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18 steps to becoming a more empowered you in



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The Success Principles Mentorship

Copyright © Awolu Faith Facebook


Preface This eBook contains write-ups about how you can become

more empowered you in this New Year, and how to use it

for achieving success.

I hope the article will inspire, motivate, and help

you to improve your life.

If you find these articles to be inspiring and

helpful, which I hope you do,

please feel free to share this eBook with your family,

friends and colleagues.

Important notice!

This eBook is not for sale!

This is a free eBook, and should be distributed only

as a free eBooks.

Awolu Faith



Each year, people start off the New Year with a

resolution that's probably similar to one made in

previous years. And every January, there's a new

commitment to making it really work this year.

Here's the problem: People who make these "renewed"

resolutions aren’t really committed to changing who

they are on the inside. So these resolutions --

whether it's getting in shape or growing a network or

improving productivity -- become simply a test of


What needs to happen instead is a true change of

perspective: Who you are, why you are here and what

life really means to you.

The truth is, once you decide to look at yourself in

the mirror every day and commit to holding yourself

accountable to be the “best you” you can be, then

all of your goals and resolutions become more easily

attainable. That's because the real change is

happening from within. The self-sabotaging habits

begin to diminish and confidence, self-esteem and

self-worth increases.


In life we have control of one thing only -- our

perspective. No matter what happens, you can train

yourself to see the good or lesson in everything that

is happening around you. This can make your feel

empowered instead of powerless in many circumstances.

As a serial entrepreneur, I've adopted these mantras

in order to create a more positive perspective, both

professionally and personally. By following them, you

can take control of your life and get empowered to

live the life you truly desire.


1. Ditch your resolutions and make SMART goals

instead. Instead of saying what you do or don't plan

to do in 2015, make something concrete. SMART goals

are something that is Specific, Measurable,

Attainable, Relevant and Time-bound. Actually put

these goals in writing and you will be much more

likely to achieve them. Better yet -- put them in

writing and then make an action plan on small

milestones you plan to achieve to be successful in the

overall goal. Put them somewhere you can see them each

day so they stay top of mind, one at home and one at

the office.

2. Create a networking strategy. If you are looking

for an opportunity, in reality you are looking for a

person. Opportunities are tied to people. Once you

determine your goals for the year, take time to think

of specific people that can help you achieve each

goal. Reach out to them to set a meeting and find ways

to create a win-win relationship. Networking isn't

just about handing out business cards, it is about

building meaningful relationships that help both

individuals become more successful!


3. Show more gratitude every day. One way that you can

reduce stress and live a happier life is to take time

every day to be thankful. Keep a gratitude journal

that each morning or night you write at least one

thing you are thankful for that day. It will help you

focus on the positive things even when times are


4. Get healthy. "Healthy" can mean a lot of different

things to different people. Healthy is a lifestyle.

Being physically fit has many positive performance

benefits including increased productivity, improved

mood, higher confidence and self-esteem, boosted

energy and better sleep. Take small steps to gradually

live a healthier life style -- plan meals, get a

personal trainer, commit to a gym schedule -- whatever

makes sense for you. Before you know it you will see

the benefits of eating healthier and staying

physically active!

5. Read more. In a recent Pew Research Center study it

was reported that nearly a quarter of American adults

had not read a single book in the past year. The


number of non-book readers has nearly tripled since

1978. Readers are leaders!

6. Create a professional development plan. With the

start of a new year, everyone says there are things

they want to do to improve in certain areas. But,

hardly any make a written plan. Take time to actually

write out the action steps you will need to take to

reach your goals and milestones to make sure you stay

on track. How will you measure your success? Look at

the larger picture -- what are your 3, 5, 10 and

lifetime goals? Map out the steps you need to take

this year to get yourself headed in the right

direction to meet your longer term goals.

7".Live With Passion and Purpose." Stop asking "what

should I be doing" and start understanding "who you

want to be." What do you want your legacy to be? As

you reflect, you will begin to understand your

purpose. That will make it easier to live with more

passion and stay further away from needless and

draining distractions or drama. Identifying your

purpose and living with passion is the most authentic

way to be empowered all day, every day.


