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S A .M

Sub&criptioa R1ta • ..,... Ane ..... ~--0~-u~p "'-" • 1M (..UortiM • - - - .. . Out.weSW. ... ...

l EW FACES. Santa Ana is getting a new=face lift ·

lng process, when the old order faded and _Jhe new growth voted in I;! different clty co~cil. Such old time­en as Joe Smitti, Ed Yost and Dolph Kelsey went by the board. All good ~n. but the machine had to be broken some time, and new­comers are not interested in traditions or what you did }'esterday. Lew Blodgett, who came to the county sea t ten years ago from J lunting­ton ~ach, and who has been city attorney for eight years. went down to defeat before Otto Jacob!;. member or the law firm of W('\ling­ton & J acobs. Both men bav,. long been outsid(' the pale of the strong ring which nJ.Ied Santa Ana. and it will now be interesting to see what the various lineups will be.

Earl Stanley jour Boys.~n: Servic£· College Kids to Invade New Chiefl Balboa next week; all of Rotary , : Firms Ready for Crowds

Could one say that prin­dpal credit for the upset tx-­longs to Col. Berry's green sheet. Th e Independent ? The Register did not take much of a part in the cam­paign, which may have been too bad. as they now print the city's legals, which had gone to the Green Sheet. un­til it slipped when it was ~ted for a spell at Laguna

ch, thus breaking its le­gal status. Col. Berry does not easily forgive a nd now that victory perches on his peJX>r's masthead. perhaps a number of changes will come to the fore in dear old Santa Ana. Jon~ controlled by the old timers. who hated to see any change, but now destined to become a real, thriving industrial center.

Red era.. Good job the Red Cross committee did, when they turned over 8,000

. - .illaA dollua ' \n tbelr c:am. pelgn and more than doubledl'"lthe amount ot a. year ago. Mrs. Grace mod­estly passes the credit to her band or workers, which is a splendid spirit or a~knowl· edgement. but those who know that dynamic lady rnlize she has thl' push and initiative to 1or:xe ahead and put anything o v e r she tackles. The - News-T\mes hopes the city appreciates her effort~ and congratU· lates the community for its generous response in these war times. as nil nre beS('t With manv kinds or other Important ·drives.

RU!Ih Ptau! ~ven more of the United Nations have accepted the Invitation of the United States to nttend the International rood con­ference probably to be held on April 27. Ten nations a l­~adv -had accepted._ The Wnshington Post took up cudgels for the Pres.c;. fol­lowing a jocular remark or President Roosevelt that he "hoped no newspaper men would have access to the 'delegates." Said the Post, .. The remark made the newspaper coros sit up and take notice. They know the President wen enou~~th to take him most seriously when he smiles most broad· ly." Late reports from the OWl. however, sta te flatly that "present incompletr plans' for the conference contemplate no oorring of reportel"!' from coverln~ tht> mt"('ting." "Hush" pIan s f\eover will be popular in N11erica!

No W&Ah~! Moans. some loud. !'Ome soft. nre bl>gin­~ .... to SC('P throu~h the -\ihde~round of this many­sided shoreline over lnck of laundry fncil\ties and the

• slowness to get the shirts. ~. etc. bac-k home - In time to prev('nt buying new. Establishments t h a t use large gobs of Jln(>rls are hardest hit. but It was inter-estln~ to listen to the as­.orted reactions. One large wer wanted to know what to do. He said he couldn't wuh all the t~ls ·and

buv a machine for

11"rl knu• n Kf'altor to Suc-­

....-d Ur~lf-• t1nt'h .luly • 11~1 uf Srn lc..- C 'lutt

' ' • -~ of ,...___ .-ttf rhat Jl)aJ\ savs he washes the 1 And .to per c:at of our ln(:ome lD 1 .._uun u-.r-ur:n

1 .... ,_. ene~plrlM 11 f"'r,_ 1 • . ,

dish~ and wRShes out the WUI Your Gardea~ Owr 250 ~ FL 1"., P:l~rtrnn tl) tt1 ~ diahrag when thf'OURh. An· sacks and using tht>m to dry ~ t AJr .._ ,, "!If fr r r.a••~r ,.,,. other d~ the r8 mlly laun- I your handA. 11\ey're near- WiD Your C.niPn ~ L~ 250 Sq. n . 1 ' · TP . ... o... t1&11 t lliTP' "t..., """' ,

