Itopped at the corner to I Phone' Q . 'R. COLES make lure no catl were comlnr alonl the hl,hway. After he Itarted ~~R~I:-<v:-.ero-to>°OnOtOI4_o2+C~""H>"+tI~""0+"'<M~+ClltCMH>OlOn~s.atr;cu~c~to;.;rM.,,~ up a,aln he collided with 'a Dodee -sedan dr'lven by William A. Ho'lm"B ==::============:==~=~=========~.;..;;. of Ablecon. Both drivers were ,Ive~ a summons to appear before Record-er Carl Lutl! Friday evenlnl. ,


"I ih~lI mill you while you are on

Ulle The New Era Want~Ad Column all a medium for exchange, ,sale, buy or rent-JUlltPhone 712, 0aIr ten cents per line per inllertion;

your huntlnr tilp, dear." Bald Ihe __ -=========::::;=======::::======= __ youn, wife affectionately" "anil J :: shall pray that the hunters you are .olnr with will do the I"me."-


, Boy Scouts at their Allaire, New Jerley, camp, came forward to shake bandl with U. S. Senator 'W. Warren Barbour after he IIpoke to them at their annual medal preentatlon ceremonle., on Sunday '(Aileust 2). Senator Barbour hold. In hlB left hand a neckerchief preBented to him b,. the Scouts In recornltlon of his service as Chairman of the Board . Mo.nmouth Council, Boy Scout of America. - ... --------.... ------~--------------.... ---------


PLANS COMPLETED Pennsylvanja Horticultural SO~ietY , Will Hold Annual Event at

30th Steet Many New Features Added This Year. Ford V -8 to Be '

Given Away Co·operati"g with the Penn By i­

vania Horticultural Society and It. large group ',of ,affiliated garden

. At a meetinK held In Sacred Heart clubs, the Pennlylvanlll Railroad School Monday evenln, of this w",,,k mana,ement has consented to the

, final plans were made for the hll,e 'uae of Iii new palaeh,er terminal carnival to be held at the corher of In Philadelphia for the purpoRt of Broad and Elm on the K. of C. holdlne the Society'l 1936 Dahlia Irounds for the benefit of the Sacred and Fall Flower Show September Heart Church, A!llult 21 and 22. . 18 and 19. .

There will be booths of all kinds, ' ThuI, for the ' firlt time In 110 Ice ,cream, cake, hot dOli, novelties, years of e'xlltence, the oldest horti. candy, filh pond, a radio ,ame and cul\iJral Rociety In the United States many other Intereatlnr features. will sta,e Ita annual exhIbition In

Orderl for 'home· made csku will one of the lar,elt railroad atatlonl be taken by call1n, Riverton 555.J, In the country-the 30th Stree.! Ter-

Another added attraction will be minal of the Pennlylvanla In Phlla. the lervlne of an excellent luncheon delphia. and lupper on Saturday. The meal Besldel the dllplay of Rowen, wlli conlilt of Italian Ipa.hettl; Ireel, Ihrubl and olher plant mater. home·cooked ham. potato lalad, lala by amaleur ,arden era, tbere will pickled beet., tomatoel, rolll and be leveral exhlbltl; competitive and coffee, all for 3Sc. Children 251:. otherwlle, by commercial rrowen

L ,uneheon will be lerv~d from and nationally known leed hou"s. 11.30 10 1 o'clock and dinner from Schedules may be obtained from 5 to 8. . Ihe Society's headquarterl at 1600

Friday evenln, tea will be lerved Arch Itreet, PhlladelphlL and thOle who wish may have the tea leave I , read.

The UIUal free eround prizes wiD be liven a.ay every hour.

, An orche.tra ha. been arran,ed for ,each evenlne but at thtt preaent time ' It II not certain who will be aelected.

BIRTHS Mr. and Mrl. William KrauII, 01

704 Lincoln avenue, Palmyra. are recelvln, coneratulatlonl on the blrt.h of a IOn. , Aueust 11 . Mr. KrauII II mana,er of the Palmyra branch of Leiter S. Portnum, Ford dealer. The ' 'eature Saturday llI'ht wiU be

the ,ivin, awa" of • new Pord V-I .to the holder of the lucky card.

Thil carnival has beenpJanned Rainfall averaees four "1chel per with the atmost care and tbe com. mont'! In New Jeraey. mluee hal llIowtt It, enlbullasm by ============= the unUlualJy ..... e number of aD'Iuaementa aelec:tecl for the enter· talnment of Its patrons..


Rapid procre .. I. beia, med. with the wort on the erandstand et lbe lit. Holly Pai r croanda.

The Itracture, .. bleh baa heeD completely renovated and repaired, i. now b«ine 'painted.


USED CARS GorMlY. Vied Car Stock

includa .... eral late DIOdeI Dod". PI)'IIIOtIIth, Chenolet and Ford Carl TRIPLK CHKCK':D and Gturanteed for 30 da,...



The new benches and acat l are ready to install, tlw: Ilalrwa,.1 and treads have been repaired and _I railin,. conllracled. The 'orce of workmen will be enlar, ed rlClIt week to rush Ibe imprMementl to com- = --Plet i.on in .Iime for Kbc:duled 'adne i ~ L S GURNEI I and lpartIne eventl earl,. in lep-I J • • . . tember. 1- ",,_.a and PI The trac.k bas been wideDc:d and .,.,.",e ymoath aine inches of arfacc material wiD Sales and Service Ix ...... "'M. " ....... ~ - I .., ....... IL "_.

There are S.7r1 ,oil c.oarNl ill t , ~. P lyntoa 2t6 the ' Unitc:d Igta aad oaJy 65 jail O PEN EVERY &VEH'HO eer-,..

-- "

.////. ' ~ -. a


Y"u are giving Chevrolet the greatest year in its history, just as Chevrolet is giving you

c?~ on4,~ ~~ied eatP ..... ~ IIYDUVUC DAlla

jOeH .. AttI.II, Solf,Artlculall".1 ".. .... 11 "_,, .... 01"""' ... , ... ,."..,

.......... -.................... .,.... -- -- ,..".,- ..,.

- I." ", ...... ell

.... u • ....,. •••• .,. ... ... -" .... -~ .... n. -.. ... .vn ...... ..-

Totbemillionpeoplewho ,01 "' .... !CAL have already bou@:ht , ... _.,,0If Dew 1936 Chevroletll • •• and to tbe teus of thou8ands of other people who are DOw liuyiug them ••. we of Cbevrolet wish to espreee our sincere appreciation for your patronage and your friend. hip.

,",auk. a million (or a demand whictJ bu lilted production of 1936 Chevrolet. to the million mark in lela than a ywl

Y OQ looked .t thia car- you.troYe h - you bouflu it- aDd DOW you are ftOOIIUIJeDdmg it to all 'your friends. Tlaanka again for a million a.e •. roleta, and for. «I ~iDg .Chevro!et the creaUet , ear ID tts bis,ory, JUl t .. Cbenolet is «Iving you 1M only tJDIfIphu low.prinwl oar. -=-anOLn .OTO. 00 .• .,...,aO.T .• ,eB.

1IInOVD ........ IIJID.AftIOII ~

, .. _~, ..tool rid • ., .. . .". ......... 110 DaAJ'I' VIII'I'IIo&~ .. _ftJJUIft.w_ ", ... 011 " .. "',"" ,,"II ._ ....... bedl .. _, _,.., ....

,_·"ric ... •• , llIOCUaOOI' ...........

_.'°11 dli.,_, ... tIe, ._d ,.,.. ,"" _r IMfo<w




10 Broad Street Phone 145 Riverton, N. J.




Plttatiahed BYV}' ThIU'llday at GOt IIalb S~ RIVERTON, N. J. '

...... at the Riverton. N. J. POlt Olrlce u Seco.d CIu!! lIatter Telephone, Rlnrton 112

.WALTItR L. DOWEN, Editor KARL W. LATCIf, Advertillin;Maucet .

NOTICE . AU' readen or local noticeil of enteetalnments, auppeR, fain, dance ..

etc., linn for the purpole of railina money; "'!.in be charaed for at the rate of ten cenb Il Une. The New. Era ORlce i. equipped t1I db aU iliad, of Fine Prlntlna at rea,ona~le pi'h:e.. . '.

LEGAL ADVERTISEMENTS The New Era il I Le&l l New.paper; Colllml .. lonec· .. Sberl&'a uad

....... Sale .. Admlnlltratbr'l and. Executor'l AdverUIllIIIentl are aoUcited. . TIt. New Era wi" appreciate beln, remembe~ In this cOlUiection. .

flor President of the United State. ALF M: LANDON


For Vice President I COL. FRANK KNOX


.For ' United Sfaies Senator ' I W. WARRBN BARBOUR .

' --0--

For Con&reasman I D. LANE ,POWKRS


For State Senator CLIFFORD R. POWELL

• -0--

For Member of Aaaembly DR. S. EMLKN STOKES --For .Surro,ate


A FTER l~ y .... of SerVIce. thl. N • ., J ... .Y~ Couri...,. I!dlt~ . will travel to every 8Utte In the Union. Theae.,ldtei'a _nd tl1e trtp wnt CCI1t1nu~ Cor at lealt a ~r. Follnw tM ... klte

. 1.ln ~ .'~kI Y. ~.lnni"A ",t ,the Itar at New Jen't \· 'I

Sublcrlption '1.50 a 'lteu In Adftllce Adllertilln, Rate,. on AppUtatloll


-0-- Now folks I want you to read ne'y General, seyeral of tlie Senato .. For Coroner these lettera and follow them, just and a number of the lady employees,

Philadelphia Advertilln, RepreHntatlves JOHN N. SWARTZ as you would . read a letter from a Indudlnll' the Governor's very sweet NEVILLJl: a: HITCHINGS, Inc. friend who was maklnll this · trip. little secretary.

II So, Twelfth St., Phl1adelphla, Pa. These letters are · 1I~lng to be per· As we journled ' across the state we

I Isonal. I .am not g011111 to tell you' found . more andla'raer farms. All

I ! . Mr .. and Mrs. Fred Conway have PALMYRA ' very much about how we vlslted 'the properties were In aood repair and returned from 'Toledo, Ohio. Dur. : Stat~e of Liberty and t.hat the leH quite some road' work was beinl . RIVERTON ina their vacation . they saw plenty arm ,. longe,~th.~n th.e rlaht .. Wlien done in the Eastern section. At of aOft ball ·aame.. The~e wer" sey. . I speak of we I am' re~errtna to Williamatlc, we noticed a hundred

""~ ___________ ... ehty. five team. entered In . Toledo , Rev. ~eadlng Z, Po\nat!tt. teacher t.he !hree characters In thls., weekly or more nice home., all exactly 'alike The Wom'an's Republican Club of for the ' elty championship, In the of the Wesleyan Men's . Bible Chin. ~ontlnued · story. ~ho". are myself and upon Inquiry we found ttiey

B four parks In Toledo and each hay. will. be the speaker In the mornlnl[ '. The Cou. nt.ry EdItor, .T"reva.,' my were occ.·upled by worker~. ,'n, t.he urlinatonCounty has pOltponed vi f h E h M E d h d T h ~ . lta tneetln& from Thurlday. AU&U8t Inl[ four dlamondl. Mr. Conway ser ce .·o t e . pwort '. ; YOung~9t aug ter an y. t e gteat American Thread Company,

IQUS that the welitern teama .·have Church Ihls Sunday mornln&, duriha Editor s nephew. with factories co ... ·rlnll' a'crea .of 13, to Thurld.ay. Auaust·. 20, at . 8 ' th b f h R W A B d ' . ~

'o'clock. . .All' Republican women .the pitchers, but t.he .eastern teams e a s"':1ce 0 t e ev. . . 0'1 . We arrived In the stat" of Co·n. ground just across t"" toad.

voters 'of Riverton, Palmyra and hav" the fielders. " . Miss ' V'lt,lnla In,lIn&, of Garfield neclicut early '· in the afternoon of Most .. of the population Is white, ' ClllJIamlnson ·are Invited to attend. 1 '1 Tuesday. July 216t. alter crossin II tlie we have aeen very few negroes. Leiter Dtl!nk, solicitor for ' the Bur. . Mr. and ·Mrs . . John Frehafer are a.venue, s spendina two wee~s at state of New ,",ark. The first thing Store prices are about the same 8aln Unaton' .County Board o'f Freehold. Ipe.ndin~ the month at : Seaside .<:~mp \yanatn.aker, He,ghts. that ~ttrac~~d our attention in .our Jersey ex'cept In aome of the bon era will be the apeaker. .' Hel&htll., .' , . Milia ' Helen Habfut, of Llntilln fint tnapectlon tour. of the trnlon'l ton towns, where ' they are a few

. . I ' k d HI h was the abaence of farm land oYCr cents hl&hei". We , have paased a M .. Mr. and Mrs. Charlea' M. Yoat and avenue, spent ast wee en. at & the route. we covered. T. here were, number of ·'.w J.rae" cara and

. Isa Irene .. Ippel. of 209 Thl?mas family spent the ' weekend In Wells. Point. . h "h ~ I

avenue. will return late thl. month, bora, Pa .• aa luests 0.1 Mr. 'and Mrll. owever, ' mile after nllle .of ·· fine trailers and they all' IIBlute us. after an extended European tour. Robert Conevery. The Yost a took Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Boyd •. of Mpr" .roada and beautiful home.s. Every Of c'aurae ' .we visited all of the

'Bobby Conevery home after he had &an avenue, left · on Monday for a town throu&1J which we .passed was Yale College bulldlnls In · 'New Miaa' Eleanor and Mias. Maru Har. • h two weeks' vacation at Northfield, aa clean as a hound'a tooth. The Haven because we aot lost tryln,

I spent tree. weeks with their aon roads . are all. 1I00d, but .not to be to find our way out of the city-the ·rl. Ion, of Riverton, and Mias Gladys Jack' MI J ' Ct · d l'itaaSBchuletts. d

. 18 oan one very re urne compare WIth the .New Jersey street~ 'In th'ls sec'lon run In a' ll dl. ' R.undle, of Philadelphia, have .. ju.t to RI'Yert' n Ith th Y t f Ily d D, . 0 w e all am . " r.oa a. . . . . rection.a, but . the bulldln&" and : returned after a tour of the New and Is spendln& the week at Camp Mrs. Melvin P. Davis. of 102 Mem- Q

Enirland Statu an.d Cat\ada. .. Ockanlckon with Marilyn . Yost. orlal avenue. hal been In ihe :West By request of Mrs. Catherine Mid., grounda are beautiful. Jersey .Hoaplta:!, · Camden, for the dle.ton, of New ElYpt, we called to . My next letter will be from Rhode

Amona ·thole· who ' have returned .Mrs. Harriet Eckenhoff and moth. past two weeks. While her 'condl- exterid her Ireetinll \0 her son·ln· Islarid. . . from a ten days' stay at Ocean City ,er, Qf Beverly, spent Tuesday .wlth tlon. II still critical, there II a sHiht law Officer Hermon Miller, of ih are: Mias Sue Teeple, MI.s Edna Mrs. Edwin Evans.. . Improvement. ,Police force of ·Westport. but wa

e s

Meunier. MilS Mary and Miss Ruth Informed that he waa on dUly out a Pattenon. . . James Goodwin. who Is ' empl~yed Mr. and· Mrs. C. W. ~udolph, 913 town, but hia lIuddles said that they


Tbe DeCo&nets property at Sec· ond and Main atreet.. hBl been standlnc empty for seYeral years. II' belna renovated .and wlll be occu'pled by the owner, Mra. Eslelle DeCoane.t. and her .on, September U. The repalra are being made by Contractor Curtis E. Stavely. of Palmyta. ' .

at New Lisbon, Is .spendlna the week Waahlnaton avenue. are spendln& would deliver the greetinas . . Ou with his mother, Mrs. 'Francis Good. ~he week at Ocean CltYI next stop was at the Fire' House In


win, Sr., of rhomu avenue. the .Thlrd Precinct at Brld,eport M. M. LeFavor haa returned to and we found sevenil of the firemen

his home In Gloucester. Ohio, after jus.t enJoyinl their lunch. When spending two weeka with hll son. they learned that 1 was from New D~. Dean LeFavor, of Morlan ave. Jersey they .wanted to know how the .nue. Governor' and the · Lindbergh case


Mr. and Mrs. L. L. Keatlnl are spendlnl th~ week at Atlantic City.

Mrs. HarYey E . Stewart Is spend­Ing the week at Beiu:h Haven with h~r dau&bter, Mrs . . Brooks Evert ,

wal c~mlna alonl and 1 told them that my trlf was deallnl wltli the common people of every atate In the


Halop WANTED CL.UlIPIaD ADVllimalnlllHTl

RatclOc Per Line (JAa. ·A ....... Woodi)

--a..rp JOo , .. ""'Ad


'MIas Dell Teeple has returned af.: fdr. and Mra. L.. B. Ribble an!!

Mr. and Mr.. Jamel H. Hartley spent the weekend In Sea.lde Park with their Ion and wife, Dr. and Mr •. Arthur Hartley.

Union. After dlscUllin& Faihe Couahlln, Dr. Townlend. the Prize FI,hteU. the Wrestlera and the Qulntupleta, they told me where could find the United 1lluminatln& Company where Mr·. Richard Van Horn Is the manaler. and we were on our 'way to deliver &reetinll frorq Mr. VanHorn'l father. of Lambert vlUt!. N. J. We loon found the place but Mr. VanHorn W&l out of town for the day. but Mr, J . G. Fltzaerald of the lame company laid he would conv~y . the creetlnc. from Mr. Van Horn I father and remarked . "I know Mr. VanHorn'. father very well and am al.o very clad to hear from ' him

FGR RENT-Furnlabed lipartment rand garaae. 408 Mor •• a ave., Pal-

I11yra, phone Riverton 247-w. tel' .pendln& a .week as the ruelt of son. Jack, of ,Linden avenue. 'pent Mn. Oeorle Hoehn. of ·Mooreltown. the weekend In E.ston. Pa.

Mr.. Annie Cole I. spendlnc the week in Ocean City with_he r Ion ·Roblnet.

MIa. Mervil Haas I. crlUaally III In H,bnemann HOlplt,l. Phlladel. phla, where .be II tralnln, for a nurH. Mill Hu. I. the' dau,hter' of Po. tmalter Mervll E. H ....

The many irlendl of MI .. Betty Uln,er. of Clnnamln.on .trelt, wW be ,lad to know that Ihe la recup· .ratln. from .an appendicitis opera· tlon In t'he Weat Jeraey Hospital, Camden.

Chief of Police and Mri. WilHam Gootee and Mr. and ' Mrs. Cillrence Bell, Sr.. apent Sunday at Beach Haven.

The member. of the executive committee of the Woman's Republi­can Club of Burlln,ton COWlty were .uelt. at the home of Mr •. Minnie HUlted. Seaside •• Thursday.

The many frlendl of Robert Hul­lin,s. of Thalli .. ' avenue. lent blm felicitation. on hll birthday Wed. nel day of thl. week.

Mr. and Mrl. M. A. Simons. of 11211 Thom .. avenue are Ipendln, the week In Connec:tlcut~

Mr. and Mr •• Pot ter B. Caldwell an4 family are. apendln. two w .. k, In the Poconos. .

Mr. and ' Mr •. Harold Cooper. dalllhter Dorothy, and Barbua Simona are camplnc alonc the R.n. cocas for two weeki.

Mr. and Mn. William HofFman. William Enul and dlu,hter, Mill Ellie. were weekend ",1.1tot. In Bunt Beach. ---

The many friendl of M... E. K. Merrill. of Main .treet, will be Clad to hear that ahe la .Iowly Improvin& after a HrioUI operation Hveral weeki .,0.

Mr. and Mrl. Geor,e B. 8nyder were vllitor • . at Lakehurst on Sun· day to view the German dlrlalble Hlndenbur&. ---

The wlnnefl of the Sacred Heart PTA blank.t chlb thll week ue: Mn. ·H . B. ·WIlUams. of Hichiand ayenu.. Palmyra . and Mill hUlIan Joseph. of Thorn .. ·avenue,. Riverton.

Chief of PoUce C. Morrla Beck I. on hi. vacation. Capt.ln JOleph Rod,er. la In char,e of the force dUrin, hi. ablence. .

Mr •. Carl Davil. of New York. I, Ipendln, the week with Mr. Clifton Cooper. of Clnl)amlnson avenue.

Amon& the V1llto .. at St. Micbael. re,atta lut week were : Mr. and Mrl. Howud Lippincott. Dr. and Mri. Charlel Voorhll an. Mr. and Mn. H.rold M. Marahan.

MI.'. Ruth ' Brown, of 3UI Lecon. ey avenue, h.1 accepted a 'polltion a. achool nurse In the Maple Shade school .yltem.

I Wanted-By September I •• youo'l couple deslrel 3-room apartment (unfurnllhed) In Riverton or Pal. myra. Write ,Ivlnc full partlcuJUII to C. S. Stlmlon. liZ Madlaon Itreet.

· Riverside, N. J. 8-e.2t

LQS'I'-Black and white hound pup. pY. anlwen to· name 'of .. Jun ..... 5 mos. old. Believed to hue cone off

· with some boys. Reward; H. T, Wln-n~r. Oro~el Farm, Riverton. 8-11l-1t

myself." FOR RENT - Rlvert~n. detached home. 1 rooml and bath (4 bed-rooms) In ,ood condition. eacaUent

· location, .ara,e. $40. Raymond Warner, 5th and Clnnamlnlon. Pal-myra. 8-1J.1t · RENT-620 'Maln .treeJ, Riverton. 7·room houle. new heater and kitch-en radiator. SZO. Apply 622 Main Itreet after Sunday.

T22·1 Minneapolla Honeywell Ther-mostat (electric clock) with electric motor control and .qU .. tat for hot ;ater heatln, .y.tem ulin. coal.

went 'I ,allon Ruud Autohot Itor. .,e tank for domelUc hot water

Min Vlr,lnla Wa,ner. clauchter of Mr. and Mri. Elwood Wa,ner, of ' Thom •• avenue; I. ,ecuperatin.

. from a tol.Uectomy a.t Zurbru,. Rodney lima hal returned to hi.

home on El,hth street after .pend. In, a week at Ocean CIty a. the lue.t of David Blyler.


We nlled on Governor MUton L Cro.a at the State HOUle In Hart ford, after . pendln& a couple of day. ,oln& throuch Stanford, Norwalk Westport. Bridlepott. MUford. New Haven. Walllniford and Meriden lind. by the way. 1 mUlt tell you that this town Meriden. Connecticut, ha. a creat per.onal meanlnc to me. al It was here that nearly forty year. a,o, my brother Walter Clement and I .pent our entire fortune 01 ten doll a .. , for our fir.t little 3115 print­In, prel' outfit. The ten dollar. w.. every penn)' we had In the world and we had earned it by pick. (copper tank) price reason . Inc huckleberrlel In the ,reat Pine dr "J" abl.. Ad Belt of New JerHY. e.. New Era Office. 8-1J.%t

,.emorial Hoapital. River.ide, I .. t Friday.

Mr.. L~ther Ros. Turner and dau.hter, Mary, are .pendln. thr .. ·week. at Ocean City.

John Hinkle hu returned to hia home OIL Broad .treet after .pendlnc two monthl In North Carolina 8JI4 Maryland.

100 POR 75c RyteJt HyUtect VII/tin, Card. .1'.

on sale al The New Era, One Hun­dred for Seventy.five centl. Pine Quality Itock rotary cut.

The . • tor, of our Revolution and Ihe a,a of the conque.t of the Welt are built around an American invm-

II .... Joha IIcDermott, of m Cia- tlon never properly appredated-the aamInIon .treet. hal retanMd to her "KenttIC~'" nn.. flrat made by a ..... aft« aacIn.oIq a aerto.J Pennsylnnl. Date_an in 1720, and ~adoa at the. W .. J.,.., H_ the flrat·abootJD' firearm pUaI. Camden. .... .... 1 w.... 810. Wit.

The . Palmyra A.C. will bold foot­ball practice and mutlncs weekly In Society Hall on Wednesday eve· nin ...

All playen .nd person. Intere.ted are invited to attend.

CURIOIlTY BOX "My ,irl cot bel' nOM broken in

three pIau •. " "That11 teach her to keep out of

those placea."-Blson.

'Governor Crol' wal ,reatly Inter­elted In our trip and here are hi. own wordl 81 he w,ote them on the back of our letter of introduction from Governor Hoffman: ·With beat wl.he. to Addison U. Moore on hi. unique journey with his dau,h. ter Treva . and hi. nephew "Ty." Governor . C,os. i. a man well ' In hi. IIventiea, but Yery activ •• and .. hen I .hawed hll1l the picture of OUr PIIrt, .. we were travalin, in a tralle,. he said "111 I1e richt down

aar_"Wbo·. tIN for.otten IIJ8Il I and ,ee that thin. and meet your hear tbaa taWa, .boIId'· clau.bter and ....,.... . ., . Ha cam.

labe\Je.-o"I' .. DOt _', bat I thiaJI down and climbed aboard and in. it'l the otlwl' lldalor fr_ · lcIUo." • lpeeted .... rythla •• a. did thI Attor.

MASONIC IAL'EMAN _ UnuM) ~Iea opporlunlty for member. of the

. .t A. M. The .. ark II dlanlfied and ve~y profitable. FuU time or part tllIIe contract.. Writ. ua tellin, of Yl1Ur lale. experience ud u apo w:ntmenl will be made iDlmediately. be iJdo not IIU inaur.nce Itoclll or RI n.. Bo:a "K" N ... Era Ofrice

verton. N. J , "IJ.';

FOR BALIt-z bed. and ,prfqa 1 buffet, very reasonable. CaU'lI Hl,hland ......... bet ...... 7 ..... p.m. ..lJ.1t

y OUIIC IIrI -.ta wotk • ."... Apply .71 or Riveno. 1.", 7 .....



Palmyra Athletic Club Boys Give Good Account or .

Selves Tuesday

One of the fastest, scrappiest, camest exhibitions of amateur bolt· inc. took place in the wlnd. up on the elaht.fiiht card . staged b~ the Pal. myra Athletic Club . on the hilh achool' arounds Tuesday nllht .

The spe~tators, well over ~ thou· aand, were out of their seats, Yelling, cheerln,. and shoudnl encouralle· ment to the I'almyra b'ay, Tony Cuuupe, who exceeded their fond· est hopes in the iruellina five.round duel. C!lzzupe lost to his colored opponent "Nat" Streater. but wiln enouah plaudIts '{rom hili admlrlna townspeople to compensate him for ,' Thll flashlllht 'photo' taken ~t the rinaslde at the Palmyra. A.C. bout a his defeat. Tueiday nl&ht shows Nat · Person •. Palmyra A.C .• just after he hit the

The two lad I. fiahtlna In the 135· .canvas, Tom Reilley about to count him o~t and Harry Wilby retlrin& pound clasl, . opened the first ·round 0 bl ( . d f with a volley of lIahtnln&.lIke' blow~ to a neutral corner after dellverlnl the K. . 9W or~y secon I a ter that would defy description by the the first round opened. faltest of radio announcers. Streater knocked Tony to the canvas in the opener but did little apparent dam·

. ace. The bell sounded for the first round with both fi&hters awlnaln& at to.P speed,' . .

In the second round Cuzzupe, . knocked to the canvlls under the

ropes · by the colored ·boxer, wa. saved by the bell on . the count of aeven. This blow followed a hard excilanle. that lacked none of the vllor of the openlnt round.

Stilled Comeback . The fails expected Cuzzupe to fold

up In the third but the Palmyra A.C. atandard bearer turned ·the · tables and bounced· a · few. well-directed ri&htl off the' s&Ue "Nat's" jaw and left the colored fi&hter sta&&erln& to his corner at the bell. Both Ihow­ed al..,s of Wear at the end of the third.

The fourth roul)d Wal much like the other." with little 'letup In left" and rI,hta and hook. In the cllnchea That both boy. were weakenlnc wa. becomtn, quite apparent, but their tenacloul .p1rlt won the ,voclferou. admlra~lon of the . crawil.

The fifth Ind final round wal crammed fuU of eacitelllent. with Tony 'hammerln, aWa, at hll ad­vernry with a determined drive, At one point he lloored "Nat~' and then . tumbled over hll prone body.

battled ' cautiously. In· the openlna ""'--.,.;,-............ ------"1 round and enaaaed In several hot Co ntry Clu' b skirmishes In the second. The end . . U . . came quickly In the third when Tat· N t tallla's daht .found McMahon'. jaw; 0 es

. The third 'bout In the 140.pound class found Harry William .• of Pal· myra A.C. matched wltl! Carl Harrla 01 Batesville. .

The opener was merely a .meillur­In& proposition with little dams&e done. .

The lecond ' round was a thriller with a 'rapid exchanle of rl&hts and lefta.

Williams I1lt the canvas under the hammerlna blows of· Harrll In the third, and took the count of nine, but iave a good account of' himself before the bell closed the roUnd.

Haymaker Mines

in the fourth round William I un· corked a haymaker fanned Harrl.· jaw' mlasln, by an Infinltell. mal part .of an fnch. The fourth Wal a Ilzzler 'with· Harrl. drawln, crlm. son from Wllllama' no.e.

The fifth appeared to be a nlp.and. tuck aUalr with both exchanllna vlloroua punchel. The jud&es Iwarded the fi,ht to Harris and reo celvel! a choru. of hearty boo. for their deci.lon.

"Cocky" Pler,roll w.. matched with ltd Spotts of Batnvllle In the fourth bout In the lSO· pound cia ...

Rubber Teeth Fly

The Riverton Country Club D!en'a schedule for Sllturday, AUlust 15th, calls for match plliy vI par for 14 holes to be drawn .at end of play. Belt ball of .partners-one 'half com· blned handicaps.

Walter Brickley. Riverton C.C. Pro, and Dr. ~lIaene A. played alalnst Georle ·Smlth; form· Riverte;" er Moorestown Pro, and another Philadelphia C.C. member on the R H Philadelphia Country Club's Bala Reeve.. If ... _... ...... 2 1 coune Wednesday. Brickley turned B. Edae, '211 I 3 in 'a 66 for the courae. Foulke, 3b ~., ........... - I ' 2 ___ -,.._'--_-:--____ ,A. Edlle, c ._ ..... _ ... I I

. 'Sloan, cf ......... _ .... _ ...... 0 Z . much much for Groll who lamely Elvert, rf ......... .. . 1 2 tried to weather the ItOI'm. Hah,ln& Terrell, I' . 1 0 In the ropes. dizzy from the rain 0(. Baker. lb ...... _ .... _ .. _. 1 Z ·blow. In the openln, of .the .etond Thurer. p _ ...... _ .......... 1 0 round, Groll'l lecondl decided the Totals .... , .... _ .... II 13 match for him while Groll wa. tell. In, I he referee he'd carryon the filht.

Pratt Dancel

Narberth R H

Ga vin, '1 ................ " .. 0 I T. Ral.ton, 2b _._. _ 0 1 Rubicon, 3b ._" 0 3 Walker. Ib .... _. . .. 0 1 Brennan. rf . ..... ... 0 0 H. Ral.ton, If __ . . 0 0 Fox. cf ........ __ ... .. 0 I ' McCahae, cOO Ha.rman, p ..... _ ,. 1 I

() A 3 0 3 4 '0 0 2 1 1I 0 0 0 1 2

10 1 0 3

ZI It.

0 A 0 I 3 2 0 2 II 0 0 0 Z 0 I 0 5 0 0 4

Totall ._ ............ _ .... 1 Riverton Narberth '.

E ·0 0 0 0 0

I 0 0 1

E 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1

B o o o o 1 a o o o o· s

o ·0 ': Z 1 3 ·1 o 0 o 0 o O. o . «) ' 40 I 0 e o. o · 0

10 2 OOx ...... ·. ~

M~morial Park Play,round

Baseball. Dope By "Bill" Sellopp ,


A Iroup of manacerl and offlclall of the leallue haa picked an' all-Itar team to repreaent Riverton In the New Jersey 80ft Ball Tournlmeat to be held at Newark In the near future. The Ust includ ... the follow • . inl playen:

Zink of the K. of C.; Joe Yearl" Jr" of Evanl; Roy WlIlllml of the Athletics.. Terrell of' Broad.a". Stocker of Evanl; Sloan of Broad­way; 'Se:aton of Evan.; J. Schaefer of the Athletlcl: Richman and Per­lrinl of Kvans; Gontnki of Broad­way: Foulke of BroadwaY i EIIII., of Blnker' i Daley of Broadway; Con­.. ay and Burke of Evanl; BeddoW and Bill Anlleraoh of Broadwa". Andenon will act al manqer of the team. .

. All ,ames, accordln, to And.rlOD. who haa been appointed RlYertOD reprelentatlve of the tournament, will be ~Iayed In Newark. -CONWAY RETURNS'

FROM TOLEDO Lealue Prel/dent Conway return·

( continued on pace .)

A few. Hcond's I.ter both ham­mered each other Into the roptl and then fell exhauated to the 1I00r. tanlUn, arms. Ie,. and rope. Into a knot that took the referee a "hole minute to undo.

In the openln, two :mlnutel Pler­Iro" knocked the rubber teeth ,uard out of Bpottl' mouth and pro· vlded a moment of lI,ht humor for the fan. aa lh. rubber molara bounced around the rin • .

In the sixth bout Olden Pratt of Palmyra A.C .• and Art Reltenber., unattached, en,a,ed I'n a footwork marathon. The famous referee. Tolo Reilley. drew this bout to ref· .eree. 'and the hlah spot. were Rell. ley'. remarlca that drifted over the press . tlble. Rellley'. face betrayed hi. feellnCI al he kept ur,in, th: boxer. "come on-&et a move on. Between round. he asked an official "What do you do when they walts?" The decilion went to Rettenber,­but why-we'l. never tell you.

11II1I1I1II11II1I1II"1IIt111111111111,"IIIIIIIIUIII""1II1111II1I1111II1II1II11II1I1I11II1I1II1 Both fi,htera were practlcally

holdln. each oiher up by their own wel,ht at the bell endln. the bout. The decillon of the judcel went to "Nat" Streater of Bate.vllle, .. ho held a .II,ht ed,e over Cuuupe.

The .econd round wa. rather . Iow. wltll Pler,roll .howln& a sllcht edce on hl8 opponent.

Coope! In Opener . Pler&ro.. In the third delivered a The openln. bout Earl serie. of · ... vere body blow. that

Cooper of Palmyra A'. C. and Paul .Iowed up hi. Idver.a,,·. attack. Th fn the fourth ml:sed

Swope of Batelville to,ether. e them up a bit and alternated I mix· openin, round found . each meaurin. h his opponent with Ilttle reat action. ture of bndy blows and punc ... to

Swope drew blood to Coope,'. the ja ... no.e in the .econd round. Cooper The fifth wound up with both drove Swope to the ropes In the heavywei,hts on their feel and the third round under a heavy rain of jud,e'. decision .00n, to Pier,ro.l.

Towell Save. Groff blow.. ho d

Both Cooper and Swope hit the The fifth fray wal s r1 an . f h d ' d Iweel. Albert Groff of Palmy(a

canv .. In the ourt roun an pro· A C . . kl r h d ff by hi, I ed the battle after the bell . " Wat qwc y po II e 0 °'C'oo r drew the dedtlon at tbe experienced 19·year·old colored .op. I 1'; th fifth ponennt. Matt Parker of Ba\elvllle.

c ou a e . Oroff's .econd. to .... d a towel into Vi.itor Scorn K.O. the rinc shortly after the IIcond

The IIcond bout, 150.pound cia .. , round opened. wound up In a victory for the viall. In the fint round Parker laced in, club wben Ernie Tarta.1ia of Oroff with caM and di.patch and Batesville KOred a clean K.O. on dleplayed remarkable form. Hi. Ed Mcllahon of Palmyra A.C. lD quick. tellin, blow., coupled witb the third round. Both 6c11t •• balan" aid foot .. orit. were too


40 Seconds and Out


The ... mi·final waa almost a rec­ord breaker when Harry Wilby of Batesville, scored a technical K.O. aD Nat Person 40 seconds after the firlt

Best Rib Roast bell lOunded. The referee called the F h K' 11 d

25c fi,ht and declared Wilby the winner. res 1 e

The fans were IIl,hly elated with S · Che k 27 the display of Ikill and fine .portll- teWing IC ens . . C man.hip by both clubs. The referee, · , . Joe DeCarlo. of Camden" .tated that with a few more boutl like these Bo' I . P t R t 25 Palmyra will ,Ive a ,ood account of ne ell . 0 081 C itHIf with Ifty club. A. he put It, "I he lad. from Palmyra have ,ood

Ii,htin, heart.... WHITMER'S Thejud,eI were R. Anderson and 1

Dave Blunak. Tlmekeepe" Ro,den UALITY MEAT MARKET Heppard. Physician, J. M. Itein.1 Q l Lody Orcutt .cted .. announcer. I .

The Palmyra A.C. will Itille • 1 107 E, Broad Street Palmvra third outdoor c:ahibltion bere on Phone Riverton 126 PRO DELIVERY Septe~ber 3,d. when an even tar,.r 1InlIlllIHlIIMHIIIMI ••••••••••••• IIII ......... IIIlIIIIIIII. crowd Is e.pected.



If ' '., "'."". ""- . PARK NEWS , AND NOTES

I YMCA BRIEFS I • . Bear H~rt, the full·bJ'ooded SlolUl

t~"n""mll1t"ltmltUU".It"nu"'t1lh"lUuuumu." Indian. remembered by hundred, of ' POOR SPORTS I 'MondlU' niahta .t Rlverton'l Me- bo)'l .11 over South Jerae)' In con.

