Download - Internet Sales as a New Mode of Internationalization




João Pedro Couto a

[email protected]

Maria Teresa Borges Tiago [email protected]

Flávio Gomes Borges Tiago a

[email protected]

José António Cabral Vieira [email protected]


The way that organizations exploit the Internet has been the focus of a substantial body of

scientific studies and non-academic reflection. The main goal of this study is to analyze the

potential of the internet as an internationalization mode and factor that influence the adoption

of this mean to access foreign markets. For this purpose, we develop a conceptual framework

taking for base the technological-organizational-environmental model (TOE) and introducing

previous experience of internet use and internationalization as determinants and the model

variables as mediators to explain Internet international sales and present a discussion of the

differences between traditional international aspects and added elements resulting from

internet and virtual marketspaces.

Keywords: Internationalization, internet, virtual marktspaces

JEL Codes: J20, J23, M32 Acknowledgement: FCT -CEEAplA - The Atlantic Research Center for Applied Economics a University of the Azores - Department of Economics and Management Rua da Mãe de Deus 9500 Azores –Portugal Phone 351 296650083 – Fax 351 296650084


Evidence that the Internet has affected international trade is everywhere. The assessment of

international sales has long been an issue of interest in the literature, reflecting both a macro

policy concern associated with the international activity of firms’ and a micro focus on

competitiveness in foreign markets. Advances in information technology (IT) have vastly

expanded the range of products and services that can be traded internationally. Thus, the

number of firms that tends to adopt and explore these technological functionalities increases

over the years as well as the number of firms that expand their business internationally. The

introduction of e-commerce has unveiled new opportunities in terms in terms of international

sales process. Indeed, one of the primary benefits of the Internet for business is its access to

potential suppliers and customers both within a particular country and past national

boundaries. However, the way this question has been approached differs considerably

between the various studies. The alternative approaches can be classified on the basis of three

criteria: whether the study considers firms that adopt Internet as a path to develop

international sales or only firms using Internet in other dimensions different from sales;

whether the purpose of the study is merely descriptive or exploratory; and whether external

factors, internal factors, or both are considered.

Based on the notion that IT, and specially the Internet, influences the process of

internationalization of the firm, we aim to address this subject focusing on the new

marketspace provided by the Internet and analyse the factors involved on online international


The paper is organized as follows. The next section sets out the theoretical framework of the

internationalization determinants and its modifications due to virtual market places as well as

the importance of sales over the Internet. Section 3 describes the study propositions and the

conceptual model establish. Discussion and conclusions are summarized in section 4.


The developments occurred recently in Internet-based information and communication

technologies (ICTs) together with the growing of a global and commonly accessible

marketspace (Rayport & Sviokla, 1994) on the Internet have offered firms’ new opportunities

of doing business and have led a number of authors to challenge existing theories relating to

the internationalisation process of firms (see, Quelch & Klein, 1996; Hamill, 1997).

Before reviewing the foundations of international sales implied by a range of theoretical

perspectives in the entrepreneurship and international marketing literatures, we begin this

section by highlighting the process of internationalization of a firm. Our literature review

then focuses on the potential embedded in virtual markets and the motors of international

sales trough Internet. For each of these perspectives, we describe the main theoretical

approach and discuss the theoretical implications of the activity in Internet.

Process of Internationalization

A reference model that explains how firms internationalize was developed by Johanson and

Vahlne (1977, 1990). Their model, known as the Uppsala model of internationalization,

assumed that foreign market knowledge influenced the location and mode of


The Uppsala model assumes that the internationalization of a company is a path dependent

learning process. Internationalization is considered to be the result of the interaction between

increasing commitments to and evolving knowledge about foreign markets and vice-versa.

Nonetheless, a number of succeeding studies supported the Uppsala model; some other

authors have not found empirical evidence to support it (see, Jarillo & Martinez, 1991).

