Download - HARTWELL GENEALOGY, - Seeking my Roots
















Entered according to Act of Congress, In the year 1887,


In tbe Office of the Librarian of Congresa, at Washington.


TUE propriety of putting the f oUowJng pa~es to press at the present time may be Indicated in n few wor,ls. When commencing, a little more than three years ago, the collection of material for a memorllll of the family whose record ls scantily out­lined in the following pages, the writer w • .a almost entirely without local knowledge of the various branches of the race it was his mission to trace, and, he la free to confeH, with a very inadequate idea of their numbers and wide dispersion, and with misconceived notions of the persv.ial Interest likely to be manifested by many of those he was destined to seek information from, in order to t!1e completion of th~ ·work in hand. He was not Jong in learning that, while very many members of th tl family hailed with great satisfaction the attempt being made by him to rescue the records of a worthy race from oblivion, there were at least as many more who looked upon the undertaking with comparative in<llff'erencc, in a few cases merging into undisguised contempt for the whole procee<llng. Fortunately for the credit of the family, very few indeed of those falling in the Jast•named category have as yet been dlsco,·ered, while the indifferent, the scantily informed, even in the case of their own immediate relatives, and those even of the interested lriends of the project who lacked the facility of communicating the essential facts needed to make the record readable, interes\ing and instructive, have been so numerous as to make the work of the writer far more tedious and laborious than he felt called to anticipate in tbe outset. In tbe matter of distributing blanks to be filled with family records and returned to him for use in preparing his work, much difficulty has been found in sufficiently arousing the attention of the persons addressed, to cause them to care• fully study the blanks and the instructions accompanying them, so as to be able to furnish the data they are certain to po@sess, in an effective manner. Of fourteen hundred blanks sent out, and more than a thousand written letters, explanatory of them, and an uncounted number of subsequent appeals for information on specific points that it seemed quite certain the parties addressed were ln poesesaion of, or were at least able to throw a little light on, less than one-half have been .honored with any kind of response whatever. Spite of all these drawbacks and discourage­ments, the author feels assured of comparatively good succe88 in the limited time he has been able to dev<'tt> to the rese,uch in hand. He bas already collected over 7000 names, locate,: at one time or another in every State and territory in the Union, and a few in fore.fgn lands, but is sorry to say that, as to many of them, much that goes to fulness of narrative and completeness of detail .is yet wanting. It there­fore appears, looki'lg over the whole g1·ouncl, that the present is a fitting time to give to the public a t·esuml of the work accomplished. It is believed that it will surpri1e many of our people with the extent of their kinship, Jiving and dead, awaken an interest in the completion of our record, to which tbey ha,·e been hitherto un­used, arouse some of them out of the state of indolent indifference to the history of their race and blood in which they bave hitherto rested, and serve for nearly all as an " object lesson," teaching them at a glance what days and weeks of toilsome cor• respondence could not 110 well accomplish. I will here quote from Report of 1885 specifications of ,he points upon which I desire and should be 1upplied with information :

"1, Christian name; 2, day, month and year of birth; 8, day, month andyearof death; 4, day, month and year of marriage; 5, name of wife or husband; 6, 11a111es of 1,e,- or In's parents, 1°Ncludt"ng mat'r/c11 name of mo/Iler;* 1, her or his birthplace antl previous residence; 8, oce11jatlo11 of 11,e l,ead of /1,c fam,1y ,· 9, prcse11I res-

•A1• O(ptlrenll not requlrfd, but, wlaete u,1u111&l, may be ,riven.


1,lc11ce; 10, previous changes of occupation and resl.ilencc, in what plar:c., and )'en n; 11, n11mes of children; 12, their ncord i11 dt'lall, slmil11r to your own, •wllh 11a111es of gra,u/c/Jlldrr11, dales, etc.; 13, subsequent m11rrl11gei;1 of nny one name,i, if any has occurred, wlth record l11 detail; 14-. public educntion, nt wJrnt instltutlon, year of graduation; If teacher in common school or higher institution, mention fact with J•1aces and years; 15, if in learned professions, gh·e year antl placo of preparation, also of practice in profession; JG, if in military service, gh·e company, regiment, army corps, in wllnt cnmpaigns, princlJ>nl battles, and datn of enlbtment a11d discharge; 11, gh·c n concise account of any striking or notabie incidents or pecuJinritles as to any one named. Send obituaries or news clippings as to any one in public life; 18, name brothers, sisters, uncles, aunts, 'fVt'l!t j,rc.,r,,t or /a.,t lmow11 jostojfice addresus l 19, name parent and grandparent on the Ilarhvell side," on title page, back of blank.

Many of these queries arc, and will be until the completion of the finished record, in order for answer as to many names herein found. Those in italics arc the ones the author has hacl most trouble in getting answered. It wns at first intended to embody the form of record indlcntccl by question 6, as to m·cry ninrringe, and by questions 2, 8, 4, as to aJI, leaving blank11 for missing dates, thus to arrest the eye ancl direct attention in each case to omissions and neglect, but the plan was abandoned witb regret for want of room. Attention is requ~sted to the form of record of marriage of the author ancl his parents, ns a model of completeness in that pnrticul,l(r, aml a• furnishing data of more importance to the thoughtful student of genealogy than any other single item of information fouml in family history.

It is fouml necessary to present the briefest possible outline of the record pro• posed to be given, le1wing out all attempts at fine writing, and dropping hundreds of pages of interesting matter alrea1ly in hand, to be henceforth given to the public. It will be noticed that many of the female Jines have been traced imperfectly or not at all. Obviously the objective point in inquiries like the one now in hand, is to trace and locate as many as possible of J>Coplc and families bearing the name of Hartwell, thb offshoots in other family names from intermarriages of the femnles, coming naturally into view aml noted for latter reference, as the study of those branches of the family must follo,v that of the parent line. The author cnnnot spencl his .:,wn time and means tracing those lines whose mothers were born prior to 1750, but will gladly take such matter furnished by parties interested, aml gh'e it place. 1Ie wants in full to the present, records of the female lines commencing later, and also desires the direct lino of descent, ,vith names and dates of birth ancl death, in the case of intermarrying families arrh·ing on American soil prior to King Philip's war, as that of 0<'v, Bradford, Miles Standish, John Alden, Edwan1 Johnson, the Shermans, and the early Concord families.

"Send promptly notlces of ln' marri'age.,t, dcatlls, re111ova/s. •• Very few have done so thus far.

Thanks are due for zca1ous and industrious assistance given by a few of our friends, for which credit will In due time be gfren. It is hoped that the net result of this YCntnre will be to lessen the labor, time and expense of the author in present• Ing, from more abundant sources of Information, a flnishecl memorial that will be a lasting credit to him, and a permanent gratiflcatlon to thousands in whose vein& flows the blood of our honored ancestor, W1u.u.x IIARTW£t.L, of Concord.

One of the controlling reasons for publication in tliis form at the present time is to afford a chance for rigid inspection by parties interested, to discover possible errors of elate or fact. Revision and correction is especially valuable aml important in a work of this kind, made up so largely of material gathered at second-hand, and intended to stand as history for the benefit of those who will come after us. The author will take M a great kindness prompt notice of neetle<l correct.Ions, no not fail In this cluty to yourseln•s nnd the family.



IN the chapter of Domesday Book assignecl to a description or military tenures of lands alloted in Nortbamptonshh-c, Eng., by \Villinm of Normandy to his foJlowers, appears the designation of an allotment beal'ing the name of "JlprrteWrllt.'' Similar 1·ecords arc found in the descriptions of lands in Bucks and ,vms. It seems rather probable that the current traclition of" three brothers who came," etc., has been transplanted from the north of Englnnd, nnd brought down the stream of time nearly six hundred years from its ol'iginal place in current history. Se,·eral branches of these early families, including th1·ee or four baronies and with the name transmuted amid the multifarious changes of ortho• graphy incident to the growth and changes of the English language, to plain HA.RTWEr,L, ha\'e sp1·ead o,•cr England, mo1·e than one offshoot having found their way to those counties of It-eland within the pale, notably about the time of the wholesale transplanting of colonists to that island by Cromwell. From some one of these English families came ,v1LLIAM HARTWELL, who appears among the early settlers of Concord. ,vbe1·e he was born, from which of the numerous English families he was descended, does not yet appear, I have not yet been able to find hia name in any list of passengers from English ports to the New Engla.n<i Colonies, and ha,·e not as yet undertaken any special line of inquiry for the purpose of tracing his English ancestry, deeming the pursuit, dis­covery and classification of bis American descendants of the first im­po1'tance. One or two lines of inquiry, leading, in my judgment, to profitable results, may be hereafler pursued, if justified by a proper degree of interest on the purt of his living descendants.

Unfortunately there is no complete list in existence, properly authen­ticated, of the party of pioneers whG, under the lead of .Major Simon ,vmard, led the way in cutting loose from the neighborhood of their friends to penetrate the wilderness in search of homes, albeit only a tramp of eighteen miles, nnd which on the 12th day of September, 1685,

· 0. S., u mnde their 1>itch" within the limits of the historic town of Con• cord. Nor is there any 1>osith•e statem11nt of the numbAr of families



composing the settlement in the fall and winter eusuing that date. It cannot, therefore, be positively stated whether or not ,vminm Hartwell was of that fl_rst party of settlers, but enough is known to make Jt extremely probable that he must have n1Th•ed in the settlement Jn the following year, A. D. 1636. A tract of land, containing nine acres, "more or less," was allotted to him 011 which to erect a dwelling, situated, ns near as can he judged, nearly a mile eastward of the Public Square, along the Lexington or old " Bay" road, very nearly at the eastern bound of the property now occupied by E. ,v. Bull, of" Concord grape" notoriety; "bounded upon the west by Nathankl Ball; upon the south by the Mill brooke; upon the north by Joshua Wheeler; upon the east by • • •

n lies under the Ice of the lorig sand ridge, extending ft·om Concord village eastward to Merriam's Corner, which was wisely selected by the early settlers as a wind-break to shelter them from the Borean blasts during the first winter of their sojourn in their new quarters.

If, aa is assumed above, Mr. Hartwell arrived in Concord in 1636, be was twenty-three years old at that time. It is likely bis children were all born in Concord. He was made a freeman of the Colony in 1642, appears as one of the petitioners for a grant of the town of Chelmsford, adjoining Concord on tho north, in 1653, and while not at all conspicuous as & leading man in the settlement, yet he evidently stood high in the confl.dence of his neighbors, and performed well hfs share of the public duties ot the new and growing town. In 1666, when the confusion that had arisen in titles to land became unbearable, and the selectmun of Concord undertook the task of specifying and describing in detail the numerous parcel& of land granted, without system or 01·der, from the first settlement down to that time, Mr. Hartwell appears as one of the larger land heldert, with 247 acres of land, "be they more or less" (generally more), in 19 separately described tracts; in 1672 one of,. committee of nine citizens to frame rules for the guidance of the select­men of the t.own; in 1671 a corporal; in 1678 appointed quarter­master, vice Henry Woodis, app. cornet In the 2d troop ot horse or Middlesex County. He died 12th March, 1690, "in y• 77th year of his age," having made bis will a short time previous, in which he mentions his daughters Sarah and Mary, and his sons John and Samuel. 'fho youngest child of which anything is known, Martha, appeal's to have died before him. His wife Jazan, died 6th August 1695. The resting

· place of their remains is not known, but was doubtless in the old grave• yard on the hill south of the Public Square in Concord village, where several of hi1 descendants are buried.


Current and family numbers are of no avail in nn incomplete work like this, as fuller research may disclose new names and families. 'rhe designations of the different branches of the fnmily, and the allied

. families in the female lines, wlll be found at the head of each page. Massachusetts was the first seat of the familJ, and if no State is noted after name of any locality it will be taken as in Mass. The date next following any person's name will ordinarily be of t,rth i " m., ,, mar­riage; "d.," death; "w.,,, wife; "bus.," husband; q. v., quod vide; "dau.,,, daughter.

:BILLERICA., l'arker.

Saraht, no record of birth found in Concord records, d, 8 JuJy 1674, m. 18 April 1661, Benjamin Parker of Billerica, d, 17 Jan. 1671-2.

Benjamins, 29 June 1662, d. 23 Dec. 1733, m. 11 Oct, 1684, Mary TruU, 22 July 1662, d. 15 Sept. 1604; m. 10 Nov. 1697, 2d w. Abigail French, 6 Dec, 1665, d 18 Mar. 1722-;8; m. 23 Nov. 1726, 3d w. Mary Poodney of Woburn. Mary• , 26 Jan. 1685-6, m. 8 Dec. 1705, Philip Prlest'of Concord, Sarah•, 2 Dec. 1687;- Ben­jamin•, 26 Oct. 1689, dfsapp. from tax list 1785, m. 22 Oct. 11111 Lydia Chamberlain; ch. Lydia• ,12 March 1711-2.

Benjamin•, 17 Sept. 1720, m. June 11421 Mary, prob. dau. Jacob Corey; ch.,

Levis t U Sept. 1143, m. 14 Jan. 1766, Sarah Blodgett of Lexington, and removed to Carlisle; ch. Mo1Jy7, 2 June 1772; William7 , 22 Aug, 1774-; SibbeJ7, 16 June 1776; Lydia7 , 24: Feb. 1779.

David8 , 8 June 1744, m. 4 Oct. 1764, Phebe Swallow of Chelmsford; Na­thaniel8, 28 Mar. 1745-6, d. Carlisle about 1803, m. 9 May 1771, Eleanor Robbins of Chelmsford; ch, Lucy7 , 7 Mar. 1772; Nathaniel7 , 18 Oct. 1778; Ephraim7, 21 June 1716; Elea.norf , bap. 10 May 1778 i prob, Jonas7 •

Mary6, 25 Je.n. 1747-8; Lydia6 , 28 Jan. 1749-50, m. 29 May 1770, Timothy Wetherbee of Pepperell; RutbG, S July 1752, d. bef. 21 Aug, 1773, m. 29 Sept. 1772, Ebenezer Lewie, eon of Benjamin and Elizabeth (Jaquith), 4 Dec. 1750, d, in hosp. at Cambrldge 10 Jan. 1776; John8

1 15 Jan. 1754 i William8 , 81 May 1757,

Abigail'• 11 Sept. 1698, m. 15 Aug. 1722, John Marshall, 19 Feb, 1688-9, d. Tewksbury, (j Oct. 176.2; ch, John5 , 28 July 1728, d. inf,; John5 , 14: .Aug. 1724.-; Danlel" , 29 Aug, 1726; Ablgai15 , 24 May 1780, d, inf. ; Danlel5 , 11 Mar. 1783, d. inf.

John4 , 17·Dec, 1700 (wiUdated 1747), m. Mary Crosby, 11 May 1722, d. 1 Dec. 1764; ch, John5 , Mary5 , twins, 80 Mar. 1745, d. bef. father; Bethiah1 , 17 Sept. 1705, m. 10 Maf 1788, Richard Snow, son or grandson of Samuel,

Johns, 17 Mar. 1667-8, d. 1 Jan. 1698-9, m. 18 Dec. 1606, Abigail Whitaker, whose 2d hua. Slmon Crosby.

John'• H May 1798, m. Sarah - ; ch. Samuel3 , 10 Dec. 1722, d, 21 Nov. 1762, m. Anna Tarbell, m. n. Nurse, grand-dau. Rebecca Nurse, hung for witchcraft, 17 July 1717; ch. Samuel6 , 9 Feb. 1748-4 i Anna", 7 Feb. 1744--5; Ruthe, 21 Feb, 1747-8; Jobn8 , Jonathan6 , t)Vias, 15 Aug. 1750; Rebecca6 , 10 May 1752, m. Na­thaniel CowdryofWeatford; ~h. Joeephi, 19 Mar. 1781, m. Lucy Brown; Ebenezer!, m. Betaey Gibson (widow living at the corner in 1882) ; Marla8 , 16 Feb, 1805, m. Wyers; Joaeph8 , 18 Jan. 180?, m. Ann Eliza.


Mary E.11, 12 Feb. 1830, m. Johnson Warren, 12 ltlay 1833, Jived Boston 1882; .A11nel' ,6July 1~; Jo,eph S.9 ,o Mar. 1838, d, 10 Julyl8M; Sargent F,O 12h Dec. 1837, tl, Emma F,9, 31 Jan, 18-10.

Silas H. P.8 , 16 Feb. 1810, m. 18:;2, Catherine P. Johnson of llurllngton. J.,aura. A.II , 22 Nov. 1833, d. 2 April 1838; <Jatherlnell , 23 ~fay 1835, m. John Robbins, reside

In LoweU; SUcu'J, 3 May 1838, m. Mary ll-OCarty, lived N, Hlllerfoa 188.!; Nelly M,Jo; Silas A,to; William • ·: Catherine, c~arlcs E.10, Marcus M,9, 18!0; La"ra A,9, 20 liay 18481 m. WUJlan. . • . Monroe.

Elias8 , o I<'eb. 1812, m. Elissa Johnson of Furllngton, and died; ch. Ollverll , lived In Lawrence t'J82,

Francis B.s I ru, Lyuia Baldwin of Carlisle, lh·es on the south road from Diller­lea tc Chelmsford.

Frank E.9, 16 lfay 1842; Elias JY,11, 16 Jan, 18-H; .1/ary A.II, 27 June 184/j; Henrletta9, 4 July 1847; <Jrauvlllell, Jrilia9, Adelaide9, .Faustina~, (J/rastll.a9, Fra11,ls'J,

Isaacs , m. Rhoda Baldwin, sister of bis brother }'rancis' wife, Lydia; ch. Mary Fletcher' , 8 July 1839 i Luey8 •

Stephen.,, (prob.) b, 1724:, d. 4 Nov. 1748.


JoaN2 , 23 Dec. 1640, d. of small pox, 12 Jan. 1702-8, His birth is the first event in the history of the Hnrtwell family in Ame:rica, the date of which is fixed by indis­putable record, He m. l June, 1664, l'riscilla, dau. Edward and Elizabeth Wrlgh~, who d, 8 Mar. 1680-81, m, 23 Aug. 1682, as 2d w. her sister Elizabeth, who d, 16 Dec. 110,. He served in the war known as King Philip's war, reported by Capt. Thos. Wheeler as a member of his company which marched to the defence of Qua­boag, now Brookfield, His estate vms settled by agreement between his heirs, Middlesex records VI. 553. He was made a freeman of the colony 21 Mar. 1689-90 •

• EBENEZERs, 28 Feb. 1665-6, ,t. 1 Jan. 17284, m. 27 .Mar. 1600, Sarah, dau. John

and Sarah (Wheeler) Smedley of Concord, b. 1670, d. 13 Nov. 1715. By deed of date 8 June, 1698, his father-in-law conveyed to them the south half of the house and lot where John S. Keyes now lives in Concord village, and a tract of land just across the line in Carlisle, to which be probably removed,

Jom•', 12 Apr, 1691, d. 20 Dec. 1780, m. Mary--, who d. 8 Mar. 1774, He waa a man of gigantic strength, possibly for that reason employed as schoolmaster in several years between li83 and 1788, He was district clerk of Carlisle when it, waa first set off from Concord in 1754:, Wlil ensign of milttia prior to 1741,

John&, 8 Jan. 1718-9, d. 8 Aug. 1.741; Mary5 , 81 Dec. 1720, no record of death found, ment. in father's will, 1766, S1110.N5 , 28 Sept. 1722, m. 18 Oct. 1762, Mar1 Woolley, 16 Jan. 1723-4, d. 18 Oct. 1806. He d. 16 Aug. 1783, from the effects ofa cut in the thigh by a scythe, caused by stumbling in a hole in the fifty acre meadow, near his resldence in Carlisle,

JouNe, 10 Apr. 1753, d. 17 Oct, 1849, m, 2! Mar, 17H, Susanna Foster of Acton, 18 Sept. 1758, d. 7 Nov, 1815. lie removed to Hlllsborough, N. H. in 1780, Of hi• ten children, four vassecl the ninetieth year.

Jo11N7 , .7 Nov, 17U, d. 18 Sept. 1871, m. 23 Mar, 1707, Sarah Holden, 29 July 1776, d. of cancer lll Aug, 1886. He was a farmer and miller in Hillsborough, N. H.

Willards, -l Mar, 1798, d, 26 Nov. 1820. JouN8 , 2 Dec. 1799, d. 17 May 1869, m, 29 Nov. 1827, Catherine Gray oUllllsborough, N. H. 9 .Apr. 1810. Ifo removed in 1828 to Uoyalton, Vt. and in· 1s-t_6 to South Tunbridge, Vt, "·here he died.

HILLSDOROUOn, N. n. 7 Carter. Dinsmore. Eayrs.

Jt/artlia E. P ,16 Oct. 1832, d. 2'l Feb. 1852; c11nthla ,'1,9, 18 Nov. JM-1, rt. 9 Sept. 1874, m. 26 ne,o. J866, 1\lark T. Sargent of Tunbridge, Vt. druggist nt So. Royalton, Vt; William l\l,Jo, JO Oct. 1867; Caroli11c'J, JS Oct. 1837, 11. Ii Dec. JS.SO, m. Feb. 1860, I~. C. C. I{ellosrg of J.awrenco, machinist, div. 187ft; )fary J.9, 12 Nov. UHi, m. 30 Apr. J88J, IMwln P. Miller or Olutonbnry, Conn. 21} JunP, 1834, printer lu Hartford, Conn., firm Fo'l\·ler ~~ Miller P1i11tfng Co. tmtll 1886. Loulse9 , 26 SeJ>t, 1813, m. 3 June, 1867, William 'l'. Cook of Monroe, Wis. b. I.omlou, l~ng. 2'J Nov, 1833, rallroacl con«Juclor; killed on his train near Osceola, Iowa, 17 Oct. 187-1, lie enlist­ed from California lu tile 2d Mass. Cavalry, mustered out Aug. 18611. Clarence LcslfeJ0, 2'.4 l\[ar. t868, tJ. Inf. itrs. Cook Is a typewriter co11ylst In Hartford, Coun,

WILLIAM n.u , 27 Feb. UHS, m. 22 Dec. 18H, Agnl'B P. Cowdry of Tunbridge, Vt. ?tiny, 1858, remOl'l'd 1877 to Bethel, Vt. ,rhere he is n blucksmith. Jom, C.1°, 11 Mny 1885, is in the line of headdlip of the Hartwell race in America, duscendl:'d from William1 of Concord,

Silas }',8, 16 Aug. 1801, d. 8 Dec. 1883, m. 25 Oct. 182G, Emily Foster of Royal­ton, Vt. 22 June, 180-l, d. 2B Aug. 1885, He was a farmer in Uoyalton, Vt.

Sara A J,'J , 30 Ju1y, 1831; HtJrrlet .A,'J, 4 Jnne, 1833, d. 21 Aug. 1841; Eunice J,f,9 , 2 Jan. 1830, m, 16 Nov. 1886, as 2d w. Hermon .dates of Royalton, Vt,, b. 1836, Lucll9 , 23 July, 1830, d. iT Nov. J860; Albert C.9, lliDec.1842, m, 20Apr, 186-I, Diana :\I, Whitehorn of llrandon, Vt, 15 Feb, 1843. He Is a SJllnner In a cotton mill Kt GouldsvHle, Vt. Charlts'J , 21} Nov. 1853.

SalJyS, 12 Aug. 1803, d. inf.; Sarah8 , 16 Dec. 1804, m. 30 Apr. 1829, EbcnC!z<'r Carter of IIillsborou,rh, N. H., b. 1799, d. 7 Oct. 1864. Kept hotel In l1111crica nnd Boston, 1Rtterlt keeping a boarding house. l\lrs. C. lives with her n~phew, Geo, S. Enyrs, r.t Jamaica Plain.

Albcrt9 , 16 Nov. 1830, m. 20 Apr. 1852, M11rgaret 1\fonroe or EMtJ>ort, Me. b, 1834, d, 3 Jan. 1856, m. Aug. 1856, Marla Nellmn of Nova Scotia, dh·, He was formerly secretary and book­keeper for the Jloal'd of Ins. Comm'rs of the State of ~lassachnsetts, later clerk In the office of the Adjutant Oeueral or t11e State. Marion s.10, 5 Oct. 1859, m. 28 Dec. 18811, Charles A, Gould, .\I, D. of Newton, b. 1856. Sarnli E .9 , G Ptlar, 1833, d. 5 A11r. 1872, m. 18 July, 1855, Geo . .A, Bartlett of N, Brn,_•kffelcl, 29 June, 1831, jobber fn woolen goods, Hoston. Aif1·e«l 11.10, :!8 I:<'eb. 185?, m. Frances10, 31 Jan, 1863. G~orgeto, 21 Nov, l81l9. .llary J<',9, 11 Nov. 1839, d. In chllJbirth, 19 Aprll, 1861, m, 1860, Chall, B. lUchardson, book 1mbllsher In New York city.

Inf.8 , b. & d, Olh·cS, JO May, 1808, m. 17 Mur. 1831, Lymnn Densmore, son of Abraham L. and.Sa1ly (Miller) of Shnron, Vt., 8 Dec. 1808, cl. 20 Oct. 1882, farmC!r, up to 1841 followed freighting good,s to and from Boston in winter Sl'asons. Uo sct­tll'd soon after mnrriago in Uoynlton, Vt., rcmoved'in JS.Jo to Hochcstcr, Vt., 18,;8 to Hillsborough, N. H., where hu was the founder of the Methodist society at the centre village, class leader nl'nrly forty y('nrs.

l,yman Wfllard'J, 18 Fell. 1832, In 1855 went to Nobmska,ln 1859 to St, Joseph, 1\to., civil engineer an«t bridge bnlhter. He entered the service of the U. s. 19 Jan. 18-02, 4th Mo. Cav­alty, commissioned adjutant of the 6th .l\Jo. Cavalry 30 Apr, l862, resl)tned at lode11emle11ce, lfo, 4 Mar. 1863, Hem. 30 Dec. 18C6, J.:mU11 A. Slocum, dau. Dr. l'ardou a111l Persis (Cook)of Jefferson, Ohio, i'i Mnr. 1840. In May, 1881, <'ailed e11st hy the Illness of his father. Willard 10, 18 Aug, 1867, d. Int, John w.10, 18 J>ec. 1869, d. iur. Lymnn H,,10 9 Jan, 18'il, d, Inf,

Cnrolinc8, 15 May, HHO, d. 20 Oct, 1847, m. 27 Nov. 1841, John L. J{. Staples, of Rome, Me., b. nhout 181li, minister of the Second Ach·ent church, settled in 18-l:? in Hath, l\f(',, removing 184.f to Gardiner, :\le. Lucy8 , 31 Mnr. 1812, m. I Nol', 1834, John Eayrs of Merrimack, N', Jl., 21 Ju·,y, 1804, d. 1 Mar. 1801, real l'l'tnte dl'nll'r in Nashua, N. H. for sonic y('lh'8, Inter operating a mill on Pennichuck brook, north of that city; member of N. H. legislature 1852,

<leorue s,,9 24 Sept. 1831i, ent)sted 19 Oct, 1861, A. 8th N. H. Vols., 2d Lfent, Co. n. 1mmo Regt. 20 Deo. 1861, Capt. 16 Dec, t&l3, served fn Loulslan,'\. Ho Jl\'es at Jamaka !'lain, nos-1011. Hem. 2 l<'eb. J8ti2, Jonny 11. :·?artrldge of Stockton, l\te., 17 Aug. 1842, Harry 1:1.JO, 26 Nov. 1800, student lo dentistry.

HILL8DOROC'OH, N. H. 8 Bolfe. Whitcomb.

Charles, G, A,9, 26 Nov, 1887, graduated in medicine 1801, assistant surgeon in navy, later asst. surgeon I-1th Mass. Vols., disch. 8 Aug, .1804. He m. 17 Sept. 1803, Helen Longer ·of Lowell, Ia a dentist in Nashua, N. II., and Boston,

Edward F.o, 28 Mar. 1840, enlisted 24 Sept. 1864, F. 16th N. H. Vols., mot• tered out lo June 1865. Operates a spice grinding mill in Hudson, N. H.

Francis M:,9, 24 Jan. 1842, enlisted and mustered out with his brother Edward F. Is in the grocery trade in Nashua, N, H, Hem. 22 June 1870, l\fary ~I. Kim­ball of Nashua, N. H., 7 Mar. 1842. ltfar,'a E.9 , 17 Oct. 1846, m. 25 Oct. 1871, Oren F. Kimball of So, New· Market, N. H., who d. 4 Nov. 1876; merchant in Boston. She is a superior vocalist, Blanche M.10, 20 May 1873, d, 15 Apr. 1878. Albert H.9 , 6 Feb. 1852, in the drug trade at Jamaica Plain, Boston, since 1872, m. 6 F<'b, 1873, Frances Little of Dunstable. Nellie F. 10, Hi Jan. 1874,

Elijah B.s, 14 Dec. 1814, d. 19 Oct. 1821. Almira8 , 16 July 1817, d, 26 Aug. 1888, m. 1 Feb. 1841, Geo. J. Cooledge of Hillsborough, N. H., 6 Sept. 1817, d. 18 Mar. 1876, He w11.s many years a constable in Boston, later deputy marshal. Was tome time in a cavalry regiment Mass. Vols.

Oarollne A,9 , 1 May 1842, d. Inf, G'4rolfne .4.9 , 1 Dec. 1843, d, 26 Dec, 1848. Dercutu, C.9, 115 Mar. 18411, m. 27 Sept. 1865, Mary T, McDonough, b, 1844, d.; m, 2d w. Abby T. Cole of 8tandl1h, Me., d.; m. 4 July 1874, Clara !\I, Brown of Hampton, N, H., b. 1852, lives In New York city,

Abigall8 , 27 Jan. 1819, d, inf. Inf.• , no name, b. & d. Feh. 1821,

Willard,7 18 July 1776, d. young.

Sueanna'I' , 25 Sept. 1778, d. 11 Jan. 1872, m. as 2d w., Daniel Rolfe of Reading, b, 1774, d. 16 Aug. 1842; removed 1815 to Vermont, returned 1819 to Jaffrey. N, H, He d, in Sharon, N. H.; she d. at the house of her son Simon8 , in New Ipewlch, N, H. John8 , went to 11ea1 place of d. unk. Daniel,8 m. Hannah Nor• cro&11 of Royalston; 2d w. - Stockwell of }l. He has for some years ltept a hotel in De Soto, Kansas,

Marial , m, Charlt•• , drowned, oTa'M/9 , m. In Kansas,

Sally8, d. at8 months. Elizabetb8 , 1 Sept, 1809, d. 28 Sept. 1851, m. in Reading, name unk; div.; m. Mar. 1882, 2d bus. George Whitcomb of Winchendon, 81 Dec, 1806, d. 12 Apr. 1869. By 1st bus.,

Jobn9 , adopted b7 Dea.-Ja9, Norcross of Royalston. Ro8fna9 , d,, m, Geo. Peaslee, who kept a dining ealoon In Keene, N. H, Warren10, m, Candace Starkey of Swanzey, N. H . .­wbere he Jives, a painter.

Mary A,9 , fl Jan. 1833, m. Z ,Tn1y 18511 Nathan P, Cummings of Rindge, 29 June 1828, d. 3 Bept. 1883 lu Lyndeboro, N, H,, foreman in a mill,

Mar7 J,10, 4 Feb, 11153, m. tt Sept. 1873, Chas, Muon of Lyodeboro, N, H., dealer In wool, Manchester N. H. Curtf.8 .P,11, 11 Nov. 1874, Be_rt L,Jl, twin, d, Inf. Etta ,1,11, .Abel 0,11, twine, 13 Aug 1876, Eliza Janeto, 8 Jan, ISM, d. Apr. 1884, m. 22 Feb, 181'2, Myron E, Smith of Atbby, 23 Feb, ISM, Janc,B,11, 24 Mar, 1884, d. Inf, Emma E,tr, 25 Feb, 1857, m. lll Dec. 1882, Alton Battles, painter, In Westminster. Lulu M,11, 18 July 1884, George p,10, 1, Mar• 1859, Lulu E.10, 4 Oct. 18111, Arthur B.10, 21 Jan, 1864, Jesse E.JO, 17 July 1867, Burtt L,10, JIS Aug, 1871, Sarah 0,10, 19 May 1&76,

George L.• , 22 Jan. 1831S, m. 28 Nov. 1857, Emily L. Jobn10n of Liverpool, N, s., 2 Oct. IMO, He It a 11boemaker In Westmlnater. Rosabella,1017 Oct, 1839, m. 16 Dec. 1880, Francis Fairbanks of Weetmlntter, 13 May l81S8, Livery 1table, Gardner. .l1011tellell, 28 May 1881. LIIJlanlO, 4 8ept, 1861, m. 28 Mar, 11182, Albert Fowler of Whitingham, Vt., 21 Oct. 1861, wood­worke,· In Gardner. Waltt,r H.11, 11 8ept, 1883. Clarence .A,11, 30 May 1886, Charles E,to, 1 Oct, 1ee.,, stock dealer In Bl Puo, THas, m. Elvira Stedbam, Ellen u,10, 27 May l861S. William B.10, 8 Apr. 1868. Adln L,to, 98 May 1870, Ida 11.10, 18 Jau., d, 1 Feb, 1872, Francia L,Jo, 2G Feb, 1878, Wallace E,101 28 Jan. 1871S, d, Mar. 1876, Everett H,10, 21 Har. 1877,

lhLt,SUOROUOII, N. II. !I ltolfe. Ilolcle11.

Ohe.rles 8,9, 15 )fay 1837, m. Mary Heublein of Milton, N. i;;, He Is a wooclworker in W. Rindge, N. JI. Jlmrv C.'J, H Se11t. 18.'{9, m. Mrs. Angeline Hald win, m. n. Ward, who d.; he rn. 2d w. Susan Stockwell or Royalston, a11d is a woodworker in that town. Fl renceto, 1876. Clarence, lt:80. Inf. fem.Jo, 1880.

Albe1·t H.11 , 2-1 Feb. 1Ri2, m. )lalvlna Crouch, :\ncl lives In Gardner. Lettlccto, d. Har­r1etto. ClnralO. Florcnceto. Sarai, E.•, 12 AJ>r, ISO, m, Henry Wlll!atus or Keene, S. H., dh·.; m. 2d hus. Orrin Cross, tailor In Ware, has two daughters 1°. Julf,ia W.9, 3 Mar. 1846, farmer In Gardner. Lucy J,'J , 27 l<'eb, IStS, m. Horace Starkey of Swanzey, N. H,, live lo Hurllrigton, Iowa. llenry10. Souw, d. Two more sons b. in the west.

George w.s. _18 ,Jnn. 1817, m. 20 Mar. 1830, Mary C. Barnard of Salem, 5 May 1818, is a farmer in~- Ip!lwich, N. H.

Mary F.,o 13 Sept. UHi, d, 21 Dec. 1800, m. Henry Hurd, 21 )Jar, 1844, R soldier In the late war, d. 8h11 m. 2tl bu~. Al Bicknell of Westford. Calvln A.Jo Hurd, 8 Sept. 1168, m. 4 July 1880, l<'ranccs Ryan of Sharon, N. H., 2 Sept. 1801, and lives In Sharon, N. H., mill band. Jlcnry .A.II, 30 July 1881. Er11est .A.II, 9 Dec, 1882. Chester .A.ll, 19 Oct. 1886. Mary R,to, 1 May 1862, d. youug,

Benje.min F.9, 15 Jan. 1844, d • .Anrlreu, F,9, 9 Mar. 1846, d. Emeline J'.9, 13 Dec. 18-18, m. Ii July 1802, Elisha H. Frederick or Mason, N. H., 9 June 18j0, a soldier of the late war of thd rebellion, farmer In New Ipswich, N.H. Adato, 26 Mar. 1865, m. Chas. White, who d.; m. 2d bus. Henry Farrar, tinsmith, Greenville, N. H. Blanche w.u, 19 Sept. 11381. 11'(. /em.11, 6 Oct, 1886. Alfredto, o Nov. 1866, ltlla l!, 9 Mar. 1868. Effie B,to, 10 July 1870.

Marys, d. 18-1-, m. Miranda Page of Swanzey, N. Jr., d.; kept hotel in Sterling, Stow and Princeton. Simons, 30 MBr. 1820, m. 12 Srpt. 1839, Olivo Blood of Sharon. N. H., 22 No,·, 1822, d. ( Mar. 1860; is a carpenter nnd machinist in the N. W. part of N. Ipswich, N. H.

Jobnll , 28 Jan. IMO, soldier in R, 2d N. H, Vols., killed at 2d Bull Run. WUltam9 , 10 Jan 1842, m. May 1867, Eliza Bernard. tt Jan. 1848, d. 30 Sept. 1871S, Is a carpenter in Fitchburg., b, and d. Waller 1<'.,10 17 Aug. 1871. Sarah 1.10, 27 May 1874. Edward,to 27 Mar. 1875.

SarahO , 6 Mar. IMIS, d. 215 Aug. 1652. Josephine .,f.9, 31 Dec. 1853, m. 9 Jan. 1873, Edward M. Felt of Peterboro, N. H., 27 Nov. 1847, machinist lo that town. .llmer M,to, 3 Aug. 1873, d. fnf.; Chas. E.10, 27 Nov. 1877.

Susan8 , d., m. Luther Kemp of Townsend, farmer in Fitchburg.

Willlam9, killed In army. .dmo.89, Nancyll, m. let Durant, div.; 2d, Jamet Lawrence >f lU11dge, N. H., farmer In Sharon, N, H., have ob.

Jane8 , m. Joseph Wilson of Sharon, N. H., div,, lives at .Ashburnham,

Mary7, 15 May 1781, d. 26 .Apr. 1807, m. 2o Nov. 1802, William7 Stow. f/• v. 9imon,7, 12 Sept. 1788, d. 8 Aug. 1860, m. 5 June 1807, Abigail Wheeler, 16 July 1788, d. 29 Apr. 1877; farmer in Hillsboro', N.H. Sarah7, 8 Mar. 1786, d.16 Dec. 1860, 111. 17 Oct. 1803, Geo. Robinson of Salem, who abandoned her in 1805, Shem. Mar, 1809, Phineas Holden of Hillsboro', N.H., who d, 18 Feb. 1822, farmer in Hill•• >0ro', N. H. Levi8 Robinson, 6 Oct. 1805, d. 81 July 1878, in Malden, m. Mary Jan borne, of Nashua, N.H. He was a carriage painter, sett. and Dl, In Nashua N .H.

Edwin J,•, salesman In Boston, lived recently tu Newtonville, m. dau.9, b. and d. fashua, N, H.

Horace1 Holden, 21 July 1810; went on a whaling voyage In 1820; shipwrecked 1n one of the islands in the Pacific Ocean; remained among the samge islanclers wo years and a hntf, ~utfeting untohl prh·atlons and l1ardships. Taken off by an ~nglish bark in 1838. Shortly after p11bllshe1l " Holden's Narrati\'c." Hem. 1880, fary A. Melein, In Boi,iton, and i:hortly l)fter salletl for the Sandwich Islands, later 1> Oregon. Last beard of at Saltim, Ore., aliout 1880. Six ch.

Horace F.9, in San Francisco.'. Bugcnot, In Tlllemook, Ore. Theodore', In N. J. Ellen°. 1abeltn•, both m., llve In 8an1lwlrib l!llands. .AnotltcrP, W. Mary A., d. 1849, m. 2d w. 1861,


Franklin8, 28 July 1812, m, 16 Oct. 1887, .Mary A. Abbott of Concord, N. II., 30 Dec. 1816, d. 10 July 1840; m. 13 July 18U, 2d w. Sarah A. Sanborn of }~psom N. ll,, 80 Oct. 1815, d. 21 May 1848; m. 18 Sept. 1848, Mary P. Blaisdell of Guil• ford, N. H., 22 May 1E20. He is a shoemaker in Haverhill.

Mary A.•, 10 July 1840, m. 31 Oct. 18li8, Geo. W. Hanson of Lowell, 25 }tar. 1837; hous1 painter in Haverhill. George F.10, 28 Atay Jsro, m. 14 Aug. 1882, Ellen Co11p of Haverhlll, u Apr. 1862, House painter in Haverh'tll. George A.•, 19 Nov. JSU, d, 13 Oct. 1877, m. J9 Nov ts;o, Naucy .M. Batchelder of Boxford, JS Sept. 1849 Was a shoemaker in Haverhlll. BertbE F.10, llJ.Nov.1872, d. inf. Frederick .A. 10, J2 May 1873. Jlenry E.•, May 1843, d. Harriet o.• 3 Feb. J848, d. J4 Oct. 1853. Jt'rederlcJ....g, IS June J862, d. inf. Sa.rah F.'', 9 Dec. JSM, d. 26 A11r 1881, m. Aug. 1871, Francis lf, nutters of Medford. Cb. boy and girl, d. young.

Isaacs, 1 Dec. 1814-, d. inf. Sarah1l, H Dec. 1815, d. Concord, N. JI., 19 Oct. 1885, Denison8, 1 Sept. 1818, d. 12 Mar. 1869, m, 80 May 1842, Sarah A. York oi

Haverhill, 80 June 1820. · Was a shoemaker in Ha,·crhill. Went for his health tw<1 trips to the Mississippi Valley and one to California.

Albert N.•, 17 Oct. 1844; a soluler in 30th Mass. Vols., m. 3 Oct, 18i3, Allee M. Quick ol Katonab, N, Y., Aug. 1858. He fs a maker of patterns and dies forahoe cutting in New Yorll city. Sarah E.9, 23 Sept. 1849, m. 3 Feb. t8o"9, True L. Norris of :Manchester: atty. at law, .J May 1847, div. 1877; m. JIS Oct. 1884, Chas, E. Heath of Manchester, 115 Apr. 18-47, Hotel clerll fn Boston.

Susanna8, 22 July 1822, went with her brother Horace to the Sandwich Islands, and there m. Abraham Russell, a sea captain, of New Bedford, who deserted her later in his nath·e city. Shed. in Haverhill.

Lucy', 16 July 1788, d. abt. 1880; m. 2 Apr. 1807, Justin Holclen of Hillsboro', N. H,, b. about 1780, d. 26 July )863; farmer and music teacher. She died in Bellevue, Mich., the residence of her eldest daughter.

Lucy8, 4 June 1807, d.; m. 29 Nov. 1827, Stephen Woodbury of Antrim, N. H., whose parents came from Vermont. Tanner in Hillsboro', N.H. Removed to Bellevue, Mich., where both d., he having m. a 2d bus., Clark. 8 ch., one or mored. Marys, 19 Oct. 1808, d. 8 Mar. )849.

Rhoda', 2! Sept, I 790, d. 9 Nov. 1880, m. 27 Feb. 1809, Reuben Wyman of Deer­ing, N. H., 27 Feb. 1784, d. 6 Jan. 1857, butcher in Concord, N. H., from 1827.

Reuben G.8, 1 May 18IO, d. 14 Mar. 1883, m. Lavinia Young of Meredith, N. II., who d. He m. 2d w. Lydia Blderkin, m. n. Littlefield, of Conn. Was in the butchering business in Concord, N. 11., until 1874; went to Chicago 1876; kept a market; later prirnte watchman; returned J<:ast 1882. Was a representative in ~ l'W

Hampshire Legislature one term. Horace G.•, 4 Dec. 1834; machinist, m. li Sept. 18li8, Annette Sturtevant of Columbia,

N. H,, 16 Ju11e 1836, Enlisted in the u. S. Navy., u. 8. str. Colorado, J7 Aug. 1864, dlsch. 7 Sept, 1867. Was at both attacks on Fort Fleber; bis vessel jolnetl tbe European squadron In summer of 1866; remaining until time of his discharge. Resides in Manchester, N. H.

Horace 0.101 Jr., 10 June 1869, m. Oct. 1882, Llnny R. Varney of Rochester, N. H., IS Dec.

18159, Ill an engraver In tbe :Manchester Print Works. Elwyn s,u, llS Apr. J883, d. fnf. Ned Sturtevant10, 9 Mar. 1861, d, young. Georgina Annette10, 12 Dec. 1862; grad. Wilmington Jlfgh School, f11 a school tucber.

William H,9, 29 Sept. 1838, m. 20 Apr. 1800, Abby A, Sargent of Manchester, N. H. Is a retired policeman Jn Chicago, Ill, Lavinia Janet, 81\lay 1843 11. Mar11 .dbbll", 21 Feb. tB-45, m, H July, Edw. M. Crandall of Westerly, R. I., J61Jan. 18-17; stonecutter, Woburn. ueorge .A.•, 1 July 1847; member of Boston police ten yean, sergeant 9th Division; m. and baa a son and daughter.

William8, 6 Jan 1812, d. young. William IJ.81 2R Mar. 1815, m. Mary Ranlet of

Meredith, N. H., 12 Nov. 1810. Was a hutchcr in Concord, N. H Removed to

lhLLSDOROUOH, N. II. 11 Foster.

Clinton, Iowa. Jesse Emery8, 8 Jan. 1818, m. 22 Sept. 183i, Sarah L. Dond of Hempstead, N. II., 8 June 1818, cl. 13 Dec. 1868; m. 8 Oct. 1882, 2d w. Laura E, Darr of Lowell, 17 Aug. 18-t!J. Is a cigar manufacturer in l\fanchester, N, II,

Sarah L.•, 8 May 1841, d. Inf, Sarah L.•, 4 Ma)'. 18531 d. 28 Nov, 1860.

Lorenzo8, 18 Nov. 1824, d. Iii Nov. 1829. Lafayette'!, 8 No,·. 1820; cigar manu­facturer in Portland, Me., m. 1852 Hannah Mar,hall of J>ortland, who d. 1883.

Janet, m. Farr, railroad man In Portland,

Joseph J,s, 0 July 1829, m. 5 July 1857, Jane U. Clark of Concord; is a butcher in that city, Jane R.8

1 8 Apr. 1832, m. 26 Apr. 1852, Charles O. Twombly of Gorham, .Mc., 20 ?t!ay 1819; machinist, overseer in cotton mill, railroad conductor, ticket ageut at Concord, N. II., 1h·e years in treasury department, Washington, D. C., at present accountant in Concord, N. H., dealing in ,vestern im·estments.

Martha P.7, 14 Sept. 1702, d. 17 Dec. 1881, m. 12 Dec. 1812, Isaiah T. Foster of Hancock, N. H., 19 Oct. 1790, d. 22 July 1801; watchmaker in Hillsboro', N. H,

Martha J.8, 24 Apr. 1813, d, young, Isaiah Woodbury8, 15 May 1815, d. 11 Nov. 1879, m. May 18H, Abby Hoyt of Bradford, N. JI., 20 Aug. 1819, d. Aug. 1853; m, 2d w. Ettie Dewey of Vt., lived at Salem, N. H.

Sopltronfa J.•, 1 Apr. 1846, m. Frank w.•, May 1849, d. Frederlclc Dewe1f', 1871.

Willinm H.81 18 June 1818, d. inf. Charles H.8, 23 Mar. 1820, m. 26 Dec. 18!1,

Martha Sargent, of Hillsboro', N. H,, 21 May 1822, Is a farmer and wheelwright in that town,

Oharles N.•, 17 Apr. 1842, m. 13 Dec. 1863, Anna L. Dodge of Antrim, N. H., 111 Feb. 1Mf. Is a woodworker, resides in Antrim. Emma L.JO, H Feb, 1868, m. 26 Mar, 1886, Geo, G. Wood­bury of JJedford, N. H., H Apr. 1859, woodworker In Antrim, N. H. M11rta Bellsu, 22 Aug. 188li, Cbarlea W.10, 2 Feb. 1870, Emma Francest0, 17 June 1871, Myrta BeJleto, 3 Nov. 1874, d, young. Geo. L.10, 16 Mar,tl877, Anuabe11°, 12 Mar. 1879, Thatcher B.•, 24 Mar, 18f4, Enlisted 18 Aug. 186'.l, G. 9th N. H. Vols., In prfnclp,1 battles of Army of Potomac. TaKen prisoner at explosion of Burnside's mine at Petersburg. Exchanged after two months. D, at Annapolis, Md., on way bnme, 2 Nov. 1864, Edward P,•, 20 Nov. 1846, drowned 111 Aug, 1848. Martha E.•, 21 June 1818, d. 14 Dec. 1864, m. 1 Jan, 1864, Daniel Vickery of Washington, N. H., 2-1 ,July 1836. Adln w.10, 13 Dec, ]8114. Edu,ard w.•, 2 Oct. 1850, d, Inf. Leon, o.•, 20 Dec. 18611 d. Inf. Leon w.•, 30 Jan. 1856, m. June 1878, Lillian A. Horsley, 1856. Is a wood• worker In Nashua, N. H. Leon T,to, 9 .May 1879,

Lozina.8, U Nov. 1822, d, IO Sept. 1825. Edward8, 24 Jan. 1825, m. Deborah Clifford. Is a machinist, lh·es in Manchester, N. II.

·Charles Edward•, 1844, m. 12 A11r, 1881, Ella M, Hutchins, m. n. Brown, 1856,

S. Elbridge1\ 19 Sept. 1827, m. 26 Nov, 1847, Caroline S. Bumford of Alexandria,

N. H., 14 June 1832. Was a railroad man until the war. Enlisted 15 Feb. 1865, H. 18th N. H. ,·ols.; mustered out 29 July 1865. Farmer in Bradford, N. H., to 1879; now living in Manchester, N. JI.

Elbridge P.•, H Oct. IMS, m. 16 Mar. 1869, Jane Mellen of Rouse•s Pt., N. Y., 1846. Is a painter In Norfolk, Va. Hophla10, Jan. 1870. GMrge10, 187(. Son10, b. and d,, b, and d. Alfredto, b. 1879, .Alphon,o .A.•, 13 June 1850, n.. 10 Mar.1872. Augusta M.Cresseyof Brad­ford, N. H,, 3 May 18M: Carpenter In Manchester, N, H. Etta10, 3 Oct. 1876. Myron A.10, 12 :!\fay J879, d, Inf. Flora L.10, H June 1881. Walter G.10, William twins, 4 Oct., both d. Nov.1886. Lafavettet, d. Jflom:o', 16 Oct. 18M, m. 22 .Var, 1879, Augusta A. GarJand of F;;rmlngt<m, N, H., 9 Sept. 1858, Is a carpenter In Manchester, N. II. Henry F.•o, 14 J.<'eb• 1682. Al11honso w.10

1 7 Feb. 1886. RUey v.11, 29 Jan. 1859, m. Minnie True of Hradford, N. H., div.; m. 13 Jan. 1883, 2d w. Iilll Brooks of Bedford, N. H., 1864; d.; m. 3d w. Lives In Brock­ton, electrician. George', 30 July Jt61, Machinist; foreman In shop In New York city.

Rosina J.8, 2l Feb. 1830, d. 80 July 1879, m. David K. Connor of Ossipee, N. H., Jived ln Manchester, N. H. He went in 1875 to the Black Hills mining region; not since heard from.

IIU.LSllOROUOH, N. 11. 12

Clarence Wayne9, 6 Fob. 18M, m. Sarah Pixley. Is a machinist in Lynn. lnf.10: male, d, <Jharlea F.o, 3 Aug. 1856, d. 31 Jan. 1863. lJavld F,9, 3 Oct. 1869; clerk in insurance agency, Manchester, N. H., m. 20 May J88lS, Sarah E. Suell of Boston, 5 May 1~. Mabel E.10, 10 Aug. 1886.

Sarah R.8, 13 June 1880, cl. 28 Feb. 1860, m. Carlos B. Seavey of Washington, N. H., 18 Feb. 1884, painter.

Etta A.", 2f Oct. 1855, m. JO Sept. 1871, Geo. E. Wooclward of Waslllngton, N. H., JO l\lar. 1851, farmer. Eugene H,101 25 July 1877. Ethel M.10, 11 July 1881. Ernest s.10, 28 Apr. 18&3. Georgiana .,4,11, 28 Mar. 1%9, m. 28 Mar. 188-1, Albert H. Lewis of Pe11perell, farmer. Anna 0.10, 8 Oct. 1884.

William7, 26 Aug. 17951 d, 14 Apr. 1861, m. 19 Dec. 1816, Betsy C. Wilkins of Hillsboro, N. H., 10 May 1799, d. 21 Sept. 1878. He was the '' odd stick" of the family. A skiJful carpenter; a lh·ely performer on tho fife at "Cork Muster," and an inYeterate ,·aconteur with au unlimited flow of animal spirits. He lh·ed a short tlmo in Deering, N. H. ; d. in Hlllsboro'.

Jl\mes B.8, 21 Dec. 1817, d. young, Henry H.11, 18 Oct. 1819, m. 31 May 1842, Flora A. Swett of Boscawen, N. H., 1 May 1824, d, 8 Nov. 1858; m. 10 Apr. 1861, Sarah Hirsch, m. -n. Sargent of Allenstown, N. H., 3 Oct. 1824. Licensed as an exhorter of the M. E, Church in 1889, he joined the N. II. Conference in 1841, and thenceforward •;.-'.\s an active and successful laborer in the itincrancy of that church, In 186-l serious throat trouble caused his transfer to California, where he spent five years. He resides in Suncook, N. H., and serves stlll as occasional supply to neighboring churches.

Rowena L.•, 21 Nov.18f3, ID, J9 Oct, 1864, Charles T. Daniels of Xewmurket, N. H., 'l7 Feb. JM3, overeeer in the packing room of one of the Lawrence cotton m'ms. She was a noble lady, active In cburcb and s. 8. work, from which she was suddenly calJed to her re­ward. Desiring to spend a few weeks ID Florida to recover ber broken health, she took passage, In company with her otly son Henry L.10, (8 Juue 1866, art student in Boston), on the ill-fated steamer, City of Columbus, and off Gay Head, Martha's Vineyard, 18 Jan. 1884• buth went to a watery grave. The history of that sad catastrophe is too fresh In the public mind to require further notice here. Henrv II.•, 7 Nov. 1849, d. inf. Charlu H.•, 13 Feb. 1861, returning from California two year11 before his father, took a situation in the grocery house of H. A. Buen & Co., Lawrence, and Is still In the enjoyment of a prosperous trade. He m. 28 May 1873, Flora E. Mooers of Stockton, Me., 19 Aug. HIM. Leon I.9, 17 Sept. 1854, m. 10 July 18711, Mary E. Bliss of Dover, N, H., 3 Apr. 1858, and Is a traveling salesman for a Law­rence machinery firm. HelP.n B,10, 2f July 18i6, d, inf. Harry L.1°, 13 Dec. 1877, Edward F.•, 22 Dec. 1856, m. 6 Aug. 1879, Helen Huskle, b. Edinburgh, Scotland, 22 Sept. 1856, ~nd Is a carpenter in No. Andover. Catherine w,10, 6 May 1880. Jeanette10, 26 May 1883. Jtenry•o, H Mar. 1881S, Flora", 14 .May 1862, m. ZII June lfM, Park Mitchell of Maucbester, N. H., printer, Nov. 1856. Emma M,10, 17 Mar. 1gg,o,,

James M. 8, 22 Nov. 1821, d. 2 Jan. 1860, m. JO Nov. 1844-, Mary E. Kimball of Hillsboro', N. H., 28 Dec. 1824, d. 24 Aug, 187J; m. Apr. 1878, 2d w. Mrs. Harriet 'l'. !larker, m. n. Moore, of Mc., 6 Mar. 1888. He w.ui a local preacher in northern N. H. some years; later became a physiclnn in Lancast~r, N.H.; removed to Johns­town, Pa., spent four years there; returned; d. in Colebrook, N, H,

Ueo. 11.9 , 10 May 18f6, d. young. Willlam8, 26 Sept. 1823; expreHman about the Boston markets; d, 9 May 1885,

m. 81 Dec. 1846, Mary Wallace of \Vadcloboro, Me., who d. 15 May 1849; m. 19 June 1853, 2d w. Mary McGoYem, b. Scotland 1880, d. 13 June 1861; m. 1863 3d w. Mrs. Clarinda Nute of Lancaster, N. H., m. n. Twitchell, Dec. 1824, div. re­moved with her surviving daughter to Litchfield, Mich.

JnJ.•, 111481 d, Eva M.•, 18 18651 d, 26 Aug. 1869. LUUan M.", 26 Jan. 186&. Asuph8, 4 Aug 1825, d. inf, Job \..8, 1 Oct. 1826, d, inf. Charles L.8

1 31 May


1828, m. 2 May 1855, Harriet N. Beard of Hillsboro', N. H., 21 Dec. 1833. Worked at carpenter work a fe,v years; commenced the practice of medicine in 1854; d. of consumption in Hillsboro, N. H., 29 Mar. 1862.

Alonzo o.•, 27 Sept. JM7, d. for. Georg, 11.,, 30 Dec. 1858, d. 16 Aug. 1878. Walter c.,, 17 Dec. 1800; dry goods salesman, Boston.

Asaph8, 21 }'eh. 1812, d. young. Isaac A.8, 21 Jan. 183-l, d. young. Lavinia8, .f: Aug. 1837, d. young. Ellznbeth J.8, 8 Nov. 1839, m. 28 Nov. 1866, Wm. H. H. Collins of Washington, N. II., 29 Oct. 1840; a local preacher of the M. E. Church in northern N. H. CompeJled by ill health to abandon his work a few years ago. Uesides in Hempstead, N. II.

Harriet M. 11, 19 May 1872. llerbert L.", 10 Oct. 1874. Mina .. v, 26 July 1876, d. Inf. Anna R.", 7 Dec, 1679.

M11ry6, 18 Aug; 1755. d. 15 Oct. 18U, m. 28 Dec. 1775, Ebenezer Stow of Con­cord, b. 1753, d. 19 May 1841. Farmer; remoYed about 1706 to Hubbardston.

Wi1Jiam7, 1 Oct. 1776, d. 26 Oct. 1850, m. 25 Nov. 1802, Mary7 Hartwell of Hills­boro', N.H., 15 May 1781, d. 26 Apr. 1807; m. 8 Dec. 1808 2<1 w. Margaret F. Dun­can of Antrim, N. H., Dec. 1780, d. 6 Sept. ISM. He was a farmer in Hillsboro', N.H.

William8, June, d. July IR03. Ephraim8, 16 July 180!, m. 24 Dec. 1835, Mary .A. Burns of Rockland, Me., and settled at marriage in that town.

Charles W .,, ~ Dec. 1836, m. 26 Oct. 1860, Mary Morrison of Freedom, Me., who d.; he m. 31 May 1869, 2d w. Hannah Hald win. Lilly F.10, 24 Nov. 1861. Ephraim H,9, 28 Sept. 1838, m. J9 Oct. 1861, Julia A. Merrill or Dover, Me. Mlnnle10, 2IJ Oct. 1862. Cora ReJleto, 1 Juno 1865. John lJ!, 21 Nov. 1840, m. 10 Dec. 1866, Julia Stubbs of Saco, Mo. Nat!ian C. F.9, 6 Feb. 1843, m. 14 .A11r. 1865, Betsey Batchelder or Do,·er, lie. Gardner I,.9• 8 AJJr. l!H.5, m. 22 Jan. 1866, Mary Ann Morrow of Vassalboro, Me. George c.10, 28 May 1807, Atarv n,o, 15 AJlr, 1847, m. 21 Dec, 1866, ,John J. Jameson of Rockland, Me. Almira H.•, 6 Feb. 1850, m. 3 Sept. 1868. WIJllam R. Balcotn of Palermo, Me. Franklin P,•, 4 Sept, 1852. Lavfnta JI.•, 18 July 1866.

Levi8, 12 Apr. 1807, went to Salina, N. Y., where hem. Sally Clarke.

Mar,8, 22 Dec. 1809, m. 2 Mar. 1841, as 2d w. Levi Emery of Hillsboro', N.H.

Anna D.8, 12 Dec. 1811, m. 23 Sept. 1834, Benjamin H. Gay of Hillsboro'. N.H., .H June 1807, d. 9 Jan, 1880, farmer.

William E. 11, 18 July 1835, m, J7 Mar. 1861, :Mary' J. mancl1arcl of Washington, N. H., 27 Oct. 1836, He fa a dairy farmer In Hillsboro', N. H. Ellen M.10, 18 June 1862, 10. 24 Nov. 1881. Cbaa. H. Morgan of Hlllsboro, N, H., 8 Apr. 1855, farmer. Frank H,n, 4 Se)lt, 1682. Afary o.u, 7 Mar. 1885. Frank D.10, 27 July 1866. Walter E.1°, o Feb. 1867. Julia M,to, 3 Dec. 1868, Isabe1Jei0, I Mar. 1877. EtheJ A,10, 6 Apr. 1880, Charles c.0, 21 Jan, 1837, d, 3 July 1860. Robert D,0, 2a Oct. 1838, m. 18 Dec. 1862, JulltL A. Blanchard (slater Mary J, ante) 1 Jan. 1839. Upholstery and furniture, Manchester, N. H. Jfargaret .A.o, 2 Oct. 1843, d. 18 Sept. 1853.

Emeline'.!, 18 May 1814, m. 11 Apr. 1839, Wm. D. Butler of Greenfield, N.H., 28 Jan. 181·1. pai!)ter in Lowell.

Freeman B.0, 23 Feb, 1sn, m. H June 1866, Catherine Coburn of Dracut, 3 May 18~11, Druggist In Lowell, JoseJlhfne c.10, 23 May t8i0. Chllrles F.•o, 3 Mar. 1876. Charle& M.•, 26 Jan. 1M5, d. 22 Aug, 1807. Emeline L.", 18 July 18-17, m. 20 Jan. 1871, Laurens W. Coburn, 2l Nov. 1846. Grocery busluess, Lowell, Sarab•0, U Aug. 18:32.

Naomi n.s, 10 Apr. ~817, m. 22 Oct. 18-10, Edward J. Dunbar, b. No. Bridgewater )8 Sept. 1816, remo,·cd with father to Hillsboro', N. H., 1827, farmer and cooper.

Mary 8.0• 20 Dec. 18-12, m, 211 Dec. 18641 Charles R. Gould, M.D., of HIiisboro', N. H., 22 Dec. 1841, commenced 1nacttce In Tilton, N. JL, 1862. .Anna :M.10, :t Dec. 1868. Harry101 23 Feb. 1873. Charle1,19, twin, d, Nr,v, 1877.

Abigail8, lo Mar. 1822, m. 17 June 18.JJ, Alvin Johnson o.f Hillsboro', N. H., 2~ Sept. 1812, farmer, Bradforci, N. H.

lluuuARDSTON, H Newlon,.

Mary A.8, 27 Sept. ti-&2, m. 2J .A1,r, 1883, as 2d w. James• Ulalsdell of Hradtord, N. H,, railroad man. .Alvin ll. 11, 2-1 Sept. 18U, m. Louise Palmer of Littleton, N, H., and is a farmer in that town, sherltr Coos Co. 18713-81. Abbv .tf.11, 30 Nov. 18-19, m. 9 May 1882, Virgil E, Dillingham of Bradford, b, Dixfield, :\Je., farmer. <leorge H,11, 12 Nov. 1856, went In 1880 to Crookston :Minn, Merchandise to 1886, since dealer in stock. Ejfte S,11, 24 Sept. 1866, school teacher.

l\lnry7, 25 Mar. 1779, d. 18 Mar. 1855, m. 15 Mar. 1800, Asa Newton of Shrews­bury, 26 Jan. 17i0; farmer, Jived in Nashua, N. H.

Elizabeth8, 80 June 1801, cl. young. l\fary8, 22 Dec. 1803, d.; m. 8 June 1824, Luther Robbins of Nashua, N. H., 1 Sept. 1705, d.

Freeman L.•, 2 Apr. 182/S, m. 1-1 Dec. ISM, Sarah A, Wheeler, Luther G.10• Frederick F.•o. llary E 10, Clarence 0.1°. Han11aTl Al.a, 15 Oct. 18211, d., m. 8 Apr. 1851, Dexter E. Robbins. Ella10, Irannab1°. Horrfet N,9, 13 Oct. 1829, d, Lttcy A.•, 1 Sept, 1832, d . .Andrew Al.•, 27 ~OV, 1835, Ill, 27 Feb. 1865, Annette F. Adams. Hanlet 0.10, Elijah', 31 Dec. 1839, Ill,

Lewl11 E.'. 12 Aug. 1812, m, L11tber10,

Asa8, 14 Apr. 1805, d. young. Sarah8, 2 May 1807, d. 12 Oct. 1885. Asa8, 2 Feb. 1809, d. 15 Feb. 1856, m. 8 June 1837, Lavinia Hall.

Ba.rah L.•, 22 June 1838, d., m. 2IS Nov. 1860, Moses W. Hoar of Littleton.

Wm. }J,8, 11 l\fay 1811, d. 12 Sept. 1849, m. 26 Nov. 1835, Caroline Huntley of Lyme, Conn., 27 Dec, 1811, Ile was a farmer.

Caroline L.•, 1 Nov. 1845, m, 1 Nov. 18C7, Horace W. Tolles of Nashua, N, H., 26 Apr, 1838• veterinary surgeon, William H.10, 11 Dec, 1877,

Ebenezer S.8, 28 Nov, 1818, d. 25 Dec. 1878, m. 28 Aug. 1855, Julia A. To:'o.s of Weathersfield, Vt., 12 Sept. 1819, d. 16 Oct. 18815.

Frances E.•, 20 Mar. 1869, d, 30 Jan. 1884. Jenny T,•, 30 July 1864, m. 27 Jan, 1886, Walter c. French of Fitchburg, 18 June 1863, shl11plng clerk, Nashua Lock Co,

Matilda s,s, 5 Sept. 1816, m. 18 Oct. 18U, Luther Dow of Hollis, who d. 1869. Helen A.•, 2 Oct. 18-12, m. 2'.l Aug, 1863, .Edwin J, Auber. William EA Arthur J,10,

»ant~•, 2IS Nov, 1845, brakeman on W, & N. R, R., killed 24 Jan. 1861S, ■truck by bridge at Lancaster. Francia A.•, 20 Feb, 185-1, m. 1 Jan 1880, Emma Gilson of Dunstable. ltla E.•o,

Hannah8, 20 Dec. 1818, m. 0 May 1848, Daniel M. Smith of Hollis, N. H., 25 Jan. 1817, farmer.

Henry N .•, 25 De~. 1844, m, 9 Sept. 1875, Fanny E, Frost of Arlington, 14 Mar. 1856, amt ls "sawyer In Hollis, N. H. Minnie L.10, 29 Mar. 1877. Henr., D,10, 19 July 1879, Franklin p,101 16 Mar. 1883, Alarv L,P, 24 July 1853, m. 1874, Samuel R, Merrill of l'epperell, 18-14, market­mau, Catherine M)o, 187-1. Florence L.1°, 1876. Lucy B,10, 1879, d. 1883,

Lucy A,8, 2li Jan. 1828, m. J1 Apr. 1848, Thomas S, Patch of Hollis N, H. Herbert 'l',11, H July 1860, m. Abby Duncklee of Hollis, N. H, Annette .A.•, Hi Aug. 1866,

m. Jackson Duncklee, brother of Abby, ante. Have ch,

J,;benczer7, 80 Sept. 1780, d, 18 Feb. 1875, m. 26 Feb. 18071 Hannah Murdock of Newton, 8 Jul.t,1782, d. 6 June 1855. Was a farmer near Underwood's mill in Hubbardston/ Elizabeth&, 20 Dec, 1807, d. 12 Aug. 1858, m, 29 Nov. 1827, Caleb Underwood of Holliston, 12 June 1801; farmer, owned sawmill in Hubbardston.

,Horace', 16 Nov. 1828, m. 27 Nov.1861, MaryE,Dunton of Barre,~ May1831,d. 28 Sept, 1867. He succee1led bis father in the buslne11s. Removing 1869 to Hubbardston Centre, William A,10, 11 se11t. 1853, d. 27 July 1"63. Charles S,10, 23 June 1860, d, :n Ma1 1874, George H,10, 6 se1,t,

2862, d. Inf. Arthur W.10, 9 Sept, 1864. Alice B,10, Alfred H,10, twJns, 11 Sept. 1866. MarV', 7 Sept. 13101 d. 3 Aug. 1835. Lucf/',, Oct. l8'l, m. 6 Oct. 1858, Oscar B. Holt of Hubbardston, u Oct. JS.'36, slloemaker, music teacher lo Gardner. He served in the late war of the rebeUlon. Jenny1o, 12 Jan. 1869, d. 1 June 1878, Della C,10, 1 Oct. 1860, 111. 12 Nov. 1•, Geo E. Priest of Stow, t Sept, 1860, woodworker, Hubbard1to11. Estelle E.10, 29 June 1862, 111, 2u Nov. 1884, F.llswortb M. Brown of Royalston, 6 Apr. 1864, woodworker In Gardner, sonu, 23 se11t, 1885. Geo. L.•o, 21 Feb, 1866, Mary A..10, 17 May 18671 d. fuf, Horace 1.1~, 30 Aug. 186!>.

1JUDDARD8TON. 15 G1•imes.

Daisy F,10, 3 Sept. 1871, d. inf, Ellen B.1°, 29 Sept. 1872, 11arry•0, 5Feb. 1874, d, inf. Henrl,/9, 5 Aug. 18-13, d. young •

.Mary8, 21 Aug. 1810, m. 1 Dec. 1830, Flint Jennison of J>Jiilipston, 9 Jan. 1810. Iles. Gardner.

Sarah A.•, 23 JuJy 18-10, John F.•, 2-1 Oct. 1813; enJlsted Aug. 1862, F 3d Mass. VoJs.; fl. Raton Rouge, La., 2 Apr, 1863, Henry E. u Nov, 18!6. Went in 1871 to Omaha, Neb.; is supt. const, repair telegraph lines; m. 8 Mar. 18i7, Elizabeth Howes, m. n. Honey, b, Lowell 1838. Ella M.•, 31 Dec. 1850, m, 20 Apr. 1881, Thos, D, GoodsJ>eed of Gardner, 23 SeJ>t. 18Ui; wood­wol'ker,

Willi11m8, 9 Oct. 1812, cl, Dec. 188G, m. 8 June 1838, .Mehitable N. Ueiil of Sud­bury. 30 Aug. 1811 i was a farmer in Hubbardston.

George w.•, 5 Aug, 1839, m. t Sept. 1862, Lucy A. Brigham of Harre, 4 Sept. 1843, He enJ, 15 Aug, 1862, C 36th Mass. Vols., dlscb. 6 M '\)' 186-1; was In 11elge of VlcksJ.mrg. Hoar1!­ing house keeper, Cambridge, Chas, B.•0, 21 May 1807, 11, inf, Lucy 0.10, 21 Aug, 1869. Georgeio, May 1871, Marla E.•, 4 Sept. 1841, On 17 Jan. 1867 her clothes took ftre. She was burned past consclousneBS when found a few minutes later. Charita R.9, 4 Nov. 18-131 enJ. 16 Mar, 1864, K 26th MaH, Vols.; d. 4 July 186-11 of wounds received before retershurg, Va. Sumnr.r', 9 Jan.18-16, Samutl R.•, 11 Dec. 1850, d, Camhrlilge, 23 Aug, 1875, Joseph E.•, 10 May 1853, m. 14 June 1881, Lucy J, Moore of Keene, N. H., 23 June 1853. Drives express to Worcester.

Reubens, o Dec. 1814, m. IO Aug, 1837, Eunice II. Ayres of No. Drookfleld, 29 Nov. 18H; is a marketman in Hubbardston.

Adella•, 18 June 1838, d. 8 Nov. 1852, .-fnna L.9, 1 Apr. 18-12, d. Inf. Charles E .•, 11 Apr. 1813; enJ. 10 July 1861, K 21st Mass. Vols., dis. 23 Jan. 1803, He keeps a 1>rol'lslon 8tore In JlostoD, 1\1, 6 Dec. 1805, Cynthia C. Johnson of Putney, Vt., 4 July 1_8-13, sister of publisher of Johnson's Encyclopedia, WUllam10, 17 June 1866, llnrrlet10, 7 Aug. 1867,-01. 1~ Oct. 1885, Charles Vinton, son of Rev, Cb"jj· Vinton, of the M. E, Church, 15 Sept. 1862, Woodworker, Hubbardston; have a child. P·ri.ncls•0, 26 Dec. 1869, d. 25 .!\lay 18i6,

Sumner'\ 21 Nov. 1816, m. Catherine Ehrhardt of N. Y, went to Utica, Ind., in shoe trade; 11ome years ago to Golden, Colo., then to Dem·er, Colo., where he kept a hotel.

Dau', d. young. Theodore', was in the army. In lumber trade In Denver, Colo ; since in real estate bu11lr1eu. William•, railroad man; d, Golden, Colo., 18io,

Harriet8, 16 Aug. 1819, d. 22 Nov. 1847, Roxa8, 17 Jan. 1822, d. 1 Oct. 1805. llannah8, 7 Dec. 1824, m. 18 Feb. 1850, Samuel A. Chamberlain of Petersham, 2G Nov. 1824, Farmer near Worcester 1871; produce commission. lie enl. 2 Oct. 1862, F o3d Mass. vols.; dlsch. 2 Sept. 1863, in department of Gulf; battles of 1''ort Disland, Alexandria, Port Hudson.

Mary E.11, 4 Mar. 18.52, d. Oct, 1863. Grace .v.•, 18 A1>r, 1862. John .,t,o, student Free In­dust. school, Worcester.

Sally7, 2 Dec. 1782, cl, 28 Oct, 1868, m. !?6 Aug. 1804, Aaron Grimes of Hubbard­ston, 14 Jan. 17i8, d. 5 July 1868. Farmer, a mile N. B, of U. R. station.

Aarons, 27 Nov. 180-l, d. 9 Nov. 1871, m. 4: Apr. 1830, Louisa Marean of II, 8 Sept. 1809, d. 4 Dec. 1850. He succecde«l his father on the fnrm.

Joseph M.•, 16 Dec. 1830, went In 1858 to California, was a machinist of superior ability but unsteady ha111ts. His family bave lost trace of him. Lucy A,11, 4 Mar 1833, m. 8 Jan. 1862, Aaron O. Wilder of \yemlelJ, 4 Aug. 1833; merchant in Leominster. Geo, c.•. 4 Jan; 1835: bank clerk in Boston, went in 1862 to caurornla; merchant there. Jlartin v. n,o, 4 Mar.18.17, Wall in the Rrmy; wounded; chalrmaker fn Templeton to 1882; went to Florida. Harrut E.•, 22 Feb. t8U, d. )'Oun~. S11bll P.•, 12 ~far. 11H3, d, 9 May 1869, m. 11 Apr. 1804, Chas. Hall, Englishman, steel en~raver, Morrlsanla, N. Y, Henry E.10, 30 Jan. 18(;5. Chae. 8.10, 23 Nov. 1867, Lucius B.•, 4 J•'eb. 18-16, machinist, now comb mannf., Leominster; m. 6 Apr. 1878, Caroline Sawtelle, b, 1862, Mnud10, 30 July 1881. Willi.nm A. 0, 14 Sept. 18-19, d, young,


Sophia11, ~3 Jan. 1806_, d. 17' Jan 1885, m. 21 No,·. 1830, Simon Heed of Acton, who d. J!.lly 1872.

Charles T.•. 7 Mar. 1831; hotel clerk until ISM; then freight clerk B. &. A. R.R. In Boston; Jater manager or Blue Line freight dlsp. until 1882; retired, health falling. Henry c.11, 16 July 1832; hoteJ clerk; clothing tracle later; went In 1884 with a colony to Oak Lawn, Hous­ton Co., Ga. Hem. Emma Smith in St. Albans, Vt. Zelia A.9, 16 Aug.1834, m. Barker B, Marshall, b. Nantucket 1830; jeweler at MIiford; rem. 1866 to Minneapolis, Minn. Leo­nora10, 25 Mar. 1858, m. J5 Jan. 1880, Edw. A. Henderson, b, Fulton, N. Y.; printer, Bismarck, Dakota. Clarence R.10, t .!\lay 1866. Sarah s.11. 30 Nov. 1836. Simon M,11,3 Sept. 1838; hotel clerk in New York and Wa11hlngtoo to 1869, tbeu with Lovett's E1. Co., Boston, speciality delivering locomotives through the country, to 1877; then. with Dine Ltu.: Freight Ex:.' Co., 1mcceedln~ bis brother as manager In 1882. Eugene .A.11, 23 Dec. 1840, In Bos.on P. O. since 1861, now 1st assist. dl.spatch clerk; m. 30 Nov. i865, Anna Mathews or Huston, l8t5, Anna•o, d. Eugene A,10, 9 Feb, 1871. Thomas H.10, 29 July 1881. Mary L.111 8 Nov. Jst2. Clarence M.•, 26 Apr. lstf; partner since 1872, E. P. Cutler & Co., Jllg Iron, Boston. Herbert B.11, 31 July 1846, d. Inf. Edgar L.•, 3 Sept. 18481 m. 1873, Anna Jacobs of Boston, Is tranl­Jlng agent for E. P. Cutler & Co. l!:thel J ,10, 18 July 1874, Charles T.10,

Otls8, U Sept. 1808, m. Elizabeth Lawton. Was a chnirmaker in Worcester some years; removed to Springfield and was bridge foreman on construction of the Western U. R.; removed later to N. Y. city; in the building trade.

In,/.', d. Elizabeth•, m. Thomas Lester.

Charles8, 11 Nov. 1810 d. 26 Jim. 1845; employed at Greenwood's museum, Bos­ton, as a musician, and while there m. 2 Dec, 1885, Mary Ball, aisterof the sculptor, a vocalist in the museum.

Obarlea o.•, 31 May 1838, d. 10 NoT. 1846, Marv Y.•, 18 Sept. 1841, m. t Jan. 1868, John o. Green, b. Troy, N. Y., 18 Oct. 1841: manager of U, 8. & Co. Ex. Co.'s bualneas at Fitchbur,r, formerly at Leominster In e111pJoy of same company. HRrry c.10, 10 July 1874. Thomas R.•, 22 Apr. 1844, m. 18 Nov. 1869, Mary A. Greenwood of Hubbardston, 21 Mar. 1847, Dry goocls, E. Boston. Charles B.10, 6 .A1ir, 1871. Twfns10, 7 Dec. 1872, d, Sybil M.10, 1 Oct, 18711. Mabel A.10, 31 July 1881.

Silaa8, 27 July 1815, partially crippled by a fall at 18, afterwards heavlly dosed with calomel during a feyer. From the effects of both he became helpless in after years, tenderly cared for by his brothb· Sewell; d. 21 Feb. 1872. Jarvis8, 5 July 1817, d. 19 Oct. 1835. Joseph8, 18 Apr. 1820, woodworker in Gardner, m. 12 Oct. 1818, Harriet A. Maynard of Sterling, 4 Jan. 1825.

Mary A,•, 21 May J!lff, d. 10 July 1873, m. 21 May 1863, Frederick H. Minot of We8ttnlnster, II Feb. 1832, d, 2 .AlJr, 1885. Caroline r,.10, 9 July J864. John'o, 18 Jan. 1866. Jenny101 31 Dec. 1867, d. :r.r:..1', J886. Ella•o, 9 .Aug. 1809, Alfce10, 23 Alig. 1871. Margaretio, 25 June 1873. Sarah J ... , 11 Jnne 1847, m. 13 Aug. 1816, Joseph B. Dmryof Westmlnster,0June 1813, paluter fn Gardner. Ella E,0, lD Feb. 18t9, m. 10 Dec. 1873, Ckas. Greenwood of Hubbarclston, 21 Nov. 1849; market gardener, Worcester. Burt W.10, 17 Mar. 1881, Harold J.10, 7 May 1883. Frederick JY.11, l!0 May J861, m. Ella F. Gibbs of Westminster, 6 Feb, 18li6, and Is a grocery clerk In Worcester. Lillian M.10, l June 1876. Marfoo10. Aug. 1886. Roy w.10, July 1883. Ellen•, 21 July 1M7; school teacher; grad. Cushing Academy, A1hburnbatn, 18711 . .Angellne ...4.11, 23 Aug. 1860 • .Alice -'·• twin. Stella M.11, 6 Feb. 1866; achool teacher; grad. High School, Gardner, 1882.

Sarah8, 21 Oct. 1821, d. 11 Oct. 1846. Sewell8, 2-l Aug. 1824:, m. 23 May 1~54, ·Harriet W. Pierce, 22 Apr. 1833, d. 11 Jan, 1867; m. 6 Apr. 1869, 2d w. Abby Davidson of Belfast, Mc., 18 Feb. 1834; farmer on his father's homestead.

Vernet•, 27 Nov. 183', m. J3 Nov. 1883, Mary Arnold, b. :Milwaukee, Wis., 19 Mar. 1860. Woodworker, Gardner. Abby u.,, 21 June 18i2. Lucv H.•, 30 Aug. 187J,

Edwln8, 25 Jan. 1820, m. 3 Oct. 1s;;s, Hannah E. Ferguson, of Belfast, Me., u, .Apr. 1883; farmer in Princeton, keeps summer boarders.

HILLSBOROUGH, N. H. 17 Bradford.

Albert B.11, 30 June 1859, m. 27 Dec. 18821 Mary E. Wood, b, .Minn., 21 Oct. 1865, printer, employed on ,•al"ious pa)Jers, on Gardner Democrat since 1885, Edwin L.0, 8 Nov. 186-1. Thaddeus s. o, 13 Oct. 1866. Maurice W,11, 20 liar. 1871,

Elizabeth', 7 Oct. 1792, d. 1 Aug. 1800. Ephraim?, 2 ~lay 1797, d. 4- Mar. 1875, m. 20 Nov. 1823, Sally M. Goods peed of Hubbardston, 15 Apr. 1708, d. 23 Mar. 1830. John M.8, 7 Sept. 1824, m. 7 Sept. 1854, Louisa Clark of Hubbardston, 24 Jan. 1826, d. 16 Aug. 1866; m. 7 Apr. 1868, Sarah D. Locke of Ni Ipswich, N. H,, 23 May 1836. Grad. 18ol, Bangor TheoJ. Sem.; filled pastorates in Walpole and Sullh·an, N, H.; returning in 1863 to his native town, where he was pastor of the Cong. Church until his death, 9 May 1877; thrown from a load of wood, living but a few hours. He had nearly completed a history of Hubbardston, published later by his widow. Alfred E.9, 19 Oct. 1855, d. 24 Oct. 1876.

Lucy8, 4- July 1827, d, 8 , -:t. 1840. .Alfred8, 14 Nov. 1828, d. 28 Oct. 1840. Surah8, 31 July 1831. Mai·,• l,8, 4 Nov. 1838, d. 13 Sept. 1840. Della A. 8, 7 May 1840, m. 18 June 1869, Ala 1'.· m A. Nims of Sullivan, N. H., 11 June 1840, d. 9 Oct. 1883. She resides in Ashburnham.

Mary Emma•, 18 Nov. 1871, Leslie "'4,9, 9 Nov. 1874,

S1xo:N', 8 Oct. 1758, d. 18 July 1820, m. 14 Dec., 1786, Molly Hutchins of Con­cord, b. Chelmsford 12 Jan. 1767, d. 8 May 1848. He rcmo,·ed about 1788 to llilltiboro, N. H., and scttl('.] near his brother John.

Mary7, U Sept. 1787, d. --, m. 18 .Apr. 1808, Capt. Benjamin Bradford of Hillsboro, 19 Mar. 1783, d. 2 July 1880, builder and hotel keeper at Hillsboro Bridge; served with his company in the war of 1812.

Harriet L,8, 1 Aug. 1808, d. 10 Aug. 1881, m. 25 Oct. 1886, Horace Bemis of Dublin, N. H., 18 Apr. 1803, sho cmakcr, removed to New Haven, Vt. ; later to Williston and Richmond, Vt., now with his son, Dr. 0, D. Bemis.

Ha.rrieto, 4 July 18371 d. Insane at Brattleboro, Vt. OHvcr D/', enl, 20 Aug. 1861, K titb Yt, Vols., dlsch. II Aug~1862, re-enl. 4 Dec. 1863 Derdan's Sharpshooters; served under Han­cock, battles of Wtlderness and advance on Richmond, before Peteraburg and at Lee's sur­render. Hem. 19 Dec. 1865, Susan l1 hll llJ1s of Huntington, Vt., 21 Apr. 1842, and has at Jonesville, Vt., a wide and successful 11ractlce Man eclectic physician. Newt-0n, 0.10,4 Dec, 1866, Hoardman w.10, 24 May 1872, Edward', 21 Nov. 1843, d. 19 Sept, 1848. llorace0, 11 Apr, 1846, d. 20 Sept. 1848. .Allen o.o, 2 Jan. 1852, m. 1879, Is a locomotive engineer; residence Urand Island, P, Q. i bl\S a chilli,

Mary R.8 15 Aug. 1810, m. 1829 Luther Taggard of Hillsboro, N. H., 4 July 1797, d. 19 June 1860, merchant, removed Nashua, N. H., where he was a mer• chant tailor.

Andrew J.8, 8 ,Jan. 1814, d., Andover,Kas., 27 June 1878, m. 81 Jan. 1887, Emily A. Lewis of Moriah, N. Y., 5 Jan. 1820. Was a shoemaker, rem. 1837 Gales• burg, Mich.; 1840 to Mt. Clemens, where his wife died, 6 Jan. 1867, .

Caroline .A.', 4 Nov. 1837, d, 7 Apr. 1862, m. 7 Oct, 1868, Chas, W, Armstrong, b, New York city, 6 June 11332, d. at Soldlel"s Home, Dayton, o., 23 .May 1885; paymuter In navy during tl1e war. Maud 1,10, 7 Apr. 1861, tn, 28 A1>r, 1881, George H. Watson of Little FaJls, N. Y., 31 July 1860; wholesale clotblng, Chicago. Jlarr1111, 2 Mn:, 1882. Ho1eard R.11, 24 Sept. 1886, Horace C,', 29 Oct. 1839, d. ~8 Oct. 1870, m. 24 Dec. 1863, Cynthia M. Mann of Mooresfleld, Pa. 13 Aug, IS-; was a painter, d. lu Chicago. Carotlne10, 2-t .A11r. l86'1, m. 6 Aug, 1883, Ja.meeE. Snook of lit, Clemens, Mich., grocer. Ellen E.•0, 2 Apr. 1867, Edward1°, d. 1869. John D,o, 10 Sept. 1842, m. 12 Juue 1f65, Estller N. Culver of Yfctor, N. Y., 2 July 1841; carpenter; rem to Chicago 1867, to Butter Co., Kansas, 1871; Is a farmer at Andover, Kas~ Mabel H.10, 26 Aug. 1868. Hugh c.10, 8 Dec. JSGO. RalJ1h s.10, 7 No,•, 1871, Maud J,10, 28 Apr. 1881. Arthur H.10, 23 June 1885, .Jtary A,', 6 Ang, 184&, 01. 31 Mar. 1868, Jackson Moser of Mt. Clemens Mich., merchant In Charlotte, Mich. Edlth10, 8 se11t, 1871. Fanny A,P, 28 Jan. 1848, at the


age or two years was so heavily dosed with quinine for fever and ague as to ca urn partial paralysis of left side; Jh·es with her sister, Mrs. Jtloser, at Chal"lotte, :'lllch. Ecltrnrd .Y.•, 23 Apr. Js.50, d. 1.Jy tbe effect "fa scald, 10 Fc-b. 1864.

Da11a D.8, 29 Oct. 1817, prepared for the ministry at IlenirJy, settled over a society of" Christians,; at \V. Upton, 1838, rcmo,·ing ucxt year to Freetown. In 1840 became a minister of the Cong. Church at Meredith, N. II. Has since ser,·ecl various churches in N. H., Mass., N. Y. state; at Jericho, Vt., since 1882, He m. 12 Sept. 1888, Harriet S. Jones of Canaan, N. II., 8 Dee. 1813.

Luther T.•, 17 Nov. 1839j was a member of the .Andrew Sharpshooters during the IRte war. Hem. 26 ~ug, JE61, Jthuga!etta Doyle; was a Jocomoth·e engineer; died In CaJifornla 31 Oct. 1872. Frederlckto, CharJcsio, J.utber10, A so1110, Justin E.~, 17 Jan. 1842, d. 22 Nov. 1860, Francfs J.P, 2 Oct. 1843; enlisted 2i Oct. 1€01 F, 7th N. JI. Vols.; dlsch. 30 Dec. 1803; wound Ju right leg In a&Sault on l<'ort Wagner; gr,ulu. at Dartmouth )Jed. Sch. 1867; went fu 1869 to Coriune, Utah; 11ractlsed bis profession eight years; returning east, settled at llaugor, N. Y. Hem. 2 Oct. 1867, Mary M. JtJasou of UiookfiehJ, Vt. Oeo. D.10, 15 Aug. 1868, l<'rancls H. 1~, 21 Aug. J 810. Mary E.•, 26 l\lay, Jf(O, d. 17 Sept. 1~1. l'ha,·lotte JJ.".•,8 May 18-IS; m. 1J Apr. J872, Geo. H. Kidney of Peacham, Yt,, ,·et. surgeon, now In l\laJone, N. Y.-; 2 or a ch. Emma l',P, 5 Feb. JSlit; m. 9 l\far. 1872, Clarence N. l'erclval of Georgia, Vt., 3 Mar. t8n(), hotel kee}ler. Edward R.10, 20 Aug. 1877, Jessie L, 10, Nov. lSM, Willis AJ.a, lG Mar. 18li3j m. 9 Nov. 18ili, Adele }'. Bartlett of J•ots<'aru, N. Y., 7 July tSM. Practbe<l den­tistry since 1814 in northern N. Y. Clara A.10, 16 Re}lt, \SiO, Elvena A. 10, 16 Aug, 1878, ..4rthur D, •, 4 Aug. 1861; publlsbei, the Chittenden Reporter at Jericho, Vt.

Nancy7, 17 Se1>t. 1789, d. 9 Apr. 1871, m. 12 Jan. 1808, George Ashby of Salem, 1 Sept. 1784, d. 12 Dec. 1850, at Brailford, N. H., farmer.

George W.8, 16 }'eb. 1809, d. 4: May 1878; ordained a Baptist minister at North• wood, N. 11., 1883, ministered until 1842, when ill health compelled him to retire to a farm. Hem. 12 Sept. 183-l, Elizll A. Chesley of Northwood, N. H. He was helc' in hlgh regard by b(s parishioners and townsmen.

John L.8, 8 Oct. 1810, d. 28 Mar. 1881, graduate of Amherst, pastor of a Cong church at York, Me., resigned bis ministry in 1862, and took a clerkship in tlu treasury department at Washington, D. C. Hem. 17 Aug. 1841, Nancy L. Forbei ot Salmon Falls, N. H .. d. Has a married daughter in Washington, Mrs. Burgess. No report from her. May ha,·e had other children.

Elmira8, 10 Oct. 1812, m. 28 }'eb. 1888, Edmund Smith of Pembroke, N. H. Ue, moved to Detroit, Mich.

Jideltne11, w., fn Chicago, Ill; 2 ch, Ckarlea E.•, trav. Hlesman • ..4ngelfnall, d., m Frank-, a Canatltau i left son with Mrs. Smith. Ellen•.

Thoma•", 12 Aug. 18U, m. 81 Mar. 1886, Harriet N. Abbott of Bradford, N. H., 1 Sept. 1819; carpenter, rem. N. Brookflelcl 1855.

Bllen E.•, 2 Apr. 1ts38; m. 24 Feb. 18.56, Geo. W, Boody of Strafford, N, H., Nov. 183li musician In the army during the war; now foreman In a shoe factory, Walter n.10, 2'.! Juue 1866, Oharlu H.•, enJ. 7 A{lr. 1862, H. 26th Mass. Vols.; re-enl.18 Jan. 1861; was Ju N. c. under Foster, and in battles of Drury's muff, Cold Harbor; d. at home on skk furlough, 28 July 1866, --fdeUea M.•, 26 Mai·. 1M3, m. 11 Jan, 1866, Albert R Foster of New Hrahltrt>e, 12 Nov. 1839, coal dealer North Brookfield; enJ. J1 July 1861, F 15th Mass. ~ls., out at eml of 3 yeara; In actions at BalJ'a Bluff, (prisoner at Richmond 4 months), lrederlck&burg, fiettys­buq, Harold A..10, 16 May, 1871, Frank w,10, 13 June 1874. Charlotte J.•, 11 July 18-15, m. 8 July, 1868, Geo, .F. Sibley of Sutton, 6 Dec. 1839, fol'emau In shoe ahop, Worceater; eul. 28 Aug. u1e·.1, I, 31st Mass. Vols., out 20 Jan. ISC6, under Foster in N. c., Gibson at Charles­ton and Butler fu Army of tbe James; In 26 regular engagements. Orderly Sergeant Nov. 1864, 2d Lieut. Jan. 1, 1860; on duty at Richmond after close of war. Emnu, JJ.10, :ti Alar. 1869, A.deJalde ll',10, 27 Sept. 1874. George A.10, 26 Set>t. 1884, F,·ederick M.•, 26 Vee. 18511, m. 23 Sept. 1877, Emma 8, Hkrrington of East .drookfteld, 20 Jan. 18ll0, d. 20 Feb. 1886; s.:hool te!lcber, school committee, selectman 1883, Charles F.1°, H May 1878, Alice o.•~, 18 May 188J.

Josephus8, 2 Jan. 1818, d. 19 Apr. 1884:, m. l Nov. 1846, Sarah Saunders of Salem, d. 19 Jan. 1861 ; m. Sarah Simonds of Salem, Was a carpentct in Salem.

W AUKE811A1 ,v1s. 19

Georg&, in Minnesota, .Dolly s.•, m. Samuel Webb of Salem, Clara•, Charles•, Edicfn11•

Mary S.8, 23 Apr. 1820, d. 26 Nov. 18-17, m. H Mar. 184:0, Jas. M. Clifford of Dunbarton, N. H., 22 Jan. 1812; rem. 1862 to Hudson, Wis.

Suaan .A,•, 4 Sept. 184:1, m. 1 Jan.1867, Horace C, Marshall of Bradford, N. H,, 13 Feb.1830, farmer, Prescott, Wis., town treasurer. Ernest 0.1°, 2 Apr. 1869. Francis A,10, 11 l<'eb, 1874,

Hcnry8, 28 Sept. 1822, m. 1848, Charlotte T. Ordway of Warner, N. 11 .. 1881, dh·. 1862; m. 80 Dec. 1866, Jane H. Davis of Hillsboro', N. H., 18 Jan. 1847; farmer, Deering, N. H. ,

Goo, II.'', 19 Feb. 1840, d. 2l Nov, 1863. Na1w11 H.•, lli Dec. 1850, d. July, 18-, m. Adams l'arkhurst of Nashua, N, H., farmer, Aliceto. Dora10, Anra•0. John Fra1J1..,,,, 26 Feb. 1863, name changed to Frank T, Peaslee, now Prof. iu New London Acad. (N.11.), m. 29Aug, 1881, Alice V. Trow of Bradford, N. II, Mary 0,10, 13 Aug. 1882, George A,10, 4 Aug. 1883, Several otlaerchfldren.

Nancy8, 28 Oct. 1825, d. 18 Apr. 18-14. Edwin R8• 28 Sept.1827, d. 10 Mar. 1857, of small pox, m. 8 Aug, 1850, Mary C. Barker of Pelham, N. II., 15 .Mar. 1827; was a shoe cutter at N. Brookfield.

Emma J.•, 1 June 1&51, d, 29 Aug, 1880, Ella M,P, 9 July, ISM, d. young, Frank 11.9, 23 Feb, 18li6, d, inf,

Simon7, 2o Nov. 1701, d. Aug. 1825, m. Thizga Williams of Pepperell, who after bis death m. 2d hus, -- King. He became embarrassed in business, and about 1821 rem. Cleveland, '),

Ell c.•, 10 Sept. 1815, l\"ent to Kentucky, m,li 1\lay, 1839, Isabella M,•Hopklns of Burlin~ton, Ky., 20 Aug. 1820, deso. from 8te11hen Hopkins of R. I. and Robt. Treat Palr.e. He rem. 18", to Ocono111owoo, Wis.; druggist, shariff of the county some years, Alarv E.9• IS Jan. 1842, m. 18 Sept. 1865, Daniel H. McArthur, b. )It. Morris, N. Y., 2-11\lar. 1839; enl. li Aug. 1862, A., 24th Wis. Vols,, must. out 30 June, 1865; battles of PerryvJlle, Chlcamauga, Mission Ridge; was on duty h:1 signal corps most of the tlrue; trav. sales,, Oconomowoc, Wis. Arthur H,to, 18 Feb. 1870, Edward H,101 H I,'eb. 1873, Allee 1.10, 15 Oct. 1875, Ida G. 10, 7 July, 1878. Frank R.•, 16 Sept. 1845, enl. 30 May 186-1, B, 39th Wis Vols., 100 day men, at Memphis during attack by Forrest. Clerk In railway office, Lacross.e, Wis. Ida I.•, 21 Jan. 1866; fine muafcal talent, organist, Oconomowoc, Wis. Winthrop D.•, 14 Mar. 1817, d. June 1873, phyalcfau in Chicago, IU,

Oliver', 1819, d. Aug, 38, Cleveland, o. Charles M.8, 14 Nov. 1820, m. 3 Nov. 1845, Henrietta J, _:.nderson ?f .Miller, Ind,, 16 Apr. 18:l7; lived in Clo,, O,, until 1857, rem, .MIiwaukee, and 1860 to Oconomowec, Wis.; farmer, lus. ageut.

Charles A.•, 8 Aug. 1851, m. 12 Oct. 18711, railroad man, Oconomowoc. Jenny10, 9 Sept. 1876, Daisy w,10, 7 Nov. 1879. FJoyto, 20 Jane 1881, Charles M.10, 26 Jan. 188-1. D. Marsen•o, to Mar. 1885. Ida J.•, 30 Oct. 18531 10. 9 Jan, 1878, Edward Berry, foreman 11altt shop, bardw, merch, ?tlollne, Ill, Oma J.•0, 26 Nov. 1879. Claud J\I,10, 24 Dec.1881. AUcexro, 12 Dec. 1883. Naoml•, 14 Mar. 1856, m. 21 Feb, J88.l, Edward Bergin hardw. mercb,, Moline, Ill. Oma10, 14 Dec. 1883. Ea1·le 0.10, 9 Oct, 1886. Emma J.•, IS Sept. 1858, d, 23 June 1866. Ma11 J.•, ~ Mar. 1861, d, IS Apr, 1869. Etta o,o, 18 Feb. 18641 m. 27 Feb, 1884, --Place, stock raiser, Ramsey, Dak, Adella M,10, IS July 1886, Jenn11 L.0, 3 June 1€68, d. young. Mabel E.,, 12 Nov. 1870.

Mary8, 182-1, m. 18.U, George II. Symonds, res. Rockford, Ia. Lydia", 1793, d. young. Sarah7, 1705, d, inf. Sally K. 7, 20 July 1797, d. 4 Sept.

1858, m. 29 Apr. 1819, Job Hyde of Winchendon, 179-l, d, Hillsboro', N.H., 1821, m. 29 Oct. 1826, Benj. B. Hosmer, b. Fitiwilllam, N. H., 19 Feb. 1796, d. 6 June 1884; farmer in Hancock, N. H .. John L.8 Hyde, d. young. Sarah .M.8, Hosmer, 28 Mar. 1828, m. 26 Nov. 1847, John J. Barker of Hancock, N. II., 28 Nov. 1824, overseer in a factory at Peterboro', N. H., later paper manufacturer to 1877, now travelling ralesman.

Roaelle M,", 6 Dec. 18.50, m. 10 Dec, 1873, Chas, D, Neal of Kennebunk, Me., wholesale grocer, Boston, d. 211 Jan. 1877; m, 26 Apr. 1882, Josiah B, Sanborn of Concord, N. H., 21 Jan,

HttLSDOROUOll, N.H. 20

1831, bw-book pub. and stationer. Sarah J: .o, 18 Apr. l8M1 d. 27 Oct. 1882, m. 27 Nov, 18i3, Alfred B. Spaulding of Lyndeboro', N. H., A11r. 1800, (atty. at Jaw), div.; m. 11 Aug. 1881 Jacob B. Whittemore of Hlllsbor.;', N. H., q Dec. l8E6, farmer, merchant, re1Jrcsentatlve in legislature 1882-83, She· was a fine TOCallFt; at time of cleath Jeacllng soprano in a church in Concord, N. H. Ralph n.10 Spaulding, 9 !fay 1876, Chas. s.0, 22 Mar. 1857, m. 7 Sep•:. 1881, Ellen Cummings. Is a salesman In Boston.

Charles n.,,24 Aug. 1829; scalded to death 3 May 1831. Rhoda A.', 17 Mar. 1832, d. )·oung. Mary E.1, 25 Feb. 1834, d. fuf. James M.•, 9 Aug. 1836, cl. 17 Apr. 1859; overseer In f ictory, Nashua, N. H. Elizabeth A.•, 27 Oct. 1838, 10 l\lEly 1849.

Luclnda7, 23 June 1802, d. 13 Dec. 1881, m. 30 Apr. 1829, Remington Tuttle, b. Westford, 25 Aug. 1797; farmer, in Hancock, N. H. She was a successful school teacher some years before marriage.

Rufus', 3 Feb. 1830, farmer on the homestead. Henry8, 19 May 1831, d, 14 Oct. 1871, m. 14 Jan.1658, Sarah C. Kimball of Hancock, N. H., 13 Aug. 1835; fa1mcr, selectman six years In Hancock, N. H. Ella L.0, 6 Apr. 1859. m. 18 Sept. 1879, Geo. W. Oooclbue of Nelson, N. H., 20 Apr. 1857, farmer in Hancock, N. H. Abigail•, & Dec. 1832, d. 3 June 18i9, m, 25 Nov. 1859, John H. Felch, b. Weare, N, H., farmer, Hancock, In legislature 1878, selectmau 7 years, Lucinda 0,11, l Jan. 1864. Edgar B.•, 2 No,·. 1866. .A.rthur T,o, 30 July 1868. Otls5, 12 Nov, 1836, enlisted 29 Aug, 1862, K 44th Mass. Vols., 0ut 18 June 1863. In Xewberne cam11aign under Gen. Foster. He kept a provision store in Boston some years, now a farmer in Hancock, N.H.; m. 19 Jan. 1868, Alice W, Baldwin of Hancock, N. H., 1 July 1838, d. 6 Aug. 1872, m. 29 Jan. 18i5, 2d w., her sister Ellen, 17 May 1800, Morrfa H.•, 9 Mar. 1878. .A.lice M.•, 15 May 1881, Hartwell•, 14 Mar. 1!WO, bookbinder, freight clerk, artist in Boston to 1871, m. 23 July 1871, Harriet Dowling of Bradford, N. H., 28 Feb. 1847; farmer, Hancock, N, H. llomer R.0, l Mar. 1874. Ralph s.•, 6 Aug. 1879.

Lucinda R,8, 12 Sept. 18'2, d. Inf,

Moses 87, 24 Aug. 1806, d. llS Aug. 1888, m. 11 Sept. 1828, Mary Orcutt of Jackson, N. Y., 27 June 1808, d. 3 Mar. 1836; m. Jfeb. 1838, Hannah Stout, 24 Nov. 1812. He settled in Jackson, N. Y., \\'here his ch. were 'born. In 1851 went to Waukesha, Wis., where he was an extensive builder, standing high as a mnn in the esteem of bis townsmen. Was an elder in the l'resbyterlan church.

Clark S.S, 15 July 1829, twice m.; 1st, 5 July 1862, 2d, 13 l\Iay 1860; contractor and builder, Waukesha, Wis. M. Belle', 8 Mar. 1861, d. 12 May 1806. Willard s.0, 17 June 1869, stuclent. Carroll Col., Waukesha. Adelbert K.e, 28 Sept. 1830, m. 1881; went ,o Minn., later to San Frailci,co, Cal., now Honohtlu, S, I., dealer in tropical fruits. George E ,o, July 1883, Henry ll.1, 27 June 1832, m. 9 June 1874; accountant, lived in Minn., Chicago, Ill., now In Milwaukee, financial agent of the "Sentinel.'' Sfdnev R.•, 6 .Apr. 1875 Hc11f'1/ o.0, 6 Dec. 1877 . .A.lbert x.o, 3 Ang, 1881, Laming B.•, 25 liar. 1884. Clark M.0, 24 !.JJr. 1886. Electa n.•, 11 June 1833, 1lrst school teacher at Fort Snelllng, m. 25 Oct.1867, John D. Taylor, b, Westfield, 20 Aug. 1832; farmer, sett. Monticello, Minn., rem. 1866 to Minneapolis, now at Crystal Lake, near that city. George H.•, 3 Jan, 1859, d. 3 Aug. 1878. Henry s.o, 30 Apr. 18f2, cl. young• ..4delbert R.9, 28 Dec. 1864, ent. Carlton Coll., Northfield, Minn., 1883, John IJ.0, 29 )lay 1866, ent. Ca.rlton Coll. 1885. Irving c,e, 24 Dec. 1867, d. young. Ed1mrd .A..0, 12 Ang. 1870, d. young. Howard .A.•, 21 Dec. 1874, d. Inf. William H.•, 29 Nov. 1876, d. inf, George H.8, 26 Feb. 1836, adopted by his cousin, Mary R. Taggard of l\ashua, N. H. From 1861 to 1855 tlme­kee1Jer in office of Vt. Central R.R. 1856-62, clerk, freight dept. B. L. & N. R.R., NashuR, N. H • .Enlisted 13th N. H, vols., prom. Commissary-serg t., 2d Lieut. Co. F, 1st Lieut. Adjutant, severeh wounded at Coal Harbor 3 June 186f. In 1866 clerk, treas. dep., Wa1h­lngto11, D. C.; 1867-76, city clerk and treasurer, Nashua, N. H.; 1877-82, employed In connec­tion with telegraph bus. fn Chicago, Ill., Washington, D. C.; since when clerk in office of Surgeon Genl. tr. s. A. in Washington. He m. Sarah II. Tucker, b. Rl)meo, Mich., d. 6 Feb. 18661 ~. 2d w., Sophia J. Stowe of Washington, Vt.

S.\muel8, 10 Aug. 1762, d. , m. 23 Nov. 1780, Beulah Hosmer of Concord, 17 Feb. 1762, d. 12 Nov. 1849. He removed about 179B to Hillsboro', N. H., settling near his brothers, removed again in 1810 to Wcstmorclancl, N. 11., anil .~oon after to Jordan, N. Y., where he died.

MORIAH, N. Y. 21

Willar<l7, 9 Nov. 1781, d. 20 Dec. 1867, m. 11 Oct. 1802, Betsey Spofford of Temple, N. II., 11 July 1782, d. 27 Mar. 1876. Soon after marriage he remo,·ed to Antrim, N. H., and in 1814 to Keene, N. Y., later to "Testport, N. Y.; farmer.

Isaac S.8, 18 Nov. 1803, d. 10 Jan. 1852. Imla8, 1 June 1806, d. 7 .May 1886, m. 8 Oct. 1826, Avis Storrs of Westport, N. Y., IO Aug. 1808; d. 22 Sept. 1882; farmer, Moriah, N. Y.

Hiram W ,9, 31 l\Iay 1827, d. 21 Oct. 1857. Lavinia B.•, 15 l\Iar. 1829, m. 2-1 A1lr, 1865, NRth:m­lel Wells of Bangor, N. Y., 2 June 1828, farmer, Crown Point, N. Y,; enl. Oct.1861, H. lith N. Y. Yol. Cav., out 4 July 1862. Roa, H,10, 11.Mar. 1866. Herman A/.101 ,July 1869. Samuel S.C', 14 Jan. 1833, went to ICansas where he enl. in the service of the U. S.; d, at Atchison, Kan. r, Dec. 1862. :\lyron I.0 , 22 Aug. 1834, carpenter, went to Iowa, 1856, enl. July 1862, ••· 20th Iowa Yols.; dlsch. dis. Apr. 1863, was in battle of Prairie Gro,·e, Ark.; m. 12 Se1lt, 18f'6, .Mary E. Pllbean, b. Dundaff, Pa. 10 l\Iar. 1844, lives at Belle Plain, Iowa. llenry P.10, li Jan. 1867. Ruth .A,10, I Nov. 1869. Alanson n.e,; Nov.1837, m. 8 Apr. 1864, Jane Bloomfield of Crown Point, N. Y., 27 July, 1840, d. 2 .Apr. 1880, m. 28 Aug. 1880, l\lary J. French of Albany, N. Y., 23 Nov. 1863; £armer at Crown Point, N. Y. J,"errancl B. 10, 10 July 1800, m. July 18&1, Dora Simmons of Moriah, N. Y., 26 Dec. 1859. Clyde .A.•0, 10 l\Iay, 1871. Herbert T. 10, 10 Aug. 1876. Royal s,o, 1 Mar. 18!0, m. 21 l\lar. 1879, Dora French, sister of Alanson B,'s wire; is a farmer on the homestead, l\loriRh, N, Y. Erdtaio, 27 ~lay 1881. llosa R,10, 20 Jan. 1883. Mary A.•, 27 June 1844, m. 10 JuQe, 18&1, William Johnson of N. Hudson, N. Y. Frctlcrick10,

3 July 1868. John10, 10 Jan. 1870, John B.•, 26 Oot. 1840, m. 2 July, 1870, Jane A. nretell of Ticonderoga, N. Y., 17 Jan, 18-17; farmer In Moriah, N. Y •• l/hmie.A.10, 1 Apr.1873. Charles B.101 21 Dec. 18H. Agnes A,o, 27 Nov. 1848, d. 22 Deo. 1863,

Betsey8, 4 Aug. 1809, d. 29 May 18iG, m. 18 Nov. 183-l, Alanson Denton of Lewis, N.Y.

John H,9, b. 18371 ls a merchant In St. Cloud, Minn.; m. has one ch. Edward D.9, t,, 18311, m. Emily Shattuck of Lewis, N. Y.; is a farmer In that town. Frederlck•o. Minnlc1u. LU­lian10, lda10, Dalsy10,

Nancy8, 21 l\lay 1811, m. 23 June 1834, Richal'<l Brown, b. Monckton, Vt., 21

Mar. 1803, d. 1 July 1874; carpenter at Wadham's l\lills, N. Y.

Jay M •9, 1 Jan. 1835, went to Illinois in 1856, stock dealer, some time a 1mtler In the army, d, White Pigeon, 1\llch., 10 June 1878. Lydia A.e, 2 Nov. 1836, m. 22 Mar. 1860, Jesse n. Thomp­son of Jericho, Vt., farmer at Henderson, IJI. and Geneva, Neb., now In furniture trade, Los Angeles, Cal. El/aio, JO Jan, 1864. .1/argaretio, 10 Oct. 1867. Bernardto, 31 Dec. 1877. George C,9, 10 Oct. 1839, cl. 30 Aug. 1880, m. 7 Nov. 1867, Emily o. Glidden of Elizabethtown, N. Y,, 20 Oct. 1830; druggist at White Plgeoa, 1\llcb. Alice ,1.10, 3 Oct. 1868. Harry R.•0, 8 Aug.1870, Marietta•, 18 June, 1843, m. 8 Oct. 1867,John B. Stone of Westport, N. Y., 1812, druggist at Pettisvllle, o. L1lllan w.10, 2 July 1871S, Willardl01 31 May 1877, Luella•0, 8

· l\lar. 1880, Alice E.9, 2-1 Jan. 18-16, m. 23 Sept. 187-1, Emmet R. Jones of Willsboro, N. Y., 12 Jan, 1847, d. 18 Juue, 1883; farmer. Ella "l.", 23 Sept. 1848. Frnoces M.o, 5 Oct. 18o2, m. 29 Sept. 1874, Roswell H • .Mather of Whalensburg, N. Y., 4 l\Iay, 1851, miller, removed 188!, to Waterbury, Yt., e11g11gi11g In merchant.Ilse, .Mabel ...4,101 23 Apr. 1880. Harold E,•o, 24 Feb. 1884.

Artemas S.8, 17 May 1813, d. 22 Jan. 1874, m. 1840, Lucy N, Gibbs, who re­

moved to Aurelia, Iowa, after his death.

D'Estalng,9, m. 1\fary•, m. Elvira•. m. Fnyette Joiner of WestJlort, N. Y., who d. Nov, J873, m. 2d bus. Plluy Phelps of Orwell, Vt. .Natha11te110 ,lofner. Mary10 Phelps. Emma•, m. Seymour Frisbie of WestJlort and removed to Aurelia, Iowa.

Mary•, 16 Aug. 1817 d. 12 Mar. 1861 m. 10 July 1839, Alanson W. Byam of Tlcontleroga, N.Y. removed to Galeoa, Ill. Jcas&, d.

Lucy M.8, 13 July 1819, m, lS Ma)' 1859, James E. RR mes of Westport, N. Y., 2-1 Mar. 1828; onl.1 Oct. 1861 A 17th N. Y. vols., was in nearly all of McClellan s battles, at Fredericksburg, Gettysburg, WUderneSB Campaign, before l'etershurtt, where, on the 21st of June, 186-1, he, with two other" Jlms" of bis company, were struck by a shell, each losing a left leg aboru the kueo. He kept the lighthouse at W1istport, N. Y., 1873 to 1883. Willard•, 9 Aug. 1821, d. young. JeBBo s.•, 2li l\lay 1823, d, 27 Dt:c. 1878, Phineas N.8, 1 Oct. 182li, m. 20 .May 1'"!1,


Elmlna Jackson of Panton, Vt., 30 Jan. 1829. Is a carpenter, remo,·ed 1853 to Marlon, Iowa, later to Chicago, where he is foreman in a JJJanlng mill.

John J.•, 20 Apr. _1852, W11nt to Denver, Colo., and m. 9 Aug. 188-1, Ellen Ho1>klns. Harold JY.9, 5 Apr. 1868. Frederick N.•, • l Jan, 1866.

Helen ~J.8, 2 June 1829, m. 9 May 1848, Stephen C. Gibbs of Ticonderoga, N. Y., 31 Oct. 1828, farmer, rem, to Michigan, returned; enJ. Nov. 18611 F 93rd N, Y. \'ols, dlsch. dis. Nov. 1862; in 1873 entered a drug store at Fort Arm, X, Y.

Eugenia A.•, 3 Jt1ly 18-19, d. 6 Jan. 1883, m. 26 Se1>t, l866, Geo. W. Wheeler of Ticonderoga, N. Y., 8 Apr. ts-13, Jake boatmau. Frauk10, Dean n,10, Georgeio, 31 Dec. 1876, d. 4 July 188J,

Amos7, 5 :May 1783, d. 24 May, 1855, m. Aug. 1808, Betsey Pond of Hubbardston, 20 No,·. 1780, d. 5 July 1821; m. 1838 Esther 1'~. Dibble of Jordan, N. Y. He was a farmer; remo,·cd 1815 from Hillsboro', N. II., to Hubbardston,

Reuben P. 11, 2 No,·. 1808, m. 2-i May 1832, Lucinda A. Merritt of Templeton, 27 July 1809. They joined the Mormons in Missouri, und tra,·clled with them to Council Bluffs, Iowa. where, with several hundred other families, they broke off from following Brigham Young, revolted by his autocracy, as W<'II as the doctrine of plural marriage:i, there first published to the congregation. lie died early in Jan. 1862 of heart disease.

Caroline•, 15 Nov. 1833, m. 30 Aug. 18156, Lyrnan Campbell of Holtco, M,,., b, Catlin, N. Y, S Jan. 1834, farmer In Hardin, Pottawatomie Co., Iowa. He ent. 5 Nov. 180J, n 13th low, vols., Joined Sherman at lloorehead City, N. 0.1 dlscb. 21 July 1865, Mrs. H. lives with him, Lucinda 1,1,10, 30 Nov. 18.59, d. inf. George w.1°, 8 Oct. 1861. .Alnwla L.1°, 17 June, 1865. Joseph, N.101 19 )lar. 1868. Lyman E,10, 21 Mar. 1871. Robertto, 3 June, 1873. Caroltnd ~.10, 9 Feb. 1876. Dexter 1•.•, 2 Sept, 1835, m. 29 Se11t. 1869, l,uclnda A. Henderson or Kentucky de• scent, b. Fremont Co. Iowa, 8 Nov, 1838. He became a J)reachlng elder of the "Josephltes," a sert of Latter Day Sain ts who disown the congregation In Utah, and died, worn out by bis labon,, 28 Se1>t. 18711. Clara At.10, 11 May, 1870, Lilla 0.10, 4 Jan. 18i2, d. inf, Lida J,10, 4 Aug. 18711, d. Inf, George W.9, 17 Aug. 1838, d. 19 Feb. 1861, Hiram O.•, 4 Nov. 1841, m. 30 Nov. 18M, Susan A. Pyle, 18 Dec. 1811. Is a farmer in Hardin, Pottawattomle Co., Iowa, Wtl­ltam R,10, 21 Hept. 1865. ReMben c,1°, 4 Deo. 1866. Lucfnda M,10, 10 1..-eb. 1869. Ama,a10, 26 June, 1871, Ira W.10, 25July 1878. Em1na1°, 12 Jan. 1878. Frnnk10, 1t Dec. 1879. Eva ..4,101

10 Nov. 1881, Ettaio, 25 Oct. 1883. Emeline A.11, -I Oct. 18-151 m. 13 Feb. 1870, Robert Elvin of Nebraska City, 6 Jau. 184 1, a preaching elder of the Josephltea, Rol1ert I.J.10, 3 Dec. 1870. Jleuben 0,10, 8 Mar. 1872. Mary A.10, 13 Feb. 1874. J-'(da M,10, 4 Oct. 1876. L11m-an10, b, & d, 13 Jan. 1886. Joseph P.•, 21 ~'eb. 1848, m. 6 Aug. 1871, Catherine Strawhacker, b. Ohio, Is a farmer near his brother and Campbell. Vella E,10, 6 Apr. 1872, Herbert w.10, Dec. 1873, Charlea J.1°, 30 May, 1876, Aft Cd M. 10, 1 May 188J,

Emeline", 1 Mar. 1812, m. 11 Sept. 1832, Thomas J. Coleman of 'fempleton, 21 May 1802, d. 7 Feb. 1881,

Walter', 28 June 1833, m. 26 June 1862, Jeannette Lund, 5 AJJr. 1841, d.1 Dec, 1873, m. 26 Sept. 1878, 2d w. Ellen Bo>ynton of Easton, N, Y,; Is a chair-waker at Baldwinsville. Lena10, 20 Mar. 1871. Ellen E.•, 6 Sept. tSM, m. 3Jan. 18.53, Lora 8. Tourtellotte of Sutten, 31, Aug. 1833, d. 21 Dec .181'>3, 1n. 6 Feb. 1865, 2d bus. Chas. H. Hallock of Hubbardston, 10 Nov .1843, bookkeeper ln Springfield. Ueorge E ,10 Tourtellotte, 4 Feb, 1856, m. li Nov. 18781 Emma J, Hines of Gardner, 20 Mar. 18.59; wootlwork6r In Raldwlnsvllle. Theresa E.u, 10 Sept. 1879. Charles A.11, 8 June 188'.l. Lora A.n, 6 June 1883, Lora F,to, 2 , ct. 18.59, m. 10 Feb. 1885, Anna Carter of Slwslmry, Conn. 29 July, 1860; ls a salesman, paints anll oils, Springfield. Thomas E.•, 23 Mar. 1839, m. 2-l June 1865, Elmira Pierce, b. Harrison, Pa.; ls a wood worker at Baldwinsville. His 1oother lives with him. Lfllfpn10, 18 Feb. 1872, d, Inf. LilHan ..4,10,

2-1 Aug. 1873, /,laud 8.101 27 Feh. 1879, d. young.

Almira8, 1 Mar. 1814, m. 25 Aug. 1831, Horace Greenwood of Hubbardston, 30 Dec. 1809, d. 21 Oct. 1863; farmer.

George F.•, 14 Mar. 1832, m. 4 Apr. 18M, CJariHa P. Allen of Templeton, 18 May 1839; stone mason ln south of Templeton; enl. 29 Dec. 1863, I 25th Mass. vols.; dlsoh. 27 June 1865. Horace A,101 6 June 18551 farmer in Hubbardston, formerly in employ of N, Y,, N. II. & H. n. R. at Sprlngfteld, Charle, Ji'.10, 21 June 1867, m. 25 Nov, 1882, Lucy J. Ela, b. Quincy, 12


Aug, 1863; lives near bis father; eoapmaker. ArthurE.11,5 July 1883. Ella E.10, 24 Aug. J859, d. young. 1/arriet E •10, 21 Aug. 1861, d. lnf. Reuben B,10, 10 Oct. 1863, L11man L,10, 7 l\lar. 1867. Ellen u.10, 30 l\lciJ·, 1870. Louise G.10, 1 June 1875. Melvin w,10, 2 Apr. 1881, Thomas E.•, 23 Oct. 1833, m, 3 July 18:>7, Mary P. Allen, 20 Apr. 1835, sister of his brother's wife. Enl, 7 l\Iay 18621 I Uth :\laes. ,·ols., dlsch. 20 Oct. 18&1; wounded in front of Peterl!­burg; carries the bullet in his body, El:sie M.10, 2 June 1858, Jlenr11 E,10, H Se}lt, 1865, .Alice .A.10, J June 1877, d. 14 Juue 1883. William S.11, 2.5 Aug, 1835, was from 18io to 1884 sblJ>­J>lng and delivery clerk at S}lrlngUeld for tile N. Y., N. H. & H. R.R., now farmer In Hub­bantston, Hem. 28 Aug. 1867, Susan :\I, Co,·eJI of Moriah, N. Y., 14 Nov. 1841, Le,·I A.•, 19 Sept. 1837, d. 21 Oct. 186-1, Edson A,11, 22 Oct, 1840, enl. 3 Sept. 1862, H 53d Mass. volB., cl, 28 Sept, 1863. Almira E.9, 10 Oct. 1842, m. 10 Feb, 1869, Baruch Wbltne7 of Utica, N. Y., d, 26 Joly 1877, m. Nov. l8i9, Chns. J,', Doe, b, lu llalue, farmer in Barre, Almira E.1°, b. l8il, cl, young. Arvilla .-1.10, b, 18;2, d. young. J/oraee J,1°, b, 18741 d. young. J'fola E.,o, b. 1877. Estelle 1.10 Doe, b. 1881, Eleauor E.9, 7 Jan, 1848, d, 24 Aug. 1884, m. 29 Nov. 18C6, Freder­ick A. Cummings of Montague,

Edso118, 18 i,~eb. 1816, d. 23 July 1882, chalrmaker In Gardner. Le,•11, 16 Apr, 1818, m. 13 Sept. 18471 Dolly Noteman, b, 1''ulto11, N. Y., 6 Feb. 1828; rem. Adrian, :\llch., returning in 18C5 to Hubbardston, where he was k1lle1l h1 a sawmill, 11 A11r. 1871. Larkin N.•, 31 May 1800, invalid. Lewl4 E .•, 9 Jan, 1858, d. 5 Dec. H64.

Bet1ey81 22 Apr, 1821,'m, 24 Nov. 1842, Nelson Witt of Marlboro', N.H, 21 Aug.1817; farmer, lh·es In Springfield.

Charles N.•, 1 Nov. 1843, m. 19 Nov, 1861, Mary A. Tenney, b. Ashburnham, 27 Jan. 1&14; was a machinist In U.S. armory, S11rlngfteld; enl. i Oct. 1862, H 8th Mass, vols., out 'i Aug. 1863; re-ent. lti 1''eb. 18&1, I 4th Mat111. Cav.; must. out 19 Sept. 18C5; was In last battle of Army of Potomac, at FRrmvllle, VR,, nnd at Lee's surrender. Ran an engine on Richmond & Danville R.R. until 1869; now engineer and janitor In Sprlngfletd. Charles AA clerk In Sprlngflehl. Eva L.10, 16 Feb. 1873, d. young. Ernest A.1°, 12 July 18i5. George F.•, 5 June 1845, machinist at Nortbftehl, m. 25 Dec. 1873, Emma J. Wild of So. Vernon, Vt., 13 Dec. 1852. Emma M,10, 12 July 18'i5, Sarah A.•, 23 Jan. 1847, 10. 3 A11r, 1677, He11ry Coleman of Hub­bardston, foreman lo car shoJ1, SJirlngfteld. E11tcs E.9, 12 Dec. 18491 cl. young, Ellen Il.•, 15 Jan. 1852, ti. Inf. Batu A.11, 18 A1>r, 1858, d. young.

Cyrus W.•, 24 Dec. 1843, en), H Oct. 1862, K 42d ~Cass. vols., out. 20 Ang. 1863, m. 1 Jan. 18Cl7, Ella A. Lord of Easton, N. Y.; Is a cari>euter lo Barre. .Ad11a•, b, lt168.

Sarab7, 21 June 1786, d. 17 Feb. 1855, m. 2 Nov. 1800, Snmuel Taggart! of Hills­boro', N. H., 17 Mar. 1788, d. 5 Oct. 1800; fnrmer, Marlboro', N. H.

Snmuel L.s, 20 Apr. 1810, m. 7 Dec. 1837, SilP.nco Griffin of Nelson, N. II., lo Fob. 1815, d. J,l Mar. 1866; farmer in Dublin, N. H., died in Boston, 12 Apr. ltlG0.

Ellen ll.•, 12 July 1840, Frank E,', 21 ,Tan. 1863, JJhotogrnpher at Lynn, m, 19 Oct, 1881, Emma F. Horton of ~oston, 22 Nov. 1857,

Sarah A8, H June 1811, d. 9 May 1881, m. 11 May 1830, · wmard n. Scott of Dellingham, 14 Nov. 1801; farmer.

Lucius M.0, 8 Mar. 1834, locomotive engineer, went bofore the war to Texas, where he wns conscripted for the rebel army. He m, Cnroll11e Scott; su1111ose1l :lead; uot hrartl 1•f In 1£ yea1'1', George M.•, 28 Mar. 1839, m, 27 Aug. 1861, Ca1·0IIM .\f, Piper of Hoston, :i\lay lS:i!I; firm Scott & Bridge, com merch1111tP, Boston. Acla E,1°, 12 Nov. 18G2. Edgar M.11, 20 May 1842; fnrmer In Helllngbam, m. 16 Nov. 1862, Adeline S. Wilcox of Woonsocket, R. I., 29 Oct. 1842,. Anna .A,1°, 16 Apr. 1804, Stepl,en E.•o, 9 Mar, 1867. Wfllfam n.,o, 10 May 1869.

William S. 8, 23 Jan. 1818, m. 21 Nov. 1838, Eh-Ira M. Jones of Hillsboro', N.11., 22 Oct. J8ll, d. 25 Oct. 1841; m. 8 Sept. 1842, Sarah Minot, m. n. Moore, b .. Mil­ford, N. H., H Juno 1805, d. 10 Mar. 1881; many years in the shoe trade, ll\'es in Lowell, Sarah M. 9, 6 Mar. 1844-.

Macy A,8, 20 Feb. 1815, housekeeper for W. B, Scott, BeJllngham, Caroline A.•, 10 Oct. 1817, d. 7 June 1873, m. Nov. 1839. Chas. O. Floyd of Ho)lklntou, N. 11 .1 Jan. 1816, d. 27 Dec.1884.

Theoclore•, 11 Mar. 1840,m, - Estey of Hinsdale,N. H., dh•, m. 2d w. He practiced med­cine In Sedgwick Co., Kas., 1865 to 1881, went ou the line of the Mexican Ceutral n.n., anll


d. 1883. Eugene B.•, m. 30 Oct. 1871, Mary Cleveland of Providence, R. I., and lh·es In that city. John T.1t, 9 Aug. 1879, Cle,·eland10, 17 Oct. 1880. Chas. n.10, 27 Nov. 1884, Francu•, H July 1813, ll. 1 Aug. 1869, m, Henrietta Tenner ot Burlington, Vt. Harry E.1°, 26 July 1967, Cha,. H.•, H Mar, 18'6, d, young. Jlenrletta E.•, 9 Oct, 1862, d, young,

Elizabeth A.8, 8 Mar. 1820, m. 10 Sept, 1850j Adams J. Barber of BelUngham, 26 Oct. 1801, d. 8 Dec. 1886; glue manufacturer.

Arabella E.•, 3 SeJlt. 111.'>3, grad, Woonsocket High School, 1874, teacher Jo Pro,·Jdence, n. I. Medora•, 2S l•'eb, 1856, m, 16 Jan, 1880, Osman C, B. Nason of Taunton, 14 Sept. 1867, grad. Brown Univ., 1881; prln. High School, Hempstead, N. H, Arthur 0.10, 24 Dec. 1883,

Cyrus H.•, 27 July 1822, spent some years at sea when young, later In provision trade fn Boston to 1861, since In real e1tate. He m. 6 Sept, 18f9, Anna E. l'hllll1l1 of Haverhill. Life member N. E. Hist, Gen. Soc. Almira .U.•, JO Oct, 1824, m. 20 A1>r, 1864, Wm. B, .lt'arrar of Marlboro', N. H,1 19 Mar. 182'J, d, 19 May 1869, m. July 1876, Sumner Deeth of Rindge, N, II., b, 1822, d. 11 Mar 1882, Emma B.•, 1 Se11t, 1856, d, young. Sarah E,9, 12 Se11t, 181i9, Ida J,',9,

t June 1867, John w.•, 26 Dec, 1827, m, 17 Feb, 1852, Fanny Moore of Swanzey, N, H., Jives In Walpole, N. JI. Charle• JI.•, m,, works ID a fruit store ID PblladeJpbJa, Pa. John Jl.9,

William•. Gcorgt•, Edwara•. Fa,ms,t, d,

Simon7', Jli May 1789, d, 2l Jan. 1868, m. 16 Apr. 1809, Roxn Sargent of Hub­bardston, 23 Dec. 1790, d. 27 Jan. 1875; farmer in Hubbardston.

James H.8, 17 June 1809, m. 30 No,·. 1831, CJ1arlotte Wyman of Hubbardston, 2-l Sept. 1810; carpenter and builder ln that town.

~• ary J.•, 27 Jan. 1833, m. 8 l\Iay 1661, Emory Rice of Barre, 14 Oct. 1828, farmer. Martha A.•, 29 Mar. HIM, m. 4 .Tan. 1662, Sumner Clark of Hubbardston, 22 Dec.1823; market gatdener, milk dealer, Agawam. Carolina B,10, 9 Sept. JSM, m. 16 Apr. 1sso, Almond Jouesof Camden, N, J.; farmer In Agawam. Walteru, 11 July 1881, CJIJrordn, 22 Dec. j~ • .Annette L.1~, 3 Mny 1856, d. young. George a.1°, 23 Dec. 1667, d. young. Jamra H.•o, 28 Sept. 181i9, .Minna M,•0, 4 Jau. 1862, d, 24 Aug, 188-1, m. 17 1-'eh, 1880, John Hcbwartz of Phlla., l'a., d. H July 1883. Sumneru, H July 1881, Harriet J.10, ~li .Nov. 1864, Marv h.',1°, 19 July 1806. Atartha J,1°, 1 Se11i. 1874, d. Inf. Alonzo•, 24 May 1836, m. 16 Apr. 1866, Josephine Tilton of Hubbard• stou, 3 Nov. 1837; farmer fn Gardner, Ebenezer 7',10, 24 Sept. 1866, m. 24 Se11t. 1882, Effie Hammond of E. Eddington, Me., 20 Dec. 1858; car11e11ter In Oldtown, Me, li.'dward .A.•0, 27 Oct. 1858, m. 1 Feb. 1882, Mary Young of Wluchendou, JO Nov, 1660; mlJl hand fn Oardnpr, Grace M.11, , June 1884, d. lot, .Adelaide w,1°, 30 Mar. 1863, 111. May 18f0, Frederick )J, Clark of Hubbardston, 22 Apr. 1865, butcher. Frederick A,u, IS Jan. 1866. llollln E,10, 9 June 1866. l'ltebe10, 12 Sept. 1868, m, 26 Jan. 1885, A11btoD D. Clark of Hubbardston, ll AJ>r, 1863, farmer. Charlotte a.10, 4 July 1871, d, inr, Josephine u.,o, 13 June 1873, d. young. Watter E,1°, 12 Nov. 1876. Ralph w.1°, 26 Mar. 1880, Georget, 27 Nov. 1836, m. 3 Dec, 1869, Mary A. Brown of Holden; fa a carpenter In C1tmbrld~e. O«Jrgeio. llerbert•o, Franc1110, Clara M.o, 16 Jan. 1838, ID, 14 Feb, ISM, Wm, C. Titus of Cbesterfteld, N. H,, 19 Mar, 1832, d, 21 Apr. 1807 j tlnsmHb. Sbe m. 13 Aug. 187-1, 2d hus. Luther A, H0Ue1 of Woodstock, ,onn., 31 July 1830, d, 1886, organ tuner; In later years a nurse Jn Worcester. Ellen 111.10 7'itiu:1a June 1874, m. 30 June 1876, Frederick 0, Latimer, live at Orlean, N. Y, Frederick ff,u, 8 Sept. 1877, d. youn,t. Zoe t,u, 26 Oot. 1878, Henr'II c,10, 10 Aug, 1866, foreman 111 aboe shop, Elgin, Ill. Stella A,10,

2'J Oct. 1861, d.15 N9v, 1866, Cora .f,10, 10 Feb, 1867, Angellni,9, 9 Se1>t. 1839, m. 3 Nov. 1667, Joseph Merriam or reterboro, N. H., tinsmith, d. Aug. 1864; m. 13 Sept, 1@68, 2d bus., John u. WNby or Trenton, N. J., bookbinder at Jersey City, N. J, Bollin E.•, t Nov. 1840, enl. 1:a July 1801, H unh MaH. Votot., out 20 Oot. 1862, re-ent. J lat u. 8, Light Art., wounded at Chancellorvflle, r, May 1803, d. next day; was In twelve battles. At Balls Bluff a shell tore off his shoes; ht awam tbe river and eacaped, Henry H.•1 11 June J8f21 d. Inf. Harriet A.0,

1 Feb. 18H, d, young. James H.•, 13 Sept. 18f7, m. 28 May 18741 Lucy l', Waite of Hubbard-11tou, 28 May 1860, d, 7 July 1886; woodworker In Worcester. Oilman w.10, 26 June 1880, d, :,a Oct. 188-1, 1,UCf/ E,10, 22 June 1883. Charla. H.•, 29 Mar. 18-19, d. 11 Aug, 1870, Charlotte Ji:.•, 16 June 1860. Several of tbla famlly have extra ttu1en and toes; 11rollabt1 have aome Kendall 1,Jood.

Lorlnda8, U Oct. 1811, d. 81 Aug. 18881 m. 16 May 1888, Wamcr CJUford of Fitz­william, N. II., 25 Feb. 1810, hotel keeper mnny years in Worcester.

Ellen M.•, 7 June 183l>, m. JO Nov. 1867, Geo, C. Bigelow of Worcester, 9 Apr, 1830, cashier Central Bir., d. 12 May 1869; w. 20 May 1861, 2d hqa., bla brother Samuel T, Bigelow, 10 May


1834, bookkee)ler and cashier, d. 29 June 1879; m. 20 Nov. 1883, John D, Lovell of W. Hoyls­ton, 30 Apr. 1818, capitalist in Worcester. Ueoruo CJ,H Dlgelo10, 18 Dec. 1862, d. 31 Dec, 1881, Uraco .11,1°, 7 July 1871, Allco .At.10, 14 Mar. 1877. Henrletta0, 26 Feb. 1839, d. SO Nov. 1859, 1u. u; May 18571 James H. Freeland of Boston, (Loomll!, Freeland & Co., who. clothing). OMrgo n.1°, lfi Aug. 1859, m. o Aug. 1881, llarlon E. Totman of Fairfield, Me., 18 Sept. 1801, Harriet A,D, 18 Mar. J8U, m. 10 Nov. 1809, Julius o .. l\lurdock of Leicester, 15 Jan. 1&17, manf. clothing cards. Luur 0.1°, 18 Nov. 1873. Harol,l 0.10, 19 Feb, 1885,

Mnry 11• 8, 31 Dec. 1818, d. 26 Jan. 1831, m. 3 Uec. 1829, Wesson Bixby of Barre,

b. 1807, killed by a bursting grindstone in Winchester, N. H., 18 Nov. 1832, Samuel P .•, 2 Jan. 1831; went to sea 1&17, to California 1850. Williams.•, 22 Aug, 1817, d.1 Aug. 1803, m, 1 Jan, 18H, MaeyF, Prescott, b, Newfane, Vt,,28

}'eb, 1820, He was a wheelrlght and machinist of su11erior skill, in Fitzwilliam, N, H, Fiorcnco M,0, 16 July 18-17, m. 2S Jan. 1860, Reuben H. White of Fitzwlllfam,4 Aug. l&U, a stonecutter. Harriet H,10, 18 Aug. 1860, d, 10 Dec, 1882, BenJ1unln F,10, :Mar. 1852, d, tG Feb. taro. Marv .A.0, 22 Sept, 1~7, m. t Jan. 1874, Nelson Brewer, b, Kingsclear, N, S. o Aug. 1852, carriage 11alnter, Boston. Jenny n,io, 12 Aug. 18-:'-I, d, 3 July 1882. Clifton n,10, 21 June 1876, Hiram T.10, ti Jan. 1880. Dlanchet0, 19 Aug. 1881, d, inf,

Harriet N.•, 22 ltlar.1820, d. 9 May, 18-la, m. 19 Nov, 1840, George Rugg of Keene, N. H., 1818, removed 18-1:l to Potsdam, N. Y, Inf. ,lau.0, 1 May 18-13, d. Inf. Phebe S.•, If Apr, 1822, m. 10 Oct. 1842, Daniel Brown of Claremont, N. H., 4 Apr, 1814, d. 28 Nov. 1870, harness makea, Worcester; she m. 15 July 1876, 2d bus. )loses Pollard of Habbardston, 8 Sept, 18115; manages a milk farm at Westboro. Sarah A.•, fl'2 June 1826, m.12 Jau. 1847, Benjamin F. Wright of Jlt!bt>ardston, 15 Feb. 1823, In shoe trade to 1878, now com, traveller,

Alfred L.•, 3 Apr, 18-18, m. 115 Sept. 187-1, Helen Alden of Boston, 15 Apr. 1850, (Wright, Holloway & Co,, who, gro., Boston). .Mabel A,10, 23 Aug, 18715, Thomas E,10, 8 .Mar. 18W, Ral)lh n.10, H Oct. 1881, George 1°, 10 Dec, 1833, Icla E .•, 80 June 18G1, m, 1 May 1877, Joel F, Pollard of Worcester, 8 Sept. 1852, travelllug salesman In leather trade, Boston, George ,r,11, 15 Nov. 1853, d. young. a, Louise", 5 June 1S57, Herbert E.•, 1 Jan. 18159, d, 3 Apr.1864, Etta c.0, 20 Sept. 1001 1 d, 2-1 Oct. ISM, m. 1 June 1882, John o. Murdock of Hubbardston, G

· July 1858, woodworker. William w,o, 14 Jan, 1864, gro. store, Boston. Ellen D.0, 12Jao. 1867. Nathan•, 21 .&lay 1872, d. Inf •.

Samuel w.•, 14 l'ob, 1829, m. 19 Mar. 1855, irary Bigelow of Fitzwilliam, N. H., 31 Oct. 1836, d, 187-1, m. 2d w, Mary Cutter of Oakland Valley, Iowa. He Is a carpenter; removed 1859, to Eldora, Iowa,now at New llam11ton,Iowa; served In the late war. E.•, 26 Aug, 18G9, m. Clt.ffnrd, E,1, 31 Dec. 1801, <l, inf. llenrtetta B,9, G May 1863, d, young. Eugen, B.•, UJan.1860.

:Mary R.•, 28 Nov. JIJati, m. 30 Nov. IBM, wmard Parsons of Sutton, 10 Oct. 1833, shoemaker, Hubl.lardaton, Enl, 8 Nov, 1801, ll 32 Mass, Vols,, out 28 Nov, 1864; In Chlckabomlny cam­paign under McClellan; later 111 Wihlerness campaign under Grn.nt. l<'rank C,", 9 Mar. 18156, ,1. Int, Jenn11 .'O, & Jan. 1867.

Nancy7, 21 May 1792, d., m. in Westmoreland, N. II., 26 May 1816, Calvin Rice, son of Uc,•, Jacob and Ruth (Goddard) of Henniker, N. II,, 2 Aug, 1787, d,; re­mo,·ed with her paronts to Jordan, N, Y, llad 9 ch,, concerning whom no specific details yet obtained,

Cyrus•, m. Catherine, Crandall; had ch. Adellne8, m. John Barrows, lived in Jordan, N.Y. J had oh, i Ueo, W,0, perhaps others, Elizabeth•, m,, had ch, Emma•, m., had ch, These 1lsters lived nelghbora. Harlow•, 10. Ann--; merchant In Jordan, N, Y,, d. In Syracuse, N. Y,; two daughter~. Samuel8, m,, lived EI\Jrldge, N, Y, Aon M.•, thought to have mar­ried, Two other■, name, unknown.

'Ruth7, 80 June 1705, d. -4 June 1877, m. Mar. 1812, -- Spofford, of whom nothing has been cortainly ascertained; m. 2d hua., Leonard Webb of Exeter, Otsego Co., N. Y., M'ar. 1789; tl, 4: Jan. 181H, having set his house on fire In a drunken flt, periehlng in the flame,; 8d bus., JQhn VanneH of 3tlllwater, N. J., <1,; 4th bus., John Leighton, prob. frdm N, J, With second hue., Webb, removed to

I Standing Stone, Bradford Co., Pal No ch,

Cyrus7, d. before 1827, bur. at j:11,ridge, N, Y,, m. Annis Curtis; had several ch,


Samuel Birdseye•, prob. went to Chautauqua, Co., N. Y., m. a Curtli. at Ellery, N. Y. Samuel JI.G, m., Uved near Asbvllle, N. Y,; killed by runawfty ter,m aht. 18-12; left a willow and two ch. Wlllarcl', m. -. WJlls, Charlotte, N. Y., went to JCarie Co., IJJ., about ISW.

Rufus llosmer7, m; Lydia Fuller of Jordan, N. Y.; was a farmer in Sterling, Cayuga Co., N. Y., d. there.

Silas•, d., m. Emily Besae, Uved In Hterllng, N. \", Jane•, d. 2'J May tSM, m. Ezekiel Way, lived at Marcellus Falls, N. Y. A ,on', m. Srirah, went N. E, Jllfnols, div,, returned, J>au,"', d, young. John•, m., lives ln Ill.; has ch. Simon•, at S1erllng, N, Y. Twins•, d. young. Sarah•, d. unm, Alfred', 10. Catherine-: no ch; was a pump pedlar, fs thought to have been murdered. 12 cb. lo all, others prob. d. young.

Bealab7, 80 May 180-, d. July 1836, m. Blbridge G. UusseJI, b. N. JI. or Maas., d. Mar. ]829; settled at Sterling, N. Y., where both are burled.

Amaretta•, 22 Mar. 1827, after death of J>arenrs reared by her aunt, Ruth Webb, m. 30 Oct. 1&17, Isaac Hough, b, StUlwater, N, J., 7 Se11t, 18:H, d, l7 July 111771 m. 29 May li83, Nelson Vanness of Standlngstone, Pa., Hi Aug. 1818, farmer. Ruth M.•. 17 July 1829, d. 26 June 1882, m. 8 Oct. 1848, Geo. D. Cook of N. Y. state, d. at Standlngstone, Pa .. 19 Nov. 18511; carpenter. She Ul, 2d bus., Geo. McIntire, shoemaker, and lived up the river from Standlugatone.

Ladarua A.', 4 May lSIIO, d. young. Ann z.•, 23 Jan, 1852, d. Inf. AnnetteO, II Juno 1854, d. Inf. Inf. m., 8, b.1 4 May 1869, •

Mn, Vanneaa of Standlngatone belfevee her mother to have been born in 1808, which the writer thinks altogether Improbable. Her birth In that year would present the anomaJ7 of an Interval of twenty-six years aud a bait Intervening between tbe first and last chUdren of tbe mother, which 1Day, however, be found the case fn other families. The writer's mother remembers Beulah' Hartwell as a girl three yean or more older than herself when they were young children, Mrs, Vanness confeaaedly bas no written record of her mother's birth, and the year she assigns for birth of her uncle, R. Hosmer Hartwell, 1803, Is believed to be that of her mother's bfrtb. Evidently the record of children of Samuel• Hartwell was not care­fully kept. The birth of Ruth', fn Carlisle, 1795, 11 the latest record of birth of auy of bis children the writer baa found, aud he undoubtedly removed direct to Hillsboro', N, H,1 ·

where no record of any of his younger children baa been found. The writer hopes, In the ooune of a trip be feels compelled to make to Onondaga Co., N, Y., to settle this vexed qoeatfon, as well aa other■ connected with descendants of Betseyt Hartwell Luce, of the younger branch of tbe family.

Sarah•, 28 Nov. 1725, d. 12 Apr. 11s,, m. 11 Apr. 1749, WUJard Merriam of Littleton. Sarah•, 16 Jan. IU9-50. Molly', 24: Aug. 1768. Daniel•, 5 May 1761.

David6, 29 Jan. 1780·1, d, of cancer, 8 Apr. 1815, m. 28 Oct. 1755, Rachel Wool• ley, alster of Mary, w. of Simon•, ant,, who d. 14: Apr. 1709, ae. 60. He was a farmer on part of hi• father's farm in the northern part of Concor<l. Sarah8, 5 Sept. l 757, d. unm. in CarUele, 27 Mar. 1850. D11vid•, 14 Oct. 1759, d, 25 J>ec. 1886, m. U July 1789, Susanna Heald, b. - 1768. d. 10 Oct. 188', Timothy1, 19 Apr, 1790, d, 27 Nov. 1880, m. 19 June 1822, Sally Maynard of Springfield, Vt., 11 May 1799, d. 80 Apr. 1865, He v.·aa a farmer, lived some time in Westford, kept tavern at Forge Ylllage. Susanna', 9 Sept. 1792, d,, m. June 1816, Capt, Cyrus Hubbard of Concord, 1791, d.

Rebecca P.•, 4 June 1817, d. 1869, m. 19 Jan, HU, Cha■, Wetherbee of Harvard, who, d, abt, 1872. lharlu•, 10 Oct, J846, d. 8 Nov, 1882, Anna•, 1 Kay 181111 m. 20 Sept. 18881 Charle• Richardton of Northboro, far01.,r, Ellen R.•01 Ellaabetb H,101 twine, H Feb, 1880,

Susan•, b, 1818, m. Jamel!I Baird of .Ashland, grocer, Northboro . .l'mma•, b, 1842, m. 1863, John Stone of Northboro, cashier fn b1111k at Marlboro. l'lorenceso,

Dec, 1863, m. US Sept, 1883, Francia Proctor or Marlboro, b, 1862; farmer, woodyard, atable, Marlon11,8ept. 1884, Horb,rtt, b, 1u,, m. ceua Twltobell or Northhoro; Is a loo. e11". n. & A. R.R. Mabet•0, b, 1869, Frederlct•0, b, 18~. Jnf,10, d, young, 1''red1rlck8, b. 18611 d, young,

Charles A.,•, 9 Sept, 182)1 ~- n Nov, l~jO, Nancy Whealer of Concord. Ia a !Armer on Sud­buey road,

Su,tinna R.•, 119 Oct. 18&8, C11rru ,p, ~ ,fqly 1~t1 d, 28 Aug. 1880, Far&r&I/ B,o, 22 Sept. UW, Of, 27 ,Tul,y ••14, \f lllla~ ,y4eeler qt Cqn0Qr4, 6 J?ec. !851; grad. A•uherst, Civ, Eng.


Concord water words; In Japan 18i6 to 1880; president of coJleire; res. Concord: !!J>eclallty, water works. Arma E.•, 21 Oct. 1867. Lucy•, Sept. 1822, m. 1Sf5, JJenjamtu Hnle of Newbury-11ort, bookseller, d. 1879, She lives at Northboro, V/1arlu', b, 1847, grad. Dartmouth 1868, m. 1880, Leonora Mason of Chicago, 1B a lithographer In that city. Nancy•, 6 Mar. 1827, d, 17 Mar. 188:i, Ellen M.•, 10 Aug, 1829, m. ISM, Cyrus Gale of Northboro, merchant. Lucretia o.•, 15 Nov. 1831, m, 20 Aug. 1862, Samuel Wood of Northboro, merchant.

Lucy8, 20 Oct. 1702, m. IO May 1703, Capt. J;benezer Shedd of Chelmsford, Silas', H No,·. 1705, d, 2 Sept. 1842, m. (pub. 28 Jan, 1802) Sally Keyes of Chelmsford, 17 Sept, 1777, d, 17 Nov. 1810, m. 25 Dec. 1828, EstherUobblns, m. n, Ileald, 21 June li83, d. 81 July 1862. He was a farmer in the south part of Carlisle.

l'rancls', 4 Jan. 1803, d, abt. 1825; a fine musician, Jonas', 20 Mar. 1811, d. young.

Asa 8, 27 Nov. 1767, d. 26 Mar. 1858, m. 80 Oct. 179-l, Rachel Blood of Carlisle, 22 June 1700, d, 80 .!\far, 1880, Farmer near Silas II.

Rufus', 3 Aug, 1790, d, H Sept. 1801,

Lydia8, 22 July 1770, d. 28 Oct. 1843, m. 20 Sept. 1780, Reuben Green of Con­cord, who cl, 20 Nov, 1820; farmer, Jolm7, 80 Nov, 1780, d. o Nov. 1870, m. abt. 1800, Lucy I>roctor of Chelmsford, and rcmo,·ecl to Alstead, N. II, Shed.; hem. 2d w., Widow Vilas of Alstead, N, H., d.; m. abt. 1880, Ilann11h J>alne, m. n. J)uren, of Carllsle, 8 July 1802, d, 7 Feb. 1881. With the last \\·lfe lh·ed In Carlisle.

Hartwell w.•, li May 1809, m. 24 Apr.1834,Sarah Tttrnerof Jaffrey, N. H., 211 Sept.1804, d, 15Jan. 1870, Farmer, Litchfield, N.H., rem. Merrimack, N. H., 1864. Lucy A.0, '1 Mar. 1836, m. 7 Mar. 1862, Rich, Fretta of Merrimack; r,umer, Emma J,1°, H Feb. 1865, ch. tea, Jlenr11 A.10, 10 Sept. 1866, Phllll1>s' Acad, Laurettato, II Sept. 1871, 1\lcOaw Acad,, Reed's Ferry, N.H., Mary IV, b. Dec. 1836, m. 10 Dec, 1865, George w. Flaher. lk>ldler In the late war, d, 1867, Ueorge H.0, 13 Sept. 1638, enl, Sept. J862, H 10th :Y, H, Vols., d. Norfolk, Va,, Mar. 1863. Alfred', twin, d, Inf. Charles N.•, 27 Mar. 1841, enl, 1863, :Ii: 15 N, H. Vols., sergeant, d, Jan. 1867, of disease, contracted In tbe anny. Harrison F.•, 13 Apr, 1847, farmer with his father, m, 15 Aug, 18791 Mn, Ellen E, Crock£r,

John v.•, 18 Aug. 1811, farmer, Alstead, N. H., m, l Apr, 1841, Phllena B. Shepard of that town, 30 Aug, 1818, Charles L.•, 19 Mar, 1842, m, 9 Sept, 1874, Ella M. Breed; res, Hyde-Park, Emily M,11, 3 Mar. 1843, m. 13 June 18801 George Boyle of Drewavllle, N, H. Shl'lpard )1,0, 24 Mar, 1846, d, Inf, Johu H.•, 17 Mar. 1846, d. Ill Feb, 1866, Gardner s,111 13 AJ>r, 1847, d, 10 Apr, 1866. Susan A.•, 18 July IMS, d, Inf, Norman H,111 10 J<'eb, 1860, m, 21 June 1876,Jenny Purdy, res. Keene, N. H, Lucy A.•, 12 Nov. 1851, m. 18 Feb, 1880, Chu. r •. tlnitley, res. Bellows Falls, Vt, George E.•, 2 Mar, ISM, d, young, Alva L,•, 11 July ISM, d. Inf, William W.•, 31 Oct.1858, Harriet P.•, JO Sept. 1860,

Anne M,•, 4 Oct. 1817, rn. 211Feb, 1839, Charles Mann of Walpole, Ellffl .v.0, 29 Dec. 1839,d, 14 May 1851, Charlu i.•, 24 June 1842, bl, 1800, Montville, Conn, Arthur L,10, Nov, 18cJT. Em flu F.0, :rr Dec. UHli, m. Aldrich of-. Mabel ff,10, l Mar. 1881, Emily M,10, 13 Aug. 1882. A11u11-1A-.i E.~, H Aug, 1848. Jonas T.•, shoemaker, Alstead, N. H,, m. Rebecca Ball Ntlan•. Ida J.•, Herbert•,

Butua•, 4 June 1824, m, July 1843, 1'fary Shepard of Hrooktleld, Vt., b. 1823, d., Marlow, N, H,, Jan, 11168; m, 2d w., Eveline Miller or Gilsum, N, H,, '1 Dec. 1844, Eurania M,0,

m. Benjamin Sparrow, Londonderry, Vt. Franc11110, b, 1866, Marv L.•, 111 Nov. 1843, d, 0 Feb, 1881, m. 18 Jan, 1869, Warren A, Crehore of A11hburnham, 2 May, 1808, d, 21 Mar, 1882, Laura M.10, JO July 1869, URme changed to Laura Minerva Sidney, re.1. Fitchburg. Laura J.•, 19 Aug, 1848, m, 211 Jan. 1871, as 2d w. Loring D. l'arkl!r of Lanoa11tor, 211 Oot, 1840; violin maker, Rockingham, Vt. Ctuui, w,io, 28 Aug, 1811, Ada E,10, t5 Mar. 187', Frank L.10, 80 Aug, 1877, Leon J>,10, 13 Oct. l8i9, Grace I,,10, i:i Mar, 1881, d, Inf, Minna L,10, 4 Mar, 1882. Ethel L.10, 16 Oct, 1886, Perley A,", b, 186-1, m., la In Dakota, Frederick E.•, 8 .Tau, l8f.f, Evel11n E.•, 19 May 1866, aeorue II.•, & liar. 1868, ..fn,gel·lne M,•, l Feb, 1870, Charlu 11.•, 9 Feb. J872, Ja11 E.•, 6 May 187', JJ,n L.•, 8 July tan. Bernice'.

H1211 w. Samuel•, Meth, min,, now a·; Dunlap, Kas., m,; has li ob. Frank8, m., d. In army, Hy 3<1 w, Lydia J .•, 20 Sept. 1837, rn. 2t• Nov. tSM, Henry K, Hen Id of Carllele, 10 Sept, 182';

farmer, George n,o, 28 Sept. 1see, farm-3r, m, '1 Nov. 18i0, Susan .A. Nicholas of Carllale, Mar,


1862. George E.10, 13 ~lar. 1881,_ Elbrtdge H,10, Mar. 1883, d. Inf. Allceto, June lS&f, Ben­jamin F,to, 9 Dec. 1886, 1/mrfetta M.9 , 21 Jan. 1868, m. 7 Aug. 1873, Albert H, Kemp of Chelmsford, 11 Oct. 1846, butcher: Edward A,10, o Sept. 1876, Charles 11.1°, 16 Aug, 1878, Amua u,10, 11 May 1882, JeBSe E.10, 26 Oct. lS&f, ltlar11 i,;,o, 2 July 1860, m. 22 A11r. 18791 Stillman W. Byam of Chelmsford, 19 Apr. 1849; formerly sailor, later In regular army. Gertnule A,10, 21 Apr. 1877, 8. Adam110, Nov. 18i9, d, }'ranees E,10, V June 1881, },'rederlck w,10, 18 Aug, 1883, d, young, Walter 0,10, 10 June 1886. .l<'rat1cu M.', 27 July 18ti2, m. 1-& Sept, 1879, Alvin T. Green• of Woburn, ,eq. q. v, Wfllla,n s,,, 30 Oct. 18C6. 1/lra,n P.9, 30 Apr, 1869. Edlon B.•, 13 Apr. 1871. llarrlet A.•, 31 May 1&74. J/t,ma B,1, 12 June 18i7. Emma J,0, 28 Feb, 18i9, d, Inf, Henrietta•, 28 Oct. 1838, d, J7 Feb, 1809, m. 3 Nov. 1861, .Ephraim S, Heald, bro. llenry K, at1te, 24 July 1823, J>alntcr, Carlisle. Adelalcle8, d, abt. 1846, ae 6. John P,1, 6 July 1844, enJ. 7 Aug. 1862, JI 33<1 Mass. vol11, out 11 June 1806, wns nt Fre1lerlcksburg, Cbancellorville, Gettysburg, with Hooker at Chattanooga, with Sherman on the O grand round," wounded once; m. 18 June 1868, Angeline Quade of Randol11h, Vt., o Feb, 1850; res. Lowell. Inf. fem., 20 Jan. 1870, d, Maud (J.f, 18 Jan, 1873, Jo'r1111k /J,0, 26 Jan. l8ili, CIH1rlea c.•, 6 Nov. 1876. Grace J,', 21 Nov, 1878, d. young, Cheater P.o, 10 Feb. 1881, .Bertha F,91 2 Jan, 1884.

Stephen', 27 Dec. 1701, d. young. Reuben', 27 Jan. 1705, d. 20 Nov. 1820; farmer, Concord, m. 16 May 1819, Martha Hodgman of Carlisle, b. 1706, tl. 22 Feb. 1858.

Obarles•, Aug. 18201 d, 13 Nov. 1&13. Martha•, ti. young. Another dRu.•, d, young. Reuben 8,

20 Feb. 1826, m, 24 Oct. 1848, Louisa Paine of Carlisle, 20 ,July 1831; farmer on homestead rem. No. Woburn 1863; enl, 3 Sept. J86f, lJ 11th Mass, vols., out 4 June 1806; In selge of Petersburg. Martha0, 11 Aug, 1&19, ll. young, Ellen Ji',o, 2 Jan. 1862, d, 20 Feb. 18871 m. 27 Feb. 18771 George H. Leslie or N. H., 30 July 1832, shoemaker, Woburn. Minot E,to, 1 July 18771 d, Inf, Alma D.101 to Apr, 1879. Dana W ,101 4 Se11t. 1884. Clia rles JJ,0 , ~" Jan. 1853, m. 10 Dec. 1876, Charlotto A, Allen of Wilmington; is a tanner and currier, No. Woburn, Inf.10, July 1879, d. Edna B.10, 10 July 1884. .Alvin T.o, 7 Dec. 1854, m, H Sept. 1870, Frances M.• Green of Carllale, ante. Adelaide F,10, 16 Mar. 1881, Alvin E,to, Oct. 1882. Francia E.1°, May 1886, ..4rtliur H".•, 28 Sept. 1867, 11alnter, Woburn, m. 21 July 18&1, Elizabeth Cummlng1 of Acton, b. 1860, d, Feb. 1887, 8on10, May 1886. 1''ranklhl p,o, 28 A)lr. 1S68, d, 13 June 18i0,

Abel', 22 June 1799, livccl some time in Bedford, cl. in Blllcrlca, m. in Stoneham. Gllman•, d. 184-1 m. Perley•, m., lives Stoneham.

William7, b. 1801, d. 8 Jan. 1865, m. Louisa Stearns, b. 1810, d. 81 Aug. 1858, m. 2cl w., Sarah Gllson, m. n. Rideout, who d. in Suncook, N. H, He was a shoe­maker and wheelwright. Tradition ml!ntions a second Stephen', who must have died young, born late enough to be a playmate for Franklln7, b. 1807, cl. 2i Apr, 1850; wheelwright. Beteey•, H Dec. 1778, m. 14: June 1810, Ueuben Parker of Chelmeford.

Priscilla', 18 Dec. 1692, d. inf. Sarah', 28 July 100•, m. Jona Melvin, lh·ctl on a farm adjoining her brother John, on the south. Prlscllla', 27 Jan. 1096-7, d. 2 Aug. 1778. Tradition says, engaged to marry, but her lover, for cause not 1tate1l1

went to Maine, turned hunter and hermit. Ehenez<'r4, 22 Mar. lfl98-9, d. 1789, went to Groton, and m, 4: Aug. 1727, Rachel Farnsworth. 1<:benezer', 2~ Apr. 1786, d., m. 7 Dec. 1768, Mary Farnsworth of Groton, b. 1780, d, 1882. Molly", 22 Oct, 176•. Lucy', U May 1760, d. Inf. Ollver', 24: Apr. 1780, m. Ruth Farnsworth of Groton, div., amt after tho birth of their son Ollver, went to Conn., where hem. Hannah Benedict, removed In a few year& to Duche11 Co., N, Y., and later to N. Norwich, Chenango Co., N. Y., where he d. 1882. He eerved in the Continental army, waa present at the surrender of Comwallls, Either he believed hie ff rat bom eon dead or wae clleposcd to cast aside the paat and begh. life de notio in hie new eurroundings.

Oliver', 7 S1ipt. 1701, cl. 1 Nov. 1854-, m. 27 Mar. 1780, Rachel Shat~uck of Groton, 12 July 1707, d. 12 ,July 1810, m. 2tl w., Keziah Matthews of

GROTON, 29 Lakin,

Thomaston, Mc. About, 1810 he removed to Stetson, Me. lie sene«l in the revolutionary war. Sarah7, 8 Nov. 1790, d, 22 Oct. 1805, m. 0 June 1800, Davitl Lakin of Groton, 2 Jan. 1782, d. 2 July 1878; removed 1810 to Stetson, Mc. Ellzobeth8, b. 20 Aug. 1810, m. 1827. Ebenezer S. Piper of Stratton, N. 11,, b, 1790, d. 1885, mlll owner, Kenduskeag, Mc., merchant, twice in legislature.

Sarah M.•, b. 1828, m. J860, Otis McCastllu of Kenduskeag, Me, E, Marcella10, b. 1863, Goneva1°, d, ae, 10 yrs. Mark w.•, 1raduate of Union Coll. ISM, studied law and n.dmlttecl to the bar. Went to l\llnn., practised law there, 11robate judge or Kn.ndlyohl Co., 1872 -4, returned eut 1882, Atty, In Kenduskeag, Martin V. 11.•, atty, In Kenduskeag, teacher, attorney, mem. Leg,; practised In llangor, Me,, Boston and l\lln11esota,

Sarah8, 7 July 1812, m. 20 June 1839, William B. Wheeler. b, Skowhegan, Me., 28 Jan. 1807, removecl Newport, Mc., 1885; farmer, lumberman,

William F.•, 18 Apr, 18'0, eul. 13 Aug, UOI, D 8th Mc, Vols., d. at Hilton Head, 8, C , 10 Jan, 1862, Charles P.•, 11 Nov. 1~2, enl. 16 Dec. 186:-1, F 18th Me. Vols., d. JO Aug, 1865, In hos111tal, Wuhln1to11, D. c. Daniel w.•, 17 liar. 1844, farmt!r at New.,ort, Me,, m. 4 l\lay 1870, Clara Footman of Corinna, Me., H Jan. 1849. Horace 1•.11, 20 July 1840, farmer amt Jumbcnnan, New11ort, l\le. John B,11, 3 Oct, 1848, d, 6 Apr. 1872, Frank 11.10, 9 1''eb. 1874, C/inrles C,10, 11 )lay 1878, ,ttabol E.10, 28 Nov. 1880,

John8, 12 Aug. 1814, d. lR Aug. 1882, m. 20 June 1830, Abigail P. l 1•1erce of

Orrington, Me., 1 Mar. 1821; merchant In Bangor, Mc., to 1846, rcJn, Boston; dealer In coal.

Corydon B.•, 3 Sept. IMO, m. 3 Sept. 18'J?, Oeorglnna Clark of Stetson, Me., b. 1839; commls• sloned lllt Lieut. 2d Me. Cav. In tile late war; steward or Me. Insane Asylum 1878-82; went 1882 to Norfolk, Va., farmer, Fannv A,•o, 17 Sept. 1866, AUcet0, 1 June 1876, Jol,n c,10, 17 June 1878, Roualtlo s.o, 27 May 1842, clerk In Boston. Wilbur F.9, 28 Se11t. ISH, m, 23 June 1865, Georgia 8. Friend of Blue Hill, l\le., 12 Oct, 1848, d. 8 A1ir, 1883; mercbnnt, Hoston, to 1877, since manuf, In Quincy, Wilbur ..f,to, 23 Mar. 1867, llarrv w,10, 4 Apr. 1860. John n.o, 1 .Aug, 1847, druggist, Tremont and Boylston Hts., Boston, Abby E.o, 19 Sc1it. 1843, m, 9 Nov. 1878, Solomon S. Higgins or Orlenn11 10 June 1846, provision dealer, Boston. Sarah J,', 4 Dec. 18!!0, m, 19 Se11t, 1874, Henry I, Dow of l'ortland, l\le,, b, 1846, 11ror. In dental coll., l'hlla., ra. George w.o, 23 June 18661 m. 14 Feb. 18781 Ellen Norton or Bangor, Me., 14 June 1600; Is a collector In Boston, Maruaret A.•o, 3 Oct. 1870, John /l,10, 4 liar. 1886,

George W,11, 22 Oct. 182-l, farmer, Newport, Mc. Rachel7, 28 Feb. 1708, d., m. 1812, Jonathan Lawrence of Groton, 11 Sept. 1788,

d. 20 Sept. 1842; farmer. Eliza', Jonathan', Ephraim•, all d, Inf, E11hralm•, 31 May, 1821, d. Out, 1847, m. Sarab

S11au1<llng of Groton; went to Maine, ret,, d. In Ashhuruhnm, E11hrafm s.0, loo. eng., went to Dakota, Injured In acclclent on N. 1•, R. R,, m. In Eckelson, Dak, Harriet McLean. Caro­ll11e10, b. 1874. John H.•, 13 Apr. 182-1, m, abt, 1847, l\lary T. Woodward of Groton, who d, 1862, m. 20 Se11t. 1866, Hannah M. Lovejoy of Holli,, N, H., 1t I>eo, 1834, Ia a farmer In re11-perell, .ArvUla•, d. m. Orlando l'reston of Groton, b, 1860, re11orted cl, In IJJ. Mary J,o, m, Artbur A, Blood, tlnamlth, E. Pe11perell. Anna s.1°, 19 Dec, 1872, Susan l\1,101 12 Oct. 1876. Sarah II, 8.10, 6 Mar, 1878, Ashton t.10, H J,'cb. IPSO. 1-:muy A,o, 17 Jan, 1867, Ellza­bttll1, Apr, 1858, d, Inf. Wihna,·tll s.•, Aug. 1S69, d, young, ..fffoe A.•, 26 July 1801, 11, Inf. llarrut A.•, 24 Aug. 1863, d, H Feb, 18i6, Chai, Jl,e, d, Inf, A1a L.", d, 20 Feb, 1876, Alberta L.•, d, 19 Feb, 1876,

Walter S.•, 27 Dec, 1826, cl, at Oldtown, Me., m, Isnbella Skldcl or Oldtown, had 2 ch; nil cl, within 18 lfto, Sarah•, 20 Aug, 1827, d. young. l\lallmla8, o Jan. 1831, cl. 10 A11r, 1876, m. 30 Nov, 18112, Hradley W, Abbott of Etnn., Me., 22 July 1831, painter, undertaker; enJ. In army Aug, 186'2, wounded 19 May \SM; dtach, H July 1886. Acla F.•, 18 Nov, 1P~, 111, I Jan. 1877, Chas, Dunton of Stetson, Me., who went, 187~, to San Francisco, Cal,, 11o'N at I.os Angeles, Cal., house furn, har<lw, Ear110, 30 Dec, 1881 1 d, 4 Feb, 1887, Allce10, I .\ng. 1884, Wultrr S.9, 8 Apr. 1800, d, young, llarrlet .At.•, JiJ A11r, 18601 with slater lu Cnl. l\lary !!:.•, II Apr, 1833, d. young,

Asahel7• Nancy7• Mary7, d, int. Clarlua7, 2 June 1800, d. Oct. JSGO, m. a Aug. 1827, Samuel Williams of Groton, 8 NoY, J 704, tl. Mny 1870; farmer on Chicopee ·now,


Samuel P.•, ll l<'eb. 1828, farmer a, cl carpenter, on tho homestead, m. 22 Mar. ISM, Lydia S, Farwell o! Ty11g11boro, 3 Sept_. 1835; 11pent four years before marrlnge In St. l'aul, l\llnn, Everett c.o, 19 Feb. 1858, m. 25 Deo, 1883, M1ny .E. Herrington or Shirley, 20 Dec. 1P62; far­mer, with bis father, Leonard .E.10, 23 ~ept. 1884, Dau,1°, 27 Dec, 1886. Anna c.•. 11 Sept. 1863, d. youug. Samuel II.•, 25 l\far. lSC.8. nau.•, l\far. 1R70, ct. Jacob L.•, 2-1 Oot. 18291 a forty-nlner to Cal., ret. 'M, m. In that year Lydia Nee<lhai.. of Groton, went to Belvidere, 111., d. 1856. l\fary s.•, it-I Apr. 1832, d. 1 Jan. 1807, Clarissa H.•, 29 Oct. 183-1, d. l\lar. 1869, rn. July 1868, Lorenzo D. Hutchins, b, Lowell, Vt., 30 Sept. 1818, d, 30 Nov. 1879, farmer, Groton. Clara I,.•, 22 July, 1862, comp. at Rlvenlde Printing Co. Marv L.0, Aug. tsc.6, proof reader do. Charles K,1

1 23 Sept. 18361 d, Inf. Sarah E.•, b. & d. 13 Nov. 183i, Charles H.•, 12 Dec, 1830, d. 11 June 1869, Asa .A.•, 21 Feb. 1842, d. Inf, Sarah A.•, 20 l\fay 1843, d. Nov. 1871, m. l June 11167, Dwight Marcy of Rock\'Ule, Conn., attorney at Jaw, .Alline', Feb.1868. Laura E.•, d. early 1872, . Edith•, .Aug. 1871.

Ellen M.•, 29 Oct. 1844, m. 26 May 1868, Rev. WIiiard W. Torrey of Groton, 2-1 Mar. 18-12, gradu. Williams, 1866, settled at Sbennan, Conn. 1868, attacked with Jacmorrhage ,,r lungs, went to Iowa, d, 4 Oot, 1869; she m, 11 July 1876, 2d bus. Sumner R. Mason, b. Huntsville, Ala.13 Oct. 18-151 machinist, Groton. Linette JY.o Torre11, 9 Oct. 1869, Sumner n.o Mason, 10 June, 1877, Jlar11 c.•, 3 Jan. 1870. l'lea,ior .A.•, 21 July 1881. .Tttllan H.•, llerbert H'.11,

twins, 8 Aug. 1883. Herbert F.•, II Apr. 1850, entered Williams 1868, left at his mother's death, gradu. N. Y. Univ, Med.; asst. phys. Kings Co hos))., Brooklyn, N, Y.; offered su11erlnteml­ency, declined, to pursue private practice; be m, 26 June l&lll, Julia W, Howard, b. Savannah, Ga. laabcl L.•, 23 Oct. 1886.

Ollver7, 22 Nov. 1808, d. 7 Mar. 1883, m. 29 Nov Jij27, Louisa Dennett of K~w Boston, N. ll., JS June 1805, and settled in that tow:,

Jacob n.•, 16 Mar. 1828, d. 20 Aug. 1873, bookkee1ler In Manchester, N, H,, m, 20 Dec, ISM, Mary Edcl7 of Waterbuey, Vt., 13 Mar, 1827. JYUUam E.•, 12 Jan. 186-1, yam tester In Amos­keag mills; In 1886 entered Free Indus. Hoh., Worcester. Ira•, 20 Sept. 1829, m. l J,rn. 1861, Erully M, Oriwes, b. Me., 2 Aue. 1830, d. at Palmer, 2S Aug. 1860, m. H Hay 1863, Emllette l\l, Greenleaf uf Bradford, Vt., 2 Feb. 1838; he Is a muon In Lowen. Charles 11.11, 13Ang, 1852; rn, 12 Feb. 1872, Cathe1lne Roberts oC Boston, 29 Aug. 1851; freight conductor on 0, i.;. n. ~-; went 1882 to Chicago, Ill.;• yarcl m11,ster c. M. & St. P. n. R. Charles I,1r, Ill Nov, 1875, Walter w,10, ll Oct. 1879. Harold w,1°, 4 Aug.1883, .Annie E,•, 20 Oct. 186(. Irene E.•, 23 Jan. 187-1. James D.•, 6 Sept. 1831, m.11 May, 1867, ElnalUA Cburchlll of Ne,, Ma1ket, X, H., 17 Mar. 1830; waa a mason, now grocer In Lowell, mem. city goveruUJerc. Emma n.•, H Mar, 1859, m. 21 June lSdO, Jas, D, Riddick of MIiton, •:t., trader. OJl•,e H.1°, 31 July 1881, Herbert c,1°, J2 Oct. 1882. Charita c.•, JS Sept. 1800, m. ~~ Sept. 1811~, Rosa Rycler of Fays­ton, Vt., 4 Dec, 1861; clerk, gro. trade. Georg, H.•, 29 June 1862. Jenn11 L.•, 7 Aug, lllll-l, cl, 1 .Feb.1887, Jamu w.•, 27 Oct. 1866, d, Inf, Bila J,•, twin, d, 16 Dec. 1881. Belinda•, 10 .Apr. 1833, d. 27 Ma7 18li0, m, 18-19, David M, Brook• of New Boston, N, H , blacksmith, ,Tamu s.•, 8 Mar, 1850, gro. clerk, Lowen, m, 9 Dec. 1874, Sarah E. Joues o!' Uootbbay, Me,, 18 Ma7 18521 ct. 21 Juue, 1876, m, 13 May 18781 2d w, Augusta Tlcknoi" of -4.ndover, N, H,, Ill Aug. 1M3, Jenn11 T.•, 10 Oct, 188ll,

Margaret S.7, 0 Mar, 1805, d, 16 Sept. 1878, m, 4: May 1884, Rufus Wllllams of Groton, 6 Sept. 1808; farmer on Chicopee Row, now with 1on-in-law1 Cochrane at Hyde Park,

Sarah•, 8 Aur, 1834, d. H Sept. tBOll, George H.•, 4 May 18381 m, 20 Nov, 1861, Busan A, Eaton of Framingham, He enl, 21 July l86ll, E 33d Hass, Vole,; killed ne,,ir Dallas, Ga., 25 May 1864, Una L.•, 20 Nov. J862, d, 2 Jul7 18;0. Marola L.•, 4 July 1839, m. Ill Apr. 1862, Albert F. J>arkhnrat of Nuhua, N. H., 23 Deo. 1836, undertaker In Groton, She ls a aohool teacher, .Altce T.•, 4 Sept. 1863, m, 4 Se11t. 18&1, Gard11er H, Rockwood of W, Groton, b, Apr, · 13118, drives bread cart at the centN, Horace H,10, 26 Oct, 1886, Adelaide L.•, 16 Dec. 1841, m. N ~ov, 1868, David H. Cochrane of Hrookllne, N, H,, real e1tate dealer, Hyde Park, In/, /em.•, d. Earle W,•, ~ May 1873, Frances A.•, 28 Aug. 1843, d, 97 July 1867, m, 9 Mar, 1806, Abbott L. Hlood of Groton, A11a•, 28 Aug. 18411, baggage master, Lawrence, m, Caroline E, Adame of Townsend, Ou11 R.•, 28 Deo. 18711, Ethel I,,•, 8 Sept. 1877, .Arthur t.•, 111 Nov. 11179. Josiah H.•, 13 Aug. 1848, farmer, 11• M. No. Framingham, m. 28 Sept, 18711 Mary E, Eaton or that town, Rortha L.•, 2 Se11t, 1872. Carlton H.•, 0 May 187ll, Glad~• I,•, 2 Feb, 1877, Ha,·old u.•, 12 July 1879, Lawrence A.,•, 13 Feb. 1881,

Imzabeth7, lo J,m. 1807, d, 11 }'eh. 1850, m. 80 Mar. 1828, Robert .Straw of Nashua, N, II, Ellzabcth8, b, 1820, cl. 1847,

ALnroN, bm. 31

Richmoml7, 16 Jan. 18:!0, d. 22 Jl\n. 1878, m. Mar. 18-18, Abigail Nutth. • of Gro­ton, 25 Dec. 182-1. Farmer, lived five years in Peabody, spent flft.een years in aH on town farms, Groton and Shrewsbury.

Georglana1, 11 Dec. 1844, d. JI Nov. J866, Ellen M.•, J9 Be11t. 18t0, d. Oct. 18G4, Almira s.•, 31 Dec. 1848, d, 1 Sept, 1850. Henry R.•, 29 Aug. 1850, d. Nov, J880, m. 20 Nov. 1874, Catherine Fitzpatrick of Dunstable, Jan, 1851; f11rme1· lu Groton. //arm ..4,11, 20 Nov.,18U, E,lu·ar,t n.o, 12 July 1878, Irvine F.•, 13 Mar, 1&10,

Suwnerr, 10 Se1,t, 1821, farmer, Stetsou, lie., m, 9 Sept. 1852,Janette A, Powers of CorJnnn, Me., 2 June 1830.

Jletlora .K.•, 13 July J853, m. 28 SeJ}t, 1871S, Cbarle11 E, Vickery of Plttstteld, Mc., b, 1857, merchant. Ethel ll.•, 3 Feb. l&IO. Leigh H.•, 7 May 1884, d. young. Earl A.0, 22 A11r. 1880, Bmma L.•, 4 July 1866, dressmaker. Georve s.•, 11 July 18611 fnrmer, m, 26 .l\Iar, 1887, Anna M. Allen or Stetson, Me,, b, 1863, Jt'rarik W.•, :llS Mar. 1863,

Nancy,, IS Oct. 1823, m, Feb, l&U, Robert McKluney of Stetson, l\Je,, b.1814, d. Mar. 1850, m. nee. 18.52, 2d hue, his brother Sherburne McK. b, 1827, ti. :l Dec. 1861; now res. Leo111l11ste1·. Oliver II,•, ~'2 May 1842, enl. 22 Sept. 1861, C. Otb Me, Vols,, dlscb. Aug. 1861S; In Dept. of South nuder T. W. Sllennao, Huu ter, later at Uermuda Hundred with Butler; m. 9 nee. 1800, .\vllda A. Cole of Lewiston, Me., 2'J Oct. 1&13; rem. Pepperell 1872, Leominster 1882, harness maker. Everett L.•, 23 July 1867, d, H11rry E.•, 11 Jan, 1869. Harriet A..•. 10 July 1871, Jtla A.1, 2IS Jau. 167-1. Cora E,", 29 Apr. 1870, Edgar R.•, 20 Jan, 1879. Perley W.•, 8 Oct. 1881, Ora H.•, 8 Dec. 1884, .Jlarce1lua•, H Apr. 1840, d. 0 .\lar, JSISO, Laura E.•, 21 June 1863, 111. Jts71S, Henry l\l. Derx, b, Peabody, 19 Apr. 1866; ahoPmaker, Lynn. Ellen9, b. 1877, d, Inf, 11:lla Jt,•, 16 J.'eb. J867, m. 2IS Dec. 18i0, John H, Brooks, b, N, 8, 18156, aboemaker, Lynu. AUJtUSta0, '1 July 1877, d. 9 July 1884. Ola E.11, 18 May 1879. Artbur H.•, Oct. 1&831 d, inf. Ueorgt', 27 1-'eb, 1869, m. 8 June 1879, Caroline Sbattuck of 1•epperell, 14 Apr, 18156; pa11er-1uaker, l-'atcbburg, Clifford S,•, 10 Jan, 1880, Lester', 10 May 1882.

Roxana S.7, o May 1820, d. 7 July 1884, m. 80 May 18'7, Elisha Skinner of Brewer, Me., 12 Oct. 1820, merchant iu Garland, Me, Became a member of the E. Maine Conf. M, E., 187~.

Ida P.•, 20 Sept. 18t8, d. young, Eva n.•, 4 Oct, 181S3, d, 19 Juue 1880, Anna s.•, 13 July 1869. Ora l',•, Oma E.•, twins, 7 Nov. 1862,

Tu£ Nsw YoHK ~lclfla/w,i.