............ _. __ __ •"t Comma,.... ,,. tiM Ufllte4 aut" N.vr. kif ..,,.,... aft4 • happr

blrtfl~r 1e •·

Thron.ctt •:x,)(•,·tt•d to Kt't•&• All IAnn Gil tile 1 Jump and E\•t•ry •:rrnrt IWintt ~Ia* to Nat­

id~· tht• llordt'M nf PI''HMUrt' ~k""

Island Home Life Rental Owner Dies Aged W-

Amf-onl( · n••w r•·.,I~Sf•nt' In T'J•"W· fl'lrt Jlrlchtll 11rr Mr. 11nd Mn~ N , C. Joyt>nMl who ·~ Iorah·~ at 1

I lave


Fncnds Told You

of The E"cellenl

Results They Are Getting



.a- . Stilt . ~ offftol ly u good u s-~r towel& I dNta till m~ .,.,.., P'"• l -;;·plan of cutting up pa~r 1 a~ much dH!ePf'r'.• ....... .- traye, etc '"" 1----------....a 1~ <, Iff dmr '-----------~


C.eiling on fresh ·r una .In Effect


Other rrwdmum pricn on tuna : t:.IOO ~r ton. ckllnr~l1 at can·

nrn . ' " ' y t'llow! In . Slf<O fo r blue· fm SlAA fur atrlrw;d , st:;:> fo r b no ln 1 146 for yt·ll .. wlaol


r <mtm1•ntln..: nn the ~ · ff«>rt o r l l"· 'nt l' hf' ~ '"" ltnbl l' under the la• · EAiitor of News- l •h,. r f'l'nmm.-ndhtl'lna made bv thf! I for ''"" n•n t t owu rll thp care Of h ill ' • • 1 Gn\l' m or '• l 'o•n.'lwn t'oommll t i'P of'o•dv ruorf'nt nncl 111 Sl!i6 the ll.a ·

T• Soc" t p ,,., tr II lloo tucto · ratRin" I hi' nlt'l to lilltt v w .. 11hl !.1• 11111v S:l per moalh 1mes Je y agf n oo• 011 olV n~o•o l t 11 S:oll I"' ' lliiiOih ' J\ lhthllo-!'H lllll r r!l'of f'HR l D C'OUifl

W• pJ t A d I And tlr· ~tl r '"I"''"'"J: " ' tht> prt•S· ; huv,. up , ,.· s2:1f1 11 m•mth lneom• IDS an war I ··n t Jli''•VI!'OII n .. thl\t ri'(\Ulro• rt' lll I ' " ( ooro• l><·o'lllrll ll{! liable for an\'

1 11v"" w ' c. f'!ln t •• •IIJtport their < u ••· o r hill u r hrr nf'"'l)' p&rmt.a. • • W..nin«\on , ..,, • A•hnon ... ru " , ,, ., 1•1\ 1' '' '"11 .• , .. fu· •~~ a· •. ' " ' '' tlV IIII T• • nl~ I 'ullto.rnla Tax· I 3. n ...... . ~.o ll mnn t lt o r 1&00 t1

tar~ M Brnooa-n brtr nni'IJo!' "'' [l•,n .. t l 1 p ,.ll!'o• nr thl' ll . f•il\ <' f:t ' ~~~~or ln l l n t o•lnv salol ' Vf'><r ' " ~:ro •11t• r t hun !It~ personal • prier eontrol pn:.>emm .. n ) • ·· I ''" c '•' ' 1 Mo. H•·l' \' i\ •tnnu• 1 L I n I O:l:l al<l luI he nl't'<IY &J.:~l ~'Xcmptu.n (1,..,, F o•d,ral l.ncomo ,.... f'*·~ prit·~ rc.~loLI! " • n I o, r f • n .. , " ,. .• ! \ l"'h t •• r .. , l hr ~ ........ V. l<l! $.30 r "r mont h TIIf· prrAt•nt tax.•lf ·~ o f tullll • nd ! " ' lot ' I ._. T\nl • a n , · \'"i• n~: "'""an 11 n•l s•}, 111 :\., l' o·r • rnt h •J.:h .. r Rlnce 4 Ral&ln..: t '· r 1•r•11rnt a.Jd b\' ~ ~o 1101.1 by h 111'r : n • n , , _ ,.. )f KJn<Jnlt l'llCh rf't'f'l\' t'd 1033 t h1· c n&t o f llvlnlt haa In· on t>· fflllrl h t o S 'oll pd· mouth

