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Submitted to the English Education Study Program of State Collage for Islamic

Studies Padangsidimpuan in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirement for Degree

of Islamic Educational Scholar (S.Pd) in English Program

Written By :


Reg. Number: 15 203 00011







First of all, let the researcher says a lot of praises and Alhamdulillah to

Allah SWT, as the best Creator of everything in the world, and as the most

Merciful who has given to the researcher the health, time, knowledge, and chance

so the researcher can accomplish her thesis entitles “Improving Vocabulary

Mastery by Using Flip Chart Media at Grade VIII Students of SMP Negeri 1

Batang Angkola”. Then, shalawat and salam upon to the prophet Muhammad

SAW that had guided the human beings from the bad character to the good one,

which has created by knowledge like this era.

It is a pleasure to acknowledge the help and contribution to all of lecturers,

institution, family and friends who have contributed in different ways hence this

thesis is processed until it becomes a complete writing. In the process of

accomplishing this thesis, I got a lot of guidance, happiness, helping, inspiration

and motivation from many people. Although, in this opportunity I would like to

express my deepest gratitude to the following people:

1. Mr. Dr. H. Fitriadi Lubis, M.Pd., as my first advisor and Mrs. Fitri Rayani

Siregar, M. Hum, as my second advisor who have guided me for finishing this

thesis, who have been the great advisor for me and gave me much ideas and

suggestions sincerely and patiently during the progress of writing this thesis.

2. Mr. Prof. Dr. H. Ibrahim Siregar, M.CL., as the Rector of IAIN


3. Mrs. Dr. Lelya Hilda, M.Si., as the Dean of Tarbiyah and Teacher Training


4. Mrs. Fitri Rayani Siregar, M.Hum., as the Chief of English Education

Department who always supports me and also all of her students in

finishing the thesis and always be patient in facing our problem. All

lecturers and all the cavities academic of IAIN Padangsidimpuan who had

given so much knowledge and helped during I studied in this institute.

IAIN Padangsidimpuan librarian (Mr. Yusri Fahmi, S.Ag.,,S.S.,M.Hum) for

their cooperative and permission to use their books.

5. Headmaster, English teacher and students of SMP Negeri 1 Batang

Angkola who helped me to complete my research.

6. My parents ( Yatemin and Manir ) who taught me how to survive in leading

the life and always be patient and sincereto guard, support, motivate, pray

for me in all of conditions, my best young brothers ( Joko Sulistio and

Arman Diansyah) who always give much love and gave me motivation in

my daily life.

7. Thanks to my best friends (Lenni Lubis, Siska Adelina Dalimunthe, Fitri

Juwita and Nurhayani) and all of my friends in TBI-2 that I can’t mention

who was patience and care to support me from starting until finishing my


I realize this thesis can’t be considered perfect without critiques and

seggestions. Therefore, it is such a pleasure for me to get critiques and

suggestions from the readers to make this thesis better.

Padangsidimpuan, 2020



Reg. No. 15 203 00011


Name : MURNI

Reg. No : 15 203 00011

Faculty : Tarbiyah and Teacher Training Faculty

Department : English Education (TBI-2)

Title of Thesis : Improving Vocabulary Mastery by Using Flip Chart

Media at Grade VIII of SMP Negeri 1 Batang Angkola.


This research discussed about improving students vocabulary mastery by

using flip chart media at grade VIII-B students of SMP Negeri 1 Batang Angkola.

The problems of this research were students only used conventional teaching

(lecturer method) in learning process, as a result students were lazy and feel

boring when they are asked to memorized the vocabulary and students were lack

of motivation in vocabulary. So, it made students difficult to get high score in

vocabulary. The purpose of the research was to examine the extent of flip chart

media it improves students vocabulary mastery at grade VIII-B of SMP Negeri 1

Batang Angkola or not.

This research was a classroom action research by implementing the

Kemmis and mc Taggart design which consisted four steps; They were planning,

acting, observing, and reflecting. In this research, the researcher used two cycles

and each cycle consisted of two meeting. In addition, the participants of this

research were the class of VIII-B which consisted of 31 students and also there

was collaboration with an English Teacher. Meanwhile, the data were derived

among from quantitative (mean score of students’ vocabulary tests), and

qualitative (observation notes and interview).

The result of the research showed the improvement mean score of the

students. The first test in the first cycle was 70.12 (22. 58%) and second test in the

second cycle was 86.32 (90.32%). It can be concluded that the mean score in the

second cycle was higher than the first cycle. Based on observation notes stated

that the students got improvement and the students were more active and

interested in learning vocabulary mastery. Related to the interview result, it could

be known that students vocabulary mastery had improved. It asserted that flip

chart media can improve students vocabulary mastery at grade VIII-B students of

SMP Negeri 1 Batang Angkola.

Key Word: Flip Chart Media, Vocabulary


Name : MURNI

Reg. No : 15 203 00011

Faculty : Tarbiyah and Teacher Training Faculty

Department : English Education (TBI-2)

Title of Thesis : Improving Vocabulary Mastery by Using Flip Chart

Media at Grade VIII of SMP Negeri 1 Batang Angkola.


Penelitian ini membahas tentang peningkatan penguasaan kosakata dengan

menggunakan flip chart pada siswa kelas VIII-B SMP Negeri 1 Batang Angkola.

Permasalahan dalam penelitian ini adalah siswa-siswa hanya menggunakan

metode penagajaran (ceramah) dalam proses pembelajaran, akibatnya siswa malas

dan merasa bosan ketika mereka diminta menghafal kosa kata dan siswa kurang

motivasi dalam kosa kata. Sehingga, itu membuat siswa sulit untuk mendapatkan

skor tinggi dalam kosa kata. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk menguji

sejauh mana media flip chart meningkatkan penguasaan kosakata siswa di kelas

VIII-B SMP Negeri 1 Batang Angkola atau tidak.

Penelitian ini adalah penelitian tindakan kelas dengan

mengimplementasikan desain Kemmis dan mc Taggart yang terdiri dari empat

langkah; perencanaan, tindakan, pengamatan, dan refleksi. Penelitian ini, peneliti

menggunakan 2 siklus dan setiap siklus terdiri dari 2 pertemuan. Selain itu,

jumlah siswa di peneitian ini di kelas VIII-B yang terdiri dari 31 siswa dan

kolaborasi dengan guru bahasa Inggris. Sementara itu, data diambil dari

kuantitatif (skor rata-rata tes kosakata siswa), dan kualitative (observasi dan


Hasil dari penelitian menunjukan peningkatan nilai rata-rata siswa. Tes

pertama di siklus pertama adalah 70.12 (22. 58%) dan tes kedua di siklus kedua

adalah 86.32 (90.32%). Dapat disimpulkan bahwa nilai rata-rata di siklus kedua

lebi tinggi dari siklus pertama. Berdasarkan observasi catatan menyatakan bahwa

siswa memperoleh peningkatan dan siswa lebih active dan tertarik untuk belajar

penguasaan kosakata. Terkait dengan hasil wawancara, dapat diketahui

penguasaan kosakata siswa telah membaik. Dapat ditegaskan bahwa flip chart

dapat meningkatkan penguasaan kosakata siswa kelas VIII-B SMP Negeri 1

Batang Angkola.

Kata Kunci: Media Flip Chart, Kosakata




INSIDE TITLE COVER .................................................................................................... i

LEGALIZATION ADVISOR SHEET ............................................................................. ii

AGREEMENT ADVISOR SHEET .................................................................................. iii

DECLARATION OF SELF THESIS COMPLETION .................................................. iv


CIVITY ............................................................................................................................... v

SCHOLAR MUNAQOSAH EXAMINATION ............................................................... vi


TRAINING FACULTY ..................................................................................................... vii

ABSTRACT ........................................................................................................................ viii

ACKNOWLEDGEMENT ................................................................................................. ix

TABLE OF CONTENTS .................................................................................................... x

LIST OF TABLES .............................................................................................................. xi

LIST OF FIGURES ............................................................................................................ xii

LIST OF APPENDICES .................................................................................................... xiii


A. Background of the Problem ................................................................... 1

B. Identification of the Problem ................................................................. 4

C. Limitation of the Problem ...................................................................... 4

D. Formulation of the Problem ................................................................... 5

E. Aim of the Research ............................................................................... 5

F. Significances of the Research ................................................................ 5

G. Definition of the Terminologies ............................................................. 6

H. The Indicator of Action .......................................................................... 6

I. Thesis Outlines ....................................................................................... 8


A. Theoretical Description ........................................................................ 9

1. Vocabulary .................................................................................... 9

a. Definition of Vocabulary ........................................................ 9

b. Purpose of Vocabulary ............................................................ 10

c. Kinds of Vocabulary ............................................................... 11

d. Roles of vocabulary ................................................................. 12

e. Choosy of Vocabulary ............................................................. 13

f. The material of Teaching Vocabulary ..................................... 14

2. Flip chart Media ............................................................................ 17

a. Definition of flip chart ............................................................ 17

b. Purpose of flip chart media ..................................................... 18

c. Procedure of flip chart media .................................................. 19

d. Advantages and disadvantages of flip chart media ................. 20

e. Teaching vocabulary by using flip chart media ...................... 21

B. Review of Related Finding ................................................................... 24


C. Conceptual Framework ......................................................................... 25

D. Hypothesis of the Action ...................................................................... 27


A. Place and Time of the Research ........................................................ 28

B. Research Design ................................................................................ 28

C. The Participant of the Research ......................................................... 31

D. Instrument of Collecting Data ........................................................... 31

E. Procedures for Classroom Action Research ...................................... 34

1. Action Research in Cycle 1 ......................................................... 34

a. The First Meeting .................................................................. 34

b. The Second Meeting .............................................................. 36

2. Action Research Cycle 2 ............................................................. 37

a. The Third Meeting ................................................................. 37

b. The Fourth Meeting ............................................................... 39

F. Technique of Analysis Data .............................................................. 40


A. Data Description .................................................................................. 44

1. First Cycle ..................................................................................... 44

2. Second cycle .................................................................................. 54

B. Comparison Result and Action ........................................................... 60

C. Discussion of the Research Finding .................................................... 67

D. The threats of Research ....................................................................... 68


A. The Conclusion .................................................................................... 70

B. The Suggestion ..................................................................................... 71







Table 1 Table of Teaching Vocabulary by Using Flip Chart Media ................................. 23

Table 2 Indicators of Students’ Vocabulary Mastery ....................................................... 32

Table 3 The Category Standard Score’ Students .............................................................. 42

Table 4 The Classification Quality of Students’ Score ..................................................... 42

Table 5 Problem and Solution of External Factors in Cycle 1 ......................................... 48

Table 6 Students’ Score Test in Cycle 1 .......................................................................... 50

Table 7 Frequency Distribution of Vocabulary Mastery ................................................. 51

Table 8 Students’ Score Test in Cycle 2 .......................................................................... 57

Table 9 Frequency Distribution of Vocabulary Mastery In Cycle ................................... 58

Table 10 Comparison of Students’ Vocabulary Mastery in Cycle 1 and Cycle 2 .............. 63

Table 11 Students Mean Score Vocabulary Mastery in Cycle 1 and Cycle 2 .................... 64




Picture 1 First key word to answer the first exercise .......................................................... 16

Picture 2 Second key word to answer the first exercise ...................................................... 17

Picture 3 First Exercise ........................................................................................................ 17

Figure 1 Framework of Classroom Action Research .......................................................... 27

Figure 2 Illustrates the Spiral Model of Action Research Proposed

by Kemmis And Mc Taggart ............................................................................... 30

Figure 3 The Histogram of Vocabulary Mastery Data in Cycle 1 ....................................... 52

Figure 4 The histogram of Vocabulary Mastery Data in Cycle 2 ....................................... 59

Figure 5 Improvement of Students’ Indicator Vocabulary Mastery in ............................... 65

Cycle 1 and Cycle 2

Figure 6 The Comparison Mean Score of students’ Vocabulary

Mastery in Cycle 1 and Cycle 2 ........................................................................... 66



Appendix 1 : Lesson Plan I

Appendix 2 : First Test

Appendix 3 : Lesson Plan II

Appendix 4 : Second Test

Appendix 5 : List of Interview in Cycle I

Appendix 6 : List of Interview in Cycle 2

Appendix 7 : List of Students’ Observation in Cycle 1

Appendix 8 : List of Students’ Observation in Cycle 2

Appendix 9 : List of Teacher’ Observation in Cycle 1

Appendix 10 : List of Teacher’ Observation in Cycle 2

Appendix 11 : Students’ Vocabulary Mastery Score in First Test (First


Appendix 12 : Students’ Vocabulary Mastery Score in Second Test

(Second Test)

Appendix 13 : Frequency Distribution of Vocabulary in First Cycle

Appendix 14 : Frequency Distribution of Vocabulary in Second Cycle

Appendix 15 : Documentations




A. Background of the Problems

English as the international is an interesting subject to be learned by many

people especially who really wants to master English. English has become an

important thing as a way to be success in many aspects of our life such as

relationship among countries, social cultural process, education career

development for people. The people learning English with the aim that Indonesia

people can communicate with other overseas by using international language.

In 2013 curriculum, English is important subject because students in junior

high school up to the senior high school obligated to learn it. It is considered as

one of compulsory subject in junior high school up to senior high school level.

English is one of subject that must be based on educational curriculum.

In teaching and learning process, they are many materials of English

teaching. They are listening skill, speaking skill, reading skill, and writing skill.

Besides that is another aspect in material of English teaching is vocabulary.

Teaching vocabulary is very important in junior high school.

Vocabulary is all the words in language list of words in lesson or books,

all the word that one person knows and vocabulary is the knowledge of meanings

of words. vocabulary is a core component of language proficiency and provides

much of the basis for how well learners speak, listen, read, and write

The important of vocabulary as a support or as a tool for communication

with another people. Vocabulary can make easier to understand what the people’s


speech or writing and easier to be able to express the contents of the mind,

without vocabulary anyone will get trouble in her listening, speaking, reading and

writing. They are also can not communicate effectively.

There some effort that has been done. First, the government changed the

curriculum based on KTSP become K13 . It hope the students can develop full

their potential especially English lesson. The second, school prepare learning

facilities to guide the teacher to effective in learning process. It can make the

teacher more easier to teach the students in class. The third, English teacher must

use media to make the students more understand the material. It can make the

students higher enthusiasm in learning and active in classroom. Students do not

get bored in learning English, especially vocabulary.

Condition of English vocabulary mastery in seventh students of SMP

Negeri 1 Batang Angkola is poor. Based on with the teacher in SMP Negeri 1

Batang Angkola.

The teacher said that students’ low ability in mastering English and

vocabulary, it is one factor to determine their English skill. However most

of the students are lack of the vocabulary. Students also do not understand

how to pronoun word correctly and meaning. It makes them difficult to

mastering English. The second the teacher said that students are not

interastin studying English and students have low motivation, when the

teacher gave exercise or material in classroom.1

1Nurbaina siregar, English Teacher at Grade VIII of SMP N 1 Batang Angkola, Private

Interview, (SMP N 1 Batang Angkola: November 05-2019 at 09.35).


The researcher also interviewed some of students in seventh students of

SMP Negeri 1 Batang Angkola.

First, he is Reno Alfando. He said, English teacher taught the lesson not

use media but only asked them to open book and dictionary. That make he

felt bored the lesson.2 Next, did to Reno Fitri Wulandari . She said, she

does not interest with to vocabulary because English teacher gave them

much vocabulary that made them bored to study English.3 The last, Novi

Fitria. She said can not to remember about vocabulary and practice.4

Based on interview at school, the researcher made conclusion the problem

is the students felt boring in learning vocabulary, because their teacher do not use

media in teaching vocabulary. Students only opening the dictionary technique in

finding out new vocabulary. So that, students need media to improve their spirit

and motivation. By using media, the students will be happy learning vocabulary

with use flip chart than book and dictionary.

The factors of improving vocabulary are listening ability, speaking ability,

students interest, psychological such as (motivation, courage and culture), and

media. Media is a teaching and learning tool. It can be used to stimulate thoughts,

feelings, concerns and abilities or skills of learners so as to facilitate the process of


Flip chart is one of the media that used in teaching learning process. It will

challenge the student’s to be creative in the classroom. Flip chart is a sheets of

2Reno Alfarido, Interview, Tuesday 05 November 2019, 10.00 a.m

3Reno Fitri Wulandari, Interview, Tuesday 05 November 2019, 10.15a.m

4Novi Fitriani, Interview, Tuesday 05 November 2019, 10.25 a.m.


paper resembling a calendar measuring 50x75 cm or a smaller size 21x28 cm as a

flipbook arranged in a sequence that is tied to the top.