0Uvcr6, b. abt. 17051 inherited his father's restless disposition, and, like him, im­iJatlent of restraint, struck out for himself to Western Pa., and in 179' enlisted in a battalion of light horse, serving under Anthony Wayne against tho Indians in Ohio. lie wait a cooper by trade; m. ut Hager1town, Md., 1802, Catherine Shryock of that town, who d. Sept, 1808, ae. 00. He was among the early settlers of Marietta, Ohio. and was drownP.d In the river mmr that place 10 Dec. 1818. }>cr­melin', 27 Mar. 1808, d, 15 Sl'pt. 1875, m. 10 Dec. 1820, James McMal1on, b. North­umberland Co., Pa , 15 Jan. 1708, d. 4 Sept. 1800; farmer, rcmo,·ed 18:lS to Knox Co,, 0., 1868 to Albion, Intl

Cbrlatophert, !'..; Sept, 18:U, d. !nf, S1e11he11•, 4 ,Tuly 1823, d, Morrow Co., o., 12 Mar. 1&15; acbool teacber, Perauella•, IIS SeJ>t, l821S, m, 111 Vee. IIW0, Ezeklol 1't!aganlen of J\uox l'o., o., fi Sept., 18~, farmek', rem, Albion, Ind,, 18M1 served 13 n1011tha II 88th Ind, Vols, Catherine•, 29 Jan, 1827, d, ~ Ma)' 18861 m, 1 1848, William AtoLow1 rem. Nollie Co,, Ind., Inter to Sterling, Ill, Mar,•, t4 Jau. 1829, 111, H Fell. 1831, Samuel 81111th or W11y11e cu., o., 18 s.p,. 1818, cl. tlS Oct, 1878, farwer, rein, Albion, Jud., 1800, later to l'ottervflle, Allch. He served In the Mexican war, alao In If IOIJtll Ind, Vole, during the Jat.i war. Sirn/ord 11.•, b. tM:J • ..fl/rid l'.•, 29 Aug, 18611, l'ermeltu•, 21 Nov, 181571 m, 1 Jan, 1872, Oeorl(e Rlmmell; 11111 a son. VatAmnet, twin, m. a Nov, 2871S, Oeorge Slm1110111; two 1on11, one d. JHvmo•, 9 Dec. ues, d. Inf, Mac', 18 Dec, 1800, m. 28 Jul.r 188f, M1rtl1a Harris; ha■ a 10n, Bua M.•, 18 July 1N3, 111, l Deo, 1882, Chaa, Walker, haaa dau, Oliver', 13 Aug. 18311 remov. Noble Co,, Ind., 18N, m. 10 Aug, 1860, Mar, J, of Marietta, o. He was a carpenter: was nomml1111loned ea1,. taln F 30th Ind, Vole,, 1 Sept, 1801, d, t..oulavllle, K.r,, JIS Nov, 1862, Blanche•, 13 June 2809, in, 18 July 187'1, Frank :r. Cook, baa two dau, Olfl", t I Sept. 1860, bard ware merch, fn Prea•


ton, Ia., m. 13 Nov. 1882, Henrietta Niles. Ia 6 rt. 2 in. high, :\Ira. McM. lives In Albion, Ind. Lucy•, 7 Dec. 1833, m. 20 J_an, 1800, Levi Cam1>bell, 10 June 18-14, rem. Jefferson, Ind. 1864, James L.•, 28 Nov. 1838, farmor, rem. Albion, Ind., 1857, m. 9 Sept, 1860, Clarissa Prouty, b, Kuox Co., o., 11 Juue 1839. Zoe•, 21 Sept. 1861, m. 19 Jan, 1882, Andrew J. Steffey, b, l\lorrow Co., o., 14 Aug. 1857, farmer, rem. Noble Co., Ind., 1803, Vemon10, 19 F'eb. 1887. urcuU', 13 Aug, 1863, d. inf. WavneO, 25 Mar. 1865. LUl1f', 19 Jan. 1867. Tamma•, 14 Feb. 1869, Nancyt, 18 Mar. 18&0, m, Mar. 1862, Samuel Cassell, live In Elkhart, Ind. Elmlna•, 15 July 1835, m, 2 Sept. 1859, Alexander l<'lelds, rem. Ind. 1863, Snnflehl, Mioh , 1876, Rosa 1".9, 16 Nov. 1862, m, 1879, George Rotenberg, shoemaker, Albion, Ind. Elmer E .,, 1 .Apr, 1861, coll. stud,, Jo'ort Wayne, Ind, Dora n.,, 20 June ISM, m. 21 Nov. 1800, Barney Baker, farmer, Jeffenon, Ind. Susan A.•. 4 Nov, 1M3, d, 7oung. Alfred P,•, 6 Feb, 1847, d, 3 July 1886, farmer, m. 20 Oct, 1868, Jane; rem, Albion, Ind., 1883.

Denjamin7, 5 May 1805, d, 11 Aug, 1877, Newport, 0., cooper. Olh·cr1, 15 Dec. 1808, m. 22 Feb. 1835, Nancy Iler of Tuscarawas Co. 1 O., JO Jan. 1810. Is a farD!er, remo,·cd at marriage to Mt, Gilead, 0,, and in 1865 to Osborne, Mo. llad 1( grandchildren in 1885.

Benjamin•, 30 Jan. 1836, se"ed 3 mos. In W. Va,, enl, 21 Aug, 1862, F. Sis~ Ohio Vols., In principal battles under Sherman from Sbllob to Bentonvflle; m, 13 Sept, ISM, Maria E, Ab­bott of Licking Co, O. 27 Aug, 1837, d, 21 Feb, 1878, m. li Oct, 1882. Ermina Jarbeau, b. Columbiana Co. o., 11 Aug, IMO; harness maker, rem. Meriden, Kan., lSSO, Webb', 26 Aug, 1867, Viola•, 13 Deo. 1869, d, 18 Aug. 1876. l>ella•, 24 Nov. 1874. Sarah•, 27, Sept 1837, Ira•, JO Aug. 1839, same service In the anny as his brother Benjamin, wounded at Pittsburg Landing, m. 26 Oct, 1869, bas ch., farmer, King City, Mo. Susanna•, 26 Mar, 1841 1 d, young, Marion•, 23 .Feb, 1843, served in Slat Ohio Vole., wounded once; m. l'lJuly l8G9, bas ch.; far­mer, Fafr1>ort, Mo, Mary•, 2 Apr, t&U, 10. 2-1 Sept, 1866, -- Rhl11man, has ob., live at Fair11ort1 Mo, Warreu•, H I>eo. IM5, served in the late war, m. ,~ Mar. 18'18, has ch., far­mer, Fairport, Mo. Hiram•, 2-l A11r. 1848, farmer, Fairport, Mo. Ellzabetb8, 3 June JS/j(), m. 6 l<'eb. 1874, - Riddle, farmer, Plattsburg, Mo., baa ch, Lucetta•, 11 Apr. 1862,

Ebenezer7, 10 Dec. 1810, d, 8 July 1854, m. Oct, 1885, Mary Van Buskirk, b. Hancock, Md., 23 May 1818; sett. Mt. Ollcad, 0., farmer,

J,awrenoe v.•, May 1886, d, 1 Jan.18i9. Oliver c.•, b, 1838, d, July 1874,m, Apr, 1867, Har­riet Smith; was a mecbanfo, Othnkl o.•, May 1868. wmta,n R,9, A11r, Je70. Euu,me", b. 187-f. PermeJla•, 27 .Aug. 1840, m. 8 Nov, 1800, Lafayette Denman, of Morrow Co., o., 6 Feb, IMO, rem, 1868 Hillsdale Co., Mich. Clinton v.•, 1 Mar. 1863, Marv .4 •, 2 Se11t. 1800, m. 4 July 1886, Augustus Bringman, b, Williams Co., o., 27 Apr. 1861, 1/arrlet E,,, 1 Apr. 1873, Jesaie u.•, 10 July 1876, Charlotte L.9

1 ll Aug. 1878, Olara E .•, 21 May 1881, Lida B.•, 11 June 1880. Wilson L.•, Deo. 1842, farmer, m. 1877, Sarah Francis, b, IM2, Lilllf', Dec. 1878, J1tmes11, b, 1880. Bcmner', b, 1882, Clara•, b. 18&1. Laura•, b. 1886. .Alice•, 27 Oct, lM.'S, 11byalcian, gradu, W"1n. Med, Coll, Cbloago, 111., 1883, lu J>ractlce at Vinton, la., 188', Cedar Ra11lds, Ia., 1836, rem. Mauslleid, 0,, 1886, Ra11dolph•, b, 1848, d, Sept. ISM, Ohi081 0 Dec, 1850, d. 20 Juno JR;o. Ebenezer s.•, 24 Dec, ISM, farmer, m, Jan. 1883, Abby Van Doro of Morrow Co,, O., b, 1803, Ralpt,•, b, 18116,

Phebe7, 10 }'ch. 1813, d, Nov, 1886, m. 12 Feb. 1~80, Arnold of Morrow Co., O.

Eb1?ne1.er81 1707, d. 1856, m. 1795, Rachel Mead of-. Theirs was the first rnnrria.go ln town.

Samue17, 1 Nov. 1708, d. 2 Nov. 1808, m. 7 Jan. 1821, Phebe Purdy of Plymouth, l'l, Y •• 22 Feb. l 798, Ho wa1 a farmer in N. Norwich, N. Y, His widow Uvea with their eldest son.

CharJes•, 2'.I Nov. 1821, m. 9 Jan. 1853, Samantha I', Lee of N, Nortrioh, 1 July 1828; farmer, !', M., station agent, Sberbur-ne 4 Cora., to which 1,Jace be removed at marriage. Marla z..• 19 Oct. 1853, m. 24 June 1874, Elbert F, Smith of Sherburne, 15 Sept, 1843, In,. agent, 8m1r-1a, N. Y, Walter a,10, 22 Aug. 1877, WaZUr H,Q, 8 Oot. 1800, farmer, m. H Kay 18821 M11ud lloManus of Halne1vflle, N, J,, 1 Aug, JMO, .Frank p,10, 16 Feb. 1883, Chae, H,10, 15 June, SM, d. inf. Alicia A.•.15 Deo. 181S8, m. 30 Deo. 1830, Walter G. Wilcox of Sherburne, N, Y ,, o Aug, JMS, furniture and undertaking, Smyrna, N, Y, Frederick H.•0, 8 June 1882, rara v.•, H Feb. 1862, Mar11 B.•, 11 June 1866. Fa·nnv ,4..', 30 Kay 1870, Hel4n P, L.•, 12

GROTON, 88 Sllaltuck.

an. 1874. Cyrus P,8, 4 Aug. 18!3, m. 2J Jan. 1850, 5,uah T, Fisher, 26 Nov. 1829; be ls a far­mer in Sberlrnrue, N. Y, Btl1mrd P,0, 28 Oct, 1852, farmer, m. 16 Jan. 1878, Alice A, Jaynes. E\'I\ M,10, 20 ScJ1t.l8i0, d. young, Ucoryc Jl,o, 20 Aug. 1866, Charlu JI,•, 16 Sept, 1800, A'ato M.0, 17 Oct, 1871, Sarah E,8 , 2 July 1826, m. 28 So11t, 1862, Samuel ll, Foote, b, u Couu. J.'a,mv .A.", 1 Jan. 185-1, d, 3 May 1802. .Anna J,0, 16 Sept, 1866, Minna a.•, 4

A11r. 1858, b'dwar<l o.•, 2 f'eb, 18&4. Clara E.•, o Dec. 1865. William•, 28 Nov. 1829, d, young, Aflh'trva C,11, J6 Oct. 1832, m, 2-1 May 1857, Jlarney JI. Gibbs of So, Lansing, N, Y,, 13 Jan, 18.!2, grauu, Madison Univ, 1846, Theo!, Som, 1848, preached in La. and M.188, until ISM, later succeash•cly In Genevn, Jordan, Union Springs, Spencer, New York City, Cattsldll, N, Y, 1 now at Wnles. llerbert JJ,o, 1 Aug. 1869, gradu, Madison Univ, 1884, practices Jaw at Deland, Fla. <:lesson i,•,11, 10 Nov. 18601 dentist, Drlclge11ort, Conn, Edwin A.•, June 1833, d, inf. linty A.8, 21 Jan. 1837, m, 30 Dec. 18031 Isaac N. Bentley who abandoned her. Newton 11.11, G Jan. 1868, Edward H.•, u July 1839, tanner, Plymouth, N. Y,, m. 7 Nov. 1865, l\ Hentley of Sherburne, Se11t, IH3. Samuel o,o, 23 Jan, 1808, .Alfred•, 24 July 1870, Grae&, 16 Oct. 1877, Rachel•, 28 Jan, 1885,

1Iannah7, m. Horace Flint. Orlando8, Calvin8• Celia8, Helen"'.

Jonathan M. 7, 29 July, 1801, m. 12 Jleb. 18:l2, Eliza Crandall of Dutchess Co., N. Y., b. Nov. 1800. ls a farmer, rcmovefl in 1888 to Shiawassee Co., Mich., and founded the town of llartwclh-llle. Was capt. of militia in N. Y.; county judge in Mich.; p. m. o,·er 20 years, held many town offices; now lives at Williamston, Mich,

Jamu JJ,•, 22 Dec. 1824. Elba J.•, Nov. 1827, Louisa, J.,• Dec, 18-10. Charlu H.•, Oct, 1833. HarlcJUJ II.•, Apt,•1S36. E!lwh~ JJ.•, June 1840,

Mary7, 01. Horace Green, and rcmoYed to Grand Hapids, Mich.; 6 ch,

Benjamin', m. in 1832, Philura 'l'alcott, had 2 ch., d. Diantha7, m. Josiah l1urdy, removed to Mich.; 7 ch. Sarah7, m, Zena, Wiswell; 8 dau. lllram7, m. Celia l~cclcston; 4 ch., 3 lh'ing, the only son in Mich. Ebenezer', d, unm. Amos 'l'.1, m. Lucy Purdy, and lh·cs at Spencerport, N, Y.; 2 sons, 1 d.

Rcbecca7, m. Uev. James Cook, lla}ltist min., and d. many years ago, had 7 ch., all west. La\'lnia7, d, at 20 yrs.

Benjamin', m. Mnrgaret Dyse; 6 ch. Gcorge7, unm., in Norwich, N, Y, Har­low7, m., lives Smyrna, N, Y,; hus ch, Dnu,7, m. Hecox, Earlville, N. Y.; ch, Uau.7, m. Isabel), 8myrna, N. Y., lias ch. Dau.7, m. Carker of Norwich, N. Y,; has ch. Some of these have grand-children. A son7, d, many years since.

Samuel', 80 Apr. 1702, d. 20 May 1782, m, " in the 26tb year .of his age.'' Sarah --, d. 1788, ha,·ing borne him two children, that ti. inf,; m. 1 June 1787, 2d w., Sarah Holden of Groton, o Se11t. 1717, d, lie settled in the northern part of Groton, near Nashua rh·er. Sarah&, 9 Mar. 1788, d. 5 May 1708, m. 25 May 171>8, Job Shattuck of Groton, 11 Feb. 1786, d. 18 Jan, 1819; captain in the war of the revolution, later " leader in Shays' rebellion; large landowner, resolute, uncom­promising, a leader nmoug his townsmen. Job11, 10 Dec. 1768, d. 4: May 1827, m. 1781, Elizabeth Ulood of Groton, H July 1762, d. 26 Apr. 1840.

JobT, 2-.a Jan. 1782, d, 20 Feb. 1813, Anna', 31 Mar. 1784, Samson', 17 Nov, J787, d. U May 1837, Sarah', 8 May 1790. Georger, 1 AJll', 1i921 d, young, Luther', 1 Feb, 1794, Oeorger, 11 Apr, 1790, d, Inf, kacbel', 28 Aug, 1i99, d. 3 Jan. 18-14, .Elb1ar1 11 Dec, 1801, Warren', 10 Feb, 1803, m, Olive Proctor, Jived h1 'towuseud, ltlcrrlck', 17 Juue, 1806.

Sarah', 27 Dec. 1760, d. 27 Sept, 1840, m. 28 Mar. 1781, llcnjamln Slmp11on, b, 1746, d. 8ept. 18811, Was in battles of Lexington aml Dunker Hill; rem. Wln-1dow, Me., farmer, hol'Be dealer.

Ronna', twice m. 9 ch, Daniel', 20 Sept. liOO, d, Jn So. Hoston, 28 July 1886, a noted drum­mer, drum major. Turton', :.lO .May 1700, Ezekiel', b, 1795, Sarah', 9 June 1708, m. Simon Shattuck, Harriet', JO May 18:11, m. Noah Ch:11e. Sopl1ronlll', 4 80J1t. 18031 ru, Jona. Stanley,


Ezekiel8, 12 Apr. 1768, d. I Apr. 1803, In Doston, m. 25 Sept. 1788, Prudence Dlood, 31 Oct. 1770, d. ~ Sept, ·1819,

Prudence', 8 Mny 1789, d, 7 Sept, JSO'J. Amelia', 6 Sept, 1701, m. Stephen Shepley. Sarnb7,

20 Se1>t. 171H, m. 1st Samuel Bennett, 2d --1\lerrlam. Ezekiel', 3 June 1700, Rufus', 10 June 1798, Harriet, 2 May 1800, m. Wflllatn Bennett.

WUUam8, 8 Mar. 1765, d. 9 Oct. 1800, m. ·Eunice Dlood of Groton, 25 Feb. 1700, d. 10 Feb. 1807.

Willlamt, 12 Dec. 1789, Alexander', b. 1791, 11. roung• Simon', 2.5 Feb, 1793, d, Columbus, o. Margarett, 9 Sept. li05, d, so Aug. 18b3, m. Oeo. Drlgbam, Ale:xander7, o Sept. 1707, 11. Columbus, 0, Sarah', o Aug, 1700, ii. young. Anna', 3 Oct. 1802, d.10 Nov, 1823,m, Stephen Bates. Mary', 27 Aug. 180I, m, Sumner Hoyuton.

R11cbel81 12 July liG7, m. Oliver° Hartwell, ante, g. 11, Dnniel8, 11 Feb. 1770, d. 8 Apr. 1831, m. 28 Mar. 1790, Al,igail Shep1oy of Groton, 16 Jan. 1776, d. 8 Apr. 181-l, m. 7 July 1815, 2d. w., Cntlwrine, sister lat w., 30 Mar. 1705, d. 8 May 1826, m. 80 Apr. 1826, 8d w., Hanuah White of Townsend, 23 Apr, 1780, d. Farmer and tavern keeper in Groton.

Rosella', 10 Nov. 1790, d, 111 Dec. 1843, m. Jas. M. Col bum. Daniel', 10 Feb. 1802, d. 28 July · 1860, Charles B.t, 28 June 180!, d, unm, Jamea7, 30 Attg. 1806, d, unm. at sea. Francls1, 30 Nov. 1808. Otis', 28 Nov, 1810. Abigail', o Sept. 1812, d. young. Cortland W .,, 23 Sept, 1810, cl. 13 Oct, 11!47, gradu. Dartmouth, 18-IO, Jerome M,t, 12 Sept. 1818,. d, 12 Aug. 18-15. Abby n.,, 7 .1\far, 1820, d. 4 Dec. 18.'H, m. Albert S1>altor. Alvin F,t, Catherine F,11 Catberluo1, all d, fnf, Sarah Ji:,r, 16 Nov, 1826, d. fnf, Hannah M,', 29 Feb. 18281 m. J. S. P. Wheeler. Bige­low', Bancro1t', twins, 23 Dec. 1829, d. Inf.

Noah0, 8 Aug. 1772, d. , m. 25 Nov. 1798, Anna Shepley of Groton, 22 Apr. 1778, d. He was a leatllng citizen, held all town offices, much employed as justice and Jn 11ettlemcnt of estates, Captain of militia; commanded garrison of Fort Warren, Boston, faJJ of 1814.

Noah', 14 Se11t, 1790, WaJterr, 9 Aug. 1801, Annar, 23 Deo. 1803. Andrew7, 28 Dec. 180!I. 8ueannah', 3 May 1807, m. 1st, Dr. Richard WIiiiams, 2d, Leonard Chase. George7, 1 May 1800, Caroline', H Oct. 1811, m. Jobu H.• Hartwell of Groton, aeq. q, 11, Wfllfam', ll June 18111. t-~ormanr, 6 Sept. 1818.

Margnret0, 18 Mar. 1774, <1. 29 Nov. 1852, m. 11 Mny 1800, Jonathan Denne•t of Groton, 28 No,·. 1775, d. Amherst, N. H., 20 J,'cb. 1820,

Sarah', 13 Oct. 1800, d. G Apr. 1846, m, Dr. Hezekiah Eldridge. Jonathan', l Sept. 1802, d. Wllllarn s.r, 28 Sept. 1804,!d, l\largaret', 2 Sept. 1800, d. m. Jeffenon Taylor, l.oulsa7, 13 ,July 1808, m. Jot-1 F. 011good. Jame11r, 2 Sept. Jsu: WIider', 17 A11r, 1813, Alden n.,, JS A11r. 1810.

Anna8, G J,'eb, 1779, d, 7 Feb, 1843, m. 26 Nov. 1798, 'l'homas Dennett of Groton, settled In Brookline, N. H.; justice, deacon, rep. in leg,

Asber7, 2 Apr. 1799. Nancy', 22 June 1801, .Almira', It .J,m. ISM, m. Leonard French, Fhlllahasse', 10 Aug. 18061 m. John llurge. Ben.', 10 Sept, 1808, Thlna1, H Jan, 1811, w. Cah•Jn R. 8ht'dd. Thomas', 9 Jan. 1814, d. young. Rorlol1,hu11r, 3 Feb, 1817, Rosella', JO Feb. 1810, m. Adolphus Melendy, Marro.,, Sl7 Oct. 1820, d, J9 Jan. 1847, m. 6 Apr. 1843, Jere Baldwin,

Rachel•, JO Dec. 1780, d. 10 Aug. 1758, Inf. 6, 21 May 1742, d. Prlscilla11, 25 Feb. 174/J, d. 17 Feb. 1828, m. 0 Sept. 1700, James Green. Snmuel•'i 21 July 1748, ,J. young. Hannah6, 27 Sept. 1751, d, 18 l\lar. 1850, rn. U Dec. 1180, Samuel Shattuck of Groton, 17 Sept. 1757, d. 1885; removed in 1805 to SprJngtleld, Vt. Samuel', 17 Sept. l 7tU, m., remore1J 1810 to Crown Point, N. Y,, Inter to Lion ville, Cheater Co., Pa.; was P. M, 1everal years.

Horatio', farmer fn Jefferson, o. Lorenzo D,', manufacturer of sash and hllnds, Lines­ville, Pa, He bad six children, of wl1orn two soM and two daugbttii-s were Uvh,g Jn 18lif, Frederick', trader ht Sadz1bury, Pa, A daughter', m. ancl went to 1outhem Ohio, h:\d 0110 child. A daughtor1, m, a house joiner; 110 ch.

IIANCOCK, N. H. 85 LukiH,

Daniel&, 18 July 1783, m. Louisa D. Organ, b. 1796, cl. 16 Jan. 18H; cooper in f?pringftcld, Vt.; remo,·ed Boston 1810, worked at his trade; went 1847 to Lion­,·lllc, I>a.

Samuel', 17 Aug, 1810, printer In Doston, m, 24 !far, 1836, Susan Rumr111, 30 Nov. 1818, Susan w.•, 10 Feb. lll.'.JT,

Lois5, 19 Dec, 1768, cl. 4 Dec. 1852, m. 27 July 1786, Simeon Lakin of Groton, 6 Mar. 1760, d. IO Dec. 1842; was in six different terms of scn·lco in the "·nr of the rcYolution, removed soon after to Hancock, N. JI.; farmer, of iron constitution and great physical strength. Simeon8, 0 Oct. 1788, d. 10 }'eh. 1872, m. 18 ))cc. 1815, IJetsey Dermis of Hancock, N. II., who d. 16 Feb, 1869.

Martha Elizabeth', 18 Feb. 1817, d. UI June t88Q, m, 18 Dec. 1834, Ebenezer Waro of Han­cock, N. H,, 28 Mar, 1800, farmer. Walter M.•, 19 Oct. 1835, m. 10 Dec, IM7, Louisa E. Chad­wick of Harrisville, N, H,, 6 Dec. 1840. Went west In 1860; farmer, Hancock, Wis. Francis w.•, 27 Jan, IM9, farmer, m. 26 Dec, ISM, E,·eJyn nlxby of Warren, Wis,, 29 Feb, 1864. Walter s,10, 8 Oct. 1880, Mary E.•, 10 Feb, 18611 111. 2-1 July 1881, James H. Cass of Oakland, Wis., 17 Oct, 1861; farmer, Hancock, Wis, Ethel P,•0, 19 Aug. 1882, Seueca E.•, 29 Aug, 1862, lll, 25 Nov, 18861 Eva A. Irving of Amhel'st, Wis,, 3 June 1863, Vina E.,, 28 J.,'eb, J806, m. 27 June 1886, Albert H, Delap of Dunn Co,, Wis., 7 June 1862, Adele L.', 28 l<'eb. 1868, m. 6 Dec. 18861

Alvin L. Stearns, b, l\lancbester, N. ll., 11 Jan. 1862 Agnes J.•, 2 AJlr, 1870, Elizabeth s.•, 29 Jan, 1873, Eliza M.•, 2 Apr. 1876, Harry E,', 22 Mar. 1877, Warner L.•, H May 1837, d, 3 July 18,58, .Alice A,', 11 .Feb, l&IO, Edwin•, 31 Jan. 1342, eol, 13 Aug. 1862, O 13th llass. Vols,, out 21 June 1866; wounded twice at Fredericksburg, again at Coal Harbor. Farmer, Han­cock, N, 11., m, 10 Deo, 1806, Agnes l\lcQuaters (corruJ!tlon of lloWborter) or Tarlffvllle, Conn., G Jan. 1846, d, 24 May 1883; m. 31 Jan. 18811, 2d w., Lucy E. MIiler or Vernon Centre, N, Y., 31 Jan. 1812. Wlnlfled A.•, 3 Se11t. 1868, Ernest E.•, o May 1871, John C.•, 27 Dec. 1880, aeorglana J.•, 24 Dec.1843, d, Inf, .Francea M.,, 26 Nov. 1844, Joanna. E.•, 26 Jan, 18-17, m. 7 Juno 18711 Henry E, Washburn of Hancock, N, H,, lll Oct. 1846; Jeweler In Winchendon, Lilly F.•, 12 Apr, 1881, Flora B.11, 26 Nov. 1882, .Albert E.•, 6 June 11611 farmer and dentist, m, l0Feb. 1881, Elmlna S, Knight of Hancock, N, 11., 10 Feb. 1860, Frederick A.0, 7 Nov. 1881, Ella a.•, 9 Nov, 1W, school teacher. Acldl$OR o.•, 9 Sept, 18M, Rodney 8,', 13 June 1819, m, 11 Oct, 18f0, Susan P. GIibert of HIilsboro', N. H,, 26 Jan. 1830, tl. 7 June 18621 m, 17 Nov, 1863, 2d w,, Martha A,, Stiles of Amherst, N, H., 6 June 1832; merchant, Hancock, N, H., to 1MI. In 1M5 book-keeper, since 1600 paymaster, Howard watch factor1, Boston, wmu <J.•, 11 Sept. 18471 m . .f Se11t, 1877, Susan B. Cobb of Welldeet, 31 July 111M, Letter­carrier, Boston. Susan G,11, 30 May 1882, Clara P.•, 31 May IMO, d, Inf. John o.•, 8 May 1862, adoptecl by Franklin J. Ware, Oertru,le H.•, 19 Oct, 18C9. Mary A.,, 18 Sept. 1822, m, Franklin J, Ware of Hancock, N. H., U June 1820. Elle,~ R.•, 28 Jan. 1849, d. luf, <.:lark J.•, adopted, b, 8 May tM2; salesman, hardware, Boston, C:Jllos c,r, 1 Oct. 1828, m, 11 Jan, 1861, Elizabeth Hobonon of Peterboro, N. H., 6 JuneJ836, d. 24 July 1864, m. 9 ·Apr, 1867, Elizabeth Urlbbln of Catdaff, Irelaud, 20, 1837; farmer, Hancock, N. H, .Albert G,•, 2 Mar. 1868, Alartl,a B., 24 Sept. 1869. G,orge S, B,•, 12 8e11t, 1872,

:Mooc1y8, 4 Feb. 1790, d, 1 Feb, 1872, m. 20 Mar. 1815, Betsey Gove, b, Kensing­ton, N. JI., 17 }'ob. 1787, cl, 14 Mar. 1863; farmer, Greenfield, N. JI.

Lovlna', ~9 Dec. 1816, d.20Nov, 1822, Eliza', 8 June 1818, m, 26 llrlar. 18441 E, Sullivan Wflklns of Oreunfleld, N. H., JO Oct. 18071 div. m, 2tl June 181)9, 2d bus. Chas, Gray of Hancock, N. H,, 10 Dec, 18001 3d, 12 May 18761 m, 81 May 18811 3d hue, Mark N, Spalding of Hollis, N, H., 2'.I Oct. 1812, farmer, II&ncook, N, H. ,,fn,ia o.•, 26 May 1844, d, fnf, .Abb1f E,•, 11 Sept. 1840, m. 26 Jan. 1806, ber atep-brotber, Augustus W, Gray of Bennington, N. H, 1 2 Athy 1844, enl, 2G Aust, 1802, D, 11th N. H. Vula., out 10 AJlr JSO:S, wounded at Fredericksburg; foreman cut­tlery work.a, Bennington, N. H, Mtnola o.•, 1 June 1860, d. young. George A.0, 19 Nov. 1807, Charles H.•, 13 Sept, 1869, Hartwell~, 7 July 18201 m, 26 Feb, 1861, Minda G, Harker of Han­cock, N, H,, 23 llAr, 18~; jeweler, Bennington, :N, H, Dearborn', 7 .Aug, 18221 1n, 28 Nov, JSOI, Emeline Rlcbardaon of Peterboro, N, JI,, 19 Feb, 1833; farmer, Greenfield, N, II. to 18841 rem. Antrim, N, H, Harrl11onT, twin, m, 94 Feb, 18641 EllzabN-h Leathers, m. o, Cud­worth, or Greenfield, 2 June 1818; farmer, flreeofteld, N, H.

Lots•, 19 No,•, 1701, d, 27 July 1884:, m, 2 No,•, 1818, Charles ll, Brooks of Han­cock, N. II., 7 A}lr, 1780, <l, 8 Nov. 1846; rem. to UnaJll)a, N. Y.

GaoToN. aa

Lois H.', 25 liar. 18111, d. 20 Sept. 18-H, m. 11 Feb. 1837, Joseph JI. flaker of Plttsfte1d, ,•t., 29 Aug. 1810, stage driver, Sarah F.•, 29 Aug.18-11, m. 2.5 Nov, 1861, Addison .Marks of Galen, N. Y., 14 Feb.1837, <J, 7 Jan, 1863, m. 3 Nov. 1865, 2d bus. Aaron Sprengel of Orleans, N. Y,, 16 Jan, JS39, carpenter, Rome, lllch. Elmer", 10 Apr. 1860, WIiiiam', 13 Oct. 1867, J:o'rank9,

7 Aug. 1869, ?tlargaret R.•, 6 Aug. 1871, Caroline•, 16 ?.lay 1873, Cora K.•, 29Dec.1876. War­ren w.,, 24 Sept. 181B, d, 11 Apr. 1115-1, m. 18 :\lay 1841, Abby K, lJills of Deering, N. JI.,~ June 1819, d, 6 Nov, 1846, m. 24 Sept, 1848, 2d w. Harriet L, WJdtaker of Uradford, N. H., 9 A11r. 1827; was a talJor, Hennington, N. lL Charle, Ji.•, 2 ~lay 1842, enJ. 19 l>ec. 1861, K. 7th N. B. Volt., d. tn camp at Manchester, N. H,, 2ll Jan. 1862, Hila A.~, 8 Mar. 1844, d. JO Sept. 1870, m. 16 Jan. 1868, Albert J. Langdell of New lloston, N. ll., rem. Woodstock, Ia. Fauuy M.11, 28 Oct. 1863, d. young,

Charles H,T, June 1818, d, H Aug. 1~. James H,', 20 Sept. l810, m. 18 J>ec. 1862, Caroline 0. FarweJl of Nelson, N. H., 21 Sept. 1833. Tanner and currier, went ISM to Harrl~vme, N, H.; watchinan In factory, Ella M.•, 11 June 1854 • .Allee ,-..r.a, 7 Sept. 1800, m.1 .Aug. 1879, William J. Singer of Maitland, N. S., 12 Apr. 1860, carpenter, Woburn. Wl\\lam ll,t, 3 May 1883. Jamu H.•, 31 Jan, 1802, Isaac', 16 June 1824, d. 22 July 1868, m. 23 Sept, 1846, Jemima Piper or Tuftonboro, N. H., 30 Oct. 1824; ownecl an ex11ress buslne88 In Boston; family live in Cambridge. Charlts W.•, 6 Aug. 1847, d, 12 June 1868. Ja,nu J.t, o Se11i. 1849, broker, general agent, Boston, m, 16 Oct. 1872, Ida M, Leonard of New Bedford, 11 Se11t, 11362. l'lor­ence n.o, 29 Aug. 1873., Grace L.•, 3 Jan. 1871S, Clifford', 18 1''eb, 1870, Walter A,',5 Se1,t.18SO• Enima o.•, 20 Jan. 1856, m. 18 Apr. 1883, Henry W. Foster of Boston, JI May 1800, gro. prov, &tore. Sally A,', 10 May 1823, ~- 14 June 1861 at Quincy, m. 5 Jan. 1846, Isaac Tem11leto11 of HllJsboro, N. H., 2'2 Sept. 18241 enl. In 8th Me. Vols., d, 3 Nov. 1862, at Hilton Henll, S. C, of Jellow.rever, George w.r, 10 Apr. 1828, tn, o Nov. t8l!6, ltarla J. Nightingale or Qulncy,30 Jan.1830; provision dealer, Quincy. Allee ,.,f.1, o Aug 1867, m. tT :\far. 1380, Walter I. Piper of Tuftonboro, N. H. Charles H,1, 11 Deo. 1862. llal't,vell L.',O June 1830, d, 18 Aug. 18.56.

Daniel', 18 July, 1795, <1, 20 Sept. 18G4, m. 1 Oct. 1832, .Mnry I-'. Tnylor of Ilnn­cock, N. H., 12 Mar. 1802; f11rmer on the homestead. Ills wltlow Jives near her son, Taylor D., in Grecnfleltl, N. II.

TayJor D.7, 29 June 182f, m. 1 Sept. 1846, MeJ1111la A. Needham of Milford, N. H., 12 Aug. 1824, div, JD, 3 Nov. 1808, Augu11ta A. Dales of Bennington, N. II., 20 Mar. 183!1; machinist andmmwrlgbt in Hancock, N. H.1 re:u. to a farm In Oreentleld, N, n., 1868; a skilful meebanlc, noted for his Inventive genlu1, Mary E.•, 10 Aug. tsn, d. h1f. Atla ,V.•, 14 ~,,t. 1649, m. 20 Feb. 1880, Wlllla M, Duncklee of Milford, N, H., 2i May 1s,1, fariuer, Newton, Wis, Inf.•, Zl June 1881, d. Elmer R.•, o Jan. 1886, Wf1\(rfld. 7'.•, 1 .Nov. 1860, Marian ..c.•, 17 July 18i1, Bertha D.•, 26 Mar. 1876, d. Inf, Lm11 D.•, 24 liar. 1878,

Sallyt, 6 May 1~01, d. 21 Oct, 1856, m. 25 Dec. 1828, Josiah Taylor, brother of Daniel• Lakin'• wife, 9 Sept. 1796, d. 18 Juue 1856; farmer, Hancock, N. Il,

WfJIJam L,', 81 Oct. 1824, m. 7 Apr. ISM, AngeJlne ir. Dodge ot Stodllard1 N. If,, 4 July 1827, d, 20, 1871 1 m. 8 Feb. 18721 Jose1>hlno N, Hurns of MIiford, N. H,110 May 18.'J7; fnrmer, Bentdngton, N, H. .Frank Ji,•, 13 May 1&58. Arla M.', ll May 1863, gradu. Chelmsford High Beh. 1881. Sarah .M.', 11 June 1833, school teacher, N. Chelmsford many ycan1, rea. Dennlug­ton, N. H,

Samuel&, 1 Aug. 1871, d. 2-l Mar, J8t2, m. 15 Aug. 1701, Caroline M. Wright of Groton, 21 .Aug, 1772, d, ti Mar. 1853. Farmer, a man of great physical strength. Samuel', 1 Nov. 1804, d. 11 June 1820. John H.8, 11 Nov. 18001 m. 12 May 1881, Caroline M,1 ·Shattuck of Groton, 14 Oct. 1811. l.t'armer, removed Germania, Wfl., 1860.

Susanna s,,, 4 Jan, 1833, John A,', 21 Jan. 183-1. Mary A.', to Aug. t831J, m. 26 Nov. 18li0, Joseph H, Richardson or Westford, 26 Deo. 1835, cJrpeuter a.nd farmor lu Groton. 0/uu,, H.•, 115 May lM7, gradu. Yale 18@0, In that year app. examiner In l'ateut Office, Wash­ington, D. o., m. JO Oct. 1883, Anna Bancroft of Ayer, 21 .Mar, 1864, ChA.rlet1 D.0, 9 Aug. 1884, Arthur B.•1 29 July 1886. Edward .t.•, 24 Nov. 18691 gradu. Yale 18821 In 1884 R. R. ticket agent Ayer Junction; m. 24 Nov. 18tl01 ClaN E. Page or no,ton, 24 Nov, 181'6. Linda M.0, 17 Nov. 1880, d. fnf. Allco.V, M.•, JO Mny 18631 d. lnr. H'llllam A,A, II Juue 1806, d. lur • • frtlwr JJ,•, 28 Deo.1800, Euqc1'e 11.1, 27'A11r. 186:>, d. 23 Jau. 18:17, Florc11co J,8

1 4 Nov, 1871, Ptcm•


cla J,s, twin. b'tllt/1 ll.8, 27 Feb. 187-1, llcrt/1a o.•, 22 Se)lt, 1877, Wflllam c,1, 2 Aug. 1838, d, Inf. Samuel N,1, 21 Feb, 1845, m. 11 l\lar. 18681 Angeline l'hllllps, m. n. Ellis, b. Luneuburg, 18 Sept. 1837; hotel-kee11er, Germania, Wis. Ettuene J. 11.1, 10 Dec. 18i0, Al/red A'.1, 18 .A11r. 1877,

I>1wid8, 2 Aug. 1808, d. 20 Sept. 1878, m. 29 Sept. 1838, Harriet N. Hayward of J<;nston, 8 Mar. 1815, d. 8 Dec. 1869. Ilemo,·ed 1837 to Hc,·erly, Ohio; 18-19 to Carrollton, Ill.; 185! to Macoupin Co.; contractor anti builtJer; rcmovetl 18i0 to Valley Centre, Ka8.; engaged in fruit raising.

Da,·111 n.1, 3 Nov. 1834, d. 21 Jan. 1850, Harriet N.1, 20 Sept. 1838, rn. 11 E'ept, 1850, .AJrred 1', Ketchum of Macon pin Co., Ill. 17 Oct. 1837, rem. J<onsas 1870, In 188-1 to Darlington, Intl. Ter. ou N. 1''ork Canadian River, 8 miles I<}, of 1''t. Ueno; farmer, hauls bay, grain, wollll, etc., for the 11ost. A'm,na F.•, 00 June 1857, d. 2 June 1873. .'1arlnn F.•, 6 l>eo. 18.'i8, ti, 23 Oct. 186S, .Uar/;s, 22 ~ov. 18'.iO, ti. 2a June 18i;J, Je,my c,s, 11 July 1802, m. ~ Dec, 1881, Gar­rett J, Lowry of Polk Co, )lo., 16 Jan, 1852, farmer, Valley Centre, I<an. Grace11, 7 ,Tan. 1883, d. Henry R,11, 24 Jan. 188!, Clarencel, 13 July 180-I, d. 18 May 1873, /'hebe A.•, 22 Aug. 1800, m. 26 No,•, 1882, Media 1', l'hllll1>s or North Carnllna descent, 1 July 1859, farmer, Val­ley Centre, Kan. Lari .... , 28 Apr, 186:J .,mco c.•.•, 15 Aul{, 1871, m. It July 1886, flerlJcrt A. Suwens or Lasalle, Ill., 10 ,June 18G-I, hotel clerk, Newton, Kan. Pmm11 M.•, oo Feb. 187~. J<'rank }J,•, :l.6 Se1,t. 1877, ,:. young. Bertha ll.•. 23 Feb, 1883, Caroline lf.1, 2 Mar. 18!1, cl. inf, Samuel A. v.1, 12 AJ)r, J8H rn. 14 Oct, 1808, 1'11111ua I,autlon of Jerseyville, 111., 21 ~fay 1819, div. m. 27 Sept. 1876, Lulu AloCJellan or Greene Co. Ill, U l\lay 18l7; he was admitted to tho bar In l6f'.S, removed next ye11r tQ l'lattsburg, Mo., the year following to Valley Centre, Kan.; occu11les his lather's homestead, adding thereto lmlf a 11cctlon or Jan1l; feeds 800 to 1000 hogs annually; a fair specimen or Arkansas Valley farmer11. 1/arrlct J:.•, 3 Jan. 18i0. Florence ll.•, 3 Jan. 1872, navltl A.•, II Dec. 1877. Panny ,v.•, 22 Jan. 1879, Arthur .v.•, 2'J Se11t, 1881, Ullver A.8, 11 Apr. 188-1, Lulu F.•, 9 June 1886. Lodonl v.1, 10 Oct. 1848, ti. 9 Apr. 1850, lfarla A,1, 16 Oct. 1851, m. 21 Nov. 1875, Chal'les S. Tracy, I July 1850, farmer, Germania, Kan. Dliviil II.•, 6 Aug. 1877, Ilrlan v.1, Z-2 Dec, 1853, cl, 23 llay 1878. 1''anny E.7,

11 A11r. 1856, m. FelJ, 1870, Wllllatn G. Johnson or Dayton, O., 27 Nov. 18-1!1, fam1er on! sec, tlou of land at Howard City, Kan., on a scale resembling that of his brother-In-law at Val­ley Coutre. Jenny c.,, 23 nee. 1879, Stella E.•, 2'.! Oct. 1882, Clayton4, 11 Nov. 188-1,

Caroline8, 8 Dec, 1812, d, 8 July 18-lt. l\tntildu8, twln, d. 8 Apr. 1848, m. 2t Sept. U ;,'.;, Harrison J. Senrles of Westford, carpenter ln Littleton, Juul dnn. d. inf. UcnJtt·,,i 1: , 5 Nov. 181-1, m. 25 Nov. 183!l, Emma Whitmnn of Stow, :n Mar, 1812, ti. 22 Apr. 1880, Was some time principal of .l<'ranklin Aend., Gernumtown, PR, Has been a contractor and buihll•r, Jh·ed some y,:nrs In Littleton, now in tho western Jlart of Groton.

Josephluer, 22 Dec. 1840, d, yom,g. Emma7, 20 llny 18-13, m. 13 Se11t, 187!, l\l, n. V. Kennedy or Georgetown, 0,, 2-1 Feb. 1i43; books null stationery, Znnes,·llle, O.; held a commission 111 au Oltlo regiment In the Jato Wl\r, Harrta II,•, 29 Se11t, 1873, llenjamln Jl,r, ~7 lo'eh. 18111, g1·aduated In metllclne at l'hlla., Pa,, 1868, ha., had a wide aucl successful practice at .Ayur since 18681 med, exam. for the state, alao for.U, s. pensions; ho m. 10 Sept. 1870, HPlen E, Clark ot Groton, 12 June 18-18, Harrll1 c,r, 28 Deo. 18-17, gradu, Harvard, 1869, In law practice at Fitchburg, three terms In l\lass. II. n., now In Senate; m. 2J Oct. 1878, Kttte Neetlham of Groton, 1853, Norcross M.•, 16 Dec. 1880, Chulotte E,1, 8 Aug, 1862, m. Jo Aug. 1872, l'blle• tus 0, Lathrop cf Norwalk, 0., .7 Aug, 1839, some years In glove rnanf, at GJovenivllle, N. Y., now treas. lee & l'res:ted Urick Co., Hnrtford; he 1ervetl lu the war or tbtl rebellion, was 11e,·erely wounded.

Jame■ c.•, tit May 1817, ti. :n Apr, lSOJ, 111. 2-1 Sept. 18-ll, Mary o. Corey of Groton, 10 :\far. 1810; rem. 1843 to Southern Ohio, later to Clarrolltou, JII,, ti. at lledora, Ill., farmer, car11en­ter. Arthur o.r, 20 Sept. 18¼1, eul. 7 ·Oct, 1801, F. 12th Ill. Cav., must. out, ca(ltaln 10 June 18Cill, In battle■ at Marth111lmrg, Harper's Forry, Stonewan's raid, other notions In Va.; he tn, 3 Mar. 1868, MnryChallacombe or Medora. 111. 10 Oot. 1819; Is R farmer In thnt town, U11l11h w.•, 6 Aug, 1870, Myrtle M.•, H Nov, 187"l; u,arJes c,1, 3 Nov.1812 ti, Inf. ,1/arv 1'.'.1, 24 Juuti 18-ltl, 111. 15 Oct. 1867, Wm. D. Cballacomhe or :\faco11pfn Co., 111,1 17 Aug. 1843, eul, Dec. 11!63, 1''. 121b Ill, cav., outJan, 1806,wne teller In 1st1'int'I Hk, J.e1we11wort11, Knn.i till 1882, now at Chnlla­l'On1be, Kan,, r11lslng short horn cattle; 1600 acre ranch, Mary E,•, 28 July 184.:S, ,John A ,4,

a Nov. 1800. Uosallo ,\.,8, 23 Oct. 1871, Coth1M IV, 2.i Jau. 18i-l, J11atln L.r, :i Oct. 1818

DucuEss Co., N. Y. 38 1Ylnchell.

m. 26 Dec. 1872, r,ucy Walker of Datavla, O., 3 Nov. lffi; he gradu. 1875, Ill, State Univ.; fs supt. of schools at Washington, IlJ., owns fruit farm at Dixon, m. Corinna a,1, 11 .Apr. 1854, m. 13 Oct. 1877, Archil!alil Darrah of Cincinnati, o., 24 Jan. 1850, farmer, Medora, Ill. Ruth E.•, 5 Se11t, 1878. Rosalie', 3 July 1880. Calla L.s, 31 Aug. 1882. Rosatic1, 18 .!\fay 1856, d. 13 May 18i8, m. 22 May 1877, John W. Challacombe, brother of Mary, ante, 11 May 1855, farmer. Medora, Ill.•


John3, 15 Apr. 1669, m. 7 June 1697, Sarah Shepard ot' Concord, and is chiefly nolcd as being the first of the family to pass beyond the limits of his uath-e colony in search of a home, which he did in the year 1717, settling in Lebanon, Conn., buying a farm ht the south part of the town, on Sawmill m,·er. Nothing beyond these facts have as yet been learned concerning him. John4, 9 July 1698, 11ppears to ha,·e m. Martha --- and is judged to hal'e Jived und reared a family in the neighborhood of Lebanon, Conn. The only posith·e information concerning him, as probaMUties go, is an entry in the Lebanon records, of the birth of a dau., Mc­hitable6, 19 Apr. 1720. It is barely possible that Martha might ha,·e been a secornl wife of John3 , then fifty-one years old. The fact that Thomas Hartwell, M. I>., first physician In Hoosick Falls, N. Y., who removed thither in 1778, is said to h!lvc come from the neighborhood of New London, Conn., leads me to believe him likely to ha,·e been a grandson of John4• Sarah', 28 July 1702. The records of Chelms­ford contain entry of marriage of John Gould, supposed son of Rev. 'fhomas of Charlestown, to Sarah Hartwell, 16 Apr. 1717, he having hacl seven children by 11

former wife, b. J 697 to 17 U, but it seems ,·cry improbable that a mere girl of the age of Sarah4, shoul<l, in those days, ha,·e married a man old enongh to be her father. Sarah3, (Samuel',) b. 1679, was unmarried at date of her father's wHI in 1721, and no other Sarah Hartwell is known to be lil'ing at that time. Mary4, 23

Dec. 1705. Hepzibeth4, 2 Sept. 1709. Peter\ 16 July 1712, m. 22 Apr. 1736, .Mary Coleman of Colchester, Conn., 8 Apr. 1718. He was living in Lebanon in the beginning of 1788, and removed, date unk., to Carmel, then Duchess Co., N. Y., now county scat of Putnam Co., and died there about 1755, Winchell says he had a 2d wife. Concerning his children and the order and dates of their birth, little is known to the writer at present. The dates of birth of two of them, Mary and Peter, are not gh·cn by Winchell, and I do not feel able to decide which of bis children was the eldest. I wlll, however, take chances on

Abraham5, 2 June 1743, d, 24 Aug. 1820, m. 2 Apr. 1761, Mary Lawrence of North East, N. Y., 25 Dec. 1744, d. 16 Sept. 1807, m. 1810, 2d w. Patience. He settled on the turnpike from Salisbury, Conn., to Rhinebeck, N, Y., about 8-f: mile N. W. of Spencer's Corner, buying the land in 1766. He was conspicuous for his great physical strength, and the nerve and daring with which he met and overcame his enemies and those of his country. lie was a soldier in the revolutionary 11·ar, and more than once detached on special duty to rid his own neighborhood of the cowboys who harried that section of country unmercifully at frequen\ intervals during that period. Mary6, 7 Feb. 1762, m, Duncan McLean before 1 June 178i, lh·ed nt New Milford. Conn., and CJa,·erack, N. J. Shed. 80 Oct. 1856, in the house of ])ea. Orri118 Wakeman at Millerton, N. Y, Chloe8, 18Feb. 1764, d. 4 June 1838, m. Dea. James WincheH of Ngrth East, N. Y., 5 Mar. 1763, d. 8 Apr. l83f; car­penter, built the first mill where Irondale furnace now stands. Charlotte6

, 8 May 1767, m. JlnmbJln. CJarissn•, JO Nov. 1768, cl. JO July 1811, m. JO Mar. 1786, Mar­tin E. Winchell of North Rast, N. Y., 20 Jan. 1765, d. 8 Sept. 1828, (ancestor in

•Tbe lives or Samuel', S1uuuel6, aucl Deojautlu I<'," Hartwell, cover a 11e1'iod or 183 yeare.


Dorchester, 1634), farmer on Winchell Mountain, colonel of militia. mnuy years. Mary7, 25 June 1787, d. 25 Dec. 1851, m. 4 Apr. 1808, Wakeman Bradley, b. 'l'ur­key Hills, Conn., 11 Sept. J 783; carpenter, later merchant at Spencer's Corners.

Martin M.8, 29Jan. 1810, d. Newtown, Conn.

Sylvia', 19 July 1789, d. 8 June 1855, m. 2 l\far. 1809, Rev. Isaac Allerton of Can­terbury, Conn., 14 Feb. 1785, pastor of Baptist church at North Jfost until 1815, removed Inter to Sherburne, Norwich, Carmel, N. Y., thence to New York City, finally settling at Port Jervis, N. Y. He followed the trade of a miller many years, d. at l1ort Crane, N. Y., H Feb. 1875.

Clarissa•, 22 Sept. 1810, d. 7 Mar. 1829. Sarah A.•, 26 l\lar. 1812, cl. 6 l\tnr. 18.38, m. 11> Feb. 1832, Julius H . .Eggleston of North East, N. Y., 8 l\lar. 1812, d. 10 Ap1·. 1843, farmer. Lewis W.0, 8 Sept. 1831, stationary engineer, Shiocton, Wis., enl. 16 June 1861, 6th Wis. Vols., shot in both arms at Gettysburg, died after amputation. Horace w.•, 18 .Apr. 18J.I, m. 10 Dec. 1836, Eliza A Otter of New York city, 6 July, 1818; oyster man In the city, rem. 1836 to New Paltz, N. Y. 1839 to l'ort Jervis, N. Y., miller and farmer. Sylt·la A.0, 28 Nov. 1836, m. 7 Oct. 1867, Gustavus Brahm, b. Germany, 6 July, 1832, tobacconist until 1868, now salesman in belting trade fn New York city. Robert10, 5 1''eb. 1@60, d. inf. James E.•0, 18 Aug. 1861, farmer at Huguenot, N. Y. Sylvia E.•o, 7 Oct. 1863. Horace W.•0, 12 July, 1866, Mary A.1°, 16 Jan. 1869. Charles1°, 24 June, 1872. Eleanor L.10, 23 Nov. 18i8. George E.11, 10 July, 18:iS, d. inf. Rleanor L.o, 17 July, 1842, m. 23 Deo. 1862, Charles Williams, b. Bristol, Eng. 12 July, 1840, cabinet nrnker, Brooklyn, N. Y. Lucy A.10, 2 Feb. 1864. George A.10, 20 July, 1866. Emma L.•o, 26 June, 1868. Charles w.10, ti Feb. 1877. Annette A.•0, 30 July, 1879. Robe1t F,10, 26 Dec. 1883, Matilda .A.•, 30 Aug. 1848, ru. 23 June, 1876. George E. Truax, b. Morris Co. N. J. 2li l\Iay, 1849, Joe. eng., Port Je"ls, N. Y, George w.10, 4 Dec. 1870, Lllly A,10, 22 July, 1878. netsey l\f,101 22 Dec. 1881, d. young. WIiiiam E.1°, 10 Jan. J884. A glr1101 7 Oct. 1886. Sarah c.•, n May, 1852, m. 1 Jan. 1872, Moses Smith of Shenandoah Valley, N, Y, 1 Sept, lZ.48, farmer, Port Jervis, N. Y. Ellen l\f.10, 17 Dec, 1874. Edward w.10, 29 l\lay, 1877, Herbert'~, 6 Allrll, 1880. Harriet M,10, 20 Aug. 1882. Henrletta10, 13 .Aug. 1886, Mary E.", t .Feb. 1850, nurse at McLean bosJlftaJ, Bostou, William 11.0, 17 Oct. 1858, photocrapber, m. Se1>t. 1884, Antoinette Stidd of Port Jervis, N. Y. Ethel10, 26 April, 1886. llary J.s, 4 Sept. 1810, m. ti April, 18321 Nicholas 8. Ep;gleston, brother of Julius H. ante, 21 March, 1808, d. 6 Oct. l8i0, farmer, rem. 1857 to Mendotn, Ill. Sbo ls with her children fn Chlcngo, m. Jlaria A.•, JO May, 18331 m. 6 Oct. 18W, George T. wm1ams of .Ancram, N. Y. sett. l\loweaqua, Ill., rem. Mokeena, Ill. 1864, Chicago, Ill. 1870, treas. Union Stock Yd. Co. Ellen J.10, 22 Dec. 1800, d. 8 Aug. 1881, Francis L.1°, 10 .Aug. 1860, m. 19 Aug, 1883. Jane• Wood­worth of Salisbury, Conn., 12 July, 1861. George n.11, 10 .Aug. 1884, d. Jan. 1885. Florencen, 12 Aug. 1886. Carollne10, d, Grantto, fi June, 11:167. Geor,re s.10, 23 Feb. •1871. Mary A.•, 3 June, 1836, d. fnf. Sarah T.", 7 Sept. 1838, d. inf. Sarah A.•, 10 May, 1840, d. 12 Nov. 1815. m. 10 May, J864, Thomas Dro'l\'n of--d. 19 June, 1E85. rem. Chicago, 18-Hertio, d. Lewisto, l May, 1871, William 8.10, 6 April, 18T3, Sarah M.1", 27 May, 1876. Jerome9, 9 July, 1848, d. Inf. Aclonlra1n T.•, 3 Se1>t, 1862, went 18 to Denver, Colo., m. 8 l'eb. J885,Ella C HI.II. Frances T.8,

17 July, 1818, m . .Aug. 1841. Clark Durland of Port Je1vls, N. Y., dh·. m. April, 1852, Jacob Ludwig, Jives at Fenton, N. Y. JnmPs M.8, l8 Au,r. l8Z2, 111. 4 ~Jlrll, tf'48, Amelia L. Adams of Durhamville, N. Y., who 11. Joi July, J860; m. H Nov.1861, 2tl w. Ellen noble, div. 1881; m.s June, 1885, 3d w, Jane E. Knight; be was a J>ractl~lng attorney, now j1u11fco of the peace, land 11urveyor, Port Jervis, N. Y. Mary JI.•, H Jan. 1849, m. 27 July, l!Ji0, JOFe11h Wilkin of Covert, N. Y. 24 Jan. 184-0, Joe, eng. Port Jen-is, N. Y. Oeo1-ge H,10, 7 Sept. J8ili d, 2-1 June, 1878. Charles 11.1°, 9 Jan. l87f. Louise A.10, 21 Ser•t. 1816. Francis E.10, 2 Oct. 1818. Oer­trmJe101 22 l\Jay, 1880, d. Allerto1110, 8 Dec. 1882. A&11e1110 14 l\lRy, 1884. ..tle.ranclcr W.•, 23 Aug. 18001 d. 22 May. 18159. Oertrt1de•. 2'l Feb. H62, m, 2 Oct. 1873, Horace P. Stone of Salem, 5 May, 1842, Joe. eng. Ella 0.10, 2July, 1814. Vhaunceu•, Ii Jan. l8M, d. ~oung. 1..ouua", 28 April, 181!6, m. 29 Dec. 1876, Oeorge A. Baker of Port- Jervis, N. Y. ll Ang. 1800, loc. e11g. live Mf•ldletown, N. Y, Ella L.1°, 24 Sept. 1876, Clara .A.1°, 30 Oct. 1877. Oertn1t1e1°, 31 Aug. 1870, d. Inf, J<'rancfs 0,10, 30 Jan. 1881, cl. young, C!larles .A.10, 28 June, 1883, Otur(le u.•, 30 May, 1868, R.R. man, m. 2-J Feb. 18801 Sarah Harding, of English descent, 23 Oct. 1861. James M.10, 1 }fay, 1881. .Ambroae 11.0, 10 Nov. 1862, •I. Inf. Adella•, 18 Dec. 1865, m. 7 Oct. 1883, Francis Burns of Oreenvllle, N, Y., butcher. Ollve•0, 15 July, 1885. Ira•, 10 Feb. 1868, r111l­road man, 11everely Injured by strlkln,r a bridge, .July, 1880, barely eel'aplng with lire, skull

40 Jf'i,ic1lell.

fractured; on duty again by October of that year. ,tla uric&, 25 Feb. 1871, d, 13 Dec. 1870, Norman11, 13 April, 187G. John u.s, 9 Fch, 18!5, ti. 25 Ang. 1813. Is:rncs, 5 Se1>t, 1823, m. -l Aprll, 1852, Eliza .McDonald of Conklin, N. Y., 20 June, 1831; carpenter; sett. in Chenango, rem. lSfiti Colesville, 1862 ·l'ort Crane, N. Y., 1886 to Harrisville, Mich. Sarai, A.', 19 I<'eb. 1853, d. 20 Nov. 1874; teacher. Jolw 11.0, 2i Feb. 1855; lumberman. Jliram ll.0, 1 Sept. 1856; fanner; m. ll Ang.1880, Elizabeth Stoue, res. N. Fenton, N. Y.; 2 cb. Florence u~, 23 Jan. 1858, w. 1884, },'rank Wardwell, grocer, Hingbamptou, N. Y.; 1 son. Jea11ette s.,, 1 liar. lSilO, m. 1883, James X. Daniels of Binghamton, N. Y., machinist. l<la 'l'.9, 10 Nov. 1861, m. 2 No,·. 1878, Wm. Storms, blacksmith, Ulngharntou, N. Y.; 2 ch. Lissa E.9 , 21 Aug. 1sro. Alice .H.9, 15 Feb. 1867. Willis ,v,11, 2 Dec. 18G8. Jli11a ,11,0, 6 Juna, 1871, <.I. young. lsaao JI.», 17 SeJit. 1875,

James ?tl.7, 8 Sept. 1701, grmlu. Bro,m Uni\•, llH:!; in 181-1 installed pastor of 1st Baptist Church, noston, taking a high place in the ministry, associate editor of Am. Bapt . .Magazine, an excellent musician, editor of " \Vinchclls \Vatts," looked upon l\S destined to the presidency of Brown. He d. 22 l'eb. 1820, of consump­tion, followed on the 16th of Juno by bis wife, Tamma Thompson, b. li98, m. 21 June 1814.

Sarah c.s, 15 April, 1811!, d. 28 A11rll 1875, m. I Dec.1836,James D. Forbes of Perth Amboy, N. J., 1l l<'eb. 18J9, d. 23 Se1>t. JSt9, 111erclla11t, Troy. X. \". J1wies w.~, 29 Nov. 1837, m. 3 Jnne, J87J, Marla T. Young, 6 Pontiac, l\llch., 13 Dec. 1850; ho is a chemist, went to San l!'ranclsco, Cal., 1S5'J, to Cinchma.U, o., 1SGS, at 1>reseut editor of th" l\lustratetl ~ews, a fine }leriolllcal. ,llarv u.,, 18 Sept, 1839, went in 1872 to Cincinnati, o. Ueorye w.11, 1 July, 1841, went Ju 1800 to Cincinnati, O., where he fs a banker; be m. 20 Feb. 1868, Isabella Woodmtt of that city, 26 Aug. l8t3. Louiseto, 9 Sept. 1871. Sarah w.10, 1!1 Apr. 1S75. George w.1°, 5 Apr. 1878. Ed· ward W.10, 13 Jan. 1833. .Mary A.8, 8 Feb, 1817, d. 29 IJec. 1850, m. 27 June, 1844, Uev. Oeorgc T. Todd, l:'re3, Min., Fond du Lac, \Vis. Atan1 E.v, 22 Apr. 18t5. m. 21 Aui;. JMli, John C. WbUUesey of New York city, merchant. Julia c,10, 2-J Jan. J867, d. young. <Jrnce 1v0, 27 Sept.1l!6S, d. young. Kllse10, 13 A11r. 1S80. Jtilla W.•, 30 Jan. 18-li, d. 28 Oct. 1874. Ueorye w.,, 2", July, 1849, m. Elizabeth Soule of • He was a lawyer al Ne€'1rnll, Wis., rem. to AUnueapolls, .Minn., ins. agent. Marla c,10, 12 Oct. 1877. f~1litb10, 20 Oct. 1870, Alice10, 16 Aug. 1881, Louisa T.•, 17 Dec. 1818, tl, Troy, N. Y., 0 Aug. 1866, t·e"red aud cl\u­cattd by her aunt Bradley, m. 18 June, lSIG, Tbos. D, Sterling of Huffalo, X. Y.

Abraham7, 5 Apr. 1794, d. 4 Apr, 18-!3, gradu. Han•ar..1. settle.I in the practice of law at North East, N. Y., removed later to Dryden, N. Y., farmer; m. 22 Aug. 1840, Joanna Hutchinson of that to,vn. Horace7, 12 Aug. I i06, d. 27 June 1878, m. lG Dec. 18~3, Caroline McAllister of Salisbury, Conn., 29 Apr. 1806, and set­tled in that town. Ile had received r.n academic education, was a school teacher, inclined to controversy on religious subjects, publishing seveml books in that line; a fine mathematician, possessed much mechanical skill.

Alexander", 31 Dec. 1824, gradnaterl at Wesleyan Univ., 1847; be was some years proressor a111l principal 'of academies in N. Y. X. J., Ala.; 11rof. 11a111ral 11cle11ces, :\llch. Univ., 18.53; h,ter state geologist, standiug iu t!te ftont muk of a,tthurltl!!S in that 11clc11ce tod:\y; has 11ul.Jllshed to date, 210 book~, pamphlet.~, essays on gcolo,cy, natural science, anthropology, evolution, aud kindred subjects, notable among them ••Sketches or Creation," "The Preada• tnites," "Sparks from a Oeologlst'11 hammer," "Darwinism;"•• Walks and talks In the geological field;" (Hies 30,000 to date ) He m. 10 Dec. 18-10, Julia ,..., Ltnes or W. Troy. N. Y., ro Oct. 1825. Julia .A.9, 31 Oct. 1851, d, 16 May, 1800. Jen,ife u.,, 20 Oct. ISJ.'.l, went to Berlin, Ger­many, to (lerrect·her musical ec.h:catlon, 10. Aug.1874, A. H. Syh·ester, native of Maine, den­t ht lt, that city. .non10, b. 1878, Jtf1t JJ,9, b. lSM, spent two years studying music uutler l>r, •rourgee, 111 Hoston, besides much time SJleut abroad, Is a 1>rofes,ilo11al 11l11ger Ju church tnuslc, reshllng at Aun Arbor, !tllcb. Stella o.o, 11 Aug, 1857, d, youug. Julius .A,9, 9 Aug. 1860, d. Inf. Clarissa•, 4 June, 1827, d, 23 Oct. 18J2. Martin E.•, H Oct, 1829, teacher some yeal'!I 111 schools and academies, gradul\ted in medicine at YRle 1853, 11ractlced in New York city with a high re11utallon as a 11hysloia11 nnd medical writer; In Jan. 180-l be went to Louisiana to operate au aba11do11e1l 11lautatiun1 ex11ectlug military protection, but 011 tbu morning or 1111:\y of tbai year, was 11ttacke1l 111Hl killed by guerrlllaa, together with a num• ber or 11111 uegro hands. Ills wire, In delicate health, 1111rsued b)' them to the woods, finally

41 Wakeman.

escaped, and afterwards conveyed bis body to New York for hurJal fn Greenwood. Sho was Mary Ryckman of New York city, m. 8 Oct. 1863, has since bis death been a school teacher In that city. Martin', 8 Oct. 1861, took course of study with a ,•few of eutering Columbia Coll. Laura 0,1, 31 Oct. 1832, d. 2 Mar. 18.58, m. 24 May 1853, John Miles of Lenox, who d, 1867,

Laura a. W.9,24 l<'eb. 1858. m. w. F. Peck of Providence, n. I., millwright, d. Minneapolis, MJnn., Sept. 188-t, She is In Kansas City, Mo. Stellato, .FJoreuce10•

Yewton H.•, 17 Dec. 1839, grad. Mlcb, Univ,, 1860, working his way through college. Prin­cipal of high schools in Mich,, later Prof, In Affnn. Univ., and director of geological surveys fn that state, He m. 24 Aug. 1864, Charlotte s. Imus, b. Shaftsbury, Vt., 2.8 l\Iay 1836, Horacti Y.•, 1 Nov, 1865, student In Minn. Univ. ln.ez c.o, 2'2 }lay 1867, Avt,9

1 b. 1871, Ale,;ande,.., Dec, 187-1. Cli«rloUe L.' b. 1881, Antoinette c.,, 4 Feb.18-U, m. 6 Aug. 1~1, Edward Johnson of Lynn, 20 Apr. 1831, grad, Wesleyan 1856, prof. In E. Me. Cont. Sew. nuck1port, later at Amenia, N. Y., Pittsburg, Pa., Lasell Fem. Sem., Aubun1dale, Stanstead, P. Q, In 18GB took: charge of classical school in Lynn, resigned 1881, entered a book store, Mrs. J. graduatcll at Amenia 1860, subseqnentJy taught in connection with her husband, Edtcard, A.9 8 July 1860, student in Harvard. Mabel M,P, 1 Feh. 1874.

Samuel R.•, 26 Nov, 1843, grad. Mich, UnJv,, 1810, principal of high schools In Mlcb, and Wis. Establl8hed a weekly educational paper In Chicago, Ill,, rellnqui.shed It in 1882, e11g1ig­fng with the Chicago branch of D. Appleton & Co., J>Ublishers, speciality EngJlsb 11.Dd classical text books. The same year to Boston In their Interest, until 188:J, organized with D. Lothrop and others the Interstate Publishing Co.; res., Melrose. He m. 2 Aug, 1670, CaJplaurnla E. Corson of Rlrmlnl{ham, Mich., JO July 18-15, student In Albion Coll., Mlr.h, Harl611 C.•, 13 Aug. 1871, C. Marla•, J6 .May 1874. Julia A.•, 31 Dec, 1879.

Charles McA.•, 18 Dec. 18-llS, grad. Mich, Univ., 1873, was on u. S, lake survey, later on .Miss, river survey, office at St. Louis, Mo., 110w at l\le111pbls, Tenn, He m., 4 Mar. 1878, Isabel KIilian of Washlngt-On, Ind,, b. 18.58, Oeorue a.,, Nov. 1878, Marv C.0, d, inf, Haul K.P, Jan. 1883, Lawra B.•, 26 Dec. ISM.

Thirza7, 26 Aug. 1198, d. 2 Sept. 1854, m. 5 Oct. 18l7, James Tripp of Ancram, N. Y., d., farmer, rem. 1825, St!lnford, N. Y., 18'36 Dryden, N. Y.

Marlette81 24 Feb. 1819, d. 8 Aug. 1837. Rensselaer w.•, 29 Dec. 1822, m. 6 Dec. 1848, Minerva Jameson of Dryden, 22 Jan. 1821, Frank J.,, 7 Nov. 18-19. Charles Al.', 26 Nov. 1852, d, young. Mar11 P.9, 26 May 1859. Jolrn9, 27 Feb. 1861J. Martin E.•, 3) Sept. 1826, m. 16 Jan. 1800, Eliza J. Burton of Dryden I was a farmer In that town. Hiram H.•, t Oct. 1833, d, young. Charity A.•, 25 Feb. 1835, m, Hiram Ha1nbllu, rem. Pine Plains, N, Y,, where he was kllll!d by a kick from a horse. A dau. m. Dr. Samuel Robertson or Cauastota, N. Y., who Is dead. Charity m. 2'J Jan. 1856, 2d bus., Charles Sperry of Dryden, TaU1U1a L.•, 10 June 1836, d. young, ·

Almira7, 26 Oct. 1800, d. 8 Apr. 1847, m. 11 Nov. 1817, Walter Wakeman of Sherman, Conn., 21 Dec. 1788, d. IO Sept. 1868; farmer, Millerton, N. Y.

Orrin•, 7 Nov. 1818, m. 12 Sept. 1843, Chloe Sheldon of North East, N. Y,, 27 Feb. um, d. Ill May 1861; m. 16 Apr. 1862, 2d w., Frances Pulver of Stanford, N, Y,, 10 Apr. 1831; Carmer on the homestead (the old Buttolph place), deacon ot BaJ,t, ch,, much employed In settlement of eatates, Sheldon•, 8 July ltlff, d, Alma•, 1 Oct. 1848, m. 16 Sept, 1868, Walter O. l'ayne of North East, N. Y., u Jan. 1850, Howard'o, 21 Aug. 1860, Orrin w.10, 25 Feb, 1871, Marv L.0,

2 May 18M,•d, Inf, .Lilly a.•, 13 Feb, 1856, d. 3 Oct. 1878, Walu~, Ii Jun,; 1864, In insurance agency, Lime Rock, Conn. JuUa 1,1,,, 19 Sept. 1866, Orrin W,', 31 Mar. 1869. Fann11 J.,, 2JS June 1873. Julia M.•, JO Aug, 1820, d, 3 Nov. 1869, m. 29 Aug. 1844, WIiiiam Sheldon of North Bast, 18 July 1810, d, 1 Oct. 18J5; Carmer, A.lmlra ,r.•, 3 Jan, 1817, d. David E.•, 12 Oct. 1860, d, younJr, Jall,6 B.•, 6 Feb. 1833, d, Jut. Wakeman c.o, 12 June 1856, d. younf", Wtlllam•, H Aug, 1863, Jane A.•, 7 Aug. 1822, d,21 Dec. 1881, m. 8 Se1>t, 1858, as 2d w. Rev. Geor,ro Kempton, pasto1 B111>t11t Ch,, North J<~ast, N. Y., 1851-&>. Charlotte .A.•, 16 Nov. 1824, d, 2 Sept. 18611 m. 22 June 1863, Oliver Ch1unberlai11 of .Amenia, N, Y, 19 Aug. 1818, d. 18 A.11r. 1884; merobant. Ylrglnta•, 6 Apr. ISM, d, Inf. C:Jiarlotte .u,,, 21 1861. CJ1loe•, 3 1827, d, 7 Aug, 1846, Martin E.•, t Feb, 18301 d. O Oct, 1851, Louise R.•, 16 l<~cb. 1832, d. 31 Oct, 18-19, James M.•, I May 1834, d. 1-l Apr. 1874, n-. 2.8 Aug. 1867, Anna E. Wicks of Hrookport, N. Y,, 2, 1860, lived at Amenia, N. Y. Harriet l'.•, 29 June 18681 d, inf. Jamea R.•, 12 Jul71872, Harriet P.•, 80 Sept. 1836, m. 2 Feb, 1860, as 2d w., Maj. Henry Woodworth of Sall•­bury, Conn., 2 July 1816: farmer. Jenn 119, 12 ~ruJy 1861, u1, 10 Aug. 1883, Frank L, WJlllams or Chicago, Ill,, ante q, t•, llmrfl', l Deo. 1866,


Lewis7 1 Nov. 1802, d. 13 Mar. 1869, lived with his brother, George R. WincheJJ. Louisa.I, 80 .Mar. 1805, d, 22 May l88l, m. Edmund Reid, 28 Dec. 1805, d. at Bethany, Pa., 1857.

Marla9, 13 Feb, 1826, m. - Beardsley, who d. In Cnl., .Aug. 1857; bl\d a dl\u, b, about New Year, 1837. Martin w.•, li Dec, 1828, In 1865 was at Dybury, Wayne Co., Pa.

Rensselaer7, 9 Mar. 1807, d. young by scal<ling. George R.7, 22 ?tlnr. 1800, cl, 2 Feb. 1870, m. l Nov, 188.J, Mary Brown, who d. Apr. 1875; farrner on the Win­chell homestead ; some years colonel of militia, refusing promotion ; deacon of the Baptist Church.

Htlen B,•, 4 Nov. 1840, m. 4 Dec. 18671 Vienna Rowley of Egremont, 7 July 1843, d. 2lS July 1883; a successful farmer on the homestead. Mattd9, 11 A1>r. 1871. George R,P, 13 Mar. 1873. James E.9, 25 Nov, 1871.i. llcnry ,v.o, 4 :\lar. 1879. ,Vary v.11, 19 Dec. 1882. Julia E.8, 19 Aug. 1842, m. 25 Oct. 1866, Henry BusbneJI of Salisbury, Conn., b. 1840, d, S Apr. 1884, m. 2d bus,, Myron Conklin of Ypsilanti, ::\lich, llar1-w9, 29 July 1807, d, inf. Charles", 23 Sept. 1868. Jessie9, 30 Sept. 1869. Relle', 9 Dec, 1871, with her aunt Penny In MIJlerton, N. Y. Edna', 6 Jan. 1871S. Jutta M.•, 22 July 1879,

Belle•, 29 Feb, 1848, m. 26 June 1872, William E. Penny of Wntertown, Conn., Ill May 18'" P, M. at MIJlerton 1872 to 1885. lln·bert w.•, 9 Sept. 1873. Jlary B.8, 13 Aug. 1875, Ji'rank JY.•, 8 Dec, 1877, Eclwrtrd r.J.•, 28 Aug. 1879. Sarah', 29 July 1853, d, 1 July 1882,

Abraham8, 29 July 1772, m. - Fuller, settled in North East. Nothing known of his family. A son, Abraham, got into some difficulty and went many years since to Alabama. Luther', "son and heir at Jaw of my son Abrahnm," re­ceived a bequest of $5.00 in will of Abraham1, in HHS, imticatlng that Abraham8

was already dead, Phebe8, 7 Oct. 177-l, <l. 21 Apr. 1820, m., 1st Kinney, 2d Coh'in, of Ohio. Sarah8, 8 Nov. 1776, d. 21 Apr, 1820, m. TJ10s. D. Payne of North Enst, b. 1772, d. 20 Oct. 1828.

David', b. 1804, d, 21 Jan. 1808. Luther H.', b. 1810, d, 19 Oct, JMO. Anna t.r, b, 18181 tl, 28 Feb.1841.

Lawrence8, 29 Oct. 1779, m. Esther Hill. Niles•, 29 July 1782, d. 19 Dec. 18~8, m. Mary Winchell of North East, 12 July 1706, d. I .Aug. 1871; merch. at J>ine Plains, N. Y.

Mary w. ,, 22 Deo. 1820, d. 11 ,July 1871, m. 1847, WIiliam J. Bird of Ancram, N. Y., merch,, d., m. 2d bus., I;,ewls J, Mft1ard of Brooklyn, N, Y., R.R. coutluctor. Julia L.1, b, J823, d. 26 Jan. 1847, Chloe', 13 1''eb. 1826, d., rn. 7 June 1848, John F. Hull of Stanfordvllle, N. Y., 20 Nov. 1816, banker at Pine Plains, N, Y., rem. Poughkeepsie, N. Y,, 1862, cashier, Fallktll bank. John F.•, 16 Nov. 1849, m. 7 .Mar, 1877, Mrs. L. R. Hawley, m. n. SterUng,of ballsbury, Conn., 20 July UHi; mauuf. clothing, Poughkeepsie, N. Y. John F.11, 1 July 18i8, d, Inf, William F,9, 30 Aug. 1881, d. Inf, Ruth c.•, 2 May 1884. Wtlliam B.•, 26 Jan. 11162, railroad man. Mar, s.•, 27 Dec. 1800, m. 1 Sept. 1881. Johu J. Amory of Fond du Lao, Wis., now with Annstroug Manuf. Co, -, Conn., stocks and dies. John H.0, 19 Nov, 1883. Sarah c.,, 3 June 1836, d. you11g,

Thlrza•, 7 May 1785, d. 10 Nov. 1798. Nathanlel8, 20 Sept. 1787, d, 10 Oct. 1827, m. 26 Dec. 1822, Susan Reed uf Sijlisbury, Conn., 8 l>ec, 1705.

Abraham', 13 Nov. 1823, d. younf, Lqther IV, o Se11t, 1826, d. young. Edward N,1, 21.i Dec, 18:17, removed with bis mother to Sharon, Cppp.1 lu t832, fnrmer, 111. 2li Dec, 1841, Lucy A. Benedict of Montlcello, N, Y., Jan1 is~. se1,ctQ41tn four different periods, mem, Leg, 1866,

A ll9ed made by Maj. Abraht.m& }fartwpll tQ }i"athaniel In 1818 was witnessed by Sllas Hartw~ll, undoubtedly of the age of m4n}Joqd, Jfo ls Jlkely to have been a relative, either grandson, nephew or gramlneph~w Qf tfie grantor.

Ebenezer&, d. 2 Apr, 1818, 11 ae ~7," shoemaker, f,mqer, like Abraham, a rev­olutionary soldier, m. Hannah Bangs, who d, at Wilson, N, Y., with one of her ch., 19 Oct. 1820. He bought land in Castleton, Vt., of Amo• Dlrd of Salisbury,


Conn., in 1768, but did not remove to it until 1786. No record of his children has been found by the writer, who perforce contents himself with a list made up by a grand-dau., Mrs. Calista Pond of Castleton, who is only able to give the sons in order of age, the daughters likewise, without dates as t-0 any except her own father, and unable to sandwich the boys and girls together properly. Iler arrangement is acquiescell in by her cousin, ,vm. C. Hartwell of Saratoga Springs, N. Y., himself no better supplied with data. Having only dates as to three of them, and the further statement that the eldest dau. was named Ruth, the youngest Sally, I proceed to adopt the order in which the children were namod by Mrs. Pond as far as consistent with probabilities and known dates,

Ebenezer', said to have gone to Canada, but finally settled about seven miles from Sandusky, O. Ilad three sons, possibly daugl1tcrs, John7, m., settled near his father. He is thought to have been horn abt. 1705 to 1800. Richard7, unm., left home about 1820, and was about 1837 heard of at Galena, IJI., whither his brothers went in search of him. Ilenry7, unm.

Peter', m. Luc,,e, dau., Dr. James and Martha' (Hartwell) Scofield, b. 1776, d. 8 1\far. 18481 ~t Portland, Ont., settled in Dutchess Co., N. Y., whence he rem. abt. 1800 to Canada, established smelting works 26 miles back of BrockYille, at Furnace }'alls, now Lyndhurst. Meeting with indifferent success, he engaged in farming fn the town of Bastard, Ont., where he d. 1828. J;;benezer7, 2-l Mar. 1792, d. 1874, physician, m. Mary Sumner, 10 May 1802, d. aht. 1889; m. 2d w., Belddere StcYens. He sett. at marriage in Brock,·llle, Ont., rem. later to Rockford, Ill., died in Iowa.

Sidney•, 17 Dec. 1820, d. In youth. Petert, 24 Nov. 182'J, m. 28 Dec, 1848, Mary S. Hall of London, Ont,, 2 June 1831, d. 28 June 1884; sett. at Rockford, m., farmer; rem. 1866 to :Mason City, Ia. He enl. 22 Sept. 1862, E 7Uh Ill. Vols., was In battle of l'erryvllle, Ky., later on duty In Washington, D. O. Helen", 2 Dec. 1849, d. Forrestal, Dak., n Sept. 1881, sch, tea. Herman•, Z1 Nov, 1852, d. young. Mtna', 1 Feb, 18116, d, 9 Sept. 1874, Elizabeth•, 26 Jan, 1859, m. Samuel Shane of Ashland, o., 26 Sept. JSU, farmer; rem. 1886 to Eneeley, Dak, Vfda10, JO Apr. 1881. Ford'o, 9 Aug, 1882. A.lfred•o, 16 Dec. 1884. Mr. S. enl, 111 Jan. 1862, E, 30th Ind, vols,, dlsch. 26 Jan. 18651 at Shiloh, Corinth, under Buell, wounded at Stono River, with Sherman at Atlanta; at Franklin and Nashville. Ro11°, 2'J June 1872, Wllllam8, 8 Jan. 182-1, m. 26 Jan. 18561 Clara Hall of London, Ont., 31 Feb. 1837, sett. Rockford, Ill,, farmer; rem, Hampton, Ia., later to Mason City, Ia. Emma•, 12 Oct; 1857, dressmaker. Ida<>, 13 M11y 1861 1 sch, tea. L11ra<>, 13 Dec. 1868, d. L71le0, 16 Nov. 1872. Eliza A.• b. 1820, m. E1.eklel Hubbard or Brookvllle, Ont., blacksmith, live in !l111h, David s.• 19 Mar. t&U, m. 7 Aug, 1862, Eliza J, Fuller or Brockvllle, Ont. 3 Aug. 1841; rem, Chicago l871S, builder's foreman. Edward J.• 7 Jan. 1864. Lub11 B.• 28 Jao.1867, Charle• B.•, 14 Jan. 1874. Jane•, m. Other ch. by 2d w., no records received,

James1, • June 1794, d, 11 Feb. 1860, m. 22 July 1815, Amelia Eberson, 10 Dec. 1704, d. 12 Aug. 1867; lived fn Canada.

Almond•, 13 April, 1818, d. Lucy A.• 29 AprlJ, 18171 m. 12 May 1868, George Stevens. bro. Belvidere anu, live Newboro, Ont. Abigail J.•, 11 Nov. 1819, rn. 9 Jur.e, 18ll0, Jacob Thomp­son. Ellbabeth M.•, 29 June 1822, d, 2i June 18671 m. 17 June 1343, James Stevens, bro. George antd, res. Newbor, One.

George E.•, If Feb, 182.51 J. 18 Jan. tSlSO, m. Apr, 1&!!0, Ruth Brayton. Marian M.•, 29 Aug, 18271 m, 19 Apr. 111.511, Alex. HoLeon, wbo d, 2i Mar. 1860; m. 12 Nov. 18701 Richard Ferguson, a Feb. 1836. Amelia•, 21 Aug, 18.10, d. 115 May, JSt'J, Martha s.• 2j Mar. 1833, m. It Jan. 1856, :Michael Devinney. AlmondJ.• 11 Feb.1838, sn.llor on lakes, m.12 Apr. 1861, Sarah McGregor, who d,; m. 2d w. Elizabeth Taylor, d. o ch. living, 1 d. James•. Sarah9, b. 1868, m. 1886, William Barrett, res. Dloontlngton, lll, Ellen•·, b, 1871, A son, b, 187:J, Esther P.• 24 Jul1 1842, m. 20 Oct, taco, William Macla7.


Joseph J{. 7 24 Oct. 1796, d. 1 No,·.- 1881, at 14 clerk in store of his uncle James Scofield at Cornwall, Ont., at 10 deputy quartermaster in the army, took part in the battle of Chrysler's :Fields, No\', 1818. He m. 18 No\', 1818, Ann Campbell of Augusta, Ont., dau. Maj. Alexander Campbell of Argyleshlre, Scotland, 21 No,·. 1705, d. 26 Jan. 18H; m. 10 .Aug. 1845, Mary J. Campbell of Royalton, N. Y. 25 Mar. 1819. Merchant, Devcrly,· Ont. until 183'1, rem. Ilrock\-ille, Ont., first Mayor an<l Judge of Quarter Sessions; rem. Ogdensburgh, N. Y. 184:0, merchant until 1846, clerk in Treas. Dept, Washington, J>. C. until 1851, resigned, rem. St. Cath­erines, Ont., 1880 to Terre Haute, Ind. Ile held many responsible appointments under the Canadian go,·ernment.

Alexander C.1 J5 Sept. 1821, m. J6 Oct. Jut, Caroline !I. E. nacon of Ogdensburg, N. Y. 20 Mar. 1825, d, 14 June 18ll3, leaving daughter who died 2 weeks Inter; m. 12 Mar. ISM, 2d w. Ellen L, Rossiter of Morrlsburg, Ont. 12 Sept. 1831>. Is an Insurance age.nt, settled Ogdens­burg ISU, removed lllorrlsburg, Ont. 18M, to Iowa 1870, to Ind. 1877, ret, Ogdensburg 1886. William J.0 16 July 18j0, In lumber trade, Ottawa, Can., m, 12 Oct. 1871, Ada v. Weaver of E. Williamsburg, Ont. o Dec. 1851. Harold A,10 21 July 1872, Caroline E. S.10 21 May J8i5, Sophia M,1° o liar. 18i9, Minnie 8 Oct. 1881. Ada E.10 J3 July Jil84, Clarence C.10 20 Oct. 1880, Harriet L.0 14 Nov. 1855, music teacher, m. 3 Oct. 1878, Robert O. Coo11er, b, Toronto, Ont,, Xov. 18ll3, Episcopal clergyman, Paris, Ont. 18701 Chatham, Ont. 1882, Adrian, Mich. JSM. Robert H. H.t0, July J8i9, Alexander St, P,, Dec, 1880, Helen L, B.10, Dec, 1882, Hadley H.•0, June, 1886, /cla R.9 H Nov, 1856, d, 16 Apr. 1887. ,1fnr11 E .0 O Mar. 1850, m. 10 May 1883, Clarendon Boyle of Boyleston, Ind. b, 1850, lumber tl'ade, Chicago, res. Lagrange, IJI. EIJento, 10 Mar. ISM, Ann go 19 Feb. 1862, d. 5 Nov. 1868. aeorue A.9 20 Sept.1863, d, young. Frederick o.o J3 Oct. 18615, d, inf. Oeorgtanav, 9 May 1867. Percival C • 19 Sei,t. 1871, Alex. anaer L.• 12 July, 1877. George•• 12 July, 1823, clerk In Treas. Dept., Washington, D. r.,, 18111, m. 30 Oct. JSM, Rosina E. Bannerman ef Washington, D. C. 29 Apr. 18341 d. 12 Nov, 1885, .Marta11aP, 11 Feb, 1856. Lutan J.• 13 May, 1858, Road, .J/,9 twin. George n,o 11 June 1802, crayon artist, N. Y. city, Harry F.9 21 July 1867. Charlotte R.• 22 July 1825, struck In the neck by a rocket 4 July 1858, lived nine days; m. 14 Sept. 1843, Dr, Mason G. Hherman, b. Vt. 1803, res. Michigan City, Ind.; he was div. surgeon on Sherman's marl'h to the sea. .Yannfe c.• 29 June 184-1, m. 6 Sept. 1809, Edward A, Jernegan of Laporte, Ind., 27 Jan. 1840, served In army and navy during rebeJllon; editor and publisher, l\llshawakl\, Ind, Muon s.10 4 Deo, 1870, Mary c,10 16 May J872. Florence H,10 6 Aug. 1874. Ralph H.10 30 Aug. 1877. Harrfet I,,o 12 Apr. 1847, m. 20 Dec. 18661 Maj. John E, Simpson, b. Londonderry, Ire. 1 Nov, 1839, d. 2 Ang. 1880, Gen'l Man. Vandalia R.R. She m. 21 Oct. 1885, Dr. - Van Pelt• b, Laporte, Ind, 4 May 1851, George n.o, Mar. 1849, d. J3 Apr. 1856, Ann o.• 20 Aug, 1828• teacher, Michigan City. Charles H.• 19 Apr. 1831, d, young. M11rla C.• 17 May, t832, m. 8 Jan. 1850, Henry E. Fitch of W. Stockbridge, d. Harriet c.• 3 Feb. 1839, m. 6 May 1862, Henry G, SJelght of Michigan City, Ind. 2 Aug, 1840; car accountant, Terre Haute, Ind. Harrlel c.o 10 Feb. 1863, assistant oar acc. Henr11 JO 27 8ept. 1870, Ro11 G.9 24 Sept. 1878, d. tnr. Joseph JV 23 Dec. 18461 d. young. Charles A,• 4 Sept. 1848, train <llt1patcher c. /Jr, o. R. R. Casey, Ill,, m. 23 June, 1seo. Ella H. Bair, b, Heu venue, Pa. 2 Apr. 1862. Florence c.• 8 Sept. 1862, m. 24 Oct. 1876, Charles A. Mlttclberger, of St. Catberlnes, Ont. b, 1842, banker. Et/lel A.0 6 .Aug. 1877. Charlea A,9 28 Jan. 1870. Karl H.o 2 Sept. 1882, Mary J.• JS Sept. 1865, m. 26 Nov. J~, aa 2d w., Gen. Wm. Sooy Smith oC Chicago, Ill, elvU engineer and contractor; served with dl1tl11ctlon tn the late war. Lymen A.• 15 Oct. Hl67, d. 12 Nov. 1884. Walter s.• 24 .Nov. 1869, prlv. sec, to Gen. W. Sooy Smltb,

Pauline7, m. Harvey Mott, who d.; m. 2d bus. -- Duffy. Had sev. ch. by Mott, most of whom are gone west. Albert,7 m. Huth Drown of Kitley, Ont. who d. in nockford, Ill., whither she rem. with her ch. after div. from him.

Slclney•, b, 1834, merob,, drowned at Seeloy's Bay, 1876, m. 18M, Theresa Devinney, who d., m. 2d w. - Warren. llarrteto, JO Jan. 1858, d, 24 Mar. 1883, m. 6 June 1883, Thoma.11 I. Hughes, Sarah•, 11 Feb. 1861 1 m. 30 Mar, 1877, Rev. Jobn A. Nowlan, who d. 5 July, 1878, res, I>etrolt, Mich, Ucorge', 11 Jan. 18641 stud, Qqeen's Coll., Kingston, Ont. Jennfl°, 8 May 1867. IYUlla,11,•, 10 Apr. 1869, clerk. George•, b. 1836, waa In army during war, d • .Alexander', m. was In arUly; div. wife a milliner In Rockford, Ill, James•, b, 1838, Eben­', b. 1840, Minerva•,· b, 1842. William,• b, 18ff. Sarah•, b, 1846, Frances•, b. 1848' Martha•, l~il. Bouie are dead,

45 Gill,

Martha', m. - Beach, became Mormons, went to Nauvoo, Ill.

John8, went to Canada, m. a Lufkin. He (or ehe) d. July, 1828. He returned in 1817 to New York, was a large contractor on the Erie Canal near Brock• port, N. Y,

Willlamr, d. Chatbnm, Ont., m. Martha Schofield, wae n. contractor on the Rideau Canal. John•, recently at Grand Rapids, Mich, Lu/•. WWlam.• Hannah', m. - Smith, mlller, Rochester, N. Y. Loulsar, m. -Truesdell. Elmira', m.

Ruth8, m. Stephen Gary of Rutland Co., Vt. Stephenr, twice m., kllled at Castleton by train. Archibald,' unm., went Garrettsvllle, 0,

had sister living there, m. Udall. Sarah8, b. about 1840. Asenath8, b. 1778, d. 1841, m., 1790, Daniel Gill, sch. tea., b. Norwich, Eng.,

1757 d. Hadley, N. Y. 1844. Almira', b. 1800, d. In Ind., m. 1816, - Millis. HannahT, b. 180!!, m. 18'n, - Wells, res,

Weyawauga, Wis, Nelson', b. 1807, m. 18281 d. Oshkosh, Wis,, notecl temperance worker. Alice', m. - Dempsey. Christopher C.1, 5 May, l&JO, d. 29 l\lar. 18&1, m. 22 July, 1833, Lurann. Kathan, b. Dummerston, Vt, 24 May 1813; Merell. Creek Centre, N, Y. Lodlrna•, 31 Mar. 1834, m. 28 Dec. 1850, Darius Cudney of Creek Centre, b. 1824. Nora A.11• Clara G.0•

Dari111111• DudleyP. Columbus c.11. FrankP. Edwlnt>, Theodore'. Jolin J.s, O Oct. 1835, d, 4 Nov. ISM. Daniel•, 16 Oct. 1837, livery, Creek Centre, m. 27 Jan. 1864, a clan. or Albert Cnclney. Carollne9• John'. Annette'. Myrtle•. Charlea', merch., m. 2-1 Dec. 1867, a dau. of Michael Burnes. Hartweno, Harryo. Elolse0• Lura0, Rlnda•, 31 Mar. 1842, m. 21 Oct. 1808, Andrew J. Aldrich, b. 18-13. Lelah•. Lewis•. HlenwayP. Miles c.•, 21 Jan. 18451 phys, m. 9 Oct. 1871, a dau. of David Cameron. Florenceu. Charlotte•. nudleys, 21 Nov. 1849, farmer, m. 9 Aug. 1882, a dau, of Chester Fuller. Gordon•. Marys, 27 July 1852, m, 18 Feb, 1886, Warreu W. Darling of Conkllnvllle, N. Y. 17 Sept. 1851, mercb,, P. M. Palmer, N. Y. Ebenezer H.r, b. 1811, m. 1836, d, in Ill., whfch haa 107 countfu and 2'iOO post o.U,,ces. .AllceS, lives In Osh­kosh, Wis. Susana, m. J, H. Ward, Oshkosh. Harry7, b, 1813, d. Inf. Lt:cy A.7, b, 1815, cl, inf. James M,7, b, 1817, farmer, twice m. 1838, 1858, Asenath A.7, b, 1820, m. 18381 -­

MeHenger, live Weyauwega, Wis. Coleman•, b. 1770, d. 7 Feb. 1837, m. Emma Cushman, b. R. I. 1786, d. 15 May

1888 i rem. 1836 New Durham, Ind. Lucy7, d, Inf. MaryT, 29 Dec. 1805, d. 20 May, 1841, m. 1823, Minors. King of Poultney, Vt.,

2 Mar 1707, d, 31 Aug. 1863. Jlarrlet IV, 20 AJlr, 1824, m. 15 Nov. 1846, Daniel E, Bibbins of Castleton, b, Ft, Edward, N. Y. 21 Aug. 1823. William 0.9, 11 Aug, 1849, m. 13 May 1882, Lucia A. l'routy of Castleton, b, ISM, Mary A,o, 21 Nov. JSM, d. ch.-b. 1 Jan.1885, m. 24 Dec, 187.f, Irvin Roach or Hubbardton, Vt., 28 Aug. 1861. .Arthur S.10, 17 Dec. 1875, Maryt0, 31 Dec. 18&1, d, Inf. Abby :a.e, 23 Nov. 1800, d. 23 Apr. 1867, Catherine E.•, f Nov. 1801, Julius M.•, 17 Dec. 1863, J-.t1'1u H.•, 261">ec. 1826, d. 2lS May, 1856. .Ariella EN 15 ·Apr. 1827, cl, 2 Apr. 1885, J','UUa.n, H.•, H Aug. 1831, farmer, Castleton, Tlleodore', 31 Ma,, 1833, car11enter, Salem, N. Y. John R.8, Sept. 1835, d. Inf. Charles W,8, 18 May 1837, d. young, ,'1ar11 ,1/,s, 12 May 1843. .,usanna', d. m. l'alley Perkins, went with her father to Ind. 1836, to Ill. 1839, later to PortaR, Co., Wis. Colman', m. d, Colman°, lived with bis gr. uncle Hiram ff.a at Plover, Wis. Wl.llam c.,, 18 July 1811, m. 13 Sept. 1840, Ruth Ambler of Corinth, N. Y., 24 June, 1!!14, d. :,ov. 1880. He went to New Durham, Ind., ret. 111-14, sett. at Corinth tSM, farmer, rem. 1875 to Saratoga Springs, Ambtere, 5 Aug, 18-U, m. 11 Nov. 18GB, Pamella R. Acombe, of English birth, 27 Feb. 18"8; was In the gro. trade at Troy and Sandy HIii, N. Y. until 1873, since mannger of a clothing store, Sar. Spr. Martha A.0, 10 June, 1860, d. young, Dallae s.•, 5 Dec. 1870. James A.•, 27 Oct. 1872, d, young, Mabel L.o, 7 Mar. 111815. Martha E.•, 28Jan, 18-19, d. 7 Aug.1871S1 teacher. HlramT, 31 Mar. 1818, d, 18 Oct, 1870, m. 4 Nov, 18tll, Martha R. Wright of S. Dauby, N. Y,, 11 Feb, 1827; farmer, rem. Plover, Wis. Charles F.•, 13 Aug, 1852, d, 5 Apr. 1882, farmer, qi. 7 Jan. tSSO, Myrta A. Lampman. Bertha M.•, 26 Oct. 1880, Romany•, 2lSJuly, 18561 d. Inf. J,'redertck JO, 26 Dec. 1868, d. young, Wtllla,n L.•, 27 May, 1861, farmer, m. 18 Nov. 1883, Frances Baker of Plover, 24 Aug. 1800. Edith L.', 8 Feb. 1885, Jeremy L.•, 27 8e11t. 1867, Albert D,T, 15 May, 1820, d, New Durbnm, Ind, 1847, Horace F.7, Sept, 1823, m. In Ill,, lived Walworth Co., Wis., later McHenry Co., Ill., cooper; now at Lockeford, Cal, GeorgeT1 m., :a daughters, m. Harriet c.,, 15 1'1ay 1~, m. Daniel Parrish In McHenry Co,, Ill., or Walworth :o., Wis.; rem. San Francisco, Cal., ke11t hotel, agent 8, 8. Une, drowned by jum1llng from a burning steamer en routo to Oregon. Charltat, jeweler, m. Son•. Dau.•, m. He,.r11•. One or two more.

46 Ca,tle. Scofield.

Oramel8, d, at Wilson, N, Y. 27 Aug, 1849, m. a Mudd. Lovisa7, m. - Stock­ing, lh•ed W. Somerset, N. Y~ 1856, Ira8, b. 1782, d. 1 May 1862, m. 1813, Susan Gill of Hoosac, N, Y. b. 1702, d, 9 Aug. 1877; farmer, Castleton, Vt.

Calista', 15 Oct. 18l1J, m. 7 Oct, 1834, Asahel Pond of Poultney, Vt., 20 May, 1807, farmer, Castleton. Sila8 J.•, 8 June 1838, cl, yonng. Oscar J,8, 9 July JM2, m, 12 Nov, 1873, Evelyn JJrown of Whitehall, N, Y., 8 Dec. 18-17; farmer on the homestead, Jo}, side Lake Bomaslne, Della c.o, 4 Nov. 1875. Edgar A,u, 27 July 1877. Susan J,o, 1 Mar. 1881, Oramelr, 13 April 1818, m, 12 Sept, 1852, lfary J. llcLean of Castleton, 16 Oct. 1832; carpenter in that town, Naucy E.r, 12 Sept. 1827, d. 6 Jan. 1&12.

James8, a man of irregular habits, twice m., had ch. by 2d w. ; Jeft Castleton in 1853 to visit relatives in Niagara Co., N. Y., not since heard from. Thomas8, d. unm. (Willam C.7 H, of Sar, Spr. had seen all his µncles but Thomas and Peter.) Hannah8, d. !855, m. Maj. W. JI. Smith, who was P. M. nt Brockport, N. Y,, went to l\lishawaka, Ind. A dau.7, b, abt. 1811, m. -- Judson, res. Council Bluffs, Ia. Charles1• Roxana6, d, l!'eb, 1810, m. Roswell Castle, b. in Conn., d. Bath, N. Y., 1873,

Johnr went, 1829, to Highgate, Vt., later to the Hollanil Purchase, then to Ind., at last to Col., bad two or more sons, Evellner, d, 1838, m, James Clark of Niagara Co., N, Y., went to Mishawaka, Ind., later to Wis., bad son and dau. Columbusr, d. Inf, Ha"ey7, 13 April 1811, m. 6 Nov, 1835, Grace A, W11tklns or Middletown, Vt., 19 Sept. 1816; farmer, Castleton. Francu E.•, 1:l A11r, 18J7, m. l4, 1860, Laura M. Parsons of Castleton, 16 Apr.18f3; works fn a stone mill, Mary', 11 liar, 1863, d. young. Ann E.•, 21 Oct. 1838, d, young, JlartJ11J s.•, 12 Apr. 18U, m. 24 Dec. 1868, Harriet Strong of Rutland, Vt., and rem, Cato, Wis, 1881, Ellson H.0, 24 Apr. 1809, WilU<im H.•, 30 Dec. 1Sf2, m. 1 June, 1868, Polly M, Gouchee of Moutreal, 1•, Q. 1 June 1849. He works in a marble mill in Castleton, Emma .A.o, 13 May 1800, Hally J.0, 17 Feb. 1874. Willtam A.0, 28 July, 1875. Walter p.o, 28 Aug, 1877, John l'.8

1 8 Feb. 1844, m. 3 Nov. 1868, Melissa Rogers of Hampton, N, Y., 17 Feb. 1&18, d. 21 Apr. 1874, m. 26 Nov, 1881, Frances Packard, m, n, Henry, of Wallingford, Vt.; fs a machinist In t11at town, llraceO, 11 Feb. 1~70, d. young, Samuel R.u, 28 July 1871. Eliza E.•, 27 Dec. 18461 m. ;8 Sept, 1867, Kllbourue MIiler of Putuam, N. Y,, carpenter at Castleton, Eluabetho, 9 Jan. 1869. Bertl,a A.", 3 Aug. 1870, Mabel c,o, Dec. 1873. .Jldao, 3, 1876. Mary E,8, 6 Apr. 1840, m. 1871, Charles M. Parsons of Castleton, b, JMS, <Jraco 1.", 8 Mar. 1R78, Charles JV, 6 Jnne 18511 m, 20 Aug. 1870, Jane I. Bishop of Castleton; fa a teacher in Minul'apolls, Minn, Art/&uru, 13 Aug. 1880.

Culleu7, JiveJ with his aunt Porter in Niagara Co., N. Y., prob. m. there, went with them to Mishawaka, Ind., lat~r with the Clarks to Wis., d. there; was a superior hunter, would kill but two bucks a day, as it was wrong to waste meat. Eliza7, went to \Vis,, d. unm. Carolus7, had fits, d, ae 7. Horace8, unm., kept stable for racing stock near New York city, Sallyt', d. 2 Nov, H:156, m. David Porter of Ira, Vt., d. 9 July 1852, Jived Newfane, N. Y,, went to Mishawaka, Ind,, swindled by his partner Tuttle, ret. Newfane, farmer,

Mary6, m, -Genung of Carmel, N. Y, Peter', m, a Waldo of W, Gran­ville. Phipps•. Sarah~, d. S Mar. 1880, ae. 86, m. Joseph Reynolds, who d, Aug, 182j, ao 80. Elias8. Martha&, 9 Feb. 1758, d. 2 May 1832; m. Dr. James Sco­field, and about 1800 rem. to CanRda, settling in Dastard. Lucyt', m, Peter' lfartwell, ante, g. t1, J>eter8, M.D, m. Deborah Cushing,

WUUam A,,, rea. Brookville, Ont., m, Amelia' Scofield, ~!!ton', res. GuelJlh1 Ont., no tam. Harmon', d. m. bad faml17. Dau,,, ii,

J1&mea', m. Hannah Chesley; waa a merchant at Cornwall: Ont. Eliza .A,7, m. G, 0, .Hlttelberger, /Jau,•, JD, W. W. l'owen, .Meadvllle, Pa. Maria', m. Dr,

Burrlt:, reterboro, Ont., large famlly, ,on a pby1lclan. Leonora', m, Frederick Rathbun, of Rochester, N, 'tr., large tam., some cb, m, Sophia', unm, at Conneautville, O. Guy o.,, m, lately Jived Conneautvllle, o. Jamea1, m. res. Harlem, Ont, Adelaide', m, John Jameson, Harlow, Ont., large fam, Julia', m. Ebenezer J, Wright, Bay City, Mich., lar~e faw.,,


Ira•, m., li sons 2 dau. James L.', d, Frederick•, at Drockvllle, Ont. Catherine•, m. James Morris, of Guelph, Ont., bas fam. Lancaster1, ah. bas large ram. Martha7, m. Willfam7

Jlartwell, d. ante q.11. William', 111. large ram. Amella7, m. G. B1eckenridge, who d., m. 2d bus. William A. Scofield, ante. George7, res. Rochester, N. Y. Ira7, m. bas large fam. Martba8, m. --Toffey, 2 sons, 2 dau. Georger, res, Portland, Ont. Dau.,, m. - Judd,

Ann8, 1796, d. 18(01 m. abt. 1820, Albert Fredenburgh, who d. aht. 183t1 nt Lyndhurst, Ont.; m. 183! 2d hus. Chester Gurney.

William H.,, b, 1822, m. 1816, Catherine Belton, who d, 1859; m. 1859, 2d l"·• Jane Erving, res. Westport, Ont. Afagd«lenes, b. 1817, m. 1870, C. J, Mcl{ennon. Catherine•, b. 1Sif • .ifmi•, h, 186.'i, m. 1872, Theodore Howard, druggist, .Aylmer, P. Q. Jerb)'91 (?) b. 1!178. l<'red­erlck•,·b. 1880. Ramlo1J>h9• b, 1882, Estella9, b. 1884. Inf.•, liar. 1887. Wtllfam <J.1, b.1859. Georges, b 1864. JJ,rbert1, b. 1874. Oeorge7, b. 1825, cl. 1&'0, Cbester7 Gurney, b. 1836, d. 1838, Albert N.', b. 1838, m, 1816; accountant, Cleveland, O.

Samuel3, 9 Oct. 1673, d. 31 Dec. 169!. Sarah3, 12 Feb. 1676-7, m. Ebenezer Lampson of Concord. William3, 22 Dec. 1678, d. IO July 1762, m. 18 Jan. 1703-4, Abigail Hosmer of Concord, Mich., prob. lived Dunstable, N. H., 17H. No ch. Joseph3, 24 Jan. 1680-1, d. 3 Nov. 1743, m. 1 Feb. 17C5-6, ltuhamah Cutter of Charlestown, who d. 1 July 1756, "in the 78th year of her age." He lived at the Stephen Swan place in Arlington, near Woburn line, was deacon of Woburn church from 1786. Ruhamah', H Apr. 1708, d. 10 Jan. 1733-4, m. 6 July 1827, James Green of Malden, 22 Nov. 1702, d. 21 Aug. 1779, sel.-man; 1751 rem. Mansfield. Darius1, in Malden to 1768, m. Jluldah ---, rem. Marblehead. Ruhamah5, 9 June 1780, prob. d. young. Jerusha5, 9 July 1733, m. -- I>ooll•; ment. in gr. m. Uuhamah'e ,viii. Priscilla\ 26 May 1710, d. 28 Aug. li2li. Joseph', 5 Aug. 1712, d. 1751:}, prob, m. Lydia, who d. 15 Nov. 1732, in 19th year; m. 21 Sept. 1738, Hannah Reed of Woburn. Joseph5, b. li40, m. 81 May 17G3, Anna Hodge of Charlestown, settled in Medford, was a lieutenant during the wnr of the Revolution, was innkeeper in Metonomy, 1785. Sarah6, bap. 21 Oct. 176-l, d. Aug. 1776. Anna11, bap. 12 Aug. 1772, d. young. Joseph", hap. 17 Apr. 17i8, d. H Jan. 1838, m. Mary Fuller, m. n. Moncrief, b. Roxbury 1774, d. 6 Dec. 1837. He was in 1796 a card maker in Link Alley, Boston. Sarah11, b, 1775, <l. young. William8, d. 23 May 1857, ae 80; was auctioneer in Boston.

IIannah5, b. 1742, d. 15 Feb. 1799, m. 1 Dee. 1760, Samuel Cutter of Metonomy, a soldier of the French wars. Samuel11, 1 Dec. li60, m. 21 17871 Abigail Cotton of Charlestown, 19 Jan. 1769, d. 17 Oct. 1803; was a card maker, lived on Charlestown Neck,

Ollv9r', 23 June 1788, seaman, lived fn Arlington. Samue17, d. In Texas. Joseph', 2 ~tar. 18001 m, Sarah Jewett of Ipawlcb, went to Me. Joseph s,•, went to Califorula, Cllarl~• • .lldward•. Abigail', m. Wm. Cunningham. ·

Hannah•, 18 July 1763, m. 29 Apr. 1788, William Cutter of Mctonomy, 15 Ju,ly 1759, d. 28 Nov. 18•16, taken prisoner during rev. war, pensioner.

William', m. Hannah Mallett of Charlestown, rem. Sanclwlch. Two driu. one son, an d. Ezeldelr, m. 29 Nov. 1809, Sophia Whittemore of W. Cambridge, re1u. Montreal, P. Q., 111anr. cards and nalle. Samuel', m. d, Elizabeth', m, d, Hannah', 13 Nov, 1794, d, 17 Oct, 1820, m, as 2d w. Robert Derby of Salem, tailor, lived In Cambridge, Weaton, Stow. WUUam JI.•, 27 Sept. 182li. Eliza', 13 Apr. 1797, cl. 24 Deo. 1823, m. 12 Alar, 1818, Robert Derby, ante, Elua•, f Mar. 1819, d. Inf, Marv J,•, 7 May 1820, d, 20 Apr. 1838, Jlannah H.•, 8 I<'eb. 1s~, m. 20 Apr, 11H8, Prescott Reed of Stow. .

Elizabeth•, twin, m. 2 Nov. 1788, Wllliant Whittemore, 29 Jan. 1701, d. 2 No,·. 1842. Hannab7• Sarah', Wlllfamr, Caroline', Jaine• M.', b, 119.5, d. 7 Dec, 1863, phys., Brighton,

twice m. Thomae J.,, m., rem. New York.. lf&ry A.', d, m. Heury A. Lowe of Boston, Jobu u.,, bad name changed to WJlll11m, went to Charleston, 8, C,, m. Lucinda mng, served tu Mex, war, went to Oregon, d, abt. ao ye.\n -,ro.

LmrnNeuao. 48 Stiles.

Mary D.8, 13 Mar. 1766, d._ 6 Ja~ 1803, m. 10 Feb. 1791, Isaac Lawrence. Isaa.c7, went to N, J., d. in Cuba. James7, d. In India. Samucl7, d. Albany, N. Y,

Joseph8, Nov. 1776, d. 18 Dec. 1846, m. 26 Dec. 1797, Nancy Ireland of Charles­town, b. 1778, d. 1 Mar. 1861.

Nancy', 10 Apr. 1798, d. mf. .Elizabeth M.', b. 1809, m. Ha11tlngs. Jo1eph',

AblgaU*, b. 1719, d. 8 Aug. 1772, m. 80 Dec. 1742, Samuel Wyman, of Woburn, 4 Apr. 1717, d, 29 Nov. 1780. Abigail~, 30 Apr. 1744, ,1. 18 Aug. 1775. Samuel&, 23 Mar. 1745-6, d., m. 22 Apr. 1778, Catherine lt'owle. Ablgaill1, 26 Oct. 1778. Josbua6, 23 May 1775. Ruhamah', 8 NQ,·. 1747. Susannah\22June 1701. Joseph', 5 July 1763. Mary4, in 21st year, probably with a eye to the main chance, chose Israel Reed of Lexington, guardian, 1744, and later married his son Israel.

Ellzabeth3, 23 Oct. 1683, d. inf. Elizabeth3, 23 Dec. 168!, prob. m. 8 Dec, 17221

Samuel Wilson of Concord.

E_ow.Aao3 , 28 Aug. 1689, d. 17 Feb. 1785_, soldier in 1707-8, went to Lancaster, m. Sarah Wilder; was sergeant of militia 1722, rem. Lunenburg 1724, He was a man of gigantic size and strength, a strong mind, great force of character; especially titted for a leader in the troublous times of the new settlement. He was the mili­tary leader in bis section, msjor lo 1745; justice of the peace; judge of com. pleas, 1760-6:l; repr. in Gen, Court until past 80 years old; member of committees of safety, 1778--6; altogether one of the most conspicuous persons of the region and time in which he lived. His wife d. 7 Aug. 176l, ae 80,

Sarah', b. June 1712, d. 17 June 1801, in. 14: May 1728, Jacob Stiles of Lunen­burg, b. Boxford, 6 Feb. 1702-3,.-d. 21 Apr. 1750, m. 9 Nov. 1772, 2d bus., Stephen Boynton. Lucy6

, 6 May 1729, m. 24 Mar. 1748-9; Benjamin Foster, Jr., of Lunen­burg, b. 1726, d. 8 Sept. 1753. Levi5, 17 l!'eb. 1782--3, d. 21 Dec. 1810, m. 16 Dec, 1755, Patience Smith, b. 1785-6, d. 21 Mar. 1828; lieutenant In tho French Sarah6, 24 May 17801 d. 8 June 1818, m. Mose,c Child, b. on ship-board in Casco bay, ensign in French war, engaged in rq_volutionary war, honored and trusted by Washington. Many of their descendants in Temple, N. H. Jacob6, 26 Sept. 1787, d. Cavendish, Vt., abt. 1888, m. Abigail--, 7 Aug. 1742, d. 25 Dec. 1819, An officer in the French war. Sarah8

1 2 Nov. 1774. Content', IO Jan, 1771. Jacob8,

18 Apr. 1779, 6 other ch. Nahnm6, 21 Apr. 1740, m., d. Nahum81 m. 8 Jan. 1789,

Betsey Davis, b, 1705, d. IO Nov. 18!7, Joseph7, 1 June 1789, Peleg7, 8 Mar. 17Ul, d. young. Joslah7, 11 June 1793. Lewis'I', 18 Aug. 1795, d. 28 Mar. 1875,

-m. 29 June 1815, Bet~ey8 Hartwell of Shirley, who d. 28 Jan. 1879, He was a shoemaker, lived in Amherst and Nashua, N. H, Rnd neighboring towns in Mus.

Walter L.•, 10 May 1816. d. 23 July 1878, m, 7 Sept, 1830, Frances Squires of Kllford, N. H:; 1hoem11ker In l'fttstteld, N. II, Martl,a E.•, b, 1849, m. Kent, a mMou, who d, She m. 2d bus., - Claytou, Meth min, In Nova Scotia. Anna', b. 1M2, m, Collln1, was a dre11maker fu Hoston, Nari/', b. 18JT, went to N, S. Dorinda•, 30 May 181111 d. Inf, Dorinda A.•, 14 Feb, 1820, m. 30 Aug. 1831, Wfllard L. 1''111her1 b, WooJ1tock, Vt., 3 Dec, 1830, machlnlat at Nashua, N. H., later In Waltham watch factory, now periodical and fancy 1ood1 store, Waltham. Chariu W.", 7 Feb. 1861, d, luf, Roxana H.•, 2J Dec. 111'3, m. 2i Jan. 1853, Lorenzo Cutter, 111111 overseer, dfv.; res, Amber,t, N, H. Clara H.•, 13 Apr, 1827, m. t1 Apr, 18471 Solomon Kirby of Now Haven, Vt., who d. 1882, farmer near Nashua, N. H., went to Whltel'fde Co., 111,, bad a l11rge family, Wllllam A,•, 2t Jan. 1829, d, Inf, George H.•, IIS Apr. l83'l, d, Inf, ¥1lza J.•, 2 June 1832, d, Inf, .Martha A..•, twin, m. Rodney S. Lakin of Hancock, N. H., ante, q, v.

Hannah', 19 Jan. 174:1-2, d. 1779, m. N May, Oliver Stickney of Bo:a::ford, 18 Feb. 1789--i0, d. Fitchburg H Apr. 18111 revolutionary soldier. Joshua•. Jacob•, Jeremiah', 23 Feb, 17j8-t, d, 6 Dec, 1800, m. Mary Saurer of Jlardwlck, S May


1741, d. 22 Mar. 1810; a land sun·eyor and ~kilful draughtsman in Keene, N. H. Elizabeth8, 13 ,July, mm, d. 23 l\lar. 18W, m. l<~liphalct Briggs of Keene, N. JI. Eliphalet7• Betsey7• Polly7, d. young, Sally7• Mary7, 6 July 1700, m. 20 Nov. 1817, Bela Paul of Keene, N. H.

Julltts H,1, b, 1818, d, 1871S. Wllllam P.•, b. 1824, d, 1878, Mary 8.1, 26 Ian. 1630, m, 7 Oct, 18117, lsaao 0. Uulld of Francestown, N. H .. b, 1831; marble yard, Lynn, lrt•iny T.•, 30 l>eo, 1869. S11dnev Paul•, 81 Aug. 1862. Henry s.•, 26 Nov, 1831, m, 12 ,Jan. 1869, Maro~ WakcHelll of Unity, N. H. Mar1111.', 8 vet. 1861. Charles w.o. 19 Oct. 1863.

John W., d. Warren S.7, d. Lyman7, d. Joseph G.7, d. Charles H.7, d. Jeremiah", 26 May 1771, drowned 2 July, 1826, m. Abigail Briilge; was an artist of

high merit in Worcester; left a large family. Joseph8, o July 1778, m. Nancy Dalton, rem. Cazenovia, N. Y., d,, left sev. ch. John W.8, 23 Feb. 1777, m. Mary McCarty, b. l!'itchburg. Lydia7, 27 Jan. 1806, m. Feb. 1828, Alfred D. Foster of Worceate;-, who d. Aug. 1852,

Dwight•, IJ Dec, 1828, d. 18 Apr. 188f, grad. Yale, 18'8, m. 20 Aug. tsro, Henrietta Baldwin ol New Haven, Conn.; atty. general of Mass., 1858; a man of solid leial ability; etood 111gb In the professloi.. llrJert, attorney In New Yo1k city. Marys, 23 May 1830, m. Rev, Robin• son P. Dunn, professor in Brown Univ. Rebecca F.•, t Apr, 1832, m, 18M, Dr. Henry Clark, d.; m. 2d bus. -Thatcher.

Mary McC.7, .C: Sept. 1807, d. 21 Feb. 1872, m. H.K. Newcomb, Mary8, 16 Apr. 1781, d, inf.

Prudence~, 8 Apr. 17.C:7, d, 20 Mar. 1780, m. 8 Feb, 1770, Peter Swallow of Dun­stable. Nahum8• Prudence•. Larned', d, Larned8, Sarah8• John6, 27 ,July 1749, m. Keziah Divoll, went to St. Johnsbury, Vt. Nahum•, 18 Jan. 17 , d. 28 Feb. 18-lO, m. Loia--, b. 16 July 1785, Sally7, 18 Aug. 1803. ahum7, 8 May 1805, m. Lucinda-,-. Lester D.8, 7 May 1882. Lols7, 29 May IP.07. Hollis7, 1:4 Apr. 1809, m. Daniel7, 27 Dec. 1811, d. young. Orpha7, 17 ar. mu. Calista', 2 Sept. 1816. Lucy7, 5 May l~l!l, d. young, Inf,7, 10 Feb. d. Phebe7, 1 Juue 1820. Miranda7, 29 July 1880.

Asael•, b, 1714:, d. 18 Dec. 1808, wae a justice of the peace, much employed In the settlement of estates, much given to jokes. Elizabeth•, b, 1715, d. 1 Feb. 1792, rn. 9 Nov. 1787, John Gibson, b. 1708, d, 10 June 1761; she m. 9 May 1764, 2d bus., Jac,:,b Oates of Harvard. Sarah6, 8 June 1748, d. 15 Aug. 1817, m. 5 Oct. ~.762, Rev, Francis Gardner, b. in Stow 29 Feb. 1785-6, minister In Leominster, d, in Watertown 2 June, 1814:. Sarah', 7 Sept. 1768, d, 24 Apr, 1838, m. 29 Apr. 1792, Jotbam Johnson, who d, 6 Sept. 1815, ae 61. f3arah7, b, 1796, m. Hon. Benjamin Seavey, mayor of 801ton, and d. 7 Nov. 1865, Mart', 81 Oct. 176-l, d. 22 Nov, 1802, m. 18 Oct. 1700, Jona. Whitcomb of Botton. Elizabeth', 21 May, 1760, d. 11 Mar. 18'9, John', 2 Jan. 1768, d, 2'l Aug. 185fl, m. 21 Oct. 1705, Ellzabeth Green­led of Lancaater, Sept. 1868, d, June 1814; was first federal P. M. in Leominster, held office (0 years. Dorothy H.7, 10 Apr. 1799, m. 8 June 1826, Ferdinand E. White of Boston. Caroline7, twin, d. inf. Mary7, 14 Nov, 1801, d. 29 July 1850, m. Wm. P. Thurston, John', 11 June, 1803, ct. 2 Feb. 1886, m. 8 Sept. 18:i5, Emily Stinson of Dedham. Esther7, 0 Sept. 1805, m. 25 Dec. 1826, Leonard W. Noyes, b. Canaan, N. H., 14 Jan. 1700, d. 18 Mar. 1867, settlell at Nashua, N, H,, a lead• ing manufacturer. ·

ADD E.•, -&Jan. 1829, George H.•, 19 Mar. 1831, d. Francie o.•, o July 1833, m. 10 Deo, 1852, Hannah E. JUcbard1on of Tewkeebu7, 10 Di•0, 1835, Francu o.•, 31 Aug, 1863, d, lnr. Anne s.•, 26 Oct. 1867, Clara L. H.•, 2' Oct, 18ll9, Grace R.•, 20 July 1802, tn, In Weetmloeter Abbey, 12Nov. 18811, WIiliam L. Mead c,f mogbamton, N. Y., 27 AJlr, 1861, r epbew of Charles O'Conor, Leonard W,9, 31 Mar. 1864, (I. :,011n1, Otorge H.•, 26 May, 18811, d. young. Charlu o. '1,•, 6 Nov, 1866, now In Burop•i ·


Henry7, 17 July 1806, d. 28 May !8lH, at sea, Liverpool to Boston. Clarinda', U Jan. 1808, d, young. J<,raucis7, 6 No,·. 1809, 11. Roxbury, Dec. 1881. Anna7, 4 Aug. 1812, d. Se11t. 1823.

Susanna8, 24 NO\·. 1769, d. 2 Nov. 1852. Francis8, 26 Nov. 1771, d. 26 June 1885, m. 1 Nov. 1804, l\fary Leonard ofW, Springfield. He grad. Dartmouth, 1793, was a successful lawyer at Walpole, N. H., M. C. 1807-8, Susan', 15 Apr. 1800, m. 25 Sept. 1832, Charles Bowles. Francis7, 15 Mar. 1812, grad. Harv. 1831, many years 11rincipal of Boston Latin school, d. Mary 11.7, 5 Jan. 1814, d, Delia L.7, 27 Jan. 1816, d. 25 Feb. 1842, Sarah G.1, 23 Mar. 1823, d. 18 Oct. 1854.

Electa8 , 7 Dec. 1773, d. 30 Oct. 1854. Catherines, 23 Oct. 1775, d. 8 Dec. 1803. Josephs, 21 Feb. 1777, d. inf. Sophia6, 27 Mar. 1778,_d. 8 Oct. 1857, m. 19 Nov. 1795, Charles Prentiss, b. Rending, 8 Oct. 1774, d. 12 Oct. 1820; grad. Harv. 1795, pub. at Leominster sev. nmvspapers, rem. Brimfield 1811. Sophia?, l Sept. 1796, d. 1867, m. Thomas J. LobdeJJ.

Thomae J.8, 6 Jnae 18181 m. Apr. 1839, Charlotte E. Olh·er, ts Feb, 1819, rem. Fltchhurg, 1869. Charlotte I.•, Feb. 1840, m. Vlmii. H. Nutting of Mason, N. H. Elias H. 10, 14 Fch. 1~7. Thoma., J.•, 26 June 18-12, served In G 26th Mass. Vols. 111 late war, m. Susan E. nail of r,el­ce,ter. 1''rancls L.v, 24 Jan. 1863,

Hannah6, 10 No,·. 1780, d. r, ,Jan. 1848, m. 6 Apr. 1804, Hon. Abijah Bigelow, 5 Dec. 1775, d, 5 Apr. 1860, grad. Dartmouth 1705, rep. Leominster two years, l\l.C. 1811-15, clerk of Wore. Co. Court untll 1834.

Hannah', d. unm,, 7 July 1874. .Elizabeth', 23 May 1817, d. 22 Fob. 1838. Ann o.,, 8 Dec 1819, ?tlary7, 26 Feb, 1821.

Lucinda6, 18 June 1783, d. 16 Apr. 1826. Lucrctia6, twin, d. 30 Apr. 1813, m. 26 Sept. 1805, Maj, n. M. }'arley of Hollis, N. H., an eminent attorney. Ann6 , 13 Apr. 17~6, cl. 4 May 1865, m. 18 July, 1806, Stephen Snliehury of Boston, who d. 29 Jan. 1849, merch.

Elizabeth 8.7, m. Nathaniel Chauncey of New Haven, Conn. Ann G.', cl. S1nah', m. El­bridge Gerry of Boston. Stephen', phys., IJrookllne, m. Elizabeth P, Clark, Francis o.,, d. Inf, Rebecca7• Daniel w,1, mercll, In Hoston,

Edward•, b. 1710, d. 4 Jan. 1709, farmer, Lunenburg, m. 7 Aug. 1739, Elizabeth Kneeland of Lunenburg, b. 1719, cl. 1 Oct. 1805, bur. Alstead, N, H, Thomnst>, r, Jan. 1740-1, d. 2 Nov. 1820, m. 9 May 1765, Prudence Carter of L:menliurg, 15 June 1746, d. 29 Jan. 1818. He was a miller in Fitchburg, rem. Alstead, N. II. Solomon5, 2 Dtc. li-ll, d. inf. Elir.abeth5, 5 Dec. 1742, m. (pub. 8 Apr.) 1780, James Arch, one of Burgoyne's sol,Uers, of Irish birth, escaped from camp at Cam­bridge, rem. Alstead, N. II., sett. N. side Arch's pond. Edwanl5, 22 Aug. 1747, cl, 30 Mar. 18H, m. 9 Dec. 1776, Lydia White of Leominster, 5 Mar. 1765, d. 21 .-\pr. 1887, rem. 1780 to Canaan, now Dloomflcld, Mc. In 1765 sent with a detachment of soldiers to Kennebec Fort, now Gardiner, Me. He was a solcller of the re,•olu­tlon. Thomas8, 27 Mar. 1117, d. 23 Oct. 1807. Edward8, 17 Apr. 1778, cl. 10 Sept. 181-l, in army, wounded fighting In<llans. Johns, 15 Sept. 1770, perished at sea, June 1804, Jived in Wiscasset. Me., left. a dau. Denjnmin8, 15 Dec. 1780, d. Oct, 1874, carpenter, soldier of 1812, m. Mary Stewartl, sett. Bloomfield, Me.

Mary E,r, b, 1811, d, Aug. 1885, m, 18M, John A, Hrowu, lumberman, rem, Mlnneapol111, Minn. Henjawln o.,, 11 Feb, 1813, d.18 Aug. 1873, went 1837 to Jack11on, Miss,, Holmesvllle 1M2, Hazlehurst 18611, Wesson 1871, all In Miss., merchant, m. ht Jeanette Lawrence or Jack­son, l\Uss., d,; m. 21 Aug. 18.U, 2d w. l\lary Hoover of Pike Co., 1\11,s., 29July 1829, Jfarv E.•, 4 July J8f5, m. 26 fell. 1868, Duncan llcCallum of Simpson Co., l\llu., 7 Nov, 18371 capt. B 4th Miss, cav. C. 8. A,, In campaign around Port Hud11on, Haton Rouge, 11\ter under Forrest In Tenn., d, 13 Sept. 1884; farmer, sch, tea. Benjamin H,o, 3 Jan. 1869, d. young, Kary A,9, l


l\lar. 1871, d. 31 Aug, 1885. Christian M.11, 18 Nov. 1872, Duncano, 1 Mar. 1876, Catherine 11,11,

22 b'eb. 1871. Ellz11beth91 19 },'eb, 1879, J{tnloch11

1 14 Feb.1882, Charles E.•, 11 Mar, 1&17, eoL. 2J Illar. 1862, E 33d Miss. Inf., dlsch, Dec. 1862, In De 1,t. South West, re-enL 24 Mar. 1863, E 16th Miss. Inf., army of Va,; In battles of Chancellorsville, Gettysburg, Ilristoe Sta., Mine Run, Wilderness campaign, selge of Petersburg, captured 2 Apr,, released 6July 1865. He Is a clerk In the office of the l\flBBlsslppl Mills at We88on, Oliruttan H.•, 11 June 1&19, d, young. Martha, E,•, 18 Aug. 18.51, d. 26 Dec, 1882, m. 20 Feb, 1873, Geo. W. Rogers of Clinton, La., t July 18H; served In tth La. Vols., C, S, A., at Baton Rouge, Shiloh, Vicksburg, captured at .Atlanta, Ga., now In stock bus. San Antonio, Texas. Mary L.', 17 Oct. 187!. llartwell w.o, 20 Jan, 1877. Re,vanifa F,•, 9 Aug. 1853, merch.; d. Houston, Texas, 17 Jan, 1882, Wfllfa1n H.•, IS Oct. 1855, sta. agt., tel. op., Wesson, Miss., m. 12 Oct. 1881, Isabella Bee of Brookhaven, 11118s. William H,9, 26 July 1882. Susan B,9 , 16 Oct, 18&1, Thomas Z .•, 29 Oct. 1867, d, young. Kate E,•, 29 Nov, 1862, m, 10 June 1886, Martin L. Sexton, III, D., b. Co))lah Co., Miss., 7 Oct., 1858, In practice at Wesson. Elizabeth A,7, 1813, d, Oct. 1883, m. 1su, Ell~ha Jewell of Canaan, Me., farmer. James E,r, 18 July 1818, m. 7 Nov. 18.51, Durcas l', l\la.rtlu of Sullivan, l\Io., U Feb, 1835, d. 9 Mar, 1872, m. t July 1874, Sophronia Goodman, m. n, Urann, r,f Sul­livan, Me., 21 .Aug. 1831, d. 1885, ls a lumberman In Franklin, Me. Ueorye W.•, 16 Mar. 1852, d. Inf. h.'clward s.•, 16 Dec. 1855, teamster, Norway, l\lich. Ji'anny L •, 20 Aug. 1867, Clara .A.~, 20 June 1859, d. 6 Apr. 1869, Fre<lerick9, 16 Sept, 1862, d, young. Isabel Jf.1, 20 May 186.J, llarriet L.•, 1 Nov. 1867, Follett <J,8, 18 Apr. 1869, James ,V.•, IS l\lar. l8i2. Lydla7, twin, d, inf. Samuel w.r, b, 1826, d. 1883, weut 1850 to l\lifs., settlecl In I<'ayette Co., 01. 1858, Ann Scott, wbo d. 1866; ch, l<'rank', d. 17 Sept. 1867; ru. 2d w. Sarah Blackwell of Skowheirao, l\Je. He enl, May, 1861, I 10th Miss. Inf., servetl under Stonewall Jackson In Va., discb, Nov. 1862, After war settled lo Hrawbletou, Va. Wliliam Hr, 31 May 182i, ,uuslc teacher, went In 18!! to Miss., professor 111 se,·eral colleges and academies In that State, res. Winona. Was baud master In C. S. A. Hem. 7 Feb. 1866, Sally Wiggins, b. Smith Co., 20 Mar. 18!1l, 11chool teacher many years. Mary E.•, 31 Dec. 1sr,0. Frank JV.•, 16 SeJlt, 1808, d . .tlartha E.•, 12 May 1871, Leon ,V,8, 6 Sept. 187:l. William, II.•, 2'l Sept. 1874, d. young. Ella M.•, 8 May 1876, Edward JY.•, 2 Jan. 1878, Walter JJ.•, 18 Apr, 1879, Francea7, b. 18291 d. 1832, Frank1


twin, carpenter, Minneapolis, Minn. Joseph8

1 25 Dec. 1782, d. unm. in Ill. \Villiam8, 21 May 1784:, d. unm. in New York, 1829, Lydia", 3 Mar. 1786, d. inf. Bctty8, 27 May 1787, Stephen8, 4 Aug. 1788, d, 1846, m. Priscilla Kavanaugh of Stark, Me., b. 1706, d, Bara~oo, Wis., 1862. He built wills in St. Albans, l\le., rem. 18H to Neenah, Wis.

Lysander w.,, 22 Sept. 1816, d, July 18.51, m. 2 July 1837, Elizabeth R, Collins of Vassalboro, Me,, 26 Mar. 1820, d. 6 Aug. 1&121 m. 30 Jan, 1M6, 2d w. Lucy A., Rollins of St. Albans, Me,, 26 May 1822, d, 4 Jan. ISM; teacher, manuf. merob., rem. Sebec, Me. 18-15, Edward', 26 Jan, IMO, res. Chicago, Ill, EUiabeth•, 21 Sept, 1M7, m. 21 June 18771 Washington W. Delano of Guilford, Me., 4 Feb. 1M7, farmer, Abbott vm., Me. Rlcharc.1 11.9, .1.8 Mar. 1879, Edward W.•, 16 Be11t, 1881. John P,", 7 June 1883, Helen J..•, 30 }fay 1886, Emt111•, 18 Sept. 1849, m. July 1876, Chas. D. Sprague, M. D,, b, Milo, Me., June 1&19, res. Abbott Viii,, Me. Ruth L.•, 28Apr.1816, Charles H.", 1 Apr.1882; Wendall p,111 3 June 18811, UUvs G,•, 30 Aug, 1851, grad, Bost. Museum of Floe Arts, rea. Roston. EmUyr, b. 1818, d. 1846, m. Hiram Goodwin, Julia A.,, m. 1850, Henry w. Getchell of Sebec, Me., ren1. Baraboo, Wis., next year. He enl, Se11t, 18611 2d Lieut, 2d Wis. Cav., d, prisoner, Little Rock, Ark., Sept. 1862,

Samuel8, 8 Dec. 1701, d. 16 Aug. 1875, m: 18H, Mary Hilton of St Albans, Me., 29 Jan. 1826, d. 19 Apr. 1881. He was a painter in St. Albans.

John', Dec. 1&16, enl. H Aug. 1862, E 16 Me. Vols., tali.en prisoner at action of Weldon R.R., d. In Libby prison. Jennyr, 12 Mar, 1M71 m, 12 Se11t, 1860, Joht F, Robinson of Palmyra, lfo. Samuel', 12 July 1&18, d. 2t July 1862, Eliza A,', lti July to60, m. Dec. 1811, Heiden Southard of Pltt1fleld, Me., res. St, Maude, b. 1873, Ed1carcl8, b, 1876, Harr118

, b, 18i9. Wllltnm N,r, JO .Aug. 1862, valntcr, m. Jau. 1880, Georp;la l'owell of Lewiston, Me, Beryl', b. 1881. Etliels, b, 1883, Cbarles s.r, 12 Mny ISM, furnuum 11boe 11ho11, l,ewlston, Me., m. 1883, Auna Onrhan, 1.J, Cornwall, Out. /Jcrnards, b, l&ll, BulJy•, Sept, 1886, Thomas c.,, 8 l\Jny 18.561 farmer, St. Albans. Vlctofla l\l,f, 8 Dec, 1858, res. Lewlstoo, l'tle, Mary A,7, 29 l'tlnr. 18601 d, 12 Aug, 1878, Luella JV, 12 .\}Ir, 1862, tu, 29 June 1880, N. n. Furbush of Pal­myra, Me. Hlmrn 11.1, Mar. 1864, 2d han,l cot. fact., Lewiston, Me. Leslie L,1, shoemaker, Lcwliltoo,

.\lnry6, 28Jan. 1701, d. r, }'eb. lSjf•, Lucinc.11161 23 Aug. li06, d, inf. Isaiah•,

1G .Feb, liUO, c.l. inf.


Asahel6, b. 1U9, d. 18H, m. 17i0, Abigail Walker of Lunenburg, 21 Jan. 1753, d, Oct. 1822, A. soldier of the rev. war, he sett. in WestmorcJnmJ, N. H., rem. 1702 to Stillwater, N. Y. A.bigail6, lo Mar. 1778, m. Oraon Whitford of West­moreland, rem. with her lather to Stillwater, J>eborah7, b. 180:l, m. Lansing Morrison of Stillwater, farmer, rem. later to SlatcrdlJe, N. Y.

Olive', b, 1823, m. her coualu, Robert Shaw, q. v. Ellaabeth7, b. 1804, m. Edward Shaw, b. Ireland, blacksmith, Grangerville, N.Y.

Roberti, m. Ollv .. llorriaon, u,nt6, rem. Grand Ra1>lds, Mtch. Edward•, m. up nortb, went to Mfcb.; llad ch. WIIHam•, m. fn B,dJaton, X, Y., w. d.; r~m. Grand Ra11fds, Mich. Abl{/all•, m. - Wen of Lyone, N, Y., went to Mich. Orre-1&8, went to Mich., tb. lu army 11ndc,r Roeecram,

Eal'l H.7, 20 Feb, 1806, m. 2' Jan, 1824, Aaenath !'aimer of Northumberland, N. Y,, 16 1806, d, 20 Jan, 1886; m. 2d w,, A.ngeUne, ala. 1st w., 16 July 1809, d. 16 Jan. 1876; m. 8d w., Meliesa Munger, m. n. Walker, of Stlllwater; carpenter, sett. at marriage ln Northumberland, llvea in Stlllwater, N, Y.

Phebe•, 21 Sept. 1827, d., JD, 10 Oct. ISM, German Slade, b, Easton, N, Y,, farmer, Ballston, N, Y, Blanchtfl. Samu.i•. Frank9, David E.•, 1 Dec, 1829, m. i7 Feb, 186&, Sarab Noble of Lanslngb11rg, N, Y,, ree. Syracuse; canal engineer, Bluabeth•. Marr/9. NobltP, Uaca'4, o~ca,., 16 July 1833, waa eng, on canal, went in 1877 to Colorado as mining supt., In 1886 to Cblbuabua, Kexlco, in same buslneaa. Kary E.•, 2' Dec, 1836, m. Feb. 1869, Frank Rugg of Sar. Spr,, N. Y,, b, 1832, farmer, Bacon HUI, N, Y, >'at1nlf', 10 May 1861, Ckarloeue, 29May 1803, Earl•, 1 Apr, 1866. ..Vlnnut, ~ov, 1867, d, 1882. a,ram•. Marlf', Phd>IJt, Jn,t,i,•. Frances J.•, 4 June 1838, d, youn,r. Gerry F.•, 13 July 18'1, d, :young, Hiram P.•, 18 Mar. 1860, far1uer, Northumberland, N, Y., m. 20Sept, 1870, Alfarata Curtla of Sar, Spr., Aug, 18'7, Ma JI', 14 Oot. 1872, Rafi B.•, 2 July 1880.

Mary7, b, 1808, m. as 2d w. Lansing Morrison, ante, th. dead, Prudencc7, went with Deborah to SlatervUJe, m. William Marsh, fanner near Ludlowville, N. Y.

SIivanus', b. abt. 18331 m., bu fam. Harriet', m, Nelson Childs, miller at Grange"l1le, ~. Y,, went weet, he d. lo few yean,

tb. son and dau. Abigail', m. - Hefmstreet of Lanafngburg, N, Y,, b, abt. 1800, d. Sobuylervme, N, Y., 1883. 4'l11ln•, was In army, m., has sev. ch, In Ballston, N. Y. Joh"'• m., emp, iu paper mm, SohuylervWe, has 2 eb. UBOrget, m. lives fn Albany, N. Y ., no ob. Abbt/', w. Gaston Ensign of Wilbur'• Basin, live Albany; he trav, &alesma.n. Oharlu•, d, youug, Sarah', m. Gerry Fi~lda of L'\ntlngburg, N. Y., grocer, (bis father from N. H.) re­movetl to Sar, Spr., where both d. JHlta•, m. Clark Snyder of Sohagtlcoke, N. Y., druggiat Jn Lanslngburg, 2 ch. Uear11•, grocer at Sar, Spr., h:11 two or more ob. Frttnk•, m,r one or two ch.; slater fn Lansf11j[burg, N. Y, Emtl!I', m. pattern maker In Albany, N. Y,, a or 4 ch, Merritt•, 11aJaiter In Lan11!ngburr, Lewu', J>ainter, Sar, tJpr, Orson', youngest, d. at age of 12 or H, bur. Bacon Hill, N, Y,

Prudence', 8 Joly 1780, m. Benjamin Rogers of Stillwater, N. Y,, rem. Lyons, N. Y., later to Mich.

Eldest dau. m. Westfall fn Lyons, N, Y. DanW•, broker and real estate tlealer, Lyons, batl fam. Phebe', m. Dau.•, in., bus. d, young, Josepb', m. Frcdertckt, killed In army,

Thomas•, 22 Sept. 1784, d, 20 May, 1881, m. Phebe ltogers of Stillwater, N.Y,, 1 Jan. 1792, d. 5 Mar. 1878; farmer, Stillwater.

089rge w.,, 3 Aug. 1809, m, 26 Jan, 1831, Mary J, Arnold of 8tl11w11ter, 2'J Ang. 181 I; farmer, Northumberland, N. Y. Henrr,•, 13 Oct. 1831, d. 4 Jan. 1860. Re1'ben A.•, 28 Feb. 183-1, m, 27 Deo. 1860, Grace J. Harver of Durhamvllle, N. Y., 2'.t Apr. 1840; farmer and civil euglneer, on the hofllestead, Jenn,•, 9 Jul7 1864, d. 27 Mar. 1870. Francf"'• 31 May 1872. Gertr111le', J2 Nov, 1873, TAo,nu H.•, 1 July 1838, d, younv;, JJat&kl H.•, t3 AUii:, 1838, m. Jenny H11rvey or Cedar Rapids, Ia.; le fn the fusurance business at Davenport, Ia. Orvllle H.•, 18 Aug, · INS, Daniel H.•, 27 Jan. 1872, Alice lll,•, 11 June 1874, d, fnf, OruUl6 N.•, 'I Mar, 1847, d, young. Orville c.,, 6 Mar. 18121 d, 16 Sept, 1&9, m. Aurelia A, Arnold, slater of his bro, Geo, ')Y'.a' w,, d. Wu a civil engineer ID eaateru N, Y., rem, Berlin, Mloh, Daniel R,1, 20 Sept, 1816, w, 17 Oct, tSM, Alice A. scou, b, CawlJrJdge, Eug., 7 Nov. 1827 J fonnerly contractor,


now farmer, Berlin, Mich. Eluabeth.•, 18 Nov. 18691 m, 19 Sept. 1876, - Patrick of Herlln, dealer In farming tools; 2 ch. Phebt!JS, 26 June 1863, d, 2 Jan. 1884, Tyler D.1, 24 Aug, 1819, d. 26 May, 1880, m. 1st Anna Graham of .Northumberlaml, N, Y., d.; 2d Eliza J. Arnold, of Still­water, N. Y.; rem. Berlin, Mich. Catherine', d. young. Tl&omas', b, 1862, m. In Scohalrle Co,, N. Y., rea. Berlin, Mich. ..4llu', in. Ernest Wager, quarryman. Phebe A,7, 17 Feb, 18291

m. ISM, Dow F. Winney of Northumberland, N, Y,, Apr. 1834, farmer, sheriff 1877-80, now lives in Ballston, N. Y. Francut, d. Jmn11•, June 1860, Sarah•, b. 1869, Francia•, Aug, 1871, Sarab J,,, f Dec, 1832, m. 1862, Robert Simpson of Rochester, N, Y., ins. agt., rem. Cincinnati, O., 1865. WUlmm T.•, m, Sarah Ricker of Hamilton Co., 0, Robert9, d, Mar11 ..4.•, 30 Oct.18li9, m. 24 Hay 18831 Frank D, Emerson or Covington, Ky., 2-l Apr. 1860, carriage manf, Mary N.11, 18 July 1884. Ruth•, Sept. ISM. Orville', w. Cora Allen of Jameatown, N, Y,; i1 a wringer manf. in Cin., 0, Robert•. Francu•.

Joeiall1, 19 Mar. 1787, went to Alleghany Co., N. Y., twice· m., 1st w. Azubah. John7, lived in Hornellsville, N. Y., 1885.

Solomon6, 18 July 1761, d. 12 Sept. 1847, m. 21 Sept. 1774:, Dorcas Polly of 1'"'itchburg, b. 1765, d. 20 June 1820. He removed about 1800 to Otaego Co., N. Y., settling on the site of what is now Worcester vlllage; farmer, lieutenant in the rev­olutionary war. Dorcaa', 4: Aug. 1776, d. 19 Oct. 1855, m. 19 Nov. 1795, John Rand of Westminster, 8 Dec. 1772, d. H Feb. 1801, farmer, rem. Rutland, Vt., 1798 to Worcester, N. Y. Nancy7, 4 Dec. 1801, m. 1 Oct. 1820, Richard Clark, b. Rensselaenille, N. Y., 19 May 1799, d. 16" Mar. 1830, farmer, Worcester, N. Y. Mr,, C. now lives at Wolcott, N, Y.

Nancy M.•. 10 May 1822, d, 1880, m. abt. 1838, Enocb Eckhart, shoemaker, rem, Farmers­ville, N. Y. Otrman', m. farmer in that town. Elvira•, d, Charla•, d. Scottt. Richard A.•, 27 Apr. 182f, r.i. 17 Oct. 1M9, Elizabeth Muon of Westford, N, Y,; is a Presbyterian mlnlater at W. Salem, Wia • ..4lberl w.•, 24 Apr.1863, m.1881, Mary Conant; le a dry goods salesman in New York city; 2 ch. Charlu W.', 9 Dec, l'M12, clerk In Milwaukee, Wis. Fred6rick JI.•, 30 Dec. 186f, baker, H&atlnp, Neb. (h~ L.•, 13 Dec. 1874. Albert o.•, 22 June 1827, d, 3 Feb. 1863; of small pox, m. 30 July IMS, ltllaerva D. Drown, 21 Oct. 1833, d,; kept hotel at Coble~ktU, N. Y. Ida F.•, 10 May 1862, m, - White. Almond B,1, twin, m. 31>July IMS, Either M. Waterman of Worcester, N. Y,, 10 Oct. 1829; merchant until 18&:I, rem, Blooming Prairie, Minn., farmer. George W.•, 11 Mar. 18!50, farmer, wheat buyer, Corona, Dak., m. 23 Feb, 1870, Bila o. Graham, b, Wla. 6 May ISM. Rosabelle•0, 18 June 1874. Clara M.•, 2 May 1862, m. 2 May 18721 Charles B. Macready, b, Fond du Lac, Wis., 16 Doo. 1&16, enl. s Nov. 1864, D t11t Minn. llea1')' Art,, out Oct. 11163. Frank 11.10, 3 Sept. 1874. Agnea10,

9 Feb, 1881, Maud10, 1 Nov. 1886. Mar, B.•, 31 Oct, 186f, m, 26 Veo. 1873~ Fran els Brown, b, .Raymond, N, H., 11 Nov. 18", rem. Minn, 1870. Charles F.••, 6 Oct. 187f, Harry G,10, 13 Nov. 1878. Edna s.10, 8 Nov. 1880. Roaaltnd', 'I Dec. 1857, m. 15 July 1876, Ola E,•ker, b. Norway, 22 Mar, 1862, emigrated 1862; merchant, 1872, rem. Duluth 1887; real estate bus. Almon c.10, 13 Apr. 1878, d. Inf, Xrnest••, 3 Apr. 1880, d. young. Alba n,10, 8 July JSSS. Frank n.0• 18 May 1861, bakery, restaurant, Mlnueapolls, Minn, Jfm11 N.•, 23 June 1865, m, 1883, George E. Burleson, b. :N. Y, 18601 confectioner, Minneapolis. Ethel10, 29 se,,t. 1883, Dorcas s.•, 11 Sept. 1829, m, 10 Sept. HIM, Samuel G. Soctt of Fly Creek, N. Y,, 11 Jan. 1833, d. 27 May IMS, (carpenter, sch. tea.); m. 12 Aug. 1860, 2d hus,, Ira Foster, 17 .\fay 1829, rem. aero to Hloomlng Prairie, returned 1874 to W11lcott, N. Y.; fruit farmer. He enl, 26 Sept. 1864, H tat lllnn, Heavy Art., dlseh, 20 Mar. 18M, dis. rheumatism. D. UeorgtJ' Scott, 13 Se1>t. 181515, w. 8 July 1882, Anna Waterman of Winona, Mino,, b, 1865; whe,,t buyer the last ten yeani, now In Hancock, Minn, Archibald L.•o, 18 July 18d3. Clark M.• l<'oater, 5 Oct. 1807, I1·a J .11'. Id May 1870,

John P,7, 15 Apr. 1805, d, 28 June 1876, m, U Nov. 1830, Catherine l\lcI>on,dJ of Esperance, N. Y., 18 Oct. 1808, d, 20 Aug. 184:0; was a stage driver 4G years; Scohairic C.H. to Albany, N. Y., mot-t of the time.

Mary•, 2 Sept. 1834, d, Inf, John•, 7 Opt. 1837, d. Inf, Dorcas•, 31 July 1840, d.

Dorcas7, 29 June 1806, d., m. Oct. 1831, Delos Houghton, b. abt. 1810; farmer, Schenevus, N. Y., rem. 187-, Cameron, Neb,

Mahala•, 1,, 1832, m, J8ll~, Jamea Peebles of Maryland, N. Y., farmer, now In Sumner, Wash, 'l'er, Newell•, t,, 18351 soldier, 1 HUh N. Y. Vol11,, w. 186:S, Glenn Maxfield of 1Javo11110rt, N.

Y,, rem. 1867 To11eka, Kns.; car(lenter; 2 or 3 ch. testers, eul. 1863, I 1-Htb N. Y. Vols., m. 4 1\far. 1868, Allee Palmer of Sandy Creek, N. Y,; Is with his father iu Nebraska; 2 boys, 1 d.

S,uunntha7, 17 May 1809, m. 18 Sept. 18281 William Barney, b. Johnstown, N.Y., 2 Aug. 1800, formerly farmer, lives in Worcester vill., N. Y., M. E. local preacher,

Ell', 21 June 1829, m. 28 May 1866, Emma J. Brooker of Richmondville, N. Y., 3 Apr. 18-U; farmer In tbat towu. Charles R.•, 22 Apr, 1868. Euuens,, 28 Apr. 1870, d. young. Lena9, 23 1\lar. 1888. Ansel', 1 Apr, 18311 farmer, m. 1854, Sarah A.. Starr of Otego, N, Y., 10 Apr. 1833, ti. 2G Oct, 1875; m. 2Jan.1877, 2d w., her sister Rocf!lpha, 3 Nov. 1837. Edgar s.•, 10 A1>r. 1861, gradu. Union Coll. ltl&f, teacher In N. Y, city, m. g June 1886, Clara E. ~rnts of Rahway, N. J, Mary D.•, 30 Dec. 1838, m, 2 July 1871, Peter Mellick, b, Sharon, N. Y., 3 Aug. 1824; 1,alnter, Worcester, N. Y. Roaa s.•, 6 Feb. 1873. Mina B.", 1 June 1875, Cyrus•, 29 Nov, 1sn, farmer, m. 29 Deo.1874, Julia Van Patten of Worceater, N. Y., 18 ,July 1858, Alva•, 11 Mar. 1875. .var11 E •11, 9 Feb. 1877, Jultetll, 28 Oct, 1878. James w.•, :l Sept. 1882. Floyd, k.•, 14 Aug. 1884. .Anothe~.

Alnnson7, 10 June 1811, w. Mary Stone of Waterbury, Conn. i is a hatter, for­merly Mohawk viii., now at Ilion, N. Y.

Almon n.s, b, 1841, d. 8 Nov. 18&1, treas. Merchants' Iron mill, ·uome, N. Y. Marietta', 10 Ang. 1849, m. AlouzoTanner, salesmau, hardware, Ft. Plalu, N. Y. Jusie9

1 30 Aug. 11:173, Juf.1, 2'2 Mar. 18131 d, Salome1, 30 Apr. 1816, d. young.

Solomon°, 9 June 1777, m. Catherine Tanner of Kortright, N.Y., whod. Harpers• field, N. Y. He was a millwright, d. Sharon Spr., N, Y, Elizabeth7, ll., w. Israel llullock of Worcester, N. Y., d.

Wllllam8, m. Elizabeth Van Burenj Is a miller at Retl Falls, N. Y, Helen•, m. Chas. Phel1>B of Gilboa, N. Y., carpenter; 8 cb. Ellen•, twin, m. Daniel Darling of Gllboa,farmer. Delo•'• d. 1882, cons. .Andreu,•, m.1 Js a farwer In Del. Co., N. Y. 1Jelora9 , .Another', d, by scald lug; abo11 t a dozen Jn all,

Alson7, d. Prath·ille, N. Y. 1 m. 1st Maria Welch,'d.; m. 2d Cynthia Allen, both of Jefferson, N. Y •

.Alvin', 10. Julia Ten Eyck of Daven11ort, N. Y., div., m. 2d w. "DotlJ "', m. n jeweler at GU­bert-svflle, N.Y. Warren', w., is coachman, Gilbertsville. Caroline•, m. Geo. Munn, had dau. d. ae -1. Samautba•, d., w. Whittlesey nenjamln of Prattville, N. Y.; 11rov. store, Cazenovia, N. Y. lleorge9• .Allena•. Horace', Melvin•, m., went Mich. or Minn. Esther', m. McMur­ray, b, Kortright, N. Y., farmer. Augusta•, d, A.lson9, Uves with mother, Harpersfield, N. Y.

Solomor.', d. umu., went to Ohio(?). Wllllamr, 20 May 1821, m. 6 Nov, 18-13, Emeline Zeh of Rlcluuondvflle, N. Y,, 9 Aug. 1827; Is a miller, lived Jn several counties In that 1>art of tbo state. Tha fnmlly now at Ricl..lmontlvllle. <Jeor!Je A.•, 1 May 18-15, mlllor, Gilboa, N. Y., 111. 1864, llary l.croy of G., b, 1845, Ida B.9, 2.1 Jan. 186i, m. 1 Sept, 1881S, Jani11 Hazard, druggist, Gilboa, b, 1862, William•, Dvc. 1866. J,'rederick', b, 1870, Charles I/,8, 29 Aug, 1&17, d. 8 Sept. 1881, miller. Roso M.•, 15 Deo. 1850, gradu. Cazenovia, 1874, private school teacher fn Madison aud Albany counties. Frank JJ.•, 16 Apr. 1859, barnessmaker. Samantha', m. as 2d w. Lewis B. Stone; In clothing trade, Cazenovia, N. Y. David', m. Mary Peaslee, lives Ollbortavllle, N. Y, Elizabeth•, m. -- Lewis, Adduon•, coll. strad., Is com. traveller,

John6, l Apr. 1779, d. 17 ,July 1888, m. 6 Sept. 1801, Sebec Osborn of 1'olland Co., Conn, 5 Sept. 1774, d, 8 Sept. 1864'i settled in Summit, N. Y,, a mile north of Charlottesville, a village in that town; built one of the first tanneries in that part of the Srute. Sebee E.7, 2 Aug. 1802, d. 9 !fay 1836, m. 23 Mar. 18:34, Sylvester Phclpi, b. Salem, Conn., 4 July 1793, ll. 15 Mar. 1861, carriage maker, hotel keeper, Sloans,;illc, N. Y.

i-.uh1•0 E.•, fi ~fa)' 1836 111. -I Oct 180:4, Henry Mc Master~ or s1,,:i navllle, 28 l<'eb. 1829, d. 1 I July ISiO, farmer, miller. Miles H.•, Mar. 183111 w. Emel111e Colllus, went to Mich; 2 ch, f ontu, 11rob. In ~ew YOl'k cit~.

,John 1''.7, 8 l\fnr. IROl, d. :m Mny 1872, 111. 7 Mar. 1827, IWzahcth lloffmnn, 14 J,'cb. 1808, d. 28 Feb. 18i2; farmer in N. E. pnrt of Worcester, N. Y.


Miless, 18 Apr, 1830, mason, m. Cordelia Childs of Summit, N. Y,, d,; m. 2d w., rem, La­crosse, Wis. By 1st w,, CaroUn&, Benjamin', son•; 3 or 4 ch. by 2d w. Marfa', 8 May 1832, 11. li Aug, 1868, m. as 2d w. Abraham Welch of Jefferson, N, Y., farmer, fl. Georg&, farmer on homestead. Alary'>, John M.1, 18 May 1834, d. 4 SPJ1t, 1867, grad. Union Coll. 1861, was professor in M. E. seminary, Charlottesville, later real estate and Ins. bus. Possessed fine physical and mental endowments, Mary1, 6 June 1836, d,, m. David Hicks of Jefferson, N, Y,, farmer. Levt E.•, farmer, m. Louise Carey. Levi D.10. Inr,1°, Loretta', m • .Ezra Shaver of Jefferson, res, ntenbeho, N. Y,; s.:-v. ch. Eliza•, 9 May 18381 d., m. as 2d w., Davhl Hicks, ante. Charla', farmer, Summit, m. Leonora Crowe of Summit. John", Hannah', 24 Feb. 1840, d. 17 June 1869, 8ebee'1 2'2 Apr. 1842, d, 29 July, 18C9, Benjamin W,', 19 Jan. 1848, spent a ye:\r at Wesleyan Univ., health failed, abandoned coursei m. 7 Apr, 187-1, Stella 8, Dutton ef Le Roy, N, Y,; Is a fruit farmer; think he has held office ln that county. Clara .L.•, 18 Oct. 1876, Edith ,V.•1 16 Sept. 1877. Levl1, t Jnne 1849, d. Jacob H,9, 12 Oec. 1851 1

farmer on the homestead, m. 8 Apr, 187-1, Ella J, Atchinson of Jefferson, N. Y., 24 Dec, 1863. Fre<kric.k w.•, 11 Feb. 1879.

Mary7, 18 Feb. 1806, d. 20 Sept. 1851, m. 27 Oct. 1831, Asn H. CJevcJanil of Floyd, N. Y., farmer, now res. Richmondville, N. Y.

Alonzol, 28 Feb. 18331 d. 4 Oct. 1865,

Farrend7, 29 Aug. 1807, m. 27 No 183!, Mary Gibb~, b. Wcthersfteld, Conn .. 12 June 1801, d. 10 Mar. 1838; m. 11 July 1848, 2d w. Harmony Rice of Madison Co., N. Y., 18 Feb. 1821, d. 7 Feb. 1881; farmer and tanner in Summit.

Adeline', 18 Feb. 18361 m.10 Jan. IMS, Robert Somerville of Harpersfield, N. Y., 16 Nov, 183J, farmer, Worcester, N. Y, WC8le11 H.•, 21 Apr. 1876, Wesley o.•, 5 Mar. 18.~, m. 18 June 1868, VemeJla Perrigo of w. Troy, N. Y., 16 Dec. 1845, d. 21 Aug. 1869; m. 27 Sept. 1871, 2d w. Hannah La Monte of Summit, 30 June 1844, d, 14 Dec. 1872; m. 29 Dec. 1880, 3d w. Lilly 8. n. Wentworth of Perry, N. Y., 13 July IBM; was thirteen years In the lime amlcement business on Hodson River, later in planing mill and lumber business and manf, fruit 11vaporators, Le Roy, N. V.; now real estate bus, Buffalo, N. Y. John w.•, 4 Aug. 1869, Reginald w.0,

25 Oct. 1882. Stephants W.•, 28 Dec, 1886. Mary H.•, 8 May 1849. Baxter F.s, 16 Mar. 18lil produce comm., Chicago, Ill. Jose11b L,s, 10 Aug. 18621 m. 18 Oct. 1879, Myra Chickering of Cbarlottevllle, N. Y,, 17 Aug. 1863i Is a travelling salesman, res. Charlottevllle. Aliles R.9 ,

28 Sept. 1880. Homer H.•, -I Fbo, 1M5, d, 13 Jan. 1882. Harriet c.•, 18 Apr. 18581 d. 21 Juno 1867. Miles M.', 15 Feb, 1860, d. 2'2 June 1867, ,

Marenda7, 16 Nov. 1809, d. 2 Aug, 18841 m. 18 Oct, 1830, Alva L. Whitney, blacksmith, Harpersfield, N. Y., rem. Sanford, N. Y., later to Mason City, Ia.

Emellne8, b, 1832, d, 6 June 1851, Amanda•, rn. - Dexter, live near Mason City, Ia., ha,•e ch. George•. Mary J,8, m. Yan Patten, near Mason City; sev. ch, Delos•.

Miles7, twin, m. 17 Feb. 18-14, Catherine Woerner of Nummlt, 17 ,June UH8, 11.

30 Sept. 18fl9, m. 80 Mnr. 1870, Caroline A. Conrow, m n. hes, of Summit, Hl Nov. 1830, d. 14 Apr. 1886; farmer on homesteacl with l!'arrcml7, now H,•es on ron,I Charlottcville to Worcester, near Lutheran ch. Emeline', 7 Mar. 1812, d. 30 Apr. 1863, m. 28 Sept. 1852, ns 2d w. Asa H. Cleveland, ante. Phlla7, 26 Apr. IRJ.l, cl. 22 Aug. 1881, m. 22 Apr. 1888, Harman Hard of Rensselaerville, N. Y , blacksmith at Char)otteville.

Mary E.•, 8 Dec, lll41, m. 2 Oct, 1870, Lorenzo Wendell of Seward, N, Y.1 28 Jan. 1840, <1. 20 Jan, 1882, loc. eng. In Chicago. She ret. Charlottevllle, ntllllner. Adcllnc0, 20 Aug, 1878. Edwin L.•, 26 Feb, ISM, d. ~ oung. Catherine A.', 1 June 1114-1, d, youu~. Julia E.1, 8 AJ>r. 1Sl7, m, 12 Oct, 18661 Geo. W, Smith of Worcester, N. Y., 28 June 184-1, farmer In Snru111it. Af/re,l H.•, 28 Oct. 1867. Charles /1,t., 27 Apr. 1873. E<l1oln JJ.•, 27 SeJ>t. 1880. Oeorgc H.•, o Aug. 1849, d. 31 Aug. 18M, m. 2 Feb. 1876, Hannah E. Rycler or Summit, 9 Jan. ISG1. JesllifJ B.•, 0 Jan, 1877, Ethc/9, 28 June 1881 1 d, Inf. Melvin L.•, 27 May 1832, (1, young. Edwin H.8 ,

29 Mar, 1869, printer, publishing CobleskUl '.rimes, m. 23 Nov. 1881, Ada M, Ryder, cousin of Hannah E., a11te, o Jan. 1861.

Joscph7, 22 Sept. 1816, m. 8 Aug, 18~,2, Sarah A. M. Peacock of N. Hartford, N. Y., 18 July 1816, d. 21 July 1848, m. 16 ·May 1871, Sarah A. Rood, m. n. Irish, of Victory, N. Y., 30 Nov. 183,li, H.1s been a Metho,Jlst preacher since 1885;


Pres. Elcler 1852, went nt>xt year·to Rock Riv. Conf. Ill., org. 1st church extension society for tho M. I<~. Church. In 1863 went to Lil'erpool, Eng., took charge of city missions, ret. next year. Ill health from overwork cause:l him to take a super• annuated relation a few years since, res. now at Binghampton, N. Y. He wa1 everywhere an untiring worker and successful revivalist, adding three thousand souls to the church by his labors.

Ellen Janel, 20 Aug. JM.1, m. 1'6 Jan. 1863, John R. Skinner of Westfol'(I, N. Y., 26 Mar. 1&13 farmer. WUlard H.•, 30 Jan. 1864, d, 23 June 1872, Joseph H.•, 9 Dec. 1867, Eva L.•, llS May 1871, Grace M.•, 17 Feb, J877. Sarah E.•, ~ May J&i5, m. 19 Sept. 1876, Wm. W. Spaulding of Jan,svllle, Wis., 12 Feb, 1846, d, 9 June 1878, Deansville, N. Y. Twins•, 31 May 18!8, d. Jof,

Luther F.7, 14 Apr. 1819, m. Jane Ryder of Summit, 28 Dec. 1821, d. 29 Apr. 18H; m. 2d w. Emma French of St. Louis, Mo. He was a mernhant in Charlotte• ville, rem. northern Ohio, d. Ft. Wayne, Ind. In shoe trade and real estate in the west.

George W.•, 29 Jan, 1842, d, Dec. 1883. Mary M.•, 8 Ang. 1844, d., m. Wm, McDonald of Richmondville, N. Y., 16 Dec, 1842, d. 10 May 1886, dentlat. Jane J.•, 26 Jan, IBM, m. 21 May 1871S, Ja10es 8, Robartaoo of Worcester, N. Y ., farmer; cultivate, a section of land lo Tice• ville, DRk, Hartwell•.

MR.ry8, 29 Apr. li81, d. 18 Jan. 18U, rn. Luther Flint, Sept. 1707, d. 25 Dec. 1822, rem. Schenevus, N. Y. She m. 2d bus., John Bradley, b. ln Conn. Sally', 2 May 1783, d., m. Charles Taylor, who d. 18 Oct. 1855, removed to the Black Rlver country, Lewis Co., N. 'J',

Louisa', m. - Gilbert, lived Carthage, N, Y., no oh. EmllyT, m. -- Sackett, went abt. 18.1tl to Columbus, O., there In 1860, Dorcas p,,, m. Th<>11. Waite, farmer, Champion, N. Y., rem. Rome, N. Y., Ins. agt, Charlu•, In bus. with father. A son•, d, ae. 7 or 8. Minnkl, m. ---Taylor, res. Little Falls, motlier with them. PhlJo', m., was In Ogdensburg, N. Y,, went west, d. Charles', went west, d, Prudence', m. -- Clark of Champion, N. Y., 2 dau. ll., &on In anny, Lucinda', m, Oeo. Hammond of Denmark, N. Y., who d. She m, 2d bus., had ch.

Eunlce8, 19 Nov. 1735, d. 7 Aug. 1868, m. Asa Crippen of Worcester, N. Y., b. I ;s•, who went west many years ago to visit brothers, took passage on an Ohio rh·er boat, sunk or burnt; never heard of afterwards.

James M.,, 19 June 1810, farmer, Worcester, m. 20 June 1838, Anna Waterman of Mary­land, N. Y,, 20 Apr. 1820, Harriet E •■, 29 May 1&12, d. 8 Feb, 1&18. Jcimes H.•, 9 Apr, 18-16, d, 22 Oct. 1876, m. 10 Nov. 1870, cella A. Peck of Burlington, Conn., 10 Nov. 1849; was a clock­maker at Thomaston, Conn. Charles•, JIS Jan. 18H. Joseph, u.•, 26 Nov. 1847, farmer In Worcester, m. May 1879, Sarah Ketchum of Davenport, N. Y., b.18-14, MarJI .A.1, 16 Nov. J860, cl, 26 Oct. 1886, 1u, 16 Oct. 18781 Henry Haynor of Worcester, 8 Nov. ISM, farmer. Mayt, i~ Nnv. 1881. Floyd•, 18 June 1884, Charles H.•, 4 Oct. 1859, farmer with his father, m. 8 Feb, 1881, Ida Haynor of Worceater, 2 Feb, 1858. Grace•, 16 Nov. 1886, Gilbert', b, 1811, d. 13 Nov.1824. Kary', b. 1814, d.1831S, John H.', b, 1817, m. In Hartford, Conn.; w. d. In year 11fter ru,, ch., all d, Ezra A.', b, J8201 w. 1848, Henrietta Nmule, who d, ch, b, He was In tho anny, kllled Rt Galnesvllle, Va., 28 Aug. 1862. Could not learn date of enlistment, en. or regt. from hie hrothen. Ueorge', m, a Chesbol'ough, rem. Darien, Wis, Joseph o.,, 13 Apr. 1827, m. 26 June 1866, Diana Smith of Coblesklll, N. Y,, 21S Dec, 1833; harnessmaker, Worcester, Emma J,•, 23 Mar. J81S7, m. Frank Deuel,carpenter, Oneonta, N, Y. Frederick•, IS Dec. 1878. Harry', 17 June 1880. Frederick', 19 Apr. 1883, m. Sept. 1884, Ella J,ane of Oneonta; ls a barneumaker In that town, Harriet•. 13 Mar. 1867, Mar11•, 30 Jan. 1872,

Joseph', 16 Mar. 1788, d. Sept. 1864, rn. 23 Mar. 1807, Elizabeth Gott of Colum­bia Co., N. Y .• 22 Mar. 1783, d. l9 July 1843; m. 19 Mar. 1844:, Lucy Bigelow of Greenville, N. Y., m. n. Lake; farmer in Worcester, deputy sheriff some 1uars, Immensely strong and fleet of foot, as Lew Sullinn, a horse thief, found to his sorrow when be attempted to escape from him through the woods in deep snow. J<:mily7

1 6 Aug. 1807, d., m. 4 July 1821, Samuel Halleck, who abandoned her; she m. 2d hus., Frederick Rarey of Decatur, N. Y., b. 1801,


BJancbe8, 17 Nov. 18281 d. 8 Mar. 1876, m. 1 Sept. 1&19, Isaac Dodge or Weatford, N. Y,, 2 Mar. 1824., stone mason, Worcester. Menio', JS Jan. J85I, d. Feb. 1857, Cllarlu a.•, 2 Oct. 1852, m. 7 Feb. 1873, Adella Dalton of Dalnbridge, N. Y., 17 Nov. ISM; farmer fn Worcester, Minua10, If Dec. 1873. E. J,10, 28 Feb. 1876, l\fary 1,10, 29 July 1879. Orra 1,10, 28 Oct. 1883, Frederick R.•, 24 Sept. 1859, d, Inf. Lucyt, JiS July 1805, m. Mar. 1883, William Chadwick of 8atd Lake, N, Y,, spinner at Cohoes, N. Y, Marthato, 21 Mar. 1884. Mary E.•, O Sept. 1&12, m. 20 Feb. 1868, German Boorn of Worcester, N. Y., 7 June ISM, d, 7 Feb, 1872, Brast'IU L,9,

16 June 1867, Orra a.•, 9 Sept. 1869, They live at Adams. CordelJa', 8 Jan. J8JZ, d. 6 May 1841, m. 23 Jan. 1834, John Cook of Rlchmond\'flle, N. Y., 29

July 1808, d, 13 Mar, 1878, merch., Worcester, N. Y. Twtns•, b, & d, WUllam J,•, d. 10 Apr, 1&17,

Lorinda', 28 June 1815, d. Gibson', 28 Dec, 1817, m, 28 June 1847, Elvira R, Johnson of Worcester, N. Y., 4 Mar. 1823, d, at May 1873, m, 24 Dec. 1874, Sophronia Butler of Summit, N. Y., 4 Sept, 1830; merchant In Decatur, Worcester, CbarlottevUle, lUcbmondvllle, retired In 1877, Rtchard J.•, 13 Dec. 18481 enl, Aug.18641 B '6th N. Y. vols., wounded Nov. 1864, home on furlough, ret. Jan. 1865, sent at once to front, took cold, d. 1 Feb. 1865, Albert <J,•, 6 May 18611 d, 30 Sept. 1878, m, 8 Deo. 1870, Ann F. Groff of Decatur, N, Y., 14 July 1863; house painter fn Decatur, L. B.•, 16 Apr. 1878, CaroUnes, 4 June 1859, m. 18 Nov. 1879, Riley Chambers of Carlisle, N. Y,, 9 Sept. 1867, farmer, Roseboom, N, Y, Seneca B.', 23 July 1820, farmer, justice of the peace fn Worcester afnce ISM, m. 19 June 1842, Caroline Utter of Cairo, N, Y,, 3 Feb, 18Z2, John N.,, 29 Sept. 1822, d, 2 Oct. 1866, m. Jane R, Holmes, 2 Ma7 1824; merchant, E. Worcester, Franklin P.•, 23 June 1851, railroad man. Albert J,', 7 Mar. 1828, m. t Jan. 1852, Harriet Davfs or Worcester, N. Y,, 26 Sept. 1832; farmer, rem. Decatur, N. Y,, 1861, Ophelf.a8, :la Sept, 1852, m. 20 Sept, 18761 as 2d w. Nathaniel Davia, b. Westerlo, N. Y,, June t&U, carpenter ln Worcester, May•. Arthur', Carey•. Clara•. Bameyt. Gl/J­sons, 12 Apr. 1865, m, 20 Mar. 1881, Harriet, slater Nathaniel Davis, 11 Mar. 1800. Claud M.•, 20 June 1882. Burdell•, 8 June, 1857, d, 10 AJlr, 1869, .Jfc0lsllan8, 27 May 1864, d. 11 Apr, 1879, Gra,nts, 27 May, 1867, SeMca B.•, 2 Mar, 1872, .,m~s M.•, 27 Sept. 1874, d. fnf, Mar11', d, m. a farmer In Cortland Co, Joseph', d. In army. Elizabeth', m, Jas, Hitt.

Mary6, 1 Sept. 1'153. Martha6, H Aug. 1755, went to Westmoreland, N. H,, with Asabel6

, and m. 4 Oct. 178•, Benjamin Uogers, who emigrated later to Stillwater, N. Y., where shed. about 1820. The writer thinks they were parents of Benjamin Rogers, who m, Prudence8 Hartwell, ante,

John5, 2 Apr. 1758, d. 8 Sept, 1832, went at about age of twenty to Windham Co., Vt., in the neighborhood of bis brother Asahel, who lived in Westmoreland, N. H, He appears to have transacted business in Putney, the records of wl1lcb do not mention his marri11ge or births of his children, that may, have occurred in Athens, where he was apparently a member of the Baptist Church, Tradition assigns him a residence in Rutland Co. ; prob, doubtful. About 1790 or 91, he re• moved to Delaware Co., N. Y., settling on Charlotte rh·er, living in Harpersfield, Cartwright (Kortright) or both, six or eight years, then going probably to Elmira, and later to Rush, N. Y., where he died. Hit first wife was Hannah Moore, who d, 1793. Be m. 1802, 2d w. Mercy Cartwright, b, Sharon, Conn., 1762, d, 6 I!'eb, 1826; m. 1827 Mary Drown, m. n, Bugbee, who d. 18l7, in her 60th year. He was a blacksmith, a soldier of the Revolution; according to tradition helped forge the chain that barred the North River against British vessels. This, however, presup­poses that he was in New York State before going to Vermont, and is doubtful. He may have helped later on repijlrs or fastenings of the chain after entering the army. He was a Baptist local preacher, Mary", Dec, 1780, d, 8 Sept. 1868, m. William Straight, b, in Conn. 18 Apr. 1'782, rem. 1831 to Granger, 0,, where they died.

Relief', 4 Feb, 18041 d, m. Newton. Sabrln:1r, 18 Aug, 1806, cl. fnf, Sabrina', 21 Mar, 1808, m, A.mos .Harber, b. fn ll, Y. state, 21 JnJy 1806, tanner, d. Granger, o., 20 Jan. 1857, su,an A.•, 18 Apr. 1834, m, 4 June 18601 Samuel EwJng, jeweler, rem. Marlon, Fostoria, O., d, 31 July 18116, Lou•, d, 27 Aug. 1882, William H.•, 24 May, 1836, Bapt. min, d. Findlay, O., 18 Mar, 1860, m. IMS, Adelbert•, res. FlndlRy, UdarJo H'·'• p ll~r. 1839, Joweler, m. 2 Nov. 1876,


Charlotte Fenlmol\1 of Fremont, O. Mabel', 2 Aug, 1877. Carl', 8 Nov. 1878. Harriet•, 4 Feb, 1880, Mary E,&, 8 Apr, lP,,!1, m. 4 Apr. 1871, Robert C, Ca1>les, M, D., b, Now Phltadol­J>hia, 0,, 31 July, 1815, res, Fostoria, O. Ralph', 23 Dec. 18'i2, Byron 11.•, 21 llay, 1877, James~-•, 24 Apr. 18-171 was a sergeant In tho regular army; rem, Canada, 1885, herder. Harriet E.•, 6 Jure 1849, d. 6 Oct. 1877, m, 31 Dec. 1876, - Scoville, merchant, now In Arizona. Marys, 18 Jan. 1851, Calvin n.,, 10 Dec, 1811, William K,', 13 Oct.1813, m. 16 1\lar, 1834, Diana E, Truman of Canandaigua, N, Y,, H Mar. 1815, d. 18 Dec. 1865; m. 29 Dec. 1856, 2d w., Elizabeth Conklin, b, Huron, o., 6 June, 1834; farmer, sett. Medina Co. O., rem. Butler, Ind,, later to Atlantic, Ia. Fidelia', 14 Jan. 1885, m. 1 llay, 1853, T, Wallace of Auburn, lnd., who d, 1800, (4 ch. all m); m. 2 Apr. 1868, F, Burroughs of Boone, Ia., res. Florence, Dak., stock raiser. 1/elene, 16 Oct, 1839, m. 11\Iay 1855, S. S. Ford, b. In O., sheriff, Sioux City, Ia.; 1 son. S. W. Wallace', 15 Apr. 1842, real est. dealer, Atlantic, Ia., m. 24 Dec. 1808, Kate Steele of Marshalltown, Ia., d.; m, 12 Dec, 1872, 2d w. Amanda Bennett. Eddella•, 3 Dec. 1867, m. 20 Nov, 1872, H. L. Frost, b. N. H., res. Atlantic, Ia.; 3 sons. He served In 1st N. H. art. vols. during war, SarabT, 19 Oct. 1815, d. 1842, m. 183111 Pliny Ingraham, carpenter, who d, 14 Aug, 1846, lived In Granger, o. ..c,a E .•, 28 Nov, 1835, trav. sales. Mar11 J.•, 24 Apr. 1838, m. 1858, Byron M. Noble of Lenawee Co, Mich .. 14 Dec. 1837, blacksmith, sett. Bath, o., rem. Shelbyville, Mich. Eudora', July 1802, m. 1885, Wilbur G, Herbert of Martin, Mich., Aug. 1802, farmer. Edward H.•, Sept, 1864, tel. op,, Huntertown, Ind. Frederick J,9,

Mar. 1867, Lydfa .A.•, d. no dates given. John H,r, 21 Aug. 1818, d, 6 July, 1884, m. 1839, Matilda Shutts, b, Penn Yan, N. Y., 4 F~h. 1819, d. 21 Aug. 1855: m.14 July 1857, 2d w,, Myra Cross, b. Charlotte, N. Y., 3 May 1830, r, ,h. tea. He was a Baptist minister, rem. Mich., 1858, to Oregon, for his health, 1884, E,nrna J.•, 10 May, 1840, d, Nov. 18-18, JY,n. H. H.•, 10 Mar. 18-16, farmer, drowned on str. Lao la Belle, Lake Mich. ,lfary Janea, l June 1849, d. 23 June 1865, George', 11 Jan. 18~, d. Inf, L1lly B.8, 10 Jan. 1860, m. 14 July 1881, Freeman C. Cran­dall, b, Wirt, N. Y. 8 May 18-16, rem. ~lich. 1871, Oregon, 1884; jeweler at La Grande. Hart­well 0.11, 13 May 1883. Maydell•, 26 Feb. 1887, Adonlram J,r, 4 Apr. 1820, d, Nancy J,r, 10 Mar. 1822, m. 21 Sept. 18-11, Lewis E. Turner ·,f Canfield, o., 6 Feb, 1818, rem. Main Clty, Mo. Ella M.•, 30 May 1849. Geo rues.•, 5 Dec. 1803; others, d, young.

Benjamin8, 22 Nov, 1781, d, May 1874, m., lived Harpersfield, O. Frank7, 22 Dec. 1815, has fam., lives in Ill. ; was a soldier in the late war. Elsie8, d. 1842. m. 1806, Nathan Porter of Western Vt., b. 1776, d. 1840, rem, successively to Canada, to Erie Co., N. Y., to Busti, N. Y., ,vhere he d.