1'1lae ~r Ia nonll.,..,! ' " ror •• 'h•• ~um o f s;•,l)l) I r t••,. lr lrn·'•·r;.a;,.tf 3~ ~r r f'nt • tr thl' JlllV· 1 'll'lllilll l'lnllhlr t il.- .. t ~tl''a ahar~ o l ~ aaxunuma •lft &Jb.u ~>,... ,,.,. r••"'"tl unl•.a•t•n s.: '""''' "'h"" a n • n l ia mt~,.,l In SM t~~'r month. thl' 1·••~ nf 11111 In th .. aged a l\11 ao.-fta, bl&wfln lklp.JIKk ) "lt•r-. • J.'Tlln•l totu l nf S2 H O 00 wa~ paid lA lrl'd a hi w tll havl' hl'~n tnc~eaeed w~toH• I Jt'np nr<ll7.f' !!tat ,. tax ~dur· taG aDd ~ In I ll~ Nort h Aml' rlr nn tompl'lyt',.e H7 J>C'r crnt whiff' the C:lllt or llv· linn and rt'll t' l to IIIC'RI property

.,.. - dnll&n-and ... · r nb ltloiU · fr.r prOt!ur tlf\n ~IIJo:ll"llt lnn~< 11uh· tnt: hae ~~ ur> k·.. lhan balf f l_IUtllR\'ers ~uc·h n~ that r<'eo:-o .__ apprullln:a tr p,.,....n l a v.,r· m ltl,.•l to lh.- m Anagement llllrlnf 1' h11 t mur h . 1 ml'n~eo.J by tho' r.c.l'f·rnor 'a b'< ... ...,.._ wtt.b on~ «'llr~'r'''"" (Ill .t.t llrt" ll . 2 The N-llaxallon of th~ r~1rp0n- rommit1tr aa..tooft. • ben. pried bad ad· 1 h·· \lllVr a a"· tiA<'d on •II North ~lblllty nt ac.lult clltlllren fo r the :1 Anv llbrrall:l:atlon wtD lD· • ..arcl _...,., OPA taa. cut ~k A mt't 1can planl'a lncludlnl' the •·Rrf! nf th~ir n~f'dy part'nlll pro· C'l'f!8af' thP rnerNl1•r" who get aM pricN -e 1,. poor c~t frnm ( llr · Muat.anp and B-~ I poaed by the enm mlttee would "The ,.,.., ,mmf'ndn t.Jo n11 ~ thr ~ .. Pacific Fiabermea Ply Coua Ia Ex-J ap Boat& Oo Job Aa ' 'Cout Coaunaadocs~~

Cadet W ives Asked to j o!-. .;;. A. Group

AI ' <"":'• !rt W lvf'A ar; ,·nr-llallv on•· · · I : lt)on thP f':ltll'l \\'h ·t'tl


Ex-City Editor Minor WiD Make Santa Ana Home

• J• ' R.1lhnn In '\ folnt ac. ' ! \' .. ' ' ' th • l"aolr•t \\'h·t~ of J. 'o•mH•r 11\rw&-Time City Edtto r

·:.nt a .,.,.,. )\ ' JIIat•1 Minor anc.l Mre :!dlnor , ""Ill A m"' '11: , .. hl''d t•.tr h \\'r• ln<'~ · fo•;n o· hc>rP shortly to mak~ th~lr

l •la1· f'\'tn ll"l: 1n !"ant a Ana a no• nn fut uro• ' .. me in Santa Ana. Mr. <:)tt,flay ,.,.,..,,r.!! 10 R1ltwla Jn ad·

1 ~llnor ro·sJgned trom hi• poet aa

, otl1on t•J t h • f rlrn11shi('1J u nd rn- • d •t r so•1 • 1111 m onth ago to entl'r t o r ta lnm .-nt ~njn~·f'd by th~ mf'm· 1tbo· It•• l.!>ical dra r.t in:; .te r a rt rnl'nt ' "' "' t l'1•t f' hill'«' bf'l'n m.Jny In · uf t h•• f uu~las Airp lane C :>. Hl.l 81 8n4""1' of rt' lll u'\1 a orl in fl n• l•r.!: aoJ\'a.nco·noo' nt has b(•t•n r~pl<l.