The role of flip chart media in improve teaching vocabulary to motivate

the student to learn and develop their vocabulary. It also help the teacher in the

learning process in class. Flip charts greatly facilitate teachers’ teaching and

effectiveness. So that the material delivered can be well absorbed by all students.

Based on above explanation. The researcher wants to do a research the

tittle “Improving Vocabulary By Using Flip Chart Media VIII Students of

SMP Negeri 1 Batang Angkola”.

B. Identification of the Problem

Based on the background of the problem above, the problem this research can

be formulation as the following:

1. The teacher does not have the appropriate media in teaching English

learning process.

2. Students does not understand how to use vocabulary

3. Students missing lack motivation

C. Focus of the Problem

As mentioned above, there are factors that influence of students’

vocabulary mastery are listening ability, speaking ability, students interest,

psychological such as (motivation, courage and culture), and media.

In this research the researcher wants to make a study about how to teach

vocabulary for students in junior high school with the media. There are many

medias that can be used in teaching vocabulary as mention above, but the


researcher does not discuss all of the media. Researcher discusses only one media

namely flip chart media.

There some reason why the researcher choose the flip chart. First flip chart

is a simple media can be used to teach inside or outside the room. Second, it is

easy to present learning messages in a concise and practical manner. Third, it

make the students can remember the new vocabulary easily, and the last flip chart

can to make students activities in the classroom.

D. Formulation of the Problem

Based on limitation of the problem mentioned above, the researcher

formulation the problem is “to what extend flip chart media can improve

vocabulary mastery at grade VIII students of SMP N 1 Batang Angkola ?

E. Aim of the Research

Based on the formulation of the problem above, the aim of the research to

find whether flip chart media can improve the vocabulary mastery at grade VIII

students of SMP Negeri 1 Batang Angkola or not.

F. The Significances of the Research

The result of the research expected to be useful for:

1. For headmaster to develop and encourage English teacher to teach English

well and to improve science especially about vocabulary by using flip

chart at grade VIII students of SMP Negeri 1 Batang Angkola.

2. For English teacher as information to improve the quality of teaching

vocabulary by using flip chart at grade VIII students of SMP Negeri 1

Batang Angkola.


3. Further to help the other researcher who is conduct further research in the

same topic.

G. The Indicator of Action

Action research is any systematic inquiry conduct by teachers’ researchers,

principals, school counselor or other stakeholders in the teaching learning

environment to gather information about the ways that their particular school

operate how they teach, and how well their students learn. This information was

gathered with the goals of gaining insight, developing reflective practice, effecting

positive changes in the school environment out comes and the lives of those


Action means the activities that will be done. The researcher make the

teaching program; lesson plan about flip chart that use to teach vocabulary to

improve students’ vocabulary mastery until the end of the actions. In this research,

the researcher collaborate with the teacher to be a team work who work together

to solve the students’ problem in increasing students’ vocabulary mastery.

H. Defenition of the Terminologies

1. Improving

Improving is a verb that has made something or became better. Than,

improving is going through better work to reach something. Improving

consist of three steps, doing work in a simple way, doing a work in a different

way but in a correct manner and doing a work in a different way with a great

quality and correctly. Crossing these in a step by step process is called



2. Student

Student is a person who need knowledge. It is the person who studied in

SMP Negeri 1 Batang Angkola.

3. Vocabulary

Vocabulary is all words in particular language and the words that people

use when they are talking about a particular subject. All word sure the basic

of language. It is used for communication or expression, in particular art or

skill. Vocabulary is more that a list of target language of words. Then

vocabulary is the stock of words on which people can draw in expressing

yourself. Most of us do not use nearly as many words in speaking or writing

as we recognize or understand when hear or see.Vocabulary is all words that

people use and express in four language skills; speaking, listening, reading

and writing. Vocabulary so important to know all around life and know all

Allah SWT give for life in the world.

4. Mastery

It is states on oxford advance learner dictionary by Hornby that mastery is

a complete knowledge or great skills. While in indonesian dictionary it is

stated that mastery is comprehension or capability to use knowledge or

skill.Thomas Nelson says “Mastery is the power or authority at a master,

power to understand or skill manager”.

Based on those definitions above, the researcher concluded that mastery

is great skill of people to understand, skill to manage or complete knowledge

in education.


I. Thesis Outline

Fundamentally, the formation of this research can be divided into five

chapters. Moreover, every chapter consist of sub chapters with detail as follow:

Chapter I, it consist of; background of the problem, the identification of

the problem, the limitation of the problem, the formulation of the problem,

purpose and significances of the research, the definition of terminologies, and the

last indicator of action.

Chapter II, it consist of; theoretical descriptions, which explain about

vocabulary, flip chart, related finding, conceptual framework and hypothesis of


Chapter III, it consist of; research methodology, and it consist of location

and time of the research, research design; the participants of the research. The

instrument of collecting data; are test, observation and interview uses to collect

the data and procedure of classroom action research, and technique of analyzing


Chapter IV, it consist of; the result of the research. The result of the

research consist of the description of the data, comparing the action result and last

analyzing the research result.

Chapter V, it consist of; conclusion, and suggestion.




A. Theoretical Description

1. Vocabulary Mastery

a. Definition of Vocabulary

In general vocabulary is one aspect should be owned by every

student’s to make them understand and master in English vocabulary.

Vocabulary is important part of the language. People can not understand

something without knowing the meaning first and it can be constructed

from knowing word by word. According to Jack C. Richard and Willy A.

Renandya, “vocabulary is a core component of language proficiency and

provides much of the basis for how well learners speak, listen, read, and

write”.1 It means vocabulary is important to make learner good in speak,

listen, read and write.

Based on Howard Jackson says “vocabulary is a representative

collection of the words that exist in English language”.2 Penny Ur also

defined vocabulary as the words we teach in foreign language.3 It means

vocabulary is a stock of words in a language, written or spoken, with

meaning that considered as cultural meaning used by group or individual


1 Jack C.Richard and Willy A. Renandya, Methodology in Language Teaching and

Anthology of Current Practice (USA: Cambridge University Press, 2000), p.225. 2Howard Jackson, Meaning Abd Vocabulary (London: Casell, 2000), 118.

3Penny Ur, A Course in Language Teaching (United Kingdom: University Press, 2000),



In specific based on curriculum 2013 in junior high school

vocabulary is list of word in English book that must be learned by every

students. The vocabulary include the name of things in the market, the

name of things in the building, and the name of transportation. It can help

students to have sufficient vocabulary for communicate verbally and

writing.4 It means vocabulary is very important for junior high school,

because vocabulary can help students to easy in communicate well.

Based on explanation above, it can be concluded that vocabulary is

of a large collection of items that are used to help the students to be easy in

communicate verbally and writing.

b. Purpose of vocabulary

In general purpose of vocabulary is often views as a critical tool for

second language learners because a limited vocabulary in a second

language impedes successful communication. Underscoring the

importance of vocabulary acquisition, Schmitt emphasizes that “lexical

knowledge is central to communicative competence and to the acquisition

of a second language”.5 It means vocabulary is important to students. It

more important than grammar for communication purpose, particular in

early stages when students are motivated to learn the basic words they

need to get by in language.

4Masdwjanto, Standar Kompetensi dan Kompetensi Dasar SMP/MTs, (Jakarta: Bandar

Standar Nasional Pendidikan, 2006), p.123. 5Schmit, Vocabulary in Language Teaching (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press,

2000), p.55.


In specific purpose of vocabulary based on curriculum 2013 in

junior high school is to increase students vocabulary mastery, to

identifying a meaning of word in the text, to understand the function,

structure, and linguistic elements of the text to state and ask for the name

of things in the market, the name of things in the building, and the name of

transportation to develop communication competencies in oral and written

forms to achieve functional literacy levels.6 It means vocabulary is

important for students to comprehend four skill such as listening,

speaking, reading and writing.

c. Kinds of Vocabulary

According to Thombury in Harmer that there are two kinds of

vocabulary, they are: receptive vocabulary or passive vocabulary and

productive vocabulary or active vocabulary.7

The further explanation is:

1) Receptive vocabulary or passive vocabulary

Receptive vocabulary can be understood only through

listening and reading. Someone doesn’t need to know much

about the receptive vocabulary because it is impossible for

someone rarely uses the receptive vocabulary and it is

impossible for someone to memorize all the vocabularies of a

6 Yuli Rulani Khatimah Siti Wachidah, Asep Gunawan, Diyantari, Buku Guru Bahasa

Inggris When English Rings a Bell (Jakarta: Balitbang Kemendikbud, 2017), P. 75-86. 7Jeremy Harmer, The Practice of English Language Teaching (England: Longman, 2000),



certain language but someone can understand the ideas of the

utterance contextually not word by word.

2) Productive vocabulary or active vocabulary

Productive vocabulary involves of knowing how to

pronounce the word, how to write and spell it. How to use it

incorrect grammatical patterns along with the words that

usually collocate with.8

Based on the statement above the researcher takes conclusion that

kinds of vocabulary; An active vocabulary refers to the words students

should using in speaking and writing, and passive vocabulary means

words they need only to comprehend especially in reading and listening.

d. Roles of vocabulary

Vocabulary has an important role in the language learning. As a

linguist David Wilkins in Thornbury stated that “without grammar very

little can be conveyed, without vocabulary nothing can be conveyed”.9

Bromley states that vocabulary holds some importance roles in teaching

learning process. They are; Promoting fluency, Boosting comprehension,

Improving achievement and Enhancing thinking and communication.10


means vocabulary very important in the world to communicate.

Based on explanations above researcher concludes; first, the role of

vocabulary is very important to be able to use the language productively.

8Jeremy Harmer, 159.

9Thormbury, How To Teach Vocabulary (London: Longman, 2004), P.73.

10Broemly, The Language and Literacy Spectrum (New York: The New York State,

2004), p.65.


Second, role of vocabulary is not only for communicating orally, but also in

written form and to master the language skills someone needs to master the

vocabulary first. Third, role of vocabulary is students will be able to

improve achievement and enhance communication if students can master

vocabulary well.

e. Choosing Vocabulary

Vocabulary consists of the words we understand when we hear or

read them (receptive vocabulary) and words we speak or write (expressive

vocabulary). We build vocabulary by picking up words that we read or

hear a variety of words is important for language development and reading


Richards in Kamilah Siswati stated that;

1) Coverage or range of contexts where the word can be found.

2) Convenience or how easy a word is learned.

3) Familiarity, meaning the word is often found, meaningful and


Hamer in Kamilah Siswati stated that;

1) At the junior high school, the word concrete is usually taught

before the abstract word. Such as the word window, door, are

taught first than abstract words like sad, happy and wind.

2) Words that often appear or are often used according to students’



3) The context in which the vocabulary emerges is also important to


4) Exercises related to words that have been learned are proven to

help students’ memory and assignments such as changing the

form from adjective to noun, adverb or vice versa will be highly

recommended given to students.11

Based on explanation above, the researcher concluded choosing

vocabulary for junior high school is begin from the concrete words like apple,

chair, table and not begin from the abstract words like wind, air, sad and

happy. After that, the students will be easy to learn the concrete word, because

the students can touch and hold the thing.

f. The Material of Teaching Vocabulary

There are some materials in vocabulary teaching. Based on explanation

above there are some kinds of vocabulary, such as receptive vocabulary and

productive vocabulary. So, the English learner can learn or understand

vocabulary while listening to a spoken or reading a passage and produce it

when do speaking or writing.

The book used in SMP Negeri 1 Batang Angkola is “Bahasa Inggris

When English Rings A Bell”. It divide into thirteen chapters, they are; chapter I

it’s English time, chapter II we can do it, and we will do it, chapter III we

know what to do, chapter IV come to my birthday please, chapter V I’m so

happy for you, chapter VI our busy roads, things and transportation, chapter


Kamilah Siswati, “Efectivitas Model Pembelajaran Penguasan Kosa Kata”

(Pascasarjana UMP, 2012), P. 19-21,


VII my uncle is zookeepers, chapter VIII what are you doing, chapter IX

binger is not always better, chapter X when I was a child, chapter XI yes we

made it, chapter XII don’t forget it please, chapter XIII we got a lot of


From those material, the researcher did not talk about all topic. The

researcher only focused on chapter VI with sub topic Our busy road. This

topic talked about things and transportation. The vocabulary in this topic olso

include into speaking not only as a especially vocabulary lesson.

In this research, to know the students’ vocabulary mastery, researcher

limited the materials of vocabulary into things around people in the roads

topic, like; things in the market, things in the building and transportation. It

was take from their English book, as seen in the picture.

Picture 1: First Topic 13


Siti Wachidah, Asep Gunawan, Diyantari, Buku Guru Bahasa Inggris When English

Rings A Bell, P.75-86. 13

Diyantari, Yuli Rulani Khatimah, dan Siti Wachidah, Asep Gunawan, When English

Rings A Bell, ke-2 (Jakarta: Kementrian Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan, 2017), p. 75.


Picture 1: First key word to answer the first exercise

Picture 2: Second key word to answer the first exercise


Working with your group, write down the things that many

roads busy and not safe based on page 77-78. Read page 77-78 to

help you answer the question?

Picture 3: First Exercise

2. Flip Chart Media

a. Definition of Flip Chart

Flip chart is one of the media that used in teaching learning

process. It will challenge the student’s to be creative in the classroom. Flip

chart is a sheet of paper resembling a calendar measuring 50x75 cm or a

smaller size 21x28 cm as a flipbook arranged in a sequence that is tied to

the top. Flip chart can be used as a medium to deliver learning messages.14

It means that flip chart not only know what the students learn but can

make the students creative in the class.


Tejo Nurseto, “Membuat Media Pembelajaran Yang Menarik” 8, no. 1 (2011): 25,


The students know how to use a word in English context. It is easy

processes to teach and learn will be happy get vocabulary. Flash card and

flip chart are a piece of paper that contains images or certain writings that

can be utilized in developing vocabulary learning.15

It means that flip chart

not only to showing picture but flip chart can be used to development of


From the explanation of the theory above it can be concluded that

flip chart are sheets of the same size bound to one well so that they are

cleaner and better so that it is easier for students to understand and is one

of the effective media for learning.

b. Purpose of flip chart media

Flip chart media is a visual form that is included in the type of

chart or card that can be used in the development of vocabulary. Besides

that, flip chart media also have some purpose in learning process. They


1) Clarify the message so as not to be too verbalistic

2) To overcome, space, time energy and sense power

3) To arouse learning, more direct interaction between students and

learning resources.

4) Enable children to learn independently according to their talents

and abilities.

5) To provide stimulation.16

Based on explanation above, flip chart is one of media in learning

process. It has purpose, they are to clarify the message so as not to be too


Aminatuz Zuhriyyah, “Pengembangan Media Pembelajaran Flash Card Ipa Pada Anak

Tunarungu Kelas VII SMPLB” (Universitas Islam Negeri Raden Intan Lampung, 2017), P.35, 16

Rudi Susilana dan Cepi Riyana, Media Pembelajaran (Bandung: Cv Wacana Prima,

2009), P.9.


verbalistic, it to arouse learning more direct interaction between students

and learning resources and to provide stimulate.

c. Procedures of Flip Chart Media

Flip chart media is one of media that can be used in teaching

learning. Flip chart is a sheets of paper resembling a calendar measuring

50x75 cm or a smaller size 21x28 cm as a flipbook arranged in a sequence

that is tied to the top. Flip chart can be used as a medium to deliver learning

messages. It will be make students active in learning process. Flip chart

media has some procedure in teaching process.According Indriana as


1) In this case the teacher needs to master the learning card well

have the skills to use the media. To expedite doing in repeatedly

even though it is not directly in front of students prepare

material and tools that may be needed.

2) The right determination is to pay attention to the appearance

position or in such a way that in can be seen both by all students

in the classroom.

3) Students arrangements for better result.

4) Introduce the subject matter, namely the material presented first

introduced at the beginning of the lesson. Ways that can be done

for example by telling stories or linking learning to events that

occur in the environment.