Another relevant contribution to the understanding of internationalization processes is the

Stages Model (see, Cavusgil, 1980; Reid, 1981), which assumes that firms begin their

internationalization by indirect exports, a less risky entry mode and subsequently would use

an export agent or distributor, to later open a commercial office and finally to establish a

subsidiary abroad. Both these models attribute to knowledge and information the fundamental

responsibility in internationalization process.

Williamson (1975) finds that transaction process is caused by human and environmental

factors, which may result in market failure and cause transaction cost (TC) problem. Human

factors include boundary rationality and opportunist behaviour, whereas environmental

factors include uncertainty and complexity, superiority of minority, information asymmetry

and cooperation atmosphere. The term transaction cost means that it is based on the above

phenomena with incomplete contractual relationship derived from: (1) consultation and

information costs (Douma & Schreuder, 1992); (2) bargaining and decision making costs

(Heide, 1994); (3) monitoring costs (Dahlstrom & Nygard, 1999); and (4) mal-adoption cost

(Heide, 1994). Buckley and Casson (1976) represent a landmark study on the economic

analysis of the multinational enterprise (MNE). It provides a rigorous explanation of the

functioning of MNEs. In this context, it can be considered as one of the key building blocks

of the modern transaction-cost-based theory of the MNE, which includes the classic studies

of Williamson (1975), Teece (1977) Rugman (1981), Williamson (1981), and Hennart


Buckley and Casson (1976) emphasized general forms of imperfect competition stemming

from the costs of organizing markets. Developing a special attention to the imperfections in

the intermediate products markets, including various types of knowledge and expertise,

embodied in patents, human capital, internationalization of such imperfect external markets,

when this occurs across national boundaries, leads to the creation of MNEs.

The parallels between internationalization theory and resource-based view (RBV) in strategy

(Wernerfelt, 1984) derive from their focus on the resources, assets and capabilities that a firm

controls. According to RBV, resources that are unique, proprietary, and difficulty to imitate

or substitute provide firms with sustainable competitive advantages (Barney, 1991; Amit &

Schoemaker, 1993). Further, RBV emphasizes intangible assets as central determinants of a

firm’s sustainable competitive advantage (Hall, 1992) since they are developed trough a

socially complex process, and as such are difficult to trade, imitate, or substitute (Barney,


Further intangible assets are also more likely to be deployed in international growth strategies

because they are more flexible and do not depreciate with use.

Network relationships’ role in internationalization has acquired significance in the literature

in recent years (Holm et al. 1996; Johanson & Mattson, 1988; Oviatt & McDougall, 1994).

Invoking social capital theory in the context of internationalization suggests that social capital

leads to the creation and acquisition of knowledge and that those firms must have the

organizational capability to leverage inter-firm relationships effectively (Prashantam, 2005;

Lorenzoni & Lipparini, 1999).

The primary tenant of social capital theory is that benefits accrue to actors from their social

networks (Burt, 1992; Coleman, 1988). In the context of internationalization, social capital

could emanate from a variety of network relationships, including those with customers,

suppliers, distributors and strategic partners (Yli-Renko et al., 2002). Arenius (2002)

proposed that a new venture’s social capital positively influences its speed of

internationalization growth. Yli-Renko et al. (2002) demonstrated that social capital can

influence market knowledge and knowledge intensity, which in turn positively influences

firm’s international growth and international performance.

Network theory has been offered as a superior framework for explaining the

internationalization of organizations (Chetty & Holm, 2000; Johanson & Mattsson, 1988;

Vahlne & Nordstrom, 1988). This theory conceptualizes networks as value chains that consist

of organizational relationship rather than the more formal contracts between organizations

implied by TC (Robicheaux & Coleman, 1994; Vahlne & Nordstrom, 1988). Such a theory

seams to be much more consistent with the new business models being created by the

emergence of technology-enables global supply chains in which procurement and production

cross national borders and supply and demand lines extend worldwide

Internet and the Process of Internationalization

The Internet has almost doubled in size every year in recent years and now spans the globe,

facilitating the exchange of all matter of products, services and data. Recent development has

been categorized by an explosion in new commercial activity. Afuah and Tucci (2001) stated

that from Internet many properties the following stand out in the way they change business:

distribution channel, universality, mediating technology, network externalities, time

moderator, low cost standard, information asymmetry shrink, and transaction cost reduction

and creative destroyer.