The New Dealers develoPed mori.t P.rk t.ken on .n en· "tction with hla contribution to the another un·Americ.n laraed .proeram for the ' next thtee proaram ,at OcbnlckOn ' for •

In .ddition to tr:tine to foiat on weeb. . couple . of ~el.ona aome three )'e"" the Americ. n peo,ple • lot of forelan Ntitt Mond., nleht I .. fet)' pro· aao, haJa written Secretary GIIJ' C. 'ldeaa .a to eo~mment, they are ,ram under the direction of Set, "endry. of the taunt)' YMCA. tbat now ahowln, a rare of lporta. Coqover, of the New Jeraey Stitt he will be on thill w.y durlne the manahlp. Police, will be the fe.ture of the period of the v.cltion clmp .nd wiD

Aa lana II F.ther Cou,hnn ••• evenln,. A .t.~e trooper will be .1.0 po .. lbl)' be Ible to be here olF backina the Prelident, he •• a a fine present to expliin the llifety pro. and on for two or three weeb. 1eI10w, but when ' he turned on aram and enn.t the aid of all thOle The family vacltlon clmp I. made Rooaevelt btcaul e the Chief Iber'I' present, POllible by the latene., of ,Labor tlYe had violated the platform on hi Day thia year, tliere beine a fuD which he waa elect~, and ,broken At , etle Proaram week between the cloae of the alrl" hll peraonal pledrea ·to the' people,' The early part of'the evenlnr will camp and the firlr ·laree week-end then the Radio Prielt mliit be be devoted to ,.mea and r.ces. The conference. one of the number Iche. ",huabed up." . tentative pro;'r.m II aa follow .. and duled for Ockanlclron tlill ' faIL T~e dally: papers carried. conRlct. the event will be open to Riverton. In coner.tlon with the weeJr..end .

. fna reports II t,o whether or not Palmyra and Cinnaminson Town. camp., . number of people wbo find As.l .60111 1M . the Pope h.d sent word to Father Ship, . they clnnot 'pend the entire week of Couchnn ' to soft pedal on politlca./ Three. lelled race for the boys AUlUst 28·September 4 at Ockan. eo. .. N. c:. Co. NftlIIQ. BIIJg.1 Pl." It "'aa both affirmed and denied. and ,iris. . . .. Iclron .re Ilrninl up for the week'I~==~~===:=:==:=:,,,:=~================ .. _ but the majority opinion teemed to Flfty.yard dash for bo)'. and alrl.. end Auru.t 211.30, I. ~ that there "" .• 1 aomethlnt In it. Wheelbarrow race for boya and Detailed information and . enroll. r ......................................... "' .... ~;;;;;;. A..test reports a,re that the Detroit clrls, ment forms can be had from tbe ,pHtlt hal been "~dvlaed" to stick RolI!n.r .·pln conte.t for the ladles. County YMCA headquarter., Mt, The Tn· T. owos" Are TaJkiug, AbO' 'ut more clolely to h.1 clerlc.1 dutle.. Balloon·blo"'ine conttat for men. Holly .. : I i II

And then ·the varioul "poUs" con. ' For these lalt two eventl tbere' Bear Heart will bave with IiIm a dueted by the Literary ,Dl,eat and will be a noyelty prlae. ' mlacellaneou.. coDectlon of indian other publlcatlona and or,.nlaa. FoUoWlnlr thla there wlII '.be a handwork, which he. hlmaelf. dati tion.t As lone aa the tide wa. run· tue·o·war , and volley b.1I conteat very sldllfully. He will be available A Ne' w 1936' nlnlr for Roosevelt, not a peep w.. between Riverton and Palmyra. for council and Inltructiona for any be'ard from friend. of the admlnls. ' ThOle In charre 01 the evenln,'1 who "'ant to purlue ' thli lort of tratlon. but when the returns beean proeram are Francia Schwara .nd thin, d\lrln. the vacatJon camp. ' . . to Indicate that the Preaident WII Mra. Cooper, of the Riverton Play. Needl ... to say, a number of boya Fo' r.d· . ·v' ~ 8 . Seda. n Joalnr ,roUnd. Secretary of Aarlcul. eround, and Fr.nk Kurtabur, anil who are already booked' for thla ture Henry A. WaDace whlnel. "We Mrs, Alfred Roberts, of the Palmyra period will want to hear aome of bll leem to have reached the time when ·pIRY,round. ' . Indian t'alea ' round the circle of the jIolltical polls are beln, used ,not campfire In the center of ·the Indian only, to reflect ' pUblic opinion, but . MoVIe' at 8,30 vllla,e, whlcli was. 'developed b)' ::n~? attempt to mould public opln. On the 24th the Chevrolet Motor Belir Heart. at Climp Ockanlckon,

in the pa'rlance of a man on the Comra;::, hal arran,ed for a movie Mathewa, Joe Allen. Junior Jordan Itreet. they "jult can't 'take it," , cona at e of news flalhes, comedy, William Hardin,, ' Junior Knorr;

. Reader. cartoonl and a full lenrth feature Sonny ,', Herbert. Oeorlre , Ililhop. , ,--9- , rict~e, There will be no char,e Oeor.e Troutman, Harold Reynolds'

THE CONSTITUTION dor t e pro,ram, Allowlne for early and Stockton. ark~ess the ahow will .tart at 8.30,

I recently listened to a talk by W. · ,All other events will atart at 7 Winners . J. Cameron on the Ford Sunday eve. a clock sharp. " The winnera in laat Monday ni,htll nine hour and wish to .han' aome of This ni,ht (the 24th) will be eventa were: B~st dreased doll. the thou,hh he expressed: . known as upside down backwards Kathleen RO'th,. bracelet; most un.

"The peculiar ,lory of the Con. nllrht.. Every type of event will be usual, Anna Strohleln, bracelet; ItJtution of the , United States Is th.t sta,ed as nearly .. POlllble uPlide . , lar,elt. Catherine Mathewe.

, It .11 .not a charter of rlchta Irranted down backwarda. There will be one . . free movie ticket, by lovernm~nt to a people. but a prille offered to the boyar Clrl Slowest bicycle race, Tom_ Ilmll 'of powera to which a 'yllrllant dressed in the belt Inside out and C'. my Ford; runnine.· r.ce, people reltrlctl. ita ,overnment, It backward cOltume, The decision of "J Walter Lezenby. Jackie I. ' not a eovernment edict which the the judiea In this event will be ab.~, Ford and Morean Cava.

. people mUlt obey. but a people'. law solutely final, , naulrh; runnlne race for col. which, ,overnment mUI~ obey. 'We' There will allo be an exhibit of lored boye, Robert Morton. Jam .. the people' of the United Statel/- p.~k handicraft and a , pltnlc' lupper Ro.s; youneer bOYI, Jackre Ford th ... leven potent word. were' and which will Itart at 5 o'clock. and Mor,an Campbell, Watermelon femaln,"1 lublequent world upheav. Aueult 311t.wlll be known a. Park eatine contelt. Tommy Ford' and a1. notwlt\lltandln" the mo.t revo. Olympic nl,ht. Further detalll will Sonny Herbert, Harold Reynold. Il1tlonary word. on record. be ,Iven later. and Pete Poeuty.

,"It II often a •• erted, nowad.ya that Ove .NI ht Hlk Movie tlcketl were awarded .1 tJil. ,eneratlon Imowl more than did r ,'e prJzel except In the clle of the the C;:onltltutlon maker~o we do- Elebteen of the older bOYI under wltermelon conte.t. wben an extra

will be given away at the . .

BIG CARNIVAL to be held

August 21 '&.22 at

Broad Street & Elm ,Ave. Palmyra, N. J.

D()n~tiOri8. 1'0 cents Beneftt 01 the '. ' }

Sacred Heart Church Riverton

but DOt about ,ovemment. the le.derl hlp of Francl. Schwarll piece of melon "'" elven

"Our fatberl Imew bettar than we p.rk leider, took an over.nllht hJk~ The bicycle r.ce for ~Ider boy. :::::::~~~=~~~:=:=:=~~~~~;.;.;;;;~.;.:;:.:.:.:.:.:.: that the .peclflc tempt. Han of ,Oy. !'f0nday eveninl of thll week, to wa. won by Raymond Plchter and 'l'IUnent In all time_any lovam. • Thpuaand Illlndl" between River. William Hardlne. i~·~·M·~.~." ......... ~ ....... ~ ................... ;;;;;;;;;;;; m.nt_ven an Am.,rlcan ,overu. ton and Route 25, returnlni to the Clnnamln.on Itreet won the prJ .. mlDt-i. to .ei.e more Power than park to l leep. The 'boYI partlclPlt. for, the lar,lat Dwnber of I. aDoted to It. or mllule thl power· In~ were: Oeoree and Klmer Butterl, wheel~ (el,ht), .nd their prile wai ' It ha.. Tbey forellw the al .. aYl Charlll W.IUace, Chari.. LU.nby, a rarle watermelon, . t:lIlble ' rl .. of danlln, p.rIOD" Philip LUenby, Robert. Joe and Jim Theae pril .. were awarded Mon.

ade,.hlp i thlly for .. a .. the dI .. reclmentl ' bodl d d. y nllht of thll week. p)ae.ment of I . .. by temporarJl 81110. mm • ee an denat. doD, the tendency to unwl ... ctlo" urea ithelr mind. . nd forcli their The Danllh liar, a .lar.e white

J aader Itreul and to prelimt thele con.c ences-lrom these and Illre crOll on • red field II the olel"t un. ..ul they erected certain banl.rl. eYI~h ~~w CIO on the cban,ed ftq]a ealltene. The land ,wal Itrlpped of any power ear, I onlutullon II d .. ly dl·. •

' IUparlo~ to the Peopla. who lpoke lendln. UI, It Itandl between III The Dol .. of London'l IUbwa I II throurb the Conilltutlon, Tb. Pre. :n:r!b: rreaft b~al; that man II deadened b)' Iprayln, the waif. of ll4ency wa. made lubordlnate to the I ure a t 0 tato, tha tubel wltb a Inlxturl of cfIDlllt Con.tltutJon. 10 wa. the Con,r"l. Readtr, and abeltoa wool 10 were thl Courtl. The.. thr .. powen of .oyerument. wltb offlcerl oath·bound to the ConltltUtlon, are IltabUlhed In complete lncIepen. Claae. one of another, OD the .uppo .. ldon that Dever would all three of tIMan comblne a,alDlt the peopla or the law thet . aye them beln.. ThUi 'It the bu been JUltllled..~

.. H_ The llUet of tbe Coaattltu. don'e IllIUtte rl,htaoulne.. I. fD Itl profound bannony wltb natur" law, with moral prlnclpla, with the pub. 1lc COIIIelenc:e, and wltb the poUtlcai wt.dom won throu,h tbe .... Ioa. "'ayall of our people ......

"W. tallr . bout defendlnl the Con. adtutlonl but neith.r , \hOM who UN ft a a puty weapon, Dor tho .. who ....... pt It beUUII It thwMlI ..w, CIIl ha.e any p.rt In thl.. If Jt eYet come. that the Con.tltutJon lINd. dafaa .. , the plain pedple, aD 01 .bote Int'teata .re bound in It. wW attend to thlt, There it Itmrlal ~I, by beJn. there It defendl, .... &rna. Defend the ConltJtution'1 -4t .. clefaadln, ... from f .... cl .. ... tIN axPtrienca of ',000 year. ' .. ., .... ; (rom ~"torllhlp WblCb

j .......... t to eYWy AmerkM COD-

.' fr_ die toaIt.daa a .. u..t

.1011lUlll0ll11.1111111111 •• 1111 •• ,11I1111111III

Consider the Lilies Lovely, aw eedy fragfant immaculately white

MADONNA LIL I ES • • , a baolutely h ardy . • • •

bulb. H t out now wUJ bloom nellt ifay and J un e.

Planted together with blue Delphinium. the arrang • • Plent il Irreili tible, For p r icet He


Open weekday. from. Lm. until 5 p.m. BDd on 11IIIda, (llat Dot for .......... ) from ~ until S p ...

• I



We rl"at to 1RJl0UDCa that due to clrcumltUcal blJoad oar control . we found It neceallf)' to YKata 0tII'

RIVERTON BRANCH wblcb wa Ioutld at Broacl and PuI.ton Str"tl, 011


219 West Main Street Moorestown

whete we are ~platel1 equipped . ;or IIWq IIId '..m:iq Buick and Pontiac, motor car.

We apprlclata yOur .upport Ip tbe peat and hope to batter NrYe you at onr Moortltown addr... In tbl ' Ilture



TI~, Moorwtowa 77 an4 4U




Manqement Appe.11 .for Boob and Mar .aln.. for Inmatel

.nd Employeea .

To' the frlendl of Four Mile : Olll' Colony I, about to I tart · ,"

Library. Bver aince the old d.ys. when the !:ouraee. wl l dom, hard work, and cenero. lt)' of Burlln,ton <:ount, dllaen. Itarted this institu­tion. It ha, been Inaplred to pro,rlllS .lon, conltructlve lines. .Theretore, we are lure of your .ympathetlc Ul\· dentandlne when 'we uk now for boob. '

There Ii a .urptl,ln. number of 'bo)'l- IIterall), I core. - who CAn read. but who. without the fAcilities our own Library would alFord. have IIr.ctleall1 fto opportunlt)' to enjoy It. The readlne of boob and maca· aln ... under. e.reful lupervl,lon, will provide an Important ~i'anch of their recreational Ind educational pro. aram• ,

Our Ichool boya, of coune, hive ample provialon of thl. kind. In ' an academic: way, But the boye beyond .ehool .. e will be the chief bene· '1Ic:1arI1I, Whole.ome o~cupatlon of their mlndl II nec .... ry to their prorrea.,

Not only 'that. The employee •• numbetlne. .bout 125, have their lIand. pretty' full .wlth about 800 pa. tlentl, Because. of the Colony', di •• tance from loelal or mercantile cen· ter •• ·recreatlon mua.t be found larre·

, 'J)I within thl. comparatlvely .reltric:t. ed are., It II planned for tilem allo to enjoy the, Llbrar),. .

We are very aure that there are hundredl of ,ood boob on t~e home Ihelvel of our frlenda, til at

· they no lon,er need, ,Will' you con· · tribute to our .new Library' Pry. marlly Juyenll.e . boob; but If you lind you can .pare any adult IictJon. · travel, tex' ) booka, aclentlflc worlre. lJloeraphi. ' dlctloqarlea, hlltory. poetry. m.a,BlIlne.. ,atlll". mapl. etc,. we ' hall be dellchted to hive them,

Six to .eventy ia ' the . ,e renlre of oilr boy. and about 'the , ranee for out' employeea and their famlllea who reiide hero,

We .will call lor the booke ; or you may wlah to "nd ' them, .' Pleale addrell or call the Llbrar.

i.n. St.te Colony, New Lllbon. N. J , Phone, Pemberton 1.

. BUSINKBS CARDS The New Era aile ... Rytex BUll.

1Jea. Carda one hundred for One Daliai'. Even lower prlcea on quan· dty ordl!r., · ••




.' . TRAPS CLUNKD NOTlca OP lanLa.aM WELLS DUO AND BRICDD a •• tII_ A......... H

Ba, .... of A ....... a'ftItIlt!l\. ._'" AULING , Noll .. I. "ott"l' a1ftft .ho. Ih. 1tt ... 1 A .. I c:===========-=== ........ of .1Il . ...... r! ..... ...... ton, wlU lit ....und .,,4 ...... "I' .... a .. ...,.... .... N. DREIER' 3=, 't:~:':'~h.'c':.:'i.~':r.l'~': CAL"

RIVERTON 1510 at • -.10" 10 ........ 'l'lllItidl)'. ~-..... 1ft W B--'" 8 ~ -i.~~ ,.' .. " o'clot" .... 11. ~ WI • .""'" t. PALMYRA

l't'l,UH '~I¥rJ':L~IN All ~Indl of Orthopedic Shoe Work BURLIHO'l'ON COUNTY TItUa" CO. Dr. SchoU .. Foot Rttlledl.. .~",,",","+Il~~I+II+III+"'''.

Free ~livery

Prot lo. , W .... n, LI,plncott, D.,td , 1"11' I" lUI

Bnev.tora. . ,

BKAR HEART • full·blooded Sioux Indian, who wll, arrlY,e It YMCA' Camp Ockan. Ickon. AUlul t 28th.

',",0 '0 .. ,.al ·

RULE TO BAft Cft.D1TOftl . .... "16.·' Nollte ..11 •• 01 Cha.l.. L. Pl......... ~'oI. . Notlte I.,,1' .twa th., •• brtar .... _ "'101. II, 'ht .. "IICI.... 01 the COIl.\lr

of BIlfUqtOft, .... rI.1 .'" .bt ~tlll' 01 J\1 , In.. _ IIJPIl 1Il00 of t .. b-•• ~ •• ~._IO', nqil1~.1 the ton of Ch ..... L. " ..... 1.'" "St0l the -!7 of Biarlln ... 11 __ 10 "l ID 'hair e ..... • n1 ... rn ... , ... of tho .. 4 ........ " II .... oi." lit aIIIrftI.tIoII, ... _ btfoN 1.ftllUp IttL I • ." or lh., will ... . 4......... of ."" .c.loa ,h_or ... Ina. tho ............

'CHARLBS II. BIDDLa. JIt.. ....... Iof,

D...... l'..... 1t4; Itll. '.1_ ..... . NOTIC. OJt IBTTLa.aM

CHRISTIAN SCIENCE CHURCH . Tnt ...... A .... IIllt 811a.. 01 W\III&nI .. 00M. .--. ,

"Soul" will be the subject of the Holl •• ' Ie h ... " alone lIIat ... WID .. Lenon·Sermon In .11 Churchea of Ac.O\I"~ of ~. ell"'ifl,*,~'" ~ Chriat, SclentJlt. on Sunday. AUlust~.r.,~ti. o~.h~\~t'" Ju .... Jr.J" ... 16tb. ..,.td 1>)0 the ~"'t , .. 4 ~ ..

The Golden Tellt Is:"Bleaa the. ~~~t~~~. t~:dCo"!l.r;n:r r\1I~~'-'~~ Lord. 0 my loul. and not ."~o ... o lit 11.14 TIl" ... ". ",1. I", 1 •• 1,

II hi b II , Wh f I h 11.' "'' 0·.1ot" In the 1 ..... 00 ... D.LT. a I ene ta, a O~I vet a BURLINGTON COUNTY TaUIT thine ,Iniqultlu; who healeth all th), CO.PAN~ dis .. ses" (Plllmi 10l:2.!). . fortDorll' 'I'll. BIlfUotnii COIia\lr