Benjamin', b. 1807, d,, m. Julia Warner. Eva•. Esther'. Sara1'1, ,llatalanfas, Marlin'. Angellne1, 12 May 1800, d, 1883, m, 1st Jobn Wheeler, (Sarah5• Susan',> ru, 1836, 2<1 bus, Edward Ellis of Niagara Co., N. Y. Charles•, m. 1st Elizabeth Frank; 2d w. --. Jamus, m. Adella Lunt, Jane•. Flora•. Gertrude•. Anthonyt, Cly<le•. James•. Susan•. Delfao, Salmon', d. In army, Calvin', m. Angeline Barber. LlllyP, Susan9• }'lora E.• Angel1ne', m. W. R, Bucklin, Jane9, d. young. Esther1, b. 1811, m. Charles Fleming. Susan', b. 1813, m. Jesse Welch, Norman•, m. 2 <la1·. lltram•. James•. 1•011y1, b. 1815, m, Eben Harris, had 2 oh., lived Allegan, .Mich. Nathanr, 17 Aug. 1817, farmer, m. 25 Jan. 18421 Deborah Putnam of Farmington, Pa., who d. 15 May 1872; m. 26 Dec. 1879, 2d w. Mary l\Ialun of Farmington. Daniel•, m. Julia Green. ·Estella•, Lyle•. Melvin•, Jan, 1845, d. 25 .Apr. 1851. Stewart•, b. 1847, d. 27 Apr. 1851. Eatller', b. 18491 11, Nov. 1871, m. Joseph lJarne) of Deer­field, l'a, Dora•, m. Elvin Hunt of Jamestown, N. Y, Royt. Glenn•. Mabel•. William•, m, Letitia Baker of Warren, Pa. Ida•, m, Christian Gander of Wnrren, Pa. William•. Belle•. Stur,rt H.7, 11 June 1820, d. 8 Nov. 188:l, m. 11 Nov. 1848, Cornella T. llopklns of Pratts. burg, N.Y., !>July 18:l9; lumberman, Vermontville, Mich. Robert S.•, 1 Feb. 1850,Jeweler, Hllls­dale, Mich., ru, Aug. 1877, Edna Olin. Harry R,o, 30 1\lay 1880, Birdo, 18 Nov. 1884, l'lara M.•, 1 July 1852, m. 29 Jan. 1870, Otis B. Shaw, res. Kalamazoo, Mich. Archlbalcl B.11, 6 Aug, 1872, Zoe c.•, 1 Dec. 1873, Lulu ll.•, 2 Aug. 1875, Ray 0.11, 18 Mar. 1882. Hazel E.•, J.I Dec. 1883. Gilbert B.•, O May 1856, jeweler, Alma, Mich., 111. 20 June 1881, Ellen Latimer, Earl•, 14 Apr, 1884, Frederick M.•, 30 Oct. 18681 JohnT, d. Lydtar, d, Wllllamr, d. Daniel', 20 Sept. 1827, cooper, m. 1849, llary --, b, Canada, 15 May 1835, rem, aft. b. let ch. toCalttonn Co., later to Eaton Co., Mich., 187-1 to Rogersville, Mich. Elizabeth•, 1 Aug. 1852, Eleanor', 25 Nov. 1854, d. 1878, Daro,on•, o Mar. 1867, .Maw•, 6 l\lay 1868. Stuart•, 2 Dec. 1861, d, young, Belles, 18 Mar. 1884; all m., tbere are two gr. ob,

Thomas8, 17 Nov. 1786, d. o Oct. 1868, m. 8 Dec. 1811, Samantha Roberts, b.

1792, d. 25 Feb. 1808. He was a farmer in Rush, d. in A,·on, N. Y.


Amanda', 24 Feb, 1816, d. 9 Apr. 18-12. Abner T.', 23 Oct. 1818, m., settled In N, Y,, rem, Paw Paw, Mich, Elvira', 25 Jan. 1822, d. 10 June 1877.

John8, no dates or record. ReJief6, 27 .l\far. 1791, d. 17 July 1868, m. 18 Nov. 1870, John N. H. Westphall, b. Hamburg, Germany, 27 l\fay 1789, d. 29 May 1847, farmer; rem. 1815 to Harpersfield, O., thence to Tinker's Creek, Springfield, and In 1829 to Copley, O., where they died .

.Diedrich', 27 Mar, 1811, m. 18311 lfarfa Taylor; was a Mormon elder, d, on the way to Nan• voo. Thomas•. C11rus•. MeUntha7, 9 Nov. 1812, m. Elijah Heathman, ..flezanlkr', Dl, George•. Alexander9. Aramlnta•. Stella•. Dellnda', 14 June 1814, d, 2 Aug. 1861, m. Col• man c. Peck, (Henrfetta8, d. young), div.; m. 2d hue. Daniel Taylor, b. in Conn., 8 Jan. 1808, d. 2 May 1879, farmer at Sunfield, llfJcb, 1 whither he rem. from Allen Co., Ind., 1861, Maf'fl R.•, 241\lay 18-14, d. 16 Jan. 1883, Sebewa, llllch., m. 22 Dec. 1860, Charles W, Overley, 1 Apr. 1834, shoemaker, Buntleld, Mich,, served three years fn late war. Daniel JJ.U. Jan. 1862, d, young. Charles w.,, 22 Aug. 1868, carpenter, Sebewa, Mich., m, 10 Jan. 1fl87, Augusta Cramer. Cora A.•, 8 Sept. 1866. Mary J,e, 18 Mar. 18681 m, 1 Nov, 18$61 - Herrington. Ada K.0, 3 July 1869, m. 6 Nov, 1880, Oscar Cramer. Stella A.11, 9 Jan. 1875, Wllllam A.•, 26 l\lay 18i9. Martha .. o, 18 AJlr. 1846, d. 18 No,·. 1869, m. 1866, Willlam Dann, farmer, Lansing, !ffcb. Martha M.', b, 1868, d. Inf. M<trla L,•, 2 l\lay 1848, d. 2 July 18681 m, 1867, John Hyde of Sunfield, farmer. Perry', b. 1868, Susan A.•, :,o Sept. 1850, d. 29 Jan. 1678, IYUUam. z.•, 22 May 1852, m. 26 Nov. 1877, Drusflla Page, b, Apr. ISM; blacksmfth, rem. Muskegon 188tl, Fremont, Mich., 1883, Ernest D.11, 31 ::irnr. 1879, J'age E.•, 13 June 1881, Irene 1,9, July 1S83, Clara''?• 7 .Apr. 1885. Emma L.', 16 June 185!1 m. t5 Mar. 1871, 1\llchael Schaffer, b, Germany, 24 June 1848, emigrated 185!, carrlagemaker, Portland, Mich. Clara E.•, 16 Dec. 1871, Herbert L.•, 20 Dec, 1873, Yera E,o, 17 June 18771 cl, inf. Jlargaret N,9, 20 Jan, 1868, m. 29 Dec. 1881, Geo. W. Gragg, b, 30 Oct, 1848; fanner, Portland, Mich, Charles H.9, 18 June l88lS. John N. H.1, 24 June 1816, d. voung. 1\Jary1, 15 Apr. 1818, d. llenry C.7, 16 June 1819, m. Elizabeth Rogers; coo11er, Hebron, Wis.; was 2d Lieut. E 4th Wis. Vols. John lit. H.•, b, 1846. William•, m. 1\farcla•. Etta9, Albert•. Arthur G.' Irene•. .Acletcs, m. her cousin, WUJlam9 \VestpbalJ, seq. q, v. John N,11 2ti Sept. 1821, m. 18 Nov, 1846, Lucfnda Taft, b, 11 Dec. 1827; farmer, mechanic, musician, Whitewater, Wis. .Amy R5., 24 Jan. 1847, m. 2 Mar. 1800, Henry Coote?, mason, John H,o, 21 AIJt, 1880, Ellen J.•, 28 Jan. 1850, m. 31 Oct. 1876, Joel Orton, farmer, Brlggsvllle, Wis. George', 26 Aug, 1876. l\Iauc19, 23 Jan. 1860, d, young, Mabet0, 2 May 1681. Aroyo, 30 Aug. 1883, d, Inf. o,orue 11.•, 15 June 1862, barbor, music tea., Zumbrota, :Mino., m. l Alar. 1681, Alta Smith, Betse,9, 1 Nov. 1881. BJaoche0, 8 Oct. 1883, Bradford', 12 Dec.1886. Kate8, 18 Oct. 1855, d. young. Charles D.8, l Apr. 1858, mason, musician, Whitewater, Wis., has farm in Marquettee Co. Amelia ,O, 10 Mar. 1861, m. 14 Apr. 1883, Algeneou D. Lasher, V. S., Waterloo, Wis, Evelyn°, 8 June 1884, d, inf, .Alma J.•, 21.Aug.1864, d, 11 May 1881, John 1".•, ZliJune 1867, Florence E.•~ 8 June J87ti, SIias 0.7, 23 SeJ1t. 1824, d. 23 :Feb, 1883, Ct1rJ1enter, Hebron, Wis,, m. Eliza .A, Johnson. SU8an•, m. Frederick 1\lepbam, and d, s. 11, William•, m. Adele~ Westphall, ante, 2 sons, 2 dau.; res. Hebron, Wis., farmer. Walter', m. Olivo Hutchins; farmer, Hebron, 2 dau,, l son. Carey9•

Cl(lton•, Nelson•, farmers, llebron, 1\larcla H,', o June 1827, d. Inf, l\larcla A,7, 5 Apr. 1830, d. 13 Oct, 1876, m. 21 Mar. 1849, Noah Tryon, b. o. 3 .Aug. 18231 d. 2 Jan. 1807, farmer, sett. Sebewa, lllfch. Jlary J.•, a Apr. 1851, m. 1 Apr. 1876, Elisha Braley, res. Sebewa, Yolney A.•, Zli Nov. 1862, blacksmith, Sebewa, m. 9 Oct. 1677, MaUntha ..4.8, 30 June ISM, m.

27 June 1sn, res. I>anby, Mich, JJtclamla B.•, 18 Nov. 1866. m. 1 Nov. 1884, T. E. Turner, rca. l'ortlanrl, Mich, Charlu P,8, o Feb. 1858, carp., Sebewa. Otis 1',•, 13 Oct. 1860, farmer, Sunfield, Mich., m, JO Jan. 1850. Lrtclnda R.•, 26 Mar. 1868, m. 26 Sept. 1880, - Haddix, res. Sunfield, l'iola E .•, 16 June tso:I, m, 27 JUar. 1881, --Reed, res. lloytvfllo, lllch,

Daniel11, U Dec. ~ 792, d, 2 Dec, 1881, m. 80 Mar. 1815, Clnrissa Brown, b. MaBS, G Sept. 1791, d. If .. .Feb. 1881. He was a soldier in the war ·of 1812, settled in Rush, rem. to Parma, later to Ellicottsville, N. Y,, in 1888 to Atlas, Mich., whore be died; a deacon of the Baptist Church. He was a carpenter and farmer.

Bradford', '1 Apr, 1816, d, 6 Deo.1866, m.:24 Feb. 1838, Amy M, Aikens of New Lisbon, N. Y., 10 May 18161 d, 4 July 1861; farmer, rem, Hadley, 1\llch. Emeline ..4.•, 1 Nov. 1840, m, 1'l Aug. 186f, Matthias Beckwith, b, Elmira, N. y:i 7 Feb, 18321 soldier In war or rebellion, Orren W.•, b. 1866, farmer. Francis o.•, 30 .Aug, 1863, printer, mem. band. Schuyler V, ll.•, 14 Jan. 184G, d. Aug, 1860, of Injuries from befug wound u11 In a rope at a flag raising. Prar1cea C.9


23 July 18-18, m. 11 Dec. lSGIJ, Charles Ward of Almont, Mich., lumberman. Atedford7, 26 July


1817, millwright, m. 30 May 1838, l\farietta Jones of Ellicottville, N. Y., 4 Apr. 1818, d, 7 May 1884; rem. 1838 Hadley, Mich, llenry c.•, 25 Apr. 1839, enl. 31 May 1861, Loomis batt. 1st Mich. art. out 30 May 1866, captured at Chickamauga,prls.Andersonvllleto7 Apr.1866; m.16 Sept, 1866, Nancy A. Randall of Orlon, Mich., 26 Oct. 1844; ls clerk, prod. com., Detroit. Helen .M.•, 9 Jan, 1842, d, 11 June 1868. Emily E.•, 30 Jan. 1844, May•, 26 Nov. 1846, m. 11 Nov, 1872, Charles Kyle of Bloomfield, Mich. Charlea•, 8 Sept. 1800, miller, m. 26 Oct. 1872, Jenny V, Waldron, b. Brewerton, N. Y., d. IS :l(ay, 1881, Leslie n.•, 23 Dec. 1874, d. Inf. Emma M.•, 10 July 1876, Elmer L.•, 6 Feb. 1879, George B.•, 30 Oct. 1862, grocer, music dealer, Lapeer, Mich,, m, 20 Oct. 1873, Linda A. Gibbs of Dryden, Mich. Everard G.•, 21 Apr. 1875. .Emery c.•, 6 July 1876. EJlth•, 26 Dec. 1877, Ella v.•, 19 July 1880. Ida•, 80 Apl. 1869, d, Joung. Clara D.•, 21 l'eb, 1862. Daniel T.,, O Mar. 1820, m. 12 Feb, 1845, Sarah A. Fafrchlld of Amherst, N, Y., 27 Dec, 1824; farmer, Hadley, Mich • .AshleyT.•, 13 Nov. 1845, farmer, Atlas, Mich., m. 9 Dec. 1868, Delanla A. Norrin of Groveland, Mich,, 18 June, 1849. Florence A.•, 5 Sept. 1869, Ellis M.•, H Mar. 1872. Jane E.,, 22 June 1824, d. Us Aug. 1886, m. 30 Oct, Iffl, Ellis O • .Morse of Jones, Mich., who d. 26 Oot, 18ll0, farmer; she m. 30 Oct. 18lil, 2d bus. Samuel R. Howe of Hadley, Mich., farmer, soldier 8th Mich, cav., c:.ptured at Athens, Ala,, d. Richmond, Va., smallpox, 11 Nov. 1863, Herbert H.•, 2 Jan. 1863, d. BUa B.•, 28 Oct, lSISS, music teacher, Clara M.•, 2 May 1868, d. 21 June 1864. Persia M.•, ll Oct. 1829, m, 13 Feb. 1860, Frank Langdon of Geneva, N. Y,, b, In Jones Co. Ga., 22 Aug. 1822, enl. 1 Aug, 1862, K. 4th Mich. cav. out 1 July 1866, lo battle of Stone River, taken prisoner at Kingston, Ga, 18 May 1864, released 15 Dec, at Savannah, Ga. Mo'l'y .A.•, 12 Aug. 1851, d, young. Daniel H.•, 8 Oct. 1867, B!ita R,•, 31 Oct, IE69, m. 13 Feb. 1883, Burton P. Hyde of Drydeu, Mich., 19 Dec. 1862, farmer. Berthao, Hi Nov, 1883, .Betsey•, 27 Dec. 1884, .Ellzabeth A.•, 12 Apr. 1886. Grace .A.•, 23 Nov. 1866, d. 16 July 1874. Harri,et•, 28 Sept. 1870,

John B.8, 19 Jau. 1829, youngest of the sixth generation, m. 1 July 1861, .Engenla N. Peck­ham of Mendon, N. Y.,ll Apr. 1826, d. 9 Feb. 1~; m.17 Dec.1857, 2d w. Lydia Patterson of Clarendon, N. Y. 20 Aug. 1838; grocer In Rochester, N, Y, to 1864, phyefclan to 1867, since druggtat, Lockport, Y, Y. John p,,, 10 Dec. 1860, grad. L. I. Med, coll. 1876, now senior fnturu at Rochester City hospital. Mary E.,, 1 Sept. 1862, ed. at WelJa coll., Aurora, N. Y. BdttA J.7, 27 July 1878, youngest of the aeveutb generation. (John' H. of Hilfaboro', N. H. b. 7 Nov. 1774-113 years, 9 mos. earlier,) ·

Samuel&, 20 Apr. 1760, d. 6 June 1848, m. 1798, Ann Barnum, m. n, Hawley, b. in Conn. 1768, d. 12 Dec. 184', He rem, to Worcester, N. Y., with Solomon&H,, settled on the south hlll in sight of the pr<'sent centre viUagc, where ho died. Knee­land•, never married, a somewhat unreliable Methodist exhorter, taking frequent 6ta of wandering, thought to have been found dead in Delaware Co., N. Y. Anna8,

19 Dec. 1808, d. Mar. 1858, m. 1820, Richard Smith, b. in Vt., 1794, d. 1886, miller in Worcester and Maryland, N. Y,

Roxa Ann', 16 Aug. 18211 m. 26 Aug. J8", ,Tames w. Hitt of Roxbury, N. Y. 2!> 8e1lt, 18101

tanner, rem. 1846, Lisle, N, Y. Almeda•, 14 Feb, 1i46, d. inf. Reuben T.•, 21 Apr, 1847, enl, Sept. 1864, G. 185th N. Y. vols., m, 8 Oct, 18i'll, Ella Phetteplace of Killawog, N. Y. 27 Sept, 1847; saw mill, lumber trade, KJllawog, Jenny•, 8 Se11t, 1873. Clara•, 15 Juno 1879; twin, male, d. inf, Alta•, lll Feb, 1882, .Annette', 8 'May 1849, d. 25 June 18811, m. 2 Oct. 1872, Devfllo Pratt of Afton, N. Y., 28 Sept. 1849, engineer, Binghampton, N. Y. since 1882. Anna•, 15 Oct. 1876, d, 4 Apr, 18811, B11a•, 22 Sept. 1864, m, 2 Sept, 1880, Hfel Atwood of Lisle, 3 July 18111, farmer, Klllawog. Gertrude•, 29 Dec. 1883, Mary E•., 5 May 18/l61 d. young, .Elizabeth M.•, 4 June 1861, d. 8 Dec. 1870, Jamea F.•, 21 Oct. 18621 carriage trlwwer, Klllawog. Orson H.', 21 Dec, 1827, rem. 18111, Marathon, N. Y,, carriage builder, general blacksmith, pl'f•a, viii. boarJ, 1883, justice 1886; m. 6 Mar, 18111, Betsey Shepard of l\farathon, who d, 31 May 1882; m, 3 June 1883, 2d w. Amanda G, Bouton of Marathon, 9 Aug. 1H4. .,m,in R.•, 20 Jan. 18114, m. Mar, 1876, A.Hee Isaacs of New York city; went 1878 to Golden, Col,, ret. 1862, livery bua, Oneonta, N. Y, Anna•, 10 Feb, 1878. Arthur R.•, 12 Mar, 1882, Eclgar JJ.•, b. 3 Feb. 18M, m, 1881, Ellen Wells of Golden, Col.; dentist, went to Denver, Col, 1877, to Golden, 1879, d. 26 July 1884, Reuben w.•, Feb. 1882. Clara :M.•, 13 Feb, 18118, grad, Marathon high sob. m. 28 June 1876, .Moaee B, Aldrich of Tbompaon, Pa., 23 Sept. 18421 dentist, Marathon, was 3 years iu the late war, prla. at Andenouvllle. Clarence B.•, N Mar, 1878, Horace R.•, 27 OCt, 1883, WUlarct P.•, 8 Feb, 1860, grad, Marathon High Sch., comedian, lrwin K.•, Jau. l86i, Jo Colo. and Kan au, book-keeping and livery business, now book-keeper, Oueonta, N, Y, George K.•, 5 Aug, 1863, m. H Sept. 1882, Harriet Early; dealer in carriages, Marathon. Edna•, 1 Oct. 1883, Clara•, J3 Aug. 1886, llalph s.•, 8 July 1871 •. Mar)' J.', 4 May 1820, "·


1877, m. 1863, Peter Youn,r of F., JltJJlehhe, N. Y,, b. 1f82, faUnf'r, .A/orris~, ~e1it, !FM, m., farmer Jn E. D, Orson•, IO Jan, JfL7, f11Jmer. Atma', 12 :&lay Jllrn, d, June 1676. .J:rat1cl6', 15 Dec. 1803. Jesse.a, 13 Ju11e, JH'IS. Jo~e,·h S- 7, Jan. l&'!J, m. Ma)' 1U9, .Elita Sa<'J.elt of Greeue, N. Y.; enJ, 1861; 114th N. Y. Vols., klllrd at l'leasant Hill, La., 7 AJir. JllC4, r., ube11•, 15 Apr. 1860, farmer, with bis mother in Gree11e. .Ellzabetb7, 7 Feb. IPSO, m. 2 Sept. 18M, SUvenua Hitt of Colchester, N. Y., 17 Aug. lf86, rem. Mich, 1861, Waterloo, Ia., 1870; Robin­son & Hitt, carriage and street <'ar builders, gold mr dal, N. O. exp., lElllS, Ariella ,A,e, JO May 1856, d, 4 Feb, 1881, m. 8 Dec. 1874, Lugene I'. DilJnbeck, merchant, Des :Moines, Ia,; was a school teacher from 1872. :&laud A.•, JO Oct. 18i0. Blanche E,P, JIS Nov. 1878. Et;a,i-

. gellne A,81 17 Nov, 181S7. music teacher, m. 30 May 1877, Edward C. Congdon, book keeper and

carriage trimmer for her father's firm. Edlth9, 22 Apr. 1878, Caroline c.•, 2D Apr. 1803, m. 22 Aug. 188S, Enos H. Dwight, bJackfmlth, Waterloo, Ia. Catherine E,e, 21 Feb. lE81S, Charles B.•, 18 Sept. 1867, musician. Elizabeth P.•, 21 :&-Jay 1874, Ro11 S,1, 21.Mar.1879.

Roxa11, 8 May 1805, d, 81 Oct. 1878, m. Silas Johnson, 6 Feb. 1809, d. 28 Apr. 1866, farmer, ,vorcester, N. Y.

James', 25 July, J8tt, farmer, atock dealer, Worcester, m. J Jan. 1@68, Rose Johnson of Summit, N. Y,, 9 Dec. 1841S. .Bert11 o.•, 6 Feb. 1873. WUUamr, Feb. 1843, went to Tama Co.

· Ia., m. rem, to Neb., Mont., now at Moro, Oro., farmer, has 7 ch., two eldest and poss. one or two more, girls, John', 8 Jan. 1844, d, 10 l'tll;\y 1880, went 1864 to Denton Co. Ia., m. 2IS Dec, 1864, Christy A. Harland, b. Kosciusko, Ind., 3 June 184-1; was a farmer at W, Irving, Ia, Silas•, 7 Nov. 1866. Jane.a 23 Aug. 18GB, m. 2IS Mar. 1886, wm1am .Hoot, b, Whlleslde Co. m., 22 June, 18&1, farmer, W. Irving, /larry8, 29 Aug. 1870. llobcrt 11.•, 1 Nov. 1872. Clara•, 12 Nov. 1874. Emma•, 26 Mar. 1876, Marmo•, 20 June 1880, Leora', 9 Jim. 1882. Albert', d, Inf, David M,', 21 July 1846, went to Iowa 1865, farmer, Elberon, la, m. 1869, .Eliza .A., twin of bro. John's wife. James Jf.e, Mar, 1870, John F.•, Sept. 18i1, d. youn~. 1-'rl'<le.rlck II'.•, .Mar, 1873, Etfte B.•, 6 July 1671S, .David W,8, 30 :&lar. 1877. Caroliue Jo'.', 26 Dec. 17i9, Coral L.•, 26 Nov, 1881, George M.•, 2 Feb. 1883. l\JorlJIR N.7, 171''eb. 18-IO, d. 31 Jan. 18,3.

Lydla11, 11 1765, d. IO Mar, 1796, went to ,·isit her sister, 1Wznbcth6 Arch, in Alstead, N. H., and made the acquaintance of Edward Sa,·11ge, of En6lish birlh, who afterwards returned to England,

Edward' Savage, 25 Dec. 1786, reared by his aunt JWzubeth, m. Ablgnil Vickery of Lempster, N. II., who d.; m. 2d w. L~·din Slee1ier, m. n. Davis, of Leominster, and settled in Acworth, N. H., 182t.

Edward H,r, b. 1811, m. Zoe Houston of Acworth, N, H., who d,, m, 2d. w. Fanny M. Baker of York, Me.; was a merchant In l'tlRrlow, N. H., removed to Boston • . Usmers, d. ltif.', d, younar, EdwardH.•. Lillian F.•. James7, m. Clarissa Bartlett.

Jonathan4, 21 Sept. 1719, d, 10 July 1810, m. 8 Dec. 1745, Elizabeth Tarbell of Groton, 18 Apr. 1729, d. 21 Oct. 1819; farmer in Lunenburg. Sarah&, 26 Nov. lUO, d., m. 8 Nov, 1778, Adford Jaquith of Aahby, farmer, De11j11mir18, 14 May 1775, d. 19 Aug. 1847, m. Uebecca -, who d.; m. 29 Mar. 1881, 2d "'• Susan Lane of Ashburnham.

Joseph', 28 Feb. 1803, d. unm. nenjamln', JO Oct. 1806. Elbridge 0,1, 3 Jan. 1811, d,, m. 8 Nov. 1836, Sarah Cate ofFltzwllllam, N. H. Jfmlre1u8, tinsmith, Oardncr. One or two others. Andrew', 7 .Mar, 18161 Cong. min., d. Lni,gdon, N. H., 27 Aug. 18&1, U>, 17 Avr, 18-12, .Abby o. Warren of Aehby, Henr11 W.8, li Nov. 1844, In otmy, wounded, d. 13 Aug. 1864. A11drew a.a, b, Mason, N, H., 10 May 18ll01 d, 12 Apr, 1883, m.; no cb,

PolJ.)'8, 12 Sept. 1770, Josepb8, 2-i Mar. 1779. Asa8, 25 }'ob. 1781, d. 19 July 1860, rn, Slbbel Davis, wl10 d.·28 Feb. 1871, ae 88-9-28.

Asa n.r, 16 Jan. 1808, went to Troy, N. Y.; M.D., later In stove foundry, Sibel n.,, ao July 1811, d, ae. HI, Caleb w.,, 16 A11r, 1813, m. lat Rox a Putnam of BuUon, d.; m, 2d w, Eunice White ol Westmoreland, N. H,; fanntr, 1''1tchburg, ke1it livery stable. Lf!onard w,,, o Deo. 18JIS, d. abt, 18601 m, Abigail Peaelee of LowelJ; n11U overseer Jn that city, Inter mill supt., Lawrence, Lennard H.8, R.R. frelgh~ agent, Chicago, m., ru. there. Alarv A.•, 14 :&Jnr. 1849, ID, llrederfck Rodllff, Jr., payma•ter, Hamllto11 mills, LoweJI. Albert', d. Orace•, b, 11170, Jane .A.•, d, John 8,1, 10 Apr. 1818, tJ. 17 Oct. 1873, m, 20 Apr.1841, Sarah JJ •. Maxwell or Dunstable, 21 .A11r, 1817; farmer, A.r:;l:lb1, S11bW, O .Mar. 1642, w, Oct, 1682, as 2!1 w. SuUJvan


G, Proctor of Fitchburg, capltallst: Sarah E.•, 31 July 18-44, d, 1 Dec. 1881, m, 1875, Erastus O. Wheeler of .Ashby, b. 1&H, carp. Willis H.•, Apr. 1876. Roza J> .•, 1 Dec. 1840, d, 24 Feb, 1876, m, l\lar. 18001 Isaac :l\larob of Ashby, ohairmaker, soldier In army, d, 0 Feb. 1868; m. 24 Feb. 1873, 2d bus, Clarence M. Gipson of Ashby, R.R. man. Caleb H,5, 31 Jan, 1851, m. 27 Nov. 1872, Mary E. Davis of .Ashby, b, 1849; mllfer, Milford, N. H., rem. A11hburnbam 1879, Woburn 1880; emp. Am. Ex. Co. John w.•, Z1 l\lay 1853, d young. .Jlary E,8, 3 Dec. 1866, comp,, Fitchburg Rentlnel,

Jonas6, 16 Nov. 1783. Adford8, 1 Feb, 1785, d. 24 Apr. 1862, m. 1808, Abigail Whiting, H l\Iar. 1786, d. 21 Dec. 1866,

!lary R. D.r, 2 Apr. 1800. Eliza A, D.', 17 Aug, 1810, d, li J,'eb. 1876, m. 1842, .Abram Gar­field, stonecutter, now in Gardner, 11'arrtm8, m. a dressmaker fn Boston; was railroad man, dau. b. abt. 1873. Rensselaer 0.1, 20 Feb. 1814, cl. young, Adford o.,, 18 Aug. 1815, m. Almira 8, Emmon~ of Londonderry, Yt., 28 Feb. 1813; tanner, sett, Londonderry, rem, N. Ipswich, N. H. 1874, now at Amesbury. Clwrles JJ.8, :.?f No,·. 1838, m. 4 Sept. 1800, Mary M. Mason of Windham, Vt., 21 Sept, 1836; boxmaker, Jaffrey, N. H., rem. 1870 to Clinton, woolen spinner. Frank I.•, 21 Dec. 1861, now clerk R.R. office, Springfield. Hiland E.P, 13 Apr. 1867. Clarence M.•, 9 Sept, 1869. Hilancl 11.s, 25 July 1840, m. Oct. 1800, Helen M, Wyman of Mason, N, H., dh•, out west; m. 2d w. Mary Lynch of New York; cotton carder, went west abt, 15 yrs. ago, now at Amesbury. Ernest', Aug. 1861, d. fnf. Leslie', b. 1865, d. Inf. Betse)'9, b. 1871, Jfarv .A.•, 17 Jan. 1845, d. young. Luena F.•, 7 Oct. 1851, d. Feb, 1831, m. Nov, 1873, Geo. F. Stratton of Rindge, N. H., carp. Warren T,1, 31 Aug.1817, d. 20 1\1111·. UHi, Solomon E.7, IG Juno 1820, d, 28 Dec. 1875, farmer, Ashby, m. Lucy A. Saw.) er or Westminster, 28 July 1821, d. 7 l\Jay 1870. .Alberts, cl. Inf. .lt'lora A.•, h. 1849, m. 1 Feb, 1873, Alden lJ, l\larble of A11hburn-­ham, b. 1851. George D.T, 18 Nov. 1821, d, 4 Dec. 1879, m.13 July 1847, !lary S. Dnvfs of Enos­burg, Vt., 29 Apr. 1827; woodworker, rem, N. IJ)swfob, N, H., 1856. In/, male', 24 AJ)r. 1849, d, 1''rederlck•, 5 nee. 186!, d. young, George R.•, 2.5July 1857, m. l Apr. 1884, l\larla PJllsbury of Ashby, b. Aug, ISM. Dau.•, 9 Dec. 1886. Wtlllam s.s, 10 May 1859, d. inf. Charle<1 Jl.1, 4 May 1823, m. 27 Nov. IMS, Almira Fletcher of Berkshire, Vt.; woodworker, rem. Keene, N. H., 1670. Ossian c.•, 26 Feb, 1851, m. Susan--; In jewelry trade, Chlcago,111. Irving Jl,8,

28 July ISM, <l. Inf. Susani, d. young.

Jonathan5, 25 Oct. 1748, d. May, 1800. I have met several of the older Jiving members of the Lunenburg family, who were able to account for all the children of Jonnthan4 Ilnrtwell except this son. Some hue expressed an opinion that he died young, but I at Inst succeeded in finding a record in the hands of the widow of a nephew of his, which gh·es date of his death as abo,·e, but not the place. The record cannot be questioned, being in the hand-writing of his uncle, Joseph• Hart­well, who outlived him about se,·en years. I first learned in Chicago, Ill., in January, 18851 of the existence of a numerous family of Hartwells on tho upper Connecticut Rl\•er, nearly or quite a hundred years ngo, descended from a Jonatlum llartweJJ. To tho best of my present knowledge that Jonathan must be the subject of this paragraph. Hem. Nancy--, b. 1753 or 4, d. 21 Apr. Itl88, and settled in Walpole, N. II.; the church in which towll'dismlssed them in 1779 to the church in Lunenburg, from whence he rfmoved soon after to Lancaster, N. H., before the close of the Uevolutionnry war, appearing in one cai!0 ns petitioner for a garrison as protection against Indians, in another as petitioner for a new road, and J, P. in Northumberland, N. II., in 1788, The site of his dwelling is about two miles south of Lancnster village, in a pasture by the roadside; his ~ra,·e, unmarked by a hencl­stone, on a knoll in tho same enclosure. Close by, in a dmilar state of neglect, is the grave of Col. Edwards Bucknam, one of the leading pioneers of the town, who, 11ftcr the death of Mr. Hartwell, married his witlow, prob. 1803.

None of tho grantlchilclren of Mr. llRrtw-ell, that I ha,·o seen or heard from, have any tradition even of the birthplace or parentage of either Mr. Hartwell or his wife, A ,·ague tradition exists, as I think, wrongly, connectcil with bis son ,Tonnthnn6, of his having been induced by the alarm of an expected attack by Indians, to abandon


his home in northeastern New York, nt a date not stated, and flee on horseback with llis family to a more secure pince, his wife carrying the infant son Rufus, fording for a Jong distance a shallow expanse of Lake Chaplain. The town records of Lancaster contain no mention of birth of any of his chll<lren or of his death, nor is his name found in either the land or probate records of Grafton or Coos counties. Ile was taxed in Lancaster, 1791-5, ho.r; reeve in the latter year. Much of the rec­ord of llis descendants is taken at second hand, and l"ill bear revision.

Mar,O, 10 July, 1777, d. 22 May, 1808, m. Jacob Emerson of Lunenburg, Vt., prob. b, Stoneham, 15 Aug. 1769, son of ,Jacob, a revolutionary soldier; farmer, deacon, d. 20 Nov. 18U, both bur. Lunenburg, Vt.

Pht101, 2 Feb. 1798, went to Troy, N. Y., was in the stove business, m. d. Maria ..4.8, m. Michael Hayner of Troy, now a farmer, S11encerport, N. Y.; 4 ch. Mary A.11• EdlthD, David', was fn Troy, 1876, teamster, prob. m, .dnnette3, m. fn Troy, ob.; dau. b. abt. 1863, reported m. now. Stephen s.•, m. :uary Cole; receutly carriage maker, Spencerport, Benjamin 0.11, .Margaret8, m. - Burrage, farmer, Spencer1,ort; no ch.

John', 1 Oct. 1800, went to Dorchester, was Jo coal and lumber bus. Boston. Davld8, fn bus. with father. Harriet A.a, l\lay 18.39, m. 1861, Joseph A. Weeks of Concord, N. H .. b. 1837, d, Sept, 1800, clerk, collector, in Boston. Frank B.11, Sept. 1863, ins. bus. Boston. Ueorqe JI.•. b, 18-U, enl. N. H. vols., cllsch. enl. reg, army, dlsch.; shipped in Mar. 1871, U. S, navy, landed San Francisco 1874, stock raiser fn Cal. Jt'redertcA.-a, b, JIH4, d, Apr. 1881, left ch., was In tbeatrfcal bus. N. Y. city. David', 11 July 1802, d. 19 Aug. 1870, farmer, Laucas• ter, m. 27 Mar. 1827, Thlrza Stanley of Lancaster, N, H,, 18 Oct. 1803, d. 2-1 June 1881, Marv E.•, 8 Mar. 1828, d. 15 Nov. 1882, m. 26 Dec. 1850, James E, Brackett of Lancaster, 9 Sept. 1827, civil engineer, some time newaJla11er editor, Mary N.•, 22 Jan. 18SJ, tel, op. Lancaster. Lucy J.•, 1 Jan. 1856, sob, teacher. Sarah n,o, 4 Nov. 181:iO, m. U June 1881, Jollu H. White of Lancaster, sta. agt. c. I. & St. L. R.R. Mazon, m. Ellen B.•0, 12 May 188.f, Martbl w.•, clerk In drug store. James A,11, JO .liar. 1809. Tivlns9, 2 Mar, 18331 d. Edward', 6 Mar. 1836, m. 18 May 1865, Mary B. Stebbins of Lancaster; farmer, beld town offices. Charles E.•, 25 Apr, 1800, George', d. young. J!rederlck w.,, 10 Aug. 1870, Cora u.v, 15 July 1873. Nancy J,a, 28 Apr. 1836, d. 10 June 1882, m. 28 Apr. 1859, Dennis McIntire of Stratford, N. H., b. 1834, div. 1800, m. Oct, 1867, 2d bus. Oliver Nutter of Jackson, N. 11., farmer. S11rah IY.•, 26 Feb. 1840, m. o Jan, 1865, Samuel W. Brown of ComJ1ton, P. Q., 18 Dec. 1840, d. Oct. 18i9, furniture bus. Doston, Jawest, 13 Feb. 1866, d. young. IUchar,t JJ.S, 3 Mar. 1842, m. 20 Aug. 1868, Emily A. Lucas of Lancaster, b. 1852; haruesswaker, Gorham, S. H. Julia A.•, 19 Aug, 1870, Charlotte D.•, 3 ~far. 1876. Geor(Je w.•, 25 June JSU, m. Apr. 1860, Ellzaheth A, Harts• horn of Lunenburg, Vt., b, 1847; w11s register of 11robate tllue years, editor Lancaster Gazette some time, 11186 Inspector of custo1ns, Boston. Jobn H.", 11 l\Iar. 1810. George N.11, 13 Aug, 1876. Francis', 3 June 180-&~ farmer, Lancaster, George1, 5 July 1800, st11dle1l for the tJJlnlstry, went to Ohio, married his cousin llarrlet Emerson, d. New Richmond, o., o July 1839. She d. A son, blacksmith,

David8, 28 Jan. 1181, d. 80 Jan. 1852, m. 5 Sept. 1803, Betsey Darron of Brad­ford, Vt., 11 Nov. 1788, d. 8 .11'eb. 181-i; m. 15 Jan. 1815, Lois Clark of Boston, 23 July, 1792, d. 20 .May 1850. He kept hotel in Bradford, Vt., went about 18H to llayneviJle, d. Lowndesboro, ~a.

111/,/em. l:.! Aug, 1806, d. Mwah JY,1, 10 Aug. 1807, d. Inf. Micah 1Y.', 28 Nov. 18111, d. 2 July 188-1, m. 3 Nov, 18-&2, Parthenia !\lcCall. 'fbomas c.,, 23 May 1817, d., u1. 0 Nov, l!H0, Mnt·garet C. Irvin of Camden, S. C. 20 Oct. 182J1 d. 19 Apr. 1872. ,'1lar11J,81 8 Aug. 18H, d, H Oct. 18631 Pl, H Sept, 1862, R. M, WIUlamsou. StarJ.•, ,& Dec. 18-ht, d. young, Lois o.•, o !\lar. 1845, m. 23 Dec. 1882, Irlmball Johnson, b, Buffalo, N, Y., 10 Nov. 1839, res. Hreuham, Texas. Chtirles W.•, 30 Doo. 1&16, d. H Oct. 1873, "1, Nov. 18701 Virginia Wllllamson. Ada8, 18 Dec. 11H8, m. Nov. 1869, Edmund Alexander 4f 1..owudeaboro, Ala., 11 Nov. 18-10, farmer, rem. 1871 to Cochrane, 1exas. Hartwell~, to Se11t. 11170, Ge<>rge H,P, 30 Aug. 1872. Th,,,uas I.', 21 Oct, 1874, Charles s.•, 31 1876, Wflllaul l'!:,•, 1 l!Ry 1879, d. fnf. Willfam w.11, o Sept. 1880, d. inf, Edith 0, 2 Jan, 1886, Orlin~, 2'2 lhr, 1850, d. young. Thomas E.•, 23 Nov. 18.51, cl. J'frgfnfa B.•, 10 Apr.1863, m. Li l'JeJ>t, 1872, Wflllaw H. Sprlndlo of Christiansburg, Ya., who d. Margaret J.•, 26 Mar, 1865, m. 4 Jan. 18i9, William o. Stuart, res. Fort George, lo'la. J.'am1v l.of.a"'• 9 Jan, 18571 m, Charles, 1·,,s. Cllrlstlansbnrg, Va, .Betty I.•, 19 July 18.59.


Charles c.,, 12 Aug. 1810, lost by explosion of str. l\lnrguerlte, near New Orleans, J,a., l July 1845. Elizabeth n,r, 21 :\tar, 1821, d. inf. George F,r, 2 :\lar. 1823, m, (pub,) 10 Deo. 18H, Rllza B. Holton of Laucaster, N. Jl., 6 Feb. 1823, d. Inde11endcnce, Kas., 10 Aug. 1873, lie was a mercb, In Lancaster, N, H., JS-IS, went 1852 Madison, Wis,, em1>, on 1\1 ... \I P. du. C. R. R., accum. property, div., m. 2d w., sev. ob., \'l'ent to 'san Francisco, Cal, ha R.R. bus. Edgar~, wftb uncle in Ala., m. Willlam8, b, Madison, Wis., tb, elk. In San F., unm, Samuel W.1,

21 Oct. 1825, d, young. Edward M.,, 29 Oct. 1827, ll, inf. Silas ~lcK,T, 6 May 1823, d, 10 Deo. 1841. Alfred 11.r, 13 June 1831, d, young. Inf, fem.,, 22 1\lay 1833, d, Edgar D.1, 3 Mar. 1835, d. 31 Jan. 1842.

John8, 7 Apr. 1784:, killed by lightning, 2 July 1833, m. 28 Dec. 1808, Lois Kimball of Haverhill, N II., 12 Mar. 1781, d. 24 Mar. 181H; m. 2cl w. Lydia--·· m. n. Tyfor of I>iermont, N, II.; farmer, Haverhill, later Piermont, N. JI.

Eliza. w.r, G Mar, 1810, m. 21 July 1840, Asa Thuraton of Lyme, N. H,, 17 Dec. 1800, d, 28 May 1877, merchant, Plymouth, N, H., Lyme, N. H. Ellen E.•, 27 July 18U1 d, Inf. Charles E.•, 31 Aug. 1847, m. 27 Sept. 1873, 1\Iinule ~- Knox of Pembroke, N. H,, 27 Sept. 1849; merchant, Conconl, N. H.; mother rfis. wltb him. Ellen L.•, 26 Jan. 1819, m. 3 Nov, 1874, Leander D, Warren of Lyme, N, H., o Jan. 1847, merch. Warren•, 20 Feb, 1876, :Mary H.1, 12 Jan, 18i8. Joseph', 1 Jan. 1812, d, H Aug. 1869, m. 23 Apr. 1835, Ruth Keyes of Plymouth, N. H., 16 Mar. 1807; sett. l'iermont, N. H.1 rem. Bradford, Yt., 1841; farmer, cattle drover. Willlam1, H Mar. 1814, d. 28 Dec. um, m. 8 Apr. 1838, Eliza J, Nettleton of Killingworth, Conn., 10 Nov. 1815, rem. Damascus, Pa.; farmer, lumberman, county comm'r., town enperviaor, school director, etc. Jane E.•, 27 May 1839, m. 19 May 1864, John L. Burcher or Damascus, 12 Dec. 1839, lumberman. William E.v,29June 1866, Nancy B.', 17 Au,t, 1815, m, at Damascus, Pa., William McArthur, b. Wigtonshlre, Scctlaud, 5 Feb. 1823, d, 7 Oct. 1877, farmer, cal'}>enter, Oregon, Pa., rem. W. Pblla, 1862. Annii B ,a, 30 Sov. 18.50, JJ'Hliam 11.•, 12 Feb, 1e53, d, Inf. Jamea E.•, 23 June 185-1, d. young. John', 23 Oot. 1817, m. 2 Dec. 1847, Emeline Ladd of Pier­mont, N. H., 11 May 182'2; farmer fn Warren, N. H. Otorge w.s, 18 Feb, 1848, d. 30 July 1872, JaM E.•, 10 Mar, 1850, m. 29 Aug. 1872, Jesse o. Merrill of Warren, 18 Aug, 1814, farmer. Nelson T.11, 10 Nov, 1877. Mabel N.•, 23 No,·. 1879. John B.•, 8 Nov. 1881, Samuel D.•, 1 Aug. 1862, m. 81 Mar. 1876, Sophia Low of Inverness, P. Q., 29 Jul>• 184!; farmer, Bradford, Vt. Adi\ 11.', 16 Jan. 1870. I.uoy A.•, 3 Apr. 1877, Martha M.o, 1 Jan. 1880, d. young, Inf.•, 16 Aug. 188:l, d. Margaret M.1, 2J A11r, 1885. Eather A.•, 4 Mar. 185-1, d, 2 Sept. 1880, m. 1 Feb, ~873, Charles E. Day of Haverhill, N, H., 16 Nov. 1862, papermaker, Alma A.•, 19 Au1t, 18i6, James F.•, 11 Sept. 1878, Marla', d, Marla', d, Lucy Jane', d. ChastlnaT, 17 June 1830, d, H Oot. 1881, m. George E. Learned of Weutwortb, N. H. .Tulia A.•, m. Chase M. Pease. Chester W .,. John E .•. Jona, G.'. Willfam•.

Uetsey8, b. 1180 (?), m. Broadstreet Stevens or Piermont, N. H., music teacher, rem. Keeseville, N. Y., later to Ohio. Roe,vell H.7• Ezra L.7• Chastina7• An­geline7. Jonathan8, b, 1788 (?), d. 14 Feb. 1805, m. 80 Dec. 1807, Hannah Tyler, sister of Lydia, ante, 23 Apr. 1180, d. 1853 or 4. He removed to Indian Stream, Pittsburg, N. H., 18081 returned to l'iermont, 1813, again to Pittsburg 1821, re­maining until the boundary troubles, when he chose British jurisdiction, and re• mo,·ed to Compton, P. Q,

Mary1, b. 1809, d. 1871, m. Alanson Cummings, vet. surg. at Compton, P. Q., d. 1865, LuoJI', m. Ira Carr of Compton (?),farmer. William', m. Nancy-. Louua•, m. Josiah Hunt-­ington, who d.; sbe res. Compton. Benjl\mln', d. A dau.', tl, Twins', m. and fem., boy d. L11cY9, d, Ollarles•, tl. in Boston, Rufus', b. 1811, m. Nancy Haynes or Indian Stream, b. 18081 d, ch.-b., 18'3; m. l8-t4, Lucinda Hlrch, who tl. June 1876. Lucy A,11 12 A11r, tsa:.1, m 29 Nov, 18JO, Charles G. Taylor of Lowell, 13 Jan. 18271 in dru1 trade, Hoaton, to 1804, rem. Compton, 1•. Q., 188:& to St. Johnsbury, Yt., machinist, George H,•, \.I Aug, 18.;7, m. 18 June 1883, Della Moulton of Cuatlcook, P, Q., 17 A11r, 1862; painter, scale work&, St. Johnsbury, Clfnt,,n 1,1°, 7 A11r. 1886. Charles H.•, 3 Dec, 1su21 d, Inf. Oraco H.•, 11 Dec. 1863, d, 6 July 1~. Gertrmte M.9, 3 Mar 1800, d, young. O. Howard•, 6 June 18071 d, 81 Aug. 1878, Ueorget, Nov. 114:U, m, AJ>r, 18'JO, Betsey Chesley of Sheffleltl, Vt.; la a farmer, Compton, P, Q, Nancy J.•, m. William Carr, te1. op., Cum11ton. Jlary H ,10, A son•o, Betsey E •. Waltstlll•, Joel c.•. William L.11• Harriet M,o. ,Ilana', d. young. Dolly J.s, 8 July 1838, m. Edwin Stone of St, Johnsbltr)', Vt., who d,j Ill, 2d hu11, John F, Roby of 'Brailford, Vt,, cablnettnaker, section foreman on R.R., In 1886 rem, Mich, 1884 to Atlanta, Mich., foreman In furniture

LANCASTER, N. II. G5 ( Seti Back to page 62,)

sboJl, Charles s.• Stone, Sept. 1862, d, Nov. 1877, Cynthia M.•, Sept. 18G4, m. Benjamin },'arrar of l'oacbam, Vt., went west with parents. James0 , Sept, 18001 d, Feb, 1881, .Alice' Roby, 4 1''eb. 1873, Elita At,•, 7 Nov. 18401 1n, 3 Dec, 1857, Charles E. Curtis or Woodstock, Vt., 25 Aug. 18361 d. 23 July 1801, lumberman; she m. 13 Jan. 1800, 2d bus. Nicholas Wm, Daley, b. Wexford, Ire., o liar. 1842, builder, St. Johnsbury, Vt., whither they rem. 1867, Clarence E.11 Curtis, 19 May 18591 farroer, Harnet, Vt., m. July 1878, Alice M. Heath of Danville, Vt., 18 Jan, 1800. Cora B.10, 23 July 1880, Blais M,•o, 9 Dec. 1885, Charles E.•, 22 June 1861, d. Inf. Mary E,9 Daley, 6 June 1807. George M,o, 2-1 Oct. 1869, James F.•, 21 Sept. 187:1, Carlton T,11,

3 Aug, 1876. John c.•, b. at,mother's deatb, d. Cella E.•, i,~eb. (?}, 1846 (?), d., m. Feb, 186:l (?), Alfred Cisco of Compton, P. Q., bull<ler, E\·elyn11, b, 1864, d. 1885, m, 1883, -Tabor of Holll\Dd, Vt. bi,J.•0• Char1ea11, b, 1866, d, young. Orison A.•, b. 1840, d. 1866, llenrll', b. 1848, m. Emma Demers of JJarford, P, Q,; is a farmer iu that town. Eugene'. Myrtle', Charles11, Edith•. Wesle11', 31 Jan. ISM, d. 1 June 18i6, m. Dec. 1874, Helen Luce of Coatl­cook, P.Q, Burton E.•, farmer, m. 9 Mar, 1882, Emily Peck of St, Johnsbury, Vt. Inf.•, b, 1885 ('l) Marl!', b. 1862, m, Adelbert Ellis of Coatlcook, harnessmaker. Bertha•. A son11•

Emroy1, d, 1884, m, Russ Haynes, bro, Nancy, ante, rem, west, Francf.&9, m., prob. In Dakota. Emma•, m. Bunnell, from N. H,, bne cb. Nancy;, b. 1823 (?), d. 18.54, m. 1&13, Lewis Dalley of Compton, P. Q., farmer, d, 22 Apr. 1848, Aldsn L.•, 31 May 18411, w. 22 July, 1872, Lucy Lino of St. Johnsbury, Vt., 20 Nov. 1843i employed in scale works to 1870, now mus. Inst, dealer In tbat town. Rosa M,u, 20 Sept. 1878, Amosr, 7 May 1826, m. 20 Apr. 1861, Julia A, Heath of Compton, 18 July 1829; farmer~ leading man In town affairs, held 11rlo, offices. Eera L.•, 4 Dec. 1862, went to Wla., m. 28 Oct.1879, Jane Calklus, b, Dec, 1862; farmer, Adrian, Minn. Etllth L.11, 18 Aug, 1880. Julia A.", 20 Oct, 1881. George E.•, 14 Oct. 1868, m. 16 Mar.1882, Ruths. Leavitt of Hatley, P, Q., 28 Aug. 1802; farmer with bis father. Lora D.9, 23 1''eb. 1883. Lucy v.•, 9 Apr. 1861, m, 19 May 1879, Cbarlea D. Leavitt of Com11ton, 8 Se11t. 1850, farmer on the Jonao ll, Illace, Morton E.u, 29 Oct, 1880, Florence !tl,11, 31 Mar. 1883, Julia c.11, :n A11r. 1885.

Samuel', b. 1700, d. 1886 (?), m, .{ Jan. 1812, Ruth J. Cross of Piermont; lived S. Ha,·erhill, killed by falling tree.

Eldest oh., perha1>1 Ephraim', non compos, d. on 11oor farm. George w.1, went to Ill., ro., lived Samouauk 1857, Mehltable', m. Chas. H. Smith of Ramsay, N. H., minister, th, llapt, Ruth7, shn11le, Samuel A.r, d. Jfaverhlll earJy 1864, n1. Annette -- , 2 tlau., b. 1801-1863. 'frlstram1, m. a Clark, lived Ha,·erhlll centre. Mary'. m. Parker lletcalf, hotel keeper, lfavethlll centre; sou, l'arksr•. A dau1, m. Collins, 11,·e !la11che11ter, N. H.; 2 or 3 ch,

Martha", b, 1701, m. Dean, lived Dradford, Vt., (?), had ch.; son committed suicide in D. Georgc7, carpenter, Bradford.

Cbastina8, b. 1708, m. Ezra Lincoln, lh·cd Doston. Chastlna1, m. Rev. An<lrew Cushing, city mlsslouary. Adellnei, unm., school teacher.

Emollue7, Ezrn7, m. dan, Chas. S11raguej tbluk he was In custom house a few years ago, llartwel17

1 b, 1820, was In New YoJ'k city. Harrletr,

Hufus8, b. 17U4, went to Keeseville, N. Y., m. Harriet Clark, an,J about 1886 went to Mich. i had ch. Alfred8, b. 1790, d. abt. UWO, went to Bennington, Vt., m. ltHO, Fanny Bronson, who d. abt. 1805 i went to l{ccse,·illc, N, Y,, 1822, woolen manf., Ausablc l!'orks, 1839, J>Jattsburg, N. Y., 1845.

Chastlua', b. 18'.l0, d, 24 AJ)r, 1859, m. 1840, .Eben 8. Winslow, b. Fall River, H Dec. 1810, 11artuer Hartwell & Winslow, woolen rnauf,, foundry, maob. shop, 1850 to 18061 now flouring mill, l'lattsburg, N. Y, Oeor11eJJ.•, b, 1846, d. 16 Aug. ISM. Francia s.•, 24 Aug. 1850, d. 14 July 18i7. l<'re,terick n.•, d, Nov. 1857; se,•, wore ch,, d. William w.,, 28 July 1821, m. 3 Juue 1&2, l\Iaria McLean of Stillwater, N. Y., 18 Oct. 1820j founder and runcblnlst, manf, lumlJer, flouring mill, who. grocer, hardware bus., real estate, l'lattsburg, N. Y., too busy to give dates; vice. pres. bank somewhere In Dakota. Tho,nua c.•, d, Catherfm,.a, d, Har­riet", d. Franct,s, d, Cl,a,tlne ~.•, 17 Feb, 1861, Martha J,11 b, 1822, d. Milwaukee, Wis., rn. Alfretl U, Hewitt of Plattsburg, N, Y., who Is in Chloagc.1, Wallace8, th. m. Helen•, th, m. Helen l', 1, b. 1824, m. 30 Apr. tBliO, Robert 1•, Cndy, res. Wa@hingto11 1 D. C, George w.,, 4 Mar. 1827, 111, f.Jmma Harker, who d,; m. 17 Oct, 1801, 2d w. Augusta )[. Gooctnow of Nor­walk, O., a Dec. 1838; 1>artner with W.W. H, In lumber bus, l'hlttsbnrg, director lllerch, Natl, Bank, fn that town. ..tlart11a E.s, 20 July 1803, d. 2 Oct. 1810. Jla1•g1trct n.•, l July 18611, Francis 0,1, 11 Oct. 183.l, d. 12 Nqv. 1803. 111. 21 Juno 185.1, Zella Pheh•s of Fort

RINDGE, N. II. 66 Wood.

Covington, N, Y., 12 Aug. 1836. Frank o.•, 23 Mar. 1853, m. 27 May 1878, Florence Webster, of English birtll, b. 1857; 111 an actor In Chicago, Ill, Katy /J,9

1 16 June 1856, d. young, Marlonr, b. 1832, d, Jan. 18821 ro. F. C. Bellinger of Herkimer, N. Y. Inf.7, d,

Joseph6, b. 1798, was in Keeseville, N. Y,, about 1835, th. unm. then.

Elizabeth~, 14: Apr. 1751, d. 20 Nov. 1819, m. 11 Jan. 1770, Isaac Woocl of Lu­nenburg, 7 Sept, 1746, d. Ii May 1835, sett. Rindge, N.11.; a leading man among the early settlers, signed the Patriots' Declaration, was a minute man at battle of Lex­ington. Amasa8, 2 Sept. 1771, d. 17 Feb. 1852, m. JO Sept. 1707, Abigail Moore, who d. 8 Aug. 182-i; sett. in Plymouth, Vt, }:liphnlet7, 81 Jan. 1801, d. 27 Dec. 1861, m. Lydia P. Snow of Plymouth, June 1808, d. 1 Jan. 1880.

Lydia A.•, 24 Sept. 1826, m. 18 Mar, 1846, Wllllam P. Foster, farmer, Feb. 1822, d, 24 Oct. 18M, at Woodstock, Vt,, whither they rem, 1849; m.3.Apr.1801, Levi Minor, Apr.1820,d, 3June 1875, farmer, W, She In med, prac. since 1859, Loh A,11, Ii Nov, 1848, d, young. Nell11 A,11, 6 Mar, 1850, m. 20 Mar, 18741 Hermon G, Davis, Woodstock, atty., sch, tea., Wyoming, N. Y,, grad. Tufts Coll., 1873, adm. bar 1882. Daisy M,1°, 9 Jnn. 1882. Elate Jf,o, 16 Nov. 1852, m. 4 Jan. 1852, Collamer Capron, farmer, Hrltlgewater, Vt, Lois M.10, 31 May 1873. WiJllam A.10,

18 Oct, 1877. Jnr. m.ra, -1 Feb, 1884, d, Lyclta c.o, 2 Jnne 1855, m. 2 Jau. 1879, Alonto W, Fisher, IIAlesman, N, Y, city. Lena M.• Minor, 1 Aug. 1863, d, 8 Mar. 1878. Allen L.•, s Mar. 18M1 P, 0. clerk, Wood!ltock, Edson A.•, 24 Sept. 1829, m. 0 Oct. 18M, Ell1.a A, Davis, b. Rock­ingham, Vt,, 4 Feb 1830; rem. 1858 to Geneseo, 111,, farmer, stock dealer. Flora A,11, 17 July 1856, rn. 23 Dec. 1880, z. J. Richardson, b. Readfield, Me., 4 May 18M, su11t, art. deJlt, ln JIUbllo achools, ?tllnneapolls, Minn. llarry E.•, 9 June 18621 went 1882 to Mlnneapolla, clerk In N,W, .Natl, Hank, Charles N.•, m. Elizabeth Sawyer, who d, 18i6; m. 1877 Malvina 8, Townseud, m, n, Holt, or Bridgewater, Vt.; fanner, rem. Newton; sened in the army. Allen I,.•, m, 1''rauces E, Leonard of Woodstock, Vt, J ls a J1by11lclan In Brooklyn, N, Y, Leonard•, h. 1868,

Charles', 6 July 1804, d, 11 Dec. 188,, merch. In Cambridge to 1808, Inter In Worcester; accumulated a handsome fortune, which was diverted from the use he intended for It, and divided among Cflrtain of his heirs. Lym,in7, 20 June, 1806, d. 8 Jan., 18581 m. 10 Jan., 18130, Mary Morgan of Plymouth, Vt., 11 Feb, llHO, d. 16 Mar. 1888; farmer on the homestead,

Lurena A,•, 20 Aug. 18M, m. 1 Jan. 1l406, Norman Hudson of l1lymouth, 4 Sept. 1827, car­penter and builder, Rutland, Vt.; she rem. Betbel, Vt, 1867, C:aroUne 11.•, 12 Mar. 1858, m. 20 Nov. 18791 Clarence C. Perry, M,U., of 1•on1rret, Vt., 2 Jan, 18-19, grad. Dartm. Med, Coll, 1876, practising at Bethel. Marcella•, 6 Nov, 18311, bouaekeeper for her brother, Lyman M, Wood•, 2 Sept. 1837; farmer, Bethel, since 11168.

Caleb', 21 Mar. 1808, d. 29 Aug. '1877, m. 1887, Caroline A. Slack of Plymouth, Vt., 8 May 1818, d. 6 Dec. 1880; merchant In Cambridge with Charles Wood, burnt out r left the businl•ss to go in J>nrtnershlp Wood & I>reuer, blank book rnnnf.; amassed a fortune of 880U,OOO, two-thirds of which di11posed of in benevolences by his wlclow at her death.

Ablgnil7, 27 Oct. 1800, d, 21 Jan. 1872, m. 25 Aug. 1888, Wm. G. Smith of Bridgewater, Vt., 101May 1807, d. 16 Nov. 1882; clothier until 1885, farmer in Woodstock, Vt., to 18f8, ret. Bridgewater.

Charles w.•, 17 June 1833, Ill, 20 Or.t. 18t>7, Sarah J, Tborup11on of Wooclstock, t4 Feb, 183-1; farmer In Plymouth, Vt,, rem, W, Woodstock 188lS, Vharlca', 11 July 1858, d. EJ!llc J.0, ~ :Nov. l&J.f. .J'rancla a.u, 3 Nov. 1867, Frederick Jl, JY.•, 21 Nov, 1869, Emily 1•.11 26 July 1839, m. 10 Dec, 1884, Rev. Clark P. ~roor, b, Swet1e11, N, Y., 111 Mny 1823, grad. 18'7, _Univ. Theol, Sent,, Clinton, N. Y., 1ucce11slvely ministering to churches fu nattlcborC11 Vt., Nl'wton, Portland and Augusta, Mo,, Cambridge.

Jonas7, Mar. 1812, d. 10 Aug. 1808. Jonnthnn8, 11 Apr. 1778, suffor.atml by choke damp in a well, 1 Sept. 1827, m. 10 AJ>r, 1709, ])oily Jones of Ashburnhnm, 28 May 1777, cl, 8 Jnn. 1818; m. 21 Dec. 1820, 2d w. Sarah Hobinson, m. n, Lake, b. Rindge, 29 No,•, 1784.

Lum.ow, VT, 67

Zullma1, 3 Nov, 1100, d., m. 1822, Asa Dun 11 of Lancaster, f11ctory overseer, rem. Kentucky. George w.•, farmer, m. in Evansvflle, Ind., came east in 1851. Etlwin A.', b, 18l!4, d. on tho plains. lleorglana•. Seraphlna•. Laura7, 29 Jan. 1801, d, 17 Jan. 1S75, m. 22 Apr. 1823, John Vose of Leominster, combmaker, 15 June 1797, d. 18 Aug. 1882. Jerome L.•, 11 Apr. 1824, d. Inf, Laura J.•, 19 Nov. 1820, m. 31 Mar. 1sn, Silas P. Osborn of Sudbury, 21 Jlar. 1825, comb bus. until 1850, since in Jlrov. trade. George w.,, 2 Apr. 1849, d. Inf, Clarence W,0, 24 Aug. 18.50, mecbanlo in Leominster, 111. 23 l\lllr, 18&1, Ida Recd of Hinsdale, N, H., Aug. 1861, llertha M.10, 29 Dec. 1884, Clesson P,11, twin, m, 27 Nov. 1877, Sa.rail Curley of DostJn, Mar. ISM; keeps restaurant, Hoston. Fanny 0,10, 13 Fob. 18:30, <Jlara1°, 29 Deo, 1881. Francis P,11, 14 Sept. 1853, d. Inf, Twln9, d. day of birth. Frances E.11, US Dec. ISM, m, 13 Nov. 188-1, Josiah A. Field of Northfield, 11 Oct. 1860, grocer in' Leominster. Joseph w,o, 12July 1859, teamster, J.eomlnster, m. 30 July 188.5, Anna Phillips of Central Falls, R. I., 10 Mor, 1856, Gay A,0, twin, prov. store, Leo1ninster. Ella s.o, 10 Alar. 18lil, d. inf. George s.v, 2 A11r, 1863, d, inf, .l!'rederlck s.o, Apr, 1800, clerk, Holton. Char/ea E.•, 23 Apr. 1830, d. young. Char/CB E.~, 13 Oct, 1833, combmaker, m. )lay 1854(?), Margaret Stark of Fitchburg; was a soldier in K 23d l\lass. Vols., went arter the war to Jacksonvme, N. c., lumlJer mill, cotton gin. George0, m. ~D Fitchburg. D0Uy1, 3 Feb, 1803, d. 12 Mar. 1884, m, 8 A11r, 1823, Zachariah Parker of N. IvswJoh, N, H., 21 Sept. 17971 d, 21 July 1883, farmer, Ledlow, Vt, Doll11 7',11 o Jan. 1824, m. G Apr. 18-U, Albert A.dams of Ludlow, 17 Mar. 1814, d, 20 Feb, 1883

1 rem. ISM tt.1 Evausville, Wis., merchant. E1nelh1e•, 23 Feb, 1842, m. 18 Nov. 1800, Caleb Snashall, b, Yaldlng, Eng., 9 Jan, 1840, hardware, Evan11Ville, to 18821 uow manf, windmills, .Arll,ur .A,10, 16 A-lay 1808, Albert L,10, 10 Auit, 1812, Cta,ultJ /l, 10, 20 Se1>t, 1874, Mary A.0, 14 Nov. 1843, m. 10 Jttue 1863, Albert Lockwood, b. Sprlnglieltl, Vt., 18 Oct. 1810, merchant, Lud­low, to 1883, app, P. ?ti, Alica M,1°, 21 l\lay 1874, .Edu,,artl A,1010 Mar. 1886. Ellen A,', 1 June 1851, m. 8 June 1874, Loyal Bingham of MIiton, Wfs., 18 June 1848, hardware dealer, Ames, la. /le11lall .11.10, 22 1'1 eb, 1876, Cora M,11

1 23 Nov. 18l>9, m. 7 Jan. 1880, l<'rank M. Rowley of Wl1ltewater, Wis., 8 Jan. 1858, agent for stoneware manf,, Akron, O, llandall ...4,1°, lS Dec, 1882, Harvey W.•, 27 Mar, 18271 cattle dealer, 1n. o Mar. 1858, Laura Adams of Ludlow, Vt., 18 Oct. 1833, d. 20 l\tay 1874. Etlwant E.•, 8 Oct. 1854, m. 26 Oct. 1870, Louise M. Colburn of Shrewsbury, Vt., 17 July 1850; banker ha Northern Kansas since 18E11 lately removed to Kansns City, )lo. Walter .A.10, 14 Nov, 1877, Carollne L,10, & .!\far. 1880, Alvin B.•, 24 AJ)r, 1805, d. Inf, Jlar11 .A,8, 1 Apr. 1828, m. 3 Apr. 1858, as 2d w, Surry W. Simpson of Ludlow, Vt., 26 June 1827; llalry farmer until lSISS, livery six years, since real estate, wood and lumber; sheriff 12 years. Charlea s.•, 9 Oat. 1831, m, 30 Sept, 1858, S11,an• l'erklns of Weatherslloltl, Vt., 10 ncc. 1834, d. 10 Apr. 1807, m. H May 1868, 2d w. 1•r1scilla Rlgns of J.udlow, 23 Apr. 1842; merch. formerly, now auctioneer, Ludlow, Vt, George s,e, 17 Deo. 1862, d, Inf, Willlam0, 10 Apr. 18671 d. lof. vvut1'fa ..4.•, 14 Aug, 1833, m. 25 Mar. 18001 John T, Riggs, bro, l'rfscllla, ,mtc, 16 June J8S31 farmer, L. Charlea l\J,o, 11 Dec. 1867, d, o Oot, 1871. lllnna M.•, 30 Se11t, 1801, m, 30 June 1886, Chu, G. l<'arwell of Providence, R. 1;, grad, l\llddlelmry, Vt,, 1870, 11rl11clpal Black River Acad,, until 1883, now 11rof, Latin and Gl'eek, Friends' boarding sch., l'rovldence, S1Jlveater JI,•, 8 lo'eb. 1sao, enl. I Se11t, 1862, H, 10th Vt. Vols,; killed at Cedar Creek, \'a,, ord. sergeant comtlg co,, ordered men lie down un<lcr tlre, was last man to do so, struck lu J1e11,d at Jnst moment, Emi/11 o.•, 1 8eJ>t, 18j21 d, young, llartlt'ell u.•, 8 l\lar.1840, d, young, J/o,n"( N,•, ltiJuly 1818, m, 13 Jan, 1815, Harriot L, Henry of Weathers­field, Vt., 6 Oct. 18.50; formerly In stove mnnf., l'erklnsvlllc, Vt,, now designer and trav, sall/s, for toy maof,1 res. Winchendon. Horry E.v, 31 Aug, 18i8, Elnathan7, 20 Sept. 1804, d, 29July 18i9, George', 29 So11t, 18001 d. 10 Jan.1864, m, 1!127, Lu1ma Lawrence of Rindge, N. JI., b. 1810, d. 29 Juue 1857; m, 2d w,, Mrs, Mary Walker; hotel keeper, Ludlow, Vt, Warrtlfl 'l',•, 18 Juue 1828, d, 13 Nov. 1844, Sarai,•, m. Wm, 811auldl11g or Andover, Vt. Wllllnm0, m. 1''ranccs11, R,mtce', m, )loses Colburn of Shrewsbury, Vt,, div,; m. 2d bus., Daniel SwaUow, res, lllanobester, Vt, Ernlly•, b, 1834, d, 14 l\lay 1870, m. Whipple Howard of Ludlow, b. 1818, d, 19 Sept. 1878. Charlt&8, 111, lllnrr Ann Recd, ..4lal11a•, June 18~8, d, )Oting, Uetsoy7, 26 Juno 1808, d, 27 l\lar, 1883, m, o I<'eb. 18271 Luther l'erklns or Perklnsvllle (Weathersfield), Vt,, 3 A11r. 1801, d, 3 .lo'ob, 1881, fnrme1•, SCJJ>hrouia•, 7 Juno 1831, m. U Feb. ISM, Rev. Albert l'ratt of Wllmlr,gton, Vt,, b, 18201 Jolfie,1 Vt, Co11f, .!Ir. 1-:, ll!M, d, 17 July \873; m, 26 Aug, 1874, 2d 1111s. l<'ra11cfs W. Shedd of l'ittsford, Vt., 17 Jan. 11121, grol'er, llntlnnd, Vt, llarl'let .4.•23 nee, 1832, 111. 30 Juno l8o6, l3c1,Jnml11 Jlllllugs of Ludlow, N. 11. 1 grocer In Rutland, Vt, 1''rctlorlck9

1 17 Jan. J806, gro, elk. Sfts1m•, 10 I>cc. 1834, m. Chas. A. 1•arker, mite, q, v. l'ha,-lea .ti.•, 'f Nov. 1836, d, young, Mary JI,•, 26 Oct. 1838, Jlarla,~ P.•, 7 Aug, 1840, d, 3 llrny 1847. Clrnrlcs•, 4 Se11t. 18-12, d, IO Oct. t8i0, tn. 7 Juno 1810, Augm.ta S. M11rtln of l'orklns­villc, Mar, 1843; wns nu attorney iu 'troy, N, Y.; had d·.mgbters. llelcn E.•, 2:a June 184-5, d,


fnf. Caroline s.,, 6 July 1846, m. 15 Aug. 1805, :muon C. llydo or Essex, Vt., 5 Nov. 1835, J>rinclpal of high schools fu N. Y., Vt. and N. H. l<'lorence .M.11, 2J Mar. 1873.

Zoc7, 24 Jan., 1810, d. 182(. Lurana7, 12 Dec. 1812, m. 16 Jan., 1831, Freeman Walcott of Bolton, architect and builder; had sons.

Hartwell', 27 Oct. 1815, d, 26 July 1846, m. 7 Oct. 1841, Laura Snell of Ludlow, who d, 1 June 1843; had a son, d. Inf. Jonas J.,, 1 Jan. 1818, m. -- Wood of N. Ipswich, N. H., who d.; m, 2cl w. Lydia Parker of Lawrence, d. E11a•, lived with aunt Wolcott, d, Eunice', 22 Mar, 1823, m. 22 July 1847, Geo. P. Ward of Ashburnham, 18 Aug. 18461 farmer, sawyer, now wood­worker, Troy, N. H.; was fl,l the late war. Ellphalet s.,, 2 Feb 1826, m. 20 Sept. 1846, Susan H. Jo'arrar of Ashburnham; lives In Winchendon, Pxpre11s agent, constable, dept. sheriff, Ella M.•, 23 Sept. 1847, m. 25 May. 1876, John E. Wakefield uf Worc,ster, 15 Sept. 1848, fore­man in chair shop, Clarence E.•, 23 Feb. 1878, Francis .A,', 9 May 1860, cl, inf. George F.•, 21 Aug. 181l1, furniture dealer, m. 25 Aug. 1874, Harriet A, Merrill of Winchendon, 2 Feb. 1840. Marguerite A.•, 28 June 18i6, Ethel Jf.•, 23 Jan. 1881. Cally .A,8, 30 July 1865, m. John W, IJeeman of Winchendon, 18 Sept. 1865, wooden ware mauf. to 1883, now trav. sales. In fish trade. Arthur w.•, 6 July 1876. Gertrude A.•, t .Apr. 1881. Oliver ll,8, 1 l<'eb. 181171 m. 19 Oct. 1882, Jenny Flagg of Graftl,n, b, 1856; J>rlnter, Worcester. Olh'e l\l.•, 2G Apr. J881S. Walter L.•, 17 Oot. 1859, d. young. Ernest 11.•, b, 1861, conducts bis father's express business. Corti E.•, 4 Apr, 1863,

Jonas•, 80 Dec, 1774, rem. Lenox, Madison Co., N. Y, Isaac", 80 Nov. 1776, d. 1 July, 1848, m. 8 Jan, )806, Abigail Earl of Rindge, N, H., 16 Aug. 1770, d, 18 July 1859; farmer, manf. nest boxce, Addison M.7, 27 Oct. 1806, d. 14 Mar. 1886, m. 2 Sept., 1830, Ann Plummer, who d, I Feb. 1848; m. 8 Jan. 1856, Mary A. Dickinson of Keene, N. H., who d. 22 Feb. 1880.

Marcia A,•, 4 June 1831, d. 27 Oct. 18U, m. 3 Oct. lllliO, John U. Beera, tanner, John .A.•, 6 Dec. 1861, m. Urania•, 7 July 18321 m. 1860, Hiram w. Eames of Milford, Eliza•, 19 Mar. 1834• d, 20 Sept. 1864, Jane P.•, 17 Oct. 183.5, m. 1879, as 3d w. Jobu U, Heers, now farmer In Whately. Marshall P.•, JO Nov. 1837, m. 24 Oct. 1861, Julia A. Jluut of Rindge, 1 July 1839; enl. 16 Aug. 1862, I 0th N, H. Vols, out 13 June 1865; wa• at Antietam, Fredorlcksbnrg, Vicks­burg cam11algn, under Grant in Virginia, 11rln. battles; woodworker, Ashburuham. Willy B.•, 23 Oct. 18621 d. 9 June 1884. Harriet A.•, 8 June 1@39, 111. 4 .!\fay 18t8, Acldlsou Todd of Rindge, 8 Nov, 1833, farmer. Charles .A,•, 11 July 1865. George c.,, 8 I>ec. 1868, Freclerlck H.•, 30 May 1874, Eunice•, 20 Mar. 1@41, m. 1801, Henrr W. Fnrubnm, wllo d, July 181-1, m. 1877, - Tubell of I.ondonderry, Vt, 11'1/lfom• }'ar11/um1, b. 18t:5. Elbrldye1, 24 Oct, 18081 cl, 30 June 1848 of 1mnll 11ox1 m. 27 Se11t. 1835, Rcbecc11r lln1·twell of Lemulnl'ter, 20 Apr, 1813, d, 14 Feb. 1843; m. 16 Jan. 184<1, Emeline l'. Gllhert, b, 27 Aug, 1812, d. 13 l\lny 1883; 7 ch, by 1st w., 6 d, luf, Mary A.•, 14 June J8371 m. 20 July 1867, Julia A. Stt>ams of lUndge, 27 Aug. 1832, d. 131\lay 1@831 farmer, black6111lth, n su1,erlor 111uslt111n. Jlartlia E.•, 16jAug, 1868, m. 20 Nov. 1877, I.ewls L. Hale of Rlnclge, 13 ~lay 1854, farmer, broom manf, Harry L,10,

3 Aug, 1881, Utorqe w,11, 18 June 1861, l'ulhnan car. coucl. Boston to St. Loul11, m. o Oct, 1880, Julia l\f, Perkln11 of-. Marv .A.•, 0 Sept. H65, tn, 15 Oct. 1884, ChRtles A, Hubbard of Troy, N, H., 7 June 1~7, tel. OJ>,, Boston, res. w. l\leclfor11. Jlarlat1el .-f,J, 12 Feb. 1809, Elle11 a.•, I Sept, 1871, Jlenry M. B.•, 23 Dec. 1873. Rerbert JJ,o, 12 Jteb. 1870, d, Inf,

lletty8, 11 Oct. 1778, d. young. Uuth8, 7 Nov. 1780, d. 24 Juno 1820, m. 10 Apr. 1798, Benjamin Lovejoy of Rlnclgo, 22 Mar, 1778, d. 1818,

Louisa p,,, 13 July 1800, Las Casas', 28 July 1803, ti, Inf. Charles o.,, 7 Feb. 1806, ,1. 31 July 1876, m. 29 Nov. J820;Melflula Amsden of o,afton, Vt., o AJ1r. lf:08, d. SI Dec. 1866; stone mason, d, Oxford, N, H, Warren J.a, :t2 Dec, 1830, 111. 8 nee. 1860, Sn rah I.o\'t'Joy of Uh11IAe, 20 Juuo 1836; mechanic In Keene, N, JI, Allee M.•, 10 A11r. 1801. Miriam H.0 , 18 Oct. 1803, cl. young, Charles w.•, 2 Deo, 18651 druggist, Concord, N. H. nertram s.•, 10 May 18i3. Rliia ..A.•, 2a Oct, 1833, m. 26Mar. 1860, Aea 8. Jthoach.'& of Londonderry, Vt., 26 Nov. 1827, fnriuer, Orford, N. JI. Charles L,11, 13 Sept. 18.'Sl, ti. 30 Oct. 1803, Irvin W.•, 5 AJ>r. 1857, d, 10 Oct. 1803, Eva .A,", 22 Feb. 1865, m. 27 Mar. 1884, Henry Jlanarorcl of· Orforcl. Itla M.•, 10 ~lay 1870, 111, JO J>ec. 1885, Henry .E, Eastman of Strafford, Vt, /,orltia s.•, 18 Jan. 1830, ti, O July 1863. l'liarles M.•, 18 Sept, 1830, soldier, cl, New1101t Nows, Va, 20 liar, Jf\ro, A/a,i,:jitlcl ,u.•, 171''eb, 1844, m, 17 Oct, 1870,Della .Amsden of Grafton, Vt.; mccb111llo In Lyme, N,H. Ocori:;e11


Herbert0• Norman JY.•, 2 Mar. 18M, d. 17 Nov, 1~. Las Casas1, l July 1807, Leancler', 4 1>ec. 1809, Susan', 11 Jan, 1812, m. --Lawronce of Ashby, Laura', 6 A1>r. ll!J.l, 1-:me­llne1, 20 Oct. 1810, lleury L,', 22 Jan. 1818, d, 5 Jnu. 18601 m. 1 Nov. 1842, Jane A, Stickney of •rroy, N. Y.


Dnl'id6, I!J July, 1783, d. 80 Aug. 1861, fnrmer, m. 26 ·c1•, -,., 1808, Mary J~nrl, sister of Abigail, a,rte, 11 Noy. 178-l-, d. 7 Apr., 188:3.

Stephen E.', 7 Dec. 1808, m. 22 Mar. 1832, Lydia R. Farrar of Townsend, 20 l\Iay 1700, d. JI Jan. J805, m. H Mar, 1867, CaroJlne Sinclair of Ludlow, Vt., 17 Dee. 18H; farmer In tbat town since 1830. Al/reel B.8, 20 Feb, I~, m. Dec, 1867, Mi.ry Rlgl!S of Ludlow,31 Jan. 1837; station 11gt., Prov., n. I., Uulon depot. Francis s.11, 19 Oct. 1862, d. Inf. Auna P.11, 15 Oct. 186', d. 8 Oct. 1873. Alice n.o, 7 J>ec. 1865. Alfred n.•, 25 Aug. 1873, d. young. Edward S.11, 6 Oct. 1876. Alary E.•, 11 July 1838, m. 13 Feb. 18.'i0, Geo. A, Dunbar of Ludlow, 22 Dfc, 1838, farmer, Hartland, Vt, .lllary A,1, 27 lt'cb. 1810, m. ::o June 1837, Henry Stlcknty of Grafton, Yt., 20 Jan. 1807, grain clealer, Cambridge, rem. WoodhuU, IJJ,, l&'i2, fai-ruerj knockecl clown and killed by a runaway team, 16 Nov. 1866; Fhe m. 1 July 18691 Dea. Isaac lU. Wetmore of Ontario, Ill., b. Whitesboro, N, Y., 6 Aug. 1809, d. 12 May 1881, mercb, In N. Y., rem, Ill, 1820, farmer, Jlellry8, 'i Nov. 18381 educ. Lombard Coll,, Galesburg, Ill., d, at Colfax S1>r,, Ia., ~ti Apr. 1881. Af/red8, 3 July 184rt, m. 13 A1>r, 1810, Eugenia Simmons, b. Youngstown, O., 8 Oct, 1845, farmer, near Woodhull, i-es. In town, Carol lne. A.", JO Apr. 1875. Alfred•, 8 Se1>t, 11386. ldalfa.8, 26 Mar. 1842, d. young. Wtllfam c.•, o 8eJ>t, 1840, m. 13 .A}'r, 1810, Ida A, Clark, b • .Mllford1 Conn.; farmer and banker at Woorlhnll. Wllllam W ·"• 15 Afar. 1871, Grace M.9, 15 Aug, 1874, Etta 0.11, 18July1881, d, young. Henry 0.8, 22 Aug.18&>- Caroline W.', 6 Oct, 18M1

m. 21 Se11t. 188:l, Henry W, Crane, b, Herllfmcr, N. Y,, 7 Jan.1858, farmer, Ontario, Ill. Zina", 19 .Apr, 1886. Calebt, 6 June 1812, d. inf, .Alfred1, 9 Feb. 1814, m. 16 Aug, l&U, Lama Stick­ney, sis. Henry, ante, 9 Aug. 1817; gro. trade, C111nbrJdge. Oeoruo A,4, 21 July 1843, m. ~O Jan. 1870, Allee L. Simmons o! Youngstown, o., 17 Nov. 18-li', sistero! Alfred Stlckncy's wife; farmer In Olilo to 1879, now In gro. trade with I.Ifs fRtber. Alfred s.,, 20 Mar. 1883, d, Inf. Edwards.•, 28 A1>r, 18,IO, grad. Uarvarcl, and In 1810 from Harvard Med. Sch., a11p. 11rof, chewlatry 1871, sailed for Europe to co11111lete studies Ir toxicology, his PJ>eclallty. Return­ing, m. 26 Deo, ,11121 Irene E. llllls of lloston, 22 )lay 1844, d, 18 Oct. 1881; m. 2-1 Dec. 1883, 2d w,, Elizabeth A, Hlcbard11011 of Can1brldge, 26 .Aug, BM. Grace•, 13 Oct. 1874, CalebT, 20 l\far. 1817, d. J6 Oct, 1866, wns In gro, trado, llo11ton. Jona11', US Oct, ltll9, 111, 10 Feb. 18!9, Sarah Lea.the of New York cit)', 11 Jan. 1830, d, 24 Oct, 187-11 an, H Oct. 1876, 2d w., Enuna L, llurnap, m, u, Stearua, of Ashburnham, b. 1833; shoe trade, Ca111brldge, later a farmer In Rindge. J.'unnv /J,•, 17 Aug, ISti0, d. young, Emma L.•, 1 Jan. 1864. William c.•, b, 11181, Elizabeth 11.,, :.!6June 11:121, DI, Harl'i11011 o. Rice of N. Ipswich, N. JI,, 2-1 Vea. 1821, farruer, E. Rindge., re11, Leg, 1882, aev. town offloea, Oeoru~ tJ,•, 8 July 1&15, u1, 20 Oct. 1873, l\fottba Hale of Rindge, f Sept. lst0; fllrruer, Rindge. George H.9, :.:o Feb. 18781 d, youug, Harris H.•, 2 Apr, 1881, Sophia w.•, 10 Jan. 1847, d. 24 July 1857, Alar11 E.•, 12 A11r, 1848, Jemav Al.•, 2-1 l>cc. 1849, d. 2 July 1~7. Jlarrlet J.'.8

1 31 July 1851, m, 3 l\lny 1872, Occ.rite Osborn, res. Peabody, A'lla. A.•, '22 Feb, lf63, m. 13 Oct, 1876, WJllls :\I. Rice or Rindge, woodworker. Merrill W,9, 7 Mai·, 1870, Marfon E.11, 24 AJlr, 1877, Effie S,P, lti Jnn, 1870. Fanny F.11, 20 July 1881, Haulso11 c.•, Faxon M,o, twlu111 20Juue 1884. Walter c,e, O May 1805, m. Ornce Hol• brook or Berlin, res. J'rov., JI, I, 1:.·mmu J.•, J4 June lE67. 1/ctrold c.1, O A1;g, l&0, Jt8Blc'1 31 Mar. 1862. Vtetor H •, 3 lt'el.J, !E66. John Jo;.,, 1 May 1823, farmer, RhHlge, m. 10 Nov, J&l8, Almira 8, Hrc•Wll of A1bby1 11 Nov, 1827, d, 0 Jt'eb. 1867, m. J5 Oct. 18C8, Auu Al, Turkermnn of Ashburnham. Alict&, 22 ?tiny l1S73, Emily A,1, 31 May 1~20, m. 21 Jmie 1&8, Wnsldngton 1'', Somer by of l'ortsmoutb, N. H., who d, 10 July 1873, r-.•al estate, t'ambrldgo. Cbnrlrs J>,r, U July 1828, bookkeeper, Cambridge, m. 12 Oct, 1~1, Hanlet 1\1,, sis. W. I<'. 8omerby, 21 Nov. 18301 Uau.•, d, luf.

Elhmlicth', 10 Sopt,, 1785, d, 2 Mnr., 1807, m. Jo :Feb. 16041 S1c1ihcn l~nwry of JUmlgc, J8 l\fay, 1778, d. 18 Jan, 18i4, farmer.

I>eraetus w.,, 22 Feb. 1807, m, l\lary l'Jer<'o of Hll1dge, 2 Aug. l801i. acoryo .A.~, 281\tnr, 1528, fnrnier, J11llrey, m. 20 l\loy •ISM, M111 tlm J, lla@a or 8hn1011, N. 11., 14 lt'eb. 18:JO, ti. H June 1803, 111, 5Juuo mu, 2d. w., l111rlo11 B, Stcnr11s of J:iffi-ey, N. JI., 10 ~lay 1833, 1\lnJtha 111.e, 22 Oct. 1806, Julia ..4,e, 24 Se11t, 1830. m. 24 Se11t, tut, l'hules I•'. S1onr11s, bro. Julius A., antt, 21.1 Jim, t!o30, bl11cktimilh, Illmlgo. William E.P, rn11111.•r, an, 23 Nov. usw, Snrah A, Stearns of Jafftcy, N. ll., 41\tay, IMO. E!ll111a A.~, 18 ~lar. J8Cli,111.1 Aug.188-J,Jomcs llaiul111 or Worcester, res JeJrrr11ouvillo, JJcras~tts /', 8, 27 l\1nr, 18321 m. 22 l'fov. IH,8, Jt, Aug11&t11 ))a\'ls of Asbliumbam. to Aug, J8Z9i au111her IH18, 1 Shnrou, N, H. Cleorge E,0f o t,'cb, 1862. J(l,ie l!;,s, 13 1-'eb. 1836, 111.10 ~lny 1856, Ro1hies A, Jh11Jbar1l or Rindge, 2.5 No,•, iszo, stni:o owner, n. n. co11d11ctor, uow livery 11taltlc, Jnffn•y• N. II, ..ltnrt11a J-', 11

1 :JI Mar. 18li0, 111,

.t'rancls Templeton of l'ctcrboro, N, 11., !> No·,. 18531 salesmnn 111 1''1tchburg. Warren w,e, 12 }"ob. 1837, Ill, 6 Nov. 1860, l'nrolluo Lake, 231 In,·. ls:Jt!, d. Ii l\lny 1867, Ill, 1U Alny 11!ti8, Abliy

Asunr. 70 Stearns.

T, Lake of Winchendon, 28 Sept. 1846; merchant, town clPTk, treas, P. M. Rlndj!'e, Edith A,', 11 A})r, 1870, Albert A.•. 'I July 18-11?, m. Jan. 1866, :Mary A. Wilder, niece of Hon, l'lf. P. Wllder, rn lla.y 18!6; farmer on his grandfather's home!<toa<l. Caroline f,,11, 29 Nov, JSG9, Arthur JI.', 10 Ju11e 1872, Alice E,t>, 15 Se)lt, 18i8, d. young. Marianas, 8 801,t, 1847, m. 18 Sept. um, Wm. B. Robbins or Jaffrey, wooll worker.

Susa116, b, 1787, d. 1878, m, 9 Mar., 1826, Dea. John W, Binney of N. Ipswich, N. H., lived in Keene, N. H. Caleh6, I ,Tttly, 1789, d. 1807, 1<;unice6

1 Aug. 1792, d. ch.-h. 21 Dec. 1881, m. 8 May, 1880, as 2d. w., Capt. Joseph6 IInrtwcll of Lunenburg, seq. q. fJ,

'l'amarb, 5 Aug, 1758, <1. 18 June, 1837. Lucy&, 24 Aug. 1758, d. 10 June, 1830, lfonicc&, 20 .May, 17Gl, m. 17 Nov., 1785, Calcli Wood of Lcomiuater, 8 Nov,, 1704-. Susanna~, 22 Sept., 1768, d, 8 July, 184-1, m. 28 D<'c, 1780, Ahel Stearns of Ashby, b. Billerica, !J A1>r,, 1765, d. Newton, 18 Jan., 1849. Johnd, 15 Dec., 1788, d 12 Aug., 1848, m. 14 Mar., 18H~ Ablgr.i18 Hartwell of Shirley, 1 July, 1791, d. 31 Jan.t l8G8; rem. Cavendish, Vt., 1810, farmer.

Tltomas7, 6 Mar. l8Ui, d, Jll July 18-12, m. ti May UW11 Lucretia HIii of Ludlow, Vt. John H.1, 4 Jau. 1f17, m. 3 June 18401 Uellef7 Tarbell of Shhley, 80 Mar. 1819, ,eq. q. v., farmer, In­fluential citizen, held most town ofllces. George ff.', 27 !Jee. 181fl, II. 24 May 18i0, farmer, m. 26 lJec, IBM, Olive Smith of Ludlow, Vt., 1 l\lay 1834, Abhy8, 21 Feb. 1865, m. 8 Betit, 1876, Juan Gilson of Plymouth, Vt,, 18 Dec. 18&3, Susan J,1, 14 Oct. 1822, d. 26 Apr. 1831. Abel L,1,

14 Moy 1826, d. you11g. J.uke', 2 June 1828, m. 20 A.J>r. J8!i9, Emily G11saett of Cht'11ter, Yt., 3 July 1836; fanuer, keeps fish mnrket, 81,rlngfleld, Vt. Herman L.•, 18 June, 1802, uphofs­terer, Hoston. Harriet E .•, 21 Feb. 1864, d. 12 July 18861 m. 24 Dee. 1883, Charle11 E. Burpee of svrlugtteltl, 27 Oct. 1826, cari,, lUla E.•, 16 May t~. Anna E.•, 21 Jim. 1877, llnnlel A.1,00 Juue 18311 d. young, Chrlsto11her w.,, 17 Jn11. 1835, m, 1ft Mar. 1800, Emerllla He1m•nway of Lutllow, Vt., I~ May 1848; farmer on homestead, Hdrbert- J,•, 8 A11r, 1867, William c.•, 23 lteb, 1800. <Jeorue .A.•, 3 )fay 1873, Alalco,n E.•, 17 May 1876,

Juf,8, d. young. Abcl8, 1 Apr., 1700, d. 20 Nov., J8U, 111. ( Nov., 1817, Persia Lnwrcncc of Aflhby, 80 Oct., 1704, d. 12 Sept., 1870; farmer, rem, Lunenburg, lutcr, Ca,·cndish, Vt,

John', 31 Oct. 1810, 111. 4 Mar. ltWI, lllary A. I•arker of Newton, aoJuly 11!16, d, H Jan. 1842, m. 13 A11r, 18.J:i, 2d w., llary c. Livermore of Alstead~ N. H., 12 MRr, 1816; farmer, mllkm1111, Nowtou Centre. Narv .4, l'.•, ti? Jl\11, 1842, m. Levi lllethen. Anna•, 6 July 1804, m. Cl1arJ011 £. lhntl, Helen°, 18 Aug, 1800. Bllell ,O, 3 Doo 1844, 10. 27 llar, 187:l, D, W, Eagles of Kings Co. N. 8., 7 Jau. 1849, farmer. Orace F.•, 27 Apr. 1874, Eva E.,, t June -1878, Annotto t.•, 6 Fob. J&iO. Howard A.•, 10 Oct. 188:?, Sarah .v.•, o Dec. 18171 m. 4 Feb. 1809, Ooorge E, 8auderson, b, Ju Vt., fnrmer, Medway. Mary A..', 20 A11r, 1871, John G.•, 12 Jan; 1873, Cluirlca c.•, 2'.! Oct, 1800, faru1er, m. 23 ~tl\l', 1817, 7111\ry t. Onrran. Mary P.0, 13 Sept. 1818, Adeluldo', 11 Nov, 1852, m. 2! Jan. 1881, Sumner K. Clark, b. in Me., boicmaker, Metlway, l'lctrit I<',•, 10 ltar 18.55, William', o llay 1821 1 m. 2! liar, ISM, Ann M. Hall or Oak HIii, New­ton, 3 l>eo. 1828; ls a farmer at Newton Centre, Afarla .4,•, O Feb. 1851, 111. O Yob. 1877, C11nrloi1 W, Urltt ut Nowton, 11aluter. .46bV 1·.•, 3 Apr. J~I. AlkB L.•, 30 Nov. 1S."i7, m. 26 Deo. 1817, Vrank H. Cllapman1 foreman In a 11a11er mlll, \Vate1·t<1wn. Clan F,9 , 10 May 1878, llortlJa M.~, 30 Mar. lSJI, Ueorvo W.•, 13 Apr. 1801, m. 7 A11r, 1880, Vina R, Carey of Swamp­scott, 2 !Joo. ISOJ; !armer, Cyrus', 1823, 11. So1uervllle, Mar, 1841S, Emollue1, 10 MRr, 1826, m, JS l\11\y 1813, Jolin H. JJJlllngs or Asblmruluuu, 23 Feb. 1813, d. l'i May 1850, farmer. lleor1.10 JI.•,~ Juue 18-H, boxmaker, Leominster, Leo/11 ,11.•, 1 June 1848, m. 17 Nov. 1806, J1uue11 A, Wlllartl or 'fow11sout11 6 June 18tl, 1ultlor, lived N. Ivswloh, N. H., rem, Ashb)._ 1870, Ca.-ulluo )';,•, 6 Oct. 1861, George A.u, 10 Nov. 1861:1. Oharles ll:,,, 6 Oot. 1870, 11. young. Allee A.~, :ll_ 1''ob, 1870, UalJth tt.o, 11 I:t'el>, 1883, Carl 11.e, 6 Aug. 1830, O/iarlea ,,0, 7 May 18l't0, fo111wr, Aishlmr11l11uu 1 m, 24 Oct.1870, Effie I,. Packard of Hinsdale, N. H., 20 June ISM, Cle,11011t II.», 23 Jau. 1833. Fairy o.•, 2d se11t, 18ll0. Aul(usta1, ,1. 6 Nov. 1876, 111. Cl1ar\0M n. Hearn uC Walthau1, ti. 3 80J1t. uoo. 1/c,uv u,s1 23 Se11t, 1~, tln111ulth 1 emp. 011 I<'. H, It. Co,, rc11, \\'11ltlm111, 111. 20 A11r. 1876, Holen J,. 01llorno or l'urtsmouth, N. JI .. 22 ~ov. 185.i. Helen A.', :t!l ~•ot>. 11170. t,'rell L. 11, 2J Ueo. 1877. Walte1· H.•, 211\lRy 1879. Molly 1,.,, 25 Jan. 1881, d, Jnf. Emma A.•, 21 Juuo l8;'Stl, In 01n11loy of Am. Watch Co., Waltham. Mnrola1, m. Wllllant lt.ismor or Chester, Vt. Otlst, 25 l>oJ. 1831, 111. o .Jau. t802, llolou A. Davia or Cavoulllsh, Vt., 4 Atir, 1830; Js n farmer in l'el'kh1&\'lllo, Vt. Wnlt1Jr I).•, 12 Sept. 180l, Jo'rcde,-tck c.•, 26 SuJ1t. tt!O•. A,ma JJ.•, al J1111, 1867, _,tiwlultk .,r.•, 2 oot. um. Aru,ur 11.•, u Jau. 1880,

11 Joltnson.

Jsnac8, 8 }'cb., 1800, d. 17 July, 1885, m. 4 Sept., 1820, Tila O. Lawrence, sister of Persis, ante, 30 Sept., 1709; was a farmer in Ashby.

JobnT, 20 Nov.1821, m, 30 May 1sn, Elizabeth E. Fales of N, London, N. H., 11 Jan. lSU; clerk, rem. 1851 to So, Amherat, 1861 to Lawrence. George F.8, 11 1\fay 1848, went to Cal,, clerk, m. 1831, Emma SargJnt, Sarah H.a, 13 Sept. 1850, 10010-harness maker, Lawrence . .Albtrt•, 13 Sept. 1853, d. 20 Apr, JS-JO, C/utrles8, G Mai·. 1857, druggist, N. Andover, m. 30 Oct. 18801 Fanny Tozer, b. So, Smlthfleld, l\le,, 19 Dec. 1850. SarabT, G July 1828, d. 30 Oct. 184/S,

James4, cl. 1720, William•, tl. Jose/;(., b, 1727, d. 1807, m. 22 Sept., 1747, Tabitha Dodge of Lunenburg, l Jan., 1727, d. 26 Apr,, 175G, m. 2d w., )'hebe Hart, m. n. Eaton, b. neading, 1 Aug., 1730, d. 1~ ,ficpt., 1817; farmer, Lunen­burg, influential cltlzcn, held most town offices. JoKah~, 7 Aug,, 1748, d, 19 Nov,, 1822, m. 27 Dec., 1,0, Rebecca Walker of- Lunenburg, b, 171H, <1, 18 May, l81fl. Ho settled in J,'itzwll)iam, N. H., a leading man nmong the early settlers, ca1>t: in Uev. war. Asael8, b, 1772, blacksmith in J,'itzwilllam, m. Elizabeth Collins,

Josiah',~ Feb, 1798, farrner, Oneida Co., N. Y., m. Ruth Newberry, who ,1. 1841; farmer In that town. Lntber1, 2 Sept, 1800, d. 13 Nov. 1871, m, 29 June 1830, r,uoretla Taft or Roynlston, 26 I>eo. 1803, d. 20 May 1S83; was a butcher at Vernon Centre, N, Y, Mary', 13 Aug, tsos, d, 22 SeJ>t, 1821, Lovell', li Sept. 1800, d, 1865, blnoksmltb at Stockbridge, N. Y., beca1De blind, Ell1.aheth p,1, 26 Aug, 181l8 Ill, 1 July 1846, Charles E. 8choff or Hallowell, 1\le,, 3 se,,t. J8<H, d. 26 Jan. 1868, rnercllaut In Hoston, Mrs. s. now lives In her native town. Clvtrle, JI.•, 20 Mar, 1840, weut to Cal., m. 2IS Oct. 1881, Hraoe Hell, Walter H.•. Charles E.•. Sera(lb', 7 May 1811, d. ch.-b., Oneida, N. Y., 2IS Apr. 1850, m. 31 Deo, 18-&3, Ell n. Hungerror,1, rem. mun. burg, Jud, Ezekiel c.,, 12 Nov, 1811J, d. 16 Mar. 1821, Jose11h', 24 July 1818, educ. at Cazeuovla, N, Y,, jolne,l the Indiana ltl, E. Conf., d. Hamburg, Ind,, 2-& July 1843. Rebeccn', 19 Jl'eh, 1821, m, 28 I>eo 18111 Clement Hoo11er of 8tockhrhlge, N, Y,, tarwer, rem. Urand Ra11ld11, Mlcb,1 I~; shed,, bad 4 ch.1 all d, lur,

Josiah•, 25 Apr., liU, d, young1 Joseph', 10 July 17&0, ,1. 80 Jan. 1872, m Elizabeth Johnson of Uca\ling, 5' Oct. 178t, d. 8 May, 1828; m. 8 May, 1830, :!ti w. Eunlcc11 Wood of lllnrlgc, nntt, ¥·hod. in ch.-b., 21 J>cc., 1881; m. Mar., 1884, 8,1 w., Matll<1a Smith, rn. n. Hobbs, of Walth,m, 4 J>co., 1701, d. 21 May, 1870; wns a farmer and hlacksmltl1 on the'' garrison farm" in Lunenburg; rem, 188! to N, Leominster,

.Edmund', 10 Sept. 1807, d. a June 1873, m. 8 Apr. 1830, Eliza Tyler or Loomln11ter, 8 Oct. 1807, d, 1' Mar, 1878; l'etn. 183-& Lafayette, l1111., 1800 to Hille Gra!ls, Ill,, rarmor, Sa rail', b, 1831, II. Inf, Cl,arlotte A.•, d, Rlliabfllh', 30 :iov. 1810, 10 10 Oot, 1800, \Vm. ~[cC. Tennoryor Z·111es­v11le, O., H Mar. 18211 cattle drover, res. H11011eston, m., (Jtr, gran1lson or William Zntw). Myrta 0, M.•, 6 ~Iar. 1863, Marv B.•, 30 July 18H, e<luo, Oxford, O.; In 1870 wont as tnlsslou­ary teacher to Slain, ret. 18J4; au entertaining lecturer on mlulon•. Wlllla1111, 10 l•'ob, 1810, ll. 28 Feb, 1881, m. 27 Se1>t. 1833, )fary co,v,lry or Lunenburg, 20 ~IRr, 1808; was freight clerk, B, ~ A. U.R, In Hoston, res. Newton. 1'1JIYltt Cl.•, o Sept. lS.'JS, m. 2il May 1863, Clmr­lotte E. Porter of Waltham; wa11 olerk In Hoston, wont In 1800 to Ulchmon,1, Vn., nntl Inter to the Gunnison country, merchant, hanker, Mary E.•, 2 Aug. 1800, grad. Vassar, JS85, DeWitt o,o, 20 Oct. 1817. ltobocCl\7, 20 Apr, 1813, m. Elhrhlge' W11rirl, cmC", ,,. v. l\lrnyr, 24 Nov. 1811J, m. 17 SeJ>t,,1835, Al11hcus Rug~ or Rh11l,rc, N. H., 27 May 18:>5, d, 22 Dec, lt1Ci6, fnrmer, rem, 18U to Montague . .tlur11 &.•, 2 Nov. 1810, m. 8 Aug, 1881, James W. Hunt or Prescott, l June 1821 1 grocer 111 Athol to 187', now deals In wood an,l lumber. Elleri A,', :?2 Oct, 18491 d. Int. .Alphettt1 .A.~, 12 A11r, 181H, m, 13 ~far. 1883, Ada If, l\lcCoy, b. Hl11chl11,:t• brook, 'p, Q., '1 July 1850; butcher, 1ilo11t111~110. Evelvn ll.•, 18Jan. 18ll8, m, 10 l\lnr. !~81, Hcury C. l<'ny, b, J\lllford, o Mnr. ISM; was I\ Uut:,her In ~lo11tague, now ros. Athol, 1mz."'• 23 Min-1818, d, 12 l\lay 18471 m. 30 Aug, 181.'J, 11~ 211 W,, Jl\tn0!I JI. Mar.ihall of l,oomluster, 111\tc1i't lentber mnnr., d. 7 l<'ob. tSSO. Eunice w.,, 2l l>!!c, 1831, m. 21S l\far, 1858, Charlos W, Carter of Leominster, 21S liar. 1838, Ins. ngt., Jlostor, res. Quincy, Ploronco /,,•, 1 Jan. 1868,

Ucbecc118, 18 July, 1783, <1. Aug., 1810, m. (pub. 27 June, 1803,) Bzekiel John­son of lloll:s, N. H., sett. Lexington, rem. soon to Sangert\eld, N. Y.

LEOMINSTER, i"2 Kendall.

Luther IV, 22 Jl\n, 1801,,d. 15 Nov. 1872, m. 2 )lay 1823, Celina Smith or Trumbull, Conn., 15 Nov. 180), d. Janesville, Wis., o lfay 1880. .,:arah A.a, 11 Fob, 18213, m. 3 Feb. 1847, Otis F. Presbrey of York, N. Y., 20 Dec. 1821, atty.•l\t law, sett. Clarkson, N. Y., 1812, rem. 1850 to llulfalo, N. \"., 1870, Waihln~tQll, IJ. C., firm Preilbrey & Green; trustee of Howl\rd Univ. Frank s,e, 2'J Ml\y 1855, eduo, P.t Uelolt, Wis., Prfnooton, N. J., journalist In Kansas, Colo., Oh!o, now 111 Washington, D. o., pub, "Public Opinion." He m. 12 Juno 1878, Emma 0, Cohen of Mt, Vernon, o., to May 185.5, d. 21 Apr. t88J, m. 13 June 18!11, 2d w., Stella Spaulding of Hloomlngton, Ill., 6 Oct, tl!GO, Frederick E,10, b. & d. Inf. Charles s,10, 30 Mar. 1882, Jlaruucrlte c.10, 1 Apr. 1886, Fanry J.•, 27 Nov. 1858, d. Inf. GeorgeJ,t, 19 May 1805, college student. Sullivan F,•, 11 Mar, 1i,:;o, trav. Sl\lcs., d. Lexington, 1\lo., 4 l\lay h,M, Cliarlu l'.•, 3 July 1837, 1st lieut, F 7.fth N. Y. vols., m. 7 Aug. 1866, Mary 0. Greene of Sherburne, N. Y,; grad, Auburn Theo!, Sem, 1869, occupied at Holley, Smyrma, now at Cl\ndor, N. Y, Charles M.•, IIS Ml\y 1871, Rebecca W.•, 3 Nov, 1841, m. 7 Se1>t. 1870, A, A. Jackson, atty, Janesville, Wis. .lt'rancM R.9, 26 Sept, 1873. Williams.,, b, 18l7, mercb. Brltlge1>ort, Conn., m. d. 1875. Gooroo W.•. Franklin', b, 1810, d. 1869, at Flatbusb, L. 1 .. m. Franklin s.•, fn Pa, Josiah', b. 1813, merch. R. R. supt,, Sacramento, CI\I, Rebecca w,1, 10 June 1810, m. 20 May 1835, llurtou JI, Dyer of Oneida, N, Y. Sullivan', d. 1810.

Luthcr8, 3 Apr., 1788.

Prudence~, 10 Feb., 175), d. 15 Feb., 1822, m. 12 Feb., 17119, E lwar,l Kendall of Fitzwilliam, N. JI., 18 Sept., 1748, cl. 10 Jan. 1776 of camp fever; she m. 1777, 2d hus. Da,·lcl Kendall of Woburn, 5 Dec., 1740, d. 15 Sept., 1825; satt. at ht m. in Fitzwilliam, returnlug later to Leominster. Joanna', 28 Mar., 1772, d. 9 Feb., 1770, Tabltha8, 1 Nov., 1778, d. 12 Feb,, 1810, m. 25 Juno, 1797, William Lincoln of Leicester, 25 Oct., 1700, d. :.!8 Dec., 1810, farmer, Leominster.

Pntdence7, 25Jan. 17:>31 d. Inf. Luke', 12 Feb. 18()(, d, 22 Aug. 1870, m. 9 Oot.1831, Martha W, Carter or Leominster, 22 Sept, 1810, d. 17 Jan, 1801; carrlag&tnaker to 18f9, later a farmer. Clara A.•, 10 FelJ, 1833, 10. 13 May 186d, Ck11unoey W, Uarter or Leominster, 5 Nov. 1827, law-7er and trial Justice. Robert L.•, 30 Mar. 1869, 11,mrv o,s, 21 Dec. 1831, d. 13 July 18M. Edwin C'.•. 28 Sept. 1837, d, 11 Sept, 1843. L11ov a.~, 11 July 18U, d, young, Edward K.,, 10 Aug. 1802, d, 13 Dec, 1870, m, l SeJ>t, 1836, S.illy Merriam, who d, Apr, 1883, Jlary•, b. 1HO, d, Inf, Geioroo E.•, 28 July 1842, farmer, m. June 1809, Frances E. Narramore or Richmond, N. H, Edward K.•, 10 ~lar, 1873, Mary A.•, 19 Dec. 1877, Ernest F.•, U Jan, 1880. Marv .lf.8, 19 Mar. 18", m, 22 Jan, 1867, Albert M, Haskell of Leominster, Jan, 18'3. res. Newberu, N, O,, farmer. Heuryr, 11 Aug. 180-l, d. 29Feb. 1800, m.14 Feb, 1838, Martha Bond of N, Drook­ftold, 31 Oct. 1813; grad. Harvard 1830, In medicine at Pblla., Pa. 1834, prao, In r.anuMter. Maru o.•, 31 Jan. 1810. Ella S,8, 27 Sept. 18U, d 18 Nov. 1861, William JI.•, 6 July 18'31 d, 6 Jan, 1857, Jlartl,a /J,•, 30 Nov. 18!0, teacher. Franota N,•, 10 May 1850, grad. llRrv. 1871, m, June 1881, Mary A, Lewis or JJlrmlngham, Conn,; was engineer on R.R., nnd coast surveys to 1877; since trav. sales. for 11\w book publlslleri1; res, Belmont. Henry', 26 Deo, 1885,

:mtward8, 17 Supt. 1775, d. 20 Mar. 18l0, m. 19 Oct. 1801, Polly Gerrish of New­bury, 22 Apr. 177~, ti. 81 Oct. ldH. Ho w,u a eablnetm11kor, rem. Wcstmineter, town clerk 82 years, much employotl In J>robate buelncu.

Samuel o.,, 2 M11y 1804, d, Juuo 1885, m. Mat·y W, Fowle ol Woburn. Ho W..lS sch, tea., morch., I', ~r., town clerk, Ins. agent, JMward', 20 Apr. lriOi, m. l'amola lllgolilw or West­minster, who d:i 111. 115 Sot>t, 1853, 2,1 w. llfary A, Wood, m. n. IJlanchnrd, of C'hrnlton. Ho was sob. tea., painter, rem Wurce~to1· 18.H, connected with the city l{t1vcrnmcnt, Marv A.•, 18 Apr. 1835, d, young, J:dwaril Jt'.•, 29 Ju110 183:J, agency and commission bus, Charl,ea n.•, 30 Dec, 1840, sen•ccl 111 Uevons' Hatt. JUfte.i, re-0111, !Ith Ma1111. Vols., must, out captain, since In Rgoncy bu!tlnoss, m. Anni\ o. l'lke, b. Pembroke, N. H , 17 June 18U, Mary o.•, 17 Doc, 1870. Jlolon H,11, 21 Juno 187:l. l-~tlw11r11~, I l>cc. 1877. /lenry J,•, 18 Dec. IM2, cnl, 61st llfass. Vols., d, In hos11, Wllltam Jt'.•, 20 ~lnr. t815, d, young. Mary1, 14 July 1809, d, Apr. 18.H, m. Franklin Jones or Royalston, b. 1801, d. 10 Aug, 18-16, coll, grad., opene,! a lluut·lshlng school l\t Dowling Groen, Ky., continued by Mn,. J. until broken u1> by the civil wnr, when she romove,t to St, Louis, Mo. E<lwar<l K.•, JS June 183-1, d, young, llc11Jamill J.'.•, 20 SeJlt, 1830, ncco11nta11t. l/c11r11 L.~, 10 Juno 1830, r. M,, Nashvllle, Tenn., durrng war, d. 3 Nov. ISG8. <Jhal'lcs J{,1, 2-i July ISH, druggist, Ht, Louis, .Mo. ,tlary K.*, 11 Aug. UH3. Jo&cpli s.•, 20 Sept. 184~, grad, Amherst Rnd Albany LRW school, nttorney, CJcorgc', 6 Junn 1811, 111. Sarnh ~llllor of Weat•nlnstor, who d,; ,m, 19 Nov. 18-115, 2tl w., Harriet


llowll or l\larlboro, 14 A11r.1813; c111Jl11etwakcr, lo\1·11 clerk at death of his father, died at his 11ost, ~much ,ueetlng tlay, 1865. Mary .. ,V, 8 Jnue 1830, George Al.•, 13 Dec, 1840, served In 51st Mass Vols., lives In ~cw York city. Asa u.•, 6 Dec. l8U, In shoo trade at Worcesttir1860, d. In Alluuesot.a, 1"r<111cis8

1 17 Aug. 18461 cl. Inf. .''iaruh E .•, 6 .Aug. 1863, d, 27 July 1807. Cllarles7, H l:t'ob, 1813, d, 10 lllnr. 187;$1 111 •. Marla, sister or Harriet Howe, c111le, IJ. lloxhoro, d. l'etersham; w. l!d w., Sarah E. Gilbert of Stamford, N, Y,; grad. Amherst and Au dover Tbeol, 8cm.; Cong, u1lnbter at Hinsdale, N. H., So. Royalston, Bernardston, l'cteraham, Auburn, and Windham, N. Y, Jlarrlet E,8, 2 Se11t. 1843, sch. tea., d. Prattvllle, N. Y,, 22 Aug. 1866. 0/iarle~ JI.•, 111.luly 18!5, bookkcc1,er, m. Eltlora E, Prentiss of Auburn, 22 Dec, 18'4, Anna D,•, 10 June 1860. Mary J .,, 2 Sept. 18i5. .Aym:.s ,ll.•, 16 Sept. 1868. Ueorvo w.•, 1 l'lay 1803. .Arcl,fbald a.•, 23 Juue 1868. Syh·ntm1,11, 23 Oct. 1810, rn, Emily ll. Cbuse of Royalston, 28 Nov. 11123; was a painter, rem. 1805 to Worcester. Eclu,artl s,•, 27 July 18421

enl. B 16th Mass. Vols., at Dall's Dlutr, Yorktowu, Fair Oaks, ~lalvcrn Hill, So, MouutalD and others, dl8cb. dis,; painter, town clerk, m. 30 Oct. 1116,j, Mary E. Carr of Westminster, 14 May 1843, Walter 8,1, 6 Nov. 1868, Emllr JJ.0, 16 Juue 1871, .Lorin B.•, 26 Oct. 18-14, paluter at Clinton, 01, Mary M. Spo!lord of l'ctea·boro, N. H., ao July 1844, Harriet M,11, 20 Oct. HOO. Ellen 8.11, 3 June 1860. Sylvauus9, 111 Setit, 1874, Edward o.0, 19 Sept. 1877, d, inf. Sarah M.•, 6 Se11t, 18'16, m. Geo, w. Uarnes of Westminster, res. Worcester. Emma C.•1 26 Oct. 1848, d, young.

Prudcnce8, 6 Apr. 1782, d. 27 Dec. 1880, m. 18 Oct. I70!J, Martln l{endall, b• Shcrborne, 8 Sept. 1878, d. 27 May, 1863, cooper, sett. Gardner 1800, rem. West• morcland, N. H., to Winhall, Vt., 1889.


Miranda', Ill Deo.1799, d. 81 Dec, 18i0, Isaac p,,, o Sept.1801, d. 11 Dec. 18&1, m. 111 Apr, 1830, Caroline l'1U'trldge of Gardner, 13 Nov. 1800, sett. In that town, 1em. J833 to Jamaica, Vt., ret. 1867, merbaulc, Sut,m•, 24 l\lar. 1831 1 111. 10 lllar. 1867, Hanlet M, Partridge of Gardner, who d, :lli Oct. IHOO; rem, Geneseo, Ill. J.<'rederlck 1•.•, 7 Dec. 1869, res. Seattle, W. T, Irwin', IJ, 1803, d, Inf. Sarah", t,, 1867, d, inf. Uaroll1'e', 28 Aug, 1832, d. 3 Mar. 1854, m. ~ May 18621 Sardis M. Cbue of J 1m1alca, Vt, Louf,tt, 13 lo'et,, 1830, m. 9 Dec, 1800, Willard Kidder of l:lublette, Ill., eett. Oeuer1eo, 111., a·ew, abt. l8i0 to Qulucy, llllcb.1 1877 to Terre Haute, cl, Cora L 0, 27 J:o'oll. 1862, Mark w.•, 4 l\lay ll!OO, Clluton 11.0, 9 Nov. 1867, Idella•, Sept, 1871. Edward s,v, Mar. 1874, Al'thm· n.o, b. 1876, Slclue)·", Juuo 1878, Marc11118, LI Oct. 1841, m. 6 Uot. 111;1, Augclluo lfohmdy of Dceafteld; res. X, Y. city, Hca-tha M.8, 24 llar.1875, Arthur M,11, July 1870. Amy I,.o, Se11t. 1884. llctrrtet~, 2 Aug. 18-H. ~lary1, 8 Se11t. 1803, d, 4 A111·, 1875, au. Oct, 1821, Asa Perley of •re11111leto11, 7 Oct. 1707, d. a 81111t. 1867, Marv A,•, li ?,fay 18.1'.l, au, Johu Xlcliols, Charle:1 A,11, 27 Jau, 1860, lll, Elva U11to11. Acla A,•, 29 Aug, 1853, w, Wm, Cnl'Juwn. Jiau J>.•, 4 Juno l8l!.f, d, 20 A1,r. 1880, 111, Lucy A, Austlu, who ti, Ella11, m, Jas. Hodge. Allce11, rn. Wesll'y Wllk111t1, 1<:11111,nv, 111, Arthur Fisher. Wllllaru .t,\11, 30 A11r. 1866, C/1111'/U ..,I,•, l6 l:le11t, Jb:.!ti, I.I,~ lo'ub, ldd7, Ill, (.'hloe Whltuuy, · Mary 1,11, Se11t, 18-19, Ill,

Hethc1t l,elnud. Cl111l'lt'd A.111 June t86J, 111. M. J,;11" Walto, /lc,lpl• W. 10, d, ,llurl.on10,

William. I'.•, 2 Apr. 1820, m. Ma..tha J. Wright, who d. o nee. 1872. flcorvo A.•, 8 July 1831, m. Su111u1 Nlohulat. J,ulu £,v, 10 Juue 1800, 111. Ol'o, W, ~lasou. l/11rry W,10, 12 Muy lb:6, b'tlicl /,,10, Sept. 18i0, Jamea JJ.•, 20 Feb, 18:H, 111, l<'a1111y 8. Joh11~011, lo'raucls,, ti. h,f, Jt', Watte~, -I May 1836, an. Adeline Gntes, Oeorgc Jr,11, of Aug, 1fl611, in. lre1,.e <:lark, J<:llcn E.•, a Mar. UM. 'J l1to11l11h1s 1•.•, 1l! Nov. 1838, 111, .Allco A. UJtha111, C111·0J1110 1''.•, 20 July 1869, L, Alo11Mil, 10 June 1841 1 d. tn nrmy, Lewis .-;.•, 17 Ju111.1 t&H, 111. Jlcl1l'cc11 M Howl', who d, AJ1r. 18114 i 111, l!cl, Annn Wtli;tht, Lewis l{,o, Ot•l, l!!il, Jhllh W,1 , Nu\', les;J, Hllm JI.•, 10 Sept. lt!-ill, m. J. Adlu Stearns. Eva l\t;•, t,, 1871, Hany J,11, !<'ell. 187-1, Atvln', ta Hee. 1800, d, 8 Ftib, 11149, 111cuhunlc, .Aahburuhn111, au. 20 Nov, tfl:I'.?, lla111111h Ucmls of Wtstml11stcr, 8 July JSl:t, d. 7 Juue 1880, Marv M.•, 17 Jnn, lS:i-1, m. 27 Nov. ltlu:?, Geo • .1<;, Sawtelle or Ash• burnhnm, l'elll, ISM, ;\IIJfortl, N. II. Jlannal, R.•, 0 Sc11t, 1830, d, ai .l<'cb, 18.'i!J, Ill, IRll Ji-M, 1''rctlcrlck 1'. Jhuwn of Wluclumdon. 1,oretlt•, 8 Jnu. 1840. ..-tlartln•, 3 Uct, 1841, d, Ill ~ov, 18!U. ll'caltl,11•, 26 Sc)lt, 1844, 111: 23 ~Jny 1861, AILert i..·. WIiiard or Ashburnham, 1e111, llethol, Vt, Ji:clith L,u, 2() July 1803, 111, Sept, 1891, l', H, .b:wh1g of Alllany, N. Y,; res. Perth Amboy, N. J, llarr11•0, 10 Aug, JlSS:.f. Jol,n u,10, 16 },'eh. 1884, .l\lary A,o, 8 Jan, 1800, tel, 011,, Ayer, Abby M.•, 20 Dec. 11H6, cJ. 17 Juno 1883, m, o Nov. 1877, Jncob J{eudall of Te11111lc, N, H. A1111b', 18 Dec, 18071 d, 2-1 A11r. 1863, w. Oct. 1112<1, nollert l'owors, Jr. 1"redorlck w.•, 3 DAo, 1830, au, Ann Harry i sel'Vetl o mos. In 63d ~lass, Vols, Snrnh A,o, m, Wm. Whitman, res. lhadson i 2 ch, Vluu Jes,. lo'rederlck 1;.11, Josc1111v. Wllllam11. Marv s.•, 30 July lS.'tl, d. 21 Oct. 1843. Adell110 K.•, 10 Apr, 183-1, 111, Edwin I,. I<endall, res. Gardner, Arthur L,0, l!O Aug. 1857, rn. Jenny}'. Coleman; res. Gardnor. CJlarenco v,10, 2 Juno 1881, Albert E,11, 10 Nov, 1862, IsabelleG, 141"eb, 180J, Helo~o,·9 :iept. ~8!Q, Afarttn K.•, 1 lo'cll, 1837, m. Harriot Day

74 Cumming 11.

or Templeton; served 3 yrs. 9th Vt. Vols., fn Jate war. Prttdence E.•, 16 May 1840, m. Edwin Bennett of Hubbardston. Chester E.•, 12 July 1861. Ida A.•, O June 1804. Lo,-e11zo J.9, 23 Feb, JM3, m. Louisa Houghton of Dolton; Jived Gardner, Hubbardston; served in 2d l\fass, Vols., Jost one foot. George M.•, 14 June 1800, m, Jessie Cl1a11man, Edwin B.•, A11r, 1870, Amos P.•, 28 Nov. 18t5, enl,, went to Washington 1805, war closed; m. Mrs, Adeline Whit­man. 1Ienr11 A.•, 13 Mar. 1848, m. Charlotte E. Hudson of Hubbardston; res. Worcester. Alfred H.11, 18 Aug. 1870, Charles H.•, .Apr. 1876. Leslie 1\J.e, July 1878, Davld7, 27 Feb, 1810, teamster, Gardner, m. 18 Oct. J831S, Lucy Kem11 or Gardner, 26 Jan. 1816; lost a hand, taken off by clrcular saw In chair shop, 4 May 1806. Eliza A.8, o l\fay 1837, m. H Sept. ISM, John H, Minott, cbalrmnker, So. Gardner. Jane E.•, 8 l\far, 18.57, d. Inf. Henry W.', 1 Sept, 1863, d, 1 June 1873. Geol'ge L.0, 115 A11r. 1806, Gcorgc8, 1 Mar. 1839, m. 215 Aug. 1859, Sarah 0, Howe; cbalrmaker, So. Gardner; enl, 18 Sept, 1801, C 1st 1\lass. cav., all prlu. battles army of Potomac to Mar. 1804; on duty at lid, Qrs. Genl. l\leatle; dlsch. 3 Oct. 1804. W, Hobart•, cbalrmaker, musician, leader of band, m, 1\laa-y J. Kendn1J, Webster A,9, IS Mar, 1841, enl. May 18611 F 2d Mafls. Cav., ordered to Kentucky fall 1803, ro.-enl,, with Sherman to the sea, dlsoh, July 18015; chnfrmaker, So, Gardner, m, Nov, 1805, Adeline J>oJlnrd of Jaffrey, N, H,, who d. 1867; m, 13 July 1876, 2d w., Caroline Arelal of Hoston, Ellen J,•, 28 Apr. 18-ffl, d, 3 Nov, 1876, m. 8 Aug. 1862, 'rho1na.s U, Goodspeed of Gardner, ante, cbalrmRker, Maru J.•, 2 Sept. IM5, d. young. Frtmcenq Jl.8, o Jnn, IIHS, 111, 16 June liSG9, Orrin C, Jillson of Gnrdner, mechnnlc, l11mcl leader, 12th \Vis. Vols. Lewis IC•, 9 DeJ, 18i0. Harry M,o, 28 June 1874, Mary J,6, 14 Mar. 18601 cl, young, Al1ce J.9, 30 ~lar. 185!.I, tl, inf, Charles u.•, 21 Dec. 18153, engineer, So, Gardner, ru, 121\lay 1880, l\lary L. :\lnrray. Ocorge D.", 9 Oct, 1881. Mary J,0,

28 Mar. 18&5, J.'ranl., JI•, 24 l\lnr, 1850, chnlrnrnker, So, Ga11lncr, m, 18 Jan, 1882, Cora M, Learned, Lucia K.9, 16 Oct. 1882. Nel~ou L.9 , :JO Dec. 1886, Jt'lora A.•, 9 Dec, 1861 1 m, 2 Oct, J8i0, EtJward A, Stone, cle1·k, So. Gardner. Flora I,.,, 22 liar. 1886, Adelh1e', 24 May 1812, d, 30 Sept, 18811 m, 15 Feb. 1811, nnrm, Stickney, sett, Templeton, rem. Waltham, Charlea H.•, 10 Deo, 1841, m, Caroline 1<•arn11wortb, 1''rank o,o, 4 ,July 1660, Mary 1.;,11 20 lJcc. 1874, n,orge A.•, G A11r. 1M3, d, 3 Oct, 1873, enl. July 111G2, D 36th Mass, Vol11,, out June 1866, m. llabel H, Dumont, John n.0, 24 Dec. 1867, Marv A,•, cl. 11 June 18152, Hila J.•, 23 A11r 18152, d, young. Frank n.•, Oct, 1850, d, Inf, nartlett s.r, 26 Mar, 181-1, d, 10 Jan. 1881, m, 16 Feb, 18401 Martha JI, Hinds of Gardner, 7 Juue 1817; farmer, rem. Jamaica, thence to Winhall, Vt, Ja,ne, Jt,•, 6 Aug, IMO, m. l liar, 1805, Mary R, Burbank; farmer, rem, Wardsboro, Delbert J,•, 27 Jan, 1873, John K.•, 10 Dec. 18715, aeor,,e B.•, 30 Aug. 1842, m, 1 Mar, 1805, Luella A, Denson; tatm"r, Winhall, Vt, nurt A,o, JO SeJ)t, 1800, Martha A.o, 6 J:,'eb. 1868, m. Aug, 188151 Ethelbert Waite of Newfane, Vt., chair manr., Wardsboro, Vt, Lucln IV, J1 Dec. 1873, Emeat o.•, 1 May 1880, Edward I,•, 20 Jan, 18151, m, 115 Oct, 18i3, .Adeline 0, JJurbank. Ola M.•, 24 Oet, 1874, Cora L.•, 30 Oct, 18i0, Hermione .'\1,•, o Feb, 1&8:Z, Charle, D.•, 7 Nov. 181571 m, .Aug. 1879, Margaret Shar11; farmer, rem, St, Charles, IIJ,, thence to Oraud Harbor, Dak, Herbert u.0, A)lr, 1881, Charles 'n,,, Se1,t, 1882, Clnudeo, b, 1884, JJenJamln F,', 30 June 18161 farmer, Gardner, m, 4 Dec. 1846, Isabella Chane, who d. May 1849; m. 9 Oct, 1860, Mrs, .Mary D, Kendall. J,·vfue0, 17 Aug. 1862, ll'illlatn•, 7 AJ1r, 186-1, ti, Inf, lltt/us•, 2 1\lay 18156, m, Sept, 18811 Anna Quigley, )tnrth1', 23 July 1818, d. young. Timothy', s Nov, 1821, d. 6 Aug, 1879, lnwberruan, Arll11gton1 Vt,, m, IMO, Cynthia Jloraley; serv, In Mex. war; a ycnr lo the clvll war, Marla A.•, d,, w. Frank l'roctor, llenrv B,•, m. Jenny Williams; re11, Mancheater, Vt. Marv•, d. young, CaJ'Ollne8, d, young, 1\larla K,', 19 Jau. _182/i, 1111111.1 Gardner.

Ablga11°, 27 Dec, 1784:, cl. 11 May, 1808, m. 8 Jun., 1802, Jonathan Cummings of Lunenburg, who d, 8 }'eb., 1822, tu,·crn keeper, J.cominster.

Frankllu7, 27 A11r, 1802, m, 7 Se11t, 1828, A1111a Taylor of Leominster, 27 Nov, 1803; fu hoot and shoe trade, •rroy, N. H., Cambrl<lge to 18i3, rem, Uoston Hlghla111ls, .A111, JI.•, 29 July 1820, d, fut, Ann R,•, 2-1 Aug, 1830, John F,•, 26 neo, 1833, bookkel•pcr, 111,•alfd elnce 188:2, Cbrlsto11her1, 20 Mny 18041 m, Clementina Gardner of Hoston; weut to Cal, 18~0, res, at Needham, Clementina. G.•, IJ. 1830 (?), d. 18150, Char/ea L.•, d. Dec, 1886, Mary', G Sept. 18001 d, 28 Se11t, U82, m, A11r. 18271 Clement Willis, b, Urhlge• water, 2li June 1801, gro, trade, Hoston, Ilt1nr11 o.•, 10 Oct, 18281 broker, m, 18 .Nov, 18151, Sarah A, K, Rargent of Boston, b, 1828 ( ?), Anna L.•, 4 Feb, 18153. Marv E.•, 26 Deo. 1820, m, 31 Oct, 1860, John S}larhawk of Salem, who d, ~ Feb, 1872, lived Camb}lt, Mary A,8, H Sept. 181H, d, young, Clement w.o, 111 Mar, 1834, grad, Harv, )led, Sch, 1881, phys,, City hosp, 1':tlward~, 4 1\fay 18156, cl, 24 Apr. 1876. Nathaniel A,o, 4 Oct, 1863, real est, agent. Ueoruo A.•, 12 Nov. 1831, d, 18 Apr, 18601 In Cal, Charles J,•, 10 tleJ>t, 1833, Ill, 31 Oot, 1860, Mary A, Hird of Dorchester; city assessor, Oeorge A.•, 21 Oct. 1861, Walclo 1'',8,

SHIBLEY, 15 Mansfield.

31 Oct. 1835, d. yllung. Edward H.•, 12 Feb. 1838, ID, 23 )lay 1866, Francis Holbrook of Bos­ton; Ins. agency In South America. Edward H.11, 20 Feb. 1857, gro. clerk, Boston. :nary J.11, 3 Jan. 1860. Elle,, Jtf.l, 31 Mar. 1840, d. young. Francl8•, 13 June 1&12, d. 28 Sept. 1849. Horace', li Aug. IMO, d. fnf, Emelfno7, 26 Oct. 1800. Rufus K.r, 29 May 1811, d. 28 Mar, 1866, m. Rachel Avery, b. lie. Abbv J.i, m. Samuel Sargent of Lynn; 2 ch, Abigail', 4 Nov. 1813, d, 8 May 1868, m, Charles L. Gibson, who d. 31 Dec. 1863. Carolt11e A.•, d. Abby a.•, d, Cllaries L.•, d. .Annas.•, d, Mlmitea, m. as 2d w. JoseJJh D. Greene or Del., res. Faribault, Minn. Jose)Jh D.11• Charles L.11. Cornella o.•. Harry 0,11, Allee c.11, Timothy S, ', 20 Jan, 1817, d. 31 Aug. 1836, Charles', 21 Jan. 1!121.

Mary6, 8 May, 1787, d, 27 Oct., 1860, m. 17 Apr., 1807, Timothy Stearns, who d. 22 Mar., 1881 i m. Apr., 1888, 2d bus., Elijah }'uller, who d. 10 Oct, 1830 i m. 3d bus., Reuben Kendall. Mr. Stearns was a blacksmith in :Fitchburg and Lancaster. Shed. in Westmoreland, N. II.; , ch. by him, 8 d.-young. David8, 20 Oct., 1706, William5, 15 }'eb., 1762, feeble in mind and body, d. 81 Aug., 1805. Ruth5, H Apr., 176-l, m. (pub. 81 Aug., 1775), Joseph l{nceland of Fitzwilliam, rem. Thet­ford, Vt. Joseph0• Christopher°, m. grocer in Boston, d, abt. 181', had son d. abt. same time. Joscph5, 28 Dec,, 1757, 11 melted" during retreat of tho American army, d, in camp at New York city, 28 Sept., 1770, llenjomin1\ 18 July, 1750, d, 17 Mar., 180, m. (pub. 15 Aug., 1782) Merril Nichols of Lcomlnstl'r, June, 1702, d. 23 Sept., 1851; a revolutionary soltller; physician in Shirll'y. Sophia8

1 16 Jan., 1788, m. 26 Dec,, 1804, Luther Parker of Hanard, 24 June, 1781; d. next tloy. Abi6, 0 Oct. 1785, d, 8 Feb,, 1871, m. Jan., 1805, Joseph l\fonsfloltl, b. Lynn, 17 Dec,, 1771, d. 28 Apr., 1880, physician in Groton,

Jose11h1, 4 Feb, 1806, d, )far. 1M2, m, Emeline Loring; was a carpenter, went to Opelousas, La, llenrv A,•, trav, sales,, m. Sarah Hean of Lowell, res, Waltham; 3 ch, Em1nu•, 01, Ed, E, Rrmkln, car driver, Arlington; 3 boys, Joso11hs, d. Woroester, Ucorgc•, m. 8usan Saw­telle or Fitchburg, works In watcb factory, Waltham; 2 or 3 ch, Jt'rcderlck•, was In army, now at Soldiers' Home, Augusta, Me., m. In Me,; 3 ch, George', 8 Oct. 1807, d. 26 July 1869, m. 18 Nov, 1832, Hannah M, Curl111 or Iloston, 21 Dec, 1811, d, 14 Apr. 1868; dentist, Waltham and Lowell, rem. Janesville, Wit•, 1,·,.a11ces JtJ.•, 11 Aug, 1833, d, Inf. Ucorge c.•, 26 May 18371

merch,, Johnson's Creek, Wfs,, m. 15 Oct. 1801, Caroline Mosher, who d, 23 Oct, 1872; m, 15 Oct, 1873, 2d w,, Kitty Wlnnek, George D.", 11 July 1863, Frederick c.0, 21 Mar. 1868, Grace R.0, 14 June 1871, Frank P.", H Mar, 1876, Philip w,o, 22 June 1877, Horace 1''.11, 16 Nov, 1878, Jost1>hine E.•, 20 Feb. 1840, rn, 26 Dec, 1871, C, II, Larrabee, lumberman, Osbkosb, Wis, Jose11hlne A,o, 27 AJ>r, 1878. Jlem·v CJ,•, dentist, 27 Feb, 1843, grad. Phlla., t•a., 1873, res, Jeft'prson, Wfs., m, 17 Nov, 1874, Henrietta Waterbury, Amy F,11, JI Sept. 1875. Ada A,11,

22 Jan, 1878. John W,•, 20Jau. 1881, .Arthur E.•, 15 Aug, 18411, fanner, Sumner, IR, Auna l.~, 1 Jan. 1848, m, lOJune 1809, Edmund C, .Atkinson, coll. 11rof, ancl grancl master F, & A. M,, Sacramento, Cal, .£dmun1l M.,, lli Aug. 1872, Arthur F.•,2 Aug, 1870. Harold H.~, 27 June 1884, d, Inf, Robert', 12 Nov, 1810, car)I., d, Sept. 1809, In La, Wflllam7, lli Jan, 1812, d. young, Elizabeth M.11 4 l<'eb. 1814, m, 26 Feb. 1836, Josl"h WIiiiama or Groton, 1 May 1804, d. 23 Jan, 18-17, carp,; m, 4 Nov, 1851, 2d bus., Oeo. w. Knn111> of Dummerston, Vt,, 10 Dec. 1700, cl, 24 Nov, 18n, farmor, Eclna M.•, 24 t,'eb. 183(1, d, 3 Jan, 1845, Charles K.•, 13 Mar, 1838, d. 13 Nov, 1803, Robert M.•, 23 Jan. 18-10, 111, Ii So11t, 1866, Sarah Kna1111 or Dummerston, b, 18-12; farm"r, W, H1·nttleboro, Vt, Sarah E.11, 8 ~\J>r, lSiO, Heur~, 10 July 1884. Jo,talt A.•, 10 Apr, 18-121 11. young. Ahl s.s, 23 Jul)' 18-U, d, young, Susan 1': .~, 11 Sept, 1852, cl, ch.-b,, 16 l<'eb. 188-1, Ill, 31 Alar, 1870, James 0, l'hllllJJS of Alstcnd, N. II,, farmer, Swa11zcy, N, H. ueoroo ,.;,,, 20 Xo,•, 1867, Susnn L,', 2-1 Aug, 1810, cl. oh.-b., l\lar. 1858, m, nozalcol IJrldge or Wlntlsor, Vt., farmer. Elleur, io Oct, 1818, m. oco, W, Winn or Nashua, N, U,, mill overseer In Lowell, cl, /lelcu Jo',•, with mother Ju Lowell, Mary A,r, 111 Out, 1822, ti, 10 Se11t. 1886, m, John II. llolt of Tow11eond, l7 D110. )8C4 1 d. lli July 181H, )la per maker, 1''itchburg i Ill, 11 Jan, 1861l, 2d hue., Jnmes Mcl>ouou~h of Fl•.cllhurg, carp. Jo'rank A,•. 12 Juno 1850, 8, M, ngt,, Groton, S11san A,s, 2-1 Sept, 1800, 111. 10 l\lar, 1886, Henry Wright of Woathersfleld, Vt,, 17 Oct, 1858, 111nchlnl11t, l•'ltchburg, oeo,·vo Jo'.•, f11rmor, Carver, Wllllnm7, 24 Jan, 18211, m, 27 lt'eb. 1851, Marcia Hagley of Jlnrtland, Vt,, 10 Oct, 1827; farmer, rem, abt, 1860 to Wis,, now at Johnson's Creek, Prank 1-:.S, 30 Dco, 1851, m, 10 Feb, 18i0, l\lary ,r, l\lcl>ouahl or 1''armlng­to11, Wis,; fnrmer, Little l•'nll!i, .l\lltw, ~ora', 13 July 1878. Waltorl', 17 July 1884. William E .•, 0 May 18631 w, 20 Alay 18831 Mary .K. Voight, t,, Jlt, Atkinson, Wis,; real est, agt., Jamea-

16 T,irbell.

town, Dak. Leda', 28 Se1>t, 1886, Otto', 21 Nov. 1854, cl. Inf. Eclt1a~, 3 Feh. 1869, d. )'Oun~.

Marcia J.8, 22 Aug. 1863, m. 8 FP.b. 1882, Hugo W11lters of Watertown, Wis., b, 1848, bard, merch., Casselton, Dak, Henrietta', 3 June 1883. Edoa•, 8 Deo, 188-1.

Desire•, 8 Mar., 1788, d. 0 May, 1871, m. 2{. Mar., 1815, Artemas Longley of Shirley, 11 Feb., 17871 d. 10 July, 1824:; m. 2d hus., Moses Lawrence of Ash• burnham.

Artemas', 28 Oct. 1811,, d. 20 Feb. 1876, m. 18 May 1841!, EUzabeth Harrett of Shirley, 25 Jan, 1818, d, 10 Mar. 1881; sch, tea., r"m. Groton. Elftabtth•, 12 July 18-17. Harriet a.•, 18 Aug. 1840, m. Z1 Aug. ISM, Georges. Prescott of Groton, 8 May 18U, farmer. F.milv•, 21 Jan, 18621 d, 17 Oct. 1866, Sarah 1''.•, 12 BeJ>t. lSIH. Jenny•, 11 Aug. JSM, George A.•, 29 Sept, HlOO, Moat of them ecliool teachers. Emily', JO May 18101 11. 19 Sept. 1850, nt, 29 Dec. 1&12, Tbomaa H. Page of Shirley, 8 Se pt, 18141 d. 23 Aug, 1873. A/cl.ry E.1, 18 May 18'1'1, m. 6 Deo. 1878, Massena Heath of Temple, N. H., mns. tea. In Boston. Sarah H,7, 27 Aug. 1821, d. 80 Deu. 1860. Samuel', 2 Dre. 1823, m. lO l\far. 18611, .EIIZllbeth S. Hathaway of Grafton, 26 Apr, 1827, d. 29 May 1869; m. 18 May 1860, 2d w. Ellen n. Fay or Grafton; a mercb. in Shirley. lawr hotel kee11er in San Francisco. Cat., now In southern O11.I, Cllarlea•, 30 May 1800, loo., eng., New Mexico, Elbabeth•, 20 Apr. 1869, m. 13 Dec. 1881 1 Rev. Francis s. Bickford or Warn,n, Me., b. 181\0, now at Sandford, Me., J>Utor of Rapt, ch. Harold o.•, ti> Apr, 1883, Samuel L.•, 80 July 18811, Samuel 11,•, 11 Jan. 18611 m, 20 Har. 1883, Elizabeth E, Edgarton of Shirley, 8 Jan, 1860; P. o. clerk, Brookline, Cambridge, Ellen J.•, 16 l>oc. 1864, honBekee11er, Cam­bridge, J<·rancu 11.•, 26 Oct. 1870. John .A,•, 11, July 187!, J/ary E.•, fi Feb. 18711,

Mary A.4, 15 Nov., 1789, m, 0 Dec., 1814, Benjamin W, Edgarton of Shirley, 1 Nov., 1789, d, 29 Oct,, 1825; shed. Amherst,

Benj1unl0 u.,, 80 Mar. 1819, d, 2, Deo. 1826. So1JhlA'· 8 Apr. 1821, m. 10 Dec. l&H, E. Hub­bard, lived ai WfUJameburg In 1872, Mr. H., a dau. and ~r. oblld were among the victims or the burath1,r reeervolr. Mn. H. re8, In Amherst. Edwtnr, 12 Jnne 1823, d, 26 June 1801, Janette7, 29 Nov. l62li, m, 16 Mar 18491 Henry Stearns, reB, So. Amherst.

Marla9, 7 Nov., 1792, d, young. Jcpthah8, H Feb,, 1704. cl, 8 Juno, 1862, m. 22 Dec,, 1819, Betsey Boynton of Groton, b. 17011, d. 80 Oct,, 1872,

.Elliabetb B.i, 17 Oct. 1820, d, 19 Sept. 187:1, m. 3 Dec. 184.f, ThomM c. Day of Shirley, 16 Dec. 1820, who d, 19 Sept. 11173; m.11 Nov, 187,, 2d ht111., David H, Nichols of Troy, N, H., carJl,, Readfni, Thoma, 11.•, G Sept. 1&111. d. 8 Nov. 187~. Wmlmn 1".•, Sept. 1848, d. yonng, Marv B,1, 11 June 1863, school teacher, Groton, .Arthur JJ.•, 20 June ISM, l\fhrlhn', 13 }t'eh. 1822, m. 26 May 1848, William DeWitt uf Ware, Clarissa A,t, 12 Apr. 1824, «t, roung. Inf. m,1, 25 Oct. 18271 d, Wfllfam s.,, 13 Mnr. 183.1, d, young. Sr.rnb s.r, 7 MRY 1834, d. inf, Mary M,', twin, m. 31 Oct, 1860, lUchard P. Joy of Durham, N, H., 28 Alar. 1812, rl, 24 Apr, 1876, fAnner, Groton, Marv P,•, 20 Se}lt, J801. Jame, 11.•, Ill Oct. 1aoa,Journ11ll~t, Plalntlehl, N. J. Allee .M.•, 18 June 1809, Adelln', 17 Jan. 1838, m. 18 June 1872, David It, Steere, M,D., Eagleville, Conn., 27 Apr. 1847, grad. Darun. med. Bob., prac. Groton.

Sally•, 9 Dec,, li97, m. 3 Aug,, 1814, as 2d w. Thomas llnzon of Shirley, 8 Mar., 1770, d. 2 Nov., 1856; eMest survivor of 6th gen. llenjnmln9, 1 July, I 790, m. 28 July, 1824, Sarnh Brooks of Lunonhurg; rem, Charleston, Mich,, returning cnst; he waB drowned at Lockport, N. Y., Sept., 1845 i fell from canal boat,

Benjan1h1', m., res, Kalamnzoo, Mich, Sa11111ol', m., K,,lnmnzoo. Aaronr, wont eouth. J11,1 e', m, moss,

Clarlsea•, b, 1802, d. 1882, Marla•, 20 I•'ch., 1805, d, 0 Dec,, 1870. Ucubcn6, -I July, 1702, (1. 7 Jan., 1838, m. 27 Apr., 1780, Alilgnll ]h1ggll!s of

Leominster, ti Mnr. 1 1709, d. lo Nov., 1808; m. 28 Muy, 1805, 2d w., Abigail Ulanchard of Littleton, 29 July, 1178, d; 11 Oct. 181l0; f11rmcr, North Shirley. Tahlt11116, 17 !<'ch., 1787, d. :?5 l\foy, l8fl2, m. 13 AJ>r., 1808, Nnt11nnlcl Longley of Dolton, rem. Mnrlboro. ncllcfG, 20 M11y1 1780, d, 22 Aug., l8G7, m. JO }'ch, 1800, l'eter Tarbell of Groton, 21 Sept., 1780, d, IO Aug., 18H, fnrmcr, car11cnter, Shirley,

Betsey,, 21 Feb. 1810, d, 30 eept, 1822, Lovlna', 2 J<'ob. 1812, d. 28 Sopt. 1822. Wnl.er1, t Mar. 18\0, 11. inf, Martha1, twin, d. :i2 Se1,t, 11,2'.!, ltcllof', 30 .!Jnr. 1819, 1u. 3 Juue 18-lO, John 11.


Stearns of Cavencllsh, Yt,, ante, q. 11. JfRrrletT, 4 July J821, d. 22 Sc)lt. 1m; 4 ch., d. fn8rlRy11, scarlet fever, rel!c,f barely escaping with life. l'eter7, 8 Nov. 1823, m. to Nov. 1847, Mary 8. Putnam of Fitchburg, t June 1821; resides Ayer, Ins. agt., em11, town business. .Abel JJ.•, 21 Den. 1848, dry c:oods sales., N. Y. city, untll 1885, now commls1don bus. John R.•, 22 Dec. 1861, d. 10 July 1868, Harriet .4.•, 4 July ISM, m. 24 Feb. 1878, Geo,-~e H. Greenwood of We11t­boro, 26 Juno 1863, tobacconist In Boston. Chester T.0, 12 Sept. 1880. Alary R.•, 14 July 1860, d, 80 Jnn. 1886. .4unr8', 80 July 1@61, d, fnf, WalterT, 29 Juno 1827, cl. 28 May 1869, m. Dec. 1860, Martha Adams of Lunenburg, 24 Oct. 1831; farmer, lumhennan, W, Groton, Alartha E.•, 24 Jau, 1863, m. 20 July 1872, Lewis E. WJlllams of Groton, Btq,, q. ti,, emp. fn paper mill, w. Groton. Charles', 12 Mar, J&'i6, d, young. Walter E,8, 21 July 1MB, m. 16 l\tar. 1884, JJertba Hrown of Lunenburg, 27 July 18110, Carl n.,, 27 Jan. 1885, Walter A.0, 26 May 1~0. Caroline ll.•, 3 Nov. 1860, m. 3 Nov. 1886, Frank G. Humiston of Owego, N. Y,, 10 Apr. 1AA.'i, l?tad, rued, Phlla,, Pa., Fett. in prac. Jaffrey, N. H. Jolin s.•, 8 Nov. 1862, m. 4 Oct. 18M, R1111e O. Lowell, 5 Aug. 1863; farmer, W. Groton. A'atc .A,8, tu ?\ov. 1864, .Arthur.A.•, 11 Oct. 1867. Edmum11, 26 Jan. 18311 d, 28 May 1873, merchant, Sblrley.

Ablgallf, 1 July, 1791, m, John Stearns, ante, q. "• Elizn8, 18 July, 1703, d. young, Catherlne8, 9 May, 17U5, d. I }'ch., 1840, m. 17 Feb., 182~, Daniel Adams of Chest-Or, Vt., 4, July, 1795, d, 24 Sept., JS72, farmer,

Ira H,', 10 Jan, 1823, m. 14 A(>r, J86ll, Marcella Adams of Cavcn<llsb, Vt.,4Aug, J827; farmer, selectman, much em1,, In town tm11lness. Francis H,1, 2G AJJr. 1863, d, young, J.'re,lerlck /J,1,

6 Aug. ISM, grocer, Alma, Mit'h,, ru, 4 July 1882, Aurora Estey of Lucllow, Vt,, b. 24 Nov. 1857, Deloa w.•, 15 Se11t, HIM, partner w:lh hto. F. D, Sotntttl8, 16 Jau, 1857, farmer, /Joniel JJ.8, 17 Mar, 1860, sch. tea, JnJ,•, 10 Mar. J863, <l. Inf,', 5 Jan, 18251 d. Abigail A.•, 21 Jan. 1826, d. 28 May 1836. AJJ)heus A,', 7 Oct. 1828, d. 10 Auir, 1882, m, 0 Mar. 1856, Lucia A, Wheeler or Hardwick, 8 Mar. 1837, d, l May 1870; w. 4 May J871, Mary E, Andrews of Sblrley, 30 ReJlt, 1833, .A11na c.,, 24 Dec. 1861, d, Inf. Frank W.•, 3 Ju11e 1863, mercll,, P, M., Chester, m, H,i Deo. J884, Mary E, Steele of SprlngfleJd, Vt., o Feb, 1850, Francie E,0, 8 July 1885. Susun M,1~ 14 Sept. 1833, d, Inf, Ja,nea J.•, 19 Jan, 1838, d. yonng.

Ozlaa•, 29 Jan., 1797, d, 18 Aug., lt158, m. llannnh Patch of Littleton, who cl.; m. June, 1885, 2d w., EMra - of Lunenburg, Vt., 12 Jan., 1814; hnvlng some years before rem. to that town, ·

Moaear (?), Zenur, 22 Feb. 1831, d. Sept. 1847, J.ovlna1, h. 18281 d. ChnrJre w.,, 2 Aug, 1836, d. In the army at Yfckeburg, James s.r, 6 May 1838, d. h1 tile army before J'eter11hmg, Aela 1•.r, 4 Jan. 1841, m, 23 Aug, J8711, ClnrlMa E, Shaw Clf D11nvllle1 I'.Q,, o June H4:t: far111r1·, Lunenburg, Vt. Floni E.•, 21 Apr, 187tl, .Alico Al,', I Mnr, 18i9, .4rtlwr /',', 30 July 18AA, tb, d. not reportcil, .Albert c.•, 23 l\lny 1881, Elion At.•, 20 Oot, 1882. Celia', II May 188-1, Afalinla•, 5 June JS&'. .Azubah A.', 11 Oct, 1842, d, 13 Aug, 1863, Syh·cster w.,, 3 Nov, 18-14, was In the anny, m. 2 Se11t. 18031 Clarissa Plko of Groveton, N, H., b, 2 Aug. 18-fl; farmor fn that town. John•, 2 .Apr, 1800, rh·er n111n. Jamea•, 10 June 1U8, Ozlas7, b. 1840, d, 19 Aug. 1E53, George L.', b, J848, d, JS Aug, 1863,

Ucuben8, 25 July, 1799, d. 28 Mar., 1879, m. (pub. 25 Mnr,) 1820, Mary7 }>force

of Shirley, 1eq. q, "·; ehoemakcr and farmer, Samuel P.,, Ill Feb, l&'30, ct. young, JoJm s.r, 28 Se)lt, 1&'33, m. 23 No\', 1MB, Mnry A, WA rnrr

of Harvard, div. Al<1ry /,1, 31 l\t11y 1869. llrorue L.', 231\lar. 1801, d, young. C'aroll11c E.•, 5 Oct. 1863, d, 20 Aug. 1877, Nath11t1leJr, 1-1 Juno 1836, 11liormnk<'r, n1arJ.etm1111, hot<·I 8tcwaul, caterer, m, 3 July Jllfff, Flora l\1, Daley of Jloston, 10 Oct. 11H3; Jives tie11r Ayer,

Ju11a8, 271\lar. 18021 ,1, 24 Feb. 1810. Cnlvln n 81 5 Jan. 18116, m, 18 J>t-c. 1827, 811,11n Jf11111-

mon1l of Shirley, 30 A)lr, JSM, d. ~ Jan, 1:381; muon In Lowell, ab1ut t83tl went to ~llchlgnn to remain a few weeks, uevor hear<l frcm, f!hP m. Jlobt. F, 8h,•1,nrd, n111I d, JllntlC'hl'stcr, N. JI, Thomas 11.,, d. 22.Mar.1831, llrlt:n ,1/, 7, 13 Feb, J1!32, re11. :\tn11rhe11ter1 N, II, James1, d, young. James s,a, 27 l\lny l80fl, II. ~8 Aug. 18-10, Nnthn11fcl8, 10 J11110 1810, d. 26 1\lay 1877, m, 7 Se11t, 18321 Abigail Tinndall or l'ott:11no11th, N. JI., JI ~lnr. 1808, d, 2 Jnu. IIJSO; fnrmct, Shirley, 11clrctm11n sev, years. lJrxtor1, JO Juno 1833, m, 2 l\tny 1865, l\lary L. J<'lolclier of N11shu111 N. H,, 14 A11r. 1840; mnrket11111n, huckster, Nar,hu11, now ke0JIS dining 11aloo11. l\lary I<'.•, 11\hiy 1800, ('batl<'II H,,, J Aug. 1£68 N11th11nlel1, 13 Dec, 1871, <:11theil11e8

1 17 l\lar. 1873, Susan 1,,,, 1~ Mny 1875, d. yo1111g, 811snn JV, 17 July 1870. James ,A,1, 10 8Cl)t. 1834, d, Jnr. Abby A,r, 12 l\1111·. 18301 d, JS l\lar. 1867, ~·arah 1",1, 19 Sept. 18.17, d, 14 No\', 1860, at tho J'uklus Inst, for llllud, IJostou. J/elc14, M,', 24 May 1840, d. 7 J<'cb, 1!!00, tu, l July l8ti4, Johu ll, Orr of

78 Tyler.

Clinton. Susan H.,, IS June 1842, d. Inf. s,w:m IJ.1, 24 Sept. 1843, m. 22 Jan. 1871, Henry B, Hildreth of Groton, 26 Mar. 1839, merchant, Townsend. .Mary A. J,r, 14 Oct. 1847, m, 1800, John W. Mathers, div.; m. Ii Mar. 1877, Charles J. Gordon of Ui<Jdeford, Mo., 11 Se11t, 1852, grocer, Boston, Alma o.,, H Se)lt, ISM, m. 14 Sept, 1876, Lewis Kimball of Littleton, b. IM!i, div. 1877; m. 21 Se11t, 1884, 2d bus,, Clinton c. Hill, b, N, Y. city, Iii Mar. 1833, tea1DJ1ter, Nashua, N, H, Sopbfa8, Iii Oct, 1812, d, young. Lucy A.a, 19 Oct, 1814, m. 2 May 1844, Heze­kiah Spalding of Shirley, 14 June 1818, d. Iii Aug. 1886, farmer, Catherln6 L,', 1 Apr. 1MIS, m. 20 Dec, 1883, Wlllfam Watson of Dunbartonshire, Scotland, 4 Nov. 1810, dyer at Great Falls, N. H., now res, w. Groton, .Abby ,V, 20Jau, 1847, rn. I June 1871, Albert D. Turner of Townsend, 4 Dec. 1843, enl. 31 Aug. 1862, n 6th Mass. Yols., out II June 1863. J11stbi L.', 21 Aug. 18491 m. 6 Apr. 1882, Elizabeth I. Hammond of Leominster, 28 Aug. 1800; Is a brick mason In Ayer, John E.,, 11 July 1862, m. Iii Apr. 1882, l<'rnnres E. Farrar of Townsend, Nat/tan-tel lf.7, 28 Se11t. 1864, d. Inf. Jlezekla/1', 2 Aug. tflliS. Susa118, 26 Apr, 1817, d. 3 Jan. 1802, m. Iii June 1836, Iran. Docl,te of Wenham, tli l)ec. 181:?, <"alvllt R.,, 12 Oct. 1837, d, Sarah .4,', 9 Oct. 1830, m. 24 Dec. 1868, 0111111m W. Lnytbe, b. Now11ort, Vt., lli Feb, 1838, shoe trade, Clinton, Lucius A, J.•, 13 Apr. 1872, Henry o.a, 6 Apr. 1874, L11cl11$ Jf.T, Iii Jan. 1842, d. 25 Aug. ISM. Mory .4,', 26 Jan, 1848, d. Ii Sept. li:53. Ira A.', 6 Aug. J851, d. 16 Aug, 1863, nJI of dysentery, the mother too low wltb flame dlseaFc to <'fire for then1. Natho11fel P.1, 26 Oct. 1863, m.1 May 188-1, M. Abby Ford; Is a salesman In l'e:1ho11y, .Fra,ik E,', 26 Dec, J857, fforlst, Saletn, m. 1 May 1884, Harriot Hcndeger. Leon If'. Jt'.', twin, Almon J,', S Jan, 1850, d, young,

,Tacob6, 1 June 1705, d. 26 Oct. 18.U, farmer, m. 17 Mar. 17!)8, Lois Chaplin of Lunenburg, 20 Sept. 1771, d. o Aug. 1803, Jane L 8, 8 Aug. 170-i, found clcnd in lier house, 10 Dec. 1080. Sarah 11.8, I I Sept. 1700, d. 20 May 1877, Josiah H.8,

28 Jan. 1709, d. 27 Sept. 18/H, m. 0 Apr. 1820, Susnn IlaJJgood of Him·ard, 20 Oct. 1800, d. Mar. 1880; stonecutter, sett. Harvard, 1851 to Groton.

Georp;e H.', 24 Nov, 1830, d, 26 Mar. 1886, m. 13 Se11t. 1866, Margaret A, Stokel! or Portsmouth, N. n., 4 Nov. 1832; ln•tr1ule, Groton, Hoston, Harvar1l, Xnw York city. Sarah', 23 Nov. 1834, m. 12 I<'eb, 1857, William H. Oetchell, b. Hnllowcll, ~re., 10 .Mar. 18!.'IJ, Jlbolographer, Uoston, Jtrc,lerlok'-, 18 J,111. 18511, 111. 21 Oct. 1882, U61·trudo o,s Wltit11011 oC Harvard, 2 Juue 1861; trav, snle11., res. Boston, Ellen 0.7, 16 Doc. 1848.

Abrnhnm8, 27 Aug. 1801, 11. 1 Aug. 18ii2, farmer, m. 28 Aug. 1840, Bunlce n. }'nlrbanks of Lun<>nburg, 7 May 1810. J<mznhcth l•'. 7, 12 Mnr. 1840. Jnmcs6, 28 Mar. 1803, cl: 2-l Dec. 18G3, m. 10 Oct. 1825, llctscy I>hllJlps of Concoru, who cl. -l June 18GO, ae. 02; carpenter, Fitchburg.

J11mcs A.', us May 1829, d, fur. Car\'cr1, d, 183.1, James A,', 2 Feb, 1830, eu1, In li3tl MaH, Vols,, re-cul. H Mar. 1864 In 13th hl\tt, Mas11. Vols., In Dept. of Gulf; m. 10 July 1862, Rosetta Barden of SprfnA'flehl, N, ll., div.; m, Ii AJJr, lt!OO, l.oulsa A, Thompson of HubbRrdston, b, 1842; farmer In Fitchburg. Jamta /',A, 18 Oct. 1866. aeoryflJ, 4 May 1868, d. Inf, Cltorgo w.•, JIS Feb. 1870, llrac6 L.•, 9 I>ec. 1872, d. Inf. .Albert JI.•, 7 Apr. 187-1, Jt'rcderlck Jj,■, 30 Oct. 1876. llenru E.•, 20 Nov. 1876, d, Inf, l,etvfs w.s, o Mar. 1878, Luci A.•, 11 Mar. 1880, Int.•, 23 June 1882, d.

Jcrcmlnh C.13, 81 Aug. 1807, d. 14 Oct. 1878, stonecutter, m. 11 Dec. 1882, Pn• mclln J>arkcr of Shirley, 10 ,June 1807, ti. 20 AJlr. 1875; m, 20 Nov. 1877, Lydia JI. Ilapgooil, sister of Susan, ante, 14 July 1810.

Harriet p,r, 1 Oct. 1837, cl, 22 AJJr, 1877, 111, 5 Mar. 186~, Charles Morgan of Shirley, harness maker. Int.•, <I, young, I<'reilerlok1, 19 Ang. 18-14, 11. young,

W111inm8, fl ,June, 1812, ,,. 1 Aug., 18-lO,

'l'nblthn~, I! ,July J 7GR, ti. 25 1\fnr. 1850, m. HJ Oct. I 788, Phlncns 'l'ylcr of Leom­inster, who tl. :Mny 1815. Moo11y11, 2-i l•'cb, liSO, m. 0 Dec. 1810, Dctsey Darker of Stotldnrd, N. II .

.1<:J11.11heth', :J ,July 1112,'l, m, -- Wllllnms, aml 1lle1I In W"rcestor. Snrnh7, O Jnn. JR22, m. Wllll1111111, hto. of slstur's h11slinn1I. I,Jn1·c11s', 2(1,111110 1823. Lucy', JO Jan. 1825, 1-;1m1ra1, 10 A11r, 1827, 1-;sther IV, 11 Nov, I~. Job11 H,1• Walter w,,. 1 ot2 more,

79 Gibson.

Stepi1cn81 b. 1791, d. Cathcrine8, ii Jan., J7fl3, d. 18 Dec., 1867, m. 8 Feb., 181-i,

Nathaniel lligclow of l!'ramingham, 26 July, 178!J, d. 28 July, 1876, rem. Jaffrey, N. JI., where they d.

Perkinsr, 11 Nov, 1814, went to .Mansfield, O., e11g11ged In the drug trade, m. Oct. 1840, Ann ?ti. Palmer of Zanesvme, o.; flrst Mayor of Mnnsflcld umler city ,rovernment. l't1tl1erine', Oct, 1847, m. - Nohle, res. Akrou, O, Natlmnicl•, b. 1852. Catherine', 20 l\lar. 1817, m. 2 June 1841, Wflllnm C'nrtcr of Jaffrey, N, H,, Ang. 11U6, tanner, rem, 1873, Fitchburg, carp. and builder. Willl"m c.~, 7 Aug, 1843, m. 13 Oct. 18i0, Ida L. Uago of Fltchhurg, 14 Feb. 18M; car,1, ancl hnlliler in thBt town, Ocrtnule E,9, 3 A11r, Jf:l!J, l\lnhel R.•, 22 Aug, 18S2, Irene Louise•, IS Dec. 1884. Zephyr JJ.•, 11 Apr. 18501 d, 3 Oct. 1800, Josc11h T,7

1 lli Se)lt, 1819, m, l\lary C. sister ui- JuJ111 J, Hnrker, <111/e, h. Hancock, N. JI., 1\lnr. 18W; res. Jaffrey, N, JI. Caroline E.•, 21 Aug. 18fi5, grad. Holyoke, sch, tea., Jaffrey. Aclclla•, 20 Aug. 1869, sch, tea. Jo,ephine Jt,•, 28 June 18671 grad. Hridgewater Normal, 1885.

Joecph8, JG June, 1705, bookbinclcr at Greenflc)cl, Sf!V, ch.; rem. N. Y. state. Phlneas8, 25 Jan. 1708, d. 21 Jan., 18-17, m. twice, 2 boys by let w., 4 dim. by 2d w,, went to Gardiner or Thomaston, Mc. Laban A.11, 8 June, 1800, d. lloston, nht, 1870, m. a widow; his mother d. in his house i dnu. Jives near Do11to11.

Cathe, ine•, m. - Lyon of Leominster, d. soon. Joanna', ti., hoth caught cold when house burnt, l\lary7, m. - R111ley. Wllllamr.

Lucy 11.8, 14 A11r. 1803, went to Gardiner, Mo., m. John Woo,Jcock. Lucy J,r, b, nbt, 1820, d, f4 May 1800, nmslc tencher, m. Charles Osgood, went to Chinn nntl

Cal. WUUa,n w.•. Ann s.r, m. SonT, Dau,r.

Lukc8, 10 J)ec. 1805, m., <l. Lowen, hntl son. Stephen G.0, 25 l<'ch. 1800, m. Jane Dunstan; went to St. Louis, Mo., w. d., m. 2d w.

Mnry J,r, au. a Oennan In tit. Louis Adeline'.

Eleazer S,6, 2 Jan. 181.f, went to Ind,, th. m. Inf.8, Mny 1815, d.

Jolm•, 4 Sept. 1770, d, 1 Oct. 1817, m. 7 l\fay Ji!J2, Mary f-'arwcll ofl<'ltchburg,2 July 1775, d, 18 Dec. 1813; m. 7 July 1814, 211 w. Sarnh 11nlrbnnks, who 11. 12 Apr, 1810; m. 10 Dec. 1810, Mrs. UctsL>y Snow of J,comlnstcr, Iii Apr. 1784, d. 12 ])cc, 1808; farmer, Lunenburg. Mary8, HI ,July 1702, d. 18 Sept. 1858, m. 4 Apr. 1811, Stephen Gibson of Lunenburg, :.!8 Dec, 1,788, d. 18 Jnn, 1804, lh·ed on oltl II garrl• son farm."

Mary F,T, G Sept. 1812, d. 20 May 1f8I, m, 31 Dec. lf32, Ste11hen M. r.onglor of Shlrle)·, II .Ang, 1802, cl, 10 Aug. 1860, Jen1llng citizen, hehl 111011t of towu offlct>l!, ('/1<1,-l1 tJ A.~, 7 Aug. 1834, hromumnker, 111. ff May l8lili, Hannah i:. J'owor11 of Shirley, 8 June J831S, J.IIIB 1\1,11

1 18 June 1858, 111. 28 1\lay 188-1, John Wnneu of Shirley, 28 Juue IBM, hookkeo11er, Woo1111uckl!t, n. I. llctl11h 1,,10, 29 o,•t. 1886. Chnrh•s c.11, 26 ucc. ISoO, 111. 20 Jan., lfM, J.oella n. Cnlclwt'II of l\Jfllhur~•, 1 Dec, 186.11 tt'll, thet"C; t'lertrlclan, l'. & W, R.H. Allee 0,11, 24 Feh. 18621 11rh. tea. Stc11hen W.•, I Aug. 18:!0, d. 1 He11t. 18i:I, sohllt'I', I> f.311 Mns11, "olic,, 111. 11 J>ec, 1867, Sarah Jt Sylvester or Tow11se111I i l'Clll, 1808, Ncwtlcl1I, X. J ., gro. t 1·nclt', l11tcr to Wllkcshnne, l'a., sewing mnch, agt., d. the1·e i wld, rct. Shh ll'y, 11ch, trn. Jo'rnnrls J.,o, o sr11t, 1808. Wel­come If.I•, 10 July 18i0, SteJ1hcn J,.11, 13 Dec. l8i2. ~•U11ou I'.•, 18 ,Jnu. 1838, d, Inf, Jtcrry JI.•, 0 Sll)Jt, H30. Mien JO, 10 Aug. t8io, tl. 27 May 18t0. l'lllnt M.•, 1 Jnu. 1846, 1I. 13 AUit, 1880, an.: li Nov. 1878, Ollbert 1\1, Jlnllon or 1-lhlrlry, 12 SeJJt, 1846, cnrp., wcut to l'nlntkn, l<'llt,, winter 1880, Verne I,,,, 27 Oct, 1881, l\ln1fon 0,11, 11 Nov. 1882, Mrlvlu w.•, 2 Jo'eb, 18!0, active in town nffam1. Jl111't'llc F,•, 17 Jua.e lu:J. John s.1, :JI Oct. 1814, d, Inf, 1mz11 I',', 16 ,July 1816, d, young, Jfenrlctta I,,,, 3 J1111e 1818, d, 1mzn J',t, 12 July 18!0, 11, 7 Apt, 1853, 111. tJ July 1843, Uco. J,}, l\lartln of Mason, N. ff,, strawgoods,Wnre, g1orerles, Oattl1wr, dry goo1l11, Troy, N, Y,, l1Rrtfo11J, Conn., retlre<.11810, m real est, until denth, 20 Mar. 1886. Ahlgall lf.T, 101\tay 1821, d, 13 July 1803, m. 18 Oct, 1842, Ueorge Pago of Shll"lcy, 10 Oct. 1818, d, 11 Mar. 1881, butcher. Wcrltcr n.•, 18 A11r, 1813, 111. 11mb, 23 Aug.) 1865, Lucy n. H11ncroft ofl'o1111eroll; butcher and farmer 111 P, Frn11kD, Orace11, Oeorget, Juliet,,,,,, 12 Aug. 1844, cl, o Sept.1883, 111,

17 Nov, 18G7, Thomas L, Jlnzeu of Sbh·Joy, j8 J<'eh. 18431 fllr111er, 1'. M. In 1880. .Mnhel o,v, 27 July 1872, Clam E.•, 3 Doc. 1862, d, 3 .Mnr. 1875. Inf.', 8 A11r, 1822, ti. l\lcnlt7, 20 A1ig. 1824, Ill, 10 l\lnr. 1843, Ja111cs Arrington or I,ynn, ll Oct. 18221 ~ott. Leominster, rem. i,oon to Lynn,

WARE, 80

shoemaker. Jlar11 c.•, 7 Aug. 1843, d, 16 Dec, 1848. James•, 13 Nov. 18H, 111. July 1801; Phebo A, .f,'ostor of Ly1111 1 d. 1867; m. 311 June 1868, 2d w, Auna Ill. Bennett of Northwood, N. ff,, b. 1840; shoemaker, Lynn; enl, 1803 in tho nrmy of the Union. I<'rcderlck H.0, 2-1 Apr, 1869. Charles J,. JJ,0, 28 J,'oh. 18i8, Charles L.8, 23 SeJ1t, 1850, d, 12 Mny 18iti, 111, 20 ,Jan, 187:l, Ruth I, l'erry of Aulml'II, .Mc., b. lt-jK, 11, •I Oct. J8i:.:', William JJ,v, :/8 Aug. 187:!, ll1:11Ja111i1& .F,8, h, u July 18001 jour1,nllst, m. Se11t, 187S, Marietta S. Cmnmlngs of Grovelaml, 8 J.,'ob, 1859. Inf,9,

Sept. 1870, d, Stephen .11.•, 30 .\lnr. 18601 shoemaker. Charles E.1, 20 ltlay 18:/0, m. 22 Dec. 1863, Ma,·y E. Smith of l'ev1>erflll, o Oct. 1~1; luml.lerman at Townsoud, 1MB to WJ11lnws11ort, l'a, 1 188:l to Point Pleasant, N. J. Lucy A.', 12 Sl'J>t, 1828, m. 30 Nov, 18.'i:l, Albert Adams, bro, of WaltPr Tarl.lell'R wlttow, ante, u Mnr. 1830, cnrpcntcr, mns11u, Shirley. Jlary E,1

1 23 Se(lt, 1863, sch, ten. A'<lwurtl (l .•, 11 Aug. 1800, car(I,' C/i11rles A,•, 6 Oct. ll!li2, trav snles., gro. trade, JJostou, Rllen A.•, I Mny 18Go, J.'lore11cc L.•, 2ll July ISCO. Jose1,b lf.1, 31 ••ell. 1831, m. 17 A11r. 185.1, Muy I~. J,ilcbfll'hl of Leominster, 20 lllay 1833; foreman iu 11la110 fi.ctory, Wnkeftehl. F,·,wk 1, •, plnuo mnker. .A.1•1/1ur lJ,1•

Nnucyl1, lii ScJ)t., liUli, ti. 0 Nov., 1803, m. 1818, Samuel Davis of Shirley, 20 Feb., 1704, ti.) ,Sopt., 1888, hotel keeper, Sterling, Shirley, l<'itchburg, last res, ,vare. l I

Joseph JI,r, Oct, 1819, Ill, 18 May 18411, Malinda Snell of Ware, b. 1828, d, 2July 1806; machin­ist, with 1''1sk & Snell, auger tnauf. at 1''1skdale, s11e11t some time Ju .lt'lorfda, Kauitas, book­kee11er In New Mexico, 11nw owus stock rnuch at Trluhtall, Colo, Bmma•, b. 18li2, m, 1869, John I,elaml of Grafton, utachlnlst, E. Hrookfleltl. l<'rederlck0• Hcrllert0• John If.I, O Mar. 1867, w. -- Osborn of Me., is In Colo. 1''rancett A,T, 18 Atay 18:ll, w. lG Oct. 1842, Isaac Stearns of Ware, I .pee, 1817, farmer, Wnrreu. Wllliam s.•, 29 Aug. 184-1, rnacblulst, War­ren; w. 3 July 1868, Ida A, Moore of Stafford, Conn., b, 1861, Albe 119, b. 1869. Francis', b. 1871, Chariest, .Alarlu•, 3 Jan, 184-0, w, 14 May 1834, Wflllam Batchelder ot Urlllge)lort, Coun,1 h. 1848, euglucer. Clure11ce A.•, 29 Oct. 1848, m, 29 Dec. 1880, Estella Crane, b, 1862; mnoblulst, engineer, ~o. Hndley. &mueJr, b, 18231 d, youug. Samuel, JI Mar, 1820, d. 31 Dec, IM7, l\larla 1•,1, 8 l\lay 1832, w. 20 Nov. ll!M, OzJas Owen of IJelchertown, a Nov, 1822, farmer, rew. 1860 to Ware. Harriet•, 18 May 1870,

Joscph8, UJ Aug., 1708, d, 0 Dec., 18i0, m. Clarissa Recd of Bolton, 22 Dec., 1106, d. 4 June, 180:!; m. 0 Dec., 1803, l\fnrthn M. Donne, n1. n. Bruce,of Waldo­boro, Mc., 18 Sept., 1812. lie removed to Waro in U127, leading citizen, repre­sentative 1863, town agent; bnnk director nncl trustee thirty yenrs or more.

Johur, 23 Jan, 1822, d, 2'J Aug, 1865, grad. Amherst 18-&3, lo nltld, at Harvard, praotlsed in Wh1tbao11 •a111I Augusta, ·l\le.; m. 28 SeJ>t. 18-18, 1•amella c. IJatcbchJcr of Rendllold, Mo,, b, 1828, d. 16 Aug. 1863, 1"rederlck9, 14 Sept. 18411, JU, 7 Mar. 1871, Lucy JJutler of N. Berwick, )le,, 7 A11r, 1860; woolen U1auf, neadfleld to 1883, since trav. sales. Diebold Lock and Safe Co. IJostou, l\laud A.~. 26 Se(lt, 1882, Alarv 11.•, ~ l'\ov, 1860, five years In Italy, stullylng music, since tencblug at Vassar, now In Hoston. Alilly u.•, o Aug. 1863, m, as 2d w., Horbert Jlrlg­de11, shoe mnnf, Uaverlllll. Jose11b w.r, 21 ~eJ>t, 1823, w, Alice D. Willard, w. u. Clark, b. Har11ard, Vt,, 18:ll; was n merclmut, weut to Wis, In 1860, to wake collections, killed 28 Juno In the wreck of a railroad traiu. 1/elen .A..•, Deo. 18471 m. Andrew Stone; was recently a drcs111naker lu llostou, H11rry11, Jm1op1' A.1

1 II AJ>r, 1850, ran away in 186-1, going west, en­listed Ju tho army, Jinsslug muster by .-easou of unusually 1,recoclous J1hy11loal deveiol'ment. In a sbo1·t thm, becnmo very ill, whel'o 11111 c1111tal11, a seu~lble humane man, learned bis true age, aud foreseelug a s11eedy death Ir be re111al11ed1 advlscll dcscrtlou, which ltazartlous ex­pellleut doubtless ttaved bis life. Ho lms s1,eut most or his t1111c sln,:,e then in tho mining l'eg1011s, at oue time ownlug a consltleraltlc stock r1mch In Now Mexico. Silas', 15 AJ>r, 1826, d. young. Milas R.r, 30 July 18:li, d, yuuug. Clara lt.T, 16 A)lr, 18301 m, 10 J>eo. 18471 J/:heuczc1· O. IUchardsou of Keene, N, H., 25 A11r, 1820, grad, Harv. l\letl. coll, 11!42, d. 11 Jnu, 1880, an emluent and successful physlolau lu Ware, wore thau forty yeara, enjoying a large 1iractlce, and thwughly devoted to his profe,.alou, Marl A.•, 4 .[,'ob, 1849, 111. JO Aug. 1873, Mal':!hall O. Wettt of Hrookfleld, b, 11148, 111e1·ch. llOl> shirt manf. l'ort Chester, N, Y, Ch1u-les l{.O, 11 Dec, 1877, Robert R.•, 6 Sept, 1881, Helrn A,o, AJ>r, 1883, Edward M,;1, 18 Dec, 188.5, J/elcn•, 19 SoJ>t, 1850, ti, Inf, u. Ytrulnfa•, 19 3ept. 1Ml, ru, JO June 1872, Edwin H, Baker of Ware, 30 Deo, 1847, mill agent. Harriet v,v, 23 Mat, 1876. Ruth s.o, 24 Aug. 1877, Clara P,11, 12 l>tlo, 1881, .Margaret', JO June 1883, d, Inf. Harritt a.•, 3 Nov. 1864, grad, So. Hadley, 1877, Charlotte JJ.1, :n Mar. 1867, student at Art l\luseum, llostou, tbr1.1e years, now under pl'lvatt, Instruc­tion, Martha R.•, 11 July 1800, m, 10 Sept. ISU, Wfltlaw O, Barrett of IJarre, 20 May 1861, dentist In W11re. Edward c.•, 2 July 1870, d, young, WJUlam n,o, 13 Dec. 1814, ros. Shirley,

W1-~8Tlf11(8T1-:JC, SmifT,.,

Catherine\ 27 Aug,, 1772, d. 1\Iny, 1820, m. 2 July, 1703, Daniel Gnrtlncr of Lunenhurg, 18 Oct. 1772, rmn. G11r1li11cr, Me. Bmjnmin6 , 22 ])cc. I ifl3. Phebe H.0

, !!l Fch, li!lii. 8a1111H•iti, Ii J1111c, l8UIJ. 1'1111<'.)\ 2:! St>pt., t~O:!. O,w of the tlnu.'s 111. --- Herrick, Lcf. 18:!o.

Benjamin\ 17 Oct., 1720, d. 31 Jnn., 1701. J>Jiinchns\ 2 Jan., 17:11-2, d. 18 Mnr., 1803, m. 28 No,·., liM, l\fnry l'iercc of Luncnlnlrg, r, Mnr., liB3•4, d. Ho rcmove1l to I◄'ltchlturg nhout I 7GO, settled on the llill pince, where the Scott rc­senolr now stands; wns n le1t11ing mnn in town affnlrs tho remainder of his life, c0Ycri11g 1111 important pcrioll in the history and dc\'clopmcnt of the town a111l stntc. J,;phrnim~, 7 Oct, 1755, d. 11 Nov. 1838, m. Betsey I>olly of Fitchburg, 7 Mar. lili9, d. U l•'cb. 183:J. Mnry8, 2 Aug. I 7ill, d., m. 24 ,July, 17!10, ,Jolm F. Brown, who d.; Dl, 3 14'cb. 1811:1, 2d hus , 1\Ioscs May of Leominster. Mnry7, 0 Jnn. 1707, m. 18 Apr. 1820, lfr1mcis Haynes of Bolton. William A.7, 18 Juno 1708. Joscph7, 10 Nov, 1802. Betsey8, 7 Nov. 1781, m. 20 Oct. 1806, Joseph Cllrtcr of Lunenburg.