As a consequence, fresh paradigms might be needed to describe the process of company

internationalization in the Internet era (Hoffman & Novak, 1996; Hamill, 1997). Above all,

the conventional knowledge on how businesses internationalize their operations has been

challenged by the fact that Internet could provide a low-cost gateway to global markets for

small and medium sized enterprises (Hamill & Gregory, 1997). Numerous researchers on

internationalization have suggested that firms typically adopt international activities by the

use of an evolutionary series of sequential paths (see Johanson & Vahlne, 1990; Andersen,

1993; Calof & Beamish, 1995). However, it is known that businesses do not necessarily

internationalize in this manner (Turnbull, 1987; Millington & Bayliss, 1990).

In the Uppsala Model, internationalization is considered as the result of the interaction

between increasing evolving knowledge and commitment to foreign markets. Arguably, the

rise of the Internet decreases the costs of information, providing firms’ with a universal

availability and higher quality of knowledge (Castells, 1996).

Therefore, the Internet can influence the traditional way of accessing international markets in

the way it shifts the access to knowledge and reduces the risks and uncertainty connected

with the internationalization process.

With Internet, some of the main aspects pointed out as crucial in the internationalization

process suffers modifications. Specially, because Internet provides the environment for new

forms of business, such as electronic matching of sellers and buyers, or enabling a direct

exchange between sellers and buyers (Buxmann & Gebauer, 1998). In this way, Internet is

reducing the transaction costs, by facilitating the transaction and the acquisition of


The flexible, open, and standard infrastructure provided by the Internet is able to provide new

opportunities of business to firms regardless to their location, size, and industry and even past

experience. Internet is affecting the internal and external factors considered as determinants

of internationalization (Zou & Stan, 1998). To Ellsworth and Ellsworth (1995), Internet broke

down some of the existing barriers related to firms’ dimension, re-shaping resources role in


Another firm competence relevant to international activities is the ability to establish and

develop relationships with partners in foreign markets. The location of the firm can be

determinant in choosing the foreign markets, because it influences the type of relationship

that can be establish.

According to the research of Johanson and Weidersheim-Paul (1975), Kogut and Singh

(1988) and Mitra and Golder (2002) firms’ prefer to internationalize to markets that are closer

by cultural and language similarities or physical distance. The Internet constitutes a

fundamental basis of networking that cuts trough time zone differences, adopts a international

language and creates is own culture, therefore shortening distances and developing social

capital networks.

Internet as an international marketspace

All the innovations in ICTs create, transform, expand or even put to death the existent

markets. Structural changes in markets, such as disintermediation, would occur due to the

impact of electronic trade and electronic information exchange. In Table 1, we present a

summary of the research developed around these concepts.

- insert table 1 about here -

Electronic marketplaces can make trading easier and more efficient than ever. Internet

allowed firms to step in a global electronic market (Auger & Gallaugher, 1997; Quelch &

Klein, 1996; Hoffman & Novak, 1995). However, none of the initial electronic marketplaces

had the impact and dimension of Internet (Dholakia et al., 2001). So, Kunter (1998)

suggested that these new markets can be characterized by a fierce price competition, a

dwindling product differentiation, and a vanishing brand loyalty.

The new market form has called virtual markets and refers to settings in which business

transactions are conducted by the use of open networks based on the fixed and wireless

Internet infrastructure (Orme et. al., 1995; Malone et al., 1989). These markets are also

known as marketspaces due to the fact that they are intangible markets (Mitra & Schwartz,

2001; Strader & Shaw, 1997; Rayport & Sviolka, 1995).