Amon, . the cltationa which com. 1,1. o.po~:" N~' Co.. prile the Lealon.Sermon II the fol. P"",lor. Wm. D,. Llnlltcoll. low in. from the Bible: "Rvery load r.;~U:~. I." I.... , ,1ft and ,every perfect ,1ft II from _ ii' _-================

~~~~:~ ~fd 1I~~':!~t~l~:w:h~~":. t~~ 1IIUIIIIIIIIIIIIIHIUIIIIHIIIHIIHIIiH. varlablene .. , neither lhadow of turn, ' e' Wa'. In," Uamea 1:17,) , • •

The· Lellon·Sermon .110 Includel I REX ' the follow In, pa".re from ·the .. Chrlltlan Science textbook. "Selence MeR 0 S S O' N and Health with Key to the Scrip. C tures" by Mary Baker Kddy: "Thru " R.' t ..... , .. In . . falae elUmates of ' IOU I .. dwelllnc "!1" .... - e aI" .u,.ace In lenae and of mind al dwelllnc In 1115 E.Broad St., Palmyra. N. J. matter, belief .tra)'. ,Into a senle of Phona, Riverton !IOO ' ,

!;J:ft~~nr~~:,' ¥h~b::~: :[ e~~~~ ' 1II111111111ilflHllllllliuIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII II the mortal dream of 'lIfe .and aUbltance.· ,.. In matter. and II dlre.- "!" to ' the Immortal reality at 'J n" , So lon, ill we be. lIeve tll.t aoul can lin or that 1m· mortal Soul i. In mortal body, we can never underatand the' Science of bein,. When humanity don lin· ,deratand thi l Science. It will become the law of Lile to man-even the hi,her law of Boul. which prevalll over material aenl" throueh har. mony and Immortality" (p, 311),


N, XIIIDIIJ, Prop. RIVKRTON. NEW · ..... aY .

"I'D Send You a CHECK"

HOW slrpple and convenient a checking account ia I ' No need to keep large

Bum a at· ,home-no need , to ha\ldle dirty ' currency"":no danger · of rililring' ,Iosa ' send· ing calh through the mall. . And every pay·

. ment ,ia legally receipted by the ' cancelled check that ia returned to you,

A checking account h'ere la the world'a cheapeat Ind , aureat fonn of money Inaur· ance. For your own peace of mind . open an account today.


• & TRUST ·CO.

Pbon .. ~"noa m A rreat man II made up of equai. New Zealand'l r .. lway. are under itlel thai meet or make ,reat occa·

aoYC!mment operation; II!lnl,-Lowell,' ~;=;;;;;;S;;;;;;;~~ Riverton, N. J.


Aa .mart u the lett In, and the appreclltlve ludlenee II Ihla new Gener" Electric: 15-tube "Foculed Tone" conlOle radio, In addition to the famoUl met.1 tube.. Tlylor.Mathen. local dealerl, Itate Ihat It ' 1. equipped with many rxclualve fe.turea th.t .re new to the radio .rt, It hal "focuacd tone" which revolutronlllCl reproduction, vllible halr·llne twlift, by meanl of colored, "CUlt om-made" Itation Identlfiullon, mlilie-lpeeeh control Ihat .lvCl the fineal ballne. · between Ireble Ind ba .. tone. and five brD.dcl.t band. that cover the complet. domeltlc: and forelan pro,ram r.n ....

,,'.11.,. ON "'. All' " '' 15, '9at MA.,n 171m 'lUCKS

FERRY ',001'. ",DOD .... .

21c ........ 11.001 .. CAMDIN 21,000110" .... 50c 'IIUDEL'.I., f ....

•• " . UUlU ••




... ~ ........ 9 •••

JOHN H. ETRIS 11 W. Broad 8t., Palmyr.


BOT WATEI I' GAS IS 'CBEAP You are probtWly . pwdlng enough each month on the coal-or all- water heat.r to pay for a 100% automatic hot wate r .. ivtce by g qt, Why not haY. It?

Hot water aervlce ID th. bome ahould· be both auto­matic and cheap-and gal II th. only fu. 1 whIch will q iY' both, . . . Wha t doel automatic ho t watet aervlce mean? Simply tbil - hot wat.r In whatever quantity you need: hot wat.r a t the coJialanl temperature o. 140 " eqr .. l; bot water without climbing 111l1rl •• hoy,e llng coal and aah .. ; hot water without walling for the tank to heat; hot water which doel not auddenly run cold.

Your pillmber or a Public Service wal.r heatlD9 r .... !t' .. ntatiy. w1ll be glad to call and .. lImat. your bot wat.r u aag. and what It would coat to UN an aulomatlc go. wat.r heater.


The aedes of neea for ullhta and wqn four fint .n boat It eVtnt a. St. Ml~hle'''' but the nIclq Fate aaid otherwise and Buna 6,na'. dl Will completely domln.ted pnlel, Of one pw:Iae .rr ( ~ il jIllt •• Itftn .nd .11 tbe f.llo ...

1l1aygro\lnd Baseball 1)1 won .11110 Carharts pushed over bynae.rob t.lppln~tt, who won aU seem" thallourW~:!'t~e ~m~tttlo~ ea~t 10 han II rare dmOl! th,~. four , .. illeR In the lilat innlna. d three ra~ea for 'lhlB daaB wJth oae. for no mit at er

th .. ~me out on to\). Hue', Wiahina t.h~m luck. . (continued ftom' paae 5) Gee; the Bla~1t SOlt mUlt. have ha ... ed I hlft no real hu ttl 0 er" e, . kLI .

I f it ,Ke actual", seem 0 f h h More power to our winnlna ... p_ ed from Toledo. Ohl\). where he ",!III a touah t me 0 • ~'Ompelltlon from any 0 t ~ ot era.... . . .. . Life la not 10 ahort but thaI thtre mwing the loft ball "ilU3t.lon. ""Ih ;:=~;;;;:=:;;;;;;;;=:;;;;;;;;;:;::~~, enlered In these. race .. so w;:~ Will pe This ,,,ult'a radne will lalte pla« II always time for courteay.-Emer. a "I"id impression ofT al~~ ~Il ~ YACHT CLUB YARNS ' his marain ' of "":Iory In ea race. at Cheatertown, MllI'yland. whlt".n Ion. tbe Ohio' m~tropo1ia. 0"",0'. no AltA' boy. bobl or laat weelt'" wlnner~ will try to IIPOnaorlna a city.\vlde toumllme1\t The slxteen.foot Imocltabout races duplkate their wlnnlna wll,Ytl. Cheat· CHINESE ACTOR ,with aames pl"y~ ever~ nlaht on presented a .Uaht mixup on the part , .. ~h of four dillmonds In each, of UTE or thi: reaalta committee beuuI~, ' "WHODUNIT" FAN three dillerent dty parlt'" BY. N · althoullh Rod Merrill really won NOTICE .

Ac~brdlna to Conway our boys AND fi-t hono-' bv virtue or hla thret ' NoII~ Is . II .... '" al ... " Ill" ... Iod bid. h Ch II 'Ch pI~ . b l' I do teams .e ••• h -111"- .. .,..I.od bl .h. 'l'uw".hlp Commll.... Worklnl In tear e .n . ~-mlaht beat the nl 0 e . . ae~ond places, he waa not alven t e ;;1 C(;.n.mln..,,, Townohlp lor Ih. ~... turea has Inspired Keye Luke witb a It wit had some real pltchera, MIKE trophy s)lmbollc or the victory he ,I'''<tlon o( Hlahl.nd A •• nll. I" Ill_ ........ dealre to be an amateur crimlnol. IO


ll like Eddie Williams, who Ju-tl)l won. This was In all praba. ,hlp 01 Clnnomlnion In Ihe CO""111 01. 8-':; bl I t th cham • lin Ion ""Ih • a""'1 lurl • .,.. llpon"rt oatil.

pitched · the Rnm ers no Ce

- bilhy due to the ,flld that he Will (uII'nd •• lon ... Ilm.lod .mo"nl 0/ ~''''I .".... Lulte, who Ilaain pla)ls Chln'l Ion ~onlhlPI 'n 1952. ClIppinlla onway b"~t.n b)l thr- dlderent boat". Nice I ••• ' '- ... mtnl rtqulrOll I. \$.0 t b'I'!I"'"

hit ~u ~ ~~ n • ~ d od .. d ... d In PII • 01 in "Chllrlie Chan at the Race . rouaht back told of onhe .. no. St. Michael's Reaalla .oln' ·Rod. ~~:~'I:n Pu'll\T~ f.~ool. 2rth'rt~~·:''':'.i TrMIt." Twentieth Centur)l-Faa pic. . ,am\.~n~ic~~;~:1 two. t ree ' . All the radna dbne by Riverton It Is worthy of mention that R.I", ~~:':ck R~':: : ~~S.T."a"". ture comlna Saturday to the Sav.r

' . o,!tll' tl.ams ~r" 'sponsored and alii Yacht Club s~pptra laat week w .. erton had five rlcina boats presenl. Dr.wlnilo.,pe<l~c"lon'ha"d lorm~u'.!:!~:- Theatre with Warner Oland In the .... ~ u ~ I h I St MI h el'· reaalta coDlHell and bond lor I • prvpo.... ., b d I.. d~. I d Itll" uniform wh c at the annun , ca. , .. P ..... bi "'I~otl C. Jo ..... Snlln,ltr, an.. Chan role, has ec:ome HP.,. ,,_ ~:Iud~~ ~:g ·::.,us~rs. Some of th'e one of the biliest In the ellt. Racel :r.Pn:."~.~! b~~~ :::.\alnH:I~w:ltc~".,7":~.~ voted to American detfecthlv~ sltorl"

Toledo soft ball tfllms are carr)llng for nil types nnd sltea o~ boata w,ere :.~~e.;'llne ... t rn Hllh SI .... I. M~ Holr' and between acenes 0 t e p ctu .... th ft·... of undertaltlna eatabUah- scheduled and held ' dur.lnK Ihe two ,'N. J ... nd o( .. 101 IlIal.dHlahwa:tb I 0t"!~.'.i could usually be tound with hi' nOIe e a._ d h t d f . nd excltina compe.. _!:~~~~~~~~~~~~ "(Utltf Trenton, N. J.\ an ",., t. til " h d It" menta, dalrlt!s. jewelera. an' w It .ar

s a Intense a b r~,p'<Ilv. bldd .... I"rlnl b".ln... aUra. deep In a w 0 un .

Dot tlllon. J(d~m w\ll b. I"tnl.hod wllh • t<O&, ':.' I~ In addition. Lulte frequently vialta • -0- All previously stated, there WI8 a FRI., SAT., SUN., MON. ~~::lt~·~~:·G~;~.~~U~u~~~I·b"~I~~.= h.~':1 ,the Lo. Anaelea Detective bureau.

"'RI"'S special seri~s of races for the River· Auault 14, 15, 16, 17- . .1 a coli 01 110.00 per Itl. : •• "m d 0 -======'=========:::a WORLD S... .. ton "Prom." or Duatera. Unfor. IS.OO w\ll b. re."mod "r,0n I a lunon ar ;; Q .. • II t5) of the plans in good \:ond don. W.lth broadway wlnnlna the sec· tunately Johnny Ayres" Buck Par- (2~ t p.m. Bid, mull ba m.d. on I ... nd.nI propo'~1

ond half ~hamplonahlp, a world sona, Johnny Lane, and Tom Coe form. In tlfe m.nne. d .. II".Iod Ih ... I" .nd, ~ d h tt r "lrOII by Iho .p •• I6 .. II.tI.. mU.1 bot .n· . lerlea muat be pla)l,d with the Jo.. were unable to alten t e reaa a, ct' .. 11 In ... Ied ony.l.p ... b .. rl"lllh. ':!.m,

.... "vana team, wlnnera of the fir.t which left all the racine In this claas .nol .dd ..... 1 bidder and nam. 0 roT. 0" I.. Dt "'" Sh It d out.lde .dtlre, .. d to ClnnlmlnlOn own-half championship. This wi" atart to Ted Kunn, ber.t oema er, an .hlp C'.mml"... OOOf.. C. Pr.nk. b

Cltrk,. thla Thuraday nlaht, Auauat 13. In "Rub" Gladney. After the first two 81010 H1lhwa~ Ro"I. U, .nd m".1 • la .. III b ~ II three com ."Ied by • Ct!rURed chick 10. "ot .,. the event of rain the·,aame w e racea had been run 0 .. , a Ih.l .... (10) p •• <tnl 01 Ih ..... oU .. 1 ~Id. played on F riday, AU"'lt 14. tho Ad. were tied ' and the one wlnnlna the 'COYlded 11101 .h.1I not bot mo ... land

.- d Mild b de 0.000.00 .nd b. d.llytrod at Ihe pl ..... n dltlonal aamel will be playe. on- third and ' fino race ,\9,OU e - on 'he ho"r aboy. Th. lIa,,~.nI. ·d.y, TU·lday, Thli.raday, a.nd . Friday e1ared ' the winner. Tom ,Mooney iopoill I.rm II a" •• hod 1o lb •• "ppl ..

~ d ' "S Ilh It be ~''nt.rv ."telAe.tlona. coplla 01 which wUl nl,bls of next week I. an AI rea sailed Ted Hunn I ne er - b. '''.''lllted on .ppllcallon 10 .naln .. r. quired, th,e belt three ollt of five caule of light alra. Thll roce WAI Bv ord .. 01 'l'Clwn.blp Co",ml" .. 0' Cln, lames wlnnlna· the cup. VU)I elu:ltlnr aa at different ataael n.mln.on Townihlp. •

. Broadway won th~ toal which In the rnce all three boats led. How- OSOROG C. FR ... NIt. lave them choice of bats; they choae ever Berl Shoemake~ had the rlaht CI.rk. Clnl\lmln •• n Town.hlp., to be the home team for the firat iden 'and was ahead at the finlah U!le, two aamea. The residual prlvl\eae followed c10lely by Tom Mooney, 01 choice of dlamo!,da went to whom he had previously overtaken:

.. Bvana who elected to play · theae "Rub" Gladney wound up II dllault- ______ -::-==::-___ _ , tint two Kames ' on the eaa, diamond. ed llist. Show 'ein Berti TUES., ,WED" THURS.

ManaKer Yearly . probabl)l had In In the fifteen.foot free-for.all . mind the Illy pond and the pbwerful handicap. t'he "Duatera" had t,o alve Auault 18, 19, 20 . home-run bllta 'or , youna Joe ando( mOlt of the other competlna bOlita . By popular requelt .

Al Stocker when he made the a time allowance. Neverthelul, Ted JANET GAYNOR "cboQ.e." . ' Hunn had a lutllelent maraln to win

Evanl will be ' home team In the this event rrom the other contestlna WARNER BAXTER lut three lames and Broadway will ·boatl. of which there were about choice of fleldl. thirty. Bert Shoema.ker finished IOC-. It II expected that Broadway wm ond. thul demonsttatlna . the ability

open up with their bla ,un, Speed of our iklppera In the belt of com­Ball Tony Ooneatld. The Evan. hill petItion. Relax Ted, two prllea Ire choice Ilea between and enouahl ' Ike Hly.ton. --B·roadw.y 17-ban1c.rl 5.

. In

PADDY The Next Beat Thlna.

Auau~t 10. The Broadway team II IIcond hlH chlmplon of the River.

, tOil PI~y,round Leacue. Tonllbt they clinched the title by d.fe.tlnl tba Banker. by the. score of 17 to 5. H.d Broldwl)I lOlt, there would have been qwte a complicated tie for

Priees ad Quality That Suit You 111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 1 IIIIIIIIIIIIUIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII

the luaue Ind. o Sutterl of the Bank, and ,

and' Foulke of the Movln, hit home ' ftmL . .

' . Banllen 0040100~5 . . Bro.dwa)l 2 34 0 5 0 0 Z--17

Landgrlf-C. Wallice. Oont.IIII·Bloan. -Athletici &-Moorutown C. R. a AUlu't 7. The Farm.r.' team,

ottaarwlll known .1 the · Athletic., thl •• venlna pllyed I aame with the lUonl Mooreetown Cut Rate tum iDd dl(e.t.d thlt ,roup by thl Icore

§ Cou~try . Drelaed

I ROllED' 23c - VEAL . I No Bone, No Waite


Veal Cutlets Loin Veal Chops .Ground Veal Breast

of , to , : p . R' b R t lIooreatown 000 1020 0 ~, rime I oas



Ib 35c ·. Ib 29c Ib 25,c

2 Ib 25c IJ> 25c

., U;fW°$i2hl ,,~ ~ _Mus. C:O-'"

Matlnee Dally at 2.00 p.lD. E"en1na' 7.00-0.00 ~'c1oc~

'It Is Always Healthlully Cool at the Broadw.y-the Only Tholtre" In, Burllnaton County with an Alr·Condltloned Coolin, Plant.




The Ane.t production or thla or Iny yearl


Dncf", Mu"., ;,. ftCtNCOLOI

' Athletel 0 0 1 2 2 0 0 0 x-e Pirlt and Sec:ond Rib 28<: OrUllth-H.ln... I MONDAY, AUOUST 17-Kaln".J.Schu'er. Chuck Roast b 19c ROBERT TAYLOR

- , I b 27 VIROINIA BRUCE Tn-Aboolt 9-CoWnl 1 L S' La m b c in AU,Ult 10. Tall.Aboolt took a elZs prang

=1!~':~;/~:"iIC':~:: ;iu::; Shoulder,s Spring Lamb Ib 21c "Times Square Lady" , Blue Ihlrted .nd Blu. Coaled Col- d M I b 15' Prll to the LadlH _. Cer.aI ' iiu team. A Rock of hltl, hlcludlnl Fresh Groun eat C Dllhl. of tb. "lIln AIII.rica"

bolD. nln. by Roach Ind Headlnl' 2 180 lk Ola ... ar. toll tubl.d· the Boolterl to Kore Heinz Pork and Bean • .... w ................ . . .. ,........... ....... oz can. 4 tht~ rllll. In IIch of the fiftb and Chau & Sanborn Dated Coffee ........... _ ... _ .................................. Ib 2 c: TUEIDAY anel WaDNEIDAY, "th Innlnll, puttlna th.m thr.e up Dolea Sliced Pineafple ............ _ ................................. 2 15-0. cana 25c: AUl'llt II anct It-011 the Coal Helv" •• Coruna coun- Hormel'. 8p~hett and Meat Ball . .. ... _ ... _ .. ___ 16-0. c:an J5c artd wltb two In the .. venth, but Pure JeUlo (Quince, C. Apple, B'berry,O'pe) J6-0z jlr 1St AID.rlca', B.loved COIIItcIlan couldn't pUlh over a tylnl ' on.. W. C. PI&l.OI Darkn.n then terminated the ,Ime. 1I111111111111111111111.,IIIIIIIIIIIIIU.. 1111110111111111111111111111111011111 a. the 0Ilt anct .Oftly, PtofttlOr

- 'UIU Cured IlIIlr Cllted Frllh Pic.kItd au.tlce IIcOlrl1t In the ,lotIou. avant ~lfhartl 5 1IIU1lca1 •• trIYllan~

Auplt 1. Tonl,ht'. lame he· PICNIC 21'c CORNED 28c "POppy" -- Evan. Ind Carhlrt. WII HAMS lEEf IIIDOII, otber thlnal I b.ttle or con· . W. pldd. ouIy tb.

would have had th~ prlviJ'le of lIe-

FRIDA Y, . AuiuSl I ..... '



"Mr. Deed.Coea . To Town" ~



"Palm Springl~' with



"POPPY" with ..


Wedne,day. AugUlt lO­


at ~ p.m.



Mias SOuth Jersey

BeautifulGirll on the.Stale in Bathina' SWUl







' adtnee. II Carhart, h.d won, Bv.n. No Hocka, Frub 'mbked choiu.t cut. THUR'DA Y, AUIUat 20-

J __ the Carhart and BroldwlY t •• m · II 111II1I1IOlllllllllllllllllllllllltn. PAT O'BRIaN __ .. PI til d:s lor fir.t piau, which mllht hu, fllIllllIIlIIllllIIlIIlllIIlII •• IIIIII. IIAROARET LIN D.A Y DoeI,. lUlU ~ ;:::w~~tw:id -:::'be::~::~ BOND M' ARKET III Sa1ea 'and 8ervIc:e


bcMia the U;; I .. d. It Ippal" that 'Publlc Enemy's Wife' J07 B. Broad 't, PaJa,... iIIt ...... ,um had thll la minel

... triecI to mill balla llId IU that. DO-DAJlU D8LIVDY Pr.. to the LacII. _. WIIM Pbou, IUvenoe •

.. dItY couIcIa't, for tha appl_........ 0 ..... of tha ....... "-'ca" OP&H aYDY .v01ll0 • lilt rlibt to them. At lilY I~PIIoIIe.~::;U~40:., ~1l;4;lM4*~I.;;B.~B~.~O;AD;;~~.T~~.,P~ALIIY* .... RA ... ~ttL ___ ..:G:;Ja.-:.:~II;,;;.-:-__ ;.J. ______ .. ~_.-<I, • • _ .. U7 at &vau would to IoN • ." II CariIarW would to .....

"Wheft )CMa -.. to tM end o. 10V rope. tie • bot ~d lIo'Id on."

48th Year No. 34






8 .... lnl of ~ By Auting For New Bida

Contrlcta for C~lhed ~tone for u.e by .the county hlahwlll depart. ment were aWlrded to three 6ma at • meetina of tbe board or free­bolden held In Mt. Holly lut FrI-day. ' .

Freeholder Jon .. , dlrei:tor of the blahwlll .nd ,.ncineerina depart. meRt, Innounced th.t MOO had been .. ved b~ throwlna out the oricinll bid, .nd re.dvertillna.

,ram; lnvltallon Is axtended ' to the hbUc

.Tht proaram (or the WPA Bind Concert at Memorial P.rk next Monday nlaht Is ..

"Officer of the Day," mlrch, R. b. ·Kall. ..

"Lultplel," oftrture. Keltr.BelL "Cleopatre,'~ suite, Leo Oehmelr. "On the Job," mlrch, C. C. Dauah. "Blue," walta, johann

Strau... ' . "Shadowland," aelectlon, Law.

renee 8. ' allbert. "Telelfl'am,~' march. G. E. Farrar.'

Intermlilion . "Panfare MllIt.lre," march du con.

cert, J. Ascher. . "Let Me Call You Sweetheart,"

lelectlon, L. Friedman. "Bohemian ·Qlrl,'" overture. ·W.

Bllfe. "Old Tlmera," .-.lta, M. L. ·Lab. "Billet Eayptlen," lulte, A. Lui.

alnl. . . "On the Mail," · march, F. Oold.

man. . "Star Spanaled Bllnner."

Plant With Capacity of 2Sb Oal. Ion. Daliy Unc:ove~: .

ABC Men on Job

Ollh:er Oearae Dorworth, of the Cinnamlnlon pollee •. dllcovered an Illicit liquor still In the home or Flora Rlndolph, Pine· Itreet, Wriahta",lle. Clnnamlnlon townahlp.

U. S. Sen.ton Blnabam aDd Bar. bollr Will Be Chief Spelltera

on Sept,ember 12

Former ' United Staltl SenltOt Hiriam Blnlham, ' of , Connecticut, hal been lecured ·.. the prindpal apeaker at the Republican rally It James Goodwin appeared be(ate StrBwbrldae Plrk, on Routt! SII near the Ri~erton Boroulh CounCil ta.t Mooreatown. Saturday evenlna. 'ThUrsday nlaht and feqllelted tb.t September 12. the , treta alol\a the rIll road be re.

Ri~erton . Coul1~iI Will Inveati .. .gate Remov.1 of Treea

Whkh Hide Traina'.

Other ' spealter will be United moved becaule the)l are a h ... rd to Slates Senalor W. Warren Barbour motoriats and pedeltriln. ulll'll ' tbe

Dorwotth, who had be~n Witching and Conlrellman D. Lane Powera, railroad cro.lln... . the place ror the palt leveral weeki ,both of whom are candidatn ror . Gooch"in c.lled .ttetttion to the on the IU'pleion thlt a lUll w .. be. re-election. .. . accident the previous Tuead'ay after. Inl operated, h.d the mltter brouaht State Senator Clifford R. Po_lI noon when. clr 'wal It nick b,. i_ to' a htld when Mra. Flora Ran. will hud the apealtt,,' lIat (or the Nellie bly at the Cedat .treet croa .. dolph reported, the abandoned . • tlll. county Republican ' ticket. Ina and the WOman driver on4- .. ¥eel'

It 10 o'clock this momlnl.

Dorw.orth called Ro*coe C. Lock- Edward M. Middleton will mllte her life by Jumplnl before the cruh. Wood and .Charln Perry, at.te alcoa the Iddre .. of welcome. Ma)lor bldelle pointed out th.t the hollc beveraae control Invtltla.tora, Thll rilly wll1 be held . under tht tre .. in queatlon hid betn planted Ind toa~ther they entered the houae. direction of the Mooreltown RepUb. b)l • d~lc "IO~.tlon leftrll '"".

Award. were mlde .1 followl: ll1SO ton. 2~ Inch Itone ... warded to tile Lambertville .Trap Rock Com­pany. onn thalr IInlt price 'bld of I.m, tot.1 asns.20; 731 ton. I~ Inch Itone, L.mbertvllle Trap Rock Compan~, unit prlu 1,11311, total price 11415.22: 1114$ t9nl o( ~ Inch Itone .w.rd~ to the Klnaston Trap Ro.:k Company on their unit prlte bid o( I.M5, total 112,0711,10. ; 112 tona of 9i, Inch 'tone awarded to the Pennlnlton Trip Rock Company on REPUBUCANS 'HAVE their ' price of 2.24J total '1111.21; . 6703 tona or " InCh atone awarded

One 2O-&allon COpper atll1 wla IItan Club. Prealdent Edw.rd M. 1110 to beautify the rallr'oed rllht 0' found with r)le_whl.ltty, In a lecond Middleton hal Ippolnted F. Oeorle way thrOUlh the town: While the' Roor bedroom. B~ldence WII found Furth, county auditor, chairman of treea Wete small, he laid, the)' bael of four al'!1llar atllli belna operated. the aenerll cOmmittee Ind he ' ll not oblcured approacbin, tr&.ln., but Three copper condenalnl COUI were belna ... Iaied b)l Mr~~ Mar)l X. ad.mltted that they hed devthiped to round Ind nine barrel. of fermentlnl ROil, Frank A. Janney, Edward M. • Ille probably not .ntlclpated ba II1llh located In another room. A Warrick, Ind' EdWin H. Chambers, the bellnnlna. He ·sula •• ted that number of five all\on canl of kero. before 'In), action I. talten. the chair-aene were found on the .econd Roor. P~LMYRA P~SSES· min of the borouah property ~ID-Kerolene burner. had b,en Uled . to mlttee. John L. Strohleln, conallh dlatlll the liquor. In , another corner . With the ' offlcerl' of. the dvlc alto. '

to the J>ennlnllon Trap Rock Com- SPEAKERS' BUREAU pany on theIr unit price "f 2.26, " . total 1'5;148.71.

of a room w .. I waahtub full of 'HEALTH ORDIN' ANCE dation. Mt. Strohleln WII .uthor-partl.lly dlltllled malh. . . Ited to take any reaion.hle . actloa

Contr.ct Readnded

Freeholder Jonel offere!! I reaolu. tlon . ~eaclndlnl • prevloUI cbntract • w.rd for IIphllt oil, upon the direction of the .t.te highway de. partment, Ind lubltltutlna a n.w .~Ird to the Barrett Com piny of Newark, lor 10,000 lallonl of •• phalt 011 .t ,~ par ,Ilion. Th. 011 will be Uled for rOld patchin, Ind-com, 1111.. with the It.te recommenda. tiona.

The Inl.nlou. bootlea,er • . had , ' to Immediately remedy the danl'r • rllaed a rubber hOle from . the lee. OUI conditions now edatlnl .

Pilly Speakera Enrolled. . Free· ond ftoor down throueh the chlm- New Regulation Prohibita Keep. . holder L.mon; of Palmyra, ney, dralnln, to the out.lde of the : ing Certain Animll:ll in o,r To Abate Fire HUlrdl

I 'T C I houle. The cellar ~oor Will , uled al N D iii ' Councilman E. K. Merrill prtllllt.

Jone • . allo r.ported thlt tbe' It.te IIllhw.y-department will take over

.... out. . 41 .t tho tB11c circle on Xlna. Hllhway runnlnl to CQlea. lewn. Another Hctlon o( the coun. t)" .y.fem lormerl, talr.n over by tbe .tlt, 'throulb le,l.lltlve .ctlon, h ... nev" .ctuilly be.n t.ken ov.r and the county hal been mllntllnlng thl. rOld for .olpe time. Mr. Jonea c~lm. thlt he will endeavor to halte the .tate rellev. the county of tb. malnt.nlnce of .uch roadi It In early dlte.

. • eam apta n . • dUJllplng :lrC1und for . the unund ear we nr· ed a lilt ot. vaclnt lot. In tbe bora Over flrty oUtllandlna .peakers mllh. At II meellna held In the police ouah where the arowtb of weed •

of .county hIVe accept,d the Invlt.· The ABC men eatlmated the qut- Itatlon Tuesday Dllht, the Palrnyra Ind other condltlonl conltltute a ~ tlon to become membera of the Bur. put at 250 I.Uon. dally If operlted Bo.rd of Health pl.sed In ordIn. hU'rd. Tlil. lI.t WII Il\ade up . by IInaton County Republlc.n,,' on. :M·hour schedul.. . ance prohlbltlnl th. . keeplna of the pollee dep.rtment 80me tim. bure.II, headed by County Solicitor Mn. R.ndolph, who realdel In chlckenl, plaa, pin •• ' pial, rabbitl, •• 0. Ind alnct It WI. 'thoulbt the Le.tar A. Dre.nlr, of Rlverald.. Phlladelphll, rented the houll to lot. mlabt ha •• been cleaned ",Ill

Chilrman Dtenk WII . Ippolnted unlmown colored people 1o¥ho apPlr- etc., h' I dwell In. houle or wit bin lome can •• 'It Wa. tetllrned to , Chili leader o( thl. newlY·formed orlln· e!'ltlll operlted the ltill and then '25 feet or .ame ... pub. Ooot.e for checldna Ind' ttvlalon Ii 1.11Ion by chllrman of the Repub. 'Ibandoned the hideout In hllte .ev. IIlhed ' In leall rorm In a J>llmyra nece .. al')'. • . llean County Committee, L.wrence eral day •• go. . . plp.r. · . John Carbart, Jr., member of the O. Mlnlln. The ~BCmen d •• troyed the mllh The ordinance provided a ' line ot Riverton ~Ire Comp.ny, In the .a,.

The Inlllil meetlnl, WII held lilt Ind confi.cated the equipment. '15 fcir the firat offenle Ind 125 for •• nce . of Walter C. Wrllht, pr .... week, .t which time the .peak"l elich subltquent offenle. dent of the comp.ny, tequ .. ttd divided Into t •• m., Ind each' SEWING PRO' mer ' Two perlon. appeared before ,the council to .et the date for a c1.anllp h.vlnl • te.m captain. On Thure. tJr, board lor • better undent.ndlna week, durlna whlcb the borollth dlY nlaht the I.cond meetloa will of the new Ilw. The members of would remove without- charI' rub. be held at the Lo, C.bln Lodle.. AT MOORESTOWN the board eJlplalned the m.llure In bllh placed on the curb. H. tald Medford Lak... J I full Ind complete detail.. thlt the rea.on for maklnl thl. r.~

MI.. Maraaret Warner, member It wal malfe clear the ordln.nce qU!llt WII the number of Are hl.ardl or th. BUrllnlton dty council, b.. dotl not Ippl)l to doaa, cit., Plt- about town cauled by' the aC,cumul •• been picked •• the tllm clptalh of WPA Will .Spend $21,016 for rot., canary birdl or other animal I lion of w .. te piper Ind other ' 1I1~ the ladl .. ' Iroup. Labor, Material. and and bird. which are uluaUy kept IIlimmab!e m.terlal. In (Illarl, back

Oth .• r "clptalnl are Rlcharel B. Equipment II petl. )llrd. and outbulldln'l. ' Eckmln, Mt. Holly: Preebolder ' A rllolullon w.. pUled author. Mr. Carhart laid the fit. comP.llly

Prot .. t By Workar. AllIlnce Wllter D. Lamon, Palmyra: J. L. Official. of Mooreltown townlltlp 1111'11 the reaular In.pectlon of the could requtlt bUllnel1 houaH to A del'lltion 'rom the Workeri' Younl, RIverton: Andrew Wilt, were luth.orlzed It the reaular meet· milk ,upply of Pillmyra. clean up theae condItion •• but could

AIlI.nce of Butllnlton County,' Alveralde; VIt~ Camardi, Burllnl' Inl 0' the Mooreitown Town.hlp Mary F. Kina. lecretlry, reported not Interfere In private propertl ... huded by John' M.r.hall, chairman ton: Nicholl. Morella. Rlverilde: Committee In Town Hall. la.t week. 10 the board one birth. one marrlale, He believed. however, thlt If It of the Rlveralda .roup, Frank Thoma. belley, BUrllnlton: Stan- to .111'1 paperl which will brlnl 121.. two death. and one cue of mealle.. could be artanaed to cart aWlY the ShearE, Iter.tlry of the Ma.,l. Shlde ' ley K. Hellbron, Mt. Holly·: Ind 0111 In Pederal fundi here .lor con- rubbl.h without COlt to the property unit, and Herman .Ie,.nb.!'ne. of . John Wf!omlley, Rlvenlde. IInu.tlon or the local Workl Prog. VISITING PLAYER owner.m.ny realdentl would ft. MllOnvllle, Ippeared befor. the , rell Admlnlltratlon lewlng room, . . lpond to the appeal of tha fire com. bolrd to prot tit the dllcrlm. PALMYRA ASKS now belnl operated In the Commun. FRACTURES LEG pany . . " .. Inltlon l'lln.t WPA worll.r. In Ity Houll. ' . Ezra Buttl Carhart. who 1110 Burlington county. Th. objection I CONTINUANCE Approval of Ippllcltlon by the B .. eball clilmed another victim .poke In ravor of the cleanup wllk, W.I that the WI,,, paid III But. OF STATE AID townahlp for continUation 01 the 8aturdlY 8' Rlverton'l Memorial cited one tlacant .tor. frOID Which IInllon county w.r. lor 1M . lewlnl room 'or Inother Yllr wu Plrk, wben Chari,. Weir. I member Itver.1 truck 101d. of all IOrtl of hOUri work, wbll. In lI.rcer county ' prllented to the lov.tnlnl body by of the St. Barnabll b ... baU team. rubbl.h I~ft' by the lilt t.nant. had the om. type of labor W.I paid The Palmyrl 1I0roulh Council, In Actlnl Townlhlp Clerk Bdward P. fractured hi. rllht lei when he at- recently been removed by the own.r teo.SO lor 121 bourl work. Th. , I ,p.el.1 mtltlnl h.1I1 II.t Thur •• Kyllnd. It MondlY nllht'. meellnl. tempt.d 10 .lIde for a wlnnlnl. run. of the. property. reprellntatlv •• tlted that taltin, the ellY nllht, pu.ed a relOlution uk. The .har. 01 mon.y 10 be ' pul lip Weir wal .. moved to the olJlce Borou h to Coo rat. WPA Raur .. for UYlIl, COItl In Bur. ' In, for continlUlnc. of r.ll.f a •• II- by Ihe town.hlp la liven II '710, of Dr. H. Leltavor In the PaI- I pe IInllon COWlt,t, It I. loulld that food ' lane. 'rom the 8tat. Pln.nelll 1...- which will brlnl the t0111 Imounl to myra ambullnce. After recelvln; Councilman Itrohl.ln tald h. I. 1~'" hI,her than In coun· · .I.tance Comml.llon. be .xpenclad for the n •• t to fir.t-Ild trlllment lhe Injured min IhoUlht It wu 111'1' th.t the Ilr. Iy elothln, :r~" hJ,her Ind r.ntl· Th. ".olutlon calli lor atlte lid 121,72e. Of tb. 10t.1 amount. '12,- w.. taken to th. Unlvenlty of company Ihowed .0 much Int.,lIt S'" hl.h.r. for the period rrom July to Dec.m: 55a will b. expended for Ilbor Ind Penn.yll"nla HOlpltll. Phlladelphl.. In the welfare of the tOWII and

I ber ~1. . 12,110 ror lupervillon. 1e.211 I. ncommended thll council COOperate Board P ..... R'8Olutloa ' It WII r.port.eI thlt In ordlnanc. IIltld lor purch ... of machinery and by IOlIlnl dstll wh.n rubbllh would

will be pUled In the allr future for mlt.rlil. be r.lDoved. Fr .. holder Walt.r D. Lamon, dI. r.fundl", Pllmyr. Borolllh bondl. Women worklnl on WPA rolla NUMBERS POR It w.. Irtahled to

rector of the finaac. commlttll, In- : William' En,lt, chairman 0' th. will make clothln, to b. dl.trlbut.d MOVIE TICKETS hive Ihe c1elnup w"k the third Iroduce!! I r'lOlution JIIIllln, the hI,hwlY commltt .. , reporl.d that Imon, tb. poor and n.edy. The w.,.k In lept.mbtr. and a. k. Ihr-bolrd of (r .. holderl on r.cord · U ' the .llt. hid Ipprovld the pavlnl IIwln, room wllJ be chanaed Irom The (ollowlnr .be num. rill chaIrman 01 the fir. Ind Wiler oPpolln, the unllir dllcrimlnallon of Hilhlaad Ivenu. from Brold the COnfmunlty Houl. to Town bera are the wlnnera in Tbe co~mlttte; WII IPpo!ntld 10 work al,lnll WPA worka,. In BurUnllon .tr .. t to the borou.h line. Th. IP- Hall. C 10 with the fire company. county. Prllholder Limon .&.Id h. proximate co.t ..,111 be I2,Ml, the New Era omic Sec:t n J. WII,on lyl"ltlt. "portln. 'elt It woulel b. bettlf to frllll. th. borou.h' •• ha" b.lnl 1229. Th. PALMYRA YOUTH Conte.t thil week. 'or the hlahway committe., IIleI thlt re8OIution that WlY than to ,.t Into rOld will be .rav.1 with I bitumin. INJURED IN FALL 117 334 ihe work 0' applylnl AIDJ.llt. Pty. I controver.y over lhe rat .. 0' ply. OUt lurflCl trtltmRlt. Tha boroulh 1294 Inl to the deal,natld .trHt. wa. The N8OIution pa .. 1d, enllnltrl, Remlnlton • Oolf. w.r. 1051 proar ... ln,. Llnd.n IVenue hid wilh Inltnlctlont that copt.. be directed to prlpar. plan. &riel pro- On the poIl/blllt, tbat he ml,ht 31/4 1661 IIftn finl.hed MldwlY to I.v-lint to IUlt. I.nator CII.o,d R. vld •• upervilion for the pavln.. bave I frlctured .boulder r .. ultlnl enth IIr .. ,. and lbout two-third. of Powell. Honorabll D. Lan. Pow'rt, Bill. lor Jun. rell.f aalountinl to Irom I laU frOID hli bicYcle, John Prlllllt any of tilt lbo.. tbe dl.t.ncr Irom Hllri80a .tr .. t to <:onl"IIIIIIII, and Itlt. DIrector 1225.10 wer. ... Id.. Gordon. '4, 01 Plrry IVIIIUt, Pal. number. at the Itore of the I,v,nlh on Elm Terrael. ~Iy 01 the WPA. myra, WII admitted to th, Zurbrull merchant III wholt acIv.rtJlt- Mr. l\rohltln r.ported that lbe ,The Wotktra' A1Ilanu ,roup It 10 loa, .. w, Iov., w. ",v.. 10 lI.morlal Hotpital, RIYtrllldt. on IIIIIIt II appear' ·011 the lut _If "t .t.ed.... lar.... Broad .pr_ttd In "'"y I/uablt com. loaa .. w. Iir. loved by ot...... I TUtlday .vtal.., of thll WtlIL P ... of the tolDJc 1IICtIon, ad .""t md LI~acott 111111"', w ..

mualty In ButIlalloa _IY U4 WOIIIcI aIIIIoat .. ,. w. art 1n4llptdl. Oordoa I. IIJfJtrla, Irom IrlcllOll you will rteelv. an adult PIle ov.rfIowl.... and wu iutnacttd to hII • ... bertldp of 0Ytt 1IlOO. .... , ad DO .. n II _leN ....... lit baru 01 the I.c •• aboulder and IeIt fOf' tilt .tOlllwl, n...trt- r.ler tbe matter to .obert H. CItl-e-tIned CIa PII. ') .... a' ............. L, .......... ...... (coadnaed oa PII. I)


"""""~"\"""'~\\"""'~""''"'''''"~'''~'i . PARK NEWS I

AND NOTES, · Nonday niaht III Ri,·.uton·" Me. morlal Parlt WAS Itnown as Twin Town Niaht.

· It • .:" (01' the bO)'8 .nd 1\1'1. were . held and a movie aponsored by the State PoUce ' Safet)' .. Patrol w., ,hown. with a trooper pre.ent · to e .. plaln the pklure AS It Ilnfolded.

The reaulta of the facea •• (Ollowa:

Rllnnlna tor boy. alx .nd liven yeua: Jackie Ford. I

. Rllnnlna r.ce for alrls al.xand .eftn )leara: Jane Coolt. . I

V.le lo.:lt·race. boya 9 to 12: J.cltle McDermott and Sonny Her:bert•

V.le lock race tor alr~ .. Eleanor e ... nauah and Anne Laverty.



Mixed race (or boya and alrt,: Dorothy Staftly and Joe Moor· holile. Plctllred here I. the Rre h01i1l on South BNltd .treet, built by the membeR 01 the new Delaware JI'lre

Boy. race arollnd the parlt: Fran. Co. No.2. Ellt Rlftrton, .nd the AmerlCl.n~LaPrence pllmper which WII acqllired .ome lew month, .10.


ItOp lit aact ...

ETHEL WIWIIII .. Wrlabt B",l_

Broad Itntt. Ill .. rtoe (PrIce. ...... 111.)

Alao uk a\out tbe ,. apedIIL "n.u .re rean, _rtb tald", a .... tiIe ...

ETHBL .. BBAUTY SALON de Cole. Edw.rd 80tham, one of the Rremen, Ie .tandlna beeld. ·th. truett,

Rllftnlna race. tolored boy.: .Rob· ::=====::=======::====::======::~:--:::-:::~-.~~~~~~ .. ~~ .... ~ .......... ~ .... ~ ~~,;:::~::lp~~~~~e::iire CO. No. 2 H[~~~t~~~ a08~ Ou,t .rty. · . S · proved. . August Sale · Olrt, hopplna I'.ce: Ele.nor C.v. ome elaht monthl .10 . •• .".11 men w., .elected to .ct a. ollll:.r. Durlnl . the nilU (.w week. the . ' . · analla

h. . . . Iroup of cltllen, rllldl"a In Ealt ,~~rlna the curren~ yeer. company will at'le • conimllnlt".

One.leaaed rue! Anne Lavert". Riverton, Clnnamlnlon . Townlhlp. ·belmar Thomp,on •• n enllnter. ·wld.· drive for memberlhlp .nd do- '9c' b.nded toaether and . formed the \Wal ,elllctlld to .ct ., pre,lelent. nation.. It I. hoped by all Illvolved .

Bafety Movie, ora.nllatlon now known .nd oper. ·Mr. Thomp.on h ... d .. lanild •• ver~ that the dtllen. of Clnnamln.on · 1I0nda" nllht the larae altherlna .tlna .. FIl'II Company pl.e:" of mobile .pp.tatll'· which Town,hlp aI well ., . the .urround. .. of over 200 tueitl were Ihown .n No.2. will be pl.ced In tervlce throuahout In, territory will come lorw.rd .nd 19 Ilftlllu.1 proaram of .ifety plctllrel Any new ora·nl.atl~n h.1 a tOllah the Itate. He .110 II • member 01 olf.r a hilplna hind to .lIch • C . tbroulh the courto" of'. the New pIIII .nd a ate• t deal of hard work leYer.1 enllneerln, .ocletl .... well worthy callie. Already. are.t m.ny J.n.y Btate Pollee . . There were to att.ln III Ideal. !lnd pllrpolea and ill the cOllnty and .t.te Rremen'l p.ople hia", liven th,lr IIrvlc ... nd 39'c

· two reell, one b.iled on "urllry thl' comp.ny w •• no exception, , Of ... odatlonl. '. to them the comp.n" expre.ilel It. atorl ... nd the o~her a very araphle: cOllrae the one thlna In their f.vor The chief, W.Uer H.nlln, "'" ai-.tltude. '. f :.

account 01 what h.ppen. when In 111'11 the f.ct that and avery choaen lor hll qualltl .. of leader.hlp :" the wrona .nd .whit to do. The . :~~~~~ Wal • wlllina. Ind ·h.rd .nd a~I\lty to hlndle men. He pllnl CORRECTION S9 '. :rtf:mll'~d' I::::~d free . In fro.nt Mliny thll'4al had to be .t.rt.d to · deve op .il elllc:lent forclI of re . In I •• t wee~·. lillie cif thl. p.per C

and II sound foundation 1.ld fo'r the Rahtllr.. . the .rrll.t of Anthony S.cca on .COME IN AND LOOK W,P.A. B.nd Concert futilre. auch II the prepar.tlon o( Leon Ealn. w •• eleded "cret.ry ch.rl" o(lIle,11 .. Ie of IIqllor Wal THB TABLEB OVBR

b article. o( Incorpor.tlon, obt.lnln, and Cornllllu. Binder a .. l.tlnt lee· reported. The defend.nt I. not to

The Rn.1 toneer· to e rendered h . retary Mr Binder h •• been .ctln , a C erter and the pllrchall of eqlllp., . . • . . a be con(ulld with Anthony Sacca. .. b, the Butllnlton COllnty B.nd will 'ment and hOllie, In order to pre. lecretary In the .baence of Mr. (ormer P.H.S. balketblll .tlr, who Smith's' Store ~te"b:d ~~ !d~~erhe Adi~::t\0~4t:i atnt to the nlldentl of. the com- Eaan, who haa been ew.y on bll.l· II employed 'by hi. f.ther, John 414 MAIN ' IT., RIVKRTON -r.-1. Welleh .nd I •• part of the mllnlty • live and pro.peroll. civil: n~ll. . . S.cca. proprietor of tile Palmyr. .. .... project. ' . The office o( tre •• urer w .. Riled Beer DI,trlbutore. Pholl. 'II COllftty W.P.A. Prolram to provide A.fter aevllral Month. e aroup o( by Robert Fichter and CherI" ,"~ ........ i4~~i+""+lP+1~ · antertalnment and employment, . Pr.nk Ie I.rlunt·at·.rm ••

Upllde Down and B.ckw.rd. enjoyed a trip to Medford Lak". All 10cl.1 .ffelr.· of the company r+l~""+I+I~""+I+I~"""+C~"O+"+CP+1I+""';;;;;; 'tHe boye while there were the and Idea. lor It. betterment .

· Thl, evenll;il'l prolr.m for chll· allllt. of the colony and amonl been ' left to John Ad.m. who h.. LEARN TO D'RlVE dr.n will be different •. Informal .nd other thlnal a .wlm wa, enJo"ed In the .Ituatlon well In hend. . . Illtertllnina to .dllite. There will the ' lake. A lehedule o( loft .nd RATBS RBA80NABLE .. be • prill IllIen to the boy Of· airl hard ball lame. may be .rranled The company n.. fort)' .ctlve I: R

. .dr •••• d In th', beat cOltume In.lde ,with the colony. '. firemen .nd dlltlnl the near future EBULTB OUARANTBBD · out and backward.. Thll prill I, a drive I. to be II.aed to .dd new OPEN DAYTIME AN

. '. limited to re.ldonl. of the Borollih County Junior Olympic, member.. . D EVENINGS of lU"lrton. The COllnty Junior OlympiC'. will Retlllar Rre drllli ire held under

Th • . boy •• nd IlrI. who wl,h to, be Itliled by the W.P.A. at the Bur. the direction of Jim.. 8tone. a ~..;. • .&L Jer' sey Automob:' n..:.':"ft ~ -h I' ", may .vall themull/e. of .n oppor. !lnaton Hllh Bchool Reid on Thllrl' member who I •• n active Are.".n III tJUUW Ue 'UII'UII Il'i 00 , tunlty to eat I picnic lupper et the day .fternoon, Au,u.t 21th. at 1.00 Phlhidelphl.. Mr. Sfone hold. the 202 Btoad Street . . Rl N 1 .. park .• t.rtln, .t 5.00 p.m. ' o'clock. J. H. Finney, Jr •• of RII/. r.nk of capt.ln Ind h •• many year. verton, • ,

will b •• treat for .11 who are there erton. II one of the spon,on of thll o( aervlce to hi. etldlt. Phonl. Rlvlrton 142 Q. R. COLB" In.truetor

It th.t tim.. event IInde'r Mn"Ethel Burr. Dudley. Oeorae

Oldeoni In.truetor for I;::::::::::::::::::;::~~~~~~ Handicraft Ellhlblt Riverton .hould be reprelented with many year. ot the Phll.d.lphl. Fire • .tronl' team. Wilton B. Mollnt School. pay. frequlnt to the

