Download - FINAL PROJECT REPORT - Politeknik Negeri Medan





Completed as a requirement for a degree












The ease and security of bicycle rental system services is always ignored. Bicycle rentals in

a place are often not well managed because unsafe security locks make bicycles often

experience theft, and lack of supervision or staff and the solution to this problem is to utilize

RFID (Radio Frequency Identification) and selonoid technology integrated with Arduino

Nano and GPS module as a monitoring system integrated by Arduino Uno. The GPS module

is designed so that the bike does not experience theft again. RFID is used in visits to identify

and selonoid as an automatic key opener. The GPS module utilizes existing technology,

Google Maps. after being tested and the result is that the bicycle rental station in prototype

form is well managed more effectively because there is no register tagline that wants to be


Keyword: Arduino Nano, Arduino Uno, bicycle rental, RFID, Solenoid, GPS Moduls,

Google Maps


Praise and gratitude is the presence of Allah SWT for the blessings and mercy can be

completed final project with the title "Design And Implementation Security and

Monitoring System Of Bicycle Using RFID Based Arduino ".

The purpose of writing this Final Project is to qualify to earn the title of Ahlimadya

programmed study computer engineering and Informatic Department of computer

engineering, Politeknik Negeri Medan. Writing this Final Project is still far from perfection,

therefore the expected criticism and suggestions that build for the sake of perfection this Final


Finalizingfinal project this is inseparable from the assistance of many parties, so that

on this occasion with respect thanks to parties who provide assistance either directly or

indirectly in the preparation of this final project so that it can be solved, especially to who I


1. Mr. M Syahrudin ST, MT, as a Director of Politeknik Negeri Medan.

2. Mr. Ferry Fachrizal ST, M.Kom, as a Head of Department Computer engineering and

Informatics of Politeknik Negeri Medan.

3. Mr. Zakaria Sembiring ST, M.Sc, as a Head of Program Study Computer Engineering

Politeknik Negeri Medan and as a Supervisor has been directing and guiding so that

the author can complete this report as expected.

4. To Mr/Ms lecturer, Staff and officials of the Department of computer engineering who

always provide information and guide for the preparation of the final project.

5. To my Father, always supported, educate and not stopping to give full spirit to me to

finish this final task.

6. To my family, and also my sisters and my brothers, Kak Inur, Kak Iyoud, Kak

Fatimah, Kak Jannah, Kak Zakiah, Lian and Dayat always give spirit to me in writing

this final project.

7. To my Bestfriends, Arin, Raudha and Uul always there for me and give spirit in the

preparation of this Final Project.

8. To my classmates class CE - 6C are always encouraging motivation and support in the

preparation of this Final.

Finally, I said thank you that this final project will benefit us and be an input for the world

of education.

Medan, 25th August 2018


Aprida Sapitri Br Saragih

NIM: 1505114021


APPROVAL SHEET ............................................................. Error! Bookmark not defined.

VALIDATION SHEET ......................................................... Error! Bookmark not defined.

ABSTRACT ......................................................................................................................... 1

TABLE OF CONTENT ...................................................................................................... 5

LIST OF FIGURE ................................................................. Error! Bookmark not defined.

LIST OF TABLE ................................................................... Error! Bookmark not defined.

PREFACE ............................................................................................................................ 3

CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION ........................................................................................ 7

1.1. Background Of Problem ......................................................................................... 7

1.2. Identification Of Problem ....................................................................................... 8

1.3. Scope Of Problem ................................................................................................... 9

1.4. Final Project Objectives .......................................................................................... 9

1.5. Final Project Contribution....................................................................................... 9

1.6. Methodology ......................................................................................................... 10

1.6.1. Data Collection Techniques ........................................................................... 10

1.6.2. Settlement Steps ............................................................................................ 10

1.7. Writing Systematics .............................................................................................. 11

CHAPTER II BASIC THEORY .......................................... Error! Bookmark not defined.