They are also distinctive from the others since they have high connectivity (Dutta & Segev,

1999), a focus on transactions (Balakrishnan, Kumara, and Sundaresan, 1999), the

importance of information goods and networks (Shapiro & Varian, 1999), and high reach and

richness of information (Evans & Wurster, 1999). Virtual markets have unprecedented reach

because they are characterized by a near lack of geographical boundaries.

The research developed around this concept, suggested that the differences between

marketplaces and marketspaces can be grouped in three dimensions: access, competition and


Concerning market access and as noted by Hotelling (1992) and Bakos (1991), when

analysing the dichotomy traditional markets versus virtual markets, the first ones show a

stronger physical limitation, been restricted by firms physical location (Baty & Lee, 1995).

This effect has a direct impact in the distribution circuit used; replacing, transforming and

creating new forms of distribution (Christensen & Tedlow, 2000; Pitt et al., 1999;

Gallaugher, 1999; Choudhury et al., 1998; Bailey & Bakos, 1997; Sarkar et al., 1998).

Nevertheless, Internet requires that firms’ and its intermediaries have great technological

knowledge and resources, which are not easily, substitute (Anderson e Anderson, 2002;

Berghel, 2000; Palumbo e Herbig, 1998; Alba et al., 1997).

With regard to competition one of the relevant innovations of the Internet is that it has the

potential to create large global markets for specific traded goods, both directly via organized

exchanges with numerous buyers and sellers and indirectly through powerful search engines,

which enable sellers to notify buyers of prices instantaneously (Weinhold & Freund, 2002).

So, it enables competition at two different levels: (i) reducing entry barriers and (ii) by raising

the number and type of competitors.

As Viswanathan (2000) suggested, in this virtual markets competition gains a new dimension,

considering that besides traditional direct competitors, firm’s need to consider a new groups

of competitors that have different core competences and adopt distinctive strategies.

The third aspect that suffers profound changes with the adoption of Internet was the

information flows with the acceleration of the decrease in information costs (Brynjolfsson &

Smith, 2000). Also, it provides a universal availability and higher quality of information

(Castells, 1996).

Using the Internet, a firm can place brochure, catalogue, corporate information, and support

material on-line for a fraction of the cost of printing and reach as many or even more

potential consumers. Kambil (1995) estimated the marginal cost of disseminating a 30-page

document as less than a penny. This same conclusion is presented in the works of Bakos and

Brynjolfsson (1999), Shapiro and Varian (1999) and Odlyzko (1996). Benefits to

dissemination can be realized internally as well as externally via so-called Intranets, internal

networks that run Internet protocols and software but that exist behind barriers to outside

intrusion (firewalls). Thus, information started to be view not only as an additional element

but a critical part of the business process (Bakos, 1998), allowing the establishment of a

closer relationship among stakeholders, the easier diffusion of information about the firms’

portfolio and becoming a crucial element of the supply chain management.

Depending on the starting point the markets based on the Internet can be considered as: a

inter-organization information system (Bakos, 1991); a electronic search device (Seveg et al.,

1999); communication medium (Schmid & Lindemann, 1998; Hoffman & Novak, 1996);

meeting point (Kaplan & Sawhney, 2000); a distribution channel (Dai & Kauffman, 2001);

among others. Consequently, these kind of markets can assume different forms as presented

by Greiger, 2003.

- insert table 2 about here –

Since the new virtual markets are different from traditional physical markets, new strategies

and business logic are required (Benjamin & Wigand, 1995; Rayport & Sviokla, 1994).

Consequently, there is a need to bring new theoretical developments to the problem of

international sales through Internet.

Factors affecting online international sales

A steadily increasing volume of academic and practitioner literature supports the proposition

that the Internet is having a major impact on the management of international activities in

companies throughout the world (see, Cronin, 1996; Quelch & Klein, 1996; Bennett, 1997;

Hamill & Gregory, 1997; Poon & Jevons, 1997).