Und.r the tre .. near the .iwlnll will act •• an official at Ihi. event. con\pany .nd convey. min, worth · will be held .n exhibit of lome of while .ulilltion •.

'. the 'many .rtlcl .. made thl. lunlmer NY A Project Contlnu.. The L.dl •• • Auxlll.ry I. very u· ta the handicraft period.. The W.P. The project for p.rt Ume work tlve Ind co".I.t. of .ome thIrty A. have fllml.hed two craft .up.r. for YOllth. hal been contlnlled .t memblr.. head.d by Mr.. Victor viaora every Thurldtl)' morninl a. the Riverton Memorl.1 Park by the J.nlln. pr .. ld.nt: "'n. Chlrl ..

, .ell a. the two aeneral .lIp.rvl.or., Nltlonal Vouth Admlnl.traUon. At Prank. VIc. pre.ldent: Mr •• Wllt.r . Frlncl. 8chw.,. and Mr •• Cooper, the pr •• ent time the fore. number. Hln .. n •• leretarY .Ild Mra. Rob.rt

for the .IlUte 'IImmer. only five I.d, .nd they work In part- Fichter. tr ... llrlr . .

at time .hlfll for a total of 4' hour. Aft.r, thl comp."y It

T Idll to Cllm.x EVln1n1 • lIIonth. Th. t&llp.y.n of River. w •• nec ... ary to obt.ln the ch.rter The final ennt will b •• full .how ton recel"ed • r •• 1 aid throll.h which WII lOon doni by Honorabl.

· tluoulh the courte." of thl Chlyro. thllr help. To date they have work. Clifford R. Pow.U, our IIn.tor. and let Motor Company of N.w York. .d on the .0ftb.U dl.mond •• the hard pr ... nted alon, with our Incorpor •• An .tt.mpt will b. mad. to have biHb.1I diamond. the tennll court., tion .papar. on April I. 19U. Mr. tb • . • cr •• n on the dllmond ao the and contrlbut.d much to the leneral POWIIt I. a wldaly Imown worker p .. t. m.y .It In the Irand .t.nd. b •• uty Ind utility of the p.rk. .moll, flr.m.n and orlanl •••

Riverton Boy. Will Lily POlld Pre .. nt Project tl~rtlr m~mber MIDI' .ppe.rln, RIY.rtim )'outhl won the rlnr ill.· At tbe pr .. ent time tha bo,. Ir. Oil the plpan wlla •• fOUoWII D.I.

trlt! W.P.A. Count, a_ball cuttlna tbe banb Ind .d ... of the mar Thompton, Walt.r Hanna, J..equ. with a perf.ct rtCCird of III, pond with the Ylew of havlnl a Robert II'lcbter, Thomal McCoo,. wm.. With their de'.lt of DllaIlco .ultabl. eltatlnl plec. lor chlldr. Jr.. Albert Icbull~L Jr., &ctwud oa Pride, the tl.m hu defeated thll wlnt.r. In ord.r to do till. the Iotlwll, &ctward Morrl.. Il::'h ~v.rtld., Eut Rl",rton. Palm,ra banlta n.ed ."ueh repalrbl.. TUI.. Morrll. JOIIph McCOOl • .wI J. aad lIipli lhadl to be lWIIed d.y of thl. wI.k the w .. hout on the IIcllbeDn,. Cham,.. Th. foUowln1 f.Uow. far tid. wa. eloNd 1114 the hllb loon liter rec:eiYIftJ It. dwter COtIIpoNd.the Iquad: L .. t.r Yearl" tid. held out, The ,_r.1 blllb th. comPIJI' WI. acceptad and 1ft. "Ihorty" W.llace, "Chip". Wallac., look much bett.r .Inc. · the)' hav. rolled on the U.t of the count)' l1l4I "Iocb" Cola. Blmer lutu!r., O,orl' been · trlmm.d. . ltat. Iremlll'. _dation •• luttir •• John Llwl., Ted Itoekton. '" PI ftJ _ . '" New equlpm.nt w.. the nut JOI Alleft. P.uI · McD.rmott, "Hoot" ft n .... Cwc .. r.. mlJor .tep and III • abort time "r. Olbloa. ""Ieke,," McDermott. Har- With the removal of potIOn Iyy Thompson anllOllnc:ecl tbat he ba4 old Rl)'flolcb .nd tbe b.t boy and tM bank cleared. the area Mar obtained • 600 ,alIott Amerlcln. Walt Z ... by. A word about the Illy pond will mall. an .. c.1Iant LIFrlllc. pUmper and chemical "Wllt"-In the ,IIIM wltla the Feci- picnic around.. It I. the hope of truck 'or the company. Thl •• war­.... IchooI at HlahtttoWft the tllm thoH III cbar,. that lUI outdoor Are· .tu. wu ~wardad • IoYlnl cup duro ... abort • mm 10 "" pla"ed pllce mlly be con.tructed to care In. a plrld. .t Rlnrtlda raeentl,. a ..... ,l1li, .t t1lht field 'or a for tbe cookla. Ileecfe of ....... Oa ",,"al oc:cuIotut the truck diu. The wrltlt hoPfl to ... t..... The removal of a f_ dad tr_ 1114 _pan, ha", rHllOlldad to ..,. III lldUorm ant " .... 1114 COlI- will eMaIIC.thelllCJ. .... II. beaut, alarm. and rlftdated d'ldent -. ..... to pia, • en. bnad of ball. of one 01 Rlyertoa' •• r ..... t....... Ylc.. The _,..., hat a1Io re· 8&c,. Hike to lIad10rd L.... The N.Y.A •• UDder n.. IUptItYtaIoa IJI(IGdad to other c:oauauJu.. 'or


A ,New 193'6 Ford V ··SSedan

wU1 be pVln awa, at the

BIG CARNIVAL to be h,1d

August 21 & 22 at

Broad Str~et &; Elm Ave. Palmyra, N. J.

·Donation. 10 cents Bendt 01'"

Sacred Heart Church Riverton

101 I RI,,1ItOII rflkllllt. Horau II.,. ~ Ia r., ..

A POll' of local Ia4i udar die 1IaaU," doIq Ita pUt lor die -. II_ Ada PM IIIf doMWId two

I ....... ' of rider "read. Idtw., .. wltboMt ....... to die ........ Iota III the ceater of ton 'or dY ~""''''M4M4*IM''''''''''''***'''''''''''''''


AU. SET FOR BIG I KtND 'WORDS FROM _n. Mw """ Md 1ft llIe ~ .. ~ •


· ',·wCHA,URtra' cCHtlon"CARNI'


v-&V~t'll THE CHRONICLE ~~~~~!)r~~§1:~~. BY N~.tTE t The "Ntw lira" whh:h hall been Bld" ... :\11 ... fI&",r:..~ W11" 0 <\III, bi'ii.i '" " bl! h--' .... ."tdfiUlloft\ 0"" btu~ p.lftl. 01 I". "- '

AND . ,..u a ~ more tnlln .0t1y~laht NO,. ' I .... b, I'lt Ii: ... lftttt durin. bu 1,,_ hell"" i

: yura In Nlvertoto. came OUI lallt Igtc~~~\TTL~"ENT tl l ...,n 01 tlo.oo IItr "I- Til ......... Prln. Ground Prin. Gl\ttl\ I \Veelt. In Iln enlllr~ and impro~ lrlt't 0' 41\" .... sl=r.'l~ d~," ,,~~t ~In~ft =~ft~r::1\ Ih ••• .....,

£ve .... H"'ul' M~KB I form with lin elaht,pllce maaaaint t<lQn~\I~ :~.h::~)' III",,.. IMI Iii. 1t'i""11 A ~ f aida "'II" bt ",.01. on ".n".", ............ ., .. u 'tlon ~nd . I'" ;11--' a<nMn. E ..... I""- WI ... "tnt. In ill ..... "" •• ".oI .... lttI 1"_ .... " • a comu; utt "n in col- 0" "'" oftd s,,,t<! · "1' \h. t!u ...... It ud ,""ulrt<l by Ih. q!o<:lftutloft ....... , bt _ . At. 81\al meetlnt of tbt Cllrniitlll ora In IIddition to tht l't&War newa ' 3r:t~·f& •• tlI·f"'~\\I~ftd .11" .... nt. "' ,h •. • ", .. ,j}1\ , .. ltd en •• lop .. , .... ri". ,,,.-

, .. e tl WI" uft 0 I~' ""UlltII 'It ButllftJlaI\ ond .d ... a ,,' blddu ... i1 ... ni. 01 !'I1i"l ..

comm \tee . h.ld . Mon~ eventna. To .... tlt It brl ....... tL.t

"'t. M' I~"lel'a 11 con. e conlratu .te Wllller L. il, '''l'0n '0 II- "tId 'l"hlln.l.I'. S.Pltmbtt oll"ld.. .dana,'" It> Clft" .... lft"''' ~ ... d It .. L_.. .. ~''l' n ~ ~n Bowen, the editor, .nd Kllrl W. b~ ~.~: at "" 0 ."'t~ III III. ro~". "hlp Co ...... I"..,. 0.., ... C. '""k. C .....

elfftt eta wa, Cnet-.. ."d dOllbl. re,.tta WII .n It .. cr.tked III' to be. Lttt~h, lIdvertllllni mllnaaer, on thlll JOHN t.. ITtlOHU1N . ~~~~.!l!5h~:F& ~:~\\JS'.::.t 'f.,~lI""t.:I·t-checked to I" th.t aU w •• aecord- Tho' It wa, "pr.lnd, t.lked 1Ip. ·.nd finl! lite\> (orward. . ABohPH J. STI!O"lI~tM Ihln I.n (\0) ., .. unl of Ihl omOllnl ' I", to Ithedliit In the pl.n. lor the pl.l1ned for" In a bl. wIlY 'the re- Edltor'a Not_These Idnd word- B tlLlNO't'ON COUNTy" ,.R,UIT CO, p",.ld ... "I~ ell .. k ah." nOI ... ...,. ..

I I rl t ed t .. _ bl • ..... a."uU,,,, 110,000.00 In.! ... 01.11 ... "" " Ih. p"'~

~m va F d., and btllnt., of t1\l1 .- • IIrn 011 to. .... .ltr lind from tht Chronlclt are DIt~~o~ 'l:mi D .• LlnlntOll. .. on Ih. h~ur .""~ n'\II"', Tilt .1." ... weell. bttter thin . ever. To ·dl,pl., the d~ubly appred.ted btl:i\lI.. th. · '-10 t.i . )' •• ~ .aa propo .. ' lorm .. I"ocll'" Iv I::' - .

I .... . Rlve· ... nl· • '1 ... C n ~ I . t..,. mt .... \, Ipttl8clllon, <'0\11 .. 01 .. It.

n clt".r to mltte the ~",,"Il u" .nl ntere.t. lome ofty hronh:lt wa" a 1I0rt o( .od.fllthe~ . .. ... _- b. furnl." ... on .""II~tlo .. to I.'" ' .round, .ven more attractl"., the member. (by actu.1 cOllnt) were to 'rhe New Era. For two yean.\ · NOTICE OF SET:rLItNENT ll~ onl .. or l'ownlhlp Com ... II,.., oj 'CIII-committe. h.. oRered' I prl .. tor preltnt. Ollt "DII.ter" Heet w,. betore It IIcqulred Ita own equip. TtIla,..,·. A""""1it nln, naon "own.hlp. . . the belt decorated booth. Th. vafo weU repreaented. while lin "L.I." .nd ment, The New Era wall ptlnted In tatll. 01 WIIII.m IE. Oood d ..... '" . - OIiO~?:Ir. CCI.~:~~!;' "" .. 11"'."" loul booth, "I'm Illctude Ice C!ream, a lalllna cllnay were alao pre lent the Chronicle "IBnt, and the editor A Noll .. If hHbF .... ft III~t tho JPI~.I ......... -;~; .. =.~. =-:-:-. ,', c.lte. hot do .. , noveltle •• can'" from Riverton. 'thell .. lIIn, traft. hal enjoyed the uteemed friend. Ih~co:'~t\ :, ~~III~':la~"'h. ~~l"'d"n1: R,h pond. 'the eft!' pop",l.r aame utoder . the auld.nct of their varloull ship o( the Lovelll, fllther and 80n, £U .. btl" SChmJdl. wlil b~o ~udr:td" .ft~ of r.dlo will alao. be part of the en. .\tlpperl tnabltd our club to capt.ure (or nearly hall. century;lt la. there. :~~:~::".blt ~~~ o'lr::.~~~ .. ~~d ,~P061t1.~~~ tert.lnmen~. qlll\e ... few ~~phlu. Allo present fore, • pltllure to bellr Otis teat I· CO"., .1 \:'" Counly 01 BUtlln.lon:" at •

Orden (or !:attee will ~ thl. lolnt was ollr commodore, 'mon),: In 1111 the ),ears I have known :~a:~':.n o\~'o:" ~~Id'h~I':::,dIV, iI"8's ",0. lUI.

be t.lten b~ c.lII", Riverton 55!1'J, r. V~~rhll, ~f Palmyra. In hli .them, the Lovell. have ahown a BURl.tNOTO~~~o~tiNT"" TRUS'!' I A new leature thl. ylilr will be ~f\I~ur Elinor, the. Lippincott f.m. hlah aenie of peraonbl honor and I CO.PAtty. I

the aervllli ot lUncheon 'on Prldll1 IIYd

and their Yllcht ..... th.lOr .. , .. . Intearlt)' In their deallnla with ihe ! 10.'a:;!v D~"I lIurUnr.0ft ~D""ty · ~d Siltllrdll1 between IUO eel 1 lin the .:'Ialter ~anion. In their publlt .nd their fe\.low·pubU.hen- po~~r;'.. ",.1 g., i· o clock. Here I. the m.llll· (or the (ruiller ~uberta, Thele threi! Iln enviable rtcord. .' &~:!t~rJ" ,;r" ~. t.lpplllcott. I two d.rl : It.Uan .palhettl, hom.. craft~, tho .. beln, lo-called ... tlntt t-aa-.4 o.r. I. 915. . coobll ham, potltO .. lleI, plcllled boata or motor boltl," were lin· ------:-. ------~-beet •• ... toile .nd coli .. SSt. dOllbtedly the .millnlt.y of our Won. NOTICIC . I ChlldHn ISc, • 'derlna yachtlmen. 11'01' were they 'Country 'elub WI~"t:lce " hmbF 11 •• 11 th ..... lld bid. : .

Themalll .• ttractlonll.rlde.yeve.notth • . headqulrteHofolltwhole : . oICI~;:~~~:Odllblj.!~ .. lr;nr~:P I~~m~~!~~ . nln, wilt be the re.dlnl o( tta aanl' Fllrthel'more the owner. (if N otes .~ru<'lon of Hlfhl.nd A.enut In tho Town· I leave.. Be .ure to leam wh.t the theae three y.cht. to be "Iahly . ~lnl:1 ~ ~II~~·'= ft::':v:r !~~I.~:u~':o:f t~~I'h I (uture holdl In .tore .for ,,011. ' commended (or their ,enerollty .nd loun3."on. u"n,."d Imount of .... , .ur· ~ .

Satllrday there will be the ,rand h~IPltllity throuahout the entire O. M·. bartlett and W: T. Blyter ~~~.r:::l"~~ ..... :r::1 t~'dlfhO\:"bW:'~~ ." ....... " ..... prl" of the l~a Pord V.I, • prlle t p. tanlced Rrlt In the m.tch plilY .at ~d I'ublle School. RI.trton·""""'· I' ...... • •••• ~-of • D5.plece Ilervlce for 12 which After ~olna our bit to help mIke Venul par ,conteet, at the Riverton ' ~~cl:'k :.':::: g~8,.t.u.ual :l4Ih. IVSO •• 1 I I JOHN H ETRIS wut be .on dllrlnl the earnl. St. Mllte .... ucc .... the different I CCluntry Club, with I ~core of II? Dr.",I •••. ap.dftc.Uono .nd forlni 01 bid •• ' •

Ollt every hour. Alk any memb.r 10llth, :ome north, and lome atayed tied for lecond pillce with J. B. .~pr~lI~d '1 tI,:"s,it, bUI~h~~:ln~::,;,':I •. I . ' Phone D71 val, beald .. the ,round prln. alven \>artlel traveled many cOllt .... lome I Dr .. E. A. Meyer .nd J. K. Hiltner :o:~'~<~" b"nd"ltolld ~orJ Ihl propo •• d wor~ ' 17 W Broad St Palmyra

of the committee how to aet thl '1II1t. .... the 81hlna and trabblna COBle and H. Hunt, ellch pilr Icor. "",:=::,,========='===' ===================_= eet o( dllhee. They Ill'e re.lly worth here WII' qllite extellent mlny of Ina 4 up. . . -tryln, (or, . .our ~ember. detl"l!d plea.ure ·ffom """==::::=========== . In order to !luure a aood tlml for thllle Iports. But deaplte their w.n~ .lIeryone, the committee h .... , derlna wllyl ' everyone leemed; the 'nothlna which they weekend (ollowlna St. Mlke'I, ·to Idd a little more fllft .andenJoyment meet a,aln at Che.tertown. Here I forthelr friend.. There will be en. ' the fun onee mol'e beaan: . tertlll"ment and prl... aplenty for More rll(tI, . Inore dancea, and everbody both nl,htl' 1II0re horior. and trophlea to be

______ ;.... __ broulht home. ~ere 'lIalln our SMITH.FINN . three "cruller e'corti,'" the "Elinor,"

the "Pathalor •• "· .nd the "Lubert •• " rendered their IInendlnl ho,pltaUty. helplnl to make Chellerlown a ,lit· ~el.flll reaalta. After .tlleae .two wetb In the Chlll.pelk •• 'the major­Ity of our fleet deplrted for home . .Qllite .orry to 'Ieave perh.p. but .1· W.Y' with .,Ian, for next ')'elr'.

Mil. J;tleanor Mae Finn, dallahter of Mr. and Mr •• Bmmett R. II'lnn. of 120 aarReld avenue, P.lmyra, wll\ b.come the btide of Robert D •• 1l .. ",lth •• en of Mr. 'Ind Mr •• R. A. L •• lett' Smith, of· aD7 Rldle .. rllt, New.rk. on Satllrday IIft.moon, AUIU.t 22nd, .t S o'clock In Central ~aptl.t Chllrch. Pllmyra. Th. ·Rev. Oeorle Locket. pa.tor of the chllrch. will offlcl.t ••

The bride. who wlU b, Ilv.n · In by her'r, will a ,QWIl of whit. chantilly lac'l a .I.d pearl coron.t from which will fall Il f.te vall and lonl tralll of tull •. She will c.rr), •• how.r bouquet of whit. rOil', UII .. of the vall.y .nd brlb,'. br •• th.

The m.ld of honor. Mill rlor.nel ahln,l.r, ·of, 111'111 a mal •• chi Ron dr ... with m.Una hat to match, and carry • bOllquet of t.ll.mln ro ... and blu. d.lphlnlum.

«:rulle. . J' . Saturd.y the Und will brlnl forth

a new fIallta (Clr our club member. to be h~ld .t Llt~le Ell Hlrbor. New ' Jefley. Sever.1 of our bOlt. will · Ilttend for the Ar.t time. . But who kIlow,' Maybe "Little AI," will turn out to be II Ire.t I .uc­ce .. a. It. Mlk.· .. and Ch •• t.rtown. Will, here'. luckl ' Pollowlnl ' thl •• the aut 11m" IIrl .. for .11 ela.'eI of bo.t •• hlll b. contlnlled .t our own clllb, with IIveral mote .m.n r.· ,.ttat Ind club tripe to be tlken.

Public Service Corpotatlqn . of New Jeraey

Dividend No. 117 on Com· mon Btock

Dividend No. 71 on 11% CUmulatl,ve Preferred Stock Dividend- No.. &11 on 1% Cumulative Prefl!rred !hock Dividend No. 33 - on boo Cumulative Preferred Stock

C :rho Blo.t. 01 PI .. clo .. 01 Public ....... Ic~ ofP.orlt on or Nlw {lr.l, hll dlctat.d

dlvla,nd. .t Ih. rat. a '% /., 'I)nullt all the .• % c"muIIII.'. I't.r.rro 1I109k. bel., .a.oo ~tr .htr'l .t til, ' "I. 01 7.9& ptr an· nil ... on Ih. 7% CUlllul.uvt Prererred Block b.'nll ,.1", pI. ,hl"l II Ih' "If 01 "IO~ ""annum on thl . non I,r .ahai Cpmul.U., I'rol •. rt.d BlocL b.lli. , •• It por alta ••• add eo <tnl. ,ot ,h •• a 011 Ina nOli ,It .,Iue Common 10 .... for \hl q~~'II' .ndln. I.p. lettlb.. 10. .91.. II. I dh.11 'nd..... .,.bll IIIPI .... b'. aD, .111. to 110. old.n of ,,<0,3 •. t Dth • . ckl .. 01 bullh.... 'r.tembar.. 1110 ,.Idlnd, 01\ .'If, CulllU Itl.. I'rtferre« IIOdl Irt p •. ,abl. on Iha 'iI.1 doy 01 .. ch tltonth.

P bit. VI. Villi 1I!!41 ..... orth. Trollurtr.

U lie Service Electric and Ou Company

Dividend ' No. 49 on 7% Cumulative Preferred Stock Dividend No. 21 on '5.00 Cumul.tlve Preferred Stock

Th. Bo.rd _91 PI ... lo .. 0t p"ttle hrvl •• KI"VI •• hd 0., C. Gllll.'" it ' e.l.rtl Ih.

t,.u'lt qUart.rl,dl., I.' on t , ''''' .nd '.00 Prtletred II. 0' Ih' COlli, •• I.""n, •• t. ,.,.g,. IIJiII ... t,r '0, .ta',·

III 1I0Ckh(fi.d'" 0' .,cord .1 IH. cION 0 bu.I.", e IImb'r I I"'.

T. • Van lIidd'."orth. Tr ........ r. • A .... . The bdde.mald., MI •• Orlc. I.m.

marco. o( P ... alo, IIId Mill Dorothy 8h.nlr. of P.lmyr •• wlb wlar IGWIl. of pal. ,r .. 1l chiffon, with to IDltch and Garry I bouqu.t of )'.Uow

A. thare are no otbar .ctlvltlei now .eh.dlll,d for the I.t. lall. tbe bo ... will probably b. ""anked" one by one ·tll .11 II barl ellclpt 'or Ice. 'Til then w •• all Ind power .. we kIlotlf how. 80 with. bl·ho Wt ==============

ro.... . MI •• Joan Tobin, of Phll&clelpbla,

the Rower 111'1, will wear a frock of ebell pink I.or,ett. l1l4I carry a bou.

.IY. "Another week ,onl by."


IN COUNTY quet of talleman ro .... Mra. PInD wut ba dr ..... In pou- In Novlmber. 19111. the Natlonll dre blu. cblloD with hat to It.d Cro ••• tlrted I prolram for the mlteh and wW a coruaa of .. tabUllmlant of Ill'llt ald hlihw.y t.Ullllan to.... .tatlon. and urled III It. ch.pter. to

Mr.. Imlth will w.... a ,owa of cooperata. poudre blue lace and wear • cor.... Otto I. Lund, of Newlrk, Red of talllllWl rONt. Ctot. flelel ... ntatln for the

Th. mill In tbe wtddlq patty will Itat. of New Sir..", r.c.nd),­ illY' blue coat. and wblt...... ad thl. codnt)' lAd h.ld a a.I.. . with lit.. Ouy L. N.llOn. MOUIIt

A r.ception It tile hoaN of die Holly. chllirman, and III •• M.ry W. brlda'. patlftU WW follow the cere- 1l1li IOn. BurUnllon, .. ecutly. NCra-1II0ny. after wbleb IIr. and IIr .. tar". Durlal the II,. Imlth· wllll .... for a trip tbroqb Lund .t.ted that BurllDIIOII COUIIty tha New Be,lead .tat... bed Ht.btlihad more flret aid hi,,,,,

.1'j;'I",.,t ,f,ill'UIIIIU,,'flllltflltl, / , •• ff,IUi.uiIUU"II'

If It " pr\JItlaI tIIe~ ebouJcS be .. .ood


Phon.. RlnrtOll ?II

• • III ........... II'.I'''''' •• " •• ,"ItI" ..... , •• "._ ..... ,.."".

LUCKY MAN • • • No thought of theft ' need' disturb him; hil valuablfe

·are eafely' !'tored. Fire alarm'. bring no rll!lponelve lear. for he hu banished the dread of destruction by Hamel. The .tranger at the door, the foot.tep at night. the .hadow at the window bring no thought of burglars .

Certificatel and jewelry and valued keepI.kea: the document. that represent hili laving. and hi' Income' everything that might tempt a houlle·breaker. I. protected adequately by thl •• ervlce.



• &/ TRUST CO.

Riverton, ~. J. MI .. FInD I. a peduat. of PIIa, • . w.,. Itatlon. than any other

rl HI,h Icbool aad IICftltc1alr III New J.,"y, It havin,, Te.cMr.' CoU'le llootdair IIr openlid N¥:ea, with prOlpact. of _____________ ....l.:I: , •• thr'l ft)Or' ~~~ .. ~~~~ .... ~~~ .... ~~~ .... ~~P+1 .. ~~~ ...... ~~ ...... ~~~ .. ;;~~;;

Hmltb w .. ,radvated "olD Bar: TM .tation. opeaed In the COUll· oj Ifl,h Ic:bool, H~ar'k.and at ty u. at Bordentown Flo Ita I FIRE YOUR FURNACE CoUll' of &mporl •• KmpGrla, Jean. tlon. Fllf. Pointt (Palm::::" N"; Jt& .... and 1I0ntcJaJr Itall TeacherI' Orltlll gwantYIu. on HI h Colle.e. •• e oa ,I .1,

H. II a member of the Beta Zeta 40. • mil ..... t of Red Lion Cltc~ Chapt.r of Fbi lIu Alpha .ratar •• 1Id at MarltOll CkcJel tho .. to be nlly and Alpha .Alpba Cbeptar ot openlid YI,., alaortJ, u. at .rId,. OIlDUlll 1.,l1li Jttat.tnJt, boro. Iloul. II at Mt. Laur'" road,

from J'ollr eOJj' chair BY GAS! Installed complete for $195 ______ ._ :it It ~, ........ tall III

100 FOR ,Ie ~~'IIC' For Information . Phone Riverton 498·J artn HtIIted Vial ..... Car".,e ca.ut. D ........ of Waachea, N. c .. ...u- HARRY K '* .... at The M ........ 0.. Hue- C .. cw- to 1M die ca.,.. --'- MANSFIELD

drill 'or ... ..., .... ~ .......................... ;.;;;: ~~~~ .... ~~~ ......... ~~. ~ ......... ~IoMto .... ~ .... ....s QtaIIIt, atock rotaty -. ~ - -


THE NEW ,ERA PIIbIIabed s-t 'l'InatIdaJ " eo, Mala StHel

. lUVItRTON, N. J •. KDMnd at til. Rift"oD, N. J. PoIt Ollt. ~ 1 ___ C ... ilattW

Ne_ .. Rl~ fll

WALTER L. BOW.EN, Kdltw KARL W. LATC:H, Adnrtlilna M .......


RItPUaLlCAN TICKBT QUESTS OF WESLEYANS S~NDA Y For Prealdent of the Unlled St.tea

ALF M. LANDON --For Vlte Ptelldent COL ... RANK KNOX

-0-For Unlttd Statu Senator W. WARREN BARBOUR ,--

AU re.d .... or ,local noth:el ot entertainment .. IUPpere, falre, dance .. -.. II_ for tbe purpon of raliina moner, will be chuaed for at the tate of ten elllia a Une. The N.w . Era Olllee la equipPed to do aU , Ida. of FIDe 'Prinll"a at r.alo"able .,ric... .

"or COnlte .. man D., LANE POWERS

-0-For Stllte Sen.tor

CLIFFORD R. POWELL --For Melnber or. A,.embly


.....,.-The New Era II a L .... ' New·lpaper. Commluloner' .. 8herilre and

odIw W ... Admlnlltretor'l and ElllClltor'. Adytrtlltmentl an ,0Uelted. ".. Naw Era wiD appredate baln. remembered In thl. connlCtion.

}t~r Suno,.te OEOROE B. BITTINO

-0-For FreeholdeR

PALMER L. ADA,.S LEROY CHURCH ' Sublcrlptlon 1'.50 a Year In Adftnce

Ad •• rtlllnl Ratn on AppUcatlon --------------~------ ---- For Coroner . DR. AND MRS. J. OAR DINER CLARK Phllade'.lIhla Advertlaln.,.. JOHN N; SWARTZ who 'wlll a .. l.t In tile ut¥lce. of the Wealeyan: Mlln', Bible CI .. a .t

' NEVILLE" HITCHINOS, In&:. .. h M E· Ch h S' d I II 8a. Twtlhh It .. Phlladalphl.. P.. . .. pwort .• urc next lin ay Inom nr·


'.=1' =====It::I. ====::::; ''The Happy, Clarks" , MANSFIELD AGENT THIRTY DOG RIVERTON OBITUARIES I Guests 'of Wesleyans ' .. FOR OIL BURNERS . ' .

.. ----------....... . Ry.n and Quiet May II Well II . OWNERS FINED . Noted Singen Will Tak~ Part In 0 .. ·Bllrne,. Offered by Pal·

. "'IJor Oeor.e wi', M.cMullln., wife MRS. DENNIS·MALONEV ' Men'. Blble ·Cla .. Service. . myra Plumber .nd dlurhter, of St.te ColI'le, Pa., Mn. Emma Maloney, of Rlverlon, Su d M I Penilty for Failure 'to Regllter

Dogi Set at $2.50 by .pent lut week .. of hi. died at the home of her '011, John, . n ."y om ng H.rry K. Man.Held, well known p.rentl,. Mr."lnd. Mr •. S.muel Mac. In Plainfield, Wedn"d.y, Aurult 19. On .8\1ndlY, Au,ult 23rd, Mr. and p.lmyra plumber, anouncea hi. deal. Recorder . Mullin. Jluneral .. tv/c.e. will b. held from Mra. J. O'ardlner Clark, better erahlp for the Ry.n 011 Burner and

the Snover Funer.1 Home, ·Bllturday known II "The HIPP.y Clirka," wll.l Ihe Qlllet May 011 Burner. He hal Thirty ' Palmyr. cltllen. were Ir· Mr. and Mr •. H. F. Jonel and .on, are apendlnl the .Illnmer at their

_ cotta.. at Ran,eley Lak", Maine.

. Mr. and Mr.. Alelllndet C. Wood, , Jr.. of Hlrmony H.II, Riverton.

.. : lIoor •• town toad, left Ji'rlday for e two·weit ... , vacation at the AUlable

.- "Cllab,8t . . Hubert, ' In the Adirondack. ", ... Mountalnl. .

• " 1 if •• MI.. MarciA Dllr,ln and MI ..

Doria Mullen are ' Ipendln. two wflkl at Ockanlckon.

Mil. Orace Bennett, of Dover, ", I. the .ue.t of Mr., S. . R.ld M.rley. .

Mra. Roland Michener and daulh. ttr Oerry, or' Bank avenue, are leav­Inl Friday for Wildwood where they wJII .pend ~ week.

Mr. and Mra. DeLaney and , on Jluddy, and MaryJane DeLaney, of Camden, 'pllnt Bund.y In Beacb H.ven.

f 2 'I L h R I I f h W I rall"ed before' Recorder Carl W. Ii ternoon at 0 c oC., ' I e ev, ..... t In, the ,.er" ce. 0 tee. ey. allo Inc.luded the dellierahip for LUIa In the police .t.tlon Wednea. ' Fr.ncl. iI.· Downa, of Chrllt Ch"rch, In Men I Bioi. Cia .. oC. the Meth., automatic It .. hellt. . day nllht for viol. tin. ordlnalle •• Riverton, offlclatln.. odl.t Church, Palmyra. Dr. and The Ryan 011 ' burner II ' manu fat· 20el and 207' pert.lnlnl to the ." .

theMCrao·veMnlia·lnOtneCYhaWpt·e·r, boefrtho., Mra. ,CI.rk wI on a l reput.tlohn tured In Philadelphia and I. backed .cenlln. of do,.. ' a •• In,erl ° mUI cover t e LV 20 vesra of en.lneerln. exper. F f II t b . h I E t St d· f th SlI h d dl d I ' I I . t .0, . , or a ure 0 0 aerve t e .w O"·Be:t~leh:~.·n 0 e ep er a r:n ~." at var out .pec a mee· lence In the 011 burn In. 6eld . . Thl. each wa. lined la.50 and' ordered to

The deci ••.• d II lurvlved by her Tlh' bJ I I ' S d ' p.rtlcular. burner "III below . the licente hll do •• t a co.t of " 1 00 the Ik eb IUh ec I or n~.t :n diya c'O.t of the averale, ' Ind, ·actordln. re.ulat IIcenae fee ' . .I

hUlband Denril., and one lon, John,z t. P IY t e cl'II"

b te!oc edr: Dej' n. to Mr. Man.fteld, la exceedlnlly ef. . Soine paid the 'flne Immedl.tely

of Plaln6eld, and one II Iter, Mr.. a n.ett w eo' .pen fl d I I I '11 f p" I .. I tl tl' clent an economic. n operat on. and other. were . ·ranted a .ho-t Otto Sauer., oC .Ho,¥ard .treet, Rlv· .a on 0 rom II n con nUl on Th Q I M J •

erton. '. . oC ·the teachln •• r~latlve to the .en- Ie IU e\ " ~'I tbo, et" OYA idrep• time In which to pay. -0:- eral .ubject of DI.pen.atlonal Dea'. utaMI onMn t" eldo Illuthn n., lie . I Four hundred and forty.three dOl'

'1 I h M' kl d . r. al} w c eer u y • ve were re,lltered prior to the drlv,e MRS. HENRY OOTTSCHALK , n~: t ~I\ n hi I dft Information and eltlmatel on the alalnlt ownere who had not rell, Mn . . Anna M'artha .. III eb "hrvi che,a tl • com I nl ludn I ~ Inatallatlon of any of thele Ihree teredo •

'we, y ntere.t nl an n modern heatln, unit, wife of Henry Oolt_chalk, died at ~Itatlonal and all member., .110 . her home, 430 Horace .venue, l'al. all/ men of the tommunlty, are tOr. myra, Thunday, Au,ult 13. dlally Innvlted to attend the· CIa ..

Funeral lervicli were 'held Mon. meetln, .t 9.50 a,m.


SPECIAL MEETING Herbeft. F , Ma.owan, of Belleo

day, Au.u.t 17, .from the Snover Funeral Home at Z o'clock, the Rev. Benjamin S. Stern, of . Philadelphia, offlclatln,.

tnterment Wit In Mount Ron Cemelery, Phlltdelphia.

Mn. Gott,chalk I •• urvlved· daulhter; , Mra. W.rd, of Del.ware



" vIew .yenu., East Riverton, .,. build.

PALMYRA BOARD I ~I~e~t~~~ ' bome at 901 , Maln.tteet, The ,hou .. I' .a two Itory brick of

the Oeor,lan type, beln. built by 18 Additional Sup,plle. Ordered and Calvin Btow, contractor.

Final Prepllratlonl Mllde An extenalon of Shrewlbury ro.d Tlie Oarden Deparment of the · for Opening will be cut throu,h by tlie Parry

Palmyra Woman'. Club will hold Ii . e.tate, fo rmln, • corner lot for th. flower .how In Society Hall, Frld.y'l' A .peelal meetlnl oC the Palmyra new home.

, avenue, Palm yr.. . ' Mr. and Mra. Clifford

ipent Bund.y In Trenton Mrt. Edward Ro,tra.

Nllbltt vliltln,

...... Francl. Ooodwln. Mra. Mary Krant., Bernard Ooodwln and MI •• e.clle Doro epent Bunday In Atlan· tic City.

MI.. M. ry DeLaney. of, II .pendln. tbree week •• t tha home of Mr .• nd Mr •. Chari" .o.I.ney, of Thomll lVenue.

Mr. . nd Mn. Frank Trautman and f.mlly hi ve moved from Seventh Ilr .. 1 to IIIZ rhom.. .venu •. ,

Mr . • nd Mra. Readln, Z. Poln.ett h • .,. moved from Mor,. n . venue to 424 Linden I venll •.

ChIef of Pollee and Mn. WIIII. m Ooot .. and Mr ••• nd Mri. Clarenc. •• fI, Ir., .pent Sundl,. In Brant ... ch.

Jim.. Goodlwn hll return.d to hi. posltlon .t New LI.bon . fter aPlndlnl • week with hi. mother, lira. Francl. OOCldwln. oj Thorn .. Ivenue.

O.orle Dorworth will .. ..,. lun· da, (ot • two wukl' tour of the N_ En,land .tat.. and C.nad ..


Councllm.n T. C!lrtll Flynn, chairman of park. and public prop· ertle. tommlttee of p.lmyra, h.a announced that work on the WPA project wllhln Ihe munltlp!!1 park on We.t Bro.d .treet I. .t .n end.

It WII .tated thi l the men em· played tbere would be lo~.ted on other louth Jeney WPA proj.ct •• keepln, the reJlef lo.d .t • minimum (or the boroulh.

Tbe' notice w ... recel"ed on TUII. day . .

HELP FURNIIHED, Peopl. d •• lrlnl dometllc h.lp by

the day or by tbe week m.y appl,. to Oeor,_ N. Wimer, P.'my,.. be. tw .. n the houra of 9 and IZ a.m. .nd I .nd 4 p.m. .1 th. poUt. .t •• lion. Telephon. 1111.

Tbe p.lmyra Drum .nd Bu.a. Corptl won .. cond prill .t • com· petition In Clementon on lundiY.

September 18, between Sand 10 board of education. wa. held In the Land for the houae Wa. purchued o'clock. All entrle. mu.t be Iii be. "hool hou .. lilt Thuraday nl,ht, It I tbrou.h J. L. Lippincott Comp.ny tween I and 12 In the ",ornlnl. which time .ddltlonal .ward. were 522 Milin street, Riverton, '

A lar.e number 0' new clll.e. mlide for Ichool iuppUe. and equip. . Mr. Ma,owan I. · a teller In th. and arran,emenll will be U.ted thl. ment . . Tbe hem. were a. follow. I Camden S.fe Depollt and Tru.t year. .nd many more prlle. .torale cablneti ror hl,h .chool bf- C0/t1plny. been arr.n.ed for. tice. 2 each, '82. 'rom the Allied - ______ _

The Judie. for the .how will be 81eel Equipment C:ompany. Nine Mr. and Mra, Albert Smith, Jr., Mr.. C:harlee D. Taylor . nd Pro· aepar.te rorm. of letterhe.d. and are 'pendln, ten d.y. In Man. h.w. fellor WIIII.m Vatea, of Merth.nt. 'enveiopli . w.rded to JeI.eph Teet kin. . ville, . nd Pierre Itanton, Mt. Holly. on hi. bid. of '1311.SO. MI.cellaneoul

CHRISTIAN ICIENCE CHURC:;K "Mind" will be the .ubJect of the

L ... on·B.rmon In . 11 Church,. 01 Chrl.t, Icl.'ttllt, on lund.y, Au.u.t 2Srd.

The Oold.n Teat II: "Or .. 1 I. OUr Lord, Ind of 'tlat pow.r: hi. ulldent.ndln, I. Inflnlte" (p •• lma 147s5).

Amonl the citation. which com. prlN the Lellon·lermon I. the fol. lowlnl from the Blbl.: "Now the 004 of patlenc. .nd c:onlOlatlon lrant y'ou to b. llkamlnd.d on. toward another acc:ordln, to Chrl.t Ja.ulI Thet ya m.y with on. mind .nd on. mouth ,Iorlly Ood. I.,an tbe ,.ther o' our Lord J .. u. Chrl.t" ( 15:5, 6).

.upplle. 'or the primary ,rade. The winner. of tbe Bacred 'PTA

.warded to the Milton Br.dley blanket club thll week were Mr •• E. Comp.lly, 'U.IIO. Oener.1 .uppll .. SteInbach. of Rlv.rllde. .nd Mr •• to th, E. E. Company, "'1.30. Ichwlr)z, of Clnnamln.on .venue, ThlrtY'llx cl ... ret ord boob 'from Pllmyra. the J. ' L. H. mmett Company, '14.40. __________ ..... __ _ Plltten clai. record boob 'or the bllh tc:hool from the Wln.ton Com. p. ny. ....50. Mecb.nlcal drawln, • upplle. from William.. Brown .t Earle for 'U.5O. . One thou land metll (ltd Inde. t.b. 'rom Remlnl' ton R.nd, ".SO. Iclenc:e m. terl. l. from Brown Ii Blrle • "'.1'. .

The, of padlock. for tb. loc •• r. and m'luln.. fer the II. br.ry WII held over for • .ubae­quent mllt'nl:

tncher. to b. In .chool .t la .. t twenty minute. bel ore the bell for the flr.i cI... to b.aln. each to t •• port to I deal,nlted .t.tlon for tbe mornlnl .... Ion. The board ulllni. moully p .... d • r.lOllitlon to tttl. ."ect.

Mr .• nd Mn. J. C.rl DeL.Cour Tha tompetln, co",. ware Hou.lon Wt 'tidiy for a motor Irlp Ihrou,b Po.t. of ' Oermant~n. .nd Oal.,

Po.t, of Tawny.

The LealOn-"rmon allO Indud .. the follo,,"lnl p .... , • . from th. Chrletl.n Ielente t .. tboo •• "Ieleftc. and Health , with K.,. to lh. Icrlp. tur •• " b,. Mary B.ltar &del,.: "Wheft we rnll" that tb.r. I. on. 1I1at4. the dlvilll! ... of 1o"ln .. our nellh­bor II ou, .. lv .. I. Wlfolded:wherell • ball.f In many rulln, mind. hind· ere man'l normal drlft towlrd. tb. OM Mind. ana God. Ind ladl bum.n thavlht Into oppCiWt. channel. .. Ilishn ... ,elln." (p. JOS).

Leon.rd R. B.k.,. prelld.nt of tIM bolrd. ttln.mllled a reque.t Irom the P.lmyra Ath"tlc Club to laav. thl boldn, rln, .... mbl.d for the I .. t .m.teur bout. of tIM · ... 1On

to be IN'd on the hllh Khool field "ptember l. The reque.t WII ,tanted by the bo.rd.

Authorlt" w.. liven tIM prOperty ccmmitt.. to have the window. cleaned In the Khool •• t .n 1111-

The pruldent read a "tt... from C:ommlilioner Elliott, IIkJn, thlt Khool.. if poillbl •• , .vold holdJa. .... Ion. on the d.t- 'oUowlnl 'L.bor D.,., whlcb tbl. " .. r, I. "pt •• bar •• The realOn linn waf thet the New Jer .. y hJ,hwa,.. .re he.vily con •• sted with tr."'c from t1M .... .hore relOrts and con.tltut. a Hri­OUt h ... rd to the achool chlldt.n crolllnl hllbwa,. •• nd travallnl In bu..... The ",aNd.nt ltated that alne. P.'myra Kbool. CIpen oa Wednead., the ninth, t1M I ... t ..... IU· not Ipply to tIM p.lmy,. Kbooj I)'.t~m.

Canada, . Althav,h .. veral men In till com·

lit and Mn Johfl Hallinan ' and petlll' cor.,. dropped out of tIM _ jack have ~.tllrned fram • two drill owln, to the terrl6c: .... t. thl .,lIk.· motor trip thrbUlh the N... P.lmyra lin. of m.rch w.. WI· _laad .tatH. broken. --tlra. H.rvey E. Ilew.,t I •• Jjend. Planll K"mm. dram m.jor for thl .... tIM wee. in At .... tlc Cit,. p.lmyr. Cor,.. won 6rat priM of

U' fot tb. beat drum _Jot- at a lit. aad Mn. JONI'h PI,..., and _petition In Vlntlud on Aquat

...... y. of ThonIu ." .... , aM IIr." Mr. Kln,I. eftt«UUaed 'O(ty.

... IIrL a.,1IIOftd PI,bt ... Iftd f ... • fI.,. 01 tb. .. ,Ion __ 1Nr. to a

.., 01 ..,_. P .... ,,., ........ d di,...., .... Tllllnday "' •• • Sill * ... the w .. Il '" WlWwooct .... '" tt. .....- "--

mated co.t of 112. ==:=====-_____ _ Palmyr. P~T.A . reported tb., .re "OTIC. 0' '~L •• It • .,

plannllli • r.ceptlon to the teechere ,,_ 'Mbptlflli" T, ...... A ..... . L_ . """'0 .......... C. W. r,lih_tJc ... .. aIId t ... board to be held on lept .. tn. "ou .. 10 h •• ,..,. .10_ ........ "!He a.-

ber Z2. ..... , .., ,,,. ..... '1_ .. 1ooUI .... ., .......

Conlidmble dlKUllion WII ,i.,m :.: .':..~-::~ ":'=. ~~'''''' Cbo-Cbo. tb. b.alth §;Iowll, ,.,t ... - to the Trrmlte problem .. lltinl I .. !~ 0,"" ••• · c .... ,. '" .... c_~ ..

aU ....., -- ~ L_ I .... - . .. I - ........ 14 1 tldned • number of 1m ...,,.1 _ t_ c.f ... " • of the hI'h achool. T .... ~-t..r U . "N. a' .. ....... .. • lirle ..... t •• t the CUnden HDIU IIJItler WII held ave' fOf' .urther In- ".o~. lor I'tiaa4lJItIt Childr.., .t 91' H.... ",fll .. don. MD ... 'All'&~'iPI.'T • nUIT don • .,.., .... C ........ lIon4ay. The .,... .. ,.r"ltor. PaaI a_ • --~~ .... _ J-.-.

Cbo-Cho. who c.oauaJe .... dwWaa 1-. IiIIuId tllat tt. bo.,d 10 '* p, ....... , .... ,;;:::: •• ~ ldentit,. Ie a , ...... of P .... ".. r_d by r_hatJoe, r"lIIItiaa aU ~~,. 'f. ItN •



, I

. , #


Memorial Patk .

L.' . PI.y.round •

a ••• Dope ~"M"~

:~=:way : ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ n ~ I PALMYRA· . I AMBULANCE NEWS . Rlch",.n-Speer,

-W. AndeI"lOl\~hbl.. ..._~ ___ '... PAST AND PRESENT SCHOOL CALENDAR FollowI", la tite calendar 'for the

palmyra 8thool syatem for the year 1936-1937.

Broldw." 3-Evanl 0 Mr. and Mr.. Edwin Orubb, ' Sr., ' ~UIU.t Ie-Broadway thtew th~ ' pent laat Wednead.y. In Wildwood 'Continuation of '·K i 8 tor i cal

September 8 - Meetln, of ·alt leacherl.

wo td ri I t tl thl I a. lue'~1 0, J Mr. and Mrs. J. B.rr. Sk-tch Sta:rt-d l'n 'La-t EVlIIa' ~Bl'oadw.y 1 r II e. no. e • even n. ~ ... 0

September 1)-Openina of .chooL November 16--New Jersey St.te

Tenchen' Convention. by. whltewllhln, the Jo. T. Itvan. Mra. Orover Fox, of Palmyra. and Week's IlBue Auau.t U. The .bove AIUrea tell teft by the Icore of three .to nothl"I, the MI"el Kather and Ella .Coburn,

the ,..ulf of the firat conteat to de- Tdhy Qontetikl hurlln. the Ooole of Lower Ma •• achulett.. hlllll reo November 26.27 - 'thanln,lvin.r .

ter.mlne the champ. of the Rlverlon turned from • weekend In Ocean Boh Ball Lea,ue. There WII • e •• b.U ,amI' tor the wlnnlr.. City.

MI ll;' Myrlle. Style., of Phlladel. phla, I. lpendln, sever.1 day. w.lth Mra. Betty I,.onrfield, 0' Clnnamln­Ion allehue.

Mra. Nellie. SI.ter, of Philadelphia, I. rep.lrln. her property In the 200 block on Broad Itreet. .

IIIr.e .rid Interelted •• therln. 9f . The fitlt two Bro.dw.y runl .pectator. on hand and they Were In Ihe Itcond canto on two hlte, • treated to a Iliad ,ame, ctllmmed walk lin error, and another hit. Thll full of tnany excltln, Incident.. Ike rally Wit nipped by a corklnl, rare Hilton, alter many week. of rllt; 8-2·2-5 double IIlay put on by the .tepped on the rUbber to keep the Ellan. boya. The other run for Movies bOYI ' From doln, much dam. Broadway came In the tblrd on an I.e, while Tony Oontelkl WII error,.n Infield out, and tWo Ilnllea. touched for binI Ie. when they were Blltk playtd a rood .ame .t third needed by the Lumbermen. Tony for the 10111"1, while Terrell did lome Iliuld four w.lkl while Hilton only tOllln, from ahort ror the vilitora. d hi I d h Ellana 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0-0 Mr. a",'U Mrl. Edwin Orubb, Sr., on.ted· one, w ch rllu te In ted d I

II , h I B h Broadw.y 0 2 l 0 0 0 0 0 x-3 aUen e a faml y teunlon picnic 10 tary counter o~ t e ot HYlton.St

eer• . held at Sun.hlne 'Lake on Sunday. Sfreer and Sloin did aood work be· A th t R

h d h b t· h th I Oente' .kl. uchhal.. ' monl e wenty· ve aueet. prea-n teat, .acep w en e .Uer ent were Mr. .nd Mra. Harmer a Coollih huve to .econd In -0- Born and family, Mr. and Mra . . W. the ninth th.t reaulted 'In two ot Broadway 5-Evan. 5 Meye,. and lon, Mr •. Anna Relden. Evanl three runa In . that lellion. . M

That out Reid i:ert.lnly II . Au,uat 19. Another tie In the .baker, lIlard Orub .nd family . enou,h to dlahurten any team 'the world .. rlea. the evenly Mr. and ·rotn. William Reldenb.ker w.y they aobble In the lIya ' and lin. m.tthed Broadway anil Jo.. T. and ,ue.I, Mra. Emma Orubb, Mr. era. 'Selttoli III ci,nter, pl.ntad him. ll:v.n.' team"pl.yed an eleven Innlnl and Mre . . H. Schaeffer, S. Perrle,

. lelf un!!er at 'Iellt ellht, and .el,ht ,ame th.t ended up Indeclalvely at Mr. and Mra. E. Orubb. Jr., .nd tlmel he I'Ye UI a .tartled feellna 5 all. Tonllht'. lame wal by far daurhter, Nancy Jo, ' and ChariI'. the w.y he made tb.t little 'Jump ihe mo.t· Interlltln. ,ame of the Burrou,ha. t t b' Alut hi th h ' lerlea, what with l he thrlltln, climax , ~u. · e ore ~ c n. e.p ere. -I'U tell you about that In a minute 'the Rev. Albert J. H.rke, 0' .But he held on, 10 that', that. Joe P M I Ch h 111 b h Vearly, In left \IIade aome pippin,. ":".nd the r.uCOUI cheerln, and jeer. arry . ora" an utc, wet I' .Cter lon, tuna, but capped Ihe cll. Inl for Roxie Anderlon who relieved apeaker In the l'almyra ,rove .t tbe mall on Chick 'Foulke for the la.t Tony OOl)teakl a. Broadway hurler Sunday evenln, Joint 'aervlce. out In tbe' ninth to put thl! on In the third. .

Mr • • nd Mr •. Oeor,e Seel will Ipend the weekend In Atlantic CI~y with Mr. and Mr •. Oeor,e Seel,. Jr., a!,d family.

,A previous article publiahed In vacation. . The New Era ducrlbed ,the or,an- December 24-8elllnnln, of Chriat-Izatlon of the Ambulance A.aocla- maa vac.tlon. ' lion and the purchaae 01 the orllinal January 4-Flrlt achool d.y in equipment New Vear.

Oustav . Axtman continued .. Febru~ry 12 - Uncolll'. blrthda)'. prelldent of · the a •• oelatlon until February 22-Walhln,lon'l birth-December 1922 when · be waa IUC' 'day. ' ceeded by Sydney Snel'o~. who haa March 25-Bellnnin. of Ellter been termed the real father of the vac.tlon. . . Palmyra Ambulance A.aociatlon. March 29-End of ll:aater ",cation.

Snel.on held the office of prill. May at-Memorial Oily. dent of the 11'0up until July 5, 1925, June IG-Commencement. at which time he waa succeeded by June ll-Cloee 0' .chool. Geor,e N, Wimer, who terved until Re· examln.tion. will be . liven MarCh, 1932. Wimer waa supplilnled hl,b achool lubjech '('hunday, Sep­I. pr .. ldent by JOleph L. Stick. tember 3. A Ichedule of the eXIID.