2.1. Monitoring System................................................ Error! Bookmark not defined.

2.2. Mikrokontroler Arduino........................................ Error! Bookmark not defined.

2.2.1. History of Arduino......................................... Error! Bookmark not defined.

2.2.2. Arduino Nano ................................................ Error! Bookmark not defined.

2.3. RFID ..................................................................... Error! Bookmark not defined.

2.4. Solenoid ................................................................ Error! Bookmark not defined.

2.5. GPS ....................................................................... Error! Bookmark not defined.

2.6. GPRS..................................................................... Error! Bookmark not defined.

2.7. LCD (Liquid Crystal Display) .............................. Error! Bookmark not defined.

2.8. I2C LCD................................................................ Error! Bookmark not defined.

2.9. Relay ..................................................................... Error! Bookmark not defined.

2.10. Google Maps ......................................................... Error! Bookmark not defined.

CHAPTER III ANALYSIS AND DESIGN TOOL ............ Error! Bookmark not defined.

3.1. Specifications System ........................................... Error! Bookmark not defined.

3.2. Designing Block Diagrams System ...................... Error! Bookmark not defined.

3.3. How The Tool Works ........................................... Error! Bookmark not defined.

3.4. Circuit Design ....................................................... Error! Bookmark not defined.

3.4.1. Complete Series of RFID .............................. Error! Bookmark not defined.

3.4.2. LCD ............................................................... Error! Bookmark not defined.

3.6.3. RFID Reader Series ....................................... Error! Bookmark not defined.

3.6.4. Complete GPS circuit .................................... Error! Bookmark not defined.

3.6.5. Selonoid Circuit ............................................. Error! Bookmark not defined.

3.5. Software Design .................................................... Error! Bookmark not defined.

CHAPTER IV RESULTS AND DISCUSSION ................. Error! Bookmark not defined.

4.1. Prototype of Monitoring System Design Using GPS .......... Error! Bookmark not


4.2. Prototype of Security System using RFID and Solenoid ..... Error! Bookmark not


4.3. Implementation ..................................................... Error! Bookmark not defined.

4.4. Device Testing ...................................................... Error! Bookmark not defined.

4.4.1. Testing RFID and LCD ................................. Error! Bookmark not defined.

4.4.2. GPS Testing ................................................... Error! Bookmark not defined.

CHAPTER V CONCLUSIONS AND SUGGESTIONS .... Error! Bookmark not defined.

6.1. Conclusions ........................................................... Error! Bookmark not defined.

REFERENCES ...................................................................... Error! Bookmark not defined.



1.1. Background Of Problem

The ever-growing and sophisticated technological developments that apply in all areas

of life. Making what's needed or looking for can be generated quickly and easily. Reported

by KRJogja, Rector of ITB Prof Kadarsyah Suryadi stated that "Human beings are being

simplified by computer intelligence so that humans are no longer needed. The data I get from

the Rector Summit in Prague, 60% of people will lose their jobs in 2025," he said in the

Entrepreneurship Seminar in UMY. And the growing technology proves that humans are able

to always create new things that we never imagined to be a discovery that helps many things

in human life.

There are many things we can find in life according to the development of this

technology. For example, when we rent a bicycle. Bicycles are not at all times in reach and

often cause anxiety when left out for a long time. Although there is already a vehicle safety

device such as multiple keys or alarms, however, theft still remains rampant. Reported by

AMBON-AE, Ambon Police Chief AKBP Komaruz Zaman through the Head of Public

Relations Division of Iptu Meity Jacobus said that, along with the rampant acts of cursing

that always happened, the police hoped the people could be vigilant. Be vigilant of all

possibilities that can provide opportunities for players to freely carry out their actions. "So

far, what we have monitored from the community appeals report about cheating has taken

place in many public places and residential areas. We sincerely hope that citizens are more

vigilant about the frequent fraud. The point is not to give the opportunity to the perpetrator

easily take our property. Ensure the security of the house and valuables in the form of

motorbikes and other valuables," he said in his office. Using the introduction of Radio

frequency identification (RFID) and Solenoid technology, vehicle safety will be safer and

more efficient. If the vehicle is stolen, the device can not find the location of the stolen

vehicle. RFID (Radio Frequency Identification) is a technology that uses communication via

electromagnetic waves to alter data between terminals with an object such as merchandise,

animal or human product with the purpose of identifying and tracking trails through the use

of a device called RFID tag.