Furthermore, the growing acceptance and usage of Internet provides a new broad scope of

economic activities and business models, according to several authors (Clemons et al., 2002;

Clemons & Lang, 2003), driven from the perspective of promoters’ the focus of these models

change between production, distribution and sales.

Marketing scholars begun to study the impact of technology, especially Internet, on the sales

and on sales force (c.f., 2005 special issue of Industrial Marketing Management).

When analysing the internationalization process of firms, it is relevant to study which factors

seem to most affect such process. According to Zou and Stan (1998), in their review of the

empirical literature between 1987 and 1997, there are two main determinants: internal and

external factors, which have strong practical relevance. The technological level and firm size

have been extensively studied as determinants of internationalization process, but no clear

conclusions have emerged (Zou & Stan, 1998).

Several researches pointed that firms with large resources and a high technological intensity

might expect a slightly better performance (Kotabe & Helsen, 2004). Zou and Stan (1998)

presented additionally other factors as having impact of international performance, such as a

firm’s age, life-cycle stage, nature of the product or nature of the firm.

According to Aaby and Slater (1989) firms’ competencies are even more important than firm

characteristics by itself. This idea is reinforced at Zou and Stan research (Zou & Stan, 1998),

as well as the concept that international competencies appeared to be important determinants

of firms’ performance in foreign markets. Considering the others factors mention by Zou and

Stan (1998), Internet changes their magnitude. In the virtual context, aspects such as a firm’s

age and nature of the product or nature of the firm have little or none importance (see,

Bennett, 1998; Jennex & Amoroso, 2002) and life-cycle stage were transform.

Thus, the use of the Internet for global business enables firms to vary the conventional stages

of internationalization, as it removes all geographical constraints, allows the instant

establishment of virtual twigs throughout the world and allows direct and immediate foreign

market entry (Maloff, 1995; Bennett, 1997).

Hamel and Sampler (1998) declare the creation of a world where customers are no longer

hostages to geography turned a reality in Internet era, with the appearance of the virtual

markets. Kotabe and Helsen (2004) support this idea, but also notice that large firms due to

their investment capacity can detain more competitive advantages and brand awareness in the

international markets. Furthermore, they conclude that size also matter in terms of

technological capacities, because in the overall smaller firms have less ability to recruit

highly competent human resources and to invest in top technological features.These

conclusions reinforce the work of other authors (see, Liu & Arnett, 2002; Klepper & Simons,

2000; Chandy & Tellis, 1998; Liu et al., 1997; Damanpour, 1992; Pavitt, 1990; Dewar &

Dutton, 1986; McLeod & Rogers, 1982).


The research question that guides this study is the: Analysis of Factors affecting Internet

International Sales, namely focusing on the virtual marketspaces as an international market

for business and considering Internet as an alternative mode of entry in international markets

rather then just a new marketing channel.

We focus on the Internet international sales for a diverse base of business and industries

instead then considering the specificities of the internationalization process of business

providing Internet services.

We also consider that Internet international sales can be associated with other forms of

internationalization. In fact we assume that previous internationalization can be a positive

factor on the Internet international sales development.

Furthermore companies, even when only basing their international activity on the Internet can

establish foreign direct investment or collaborative strategies in order to distribute their

products, or can simply use the Internet sales in conjunction with other model of entry into

international markets.

In this paper our focuses is on aspects that influence the success of this particular Internet

sales development into foreign markets and its importance in terms of total international sales

for the company.

The proposed framework (summarized in Figure 1) has roughly two different parts. The

dimension of internationalization in itself is expected to involve a number of determinant

factors. The elements consider can involve firms’ characteristics, competences, previous

experience, among others, thus varies in terms of extensively and complexity.

The second part involves the use of Internet. The type, purpose and involvement of the firm

in the process of on-line activities can be measure through a set of elements such as purchase

behaviour, budget consignation and product adaptation.