8."Have More Fear of Regret Than Failure." Remind

yourself that the feeling of regret is so much worse

than trying something (even if it doesn't work out)

and living with no regrets. Realize fear is an

illusion that holds you back. By doing so, you will

set yourself free to live to your fullest potential.

9. Be Positive: Remember, the only thing in the world

we have control over is our perspective. You can

choose to adopt a consistently positive perspective

and find the good in everything. Or you can be

negative, and attract more negative things into your

life. The mantra "I only have good days" reminds you

to see the positive for a better outcome.

10. Learn a new skill. Try something new! Look at what

programs your local technical college has to offer.

There are so many interesting things to do in the

world -- why stop learning once you are done with

school? This will help you meet new people and open

you up to new experiences and opportunities. Never

stop learning.


11. Create a personal mission and vision statement.

One of the biggest roadblocks people face in meeting

their goals is that they don't have a clear vision of

what they are trying to achieve. A vision statement

defines your optimal desired future state and helps

provide guidance and inspiration on what you are

focused on achieving. A mission statement defines your

current purpose and answers the questions what you do,

who you do it for and how you do it. By creating a

vision and mission statement you will clarify where

you currently are and what it is you are looking to

achieve in your life. This will make it easier to

define the steps you need to get there.

12. Challenge yourself. It is easy to get into a

routine. Get up, go to work, make dinner, and go to

bed. But the exciting things in life happen when you

take risks and challenge yourself. Find ways as often

as possible to stretch your limits. Do something

difficult and if you fail, don't worry about it. More

learning happens when you fail than when you succeed.

Always be searching for your next adventure!


13. Plan a trip. Speaking of adventures, plan a trip

for this year. It doesn't have to be something that

breaks the bank. Find a creative way to visit a new

place. Take lots of pictures and enjoy every minute.

The greatest things in life are experiences, not

material possessions. People often say they want to

see a new place, but never actually take the steps to

make it happen. Pick a date and get your 2015 trip on

the calendar today.

14. Create a budget. It's no secret that money can be

a huge stressor, both personally and in a

relationship. A budget is an invaluable took to help

you prioritize your spending and manage your money.

You can use a simple spreadsheet or check out free

online programs like or

Make a commitment to be more responsible about your

spending and saving to set yourself up for success now

and in the long term.

15. Commit to your relationship. Maintain good

relationship with family and friends, having a strong

relationship takes work. Find ways to make your

relatives/ friends smile, put their needs before yours

and show affection as much as possible. The grass

isn't greener on the other side, it is greener where


you water it -- so make sure you are giving your

relationship the attention it deserves and you will

see great results!

16. Invest in yourself. There is no investment that

will give better returns that investing in yourself.

When you have a little financial skin in the game you

are much more likely to seriously commit to something.

What can you invest in to move you closer to reaching

your goals this year? Look into hiring a life coach or

executive coach, buy that new piece of software for

your computer, and get that new treadmill for your gym

-- once you start putting your hard earned money

towards achieving something you will be compelled to

have a stronger commitment to succeed.

17. Create a morning routine. This is an area I

personally will be working on in 2015 (along with many

of the other things). As a self-proclaimed non-morning

person, I know I needed a change. If you read or

watched interviews from almost any ultra-successful

people you will notice they all have structured

morning routines. They vary from person to person, but

the concept is the same. The have a routine they do to

start their day each morning to set themselves up for

success. It can include meditation, exercise, eating


healthy, reviewing goals and much more -- whatever

makes sense for you. Instead of hitting snooze in

2015, wake up and complete a morning routine that gets

your mind and body ready for a great day.

18. Get an accountability partner. Lastly, find an

accountability partner to share your goals and action

plans with for 2015. This person should help motivate

and inspire you, tell you when you are doing well and

give you a kick in the butt when you need it. Your

partner can be a spouse, friend or business partner,

just make sure it is someone who will be sure to help

keep you on track!

Keep these mantras handy. Perhaps post them on a

mirror or wall so that you will be reminded how to

“mentally reset” when you fall into old patterns and

perspectives that can sabotage your best efforts.

Empower yourself to have a happier, more fulfilling,

and successful life. Then this year really can be THE

year to achieve your goals and live the life you


Wishing you a happy, prosperous and successful new

year! Happy 2015!