Using the free Global Position System (gps) technology integrated with the General

Packet Radio Service (GPRS) microcontroller, the internet and database storage are expected

to be used to create vehicle tracking and monitoring systems with fast and accurate digital

map view through the website from distance so far, that it can be a solution for efficient

vehicle safety monitoring. GPRS (General Packet Radio Service) is a technology that enables

data transmission and reception to be faster than using the Circuit Switch Data or CSD

technology. This system uses Arduino as a platform. Arduino is an open-source single-board

micro controller, derived from the Wiring platform, designed to facilitate electronic use in

various fields.

With the background of the above problem, a solution that can assist the executor is

needed. In this way, the author gives a picture of the existence of a computer based

technology system that is expected to provide problem solving solutions, therefore the

authors are encouraged to conduct research with the title "Design and Implementation

Security and Monitoring System Of Bicycle Using RFID Based Arduino".

1.2. Identification Of Problem

The problem formulation that appears in this final project is:

1. How to design a safety system and bicycle monitoring using RFID, Solenoid and GPS


2. How to test bike safety systems using RFID and Solenoid modes and GPS modules?

3. How to analyze and display data from monitoring system?

4. How to use SMS gateways as a command to show bike coordinates with Google


1.3. Scope Of Problem

The limitations of the problems surrounding this investigation include:

1. The design of this final project is just a prototype.

2. The author does not discuss the database.

3. The author does not discuss the safety of tenants / custumer

4. Google Maps can only monitor the coordinates captured by GPS and the

Microcontroller is installed on the rental bike.

5. The GPS can only monitor at outdoor.

6. The author does not discuss the registration the tenant.

1.4. Final Project Objectives

1. To design a tool system that can be used for bicycle safety and designing a monitoring

system using a GPS module.

2. To test bicycle safety and monitoring systems using RFID and Solenoid and GPS


3. To analyze and display data / results of the bicycle monitoring and security system

using RFID and Selonoid.

1.5. Final Project Contribution

Contributions that can be given are as follows:

1. For the world of academics and science, especially the Medan State Polytechnic.

1. As an additional reference material in terms of solving a problem that is similar

to the background of making a control system.

2. Improve and add insight into the manufacture of microcontroller-based controller


2. For Users / Communities

The benefits obtained from this research are expected to help tenants in security and

monitor the rental bikes.

3. For the writer

1. To apply the knowledge acquired during lectures.

2. For the contribution of writers in the world of education to be useful for everyday

life and can be developed in the future.

1.6. Methodology

In this final project report, the writer collects data as follows:

1.6.1. Data Collection Techniques

Data collection techniques used in this final project are:

1. Library Readiness

Library study is one of the techniques of collecting data in the form of

theories relating to the problems in the author's final assignment.

2. Field study

The field study was conducted by the author with the aim of knowing

directly the problems that the writer picked up to be the final task.

1.6.2. Settlement Steps

The completion steps to be carried out in this final project are:

1. Planning

In the planning stage, the authors plan how and what the system will be

made later.

2. Research Tools used

At this research stage, the author will analyze the microcontroller that

supports the creation of a system that will be made by the author so that there

will be no errors in the program that the writer will create later. In this stage

also, the author will design how the writer will make a prototype that will be

used in the system testing that will be made by the author.

3. System Making

At this stage, the author will make a system based on the stages of

Planning and Research tools used.

4. System Testing

This stage will be done when the system that the author has completed.

This stage is carried out with the aim to find out whether the system that is

made is in accordance with the procedure or there is still something to be


1.7. Writing Systematics

The following is the systematic writing used in the preparation of the Final Task



This chapter contains an explanation of the background of the selection of the

title, the problem limitation, the motivation and the goal of the final assignment, the

goal of final assignment, the final task method and the systematic writing.


This chapter contains the theoretical foundation which is the main reference in

writing the final assignment. The theories discussed relate to the web-based

information system to be designed as well as those used for the purposes of system

analysis and design.


This chapter contains analysis and designing tools to illustrate and describe the

activities that are being carried out on the ongoing system and information design.


This chapter contains analysis and test results as well as system research that will

be done covering the overall system work and analyzing results that can be obtained

from system test results.


This chapter describes the final outcome of all the writings that are being done

which are conclusions and suggestions that contain inputs to develop and complement

the already established systems in the future.