5) Present the picture after entering the material, star showing

sheets of flip card and provide sufficient information. Use

simple language hat is easy for students to understand.

6) Give students the opportunity to ask, the teacher should be able

to provide stimulation so students want to ask questions.

7) Concluding material that is conclusion not necessarily by the

teacher but instead students must conclude the material

reinforced by the teacher.17


Desi Eka Pratiwi and Mulyani, “Penerapan Media Papan Balik ( Flipchart ) Pada

Pembelajaran Tematik Untuk Meningkatkan Hasil Belajar Siswa Sekolah Dasar,” Jpgsd 1, no. 2

(2013): p.4-5,


Based on the above procedure, flip chart media can be used with

follow the procedure from one until seven for learning process in the class.

So that, with follow the procedure one until seven would be help the

teacher and students more active in class.

d. Advantages and Disadvantages of Flip Chart

Flip chart is one of the media that use in teaching learning process.

It will challenge the students’ to be creative in the classroom. Every media

has their own advantages or disadvantages for use.

There are some advantages in using flip chart as learning media according

to Susilana:

1) To able present learning messages in a concise and practical


2) Flip chart can be used in any learning method

3) Can be used inside or outside the room

4) Relatively inexpensive manufacture materials

5) Easy to carry

6) Increase children’s learning activities and motivation.18

Correspondingly, flip chart also motivation students because it

facilities students in vocabulary achievement. This interesting learning

activity of course can motivate the students in learning. So, it students can

guideline to vocabulary achievement in right spelling for specific


Meanwhile, like as another media flip chart also has disadvantages,

as follows:

1) Difficult to read because of the limitations of writing

2) Usually flip chart paper can only be used for onetime


Pratiwi and Mulyani, p.4-5.


3) Not suitable for learning in large groups

4) Not durable because the basic material for making flip chart is


The conclusion of disadvantages using flip chart such as; difficult

to read because of the limitations of writing, not suitable for learning in

large groups, only used for onetime, and not durable.

e. Teaching Vocabulary by Using Flip Chart Media

The use of flip chart media in teaching vocabulary to help the

teacher and the students in the learning process. There are some activities

in teaching vocabulary with flip chart which can be applied in the

classroom. Activities for using flip chart. They are:

1) Pre-Teaching

The process in pre-teaching; first, teacher come in to

the class and open the class. Second, teacher ask the students

to pray based on their belief. Third, teacher cheeks students

attendance. Fourth, teacher asked the last material and teacher

asked the students to open book the next lesson.

2) While-Teaching

This activity to make the students easy in teaching

vocabulary mastery as follows; first, the teacher introduce the

subject matter. Second, the teacher shows the picture after

entering the material, start showing sheets of flip chart. Third,

teacher ask the students to say what the students see the


Desi Eka Pratiwi and Mulyani,… p. 4-5.


material based on flip chart media about. Fourth, teacher ask

the students to make the other example from the material

based on flip chart until their understood. Fifth, teacher give

students the opportunity to ask about the material. Sixth,

teacher give task to the students. Seventh, teacher gives

responds to the entries made by students. Eight, teacher collect

the students’ work.

3) Post-Teaching

Teacher gives feedback, asked the students about what

they do not understand and summarize the lesson about the

lesson. The teacher also asked the students to conclude the

lesson. The activities as follow:

First, teacher give feedback to the teaching process.

Second, teacher and students conclude the lesson. Third,

teacher gives the students homework. Fourth, teacher informs

the next material and the last teacher close the class.

Table 1

Teaching Vocabulary Using Flip Chart Media

No Learning


Teacher Activities Procedure Students Activities

1 Pre-


1.Teacher come in

to the class and

open he class.

2.Teacher prepare

the media in

learning process.

1.Prepare yourself, in

this case the teacher

needs to master the

learning chart well

have the skills to use

the media. To expedite

doing in repeatedly

even though is not

directly in front of

students prepare

material and tools that

may be need.

1.Students sit on the


2.Pray based on their


3.Listen and pay


4.Students full

attention the teacher.

2 While-

teaching Observing

1.Teacher prepare

the position of

2.The right

determination is to

pay attention to the

1.The students pay

attention to the



flip chart media,

in order can be

seen by all


appearance position or

in such a way that in

can be seen both by all

students in the


2. the students make

good position, in

order can be looked

the flip chart media


1.The teacher ask

students to make

the group


arrangements for

better result

1.The students listen

the teacher.

2.The student do what

the teacher say

3. The student make

the group.


1. The teacher

explain the


2. Teacher ask the

students to say

what the students

see the material

based on flip

chart media


4.Introduce the subject

matter, namely the

material presented

first introduced at the

beginning of the

lesson. Ways that can

be done for example

by telling stories or

linking leaning to

events that occur in

the environment

1.Students listen



2.The students do

what the teacher

ask to them.

3.The students one by

one say what they

look based on the

flip chart media.


1. Teacher showing

the flip charts

with the

explanation based

on material.

5.Present the picture

after entering the

material, star

showing sheets of

flip chart and provide


information. Use

simple language hat

is easy for students to


1.Student pay

attention to the



2.The students write

down the important

point from the


3.The students make

the other example

based on material.

4.The students tell

their other example

based on the

material one by



1.Teacher give

chance to the

student to asking

some question

6.Give the students

opportunity to ask,

the teacher should be

able to provide

stimulation so

students want to ask


1.Student ask to the

teacher about the

material that have

not their


2.students write down

the conclusion

based on material.

3.the students stand in

front of their chair

and tell the

conclusion from the


3 Post-


1.Teacher gives


2.Teacher gives the



3.Teacher informs

the next material

and the last

teacher close the


7.Concluding material

that is conclusion not

necessarily by the

teacher but instead

students must

conclude the material

reinforced by the


1.Students listen to the



2.Students response to

the teacher


3. The students do their

homework in their


4. Students listen to the



5. students discuss the

next material in

outclass with their


6. The students prepare

to close the class.

B. Review of Related Findings

Based on theory study above, the researcher found some researchers

related to this research. The first the research had been done in Universitas Negeri

Yogyakarta, 2016. Her name is Zeni Sarifah. She told that cards can improve

students vocabulary mastery through the use of vocabulary cards. 20

The second the research had been done in University Sembilan belas,

2017. Her name is Nasmah Riyani. She told the data analysis each item showed

that 84,84%. It means that students’ perception of flip chart media in teaching

vocabulary was categorized strongly agree. 21

The third, the research had been done in University Lampung his name

Ridho Istianto. His research about Improving Students’ Vocabulary Mastery

Through Word Wall.22

He told that word wall may give positive effect in

improving students’ vocabulary mastery so that Word Wall can be recommended

as an alternative on in teaching vocabulary.

The fourth, Umaria Nur Aini has done a research by the title Using Flip

Charts To Improve Students’ Ability In Writing Sentences at SDN 1 Mimbaan


Zeni Safirah, “Improving Vocabulary Mastery Through Vocabulary Cards of Grade VII

Students at SMP Institut Indonesia Yogyakarta in the 2015/ 2016 Academic Year” (Institut

Indonesia Yogyakarta, 2016), 21

Nasmah Riyani,"The Studentds' Perception of Flip Charts in Vocabulary at Grade VII A

of SMP Negeri 3 Poleang",( University Sembilanbelas November Kolaka, 2017). 22

Ridho Istianto, “Improving Students ’ Vocabulary Mastery Through Word Wall”

(Lampung University, 2013),


Kecamatan Panji Kabupaten Situbondo. He has conclude that the student’ ability

in writing. She has concluded then, that the study fulfilled the criteria of success.

It can be seen in the result of test in cycle 1 and cycle 2.23

From the above description, the researcher concluded that many methods

can increase the students’ vocabulary mastery. Next, the researcher hopes that

media flip chart can increase the students’ vocabulary mastery in flip chart. After

that, the researcher is interest to make the research about “Improving Vocabulary

Mastery by Using Flip Chart Media at Grade VIII Students of SMP Negeri 1

Batang Angkola”.

C. Conceptual Framework

Vocabulary is an important part of language there will be not language

without vocabulary. Vocabulary is one of the language aspects which should

vocabulary be learn. Vocabulay is important part of language to speak, write, read

and listen without vocabulary will not a language or sentence. So that, since we

can see, speak, know about we are around will there vocabulary through media we

will find vocabulary or all word of listen, look, and speak. One of media to

increase vocabulary is flip chart.

In fact, most the students were less of vocabulary mastery. It can be seen

based on interviewed. They often feel that vocabulary is difficult and teaching

method applied by teacher is boring too. Therefore, the suitable of teaching

technique is very important to increase students’ mastery in vocabulary and to

overcome the problems.


Umaria Nur Aini, “Using Flip Charts to Improve Students’ Ability in Writing

Sentences at SDN 1 Mimbaan Kecamatan Panji Kabupaten Situbondo” (Malang: State University

Malang, 2010), karya


In learning vocabulary class. First of all, the teacher introduces the flip

chart media and concept of vocabulary and with the advantages for the students.

Tell them flip chart is one of the media that use in teaching learning process. Flip

chart is a sheet of paper resembling a calendar measuring 50x75 cm or a smaller

size 21x28 cm as a flipbook arranged in a sequence that is tied to the top. So, flip

chart would be helped to improve their vocabulary. Then, present to students the

flip chart media to learning vocabulary together using teacher’s guidance. Then

ask some of them to read the word or sentence based on flip chart media. After

that, ask them to make other example from the material. Then, ask students

answer the question on worksheet.

Flip chart is a sheet of paper resembling a calendar measuring 50x75 cm or

a smaller size 21x28 cm as a flipbook arranged in a sequence that is tied to the

top. Flip chart can be used as a medium to deliver learning messages.

From some explanation above, the researcher can see some advantages by

applying this flip chart media. Students are not passive in the class but they will

be more active, they can more easy to understood about the material without

difficulties above are expected , students achievement in vocabulary mastery will

be improve well though flip chart media.


Figure 1.1Framework of Classroom Action Research

D. Hypothesis of the Action

Hypothesis is a provisional respond to the problem, proved after collecting the

data. Suharsimi says “hypothesis is a tentative answer that is needs the answer to

the problem”.24

The hypothesis is not a final answer it needs testing. So, the

hypothesis is flip chart can improve vocabulary mastery at grade VIII students of

SMP Negeri 1 Batang Angkola.


Suharsimi Arikunto, Manajemen Penelitian, (Jakarta: Rineka Cipta, 2009), p.55.


Less of Students’

Vocabulary Mastery

Improving Students’

Vocabulary Mastery



Flip Chart





A. Place and Time of the Research

This research would be conducted at SMPN 1BatangAngkola. This

school was located at Mandailing street km 18 Pintupadang. It about 17

km from the central town to the south area. There researcher choose this

school because one of quality school in Batang Angkola. The time of this

research would be done from 28th

August up to 21th

December 2019

B. Research Design

This research was designed by classroom action research (CAR).

This research was conducted to improve the teacher’s practice in the

classroom for vocabulary mastery, teaching apply through flip chart media

to improving vocabulary or changing student’s prior vocabulary mastery at

low vocabulary to the better vocabulary by it is criteria.

Action research is carried out by people directly concerned with

the social situation that is being research. In this case of the social situation

of a classroom, this means in the first place teacher who take professional

responsibility for what goes on there.1 While action research will usually

be initiated by teachers, sustainable improvements in classroom situations

will rarely be possible if other concerned persons are not won over to its


1Bridget Somekh and Herbert Altrichter, Peter Posch, , Introduction of the Methods of

Action Research, (New York: Routledge, 2005), P.13.


It means that, classroom action research is conduct which use to

improve the teachers’ practice in the classroom for teaching through flip

chart media.

Classroom action research concern to four steps; planning,

observation, action, and reflection. Planning means the reflection of the

action in the classroom. The action and the observation cannot be

separated each other, because the teacher must do the return observation

while writing what was being done. Reflection was to propose what have

been done.

In this research applied two cycles. Each cycle consist of two

meetings, where each meeting consists of 2 x 40 minute. So, there are four

meetings during process. The required data would be collected by testing,

observing, and interview. The main data would be observed by field notes

as the quantitative data.

This action research is following the model of Kemmis and Mc

Taggart. Kemmis and Mc Taggart in Valsa Koshy describe cyclical action

research model concerns to four steps namely are planning, acting,

observing, and reflecting.2 The model is described in the following figure:

2Valsa Koshy, Action Research for Improving Practice (London: A Sage Publication

Company, 2005), p. 3–4.


Figure 2. Illustrates the Spiral Model of Action Research Proposed by

Kemmis and Mc Taggart3

According to the above figure, it shows the illustrates the spiral

model of action research proposed by Kemmis and Mc Taggart. It explains

how to do the action in each cycle. In cycle 1, this research will be

planned before teaching in the classroom, after that this research will be

done the action by giving source : Valsa Koshy, Action Research for

Improving Practice material and apply the flip chart media and observe the

condition that happen in the classroom. The last activity is the research

will be done by doing reflection.

Then, at the cycle 2 this research his revised by using planning

from the cycle 1, and do the action based on reflection in cycle 1. After

3Koshy, Action Research For Improving Practice, p.3-4.


that, this research will be done by observation during the learning process

and the last is expect students’ improvement.

C. Participants

The participants of this research was grade VIII students of SMP

Negeri 1 Batang Angkola in academic year 2019. There are seventh rooms

of grade VIII. The researcher choose room VIII-B, the total of the students

in VIII-B were 31 students. Moreover, there was collaboration with an

English teacher at grade VIII-B students of SMP Negeri 1 Batang Angkola

because the students used conventional teaching (lecturer method) in

learning process, as a result students were lazy and feel boring and

students also lack motivation. The researcher observes the activities in the

class while the teacher is doing an action in this class. Then, teacher help

the researcher analyze the data from the observation and make plans for

each cycle.

D. Instrumentation of Data Collection

For gathering information about the topic of the research problems,

the researcher would be used the instruments, they are:

1. Test

In this research, the researcher uses test to measure the students’

vocabulary mastery. The test is multiple choice tests consisted 100

items for flip chart media test. The indictor of vocabulary mastery in

cycle I and cycle II are identifying the name of things and identifying

the meaning of things. It can be seen in the following table:


Table 2. Indicators of Vocabulary Mastery

No Indicators Topic Number of item Item

1 Identifying

the meaning

of words

Things in the






Things in the






Transportation 21,22,23,24,25,26,27,2



2 Identifying

the use of


Things in the






Things in the






Transportation 71,72,73,74,75,76,77,7



Total 100

Indicators of vocabulary mastery above would be used to score

the students’ vocabulary and to get the students’ result in vocabulary


2. Observation

Observation is the technique to collect data by observing.

Observation used to get information about phenomenon that occurs, by

doing observation and recording toward visible phenomenon

systematically. So, this research would be done with observes all the

conditions that happen during the teaching and learning process. The

students’ activities during the learning teaching process in vocabulary

by using flip chart media would be observed. This observation would

be done collaboration with an English teacher at grade VIII-B students


of SMP Negeri 1 Batang Angkola. The teacher would observes

research’s activities when teaching vocabulary in the classroom.

Some of students’ activities in teaching learning process which

observed are as follow:

a. Students who always talks in the class

b. Students active ask the question

c. Students do all the task

d. Full attention when learning vocabulary

e. Students collect the task appropriate the time

f. Students who have not full attention when learning vocabulary

g. Students; permission

h. Condition of the class

In addition teacher activities (researcher) would observe by

collaborate in teaching learning process, as follow :

a. Teacher’s physic appearance

b. Teacher’s sound and classroom management

c. Teacher’s opening

d. Teacher’s implementing learning material

e. Teacher evaluation

f. Teacher reinforcement and interaction with students

g. Teacher closing


3. Interview

Interview is a purposeful interaction usually between two

people, focus on one person trying to get information from the other


Interviews were conducted to get information from the sources of

the data about the condition of the students in English learning. The

interview will run out before and after each cycle in order to know

what the students feel about the teaching and learning process, as well

as their improvement on vocabulary.

E. Research Procedure

This action research would be done for two cycles. Each cycle consist

of two meetings. Each meeting consisted 80 minutes. So there are four

meetings during research process. The cycle consist of four steps. They are

planning, acting, observing and reflecting.