Joseph', 2-1 l\fay 1807, Jacohr, 10 Oct. 1810, Hctscyr, 8 Dec. 1811, EJ)hralm H.1, 15 A11r. t8Jr,

Ephrnlm8, 4 Sept., li8.J, ti. 8 June, 1845, m. 5 Oct., 1800, Nancy Wheeler of Westminster, 13 June, liOO, d.; m. IO Sept., 18-!0, witl. Charlotte Cheever, b. 1703, d. 6 May, 1846.

Mary 1',7, 7 Jan. 1811, m. o June 1830, Lowis 1,, lllorse. Leonard H.1, 14 Aug. 1814, d. 0 Mnr. lB-10, stonecutter, 111. 18.W, Sarah Woods or Gilsum, N, H, Ucoruo I,.•, J(I 8ept. 18-17, cl, tnr. LoulsR1, 2a July 18171 ti, from n burn, ·

Eunicc8, 25 Mnr., 1787, m. 81 Dec., 1807, Jonas Smith of Westminster, who d.; she m. 2d hus,, Cal\'in Wood of Fitchburg, June, 1708, d, lo Jun., 1878.

JOl1Rs1, 19 Mar. 1809, d. ae. 10, Betsey H,r, 1 Sept, 1810, m. John Gibbs or Asbhurnl111m, A1ir. 1805, d, 10 Deo.1800, oahluctmaker, rem, 1847, Sumter, Wis.; she m. Apr. 1800, 2d hns., John W. Gordon, b. Marsellles, N. Y., 3 Aug. 1816, farmer, Charltll GIIJl,s•, 14 J_..eb, 1843, m. 7 J.,'eb. 1864, Harriet A, Smalley, b. 20 l\lar. 18-18. Isano o.o, Dec. 1864, d, 18 Aug. l!lOO, John I<'.•, 20 Se1it. 18CO, d. 7 June 1880. Carlo, 2-l July 1868. I11r,11, a Apr, 1870, d, Roy M,", 7 l\11\r. 188:l, d. luf. RRy l\f,9

1 twin, d. Inf, Catherine M,o, 22 l\lay 1885. Joseph11 30 Oct, 1813, m. Abigail Cutter of Ashburnham, who d; m. 2d w., Mary Atkinson, English woman; ho d, Luno11burg, 9 Sei>t, 18i9. Charles•, m. Ell7.alleth Woodward of .Ashburnham; Is a m11chlnl11t In OmngP.; o or 7 oh., l d, 1''rank•, <1, at 15. Ellen•, ti. Alfred•, m. In Orange; llve,t there; had tlau. AbbJ18, d. Samuel n.,, 1 Aug. 1815, d. 20 Ueo, 18701 woodworker, Fl1cbhurg, m. Mary Harrett or Ashbumham, who d. tu year or 'two, ch, llved few days; hem, 26 Nov, 1840, Cella Arnold of Lunenburg, o Aug. 1822, d. 2-J Aug, 1878, Jlciry E.•, 30 Oct. 18421 m. 29 .Aug. 1870, Francis O. Russell, b, Chetttertleld, N, H., 3 Apr. 1837, read law with Judge Waro or Fltollllurg, adm. bar. 1801; enl. n 63d Mass Vols,, In Dept. or Gulf, slegu of l1ort Hudson; com. prae. law at Ontonagon, Wis., 1804, l'em. Chicago, Ill., 1~7. Louisa w.0, 29 June 18i2, I<'ranols s.o, 8 June 1R70, A'llen Jt.•, 30 Jui:e 18-14, m. 18 July 18701 Chester F. Lamb, drummer In 3(Jth Mass. at age of 17; went 1808 to Akron, o., bookkeeper. Nancy L,s, 27 Aug, IIU0, m. 1 Jan, 18731 Edward Clifford, b, lUnrccllus, N. Y., :w Apr. 1860, cashier, Wachusett Bk,, l:<'Jtoh• burg, since 187.5. George I,.", 8 Aug. 1875, d, Inf, Dora L,o, 20 Nov. 187d. Walter n.0, 23 I<'ob, 1885, Jonas W.•, d, Arthur A,s, 8 Juno t8li2, m, 8 Nov. 1ll83, Alice Cole of Bomervlllo; l.mok­keoper and sales. in salt trade, Hoston. J/arriet I,.•, 23 Nov. 1854, m.11 Oct. 1877, WIibur H. 'fcuney {lf Leominster, bank clerk until 1880; cashier, Uollstone Uk,, l<'ltohburg, Ar.hur A,0 ,

O June 1882, P<'IIY n.r, 21 Nov, 1817, 111, SIias Cummings of Oxford, weut Cal. Au«Jrow J, 1,

llJ Sept, 1819, d. 17 Aug, 18801 m. ill Aug, 18-18, 1\larla Savage of Henniker, N. H., 11 Nov. 1810; obalrmaker tu Ashburnham. ArabtJlla JI,•, 1 Nov, 1840, m. 1 Nov. 1875, mlward o. New1Jll of Wells, Me., oar11cnter In Gardner, rof11, to farm tu Ashby 1882. Annette M.0, 22 Au~. 18iG, Harriet M.0, 28 Aug. 1879, Nelly fJ.•, :.14 A11r, 1884, Inf,,, 10 .A11r, 1880, Walter J.•, 21 Sc11t. 1851, m. 1 Jan, 1870, .Kmma A, Cogge11bnll, b, Eaglevlllo, Conn., 23 Aug, 1857; maohlnl~t, ,\i!h• burnbam. Nellclu A.o, 6 Apr, 1881, Edgar N,o, 2 Aug. 18821 d, Inf, Jonas II.•, 8 Oct, 11153, c1: young. Jesse l'.8, 27 Nov, ISM, m. 26 N•>V, J87t5, Sarah L, Stowell of Oardner, 10 July 1M3; chair bus. Wlnchemlon. Twluso, m., rem,, s.h., 23 May 1878, Roger 8.9, 23 Dec. 1882. Allee J.~.0, 4 Aug, 188-1, lltttus II.•, 27 Aug. 18071 poultry dealer, m. 27 Aug. 1870, Lorllla R, Holt of Ashby, July 1855. Carl •~.o, 10 Sept. ldS-1. il/Uton w.•, 14 A?g· 1862, d. young. Abby w.•, 1


l\lay 1800, d, young. Eunice l\f,r, 24 May 1821, cl> 29 Sept. 1800, m. 14 Dec. 1837, Parl11 Cum­mings, IJro. ~Ila!!, ante. 18 Dec. 1812, d. 31 Aug, 1867, o,·erscer 111 !'linter's woolen mm, Ux­lJrldj,?e. Cl,a rlcs R.8, 20 Oct. 1830, m. 1861, Jenny I,, Uinghnm of Lawrence; soon after enl. In a Mass. ca,·. regiment, army of tho l'otomac, later n s£>rgt. In rel!nlar nrmy, ti. So. l'uelllo, Colo., 1 .'lfRy 1882; wld. m. -- Hates of Claremont,·N. JI. Annette .M.11, b. 1800, snp11, wltl1 mother. lletsev At.•, 21 l\lny 1842, m. 29 Dec. 1869, ChnrJes :Muzzy or S11cncor, 4 Jan. 1842, Cl, 1 .l\far, 1884. Grace l\f,o, 10 Nov. 1870, Florence L.•, 24 Aug. 1872. George D,9, 11 Apr. 1874. ·HerthR L.•, 29 July 1870. Sarah E.•, 8 Sept. 1844, m. Oci. 1807, John A. Thurston, last ko, res. Germantown, Pa. Eaton A.~. Josephine'. Jenn)-ll, Emma J.•, 30 May 18f>O, m. 13 Oct. 1869, Edward N. Walker or Spencer, 6 Nov. JtWI, boot sorter. Frederick E,9 , 5 June 1872 .Abbv L.•, 1 Nov. 18li2, m. It I<'ob. 1880, Herbert Green or 8J)oncer, 00 l\fay ltlM, d. JO July 1883 bookkeeper, Worcester, Harry u.o, 29 l\lar. 1881, Jlardet 1".•, ?.4 Apr. 185-4, m. 25 Dec. 1871, Frank g, Mullett or Spencer, 4 Nov. 1854, boot manr. Elton F.0, 20 Feb. 1881, Sarah7 Wood. Ftb. 182t\, d. 18 Nov. 1862, wont with the Glbbs's to Wis., m. !\fay JS58, Garret A. Scbovee, farmer, JJaraboo, Wfs. · Clara J.•, 8 Jan. 1859, m. 28 So11t. 18i?, Edward W, Myers of Medina, o., 12 Aug. 1~, (son of a Germnn soldier who had fought In our llfexlcan war), res. Jlaraboo, Ida I.•, 22 Aug. 1880, Wllllf1~, Wllburv, twins, 28 Mar. 1ss2, d. Inf. Walter E.v, 3 Nov. 1883. Geneva 0.8, 10 Apr. 1886, Ellen JI.•, 29 July 1862, m. 2-l J>co. 1685, llenjamlu Shew or llara­boo, JO July 1864, stone mason. Ellen L.", 31 Jan. 1887, d. Inf.

Milly8, o Julr 1790, d. 17 July 1880, m. Jo Oct. 1800, George Wood of ~'itch• burg, 26 Jan. 1787, d. 8 Mar. 1806. Ho built and operated mills successively in Fitchburg, Ashby 1835, Westminster 1843.

Simeon', II June 1810, d, 27 182li, Mary n.,, 18 June 1815, ,\. 16 Apr. 1870, m. JA Feb 1830, Ebenezer Hayden ol l'fltstown, N, Y., ~ Mar. 1808, d. JO AJlr, 1870, Ocoroe Jt.•, O lllay, J(l;j71 d. fnf. Narll J.~, 80 Apr. 1830, d. young. Sarah E.•, 80 Dec. uwo, d. 3 May 1819. ll'U­liam 11.•, 8 A11r. 1843, se1\'e<1 lo u. 8. Navy, Wl\8 on board the Hatteras when sunk by the Alabama, later captured on boar,t the Granite City 011 const of Texas, d. a Jirlsoner at Gal­veston, 18 Se11t. 186-1, J.'ranols E.•, 21 I>eo, l8li71 d. J Apr. 1887; grn11• ritchburg High School, drug tlerk l'blla., J>H, Elvira.,, 1 Sept. 1817, m. o Aug. 183.9, Alonzo WU.fer of Marblehead, G Feb, 1816, 11. O ,Tnn. 1856, hatter, Fitchburg; she m.18571 2d llus. E11hrahn Crocker of lt'ltch­burg, who d. 13 May 18li7, ae 51. La11ra At.•, o Aug. 11139, Charles u.•. 7 A11r, 1844, d. iuf. Frederfck A.•, 211 Aug. 1840, d, 7 July 1881, conductor n. & R.R. R., 111. 14 May 1873, lillen J!All of llenulngton, Vt., 19 Nov, 1852. l<'rederlck JI.", 17 },'et,, 1881, lantha I!.'.•, 1 Ol,t, 1849, d. 24 A.Jir. 1881, m. Hobertus 8, Stetson or Halifax, Yt., machinist, Worcester. Charles7, 28 July J820, d. 27 Mar. 1834. .Uonzo71 l7 Apr. 1822, m., Jived Londonderry, Vt., now Troy, Vt, Miranda', 2li May 1824, m. 21 Dec. 1841, Sewell Derhy of J,eoml11ater, 14 Mar. 1819. Aclella J.•, 26 Jan. 184li, m. Ill Juue 1861, Geo. W, 1•1e1·ce of J.11ne11burg, b. 1&3, div; m. 2 July 1872, 2tl llus., Lyman w. JJrowu or Marlboro, 2li Mar. 18-U. Jo:dlth H,0, 17 Jan. 1873. Everett D.11, twin, d, fnf. Charles H.•, I Se11t. 1876. Mabel s.11, 23 July 1877, Bllen «.•, 7 Jun. 18!7, au. 21 Jan. 1809, Hobert Holdeu, b. Shirley, June, 184t, .Albert D.•, 13 May IMJ, d, Jtoorue, Con,, 2li l\ttty Jtl77, m. 1 lllay 1871, .Martha Graves of Leominster. George E.o, 30 Dec, 187t. MIiiy?, ~6 lllay 1827, m. Henry lla,·en of Laucaster, 11a11er maker, Carubrldgejlort,

Molly&, 7 Feb., 1757, d. 18 Apr., 1810, m. 20 l!'eb., 1777, Joseph Fllnt of West­minster. 1<:sther61 16 Jan., 1769, d. 7 Sept., 1840, m. l1 Ot•t., 17921 .Alphcu11 Whitney of Westminster, 25 Feb., 1750, d. 7 Mar., 1821. Abijnhr., 28 July, 1761, d, 80 ,\pr., 1820, m. 10 'Mar., 1805, Olive Smith of Fitchburg, b, 1778, <1, 7 July, 1800, m. 11 Jan., 1809, Sarah Gray of Worcester, b. Amherst, N.H., 11 }'ob., 1771, cl, 15 ,Juno, 1850. '

Abljah6, 24 June, 1800, d. 25 Oct., 18113, m. 23 Dec. 1s2e, Polly D. Scott or Fitchburg, 4 Mar J801, d, 25 Nuv, 1858, W11Ut1.tr1, E,', 18 Apr. 18341 d, 30 May 1868, ctv. eug. Mary E,r, J7 Aug: 1830, nurse iu family of Judge T. K. Ware or Fftchtmrg since 1871, George A,', l7 A11r, 1f!30. d, young. Charles E,', 28 ~pr. 1&f2, d, young. Sueano, to June, 1805, d, 20 Nov, 186-1, m. 28 A.11r, 1842, Jotham Keyes of l'rlnceton, who d. May 1860, Sarah W,•, 23 AJll'I 1811, m. 20 Jan. 1831, Horace I'. llfeseenger of 1''ltohburg, G A111, 1803, d. 20 Aµg, 1874, farmer ou l'earl Hill. Sarirl, E,1, 10 Dec. 1831, m,'10 Nov. 18li2, Lorenzo lllodgett of Gardner, .E'clwln JJ,8, lli Xov. 18M, d, 1''redman JI.•, 2 Oct, JMS, d, 9 Feb. 1871, William H.•, 22 June 1867, d. young. Oeoroe s.•, 13 Dec. 1808, d. Inf. Stl8an A.', 29 Nov. l83li, d. young. <Jeorue E.', 23 Se11t, 1847, farmer 011 tbe homestead, m. 10 Jan. 18831 Lauretta L, Wellfugton of Ashby, 8 Jan., 1800.


AsHDURNH.Ul. 83 Gibson.

Porters, 29 July 1812, 11. 22 Feb. 1873, carpenter nnd builder In Boston, m. I Oct. 18~0, 1\lary J. Corey of Brookline, N. II., 22 July, 1808. h1f.1, d. .Acltlaicle Y.', b, 1845. aeorylmia', b. 1817.

Relief\ 12 July, 1703, cl. 10 Oct., 1849, m. 24 May, 1783, 'J'homas Gibson of Ashburnham, rev. soldier, d. 12 June, 1841. 'fhomas6, 4 July, 1784, d. Salisbury, Vt., 187-, m. in W. Cambrlllgc, Jlnnnah Cutter of :Mnl«Jen, who cl, 81 Jnn., 1841, m. 29 Dec., 1842, 2d w., Mnrthn Wilker of Ashburnham, who d, 2 June, 18!0; m. 20 Oct., 1840, 3cl w., will. Annis Whitcomb; sett. Shrewsbury, Vt., whence he enl. in artillery, nt battle of l'Jnttsburg; 'ret. Ashburnham, later to Ashby.

E,·eline', 8 Deo. 1809, m. as ~d w,, George Wood of Jo'ltcbburg, at1te, q, v. George~, m, 1 ch. Almlrat, 28 Sept. 11111, 111, Elijah l<'ow!er of l'eterhoro, N. ff,, butcller, rem. to JJufTaJo, N. Y nbt. 1836, later to lown, l\lltm., now at Travnte, Dak, Charita P.•, b, 1832, m., set u11 In hotel bus. by bis father, fAlle1l, caui;lng the exodus of the family to Iowa. He Is In tbe Jumbor business, th, In Wfs, 3 cit.; son Ami dau. Jlvlng. Jlcnry', M. D., m,; 110 ch.; Jh·ed In Iowa, kllled by explosion of chemicals. Lucy•, d. Huff., ae. 15 or 10, Aurelia•, m. Alfro1l Cowles, druggist, Urown's Valley, Minn. Alfred•, ho m. In Milwaukee, Wis.; th om,,. W. U. Tel. Co, Son~. I>au,11 Hannah', 22 1''eb, 1813, d. abt. 1880, 111, Jose)lh Wilkins of J>eterboro, N, H. whipmRker, fartner, went to Buffalo, N, Y. abt. 183P, d. abt. 1871, E1nmoris8, m., has 4 dau, went to the oil counta-y at,t, 1874, tb, In Titusville, l'a.; 1st ch, b. abt. 1868, acoroet, m., has 3 or 4 dau.; went to Tltusvllle, Pa.; one or both brothers In oxpre&s bus. A1tv11sta•, d. unm, Ulnda A•, m, I>allAs SJ11\uldlng, livery bus,, '.fltusvllle, Pa, Geol'l(e', Thouuu, D.r, 24 Feb, 1815, d. o Jan, t8li8, carp.; m. 10 Oct, 1810, :t:tltabcth o. Austin of Ver­gennes, Vt,, O July 1825, teacber and 11hy11lclan, Ho went to Huffalo, N. Y., before mArrlage, later ret. Ashby, where he cl. Mrs, O. gratluated In mo,llclne at Cincinnati, o., 18.59, entere·l tbo medical de)lar1ment of the auny In Oct, 1861, servln~ four years as head nurse amid great responsibilities; abandoned her practice In 18i8; now with son In Wis. Wflfrctl D.•. 4 Apr. 1843, soldier under Grant In 1@6-1; teachlug 111 Cl11cln11atl, 0., until 1875, four years 11rl11clJJal; since supt. of scbools In Wis., Ohio, Ind; now at WbftewAtcr, Wis. He m. 11 July 1867, Ellen G, l'axson of Edou, N. Y,, 23 A11r. 18-16, also A teacher. Horace D.11, 1 Nov. 181JO, d, young. RellefT, 25 June 18171 m, ht Hutfalo, N. Y., Jolin }"ellowE, Jake caJ>t,, Loth d, Otts•, m., dog fancier In nutraJo. Caroline•, m., mother died In lier home. Hurleigh•, th, ru. l\lalvlnA', 16 Aug. 18~0, m. Ju nutrnlo, N. Y., div,, d, Jeromet, 24 Oct, 1822, m. 20 Apr, 1847, AblgAII Sawyer of Westminster, 13 June, 1828, d. 2 SeJ)t, Jf86; carpenter, dairy fnrmer, sett. Ashburnham, re111. Ashby, 1800, on father's bo1uestead, A'lw_,m n.•, to July ISM, m. 8 I<'eb. 1877, Cella V. ltlRJ'blo of Al!hburnbam, 26 Aug. 1863; farmer in that town. Neva n.11,

27 Deo. 1877, Nila ?ti.", :i0 Jan. 1880, Uoyal 1\1.11, 1 Jan. 1882, d. young, Waldo L.11, IIS Oot. 1883, Harriet v.•, 20 Oct, 188.5, Lfllians, 24 June, 1854, m. 27 Jan; 1877, Charles 8, l\lublc,. bro. Cella V., ante, l Nov, 1855, gro, clerk, l<'ltohburg, formerly leather finisher. Rosella R.1,

20 Se11t. 1825, m. Henry Perkins of Westtnlnstcr, fal'n1er, went l\lontlcello, l\lhm. to JJlxon, Cal., where both dleil, J'11ue1ies, d. In ?,Ihm. Emmons', d. Cal., ao 16. Andrew 0,7, 27 Aug, 183'J, 111. Charlotte JUJll11gs of Ashburnham, who 11, 20 July 1873, He eul. A. 30th 1\lass. Vols, dl11ch, dis., d, Leominster. Eftloa, d, Oren•, d• Doy•, d. Fitchburg.

HeliefS, 24 May, 1786, d. 20 Aug., 18U, m. 8 Oct., 1818, Rufus Bowers of Leominster.

OscAt'', m. combmnker, Clinton. Mal\'lnar, m, a combmaker In Leominster, Da11,8, m. a soldier, killed In Rrtn)'; she m. ngalu. Henry', m.; shoemaker, Upton, rem. jWorccster abt, 1870. Rufus G,', 3 Oct. 1821, m. Rosa11na --, an lrfBh girl; was a combmaker, 110w in cot, mill, llcnry .A.•, 2 Aug. 1840, m. t May, 1879, Winifred l\l, IClllalea, b. Ireland, 1863, Euveno A.•, 18 Jnue 18.'11, ti. young. Ellen IJ,a, 18 JAIi, 1857, Sarah I.•, 10 Mnr. 1858. Bo11llronla7, d. unm. Edwin A.r, Feb. 1826, d. 20 Sept. 1878; combmaker; m, 18 Dec. 1850, Jano Anderson, m, n. Wilson, b, Ireland, 1827,

Luclncla8, 25 Mar., 1700, d. 8 ~cpt., 1852, m. Dczaleel Gibson of. Ashby, 21 Feb., 1785, d. 0 Aug., 1855, comhmnkor, Leominster,

Aloxnniler Ji.,, IS Jan, 1811, d. 3 Sept. 1800, 111, RoxenA Britton of Holtlcn, l>, 1811, d, Jan. 1882; tratler lu Leominster. Alexatttl1r W,•, 13 Nov. 1837; trader, m. 3 l\lay 1859, Ambrosino Davidson of Charlottetown, P, E, I., o Aug, 1833. Clarence W.•, Oct, 1860, II. Inf, Anna R,11,

2 Aug, 1802. Herbert A.o, 11 July l861S. l'llarles JI.•, 28 Alar, 11143, hotel clerk In Cal;, now In WI\Ullllll1 Wis. i m. 16 Nov. 1882, Ellcii Spill, b, 8beflleld, Eug., 17 Se11t. 18M, 1.'11eoclol'e A.•, June, 1847, teacher of lust, wueJc, Groeuvmo, o., m, 1872, Mary Scott of PJt1ua, O, Charles

LF.olrrssn:u. lflouroe.

J•.o, 1 Mny 1&73. l\lnry ~ .. t, 1876, Jlngh0, b. fall 1881. Roxc1111 11, twin, Cnl'Ollne I,.,, 16 Sept. 1812, d, 10 Aug, 1857, m. 7 June, 1830, Wllllnm T, Allen or l\lctlway, 12 Oct. 1800, cl.•~. Jlosto11, 7 ,lunc, 1842, She wns n grndunto of I11swlC'b, mntron of young Indies' 11chool nt Jlnrllngton, Vt, established a young ladles' 1whooJ at l\ledway In 1356; a successful iustmctor. l'aro­lt11e A.•, fl May 1838, d. 11 Jnn, 1807, m. 2li Aug, 1863, Gilbert o. Fay, b. Wadsworth, 0., 8 Nov. 1834, grnd, Ynle 18!iO, supt. of D. & D. MYlttm nt Colum\ms, 0, with great elHcloncy and suc­cess until 1880, now Instructor in J>, & I), nsylum at H1\l'tford, Conu, Clnra A.•, 28 Nov.1860, tcncher Cohunbus, o., I>. & D. Mylnm. J11lla, 11.•, 2-1 Sept., t8tt, m. 20 Nov. 18031 Jollcph L, J>anlels of l\ledwny, l Aug., lt'331 grnd. Ynle, 186(1, in 1805 Greek aud J.ntfn Professor ht Univ. Olh·ot, ~llch. J\lira A,9, 30 Oct., 1860, Wllliari1 n,u, :o Xov. 1808, Irene 1,.1, 29 Nov. 1814, d, inf, James r,,,, Ii Jan. 1810, rn, Harriet. lleuuett of G1otc.11, d. Jlurlfn~ton, Vt.; rn. 2d w, In Wis., ArneJla -, d,; m. 28 Jan. 18i8, 3<l w., Cnrollnc R J>onJrlacs, m. 11. Co1111, of Chazy, N. Y,, 19 Mny 1827; UJ1holsterer, J.eomh111ter. F1·a11ce1i8, h, 1848, Alden T,r, 27 A11r, 1821, d. WnlJwlo, N, H, 1 IO ,Juno 1853, rn. IO Nov, 18-45, I.ucy Wymnn of Cambridge, who d, Mna·. 1801•

1111a•,20 Mar, 18,51, m. In Cal, -- Clnyton, Ins. ngt,, l'ortl ·ml, Ore, Oeorire l',1, 15 Oct. 1824; farmPr 011 the homestead, Leominster, comb mnnf,; m, 14 1''eb, 1847, Lydia Symonds or Ashby, 2 June. 182,>, /,ydla /,.1

1 3 ~far. 1848, d, young. Nancy J/.1 , 2-l Fob. 18001 111. 20 Dec. 1881, Wm, S. Cleverly of Lnnc1111tcr, 11 Srpt. 1849, carJI, i,·1tchburg. Clayton o,o, 15 se11t, J882, J11lla II.•, J3 Nov, 18621 m. 20 Nov, 1813, Woudell l'. Jowett of Leominster, h, 18ll0, piano mnnr,, W. JI, Jewett & Co, Ornce ~I.', 24 July 1814, 111/,', 28 Aug. 1869, d. Ueoruc s.•, twin, Jlah,ter, 111, 1 Aug. lt<SI, Harriet A, Richardson of Leominster, 31 Dec. 18119. Florence r,,u, 21 June 1882. Adella ,M,r, 21 Oct, 1828, ,l. young.

Detscy8, 22 Sept. 1703, d. 10 Oct,, 1860, m, 8 i'cb , 1820, William Tenney of Leominster, 29 ~•ch., 1792, d, o Mny, 1803, combmnkcr; G ch., nil d. In n fe\V weeks, of malignant disease, rcsem. scarlet fever, Jolm8, 12 ~'ch., li06, d. 23 July, 1881, m. Rebecca \V. Monroe of Ashburnham, 7 Juno, 1708, d. 0 Aug., 1878; farmer on homestead, solcl out nftcr wife's death, ll\'od with l'ortcr7 Monroe at Drattlcboro, Vt.

John11 d, lnr. Austin', 28 Feb, 182i, d, Acworth, N. H., 8 S011t. 1851.

J>orter8, 20 Sept., 1708, d. 15 l\Iay, 18iH, combmnker, Leominster, m. Charlotte Ncn·hnll of L,, rem. St. Johnsbury, Vt., wife milliner there; shed, Nottingham, 0,, 12 Oct., 1885,

William P,r, deutlst In Ohio. JJo,181 m. -, l'ollartl, Sarah', m. a dentist in St, Johns­

bury, Vt., rem. Nottingham, 0,1 has liaus, m,

Sophla6, 0 Apr., 1800, d, 4 l\lnr., 1880, m. 6 ~fay, 1818, John Monroe, bro. of Rebecca \V., (a11te, w. John Gibson), 4 Oct., 17113, d. !W July, 1841, rem. Constan· tia, N, Y., chair manf.

Orison J,1, ?8 Oct. 1819, m. 24 Apr, JS-13, Ann.,. Newton or Hinsdale, N, H,, 24 Oct, 1823; lived l<'ltchhurg 37 yenrs, now Leominster, planing mill, doors, sash, etc. 111/.8, JO Oct, 1860, d, Htt<L8, JO Dec, 1860, m. ao May 18871 MIiton W, Hlodgott of Leominster, comb maker, Webster P.•, 20 Se11t, 18011 d, 6 Nov, 1E83. Sophia', 27 Mar. 1821 1 m, 27 l''ch. 18-16, Winchester Wyman, bro. Lucy, anu, (w. of A, T, Ofbson), 7 Nov. 1821 1 farmer, Acworth an,1 WnlJ•ole, N. H., Fitchburg. llerbert w.,, 28 Dec. 18401 ru. 9 Jan. 187:.!, Ma1·tha D, Hnrucs of Lancr.ster, 13 Mept. 1860; job tenmstcr, l<'itchburg. Frnuk w.0, 21 Feh. 18i3, Grnce D.0, 16 June 1877, Ruth M,', 6 Juno 1880, Wtllta,n A,", 31 Oct. 1851, gmd. Tabor, Ia,, 18iO, ht medicine at Cln,, o., 1878, com. 111·ao.1 Tow119cnd 1 a-em, 1881 Cheyeuuo, Wyo., county scht,ol supt. 1884; rn, 13 Feh. 1871:1, Dora .mlls, IJ. Fond du Lao, Wis,, 26 Del', 1864. Vina A,o, 10 Nov, 1878. Wlnche:Hor H.•, ltl Supt, 1886, d. Inf. A,mo, s.•, 19 July 1860, Porter', 23 Mar. 1826, d. 30 Oct. 1880, rn, 1 Jan, 18-19, Harriet Maynard or Tem11lcton, IS Aug. 1827; carpenter, woodworker, lived at different places ht )11188,, N. H,, Vt., d, Hrattloboro, Vt, b'lla s.1, ~7 SeJlt, 1849, m, 13 May 1870, J<;dward A, Warner of Acworth, N, JI,, 18 July 1848, gro. clerk, SJ1rlngtlold, Vt, Jay A,o, 24 AUK, 1878, l'loyd M.9

1 2.1 Oct. 1880, Jla,·rlet A.•, 18 l\ov, 1861, m. !l'l AJ•r. 11;801 John L. Alger or 'J'e11111leto111 :10 Juno 1849, clothlug dealer, Garduer. J.ona H,o, 26 Oct, mio, John P,11

1 10 Mar. 18/sl!. Ornu P.8 , 1 July 1854, m, 27 July 18761 Ada E. Foster of Uell•J\v11 ~•aua, Vt., 2 l\loy 18611, div,, an, 181.16, l'anny .A. Colburn, m, n, SloJ1er1 Leominster, r, June 1800; organ maker, went 1886 to J,011g111ont, Colo. .Albert', 1J JJec, 1876, d, youug, Jolm JO, 14 Sept. J868, Di, r, Jan.1881, ~·Jureuco Re<l-

FJTcuuuno. PlwlJ>B,

clon or Drattlet1oro, Vt., 17 Auk. 181l2, d. 6 Jnn. li:84, m. 24 nee. 1f85, 3d w. Alire M • .t:ddy of Jlfllows J.'allR, Vt., 2 Apr. 1f69; orgnn moke1, Worcester. J,;dfth F,P, II No,•. 1882. flrorgo H,8, 22 July 1861, m. 2Jan. 1882, llerthn Park of llrnttlelioro, Yt., 25 Sept. 1803; organ maker, Worcester. So)lhroula', 4 Juno 1831, educ. llurl. Fem. Sem. (l'a.,) taught painting and music In l'a. mul Md. until 1861, since when, private Instructor In tho northern lllateil; In 1883 O)lened R studio In Salt Lake City.

Hosen D.6, 21 Aug., 1802, m. Apr., 1880, Irene Wilkinson of 1\fnrlhoro, N. II., 31 Aug., 1809; was mnnf. of paper hangings, rem. Boston, 1880.

Carolh1e J.7, 3) Aug. 1831, sch. tea., went Cnl. 1864, ret. 1871; In 1881 to MrlntoRh, Un., In em)lloy of Am. Mlfll!, floe., teaching colored youth, ret, 1884; now trnrht11g oil )'nl11t111g In Jloston, Oeorgcr, 26 Dec, 18361 m. l Jan. 18i2, Mary J,;, l\footes of Pittston, .l\l<'., 18 Se)lt. 11100; clerk, salesmnn, Hoston, Walter u.s, 23 Sept. 1873, Artlmr II'.•, 31 Jan, 1s;o. lnf,r, d, Della n,r, d. young.

"4th dau."3, b. & <1. 10 Mnr., 1708. Prudence&, 27 June, 1700, d. 12 ,June, 1810. Jmzabcth&, 28 ,July, 1772, d. 17 Sept. 1840, m. 18 Nov. 170-l, Snmuel J>}ielps, 7 July, 1770, d. 10 Jan., 1823. l\fory8, 9 Se11t. 1 1706, d.201\fur., 1847, m. 13 :Feb., 1816, Samuel l 1hclps of Grafton, Vt., 21 Mar,, 1704, d. 9 }'ob. 1800.

Alonzor, JS Dec, 18111, d, 7 Jan. 1886, m, Harriet Fairbanks of Fltchbmg, 13 July 1817, d. o Jan. 1884, m. 17 July 18811, Cynthia A. Whiting, b. 23 Jnn. 1828; was a fnrmer, twenty c,d<l years In 'fown11end, d. Leominster. Jnf,T, 2 Jan. 1818, d. .Alden', 13 nee, 1i20, 111. !I A11r. 1840, Catherine E. Brigham of l\larlboro, 27 Feb. 1831; shormnkcr, Marlhoro, Fitrhhurg, now Leominster. Samml D.•, 8 Dec. 18401 d. young, l,fary JJ.•, 0 Nov. Jti61, m. 30 Mar. 18761

Edward !I, Palmer of Woburn, teamster, J,'ftchburg. llnrrlet E,P, 3 Mur. 18il'. Anna J.:.11, I> June 18i8, Atlelnlde C,P, 1 July 1880, Edna ~1.111 1 Jon. 1882, Fr1\llcls H,11, 22 Oct. 1883, Catherine E,P, 2 I~eb. 1886, A11$tln A.•, 22 July lfM, ()Stier, J.eomlnster. Ellzabrt/1 Ii.", 20 Jkn, 1857, rn. 17 Feb. 1882, J. Stuart Park of Garilner, Mc., JO May 185.'\, rattan t,askct and carrln1te rnnnf. Leominster, Arlllur S.•, 4 July JSS3, 8011111 20 Mnr. 1887, l\fary J.:.1, 10 l\fnr. 1823, 111. 1 ,Jan 1847, WIiiiam S. White of Wllltefteld, N, JI., farmer, So. J.'ramlt1gl111m, Andrew', 13 Aug. 1826, d. 3 l\lay 1864, ID, 8 AJII', 18W, Caroline Felton of .l\ta1l11oro. JJ'fllfs 11.~, 31 Dec. 1(15(), d. 3 July J8i6, L1lla .,.f,8, Aug. JMa, d. Inf, Inf,', d, Ret,eccn J,1, 7 Nov, 1832, d, · 26 Nov. 1843, Wllllnm n.,, 10 Apr. 1836, 111. 10 Nov. 1801, Josephine WIicox of Wlhnln~ton, 3 May 18411; woodworker, lived Townsend, Ashburnham, uow Lc(lwlnster, 111 J•inuo factory. J.'rcclcrlck D.•, 8 June 1863,

I<:Jljah8, Ill Dec., 1790, d. 13 May, 1822. netscy8, 20 Dec., 1708, d. 4 Sc1it. 1 1805, m. Sept., 1810, Daniel Lowe of :Fitchburg, 17 Sept., 1707, «I. 3 Apr., 1868.

luf,t, 16 Apr. 1821, d. Dennis F,t, 26 Oct, 18221 d, 28 Jan. IFOO, 111, 26 No,·, 1816, Sn rah I•'. nrowo of Fltchtmrg; was a tailor ht WalJ10Je, N, JI,, and r.eomlnstcr, Frances K.•, 4 Ueo. 1847, 111, 16 J.,'eb, 1870, <ico. l\l, Smith of J,'ltcltbnrg, div. i she went to Anoka, l\llun., 1880, ID,

18851 2d hus. Clarence Wrntwoi-tb. res. Jlelolt, Wis; Abby 1,,s, 22 Nov. 1840, cl, 0 A)lr, 1880. Alarthn fl.•, 23 July 11154, m. 13 Dec, 1877, Charles E. Wnllncc, b. Clinton, 3 Se)lt, 1847, clerk 111 P. o. Fitchburg. Harold J,.11123 Oct. 1880. Rose r.o, 10 Oct. 1885, E,,.erett R.•, 24 Aug, 1868, d. Inf, Stella JJ,•, 18 Dec. 1861, Jose)lh', 11 June 1824, d, Aug. IS<8, ID, Sarah Grnry; rem. Kansas. Augustus', d. Wfllar<l Jf.T, 26 Aug, 1832, d, 10 Jan. lS&J, m. 24 Aug, 185-1, Caroline A, Hall of Jloston, 30 l\lay 1830, d, 22 Eeb. 1886; e,qiressman, Fitchburg. Cc11·olino S.", 13 J.,'eb, 18115, m. 20 Aug. 18i81 lieuj. o. JJagley of Clluton, 16 }'eh. 18-15, lmlhler's loreuJRn, res. J.,'ltchbttrg, Coldle L,P1 24 May IFSO. .A1lelofde F.•, 6 July Jf67, Ill, J1 Jan. 1881, William A. Hayward of Augusta, Me., com. trav,, res, llllwaukee, Wis, Ral11h L.0, 26 Der. 1881, W1llard A.•, 1 Dec. 1869, meohnnle In ,tlugham ullll, m. 21 Jan, IBM, Ethel A. -- of J,"ltch­burg, Feb. 1860. 11.'llen ,fl.•, 80 Vee, 1861, m. 21 Feb. 1883, Hoy O. Littlehalo of Tyngsl.loro, 21 Jan. 1867, carp • .lo'ltchhurg. Robert r,,111 :?O A11r, 1884, Joseph D.6, 20 Aul{, 1864, clerk, lus. agency, May J.•, 12 l\lny 1869. Daulel A,T, 17 Mar. 1834, d, 21 Jan, 1851,

Samuel D.8, 28 June, 1802, d. 4 ;Apr., 18i8, m. Ann l\f. Allen of Sturhridgo, lo J.'eb., 181J, William D.6, 2 l\lar., 1811, ct. 2 Apr., 1882, farmer, m. 12 l>ec., 1833, Harriet ~'lint of J.'itchburg, 9 July, 1800, d. 17 June, 1858,

Wflllalll A,', 7 Oct, te24, d, Emily 1.,, 30 July 1830, d, 7 July 1865. Elizabeth L.', 10 July 1841, m, Juhu c.1 Gooc.lrJdgo of Westmtuster, seq. q. 11.

ACTON, 86 Futclwr.

I>hineas~, 25 July, 1781, d. 20 Oct., 1853, fnrmer in Westminster, m. 16 June, 1807, llctscy Willnrll of l<'itchburg, 7 Oct. 1770, d. 2 .Mnr., 1802.

Lucy W.6, 20 Apr. 1808, d. 10 Se{lt, 1870, m. 0;\fny ISM, Calvin O. Goodridge of Wlnchendon,O Jan. 1816, farmer on her father's homestead, removing thither In 1852. John C,71 3 May 1846, farmer with his father, m. 27 Mar. ISW, Elizabeth L,c l'helps of F1tchbt1rJC, cmte. Emfl11 l'.•, 23 Oct. 1807. William J,8, 17 AJ>r, 1870• Jlretlcrlck A.•, 8 Apr. 1881, Oraco E.•, 16 Dec, 1884. Henry 11,r,27 At>r, 1848, d. Inf, Ahby E.', 14 May 1sro, d. 27 Nov. 1864. Josiah w.e, o Uec, 1810, d. 11 Sept. 1830. Phh,cas P.11, 22 I>eo. 1812, d. 29 AJ)r, !885, m, 29 June 18-16, Abigail I>. l'olly or New Salem, 6 Se11t. 1823, d. 8 Jan. 18.51. Cluu-lcs0, II} Nov. 1814, d, 21 Aug. 182'2. Lcandero, I June 1818, m. 8 Nov.1843, Penis u. llrlghnrn of Northboro, to Jan.1816; carpenter In Wcs1mlnster, deacon of the cong. church. Churl,s w.,, 19 Nov. 18H, enl. ~6 Sept. 1861, 26th Maes, vols., d, I<'ortrcss Monroe, 10 I<'eb. 1802, Mary E,0, 11 8011t. 18211 11, 1843,

JoNATHANa, 15 }'cb., 1001-2, d. 18 Oct., 1778, m. 1718, Blizabcth Brown of Con­cord, 8 Mar., ·rnoJ-2, d. 28 l>cc., 1717; m. 2o Nov., 1718, Sarah Whl'eler of Con• cor,l, 80 lJec., 1007,· d, 22 l\for., 1748-!l. lie \fl\S n brickluyer, rem. 1721 to Chelmsford, settling on the farm recently owned by Asa11h n. Cutter, In what was Inter cut oft' ns Westford, anti ,finally to Littleton, whl'ro ho died Ho was a lleu­knaut of militia, so tlenoted In tho Littleton records to distinguish him from his cousin, J/r. Jonntlutn Hartwell, an earlier settler In that town. Mary•, 14 Sept,, 1714, d. 0 Mar., l7fiJ-20. 'l'homns•, 17 Nov., 1717, d. young, Jouathnn•, 26 June, 1721 1 d, young. Sarah', 22 Sept,, 1723, ti., m. (pub. 12 Oct.) 1741, Capt. lJ1mlel }'letcher of Acton, b. Concord, 18 Oct., 1718, car1>enter, Ueut. in Cn1>t. Moh·ln's co. statlonccl at Northfield, 1747, comm,rndetl co. in Col. Nichols' rcgt. in Cnnndn exp., 1758, wounded, 11ris.; in 1708 re}>. In General Court; In 1770 a11p. major in regt. designed for Quclmc under Arnold; <l, Danlel6, 21 Nov., 1742, m. 11 Sept., li'GII, Ann Harker of Acton, Ann11, 12 Nov,, l'iGO, m. 27 Mny, 1788, Jnmes Law. Charles\ 18 Jun., 1748•4, d. young. Peter&, 1 ,Tan., 1745-6, d. 2.J Apr,, 1806, m. 28 Jan., 1768, :Marthu Ilarrar of Acton. ,John S. 11, 28 Aug., 1760, d. young. Tllly11,

27 ,\ug., 1771, d. young, l\rary6, 15 l!'cb., 17i4, m. 4 June, 1700, '!'lily Uobblns. Susan7, Lucy7• Tilly7• Luthcr7• John S.6, 7 .l\fny, 1780, d, 27 Mny, 1848, m. is l\for., 1803, Lucy l."orbush of .. Acton, b, 1785, d. 0 Nov., 1851; 0 ch. I>eter11, O


l!'cb., 1788, d. 7 Dec., 1880. Moscs11, 6 Mar., 1786, d. 27 Sept., 1885, m. 20 Apr., lff1i, Catherine Lnw, b. 1794, d. 0 Jnn., 1887; m. 2d w., Mnry Wright; 6 ch, by ,er. Dnniel6, 51\fay, 1787, m. Lucy 'l'uell, rem. t>enn Yan, N. Y. Wllllam8, 1 ~'ob., 1780, d. inf. Willinm8, 1 Nov., 1700, m. Julia Wood; 8 dnus,, m., res. IJrlghton, have ch.; husbands' names, I~dmund Ulco, - White, - Caldwell, Subby6, m. l>nnfortb Law; f ch, Sarnh6, 4 Mnr., 1747-H, d. 20 IJee., 1702, m, 8 l)cc., liOO, William Duker. Ucbccca6, b. 1770, Jonathan Il.6, b. 1772, Daniel ~'.6, b, 1774, m. Amos7• Snrah8, b, 1776. Amos6, b. 177/J, Wllllam11, b. 1781. htth~, 25 Jnn., 1740-50, m. 28 Jan., 1708, Joseph Darker of Acton. Mehltnblc6,24 run., 1771, d. 25 :Mar., 1872, m. Silas J>iper of Acton, S11ral18

1 8 Mnr., 1778, m. fnsoph Colo. Joscph6, 21 June, 1775, m. Lucy Hosmer, Jh·cd Doltoh. Jonathnn6,

I Aug,, 177i, m. Betsey Hosmer. I>anlel }'.11, 81 Dec., 1770, m. listher Hosmer. {uth8, 15 July, 1782,.m. Lemuel Dole .of Acton. Ann11, 19 July, 1784, Ueuben8,

12 July, 1786, m. ht Uebccca Davis, 2d Eunice Hosmer. Joscph6, 18 Oct., 1762, n. 26 May, 1778, Abigail Bacon of Lincoln. DnnfeJd, 25 Apr., 1770, m. l'olly ,flles of Holton; 4 ch,; m, 2d w., ch. by her, went to Cincirinntl, O., 1881, ~ht1rles6, 26 Nov., 175-i, ,Tonathan6, 21 Jnn., 1757, pub. to Lucretia l~merson of lcton, 25 ,Tan., 1783, Betsey&, 20 Oct., 1759, m. 11 Dec., 1780, Abraham Wblt­omh of Stowe. l'cter4, 5 Mar., 172-l,5, d, 1768, 'rhomas4, 6 Mar. 1726-7, d, bef. 10 }'eh., 1758,

11, 26 Apr,, 1757, Mary lloar of Littleton, who m, 2d bus., Jonu Wheeler of L.

IlJLJ,F.RICA. 87 Jllll.

Snrnh5, 10 Pcb., 1758, m. 7 June, 1782, DnnieP Hartwell of Littleton, uq, q, 11.

Oli\'cr\ 0 l\lur., li2S-0, minute 1111111 1775, 111. I Mnr., 1758, J,ois J)utlll'Y, 12 June, 1737, ti. i 77i5. Lois), 8 ,Jnn., 17H I, m. 2!1 July, 1779, SnmucP llnrtwcll of Little­ton, s·q. ,J, v. Chnrlcs1, 22 l•'ch., 17HO-l. Jmznhcth1, I:J I•'ch., 1732-3, m. 7 Nov., l 7lH, }>ctcr Heed of Littleton, who d.; m. 1702, 2d hue, Jonathan Keyes, who d.; m. 18 Oct., 1782, Capt. l'clatlah }')etcher. Hetty Hce,J&, 22 Aug., 1752. Cbarlee6,

twin, Abijah5, 15 July, 17M. Sarah&, 17 Jan., 17(;7. AblgaiP, twin. l\lolly5, 20 May, 1760. Mnryt, b. 1788, 11., m. 11 Apr., 1707, Joslnh Hastings of Littleton. Lucy&, JO Apr., 1758, Thomas&, 11 Aug,, 1700. Sarah6, 12 St'Jlt., 1762. Peter\ 80 Dec., 176-i. Jonnthan5, I{cyce, b. 1763. Lydin.6, b, 1765, m. Isnnc Patton". Lucy6, twin, n,, Jes11c };')etcher. Miriam5, b. 1707, d. 1871, ac. 102 yrs. 11 m. 18 d,, m. Dea. Samuel }'letcher. l'atty5, b. Ji60, m. 1785, Pclntiah ,I;'Jetchcr, ,Jr. lt'rancee G. 5, b. 1771, m. 1704, Jesse Fletcher. Anron5, d, young. Jonathan•. 14 Sept., 1741

MAR\·1, J>rob, b. 1Gf3, cl. 18 l<'ch. 1605-6, m. 11 Dec., 1 f!GO, ,Jonathan Hill, son of Ralph and wlcl. Mary 'l'oothaker, 20 Apr., 1646. J\fary3, 0 Scpt., 1607, m. John Fnsset. Jonatlmn3, 21 Aul(,, tom,, d, 15 Dec., 17-13, m. 10 l\foy, 170-i, .!\fury Brackett, 10 l<'eb., 1680-81, whom. 3 J>cc., 1744, ns 2d w., John3 Hartwell of Bc,l­ford. Mary\ 15 Jan., 1705-6, d. 28 June, 1708, m. 15 Dec., 1780, Daniel Stickney of Brmlford,O Feb., 1700-7,d. 25 Apr., 1788, capt. of a troop of horse thut marched to 1·clicve ,I;'ort William Hcnry, but were countermanded on arrh·nl at Marlboro, N. JI. Jonathan', 2 Jan., 1780-31. d. Inf. J>u,·IIP, 5 Jnn., 1732-8, d. 17 Sept., 1807, wns trumpeter in ltls father's troop; m. 8 Jnn., 170/j, wt,1. ]{czlnh Shedd, m. n. unk., and rem. Grafton, Vt., li81. Danicl8, 7 Oct., 1705, pioneer in Putnam Co., O., d. 17 Sept., 1822, 10 ch. Mnry«1, 8 .Tan., 1707, m. Zibu Howard. Hannah8, 28 J>cc., 1768, d, 21 Mar, 18~2, m. J>ctcr Pettengill, na,·ld8, JO No,·., 1770, d. 1 Oct., 1854, rem. Grafton, Vt., later to tho Ilollund Purchase, d. in Ill., hutl 8 ch. Ann°, 18 June, 1772, cl. 25 No\', 1801, 111. -- Dllno of Northampton, Jonathnn6, 2U July, 17751 d, 8 Sept., 170-i.

Jonathan', 17 Aug., 1780, cl, 80 Apr. ?802, m. Silence -- , b. 1787, 11. 23 Mnr., 1807, lie enlisted for Canada, 17571 was at Dunker Hill nn1l elsewhere in Hcv. wnr; in 178/S major of mllitln, and In the bitter winter of that year mnrchc,1 with the Blllerica artillery In n driving snowstorm to Cambrltlgo, to guard thc court dur­ing the troubles inciilent to Shays' rebellion, Silcnco8, 13 Aug., 1758, d. 10 Oct., 1808, m. 28 Mar., 178-i, Denjnmin Bowers, 11 Feb., 1754. Anna7, 14 Mar., 1785, m. Rov. Joseph Richardson, I }'ch., 1778, gratl. J>Rrtrnouth, 1803, 11astor 1st oh., lllngham 1800, until hie death, 21 Sept., 1871,

Jonathan', 28 July, 1708, m. A~lgall --, who d. O ,Tan., 1738-0; m. 0 Nov, 1740, 2d w. Lydia Osgood of Andover. ,\blgalP, 8 Aug., 17:H,. Jonathan&, 12 Jnn., 1741-2.

Pctcr4, 10 Oct., 1709, cl. 12 Aug., 1774, m. 20 ,Tan., 1731HJ, Hachcl Crosby, 80 Mar., 1710, d, 11 Feb., 1780•7; m. 80 Jan., 1745•0, Ahlgnll Danforth, m. n. Walker, 28 Apr., 172-i. Uachcll, 4 }'ch: 1787, ,J. 10 Feb,, lttU, m. 20 Apr., l7ii7, Seth Crosby, 8 Aug,, 178-i, d. 18 Apr,, 1818, Hachcl6, 10 Apr., 1758, d. young. l'rudcnco8, 22 Sept., 1750. Sarah6,18l Mar., 1701, 11. 1 Jan. 18-10, m. 10 No\',, li84, 'fimothy Foster, 4 Nov, 1750, cl. 21.Jan. 1815. Clarissn.7, 11 Apr. 17R5, d, 20 J:,'cb., 1878, m, 18 Oct., 1810, Jeremiah I!'drmcr, 10 Apr., 1771, d, 2 Mar. 1830.

Sarah c.•, 27 Feb. 1818, m, Jloury DlanchRrd, 1\1. J>,1 211 Set,t. 1811, grail. Harv. 1834, phys. at M11nHtlold1 1840, Nf pen set, 1864. E1nU11 ,f,v, 1-:dwcird U,11, llebeccn'. llcnr/19, Tlmotliv F,8, 10 Aug, 18241 a. 27 May, 1871, m. 2t Jul,- 1802, Jane Len.vftt or Cll11ton, Mo, Ncllw J,', 28 July 1833, Altir1J H.t, 21 Nov.186f. John i;,o, 7 Nov, 11!67,

lfachel6, 7 ,fan. liO:J, m. 8 lfor., 1780, Abljnh Cutler of Brookfield. Uhocln8 , 12

No\',, 17Gl, d. 21 Sept. 1778. Scth6, u May, lillfi, ,I. 4 ,June, 1818, 111. I:l ,July, liUO, Mel1itablc l{ittrcdgc, 2G ,June, 1770, ti. Ill Feb. 1~14, m. :!ti w. Mnry --, b. 1771, d. 2; ,July, 18.U. Betscy7, m. Jnn., 181G, Edward Winship of Lexing­ton. Hnrvey7, d. 1 Feb., 1872, m. J<~sther7 Meh•in, dcsceruled from tho llartwells of T,ittleton, (1eq. q. t1. for fuller cletalla), Oct. I i05, d. 13 Nov. 184G; farmer, lh·eil on the northenst of Hnre Hill.

Clnrlssa8, l\larfns, 7 Jnn. 1822, d, Jfenrys, 26 nee, 1824, farmer, m, Fnnny Enmes of Jllller­lcn, IJ, 18:?il, div. 18.'>0; 1 ch, George~, :ro Jau. 18:28, cl., m. Sarah-, lived lu Salem. Sarah0,

111. llnrvoy9, In market bus., Salem. Wllllnm~, 18 A)lr, 183.l, In liquor trndc, Hoston, m., res. Jllllerlca. Edwln9, 10 June 1834, d, 1860, was 111 11ro11t1ce hus, Seth•, t Jan. 18!1, m, 26 Nov. 18o9, Susan A. Cann of lllller1en, 21 Aug. 1840; clerk In Hoston, res. Wakefield. Orcrco M,', 10 Xov. 1872, Ouv Al.0, 20 Juno liH0,

l{cmlull1, Jlved Boston, m. 23 Apr. 182G, Elizabeth Hill of Arlington, who 1?.; m, 9 l!'cb., 183-l, 2«1 w., her sister Lydia. Clnrls~n7, b. 170-1 (?), d. 11 ~'ob., 18-lO. Augustus7, livecl ,vnrner, N. JI., m. -- Currier. Alicc0, 2 Nov., 1708, d. young. 11tin11nh8, 22 llny, 1771, m. 2-l Mnr., 1791, Luke f,nnc of Bedfor,l. ,Joshun8, 18 Mny, 1774, d, young. Rhoda8, 2 nt?c,, 1780, d. ~J May, 1802, m. Stephen Uichnr­son of Dillerlca, 28 Apr., 1770, d. 17 Aug., 1889,

Jlnrrlet F,r, bap. 2 Oct. 1814, rn. - Pratt of lloston. Du«lley F,r, baJl, same date, d. young, l'eter, 9 Mar., 1747-8, d. 21 l<'eb,, 1828, m. 7 Nov., l iU3, Lucy Hill, m. n, ~'itch,

who «I. 10 July, 1822, ae, 60. Eliz1\beth8, 15 July, 1795, 111. Henjnmln L. ,Juclklns. SamucP, 20 Feb., 1740-50, killed at Dunker Hill, m. n ~'ob., 17711, Snrah Parker, 0 Dec., 1753. Snrah8, 22 Mar., 1774-, d. inf. Abigni1°, 30 May, 1775, m. 28 Aug,, 1805, Ifo,•. Mighill Dlood, b. Hollis, N. tr., 18 J>ec , 1777, gmd. Dnrtm,, 1800, onl. min., Bucksport, Me., 1803, dlsm, 18H, d, 2 Apr., .1852, a fnithful, honest, laborious pnstor. ,Jonathnn6, ~ July, 17ol, d. abt. 1772. Betty5, bnp. 14 ,July, 1754. ,Tere­minh5, 8 Apr., 17oti, rev. sold, lh·ed Boston. IU10tla5, lo Dec., 1757, J>n,·id~, lo Mnr., I i'GI, rev. sold., li\'cd Boston. Mnry5, twin, m. 20 nee., li70, Snmuel Blan­chard, 0 Mnr, li48-9; ch. (prob.) Snmuc1c1 (<lau. Lydia7, hap. 21 nee. 1800). Mary0, bnp. I July, 1781, m. l l\far., 1808, as 2d w., Cyrus Blnnchard of Milford, N, II. Judlth8, bnp. 17M, m. 12 Feb., 1804, as 1st w., Cyrus Hlnnchnrd, Le,·18, 7 Nov., 17~4. Sewell8• In-Ing". Silcncc8, bnp. Nov., 1703, Alden•, hap. Nov., 1795.

miznbeth', 11 May, 1711, m. 24 Feb., 1781, Frnncls Kidder of Ulllerlcn, 1 Oct., 1708, lived Oxford. Esther\ 0 Mnr,, 1112-8. Josepht, 0 Mny, 1717, Dethlnh4, 10 July, Ji 18, d; 80 Jnn., 176-l, m. 0 Sept., 1748, Hravlter Gray of Andover, 10 July, lilO, t1u:ecl ln D. 1738, Jos('pb•, I July, 17U. Mary•, 29 Oct., 1741'i. 'rlmothyf•, 2,; Feb., 1747-8, d, young. 'l'imothy~, 28 M11r., 1752. •rtmothy8, 25 Oct., 1782, d., m, ·10 Nov , 1807, Betsey Grn,·es of Washington, N. H., I Jan., 1789, sett. Hllls­boro', N. JI., father or Catherine7, whom. Johns llnrtwcll of II., ante, p. 6.

S1mmcl3, 22 ]!'ob. IG71-2,.d. 17 !<'ob,, 1702, m. ·;, Jan., 1698-0, Sarah Page, who <l, 8) Apr., 1758. Snmuelt, I 1.fnr., 1608-9, cl. 2G Jan., 1747-8, ru. 20 Nov,, 1127, Abigail Dunton, m. n. Ukhardson, of Blllericn, 8 Nov.11700, (1st m. at lo), d, 2t Mar., 1708. Abignll\ 20 Nov., li27, d, 8 Oct., 1808, m. 18 Apr., 1740, Samuel ]{ldder of Billerica, JO Oct.', 1-72•, <1, 18 }'eb,, 179-l: Samuel', 12 Mar, 1749-50, d, 17 Dec, 1780. Snrah8, 7 J<'eb., 17/H-2 •. Mnry«1, 11 May, I7A4, d, I June, 1772, Jfooch8, JO July, 17/HJ. Abigni18, 5 June, 1769, m .. 21 Aug., 1781, Timothy Whiting of Ulllcrlca, J3 IJee., 1782. ·. John8, 22 June, 1702, m. 17 July, 1700. Mary Osgood,

Johur, 3 May 1707. 8Rrnt101r1 13 Jan, JiQO, l\lary 1'~. n,r, 20 Dec, 1800. James D,11 8 Dec,

180'2, Lucretia', 23 Nov, 180~. Rnchcl8, 10 Oct., 1704, d, young, Alicc6, 14 AJlr,, 17~7, m. 8 ~ug., 1700, Robert

Smith1 M.J>., of Durham, N. II. Francls8, 10 Aug., 1709, cl, 28 }'ob., 1706.



Samuel', 11 born 26-1-1045," d. 26 July, 1725, m. 26 Oct. 1065, Ruth, dau. Ceorge and Catherine Whcl'ler of Concord, 23 l!'cb. 1041-2, ti. 0 ]Jee. 1718, m. 2d w. Uebccca -- who d. 23 Jan. 1721-2, m. G l!'cb. 1724, 8d w. Elizabeth l!'Jctcher of Chelmafold, 10 June, 1608, d. 4 Oct. 1782, He aerved in the war against the Indians under the leadership of Philip of Pokanoket, hla name appearing in the Hat of those t•.> whom, or their deacendant8, Janda' were granted in 1785, the share allotted for hi~ services passing to bia grandson, Ephraim•. It aeema likely he

' was one of those who made the O hungry march" against tho stronghold of J>hllip, and to whom a land gratuity was specially promised, aa ,he name of John•, known to have been out In that w~r, docs not appear among the grantees of land in 1785, Ile undoubtedly settled near his father at marriage, lived nearer him at his death than John, but' nothing yet appears to indicate with certahity whether it was be or his son Samucl3, who settled on the lands ln the present bounds of Lincoln, now held

·by his descendants.· Samuel3,. b;·'6 Oct., 1666, d. 27 Nov., 174', m. 29 Nov., 1692, Abigail Stearns of Can1bridge, who d. 11 May, 1109, m. 2d w. Rebecca, who d, 19 Apr., 1714, m, 8d w. wid. Margaret, m, n. Tompkina, who d, 6 Apr., 1728, m. 4th w. Experience Tarbox, who survh•ed him. In 1694, he bought of Richard Rice a part of the present Hartwell farm in Lincoln, and was living in that part of Concord In 16116. He is burled in the old hill burying ground in Concord village.

Samuel', 12 Nov. 1698, appears as a resident of that part of Dorchester cut off al Stougl1ton, late~ divided to form Canton in )717; examined 27 June for adm,sslon to a new church society gathered by Rev. Joseph Morse. He settled on a farm near the Sharon JJne, on the Walpole road, near Hartwell brook; appears in 1788 88

an appraiser of est. of Itev. Mr. Morae; rem. 1786 to W. Bridgewater, highway surv. same year; bought I~ 1746 of Thos. Hayward the farm in northern part of that parish, on which Copeland & Hartwell's shoe factory stands. He d, 25 Dec,, 1760, of small pox, taken from a hired man who returned too soon from the II pest house." His wife Hannah died 19 .Apr., 1786, in Canton. Abigail6, 26 Jan., 1717..S, d. 1 Oct., 17481 m. 8 Dec., 17851 Nathaniel Adams of Stoughton (later Canton,) Nathaniel•, 4 Dec., 178P., d. ?.8 Oct. 1 1787, app. earliest of 6th gen. Abigall8, lo Oct., 1788, Hannah8

1 12 Jan., 1~40-41, Rachel•, 81 Mar., 1748, Hannah6, 20 Dec., 1719, m. 1789,, Nathaniel Reynolds of Bristol, R. I., b. 1717, and d, ·12 Aug., 1742. Phlllp8, 19 Sept., 1740, d. Jan., 1775, m. 29 Oct., 1765, Ilannah Packard of Bridgewater. William', b, 1767, d. Winthrop, Me., 1864, joiner and architect, m. 1791, Martita Snell of N, Bridgewater, b. 1769, d. Garland, Me,, 1841; rem. soon after m. to Hebron, Me., later to Buckfield, 180~ to Minot, Me, Wllllam8, b, 1794, d. 1887, m. Abigall Roberts; carrlagemaker, Auburn, Me. Nathan8, b. 1796, m. Elizabeth Briggs; trader in Lewiston, Me.

Nelson B.•. Charles H.•. Zophar8, b, 1798, d, 1841, m. 1820, Mary Pollard, and settled as a trader ID Port-

land, Me. · Charles H.•, physician In Gorham, Mt, Hie mother resided with him, Zebedee 8.8, 2 Oct. 11100, namt changed to Charles, m. Harriot L. Fairfield, b.

1808, d. June 1865; was a trader' in Garland, Me., 1827, rem, 1850 to Bangor, Me. Su11an H.•, Mar, 1830, d, 1869, m. Dat!IE-1 B. Head; had a IJ(ID, Charles T.•, Apr. 1834, JD,

Eliza G, Storer; currier by trade, rerh. Saco, Me. Mary E.•, b. 1836, dreasmaker 111 Bangor, Me. Henry o.•, b. 1841. enl. 1801, 2d Me, Vols., array of l'otomac, wounded In both lees; dlscb. 1863, Francis o.•, b. 1847, enl, •pr. 1862, dlsolJ, fn Aug. for slckneu, enl. 1864, u. 8, 8tmr. Santiago de Cuba. volunteer at bombardment Fort FJ11her, ti Jan, 1865; olgar maker, l'ortland, Me, Frederick A.•, 10 Nov. 1860, d. ll!GI.


D,1vidS, d. Mnrtha8, cl., m. Thomas J. Ilownrd, went south. l\lary8, cl. N. Drldgewater, ae, 28. Leonard 0,8, b. 1814, trader in Portland, m. Imen Stevens of that city; ~ duus,

Charity', b. 1771, d. 1803, m. 1797, Leonard Orcutt, b. 1708, rem. Winthrop, Mc. ; Jmd six ch.

Lytlh1,s, m. Alviu Lelghtou of Bangor, l\le; one In Auburn, l\le.; 0110 in WlntJJrop, l\le, Phllfp', tu, two wives, sett. at m. In Stoughton; wltll the sec,,nd w. removed west. Pblll1>8,

and a sister In N. llerwlck, Me. William• and a sister In Grafton, Wis, Two others by 2d w. l'tlnry', d, 1832, in. 1708, Oliver llelcber, sett. Easton,

Jonns6, 23 Jan. 1741-2, m. 1768, Anna Perkins of Bridgewater, b. 1750. Anna7,

b. 1760, m. 1700, Josiah l'crklns of Drldgewnter, h. 1762. Jonas8, b. I 790, grncl, Drown, 1818, m. 1815, Rhocla Keith of Drl<lgewatcr; was minister at Braintree, Nahum8, b. 1702, m. 1820, Vesta Copeland of Bridgewater, b. 1706. Mchltnble8,

b. 1705, m. 1817, Charles J{elth, b. 1701, Jonas7, b, 1772, m. 1708, Rebecca Hay­ward, b, 1778,

Martin L.•, b, 1709. Orren•, b, 1801. Anna•, b. 1803, Marys, b, 1805. Joseph JV, b, 1808, Rebecca•, b, 1814,

Isaac7, b, 17U, m. 1805, MebltableFotd, b.1781, l\fary7, b, 1806, m. -French, Edwin•, b, 1808, Nahum•, b, 1809, IJeujamlu F,•; b, 1810, Sybil•, b. 1814,

Jobn7, m. Joshua W.8, lived Stoughton, 1872, Davld7• Jonathan7,

Jonas6, 20 Sept., 1721, m. 7 Nov., 1751, Uuhamah Fenno of Stoughton, b, 1781, d, 25 Jan., 17021 wltl, of Josiah Snell. lie scttlccl on that part of his farm where the shoo factory now stands, known since 1746, as the Hartwell farm, and d. 18 Feb, l761, of small pox, burled in the same grave with his father, Isaac8, 27Nov., 1762, d. 2 June, 1831, m. 1 l!~eb., 1775, Abihnl Lathrop of DrlJgewater, 4 i~eb., 1768, d, 18 Jnn., 1857, whose father died at a stlll greater age. Ho was a mill­wright, a recruiting officer and lieutenant in the re,·. war; built the ol<l Boston mill dam, enclosing what is now tho Back llay, abo Millon Mills. John7, 26 Dec., 1718, d. 1 Jan., 1814, carpenter, m, 1801, Lucinda Howard of W. Uridgewater, b, 1779, d, 9 Jan., 1867; removed next year to the Fort settlement on Kennebec river, now Augusta, Me,

Sllvenus•, Sept, 1801, d, fnf, Charles A.•. 14 Nov, 18031 d, 26 Mar. 1886, went to Bridgewater to learn the shoe trade, aud tu,, 7 Aug, 18271 Abigail O. Howard of W. Bridgewater, 7 Apr. 1tl091 d, 3 Nov. 1838; m, 1839, 2d w, herelater, Deborah W,, 10 Jan, 1803, d, 3 Se1>t, 1848; m, 8 Oct. 1849, Sd w. Hannah H, Leach, 11 Mar. 18161 d. 8 Sept. 1876, He was a manufacturer of ahoes; went 1882 to Cal,, ret, 1884, John ll,t, 14 June 1828, shoemaker at Stoughton, m. ro Mar. 181'H1 Mary T, Martis of Easton, Ro~ellana M.•, 6 Se1>t, 18311 m. ~ Oct. 18491 IJrad!ord Packard of Easton, 26 Sept. 1826, butcher near Brockton. Arthur n,10, 8 ;.\ug, 1863, d, 28 At>r, 1876, machinist, Edith M,10, 27 SeJ>t, 1866, m, 16 Mar. 1876, Lemuel L. Holmes of Plymouth, 24 Deo. 1849, d. 10 July 1884, Mcl{ay mach, op., lJrockton, Chester n,u, 28 Feb. 1876, Mabel M.11, lS Jan, 1879, d, lur. llarrv 0,11, 20 Dec. 1879, Belen D,11, 10 Juno 1882, Suscin 11.9, 3 July 1833, d, 17 Apr, 1839, Abby .A,01.12 Aug. 1838, m, 4 Nov, 18601 l<'rancis JJ, Porter of E. Bridgewater, 20 Aug, 1886, coutractor and bulhler, Brockton, Charles l!',10, 8 Feb, 1863, Ellen A,10, 24 Feb. 1869. Grace u.10, 27 Nov, 1870, d, young, Amy Jl,101 4 Jan. 1878, Frcmcf.a•, 17 Aug. 1854, m, 10 Sept. 1878, .Ellen Morey of Brockton. Herbert F,10, 16 June 188(1, John H.•, 25 Sept. 1803, carpenter, m, H June 1836, Lydia Cllambe1·lai11 of Wolfboro, N, H., b, 1810, d, 15 May 1883; res, Augusta, )Je, Charles o,o, 11 June 1837, druggist before the war, during which ho1p, steward In armr 4't1d naval aervlce, m. 12 Feb, 1870, .Ella Crocker of l'ortland, Me., 24 Jul7 1863, Anna n,10, 20 8ept. 1870, Lida L,10, 16 Aug, 1878, John n,10, 20 Npv, 18i9, Mr. H, fs a photographer at Vassalboro, l\le,

Lucinda D,8, 18 ~'eb., 1808, lfl, 6 Sept., 1832, Moses E, Hamlen of Augusta, Me., 20 July, 1807, painter and gl~zicr; member of city government some years,

Emllyt, 11 Sept. 18331 d, 20 June 1839, Sarah F,", 24 July 1836, Edward H,o, 16 May 1838, cabinetmaker, Augusta, w. 1 Dec, J866, Louisa Hawkeit of Sko'frhegau, Me., 16 Aug, 1842. J.'rcmcts n,101 24 July 181.18,


Jane H.8, 25 Sept., 1810. Cyril 11.S, 12 Dec., 1813, m. Aug., 1812, Lucy W. Mcl{cnncy of I>nnvillc, Mc., 1 July,.1822; architect nnd bullder in Bnth, Mo.

Wllllam J{.11, 20 May 18t3, partner with his father, m. 14 Jan. IMS, Harriet E. lfamlen or Augusta Mo., 10 Jan. 18t8, Oharlotto JJ,1°, 9 Aug, 181.f, Atma £.1°, 8 July 1877, Twln9, d, young. Emma J,o, 11 June 1847, m. 14 June 1870, Eugene Greenleaf of Hath, Me,, 12 Oct, 1840, bookkcl'Jler. AIICIJ E,10, 12 July 181:J, Inf, fem,t, 1849, d, Inf. male7, 1853, d, Inf, male0,

18571 d, Edward H,91 16 Apr, 18621 J>artner with bis fath or.

llnnnah7, U Aug., 1780, d. 9 Juno, 1806, m. 10 Oct., 1799, Alfred Howard of W, Dridgcwatcr, 19 Nov. 1774, d, 29 Mny, 1850, farmer.

Oryutha1, 1 June 18011 d. 24 Apr. 18H, m. 6 ~lar, 1830, r,eon:ml Alger of W. Drlclgewater, who d. 27 July 1838; m, Nov, 1839, John Tilden, 2t A1u·, 1793, d. 8 May 1874, ,tlary A.~ Alger, m, -- JJaker, res. Marshfield, Alfrc,l 11,0 Ttl<lon, m, 11 Apr. 1869, l\lary A, Howitt of Button, June 1srio, d. 25 Oct. 1883. Atrredto, 1 Feb, 1870, d, Inf. J\lary E,10, 22 Aug, 1871, Alfred .A,10, 4 Alar. 1873, Elizabeth c,10, twin, Jnf,10, 10 Nov. 1871S, cl. Catherine A,10, 6 Juno 1877. Pht'lbo A. o. D,o, b. l•'ob, 180, d, Inf. Rhoda•, 12 ~far, 1803, lives with her nieces In Washington, D. o. Luclnctas, 10 Uoo. 1805, cl. 23 Nov. 1874, m. 21S l\lay 1826, Rotlolphus Kinsley of E. Hrldg,,wator, 3 June 1803, d, 12 l\far. 1870, cabinetmaker, llve1l successively In Nashua, N, H,, Cabotvllle, now (Chicopee); and Stlrlngfteld, where he was deputy sheriff some years. Ed11'ard JY,e, 24 .May 1829, m. 16 Apr. 18511, Calista A. Spaulding of Canton, 21 Aug, 1834; was merchant In Boston, later R.R. comma·. for the state, some time land commr. of the U, P, It. n. Adelald,, p,10, 24 Fob, 1861, Mary L,10, 16 ~far. 1865, Jtor11 Jr.11, 13 June 1831, d. Inf. Mary L.0, 2 JuM 1834, m. 27 May 1873, Amory K, Tingle, res. Washington, D. C. .A.I/red H,t, 29 Jan. 1838, Wl\8 n Ueutenant In a l\Iass. regt. during tho rebellion, now asst. station master, D. & A. R.R., lloston, Susan A,0, 4 Juno 1840, m, llS Apr. 18631 Albert L. Sturtevant, res, Washington, D, O. Fred u.10, 12 Aug, 1804, clerk, Oh arles L,101 12 Mar. 1867, law student, :mtward, 13 Dec. 1869. Thomas 11, 8 Mar, 1843, onl, 20 Sept. 1862, A 415 Mass. Vols., out July 1863, In battles of Kingston, Whitehall, Goldsboro, Young's Cross Roads, Pollocksvllle, under Gen. Foster; m. II Aug. 1872, Florence A. McIntire of Hoston, 2 Nov. 1847; salesman, woolens, 1878, now Jn slwe trade, Hoston, Oeorge10, 27 Oct, 1873, Lucinda R.10, 7 Nov. 1870, FranclsO, 29 Jan. 1846, bookkee}ler, Urldgeport, Conn., m. 10 Oct. 18771 Marla Hobbs of New York city, 27 May 1847, Je&sfeto, 12 July 1882, Catherlneto, 18 Feb, 188.'l, Martl.1°, 13 May 1848, d, fuf. Jane•, 18 July 1807, m. JO Se11t. 1827, Lloyd Howard of Easton, 22 Jan. 1807, farmer. lloratio N,o, to Mnr. 1829, cl, 19 At>r, 1884, m. o Dec, 18154, Isabel 1\1, Shaw of Rayn­ham, div,; m. 4 Apr, 1807,2d w., Klona Fowle, b, Me. 1842, d. O Oct. 188lii shoe manf., Ro­chester, N. H.; 4 oh., cl. Inf. .La1tra', 13 May 18321 d. 7 Dec. 18621 m. 2 A1>r. IBM, Ira Fair• banks of Wrentluun, jeweller In Hoston. Channing H,to, 6 Jan. 1860, fn wool trade, Boston. Jlannah A,o, 1 Oct. 1834, Proctor A,:>, 2IS July 18371 m. Abby Pea by of Rochester, N. H,; lives fn Lynn. 0r11ntha', 15 Doe. 1840, m. 22 AJ>r, ISOIS, John BIRlsdell of Dover, N, H., com, trav. Oertnulo A,10, 2 Dec. 1869. Edwardao, 13 Dec. 1871, Florence E,10, 10 Apr. 1874, Phebe o,0,

13 )lay 1841S, d. 20 Aug, 1862, m. 4 Jan, 18691 \Vllllam n. Kilbourn of Hamden, )le., In shoo trn1tc, Prov,, R, I, l'onrl E.1°, 27 June 1871, Paran A,10, 17 Aug. 18821 d, Inf. Sarah F.•, 17 Juno 18491 d, of paralysis, 17 July 18771 m. 2.1 Nov, 1870, Henry D, Newt.on of Enstou, 11 Sept. 1849, shoeoutter. Laura ff,1°, 28 July 18721 d. young. Frederick w.10, 30 Nov. 1875, d, young. Julia A.•, 4 Nov. 18091 m, 28 Oct. 18Z"i, EJ)hralm Howard of Bridgewater, 11 Sept. 1806, d, 13 Dee. 1873, rem, 1833 to Chicopee, overseer fu yard of Ames Machlno Co, Rodolphus K,9, 10 Aug, 1830, d, 7 Mar. 1833, m. 0 Feb, 18041 Mary E, Pllrkerof Brooklyn, N, Y., 14 Feb. 1836, ct. 10 Oct. 1881; engineer, fire dept., tJ. S. Armory, B11rlngtteld. Elizabeth P.10, 3 Nov. 1864. Mary J.10, 11 Sept. 1800, Richard H,101 o Feb, 1868, Ocrtrudo A,to, 20 May 1875, Jlartha .A.,0, 10 Apr. 1833, m. 1 Aug. 1806, Warren s. Wood of Scituate, b, 182/S, butcher until 1869, now In shoo bus, In l1epJ)&rell. Amy H,to, 21S Apr. 1867, Mary A,101 10 Nov. 1868, Scrmuel W.•, 20 July ISM, d, young, Julia s.o, 115 AJ1r. 1837, Charles t,•,•, 17 Jan, 1840, m, 3 Dee, 1869, Ella I, Bing• hn111 of Cbh.011ce, July 1844; Is foreman~ R.R. re11alr sboJ>, Ltullow, Vt. Lucinda C,10, !.10 Apr. 1870, Lemuel F,10, 4 July 1873, Richard H,o, 10 May 1842, d. 13 May 1803. Phebe C.•, 24 Sept, 18441 dry goods clerk, Chicopee, William, F.•, 14 A11r, 18471 truokma\l, m. li Sept, 1874, Alice Btonghton, t,, l'lattsburg, N. Y., 18157, Wllllam10, 18 Mo.y 1874, Alauu10, July 1877, Jolin /1,0, 18 Allr, 1850, d, Inf. EllzabetM,O May 1853, d. Inf, Jonas•, 10 AJ)r, 1812, d. Inf, Ruhamah•, 24 Allr, 1813, d, 20 Nov. l841S1 m. 16 Sept. 18311 Rothcus Reed of Easton, b. 1811, d. 115 !lay 1884, l,11c11 11,9, 29 May 1834, d. Inf, llotllmts', b. 18301 d• 27 Oct. 1848, Albert F,9, 20 801>t, 1837, m, Aug. 1862, Sarah I<'. Carr of Easlon, 25 liar. 1830; shoemnker, sett. Hoston, rem.1806 Stough• ton, 1877 So. Abington, Sarah J,.10, 10 Aby 1803, w. Jan. 18811 John F, Leach of So, Abington,


b, 1869 (?), bootatltcber. Fanny L.•0, 19 Feb. 18611, clerk, Allee ir,ao, 12 Mar. 1867, Charles A,,o, 24 Apr. 1871, d. youug, Jenny F.10, H Apr, 1877, Samuel•, l Dec. 18111, fa1mer, W, Bridgewater, m, 111 Oct. 1840, Lavinia Wilbur, 17 July 18111, Lucinda K.•, 29 Aug. 1841, acbool teacher, m. 22 Oct, 1860, John F, Cooper of Wakefield, N. H,, 7 Nov. 1836, foreman In shoe bus,, mew. city govt., Brockton, Genevleve10, 28 Oct, 1862, m. IS A1>r, 1882, James 8, Chamber­lain of Wolfboro, N, H,, foreman In shoe bus., Brockton. Nathan /f.t, Ii Se11t, 1847, d. l Mar 1868. George', 12 Mar, 1849, ,oldler during the war, m. 18 Sept, 1871, Alice Clough of Brock­ton I la a maaon and contractor In that city, Henryao, Prestou•0• Ruby10, d, lrvlngt, 11 Apr. 18621 shoe ftnlaher, Brockton, m, 12 Apr, 1873, Susan Tribou of Brockton, ll ijept. 18ll0, Emma o,ao, 111 July 1874, d, 111 Nov, 1882, Waltert, 1 May 1811.11 d. Inf,

Ieaac7, 16 June, 1788, d, 17 Apr,, 1808, m. 1 Oct., 1809, Malinda Manley of Bridgewater, l Mar., 178111 d, 8 Nov,, 1868, tallorcss, kept shop, employed hnnda and apprentice,. He waa many years a school teacher, later in the shoe trade, sometime atreet commr. in N. Bridgewater.

Iaaao H.•, H Jan. 1818, d, 17 l'eb, 18711, m. 1 June 1834, Harriet Packard of Bridgewater, ll Nov, 18111, Clarmcs B.•, 6 July 1836, m, 11 May 18001 Martha Dunbar of Brooke-On, 28, 1836 I enl. 211 June 1861, F 12 Mass, Volll,, volunteered soon after for transfer to 11th Inf,, U, 8, A,, dlscb, 2G Apr, 1864, 1hoemaker in Brockton, Preston, 23 Deo, 1800, Catherine Ji:,10, 14 Noy, 1868, d. 26 Apr. 1879, m. 14JuJy 1878, Edwin A, Blankenship of Marlon, 6 May 1849, Catherina Jl,u, 111 Apr. J879, Fanny .M,ao, H Nov, 1861 1 died by choking, 28 May 1864 • ..4dellne .B .•, 12 Feb. 184J, m. 13 Feb. 1869, Reuben L. Willis of Easton, 23 Feb, 1839, shoemaker, enl. 27 July 1882, 9th Batteey :Mui, Vols., dl11cb, 6 June 1866, In all prlncl1>al battlea of army of Potomac, Gettysburg to Lee's surrender, Minna", t Dec, 18119, d, Int. Helen M.10, 20 Deo, 1860, m, 1 Feb. 1881, Frederick N, Farnham, b, Me,, 1 Feb, 1850, butcher In Brockton. Waltsr w.u, 6 Feb. 1882, Clara 1,,u, 211 Deo, 1884, Harry H,10, 13 ~ov, 1862, 1ole leather cutter, m. II Ooi, 1881, Adeline T, Keith of Easton, 2 May 1860. Harru ..s.u, 11 Aug, 1883, Fanny R.10, 18 July 1869. L«Mnda P.•, 18 Mar. 1840, w, 31 July 1864, L. Bradford Snow of Brockton, 2 June 1840, Horace M,,o, 19 Ang, 1&66, Vloletta10, 13 Feb. 1878, I.eonora11, 28 June 18113, m. 9 July 18721 Edwin P, Bll'd of Eaaton, 17 Jan. 181111 rea, Brockton Heights. N, MabeJto, fl .May 1878,

Rubamah7, 18 Feb., 1786, d. 7 Nov., 1841, m. 1821, aa 2d h. David Hervey of Bridgewater, 4 Apr., 1770, d. 18 Apr., 1828. Olive D.8, 14 Oct., 1822, m. Alfred Snell, rea. Brockton Heighta; 2 dau., d.

Jonaa7, 20 Juae, 1792, d. 16 Nov., 1878, m, 1820, Sally Howard of W. Bridge­water, 6 Dec., 1798, d, 6 May, 1852; m. May, 1858, 2d w. Amy Lathrop, m. n. Howard, of W. Bridgewater, who d. 80 Sept., 1880. He served In the mUitiacalled out for defense of Boston, fall of 1814,

Cordelia F.•, 17 May 1821, d. IS Sept. 18711, m. 2 Oct, 1846, Caleb Copeland of w. Bridgewater, 111 Sept, 1823; Copeland & Hartwell, shoe manf, Martha o,u, 21 Nov. 1846, d, Inf. Jt''rancu•, 'I July 1849, trav, aales. for C. & H, Fann11 E.•, 2li Aug, 1866, m, !l Oct. 1876, George H. Knapp of W. Bridgewater, 24 July JBIIII, emp, 0, & H, Josiah Q.•, 7 Mar. 1823, mem. ftnn Copeland & Hartwell, In the bualneSB since 1843, with a f20,000 plant and IIO hands, making fine goods for the 1outhwestem trade; lives on the homestead of Samuel• H,, In the lamlly since 1746: m, 2 Jan, 1848, Hannah 0, Holme, of E, Bridgewater,• Mar. 1826, deao, from John Howland of the Mayflower, Fred•, 22 Sept, tlliS, d, to, 1881, m. 16 Nov. 1871, !lary E. Hayward of Brockton, 8 June 18IIO, Henrr•, 111 Mar. 1861, foreman, c. & H, shoe factory, Helen l.•, 16 Sept, 1862, m, la Oct. 1877, Charles T. Howard of Euton, 12 Mar. 18IIO, em1>, C. & H. factory. Harry10, 1 Dec. 1881. Minerva H.•, 2lS Sept, 18117, d. 10 Dec. 1880, Walter", 1 Jan., d. 22 Apr. 1869. Warren•, twin, d. 18 Feb. 1860, Jonas•, 23 Feb. 1861, Laura D.•, 8 Nov. 1865, Iaabella N.•, 21 Nov, 1824, m, 27 Nov, 18112, Edmund l>, ltattle1 of Brockton, 21 May 1824, sole. leather cutter, George B,•, 15 Jan, 1827, m, 13, lSGl, Jerueha Carr or N. Easton,~ Dec. 1883; was lD di')' goods trade, Taunton, rem, 1877 to Cambridge, George', 8 June 1862, d, 1oun,r, Bmma .L,•, 11.1 Au1, JSM, CAarlH B ,,, 29 Juue 1858, d, 15 Sept, 1870, Fann11 o.•, 13 Nov, 1860, scb, tea, Jane 8.•, 29 Mar, 1829, d, 11 Aug, 1800, m, May 18531 Bidner Waabl>urn, b, Tro1, Vt, Hannah B.•, 8 Jan, 1831, m, 1 May 1861 1 Waahlngton Tower of Quincy, In gro, trade, 8toughtou, Harriet M.•, 23 Au1, 1862, m, Charles Ta)'lor or Stoughton, William c,10, 28 JA.n, 1880, Fanny J,1c, 11S Feb, 1886, Cordelia }',•, 25 Apr. 1865, Joua1 o.•, lllO Apr; 1833, 1boemaker with O. & H,, m, 28 July 1872, Ellen A, Slmpeou oJ N, Eaatou, 20 Apr, 1844, RHaabelA o.•, ~ Nov, 1881, Ablbal L.•, 2 Nov, 1830, d, tnf,


Daniel L.7, lo Aug., 1705, d. 22 Apr., 1877, m. 4 Dec., 1822, Priscilla Joslin of Hanson, 27 Apr., 170-i, d. Nov., 1870; sett. Grantham, N. J-1., rem. 1887 Stanstend, P. Q., 1A45 Piermont, N. 11., 1850 Brockton, d. Orford, N. H., wld. cl. Stom•hnm. lie served In coast defence at Plymouth, 181-i, later in Canadian mlJltla In the "Aroostook war."

\ Harriet A.•, 11 Nov. 1826, m. 24 Dec. 181131 Charles Carr of Easton, 13 May 1828, prov.

dealer. Charlea JJ.•, 8 Oct, ISM, marketman. Emll11 P.•, 3 Se}lt, 1~, m. rJ May 1881, Lorenzo B. Crockett of Brockton, 9 Dec. ISM. Sarah c,101 12 Aug. 1882, Harrul B,o, 9 Jan. 1800, m. 2lS Nov. 1880, Roger WIJllams of Taunton, 3 Apr. 18118, EarJ n,10, 4 Mar. 1882. Elltm0, 31 Oct. 18611 m. 20 Aug, 1884, Pembroke D. Bickford of Holbrook, 4 Oct, 1862, George', 26 Feb, 1800, marketman, Daniel L.•, 24 Jan. 11!27, d. Aug, 1863, Isaac•, 12 Mar, 1829, m. Sept. 1841S, Hannah Bickford of Barnston, P. Q,, and removed next year to Piermont, 1~ to Orford, N. H.; farmer. Jolin H,o, 2 Jan, 1846, m. 29 Nov. 1872, Emma M. Hadley of PJalnfleJd, N. H., 17 Mar. 1862; keepsUvery stable, Bradford, Vt. Lillian M,101 2lS May 1873, Rose E,10, 7 Jan. 1871S, d. Inf, George H.10, 14 Nov. 1877, Daniel L.1, 1860, d, 1863, Francis P.•, 17 Se)lt, 1831 1 m. 19 Hept. 18621 Betsey A. Thayer of l1lymouth, llS Aug. 1836; soJe cutter In Brockton, Walter .4,0,

~9 Dec. 1863, d, 29 May 1861S. Forreat J>.•, 2 Feb. 1866, shoe cutter. Frank L."', 2 June 1869, shoe finisher, m. 14 May 1879, Mabel F. Harris of Brockton, 31 Jan. 1869, Percy A.10, May 1881, Xdgar D,10, May 1884, ~label N.•, 1 June 1867, John•, 23 Dec. 1833, shoemak1,r with c. & H,, W. Bridgewater, m. 8 May 1863, Abigail L. Williams of Easton, 26 Jan. 1833, .Ablyail 11.11, 23 Feb. ISM, ru, 3 May 1877, MorrlJl Whitten of Brockton, rJ Feb. 1863, shoemaker, Flor­ence 1•,u1, JIS Dec, 1818. Ira L.10, 14 JuJy 1881. Loufaa F.o, 22 May 1~, m. 26 Feb. 1881, Ly­man E, Copeland of W. Bridgewater, 24 June 1848, farmer, milk dealer. John T,o, 22 Mar, 18118, shoemaker, Brockton, m, 7 June 1883, Elizabeth L. Westgate of Wareham, 8 Apr, 1862, Hubert c,10, 17 Apr. 1886, Eudora', 20 Se)lt, 1861 1 d, Inf. ~Iar11 .4.'', 13 Aug. 1869. Oraco K,o, 31 Mar. 1875. Luter M,o, 20 Mar. 1877, Mary J.•, 20 Aug. 1831S, m. 27 Nov, 181S6, Charles Doty of Denton, N. H,, rJ Apr. 1826, ahoemaker, Stoneham, Charles E.•, 1 Nov. 1859. Eclith J,•, 15 June 1803. Mar11 B.o, 1 l Aug, 1861S. Altco M.•, 14 Dec, 1873, CorcleJla F.•, 22 Sept. 1837, m. 26 July 1863, Orrin C, Eastman of Holderness, N, H., :t4 Nov. 1837, bookkeeper, Am, Co-OJl, Assoc,, shoe manf., Stoneham, Herbert u.•, 19 Mar. 1867, shoemaker.

Samuel8, 8 Sept., 171i5, d, 10 June, 1826, m. 10 Nov., 1782, Susannah Darr of Norton, b, 1765, d. 26 Dec., 1838, and in 1788 removed to Oxford to live with his uncle, Capt. Isaac4 Hartwell, then 80 years old, He was an Influential citizen, Ilfs docket as justice of the peace, now In hands of his son Geo. W. 7 H., contains entries of the marriages of five of his own children, Cyrus7, 8 Nov., 1788, d. 0 Feb. 1817, grad, Dartmouth, 1806; N. H. med. Inst., 1809; com. practice same year at Parsi1>­pony, N, J,, and m. 8 June, 18lti, Catherine Righter, who d. 18 June, 188-i. Jonas7,

2 Jan,, 1786, d. 25 Dec., 1869, m. Mary Sumner of Spencer, who d. 1819; had ch., d, young; m, 1827, 2d w., 1\lrs, Thaukful Driggs; Jived·Pr6vidence, R. I., grocer. Asenath7, 5 Dec., 1788, cl. Mar., 1878, m. 81 May, 1812, IUchard Moore of Oxford, 31 May, 1780, d. 8 Nov., 1819, m. 19 Aug., 1821, Samuel Smith of Oxford.

Samuel H.•, 18 Apr. 1813, d, 16 .Feb. 18621 m. 11 Nov, 1833, Lucinda D. Parrish of Orlswohl, Conn,, so May, 1815, d, 16 Oct. 1883, John R,", 1 Mar, 1841, d. 26 Deo. 1872, m. 1 Mar. 1863, Deborah C, Davie of Plymouth, HartweJl D,10, 2 Jan, 1864, tel. op., Union Depot, Worcester, m, 30 May 1882, Ellen B, Warren of Waltham, 15 Oct, 1864, Jt'lorenco J,u, 26 Mny 1883, Fred­erick 0,10, 19 Se)lt, 1868, d, young. John R,10, IS Jan. 1872, EUzabeth ..1,11, 1~ .May 1846, 111, 12 Oct, 186ti, Luther Goddard, b, Paxton, 17 Nov. 1811S, shoe tlncllnga, Worcester, William T,10, 1 Mar. 18671 d. Inf, Ruth M,to, 12 Aug. 1870. Mary C.10, H May 1878. ~tarv /t',o, 16July 1849,tl, Inf, Georvo 11,0, 11 July 1862, oonf. elk., Rwllt Jlros., Chl<'ago, 111., dreHed meats, Jioston, John•, 2 St,pt, 181~, d, 30 Oot, 18i9, went south 1834, studied medicine at Louisville, J<y., lu 11ractlce at TaJladega, Ala., rem. 1850 to Austin, Texas; an, 20 Mar. 1841, Mary A, CrutchfleJd, b. FJncastJe, Va,, 10 Nov. 1820, d, 31 M•r, JW, 'J'homt1a o,0, 11 Apr, 18431 served Jn coufell­erato army through war, army of Te~nusee, woulllled once; m. 3 Jan. 1867, Sara T., niece, adoJJted dau, or Hon, Henry Sauders of OaJvl.'ston, Texas; merchant, Comanche, Texas, lclato, Robert H,•o~ Charles M,to, Mary E,10, Henry E.10• Susan l\f,10, /lartwelfo, o Nov, 1846, enJ, 1861, Hood's Texas brigade; a\ ltnal surrender, as brlgatle color bearer bandeJ "ver color.;1 of lat Texas regt, to ooJor bearer lat Me. reat,; Ill, 1875, Ro1a Dawson; journalist on

Galveston News. ChRrlcs D.10, Mary A.1°, Fanny p,10, Jfary E.•, 12 Apr, 1847, a 1mccess­ful and widely known nuthorc11s In J>ro110 and poetry•, m. Oot. 18741 Thomas E, Davis, b. Liberty, Va., ~ Sept. 183ll1 major Cour, cavalry i jouruallst on N.O. Picayune. aeorgo A.•, d• lnr. Samuel ll.0, 10 May 18lS21 stock ranch, Comanche, Texas. Charlea n.o, 7 July ISM, d, 14 Feb, 1878, journalist, Galveston, C11rus•, d. fut. Will II.•, 23 Jan. 1801, stock rRnoh, Com­anche, Texas; flue artist In crayons. J>erc11 D.•, 8 Jan. 18041 d, 10 Jan. 188ll, gavo much promise as a writer. Evelfnes, 13 Nov. 1817, d, 14 Oct. 1882, m, 31 July 11!37, John o. Burleigh, 8 Juue 1800, d, 20 July 18481 teacher In Worcester county. Mary E.•, 23 Aug, 1830, d, 28 Sept. 1863, Oharlu H,', 20 .Mar, 1842, enl. ~ Aug. 18ti21 G 51st MMs, Vols., 18 May 1803; re-ent. 2d .Mall8, Vols,, sergt.-maj., out 20 Sept. 1866 i architect, mechanical draughtsman, patent a~ent, Worcester; m, li Jau. 1869, Emma G, Freemau of Worcester, 10 lt'eb, 1860, WllJlam F,10, 4 May 1872. May E.10, li May 1876, Charles J.e M.10, 3 Nov, 1877, ..tune, JI.", 18 Jan. 1846, d, 18 May 1861, EHcla F.•, 28 SeJ)t, 1847, d. 13 Aug, 1801. Samuel w.• Smith, 2'l Nov. 1823, d. 2<1 Nov.-18721 m. 18-19, Elizabeth Haskell of Dudley,

Irene7, 22 Dec., 1790, d, May 20, 1870, m. 6 Apr., 1814, Charles Nichols of Worcester, b. 1792, d. 24 May, 1866.

Mary .A.•, 14 June 1815, 111. 28 Feb. 1830, I.orenzo D. Gorton of Oxford, b, 1809, car builder, rem. l'hlla. Pa., 1849, .Adelia•, Dec. 18301 d. abt. 18i01 sn1all pox, Elfzabetho, .Alfred F.•, d. youug. Charles Jr.•, m. 1875, A.lice --1 was some time working a soap atone quarry In Vlrglula. Cyrus H.•, 10 Dec. 1817, Joc. eng. n. & A. n. n.1 ,-em. Huffalo, N. Y,, lSM, thirty years on N. Y, c. R.R.; m. 20 .AJlr, JS.H, Eliza Hannum of Belchertown, 3 July 1826, Susan c.•, 27 .May 1820, m. 8 Jau. lSlSO, as 2d w. Samuel s. Swcetzcr of Paxton, 20 Nov, 1814, livery stable, Ice trade, Worcester, to 18i0, Catharine A,e, 1 Nov. JSOO, m. 10 Nov. 1869, Clemens Smith of Worcester, div, 1880. Alice E.10, 10 Dec. 187:.!. Elizabeth 1.9, 3 Dec. 18lS3, m. 3 May 1881, John O. Cocke or Oxford, manufacturer. Ella A.9, 7 Se)lt. 1856, Charles's.o, 26 Doc. 18lS9, dry goods salesman, Catollne J,f,', 2 Feb. 1862. Charles P.•, 20 July 18221 m. 3 Jan. 1863, Mary A. Sullivan of Brooklyn, N, Y,; rem. Duft'alo, ISM, Rochester, N. Y,, 180IS, asst. Supt., Jl&ymaster, N. Y, C, R.R.; ret. S11rlngfleld, 1868, Mercb, Df&J>, Trans, line. George B,o, 5 Jan, 1800, d. yo,mg. Carolfne n.0, 21 Apr. 18581 d. 30 June 1877, senior year, Wellesley. Johu D.•, 23 Aug. 1824, d. young. John B.•, 15 Nov. 18271 went 1846, New Orleans, dry goods clerk, later to St. Louis, Fort Laramie, ret.-home, agajn to the southwest, supp. conscripted for Conf. army In defense of Vicksburg. Sumner B.•, 29 June tll.'30, tobacconist, Worcester, m. 23 Nov, 18li3, Caroline Adams of Rodman, N. Y., 28 Dec, 1832, Emma c.11, 29 June 1867, m. 20 Apr. 1882. Florene&, 13Apr.18i2, d.11 Dec. 1888, Samuel H,•, 19 Jan. 1833,ftreruan, N, Y, C. R, R., engine derailed, d, by scalding 19 Mar. 18li3,

Samuel7, 22 J)ec. 1 17981 d. 27 Aug, 1874, in 1818 one of a firm that built drat factory In Rochdale; sold out, went to N. J, to study medicine, grad. 181G, Colum­bia coll. med. sch.; settled in Southbridge 1817, an eminent physician, leading citizen, pioneer In manufactures in that town; m. 13 Apr., 1819, Lydia Ammhlown, b. H Jan., 1799, d. 8 Sept,, 1848.

Samuel c.•, 28 Mar. 1820, II. 1 Aug. l88ll, m. 16 l\Jar. l&H, Ellen M, Plimpton or Southbridge, 21 Aug. 1822; grad. med., Phlla. Pa., 18391 111 practice with and succeeding his father; surgeon In army ho~111tal 1 Yorktown, Va., comm. 10 Aug. 18621 surgeon 38th )Jass, vols., De11t. of Gulf, melllcal <llrector of clMsltin, resl~ned 2 Mar. 18&1, disability, Red River carnJlalgn i mem. Le~. 1881, lu hl,th standing as a physician. Catharlno B.•1 21 Oct, 18461 d. youug, Ueorue /t'.9, 22 .Aug. lMO, d, young, Belle T.•, 4 Aug, 18621 m, Prof. F. w. Fl11ke of Ul'eylock lust., Wlllla1u@tow11, 2 ch, Ellen P.•, 17 Oct. 18511. Marv B.•, 7 Jan, 1860, d, young.

Isaac7, JG Nov., 1795, d. inf. Setb7, 25 Oct., 1797, d, 25 Dec,, 1870, m. 8 Sept., 1823, babcllR Ucnclcrson, b. Tyrone, Ire., 12 Feb., 1800, d, 81 Jan., 1885; m. 8 Sept., 1835, 2d w., Dorothy Hammond of Charlton, 14- May, 1706, d. 19 July, 1838; m. l July, 1839, 3d w., Clarissa W. Fish of Langdon, N. H , 28 Jan., 1804, d. lo Jan., 1886. He was a mill agent; many years in Sutton. When a young man, spont part of a year in }:urope, investig11ting improved mill machinery.

Samuel N.~, 6 Jan.18~, m. 18lS8, Lucy Stebbins of Hlns,tale, N. H., who d, 6 Nov. 1878, Ho 111 an euglueer of high merit, served In U.S. navy during war, conuecte1l with bollt1r lnspec-

•" ll1mlin1 tlie Oap" aull dber JlQlllllt, "Kcreulaav11ucb 1111d J," aud other vru1e •k~che,.


ti on at Hartford, Conn., writer on II Sci, Am,"; now resides Brldgepon, Conn. Snrah J.•, 14 July 1826, m. 19 Oct. 1843, Oliver C, Jh11lard of Sutton, 20 Jan. 182'l, farm superintendent for Rev, II. W, Beecher uutll t11e wur; s11eclal relief agt. U. S, Snnltary Com.; since tho war lnndsca11e gardener, J>Ubllc 11arks, Brooklyn, N, Y., now at Drldgeport, Co1m, William s,o, 11 Sept, 18441 civil enitlneer, m. 26 A1>r, 1ll671 Hannah lCettleweU of JJalthnore, M,i., who d, 8 Feb, 1874; m. 13 Nov. 1870, Elin Jlelchcr of Brooklyn, N, Y,, where ho now lives. Charles K.10,

22 SeJ>t, 18681 d, young, Sun1ner 11.1°, IS ~·eb, 18711 d. young, Elizabeth n,10, 28 Aug. 1882, Eliiabeth', 11 Jan, 1647, Ltl.Cfl ~1.•, 2 Feb, 18li0, m. 23 Oct. 1872, Samuel E, Foote of Guilford, Conn,, 20 Jan. 18431 served In a Conn. regt., entered navy later, now at Brooklyn Navy Yard, Raymond w.10, 19 Aug, 1873, d, young, Florence10, 24 Jan, 1870, Esther10, Harold s,10, twins,

19 Sept, 1870, Clarence w,10, 26 Dec, 1881, Josephlneto, 20 Mar. 1884, l111bella JJ,9, 13 lfay JSM, d, Francke T.•, 22 l\Iar. 1868, d, young, Artl11tr AJ,e, 30 July 18GI, d, Inf, Charles8, 6 Oct. 1830, d, young. Susanna n.s, ~ Oct, 188'1, m. 8 Oct, 18li1, Ebenezer H. Hill of Newfield, Me., 17 Jan. 1828, cotton manufacturer, now res. Hartford, Conn. Fre,lertck H.•, 4 July 1863, m, 21 Mar, 1878, Abby Nichols of Sharon, 20 Apr, 18M, d. 10 June 1881. Isabella•, 12 May 1867, m. 10 Dec. 1880, Frederick S. Crossfield of Keene, N. H, 29 July 18M, grad. 1878, Uellevue Hospital, N. Y, city, fn practice at Hartford, Conn. Lucy I,•, 13 Aug. tl»O, d. young, Charlea F,8, 23 June 1842, grad, of Yale, entered navy 1804, master's mate co 1800, went to the oil country, pres. Reno & OU Creek R,U., later successfully operath1g the business of the Brady's Bend Mining Co. Hem, 18631 Ellen L. Hrnlnerd, who d. 19 June 1870; ru, 2d w,, her sister, Lavinia Cooke. Frederick o.o, 6 .AJ1r, 1864, d, Cl1arles•, 16 A1>r, 1866, Clara F,9, 28 }'eb, 18081 d. Htnryt, 13 Feb, 1869, Samttel B,D1 1 Aug. 1871, /Jafsf/"1 18 AJ>r, 1874. Nettts 11.•, 24 May 18761 d, Ann E,•, 3 Feb, 18-14, d. young, Ada I.•, 24 Oct. UH8, d, young.

George W.7, 4 Mar., 1800, m. 19 Aug., 1827, Lucetta lJal'en of Leicester, 10 Sept., 1802, d. 18 Apr., 1878; farmer, lh·cd some years in Northflel1l and Wood­stock, Vt., returning to the homestead near Uocbdale, in the family name since 1784:.

Mary E.•, 1 July 1828, edu<'ated at Montreal, P. Q., res. with ner father, George H., 9 June 1830, d, 13 Mar. 1881, druggist Soutltbridge, m. 4 June 1861.1, Ellen M, Orl!en of Westboro, 6 Aug. 1834, Charles s.•, 16 Sept, 1858, d, Inf. Cather1ne F.•, JO June 1860, ru, 10 Se)lt, 1881, Gardner O, Benson of Millbury, 2'l Feb. 1860, grocer, Southbridge, Marlon H.10, 11 Aug.1882• d, young. Ueoroe H.•, 27 July JU3, druggist, Carolh•e 1•.•, 22 July 1834~ 111, 2 Jl'eb. 1800, }'rancls Stiles, b, 1818, d. 30 May 1880, farmer; 11he Is l10usekeeper for her father. Isaac n,a, 11 Mar, 1837, farmer on the homestead, m.1 June 1869, Eveline E. Hull of llurllngton, Co1111,, 30 July 18·10. Samuel•, 8 Apr, 1800, Suaan R,0, 30 ,'·an, 18U3, Edward E.0, 28 Juue lt!C0, Grace L.•, 28 Juue 1878, Charles H.•, 1 Dec. 1842,

Susan7, 7 June, 1802, d, 26 Dec., 0

1888, m. 2 fept. 1822, Eleazer Bemis of Spen­cer, 17 Nov., 1708. d. 11 Mar., 18781 at Alabama, N. Y., g. s. of Capt. Bdmuml JJeniia, lieut. at capture of Louisburg, C. n. 1745, capt. in exp. against Crown Point, 1758,

Jaue A..•, 29 July 1824, d. 12 July 1863, George w.•, 13 Oct. 1826, m. 11 Apr, ISM, Narcleaa T, nos1.eJle of Genesse Co., N. Y,, 8 l\lay 1820; went 11J6.1 to Inde11endence, Ia., at first trnlt1 mnll clerk, later re1,reae11taUve aud senator lu Iowa Leg. to 1873; 11tate trens. 1870-801 now trens. N, E. Ins, Asy,1 Anan1ot1a, Ill, Alm·11•, ~8 June 1867, m. 8 Juuc 18~, Wllllnm D, Lee. W1llfcun l>,9 , 27 SeJ>t, 1869, grntl. law de11t .. l\llch, U11lv. 1882, In J>rnctlce at S11e11cer, In., m. 17 Apr. 1881, •·1ora R. Hemls, Ueorge A,10, 27 A11r, 188-1, Arthur /1,9, 6 I>co. 1802, student lnw deJ>t, Iowa Univ. Snean H.,, 11 AJ>r. 1832, 111. 8 A11r, 1862, EIIJnb Towue of Alabama, N. Y., farmer, Charlotte z.•, 30 July 1866, ,llar11 JJ.r1, 20 Aug, 18611. Susan II.•, 24 June 1873,

Isaac B. 7, 4 Oct., 1804. educated at l\Ionson and Leicester ncndemies, m. 15 Dec .. 18:19, Sally Stone of N, Oxford, 24- Apr., 1811 1 d. 16 May, 1852; m. 11 Dec., 185-l, Sally Scott, m. n. Cox, b. 'l'unbridge, Vt., 2 Mar., 1820. Ho remo,·ccl 1831 to central New York, 1837 to Ndrfafleld, Vt., 1830 Woodstock, Vt., to Sutton 1858; has been carpenter, lnnntQr, civil engineer, sch, tea. nml supt.; justice of the peace 86 years, an acth-e, influential citizen, J>ossesslng n logical, nualytlcnl mlnci, much interested in genealogy, and entitled to tho credit of proposing nnd urging the present enterprise of the writer, in which he was, while in adequate health, an invaluable aHlatant.


Isaac N.•, 24 May 183J, d. 8 Se1>t, 1854, Webster', 23July 1833, d, lnr,

Hannah11, 21 May, 1768, d, 80 Jan., 1701, scconcl ,·ictim In the fnmlly of the fatal scourge, small pox, buried with her futhcr nnd grnndfnther. Jonns6, 30 Mnr., 1701, grad. Dartmouth, 1787, settled in the ministry nt l{ittcry, .Mc., 1791, m. an I~ngllsh lady named Smallcoru, who aft. bis d. ru, Ca1,t, tJ'urncr of I1ortamouth, N. II. lie died in one of the towns on tho Kennebec river. I have been unable as yet to learn from any of his grandchildren the exact place or probable date of his death.

Maria H,', 21 Juue 1801, d. a Apr. 1877t m. 182-1, Isaiah A, Rich of Truro, Oct. 1798, d. 4 July 1867, grocer. aeortJe w.•, d, Tliotnaa J.•, d. Marta L.•, 26 Sept., 18271 m. a Sept. 1848,Edwln Covington of Plymouth, :U July 1826, d. 13 Dec, 1864, bookkee11er. .MarlR L.0, 6 Oct. 18-10, d, young. Harriet F.0, 27 Se11t. lMJ, d, young. Inf.•, s-b. Edwin", 12 June 18M, d, young. Scirah R.•, 2 Feb. 1831, m. 20 Nov, 1850, William H. Crocker of Hoston, 24 Mar. 18281 d,, dealer In paints and oils; 1860-66 ship chandler, Liverpool, Eng. James H.•, 2 Sept. 11161, In Central National nauk, Boston, since 1873, WIiiiam L.•, o Dec. 1863, d. young. George W,•, 10 Mar. 1833, d, 7 Dec. 181>7, Lucretia n.•, 27 May 1838, m. 18671 Edmund Durgin, b, l'lymouth, N. H,, 18271 d, 22 Sept. 18815, real est., Hoston. George E.•, Oct. 18611 emp, Boston Oas Light Co, !label•, H )'eb. 1868, Arthur n.o, Oct, 1873, Loulea n.,, 21 Mar. 1809, d, 6 Oct, 1861, m, 16Aug, 1832, Thoma.a A. White of Hampden, .Me,, 29 Dec. 18101 d, 10 Apr, 18641 merch., Bangor, Me. Thomas B.•, 4 Aug. 1833, d, Inf. Lout,a B.•, 28 Feb. 1836, d, young. Jo'rancea AI.•, 8 Jan. 11!37, d. 19 July 1881, Cort1elfa i,·.•, 10 Mar. 1839, m. 30 Aug, 18601 Rev. Andrew J, Fosdick of Nashua, N, H., Cong. min,, Alstead and Dublin, N, H., In 1864 rem, .Milford, N. H., 1868 E, Stoughton, farmer; to B1ocJr.tou 1880, now Jns, bus. Boston. Edward H.•, 9 July 18611 shoe­maker, Brockton, Frederick s.•, 17 June 1863, canvasser. Ulysses E.•, 28 Jan. 186li, clerk, Brockton, m. 26 Mar. 1881, Caroline F. Webb of Boston, 19 May 1863. Kitty M.•0,12 Jan. 1883. Effie L,to, 16 Feb, 1881>. Herbert W.", 6 Apr, 1868. WIIUam L.o, 12 Aug. 1870, Alice 0,111 12 Nov, 1872. Andrew H.1, 31 Aug, 1875. Edith u.•, 27 Dec. 1878, Edward H.•, 16 June 1841, d. young. Tltomcu II.•, ti Oct, 1843, m. Sept, 1865, Frances A, Littlefield of Bangor, Me.; 4 ch,1

res. Chicago, Ill. Suaun L.•, 22 Nov. ll!46, m. 16 May 186li, Ransom B, Fuller of E. Corinth, Me,, 16 May 18431 pres. Boston Marine Ins. Co. Mabel L,1, 8 Apr. 1869, Edward H.o, 16 May 1871, d. lnr. George H.o, 31 l\lar, 1873, d, Mary c.•, 23 1''eb. 187". Marian A.•, 6 Apr, 1882, Ethel o.•, 19 July 1884. .dltce E.•, ti Sept, 1848, w. 26 Sept, 1867, Edward P. Connor of Castine, Me., 31 Jau. 1837, gro. trade Bangor until 18i6, rem, Chelsea; since 1876 with R. H, White & Co., who. dry goods. Harrison w.o, 19 Sept, 1868, Florence•, 17 Nov. 1873, Charles F,', b, 18071 d. 4 July 18M1 etud. med. with bla cousin, Dr. Samue11 Hartwell at Southbridge; m, 22 Sept, 18341 Eliza F. Belknap of Framl11~ham1 27 Mar. 1810; sett. In practice In Boston. Ellln. M,•, 27 July 11336, m. 28 May 1861, Charles Rice of Needham, 10 Oct, 1824, formerly In lumber and coal trade In Boston, 2 yrs. In custom house, now f1ult grower, Wellesley, Charles I.•, 26 Apr. 18631 trav. sales., dry goods, h1 west. Clifford H,•, 10 June 1869, 111a, elk,, Boston. Catherine Shepard', 20 June 1876. El1ra F.•, 19 June 11!38, m. 12 Sept. 186'1, Geo. W, Shepard of Boston, 26 Mar. 1836 (Shepard, Norwell & Co.) Her mother resides with them, Charles', 2li Mar. 1840, d. 24 Aug, 18661 cons., dry goods sales., Boston. Catherine', twin, 26 Mar, 1840, m. 8 Aue, 1864, 1''rederlck J. Ballard of Framingham, b, 1839, dealer In Quincy market; went In 1870 to Fla,; jewf!llery, es tab, St. Augustine. Mabel F.•, l May 1869,

Oeorge', b, 1806? d.1 JU, 18261 Sarah s. Martin of Newport, Me., who, after his death, 01•

Daniel c, Harry, and d. In Molunkua, Me,, lt42, Nathatdel ~I.•, Dec, 18261 m, Dec, !8631

Caroline 0, Tobin of Lincoln, Me,, 8 Aug. 1833; fa a llghtliouee keeper at Vinalhaven Me, Howard H,•, 9 Nov. J&9, atoue cutter, Vl11alhaven. Frederick H,", 1 Feb. 1860, stone cutter, now In Graniteville, !1o, Lot1fsa M•, 27 Oct. 1830, m. 2 Feb, 181>7, John O. Ricker of Acton, .Me,, 7 July 1826, forty-nfner to Cal., ret. 18liJ, ex11ret;sma11, Hoston, to 1863, rem, Iowa, 1800 to Ore., 1869 to Cal.; farwer at l:!auta l'aula. Dora E.11, 16 Jan. 1862, m. 22 Jan. 1871, M, D. L, Todd, b, Chautauqut1., N. Y,, 13 1''eb, 1~7, fauuer, Ban llue11a Ventura, Cal, Jcla J.10, 4 Aug, 1873, ✓eu1e L,10, 20 Dec. 1876, Edna 1•,1°1 10 July 1877, Lo/a11ette 11,10, 1, 188!, lleat­rlce B,10, 23 Nov. 1883. En,tst1ne R,10, 22 Oct. 1886. Ida J,o, 7 Apr. 18641 m. 4 Sept. !879, Jullus JJ, Alvord, b, Jamestown, N. Y., 10 Nov, 18491 sob, tea., farmer, N°ew Jerusalem, CaJ. J, Harttce1110, 16 Nov. 1880, f'ernon M.101 it ..Mar. 1882, Ernest 11.10, H Sept, 1886, Caroline E,', 26 July, 18b7, Instantly killed by falling tree, Portland, Ore,, 24 Oct. 1866, Eva L.•, 13 July 1869, m, JO July 1883, Jacob Nehlefl'er of Texas, l Jan, 1841i, merch, Banta Paula. Ricker n.10, 17 Juue 1884, Etta L.•, 16 Nov. lEOJ. Ella c.•, 28 Apr. 1867, stud, Normal sch,, J.01 Angeles, Cal, Henry', m. Adellue (Lawrence?), sett. llftngor, Me,, was there In 18331

1em. later to Cambridge, where he burled a ch.; 1·em, Wakefield, N. H,; w. d, 1 m, 2d w, a


lady of Newton, div,; Is thought to havo d, In Vt, Acldllne•, b. 18331 m. O 8eJ)t, 18621 Charles Ii. St, John, b, Newfoundland, 18301 Jlrlnter In Hoston, present res. unk. ..4manda L.•. b, 18371 m. 7 Dec, 1863, Charles O. Colllus, b, Cabot, Vt,, 18371 clerk, Boston, present res. unk,; no <1ates found as to Air. H., nothing positive as to bis place In order of birth,

Nuthan6, 81 May, 172-l, d. 27 Jan,, 1811, m. 16 Oct., 1740, Susanna Field of Bridgewater, 8 May, 1726, d. 6 Aug,, 171S8; m. 1701, 2d w. Betty Cushman, Aug,, 178&, d, 28 ~,eb., 176:!; m. 10 June, 1762, 8d w. Sarah Bonney of Pembroke, who d,; m. 4th w. -- Ca val. He was 11 housewrlght, sett. near his father, moved probably to Pembroke or Plympton, ret. Bridgewater, d. there. Zilpha8, 25 Oct., 1'147, ti. 28 Dec., 1758, Ilannah8, 26 Feb., 1750, d. young. Susanna8, 11 Feb., 1751-2, ti. young. Ma1°y8, 5 July, 17tm, m. Abner Shirley. Daniel", 11 Oct., 1755, d. 8 Apr., 184:4, m. 8 No,·., 1770, Mehetabel Copeland of Bridgewater, b, 1757, <l, 20 Oct., l~H; major of milltla, rev. soldier. Marcus7, 1 Sept., 1780, d, inf. Daniel7, 11 May, 1782, d. inf. Betaey7, 15 Oct., 1788, d, 10 Oct., 1841, dressmaker. Danle17, 10 Jan., 1785, d. 29 May, 1888, m. 1817, Irene Willis of W, Bridgewater, 29 June, 1796, d. 25 May, 1818; m. 1821, 2d w., Mary Soper of Pembroke, 80 Oct,, 1799 ; he was a tailor In W. Bridgewater,

Charles•, 18 May 18l8, m. 26 July 1840, Rosina A. Packard of Bridgewater, llS Mar, 1800, d, 16 Feb. 1882; rem. 18'8 to Mlddleboro, la In poultry trade. Irene•, 14 May l&U, m. 6 Aug. 1867, Wm. H, Bradford of Plympton, lineal descendant of Gov, Bradford and Mil ea Standish, U Oct. 1840, enl, 19 Sept, 1862, B, 3d Mass, Vols,, dlsch. 20 June 1863; livery bus., Mlddleboro. Ura,wmee, 12 Apr. 1848, enl. 22 Aug. 1862, E 38th Mass. Vols., out 17 Feb, 1863, m. 14 Feb. 1869, Elizabeth A, Howard of W, Brld1ewater, 31 Deo, 1846; shoemaker, Brockton, Maud A,10, 31 Har, 1873, d, young, William ff,10, 23 Apr, 18711, Mary L.10, 20 Mar. 1877. Leon H,1°, 28 Sept. 1881, .4Jbert9, 19 Oct. 1846, m. l Jan. 1870, Clara L., sister of W, H. Bradford, ante, 11 Feb. 18'3. Agnes•0, 16 Nov. 1880, Marlon B,10, 2 June 18811, d, Inf. Fra,n"9, a May 1847, m, 211 June 1878, Helen E, Perry of Auburu, Me., 18 June 1849; poultry dealer In that town. Anna A.,10,

14 Feb, 1882, l'harlu', 22 Mar. 18491 m, 211 Feb. 1874, Sarah F. Hinckley of Harnstable, 29 Apr.1848; cutter fn shoeshop, Brockton. Mildred M,•o, 18 Dec, 1882, Minot S.•, 10 June 1860, grad, Boston Univ.; In Meth. ministry, Dorchester, later fn Congregational ministry at Harwlchport, Woonsocket, R. I,, Winchester, ~. H., removed there 1886, Hem. 17 Sept. 18811, Abby J, Staples of N, Cambridge, H Feb, 18119, 1"lora•, 4 July 1852. Dan•, 8 Feb. lt!lH shoe laste1·, Mlddleboro, m, 2-1 Sept, 1874, Carolh:,e 8, Swett of that town, 28 July 18116, Frank E,to, 7 Mar. 1876. Ernest s,10, 28 Feb, 1881, Lucll', a Aug, 18511, m. 1 18771 RoBB Leighton of Mlddlebo10. Florence B.•0, 3 Oct. 1878, Seth•, 111 Jan. 181181 d. 16 Nov. 18811, llenrll', 18 July 18119, d. 4 Dec. 1883, Isaac•, 24 Aug. 1861, gro, clerk, Hlddleboro. Jane T.•, 2 Aug, ISM, d, 14 Feb. 186-, m. Charles J, Cox of Hanson, shoemaker. Ida H.•, 3 Jan. 1860, Mary A.•, 6 June 1828, Hiram F,•, 4 Feb, 183ll, d. 24 Apr, 1870, m. 2 June 1868, Sarah P. Large, 111, n. Fuller, b, Springfield, N. H,, 1834,

Epbralm7, 11 Feb., 1787, d., m. lluldah Willis of 'Bridgewater, 20 Oct., 1791, d. E. Boston, 80 Nov., 1860. He Jived many years in Portland, Me., settled nt mar• rlage in Minot, now Auburn, Me. Mrs. II, was n cousin of Oakes and Oliver Ames,

Jerome•, d, Inf. George G,•, 21 Oct, 18111, m, Nov. 1841, Louisa w. Thompson of Penobecot, Me., b, 1820, d, 22 Sopt, 1844; m. 10 Juno 18411, 2d w. Laura G. Tyler of St, Johnsbury, Vt,, 18 May 1882; Is R fancy painter fn Lewiston, Mo. Ueorge•, 24 Nov, 18421 d. 20 Mar. 18511, Louua0,

o Sept. 18441 m. 14 Nov. 18711 William H, Boothby or Unity, Me,, 18 June 1840, shoo dealer, neertng, Me, Harriet E,10, 1:s Nov. 1872, Caroline B,10, 13 Mar. 1876, George 11.10, 30 Nov, 1878, Walter', 23 May 18111, Georgiat1a0, l May 1867, d, )'Oung, Ellzabeth8, 22 Jan, 1818, 111.

17 Jan, 1837, Joseph G, Hamlin or Por41a11d, Me., 1 Aug, 1812, builder and 11al111er, t·ttu, E, Hoston 1842, Hyde Park 1864, Euuene11, 111 Fob. 1838, d. Jou11M110 a,°', ~o Jnu, l~JO, d. May 1887, m. 19 Dec. 1864, George T, Adams (Jf Cl\tllsle, 24 SeJ)t, 18W, ti, 20 Jan, ll!77, furnishing goods, Boston. Elizabeth J, 0,10, 14 Nd,v. 1864, d. Inf. Grace T,10, I Sept. 1876. 1/oward Jf.', 211 Oct, 18-IO, grad. Hl\rvard LI\W School, adm. to liar In Hoston, wus In oil bus. In W, Va., ret, Boston, was asst, assessor Int. Rev, 11JC0 to 1870, elnl·e when In real estate, Boston aud Hyde Park, partner In dry goo,,s trade In Charleston, 8, c., until 1883; In 1882 built Hotel Httmaroek. ,loae11h a,o, ll Dec. 1842, house lll\lnter, Hytlo l'!lrk, m. !I Mn)' 1867, CaroJlne L,

Jlrachor or Rahway, N. ,J., 1 July 18UJ. Honj:unln n.10, 4 Foll. 1868, Arthur M,to, 30 Dec. 1870, d. int. l'crcy Jl,tn, 28 Oct. 1872, d. Inf. George n,1n, 3 May 1876. A'tlwln c,o, 2.5 l\lnr. J841S, d. young. llalvli ,r,o, 9 l\tny 1848, managing partner for JI, JU. Hamlin & Co., <lry good11. uutll 1880, rem. N. Y, city 011 his own account, same bus., now nt Worcester, Ill, 23 May 1869, Ella Ayres of Worcester, 28 July 1850, Florc11ce 1,,1°, 27 )lay 1870. Orace }~.1°, 10 Sept. 1872, Alice 11.1°, 13 July 1876, Lora E.10, ~ June 1879. lle11JamfnP, 22 Nov. 1850, )lart11er with bis father. Prm1k 11.0, 23 Aug. 1853, mualo teacher and con1poser, now with Hamlin & Jtussell, wlro mauf., Worceater. Alcxnndert, 24 Aug. 1820, m. Emily A. l\lcCastlln of l'euob­scot, Me., 14 Oct. 1822; painter, R B011ton, until 1847, now Auburn, l\lc. A'llrabeth 11.0, 21 Nov. 1842, m. 2 J\lay 1863, Arthur L. Atwood of Lyndon, Yt., 23 June 1843, jeweller, Portland, Me. AblJ71 Ji',0, 28 Se11t, 18441 m. 2 Oct, 1862, W. Irving Atwood, brother of Arthur I,., 0 Jan. 18U, sllverpl!\ter, Amesbury. Inez n.10. Irving 11,1", Fra,1kP, J1 Oct. 1859, d. Inf. ('/,arles9,

21> Dec. 1862, m. Etta JI, ,Jacobs of Somerset, Mc. Arthur A.10, 1/arryt, 19 Nov. 18M, m. Martha .E. Langau of Houlton, l\Ie. 3 more ch.•, 11, Inf.

Lenthn7, 3 May, 1789, tl. 15 Sept., 1860, m. 1 June, 1812, Daniel ]Ucherds of W. Dridgewatcr, 1 July, 1788, d. 25 Apr , 1860, shoe manf., E. Bridgewater.

Int. dau.•, d, Lucy A.•, 7 lllar, 1816, d. ~ July 1843, m. 6 Jn11, 18331 Illram' Jo'rench of N. llrldgewater, gr. 8. of Silence& JI. Keith, aeq,, shoe ma11r., Worcester. Charlotte', 6 July 1818, d. 10 Aug, 181>1, m. 24 Juno 1841, William West of E. Hoston, woodworker. /~.•, d.

Eudocia7, 15 Nov., 1791, d. 2 Nov., 1863. Polly7, 2 1\pr. 1 li04, d. 27 Mar., 1871, m. 13 Nov. 1817, Zll,a nichur<ls, bro. Daniel, a11te, 14 Feb., 1786, d. 11 Apr., 1874, musician, mem. bantl at Plymouth, 18H.

~ary•, 30 Deo. 1818, m. 4 Nov. 1838, Waldo Hayward of E. Bridgewater, 11 Oct.1817, farmer. William n,o, llS July 1840, d, Inf. Georg, F.•, 13 Jan. 1843. 11'llliam .A.•, 28 Oct. 18401 m. 8 Oct. 1871, Louise B. Holme, of E. Bridgewater, 4 Aug. lf'50. William i,•,101 14 l\tny 1a73, Charle110, 23 Aug. 1876, d, inf. Waldo10, 16 Dec, 1878, Caroto, 2G Aug. 1883. Jlei·bert w.1121 Jan, 1850. .Myron E.0, 4 July 1854, m. 30 Dec. 18831 Abby 0, l\larrbant of Abington, 11 Aug. 1866; i1 a farmer; bis brothers are In the shoe business. Joslab1, 6 Dec. 11!20, d. Aug. 1826. George•, 30 Nov. 1822, d, Mar. 1861, m. 18671 Elizabeth Harrett of Wcthersfleltl, Conu.; was shoe manf., Worcester. Jane•, 2 Aug. 1826, m. 1 Jan. 1860, 1-~dwln W. Dancroft, ll. Harre, Vt., 18221 d. 23 Sept. 1872, soldier in 25th Maes. Yols. ],'rank E.•, 9 Aug. 1852, d. youug. Ueoryo R.•, 13 Feb, 1801, d, inf,•, 27 Aug, 18271 d. 28 Feb. 1801, m. 1 Jan, 1800, Setk Richards of W. Bridgewater, b. 1830, mus. tea. In Worcester. Jt'rederlck w.•, 20 June ISM, d. 26 .Mar. 1880, oxpre88man, E. Bridgewater.

Lucy7, 2 Oct., 1796, d. 8 Sept., 1878, m. 5 I>ec.; 1822, Daniel Alden of Mitldle~ boro, 12 July 1796, d. 18 Sept. 18791 de1c. John Alden of Plymouth.

Lucy H.•, 21 Feb. 1824, m. 20 Sept. 1846, Richard Howes, b, Chatham 1818, d, 29 Mar. 1853, shipping agent, Bostou. Luc11 M.•, 17 June 1848, d, inf, Lydia F,•, 18 Oct. • M9, formerly 1ch. tea., now bookkeeper, city clerk's office, Brockton. Herbert .A,o, 18 Nov., 181>1, d. young. Daniel F,•, 29 Nov. 18:16, Invalid, res, Mlddleboro, Elisabeth ll.•, 17 June 1829, res, with hro, Daniel F. Vennie~, 3 July 18:n, d. 8 Apr. 187:1, Jared F.•, 18 Apr. 1836, iusurance agent, ~llcl­dleboro, m. JS Nov. 1862, Susan M. Pratt, b, Baltimore, .!\Id. Ecllth F.•, JO .Mar. 1863, Alice M.•, 22 June 1870, Ruth H.•, 26 Mar. 1877, Alexander M.•, 18 July 1840, d.18 Nov. 18&2.

Georgc7, lo July, 1709, d. 24 May, 1880, m. Nov., 1825, Abigail W. Eaton of l\l1ddleboro, 5 July, 1802, it. 1 Feb., 1858; was in the shoe bus. in that town.

George F.•, 7 Aug. 1826, m. 21 Aug. 18481 Aurelia J. Hartlen of Mldclh:boro, 28 A11r, 1827; merchant tailor In TAunton untll 18091 rem. J.,'rAwlngbam; P. M.1876 to18S6. Ueorve .Jf,'J, 2 A11r. 181S3, d, 2-1 May 1872, Anna E.o, 21 May 1860, Eugenia H.•, 30 Aug, 1829, m. 28 Jan, 1849, William W. Shaw, b, Raynham 16 Apr. 1823, d. 1 Apr. 18741 sboe manf,, rem. N. Drldgewatea·, now Brockton, 1862. George w.•, :l8 Deo. ISM, shoe bus,, Brockton, m. 1 Nov. 18771 Mary Andrews of Dedham, 3 Dec. 181>1, William c.•, 17 July 1862, ahoe manf., JJrockton, m. 31 Oct. 1877, Charlotte Johnson, b. Sweden, 19 Oct. 1859. WIiiiam E.10, 22 Aug. 1878, Chester n.10, 17 Mar. 1883, llenru W.•, 31 Jan. 181S7, ti. young. R,lmmHl Jl,u, :41 Uec, 18M, clerk, JJrockton, m. 19 Aug. 1884, Ida JJ. 11~11 of F11II River, 1:l Mar. l81S9. ,1/abel w.11, 26 Aug. 1861, m. 6 Apr, 1882, James R. Cha1hvlok or Quluc1, 6 .May 18.51, 1hoe cutter, f.rockton. Hetaey A,8, 1 Oct. 1831, m. Harrison Thrasher of Ray11ham, Ncirv Al.~. Helou•1 29 Afay 1834, 111.

28 Feh. IM7, EdwJn A. Olmstert of Ellln~ton, Coun., 'J7 May,' 18:10, c11111l11ctor Old Colouy


nallroad, resides at Cohasset, Arth11r II,•, 13 Aug, 1859, m. 4 Aug. 1881, Lydia Harker of Hanson, 12 ~tar, 1857; res, Hanson, clerk to bursar of Hnrvard Coll. 1881, Frederick W,10, 4 1''eb. 1882, .Elmer F.•, 19 Aug, 1861. .I<'rederlck E.•, 1 July 1864, d. J Juno 18i0, Helen A.•, 14 Aug. 1869, d. J Aug. 1870. Uenrys, twin, went to sea Jn youth, commanded a vessel before ho was twenty-one, lost at sea, 9 liar, 1868, ship Golden Rule, Boston to the Mediterranean. Seth E.•, 13 July 1836, d. Oct, 1876, m. Eleanor O. Smith, div.; m. 2d w. Elvira Gregg. He was a clerk, teacher of 11enmansblp1 enl. at ftrst call for troops In 1861, stationed at Fort l\louroo, wa, at burning of Norfolk Navy Yard, Sblpped on u. s. str. Ke1nsarge, clerk 111 engineer dept,, later ca11taln's clerk, served through cruise, tben app. paymaster In Western J>ept., 11tatloned at Cairo, Ill,, resigned; later he was captain's clerk on board sblp bound round the Horn; a1111, asst. paymaster at Mare Island Navy Ya1'd. Narrowly 1ul111etl losing his place In 1872, as an active Greeley man, Hem. \~bile at Vallejo, Cal. Mehltable o.•, 26 J>ec. 1838, m. 17 July 18611 Andrew J, Souther of Col,asset, 1 Oct. 1830, clerk, Harrv w.•, 29 Nov. 1862, .Eleanor o.•, 10 Feb. 1800. Abb11 H.•, 21 Apr. 1869, Bdward E. H.•, 23 July 1871. aeorue w.•, 8 Aug. 1874. Rav M,•, 12 Aug. 1878, .Blanche M.•, 28 Nov. 1881. Abby w.•, 8 Nov. 18421 d, 18 July 1867, Lucy A.•, 10 Mar. 1846,

Susanna8, 28 l\Iay, 1758, m. 17 Oct,, 1780, Asa Keith of Bridgewater, 4 Nov., 1758, rem, Dudley, where their deBccndants have been numerouB, Nathan8, 11 Oct., 1766, m. 1788, Sally Ripley of l 1lympton, 5 June, 1171, d, 16 July, 1830. Ho settled in Plympton, where his two first children were born, rem. Killingly, Conn., i 705, and is saicl to have rcmo,·ed later to Ohio, farmer.

Marcusr, 31 Mar, 1700, unm. Nathanr, July 1702, d, young. 8ally R.r, 11 Jan. 17961 m. Samuel Stewart, who d., m. 2d bus. John Teagarden, Samuel• Stewart. Elf ea• Teagarden. WUllam•. laaa~. Nathan1, 29 Nov, 1797, m, Naomi M. Colby, Elizabeth•, Cordelia•, d, Roxa11a•. ,Uarcua•, l'ordelta•. Darlua•. Sarah•. cvrua', Tlmothy7, u; Aug. 1801, m. a widow, Albert•, .Roxana•. Hannahr, 17 Aug. 1803, m. Ambrose Meeker. Cordelia.•, d, unm, Jlarttvell•, d, young. Joh11•, m. Rozana•, m. John R. Eden i hoth families lived recently In Sullivan, lll. John', l Jan. 1806, d. 7 Apr. 1884, m. 24 July 18361 Sarah 8. Smith of Absecon, N, J,, rem, Bayou Bara, La,, arterwarils llvec.l In Absecon, Vancluso, Va., where In 1846 he was app. P, M,, Cln., O,, Phlla., Pa., finally at Camden, N. J. About 1870 and later engaged In mining enterprises in :l\lexico, dealing In stock, ranches, etc. Louiai­ana•, H Apr. 18371 m, 8 May, 1855, Perley J. Middleton, a Virginian, wbo d,, leaving two children by her, both m, She m. 2d bus, - Platt, lived recently in Phlla,, Pa, John•, 16 July 1840, m, 6 June 18611 Uannah M, J. Garrison of Phlla., Pa. llannah v.•, 22 Dec. 18-12, w. I Nov. 1870, E, R, :Morton, lived recently In Camden, N. J, Jam,s H.•, 14 Nov. 1849, d. 20 Nov. 1860. l1abella s.•, twin, Edwin•, 14 May 18«1, d, Thomaa A.•, 8 Feb. 1857, m. 18 July 1876, Martha H, Yeager of Camden, Y, J,, 28 July 1868, d, 31 Dec, 1886, John•, 6 June 1877, Thomas9, d. 3 June 1883. Mary•, 14 Feb, 1882, Lewis•, 20 June 1883, d. lnr. Euphemia R.•, 11 Mar. 1886. J,~Jlza P.', 23 Dec. 1807, d, 12 June 1817. Henry T,r, l Sept. 18101 m. Elizabeth Lee, no ch. Roxana', 30 Dec. 1812, m, 1st lHIJton Davis, 2d John H, Harrell. Sarah• Davi.-,

Hannah", b. July, 1760, d. 26 Miiy, 18C9, m. 1795, Alban Hussell of J{lJlingly, Conn., H July, 1771, d, 6 June, 1850, droYer, Inter merchant; rem. 1799 to Luzerne Co., Pa., settling on Russell Ilill, Wuhington tp., now in Wyoming Co., about three miles N, E. of l\fahoo11any, then an unbroken wilJernl'ss, now a fruit­ful farming region. Alhan7, 22 Dec., 1795, d, 19 Nov., 1838, m. 81 Dec., 1818, Catherine Jayne, b, 81 July, 1600, d, 1 May, 1878,

Lucinda•, 30 Jan, 18241 m. 21 Feb. 1850, Daniel Ha11ktnson of Smithfield, Pa., 22 Feb. 182Cl, <Jllarryman many years at MeshOJJJien, Pa., now P. M, lltlle9, 10 June 18511 Ill, 3 l\lay 1877, WIiiiam W. Woodward of Sprlug Mlllfl, I'a., 16 Oct. 1847, cond. r,, \', R, n. Alban', 28 Se11t, ll!M, d. 4 Oct, 1881, m, 26 Nov, 18801 Cora Ingham of Mnhoo111my, 28 Nov.1855; was foreman In his father's stone mill. Charlu•, 2-1:A11r, 1857, d. o Apr, 1880, Komtt/1 .A.•, 1 May 1!lli9, d, Inf, Mary A.•, 22 Jan, 1826, m. 17 lt'eb. 11!671 Jacob C, Luce, b, Inde)lendence, N. J,, 0 Mar. 1827, carpenter at RuHell HUJ, ante, ! C1therlnt1 .A.•, 31 Oct. 1867, sch, tea., m. 6 June 1884, John B,• Atkinaon ot J.emon, Pa,, aeq. q. v. Lucinda•, 3 Aug, 1859, m. 19 Nov, 1884, Robert' Atklnaon, ,eq, q, v, M,na•, 26 July 1861, d. 19 Mar, 1872. David A,•, 14 Nov, 1863, farmer, WUl,urt, 9 Feb, 1828, m. Rhoda Atkins of l\11'11oopany, Pa, i was In tbo lumber trade at Km11orluw, Pa,; crushed to death by a rolling log, 27 Jan. 1882, Catherine", o Juno 1867, JD,

o Se11t. 18801 Eugene C, ColJb of Harbor Creek, N, Y., 18 Oct. 18061 luwber dealer, Sbormau,


N. Y, Nina n,10, 2 Mar. 1882. Jane•, 3 Jan, 1869, m. 21 Jan. 1879, Alonzo Smith of Warren, l'a., 19 Dec. 1861 1 R. R. man, Hm1iorlum, J•a. E. Rny10, 23 Oct. 1879. Wllbur n.10, 1 Apr. 1884, Roi;tJO, 111 June 1860, m, 29 Oct. 1884, Wllllnm •·•·eeman or Custer City, Pa., 80 Oct. 1868, lumberman, Shermkn, N, Y. Floyd w,1°, 30 Aug. 1880, Jlarr1et', 16 Feb. 1803, Allen•, 111 Jan, 1880, par111er with bro, Wllbur, w. Frances Jenkins of Tunkhannock, Pa, .-lda0, b.1867, >.'liiabetli•, b, 1860, Charles•, 1 Oct, 18311 2d Lieut. B 62d Pa. Vols., res. 20Oct. 1802, m, 2 J•:Jy 1863, Julia A, .He1·trand of Washington tp., Wyoming Co., Pa., 20 Dec. 1841; tanner near Ru Hell Hill, .lt'lortmce L.•, 26 Mar. 1864, . Harr'I/', 27 Oct. 18fll. Alban•, 24 Jan. 1834, farmer, 111. Ellen Wood, b, 1840, div. Anna•, 28 Oct. 1809, William•, 19 Apr. 1836, farmer, l\lahooJ>· nny, Pa., enl. 22 Aug. 18021 K 143d Pa, Vols., out 14 June 1866; In Jirlnclpal battles of army of l'otomac,

Louiaa7, 25 Apr., 1198, d. 29 Dec., 1872, m. James Dunnell of Monroe Co., Pa., 27 May, 1791.1, d., farmer, Uusscll lllll, l 1n., Washington tp.

Heater A.•, 16 Oct. 1818, d, 17 Juue 18&0, m. 10 o,,t. 1842, Laban Safford of Brooklyn, Pa., farmer, d, Sarah', m, Henry Dunlap of German tp., farmer. Landu ll."', thrice m,; 1st, Jane MUJer of N, Y.; 2d Lina Cole of Meshoppen, l'a,; 3d Caroline Cole. Jessle10• Charlcs•0•

Sarah A.•, 7 Feb. 1821, m, 27 Apr, 184-, Daniel Cooley, farmer In .Hingham ton, N. Y, laaad', farmer, Binghamton, Emma•, 1u, David Smith, farmer In B, George•, 26 Nov. 1822, farmer, Auburn, Pa., m, 10 June 1860, Eleanor R, RuHell of Springville, Pa., 11 Dec. 1829, d, 12 Dec.

1868; m. 23 Oct. 1870, Jane Wakely of Tuscarora, Pa., 3 MRr, 18·'4, Jamea B.•, 19 Sept. 1861, re11, Lltohfteld, IU. Bentle11 R.', 24 Feb, 1863, d. 20 Jan. 1866, Samat1tha"', 14 Mar. 180C• Etta E.•, 26 Aug, 1871, u1cf.a•, 4 Nov. 1874, Clifford•, 23 Oct. 1876, Luct/9, 12 June 1879, Eva L.•, 28 Dec. 1882, .tldelfne E.•, 20 Apr, 1886, Isaacs, 19 Jon, 18211, cl, 6 Mar. 1801, m. 13 June ISM, Atleline B, Ru88ell, slater of bro. George's w., June 1837, d, 20 Dec. 1808; farmer near bis brother, Catherine', Apr. 1867, Evno, May 111681 m. 1880, Samuel Derthoff of Jessup, Pa,, farmer. Cooley', .Apr, 18601 m. 18801 Harriet Shannon of Auburn, Pa., Mar.1801; farmer, Je88up, Pa. lluter', b. 1861. Lucinda•, 17 Oct. 1826, m, 12 Dec, 131111, James H. Hird of Wyalusing, Pa., 4 Mar. 1827, res. Meshoppen, Pa., ne11hew of James Bird, u.ijustly ex­ecuted for alleged deaertfon from Perry's fleet on Lake Erie In 1813, He enl. 19 Oct. 1861, n 62d Pa. Vols., ro-enl. 7 Mar. Hl64, D 112th Pa, Vole,, out 28 Feb. 1866, captured 80 July 1864, at Libby and Danville until 22 Feb, 1866, Jamu•, 10 Sept. 1800, farmer, Auburn, Pa., m. Dec. 1881, Lucina Corson, b, 1860. Humpbrey10, 21 Sept. 1882. Ellen E .•, 14 Feb. Ul68, d. 19 July 1816, Ol'rln W.•, ti May 1860, derrick foreman, atone mill, Meshoppen, Pa. Oacar M.•, twin, hotel clerk, form, R.R. man. Idu•, 28 Nov, 1803, Wlllta,n', 10 Oct. 1866, Rdtcarcl', 22 Aug. 1809, d, 12 Mar. 1874, OmMgh•, twin, d, 28 Feb. 1~0. Harton•, 12 Mor. 1820, m. 20 July 1861, Sarah, sister Jas. H, BJrd, ante, 7 Jan. 18U; farmer, Meshoppen, Pa. laaao o.•, 26 Dec. 1862, sch, tea. John L.•, 1 Deo, 1864. Lou .tl.•, 12 July 1866, m. 28 Sept. 1886, William L. Fassett, b. 1867, bagg. master, L, V, R.R. Emma•, 16 Dec. 1867, burned 6 Nov. 1873, d, In 12 hours. llenr11 D,•, 3 Apr. 1870, d, 28 Mar. 1879, Roae At,•, 20 July 1872. Arthur H.•, 30 Oct. 1874. N,moy B,•, 8 Nov, 1876. C'athutnet, 8 Jan. 1879, · Rlltott', 12 Oct. 1881. Catherine', 4 June 1831, m, Jackson Manning of Auburn, Pa,, farmer, Sarah L.•, 19 Jan. 11!66, d. 19 Jan. 1882, m. June 18781 Robert Dunlap of Auburn, Pa,, 11 Feb, 1817, stableman at Meshoppen. Frank 1°,

1 Nov, 1879, Charles M,10, 31 Dec. 1881, adopted by - I<'llklns of Auburn, Pa, Georue0,

lumberman, Charin•, stonecutter, sob. tea. St8lla•, BlennJI', Angeline", Bm,na9,

Ella•, Jamu•. .Eleanor', 20 Nc;V, 1834, m, 30 June 18611 George Mayne of Newark, N. J., R.R. man, rem, 1876 Ionia, Mich. Don o.•, 11 Sept. 1803, Anna L.•, Mar. 1866, Marv E.•, h, 1868, George ...4,•, b. 1870. Mar(laret L.•, b, 1873, Mr. M, enl, 30 Aug. ls«H, Pa. Vols., dlsoh. 1800, was In attack on Fort Fisher, Roxana•, 4 Apr, 1838, d, 10 May 1860; m. Chas, Hald win of Wyalusing, Pa., printer, Eva•, Nov, 1868, d, 23 Apr, 1881, Arthur", 28 Apr, 1860, printer, St, Louis, Mo., m,, 1 or 2 ob,

Schuyler7, 19 Oct., 1800, d. 27 Oct., 1859, m. Ann Jayne, sis. Catherine of Alban UuHell, ante, 20 Oct., 1802; was a farmer near l\lahoopany; thrown from a wagon the day before his death.

Alban•, ,o Feb. 1"31 farmer, Braintrim, l'a., m. 3 July 1848, Sarah A, Wetherbee of Green­field, Pa., 6 May 18291 d, 18 Aug, 1849; m. 26 Dee, 1863, 2d w., Lydia A, Brown of Braintrim; 3 oh., d, Inf, LRtof'fflCe•, m. 16 Sept, 18861 Emma 8taata of Braintrim, b, 1861S; R.R. man at Sayre, Pa, Ida•, d, Jucuon•, b, 1866. BcAuv~', b. 1868. Anna•, b, 1871, Blanche', b, 1873, Alban', b. 1880. George A,•, 24 Aug, 18261 m. 18681 Caroline Harris of Windham, Pa,; farmer In that tow11, Danf.el M.•, 2 Jan. 1861, Anna Jt',", G Nov, 1868, d, Inf, Charita•, b. 1870, Hdtoard•, b. 1876. Mary A.•, 10 July 1S281 d, 12 Mar, 1886, Elizabeth J.•, 21 Jan. 1831,


m. Jan, l81U, Lorenzo Smith, t,. tn Conn,, 20 Deo, 1828, d, 12 Jan, 1884, blacksmith, Ma• hoopany, Pa. .AngellneO, Jan. 18631 m. 20 Jnu, 1872, Wm. Sturtevant of Braintrim, PR,, b, 18601 11aper-box maker, WUkesbarre, Pa, Alban•, 20 Dec. t86n, m. 26 Dec. 1876, .Alice Tallada of Mahoo111my, b, 1859; blacksmith, Wilkeabarre. L11cy10, 16 Dec. 1877, d, young, Uuth•0, b, 1879. Theresa101 b. 1881, l'harlts•, 24 Dec, 1867, R.R. mau, lost an arm In .A)lt, 1881 on the L, V, R.R. .Anna•, 26 June 1863, Martha•, 22 Ftlb. m,4, m. 28 Feb. 1882, l<'rank Klink of Wtndham, Pa., farmer, res. Mahoopany, Letltta10, 3 Oct, t8S3, Joseph W. P,8, 4 Mar, 18331 m. 27 Jan. 1866, Caroline L. CampbeJJ of Maboopany, 111 Sept. 1m; farmer aud stock dealer at M. Sulla .4.•, 9 Nov, 1866, d. 8 Feb. 1863, Frank w.•, 16 .Aug. 18118, d. 17 Mar. 1863, b(\tb of dlptherta. Jane E.•, 22 Oct. tseo, m. 23 Jan. 1884, Worden L, nurgess of Forkston, Pa., 11 Nov, 1860, mercb., Lovellton, Pa, Lee W,10, 29 Sf'pt. 1884. Wflllam n.,, 4 Dec. 1862, bookkeeper, Wllkesbarre, Caroline M.•, 16 Nov, 1864. Jlary .L.•, 20 Jim, 1866, sch. tea. Ellen F.•, 23 Jan. 1874, William•, 19 A11r. 1835, onl. 22 .Au,r. 1862, K H3cl l'a. Vols., lu battles of Antietam, Fretlerlckaburg, Cha11cellorvllle, Octtysburg (wounded), Wllllerne~~, out 14 June 18611; farmer, m. H Jau. 1884, Lucy Darracllff of Mahoo)lany, 25 SP)lt, 1837. Dellua•, 26 May 1837, m. 10 Mar. 185111 John :n. Drake, b. In Conn,, 6 Sept. 18311, d, 6 ApJ'. 1860, miller; she m, 211 May 1871, Franch• :Major, of Eng, birth, 24 Mnr. 1817, d. 20Jan.188-I, farmer, Eaton,'Pa. FredertcA-ri Drake, 16 Dec. 18116, d, 1866. Ella•, 26 Aug, 1868, d. Inf. Artlmr', o ~[Ar. 1860, m. Sept. 1882, Lucy Kenzer of Sugar Notch, Pa.; farmer, Wllkeal,arre. John R,o, o Mar. 1862, m. 8_ Mar. 18841 Ada J>blnn11y of Mahoopany, 2 June 1862; R.R. man, Wllkesl,arre, Pau110, 14 Dec, 1886, Harryt, 31 Aug. 1866. .M(nnao, 26 Aug. 1869, cl. 6 Feb. 1880. E<lwarctv Major, 2 June 1872, W1lllamo, 23 Sept. 187-J, cl. 7 Feb. 1880, Robert9, 17 Dec. 1879, Clarn.o, 22 July 1881, John•, 7 Oct, 1839, farmer, lumberman, on the homestead; m. Aug. 1861, Mary Shattuck of Rush, Pa., 20 Feb, 1843, Grace•, 1 July 1866, m. 26 Feb. 1886, Raymond 1Ja11srtt, Alotto, 4 A11r, 1867, Flo•, 19 May 1871, Fr,mc1s•, FredtrfcA.-ri, twins, 26 Jan. 1873. Scbuyletf• 211 Aug, 1842, farmer with John• on homestead,

Luclnda7, J4. May, 1808, d. 24 Oct., 1874, m. 21 Feb. 1825, George Atkin11on1

b. Norwich, Eng., 29 May, 1795, d. 4 Mar., 1866, emigrated in 1816 to Luzerne Co. 1818, M, E. local preacher from 1881, a man of marked ability, an honor to his station. •

Lydia A.•, 12 Mar. 18261 d. 17 Aug, 18841 m. 1 Oct. 1848, William H. Conrad of Auburn, Pa., 26 Feb. 1822, farmer, Washington tp. Wilbur o.•, 16 Jan, 1860, m. 24 Jan, 18711, Sarah c. Loomis of Auburn, Pa., 12 Sept. 1868; farmer, Washington tp, Stephen w,10, 27 Oct. 1878. George .A.•, 23 Sept. 1862, farmer. Susan•, 6 Oct. 186.11 d. Inf, R. Hartwell•, 4 Feb. 1828, m. 23 OQt, 1850, Ellen Boughton of Johnstown, Pa., 111 Jan. 1828. He was recnittlng officer an,I tat Lieut. A, 16th Pa. Vols., resigned spring 1863, dis, hy df11ease; since en,raged In ston,k dealing, coal mining a year or two, later farmlnJr near Lemon, Pa. He Is active tn religious work, tnftuentlal In local politics: Adjt.-genl, and Gr11nd Chaplain Pa, Div. G, A. R. Jlnn­nah L.•, 22 Sept. 1831, m. 28 Nov. 1872, Atherton R. Safford of Sprtnirvllle, P11.1 18 Aug. 1850, fam1n, Lynn, Pa. Marv .L.•, 24 July 1868, m. 8 Feb. 18811 Victor H, f,yman, b. Dixon, JIJ., 12 Mar, 18l'i6, now publishing a paper at Tunkh1mnock, Pa. OMruo L.•, 17 July 1866, R stmtent of high promise, d, 27 Jan. 1874, Klien•, 211 Sept. 1867, m. 12 Dec. 1876, nerkeley Lyman, bro. of Victor H,, ante, 5 June 186.1; mMon, Lemon. John B.o, 13 Nov. Hlll.'l, m. II June 1884, Catherine A.• Luce, a,&te; lumbtir dealer at Lemon. Mlna101 2 Mar. 1885, Robert•, o Jan. 1862, m. 19 No¥', 1884, Litctnda• Lttce, sis. Catherine A.•, ntif.<1; lumber <lnRler, IA'mon. Saru1&9, 20 Oct, 186f, sch, tea. Emmu•, 24 Mar. 1867. Rtts1ell JI',•, 19 July 1869, d, young, Suean T.•, 11 May 18301 m. 29 Dec. 186.11 Peter F. Stark of Lemon, 5 Oct, 182.1, farmer. A·ctson A.0, 27 Jan, ISM, m. 10 Oct. 1830, Henrietta Ambrose of Centreville, Dak. ;' farmn, Hl'reAfnrd, Dak, S, Myrtte10, 5 Mar. lMZ, II. young. Alpbato, 23 Mar. 1886, .4lva 'J',•, 6 June 18119, stenographer, Sayre, Pa, Al11rfl',. 7 Dec, 186-4, sch. tea. Lemon, Raebel•, 29 Aug, 1833, m, 11 Jan, 1860, Martin Dll'trlck of S11rlngvllle, Pa., farmer, rem, that year to Dixon, later to Rork Falls, Lee Co., m, Ueorge A.•, 23 Apr. 1801, farmer. Mvron JJ.•, 14 Se11t, 1862, machl11l11t, Chicago, Ill, .Marv L,•, )2 Jan. 1868, l L;ulf<&', 5 Deo. 1871, d, young. Mary K.~, o Jan. ltl36, m. 1 Rept, 1862, Jere n. Avery, b)acka111ab1 M11rlngv1Ue, Pa. Archfbalcl X.•, 23 A11r. 18611, farmer, Lynn, Pa, Wilbur Rl, 8 Dec, 18431 ll, luf.

Hartwell', unm., d,1 many years contractor at M1mcb Chunk, Pa, Wllbur1, 1 July 1809, <l. 2 ,Tune 1801, m, 211 Oct. 1832, Susauna Smith of Sprtngvllle, Pa,; cooper, sett, Ru1111ell 11111.; enl. ti Oct, 1861, B 112d Pa, Vols., dlsoh; dis. 20 Nov. 186:.:, first P, 1'1, at Ru@sell Hill; J, I'. ,lt,,.rtl,a J>.•, 10 Apr, 18331 d. young. .Amo,mta M.•, 18 May 1835, m, 23 Mar, 1856, Aaron JI, WaHor of Maboopany, Pa., farmer, Wa11llh,gton tp, Charles W.", 10 Jan. 1800, sch, wa.


Ada c.•, 8 M_ay 1862, m. 21 Dec. 1878, Miller P. Cuh·or of Russell Hill, b. 1869, rulllor, Teague's Eddy, Pa. Rowlanct1o, 7 June 1878, l'hcbe .A.10, 23 Sept. 1881, Truman S,•, 17 Nov, 1837, farmer, ,J. P, since 1870, Catherh1e~, 12 AJ>r, 1840, d. 31 July 1868, Sarah•, 4 1''eb. 1843, m, 26 Dec. 1869, Ste11ben H, l'lace, b. Bradford Co,, l'a,, 11 Dec. 1836, blacksmith, Russell HIii. ~dwln L.•, 19 Dec, 1860, farmer, m. 4 July 1882, Florence A. Kintner, 2'l SeJJt, 1862. J>/1we J.•, 3 May 1845, d. 18 A1>r. 1880, m. SO June 1860, Geo. B. Arnst or Ale1ho1ipen, l'a., farmer, soldier In late war. WUburt, H Aug. 1867. Claude A,", 1 Mar. 1870. .-fog11sta P.•, 11 Se11t. 1847, d. 16 Nov. 1881, m. ti June 1872, Wllllam H. Jayne of Russell Jilli, 26 Nov. 1847, wagonmaker. Jlerl>ert J.•, 21 Jan. 1874, d. 8 liar. 1880, Susanna n ', 20 Apr. 18i6, Ste11hen o.~, 24 Nov. 1878, Town,Jr s.•, 8 Mar. 1881, Esther a.•, 11 Dec. 1849, m. 4 Feb. 1874, David F. Kintner, 18 Aug. 1852, farmer ou her father's bomestead, Barton7, d. June 1861, m. 19 Oct. 1842, Laura W. Dean of Abingdon, Pa., 26 Sept. UU7, d. lll Apr. 1848i morch,, Harrisburg, l'a. WfllfamD.•, 16 Sept, 1846, bookkeeper In coal office, Scranton, Pa., 01. 28 July 1880, Margaret Marshall of Hrooklyn, N. Y., 26Jan, 1862, Lawreuce R.•, 20 July 1881, Arthur G.•, 4 Jan. 1884, d. young. Danlel1, d. 1 July 1838, ae. 18.

Sarah•, no record of birth yet found, m. 14 Nov., 1790, Abijah Lapham, b. Scit­uate, 16 Aug., 1767, d. 1 Mar., 18"7; m. in Pembroke, her res. given as Bridge­water; rem. Buckfield, .Me., where she d., prob. 1801. Betsey', 17 July 1792, d. unm. Sylvia', 8 Dec., 179l, m. John Mayhew of Buckfield; had 2 ch., aQd d,

Rlchruond•, b. 1818, d. Stoughton, 4 1''eb, 1887, ahoemnker, m. Hannah W, Thayer of Ran­dolph, who d. 28 June 1803, ae, 34. Walter R.", ae. 36, farmer, Brockton. Emma J, 11, b. ISM, m. 30 Aug, 1872, Patrick Sheehan of E. Stoughton, b. IRIS, shoemaker. Henry F.10, d, Inf., ti Se11t, 1873, Nelly B.10, 3 Feb, 1879. Henrv F.•, b. 18531 d, Oct. 1860, Abljah•, m., cl. In Mich. a few years ago, left son, John7, 28 Feb, 1797, d. young. Natbanr, 17 June 1799, d, young. Abljah1, 7 Mar. 1801, d. Jnr.

I<;Uzabeth•, d. Hi Apr., 1885, ae. 62, m. William Orcutt, went to Luzerne Co., Pa., near her sister Rur:1mll. He was a miller, d. on head watera of Susquehanna river, N. Y. state; shed. among the Rusaells.

Hartwell', was a moulder, received an Injury of the heait; trephlned by an un11kllful 11hy­•lclan, affecting his brain, causing te orary aberration, during an Interval of which be went away to Conn., returning later ook after property of hie deceased brother, Orreu7,

who d, 13 Deo.1848, ae. 38. Stepbent, otel clerk In New York city; neither of them married.

Sarah3, 26 Mar., 1726, m. 25 Dec , 1746, Joseph Carver, Jr., of Brillgewater, 23 Mar., 1727, Hannah•, b. 1717. Rhoda', b. 1749. Oliver', b, 1751, m. 1774, Mary Perkins of B., b. 1750, Bernice•, b. 1753. Mary8, 7 Jan. 1727, prob. d. young. Silcnce5

, 21 Dec., 1729, m. 6 Dec., 1763, Hobert Keith of Bri«l&"Fwater, 18 Oct., 1742 (?), d,; she m. 2d hus,, - Lathrop. Hartwell8, 26 Aug., 1764, m, 1785, Sebra Wilbur. Silence7, 80 July, 1786, m. 9 Feb., 1805, Silvcnus lt'rcnchofDridge­water. Sebra', 16 Mar., 1789. Jonas7, 18 Jan., 1791, m. 4 Aug., 1810, Susanna Manley of,U. Hartwell7, 28 Mar., 1793, m. 8 Apr., 1816, Mary Bassett of B., rem. Dudley, Davis', 25 Sept., 1795, m. 20 Feb. 1820, Harriet Howard of B. Gldeon7,

28 Ic'eb., 1798, Eliza', I Aug., )800, m. 1818, Pere,: Lathrop of B. Jonathan•, 17 Mar., 17fl6, m. 2~ Jan., 1792, Sarah Leach of B. Sylvanus11, b, 1767. Seth8 Lathrop, In S. C. Was Samuel Hartwell Lathrop, gradu. of Brown 1803, of this family?

Experlence6, 21 Jan., 1782-8, m. 28 Feb., 1768, Jonathan Leach of B., 20

Nov., 1741 (poH. 26 July, 1742), Martha&, 18 May, 1785, m. 28 Oct., 17061

Joshua Pac'9.ard of B., 20 July, 1780 (poBS, 10 Aug. 1785),

Abigall4, 27 Nov., 1695, d. ch.-b., 18 Oct., 1727, m. William Wheeler, lived in Stoughton, he d. 16 July, 1778, Samuel', 7 Oct., 1727. No other entry found !oncerning him except marriage to Phally Tucker, 21 Jan., 1790, whether this Samuel Wheeler, or whether lat or subsequent m,, not known. Elizabeth', hap. 20 July, 1717, AbigalP, bat>, 23 Oct., l120, Willlam5, m. 7 May, 1774, Hannah 1.Jailcy of 81ougbton.


Joseph•, 11 Aug., Hl08, d. 6 J?eh., 1786, went to J>orcll('Stl!r 1725, m. 8 Dec, 1725, .M11ry 'foln11m of D., 4 Oct., 1607, d. 10 NoY,, 1782. He hought a farm in thesnmc year near his brother Samuel, in what is now Cnnton; was a deacon ,,f the church. It ltnppens curiously thut the fnrm occupied by Wllllnm Sherman, ft&ther of Uogl!r, also purchased in 1726, has been many years occupied as a 11oor farm for the town of Canton, which has in the present year secured the farm of lJea. Joseph Hartwell for the same use.

Elizabeth6, 31 Aug, 1720, d. 1700, 111. 17 No\', 1740, Rog~r Sherman, b. Newton, 1721, rem. 1743 to Nc>w l\filford, Conn., shoemaker, shulic1I law, adm. to har, Jani! surveyor, rem. 1763 to New Iltn·en, rose in time to a comnJRrullng position in th(.; councils of the state and natiou, n111l d. 23 July, l ,!)3, John6, 10 July, 17li0, d. 8 Aug., 1802, bur. Canton, ru. Ucbecca Austin of New Han•n, who d.; m. 2d w., Nancy -- of Milton, who d. 7 Dec., 1858, in 97th yr.; 7 ch. William•, 12 NoY., 1751, m. Betsey Law of New Milford, Conn.; 1 ch. Isaac', 17 June, 1763, m., d., ,. p. Chloe", :w Dec., 1754, cl, 6 Dec,, 1840, m. John Skinner, M.D,, of New Haven, Conn., b, 1705, d, 26 June, 1860, one of the founders of the Conn. State Hosp. at Hartford. Roger S.7, b, 179-1, grad, Yale 1813, stud. law with Judge Dahl• win; attorney in New Haven, d. Peru, Ill., 0 Dec., Hl38, m. 27 Sept., 1817, Mary L. De F~rest of Monroe, Conn., 17 .l<'eb., 1 i97,

John•, 30 Nov. 1818, m. 16 Dec. 18U, Catherine Perry or Fnlrflell1, Conn., who d. 20 Dec. 1873; wu a short time In the navy, later 111erch, In N. Y. city, now In Hartford, Conn. Roger s.11, 3 Nov. 1846, 11·as In 2d Conn. Vols., d. New Orleaus, Jd Rept. 1866. WIIUam l',•, 3 July 18.f0, 11boe manf, and dealer, Watertown, Conn, m. llehm I', Corning of W., 18 Mar. J861. Vern 0.10, 10 Nov. 1881, Frederick JJ.11, b. m,1, farmer, Argyle, N, D., m. Phebe Smith of that town. Marr L,10, t0Jnly 1~$1. Lena M.1°, 19 July 1882. John .E.10

1 29 Jnly 1884, Son10, I Jail. 1886. .1Uar11 De F.0, 8 June 18M, res, with her aunt Dwiybt. l,eonnrd w.•, 16 Jan, 1858, d, o Oct. 1864. Eliza De F.•. 27 Aug, 1623, d. 9 Sept. 1649. Marr s.•, :.I Jail. 182G, m. so Aug. 1847, Rev, Samuel I>, Marsh of Ware, 28 Nov. 1617, d. 11 Dec. 1863, grad. Yale 1844, seminary coune In N. Y, city, mleslonarr to Zulus In So. Africa 1647; 2d hue. John w. Fitch, pres, Natl. Dk., New Haven, d. Sept, 1861. Helen E.• Jlarsh, 11 Mar. 18611 m. 26 Nov. 18731 Edward 0, Coy of Audover, grad, Yale 1869, Leonard w.•, 12 Nov, 1827, a '49er. to Cal,, merch., d. Santa Harbara, 9 June 1869. Wllllam W.•, 11, Jan, 1830, went 18W to Cal,, clv, eng., at Hfs1Jo1,'e Creek, some time on govt, land surveys. Jane w.•, a Apr. 18321 m. 31 Dec. 1866, Timothy Dwight, b. Norwich, Conn,, 16 Nov. 1828, gr. son Prest. Timothy Dwight, grad, Yale 1849, tutor 1867, from11868 Prof. Sao, Lit. nod N, T, Greek ht Theol. Sem,, elected !'rest. Yale ISSO, Helen R.•, 8 JJec, 1868. Wtnthrc,11 E,•, 23 Dec, 1872,

Oliveri', b, 1757, d. Elizabeth", b, 1760,

Joseph&, b. 1728, d, 1 m. 171H, Uebecca Sherman, sister of Roger, ante, b. Ne"·· ton, d.; rem. soon after marriage to New Milford, Conn., settllng on Second Hill, three mile, eaet of the village, where he bought and improYed a large tract of land, part of which is occupied by his grnntlson, Wllllam J>. Hartwell. He wae one of the "Separates," a number of persons who severed their relations with the church in 1178. His wife later became a follower of Jemima Wllkin11on, and accompanletl her children, Samuel8 and Mary6 Botsford to Yates Co., N. Y., where she tl. ae. HO, Mary(', 80 Sept., 1762, m. 7 Aug., 17691 Abel Botsford of New Milford, 6 Sept., 1747, d, 1817, emlgrattid to Yates Co., N. Y., among the followers of Jemima Wilkinson, the II Unh·ersal Frlen~," a singular and erratic leader among the Shakers of that time, He was in 1787 one,of the exploring party who, under her direction, went to that aectlon to select a place of resitlence for her followers. Owne,1 16-l a. land in Milo tp. Mary1, m. Hobert Buckley. Samuel JJ. 8, state geologist of 'l'exas in 185l. ·nuth8

1 G Mar., 1700, d, 10 May, 1804, m. 80 June, 17i4, Nathun Gaylortl of New Milford, 7 Dec., 1748, ti. 29 .July, lSOG; farmer near Gaylord's Dr., N. M. J,:11thl'r7, 16 Apr., 1777, m. ,John W. Merwin of New Milford, Hl ~c•i1t., 1174, ,1. In


N. C., 28 Feb., 1811. Denjamin7, 4 Apr., 1779, ,1. 2 Jan., 1805. Joseph7, 10 Nov.,

1781, d. 26 July, 1841, m. Mima7 Stone, b. 1785, d. 4 July, 18-12. Eliza A..•, b, 1808, d. 26 Feb. 18U, m. 20 Feb. 1831, Sheldon Buckingham, 22 Nov, 1800, d. Nov.

1879, 1nerch., Northville, N. 1\1., 10 yrs., 1'.1\I. 8yrs., J, P. 8 yrs., rem. 1848 Windsor, N. Y., 1865 Franklin, N. J, .l'ilch R.0, 16 Feb. 1831, m. Harriet Swift or Kent, Conn. Charles A.10, Nov. 1869. wmta,n J,0, 4 Dec. 1832, farmer, Gaylord's Br., m. 14 May 1801, Mary A, Goodspeed of N. M., 27 Dec. 1832, d, 11 Jan. 1875; m. 15 Apr. 1880, Mahala A. Denton or Dover, N. Y., 8 Apr. 1834. Ella M.10, 2 July 1863, sob. tea. Fanny E,101 11 Aug, 1865, sch. tea. Sheldon 0.10, 31 May 1809, a. youuar. Emma M,10, 8 Dec. 1870. Barto, 28 May 1835, d. Inf, /le11r11 o.•, 2'.& Mar, 1837, grad. Bellevue Hos))., N. Y., 1873, M. D., Clayton, N.J., m. Oct, 187-1, Ellu.beth Scheonke of .I<'ultop. N. Y. Caroline E.r1, 18 Apr. 1839, m. June 1865, Wllbm F. Phillips or Coldvllh,, N. Y., farmer, rem, Gt, Bend, N. Y,, 1684. John 8.10, b. 1866, d. July 1885, May1°, b, 1868. Lilly 0,10, b, 1870. Cora10, b. 1877, Harriet•, b. 1810, d. 11 Oct. 1863. Emily•, b. 1817, d. 16 Dec, 185(i. John H.•, b, 1826, m. Almira Goodspeed, sis. Mary A,, ante; a Meth, min, or the N. Y. E. conf. Frllu4-e. Florci•, 28 Feb. 1861, d. young.

Homer7, 8 Apr., 1784, m. 6 May, 1807, Ann Canfield of New Milford; rem. Ells­worth, Conn., shoemaker.

Benjamin•. Jane•. Caroline P.•. RalJ>h9, Nancy1, 21 Apr. 1786, d. 22 June 180-I, m. 18 Feb. 18091 Abel Buckingham of New MIiford, 18 July 1776, d. 21 May 1825, Nathan•, 28 Aug. 18101 d. Inf, Ruth M.•, 13 Nov, 1811, d. 20 July 1833. George H.•, 30 Aug, 1813, d. 6 Mar. 18461

m. Sally Morgan. Edgar', Mary'. Charles o.•, 10 Oct. 1815, d. 22 Mar. 1800. Stanley•, 27 Mar. 1818, d, 29 June 1801. Emily•, i Feb. 1821, m. 27 Nov. 1845, Miles J, Burr of Newton, who d,; m. 2d bus., Isaac Clark, Marla J.• Burr, Jan. 1847, sch, tea. Benjamin•, 16 Jan. 18281

became insane, d. 30 Nov, 1853. Ruth', b, 17911 d. 13 Dec, 1833.

Sarah8, 15 Juno, 1767, d. 13 Oct., 184:7, m. 20 Feb., 1778, Peter Gaylord, bro. Nathan, ante, 27 July, 1761, d. 28 Sept., 1793; 2d bus., -- Merwin. I>anieP, H May, 1779, d. 21 May, 1862, m. 20 Sept,. 1801, Rosanna Seeley of Sherman, Conn., 12 Sept., 1777, d. 13 Feb., 1857.

Betsey•, 29 Nov. ISM, d. 20 Jan. 1882, m. 26 Mar., 1834, Orra Warner of Kent, Conn., O Oct., 1806, blacksmith, edgetool maker, now res. Gaylord's Br., N. M, Ellen F.r•, 26 Apr. 1835, m, 31 Aug. 1853, John Taylor of Dover, N. Y,, b.1832, form, partnerwithherfather; rem. Union­ville, N, Y., 1884. Frank C,10, 1 Mar. 1866, m, 20 Nov. 1877, Mary Htewart, b. In Sandwich Islands, 20 Aug, ISM, d. 18 Nov. 1886; farmer, Gaylord's Br. Henry s.u, 4 Aug. 1878. Lewls11,

t Apr, 1882, d. inf, William 0,10, 15 July 18571 engraver, m. 18811 Harriet Balley of Birming­ham, Conn., b, 18156, Sarahto, 15 June 1862, m. 7 Sept. 1882, Karl Sutten, b, Elberfeld, Prussia, 28 June ISM. Wtlltt,m T,u, 28 Hept. 1884. Lina E.10, Sept. 1868. Alice M,10, Aug. 1873, Cl1arlu o.•, 22 Dec. 18361 d. inf. Jane M.•, 215 Mar. 1839, m. 6 Jan. 1859, Arthur Taylor, bro. John, anu, machinist, rem. 18641 Mt. Carmel, Conn., 18671 Ilion, N, Y, Frederick10, machin­ist, armory, Jlfon, m. Mary Reese of Mohawk ville, N. Y,; has sonu, Emtl11 c.•, 19 Oct. 1842, m. Rev. Edw. 8. Merwin of N, M,, Bapt. min,, lately at Ilion, N. Y., now Bridgeport, Conn. Carollne10, Wllllam10, ElllottJo, Betsey1°, Willia,n o.•, 29 Nov. 1844, enl. Oct, 1862, H 19th Conn. Vols., d, bOSJ>,, Alexandria, Va., 23 Dec. 1862. Daniel G.0, 29 Apr. 1819, m, 10 Oct. 1878, Virginia Sheeler of N. :M., 16 Oct. 1869. MelvfUe w,10, 19 July 1879. Charles10, 21 Oct. 1880, Da1sy10, 22 May 1884. Susan', 14 Jan. 1806, d, spr. 18851 m, Col, Henry Merwin of N, M., 13 July 1803, d, Delia•, d., m. Andrew Baldwin. Henry10, m. Charlotte Ferris of N, M,, 13 Deo. 1858; 1 ch. Barah10, d. J.'rancuo, d. sm. pox, m. Annis Buckingham. .AlfceP, m. Harry E. Bostwick or N. M,, 6 May 1835, button manf.1 now In Fla, Marla•, 9 May 1808, Sarah•, 27 Mar. 18101 d, 21 Sept, 1884. Charles s.•, SO Dec. 1811 1 d. 26 Oct. 1862, artist; stud. with Cole of Cattlkfll, later with Cropsey; m. 4 Oct.1848, Charlotte J, Gaylord of N, M., who d. 5 Juno 1857, ae. 35; 2d w. Mary Bailey of Gaylordvflle, N • .M.; 1 son, 2 dau, Florence B.•, youngest, d. 16 May 1866, ae. 10 mos. Della•, 13 Mar. 18141 d, 9 Jan. 1867, Ann•, 13 Aug. 1818~ d. 1886, m. Henry Elliott of N. H. Grace•, d. Brooklyn, Conn, ae. 19 or 20, Harf'1/ o.•, manf, piano hartlware, m, 10 Oct, 1883, Florence Winter. Gaylord10, Grace10

Bet8ey7, 1 Aug., 1781, m. William Roberts, and d. in Vt, Peter7, 1 June, 1784, d. 8 Mar., 1870, m. Elizabeth Driggs of N. M., 16 Aug., 1784, d. 20 Apr., 1884.

John•, 25 Aug. 1800, m. 15 May 1835, Mary A. Judd of Kent, Conn,, 25 Aug. 18161 d. 2 Nov. 1849, m.1861, wltl, Charlotte Barnes, b, Canada, 1826; mercb., Ga.ylordvllle, N, M. Maru J,•. g Feb. 1830, ti. young. C:!iarlu 11,0, 30 Oct., onl. 17 Doc. 1861, C 13 Conn. Vols., out 25

YAn:s Co., N. Y. 105

Apr. 1800, 2d lieut., 13 !tar. 1800; J>c11t. Oulf, Rhouar,donh Ynlley; 111. 1867, Ellen Mosler; merch., Kent, since 1809. Augusta 1'.", 21 IJec. 1844, m. at N. 111. J. T. Underhill, b, L. I. l1ai 1ua11f., Danbury, s111co 188!!, Joso11hh1e1°. Howard•o, d. 1 Dec. 1871, Jlarry10• Charlotte8, 29 lllnr. 1i-os, m. Wlllla111 II. 1-;,•ans or l>O\·er, N. Y ., 3 Oct. 1805, tailor, sett. Onylordsvllle, N. M • .Alt1r!I f:,1', 6 Apr. tt-35, 11. Hi Mny 1861, 111. ltwli::ht Jlo)lklns of Nnugnturk, Conn., f11m1er. Jnf.10, d. llenry9, 14 May 1837, farnwr, 111. 17 Dec. 1868, Susan M. Hutrhlnson, wbo d. 'I Oct. 1872. Clarence 11.10, 12 Nov. 1870, Susan E.•0, 13 Se11t. 1872. Hannon•, 7 I>ec. 1812, d. 21 June 1833, Willlam8, Iron denier, Northampton.

Elljnh7, 18 l\far., 1780, d. 2 l!'cb., 1871, farmer, m. 7 Dec., 1810, Annis7 Stone, 7 Aug., 1787, d. I:? Feb., 1877.

Ell', 23 May 1815, m. 14 Mar. 1860, Jonny Warn er, who d. Apr. 1878, 8ld11ey s.e, 'I ~pr. 1823, d. 17 ~lay 1845.

1,alomc7, 26 Oct., 1701, Jn. Benjamin Wadhams, rem. l\lilforcl, })cl., tin pedlar, d.; she m. 2d hus., -- Knott,,wcnt Lquis,·illc, l{y., where shed.

Jlenty8, elk. for Jno. Gaylord, anu, 1835; went on MIBS, river, Inv, money In ~oat, lost; weut Cal. and d.

Samuel8, 13 Apr., 1760, d. 1851, m. J<;lizabeth Wllkinson, 6 Dec., 1760, d. ae. 00, sister of the" Friend," whom he followed to Yates Co., N. Y., in 1788 i settled in Henderson neighborhood, rem. Havens cors. 1800, later to Cannda, whence he was driven wit.h hb family in 1812 under an act of Parliament, amid much hardship and the loss of 1-· ·roperty; rct. Jerusalem, Yates Co., rem. Cohocton, N. f., where they d. Benoui7, 2 Mar., 1782, d. Stophen7, 81 July, 1783, d., m. Catherine Lambert of Canadian birth, who d. ; ret. to States, sett. N. Cohocton, rem. Berrien, Mich.; 2:1 w. wid. Bagnall.

Elijah•, Amys, m. Jeremiah Wilson. Emeline•. ~lary .if,11 m. Henry Saulebuey, res. near N, <.:ollvctQu, N. Y. Francest0, tu. Cbas. Corey. Allceto,m. -- Clement; 1 ch. Sherman•, d, frow e.x.,oaure aud heezlug, Harmon•. Alrn•. Emellne8, t\notbe~.

Eliiabeth7, 30 Dec., 1786, d. 15 July, 1855, tailoress, milliner, an energetic, self­reliant wom11n, her mother's main stay and heroic assistant in the h11,Zar,lous duty of bringing the family anu remnant of their goods over Niagara river when driven ' from Canau11.. Shem. 6 Apr., 1819, Abram Lent, b. Saratoga, N.Y., 6 June, 1792, d. Jan. 17, 1880, son of a rev. soldier, b. Holland; farmer, Lent HUI, Jerusalem, Yates Co., rem. }'1&irvicw, Va.

Elizabeth M.•, 8 Mar. i8:.IO, m. 2 July 1843, John Atwell, farmer, NaJ>les, N. Y,; she Is a pbyslclan. Sau1ue1 E.s, ~• Aug. 18:U, m. 10 NQv. 1844, Martha N. Not,le or Liberty, N. Y., ~ Jan. 18:.!6, d, 11 Hee. 1886; tal'wcr, reu1. Va. tSM, WasJilngton, I>. c., 1859, Guilford, Va., 1800, llarrtet A,9, 21 Sept, 18tli, m. 18113, C, O. Howard or Broome Co., N. Y, Alil,la10, Wll Uam10•

Frauces10• Nellyto, Margarotto, Hedwlgto, Guyto, El e1n1Qr10, 1/arvev A,9, 20 Dec. 1847, wm,am E.", 6 Se11t, .J.849, DI, 26 l\lay 1872, Mary }lcFaddell or PblladelJlbla; Cllt'Jl,, rem. W11shlngton, D. c. Kate n.10, 2 Se11t, 1878. William 5,10, 1 Jan. 1778, Frederick A,10, • Jul7 1882. 1''ra»k P.•, lli Vec.18.'H, m. Nov. 1875, AllJerta F. Jh1rr, t,, Loutlon Co., Vn. Edward10•

Albert10• Isadoreto, Edu a M.10, Edgal' n,10, Da111e110, Pt111ette A',o, 14 Aug. 1855, d. 18 Feb. 1876. Cuapur H.0, 4 Oct. 1859, d, 7 Dec. 1880, Cornelluss, 22 June 1822, m. :t;mellne D. Monier or Na(lles, N. Y., li June 1~1; rem. 1854 Fairfax Co., Va., 1866 to wa~blngton, D, c., 1878 i•l

l<'armwell, Va.; saw and gr1stmlll. Sarah E ,o, 19 July 1862, d. 7 Jan. um~, 111. 18 Sept. 187S, l!'rederiok Schuh of Washlllgtou, n. c. Rachel 1\1,•, 19 AJ>r, 1824, 111. 9 Nov. 1846, William ltyoders, b, Sheffield, 8 Jan. 1819, farlJler, BTanchport, N. Y. f,'dwfn W,11, 27 Aug, 1849, m. 6 Dec, 1867, Rose \'au Woermer or Conbocton, 1'1, Y,; farmer. .Amy R,8, 29Mar. 1826, d. Apr. 1828, Mary H.•, tli July 1827, d. Dec. 1~4. peuQnl s.•, 26 Aug. 18~8, m. Elizabeth Broughton, b. in Va.; kept hotel at Hell's cors., Pa., rem. Jlordcutown, N. ,T., thence l'hlla., Pa., now at Uuhiey's Sta., Va., lnrge fnrmer. Ecl~t•f11', m., farmer with fatlier. lcla0, m., bus., farmer with Edwiu, lllfltonv, d. In l'hlladel11hla, Am1etta8, 6 }'eb, 1630, Ill, 22 July lSIIO, lllram Ryudera, bro. Wllilam, 22 Oct. 16201 rem. Jlloods cors., N. Y., 1878, farmer. Llewellvn. J. A.', 24 Aug. 1865, kflled by ex11lodl11g cannon at Loon Lake, N. Y., 4 July 1871, Rosetta•, 24 Apr. 18:i6, m. 10 Jan. 1857, Cae11ar Hibbard of &teuhen Co., N. Y., "llo d,, rolson~d by water hem-


lock, farmer, lnmhcrmnn, 12 Apr. J8f..t, Elital,cf/111, 5 Dec. Jff.3, m. 12 J\hn. 1AA2, Frnuk I,, Osgood, printer, now ,:enl. Hry. Y. J\J. C'. A., 1e1<. J1t11011, J>ak. c·al'J11u J., 11', 21 Jan. 1885, Hiram lJ.IO, 11 A pr. 188(j,

Amy7, m. Samuel Street. Samucl3, m. Charity llakcr. Jlnrf111, 111. J.'rederlck J•. GlldcrsJC\·e. EmmaP, m. -­

Wolverton, went to l'tlo. Samttel 11 , m, - .Mattke; res. Liberty, N. Y.