The discussion of the framework basically falls into three sections. First the Technological,

Organizational and Environment (TOE) factors model and its adjustment on the proposed

framework is discussed. After that, we turn our attention to the two areas in the framework

itself; discussion on contextual variables expected to influence international sales using

Internet and firms commitment to the on-line activities.

Our overarching theoretical premise is that Internet international sales are based on balancing

Internet firm’s commitment, international experience and firm’s characteristics. So, grounded

in the international sales theory and the technology-organization-environment framework, we

develop an integrative model to study the determinants of Internet international sales.

The research model developed for this study is modified from the work of Tornatzky and

Fleischer (1990) and Chau and Tam (1997). The model has feature in research on Internet

activity elsewhere (see, Gibbs & Kraemer, 2004; Zhue et al., 2003; Chwelos et al., 2001).

Tornatzky and Fleischer (1990) model considers three components impacting the adoption

and implementation of any technological innovation: (i) factors of technological nature; (ii)

organizational elements; and (iii) factors from external environments. An exploratory

research project on the adoption of open systems, carried out by Chau and Tam (1997), found

that the framework establish by these authors was suitable for describing the organizational

process of adoption of IT. Nevertheless, these authors pointed out that a wider framework

should be consider, including more context-base approaches. In this line of research, it has

been proved that this model can be applied to any organization, unit of analysis or region

(Scupola, 2003; Tornatzky & Fleischer, 1990).

- insert figure 1 about here -

Both innovation and marketing literatures emphasises the importance of technological,

environment and organizational characteristic in the adoption and use of any technological-

driven feature, as Internet. Thus, when operationalizing the elements, the research items

relied in previous investigations carried out in the last decade. The technology-organization-

environment model of Tornatzky and Fleischer (1990) has been use to explain intra- and

inter-organizational factors that influence adoption of any ICT, and therefore is our starting

point of analysis.

Technological Context

According to Kuan and Chau (2001) the technological context includes both internal and

external technologies of the firm. In terms of internal technological context, there are several

studies that emphasized how prior IT investments and practices influence the adopting of new

technological features. Tornatzky and Fleischer (1990) list it as one of the key aspects of a

firm’s adoption decision in their framework. Other works also found that IT investments can

also capture organizational differences in terms of Internet adoption process (see, Bresnahan

& Greenstein, 1996; Forman, 2005), especially IT sophistication, also known as

technological readiness (Chwelos et al. 2001; Iacovou et al. 1995). These last authors

suggested that the level of IT sophistication and employees’ skills or knowledge affects the

adoption of features such as e-business.

The works of Kuan and Chau (2001) and Zhu et al. (2003) reinforce these ideas and consider

that firm’s IT infrastructure, IT expertise and e-business know-how can be a strong enabler

force in the adoption of different modes of Internet exploration.

Combining these lines of research with the works of Ainscough and Luckett (1996) and Cox

e Koelzer (2004), which pointed out the existence of different modes of exploring Internet

potentials, reflecting on the sophistication level of the website, it’s possible to assume that

sophistication is a reflex of the technological context of the firm. In accordance with the

research developed by Raymond and Paré (1992) and Colecchia et al. (2000), technological

sophistication reflects the number, mode and diversity of information technologies used by

organizations, and is a key component of IT sophistication. Thus, technological sophistication

is not only the level of investment made, but also the know-how and intangible resources

associated with the use of ICT.

Organizational Context

Xu et al. (2002) in their research refer that one of the main gaps in marketing and IT literature

is the empirical analysis of the relationship between organizational context and e-business

adoption by firms. In the IT field, research concerning the adoption of IT elements identifies

several factors of organizational nature as crucial to the success and implementation of these

elements. In 1987, Kwon and Zmud suggested that IT adoption was condition of top

management support, firm size, end user involvement, quality of IS, available resources and

main products. These findings were also endorsed by more recent literature. Kuo and Chau

(2001) suggested the definition of organizational context in terms of characteristics of a

firm’s managerial structure, size and scope, and quality and degree of its human and slack


Prior research in the diffusion of innovations literature has consistently shown a positive

relationship between organization size and adoption of Internet technologies. The works of

Charles et al. (2002) and Forman et al. (2002) conclude that the adoption of Internet

associated tools varies with establishment size, indicating smaller adoption rates of more

complex tools associated with SMEs establishments.