1. First cycle

This cycle, the researcher conducted for two meetings. Every

meeting would be done consist of 80 minutes.

a. First meeting

1) Planning

a) Arranging the lesson plan

b) Making learning planning that use flip chart media

4Gay and Airasian, Education Research Competences for Analysis and Application,

(U.S.A: Prentice Hall, 2000), p. 219.


c) Preparing all material that needed in teaching learning


2) Action

a) Tell the aim of the research to the students

b) Dividing the students in groups

c) Gave learning material to the students, everything about

things in the market, things in the building and


d) Using the media to the students in teaching learning


e) Giving limited discussion time for students to write the

result of discussion about the things material.

f) Monitoring every step that has been planning

g) Collecting the students’ task result

3) Observation

a) Observing the execution of flip chart media

b) Observing students’ vocabulary mastery

c) Observe the problems in the process of learning and

giving solution

4) Reflection

a) Analyzing the finding during the observation has done

b) Analyze the weakness and teacher’s progress that by

using flip chart media


c) Reflecting on flip chart media

d) Reflecting on the teacher and students learning activity

e) Evaluating the data that get from the class and make

any activities for the next meeting.

b. Second Meeting

1) Planning

a) Analyze the reflection result from first meeting and

expand to be done in the next meeting.

b) Prepare all material about things and transportation

that needed. Make more lesson plan.

c) Design the teaching vocabulary through flip chart


2) Action

a) Giving explanation about things and transportation


b) Giving test to measuring students’ abilities in


c) Monitoring the classroom

d) Monitoring time allocation with the all activity is done

e) Collecting the students’ test result

3) Observation

a) Monitoring teaching learning by using flip chart



b) Monitoring the students’ activity when answer the test

c) Discussion the problem in process learning and giving


4) Reflecting

a) Reflecting of flip chart media that using in learning


b) Reflecting of teaching activity and students’ learning

result that using flip chart media

c) Evaluating the data that got from the class and make

any decisions for the next cycle

2. Second cycle

The second cycle conducted in two meetings too. Every

meeting would be done for 80 minutes.

a. Third meeting

1) Planning

a) Make lesson plan about things and transportation.

b) Preparing flip chart media in teaching learning

process is about things and transportation.

c) Designing a procedure teaching vocabulary

through flip chart media.

2) Action

a) Preparing class and greet when open the matter


b) Organizing the group of students in groups, each

group consist of 5-7 students

c) Order the students to create vocabulary with

things and transportation topic that researcher

given. Then discuss it

d) Giving limited discussion time for students to

write the result of their discussion

e) Monitoring the discussion activity

f) Monitoring time allocation with the all activity

is done

g) Collecting the students’ discussion result

3) Observation

a) Monitoring the teaching leaning by using flip

chart media.

b) Discussing the problem in learning process and

giving situation.

4) Reflection

a) Analyzing the finding during observation is


b) Analyzing he weakness and teacher progress

that using flip chart media in teaching learning



c) Reflecting of teaching activity and students

learning result that using flip chart media.

d) Evaluating or interpreting the data that getting

from the class and make any decision for the

next meeting.

b. Fourth Meeting

1) Planning

a) Make analysis more the result of previous


b) Make lesson plans again. Then preparing all

material about things and transportation that

needed in teaching learning. (media, value


c) Encoding the problem and progress on the

learning process

d) Designing the third preparing base on the first

meeting action.

2) Action

a) Preparing class for learning

b) Give the topic about vocabulary and explain

c) Giving the limited discussion time is 40 minutes

for students write the conclusion about the



d) Monitoring the flip chart media

e) Collecting the students’ task.

3) Observation

a) Monitoring the teaching learning by using flip

chart media.

b) Recording the different is being happened.

4) Reflection

a) Analyzing the weakness and teacher progress

that using flip chart media

b) Reflecting of teaching activity and students

learning result that using flip chart media

c) Evaluating or interpreting the data that getting

from the students.

F. Technique of Data Analysis

In analyzing the data, the research used quantitative data and

qualitative data. Qualitative data was used to describe the situation during

the teaching process. The process of data analysis involves making sense

out of text and image data. It involves preparing the data analysis

conducting different analysis, moving deeper into understanding the data,

representing the data, and making and interpretation of the large meaning

of the data. The qualitative data is analyzed from observation sheets from

cycle 1 to cycle 2.


Qualitative data is used to analyze the students result test. The

quantitative data was collected and analyzed by computing the score of

vocabulary mastery. To know means of students’ score for each cycle, the

researcher applied the following formula:

M = ∑


M :Mean of the students

∑ f x : The frequency of students times total of scores

N : Total of Students5

The percentages of students vocabulary mastery through flip chart

media is concluded by applying the following formula:



P : The percentage of the students

R :The number of the students

T :The total number of students6

In order hand, account the percentages of students’ complete study

used the formula as follow.

5Hartono, Statistik: Untuk Penelitian (Yogyakarta: Pustaka Pelajar, 2004), p.30.

6Al Zainal Aqib, et, Penelitian Tindakan Kelas Untuk Guru SMP,SMA,SMK (Bandung:

CV. Y Rama Widya, 2008), p.205.


P=∑the students’ complete study X 100%


The score of students vocabulary mastery consist of two categories,

there are pass or not pass. The score of students are passing if it is >75.

The score of students are not passing if it is <75. The researcher would be

showed on the following table:

Table 3.Category Standard Score Students

Categories Standard score Frequency Percentage

Pass ≥75

Not pass ≤75 Source: Anas Sudijono, Pengantar Statistic Pendidikan

After calculating and scoring students’ performance, their score is

consult the classification quality on the table below

Table 4.Clasification Quality of Students’ Score

No Percentage /score Criteria

1 81-100% Very good

2 61-81% Good

3 41-61% Enough

4 21-40% Low

5 0-20% Very low Source: Riduwan, belajarmudahpenelitianuntuk guru karyawan

Finally, researcher summarize quantitative data by six steps as

suggestby Creswell as in the following:7

Steps 1: organizing and preparing the data for analysis. This

involved transcribing observation, scanning material, typing up field notes,

or sorting and arranging the data into different type depending on the

source of information.

7John W. Creswell, Research Design: Qualitative, Quantitative and Mixed Methods

Approaches (USA: Sage Publication, 2003), p.190.


Steps 2: reading all the data. This is done by obtaining a general

sense of the information, and reflecting on its overall meaning.

Steps 3: beginning detail analysis with a coding process it is

organizing material into “chunks” before bringing meaning to those

chunks. It involved taking filp cards data into categories, and labeling

those with a term (a term based in the actual languae of the participant).

Steps 4: using the coding process to generate a description of the

setting or people as well as categories. Beyond identifying the themes

during the coding, researcher built additional layers of complex analysis.

Steps 5: advancing how the description and themes are represent in

the qualitative flip cards. This is discussion that mentions a chronology of

events, the detailed discussion of several themes or inter-connecting

themes. Researcher usevisuals or figure to convey descriptive information

about participants in a table.

Steps 6: making interpretation or meaning of the data. It is

researcher’s personal interprtation, meaning derived from a comparison of

the findings with information gleaned from the literature.




As mentioned in earlier chapter, in order to evaluate to students’ vocabulary

mastery through flip chart media, the researcher has calculated the data using test

which is multiple choice test. Applying quantitative analysis, the researcher used

the formulation of mean score. Next, the researcher described the data as follows:

A. Data Description

In this chapter presents finding and discussion based on analysis and

result of data collected from implementation Flip Chart Media in the

classroom. This chapter, the researcher would like to analyze each data that

has been gotten from the teaching process and evaluation in each cycle of this

research. In this research, analyze was started from cycle 1 up to cycle 2,

because this research used action research. Furthermore, analysis was done

with observation.

1. First Cycle

The first cycle was done at 5th

and 6th

December 2019. In this case

conduct for two meetings. It carried out from the meeting was done for 80

minute. Every meeting was done for 2 x 40 minutes. So, two meetings

were done for 4 x 40 minutes. It was done in VIII-B grade of SMP Negeri

1 Batang Angkola, consisted 31 students. Researcher described the result

as follow:


a. Planning

Before the researcher was conducted, the researcher had to prepare

and plan the materials that would be taught to the students. It was

planning stage. The researcher made lesson plan based on the lesson

plan based on the syllabus and flip chart media. Flip chart media

should meet the goal of the teaching and learning. The goal of this

teaching and learning process was facilitating the students to memorize

the vocabulary.

In this cycle, the researcher used flip chart media. Flip chart media

was related and familiar to students for easily to memorize vocabulary.

The teaching and learning process in this cycle was divided into two

meetings. The first meeting was conducted on Thursday, December 5th


2019. The second meeting was on Friday, December 6th

, 2016. Every

meeting took about 80 minutes.

The researcher planned to apply flip chart media to teach

vocabulary mastery. Firstly, the researcher planned to brought flip

chart and gave to the students. The researcher ask to the students, do

they like flip chart media and what is advantages and disadvantages of

flip chart in the classroom.

b. Action

The researcher administrated this cycle in two meetings. It seemed

too short because one meeting consisted of 80 minutes. The researcher

prepared the materials according to the students’ needs, interest, and


curriculum applied in the school since they focused on the flip chart

media. She preferred applying the text-based syllabus design in

teaching and learning process. This syllabus led them construct a text,

to be able work both in group and individually, and to en larger their

reading vocabulary. The description of the actions is a follows.

1) First Meeting

The first meeting of the first cycle as held on Thursday 5th


2019. As what have been decided by the English teacher and the

researcher in the planning stage, the class would be instructed by

the researcher in every meeting during the research. Meanwhile,

the teacher became the observer. The class started at 07.30 AM.

The lesson lasted 2 X 40 minutes.

The researcher came into the class together with English

teacher. The researcher opened the class by greeting the students

and checking the students’ attendance. There were not students

who was absent on that day. The researcher explained the purpose

was not for teaching like usual but for research. The researcher also

gave motivation and giving the learning material to the student by

using flip chart media.

Before explain about the material, the researcher asked to

students, tell to researcher about vocabulary. Then, the researcher

explained about vocabulary by using flip chart media.


At the end of the lesson, the researcher asked the students to

tell what they have learned in class that day in brief. The researcher

make conclusion of the lesson and then make the closing to end the


2). Second Meeting

The second meeting of the first cycle was conducted on Friday,

December 6th

, 2019. The researcher greeted the students cheerfully.

The researcher then checked their attendance list. They looked

sleepy at that time. After the researcher asked them what actually

happened, they answered that they felt sleepy because of the

gloomy day. The researcher did not start the class directly.

Researcher though that they were not ready yet. So, the researcher

decided to have a little talk with them to build their interest in

learning today. After that, the researcher led them to start focusing

on the lesson.

In the second meeting, the researcher brought flip chart, and the

researcher explained about the material by using flip chart media.

Such as, advantages and disadvantages from flip chart media. The

researcher gave the students a flip chart. The researcher asked to

students to tell one by one picture based on flip chart media. The

researcher asked to students about vocabulary based on flip chart

media. Such as, name of things in market, in building and name of

the transportation. There were many students tell their name of


things based on flip chart media. The researcher then asked the

students to try translating the word in English. The research helped

to correct them more appropriate ones. After that, researcher gave

them a test which related to the material based on flip chart media

in first cycle. Before she asked them to answer, the researcher

explained what they should do. After all students understood what

they had to do, they started to answer the multiple choice test in

first cycle.

c. Observation

Based on observation sheet, in class still had some problem such as

most of the students got difficulties. The difficult was they

misunderstood about the meaning, because the students not understood

all the meaning in the test. The students talked to each other out of the

meaning when they felt bored and made the class become slightly

noisy. The last students felt unconfident with their vocabulary.

The researcher could conclude that there were several problems in

the classroom such as;

Table.5 Problem and Solution of External Factors in Cycle 1.

No Activities Problems Solution

1. Students’ still lo

motivation when




Students felt bored of

this lesson and more

students seem to be

no longer interested

toward English

Motivated them

and give advice

that this lesson

very useful for

final examination

2. Students’

difficulties in


about material.

Students lack of

comprehension about


Students needed

to understand

more about

material which

were applied in


the classroom

3. Students not

enthusiastic when

they are learning

teaching process

Students talked to

each other out of the

topic when they feel

bored and become

slightly noisy

Students needed

appropriate the

material in

teaching and

learning process

to keep them


4. Students were not

confident to tell

their opinions

during the lesson

Students still hesitated

to tell their minds

because were afraid of

making mistake

Large group and

medium group

activities were

good at


students’ self –


Source: Result Observation of Researcher and Co-Teacher

The result of students vocabulary mastery. The total of students

there are 31 students in the class. There are some levels score of them.

The mean score in the class was 70.12 score. 3 students got 60 score, 2

students got 61 score, 2 students got 63 score, 2 students got 66 score,

2 students got 68 score, 1 student got 69 score, 3 students got 70 score,

3 students got 71 score, 2 students got 73, 4 students got 74 score, 4

students got 75 score, 2 students got 80 score, 1 student got 84 score.

Based on score of students, it could be concluded that there were 7

students passed the Minimum Mastery Criteria (KKM), that is 75

score. Meanwhile, the others did not pass the KKM. There are 24

students who got before 75 score. The researcher would describe as the

following table:


Table.6 Students’ Score Test in Cycle 1

No Students’




1 AM 61

2 DA 66

3 FS 63

4 FH 66

5 HAP 68

6 KS 60

7 KY 80

8 MHS 75

9 ME 71

10 NSB 70

11 NH 80

12 NA 75

13 NF 75

14 NJ 74

15 RH 60

16 RA 60

17 RFWD 84

18 RF 63

19 RYZ 61

20 SB 73

21 SR 73

22 SFS 75

23 UR 69

24 WF 71

25 GS 70

26 RW 68

27 RF 74

28 MN 70

29 RW 71

30 FM 74

31 RK 74

Total 2174




Percentage 22,58

Source: Students’ result test in cycle 1

Based on above table, it could be seen that total of students’ mean

score from each was 70.12. To know the classification quality of

students’ score in vocabulary mastery, the researcher should know the

percentage of the students’ mean score. The way were the total

students who passed the KKM (7 students) times 100% and divided to

the total of students (31), the result was 22.58%. So, the percentage of

the students’ mean score was 22.58%. To know revelation of data was

done to grouped score of vocabulary mastery which the total classes 5

and interval 5.

Based on the explanation of students’ score, 22.58% was low

criteria. It means that the students’ vocabulary mastery was still low.


To make be clear the students’ vocabulary based on score. The

researcher present with computed of the frequency distribution of the

student’s score of group can be applied in to frequency distribution as


Table.7 Frequency Distribution of Vocabulary Mastery in Cycle 1



Frequency absolute Frequency

Cumulative (%)

60 – 64 7 22,5 %

65 – 69 5 16,1 %

70 – 74 12 38,7 %

75 – 79 4 12,9 %

80 – 84 3 9,6 %

Total 31 100 %

From the above table, it was known that the revelation of students

vocabulary mastery showed that the respondent an value 60 – 64 were

7 students (22,5%), value 65 – 69 were 5 students (16,1%), value 70 –

74 were 12 students (38,7%), value 75 – 79 were 4 students (12,9%),

value 80 -84 were 3 students (9,6%).

Based on score in first cycle from the frequency distribution, it can

be looked like as diagram below:


Figure 3 the Histogram of Vocabulary Mastery Data in Cycle 1

From those conditions, the researcher realized that the first

cycle was less, or the result of first cycle was not success for

improve the students vocabulary mastery. It could be concluded

that the action should be repaired and change to improve students’

vocabulary mastery again. The researcher should change the trick

or the new atmosphere in teaching learning process activity in the

next cycle.

d. Reflection

Based on the result of the observation and the score of the students

in this cycle, most of the students were still confuse to answer the test.

Based on observation, most of students still lack motivation. Students

not enthusiastic when they learning vocabulary mastery. The students

were not confidence to speak up their vocabulary during the lesson.









62 67 72 77 82




The students were difficult to mastery. It can be seen from the

observation sheet.

For this condition, the researcher realized that the first cycle was

less, as a result of the first cycle was less success for improved the

students vocabulary mastery. It can be concluded that, the action

should be repaired and changed for improve students vocabulary


The researcher and the English teacher decided to give flip chart

media full color with the word. So, the students would be interested

about it and easier to remember new vocabulary. They would gave

them more training the material by using flip chart media. They would

apply the material by flip chart activities which were more enjoyable

for the students.