Saruuc17, U Pcb., 1702, m. Martha }'rlsbcc. Samuel•. Warren~, m. Edna Clelrmcl, JfarlJll, m. Stephen SpanJcllnJ?, res, N. Cohocton,

N, Y. Abram•, m. Lorinda Tifft. aeorg&, Marc11.~11, Al,rnmu, all Fervcd In latr war, pr<'sent rea. unk, .Martha'il, m. -- Jones, res, Hlg Ra(lld11, Mich. Harl J.:.P, h, 18-U, m. 1880, whl. Kate 8ears1 hotel keeper, Harbor Springs, .Mich. James •~.1~. l'risbec8, m. Snrnh J. Nortll• rop of Bristol, N. Y.

Joseph', 28 May, 1798, m. Polly Ki11<ler; went west. Elijah7, 31 Mar., 1704, m. Triphena Brimhall; kept hotel, Cohocton, N. Y.

Samuel H,e. 12 Dec. 1823• now In Cal., sch. tea. Almira•, 7 Jan. 18211. Mose88, 4 Feb. 1827, res. Galnenme, N. Y. Aaron•. 18 Sept. 1828, was In army, d, Jolm•, 20 May 1831, m. 8 !\tar. 1881, Emf\llne N. Winters of Rosenvflle, Mich., 7 June 1847; farmer In that town; sergt. F 74th 111, Vols., sen;.;d to close of war under Sherman, ltlary A", 14 Apr. ltl82. Ral11h W •11, 10 Dec. 1883. Sauev B.•, 19 Dec, 1118', d. Inf. Deborah', 3 Feb. 1833, m. Elijah GuerMey of Jerusalem.

Mercyr, 12 May 1796, m. John Lambert, cows, Catherine, w. Ste11hen, ante, nncl d. near Rochester, N. Y.; 3 ch., live In Canada. ?tloseai, ti May 1798, m. Honor German; res. Jeru­salem. Mbry•, m, James K. Harris. UUve', d, ae. 16. Aaron', 29 Mar. 1800, nt, Almira Fowler of Bloods con,, rem. Mich.; sons and daua., m., res. near. E,nma•, m. - Osborn.

Elizabeth8, 24 Apr., 1768, d. 9 May, 1800, m. Benjamin Stone, Jr., of New Mil­ford, b. 1760, d. 11 Apr., 1828. Elizabeth7, m. Ci }'eh., 1803, Lyman Beecher of Hinesburg, Vt., 24 Nov., 1774:. Mima7, b. 1785, d. 4 July, 1842, m. Joseph Gay­lord of N. M. Annle7, 7 Aug., 1787, d. 12 Feb., 1877, m. :Elljah7 Gaylord, ante. Sally7, m. Austin Beecher, bro. Lyman of Hinesburg, Vt., 7 1\fny, 1782. H1trmon1,

14 Apr., 1798, d. 25 I~eb., 1828, m. Urania Gaylord of N. M., who d. 26 July, 1821, ae, 26; 2d w., a Titus of N. Y. 8tate.

Jitne8, m. Albert Stltson, who d.; 2d bus., Seueca Butta, res. Clinton, N, Y. Be,vamtn•, farmer with bla fa.ther.

Joeeph8, 7 Mar., 1766, d. l Jan., 1s,o, m. Rachel Stone, b. 1707, d. 12 Nov., 1887; 2d w. Barbara Farvour~ m. n. Bissell; farmer on the honteatcatl. Darbara7,

80 Oct., 1789, d. 8 July, 1850, m. 29 Jan., 1807, Samuel Urowneon of New Mil· ford, 80 Apr., 1784, d. 25 July, 1838, farmer on Second Hill.

BenJamln8, 27 Feb. 1808, d. 23 Nov. 1860, kept hotel. New Prt-ston, Conn., later farmer, ltlarbledale, N. M., m. Minerva Clark. Mary R .•, 3 Oct. 1831, ru, 20 Oct. 18-19, Sherma11 l'lntt of Washington, Conn., 12 Jan, 1822, d. 26 Apr. 1872, carp. Frank L.10, 3 Feb. 1851, mus. ten., m. 23 Oct, 1879, Rebecca M. Lockwood, m. n. Canfield, of New J\lllford, ~larJon J 10, JO Oct. 1852, au, 18 Mar, 1880, .Francis M. Coe 'of Litchfield, Conn., Jan. te.a:.e, farmer. Edwlu E.10, 28 July l&ie, d, 12 Sept. Jtl64. Elvira Al.•, 8 Aug. 18341 d, 21 J\lnr. 1848, .Alzorn E.0, 11. 1836, d, 10 Nov. 1856, m. George L, Woodruff of Sherman, Conn., hot<'l kee}>er. Joseph', 10 Aug, 1812, farmer, d,

Susnn7, 6 Apr,, 17921 d. 8 July, 1871, m. 2 Apr., 1823, ae 2cl Wq Samuel Patterson of Roxbury, 21 Sept., 1788, d. 19 Apr., 18631 blacksmith, foundry.

SylvJa J.•, 26 Jan. 1824, d. young. Marla n.•, 18 June 1828, d. 7 May 1882, m. 27 Mar. 1850, Stephen t4. Morehouse or W11ahlngton, Conn., 26 Jan. 1826, farmer, stock dealer. Amy A,9,

22 Oct. 1853, ct. 31 Aug. 1873, Samuel•, d, young. 1 Oct. 1839. Sarah A.•, 27 Oct. 1838, d •

.Minerva M. 7, 22 Dec., 1795, d. 3 Aug., 1881, m. Alex. DryRn of Washington, 9 May, 1787, d. 29 July, 1869, farmer.

Harriet', 8 Nov, 1816, m~ 17 n~ci l~o. Clark Logan of Washington, farmer. d. 4 Dec. 1837; m. 18 Dec. 1861, .Alanson A, Burgess of Lllchllelll, Conn., res. W, Morris. Richard A,8, 22


l\lar. 1819, d. 18 Dec, 1882, farmer, m. Sarah E. Seeley of i:a!'ton, Conn. Gregory s.0, 2 Dec, 18681 In Jst yr. Harvard. Fretlerfck Jl.8

1 9 Aug, 18281 d. young, chok<:tl. Sally A.e, 29 Mar. 1822, d, 19 Aug, 18:!7,

William D.71 20 Oct., 1802, m. 17 Jan., 1828, Sally Leavenworth of Hoxbury,

Conn., 9 Oct., 1809, d. 13 July, 1879; farmer on part of homestead.

Olh·er S.•, c; Nov. 18281 m. 26 Nov. 1853, l\lary A. 1''rost of Newtown, Conn,, 8 Feb, 1830, d. 9 Feb. 1800; m, 12 Oct. 18671 Jaue E, Sanford of Bridgewater, d, 1 July 1879; m. 18 Jnu. 1882, l\lnry i,;, Uennett of New Prestou, 27 l\lar. 1842. He weut In 1854 to Brighton, O., farmer, ret, 1830, sett. on Second Hill, engagell farming, cattle dealer, ,1/arl/', ISM, d. Inf. ltlu 9, 7 Fct-. 1856, d. Inf. Joseph s.0, 21 Oct. 1868, farmer. Edward U,9, 21 l\lay 1801, d. Inf, Charles If.I', 21 Mar. 1803, trader. .Monroe F.9, 17 July 1869, Laura', 2 Sept. 1883, d. Rachel', 16 Nov. 1830, 111. 26 I>ec. 1869, Stephen S, Morehouse of New llilford, 21 .Mar. 1831 1 farmer, carJ),, cattle dealer. 1''redetlck W.1, 21 1\Jar. 1833, farmer, sawyer, m. 20 Nov. 1854, Flora R. rotter of N. M., 27 Se11t. 1836, d. 23 June 1872j m. 6 Nov, 18731 l\111ry E. Ford of Cornwall, Conn., 30 Oct, 1840. Ueorye L.9, 18 Aug, 18.55, m. 13 Oct. 1879, Jose11hf11e Deuel of Dover, N. Y., 2 May 1868; farmer, Daubury, Conn. Sarah Al.9, 21 Dec. 1869, 111. JO Dec. 188f, William r. Jackson of Derby, Conn., 21 Dec. 1862, butcher. J.,'lora E.1°, 26 Sept. 1885. William ll.•, 12 Oct. 18591

farmer, sch. tea., N. M., m. 26 Alar. 1885, Emma ll. Chalmers of Galway, N. Y., 22 July 1863, Catherine J.10, :u Jau. 1886. ll,ichcl E.9, 17 Mar. 1878, John F.•, 9 Jtln. 1880, Henry H.8, 19 Jan. 18351 farru1:r, 31. D., near bis father, m, 17 Dec. 1871, l\lary E. Crossman, b. Fredericton, )to., 9 May JEIJ. Mary ,fo11a•, 6 Apr. 1878, ?tllnott L.•, 1 July 1837, farmer with his father, m, 29 May 1859, Helen lt'errfs of .Now Mlllord, 2f May Hl37, Edwin F,', 29 June 1866, Roger T.•, 21 Aug. 18!2, m.11 Jan. 1865, Caroline Ferris of New Milford, 20 Nov. 1842. Cora F.•, 18 Dec. 1869. Janette l'.", 8 Dec. 1873, Julla R,9, 3 Dec. 1882.

Is11ac6, 1708, d. 8 .May, 1855, m. Mary Pitcher, b. 1771, d. 7 Mar., 1856; sett. Washington, Conn., farmer. Sherman\ b. 1790, d. 10 Jan., 1870, m. Sophia Todd of New Milford, Conn.; merch., Warren, Conn., 18031 rep. in Leg. 1822-4, rem. Bridgeport, Conn., 1838, banker 86 years, director 21 years, presidcn\ of a bank in that city, trustee of Savings bank,

Mary E.•, b. 1818, cl. 3 Sept. 1852, m, 10 May 1837, Simeon n. Chittenden of Guilford, Conn., 29 Mar. 181f, who began business in a small way as a merchant In Now Haven, rising rapidly by his address and far seeing sagacity to a comm1mdfng 11osltfon tn mercantile circles. He 110011 removed to Now York and engaged In the Jobbing trade, or pronounced anti-slavery 11ent1111ents, be waa noted for his Independence of speech and action during the excitement over the compromise measures of 1860. Threatened with disaster In the earlier stage11 of the J)anlc of 1867, he promptly threw lf00,000 worth of goods on the market at auction, reallzetl sufficient to meet maturing notes, and was ready In the market as a cash buyer during tho crash that came that fall. His address, nerve and foresight were amply rewarded by the Influx of trade that followed. Laterly bas been engaged In banking; has served In Congress; res. Brooklyn, N, Y, Mary H.•, 18 Aug. 1840, m, WHlfam T. Lusk, .M.D., May 1838, prac. In New York city. Grahamto, 15 Feb. 1866. Mary E.10, 22 May 1867. Inf,10, 23 July 1868. Anna H.1P,

Jan. 1870, Sitneon R.•, Jr., 6 June 1845, grad, Yale 186li, m, 21 May 1808, Mary W. Hill of Brooklyn, N, Y, Cha,, s.•, JI Aug. 1860, d. young. Rachel•, b. 18Z'l, d., m. Timothy P. Char,• man of New Haven, Conn., who d. Sherman II.•, 22 Feb. 1816, grad. Yale 1866, Coll. Phys. and Surg., N. Y., 1869, m. 17 June 1809, Marfa L. Enstls or Springfield, 4 Feb 1847, and In 1869 sailed for Europe to prosecute studies In medicine, spending two years In university of Vienna, one year tn hospitals In London, returning, settled In practice In New Haven, Conn., whence be baa made later trips to Europe In the Interest of his 1>rofesslo11. Raebel H.10, b, Vienna 22 May 1871, Timothy P.•, d. John n.,, 10 Jan. 1853, grad. In sci. course, Yale, went to Euro11e with Sherman H. In 1869, spent three years In Vienna; m. 6 July 1876, Lucy F. Harrett of Concord, 26 Feb, 1849; res.i Concord, architect In Boston, Inf, 10, b. In Germ11ny, d. Grace c,10, 10 Joly 1880, Ell M,8; b. 1827, d. 1829. Sophia T.•, b. 1832, m, I. N, Bonesteel, res. llrooklyn, N. Y, Charles•, grad, :West Point, 1i1t Lieut. 21st Inf, U.S. A. Mary H.•. Cornella•, b, 183f, m. - Hubbard, ?tt.c., of Bridgeport, Conn., cl. Sophto. T,9• Comella B.•. Sherman n.,, patent attorney, Bridgeport.

Betsey M.7, 28 Dec., 1798, d. lo Jteb., 1868, m. 28 Jan. 1810, Hawley Morehouse of New Milford, Coun., I Aug., 1788, d. G Oct., 1846, farmer, Washington, Conn.

CANTOK, 108 Tm:ker.

Mary J,a, 3 Dec. 1811, au. 19 Sept. 1833, Nelson S:\nfortl of New Mllror1l, 111 May 1810, d. 2 Se1>t, 18-16, tinner, John 11.9, 23 Sept, 18-10, au. 13 A1>r. 1803, :.forgaret Newcomb; was an attomey at Amsterdam, N. Y. Nelson w.10, 3 Mnr. 186-1. Salourn', 12 Apr. 1819.

DanieP, 28 Aug., 1801, J, 7 May, 1859, m. Laura B. Baker, 23 July, 1805, J. 16 Oct., 1859.

Marla E.•, 2 Juno 1828, d, 29 June 188111 m. Charles n. Cam1l or New 1\lllforcl, farmer. Charles s.u, b. 18.51, d, 1886, ill, Minnie A. Bishop. Mlldrnl A,11, Garry SA Sherman8, 8 Deo. 1832, m. tl Nov. 1800, Elizabeth n. Ishl\tn of Roxbury, Conn., to May 18-12; Carmer, Wasll­lngton, Conn,, raises Llo0llc1\ sheep. Waller J.0, 1 Nov. 1863. JJ011iel S.9, 23 Mar. 1800, Mary w.11, 23 Juno 1880.

Rebecca'\ 1 Ang., 1770, J. 26 Aug., 18-17, m. 14 May, 1788, Nntl,nu n. Uucking­ham of Now Milford, Conn. Miner,·n7, 29 Dec., 1789, m. Noble JI. Merwin of N. M., rem. at un early day to Clevelnhil, O.; hehl tho first religious services until the nrrM1l of missionaries; exerted a Mdely beneflcinl iflfluence on the side of ri1orals nnd gootl or,ler,

George D.1, 2-1 ~fay 18)9, m. 21 July IR3i, r,01·ctta L. WvoLI. No"1a 11.•, 27 June 18.19, Marv ,v.a, 26 AUA", l&U. l\lary1, 11 May 1811, d, 26 Mar. 1828. Augustine', 21 Aug. 1810, tn. I Se1lt, 1841, Eliza Eubank. J11m,,, A.•, a Nov. 18-12. Jl\lncll9, 1 June 1818, ,Jrowned In Lake Erle, Mlnerva5, 3 Mar. 1822, d. 3 Aug. 18-13, m. 6 Or.t. lt!-11, Oeorge Atwater or Springfield, sett. Brooklyu, Conn. Mm·11 JI.•, 113 tze11t. 18-12, d. 2 Jan. 1850,

Herman', 1 Mar. 1'93, d., tn. Harriet Marsh. John ,,r.a, 3 Oct. 1823, m. 29 Oct, 1846, Elleh S, Hoadley, Who d, io Oct, 18511; Iii, June ll!G2, 2d w., Alice Hotucr; Is an attorney In New York city, :Mary E.•, o Jan. 18M, d. 19 Allr, 1862, Adele c.o. ,Ulnerv,i', Iii Aug. 1826, m. Marcus Merwin. Harriet•. Eunice•. Ida•, d. George•. ldn°. Oeo,•ge', lJ, 1830, m. 22 June ll!M, Mary Miner; res. \Va1<hlngton, Conn. Sarah II.', 6 Oct. 18.i7, tL Inf. Cornelia•, b, 1837, ru, June 18M, David Northrop, Edwln9, Adeilne0• Alice•. Anclrowa, 22 Apr. 1840, ru. 22 Atir. 1862, Sarah neers; res. Washington, Conn. George .E.11, 2 May 1864. John H.", 11 Feb. 1800, Harriet A.', II Sept. 1869.

Sherman', twin, cl. 18 July 1832. m. Harriet Green. llenrv a.•, 31 Mar. 1821, went to Mem­phis, Tenu.; m. 19 Oct. 1843, Elizabeth l\lclutosb of that city; went later to New Orleans, eng. In who. gro, trade, Evelyu•, 2 Aug, 1844. Miles s.•, 16 May 1846, .\fary H.•, 30 Oct. 1848, Henry G.•, Jr., 111 Sept. 1862. Hugh0, 16 Mar. 1863. Georue P.•, 21 Feb. \823, d. m. Ainella Bentley; no ch., was a cotton planter at Vernon, La.

Jolm6, lo Sept., 1730, d, 25 Sept., 1809, m. 1758, Dorcas Thurston of Wrentham, 26 Sept., 1735, cl. 19 June, 1826, at the residence of her son-in-law, Simeon Tucker. Mr. H. settleil near his father as a farmer. Olive6, 29 July, 17lS9t d. inf. Olive6,

24 July, 1760, d. 12 Nov., 1$48, n1. 80 Nov., 1780, Samuel Tucker of Canton, b. 1760, d. 25 Feb. 1820, farmer, Samuel7, 4 Feb., 1782, d. lO Dec., 183i, carp., m. Catherine McKendry of Cantont 27 Feb,, 1788, d. 28 Apr., 186R,

Elfae8, 29 Sept. 1806, d. 18 Aug. 1871, carp., w. 6 Oct. 1839, Mary Houghton of Milton. Cath­erine•, 22 Oct. 1807, d, 6 May 1836, m. Elisha Mann, Jr., of Randolph, farmer, boot manf. Son•, d. ae. !i yrs, Mar11 J>,11, d, .Elfah11•, boot and fhoe maker, m. Jane How/lrd of R1m­dolph, d., ru, :tel w., Clementina Alden of R. .Arthur', boolmllker. Nel,on•, same bus., m. Jenny Howard of Randolph. .!Ilnerva•, d, Catl,erfm,11, d, Gerry', 22 Feb. 1811, d. 3 Dec. 1884, carp., m. 30 Apr. 1840, Hannah DunlJar of Canton, who d. 17 Dec, 1846; m. 23 Dec. 1849, Irene Beals of Cohasset, 20 May 1826, d, 30 Nov. 1862. Samuel•, 29 Apr. 18411 m. 24 Nov. 187&, Anna G. Baldwin of Billerica, 2& Sept. 1847; high sch, tf>a, there, grad, Turt11 eon. 1868. Samuel D.10, 26 Nov. 1876, Raohel1t, 31 Oct, 1882. .Emilf/9, 22 .May 18", m. 111 Se}>t, 1886, Oharlea W, Knowlea of Canton, milkman. M11ra11, 28 Nov. 18&0, res. Canton. Melina•, 10 Oct. 1862, m. 27 July 1874, Henry .Earl, b, In Ile., res. Canton. Gertrude 1.10, 95 Mar. 187&, Henry T,10, 20 June 1879. Je11ny10, f Aug, 1881. Warren Reed•o, Nov, 1883, .ildelfneO, 7 Nov. 18.54, m. 27 Sept. 1876, Augustine 8. Chandler of Me., b. 1849, maeon, Brockton, Ir,flo, s.-h .Elbridge 0.10• Alvin J.10• Irene s.•0• Harvl')' T.10, 30 Sept. 1886, Martho.', 28 Nov. 181J6, m: 31 July 18i9, Cha11. F. Coleman of Canton, 3 Sept. 1865, elk. Revere Carpet Co. Evt.Jleen H.,, 8 Oct. 18.57, w. Ii Oct. 1880, Larra Wentworth of Cantou, 211 Apr. 184-1, farmer, sel.-man. OUveto, 30 Dec. '1881. 'Nathaniel N,10, !!ti Apr. 1883. EdwJnto, 29 Dec, 18811, Jt:lbrlclge a.,, 18 Sept. 1861, d. IDf, Aaron E.•, l0·Juue 111131 w. '6 Oct, l&ao, EU111 A, Tabor of Randolph, 12 Mar, 18i8, d, 17

109 Fe,mo.

May 1863; m. 2 Ii'ob. 1801S, I<~llen I<:onwlck of Newton, 27 June 1832; merch. 1 Canton since lflM. Luch111 E.0, 6 Aug. lSH, m, Marietta Ro11es of Danvl\1'81 b. IBM; In shoe l.mslness In that town. .A.,m K,•, 20 Apr. 18-16, tu. 0 Jan. 1870, William F. Colby of Rockllnnl, l\le., .May 1846, carp., rem. IMS to Ormond, Fla, LU1lan10, b. 18711 d, Inf. Bertha A,10, 26 Dec, 18T2. Omro 1\1,1&1 b. 1874, ti, young. .A.dellao, 10 ,ran. 18621 d. Inf, Adelaide', tw1t1 1 m, 24 Oct. 18711 8anmel H, Capen or Canton, 12 Mar, 18-18, tnercb, Florence A,10, 8 Mar. 1877, cl, Inf, Snnmel 11.10, Jr., 7 Jan, 18W. ness1e10, 24 Aug, 1810, d, Inf, Harold T.10

1 17 A11r, ISM, lsahelleg, 2tl ~for, 1860. Julla8, 2tl June 1816, d. 10 Deo. 1879, m. 2 Dec. 1849, D1ulus Littlefield of E. Stoughton, sllol' manf, Helen", res. E. S. Dorcas•, 6 1\lar, 1818, cl. 23 .l\lay 1842, llarrh!l1, 18 Mar. 18201

m, 30 Aug, 1840, Ellis Ames or W. Hrldgewator, 17 Oct, 1809, d, 30 Oct. 1844, gr1ul. Jlruwn 183-1, stlld, law 3 yr, with W. JJayllss of W. n., rem. Canton soon after marriage; 1111 nttorney of high standing. Jonathan', 27 Aug, 1846, d. Inf. Sarnh w.o, I Feb. 1848, /Wis•, Jr., Iii Dec. 1819, stud, Host, Lat. Sch., Chauncey Hall; musician. Harriet 1•.•, 23 Mny 1852, ti. young. Walter•, 16Apr. ISM, elk., Neponset Natl, Uk., Canton, m. Marcia .M. Foss. Helcn10, 29 May 1880. Jlartha 11.9, 21 l\lar. 1858, m, 20 Nov. 18831 Edward A. Hayes or Natick, shoe mauf, Cbrlstlne•0, 14 Nov, 1886. Alice w.•, 4 May 1861, Emeline•, 6 Dec, 1822, ti. Inf. Emellne8, 20 }'el • lt-,l I d, Inf. Eoulce 11.11, 30 Apr, 1828, res, Hyde Park,

John7, 19 June, 1780, d. 7 Apr., 1858, farmer, m. Mary Billings of Canton, 22 Apr., 1701, d. 0 July, 1881.

Henrietta•, l Oct. 18111 m. 31 Jab, 1838, Thomas F. Cutler or Warren, farmer. Jamu F.•, 7 May 1843, d, 21iJuly 188-1. Helen JI.•, 3 Aug, Jgj6, d, young, Harriet•, 26 Aug. 1847, d. fnf. Em,na J.o, 12 July 1840, d, fnf, Jam,u T,e, 17 July 18111 1 m. JG May 1883, Ross of Ware, Warren w.1°. Ellen F.•, 15 Nov. 1853, Ansallne•, 22 Jan, 18131 d. 211 Jan. 18iO, 111, 20 Nov, 18311, William Horton of Canton, bro, Mary, seq., (m. Nath. Tucker}, selectm:in. Maria•, 15 Sept. 1836, d. fnf, ,Varyo, 2 Feb. 1838, d. 28 Nov, 1843. Wfllium•, 12 Mar. 1844, teacher, m. 211 Aug, 1870, Clementina M. Clark of Stoughton, b, 18-14, Alic, K .•, 1 Dec. 1848, d, 26 Jan, 1859. Allstf.n T.•, 12 I<'eb.1852, m, Lucy Williams, Wllllam A,10, 4 Jan. 1880, Charles 11.10, 28 Aug. 1883, Ursamond E.•, 29 May 185.5, d. Inf. Darluss, d,, m, -- - of Lynn, went to Iowa, where bed, Ollve H.•, 2-1 Sept. 1815, d, 1-1 Aug. 1864, m. t4 Mar. 1845, Charles Hllss of Warren. Edward H,•, 20 Aug. 1850, d. 18 May 1880. Da11.9, l1 Jan, 1858, d. Inf, Maryo.s, 13 Aug.1~20, m. 13 Nov. 1846, Asher Hurbank of Warren, hi/. m.•, 10 -June 1818, d. Em,elt11e It.•. 17 June 1850. ,1Jar11 o.•, 27 Jnne 185.5, Edward, A.•, 15 June 1862, d, 3 Aug, 1871, Samuels, Sept.18'.!3, d, 28 Oct. 1882, m, 13 Dec. 1846, Barbara Adams of Canton (whoso rather ,vns a carpet manf), d.; m. 2<1 w. fn lll., where he went In 1855, later rem. Iowa With Mr. Adams. lllar1a 1/,9, 1 Feb. 1848. lnf,/em.0, 20 Sept. 1849. Reliance IV, 30 Oct. 1826, m. 4 Jan, 18112, Oeorge 1''. Joyce of Roxbury, now res. Brookline, sec. Board of Sel.-men. Ella .u.•, 29 Oct, 1852, d, 10 Oct, J868. George i,•,0, 19 Dec. 1857, gracl. Harv, 1883, m. 18 ~ug. 1884, Villa A, Saunders of New Sharon, Mo, Eclfth R.•, 18 Oct. 1882, Adalfru, T.•, 18 June 1867, John G.8, 18 Nov. 1830, house Jlalnter, d. 23 At>r, 1879, m. 6 Aug. 18117, Elizabeth S. Hunt of Milton, 7 Dec. 1836; rem. Norwood. J:clwarcl J'.0, 29 May 1869, painter. Herbert', 18 June 1861, painter, m. 3 l<'eh, 1885, Henrietta M. Baker of Norwood, John n.o, J3 July 1863, fell from staging while pal11ll11g In Norwood, ct. 3 Nov. 1884. Artlu,r A,•, 2 Jan, 1869. Edna•, 9 May 1870, emJ>, In silk mill, Canton, Harve11 w.o, IO Joly 18i8.

Dorcas7, 6 Oct., 1788, d. ·27 Aug., 1855, Ill, 15 Feb., 1810, Jesse }'cnno of Can­ton, who d. 1 June, 1857, ae. 12,

Marla8, d,, m. navld nurrfll of Randolph, boot manf, Marta•, m. Daven110rt Litchfield of Cambridge, d, carp. She at home wftb her father. Hannahs, m. d. Jcue8, m. Jlan1111h8


d. Elizabeth T.•, m, 27 Aug, 184-11 Roswell Blair of Warren, d.; m. as 4th w. Da,·hl nurrell, ante, of Randolph, Elba Btair', In Boston With her uncle, Geo. A, Fenno. Joseph&, d., m., was dealer In coal and wood fn N. H. George A.•, m, 12 July 1865, Helen M, Manly of noston, seq, q, v.; la fn the clotblng trade fn Ho11ton,

Davld7, 28 Sept., 1190, d., m. Qordelia Studley of Wurrcn, d.; was cot. manf.; kept hotel, latterly manf. blacklflk.

Geo, O.•, cl., grad, Harvard, atndle• rne4lofne In Euro11e, 1irac. until near his death In , henry CJ.a, druggist fn C&tnbJldge, d. In army. Edward P.s, m, --Winnett of

Cambridge, fn dry goods trade N. Y. city,

Olive' 22 Apr., 1798, d. Sept., 1825, in Ware, 01. 0 Nol'., 1810, Daniel Alden of N. Ilrldgewater, June, 1701, carp., Uamlolph,

110 French.

Olivos, 6 Nov. 1820, m. 31 Dec. 1842, Edwards. Packard of Hebron, Me., Mar. 1812, d. 11 Sept, 1858, ~h,,o Ir-'\nf., rem. Urbana, Ill., eug. fruit growing; she m. 8 July 1863, 2d hue,, Abel W, Kh•~r. u. ~i D., of nrockton, 2".l Apr. 1806, d. 4 May 1883, J>rac. in Dartmouth, later Hrockton. El'.I' u·<l ,u, 14 AJ>r. 1845, d. 23 Sept. 18li7, Lee, Ill., eul. in II tst Mass. Art. Yols., t Jan. 1805, dls·ita. .' J11ne 1861,, twice wounded. Walter o.u, 4 !\lay 1848, d. 20 Dec. 1886, m, 2.6 Sov. 1868, Ann.,,•, ti., 111, ll Dec. 1844, SamueJr Fre11cl1 of Brockton, 20 Jan. 1816, son of Sllveus and SilenceG Reith, ante, trader, Cam11cl10. Charles JJ.u, 17 1''eb. 18-16, d. 11 Oct. 1857. L11cfa JY.u, 111. Lucius 1''rench, rem. to Cal.; had four sous, three d, Georgeto, lh'lng. Lucia•, m. as 2d w. Samuel French of Campcllo.

Jedc11i11h7, 13 Sept., 1795, d. 28 Oct., 1878, m. May, 1828, Adeline Watson of Braintree, JO ,June, 1808, d. 4 Dec., 1884; sett. ns n farm"r in Canton, rem. 1857 to B. Stoughton, boot manf., a gootl mechanic.

Horace N,•, 2 J>ec., 1830, m. 20 June 1860, Clementina llallou of Stoughton, 24 Oct. 18W; merch., mauf., Stoughton, now lus, ogt., J. P. Clementina Jl.u, 24 Feb. 1803, milliner, llarrfet CJ.9, 20 Apr, 1809. Loring w.•, 22 Nov. 1832, m, 1862, Emma Ca11en of Stoughton, b. 1845; farmer, No. Stoughton. l\Iartba A.•, 14 AJ,r, 1836, m. abt, 1870, Job Wllllamson of Marshfield, b, abt. 1834, shoecutter, .Atlelaicld w.•, b, 1872,

Joseph7, b. 1797, d. abt. 1862 in N.H., unm., dealer in wood and coal. Eliznbeth7,

b. Ji99 (?), d., m. (pub. 21 Sept. 1833), Horatio Nichols of Canton; rem. Warren, mcrch., }iotel, lh-ery.

1\lary8, tl., m., Jived Warren. Ellen•, th. In Norton, Henrietta•, u1 m., emp. In store In Boston. }'rank8, m., lh·es Warren, was P, M.

1mzabeth8, 8 June, 1768, d, 19 Nov., 1835, m. 18 Oct., 1787, as 2d w., Capt. George Jordan of Canton, who d. 25 Nov., 1827, Caleb7, 22 May, 17113.

na,·id8, 18 Aug., 1765, d. 2 Oct., 1847, m. 16 Oct., 1791, Catherine Bemis of Canton, 27 Apr., 1776, d. 9 June, 1845; lived on homestead, Doreas7, d, inf. }'rancis7, d. young. Joseph7, 20 Nov., 1796, d. 7 Apr., 1867, m. Betsey Ulley of Dover, U, II., b. 1704, d. 7 Dec., 1862. Inf.7, d. DavhP, 14 Dec., 1802, d. 6 Sept., l~GO, m. 22 July, 1828, Joanna Drew of Dover, N. II., b. 1804, who lives with ch. in Washington, D. C. He was a superior mechanic, sett. Dover, N. H., rem. Mansfield 1836, manf. threa1l and cotton yarns.

Catherine E.•, l Aug, 1832, m. 9 Ma)' 18~, Howard Perkins of Mansfield, P, M. some years. vaetta E.o, H June 1864, m. 7 Dec. um, Dollver 8, Spaulding of Mansfield, manf. Jeweller. Edith H,101 23 Sept. 1884. David H.", 21 Aug. 1869, jeweller, optician, m. 19 Apr. 1882, Luella Wallace. Howard H,10, 18 Mar. 1886. ..Ufnna 11.9, 7 Aug, 1803, d. 18 June 1809. l\Iary L.•, 8 Juno 18:>71 was sell, tea. In N, Easton, m. 30 June 1867, Henry n. Henuettof Fall Rlver,emp. fn Trena. De)lt., Washington, D. C,, In charge of a bureau. Next dau.•, does not wish to be named, clerk In Treas. Dept., Washington, D. C, John n.•, 22 Feb. 1844, 11hyslclao, rem, Wa11blngto11, I>. c., IIOW at Wc•odsburgh, N. Y., DI, 15 Feb. 1868, Caroline Getchell of R. I. J.'reilericl:J, 18 Jan, 1809, Emmu. L.', 21 Dec, 1872, Helen A.•, 26 Feb. 1847, went 1866 to Washl11gton, D. c., was draughtt-womnn In P.O. Dept.; lost place by discontinuance of the 11osltlo11, after" blc•h 11be liernme a f.UJ1e1lor artist In crayons, winning 11rlzes o,·er many competlto1'ff In Corcoran Art Gallery,

Chloe B.7, 18 Oct., 1805, m. 26 Oct., 1826, Charles C. Crehore of Milton, 8 Oct., 1793, d. 12 Feb., 18i0, manf. furniture; rem. Boston 1H55, lived 91 Charles St.

Marla•, 29 1\lay 1829, d. 12 Nov. 1877, m. 1861, Gustavus Hay, M.D., b. 1829, oculist. Gusta­vus', 1 May 1800.

Francis', 30 July 1809, was a great student in youth, lived with David' until bis death, after which the care of bis property was aHumed by the selectmen of Canton.

Mille8, 8 May, 1770, d. 25 Sept., 18U, m. 28 Oct., 1788, Simeon Tucker, brother of Samuel, ante, 14: July, 1766, <I. 20 July, 1848, farmer in Canton. Abigail7, 27 Feb., 1789, d. inf. Abigail S.7, 22 July, 1791, d. 9 May, 1830, m. 21 Feb,, 1811, 1'homas French of Canton, 29 Oct., 1778, d, 11 Mar,, 1862, lh•cd in Punkapog, guusmith; held several town officer.


Rufus•, h. 1811, d. 28 Aug. 1872, m. Cnll1erine Hewitt of Canton; ,ett. Jlorchestcr, wht"el­wrlght. Millyn, m. Sanford Clark of Dorche~ter, 11la110 maker. C'atllerlne10• Elba beth H.10•

Howard1°. Nathan10, Ethel A,10. Aze/a, m. 8n1ah I .. J'(l)fl'f of Jir11l11tree, lh·es there, sales­man, clolhlnJ?, 11oston. .l\lary10, 2 lwy11 d. Jolm JJ.0, <;utter In <'lothh•f! m1111f., Jlostou, m. Emma Nowell, Isaac F,10, Charles10, 111/./em.P, ti. Jlary E.v, m. Dr. Frank llartlett of Hoston. Frank10, 1\111ry10, Ansel•, b. 1813, d. J1 No,·, 1840. Milly 11.8, 3 AJ1r. 1815, m.30 Apr. 1836, Wlllhnn 1'\ Tem)lle of J 1orcbe11ter, 8 A)lr. 181(1, d. 23 A11r, Jt'84, Fett. Canton, In woolen manf., rem, 1841 to Tioston, ageut In cottou mill, Uorc-hestrr, Inter Ins. agent. 'l !,0111m1 F.~, 23 Feb. 1837, d. Inf, Thoma, Jt.o, 25 ll ay 1838, m. J&'il, Pnrnh E. S11ur of Dorchester, Jnn, 1838; res. Neponset, formerly trial Justice, town clHk of norchN1ter1 now l'eJ?, deed11, Suffolk Co., Capt. of A & JI Art. Edith J,10, 14 Se}lt, 1864. .Milly Jl,101 o Del', HCO. l\laty J.1°, Apr. 1873. Emma F,10, Feb. l8i5. Thomas F,1o, 5 Sept. 1870. A11sel', 0 Sept. 18301 d, Inf • .Al1l1y F.', 5 Mar, 1841. m. 4 Oct. 1865, Charles II, Collman of Boston, 29 Nov, 1828, d, 18 Sept. J~'l• mercb., res, Dorchester. Frank L,10, 9 Se11t. 1867, stud. Harvard. Char-Jes H.10, ,July 1870, d. lnr. Esther R.10, 10 Aug. 1871, d. Inf, A11sel9 1 14 July J842, soldier In 42d Mus. Vols., m. 21 Dec. 1869, :Mary Langworthy of .l\lllwa ukee, Wis.; res, Muskegon, Mlcb. Belle10, .l\lar. 1873, Ella 1°, Sept. 1875, William F,1°, 19 Dec. 1878. b'amuelD, 12 :Mar. uwo, d. young. Samuel', O Jan. 1848, d, young. Ida o,r;, 10 Feb, 1849, WWlam F,e, 16 Oct. 1851 1 d, youllg, H'W1otn 1•,9, 10 Dec. 1863, grad. Dartmouth 1879, Harmrcl Meet. Sch. 18f0, City Hosp., Boston, 1882, In 11ract1ce at res. 816 Shawmut Ave., Hoston; 01, 20 Sept. 1~, Mary A, Ferrin of Groton, 6 Aug, J860, Henru J>.•, 12 Apr. 1868, d, young, llenr,P, 13 Dec. 1802, junior year Harvard. Azel', b, 1817, drowned JI Feb, 1840. .Ellen•, JO Dec. 1820, scJ1. tea., we,mouth. Thomas•, b. 1823, d, 14 Jan. 1856, m. Esther Norris; In gro. trade, Canton, Esthero, d, Inf, Abigail•, 29 Nov. 1825, d. June 1883, m. 12 Oct. 1853, Henry Pope of Dorchester, b. 1821, car1l,, 40er to Cal, Amia9,

Sept, 1854, m. Sept. 1877, Herbert S. Carruth of Dorchester, l>ec. ISM, hookseller. Natbn1110, b. 1880, Harcy10, 23 Mar. 1884. Ethelwln10, AJ,r, 11187, Mary•, 12 Nov. JS'J7, m. 10 Dec. 1849, Charles F. Swau of Dorchester, b. 1~24, CR!Jhler, New England Dk., Jloston. F,·ank W, 11, 24 Aug. 1852, m. July le84, Ella F, Mack of Charlestown; res. Jloston 111$:hlancls, bookkeeper, 1st Natl. Bk., Boston. Ellen 1t•,o, 21 A11r. 1855. Charles J.o, photographer, m. Letitia Smith of Exeter, N. H. .EtbeJto, b, 1883. RalJ1h J.10, b. late 1885, .Almira F,11, Feb, 1800, stud. Smith's Coll. Almira•, b, 1830, d. 6 Jan. 1862.

Milly7, 24 Feb., 179{, d. 8 July, 1857, m. 23 }'eb., 1815, Isaac Fenno, bro. Jesso, ante, 20 Nov., 1779, d. 6 Sept., 1826, farmer, nurseryman, Canton.

Elijah', 22 Feb. 1816, drowned 1 Feb. 1838. Abigail', 31 Dec. 1817, d, 28 Nov. 1802, m. 14 A11r, 1838, Jobn R. Manley of Sharon, 22 Aug. 1809, d, 18 Apr. 1876, mercb., Dock Sq,, Boston, dry goods, clothing; prominent anti-slavery man; for whlcb a mob tarred his 11lgn. Sidnel/9, /t9 Oct. 1839, d, 2, 8e11t. 1863, llclcn JJ.o, 12 Apr, 1843, d, 11 July 1873, m. 12 July 1865, George A. Fenno. Adeline', 12 l\lay 1820, m. 8 Jan. 1839, Vernon A. Messenger of Pawtucket, R, I., 17 Aug, 1813, a leading silk manufacturer In Canton, built Eureka Mill, 1844; rem. 1856 to Hoston, engaged In cotton manf. ,Elmar A,', 15 Nov. 1839, m, 26 Jan. 1871, Sarah E,, dau. ex-Mayor JoseJlh Weightman of Boston, 7 AJlr. 1845; elk. for father until 1809, since In clothing trade. Emma .A.•, 7 Dec. 1840. Inf. fem.•, 22 May 1822. d. Isaacs, 12 June 1823, m. Dec. 1863, Almira T. ntake of Corinth, Vt., 10 Sept. 1835; one of the earlier and most successful jobbers In clothing In Boston, res. Highlands,

Nathanle17, 5 Sept., 1796, d. 18 Sept., 1866, farmer on homestead, m. 15 Mny, 1838, Mary Horton, sister William, ante, res. Punkapogvill.

Inf.•, 27 Feb. 1839, d. Harriet M.•, t4 Aug. 1840, d. JO Apr. 1864, Inr.•, d. 27 July 1843, ae. over a year. Mary H.•, 26 Aug. 1843. .Ella A.•, 12 Nov. 1848, d, 3 June 1805, Blanche E.8, o l\lar.1856.

Simeon,, 20 Apr., 1799, d. 9 Feb., 1878, grad. Brown, stud. mecl. with Dr. Altlen of nandolph, prac, Canton 9 yean, rem. Stoughton; m. 14 Apr., 1835, Sarah Manley, sis. Jno. R., ante, 21 Aug., 1816, d. 6 Dec., 1868; m. Dec., JEW!J, 2cl w,, Angelino Clark of Stoughton, 2 Jttly, 1827, d. 23 l\far., 1877.

Manley•, 11 Oct. 1837, d. young. .Mary M.•, 8 June 1842, <l. 15 Aug. 1860.

Eunice6, 28 June, 1772, m. 27 June, 1793, Jesse Everett of Wrentham. James H,,, captain of militia, bee. lusaue; tu, 11 June 1830, .Ano W. Billings, who d, 12

Mar, 1838, ae. 28. James o.•, cl. 12 June 11138, ae. 13 mos.

112 JJ'illlmns.

Ablgail6, 12 July, 1783, d. 29 July, 1827,,m. J3 FC'b,, 1755, Jereri1tnh Ingraham, Jr., of Attleboro, 31 May, 1733, cl. 22 Feb., 1813, fnrmer, rem. 1780 to Fort settle­ment, now Augusta, Me. Ileriah6, 8 l\fnr., 17ii6, d. G l\fnr., 1814, went 1778 to Augusta, l\fc.; m. 31 Aug., 1780, Snrnh J•'isher of Stoughton, b. 17fj!), cl. 18 Aug., 18-. lie was a leading citizen, much emp. in town bus., sel.-man 1796 to 1810. Elijah7, 18 Mar., 1782, d. young. Abigall7, 9 Mar., 1784, d. young. Susnnna7, 29 May, 1786, m. Jona. Matthews. Sidney L.7, 5 Sept., 1788, m. Ruth Fithcrof Aqguetn. Tilly7, 30 July, 1791, m. Gideon Springer. AhlgaiP, 9 Mar., 1798. Zilpha6 , 1fl Apr., 1701, cl. 20 Sept., 1845, m. I ,fan., 1781, Seth Williams of Easton, 13 Dec., 1756, cl. 18 Mor., 1817, rem. 1779 to Augusta, l\lc., farmer; 4th gen. from Hichnr1l of Taunton (1657). HartwelP, 15 Nov., 1781. ReueP, 2 Juno, 1783, d. 25 July, 1862, educ. at Hallowell Acad., read law with Hon, Jas. Bridge of Augusta, 1Ulm. bar 1804; recd. honorary A. M. Harvard 1815; LL.D. from Bowdoin 1855; U. S. senator 1836-42; m. 19 No,·., 1807, Sarah I,, Cony of Augusta, 18 July, •1784, d. 17 Oct., 1867.

Sarah R.•, 20 Aug, 1808, m, 26 Sept. 1828, Jas. Bridge of Augusta. St1aan w.0, 8 Nov. 1830, m. Edward H. Davies of Portland, Me. Mary 0.101 13 Aug. 18M. Mabel s,1°, 3 May 18li9. Margaret N.0, 1 Feb, 1832, m. J, Rufus Child of Augusta, Helen 0.1°, 16 l\far. 1868. Anne 0.10,

6 July 1869. Mary 0,10, 30 June 1869. Sarah a.,, 6 May 183f. Jamu', 6 A1ir. 18.17, m, Miriam A. Bridge, m. n. Mitchell; res Atlanta, Ga. James w.10, 24 Mar, 1873. Mary B.10, 30 Aug. 1870. Edmund'', 16 Apr. 1870, Paulina w.10, 3 July 18811, Paulfnfl J,e, 2-1 Sept. 1839. ReufJl W,0, 18 Sept. J8U, m. 6 July 1870 (?), Susan Allison of Chicago, Ill, lloratio•, 8 Feb. J8H, Joseph II.•, 30 Dec, 1847, Pauline c.•, 19 Dec. 1809, m. 13 Sept, 1832, Charles Jones of Portland, Me. Ausan c.•, 28 Oct. 18IJ, d, 26 Jan. 1829. Joseph H,•, 16 Feb. 1814, attorney In Augusta, m. ~ Feb. 1842, A.pphla Judd of Northampton. Arthur L,o, 3 Aug. 1844, d, young. Martha M.•, 23 Dec. 1815, d, young. Helen A.,1, SO Nov. 1817, m. 2-1 Aug. 1837, John T. Gilman, M,D., of Portland, Ma, Heun T,o, 2i June 1839, m. John T. G, Nichols, M.D. of Cambridge. Henry A,1°, 27 May 1869. Helen 0,10, 31 Mar. 1872, John T. 0,10, 12 Oct. 1877. Edward 0.10, 12 May 1881, d, young. Jane E.•, 1 Dec. 1819, m. 81 Aug. 18-11, Rev. Sylvester Judd of Northampton, who d, 26 Jan. 1853, Jam B.•, 26 Sept. 1844, d. ti Dec. 1868, m. 2li Sept, 1867, Henry T. Hall of Hoston, John R,to, Francu n.o, 28 June 18471 m. 17 Nov. 1869, Rev. Seth c. Beach of Marlon, N. Y. Sylvester J.10, 7 Apr. 1879. Reuel w,10, Oct. 1884. Apphw. w.•, 16 Mar. 1853, m. 2 June 1876, Harrison T. WhlJ>ple of Portland, Me. Bessie J.10, 16 May 1879, Jeannette10, 25 Dec. 1884, Zllpha I.•, 18 Aug, 1822, d, 2li July 1851 1 m, 18 Oct'1848, Hon. John L. Cutler of Farming­ton, Me, ..fnna w.0, 22 Aug. 1849, d, at Passy, Fr., 7 Oct. 1872, Z1lpha J.9 1 19 July 1861, m, SO Dec.1874, WIiiiam A, Smith of New York city. WIiiiam A.1~, 6 Oct. 18715, Henry K,10, 21 l<'cb, 1877, Reuel w.10, 11 Jan. 1880, d, Anna c,10, 13 Nov. 1884, Ann 1\1.•, 19 Mar. 18:l6,

Moses7, 25 Jul_y, 1785. Seth7, 6 Nov., 1787, Sarah7, 19 May, 1789. Elizabetb7,

2 Feb., 1792. Abigall7, 8 'Feb., 1794. Daniel', 12 Nov., 1795, lawyer, m. Mnry Sawtelle of Norridgewock, Me.

Seth', 22 Mar. 1822, d, 23 Mar. 1866, grad. West Point 1842, 1st Llent. In l\fex. war, bvt -capt, 1!149, adjt, at Weat Point 1860-3, A11t,•Adjt.-Oenl, In Waahl11gto11 to 1sr.1, Adjt.-Genl. nnrlcr l\fcCJellan, Burnside, Hooker, Meade; Insp.-Geol, under Grant until close of war.

Edward7, 17 No,·., 1797. Eiiza7, 80 Oct., 1799 Helen M.7, 3 Jan., 1802.

Ezra•, 8 Dec., 1763. Tilley', 19 Mar., 1166, m. -- Perkins. Matilda8, 21 Mar., 1708, d. 12 Mar., 1805, m. Wlll:am Hewins of Sharon, who rem. Hollowell, Me., (taxed 1788), later to Fort settlement, d. 4 Jan., 1801. Amasa7, 19 Oct., 1789, m. 20 June, 1818, Philena Church.

Franklin A.•, 26 Apr. 18U, m. Hlu-rlet A. Ellis, b, 1823, d. 3 Nov. 1845; m. 2d w. Eliza Riggs; was councilman 1856-7, tl. 1859. A11,:usta•. William•. Ruth\ m, 26 Fel,. 183i, Jarvis W. Lawson. l\fatlltla8, •~•.nellne8, m. Daniel Church of Farmington, Me,

James7, 29 Sept., 1791, d. lnf. Rebecca7, 29 July, 1795, m. 7 Jan., 1818, Samuel Church, Jr., 26 Aug., 1792. Olive', ao Dec., 179.i, .d. 18'7, DanleP, lll Aug., 1800.


Moses8, 19 Feb., 1710. Cynthia6, o June, 1778, m. David Wall. Melissa", 7 June, 1776, m. Sutliff Lawson.

Moses6, 2, July, 1785, taught school in Stoughton 1766-7, grad, Yale 1762, sch. tea. in N cw York city, poss. fine musical talent; d, 25 Aug., 1760, at res. of brother­in-Jaw, Roger Sherman. Huth\ 81 Aug., 1738, d. 6 Dec., 1776, of small pox, m. 26 Nov., 17li6, Benjamin Bussey of Canton, b. 173(, d. 16 Aug,, 1808. Benjamin•, 1 Mar., 1767, d. 13 Jan., 1842, m. Judith--, Aug., 1762, d. 1 May, 18(9, sett. near Jamaica Plain, Hoxbury; endowed professorship in Harvard Coll. Olivc8,

6 Mnr., 1764, m. 17 Dec., 1786, Robert Billings of Canton, res. N. C. tn 1796. RutJ18, 0 1''cb., 170H, m. 17 Dec., 1786, Samuel Lowder, Jh·cd Dedham. Ja.zaniah8 ,

3 July, 1768, partner with bro. Benjamin, wont 1705 to I~nglan1l, d, on paseagc.

Mary4, Ja Jnn., 1700-1, m. -- Cutler of Lexington. Isaac4, 22 Nov,, 1703, d, 6 Dec., 1786, m. A blgall Uacon, who d. 30 May, I 71JJ; m. :M w., Mary, wid, of his uncle John3 H. of Bcdfor,I, earlier wld. of Jona.• Hill of Billerica, m. n. Brackett, whorl. 1757; m. li67, 3d w., Phebe Brewer, m. n. Locke, who d. 1790, in Aahby; rem. Oxford 1734, and bought the farm now owned by George W.' Hartwell. He was a man of stern, unbending character, deeply oft'endecl by the dl1po1itloQ made of his father's property, and never to his dying day forgave his younger brother, J<~phraim, on whom the property was settled by the court In due form. When the news of the fight at Concord, In 1775, reached him, be took down his old musket and cleaned it for service, and was with great d_lfflculty persuaded to abandon hla intention of setting out for Cambridge to take an active part ln the hoatlllties that followed, lsaac5, d. unm.

Ephraim', 14 Jan,, 1106-1, d, 7 May, 1793, m. 1732, Elizabeth Heywood of Con­cord, 8 June, 17H, d. 80 Jan., 1808, The young~st son, he remained OQ the home­stead, caring for his father, was residuary legatee of the wills of his father and his aunt Ruth, and therefore was looked upon with a jealous eye by members of the other branches of the family. In hla will, made in 1786, be bequeaths a slave, Violet, to hill widow, 'l'hls bequest, however, in nowise contravened tne spirit of the law or of the courts, as it was, in point of fact, a fitting provision for an old and faithful family servant. He received in 1785 the share in the Narragansett lands alloted as compensation for his grandfather's services in Kin, Philip's war, He Jh·ed on the homestead of his father, which fell just over the line In Lincoln when that town waa set off from Concord, and kept a tavern on the detour formerly made by the Bay road to the left of its present course, a little to the eastward of the 11 Brooks tavern," now occupied by his great grandson, Samuel' Hartwell. J~phraim5, 29 Oct., 1783, d. 9 Oct., 174-0. Samuel6, 27 Apr., 1735, cl. 11 Oct., 1740. John', 1 Sept., 1786, d, 7 Oct., lHO. EJlz11beth•, 8 Dec., 1787, d. 27 Oct., 1740, Isaac6, 5 Sept., 1789, cl. lS Oct., 1740. "These children," says the Concord record, "all died with the throat distemper." Elizabeth•, 20 Apr,, 1741, d •. 2 June, 1828, m. 3 Sept., 1764, Jonas Stratton of Concord, 1782, killed in Alexandria, N, H,, 17U, by the falling of a tree: Shem., 2, May, 1778, 2d hue., Col. Enoch Put­nam of Danvers. With Mr. Stratton she rem. aoon after marriage to New Ipswich, N. H, Lydia8, 21 June, 1760, di 1329, m, Caleb Campbell of N. I., who d, i m, 2d hu1. Capt. Abner Chickering, b, ~olden 1767, d. 18'1, blacksmith at Mason vlllage, N. H., rem. 1800 N. I ; father, ~ya previou1 marriaJe, of Jonu Chickering, the famous 11iano maker. Jonas•, 20 Aug., 1771, d, 20 Dec., 1812, m. 5 Dec., 1~02, J>olly Smith of Lincoln, 15 Aug.,' 1779; sett. In Lincoln,

Lucinda', 28 Jau. 1803. Mal")'', 2? Feb. tSO:S, Elisa', tt Har.•• Ob-rl ,a•, 30 No,. 1810,


Samuel6, 25 June, 1742, d, 12 Aug., 1829, m. Mary Flint of Lincoln, 2 Apr., 1748, d. 1846. He was a clockmaker, built n house on part of the homestead; was Q. :M. in Rev. War; was at battle of White Plains. S. :Estahrook8, b. 1767, d. 3 Apr., 1844, went when a young mnn to Winchester, N. II., remo,·ing some years later to Alstead, N.II., m. abt. 1803, Abigail Wilson, b. 1785, cl. 12 Sept. 1850; engaged in merchandise, later forming and dealing in cattle. He removed to Langdon, N. H., where he died, highly esteemed by nil who knew him.

Elijah ff.,, b. 180l1 d. 26 Feb. 18691 m. Hannah Shrigley, who res. Phlla., Pa. Derrick B.7, b. 1806, d, 6 Jan. 1846; was hauling load of wood to BelJows FalJs, found lying In road under his load, crushed and nearly frozen, d. soon after Jlherate1I. Ho m., 29 Nov. 1831, Mary Ann Rice of Langdon, June 1809, d. 18 Oct. 1800. llarriet ltt.•, 23 June 1832, d. 17 Aug. 1838. Albert H.•, 12 June 1833, d. 9 Apr. 1887, m, 4 Oct, 18M, 1\lary A, 1\larcbant of Providence, n.r.; clerk with HartwelJ & Rfobards. John J<'.•, 12 June 11136, killed by Indians at Cimarron cro11lng of Arkansas River In Kaneas, 18 July 1867. Edu·ard n.•, 14 Aug. 1838, d. Inf. Mur118,

4 Nov. 1840, d, Inf. Mariana•, 16 Nov. 1841, d. young. W1llium H.•, 28 Aug. 1844, enl, Aug. 18621 I 9th N, H., in battles of So. Mountain, Antietam (wounded), Fredericksburg, Vl<'ke­burg, WlhlerneBB, 8J>Otteylvanla, Cold Harbor, taken prle. 30 Sept.186f, five mos. In Libby and Sallebury; dlsch, 13 June 1865. w~s only one of four, escaped at Cimarron crossing when brother killed. He m. 20 July 1871, LIia Pence, b, Henderson Co., Ill., 2 Oct. 1862, d. 11 Sept. 1881; rem. Ill. 1872, Iowa 1878, now tax coll., vlll, elk .. Klrkwooa, Ill, Albert H.', 22 Ma7 187i, Robert W.11, 17 Oct, 1876. Derrick B,•, 11 Oct. 184li, m, July 1870, Onora M, Harvey of Ro11vUle, Ind, 30 Apr. 18M; rem. Chicago 1866, Kirkwood, Ill., 1874, clerk In bank, deacon of Bapt. Ch., eupt. of d, lt conn. therewith, has local reputation as an inventor. Marian L.11, 29 Apr. 1871. :rredPrlck H.•, 12 Feb. 1871. Frank D.•, 111 Feb. 1876, Albert w.•, 23 Oct. 1877. Charlee M.•, t1 J'eb, 1880. Helen•, 19 Nov, 1882, Caroline o.•, 6 Oct. 1886. Samuel E.,. b 1808, d. 111 Aug, 1860, farmer, Swanr.ey, Walpole, Lan1don, N. H., m, Lucy M, KJng of Hart­ford, Vt., 1 Apr. 1816, d, 31 Mar, 1869. Ellen ~I.•, 6 July 1836, m, Jan. 1869, Chas. M. J.ovell of Alstead, N. H., ree. Chatfteld, :Mbrn, Anna', b. 1871, Frank•, 6 July 1882, Charlea E.•, 3 Feb. 1839, farmer, mechanic, m. 8 Nov. 1860, Lucy A, Rice of Drews\'llle, N. H., 26 Apr, 1842;

. sett. Langdon, N, H,, rem, Coventry, R. I., now at Providence, R. I., ent. 22 Aug, 18621 B 14 N. H., ditch, 8 July 1866, eerved In defences of Washington, De11t, of Gulf, Arm7 of Potomac, battles of Deep Bottom, Opequan, Fisher's HUI, Cedar Creek, Harry•, 6 June 1869, Sarah F,•, 2 Feb, 1842, d. 21 Jan, 1886, sch, tea. eucc. In St, Luke's Hoepltal, N. Y., Providence, Brooklyn, N. Y., near Pblla., Pa. Ha"1et L.•, Dec. 1848, m, H Dec, 1872, Joseph B, Blanop of Rehoboth, b, 1848, editor, Evening Poet, N. Y, city, Alice•, 19 Jan. 1876, tf,,rt­well•, June 1880, Farnum•, 17 Jan, 1886, Frederick W.•, 8 Jan. 1860, m. 16 Oct, 1873, Mary L. Hartehom of Prov., R. I,, H Aug. 1861; eecy, Prov. Steam and Gas Pipe Co. Joeeph c.11, 20 Aug. 1874, Jobn s.•, 22 Dec. 1876, Lucy K.•, 16 Feb. 1878, Mary H.•, 21 Nov. 1882. Helen T.•, 28 Oct. 1886. Clarinda A,', b, 1811, d, Jan. 1862, m. Francie G, Drew of Walpole, N. H,, d.

John B,,, b, 1812,m. Hanlet Hall, went to Providence, R.I., began bualneee In asruall way In the Arcade, later in partnerehlp with -- Richards, a leading ftrm of manufactu,ere and jobbers in woolen,, having e:xtenelve manufactun11 in that line at Co,·entry, R.l.; succeeded at hla death in the flrm by his eon. Mc,rt.fmer H.•, a graduate of Brown, 1870, and worthily

·tllllng bla father'& place In tbe widely known houee of Hartwell & Richards. He 111uarrled, had four children; a bright daughterd. in Mar., 18871 of scarlet fever.

llary A,1, 21 Oct. 1818, d. 26 Oct, 1880, m. 21 Oct. 1846,Jamee A, Wlllard of Rockingham, Vt., 21 Mar. 1813, d. 20 Jan. 1876, merch., Saxton's River, v,., 181U, Prov., R. I,, to 1868, ret, Aax­ton'e River, rem. 1877 to Boe ton. Jatnu H.•, 22 Mar. 1848, ru. Isadore King; le clerk at Hyde l'ark. Richard D.•. Hartwell•. Marv ..1.,, 8 Dec: 1849, 6 Sept, 1871, Thomae J. Howard of Grafton, Vt., H Sept. 1843, rem. to Boston 1877, res, Newton Centre. Charlee w.,, 7 June 1872, Eroatua•, 20 Jan, 1851, m. 23 Oct, 18i9, Mary E. R. Lovell of Boston, 26 Aul(. 18ll0; comm, meroh., res, Hlgblande, Jamee L.•, 10 Sept. 1880, Mary A.•, H Mar. 1883. Anne', t7 Feb, 1886, Frank w.•, 8 July 1863, ealeeman, Boston, res. Newton Centre. Caro­Hne E.•, 16 blay 1868, m, 17 June 1880, Frank 0, Goold of Windham, Me., 10 May 1840, Jeweller, re,. Newton Centre. Frank w.•, 26 July 1881, Philip A.•, 26 Mar. 1884. Sarah E.', JO June 1821, m. 9 Dec. 1846, Charles Bridgman, b. Belchertowu, U Nov. 1816, who. gro, trade, Koe'ne, N. H. S11rah A,•, 6 Dec. 1847, d, young, Cl,arle, H.•, 30 July 1860, m. 7 Jan. 18W, Carlie M. Clarke of Puti,ey, Vt.; partner with bis father. Cbarlee o.•, 10 Feb. 1876. Minna c.•, 30 Oct, 1877. Oeo1'(1e H.•, 16 Jan, 1868, m. 12 July 18H, Allee H. Johnson of Bradford; phya. and l!Urg.,grad, Dartm. :1878, Harv. Med. Sch., noeton City Hoepltal, prac. In Keene, N. n.


Alice G.•, 27 May 1886. Caroline A.,, 11 Jan. 1824, d. 2 Nov. 1867, m. 23 Dec. 18LH, Jacob Symonds of Danvers, 23 Deo, 1816, cl. 3 Feb, 1886, who, dry goods, Prov., R. I. Clara D.•, 10 Sept. 1852, m. 19 Oct. 1871, George E. narstow of Provlden• e, n. J., iron and cot, mant. Caroline H.•, 30 Dec. 1872, George E.•, 21 l\lar. 1875. Herl•eJt S.•, 8 Oct, 1876, Ilelen L.u, 26 Mar. 1878, Harold o.•, 1 June 1879, l\larguerfte•, 12 Nov. 1883. 1·ar1s•, 11 Feb. 1886, Helen L.•, 9 June 1857. Mary E .•, 2 Sept, 186.1,

Polly", H Nov. 1170, d. 80 Nov. 1840, m. 11 Sept. Ji96, Andrew Adams of Lin­coln, who d. June 1840, farmer. SallJ.s, 26 Jan., 1778, d. 26 Oct., J8H, m. 20 Jnn., 1818, as 2d w., Isaac Monroe of Lincoln, 10 Mar., 1768, d. Lucy", Hi Nov., 1774, d. Sept., 1854, "Aunt Lucy" to two generationR of nephews and nelces, her mind richly stored with family and antiquarian love, which it was her pleasure to recount to younger ears. .mizabeth8, 15 l\far., 1777, d. 18 Dec., 1866, m. 2 Feb., 1806, Thomas W. Rich, b, Warren, 1774, d. 10 Aug., 1826, grad. Dartmouth 1799, stud. Jaw with Judge Marlll1 of Vergennes, Vt., prac. at Monckton, Vt.; was before m. principal of New Ipswkh Acad. He rem. later in ltfe to Vergennes, Vt., kept hotel. Mr11. R. ret. after his death to Lincoln, afterwards lived with her daughter Peet.

Francie H.1, 30 Dec. 1808, d. young, George H,', 1 Apr. 1810, d, Gardiner, Me., 24 July 1844, clv. eug., in rbarge const, Hudson & Berkshire R.R. Louisa c.,, 13 Aug. 1811, sch. tea., m. 17 Nov. 1840, Jo11lah w. Peet of Benson, Vt,, 11 8epi. 1808, grad. Middlebury, Andover Tbeol. Sem., sett. in Cong. ministry at Gardiner, Me., 1841, compeJled by ill health to re11ign In 1847; rem. FaJl River, opened private sch. for boy11, rem. 1869' Hopkinton, 1862 Easthampton, 1864 to O@bkosh, Wis,, next year to Kossuth, Ia.; In 1867 agent of A. H. M. Soc. in Adair Co., la,, settlln1 on a farm at Nevlnavllle, la., now res. Monticello, Ia. Sarah L.•, 16 May 1842, sch. tea,, m. 27 Mar. 1867, David B, Helzer of KoHuth, Ia., Jl Dec. 1843, hameH-maker, Corniug, la. Oscars.•, 7 Feb. 1868. Caroline E.•, 20 June 1872. Inf. fem.•, 18 Oct, 1874, d. Irene A.•, 15 Jan. 1876, Le11ter P.•, 9 May 1878, d. young. Mary O.', 8 July 1880. Hlfaabeth II.•, 1 Jan. 1845, 11cb. _tea., m, 19 Oct. 1870, Lucien M. Kilburn of Boscawen, N, H., 20 Jan. 1842, farmer, stook-raleer, Fontane)), Ia. Charle, w.•, a July 1872, Geor,:te o.•, 6 Jan. 1874, Mary J,.•, 30 Nov. 1880, Carolfne T.•, 31 Dec. 1846, m. 1866, David E. Hemphill, res. Hoxie, Kansu. William K.•, b, 1867. Wayne G.•, b. 1879. George R.•, 81 Oct. 1848, m. 27 Nov. 1877, Mary 0, Gillette of Nevinsvllle, Ia,; In hardware trade, rem. MontfceJlo, Ia., 1884, Carroll, Ia., 1886, Ruth c.•, Sept. 1878. Sarah L.•, June 1880. Edwa1d w.•, Feb. 1882. :&lary A.•, Nov, 1885. wmtam w.•, 14 Feb. 1861, took optional course In Iowa eon. at GrlnneJI; In 1874 Deputy Co. Treas., Adair Co.; 1874 tax agt., Iowa div., land dept. B. iJr, !I, R.:n. Co., now part of C. B. & Q. R.R., 1876 transf, Neb. div. at Lincoln, 1879 aast. land comr., Neb. dept., 1880 chief olk. in genl. manager'11 office, re11, Omaba, Neb., Pres. Y, M. 0, A,1 Linooln and Omaha, 1881 app. financial agt. of A. U. o. F. M., al110 of Am, Bible Soc., res, Constantinople, Turkey; m. 11 Aug. 1881, Martha H. Cartlidge, b. Hunter's Pt-., L. 1., and eafled l Sept. from Boston for his preaent field of labor. His correspondence lodloates rare business quallflcatlons for the arduous and responsible duties devolved on him. Mary H.1, 3 Feb. 1813, d. H Aug. 1823. Caroline(?) 10 Oct. t8151 d. 22 Aug. 1821, Francia', 15 Feb. 1819, followed the sea 1ome years, 11ot married a.11 far u known i his relatives have known but little or him for years,

Ephraim8, 16 Nov,, 1779, d. 80 June, 1885, went to Strong, Me., bought a tract of land, cleared it up, (teaching 11cbool in winter), and later was an extensive cattlu dealer, driving on foot to Brighton; also drove a stage many years from Phillips to Augusta, Me. Evidently a fine 11pecimcn of " Hartwell" push and energy. He m. 5 l\fay, 1811, Mary Hitchcock of Strong, 3 Dec., 1790, cl. 14 Oct., 1848.

Joeeph', 26 Jau.1812, d, 28 Aug. 18153, Wlllfam H,', 26 Oot. 1814, d. 15 Oct. 1874, m. llhTan. 1837, Caroline E, Robinson of Mt. Vernen, lie., 9 Apr. 1810, d. 12 Apr. 1875. Ho was a farmer a1ul merchant, rem. 1869 to Marysville, Qal , elected mem, Board of Supervi1or11 of Yuba Co., Cal., 1861, co. treas. 1863, four years i mlqtng a year or two, then farming, stock raising, until his death, Laura M.•, 80 Oot. 1837, d. 3 Nov. 1876, m. 2 June 1859, J. Frederick Eastman of Pon­land, Me,, us June 18331 engraver In Boston; rem. t862Marysvllle, Cal,, 1864 dept, co. elk., dept. co. treu. 1868, treu. 1870-76, P, M, 1876-83; 1884 to Baird, Shuta Co., stock ranch; rem. family to Napa, Cal,, for school facuttles; bookkeeper Napa Woolen Mills, Emma o.•, 12 Aug, 1864, m. 1 May 1884, Geo, H, Proctor of Rockville, Conn., b, 1869, agt, Na11a MIIJs. Ucorue 11.10, 17 May 1885, J:l'rank W.•, 4 Dec. 1868. Charles H.•, 22 1.<'eb. 18Tl, .Anna s.•, 26


Dec. 1839, d. 7 Apr. 1862, /J.'mma <J.8, 13 Ma1 18401 d, 14 Aug. 1801, Samuel E.7, 3 Aug. 1817, d. 2'.I Aug. 1869, grad, Wesleyan 18H, sett. Suffield, Conn., prac, law, nbt. 18&5, some time probate judge, later Inventor of a cigar making machine and other Inventions. Later he went to New York olty and m. a wld. Seymour, div.; son d. at 9 yre. He spent some time In New Albany, Ind,, and In Fla.; d, at Strong, Me. Ephralm7, 28 l\lay 18201 m. 4 A11r, 1869, Abby L. Pottle ot Strong, 18 July 182-11 d. 13 Oct. IMO; m. 2 Sept. 1847, Mary M. Cutler of Industry, Me., 17 Oct., 1826; farmer on part of the homestead. Ephraim ll.•,28 Nov. 18-121 enl.16 Aug. 1861, musician, 8th Me. Regt,, dlsch, under act of Congress, later, re-enl. under direction of P. 8. Gilmore for Gen, Andrews' corps d'Affrlque, org. at Port Hudson, La., dlscb. 186ll; m. 4 Apr, 1869, Althea L. Reynoltle, 6 Oct. 1M3; carpenter, res. Worcester. l\lary v.•, 23 Jan. 1871, John H.•, 18 Feb. 1873. Florence A,•, 23 Mar.18715. Francis E.•, 13 June 1877. .Uarv ,f.8, 28 Oct. 18415, d, John i,·.•, 31 July 18481 d, Inf, Marv .A.•, 7 Jan, JSllO, m. 2 Oct. 18H9, Wlllhun Hunter of Strong. Josephine•, 28 Dec. 1871. llarryt, June 1876, Juhu F.•, 28 Alar. 1852, went 187'1 to Cal., ranch.nan some time; crushed by a falllng tree while peeling bark, 10 ,July 18801

d, 10 days later, Ella Al.•, 28 Feb. 18154, m, 3 Aug. 18715, Frederick A. Orlftlu of Newburyport, maoblnlat, Worcester. Frank", 3 Oct. 1876, Royt, 1 May 1878, Lyman F.•, Iii Jan. 1860, m, 1 Sept. 18801 Lydia 0, Griffin, els. Frederick A., a11.te; carpenter In Strong, Frederick l'tl.9, 13 June 1881. Lleu,ell1m•, 12 May 181581 blacksmith. Georges, 8 Feb. 1860, farmer. .Adelil,1, 28 .Aug. 1861, sch. tea. Unionville, Conn. Harrut', 9 Feb. 1864, sob. tea. Relle8, 12 Aug. 1800, m. 7 May 18815, William UutJer of Phillips, .ate. James7, 16 May 182-1, m. Sarah J. Balley, b, 1836, d. 26 8ept. 1879; In 18157 went to Cal., heard of later In Oregon, supp. dead. Janus IO, 7 Mar. 18ll0, d. 23 Nov, 18861 drug elk., shoe cutter, Haverhill. 1/elen A.•, 16 Sept. 1851. Williwn :&,•, 81 Oct. 2853, JD, 81 Dec, 1880, Roxa E, llltcbell of Bath, Me.; printer In Hayerblll, WWtam B.•, 12 Jan. 1883. Anna L.•, 30 Nov. 1866, m. 20 July 1870, Frederick H. l\lurso of Lawrence. Frederick w.•, 19 Nov. 1880, Mary H.11, 21 Dec. 1882. John F. 7, 19 May 1su, d. 4 June 1880, pbotograplter, New York city; went 1857 to CaJ,, farmer, rulller, at Quincy; m. 9 Aug. 1867, Elizabeth H. Norton, b, In Me. 1 I>ec. 1838. Letcls B.•, 23 Aug. 1868, miller, farmer, Quincy, Cal. George W .,, 91''eb. 1831, enJ. 'i Se11t, 1861, l!th Me. Band, di sob. next year lly act of CongreBB, re-enl, July 186.1, 7th Me. Band; at ca11ture of Hilton Head; under Grant In Wllder11eu; with Sheridan In Shenandoah valley; m. 16 Jan. 1870, Josephine A. Smith of Lowell, 18 Oct. 1839; rem. 18615, Lewiston, Me., janitor In pubJlc 11ohool building.

Jonas', 8 Aug., 1782, tl. I Oct., 1838, m. 27 1\lay, 1815, Eliza Duren of Carlisle, 9 Apr., 1791, d. at res. of Samuel7 in Lunenburg; owned cot. factory in Concord.

EJl&a7, It Bept. 18115, d. 2 Aug. 1840, m. 27 Feb. 1833, Charles Brown of Swanzey, N. H., 30 .Apr. 1808, farmer. Mary E.•, 7 Aug. 1836, m. 1 Mar. 18M, Cornelius W. Fairbanks of Wln­ohe.ter, !ti, H., 7 Mar 1818, farmer. Charles n.•, 21 July 1866, emp. In pul11 mill, Mechanics­ville, N. Y. James E.•, 23 Oct. tsco, d. young. Martha JV, 31 Mar. 1866, d. so Oct. 1884. FraDk o.•, t July 18&9. James w.•, 20 Nov. 1871, Wentworth 8.•, , Apr. 1878, Charles c.•, H Mar, 18371 drowned 2ll Aug. 18471 In Hum1•hrey's pond, near bis father's door. Sarah o.•, 29 Jan. 1839, an. H Aug, 1869, Henry K. Cooley of New Salem, 26 Oct. 1838, trav. sales, ,cro. trade, rem. 8prJngtleld, 1861. Hal'l'J' M,11, 15 Apr. 186.1, olt,rk. Lotta M.•, ao Dec. 1871. William', 11 OOt, 1818, m. 11''eb. 1838, JuJla A. Rossell of Winchester, N. H., 24 Apr. 1818, tl. f Mar, 1883; emp. In pall factory, In W. Julfa, P.•, 26 Nov. 18-12, d. 20 Feb, 1860. Sarah .v.•, 20 Aug. 184ll, m. 13 Deo.1871, Geo, H. Fairbanks, rem, Springfield 1874. Marf', 11 Sept. 1818, d. 9 Nov. 1872, m. 18 May 1837, Jacob Brown, bro. Charles, ant4', 1f June 1813, rem. 1801 to De Kalb Co., Mo., farmer. Calvin•, 20 Feb, 1838. d, 23 jj'eb. 18H:d. Ira,•, 1 Sept. IMO, went 1838 to De Kalb Co., Mo., m. Aug. 1859, Mary A, Roherts of that co.; farmer, waa a soldier In the army; elected sheriff of De Kalb Co. 1Be61 now In Gunnison, Col. Mary F.•, b. 1860, d, young. Martha c.•, b, 1863. Frank A.•, b, 1800. J, E\/art•, b. 1!!68, Frederick L.", b, 1870. Llewellyu0,

b, 117t, d. young. Frank..«.•, 22 May 1842, soldier B 16th Mass. Vols., wounded In battle or WUdernees; m, 19 Nov. 18615, H. JosepblDe Roberta, 1111. Ira's wife, anu, 11 Mar. 1846; farmer, Amlt7, Mo. Ellen c.•, 115 Oct. 1866, Mary E.•, 19 Feb. 1868. Arthur P.•, 1 Dec. 1869. Rol.lort n.•, 26 8ept. 18711 d. young. Emily L.•, 16 Mar. 1873, Edward", 10 Jan. 18715, d, Henry E.•, 19 Sept, 1881, LUCfl E.•, 16 Apr, 18H, m, .A. M. Chesmore, res. St. Joaepb1 Mo, Bertha E.•, b. 1-. Margaret H.•, b. 1866, Flora o.•, b, 1889, lHary D.•, b. 1871. Carlton R.•, b. 1873. Harry P.•, b. 1876. Alfred R.•, b. 1881, Edward H.•, 9 June IBM, d, young. Alat'II Jt.•, 13 Feb. 1860, d. 31 Dec. 1872. w,mam H.•, 11 Feb. 1862, m. 6 Feb. 1884, Marf o. Polk; rea. St. J018ph, Mo. Samuel7, 21 Noy, 1D>, shipped on board a wbalor for the South 8eaa, but after 1lx montba aboard, shocked at the traglcal death of a ablpmate cru11hed under a whale'11 fla, left the lblp, making bis way 11,a LoPdon and New Orleabe to New York; shipped 18'16 U. 8, frigate United States, orulaing 3 years on coaat of A.Crfoa aad up the MedlteraanHn;


m, 27 Apr, 1862, Elizabeth T. Hughes of Whulb"m, N. H,, 8 Nov. 1821; fnl'mer, Lunenburg; enl, 9 Sept. 1861, F 26th )lass. Vols., re-eul. 1 Jan, 1864; under Burnshle In Newberne eam­J>algn, later under Grallt lu army of Potomac. Harriet .,o, 27 Sept, 1853, 11. 20 Sept. 1877. Arthur c.•, 11 A11r. 18511, d. youug, l'athcrlnti A.•, Jti Jan. 1858, d, 17 Jan. 1881. Charlotte B.•, 8 Sept. 1869, ty11e setter. Andrew A,7, 11 Oct. 1822, d, young. Andrcwr, 6 )lay 1826, d, young. Sarah .A,t, 4 Oct. ltl27, w. 3 Nov. 1800, Chae. A. Ste,·cns of Townsend, b. 1827. Henry A.', 12 Dec, 1829, m. 21 .AJ>r, 1853, Amanda J;t', Cooley, 111s. of Jlenry K., cmtc, b. 12 Dec. 18W; blacksmith, l\lancbester, rem. Na,hua, N. H,, 186:1, Sprlngflel,I f8(il, emp. in U. H. army dur­ing war, uow bookkeeper in coal office, Springfield. J're<t.erlck A',, Prcrncls .ti.•, twlu~, 2-1 July 1869, d, Inf. Abby l\1,71 24 Jan, 1834.

Abel~, 11 Oct., 1784, d. 21 Dec. 1856, m. o Nov., 1818, Esther :Flint of Lincoln, 7 May, 1796, d. 23 Oct., 18.f0; farmer, sel.•man, rep. in Lcgis. 1837.

Henry F.r, 9 Oct, 1818, d, 16 Feb. 18-U, Alary F,7, 12 Nov, 1821, d. 11 A11r. 1883, m. 21 Nov. 18M, Ellsl1a .lt'lehl of Charlestown, O Jan. 1817, d. 2 June 1860, house )lalutcr, musician, rem. 1866 Taunton, J&;O Hartford, Conn. Artl,u,., 13 Aug. 18511, d • . Marv E,1, o lllar. 1867, d. y111111g, EltzQbeth P.•, 6 Sept, 18001 m. 18 Nov. 1882, Henry J, Gibbons of :Middletown, Conn., :w Mny 1859, machlnl<;t, Hartford, Conn. Lilllan 1\V, 21 Se11t. 1883. William II.•, 20 Mar. 1863, e11111, in tannery. Sarah c.1, 4 Sept, 18231 in Insane Asy., Worcester, from 1807. Louisa A,r, :1 Oct, 1826, d. 13 Sept. 1869, in Worcester Asylum. Harriet A.1, 8 Dec, 1827, 111, I Jan, 1867, J:is. o. Dunker of Hallowell, Me., H June 1814, both early emigrants to •ro11eka, J<:a,., where they married. He has been balllff at the court house since 1872, J/ary A.•, 22 Sept, Jl'loS, m. 23 June 188-1, William F. Conklin, b, Enon, O., 29 July 1862, mall carrier, Topeka, Le,cis n,s, 22 June 1860, d, 6 July 1865. llcirrlet E.5, 17 Apr. 1868, Abel F.r, 25 Dec. 1820, farmer, lllsslon Creek, Kas. George .(t'.', 6 Nov, 1831, farmer neM Abel .(t',, m. Esther Sherry, b, in Mo.; div, ,llay•, 16July 1uo. 1mon :K,1, 10 lfar. 1834,'m, 19 Apr. 18511, Chcllus n. Halley of Lexington, 23 Oct. 18281 d. 2 Oct. 187i, farmer In Lincoln to 1862, rem, Lexington; house painter, worked nine year,, to 1871, for F. R.R. Co. Ol!orye II.•, 9 Nov. 1860, house painter, l,exlngton. f:lle1& /,,•, 20 Apr. 1867, m. 19 Oct. 1882, Jesse V, Ayres of l\lalilen, b, in Cuba li July lt'OO, n. 1-:&telJc?, 9 May IB84, Rcltua7'</ l',8, 4 May 1!!69, house 11al11ter, Lexington. Hstella A.•, 7 Dec. 1860, m. 10 Nov, 18811 Henry C, l\llxtcr of Hanson, 10 July 1869, cutter In rubber sho11, res. ~verott. Herbert W.•, 21 Juno 1882. .(t'rederfck n.11, JO Nov. 1883, Prede.rlc!.: L.•, 28 July 1&;0, O/ii•o IO, 26 July 1876, d. James E.', 9 Aug, 1836, d, In Kansas, 30 Ang. 18b8.

Samuel', 28 Mar., 1780, d. 4 Aug., 1837, m. 2 July, 1818, l\lnry Hagar of Weston, 1 Apr., 1789, d. l.f Dec., 18G5; farmer on homestead cf bis father n111l grandfather in Lincoln.

Oeorger, 31 May 1819, d. 3 Mar. 18711, m. 20 June 1847, Margaret R. · Redman of Brooksvllle, Me., 26 Feb. 1820, d, 3 Apr. 1865; m. 2d w. Luuy B. Fiske of Lincoln, 10 Aug, 1819; farmer, dea, of Cong, ch. John R,•, 8 Apr, 1848, farmer, Lincoln, m. II June 1870, 1<:1lltb Allen or Se1lgwfck, Me., 11 Sept. 1848, John A.•, 22 June 1871, d. young. Eugene II,•, 10 ~lay 1873, d. George D.•, 0 Oct. 1874, Abby F.11, 18 Sept. 1881, Edith A.•, 21 Dec. 1883, (Jeoru~ II.•, 8 July 1849, d. young. Samuel A.•, 6 Apr. 1861, d. Jonas', 30 Junu 18211 entere<I .l'hllllps' Aca,1., Ando,·er, Intending to cuter the mfnlstry, but falling health compelled allaudomnent of bis design; spent a year traveling In the West, advised to try hot climates, weut to sea, s11e11t 3 years on coast of Africa, In South America and the West Indies; res. since In 1,fncoln; dea. of church since death of bro. George. Charles', 19 Dec, 1826, grail. Amherst 18-101 two years 111 Tbeol. Sem., E. Windsor 11111, Conn., ordained minister at Ll11col11, 13 Oct. 185.?, 1ireviously app, by the A, B. C, Jr, )I. to the work In China; 11alled tbe following No\'emllcr, having m., 6 Sept. 1862, Lucy E. Stearns of New IJJSWich, N. H., 13.Apr.1827, d. In .(t'oo Chow, Chlua, rhu scene of bis ml8lllonary labors, 10 July 1883. He m., ll Nov. 1885, 2d w., lire, II, l,oulsa, wl,1, of Rev. L.B. P~et, missionary oi the Am. Board (m, n, l'lympton). Ile l1as spent the llfe-thuo of a generation In tbe field be now occu11les, a witness to great progress fu missionary w111 k and maneloue changes tu the relations existing between China and tbu westeru 11atlons. Marv K.•, 1 Apr. 1864, d, 7 Aug, 1864,: C'harlu a.•, 3 Se11t. 1855, grad. Amhe111t, 1877, u. s. Manhal at Foo Chow from 1883 to 1~. uow private secretary to the minister of the Nether­land• at the lmJ>erlal court, Pekin, witl1 fortunate prospects for a dfplo111atlc career, 111111 Bupelior facllltfes for perfecting bis knowledge of the mandlU'fn 1llnlect of the Chluese language. Lucv c.•, 21 July 1867, d. Inf, Emilt1 s.•, 16 A11r, 1869, educ. nt Wheaton Semin­ary, app. lady mlHlonary lo connection with her father's work, 18tl3, s11eclnlly forl11shuct1011 of women and girls. .Auna L,8, 1 Sept. 1860, d, Inf. Uco,-yt J.'.e, :.,-i July 1862, d. 27 liar. llii6. u. Amelia.•, 10 Juno lEGf, educ. Wl:eaton t:o~., 1886, teacher lu 11rlvntc sch., Hartford, Coun.,


now In Germany 1mrsulng course of study, Jobn7, 20 Dec, 1827, grad, Amherat HM, E, Windsor nm Theol, Sem. 1858; ord, 11111tor ftt r.everett 1869, Hecket 1864, Southbury, Conn,, 1871, d, from overwork, 18 I>cc. 1878; m. 20 June 1800, Sarah W. Southmayd of Middletown, Conn., 6 Feb. 18~, cle!lc. of Pres. Eclwarcls; now re~. New Ha,·en, Conn, L11cv w.•, 18 Mar, 1801, d. C'llarlea w.•, 17 Apr. 1864, bookkeepP.r. L11cv s.•, 17 July 1867, d, 4 Feb, 18&1, Marv A.•, 14 l\lar. 1871, l\lary A,T, 30 Aug. 18301 grall. Holyoke Seru, 1848, sch, tea, In Lincoln and . the nelghborhootl many years (one year In We11tcheater Co,, N, Y.), m, 27 ~ept. 1@68, aa 2d w,, Oeorge M. Rogers, b, Newburyport, 27 Sept, 1819, res, Lexington until lPSO, now In Cam-1'rlclgeport, real eat, Hclicard JI,•, 10 May 1870, atud, Harvard. Samuel', 4 Jan, 18.'U, m. 29 Nov. 18001 Julia Weston of Lincoln, 14 Se1,t. 1830; bought In 1867, the Noah Hrooka' tftveru atancl on the nay Road ht Lincoln (noted as Col, l'reacott's re11th1g place on night of 18, 1775), and by his ener,ry and aktll as a farmer baa plruied It hlf;b on the list of Maaeacbusetta model far ma; au active, emclent member of the !llhl'x. Ap:rlcultural an<\ N. E. Horticultural aocletles, '1 euccePSful exlubltor or flue fruits and vegetables at Horticultural Hall, Boston, finding time for efficient attention to the abundant duties of aelectman, aase88or, treasurer of Lincoln, as well as a helping band to church aml educational Interests; a live, 11usbh1g wan, Carolfw, .4,•, 6 ~lay 1863, d. young, Ktlwartl w.•, 24 JAn. 1~, d. 7 Aug. 1874,

Ablgall6, 5 June, 1744, d. 8 l\lar., 1809, m. 6 Sept., 1768, Jonas ,Jones, b, Con­corcl, 10 July, 178G, ct. 15 July, 1817, eon of Capt. J<!phralm Jones, whom he ac­companied to the seige of Louisburg, U, S., 17 45; under otllcer in exp. against Crown Point, 1758; saw much senlce in the later lt'rench wurs; sett. Shrewsbury, tanner, rem. late in life to New Ip11wlch1 N. H. Lucy8, 14 Oct., 1764, d. 2 June, 18511 m. 21 Feb., 1788, Gregory Stone of Lincoln, 5 Feb., 1754, d. 12 Apr., 1807, farmer. Hcpzibah', 25 Oct., 1789, d, 26 Juue, 1808. Lucy', 4 July, 1791, d. So. Bosto11, 15 Dec., 1880. Gregory', 19 AJJr,, 1708, d. IO Aug., 1870, m, Edith Z, }latch of Lincoln; 110 ch. Lydia7, 18 Apr., 1795, d. Augusta, Me., 27 Sept., 186i. Abigail', 80 Mar., 1706, m. 11 Oct., 1880, a11 2d w., Col. Joseph Adame of Cherry­field, Me,, b. Lincoln, 0 May, 1784. Louisa', 14 ~ov., 1798, d, 14 Aug., 1800. Mary', 8 Nov., 1800, d, 8 May, 1875, sch. te1,, many years, rn. Henry H,7 Jones, 1eq. q. ti, Imzabcth7, 27 J<'cb,, 1808, d. Bangor, Me., 9 Jan., 1861, rn. 25 Feb., 1840, ])r. Wllliiim Oalloupe; 1 or 2 ch. I>aniel7, 8 l\lay, 11105, d. Plymouth, Me,, 28 May, 1872, m. Rebecca Ho11kin1, 1'!JJhralm11, 20 Nov. 1765, d. 25 Jan,, 18891 m. Elizabeth Crosby of Lunenburg, b. Quincy, 4 Mar., 1770, d, 80 Mar., 1800; rn. 19 Oct,, 1800, 2d w., Martha ~•essellllen of Quincy, 80 June, 1760, d. 25 Oct., 1826; m. 8d w., Keziah Adams of Lincoln, 10 1''eb,, 1778, d. 16 Jan., 1889; was a dletlller in Boston, abandoned bu11lneaa aht. 1820, when the temperance reform eprung up. About 1880 gave much attention to genealogy, 8 ,·ols. of results now in library of N. 1'!. llt11t. Oen. Soc,

Epl1ralruT, 12 July 1794, d. 1<:llzaT, 13 Sept. 1700, d, II Sept. 1826, E11hralm', 10 A11r. 1799, d, 27 Nov. 18611 m. 14 AJlr, 1844, Eliza Hrown of J,htcoln, 7 Aug, 1803, d, Natick, 7 June, ISM; 1ett. UedCord, d, there. Charlea H.•, 1 A11r, 18tll, 111. 1 Oct. 1868, Anna Low of Hoeton. Mabel A.•, 20 June 1809. Arthur I,.~, 27 Oct. 1670, d. Inf, llertba n.•, 9 Sept, 1873, Charle• w,,, 9 nee. 1876, Henry H.', Ill Mar. lfiO'l, d, 10 Mar, 1870, woolen manf., 8axonvllle, failed, went on 11everal voyages to Snuth A111crlo11 aa su11eroargo In the merchant trade, established blm-11811 In buslneea at Hueno11 Ayres, returning after several years to Boston I owned 11everftl 1hlp11 In that trade, was bis own bookkeeper, careful and ind1111trt11u1 la bis all'aln. In the 11anlo of 1867 he wns badly crl1lpled, bla efforts to pre11erve hie bu11h10111 Intact and meet his obllgat1011s 11ro1ui1t1y unsettled bis mind, c1u1lng his remo,·at to an 11171um1 where he d, He m, lu Huenoe Ayre■, 19 May 18301 Caroline Allen, b, Townaend, a July 1808, d, Boston, 29 Dec. 1836; m. 18 June 1839, hl1 ooualn, Mary1 Stone, ,inte, Henrv s.•, 8 June 1841, m. 16 Nov, 1860, Anna M, Suow, Kate J.•, 12 July 1867, Henry A.•, 8 Mar, 1869. Geraldine 8,•, 80 Oot. 1871. Mary s.•, a Oct, 1873, Ellen L.•, 11 Oct, 1875, Alart1 o.•, 12 July 1848, m, 8 NoY, 18731 Daniel A, Cony of Augusta, Me. Elizabeth 8,•, t Aug, 1874, Daniel•, 80 May 18781 d. Inf,

Jonas•, twin, d, Medford, 20 Nov,, 18161 m. there, 17 May, 1807, SallyMannlng; no ch. IUchard IV1, 1 Oct., 1767, <I, Cleveland, 0,, 18 July, 1818, Stephen•, 11 Sc11t,, 1760, d. young. Hepzlbah', 22 J>ec,, 1770, d, 20 Oct., 18581 m. 10 Nov.,

1 HI

1798, Capt. lealah Khlder of New Ip11wlch, N. 11., a Feb., 17i0, d. 28 Apr., 1811, In trade at Mason Vlllage, now Grecnvllle, N, II., 1709-1805; In 1800 In cot. manf., New Ipswich, mem. Leg. 1810-11.

Ann', 26 June 1801, d, II July ISM, ln Hoston. SophfRr, 13 ~far. 180.1, d. ISM, m. 23 June 1823, Crlatofore G, Sallnen, res. Beaufort, Charleston, 8, C,; 4 cb, Frederlckr, 10 A11r, 1804, d, 18811, at 15 entered prep. sohool at Hanover, N, H,, ret. home, 1821, to hel11 care for family, next year to Boston, elk,, who, gro, traiJe, worked b11rd, no vacations beyond Nahant; In Nov, 1826 to Wilmington, N. c., with small schooner load of goods, opone1I bus., closell next l\tay, ret. north i same each year until 1836, then comm. bus. cotton, PR val stores, Hoston, to 1868; m.11 Jan. 1841, Harriet JU, Hagar, who d. 22 J>ec. 1875. Ho wae a mRn of 11cholarly tnstcl!, pub,, 11 History or New Ipswich," 1862, "Adventure or CRpt. Lovewcll," •• Enstern Maine aml Nov.a ijcotla In the Revolution i" member 2/i yeare and officer or N. i,;, 111st. nen. Soo., active promoter of pub. library In Melrose, where hod, JMward1, 19 Oct. IBM, to Hoston before 1\11,

20, to Wilmington, N. 0,, with Frederick, remained In bus,; staunch Union man during war, lost heavily, but maintained hla ground, respected b)' the rebels for his tlrmneu; m. 11 Aug, 18361 Ann l\l, Potter of New London, Conn,, who d, 1872, 1-:clwar,t 11.,, 11 Aug, 1840, d, 1877, grad, Harv. 1863, m. Mary 8. Hathaway or Hrooklyn, N. Y. James JI.•. l\tar)', o nnc. 1877, swan•, 19 Nc;v. !S!:, m. Jamee I. Lewis or New I.ondon, Conn, Charles A.v, :n Fet,, 11171, Gllb,rt P.•, Iii .May 1846. /<'redcrick', 12 Nov. 1!147, grad, Harvard 1870, Atm 11.•1 1 Se11t, 1849. Matthmo O.•, 5 Dec. 18113, George', 26 Nov. 1807, d, 7 Alar. 1816. Harriet', 5 Aug, 1809, d, In Ml&B, 1847, m. 1, Oct. 1832, Dr. Chas. Wood of Groton, Isaiah', 18 .Mar, 1811, d, In Lincoln, 30 Nov. 1822, from bite of a rabid raccoon.

Stephen•, 26 Nov,, 1116, d. 80 Mar., 1842, m. Lydia mddor of New Ipswich, 2 Feb,, 1117, d, 24 }'eb .. 1862; In 1800 rem. Northern Vt., ret. 1802, rem. Ashhy 1810, held many town offlcee, rep. In Leg.

Isaac', 8 Feb, 1809, was a mason In Wal1>ole, N, H,, rem. 1833 So, Hoston, mem. City Connell, In Leg. lSISl-2; m. 2 June 1834, Rebecca Wellington or Ashby, who d, 20 80111. 18111, Vhorlu B,1, 28 Apr. 183151 m, 18601 Exie, dau. Ca11t. Judah Baker; 11artner Jones &I 1''arley. Frank w.•, 10 May 1862. Helen M.•, JO Mar. 1860, Harriet ..4,•, 28 A11r, 1837, m. 10 Dec, 1868, William Smith, rem, Cal, AleXI\Dder W.•. Charles', 4 June 1810, cl, 1880, In Newton, m. 22 Fe1', 1837, J,ucy E11terbrook of New Ipswich, who d,; m. 30 Sept. 1861, Mary Heahl of lledford; mem, firm Petera & Jone,, Boston. Francl-a•, d, young. Gtor{le F,", 26 Vee, 1&12, enl, 1801, 44th Mue. Volt,; succeeded his father In buslneaa i m. 17 Se11t. 1868, 8u1an11a I'. Damon of LCJ:• lngton, ,es. there. Andrew', Sl2 Feb. 1814, m. 10 Apr. 1840, Sarah E, Wright of Concord; ma1100, re,. E. Cambridge, In City Council 1849-113, Harriet', II Sept. usio, m. UH7, JI, w. Sea­man, of New London, N, H., who d. 10 Nov. 1866, re,. lloetou, weoi. Leg, Ste11hen', 29 Jan. 1818, d, 1878, grad, med. Harvard, 1842, prac. 3 yre, In Rindge, N. H,, rem. 18411 to Piqua Co,, O., IEM Tippecanoe Co,, Ind,, bought large tract of land, large farmer, ma1le a fortuue; m. 1 Ma)' 1849, Sidney Boggs of RoH Co,, 0, A'clqar P,•, 7 Mar, ISISO, Sally•, 18 Alar. 18111, 111. Ill June 1878, J, N. Weblter. L~cUa•, ~ May 1867, Charlu•, J3 Nov. IS69. J:"ra11cls', 4 July 1823, 10, 18611 Julia A, Fletcher of Town11end, Ve.; rem. Bodon 1841, In fruit trade, Jon ca & Farler, Oraoe F,•, 18 Oct, 18601 stud. Welle1le7. J'rano14•, 27 Aug. 18011.

Henry•, r; July 1777, d, I>ortland, Me., m. Mary Wln1hlp of Drookllne, 20 Apr., 1788, d,

Mary c.,, O Feb. 1808, m, 17 Oct. 1826, John D. Peal'8on, res. Boston, 1''rances o.,, 20 Jnn. 1809, d, 7oung. Frances o.,, 27 May 1812, m, 2.l Dec. 18'Jf, Paul Alden or Hoston i J 11011•. Abl,rall7, lK Apr. 1814, d, 18 8ept. 1833, m, 10 July, 1833, sainuel B, Dyer of Hoston. Richard H,7, 18 May 1818, George E.,, 2:' July 1820.

Ieaac•, 2 Mar., 1780, d. 16 Jan,, )806. l,eter', 18 J.4'eb., 1788, d. 12 .!\fur., lR24.

Ephraim', 8 Jan., 170-6, d. 18lli, m. 1 June, 1709, l\lnry Drown of Watthnm, 26 Dec., 1749, d. 80 Nov., 1824 I sett, in J>rlnceton, rem. 178!! to New Ipswich, N. II,, where he wa1 over 80 years ln trade, a leatllng, pioneer In mnnufuctur~s, trustee of the academy, of which !10 was n chief 1,romotcr, hcl1l many town offices,

• Mary•, 1770, d, 11 July, 1846, m. 6 Mar., 1191, Caleb Bellows of W1dpolo, N.11., gr. a. of orlglnat grantee, 20 July, 1707, d, 17 A11r. 1 1822, large farmer, sheep rnh1cr, cot. m,mf., mllle nt Drewsl'Ulc, N. JI,, Rocklnghnm, Vt.


J~11hralm 11.,, 20 Jl\n, 1792, d. 6 Jan, 1861, m. 26 Nov. 1818, 8arah6 Drown or Concord, ,eq., lG Oct. 1786, d, 1867, BUJlt, cot, factory, Concord. llenjamln I<',•, 9 Oct, 1809, d. young, M,rrv R.•, 14 Nov. 1821, d. 10 Juno 1837, Sarai, E.•, O Mar. 1823, res. Salem, Hphrufm, H.•, 10 Jan. 1825, d. Inf, Epl,rnf,n. II.•, 18 Aug. 18261 m. 30 Apr. 18481 Jane L, H\mt, who d, 30 July 1849; machinist, some yoare In Cuba, now res. Salem, Invalid, Oeorvo L.•, o Apr, 18~ dry goods trade, Bot­ton, later in Chicago; raised eow11any in Gist m. Yols.1 a model omcer, in actJon at Sto11e River, re1>, killed, 80011 11rom. major, le<l bis men at Lookout l\lt, and ~llsslon Ridge, ralllng In tho latter action at tho moment or victory, greatly lamentc<l by all who knew blm. Prance, M.•, 18 J<'ob. 1831, d, Hi Jan, 18@, Caleb s.,, 22 Aug, 1i03, killed 10 Mar. lsot, tbrowa from a horse. Jlcnjnmln J!,r, 22 Oct. 179.5, d. 1818, cons. George I,,r, 4 Feb, 1198, d. 27 Aug. 1831, m. 10 Doc. 18:.!0, Charlotte L. Stoddard or New Lon!lon, Conn,, 31 l\far. 1809, d, 12 May 1848; 801110 yenr11 in trade In Montreal, 1825 In lumber trade at Ottowa, Can,, rem. Mar, 1831 to Texas. Cl,arlottc L.•, 0 Nov, 1830, d, Inf, Mary B,', o Jan. 1800, d, 10 1''eb. 1886, m, 20 Oct. 1819, Rev, l'llny l>Jokluson or Wal11olo, N. ff., b, Granby, 30 Aug. 1771, grad, Dartmouth 1798, sett, Wal11ole 1800, d, suddenly at Amherst coJI, commencement, 27 Au~. JS.,,,, Tbe marriage, made uuder serJoua op11osltlon from her rather, caused by the grol\t dl8Jlarlty In agea, waa a ha11JlY and fortunate 0110. She m, 21 Aug, 1838, 2d bus., Jamea Crawford or l'utney, Vt., 6 Mar. 1708, d, 2 Nov. 1840, atty,, rem, Dubuque, Ia., 1839; m. 22 Aug. J8611 3d bus., Capt. Geo, K, Smith of Howen'• Prairie, Ia., ranner, ret, aea capt,, 30 June 1787, d, 8 Mar, 1868, lleor(le L.•, 22 Aug, 1820, went to sea 1836, ret. home 1840, engaged In manuracturlng; In 1848 to IJubuque, Ia,, hotel kee11lng until 18701 rem, 1878 to Mhmeapolls, l\Uno,; m. a A11r. 18411 Luo:r Evan! of Rlobford, Vt., 9 Feb. 1820, d, 1 Jnnc 1868; m, 26 Dec. 187Z, Caroline E, Moore, m. n. Chick, b. Wl11ter1,ort, .Me., 3 Oct. 1825. William. 1•.•, 31 !tar. 18t2, D, D.S., Dubuque, m. 11 AJlr, 18&1, Mary L. Jones, b. Slaogallen, Wales, 20 Se11t, 18401 d, 12 July 18601 ch,•bed fever • .Alva L,•o, 9 July 1866. Elf JV, JO ooi. uw,, paper box manf,, Dubuque, Mary A.•, f Sept. 1&10, d, Inf, Mary L,•, 10 June 1848, d. young, Charles E.", 10 Aug. 1860, loc, eng. Julia o.,, 20 1>00. 1862, d, • June 1.860. .lt'rank o.•, 10 Sept, ISliO, cattle ranch, Tesn.s, George B.•, 10 Feb, Jtlli9, Joo, en&, Frederick 1•,o, 92 Sept, 18611 de11i, oo. clerk, M0Mulllt1 Co,, 1'exu. WU/tam•, 22 se11t. t82'J, grad. Dartmouth, 111, 2 June 18M, Evelina Crane or Boston, 20 Feb, 1821; rem. Ht, Louis, .Mo., 11ett. In prac. med,; app, brigade aurg, or u. s. Vols,, AJlr, 1862, must. out Jan. 1806, since In practice In St, L. ooulfat. Wllllaau c.•, 18 Apr. 1868, .Mary o.•, 11 Aug. 1860, d. young. Eveline L.•, b, Benton Barracks, 8 Dec, 18111, Elt II,•, o l\lay 1824, d, 20 Juue 1844, Ed"'ard <J.•, 16 Oct, 1826, d. 13 Dec. 1882, grad, Dartmouth, m. H May J861f, Mlesourl Turnbaugh of Pittsfield, Ill,, 80 Dec, 1844; rem. Ka1111u City, 1110., physician, dru1glat, Edward T.•, 22 Jan, 1869. Sanu~l P.•, 7 Jan. 1829, 11la11lng mill bu1loe111, Dubuque, Ia. Jouph L.•, 26 Mar. 1831, m. 18 June 1eot, Jenuy A, Taylor of Alatead, N. ff,, 31 Dec. 1830; In buslneu with hrothcr Samuel P, at Dubuque some yeara, now at Manchester, Ia. Lewis A,', 24 Feb, 1863, d, young, Carohne L.•, 2 Apr. 1867, Francia E.•, 9 Oct, 1868, Ma1'1/ JI.•, 11 Aug, 1833, d. young. Phebe o.•, 26 Apr, 18311, 8 mos, arter death of her father, d, young, Jam,ea E.• C:raw/ord, BO Apr, 1839; enl. Sept. l8cl1 1 2d Iowa Cav., battle of Corinth, wounded at Colllnvflle, Tenn. 8 Nov. 1863, ht J,feut. Apr, t86f, Oa11t, -, out Nov, 18M; m. 6 May 1800, Marla Co11J1eroall, b. Ot1t110 Oo,, N, Y., II July 18-14; farmer, 1800-82, now miller, ,iraln dealer, Clla1,1u, Ia, Arthur II.•, 211 Feb, 1867, Ella M,•, 20 Jan. 1870, .Mabel L.•, 30 Nov. 187", Mary o.•, 22 Jan, 1877, Rub7 1.•, n Nov. 1882, Otu D.•, II Feb. 1842, enl, o Aug. ISOI, O&b Ia, Vol&,, out 24 SeJlt, 1864, battle, of Pea Rldlf(I, Haines' Blufl', Cash River, Ark., At• kAt1&a11 l'ost, Jackson, alege of Vfoksburg; wounded as color guard In a11sault, 2, May 1863; 111, 1 tfe1lt, 1874, Clara .M. Wood, b, Swansea, 22 Mar. 184!; took l1re11, conrse at Ap11leton Acad., New Itlswlcb; Iowa Coll, I Jr,, full course, Chicago Theo, Sem,1 Oberlin, Andover; coug, min, Hampton, Ia., 1872-4, Sunderland, l yr,, ·Bedford, 1 yr., W, BlooanHelil, N, J,, 1877•0, Mobile, Ala, 1879-83, Rldceway, Pa, 1884-&5, 110w Patchogue, L. l, 1 .. ulu A,•, 9 Jan. 1818, Henr,; JJ.•, 2 Mar, 1844, drummer bo7 ff, 9th Ja, Inf,, vot, and drum major1 with 8her-111an to the sea, out 1pr. 1860; painter, now at Mitchel, Dak. Phebe 8,1, 'l June 1802, d, m. 18 J."ob, 18281 Jose11b McOloy of Ottawa, Cao,, 12 May 180t, aett, B7town, P, 011t.1 llved Ypellantl, Mlcb,, Riverhead, L, I, 1836, to Dubuque, la,, 1838, to Maquoketa, Ia,, mlller. Joaepli B.•1 4 Atir, 18:49, d. young. .ttarv c.•, 2J Jan, 1831, m, Oct. JS.,2, Pierce Mitchell of Meredith, N, Y,, 1u l>eo, 1822, rneroh. Ma<1uoketa. Frank P.•, 3 Sept. 18G3. George L.•, 18 June 18.'17, Irving JJ.O, 28 Jan. 1800, ~lary I.•, 26 Feb, 1862, JttUa M.•, 7 July 18331 d, 11 Apr. 1848, /'hebe .A•, 18 Jau, 1isa11 an, 1 Sept. 1867, Frederick 8, Duobam or Hartford, Conb,, 10 Feb. 183',, merob, Ma,,uuketa. Mary c.•, 2 July IUS, l'hebe L.•, 27 Mar. 1869, Laura L.', 17 Be1>t, 1sot, d. m, 91 .,,r. 1824, James Barr, M. D, of New Ipawloh, N. ff,, 23 Hay 1700, d. 6 June I~, rradu. vartmout11, sett, In 11ractlce fn N, I., 1817, a ftkllful, conaolentlouft 11byelclan with a large

1Yest111,eatli, 011,t. 1 :! I

prnotlco; suffered grently In the last years or bl11 Jlf<1 from dleoMo of the lungs; kept up office J)raotlce to near his death; driven by his faithful wlfo to co1111ultatlon11 when too feeble to bold tbe lines for himself, Alarv 11.•1 10 Jan. 1826, m. 13 July 1843, Samuel T, Amee, b, ,l'ep11eroll, 23 1\11\r, 1810, general morch, to 1837, rem, Hoston, who, jobber In woolens, ret. dnrmg war; uow 1m11rovlng J>ro11erty 011 the Back nny, Ja111os u.11, 2'.t June 18t0, grad, Jlar­vanl, 1808, to Euro11e next year; 1871, tutor In Harvard, 1873, Asst. Prof,, 18771 l'rof, Law Dept.; m, 20 June 1880, SarAh Ru~sell of Hoston, 22 Se)lt, 18ll1, gr. dau. Robert G, Shaw, Robert R,10, 12 1''eb. 1883, Rlclwr,t10, 26 May 1886. Mary F.•, o Apr. 18M, m. 29 Nov. 1881, Homan M, nurr or Newton, 27 July, 18l'J(I, grad, Harvard.,1877, Lnw Sch, 1879, atty, In Boston, Rouer A,10, 28 .Aug, 1882, b'n.rali J,•, 11 JuJ.y 1827, d, 12 Se11t, 1884, m, t6 Mar, 18471 Sanford H, l'erry, b, J,elcoster, Vt., 20 Se11t. 11l20, grad, Harv. Law Sch, l841i, 11rac. In Medford to t8l'J(I, rem, Chicago, Ill,, In practice there, }'rederlck JI.', 6 May 1848, trav. Hies. l'owert & Weightman, mnnf, chemists, Phil., Pa,; m. Oi,t. 1881, Jlollo Porter. Heltn v.10, 18 Ang, 1882. Sarai& l'.10, 6 Nov. 1884. WIiliam N,11,9 Mar. t8ll2, m. Fob, 1884, Laura naker or Chicago; manager western bus, of Law11on Cash Railway Co, Jl11th1°, }'eb, 188ll, GeorKe B.•, 11 A1>r, 1861, 11ale11m, who. hartlware, Chicago, Ueoroe 1,.•, 12 1\far. 1830, d. 1 Apr, 18771 m. 20 Nov, 1851, Elizabeth 1\1, LBwrence or Medford, Ci Aug. 1835. Elizabeth L.•, 3 Mar. 185t, m. 12 Mar, 1880, Eugene Kayser of Paris, Fr., b. Bameld, Alsace, J'ane 11,10, 16 Nov. 1881, Laura M,•, 22 Nov. 1860, grad. Va11sar 18i9. Caroline R.•, 18 Nov. 1804, Jame11 c.•, 111 M11r. 11167, Law­rence•, 17 Nov. 1860, Jamu w.•, 1 June 1833, d. Inf. CaroUne F.•, 27 Feb, 11136, Jamu 11.•, te Sept, 1837, d. 1oung, Elim M.•, 10 Nov. IMO, etluo. Holyoke, tearher In MIiford High Bob. 12 )'rs., now bas a private school In Marlboro St., Hoston, Oalob s.1, t Se11t. tsoe, d. 21 A11r. 1863, from 1824-32 mercb., P. M, Carlton Place, Ont., rem. t835 to Westmeath, tint maglstra1-and P. M, There being at tint no M.D. nearer than 60 mllos away, he dealt out wedlolnes, on occasion sot broken bones, From 18ll3 to del\th U,-Ool. of 1ullltla1 a leading, tm1ted citizen In tbe settlement; m. 26 Feb, 1827, Esther 1\fun11tll, b, Yorkshire, Eng,, 8 Apr. 1800, emigrated 1819, d, 2 Mar. 1880, at the re11hlenoe of her daughter Hinson, In Menasha, Wfs.; an active member of the Wesleyan Church or Canada, gratlfted by the connection of her entire family with thRt church, Julta II.•, 4 Feb, 1828, m, 22 Mar, 18491 Mark M, Drew, b, Sheldon, Vt,, 26 l<'eb, 18101 tanner, W, llft,ath, later boot and shoe manf,, Portage Du Fort• Out., rem. 1867 Eureka, Wae., 1878 Elo, Wis,, many years l\leth, class leader In Oana1la, Emily JV, 16 AJ>r, 18ll0, m, 1 July 1868, llaJ'llball Vankirk, b, Ne11en1kln, Wis,, July 18411, farmer, rl'IU, 1879 to North J.ou11, Nob, Mar11 ..4,1°, 26 Aug. 1860, Jo,e,,h ..4,10, Sept. 1871, d. )'OUUJI, c. Augeltne10, Apr. 1873, Alice ,4,1°, June 1879, >:vu D,10, 29 Oct. 1884, Ina B.10, 10 ,Tan, 1886, Mark A.•, 2 Apr, 11111:t, educ, at A1111letvn, Wis,, adm. bar, Milwaukee, 18701 m. IS Mar, 1879, Helen M, Hayward of Wnupacn, Wis., 20 Aug, 18ll3, grad, Lawrouce U11lv. 1877; went 1878 to Mcl'henou Co., Kas., ret. 1880, trav, agt, for Clark carriage factor:,, Othkoah, Wl1, Robert B,10, 16 May 1881, ti. lur. Jf'Ubur n,10, 31 Jan, 1884, d. fnf, .Anna L.•, 8 Jan. 1869, d, at Douglass, Kan., 80 .Aug, 18841 m. 111 May 1880, Rev. Wm. M. Woodelde of tho II, B. Oba►· . , Forrut /1,10, 2 Nov. 1882, Ji'ra11co11 E.•, 12 Nov. 1863, m. ,a Bept. 1886, •• 2d w., Rev. -;. ,-r. Woodside, anu. lleoruo JI.•, 9 June 18201 d. 7ou11g. lleorge Jr,•, 28 Oct. 18311 m. 8 JR ... 1853, Catherlue M, Stone of 1/Orlgh,al, Ont., 28 May 18311 rem. 1863 Menasha, Wl1,, manf, 1ub, doort, etc,, later rem, Texas. Julia l\f.•, 21 Mar. 1866, Oeor,ce o.•, 23 May 18021 d, Inf, XDlra& L,•, II Aug, 18611, Mter11 R.•, 18 A11r, 1833, m. 11 Dec, 1864, Rev. RJchard M, Hammond, b, Lanark, Ont., 20 Mar. 1824, 1ulnleter of the We~leyan Meth, ob, of Canada, 1ta. Cutlet-,11, Ont, Jame■ n.•, 8 Dec, JIIM, grad, Toronto Univ,, 1tucle11t In chemistry, Berlin, Pru111111. Mary J.t, 10 Nov, 18ll7, roe. Kemptvllle, Out, Susanna E.•, a July 18(1(), m. 20 Aug. 1879, 8amnel D. Chown, b, Klngeton, Ont., 11 Apr. 18631 Meth, min, Frederick CJ,10, 9 Apr. 1881, d, fur. J1t1b11 E,10, 19 June lt-8:1, Alar11 ..4,10, 23 Oct, 188.'J. Mr. o. was 111 the har1lwaro trade before entering the ministry, 1':mellno M.•, 18 !Jee. 1804, Henry w.•, 22 June lllOO, d, Inf, Loul,o JI.•, 22 Sept, 1834, d. 111r, suaanna M.•, 211 Bept. 18361 w. 16 Jau. 1869, Albert H, Heaoh of so. Uower, Ont,, 6 Ju11e 1841, rarmtr, a11Jarl1t, Asa 11.•, 1 Jau, 1870. Richard A.•, to Sept. 18711, Ellu A, I',•, IS Sept, 18'i4, Sarah F.•, 19 Oct, 1870, Lo11tae Y.•, 20 Feb, 1839, m. a Jnly 1862, William Hutton of Ad1naston, Out.,~ Oct. l831S, rem. Archer, Toxa•. Frederick•, 8Ma11883, d. Inf, George•, 2'J Ang, 1864, d, Jnf1 Caleb•, ~ Mar, 1800, d, Inf, Either M.•, 28 July 1867, Sarah L.•, ao Ang. 18091 d, Inf, Prltt,ct . ..4.•, a Mar, 1841, entered Wesleyan Meth, oonr, eta,, Oallbogle Ml11lon, d, 28 Nov, 1860, i.entorrhage of lung11, RmeU,ae s.•, 12 Nov, 1842, m, llO Oct, 1809, Col, Joseph Hln11on, b, W•vttrley, o., II Mar. 1842, enl, 10 AJ>r, 1801, private, 1st Ohio ifole,, lit Lieut, 33d Hegt,, 17 Aug. t86l 1 CaJ>t, 2a Mar. 1802, llajor 28 Jan,, Lt.-Col, 18 May, Ool. 96 Juno 11166; at 1st Bull Run, Shiloh, Stone River, Chattanooga, with Sherman to the aea, lost an arm; llO general engageme11te; memb~r of Webster manr. oo. and book• keeper, Mena.aha, WIii, /aahella II.•, 17 Oct. 1114~, d. 9 Aug. 11177, ll}i UI Bt1>t, l86i, ~,. Tbomu

Zdncoln, 122

JI. Walkor of Van Rleek nm, Ont., 22 Mar. JS.'l(I, l\foth, min. 111 Ca1111dA, later ha Wis., now at Mottnt Vol'IIOD, Dak, Ber's was a short but useful life. c. Jo:mollnoP, 13 June 1808. William T.•, 10 AJ>r, 1870, l\lary 1..11

1 23 Feb. 11172, Henry E.•, 0 Re11t, 1876, 1'l1tbe <1.", IS Se11t, 1840, m. 27 l\fay 18601 John Aguew of l\loutngue, Ont., 1 l\Jny 18131 carnngo maker, 8111ll h's I<'alls,,·e,n, 1807 Ueru11tvll10, Ont,, 8. 8. 11u11t. fllnco 1877. F.st11n A.•, o I<'eb, 1870, Jlert1111 H.•, JIS )fay 1877, Melvllle n.11, 1 Oct. 1883, l\foscs u.,, 22 Aug, 18081 ru, JO Jau. 1841, 1''1umy l\l, l'lcrce, b. 4 Jan. 1821, both d. In Nebraska abt. 1884•6; learned tlao 11ri11ters' trade, later a farmer Jn J>akOL\, George L.•1 111.Apr. 1842. jlc11JcHn1n F.•, 17 Alar. 1844. 11'1lllmn JI. II.•, 21 Yoh. l!WJ, Charlu c.•, 31 Deo, 1848, Efirabctl, R.•, 18 Aug. 1"5~. <'arollnes, ,hnao 186,f. 1''rancca M.•, b, 18117. Elizabeth R,', 22 July 1810, d. 1 J<'eb. ~86li, m. 20 A11r, lflal, Howman W, J>onnls• b, f July 18001 Jived llyron, Mich.; separated, she later matron Ju Hene,·ue 1101111,, houee­keeper In nrevoort and New Earle Hotels, Now York city, Wlllant's, Wuhlugtou, Inter for her brothor, Chas. C. B,t, In that city, Jlary B.•, 7 A11r. lf!32, m. John Williams c1t' Hyron, Mich. Lucy H.•, 31 Oct. 1834, m. Edwin A, Bhehlou. Fr1u1k•, 8 Jan. 1&3, C1uollno l',', O May 1818, d., m. 24 .Aug, 1837, Joshua B. Davie of Chehnlfortl, 9 A11r. 1804, coll. gratl,1 atty. at law, Toledo, o., d, Bernardston, II Mar. 1843, en route to Walpole, N. H.; m. 21 Nov. 1844, 211 hua., Jnmee Walcott, b. J.ltchnelll, Conn., 8 Nov. 1789, div. 1867; m. 18 •·eh. 11368, Joaepb Berry, b. l'rlncetou, 22 Fob. 1787, attorney, judge, Newhury, Vt. 1 rem. Tole<lo 1860, d, 13 Jan. 18611, Joae11h L.• Wolcott, 10 Oct. 18-411, m. 13 July 18701 Mary L, Kaaslck of Jackson, Mich.,

18 Dec. 1849; dealer, until lately, In hardware, Toledo, Charles 0.1, twin, d,, m. (I Oct. 1838, Abby R. Champney of New Ipswich, N,H,, 29Aug, 18t3; roe. Dutra lo, N. Y,, Dubu11ue, la.; during war Q. M, Gen. of U, 8, Sanitary Comm. at Waahlngtou, D. o., res. later In Now J111wlch; In• ventor of several useful patents. Mo.r11 N." 1 Feb., 1841, d. young. Rlchar,l JI.•, 6 July 1848, drowned 18 Jul7 l81S7, Mar114'.•, 10 May 184li, m. 23 Nov, 1867, Francia N. Olbson, b, Londonderry, Vt., 18 Oct. 18891 grad. Dartm. wed, sch .. 1861, a11p, 6 Aug, 1862, a,st. 1urg. 9th N. H, Vole., aurg, JS Feb, 1866, now In practice at New I11swlch, Char/ea J•.•, 27 Apr. 1848, d. 1 Oct. 1868, Elim P.•, 13 Nov, 181S1 1 d. 8 .Mar. 18&4,

John", 21 Aug., 17'7, d. 2 Nov., 1820, soldier In Rev. 11·ar, lleut. 1776, CApt. 1777, ·ael.-man several yeara, deacon of church 1808; m. 18 Dec., 1782, Hopzlbah Brooks of Lincoln, 19 A11r., 1761, d. 18 Mar,, 1887. Lydla0, 26 Apr., 1785, d. ii Mar., 1865. John u.e, i Jan., 1787, d. 6 Mnr,. 1869, went to Augu1t11, Mc., clerk for his uncle, Wm. Drook,, m. 18 May 1810, his coualn, Eliza Drook,, 80 J)ec., 1 nm, d. 28 Apr., 186-l. .

Sarah E,', 19 Oot. 1811, m. 27 Feb. 1829, Lieut. John PoJ>e of U. s. N., b. San<lwlch, Dec. 1708, d, H Jan. 1876, midshipman 80 llay 1818, Jleut, 1826, commAnder IH3, caJ>t. 18M, commodore 16 July 1862, comm. 11ev. sloops, two frigates, ono line of battle ehlp, China sc1uadron, Ports­mouth Navy Yard, known throughout the service a• 11 Honesty Jolin," Surn/1 P.•, Mar, 1883, d. 10 May 1879, m, lSDS, M. G, Del,aney, 1urg. U. 8, N. 1 who d., Oeueva, N. Y,, II Apr. 186CIJ m. 21I hu1. Geo. N, Dox, M,D., of Geneva, who d. 10 June 18811. Mary F. o.• UoJ,anoy, 80 May 18'H, Charles P.•, 12 June 1800, John P.•, 2, 1867, J>hy1. and aurg., Oe11ova, N,Y, .Kmll7 A,•, 9 May 1868, d. 9 Apr, 1871, George D.• Dox, 11 July 1870, d, 10 Nov, 1884. Mary E.•, m. 6 July 181S2, Francl1 0, Wyse, U, 8. A.,, 1rad. Weit Point 1837, In Florida and Moxlcan wan, breveted major lM7, now colonel on retired Uat, res. Plkeavllle, Mel,; D ob. Florence E.•, m. E, Walmouth Thomae of Wuhlugton, D. o., son of Gen, Geo. A., Thomae, comrn • . merch, M11ry A.•, m. Lieut. W, 8. Henson, U. 8. N,, 11at1vo of t.facon, Ga. Allgt11ta 11.•1 b, 1838, m. 181S81 David B, Alaooaub, b, 1827 Jn Florida, nephew of MaJ.-Gen, Alexander Macomb, U, 8, A,, gr, s. of Oov, Worthington of Ohio, app. to nav:, from Pa., t June 184111 waa on duty at Pensacola, Fla., when rebellfon broke out, now holds rank of oblef engineer, eomo yean on dut)' at Navy Yard, Boaton. Albert w.•, b, 11166, d. Inf. Margaret A.•, UJ July 1866, m. 1885, Gould H11ll1 a11t. engineer, U. 8.N • . 1Jat.'1d MA Margaret A,10,I>eo. 1880, Allcec.•,

11 June 1870, l'orclval <J.•, 28 Feb, 1841, capt. U, 8. Marinos, u. 8, N,, breveted for gallantry during war of RebeJllou, now comdg. U. 8. Marines, Nav7 Yard, Washington, D, c., m. 111 Oct. 1811a, Sarah w. l'arker of J•ortswouth, N, If. l'erclval w.11

1 1 Aug. 18611, cowru, b111. 1

Boston, John P.•, 18 Dee. 1868, atud, CorneJI Uulv, Itblca, N. Y. AcloU,u, w.•, 28 l\fay JSflS, m. :l6 Apr. 1802, Nor1nau If, Farquhar, b, l'ottsvfllo, i•n., 10 A1>r, 1840, entered 11avy 18114, now ca11tnl11. Norman s,v, 211 No,·. Jlltl6, grad. l\llch. Univ. 18M, attorney, Pottsville, Pa, Artbur', 111 Voe, 1800, d, luf. llcatrlce s.o, 28 July 18i2, Haymoutl R,o, 1 Out. 1870, WHllam B,71 13 Nov. 1814, grad. llowcloln 183~, 111. 30 Oct. 1837, Eliza H,r Jolluaou of AUKU!lta, Me., 8 May Jl!hl; 14oc1·ctat)' of :itatu l81ii1 app, 1111roer 111 uavy, ti. nt 110a t wu· 1lay1 out of tUo Janeiro, J2

Cmicorcl, 123 BROWN,

July 1810, Henrv W.•, d, 1/elen M.•, d. llarrut H.•, d, llorace II,•, d, John N,7, 10 l\111y J817, rueroh,, Augusta, Me, Susan A,,, H Aug, f819, d, Lydia l',', 20 Nov. 1822, d, 1883. Harriet H.1, 2J Fch. 1824, llary L,', 24 Jan. 1827, Ellen )1,1, d,

Sarah•, 24 Oct,, 1788, d, 1871, m. 81 Dec., J81R, .Abljab Hoar of Concord, 1 Sept., 1782, d, 20 Apr,, 1860, nnmc'1 changed to Ahljnh II, Plorcc, farmer, Lincoln.

Snmuel 11.,, l July 1820, m, 10 Oot, JM8, Sarah o. Smith of Lincoln, 7 June 1828; farmer In u,at town. llelen 1".•, 29 Dec. IS.JO, m. J9 May 1880, Edward Foster of Lincoln, 7 Apr. 1852, u. Helle4, b. 1862, /,if,•, 1, b, Jolin II,•, 4 Oct, IMO, d, young. Auuu,ta JI.•, JO Dec. 1868, d, 11 Juno JBM, Abl1u s.•. 13 l>eo. ttlOO. Augusta 1\1,,. John 11.,, b, 183Q, m. 26 Nov, 1862, Mary E. Wbeolor of l,fncoln, 22 Nov. 1840, fl, I ~lay 1880 i bookkee11or In Hoston. J/c11rv JI.•, 8 Aug. l81l3, d, youug, A'tale II.•, :l8 June 1806. /lobcrt•, 21 Jan, 1800, lf(lJon 1''.', 27 May 1833, d. :ltJ l>ec. 1869, m, 6 Dec. 1866, l\laJ. Jame1 Van Voast, U, a. A, llotvard ll.•, b. Ft. Ualle1, Ore,, n June 1857, d, J2 Ju11A J867, Helen•, 3 A11r, 18591 roared by her aunt, A.ugu1t11. M, Pierce.

llannah8, 0 Nov., 1790, d., m, 17 June, 1818, Wm. D. ,Johnson of Augusta, Me., merch,, J>JilJ:ulclphla, Pa., Now York city,

EIIZR 11.,, m. Wm. n. Hartwell, ante. WIiiiam H,', 26 Apr, 18',11, d, 23 Dec, J878, changed bla name to Willia ltenvllle, m, lt153, Mary Hodges; tl\Ugbt J)enmansblp, New York city, ISM-60, rem. Orange, N. J. 1,llllan•, m. 1883. Clifford•, b. 1806(?). Florence•, b, 1807 (?), Harriet N.1, 23 !\Jar. 1826, sch, tea, 1842, m., In Piermont, N, Y,, Grosvenor Thomas, b, 1820; wont to Ky,, 1llv,; &he ret. oaet, te11.chlng In Hoston since 1800, Marla L.', 27 A11r. J830, m. Geo, Richardson, lnsJ>. or police, Hoston; have ch. Merry J,', 17 Sept, 1832,

Wllllam B.8, 13 Mar., 111.m, d. 20 Jnu., 1815. Maryb, 5 Jan., 17-iO, d, 21 Apr., 1818, m. H Jun., J770, Cul, Hoger Drown of Concord, 21 Sept., 1749, d, Willlam', 20 ,Jan., 1781, d. 18211, m. Beulah Stow of Marlboro; farmer, Concord, ca11t. in WUl' Of 1812,

Mary1, 28 Mny 1813, d. A11r. 1873, m. Rufu1 Holden of Acton, rem. Woburn, Beverly,· ret. Actou. ,tta11•, d. Inf, Cllarlu•, b, abt, l&IO, d. Sept, 1883, ftne musical talent, became deaf from scarlet fever, Willthro1~, d, Inf, llo11er1, d, young, <Jeorut,1, d, Anotl,or', d,• gall', 4 July 181-l. Harriot', l!7 July 1818, m, O May 1830, Ueorge Pierce of Provhlence, R, I,, A1,r, 1810, foreman ID foundry, So, Hoston, rem. Warren, R, I,1 18"31 Norwich, Coun,, 18-16. Amelia•, Apr, 1&12, d, 20 June 1860, 1''ranA.•, t,, 1830, d, young, 1YUll,111i n.•, 30 Jan, t8.'S2, 10,

Mrs, Bertha Brown of New York elty; ls with II Jobbing house In that city, ,voolcns. llc11zlbah', ba11, 18J8, d, ae, 7 yrs, Geor,e M,', b, 1820, d. Inf,

Jo.mos", 11 Apr., 1782, d, 25 Dec., 1872, 01. 4 Nov., 1807, Mary l!'lsk of Framtng­hnm, 26 .Tan,, J 789; farmer, clothier, built mm ln SaxonvJlle, Col,, Jn war of 1812.

Marla B.', July 1808, d. 28 Dec, 18(1(), m. 29 May 1833, Rev, Jamea Kendall of Plymouth, 1 Nov. 1803, ll, 16 May 1884, grad. Harvard 1823, aeu, Medfortl, re1lgn11d pastorate 1837, lived 111.ter In Framlngb11m, Stow, Cambridge, rem. Sazonvllle 1867, Jama O.•, grad, Harvard ISM, d, 9 Oct, IMD, attorney In Worcester, Ellen M,•, date of birth unk., librarian public library, Framingham, Edward H,•, d, Lucy A,', b, 18101 m, A.ngu1tns Lolan«l or She, born, sob, tea1, Paweucket, R, I,, who d. la two years i w, 2d bus., Rev, Benjamin JJrown of 8a:ron• VIile) rein, Helolt, Wl1,, l\bt, ·1846, Luc11• Lelan<l, b, abt, 1830, d, JJelolt, ae, 20, IYtlltam• llrown, grad, Beloit Univ,, Coug, min,, JaueavlMe, Wl1,, m, IillR Fisk, Bile"•, m. a merchant In Chicago; botb d, .flcirl,i K,•, llves with father. Ellon', b, abt, 18111 d, ao, 42, m, -Hobart, M,D. of Wayland, res, Southl>oro, James w.,, 8 A.1>r, 18181 grad. Williams 1840, au. lecture• Outleton, Vt,, grail, In med, at l'blla., Pa., practleea In Framlnaham, m. 1 A}lt, 1&U, llnrr J, Brewer ot F., 24 Juno 1818, Ada c·•, 8 Jan. 1843, d. 19 July 18.57. Jlarv 11.•, 18 A.UR, mis, d, 11 Oct. 1870, Hover J.•, 4 Jttlf 1&&7, d, young. Ataria K.•, o l<'eb, l&ro, m, 9 Dec. 18711, lhmry ll. lloore, b, Cleveland, o., 13 Nov, 1843, who. doaler In liquors, New York olty, Iaa• belle H.•, :12 Mar, 1877, Phlllp A.•, all>do, 1878, Roger n.•, H Oct, 1880, Julia B.•, 2 Sept, 1883. Emtlt1 J,•, 6 Nov. 18321 d, young, Anua F.,, d, 18i'11 w. Charles Wa1bburn of Worceeteri waa a hl1b 1ch tea., a lady of much itblllty, Ellen H,•, m. Obarlea True or Portland, Me,, grain and Gour de•ler. .Anna•, eon•, t"lnl, one of them d. John JI',•, m. JuJlet AUen of Wqr• cester; rea, Brooklyn, N, Y, Atma J•.•, m, Thomu Hine of Newark, N, J,, 1ra1l, Harvard, res. Cambrld1e,

John°, 81 July, 1788, d, Oct., 18611, m. Sl\lly Cogswell of Marlboro, 2 Oct., 1700, d. 11 July, 1880; re,, CC1ncord, served a,t Bo,ton, fall 1814: coast cletcnco.

· P1inc~ton, 124

Sarah 0,71 18 Mar, 18111, d, Feb, 1883, MRtllda 0,', 29 Oct, 1816, John', 7 Aug, 18181 Ill,

Amandi\ M, Wllll11 of Fitchburg, 22 June 18111; merch., Concord, Samuel IY.•, o Se11t, 1847, m. Oct. 188-1, Emma Uothe; lnR, agt,, JJostou. Wlllfcr,n II.•, 4 ~lny 18-10, m. 22 Foh. 1872, Marcella A, Symonds or Lexlugtou, sales. who. dry goods, Hoston. Jt'rederlck w,o, 24 May 18711, Edith H.•1 2 l\lar, 1878, Charles K.•, 18 Nov, 18601 m, 4 June 188-1, Florence D. Whiting of Augusta, l\Ie., 9 Juno 1861; merob.1 Concord, Percy w.v, 21 Jan. 1887, Rlliabetli L.•, 22 Stpt, 111113, d. Helm D.•, 111 May 181S7, •rail. Vassar, tea. ht prlv. sch, New York city, author of "Two College Girls," Jame, R.•, 13 Feb, 1859 d, young. Rllinbeth s.•. 1 June 1860, took apeolal couree at Vassar, asst, phys. N, Y, Inf. Asylum, (JeorytJ w.•, 20 May 1862, grad. Harvard, now In Jaw sch, JemmetttJI, grad, Harvard annex, high honors, teacher at IJryn Mawr Coll,, Pa. WUllam n,,, 23 ?<ov, 1820, cl, 18 May 18871 111. 80 June 18501 Martha Jo}. Swan of Springfield; farmer on homestead of Col, Roger JJ, Abigail D,', Iii Se11t. 1823, d. young, Ellzabetl17, 13 Feb, 1827,.m. 18 Nov. 18601 Nathan H. Rtow of Concord, farmer. ,tlar11 K.•, d, young, Jamee H.,, 3 June 18281 d. 81 Jan. 1836. Roger o.,, 2 Feb, 18301 d. 21 Feb, 1&16.

Mary 11.•1 4 Aug,, 1784, d., m. 4 May, 1810, llenjnmln lllldrcth, l\f.D., of Marlborough,

Mar,7, m, Henry M, Tapley, b, Lynn, 3 Mar. 18201 d. J•arls, 20 A11r, 1883, bookkee11er, JJostou, res, Cambrld,ce11ort, Alor11 E.•, ll 6uue 1840, d, Inf. Charles w.•, 4 Mar, 1848, llookkeo)ler, no1ton1 m, Emma 1".•, 23 Jan, 18521 d. 20 A11r. 1874, .Mary JJ.•, II Dec, ISM, cl, young, John Jt,,, m. Eliza Wheeler of Sudbury; sales. R. H. White ,Ii. Co., who, dry goods, nos ton, res, Highlands,

Sally•, 1/J Oct., 1780. Jonas', 8 May, 1788, m. 28 Jan., 1812, Allee JWnt of Con• cord, d,, m., 2d w., Ml11 Ulchardson of Mobile, Ala., merchant there, Lucy•, 16 Sept., _1790, d. inf,

Sarab6, 10 Aug., 17501 d. 21 Aug., 1778, m. nov. Jacob Bigelow. h111Lc~, 8 July, 1762, d, 12 Sept., 1881, m. 0 Feb., 1780, Eunice Mirick of l'rinceton, 15 Mny, 1750, d. 28 June, 1828; sett, in that town, funner. Jonn16

1 22 Nov., 1780, d. :t-t May, 1820, farmer, m. 16 May, 1810, Mary Whitaker, 2-i Nov., 1788, d,

Har, A,', 211 Dec, 1811, d. Inf, Jonaa H.,, 27 Dec, 18121 d. on Konawha river, now W. Va,, 7 June J837, Willlaw w.,, 80 June 18141 grad, l\larletta (O,)Coll, 1839,stml, Andover, cl. 21 Juue 1840, Mary A,', 18 June 18161 d, 1 May 18671 m. 6 Jan, 1S:t91 Isaac P, Damon of Holden, farmer, merob,, town clerk from 1869; enl, 80 Sept, 1802, B 61st Mass, Vols,, 11lsch, July 1803, later Q, JI, clerk, Camp Nelson, Ky, Helen•, 6 Aug, 1839, grad, Wheaton Sean, 1869, m 12 Oct, 1884, Jamee M, Shute, b, 1838, coll, grad., tea. Govt, ech, 1 Jlouolulu, 8, J,, 1860-2, James w.•, 23 May 18011, d, Inf, Tbomu L.•, 2 J'eb, 1868, Harry D,o, 11 Aug, 1871, Helen E.•, 80 l\lay 1873, Marlon', 28 Feb, 1841, d, youna-, Julia•, 6 liar, 1843, d, l11f, Marv .A,•, o Juno 1844, d, 8 June 1878, m. 93 Apr, 1868, Emory Rogers of Holden, 7 Mar, 1842, Mary H.•, 11.Aug.1870, Ada M.0,

n June 18721 d. young, Wlnalow H.•, 9 Aug, 1873, Sarah P.•1 29 Mar, 18711. Isaac c.•, 7 May 1M7, d, youni, Mctrf.on Y,•, 16 Apr, 18!i01 m, 7 Ma11879, Francis Shute, bro, Jamee M., ante. Francia•, b, 1680, Harrt1 c.•, 7 Jan. ISM, Anna CJ.•, 26 Dec, 1866, ,trad, Wore. Nonn. Bob, IP>, acb, tea, Jtdla A,', 18 June 1818, d, Charleeton, W, Va,, 8 Feb, 1836, Lydia A,7, 16 June 1820, d, IIO Oct. 1862, m, 26 June 18391 John Ho7den of 8pe11oer1 H Aug. 1816, sob, tea,, sett. Maoblas, lie,, rem, Worce1ter 1841, wu 1111, town elk., nut clt7 elk., treas, 18-17-111, 1h1oe banJJer and broker, Francut, 20 June 18-10, d, 30 Veo, J860, llarr11•, Ill Dec. 1846, d, 2 Dto, 18611,

Mary•, H Jan., 1788, d, 8 May, 1810, m, John Nlchol11on of Camden, Me.

Mar, L,', 9 Sept, 18131 d, 18 Mar, 18411 m. 12 Se11t, 1830, as 2d w., Nathan Merriam of Prince­ton, 21 Mar, 1791 1 d,, 18411, lolin•, 28 June 1840, was In tho army, went 1806 to Valmont, Colo,, ln oat&le trade, rem, 1879 Boulder, Colo, 1 m. 1870, ,uv. aoou. Utorue•. was In army, m. d, .4Wga1Z•, d, Joanna .4,•, 8 Au,r, t&U, m. 20 1:te11t, 18001 Aniol H, Howard of Princeton, 10 Aug, 1843, oarp., rem. Gardner 1869, Gertrude•, 8 Jan, 1871, Sarah P,t, 23 Apr, 1810, d. 28 Apr, 18411, m, 111 llfept, 18801 Jamee M, Eveleth of Princeton, farmer. A'lfea•, d, young, lJeof'f/tJI, an. - Ballard, rem, weat, found dead; wld, ret, to N, H, to e,luoate thtilr chlhlren. WUll,ori•, m, li:mma 8. Thomp1on of Su<lbul')', 27 A11r, 1848, cl. 19Ma71874; rea. Cambridge, supt. of grounds Harv, Coll, 12 ch, TAtodor.-, June 18411, found dead In stable behind cattle, 19 Fell. 18!i0, having been charged with tbe duty of attending ob tho stock during bis father'• abaeuce fruui home, Sarah s.•, U July 11101 m, Chai lea Cuok of Leominster, 3 or 4 ab.


Susan9, 80 Oct., 1780, d. 16 Oct., 182l, m, 25 Nov., 1807, Henry M. Uogg, M.J>., b, Shutesbury, 1780, cl. 7 Oct., 1824, sett. In Princeton, 1804.

A1lellnel, 111 SeJ>t, 1808, d. l June 1874, rn. l Aug, 1832, Ellis ~lune or Nntlck, 26 Ja11. 1780, d 111 Oct, 1869, rem, Eaton, N, Y,, farmer, distiller, oattJe denier, .Adeline8, 14 Feb, 18:H, m. 1 July 18631 Amoa O. Osborne, res, Waterville, N. Y. Walter•, 111 Feb. 18311, 111, 3 Feb. 18(i2, H. Celeste Davis of Eaton, 23 Re1>t, 1842; steam engine manf, Ellis w.,, 27 Apr. 18611. Adeline IV, 17 l<'ob, 1873. llenr11 JJ.•, 2 July 1830, d, :lO June 187f, atty at law, circuit Judge 11t Pino muff, Ark. Al/re,l ..4.•, 29 Sept. 1838, grad. Jfamllton Coll., enl. D 114th N, Y. Vols., d. 2-1 Nov. J86f of wound received at battle of Cedar Creek, Va. 1/arttt·ell•, 6 AJlr, 1843, tu. 10 Be11t, 1869, Kato K. Johnson of Bobuylervllle, N. Y., 26 Nov. 18411; cashier City Nntl. nk., Blngh11mton, N. Y., bas been 111 the bank since 1864. Walter H.•, 6 Nov. 1870, William 0.111

21 Nov. 1873, Ellla G.0, 31 July 1877, Kate0, 31 Deo. 1878, cl, young. Harrletl, 18 I>eo. 1809, d. 6 Feb. 18381 m. 3 Oot, 1833, J<:11wnrd A. Ooo!luow, 10 July 1810, In boot and shoo trade, Wor­cester until 18711, since pres. 1st Natl. Dk. of W.; has given llberally In al!l or public library and town hall In Princeton, Busnnl, 17 Mar. 1811, d. ll Aug. l8·U, Mary A.,, 21 Feb. 1813, d. 29 Mar. 18«, m. l\t 2d w. Edward A, Goodnow, antf, 1/enru IJ.•, d, inf., 8 Se11t. 1843. Eunice M,', d., m, - Glover; no ch, Henry JV, 14 )lar, 1818, m. 20 Nov. l!Wli, Mary A. Storrs or Eaton, N. Y., 28 Oct. 1820, d. 1 Nov. 181n; m. 22 I>cc, 18531 Exana Wl\tors or Norwich, N. Y ., 1 Junu 18221 d. II May 1870; distiller, Waterloo, N. Y. JlenrlJ JI.•, JO J\Jay 1847, d. young . . Alari, H.•, 17 Aug. 1848, d. 10 June 1860, Htlwar,l•, 1 ltlay 18111, d, Inf. Dovlllo w.e, 28 Mar. 18116, d. young. Atlelfti, M.•, 1 Sept. 1801, J, Hervey', b. 1820, m., no. ch.

Ephraim•, 7 JuJy, 1701, d. 8 June, 1825, CharJeston, W. Vn. Isaace, 14 Apr.,

1704, d. 4 Sept., 1880, m. 1 Oct., 1822, Susan Da,·ls, 14 Jan., 1802, d. Warren D.1, 26 Dec, 1833. J<:llza A.', 14 Sept. 18211, m. 24 Jan. 1850, George A. Folger or

'Princeton, 17 Jnl)' 1816, d, Marfa L.', 2 Dec. 1827, m. 31 ltfar. 1840, Edwlu 11, J.ovcll or Wor­cester, 12 Se11t, 1810, bro. John D, L, ante (J>, 26). Edward E.1, 17 ,July 1831, d, 4 I>cc. 18W, 111.

7 Nov. 1~, Caroline D. Mh'lck or Princeton, 26 Nov. 1835, d, 21 Dec, 1803; m. 4 J1111. 18i8, Alartba Selby, b, Van. lluren Co,, Ia., 27 Jan. 1842i boot and shoo trade, Princeton, rem. 1806 I>enver, Colo,, l'atne bus., later In ruining pro11crtles. RoaeS, 2 I>oc, 1878, d. young, JM ,1111 rd B.•, 14 Feb, 1880.

Joaepb9, 8 Oct., 1796, d, 20 Mar., 18•5, ni. 4 Dec., 1821, SaJJy Colib of Marlboro, 11 Oct., 1801, d. 9 Apr., 1880; farmer.

Eunice E,,, 27 June 1823, m, 111 Nov. 1853, as :.Id w., Lyman w. J.ell\nd or Sutton, tll ,Juno 1817, macblolat, some yea11 foreman for Harney & 8mlth, oar builders, D11yton, o., now rl's, J,anoa11ter. Edtt·ard JI.•, 12 ,Tul118116, d. Inf, Jlcnr'/1•, 17 Mar. t8li8. Jose11h M,1, 18 Sept. 18241 d, 27 A1>r, IS-Ill, Bnrah L.', 7 l\lay 1827, m. 16 Jan, 18111 1 John Brooks, b. Jloston a Aug. 18201 res. Jllll11Jde l<'Rrm, l'rln<·eton, noted for Its fine buildings ancl fences, and the llll)lerl­orlty of lta blooded stock. Alice JI.•, ~8 Feli, 181'131 m. 30 Oct. 1877, George M, Kellllr\11 of Lowell, 9 May 1830, merch. Sa,·ah L.•, 19 Sept. 1862. Susan A.', 111 July 1829, res. with her aleter JJroou. Isaac w.,, 14 Be11t. 1835, bookkeeper, l'helps, Dodge 4~ l'almet, who. ,try good1, Chicago, 111., m. 14 Seait, 1870, 1<·ra11ce11 JJ. Tbom11son, b. J.owell, 18 I>ec. 1843, d, 1 July 1871; m. 12 Oct. 1880, 2d w., her slater ltlary I,,, 23 Se11t, 18501 d. :11 Dec. 1880.

Loul1a8, 17 Jan., 1700, d. 0 l'eb., 1828, ru. Reub,m Brooks, M.l>., "ho d. Dos Molnea, IR. Jose11h7, Al.I>., cl. Des Moines. Hartwell7, cl. ne. 16.

Laurendn8, 17 Mar., 1801, d. 21 Aug., 1882, m, 21 Mar., J8~1, Cnleb Dann of l'rlnceton, 2! Dec,, 1707, ,I. ti Mar., 1871, ch·. cng., J. P., l'rinccton, rem. Worceater.

Sarah s.,, Oct. 18211 d, i7 SeJ>t. 1843. John A.', 10 Mar. 1823, grtul. Yale l&H, 1111m, liar W111·­cester, a11t. r.o. clk. ISM, clerk 1877 .to 1882, 111, 26 Nov. 1860, Ellzrl H. llate11 of Northamptou, b, 1823, Alartl1a JI.•, 30 Nov, J.i61, cl. Inf, Mary J,.r, 14 Apr, 1826, res. In bomeatead, l'lonsaut 8t., Worceater,

Jona,•, 28 June, un,, grad, Hnrvnr<l 1777, went to Dllboa, Spain, cngngc,t in trade, accumulated wealth, W hon, lu 1784, about to return homo, he was seized and lmprlaoned at Loon by order of the Holy lnqulaltlon. Tho cn)ltaln of 0110 of lils shl111, jnat arrlvc,t at Ullboa, Jiud discharged ballast for repulrs i hcnritlg of the 1111-prleonmcnt of Mr. Hartwell he sot aaU ~\'lthout ballast for Arm•rlcu, by singular gooil


fortune arriving safely In Boston. 'fhe family nnd friends at once appealed to the Pre1<idc11t of Congn•ss, who 11ispatdwd n swift sailing ,·esscl with a <lcnumd on the S1in11lsh Go,·crunwut for the release of Mr. JJartwcli, who died, howc,·er, about six we<.>ks after his Jlberntlon, ns, ls l)('llev<.>d, from effects of slow poison, admlnlstere1l 1lurlng his conflncmeut.

Lydln', 2 May, 1709, rn., bef, 20 ~•eb,, 17!H-2, -- Shepard of Concord.

MKry3, 10 Feb., 1007-8, d. 14 Mnr., 17:-18-9, m. 1 No,·., 1C88, John l'nrllng of Concord. Huth3, 17 Oct., IGG9, d. July, 17lrn; her estute settled on Bphratm• Hartwell. Wlllinml, l6 Aug., 1071, d, 11 Dec., 1742, m. Huth--, b. IOU, d. l 7 .Feh., 1752; ho settled In whnt Is now the southern part of Ucdford In 1729, m<.>m, of comm. to organize new church preparatory to the se11aratlon of thnt town from Concord; among the <.>nrlicst signers of the co,·cnant, lie wns a determined contestant for his 11erson11l rights, nil c\'inced by his 11crslstcnt lltigntlon with the town of Concord over right of way for a rond, bet. 1700 and 1710. WHllamt, 6 Nov, 1703, 11., 17-10, m. llebornh --. Olln•r&, 13 Jnn., 1727-8, soldier In exp. against Louisburg, C. ll., prohnbly d. bef. return of exp., as Joseph Arnold, admr. of his father's estnto, charges himself, In 1740, with £16, pay collected for hie &l'r,·icc. Joscph6, 3 No,·., 11ao, d. 7 July, 1702, m. 12 nee, 1750, Jemima Batch­elder of Bc\'crly, 21 .Feb,, 1720-80, ti, 18 July, 178G. 'l'he house built by him on the South roud bl•ars the i11suri11tion, 11 1768," Jostiph6, 18 l\fay, 1762, d, young. Jcmlmn6 , ll Sept., 1763, d, 18001 m, 22 June, 1774, Ebenezer Cummings of Wohuru,· 21 Sept., 1740, d. -l ,June, 1821, tanner and currier, ns was his father, I>a,·id Cum­mings, who rem. from 'J'o11sfltiltl to W,, 1760, und built one of the first tanneries In that town. A Jlredilection for the leather business has almost become hereditary In tho Cummings family of Woburn. l~bonczor7, 18 No\'., 1775, d. 12 Jnn., 18-l.5, m. O Nov,, 180-t, Huth Skelton of Woburn, 1 No,·,, 1778, ti, 11 li'ob., 1852.

Ehenozere, 20 A)lr. 16011, d, 10 Sept. 1S18, Emeline•, 17 Jnn, 1808, d. 10 ,July 1870, m. 26 May 1820, dea. John Mnrlou of Hnrllugton, 7 A11r. 1807, d, 4 So11t. 1883, farmer. John K.•, 2 June 1831, ni, 80 8eJ1t, JSGO, Colla r., Hills, of Hubbardston 3 Se11t, 1836, grad, W, Newton Norm. Sob, 1&52, sob, tea, Henry s.•, 12 June 1633, farmer, m. 24 Nov, 18110, Frances M, Cartt,r of Hlllorlca, 17 ,1ay 1838. l'rancls c.10, 1 Nov. 1803, Harriet E,10, 14 July 1869, Cl,arlea w.•, Ill I>eo, 1837, m. 20 Sept. 1803, Amelia su,11les of Hedford, 28 M11r, 1837; maker of organ keys, I<'rederlck L,10, 20 July 1804. Charles Walter•0, 1 Oct, 1866. Harry E,to, 14 Aug, 1868, Emma J,10, 21 June 1870, d. Inf, Marv E.•, 26 July 1841, m, ti Nov. ISM, Wm. C, O, Colgate of Woburn, ti Nov, 1&12, ex11reH 1uHl back driver, Arthur M,•0, JO Oct. 1860. Jlerl.lert w,101 80 Se11t, 1868, J>au,10, h, JO July 1886. LMnco·d w.•, 21 Dec. 1847, m. 7 Mar. 1872, Sarah N, Warren of Fram­lnghum, 2 l>ec, 18-111, grad. 1''rR111, Norm. Sch, 1804, scb, tea. u11tll marriage, J,'rank H.•, l1 Mu. 11163, farmer, m, 31 Aug, 1870, C'lara T, Tbompeon of Stoneham, 7 Nov. 1&52. John T,•0,

JU Sept, 1882. Hertha T.•0, 8 Se111, 1884,

Jcmhna7, 28 ,June, 1777, d. Hl·Jnn., J81ll, m. ,; Dl'e,, 180/i, Zndock Hogora of Tewksbury, 8 l\luy, 17i4, d. 16 I•'eh. 1 18-44, Cith gen. from ,John Rogers, the u1artyr; sl'tt, llt nunrlnge on li'ort Hill, to the eutwnrtl of what 18 now Lowell, uow within the hounch of that city; a frugal, industrlou8 pnlr. She wns a uotablo housewife, most rcsembllnl{ her brother ,John In appearance 1111d energy.

Zadock•, 21 l>ec. 1800, d. 26 Sc11t. l&H, m, 1801 1 Harriet A, Hra1lley, Jolrn Z .•, etucl, flart­moutb. Jose11h 1'.1, 8 M11y 180:1, d, 30 Apr. 1870, Eaully•, 18 Se11t. 1811, cl, 14 Mar, 1884, Hen­Jamin F,•, 10 1''ell, 181-1, d, 21 May 1860, }:llzabeth•, 7 May 1810, Until the death of\/ the family bad tenaclou11ly retained their bold u11on tbe beauttful property held by tbeu,, but during the clo11h1g months of her life a J•lan was matured by the sl1ter11 pruposlng a v.lft of Fort HUI to the city of I.owell for II public park, In conueotlon with the sale, at a low price, of an additional traut of land, the whole, when Improved, for1ntn1 a rare and valu:thle ao-11u111t1on &o the city, 'fbty also provided for a bequest to the .Atu, Dible Soc, of ftlO,Ci.o,

Joscph7, G Dec., 1770, d,, w, Murtbal>rfoet, f1nwcrlnLlttlcto11. Phebe', g Sept.,


1781, tl, 20 Sc1>t,, 1871, m. Hi July, 11:-02, 'fhomns l~vnns of Wnkefield, lo l<'cb,, 1778, d, 22 May, 1832, sett. In Ilcmllng, shoe. mauf.

l'hebo•, 12 Aug, JSOI, d. ~8 June 18001 111. ao Nov, 1820, J.owrll 8wcctzc1· of Wnkcficld, ti, 28 Juno 1873, shoemaker. /'he/Jo s.11

1 Apr., 111. 28 Alny JMt,, Hyh·nuus Jloyrc, rem. Jll.; lmvo n dau. Jla,uw/, JI,', 22 l>ec, 1830, ti, 27 Juuo Jt-8:i, m. :.i-t ~o\·, 1863, (lcorgc JI, 8wcctzor of Wakoflcld, 26 Sept. 1830, farnU11·1 shoo mnuf,, Wnkellchl, Clnl'n J. 1~, 20 Jn11. 18M, I,yurnu E.•0,

3 Feb. 1802, JewoJlcr, Wakeficltl. Jlarrlso11 c.~, 6 Nt1\', 1840, 111, 17 June 1869, J\bhy Wnllo11 of WJlton, N.11., 20 Feb. 1848; res. C11nrlcstow11 1 snlos. 11111Jioo trado. 1''rcdorlok w.•0, 21 Ju110 1870. Frank L.10, 2 JuDo 1s;a, lMfth J•.w, 26 J-'cb. 1~. Jlcsslo .M,•P, 21 .i\Jnr. 1886, LOflla', 13 Apr, 1848, 111, 1 Jan, 1807, Horace Wiley or Wakefield, day goods, l\laldcn. nehcccn•, ::11 July J80li, d, ttiA11r, lll76, 111. 13 Jau, 1!!2/i, Ueorgo llntcbcldc1· of Heading, Jill8, d, u JJec. lSf.S, farmer, Ueorue u.•, llay 18211, ti. 29 AJlt, J88i, 111. 1'~11ther Wortb of Hollis, .Me,, 4 A11r, 1sao, Otis O,H, 1 Dec. ISM, Howard W. 10, 27 A11r, 11!56, Adcll.1r.1 t E. 10, 12 J)cc. IM7, 111. 10 lllny 188·1, Mary A, AJlen or No. noadlDg; rcH. Lynn. .-111111 E,11 ,24 A)lr, 1885. Clnra ~.10, osc11t. l8ll!I, 111.

Milo H. Gould of Antlo\'er, res, there. Rlln F.11, l0July J&~. l'tlolvln n.10, 11 8CJ1t. 1864, Oscnr c.10, 26 Jan. 1806, d, youug, llebcccci", 14 Ju110 1827, m. o J\lny 1847, Albert Holt of No, Ueall­fng, farmer, Wakoflelcl, Albert w.•0, 23 Hee, 18li0, m. 6 June , Mnrthn 1-;, Caso i rnns. tea, Jltank w,11, 17 Jau, 1817, Oraco E.11, 7 Jan, 1882. l<'rnucclla, 21 }'ob. Jec,71 111, 15 Jan, 1876, Chas, .A, U11ton, lJutcher. Geo, /J, 11 , 20 llny 1876. F,·c,lcrick A,11, 27 lllar. 1877. acrtrudo A,u, IIJ Feb, 1879. Charles A.11, 2 Juuo 1881. Nellv M.11, 17 Aug. t8.t\3. Clnrn n.1°, 21 Nov, 1861J. .Ellen10, Haooah1°, twins, Tllomns J,•, o Oct Jt!OtJ, d. 27 llnr, It-St, m. J nee. 11':lO, Mary D, Symonds of Rcadlog, 17 Juno 1818; taunor 1U.1d currt1ir 111 I.owell Crom 18:{4, /'hebe Cl, :n .Apr, UWO, d, lJelia R,e, 24 Juno 1841 1 d. 20 A11r, JSi(J, m. E,·crcu~ C11111111f11gs, seq, q. 11, 1'/wmas 11.,, 24 Mar. 1846, prov. trade, Hoston, 111, 24 Mnr. 1874, Susan E, l<'ostcr of No. ltcadtug,3 Juuc 18ll0, Grace H,101 3 Apr. 1876, d, youug. l,aura10, !."O July J8i7. Jlurrlct 11.e, 16 ScJ1t, 1848, d. young, James M.•, 24 Aug, 1800, shoo maul., Wakefield, m. 2 A111, 18331 Snhfua w. Wflsou of Saugus, 9 Oct. 1800, d, 20 Sept, 1881. lfrm111a K.•, 1 A)lr, 1834, d, 13 Oct. 1830, Franrell1t Jl,11,

• 31 Oct. 1840, sch. tea, untrl 1881 1 since housckee11er for her rather, Aloutrllo C.P, 23 llay 184a, m, Deo, 18001 Susau Pratt, div., d,; shoe mnur., Wakefield. l<'rauk 11.10, 23 8e11t. 18671 drowuctl 17 June 1876; Ermina E,10, 24 Sept. 1870, Otis M.•, o 1'"eb. 1813, d, IIO 80J1t, 1822, Harriet N,8,

20 Aug, 1816, ru, 11 June 18401 Chae, 1'', lt'llut of of No. Readfl1g, 8 Jan, 1808, d, 1a Jau. 1800, farmer, Lucius B.•, 21 Doc, lt11U, <l. 3 l\lRy JSISl, dhoo maur., m. 26 Dec. 1840, J,uey J, Moulton of No, Reading, b, 1830, d, 27 Nov. 11161; ru. H Juue JSM, Jo;muy Wilder, No\', 1828, d, 111 AJlr• 1869. Sarah J ,9

1 26 Deo. 1847, w, 26 Jan. 18671 ltobert Howard of JJrockton, cart••• Wakefieltl; 1 son, L11c11 E.•, 2 Be11t, J&,1, sch, tea. JJa1·i:c11 11.•, JO Se)lt, 18lili1 shoo mnur,, m. 10 No,·. 1879, Caroline L. Hobbs of Wakcftold, 30 neo. 1800, JWa AJ,11, 20 Ang, 1800, cl, 12 July 1880. George w.•, 18 Apr, 1821, m. Oct. 1843, Harriet Eaton or Vt., div,; in. J>cc. 1851, 211 w. 1 Mart Ila J, Doten; sJ1oe mallf, Charlotte :v, 30 Sept. 1822,

Lydia', 8 AJ1r,, 1188, d., m. I>1111fcl Goodhue of Dan,·crii.

John7, 20 lfcb., 1186, d, 8 Juuc, UW7, 111. 2 Mny, 1811, Murcia Ulchardsun of Woburu, 20 June, 1711:J, d. 8 Juno, 18221 tanner and currier, Woburn.

Jol111•, 19 Oct, JSJ2, W, fl lt'eb, 1837, Sftl'ah l'hllllps of Ly1111, b. 1818, d, II Feb, 11477; Ill, 211 Aug. 1881, Mrs, Mary 1', H1dl, Dl, lJ, Cowlea, b, Ohcrlln, o., IS-Aug. 1830; Ull\11)' )'Cara 11el.-ma11 Ill Woburn, pres. Cummlugis' 'faunlug Co, (1711 bauds), 1,rcs, Shawwut Natl, Uk,, lh,stou, f11r11111 WO acres or laull ln Woburn aud llurllugton (71S hande, -10 cow111 !!evcral bun<lrcd hogs, mnrkct. gardening, etc.); finds tll11e after duo atteutlon to bis real estate, bnnklng autl Jcnthcr Joh• 1Jh1g trade to gh·o close 11ersonal su11orvfslo11 dally to ll10 ntratra of hf11 farm. His IICo hM bton marked by au Ju1111e11110 1u1101111t or energy and 1111ah 111 business aflalre, Nauoy•, 10 J>oo. 181,&, d, 24 Mar. lll6lf, ,u. (11ub, 1 .Miu, 1836) Jouathau n. Wilm or Woburn, 2-1 Ang. 1811, d, h! l>oo, 1878, descended from tile anofout klugs of Walea; a 11rl11cely bN10J'actor ot Woburn l'uhllo Library. Mccrcla•, 2IS Aug. 1~. d. ch.-b. 8 Jau. 186'.!, ID, ll },'ob. 18W, EdWl\rd n. Haydon of Cambridge, 27 l>eo, 1833, grad, Han·~rct ISM, asst. 11ay111astor U. 8, N. ctui-fng war, mom, Leg. 1880-2, M. C, 1884, l'lutrlu JJ,u, 16 l\lay 18:lll, cl, 10 l>eo. ISili, 11110111 some t11110 Ill .1<;uro110; 11111110 large purchases of pafuUug,, arter\1·111ds douatcd to Woburn Pub, J,flJrary. 11'1ll1am 11.0, fanuer, Durlfn~to11, ael,•man, 111,1 h•e ,,h, Cyrus•, 21 801,t. 11117, d, JO Oct, H!S.1, 111, 23 Aug. 18-181 Sarah Shetltl of llostou, 17 Aug. J!l:.l'.t; 1111111r. 1•atc!UI lent her, Wollurn. ,lo/111u, oJune l&IU, d, Jut, Jo/w0, 24 Oct. tf:601 laau,cr until 11!84, efuce .uo,ch., Wohurn, Cyn,,•, 17 Oct. Jllo2, 111, 20 Oct, 18701 ~mma M, Allc,u of W,, :.!'.I Dec, 18611. Alle111r, 0 8cJ1t. 187V, Klto1110, 24 Oct, 1884. C:ora•, 7 l>ec. ISM, d. fuf, £'hu,·lts :o, '11 Juuo 1~, d. 30 lllay 180.'l. ,llarv 1•,o, 23 Feb. lt!ISS, cl. 21 Juuo 18f'3,


-~-- - ------J>1n·W, 3 J>cc., li8G, d. 13 Mny, 18GO, m. 1li Oct., 1814, llunnnh Vinton of

Stoneham, 10 July, 17U:3, d, 11 Jnn., 1871.

Nancy•, 13 ,Tune 18111, m. 18 Nov. J8f01 Jonathan C. Rogers of Tewksbury, July 1812, d. 27 Oct. HHII, mechanic; m. 20 Oct, 1860, 2d hue,, John lhtchauan of l:ltonoham, Juue 18011 d. II July 1874, farmer, l'olb71 J•,P Jtouera, 1 Dec, 1843, d, young. Jlarll1a h'.• Jl11clwncm, 29 Oot. 18681 d, young, Martha M.•, 24 July 1817, d, 11 Jan, 18301 m, o May 1834, William White of Roxbury, d, E!fzabetli 11, 'I Jul1 1836, 10. 13 AJ1r, J8i'0, David N. Adams of Westboro, 81 Mar. 1832, d, 26 Juue 1873, shoemaker. Ellen•, II Se11t, IK.'JS, d, young, Adeline•, 18 AJ)r, 1810, m. Oct. 1860, i:11hrahn W, Connor of Swedesboro,~. J., h, 1820, Joh 11rlnter, l'lllla., l'a, David W.•, 14 Dec, 1821, went to sen on a wbalcr, foll overboard off Ca110 Hurn, O Jan. JSI0, Charles H.•, 16 l'eb, 1823, grain trn1le, l'hlla., l'a., m, 1 A11r, 1844, Anna Hue of that city. Francfa'I, b. 1sn, d, 1re1t, 1871, Charle~•, b, 1848, ti. young, 1/arTJI', 111,, In grain trade. William•, b, 18M, d, July 1884, lJat,1,1 w,o, 23 June 18116, In trade with his father. Henry 1<.8, 4 AJ>r, 182ll, m. Oct. 1866, Louisa, els. Anna Rull, ante; J>artuer with bro. Charles JI, In tratle. George F,•, 8 Jau, 1827, grad. unh•, of l'a,, 1,rof. In coll. In J<y., d. I.a l'nz, Lower Cal,, 17 May 1804, Walter D.•, 8 1'"eb, 1830, clerk lu JJalllmore, l\ld,, later with hru. Henry K. In l'hlla., Pa, Sarah E.•, 1 Aug, 1833, d, 22 8ept. 1800.

Ilannah1, 2 Dec., 1788, d. 20 Apr., 18U7, m. 10 Jan., 1815, Bzckiel Johnson of Woburn (6th gen. from Mnstcr Edward Johnson, "f11thcr of the Woburn settle• · ment,") 18 Ang., li81, d, tO Mar., 1860, out in coast defence, Hoston, 1814, <lea, of ch.

Jlanuab•, 1 Nov. 1816, m, H Se11t, 1843, George F, Clark of llallowell, Me., 31 Oct. 18111, ta1,ner, Woburn, to 1867, ret, !\lo. Jlury c•.•, 30 Aug. 1&44. K1tum, · JI,", 4 1''eb, 18113, m. :n l\far. 1882, William Cahoon, b, Martita's Vineyard, hnubor111R11, Hallowell. u,orye ll.•, 2 July 1866, cl, 28 l\lnr. 18U2, Adol11108, 10 Sept. 1817, ru, o AJlr, 18-13, l'iylvestcr l', Cutler of Hur• llngton, 26 Aug. 1818, su11t, ht tannery, Woburn, Wtlllam J',11, 2-1 8CJ>t, 18-10, ru. 26 Oct, 1800,, Aune L, i,:ma or Uuitton, 20 July 1&111. Mabel E,10, 8 Oct. 1807, acurgo s.•0, 20 Jan. 1869, Waldo p,10, 24 July 18i6, Jlertha L.10, 19 Aug, 1877, .Aclclfno R.•, 4 July 1848, d, young. John w.0, 2-1,July J&,1 1 d, young, Mai)'•,~ l\lay 1810, Ill, 16 Oct. 1846, John llacou, b, Malden, 7 Mar. 18:r.?, res, Woburn, Kcltvartl J,o, 8 Aug, ISi?, cl, young, Jlurv L,v, 21 Oct, 1867, sch, tea, 9 yrs,, now clerk 11111.11. ageucy, Ju11as K,", 26 Oct, 186a, grad, Jlurvard 1876, lu med., 1818 prao, Hrockton; 111. 111 AJ,r, 1880, Mary Robh1sou or Watertown, 19 1''eb, 181'1-1, Jl:llwartl W .,o, f 1''eb, 1882, Jose11h8

1 twin, m, 8 8ept, 18421 Susan W, J>l!laud of Woburn, 20 Jau, 181U, d. 19 So11t, 11S8:!; tanner, eul, JO June 11161, 16th Ma88. Vol11, 1 l'e-l!nl. 10 Se11t, 1802, G 11a111e regt.; was ha first Uull n1111, later under Fostl!r In Newburn ca1u11Rlgn, Charle, JJ,u, 10 Sei,t, 11.aa, onl, 20 ,htly 1!!02, K 30th AlaH,, out:, June 181i6, tanner until 18113, freight agt. U. & L, R,ll,; m. 2:1 l><•o, 18-0IJ, Catolluo A, l'oule or Wuliuru. J.<'ra11k 1•,10, 30 JJeo, 1870, A1111a H,•o• 30 Juue 187a, S1111an J,P, 18 S011t, 1847, m, 6 A11r, 1867, Ooo, T, Eddy of Uoston, b. 1842, dlv, 1 houae• kee11er ror her rather, Ltlly 11,10, 26 July U07, Kllu L,o, 8 Ju11e usin, d, you111, '.l'/1011uu E.", 31 July 18671 cl, Inf, Martha•, 7 Juno 18:ll, talloreH, Henry•, 7 Feb, 1823, d, In Cul,, 19 Oct, 1862, David w.•, II Dec, 18241 m, 31 Jan. 186-11 Sarah Angler of Lexington, 18 Aug, 1830, llenr11 W ,P, 7 Oct, 1866, grail. Harvard 1879, 11rece1,tor acad,, Jletbel, Mo, Jlarrut L,9, :,o .M1tr, 1800, 8u11l11oulu•, 10 Nov, 1828, tallore111, Elizabeth•, 8 Nov. 18301 111. 17 Oct, 18M, Otis Jlacon, ltro. ,Jt,1111 1 uufo, b, He1111lker, N.H., 14 Nov. 18271 11urv, of leatlter, Wolluru, went tbero 18-10. 11'"/tel' o.u, 2-1 Aug, 1~7, t1l11ce 1873 with Chlokel'lug ,'i: 8011, 11la110 111a11C,, aa tuner, ~ale11111a11 1 last three yen rs !l11al hu111ector aud ex11crt ns to com11lot.ncas of tl11h1b of lnshu• 111c11t111 having hnit 3'.100 vus utulcr Ills hands In a single ycr,r, Ho 111, 1 20 Oct, 1881 1 Ellzabetb W. KhnlJall of Uarduer, Me., 14 Juno ISM, n 11la11l11t aud vooall8t of rare 11owers and accom• 11Ushmouts; orga11h1t, choir director, In (lraud Ra11lda, Mich,, Hoston, Worcester from 1871 to 1811.t, Harold 1J.1°, ll'J Nov, IISl!ll, It, Horteuseio, 10 Mar, 1886. Harriet w.10, 10 Oct, 1886, d, Inf, Ulfver9, 1 Aug, tsr.o, ru, 20 Oct, 1881, Clara D, Tufte or l:lomervllle, 2-1 A11r, 186:a, re,. tbero, Wallace 1,10, n Fell, 1882, Gertrude T,•0, 7 Oct, 1883.

Joahua7, 7 I>ec,, 1700, d, 26 July, umi!, m. J>calro 11. JUchardson, 4 Nov,, 1704, cl. 0 June, 1878; tanner and currler, Burlington.

J.ou11a•, 28 Oct. 1814, d, 23 A1>r, 18M, Henry•, 6 A11r, 11110, 111, 27 Feb. tfl39, Ell&R Drown of Westbrook, Me,, 8 Nov, 18111 cart>,, Wobum. Wl/Uam H.~, o Mar. 18401 enl, 10 8e11t. Jilo2, o titll MASI, Vols., 9 mos. serv, detailed, carpe11ter, ru, 186-1, Anna E, l>elandof Woburn, 10 Apr, ·, roe. there, Mary R.•~, o Se11t, 18&&, d, Inf, Ja111011 E,1°, 23 l>oo, 11MJO, d, ti July 1871,


WUIIRm T,10, 2 Aug. 1807, Frank ff,10, 10 Apr, 1870, .lt'em,10, 8.-b,, 25 )IRy 1872, CharloB E.10,

b. 18i0, Frederick A,1°, 11 May 1881, Ala1'1,I E.•, 12 June 184-11 d, 10 Juno 1860, Lucy F.•, 8 I>eo. 1826, m. 1 Aug, 1840, J:,'rankllu Cutler of Jlurllngtou, 2li Aug. 18~'2, farmer. Harriot N.•, 1 Aug. 1820, d. 10 Aug, 1801,

Uuth7, 12 Nov., 1702, d., m., sc1mrntcd after three months. Samuel7, 8 Dec., 1704, d. 20 Oct., 1847, farmer, Woburn, m. Joanna Symonds of W., 7 Mar., 1794, d, 20 Jan., 1806,

Ebonozert, 26 Dec, 1820, d, 17 Apr. 1878, m. 28 A1>r, 1846, Adeline A, Dana of Farmington, Me., b, 18211, d, o MRy 1840; m.17 Oct. 1sn, 2d w., Sarah W, Jlavon of Jlurllngton,1 Sept. 1823; faru1er on the homosteacl, Sarai, A.11, 10 Jau. 1840, drow1101l In a tnb or water, 21 May 185:J, Samuel', 1 Fob. llilll, farmer. S11aqn•, 19 May 1862, m, 3 Dec. 1883, William P, Chute, b, HRmJ>tou, N, S., 10 Dec, 1866, farmer, W. Vhaa, s.•, o ,1ar. l8M, m. 2-1 Dec.1883, Martha W, Shaw of Wl11ter11ort, Mo., 28 Aug, 1804; farmer, W, :Bvorott E,10, 7 Se)lt, 1884, .411,cl", 28 liar. ISM, farmer, Alice", 21 AJ>r, 1868, d. Inf, Joanna•, 21 Aug. 1869, /,if, m.•, a. b., 25 Dec. 18f.O. fleoru&, 27 AJ>r, 1862, d. Inf, Elmer', 4 July 1863, d. Inf. WI/Ua,n°, 12 Apr. 18071 d. Inf. Abbv•, a Apr. 1870. l'hobu s.•, d. 23 July 1880, w. Doc. 1847, John R, Lano of Bodford, 10 July 1824,

Danlcl7, 7 Jan., 17U7, d. 24 July, 1877, rn. Ablgnll Wright; tanner until 1826, Jntcr fnrmer.

Daniel•, 3 Aug. 1817, d. 2 Aug. 1881, u1, Julia l<'owle of w., b. um. Fru,Icfst, d, 1878, m. Marv E.,. nantel J.', m. Edna Skinner of Lynn; I ch. Wflllnm J<:0, t Oct. 1847, d. /Jif,', 6 Oct. 18601 d. Abigail•, 17 July 1819, m. 19 A11r. 1842, Charles Flagg or Wilmington, 31 Jan. t8tu, &hoe ruttor, Woburn; enl. 0 6th Mass. Vols., In Xowherue 1·nmpnlg11 1111lle1 Foster, .AblrlJ .A.•, 3 Mar. 184-1, 111, 27 Nov, 18001 Chas. A. l'lercu of Woburn, 7 ~for. 181:J, shoemaker. Frederick H.10, 8 Mar. 1868, Ilarrlet E.11, JO AJ>r, 1847, clork In Hoston. Jlarv Ji.o, 30 A11r, 1M3. m. 28 Oct. 1875, Clinton C. Stouo or Ueadlng, 19 Aug. 111.'11, 11rov. dealer, W, Cliarl,11 K,0, 15 Doo, 1868, d. 27 Nov, 1871,

Mosea7, 10 Oct,, 1800, d,, m. llarrlet Cutler; tanner and currier, Woburn, Harriet•, 22 AJ>r, 1825, m, 16 Feb, 1843, Ebeneror N, Ulako, b. Farmington, lie., 80 July 1817;

operates a tannery In w., In jobbing leather trade, Hoston, 1:011, In Oen. Court lSM-6; 7th gen. froau Wllllam Ulake, Immigrant, 11011hew or Adm, Jllnko. Rmma /,,,, 13June 1847, m. 18 Feb, 1882, Joseph n. Parker, b, Hollls, N. H., 1 Sept. 1810, grad, l>Rrtm. 1860, adm, bar, Nashua, N. H., 1879, 1·onl est, NasbuR, Warren N.", 4 t,'eh. 1861, 11nrtncr with father; 2 )'ears lu Tufts Coll, Ocorge J',o, 11 July 1853, d. young. lsabr:l. F,', 4 J,'oh, 1860, Invalid, 1/arrlet o.•, 18 May 1860, grad, Wellesley 1880, em11, In Hoston l'ub, l.lbrnry. Charle11 E,", 17 Deo, 1800, d, young. l/arrl11on a,,, 20 Jan. 1864, grad, Harv. 1880, l\loscs w.~, 20 Jan, 18271

d. 8 Nov, 1862, m. ISRhcl 1 .. Tucker. Jamee o.•, 26 May 181!8. m. 2 No,•, 1861, Susan o. Hennelt of E, Cambrhl1tt', 30 July 1832; 011oratca a tannery at N, Wolmrn. 1/orrltt c:.•, 25 IJec. 1864, 111. 28 Oct. t881l, Jle11Jn111ln F. Kimball of Corinth, Vt., I Aug, 1863, 11artnor with her father. Laur1110, o Vee. 188'J, Martha B .•, 20 Oct. 1~9. Anna L.•, 4 Fob. 1862, WUllttm w.•, 13 8e11t, 1804, Inr.•, d, Mary•, 4 Nov, 1830, m. 11 July 18ll0, Levi L, Shaw, b, Roxhtiry,

31 Dec. 1813, d, 21 Feb. 1879, ta11ne1·, Woburn, A'tltcar<l I,.•, 4 Juno 18153, m, 18 l<'ob, 18711, imen 8, Tho11111so11 of Woburn, July 18M; Jobber In leather, Ho&ton. 8yb111°, 16 l<'eb, 1877, l\larlo1110

1 JO Aug. 1882, 0/1arlc11 c.•, 7 AJ>r, 1860, m. 21 A11r. 1880, Caroline N, Wheelock of Cll11to11, 7 Dec, 1860, NovellR10, 2 1''cb, 1883, d, young, Martlm1, 22 1832, m l'atkN· }: 11011 of W,, 28 A11r, 18261 tanner 111111 cunler, li'lltlum w,o, JO Nov, ISM, m, to Nov, 1878, Hclc111L Th11mp11on of Sanford, l\lo., 31 Uec, 11!60; 1111Je11. clothing; J•'rank 1,10, 6 Nov. l8iO, l'nrker11, 27 Ang. 1882. Jlele11 M,io, o 801,t, 1884. Jo.:u1<tnce•, 2'J A1,r, 1834, 111. I Jnn. ISM, .Augelluo Alo01-e of w., Oct, 183&, d, eh.-b., 16 J>ec. 1803; m, 18 ,July tsco, 81111a11 Scott, b, Charleston, Vt., 1840, d, 28 Nov, l800J 111, 9 July 1867, 3d w., Jmcn Fl'Ouch or };xete1·, N. n., o Mar, 1846; eng, In ta1111f11g hus, at Woburn, Wiltur R .•, 10 Jl\11, lrt,l·, 111. Elizabeth C, Hobluso11 of Charlestown, 20 July 1862; mauf. shoo lltock. Ornco A.t0, 16 I>ec, 1882, Ella .4.•, 18 Dec, lSl!O, m. 27 Nov, 187111 Wtn, H, Howen of Aotou, 13 1\lar.:ts.56, In lentber trade, res, Woburn. Isabel M.10, o l\1ar, 1882. J11ab11lla J.•, 17 Se1>t, 1860, tJ.10 ~opt. 1884, 1n. 12 Jnn. 1882, Wm, E. s1,rnguo or Stuue­hain, b, IM2, ahocniaker. aeuruo J.'.>, Jt; Uec. 1868, d, l11f, <ll'uca M.•, JO 1\lar, 1870, Htlu:ard JI.•, 2li Mar, 18H, Btliol ll,•, 12 Jan; IK80, Johll 11,11 21 Dec, 1836, Ill, 28 Juno 1806, Martha H, l:lmlth or Lexington, :l8 Juno 11441; partner with hro. J.!ust.nco In tanning bus, Ida F.•,r, Aug, 1800, llarrt.etv, 13 Mar. 187-11 d. Inf. .Kverett•, i Nov. 1838, m. 12 Se11t, 1838, Della R.• Eva111, a11to; 2tl w., :ZS 8011t, 11176, Cliu·11 N. l<'arrlng.011 or Hodton, I,, 18JO, sob, tea., Bostoa and Wo-


burn, maof, leather In Woburn to 1874, Matone, N. Y., to 1878, Stroudsburg, Pa., to 1880, ret. Woburn, to Concoril 1883; he Is In the leather trnllo, Jloston, Jlarcl,i Ji'.•, 211 July 1869. Jlarv n.•, O Aug, 1870. Della h',•, 29 Aug. 187i!, .f:11crctt ,u.•. Al/tt<l N,9, Adeline•, 10 May 1&10, m. 27 Nov. 1862, Griffin Place or Louisville, N,Y., 2'2Jnn, 183~; to Woburn 1858, workccl for L, I,, Slmw; lea tiler 1111s. for hhnsolC 180!, Everett a,t, 10 Oct, 1803, foreman In hi& fatllor'a tannery at Jlcthel, Vt.