However, and according to the works of Oviatt and McDougall (1994), Zahra et al. (2000)

and Autio et al. (2000), the SMEs are taking clearly advantage of Internet as a size inhibitor,

and therefore an increasing number of firms are born global or becoming international only a

few years after being set up in the virtual context. Nevertheless, this line of approach adds

elements to the research, such as the importance of concrete internal resources (Knight &

Cavusgil, 2004; Madsen & Servais, 1997) and the usefulness of networks (Johanson &

Vahlne, 2003). In the field of internal resources, some researchers have attempted to address

the problem of quality of IS, end user involvement and available resources, since new

information technology often tends to change the organization of work within firms. Hubbard

(2000) found two internal benefits driven from the adoption of ICT, especially Internet: (i)

lowering agency costs; and (ii) improving resource-allocation decisions. The studies of Hitt

and Brynjolfsson (1997) and Bresnahan et al. (2002) reinforce the concept that the use of ICT

allows better decentralized decision process, improved innovative human resource practices,

and workplace investments.

External Environment

Teo et al. (2003) referred that researchers tend to presuppose that the adoption of innovations

is a rationalistic decision meant to improve technical efficiency. Nonetheless, embracing

interactive technologies to support business activities, as Internet, may be more influenced by

the institutional environment in which the firm is embedded. According to the model

presented by Tornatzky and Fleischer (1990) and Chau and Tam (1997), the external

environment or institutional environment in which firms carry out their business is noted as

been determinant, which is related to the firm’s industry and dealings with business partners,

as well as competitors, government and other stakeholders.

Hence, this study draws on a conjoint approach base on the TOE model and the institutional

theory. Taking in account the institutional theory as a model in which emphasizes is put on

the importance of institutional environments in shaping organizational actions and structure

(Scott 2001; Scott & Christensen 1995).

Considering the results of several empirical studies (Adam et al., 2002; Hofstede, 2001;

Grover et al., 1994; Aiex, 1995; Nath et al., 1998) combined with the institutional theory,

another of the elements that can be analysed is the country of origin of the firm. According to

these works the level of adoption and use of new technologies varies among countries.

However, this is not the only factor country-related that needs to be considered. The works of

Kotabe and Helsen (2004), Chan and Swatman (2000), Hofacker (2001), Palumbo and

Herbig (1998), Samiee (1998) and White (1997), among others, implied that national culture

can be determinant on diffusion and adoption of Internet. Furthermore, the theory posits that

firms become more similar and tend to adopt and use Internet as a business tool by external

pressures of country nature, as competitors, trading partners, customers and government. The

researches of Hofstede (2001), Nath et al. (1998), Aiex (1995) and Grover et al. (1994) leads

to conclude that business models and marketing practices over Internet vary with the country

of origin, due to customer behaviour and competitive national environment.

In the line with the considerations driven from Tornatzky and Fleischer (1990) study, the

industry of belonging was one of the elements consider. There are several researchers

supporting the notion that firms act differently in marketspace and marketplaces, according to

their industry of belonging (see, Barwise et al., 2002; Srinivasan et al., 2002; Lynch &

Ariely, 2000; Alba et al., 1997; Burke, 1996; Hoffman & Novak, 1996; Benjamim &

Wigand, 1995; Bakos, 1991). The difference seems to be enlarging if the dichotomy product

versus services is considered.