Stack retired In Decelnller, 1935, Inatlonl will be publilhed in the and waa followed by Harry J. Saar, local papers the la~~ week In AUllllr. the Incumb~nt. .... P, .R. Jon ...

Clement B, Horn, tbe Hr .• t .. cr.· Supervlsiln. Principal ' tary, re.I,ned on June I, 1922, and moved South. P. O. McMahon WI. WALTER D. LAMON BUYS elected to .ucceed him. McMahon died on Match .21, 1923, and .C . O. 5UI CINNAMINSON .AVE. Melcber waa narried to 1111 tbe un. e"plred term .

Melcher terved II aecretary until Mily 2, 1924, at whlcb time Mra, Oeor,e J. Spencer waa elected and haa terved continuously from that time until the preaent.

Mrs. John C. Hoep'ner 8erved a. trealurer of the or,anlutlon from I" Inception until the time of her death, AUluat 19, 1930. Mra; Wil. lIam Hbare wal elected .to the . poal. tlon wblcb .he . atlll hold I . .

Walter 'D. Lamon, real .. t.te and inlurance a,enl, haa pureblled the Itore and dwel)ln. located at SICI Cinnarriinaon avenue, Palmyr. which he will completely renov.te for hla real utate ollice and bome.

The property WII purchaaed Crom Wilford Hawke and wa' formerly occupied by Stepben I<:lIpalrlck who moved to Riverside Jaat week. .

Ice Jor hi. Dad, .nd make Helen It looked like plulh curtain. for proud cif him. A. to the ' work of Evan. II Broadway Icorei! three the two Infielda, the .Broldway quar. runa on four hltl, Indudlnl Bart. tet far outlhone their. opponent I, ley'. homer, In the openlnl .... Ion. tlie main rea.on belnl that the Corm. However, the Evanlmen notched I er ran In "to meet Iround balla .nd trio of their own In the laat of the t!)ereby made leverll fut double lecond on •• 'nile, two doubles, and

, The pretent officer. 0' tbe ,roup Mn. Jelile Warner, of Clnnamln. Include: Harry J: Sailr, prelldent;

Ion avenue, la Ipendln, aome time 'Charlet Kepner, vICe ' prealdent ; at Lavalette, Mrl. William Hoare,. trea.urer;

,Mr, Lamon will occupy the premo Isea aa aoon aa alteration. ·.nd re­pain have been completed.

. pl.,.., while Bvan. either waited or 'a lIuke triple by Ike Hylton-the lometlme. buked up and were too r,tovle pillyen did an Alphonle and late In nlppln, even one runner. OBlton on the pop lIy back or third

P.ul Burk, the Evana third .acker, bllle. Evanl lidded another. and lead all handl with tbree hit., one took the lead. on two .In,le. and an elf which waa a three.bue blow, Infield out In the third. Three hit. when he led the ninth Innlhl tally. enllbled Broadw.y to tie It up In the Several other Vearlyltll amaalld two fourlh, and onl!, hit. a walk. an out,

. blowa .. ch wblle for Broadway .and an · outfield .Ry ,ave them the there W.I nothln, more than Ilnllel lead In the .,,,,tb. A pO.llble Cln. 01 which Daly and Baker accounted ema rillly wa' loreatalled when Pred

Mra. Helen Seel Guldin and f.m. lIy are apendln, two weeka In Ocean City . .

Mra. Dell Miller. Mill Mary Mli. ler and Mr •. Carrie Zietz. of Ohio, werl! ,ueltl of Mra. Jea.le W.rner last Wednesday. .

MrI·. Oeor.e J. Spencer, .ecretary; and Addl.on Chandler, anlltant "cret.ry.

Tbe committee hi char,e or the purchaae 0' a new amblliance In­cludel JOleph L . Stack, cbairman: Addison Chandler, Vernon Adams and JOleph G3l1a,her:

'the drive committee to raiae

, Eliht countrlet ·u.e the dollar ••• monetary unit : United ' Stat .. , Can.­da, Brltllb Hondur .. , Colombl .. Newfoundlarid, Liberia, San Do. mln,o, .nd .the 8tralt. SeulemenL

fllnds necenary . for the purch ... of the new ambulance are Georle N. Wimer. chairman: . Mar" Kin" Addilon Chandler and Plorence Saar.

for two .ach. The 10llrl tried three Conway made a 'Ieapln, catch of jo.eph Seel; the MIlSes Jean and pinch blttera In Eddfe BuchhOlz, hoopa Ander.on'. liner In tbe eev- Addle Seel, of Palmyra. and . Clifton 1II111'IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIillllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll'IIIIIIIIIIII Bill Anderaon and Jo.h Bartley, but enlh. Ike H"lton'. wlilk and Joe Seel, 0' New York. lire tourlne the = L ' G' 29 I each popped up weak files, to which Yearly'. double, hi. third bit, knot. SOUthern atates for len day. , =;- ega enulue c JOlh 8r. replied that he could ted tbe count a,aln In the ellhtb. dOhe better. What Ma Andenon Neltber leam ' did much In the M", and ' Mra. T. A. Eadon will S· La b Ib or C. Nevin huchholl 1.ld or tentb, but In tbe firat half of the Ipend the weekend In !'be Pocono. = prmg m . thou,ht. thll column doeli not know. ,Ieventh, Roxie Andenon· doubled":" and join their 80n at Camp We no· but It would be interettln... and died on ba.e. In the bottom of nah, where he baa been Ipendln, . Evans I I 0 0 0 0 0 0 3-5 the eleventh, after Perklnl had Rled ,Ievetal ·weekl. Best Rib Roast Broadway · I 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 G-I out, Letl Yeilrly lot a JIft'.11 the

way to lecond when 'Chick Foulke Mra. R. E. Sanford entert.lned The .core book ,Ivel Evan. 14 made a bad throw of hi. ,rounder . . MIII Mary Winte,.. of . Columbul,

l.!25c hili to 9 for the Broadway, .0 you Joe Ye.riy Wal purpoaely pa ... d- .Ohio, for leveral day. lalt week. c.n .. e tbat the Evanl victory WII with. few overhand beave_whlch Mill Winter. hal continued on her ded.lve. made him mad. Sexton popped. The journey to Bo.ton and Connecticut.

- ,a me looked alma It over wben Fred Ev.n. 3-Broadway 5 Conw.y beat out an Infield 'hl\, but

AUlutl.l7. After Evan. h.d won Duck Speer It ruck out after Waltln. the firat lame of ollr play,round tOll lonl.for • walk. So. tbe tie I

d "Both number two men ,led their world .erle •• they h. • load .tart te.m. with the wand" Leon Sloan toward wlnnlnl tbe Heond ' al.o, but Bro. dw.,. bit •• poke .t Ute .nd Joe Yeady pumplnl out Ihree fl,ht time (but not quite enoulb) hlt. apiece. 10 th.1 Broadw.y tied th. I.m. UP. Bro.dw.y it 0 0 L 0 1 0000 G-5 10 I 5.5, And 10 It ended.' Thu. another Evan, 03 I 00 0 0 1 00 G-5 10 0 ,ame will Ita", to be pl.yed. prob.. Oontlllkl, W. Anderaon.Buchhob. bly, to ,ive one team the three Hylton-Spe.r. . ,amu nee ... ary to win. -0-

The Lumberm. n pounc .. d on Bill Pia" 0" lerl .. between Bro.dwit

Mt. and Mrt, William will Ipend the wee.end at Wildwood with her parenti. Mr . . and Mr •. Slavin. Mill Mar,aret McCamy. who I. employed In W •• hln,ton, O. C", will allo .pend the weekend in Wildwood.

Mrl. Carmel Prllco and d.U'ht~r'l· Philomena. will leave on Monday for Troy, N. Y •• where the" will Domenique, who at that ' time will receive . notber minor "OW In the Pr.nd.can Orde,. AnderlOn·. ,'.nt. In the op.nln, In- .nd Ev.n. up to Wednead. )' eve.

nln, for threl run. that 'oolted lIk. nlnl' Au,u.t 19 •• t.nd •• t one ,.me = ___ ==-====="""=....,== enou,h to win, the w.y Richman each In tbe wlnnln. column, Ind, of GURNELL'S w .. hurllnl them up. Patldn •• nd I c:oura,e. on the lOll .Ide 111111111 IIIIIIIIN L,,, Vearly . • In,l.d .nd Jo. V .. rly with two tl.,. thrown In for ,oad pUlhed on. In on . ' ni/:l double, the mea.ure, It I. to be be.t out of other Icorlnl on Conw.y'. outfield, five If wlnhlt do .. not overtike the DODGE fly . Joe teored later on an Infleld I ft.c... Lealia Uke tlHl)' will play out Ind leaton·. ./n,la. Pitcher ner, nenlnl .acept I.turd.)' and Rlchmln of Enn •• ccounted for the lund.y 10 com. out and ... the otber two rlln. hi. te.m acored •. fu ... knockln, In one with • Korch/n, ----. _________ _ triple In the fifth .nd carryllll Ihe other .c:rau with •• creamln, hom. er In the .llhth.

Slo.n·i ml,hty three·ba .. er and an outfield lIy .ccounted for tt.. fir.t


Broadw.y tall,. In the initial .t8nz ...... ____________ ... A walll by T.rrell •• n Infield out, and ' a lin,le b, Boops Ande,1Otl pro· duced the .. c"bnd Movie run In tt.. fourth innlnl. lin II.. by IllIlZ, Daly .nd Bartley •• nd an Bvan. er· ror. made .nother Mo.,ie run In the fifth. The t,ln, rUlU cro .. ed t .... pent.,on in the IlIda,. .... ~th whell doubl ... by Slo.n and Oal,. followed b), an Infield out .nd Bartle),' •• In'" "".bed them onr.

Abr.hem Wolrr •• , .rrHted b, Olliur WIIII.m for .pcedJo, an Broad .treet. Weilt P.'m,r ••• t ' .U p.m. on Tuetday.

Mr. Woler. who rea/de. at 311 Mill af reet , Brl.tol. Pa., pleaded Dot ,1111. t, to the char,e but ... fined 13 by the recorder. --The Pllmyr. pollce have recel .. ed • postal hom their Ctu.I C. Morrl. B.c ••• ho. ,"amp.nied by hi. wi/.'

j II tourinl Pmn.,i ... ni. tbi. • ..... TIN urd WII recel"ed /rom W,alu.







LS.GURNELL Dodla aod PlytI1,*tb

BaJa and Service J07 B. Broad It., Palmyra ~, a;nrtoD 26


Fresh Killed

Stewing Chickens, 27 c . Boneleis Pot Roast 25c

WHITMER'S QUALITY MEAT MARKET 107 E. Broad Street Palmyra Phone Riverton 126 FREE DELIVERY

, '"ill'lIIlfllll'"llflllllf'IIII1II11II1I1I'tllllllllllll'I"""lIlIIlllImlllllllfn .. " ..

Taylor Markets


NOW at their best Pricel Moderate

Full supply every day of

,Pole Limas-Big Sugar Corn:Tomato~s


and Iloan hid thr .. e hit. to Iud .the

Broadw., te.lIl. trillch had twelv« all tOlether. while Lell and Ja. Yearl)' and RlcbJnaa each bad two out of E"an. tocal of nm..

HOMESTEAD MARKET, TAYLOR LANE alD"PL .......... ~ .......... ~~~ .. ~~~ .. ~~ .. ~~~ .. ~~ .. ~~~ ...

, ': ;'~AGE' SIX . , .

Growth Along RR ,Declared Hazard

(continued from Pllre 1)

land,supervisor ~f streets. for action.

To Colttinue Supervision

CommunItJ' W.II ... A_c. 3 montha' •••• rie.

County T •• ,. JOleph S. Br1aht. Ire.tUler

D. .i~d cftrt~~~ . Ci~::~i::o~a'B~flk . a Trul' Co.-

1935 Tax Revenue Note 1936 T •• Antlclpatloa NOli.

, •• '14,14


100.00 I.VOO.oo

County Orders ' Road Materials

(contlnqed' from pige 1)

. Mr. Strohlein reported that p~ay. around supervision at the munIcIpal park would end August 31, and suc· aested ,that patt time 8upervislon be continued through September-after To .con~truct Drai'naie System Ichool. Saturdays and evenings. The aupervisors, . he said, c~uld be Ie· A resolution was submitted .b~ . . , .... cured from the WPA whIch had pro· Jones, authorizing the. constructton . 'Y\ded two full time supervisors duro of a 'new drainaie system on route bii the 8ummer. He was instructed 4 through New Gretna. ,The state ' to arrange for the extension. He is building an extension to this AFTER J6 Yeart CJI Service, ,hi. No., J-. Count." Editor

' t f $10000 funda to will trevel to every ""to In the Union. TheM letter •• nd allo requested permias.ion to arraoge syatel)1 at a cos 0 " • ., 'h. trip ",III fOntlnUe'ror ., I ... , a y .. r, Follnw th. whll. for a continuance of SImilar services be lak';n from the motor vehIcle !In" weekly. be.lnnlnA ot the .tar at N .... J.r~.y , from' Wilton 'E , Mount. who has had monies, The ' authorl:latlon WBa ' ~~=~~~~~==~~~=~=~~~~~~==~::~==~ Charie 118 general supervisor durinr ~iven not to exceed $2000 B,nd' aU' '::: the summer. This was also granted. work on the county ' aection to , be Of course, you all know that clai~ the discovery of America. It

The report of the buildini inspect. done by county forces, Rhode Island Is a very small state, makes us feel that because we live or .howed ope,rations amountin!, to A letter from Robert C. Hendrick· but is a Ve(y .nice state and its in iood old Jersey, that we are some '7600 and fees of $21. son. attorney from Woodbury, waa towns cities and farms are clean Rort of an outcast. and unless we

Tbe d.blea aupportlne tho Ban F 'ranc:iac:o-Oakland bri,dee conallt of 17\464 wires . each.

A You Are Invited

to enJo, the


Lakeview Memorial Park


Loeatt4 on BurUllitOD Pilla _ Rlv .......... oor .. t""" Ilood The medical inspector preRent~d read by the clerk. The letter Bsked and w~J1 ioverned. What little farm read the inspription on almost everY'1

feea amountin, to $2.00. , ' the Burlington county board of 1 d we passed seemed to be fertile rock and Cet a souvenir of. every old 4;~;;~;;;;;;:;;;;:;;~~;;;~;;;;:;;: intercede by resolution for an il)1. a

3nnd wel'l -ared' for. The ,.main in.. buildini, we are not seelnog Ne.w I :: To Close Nintb Street proved hichway on S-44, from ~ I d W t din'" tbls

Baid dustry is cranberry irowing and thl~ ,Eng an . e . are no 0._ , Mr. Sylvester preaented a requeat Bridgeport to the Chester. ge· I', done In ' a bi'" way. There are b. ut we a,re havlni a wond~rful' trip,

t t port ferry. The letter atated that • d fi d h t t jorlty of the from the Howard Parry elta e 0 'sl'nce the hic'hway servel 'traffic: thru hundred. of bogs. all well kept, but an n t a. a i~ea ma, d ' dOle N'inth Itreet where it runl fro'm this ' point to New York ~he the thing that attracted our atten~ people are dIspleased, dlsgu~ted an '~ through the Parry property, and to matter could well be COlIsldered of tion' was the Jack of water. Every dilcouraged with the adminIstration. open Shrewsb)lry Road throui

b Interest to Burlin .. ton county. The bog'was located in low valleys, some while the farmer an~ mercbant are

their property in a line wit.b this proposed project is to be bllilt by of them moie than one hundred fe'et just al busy here t'rlni to find o~t hlehway on the oppoaite aide of, the state highway department wlt,b a in depth and while there were where they are gOIng to get t e" Maln Itreet. AI there were leveral b d ditches ail throug,h the b.ogs and money to pay their taxes aa we are. de' t-11a to be worked out, the matter federal aid project. Tbe oar J

.. Mr SIt' • handl passed such a relolution. around them, just as we ' In eraey , wu left in . '1 ves er a • . bulld oqr bOiS, yet t,here was not a STOP I Mr. Merrill, chairman of the , Nothini Due Beverly drop of water In one of the ditches, &Dance committee. ,reported the reo " This stranie thing was too much "Ipt of the necelsary blanka on ' A' letter was read from the derk for us and after 'travefini several wblch to make application for Itate of the city of B~verly. acknowledg- miles without passinr a sinile dwell. ald for relief purposes. He said ing receipt of a check. for t6S7.89; inK or service station. we came to that the state had available ~,5OO!. the city's ,share of the dirt rQad fund a s~all station and made inqulry in

' 000, to be distr,ibuted to munlcipah· for 1936. The letter stated , that regards to the matter and the lady , tles according to the percentale of $641 for 1935 atill · remained unpaid ' said white they were less than a their tax ~olleciions. In other worda, and w'ould appreciate advice when mlt~ from tl1e bay, yet the only :where tax collections are good, the the check might be received, Fr~e. water they could get was what came IUms allotted will be le.s than where holder Jones advi,sed the board that from the sky above, She aai~ there the local need for state aid i~ greater payment was . omlt,ted las~ year Jle. was one big spring at the top of the owing to meacre income from t~xl!s. cause of a mlsunderstandln.i of the highest mountain which we had just On this. basis, he said. Riverton city's eligibility at that tame;, but passed over. She aald the rainy would not fare so well. A relloluU.on, that the matter had been adJusted sealons which mOltly came late in was palled. however; to make the from another fund through the state I the fall' and early winter, filled all application. hi~hway departme!lt and that no of the ditches and valleYI; but dur-

The resiination of Robert W. 8uch amount remmnl ,unpaid. The ing the lummer they were all dry 01 KDight as member and chairman of mailer was ~eferr~d to. Freeholder we had found them. ' the police committee, ~a~ read and Jones fot adJustment With the city " Before we arrived at this lectlon, accepted. and J , Wilson Sylvelter of Beverly. we croased the two maini6cent waa appointed to fill t~e vacancy Aalts for Storm Sewer brldgel at Bu%zards Bay and SOia.

Mr. HUSBAND . . .' While your ' family il vaca·

tlonin. at the leashore, moun- , talns or what-not . • . . . •.•



Fry's ,Dining Room 11 Welt Broad j)treet

Pahayra Phone &520

and c~nalder for a mo­

ment. Ir , . really cood

printing i~n't worth the

Imall differenc,e iD 'price.

And IQmetimea it

doesn't co~t any mor~

it all dependa on the

skill and experience of

the printer.

We h'ave been aerving

satla6ed cUltomers for

.... yearl.

Phone, Riverton 712

, durlni the balance 'of thiS year. more. ' They both cro.. the new 'Benjamin A. Sleeper. engineer for canal which Is now under construe. , ,

Mt. Holly townlhip. appeared be~ tion in Mallachusettl. ' "U'OOOOO"UUOOGOO~OOOGO'GOOOOOOO:OOOOOOClOOO"'OGOO PoUce Report

The followinl i. the report of .the fore the board aakina the county to We found Providence a ' very busy ~ police 'department for the montb, of construct a storm lewer, begi,nning city aaid a very dean city. At the July 1936: at the end of JacklOnville' road at State HOUle. we mi .. ed Governor

Three acddents. 36 arrests, 1 bi.· Clover and Union street I. lOuth Theodore F. Green. but found hla C)'cle found and returned to owner. alonr Clover to Garden Itreet, then ch.ief clerk to be a very friendly 26 complaints and reports ~awered west alonc Garden street about 2~ chap and he waa lorry that I could and inveatlcated. 2 complalntl. on feet to a culve'rt under the atreet, not remain until morning ,when he doiS. 6 calla from out of town police. a total diltance of approximately waa aure the Governor would be in 4 dogs gassed. I door found open, 1000 feet, and would be, very Ilad to aee me. 1 garbale complaint. ~6 bomel reo Mr. Sleeper stated that on a Itate Chief Clerk Nealit Murphy extended ported dosed, 1 robbery. aid project the townlhlp hsd enourh hi' good wilhel in writlnr al Clerk

I 110";'1 b'lIt , .... 0.4 .. 011 paldl I money to ,build an improved toad to Hil Excellency, The Governor. Th. 0 all' at this location which is adjacent to , In the cranberry lectlon. we found ~~ ;'l :..~~. aoL ... 0-16 ,112.10 the new $300,000 regional hi!,b one road Itand In th~ ahape of a

Dc. Haery L. Ro ...... aat 6-.0-16 22,10 school being built In the townlhlp. laree bottle filled With cranberry ' lIorou.lh OrcanlutJoD- 0.00 H I 'd h t th not I Th bit I t C K.nne,h 0 .. 1 .. cl.,k, ttalllpt 1 I e a 101m t a ere waa cocktai . e ott e wal a eas n. ". CWton ... I. Jul,. A..... UU. sufficient money to bulld both the 25 feet tall and waa very attractive. ~r.:en ~~PWZ.IO.\.~"'" aU .... storm sewer and the road and asked We failed to aee a lingle Rhode

Wilton E . lIa", .. , aa;;;;'1i upal Ift:= the c~unty for Its aid. The matter Island Red chicken in Rhode Island, WUIOD Eo lIount •• upp iH . waa referred to the director of hieh- but we pa .. ed qulte a few flocb in I 0'i!t:; ~.:"~. 10 mowor , Jl.U ways and engineerinr for a report Maaaachulettl, jUlt over the line, J ... c;'mno 1 Bon. lac" ."ppu. 44.7 ~~ L_ • C B Co, • ..... u a.-I .- ,at a lubsequent meelinr. Providen~. Uke every ot .. "r city II4I:ti S~rtlnl Oood. Co., baUi JU. up .. ere in New Enehu'ld, h .. many PubUe Benoi<l E ... trlc 41: a .. ,ea. I 00 Dorrance Interest Refuaed histon' c lpotl and that .eema to be ..... Ih Ind Coder •

Wlrl.r~""II:-V~~~-;"'. Jr .• pbou Several letter. were read from all they want to talk about. While J"I,. and Aupat LOll varioul Itate official.. Itatln, that I was talcing tbe picture of the Capi.

Pliildalphla Toro Co ••• ep8in 7.40 the county', c:Iaim of '171,866.67. tol bulldinl. an elderly man Itepped CI:iI""~'~: ~':,'!.... 21.21 repreaentine the S,;. intereat due on up and be,an telling ~e , where I JI_ J-at .. !At &4&1_1 7 tI the Dorrance eatate tax C8JIIIOt be could find the Ro,er William P~rk

If:. ... • ,. ... c...sJl!.':!.. .. ppUao .:10 paid. with ita 451 lern of beautiful billl J'~. Tu Til" LIn --". I...... Director Adami reported that he and the Beta, WI1JiamI CottlCe T'K!"~~II;:r'NtIoaII lUI and Director of FllI8Ilcc Walter D •• hlcb wu built in 1773. It seems



COAL ,NOW Be/ore Prices

Advance Hard-Black-!oaI




J'..m 01 J.IJ'- Lamon, Lester DreuJr, the board'a to me that every .tate and prac., ·';:'::;f!~,:IrC. ea. .... IOlicitor, had vllited atate treuurer, tleaJly every city or town wantl to ~~""~Mo""~Mo"""""~Mo"""""~Mo"""""~ :-g-_a O.Wd •• aaluJ' A.... 7'" 8eaator Albrieht, and that the ________________________________________ _


board'l claim w .. bela, referred to .. ~Mo ...... " .. '4M ........ " .. ~ ...................... ~ .... ~Mo ...... " .. ~ ........ M .. '! r-a C~ ....... A.... .... tbe attome, ,eneral for aD opiDIOIL .-a c-<1I'- .. P- bat the ty III _ B~ -- 954.14 Adama claimed t COWl ,

....... 41: ............ ~ ~t: cue for the additional moDe)' il J.oIp ~~:r;. 11.11. not yet loat. oa,.;.:oo4 lenoke 111.-, .... 1M Ia.U Director Adam. w .. ciYCD author. P .... ., •• Jr_ WOl.... L7. ity to lien WPA proJecta talllA, . )...L.t'= rt.. I.e.. --- 4.00 for impronmenta at the altlDlbo_I.1 -..-r Iorriu &Iutrlc 41: 0 .. c... tUberculolOl boapital aDd the

2IU. ty Jail ...= .......... Jtlactric 41: Gao c... 177.00 The followiac department ..::::.- were ordered paid: ' Revenue and I":"~ &Io<trk • au c... 7." financ:e .1168. .... ; public buildinc .. m 0-... aa~. "::0 l~ SZO.a79;68: public allaira. '15,120.73; :: ".~!-..'i;uy.' u .. oo bridee '5003.94; hlebwa,1 aDd en-

;-~....:.":~z.... 1=t5 ' ciaeerine. 127,.2H.47.

~tf.f§~!JiJ:~ WI ... c:..-. .... LII

f.:" :;,. -=- ... 19 W. B,08d It. PALIIYRA -=, ::::... ' IU. AU ICiack 01 Ortbopedk Iboe Wen ~ L. ........ - ... - 4.U Dr. 1cIIoII". POOl Pm 511



Stop! Look! Listen! to this maater Banaer before ,ou Jiarchuel

SPECIAL PRICE until Sept. 15, 1936

Harry K. Mansfield REGI8TDED PLUIIBU

For lafonaation T~ Riwntoa

317 Eut Broad St. PALMYRA



~ '> ••


" I

, .' I ,


Congressman Powera Seeks Word­, ini to Be Used on Banners in

Burlington County

Conitreasman , D. Lane Powers baa offered a prize of $10.00 for tlie best ten.word sloian to be ,used on Republican Btreet banners in the county. ,

The contcst &ot under way this w.eek and everyone i. invited to lend 'in their own sugiestion before

, the deadline on noon of Friday, AUlust 28th, . , ' I

All slogans are to be sent to your local newapaper editor. and he wilt tum them over to the judie. who were appointed by Emory Cheele· man" preai~ent of the Burlington County Newspapermen. Aasoela­tlon.

Judies are James Tomes, Moorea­town. chairman, Kad W. Latch, Riverton, Glen Chambera, Burling­ton. Ellsworth Coatea, ,Palmyra.

Each newspaper will .conduct it~ own individual contelt. and will be ,present at the meeting of the News· papermen's Allodatlon ' when tbe winner il pic:Ja:ed:





Mr. and Mrs. Walter Wolff, of 6 LeJune' road, Palmyra. are re .. eivinr

' congratulations on th~ birth of a Camp Ockanickon ' son, Walter Raymond, Monday,

Adults Who wish to 'spend a real AUiust 17. at the Mary Haas Rob· family vacation should know more bins Maternity Home. ' 408 Main

'about the adult ~amp that will open : street. Riverton. on Saturday. AIIKU1It 28th, and 1:on. tinue until Saturday. September 4th, The camp and the program will be A NEW RYTEX under the direction of Guy C. Hen- One hundred Business Cardl for dry. who knows how to , cater to the One Dollar at The New Era Office. I wants of adults and has be~n a I Rytex Hylited Cards on fine stock, pioneer in the development of the rotary cut. , Even lower pricel for Greater Ockanickon Camps. larger quantities. ' __

Annual Hi· Y Conference This year the Hi-Y conference

will be held at two camping points. 0 OOODOOC 'O~O~ The clubs south of Trenton will rather at Camp Ockanickon on SlOp. tember 19th and 20th. North Jersey clubs wiIJ' gather at Camp Wawa· yanda on the same dates.. The South Jersey rroup will be under the leadership of State Secretary John Ledlie.


PHARMACY The theme of the, conference will

former United States Senator from ,be "Pioneerin, New , Trail,," On Connecticut, 'who wilt address the big Republican Rally at Str~wbri!1ge Park; Moorestown, September 12tIU


RIVERTON 1510 Saturday evening the camp fire pro· Iram wi\( be handled' ,by members of the local club.. Palmyra and Free Delivery Riverton will be reprelented at botb 1."~"""~""'4M~""'~H­

his influence in luch organization, conferencea in order to COmpare By coon.-ration ' and helping each pratrams and exchanie viewa. Reg.

.. - istrations may now be BCcured other we may thus improve the throuih Secretary Wilton E. Mount. Ca H. HORNER

New or Used Dodge Cars or Dodle Demonltrators

NOT ES , :~:: by Ella Wheeler Wilcox. ahe visable.




Coal prices ,won't be 'so low either lome of cbis heBJ-, Save dollan a load - bf bu'ying NeWlon Cosl, NOW. A,. ..bou' II" N,,,,,,,. BuJg., PI" •.

There'. a NellJlon Yard in your neighborhood Phon~: Camden 629



WELLS DUG AND BRICKED ROTAR y I :~~:d~~: p:e:u:f~~::. ::::::n:r:::~ ~*-~e:i~:~I:~ ~~:;::S::!r.;~~

"Wherever you go you will' find the Boys,' Over.Niiht Hike ,

IIoIN-D-I .... VI-D-U-A-L-R ... E .... SP-O .... N ... S-IB-I ... LI'i"'T"'OY' Are '::~~: d7v~d~: in .just these two' hi~he;: ;~~a~: ~u~o:.:· :a~~~.n~~! '1IIImililUIIIIIIIIIIIIIIHIIIIUllllillillllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllli1111, The following addreas waa eiven classes (Leaners and Lifterl) irouP will leave the YMCA, Pal-

by member Joseph Lowe. attorney Ani! oddly enouch you will find,too, myra, on that eveninr at 6.30. You ' T of Palmyra. at the m-:eting of Pal· I ween. will need lots of blankets, food for IN AUG US . myra-Riverton Rotary Thursday There is only one lifter to twenty breakfast, rain equipment ' even if E5 evenlne. Augult 13. who lean. clear, " becauae of heavy dew, and a E

405 Elm Avenue, Pahnyra Telephone, Riverton 280-W HAULING

Firat. let us ask if an individual In which clasa are you? Arc you disposition that endures . a lack of E Rotarian hal any reaponlibility in easing the load sleep but the maximum of fun. You E hia vocation: Thia cari be anlwered Of overtaxed lifters wbo toil down way relister at the Y Tuelday == by Baying that each Rotary Club di- the road? morning only, ~ videl all buainels and profel8iona Or are you a leaner who letl others , == into classifications, and the clasli6- 'bear ' I ' ' MARRIED ' cation of each busineaa and ' each Your portion of labor and worry A qui~t double ~edd~ni ceremony == profelsion is 'loaned to a member to and care? ,was held in the MoraVIan parsona&e 5 represent that clal8i6cation. It i.! Under my own classification we Tu'esday eveninr a,t 8 ,o'c1ock, the ;;

·then' the duty and obligation of him I have a County Bar Association and Rev. Albert 1. Harke, officiating. , 5 to whom such classification has been I a State Bar Association, and thru Mifis Doris Moriart, of Everett, 5

,loaned' to see that that classification these or&anizations we endeavor to Pa" became the bride of William 5 ' .hall not be injured or marred by I eliminate all unfair practices so far I' Rowe. of Defiance, Pa. E a?,y ,act ~f his ~nd ~o enlleavor to · as possible. but of course there are Miss Esther~ , Borton" of ~inna. : == dl&mfy h.s c1aaslficatlon. I many attorneys who are not mem- minson Townahlp. was marned to 1=

Therefore. it becomes the duly of I bers of either 'the County , or State William C. Cheeseman, of Camden. 5 ~uch ,member representing his class- Bar Association. a,!d ' we therefore Mr. Rowe is the uncle of Mi •• ,Bor. = ificatlon to be a good c~tlzen, an are somewhat han !II capped. ' ton, ' " =

Few gard~rier8 realize that bulbs of'the Meadow

Saffron (Colchicum), the Autumn Daffodil (St~m­

bergia) and the Fall-flQ'Wering Crocus will bloom th~8 ,

Fall if the bulbs are 'planted Boon. They are offered in '


honest business or profelllona1 man, We are endeavoring to have laws E alld to buil~ up his businesa, accord- passed that wnt &ive Bar Alsocia- planted a flower wh.~re I thought a ;;; inr to the Ideall of Rotary, In or~er'l tiona greater power to control the , flower would grow.. == Open '¥eekday. from 8 a.m. until 5 p.m. and on Sunday '(but that ' he may render proper aervlce members of our profession. Wei As to my profel6ton may I sub· = not for buaineas) from 1 until 5 p.m.

~ti:~~s c~~~~~:;. a~~1 .~u~~~,:,e~~~ . :~v;ee:n~~:v~~~~iC~~ :Chi~h s~~~: I ' ::~ !~~sr.~~~. diacu6lion the follow.' ~lllllllIIlllIIllIIlillllUIIIUIIIIIIIIIIIIIUllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllUlllilllllll business or profession may be hon· reasonable and just and also fair to 1. Should a lawyer defend a per. ', . ored and respected" . ,ourselveil, We have endeavored to ,Ion in ~ cr!min~ ac~io,n when he

There il an obhg~tlon ,reahn.& stop ambulance chasinK. In short, : knows hIS ~llent II CUlI~y? , upon him to deal fairly With hia I we have leen the neceuity of rais- 2. [s a d.vorce ever Justified, an.d custome~, by not aeUi!,r them. an · ing the standard of our profeslion should a lawyer in t~e course of hiS article which he !mOWI la not Iwted and have tatten on our Ihouldera practice conduct divorce proceed. to th~ customer'. partlc:ular need, thi, relponlibility. ' Rotary, with itl ingl? , ' " and by not 1~lIing to a caatomer an Ieachingl of service to othera and . 3. Sh!,~d a lawyer aid his c1!ent articJe that II not up to atanclard. helpiDg our fellow men. makel a .n aVOiding the payment of Just unle .. 6rat. advialne the. cu.tomer Rotarian realize w~at hia debts? Wh~t about bankruptcy? I of the quality of the article. The bililie. are in all his enterpnaea; Ill' butcher'. pound of meat abOa1d c1uding hia vocation. Henry Van I equal tbe hardware dealer'. pound Dyke .. ya, "Trim your lamp 10 that I

Should the RotartaD be • phy... smoke. and carry it in front 10 that ' of nail.. , . it will cive more lieht and Ie.. . '

cian or ;attorney be Ihoald not ae- your lbadow wiD fall behind yoa."l cept money from hi. patieata or U you han a code of ethics in c:Iieatl unlesa be can reDder a your office ' remember tbia little wortbwhile service to them. alt- verse' ' hough as to physiciana this rule • . shOuld be IOmewhat modi6ed in Nyou ~ brine to your office ud neurotic c:aaea. Pllt IJl a frame .

A Rotarian aboaId deal jutJy with A motto .. fine as it. pamt. hi' employees, see that the, .are paid But if ~ou're a crook wheo ,ou're sultable waen and that their work- pla)'lllC the pane, • in& conditionl are sanitary UId afe. That motto won't make yOU a aamL


H. K F IF" Prop. RlVBPTOH. HEW ]lUtSft

...... m-toem In dealine with competitora the You can atic:Ja: up the placarcb all, ................... HMHMII+.

Rotarian ahouJd BYoid unfair com- oyer. the hall. . =::::::::::::=:;======~ ' tion aDd price cuttinC. But here la the word J 8lUllouace. I

pe~ Rotarian must also be fair to It il not the motto that banp on I himseU in order that he ma, reo the waU' , " ccive a rea_ble UId fair. retarD But the motto yea lin u.:.:.~ta. f his buaincaa or prof_OIL There are ten Rues cycry r;.rr:,ere il aJl obli,adon on . all Ro- RO!arian abonId (ollow in his yo-

ta.rianl to be checrfuJ and oplo- cation , mistic:. for optomiam Ia the swoc:e- Doine eood t~ all of distillinC the b:"t .~ .. eetest ' Speakine ill of BODe. out of life and shanne It W1!h other&. Hearin& before judcine • By lilhtine another man. aDdle Thinlrine before apea1rine . with our own, out candle IoNs DOGe Holdine an BDcry toneu«. 01 its brilliancy by what the other Beine kind to the diltressed. r ains. ' Aalrine pardon lor all wronc.

It is the Rotarian's d1Ily. so far u Bein& patil:llt toward everybody. lies in hil power. to eodQIFOf' to re- Stoppinc' the cars to a taIe.burn. mowe from tbe businel~ or . profes- Diabe1ievinc moat of the ill re'l lion under the cl .... ficatiDD .he port .. holdl all unfair practices to which Abraham '

's ~ 01' profeuion may be .So that ~e may 13" .. I l1i, Tbia often is .ccomplished LlIIC~1a said: , , toUb~ . the trade orpniutioa "Die wbeD J .... ,. I wuat It said by JOIIII~ witIa his particular basi- of me bJ tboee who bow me beat. 1 ~:r:~eaa-. and b, acrtiDc that I al a,. pIadre4 a tbiatIe aDd

ON ... ....... FERRY ......-CAMDEN .... 'IIUIU'III

7, 001 .. 11._",

Hc 11.001 .. 11._".


AMERICAN BEAUTY There is no better automatic electric iron to be had than the American Beauty. It has an unusually wide temperature range -225 to 525 degrees-which makes iron. ing different materials easy. ,No waiting for the iron to cool off or to reheat. This iron is well balanced and the handle i. comfortable to hold. Regularly $8.95. $7.95 with an ,old iron. Small carrying charge if you buy on terms.






Unsuspecting Buyers Frequently Pay More Than Double

To Racket Dealer

St·arting somr four years ago as an unemployment problem, the coal· stealing' and coal.bootlegging situa. tion in Pennsylvania has grown the proportions of a major business. It is estimated that coal to the value of .$32,000,000 was stolen 'Iast year from Pennsylvania mines by some 20,000 men, who, indifferent to laws, and unhampered by taxation or other restrictIons, openly flaunt the fact that they are coal bootl",gers, dealer. in a stolen commodity, branded as thieves by, the courts of Philadelphia and . other cities, .

Coal users, enticed by the bait of "bar,ain" prices, make .thi: market for the coal bootlegger, These buy. ers forget tl1at with coal, as with every thin I .else, it is ,difficult to get more than you pay for, particularly when buying from an unknown

'. seller. Official records at City Hall, Phil.

a:delphia, ,ive some eye.openin, reasons why the bootleg,er offers

. coal at leas than the market price. Of course, in the first place the is stolen and therefore any would bring a profit. But the Je"er is not satisfied with

bovely Jean inll heroine of "White Fanl," ryl F. Zanuck Twentieth Century produotion of Jack Lo~don's sequel to "Call of . the Wild." Michael Whalen is also featured.


'Rate IDe Per Line . (U-A_'W_)

_CIwco*.I .. _M Pbone-712

FOR RENT-Furni.hed apartment and ,arale, 408 Morlan ave •• P.I. myra. phone Riverton 247-w. 7-9-tf

RENT-Riverton. a most dellrable home (4 bedrooms). garaee. · $40.00 Other listings Palmyra and Riverton $22 and up. Raymond Warner, 5th & Cinnaminson, Palmyra. 8-20-1t

T22-1 Minneapo, ,~ Honeywell mostat . (electric clock) with electric motor 'control and aqualtat for hot water heating. -'system using coal. Twenty ' lallon Ruud Autohot stor· age tank for domestic hot water (copper tan!!:) price reasonable. Ad. dress "J" New Era Office. 8-13.2t

Sonny Sailor Bellknap haa lost his collar. Finder please ' return· to 311 Bank avenue, 'reward 8-20-11

FOR SALE-i beds and sprin,a. 1 buffet, very reasonable, ~aU Hiehland avenue between 7 p.m. 8-13-lt

Scores and scoru of cases on Charles Shroeder, palmy·ra,. who ahow where the customers of coal two weeks ,\go ran into a Public bootlel,ers have been "gypped" of Service high·tensipn electric pole in over half the coal they bouglit in East Riverton, ' was liven a hearinl cood faith. In 36 c~ses picked at before Recorder .Cecil . A. Bowers. random, it 'was shown that in a total Cinnaminson . Township, Monday of 174 tona of coal:.old I;>y the . night.

NEW FALL HATS $2.25 'andup

Millinery Work 01 Every Ou .. lptloD

VERNA L, GUEST 517 Garfield Ave. Palmyra

. Phone, JUvcrtDII .51' Open Mon.: Wed., FrL and Sn. EvenlftC.

lel,ers. the customers were He· was char,ed 'with drunken weighed 70 tons. . One of the drivinl by Chief Dorworth of the "bargains" offered by a bo'otlleggelr I Cinnaminson police, and was fined WBI ' stove size Anthracite at $220:by the. reco.rder, He paid the a ton. The customer paid $17.50 fine and was released, two tona-but received Ius Shroeder was badly injured In the half the load. The coal cost accident and apent ' eleven days in eustomer .in actual weiiht, about the Zurbrugg Memorial Hospital, a ton-and it was slaty, dirty, verside. being relea8ed on Aueust burning stuff at that. 15tl1. '

Few people can tell whether i, COlli la lOod or not by looking at it because of this fact-regardless the price paid-there is alway. rilk In buyinl from anyone but reputable, responsible coal

A person at the North pole i. 13 miles nearer the center of the earth th.n if. he were at the equator.

The way the hard coal pictUre 1!","~I+I~",OO"~~I+I",OOOO,"~I+I>Oo",OO"o04l+1",",OO~ works out now; coal u.e .. have the choice of buyinl from two lOurces, in the first &roup, reputable dealer. who have been paying taxu and cmployine men in an honelt buRi­ne.. for 'years, Firms that lell only the highest quality coal anit luaran· tce quality and aervice to the cuato­mcr; or on tbe other hand. coal can be bought from a bootle'l;er, the buyer aiding in a flaerant violation of the law; and su.talnlnc a "r.ldt~t'''1 that keep. honest minera , out of work. add. to state and local lion for relief rolla and othcr poses, and. coming right bome liia own cellar, generally ,ettine low quality, .hort weight and no. faction for the moneY he pay. bootle,eer.

In ante-repeal days those Jiked to break the law had a , NIt pays to know your bootlelger, In regard to .tolC!) coal even does not apply" for the coal boot· lecger i. here today. ione tomor· ivw. Ria Is • Beket,' and fnlDkJv /

. 80. He may not see you again. he doesn't care. He may be in lOme other buaineas tomorrow.


Poatmut~n, POlul Employees and Frienda Enjoy First Annual


More than ISO postmaatera; postal cmployeea and their friends attend· ed the lint annual picnic of tbe Bur­~on County Postmaater'a ADO. dation held ilt Mill Dam Park, Mt. HoDy. on Saturday Jut. Competi· tiYe camH in the afternoon UDciac in the eYC1linc was the of the day.

Postmaster Mcnril H.... presi. clcDt of the asaoci.lion. anll101lDCed I tIIat • dinner would be held Tbunda" August 2OIh. at .... Brielle. for aU membcn of N. J. Chapter 01 tbe National ~ at which time plus will f«mu\ated for t.Iw poPmMten' s-'mcc at the National l;O!DYeD-1 tiOII to be beld iD CJnoelaDd. ....,.. 16th to Uth.

lI«e tIIaa ~ ~ 01 tea ..... t ...............




Legs BabY25c Lamb Ib Younl T~der Soft Meated