Then, the researcher designed the lesson plans and the materials

that would be used in the second cycle. The teacher-researcher also

prepared the learning media that would be used in the second cycle.

The result from first cycle still low and the researcher changed from

individually to group of students. The last, the researcher concluded

that the first cycle should be repaired especially in lesson plan,

material the teaching leaning process foe the next cycle.


2. Second Cycle

The second cycle was done at 16th

and 17th

December 2019. In this case,

was conducted for two meetings. Every meeting was done for 2 x 40

minutes. The researcher described the result as follow:

a. Planning

In cycle 2, the researcher still used flip chart media to improve

the students’ mastery vocabulary. The second cycle contained two

meetings. The first meeting was done on Monday, December 16th


and the second meeting was done on Tuesday, December 17th


Based on the observation in cycle 1, most of the students still low

motivation. Students were not enthusiastic in vocabulary mastery. The

students were not confidence to speak up their vocabulary during the

lesson. The students were difficult to read. In the first meeting of cycle

2, the researcher planned to give a flip chart about name of things

based on material. Next, the students were asked to identify the

vocabulary that have they seen. The researcher divided group of the

students and gave flip chart media each group.

In the last meeting of cycle 2, the researcher planned to give a test

for the students as the second test. The meeting was conducted on

December, 17th

2016. After discussing with the collaborator, the

researcher planned to mastery the students’ vocabulary as the result of

Cycle 2. The students did the test in individually. They were asked to

mastery the vocabulary based on the flip chart media.


b. Action

In the step, researcher conducted in two meetings. They were on

December 16th

and 17th

, 2019. The text type was still a flip chart

media. She selected the theme based on their lesson and the curriculum

applied in the school. The implementation of the actions is described

as follows.

1) First meeting

The first meeting of the second cycle was conducted on

Tuesday, December 17th

2019. The class started at 08.00 AM.

The researcher started the class by greeting the students and

checking the attendance list. The researcher began the lesson

by telling the students about the topic they are going to learn

that day and then doing the lead-in process.

The researcher emphasized on its rules, especially the

important of being not judge material in speaking up

vocabulary mastery.

The researcher brought a flip chart media which have full

color. So, the students interest with it. The class members

looked surprise and excited. Researcher asked the students for

paying attention the person in flip chart media. Researcher gave

flip chart to the students each group. The researcher asked to

students to mastery it.


2) Second meeting

The second meeting was held on Tuesday, December 17th


2019. The researcher entered the classroom. She greeted the

students warmly. It aimed to remind them about vocabulary

based on flip chat media. The researcher then checked their

attendance list. Nobody was missing on that day. That was

good because all of them could participant in the test. The

researcher had a little talk with them. In this meeting, the

researcher gave a test (multiple choice) in cycle 2 to students.

c. Observation

The result of students’ vocabulary test in Cycle 2 showed the

improvement of students in vocabulary. In the result of test in cycle 2,

there were 28 students who passed the KKM. Even though there were

3 students did not pass the KKM but they got improvement in

vocabulary. The total score of students in vocabulary was 2.676. To

know the mean score of the students’ result test in cycle 2, the

researcher divided the total score of students (2.676) to the total of

students (31 students) in the class, the result was 86.32. So, the mean

score of the students in cycle 2 was 86.32. To make be clear about the

students’ mean score in vocabulary in each cycle, the researcher

would present in the following table:


Table.8 Students’ Score Test in Cycle 2

No Students’




1 AM 75

2 DA 75

3 FS 78

4 FH 82

5 HAP 82

6 KS 70

7 KY 98

8 MHS 85

9 ME 84

10 NSB 84

11 NH 98

12 NA 92

13 NF 90

14 NJ 82

15 RH 69

16 RA 75

17 RFWD 98

18 RF 75

19 RYZ 69

20 SB 94

21 SR 90

22 SFS 92

23 UR 87

24 WF 95

25 GS 97

26 RW 87

27 RF 90

28 MN 94

29 RW 95

30 FM 97

31 RK 97

Total 2.676




Percentage 90,32


Source: Students’ result test in cycle 2

Based on above table, it showed that the improvement happened in

cycle 2. The students could improve their score in each vocabulary

test. The mean score of students’ vocabulary mastery by using flip

chart media in cycle 2 was 86.32. While in the cycle 1 was 70.12. It

means that the students’ mean score in cycle 2 was higher than the

students’ score in cycle 1.

To know the classification quality of students’ score vocabulary,

the researcher should know the percentage of the students’ means

score. The way were the total students who passed the KKM (28

students) times 100% and then divided to the total of students (31

students), the result was 90.32%. So, the percentage of the students’

mean score in cycle 2 was 90.32%. Based on the classification quality


of students’ score, 90.32% was very good criteria. It means that the

students’ vocabulary was very good criteria in cycle 2. To know

revelation of data was done to grouped score of vocabulary mastery

which the total classes 5 and interval 6.

From the explanation of students’ score, 90.32% was very good

criteria. It means the students’ vocabulary mastery was very good

criteria. To make be clear the students’ vocabulary based on score. The

researcher present with computed of the frequency distribution of the

student’s score of group can be applied in to frequency distribution as


Table.9 the Frequency Distribution of Vocabulary Mastery in

Cycle 2



Frequency absolute Frequency

Cumulative (%)

69 – 74 3 9,6

75 – 80 5 16,1

81 – 86 6 19,3

87 – 92 8 25,8

93 – 98 9 29,0

Total 100%

Based on the above table, it was known that the revelation of

students vocabulary mastery showed that the respondent an value 69 –

74 were 3 students (9,6%), value 75 – 80 were 5 students (16,1%),

value 81 – 86 were 6 students (19,3%), value 87 – 92 were 8 students

(25,8%), value 93 – 98 were 9 students (29,0%).

Based on score above in first cycle from the frequency distribution,

it can be looked like as diagram below:


Figure 4 the Histogram Of Vocabulary Mastery Data in Cycle


From the above figure, it could be seen the improvement of

students’ mean score from cycle 1 to cycle 2. The students’ mean

score in cycle 1 was 70.12 (22.58%) while in cycle 2 was 86.32

(90.32%). Therefore the researcher concluded that the indicators of

test, observation note sheet, and teacher’s observation had been

achieved in this research. Therefore, the researcher could be ended

in this cycle.

d. Reflection

The result of students’ vocabulary mastery in both test and

observation at the second cycle showed improvement. The

implementation flip chart media was able to improve of students’

in vocabulary mastery. It can support the students to mastery and

facilitated them in learning vocabulary. It made the students feel












71,5 77,5 83,5 89,5 95,5




easy so that vocabulary not became a daunting task. They could

easily memorize new vocabulary and mastery so that they could

perform the vocabulary task more effectively. The implementation

of flip chart media could also made the students’ interest and

motivation for involving their selves in the learning process

especially vocabulary.

B. The Comparison Result of Action

Researcher made the comparison the result of vocabulary mastery between

first cycle and second cycle. Researcher used quantitative in technique of

analyzing the data. It would analyze the data based on the score to decide the

improvement of students’ vocabulary mastery. The formula would calculate

students’ vocabulary mastery trough flip chart media. Firstly, the researcher

calculated the students’ mean score of the test. Secondly, researcher calculated

the percentage of students’ improvement in the first cycle and second cycle.

In the first cycle, most of students were less in identifying the meaning of

words and identifying the use of words. It could be seen from their score in

cycle 1. The value above has shown the result of students’ vocabulary mastery

in first cycle. The mean score in first cycle was 70.12 score. 3 students got 60

score, 2 students got 61 score, 2 students got 63 score, 2 students got 66 score,

2 students got 68 score, 1 student got 69 score, 3 students got 70 score, 3

students got 71 score, 2 students got 73, 4 students got 74 score, 4 students got

75score, 2 students got 80 score, 1 student got 84 score.


Actually, the all students are 31 in the class VIII-B, but it just there were 7

students passed the minimum mastery criterion (KKM), that is 75 score.

Meanwhile the others did not pass the KKM. There are 24 students who got

score before 75 score. There as the formula to calculate mean score:

M = ∑

M =

M =70, 12

It could be concluded that the mean score of students in the first cycle was

70.12. Based on the standard of the value in SMPN 1 Batang Angkola, it

could be categorized as average.

Next researcher need to calculate the percentage of students’ score who

passed the Minimum Mastery Criterion (KKM). To know the percentage of

students’ score who passed the Minimum Mastery Criterion (KKM) in the

first cycle, researcher used formula below:

P =

x 100%

P =

x 100%

P = 22. 58%

Based on the classification quality of students score in the Chapter III are

22. 58%. It means categorized into low.

Secondly, in the second cycle, it could be conclude that there were 2

students got 69 score, 1 students got 70 score, 4 students got 75 score, 1


student got 78 score, 3 students got 82 score, 2 students got 84 score, 1 student

got 85 score, 3 students got 87 score, 3 students got 90 score, 2 students got 92

score, 2 students got 94 score, 2 students got 95 score, 3 students got 97 score,

2 students got 98 score. Then, from 31 students in the class VIII-B, there were

28 students passed the Minimum Mastery Criterion (KKM), that is 75 score.

Meanwhile the others did not pass the KKM.

According to researcher and co-teacher, the students’ vocabulary mastery

by flip chart media in class VIII-B improved significantly. The teacher

calculated the mean score by using the formula below:

M = ∑

M =

M = 86. 32%

Based on standard of value in SMP Negeri 1 Batang Angkola, it could be

concluded the mean score was include into very good category. ̀

Next researcher need to calculate the percentage of students’ score who

passed the Minimum Mastery Criterion (KMM). To know the percentage of

students’ score who passed the Minimum Mastery Criterion (KKM) in the

second cycle, researcher used formula below:


P =

x 100%

P =

x 100%

P = 90. 32%

The improvement students’ vocabulary mastery from the cycle I and cycle

II, it could be seen table below:

Table.10 comparison of students’ vocabulary mastery in cycle 1

and cycle 2

No Students’ Initial Cycle 1 first


Cycle 2

second cycle


1 AM 61 75 Improved

2 DA 66 75 Improved

3 FS 63 78 Improved

4 FH 66 82 Improved

5 HAP 68 82 Improved

6 KS 60 70 Constant

7 KY 80 98 Improved

8 MHS 75 85 Improved

9 ME 71 84 Improved

10 NSB 70 84 Improved

11 NH 80 98 Improved

12 NA 75 92 Improved

13 NF 75 90 Improved

14 NJ 74 82 Improved

15 RH 60 69 Constant

16 RA 60 75 Improved

17 RFWD 84 98 Improved

18 RF 63 75 Improved

19 RYZ 61 69 Constant

20 SB 73 94 Improved

21 SR 73 90 Improved

22 SFS 75 92 Improved

23 UR 69 87 Improved

24 WF 71 95 Improved

25 GS 70 97 Improved

26 RW 68 87 Improved

27 RF 74 90 Improved

28 MN 70 94 Improved


29 RW 71 95 Improved

30 FM 74 97 Improved

31 RK 74 97 Improved

Total 2174 2676

Mean score 70. 12 86.32

Percentage 22. 58% 90. 32%

Based on above table, 28 students got improvement and 3 students got

constant their score.

The comparison score of students in cycle 1 and cycle 2 based on test

showed that from 7 students who passed KKM in cycle 1 to be 28 students in

cycle 2. It could be concluded that the students’ vocabulary mastery by using

flip chart media was improved from the previous cycle. It could be provided

from the total score in cycle 1 was 2174 while in the cycle 2 was 2556.

Besides that the mean score of students score in cycle 1 was 70. 12 (22.58%)

while in cycle 2 increased to be 86.32 (90.32%). To see the improvement of

the result of students vocabulary score from cycle 1 until cycle 2, researcher

describe as following table:

Table 11 students mean score vocabulary mastery in cycle 1 and

cycle 2

Indicators of




Cycle 1

Percentage Mean

Score cycle



Identifying the

meaning of






Identifying the

use of words

32.22 43.22

Total 70.12 86.32

Source: students’ mean core of result test in cycle 1 and cycle 2

Based on the above table, it can be concluded that the students means score in

each indicators by using flip chart media at grade VIII-B was increased in cycle 1


to cycle 2. The students mean score in each indicators improved in the cycle 2. It

could be provided from the mean score of students in each indicators.

The indicator of identifying the meaning of words in cycle 1 was 38.03

increased to be 43.09 in cycle 2, the mean score of identifying the use of words

was 32.22 in cycle 1 increased to be 43.22 in cycle 2.

From the above data, the total mean score of students in cycle 1 was 70.12

increased to be 86.32 in cycle 2. Beside that the percentage of the students’ mean

score in cycle 1 was 22.58% (low criteria) while the percentage of the students’

mean score in cycle 2 was 90.32% (very good criteria). It means that the

comparison of the mean score criteria from cycle 1 and cycle 2 were different.

The comparison percentage from the cycle 1 and cycle 2 was 67.74%. it means

that the improvement of the students’ mean score in cycle 1 and 2 was 67.74%. to

make be clear the comparison mean score of the students in each indicators from

cycle 1 and cycle 2, the researcher would describe it in the following figure above:

Figure 5 Improvement of Students’ Indicator Vocabulary Mastery in

Cycle 1 and Cycle 2



43,09 43,22












Identifying themeaning of Words

Identifying theUse of Words

cycle 1

cycle 2


From the above chart, it could be seen the differences of the students’

score in each indicators of vocabulary mastery. The indicators of students

score was increased in cycle 1 to cycle 2. The improvement also can be

provided from the students’ mean score. The improvement of the students

vocabulary mastery from the mean score of cycle 1 and cycle 2 could be seen

on chart below:

Figure 6 the Comparison Mean Score of students’ Vocabulary

Mastery in Cycle 1 and Cycle 2

Based on above result of data analysis and research finding, it could be

summarized that students’ vocabulary mastery improved in cycle 2. From the

test in cycle 1 the students mean score was 70.12 increased to be 86.32 in test

cycle 2. It means that the implementation of flip chart media can improve

students’ vocabulary mastery.












Cycle 1 Cycle 2




C. Discussion of the Research Findings

Based on the result of the research, the researcher has proven that flip

chart can improve students’ vocabulary mastery. Vocabulary is one aspect

should be owned every students to make them master in vocabulary. It support

on the theory that states at previous chapter findings. Zeni Sarifah show that

research show that there is improvement of the students’ vocabulary mastery

through the use of vocabulary cards. By implementing vocabulary cards game

the students became more confident to speak up and easier to memorize new

words. It also made the students participate more in the learning activities and

get more chance to communicate. The improvement was also supported by the

students’ average score which increased to 68.8 from the average score of pre-

test which was 49.3. 1

This research agreed with Zeni Sarifah’s research this

research also found that flip chart media improved the students’ vocabulary

mastery. It is shown the by the improvement of each indicators: indentifying

the name of words, identifying the use of words.

Nasmah Riyani found The data analysis each item showed that 84,84%. It

means that students’ perception of flip chart media in teaching vocabulary was

categorized strongly agree.2

Puspita Purnamasari show the results of this study are the value of t-test is

5.73 and the critical value of t-table from the degree of freedom 70 with the

significant level 5% is 2. It means that the value of t-test is higher that critical

1Zeni Safirah, “Improving Vocabulary Mastery Through Vocabulary Cards of Grade Vii

Students at SMP Institut Indonesia Yogyakarta In The 2015/ 2016 Academic Year” (Institut

Indonesia Yogyakarta, 2016), 2Nasmah Riyani, “The Students Perception of Flip Chart in Vocabulary” (University

Sembilanbelas, 2017).


value of t-table. In other word the hypothesis was accepted.3 It means it can be

concluded there is significant effect of using flip chart on vocabulary


Hardiyanti show the data of result are The result are the significant score

sig (2-tailed) 0.00≥α (0.05), then H0 hypothesis is rejected and HI is accepted.

Thus it can be said that there is the effect on using Flip Chart Learning Media

toward Students Biology Learning Outcomes. 4

From the above explanation, the researcher found the similarity with the

others researcher and the theory which is related to flip chart. It was based on

the data in first cycle 70.12 (22.58%) and 85.96 (90.32%) in the second cycle.