The primary objective of this study was to present a conceptual framework concerning the

factors influencing Internet international sales. Thus, this paper has reviewed the classic

internationalization process approaches and has pointed to some shortcomings when it is

applied to the Internet environment. In fact, theories of international business tend to see

firms developing their foreign business operations in a rather linear pattern, from purely

domestic to gradual exporting, to foreign mature investment and ultimately to full global

operations. With the digital era, some may question these ideas, arguing that, for example, the

use of a website as sales channel is in effect turning the firm immediately into a

multinational, since customers around the world are just a click away. Additionally, the effect

of the Internet on firm’s internationalization is still being explored and opportunities for

foreign sales driven from Internet are building everyday. With these considerations in mind,

we reviewed the literature regarding the Internet as an international marketspace and the

factors affecting online international sales.

Considering the different nature of internationalization that the Internet allows, we present a

model that adds to the TOE model the previous experiences of the firm, either in international

business or Internet activities, and establish that these elements combined can foster Internet

international sales. It’s our conviction that this will in turn influences firm’s future strategies

of internationalization, and help or hinder the shape and nature of the markets in which the

firm operates.

Hence, future research should investigate and test the influences of these additional variables

to better understand the usage of Internet as an internationalization path. One broad outcome

that can be predicted is that there will be increasing interdisciplinary research, especially due

to the fact that the domains of international business are becoming more complex as

globalization increases.

As a consequence richer explanations of the phenomenon are needed, consecutively

involving new insights from innovative theories and models. Embedding the boundaries of

the international business and Internet, we can find new research areas that will constantly

suffer mutations, as suggest in table 3.

The research implication is that entering foreign markets is a process that can be modified by

the adoption of Internet as a marketspace and it will be dependent on the entrant firm’s

(cap)ability to gain from its previous experience and by leveraging the technological,

organizational and external environment contexts.


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Figure 1 – Conceptual Framework

External Environment

Organizational Context

Technological Context

International SalesTrough Internet

Previous experiences

External Environment

Organizational Context

Technological Context

International SalesTrough Internet

Previous experiences

Table 1 – Summary of Relevant Electronic Markets Research

Author Theory/Model Malone et al. (1987) - Transaction cost economies

- Electronic brokerage and integration effects - Electronic Markets Hypotheses (EMH)

Bakos (1991) - Research cost economies - EMH

Clemons et al. (1993) - Economies of scale Bakos and Brynjolfsson (1993) - Technological investments

- Suppliers relationship models Hess and Kemerer (1994) - EMH Benjamin and Wigand (1995) - Transaction cost economies Bailey and Bakos (1997) - Electronic brokerage effect

- Electronic intermediation and disintermediation effects Negroponte (1997) - Electronic intermediation, disintermediation and new forms of

intermediation effects Chircu and Kauffman (1999) - Electronic intermediation, disintermediation and new forms of

intermediation effects Sen and King (2003) - Electronic intermediation, disintermediation and new forms of

intermediation effects

Table 2 – Some characteristics of the virtual markets

Close virtual market Open virtual market - Between firms (B2B) - Close access market, specific to

certain types of industries - Limit number of firms - Known and reachable partners - Security provide inside the network - Market as a club - High level of collaboration and

information sharing

- Between firms (B2B), firms and costumers (B2C; C2B) firms and other types or organizations

- Open and global access market - Unlimited number of participants - Open network, not protected - Known and unknown partners - Security and authentification needs - The Internet is a market - Low level of collaboration and

information sharing

Source: Adapted from Greiger (2003)

Table 3- Some potential areas of future research

Traditional IB field Some of the new added elements Environment

• Environmental and industry analysis • National culture differences • Resource-based-view • Political risk analysis

Environment • Technological-base advantages • Network relationships • Knowledge-base-view

Leadership and organization

• Internal coordination • Organizational structure • Corporate culture

Leadership and organization • Knowledge management • Virtual structure • Entrepreneurial characteristics

Strategy • Strategy typologies • Formulation and implementation • International diversification • Entry mode and strategic alliances • Performance implications

Strategy • Internet models • Internet born-global • E-commerce strategy • New venture strategy • Relative performance