~~~~:ns 29ft, Swift. Premium Quality

Prime Rib2S' c Roast Ib

Swifta Premium

Smoked 25c Tongues Ib -' to 4Yo · Ibs.

Calves' Liver 390, From YcarliD& CalYH

Mock Chickrn 5c' Lrgs, reich . A Real Treat

Georc\a Cnred Peanut Hams Are Di8'erent, Try One

Fresh Ground Meat Ib lSe Lean Sliced Bilcon ~tb .... lac Lone Horn Cheese Ib 2Sc Brookfield Eaa. ____________ _ do~ 3Se

Spaahetti and lIeat BaUa em ISc Jaicy &ef Bolopa Ib 19c Imported Smoked Salmon 19c Deviled Cbickeo jar ISc Maabroom and Noodle Dinner jar 19c Chicken and JUce Dinner jar 2Sc Garden Tomato Juice _ WCe un 10e: Pale Dry Ginaer Ale • qt boctJea,2Sc . Cboc~late Nut Cakes 2 tb 2Sc Kina Doa Food .. cau 19c


.... 1140. 1141 15 &. BROAD IT .. PALIIYRA

BUSIN~S CAR~S I The New Era olrer. R,tex Busl­

neas Cards one hundred for

DolI.r. Even lower prices on q~ • .

tity ~rders.







M.tlnee Dally .t 2.00 p.m. Ev~ng. 7.IlO--9.oo o'clo~1I

It II. Alwa,. Healthfully Cool at tbe Broadway-the Onl, Theatre In BurUnllon County. ,wltb an

. Air-Conditioned Coolina Plant.


AUIU.t 21 and 22


"0 wo" •••• " •• "., ... AT " ••••• ."

TEij(E = RlCff GIRL' IlIl faYE

_1lIIIf _lIlY --

.ONDAY. Aupet 24


The Return of Sophie Lan2

-PU& TO TJI& LADJU­'-.. 01 .... I'LlTa ., ..

........... CA. ~&a"



·tooI LhTlI ,IICH GlRLi



MONDA Y, AUIust ' 24-



P.ublic Enemy'. Wife

TUESDAY, AUlUst 25;-

2 BIC First Run Pictur ..



Man of Iron Added Feature



Border Flight

~! ••• IET 'LII ...... it ... ,. .. .we .............. 10 DlII ..... 1T

L S. GumeU Dodae and Plymouth BALEI and IERVICE

WI Easl Broad Street, ..... 1". Telcplaone, JU .. atoa •


"ShltY·ailt mUlde. are required to produce 8 '

(rown .nd only alKteen tc? smile." THE · NEW ERA ItIl:OLOOY ....

rh' 0,,11. th~n. "toft" about thet there Ion Sail aame ta tht I A.1Ie th\ fellu. wlto 1.1 l,.,ln' tl!r du­.,Id. Who will b. th' champCtna. RIVERTON :: CINNAMINSON :: PALMYRA




at Meeting ThurSday Night: Lower Interest Rate'

• An orRaniaed protest allainst the increased tost 01 food produ~tll. and hidden taxes was made by the W,o· men of New Jeraey by their' repre·

Chairman Mlngin Will Ask Presidcntial Candidate to

Spcak in Mt: . Holly

The Palmyra . Borough Council Bentatl"e. at a luncheon ' lIiven at Efforts are being made by Law. took the first official step laat Thurs- the home of Mr!, Frederick E. rence G, Minlin, ' chairman of the day night in the newly.adopted reo Schluter, of 210 Mercer 8t~eet, Tren· Burlineton County RepUblican fundin, plan which will enable the ton. Wednesday, County Committee, Mrs. Pearl M. borough ' to abandon the use of scrip ' At thi ~ lunch'eon plans were made Brldellum, vice chairman of the state and clean ' house nnancially to im. for a "market basket committee." committee, nnd George de Bennvllle prove its general credit standing, The principal object of the drive Keim, former secretary of the Re.

The new plan was prepared .by C. 18 to !how the accumulation o( hid. publican National Committee, and Ro.s Morrell 01 Hendrickson·East· den t~xeo Imposed, by the present member of the state committee from

, wood Co" National Administration which force Burlington county to Governor , Mayor Ward. in introducinl the 'up food co.ts, . .Alfred M, Landqn. kepublican Pres. subject at the council meeting stated Every county ~as represented, Jdentlal can.dldale" to make a brle( that the · finance problem has been and Mrs. Pearl S, Bridelum, vice stop at Mount Holly on his tour of the bilgest concern of c.ounci! for chairman of the , Republican · State New jersey, ' the past several years. During these Committee. was pres~nt from Bur. Plnns for the visit of Gbv, Landon, year. they have had to operate tbe lington County. nrc being made throu,h John D, borough buaine .. , pay current bills, Hamilton. national chairman, and waaes and finance the school sratem, ,'RIVERTON SCHOOL former Ambassador WaHer E. Edge. wifh an nverale ,annual tax collec. , . state chnirman of the RepUblican tlon o( little more · sao/.>. Pal- . campailln committee. .' myra'. financial status, the mayor' TO OPEN SEPT 9 The Republican ,Preoldentlal can· atated .has all been a 'quelti0!l of tax • didate ia exp,ected to arrive in New collection and was not an IOherent jersey on Thursday, October 29, and "eaknesl, and that, at any time the will deliver addresses from his car boroullh's debt could have b~en Interior Repainted Du'rlnll Summer, in Camden. Trenton. and Newarlr, liquidated by, the prompt payment , Ground. Graded and PlaYlLround with the principal addre •• at Madi. of taxes, EqulpmenL Installed .on Square ,Garden, .New York, in

. Inter~st Reduced . , The Riverton "publlc school will . the eveninR. , '. . ' I 1935 tentative ref~ndlnlt plan open Wed~e.d.ay, ~eptember 9. nfter Gov. Landon will motor through n t Ii d esulted an extenSIve mtenor paintinl pro·' New jersey and will be occompimied

was put n opera. on an r ,ram' carried on by the two school by many of the RepUblica n leaders In greatly redu~ID' the b.orough janitors. ' . '. of both Pennsylvania and New York debts, At that time approxtmately The window frames o( the old states. 20%. of the ~ond.holders . took II re· 1 buildinll were painted In~ide and out The GOP candidate'. first ,.top In duc,tlon ·In · Interelt and extended by contract.. this state is expected to be in Cam.

. their notes, , , The two janitors, Walter Arm. den; after iI short stay in Philadel. Palmyra Borou~h CounCil urg~. Itrong and George Carnie, painted phia, and he wll1 be met at the Dela.

that everrone hold 109 Palmyr~ scrip all of the woodwork in the old ware River bridge by many of the present It to Edwin A, Grllcom. building except t.he windows, and In Republican leaders of this I t ate. ,'. borough treasurer. for conver.lon addition paintelf tlie walls of the County Chairman Mlngln Is mak­Into cash. . library and one cla .. room Thl. inl arranlements to have Govemor

A resolution wal palled settina work was done at considerable lav- Landon talk from his car In ' the October 1. as the deadline for the I paddock at the old fair "rounds at ' (. ttl nl· • payment 0 l!l. erel on acr p, The old portable bulldlnlr was re- Mount Holly. . The Hen~rlckaon.Eaatwood Com. moved this summer. and 'the ground ----___ -'-pany finanCIal houle. hila a,reed to Iraded and play,round equipment loan the boroulh $g4.000 In 'lreneral i t II d

. refundinl bond. at 4lA.'7'~ to be u.sed n;'~e e teachers and tht claISe. for fundine or refu!'dlnlr bonds or which they will teach are ail follows :

. note~ . h~retofore I.sued by the Harriet L. Parker. kindergarten; municipality and. now outstanding, Lillian M. JUBtice. fi~st Irrade; Ellie

Thele bonds will be redeemed in B. Evaul. second IIrade; Meribah S. 1943 at par. . Gardiner, third grade; Helen M.

Mr. Morrell Itated tha~ he , had Pauldlnl, fourth . grade; Mira L. contacted two of the Import.nt MurKatroyd, fifth Irade; Gertrude bondhouldera and was to~d that they M. William" lixth grade; Edgar '~. would cooperate fullr If Palmyra Virene, seventh arade; Either M, adop~ed the plan. H~ sald thlt Pal. Rothbart. eighth grade; Nancy J, myra. cred!t atand1De , compared BUlh, eighth irade: .Ida W. Clark. favorabJr With other . communltlet coaching ;Gra/:e C. Duer. art; Milton f.ced With ' . similar t.x collection H. Hutt, manual trainlnc; Florence problem.. L. Darnell. home economlcl; Edna , CounCilman Luc:e olJer~d a resolu- Woolman, mu.ic; Caroline M. Sta.

tlon. adoptlnl ' t~e refundlnl plan ai man, supervising principal. outlined and It w.i unnJmou .• ly Sever.1 of the teacher. have a very palled. • lone record of .erviee. Mi .. Har. ~ lecond (elOlutlon was pa .. ed, riet L. Parker. kindergarten teacher.

adJournlni to . meet the followin, has tau,ht In the Riverton school night (Friday). .t.. .. hich time the .ystem thirty-seven yean; Mis. EI-re/undine ordinance was passed. sie Evaul. twentY-eiaht year.; Mr ••

Interest on Scrip End. Gertrude William. and MI.s Cara-. line M. Steman. each sixteen years,

A third relOlutlon approvlna the and Mrs. Nancy G, Bu.h, fifteen form of note for 1932 and 1934 tu years. Mias has been prin-revenue 'notH ' were pa.aed. cipal for the put five yean.

An ordinance reYisinc jlbley II. cense ' f eea, prevloualy publi.hed, palsed Its third aDd finaJ readin,. HEISLER TO COACH


The Palmyra Atblet/c Club haa been suceesaful In securina the an· vices of "Pete" Heisler. both a. a player and coach, for the comina football seuon. "Pete" I. well Irnown In South Jersey for hi. loot· ball ability .nd hOI. be'en the out· standina player for tbe Riverside "Bla Green·' for' t'" Jut few yearl. "Pete" will have leYeral of the atar. from last YEai' a. a nuckue around which to build a leam thlt should be one of, if not the beat. to repreaent Palmyra 011 the andiron for many year • .


Ha5 Accepted POlitlori' in Metuchen School. Place Pilled by

Edgar P. Vlrene

At a meeting of the RivertolJ Board of Education Thursday eve­ning of laot week, the .resilrnation of Leon R. Sloan. mathematic. teacher in .eventh and ellhth IIrade., was accepted. Mr. Sloan has taken a po.ltion in the Metuchen schools. The education committee prelented the name of Edgar Paul Vlrene, of Philadelphia, to nil the position, out of a field of seven ·appllcantl. ' Mr. Virene formerl'y taught in Friendl' Select School, Philadelphia,

A resolution wau pa.oed authoriz­ing the board to pay $138.61 to the Rafferty-Kennedy Company. aener.1 contract on for the new "bool .

The bo.rd teceived a letter from Clarence Yerkes, broker of rccotd for the board •• taUn, tbat the Inlur­anu rates had been reYiaed. and en­dc»ln, a check for '111.10 refund. A motion wau made Instruct Ina the district clerk to write Mr, Yerke. tbankin, him for the revi.lon which made tbls refund pouiblc.

The district clerk w.s authorised to contact the bondlna ~mpany for lhe Camden Iron SerYlce Compu)'. notlfy/na them that the work of the Iron Company wu unaatlslactory.

A motion was made in.truedna Milton Hntt, manual traininc teach· er to have twenty cots made to be uaed durina the feat periods in the lrind~ra~rten. ------

Grillshoppera appeared in the post office lob\)y IaSI Friday. CaUina for their crop reduction checks, mJlybe. -Kans .. City Stilr.



Thom". Swain, 12, of 817 Garfield


avenue, Was Rcddently .hot In the Work of Reinovina Trolley Trackl left lel 'by Gcorlre Lippincott. 14, 01 Started Wednesday, Under 802 Columbia avenue, Sunday noon 5- Year-Old Pact While Lippincott was pinyin" wit h ,!n . air rifle, ' · Work was started on Wedriesday '

With Lippincott at the time of the of .this week on removing the old shootin,,' W8$ Harry Nanni. 14. lOll trolley tracks on Broad street, Rlv­West Brobd s,treet, Who al80 had. an ertan, from Elm avenue to Maln air rlAe in his possession, Captain street crossing, pteparatory to plav. Joseph Rodiers. was called to In. ing that section of the roadway, Thla vestigate, Lippincott and Nanni paving will be done at the expenle were· ordered to appear before Re. of the board of freeholderl. sinc. ' ,. corder Carl W . t.uta, Monday, at, ·Broad street is a county road. . the Palmyra Police tleadquarters , The re!"oval of the trackl and for a hearing with their parents. At the widemng and pavlna ot the ro.d­the hearing Lutz pointed out that way ia the reBult of an agreement it Waa agalnlt the law In Palmyra to entered In~o five years ago l!etw~ell have an air rifle. Both ladl were dis. the Publtc Service Coordinated charled after receivin, warninll by Transport, the Burlington, .Codt)' Recorder. Lutz, " Board of Freeho.lder. and the varl­


OUB municipalities between C.mden and Trenton throuah which the trol. ley company had franchise a, ,

At that tloie the Coordinated' Transport desired to discontinue the use 01 'trolley cars over this rOllte and substitute buses. A part of tbe aireement was that when directed to

Chanica and Improvements Made do so by the board . ~f free~older' in High School Building , .and the several munlcipalittes the

Durinl Summer ' CC'llpany would remove its raUl .and . the co~nty would pave that lection

The Palmyra schools will Open of the highway thus vac.ted. Wednesday. September 9th. On' Sep. It Was expressly stated In the tember 8 the teacher. will have a agreement that .the Coo·tdl.nated meeting with the sqpervilinll prln. Transport did n.ot relinquish It I cipal. franchise, and could, at any time In

Instructors and the they i the future, re·establlsh its track.s and will teach are BS followa: Mrs. trolley .ervice, '


Lauea DeVore, librarian; Mr •. Dora . thy Diener, music 8upervlsor; Ken. neth Dimond. physical training for boys; "'re, Beatrice Mattison. physi. cal training fllr lirll; ArthUr N, Pal. May' or Ward, 01 ,Palmy. ra. ' .nd mer, m.nual training; MI •• Emma D. Sawyer, art; Mill Marjorie -Burt, Councilmen Oeorlle Luce. T . Curti, Enallsh, Mill GertrUde Crouch, Flynn, Arthur Wright. to,etber wllh commercial: Clinton Gardner, Span. CI~rk George Spencer and Collector

. Edwin A. Griscom, ·Recorder Carl ish; ' John B. Hainel, mathematlcI: 'Lutz, Inspector Rudolph Stric~en-Mil. Marlon Huber, Latin; Jamn bein and Welfare Director Geor,e HUlLhes. history: Milia Ermyn jew,ell, N. Wimer were the guesta of J • Enillish; Melvin Krets. science and hl.tory: Mill Elizabeth McDonell, Remineton. boroulh enllneer, on a ' auidance and busine.. method.; fishing trip Wedneoday, The party Willard Moore. typing 'and Engll.h ; aailed from Parkertown and fished

in Ega- H arbor Bay. They caught·· Mis. Leona Sullivan. commercial: ninety nih and M.yor Ward nOled Georie Dare, commercial; Charles Ray, American .hilltory and problems out Carl Lutz by' c8tchinl the blg-American democracy: Charles Reid, gut fi.h. Jr,. hiltory and En"lieb: Miss Mar. MA YO-R-A-N-D-D-I-R~E-C-TOR jorie ' Fricke, French and ' German ; j , P. Myles Storch, general science AT RELIEF MEETING and al,ebra~ Charles Hoffman. chemiltry: Porter Wolfe, early European and American hiltory; Mi.s Edna Zieiller, English; R. Pat. chell, English, Prench and algebra; Marie McDermott and Florence Stephen~. lecretari.,.; Mra, Kathryn Green Long, school nurse.

Grammer School

Mayor Ward and Relief Director George N. Wimer attended a meet. inll 01 the executive and adYl.ory committee of the League of Munici­palities at the Robert · Tre.t Hotel in Newark on Monday evenini, The meetlnll was h~ld for the considera­tion of relief problem.,

The old· fashioned woman wbo u.ed to borrow her nel,hbor's cook book now hall a dauahter who bor. rowl her neiahbor's can opiner. -Los Anllele. Time ••

Mis. Mary B, Elan, princip.l, teaching eighth grade; Mill Thelma Boone, fourth and fifth. colored; MI.. Vida Vortner, .eventh and eighth; Earl Whitcr.ft. .e"enth; Arthur Terrell, leventh: Misl Mary Broan, eiahth; Mias Elizabeth Ha •. flooro in the sewina room h.n been sell. fiftb, MI .. Rena J. VanSciver. landed and vamlshed, thc rall In the elxth; MI .. Ha,rrlett Ea.n, principal: gymnasium painted and tbe locker. Mn. Josephine B.rry, fourth ; llro. f.stened to the ... U and enclosed Verne Bieber Davis, fifth; Mra. on the top and .t the end •. · Muriel Chambley. fifth; Mis. Doro. A new men's teacher,' room has thy Johnson, ICcOlld and third, col. been provided with priyate IaYatory

10 red ; Miss Viola Price, Ihlrd ; Mi •• _f~aci:::ll:tl:e:;; • . ::;::::::;:;::;;;::;;:;;::;::::~ Ethel IIwan. third: 'Mrs, Elizabeth 'I Taylor. fourth: MI .. Emily Wallace, aecond : IIi.. Josephine Wallace. Ilia. Mildred Durain, Mi .. Marjorie Powell, unalll,ned; Mi.1 Ruth Laeasl •• first ,

Interiors repalrs l1.v. be.n made In the hiah .chool build'na. The officc .pace haa been converted inlo a aeneral off,ce with a private of. fice for Paul Reese Jones, Ihe new luperviain, principal, ,nd Mi • V, M. Brower, hlah schdol principal.

A n_ board and student C'Ouncil room baa be,n built in Ihe .p;ree



The following ,Ill num· ben are the winnen in The New Era · Comic: Sec:tion Contest thi' week.

151 ZS

1482 ,

1698 J309


An ordinance ,e,ulatin, the H­t.bU.hment aDd mainteaanu of .utomoblle jtIDk yards paued, It. third and finaJ readin, when pre­seated by Councilman Huyett. He abo presented • new ordinance de­Ii,ned to re,ul.te the hour. barber .bops could remain open within the borough. After the ordinance was rcad Ja~b CucJlotta stated u..t the .. pense of publi.hina the ordinance w6uld be bome by all of the batber. in tbe community. Councilman Luce, dllCllaeina the ordin.nce. st.t­ed tbat he believed the portion H­tablilhina the worldn, hour. for the barber .bops could be settled by &lr.ement amon, the barbera them· selvn. He aaid municipal rqulatiOil looked to him \ike a part of thinas that went out with the BlUe Ea,le.

The A.C. will abo batrC II junior tnm ,wbh:b il npeets 10 enter iD the. South Jersey conference.

Practice will becln .onda), Illaht. . formerly occupied .. a sfock room,

The 'yrup from a",* peachea or A new and lar,cr ftock room haa purs when poured ave. baked ham been buill in the hasement IC'ction. or rout pork alyea added flayor. I All corridor.. floon. ..U and

Prneat .n), of aile above numben al W "or. p' tIM merchant in whoM IIdYertiM. _t it .ppe.... 011 tIM last pac. of tbe ca.ic _lion. and yOIl will recclt'. .. lIdalt put for tbe Broadw.,. TbDtr ..

OrdinaDc:e Defeated

c-ilmu Lace alIked for • yote on the or~ The vote ... as 'ollows: No. ....uac. Leu. KacW,

(coat"""" OD ~e S)

Aquat '1. at UO. on the 111,& "hOOJ field. All tlloN IDter...- Ia play!.,. footbaU .re IDYit" to be pr__ to participate Ia ... work­out..

..... aIecuk ,.. OD aile biP

c .. lina'· ha .. e bun repainted. The Khool field han been lDOYed bad! cafeteria aud lhe lodera I. the cor. "alnat the feau to clear the wa)' rI4or ...... bem repaiDted. a __ 1M for lhi. _os 'ootbaU actlvldn. ___ alIed IA the cafeterll, the "'" __________ _


MISS RUBRECHl I ,;--_---R-IV~E-.:.R-TO-.N-P ...... L-AY~G-:-:-R-O-UN-O~H:-A-N~DI-C'7:'R-::AFT~~~~iF.'iii nIB PEOPLE~ COLUMN WINS FORD V-8

Capt~rea Firat Prize at Sacred \ Heart Carnival; Kraemer

Wins Dishes

The' carnival held last Friday and I Saturday nilhls. under the ausplcee of the. Sacred Heart Church, was a bla success.

The winner of the new Ford was Mias Ciltharine A. Rubrecht, of 614 .Main street. Riverton. .(The writer ' wonders If the initials broulht the luck, "C. A. R.'·) The wlnninlt ticket was Ipld by Joseph Laverty who hos had that distinction for the past three yean.

John Kraemer. of Delair, took home the 95.piece aet of dlshel. ·

The prizes for the best decorated boothl went to Mrs. E. A. Cavan­aUlh. at the hot dOl .tand, and Mra. R. E. Sanford. at the cake table.

An estimated crowd of over 2000 people attended the carnival on Sat­urday nllbt. ·

The committee wishes to thank all who took part fat their splendid co· operatlo" and supp0f'.


Francia Mealey. Marlaret WoUschmldt. Janice Plppltt. Francis Schwa"!, bave Atkinson. Bob Spickler,

H. C. L. Editor The New Bra:

I aee by the papers that there h .. bem "a moderate but definite .ad. vance In retail co.ta of many food artlclel boulht by conlumers 11\ New Jeraey durin I July, as com. pared with Jllly a year alo," al\d William B. Duryee. Itate aecretary of alrlculture, 18YI "althoulh there 'are lome outltandlnl exceptlonl to the lenerlll price advance. moat , houaewlvu are conbonted with av­erale retail prlcel (or all foodl that are .3.61 per cent bllher than thOle prtvallinl a year !l101 (But the housewlv.,. beat him to It. The,. knew It lonl before he did.)

1'he new. paper report ,Oel on to .aay that an upeclally pronounced increase took place In averale pric .. for fresh fruit. and veletablea which latit montb co.t 31.38 per cent more than In July. 1113S. The larleat Ifl·

, creale II that of potatoes which ad· ' I vanced from 1.11 c'enta per pound to I 5 cents per pound as compared to a

yea.r ' ala. Cabbllie advllnced (rom 3.3 centl to 5 centl pef pound and

I lettuce from 10.8 to 12 cents a head. I • "nd thll II the .. . more ABUND. I ANT life" promlled by tbe N'ew

Deal I Piffle I . - :Hou.ewlfe,

TO SUBSCRIBER . W~ have received .. communl~.·

BY NUTE AND MIKE Jene Perkins. Joseph Mathewi. Sonny' Herbert.

A few of the many boys and girl. who avail the.mlelvel of the .opportunlty presented at' Riverton's tlon alaned "Sub.~rlber" concemll\l

beauty apot.. I the trees alonl the r",lrom . proper-

;===========================~;7~::~~:;;---- ~ It~~pM~~~u~p~. "The. Commodore', FrC!lic" , < . . ' I any communication unlel' .Iped,

"1 lay old bean, were you there?" I . R:es~' ume: of ~p' .' .ar'k :."HJj :: ' or' ':k I' P~LMYRA GIRL . I althoulh ·the I. not·publilhed. 'Twa. upon' the eve' of Saturday the _ BITTEN BY ' OO'G .Anyone wlahlnl to write artiel .. .22rtd of AUlust. Thla waa .quite an '. . for the paper will be welcomed, but .xcepllonal party. becau.e. de.plte . . . the name mu.t be .Ia

ned for the

the fact that . everyone had a awell ' Ruth Bellas, of ' Parry avenue, Pal- edltor'a Informatron. . time, the club ref-rained from 'i.ol

n' , . myra. Wal liven first-aid at the Zur. If ';S b Ib" I' h d • The backWard,' upllde down nl.lht doo( .stop. brull Memo.rlal HOlpltal. Rlvenlde, u .cr er w II ea to ten

. In the red." (The Commodore root- at Rlverton'a Memorial Park Mon- Mr-. Carolyn CO,oper. of Beverly. b D D H L F f d his or her name the article wID be ed all blllal) Even the .party sllnala . D' Y r. ean . e avor, or Ii a' publl-hed and the name held ' In day of this week. proved Interutlna d h f bit " d S d' A D were holated throulhout the club an Francil Sc warz. 0 Palmyra. e receIve on atur ay, Ulult confidence. Editor.

and everytbln.1 waa fitted out In fine and amulln.. . . are the Inltructors this year. Ri\'er· IS. The bite wli. below the caU of atyle. With the cuUomary "rerra.h- The winners of the backward ton park hat !fiS re,lstered with an the rla

ht lei.

ment .... which were ertJoyed by all, crawl for boy. were: Sonny Herbert, averale attendance of 70. The w.! -------- It I. eatlmated there are 15,000.-varlou. entertaintnentl proceeded Harold Blebop and Walter Leienby, P.A. lupplied both Inltructors for Fishermen of Iceland ' caulht 50( 000 doal In thl. country. of which Into the wee bourl of the nllht, The backward runnlnl rilce for the play&round work. 002 toni of ,.ea fi.h I ... t year. 12.000,000 Ire IIcenaed. B~~*fi~~~~e~~~~~~wuw~~Em~~u~~~=~~~~~~=~~=========~======~================ Commodore Voorhlll Is to be con- Anne Laver.ty, aecond and Julia l=:::,::' h~1.\,:~:':.". ~.~) •• ~~; W~;;~h:::. ,",1M b.,. ... ,111111IIII11III1HI111111II1IIII1III11111II1III11II11 .. 11II1I1111111I1II11I11III1II111III1I11III1Ift1111111111II11ItIII111I1111Hl only beln, an orlalnal and brlllllint won by Sonny Herbert and Ernest. iii . .... ---... - ..... ------... --"'''.~,...---------...... Idea. tbe Doc'. quaint manner of Willi .. ereatlnl .excitement waa thrown In. lIIaldne It a areat luccea •.

Little EU Harbor Relatta

In the Ilrls' race Emma Roten. bury came in firat. with £etty Hearn a close aecond.