It means that there had 15.48 (67.74) improvements for mean score and the

percentage of students who passed the KKM in vocabulary mastery by using

flip chart media. It can be concluded that the researcher had been success in

doing the research.

D. The Threats of the Research

There were some aspects that could threat for this research. The

threatening came from the problems of students. Students who has not much

vocabularies, students’ laziness, and students who did not know the meaning

of words. So, they did not answer the test seriously. It made noisy and

disturbed others. Researcher should explain mare about learning material. It

3Puspita Purnamasari, “The Effect of Using Flip Chart on Vocabulary Achievement of the

Fifth Year Students of SDN Kotakulon 2 Bondowoso” (Muhammadiyah University of Jember,

2009), 4Hardiyanti M, “The Effect of Using Flip Chart Learning Media Toward Students

Biology Learning Outcomes”(Universitas Negeri Makasar, 2018),


made longer time. There were some students who almost slept and made some

noises in the classroom.

Flip chart is a media for students. So that, the students memorize

vocabulary with see picture based on flip chart. Students more interest to their

own flip chart that will become their own memorized material. Thus, by using

this approach students will be more fun and easy to be done. Students had

motivation because students would create vocabulary by themselves. By

applying flip chart media, students would be more active. Finally, flip chart

media could improve students’ vocabulary mastery VIII-B students of SMP

Negeri 1 Batang Angkola.




A. The Conclusion

Based on the result of the classroom action research, it could be

conclude that flip chart improved students’ vocabulary mastery at grade VIII-

B SMP Negeri 1 Batang Angkola. It based on the students’ vocabulary

mastery, the mean score which in first cycle was 70.12 (22.58%) and in

second cycle was 86.32 (90.32%). The learning, the value and the condition in

vocabulary mastery by using Flip Chart Media show the good improvement in

class VIII-B SMP Negeri 1 Batang Angkola.

In conclusion, flip chart media could be improved students’ vocabulary

mastery. It is also encourage the students to be more interested in teaching

learning process. The students actively and motivated in doing the lesson.

B. The Suggestion

Based on the above explanation, it had been described flip chart media

approach improved students vocabulary mastery in learning English, and the

implication of the result goes to English teacher of junior high school.

Moreover, the English teachers can apply flip chart media, the students will be

more active and interested in the learning process. Therefore, flip chart with

all the steps can create students’ vocabulary mastery be better than before.

The result of this research showed that using of flip chart media improved

students vocabulary mastery, especially at grade VIII-B SMP Negeri 1 Batang


Angkola. The suggestions are special for the teacher, students and other

researchers. The suggestion will be explained as follow:

a. Flip chart media is activities that can create students’ interest and decrease

tension in difficulty curriculum areas especially in subject vocabulary

mastery. It also can be used as an alternative media of English teaching in

vocabulary mastery.

b. For the teacher, it is very wise to use flip chart media in teaching

vocabulary because this media can make the students more active, fun,

interested in the learning process.

c. For the students, it is hoped that by using flip chart media the students

more interested in studying English especially vocabulary mastery,

because flip chart media gives the opportunity for students to make their

much vocabulary and more easy to memorize vocabulary that will become

their vocabulary material. They will be active and interested in the

learning process. Thus, most likely, it will improve the students’

vocabulary mastery.

d. For the other researchers, because the researcher was doing this research in

limited time. She realized that this has not been complete yet. There were

so many aspects that have not been covered in this research. That was why

the researcher hoped the other researcher discussed about the media by

using other reliable or different subject.



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Dasar.” Jpgsd 1, no. 2 (2013): 4–5.


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Anak Tunarungu Kelas VII Smplb.” Universitas Islam Negeri Raden Intan

Lampung, 2017.







Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris

Kelas / Semester : VIII/ I

Materi Pokok : Name of Things and Transportation

Tema : Vocabulary

Aspek Skill : Mendengar dan Berbicara

Alokasi waktu : 4 x 40Menit (2 x Pertemuan)

A. Kompetensi Inti :

4. mencoba, mengolah dan menyaji berbagai hal dalam ranah konkret

(menggunakan, mengurai, merangkai, memodifikasi, dan membuat) dan ranah

abstrak (menulis, membaca, menghitung menggambar, dan mengarang) sesuai

dengan yang dipelajari di sekolah dan dari berbagai sumber lain yang sama dalam

sudut pandang/teori.

B. Kompetensi Dasar :

4.7 Memahami fungsi social, struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan dari teks label

nama (label) dan daftar barang (list), sesuai dengan konteks penggunaannya.

Pada akhir pembelajaran siswa:

Mengetahui kosakata transportasi, benda di sekitar dan relevan dengan

kehidupan siswa, dengan memberikan keteladanan tentang perilaku

disiplin, percaya diri, bertanggung jawab, cinta damai, dan kerja sama.

Mampu menggunakan bahasa inggris setiap kali muncul kesempatan untuk

menyebutkan dan menanyakan tingkah laku/tindakan/fungsi kendaran,

benda di pasar dan di dibangunan, dengan unsur kebahasaan yang sesuai

fungsi sosialnya.

C. Karakter Siswa Yang Diharapkan:

1. Dapat dipercaya (Trustworthiness)

2. Tekun (diligence)

3. Berani (courage)

4. Rasa Hormat dan Perhatian ( respect

D. Media Pembelajaran

Flip Chart Media

E. Materi Pembelajaran

Transportasi, benda dipasar dan di dalam bangunan, dengan memberikan

keteladanan tentang perilaku disiplin, percaya diri, bertanggung jawab, dan

kerja sama.

F. Langkah-langkahKegiatan

Pertemuan 1 (2 x 40 menit):


1. Gretting

2. Mengabsen siswa

3. Guru mempresentasikan judul materi pembelajaran, indicator,

dan tujuan pembelajaran.


1. Guru harus mempersiapkan segala sesuatu yang penting

digunakan di dalam proses pembelajaran

2. Guru harus memperhatikan karakter siswa di dalam memilih

materi pembelajaran, dan menyusun waktu pembelajaran

3. Guru menggunakan Flip Chart untuk memberi arahan kepada

mereka didalam penjelasan tentang topic tersebut

4. Guru meminta siswa untuk mengatakan apa yang dilihat siswa

tersebut sesuai media yang ditunjukkan guru kepada mereka

5. Guru meminta siswa untuk mendiskusikan materi tersebut

didalam grupnya

6. Guru meminta siswa untuk membuat contoh yang lainnya

sesuai dengan materi tersebut dan juga berkaitan dengan media

Flip Chart tersebut.


1. Guru memimpin siswa untuk membuat kesimpulan tentang

materi tersebut.

2. Guru menjelaskan materi pembelajaran yang akan dipelajaran

mereka minggu depan.

3. Berdo’a di akhir pembelajaran.

Pertemuan II ( 2 x 40 menit):

Kegiatan Pendahuluan

1. Gretting

2. Mengabsen siswa


1. Guru menanyakan kembali tentang materi yang telah dipelajari.

2. Guru membagikan tes untuk dijawab oleh siswa

3. Guru member nilai

Kegiatan Penutup

1. Berdo’a di akhir pembelajaran

G. SumberBelajar

1. Buku when English ring a bells

H. Penilaian Hasil belajar

No Indicators Topic Number of item Item

1 Identifying

the meaning

of words

Things in the





Things in the






Transportation 21,22,23,24,25,26,27,28,



2 Identifying

the use of


Things in the






Things in the






Transportation 71,72,73,74,75,76,77,78,





I. PedomanPenilaian

- Untuk tiap nomor, tiap jawaban benar skor 1

- Jumlah sko rmaksimal X 5 = 100

- Nilai maksimal 100

- Nilai siswa = Skor perolehan x 100

Skor maksimal

- Menghitung nilai rata-rata siswa

M = ∑ f x


Where :

M : Mean of the students.

∑ f x : The total scores.

N : Total of students.



Guru Pamong, Observer

Nurbaina Siregar, S.Pd Murni

Nip. 19770312 200801 2 005 NIM. 15 203 000 11


Kepala Sekolah SMP Negeri 1 Batang Angkola

Misrenim Harahap, S,Pd

Nip. 19600315 198203 2 007



Name :

Class : VIII

No Absen :

Instruction !

1. Tulis nama, kelas, dan nomor absen pada lembar jawaban yang tersedia.

2. Jawablah pertanyaan-pertanyaan di bawah ini.

3. Bacalah pertanyaan dengan benar dan tepat.

4. Pilihlah jawaban yang benar dengan memberi tanda silang (x) pada salah

satu jawaban.

5. Periksalah jawaban anda dengan teliti sebelum menyerahkan kepada guru.

6. Test ini hanya bertujuan untuk mengetahui data-data siswa tentang

pemahaman menghafal kosakata.

7. Waktu 40.

Instruments test for cycle I

Choose the correct answer from the option a, b, c or d by crossing the answer!

1. My sister buys spinach in market

The meaning of the underline word is…

a. Bayam c. Tomat

b. Wortel d. Kentang

2. Tas, in English is…

a. Bag c. Carrot

b. Pencil d. Tomato

3. Potato, in Indonesia is…

a. Kentang c. Bayam

b. Wortel d. Tas

4. Mangga, in English is…

a. Mango c. Coconut

b. Mangos teen d. Carrot

5. Pineapple, in Indonesia is…

a. Nanas c. Mangga

b. Apel d. Wortel

6. Gula, in English is…

a. Sugar c. Carrot

b. Candy d. Coconut

7. I use pen to write my assignment.

The meaning of the underline word is…

a. Pulpen c. Tas

b. Pensil d. Meja

8. Cangkir, in English is…

a. Cup c. Plate

b. Glass d. Wok

9. Stove, in Indonesia is…

a. Kompor c. Piring

b. Cangkir d. Gelas

10. I eat meatball using spoon.

The meaning of the underline word is…

a. Sendok c. Piring

b. Garpu d. Cangkir

11. My brother saves his money in the …

a. window c. Table

b. wallet d. Chair

12. Andi writes important thing in the…

a. Book c. Chair

b. Table d. Door

13. Mr. Sulaiman : What are you doing Mr. Ray?

Mr. Ray : I want to count my salary

Mr. Sulaiman : with use you count it?

Mr. Ray : I use … to count my salary

a. Calculator c. Dictionary

b. Paper d. Pen

14. Andi : Do you want to drink coffee?

Tono : yes, I want it.

Andi : please take … to us

a. Cup c. Bowel

b. Plate d. Chair

15. Mrs. Khodijah wants to typewrite the document with quickly. She must

types in the…

a. Laptop c. Dictionary

b. Book d. Whiteboard

16. My brother saves his ATM in the …

a. Wallet c. Table

b. Ring d. Chair

17. I can not study, because … is off

a. Lamp c. chair

b. Table d. book

18. My sister helps me learn English. She opens the … to find the difficult


a. Dictionary d. Table

b. Magazine c. Mobile phone

19. Aisyah : What are you doing Khodijah?

Khodijah : I want to make this room is cool

Aisyah : What you want to use?

Khodijah : I want to use … in this room

a. Air conditioner c. Ice

b. Water d. Snow

20. Mr. Budi : Mrs. Susi, What are you doing?

Mrs. Susi : I read ….

a. Newspaper c. Table

b. Laptop d. Chair

21. My family go to Malaysia by plane.

The meaning of the underline word is…

a. Pesawat terbang c. Sepeda motor

b. Mobil d. Kereta api

22. Train, in Indonesia is …

a. Kereta api c. Pesawat terbang

b. Mobil d. Sepeda motor

23. Sepeda motor, in English is …

a. Motor cycle c. Mobil

b. Car d. Plane

24. We go around city by horse cart.

The meaning of the underlined word is…

a. Taksi c. Kereta api

b. Bus d. Kereta odong

25. Tono buys bag in the market by bicycle.

The meaning of the underline word is…

a. Sepeda c. Kereta api

b. Sepeda motor d. Mobil

26. Mr. Jeje is sick. He takes to hospital by ambulance.

The meaning of the underline word is…

a. Mobil c. Ambulan

b. Pesawat terbang d. Truck

27. Kereta api, in English is…

a. Train c. Boat

b. Plane d. Pedicab

28. Sepeda, in English is…

a. Bicycle c. Plane

b. Train d. Boat

29. Perahu, in English is…

a. Boat c. Train

b. Car d. Plane

30. Airplane, in Indonesia is…

a. Pesawat jet c. Pesawat terbang

b. Helicopter d. Pesawat laying

31. I want to cook. I need…., because I want to cook a sup.

a. Chicken c. Kale

b. Cabbage d. Fish

32. My mother wants to make juice. She need … to make a juice

a. Kale c. Mango

b. Fish d. Cabbage

33. Sopie : Tina, can you help me?

Tina : yes, I can. What it’s

Sopie : please you go to market. You buy … for me, because I want to


a. Banana c. Coconut

b. Durian d. Rice

34. What is the name of things below that make from the wood…

a. Cupboard c. Mirror

b. Bicycle d. Motor cycle

35. Sabyan : Joko, where is I can get the freezer, because I need to save my


Joko : you can get it in the ….shop.

a. Electronic c. Vegetables

b. Fruits d. Table

36. My mother wants to make fried chicken. She must buys … to make fried


a. Chicken c. Electronics

b. Vegetables d. Meats

37. My sister wants to make bakwan. She need … to make bakwan.

a. Cabbage c. Meats

b. Fruits d. Mango

38. My mother buys …., because she wants make ice cream

a. Electronic c. Vegetables

b. Freezer d. Meats

39. Sinta wants to cook rice. She need …

a. Stove c. Rice Cooker

b. Refrigerator d. Radio

40. Santi goes to dress shop. She wants to buy …, because she will go to


a. Clothes d. Dress

b. Juices d. meats

41. I need the glue for my project.

The meaning of the underline word is …

a. Lem c. Penggaris

b. Lampu d. Pensil

42. Tas, in English is …

a. Chair c. Bag

b. Table d. Pen

43. Dasi, in English is…

a. Had c. Tie

b. Lamp d. Flag

44. Kipas, in English is…

a. Book c. Fan

b. Lamp d. Had

45. I need the ruler for do my math task.

The meaning of the underline word is …

a. Pensil c. Penggaris

b. Pulpen d. Buku

46. I need the eraser to delete my task.

The meaning of the underline word is…

a. Kertas c. Spidol

b. Berkas d. Penghapus

47. My father cleans the floor.

The meaning of the underline word is…

a. Atap c. Teras

b. Dinding d. Lantai

48. My mother cuts the grass using scissor.

The meaning of the underline word is…

a. Pisau c. Cangkul

b. Silet d. Gunting

49. Jam dinding, in English is…

a. O’clock c. Map

b. Picture d. Clock

50. Mop, in Indonesia is …

a. Sapu ijuk c. Sapu lidi

b. Tong sampah d. Kain pel

51. My brother looks the date in …, because he wants to look holiday

a. Paper c. Table

b. Clock d. Calendar

52. The teacher writes down on …, she wants to explain the lesson

a. Table c. paper

b. Chair d. whiteboard

53. The students throw rubbish in …

a. Pencil case c. Trash can

b. Class d. Toilet

54. The Teacher wants to enter the class. He must open the ….

a. Window c. Chair

b. Table d. Door

55. Teacher : Sayid, please comes here

Sayid : yes sir

Teacher : write down your homework on ….. , please!

a. White board c. Chair

b. Roof d. Table

56. The students sit on … in the class

a. Table c. Window

b. Floor d. Chair

57. Tina is stomach ache. She goes to …

a. Canteen c. Office

b. Class d. Toilet

58. Jhoni came late to the class. He is called by teacher came to the …

a. Library c. Class

b. Canteen d. Teacher’s office

59. Dodi writes down the task in front of class on …

a. Table c. Whiteboard

b. Ruler d. Pencil

60. They do homework using …

a. Book and pen c. Table and ruler

b. Chair and pen d. Eraser and ruler

61. We go to market now. We eat noodle together.

The meaning of the underline word is…

a. Bakso c. Sate

b. Mie d. Martabak

62. My sister buys papaya in the fruit shop.

The meaning of the underline word is…

a. Jeruk c. Pepaya

b. Manga d. Sirsak

63. We drink apple juice in the market.

The meaning of the underline word is…

a. Pepaya c. Alpukat

b. Apel d. Jeruk

64. Boneka, in English is …

a. Ball c. Toy car

b. Toy d. Doll

65. Dodo plays volley ball every day.

The meaning of the underline word is…

a. Boneka c. Bola

b. Robot d. mobil-mobilan

66. Pembeli, in English is …

a. Buyer c. reader

b. Seller d. Writer

67. Santi buys the vegetables.

The meaning of the underline word is…

a. Buah-buahan c. Makanan

b. Sayuran d. Minuman

68. I eat a cake with my mother.

The meaning of the underline word is…

a. Makanan c. Kue

b. Gorengan d. Minuman

69. Ayam goreng, in English is…

a. Fried rice c. Meatball

b. Fried chicken d. Satay

70. We sell fried rice and kinds of juice in the market.

The meaning of the underline word is…

a. Nasi uduk c. Nasi goreng

b. Nasi kuning d. Nasi tumpeng

71. They go to school by …

a. School bus c. Ambulance

b. Helicopter d. Rocket

72. What is name of transportation that’s can fly like bird...

a. Plane c. Train

b. Car d. Boat

73. Please, choose name of transportation that’s can bring us go to another


a. Plane c. Train

b. Boat d. Car

74. What is the name of transportation has a long body…

a. Car c. Train

b. Taxi d. Truck

75. Toni : what is your transportation use to go to school?

Tomi : I go to school by …

a. Bus c. Rocket

b. Mountain bike d. Plan

76. Sinta : Rina, can you tell to me the characteristic transportation that can

bring me go to market?