John', 18 May, 1757, d. 17 Mar., 1827, m. 17 Apr,, 1787, Elizabeth Moore of Bedford, 12 Aug., 18li91 d, o July, 1820; 2d w, Eunice Cole of Wellfleet; farmer, bought the old Lawrence ta\'ern stand a mile nnd a half a, e, of Littleton depot, on which he died, John M.7, 10 Apr., 1700, d. 14 Sept, 1808, m, 9 July, 181', Susanna Hayward of JJoxboro, 25 J.'cb,, 17~8, d. 22 ,July, 1821, m, 9 Oct,, 1822, Abigail Stevena of Hudson, 0 SeJlt,, 1788, d, 10 June, 1874; farmer In Littleton, sch, tea.,


a penman of rare sklll nnd finish, music teacher, deacon of the Unitarian Church; a rare example of kindly dealing and manly worth, treasured in tho memory of his friends and neighbors, who, with one accord, testify to tho surpaulng excellence of his character. His death was baster.ed by being thrown from his wagon on the east side of Watatlc Mt., In Ashby,

Anna E.•, 2 Apr. 18111, m, 9 Oct, 1842, George W, Pierce of Groton, IS Feb, 1819, builder; enl, 7 Oct. 1862, G flltb MaH. Vols,, In Newburn cam1>algn under Foster; removed Hyde rark l8ll6, (}u,rutana 11,9, 10 Sept, 1&13. Elltn JI, 2 A11r. 1&191 m, Clarence Meigs, b, New York city, 28 Mar, 1&181 bookkeeJ>or, nephew of Henry Meigs, builder of railways In Peru. Susanna•, 8 Nov. 1816, d, 2l Nov, IBM, m. 1 ,Tune 1837, Elbridge G, Jolts of Ulllerlca, 27 Aug.1812, d, Hyde l'ark, 29 May 18781 11rlnter, 49-er. to Cal,, ret, 1866, soldier 3 yra. <luring war, Ellen o.•, 30 Mar, 1838, m. 6 May lBOII, Artemas W, Hrlgga of Worcester, I Feb, 18-12, printer, we11t west 18701 ret• Bouie years later, now res, N, HrookttehJ, pub, tbe II Journal," nertba H,10, 9 A11r, 1802, d, 11 Aug, 1870. BenJaml11 F.•0, 28 Feb, 1873, Stuanna It.•, 27 Jan, 1840, d, Elbrtdgo JI,•, 20 Jnn. 1&11, enl, Cook's Batt, Light Art,, re-eul, 21 July 18641 G 4211 lllaaa, Vols, engineer In Nevacln, aow 811.a .Fr11.ncl11co, Cal, Chcirlu s.•, 20 Nov, 111431 sale,. 11h00 trade, eul, 1802 JI 0tb Mas11. Vole,, supp, lost on Miss, river steamboat War Eagle, burnt at Laoro111e, Wis, Ill l\lny 18i0, Euulce W .•, 12 Ke11t, 1819, m, Sept. 1837, Daniel F. Kendal) of Marlboro, 26 l\lay 1817, hoot. aud aboe trade, Woburn, Concord IMO, Worcester 1842, Chicopee 1867, Hyde l'ark lll-07, Sua1rn B,•, 20 May 1838, m, 20 Feb, 18081 Jose11h M. l'erry of Monument, 31 Oct. l8j81 paluter, res. Brockton, B,ltt>arcl A,•, 16 Dec, 1&10, trav, sales, sboo bus., m. 15 Uec, JBOI, .Matilda II, l'ooley of Vblco11ee, 6 Oct, 1&14, of Eng, descent, A1111a H,10, 20 Nov, 1863, Edith 0,10, 7 Oct. 18611, Wlnfrec11°, O Oct. 1872, Robert E.10, 8 May 1876, Richard 1•,101 211 Aug, 1879, C'lrnrles J<·.•• 6 May 184111 m. 18 Nov, 1809, Adelaide M, Smith of Lowell, 20 8eJ1t, 1848; 11nt11er with fatbe1·, Alice K,10, 24 Oct, 1870, Louis s,101 a Fob, 1874, William A,10, 16 Jan, 1870. Marin I,.•, Ill Dec, 18261 d, inf, Johns.•, 2 Apr, 1827, m, 27 Apr, 1864, Marlana R, Whitcomb or l.ltt101on, 11 Nov, 1833; farmer, Littleton, eul. Bl Aug, 18021 E 6th )lass. Vols, Mlnnlo ,r,,, 13 ~Jar. 1~. lrvfnu o.•, 1 .May 1881, Sarah A,•, 20 June 1f20, m, 1 Nov, IBM, Chas, C, Gragg or Jloitrord, 2 Feb, 1827,res. HedforJ. VJII, Was from 1869 to J879emp, Am, Watch Co,, W11.lll11u11. 1,-11110 H.•, ,19 Mar, 18311 d, 1 J11.11, 1860, Jose11hlne M,•, 28 Jau. 1M3, m, JO Jan, U50, E<lwar,I E, 1''1ctcbor of Littleton, 20 Jan, 1820, bJack1mltJ1, rem, Harvard 186111 ret. 1870, Allci, J,9, 21 July ll(h01 111,

24 May 1883,Gardner w. l'routyor Uoston, 7 Oct, 18118, bookkee11er1 res. r,, OarduerE,10, 28,IRn, 1884, Clara J,10, 23 Jan, J880, Louts E,•, 18 Oct, 1862, gro. clerk, Hoston, J<'rc,ltirlck 11,01 :w July 18611, A'atello L.•, 6 Oct, 18681 d, young, Emma u.•, 21 Dec, 1870, Charle, K,o, 13 July 11178, WIiiiam I(, w.•, 9 July 183ll, m. 7 Feb. 1864, Elizabeth M, 81nttll of 8terl1111f I l'U, 80llll!t•

vUle, hay and grain bus., E, l'aaubrldge. Elbridge K,•, Bl Jau, 18381 d, 24 July 1861,

Ellza1Jetb7, 12 Aug 1 1702, cl. l:J May, 1882, m, lo Apr., 182:1, Lowell SJ>raguc, b. Bedford, o Mar,, 1791', cl, 14 J<'ob., 1888, f1m11er1 Harvarc.l.

Elizabeth•, 10 May 1824. Mary A.•, 10 Jan. 1826. Eunice n.•, 27 Feb. 1828, 111, l'nul N, Jta11-dall or lltuJson. John', II Apr. 1830, farmer, m, 18 May 1853, Sarah E, Lawrence or Harvar,l, o Juno 1829, Josc11hfne", 28 Apr, 18671 dreHtuaker. Jolua J<',11, ~ Dec, 18691 hol'8o oar co1111., Hoston, Elliabetlt•, U June 180:l, artist, P,·e,lorlck~, lill Mar, 1869, Sarah A.•, 6 Oct. 183:J, Wlllla111 L·•, 29 July 18:16, 111, Harriet I,, Towne; farmer, llnbbardst-011, Uharle1 I-~.•, 31 Jan, 1838, fam1er 011 tho homestead, enl, Au1, 18611 E 6th MaH, Vole., out May 186:1, 111 bnttleK of l>eserte,l Hou11e, sel,ce of !Jttll'olk Va.

,\sunr. 181

Elljah7, 14 Oct., 1704, d. 25 Nov., 1800, T,ydln.7, 27 Jan,, 1707, d. 25 Nov., 1800. Joscph7, 15 J.'cb,, 1700, d, 7 Dec., 1800, Isaac7, 7 Nov., 1801, d, 2 J<'ob,, 1888, 111,

15 .Apr., 1828, Almeda Porter of Sterllng, 0 Sept., 1802, d, 2 Feb,, 1870,sett. Ashby, rem. 1847 to Fitchburg; manf. of monuments In Ashby, Il'ltchburg, Sterllng, dca, of the church, n. fine musician. ·

Edwin 11.•, 17 Noy, 1826, d, lnr. SRrah A.•, 3 Mar, 1827, d, 14 Sept, 1877, m. Apr. 1862, Edwnrd o. Smith of r,unenburg, b. 1822, Ellen .ti,', 9 Se)lt, t8li3, d, I Se11t, 1873, ,-frthurP, d, Mary l'.•, 2 Alar, 1831, d, 3 SeJlt, 1877, Catherine w.•, 2-1 Apr. 1831, m. 2-1 A11r, l8M, George Rood of Sterllug, 4 Oct, 1826, 11artner or her fnthor In mo11111uent b1111, 1 Fftchbu rg, mom. fire dept., chief 1874-84, 1:,1,cur<t JI,•, 2 Nov. IMS, m. 14 Dec, 1880, Aclelalde F. Gll)son of Cambridge, 10 May ISM. Amanda F,•0, 21 Oct. 1881, Margarctt0, H Oct. 1683, ,4lfce P.•, 17 l\lay 1804,

Lydla11, 11 Nov., 1757, d. 18 l!'cb, 1788. Illmnah11, 9 ,July, 1750, <L 8 Sept, 1881, m, 4 Juno, 1805, John Skelton of Danvers. Huth8, 2 J."eb., 1701, d, 26 Nov., 1848, m. 8 Juno, 1788, Joseph Porter of Danvers. Joseph8, 0 May, 1762, d., m. 8 July, 1804, :mtzabeth Mead of Bodford, 20 Oct., 1707, d. 16 Aug., 18-to.

Joseph', l!O Arny 1806, cl, 26 Fob, 1860, m, 6 l\lay 18.'U, Naomi 8, Thom1111on of Lon1londerry1

~.H., 26 Mar. 1807, cl. Ii May ISt0; m. 30 Deo, 1840, Mrs. Elizabeth Taylor, m. n, Page, of Car­lisle, 7 Sept. 1817, .'1ar11 A.•, 18 A)lr, 1832, d, 20 Jan. 180-I, m. 26 Oct. 1856, Amos 0, Stearns of JJedford, 31 Oct. 1831, cl, 7 Mar, 1879, chf. elk., Jlaymastor, Northern R.U. N, H,, rem, ISM Corning, N, Y,, secy., troa11.1 gonl, ngt, Tioga U.R. until 1873, Josiah O.•, 3 Aug, 1800, grad, Rensselaer l'olyteclmlc Inst., Troy, N, Y, Alarlha J.•, 26 Jau. 1842, m. 2IS May 1870, Geo, J, Skelton of Carlisle, 3 80Jlt, 1827, d, Juuo 18861 farmer. Charles A.•, 30 A11r. 1871, Joso11h H.•, 20 June 1872, George A.•, 3 Jan. 1878, Ellen B,1

1 28 May 18"3, 111. 23 Sept, 1874, Archlhahl M. Wllldns of Londonderry, N, n., 4 Nov. 1ll38, d, Bedford 1886, loather cutter In r.ynn. Willhun o.•, US Nov, 1876, Htirrlct 1".•, 28 A11r, 1840, cl, 20 A1ir, 1883, m, 9 Oct, 1870, Ueo, H, Dutwn of Uedrord, 26 Mar, 1846, farmer. Warren H,', 28 Aug. 1871, Horbert 1•.•, to Aug. 1876, Mary F,o, 11 Mar, 1877. Harry T.•, 4 .May 1880, babel T.•, 19 July 1882,

Dolly', 10 Jan., 1704, d,, m. 27 May, 1804, aa 2d w., Abraham Whitcomb of Stow,


'flmothy8, 7 Sept., 1765, d, 28 Mar., 1880, m, 7 Oct., 1711 ,, Lucy JJavls of 1Je1l-£ord, 11 July, 1766, d. 6 Aug., 1852; rem. 1701 to Littleton, 1705 to Ashby, farmer. George7, 17 Mar,, 1701, d. June, 1868, m. 21 Sept., 1821, Sarah Whitney of Town­seml, 3 l\lay, 1800, d. 28 Sept., 1820; m., 2d w,, Deborah.Young.

Sarah A,•, 20 Aug, 1822, d. 23 Se11t, ISIS71 m. 14 Mar, 1842, Samuel W, Rhnttuok or Hrookllno, N, II,, o Aug, 1821, sett, Townsend, rem. Hoston, Hrook1l11e1 N. H,, Shirley, Concord, N, 11,, auotlonoer, Emili/'', 2 AJlr, 1843, d, 10 Aug. 18/J7, Sara II•, 12 June 1843, d, 4 Aug. 1861, Warren•, 20 Mar. 1847, d. young. Nedo, 18 Oct· 18401 carp,, Brockton, m. 1 Jnn, 1874, Sarah A, Smith, 1/ermcm•, 28Jnu, 1862, painter, Hrockton, m, 13 so11t, l8i0, Cella E. D, Ouun. l,oulaa•, 18 July 1864, m. 3 Aug, 18701 l>avld R, nean, res, Concor,11 N, Jl, Marlon LA Ornce r .. 1°,

Elsie LA Marlota•, 8 July 1867, m, 3 Fob, 18801 Georgo W, Stoiuns, res, Waltham. Rto,u1or 11,10, BeHIQ 1.10, Goorgo w.•, 4 Apr, 1824, went to sea, caught shlJ> fever, rot, to tho houao or his sister Shattuck In Shirley, d, o Sept, 18/J71 followo,t eho1·tly by her l\tlll the oldest dau. Emily, d. or same disease, Emily A.~, o Oct. 1827, m. 2 Mar, 1847, Silas Wetherbee of Ashby, 20 Aug, 1810, d. 10 Sept. 1886, car11, t1eor,1c0, 12 nee. 18-17, 111, 20 Apr, 1872, nosaltha R, MoJ<lnloy, b. Enst110rt, Me., 18.50, d, 31 Jan. 1873; m. 18 ~flly 187li, Mnrgnret o. JIA7ter, b, Jluntlngton, I', Q., 16 Oct. 1863; res, Fitchburg. J.'ra,iJ.-o, 4 Juno t8ti01 m. Ii May 18711, Ellen Wright, 3 June ll!M, Catherine', JIS Sept. 1862, Charita', 30 Mav ISM, m. 16 June 1881, Harriet A, Whitney. Scott L.10, 21 Dec. 188:.t. Edwin c.,~, 21 Nov. 1883, Anothert0,

Emma•, 2 Oct, 181171 m. 15 Aug, 18,0, Harold E, Spnuhllng or Townse11d, 22 Nov, 18117, llnnk clerk, Ayer. Jetml/91 13 July 1860, .4bbfl•,ao July 1803, d, 8 Jau. 1882. l're,lerlcl.11

13 Nov, ISOli, J/nryt, 2 Jan. 18681 n,., res, Leotnlneter, A11na11, 8 A11r, 18i0, d, young. Jolm", b, 1872, Floreneeo, 20 l>eo. 1874, d, lnr. Inf,', d. young, 14 Aug, 1840,

Joseph', lo Oct., 17021 d. 10 July, 181i2, m. 1810, Nnncy Watts of Peterboro i actt. ln Llttleton, clothier.

Lucy•, 5 Jan, 1817, d, 27 Oct. tt!3«f Ueorge•, 10 Apr. 182'l, d, 3 Jnu. 18()8, clothier, 111, IS Jan, 1&&8, Hl\lmah t•nge of Winchendon, Sopt. 18:17, d, 10 A11r, 1~7. Nancy•, 3'J Apr. 1820, d, 4


Nov. 1633. Mary J.s, 9 Oct, 1828, m. 24 Feb. 18-18, Dyron E. Hartlett, b, Deerfield, 14 l\far. 1826, carJ>., rem, 18M, Monroe, Wis., ret, JSGJ to Jaffrey, N. JI.; enl. 3 Apr. lSGl, sloop of war .\fo­hawk, c1uJ>.; re-enl for river service In the west; In nil naval actions above Vicksburg; later his gunboat was sunk on White River; broken fn health, ho wns dotnllcd 011 recruiting service, disch. 12 Aug, 1865; ret. cast, sett, Ayer, rem. 1870 E. Jntrrey, N, II, Joseplt E.o, 11 June 1849, m. 3 July 18731 Geneva Towne of ~lanchestor, N. H., farmer ncRr NaE-hun, N. H. Dell« M,9, 22 Aug 1851, m. 5 Oct, 1871, .\lerrlll French of Jaffrey, h. tll41l, farmer, R.R. station agent in Wayland. Lucyto, 27 Nov, 18i2~ d. Jessie M,10, 28 Mar. 1874. Arthur }1,1°, 21 July 18i5, Lucy M.10, 22 Aug. 1877, .!\lnhel D,to, Sept. 1879. .\lnrlettato, b. 1881. Laura II.'', 111 Dec. 1857, Ill, 18 Nov. 1875, Henry 1''. Preston of 1•etorboro, N, H., 8 Dec, 184S, musician, res, .Athol. Alice M,10, o Oct. 1870. Inez E.10, 18 Sept. 1878, Nina 11.10, .Aug. 1880. Ueoroo J[,o, 9 Dec. 1859, cnrJ>,, went to Chicago, Ill., m. 18 Nov, ISSI, .Minna Naylor of that city. nyron M.10, 18 8e11t. 1885. .Mary B.9, 23 Juno 1870, Lydia A.s, 5 Feb, 1831, m. 17 Oct. 1850, Nahum W. Mower of Jaffrey, N, H., 18 Dec. 18:.!8, carriage maker, now R.R. sta. ngt., E. Jaffrey; cul. 22 Sept. 1862, musician, G 14th N. H, Vols., dlsch. 8 ,July 1865, In Shenandoah Valley under Sheridan. Clal'a .A,o, 21 Oct. 185!, 111. 10 Apr. 1878, Abner A. Linnell of Orleans, 8 Sept. 1852, tlnslllith, Anna10, 4 A)lr. 1879. Walter N.1°, 2 Feb, 1882, Julia w,10, 15 .Tan. 188-1. J'raticls ,r,u, 24 Jan. 1857, sta. ngt., E. Jaffrt>y, bocly found In Contooco11k river, 4 July 1878, under circumstances exciting, In tho minds of Ins father and many others, sus 1,lclons of foul play, shroudecl In a mystery not yet unraveled, Jlcrry L.u, 25 June 185!1, m. 4 June 1881, John M, J,amb of Northl•oro, 20 Apr, ISGI, machinist, Homo S, l\laC'h, Co., Orange, Johns, 18 Nov. 1834, m, 4 July 1850, Sarah George of ncnulngton, N. H .. farmer, Townsend, served In H 53d Mass,, re-enl,

Charlcs7, 15 Jan., 1706, d, 10 Feb., 1882, m, 18 Dec., 1821, Lucy Lnwrence of Ashby, 1 July, 1798, d. 17 Aug., ~848; m. 11 Oct., 1848, Louisa A. Marble, m. n. Adams, of Westminster, 27 Fet>., 1817; farmer, Ashby, rem. 1873 So. Gnrtlncr.

Maril\•, 27 Sept. 1822, d. 22 Mar. 1883, m. 4 May 18.'39, Timothy Hlncls of <Jreenwlch, Nov. 1810, d, 30 May 1881. Sophronia Af.9, 16 .Aug. 18391 01, 30 Aug. 1860, Chari. JI. Vose of lloyalston, 4 Nov, 1839, machinist, So. Boston, .Albert A,1°, 31 Dec. J8(',0, m. 21 June 1883, Marietta Soule, b, Watervllle, l\Je,, 2 Mar. 1859; machinist, So, Boston. Charles E.10, 30 May 1804, d, Inf. Lora l'tf,10, 18 Mar, 1800, 'watter n.1014 Dec. 1868, d, inf, C/larles A.u, d. young, Aug. 1847, Al/re<l', b, 1846, d. Inf. Sarah M,o, JO llay 1848, m. 10 May 1868, Wm. n. Chase of Royal~ton. b, 1844, div. 1872; 2 ch,, d.; m.10 Oct. 1882, .Alonzo Hoyt of .Munson, b, 185.5, mason, Bahlwlns­vflle, Mar71 E,o, 10 Oct, 1852, m, 16 Feb, 1872, Juhus R, Wheeler of Walpole, 25 Nov. 1850, band sawyer In chair sboJ>, Ualdwlnsvllle. Jullusto, o Feb. 1878. Henry R,10, I June Ifs-I, Lucy A.•, 2 July 1824, d, 16 Mar. 1879, m. 17 June 1849, Moses Wheeler of Now Ipswich, N.11., SOJ>, In 3 da)s, L11c11 s.o, Oct, 1840, m. 16 .AJ>r, 1808, Geo, L. Marble of Ashbu..nhnm, 29 Sept. 1843, div. 1879 Charles N,s, 3 Nov. 1825, went 1852 to Cal., m. 18 Se11t, 1860, Lucy R. Woods, b, Lowell, Yt,, 15 Apr, 1841, went Cal. 1855; planing mill bus,, Saor1unento, Cal, Clarci /l,D, 22 Aug, 1861, d, young, Emma Af.9, 10 June 1803, A/Inna•, 11 Dec. 1861, Flora0, 22 Oct, 18iJ, Fann11 o.o, 19 Oct, 18i8, CJarlesas, JO Dec. 18271 d, 25 Feb. 1854, m. 31 Dec, 1857, Clark Lewis. Huhlah•, 20 Ft,b, 1831, d, 23 June 1874; m. 6 May 1848, Kendall Wallace of Rindge, N, H., 24 Jan, 18:.!0, res, Wh1cbendon, H11ldah E,0, 6.Aug.1848, d, Inf, Clara E,", 12 ,July 1852, 111, 3July 18711 Clement l', Flint of WfncheDllon, 1 Aug, 1840, woodworker. Clmrles M,1°, 12 Dec, l87J, Theron c.10, 7 Apr. 1876, Leon D,1°, 10 May 1880. Emma }[,1°, 0 Oct. 1884. Sarali A,t, Ill July iSM, d. young. Emma JI.•, 4 Aug, 1~6, d. young. Sarah•, 16 June 18311, m. 8 Nov, 1855, Joseph \V, Stone or HardwJck, 19 July 1832, trader, Athol, C:lara J,o, 10 Aug, 1857, d, 6 ,ian. 1863, Cltartes u,o, 28 July 1&0, trader, Athol, m, 19 Feb, 1879, Elouise Root or Jlaydenvlllo, 8 June 180:l, Henry J.10, 13 Apr 1880, Luc11 E,', 20 June 1802, m. 8 Sept. 1882, Chas, Murdln, b, nangor, Me., 7 8e1>t. 1869, CJarp(nter, Orange. Albert 11.0, 1 July 1864, d. young. Albert N.•, 28 Fob. 18/iO, Ill, 19 Juno 1874, Lqul11e De11roohe1 of Perkinsville, Vt,, 12 Aug, 1849; J>rov. dealer, Oartlnrr. Jlo,ea A.•, 26 Mar. 1852, m, 10 Sept, 1876, Allee A, Wilker or Ashburnham, 25 Sept. 1852; Joh teamster, W, Gardner. Abbi/ At.•, 3 Feb, 1877, .ArUiuro, 13 l\lRy 1882, Frank W,8, 2tl J>ec. 1803, woodworker, Gardner. Clara L.•, 6 Be1>t. 1800, m. 25 Nov. 1876, E<lwar<l E. Adams of Gardner, 23 A11r, 1861, woodworker, Etliel E.•, d. Frederick A,•, 16 Mar. 18631 d, young.

'l'lmothy7, 2 Jan., 1708, <1, 10 Sept., 1854, m, 10 ,June, 1828, Luch11l11 E. ,Jones of Acton, 10 July, 1811 1 d, 8 J.t'eb,, 1850; shoemaker in Acton. ·

Kllous, o Allr, 1830, m, 22 Mar. 1840, Joso11h n. Jllltlreth ot Westford, shoemRkor, d. tts licJ1t, 1864; ru. :il Nov, 1877, 2<1 bus,, Melzar D, 81111th of Wtuohollllou, 27 Oot. 18:17, rei1, WalU1aw.

133 Ree,I,

11/ary E,D, 12 Dec. 18-10, II. 26 .Mny 1881, m. John JI, l<'nrrlngton, b, Greenfield, N.11. Ella M.0,

11 llny 1851, d. Inf, 1Ylll(a11i E.0, 19 Feb, 1856, jeweller, Cohtmbus, 0, Julian V.9, 4 Nov 1857, clerk, Waltham. Luclnda8

1 2-t Ang. 1~2, ,1. Hcnry8, 20 Ang, 1835, m. I Apr. 1863, Augusta II. Penniman of Carlisle, 7 July t8J6; formerly shoemaker, Acton, since 1872, In Concord, em)J. of ll'. R.R. Herman U,D, 2 Mny 186-1, JJerthci .lf,P, 29 June 1867, ·m. 27 Sept, 1885, Herbert Nealey of Concord, to Sept, 1866, gro. clerk. Arthur 11.10, 2 nee, 1880, h'mm((, A.•, 23 Dec. tSC0, Herbert H,D, 0 Jan. 1877, d. young, Nettle JU;, o Juno 18W, Chauncoys, 2 Oct. 1841, d, 10 Juno tm, m. 29 Oct. 1866, Emma F. Spear of Waltham, 31 July 1847, In 1859 went to .Mobile, Ala., remained untll l&-3; when about to bo conscripted made his escape In a boat along the coast to Ship Islaml, then occupletl by Federal troops. Making his way north, took etn)Jloymcnt with tho Am, Watch Co., Waltham, where he died, Jlabel B •0, 7 Aug, 1867. Arthur s.o, 14 Nov, 18GO.

Lucy1, 26 Jan, 1800, d. 3 :1lar. 1815. Mnrlanne1, 2 Apr. lf:02, d. 13 liar. 182.~, 111. 29 May 1821, Obed Symonds of Acton, 18 Mar. 1700, d. li.J Oct. 1833. Uf)C(l A.8, 8 ,June 18:..'21 d. 31 nee. 1875, m. 15 Juno 1813, l\lary Wright of Acton, 22 Nov. 1822, d. 28 Jan, 1815, Mary A.0, 29 l:!e11t, 1SJ4, 111. Reuben Hl•e1l of Acton, Emory A.~, 1 June Hl-16, n.n. fireman, killed on R.R. HnnulhaJ, Mo., 17 July l8f8, JnmP11 A,9, 17 Mar. 1848, miller, So. Acton, m. 20 Dec. 187-1, J,'lora C. Harlow of rem, lJc., rn Feh. 185/i, Elaine v. 10, 21 Oct. 1881. Estcm,c n,10, 29 Aug. ISSJ. Sophia l<;,o, 25 Nov.1853, m. 4 Ver. 1872, Herbert E, Preston of New I11swlch, N.H., 8 Jau.1847, clgarmnker, W. Acton. Emory S.10, I June 18W, d. young. llernattl A,10, 7 Oct. 187-1, 11, 10 Juno 1880. /loy s,10, 31 July 187ti, Eleazer I>.7, 2'2 Nov. 1804, d. alJt. 1840, 111. 3 Oct. 1836, Eunice Woods of I>nn­stable, who ti. 27 Juno 1880; went to La., bought a 11lantntlon, and was accumulatlni: 11ro11-erty at time of his death. John7, rs :-iov. 1807, d. 20 Jan. 18711, cnrp., In 1829 went to Mobile, Ala., m. 20 Jnn. IMO, Lucy Whitney, b. Hranford, Conn., 13 Der. 1806, llrtrriet A.s, d, 30 :\lay 1640. Marvaret J,•, d. 26 Jan, 1840, Comella J, 9, 13 J\Inr. 1847, grad. Harton Aca,I, 18/li, m. 17 Feb. 1868, Davhl JI. Pritchard, b. Charleston, S. c., It Sept. 183.f, ti. 2.t .Mar. 1876, engineer In Confederate navy during war. Since his death sho has been a school teacher In Alohile, Florine !\l,D, 2 Jan. 1869, Alnry w,o, 20 Sept. 1871. llalg9, 31 Dec. 1873. mancho0, 15 Se11t. 1875. Theoclore C,9, 24 Dec, 1845, bookkeeper, J\Iohlle, 111, 5 Dec. 18o7, Amelia White or New Orleans, t7 Oct. 1850, llarry 1•.o, 1 Alar, 1870, James G.9 , 7 July 18711, Leonor<i W.•, 13 Dec. 1850, ru. 9 Juno 1875, A, N. Damrell, Major U, S. Engineers, rns. lluhlle, .Ala. A'lamfot, Earteo, Irma11,

Lydia R, P,t, 1 Dec, 1810, 1n. 20 Jan. 18271 ns 2d w., Ohetl Symonds, ante. lllar11 A.•, 19 Aug. 18281 m, 18 July 1810, Cbarles W, Whitcomb of Swanzey, N. JI., 30 Apr, 1s:ro, killed 13 Nov. 1882, caught in gearing of a Jlllll fnotory 111 .Ashby, ~lary A.9, 19 Mar, 1851, d. 11 Jan. 18i3, m. 1 Juno 1860, Elbridge Gibson of Ashby, 7 July 1810, hlack11111lth. Perez c.u, 19 Jnn. 18521 d. young, Harriet R,D, 28 Nov. 1854, m. 6 Nov, 1879, Edward H. Jl'letohor of Fitchburg, 14 ,Jnno 1853, machinist. l,y1Ua J.•, 28 Sept. 1831, d. 14 Feb, 1853, Sarah M.•, 12 Jt'eh, 18.14, d, young.

Mary6, 5 Apr., 1700, d., m. 1 Sept., 1780, Poulter need of Littleton, 18 I•'cb., 1700, <1., farmer. Mary7, 3 June, 1791, d. Oct., 1802. Dolly' G Oct., 1704, <l. 7 Sept., 1804, m. 11 Apr., 1820, Joel Wright of ,lnffrcy, N. II,, 7 ,July, 1703, d. 21 Aug., 1861, fnrmer, sett. Bedford, rem. 1824 Concord, 1820 Littleton, 1840 to Acton. Mrs. W. was a sch. tea. In Bedford.

Joel E.•, 25 Feb, 1821, m,31 Aug, 1848, r..o,·ey l'arkor, h. N. Y. city; foreman 111 a. marble yard, Boston. James I',', sale11. furnishing store, lloston, Georj!O c.•, 7 Jnn. 1823, 111. at Dec. J8tO, Susan H. Davis of N, Acton; res, So, .Acton, 1110111. firm nwfnclt, lfnywnrd & Co., coffee merchants, Hoston, In/,9, d, Estelle A/,9, 20 Dec. ISJD, 111, 20 l>e<', 1870, Ocorgo Wm,

, Crampton, l>. Frnnklln, Vt., 10 July 1839, res, Concord, dc11lcr In hay and grain·. ~ns,111 c,10,

8 Apr. 1872, Elsie 1,,1°, 14 Sept. ~8i4, George I<!.1°, o Jan. 1877. Clrnrles s,10, 3 May 111so, d. Inf, Estella w.•0, 10 Jnn, 1882, .Mnrlon•o, 5 AJJr, 1884, ti, young, aeorvo J<',P, d. C:lwrlc,co, t.l, Oeorue S,D, 13 .lune 181i7. 111. 23 I>cc. 1881, E111111a A. Moad of W, .Actou, o Mar, 185~, res. con­cord; CIIIJI, with Dwluell, I[, &I Co., llo!itou. Warren M. 10, 3 Oct. 1882. f.'./"o 11,0, 13 June tiqlll,

m. 17 Nov.18S3, Oeo. V • .Mead, bro. £mum A,, crnte, 18 Mnr. 1861, rot, 8omorvlllo; hi with A. l'III o. W, Mead, )Jrov. trade, lloston. lt'rancls V.10, to Aug, 18~5. Prtt11cls c.u, d. /Jorllm ·1~0, 5 June 1860. John n.•, 27 Oct, 182.f, Ul, !5 Nov. 18111, Elim A. llarnnrtl of J1111·vnr,1, who ,1. i m. 31 Oot, ltlli2, Judith Sa111Jor11 or Wc11twort11, N. JI.; res. lt'ltchbnrg, rorctnan or gnnir In <•hnlr 11hop, Emmti A,u, b. 1~. 111, -- i:lnl'th, ,,·oothvorkn, J,'ltchhurg. (,'/111rlc., s.u, ~lar. Ill/ill, Ill,; wootlworke1·, F'ltchhnrg, Mary 11.8 , 2 1''ob, 1827, 111, 1-1 Apr. 18H, Marlin Haywar•I of llrldgownter, 21 Mny 18IO, roi1. Woburn, rno1a. llrrn l>wlnoll, lfaywar•I & Co., colfoo morchnnt", lloston. A,motte .,4.', 3 Juuc UU8, w. 10 J11u? 1800, WIiiard 1''. Snwyor of Woburn, 17 ,Juuo

IlEDl-'ORD, 134

1846, trav. sales. for D., H. & Co. Harry 11.10, o Aug. 1870, d. young. Wllllam n.10, 10 Mar. 18i2, Frank H. 10, 10 Oct. 18i4. Harriet A.1°, 25 May 1870, d. 9 Aui;. 1882. Sa!'Rh•, 26 Jan. 1830, m. Edwin Sawyer of Watertown, 20 July 1817, d. 21 July 18851 manr. sa~h, doors and blinds. Herbert 11.9, 4 July 18.'>7, m. 17 July 1883, Olivo To1ntellotte of w.; furnishing goo1ls and laundry. Minna T. 10, 20 Jan, 1885. Emory F.0, 19 Jnly 1832, m. 21 Oct. 1853, So11hfa D. Lamb, b. Diddeford, Me.; Is with I>., H ... ~ Co., ante. Frm1cis L.', 28 Oct. ISM, ct. Oct, 11l(i(), Jla,:11 E ,9, m. Edlth0

, m. Emeline A.8, 26 Mar. l!l3l, m. 20 Oct, 1858, J, Dexter Johnson or Newark, Vt., J7 Nov, 1833, d. 26 A11r, 1878, at W. Durke, Vt., t'rom Injuries received In a shingle mfll the day before. She res. In W. n. Carolt11e A,o, 18 S0)lt, 1860, m, 12 Oct. 1879, Francis E. Fllnt, b. Sutton, Vt., 12 i1ar, 1859, bookkee)ler, W. Burke. Edward E,10, 1 Jan, 1880, d, Inf, Emma R.10, 2 Jan, 1882. Ida JJ.10, 20 Juno 1884. Frederick JJ,9 , 9 .Apr, 1863, farmer with his mutber. Jem1y0, 1 Feb. 1867, sch, tea. since 1@83. Leonard A.o, 29 Oct. 1868, ct. Inf. Edaon JJ.o, G Noy, 1871. .,Ma A. 0, 28 July 1873. Alma 1,111 26 July 1876,

Ilnnnnh7, 31 Jan., 1797, d., m, James Fletcher of Acton, d,; m. 2d hue., Almon Wright, bro, Joel, a11te, d., dry goods clerk, Acton. Mary7, 20 Mar., 1802, d. '1 Dec. 1864; m. 30 Nov., 1826, Samuel Whitcomb of Littleton, 4 Aug., 1800, d. 27 July 1852, farmer.

Allen P,8, 21 Sept. 1827, m. 19 Sept, 1858, Susan E. Hill of Billerica, l\Jar. 1833, d, 21 Feb. 1861, m. 29 Mar. 1865, Sarah E. Recd, b, Haymond, N. JI., 8 Feb. 1836; car11., farmer, L. E,l11a ,11.0, 27 A11r. lll(i(), m. 16 Sept. 1881, Wm. H. Dnvis of Ashby, 17 Aug, 1857, farmer with her father. AJlce R,10, 4 Aug. 1882, Cora w,10, 12 Jan. 1880, Cora F,P, 28 Aug. 1861, d, young. Olh-er A,8, 28 Nov. 1829, farmer, 1n. SeJ>t, 1869, HarrJet A. S11rague of Littleton, 31 l\lar. 1837. ,tlar11 Jl,11, 29 Apr, 1863, m. llaywoocts JI art well, seq. q, v. Nahum IJ,o, 4 ,June 18CG, stud. Agr. Coll., Amherst. Ly<lla A,@, 2 Dec. 1831, .n. I Jan, 1837, George L, Wright or Llttletou, 9 Nov, 1829, d, 26 llay 1869, farmer, butcher, A rtlwr A,11, 17 Mar. 18.'>81

m. 2 Nov. 1882, Atla M. Hildreth of Westford, 19 liar. 1865; woodwo1ker, car shop, Fitoh­lmrg, Ethel n.1°, 11 Apr. 1883. Harry A.10, 2-1 Aug, 1884. Blizabetlt c.o, 6 Jan. 1860, m. 23 Dec. 1881, Waldo E. Coreant of Littleton, 1 Feb. 1855, manf,, town clerk five years. Ralph w,10, 4 .May I~. Lucy JI,11, 26 .Mar. 1862. aeorge w.11, 11 July 1865, WWfam n,o, 20 Sept. J808. l\larlana•, 11 Nov. 1833, m. John S.• Hartwell, ante, q. v, Harriet F.•, 12 Feb. 1836, d. 18 Sept. 18661 m. 10 Feb. 1867, Uoynton Needham, b. Hillsborough, N • .H,, 2 Oct. 1823, carp., Littleton, Clarence JJ,0, 17 Nov. 1867, watchman, Ins, .Asy., Somerville, m. 21 Mar. 18831 }larrlet F. Perrin of lJillerlcn. Perc710, 20 Oct. 1884. Prancls A.11, 21 Alar,, d, 31 Aug, lll(i(), Uscaro, t Sept. 1861, ru, 17 Nov. 1880, M, Anna Gilhooly of ne,lford, b. 1864; Is In prov. store, W, Somerville, Oaman°, twin, m, 10.Apr.1884, Inez Drew, b, Hoston, 28 8ept, 1868; farmer, Lfttleto11, Grace10, 4 Apr. 1886. Nahum H.S, 29 July 1838, m. 23 Dec. 1861, Mary F, Sprague, sis. Harriet, ante, 3 Oct. \8-13; enl. 31 Aug, 1862, E 0th )lass. Vols,, d. 13 Dec. 1862, .Ada n,e, 2 Sept, 1862, m. 20 June 11JS3, James W. Ireland of Littleton, 15 June 18621 grocer, Harry w,10,

o A11r. 188i. .Mary n.10, 28 July 1880, Abla n.•, 26 Nov. 18-12, d. 16 Oct, 186lS, m. 29 Jan. 1862, Albert Itobblns or Littleton, 4 Feb. 1~9, d. 5 Nov, 1886, carp. /n/,o, s.-b, Mtnna 11,,, 10 Apr, 1864,

Jose1,b p,,, 2 Nov. 1801, m. l Jan. 1829, Ruth Cote of Littleton; farmer, Acton. Joseph E.•, 11 Oct. 1830, 111, 1 May 1851, Frances M, Tuttle of Acton i carp., So, Acton, Lorenzo', P. M., undertaker, So. Acton, m. Sumner9, d, Georue s.•, 11 Nov, 1832, m. Orpha Tinker of Nashua, N. 11., Jlvetl Marlow, N, H. Rossa0, m. Nashua, Nall um 0.8, m. Elizabeth Haynes, ti,; m. 2ct w,; Is P, l\f, at Concord Junction. .Auu11sta8, m. 21 Feb. 1E67, Charles H. Whitcomb of Littleton, who abandoned her; since when she hn11 IJcen ho11sekec11er In a hotel In Nashua, N, II. J:,'ranke, John p,r, 22 Dec. 1806, m. 4 A1,r, 1832, Nancy WhltcomlJ of Littleton, 4 July 1808; farmer, rem. Lexington. John II.•, 1 June 1833, d, Inf. Nanc118, 4 Oct. 18311, m. 26 Dec. 181113, Levi W. WelJber of Hcclford, 17 Fel>. 1s;H, who. gro, elk., Hoston. Abbott R.•, 23 Sept. 1807, Johh M.•, o Mar. 18-10, 111, 4 Dec. 1861, Emeline A. Goodwin of Littleton, 5 June 1842; farmer with bis father. F:111ma A.0, 8 Se11t. 1861,

Wllll1un6, 25 Ju 110, 1770, ti. 8 May 1810, m. 11 Oct., I i0G, Joanna Davis of Bed­ford, 19 Aug., 171.lO, d. 80 Oct., hl08; m. 0 Apr., l~O!), :M w., ~fary Lake, dau, of half slt1ter of ,Joanna, 1st w., 13 Nov. 1782, d, J 1 ,Inn., 1854; farmer in tho south of Bedford. Willlnm7, 12 Jan., 1707, only mnlo llurtwell of tho younger branch of tho fnmlly known to the writer us hnvlng renchc1l tho ago of 90 years, m. 80 Nov. 18:.!0, Uuhamah Webber of UcllforJ, 1-i A1,r,, 180:l, J.· Ul Aug., 18i0; farmer, rem. Concord, Hl-lO to Lexington,


WUllam w.•, 2 Oct. 1827, farmer. Joanna E.•, 1 Nov. 182!1, was scli, tea. somo years. J.ytlla E.•, 15 l\lar. 1835,

Amos7, 8 Aug., 1798, d, 25 July, 1870, m. 22 June, 1822, Louisa Hodgman of Carlisle, 22 Aug., 1802, d, 11 Nov. 1878; farmer in southeast of lledfor<l, deacon of church 1826.

Sarah J.•, 81 Aug. 1823, d, inf, Mary•, 19 Mar, 11126, m, 27 Nov. 1845, Josiah n. Gleason, b. Blllerlca, 18 July 1816, form. dealer In ship timber, now on milk farm In Lexington. llenr11 J,o, 17 Mar. 1847, went 1873 to Cal., later to Minn., now In Des Moines, Ia., real estate dealer. Frederick E.0, 11 Apr. 1848, farmer, m, 26 Nov, 1865, Sarah L. Upton of Lowell, 2i Mar. 1860, 8arah8, 241''eb, 1827, m, 1 Jan. 1851, Royal T, Hryant, b. Dorchester, 24 Mar. 1825, farmer, Le:xlngton. Edu:arcl '1',P, 21 Oct, 1861, Sarah L.0, 20 June 1853, ru, 20 Nov. 18i0, Whitney J<'oster of BIIJerica, 24 !lay 1862, fam1er, milkman, Waltham. Jose}lh 11.10, 18 Sept. 1880 • .lllary E ,o, 31 July 1865, m. 20 June 1880, John M, Wight of Natick, farmer, Waltham. Mary 0,1°, 9 Deo. 1880, Albert H,10, 20 Nov. 1882, d, Inf. Ida J;',P, 17 Mar. 1867. Arthur w.o, 1-1 ~lar. 1859. Hartu·ell J,o, 24 Oct. 1802, m, 4 May 1886, !larguerite A, Hilton, JMward A.•, 23 Sept. 1828, went 1862 to Cal,, spent the first year In gulch mlnlug, next 3 at carpenter work; ret, Quincy, 111,, In sawmill to 1859, then to New Orie ans, La., ret. Mass., ru, 13 Oct, 1800, Almira Chamberlain or Bedford, 3 Apr, 1834; ret. New Orleans, next s11rlng up river, In 1862 to Chicago; wanf, sash, doors, blinds, builder's finish; a man of nerve, 1msb and progressive views. C, Loutsa•, 4 Aug, 186-1, Lyclici o.o, 29 Nov. 1867, Florence A,11, 23 July 1869. Abb11 o.0, 6 Oct. 1871, Ma11 B.o, 23 May 1875, Inf.•, 30 Aug, 1831, d, 2 mos. William o.s, 1 Dec. 1834, m.11 Juno 1808, Clara A. Smith of Bedford, 18 Aug. 1842; farmer, dealer In wood, Bedford VIII, Edith s.o, ll Oct. 1872, Clara 11,0 , 25 Nov. 1877, L1lla9, 7 Mny 1880, Abby L.•, 15 Juue 1839, res, 11edford VIII, Frederick A.•, 13 June 1841, opened n )lro\'lslon store ill Woburn 1804, conducting l.t with uniform success to the 11resont tlme, m, 23 Nov. 1865, Lavinia Nichols of w., 24 Dec, 1843, J,"ann11 T,11, 13 Aug. 1808, llarrv G,9, 24 Aug, 18iJ, 1/erberl a,111 18 Mar. 1873, William w,11, 1 Se11t, 1874, J?lore11ce Jt,11, 21 1\Iay 1876, Ernest N.11, 26 }'eb, JSill, Edward A,o, 17 Sept, 1870,

llenjamln F,1, 8 June 1800, d. 14 Dec. 1884, m. 13 Nov. 1828, Lucy Webber, sis, Unhnmah, at,te. ll June 1811, d, 20 Apr. 1834; m. 9 Jan. 1835, 2d w., Mary F. Fitch of n., 29 1\lny 1807, d, 15 May 1871; m, 7 Nov, 1874, Nancy Hrooks, m. 11, Weeks, b. Waltham, JO Juuo 1817; farmer, latterly llvell fu village, L11c11s, 19 l\lay 1830, d, inf, Lucy A.•, 10 A11r, JS3ll, d. J,ucy ,r,s, Hl Jan, 1837, d. 2 Oct, 1860, m. 26 Nov. 1868, Haunlbal S. l'ond, b, 811rlngfleld, Yt, Jlary A.•, 21 l'eb, 1839, m. 1 Jan. 1801, l\Jattbew n. Fletcher of Arlh.gtou, 30 Aug. 1838, carp., rem. 1St{, Jledford Vfll, Jose11h1, i Apr. 1802, cl. 2 Aug, 1868, m. 3 May 1833 Hannah H0tlgma11 of Cal'­llslc, 9 Feb, 1808, cousin of Louisa, ante; farmer, Jledford. Sancy•, 23 Feb, 183-1, d, 1111. llannah E.•, 13 May 1835, m, 0 Apr. 1862, George H, Smith, b. Duxbury, JO Sept. 182.'i, farmer on her father's homestead, Jo1c1,ll 8 , twin, Ill, 25 Dec. J~G8, A1ll•lluc llabson of l'lgeon <.·o,·p; J>rov. trade, lloston and Cambridge from 1850, C/iarles J/.8, li Oct. 1830, prov. tra<le, B. Ca111-b1lc1ge, t1om 18601 m, l0JUlltl 1874, E1nrnn J, Carr of l'alenuo, lie., 13 Feb, 182'.!, Hurry 'J','', Ja Se11t, 1870, Gertrude A.0, 15 Apa·. 1880, .N1111cy J.•, 3 Jim. 1838, <I. :n Jan, 1876, m, :m J1111e JSiJ, Cllas. M, Stratton, b. Hollis, N. H. Lyman C,11, Edwin Jf.P, Jane }',"· Ellen i,·,•, Ill July 18:19, m. 6Apr.1802, aa 2d w., llaunlbal 8, Pond, ante, rea, Somerville; have ch, Coro, line JI,•, 9 Apr, 18411 w. 3 July 18621 Uco. W. Llverwol'0 of l'nxton, :.!7 July 1838, res. Actou. Caroline E,P, 1 June 1803, d, Inf, Jose)lb w,o, 21 .M11r. 1806, Henry I,.o, 18 Jnu. 1871. Jo/11& A.8, 9 Jan, 1843, 1iartner with hro. Chas. 11,, m. 20 June J8i4, Holen 1\1, Davis of C111ubrldgo, 2 May 1847, Ueorge .A.•, 'I Dec, 1844, prov, trado, luman 811., CamlJrldge, m, 10 l\tnr. rnw, Ulh·e M, Fitch of Bedford, George F,o, 26 July 1870, d. luf, Louisa 1''.0, JS Aug. 1871, Jaauv N.•, 28 Nov. 1846, m. 1 June 18701 .Elizabeth A, Pierce of N, Chelsea, 2 Nov, 1&111; wheelwright, uudcrtaker, llectford. Elizabeth M,11, 30 Dec, 1875, Ilcn.}c1111 in Jt·.•, 26 Jan. 1&18, ll, 111 r. i,·,.a11cla•, :48 Juno 1850, 10 years In 1>rov, trade with brothurit ill Cambridge; like his 1Jrothl•1·, haac N,, 11 11 mighty bunter," Aclclfoo M.•, 24 Doc, 18116, cl. young, lsaac1, 1 Mar. IBM, d. 11

1100. 1884, aboemakor, in. 19 June 1Stfa, Lucy H. 1''rost of lledford, Mary ,J.7, 17 May 1600, 111. ;j ~ov, l!i63, Robert Hartley of Londou.Jcrry, N. II., 13 Apr, 1707, 1.1. 20 No,·, 1867, John 11,1

1 ::1

June 1808, caril,1 Arlington, Ill, 14 J\11) 1832, Julia A, Jlanlugton. Jolm JJ, 81 10 J1111, Ji;;;t,,

undertaker, Arlington, m, 21 Nov, 1861, J<:mellue A. Stearns, 8 1''ch, lti:J!J. Geor~c n.,, l!'J A ni:, 1804, A, Augusta', 20 Oct. 1800, Chatle8 '1',0, 18 IJcc, l8t8, ,lulln A,11, 14 J1111, lllil, l'lwrlrs F.•, 29 .Mar. 18-141 car1>elltor lu l\lalden, m, 20 Alar. Jl!tiG, l\lnry J, ll?uthhy of l'ort1n111I, .Mo,, dh·. 1882; m. 23 l\fnr. 18&1, Augusta A, Jordan of Chnrl11stowu, 17 July 1&16, l<'redorlck w,r•, ~o l\for, l~Dd. Wnltcr o.o, :.t May 1870, Jlcrll~rt J<:,0, J:.t Mar, 187:.!. <Jertr111lo J<:,o, 14 Nov, 1874,

CONWAY, urn Rocle wood.

Samuel c,11 4 l•'eh. 18!0, d, 22 Jnno 18H, architect, builder, Now Orleans, LA,, m. Mrs. Eliza 'fhomas, of English birth, b. 1821, d. .Alico L.•, b. 18371 m. 1858, John Lockhart, b. In Pa. Charles C. 8 , h. 1839, m. 1803, Catherine Lacy, b. Ire. 180; 11lumber, gas fitter, 48 Hnronne St., N. O. J.:llzaheth A.v, b. lSGo, grad. acad. 1'~llcn A.11, b. 1807, Samuel c.v, b, 1809. Charles A. L.P, h. 1871. Lawrence s.0, h, 1873. Loulsa7, 31 nee. 1811, d, 2 July 1836, 111. 2 Dec. 1830, Elias Skelton of lletlford, kllletl by train, 21 July 1887, ae over 80. Smmtel1, 20 June 183J, d. fur. Ma,·y L,s, 6 Oct. 1833, m. Reuben Lane, res. Somerville, bakery, milk depot. George7, 4 Aug. 1814, baker, erratic in bis movements, lived awhile in Lynn, sometime Boston; m. a l\lrs. Getchell; went to Cal, about ISM, last beard of at \Vooclland, Yolo Co., Cal., severely iujuretl July 1876, but little heard from him since. Edwin w.•, 21 Oct, 1847, Inf. 3£.r, 21 Mar. 1818, d, Eldrldger, 6 Jan. 1820, carpenter, Bedford, m. 1 Nov, 1843, Lucy P. Heed of Hedford, 21 Nov. 1825. Kelwin A.•, 12 Sept. 18415, m. 21 June 1869, Mary P. mood or N. Chelmsford, 21 Oct. 1843; carp., sett, Ayer, ret. Bedford, Clara L.•, 7 Dec. 1870, Ellti L.•, 11 Sept, 1862, d. young.

Willfnm3, 0 June, 1733, d. young. Ruth&, 17 Jan., 1731>, d. 8 Feb., 1772. James\ I June, 1780, supp. rem. Stockbrillge, m. Abigail, dau. James Wilson, one of 18 heads of fam. rem. thither from Charlton, whither she rct. after d, of bus., joining church in 17GO, Elizabeth6, 0 Mar., 176n, m. 8 Apr., 1783, Jt'rancls Payne. James6,

20 June, 1766. Ruth\ 14: l\lay, 1705, m. Jonathan Bacon, rem, Sutton. Amos3, d. 12 Sept., 1741. Elizabeth6, 28 A1,g., 1741, m. 23 Aug., 1759, Joshua Hicks. Joshun6, 23 Oct., 1761. Nathan6, 26 .Mar., 1763, Olive6, 20 Jan., 176,5. Jonathan•, :W Aug., 1766. Chloe6, 7 July, 1768. lsrael8, 12 May, 1770, DM·id6, 26 Apr., 1744, m. 17 Dec, 1767, Tabitha Underwood. Uuth6, 28 May, 1747, m. Daniel J{eith of Dudley, prob. of the Bridgewater fam. Peter C. Bacon of Worcester, atty., d. recently ati. over 80, was desc. from this family.

Dorothy\ 27 .Mnr., 1707, m. Joseph Arnold, res, Stoneham. Danlel4, 20 Mar., 1708-!l, cl. 10 July, 1745, m. 13 June, 1734, Sarah Wilson of Bedford, b. 1709, d.12 July, 1795, in Charlemont, at house of her son William. JJanicl6, H l\fnr., 1731>, d. 17oU; according to tradition a soldier In the French war. Sarah11, 4 Oct., 1136. Solomon3, 20 Apr., 1730, m. 0 Aug., 1759, .Abigail Davis of Bedford, 23 Oct., 1741, d. 27 Apr., 1834. After the birth of hlfl second child he removed to Conway, set­tling iu a district called l'oland. No record of his death or the births of his remain• ing eight children can be found in the Conway records. Abigail8, Jl Apr., 1761), m. (pub, 4 Apr., 1702), Eber1czC'r Uockwood of Lunenburg, 1>rov. Canada, who abandoned her after some years. Nancy7, m. I~phraim Amsden, rem. Orleans Co.,N, Y.

Amasa E.8, m. l'em. Carthage, Mo,, d, Adel,ilcle•. .Mtna•. /tJabellet. Nathan o,a, m., w. d, abt, 1861, last known res. l'eachv:llle, Pa, Anna H."', 111. Daulel H.•, 28 July 1827, d. 14 Dec. 1881, 111, :ill Mar. 1860, l'olly L. Chapman, h. Onondaga Co,, N. Y., 1 May 1830; coo)ler, brlckmaker, sett. Summit Co., o., rem. abt, JS&I Ligonier, Incl., enl. I 7-lth Iud, vols., dlsch, dis. 4 Oct. 18tl2, re-enl. farrier, H 12th Ind, Cav. vols., dlsoh. Mobile, Ala Alartetta E.•, 17 ,Jan. 18.51 1 m. - Sprengel. N1111cy If.•, 4 Jan. 1852, m. - Wllfn,t, llarrlel JJ.,, 4 Mar. 1853, 111, - Uoach. l'lawlina 11.0, 2.5 Dec, 18157, m. - nrockerman. /Jamletta u.•, 16 Mnr. l&O, m, -- Atkins. Ephraim II.•, 24 Jan. 1802, m, -- Wiland. Catherine ..4.9, 13 Aug. 1863, d. Ft. Wayne, H Nov, 1881, m, - Laymer; ch. d, Nathan L.', 29 May lSOO, J1ci11tel JI.•, :t2 Oct. 1868. Orlin E.0, 20 llay J870. Jare,l R,v, 20 l\lar. 1873, Jarett R.•, 21 Ang, 182,, 111, 20 AJ•r. ISM, Alice A,--, 13 Apr. 1834, div.; m. 2d w. l<'anny--; rem. Olivet, uow at Hattie Ci-eek, Mich.; enl. l Mar. 1847, G 1st Mich, volA., :Mexican war, enl. SO MRy HGI, 1st Kansas vols., war of Rebellion. Bjfte A,v, JS June 1856. J.'rancla D.•, 28 Oct, JS.58, 111. 3 July 1876, res. Lenawee Co., Mich,, carp.; 2 ob. Anna M,•, 19 Se11t. 1871.

,JoseJ)h7, 1 Jan., 1708, <1. 28 It'eb., 1862, m. May, 18~1, Amy Paine, b, Otsego Co., N. Y., 10 Oct., 1800,

Ahlgall If.A, o Apr. 1824, m, JI Nov. J840, Delos W, Daniels, who d, 8 Oct, 1840; m. 8 Oct. 1840, Mnn·ln Cole; rem. White l'lgeon, Mich,, 1870, later to I,Rwton, Mich.; fruit grower. h'tt(IOIICv /Jtmlela, Se11t, 18411, tu. 12 Nov. 1867, Caroline Newton, Welcom&' Colo, 8 8e11t. IMOO, tl, yo1111g, ltoaetta 1•.•, 11 Feb, lSIS:1, m. 28 Jan, 187'l1 Rohert Alllngluuu, t,, New York city, :H

137 Bockwo<Hl.

,Jan. 18171 cond. L. S. & M. S. R.R., klllorl on the road, 7 May 1872; m. 2 Juno 1873, Oeorge C. Eaton, b. Concord, N. JI., 29 l\lnr. 18381 Joe. eng. L. S. & 1\1. B. R.R., res, White Pigeon, George 11.10, 2 May 1874, d. young. EdltlJto, 18 Juno 1882. William c.1°, 29 Juue 188.J, d. luf. William llP, 29 Aug. 18M, Joe. cng. I. M, t,, 8. R.R., res. Ple!lmont, l\lo., m. 21 1\laJ 1873, La,·onda J. Dlesoll, 7 July 1856. Eugenet0, 4 May 1874, d. Inf, Euge11010, 7 July 1876, Char­lotto .A,101 13 Oct. 1877. AdeJlai0, 2 June 1880, d, young, Artemae101 July 1883, Ella, /i,9, 4 July 1!!59, m, 12 Oct. 1870, Clark S. Rogers, b. Lycoming Co., Pa., 9 Jan. 18561 bagg, man., L.B. & 111. s. R.R., res. White Pigeon. Wilson E.t0, 24 Feb, 1878. Welcome Jl.9, 1 Feb, 1862, brake­man, L. S. & M. H, R.R., m. 8 Nov. 1883, Bertha Fowler or Kalamazoo, Mich., 13 Sept. 1868. neatrlce10, 31 May 1884. Jc,my J.o, 27 Dec. 1865, d. 1 Jan. 1883, ch.-bed, fever, m. 3 May 1881, Harry S11enr. Jonny, 20 nee, 1882, llarietta~, 27 May 1827, m. IS Jau. 18.Jl'i, Jamee P. Hanna or N. Y. State, b. 1623, sett. Wolf Creek, J.enaweo Co., rem, later to Now Hiwon, l\lleh. nelos w.o, 2 June 1846, enl, 26 Aug. 186.J, H 11th l\llch. Cav., dlscb. 10 Juuo 1866, m. 22 Dec. 1868, Sarah Madison, sett. New Haven, rem. 1880, Saginaw, l\llch, Jamee 11.10, 7 Sept. 1870, d, 12 May 1870, Herbert n,101 13 May 1872, d, Inf. Lewis M.10, 10 Mar, 187-1. Hugh n.10, 25 Aug. 1877, Laura n,10, 11 June 1881, John M,o, 10 Dee. 1847, enl. 10 Dec. 1863, H 11th Mich. Cav., dlscb. 10 Aug. 1865, m. 23 Feb, 11!68, Amanda French; sett. Adrian, rem. 1872 Now Haven, Mich. Achsah E.1°, 14 June 1869, Otta J,1°, 2 Feb. 1873, RalJlh J.10, 20 Nov. 1874. Wllllam R.10, JG Dec. 1879, d, Inf. Nancl/9, 22 Jan. (850, d. 17 July 1878, m. 22 May 1807, Henry Lyman. Acl,sah0 , 4 Jan, 1863, d. 16 Jan. 1867. Aml/9, 10 Dec. JSM, m. 20 Mar. 1879, Thaddeus E. Hastings, b. Rupert, Vt., 18 Sept. 1850, sett. Beaver Cr!lek, Mich. Herbert J,10, 8 Apr. 1882. .Mary J,0, to Oct. 1857, m. 22 l\lay 1880, Wm. C. Hanson, b. Musklngam Co., o., 10 Mar, 1802, Wlllhun H.•, 27 Oct, 1829, m. 14 Aug. 1850, Cynthia Johnson, b, Meadville, Pa., d, 2'l Rcpt. 1860; m. 2d w. Jonny Kilbourn, b. Onondaga, N. Y., 20 July 1820; sett. Romo, rem, 1858 Franklin, later rot. Adrian, Mich,, R.R. man. wmw,n c.•, 24 Aug, 1853, painter, Green­ville, Mich., m. 1 July 187:S, Elion S11auldlng. Grace E.10, 17 June 1883. Jo6cph J,•, IIS May 1856, farmer, Cllntou, llllch., m. 4 Sept. 1875, Caroline l\lull. William 11,1°, Henjamln10, George H.10. Margaret M.10• Carlton E,10, Jla1·rlcto, :5 Sept. 1857, d. young. Frank JJ.•, 7 S011t, 18601 R.R. conductor, m. 20 May 18801 Harriet A. Uff of Adrian, Mich.; res. Toledo, O. Henrt19, 8 Sept, 1800, d, Inf, James•. d.

Jared', 19 Jan., 1705, d. I Jan., 1885, m. 9 Jan., 1628, Sarah Holloway of York, N. Y., 8 Sept., 1794, rt. 6 June, 1888, at Maraellles, Ill., rem, 1881 Monclova, O.

Chandler IV, 17 May 1821>, m. IIS Doc. 1851, Catherine v~ Robinson of l\lt. l\lorrls, N. Y., 18 Apr. I~; rem. 1818 Genesee, Mich., farmer, town su11ervlaor 14 years, county treas. 6 years, mom. Leg 1867-8, Wll11am c.•, 27 June 1854, farmer, m. 4 Nov. 1879, Ella 8. Eldridge of Genesee, Nov. 1867. Lo Roy10, 3 Uot. 1880, Alice R.•, 14 Jan, 1868, m, 28 Sept, 1881, Mortimer E. Hammond of Burton, l\Ilch,, 2/S Feb. 18M, carp. Harry10, 17 July 1882, Mlnna1°, 9 July 1883, Charles R.o, 14 May 1800, grad, Flint High sch, 1878, entered l\tlcb. Univ., eyes failed, went 1881 Vallejo, Cal., clv. eng. Hdm,md H,P, 17 l\Iay 1861S. Sarah•, 3 July 1828, d. 11 Nov. 1869, m, 2IS Dec. 1851, Atexanllor Hobart, rem, Minn,, latter to Mareolllos, Ill., after her death to OdetJ, Ill,, d, 24 Sept. 1877, <Jeorgo .n,o, 20 Nov. 1862, d. 2 July lll68. Ella M,o, 31 Dec. tSM, m, 12 Dec. 1881S, Heman D. Boyd, Mary•, 11 May 1867, Ann M,a, 10 July 1830, d. young. Eliza A.•, 8 Aug, 1832, m. 14 Apr, 1850, Ellaa O, Eddy, b, N, Y, Htate, 14 Jan. 1823, d. 6 June 1804; rem. Marseilles 1803; ahem, 1 Jan, 1872, Ellzur n. Smith of Marseilles. Lewu M.0, 22 Sept. 1852, carp., sch, ten., rn. 27 Dec. 1881, Fanny Duttorflel<l or l\t, Josophl11e10, 27 Hept. 1882. Blanchoto, 28 Ang. 1fl8-I. Arla /,,'-, 14 Oct. 18ISIS, m. 18 Sept. 1870, Horbert C, Hanscom, h. Winthrop, l\le., carp., sett. l'etoskey, Mich., now res. l\larselllos. Lowis M,1~, 20 Mnr.1879. Oeorue E.0, 16 Nov. 1863, d. Inf,

Dnnlel8, 5 Apr., 1762, d. (I May, 1888, m, 1786, Elizabeth }{eyes, who d. 8 May, 1828; rem. Northumberland; N. Y., where hla ch, were born, later to western New York, finally settling 1~ m. north of Jamestown; m. 2d w., wld. Winchester, from whom ho separated. Ho. wns tl10 first of the Conway, llartwclls to lcnye their nntl\'e stntc. My knowlc1Jgo of hiu children and desccndnnts Is nry nearly all at sccond-lumcl, n111l lnrgoly bnsc1l on , loose and imperfectly arrnnge1l 11immnry, mnde 11p hy NnthnnR Jlnrtwell of llnmmonton, N, J,, and 1latlng hnck to about 1874. 'J'nkcn ns a whole, it Is perhnpa lctts r(.>llable In the matter of exact detnlla than what I ha,·e lwon able to procure c,mccrnlng the fnmlllca of the other children of Solomon. Bllznhl'th7, b. 1787, m. ,John 'frude; actt, 11roh, nc,u her f11thcr, later

SnEJ.'FIELD, ht. 138 JJ'icks.

joining in the general exodus of the family to the western part of the State. Nathan8, liYed 1~74 at Jamestown, N. Y. Horatlo8, lh·ed Dunkirk, N, Y. Nelson8,

liveil So. Stockton, N. Y.; prob. all had families. Solomon7, b. 1790, d. 20 Dec., 1844, m. Clnrissa Howe; sett. near his father, rem, not long before death to Delu­flcld, Wis,

Solomon P.•, 6 June 1816, d. 29 Apr. 1885, m. Margaret De Oarneau, 28 Sept. 1816; sett. Philadelphia, N. Y., rem, west with father, 1861, to Dane Co., Wis., next year Wonewoc, 1808 to Gay's 1\1111, Crawford Co,, 1876 to a farm in N. Clayton, operating saw mllls prior to that time. 0- E.9, m. 2 May 1802, H, J. Wilcox, b. Fenton, N. Y., rem. Lavalle, Wis., 1800, farmer. Emma1°, 2 Feb, 1863, typewriter copyist. Charlesto, 27 June 1804, tel. op., Wonewor, Wis, Myron10, 17 Nov, 1800, Carron10, 18 May 1808. Amella10, 18 Aug, 1872, Herman10, 18 May 1871S, Edw1n1°, 1 Oct, 1876. Elvlnto, twin, d. Inf, 1/.- G,D, res. Irving, Wis. Charles 11.9, at Nashotah, Wis, ClarfJJsa P.•, 26 Oct, 1852, m. 10 Sept, 1871 1 William 11. Winn, b, Ohio, 10 Sept. 1850, farmer, Boscobel, Wis., now cal'}l, Carolin&, twin. Sperry De U.D, 2-1 Sept. 1857, res, with mother at .Milton Junction, Wle, (The above le the extent of the data obtain­able from the two married daughters I) Dwight•. Stephen•, Meth, Min. Samantha8, m, - Stevenson, res. Greenwich, N, Y, Aramantha•, m, - Sampson, res. Sheboygan, Wi1.1. Mary A. G.•, m, - Tallman, res. N. Sterling, Wis.

Ablgail7, b, about 1792, m. 1811, John Wicks, sett. Moreau, N. Y., rem. later to Chautauqua Co., N. Y,

Wllllam8, 1 June 1812, m. 14 Feb. 1837, Emeline C. Hill, b. Cherry Valley, N. Y., 13 Mar.1811S; sett. Ellery, rem. 1842 Portland, N. Y,, 1856 to Slieffleld, 111., former. Phebe .,v, 21 Aug, 1839, d, young, Abfgafl P.•, 28 Oct, 1841, m. 26 May 1858, Lars Jepperson, a Scandinavian, 23 Feb. 1829, enl. 14 .l\lay 1864, H 139th Ill. Vols., out 28 Oct, 1864, d. 18 Jan, 1881, Geneva10, 15 Mar, 1800, d, Johan11a10, 6 Aug. 1862, m, 1886, William E. Jones, 6 Nov. 1857, Jenny n.11, 26 June 1886, William 11,10, 15 Jan. 1866, Charles10, 16 Jan. 1868, d. 30 l\lar. 1885, Eva10, 2'2 nee. 1809. Ollver10, 14 Sept. 1871. Effle10, 1 July 1876, BJanche10, 23 }'eb. 1879, llarrlet D.•, 27 Apr. 1844, m. Erasmus Johnson, who left her In 1862; 2d hue. - Scott. Carolinet0 Joh1111on, 21S 8e)lt, 1866, m, 3 July 1886, John Smith, Josephlne10 Scott, 11 Jan. 1876, James A.0, 2 Nov. 1&16, d, 7 Mar. 1862, Alpheus w,o, 14 Apr, 1840, enl., must, out with Jepperson, same co. regt. Lucy M.•, 18 May 1851, m, 11 Oct. 1874, Henry Hotchkiss of Sheffield, b. 1847, coal miner. Dora1°, 8 July 1871S. Martha.1°, ta Apr. 1878. Helen c,o, 2-1 Jan. 1854, d, 7 Apr. 1885, m. 16 Aug, 1881, lliram D. Barney of Sheffield, 1 Feb. 1841S, Freeman10, 14 May 1883, .Nancy ,4.9, 14 .!\lay 1867, d. inf. Jamea8, m, Sophia Ward of Ellery, N. Y,, d,j m. 2d w. Asenath Coyle of l'omfret, N, Y,; farmer, llucklln's cor's, N.Y, James H.0, res. Slnclalrsville, N,Y. Lovtna•, m, Larkin Hadley, Charlesfl, m., res. Busti, N,Y, John•,~ l\lny 1815, m. 11 Mar, 1838, Juliana Strunk, 1 Mar, 18!!1, d, cb,-b, fe,·er, 20 May 1862; m, 1'J Apr, 1864, .Elizabeth Wygart, m, n, Campbell, b, Gloucester, N. J ., 25 Aug, 1831 i farmer, rem, Sheffield, Ill,, 18511 t-0 Nebraska 1870; broken up and set afoot through the pnrcbaee and Improvement of land with batl title, ret. Sheffleltl 1!180, beginning in bis old age tbe hartl strnggle for life, and fortunately gaining grouutl. James .11.•, H Jan. 1839, enJ, 21 Oct, 1861, sergt. K 61st Ill., disch. dl11., o July 18621 went to Cedar Ra11ids, Ia., drowned 8 July 1805, Electa ..,,,o, 29 June 18-12, ti. 9 Mar. 1876, m. 2 July 1860, Samuel Myers; rem, Bedford, Ia. .l\lartba J,10, b, 1801, m. Olh·er Laird of Taylor Co,, Ia., res, Syracuse, Neb. ?tlary10, m. - Hartmann, res. Syracuse, Altanato, 1'!mma10, 1,ucinda. A.", 28 l\lay 18H, d, ch. b,, 21 June 1S62, m, 20 Sept. 1861, Warren W. Chase, Dover, Ill, Elvlra1, 24 J9ue 18-16, ID, 25 Feb, 11104, Edmund Cole of ChRutauqua Co,, N. Y,, IIS Sept, 1837, soltller in ISiet Ill. Vuls., ti. 23 Dec. 1867, farmer; m. 30 l\Jay 1809, Davhl K, Myer11 of JUcbland, 111., 17 l\lay 1847, rem, 1873, nedford, Ia,, now res, I•awnee City, Neb,, farmer, James W,1° Colo, 18 Dec. J801S, d, iuf, Edna A, 10, 23 June 18671 ID, l O.:t. 1884, Chas. H. Rau­dall, h, Ohio, 6 Juno 1801 1 res. l'awnee Co,, Neb. b.'clwarct c,11, 26 Juue 1881S, Ha\'hl c,10 Myers, 1 July 1870, Klecta M,10, 10 Jau, 187a, Caroline n,10, 10 May 1874, d, inf. Clariua n,1°, twin, d, inf, Georio c.10, 10 Apr. 1877, d, inf, &Ila E,10, 14 July 1879, Lilly 0,10, tOOot, 1881. Freeman R.10, 11 l\lay 1883, Jolm M.•, 27 Aul{, 1848, d, young, Wfllard w.,, 2 July 18bl, d. young, Willia IJ',P, twin, d. young, . J<'rctm'crn•, 11 June ISISIS, conl miner, Sheffield, sr,'h,a. J.0, 27 A11r. 1860, Ill, 13 AJir, lli76, Embleo Myer11, b, N, J,, ta A11r, 18-18, former, rN,. White Rock, l<u, 1':tta A.1\ 271''eb. 1877, Olvln J,',1°, I J••eh, 1879, l~tlwln Jl,tn, 26 l\lay 1>81, l>olla 0.1°, 10 nee, 1883, J11lfo11u <J.9, 22 l\tay 1802, m. 1882, Jo11011h Jilli, coal miner, rl's. Cnllle, 111,; 2 ch, Walters, m, Wealthy Clark, res. Jamestown, N, Y, 'Jot,n o.•. J.Mmu111l P.•, Iii Nov, 1810, cl. 3 Jan. 187-1 1 m. 9 Nov. 18-H, Mary Klock of 1':llery, N. Y ., -I 1''ub. 1820, rl'lll, Rlll'ffltld, 111.

139 Tl'ude.

Mary A,9, m. - Ford(?) res, Sheffield, 4 or li ch. llamttn11, m. a Welsh woman, res. Shef­flclcl; painter in summer, coal miner In winter. Wcsleys, m, Eliza Austin, rem. Neponset, Ill. Cltarlelf', m. baker at Buda, Ill. Eclmo11d, p,e, m. - Wicks, lives In .Mich. Jennette~, m. - Rollins, res. Neponset, Ill. MUt-On9 , Colonel Fremont'. Danlel5, d, Aug. 1883, m. Jeanette Peebles; rem. Poplar Grove, Ill. Benjamin F,e, m. Christina Klock, sister Mary, ante, rem. Neponset, Ill. Laurae, m. Fillmore Klock, brother Mary, unte, res, Slnclalrsvllle, N. Y. Francue, m. Mtllara F,e, m., in furniture bus., Osage City, Kas. lluasell9, Marys, d. 1849, m. Roswell Newberry, l'amella8, 7 Feb. 1829, d, Apr. 1801, m. 1851, John 'l'lmbermann, b, Ohio, l!2 Feb. 1826, rem. 18-10 to Ill., farmer, Mineral, Laura J,11, Aug, 1853, d, c. Worthy'J, 10 Dec. 1855, d, Apr. 1882. Jlar117, 1 Oct. 1857, sch, tea. 10 yrs., m. Ap1·, 1882, William Shippey, b, Schuyler Co., Ill., 2-1 Apr. 18-19, rem. Yates Centre, Kas., 1878, sch. tea., now merchant. Caroline', d., m, Harvey North or Pa, Abigail c.s, 26 l\lay 1838, d, 17 Se1>t. 1879, m, Mar. 1858, Henry Newhouse, b, Pa., 24 May 18331 rem. lll, 18li5, Yates Centre, Kas., 1878, fanner. <

John7, b. 1706, d. 1876, m. Maria Putnam, b. 27 Apr. 1807; farmer, chair manf., li\'ell with his father nwhile nfter marriage, d. at Tryonvillc, Pa.

Wlllard8, m., liYed at Garland, Pa. Samantha', m. - Tryon, 'son of the founder of Tryonvllle. Lucinda•, m. Norman Lewis, rem. to Wi!J. Sabra•, m. Joseph Leslie of James­town, N. Y., was in army, prom. captain, prls. In Libby, at IUchmond. Eliza•, m. Jose11h Culbertson. Leonard8 , d.1 m. a willow Heath or New Bedford; built house for bis father in Tryonvlllo abt, 1872, Emuys, m. Jas. Castle, soldier, d. In hos1>., N. Y. city; bad ch,; she m. 2d bus., lives with mother at Tryonvtlle,

Mary C.7, 8 Oct., 1797, d. 4 Sept. 1872, m. 28 Sept. 1812, Nathan B. Trude, b. Becket, 18 Sept, 1794, d. 6 Nov. 1878, son of an officer in Lafayette's contingent of Jlrcnch troops in the Rev. war; rem. abt. 1825 St. Lawrence Co., N. Y., lived Louisville and Waddington.

Daniel H.•, 16 Jan. 1816, d. 1 June 1826, Elizabeth L,8, 22 Nov, 1818, d. 19 Mar. 1878, m. 24 July 1815, Daniel Brownell or Harrisburg, N. Y., b, 18191 div. 186-; m. 12 June 18581 David Taylor, b, in Conn, 1806, d., farmer, Bangor, :Mich. James o,e Brownell, 13 }'eb, 18471 m, Oct. 1867, his ste1> sister Elleu Taylor; farmer, Fife Lake, Mich. Taylor T.10, Mar. 1868. Emeline10, b. 18701 d, inf. Emeline E,to, 1872, Nathan n,e, 8 May 18491 farmer, Bangor, Miuh., ru. 4 July 1872, Henrietta Brown of Hartford, l\Uch. Martha A, c.e, 20 Aug. 18511 m. 14 Mar. 1874, Nelson Thompson of Maitland, Ont., b. fall 1849, d. 27 June 18i6, farmer; she m. 2d bus., William Hope of Matteawan, Mich., farmer, Bangor. Mary F,10 Thompson, 12 June 18ili, Charlotte10 Ho1>e, 28 Jan. 1879, Henl'ietta E,10, 12 Aug. 1881. WWi11,m L.9, 19 Mar. 1854, m. 1881, Lucinda Brown, sis. Henrietta, ante; farmer, Bangor. Oscar M.•, 6 Aug, 1821, boatman on Erie canal, wout 1852 Chicago, m, 24 Dec. HIM, <Mary E, Hosford, b, N. Y., sett. farmer, Bangor, rem. 1802 Erin, N.Y., 1865 Casco, 1884, Springfield, Mich., operates saw­mill. Artcmisla A.11, 19 Apr. 18671 01. 6 Oct. 1880, Sterling Hammond of Casco, Mich., farmer. Ch.10, 31 Vee. 1882, Inr.10 male, s.-b. Florn.11, 8 July 18621 d. inf, Almoncl N,e, 22 July 18C>f, lclora9, 6 Nov, 1867, m. June 1885, Samuel-. Harr119, 2 Aug. 1871, Marv E. 11, 4 Sept, 1875. Walter•, 6 Aug, 1879. Maude E,e, 2 Oct. 1882, Olh·e F,e, 13 June 1820, m. 4 Jan, 1861, Almon Woolley of Rutland, Vt,, 8 Feb, 1822, d. 7 Mar. 1877, farmer, Waterloo, N. Y.; m. 6 Nov. 1878, Stephen l'. Patcll, b, Ashby, ~ Apr. 1818, banker at Ashburnbam, rem, Geneva, N, Y. Solomon L.8, 17 May 11432, d, 30 Mar, 1879. m. 1 Nov. 1857, Sarah Hamill of Hartford, Mich,, 19 Mar. 1833, Eng. descent; farmer, Bangor, rem, 1874 Phelps, N. Y, Olive F.•, 20 Aug, 1858, d, 12 Apr, 1881, m. 15 Feb. 1881, Wm, Price or Geneva, N. Y,, 3 Se11t. 18571 carp. Saroli E.0, 24 Oct. 18021 m. 2 Jan, 1880, Jorgen l{undsen Michelsen, b. Balhun, Slels,·1g, Prussia, 20 July 1850, farmer, Oak's cor's., N. Y. Leua•0, 22 Nov. 1881, Leonardto, 8 Sept. 18831 d, Inf, Ernest10,

26 Feh, 1886, Catherine M,e, 11> Se11t, 1864, m. 22 Oct. 1882, Edgar J, l'ardee or l'belps, N.Y., 9 July 1850, farmer, small fruit, Ida M,10, 17 July 1883. lcla M.•, o Aug, 1800. Caro L.0, 2 Feb, 1808. Ettnfce E ,9 , li Oct, 1872, Elvfru L. l' .0, -I July 1876,

}'rancea A.,, li l\lay 18021 d. 18 Jan.1877, m, 30 Nov. 1876, Seth Hull, b, in Yates Co., N. Y,, 12 July 1796, d. 4 Jau, 18581 was in wiar of 18121 rem, White l'igeou, l\llch. 1835, farmer. She rem. to Cal. 1871, Barria c.•, 26 Aug. 1827, d. in Iowa, 2 Juue 1852, lla&corn JJ,8, 18 June 1829, d. 26 Sept, 1846. Jane w.e, 18 Mat, :<831, d. 8 May 1SS6, m. Nathaniel l>. l'hunmor'or CaBS Co., Mich., who d, In Sutter Co., Cal., Sq,t, 1872. Herbert E.11, July 1807, 'l'hco1loro 11.•1 17 May 183-l, went in 1852 to Cal,, mining, Sl'tt. Sutter Co., 18611 farmer, m. 1 Jan. 18071 Margaret JI. Wilkie. Mary 1''.11, 16 nee, 1867, Royal c,o, 11 Mar. 1811, JoSBIG A,v, a 8opt. 1873, J,mm, . .f.11

24 Se11t. 1830, 10. 1872, John u. Ltio ol Maryavllle, Cal., res. Elk Ol'ovo, Cal, o,cur n.•, 11 May 1113{1, ti. 18 May 1873,

HO Bice, CltaJnnan.

Francis8, ll Apr., 1767, m. 20 Mar., 1788, Sally Jordan of Glenn's Falls, N. Y., 18 Dec., 1769, d. 4 Apr., 1854, of llollaml Dutch descent; sett. Northumberland, N.Y., near Gansevoort Sta., R. & S. R.R., now D. & II, C. Co. R.R.; d. suddenly at Congress Spring, Saratoga, 4 July, 1827, after taking a drink from the pum11; bur. on homestead. Peter', 14 Feb., 1789, d. 8 Sept., 1869, m, 12 Nov. 1811, wid. Mabel Porter, m. n. Loomis, b. Bolton, Conn., 21 Sept., 1776, d. 27 May, 18ii4; shoemaker, sett. Conway, rem. Leverett, ser,·ed in harbor defense at Boston, fall 1814.

Obed•,~ Dec. 1812, d. 26 Dec. 1862, m. 1837, Lucretia Thatcher of Predonln, N. Y., who d, 28 July 1867; m, 17 .lt'eb, 1858, Eliza Russell of Dana, 28 Aug. 1813, d.; shoemaker, sett. Con­way, rem. 1844 to Ltiverett, 1869 Be,·erly, N, J, George .to, 18 July 1840, m. 10 Oct. 1861, Sarah M. Tuttle of Montague, 10 Jan. 1843; lumberman, N. Leverett. Della L.1~, 10 June 1862, m. 28 Aug, 1878, 2d w., Rector M. Pratt of Shutesbury, 28 Aug. 1852, woodworker, Amhenit. Ralph o.u, 10 Sept. 1880, Cora 8.10, 14 June 1866, m. 4 July 1882, as 2d w., Alonzo Pratt, cous. R • .1\1., ante, sawyer, N. Leverett, Alary 1.11, 9 Aug, 1886, Arthur10, 30 .\pr. 1867. Charles L,", 30 May 1843, enl, 18 July 1861, I 10th .!\lass. Vols., cllsch. 12 SeJlt. 1864, In four battles, wounded In each; farmer, Amherst, m. Angeline Thayer of that town. Artht1r10, d. inf. Francis E.', b. 1845, enl. 7 Sept. 1861, C 10th Mass. Vols., dlscb. 20 Ja11. 11!64, to re-e11J. 1'' 37th Mnss. Vols., out 16 July 1866; lost hand 111 flrt1t battle arter re-enl.; m. 31 l\far. 1869, Fanny lJ. Sanderson of Whateley, b, 1842, Ellen10, Mar. 1872, d. 24 Oct. 1879. Pra11cls EA

Bctsey7, 16 Nov., 1790, d, 80 Sept., 1850, m. liNov., 1811, Cah-in Rice of Con­way, 25 Nov. 1784, d, 21 Mar. 1865.

Joe18, killed by a falling tree, m. Mary Baker of Northumberland, N. Y., d., m. 23 Aug. 1870, 2d w. Lucina A. Thayer of Troy, N. Y., 1832. Sarah A.0, J Jan. 1845, m. 15 Jan. 1878, Egbert Field of Conway,4 Oct. 1841, farmer. Clarence T.10, 30 Nov. 1878, Ernest p,10, 3Jan. JMI. Roy c.10, a, Oct. 1883. Dau.10, 16 Sept. 1885. Lucv P.9 , 7 Jan. 1848, m. 31 Jan. 1872, Ceoll l<'leh.1, bro. Egbert, ante, 3 Jan. 1850, farmer. Arthur B.10

1 ~ Dec. 1874. Elizabeth B.1°, 18 May 1877. Edith B.10, twin. Elsie M,10, 4 Mar. 1880. Alfred C. 10, -I Sept. 1883. William 11.u, 15 J\lar. 1850, m. 19 Feb, 1878, Mary E. Hal'twell of Florence, 11 Dec. 1862; farmer In " Pumpkin Hollow," Conway Vill. Letltla10, 22 1879. WIiiiam 0.10, 17 Sept, 1880. Hartwell w,10, o Sept. 1885. Elizabeth W. 10, b, 1887. James 11.9, W May 1862, m. 20 Feb. 1878, Cynthia E . .C,'ield, sis. Egbert and Cecil, ante, 29 Mar. 1860; farmer, "Pumpkin Hollow." Allee E.101 JO Aug. 1880. Ethel c,10, 8 Aug, 1882, d, Inf. Herman n. 10, 10 Mar. 1886. Lucys, b. 1814, d. 25 J>ec. 1847, m. James Parker of Conway, 3 Nov. 1810, d. 20 Dec. 1863, carJ>. Charles", 23 Oct. 1830, m. 20 July 1866, Emma A. Hastings of Amherst, 1 Nov .. 1844; farmer, rem. 1875 nernnrdston. )llnua A.10, ~ Feb. 18671 m. 18 June 1884, Frank Parmelee, b, Bloomington, Ill., 18 Juuo J8'il. James B,10, 12 Apr. 1870. Charles 8. 10, 6 Aug. 1871. George 11,10, 9 Nov. 1873. Eltz<i ,u.v, o Mar. 1845, m. 14 Dec. 1866, Brainerd 8, Graves of Whately, 20 Apr. 1842, farmer, Conway, choir leader. Anna M.10, 27 Oct. 1866, sch, tea. Jenny E.10, 30 Nov. 1867, d, young. WIiiiam •vo, 1869. Charles s.10, 14 Nov. 1870. Etlward B. a,10, 21 May 1872. Zebluas, 21; Mar. 1817, m. 10 Nov. 1838, Bally Dlnsmore of Conway, 11 Mar. 1816, rem. 1840 St. Joseph, .l\llcll., both d. Jt'ranc1s 0.9, 11 Sept, 1830. Rt1/us'. Dw1ght9• Nelson". .umero. Louisa•. 211,ran. 18211 m. Sept. 1839, Franklin Rice of Conway, rem, Kalamazoo, Mich. Newell". 1'.'Uz1tbcll1u. J'rank9. 8arah8, 13 Mar. 1819, d. 26 Jan. 18611, m. 14 Dec. 1842, Lysander Hillman of Conwny, 18 June 1815, farmer, rem. Charlemont. Sarah .v. 10 Nov. 1843, d. JO Feb. 1803, In last year at Westfield Norm, Sch. Ford11ce L.9, 14 June 1845, cul. 14 Apr. 1864, C 61st Mass. Yols., De11t. Gulf, kllled at Morris Landing, Reel River. His horse was shot under hllll; adva11ce1l on foot, shot In right arm and shle, Emily F.0, 4 Se11t. 1840, d, 20 Nov. 1862. Fra11cls 11,u, 1 Nov. 1832, d, 20 Aug. 1884, m. 15 Jan. 1880, Della E. Ballard of Charlemont, 30 8opt.18li8; baud out off by clrc. saw at 19; com. trav. Mabel A.10, 12 Aug. 1881. W1ll1am 1•.11, 2 June mw, cl. 21 nee. 1870, Herbert CJ,', 1 Oct. 1856, wont 18i8 Iowa, m. ~ Vee. 1881, Orpha l'renlJan of Des Moines; sash and bllud manf. Francis T,10, 13 Nov. 1882, Lttcla M,e, 21 Jan. 18611, d. 11 Mar. 1860. Sar,,I, F.9, 20 Se11t. 1864, sob. tea. Fidelia lJ,9, 26 nee. 1822, d. Charlemont, 9 Juno 1842, sch. te"• Mary E.•, 10 Dec, 18.'.t6, m. 16 A11r. 1850, Franklin .ff. ICl11gi1bury of Conway, Nelson u.0•

Lucy7, 0 }'eh,, 1705, d, I May, 1814, Saral17, 8 No,•,, 1700, d, 10 Oct., 1870, m, 25 14'cb., 1817, Samuel Chapman, b. E, Haddam, Conn., 2o A11r,, 178H, d, 13 A11r., 1874, farwur, Nortbumbcrland, N. Y.

SoJ>hla•, 17 June 1818, d, 27 June 18'/'0, m, 26 Feb. 1840, Daniel Haker, bro. Mnry (Hire), antr, 31 May 1818, died 27 Feb, 1884, farmer near Fort Miller, N. Y. John c.o, 22 1''eb. 18--11, grad. Union Coll. 186-1, engineering course; went 1866 to Montana, killed 18 Dec.1868 by caving rock fn a ruining shaft. Samuel o.,, 5 Feb. 1843, farmer on the homestead, m. 23 May 1871, ~rary Illawls of Fort Miller, 14 Feb. 1861, d. 30 Apr. 1873; m. 20 Oct. 1875, Harriet Newberry of Greenwich, N. Y., 12 Dec. 1863. Anna M,10, 16 Mar, 1873. John D.1°, 9 July 1876, Edgar, 8 Jan, 1879, Caroline s.10, 7 Oct. 1880, Harriet N.10, 30 Nov. 1882. Phebe A,e, 17 ScJ>t, 1820, m. 6 June 1863, Martin A. Thompson of Moreau, N. Y,, 8 SeJ>t, 1816, farmer,rem, 1871 Hacon 11111, Northumberland, Isabella c.0, 12 AJ>r, 18M, sch. tea., was 11tud, Albany Nonu. Sch. Sarah E.o, 29 May 18611, m. 8 Apr. 1877, J, Reed Cramer of Nortlmmberlluul, 26 Aug. 1840, farmer. Ida M.10, 18 Apr. 1878. Anna M.10, 1 Jan. 1881. llenry c,o, 1 Nov. 1857, went 1886 Ml11nea11olls, Minn., clerk. lda ,11.9, 25 Ocl, 1800, d, IS Mar. 1886, m, 12 Sept. 1883, John H. Vanderwerkcr of N,1 June, 1861, farmer. Phebe E. 10 10 Oct. 1884. John S.•, 19 l\lnr. 1823, 111. 6 June 181l2, An­toinette Marshall of Northumberlnnd, 1 ~ov, 1826; farmer, now tes, Schuylerville, N. Y, Elba .A,o, 2 May 1863, Charles ,~I.', 1 Aug, ISM, m. 18 Oct. 1879, Adelaide Hurt of White Creek, N. Y., 13June 1860; farruer,N. Harrlet•0, H Feb, 1882. Hurt10, Oct. 1885. John JJu, 4 Oct. 18611, com. trav. Samuel8, 29 Aug, 18261 d. 19 June 1876, grad. Union l&O, sch. tea. In Ga., ret., grad. In med. at Albany ISM, opened a drug store In Phlla. which he manage•l until 1868; next five vears at Hordentown, N. J ., canning fruit; In 1873 bought a large fruit far1n In Princess .Anne, Md,; m, 26 Feb. 181l6, Elizabeth Hopkins of A,rgyle, N. Y., 15 Jan. 1835. s. SpencerD, li Feb. 1867, grad. law de11't Univ. of l'a. 1883, attorney, Pblla., l'a. llo1rnrcl JJv, 3 No,•. 1864, farmer, Princess Anne, Md. Ed111l11 H.•, 20 Oct, 1861S, bookkeeper, Trenton, N, J. Herbert", 9 May 1867, d, inf. Franc1,o, 19 Aug. 1869. Saraho, 9 Apr. 1871, d. Inf, l'atltet·fu&•, twin, d, Inf. William E.v, 6 Mar.1873. Francls9, 12 Dec. 1827, m. 13 June 1800, Anna C. l'eny of Scbagtlcoke, N. Y., 17 Aug, 1832, d. 17 Dec:. 1883, farmer, Schuylerville. Etfmbeth E •9 , 28 May 1861. EllenP, 28 Apr. 1864, Mary H,s, 13 Sept. 1830, m, JO Oct. 18M, John G. naker, bro. Mary and Dnnlel, ante, 19 AJ>r. 1816, d, Apr. 16, 1885, farmer, rem. ISM Tonica, Ill. Bmori1 A~, 9 Sept, 18611, Henry s.o, 80 Aug, 1858. Florence 1''.9, 26 Dec. 1850, d. inf. Fanny o.0, 26 Aug. 1861. Jt'rano1s s.», 8 Aug. 1863, d. young. Mory C,", 8 l\lay, 1867. 8arab .A.8, 28 Jau. 18:H, m. 26 Dec. 18661 Asa F. Thom11son, bro, Martin .A., ante, 20 Dec. 1814, d. 13 Juno 1867, farmer, Moreau, N, Y,; she rem, after bis death to Bacon Hfll, 1877 .Minneapolis, lllhm. ,.1/ary EY. 30 Nov. t81l6, m. 26 Apr, 18831 Lorin A, Barber of M.1 llrugglst. llelen10, 1''eb, 188.'l, lsubcllev, o Feb, 1866. Charles H.8, 11 Nov. 1830,cl. May 1857, senior year at Union Coll. Jmza A.8 , 7 lllny 1842, m. H June 1868, Albert B. Burger, M. D., of Troy, N. Y., 12 Mar. 1836, grad, Albany Med. Sob., prao. 1 year Scbagtlcoke, 11 at Oansevoort, 3 at Mecbanlcs,·ille, rem. 1883 Ballston, N. Y. Alberto, 27 Sept, 1869. Eclward•,

Fanny?, 17 Aug., 1708, <l. 6 Dec., 1827, m. 5 Sept., 1817, Philip G. Vicic of Fort Miller, N. Y., 28 Jan., 1790, d. 7 Feb., lfl75, boatman in n·orthcrn trnclc.

Leonard D,e, 27 July 1810, boatman, m. A bf gall Griffiths, rem. 1881 New York city, Pl'<rncn-0

d. Laura9, cl. John', m. Susan8, 25 Feb. 1821, d. 8t1}1t. 18821 111. Henry Smltb, boatman, d. 1869, J'htlfp 11,, cl. Sarah M.0, 111, Geo. Towne, div.; m, 2<1 l'atrlck Hannaberry, res. N. Y, city. George L,10, tel. 011, William n•0, machinist. Phlll}I 0,8, 8 May, 1823, 111. 111 Apr. 1841l, Eliza )I. _Simonds, b, Vt. 12 lllar, 18261 d. 14 Oct. 1860; ru, 5 lllny 1801, Rarah Heccl of llloute­zuma, N. Y., b. 1821', cl. 10 Aug, l8i2; boatman; rem. 1P84 Sloan, Ia. Mary E.u, 18 Nov, 18-17, m. Mar. 1881, William l'anlsh of Ji'ort Edwnrd, N. Y ., ex11rcss111an, rem. 1-:xcter, Neb. J1011t& Jl,o, 11 June 1840, d. young. B111t11tt 1,,9, 12 Oct. l!IISI, m. 11\ii Andrew l\loore of Jlncon mu, N. Y,, farmer, boatman, rem. 1882 Sloan, IA, JMward w.10, d. Mnry Jt•0• 1-:lln'"· Marth<io, 24 l\lay 1863, m. 10 Nov, 1873, Edward W. JoneH of Oswego, X. Y., 2U Feb. 18-18, machinist, sett. Glenn's :1''nlls, rem, 11!79 to Waterford, N. Y. lllnry K 10, 2-1 l\lar. 1871). Prance& A.', 16 Nov., ISM, d. Inf. .h'lla A,9, 24 1''ch. 1867, m. 13 8e)lt, 1871l, Chnrles Gardiner uf Troy, N, Y., 2J 8011t, l@M. 1/lram .A.9, 22 lllay 1860, d, Inf. Clar(l 0, 15 Dee. 1&;2, 1!. youu~. Charlotte K,9, 8 July lll&I, Harriet 1,.0, 12 lllar. 1866, m. ,Jan, 11!8-t, )lorthncr lllcClownn of Mechanicsville, N. Y,, div., Is wl,h ;.'ather In Sloan, Ia. l,conar<l /J,9, O Jan, 1868.

}'rnncls', 80 June, 1800, clrdwnccl in Albany hnsln, 18-lO, 111. 9 Jm~c, ·1828, ,J1•rush1t Whlte, 4 Jan" 1805, d.; lh·c~ ht Northumhcrlan!l, N. Y.

Au11t1n•, 26 Mar, 18241 tu, 2IS Julf U.40, Sarah llrott11 of Herkshlre, Vt,, 21 Oct. 1827, dh•. tt-'GO; cl, Mlnnea1101l11, Minn,, IS Aug. 18&1; hem., I AJ>r, 1876, 2<1 w., f,uclun I,. llnll of lllnrongo, :,;, Y., 27 Sept. 1830; harness-maker: ffaratoga S11rl11g11, N, Y., since 18'10, exce11t 1~65-co, In Ill. and Wis,, 1870-8'.l Sptlngtleld. Flor,mcc J.9, 10 Oct. 1846, cl, 2'..! Dco. 187':1 1u. 10 Apr, 1800, ChnH. 11, SIUfKl8 or Sar. 81>r,, Jan, 1840, court ste11ugra11her. <Jcrt.rllde J,v, 4 }'et,. 1848, 111. 4 ,July

U2 Sebring.

1878, James n. PJerce of W, Troy, N.Y., 15 Feb. 1845, carp. Alice J.0, 14 Sept. 1849, d. Feb, 1883, m. 29 Sept. l&10, Cyrus Bradley, b. Westport, N. Y., painter, rem. 1870 Mlnnea1lolls, l\Jlun. Wllllnwto, Dec. 18i0, «I, Florence E.1°, 1 Jan. 1870. Cyrus s,10, 24 Sept. 1882, d, inf, J:t'rank c.0, 4 l<'eb. 1852, 111. 8 .:\lay 18781 Jouuy H. Adams of Green Island, N. Y., 26 Apr. 1857; bookkeeper, furniture bus., Troy, N. Y., in high standing In tho Masonic order. I<'loronco J.10, 19 lt'eb. 1870. Frank A,1°, 24 Juno 1884, h1ez c.o, 24 A)lr. 185-1, m. I<'rank W. Nevins, manf. clothing, Mhmeapolls, Minn. Arthur w,10, 15 June 1878, .Maud E,10, 27 June 1881. Warren S,8, 20 Aug. 18211, m. 25 Juno 1848, Emeline K Cutter, d, 13 Sept. 1863; m. 21 Apr. 1864, 2d w ., Letitia Hare of Chester Co., Pa., 4 Apr. 1827; blacksmith, Amherst, Deerfield, now 1.<'lor­ence. Gcrtr1ulo B •0, 7 Aug. 1849, m. to June 18001 Robert C. Calder, b. Cape Breton Id., 23 Sept. 1842, carp., Manchester. Warren iv0, 11 June 1870. Arthur 1vo, 12 June 1876, Harry M,10, 6 A11r. 1880, ll'ilb11r F.~, 26 June 1861, m, 12 June 1872, Alice S. Powers of Easthampton, b. 1852, div.; m. June 18751 l<'auuy C. Hurst of Oermantowu, l'a.; blacksmith, Easthampton. Herhert c.1°, Aug. JSitl. seymom-10, AJJr. 1878. R11t1110, Nov. 1879, William w.10, Nov. 1882. 11/ary E .o, II Dec. 1852, m. 20 June 1878, Wm. 11.0 nice of Conway, ante, q. v. Seymour S.", 4 1\far. 1869, m. 25 Dec. 1870, Susan M. Parsons of Gloucester. HerlJertt0, 26 Dec, 1883. Jolin w.,, 2-1 l!'eb. 1866, clerk In Hampshire Co. bank, Northampton, feymoul"', 9 Nov. 1829, d. ~ Jan. 1887, m. 9 Oct. 1854, Sarah A. Snyder of Sar. Spr., 11 May 1835; baruessmaker m that town • .A1ma J/,o, 18 :\Jar. 18661 d. 20 May 1801. Jeanette R.9, 8 Jan. 1858, d. 29 May 1601, both dl1>th. Charles E.0, 20 Aug. 1860, expressman, 111. 11 Oct. 1883, Susan Vallo of Sara. Stlr., 27 Mar. 1864. MalJel V. 10, 10 July 1884. Nelsie J>.o, 8 Dc<', 1864, m. 9 Dec, 1884, Edward F, Andrews of Sar. svr,, I July ISM, sales. clothing trade, Lucy9, Aug. 1830, m. Nov, 1870, Zenas P. RugKles, t,, Jhmlwlck 1820, 111erch., Troy, Fort Jo~dward, N. Y., rem, 1879 Ottawa, 18831 Topeka, Kas., com. trav. I<'rancls9, 12 I>ec. 1833, d. 16 Nov. 1882, m. 11 lllar. 1866, Eliza Harris of Northa,np­ton; lJlacksmlth, rem. 1870 to Canon City, Colo., rapidly nccum. property to time of death; co. trea11., Fremont Co., 1877-81 mayor of Canon City 1877-9; d. greatly lamented. Alfceo, 21 Nov. 1858, m. 23 July 1879, res. Georgetown, Colo. l•'ran!.o{!, 31 Oct. 1861, d, 11 Mar. 1880. Anna J,0, 21 Dec. 1864, d. at hosp. In Boston, 26 Feb. 1370. Jessie B,e, 21 Feb, 1871 •

.lllary1, 18 June 1802, d. 30 Mar. 1830, m. 14 Oct. 1824, Abraham Waldron, shoemaker, North­umherl:mtl. Corclella 8, IJ. July 1826, m. John Price of Wilton, N. Y., farmer, Emory111

solllicr, d. New Orlcnns. Joanna0, m. Benjamin Billings of Saratoga, car11, Jlemieuio. Jobn°, at Saratoga. Ruth9, m. Wm. H. Taylor, farmer, Wilton, N. Y. Cnrdeliato, b. 1870. Dau.1°, t,. Jlli3. Suhmlt7, 2 )tar. 1804, d. before 1842, m. July 1822, Samuel Mayhew of J{cese­ville, N.Y. Samuel•, blacksmith, .lllechanlcsvllle, N,Y. Datt.8, m., lived Mechanicsville, 6 moro ch.8• Wllllam7, 0 1:i'eb. 1800, d. 1883. 8amue11, 14 Aug, 1808, d. between 1840 and 1844, Nortbumbcl'lnnd. Dau e, m. a mnn In Waterford, N. Y., rem. Fortvflle, N. Y., had ch. recently.

Sol'omon6, dates of birth, marriage, death not yet found, and no means of stating positively whether older or younger than Francis11, farmer, occasional Baptist preacher, m. Tabitha Hill of Conway; rem. about 1792 to Pompey, N. Y., soon after war of 1812 to Barre, N. Y.; 2 eldest ch. b, Conway. Martha7, 19 Mar., 1790, d. young. John7, 7 Jan., 1792, d. 18 Mar., 1859, m. 1812, Jane Whitney, b. Conwny, 21 June, 1700, d. 29 Dec., 1840; m. 2d w. Ile was a soldier on the Northern frontier, tr1111111ed home on a short furlough in midwinter soon after the birth of his ehlest child, to sat!sfy his anxiety for the welfare of his loved ones, allowed by the shortness of his furlough to stay but one night, lcal'ing hl'fore 11:ly­ligbt next morning, carried by his wife's father In a sleigh to a point whence he could reach camp that night; a situation in marked contrast to the case and com­fort of the frequent homeward trips of our solitiers in the lnte rebelllon. Dlschnrgetl 11ftcr a year's ser,·ice for rheumatism in1luccd by hurd <Jllnrters nncl lnsuftlcient fare. lie romove,I with his fnther to Phelps, later to Uarrc, N. Y.; d. in the houso of bis son, Nathan8, at Casadnga, N. Y.

Eunice w.•, 16 Jan, 1813, m. 10 Jau. l&U, Isaac B. Sehrlug of Argyle, l'a., 22 J>ec. 1811, rem. 1844 Manchester, 111,, farmer; enl, o, 13th Wis. Vols,, d, 27 AJ>r. 18621 0110 of tho early ndven­turors to 11 l•Jke'a Peak," 1869, Na them 11.0, 22 I>eo. l8fl, enl. K, 7th Wl11. Vot11,, wo11111led at Antietam, d. 110011 aftor at Georgetown bo11p. E•mfc~ o.,, 2a Apr. 1843, d, young, llarrtl!t K,o, ao Sept. lst6, 111. 2 July 1870, Augustus C1111bmat1 of Watertown, Wis., 2Ci A)lr, 1848, farmer, Shlrlaml, Ill. Martfn1", :16 Mny 1871, Frank E,10, 7 Mar, 1873. Alll'lrtus AA I Dec. 187-1,


Ella C,t~, 9 Sept. 1876, Norma 0.10, 2 July 1878, :Martha J\1,10, O J\lar, 1882. Jamesio, 2 Jan. 1885, Abraham9, 9 May 1848, d, yodng. Isaace, 27 Jan. 1860, farmer on homestcacl. Jcm1ll9, 6 Feb. 1852, sch. tea., m, 9 Sept. 1880, James 11. Livingston, b. Rrhnharle, N. Y., 6 itar. 1&0, mechanic, Hunter, Ill. Sarah ll,9 , 6 Jan. tS'H, m. 10 Nov. 1874, Willis D. Ilolllster, b, Onon­daga Co., N. Y., o 1\lay 1852, machinist, )lily·aukcc, Wis. Herllcrt10, 13 Aug. 1875. Elsie c,10, J Oct. 1870, Ressie R.10, 16Feb. 1882, Norma•0, 131\far. 1885. Ella ,U.9,25 )lar. 18551 m. 4 l\lar, 1880, Oliver L. Webster or Caledonia, Ill., 9 l\lar.1862, farmer, Hunter, Ill. l\lay10,3Jan. 1881. Susan1°, 10 Apr. 1882. Williams, b. 1815, d,, b. 18171 d. 1810. Nathans, 23 l\far. 1819, m. 2 Oct. 1842, Almira D. Lake or Charlotte, N. Y,; blacksmith In that town, later at Casa, dnga N, Y.; rem, Hammonton, N. J.; J.P. 3cl term. About 18711 he hegan tho work of col­lecting material for a history or tho Conway Hartwcills, hut ,tlth Indifferent success as to · details; bis labors In that tine have been, however, of much service to tho writer, who finds many of them very difficult to follow and trace. Allen L,e, 29 Apr. 1844, m, 30 Dec. 1874, Sarah Webster of Phlla., Pa., 13 Sc1>t, 18413; soldier In tile late war, helcl commi~slon In a vol­unteer militia organization In Scranton, Pa., doing Important service In maintaining orclor during an extended strike and threatened riot In that city about 1870; a successful architect at Loni? B:anch, N, J. George A,10, 1 Jan. 1879, cl, Janee, 22 Feb. 18!8, d. lcla E,0, 27 Nov, 1849, m. 30 Sept, 1869, Album W. Warren, went to northern Ill.; dh•,, supported herself amt children by teaching school until 1877, ret, to her father's house In Hammonton, N. J. Album 11.10, 17 Se1>t, 1870, d, Inf. Eclltb l\1,10, JO Nov. 1871. Daisy J\1,1°, 13 June 1874. Iru E.e, twin, went to Wflkesbarre, Pa,, clv. eng., real estate agent, realizing a handsome competence; m, 1875 Margaret Jenkins of W., 29 Apr. 1847. Clarence L,10, 29 A11r. 1srn. Ethel ?tf,10, 12 Oct, 1877. Addison w.10, 3 July 18i0, Jessie c.1°, 27 Aug. 1883. Iras, 20 Oct. 1820, 111. 28 Mar. 18-12, Elizabeth Hall of Springfield, Pa., 2 Feb. 1826, cl, 14 Mar. 1858, m. o J\lar. 1S59, Ervllla Klug or Albion, Pa., 7 June 1828; blacksmith, Albion, rem, 1885 Savannah, Ill, Twlns0, m. ancl r., I Mar. 18581 d, Ida", 19 Jan. 1860, d. young, llarry9, 6 Oct. 1861, cl, young. Elcctao, 14 July 1863. John9, 25 June 1866, Lucinda8, 7 May 1823, d, 13 Sept. 1851, Bally•, twin, d, 5 Nov. 1885, m. 25 Dec. 1848, Hiram l'reston of Wattsburg, Pa., rem. l\lanlstec, later to Frecsoll, Mich. M«r11 E.e, 30 Sept. 18-19, m. 30 June 1872, Lafayette E. Long of Lenawee Co .. l\llch., 14 Dec. 1841, live In northern part of state. Calvin1°, 16 May 1874, Hlram10, 17 Nov. 1877. Lowis E,10, 10 Oct, 1883, Antoinettet, 17 Sept, 1856, d, 22 Nov. 1883. Johncyd, 10 Nov, 1825, ru, Marin Strickland, b, Watertown, Conn., 2 Dec. 1827; millwright, sett. Little Valley, rem. Cattarau­gus, N. Y,; wont in 1864 to Chicago, Ill., next year to Manistee, Mich,, leaving his family tu Cattaraugus, N. Y. Cornelia", 17 July 1861, m, Belle11, 24 Jan. 18f>4. Fra11ce119, 23 Sept. 182i, m. 28 May 1848, John Salter, 2 Sept. 1826, enl. 18 .Aug. 1862, D 145th Pa. Vols., d, Harpers Ferry, Va., Ii Nov. 1862; she m. 19 Mar, 18781 James M. Miller, b, Derks Co. Pa., 17 Nov. 1818; res, Cleveland, O. WilUa111 11, 28 Mar. 1849. Jlarrlet8

1 1 July 1830, d. 10 Mar. 18531 m. 30 May 1848, AH Preston, bro, Hiram, ante. Adellae, June 1849, d, 1879, m, -- Jordan of Brokenstraw, Pa. .Kdwln9, b. 18521 d. before mother. Electa A,1, lt3 June 1834, m, 22 Nov. 1858, Jeremiah Henton of Veuaugo Co, Pa., 26 Sept. 1828, farmer, Wesleyville, Pa., kllle1l In the presence of his wire and children, skull fractured by the kick of a horse he was leadlug to water 19 July 18i2; she has since kept her family together on tile little fam1, taking l11 washing at times to eke out a living. Alarllla•, 21 Sept. ISM, Invalid, AdellaP, 22 .l<'eb. 1850, d. young. Olh:e•, 11 May 1859, m, 28 Se11t, 1882, George l\llnnfg of Erle, l'a,, 1 July, l~o!I, 1111mp bus. Mabet•o, 20 Aug. 1883. Andre1oe, 17 Aug, 1863, Carollne9, 4 Apr. 1866. /Jlrtlil"', 12 Aug, 1869.

Willlnm7, Nov., 1792, d. 14 Dec., 1874, m. Betsey Uenth, b. 1798, d. o July, 1874; farmer, rem. Wauwatosa, Wis., 1872 to his son's resldence nt 'funnel City, Wis., d. there.

John•, 6 Mar. 18181 m. his cousin Mary7 Hay; went with his father to Wts., later to Tunnel City, Orrin•, b. 18201 nnderwltte1I, gh·en to wandering, froze to death 111 n haystack, whl'rn he had sought shelter 111 fnclcmout weather. Wflllam8, b, 1820, d. 30 July 18i4, m. res, Tuum•I City, Wis. Horace L.•, b. 18241 111,, res, Wauwatosn, Wis. George~, d.

~ebecca', b. 1794, d,, m. B~n.inmln Hay, 11ett. Phelps, rlml, Chennugo Co,, N. Y. Mary•, m, John Hartwell, nt1h, q, v, Cnrollno~, m. - Young, llvccl Auburn, N. Y.

Ollnr&, d., m., rem. Jcffereon en., N. Y. Mnrllrn1, 111., ll\'l'cl nf.'nr Chlengo, Ill. OFcnr N.•, 11 In Jeffer11011 Co,, N. Y,

Calvin7, 8 J.'eb., 1700, cl. 31 l\lnr., 181.l2, m. ltl20 Mlnenn Jlighl'c of Bnrrc, h. Turin, N.Y., 10 Aug;, 1808, cl, 4 No,·., 18~1; follmni,t the t•:l'ie e111111l, Inter fnrmer, rem. New Albion, Inter to Pl•rsin, N. Y.

\V1L1.1AMRBUR0, IH Dwight.

Uussell•, d. Sophronia 1-;.~, 12 Jan. 1826, d. 8 Aug, 1855, m. Charles n. Luce, seq. q, v. Mary D.•, 17 Jan, 1828, rem, Cattaraugus, N. Y,, after her father's death ke1)t a small store. I,aura1, 18 Jan. 1830, d, 11 Oct. 1870, m, 26 Jan. ISM, Merritt Rich, J Mar. 1823. Allee v,u, J6 Hee, 186-1, Ill, t Jan, 1874, Frank 11. Uoss, 16 July 1849, res. l'orryshurg, N, Y. Arthur n.10,

13 Foh, 1878. Joy n.10, 26 June 1879, Farroti M,e, 21 nee, 1857, Russell s.•, 20 I<'eb, 1832, twice m., res. Cattaraugus, N. Y, Daniel \V.8

1 15 Aug, 183-1, wont JSM Jackson Co., Ia. 1861 Oregon, Wis,, res. at Fitchburg, Wis,; m. 22 Dec. 1859, Lucinda A. Cook of Otto, N. Y,, 15 Aug. 1837; wheelwright and farmer. Elt10 n,u, 10 ,June 1869, Almlras, 14 Apr. 18371 m, Rev. L. D. Perkins. /lcrbcrt 9, Flom9 , Ahnedas, to AJ)r. 1844, m. Richard Ingersoll. Sarah E.~, 111. Homer Snyder.

l)bc1F, b. 1708, d., m. Dorcas Comstock; rem. Alleghany Co., N. Y. Son8, was in Mex. war, rem. Mich. Solomon?, b. 1800, d., m, Laura S. Olmstetl, b. 1803, cl. 9 .May 1885; farmer, Barre, N. Y.

l,ucy l\f,e, m. \'alontlne Sr .11th, res, Clarendon, N. Y. Lorinda M.•, d, l'hlllnda J .•, m. Lysander Richardson, went Delhi, Mich. Mary•. Laura•, m. Orson T, Mlllard of Holloy, N. Y. Solomon D.•, m. 1874, J<'lorcnce R. Root; farmer, Alhlon, N. Y. Adeline E.•, b. 1845, m. 18 Nov. 187-1, William L. Wright, b. J8li0, rem. Deihl, Mich., farmer. Marv L.e, b. 1876.

ousr, b, 18011 d. 3 July 1878, m. 2i Jan. 1830, Dlautha E. Love; farmer 011 the homesteacl. L1ttt1·a b'.8, 11 June 1831, m. 25 Nov. 1856, Albert Cuh·er; 2 clau. .Martha~, 12 Feh. 18351 d. 15 Aug. 18i5, m, 26 Nov. JSM, J. I,. Thom11son; 1 son. ,'1arta8, 30 Nov. 1840, crlp11led In youth. Cl1urlu 0.B, 17 Oct. 11145, farmer, succeeding his father, 111. 6 Nov. 1867, Mary A. l\llller, Hlr1Un', b. 1800, m. Eliza Green; 1 son, res. unkuown.

8nrah6, IO .Mny, li72, d. 3 May, 1822, m. 18 Nov., 1795, Josiah Dwight of Williamsburg, 12 Aug., li72, farmer, selectman,

Morrtsr, 3 Oct. 1796, m, 3 Oct. 1826, Minerva Bryant of Chesterfield, 18 Feb, 1600; stud. med. at l'lttsfleld, sett. in J)rnctlce at Halifax, Vt., 1826·9, Cummington to 1839, rem, Poughkeepsie, N. ¥ ., eng. In cult. moms Multlcaulls, to 1842. For some years aftenvarda engaged In lectur­ing and tcacblog JJhonograpby, six years editor or a journal In tho Interest of the art; latterly has lived at Wllllamshurg. Augustus w.s, 22 Feh. 1827, ei\t, Yale 1851, loCt In 1853 for want or means to finish course; wont to Cal., mined, taught school, stucl. Jaw, rot. homo via China, adm. bar Syracuse, N,Y,, 18591 entered army, Lleut.-Col, J2'ld N. Y, Vols., wounded at Winchester, ag ,111 at Cedar Creek, losing an arm. While at home on sick furlough made a thrilling speech at Syracuse, 80 Jan. 1865, to stimulate fresh enlistments, adverting to ad­vice be had rccclYctl, to a·ctlrc from further service, having been alreacly disabled by wounds, ltut avowed bis detennlnatlon to return to the front, ready for further 1u1d greater sacrifices if need be; returning, reached bis regiment, 2'2 Feb,, killed next day while leading It In an assault on Fort Stedman; had been In 21 battles. Edwin 11.8, 0 Mar, 1828, d. young, Evcrartl JI.•, 10 Aug, 1829, killed b/ discharge of n gun In Charlestown, 14 Dec.1851, Geor(JB ,re, May 1831, d, young. Cor11ella B,8, 12 Apr, 1835, m. I May 18561 George F. Thom11son, 13 July 18291 grocery trade, Lock11ort, to 1868, since fnrmer, Murray, N. Y. Llllla11111 3 July 1867, d. young. Cbarles9, 20 Nov. 1859. Adelaide M,9, 18 A11r. 1862, Augustus D.~, 10 Apa. 1804, Harriet N,•, 12 Aug, 1837, m. 11S Feh. 1864, John Hosmer of r.ockport, N, Y., I Oct. 1826, morcb,, since 1869 denting In staves for foreign markets. Nelly C.~, 1 Aug. 1859. WIiiiam J{.P, 18 Jan. 18661 cl, }:ugcne I>.P, 7 Mnr. 1860, 11. )'Oung. Harrison D.0, 2/i Mar. 1870. S11sa118, 30 June IIHI, m. 1 Jan. 18ti2, Charles W. Warren, 30 Dec, 1830, merob., J,rJCkJJort. Frank n,11, 26 Dec. 1863. Mhierva11, 22 t,·ot,, 1807, Fltlellnr, 22 Apr. 1709, d. o Jan. 1823, m. ~•IS AJ)r, 1821 1 Phineas Nnsh of \Vllllamshurg, 13 July 1708, d, 23 June 1880, rem. llntll, O., farmer, Au1111st111c IJ.•, 24 Nov, (;-.2'..!, 111 • 10 nee. 1850, Nancy Meredith of Northampton, O., 8 Oct. 182'.l; fnr111er, rem, 1851, l,amartlno, Wis,, cul. 17 J,'oh, 1866, H 14th Wis, Vols., dlsch. II Oct. 11165, Holen A,11, 1 Mar. 18.'>5, 111 , 2 Oec. 187-1, Thomas Orchard, b. Cornwnll, Eng.,30 Apr. 18461 whe11lwrlght, I,amartlne. Mary J<'.~, 20 A1ir, I~, 111. I Jnu, 1880, John H, Inlck of J.runnrtlno, 9 June 1857, cheese manf.; 011 the 3!1 of August followl11g she had her right arm tnkeu off by a roaptir, am11, close to 111wuhler, hut cnme out winner In the stn1gglo tor life, hearing her first chllcl, Jcaslc Jt.1°, 11 f•'ch. 18dl, J.illy'~, 12 1'3c}lt. 111113. Chnrles ·s.0, 22 Oct. IMO, f1mner, rn. 28 nee. 1881, Jo~t•phhio \'orltlc11, t,, l'nrls, N. Y, l,couard', 20 Juno 1801, d. 1882, 111, 21 Nov. 1827, l\llncr\'I\ Jlrnllfotd or Conway; !'em, 18~5 New JJedrord, lmtclter, 187/S to Alatcn1l 1 N. H,, ret. 187f-1

hnn~ht f,um l II Ac1111h11et. Pl,tclln•, 18 Aug. 1828, becamo lnsime In 18"3, res. with mothor, Julf<c ,I.", :.!7 l>oc, ltlaO, 111. :.!'J July 1s.;.a, Charlo11 llenth of Now Hcdforll, 011gagc1l ht tho whalo

'l'ROl", N. Y. 145

fishery. Leonard D.o, 14 Oct. 1802, Charles 11.t, 20 Aug. 186-l, 1nmam JI.•, 15 Apr. 1832, n,. 13 Oct, 1868, Margaret Enrlo of Dartmouth, Hi July 1838; merch, N,H. untll 18821 rom. Florl,la 011 an orange 1>lantatlon. Henry r,.0, 8 l\lay 1800. .Mabel E.', 16 Nov. 1865. Jame.a E.', 19 l\fay 1834, m. 11 J\lar. 1855, Emily n. Gifford of Dartmouth, 9 Aug, 1833; butcher, Now lJed­ford. Minerva n.0, 13 Jan. 1867. f:mlly F,o, 19 l<'cb. 1869, d. 20 Mar. 1865. l<'idclla•, 27 I<'eb. 1861, d, inf, Phebe G.0, 13 l!'cb. 1863, d, young. l\lyrta M.', 23 Feb. 1867. Joslah1, 29 Nov. 1803, d. 20 Apr. 1802, n1. 22 Apr. 18231 Lucy Gove of Northampton, who d.; m. 29 Dec. 1830, 2d w. Heulab l'caso of :Enfield, Conn., d, 6 July 1859; merch. l\touutaln Cove, Va. Josfal,8, 2 Dec. 1831, went to sea, supp. d, 111 Cal. untler an assumed unmc • Sarnh7, 1 l\lar. 1800, d, 17 Sept. 1867, m. 26 Nov. 1833, Newton Pease, bro. Jlculnh, a11te, 17 Nov. 1805, farmer. Sarah <'.~, o Dec. 18:N, m. 18 June 11:(02, Charles C. Oakes or Grafton, Vt., 26 June 1834, farmer, rem. Oxford, Ia. Mac P.v, b. 1865. Lovilia n.o, b. 1867. Lowell N.o, b, 11:174. Carl E,9, b. 1876, Edtrnrct 1".•, 7 Nov. 1838, ti. young. Ellen .v.s, 1 Jnu. 18-U, m. T Oct. 1~09, William U. Pur11le1

b. Chuthnm, Conn., 11 .Mny 1810, cattle broker, s11rl11gticld, Edith A.0, 17 Aug, 1873. llarrfs JJ.•, 13 Apr. 184:l, m. 14 .May 18741 Luella Jackman of Oreenflcltl, b. 1851; farmer, Conway, l<'lorcnce .M.11, 9 Nov. 18i6, Harris ;u.,, 8 Aug. 188:t. Jane E.•, 3 Mar. 18-H, d. 16 A.11r. 1861. Jlenrv E.8, 31 l\lny 1847, d, inr. 1/urrfet .A.8 , o Jan. 1849, d., ch. b, 3 Aug. 1875, m. 14 May 1874, Oramel O. Waterman, b, 1830, rem. Iowa City, Ia. Clarissa1, 8 July 1811, d.; m. A11r. 1830, Henry I', Little or Williamsburg, 16 July 1805, cl. Charles JJ.s, 7 Dec. 1832, m. 2 Mar. 1857, Catherine Dysliu of Herkimer, N. Y.; mcrcb., J!'reeport, Ill. Jo:<lwin D.•, 2G June 1835, d. 3 }'cb. 1861, clerk, S11ringflold, Hartford, Conn. Klien .u.e, 18 May 1838, 111, 7 J;'eb, 18i2, Henry o. Cnrtl6, b. Lltchlleld, Conn., 23 Apr. 1831, mercb., Odell, m. l\lary J.v, :.n July 1873. llenru D.•, 4 Aug. 1847, merch., Rockford, Ill., slnco 1874.

Samueld, 6 Mnr., 1776, d. 5 Dec., 1830, m. 1700, Margaret Gray of Ashfield, 21 Mar., 1780, d. 25 Sept., 1807; m. 11 May, 1808, 2d w., Phebe 8tnrk of Whately, 80 Sept., 178!, d. 12 Sept., 1848; sett. Conway, rem. later to Northnmpton, butcher.

I Snurnel', 3 Jan. 1707, called in the family Robert, followed tbe Erie canal a large portion

of bis life, d. In Conway. Abigail', 11 June 1800, d. 20 June 1847, m. Timothy Hitchings, b, Lynu, rem. Rome, N. Y,; shed. Northampton. Nancy•, d. 3 Aug, 1842, ae. 20. Margaret•, m., Uved Rome, N.Y. John', m., livetl Rome, N. Y, Elirabetl1•, b, 1827, m. 31 July 1800, Dwight A, Kingsley of Northam11ton1 b. 1825; rem. Westmoreland, N. Y,, later to Mich. Acll1ul1•, tl. lle11r11•. J.'m11cfs•. Sa1m1e11, o Aug. 1803, d. 26 Nov, 1808. l<'ostcrt, 8 Feb, 18001

ti, 17 Aug. 1868, m. 2-1 Apr. 1833, Augusta 1\1, Wheelock or Conway, 28 1''cb, 1812; Ha11t1st mlulster, com. 11rnacblng 1836, rem. 1839 WhltluglIRm, Vt., 184-1 Newfane, Vt., 1849 l'lttstown, 18:A, Westerlo, 1659 New llalthnorc, N. Y., a1111, 2'.l Aug. 18G2 eh1111laln 120th N. Y. Vols., in actions at Fretlorlcksburg, Ch:mccllorsvlllc1 Gettysburg, brokc11 In health by overwork in hos11ttnl after tho last battle, forcetl marches In tho l'en11sylvanfa.cam1,algn and an attack of cholera the same fall, bccomlug an lnvalhl until his death, In 18GO the family rem to Troy, N. Y., where, and In the nnlghhurhood, they all reside. Sarah J>,8, 5 Oct. 1834, m. 21 Oct. 18H, John I'. Hayner or Orcon Islaud, N.Y., 13 Juno 1828, foreman, Gilbert'• car shops. Ueoruo c.•, 18 I<'eb.18a7, d. Jnr. .Maria•, 28 Jan, 1830, Jeanett~, 11 Nov, 1840, d, Inf. J>1ufgllt W.•, 20 Aug. 1842, enl, Aug. 1802, n 120th N. Y, Vols,,:kllled at Hatcber's Run, 27 Oct. 1864. Jolm Jt·.•, 15 Apr. 1845, d. 15 I>eo, 1803, Ueorve c.•, 2 June 18471 m, 8 Nov. l&JS, Charlotte Wheat of Now Hallhuore, N. Y., 12 Oct. 1861, d, 4 Nov, 1872; fore111a11 1 cutting dept., 1\llller, Hall & Hartwell's shirt factory 1.1l11co 1872. Illa E.•, 17 No,·, lflGO, l'Arolh10•, 19 Aug, 1872, d, l'l,arles E.•, 10 Aug. 1800, m. 4 Jau. 18i6, 1''lorlni, A. Aldridge of Angelica, N. Y., 9 l\lay 1862; omp. In sblrt aml collar factory of ~Iller, Hall & llartwell from 187.f, formerly l\llllor & Hingham, junior partner 1884; 0110 of tlle largest establlstunents of the kind In the United States, building 100 ft, square, o storle~, 600 lumds, weekly 1>rmluct1011 1800 to 2000 doz., make their own 1•ackl11g and 1m11er hoxcs; n flr&t•class and finely a1111olnte1I establishment, Alfred F.•, 17 Aug, 18761 d, HanlAt 1<:,v, 12 June 1870. 1''oster A.9, 2U Juno 1881, Harold 0,8


· 4 Oct, 188:l, Walter T.e, 17 Nov. 1883. Jt'rc111ce1 A.•, 11 Aug. 18b3, Jtarv if.•, 30 Oct, ISM, d, 13 Oct, 1861. Wtlllam s.•. 15 June 18~7, d. youug. Tryphena1, 10 Feb. 1800, houeekee11er for L. w. Joy, since tleath of his wife, her sister, Trypbosa1, 21 Oct. 1811, d. 22 Mny 1852, 111. s Apr, 18U, l'orter Nutting, aeq. q, v. J>e,lf(,7, 111 Oct. 1814, d, so l\lay 1840, m. 20 A11r. lSU, Solomon J'hclf!S, Ueorue E.•, b, IIH0, d. 3 Feb. :.863. Margarett, 17 So111, 111101 d. ao May 18:J0, m. 13 Oct, 1836, Porter :Nutting, b, So, Amherst, U Jnu. 181-1, llrlck-11111kor, Wllll:unsburg, No1-th11m11to11, John J',8, 8 Oct, 18.18, m. l\lary li, Wl\l1h or llnclson, N.Y., o Aug. 18H; mechanic, Shelburne I<'nlla, Alaruaret 7',•, o nee. 18-W, 111, 22 Oct. 11110, John 1''. s11rlng or Hreenftold, 10 l\lar. 1863, Ins,, real est. S11m11d 11.•1 21 Doc. J8.f1l, 111, 10 Aug. 1870, l\lnry A. llyer of N, Wood11tock, Conn, 10 June 1840; silk manr., Warehouse l'olnt, Coma, Chnrlc8 n.11, l!'.! June 1871, Allee L.•,


18 :.\Jar. 1875. 1'1111111 P.o, 12 Jan, 1880, J;ruest s.o, 8 Oct. 1882. Rebecca w.1, 8 June 1818, cl. 12 Feb. 1870, 111. 30 Mar, ltl-43, Lorenzo W. Joy of Northnm11ton, merch., 1•.~1. untll 1885, UcorucS, G Nov. 18H, Maruaret 1,·,a, 2G Sc11t. 1847, d, 31 ,Jan. 1Hi6. .Albel't M.8, 29 A11r. 11161, ,l• 16 lllar. 1880, Green lsla111I, N, Y., 111. Susan Scymom· of Northn11111ton, dh•,; m. 2tl w., 1''lora llnrnum of llrltlgeport, Conn., d. l'hehe7, 7 Se11t. 18:.'0, d. 3 Sept. lli48, m. Silas Johnson, who tl, Silas l'.8, machinist, llarlfortl, Co1111.}(m c:.e, bookkee)ler, Yonkers, N. Y. Chester JJ.•, 8 Aug. 18-18, d, Inf, Samuel1, 20 Aug. 18251 cl. 5 Jan, 1816,

Ucbecca7, b. 1777, d. 13 No,·., 1816, m. (J>ub. 6 July, 1708) as 2<1 w., Ira Whitney

of Conwuy, b. 1761, d, 6 Mur., 1830, among the first settlers of Pompey, N. Y. Joel', 11 Apr. 1709, d. ::11 Aug. 18118, m. 30 Aug. 1830, S111ly lllead of Warrcu, l'n, h. 1805,

.1fcKemlrc1,"', 1 Aug. 1832, d, 1863, 111. Clnrhsa Mn11tle\'llle of Ga. laud, Pa.; had ch., taken west by their mother after 2d marriage, l'arolh1c8, 26 Jan. 183-1, tl. 15 June 11153, Natbnn', 2-1 July 1€03, d., 111, 26 Dec. 1820, Susan l>a\'ls of Youngiwllle, l'a,, :.!'J No\', 1800; farmer. J/arrlct E.1, G .Mar. 18:1:.?, cl. 19 l\lay 1868, m. 16 Mar. ISM, ,James Culbertson of \'ouugs\'ille. Charles W,0, 7 A)lr, 1868, ti, Inf. Everett E.a, 2 Se)lt. 18:14, ti. 26 Aug. 18-11, lf'(llter I', JJ,8, 2ll Sept, lt-00, cl, young. fret A,8, 18 Aug, 18-12, m. 21 nee. 1870, Sabrina .Mead of Young8\'llle, Pa.; gmcer, l'ittsttcld, l'a. ~lay", 6 May 1872. Lucy E.V, 18 June 187-1, Freclericl..<fl, 8 July ISiO, I),

Prcmcfs8, twin, d. Inf. Lucy A.8, 22 June J8t6, m. 2 A)lr. 1872, John J{, Chl)lntan of Akron, 0., rem. lntllnnapolls, Ind., clothing bus. Susan n.v, 28 Dec. 1873. .Mary,, b, 1875, Uuthu, 27 1''cb, 18iO, d. 25 l<'eb. 1885. .Mell.'illeB, 6 ~lay 18-17, m. 1''lorenco J{lnnenr of Sugar Gro\'c, l'a., IR ,Tune 1848; }lartncr with bro. Joel, ur,te, William l>.~, 28 A)lr. 185:!, stutl, 111ed. nt Buffalo, N,Y,, 1873,-1, In pra'!tlce nt \'Q1111gs\·llle, m. 10 Nov. 1877, Emma A. Uaker of Lotts,·llle, l'n., 1-1 No\·. 1863. Tabithn7, called Abby by the family, 17 A)lr. ~807, m. 13 Dec. 1831, Leonard Homer of l'om)ley, ~. Y., 2G .May 17!», ti. II Mar. 18601 fartncr, tksccndaut of the Mnssnch11-sett11 lloan;, his grandfather having ch,rngctl llis name to Homer. They rem. Yonugsvllle at marriage, 1835 to nustl, i848 to Jawc .. towu, N. \'. lllrs. JI. J•osscs~ed a remarkable memory for names and dates, an,l rendered the writer lnvaluahle assistance In gatherlug tlatn con­cemlng tho la1go number of llcscendants of the branch of the family to which she belonged, She }losscssed a loglca.l, dlscrhulnntlng mind, and lmtl oujoycd the rare ntl\'lllltagoof ha\'lug wltucssetl the progress anti ath·ancement of tho regions In which her life had been spent, from their first history as the abodes of white men to )lros)letous, tlllckly settled comnmn­ltlcs, enjoying nil tl1e privileges atrortlctl by moderu clvlhzntlon. She spent tho last year of her llfo with her daughter, l\11s. Susan A. Sumners, In So. Boston, remm·l11g with Mr. a,111 1\IJ·,i. S. to l'ort Jcn·ls, N. Y,, whcl'e shed. 3 ~lar, 1886. Homny11 8, 2-1 Nov. 1833, cnl. 16 Jnue 1862, 21st l'a. Cav. Vols., dlsch, 20 i,·ct,, l8(J.I; m, u; Jur.e 18&1, Matlltll\ J. 8)1arks of 1''Juherg, N, Y., O Aug.18-13; Jumbermau, 1''1nloy Lake, N, Y. Cora11, 20 Aug. 1868, Henry A,u, 28 Jan, 1881. 11'11 ltneys, 15 Apr. 1836, m. 4 Sept. 186:!, Chloe };, Halley of l'omfret, N. Y.; red, U11r­land, l'a. George E.11, 7 l\la1·. 1873. ll'allac1,>&, 2-1 ~e11t, 1837, ti, 30 A11r. 1860, m. :!O AJ1r. l&>s, ltosalle Tiffany of Ja111estown, N. Y. Lorlllu fl.•, 13 AJlr, 1830, m. 26 July 1861, neorge C. Huck of Dusti, N. Y., 16 lt'cb. 1837, farmer, Harmony, N. Y. Helen11, 2li Mai·, l~m!, Ill, 0 No,·. 1'$77, J.ymau Saxton of llar0101,y, 2-1 June 1837, div. 1886. Eur110, 8 July 11179, Ho111c1,, 12 Juno 1865. lmoycne l,.•, 13 l\lar, 1841, d. fur, Httuerie L.8, twin, went In 18119 to 1''alrhnve111

Vt., woJ'ked 111 slate tJUauy until just before hrenklug out of war of rebelllou, wlrnu he en­listed at New York for tho regular army, but later, 111·eferrlng service with tlmse among whom ho bad grown 1111, ho obtained a thschnl'gc, antl again enl., 21 June Jl3GI, U 72d N. Y. Vols,, te-onl. 23 Ucc. 1863, dlscb, o July l&ili. In nil 1,rlncl11al battles vf Rl'UJY or l'otomao exce11t 1st lh11l Run and Antietam. lteturulug to Vt., ho m. 1 1\lay 1867, 1\lartba l', Alleanl of lt'alrhnen, 2li July 18-10, ti. 2-1 Aug, 1860; 111. 23 I>ce. 18iO, Jenny Hrookmeycr of 1''reebold, l'a,, 11 May 18-13, of Irish J1are11tagc, her 111othc1· a cousin of Jas, O. llcnnett, Sr., of the N. Y. Herald; res, Union City, l'a., emp, in chair factory. Oleunl R.11, 21 June J8i2. Hanlct 1''.~, al !lar. 187-1, .Ada J, N,11, 13 May 1870, KllloW, JO Aug, 1845, en), 12 Aug. 1862, JI 72d N. Y. Vols., wounded Oettysburg,tl. 23 July 1863. /J.'11ge11i<i S.5, 1 Jan. 18-ll!, d, 8usan A,8, twin, m, 31 Oct. 1880, I.ewls Summers, b. Loudon, Eng., 17 l•'eh. 1864, file cutter, now res. Port Jervis, N, Y. lrat, o May 1t112, ti, inf, Lucy', o Jau. 181-1, d. 20 June 18."JO, 111. 10 Sept. JtlaG, John W11lea of l:nterprl'se, l'a , 27 A11r. 1807, farmer, Jfaro v.•, 23 Aug, lt!aS, d. 4 July Jllj(), lJelotla K,8, 2li May 18-11, m, 25 Ucc, 187-11 Chambers Mead of Youngsvmo, l'a., h11nl.tcrt11a11. lda9, 3 Nov, 11175, Johno, Nov. 1877, l'blll119, 1 l<'eb. 1880, .blal'y E,8

1 :tO May 1!1-16, 111. Johu Enos, b, Albauy, N, Y,, t·cs, South West, l'n. <lcOl'flC 11.81 Ill,

( llct11ey6, rn .Mny, li7U, d, r, l!'eb., 185G, m. 1707, ,Joseph Luce ·of Conwny, 3 J\fnr., 1775, d, 0 Dec., 1803, rem. Pom1icy, N. Y,, Inter to Durre, N. Y., lnstly to New Albion, N, Y., where both d.; farmer.

CATTARAUGUS, N. Y. 147 Luce.

l\lelh1da', b. 1798, m, Greg~ny Storms of Uarre, N. Y., rem. Logan Co., o. ll'illittm', a1Hl olllers Ahueda7, b, 1800, m. EllslJa Gay of l'ompey, a well-to-do farmer, after whoi;o death she rcmo,·etl to James,·llle, in that town, where she ti. Amanda7, 18 Oct. 1802, ti. 29 Juue 18.:ia, m. 11 Oct. 1821, Elisha J{luncy or l'om11ey, 20 June 1709, d. 11 Juue 1800, fnrmer. llI1f11s•, 6 .May US23, m., lived near James,·ille, N. Y. Vlarissa 8, 24 July 1825. Fa1111ys, o Mar, 1827, ti, 22 Sept. 1846, m. -- Williams of l'ompey. Jose11hs, 31 nee. 1828, l'ollys, 25 Jan. 1~:1. thrice m., 1st two hus. <l., 3tl bus. Chas. McCausey of Jloro1llno, N, Y. llarrtcts, 12 May 1837, w. Orauge Hopkins, rem. l'aluei;vllle, O. A/mfrn1, 19 Se1,t, 1€41, Juli«', 13 Oct. l&t-1, 111. John A1lams, rem. l{eut City, Mich. AMgail7, 8 Aug. 1801, ti. 26 .May 1867, m. 26 l>ec. 1825, Harrison l'ay11e, bro. Amy, w. Jose11h Uockwood, ante, 17 July 179-J, d. 10 Aug. 18ti6; farmer, 1cm. alJout 18l/.tl to New Albion, N. Y. .Natl,an W.8, :11 Sept. 182-1, m. 6 Mar, 1851, J{aty A, Lawrence, who d, FelJ. 1866; m. June 1868, 2ct w., Susan, sis.1st w., who d. Aug, 1886; farmer, Cattaraugus, N. Y. Willia,n I'.•, 26 llay 1826, fnrmer Inc., m. 24 Aug. 1853, Martha l'ark. Ueorge A.•, 1 May 1828, farmer, m, 18 Sept. 1850, Catherine Smith, lletse1J8, 22 July 1830, 111. 31 Dec. l&>I, Smith l'hllllps, farwer, Randolph, N. Y., cl. In army, Steplle1l I,.•, 13 July 1832, 1u. 20 Sept. lt-5\1, ElizalJoth I,. 0111111; rem, Mo., cul. l Sept, 1861 In :llo. State :llllltla, te-eul. 1 Jau. 18ti2, R 11th l(ns. Vols., d. 26 Se11t. 181.,2, Judson s.,, 11 Oct. 1830, went tSM to Wis., sch. tea., rom, Lhm Co., Ku., 185i; enl. fall 1861, Mo. State M.llltla, adm. Ran11as conf. 1\1, :t:, 186-1; located later, now farmer, Cadmus, l{as.; w. 4 liar. 1~7, Cornella Walton of Wis., who d. at HumlJolclt, I{as., 21 July 18G6; m. II liar. 1867, 2cl w., Hannah A, Huruap of Wis., who ti. 18 Dec. 1881; m. 27 Dec. 18.."51 Julia Klrk1iatrick; has 6 ch. Jose)lh W.8, 28 May 1839, weut Kansas 1858, enl. and re-cul. at same time with bro. Ste11hen, cllsch. dis. 1 Mar. 11!1i2; m. 17 Aug. 186l, Eliza both E. Hale; far1uer, Cad1uus, Kas. /larrison J.•, 19 Jan. 18H, d, 18 Oct. 1868, grncl. of Hllls1lalo Coll., .:lllch., pastor of church nt New Haven, l\llch., m. loW, Emma C. Squier of l'lttsfonl, Mich., b. 18-17. Gi-Acc M.9, 13 Mar. 1869, stul. at llillsdalc. J.orcn.o R.•, ti 1''eb. 1813, enl. Aug. 18Ul, J.,' tlttll N. Y. Vols., dlsch. 5 Mar. 1865, In actions ,\t 1''alr Oaks, 1 ditys' Retreat, White Oak Swnm11, Mah·ern Hill, 2cl Hull Itue, Antietam, 1''rctlorlcKsburg, before Petersburg, takcu 1nlso11er just before exp. of 3 yrs. service; 6 mos. in Andorsouvlllo; 111. Lana Herrick of New AllJlon, N. Y,; farmer there. Clari,scr,. A.•, a Oct. 18-15, ti, young, Nelso1l Ji',s, 21 Oct, 18-18, m. li'eb. 1877, Edith Carlsen; farmer, Cadmus, l(as. Harrietl, 21 Se11t, 1800, m, 20 Feb, 1831, Noah Higbee, bro. lllnen·a, w. Calvln7 Hartwell, ante, 4 .May 1808, farn1er, rem. Cattaraugus, N. Y. 1''roncts', 6 Jan. \832, farmer, m. SeJJt, lSOO, Elizabeth Lamb, Emory D.", 28 Apr. 1861. Willlame, 3 Nov. 1663. Carollue9, 6 Nov. 1865, d,tnf, Hrad­ford11, 28 l\lay 18i2. • Dellae, 28 July 1874. l'hatmccys, 13 June 1833, d. luf. l..'/fza1, 6 A11r. 18Jb, d. 17 l\lay 1870, m. Oct. 1859, Thalllleus C. Nealy, 2 Aug. 1831, 1·es. Cattaraugus, llaryi,, 20 Alar. 1861, m.1 l\lay 1881, George L. Day. M<tbel10, 6 June 1883, Stanley10, 17 lJec, 188-1, 1Je1vamin JJ.10, 10 July 1886. Elton', 14 Dec. 1863. llurr L.9, 17 Mar. 1870, Lorc11zo1, 14 ~lay 1837, enl. Se11t. 181.,J, U 64th N. Y, Vols., d. 9 A11r. 1862. Jero1116 L.•, 10 l!'eb. 1839, gratl. Hllls­dale Coll., l'tlloh,, 1866, fal'lner, Catturnugu&1 Hapt. ruin., su1,11lies ci1urches near his resldeuce; m. 24 Jan. 180:J, l\lattha Christle. lloxa11«1, 17 :\Jar. 18·11, m. Jan. 1SC4, Joseph Clmrlesworth, fnuner, Little Valley, N, Y. Norman J,'.•, 16 A11r, 18-131 111, l\1:11'. 18i5 Emma C. will. llarrisou8

1•ay11e, Jr. ant6; was mercb. J\brion, Iutl., 1870 to 1884, lumber tratla that year. Arthur L.9,

26 1''eb. 1882. Lloyd E 11, 26 l>ec. 1886, Wellh1vton•, 3 l;e11t. 18-15, res. Cattaraugus. Jl'fllicrt1,

16 Se11t. 18-17, car11e11ter, w. l\lar. 1868, Priscilla A, l'hilllp11, 16 Jan. 1852. llcuriclla11, 10 Aug. 1872, d. young. l\largarotta", 21 J.,'eb. 1877, ,'1al'la1, 3 Oct. 18-19, d. young. l'ollyr, 14 Jan. lc09, m. 20 Apr. 1836, Saufortl Higbee, bl'O. Noah, ante, 26 Jan. 1810, d. 31 l\lar. 18i3, 1es. Cattarau­gu11, .\fury s.,, :ro Apr. 1836, 111. 10 Nov. 1853, James Walt, fanuer. Lt1crcti« 1, 13 1''clJ. lf38, m. 4 July 1856, Thomas Newcomb, farmer. Julia A.8, 13 Dec. 1839, w. 2 Nov. 1856, Arbela Hartholomew, farmer, Na}loll, N. Y. lletStJII E.5, SO Oct, 1811, m. 17 Oct. 1861, Chauncey Jloardman, farmer, Na11oll, N. Y. Jo/in s.•, 27 Sept. 1843, 111. 8 liar. 1868, Eh·ira Woodmancy; farmer, Cattaraugus, '1'/1eo<loci<18, 6 Ai,r. 18-10, w. 13 Jun. 1864, l'eleg Walt, farmer, New All,1011, N. Y, Nelson J.s, 2,·Oct, 1851, m. Louisa Woo1lma11cy, sis. Klvira, ante; farmer, New AllJlon. Samuel', 17 .\tar. 1811, 1..1, 1 May 181!6, m. 31 Dec. 18'!5, Louisa l'eeble11, 2J July 1800, cl. 12 Me11t. 1862; ru.17 Jan, 1860, ltuth Slocum; farmer, rem. Rome, l\llch. ,llary ,11.8, 1 Oct, 1836, 111. fi Dec. 1860, Wllllam 1''. 'rtiu,. Sctrctl /.•, 0 1''eb. 18-11, m. 12 l>cc. 1867, John Van Vliet. Dwl11ht•, 30 l\lar. 18-11, farmer, m; 7 •)ct, 18G9, Nelly A, Cure; :\lary L.9, 21 July 1870, Nora L.~, 111''eb. 1883. Emma o.•, 10 Ju1ie 1847, d. 21 l\lay 18i4, m. l\lllton Hooe.I, Ellza7, IJ. 1814, ti. 1-t

Jan, 18a7, Lucasr, a llal', 1818, m. 11 Jleb. 18-10, llarrlet Walt, b. Conway 25 Aug, 1810; farmer, New Albion, N. Y. .Uelf11cl<i S,8 3 June 1841, m, l!'cb. 1865, James 1\f. llcckwit11, who ti. 22 Oct. 1875; farmer, Snla1uanca, Little Valley, N, Y,; 111. 6 l>cc. 18i6, Jo:1e11h Cullen, h. Upton, J<:ng., 16 May 1838; t11r111er Llttlo Vnllcy: eullstetl 2 Sept. 1862 H 15Hh N. \'. \'ols., dlsch. ~ Juuc, 1863, lJurueUv llcckwith, 3 Dec. 1300, lJurdctt~, 6 July 1869; J::1ucrso11 U.U, 16 l\lar. 1871.


Nelson D.•, 31 l\larch 11W6, d. lnf, ,Ua,ula11a, 7 Mar. 1847, m. July 1864, Samuel Nye, who cl 0 Sept. 1864; m. 15 Nov. 1865, 2cl hus. James Lnmb, b. Warren Co., N. Y., 25 No\', 11!:H, Jinrncss­niakcr, W. Salnmnnca, N. Y, Mr. Nye cul. Aug. 1862 C 0th N. Y.Cav. Hnrrlet9 Lnmh, l Jan. 1867, an, 23 Dec. 1884 Eugene Waft of N111101l, N. Y., 25 No\'. 1856. Le011ar<110, 1 Nov. 1886. Clrnrlest, 13 Nov.1880. Lt1ch1tlaE,e,s Sc11t, J8li0, m 31 Aug.18i2, Clnrencc Keith of Now Albion, N. Y., 20 Se11t, 1840; 1·cru. Joliet, Ill.; ret. 1874 Cattaraugus; teamster. Frederick L.9, 20 June 18i3. Ernest E.11, 1 Nov. 18711. Ada M', 18 Feb. l~l. .Pnmcls8, 18 1\111y 185.1, d. young, Fran­ceUa•, twfn, sch. tea, Emerson n.,, 2 June 18W, farmer, Cattaraugus, m. o Se11t. 1870, Orra Walt. ArtburO, 20 .Mar. 1880. Sarnuel9

1 ll May 1882, William L.•, 2 Aug, 18691 ti. young, llenry', 23 A11r, 1820, d. 19 Aug. 1&.~, m, 8 Sept. 1842, Salina Pea11e, b. Irclaml o Jnn. 1821; farmer; rem. some years after marriage to Elk Co., I'a,, 1874 to Majors, Neb.; enl. 28 Aug, 1862 H 151th N. Y. Vols., disch. H July 1865; in battle of Gettysburg; Inter on duty In commis­sary dept. Rl1iu•, 30 Aug, 1843, m. George Hildum, b. ncnnington, Vt., d.; m. 4 Oct. 1883 Henry Waters of Greene Co., Ill, rem. Santa Cruz, Cal.; fruit grower. Ellen 1'}.81 23 Mar. 1862, m. 2 !lay 1883, James F. Moore, farmer, .IIIRjors. Abraham L.9, 10 Dec. 1864, teJ. op., North Bend, Neb. .Abigail', 1 Mar. 1846, m. June 1872, Willlaau Mosler, farmer, E. Leon, N. Y, Fl·aukt, 23 Aug. 1874, Isaac', Oct. 18i7. Harriet•, 25 Dec. 1879. Myrta E.', II> Nov. 1681. Arla B.11, Mar. 1884. Jennys, 29 June, 18481 m. - Iflhlum, bro. George 11ute, mechanic, who d,; m. Jan. 187t, John llolt, marble cutter, Loup City, Neb. Cllarles L. 11 Hlldum, 9 Nov. 1806, farmer, Majors. John R.•, 29 Feb. 1868. Staulcy' Uolt, o July 1879; Edna s.,, 9 Apr, 1681, George H.11,30 Aug. 18&C • .ArafJelltt•, 20 June 1865, d, 20 Aug. 1874, Jose11h W.9, 19 July 1858, farmer, Majors. George w.•, 18 l\lay 1861, farmer, Majors. Charles nr, 10 May, 1823, d. 2 Aug. 1880, m. 21 Jau. 1842, Sophronia E.• Hartwell, of Persia, N. Y., 12 Jan. 1820, d. 8 Aug. 18M; m. 24 Dec. 1863, Esther M. Baker, b. l'almyra, N. Y.,4 Nov. 1831: went to Adrian, llllch., where he d.; loo. eng. Demetrl11s M.•, 8 May, 1847, went on J.. s. & ll. s. R. n., fireman 1865, roae soon to be engineer; some time running fast mall on Air Line Div.; res. Toledo, O.; m. 22 Feb. 1871, 1\lary J. Watson, b. NOl'wlch, Coun.110 Oct.1849. Floycl C,11, 7 Nov.1S72. Lucinda E.•, 22 Sept. 1874. Charles D.•, 22 July 1881, Daniel D,t, 2 Oct. 1883. Churtrus JJ.8, 1 July 1849, Joe. eng. on Chicago ext. Panhandle R.R. since 1873; m. 23 .Illar. 1874, Olive 1\1, Strong of Fredericktown, o.,·21 Se11t. 185.1. Persia•, 1 July 1877, Ylola', 1 Jan. ISM, m. 21''eb. 1876, Da­villa L. Keeler of Otto, N. Y., 22 April 1857; furniture bu,. Cattaraugus, N. Y. Jurvfn', 4 Jan. 1881 •. Charlu JI.•, 21 Apr. 18001 d, young. Jay D.•, 20 Feb. 1868, d. h1f. llessle s.•, 8 May lfl70. Carl B.8, 12 Jan. 1873.

Polly8, d,, m. Alpheus Curtis of Conway, rem. Brockport, N. Y. Otls1, manut. agr. Implements at Albion, N. Y., succeeded by bis sons.

Stephen', 19 Mar., 1785, d. 27 Apr., 1858, m. 8 Nov., 1808, Mary Morton of Ware, 8 May, 1703, d. 8 Jan,, 1858; sett. Conway, rem. 1884: to Northampton; his mother d. in his house.

Stephen', 10 Dec. 1809, d, 11 Aug.1838, Mary', 8 May 1812, cl, July 1847, m. 25 Feb. 1840, Har­,·ey Tate, M. D., rem. D11yton, 0, /11/,/tm.•, d, young, PJiilura1, 28 A1>r. 1817, m. 22 July 18j6, David H. Eells of l'lttsfteld, :,>-I Oct. 1812, carpeutor, served in Florida war, 1835, l{alning distinction as a scout; carp. Noi:tham11ton; 1em. Jlammonton, N. J, 1800, 1<:vanavillo, lud., 1876, Sarah L.•, ti Se11t. 1847, d, Li Oct. 1862. Elvira 11.•, 14 Jan. 1860, grad. at Norm. sch., Newark, N. J., 1870, went same y1;iar to Evansville, Ind,, sch. tea. some years in High school. Isadore J,8, 1 Nov. 1861, grad. Westfield Norm. sch. 1871, went to Henderson, Ky., sch. tea., 1874 to Evansvme, Ind., also em11, in High sch. E(ltoard JI.•, 1 June 1855, went 1877 to Evannllle, 1878 Inglefleld, Ind., mercb., l', M. 1 ret. 1884 to Ennsvllle. Jlary L.•, 31 May 1857, d, fnf, .David H.•, 24 Ang. 1858, d, lG l<'eb. 1864, Caleb .M.', 28 June 1815, d, 7 Nov. 1807, merch., Rochester, N. Y., m. 1\fay 1847, Demmls Smith of that city, who d, Kansas City, 1\10.1

Sept. 1880; ndouted 3 ch. Elliot', 1l July 18101 went 1840 to Ohio, sch. tea., joined tho Mor­mons at Nau\'oo, Ill,; m. 13 Dec. 1&C6, Hortense Rogers, b. Dafnhtidge, N. Y., 19 Aug. 18271 d. 25 Aug. 1886; her parents among the earliest followers of Jose11h Smith. He t1p1ght school fn Nauvoo, started westward with the main body of the .llformons for the Land of Promise, but halted at Garden Gro,·e, Ia, for tlle _birth of his eldest child, the third being born In an emigrant wagon on the bank of Loup Fork, Nebraska. He never ndopted the more obnox-101:s tloctrh1es of the Mormon faith, and remaluetl to the last a faithful husband to bis one wife, a great sufferer in the last six years of her life, He is i horticulturist at l'ark City, 6 miles fJ01n Salt Lake City. Jlelnw-•, 24 Se1>t, 18.fG, m. 10 Apr. 1800, Joseph N. Hlllk&, h. Ray Cu • .lllo. 15 Aug. 1836. Helena II.•, 31 Jau.·18Gl, Ill, 12 Aug, 1883, E. I>, Elllil, b. 'frufalgar,


Ont., 2 Dec. 18lil, denier In wngons, Snit Lnke City, Bivfra1°, ao July 188-1, Luna A,0, o Aug, 1863, d. young. CIRra E,u, 27 June 18Gli. Genevn c.0, 28 Sept. 1868, Opal L.11, 26 Aug. 1871. Alice M.e, 11 Aug. 18H, Nlnn M.0, 16 May 1877. Joseph t:.o, 29 Nov. 1871J. Otnet·a~, 20 July 18-19, m. 27 Nov. 1877, .t:llwln l{ltnh:111, b. N. Cbelmsfor1l1 3 ,Jan. 1832, contrnctor, builder, mayor or Park City, Utah. 1\lary II.•, 31 Oct. 1878. Edwin i,;,0, to Mar. ff80. I>ougla~s n.•, 6 Oct. 1881, Orville E.•, 12 July 1862, carp., Salt Lake City, m. nee. 1876, Ada I>ruce, b, New York City, 2 Feb, 18115, Ada M.o, 6 May 1878, Orville E.0• 26 July 1880, ti. young. I<)R IV, 17 .Apr. 1882. Ueulah 11,11, 4 Sept. 188-1. llyron E.,, 30 June 1854, blacksmith, Snit Lake City, m. Dec. 18711 Margaret Mulholland, b, Ireland, 2-1 July 1800, Byron E.9, 20 Nov, 1872. D1w1110, 18 Nov. 187-1, Pearl,, 29 Dec. 1877, d. Inf. Margaret II.', 27 Aug, 1883. lnrz JJ.s, 113 .Apr. 18li6, lllarys, 30 Nov. 1867, m. May 1886, Oliver Lockhart, h, In Pa. Ella•, 10 Oct. 1869, sch. tea. Roses, 10 Nov. 1861. JYfllfmn I>.•, 26 Sept. 1864, d. young. Oscar L.', 12 Aug. 1866, Leu:ia D.•, 2 Dec, 1868, Pretlerlck L.•, ~ ·nee. 1871, d, young. Elvira l\1,7, 26 Mar, 1821, d, 5 May 1887, m. 81 nee. 1846, Elisha G. Cook or Westfield, 13 Oct. 1820, whip manf. ,Uary E.•, O Oct. 18-16, m. 12 1''ob. 1878, l,cwls Parker of Canandaigua, N. Y., Jan. 1841, In cmp. of Ameri­can Whip Co., Westfield; since 18i9 In charge of their business in New York City, Lewis c.o, 9 May 1871. /Nora E.•, Apr. 71862, d. young.

Francis~, no record of birth found, must have been born In l 741, is mentioned in his father's wlll, made 1745, and his memory is preserved among the J{emps, de­scended from his brother ,vmtam&, who have a tradition that he and his eltlest brother Daniel were in military service. If this be true, Daniel must ha,·e been in one of the expeditions against Canada in 1758-9. Mrs . .Mary Nelson of Cherokee, In., writes that her mother's great-uncle Francis was killed in oqe of the battles of the revolution, the news reaching her father's house dur;ng breakfast 0110 morning. No occasion has yet been found for n thorough examination of the military records of Mass. for information on this anJ kindred subjects. William~, 1 Sept., 1743, d. 28 Aug., 1820, m. 4: July, 1760, Mary Lovell of Holden, 6 Aug., 1740, d. G Nov., 1822, and removed to the Deerfield River valley in that or the following year, set­tling, as reported, on the farm in Rowe, where the "Davis " mine, a rock yielding sulphuric acid, is at present worked, and removing in 1768 to the central part of Charlemont, about two miles from Deerflehl River, where he died. He wns one of the first deacons of the JJaptist church of that town, followed in that office by a son and grandson. Jonathan8, 19 ,Tan., 1767, d. 6 June, 1858, m. 14 June, 1780, Hannah Rudd, h. Norwich, Conn., 1 Apr., 1768, cl 28 Dec:, 1855; furmer on farm later occupied by Henry Bassett; deacon of the Ilaptist church. Eunlce7, 1 Apr., 1700, d. 6 June, 1863. Iletsey7, 21 Oct., 1791, d. Apr., 1840, m. Josinh Upton of Charlemont, farmer. Chloe7, 29 Aug., 1703, cl. young. Dnniel7, 4 July, 1705, cl. young. Dorir.7, 28 Mar., 1707, d. 4 Dec., 1852, m. 15 Mnr., 1820, Isaac J. Hawks of Charlemont, 28 Oct., 1794, cl. 7 Feb., 1876, farmer, rem. 1845, Shelburne }'nils; d. there.

Mary :~1.8, 30 Aug. 1821, d, 30 June 1832. Wllllarn9, 23 AJlr, 1823, d. 29 Aug. 18-17, Inf.e, 13 July 182-1, cl, Julia E.s, 30 Nov. 1826, d. 16 Dec. 1867. Alauson J{.8 , 9 Sept, 18281 m. 4 Jan. IM:f, A. Zervlah Rico of Rowe, 30 July 1832, went nt marriage to S. C, sch. tea , 1857 to Lyon Co., Kas., farming untll lSG-1, mem. Leg. one term; ret. Shelburne Falls, active in pu!Jllc nffnfr11, treas. Savings llank many years; an acth·e temperance worker, Charlts IY.0, 21 l\lnr. 1856, m. 15 Oct, 1879, Sarah E, Uardwell of Shelburne, 21 Aug. ISM; teller of Shelburne Falls National Bank since 1875. Helen V.10, 28 Aug. 1880. l'llm·les U. u.0 , 23 lHar. 1832, d. 3 Nov. 11148.

Chloer, 21 May 1709, d. 13 Oct, 18'28, Edmu11d71 10 July 1801, cl., m. 1827, Julia S. I>olo of

nuckland, 18 Aug. 1808, d. cb,•b,,, F'eb, 1841; m. 16 Mar. 18-12, Electa R. I>a,·en1mrt of Cole­raine, 2 Sept. lst8; farmer on south tide Deerfield River,¾ mile east of Charlemont \'illngo; ctea. of Ba1lt, ch. 1837. He effectually cured his mother or the opium bablt, to whlcb she hnd Joug been a slave, by a procus of grac.lual suhatitutlon, carefully nnd 111.,atly cnnled on for a Jong time, and e,·e" after lnslstocl on tbe efficacy or bis method. /11/,s, Hl Aug. 1828, d. 11,,r,·tet R.', 29 Aug. 1829, m. ISM, Charles S. Wilder of Jluckland, 9 Aug. 1816, Carmer. Thankfuto, 4 1''eb. 1866. Julia E.0, 25 Oct. 1858, m. May 1879, as 2d w., Alton l'ratt of Jluck-

150 Pllce.

land, carp., res. No. Adams. Wafll'r L.1°, June 1881. Jlalicl•0, Oct. 1883. S0111°, 5 Oct. 1~. Harrlet11, l:"eb. 1804. Mary~. Jan. lSli0. i,;,hnund u.u, t,. 1867, lluruwh A.8, 6 Juue 1831, d, young. Jla1111,1h A.8, :,,o Aug. 1~, 111., as 2d w., I>avltl Hawks, bro. Isaac J,, ante, farmer, Buckland. l'r11cle11ce M,8, a ~lat. J&'IB, 11. 25 Jan. 18M, ll'illiam E.8, 27 Oct, lll28, m. 31 Jau. 1862, &lalrnla .Manter of Hawll')', o Apr, 1811; farmer, Jluckland. Inf.•, llay 1804, d. Fred• erlck L,111 3 July 1866, Rose J\1,111 6 May 1870. Kille l'.11, 20 Jan. JSR C/wrlu S.', 4 Feb. 1841, m. l!O Juuo J8G3, Sarah M. l'eck of Rowe, 23 May 183-l, rem. 1870 Westfield, whip mauf.; since 18331 tra,·. sales. ~fnrtha M.11, 16 July 1804. 1<:mlly v.o, 1 l>ec. 18i5, d. Inf. Julia &.•, G Apl'. 1845, sch. tea. since 1862. Sarah L.s, 8 Oct. 1846, m, 30 May 1818, George Wt>therllee, b. nurko, Vt., 2-1 .\tar. 1847, carp. form. on Troy.~ Uoston n.n., now em11, at liavls lllue, farmer on homestead of wife's father. Roy A.0, 21 May 1880. Ray E. 9, twin. Oliver, 18 Aug. 1803, d, 2 Aug. 1838. Jonathanr, ta Dec. 1800, d. young. Electa7, 13 ,Jan. JS(,01 d., m. Da\'ld Hawks, a,ite, q. v, ,TonatJJanr, 13 Ang. 181 I, d. 14 Oct. I~, m. H Nov. IE33, Emily Stearns of Charle­mont, 11·Jan. 1820, d. 4 AJlr. 1885; marble cutter, Cllarlemout viii. Jlercy !,f.8, G Aug.11135, m. 6 Nov. Jt-:56, Lewis (lotf of Savoy, b. 1817, fnrmcr. Charles 11.u, 16 Aug. 1868, d. 21 Apr. 1885, m. 3J Juue 1883, Clara l\J. Jackwan of Jluckland, 18 l\lar. 186-1. /11/.10, 7 l<'eb. 188.'>, d. John n.u, 30 lJcc. 1865. 1''rcderlrk I,.u, 8 l\lar. t8i2, Harry A.1', :w No,·. J8i6. Olive L.~, 19 Oct. 1838, d. 8 ,Tune 185-1. Jle11rv S.9, IO Aug. 18-13, twice m., 2d w. :Etta Clark of Asllftchl; In restaurant l111slucss In various towns. ltlau. 1''rauk8• Sarah E.8, 4 Juno 1846, m. G Juue 1863, Carmel Ucauchamp, French Canadian, emp. 111 cutlery works, Shellmruc 1''alls, rem, CollinS\'llle, Conn.; she II. 13 Fcl•. 18i6. Eva lt.11, 28 lJar. 1862, Ill. Frederick', 20 Aug. 18G5. George9, 20 June l81ii, d. inf. lda9, Z-.! Sept. 1860, d, young. Gc111ge0, 19 l>ec. 1871, d. lr,f, Ju110 E.8, 6 Juno 18-19, ct. 3 l\lar. 18i0. ,1/arv A',9, 20 Feb. 1862, d. young. Wilham', l7 Jan. 181-l, d. young.

Mnry C.6, 18 Feb., 1760, d. July, 1777. ,Jessc6, 24 :Feb., 1771, d. 21 Nov., 1860, m. 20 .May, 17!12, ,Jcrusha Shepard of Ashfield, who d. 20 ;June, 1818; m. 2 Dec,, 1819, Mrs. Anna Smith, who cl. 8 ~\pr., 1808. lie became n Baptist nt the age of 16, a minister in early manhood, settled in 1708 oYer a society in Sandisfield, to which he ministered 28 years, working his father-in-Jaw's farm most of the time. 'l'he Baptists, like other sects of "dissenters " from the established C1rder tllen holding sway in religious matters in the Ne,v England States, were In that town the objects of unmeasurecl obloquy and persecution, a double share of which were poured out on tho head of their faltbful, hard working pastor, a man of intense in­dh·i<l uality, a positive, aggressh·e nature, unable, by the make up of his mental constitution, to do anything by hah·es, unceasing in his exertions for the advance­ment of the cause ho represented. lie was in the early part of his ministry sub­jectetl to the necessity of defending his 11erso11al rights in a bitter and protracted Jaw suit, in wJ1ich be defended himself without legal assistance, putting his per­secutors to utter and lasting shame. He was full of the missionary SJJirit, making repeated touris to Ne,v York state and the West, going as far as Indiana, amt finally, ,ibout 1830, remoYed to Perry, O., where he spent the remainder of his life, found­ing a society of his church, worahiplug in n building erected at his own expense, During his life he dlsJ>cneed the hospitalities of western life with nn unstinting hand, his door-yard widely known as a camping ground for the weary families amt jaded teams of tho emigrants thronging the great highway to the boundless and wilder west. He was especially noted for his detestation of masonry and sln,·ery. When about 75 years of ago he published a verslflcatlon of the Bible, entitled 11 'l'he Wars of Michael ancl the I>ragon," written In homely, forcible language,

Jcrusha', 18 l\lnr., 1703, d. 0 June, 1848, m. 5 l\lay, 1812, Dan H. Pike, who d.

in the winter of 1843•4, farmer, sett. New l\larlboro, rem. 1820 Nassau, 1826 Troy, N. Y., IRtcr to Perry, O.

Samuel J.•, 8 Oct. 1813, grad. In med., Troy, N. Y., surveyed government lands fn Iowa, later sett. as a pbyslolan at Perry, d. 14 AJ1r. 1800; 111. Marla llrown or Willoughby, O• Jesse~, 18 Oct. 18111, 11hys., d, 11 June 1810. Wllllnm I<~.~. Hi Nov. 1517, m. 1859, Emma Jlur­rldge, who d.; bas lately resldod with his dau. llcCounell. J.ta,·11•, m, - Scott, M. D.,


res. Pittsfield, Ill, Sara1,u, JO, - Conger, res, J>es.Uotues, Ia., has been :u. C, Lavh1iu11,

m. - McConnell, res. Girard, Ill, Fra,1ct:s~, JO, -- l{eller, merch., C!Jlcago, Ill,, lately rem. J{ansas City, Mo, George W .•, 2S Se11t, 1819, d, Inf. Mary1, 2 Nov, 1820, d, 3 ;\lar. l&iO. Elizabeth', twin, ru. 12 July 1&12, Henry Wheeler, b. Great Hanington, d., atty, at Aurora, Ill, .tfu11usta a.•, 22 )lay 1&13, Harry J.:,9 , 1 Apr, 1&15, d, 1 I<'eb, 1886, m, 1869, Harriet Wal­ters, Harry J,10, 2iS Aug, 1870, Esther E,•0, 14 A11r, 18i2, Jessc10, 2G Nov. 1873. neujamln F,to, 1e May 18i6, Je,se 1•,v, 1 l<'eb. 18-17, lotter canter, l{ausas City, Mo, Clara J,u, -I Nov, 1861 1 m, 21 Nov, 1871, T, n. Coulter, res. Umlen\·ood, Neb, Urace E.9 , 3 Se}lt, 1801, Augustus A.•, 3 Oct. 18221 d, 18 July 1865, m. Anna Lymau, who d.; m, 2d w., Mah·lna Uuraml; grad. In med, at Cleveland, O., 11hyslcla11. Armuu, m. -- S1mrgln, prtv. sec. to Geo. lf. Pull­man. Augusta c.•, 3 A11r. 1825, d. Galesburg, 111., 26 June 1865, I<'rancls A.1, 2 Juno 1827, d, young, Sarah c.•, b. 1828, d. young, Uan H.•, 4 ,\ug. 1832, m. 24 Dec. 1857, Lucinda B. Watts, b. In O., 9 Nov. 183:t; farmer until 1869, rem. <.:l,lcngo, Ill, 18i4 to Los Angeles, Cal., fruit farming, 18i9 to Jamestowu, Colo., eugaged in gol!l mh1l11g; mem. legislature, 18&1, Eugene S.•, t, Oct. 1836, m. Oct. 1865, ~lary ltockwell of l'ah1cs,·llle: o., 27 Sc}lt, llHO; rem. Chicago, Ill,, 1807, ca111tall11t, J..:uyeue Jt.v, 23 Uec. 18(;8. l'lwl'les n.,, Jm,e 1871, ll'fllfum W.11• Lavinia L.•, b. 1837, d, 18 Oct. 18C4, m. t~to, Chauncey Hinckley, h. 1827, 110w farmer at l\larlctta, Kas. '•-flrnr E,9, 2 July 1861, with his uncle D. H. l'lke 111 Colo.; e1,g. In gold mlnh1g,

Jesse7, 2 May, 1795, d. 1G Feb., 1869, grud. nt Brown 1819, Jlreccptor of gram­mar school, connected therewith two years, 1mstor some time of !!ti Baptist chmch of Providence, U. I., m. 19 Sept., 18IO, Maria 'l'hnyer of !1., •i Mnr., 1i99, 1\. 5 Apr., 1821. Going south on account of his health, he 111. 1G Muy, 18:!4, Margaret }', llrodle, 19 July, 1806, d. 10 Nov., 1880, llesitles much pastoral work he was 11rof. in Furman Theol. Inst.; rem. Ala. in 1837, prof. Theol. Howard Coll,; rem. 1849 to Ark., nnd 1857 to .Mt. Lehnuon, La., where he cl., Pres. of Mt. L. UniY., degree D.D. 1845, Alabama Univ. During his life nu earnest u1hocate of missions, and desirous to enter the field.

l\larla R.', li Sc11t. 1820, m. 29 Sept. 1850, Uavld R, Haynes, l\l.I>., In 11ractlco since IS.'H, ordained Ha11t. min, 1857, joined tho" Heformers" in ll:!i3, 1es. Jllg C1·eek, }'or11yth Co., Ga. l\lary J.•, 1 June 18251 ti. A1111 J.8, 2 Se}lt. 1826, m. 12 Aug, 18-1~, as 2d w., Lockwoo1I AUso11, l\l.D,, b. Charleston, S.C., 22 Dec. 1807, grad, Charleston ~led. Coll, 182.'I, rem. 1833 to Ala., 1849 to La.; a total abstalul'I" froni whisky and tobacco, enjoying, as tho result, nu 11n11s11ally vl);otous old age. llartwell1, 7 .!\Jar. 18471 grad. Louisville (Ky.) l\led, Coll, 187:.!, rem. to l\larsball, Texas, ret. next year to Reel River Par, 1877 to Bayou La Chute Par, La., in nu extensive practice; m.26Jan, 1808, Gullelma Mcl\"or, h. In S,C., 7 A}lr, 1&17. Wllllams McJ.10, 7 Mar. 18691 d. young. Hartwell L. 10, v Oct. 1870. l\lartha .l\lcl. 10, 26 nee. 1872. Regina•o, o Aug. 1877. .mien 0.10, 6 l\lay 1879, Ann J.10, 10 8eJ1t, 1882. Ida I<'.•0, 23 Oct. 1886. Blie,l K,v, 30 S011t. 18-19. lleqina 9, 16 July 1852, ti. young, Bl1zc1bcth n.0, 1 I<'eb. 18M, ti, 6 Dec. 1870, m, 22 Dec. 1876, Edward Norrb, b. Tuscaloosa, Ala., 4 Jan. 11!50, farmer. Ellen A,10, I! Dec. l87ti. lmzabeth A,to, 28 Nov, 18711, lJalsy Af.O, 1ti Se11t. 1867, tu, 11 Dec, 1878, l\larfon L. Eldridge, h. Lowndes Co., Ala., l\lay 1&18, sugar planter, Abbeville, la, ?II. J.n11gdon10, 26 Se11t. 111;o, Hartwell A,to, 6 July Jlj81, George l\l.1u, 11 Aug. 1883. Atma L.10, 2 July 11.186, JJw;lt J,o, 2 l\lnr. 1860, farmer. J/u,"fo» J/,o, 29 .l\lay 1802, m. 6 liar. 1883, Qunrtus ~I. Hoborts of M11 11s­

Held, La., farmer. Ah'n10, 11 l\lnr. 1885. /,ocl.1tooclP, 13 ~lay 1868, Arm J,u, JO Jan. 18i6, Eleanor C.1, 10 A11r, 18:.!8, grad. Judson !<'em. lust., 31arlon, Ala., 1&13, m. 2-1 Jan. 18'7, Capt. Uobert O. Edwards of Society 11111, S. C., 24 Fob. 18H, d. 9 July 1869. Jesse JJ.u, 4 Apr. 185:J, grad. Columbia Univ., Washlngtou, I>.C,, 1873, two yean 11rof. In 11rep. dept., took full course tu So. Ha11t, Theo!, Sem,, grlld. 18i8, pastor tu S, C. five years, since 1883 at Oxford, :mss. i his mother res. with him, Ja110 E.11, 9 Apr. 18Gf, educ. at Green,·lllo (S,C.) .}'em, Coll., now In e11eclnl course, Oxfor<l Univ, EUzaboth B,8, 14 Dec. 1830, d. youug. Husan .1'',81 s Oct. 153:1, d, young. J, Hoardruan9, 17 Oct. lf3li, grad • .1''ur111an Univ,, Ore1111vlllo, S, C., 18651 11rof, lu .Mt. Lebanon Univ, 1866, RJlJ), lla11t. llllsslonarv to China 1868; 1n. 29 So11t, 18681 Ellzn H. Jewett of Macon, Ga., 15 Aug. 1831, cl, Tung Chnn, Chinn, 9 Juno 18W. lie sailed for his mission field Nov. 1858; o.-gaulzc1l first Ha11tlst ch. In North Chlun, Oct. JWI, ordained first nnth·o 1Ja11t1st ml11lstc1· In North Chl11n, 18i0, lie m. li Uec. 18il, Julia c. Jowett, sis. 1st w., 16 So11t, 1834, 11. 2 l>oc. 1870; m. 30 Aug. l~l, Charlotte I~. Xorrls of llaltimoro, Md,, 19 July 1849; has been some years sn11t. of Ha pt • .Mission to Chinese In 8a11 l<'ranclsco, Ual, Jesse 0. 11, 3 Feb. 1860, stud. in tlleol., Hnltlmorc, :\Id. Jutta c.u, !!8 Apr.

N,UJANT, 152 Jo1uison.

1862, d. inf. f.'llen b'.e, 8 Sept. 1863. Marc,aret E.8, 28 Jan. 1867, d. inf. Tabitlla- a.•, 80 Mar. 1869. .Anna R.9, 6 .l'tfnr. 1870. C!,arlotte ll. T.•, 26 Aug. 1882. Cliarlu N.•, JI )Car. 1884. Ja111J o.•, 19 AJJr. 1887. Mary II.•, 1 AUjl. 1837, m. 6 Sept. 18GO, Hiram Gibbs, b, Union Dist., 8. c., 10 Jan. 1820, d. 17 Dec, 1869, sett. Mt. Lebanon, La. Jessie JI.•, 13 Mar. 1862, m. 6 .l'tlay 1880, l'reston J. l{ey, sett. 1\lunroe l'ar., La., rem. 1881 Hlenvlllo l'ar. Mary n.10, 29 Juno 1882, llenrv W.•, 3 Aug. 1864. llelen', H Jan. 1866, Jlaruaret JJ,9 , 12 Juno 1867, d, Inf. Charles M,8, 2 Aug. 18391 d. 14 July 18.57. Edward N.•, 27 Dec, 1840, 1n. 14 Dec. 1859, Mary E.- of Edgefield 1>111t. 1 8, o., 11 July 1840; aorveil In Confederate army, under Stonewall Jackson; now res, Jloughton, Ark., !armer. Char/ea "1.8, 23 Apr. 1861. ,llarv N.', 2"l Feb. 1866, m. William IJ, Hightower. Mary AA Edu-ard N,9, 8 Sept. 1867, Collin•, 19 Aug. 1869. Lock-1vood A. 8, 10 )far. 1871. Jlargaret H.•, 21 Sept. 1873. Julia 0.0, 3 May 1871S. s. Bcrtl,a', 19 Nov. 18W, d, young. Robert 11.9, 17 Oct. 1879. Ellen H.•, 8 Mar. 1881.

LovelP, 23 Jan., 1707, d. 16 Oct., 1870, m. 1819, Jemima'fhompson of Monterey, Aug., 1708, d. I May, 1884; farmer, sett. New Marlboro, dea. of Bapt. ch., a harll worker ancl a man of great tenacity of purpose.