''The .mall chicken In tlie raw re­.atta," w .. attended by four of our tacina Oeet. Rain o'n the mornlnl of the 2200 made It necellary to run all taeet in the late afternoon. Thil al.a eliminated our . boat. from one race. In the cia.. race held etpe­cially for "Saw and Hatchet •• " Berry Cae .uc!,eeded in capturlnl fir.t honor. In John Ayre. "Ze';pher." Tom Cae'. "Ginler" pllced ... cond, with hi. brother Bob at the helm. Buck Parson. broulht hil ''To· Mater" into third honora with Ted Hunn withdrawinl hi. entry bec.ule of rain. ( Trophies were awarded at the dance held at tbe hptel that nilht. and Sunday oUr "alnl" returned after havina a awell

A boys' race around tbe park w ... · won by Edwin Conwell. with E.rne.t willi. aecond.

The lomeraault race wll wo'n by Walter Lezenby. with Sonny Her­bert followlna close.

The bicycle race (or boys w ... do ... ly 'contetted by .Raymond .Pich­ter and Norman Delaney, with Plch­ter comlnl In 6rat.

The prize for the best up.ide­down-backward conltume wa. won by William Wald and Dickie Laver­ty. Their prize waa a free movie ticket. Other conte.tantl were elven a poptide for their spirit In enter­

time. Our own fall .erie. of racet .hall

be run off as planned and other dyb activit lei will be announced ' sa time marchea on. As lor nellt week­who knows?


Reexamination. in hlah "hool .ubjeci. ""ill be aiven at Palmyra Hllh 8chool on Thursday, Septem­ber ard.

Student a who have had the re­quired tutorinl and prelC1lt IItla­faclory .t.temcnta from parenta or tutors are elialble to take the .. ea-amillationa. '

Tbe Khedule II a. folio .... : math­ematica. commercial lubjech. and lanllWllCl. at 9 a.m.

H.i.tory. Eniliah. phy.let. eeneral adenu and hYliene at uS p.m.

inl tbe _O:alr. -A. a lultable c~clUllon to the Bummer'l actlvitlel in the craft work at the park. an ellhlbit wat held. 1tfonday ni,ht in conjunction with the reaular feature nllht.

Artitlel made by the children in­cluded copper .. h tray', waite' balk­eta made from cardboard Ice cream cllrton. and covered with wall paper and other paper. of varlou •• hadet Ind deal an.. There were al.a lOIfte b .. ket. woven from rama.

There wcre ... rvlnl trayl of reed with wooden bottoma, beautifully made. ucb with a deslp In tbe center.

Varlou. kind. of flower balketa were on dlaplay; .ame woven arOWld ala .. jara tIJ make ivy bowll, othert for table dccoration.. .

Gaily decorated tobacco :Can • . were tranaformed · Into powder jara faT mUady'a dre ... lna table.

Wooden .Ioola made by the boya were ... ell desilned and .uhatantlally built.

Glau holders a110 had a plau on tbe eahibit table. Thew holdcn '

NOT 80 GOOD were made from confetti .tript. Docto~ "Tbia medlciM will raake flehUy ... 0IIftd aad abellaced to hold

you ten y,an 'y0Wl1"," their lbape and protect thelb from Gila: "LorI 1 .ball loae m, old clampneu.

a,. peaaioa I" 'r'here waa a lar,e .arlety or .door atopa, daKlnlnda, ,..,., Iud)' uu.\

Oaly u-t one IdIIer III "«1 UIO ICOttiee, almoet .. "..... 'OU coaId __ ed ill .... U..... ....... tbiftII or ... tbtre Ia the f_ or a"

"We're lucky to have such a good start in life."

"Give my parents the credit-they started me to save in the ~almyra B lie L."

They Are Only One of the Many-couple. who. in their earlier yean, have been prudent and availed

themselves of the benefits offerd by the

Palmyra Building and· Loan ·~.ociation If you, are not a member, it is never too late to start-

Here I. YOUR Opportunity ~EW SERIES OPE~S-3 UNTIL 9 p.m" p, 0, S. of A, HALL

Tuetd.y, September 8th, 1936



Tuesday. September 22 I. the Bcheduled for the oPenlni of at Wetitfield Friends'.

Durinl the Palt week rerlovaU,ons 'bave been In prolreat in ,art'en and principal's room next Include the · rePAlntln; lunch roprn.

The ·.chool ha. been In . contlnuou. .ellion alnce 1788. h~. built on experience and It. Ire .. and adJultment. to new tl~n. will be aane and aound.

It haa a bl:l'Y' bappy, frlendl» rnolphere which Is conducive ,ood ·Iocl.l attitude.. .

The cla .. es are .mall enoulb permit Individual attention In "Three R·.... to afford cultural rlahment, and to , enable elch to make a contribution to the ltiea of the aroup. Thul doel the child Hve each ale level. but he an IIxcellent foundation for ~nd .enlor hllb achool work In IIc or private .chooll.

The- buildln·. II .ubltantlal cheerful, and the equipment

. bllt adequate. The lround. . roundlnl country pre.ent opl~or'lun tI .. (or healthful actlVitlea.

The .chool I. not operated profit. The tuition • . are u.ed meet the runnlnl expen ..... and increa.e educational privllel~"

The teacher. are carefully wltb relard to ·tralnln.. eXI)erllenlce character and their ability

r.~t~1~~b:e~haVlor: [:::qr~!.t! :~?P~l~~::~!:: ~~r~:: ::::1 Ich~laltlc tank . It eHmlnates for Althoulh . Palm ra's '. . . ... yOunl child dlfflcultle. of commut- ' Is a little smaller ~han park at Intervals durinl the sea"oh l~: to more dlltant .chooll and pro. surroundlnl town's the he 1ft th~ °r~ the local Instructors bave car­VI e. opportunltlea (or the cultlva- compllithed much I~ cra~t av~ ac re on bet,:"een times. . Pantomlne. t on of frlendahlp. In hll own envlr- tertainment for the chil:r~~n t:

n- s~ilr;: to be ~he belt ,liked. ~y the

onrnent. It I. clole at hand (or cla.. livlna them I t I ,UI C reno room oblervaUon on the part of par: and ' keepinl th:~ ru~\~e h'ecreatlon There have also ,been tournaments ents, for contacts .wllh teachers and durlnl tbe .umme; m eth ot str.eets Ibn quoit., bolt hocleey. 'croquet and for .parent Iroup' dl,cuilion. and . on I. asketboll.

. actlvltlel. '. ' to~J" Alfre~ S. Roberts. of Moores··1 There are 351 children rellstered MI .. Charlotte Bickerton, princl. M j, and Frank Kreutzburl. of wl~h an averal'; attendance of 150

pal, of W .. tfield Priend.' School I. I ere, ant ville. lupervl.orl at the dluly. mavin, with her parenti thl. w~ek r :nrornd. have carried out a most In the craft department the chU­to 2q0 Park av .... ue. Riverton, and o~ e~hat n, . prolram for the youth dren have. mode hitndkerchlef boxes will be plea.ed to Interview parenta e community, from the very from c1lar box, I. Plcturel have dellrou. of placlnl their children In younl to hllh .chool · a,e. The been ·palled on In a very neat and the 'Jchool. Tbe capacity of Weal. ~.P.~. 8upplled .J,oth In.trllctor. for attractive mllnner. and the patterns .lield Friend.' II leventy-five pupU.. e P aYlround wotk. well matched. Kratt cheele bolle' A number of new rell.tratlon. bave Amonl the activities durlnl the hllve al.o been made excellent u.,


Mr. and Mra. Phillip Fluk, of 305 Seventb .treet~ Riverton. aH re.' (elvl.n,· co,,-ratulaUona on the birth' t!f a soil. Phillip Flack. 3t'd, Satur. dtY, AUlUlt 22, at Zurbrul' Mem. orlal Ho.pital. Rlver.lde. Mr .. Flac:k WAl' the former MI.. Edith Knlrht.

CHRISTIAN SCIBNCE CHURCH "Christ JeauI" will be the lubJtct

of the Lellon-Sermon In all Churches of Chrilt, Sclentllt. 011 Sunday. AUlUlt 30. .

The Oolden Text Is: "God .ent not hi. Son Into the world to COIl" dhemn the world; but that the world t roulh him milht be tIIved" (Jollll 3:17). ~monl the citation. which ~orn.

Prt!~ the LeSion-Sermon I. the 101. lowlnl from the Bible: "lie that hath the Son hath life; and he that hllth not the Son of God hath not life. These thlnr. have I written unto you that believe on tha name of the Son of Ood; that Fe may knOw that ye have eternal lIle, and that ye may believe on the name of the ·Son of Ood" (1 John 5:1-. IS).

Tl1e Lesion-Sermon ' allO in. cludes the followlnl palla.. from the Chrl.tlan Science textbook. "Science end Health with KIt to the I!crlpture." by Mary B ..... Eddy: "The Chrllt WI. the' Spirit whlcb Jelu. Implied In hi, 0_ .tatement.: '1 am the wa,., the

and ' the life;' '1 and m,. are one.' 1'hI. Chri.t or of the ' man JelU, wal' bit

the lodllae.. wtllch him" (p. 26). .



Last Sunday eilhiy-five trien . of I . DODGE . the comm~nlty attended the Wel- . leyan Men s alble Clau. the laraeet I atlendanc~ durlnl the month' · of AUlult. ·· I

Dr. and 'Mrs, 'J. Oardiner Clark were IIlt.1I of the class and lan, many favorite hymns. Mra. William ' Homan wae 'luest accompanlat. I . The time allotted Mr. Poinsett wal cut Ihort owlnl to the time belnl taken by the Clarki. Mr; Poln.ett will finllh hi. leSion next week

A cordial Invitation Is extended to the men In the two communi tiel to attend the Wealeyan Clasl Sunday . mornlnll at 0,50, We are lure you will find much Intere .. there

Pubilc:lty . . ------






been made durlna' the ' lilt two lummer WII a Rower .how. Mra. of. A number of the children have weeks. Roberta Ipent .everal week. tihow- used them al letter filel for mother'. LS.GURNELL GRAND JURORS FOR


Inl the alrla .ome nice arraillementa or · dad's deak. lee cream cartona of flowerl and then lave them a have been converted Into waite The mo.t effective' campalln po.t-chance to 'Ihow wha.t tbey had ba.kets. One enterprlalnl younl- er that could be drawn thhi year Dodle I!nd Plymoutb learned. Iter cut picturea of veletabl ... from would be one 'Ibowlnl the little pili I Sales and Service

The doll .how WII another fea- a seed catalol. pa.ted, them on the that weren't permitted to be born The ' member. of the ' arand Jury lure . . There were two very. old dolll carton lind outlined the plcturel In rootln, the wheat that had to be 307 E, Broad St., Palmyra

for Burllnaton County are .. foi. Shown, one 63 year. old by Gladya black paint. After a coat of ahellac plowed under. In the Ihade "f the Phone, Riverton 26 Iowa: towe .and another 32 yea .. old by the baaket prelented a very plealln, ahelter belt tre ... 'that never were OPEN, . EVERY . ,EVENING

Charlet Cole Mount Holly' Ed Betty Turner. The 63-year old doll appearance,' planted.-Hutchlnlon NewI. · ward Devine. 'Bordentown' Frank 10 the .tory loe •• waa made by th~ The smaller chlldre"n have been =:::::::~~~========:=;.;.;;I~I~II;II;II;II;Il;I;II;m~I:II=I:II:II~II;Il~":W::II:IIIIII::I: ~otton. Lumberton; J~ea H Irandmother of one of the little maklnl envelopes to hold pot hold- ,,~------------... -----.:::::::::::=== i{ulhel, Southampton; Albertu. j.. alrl.. The head and arm.' were .erl. Thue envelope. are mad" from I Severnl, BurUnlton; Martin B. Hor~ boulht end the relt of the body paper picnic platel. The children ~, Burllnlton; Alfred P. Klrb made by hand. paint plctures.!n the center and thell Medford; John H. Parker Chelte~! The co.tumc party went over bll with a coat of .hellac a very atlrac­Oeor,e B. Clayton, Burlln;'on; JOI: and a larle crowd had a bUle time. tlve appearance Is produced. eph E. Keatln, ClnnamlnlOn' Ar The prize wlnnera In each clall The top. of larle tin and pretlel thur J. Collin I, ' Mooreatown; • Fred were: beat drea ... d alrl, Batty Hili. cana have been made UI" of .. lerv· W. Brannln, Medford; Carlton Gar. Florence Henzler; comlcal .llrI, Dor- Inl traya. One youth took a pretzel wood. Medford' Cordelia A Halnea Othy Maldn, Adelaide Heeter; coun- can lid. the center of which la II a .. Southampton' Clilford Emo~y P ,try lirl, Geraldine Heeter; funniest Ind pa.ted a picture on the unde; berton, Curtl~ Plynn Palmyr~' :::.- Ilrl, Joaephlne Bauho(, malt orll- aide. He then put on a back of felt nle Hu,hea, Burll~lton; M1~haei I Inal, Florence Slone, i?eat drelled and after palntlna the edle on the . Hart, Sprlnlfield; William E boy. Ralph Ulrich; moat comical Inalde had a ,fery beautiful tray. Rhoad., Mooreatown' Frank Wa . couple, Georee Coe, William Davia ' Some of the IlrI. have made very ncr, Nortb Hanover ' 'Walter Blac~' beat drelled couple, Alfred ROI": creditable hot dl.h pad.. One Ilrl Bordentown; JOMPh L. Itammel' David ROle. The beach I,ene atoup had her father, who I. a ca.-pen.ler. Burllnaton; Aana B JOlles Burlln • that won lpeelal mention w .. com- make her a lar,e loom and .he I. tOIl; Howard K. Hainet, T~bemacJ:: poled of E.ther Melleneer, Carolyn weavlna a center piece. Thete pad. Charlel Joyce Soutbampton' II ,Mellenler, Doroth,,8tavely. Betty are made from nrioul. color. of Ian D. Warrick, Mount' Holl '. rlS:' Speac_ and Frank Kreutzbure, Jr •• trlne. . bert S. Bowker lIedford' J:~ Mr- The nature hlkea proved enter· Even piper ba,. have been put to Adam., Burlla;tOl\' 1ero';" J ZI..k1 talalnl a. weU a. Inatruct1vc. A. a Ule. The .maller tot. made doUI Rlv_rton; Le.ter i. Porta~ DaI: re.ult of the ... hike., a scrap book from th.... A am all bal Itulfm. ran; Edward Weael Jr Mount H 1- of pre .... d flowera hal been made- with a face and halr painted on w .. Iy, Georle M 0I...:m 'Moor t 0 JUit the klndl that arc found In the hitched to ot.her amall baaa m~n, Samuel 8acb~. Rlnraide; Alli:dw~1 nearby fielda and yard.. up the body, lei' and arma. Th.H Hall, ManodeS. . Th. trealur. hunt. ha"e alwlY. dolla will be uled next Wedn .. day

The September term will atart on proved Intereatlnl alld .adUn,. to decorate for F.ltivil day. September'. . The .aft b.1I lealUe hu thrived The little tott have alia made lan-

and proaper.d and Palmyra won ternl from paper ... hlch ... 111 be In WHY PROM LEPT TO RIGHT i coOO place In the county 10ft ball the decoratlonl for nellt week.

.aaue. luccumbina to the It rona

Model £ . 105 t99.9S

Prlua bom 129.95


In the day. when capea .. ere worn Rlver.ld. lnatead of coat. man frequently car- Onee a week tI .. boatn. in.lructor d,d .word. hllll, at the left ~ un. (ook char,e or the boys aad the TAYLOR· MATHERS der the ca,.. The ca,. w.. bald thlnaa the, leamecl were r.llllfk. c10aed from left to nlhl 10 thai.... abl.. The older boy. will ha., to rip! hand ",oaId be free to reach look to tbelr Iaur,la aft., a f __ e 309 E. BROAD ST. lor the .wor4 when ~. WIlen weea. , PALMY coats w.,.e eabelltuW and aworela Por the little tota wllo ,It tired A Naw RYTEX RA ... er. not IIUIIUrJ tile left aWe ItIlI keepine up with the acdwitiee 01 .... ' PHON'" V-lapPed oyer .... n,h! beca_ _ older one.. the ItOr)' t.... IIout One hundred BaeI ..... Carda lor .... RI ... TON 710 bad '*- 8CC1I8to.ed &0 IL ....... part, or .... dally pro ...... , 0.. Dollar at The N_ Era Olice. Your G-E D .... It ()pea

WIIat ..... Ill' ., II... The draDUldCl ..... not ....... Rrt .. H,llte4 Carda CD ... Itoclr, lloa4a,., WldAeada" .rltay ... w .... 01 ~ .. ~ :'tIIer:...!!....18COtf H ..... , _t,. ~ rotary cat. ..... low.,. ,new for for·';:::~==C~ c _ ...... IIW. baa .tt ...... 1M aar ......... daI. ..... ______________________ 1

Tennis Tournament FinalS Aug. 29·30

Defendlnll Champion" Rem,ain Three of Five Tourneya­

Team Wlna Twice

. '

SCHEDULE ,OF FINALS to Meet believe


Fint CbIlfCb of Chrll" Sd_tilt ThoID .. Aft. and SIY_th at.

Rlftrtoe. N: J. SlIndl)' Sehool 9-SO a.m. . SudI)' SeNl~.. 11.00 a.m.. , Wedneedl)', .. 00 p.m. Rudlnl Room In Church BlIlkllq

'fundI)' and Frida, UO to 4,30

of the lodety to which the, , : "Lor'I I ,hall 10le my 014,

You Are Invited to enj01 tht


Lakeview M.emorial ' Park


Loc.ted . 011 BllrUnl\o." PI .. _ R1._ ..... 00nttowa aoaIl Saturday

1.00 p.m. Junior DOllble~ Final 3.(j() p:m, Men 'a Sln,les' Final

The lower final bracket. will be by the winner of the m.tch

I" .... ~ .. ~ Robert Borer and David Allen. Borer WBI n I'Inalllt lalt ,year

Mr. and Mrs. Harold M. like someone ' tryln, forte an en- ~~:=:~~=::=::~; trance. We have been unable to of Oloucester, Ohio, are spencUIIIJ 1 verify a' report that the burl lars the week with Dr. ' and Mrl. were after the valuable plana 'for

!Iunday 1.00 p.m. Junor Sln,lel Fln.1

,3.00 p.m. Men'. Doublei Semi. final

4.30 p.m. Women'l Sln,llI Final

. and la Beeded leeond whUe Allen, a LeFavor. of Morran avenue. Improvlnl a lectlon of Bank avenue, Mrs. Frabltore, of Broad atreet. which are 'said 'to be nfely tucked .

away In some· of the Itronl boxes on fell Sunday and 'broke a milk bottle thilt at red sllhlnl for the Ii,ht of In her hand. The cut required five d stltchea to doae. ' ay.

newcomer ' to , the tournament, I. rahked a pe,. lower. Both conteat· anta have drOpped only follr lamel In aweepln, Into ' the aenilfinals. Allen overcame Robert Stover 6·0, 6·3; and then ' aalled throulh , ihtth Mr. and Mrl. Albert Smith. Jr.,

. The dlmax of lour Qf the moat hot- seeded Howard Bart!' · 6·0, 11·1. have returned from spendlnl two , William F. Morlan, of Palmyra,

was a member of, the reception com. mltlee ' wblch Ireeted William Jen. nln,s Bryan In New York yesterday. The whole committee was made up of 'committees of five chosen from each IItate.

. ,I, contested tennis tournaments ever Borer defeated both Wilton Mount weeke at Manahawkin. ,played on the Memorial Park courtl and Horace Finney by 11·1, 11·1 will take place on Saturday and Sun· scorea. . The P. O. of A.· will hold a radio

" day of thle week end. The Initial This match will take place 'Friday arid card party at the home of Mrs. Match will be the Junior Doublea .-venln, at 11.30. and should prove Evelyn Roach, 430 .Delaware avenue,



Phon., Rlv.rton 072

final, followed Itnmedlat~ly by the very cloae. Allen I, the more brl). d I h Me"'s SlrI,lea final and tlie POIIe"llo'\.llIant player, Qut he la more prone ' next Thun ,ay nit. ============================;=== of the cup donated by the Rotary to fall . Into error than Borer. ' Club five yeare alo. Of the five reo Mill Vlrllinia .Saltmer, of Trenton, malnlnl conteatanta only the present Doubles Advance Slowly and Mill Dorothy Saltmer, of Pal.

, titleholder, Robert Biddie, haa , earn· Richard and ' David Allen, fourth myra, apent the ' weekend In Ocean ed a Ie, of the trophy which m\lat seeded 'doubles team, are the only City. b. won three yean for permanent playen thus far to reach the 81m I. pOllesslon. final round of the doubles tau rna·

Sunday'a aetlvltlea ' will be Itarted ment. They d'efeated Jay Reed and by -the Junior Slnltel final between David Middleton In a torrid three~ Tyler ,VUe and unaeeded Ernett Sut. act encounter 5·7. 6.2" 602. The t.r.. The Men'l Doubles lemlfinal Allen brother. worked tOlether will follow, lind the Women'l 8111- very well after • Iha"y Itart aM ,I •• tont'elt will clole the cup lea- e.tabUlhed themilivea 81 terlOUI IOD for another yeu. contenderl for the crown which

Sutterl Upleta Blyler While · the men'. and wottien'l

.. tournament. were Iloln&. their quiet way, .tartlln, upaet. occurred all the way throulh the junior tournamenta. Aft.r wlnnlnl hll firl~ match by de· fault Warren Blyler, top-ranked jun.

, ior player, wal unceremonloully ou.ted from the tourney b)' Elmer 'utter.. The ,.core wa. 11-4, 6·2, with Sutter. In control of the play aftar the 6r.t few lamea. Blyler lacked" the u.ual Inap with which h. e.ecutei hi. .hot., and w.. an ",y mark for Sutter. who returned 'Ylrythln, he could touch.

Thl. I. tlie firlt time the junior h .. failed to win the trophy.

The third and fourlh ranked ,un. lor. fared little better, .. HuJl n,' wal beaten by Cae 6·2, 7-5 In the a,..t round, and Stover w •• d.f .. ted In a lon, three'let battle with How. ud Glb.on 1·9, 7· &, 6·4. Only Tyler Vile jUltl6ed hi. Medin, pOlt .. he defeated Spickler, Dunlop and Wallace In tUrn.

Biddie Movea Forward

Woodward and Caldwell are defend· Inl.

The teluh. of the five tourna· mentl are .. followa: .

Men's Sln,le_Plrlt Round Middleton (d) Cae 8-10, 6.0. 11-4 Wallace (d) Joyce 11·1, 11-1 Dunlap (d) E,rp. default ' Woodward (d) Schml,rer lI·a, II~ Stover (d) Latch. default Reed (d) Moore 6.1, '11-0 Pinney (d) Wallace. Jr. 6·0. 6·0 Jerman (d) R. Allen 11·4, 7·5

Second Round Biddie (d) Vile. 6·0, 6-4 Middleton (d) Wallace, 11·1, 11·0 Ha,.toll (d) Dunlap, 6·1, 11-0 PeterllOn (d) Woodward. 11·3, 1·5 Atlen (d) Stover, 11·0, 11·3 Buto (4) Rel4, 6·2. 6-4 Pinney (d) Jermon, 3.11. 10-', 11·1 Borer (d) Mount, II-I, e·l

QUlrterfinal. Biddie (d) Middleton. 11-0. 6·1 Peterlon (d) Ha,ltol. 6-1, 6-4 ' Allen (d) Barto. 11-0. e· l Borer (d) Pinney. 11.1, 6.1

Semlfinall Biddie (iI) PeterllOn, 6.1, II·., 6-4

Men'l Double_Flrlt RolIDd Jermon.Blyler (d) Stov.r-Dunlop.

6-4. 11-4 , St(:ond Round

Allen·Allen (d) Reed.Mlddl.ton. 5·1, 6-2, 11-2

Mr. and Mra. Eula Roach apent the weekend In Burlinlton with their daulhter. Mn. Earl Naylor:

Mrl. Markee, of Delawar~ avenue, will .oon move to the property at Hlllhland avenue and Sprlnl Oarden It reel

H. P. Stephany. of 0111 Clnnamln. IOn avenua; will Ipend Friday In Ocean City.

Chief and Mn, C. Morrla Seck hIVe returned to their home on Hllhland avenue after a tour of Pennlrlvanla .tate.

Dunlap (d) Frllleman, 'deflult Vii. (4) Spltkl.r. default

Second · Round Sutter. (d) Blyler, 6-4, 6·2 Olblon (d) Stover, 7·9, 7·5. 6-4 Wallace (d) Co •• 11-4, 1-11. e-2 Vile (d) Dunlap, 4·e. 11·1, 11·1

Semifinal. Sutterl (d) OlbllOn, ·6·3, 11-1 Vile (d) Wallace. II· " 6·'

Junior Doubla_Flrlt ROIIDd Le.enby.OlblOn' (d) .utt ..... AlIen.

11-2, 6-2 Hullln,.-Cae (d) Buto.Dunl.p

9.1. a-ll, 11-. I.cond Round

Hulllnll.Coe (d) daflull

Women'l Sln,le_Flr.t Round Naylor (d) Baker. 6·3, 8-0 Iteldle (d) Mull.n, 3-11. 1·5, 11-1 Stover (d) Vile, "·5, 6-0 '

Sl.cond Round Oraff (d) Naylor, 6-0, 7·5 Iteedl. (d) Btover. 6-4, 6-2

The m.n', t.nnll coatmued wlnnln, by d.f. ~ tln, H.4donfiald and Butlln,tOD .11-1 over the 1Od. Rot..rt BlcId1e __ mate,," wldla Robert Bor ... Dalll4 A11an w_ thr.. tioul to tt.. outatlllCliD, plattr. of tIN JUy. ertoa c:oetJa..... Both lliatc ....

• Do the wlM thin •• op.n a ch.~kln, atcou!!t today.

EVER ply a bill twice?' Lob of people do. But you never

wlU If you pay by check. Your clncelled check i. proof a,lmlt fC?rletfulnea ...... nd I poaitlve receipt for payment made. PlY­ing by cheek il lifer, too; there il no rilk of Iollnl money tend· Ing iuml of cllh throulb the



Riverton, N. J.

Robert Biddie app.rently had the men'l cup lilhtly In hla ,ralp for another year at le .. t al he bt"led thro~h hli two opponent •• Iw.ep­III, Tyler Vile .. Ide 6.0, 6-4 and Yanqulahlll, Dave Mlddl.ton 6-0, 11-1. IN&U, met PeterlOn In I Mmlfina. .. atch Tu.eda)" and althoulh he 10lt Id. firat Ht In 81nll .. play alnce he hal competed for the tUP, h' man· qed to pile up enoulh In the tlllrd Ht to turn batk .,.tlllOR·. bid IiId WiD 6-1, 11-•• 11-4. Biddle led 5.1 .. tbe ml4dl. Ht but .a. unable to • the final ,ame II p.terlOn "Yad o. at IM.t tm ... tch poIntl ..... 0Il tbe .. t.... A,aIa In .. III BIcIcIle W 1-2. but tJIQ tI ... lit ... allie to coactll4e tlla IDatcb

Junior Iln,I ..... ,Plr.t RolIDd Blyler (d) La_by. cIef.lIlt IIIttar. (d) Dalanay. 6-0, .. I OlblOll (d) Ctrhart, 6-0, 6-1 Itonr (4) VOlt ....... 6-2, 7-5 Cot (d) HuWq., 8-J, 7·5 Wallac. (d) McDmllott ... I, .... w.r. ,lay" .... ,. ~ ret ........ It ................................................ .



PALMYRA B. & L I ' .... V.RTON-PA .... "ItA WAT.1t co. A' RR"'ST"'O"O

' OBITUARIES ' TO 1.:t· .. ~~l'b·~:i:ltmc!'cr.wr .. ~ OISORDERLY CON'DU'CT JOHN . CUSTIS,. I '-....... If I ... Q .. R ......... · .. OOOODOUUUU

AIDS COMMUNITY FlitS! IlUIt'NJAGIl I ''lI. GOLD 1 ____________ .... BOl!luS DATED MAY I. INI. Ear4t Moncl.ay mOrl'llnl, Frank PI R D

I.. .~"... willi ,lie pro'fllhMl. of 10 . a myra • . , LOUIS ALBERT FLANAGAN ~=~" ~I \."..~rd.;.,!:i~:.':. "'::r.''': Klnale,Y, of 3210 Hartame atreet, CESSPOOLS AND ORBAIB

... .,......10" 0 .... "1 .... "MI .. '". I .... 0 .,.. Phil adelphi., wu nre.ted b, omen Ha. Been Ore.t Factor In the Loul. Albert Flanllan, '&' died s,." '" New J .... ,. aftd ""I<I,,ollt to .,.. Lawrence Bett, on a nh'rae of dl,. TRAPS CLbNED

Finandal Picture E.pecl.l4t Monday.t hla home, 401 Main U:'t ... ·:.· .~~="~:1.!: .. B::\~ • .t!, Ittl• orderly conduct. ' ' WItLLS DUO AND BRICUD Durl~l Depreealon atreet. Riverton, .fter a 10n,lllne ... I.U, noll« III II.Ab, .inn to .11. IIoht... Arraiped before Recorder Carl HAULING

Mr .... n wa, t"· "ulband o' 01.10 01 .11. bll.l.""dl •• Rlv."" •• P .... - L As the PIlIt,' are hlmed over . .- n~ n , ,W.... Com.,.111 S~ ';l- Ck>ld Bo.d..;;~ uta Kln.le)' waa 6ned 15 and eo.t.. GO'" II 0 •• It DO • " ••• 0 0 • II •

b the I.te M.ry ,-rll\lbunt ,Flan ... n. M., I. Itn. I~" til. taid Bonda .n dllltd t e tranllctlon. and attl"ltle. durlnll Funeral aervlcea were 'held Wed. M., I, lUI. d"e M., t ... sa., .IIal.h, .. hi!!;'::::;:::::::::::::;':::::'::::::; the p .. t 6ve ,year. of the Palmyra nead"y Ilfternoon at • o'tlo~L. from Boitol ..... calltd (or rd'lI\PllolI •• 0 ..... '1\ •• ' .. Iidl d L A cl I • .~.. dAd o.d on .. h.1I POt ..... (Ioa~%) AU na an Oln 110 at on, a the 'Snover Funeral Home, the Rev. 01 , N"..."b.r I. 1;10. 101P.lltt with atory II reve.led In which mlln, reli. Franda B. Downl oft'lclatln,. ~~d': • .),.~:I ...... :.hi!~d d~: dencea of Palmyra .nd Riverton are Interment wal made In L.urel th .... to .h.1I bt ... Idtd. 2 5 PtlloCn~urehnd.apnlda~~" WahICmholtthelmApo"rOtCalnllt' HIMll Cemetery, PhilldhelPhll. B:rd:h:h~~~~.::.7..'':'''.! . , c, ,

• '"" r. FI.nalan wa, t e 1101'1 of the o( Rlnrton, TrIa •• role. late Stephen lind Amanda M. Flana- the No .. mbtt I.

Occurrenc .. luch al t!lrilta faillnl lan, of 'PhUadelphl.. · .t::~~:':.;:::: to open; people unemployed; Inveat· , He wa. a member of the Franklin menta,reduced to a minimum; allied 'natltute of Philadelphia, .nd In to a areat , demand on .nY 6nanelal former yean of the Union Leque Institution which w.a fortunate in which he aervl!d leversl terma aa enoulh to aurvlve. Here II where a member of the bo.rd of dlrectora. the Palmyra BuUdlnl and Loan AI· He allo belonled to the Kettle Club, Iodation played ita part. It w •• not composed exduslvely · of Union an eilay talk. Lealltie members. ===::::::::;:=======::

With IOvernment rutrlctlona' Mr. Flanallan had been a veltry •• pll!ced on all like Inatltutlons, as 'a man In Chrlat Church, Riverton., be· ,I., A. NT ADS precautionary mealure, the function. lonaed to t~e Vacht Club, Gun CI~b, YY ft ' -of the lIBloeiatlon were naturally Baaeball Club, Riverton Shade Tree limited temporarily. However, Pal- Commlsalbn and the Riverton Fire myra Bulldh'll and Loan Allodatlon Compllny. He alia belonaed to the met the demands' on them necesal· Cltlaens' Fourth of July committee, tated by the local finandal condl. and alwaya took an act~ve Intereat· tiona and were able to asalst many In celebration. of Independence Day , who were In dire need of fund. .t In the boroulh. ' that crucial period. Durlnl' the World War he Will a



Rate 10c Per Line (w- A ....... Wotda)

NIaIm"", Chartt !O" (or 1:0'" Ad

Phone 712 Hotnea were SIlVed for the ownera faithful' Red Crall worker at the .. ____________ ..

29c 25c

Boneless'· Pot · Roast ' , ,

WHITMER'S QUALITY MEAT MARKET 107 E, Broad Street Phone Riverton ' 126

Palmvra F~EE DELIVERY by ' re.finanelnll, and where this ,Church of the ' Holy Apostlea In FOR , RENT-Furnished apartment

m.ethod Will not' practicable financ· Philadelphia. In connection with the and laralle, 408 Morran ave., Pal. inr was made ' throu,h th~ Home Soldlera' and Sallors,1 activities. He myra, phone Riverton 247.w. 7.9.t( iTJJlUIm.!!WJlUIm.!lUIm.!:!!!J!!!!m.!!mJ!W!!!l!m!m!!:!J!!!!m!!U:!l!!!!!M:!!WJ!!!!W!!WWld Owners' Loan Corporation, of which leaves three IIlltera, Mrl. F. N. RENT-Furnlified room -. 2n-d- Aoor " the asloclatlon was a member. ,Barksdale, Mu. A.-O. Cook lind Mrs. ' The~ in the face of these condl. H. P. Wyman, 01\ of Atlantic City. front. connectlnl bath. 405 Main

st., Riverton, 8.27 ·It tlons. nearly two·thlrds of a million HELP Wanted-Youn .. <rlrl or mid: dollars has been matured durin\( the MRS. MELVIN p. D~ VIS •• past five years, of wl)lch 1380,145 haa '· Mrs. Melvin Davis, of 102 Me. dIe aaed white. to take care been In actual caah dlstrlbu~lon .; mOrlal jlven~e. Palmyra. died In the of houle and one year old baby, ap· 1180.450 «;If mor,t,are loans and .$81,. West Jeuey HOlpltal, lilt Frldl\Y ply "X" New Era Office In wrltln" 2~ of stock 10'ans ~ere cancelled. dter an Illnesl of leveral weeki. atatln, ale and salary desired. 8-27·1

Real estate, which necesaarily had Funeral lIervlcea were held Tues- 'Wanted: Elipert seamstress for cur· to be reclaimed by the asaoclatlon, day at 2 o'clock from the Snover tains. Call Riverton 1171. 8.27-1t has been modetnlaed and kept In Funeral Home, 'tl)e Rev. Oeorllll repair. ' !u a consequence of thla, Lockett offlclatlnl. ' the maximum revenue haK been real. Interment WBI mad I! In Morllsn

: Ize.d. In the proces.· of thll, modern. Cemetery. ' ilatlon lind replliri. the as.ocllllion Mrs. Davl. la aurvlved by her h\ls, 'has ipent consld~rnble. However, band, her mother, Mrs. Lydia Mac­all of the funda have been dlatrlb- 'Dourall, five alsterl and one brother, uted amoni the craft of the towne, . of Plttaburrh. Pat al.aln keepln& In local. circulation --...,..-Bulldlnll and Loan monies. ThO! Item ot toxes paid the boroullh II another which cannot be overlooked, aa In thla way the otherwise delin­quent taxea have been promptly paid. '

When all thelle facta are known, one can appreciate the Palmyra ,Buildlna and. Loan ~lIociatlon and . what It haa meant to the commun. itlea. · ' ,

The Alloclatlon will open, another eerlel, their 64th, on Tuelday, Sep. tember ,8th, at their re,ular hour. from 3 until 9 p,m.. at which time they hope to top their record for the number of ah,rea aold. Durlnll the past five year., 2972 .hulII were .ub. .crlbed for which II Indicitivi of the con8dence of the pabllc and the real· I.atlon of the Ireat one de· rlvea by belnl a member of the Palmyra Bulldln, and Loan Allo·


Palmyra Council Abandons Scrip

(continued from pale 1) Flynn; Vel, Wrl,ht, The ordlnanc. wal d.<:I.r.d 10lt, four to two, '

WPA Work Flnllbed Counclfman Flynn. ch.lrmln of

the property committee. r.port.d thaI the WPA had c:ompl.ted It. contract In the municipal plrk and that the men employed on that Job will loon Ita,rt on anoth.r project.

Flynn report.d that door. bad been built for the front of the band eland II) the ,rove, Ind bench .. now In I he open will be Itored In tha

, . heller of the band .tand durin, the winter.

Flynn reported that hll committee had met ' with the w.ter company and had t.ken up the IUlillted chanlea In the 10Cli\on of fir. hy­drant. a. dllCulied at an earlier meetlnl, At the preaent ' tlin. h. hll not received • reply Irom the water company.

OEOROE BAIRD Oeorlle Blllrd, 113, of lIi4 Union

avenue, Delair; died at hi' home on Tuesday. AUlult ,211.

Funeral servlcea will be held from his late relldente on 'Frlday, Au,ust :i!8, at 1 p.m.

Interment In Morlan Cemetery. Palmyra, Frank A. Snover, funer.1 director,

HII II lurvlved by hi. wife, Jealler and two lonl, Thoma. and Jamea and one daulhtcr. Jean, all of Delair.

THOMAS CARROLL. SR. I Thomal Carroll, Sr., of St. ' Peten."

burl. Florida, and a former .realdent of Palmyra, died luddenly TUeiday.

Mr. Carroll was a retired employee of the Bell Telephone Comp.ny, Prior to hla tetlrement he WIR can· neeted with the company al a fore ­man III the Clmden dlltrlet. He wal a .member of the Telephone Ploneerl 01 Amerlt. and WRI em. ployed with them for thlrty.thre. ••

Mr. Carroll II lurvlved by hll Widow, ome, two dlu,hter., M,.. Warren Nethercott and M,.. Charlel Ihaw. both of Phlladalphll, and a IOn, Thoma. Carroll, Jr. of Palmyra, and two Itlndchlldren, a.ndra and Thomaa Carroll.