Rina : yes of course, that transportation has 3 wheels

What is that transportations below that has 3 wheels …

a. Pedicab c. Helicopter

b. Airplane d. Train

77. What is name of transportations below that has 2 wheels…

a. Pedicab c. Car

b. Motor cycle d. Boat

78. What is name of things that has a railway…

a. Plane c. Car

b. Train d. Motorcycle

79. What is name of things that has two wheels…

a. Motorcycle c. Train

b. Car d. Boat

80. What is name of things that has four wheels…

a. Car c. Train

b. Plane d. Motorcycle

81. Cup board, in Indonesia is…

a. Kulkas c. Kursi

b. Lemari d. Meja

82. Laptop, in Indonesia is …

a. Leptop c. Cctv

b. Televise d. Camera

83. Meja, in English is…

a. Table c. Book

b. Pen d. Chair

84. kursi, in English is…

a. Book c. Chair

b. Pen d. Table

85. Siti sweeps the terrace.

The meaning of the underline word is…

a. Atap c. Meja

b. Lantai d. Teras

86. My room is dark, because the lamp is off.

The meaning of the underline word is…

a. Lampu c. Gelas

b. Cermin d. Lampu hias

87. My mother saves the book in the bookshelf.

The meaning of the underline word is…

a. Lemari c. Meja

b. Rak buku d. Kursi

88. Sister buys new trashcan.

The meaning of the underline word is…

a. Tempat sampah c. Tempat piring

b. Tempat pensil d. Tempat buku

89. I go to school bring the bag.

Bag the meaning of the underline word is…

a. Tas c. Baju

b. Sepatu d. Dasi

90. I sweep the yard of the house using broom.

Broom the meaning of the underline word is…

a. Kain pel c. Tempat sampah

b. Sapu d. Chair

91. We can buy this thing in the fruit shops, except...

a. Grape c. Orange

b. Mango d. Chair

92. What is the name of things that can be used for sitting...

a. Chair c. Car

b. Table d. Book

93. Nila : mom, I want…. It can buy in the jewelry shop

Mother : you want it?

Nila : yes mom

Mother : I will buy for you.

a. Ring c. Book

b. Plate d. Chair

94. Ani goes to market. She wants to buy … in meatball stalls

a. Meatball c. Plate

b. Juice d. Chair

95. My Mother wants to buy a new … to clean our floor

a. Broom c. Chair

b. Plate d. Table

96. Seller cuts the watermelon with…

a. Knife c. Wood

b. Scissor d. Glass

97. What is the name of fruit that has orange color…

a. Banana c. Orange

b. Pear d. Durian

98. Mother : Tina, can you help me?

Tina : yes mom

Mother : can you buy to me ….In fruit shop.

a. Mango c. Scissor

b. Chicken d. Kale

99. Sister : Tini, can you go to market?

Tini : what for sister

Sister : please buy to me ….in clothes shop

a. Shirt c. Coffee

b. Apple d. Tomato

100. Sofie goes to market. She wants to buy … in fruit shop

a. Banana c. Chair

b. Table d. Laptop

Validator Researcher

Nurbaina Siregar, S.Pd Murni

Nip. 19770312 200801 2 005 Nim. 15 203 00011







Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris

Kelas / Semester : VIII/ I

Materi Pokok : Name of Things and Transportation

Tema : Vocabulary

Aspek Skill : Mendengar dan Berbicara

Alokasi waktu : 4 x 40Menit (2 x Pertemuan)

A. Kompetensi Inti :

4. mencoba, mengolah dan menyaji berbagai hal dalam ranah konkret

(menggunakan, mengurai, merangkai, memodifikasi, dan membuat) dan ranah

abstrak (menulis, membaca, menghitung menggambar, dan mengarang) sesuai

dengan yang dipelajari di sekolah dan dari berbagai sumber lain yang sama dalam

sudut pandang/teori.

B. Kompetensi Dasar :

4.7 Memahami fungsi social, struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan dari teks label

nama (label) dan daftar barang (list), sesuai dengan konteks penggunaannya.

Pada akhir pembelajaran siswa:

Mengetahui kosakata transportasi, benda di sekitar dan relevan

dengan kehidupan siswa, dengan memberikan keteladanan tentang

perilaku disiplin, percaya diri, bertanggung jawab, cinta damai, dan

kerja sama.

Mampu menggunakan bahasa inggris setiap kali muncul

kesempatan untuk menyebutkan dan menanyakan tingkah

laku/tindakan/fungsi orang, binatang, benda, di dalam dan di luar

kelas, dengan unsur kebahasaan yang sesuai fungsi sosialnya.

C. Karakter Siswa Yang Diharapkan:

1. Dapat dipercaya (Trustworthiness)

2. Tekun (diligence)

3. Berani (courage)

4. Rasa Hormat dan Perhatian ( respect)

D. Media Pembelajaran

Flip Chart

E. Materi Pembelajaran

Transportasi, benda di pasar dan benda di dalam bangunan yang

terdapat dilingkungan dengan memberikan keteladanan tentang

perilaku disiplin, percaya diri, bertanggung jawab, dan kerja sama.

F. Langkah-langkahKegiatan

Pertemuan 1 (2 x 40 menit):


1. Gretting

2. Mengabsen siswa

3. Guru mempresentasikan judul materi pembelajaran, indicator,

dan tujuan pembelajaran.


1. Guru harus mempersiapkan segala sesuatu yang penting

digunakan di dalam proses pembelajaran

2. Guru harus memperhatikan karakter siswa di dalam memilih

materi pembelajaran, dan menyusun waktu pembelajaran

3. Guru menggunakan flip cahrt untuk memberi arahan kepada

mereka didalam penjelasan tentang topic tersebut

4. Guru meminta siswa untuk mengatakan apa yang dilihat siswa

tersebut sesuai media yang ditunjukkan guru kepada mereka

5. Guru meminta siswa untuk mendiskusikan materi tersebut

didalam grupnya

6. Guru meminta siswa untuk membuat contoh yang lainnya

sesuai dengan materi tersebut dan juga berkaitan dengan media

flip chart tersebut.


1. Guru memimpin siswa untuk membuat kesimpulan tentang

materi tersebut.

2. Guru menjelaskan materi pembelajaran yang akan dipelajaran

mereka minggu depan.

3. Berdo’a di akhir pembelajaran.

Pertemuan II ( 2 x 40 menit):

Kegiatan Pendahuluan

1. Gretting

2. Mengabsen siswa


1. Guru menanyakan kembali tentang materi yang telah dipelajari.

2. Guru membagikan tes untuk dijawab oleh siswa

3. Guru memberi nilai

Kegiatan Penutup

1. Berdo’a di akhir pembelajaran

G. Sumber Belajar

1. Buku when English ring a bells

H. Penilaian Hasil belajar

No Indicators Topic Number of item Item

1 Identifying

the meaning

of words

Things in the





Things in the






Transportation 21,22,23,24,25,26,27,28,



2 Identifying

the use of


Things in the






Things in the






Transportation 71,72,73,74,75,76,77,78,



Total 100

I. PedomanPenilaian

- Untuk tiap nomor, tiap jawaban benar skor 1

- Jumlah sko rmaksimal X 5 = 100

- Nilai maksimal 100

- Nilai siswa = Skor perolehan x 100

Skor maksimal

- Menghitung nilai rata-rata siswa

M = ∑ f x


Where :

M : Mean of the students.

∑ f x : The total scores.

N : Total of students.

Sigalangan, 2019

Guru Pamong, Observer

Nurbaina Siregar, S.Pd Murni

Nip. 19770312 200801 2 005 NIM. 15 203 00011


Kepala Sekolah SMP Negeri 1 Batang Angkola

Misrenim Harahap, S.Pd

Nip. 19600315 198203 2 007



Name :

Class : VIII

No Absen :

Instruction !

1. Tulis nama, kelas, dan nomor absen pada lembar jawaban yang tersedia.

2. Jawablah pertanyaan-pertanyaan di bawah ini.

3. Bacalah pertanyaan dengan benar dan tepat.

4. Pilihlah jawaban yang benar dengan memberi tanda silang (x) pada salah

satu jawaban.

5. Periksalah jawaban anda dengan teliti sebelum menyerahkan kepada guru.

6. Test ini hanya bertujuan untuk mengetahui data-data siswa tentang

pemahaman menghafal kosakata.

7. Waktu 40.

Instruments test for cycle II

Choose the correct answer from the option a, b, c or d by crossing the answer!

1. Andi eats satay this morning.

The meaning of the underline word is…

c. Bakso c. Sate

d. Mie d. Martabak

2. I buy papaya in the market.

The meaning of the underline word is…

c. Jeruk c. Pepaya

d. Manga d. Sirsak

3. I make avocado juice for my sister.

The meaning of the underline word is…

c. Pepaya c. Alpukat

d. Apel d. Jeruk

4. Boneka, in English is …

c. Ball c. Toy car

d. Toy d. Doll

5. My mother buys toy car for my young brother.

The meaning of the underline word is…

c. Boneka c. Bola

d. Robot d. mobil-mobilan

6. Pembeli, in English is …

c. Buyer c. reader

d. Seller d. Writer

7. My mother buys potato in the market.

The meaning of the underline word is…

c. Kentang c. Makanan

d. Sayuran d. Minuman

8. Sister buys cake in shop cake.

The meaning of the underline word is…

c. Makanan c. Kue

d. Gorengan d. Minuman

9. Ayam goreng, in English is…

c. Fried rice c. Meatball

d. Fried chicken d. Satay

10. My family and I go to market. We eat fried chicken.

The meaning of the underline word is…

c. Nasi uduk c. Nasi goreng

d. Nasik uning d. Nasi tumpeng

11. Nova : Where you want to go novi?

Novi : I want go to library, because I want to borrow some ....

a. Books c. Book

b. Pens d. Pen

12. Andi wants to write. She needs some ....

a. Chairs c. Tables

b. Pens d. Dictionary

13. I need two ...., because I want to typewrite with my friend.

a. Laptops c. Calculator

b. Chairs d. Lamps

14. I can not study because, some .... is off

a. Tables c. Calculator

b. Chairs d. Lamps

15. Tina comes late enter to the class. She gets punishment to clean some ...

a. Toilets c. books

b. Laptops d. Pens

16. The student cleans the class every morning. They are sweeping and open

some ....

a. Windows c. Papers

b. Pens d. Books

17. They do homework. They need some ...

a. Books and pens c. Calculators

b. Plates and cups d. Pens

18. I want to buy new car but, i do not have much ...

a. Paper c. Mobile phone

b. Money d. Book

19. Sinta wants to do the homework. She needs some...

a. Books c. Stones

b. Boxes d. Pens

20. The students through rubbish in the ...

a. Pencil case c. Trash can

b. Class d. Toilet

21. My brother go to Jakarta by plan.

The meaning of the underline word is…

c. Pesawat terbang c. Sepeda motor

d. Mobil d. Kereta api

22. Train, in Indonesia is …

c. Kereta api c. Pesawat terbang

d. Mobil d. Sepeda motor

23. Sepeda motor, in English is …

c. Motor cycle c. Mobil

d. Car d. Plane

24. We want go to mall by taxi.

The meaning of the underlined word is…

c. Taksi c. Keretaapi

d. Bus d. Keretaodong

25. My father buys bicycle for me.

The meaning of the underline word is…

c. Sepeda c. Kereta api

d. Sepeda motor d. Mobi

26. Sinta falls from motorcycle. She takes to hospital by ambulance.

The meaning of the underline word is…

c. Mobil c. Ambulans

d. Pesawatterbang d. Truck

27. Kereta api, in English is…

c. Train c. Boat

d. Plane d. Pedicab

28. I go to book store by bicycle.

The meaning of the underline word is…

c. Bicycle c. Plane

d. Train d. Boat

29. Kapal, in English is…

c. Boat c. Train

d. Car d. Plane

30. My father goes to Malaysia by airplain.

Airplan, in Indonesian is…

c. Pesawat jet c. Pesawat terbang

d. Helicopter d. Pesawat laying

31. We can buy this thing in the fruit shops, except...

c. Grape c. Orange

d. Mango d. Chair

32. What is the name of things that can we use to sit…

c. Chair c. Car

d. Table d. Book

33. Nila : mom, I want two …, that it can buy in the jewelry shop.

Mother : Do you want it?

Nila : yes mom

Mother : I will buy for you.

c. Rings c. Books

d. Plate d. Chairs

34. Ani goes to market. She wants to buy … in meatball stalls

c. Meatball c. Plate

d. Juice d. Chair

35. My Mother wants to buy two … to clean our floor

c. Brooms c. Chairs

d. Plates d. Tables

36. The reseller cuts the watermelon with…

c. Knife c. Wood

d. Scissor d. Glass

37. What is the name of fruits that has red color…

c. Apple, rambutan, cerry c. Orange

d. Pear, ornge d. Durian

38. Mother : Tina, can you help me?

Tina : yes mom

Mother : can you buy to me some …. in fruit shop.

c. Mangos c. Scissors

d. Chickens d. Kales

39. Sister : Tina, Can you go to market?

Tini : yes, I can

Sister : please buy to me some….in clothes shop, because I want give to

our cousin.

c. Clothes c. Coffees

d. Apples d. Tomatos

40. Sofie goes to market. She wants to buy some… in fruit shop

c. Bananas c. Chairs

d. Tables d. Laptops

41. Cup board, in Indonesia is…

c. Kulkas c. Kursi

d. Lemari d. Meja

42. Laptop, in Indonesia is …

c. Leptop c. Cctv

d. Televise d. Camera

43. Meja, in English is…

c. Table c. Book

d. Pen d. Chair

44. kursi, in English is…

c. Book c. Chair

d. Pen d. Table

45. I sweep the floor.

The meaning of the underline word is…

c. Atap c. Dinding

d. Lantai d. Teras

46. My brother puts lamp in my room

The meaning of the underline word is…

c. Lampu c. Gelas

d. Cermin d. Lampuhias

47. I put my book in the book shelf

Book shelf the meaning of the underline is…

c. Lemari c. Meja

d. Rak buku d. Kursi

48. Tina throws rubbish in the trash can

The meaning of the underline is…

c. Tempatsampah c. Tempatpiring

d. Tempatpensil d.Tempatbuku

49. Brother brings the document use bag

The meaning of the underline is…

c. Tas c. Baju

d. Sepatu d. Dasi

50. I clean the floor with mop

The meaning of the underline is…

c. Kain pel c. Tempat sampah

d. Sapu d. Sapu Lidi

51. My brother saves his money in the …

c. window c. Table

d. wallet d. Chair

52. Andi writes important things in the…

c. Book c. Chair

d. Table d. Door

53. Mr. Sulaiman : What are you doing Mr. Ray ?

Mr. Ray : I want to count my salary

Mr. Sulaiman : with use you count it ?

Mr. Ray : I use … to count my salary

c. Calculator c. Dictionary

d. Paper d. Pen

54. Andi : Do you want to drink coffee?

Tono : yes, I want it.