Cyrus L.8, 30 Jau, 1820, gratl. Hamlltou Lit. and Theol. Inst., now Madison (~. Y,) Univ. 18-12, 1lcgrce A. )I., later 11rh1, of Somluary, lladlson, O., 18-H-60, m1rny years sch. comm, In New .Marlboro, mem. Legls., 1861, largely eugaged In dairying; m, 11 May 1851, Juliana E, Young of Madison, O., 26 Feb. 1822, Jessh,a JI,", 18 }'eb, 18&1, grad. 1877, Uoston Univ. School of Aledlctue (Ho11uso11athlc), sett, In R successful )lrartlce at Great Harrington; In 1881 accom11anled her youuger brother, ft'raucls W., to Colora1l01 and arter bis partial rcco,·ery, again took 1111 the practice of medicine. She JIOssesses a rare faculty of c,IJserva­tlon, a logical, dlscrlml11atl11g mind, and Inherits nmcl1 of the singular resolution aml 1lecl11lon of character forming so marked a trnlt In her ancestor, Ehler Jesse Hartwell. To her untiring tle,·ollon and SU)lerlor sagacity nro duo the entire credit, humanly s11eaklng, of the prolongation of her brother's life to the J>reseni time, Muk I,,,, 1 Aug. ISM, farmer, New Marlboro, m. 1/J liar. 1870, Elion A. Caufield of Ashley Falls. He died of Jllllmonary disease, 20 Mar. 1882, after a considerable stay In the Adirondacks, having delayed his Joumey thither too lung to receive 11ermanont benefit thrrefwm. Ethel A,10, 16 ,Tan. 18i8. Pr,111ds w.,, 10 ,July 1857, grad. l8i7, Boston Univ. Sch. Med. with sister Jesslna M.; In 1878 settled 111 practice with her at Oreat Harrington; re 111. 16i9 Itochcster, N. Y. He was 11ros­trnto1l by se,·ere hemurrhngo of the lungs 111 the s11rl11g of ussf, 11ud lu July of that yOl\r went to Colo ratio 8p1 lugs, Colo. ns n 11\st I esort for tho cont111uanco or IICe, later to llanltou, aud after n slow anti tedious con,·nlesceuce removed with his slswr to the U111111lso11 country, where they nre ngaln In tho )lr&ctlce of medicine.

Chenney7, JO July, 1799, d. 26 Jan., 1828, m. 4 Mnr., 1818, Alvn Heath of Monterey, 6 .May, 1792, ct. 4 July, 18641 farmer, rem. Ne,v I~ra., Pa.

Jerusha H.•, 8 Dec. 18181 m. 7 .Mar. 1839, Ah·l11 Twlng or Orcat ll11r1ington1 10 AJlr, 18l1S, farmer, sett. Sn11dl11Hehl, rem. Monterey. Mart1rtrct .1.11, 16 ,Tuly tSU, sch. tea., m. rn ,Tan. 1878, Rev. Jesse V. Lenten of Weston, 10 Jnn, 1824, entered Hrown, 1850, loft next year on ac­count of falling health; s11ent two years In Cal, sch, ton. Returning to Mass, ordained Ba}Jt, Min, at 8Jiencer, remaining three years, then at SnndtsHeJd, Conway, Shutesbury, Stamford, Vt. Falling health caused l'etlrcment from the ministry nnd location on a farm at Amherst, sn1111lylng 1m1111ts occaslonnJly. Lucy A.•, 11 :\lay 18H, d. Inf. <lcorue w.o 25 l\lay 1847, bled to death 26 Juno 1864, stntck acchle11tally with an nxe while 11eol111g bark, se,·erlng arteries In Ills arm. Jcat1e A.•, 6 Juue 1863, druggist, No. Adams. m, 13 May 1886, Harriet .M. l'otter. Martin w.•, 111 Dec. teli7, grad. Brown, 1883, Rochester Theo!, sem, 1886, Ha}Jt, Min., 1'onawnmla, N, Y, Jamea L.0, 16 Aug. ll!l,9, m. 28 Jan. 1180, Ro8)lle A, Johnson; fl\rmer, .l'tlonterC)'i S, 8. 8UJ>t, Annie J.1°, 3 July 1881. Charles 11.,, 28 Nov. 1812. Ohenneya, 10 Apr. 1821, d. Oct.1804, ru, tu Ohio, Lyman Whipple, rem. Wis., soldier In army; last known res. Herlln, Wis,; sev. ch., one In ntmy.

Daniel', 11 Uec., 1772, d. young. Loven•, 18 AJlr., 1775, d. young. Olive•, lo Mar., 1777, d, 2 Jan., 1850; nn infant nt the death of three elder children in the last week of July, 1777, and therefore tho object of special nn:s:iety to her mother, who, observing ln her daughter incllcatlona of declining health, sent her in tho summer of 179- to Nahant, where she found a bo.trding pince In the Johnson home­stead, obtained a situation as school teacher, and on her return homo in the fall was accompanied by her future husband, Caleb Johnson, descendant of a hardy race of fishermen, b. 7 Dec., 1778, d, 8 Nov., 1867,


.Mary o.,, 2-t Dec. 1800, m. 1824, Henry lhtlflnch of Hoston, b, l'i97, d, 23 Jnn, 1853, sch, tea . . Mary 0.8, 26 May 1825, Della Jl,s, 12 liar. 182'i, 111. u J.<'eb, 1804, at l<'ollll du Lac, Wis., Andrew J. Wade, nephew or Senator Wade of Ohio, b. 1821, d, 1 May 187:.!, Charles•, 3 Dec. 1828, d. young. Ellm8, 6 Jan. 1831, m. 23 Nov, 181>8, Samuel M. Johnson of Naba11t, 1 Nov, 1835, rem, to Boston, 187-1 to Everett; in lobster tralle. Wflllam M,9, l'bllll11s H.•, 4 June 1871. Amelia H.9, 17 Jan. 1873, Amlrew J.~, Se)lt, 1833, m, Rose llrown, b. in Me. i res, Charles-, town, 1 ch. llenr11 M.•, 4 Nov. 1832, d. young. Welcome w.,, 26 Aug. 1803, d. 2 Nov. 1880, m, 30 Nov. 1827, Lucy Keyes of Sterling, 25 Jan, tao,, d, l4 Feb, 1878; merch., town treasurer from setting off the town from Lynn, 11!62 to 1870; trm1tec allll treasurer of the hule11endent Metil, ch, rrum Its organization to his death. .Astt K.•, a; Oct. 1szg, d, fur. Sarah E.,, 31 Aug. 1830, w. ~ Nov. 1852, Henjannn lJ. Hawks of Wnkcflehl, rem, Grafton, O., 1857, Buffalo, N, Y., 1862, d, there, manager of hotels and restaurants. Harriet L.11, artist, m. Se)lt. 18841

-- l'attenion, res. l'lttsburg. Emtna E.11, gratl. as trained nurse In hosp. connected with med. sch. In New Haven, Conu, J.<'rances K,v, Vee. 1859, 111. l<'elJ. l~,--Youug of Huffnlo, N. Y., h, lu It. I., furniture bus. Ima J.•, 111. Nov, 1885, - Ooo11er of Huffalo, N, Y,, lum­ber merch. Allcc 11, h. 1871 One or two ch., d, young, Caleb T.•, 2:1 Aug. 1832, d. Inf, Caleb 11.•, :l6 Aug. 1831, went 1856 to OreKon, rau tlt11t exprell8 from l'ortland to the mines, later co11sol, with Wells, l<'argo & Co., l'Ullle time In their employ i later In Idaho and Nevada aa en~. a111l su11t. of mining properties. J.<'or some years 11ast be has been In the cattle tra<le, with beadqunrters at :Sau J.<'ranclsco, Cal.; recently at Walla Walla, \V. T.; 111. Se11t, 1807, Julia Connor, b, 111 N. Y. state. Martin K,e, 16 Aug. 1836, d. young. Charles T.•. 1G Oct, 1838, grad. Wellleyan Univ. 18-03, eut, N. K Conf • .l\l, 1<;, church, same )ear, now (1887) at 8to11eham; m. 22 July 18ti3, Elizabeth S. Edson or Yarmouth, 2 June 18:17, Elmer9, 21 l\lay 18001

d, Orville E. 11, ta Se11t. 1867. Wilbur C.", 20 June 1871, Mabel 1'.9, 20 ,July 1874. llel'bert E.8,

2.& Nov. 1840, grad. Lawrence Sci. Sch., Camh., clerk In bis fathc1·'s store until 18t.9; went to N. C., cng. In englnee1 ing, hut was Impelled hy the hostile demeanor of the 11co11le among whom he resldccl to Jea\'e that section after the election or President f,lucoln, esca11lng uurllnvard on a tun1e11tlne schooner; bo wont next to Walla Walla, w. T., and engaged In banking, fl.rm Johnson, Ueese & Winans, now merged In First National Hank, pro1>, of tin and hardware store, owns a cattle ranch, county treasurer some years; 10. 7 t'eb. 1864, Cyn­thia A, Taylor, h, In Tenn. 1''rederlck11, d. Inf. 1865, Ellen9, b, 1869. Arthur", d. E1l1cln w.•, 28 Feb, 18431 m. 15 July 18GB, Mary T. Cramlall of Soutlwllle, N. Y.; march. In Nahant

1111tll 1883, rem. l'all\tka, J.<'la., startecl an orange plantation; was a soldier In F Mth )lass, Yuls. Harriet I, s, 20 Apr. 1845, d. yonug. Pr8<lel'lck K.8, t'eh. 1818, d. yon111,t, Oeorge (,.,, 8 Apr. 1800, d. I ,Tan. 188:.!, m.12 Nov. 18:..>U, lletsey Lydstone of l'ortsmuuth, N, H., who d.; m, 19 AlJr, IIHI, 2d w., Sarah Oi1goocl of Xowhuryport, who d, 1819; m. 28 Se)lt, 1850, Louisa ll, sis. Sal'ab, ante, -I July ltU I; grocery trade In Nahant, later In fish market In Hoston until 18-19, weut that year arouml the Horn to Cal., soon after to the Cascades In Oregon, took up a tract of land, 1>art of which was later taken by tho U, s. a,s tbe site of a fort, resulting In a 11rotracted controversy over com11e11satlon !or the same. Ueorgo W.8, 21 Dec. 1831, d. New llavtlu, Conn., 26 lie)lt. 1873, went with his father to Oregon, sett. In bus. at the Cascades; ret. cast, m, 18631 Janet Sellers ftom near Hlddcford, Me, llar1y L.o, b, 1~. llobert U,8, 21 Aug. 183.1, m. 2-1 Oct. 1861; Is a na11t, min. at Littleton, Robert E.11, 7 Se11t, 1862, d. youug, Arthur '1',9, Je11so Jl,e, 4 Nov. 1836, m, 21 Nov. 1801, Sarah H. Ncl11011 of Lowell, 28 Aug. 1835; sett. at, m. In J,yuu, rem, Hoston 1869, l<'ltchhurg 18i0, Lowell 1880, stone cutter. lllary L.9,

t:l Dec, ISO-J, m. 7 Jan. 1881, William O. Huxtou of J.<'arumns\'llle, 1 Aug. 1858, machinist, .Flichburg. .tlrt/rnr JJ,10, 26 Mar. 1882. Jlurr11 u.10, 1 Apr, 1886. Helen E,', 15 Nov. 1865, m, 1 Dec, 18661 Oliver G. Lyon of Woodstock, Couu,, 5 July tSGG, sash aud bllml bus., Lowell. George I>.•, 6 June 1868, d, Inf. /Juniel Jl.s, 24 Feb. 18-13, d. Inf. Ruyene M.1, 4 June 1815, grad. Harvard 1859, stucl. All>any Law Sch., adm. bar 1871, prac. Hoston, res. Allston, m. 26 Dec. 1872, Norah J. Huron of .\Va1·e, 7 Jan. 18U, ls au attorney In HoRton. Sar·ah E ,1, 18 July 18-17. Jlarl'let 1,,e, 8 Se)lt, 1851. Clarissa L.1, 15 Mar, 1808, d. 4 Sept, 187-1, m. 18 Apr. 1857, Artemus Mnrdock of W, Boylston, 4 Sc11t, 1807, d. 18 Alar. 1862, maker of philosophical In­struments, rem. 1810 to .l\lctlford,.Jater to Nahant. Jlervoy 1/,8

1 17 May 1838, went to Ill, enl. Aug, 1801 1 112th Ill. Yols. 1 transr, 11111, 1862, to I,aw's mountain howitzer IJattery, was under Jlurnalde lu defence of Kuox,·llle, Tenn., ca11tured at Philadelphia, Tenn. 1863, dlsch. Doc. 1863; m. 6 Dec. 1863, Abhy l\[. Col11y. b, Ho1>klnton, N. H., 3 lJec, ll!U; went San Francisco, Cal., ret. 1866, bookkeeper In Duston. Edith E.9, 20 Nov. 1goo, tel, OJI. Harry L.9, 12 July 1870, clerk, Frank c,o, 19 May 1812, Mary U.11. 15 July 187", Ruy L.u, 20 Dec. 1876, ti, Inf, Alary Al,•, \4 Mar. 1812, m, 15 Apr. 180.&, Oe'lrt-·•.J S, Noyes of Ncwunryport, 18 June 183.&, d. 15 l<'eb. t8i5, graduate of We11leya11 Univ., julnell N. JI. Couf, .l\l, J,;, C.:h, 1863, transf. N. E. Conf, 1866, asslgue1l to labor with .lo'ather Ta) l9r, rcmalulug with bllll uluo years, Everett E,•, 26

CHARl,F.l\lONT. 154

l\lay 1865, Arthur ff.11, 22 June 1867, Clara :u.,, 23 June 1839, HvcreUS, 4 Sept. 18-lj, d, young, Ecltcard A.•, 16 June 1810, m. 19 Sept. 1830, Sarah W. Atwell of Lynn, 29 Nov. 181?, d, 14 July 1880; succeeded bis brother Geo, L. In the fish market on Jlron1field St., Hoston. C'lo.rissa, A.•, 30 Julr 1837, m. nev. George G. Jones, E)llsco11al )flu. nt Hrighton; wns chap• lain In army during war. Everetto. t.;llono. Inf,o, d. Ellens.•, 31 Aug, 1838, d, 24 Oct, 1865, Adelaf<lc JI.•, m. Aaron b'. Ste\'ens of Nashua, b, Deny, N. JI., 9 Aug. 18IO, d, 10 .May 188i, adm. har 1845, mcm. legls., 1849-50-57, 18()1 major 1st N. H. Vols., 1862 col, 13th N. H. Vols., In battles of Frederlcksl>urg, Drury's Jlluff, Cold Harbor, l'otersburir. M. C, 1800-70, I', :U, of Nashua se,·eral years. H,l.zabeth c.•, Vee. 1842, d. 27 Sept. 1848, Jlelvlllo A.•, m. l\Irs. -- lh1irglns, b. Batavia, N. Y. res. Fla. S01111, 2 yrs. olcl. C. llcr\'eyr, :.!l llny 1812, m. 2-l Apr, 1837, Sylvfa1 Sheparcl of Harrisburg, N. Y., 20 liar. 1816; sett. In that town, ruercb,, farmer, ret. Nahant, 1857, now lives In tba old Johnson homestead. Irene c.•, 18 liar. 1838, d. ti Mar, 1881, Welcome J.•, 8 Se11t. 1840, enl. 17 Sept. 18()2, b' 45th Mass. \'ols., must, out 7 July 1803, under Oen. Foster In the Newborne campaign; dealer In wood, coal anct hay, Nahant, m. 18 Apr, 1877, Lucy E, Brown of Danvers, 1 May 18-18. Justin ll.11, 20 Sept. 18i9. llalph w.11, 10 Se11t. 1sa1. Marlon11, 26 Dec, 1883, d. Inf. 11. She11ard•, 2 Nov, 1842, enl. at 11ame time as his brother Welcome J,, same service aud mu11ter out; m. Harriet..:. Allen of l\lan­chester, 21 8ept. 1838; manf. gloYes and leather coats In Lyun. l\Unnle J.8, 16 Nov. 1871, Gertrude A.•, 4 Jan. 1873, d. young. Edith 0.9, JO Se11t. 1874. Harriet I,.•, 28 Jan. 18i9, ller­vey s.•, 23 May 1881. Ruth A,u, 10 Aug. 1882, Cllarlcs F.•, 21 Oct, 18iti, florist, m. 4 llnr. 18731

Pauline T. Johnson, b. Falmouth, Me., 22 Oct. 1847, sch, tea. Newcastle, N, H. and Nahant, ,l,'redel'lck A.11, 14 Dec, 1873. J, Hervey•, ti Apr, 187li. Charles c,11, 9 Dec, 1870, Gordon P,111 16 May 1878, Reuben c.•, 29 Nov. 1881, Caleb H,t, 26 Aug, 1881, Sylvia 0,8, 24 Dec. 18ti0, m, 4 Dec. 1882, Charles I>, Very of Harrisburg, N, Y,, dealer In hay and grain, Nabnnt. Clara L.8, 11 Apr. 1853, 1n. 18 June 11!83, Alcott l'ennell, b, HarJJswell, Me., 30 Jan. 1853, salesman, art 11ottery, Hoston, Caleb 11.U, ·'7 l\lay 1884, Daniel W,7, 7 b'eb. 1816, went 1837 to Rich­mond, o. m boot nnd &hoe tmd&; ret. east 18-16, In fish trade with bro. JMwar,i A,t; In 1852 farmer, Cc,JJenhagen, N, Y., Inter grocery trade, Utica, N, Y., Cleveland, O.; after wnr to the Little Kanawha country, W. Va., erecting first oil refinery there. In 1876 com, 11rac. meet. tn Clcve)and, rem. 1881, l'rovldence, R. I. lie m. 16 Nov. 18371 Imza Merritt,,,. Patcho­gue, L. I., 22 liar. 1820, Olivia 11.•, 20 Sept. 18i0, d, 29 Jan. 1878, m. 0 May 1860, El·stace L, l'al'ks of Poolvllle, N. Y., merch., d, 9 Sept. 186,S; m. 1 June 1870, Laurlston n. Ofeen of l'oolvllle, farmer. J,,se11ltlne L.8, 12 Se11t. 1842. 'l'heodoro .At.•, 29 Nov. 1841, sol1tler h: war of rebelllon. Flormcc M.•, 18 Dec. 1sn, d. 26 July 1858, lcln E.•, 4 Jnly 1849, m. o Dec. : 1171, Anthony W. Gibbons of Cleveland, o., b 1840, emp. In grain elevator. Etllth N,v, 0 e.1pt. 1872. llarry J,111 b, 18i4, Roy•, b, 1882, Inf,9, b. 23 July 1885. Everett L.•, 4 Se)lt, 18tit, cnp., went 1874 Winfield, Kas,, tn, Ella --; went to Burlington, Kas., thence on So, l'ac, I'. R., ereotlug buildings; th, now m Cal. Panny J.',•, 27 Aug. 18fi3, m. 8 May 1878, Da\'lcl C. ~:oster of S)lrlngftehl, o., painter, rem. St. Paul, l\llnn. Guy J.11, b, 18W, Edith J .11, -.,. 1883, Ol,1rc11ce J.:.a, 27 Alar. ·1SM, m. 18i9, Ellen Coyle of Sprlngtleld, 0, llabeli, h. l~0. Clnude0,

b.1882, Olive c.r, 12 b'eb, 1817, d., m, Montrevllle Hlmonds of Hoston, b. N, H., t,11ck1uan; went Cal. 1850, ebe followed two or thtce years after, m, Dr, Heck after deatb or Simonds. Olive', b. Medford, d. ae, 10 In Cal, William F.', 30 July 1810, m. 3 l\lay 1842, AhLy Stone of Heading, l\Jay 1807, who d, a Aug, 18,1-0; 111. ao June 18501 Lurnncy ff, l>exter of Jlo~ton, ao Juno 1810. d. 8 Feb.1883; m. 17 J.'eb. 1884, Anna Wyatt, b. Stafforclsblre, 1-:ug.; In gro. bm1,, Lynn, uutll 1852, since Insurance and real estate, mem, legls. 1866, mayor 18l\8, State senntor lSCO-Ol, l:Hate 11aymaster for troops In U.S. serYlce 1803-4. T. JJexter3, 3 June 185:l, 111.11 Nov, 18TJ, Harriet Johnson of Nahant, 17 Jan. 1852; merch,, Lynn, rem, Nahant 1881, Is l', M, Grace IJ.0, 30 Ang, 1874, b'rederlck N.•, 24 Jan, 1877, d. young, William F,o, 18 July 1882, Cliorlotte a.•, 16 Jan, 185,11 m. Charles Allen of Hoston, res. New York city, conn, with mere. agency; has been editor of one or two scleutlfto publications. Erucst n.e, Apr. 1884. Lura11c11 JJ.•, ti Aug. 1856, d, 13 No\', 1801, William Jt',8, 23 Aug. IMS, d, Inf, Norman Jl,•, 22 Dec, 11!01, cl, young, Cllartes w.,, b, 18221 offlce1 in navy, d, l'l'orfolk, Va., 2ti ,July 180:.q m. 18 June 1857, Imen E. Lewis of,

Phlneaa Ward7, b. Jan., 1770, m, Betsey-, who d. 17 Aug., 1820; sett. in Shcllmrne, rem. 1804: to his father's farm to care fo1· his agetl parents, opcrntlng a grist-mlll, keeping a small store, anti making occasional trips to Uoston for su11plies to replenish his stock. On one of these trips, 19 Nov., ltiH, he set out for the res­idence of his sistc.-1 Johnson, nt Nuhant, reaching the· beuch after night, nnd, not­withstanding thn roughness of the night and occasional breaking of the waves over

tho bench, his anxiety to reach Nahant led him to ,·onture the hazanlous crossing at once, but in the darkness, driving too far to the right, seems to hn,·e been in imminent danger of miring bis team. What followed is matter of conjecture, but early next morning his horses were tliscovered in the ne\ghborhooll of Mr. ,John­son's residence. Taking tbe alarm, he act out at once in search of his brother-in­law, finding him lying dead near his wagon, having endeavored to lighten his load by carrying portions of It to high ground in the centre of. the bench. A packuge of opiu~ was founcl in his breast pocket, probably designed for the use of his brother Jonathan's wife, and which may have been one of the onuses of hi11 death, saturated with moisture, and acting by ahsorption through the pores of the skin. The shock to the family resulting from his untimely death, shrouded in mystery, was profound and lasting.

Lucius', 26 Oct. 1803, <l. 16 Apr. 1830, batter and painter, m. 31 Mar. 1820, Abigail Pratt of Bucklanll, l Oct. 1804, d., after his death m. Chamller Car• er of Shelllurne Fnlls, Jlurla A.•, 18 Nov, 1827, d. 12 Oct. 1848. Rlloda 1•.•, 2 June 1829, ti. 30 Aug. 1858, m, 11 May 1851, Horace Jones of Barnstable, 7 Mar. 1826, Charles w.,, 7 July 1853, d. young, Ellen E.", 16 A11r, ISM, m. 31 Alnr. 1875, 1''rank Lumbard of Hyannis, 15 Apr, 1850. l/oraee F,10, 13 Jan. 1884, d. Ralph10, 17 SeJit. 1885. Jolm Jl, L.•, 25 Nov. 1S3l, m. 18 Oct, 185.f, Calista Crltte111leu of Con­way; res. W, Deertield. Edwin c,o, 21 Apr. 1856, wheelwright, Charl,s c.•, 25 June 1835, m. 10 June 18M, Elizabeth Ellsworth of Northampton; }talntcr, lived Winsted, Conu., now nt Hyannis. lda11, 23 A11r. 18561 d. 30 June 18i6, ch.-b., m. 10 Sept. 1876, Alton Pratt of nucJdand. Caroline L.0, 2-l A1>r. 18.'i7, m, 8 May 18i5, Car)' C. Graves of Deerfteld, 7 Dec. 1852, n. R. man, went 1880 to Now Mexico, R.R. couductor; 1883 to Denver, Colo.; left bis wife In New Mexico, and spread a re11ort of her death among her relatives in tbe east, /11/.10, d, Lero1110, 9 June 1877, Natl1an10, 25 May 1870. Edwin IY,1, 25 Mar, 1835, farmer, lumberman, E. Charlemont, m. 30 Sept. ISM, Lucy A. Wilder of Charlemont, 14 A11r, 183G. Laura A.111 29 Mar. 1859, m. 12 Sept, 1882, Herbert Flagg, l\l. D., or Coleraine, res. Shellmrne Falls. George E.•, 18 July 1861, Josephine JJ.11 10 June 1878, Orpha', 27 Kov. 1606, d. 17 A11r. 18-35, m. 5 Dec, 1829, WIJllam Farnum of Huckland, 1 Mar. J804, d. 7 July 1869, farmer. William L.1, 21 Supt. 1830, d. young. Lynum w.s, 14 Jan. 1834, in 1858 went to 111,, m. 20 Aug. 1801, Sarah M, Hayner, b, Eucllcl, N. Y., JO l\Iay 1835; enl. 26 Sept. 1803, 8th Ill. Vols, Cav.; must. out Juno ISM; market garc.lener, C1ete. Ill, ,Laura A.t, 20 May 18681 d. young. LIIIJan o.,, 28 July ISM, sch, tea. Mary S.1, 18 Sept.1872, Pbllander1, 11 Aug, 1808, d. 17 J:111. 1@78, m. 22 1''eb, 1831, E11ther Fernaltl of San lord, Me., I l\lar.1803, d.12 Dec. 1880; was a Uapt. Miu. at North Berwiek1 Mo., 1830-43, 11ext )·ear Woburn, resn. Warwick, N. Y.-, 1844, llo11ewel11 N, J,, 1852, Dcllndtt i,·,1, 16 Dec. 1832, d, 26 Dec. 1856, m. 18 llay 1852, - Wheeler, l\l, D,, of Monticello, N. Y., rem. 18M Waubaunsee, Kas. Philander 8.11, 1 July 1863, m. John C.•, JO ,July 1834, farmer, Ho1.owell, N, J. Lcblicus IY.1, tl Jan. 1~, farmer on homestead, Hopewell, m. 0 Nov, 1862, .Emma Moore of II,, 12 l<'cb. 18-10, l\las-y E.9, 6 Apr. 1860, l'Mlanclcr ll,8, 6 Dec, 18371 farmer, LamlJertvllle, N. J,, m. II Dec. 1800, Jane F, P. Jlunt of Ilopewell, 18 ,Jan. 1838, Edward W,", 20 Sept. 1801, farmer In H. P. Ward", 11 Apr. 1804, 1,rlnter, JJUb, Hopewell Herald, Frauclt,9, 19 Mat·. 1876, Abel w,s, 16 July lfl.lO, 1>rlncl11al of high sch,, Chambers• burg, N, J,, untll 1876, since In similar position at Princeton, N. J., sov. yrs, mem. county board of exnmlnora. Mary E.8 , o July 18-12, d. 5 Oct. 1803, m. 6 Dec. 1800, -- Whitlock or Montgomery, X. J. Hnrry n,e, 31 Dec. 1861. l\lary E.11

1 o July 1sos. Sarah E .~. to Aug. 1846, m. '1 Oct, 1811, C. Ely mack well of llo11ewell, farmer, Titusvllle, N.J. 21 i,·eb, 18-U. William Jl,9


2'2 July 1882. netsey A.r, o A11r. 181-1, d. 23 Mar. 1871, m, 5 Nov. 1831i, Da11lcl l'arker or Chelms­ford, 1t June 18liJ, d, I N'ov, 1838, cabinet maker, rem. 1836, Lontlontlorry, Vt.; she m. ~ Mar, l8U, 2d bus., Ucorge S. Mead o[ Weston, Vt., 2 May 1S13, d, 23 July 1810, farmer, rem, 1857, Mt. Holly, Vt. 1Jwluht8 l'arker, 3 Aug. 1836, d. Inf, lJanfel 11,8 , 21 Nov. 1838, ti. 29 Mar, 1856, m. 3 Nov. 1861, Ada. V, Dlokerumn oC l\tt. Holly, 3 Nov. 1843; farmer until 1860, rem. Ludlow, Vt., kept a au1:11l storo; rem. 1883 to Greeley, Colo., for relief Crom 1mlwonary trouble, but having too long dcl&yoo, roceh·ed 110 J1ermanent benefit. His wife and eldest da.ugbter opened a dressml\klng sh•>P; the next two have been clerks lu stores, Myrtle A,9,

9 Se11t. 1803, Or)lba M,u, 21 Jul1 Ml65, m. 25 Fob, 1886, Frank Nichols, Harvey D.9, 11 July 1868, Emona n.11, 23 Jan. ISN, d. Inf, Avonla IJ,P, 8 !fay 1875, d. inf. JJetscv A1 Mead, 17 Jan, 1842, d. 2 Mar. 18'll, m. 30 Nov. 1862, James l<', llolden of WllmlnRton, 28 Aug. 183!l, trader, lived In Lowell, uow farmer, butcher, Middlesex Vlll, Ada E.•, 23 Dec. 1863, m. 24 Feb. 1880, William \Vlllte of M.t. Holly, i,. 18(i!, blnckunlth, Mecba.uicsvme, Vt. George M,"',

156 Sltepard. Kemp.

19 July 18i0. Orpha J.•, 23 AJlr. 181/j, m. 12 Oct. 1807, R • .Mabton Wllcler of Mt. Hotly, Vt., o A)lr. 18-11, carJI., Lucllow, Vt. Busan F.9, 31 Oct. tf;0!J. aeoryc w.,, 21 Sept. Jst0, farmer, Mt. Holly, m. 24 A11r. 1872, Elizabeth S. Wilcox of l\lt. H., 1 Jnu. lM-1. JJwlgl1t 11.,, 2 Aug, 1851, m. 27 Mar. 1873, Elizabeth J. 1''rost of Lowell, 11 Dec. 18-10; Canner, rem. 1875 to Westford.

Cheaney', 8 June, 1780, d. 16 Oct., 1850, m. 4 l\lnr., 1808, ,Jacob Shepard of New Marlboro, bro. Jerusha, ante, w. of elder Jesse llnrtwell, 16 Apr., 1770, d. 4 May, 1850; farmer, wheelwright, rem. 1805 to Denmark, N. Y.

Cheaney', 22 June 1804, d, 15 Oct. 1870, m. 6 May 182-1, Thomas Taylor, h. Ada:11s, 2 Dec. 1801, d. 10 May 1878, farmer, Harrhburg, N. Y. ~tepllc1l I'.~, H Oct. 1827, m. Clarissa Wnlto, b, 1827, div.; rn, 2d w., Mrs. Sarah E. Chaplin, m. n. Westerdale, of Eng. <Iese., d. SJlr. 1809; 111., 3d w., Viola Sessions of Penacook, N. H., farmer, sett. Copenhagen, N. Y., rem. 1805 Berlin, O., 1870 Huena Vl11ta. Colo,, lu 1nllk bus. Kate L.', 2-1 Oct. 1802, m, Uec. 188-1, Lewis l'(mlth of nue11a Vista, fnrmer, raising vegetahles. .Mary D.0, 7 July 1805, II. spr. 1866. Emily J.o, JO Deo. 1807, m. Jan. 1883, Wllllam 8taptes. div. Thomas W.0, 24 Pel.I. 1809. MarJav, b, 1880. L.•, 12 Aug. 1829, trav. sates., cigar bus., m. 11 Se11t. 1st9, Julia A, Lynch, b, 1833, d. 3l l\lar, 1800; 2d w •. Mrs. Jane 'faylor, 111. 11, Austlu, of Harrisburg, N.Y., b, 1833. Clnrlntba•, 11 Nov, 1851, d. Inf. Clarissa A.9, twin, m. Charles Allen of Harrlslmrg, rem. 1880, on ranch near Denver, Colo. Olney L.0, 8 May 1857, d, Oct, 1880, Julia A.9, 13 l<'eb. 1800, m. s11r. 18iO• Frank ll. Taylor, b. 1859, hotel elk. Artlrn,• .11.1°, 20 Dec. 1881. Alicia J,',10, Oct. 18-J3, Mina D.', 0 Mar. 180.".i, d. fall 1884. Vernon E.0 , Apr. 1868. Jesse A.11, /j Nov. 18i-1. Madison w.a, l/j Feb. 1832, d. Oct. 1883, farmer, m, 11 Mar. J8l>2, Harriet Kelsey of Harrisburg, b, 1826, 1''1or­enco H,o, 2li July 1858, w. Irwin Rawson of Martinsburg, N. Y., b, 1858, f1umer. Cora E.11, 24 Feb, 1860. Fernando C.•, 8 l\lar. 1834, m. 1802, Faustina Sessions, sis. Viola, ante, div.; 2d w. MI'S, Catherine Skhmer, b. Chenango Co,, N, Y, Adelma C,11, July 1877, JC1cob JI.a, 22 Deo. 1836, m, 30 Apr. 1801, Eunice P, Lao1>hear of Denmark, N. Y., b. 1838, d, July 1877; farmer, Antwerp, N, Y. Alvin J.o, 201''eb, 1802, m. In Antwerp. Ma1110, b. 1885. /71f. /em.10, b. 1887, L, D,9, 10 June 1804, Emogene E.', 17 Aug, 1860, Jlarv V. Jt:•, 7 Sept. 1838, m, 31 Oct. 1867, Edward JJ. Jolmson of Nahant, 13 July 1832, enl. F, 45th Mass. Vols., with sons of c. Jlervey' J., cmtt; sell, comm. 1866, town treas. 1879. .May E.0, 12 l\lRy 1872, d. young. Allee c.v, 3 Dec. 187'. Hertha L.•, 18 Nov, 1877. Samuel S.9, 30 June 18-lo, d, Dec. 1870, farmP.r, m. JO Jan, 1866, Jeanette L, Cummings of Lowville, N. Y., who d. 111 Oct. 1885. Mr. Taylor's mother res. with bis widow at death. Carl n.0, Jan. 1807, Ma1lo11 J.•, 17 July 1808, m. June 1887, Edward .Mitchell of Lowville, N. Y., 11alnter, Justin J.1, 20 Nov. 1800, d. 22 Oct. 1852, m, 18-11, Ellen E. Norton, b. Gullforcl, Conn.; farmer, Co11enbagen, N, Y, Urpl1a .o, b. 18-12, d. 18!9 . .Jacob J.•, m. Uves In Mich., th. has two ch. Ellen•, m., lives In Ito., th. 2 ch, Myro11•, llvea at Ann Arbor, .Mich, Jn/.1, d. Mary 0.1, 30 Dec, 1803, d, 28 July 1859. Jr.rusba', 6 Nov. 1811, d. 2li Nov. 1847. Sylvla7, 20 Mar. 1810, w, C. Hervey Jolmsou, ante, q, v.

Mary8, 6 Aug., 1782, d., m. 11 May, 1805, Nathan Kemp, b. Groton, 0 Sept, 1780, d. 15 .!\far., 186R, one of the early settlers of the town of Jtlorida, a rough section of country, shut in among the Green Mountains, and still almost as inacces­sible from the outside world as it was before the lloosac 'l'unnel had pierced the hllls on which it rests. " He was honest and upright, and his example of industry and morality cannot be excelled."

Inf. fem.,, Mar. 1800, d, Clarln!la', 27 Aug, 1807, d. m. Nov. 1827, Snmner Hemenway, rem. 1831 to llrownhehn, O., 1835 to Schoolcraft, Mfuh, Fteelovo D.•, Sept. 1829, d, 1836. Nttthttn s.•, 9 Jan. 1831, d. 1850, lllwcla B.9, 2d Deo, 1833, m. 13 July 1851, ltoyal H. Harnbart, b, Hart­fteld, N,Y., 10 Oct. 1832, tlrugitlat, rem. 18/j(l Marshalltown, Ia. Almira A.•, 15 1''eb. 1838, m. 20 Ang. 18/j(l, John M. Atwoo1l, who d. 31 .!\lay 1882, Aurellao, 20 l!'eh. Hl.58, Adeline~, twin, m. Oct. 1870, Francis GIidersleeve, cigar maker, Sherman, Toxa.s, Uracei0, 27 Jan. 1879. Esther M.•, 28 July 1869, m. 8 Mar. 18811, Alonzo D. Quhnby, tnrmer, Hron11011, Mich. Clarence M.•, 22 July 1862, May Ji,D, 2 Feb. 1867, m. 10 Mar. 1~, WIiiiam R, Arrlmr, farmer, Schoolcraft, Ala rut ll.1•, 12 Jan. 1884. ijumner w.•, UI A11r, 1878, Wllllnm7, June 1809, d. young. Mnry E.', 1 Nov. 18ll, m. 11 Dec. 1831, Oanlel Nelson of Southwick, Se11t, 18081 farmer, Florida rem, 1878 to Cherokee, Ia. .Marv L.•, 30 Nov, 1832, m. 28 Nov. 1850, Chester L. Tower of, Florida, 26 Oct. 1826, farmer, rem. 1871 No. Adams; enl, H Oct. 1802, K, 49th Mass. Vols., dlsch. 1 Sept. 1803, Mn. T. has been since 1873 an evangelist of tho Second Advent denom­ination. Ho hart c.•, 1/j }'eb. 18l>~, m. 14 Oct. 1874, Ksther M. _Kilbourne of Clarksburg; la In t.he hardware house furnishing trade at No. Adams. Annie E.10, 2 Feb. 1879. Alida E.o, 23 Se}lt. 18:i8, m. 5 Aug. 18751 Barney t;.8 Kemp of No. Adams, seq, q, v. Lovell JJ.I, 23 Jan. 1836,


enl, 6 Aug, 1862, 11, 20th Iowa Vols., cllsoh, 8 ,Tnly l8f>5; In battle or Prairie Gro,·e, Ark., 7 l>ec. 1862, selJ{e of Vicksburg, selgcs of J.'orts Morgan and Hlakely, Ala.; rn. 4 July l!IOO, llnrrlet Glbrnu, b. in Ohio, 1830; ret. Florhla l8il, rem. with 11arcnts to Cherokee, In, Lln1lley LP, 22 Jan. 1867, },'rancls 0,9, 10 June 1869, Mary .A.11, 2-3 Sept. 1810, Myrtle A.9, twh1. Adelbert 0.11, 10 Aug. 18U. l{endall J,11, 29 Oct. 18i-l, Wilbur R.9, 1 Oct. 1880, Etlwarcl E.9• 2 Aug. 1882. Ernest L.11, 2 July 188-1. Rmma N.•, 21 l\lar. 1838, m, 1858, E. L. Proctor of Appleton, Me., div,; m. 2 Nov. 1878, James Hrockway, b, Ogdensburg, N.Y., 19 A11r. 18-10, tlnsmlth,Cherokee, Ia. Clara E.11 Proctor, 22 Se11t, 1861. Jlerthaucl i,•,11, b. Aug. 1864. Freclerlck J,o Hmckway, 2 Oct. 1879. J,ewls L.•, 27 Nov, 18-I0, m. 10 Mar. 181H, Sarah A. Tower of 1''lorhla, 2.'J Jan. 18-12; res. Cherokee, Ia. Minnie 1'}.11 , 19 July 1863, m. to l\lay, 1883, Charles E. Shortt, res Hclvue, Kas. Charles10, 8 ~far. 188-1, cl. Mary A.•, 4 Oct. 1874. Henry L 11, 21 Nov. 18i6. RmP-rson w.•, 3 Feb, 1843, m. 3 Dec. 1868, Lavinia I, Olney of Marlon, Ia., b, 1848; manf. arllflclnl stone, Cherol-ee, IA. Ir w.,, 28 May 1870, Mary J ,o, 11 Nov. 1873, cl. young. Milly n.0, 7 Juno 18i6, Wnllaceu, 3 1''eh. 1880, d. young. Gif1con7, 0 Se11t, 1813, d. 18 May 1882, m. Rlzpah Tower of Florida. .Morris "·'• m. ClarR Sibley of Rowe, rem. Kansas City, llfo. Ch.•, Mar. 1885. Nathan JV.a, m. Lucy lleers; farmer, Florhla, Henryt'. EtheJ11, Ron". Annns, 23 Mept. 1859, m, Nathan HeerP, bro. T,t10y, ante, fllrntl'r, 1''1orlda. Oll,•e11• Son°. Elisha', 17 Aug, 1815, m. o Sept. 1811, Louisa n. 1''ord of Readsboro, Vt., 30 June 1817; rem. 1838 to Lhm Co., la,, before the India us bad left the country, took up a fine claim about 3½ miles from Marlon, the county seat. XcnoJJhon N.•, 6 llay 18-13, enl, in C, 4-lth Iowa Yols.,, 16 Se11t, l86-I; m. 2-i Nov, 1868, l\lnry J, Russell, b. Cheshire, Conn,, 18 Apr. 18-IO; farmer nl'ar his father, Verney A.9, 16 July 1871, Elisha L.11, 2 Sept. 1874. Ella M.•, 6 Jan. 1878. .Almfna Y.•, 2-1 A11r. 18-17, m. 2 Apr. 1868, George W. Stlndon. b. in Ohio, 26 Mar, 1838, attorney, rem. Fhllllpshurg, Kas., 1878, Earl E.', 21 Jan, 1869, l<lri L.•, 22 M11y ISM, tn. JO Feb. 1886, Willis LIiiy, b, Bethel, Vt., 6 Sept, JS-18, farmer, Marlon, Ia. Jo:mmet I.•,~ J.'ch, 1858, m. o Dec. 18~2, Icla M. Johnson, b. Kalamazoo, Mich. 31 Ang.1860; farmer neni-hls fRther. Warren J.o, J7 Sc)lt, 1883, Loulsao, 18 June 1885. Sylvester A.', 9 Oct. 1817, m. Almira Drown of l<'lorida, cl. July 1873; carp. amt builder, held most of town offlC'es, rep. In Leg ls. 1863; rem. No. Adams, 11ettled on a tract of rough laucl on the hill east of tho town, laid out a snbnrb called in local 1iar­lance, Kempvllle one of the most desirable additions to that growlug town. Jlc•rnev s,s, 9 Jan. ISM, m. 6 Aug, 1875, Alhla E. Tower, ante; car11, ln No. Adams. Hurtlell 8. 11, 30 Oct. 18i6, EdwardE.11, 12 Mar, 1881, Jesse IV, 16I>eo.1819, m.12 Mar. 1S.t2, Adeline Manning of 1''lorlcla, 2-1 Mar. 1821, d. 6 AJ>r, 1862; m. 31 May 1863, 2d w., Angelino 8, Thatcher of F,, 1 June 1835, d, 31 Ang. 1866; m. 26 Nov. 1807, 3d w., her Rister, Caroline E., 1 Jan. 183-1; stone ni:\Fon, rem. Charlemont 1872; dea, of Hapt. ch. In F. 1867, held 11rlnclJ1al offices In both towns, rep, In Legls, from F, 1862 J.'fnette B.•, 28 Apr. 1848, m, JO Feb. 1868, lr,·lne W. lJalluu of Monroe, 20 A1>r. 1843, farmer in 1''1orlda. Lowis 1,0, 30 Nov. 1868. Angeline N,11, 11 Aug, 1871, Sarnh L,11, 1 Dee, 1872. Allen L.11, 16 Dec, 1878, Ral)lh L.11, 16 .July 1881. E.(Jle .,o, 20 A11r. 1866, m. 6 Feb. 1880, Walter C. Ayres of Hawley, 12 Aug. 1867, lt.R. man, l{e11dal11, 29 May 1822, d. 10 Sept, 1883, m, 12 Nov, 18-15, Dorcas 1•, Comstock of Berlin, N, Y., 19 Aug. 1&2'.l; farmer in Florida, Flora 1),8, 13 Aug, 18-161 d. 11 Bo11t, 1801, Alice I,.•, lM Oct, 18-17, m. 2 801,t, 1668, Austin Tower of J,'lorhla, 2-1 Se)lt, 1846, farmer, Lulu A,", 30 J1:ue 1870, ct, Inf. Cllffortl K.', 8 l\lar. 1875, d, Inf. Clinton A,11, twin, cl. Inf, /lonnan K.•, 19 A11r, 1850, cl, 22 Oct, 1~, farmer. Olive J.,, 21 l\11u. 182-1, d, July 184-1,

Willlam8, 14 Dec., 1783, d. 4 Dec., 1830, m. 10 lc'eb., 180fl, Deborah Shepard of New Marlboro, 2!l l<'eb., 1780, d. 8 .l\lar., 1858; rem. Denr.1ark, N. Y., farmer~ re­turned about 181::s to Chestcrflcld •

.Elvira', 4 Dec. 1800, d, 17 July 1881, m, 15 ll(ar. 1827, Notmau Warner of Cummington, 4 A11r, 1801 1 d, 10 Nov. 1880, farmer; 11\'ed together In the same house nearly M years. Jl'll­li11m. A.•, 11 Apr. 1828, m. 6 July 1800, Lucinda Joslyn, m. 11. Warner, of Palmyra, N. Y., 12 Feb, 1826; farmer 011 the hotllestead. ,1/artlia E,8, 22 Jan, 1831, cl. 10 Oct. 1876, m. o Sept. 1840, Horatio A, Loud of l'lalntlehl. Ida J.11, 18 June IMO. Eva A.0, 18 A11r. 1Sb2, m. 3 !<'cl,. 18761 Wllllam JI, Sibley of Warren, 7 July 1862, blacksmith, machinist, B11rl11gflold. Alu/Jct .E,to, 22 Apr. 1877, ti, young, Amt, ,U.10, 4 Se11t. 1878. Charles 1/.10, 29 Dec. 1880. Wnldo A.o, 19 May ISM, m, 26 Feb, 18761 Clara A. Wnkcflold, JO Oct, 1800; machinist, S11rl11gfteltl, llatvh ,v,10, 20 Jan, 1879, llaroltl 0.10, 10 Oct. 1881, Roy E .•0, 16 l\lar, 1883, Charles 11.•. d, Har­riet M.9, 12 Jan, 1860, m. 2-i l<'eb, 1~, Henry Huck, b. Bremen, Oeru1a11y, 19 Nov.1851, tob11cco dealer, Springfield, ll1111mond /1,10, 2-1 Aug, 188-1. Elizabeth E.o, 7 Mnr, 1807, Jenny M,P, 10 Jan. 18721 d, Inf, Orren IJ.8, Hi Ott, 1835, wheelwright, Cuuuulngton, Rmf/11 ,u,s, 17 Mny 1843, 111, 2-3 Nov. 1870 l'elatlah W. W.uner, bro. I.ucltula, w. Wllllam A.s, ,mto, 19 A11r, 18-10, soldier in war of rebelllou, sbot through right wrist, saved baud, 11eru1n11011tly dltiable\l


from labc,r; res. Chlco11ee, watchman In Ames Sword factory, Albert H.o, 17 Jan. 1871?, :Martha 1'~.0, 10 Apr. 1877. Deborah J., 1, 0 July 18011, ti. 25 Mar. 1880, m. at l'erry, o., 1835, Philo Waklco, b. In Conn., 20 July 1801, ti. 15 Oct. 1877, shoemaker, rem. MM1fgantown, Ind, Ardella L.•, 7 Nov, 1835, 111. 2 Aug. 1853, Francllt At·m~trong, res. Summcrsvllle, O. Corvdon w.,, 17 l\lnr. 1837, m. 10 Mar. 18i4, Sarah A. Utz of l\flchl~antown; farmer on the homestead, William 0.0, 24 Aug. 1876. EliZ<L E.8, 16 Dec. 1839, ti. 25 July 1850, m. 20 July 1857, Levi Pot­ter of .\lornlng Sun, hut. 2 ch., d. Syl11ia !,f,s, 20 Sept. 1841, ti. 14 Feb 18H, Elvira- A.•, 17 Apr. 18H, d. 27 Jan, 1864, m. 18 1''eb, 1801, Cyrus Smith. JJurrftt J.M.•, 24 Apr. 1851 1 m. 9 Feb. 1871, Samantha 1''uet; Is a l\l.eth. Min., onl. 26 Apr. 1885. Ward s,11, 3 I>ec. 1871, d. young. Alllert 11.u, 27 Nov, 187-1. Irene L,o, 26 Oct. 1676. Willis', 25 Aug. 1881. William o.,, 2 l<'!!b. 1811, went In 183:4 to northern Ohio, taught F-lnglug schools during winters until 1836; from 1834 to 1830 ht southern Ind., In nursery work. In August, 1836 he embarkeil bis entire savings In a &hlp1ne11t of 11ro1l11co to New Orleans, La., but his nnture was wrecke,1 by low water and the pre,•alcnce of yellow fe,•er in the lower rl\'er. Returning to northern Ohio he worked hard to retrieve his luck, but a sfngulnr fatality attended severAI of hie future efforts, umlurtaken with what a1111oare1l the hlgl1£:st promise of success. He m. Nov. 18-IO, Ann Kennel, nath·e or tho Isle of llan, who d, I~ llay 18&5; nCter her dut.b he settled near Cohlwator, l\llch., succee1llng better for some time, bnt when In a good way to retrieve his fortunes, yielded to the solicitations or his younger brothers In the U. 8. Armory at Sprlng­tleltJ, nml returned east, taklug e11111Joyment In the Armory, and later followed their lt>Ad in buying a worn out farm In ChesterHehl, to make I\ home for their widowed mother, hut the contrast between reclaiming la111l fu llnssachusetts and farming the virgin soil of Mlchlgnn proved too much for his 1>hllosophy, and he finally abandoned the undertaking, and betook hllnself to ~linnesota, s11e11dl11g many years in hunting, trapping and trading, beyond the scttleu.umts or wl11te tnen. Aclvauclug age, -and the solicitations of 11111 son, William S. Hartwell, resifllug In Chlcasto, at last hulu cell him to abandon tile prairies, allll take up his abo1le, first with his son, later with relatives in the cast. Illa life, spent In the wild and ever-changing west, on allll beyond the frontier, has been oue or stirring adventu,e. Wllltri'Tf s.•, b. 1842, w.\s sent to his relatives In Mass. whou a child; tu early 1111rnbood went to Wisconsin, whore he enlisted In the 2d Wis. Cav. Vols., seeing much active service fn the southwest. In 1865 he entered the employ of the C, & N. W. R R. Co., R111l bas for some years I.Jeon freight au,lltor of that coin11any, at Chicago, Ill.; m. 30 Sept. 1877, Frances Wat­tleworth, b. 111011, N. Y,, 26 Jllay 1831, of Jllnux descent, Lo,·cll J),r, 20 ~ept. 1812, d. 3 Oct. 1868, 111. A1ir, 183-1, Hannah I<'rancl!J of Pittsllelcl, 5 Out. 1816; was employed In the U, 8, Armory at Sprlugtleld, 1819 to 18tH. J1tlllla JI,•, 8 June 1837, m. 22 Sept. 1868, Mary J. King, b. J::lllngtou, Conn., 21 June 1835; was some years an accountant and hookkee11er In Hoston, later In in:1urance bus., now at Providence, R, I, Jessie F,11, 28 Se11t, 186:.l, 111, 13 Jan. 1886. Norman L. Richmond of Jllltldlel.Joro, 18 June 1863, res. Chicago, Ill, Corydon W.1, 27 Nov. 1816, d, 30 ,\lay 186:i!, m. 17 Sept. 1834, Olive I<'. Balley of Pltlslleld, 16 July 1811; was omployecl fn the U. s. Armory at Hprlngftcld; 18.51 aJ>p, Inspector or U. 8. Armories, making frequent tours of tuspectlou through the country. Mary A,8, 20 Dec. 1835, res. with her mother In 811rlngfteld. Martha I'.•, 4 July 18-1:.!, d, OefJr'f/lJ n.s, 4 Nov. 18U, enl, 2 Sept. 1862, I 37th Mass. Vols., <llsch, 21 June 1866, In battles of Fretlerlcksburg, Chancellorsville, Oettysburg; Rappahannock Sta., selgo of Petersburg; was some years in U. 8. Armory, later In the Dal• Jartl Arms sh11p, SprJngftehl. He m. 23 July 1868, Mary Austin of Greenflel«l, ts ,Tuly 1842. Leo11_0, Lt\roy, twins, 20 ~lay 18H, d. Arth uro, 14 Uct, 1870, cl. young, f:llen M.•, 20 Aug. 18.51. E:asmu11 u.,, 12 ~lay 1819, m. Ellubetb \II lier of Elrod, lUpleJ Co., Intl,, had six: or eight clllldren, whoso whereabouts have for years been unknown to tho!!e of his near relatives t 1e writer ha1, hce11 able to consult, 'fllelr names as far as known were Hannah 1\1.•, Lu­c.-etfa J,a, Olive~, Cheaneys, WUllam JJ.8, a sou that died hcfore the war, not known wbcithcr Wflllam n., or 1111other. It Is said that Mr. 11, went before the war to Fulton, Wis., worl.'.qd In a ~aw mlll, enl. In an Ohio regiment, served through tlie war, ret. I<'ulton, d, Aflr, 1865. Adeline L.', 20 AJlr. 1821, d, I<'eb. 1843. Anna l\f,', 10 Sept, 18:.?3, rn. 6 ~lay 1816, Nathan T. Pike, b, Westboro, 6 Jan. 1816, d, 10 Mar, 1880; some years ht hoot aml shoe trade, Wor­cester, rem. Lafayette, Intl,, 1868 to MIiwaukee, Wis., 1867 to Albany, N. Y. uwr111J H.•, 17 Aug. 1864, mem. firm w. M, Hegewan & Co., who. dealers ha foreign fruits, Albany, N, Y. A'lla ..ti.-, 12 Feb. 181l0,

Tradition ,neutlons a cane, brought from England by Wn,Lthr HARTWELL, and given to 0110 of bis sous, to pass down In succession to descendants bearing his own baJ>tlsmal name. 8am11e12, Wllllama, and Daniel•, each bequeathed a cane; the Jast naming Williams of Charlemont as the recl11tent. 'fhls cane passe,l to Wllllam D.7, ante, and after bis.disastrous IOlltheru trlp was left with his brother Erasmus D,7, whose family h:no persistently refused


to surrender It, anti they lielng rlls)lersecl l,eyoncl the knowleclge of tholr Immediate relnth·cs, the 11resent ehnnce of its recovery by the rightful owner, or hi!-, son, William S.8 llartwl'll of Chicago, seems riulte probfom:Hical, It ls a great pity that sn<'fl an ancient nml Jntcrcstfng relic canuot be trace•l and 1,reservc{l among tho heirlooms of the family, .

EUznbetb6, 20 Oct., 1745, d., m. 2 Mar., 1771, Jlohcrt Uce1l of Lexington, d, Swithin', b. 1773t m, ]!) Nov. li!l5, Annn Wymnn, Danicl8, 4 Se1it. 1 1775t drowned 5 June, 1805, fishing in Hoston harbor, outside the light-house. Uobert6,

Timothy\ 15 Sept., 1712t d. 27 Dec., 1797, m. 24•.Mnr., 1731.l-7, 1\fnry Dn,·is of Ilcclforcl, b. 1718, d. 22 Apr., 1808. Nearly nil that is known of him is the fuct of his lm,·ing acted ns co-executor with Jolm1 (P. G) of the will of Ms uncle Jolm3, the money lender, nnd at the final settlement rendered n hill for sen·ices rwnrly fi\'C times as great ns that of bis co-executor, who seems to have performed nhout as much ser,·ice, nml whlch w took the probate judge aback thnt he ordered both ac• counts "to lie oYer for fu~ther examination." JJnu11, b. 4 , d. o June!, 1750, Dau~, 28 Mar.t 1753, d. Stephen\ b. 1710, d. 12 Julyt 17!12, m. 31 Dec., li41, .Mary Raymond, who d. 17 July, 1752 i m. lo Feb., J7o3, Jlebckah DaYis of JJctl­ford, b. 1711, d, 18 Aug., 17!10; sett. in south part of llC!dford, on a farm now owned by John McGovern. Mnry5 , 10 Dec., 1742, m. 10 May, 17G2t Francis Willson, Jr., of Bedford. Abigail~. 15 Aug. 1 1744, m. 0 Jan., 1766, John Simonds. Stephen5, 24 Nov. 1746t m. 19 Jun., 1775, Sally Recd of Lexington (rec. 1st Pnr.) Sally8, 5 May, 1780. Stephen6, 18 May, 1785, d. 8 Dec., 1837, m. Lucy II. I~stn­brook of Medford, 18 Feb., 1787, d, 81 May, 1881; sett. Lexington, rem. Cam­bridge, 1812 to Boston, truckman; in 1820 011e11ed a livery stable on the siM of the Niles Block in School st,, next east of the City Hall, which he 1111maged un 'i 1826, rem. New York city,

Stephen A,T, li Nm·, 1806, d, Dellovllle, Ill., 15 llfny 1833, m, Tbno11n 11.T, 20 No,•. 1808, rl. 4 Jan, JBro, m. -- Cba1111mll, bad ch.; all are dead. Lucy T.r, ~ Dec. 1810, d. 19 t,'olJ, 1882, m, Wllllam Holmes, IJ, In Vt. 1803, d, noonvllle, Mo,, lli Nov, 1847, sett. l'blla, l 1a. 1 rem. 1837 l','ew Orleans, La., later t-0 Moniteau Co., Mo. Mrs, Holmes mn1le tho journey nround Cnpo Jlorn to Callfor11la In J8li3 wllh her so,•eu cl1lldren, sl1ortly after goJng to J>etnluma, wbcl'O she died. ll'11Uam1, 8 Aug, 1834, Edwarcl•, 2 July 1836. lle11ry•, 3 18381 re!i, Healds­lmrg, Cal., m., has a child, L11cy T,e, 20 Dec, 1839, m. 10 ~lay ISliO, P, H, Newl11ll, tlh•.; m. 1802, 2d bus., Charles t,•. Dtwal, t,, Point l'etcr, Tex,, 15 Se}lt, Jl'.l32, res. Petaluma, Cnl, Cnr••· llne11 Nowlllll, (change1I to Cnrnllno Vu val,) 28 Sept. lt-1>7, m. 2:! Se11t. ISW, W. L. Hunter, Co. elk,, ln)o Co., Cal., res. Iude1,cndence. Cltnrles }\v Duval, 17 Mar. 1863. George A.", s ~tar, 1806, Virginia City, Jtiev., d. 22 Jan. 1870, J<~mma L.•, 1:.1 Nov, 1867, Mabel T.•, 7 Oct. 1860, Lone l'lne1 Cal., d. 31 Jan. 1870, Lawrence T.•, 4 Jan, 18i2, Cerro Gordo, Cal., d, li .FclJ. l8iG. Florence ll.•, 26 Dec. 1873. Mabel L.~, 7 Mar. 1876, George L.•, 4 A11r. 1878, d, you11,r • .Albert•, 21 Jan, 1842, d, :u Aug, 1882. Emily I,.•, s Fcu. 1844, klllecl by explosion or steam­l>ol\t "Secretary," on way fro1n 811.n Frauclsco to l'etaluma, Cal., 15 A})r, 185-1. Th,rnlin .11.,, JI Fob. 111-16, ru, 13 Apr. 18031 W. T. Main, res, San FraucJ&co, Cal. Eva )J,o, 28 Nov. 1&;5. Ida T,', 25 Mar. 1868, Abby l\1,9, 2a Juno 18i3, Alice L,0, 19 Feb. 1878. Hiram J,1, 1 Ang, 1812, m., res. Phlla., l'a. OeorueS, m., ru. Sn11dwfch. Marr,'. Emlly8• SteJ)hen', merd1, In l'hlla,t Pa., m. 8teJ1hc11'. Josepl1i11eS, d. J'ra11k•1 d, Snrnh D. 1, 28 SeJ)t, 1814, d. lB3i In l\laucbester, Miss., m. - Klmllall, 2 ch., nil dead, Ja111es P.', 20 Apr, 1817, was In tho ahlJ> Erebus, Sir John FrankJln's Arctic Ex11edltlon, d., bur. on Jleachy Island, Oliver 1''.r, 24 Sept. 1811), d. l'blla.,, Pa., H Jnn. 18-14, Clara lf.7, o 1''ob. 18:!5, Ill Jnmos W. Woodroof, sott, 111 Girard, Ill., rem, Ottawa, Kas.; 111 1885 to Los Angeles, Cal. Rmily W,•, 27 Juuo 1801.

Tabitha4, 12 Oct,, 17-19, d., tu, U May, 1707, Judnh Wright, 0 1\fay, 17431 rcru. Holden. Patty", 1 Feb,, 1771, m. IJenjamln C111dwcll. JmJah8, h. 1773, cl. lloltlen, l'eb., 1846. }>o1Jy8, 1l Nov,, l 1i1, m. 22 }'eb., 1~05, Nathan .Arnolrl. Jlnnunh8,

29 Apr., 17R0, m. John Holt. 1'abitha0, m. Smith Butler. Uctsey6, 111. John Pisk. Atcphen•, b. 1770, d. young. niith~, 1 Mar .. lio2, N. S., m. W June, 17i0, 1>11zc Skelton of Dillcrica. Dazc8, b. llt1r\ingtoo, <l. 18 1>ec., Hl50, in Ucdford, lo 80th

160 Upton.

year, widower. Samuel8, 8 Feb., 1756, cl. 2 Apr., 1828, m. 26 Oct., 17i0, Desire Drown of lledford, who d. 80 Aug., 1824; farmer on the homestead.

Mnryf, m. 11 June, 1741, Walter Powers. Joseph4, 17 Jan., 1722-8, cl. Mnr,. 1808, m. Sarah---; sett. Westmoreland, N. H., rem. Putney, Vt., in the Inst decade of the 18th century, rem. Lyndon, Vt., with his children. No 1111bllc record of births of his chil<lr~n has yet been found by the writer, who is unable to give any nuthoritath·e 11st of their names or the order of their birth. I>robabilities fa,·or setting down ni1 tho oldest, Catherine\ h, prob. abo1.t 1752, m. about 1774, as 2d w., Josiah Upton of Oedford, b. Reading, 24 Aug., 1735, (ns given by his descen,1-ant, W. H. Upton,) rem. Charlemont 1778, cl. 10 Dec., li!JI ;, prominent in tho affairs of western Mass. ; n fine mnthemnticlnn and student of tho physical sciences. Josiah Upton, who m. Jletsey7 Hartwell, was 11robnbly his grandson. 8arah8, 18 ,Juno, 177H, d. 18·Hi, m. 1700, Israel Illood, rem. Hloomfleld, N. Y,, 1707, d. there, agc,1 sa.

Anna', 7 J1111e 1707, m. E. <;alklns. S11Tvtster5• I,ucy A.•. Rlfs/11i A.•. A'l11gs'e11•, J,uoy N.', 2 A11r. 1709, m. James Manwaring. J>lillo8, Nor,wm•. J,111,Cb•, Caroll11c8, Drllllley•, Joa,mci•. Ro8el 1,,,, U Nov. 1800, m, Clarissa l'hllllps. llurtwcl/1, Norman•. La11ras. J,1tcy•. Norman n.,, 4 l:l'eb. 1802, d. Albany, N. Y., no. 30. Nathaniel N.', 2 1''eb. 1804, m, Hnnnah Shnte, Jlary8, Tlioma11 8, Luny•. 8to11ho11 11.f, 20 lt'ch. 1800, m. Louisa Knn1111; res. Victor, N. Y., 1880, Wtlllam•. J:1111mi•. Jamus .l\1.7, 14 .lt'uh, 1808, m. Lydia A, Nelsoni rem. JS&! to Vlotor, Mich, Norma,••• Ar<lcll<t'. I>anlcl 11,1, 7 Ja11, lt-10, 111, Susan Turner; rem. Victor, .l\Uch., 1838. Achsa/1', .Sa11u":l~. A-•. SttB<&"'• Sarai,•, .Kll:c1•. Cllarlt11•. Amanda•. /Jantel•. Lucy•. Rrnut•. Carollnel,

James", 10 Feb., 1770, d. 1857, rem. winter, 1708-0, to Victor, N. Y., with his mother; n wealthy farmer and lnftuentlnl citizen i m. 21 Apr. 1808, Olh·e Boughton, who 11. 24 Apr , 1824; m. 211 w., - --,

AchMh', 21 .!\far. 18091 d,, 111. IS July 1830, Hiram 1 bompson, .l\f, I>, Jlarletto 1r:.•, d,, nntn, l&H. Samuel H,T, 23 July l8i01 d, 0 Apr, 1832, ,Toslnb W,', 10 8cJ1t, 1812, 111. Sophia Rowe, James', 10 A11r. 1815, m. 1-;1v1rn i,;, llnwklus. Wllllnm w,1, 11 July 1817, m. 8 Jo'eb. 18-10, .l\fal'la A. llolllster, b. nauby, N. Y,, ta Aug. 11ll8, d, nee. 1868; m. 20llar. 1800, )larletta Ity1m or K. Avon, N, Y,, went 18-10 to Victor, llllch,, 1ul111, to tho bar soon nfter, s1111orvlsor 1840-45, ('o~ surveyor 1841-5, Co, tronsurnr 18-15-7, mom. l,cgls., rem. Do WIit 18-15, l,nnsl111r, .l\llob. 18471

built ftr11t frame 11011110; dist, atty, 18 .. 8,52, wont Wca,·orvlllo, Cal., rem. ISM 81cramonto, 1110111. I.egls, 18601 dist, atty. 1&8-01; rom. l'or1ln111l, Ore, 18061 jnstlco of Su11re1110 court 18071 chief justice 1sn, at expiration or term co11111ellod liy want or 111eaus to dccllnu ro-uomlnatlou aml return to his 11roro11slo11. In tho preahlontlal couteiit or 18711, tho olootoral co111111lsslou based their notion 011 the vote of Orogou, on a tleclslon provlonsly re111lored by Judge U11ton, defl11-l11g tho Jmllclal 11owor or tho governor or Oregon. In 1877 hu wns a111tolnto1l :?11 comJ)trollcr

· or the U. s. Trc11sury1 roalgucd 1 June ltl..l!li, having 11a11llcd on l\1Jco11111s a111l clahus aggregat­ing 8tJOO,OOJ,OOO. Jlo Is a 1,ractlslug attorney In \\'a11hlngton, I>. C. ln,f. m.•, .l\lar. 181:t, ti, James 11.•, ID Mar. 18H1 grad. Sncramonto High Solt,, allm, bar there, rem. l 1ortlan1l1 Oro,; real est. bus. aud au ln1111tgrntlu11 ngoucy 1800-73, rem, 1870 Orotown, Ure.; res. thoro 111100, exo. 2 yrs. at Colfax, W, •r. Jlo 111, 0 Nu\', 1809, Anna A, Shaw or Oregon City, Oro. Charles s,u, 9 Aug. 18i0. William w,u, 31 Mny 1871!, Aun l\1.0, 3 I<'ob. 187-1. Jay IV, 28 AJ1r, 1879, 1\lary I~.•, 7 Jau, 1882, Clrnrlca JJ.~, Hi lJec, 1815, allm. to bar l'orlln111t, Oi-0. 1 do11uty sheriff, deputy 1,ros. ntty., <101111ty U. K, nt1y., rem. Wnlla Walln, W, T,, 1878. ,1/cil'lett<1•1 4 MRr, 18-18, d. 1 Uot, 1680, llttetl a brother fo1· Yale, nnothor for Wost Point, Cliarfotte•, 18 l\lRr. 18/'>01 d, Inf, Wfllla,,i II.•, 10 Juno ISM, grad. Yale i877, grnd, Colu1nhla Univ. Sch, 18801 having s11e11t much or tho thne In tho omco of lion. n. W, Thompson, Soorotnry or tho Nnvy, rem. Walla \Valin, W. T. 1 11rao. law; Is I\ close 111111 h1to1·estcd student or genealogy, Ho m, 23 Juno 1681, Ouorgla I,. Hradley or Olean, N, Y. Wllllnm n.0, 21 So11t, 1882, Oeorge n,o, 20 J 11110 1~4. CJeoruo w.•, 1 Juno 1867, a 1111, 1870 a cnllot at Wost l'olnt, roslgue1l after deRth or bl,s sister l\fa\rlottn, grad. Columbian Univ., sett, ht Jlractlco of law at Warren, o.; 111. 1684 Harriot Taylor, ln/,/em., l>eo. 185-.'!, d. Alltla ll.8, 21 Mny, 18'11, d. young. l'fclor 11.•, 12 Oct. 1804, d, Inf. ll1tl]1ll Jl.8 , 12 ,111110 lf;G9, 1-;unlco', 25 J>oc, 1818, d, IIIIIO, JMward', 30 Mar. l82J, d, 10 A11r, 18031 111, Acbsnh 'l'hnycr. Are1lieflci•, res. Washington, I>. c. Jsaliclla•, twin, 111. -- llltchcook of Omnwl, N, Y., nnd d, July 1870, Dan°, b, Juno 18i0, Ollveo, 10 ~0J)t,, VT, 161 Dutton~

or Oct. 1823, d. 6 Aug. 1843. Caroline 11.'1 13 Mny 18201 d, 0 Feb. 1803, m. Floyd D, Torrance. Mary E.r, 10 Apr. JS~, d. 1 Oct. 1879, m. William C, .Moore of Victor, N, Y, Marla7, 21 Aug. 1831, d, Inf. Charles E.r, 4 July 1833, m. Louise nackct. Elvira E.7•

Joanna6, 13 June, 1781, d. Victor, N. Y.; m. 1st, Norman Bruce, 2d, Isaac Marsh, had no ch., but 1ulopte1l, reared nnd e1lucatccl her niece Lucy8, aml tho ch. of her hus. Marsh by a former marriage. I>avld6, 2 July, 1783, m. 12 Sept., 1805, Mary Marsh, b. Danby, Vt.,!) Nov. 178G, d. 31 Dec. 1870; rem. Ontario, N. Y., 1817, Wheatland, Mich., 18-IG, later to Hollin, Mich., d. there.

Ullve1, 20 Oct. 1800, m. 14 J!'eb. 1827, Levi Wilson of Victor, rem, 1832 r,yons, Mich., later to Coldwater, l\llcb, Varoltnc8, 2 Juno 1828, d. young. Emeline•, 2li Jan. 1831 1 m, 27 Sept. 18-19, llcmnn A. Uui,scll, res. Ovid, Mich. Charlcs0, :lO liar. ISM, m. Aug, 187-1, Calista L . .J,'ennor. Penner E,10, Oct. 18i5, Nelson C.t, UJan. ISM. Jessle9, 7 AJ>r, 18ti0, .lfary•, 20 Aug, 18.32, m. 2,; Se)lt, 1867 Wilsey Quimby, res. Ovid, Mich. Mary9, 21 Aug, 1858, m. Loren E. Coffman, bad a dau. Adnllv, :..'9 l\lar. 1859. Wilsey l-}.11, 24 Aug. 1803, Wilson R.t, o July 1801), Dorat, 24 ,Juno 1870, John E.", 2J Jan. 1873, d, young. 0/1a-rlea•, 11 Aug. 1835, m, 4 July 1868, Ann Armstrong of Ovid, Mich, Norman E,t, Se11t, 1873, Catherine•, 1 A11r, 1830, ti, Se11t., 1847. Oeorvo JI.•, 2li Nov. 18H, d, young. ncivld N.•, 00 Oct. 1861, d, 2 Jan. 1880, m. 24 Aug, 1874, Annette, Ueed or Coldwntor, l\llcb. nernlce1>, b, 1876, Ahlatluu7, J.& Oct, 1808, m, 18-l0, Jane Hazlett, b, In 8cothmd; rem. l\llcb. .Maruaret•. Jlary•, b, about 18-14, m. SeJlt, ma, Lyman llodges, res. Hath, l\llch, Luella', 28 June 1862. J<:thel9, IS July 1804, Archlhalu9, 18 May 1860, Alice', 8 l\lay 187-1, Jcmes, 20 May 18-16, m. 22 Dec. 1870, RodolJlbUs Lagore or Adrian, )llcb., J>alnter, rurulturo finisher, Willlamv, 16 Se11t, 1871, Estl1er•. Jocttma•, ru, 20 Nov. 1868, Frederick A, Maltman. J..:dna•, 13 Nov. 11169, Jeuny9, Hi Heh, 1871, .l\lark 11.v, 6 ~lay 1873. Irving~, 18 Oct, 1876, Uodol11ht, 2 Nov. 11170, JJ'Wt,w,•. 7'/,omcis A.•. Joanna', 10 Aug, 1810, Mary', o Aug, 1812, J>avh\71 2 Mar. 1814, m. 10 Oct. 184♦, Harbara Jluckloy or Wal­worth, N. Y,, 10111. 1840 l\llch,; sett. Uome 18'71 farmer. Varo1'nes, 6 Oct. 18-17, m, 1 Jan, 1807, William A. Grlfltn, res. Rollin, Mich, Ida M.•, IS Oct. 1867, Nelly s.•, 10 Feb. 1870, Oltvct, ao Deo, 18481 m, 4 July 1870, Joshua W, Linsner of Rollin, Mich, Lavinia•, 7 Oot. 1872, La Monte', 29 AJ1r, 1870, Charles M,•, 30 I>cc. 1800, m. Harriet I,, )laxon, I,ucyr, 28 Oct, 1810, reared by her aunt Joann I\ Mnrsb; sch, tea. 4 yrs,, Ill, 2.6 A11r, 1830, Henry n. Taber, rem. Whonthmtl, Mich. 18-12, Adrian 1806, Norman n.11, :it May 18-10, m, 4 July 1861, Myra Hurley or Hawley; sett. l'lttsrord, l\Ucb.; 2d w, Harriet l>nrrell or Wauco111la, 111, J.llltan 11.', 1 .lt'eh. 1soa. ,llal'y E.•, o Oct. 184-11 d. young, Ailclbcrt•, O Se11t, lflliO, grnd,Atlrfnu Coll,, an, 31 J>eo. 18741 Ellen M, Ounsolt\ll of Adrian. Lenn M,11, 20 A11r, 1876, Jlcnr11 JI.•, 13 I>ec, 1861, grail. Aclrlnn, m, Hostor LaMorcaux or Home, Mich.; res. Adrlnu. Hertha•, 20 Oct, 187♦• Stone', Juue 1866, ti, young. Uahy1, 14 Juno 1818, Cathorh101, 29 Jan. 18211 m. 1 Jl\11, 1846, Glrdon l'l\tcb or Uothel, Mich. J.'roc,mm /J,•, II Oct. 1840, m, 23 Oct. 1806, Angeline Elllott. Ffora0, llS July 1871, J:t1tJ01&ti1, 8 June 1862, Ill, 2 July 11171, Melissa l'latt. Emera", 10 Feb, 1873. Junov, UI J>eo. 18i0. IJ0ll11 JJ,•, 1 A11r, 1802, James M.,, 24 Mar. 1823, d, 27 Apr 11:173, m. 17 Dec, 1862, Martha llntflold or Wheatland, Mich., and d, there, .tftlelbert•, 22 June 1868, 1I. young. Junfo8, 27 June 1804, Jamia•, 3 May 1872, d, young, l\lary A,', 27 Mar, 182li, m. Se11t, 18U, Nelson Wood, b. Wayne Co., N. Y., who d. 10 Se11t, 1848, merch,; w. 27 l\lar. 18631 2ll lms. 8he11herd Weter of l'nlmyrn, Mich,. Nelson z.• 11'001l, JO Nov. 18-18, d. young. Slic1,I,or1l• Weter, 4 Jnn. 181H, otluo. at Adrlnu Coll, Arubcll•, 10 July 1800, ru. Harross Jfreeruau, mcrch, at lllchmoud, l\llch, Margarett, 16 Dec, 187(1, Ju nus JO, 0 Apr, 1867, educ, at Adrlnn Coll,; faraner, l'ahnyrn, Nclao1& v.•, 1 A11r, 1860, grncl, Adrfnu, 18801 stud, law at Adrlau. /Jctvlll A',11 10 Nov. l&i:.!, Oom .11,1, 4 Mar. ll)Oli, Conlolln', 30 Oct. 1820, sob, ton, In Mich. 1&10 to JSM, then m. Wllllnm J<:hlrldgo or Uranch Co., fn1111or; rem. 18110 Jloono Co,, lll, 1 lt-00 .J,'rankllu Co,, In., 1870, Log11111 l<as, C:<1t/1erh10 /',1, 2lS Aug. 1860, Ncll11•, 22 J!'oh, 1801, Cbnrlc11°, 12 Su11t. 18ti:J,

Betsoy6, 7 Juno, 1764, ti,, m. 1776, Stephen J)utton, b, Chelmsford, 7 Jun., 1753, sett, WostmoreltuHI, N. 11, rem. l•utncy, Uockinghnm, Vt., rem, Chester, Vt,, kc11t hotel; went nfler shed. to J.owell. A1111n°, 25 July, 17itl, m. 18 No,·,, 1808, )),rniel Hall of Chester, Vt. GJ·nthln7, res. llnrtonsl'111c, Vt. i♦:dhh', m. _ .l\\nrsh, res. Locust Grol'e, Ia. Other dnus., nil d. S11r11h6, :!G Aug., 1778, m. ,Joel Stone, who tl. in Ohio. Pntlencu6, 18 Aug., 1780, m. John n. Gibson, blncksmlth; sett, Uocklngluun, Vt., where &hod.; he d. Ornftun, Vt. 'l'hlr1.n°, 14 ~\ug., 178:J, m. Solomon :Fish, blncksmlth, r(.'111. llnvorhlll, N. 11., both ,t. there. Lovie, 17

STANSTEAD, P. Q .. 102

Sept., 1785, m. Mnrgarl't Woodburn, rem. Jamnica, Vt. Iletsey8, 8 July, 1788, d. Rockingham, Vt., 13 :Feb., 1872, workecl in mill in Lowell many years. Edith6, 2 July, liOl, kept hoarding house in Lowell, d. there. Lois6, 12 ~ept., 1706, d. Uockingham, worked in factory, Lowl'll, many years. Ste11hen U.8, 2 Oct., 1708, d. 14 Mar., 1875, m. 1816, Lemlrn lloilgmnn of Springfield, Vt., 0 June, 1700, d, 10 June, 1708; farmer, stonecutter, rem. Manchester, Vt., ret. Chester, d. there.

Eclwnrd J,.r, 3 Nov. 1818, m. 18431 Jernsh11 A. Hol'klus; farmer, G1•afton, Westminster, l\lanchester, Vt,, 110w Wesuuorelnud, N. H, 1/enrv J,8, Levi JI.•. Joscl'hus n,r, 0 Dec. J820, d. 7 A11r, 1877, m. 1841, Nancy A. Hodgm1u1; 110 cb. Jasper w,r, JI Jan, 1823, d, ,Juno 18781 solcller, II 10th Vt. Vols., battles Cedar Creek, nrandy Sta., Gettysburg, m. 1st Lucy J, Way, no ch,, 2d, Leafy Lockwood, no ch., 3d w. Ellen M, Tolles, -Ith w. Mar,\' Cbandlel', Olfi•e J/,s, Leafy E.•. aeorve w.•. Pliny w.1, 26 Aug, 1826, l>lacksmlth, twice m., went to Wis,, d, there, remarkable memory. Ar ,·ma M,r, 25 l\lay 1828, 01, Jose11h A. Dean of Chcstel', Vt,, farmer, rem. Genoa, llllch. Hora tlo w.1, 17 Oct. 1830, m. Laura A, Severance; farmer, willer, Saxton's River, Vt,, soldier, C 11th Vt, Vols, Laura D,8, Samuel 0.1, 20 Oct, 1832, d, 1802, m, Dorothy J<yJe, Pannv J,•. l'errln 8,7, 18 l\lny 1834, farmer, sprlngflold, Vt., m. Sybil Dartt. Etlfth s.•. acorue 1•.•. llerbcrt ,r,,, Sto11he11 D,7

1 o Alay 1830, farmer, N. 8Jirlngfleld, Vt,, Ill, H11rrlet N, .Fairbank&, l'arker II.•. Edith L,', 27 Aug. 1838, d, Feb, 1807, m. Jerome W, Herrick, tanner, Chester, Vt. Evelyn L.•. Nancy 0,7, 17 A11r. 1840, m. Jlonja­mln F. Putnam; ch, Sarcll,ie JJ,•. Ilenry L,8, JJon ltf.8, Artlmr u.•. A'velyn s.•. llar­rlet N.•, lllr. P, d.; she m. 2d bus,, Thomas Madigan, .Ancy c.,, JO Sc11t, 1842, Ill, Warren 1'', Severance, bro. Laura, w. Horatio w., Dutton, at1tc, Leo11arcl s.•. Lemfra D.•. Elate C, 8,

Joseph w.•. wmta11l s.e: Derrl~k J>.•. Thomas Jl.1, 14 Nov. 1843, J, 27 Mar, 1868,

Olh·er&, b, 1750, d. 20 July, 1812, m. In Dummerston, Vt., Hannah J{elly, b, In Cheshire Co,, N, H., Mar., 1768; rem. 1802 Lyndon, Vt., farmer, rem, 1805 Stanstead, P. Q., ret. at breaking out of war of 1812 to Lyndon, where he d,, run over three days before death by a loaded curt. Mary•, 28 May, 1780, m. William Dlals<lell, b. Boscawen, N, H,, sett, Stanstcacl; ch,, all b, there; rem. lt,tcr to northern N, Y.

Almira', m,, d. Wllllam', m., d,, w. d,, 2 ch, reared by their grandmother, Napoleon', Miranda 7,

Amoi;8, b. 1782, d. 19 June, 1860, m. Rulmma llnll of Sprlngflcl<l, Vt., cl,; m. 5 June, 181", 211 w., Lurana Elhon of Springfield; sett, at 1st m, In Stanstead, rem. later to 81>rlngflel<l, Vt.

H:\lloall .ir.,, m, 23 Juue 11148, Sarah A, Ellis of S11rlngftcltl, Lcrov•, at Foxboro. llenr11 JI.•, loo. eng., Maustteld,

Ira", 1 ~far, 1784, d, 1803 (?) of cancer, m. Abla Ilotlgman, sis. Leml:n, arite, w. 8tcphcn 11.8 Dutton, who d. Aug. 1857; sett. J>unuucrston, Vt., rem. J81G to Stanstead, P, Q.

Harriot', b, 1so.a, d, IIS Ang, 1885, tn, Mar, 1823, S:uuulcrs l\lngonu of Sta11stead1 b, 1804 (?) d. J875, famnor, Lucllula•, Jan, 18~6, d. 1874, DJ, -- l'otcrs or l'atton, l', Q,, farmer, eev. oh, Lvm,m•, b, l81l7, 111., re1, l'attou; 2 sons. llorace•, b, 1820, Ill, Caroline Lltcblleltl of S11rJng­flcld, Vt, Alice~, m. - llcrwlck, C1111ner1 Westt1101·e, Vt. lllatcla9, In 1885 cmp. In hotel, Jlarton, Vt. LIiia u,e, Caroline L,9, 1-:vcllne9, d. /Jow<tr<l•, h, 1831 (?) Ill, lrci•, b, l8a:11 (?)

111 , Mary Farrnr ol' l'nttou, I', Q.; 3 dn11ghtc1·s1 11orhaps moro ch, .;lt1<lrcw•, h, 1831S1 ( 't) 111,

wltl. Allon, res. Now1,ort, Vt,, 2 sous, Ill,; dau. d, Alexumlcr•, b, 18U (?) m. ll'llllu1n•, twice 111., oh, by 1st w., boy null girl by 2<1. l',1rolil1c8, 111, -- Uolllus of l'ottou, Ju111,-A1

111 , Lllcblleld of 1lrow11l11gto111 Vt., farmer, ch, girl and boy, Son•, d, Matilda', b, 1805, ti,, 111 , 2-& Oct, l82'l1 l'hlll11 Guo1lwl11 of Stauston1I, nlit, her nge, farmer, ti, hlj.•, d, Two Sousr, ti, Amy', b, 11!1:l, m, J8a7, as 2d w., Samuel Chase of Stuust~ad, who d, 1881 1 fnn11c1·, rem, 1839 l<lrby, lall:4 U11dorhi11 1 Vt, Lcmuel8, b. fall 1833, 111, Sc,mutl•, b, 183li, d, 18ll7, ('t) J/ury•, b, 1837, d, young, Susan7, 24 Oct, 18l1i, 111. JIS AJ•r. 183-1, Austill Thayer, b~ Woodt1tock, Cuuu,, 1 Sc11t. UHG, rem. 1838 l{lrby, 1843 to Victory, let. l<lrhy 1863, In l&il to Uurko, Yt., farmer, 11,111/tl .1/,8

1 26 JJco. 1834, m, 1856, I-'rn11cl'lla8 llart,vell of Whitefield, N. II., b, 1830, div. 1867, m. :.!tl w. Jane 'l'aylor of J,y111lo11, Yt,, who d, 180:.!; 3tl w., ~l11rln Cnrlton of Newark, Vt,, who d. 4 July 11184; res. Whitefield, N, 11, 8aloula9, b, 1800, 111, Wllllnm .Nozcnu, res.


So. Troy, Vt. Jlenriettaio, wm1am10, d, Lllla0, m. Huley Root of Lyndon, res. St. Johns­bury, Vt. /n/,1°1 d, l!'rederlck11, b. New Ireland, P, Q. Cbarles9, do, DanleJ11, b, Whitefield, N. H, Wllllamt, Ann11, Asa. L.•, 18 Dec. 1836, m. 18li6, Charlotte Allard of Newark, Vt.; d, ch.-b. 1867; m. 2d w., l\largaret Donahay of New Irelnml, P, Q,, b. 1839, d. Juno 1883; Joiner, sett. fu Newark, Vt., rem. 1862 Kirby, Vt., 1803 New Ireland, P. Q., 1870 Whitefield, N. H, Winfield S.0, b, 1869, m. - McMIiian of Whltl'ftcld, N, H., has 3 ob. Ellent, m. William Wright, b. Scotland, res. Lancaster, N, H., 2 sc,ns. Austino, mill hanct, :nethlehem, N. H. Susnn9, m. Harry Morse, farmer, Lancaster, N. JI, Robert', Jane', 2 moreo. Robert L.•, 2IS Feb, 1839, farmer, m. 3 Oct. 1882, Anna Reed, 20 July 1863, Harvelin L.•, 8 Mar. 18-41, d, young. Annis M.e, 2 Mar. 18-13, m. Nov, 1801, Henry White of Lyncton, Vt., b. 1843, farmer, Stanstead, P. Q. Henryv, ti June 180/S, Frank•, Nov. 1877, J,/nr11 L,•, 1 June 18!.5, d. Inf, Harvelfn A.•, 1 Sept. 1849, m. 1872, Minda Danforth of Stan stead, b. 1849. llenryv, Nov. 1873, Leonorah•, b, 1881, Louisa H.•, 6 June 1861, d. Inf. Eliza J.•, lti A11r. ISM, m. 21 Dec. 18811 Ashley Williams of Lyndon, Vt., l\lar. ISM, farmer. Rosella N. 11, 8 Mar. 1882, Rosella•, 18 Aug, 1868, tl, 30 Dec. 18W. Sanyr, d., m. James Thayer, bro. Austin, ante, farmer Stanstead. Sybfl1, In, as 2d w. Cornelius Morgan, res. Magoun's Pt., P. Q. Emlfyr, m. --Hean. Ira', m. - Magoun or Westfield, Vt, Julla7, m. - Magoun or Stanstead, farmer, d,, m. 2d hu11., bad ch, by Magoun.

Lowis", 2.2 Apr., 1787, d, of cancer, m. Tabitha Driggs, who d.; 2d w. Sally Magoun of Sumstead; farmer, sett. at S., rem, I>otton, P. Q,, d. thore.

r.ewfsT, m., d. Talitha', d, m. John l,aducer, shoemaker, rem, Lyndon, Vt., d,; she rom, to Ill, Jess~, m., bad 2 ch.; harnessmaker, sett. St. Johnsbury, Vt,, rem. Mass. Aurelia•, d,, m. her uncle, Joshua' lfRrtwell, aeq, q, v. Wesley•. Marla•, m. Wllllam Gorham, b. P. Q., d,; she went west; bail a oh. Joshua7, m. Aurelia• Laducer; rem. Jlumboltlt Co., Ia.. Georger, m. 2 Apr. 18611, Wealthy Eggleston of Burke, Vt., 11 Dec, 1831; sawyer, J,yndon, Vt., rem. 1871, Hardy, Ia., farmer. llcrtrmto•, ~l Mar, 1801, lnJ.•, b. 187'1, d. .Ji;dwardr, twice m., wont to Dakota,

Warren8, 8 Mar., 1780, d. Juno, 1840, m. Catherine Atkinson of Stanstcad, P.Q., H A11r., 170-i, (l 0, Mar., 1856; farmer, Lyndon, rem. 18.20 to Stanstcad, d, titer(',

Nelson', 1 Jan. 1811, thrown from carriage, kllled, 27 June 1886, m, May 1834, Elccta Wnltcr of i,;, Haven, Vt,, 17 AIRr. 1817; farmer, E. Haven, Oharlu1, 1 Feb, 1831S, rn. 1867, Calli~t-1\ Laing, Who d ; 111. 2 Aug, 1874, 2d w., Busan Wentworth; went to l<'rce Boll, l\llch., rot., 0111, 28 Jnu. 1862, JC, 8th Vt, Vole., <llsch, Ii July 1802; blacksmith, rot. after war to l\llch. JsalieJP, George•, May 1861, Herllert11, ld6 nee. 1870, Qufucy•, 10 Ang. 1870, Charlotte JV, Ii Oct. 1ss.~. llarlowt, 271\11\r, 1838, d, 26 Dec. 1861, enl. 22 Apr. 1801, D, 3d Vt, Vols,; m. 22 Sept. J8fi7. I>avld E •, 22 Sept, 1859. llulow A,11, 3 ~ov, 1801, laabell~, 0 Feb, 1840, d. JO l\far, JSOIJ, 1n, 111 May 18li0, I>avhl Archer, res. lslancl Pond, Vt. Helen 1,,11, 9 July IMO, d, Inf, J,orlncla J.•, Ii Nov. UHi!, m. ll Aug. 1&13, Horace Houston or Victory, Vt., O Apr. 18301 farmer, Ethel11, 22 l\lay 187-1. Luvla•, 24 Mar, 1847, d. 22 Nov, 1802, m, 4 July 1861, Jerome N. Holden or nurkr, Vt., 20 June 1840, d. 1 Nov. 1872, farmer, E. Haven, J, Quine)'°, JO So11t. 1802. Melissa JJ.8


Jrna 1865, m. 4 Mar. 1874, WIiiiam F, Hatchelder, ll, Stnnuard, Vt., 21 Jnu. 1862,palntcr, rem, P .'eesoll, Mich. I.uvla I.0, 27 Se1>t, 1874, d. luf, William I,.•, 4 Apr. 1877, cl, 10 Atir, 188?, l\llrandar, 31 Aug, 1812, d. 18 Juno 1870, m. 8 Nov. 18:18, tlewell JI, llcau of Orafton, N. u., 8 June 1814, farmer, sett. Kirby, Vt., rcni, Orarton, N.11., 1!<41, later to :Mass., rot. 1847 to Kirby. /leuben4, l l\lar. 18-10, d, Inf, J/arth,1•, 2.1 Dec. 1841, d. ch.-b., 11 No,·, 180..1, m. nc<', 1862, Samuol Hunter, b, Ca111ull\, ,tlarv .H.•, 28 Dec. 18-13, cl. I Oct, 1863, m. 3 ,111110 1860, Nathan l'arker of Lyndon, 7 A11r, 1840, Joh teamster. Clwrlcs9, 17 Ma1 1840, ra1·111cr, 1n. 21 Nov, 1871, Clara Emerson of ~lurke, Vt., 16 A)lr, IBM, Emily•, 27 Aug. 187-1. Cnrolh10~, 111 July 1870, J.uvfav, 20 J>eo, 1883, Lura•, 21 J>co. 1848, 111. t Nov. IBOli, Henry llalley or n, 11111•

mondvlllo, I', (l,, b, 1843, car1>, Lyndon. Hdgar'. 11 A11r, 1867. Charlcs0, 12 Apr. l&JO. CaMne, ll July 1871, Elwyn", 20 Nov. 1873, Oeorge•, 20 No\', 18711, Wllllnm9, 29 Jnu. 1878. Charlotte', 6 Aug. 1880. Lillian•, 27 AJ>r. 1883, .fmawla8, 8 Juno 1861, d, 4 Aug, 18741 m. 7 July t&i9, Henry Aldrich of Lyndon, 2 July 184!!, Carmer. l\laryv, 12 1''eb, 1871, Jenuyv, 12 July 1873, d. fof, Jolin•, 28 Nov. ISM, 111. 6 Jnu. ISSI, Martha Hadley or Mcrldou, N,H., b. 1861; joiner In Lyndon, Inf.', 2d Juno 1881, tl, Jnr.11, 20 A11r. 1884, cl, Hay•, 21 t:1011t, 1886. r,onlsa7, 26 J,'eb, 18111, m. ll Feb. 1834, l\lnnnlng Walter of E, Haven, 3 !!'eh. 1800, d. O So11t, 1856, farmer. Cllfto11e, 115 Nov, 1864, d, Inf, S1tmant11a B.•, 2 Mny 18315, d. 28 Aug, 1877, m. 24 .Mar. 1867, Wlllla1n 1'}, Aldrich of Hrlghton, Vt., 20 Aug. 183'>, fRrmor, Jo:, Jla,·cn, George•, Jo ~lnr. 18.59, d. 27 ,Jan. 1805. Adella', 15 Aug, l81ll, m. 17 Oct. 11182, l<'ranols lladger, O Juno 1867, moulder, Concord, N. H. Oliarles ,11,1°, Edward .M,', Ii Alar. lt!Ja. Carolluo li,0, 12 l\lar. 1800, Clara s,u, twJu,

LYNDON, VT, 16-l

Mary E.91 13 Mar. 1868.Orpha•, 21 Aug, 1870, Margaret s.o, 22 May 1876, Oscar T. 8, 30 JulJ

18371 m, 11 Jan. 1864, 1<;11en Martin of Burke, 6 Nov. 11H4, cl. 11 Nov. 1871; m, 12 Dec. 1872, 2d w,, Abby Smith of E.Haven, 17 Aug. 1855; farmer on tbe homesteacl. Orpha JI.•, 9 Nov, 1842, cl, 10 Feb. 1866, m. 1 Jan. 1860, William A, Eggleston, bro. Wealthy, w. Geo.' Hartwell, ante, 23 Nov. 1831,, sett, E. Haven, Vt., 110w sawyer and Joiner, Lyndon; enl, H Sept. 1802, E, 15th Vt, Vols., re-eul, 4 Aug, 1864, out 24 June 1865, In battle of Cedar creek, siege of Petereburg. Helen M,•, 2.5 Feb, 1862, d, 5 .Al!g, 1884, m. 8 June 1881, John Dasbney, b. Canada, farmer. llelcn, 4 Aug, 1882, Orpha c.•, 5 Aug. 1864. Aim on n.•, 80 A1>r, 1845, kl11ed In E, Haven by a rolling Jog, Ii Feb, 1882, .Ficlel1a•, 7 Nov, 1850, m, 27 Nov. 1871, Rufus C, Foster, b, Moretown, Vt., 13 Dec. 1849, farmer, Newark. Osman E.•, 23 July 1872, d. young. JeSBle9, 4 Sept. 1870, Charles R.•, JS Apr. 1878, George L.0, 9 Mny 1880, Henry C, I.•, 10 July ISM. Mary J.•, 23 Apr. 18.54, m, 17 Dec. 18i8, Lyman Sleeper of Newark, Vt,, farmer. lfl/,', Nov. tsro, d, Celcstil\7, 8 Mar. 18201 w, Samuel Hanticom of Wheelock, Vt., wbo d, 11 July 1865; m. Oct, 1866, 2d bus., David Hean of tbat town, 1 Jan. 1818, d, 27 July 1881, Alonzo', 18 SeJ>t, 1824, farmer, m. 1845, Mary Fox of Barnston, P. Q., who d.; 111. Mar-1863, 2d w., Sarah make, who d, 1881. l"re1lerlcl.•, 1 Sept. 1860, m. 2 Nov. 1883, Dora Herry of Mansonvlllo, P, Q., b, 1807, Herbert•, o Jan. 1858, Melinda', 9 Dec, 1820, m. 30 Mar, 184:S, Cyrus H, llcal, b. Lynn, 2-1 Mar. 1824, sboemnker, Natick, IJelfa•, 29 Juue 1846, m, 27 June 1800, Charles E, Glisun, b, Canada 1837, shoemaker, Natick, sol<ller In N. Y, regiment, never ltoard ot; 2d bus. Elijah A, Godfrey of Taunton, b, about 1840, shoemaker, Cam11ello, Susan 1\1.•Gllson, 20 Dec. 1800; m, 2.5 Nov. 1880, Frcclerlck E, Felton, b. Marll.Joro, 1846, shoemaker. Charles 0,11, 24 Jan. 1803, m. H July 18831 Fanny Graham or So, lJoston, 3 Sept, 1805, Florence 11.10, 2 Oct. 1880, Sarah E.0 Oo<lfrey, 20 Nov. 18001 Ill, July lSS:S, I.cvl Nute of Campcllo, Jan, 1806, shoemaker. c11rus a.1~, I<'eb. 1880, Martha E.•, 15 Aug, 1808, Ccll'&tla0, Oct. 18i0. m, 4 Ja11, 18801 1''rauk E, 1'hompson of Weymouth, res, Ca1111101lo, was In U. 8, secret service In Cal, Cyrus A,P, 15 Mar. 18721 d, 13 AUi, ISM, Calvin J<:.•, 20 A11r, 187-1, Ueteey M,9, Aug, 18715. I<'rank II.•, 6 Nov, 18771 d. Inf, Cele1t1a•, 4 Juno 1848, DJ, 30 Apr, 1807, Levi Edgerly, b, Dexter, Me,, 23 l>ec. 1836, shoemaker, Natick, sn,ena M.•, 12 Se11t, 1808, m, 2-1 Mar, 1887, Oscar F, :Pike of Hoston, n.n. bagg,-nmstor, b, 1802, Hertha 1'',0, 29 Juno 1871, lt1\111h w.•, 8 Mar. 187.0, Calvin W. 9, 7 Aug, 18111, shoemaker, m, 5 June 18771 Flora F:, 8lee11er of W, Burke, Vt., Apr, 1851, J/eltn<la•, 4 Jan, 1858. 011r11s u.•, 2 Se)lt, 1865, sltoemnker. Catherine L,T1 July 1830, d, about 18701 1n, A1,r, 1848, mlwln Healey of Stanstead, I', <i., b. 18:l8 ('l), shoe­maker, weut to Deihl, Ind., farmer, Amelta c.•, AJ>r, 1851, d., 111, I.eon Hearclslcy, th. from Phlla,, l'a,, carriage maker, Manchester, la,; had ch,, d. Wtllls1, m., agr, Imp. dealer, Earl• ville, Ia, Emma•, m, a tel, op., live Dakota. Edward•, with t,ls, EmmB, Warren', 21 8e)lt, 18331 m, 0 Mar, ISM, Rebecca l'owers of Athens, Vt., o Aug, 11.135; fnrmer, E, Jlavou, huld town offices, mem, Lcgls, lloaell<L1, 23 I>ec. ISM, d, 15 }'ob, 1864. ,l/fr101<la•, o Jnn, 1858, w, 10 Nov, 1870, Krwln A, Jludaon of Newark, re11. E, llavon, Vt., b, 1800, Nora,, 2 Aug, 1878, Nom1a11•, Ul Jau, 1882, Norman•, 29 A11r, 1801, carp,, 1u, 2 Jau, 1880, luoz Hugbco, .Y11lvla•, 21 Nov. 1870,

Mellnda8, 17 May, 1701, d. 17 Mar., 1800, m. 28 Apr.,,1816, aa 8ll w., Nathan l'arker, b. Winchester, N. II,, 0 Mny, 1778. d, 24 J<'cb. 1 1848, in Lyndon, Vt.; m, as 2d w., her cousin, Phllemon llartwcll of Newark, Vt., seq. q. ,v,

l\latU1la', 12 Oct. 1815, m, John M, Hoyt or Lyndon, Vt., 10 June 1810, cl. 21 Aug, 18701 merch,, hotel kec11cr, town clerk. Sarah', 8 July 1817, 111, 12 A11r, 1848, 1<; CIBrke or StrRtfonl, N,

JI,, 19 SoJ>t, 1817, ti. 11 July 1883, fnrmcr, l<lrlJy, 1'0111. 18751 Lyndon, Yt, Carlo, 1•.•, 20 l\lnr, 1854, ti, 11 Aug. 1803, /(l(t J,',1, JI Aug. ll.lOO, d, young. Snlouln', 0 lo'elJ.1820, m. as 21I w., 22 So11t, 18U, Jnson Urn11loy of St, Johnsbury, Vt,, JO July 1814, cl, 24 l\lar. 1882, fnr11101·, rem• 1800 to Ly1Hlon, Vt. Kll,m lrl.•, 19 Juno 18451 m. 30 AJ1r. 1800, Jo11IRh 1\1, Halley of Waterford, Vt,, h. UHi, res. Alletou, l'orkcr', 23 Juno 1847, Wflllcrm JI, JI,•, 8 Juno JIM91 111, 2'.d BoJ>t, 18731 l,ucltuln Parks of Lyndon; haok driver, res. l'o1>11crell. CorRo, JO Tune 1874, Martlla E.•, 20 Mny 1851 1 <1, 7 So)lt, 1808, Amasa 11.•, 23 801,t, JSM, went 188i tc.1 Toptkn, Kns,, atn, eng. In foundry, llormcrn I'.•, 1 I>cc. 1850, m. 18 Juno 1881, Ruby L. Uedncy of Coventry, Vt,, Nov, 1850; farmer, Lyndon, lllanche 1.9, 8 fcJlt, Jllilll. lcla s.•, JO Sc11t, 1858, 111. 29 Nov, 1877, Joso11h O. Cochran of Wheelock, Vt., l<'cb, 1865, 1·0111. 18i9 To11ekR, Kns., 11artnor In fou111try, 11nttcrn mnker, Cordelia,, 5 May 1822, m. 5 Nov. 1843, John •·1aher of Lyndon, 3 Oct, 1817, lJlacksmltb, farmer. lUur11 J.•, 20 July 16411, m, OJuly 180.'J, George W. Iugrnhatn of Victory, Vt., 2 Oct, 1835, farmer, I,yn1lon, Ol1arle1 JJ.•, 11> l\lay 1847, m, 7 Mnr. 1882, lllnry 1<'. LBduccr or Lyn<lon, Vt. Slclneu c.~, 19 l<'eb. 1850, d, 22 Mar, 18i9, Jolin ,11.•, ll July 1852, d, young, Malflda <J.•, 21 Oct, 1856, d, JS Nov, 1874, m. 21 July 18i3, L<'Oll Lol'ngo of Hyde 1•ark, b, l\loutroal, 1862, Sc&rcih A.•, 1 July 1860, lll, I Jau, !878, Kdwanl llushoy of Uloh11101ul,


P, Q, Tyler', H June 1824, m. Amelia Carpenter of Kirby, Vt., who d. 7 Juno 1874; m. 20 July 1870, 2d w. Minerva Filer of Burke, Vt., who d, Nov. 1879; m. 1881 1 3d w. Ann Barnett, m, n. Paul; tanner, cattle bu)·er In Kirby, mercb, and Jeweller, Lyndon, rem. 188!, Littleton, N. H., In gro, trade. llarleys, 20 July 1856, lu trade with bis father, 01, July 1882, Lillian Ingalls of Lyndon, Annette&, 22 July 1864, m, 20 May 1886, William Silsbee or Lyndon, 20 July 1867, cond. P, R. R, Freclerl~ks, l\lay 1806, d. Mar, 1872, Pe,·sb•, 18 A11r. 1874. Hollls1, 30 Nov, 1827, m. Sarah Bronson of Lyndon; blacksmith, rem, 1872, Littleton, N. JI. Edu,111•, b. 1806,

Miranda8, 21 Jan 1793, d. 27 July, 1880, m. 11 Dec., 1814, ,Joshua Locklin, b, Putney, Vt., 6 May, 178B, ct. 22 Feb., 1863, sett. Lyndon, rem 1821 to farm in cast part of town, sett. hy Timothy Ide, first farm opcnell in town, cast of the river. Mrs. L. was the only survivor of the 6th gen. known to the writer, who met her in June, 1886, possessed of a vigorous mind and retentive memory, able to ghc much information of her branch of the family that would ha,·e been very difficult to trace.

Sophia L.,, 28 Feb, 1810, m. 12 May 18111, Loved Porter of .Atheus, Vt., 1 Oct. 180/S, d, 8 Aug, 1807, farmer; m, o l\lar, 1810, Zenas n. nrown of J.yndou, 20 J>cc. 1800, d. 22 Nov.1ss1, fl\rmer, She res, on the homestead, cared for her aged mother, who res. with her, /1nbtllct 1,,1, 1 Aug, 1862, d, 21 Mny 1862. Ueorue L.•, 18 Nov. 1863, d, 18 A11r. 1862. Samantha T.r, 29 July 1818, d, 26 Oct, 1861, m. 24 Jan. 1846, Charles Cole of Watl'rford, Vt,, b, 1820, machinist, In emp. of F. R. R. Co., later delivery agent of Hlood Locomotive Works, Manchester, N. 11, Emma•, 31''eb. 1848, d. :! Deo, 1867, Cllarles8 , d, Harvalllml F,', H July 1820, m. 13 l\fnr, 1845, Melissa Knap11 of Lyndon, Vt,, who d. 1807; went 185:J Northfield, Vt., n. R. mrm, Inter to Mnuchester, N. If,, gro, tra,le; 1862 to Omnhn, Neb., erected J111m1111 for U. l', n. n. Co., d. Fremont, Neb. Klla L.•, 'H l\tar. 1840, m. 20 Sept. 1807, Jnrnc11 Holiler or St. Johnshury, Vt., machinist In Scnlo Works, Inf, rem,11, Ui May 1800, d, Inf. fcm.0, 23 A11r, 1870, 11, Agues l\f,11, 26 A11r, 1871, Myrtle JV, 4 Ang, 1870, Charlotte l\l.11, 13 Aug, 1878. C:lwrlcse, cl, I>lana o.,, 24 July 1822, 11, IS Nov, 18li0, Wllllam U'.,7, 30 l\lnr. 1815, farmer on homostond, m. 28 Nov, 1849, Nancy C. Coo or Hurko, Vt., O Fob, 1828. llcirrlct JJ.•, 4 l\lnr. 1806. lloraco II'.•, O May 1871, Horace n.,, 10 ,Tuly 1831, d, O Mar. 1860, m, 2li I>cc. 1l!07, Sophia 11, Chester of Duddswell, 1•, Q., 20 Jan. 1835, succe1111lvely 11wltchmnn, baggage master, ticket agt., 110111. ticket agt., supt. Central Vt, R, n. llorlcnao II.•, 29 l\tnr. 1860, Emily c.,, O Nov, 1~, 111, HI Oct. 1801, Samuel Cooper, b, llull, t:ug., 2'l l<'eb. 1832, emigrated 181:H, dra.ughtswnn, mood's Loo, Works, :Mauchester, N, H,, now In gro, trade,

Sally•, G Jan., 170li, d,; m. Luke ~•arnsworth of Groton, d; farmer.

Clatullus H,7, grad. Hnrvard, ntt.'y-at-law, Pawtucket, U. I,, m, -- McIntire. Susan M.,, m, Horace Ha111llto11 or N, Yarmouth, Mo., machinist, Two or more cblhlron, d, youug,

Hannah•, 11 Aug., 1700, 11. 1885; m. as 2d w, Cornelius Morgan of Wntcrford, Vt.; rom. 1885 to Parishville, N. Y.

Betsy', m, - Col'aor or Sutton, Vt., wont Pnrlsll\·lllo, Almira', m, -- Corsor of Butt.on, Vt,, wont to I'. ,J1u101, d. young. Cornolln', m. ChnrlrsT, Ch1tlorclln',

'l'ylor8, 12 Mar., 1708, cl.; m. Nancy }>11rso:1s of Waterford, Vt., d.; fnrmor, l!arp., brick-maker, Uowancy7, m., cl.; 1irob. other uh. Olirnr8, 2G Sl'pt., 170ll, d. Sept. 1870; rn, 11 July, 1810, Snlly Ayer of St. Johnsbury, Vt., who d.; 111. :M w. Mary Calkins of Wntcrforll, Vt , b. 1805, J. sJJr, 1878; farmer, settled at 8tnn• stead, P. Q.

Mary A,', d, fall 1803, Ill, Henry Frink, rem. Hockrord, Ill. E1lwnrt11, d. o Nov. 1882; carp., foreuum of lt, n. construction In N. J.t States and N. Y.; shlp11ed ns car11ontcr's mnto 011 a U, 8, wnr vessel, In 1840 left tho sbl11 In Cal, Wnntr, d, no. 22, In 1818 or before. JletsoyT, 13 Mny, 1827, m. Mar. 1857, Jesse JI. llatcllohlo1 or Vershire, Yt., 11 July, 182-1; farmer, 8tnn­stoad, P, Q, Atlclfne8, d, young, l'h ?be A,', m. George ll. Ucynllhls of C<>lton, N. Y., h. 1820, d, 10 Jan, 1882; lived Stnnstoad, 1•, Q. Hmmci F 8, 12 Jlob. 18-10, m, Oct. 18i0, I.owls J, Burdett or Clinton, foreman In button fnctor)', Nortl1boro, l•'lorcnce9, llnroM', J1crnnr11v, Ocoruc o.•, 11 Mar, 1848, d, 23 8011t. !BISS. Wilbur .-4.8, 2G l~eb. 1800, 111, 2.'i July,~~. A1111n I', l•'elton or JJnuvors, I 1-'ob. 1803, sch, ten.; sett. nt Woburn ns n dentist lstt3, In a 11110 practice. Cnrl J<'.o, 20 Juno 188-1, JMuar v.•, 2 Oct. 1801, drug clerk, O1ml11or, A1lel1tlllcs, 1U July, 1805, .Mal-


vlna7, d. ae, 12, Caroline7, d. Manchester, N, II., 26 Se11t, 18M, ne, 19. Osroan1, 3 Nov. 1836, went 1851S to Bostou, eng, In Ice hue.; m. 11 June JSC0, Esther l'belJIS of Stan bridge, P. Q., 26 Se11t. 1830; rem. 18C1 to Rtanstead; farmer; ret. to his former busluess In Iloston 1870, sett, Charlestown; rem. 1884 to Cnn1hrh1ge. Emma a.•. 0 April JSCI, d. young, Ida J.•, 24 Aug. 18C2, m. 22 Jan. 1884, Charles L. Collins of Boston, 1 llfay 1857; newsdealer. Richard E.o, 10 July 1884. Alfce L.•, 3 Se11t, 1867, <.'llarlcs w.•.10 .AJlr, 1871, Grace I.•, 20 .Aug, 1874, Mabel o.•, 15 .Aug, 1870. ,1/attd c.•, twin. Emily o.•, 25 Jan, 1878, Adeline', m. Rufus Enger of Lancaster, co11per 11um11 maker. Charles B.•, d, 186li, /Je1·tlla•, Aug, 18CO, WIiiiam H.7, b, 1840, m. Lynn Ward, b, N. S.; ca1'}1,, Cambridge:

8ophronln8, 8 Aug, 1803, d. 1 }'eb. 18701 m, 14 Jan. 1821, Levi WIider of Lyndon, 20 Nov, 17M, d. 1 Feb, 1876, farmer. Inf.', d. I>lantlla', 20 Oct. 1823, d. 4 llfnr. 1885, m. Levi Ktmdall of Landaff, N. H., farmer, Aclehlhle•, d. 1805. So)lbronla•. Henrietta•, m -- Bronson, Bela. A.', 14 Juno 1824, m. 1 Juno 1850, Mary C. Woo1l of Do\·or, Vt., In 1846 went Cblco)lee, worked In a cotton mill, later stu,Ued medicine, com, prnc, Holyoke, rem. Derby Line, Vt,, Jll50 Delton, Wis., 1Si6, Atlantic, 1886 Slhloy, II\, Carlton v.•, 2'J BeJ)t, 1SIS7, l"lora', 8 Feb. 1820, 111., as 211 w., llenjnmln Woo1llmry of Concord, Vt., ti.; m. 211 huK,, Wllllnm Savage of St. Johnsbury, Yt., ten11111ter at I,ancaster, N, II, I,11,lla', d. So11hronfci', 28 Jan. 1828, d, 8 Jan. 1852, 4'/lramla', 10 Mar. 1830, 111., ns 2d w., Moses Do,Jge of Lunenburg, Vt., farmer, 1':ltatt Jt.', 10 J<'eb, 1833, m. 23 Se11t. l&i0, Alvira Monroo or ltlchford, Vt., 30 July 1832; sott. J,owoll, Jlrov, dealer until 1876, 11lnce r,nmor In I,yndon, butcher slnco HIM, Mabel A.•, 12 Jan, 1800, m. 28 Oct. 1&!5, Jnmes Jo:. Simpson or l,yudou, 18 Aug, JSC3, farmer. Catherine o.•, ll 1''eb, 18tl8, lf'tlllmnt, 10 Dec. 1834, d. youug, llarcllJ L.', ll Peb. 1837, d, 10 July 1813. Alar11', 10 Nov. 1838, d, 0 l\fny 1861, Suacm J,', 13 Nov. 18401 m. I 1800, Lot Woo1lhury, son or Jlenjamln, bus. of lier stator Plora, a11te, rarmor, Concord, Vt, Adelnhte•. Hardy~. Slt11s', 11 Oct, 1842, d, I J."eb. 18701 1u, 11 Oct. 1874, Fanny Lnducer of lClrby, \'t., 21 l'tfar. 1840, Harry s.•, 20 .A11r. 1870,

Florae, IS Aug, 1803, d. 28 }'eb, 1878, m, 9 l\lar. 1820, William C. l'tlorgan of Waterford, Vt,, 23 Foh. 1608, farmer, Lyndon, Av<trl11tha', o I>cc, 1830, m. l>n11lcl 1''ord of Newhury, Vt., farmer. Mny n.~, 1 Mny 1874. Oeoroe', 26 July 1832, m. 1 Jnn. 1868, Bamantlm l'orter or Lyndon, J7 Oct. 1830; gro. trade, Mnnchoster, N. II, //enr11 II,', 20 Oct, 1838, cnl, 10 Aug, 18C3, l'tf, l!Sth Vt. Vols., reorg. lat Vt, Uenvy Art., must, out Se11t, 180IS; In battles or Wilderness, S11ott­sylvanla, Cold Harbor, North Anna, before l'etersburg, Haylor's Creek, Loo's surrender; went New York city, 2 yrs. tu manf, stencil )llnto11, dies, &c.; ret. Ly111lon, operated a saw­mill until 1870; we11t back to New York, foreman Stafford Manr. Co. until 1884, sin co designer for letter signs. 111,rrls'?n', 20 Nov. 1840, d, Inf, Sura/, A,,, 24 Nov. 11141, d. 30 Oct. 1858,

I hn,·o knowledge of two other chlldren of Joseph4 : Timothyl, 11rob. youngest, arul Wlllinma, who must bo next in succession to Ollverl, Chances f,wor tho ex­istence of others, concerning whom I hnvc us yot lcnrued nothing. I begin with Wllllam, 1>rob. born 1757 or 17081 pub. 12 Aug., 1778, to mnrry Susnnnu Colo, also recorded in Wcstmorolnml, N, JI., m. to Lucy Dawes, :!2 Jan., 1702; tradition says Wl'ltt to Now York Stnto. Ho onl., 0 July, 1770, in Col. Horcules Moonoy's regt. for six mos. servlco in U. I. A record la also found in W. of birth of IL ch., Lucy•, 20 A11r., 1708, I recoh·ed in 1885 a pnrtlnl record of fiimlly of Ephraim•, son of Wlllhuna, sent by his son, Jnmcs 11.7 JI., of Deputy, Iml., giving birth of EJ1hr11lm8,

5 Sc1>t,, 1708, son of ht w. Susanna, which must be error, JJlnciug dnto of birth two or three ycnrs too Into. llo d. 20 Se11t,, 1876, in Deputy, Ind,, 111, 1815, Ellz­nheth Wright, who d, 1818; 111. Oct., 1810, Susunnnh Uurncs, who d. 4 Mey, 1850. I hnvo tried in nin for further informntion from ull tho sons now living,

BRrnh A,', 13 A11r, 1810, 11rob. 111,, res. mno OraBS, Ia., whore I lenrne,t In 1885 a Hartwell bad Jh·od, perhn11s hN· cousin, I,owl11t, 20 Oct, tlll7, m, 1838, res, llo)luty, 11111, Joso11h', 10 Aug, 1820, d. 1834. Evnlino', 18 Oct. 1822, res. AlJ>ha, Ind, Jnmes n.,, t June 1826, 111. 1 .Apr. 1858, Susan McOonlgal, b, Berwick, l'a., 20 Se)lt, 1830; la a miller and fannor, JJ,mlcl H,•, 14 May 1859, Nelson JI.•, 24 l\tny 1802, res. lllRryvlllo, Mo, .Uhmo.•, 20 June 1864, .Kllrabeth M.•, 24 I>eo. 1870, John', t May 1828, res. Oayo110, l'tlo. Wllll1un n.,, 11 Aug. 1830, res. Crete, la, (No 11uch 1', o. ht tho 11lrcctory,) All bis ch, were bor11 In Ind., tho last flvo In Do1mty,

Ucllef), 111., went to N. Y. state. 'fhnothya, 23 July, 1708, d 27 Muy, 1840, m. 0 July, 1780, Lydiu Colo of Wostmorclund, N. II., -1 Aug., 1700 (ba}>, H Sc1>t,), d.

THOllPSON, 0. 107

18 Aug., 1842; rem. ns enrly ns 1783 to Putney, 1799 Springfield, Vt., nnd in 1803 to Lyndon, later to Ncwnrk, Vt., where he died. I1hilemon6, 15 l!'eb., 1787, d. 8 Aug., 1878, m. 28 June, 1812, Sully Holl, h. Guilford, Conn., 2 Dec., 1789, d. 7 Aug., 1845; first rn. in Newark. She was the first white child b. in thnt town, her father, the first settler. Mr. 11. m. 18 Oct., 1846, 2d w., l\lclinda8 I1arkor, m. n. Hartwell, ante; was many years town clerk, three times mom. Legislature.

Alonzo', 20 l\lay 1813, d. 20 July 1873, m. Juue 184?., Sarah Hum11hreys of Sutton, Vt., who d. 16 Jan. 1860; faruter, Newark, Vt., Hath, Lisbon, N, H. Laureatfue .A.a, 22 A11r, 1843, d. 31 Jan, 1876, m. 6 Sept. 1806, Augustus Alvord, b. Holton, Conn., 31 Aug. 183-1; enl. Nov. 11103, E, 1st Conn, Heavy Art., RJII'• Jau. I&-6 cba)llalu 31st U, 8, col'd regt., resigned in 'fexas, Oct. 18611; g1·ad. Dartmouth 1802, ord, min, 0 Jan. 1866, coug, min., Ridgebury, Conn., 1807-71, later succes■lvely W, Suffield, Conn., Cu1umlngton, \V, Granvllle, Bralutrce, Vt,, Hillsboro', ~.II., since 18811 l'rescott, !\lass, Mabel A,u, 7 July 187'.l, A11uian JY •, b, 1846, er,1, 13 Aug. 1802, JI, 9th Vt. Vols., out IQ June 1866, cn11tured at 81,ottsylvanla, C, JI,, prls, at Andersonville, m. 18671 Josc11hlne -, rem, Sioux Falls, Dak., Inter to Atwood, .Mich, Scw/orclR, b. 1847 ( ?), res. Lisbon, N, JI, .Lorlncla•, b, 1860, m, 30 May 187-1, Fra11klh1 P. Dlshol', b, Westmore, Vt,, R,R, ruau. Harley o.e, 26 Oct. 187'1, Oscar».•, 22 Oct. 1863, m, 12 Sel't, 1870, EllzalJetb L. Codmnn of Washington, N. H,, 20 May 1866; trav, sales, res, Nashua, N. 11. Francis o.•, 22 Oot. 1870, I>au, b, s11r, 1880, Viola 8, 16 Aug, 1858, rn, 16 Aug. 1884, l<'rank W. Jones or London­derry, N. H,, 30 .May 1800; moulder, res. Nashua, N, JI, I,odolskn', 6 Jan. 1816, d, 17 Aug, 1868, m, 12 Dec. 1838, Alvin Carroll of Newark, Vt., 10 l<'eb, 1812; farmer. Charlea fl.•, 21 JAIi, 1840, enl, 10 Feb, 1802 J{ 8th Vt. Vols., killed 011 lt, R, train 11cnr Houteo sta., La., attack by confederate troo111 4 He11t, 1802, Weatcv /',•, 22 Aug, 1843, eul, 10 July 1801 J{ 3d Vt. Vol11,, out 16 Feb, 18031 re-cul, 2d Vt, Ualt. Art,; went after war to l\ll1111,, 11rao, at S11rlng Valley 1870, rem. 1873 Cheyenne, Wyo, William H, H,r, 18Jan. 1817, m. 8 A11r, 1838, Susan Farmc,r or llurke, Vt,, 2 June 1812, d, o Oct, 1880; farmer, rem. 1866 811rlog Valley, l\llnn. Mllci A.•, 6 May 1841, m. James W, Smith of llurke, h, 1838, cul. 3 Feb, 1802 K 8th Vt, Vols., re-cul, vot, 18 J,'cb, 1864, 2d Lieut, 20th, Cn11tnln 23d; rem, 1800 to Minn,, Inter to I>akota, Ada", d, you11g, ch, b, in west, some d, Atlellne lU,•, b, Deo, 1843, d, young, Wllllam JI, JI,•, 10 Nov. 1840, enl. 1863 D 11th Vt, Vols, on duty In Washington, to the front 16 l\lny 1864, 2<1 battle of SJJott• aylvanla 18 May and at Cold Harbor; m, In S11rlng Valley, Minn., rem. Ramlall, Dak.; farmer, Jamea', 1 Deo, 1862, went to Exl'ress Jtanch, Ore,, 1872; miner, Sare11ta', 6 A)lr, 1810, d, 18 Jan, 1846, Ozro A,', 16 A11r. 18~1, 111, 18 Oct, 1846, Aurelia Falrbn11k11 or Kirby, Vt., 8 Bel't, 1820, d, Mar,, 1867; m. 2d w; farmer, Newark, Sarai, A,•, 3 Aug, 18471 d, 18 Jan. 186:.1, S11re1itq,•, 3 Nov, 1848, d. Int, .Kmma J.•, 28 Aug, 1l'61, d. 22 Mar, 1874, Ill, -- Cowau, l'hllemon•, 1 Sept. t863; farmer, Clarence•, 18 Apr. 1866, farmer; m. 24 Oot, 1886, t-:mmn Car­penter of Newark, Frank L.•, 20 May lls86, Georgc3, 22 May 1860, Ill, 8 Oct, 1881 Ellen• Unrt or nurke, Vt,, I Oct. 1803, d. :l'J Aug, 18~4; m. 2-1 Oot, 18116, Caroline 8, 8ho11so11, Hertha L, u.,, 12 Oct, 1882, Allee E,o, 2 Aug, 188♦, Cordelia', 20 A11r, 1820; m. as 2d w. Ca11t, Al11hous Stod­dard, b, Che11torllclll, N. 11., d,; farmer Newnl'k, mcm. Legl11, 1837, ..4rtlwr', June 1867, d • . Mvrou•, 27 July 1868, d, Altl,ea V,•, Dec, 1869; they rea. Soutbboro. Louisa c.,, 14 Aug. 1828, m. 24 May 1800, Aruuah Hur& of Uurko, Vt,, 20 JJeo, 1836, enl. 12 Aug, ll!Oa C 4th Vt, Vols,, killed at battle of WUtlorneH, 6 May, 1864, Ne/1011•1 22 May 1801, Ellen•, 1 Oct. 1803, 111, Ueo.• Hartwell, ,,,ute q, 11, l'bllomon 0,1, 16 Nov. 1820, 111. Helen Hlanohnrd or Lynllon, Vt., who d. 1 m. 27 Ho11t, 11170 2d w., Lucy A, l'o111eroy of Claremont, N, JI,, 10 Mnr, 18:i0; cnrrlngo 11J1tkor, Lyndon, 8u11111er1, 28 Alar, l~H, 111, 4 80111, 186!1, Luoy JI, Fairbanks or Newark, Vt,, 2"J Aug. Jtia7; farmer, 1'0111, 1871 W, lhuko, Vt.; lumberman; cnl, tO ~o,•, 18113 JI 11th Vt, Vol~., out 20 Juno 1866; In 2d s11ottsylva11la, Cold Jlarlior, Cedar Creek, Inter hofore l'oterslmrg, wounded In thigh 2d A11r, 1806, . c11r11, s.•, II Mar, 1800, d, youug. Arthur II'.•, 12 July mu, d, 20 Nov. 1872, W<1rner W.•, 12 Sc)lt, lStiO, ll'ctrnn 11'.8, twin. Clnrencc1

1 20 l>cc, I~; went 1860 Cnllfornln, miner, later In Ne,·adn amt at lllaok Hills, now In 1'. o. Olen J.;iton, Cal,

l~1·11anms0, 8 Oct. 1780, d. 4 lie:,., 1879, m. 8 Oct. 1815, Amm Onie of Ncwnrk, Vt., 27 Aug., 1700, d. 8 June, 1868; fnrmer, rem, Lyndon, in 1884 to 'l'hompson, o.

J<.:lhannn w.,, 10 Nov, 1810, 111, 12 l>o >, 1840, 1'sther Wcoks, who d, Albion, Atleh., 18 July 1840; 111, 11H7, Mary A, 1''nh'ba11ks, who d, 10 l<'ch, 1863; 111, Sci w. Harriet Mol!'all; rem, 1814 to Alhlou, Mlcll., 1868 IClngsvlllo, o.; farmer. Rraamus•, 11 Jan. 1818. J:1111tce J,.',81 7 ~lay t:H0, m, 10 Oct, 1807, John l'roctor, h. Wcnl'e, :N, 11,, :.:-1 Sept, 182-1; 111c1·ch. 'l'humi,sou, o. Lena £.', ao Nov. 1874, Wllllnm ,J,u, a Jun, 1881. Alvm:o', ltl Aug, 18lil, rnnucr, Chnrloll<', .Mich, Lula R,M, 1-1 Jan, 18lill, d1·cs11111nl..<tr, J>otrolt, ~llch, John W,', :.! Mar. 1810, 111, 4 ~luy 1ai11, Lorh1tJR Jluut, h. C11111f1111s, N, Y,, 8 Au•t, 182li, ti, tJ Hcc, 180:J; 111. :.Ii 1Jco, 181i-1, Hnrhcl

168 Hutitley.

Griffin, b. in Pa, 1840, div, J868; carpenter, rem. Iowa 1850, now at Eagle Grove. Alarvs, b·. ll arporsflold, O., 0 1.t'eb, 1800, m. W. 8, Wickham, carp., res. Steamboat Rock, Ia. ArthurV, b. 1871, Hertbav, b, 1874, J-111,9, b, 1882, LanderV, b, 1886 (?), Anna,• m. -- Allen, nurseryman, J{lrtland, O. Jesse a.•, 27 Apr. 1800, farmer, Phllll11s Co., Ka,, James R.•, 26 May 1868. Syh•aula 11.7, 20 Aug, 18211 m, 27 Jan. 1845, John MurJJby of Mmllson, O., 0 Jan. 1810, d. 30 Aug, 1868, lumber dealer, Thompson, O. ,tlar11 Al,•, 25 Jan. 1847, d, inf, ll11rrlet J.:.•, 0 July 18!8, m. 21 May 1868, Charles l\l, Halch ot Lo Roy, O., 21 May 1840, farmer, Sarah A,11, 15 Jan. 1873, Alice ll.9, 23 Sept. 1875, Charles 1\J,11, 1 Oct, 1870, Vanchy M.', 29 Sept. 1886, J,oretta M.•, 21 Sept. 1850, m. ta 1''eb, 1873, Porter Roath of Thom11son, O., 24 Mar, 1839. John JJ.•, 20 Oct, 1852, farmer, m. 18 Dec. 1877, Augusta I,. Skinner of 1\lontvllle, O., a Aug, 1801. Idn E.11, 15 AJlr, 1870. Olon N.11, 30 Nov. 1882. Sylvia11, 4 July 1884. Rose L.•, 3 May HIM, m, 13 .[,'ob, 18781 John I>. Loomis, b. Locke, N.Y., 11 Juno 1864, rn,mcr, 'J'hom11so11. Jloses B.•, 3 Jan. 1858, farmer, m, 1 l\lny 1880, Ellen A. Leouard of Austlnlmrg, O., 28 May 1863, Eva A.11, 11 May 18&1, Pbllenn', 11 A11r, 1824, d. Inf, Uoxnna7, 20 AJlr, 1826, d. Inf, Armn L.', 25 Aug. 1828, to, 17 1\lay 1840, Francis 1i(ladley of Jlnzetta, O., 21 A11r. J822, rem. Mich, 1!<55, Tbom)lson, O., 1858, Sy/vanlu1

1 11 SeJ>t, 1860, m. 22 Aug. 1870, Chn1les Olli, Oertru,te M.9, 12 July J871. lJelhert }'.", II Mar. 1873, Ashley w.,, 2 Apr, 1870, Maud~-', 2IS May 1882, I,owell M,v, 20 Aug.,1885, . Sarepta U.•, 28Jtlny 1864, m. 20 Aug. 1871, Heury •rown. Milo F.", ti ,July 1872, Grace E.9, 20 Se11t. J874, Mary .E.", J Feb. 1877, l\lorris E.11, 29 Oct, 1870, Myron I,,e, 20 June 1882, Jlorrls E,•, 27 June 18G2. John w.•, JO 8e1,t, 1807, CJ/to.rlea w.•, twin. Ellznr', J2 Nov. 1830, d,

Hosettn11, 11 Sept., 1701, d. llnrtford, Conn., some cay Uraclfonl, N.11., 11 Sept., 1840, m. July, 1814, Mason Bnstorbrook of Lynclon, lived LJ1mclatf, N, 11.

Aurorn', m, a gr.-s. or l.oronzo I>ow, Emily', Uosottn', A 110111,

l~unlco0, 10 May, 1704, d, o Mar,, 1813, m. 12 ,July, 1812, Ezra Sliver of New­ark, Vt. Sally•, 8 lfny, 1707, m, 10 Apr., 181G, Amos Thurber of Burke, Vt., wont In Oct. to Hnr11crstlclcl, Ohio; scv. c.,h,

Alfred', llvt>s Austlnbt1rg, 0, I have attcm11tcd In vain to obtain Crom him an account of bis mother's family,

Josc11bff, JO Aug, 17001 cl, lnr, Twl1111e, July 18()1, cl. Jnr. Nanoy8, t Juno 18021 111, o Doc. 1821, Francl(I Smith or J.yndon, Vt., rem, Imllnna, wore at CeutervUle about 1850, My lotter or Inquiry uot called for,

J,yclia C,11, 10 Jnn. 1804, d, 17 Mar, 1847, m, o Uec, 11121, Dennis Huntley o~ Waterford, Vt., 4 Juuo 1707, d. 23 May 18841 farmer, Morgan, Vt. AloaeB', JO SeJJt, 1823, tn, 4 Juno 1845, So11hronla Curtis of Morgan, 31 Oct, 182-1; wns In shoo 11111., ltandol11h, rem, 1846 St, Juhnsbury, Vt., f1m11er, Imogene', II Jan, 18471 ii, Julln•, d. Twins•, d, Rleimor', 27 Nov. 1825, m, JO Nov, 11144, John 1•111er or Meredith, N. n., 9 Mnr, t82'l, shoemaker, Morgan, eul, H Aug. 1802, K, 10th Vt, Vols., d. Rt home on furlough, 20 A11r. 1864; sho m. 15 SeJJt, 1800, 2tl Ima,, Jlr,rvoy Ly­ford of Cabot, Vt., 7 8e11t, 1800, d, 23 AJ>r, 1886, cnr1,., 111a11011, l'enobnm, Vt., rem, 1872 St. ,Johuslmry. Lucion• l 1l11er, o Se11t, 1845, enl, 1-1 Aug, 1864, K, 10th v~. Vols., killed Cold mu­bor, VR,1 1 June 1864, Nathanlol•, 4 Apr. 11147, 111, Se11t, 1867, Anu llnrtlott or 1\lorgan, b, 1845; far111er, llollaud, Vt, Mar/19, o May 1870, UrClo, h. 1870, Eleanor', b, l8ij2, /Jetseu', SeJ>t, \8t\5, Elion A.•, 14 Oct, 18601 d, youug, I.onlsa A.•, 4 Mar, 11:162, Samuel 11.~, 2'l Apr. 1853, 111, 24 Aug, 1870, Sarah F. Lenrue,l or Dublin, N, II,, 4 Nov, 1847; 111,11er mnker, St. Johnsbury, Vt. E11go110 o.•, 16 May 1857, cl, young. ,John•, 20 June 1850, d. youug. Elmer I~.•, 20 1''cb, 1861 1 J>nlnter, Lowoll, Hcurlettn c.•, .20 Nov, 1862, m. 17 Nov, 18811 John Stone, I.I, In 1', <i.; mcoha11lo, St, Johuabury. 1':mma0, 1 Juno 1882, Rimer l'.', 16 1\lay ltl85, J/f11er11u', No\', 1827, cl, yonu", Statlra', 4 l>ec, 1820, cl, 17 Oct. 18681 111. lt-40 Samuel l'IJJor, bro, John, mito, 1\lar. 18~~4, d. 2 Se11t. 1~; shoemaker, St. Joh11sbury; sho m, 1863 (?) Oeorgo JConnlsou or ijt, Johnsbury, sohller In Mox. wnr, Oa11t, I>. all Vt. Vols., In war or rebolll•m; in dry goo ·•a trnde, riow at Codarvnle, Kas, Fredericks lCon11lso11, d. youug, .[,'rank•, 111 shoe tr1ule, 111,, 2 ch, Arthur', m., In lCas., 2 oh. t,y1lla','17 Nov, 1831, m. naudol11b JO Mar. 18471 Erastus N. Niles. b. In Mo, 20 Dee, 1824, d, SeJ)t, IMO; shoemnkor. Ella N,•, 6 8011t. 1850, 111. 0 Mar, J868, Hulllvan ll, Stock111an, 30 Aug, 1847 i shoe­Juakur, and RJ>larlst, Auburn, Me. Jlclon Jl.11, 10 J!'ob. 1800, Twins', 111., d, Aug. 1833. La11-rctt1tT, 2:1 Atay 1~, m. 6 Juno 181i3, Jo'rnnk Onge of St. Johnsbury, 20 July 18:H, d, 23 Aug, 1874, pbotogtnJ1hor; she m. 112 Nov, 1878 211 ltus, 'l'homua i,•; l'oworz, of Lyndon, U Aug, 18:la; mlllor. lloatrlco9, 13 Jan, 18M, 111. 17 l\lay 1881 John W, Urlclgo or Wnlde111 Vt,, :.iu June t™; car11,, l,awrouco. JJ011jcimfo', 20 A11r, 1882, d, young. Alica "•'• 17 se,,t, 1883, d. young,

ACTON, 109 Hayward,

Orris M,o, 18 Apr. 1885, Genevleves, 24 liar. 1857. Jesse T.•, 8 l\lay 1860, Jnlnter, St. Johns­bury, m. :u Jan. 1880 Rosa Hurlbut of St, Johnsbury, 16 Apr. 1801, Jlabel l<',8, 3 Oct. 1880, d, young. Saada ~O, 2-1 Feb. 1882, Charles E.8, 2l> FE:b, 188lS. Elbert E.•, 13 Jan, 1867, Grace•, 17 SeJ)t, 1873, d. inf, Jomithanr, 15 A11r, 1837, m. Charlotte 11111 of Glover, Vt., b, 1838, went to Minneapolis, emp, in Marine Mills, blacksmith. Statlra•, d. 26 Feb. 1880, m, Adelbert Wilcox (parents from Phila.). Lttcll9, b. 1879, Mhlna9, b, 1881. Betsell9, b. 1~. Lydia•, b, 1859, 111. Martin Campbell, Edna•, d. 1Iarrtson1, 8 June 1839, d, young. .Dennur, 3 July 1841, m. Helen --; farmer, Stanton, Wis. Herbert•. l:rnest•. Alfred•, Arthur', Chauncey•. Charles•. Myette u.•. Timothy J,8, 19 Sept. 1800, d. young, T, J. Stark8, 4-Mar, 1808, wont to Canada amt the west, an eccentrlo 1>reacher, la11t hoard of by family In Rock­for<l, Ill. Jlotsey D.8,30 Mar. 1811, 11. 20 Sept, 1869; kept house for father after mother's de11tb,

John3, 18 June, 1078, d. 16 Nov., 174Q, m. Deborah-, who d. lo June, 170, ao. 08; in will gives n Bible to Margaret Manning, sister of first "ife; not seen whether ntnhlen or marrlctl woman; gives no clue to family name of Deborah. Ho m. 8 Dec,, 1744, l\fary, will. Jona Hill of Billerica, (p. 87), who, after his death, m. Capt. Isaac• Hartwell of Oxford, (t>, 118); had no ch., but aclopted Hannah Corey, lie accumulated a handsome competence, loaning money extensively, cs)leelally to his relatives, whoso credit was good enough to enable them ln many cases to secure two to three lonns each; ls burled ln Bedford gr1wcyarcl. 1Jnnnah3,

8 Oct., 1075, ll. 5 Jnn., 1755, m. 18 l'cb., 1005-0, Thomas Hosmer of Concord, G July, 1672, llnnnnh4• Snrnh4. 'fhomas•. Mnryt, Jamcs4, b. 1708. Samuel', 12 May, 1784, m. 5 Mar., 1756, Anna I>arlin; rem. Boscawen, N. II, Jnmcs8, b. 1701, d. Aug., 1885, m, 178..,, Rhoda O. lfostman of Concord, N. II,, who d. 28 Nov., 1880, Jamcs7, b, 1785, d, New Orleans, La. Jacob7, 25 Aug., 1787, m. 16 Oct., 1808, Catherine Wellington of Concord, MaH,, who d. 25 Jan., 1870; hatter, d. 21 June, 1808; 11 ch. William 11.8, 18 Aug., 1814, grad. Dnrtm. Med. Sch. 1888, M.I>., Penncook, N. JI.; 5 cl1. 8anmel1, r, May, 17,01, ll, Enftel«l, N. ll., 25 Aug., 1880. Nanoy7, b. 17U5, d. Inf. Nnthanlel7, 1 Apr. 1800, d. Orford, N. JI., 1865. Jlcuben7, b, 1802, d. 11111, N. JI., 1844. Albe 0.7, b. 1804, ti. 'fexas. Joseph4•

lfohecca3, 14 }'ob., 1082-8, d. 20 Mar., 1770, m. 28 Oct., 1705, Simeon Hayward of Concord, 18 Juno, 1089, d. 18 May, 1710, sett. Acton; she m. 2d hus., Uenjnmin 'J'c1111ile. Josiah', m. Nancy Ilosmcr. Josiah6•

John6, ])11nlcl6• Slmcon6• 7 tlnus.~. Mary', m. 1°728, E)lhralm Jonc11, who d, 20 Nov,, 17li0, Ahlgnll', m. - Merriam of Bedford. Snmuol', b, 17Hl (?), d. 0 Mar .. 170li, 111. 17HO, Mary Stevens of Marlboro, 18 l\fay, 1718; den. of ch., Acton. Samuel&, w. unk., order of ch. unk. llnnnah0, 0 Juno, 1777, d, 11 July, 1847, m. Samuel Stevens of Rindge, N. II,, 8 Jan., 1778, d. Enosburg, Vt., 11 Jnn., 18M, farmer. I~sther9, m. ,John 'l'i«l•I of Lexington. Chnrlcs7, r,rom. citizen, Luci', m. Oliver Stevens, bro. Samuel, a11fe.

1-:hnlra L,r, r; l<'ob, ISOlS, twlco m., 1st l\llcl\h Stone, 211 Oeorgo Adl\1m,, a ch. Arvilla', 16 June 1807, <I. 13 l\lay 1813, m., 1\111st w,, Oeorgo A1ltuns, anto; 2, Loulea1, 23 )lnr, 1800, d, o Jan. 18·14, 111. Lee Stone ot E. Ilcrksblrc, Vt,, 3 oh, Snmucl 11.r, 4 BeJ>t, 1811 1 farmer, Enosburg, Vt., m. 12 Oct. 1837, 1':llzaboth W. Childs of Hoston; trustee, Vt. Univ,, stnto l!enl\tor, town offices. ,1/a.ry /,,,, 111. Hiram JI, Lovering or J<t Hcrkshlre, Yt, llcnrv II.•, m, Cordelia Anderson of J<:r1usburg; 2 ch. l)'tlwln J'.a, m. Bnrnh A. An1lerson, sis. Cornella, anto, 1/omer V,1, m, Hnrrlet C. Jlo1lgt1s of Enosburg, llclctl JI,•, d, Int, Thcocloro W,•1 3 .Apr. l!HS, m. Dorn Orny; res. Miss, Utoryo ,4.', 2l> l<'ob. 18601 m. •~mmR Gregory; farmer, la, Churlca A.•, d, young, Erl', 11 J11n. 1814, 11lo11cer farmer, St. Josol'h, .Mich,, 111. LavlnlR N. l'orter. Allicrt K .•, 31 lllny 18H, m. Alice llrown of St, Joso11h; res, Cle,·olnnd, 0, <lcrtrwlo R.8, m. Chnrlcs E, Schoff of Grinnell, :.a., editor, Calvin', 23 A11r, 1810, grad. 111\rv, Mc<l, Sch, 18411, )I,"· Hoston, Ill, 14 June ISM, So!>hlR TOJlJIRll or Now llc<Jror<l, 11 Oct. 1818, d. 27 Mar. 1800; Ill, 2<1 w., 1-:mlly A, Towkslmry o~ Hoston, 21 July 1830, cmvcr <J,8, 3 Juno 1855, grR<I, llomloln 18701 law dept. Hoston Univ., 1879, 11rao, Hoston, m, 10 Juno 18851 Julia JI, Orcgo1•y, II', Sta11.fnr<l9, 13 Juno 1850, grad, Latlu sch, 18701 llnrv, 1880, 1110,1. sch. 18831 !,rao. llosto11, Luther', 14 fi'cb. 1810, d, 31 Oct. 1839,

Snmuel8• Jnmes0, m. Ah·h11.a7, a '' ho m111.11 klpg" !lt Sa•~ l\fnteo, Cal. I~mma8,

SHIRLEY. 170 Balcom,.

m. Andrew Rose of N.Y. city. Hnywnrc19• Pnul6• Jnmes6, killed in the Concord fight. Ilenjamin3• Stevens6, 3 dnus. 6, Joseph4, m. Abigail Hosmer. Simeon6• Stevens:.. Joscph6, b. 1746, d. 9 l\fny, 1835, wns in Snrntogn cnmpnign, m. Uebeccn Pr<'scott of Concord, who d. 30 Oct., 1825, ne. 79; rem. Dublin, N. II., 1781. Ucbcccn''. b, 1771, d. 10 ,July, 1785, Ilcssey6, twin. cl, 5 July, 1851, m. Heed l\lorse, Jr. Ellza­beth7, 27 Mnr., 1704. Uebcecn 11,7, 18 Mnr., 1706, d. 30 Dec., 1847, m. 1826, Charles Davis of Milford, N. II. Ueuben7, 23 Mnr., 1805, m. 1840, Melinda Lane. Joseph6, 22 Nov., 1772, d. 14 l\far,, 1846, m. 23 :Feb., 1700, Snlly Minot of Concord, 26 Oct., 1780, cl. 8 Dec,, 182-i; m. 10 Dec., 1826, 2d w., Hcbeccn T. Brooks.

Sarah A,', m, --Willis. l\lRryr, 26 Aug. 1803, m, 29 Se}lt, t82ri, 1''. Gilman AJl}lleton; SaJlyr, l July 1805, d, 27 Oct. 1820, Erullv7, 2 Jan. 1803, 111. 20 l\lnr, 1827, Samuel A1111leton, m. 28 Nov, 183--, 2<1 bus,, James Alken; oh. unk. Ebenezer7, 4 1''eb, 1810, d, SylvJar, o A1ir, 18111 m, 28 Nov. 1833, Wm, II, Whittemore or Greenflehl 1 N. JI,; oh. unk, Jlannnh', 11 Aug. 1813, m. 15 May 18..18, Geo, W. Halloy or Oreentlelll, N. II., rem, Pittstown, N. Y. Joseph 1•,11

24 Feb, 1810, d. young. James', 23 Jan. 1820, d, 28 Sept, 1850, m, 21 Oct. 18-1-1, Amy C, lloag or l'itt11town, N. Y. Sophia', 10 A11r. 1822, d, l July 1829, Charles 1•,1, 7 July 1833. 8te11ben 1''.', 30 Nov. 1836,

Charles 11• 11

1 b. 1774, d. Il,eb., 1854, m. 26 Mny, 1706, Sarnh Mason, who cl, Sept., 18!7; m. 2d w., wld, Mason; 10 ch.

Charles', John', d. young, Bally7, b, 1800, d, 1872, m, David Davis, Prcstotl ll,•, 11, 18851

m, -Tenney. Chas, II.•, d. ao. 47, <Jco. IN, twice m,; 10 ch, Milan R.•, m, Elion Jenkins, who d, 1886; 4 or 5 ch, Jolin', A)lr, 1804, m. Mnlhula Washburn. acorqo J.•, m. ,'111rl<t•1 m, d, Alllan w.•, stahle-kee11or, Natick, m. Jolin w.•, res, l'eterhoro, N, 11, c. R. L.•, m, Dau.•, d, )'otmg, Charles', 22 Feb. 1806, m. Ann I.akin or llancook, N. 11. IYllllmn w.•, m. 1 Be11t, 1859, 1'~11en Chaso; Is I\ Univ, min, at So. Frnmlngham; hns a history or Hnncock, N. JI. In course or 11re11aratlon, Charles l'.8, II. 1817, Jacob /,.1, d. 1801, o. w,1sht11atmi~, stable-kee11er1 Waltham, m, Nov, 1801, Mary Mathews, Jernsha9, James s.•, m, Nov, 1871, Nelly l\l, Wheeler. Anna A,D, Charles A.D, MorrlsV, Wllllnm W.o, l'llarlc.5 /',', m. Se)lt, 1870, Cntherlno Gilchrist; kee11s llv, sta. Calvln7, b, 180!1, d, 1807, m, Sally Harris, Cyrus JI.•, dentist, l'oterhoro, N. II. K,lwarcts, Ella•. 1-:<1ward', b. 1810, d. Nov, 1883, m. Emily l<'ostcr; 8 oh,, G d, young, Sarai, .. ,r.,, m, ,J. Jo:llory l'lpor, coal donlor, Hoston; havo ch. C11nthfa Ji',s, m. Luke 1', Willard, conl denler, Hoston; hnvo ch, EdtV<lr,cl s,1, 01111,, In n Hoston bank, m. 1-:n11na 'Vn&hhurn; luwo ch, <Jcorgo', h, 1812, m, 1':llzahoth llnrher, sov. oh., d. J.,oc,mi•, m. Clark Uoollhno. .b'mll11', b. 1810, 11, 1880, m. Ooorgo Shclllon of Hancock, N, 11.; la1·,te rnm, A'dwal'<l', nee. shot, Concord, N, H., during wnr. Charles M.•,ru, Jonny Alcock. .Alvin', m. Janel, m. W. A, WR!!hbnrn. ,tltir,r, d. In lt'lorlda, .'Jara!,•, m. A, O. Stone, Fredorlck8, m, Sov. d. young, Asa6, John~. Jamos3,

Jane3, 80 Nov., 1684, prob. d. young. Jonntbnn3, b, 1680, d, 0 Dec., 1770, to. It June, 1718, 111\nnnh Illnnchnrd of Concord, b. 1000, d. 1 Jnn., 1708; m , 2d w., llnnnllh Wlllnrcl, who d, 15 Jnn., 1777. Ile rem. ubout 1720 to Littleton, bought a farm of one l~ny, on the southwest slclo of the ll'. U.U., where ho d. Ills descend­ants hnvo been numerous nncl influcntinl in Jmhllo nfi'nirs, Jnmcs', 80 July, 1710, <1,, m. 22 ll'cb., 178~, Jemima l•'rost; sett. in thnt 11nrt of Groton sot off ns Shlrll'y, some ycnrs beforo tho division of tho town; wus in nctlro mllltnry scr,·ico in 1747. Jcmlma6, 27 l\lnr,, 1741, d. 1 l\lnr., 1810, umn. 1\folly6

1 17 l\fnr., 17~2-8. No trnco of her exists, unlcss, which ls highly 11robnblo, she is the Molly Hnrtwcll )lUb, In Leominster to mnrry Ucuhcn J<:cnclull, 10 ,July, 17G2. ,\111nsn6, ~8 !<'ch., 17H•ii, m. Lydia l\foors of Groton, who d. nbout 18·l7, Lydin8, 28 Jon., 1774, m. JO .Mnr., 170-t, Ahner llierco of Groton, 28 ,Tnn., 1774. Asennth', 7 Oct., liO·l, m. Abel J>ngo of Ilnn·ntd. Lydln7, 81 July, l 7U7, d. 2G })cc., 1840, m. Snmucl Payson of lfoxbury.

Sn11111c1s, b, nhout 1~3.1, 111. 1 11\'CS lloston lllghlnncls, llhodn', 12 .Mnr, 1800, 111, (Jllth, 20 July 1820) John Hnlcom or Suclhury, res, Rhlrlry; holh d,

Jo/iu "'·•• m, Cnrolluo lloldon or Shhley, fi Oct. 1820; div., went west; 111, 2<1 w,, .Mn1'1a 'frcnt, IJ. 1 June 182Ci; th, ba1\ ch, llhocla A.•, b. 1825, d. July 1880,'m, George Souther, who 11,; w,

171 1Yilllam•. Stewart.

2d bus., John W. Stone of Groton. John F.0, 5 Apr. 1852, m. 2 AJlr, 1872, Jane S, Jones of Lancaster, 28 Oct. lBM; R.R. man, Shirley. Ella M.10, 21 July 1874, d. young, John B,10, 23 l\lay 1881. Harriot ;u,o. b, 1853, 111. fall 1873, Charles 1\1, l'ago of Luneuburg, b. 1851, former, Elphato, b, 1875. Clessou10, Abby10, Wvattt0• Cllrtonv, b. 1862, m. l\lyra Sargent of Lu­nenburg; cabinetmaker, N, Leominster. Cl(fton L.10, l\lny 1884, d, young. Frank J,,101 24 July 1886. Susan•, m. - Robinson of Pep)lerell, Clark s.•, shoemaker, m., d. George•, carp., Groton, m, widow of Ills bro. Clark s.•. C/1arlcs', cl. In army, l\laryr, 8 July 180I, d, 13 !lay 1871, m. Reuben' Hartwell of Shirley, ante, q. "· Zeunn', 22 J.<'cb, 1807, d. nbt. 1850, blacksmith, H1u,·nrd. Luch1da7, 10 Fob, 1809, cl. 11 Nov. 186-l, m, AJlr, 183-1, Lowis Taintor ot Leominster, 8 Sept. 1800, hatter In Lowell, Methuen, Lawrence. aeorge8

1 June 183;5, d., wont 1858 to Sterling, Ill, 111, l\lnrthn - ; later to Chicago, J>roch1ce denier, 2 girls, youngest cl, Frances•, d. Oct. 1860, m. Adam Cogswell of l\letlmen, engineer. 3 ch., Jet a boy, 2d II girl. Wlllarcl JI.•, onl. A, 1st Mass. Uoa,·y Art., killed before Poter8burg, 10 Juno 1864. Lyclla .,o, m, Alonzo l'oor of Andover, 31 Dec, 18-10, cl, 8 ~lar. 1885, enl. 9 Sept. 1861, H, 22d l\lnss, Vols., dlscb, dis., re-011I, 1st l\fass. Cav. i carJ>., res. Lawrence. Frank 11.,, 10 l\lar, 1871, Kitty R.', 11 Oct. 187-1. I~roderfok0, Aug. 18701 ct. 1''eh. 1886, Herbert•, Aug. 1878, d, young,

Abcl8, 0 l!"'cb., 1770, d. 17 Jan., 1830, m. 0 l!'cb., 1801, Eliza lfoll, b. 177.f, d. 26 Mar., 1848.

Ellza.7, 12 Oct, 1810, d., m, 29 Nov. 1832, Levi Priest of Groton, d, Cliarlea•, res. Lancaster.

Amn11, 16 l!'cb., 1778, d. 21 1\Inr., 1818, m. 29 l\fny, 1800, John Williams of Shir­ley, 15 Mnr., 1780, d. Pepperell, 18 May, 1809, cnrp.

John', 7 Sept. 1800, d. Oct. 1882, m, 31 Jan. 1830, Mary Foster of Now Ipswich N. n., sett. Oardnor, rem. Worcestc1· aht. 1841S. Jlartlut .11 •. Abol Jf.T, 17 l\lnr. 1800, d, 10 So11t. 1881, 111, 20 AJ)r, 183-1, Itohecc" l\lunroo, who d. 14 June 1873; sett. Gardner, JJ«ry .A,•, 11 Sept. 18371

m. JO Oct. 18.501 Thomns Averlll of Woburn, 12 l~ob, 18321 olmlrmakor until 1866, slnco loo. ong., res, Fitchburg. l\lcllssn W,111 llS July 1858, d. young, Catherine l\1,8, 26 Vee. 1803, 111, H I>eo, 1882, Wm, 1''. 0, J'r11tt or ttltohburg, 2 Aug. 1800, Jeweller. Rrncat A,10, 10 l\lny UIM, JI • . Mart,,•, 8 l\lny 1840, an, 12 Oct. 180li, J>anlel I'. Ohullllng of Woonsocket, R,I,, 12 Oct. 18-12, mus. ten. 1111t11 JliOO, since barhor, Fltohhurg, Alice IV', O Oct. 1860, Emma l\l,', lt Aug. 1800, d. Inf. J>, Otis•, H Nov. 1873, Etlmuml L.•, 22 Se11t. 1810, d. 20 Oct, 1882, m, 12 Juno 1872, Isadore E. Willie of Wluohcndon, 12 Apr. 1840; hnrbe1·, 1''1tcbhurg. Jo11ephl110 o.•, 25 May 1873, d. inf. Arolly s,e, o Nov. 1874, Gertrntle n.o, 24 Aug. 1876, Jllrnmr, 26 I>eo. 1812, m. A11r, 1830, Jane Norwood of I,ynn, wllo d,; 111, 2d w,, Olivo llodgmau of I.cwlston, l\lo. Ilcnr118, Cllarlc11•. Jdci•. Carolhu,•. Lovell', JO lllar. 1816, m. 10 A11r, 183!, JJetsoy Youug of Westminster; res. Fitchburg; chair manf. 1mm A.•, 7 Aug. 18-11, hi/,•, d.

Lucy8, 8 Apr., 1780, d. 0 Jan., 1850, 111. 18 Juno, 1807, .Torcmlnh Stownrt. Mnryr, 17 Jan. 1808, 111. J.I 1''eb. 1832, narvey Prescott, eott. w. lloylston, "1cirv J.•, 13 Se)lt,

183-1, m. Geo. l\lilla, cnr)l., Worcester, Gcorge0• Artlmrl', l\lAbolo, Hnn•oyo, J11llli M.•, 27 Nov, 1842, Jo:llznr, 30 ~Jnr. 1809, d, 30 July 1802, m. IS AJlr, 1832, l'hllemon Holden of Shirley, o Oct. 1803, d. Asonath7, d. o Nov. 1803, m. 18 Ueo, 1810, na 2d w., Wllllnm Snrgont of Shrews­bury. Rlclora•, m. J/<1rrlct•, d, JercmiRh', 1 ,Tan. 18131 d, 8 l\lnr. 1882, 111. 7 Nov, 1800, mcctil l>, WIIIIRIIIB or Wl11chondo11, lived In Lt111011burg, Mcir11 J,',1, 0 Oct, 1801, 111, July 1881, l•'rod­orlck I,, Ahlrlch of Jaffrey, N Jl,, ros. Lunenhnrg, Wlntlelll S.0, 23 Aug, 1882. .Minna0, 4 Apr, tBSlS, J,'lol'<I ,U.•, 24 Aug. 1806, d. Inf, Chal'lca S,•, 30 Oct. 1800, d, fur. Ru11111erT1 18 Out, 181'1, 111, Harriot Knowles or NoWJIOrt, It.I.; res. thoro. l,11011', Harriet•. Charles•. J,uoyr, 28 Nov. ·18111, ll. )7 June 1840, 111. 8 Aug, 1830, William Sargent or ShrowRhnry, 2 sona,4 rlnus., nil cl, hut /,uovs, 111, J<:mma7, 20 Oct, 18171 d. 3 ,July 1810, Snrnh7, 18 1''ob. 1821, 111. Calvin t,'nrusworth of Shirley, IO Oct. 1821, fnrmer. ,')'nm/, .11.•, JO Ang. 1857, cl. young, A'll::al,ctli 11.•, 20 So)lt, JSliO, 11. 20 Mar. 1871, Jolln I,.•, 21 A11r. 1861. J<~clson7, 14 A11r, 1822, 111. l\lary J. l'carl, dh·.; 111, 2d w.; la In J!'lorldn. acorve', d, l'a 1111110•, 111., ct.

Amnsn°, 20 Mnr., 1782, d. 21 f:cpt., 1848, m. 1 A11r., 1802, Ablgnll Blood of Chelmsford, O Juno, 1787, d. 2o l\lar,, 1875; fnrmor, Shlrloy, solt11cr in wnr of 1812.

Timothy 1\1,r, 12 July 1802, d, 18401 m. 4 Jan. 1822, Mnry Dudley or llnr\'ard, who 11. JIS Juno 1873, sett. J,oomlnstor, rom. Lunenbttl'g, cl. Romo, N. Y, Silo d. in Wis. Smcrn I'.•, 111. 24 01:t, 1841, MIiiott A. 'l'nrboll, ll\'ecl at Frc1h l'ond, la.or nt Aseabot, went west, Silas ,tt.•, h. J825, m. 10 AJ>r, JBrJ3, mlzaboth l'almor, h, In l\lo, 183-1; kc11t liquor ea loon In lloston. Cha rlcs 2'.•, 24 ,Jan, 1828, "'al'l/N, d,1111, - Winn. llurrlct R,•, d. ao. 12 at 'froy, N. Y, Thomas J,', a Doo.18031 11, young, Dnvld', 18 July tSOIS, d, 11 Dec, 1883, 111. 20 A11r. 18311 l'hoho l,awton


of Shirley, 10 Mar. 1811, d. 22 Sept. 1853; m. 21 Sept. ISM, Phebe A, Halley of Lancaster; wae a deaf mute, ae also botb wives; a farmer In North Shirley. Marla A.•, 11 July 1837, d. 28 May 1863. sarali A.•, l June 1839, d, 26 ~lay 1857, Albert L.8, 30 Nov. l&H, served In war of rebellion. sa,nuel JJ.•, 13 May 18-17, d, 20 Dec, 18L6, St1llman P.•, 23 Feb, 1850, d, Inf, Amnsa7, 20 June 1807, m. o Dec, 1830, Maryl', Patch of Homs, N, II., o Feb. 1807, d, 31 Mar. 1881; m. l Mar. 1883, Lucy A, Tatman of Westboro, 11 Nov. 18-12; carr. and farmer In Groton and adjoining towns, llenru T.•, 1 May 1832, at age of 21 lost a leg by accident In a box factory, In consequence sought to lm11rove bis education, entering Urldgewatcr Nonna! School, remaining two years, s11ent four years In Haltlmore, Md,, teacblug; returned Hos­ton, eug. In bus. as asllver11later, ftrmJ,N,Llndsey 4~ Co. Hem, !2 Oct. 1865,Ellzabeth Hedee of Amesbury, amt resides In Chelsea, Harry t,11, 16 Aug. 1800. Artbur E.•, 11 Aug. 187l, George E.•, i Alay 1833, painter, m. 10 Feb, 1858, Mary J, Dow of Ambel'l!t, N .II., 10 June 1830; enl, May 1861, H, 8th N, JI, Vols,, served In Dept, of Gulf, In 12 battles, dlscb, ells. 12 Juno 1804; rem, Wilton, 1874 Nashua, 1877 Afarlow, N.H.; working at his trade, Ellen A. 11, 10 Sept, 1869, ,1. young, Ellen M.•, 0 July 1862, George H.0, 18 Sept. 1865, Albert A.•, o Nov. 1870, Willicun 11.•, 6 Sept, 1834, millwright, lumberman, m. 10 A1>r, 1857, Ann M, Vose of Amherst, N. H,, b, 1840, sett, there, rem. Wilton, 1807 l'lttsHclcl, N. JI. Frank H.•, 22 Jan, 1858, DI, 30 July 18811 Anna L, Gray of l'ittsftold, N. ll, Rolancl a,1°, 10 l\lar. 18&1, }:mma E.111 24 Sept. 1860, m, 20 July 1880, Wm. P, Adams of l'lttsftold, Samuel T,to, 17 J!'cb. 1881. Florence i,;,10,

80 May 1882, l'Mllp JJ.10, 26 Dtic, 1883, Ann )t,D, 4 Oct, 1804, d, luf, Charles}:.•, 10 Jan, 1803, .Albert A,•, 12 Dec. 18-10, shoemaker, enl, 1 May 1801, JI, 6tb l\lau. Vols., at 1st Hull Run, rc­enl, 8 Aug, 1804, E, lat Hatt. Art., sta, Ft, Warren, Hoston; m. 17 A11r, 1862, l11abel111, 1''. Ward­well or Readlug, div, 1804; m, 20 Nov. 1872, lleleu F. Cummings of n., 16 lllar, IMO; now res. Woburn. A, Isabella•, 0 So11t, 1862, m, 2 Juno 1884, Geo. W, Chancy of Dunstable, Francoua n.•, 6 Mar. 1804, m. 7 Sept. 1881, Walter Al, Scott of Rcadlug, mauf, fireworks. l'o,-a E,10, 27 l\lay 1882, .Lulu a.1° 10 Dec, 1883, Leon A,•, o I<'eb. ta80, .Aila E,•, 17 Juno 1884. Lowell', 13 July 1800, d, 17 Oct. 1806, m, lS Oct, 1833, Jane Wyman of Townsend, who d, 2J Dec, 1862; DI, 9d w., 811,rah J, Worcester of Lancaater, wl10 d, 17 Oct, 1860, Sarah E.~, 2 May 1846, m. H Bopt. 1804, 8a1nuel o. !'otter of Newport, n. I,, car11. In Everett. Etta A,11, 4 Be11t, 1806, MaWda .A,,, 10 Mar, 1847, m. 0 Deo. 1807, WIiliam 0, lllgelow of Wbltlugham, Vt., 20 Feb. 1848, farmer, Keene, N, H. Mabel E.•, 10 Mar. 1881, l'arnelfa J.•, 4 June 181S2, m. 3 A11r, 18721

Win. M, .Fullock of Groton, 17 Mar. 18-18, !Rl'mer, Cochltuate. George w.•, 21 Jan, 1873, Charles s.•, 7 June 1877, Thomas', 18 July 1811, cl., m. 26 Juno 183J, Eutllco Whltucy, b. Vt,, d. 10 Juue 1861; 2d w,, Anna - of Gloucester, 16 Mar, 1828, cl, 29 Nov. l&ro; 3<1 w., Sarah Forbush of Acton; foreman furniture sho1> lu Charlestown, later In aiuuo bus, for hlmaelf; rem. Aoton, farmer, Wllltam•, m. Lura - ; kee111 hotel, Nagog 1'01111. WllllamP, Anna•, d. Milford, N. H. Abigail', 21 Se11t, 1813, d. 10 Nov. 1834. OtlaT, 3 Deo. 1814, d, lS Feb. 1860, m. 10 May 1838, Sarah 811ear otlloston, 13 Apr. 1813; 0001,or bof. rn,, lived Cambridge and adjoin, Ing towns, 1&13-6 janitor lu Harvard Coll, buildings, Sar<1h ll.•, 26 Atay 18301 d. J7 Sept, 1801 1 m, 8 June 1857, James R, Moulton of N, H., who left her, Emma 1".•, II Jau. IMO, 1''1'anofa E.•, 10 Aug. 18411 enl, II Aug, 1802, D, 33d Mass, Vols,, at Gettysburl(, wounded I,ookout Mt,, dlacb, <lls, 1804; m, 16 Dec. 1s;o, Ellen Dow or Stoneham; shoemaker tbero. Luchta .A.a, 20 I>eo. Jl!-14, d, May 1862, Emma }',•, 18 A11r, 18-10, <I, lo 8e)lt, 1860, Arcibcllci A.•, 26 Dec, 1848, in, 8)1ar, 1870, Hiram S. Frazer of Salisbury, N. H. 1 b, 1847, shoemaker, Stouoham, Ida n,o, 1l May 1872. Samuel IV, 17 Oct. 187K, Geo, W.•, 24 Aug, 1880. James', 23 May 1817, 11nlntor, W. Groton, m, 2July 1839, Mary A, M, Dolton of Oroton, 17 June 182.'I, cl, 17 Aug. 1871; 2,1 w. 20 Nov, 187l, Elvira E, Clark of Putney, Vt., 26 AJ>r, 18-13, Jcunu A.•, 17 Jan, 1841, onl, 2'J AJlr, 1801, 1110th Ma811, Vols,; re-enl, 7 Aug. 1862, A,36th MI\BS, Vols. 1,1,20Ja11, l80-l1 Cam11 Nelson, JCy.; m. 20Aug, 1802, Marla H, Holden of Shirley, div, 1803, b'mcllne .A,•, 12 ,Tune 18-13, <I, 4 Dco, 18831 m. 11 Alay 1801, Amos L, Amos of Groton, May IW, div.; m. 2cl bus., Amo.i It, l>rake or Nnal111a1

N. H,, cl. Ayer; m, 21 Juuo 1871, Chas, O, Duren or Groton, f1mner. Atnos L,u Ames, 2'J Aug, 1863, m. O Se)lt, 1886, Soflhla N. Kimball of Llttloton, b, l81lll; otRoker bakery, Groton, l,11011 .A.•, 8 Xl)V, 1844, m, 26 June 1801, Elbrhlgo 0, White of 8hlrloy, 28 Nov, 1841, basketml\ker. Isabella M.•, 18 Nov. 1802, m. 28 AJlr. 1883, IngRlls Klthi!dgo or Shirley, 31 l\11\r, 1860, farmer, Ayer. E1lr11ito, 26 June 188-1, 801110• 'l'homaa H,8, 22 Aug, l8lU, d, Clinton, 29 Aug, 18761 m. 2 May 1871, Ann M. Cogswell of Lancaster, 20 l>eo, 1860, d. 17 Se11t, 1872; 11aluter, Emma l•'.v, 3 Feb. 1872, su,an w.•, 8 Deo. 18-&8, d, 23 .Mnr. 1870, m. Aug. 1872, Augustus J, Uogors of GofTs' Falls, N,H, 1 ti. Eugene .A.•, 20 June 1874 . .Abbott A.•, 16 July 1860, d. luf, II. A11y11ata•, o June 18621 111, 17 July 1872, Goo. S. Jnze)lb or l<'itohhurg; ,div. Ucorue II.•, II l<'eb, 1850, 11alntor1 m. 8 Seflt, 187111 Jose11hl110 Nutting of Groton, 3 A1>r, 1851, l<'anuy Jto, 16 Ang. 18701

d. Inf, Maud I.•, 6 July 1878. Ernest M.•, 3 Jnn. 18S0, Amos L,u, 4 Juno 1883, Charil-• F.•, o Mar. 1859, d, luf, Sarai, B.•, 11 July 1801, Frank H.•, 21 A11r. 18041 m. 0 Juno ISS:.!1 Mary I,

SmaLEY, 173 Balcom.

Rollins of Clinton, 5 Deo. 1850; cabinetmaker, N. Leominster. TabltbaT, d. inf., 1820 . .Josiah', 20 Dec. 1823, d. inf.

Dctscy8, 1 Jan.,, 1785, d. 5 July, 1804, m. 27 Nov., 1806, Reuben Balcom of Sudbury, b, 1785, <l. 1842, stone mason, Groton.

Amasa JI.', 15 Feb. 1808, d, o Jan, 1817, m. 8 May 1820, Margaret Chapman of Tewksbury, wbo d. 20 Nov. 186-1, 11tonec11tter, Tewksbury, Lowell. Charles II.•, 1 Dec, 1S27, stone mason, m. Margaret l\loses of Lancaster; rem. N. I11swicb, N, JI, 1/cnru 'l'.•, 27 May 1830, black­smith, Shirley, m. 6 July 1863, Sarah Farmer of S., 13 Sept. 1835; ·enl, 0 Nov. 1862, C, 63d Mass. Vols., out 2 Sept. 1803, son·cd in La., wounded at l'ort Hudson, left arm, Charles 11,11, 18 Feb, JSM, gluomaker, llan·ard; m. 21 Nov. 1874, llermcona M. Lawrence of Groton, 22 Aug, 1850, <I. 6 Dec. 1880; m. 14 Jan. 1882, Ida M. Titus of Pot>J>oroll. llarrlet Jt.•0, 1876. l'ttrolh&e E,10, 31 July 1883. Arthur IJ.10, 30 Nov. 1885. Sarah F,P, I Se11t, 18601 111. 28 Mar. 18N, William R AlcClellan of Rlcbruonct, P. Q., a Nov. 18-15, overseer, cot. mill, Shirley Vlll; enl. 17 Aug. l&H, 11 4th Mass. Heavy Art., defense of Washln,1tton, u. C. Nelly i,•.•0, 16 Oct, 18H, A, J,Ulfat1•0, 12 Nov, 1870, Plorcnce J.•0, 6 Oct. 1881, Eva M,v, 20 Juno 1858, m, 23 Juno 1877, lJanlel J, Wetherbee of Jlrookllne, N, 11,, teamster, Ayer, Ida J.0, 4 Aug, 1800, cl, & d, Jlarua,·tt A.•, 20 .Mny 183-11 ID, 13 Juno 1851, Joso1>h A, I<'nrnsworth of Shirley, 27 Feb, 1832, car1>,, rem. mw I,owoll; cul. 1 Aug, 1802, E 34th Mass, Vols,, out 31 July 1866, In Shenandoah Valley, wouudecl nt Winchester, 10 Se1>t, 'IH. Abel A."', 20 Deo. 1861, d. 1''rnncenn l\l,G, 10 Nov, 18112, d, young. Frances A,P, 17 July 1855, ID, WUlls II. 1''1ngg of Townsend, div. Jennyo, 13 llay 1f01, d, Inf. Carolluo M,P, 28 Juno 1862, d, Inf, Lulu G.•, 10 Jan, 18001 ID, 7 Nov. 1880, Lowis A, Cousens, b, Eastport, lite., 12 lllay 1866, elk,, Lowell. };, mnnche•, 10 Aug, 1868, d, J2 A11r, 1887, l\ll11na11, 21 Dec, 18iO, d, .young, /,i/,1, Aug, 1836, d, 1/ A.•, O Se11t. 1830, m. 20 Apr. 1801 1 Sarah Wyman of Chelmsford, div, 1870; 2d w. Ella -- of R. I,, d., m. 3d w. In R, I, 1 n. R, man, So, Worcester, Melvina w.•, 28 Juno 1803, m, 2-1 Dec, 18S31 Augustus C, Sanborn or Avon, .Me,, 11 AJ>r, 1862, n1011eyb1okcr, Lowell, Jlabel•J, 18Jan, 1887, l'l'tt•

deuce J.•,r, Oot, 1837, d, 22 Aug, 1850, Jlary ,'1.•. 10 Aug. 1840, ID, Henry llnl!lwln of •rowks­bury, teamster, Lowell, Charlotte•, Charles•. 1rroclerloko, Oliver 1",•, 30 So1>t, 1842, ID, 186-4 (?)Lucinda.Ma.son of Alba.ny, N, Y,; res, Cambridge, llarrlet.0, d, George 1''.P, l)nu,o, Ell,:a•, 20 Mar. 1&141 m, Josiah T, Connor of I.owell. Willlnm•, d, 18&1, <lrug elk. Joso)'hluo•, b, 1873, Frank8

1 16 Apr, UHtl, m,, res, Catnbrlllgo. .l!'re,lerlck9, I,cn1, .,1.,. .l\llnna•. l'orloy•, II Jan. 18471 farmer, Orford, N, JI,, m,, 2 ch, Adollno', 211 SeJ)t, 11!00, m, 10 Auk, 1833, John Cha11man1 bro, lllargaret, ante, 21 June 1800, d, 10 Nov, 1807, car11,, re111. Groton. Nine cli,•, tl, Inf, Jolm JI,•, 26 May 18-13, d. 1 Dec. 187r,, Cllurle.a J/.1, 27 July 18-10, lll, 30 May lSCO, Minerva Kittredge, b, Leominster, 1'l I>ee, 1845; res, Groton, inventor In machinery for mauf, textile fabrics, .Alice E,11, l4ll A11r, 1867. Cora L.•, o Se11t, 1800, Charlos 11,,, 3 July 1872, l"rank l!\ IJ.O, 10 Oct. 18i5, Frederick u.0, 26 So11t, 1877. tlcorvo F.•, 6 l>ec, JIHO, m. 27 AJ>r, 1870, Mary E. Jewett of Dracut, 27 l!'eb. 1849; moroh. Shirley to 1871, since agt, Cor White 8, M, Co., 110w su1>t, or trnv,. aml loo, agencies, };11111110 E.•, 8 l!'eb. 1871. Weslc~· J,\P, 28 lllnr, 1873, William J,P, 4 July 1876, Laura M.~. 21 Jan. 1870, d. Inf. ThndtlOUR', 4 Mar, 1811, Ill, Jan, 1~, Uebecoa Frothingham of I,ancal!ttr, 21 Mar, 1810, ti, H May 18-IO; m. 2d w, Mrs. Eliza l'uffer1 m, n, Gerry of Sudbury, b, 1800, d, 14 July 1ll67; 111. 2-J Nov, 1858, Harriot A, Sawtell of Shirley, 18 Uoo, 1821; wheelwright, Shirley, J.•, 21 .Mar. 1835, m. 2-t Mar. 1868, Everett Wbltlng of U11to11, b. 1836, ('I> div, 1872, 111. 10 l>eo. 1874, Charles N. Sargent or JJoxboro, eoltllor In lato war, res, lfoverhlll, William• Whitney, r, Z.'oh, 1850, went !\lo,, 011111, In sawmill, m. 1883, has a ch, h'llm A,•, 10 A1>r, 1830, m. 17 May 1803, William Sawtell of Shirley, 1 May 18361 cnl, G,32tl Ma~s. Vols,; In bllttle11, Bristow sta., Hn1111ahannock fltn,, Mt, 1101>0 cbnrch, ~lino Uu111 taken 11rls. Rt llatchor'a nun; d, at home, disease en used hy 11rlva­tlons while 11rls,, 30 l\lar, 1805; 2d hus, 2-1 Nov. 1807, Chas. l,nwrenco, 10 Aug. 183-1, wood worker, htf, m.•, 20 nee. 18-H', ti, C/1arlca 'I'.•, 2-1 So11t, 18-17, ti, young, ltcul,cn', 13 Jnn. 1813, ti,, 111, 1837 llannnh ll1111t of Hingham; 11alntor, Hoston, Camb1'hlgo110rt. R1lwm·tl•, 1mlntor, l\leclford. 111/,•, smothorod In bed, 2 tl<111s.•, Horace l,,1, 23 Jan, 1816, farmer, ,\sh­buruham, 111, Lucy IClbllng or A,, wh > d, 1 111, 16 Nov, 1850, Jnnotto D. ICotchum of Mlltou, Vt,, sch, tea., b. 1823, J<'rancis•, trn1lor, l!'itchhurg, m, Adollno Hny of Nnutuckct. J:tslc~, b, 1848, m. 1 Jan, 1870, Adelbert Uradf Jrd of ltlndgo, farmer. Elizabeth', d,, m. 1 Jnn. 18-12, Alvin Holden of Shlrloy,30 Nov. 1814, .J, 28 July ISM; houso furn,, hnrdwnro, CamhrhlgcJ101·t. A'llen JO, d. Nov, 1875, lll, I.owls Grose, mnrkotman, Hoston; 3 ch., 2 ti. Jolm', 10 Mny 1810, 111. 28 l\lny 1830, Sarah J, ICcm11 of Groton, 4 lllny 1822, ti 16 SoJlt, Ji;so; 111, 27 Aug, 1882, 2tl w., Susnu A, l'ollnrcl or Ashhuruham, 26 r>ec, 1831; fnrmor, painter, U rot on. ,1/m•v J.~, 2 ~lny 18-10, m, Justin J, l{onllall of Ayor, res. J<:, 'l'o11111loto11. Sar((fl J.:,s, 111. Cl111A, Smiley, pnlutor, ro11. Worce11tor, Ocorgo~. Clam~, b, 1808, · llorbortv, Abby', ll, HO, 18, Ueorue l•',8, grntl,

174 1Ylllla,ns. Pl'OCt01',

I>artm. mod. sch. 1874, m. Joso;,hlno Wright, prnc. med. Worcester. Frances", ct. 1881, Florence'. Andtew', m. Lucy Lloyd; chalrnmko1·, Worcester. Brnest~, b. 1878. Charles', b, 1854, d. Dec, 1881. Fanny', m. J.uthor Vining, job teamster, Worcester, 1"rcclerlck', Nov. 18ti2, painter, m. 8 I<'cb. 1883, Lilla Wright of Towm1end. Walter 0.11, 2d Fob. 1885. WJl/lom•, 1iatntcr, m. llary mood. Francis". Charles•. Lydia', 26 Juno 18221 m, 18 Oct. 1840, Albert J, ICcm11 of Groton, 1 ltay 1817, d. 4 Fob. 1810, ORrJl,; m. 18 Jan. 1853 2cl hus,, Cbns. Sherman, mnchlnlst, who d, 12 So))t, 1808; m. 28 Apr. 1870, 3d bus., I<'rnnk Clmpml\n, who d,; rem. wost 1863, ret. 1800 Shlrlo)', llelcns KemJJ 1 10 Nov. 18421 m. 0 Oct. 18051 Geo. Jtammoncl of N. Y. Stl\to, res. Leominster. Edward 0.11• 1 July 1800. ,Uary E.•, 18 Oct. 1845, d. young, Albert• Sherman, 20 Sopr. 1851, m. 27 Xov. 1873, Hnrrlot r.. mttredgc, sis. lllner\'n, ante, 25 Aug. IBM; mnchlnlst, Shirley, Abol l(.T, 1 Dec. 182/S, painter, m. nee, 1848, Snrnlt J~. Sttl\'ens or •rownsond, b. 1837, tl. July 1867; 111. 2d w, ht Grafton, Prcclerlck', It. R. mnn., 111., 2 ch, Stel{as, 111, John King, 11rov. denier, Ora.fton; boy ancl girl. Ltlla J.1, 10 :!\fay ISM, d. young. Bcl111ard K,s, 25 July 1857, 11cctlon boss P. & w. n. n. Wllitam•, n. n. man., Wol'Ccstor. Clill<lrm hy 211 w. Hannah 1\1.,, 27 nee, 1830, 111. 13 Sept. 18o2, Nnhum Herson, h. Lcb1,11on, l\lo., 7 July l8281 tailor, since 18/i5 roll coverer for cotton mllls. f:lltm ,1/.8, 8 Aug. 18M, 11. o l\far. 180ll, .. 41'llmr 10, 27 J\lar. 18.'i9, m. 20 Sc11t. l&.'11, Chun L, Meeker or Now llc!lford; overseer cot, 111111, Chlco11cc. Geo, N. 11, Nov, 18113. Charles A.0, J\lar. 1885. 1\fary A,T 120 Oct. 1833, d. young,

l 1hlla61 27 Sept., 170.f., d. 21 Sept., 18-17, m. 13 Nov,, 1817, William Williams, b.

Groton, 21 l\fnr., 1702, cl. 10 Dec,, 1802, In Shirley.