Funer.l arranlem.nta have not yet bltn compl.t.d.

the , hl,hway dlpartm.nt, repprted that work will b.,ln on allin, the four mllel of W,P.A. .trutl on Mond.y, Au,ult 24, IUId that all work on the .treetl would be com· pl.ted by Labor Day. Enlla w .. ,ranted permlilion to I\lbmlt an ap. plication lor Itat. ald In plvln, Sprln, Oard.n .treat from Clpn •• minion avenue to S-41. Thi. appll. cation, If Iranteil, will be carried out In the 1931 road pro,r.m.

Luce, reportln, for , the finan~e committee, recommended Ihat all .. Iarle. be paid In cRlh. The motion wa. palled.

A motion to pay IJOO principal on baby bondl and 824f1 Intereat wal 1110 p .... d. A 8250 contribution to the Riverton Pree Llbrar)' A.lIOela· tlon wa. approved; 1150 tontrlbutlon for the Palmyra Ambulanc. AIIO.

NEW FALL HATS , $2.25 and un ,,'

Mlllln.ry Work ' 01 It.try O •• ctlpdon

VERNA L. GUEST 517 Oarfield Ave. Palmyra

Phone, Riverton 517 . Op.n Man,. Wed.. Ftl .• nd S.t. It.lnln,.

Mr. HUSBAND While your 'family I. vac.·

tlonlnl al the aealhore, moun· taln. or what·not ••••.•••



fry's Dining, Room 11 We.t Broad Street

Palmyra . Phon. 1521

Employment .... ., .. ·.1 ... " ..... School an.d .. 9 .... " .... In .,,,, ...., '01 ,"'''0''' "uri .... ho A ....... . ........ , '9". HI.h Schoo' ...., <:.11 ............... _1M _ ........ ,1.,..4 .I,h ..... II .. ,.., ... , ......... -.... ~ N •• c ........ ant. ..... . ~ ...... , .... 1IIIbt. awa ........... ,

Strayer'l BUlintss School 107 ~_ II" 'hila, '-IoartI 0.,.

... rftht ...... ~_.., .... '

.".""" •• W;,1.IAIa ~W ........... .

The reporl of Itdward kin" buildinl ' nepector, Ihowed applica­tion. for $2.326 worth of Improve. mentl and 82S in fe.. which w.r. turned over 10 lhe borou,h tre_ urer.

c1atlon wa. allO palled. A motion JOHN H ' ETRIS w" puNd to p.y ",161.17 on tbe I • Itr .. t OWDf. Iterted

Coundlawa Kq , cbllraau of 1915 cOllDty ta. deficit, and another 17 W. Broad It ., Palmyra

(conti ... - PIlI .) Pliona '"





Offered in our Autumn Catalogue. call for copy.

Write or

'Open weekdaYI from 8 a.m. until 5 p,m. and on 8unday (but not for bu.lnell) · from 1 until 5 p.m.


Alhl., •• know Ih • • lIm ulo· lion and quIck 'comeboclr r •• ullinq Irom a .... r

- bUI II ·mu.i b. HOT,


-~J Hot Water by GAS is Cheap M.n approclate haVing hot water - 140 degree water~ on tap when Ihey come In from ,Irenuous play - or work. They appreciate having Ii witjl':lut fu; . or co'hl1r, without "wailing around" for the wator to he;] t.

They will apprlcla10 thll too - gas a . lomatic "/ :lL r ~eateTl are cheap to oper!!!e, Thei r b.jh offl ~; ney coupl.d ,with tho low residential gall • o~e In eifeci .Ince lalt O ctobor permll. you 10 have 100 0

0 automatic hot waler aervlce In the borne at a c081 01 only a lew OInla per day. A. le your plumbor or a Public: Sl'fvlc. wattt heating mun to call at your homo I;Ind m:1k9 you an HIl. mate of the cos I of automatic gal hot watt'r .. rvke 10 meel your need ..



Lawrence O. Minlln el'ltertained the oftlcers and entertainment com­mittee of the Anodated Republican Clubl at hi, home in Medford Lakes :Monday ennlnl. Planl were made for • rlliy to be held In ttle Rlver­aide fili houae on Septembe.r 1" " at wblch time the · candidates will apeak. There will ai.o ~ dandnc and refreshmentll, ---

Jack Bland(ord, Ion of Mr. lira. . John Blandford, of Bute. had his tonslla retno'~ed Prlday. Mrs. Blandford II tbe

. , er Mlal Helen Shain. '

Frandl Roedll, of Itreat. an employee of A. Dreer firm for the past yeara, left Monday Jor C.llft.rtll. where he will accept a a I.rle weltem nuraery b1. tralnlna.

Mill Clara Bllhop, Mra. · R. Hoffman 'and Mill took a trip to Wllmln,tC1n 'I' .... ..!I.v.

Mrs. ·Henry A,Jibumer, of Fulton .inet, haa returned home after apandlnl the montb In ·Weat Point Ple .. ant . .

Mias Betty Sloan apent the week­end in Wildwood .vialtln, friend ..

Mr. and Mril. Robert Hullinas en" tertained frlendl from Philadelphia on Sunda)/.

Mias Winifred Ziak ' hili retllrl'led to Iter bome 01'1 Thomall 'avenue aI, ter spendinl the .month at Lake Harvey. Pa .• al the IUtlt of Mr •. John .Blandford. ---MIIIIRuth Clrty. of T~oml. ave-nue, will leave Saturday for Mil­waukee, where ahe will ' apend lev­eral weelts.

Mrs. S; Reid Merley II entertaln­Inl friend, from Soutb Bend, In­dlanil, thla week. ------Mlaa Jane Frederltkl, of Cruford, la Iperidlnl the week with her ,randmother, Mfl. , Frank.' Rue; of Morlan avenue •. , ---

Mr.. J~.m H. Moore '8Ild dlu,Jiter •• Millea Pearl and LUUan, attended the funeral of Mrs. :Martha Smith. of Houtldale; Pa .• lalt Tbun­day. and·apent.leveral daYI In Clear­field, Pa.. thelr h~me town. ' . ' .

25 ·.'EXCELLENT USED ·CARS · . ' . .

Thorou,hly recollditi~ned' and ready to give many . .

miles of economical and dependable transporta­

tion await you in 'our showroom. 1\1 •




115·125 W. Broad Street Phonefll80



COAL NOW Be/ore Prices

Advance Hard-Black-Coal


·H. ·B.· WIl J .IAMS. FUEL OIL - COAL - COD - trEED8


Mr. and Mra. David Simon and I RIVER' , TON CO' UPLE ~. . . '. ~.. 0 " family han returned aher a~ndln. . ' ~~ ~ several. weeks In Conl'lktitut. ES AY ~ =-...., .

MI'. and Mia. POrte~ :B. Caldwell ARRFSTED TO 0 - . ' ' and family spent the weekend In NOTIC. OP SaT'I'UldNT . Oeean City. . Ralph and Marion Hullln,a Draw Kalale 01 f~:"T. ~:r~~. d_ ...

Mra. Hatch, .of the Cinnaminlon Home, ia apendinl lome time in. Spok~ne. WilIrun,ton. .

Sentence of 90 and 30 Dilya . w!,:.tI~ :~.h::~,= =:c:a~':t\i"t Respectively a .. dllt<! and .. att<l 'l' til. ' ~\e ...

"portt<! for nnhm .. 1 an" aDcrira ... to ... Ralph "nd. Man'on Hulll,:, ..... o .. f Orphan,' COlin DIllie COllntl'III Bill ......

Q • .,.~ at a _Ion 10 ... ·ht'. TIl .... .,. 1I!t\I1_-Broad and Main atreett. were ar- I~ It!, al \en o'clod: In IIIe ~

Min Eleanor Smith, ,of HadClon rested Tueaday evenlnl( on a D. J~:H L. STROHL_IN . ' Hei,htl, la lpendlnjr the week ~Ith 01 dlaturliinl( th, peace. fi,htlne ADOLPH ~, S1'ROHLIUN ' her aunt, Mrs. William Hoffman, 01 1I1inl( profane, indeeent and .obatent BURLING ON COUNTy.:-::t!!. co. Thomas avenue. laneua,e. Proctor, Wm. 0. Llpplncolt. .

Mra. Lydie ·Marr. 01 Phlladelpbla. apent Wednesday with her , alater, Mrs. Annie Kahler. of Thomaa ave-

The arreat ,was made on a com. Datt<l. JlllY U. ".. . 7·S0 10 I-a,-se

plaint. to Officer John J. Robinaon, NOTIC. 0 .. aaT'l'L.ldNT wllo consulted Chief of Pollee TNltet', Ac ....... t Oootee, who ordered a warrant ' for BIt.,. 01 WllIIam IL 0000I, . ......... the arrest. The Hulllnia were taken NoticI It h__ et ..... · tIIat ·tlla ~ ba'ora Ra~ordar Fra-" Probatln .. Aceo""t 01 the ... lItcrI"-!. . ~It .. , ... . ~. ~ ~~ ~ ,... • Iho 'frill 01 WUllun IL uooa; d .. • .... as

John Sioan, of Maple Sbade. apent who aentenced them to a term in Kllnlltlh' Schmldl. 'frill ... . a"dltt<I 'tueaday with Clarence Bell, Sr. Mount Holly jan. , Ralph waa' lent- :!~:r:...~ ~~.'!'l=':a -:d tII~~

John Reinhardt, cronlne watch· man at Broad and, Main streeta, wal a member of a lilhlnl' party whleb

to Belmar la.t Friday.

Rev. and Mrs. Oeoree W. Reed, Blrmlnlham. Alabama. are apend­

hie a few day. wlt~ hi, brother, Harry K. Reed, of Thoma. avenue.

Baker.. lay that the five-cent toaf of bread h .. dilappeared. But It II atlll a five cent tOlf: The oUler

'Oel for taxes.

enced .to ninety day. and Marion COli'" 01 ' tho COlli'll' of BurtlallOlI, at a thirty. ' . .. .. It ... to be h,ld Th ......... S*Bt. 10. I_ . Ralph Hulllnp, Jr., wal tlike~ . by 01 ton 0'l.I~~"'f)f%\-~~~tri~~.UaT

M M 1 P f COMPANY. hi. aliter, rl. yrt e arter, 0 form .. ll' Tho BurllnllOa CO"'IIJ Bridleboro. ., Bala Depot!t oad Trull Ca..

Min , Bellie Hullinell la !!taylnl( Proctor, Wm. 0. LIp~::: . with another .slattr In Atlantic City. Dll" i lillY n, 1110.

74 0-.11 . ~~ftN~6~T~ic~i~6~'~8i~· Tf~LI~.~iWN~f-'---­

Bubltlt"lt<! T .... I .. •• Accollat looPOR' 75c

!lyte. HyUted VllltlnlCarda are on we at .The New Era, One Hun. dred for S.venty-five cent.. Pine Quality Itock rotary cut.

Ihlaio of ~o"" C •. W; ltriah.llt11~'\.. .O::.tI!;I~a :~~rlt~~a~.:i:~ ~ wUl ... I"dlt" &lid Ilalt<! bl' til •. hrroIa" a"d "POnt<! for .. ttl_oat aad a-.act .. Iho Orphon.· COIIft 01 til. Coutl'_ .ciI ... IIDIIOD, It a .... Ion to ... bfld TIl ........

The Ilx major wara In· whlcli the S,pI_aer a4. Ita .. at ',10 0 clock Ia . dij

United Statea 'have partlclp.ted are: 10re't'1'i:DEN aAP. DEPOSIT . :T.Uft' . The Revotution, War of 1812, the a corpcirotloD !io~Pt:t!oi Htw J..., •• Mexican War, t.he Civil War; th.e . S"bllltlllt<! TN'I'" Spanllh-Amerlcan War. and the ProclOr. Sllrr. SlImmarill It LIOJ4, World War. Dol"', A",. 10. 191G.

• 1-20--9·\7-38 .


" , .

H l'lJ\D for the mountains ' if- )'OU

want to. Pick the lakes. the shore, die «:Qol north ·woods. But if )'OU want. a~ertNQn."t anawer

,to the ' problem of keeping cool­)'ou'll go in one of· thele Ipirited Buick SpnCIA.L8,· lind be comfortable all tho way I . Who'n it' can't find a breeze-it makel one. It . won't .slutter. stall or get steamed up on the toughest hill or In the hardesf going. ., . h's calm - cool- collected in · all itl going;...takes things ellllY and let II you do the same. And it', big enough to provide bOlh leg room and elbow room for all-on hot •• tuft'y. muggy daya there'. no

sticky proximily with others to reo mind you of Ihe hellt.

. Surest way to keep coollhi. lummcr is tochoole this sweet.running; quick. stepping, caly·handlin, Series 40 ·Buick. When you hear how Ihtle one ' cos Is. fully equipped and delivered, you'll be hot and bothered till you get one • .

* 11: * * °Si65 I. $1915 ar"lt, lisl prim .flll~ ·"MIJ O,.ir#, III F/if/I. JoIliclt., lulytcl I. (lI"irl/l 'r.uilhaul IO.,ir ••

., SJalldarri (Iltd Jpeci,,1 rlcclIJori,J groups (III (f l/modtiJ "I , xlra (.11. All Hllirll pri(" illr/U'/I III/t lY I/Inll IIt,ol/gl/OUI al 11a",If/rtf 'vtlipm",/. Alit clb.ul ,,,. G,n",,1 M.i." ;'/liall. ",.11' pia".


T~ M~ 71 aDd 485

.. " " • I •• ! ~ I. ~ :' I,.. '. ~, . .• ' ., • .. . •

Memorial .ParlE . PI.y.roUDd .

,.k B ..... n Dope a.. ....... ~


THE VICTORS AND THE VANQUISHED The top picture I, a IfO'III photo of tbe Broadway ThcatR. team, 19M c:hampiOlll In the Memorial ~Irk

PI.".round Baaeban Leape. The bottom photo ia tbe Joaeph T. Evallli team who can the Broadway outfit rec:ord-breakin, oppolltlon ~fore kldne the ellhth and final lerie. ,~me la.t nilht 6 to 2. . The ~ctory IiYes

. the Broadway team Ita aec:Ond lei on' the Walter K. Woolman cup. Thil il the first team to win two IUeeel­lin c:blPlptonlbipe linte the Inception.of aoft ball in. Memorial Park, Rinrton.

I ond. and Allo~ .at ,' third.ThMe men dflene plenl.1 of endit Inateed

I of the rauberries tbat are uluall7 meted out to ·the um.,.. .

Tbil aeries baa been marked b» lente animoaity and allection both bet_ tbe lpeetators ,nd ~ .wbether or not 70U ,li~ either tum

, depetldl on whether or not 70U lib Broad",ay I-Enna I Broadway manqer Bill AnderlOll

Thursday. Auauat ao. The lcore and Evans pitcher Ike Hylton. JUt wal tied ' al UIUat "ut t~ la.t part why thetie men should indicate f. of the ,ame waa mOlt· unulual al which telm you. should root jUllt by Well aa amuaiq. At least ten root- their mere existence I, not quite

. era collapsed from hYlteric .. · four dea.r. but it is so, IlN'how • . rolled on the around witb Ilu,hter Broadway 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 S I~ 10 and many had &rinl from ea.r to ear' Evans _ 0 1 0 0 0 1: 0 0 6-2 • and vite nraa. Of course some Oonteski. W. Anderson-Buchhol&. c:ould not aee tbe point ali wal the Hylton. Rlchman.Speer. cale with ' mOlt' of the Broadway -0-

tea.'ll. It all happened (n the nlntb . II. second IItOry about last nl,bt'. when Sexton ' of Evans amote one Ilhampionahip lame. containl ... into an Innocent maple tree back of some comparative licurel. is repro-

. the rlilht field foul tine~ Somebow duced here .for the fans who enjo» the apbere repoaed in a fork on one the statisticll of the ,ame., of the branche.. Eaele-eye Roxie . AUlUat 26th • . One of the toUChest Bill Anderllon .waa the firat to IPY World Series aince 110ft ball wai in-n and he Immediately abooed a aUlUrated at Memorial Park fi". brother U.her up the tree and out Years al(o. was termlnlted on Wed. on a Umb to lentty jolt tbe pill nellday .evenin, of thil week, wh_ earthward after • ten minute reat. the It ron, Broadway team manl,ed But before the jolt ·wall 'executed by Bill . (Roxie} Andenon. winnent Roxie had the Umpa and everyone of Illat 'year'lI champlonllhlp. defeated else loolr:ine while ·the rebel dropped the equally stron, Jos. T. Evu, . kerplunk into hi. paWl. Then in all undefeated lirat-half winners and aerioumeail he claimed an OUt and ' ,manaled by Joe Yearly. Sr. . tbat II, wben the fun wil. reaUsed. . What orilinally wa. i.ntended fOt Chief Umpire Carhart> who had ' at- a five-lame leriel, developed into ready claimed the ball out of play, an ei,ht-eanie playoff for the wID. bad placed' 'another ball' In the' field ners to tlke , t~ree lime.. The fiiat and wal dolne hla beat to atop the lame was taken by the Evanl team comedy and eet on with the ,Une 5 to I; the lecond lame Will a tie to beat tbe darkn~sl. So aU the by- for all. and called' on . account 01 ' PlaY. came to an end.. . ·dlrkne .. , the third lame waa woa

AI to ' the Icorine. Bartley I!1t a BroadwlY Team-Top row, left to ri,bt, are: "Herb" Richman. bale .umpire: ' "Chick" Foulke. "Tom" . by Broadway, evenln, It up at one alnlle In the leventb to be advanced Cahill, . "Roxy'" Anderson, mmaler: "I:'hll" Stilts. "Vi'nce" Daley. Edaon C~hart.' umpire: 'Bottoin row, I~ft all. Tbe fourtb lame _I a t~­by Terrell'l one baler and to ·ICOre' to ri,btr Ellrl Rotenbury. bale um'plre: "Tony" Oontellkl. Leon Sloan. "Boopl" ~nderson •. "Jolb" Blrtley, Innlnl tie 5 to 5. and the fifth ,a_

.ort Foulk'l out. Perldnl to Joe Ve~- · ... Ed .. B.utbhols, and Howard Alloway, baae umpire. another tie col". 11 innlnll 1 to L · ,ly on fir~t. 'Jllirk Icored for Evan. It tben looked Ii. if neither team in the ellbtb on hli Ilnlle and auc- could let an ed,e on the otber Wl-celalve IImllar hltl. by Speer and til the Ilxtb came which BrOldw8)O ~Ichman. The fieldin, In the early won eaally. Evans came back the part of the lame, waa ao ,ood .ttllt next eveninl to take the levcntb . very few reathed baie, and thl. ,ame II' to 3, ~hlc.h evened the lerln made the' came rather IIltlell until I at . two lame. e~ch. Tbe ' decldlq . the tree incident; . scrap which. ' incidentally wal ,the .

. -0'- I ei,hth ,ame. w·a. a hard-foulht con. Friday. AUlult 21. 'II. ,ame wal test from Itart to 6nl.h, Br91dw8)O

finally lettlnl the ed,e' In the el,h~ scheduled for thla evenlne and 'all Innlnl. scorinl( three runl on a hom. that the Evanl team would -have bad er 'and thr~e Ilnllel, 'wlnnlnl . tbo

. to do to claim the lame wat to ap- ,a me 6 to 2. pear on the field and claim It by fol'- In the first 'atanu Blrtley led all felt. However. the boya would not with a round tripper to make the take a ,ame 10 cheaply. Broadway firat score. Then In the lecond 'Burk had an out-of-town lame which tbey 01 Evanl Hied out io centre. Brod-inllated upon playlne inltead of the eraon and Speer walked. 'DOwDa .cliedl!led tocalleallie play-off. Tile reached first on an error. th'en Per. Kvanl team allo b.d a came on Itll kina Ilnlled. Icorlnl Broderaon. boob for another evenln, with the Evanl only other tally came in tho Philadelphia City Ji:nelneerl, but.,· Ilxth. Conway .Inlled, Itole lecond due to the drawn-out lerlet, their 'and atored on Burk'i linlle to deep preaence Wat nece .. ary at home and center. Broadway put tbe lame 'DD to be· faithful to tbe local cltflrenl ice In the el,hth with four' lucceilivo' who have been tumlne out each hitl Icorine three runl, It waa any. cvenlnl to wltneal the contettl. they body's lam'e up to thl~ point. . called the lame off. Joe Yearly led. hll team wltb two

-0- hili. while Foulke, Stilt. and Gon. Broadway 21-Evanl 0 Photos teaki atcounted for' a like number

Monday, Au,ust 24.. Br~adway Evanl Team-Top row, left to ri,ht:. Earl Rotenbury. b .. e umpire: Horace Rlchmln. "AI" Yearly. for their team. Blrtley atood out aluleed tbelr wly to a lead In the "Duck" Speer. Joaeph F. Yearly, Sr., ·manaler: Fred Co~way. "AI" Stocker. ·Lawrence Downl, Leiter for Broadway in the field. while Joe 11Iriei thll evenln, by bamboozllnl Yearly. Howard Sexton. Edlon Carhart, umpire. Bottom ro~. left to rllht: "Herb'" Richman, ,bile umpire: and Leater Yearly atood out for the much-bamboozable . JOI. T. "Joe" Yearly. Jr .• John Broderaon. "Sonny" Wrl'ht. "Ike" Perklna. "Ike" Hylton. and Howard Alloway EVlnl In Ihe field. . Bvanl te,am by the awful lcore of bue umjlre. Bartley led hll team wltb 12 hit. twenty-one to nothln,. There lari't -'-_________ .:..... ________________________ -'-_______ lor . the aeriel. while Jo. Yearl", Jr ..

much to aay about . the ,~e except will ,0 lomewhat beyond . the five Ike acroa. and filllni the ba,s, With ', won one. and then tonl,ht'l hair- led the Evana team with IS .hlta for for BroadwaY'1 twenty-two hlta and ,ame "limit:.' what with the three the count three and two, Joe Yearly raiser. ~~ t~:db.I~:.O!tU:yit~:~1 3!0~':'; twenty-one runl. Of the Movie hit.. tie camel. Thla limit will be "I(one" dropped a Ilnlle. pUlhlnl two run a A Bartley homer put the Movie Irom the ,ame caule wal 43. 10 It I. Buckholll had five and Bartley four. b)' virtue of In Eyanl' victory thll over. At thil Juncture. Manaler bunch into the lead in the firat In- very ealY to account for the un""

In the field botb teama made some evenln, over the ml,hty Broadway Anderson I)eckoned Tony into. rl,ht nini; Three walks 'and a hit tied It ually lonl drawn out aeriea, whlTb ,Dod ItOPI. each belne credited with team by the acore of Ilx to three, field and him.elf took over the up in the second. ,Evlna comln, WII .IO difficult to decide. Thll Wat

. • pair of twin Ir:illlnil In addition to and. coincidentally. the ratio of two mound. Conway doubled, acorinl aero... II. double and a Iln,le from by lar the hardeat.fauaht playa! of :~:;a~c!tl:.,:~~nln m:yk~.!~:: ~~to?le 1~':e~~~I~;~~:~v~:;)n a thin" ~7:, n:,~e I:~~di:t~u~~de:n~bet~~; !::~wlico~~t~ar.~I:::~h:c~bl~d.thi.! ~~: !~n~:rmt:I~I!a~~.le I~~:e t~= mean ",oad catch." (In my lan- Broadway opened with a ud In. WII all the Icorlnl· the fifth Downs hit a potentlll hom· oul 01 lour played Ilmel. NI eUlee, poddner. that meanl fi,htl) field out, but perked up wben Bart. The Evanl' reiurn to form waa er for Evanl, but had to Itop at year two equally Itron, teama Bvanl fielded well for a team with ley W.I lafe on C"onway'a error. probably due to the reviled IIne.up. third becaule he tripped near fitlt loul(ht it OUL Evanl leemed to 1.­auch a Icore a,alnat them. but blew Oily Iineled, JOlh ,olnl to third. Downl returned to firlt b .. e, lend- base; there wal none out when he eel In the outfield, while Broadway up and maile errorl at critical mo· He acored not much later on B~ck. In, Joe Yearly back to left where made that Imack. but Andenon, aeemed 10 have an edle on the 1ft. mmtl. It is probably true that holz'. outfield 8y. EVlnl clme back he performa better. Sonny Wrl,ht Broadway pitcher. fed the battera field. II w.. either team'l uri .. Burk'l mllplay on a Irounder in the with a lone tally In their half of the returned to the milk, nndlne Duck alow onel which they popped. until tbe very lalt. with a hard­&rat frame, which led to the fint two Hcond. After Stocker hid ,rounded Speer to rover. Stocker led off In_IAn error and a hit provided an fOUlh! victory. Evanl in beln, de­Movie runl, Will the keYltone of out, Sexton reached lecond on B81t- Itead of battin, lemi-c1ean.up. Joe Bvanl run-their I.cond and final fcated deaerve much 'admiration for Bvanl' downfalL ley'. bad throw. Joe Yearly doubled, Yearly had three hit.. (lIle-in Ihe aixlh. Allho they filled the aplendld filht they put up. It re-

Evant' really Iin't II bad II the Sexton tryinl to acore. Aa he reach· Broadway 102 000 000-5 6 the bale. with one out In the lev· quirlnl eilh! lamea to decide a five. aeore would Indicate, a1nce. after the ed home about the ume time III the Evan, 100 ' 050 OOx~ 11 enth. the Lumbermen were unable lame ICriea. Thla h .. made hllto"' firlt leven or el,ht runl, Ike H)llton, throw he tumbled and whacked hli _ to Icore. In the el,hth •• Joe Yearly '1

who lucceeded Richman on. tb.· • rb d f th E I h for Riverton and it may never hap. foot on a bicycle that Will nea y. Broadway &--Bvana 2 opene or e vanlmen w t a . mound, Itarted lavin, hlm .. 1f for It looked like curtains for Sex. so acrah:h linlle and tried to Iteal nc- pen ala.n. tomorrow nI,ht. He can't b. far III the ball ,ame wal concerned. Au,ult 26. Broadway ia champI' on.d while Anderlon WII walklnl Broldway I 0 I 0 0 0 0 3 1~ 11 blamed for tbll; we hear he h .. loat but he mlnaled to play out tbe (Now that I have I(otten that tre- back to the plate. He wal nlbbed. B';!~~IClki. ~~d~r~0~ .• ~U~~h:;2 • twenty-pounda lince the .. ri.i Itart- lame without too much trouble. mendOUI bit of newl off my cheat, Daly opened tlte ~ovle eilhth

. ed. What with the ey.ry nI,lIt play- Conway'a aln,le scored Joe Yearly, it would be very llIlpenH produc. with a homer which unnerved Ike Hylton. Richman.Speer. In, and the tbree tie ,Imea. prob- th.n. wlth ' the run. On both Yearly'l inl If 1 would proceed Into a dIICUI. Hylton, Evanl pitcher. Before you Thert Wal lome talk at the fi.ld ably the total welebllo.t by all tha and Conway'l hit" Phil StUtz I" alon of the Irammatical c:orrectneaa could lay Jack Robinlon. two dou. lilt nllhl Ihat the lu,ue olflc:lala playen on both , teaml would reach center field made perfect pela to the of the precedln, IIlutation ,) blel down the rdt field foul line Ihould ,rve lome reco&nition to tbe from here to--I mean could be made plate. which la quite remarkable In Broadw." wonl The World', rani Irom the bat I of Buchhob and Evana team f9r the wonderful brand to do lomethln, remarkable tik. 11ft- thla lea,ue. moat drawn-out Hrlea went to the Bill Andenon. Ike left and Rlch- of ball played by ttlem prior to iUld In, the Normandie fNt. The Movlel lured a two-run leed Broadway Theatre team tonllht man entered the boll. Foulke'a ain" durin, the .eilht-,ame .. rI ... A can. Broadway 203 204 057-21 22 In the third on two hlta. two Infield when they defeated ' the JOI. T, Kv. lie Icored the third run of the In-. solation cup or tropby Will 000 000 000- 0 6 t and. bad tbrow. ani ten by the acore of Ii'll to two. nin,. Another Broadwa" run came, ed by ao~e 01 t~e lpeetatora. N.ver Tony and Buckhols. oll.n;e fireworka broke 100H In th. The leriee conallted of ei,ht lame I in the ninth, on an"error. a walk, anel belore ~n the h.atory 0' 10ft i;lIJI . at Richman, Hylton and Speer. bottom of the fiftb. After Down. instead of the intended maximum a few Infield oUII. I '''mor.11 Park baa any learu.e aenel

-0- and Perldns had Irounded out. Ike of five, Kvanl won the lirlt: then 80 Importanl wal tbe .am. thlt I lone beyond a four-lam. fin'lh " and Evant &--Broadway I Hylton ,ot hli Hcond ain,te of tb. came a tl •. Broadwa" won the next; Pr .. y Conway del',lted four umpel man" that IOID. reco,n.tion

Tueaclay. Aucuat 21. The _od4 ,am. and IoIlllY WrI,ht walbcLland then ,ame another tI~nd y.t i to It. Carhart wal behind tha plata, ahould be liv'" the runn.r·up thil eeriel wW ' ,0 the Umlt: ill feet. It Stocker and a.xtoo IIn,led. aendln, another. Broadway and avua each R~ ' -nbury al fint. Richman at lie· Huon.

Palmyra Council . LAST OUTOOOR t Abandons Scrip BO' XING EXlDBIT '

( .. -ontlnued from pqe 7> . a.thorim the pl\)'ment of $$.000 : lmmedi'ately. to the board ohdu.:a· Final Bouts by Palmyra Athleti~ don. . Club S~eduled for Sep-- .

The board of Ilealth aubmltted ita . tembe.r:Srd . npoft Includinl $UI In fHI, and ~ .

. pott\na one .:aae of mNsles. The The Pal~ra A:thletl~ Club I. nport \If , \: re..-elved and filed. stClainl 'Ita lut outdoor boItina ea·

. hihitlon on the PalMY" hlah aebOol ,P.,lt.:e Report field ThuradlQ'. September l, at 1.30

'I'be poUce report Induded leven· p.m.. . teen ar~\\1 Jor the . month-four for They hClve Icheduled boutl with lDtOltit.:litlon, one CCllSe of thre ·t. lev· the Batesville Club. of Haddonfield • . en· traEr\.: "ioilltiona, three dl.o~erly lind will promote ellht fiVe-round conduct cases. O,J\e peace .vloladon bouts. elleh round l.stlna two min­and one out-oi·tOwn case where the uteli. Adml.llon 'wlll 'lain be .·Me amated peraon was turned over ' to (or reaerved aNta l\nd 2Sc aen~ral outllde ,pollee. admission. .

Mayor Wllrd complimented the The fieht held aevetal weUa qo police on their sllfety drive. He drew A larle· crowd of fanl and uqed them to keep dillaently on everybody WIUI more than ple .. ed the Job to stamp out numbers writ- with the excellent ahol!( provided. m. In' the community. The' promoters o( the' Palmyra Ath.

The requel\t of H: B. Williams to leti.: Club atate that the comlna nan a pipe line under Sprinl Garden show will be equally .. eood If not atreet to S-41 wa •. IrAnted. better.

. A letter waa read from Fred Sacka complalnln, 'ab9ut the bell slinal at Public road, in Great Britain now the Wallace IStrHt ranfoad cronlnl, total 1'18,$07 mU ... and .. kinl that a blinker n,ht all~ .....,...-----.:-------­ilal be Installed. The clerk w.. In­struc:ted to write the railroad re­CluHtin, the ·c:hanae.

In response to a requeat from the W.P.A., Georle N. Wimer w .. Damed c:ertl(ylnl 'officer to repl'ea~nt the borou,h · In . recommendln, 'worthy c:aa« for the employment roUa of W.P.A. . .

A letter' waa read from Cominla· aloner Burnett of the Alc:ohollc Con· 'trol, atatln, that the boroulh' c:ould Dot re,ulate the trans.,ortatlon of beer or liquor by a wholesale dealer loc;ated within the boroulh IImltl.

Clire(ul . Driver •

LtllU s. Fort .. um. "peln. '\IIIpU" Kdwl.. 1'1"" d.-tift, ,e_r Wilbur Mu!'l'h1o, lallOr Ooor.. J. SlIellclt, boro clerk JO::O¥~'.1v::: ::::H::- ttlepbo .. e Carl W. LUII

1 ovel1l.~ .. t 01 lI .. e

H""lm,.. 1111 lorm Co., HPIlr II .. Jill; JbUel bUle .


. John Patterson, Ja",es Rambo, ...... ' . Percy Grimes and Harry Karn, 11m· ' . .:J.oday' •• o.l lallted­ployeel of the boroulh, were pre- .' aented with c:ertlficates, pins and slife a"cnat loft a'ory Lnll ••.. , .... drivinl car!;!s by the Ineurance c:om·· pany Clffylnl Palmyra" liability In. "arance, (or drlvln, ' five yelfl on the pub1Ic 'hl,hways without a alnlle accident. 'Chalrman Enlle made the! preaenta"on. .

A letter f,om Riverton Boroulh Council further ' explalnlnl the bill of t24.30 for vaccine uaed In the treatment o( the Dixon boy waa nad. At the aUlleation of the let­ter, the Palmyra Council authorl1ed payment of 112.15. coverln, half of tbe bill. .

Georle. N. Wimer aubmltted hla nllef report for the month of July. Pu't~I~ Lo~!:~~n"I~!:I:,. w.r~.~rd"'d p.ld I

,Ie.lrle 1I1Ihll "0'.15 Public aeryfel KI •• trl. " 0.. . Pu",rclll~:!lc. KI.clrle " 0.. 10,ao

parll lIahl. a.u Public Service EI.clrlo " 0 ..

traffic .nd orrlcl lI~hll Public 8ervle. BI.elr ~ " 0 ..

M1¥lr pumplnl II. Ion IlIndlrd 011 .Co, 01 N, J ...... oil . ".1 Brolher!, a chick· boOk. New Jet .. " a.U Tllephon.

.RI~.rlon·Palm"fI W.ler Co, Tht P.lm"r. Ntw •• publication

tlK a.l •• nd ordln.nell


44.10 111.50

11,00 ., ... 107,24

lSa,i. '0.00 PrllII " Hurr. proP'rlr ... rchl.

8.nner 011 Co .. SO la. molor oil "ra, at,oo

John H, lUrl., .upplill lUt H. B, WIIII.m., .uppllil at,70 Jo., L. 8lack. Iru~k .... Ie •• II hrL 1',00 The •••• r.v. Carp,. ..p.ln .nd

aupplili. An d.p.rtmlnl 41,0' ~r. J. K.rr. Inltrlll on Ie rip I J.I 0

Pb'l'nor~. ~~'l~r;:la8:,~ ~o •• tu~r."11 a,1S

.. ,:rn"L~·J:~L,!,:.n~ bllltrill U' a tI .... nd lubtl '0,10

Emil K.ehm.n. np.ln. pollct ' Clr

'H:;:'~ h~~'k~~I::.uel~pp"", poll.t

liomll 8chwlnk •• nl MOlor luppl, Co., raPlllI

IIll1k Porj WIld"'. Lewl. W, Il.arp, tr.ll. lI.hl



TODay i. a good time to buy coal

. . -AND HERE is WHY:

This fall ... possibly next month ••. coal prices will be higher than ' they are now. Order now and you lave dollar.

a load. Aak.about the Newton bud,et plan.

rh.t.' • • N.wton Y.,d in YOUt n.i~hbothoo,d

, ... " •• c. ...... " Of

Matln~ Dalb at 1.00 p.a. Ewntnp t.oo-t..QO o~

It' la Alw.,. Hultbl\llb Cool at the Broactw&J-the Onb TMatn In BurUnaton Count)t with ..,.

' ~ConditlOl\td CooUq Put..

~ONDA Y. Aurust Sl Renu~mber the thrill "State Fair"

I"'" your heartP Remember how you lauched at

WILL. ROGERS ·' In hla lreatest roleP

You can e'xperien.:e the .. e thrill. .. aln

Free to the Ladle. 2 Larle Tumblen of the

'~MI.. "merlca" Gla .. tNare

TUESJ?A Y, September 1



The Crime of Dra Forbea

Surprl.e Surroundlnr Prorram

WEDNESDAY, THURSDAY, September 2 and 3- .

JOE, E. BROWN In hla bl"lIt lau,h riot

Earthworm Tractor with

GU'y KIBBEE -Thunday-Ladlea Gift Nlrht-

2 Siliad Platel of the "Mila America" Gla .. wlre

'Free to the Ladle.

~II' ~! ,-.. it: _,

L. s. GumeD

B ECA USE Prices Will Soon Advance, 'Wise Buyers Pocket Generous Savings by Filling Their Coal ,Bins Now. Get Our Prices. Phone Your . Order.

J. S. COLLINS & .SON Incorporated

Phone" Riverton 4 or 5



W~ feature


8wlWa Premium

Chuck 19c Roait . Ib

Legs B~bY2' Sc Lamb Ib

Very Tinder ROllt Prime Rib2Sc Roast .' Ib La.t 3 Rlba

RUmps, ·Leg. 20c. VEAL . Ib

Swilt'. Special Smoked

Peanut Hams 30ib Reg. 35~ Value-8 to 11 lb

Fre.h Killed CANADIAN 22c PRYINO or 29C BACON

CHICKENS Ib ~ ~8Uced

l~ to 2 Ib Nlw 1016 Pack


20fb Grapefruit or 25c IPRINO Grapefruit Juici

LAMB 3 tall CAlli

And a Complete Stock of Grocerlel


Phon .. 1140, 1141 11 B. BROAl) IT., PALMYRA


101 &a.t Broad ItrNt. P ... ". I. W. Br0a4 It. PALMYRA :,.w D::d,~HdD=':"!:: T.I.pboae, Rly.rtOD 36 AU xw. 01 Work 405 Elm Avenue. Palm,...

o P III H E V III R Y III V III H IX 0 Dr. 1cIIoII' ... oet _w... T.lep"", IIlWlt_ -.W

. :