Andi : please take some … to us

c. Cups c. Bowels

d. Plates d. Chairs

55. Mrs. Khodijah wants to typewrite the document with quickly. She must

types in the…

c. Laptop c. Dictionary

d. Book d. Whiteboard

56. My sister saves his KTP in the …

c. Wallet c. Table

d. Ring d. Chair

57. I can not study, because … is off

c. Lamp c. chair

d. Table d. book

58. My sister helps me learn English. She opens some … to find the difficult


c. Dictionarys and books d. Tables

d. Magazine c. Mobile phone

59. Aisyah : What are you doing Khodijah?

Khodijah : I want to make this room is cool

Aisyah : What you want to use?

Khodijah : I want to use … in this room

c. Air conditioner c. Ice

d. Water d. Snow

60. Mr. Budi : Mrs Susi, What are you doing?

Mrs. Susi : I read ….

c. Newspaper c. Table

d. Laptop d. Chair

61. Tanti buys spinach in market, because she wants to make spinach chips.

The meaning of the underline word is…

c. Bayam c. Tomat

d. Wortel d. Kentang

62. Tas, in English is…

c. Bag c. Carrot

d. Pencil d. Tomato

63. Carrot, in Indonesia is…

c. Kentang c. Bayam

d. Wortel d. Tas

64. Mangga, in English is…

c. Mango c. Coconut

d. Mangos teen d. Carrot

65. Pineapple, in Indonesia is…

c. Nanas c. Mangga

d. Apel d. Wortel

66. Gula, in English is…

c. Sugar c. Carrot

d. Candy d. Coconut

67. My young sister writes the homework using pen.

The meaning of the underline word is…

c. Pulpen c. Tas

d. Pensil d. Meja

68. Cangkir, in English is…

c. Cup c. Plate

d. Glass d. Wok

69. Stove, in Indonesia is…

c. Kompor c. Piring

d. Cangkir d. Gelas

70. My mother buys spoon.

The meaning of the underline word is…

b. Sendok c. Piring

b. Garpu d. Cangkir

71. They go to school by …

c. School bus c. Ambulance

d. Helicopter d. Rocket

72. I go to Australia by ….

c. Plane c. Train

d. Car d. Boat

73. We go to mall by ….

c. Plane c. Train

d. Boat d. Car

74. What is the name of transportations that use to bring sand...

c. Car c. Train

d. Taxi d. Truck

75. Toni : What transportation bring you to school?

Tomi : I go to school by …

c. Bus c. Rocket

d. Mountain bike d. Plan

76. Sinta : Rina, can you tell to me the characteristic transportation that can

bring me go to market ?

Rina : yes of course, that transportation has 3 wheels

What is that transportation that has 3 wheels …

c. Pedicab c. Helicopter

d. Airplane d. Train

77. What is name of transportation that has 2 wheels…

c. Pedicab c. Car

d. Motor cycle d. Boat

78. What is name of things that has a railway…

c. Plane c. Car

d. Train d. Motorcycle

79. What is name of things that has two wheels…

c. Motorcycle c. Train

d. Car d. Boat

80. What is name of things that has four wheels…

c. Car c. Train

d. Plane d. Motorcycle

81. I stick to papers using glue.

The meaning of the underline word is …

c. Lem c. Penggaris

d. Lampu d. Pensil

82. Tas, in English is …

c. Chair c. Bag

d. Table d. Pen

83. Dasi, in English is…

c. Had c. Tie

d. Lamp d. Flag

84. Kipas, in English is…

c. Book c. Fan

d. Lamp d. Had

85. I line my homework using ruler.

The meaning of the underline word is …

c. Pensil c. Penggaris

d. Pulpen d. Buku

86. Toni deletes the blackboard using eraser.

The meaning of the underline word is…

c. Kertas c. Spidol

d. Berkas d. Penghapus

87. Angga draws the wall using yellow color.

The meaning of the underline word is…

c. Atap c. Teras

d. Dinding d. Lantai

88. Jojo cuts the paper using scissor.

The meaning of the underline word is…

c. Pisau c. Cangkul

d. Silet d. Gunting

89. Jam dinding, in English is…

c. O’clock c. Map

d. Picture d. Clock

90. Mop, in Indonesia is …

c. Sapui juk c. Sapu lidi

d. Tong sampah d. Kain pel

91. I want to cook. I need…., because I want to cook sup.

c. Chicken c. Kale

d. Cabbage d. Fish

92. My mother wants to make juice. She needs… to make juice

c. Kale c. Mango

d. Fish d. Cabbage

93. Sopie : Tina, can you help me?

Tina : yes, I can. What it’s

Sopie : please you go to market and buy … for me, because I want to


c. Banana c. Coconut

d. Durian d. Rice

94. What is the name of things below that make from the wood…

c. Cupboard c. Mirror

d. Bicycle d. Motor cycle

95. Sabyan : Joko where is I can get the freezer, because I need to save my


Joko : you can get it in the …. shop.

c. Electronic c. Vegetables

d. Fruits d. Table

96. My mother wants to make fried chicken. She must buys … to make fried


c. Chicken c. Electronics

d. Vegetables d. Meats

97. My sister wants to make bakwan. She needs …to make bakwan.

c. Cabbage c. Meats

d. Fruits d. Mango

98. My mother buys …., because she wants to make ice cream

c. Electronic c. Vegetables

d. Freezer d. Meats

99. Sinta wants to cook rice. She needs …to cook rice

c. Stove c. Rice Cooker

d. Refrigerator d. Radio

100. Santi goes to dress shop. She wants to buy…, because she will go to party.

c. Clothes d. Dress

d. Juices d. Meats

Validator Researcher

Nurbaina Siregar, S.Pd Murni

Nip. 19770312 200801 2 005 Nim. 15 203 00011



Interview to the students in cycle 1

1. Apakah anda menyukai pelajaran kosakata bahasa inggris?

(Do you like learning English vocabulary?)

Answer: ……………………………………………….

2. Apakah kesulitan anda ketika belajar kosakata?

(What are your difficulties when learning vocabulary?)


3. Mengapa anda tidak mengerti soal tersebut?

( Why don’t you understand the question?)


4. Mengapa anda tidak mengerti pelajaran tersebut?

( Why don’t you understand the lesson?)


5. Mengapa anda salah menjawab soal?

a. Number ( )?


b. Number ( )?


c. Number ( )?




Interview to the students in cycle 2

6. Apakah anda menyukai pelajaran kosakata bahasa inggris?

(Do you like learning English vocabulary?)

Answer: ……………………………………………….

7. Apakah kesulitan anda ketika belajar kosakata?

(What are your difficulties when learning vocabulary?)


8. Mengapa anda tidak mengerti soal tersebut?

( Why don’t you understand the question?)


9. Mengapa anda tidak mengerti pelajaran tersebut?

( Why don’t you understand the lesson?)


10. Mengapa anda salah menjawab soal?

d. Number ( )?


e. Number ( )?


f. Number ( )?



Observation Note Sheet

Students’ Activity in Teaching Learning Process

Classroom Action Research

Subject Matter : English

Class / Semester : VIII/ I

Days / Date Of :

Cycles : I

Observant : Nurbaina Siregar, S,Pd.


o Activities

Students Total


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 2






















1 Students who always

walks in the class

2 Students sleep when

teaching learning


3 Students active ask the


4 Students can identify

the name of thing

based on the flip chart


5 Students can use the


6 Students do all the


7 Students who Full

attention when

learning vocabulary

8 Students collect the

task appropriate the


9 Students who have not

full attention when

learning vocabulary


0 Student’s permission



Condition of the class


Observation Note Sheet

Students’ Activity in Teaching Learning Process

Classroom Action Research

Subject Matter : English

Class / Semester : VIII/ I

Days / Date Of :

Cycles : II

Observant : Nurbaina Siregar, S,Pd.

No Activities

Students Total


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 2
























1 Students who always

walks in the class

2 Students sleep when

teaching learning


3 Students active ask the


4 Students can identify

the name of thing

based on the flip chart


5 Students can use the


6 Students do all the


7 Students who Full

attention when

learning vocabulary

8 Students collect the

task appropriate the


9 Students who have not

full attention when

learning vocabulary

10 Student’s permission

11 Condition of the class



Nurbaina Siregar, S.Pd

Nip.19770312 200801 2 005


Observation Note Sheet

Teachers’ Activity in Teaching Learning Process

Classroom Action Research

Subject Matter : English

Class/ Semester : VIII-B

Days/ Date of :

Cycles : I

Observer : Nurbaina Siregar, S. Pd

No Activities Yes No Notes

I. A. Opening

1. Doing the apperception.

2. Giving the motivation to the students.

3. Explaining the purpose of the learning


4. Explaining the steps teaching-learning

vocabulary process by using

prediction strategy.

II. B. Implementation of Learning Material

1. Connecting learning material to the

students’ experience by using Flip

Chart Media

2. Explaining vocabulary material by

using Flip Chart Media

3. Giving the suitable example in


4. Motivating all students to participate

in teaching process and sets down its

result on paper that is provided

III. C. Evaluation

1. Asking the students to do test and

researcher looks after the students

during the test time

2. After students finish in answering the

test, then the researcher will collect

their answer to give the assessment

that appropriate with lesson plan

IV. D. Closing

1. Making the conclusion based on

vocabulary material

2. Asking the students about vocabulary


3. Giving the motivation to the students

in order to apply the Flip Chart Media

in vocabulary

4. Giving the information about

vocabulary material in the next




Nurbaina Siregar, S.Pd

Nip.19770312 200801 2 005


Observation Note Sheet

Teachers’ Activity in Teaching Learning Process

Classroom Action Research

Subject Matter : English

Class/ Semester : VIII-B

Days/ Date of :

Cycles : II

Observer/ Co-teacher : Nurbainah Siregar, S. Pd

No Activities Yes No Notes

I. E. Opening

5. Doing the apperception.

6. Giving the motivation to the


7. Explaining the purpose of the

learning outcome

8. Explaining the steps teaching-

learning vocabulary process by

using prediction strategy.

II. F. Implementation of Learning


5. Connecting learning material to the

students’ experience by using Flip

Chart Media

6. Explaining vocabulary material by

using Flip Chart Media

7. Giving the suitable example in


8. Motivating all students to

participate in teaching process and

sets down its result on paper that is


III. G. Evaluation

3. Asking the students to do test and

researcher looks after the students

during the test time

4. After students finish in answering

the test, then the researcher will

collect their answer to give the

assessment that appropriate with

lesson plan

IV. H. Closing

5. Making the conclusion based on

vocabulary material

6. Asking the students about

vocabulary material

7. Giving the motivation to the

students in order to apply the Flip

Chart Media in vocabulary

8. Giving the information about

vocabulary material in the next




Nurbaina Siregar, S.Pd

Nip. 19770312 200801 2 005


Table.6 Students’ vocabulary Mastery Score in First Test (First


No Students’


Indicators Test Score


The Meaning

of Words


The Use of


1 AM 30 31 61

2 DA 36 30 66

3 FS 40 23 63

4 FH 40 26 66

5 HAP 35 33 68

6 KS 25 35 60

7 KY 45 35 80*

8 MHS 38 37 75*

9 ME 40 31 71

10 NSB 40 30 70

11 NH 40 40 80*

12 NA 40 35 75*

13 NF 42 33 75*

14 NJ 47 27 74

15 RH 30 30 60

16 RA 35 25 60

17 RFWD 44 40 84*

18 RF 33 30 63

19 RYZ 31 30 61

20 SB 38 35 73

21 SR 40 33 73

22 SFS 40 35 75*

23 UR 35 34 69

24 WF 40 31 71

25 GS 40 30 70

26 RW 38 30 68

27 RF 44 30 74

28 MN 35 35 70

29 RW 40 31 71

30 FM 42 32 74

31 RK 36 38 74

SUM 1.179 995 2174

MEAN SCORE 38.03 32.09 70.12


*The students who passed the KKM (75) in first cycle


Table.7 students’ vocabulary Mastery Score in Second Test

(Second Cycle)

No Students’


Indicators Test Score



Meaning of



The Use of


1 AM 35 40 75

2 DA 33 42 75

3 FS 30 48 78

4 FH 40 42 82

5 HAP 41 41 82

6 KS 40 30 70

7 KY 49 49 98

8 MHS 45 40 85

9 ME 44 40 84

10 NSB 43 41 84

11 NH 48 50 98

12 NA 48 44 92

13 NF 40 50 90

14 NJ 42 40 82

15 RH 35 34 69

16 RA 45 30 75

17 RFWD 48 50 98

18 RF 35 40 75

19 RYZ 39 30 69

20 SB 47 47 94

21 SR 40 50 90

22 SFS 42 50 92

23 UR 44 43 87

24 WF 50 45 95

25 GS 49 48 97

26 RW 47 40 87

27 RF 48 42 90

28 MN 45 49 94

29 RW 48 47 95

30 FM 49 48 97

31 RK 47 50 97

SUM 1.336 1.340 2.676

MEAN SCORE 43.09 43.22 86.32


Bold name that did not pass the KKM (75) in second cycle


Frequency Distribution of Vocabulary in First Cycle

No Students’




1 AM 61

2 DA 66

3 FS 63

4 FH 66

5 HAP 68

6 KS 60

7 KY 80

8 MHS 75

9 ME 71

10 NSB 70

11 NH 80

12 NA 75

13 NF 75

14 NJ 74

15 RH 60

16 RA 60

17 RFWD 85

18 RF 63

19 RYZ 61

20 SB 73

21 SR 73

22 SFS 75

23 UR 69

24 WF 71

25 GS 70

26 RW 68

27 RF 74

28 MN 70

29 RW 71

30 FM 74

31 RK 74

Total 2174

Maximum value = 84

Minimum value = 60

Rentang = Maximum Value – Minimum Value

= 84 – 60

= 24

Banyak kelas = 1 + (3,3)log n

= 1 + (3,3) (log 31)

= 1 + (3,3)(1,49136)

= 1 + 4,79

= 5,97 5 or 6

Panjang kelas = Rentang data

Banyak kelas

= 24/5

= 4,8 5

The Frequency Distribution of Vocabulary Mastery

Value Frequency absolute Frequency Cumulative (%)

60 – 64 7 22,5 %

65 – 69 5 16,1 %

70 – 74 12 38,7 %

75 – 79 4 12,9 %

80 – 84 3 9,6 %

Total 31 100 %


Frequency Distribution of Vocabulary in Second Cycle




’ Initial




1 AM 75

2 DA 75

3 FS 78

4 FH 82

5 HAP 82

6 KS 70

7 KY 98

8 MHS 85

9 ME 84

10 NSB 84

11 NH 98

12 NA 92

13 NF 90

14 NJ 82

15 RH 69

16 RA 75

17 RFWD 98

18 RF 75

19 RYZ 69

20 SB 94

21 SR 90

22 SFS 92

23 UR 87

24 WF 95

25 GS 97

26 RW 87

27 RF 90

28 MN 94

29 RW 95

30 FM 97

31 RK 97

Total 2676

Maximum value = 98

Minimum value = 69

Rentang = Maximum Value – Minimum Value

= 98 – 69

= 29

Banyak kelas = 1 + (3,3)log n

= 1 + (3,3) (log 31)

= 1 + (3,3)(1,49136)

= 1 + 4,79

= 5,97 5 or 6

Panjang kelas = Rentang data

Banyak kelas

= 29/5

= 5,8 6

The Frequency Distribution of Vocabulary Mastery

Value Frequency absolute Frequency Cumulative (%)

69 – 74 3 9,6

75 – 80 5 16,1

81 – 86 6 19,3

87 – 92 8 25,8

93 – 98 9 29,0

Total 31 100%



1. Researcher Was Explaining the Material

2. Learning Process

3. Researcher was giving the test of the students

4. Researcher with Head Master and English Teacher


A. Identity

Name : Murni

Reg. No : 15 203 00011

Place / Birthday : Batang Pane III/ May, 17th


Sex : Female

Religion : Islam

Address : Batang Pane III

B. Parents

Father’s name : Yatemin

Mother’s name : Manir

C. Educational Background

1. Elementary : SDN 101380 Batang Pane III (2009)

2. Junior High School : SMPN 5 Padang Bolak (2012)

3. Senior High School : MA Darul Ulum Sipaho (2015)

4. University : IAIN Padangsidimpuan (2020)