William', 10 Juno 1818, 111. 81 1\lar. 1845, Susan r,awson, b, l'ortland, l\fe., 22 Feb. 1828; 11a11er111aker, cnl. July 1802, B, 33d l\lnss. Vols., dlsch. dis., 0 I>ec. 1802. GcorycS, 21 Oct. 18-17, enl, Oct, 1802, O, li3 l\lnss. Vols., 11. 20 1''eb, 18H3. Jsabcllt8, o Oot. 1860, rn. 1 Jan. 1872, Nelson N. Tol'roy of Groton, 2 Oct. 1843, fal'mcr, 2 ch.o, cl. l~VA H.11, 181''ob. 1880, t•:mery1, 10 So11t, 1810, whcohvrlght, m. o Juno 1640, Imznboth Sawtell or Shirley, 20 ltnr. J828. Auuusta J.•, 6 Jnn, 1818, d. ch .• t,., 15 I>oc. 1872, m. 16 I>eo. 18001 Homer Wilson, b. 'l'orrlngton, Co1111,, 24 Aug. 18161 sta. ngt., Shirley, 1860-831 now morch. Ocorgo7, 1\fay 1823, 11ntntcr, Hoston, m, Cynthia Lelal)(I, Cliatles8, Ftcmcls~. Gee.rye•. JC8sc8• l•'ranclsT, ~lay 1825, <I., m. Elllabeth l'ark, who d.; 2d w., J11no Gregor of ICccno, N. II.; wheelwright, rem, Clu, o., 1lftor tho war. R11111rn', m. -- SolmlJort or Cln, O., architect, hulldor. 2 boys, 1 girl. Son•, b. & d., Leominster. Andrew l',', 20 l<'ob. 1828, d. 30 l<'cb, 18W, m. 30 May ISM, I<'rnuccs Rodding of Dunstable, who d. 1 So11t. JSoO; m. 28 Nov, lSoS, Mary A. Uatson; wheelwright, Inter Janner. J,'tcrnccs A.•, 5 Aug. 1862, d. 30 Jan. 1886. Bila Jt'.s, 10 ,Jnn. 18li8. HnrrlctJ, 23Oct. 1830, d •. 0 Nov. 1871, m. 26 Apr. lss.&, Honry J. J<~stabrook or DunstalJle, mlllwrlght, Oroton. l'op11orell, Hollis, N.H. l!arrlet 1•.•, 23 Aug. 1855, 111., res. IlM·orltlll. acoruo ll.8, 20 Jnn. 1&58, cl. W1llla11i 11,s, 4 July 1800, d. lsabellc8, 16 Aug, 1864. Amauda7, 10 Mar. 1832, acchlontnlly shot, o May 1848, OrnnvllloT, 20 Oot.1830, 111. Catlterlno Tarbell, div.; m. 2<1 w.; omp. In 11a1101 111111, So. Fitch­burg. 5 ch., 2 11, Priscilla J.7, 26 Oct. 1830, m. 21 July 1807, <lea. John l'arkor of Groton, /loll ,ind ulrl5, d. Inf. ,1/arv E.•, '?O Oct. 18i2.

Susannn6, 15 Apr., 1748, d, Shirley, m. (pub, 28 Dec.,, 1771,) Dn\'lcl l'rntt of Groton, 20 Oct., 1748, rov, soldier, A1111a81 27 Juno 1772. Hannnh8, 11 l!,cb., 1774. Dnv1'1°, 10 Oct., 1770. Jonnthnn3, 20 Apr., 1 WO, d, 20 Jan., 1814, 111. (pub, O Apr., 1775,) Mary Boynton of Lunenburg, 20 Dec., 170'i, d, 80 Sept., 1885, Mnry6, 2o Oct., 1770, d. 17 Jan., 1855, m. 10 Mar., 1700, John Proctor of 'l'own­scnd, J>cc,, 1772, fnrmer. ·

S11r11,hT, 10 Mny 1800, m. 21 Oct. 1837, 1\8 2,1 w., Rnlph l'atch of Nnshua, N. n., ,1. 14 ,July 1802; m. 21 July 180:1, I~zra Nowell or .l\lason, N. n., ct. 26 May 1870; res. with bro, John', In •rown­sell(), a deacon or tho Cong. church, res. ncnr tho II HRthor," car1,,, form. manf. clo'lk cases. Jt11ms, 12 Oct. 1113-l, grad. l<'ramlnghnm Norm. Sch. 1850, same year missionary asst. nml tea. at Alntnb, Turkey, rot. 1883. Lucy A.•, 31 Dec. 1837, stud. at Oroton Acad. ancl l'hllll11s, Exeter, matron, asst. su11t, 1 J.ancnstor J111t11st. sch., m. 27 Nov. 1870, ns 2d w,, Rev, Aaron B. Peffers, t,, JJnrkh1onpstond, Conn, 182-, 110w at l'oru, Vt., Con,1. min, Myron P,0, 21 July 1881, Jolin M.•, 12 se11t, 1830, d. Hi I<'cb. 1800, gmd. I>Artmonth 1803, an Ambitious, self-tlonylng student, prln. of high sch, at l\loravla, N. Y,, 1,osscssod fine musloal talent.

,Tonathnn8, 80 ,July, 1778, cl. 21 Feb., 1848, m. J~sthcr ,vnrrcn of Townscncl, who cl.; 2d w,, :Mrs. l\lnry Hlootl of Groton; millwright, Pc1ipcrcl11 d. sudll, heart dis. 'l'homns0, 28 May, 1780, d.; carp., scrvcl1 in gunboat fleet on Luko Erle, war 1812,

LYNN, ,v. BOYLSTON, 176 Newcomb.

Jcrcmlnh6, 2 Nov., 1782, d, 10 Mnr., 1851, m. l 1hcbu l{ibbcy of Mcclwny, b. 1780, d. 2-1 July, 1830; truckmnn, hnck driver, Boston.

Jloxaua J>,11 29 l\fny 180.~, d. 25 Aug. 1~, m. o Juno 18251 Hnrley Nowcomh or Orconwlcb, 20 Oct, 1803, d, 0 l>oo. 181>8, fum, doalcr, W. I. gooils, hotel, Boston, rem. 183.'i Lynn. Sara It L,8,

o Dec. 182.5, d, 11 A11r, IS/SO, m. 7 Aug. 18-18, Jlornco Clnrk or Wells, )lo. Charles lC.9, 16 Oct. 1860. Ilarley s.a, a Juno 1827, d. Samuel K.•, 13Jut11828, d, nt eon, rot, from Cal., 22 Jan, 1851, Wlllfam B.•, 22 Jan, 1830, went Cnl., out. let Cal. Yols., d. from wounil, Aug. 1862, Cyrus F•, 13 Aug. 1831, tu. 11 July 1853, Elizabeth Huddleston, ":hod.; 2d w., Jane Weston; since 1860 In tho western mining regions, miner, hotol keeper, JJOllco justice. Cyrus W,P1 29 Apr. l~I, d. young. Wm. J<,P, 6 A11r. J&o. Henry ll,11, 18 liar. JS.'SS, llmr11 B.1, 28 July 1833, m, !Bro, Elizabeth 8. llutohluson or Paris, ICy.; rem. St. Joso11h, )lo., w, d, thoro. lloraco0, d. 11!6-I, Dale•, Aug. 1800, Josephine )I.,, llarlev I'.•, l\Jnr. 1835, d, .JJa.rleys, 22 Aug. 1531;, com. study music at 8 years old, some time In 1<:uro110, sncc. com11oscr n111l director or music In JJoston, N. Y,, Washington; m. u; Oct. 1860, Sarah lt Green of T,mllow, Yt., 23 Juno 1830, cl, 6July 1873, Grace L,11, 2-1 Nov. 1803, m, -- Chester of Ludlow, Yt. 1''1orouco 0.11, 1 ,Jan. 1871, Hertha I>.11, 4 l>oo. 1873, Jo/In l',1, 22 Sept. 1838, In gro. trade, Now Orlenns, Ln., somo years; 1870, rem. La Soma, Cal.; m. 5 Sopt. 1801, .l\llnn s. Goreko or N. o. Ocorgo A.0, 31 Oct. 1862, d, Mnry 1,,0. 80110, Joseph 1", /J,1, 14 Nov. 18~0, onl. JI, 8th Mass. Vols,, re-cul. 28 Aug. 1861, D, 10th Alass. Vols., served to close or war, army of l'otomno; m. 31 July 1807, Eliza J, 1111\rblo, b, Ill. 23 .l\lnr. 18-10, d. 10 July 1881; rnrmor, Volney, II\, Anna L.o, 11 Aug, 1868, Dortha L,", 8 Jan. 1873. Otts W.•, 8 Jnn. 184:l, tuner of mus. Justs,, m, JO .l\lny 1860, Charlotte 111. Taylor of Now Preston, Conn. Harley lf.01 16 801,t, 1808, Mnurlco T, 1.11, 10 Oct. 1860, D,ivl<l l/,1, 5 July 1815, enl. 28 Aug, 1801, 10th lllass. Yols,; wns mom. N, Y, police bcf. no. 10, now bagg, and oxp.-man on n.n., res. 'fhom11son, Conn.; m. 10 I<'ob, 18681 Elizabeth A, Holmos of P1·ov., R, I. William IV, 12 Deo. 1808, [As to most of this family l hnvo perforce followed tho Newcomb gonoalogy, Jlllb, abt, 1870,] l\lary 1:1.7, 8 Fob, 1807, d. 2-1 Oot, 18l0. Cntherlno 8.', 10 Oct, 1808, m. 8 Nov. 1835, Joseph Y. Plorco of Woodstock, Yt., b, 1807, d., book• blndor, Hoston; m. 2d bus,, James o. Osborn or Greenport, L. I., Ii Nov. 1817, d, 31 Mnr. 1870, 11ollcoma111 Brooklyn, N,Y.; silo res. there. lloratlo N,', 20 Doc, 1810, wont In tho whnlo ftshory from Now Uedford, 1827; on 2d trip left vessel nt Snn Diogo, Cal., m. young .Moxlcnn woman, ow nor of a cattlo ranch; dealt In hides, tallow nnd beef, nf tor 18-10 kept n hotel In Snn .ltranclsco; l1ad two dau., 11orhnps n son; latterly lost sight of by Ills oastoru rel 11lves. Snrnh Jane', 3 Nov. 1812, m. O llnr. 1831, Wm. D, Atkinson or Gloucester, 31 Jon. 1809, 11alntor, nbnndoned bur In 1850; she res. nt 01«1 Lntlles Home, llo~ton. William JJ,a, 23 :\lay 1831, 11, z, Juno 18811 drngglst, Jlostou, 111. Caroline Chnso of B, .t,'foreuco Y,0, 2-1 Aug. l~G:!. Harriot T,o, 22 July 1806, l<'rauolsT, JO Nov, UH-11 d, young. 1''rn11cfsr, 20 July 1811l, ll. young. ,Jnuo K,r, JO Sept. 1818, d. 7 Ang, J870, 111, 10 AJ>r, 1810, 1-:lcazor Usber, 26 Aug, 1810, d. 4 Jan. 1881, atago driver, latot ex11rossmn11 1 Lynn. C'llarlcs .. Y.a, 20 Sc)lt, 18-ll, foreman, shoo bus., Ly1111, m. 7 Aug. 18f.i:i, lllnrthn A. Lo,·erlug or Exeter, N, ll,, 18 Feb, 1813, J~ngono l'.~, II l\fny 18W, shoo cutter, rn. 23 Apr. 1SS6, Augusta R, Dow of Marblehead, l\lnr. ISGO, l'crcv 1-:.1°, 10 No,·, 1886, Ueoruc JI.•, 26 Jan. 18-1-1, d. :l6 Nov. 1860, l'lllllCll<t A.a, 17 Sept. 18-IO, d. young. Warl'cn JI.•, 18 Aug. 18481 shoo manf,1 m, C1uolluo Johuson of Lynn, John a,a, 27 Aug. 1853, 110llcc• man, m, lllfnnle ---, Hannah T,1, 27 Oct. 1820, d, 12 Juno 18601 m. o l\lny 1813, Edm11111l Carroll of Lynn, shoemnker, Woburn; 4 oh I nil d. Inf, Abby A,r, d. 30 July 1825,

Edwo.m16, 11 Jnn. 1 1786, d. 25 Oct., 1850, m. 20 No,·., 1810, Olin? Lo\'cll of llcr­lin, 1 Oct., 1782, d. 4 Oct., 181.l-i; farmer, W, Boylston.

Nancy w.,, 1-1 So(lt, 1811, d,1 m, o Juno 1831 1 Orrin l<'nlrl.lnuks of W. lloyJston, 30 Juno 1800, carp., nurso1yman, latterly llvlqg In Worcester. Jauo L,', m. C. William', 2:.11>00. 1813, 111.4 l\lay 1&38, )lnrgory A, Tart of Uxbridge, 4 l\lny 1818; sell. ton. until 18H, rem, Worcester, 111 nursery bus.; row. IBM l'hlln, l'n., ln111lsoapo gardener, 1857 to Now York city, same bus, .l\lrs, JI, has since lived with her chitd1011. /,ura 8, 27 July 1840, m, 28 Aug, IMO, Chas. H. Wheeler of llollle, N • .11. 1 ti Fch, 1832, I' ,stal elk., ll,U, conductor to 1873, since stn. ngt. II. & 1•, n.n., llostou, Charles J>.u, 3 Oct. HOO, In lus, bus, l'lwrles8, 20 Dec. 18H, m. Cnrolluu Dny or Worcester, who d,; m. li Juno J8i01 Cnrolluo E, Coll>y of Concord, N. II., 10 SCJtt, IM!; 111etch. until 1877, sluco Ins. ngt, Chnries E.P, 11 Oct, 1ss-1. wmtam A.•, ao ,Tan. 1817, 111, o Se11t, 18721 llfnry J. Hodgdon of Lcbl\non, N. JI., b, 18391 d, 1 Nov, 1877; m. 31 )tar. 18W, Lucy A. Tanner or Hoston, h. 18-1-1; Is In 011111. or Adam& l~x1>, Co. ,1/a r(lcrv', 30 Oct, 11!-l!l, ti, o l\lnr. 1812, llcorgcf-1 30 I>ec. 1852, 111. 13 So)lt, i671, Irnogt"lro 1''. l•'IRgg of Caurmu, N, 11,, 2 Hee, 18.54; left her 18i8, 111. 6 Sept. 168.11 Corn I,. l>nsco1nb of llrldgoport, Conn., h. 1802; machinist, rem, 1880 Stamford, Conn. Lowis W,11

1 6 July 187~- Loulsov, Oct. 1&14. .U«c~, 17 l\lay 1800, 111,


llRrry J. Allon of Worccstor, 11 June 1868, upholstoror, Hoston, Harry D.•, 31 Jan. 1870, VlcJaD, 1''oh, 1882, Abigail L,T, 20 Oct. 1827, cl. 1 l\lar, 1876, m. 20 M:u. 1846, Nathan l\lorso of War• wick, ::!-I 1''ob. 1810, farmer, W. Hoylston. 1<:d11umcl E.•, o 8411t. 1818, carJlentor Worcester, m. o Se)lt, 1870, Jlargarot Armstrong of Cambrhlgo, 1 Apr, tSM, Abby L.o, 22 Nov, 1871, Minna l\(,ll, 31 Dec. 1873, Edmund 1''.D, 13 Doc. 1870, J<:thol E.0, twin, Charles E.o, 2-', Feb, 1882, OUve /,,8,6 May 1851, cl. 8 Sept, 1804, Abby L.•, 11 S011t, ISM, cl, young. Nathan l',1, 0 Jnly 1868, 111, 20 Apr. 1881, Emma H, J,'lshor or W. UoylRton, 21 Juno 1&i7; bookkeeper, Worcester. Horbert i,•,o, 11; May 1882, Cliarlcs w.•, 8 Aug, 1801, d, young, 1•rudoncor, July 1832, d. 4 Se)lt, 1856, m. 1st E11hralm Hoadley, 2d, Jonathan Edwards. Lucila•.

Lovi6, b. 1788, of n. sprightly mind, fine person, pleasing ncldrcss, overseer In cot• ton factory, ,vnlthnm; ruined by nn unfortunate marriage, his wife becoming n. drunkard; fell into evil courses, l\ml d. In II. of Industry, Boston, 18 }~eb. 1820.

Luther", 14 Jan., 1701, d, lu Oct., 1867, m. 1G l\lny, 1811, Sarah Cushing of Townsend, who d.; m. 10 Sept., 1840, Delilah Holden, m. n. I>ick'erson, b. Har• mrd, d. Woburn; farmer, Pepperell.

Mary A,1, 2 Oct, 1811, m, 8 ,Jan, 1831, Rlchar1l Pierce of Townsend, 2 Nov. 1805, farmer, Pop-11orcll, l/111•rict A,•, 1 Oct, 1833, m, 30 Nov, 185-1, Geo. C, J,ewls of Groton, 20 Jan, 1825, d, 12 A)lr, 1883, res, Pe11perell. Charles A.•, 10 A)lr, 18591 m, 31 Oct. 1882 Amy Hackett, b. Uorneo 30 June 18110; jewel fitter, watch factory, Waltluun, ,Rav A.,o, 26 Juno 1883, Sarai• A.• 20 Sept, 18,tO, m. 13 Dec, 1800, Oeo. 0, l<'lotcher of Jlollls, N, 11,, H Apr, 1837, cl, 28 Oct. 1870; farmer •. Anna A,o, 8 AJ>r, 1864, d, 13 A11r, 187-i, Geo, w,o, h? Jan, 11177, cl. Inf, Almira w.r, 10 July 1813, tn, 10 July tS:W, Lowis Jllood of Groton, IS Mar, 1801>; fnrmor, Shirley, rem. 1871 to Ayer, d, C!la rles L.•, 8 Sopt, 1835, m, - Long, 20 .May 1851; res. Hoston, Jfarv J.•, 7 l\far, 1837, m. 6 Mar, 1800, Andrew J, Clough, b, l\lont11eller, Vt,, 3 Aug, 1831, cl. H Juno tW; grad, Harv. Law Sch., achn, bar 1868, prac, Shirley, Marlon n.,, 18 Aug. 1801, m, 22_Got. 1885, Wm, JJurJett of Westminster, 2 Oot, 1850, res, Leominster. Mabel n,o, 2-1 Jan. 1863, Clayton o.0,

19 Apr. 1866, journalist. llarriet A,•, 20 Mor, 18301 ti, 20 July 1807, Rlclora J,',•, 10 I<'eb, 1845, m, 10 Mar, 1804, Clnsson I<onney of Leominster, 31 May 1830; box factory, Job carf)entor. Grace .1'~.o, 10 Dec, 1808, Lewlt1 N,o, H J,'ob, 1877, Ethel A,o, ll l<'eb, 1880, Clctrci E,8, 21 Sept. 1847, Sarah A.•, 21 Mar, 1%0, sch, tel\, Luther', 21 Oct, J811S, d, IS Jan, 18-10, 111. O Oct. 1830, Jtoxana Farnsworth of Groton, 2 Nov. 1817, Sarah JI.•, 1 l\far. 1838, m, 9 June 1869, Rev. J,'orrest 1''. Emerson of Lynnlleld, 10 May 18S01 grad, Hrown 1862, Uocbestor Theo!. 8cm, 1863, na11t, min. Gloucester, Hartford, Conn,, until 1879, Cong, min. Amherst, In 1882 to Newport, n. I. Ethel9, 16 A)lr, 1872, J/arrtet A.•, 9 JJec, 1830, m. 3 Oct. 1870,Jolm II, Taylor, M, D., res, llolley, N, Y, John M,o Forrest E,D Horace G,r, 20 A11r. 1817, m. 21 Aug. ISM, Kmlly Law or Drookllne, N, H., 25 A)lr, 1810, d, o Jan. 1882; m. 20 July 188:J, Mary J. ,TennlngF- of Camb'p't, 1 May lS.'H i cloalcr In 11n11er stock, l'oJ111erell, J.'rmif.-s, 2u I>co, 1850, cl, Inf, Jo •c,lerlc!.-4, m. Jan. 1881, Jnno A)·or or Charlotte, Me,, ~lay 11100. Clyde A.0, 26 May 1880, Chci rles', 4 Sept. 1800, Calvin', 27 A1•r. 1810, went l'lttsb111·g, l'a,1 m,, 2 oh, Sally', 25 May 18.!I, d, young, Almond', 30 Juno 18:Za, d, 11 8e)lt, 11326, Alfred', twlu, pattern maker, Uoston, m, 20 Jan. 18521 Sarah V, Smith or Newark, Vt., 11 Jnn, 1820; Is a jeweler In Worcester, ltlct a•, 18 Oct, 1852, d. youug. Franots w.,, 24 ,July 1865, designer, llthog., Hoston, m. 18 l\lRr, 1885, Julia O, M, Uogers of Hoston, b, 1853, Ilarvcv S,1, 10 Oct, 1857, wntclunRker, Wnltham, m, 17 Feb, J881, Jenny S. Hurleigh of Hoston, 6 Jan. IMO, Inez v.e, Mnr, 1882. Alfred n,o, 15 l\lay 1884, Jo,eplifne L'.•, J1 Apr. 1865, .nore,,ce s.•, 23 Oct, 1870, Thomas J., 28 Se11t, 18~, rn,, loft his wife abt, ISM, went to Ala,, dealt In sowing machines; at breakh1g out of war rott compelled to remain, to collect outstamllag dl'lits, which his patrons oancello1l by couscrlptlng htm to serve 111 tho confederate army, 18 ~u11po11od to be now In l\llnn, Lutlier i,•,•, 8 July 1860, m. 1 Jan. 1871, Caroline Thornley of l'hlla., I'a,, 10 July 1861; designer ancl decorator In luahle finish, Fanny l\1.9, 9 AJ1r, 1872, Sarah 1.;,u 20 Aug. 1873, Caroline. A,0, ~ ))cc. 18711, d, Inf, W1'llam E,0, 21 Feb, 1877, d. Inf, Ernest 1''.0, 23 1''eb, l8i8, Jloraco E .•, 20 Jan, 1fll>2, land11caJ1e gArd1rner, architect, later lnsldo decorator, Hoston, New York, Washington, D, 0, Horace 1'',u, u Oct. 1880. Harrison J,r, 10 Nov: 1828, M, D,, l'hlla., 1•a.1 an. 2IS Nov. 1862, Harriet Ger­rish ol Town11encl, 111 Oct, 1833, Elliabetl, J,',•, 12 Oct, 18531 'm, 1878 Levi Halo of Camden, N, J,, bookkee11or, Geo. H.•, 15 Aug, 1878, Jlartl,a s.•, 1 June 18M, Sarah J,', 22June 1831, ltl, U Dec, 1862, Leonard Bllllng11 of Lunenburg, 4 June 1820, cabinet maker, rem. 18GO Ayer, Ellen A.•, 3 Due, 1853, m, 10 Se11t. 18721 Leonard A, Duck of Oakdale, 11 May 1848, morch,, Ayer, rem, 181S2 to Phlla.1 t>a, Snmuol J.t•.•, 14 July 1878,

.mlub8, 18 May, 1708, d, 24 Aug. 1826; shoemaker, w. Townsend, victim of a con11ilracy set on foot by a jealous fellow tradesman, which was only succcSBful In

BERLIN, CnESTEn•·rnLD, N.11. 177 1YalktJr,

causing a young womnn he had engaged to marry·, to discard him, which unsettled his mind and led to bnd habits and bis death.

Leonard0, 2 Aug., 1705, d. 11 June, 1870, m. 8 Oct., 1818, Ablgntl Pierce of Rut­lnnd, 3 May, 1707, d. Nov., 1877; farmer, sett. soon after m. in Berlin,

llanlot M.7, 1 Dec. JSIO, d. o Jan, 1840, m. 6 .AJ>r, J830, llllohnel 1t·a1111lng, Ueoroe JI.•, 26 July J839, d. young. Chauncey 1•,1, 20 Mny 1821, m. 4 Jan. J844, Mary A, Carter of llorlln, 31 Jan. 182'.l; farmer, rem. 1876 J."alconer, N. Y. Rtlwanl b'.•, 8 Dec, 1844, hotel clerk, m •. May 1807, Adelaide Jlurroughs, b, New London, Conn., div. 1870, J."rederlck 1<:,•, b. fall lSC.18, Rlla Jh•, au Nov. 1848, m. 1 May 1870, John J>. llnlJcock of llerlln, 30 Se11t, 18·14, hulldcr, Wol'cester. Orace A,0, 4 J.<'eb. 1871, d. Inf, Uurton E.11, 28 Aug, 1875, Inez .111,11, tu Fob. 187P. J.'rank H.•, 16 J>eo. 1851, 111 clothing bus., Holyoke, I>anbury, Conn., m. 7 Sll11t. 188:l, Julia 1<;, Wlhhnan or J>., b. 1803, Sttralt H,R, 1 Oct. ISM. llarrlct M.•. 3 Sept. 1857, l,ctola 1':.•, 7 S011t, 1804, d. young. Anna L.•, 16 Sept. 1800. Lucy A,', 3 Aug. J82'.!1 m, 8 A}lr, JMI, Daniel H, Carter, bro, lllary A., ante, r<>s. Jlerlln, Ocorgo 1-;.,, 24 lllnr, 1624, 111. 22 A11r, 1840, Cella .Ill, Closkey, b, l'o111fret, Vt,, 2 Apr. 18:.!7; carp., &ett. WestlJorOj enl, 14 Aug, 1802, JC, J3th lllass, Vols,, dlsch. dis. o ,July 1863, 'l'hcl'e,4a A.•, 17 Nov, 186C, m. O Feb. 1872, I,orenus JI, Jlratoy of \V,, O May 1840, tenmster. Orace n.0, 20 l<"eh. 1877, d, Oriana K.•, 22 Nov. 1862, d. inf, Clarc1Ice L,•, 2 Dec, 1857, gro. clerk, m. 4 Mnr, 1878, J>11lsy lllor&o or w., I AJ>r, JSGO, Ellen It•, 20 Aug, 1878, }:«!win M.•, 12 A1,r, 1882, Louisa A,T, 3 ,July 1827, d. 2 J<'cb, 1870, 111, 6 lllnr. HHS, J<~dw, 1'', Ot·cen or Northboro, IJ, 1817, iarmer, Jlorlln, Al,lgrtil L.•, 20 Nov, 1840, m, 13 Juno JSGO, Joseph JI, Sawyer or Jlerlln, JO lie11t. 1845, f'armor. Wnltor A,', 28 June 1880, Cnrl E,o, 6 .Mnr, J882, J.oulsa l',11, 2ll Feb. J881, Alo11io P.•, 111a11on, tu. 1872, lllary --· or JI, Ulmrlea JI.•. C/1c11tcr A,8, carp., 111,1 res. Wc11tboro, Jo/m Jo.',•. J~mlly 1•.,, 27 Juno J82!1, 111. 23 Jnu, 18-111, Btlwln Sawyer of llerlln, Ill Sept. 1821, shoeannkcr, now farming • .Aflco I'.•, JO Jnn, 1sri0, d. JO l\lny 1807, E,lwln /, 9, 8 nee. 18M, hookk<>e11cr, lllnrlhoro, 111, 17 Oct, 1877, Rllzabeth A, Johnson or Jlorlln, 3 Sept. JMO, Chnrles 11.,, 28 Jan, J831 1 m. JO A11r. Jl.iro, 1mzahcth l<'uller or Wllllrn­llnm, 6 J.i"oh, l8a7; shoemaker, rem, 1801 to Clinton; cul,, Jan. 18041 JI, 3d lllass, Cav,, Red JUvc1· cn1111111lg11 1 dlsch, dis., Oct, 1!104, Clara. A,•, 2G .Illar. 1864, au, 27 l\lny 1874, J.,'rnucls Ly­man, clerk, Clinton, went 1"lorldR 1885, .Aclclbert ll.~, 4 July 185Cl, 11rlnter. J're,lcrlck .R,•, 4 Oct. JSGI, d. inr. Ellen JI.•, 1 Mny 1804, d. II Apr, 11183. l/nrrv F.•. 6 lllay 1875, l\(ary .,.,, 16 Juno J833, d. 21 AJlr, 1807, 111, 3 Oct. 1866, l'llny n. Southwick or Uerlln, 7 Sept, 1821, denier gmlu, cont, ,J. 1•., hehl sev. town omces. lleo,·110 JI.~, -1 Jnn, 18L7, Janek drl\'cr, llfarlboro, 111,

u Jan. 1878, Adclln A, Cnl'tcr of JJcrlln, 12 July 1867, JI any n.v, 28 ,luly 1878, Cnrl A,v, 23 No,•. l8i0, /,ilia JO, 10 Mny, 1sco, 111. spr. 1&5, ('hns. ]), 1<:ngcl' of Ln11castcr, cx1nessman, 80110, No\', 181-G, d. Inf. itlarv s.s, 20 Aug, ISCO. J>anlel ... ,, 13 ~lny 1836, Cl\tll,, lll, 1 Nov. JM-1, Susan II. llloore ol lloylston, 12 July 1s::li, cl. 17 Rcpt. 1801; m. 31 llla·r, 1804, Ellen .Ill. Wheeler or llerlln, 0 July J8U, J, A11u1111tus~, 1 Se11t. ltlOI, llv, sin,, t:levelnud, 0, llcrtlllo L,•, 31 l\lnr, 1806, cloak, l<'ltchhtllg, Susan I,.•, o A11r, 18i1,

lletso)~, 111, Lewis' Stiles, ante, q. v,, 1,. 411,

IWzabctha, 8 Apr., 1758, d, }'ch., 1840, m. - J)lgglns, who prob. d.; m. 12 Dec,, 1770, Samuel Walker of Chcstcrtleld, N. II., 28 Mar., 1758, d, 22 Jan,, 1880, dca, of ch. lnfl. cit. Aija0, 20 Aug,, 1778, d. 25 l\lay, 1840, m. No,·., 1801, Sally Wheeler, 20 Apr., 1780, d. 18 May, 18li0,

Sophln', 28 Jan, 1803, d, 5 Atay 18431 m. 1827, Abel Parke or Hanover, N, JI, Mary P,7, 8 llfay 1806, d. 9 July 1837, m. ltufus Hnrv<>y, Hnrry', 17 Nov, 18071 d, 4 Oct, 1804, m. Laura. l'lerce. 1o·rnncl'8 8.', 2G Nov, 1811, d. young, Ellznbeth', 23 June 1814, d. 4 A}lr, 1849, m, Wm, l<'. Hnt• mud or .Ille., rem • .11111111, John w.,, 8 Jnn. 1817, d. 17 July 1823, Almlna7, 2G July 1s21, d, young, John w.,, !9 Se11t, 1823, Rt llloomfteld, 0,, J875, twice m,

Sllva8, 24 Sept., 1780, cl. young, Jlmna11, 7 Sept., 1782, cl, 7 Jan. 1801, m. Mar., 1804, Sally Wootls, 15 Aug., 1785; settled Westmoreland, N. 11.

Carollner, 28 Jan, 18051 1n. Geo. E, llNwstcr, rem, Detroit, .Illich, Ahnlna7, 6 Nov. 1814, d. 13 Deo. 1882, twlco m.

Ar~m', 0 June, 17841 d. 17 May, 1328, m. 1807, Lydia Ilnkcr, 20 June, 1788, d. 20 June 1828,

Sellrnna s.,, 18 Jnn, J830, m. 1-1 July 18~8, Hon, Wm. Halle or Putney, Yt., O Mny 18071 morch, mnnf. woolens, Hhmlalo, N, JI.; J8W•'IS6 Jes11 two yon rs, mom. legls,, l'rcs. senate '55, '67, gov. 18681 ro1u, Keene, N. II,, 1873, d. 22 July t8ilJ; .'Shi! llvl11g t883, J/"rrlet a.•, 22 June 1820, m,

Lt1'TJ,RTON, 178 Taylor.

Jno. l\l, Stebbins of Hlnsdnle. Ellni 111.•, 12 Se)lt. 1831, cl. H Feb. 18611 m. Syh·ester o. Dnv. enport of JI, Wllllmn JJ.A, 23 Sept. 1833, 111cm. firm Halle, J.~rost & Co., woolen mnnf­Jllnsdnle, went S)lrlngfleld, 111. 1 Jnn. 1~61. Amelia I,. Cha)lln, 2'.! Apr. 18m; mnyor 1880, State Sonntor 1&!2-4. Wllllnm C.11, 2 nee. 11103, 1I. Inf. Allceo, 20 July ISl:ci, Jlcnry C.11, 20 Oct. l8G8,

•t,•ara J.•, I Feb, 18371 m. Obed o. Hort or Surry, N. 11., pres. City Hank, Kceuo,N. n. Horton D.1, 9 Juuo, 1811, d, o .Mny 18i2, thrlco 111., res, l'ortsmouth, N, JI, Laws1m', 16 July 1810, thrice m, l'arker u.,, 26 Aug, 1820, d. 7 J\fny 18711, 111. Mary J11ynes. Carolluo n.,, 3 .May 1822, m. Johll n. l\lcrrlll of Hh111dalo1 N. JI. 1•orter11 4 J.'eb. 18211, m. Anna c. l'Ol\lo.

llctscy8, 28 Oct., 1786, d. ScJ)t,, 1828, m. 12 Jan. 1815, Joseph Dewey of Hano• ,·cr, N. H., who cl. 80 ,June, 1872.

Gardner w.,, 22 Jan. 1810,,d. 211 l\lny 1872, m, Mnrcla A. Clark. Catherine E.1, Ii A11r, 1820, m, J, Appleton l\tolcher of Aln., rem. San Francisco, Cnl.

I1hlln81 21 Apr., 1700, 11. 10 Apr,, 1876, w. 28 Feb., 1810, Ebenezer Robertson, 7

July, 1787, d. 22 Apr., 1882. Stratton w.,, 10 Fob, 1812, d, Salem 211 !\tar, 1881, twlco m, Arabcll', 12 Apr. 18111, d. 3 Oct.

1870, m. John JJ, Fisk. Noyes', 4 Nov. 1818, m. 1':vollno M. Day, James !<'.', 1 Oct, 1824, d. 6 l\tnr. ffOli, m. l\lary .E. Cohlelgh. Strattou0, 18 !\lay li95, cl, 10 Oct, 1811.

Joslah4, 11 ScJ>t,, 1717, d. 20 Jan,, 1791, m. 16 l!'eb., 1741, lll'thlnh Patch of Lit• tleton, b. 1722, d, 80 Jon. 1770; m. 15 Jon., 1777, Hannah WilJarcl; a leading cit!• zcn, moderator of town meeting held J>ec., 1774, to consult on public nfthlrs; h118 hosta of desccndnnta Jiving. Josc1>h6

1 2 Feb., 1741-2, d, 0 Aug., 1812, m. 10 Mar., I 707, I~llznbeth J>icrcc of Groton, l\foy, 174r,, d. 80 Nov., 1844; sett. In Chcstcrflehl, N. JI., wns In battle of Uennlngton, capt. In rov. wnr; npJlarcntly rem. Wlhnlng• ton, Vt.; sett. In nemlsboro, Vt., abt, 1784, only tho last three of his twelve ch, being born there, He owned nt one time 8000 acres of land; at his first settlement in n. his nearest human neighbors wcl'C th'e miles off, out the wllll beasts of the forest were In sufficiently close proximity. llis wife was a cousin of Gov, llcnja­mln Pierce of Hillsboro, N. II., father of Pres. l!'rnnklln l'ierco, nnd removed late In life to Onks Corners, N. Y., dying in the house of her son, ncnjamln°. 'l'hcy hnd 18 ch., nil but one of whom married; their descendants nro widely scattered, and I have found it thus far utterly lmpo8slblo to trace more than a ,·cry snutll fraction of their number by correspondence. With the exce1>tlon of a partial list furnished by one of the grand-children to my former co-laborer, I. U. Hartwell, misleading on one or two points, I have been compelled to rely almost wholly on clues drown from letters written about 1850 by Olh-er8 H, to a couj1le of hie nieces, and giving a brief but ,·ery fair general account of most of tho families at that time, Not over a third of my letters to survivors now living, and presumably com­petent to ,mswcr for their own families, lun-e elicited nny rCB}>onse. I hopo for better succe88 fn future attempts to preserve their records. Anna8, 1 I>cc,, 1768, d. Sept., 1828, m, 1780, - Butler, b. 1757, d.Deo. 1 1885, farmer, Genesee Co., N. Y,; had U ch. In all, Samuel7, b, 1787, farmer, llcrgen, N. v:, thrice m.; acv. ch.; dau and two sons living with him 1840, b, 1828, '82, '84, pcrha1>s others older, m. AnnR 1),7, b. 1789, m. hus., d, aev, years bef. 1849, large fam., lived with bro. Ucnjomln7, b, 1801, farmer, m.; no ch. 1849. Wllll1un11 , 12 Oct,, 1770, cl, 1847, m. - J>rh·er of Stamford, Vt., d.

Carol111011 13 8e11t, 1808, m. r, !<'oh, 18281 Alvin Taylor, b, l\ladlson Co., N. Y., 24 Juuo 1801,

d. 17 Mnr, 18701 far11101·, Fredonia, N. Y., rem., l\ledvllle, l'I\, l'lc•rl,uta•, 22 A11r, 1!!20, 111,

1 Jnn. 18M, - Jlrown; tell, Snn lo'ranclsco, Cal. CathorlnoP, 3 Oct. 18li01 m. 2, I>cc. 1876, Elbrl<lye u.•, 13 Aug, 1831, tobacco11f11t1 lfcadvllle, m. 12 Aug. 1830, Mary A, !<'razer. .Alclvln II.•, 27 Oct, IS3J, 111, 8 Jnl)" 18/iS, Helen llnrr; holol keeper, J.'redoufa, N, Y, 1''rnuk J>,P, 11 A)lr. 11:1.;o, Clam IJ.G, 19 !\fay 18(;8. WIiiiam W,8, 28 Aug, 1836, in. o lo'ob. 1868, Ile111lcUI\ JI. l 1cmhe1·ton or Ouolt11, Co., N,Y. Jlarrhit s.0, 3 Oct. 186d, Cathorh1e0, 18 Oct, 1873, Ocorgov, 20 Apr. 1870, John A,8

1 11 Mar. 1839, d. 20 Se11t, 1863, J.'llzabctl, c.~, 21 Aug. 1841, d, r, A11r, 18M.

Wu,mNoToN, VT, 170 Locl,e. Latln•op.

David 0,8, 18 Oot. 18·.'-i, m, 2.'I Oot, 1882, Ida 1\1, Joslin of Woo,lcock, Pa.; kee11s billiard room, l\leadvllle, Pa. Ruth D.11, 10 Sept. 1883. acoruo IY.•, 13 Oct, 181}1, 11, young,

Denjamln8, H Oct., 17.72, d. young. Joseph', twin, ru., lived in tho neighbor­hood of Rendsboro until 1808, perhaps later.

Jlolloway', m., had ch., prob. In Vt, Winslow', a II rolling stone." l~llzabeth8, b, 1774, m. 1791, Josiah Locko. of Leicester, l-lFeb., 1708,cl,20 Dec.,

1889, sett. Wilmington, Vt., rem. Ogdensburg, Winfield, d, Co,·ington, N. Y., farmer; had lo ch.

1''anny1, b, 1W2, m. Azor Colo, meroh,, Genoa, N. Y,, failed, kept hotel 1850, upper Lake­ville, N. Y, /Jau.•, m, - Seymour, hotel kce11or1 lthloa, N, Y. Dau.•, m, John Conger, partner with her father In hotel. Jra J,.•, b, 1626, took stock 1roods to Cal., round tho Horn, 1849, Scv, otl,u-s•, somt1 d. (1860), Elam', b. 179-1, m. 1821, Jano Jones of Moutgoiuery Co,, l'a., sett. Cecil Co,, Md., rem. Melmoro, o., bof, 1830, Ch1,, o., 1836, Erl•, 20 Dec. H,22, phys,, Cln,, 0,, 111. 12 Mar, 1845, Rachel Coates. Hannah n,o, 28 J>co. 1845, Charles J,;,11, 2 l\lay 1847, Joslal,•, 14 Nov, 1830, llurtwell•, b, 1836, J,;r11, b, 1706, d, 1820, Ira', b, 1708, m, - ltoborts; merch,, Olenn:s Fnlls, N,Y. Wtllfam Jt.•, 1,artner with rnther, JJetsey1, d, llotsey', d,, m, - Clark, rem, Ohio. Polly', d,, m, -- Clar!<, rem. Ohio. IJotb Clarks d, bof, 1850; row If any ch, l'bebe', b. J807, m. Ira I<', l'ratt, farmer, Oalnesvllle, N, Y, Hannah', rn. -­Parmlee, hotol-kee11er, Auburn, Look)lort, ~. Y.; a dau,, 4 sons; 0110 chm, rn. a lawyer, rem, lll, Afarv I,,•, h, 18:47, m. 1844, -- Hrewster, In bus., N. Y. olt1, JSfiO, J>au.11, b, liHI~. l'oss, others•. Ch,', d, young. Catherine', d, ne, 18, ltlllo1

1 b, 1814, m. Charlotte Uoborts of l\llddlobury, res, Geneseo, N, Y,; 3 or 4 oh, Myron', b, 1810, rn. 1<:1111lce Andrews of l\llddlebury, sett, Wyoming, rem, Warsaw. N, Y,, has fam,; mother there with hlm,<1660), Catherine', b, 1818, 111, Wm. Graves or ~llddlebury, res, l'orry, N,Y,, 1850; sho cl, boC, J8~0 i loft few If any oh, Anothor1, d,

Lucy6, 15 Oct., 1776, d. 17 Juno, 1822, m. 24 Mnr., 1705, Luther Lathrop, b. Tollnnd, Conn., 6 Juno, 1776, cl, 10 Mnr., 1851, farmer, carp. and builder, Wil­mington, Vt.

1''or the rooorll of their descendants I am Indebted to tho patient lncluetry or hor grandson, Mr, Austin H. Watson, or Now York oily, Jlad one In every ton of my correspondents taken a similar course, my work would before this time havo been roun,led out to a coruplotcness, tho paucity or moans at my command seem likely to utterly forbid,

Inf, fem,,, 10 Dec, 1700, d. l\llnorva', 2 Doc, 1707, d, 26 J,'ob. 1826. Alvnh', O },'ob, 1800, d, Inf, EIIZA', 20 Aug, 1801, d. 1(1 Oct, 18()0, Ill, 10 A1,r, 1837, 1m Shaw, b, Harre, Mas~., 11oi, d, 11 July 1807, mercb,, Wilmington, Vt, Luc,y,, 18 Dec. 1803, d, 20 July 18~0, rn, 10 Mar. 1826, Abner Allard of W,, I~ Fob, 1707, phys., d.; m, 2d bus,, Geo, Wilder, 2d., of w., d,, farmer; (2 ch,, Oscar', Lucy•, d, young,) Jllncrva•, 20 1''eb, 1820, d. 7 Aug, 1868, Wnterhury, Conn., m. Willis H, l\lerrlll of tho lntter 11lace, JO Uay 1820, cl, 23 Juno 1870, Carolfm,./J, :lO l\lay 1832, Ill, 3 l\lRy 18-171 Zachariah Wbeeler ot w., 17 Sept. 1820, kllloll by falling tree, Whitingham, Vt., 8 Ucc. 1880i m. 211 bus., F, llulleon of W, Adelallle~, 22 May 1840, m, 2 Jan, 1806, WIIIIRIII llollon or Rowe, Masa., 18 A11r. 1827, farmer, Bello ,4,10, 27 A11r, 1807, d, 18 Dco, 1880, Je111111 Jt',10, Ill Nov, 18611, d, 1 Jan, 1881, WUlu IJ,10, l Jan. 1871, (1.11 Nov, 1880. Ral11h JJ'.10, Ii Jan, 1873, d, 20 Nov. 1880. Olancl,e c,10, 3 July 1876, aeneva u,10, 26 Juno !8i0, Jllore11co Jt,10, 20 l\lay 1881, Jlelly ,r,10, o Jan. 1885, Lawrence ,r,10, 10 Mar, 1887. Willis 11.11, 21 A11r, JSI}(), d, 14 So11t, 1880, rarmor, Devlzes, Kas., tn, 26 Dec, 1865, Stella L. llrown of Whltlugllam, Vt,, 10 SeJ)t, 1864, cl, 20 Oct. 187:l. Lawrence w.,o, 3 May 1867, d, 20 Oct. 1873. Jonny ~l.0, o Mar. 18.52, m. 26 Nov. 1ll70, Allen Sibley of Rowe, 8 July 18-15, fnrmor, Krnc,t .'1,10, 28 Aug. 1872, Jtyro11101 23 Oct, 1870, Marr ha!••• 23 Sept. 1800, tn, 20 July 18i3, Frank A, Wilson of Uowe, 20 A11r, ISM, rnrmer, Alaud E, 10, 28 1''ob, 1876, ..lfurlon 1,,101 20 June 18i0. Wmclcll P.•0, 2.'J May 1881, E<lwlit L.•, 7 Aug. 1833, m. 27 Jan. 1862, Gracia M. IJoyd or Wilmington, 11 July IS33, cl. 10 July 1862; sohllor, 4th Vt. ·vole,, killed 12 J\lay 1804, battle or !ho Wlltlcrne!18, Lucy l\f.t, 12 May 1863, II, 10 Oct. 1802, Charles I~.•, -I Aug, 18f>lS. Ncllyt, 2-1 ~lar, 1858, l«la•, 12 Aug, 1800 . .Albert .A.•, 20 May 1837, m. 1 Apr, U601 Anno i,;, Wilson, t,, Jlaltlmoro, J\lcl,, 27 Juno 1837 I largo m11.11f, tin caus, Halto., Md,, eol. o Aug, 18011 lieut,, I, 4th Vt, Vols,, res, 8 1''ob, 1802i enl, U. S, N,, 2 July 1862, stmr. U.oderwrlter, ca11t, lly Cour, stutr, 'fallnhnsseo, later on bo11rd etmr. l'ommocloro Hnll, had a shar11 encounter with tho Albe111arlo; cllscb, O ,111110 1866, Mary A,•, :lO Feb, !801, Emma J,o, 18 Dec, 1802, Edwin IV, 11 J<'eb, 180-I, Albert A,•, 27 July 1608, Mlnervn•, ZJ Aug. 1870, Ella11, 20 se1,t, 1872, Margareto, 25 l>eo. 1876, Francis c.•, 18 Dec. 1877, Luther', o May 1807, d, 14 A11r. 1815, l'rMoott', :n Juno 1810, cl. 4 llopt, llHO, m. 31 July 18311 Mary Kellogg ot Wlhulngton, O Mar 18101 d, l m. 2d w., Margaret Uoss or Coloraluo,

}'llEDOXIA 1 N,Y, ?tfoNTAOUE, 180 Diclclrison,

(1lRu, d, young); fam1er, cnr1>,, builder. L11thcr JI.•, 30 July IM2, tohncco merch,, N.Y, city, frll dcnd In street, 19 Mar, 18831 m. 21 Nov, 1878, Jnno A, llnttlett or WIimington, II Oct. 1837, l,UCI/ s.•, 16 Oct, 183l!, d, 16 Mny 11142, Son•, 21 Nov, 1838, d, ,ll<1r1J J,1, twin, d, 10 Aug, 1807, m, 28 Oot. 1801, 1':rnstus J, My13rs of r,erlynrd, Conn,, 14 Oct. 1827, nan.•, 18 Ang, 1862, d, Luther II,•, 24 Nov, 1863. Helen T.•, 12 June 1806, d. young. Cnrolluor, 22 July J81J, d, 28 Aug, 1866, m, 10 Juno 1836, Hornco llugg or Wtl111l11gto11, 23 Oct. 1809, d. 27 Apr. 1838, farmer; rn. to Oct, 1840, l'nt1lck J, Watson of Palmer, 1 Mnr. 1813, manr. carriage nnd rablnot materlnls. 1/arrlct A.• ll11uu, 4 May 1837, m, 26 .t,'eh. 1800, Osborne H. Pierce or Huhbnrdston, 31 May 18341 mRchlnlst, Fitchburg, Shelburne J.'nlls, New York oily, l\ll1111onpolls1 1'1111111, Willis n.0, 29 July 1861, Nelly M.•, 8 Oct. 1868, .thtsllu 11.• Watao11 1 27 A11r, 1s-12, 111 •• Julian, Vall of Brook­lyn, N, Y,, 13 Fob, 1869; enl, Aug, 1862, 1<', 10th Vt, Vols,, dlsch, 10 Aug, 1863; encountered l'fckett's charge at Gettysburg; now whol, 1hy goodR, N, Y. city. Everett V,P, Hi Oct. 1884, Sarah K.•, J4 Nov, 1846, d, young, l'rcscott L,•, ti Nov. 18-18, m. Em11111 J<:. Harker of w., 22 Ser,t, 18/IO; eleotrlclan, Jlrooklyn, N. Y, Fire ne11t. 1''rancls A.11, 91''eh. 1871, Uon A,P, O Mar, J873, d, 23 June 1887. Mary E.', 27 Min. J87-I, d. Inf. Prescott I,.,, 4 Dec, lt(SO. Angelluc', 3 A11r, 1813, d, Hi Juno JSJO,

llnnnah8, b, 1178, m. - Dickinson, who d. bcf. 1840, res. J<'redonla, N. Y,, m, 1840, John Otis I~nslgn, b. 1701, Lltchflehl Co., Conn., Hev, soldier.

Buel 11.11 b. 17116, m,, res. Fredonia, haul furnace, 111acl1lne shop, was C'ol. of mllltlR. Uscar J<',•, b. 1822, J>Rrtncr with father, col, of mil. bet. JS-19, 11.; whl, and family now In Dunkirk, N, Y, A,na,iclci JI,•, b. 18211, d, J885, m. 1840, - Heggs, ch·, ong,, res. Hrl,:hamton, N, Y, Jtarfe A.•, b, 1828, cl, 1885, m. -- nrumlage. 2 ch.', d. llns!lelna', 10 MRy 1803, blacksmith, car. maker, Fredonia, genl, of mllltlR bof, 18-49, 01111t, tr. 8. Vols., d. Washington, D. c., J2 Oct, 1801, m. 14 Aug. 1828, Sal'ah --1 b. 1''ranklln, N. Y., II, 20 JRll, 1886, Jol,n ,'1,8, 111 July 1829, d, Hornell11vllle, N.Y., 4 Jan. 1879, m. 1852, /Mw<trtl K.', 10 Aug. 1831, Rec, shot, 20 Sc11t, 18-12, Ueorge JI.•, 23 Mar. 1837, Joo. eng., D. ~~ A. v. n.n., res. Dunkirk, N.Y. JlarlJ", 28 Jan, J839, m, JS July 18li9, E. D. S11111ler1R11d of Wcstfteld, N, Y,, res, Detroit, Mich., coal denier. Abby J,0, 14 July 1800, m, 24 Aug. 1882, Alex. M, Rucker of Groese Isle, Mich., conl dealer, Milwaukee, Wis. ltaaselcta JI.•, O .Apr. 18-12, 11. 16 l\tnr. 1882, Rt n1111klrk. J<:nom l\1.7, b. 18001

comic singer an1l Rctor, m, a l'hlladelflhla Jnlly. Shlneyt, b. 1809, blacksmith, Rnclue, Wis., JSlil, m.; had then 2 ob,; now In NortbHeJd, Dak. Ira L.', 11 Aug. 181,, 11, 30 J\IRr. 1802, m, 12 l'eb, 1849, Fanny Russell, who d,; m. 2d w., l'bebe -; blacksmith, l'redonla, rem, Uacfno, Wis., d, 1884, 2 dam,,,, grew to womauhood, d,

Olh·e8, not certain whether No. 7 or O lu order of birth, d. Oct., 18~0, 111, Anson Welch, carp., wheehvrlght, lh·ed Wyoming, N, Y, Dnu,7, m. bef, 18~0; 2 80118,

Jo11ntha1181 18 ,Jan., 1782, d, 8 Apr., l8ti1, m. l\fartha8 Hartwell of Littleton, 0 Mar.,

1708, d, 5 Dec., 1881; m, 2 May, 1884, 2d w., Mrs. Hotscy A. Viles, m. n. I!'esson-1\cn, b, Concord, 8 Sept., 1787, d, 29 July, 1808. Losing a leg at tho age of 16, ho took steps to acquire a liberal education, grad, Dartmouth 1800, com, study law, prcccp. Chcstcrflold Ac11d. a short time, then private tutor; sett. Mont11guc, In prnc. law, mem, gent, court 12 years; go,·ernor's council under Oov. J;;,•erctt; town elk. nearly 20 yrs.; I>,?t{, over 80 yrs. Ille records as town clerk arc marked by lino pcnnmnshlp 11ml terse, direct Jlhraseology,

l\lartha M,', 10 Oct, 1814, d, 10 nee. ISM, m. 8 Apr. 1836, Carlos Allen of Ueerflcl<l, 23 Nov. 18011, d, 22 Dec. 1877, merch,, ~lontague, rem, Chicopee, foreman fn factor)', J/a,•11 1,:.•, Iii Sopt. 1~7, m. 18 Oct. 18061 Albert J,, Aldon of StnlTord, Conn., H Dec,, 1837, mncblulst, Stam­ford, Conn, l\lartha II.•, 6 Aug, 1807. Francia .i,;.o, 30 Jan, 1870, J'fryl11ta•1 18 Jan. l&43, cl, 6 1''ob. 1883, m. 27 Oct. 1870, Chas. M. Hlnls1lell, "· Great },'alls, N.U., 28 ,July 184:J, res. Chlco)lee. Carlos A.•, 2 Mar. 1873, d. 24 Deo, 1870. Anne 1,,o, 13 A11r, ~876, d, you1ig. Cbnrlcs7, 4 Jan. 1818, meroh,, Richmond, Va., m. 1847, Vfrglnll\ TJ10111us1 who d. 1848; 111, July 18611, Mrs. Aun o. I>arraoott, .4.llce4, 8 A11r, 1860. Jonathan u.,, 9 Jan, 1821, farmer, m. Iii Dec, 1840, Lydia 8, Smith ot Vernon, Vt., 27 Sept. 1824, d. 2 June 1871; m. 12 1''ob. 1882, Ly11la 1'', l'lerco, m. 11,

matsdell, of Uoston. l Oot. 1822. <leOl'U6 JI.•, 20 l\lar. JS68, toa1nstor1 Northampton, 111. a Dco. 1884, Estella 1':Jwell of NorthalllJ>ton, 22 Be11t. 18621 sch. tea. ,tlarllu.1, Al,•, 4 June 1802, d, Inf, Herman', 14 A11r. 1826, d. George H,1, 26 May 18271 d, young, Elizabeth c,,, 18 .l<'elJ, 1830, 111. - Jones, who d,; res, Washington, D, C.

Ollvcr4, 4 Oct,, 1786, cJ. 10 Apr., 1858, m, 18 Nov., 1817, Lucy n. Ilnthnwny of Milo, N, Y. 1 0 Nov,, 1705, tl, 0 Dec., 187-l; was a lawyer lu Detroit, Mich., Inter a, N. Y. MAnmo, N. Y, 181 1P/Jetne11,

brok(lr In N. Y. city. In 1840 he mntlc ,·lsils to his sufrh·lng hrofh(lrs nml sisters, nnd gn\'c descriptions of them In letters to his nlecc•s 'J'nylor In Mentl\'illc, l'n., 1111d

Watson 111 \Vllmlngton, Vt., which the writer hns been allowed to exnmlnc, and which hn,·c s£lned ns a bnsis for the mcngre uccount ho hns been nhlo io gl\'O of their sc,·eral fnmllles.

Mary E.7, d, 6 Sept. 1864, m. Jeremiah Van Renssclner or Cannn1Jnlgua, N. Y., drsc. from the Patroons of the Albany manor, attorney In C., rem. Detroit, .Mich,, 11ctt, 111 J>rno, law, tunny years 11011cc justice, on 0110 occasion settling a bout of flstlcntrs between U. 8. Urant n111I Zack Chandler, then all 11nco1111clo1111 of their future fame, hy a flue or $11'.i each. He was a flnh1hed gontle111a11, or high aml noble aim•, greatly e111lcnrcd to his acroclates of tho bar, C(ltl1erl11c S.•, d, ch,,h., Ocuo,•a, Switzerland, 7 nee. 18&1, m. William Court or )lontrcal, J>, Q. Carroll•, cl, 13 •·ob. JS.'ltl, res, Brooklyn, N. Y,, m. Harriot It. Brafford or that city. JI, /Ju•luht•, m., In grain trnde, Chicago, Ill., so1uo years, now Sprlngtleh.l. Jeremiah~, II, Jnr. Carolluo A,71 d., m, Johll T. Warren, b, Hartford, Conn., 27 ,June 1811, ti. 10 :\lay 1877, merch,, J>etrolt, Clnclnnntl, succcsRrul In business. 8amucl 11,8, grad, Trh11ty Coll,, Jfnrtford, Co1m., mcrch,, Chi., 0,, m. -- Young or Pfqu11, 0, Caroline~, 111. Ueu. Wcste.v W, .Motl'ltt, late comn1nmlnnt at West Point. Susan l'IV, ti, 27 Aug, 1sr.01 m, Wlllla111 •r. Howell or l>otrolt, Mich. Warren I', ll.•, c11det nt West l'olut, dro1111rd; went to Colo,, had cattle rnuch. J.'du·orcl•, 1'homas JJ.8, adopted hy-- nus,ell or Jackson, J\llch.; lawye1·1 state senator, was U. S, Judge 111 Arlzonn; now at Jnck11011. J,11c11', 111, Hcnjnm111 l'. lClssnm or Jlrooklyn, N. Y,, banker. 'fhumas JJ.f, ~ l\lnr. 18271 grad. Mich. Univ. 11.1111 1 a,hn. hnr. corp. ntty., J>ctrolt 18631 l'rcs. Jloard of JMncatlon 1101110 yen rs, went 1808 to J<:t1ropo for heallh, rot. 1870, tn 8011th a111l Cal. to 1873, sett, )lrao. ~.Y. city, trustee 1111b. schools, m. 30 JJec, J8i01 l~lonnor 8, Collins of Tucknhoe, N, Y., 20 AJ)r. 1837.

Uenjnml1161 24 Dec., 1787, d, 0 Oct., 1878, m. 14 ,Jnn., 1817, Jnno Uurnett of

l'hclps, N. Y,, 2 Juno, 170!1, d. lli Jnn., 1882; carp., l'hcl11s; rem. 18iH Gcno,·n, N, Y,, d, thcro.

011011r J<',T, 30 l'llny !817, m, 30 Juno 1842, Julln A, 8, Webster of Phelps, 30 Juno 1818, cl. 20 Nov. 1863; car)),, rem. Oonel'a ISM, Jlastlng11, Nub,, 1882, James 11.•1 4 July 1843, hookkro11rr 1st NRtl, Uk., Oouevn, 18011 cnshlor 1807; went In 18i0 to I>es l\lolnes, In., rcnl e11t. l1ro'ker, org. 1872, first Lonn nnd Trust Co, In tho Northwest; In 1870 genl. 111a1111ger J<ns, & Neb. Do11t, at Hastings, Neb.; In 1881 enterc,t hnnklng business. In 1882 l'rest. Nohl'llskJ\ LoJ\n & 'frust Co., cn111tal $600,000; Y, l', Hnstlngs Uazctte 1'11b, Co., l'l'est. Honrtl Trustees Hastings College, to tho eudowment or which ho routnbutod $11,000; l'rest. State S, s. Uulou, v. I', Am, 8, 8, Uulou, 1880 stnte senator; a mau or s1111orlor oxecutll'O energy and push. Ho 111, 11 l\tnr. 1808, Sarah J, l>lbble, b. New llnven, Couu., 12 Oot. 18j5, Charles s.o, t July 1sco. James F.11, 30 Juno 1813, Oscar P,8, 15 AJ>r, 18451 car)>,, tn, 15 Mar. 1871, Augusta C. Clark or Oenovn, 10 l\1111·, 1818; rem. 1874, J>es Molno11, la., 18811, Joliet, Ill,, 1880 Jlastlng111 Neb. .f.'rcd­erlck A.•, 27 Nov. 1873, Hnrrlot 11,91 28 l>ec. 18i6, Clnreuce A,11, 13 AJlr, 1877, Alice A.•, 29 Mny 1880, Arthur E.0, 0 Sept. 1881, Charles D.8, !2 Ang. 1847, 111, 10 Sept. JSi!i, 1-;mellne l', Schermerhorn of Cn1111111Jnlgu11, N. Y., 17 Nov, 18471 d. 18 l>oc, l882j Ins. bus., Jluffalo, N, Y. JnllR l\l,111 Ii Nov, 1876, Emellno S.9, Iii 8011t. 1878, AJmmca A.', H July 18W, 111. 10 Sc)lt, 187'1 Joso1ll1 T, Ogden or Uomulus, N. Y,, 7 l\lny 18471 rem. 1886 Jlastlugs, genl. sec. Y. M. c. A. Orlan•, 8 Jnn. 1870. James 1'~.•, 30 Nov, 1881. Julia H.•, 31 Dec, 1851, Wlllam 11.•, 2 Mar. 1853, m, 2 ::llnr. 1873, llosallo Coutan of Oeneva, Ii July 1862; gr111l, 111otl. N, Y, city, 18W, 11ctt. l>es Moines, tn., rem. Auburn, N. Y., 1882, 1''1oronce9, 27 Jnn, 1870, h'11a. l',8, 30 Mar. 18.'lO, l'/IOtlllCClJ A.•, 28 Deo, 1867, went l!l84 Jle11ve1· City, Nch,, IJU(lt. Lh·o Stock dept. Neb. Heal l'~l!t, & L, s. Assoc. i 111, 10 Nov. 1880, Adoll11 JC, Haynes, b, l{ownuce, Ill,, 21i Dec. 1858.

Sarnh8, 28 Mny, 1700, d, ,(. Doc., 1857, m, ,Jnn., 1810, WIJll,un Whitney, l,,

Vergennes, Vt., 1 Aug., 178o, d. l8 ~rune, 18851 sett. l\fnclrld, N, Y., fnrmcr.

Carolfno1, 2li Uoo, 1811, m. Gcor~o Stod rnnn, 30 June 1W~, d. 10 1''eh.:tS70, rem. M11r111onni;co, Wis,, fnrmer. Amlrcw J, 8, 4 Aug. 1841, fRl'mer. Olfve ,r,s, 9 Nov. 1842, d, 20 May 11177, Wllllat11•, 22 Aug, l&H, d, yo1111g. Wflllc,m JI.•, 8 Se)lt, 1847, farmer, Cahlwell l'r,1Jrlo, Wis, Oeo1·uo C.•, 26 Oct. 1862, M.D., 1Ullw11ukco, rem, Wnuke11hn 1887. Jo~cflh', 13 Mar. 1813, 111.

J<:Uznbeth Wright of Canton, N. Y.; kc)lt hotel 1840, ColnmblR VIII,, N. Y, "1<tr:J f.',s, i,, 18-10, l1011Jamln', 8 Juno 1814, d, W l\lny 1877, 111 .• \tcllesa Sawyer. Oraugcr, 20 Apr. J810, ti,, 1110110 011tter, IIIRrhle ynrd, l\tluon•a7, 2 Jnn. 1818, 111. Orison llaml,llu, Martlw', h. 18:18. s011s b, 18!1, EJlz1t1Joth1, b. 1810, Ill, l\lcll'IU Ulcl1; lh·ocl W. l'ut111l11iu; 1111w 111111, 1111sh factory'.

WARNER, N.11. 182 Melvin.

Oliver, 2'2 Feb. 1821, d. 14 Nov. 1~2, talloress. .:mramlR', 17 Apr. 18231 d., went 1840 to WIii, Wllllam9 , 17 Oct. 182.'J, tn, 18401 went Wis., In gro, tmde at l\laquonAgo, now re11. Waukesha. Erl', 2 Feb, 1820, d. Inf. Sarah A.', 17 Sept. 18201 m, Alton ~·cnton, rem, l\lanltowoo, Wis,, ke1>t hotel, Luther7, O l\lay 1820, went Wl11, 1 ret, l\la1lrhl, m., d, Luoy1, 17 July 1832. It will be observe1l that with the exce11t1011 or the families or Lucy1 LathroJ>, Henjamln8 Hartwell, JlannRh• Dickinson, anll CarollneT Stocklllan, I have been compelled to content myself with data drawn from the letters of Olivero Hartwell, written about Nov. 18401 and Jan. 1860,

Sarah&, 24 Sept., 1744, d, 1783, m, 176!, MeMn, a ship carpenter, who lh·ed some years in Lincoln after tho close of tho war, a royalist during tho revolu­tion, banished from the country, a111l going to Norn Scotia, whore tho British Government mndo him n liberal grant of land to compensate him for the confisca­tion of his property in Mnss, lie m. a 2d w, In Lincoln, 1785, hnd at least one son, ArR1l6, by her, Lydin8, b, 1766, d, 10 ~•ob., llrn3, Putney, Vt., m. Willnr1l 'l'onney of Dummerston, Vt., cooper, d, there, 17 J<'cb., 1844, ae, 72,

Almond', d, l'ntney, Vt. Martha', b. 17119, 111, Uufus Foster, went Oswego, N, Y, l\'cmo11•, m, - Wing, I,111lia~, Invalid, 111. - lllalne. ll'Wurtl81 m, Jlaralwll•, m,-: ('/,cirle,•, Ill, Elmira•. Lo11lm•, Ill, }Jolly•, m, lle11ry8, Lydll\ 1\1,f, d, 21 Dec. 188.'i, RO, 82, m. Humphrey Clmllhourne, lived In or near Hoston, J/1ir11/iall w.•, 8 Apr. 1834, comm, me1·oh,, Jlo:1tou. ll,mry ll.•, 2'.a Apr, 1836, dealer In flour, Hoston, In 1886 lu gro. trade, Watertown, m, 25 Nov. IMS, Snrah I,. Green of Marblehead, 3 .l\lar, 1840, Adelaide s.,, 2 l\lar, 1860, 11. 2'2 SeJJt, 1881, Elizabeth c,u, 3 Se}lt, 1802, m, 20 l\lar. 1881, Herbert S. Davis of Brighton, 3 Sept, 1801, cattle dealer, Arlelaltle l',•o, 19 l."eb, 1883, Rtta 0,101 12 Feb, 188-1, Joseph 11.,, 22 June 1804, elk., Jlostou. Frances s.v, 13 July 1807, Jlcnry n.~, 21 Oct. 1872, Nancy I',', b, J8o:J, d, 21 A11r, 11!0-I, m. I,0re11zo J>, Lnrrnhee or Wln1lhnm Co., Vt., tanner, llvc1l Hoston, rem, a row years after m. to Jnokson, l'a, Wlllarcl K.•, 10 l!'eb, 1832, d, 20 Sept, 1804, farmer, m. Lucinda I.amb, Jea110 A.•, d. her. 1eo.a. Mcirtlia•, d. her. 180-1, Emma 1<;,,, Nov, 1803, m. 1883, Edward Whitney or Jackson, J/onroeu, "1tlvl1l J',8, ~lay 183-11 rarmer, m. Cyntllll\ Leonard, who 11.; 211 w, Sarah Brown, who 11., ae, 24; wotm1le1l In army, .Uar11l1alt•, b, 1835, In Ohio regt, ct Buhl, Home, Dayton, Nov. 1880, Monroea, b. 1837, lnwyer, mem, Legl11.1 was In al'my, m, al1t, 1880, Cathe1'1no I,. Dennison of Montrose, l'a. 1 sch, ton. I.oulsc0, ~ l\lar. 1884, UetseyD, a July 1860, 1'r11111cw•, In nrmy, taken Jnls. 11 May In Wlhlernese, d, J!'loreuce, 8, O., 10 Oct, 1801. .lclln II.•, d., no. 111 mos, Lucy L.•, 17 l\lny 18~8, res. Weymouth. Lyclla .'1.•, 4 Apr, 18.'JI, d. 10 Aug, 1805, Marshall', d, Hoston, JSGS, dcale1· In grlndst(lnes. Man,ylvfar, d, 27 l\lar. 1809, no. 2 yrs. Snrah o.r, b, 1800, d, 17 Deo. 1871 w. Wllllnm Loud of Hoston, rev, sold,, lh·ed Weymouth,

Nnthan8 , went to sea, Dnu,8, m. - Eaton. Dau.•, m. - Wright, In Vt. or N. Y. Joslnh8, Nov., 1778, d. 31 Mnr., 1840, bound to his uncle by marriage, Houben Si,nldlng, a hnrd mnstcr, who withheld from tho friemlless orphnn at his majority the scanty J>lttnnco justly his due, setting him II afoot" In tho world, lie m., 170!, l~sthor Mnrshnll, a ncnr rolatlvo of Pres. }'rnnklin J>icrcc, 16 }'cb., 1776, cl, 11 Oct., 1857; sett. In Pelham, N. H., rem. Inter to Urndford, nml 1826 to Warner, N. II., built a mlll on a branch of lllackwater river, which bears his name.

Estbcr71 1l Oct, 1706, 11, 13 Nov, 1840, m. 1818, Harvey Crosby of Hlllerloa, ante. (p. 88), 1tlchar1tr, a Oot. 170i, d, 4 l\lnr, 1860, miller, 111, Ellznbl·th Straw of Uradforcl, N, H., 13 Nov, 1800, d, 20 July 1881. l'roctor D.•, Ii Nov, 1817, d. 11 Mar, 1800, m, l\tar, 184f1 Harriet Hagley or Warner, 26 Oct. 1826. l\la1·garet~, 20 Aug, 18401 m. 4 Apa. 187-1, l\lnson Holmes of i•ranoes­towu, N, H., 26 Nov, 18461 d., hotel kecl'cr, miller; sho res. Ho1tkl11to11, N. H, llarr11 J,.10, 112 }'el>, 1878, Lew1a10, I Aug, 1880, d, J:mt111 s,10, 26 Ai,r. 1882, ltlehnrd E.u, 26 Oct. 1&101 m, 4 .AJlr, 1874, Emma 1\1, 81u-geut of Warner, 10 Se11t. ISM, d. 7 Aug. 1870; m. 29 Nov. 1877, 2d w., Nancy M, Fowler or Cornish, N. H,, 11 SeJ>t, 181:6, .Kvct10, 26 A11r, 18i6, d, inf, E1111na10, 1 Jnuo 18701 11, Inf, Rtlaon J',10, 8 Jnly 1880, lll'rbtrtio, 7 June 1882, Heteey A.•, 14 Deo. 18631 tl. young. WRltoi' 1•.,, 18 Oot. 1860, hotel elk,, Ill, 27 Oct. 1881 1 Persis Davis of Warner, 10 Juno 1805, E1ther10, 10 A11r, 1884, Uron·enort, 29 Aug. 1810, d, 18 Oot, 1820. llarrlet•, 13 Nov, 1821, m, 25 July 180, Clark Whitcomb of HIiisboro, farmer, Hrndford, N, H, Ellen', 10 Se1>t, 18-16, d, 23 July 1868, m, 27 Aug, 18071 French Nelson or l,lttleton, N, H, Frnnk0, 3 ,Tune 18611 m, 27 .Aiir. 1872, Itll\ Jennett or Uockport, 21 Nov, 18M; loo. eng., Concord, N. 11, Oeorue10, 20 Aug. 1srn. .Alexamlcr•0, 25 Oct, 187-1, lla,·rlr.t•0, 10 l<'cb. 1878. llct1e111°1 J1 i·e11, 1882, Lc1la•o, 28 l\lRr, 188!, llarrlot0, 10 Jan, 1S6$, d, Iii June 187-1,•, d. ne,,Jamtn }',8, 1 f'eb. 182-1, m. 7


Feb. 18.50, Hnnnnh D. Colby of W., 11 i·eh. 1827. 1.<•rank o.o, 26 Jnn, 1857, fnrmer, i;oh. ten. Cella A.o, 4 Sept, 1600, d. young. ~lnude11, 10 Aug. 18G0, sch, ten. .J/m•11 A,8, No,•, 1820, d. Inf, B"zubeth A.•, 31 July 1828, m. o :\lay 1~63, mienezer N, Wright or Brndford, 0 ,Jnn. 1820, loo, eng, J.'stliei-3, 18 Oct. 1ll34, d, 3 llnr. l!iUO, 111. 1''eb. 1801, Hnxtcr Codu11m of HIiisboro, N, n., farmer, llenrletta•, 3 Se11t. 1837, 111, July 18li7, George l'ago of Goffstown, Se11t. 1830, sash an,l blinds, l\lanohester, N. JI. Juslct/,s, 3 J\lnr, 18-11, m, 10 J\lay 1801, }~lien Little of Sutton, Sept, 1&121 div, 1872, m, 16 :May 1874, :\11\rtha l'oa111ce of Hrndford, N. Jl., o July 1840; n.n. man. Lulu', 28 Nov. 1802, d. Lynn, Foll, 1880. Lella', 20 Juuo 1801, m. Joseph Cook of Lynn, milk dealer, Son•o, d, .&lnry7, 10 I>cc, 1700, d.12 Nov. 1874, m, 20 Se)lt, 1&21, Jonnthnn J\lnrtlu of Hrndforil, N, JI,, 1 Jan, 1707, d, 17 1<·c1.1. 1837; m. D Oct, 18381 2d bus., Jonnthau Hlalsllell of JI., 211 Sept, 1812, d. 18 Nov, 11!80, farmer, Jlcuvo11• ,'1CI rtl11, 20 Oct. 1622, ,1. 22 Oct. J 872, m, 28 Aug, 18-10, Caroline Knowles of J\loulton\Joro, Wl10 d, 10 Jnu, 1803; m. ::..d w,, In blouroe, N.JI., rem, Iowa 1<•a11s, In. Chnrles n,o, d, Emrna 1''.•, m,, bas ch,, res, Io,,·a, Caroline A,11, July 1863, d. 20 ,i\lay 1886, m, 20 J\lar, 1877, l~,·erett Klttrodµe or llra<lf,wJ, N. 11., 20 Apr. ISM, farmer, .Martin E,I0, 3 Oct, 1881, d. young. J(a/1111 Jt.10, 24 l\lny ISM, l\lnhel11, m., res, Iowa Falls, Sarah•, 1 June 1820, IYtlllam•, 6 Aug, 1628, Jn. 20 Aug, 1sr,o, l\lnrtha Powers of M~ Indoes i,•aus, Vt., who d,; 2d w, EMrn - , d.; 3d w, Cynthia; farmer, Jlrndrord, Vt, ArdeUao, Ch,o, d, .Ellzav, m, llanleto, m, 1:dlth', Inr,o, d, 1,·,.cclerlck8, 13 Jan, 18311 m. 8 Nov, 18371 Cnrollne lJavle of Uuulford; farmer, Henniker, N.11. Francis', hotel elk., Con­cord, N, H, EIJao, Charles', Ellen', Marv .4.•, 3 l\lar. 1833, d. 26 l'tlny 1800, J::llz11bctlt•, 8 Jan. 1836, m. 22 Oct, 1803, Daniel Jlnll of Yt,, div,; m. 1'Mward 1', l{hnhall or Warner, Wll­llam n,, Hall, 10 July 1808. Jo/ins /Jlalatloll, 24 l\lar. 18a9, m, I Se)lt, 1870, Jo,e1,hlne JJ, lfar­wood or Ho11kl11ton, N, JI,, 3 Sept. 1861; farmer, Sutton, N, JI, Albort ,\1,9,. 7 l'tlar, 18i4. Herman M,', 24 Juno 1870, J<1111cse, twice m,; 2d w, Mary A.' Johnson or Jlra,lror<I, ct11tc, 11, 14, Sarah', 26 Juno 18021 d, 1880, Ill, Unnlcl Straw, bro, IJetsey, <111to, d. farmer, Claremont, N, JI, Jolin•, m. ln Portsmouth; wns In army, Sarnh', d, Juckaon', d, In army, Elbert~, m, ln Clnremont, hns eon. William•, 1\'RS In nrmy, J:llc11•. acorge', Sarai,•, d, Jlart­weJlT, 10 Aug. 180.5, d. O A11r, 1863, mlllwrlght, 111, ,Tune 1833, Jndllh Spnuldlng of Wnruer. aeoruet, JO Nov, 18331 stevedore, m, J.:mma -'lnrtln, h, N. S. 1832, d. 7 Juno 1880. Claroncc11,

10 July 1871, Charles•, 4 June 1836, enl, Aug. 18021 10th N, H, Vols., out Aug, 1803, In no11t. of Gulf, AdellaJ, 27 Feb. 1837, d. 0 July 1869, Martha•, Ill Sept. 1838, m, Kphrnhn 1,•Jst< of Sutton, N, H., Oct. 1839, 11nluter, Lawrence. Walter w.o, o July ll!OIJ, l\llnnn•, 2G ,June mis. EmiJyt, 22 Nov. 1874, A11g11stus w.•, 3 1<·01J. 18-10, Ill, Apr, J&,O, l'tlRl'Y SIICa of Wllllmnntlo, Conn,, June 1&2; ongl11eer, N. Cnmhrhlgo, was In nrmy, llnrtwell l>.11, 111 Jnn, 1870, Augus-tus W,', b, 1871, LIily', l'tlar, 18i!I. Johu Jl.~, ii, Charlotte', d, Clnra11• .E111111n9, h, l&l. Clarissa A.•, 20 Apr, 18411, d, young. J.'rm11,lln P,', 21 Aug. 18-18, d, Inf, Frc'1erl<;k I?, 1 J>ec. 18!i2, pollcoman, Everett, m. Aug. 1683, Bmma 8. Loring, h, 1848. Nnth1111 n.1, Ill Jn11. J807, d, 31 Dec, 1874, m, Nov. 1833, Huth Colby of Warner, who d. l\lny 1803, Jtarlcttt1•, :.!O .Nov, 183.f, cl, 1867, m. Wm. Leighton, bookkeeper, -~• Cambridge, Sa/111•, o No,·, 1838, Ncithan•, 18 Apr, J8H, d. Apr. IStiO, .Snsan l'tl,f, 4 Oct. 1808, d. II l\lar, 1803, Ill, 1830, ThOlllR8

Coll.Jy of Warner, farmer, d. 1880, Marv J.•, m. Hlra111 11e1lce of Sutton, N, JI,, 11teamboat eng., N.Y, city, Cora0, hi, Alex, Clark, cnrtmnu, Hvoreltlo, Thomcltl•, onr11 .. Lawrence, m. Frances ll'l11k, Lura', m, William Chase of WIimot, N, H, Stella', George t.11, Lucy', 22 ltfay 18111 d. 6 l\lay 1863, m, 24 AJir, 183-1, Amazlah HRII of Wnrner, 111 May 1807, farmer, Hmd• ford, Marla•, 8 Jan, 18-1-1, m. 21 Jan, 18C4, lludley JI, Amlre"s of Sutton, N.JI., wooclworker, res. Wilmot, N, H, Lucy M.0, 10 July J807, l'tlary IV, JO J<'ell, 1870. llnrrlet E.o, 13 l\lny 187:.!, Sumner K.•, o Aug, 18-17, farmer, m. o l\lny 1874, Sarah 1<;. West or Hall's Harbor, ~.s., b, !Ma. Robert', d, Rutb7, 9 Nov, 1810, m, 3 8e11t, 1839, l'hllomon Wheeler of Sutton, N, J'J., 211 l\lar, 1817; sob, tea., Manchester, N. JI, 18-17 1irov, trade, M,, ISM gro, trade, Wakoftoltl, 1809 Hos­ton, same bus,, 1874 farmer, Warnor; 1884 glove manf, Morris I'.•, 7 Nov. 1812, m. l'tlay 1804, Rosina B, llutchlnson or Wnkoftold, l\lny 1813; sometime bank elk., grnd, Han-, l\led. sch. 1873, 11hys, Dorchester dist, l\larlon11, 2tl J>ec, 1807, Betsey II,', Oct, 1870, l'h1mnH•r 11,11


July 1878, l'hllemon•, 16 Nov, 18-18, Ill, 4 Nov, 18i2, Mary A. l'nrsons of Wnkefteld, 3 Jnuo 1863; tnnner, Wnrner, now partner with fnther. · Arthur c.,, 23 l\lnr. 1870. l\label•, 20 Sept, 1877, llhlJemfln w.,, JO Oct. 1883. Watter ,r,,, 20 Juno 18>1, 111. 2li Dec, 1883, Ida ~f. Han·oy of Warner, N, II., IIS Se11t, 18511; J',O, clerk, Dorchester dist., Jloston. Jonns a.,, o Nov, 1817, 1I, June 1803, went hef, wnr to Nomnha City, Neb,; 111, .1mznhoth Munroe, who II, J,11111bcrl", l\l, D., NemRhl\ City, Jo11crs a.•, miller, m, Wen re T.', 20 Jm10 11-20, 111. 20 JJec, 1819, 1':llza J, .IJakor of Jlath, l'tlo., 13 J>ec, 1820: In grain trade, Hoston, 1840 to 1ss2; rot, 1883 Warner, occu­Jtles the homestcnd aml mill; lit t•. M, 1.,·,,u11a Jo',•, 31 Jnn, 1~1, 111, 18 Oct, 187!i, 'fhonrns A. Sawtelle, b, Hoston, who, gro. trade. 1<•r1uik ~-•, 8 O.:t. 1678. llakor0, II J>oo. 1885, llarrlct R .•, 10 Mny 1833, 111, 12 Oct. 1883, Wl\l"rOII ·r. 1Ja1,,lcy, b. Wheelock, Yt., 1 AJ)r, 1860, fnrtucr, Warner, N. II, Ilobol't•, d, fllf,

LITTJ,RTON, 184 Knowlton.

John6, 28 Jnn., 1740-7, d. 28 l\fnr., 1825, m. 24 Aug, 1772, l\fnry Dix of T,Htlcton, 22 l<'C'b,, 17lH, d. o Mny, 1827; wns 11 re,·. soldier, 1770. l\lnry6, 20 Jnn., 1773, d. 23 No,·., 1822, m, I~phrnim Pollard, h. Ucilford, 18 :Mny, 17117, d. 28 l•'eb., 18:l5.

Charle11, b, An'g, 1700, cl, 23 l\lnr. 1822, JoslRh 11.11 trader, JloscRwon, N. JI., d. GeorgoT, sea eal'tRln, m. ltlte In life, d., date unk., alh·o Snpt, 1867. J.ucy7, o A11r. 1776, cl. 1 I>co. 18f3, sch. ten., m. 6 July 1809, as 2d w,, Thnothy0 I>lx of lloscawon, N. JI., farmer, J('adlng citizen, colonel Uth U. s. Inf., d. 14 Nov. 1813, two days after tho hnttlo or Chrysler's Flehl, In which ho commanded tho reRr gun rel of Oen. Wilkinson's ndvnnco on l\lontreal, and from which his son, John A. I>lx, assisted In hearing him to tho rear, Roner S.8 , 7 Juno 1310, grad, West l'olnt 18J2, 11ay111astor, U, S. A,, aid to Gen. 'fnylor nt Jluerm Vista, rendering signal S0r\'lces In arresting a threatened stampede by nn Indiana reglrnunt nt a critical period In that battle. Ho 111. 1847, d. 1 July 18f0, or chulcrn, at lllllshuro, l'n. Timothy n.,, 21 Jan., 1812, 111. Dec. 1817, Caroll no J,, Olbhs of New lleilfnrd; was mnuy yen rs ornp. In tho custom buuso nt Huston. J,',ore11ce•, rn, J-.:t•ely,i, m, Rauer S,A, 10 J)('c, 1801. CRtherluo 11.7, JO l\lny 1813, m. II Nov, 1834, John A,' Jlolles, JO A )Ir. 1800, grnd. Jlrown 1827, adm. har. ltl33, sec. stnto l\las11. 184 11 cornmr. for hnrbor 111111 Unck Jlny, JM2, judge ndv. 011 stnfT Oen. ,Jno. A, nix In Into wnr, solicitor 1,nvy dept., Wnsh111gton, D. c., ln11t. res. Wh1l'11ester. J1ullt1, T.•, 7 Nov. 1836, Lucv I>.•, 3 Apr. 1~7. Caroll,,c ,11.•, 20 Aug. 1830, 111. 1 Oct. JSG2, Ocorgo I,, J•nddock, nttoruoy l'rl11cotu11, Ill. Catlterlt1e J>,P, a I>cc. 1803. Jalm I>.•, 12 Aug. 1842, 1'lmothy /J, 8

1 31 Oct. 1847, Prcmk\ 31 Oct. 1800, coll. grntl,, some time writer 011 Boston Ad­vertiser, now nsst, 11L1rnrla11, Harv. Coll,

Joslnh6, 2,q No,•,, 1880, drownc,I 20 l\lny, 1701. Annn°, J/j Jnn., 1770, d. ch.-b., 20 Feb,, 180li, m. lo l\lny, 180-1, Snmucl Honr of Portsmouth, N. II., who d. lnf. 7,

lived, no rccortl. ,John7, 22 Feb,, 1781, cl. 28 Se11t. 1 18/i!.1, fnrmcr, m. 8 l\fny, 180t, Anna Wheeler of Littleton, 2 l\for., 1787, d. 18 Juno, 1838.

Alonzo1, JO Fob. 1806, ti. o Jan. 1873, wood engraver, Hoston, 1825 to 18341 la tor n succossr111 JIOft"nlt 1inl11ter, res. Wnltham; m. 1828, Kllz11hcth W. l\lorl'lnm ol Concord, h. 1807, d, l Jnu, 11!3I; m. 2tl w. Sarah Wnlkor of l'orts11111uth1 N. JI., 17 July 1809. J/ary J:.•, 25 l<'cb. 11!29, d, 6 Juno 18H. J/e11r11 11',8 , 4 So11t. 1B33, architect, Hoston, 111, 4 ,Juno 1867, 8nrah 1,:. l\llllor, h, l'lttsbul'g, l'a,, 10 Apr. JSJ!!; enl. 29 Aug, JSG2, A, 4tth l\lass. Yols., out 18 Juno 18113, under J.<'oster ht Nowberno cnm)'nlg11; r('s, Wnlth11111, 1-:rucst 0.11, 4 Juno 11!68, 111,, drnughtsmnn In his fnthor's ofllco. ltor•r>v, 22 Apr. ISG2, d, .Mary A.v, 16 nee. Jlltill. A/0111:0 W.•, 1 Nov, 1836, (1, )'oung. A1111a w.e, 20 Fch. 18:$8, 111. 13 l\lnr. 1850, Otl'n W. linker, 8 July 18201 dry goods snles,, Jlo~ton, ,\llcc0, I J)cc. 18.'JO, d. A Apr. lft-0, 111. 31 Mny JBW, Irvlug 8. llnll. Anna H.0,

16 July 18()8, d. Aug. 1882, 111. JS ,111110 188:l, ns :ltl w., ln·lng S. 111111, auto l\111tyP, 8 l<'eh. 1801, 1<;11111yv, 1.wln, .Albert JI.•, 20 ,July 1840, solillcr, A, 4.fth l\111s11. Yols., m. Jti Aug. 1807, Ellznboth Clark or Wnllhnm, 12 Sept. 1841; 11l11ce 18CO, 1111111. 11n1•or 111111, Wnterlown, HnclwlD, h. 1808, Annn w.11 JO Jnn. 1807, m. 17 Sept. 1820, Johns. c. l(uowllon or J11111klnto11, JI l>ec. 1708, d, 11 Juno 1871; grad, I>artmouth, editor J.O\n•ll Journal 1627, rl'm, Wor-cester 1833, editor ot tile l'all11dluU1, 1111ower In 11ollllc11, conducted niter his den th hy his daughters; was nt one time mayor or Worcester, sheriff at time of don1h, J,'1•<rncl118, 12 Sept. 111:so, d, young, 1/elet• At,•, JO Aug. 1832, tea, mus., drawlnir, Hoston. Fr1111cr~ A,•, Nov, 1834, tea. 11alntlng, Worcester, J,11cv H.•, 12 Dec. 1839, mus, tna., Worcester, 1'.'llzabetl, U.•, d. Inf. John .A.•, 23 l\lny 1843, bookkce11or, 111, 30 Aug 18i0, 1''rnncos I~. l'hclps of W., 23 Juno 1850. J'reclerlcl..•, 20 Feb. 18.fO, 111. 18 Sept. 1800, Hoxnna I. Hice of W.; kept a 1•n11or wnrcbouso, kllled JO July 1873, by a falling elevator. Fretlerluk Jl.0, 26 l\lnr. 1871. l\lnry L.•, 17 liar, 18i2, d. luf. Edwarcl II,•, 20 Oct. 18!8, 111. o Oct, l87J, Josephine 1-;. S11rag11e of W., Se1,t, 1M2, d, 7 Dec. 1870; m. 27 S0111, 188:4, lfRrrlet L. Uttley or w., 20 i\lay 1801; trav. sales. to 1885, 1111w lus, bns, Howard s.•, 4 Mnr. 1878, Theotloro H.9, 28 July 1883, d, John S.7, 28 Jnu. JSll0, d, 23 Aug. 1&7, farmer, 111 , 2 l<'oh, 1837, .Martha Wells of Ko1111eh1111k, l\le., 27 Aug. 1807, d, 6 8e11t, 1882. Alartlia ,ti.•, 28 Jan, 1830, milliner, Kennebunk. A'llen s.•, 10 Juue lKH, m, J2 St1J1t, 1871, Wllllam Smith or ooft':1tow11, N, H., 28 July 111315, machinist, l(cnnebuuk, l<Mward s.o, 10 June 1870, Nat/um w.•, JO Sept. 18-18, 1111\Chlnlst, K. l\lary D,7, 8 Aug, 1813, JU, 26 Oct. 1838, 1''1'1\IICIS l', K11owlto11, bro. J. s. c., «11to. I Dre. 1811, d, 16 Mar. 1887, fnrmor, mern, N. JI, L11gls. 1 rem, Littleton JSM, well versed In tho early history ot that town. <Jeoruo JI.•, 6 Nov, 183!1, m. 1 Jan, 18081 Isabella 1. Johnson, b. l\lontmorontol, I', Q., 14 May 1843; eng, In Lowell to 1883i rrm, J,os Angeles, Cal,, 1tuuhor trndo. Clara n.•, 6 July 1870, d, young, Ellen Jo'.•, to Oct. 18-H, 111. I .l\lay 1s;o, Hobert

capt. Anthony• J)l,c lauded nt l'lyrnoutb 1623. Joso11ht Bolles, trador, town clerk, Saco, Mc., 1051 and earlier,


A. Johnson, bro. Isnbelln I., ante, H Jnn. 1835, d. 20 Aug-. 1881. i,•rnncls n.0, 20 Feb. 1871, Chnr·les 1'',0, 24 Juno 18i2, Irono 1,0, JO Oct. 1873, d. Inf. Sarah ,'1, 9

1 29 Jnn. 1819, m. 1 Jnn. 1885, l<'retlcrlck JI. Halley or HoJlldntou, N. JI., 18 Sept. 183'.?; wont Chlcngo, Ill., 18112, kept nbstract of titles, 111101· In OIIIJI, Ho.ud of l'ubllo Works, Mary JJ,', 12 Dec. 18.'>2, Elizabeth ll,1, 10 I>co, 18111, d, 2-l ,\Jlr, 1857, m. o l\lny 1837, l'otor c. l~tlwnrtls or Jlo\'erly, 1 Aug, 18111, rem. Littleton 18-10, fnrmer, J, J>,, stn. ngt, some yrs. /Jeury p,s, 8 l\lny 1838, ornnm. Iron anti co1111er worker, Worcester, until 1882, now l'rov., R. I., 111, fl Nov. 18.'l:J, l\lary A. 0, navls of Nns111111, N. JI. He 0111, U Aug. 1801, I<', 1st Hatt. Heavy Art, Mass, Vols., out 28 Juno 1805, b'arah s.•, 3 Aug. 1840, d. 11 Apr. 1881, m. H Apa·. 1870, 011\'0r A, Sto\'ens or J{eunebunk, lllo,, 1 Juno 18-10, glass cutter, So111ervlllo, now sta. engineer; enl. Hi Aug, 18G2, A, 10th ~lass. Vols., out 27 ,July ISG4, nt Octtyslmrg, In Wllllcrncss campaign, lief. l'etcrshurg. l<'rctlerlok J~.0, 10 l<'cb, 1871, d. Inf. Effie K.o, IG IJeo. l8i2, ,\ ,111a I,,o, 12 Oct. l8iG, d, young. .AtW<t ,II.•, 00 Apr. 1843, 111, 31 Uco, 18CO, J11cl L. Shorey of lloston, 20 1''cb, 1810, gal\', Iron null COJl)lOr worker, rem. Worcesto1· 18i8; 0111, 10 A11r, 1801, A, 10th ~lnss. Vols., In l\lcClollau nntl l'o11o's cam­J>algns, nt I<'retlerlcksl,urg, Cbanccllor11vlllo, woumlcd, dlscb. 31 Aug, 1803, Elizabeth 11,9, 21 J>eo. l&ii, l\lnl!oto, r, Jan, 1il70. ,1/(lrt/m B.•, 23 Nov. 18-15, d, young, Ucorue A,1, 12 AJlr, 18-19, hrnss moulder, w,.rccster, l'rov., It, I., m. 26 Aug. 1870, l\tnry L. Jrclaml of Wilmington, Henry c.0, 3 IJco. 1872, Eruost11, !.!8 July 188-1, tl, Albert o.•, 13 Dec, 18111, d, young, l'eter c.•, 2G ,\fir, 1854, orgnuh,t, choir master fn 1<:p1s, churches, suco, l'rovltlenco, R,1., New York city, llnltimore, l\ltl, Clartt H.~, 20 J\11\r, 1867, m. J.<'rauk Sto\'0118, hto, Ollnir A,, mate, Snrah s,r 10 Nov. 1821, d, 27 Aug. 18112, m. o A11r. 18-10, Ueo, W. nnnd, Ueoruo JJ.•, 25 Aug. 18-11, m, Susnn Wlllot, who d,; 2tl w., llhny o. 'fhomJ)son; now res. Cholsen. George w.0, 21 Mar. 1870, d, young. 4 ch. by 2d w., old, b, 18H. Wwrlcs II,•, 28 Aug. 18-131 111. 18G8, Charlotte Morse of Worcester, who tJ. 28 July lR70; m, 20 Aug. 18W, Mnrah 1\1, Asbhce of Woburn. Frederick l\t,11, 24 Aug. 1800, l>au•, b, 1883, .Amut N ,,, 31 Jnu, 18481 d, 21 Oct, 1862, Rlclwrcl Jl.•, 1 lllnr, 1861, d. young. Charles 1',1, o July 18~, f,muor, m. o Dec. 1840, Luchull\ Laws of Westford, 21 Aug. 1828. Clwr/ca Jt'.•, 21 J<'ob. 181il, d, young. Uco1'Qll ,r,,, 2 J\lny 1852, mcobanlo, miller, 1-:Uww P.•, H Jnn. ISM, d. youug, J,'reclerlc!.'. o.•, 23 Oct. 1866, 111aobh1l11t, m, 1 Sept, 1870, Louise A. Whitcomb or Llttlotou, who t.J. 80 Aug. 1887, l\lallel 1\1,", 5 se11t, 1880, Alice L,9,

Anna w.,, twins, 16 Dec. 1884, Jo/in ,11.•, 10 Oct. 18581 m. 18 Sept. 1883, Louise E, Jncob'J of Clmrlestowu, 8 July 1859; flrov, dealer, Littleton. Chester M,', 18 S011t. 1884, J,'ra11k w.•, 28 Juno 1801 1 m, 24 Juno 1~4, Grace E, Jncobs, sis, Louise, ante; 1,rov. dealer, Clinton. Walter J,t, !.!I Se11t. 18811, illll't L.8, 18 Dec, 18051 stutl, Agr. Coll., Amherst. C.:!larlea H.•, 31 liar. 18711, d. Inf, C/iarlca A.•, la SeJ)t, 18711,

Jonnthnn8, 21 Aug., 1788, d. 10 Sept,, 18U7, lll, 2 Oct., 1808, Rllznbeth n. Walker of Portsmouth, N.H., who ti. 28 .May, 1880; gro. trade, l'ort_smouth, N.II., Boston, Inter fnrmcr, Littleton.

Ocorgo 11.r, 30 June 1800, ti. o Se1>t. ',840, went 1820 Cincinnati, o., who, gro, trade, later comm. bus. In river trndo. Hom. J.~liza Athearn of Clnotmaatl, who ct. Ueoruo w.~, m., d.; 2 dnus, In Wa11hl111tto11 1 n. c. Jonl\tlaan w.r, 10 Feb. 1811, ti, o Oct, 1885, m, 31 Oot.1837, Abla Athearn of Cluch111ntf, o., who d, 7 .IJept, 1843; m. 18 Nov, 18451 .!\lrs. btary •.r, Shnw, 111, n. lll\ymlller, o( Cincinnati, who d. 5 July lotll; Ill, 18 Deo, 180J, VlrglDII\ Howell of l:lehna, o. i gro. trade, Alndlson, Ind,, Louisville, Ky., Cl11ol1111atl uutll wnr, rem. to fnrm In Xenia, O • . Marv A.•, 1 8e11t, 1838, d. 24 JnllO 1870, m. 12 A11r. 1805, Robert Thulnll of Selma, o. Willian~ A.•, 29 Jan. 18-11, 111. 18 Dec, 1&i7, 1\tnry .1<:, McCll\y; Is Ju Jurnl!er trade, Nashville, Tonn. Wllllnm If.I', 8 lJeo. J8US, llluul\ 8,111 21 IJco. 1870, d, Inf, Jessie Jl,11, 10 J\lay 1872, Uobort ~lcC.9, 23 Aug. 187-1. Sarah H.•, l A11r. 1881, Hany o.•, 4 l\lay 1883, a,orgo 11.•, 30 Aug. 1843, d. Inf, Praficea 11.•, 10 l<'ob. 18471 d, 111r. A11nlo h'.•, 21 8e1,t, lfi.18, m. O Jan. 1871, llomoo Thrall or Xenia, o. Clarno, 211,!nn. 1s;2, l\lnr)'1', 10 Nov, 1874, Jnr.•, 14 ~lay lli78, d, Atma•, 1R Aug. 1881, d. /Jarrltt w.•, 10 Dec. ttl53, d. young. Clare& n.•, m. 13 J\11\y 1871, E. 1•111or of Xenl11, O. l,011lac& JJ,~, O J\far, 1867, ti. young. Jtobcl't•, 15 llny 1~9, d. young. Jla1ma1, J.•, :t Oct, 1803, m. 28 Oct, 18134, 1''rnuk JI, Drees or Xe11l11, Augusta v.11, 17 Aug. 11:185, Artlwr', 24 Jan. 1806, L11cv1, 20 A)lt, 1871), John w.,, 3 JJco, 18121 wo11t 183a to Cl110l11natl, 0,, hookkco11er n short time, l8U ontorc1l tho lneurl\uc•i Ltuslness, ll6:l 11re11. Clu, t,·Jro Ins. Co., ISG-l V, l',, C, H, & D. n, It. Co , 1808 lll'CS, Entor11rlse FltE 11111, Co, Ho 111. tu Oct, lt!37, Cnrollne Hlllott of Uoston, wl10 d, 1 Aug. 1840; 111. Nov. 1811, Auna Leo, m, u. Stellmu of Charlo11tow11, who d, JJeo. 18H; 111. Ill l•'ob, 111-17, I<:llznhoth 'l', Ollvur or Jtoxbury, 19 Aug, 1827, <.'arull110 H.•, 4 801,t, 18t3, m, IYalker8, 10 St-pt, 18.'ll, grml. Hat\'Rrd 1870, ntty, nt law, New \'ork city. /t'rat,cea E.•, 31 Ml\y 1800, d. 30 ~Jnr. ISGli, William o.•, 18 J,tly 1868, d. Inf, James I,,,, 7 Ang, 18"1, m,: 1st w. d,; m, Nov. 18.'>2, Juli,,, Wld, S. 1''. llolk11a11, lt,J\, coulraotor, b, 1>rn11111101·11to111 Vt,, 1861, d, Dec,

186 .I<lmball.

1883. lie operated a snwmlll In Rending, Yt., Jnter hookkce11cr nnd 11aymaster on R.R. works; recently contracting n.n. nnd dock work In New York city. Altcc8, d. .Mary H.•, t,. 1843, m. 18 Nov. 1867, Theodore n. Sayre, b. l'ratt\'llle, Ala., 10 }·ob. 1M2, druggist, North• nmptou, rem. New York city 18G8. Charles }'.11, o l:!cJ,t. 18C8, d. Inf, }·rnukP, rn nee. 18G9, d. young. James L. 11.9, 5 Oct. 187Z. Thomas U.t, 18 Dec. 18N. Grace H.9, ti Juno 18781 d, young. Evn°, 15 Oct. 1882. Charles u.•, 28 Oct. 18-15, d, )Onug. Lawre11cc8, 12 llnr. 18,17, d. Inf. J<'rarik', 27 July 1848, d. Inf, Allee .A.•, 15 llay 18oO, d, young. Cbnrles A. L.', 4 May 181G, d. 18 Aug. 1E63, m. 10 IJee, 18H, .A1111a E. Chaloner of 11hlla., l'a., some time dry goods elk., Cln,, 0,1 later comm. bus., N'ow Orleans, La.; most of bis ch. arc hl Texas, Ellzu s.•, 9 Nov. 1845, m. 3 July 1857, £11Jah JI, Guion of New Orleans, on sugar 11Jnntatlon, Claude H.0,

20 Ang. 1SG8, l\label 0.11, 4 Mar. 18iO. Eric c.11, 26 i,·et,. 1872. Dolores J',P, 17 1\lar. 1875, Arinfo S.8, 23 Apr. 1848, m. Israel J>. Hrooke or Salem, b, Co,·Jngton, La. Haywood 11.•, 4 Aug. 18i2, Ludlow o.0, 2'.l A11r. 1875. o.~orgc JI.•, 13 Sept. 1850, m. Alice Orny or Franklin, La. Ellen L.•, 20 .May 1873, Alice o.•, ttl June 1875. George H.O, o 1\lay 1877, 1\lorgaretta n.e, 13 Jan. 1880, Anna u.0, 8 Dec, 1881. Jenny J,,&1 2 Mar. 1863. d. Lucllow <.J.•1 10 Sept. 1856, d. 28 Feb, 1810, Edu:ard J'.•, 16 Oct. 1800, m. 115 Apr, 1885, Catherine DcL. Sanders, sis. Alice O. w. Geo. H.• H. ante, Samuel A,', 3 May 1818, went Louisville, Ky.; m. 23 nee. 1845, Charlotte l\leldrum, b, New Ho11e1 Pa., 6 Feb. 1824, d. 4 liar. 1883. J..•zra B. 8, 4 Jan. 18,18, m. 26 Mar, 1874, Georgine Jllen,·enue, b. New Orleans, 17 Dec. 1853. nene•, 17 Jan. 1876, Estelle n.~, 4 Sept. 1877, Car­lotta', 25 Mar. 1879, Amelia M.o, 24 Nov. 1883. Rtcl1arcl M.•, 28 Aug. 18IIO, m. 9 Sept, 1873, Betty Heatou of Jeffersonvllle, Ind., 4 1''eb. 1853; resides there, sec., tnas. Ohio }'alls Car Co. Charlotte A.o, 3 Aug. 1874, cl. young, Clarao, 10 May 18i6, Mary M,0, 8 Feb. 18i8, William o.•, 31 Jan, 1830. l<'rank N.•, H June t&.\'J, m. 12 Oct. 1882, M, Charlotte Verhoetf of Louls­vllle, b, Ora11dv1ew, Ind., 25 Aug. 1862; gralu comm. bus. Louisville. .Newton W.•, ~ }'cb, 1856. Charlotte M.•, 13 Dec. 1859, m. 7 June 1881, WIiiiam O. Mann. Charlotte n.•, 26 Mar. 1882. Willlam 0,11, 5 Jan. 1885, 8am11cl .A.•, 29 J<'eb. 18&1, Evri J/.s, 10 .l\lay 1868. Mary J.!.1,

11 Apr. 1820, res. Exeter, N. H. l:!hattuck', 9 Feb. 1822, grad. Harvard, m. 26 July 18-19, Cath­erine s. 1\luzzy of Cincinnati, O.; res. Littleton, some years auditor In Hoston Custom House. EduJtird M.•, 29 May 1850, grad. Amherst 1873, prof. hygelne, johns Hopkins Univ,, Haiti• more, M.D., went 1884 to Europe In the Interest of his depnrtmeut of science; on his return publlshed a Yaluable r('port. WWfam W.•, 8 Aug. 18117, d. 6 July 18791 student In Amherst• Elbabeth B.•, 18 Apr. 1,,,0, d. 6 Apr. 1868, Cati1crl11c M.•, 2 Oct. J€62, m, 31 Oct. 1883, Rev. John L. Sewall, b. Lunenliurg, Vt., 27 Feb. 18001 grad, Dartmouth 1877, two yeal'S 11rln. of Prep. Sch., Olivet, Mich., grad. Ar.dover 1882, Cong. min. Westminster and 1\Ulton, Vt, Mary ll.P, 2 Sept, 188,I, Catherine .1\1.1, 28 SeJlt. 1880, Shattuek o.~, 20 Mnr. 1866, stud., Amhent. llclen B.', 29 .May 1800. Seth w.,, 5 Jan. 1824, clv. eng., New York city; on stAtr Gen, Grant, Vicksburg campaign. Harriet A.,, 25 Oct, 1827, m.4 Aug.1862, WoodbrldgeStrougofCUuton, N, Y,, 21 Feb. 1827, grad. Rutgers 1847, 49-er. to Cal., com. 11rao. law New Brunswick, N.J., 1852, was com, }lleas judge 5 years, Edward Jr.•, 7 Dec.1853, grad. Rutgers 1873, adru. bar 1876, m. 26 Oct. 1882, Ann11 P. 1\lcCUutock of Chillicothe, O.; le law Jlartner with her father, Wasblngtc'ln, D. C, .Alan II.•, 6 Mar. 18116, grad, Rutgers 18i4, achn. bar 1877, Jaw partner with father, Joa~h Al.•, 8 Dec. 18117, d, Inf, 'J'heodort', 15 jan. 1863, grad. Rutgers 18831 adm. bar 1886, Franklin D.1, b, 1830, d. young, Lucy M.', 28 Ang. 11132, m. 11 Feb. 1862, Jose11h A, Hl\twood of Littleton, 26 Mar. 1827, farmer, ruanf., on Gov, staff 1873-4, senator 1876-6, exec. council 1877-9. llerbert J.•, 6 8eJ1t. 1854, grad. Harv, 1877, su11t, Harwco,f .Mnnf, Co., Uoston, m, 1/S Oct, 1870, .Emily A. Green or Lancaster, 28 Nov. 1854, Jrn,eph A.•, 17 Oct. lRSO, Lucy H.•, 31 Mar. 1882, d. Inf, Helen n.0, 29 Oct. i883. Margaret', 19 1'lar, 1885. Rlrhard 0,11, 22 8e1lt, 1886. ~-<ltcard ...t.•, 28 1''eb. 1856, d. Inf.

Rachct0, 27 Aug., 1786, d. 6 Sept., 1846, m. 22 Jan., JSC7, James J{lmball of Littleton, 25 May, 1782, d. 11 Jan., 1809.

James', 11 I>ec, 1807, rl. 4 July 1867, m. Fanny Carlton or Lynn, who cl,; 2d w., Henrietta St, P. Daehwood. Jt'ert1andc,t1, d. ac, 15. Jt'rcmcfas, d. Los Angele!I, Cal,, of dis. contraetetl In U.S. uavy; m. Clementina Chnse. Mai-tha•. Mary A.1, 13 Oct, 181,9, d. 24 Apr. 18116, m. u ~d w., Johu Adams of Hoston, grocer. Jolin w.•, 81 Oct. J8:ltl, m. Emily K. l'ol'ter, 4 Jan. 1840, William w.•, 24 A11r. 1864. Helen 1•.•, 10 1\lar, 1867. Lucy M,11, 17 July 1809, John H.9, 26 Hay 1d71, Emily F.•, 27 Jan. 1877, James L.•, 7 Mar. 1880. Lucy M.•, d,, tu. -- John­son. Leonard•, ~ July 1874. Josephine M '• 20 Mar. 1870. Jo;rnest R.•, 8 Oct. 1880, WtlUam L.•, 7 Jan. 18M, trav. sales., 111. 12 Sc1,t, ltsi7, Henrietta n. l\lnr~ball of I,., 9 Oct, 1853. JJernarcl M.1• 20 Nov. 1878. William L.0, 10 Aug, 1882. AT/red .4.8, 291\lay 1869, d, you,.g, .Myron A.•, 8 May 1864, m, 12 May 1885, Urace E. l'utnam of Lowell. Jfur11 11.·.•, twin, grad: Cuablug Acad,, Asbl.Jurubaw, 1880, Anna JJ.•, 12 Oct. 187:l, d. youug, Sophia 11.1, 4 Nov.

FITCHDURO, 187 Patcli, Smith,

1810, m. William Hurter, wont Mobile, Ala., Jacksom·lllo, Fla. Joht~ c.•, soldier, E, 47th !lass. Vols., m. Susan Ramsdell of Littleton; has ch. 80118, served In Confederate army, m. i has ch. George J>,•, May 1854, d, young. Carullnc•, 10 l\lny 1866, d. young. Rachel E.', 6 Jan. 1823, m. George Stevens or Mt. Vernon, N. H., attorney lu Lowell, d, Ueoroo IJ.•, Ltlla•. Marys, Martha s.•, 12 May 1s:m, d. 28 Jan. 1862, m, Capt. l'lalsted Perkins or Kennc-1,iuukport, Me., went sea voyage, wrecked, shortened her Jlfe, Elizabetli•, b, Jan. 1852, Josiah 1•,1, 10 June 18271 d. 8 Oct. 18611, m. - Luce of .Westford. Jame,•. Alice', d, Henry D,', 26 June 1860, cl 7 Oct, 1882, ruarketman, 7 ft, high,

Ly<lia8, 10 July, 1787, <l. 1 July, 1828, m. 20 Dec., 18ll, as 2d w., John Whit­comb of Littleton, 20 Feb., 1786, d. 22 Feb,, 1862, merch., Fitchburg, 1806-0, rem. Hancock, N. JI., P.M. until death, town clerk 24 years, J. P. 1837,

Lydia A.r, 2 Apr. 1810, d. 4 July 1831. John H.,, 26 Dec. 1818, d, 28 June 1847, Charles A.', 21 June IS~, grad. Harvard 1844, later from law sch., weut Cal., d. 20 May 18611 of Injuries at time of great fire lu San J.l'rancisco. Adolphus 0.7, 26 1''eb, 1821, grad, Harv. 1847; went to Cal., won distinction and a fortune as a lawyer; went 1800 to Europe, res, Paris, In 1882gave library building to his native town.

Sophla8, 15 Aug., 1790, d. young, Sopbia8, 21 Jan., 1703, d, 18 Feb., 1820. Dcthlah6, 25 Jan., 1748-9, <l, 24 l\lar., 1826, m. 1777, as 2d w., John Patch of Lit­tleton, 17 Jan., 1744, d, 20 Mar., 1822. Benjamin8, 18 Apr., 1779, d, 20 June, 1831, m. Mary }.'Jctchcr, who d. Auburn, N. H., 1865, John•, 23 July, 1780, d. 14 Feb., 1867, m, 12 Dec., 1811, Abigail Trowbridge of Groton, 29 May, 1791, d, 14 Apr. i868.

Adellner, 10 Dec. 1812, m. 3 July 1833, Simon Conant of Acton, 16 Oct, 1807, d. 24 Se11t. 1831S, coo11er; she m, H ~fay 1840, Zlwl"l Wllltney of Harvard, 29 l\lay 171151 it.10 Sept. 1870, farmer, Adeline•, 31 l\tar. 1842, d. 13 Aug. 1859, Reuben•. 6 Sept. 1843, d. young. Ablganr, 1 Se11t, 1814, d, 14 Sept. 1860, m. David w., Hartwell of Harvard, aeq, q, v. John H.1, 10 July 1817, m. Elizabeth Hatchelder of Jay, Me.; rem. Bankers, Mich, Ellen•, housekee11er, Cambridge, A.ndrewr, 6 July 1819, d, 2 July 1880, undertaker, ex11ressman, Harvard, m. 20 Apr.1848,Marll\ Mead of Boxboro, 27 Sept. 1827, Warrens, ht Boston, with A. & O. W, .Mead. Lucys, with mother In Harvard, l-lartha T.', 26 Oct, 1824, m. Josiah A, Sawtelle of Townsend, 7 Oct. 1823, carp., builder, ca11t., A, 0th Mass. Vols., on day of march through Baltimore, major 14 Jlay foll., major 26th Mass. Vols., 28 Aug. lfl61, lleut.-col, 29 July 1802, col. Oct, 1864, in JJcpt. of Gulf, ordered East, In actions of Strawberry l'lalm,, Winchester, dlscb. dis, 18 Oct, 1864; now res, Lowell. Al,,rtl&a .4,•, 12 Nov. 1815, m. 3 May taco, John Stiles, b. Derby, Vt., 10 Nov, 1841, J, 16 Apr. 1875, grocer, Lowell, bus, carried on by widow. John1, 27 Jan. 1871, Apple­ton B.•, 10 SeJ>t, 1847, R.R. man, Lowell, m, 22 Feb. 1868, Mary J . .l.''oote of Waddington, N. Y,, 19 A11r, 1846, Al11beus J.•, 2 May 1869. Clara E.•, 6 Juue 1870, Ellen l\f,o, 2li Sept, 18i2. Edna Jl,11, 17 Nov, 1876, Eilen R.•, JS Aug. 18-10, m. 29 l\lay t8ill, Edwin W, Richards of Alton, N.Y., llS Sei,t. 18471 brakeman In I..owell. Georger, 8 Allr, 1828, eta. agt., F, R.R., Littleton, m. !1 June 1860, Mary Brown of Concord, 30 July 1826. ae.orge II.•, 7 ,Pee, 1852, on edit. etatI Boston Globe, Acteline w.•, 1 Nov. 1860, m. 31 Deo. 1880, .Aruos H, Knowlton of Woburu, tol. OJl,,


Denjantln6, 4 Nov., 1750, d. 3 Apr., 1813, minute man 10 Apr., 1775, m. 26 Nov., 1778, Sarah Sanderson of Littleton, 0 Feb., 1752, <l.; sett, 1781 in wcflt part of Fitchburg. Sarah0 , 6 .May, 1780, d, 10 Apr., 1840, Lois11, H May, 1782, d, 15 !"lay, 1850, m. 15 Nov., 18161 Edward Smith of :Fitchburg, 2 Jan,, 17!J6, 11. 20 July, 1876, farmer.

Reuben', H Feb, 1817, d. 10 Aug, 1$00, m, 18 Se11t, 1842, Charlotte A. Hall of Westmoreland, N. H., 21 Feb. 1820; farmer, Westminster,· Ellen .A.•, 23 Oct, 1843, m. 20 Feb. 1873, as 2cl w., Elliott N, Choate, b. Wardsborougb1 Vi:., IS Dee, 18341 retired grocer, Fitchburg, Evelyn L.•, 28 Feb. 18601 d, young, George E,•, H Oct. 1~2, ru, 31 July ld77, Alice E, Blodgett of Marl­boro, N. H., 5 Nov. ISM; machinist, Fltohbttrg, Inf.•, d, Bertha w.•, 9 Dec. 1884. Leonard7,

3 Apr, 18201 d. 20 May 1864, m, 10 Jan, 18.54, Myra A, Maynard of 1•1tterord, Vt., 16 Aug, 1827, d, 1867; painter, Symonds' Scythe factory, Fitchburg. Lavinia', 23 Nov. 1821, m. E1lwln Jackson of Lunenburg, who tl. 24 Sept, 1882, carp., Fitchburg. .Marv L.•, 30 Apr, 1841, m, Albert D, Tourtellotte, machinist,,r, now stationer, N. Y, city, Int•, d, Louisa A.', 10 Jul7 18201 m. ao Nov. 1848, Samuel D, 8~ :hlon of Fitchburg, 21 May 1825, supt., Whit-


man & l\llles l\lanf. Co., now at Akron, 0, Cliarlea E.•, 18 July 18C>O, m. J7 Nov. 1870, Ruth L. Gifford or Newington, Conn., form. with Wbltnum & :!\Illes, r~ni. with them to Akron, O. Ethel R. L.•, 13 Juno 187-1, Samual i,·,•, 7 Jan, 1858, d. 26 :Mar. 1883, Bmma A.•, 18 nee. 1800,

Hannah•, 8 July, 178-l, d., m. 22 1\lnr., 1821, Willlnm lfnrris of Lunenburg, 2 or 8 sons, d., bur. North gr. yd. Josiah8, 1 May, 1780, d. 20 Dec., 1847, m. 18 Jan., 18211 Ucbccca Sawyer of Westminster, 8 Oct., 1700, d. 1 Oct., 1840; m. 10 l\Iay,· 1842, Sally Stearns, m. n. Lake, b. IUndge, N, 11., 1784; farmer on homestead, Fitchbur.ll,

Elmira', 9 Aug. 1822, d. 24 Aug. 1863, m. 26 l\lay IBM, Daulel n . .Alcltlch of Richmond, N. n., 19June 1811, fanner. Danf.el JJ.•, 8 l\lar.1858. Myra 1",•, 4 Se1>t. 1859, Alfcc II.•, 8 Se}lt, 1801; m. 29 l\lar. 1579, Otto I'. Uennett of Swausoy, N, H., 7 Nov. 1857, Ivy A.o, 25 July ISM. Jolm', 8 June 18'.!4, m. 23 Jan. 1849, Rosanna Lewis or Hoyalston, 23 Di>c, 1820; farmer, now res, Chestortteld, N. H. George J-1.1, 20 Aug. 1800, d, 8 June 1871. Mary I.•, 27 Juae 1852, d. Inf. Charles Jf.9, 7 Nov. 1863, woodworker, m. 4 Jau. 1881, l<'rances A, Hrlj.\ham of Hulland, 12 Aug. 1853. Harriet L.e, 23 Apr. 1884, llarriet E.•, 29 A)lr. 1850, m. 30 A1ir, 1878, George A. Wheeler of Lem)lster, N. II., IIS Juno 1852,'carp., Hlnsclale, N. ll, Uella R.~, 29 July 18';0, F'loreuce•, 15 Jan. 1883, d. luf. John B .•, 21 Oct. 1859, farmer, Wal)lole, N. JI., m. 7 Feb. 1882, l\lary E. Ross of Wlndllam, Vt., 1 July 1858. Roweua7, 10 .Mar. 1820, d, 24 Sept. 1884, m. 17 June 1847, Bartholomew Stearns ot Wlnchendou, 5 Mar.1811, carp. Caroline R,8, talloress. Caroline', 27 Apr. 1828, d, 26 June 1854. Alonzo', 21 July 1831, weut In the fifties to Long lslaud, JoaeJJh A.•, llved 1884 lu Mad. Ave,, N. Y. city.

Dethinh8, 6 Aug,, 17801 d., m. 15 June, 1814, Willlnrn Johnson, b. 1782, ,1. 10 Apr., 1830, carp., Ashburnham.

Benjamin lf.', 30 A1>r. 1817, d. 20 Aug. 183i. Sarah s.,, 4 AJ>r, 1819, d. Hurke, N. Y., m, Tllomas <heen. Emily A.1• Jlury JJ.•. Jlartha•. Sumner JI.•. Willia11i 11.8• Josiah', 7 Oct. 1822, m, 17 Sept, 1800, Harriet Hill of Charlestown, N. H., who d,; m. JS .:uly 1881, :.!d w., Harriet F. Goodnow; carp., Walpole, was emp. c. R. shops, Keene, N, H. Sarnll', 6 Jau. 1824, d,

Benjamin•, 10 Apr., 1702, d. 25 Dec., 1846, m. 29 Dec., 1819, Betsey llal<lwin of Ashburnham, 8 I!'eb., 1795; farmer on the homestead.

Nancy', 23 l\lay 1821, d, 2 July 1852, m, 29 Dec. 1842, 1<:merso11 Lewis of Fitchburg, b. 1800, d. 1 Mar, ISM, farmer, Westminster, Leonard', O I<'eb. 1823, farmer on the homestead, m. 4 July 1849, Martha 8. Adams or w. Coucord, Vt., 18 Oct. 1820. Emo1·y A.•, 24 A)lr. 1860, gra,l, Amherst 1875, asst. prln. Fitchburg High Sob.; methodical and Industrious, an able In­structor. Walter .,v, 5 l\lay 18U, carp., m. 28 Dec. 18'i6, Chloe J\l. StorkweJI of So. Royalston, 29 July 1852. Edith A.11, 20 May l8i8, Nelson w.11, 20 Dec, 18T0, Elsie M,e, 13 Aug. 1883, Sultana', 27 Jan. 1826, m. 27 Jan. 1848, William Lewis, bro. Hosanna, ante, w, Jolm' 11., 27 Jan.182-1, farmer, Royalston. Amanda 1".•, 20 Aug. 1849, Emma }:.•, 26 Nov, 1850, m. 31 Mar. 1800, W1u. H. H. Norcross of Roy11lston1 5 Oct. 1841, div. 1879; m. 27 June 1870, Geo. E. Uay, b, HIiisboro, N. H., 2 Fob, ISM, ostler, Wluchendon, Amy 11.9, 16 Dec. 1870, He1 tha 1.11, 11 Oct. 1881, Ellen JJ,,, 28 l\lar. 11!52, m. 22 Dec. 187-1, Jose)lh F. 8tockwell, bro. Walter A.• H.s wife, ante, 15 .Mny 1849, farmer. .Myrou E.•, 4 Nov. 1880, Cora E.11, 15 Oct, 1883, Jclci l!.',•, 18 May 1854, d, 29 Oct. 1870,

Nathanfi, 29 Dec., 1794', d. 13 Sept., 1861 1 m. 7 Apr., 1818, Polly Sawyer, sister Rebecca, w. Josiah8 ll., ante, 24 Nov., 1792, d. 26 Mnr., 1823; m. 20 May, 1824-, her sister Rhoda, 11 July, 1800, d. 1887; farmer, Ashburnham, rem. 1827 to I!~itchburg,

Sarah', 18 Mar. 1820, d, :u Dec. 1868, m. 3 Mar, 18-12, as 3d w,, Daniel Wilkins of London, derry, N. H., 3 Feb. 1796, d. 30 Se1>t, 11-721 sett, 1842 l<'ltcbtmrg, rem. 1840 Metbueu, 1848 Londondeny. lJanul u.•, 25 Jan. 184f, d. young. JJauiel•, ta Mar. 18451 m. 20 Sept, 18G9, Susan E. Brown of Bath, Me., 10 July 1840; uews carrier, Bo11to11. Eva M.•, 20 )tar, 187'.!, d. 21 Dec. 1880. Gertrude•, 7 June 1874. Dau•, 17 Apr. 1870, Frederick•, 17 Apr. 1878, Walter B.•, 22 Oct, 1840, carp., N. Y, city. Edwin a.•, 18 Oct. 1851, gaslltter, Boston. .Nortnan s.•, 11 Nov. 1863, m. 8 Sept. 1886, Is Janitor, 01ig. Boston. Sarah I.•, 81 Mar. 1850, d, Inf. Wll• lt111ghb1111.•, 28 Feb, 1858, d, Inf, J'f.ctor', 13 Nov. IMO, d, htf, Joel W,', 29 Sept. 1821, d, 21 July 1872, m, 13 Feb, 1863, Het,ey A, Goodall, b. Laprairie, 1'. Q., l July 1829. He1·be1·t JY.•, IS June 1858, weaver, m, 22 A11r, ISM, Maty E. Shaver of E, Albany, N. Y., 10 Fel,. 1801, B;

llAn,·Ano. 180 Jl'ltltnc11.

Louise', 22 Mar. 1885. R11yerre .A.8, l l\fay mo, m. 15 lllay 1884, Harriet l\l, Fenner of Wor­cester, 13 Oct. JSf0. l'olly7, d, with mother. J-:dwln', 30 June lt-25, enl. 7 Srpt. Jl!OI, J>, 20th Mass. Vols., cllsch. 20 Oct. d, 21 Nov. 186-1. Lorlt11Ja1, 1 Mar. 1820, m. 8 fle11t. 1840, Cah·lu Dupuytren or Townsen1l1 Vt., 23 July 18:.!-l, d.; 111. 2,1 hus., -- Jlrook11, car))., res. Omnha, Neb. Jllw<la A.•, 10 Oct. J84!!, d., m, l<'roclerlck l\Iltterer of IUchmond, Va., car11,, d. Wnlter", Ocorgeo, Gertrude A.o. aeorue W,8, m. In Tn1lff\•lllt-, Conn. J.'rt,ltl'ick J:.s, 12 Mny 1802, laborer, St. Jo11eph, Mo. ldcr. M.•, July ISM, Je11n11 <J.I, 23 I<'ob. 1860, Char:es E.•, JS Mar. 1870. Davhl', o Nov. 1832, d. io Dec, 1877, m. 18 July 1857, Sarnh J, Woods of l'e1111ercll, 7 Oct. 1883, d, 3 ,Jan. 1882; was a ttrlnder In scythe factory, l<'Jtcl1hurg. Frank JJ.•, 28 Nov. 1~611, d. to I>ec. 1810. f..'dwln E.•, 30 Aug. 18611 tanner, m. 20 Mar. 1~83, •~mma 1'', Morse of 1''1tchbur~, 2 Dec, 1863; rem. 188'1 Wilmington, Del, Cor119, 22 A11r, 1885, !<'rank W,9, 12 Oct. 1886, JJavlcl .-4,•, 21 Aug, 1864.

Elizabeth\ 2! Sept., 1752, d. young. Snmuel~, 25 Nov., 175!, minute man 10 Apr., 1775, scned in wnr c,£ 1812; m. 2!> July, 1770, Lois~ Hnrtwell of Littleton, a11te, q. v. (p. 87). lie rem. Winchendon nbt. 1700; found demi 17 Oct., 1883, npp. fell from n btldge the night hefure. SnJly8, 2? Sq>t,, li81, pub. to m. Joshua Wymnn of Winchendon, 13 Nov., 1708. Lois7, 1 Apr., 17!10. Samuel6, 17 Sept., 1778, d. young. Pntty6, 2 July, 1785, d. young. Snnmel8, 8 June, 1787. Olirnr6, 23 Mny, 1780. Clarissa6, d., m. Aaron 1>11,·is. Dau.7, cl,, m. Lynum Wetherbee. Lucretin6,

26 Apr., 1703, cl. 8 Sept., 1876, m. 1814 Nuthnn l'ntch, Lucyl1, a Sept., 1700. DnuieP, 23 No,·., 1750, d. 25 Sept., 1838, m. 7 ,June, I 782, 8 nrnh6 llnrtwcll of Lit­tleton, a11fe, q, v. (p. 87); m. 2d w., Mrs. Lucy J{imball, b. 1762, d. 20 !<'ch., I~3!J. '1'homns6, ('' l<'icldler 'l'om,") 7 AJ>r., 1783, m. 'l'ryphcun Wright of IJnrtford, Vt., D Sept., 178.J, cl. 7 Jan., 1880; 111. 2d w., Mnry A, I111rring1011 of Craftsbury, Vt., 13 Dec., 1807, d. He lived some time in Vt., rct. Littleton, ser\'cd in const defense at Boston, 1814.

Lucinda', d, Llbrrtyr, 0 June 1809, d. 7 Oct. 1881, m. Jst 1<:sther i11tchell, wbo d,; 2,1 w., Rachel Biurett, b. 1828; reJU, Mich., bought fnrm In Warren 1830, rem, 1875 Jlay City, J877 to Hemlock, built house and barn, entirely destroyed with cro11s a11d tools hy forest tires, 4 SeJ>t, 1881, Jfyron1, SClh, tea., m. Mary--, div, Sarah JJ.S, 17 lleo. 1851, 111. JO J>ec. 1870, E. O. Collins, b, Cllfton, N, Y., 30 June 1831, cnr liullller, Detroit, Mich. l,y,lla J,;,,, 12 Jnu, 1863, rn. W, Abbey, farmer, l'lper, l\llch, J>a11iel tl,8, /Abcrty J,',8• • Emma JI.a, m. }!, Vos­l1erg, Jake ca11t., res, Duluth, Wis. Ewa JI.a, m. Timothy Brown, farmer, Hem•ock, .Mich, Davl,l w,1, farmer, Harvard, m. lat Ablgall7 l'arch, ante; m. 15 Aug, 1851, 2d w., Lucltuln. 1''frmln of Shll'ley, :.19 Aug. 18?.1. Abby 1',8, b, J8H, res. with fnther. J,11ci11tla F.•, 1 July 1852, d, Lucy E.~, 5 June 1863, d. lJ1mlel w.•, 10 Nov. 1856, tlnmh7, b, 1820, m. -- l'Jerce, who d,; she !s a uurse, res, Ayer.

Susanna8, 8 l\fay, 1785, d., m. 18U, Samuel Fletcher, who d ; m. 2 June 1816, Aaron Whitney of llanaril, 7 Nov., 1777, d, Mnr., 180.J.

Snaan', 20 Oct. 1818, d,, m, Allen B. Wood or Fitchburg, farmer. .Attyusta•, rl. Susan•, m. Harvey Whittemore or 1''ltchburg. George~. Jt'ra,1cls .A.•, marketman, 111, Rtta Wnl'C of I<', Fr1\llk•. 1''Jore11ee•. 1''rederlck9, Aaron W,8, machinist, m. In .!\heh., res, ))nylon, o. Dnu.v, Florence A.a, m. D1·. Wm, Jlennett of Hoston. Fretlerlck11, IJ. 1882. JJcwlcl', woodworker, Cllarlcatown, 111. a Canada woml\n, who d., (2 boys); m. 2d w. Scv, ch,', d, Samuel I<'.', 20 Oct, 1821, farmer, Harvard, m. 28 Oct. 1848, Sarah 'f, Gardner of Harvard, 17 Dec. 182¾. Estelle u.•, 11 Dec. 1851, m. 12 May 187/i, Albel't H. Scattergoocl of Albany, N. Y., mus. Inst., tuner, Harry i,•.•, 5 May 1853, marketrnan, m. 22 Aug, 1877, llarrJot F. Ooddnrcl or Chelsen, 31 Oct, 1860, RklJ>h o.•, 20 Oct. 1878, Ruth•, 28 Oct. 1880, Jerome o.•, 13 Jan. ISM, mal'kot­man, Clara s.•, 1 June 1856. Samuel w.•, 23 1''eb. 1859, grad, Hoston Dent. Coll. 1861, prac, Albany, N. Y., m, 19 Apr. 1883, Alice L. Uoye11 of Clnremont, N.Jl., 17 Jan, 1860, Jlarla u.,, 1 Jan. 1880, Sarah a.•, i! June 1861, m. 21 Oct. 1882, lt'rederlck• Getchell of Hoston, a,1/e, 1'• 78, Ruth•, l Jan. 1864, d, Inf, Evelyn M.•, 23 Sept, 1800, 01, 4 June 1887, J, Dunlo11 Smith or

•Colllnsvllle, Ill,, trav, agt. for Armour & Co., Chicago. Sally F,t, IJ, 18231 m, Chns, Whitcomb of Holton, car-bullller, Chicago, and d. a11out n year after m. .l>nnlcl H.t, Sc11t. 1s2;s, d, A)lr, 187', ae1essor, Hoston, lu Custom Houee se\', J·r11,, u1., w. d.; he nurse Jn 1101111, sh,cc lier death, A1Je17, d, ac. 11,


Snlly8, IIS Nov,, 1788, d. 25 Ii'eb, 1 1876, m, 10 Sept., 1820, Jona. Fairbank• of Harvard, farmer, cnbinetmnkcr.

Howarl\7, d, In youth: D, Hnrtwell7, H Feb, 1827, farmer, m, 19 Sept, 1850, Margaret B. Gardner, els, Sarah, w. S. I<'. Whitney, ante, 2 Dec. 1828, tl, us June 1874. Mnruaret B ,e, 30 Mar. 18M, d. ch.-lt. 23 Se11t, 1879, m, 10 Sept. 1878, Chae. 1''. Wyman or Westminster, 11aper mant, IJantel, 13 Apr. 1800, tl. Mar, 188f, farmer, Harvard, m. Sarah GoldRtnltb of Littleton, Jacob F.', O Mar. 1829, d, Urlgbton, f:4 Feb, 1882, marketman, m, 18M, Susan C, nm. Daniel o.,, ke11t atall In I<'aneull Hall mMket, Boaton, 18ti9•80, m., d, Ml\l'y A.,, b. 1831S, m. Chas. O, Wheeler, b, Ferrlsbu1·g, Vt,, 1830, Genl. Man. c. & :s. w. u.n., Chicago, Ill.

Thomas&, 1 Jnn,, 1760, d. young. Thomas6, 13 Nov., 1761, d. 10 Dec., 1809, phys. in Littleton, m. 16 Dec., 1788, _Betty llaywat<l, wl~o d. 8 Fob., 1700; m. 28 Sept., 1700, Caroline Reed of Westford. Betsey•., 27 Aug., 178-i,.m. 10 Oct., 1808, Josiah Crosby of Billerica, 8 Feb,, 17771 d, 27 July, 1820.

Elizabeth H,', 12 Aug. 1804, m. 13 Dec. 1826, Rev, Uernard Whitman, 8 Jnne 179'1, d, 3 Nov, 183f, atud. Harvard, not grad., ortl. min. Waltham 1820, on,·er7, 8 I<'eb, 1806, m, Hannah E--. Bernard JY.•, 6 Jan. 1831. Ull11er8, 9 I<'eb, '1833. Joalah•, 25 May 1835. Surnnere, 2 Mar. 1837. JianAah H.•, 2-1 June 1840, Frederick ..4.•, 15 Dec. 18-11, Rachel ..4.•, 9 Oct. 18'3, d, young, Alarl/4, 27 Jan. 18-16, d. young, Rachel A,'. 11 Jnne 1807, d. 6 Nov. 1821, 8uaanna', 1-1 Apr, 1809, ti, 28 June 1846, m, 1 Nov, 1832, Tbatldens Hrowu, M.D., grad. Yale 1826, Dart10, Med. l'!ob. 1830, d. 28 Se11t. 1839, ae, 37. Sarah C. 7, 26 Sept, 1813, Martha', 10 July 1816, Josiah', 17 Jan, 1818, res. Amlover.

Nathan•, 8 May, li86, tl. 11 Apr., 1858, farmer, m. 10 Mar., 1808, Sally Wheeler, sis. Anna,'w. of his <;OU!Jin John8, 20 reb., 1789, d. 23 Aug., 18U; m. 9 June, 184:2, Almira ,ll'ostcr, m. r_i. n.rlgham, b. Lempster, N. l-1., 1801, d. 15 nee., 1883.

Thomae w.,, 4 Dec, 1808, d, IS Jan, 18-18, m.'26 Apr. 1832, Diana A. 8ta11les ot Boaton, who d, 1 Ont. 18i6; rem. Heh'ldere, Ill. lJiana E.•, 16 !\la7 1833, d. 22 Aug. 18-17. George JJ.•, 8 Feb. 1837, m, 2'l Sept. 1802, Alic~ M, Rix, who d, 22 I<'eb, l8i9, }'rank L.0, 19 June 1803, ahlpplng elk,, Cblcago, George0, 2 Sept. 1861S, carp., Belvidere. Edward L.•, 9 Aug, 1807, clerk. Terr)"1, 13 Nov, 1869, d, Aug, 1870. Thomas A, s.•, 30 May 1815, d. young. Sarah E,', 3 Apr. 1811, tl. bet. 1846, m.11 Oct. 1837, Leonar!l C. Sanborn, b, SanbOruton, N. H., 11 Nov. 1810, blacksmith, Chel1111ford, later acythe manf., Fitchburg, rem. Atlantic, Ia., laatly to Kansae. Ch,e, d, young. l\lartlla', 3 June 1813, d, young. Nathan H,7, 10 Apr. 1816, d, young. Martha', 12 June 1818, d,, m. 26 June 1838, Daniel A. Kimball, h.,Llttletoo, d, 1884. aeol'ge•, m. Fredertck•, both at Loa Angelea, Cal. Son•, d. Waltham. Charlea', m., d, Lowell; 3 ch, Dantei A.•, accountant. Son•. Nathan H.r, 20 July 1820, d. 19 Feb, 18831

m. 28 June 18M, Eliza J, L\wrence or L., 9 Nov, 1829, Cla11ton•, llS Oct. 18156, farmer. Ha11-wooil', 4 ~lay 1868, car11,, m. 19 l\1ar. 1~4, 1'fary n. Wbltcomh of Ltttletou, ante, q, "· (p, 13-1), Oliver W,i>, li July 1880, ...4nna JO, t Sept, 1860, d, young. Lt11"rtncee, 2 Jan. 1862, d. young. oeorgo H.', 2 Deo. 182".l, d, 19 May 1851, w. Mary J.7, 8 Se11t, 182li, d,, m. Wm. Chllda of Gro­ton, lmllder. Rachel', 8 Se11t, 1828, ~· 26 Dec, 1851, Georgiana', 11 May 1832, d, 12 Apr. 18621

m. 31 Oct, 1855, George w. Barnes of Waltbam, CJeorgeS, Frederick H.•, m,, res, Waltham, city e11g,, W. Newton,

Nancyo, '20 Sept., 1788, d, 15 .Sept., 1871, tn, 18 J,n., 1810, Francis Klclder, Jr., of Littleton, If ieb., 1785,'dr 7. No,v·., 1852, rem. Anclover, laier Bristol, N. H.

t·rances A,', ·18 Junb't8t1; d. 11 Apr. 1l430. l\'tartha J,7, 1 Feb. 1813, d, 28 Nov. 18-13, m. 10 Oct, !832, Nathaniel Swift of Amlover, mt>rch, llary E.,, 4 Feb. 1811S, d, 30 8e11t, 1836, m. 2 Sept, lt\311, Samuel P, Cobb, William', 29 Mar, 1817, m. 17 June 18-12, Ann G, Livingston; res, Newburyport. Francis 11.,, 2Q July 1810,_d. 6 May 1863, Ellen 0,7, b, Andover, 20 Mar. 18~, m. ao July 1844, Solomon 8, Bleeper; ros. Boston, . Sarab u.,, 6 July 18211, d. 2G Mar. tSM, m. 14 Nov, tM7, s. s. Merrlll. susao H,1, 3 Nov, 1829, d. 29 Vet, 1861, m, 7 Nov. 1848, Iarael Lom­bard, Jr,, of 1Jo8ton,

Su1an•, 15 Jan., 1701, m. as 2d w., Col. Ebenezer Brldge,..b, Chelm1ford, rev. sold,, merch,, Fitchburg, Harv. Suaan7, d, John1, ,res. Harvard. .Martha', 6 Mar., 17081 m. her cousin, Jonath:i.n11 H., of Monta\rue, ante, q, "· Thomas H.8 , 2S Jan., 1790, ln,ane, wanderer, found d. in Lincoln, 1818. llcrman•, 22 Dec., 1797, th. lived J.>ortland, Mo. ·

Doxnono. 101 .lloar.

Simon11, 12 Dec., 1708, <l, 27 ,Jnn., 18Jo. m. 4 Apr., 1700, Unclrnl Atherton of Ilnrvnrd, 12 Apr., 1701, <l, 14 1\fny, 1832; fnrmcr, hclcl most of town ofllccs.

Jlnrrict8, 18 ,June, 1701, d. 17 Mar., 1820, m. 1815, John llonr of Littleton. Harriet E.', 17 Nov. 1810, m. 10 Jan. 1837, Jerome n. Whitney of Ilolton, 12 A11r. 1812, fnrmer,

Doxboro, 1/arriet J.'.•, 11 Oct. 1837, ID, O Nov. JSISO, l~phrnhn Coblelgh of Hoxbo101 31 Aug, 1831. Charles 11.0, 20 Se1,t, l8CO. 1''1·edcrlck A.9, 28 Nov, 1862. Nelson A.•, 11 J.'eb, 1&\6, ~lelvfn E.o, 2 Feb, 1807, Ora J.•, 22 Fob. 1869. llnrrlet E.o, 22 Dec. lt,70. Alfred w.o, 7 Aug. 1872. Herbert )l.o, 22 Jn11. 1874. Joaepldno AI.•, 16 July 1830, d. young. o,.a J.•, 28 June 1842, Simon JI.', changed to Simon Hnrtwcll, 5 May 1818, m. 20 J<'eb, lSISJ, Lydia R. Tuttle of Littleton, JO Mar. 1828; former, noxboro. lt1/,81 17 Jan, 1862, d, Cora 11.•, 21 May 1853. Jtlorenco 11/,e, 30 June ISM, m. 6 Se11t. 1882, James JJ. Tuttle or Acton, 22 Mar. 1&7, rnrmer, .Albert R.•, 6 1-'cb. 18M, milk dealer, Hoston, m. 17 Nov. 1880, Ellen A. I<'ltch or Charlestown, JIS May 1858, Claude At.•, 9 Oct, 18li7, d, 14 June 1885, milk dealer. Linus J/,11 15 J.'eb. JSoO, milk dt>aler, Uoston. .itUnna A.•, 19 Oct. 1861, cl. young. A'cltia A.•, 10 .Aug. 1866, Carollne1, h, 1820, Ill, l&IJ, Augustus G. Whitcomb of Hoxboro, JO J<'eb, 1818. A11011at11s a.•, 16 !<'ob. 11143, m. 14 Sept. 1870, Mary 1'', Willard; re11. Allston. Evelyn 1\1.o, 23 June 1871, .Annette R.•, 7 June 1874, d, young. Daisy E.•, 8 Nov. 18i8, d. y~unir. Willard A.•, 2 Sept, 1880. Rlwvn ll.•, 8 Feb. 1846, m. 24 Apr. 1870, Mary F. Hougbton of W, Acton; 11rov. dealer, Lowell, grocer, w. Acton, 1882 to Concord, flab market. Uoy s.•, 3 So)lt, 1871. Hernlce c.•, 17 nee. 1873. Julian .A,•, 23 Oct. 1877. Edna L.•, b, 1847, ru. 4 Apr. 1870, James Whitcomb of Uoxboro; 1es. Fitchburg. Caroline L.•, 27 A1>r. 1849, ru. 28 Jan, 1882, Thomas Steele, res. Jloston Highlands, Al11ra R.•. 8 Se11t. !Sill, res. Charlestown. Clarence J>.•, 27 Dec. JSM, m. 22 Nov. 1882, Carollno M. Melvin of Charlestown, 13 Mar. 1862. J.'rank l',1, 20 Jan. 1858, 1u. 23 Nov. 1881, Ruth JI. Burns; res. Waltba1n. Ralph JI.•, 17 SeJ)t. 1881, d. Inf. Harry E.9, 30 Mar.188li. J.'rclyn ,u.s, 3 Mar. 1861, m. 2 Jan, 18871 Geo. r, Pa«e; res. Cbarlestown. Cliarles .,v, twin, musician, Fltchbure,

Cephas•, 21 Mar., 1708, d, 28 Jan., 1868, m. 4 No,·., 1818, Ascnath Robbins of Jlarvard, b, 1798, d, 6 .Apr., 1884; rep. in Legis, from Doxboro two ycar11, held most of town offices.

Elizabeth R.', 2 Nov. 1819, m. 8 Apr. 1840, Samuel w. Ramsclt>II of Littleton, farmer. Siuan•, 18 AJ>r, 1841, m. 16 Oct. 1881, John M. c.• Jfu1·ter of Littleton, a11te, q. v. b'c111111cl W.8, 20 Aug. 1846, d, young. Henry JJ.•, 14 Be11t. 1800. Samuel w.•, 17 Nov. 18li0. DanM n.,, 111 Feb, 182.'.J, machinist, m. 26 Se11t, 18-19, Sarah A, lJrltton, 28 ficr.?(!24; In 1804 to Elgin, 111., In employ or Nat'l Watch Co., remains with them. Ellwlu', 17 ll~ar. IS;U;, d. t I-'et,. 186i• bookkee11er, Hoston, m. 11 Apr. ISM, Mary Hutterfleld of Nasbua, N. H., 8 July 1832; after marriage cashier In hotels, Pblla,, Pa., and Atlantic City, N. J. JJatrld K.•, 23 Dec, JSOO, m. l0June 1880, Elizabeth lllauchal'd of Mlllbury,6 Jan. 1868; bookkee11cr, frelgl1t agent., JJos­ton, until 1881, since broker at Union Stock Yards, Chicago, Ill. K11hraim1, 13 Mar, 1828, d, 27 Nov. 1872, m. 3 Oct. 1869, Josephine A. o. Ruuell; ll'm. J11dlana1,011s, Ind. Jlelcu J,,s, 11 Aug, 1861, n1. 3 Apr. 188-1, Ww. G. Graham of WakeHelcl. Julia .A.1, o Jau. 1831 1 ru. a So11t, 1Slll, Henry E, S11rague, bro. Harriet A. 1md Mary 1''., at1ts, (p, 134), 3 Se11t. 18:!8, macl1lnlsl, J..owell watorwork11 since 18i6. FredtJrlck s.•, 19 Alay 1&6, m. 24 Juno 1870, Oraco nwcllcy of Waltham, 8 July JSM, d, 19 May 1880; Joe. eug., res. llaltlen. Chnrles l,.v, JI Se1>t, 1877, Grace M.•, 12 Mar. 1880. }'lora JJ.•, 4 June JSOO, llarrlel J:.•, 18 Juno 18()8, Copbas 1,,11 16 Apr. 1833, elk. In R.U. freight omce, Lowell; IW-0 mluer In Cal., ret, Lowell, onl. Xpr. 1801 to march with 6th Masa, Vols., reorganized as 7tll Light Art, Jlattery .Mass. Vols., 2d llcut. H Apr., let lieut, 17 Nov. 1802, res. 6 Oct. 1868. I>urlng Leo's campaign lu l'a. onlored ont on a raid on Richmond rroru tile soutb~ar<l; close to tlie city, coufttlcut of su,:cess, recalled lJy Halleck; 11\ter In N. Y. city <lurlug tho draft riots. Retumlug to llla88, In 186-1 entered the etn)lloy of the F, R.R., 1869 ca,,bler, 1873 f.lCneral freight age11t1 succcs&fully analntalulng his ground 111 one of the moat <llfflcult J>oaltlo11a or the kind among Hoston trunk Illies to tl1e west. Ho m. 8 Jan. 1802, Julia M. Conno1, b, Chohnslord 18-11, ct.; w. 13 Sept. 186-1, 2d w. Nancy M. Connor, sh1. 1st w., b. Dracut 18-13, Rlmiche•, 7 8ci,t, 1869. Mr. II. la tho foi-tuuato JloSBessor of commlHlons lsnod to bis father In 1810, bis graudfather In 1;so, Issued by Gov. Hancock, and to bis gr.-gramlfather 111 rn:o, Issued by Sir I-'mucls Jltmwrd, Harriet L,', :l7 Aug, 183111 rca, Waltbaw, ,Julius u.,, 11> May 1828, hi. 4 J11ly 1&8, 8arnh J,;, Vl11al of Concord, 14 Oct. 1837; res. W1ttntuw11; t,rnkl'lunu nt Jr, ucxt fhe111011, e11gl11ct'r, train dls11atcber, now asat, SU)lt, I<', R.R., t,;, div. Emma .4.', 30 .Mny 1860, 111. 24 A)lr, tsw, Wllllam W, Stafford, b, Wal'ehaw, 13 AUt, !1800, llookket'11<•r, lJal&y Jl,t, 15 July 1882, I/tram ll.•, 30 Juno 1873,

)!}2 1nrnelc1°. Wltitcomb.

Mnry8, 27 Oct., 1707, d. 27 Sept., 18U, m. 1815, Alden Wheeler, bro. Anm\ anll Sally, cu1te, 12 Apr., 170J, ti. 27 Apr., 1831, Baptist deacon, Littleton.

1\IRtyr, 8 l\Jnr, 11H7, d., m. Davit\ Jones or Acton, d,, merch, Ueorye v.•, d, Inf, A1111a K,•, 24 .Mn1·. 18H, m. 21 A11r, 18Gi, Silas lllo!lgett of Acton, 13 1''eb, 18:lO, \Jookkcc11cr, lloston, rein. 1868 Hyde l'1nk, In coal trn1le, l' . .M, 18'i3, l'erloy 11.11, 12 Aug. 1873. Helen L.~, 10 July 1877, d. young. Amy 0,111 12 Oct, ISSO, Anna R,T, H Sept. 1Sl8, 11, 20 Mnr, 1S:l8. Harriet 11,7,

31 Oct. 18:.!0, l'CS, Lltllctou. l~mory A.7, 13 Aug. 182'.!, d, 20 Mnr. 1878, Ill, 1m1.a A. Wfght of l'tle1lllelt1; stngo drl\'er In thnt town, La1>1·clttt W .•, t },'ob, 18601 res. Hytlo l'nrk, tlrovo Med. 1\chl 11tri;:!e 1 l 188j, now exp. ngt., m. Lora ~l.D, 2-l l\Jny 1880. AMen JI,•, 2:1 May 1858, draughts• man In i:a.- sho11, 11ch, tea., 111. ,Jonny A. Clark of l\ledllchl, George 8,1, 10 Nov, 182-1, m. 2IJ May 18-IU, Samii ,J, Dodge or J.lttloton, 2 Apr. 1825; mus. hast. dealer el11co 1855, l,lttloton, So, Yarmouth, Hylle l'Mk, Nashua, N. 11. Anna //,8 , 27 Oct, 18181 d, 20 A11r. 1881, Uaro/lne E.•, 21 May 1851, gl'ad. N. Lomlon ncad,, N, H, t8i3, tcad1cr of Uonuan nnd 11alut111g until 1877; m. 2 Ang. 1881, Uev. Albert N. I>ary of l'awtucket, It. 1,, grall, ll1·own l877, Hnpt. min., Ever­ett 1880-2, rot., rem. Ta1111to11. Avis•, 8 l>cc. 1880. J/<trJI II.•, 30 June lSoo, d, 23 Oct. 180-1 • .Af,ten IJ.•, 2i Oct. 1850, ma,:hlnlst, clcctrlclan, now In MlnnMpolle, Minn.; m. 1 Dec, 18801

Sarah o. Holway of Hyde l'nrk. <leorue s.•, 21 June 1867, d, 2i :Ml\r, ltlH. Thomas U,7, O 1''cb. 182a, ti. o Juno HIO:I, 111, I Dec. 1858, M1utha HIRko of Hoston, 15 i.•elJ. 1839; 11rov, trade, Hoston, rem. Harvard 11:lOl; whl, rem, lt173, llytlo Pl\rk. J.'rauk II.•, 31 Aug. 1850, clerk, leather 1Ju11., Hoston, m. 2 June 1887, Ida t,\ Mitchell uf Jly<lo Park. 1"re1lertck /,,•, 14 Aug, 1801, ti, young, Homer n.•, 2:J i.·ct,, 1863, Louise J,1, 26 Mnr. 1830, d. young.

Stedman8, 14 l\fnr., 1800, d. 11 Jnn., 1872, m. 0 Apr., 18201 Uho1la Fletcher of Detlham, who d. 28 l\lnr., 183-l-; m. 10 Apr., 18301 Ucbecca D. l 1erry of Natick, He sett. at m. in Dedham, rem, later to Natick, where he d.

Alfred s.r, d. Caroline A.', 30 Aug. 18271 d, lSSO, m. 16 Juno 1807, as 2<1 w., Edmund D. Fletcher, b, Dedhl\10, I Oct. 1823, gro, trade, Lowen. Martba 1\1.', Dec, 1830. Alfred s,1, 1l Juno 1830, grad. Harvard 18581 same yenr a1lll, tutor In Wm1bl11gtou Univ,, St. I.oult!, Mo, In s11rlng of 1861 cul. In 311 Regt. Home Ouartls, taking part In the ea11turo, miller tbo dlrec• tlou of Cn11t., afterwanls Oen. Lyon, o( Camp Jackson, a camp of state militia assembled under the confelle1·ate flag, under the eye or Gov, C. ll'. Jackson, designed to bring n.hout a 1eee11slou of the state, which a legally eleote1I co11\'011tlon heltl In winter hail refused to Banctlon, Mr. J[, ret. east 111 mh1su111me1·, entered Harvard Law Sob.; enl. Aug, 1802, 11rl• vate I,' -Uth !\lass, Vols.; tst lieut, In Sept., 1111der Foster h1 N. C.; oa11t, D Mlh Mas11. Vole, 16 Mar. 18tl3, lt. col. 05th, 30 May, col. Nov. \S03, \uov. brig. gcnl. U, 8, Vols., Dec. ISM, on duty 111 S. c. nllll i,·1a. In notion at Honey HIii, 8. C., comm. brigade col'd troop!I, received four wo1111ds, hol"so kllle<I, c:nrle1\ off ttehl by }'rlvate Ellsworth of a N. H., rcgt., who was prom. ca11tnl11 on that occMlon. After surrender of Leo, etntloned In Interior of S, c .• comdg, district, In winter 1800-6 In Chnrlcstou l11vostlgat111g enlistment frnu1l11; m11st. out Aug, tsoo. He returned to Mass., adm. bar, fall J860, chosen rep. In legls, from Natick, only three 01111oslng votes, In 1868, a1111, let asst. Jnstlco eu11, coul't of Hawaiian blandB; preslll• Ing dnrlug absence of Ch. J, Allen In Wa11hl11gto11 011 comnu,rclal bullh1eeil, until 1S74, nfter which l1111rnctlco of law wllh exce11t1011 of thrt-e terms All atty. goul, until Se11t. \8851 when be rctur11e1I with hie family to Hoston, He co111lucte1l In 1880 tho Hawaiian Gazette, to which he wall a constant co11trl1111tor 1111tll hi" romovnl from tho Islands, acting 111 OJ111osl• tlon to the court 11arty, As a s11eakt•r writer ho 11011seeses In a hlglt clegree tile rare fncnlty or tllrectuess nml brevity of statement. He m. 10 Jau, 1872, Chnrlutte E, Smith, dau. of a mlsslonat)' 11hyslclat1 In Kaul, b. 2~ Apr. 1845: her pare11t11 from Ureo11wlcll, Conn. !,l<.1l1el R.•, 5 A}ll', 1813. Edith /,I.•, 26 May 1874. .\/m/rlh1e J>.•, 20 M11y l8i6, Clw1•lotte L,•, l/2 Oct. 1876, J,iUelte8, 27 July 1870, Cliurlcs A.•, 6 Nov, 1880. llernlct!-, tu Aug. 1882, .Allee J>.•, 27 July 1884. Uy tbo ti 1110 tbeso 1111gea go to 111·css, It 18 u11ectec\ Oen. U. aud his family wlll have entere,1 on their return Jouruey to Honolulu. Charles A,T, b. 1838, app, lleut. 11th \T, 8, lnf,, 6 Aug. 11!61 1 wou111le1I at Oalue11' MUI, 11rls. at Richmond, exch, on recoveryJ on stnft div, reguhue to Dee. 1863, n1111, col. 77th U. S. col'd regt., later toth col'd art., dlttln• i11l@hc1l hlmsctr hef, l'ort lhulson, hehl 11roml11ent 11011ltlon under Frocllma11111 Hnreau ln va., a11elg11ell Deu. 1870, 8th cav. U. 8. A., eev, yrs. on duty on 11lAl11s, d, at San Antonio, •rexaM, 3 Oct. 1870, taking hlp;b rnnk ns ntt organizer a111l leader or men. llfl m, Mal')' A, Tow1111eml of N. Y, city, .Al/reel T.•, O June 18071 roa, Hostol1. Bessie A,•, tl. ntcllmo1Ht, Va.

carollne'l, 8 Se11t, 1803, d. 3 Oct. 1879, m. 8 I>eo. 1825, A111lrew Whitcomb or Littleton, 26 Mar. 1801, tl, 4 May 1880, r,mner, Jonnthan J/,1• 16 Nov. ts~, m. t A11r, 18:17, Mary 8. Holton


of Hoston, 20 Nov. 1835; farmer on thll bom_eateacJ, milk contractor, nos ton. Cnrollno E.•, 29 Nov. 1868, m. 16 Juno 1882, Oeorgo A. Gardner of Clluto111 24 June 1868, mus. lust. dealer, W. Acton, now Lowell. Artl,ur w.,, lG Mar. 1883, llarttt·tll w.0, 1 Sept. 1884. l>o11gl<1s1 w.e, 4 Oct. 1886. John H. D.•, 16 Juno 1801, farmer, stock raiser. Anna 11.111 o Nov. 186~. Jouathan H.•, 29 Oct. 1807, Jolin 11.1, 30 Jan. 1830, mllk contriictor, A3·er1 m. 2'.l Oct, 1861, Martha E. llarker of Weatrord, 2 Aug. 1830. Harriet W.•, 21 Se11t. 1862. Jenn A.•, 8 Jno, 1866. Alfred A.•, Iii Oct. 1868. Mabel JI.•, 15 Oct. 1872, J.oulsn A'.', 10 Apr, 1832, d. young. · l'eter s.,, 14 Nov. 1835, milk contractor, Littleton, m. 20 Nov. 1807, Lucy M. H. 1t1etchor of Littleton, 19 Apr. 18:10, Ellen M.•, 2.6 Apr. l~!l, 111, Hi Se11t. 1886, Oeo1go l\l, Lon•Joy, b, Qhttowu, )le,, trav. Ins. agt,, res. ChelBen. l'ete,· w.,, JS July 1887. Louise H.•, JO A11r, 1801, m. 17 Se11t. 1884, Henry A. Robbins or Llttl1>~on, 14 Mar, 18601 res. Somervlllc, dealer nrtlsl's materials, Jloeton. Loul&a', 10 Nov. lEOO, d,, ch, b. l>ec. 18-H, m. 26 Nov, lt,41, Sidney JI, llnll, b. Winsted, Conn,, 18 Feb. 1sco, merch., W. Acton, now fnrme1·, Hnrva1d,

I~hzabeth8, 22 Sept., 1765, cl, 9 Dec., 1831, m. 22 Sept., 171:i0, John Uussell of }'itehburg, rem. Vt., where he d., she ret. Littleton; had sons. Laura7, m. -


Nathan\ 4 Dec., 1710, d, m. 1744, Mary }>atch of Littleton. I do not find among any of the Littleton llartwclls I hn,·o met any knowledge, tradltlonol or otherwise, of him or of his dl'sccnclnnts, 'J'hc to,rn records nnme two ch., Mary6, 6 July, 175.;, Lois\ 12 July, 1757. I obtah1('() In Oct., 188G, traces of a family of llnrtwells in Sullivan and Orange Countll's, N. Y., who claim an ancestor, James, b, l,ittlcton, 1771 1 sou of James. 'l'hc younger Jnml!s wns probnhly not b. in Little­ton, but I hn,·e no doubt the elilcr James was, and in nil likelihood the cldl'st son of Nathan\ who, in my judgment, settled soon nftl'r mnrringe in some other town, returning to Littleton about 1765, James6, b, prob, aht. 1746, m. nht. 17701 Rllzu Hathbone; res. und pl. of death (bef. 17U2) unk, Jnmes8, 24 June, 1771, d. 22 Jan., 1826, m. Sarah Wood, b. 11rob. on Long Island, d. 80 Oct., 1830. He went to western N. Y. and engaged ln business, but meeting serious re,·erses, wounding to his pride, he apparently desired to turn his hack to the past and <.'ttrrn out a new future for himself, aml accordingly remo,·ecl to l\llnisink, N. Y., spending the rest of his life as a lumberman.

l'hlhuuler R.1, 13 Uct, 18W, d, 9 ,Jan, 1840, fnuuer, huullermau, l\lh,lsh,k, m, 4 l>eo. 1830, Louisa Slawson of Minisink, to Dec, 1807, Sam11el s.~, 30 No,•, 1831, ti. 6 A11r, 1883, tea. 11rlv. sch., Wantage, N. J., m. 10 Se)lt. 18631 l\fary C, Stiles, b, Wamngo, 2 l<'eb, 1841 1 d.16 Jan. 1882, I<;dwnrll 8,11, 1K Oct. J81l5, elk., nen\'er, Colo. John A,', 27 Sept, 181;9, stud., Yale. Emma 8.11,

31 Jan, 1811. Auna L.11, 7 July 18?6, Allee w.,, 'lO 80111. 1881. .,hrn<t M.•, 8 l\tar. l~-l, m. 18 A11r, 18?7, Ueorge A, Swaim, o Deo, 18381 herdw. morch., Middletown, N,Y, Antofuette w.•, 12 June 1838, d, 4 Mar, 1870, m, 3 l\fay 1804, Uev. Samuel H. J{ellogg, b. Qulogue, I,, I., 6 SeJ1t, 1839, stu,l. Williama, grad. Princeton 1861, Theot. 11cm. 1864, l'res. missionary In India, at Futtehgurh 1865-70, Allahabad to J8i6; ret. l10me, Jlrof, In l'lttslmrg Tbeol. Sem. to 1880, now pastor, Toronto, Ont.; pub. Hindi grammar 1870, l!eV, rellg. wo1·ks since; mem, learned soc. In U, 8, and Eng, Louisa JV, l July 1805. Alfred H.o, 0 A11r, 1807. 1<:mmav, lli July 1869, d, Inf. }'rederlck s.0, 10 Jan. 1871, Anua a.o, :a Sept, 1873, AJ.' ·ed7, 21 Jan. 1803, d, 10 Apr. 1861, m, Jan, tS:JO, Mary Hall, 2 Nov, 1804; farmer, l11111bl'1'111n11 1 rem, 1846, Hallway Brook, 18119 West Town, N, Y, Bclwin8, II Nov. 18301 merch., m, 8 Jnu. 1865, Sarah A, l>eLron of nethf'I, N, Y., 30 Juno 1830, ·sarah', 23 Oct. IBM, m. Chas. A, J:"erguson or l<'orestLurg, N. Y,, 17 Aug, 1148, elk,, s1111t, hunher 11rop. Precl 11,10, 31 Jan, 1880. l'harles 11.10, 24 Nov, 18S1. Jessie .A.10, 8 Oct, 1884. 'J'hcodore', 17 Dec. lt-64, R.R. llrakcman. E<lwtn°, O Apr. 1870, Corwin E,9, 21 Nov. 1872, Santi,•, J J •Ill, 11132, d. 12 l\far. 1!163, Wflllam•, 14 Aug, IU33, cl, J1 Nov. 1883, tumbermnn, m. Nov. ISM, J.::ither Olmsted of 'fhom1111011vlllc, ~. Y., 29 May 1833, d. 13 St•pt. 18i3, }'orestburg, N. Y. Alfre,l R.•1 21 Se11t, 18.'IO, res, Santa Cruz, Cal. Howard•, 28 l<'cb, 18118, d, young. I<:mma9, 23 July 1862, Olivia', 3 Aug. 1€64, 111. 5 Juno , Uov, J11111ca H. Pl))Cr, Meth. min,, Midvale, N. J, .Mary J.,t, 14 Feh, ISt,11, ll, 16 June 1877, Mnrtha s.o, twh1, Hlanche0, 1 Apr. 1871, John JI.•, 22 May 1836, mercl!., rem. English Centre, l'a., 1870, 111, Eliza Wentz,' dnu. or Meth. min. ll/•1r11 L.•, 20 Jan, ltl38, m. 25 Oeo, 1866, Daniel C, Kvnns "' l\flnh1l11k, 11 Ang. 1822, d, 14 July 18711. fnrmer. WIiiiam', 23 Jan, 1807, (leorge s.•, 3 Sept. 1808. Edwin H.•, 4 Oct. 1870. l)aulel c.0, 81'.o.-. 18i~. -~lbprt -~··· 3 lJOO, 1816, l'Mlander•,


17 Se11t, 1839, d, Inf, JamtB '1'.•, 7 Apr. 1846. sohller, killed Cedar Creek, 10 Oct. 1864, Charlea s.•, 1 July 18471 grad. Yale 1674, Columbia Law Melt. 18771 res. West Town, N. Y. Julia A,', 18 Nov. 1805, ct. 1 Oct. 1830, m. John lllsboJi, who d, Rununerftel<l, I•a., 1861, Ir/,abod1, d, Oliver', Edwin', 20 Aug, 1807, d, 18 Se11t, 1828, 1-:llza', 10 Jan, 1810, d. 2 Oot, 18M1 m. Oct, 1832, Nathan 111. linker or Car11cnter's l 1olnt, N. Y,, 21.1 June 1810, d. r; Nov. 1SM, rem. 1848 Greenwood, Ill, Jo:lliobet11•. 23 July ISM, m. 23 Dec. 1&>3, - Newman. Julia A.•, 3 June 1836, artist, m. 16 Nov. 1863, Davlcl 1''. Hlcts, high sch. tea., Chicago, Ill. George I 0, b, Kankakee. JII., 28 Aug, tsvo, A1111a L.o, b. 1''ru1t11ort, :\llch., 3 June 1873, Ira s.•, !:U Oct. 1838, went Chicago 18134, l>enver, Colo,, 1880, metallurgist; m, 28 Dec. 1871, Ellen J. J{e11t1Clly, tb, Uurllngton, Vt., IS Dec. 1843, Grace 1>,11 1 Oct, 18721 d. 4 Oct. 1877. Nathan M.', 21 Juno 1876, d. Inf, Irene0, 7 l'cb. 1810. I>aulel w.r, b. 1811, d, Nov. 1882, blacksmith, sett. Port Jervis, rem, Rosendale, N. Y., m. Imza C1u'mlchae1, b. 1817, d. 18 .Aug, IBM, Nathan•, res, Lefever !<'alls, N. Y. Aitella•. Al/reel•, d. fall 1886, Wlllmr', lately at Port Jervis, Y. Y. /Ja111el•, went St. Louis, Mo. Marla', 12 Jau, 1810, d. young. JameB L.', 6 Sept. 1818, went 1846 Greenwood, Ill,, farmer, m. 4 Sept. 186&, Mary J. Mccannon. b. Un tier Co. 1'1\,1 5 Oct. 1838, A11tolnetteA, O June 1869, m. JO June 1883, John Darrow. Dolmerl', 8 May 1884. Duane0, 13 May 1880,

Mr. Jamea L. Hartwell reports that bis brother Daulel w.,, went to Mass. In 1836, and fountl an uncle Davide at Manchester, ae, abt. 00; bad two sons, merchants near him; also a brother, llen11-e, who went to Ohio; a slater Ellza0 ; poss, other brothers or slaters, 1''nrther res, arnh may clear up much of the obacurJtJ lu which this branch of the family Is at preaeut luvo.ved,

~lmon', 24 Sept., 1721. Hannah4, 12 Apr., 1728, m. as 2<1 w., Nathaniel Powers of Littleton. Joseph\ 27 Jan., 1724-5, d. 24 Oct., 1789, Denjnmin4. 11 ,June, 1734, d. :M Oct., 1789, Joseph3, 23 Apr., 1691, d. young.

MARTHAt, 25-2-1G49, prob. d. bef. her father; not mentioned in will.

Thie closes the authentic record of descendants of Wu.1,tAM1 HARTWELL, as far as known to tbe writer, who feels altogether certain of the Minisink family as llesc, of Nathan• of Littleton. 'fwo other families nre slightly known, the probnbillties concerning whom strongly point to descent from the Concord family. 11 The first res. phys. at Hoosae Falls, N. Y., was '.fhomas Hartwell, who came from the ncigh­borhoocl of New London, Conn., abt. 1778, m. 16 Aug., 1784:, Hannah Ashe. He \\'as a man of learning, high in tho esteem of his neighbors, many succ. years elected town clerk, rem. Ohio abt. 1800 to 1805, further hist. unk." I think bin, the Dr. 'rhomas Hartwell who l. llomc, N. Y., 15 July, 1885, and a grandson of John• of Lebanon, Conn 1 (p. 88). John P.7, 22 Aug., 1785, d. 8 Oct., 1830, m. 10 Sept., 1812, Mary Smith of Lee, N. Y., 2 )Jee., l 7U3, d. lo Sept., 1887; M.D. in Lee; acned at Sackett'& Harbor, war of 1812.

Henry H.•, 21 Aug, 1813, d. 15 Jan. 1878, farmer, Rome, m. 8 A11r. 11134, Cordelia Wheeler of R., 16 Mar 1810, Pascal J>.11, 4 Mar, 1844, farmer, m, 27 Oct. 18iO, Elizabeth 8. Cbamben of n., 20 Feh. 1841,, John H,10, 20 May 1880, Mary A, M, .. , 22 Mar. 1816, d. Jan, 18851 m. 19 Sept. 1li33, 1-;1111u Hutts, M,D,, b, Rome, 26 Aug. 1813; both d. Schaartlcoke, N. Y. Cornella H.•, 3 Aug. 1818, d, 3 N,;iv, 1826, Darwin ll,11 JI Sept. 18221 M,D,, Ctn,, 0.1 d, 24 Jan, 1848, De Witt c.•, 2 Aug. 18::0, d. 2 Jnly 1833. Lyman N,, poSB. uncle or cousin of I•aecal P,1 H., rea. Rome, N. Y,

Martha7, 12 Apr, 1787, Peter7, 27 Jan., 1789, d. Hamlln, N. Y., m. abt. 181-i, Hannah Pease of Summers(?) Conn., 29 June, 1706, d. lli Oct., 1884:,

Oeorge W.•, res. nrockport, N. Y, llarry W.", M.D., Toledo, 0, Anson n.,, ln1. bus., N. Y. city, !'tfary c.•, 27 Jan. 1s:10, <l, 24 ftt•11t. 1880, m. 24 Sc11t. 1860, Lewis L. Dunning or l'en­tlelll, res. Urock110rt, f!\, Y, All,wle 11.11• 30 Juue 18681 acb. tea,

Ahram7, 2 June, 1791, 'fhomnR A.7, 21 Sc11t, 1 179,'1 {1. 24 Feb., 1865, atty., Somervllle, N.J., m. 22 June, 1818, J<~lizabeth C. Swan of S., who d. 22 Jnn., 1844:.


Aletta De o.•, b, 1820, d, 1882, m. Jae, Cram, M, D., of Ellzabetb, N, J., res. Drooklyn, N. Y, Hamuel s.•, 19 Ang. 1822, d, 17 Apr, 18i2, atty., m. 22 Oct. 180, Caroline Nesbitt of Menclhatn, N, J, Elfzabelli o.,, 19 July tffl, m, J, Suydam Knox of Utica, N. Y,, M. D., Chicago, Ill.; 2 ob, Hugh N.,, 2 Nov. 1840, In coal bus, N, Y. city, m. 16 Nov, 1871, Mary E. Dave1111ort of N. Y, city, b, 1819; 3 cb, 2 daus,', d, Jolin•, 11 Dec. 1831, atty., m. ISM, Catherine Cblld of Morristown, N. J, 3sona•, one an att111 2 <laua,9,

Sarah7, Oct., 1795. Ebenezer7, 10 Apr., 1798, Hannah', 27 A11g,, 1790.

Daniel, rep. b. New Boston, sea capt., d, wh. ch. young, m. 1 Jan., 1807, Martha Cree of Vt.

Daniel, 8 July 1807, d. Lynn, 14 Mar. 18M, m. 1st Elizabeth Low of Essex; 2d Lucinda Rhodes of Danvers; 3d w. Barbara Jaques, b. N .s.; 7 ch., two d, :roung. Joaepb w., to Mar, 1809, d. In Cal. Dec, 1849, sea capt., m. Lydia D, Parker of flalem, 4 Aug, 1838; 1 son In Milford, 8 In Salem, all m. No apparent clue to this family.

Thomas Hartwell, d. Boston, 2lS liar. 1878, b, 1783, elsewhere stated 17911, blrthJ>lace given as Brighton, elsewhere Medway, twice m., grocer 1816, lnterwharflnger, last ap11, In directory 1868; had 9 oh,; some deso, In Boston at present. No clue to ancestry,

William Hartwell, some say weaver, others say officer In British army, m. Mary cable soon after rev. war, lived In Dutchess Co., N. Y ,; 9 ch.; desc, In Dutchess, Ulster, Broome, Franklin, Chenango, Lewis and prob. other counties In N. Y., Sherman, Conn., Chicago, Ill., Marysville, Kas, None of them that I have met or heard from can n1ake any clear statement going back of the ancestor William. I have as yet been unable to satisfy myself as to their origin, but do not now claim them a11 I formerly did,

Henry Hartwell, bred a barrister In Londor., one of His Majesty's council for the colony of Va., one of the corporators of William and Mary Coll,, sett. In James City, Va., abt. 1723; author with Dr, Blair and Geo. Cbl_lton of a band-book of tbe Colony In 1727; dau, .Ellaabeth, ID, In the Cocke family of Fluvanna, 1732; bas llvlng desoendants In the male line there yet.

Deso. doubtless numerous In tbe south; none discovered· by me north of Maaon and Dixon's line,

There ~ea few scattered Hattwell fa.mllles In the u. B, and Canada, Immigrants from England or Ireland within the memocy of people now living.



IN tnking leave for the present of this interesting subject, I ought not

to omit <>xpresslng my lasting obligations to a few frienils, to wl1ose efforts I feel

greatly indebted for assistance in its preparation, notable among whom nre Mr. Isaac B. Hartwell of Wilkinso1willc, Mrs. l\[, S. J>. Guild of Lynn, Mrs. Clara A. J .•

Carter of Leominster, Mr. ·Alexander C. Hartwell of Ogdensburg, N. Y., W. H.

Upton, l•~sq., of Walla Walla, W. T., Mrs, Sarah A. Hartwell of Hadley, Mich.,

Miss Francclia Luce of Cattaraugus, N. Y.,, Mr. Nntbim Hartwell of Hammonton,

N, J., l\lrs, Augusta A. Lakin of Bennington, N. II., not forgetting a grateful

tribute to the memories of Mra. Abby \V. Homer of Jamest-Own, N. Y,, and Mrs, Miranda Locklin of Lyndon, Vt,, both deeply interested, and fortunate in their

connection with the past history of their respecth·e fnmilies.

\Vhile a study of the history of one's own ancestors is pleasant, elevating and

profitable, its chief use is believed to be in pro,·lding for the ele,·ation of the race

ln future, and comes mainly from a careful im·estigation of the strains of blood

already blended with that of our first ancestors in Concord, antl the antecedent$ of

the families whose blood it is proposed to mingle with ours. Genealogical studies,

carefully pursued, disclose with startling distinctness the causes, cone.taut in their

action, that build up and pull down families, A deep Interest in and increased attention to this study is being awakenecl through the country.

Many errors of fact have cloubtless crept into the mass of data from which this

work was made up, which it is my hope to ha\'e speedily and fully corrnctcd by

those in a position to do so, in order that the finished work to be published here­

after, may rank high among family histories for its exactness of statement and ful-

11eS1 of detail. It is of great import1mce that I be achise<l promptly of changes in

per,onnel of tho different families herein mentioned, and t!specially of changes of

residence or post office address, as well as information regarding all missing

families, individuals, and specific facts, which for want of such information arc not

found in the foregoing pages. I wish to cm11hasize the statement that in the nature

of things there is no literary undertaking so dependent on willing, acth·e, interested

co-operation by a great number of persons, as the history of a family, and , .. ithont

such ahl, completeness and high degree of merit will always be found wanting.


P, 4, line 40, •• south," read north,-P, 6, Yne 19, 11 23 Deo, 1640," road 23-12-10-10, P, 7, line 14, "Emily .lt'oster," read Emily Davis, P. 9, line 49, '' l\leleln," read .l\lellen.-P. 10, line 29, 11 she," road he, P.19, line 19, read" Thlrza ";-line 83, Charles M.8

1 sheriff, not Ell c.•, mtte;-llne 48, 11 6 June," read 26 June,

P, 20, line 61, "Tucker," read Tlnker;-Une 69, "Stowe," read Stone; add'' Harriet 8.•, 12 Feb. 1872."-P, 28,-line 44, adcl •• Caroline L.10, O Sept, 1681,"

P, 28, line 11, read" lleulah ";-llne 18, read•• Ladorua," P. lil9, Unes 17, 18, three last names to follow Daniel w.•, preceding Horace p,e, P, 38, line 27, after 1705 add" m, George Wolcott of Wetbersfleld, Conn., 16 Jan, 1700-11

d. Newl11gton, Conn.; 10 ch., 8 m,"-P, 41, line 22, read" Cal11hurnla." P, 48, Uno J6, omft. comma after'' dau." ;-line 29, read" Emsley" ;-line 38, '' Luby,"

read Luoy;-llne 49, read" Ellzabeth·•'-P, 47, line 18, "1816," read 1860. P. 48, llue 49, after l'Jay al.Id li67,-P, 68, line 48, "Ira J,10t'"read •. P, 69, line 87, read" Algt!rno11."-P, 60, line 31, '' 1131" rea.d 103. P, 62, line 41, Insert" lived Alstead, N, H., served In reglDJent raised for defense of

Ticonderoga, 1777, under Col, D, Uellows."-P, 68, line 8, read•• Cham11Jaln,11

P. 86, line 81, read" Somonauk."-P. 70, line 81, "on," read by, P, 78, line 21, "1878," read 1778; close of line 40, add "ent. 8 Aug, 1862, H, 30th Maes,

Vols,, lat lieut. 11 Oct. 18641 out 8 June 1866 ";-line 42, add ".lt'anuy E.e, 14 May 1801; d. 1 May 1879, Jenny l\I,e, 7 l\lay 1868. Alonzo A,11, 26 July 1873 ";-line 46, after arllly, atld "19 Aug, 18631 l\tound City, Ill.; enl. 8 Aug. 1662, II, 36th Mass, Vols," ;-same line, after 1844, add "enl. 8 Aug, 1862, H, 36th Mass, Vols., out 18 May 1866."

P. 74, line 2, add" E. Harlan', Apr. 1868;-llne 24, •• 15," road 1&; after 1861 add" d, 29 Apr. 1880 "; Une 29, "1867," read 1869;-llne 41, "Aug.," read Oct,

P, 77, lie.a 2, •• relief," read Relleff;-llne 13, "ISM," read 1886, P, 81, line 60, after 111861 add" d,"-P, 86, line 1, '' 3d w.," read 2d w. P, 90, line 40, after 1876, add" d. 20 Aug. 1887." P. 96, line a4,, after 1800, add" d. 30 June 1887 "-line 42, 11 Genesee," read Genesee. P, 1O!.I, ·' Mary•," read•• •."-P, 108, line 7, "l\llldred A,111

11 read 10,

P. 110, llne 6, read" Sllnnus."-P, 116, line 11, '' love," read lore, P. 119, line 11, read" Adventures."-P, Hao, line 12, "Ottowa," read Ottawa. P. UU, line 18, read" JJarnfeld."-P, 122, line 17, read" Wolcott," P. 125, line 24, "1833," read 1823.-P, l:l15, line 8," Dana," read Dane, P.18O, line 12, "1788," read li05;-ltne 19, read'' Nowberno." P, 184, line 28, read'' Conant,"-P, 137, line 22, read'' Muskingum," P. 140, line 21, "30," read 3. P.146, llne 1, "24 I>eo,," read 6 Dec. ;-line 16, add Frank•o, 27 l\lar. 1880; "Burt," read

De Witt; line 30, "1800," reall 1850,-P, 146, line 21, "Joel," read Ira, P, 168, line 6:a, '' 1867," read 1837; line 53, rea I" Artemas." P, 164, llne 26, read•· Alcot" ;-line 60, read•• Charlotte" ;-llnc 63, after "young,"

add Olive .lt',1, 28 Aug. 1886, Wllllam .1..-.•, 2 .AJ>r, 1887; line 69, omit comma after" slater." P, 161, line 36, read·• La Aloreaux."-P, 166, line 12, read II Llandaff." P, 169, after line 29, adcl '' Ellzabeth1, 22 Oct. 1677. Sarah•, 10 July 1679, Abigail', 1 May

1081. m, - Childers, res, Stoneham. P.178, line 44, '' Whiting," read Whitney. I'. 177, llne 26, add II cl. 27 June 1879 ";-line 30, "18ti5," read 1860, P, 178, line 47, read'' Mea<lvlllc." P, 181, llne 10, read•• associates ';-line 46, read'' Coutant," P, 1821 line 26, Je88e A.•, Martha•, should 1>rob, be No, o, t', 183, line 19," 1837," read 1867, P, 186, line 67, after Leouard, 11 Wllllam7, b. 1817, d,, twloe m,; many years town clerk,

Littleton, Myra•, b, 1840, d, Goorge A.•, b. 184t1, tu, a lady from New I11swlcll, N, ll,; city eng., Somerville, 18i6-86," Co)ly mh!lahl by author, omission discornred when too late to repair.

P. 187, line 11, after 1•. M., atlcl '' fr,,w 1813,"-P, Jag, llne 17, " 1773," reatl 1783. P. 192, line 26, read" Alfrell s.,."