1 r •s ~ .. ni"H arrnn:!i"£ t ran.~nnrta· ' ll rs 1\ lmor. who Ia on th~ lta1f 11on. ~urone: pn~~i tlonl!. ~t c. A uf the S a nta Ana Khoola, weJ.

I\\ rfl quallf lf'd sl'f'tl)cr r Ill l l'hP<!ul roJ l'UIJlU t he ~hange U lhl' s train Of fo r tar h m...-t~ and " b"l\ • IIUp- iOUI&' bac k and fo rth J;laa beeo a f'W'r ,,. """'" 'ffl. haril on ... and t ht> d lltanc" I!Mtwt-f'n

Tbt'lr wnrir~ arr Ill•' m nat Nr wpo rt anu 114· county .eat fro1n " 'PIC'Omf' In th~ f• or sncoal AC· tht' a1rp!nn" plant 18 th o: IIClrr.e t \11t\' . lnr ludlnl!' \'olunlt'f'r flf't! -------- -t'"'ro 11s • ·o rk. Rnt!onlng ~.ani np· 1 Mr. al)d Mrs. Jack tron of •>n.tlon. and t!SO work. Rf!jtilltMI· :!530 San ta Ana avt>~ue art> par· tion for t~ artlvltln ahnuld t~r l'nts o r a son born tn the Santa ma•lr at t he Balboa uso butlltlnr Ana Communi! )' hospit a l. roflN'r ~f:Un and Centn~i RaiJxoa. ll'lt a boy for Privat i.' and Mrs.

~------:~~l!!ll!::!!:!l!t.MI"-•'->',__ Rf~ per ltln....t.dama.~ ~ wM!k.ca4 ~r e&D. t.b.a1 a alnc1e &dull ~,_'~t fw-t~JI6Hn comMitte. - tl Ylltt ... ber pannta I ro1u ld f'&J"D up to $15:1 ~r m ooth u ll P"'l"'"nlll f • r l • bt>rll llza~ or

I ___ ·_ D il'I:O Yrigo )'l.' r . 316~~ Lindo

' M" _ _._ --- f1 f1" J .!-In:\!:, llalboa. The baby arriv(od --------------------- 11Jol 11hr utd rtoc,.lve vf!ry earert.t_, • I IDuu:: ....... ., •• les I :II St. J oS<'ph's hO!;pital.

Oftr Harbor Hip


W hat .unahln~ is t o nowera

"Smaft Salty Shopper &I now in the fight

Doing~ bit with on her might!

~.IDOking her tripa between 10 ond 3

She helpt defeat Hitler, Tojo1 Muuolin&.•

lOllS 101 Yl<Tonliur rouas TODAY!

iJ.MI ... IIIIIIII-..! ..


............ ,_ .......... erltt.l"erop ~·-" ............ )

... 1; .... 1111111~ ......... ,... ....... ........................................ ------••• , ..... ··-(II

........ . ..................... a~ ~-.. u-11 -.4 ..... ,....._ .., . ......... ... .... "B«&W. - •f CaJiiNai. ..d die So.tbwur. ~.a .. ,... ... i ca .n .... ..,... •• ..._ Jail ...... _..,iaecioe olloootl. ................. s- h _,.,_ are pl..U• 1 Vic­..., Gar4e•a aloa1 thei r rai lro a d ' • · I J,t,--.olria.,.-al-way. r.,.,... •• ~ 1'041t oa the S•nu Fe .. ..... 11-.c i • '-ht iDI ui• .

OW an wG aood nooa ia1 anr are .............. iMO tiM nf'W 1ooJo lu .

M.-y ~ f c rrfri~&«rator car. ch•t .... lo ao hack "draJ -hnd " ...... hurry lladr a-.led widl oc~r frri11bt.

C.,e .,.. r- and hour• u e pn clo.aa. E.vy hour a fniahr car a1andt idle hold a beck food o r ocher • iral wu fre ia hr fro m follta who nf'ed it. E•uy ua uud cubic foot aql&and"u •i tal apace.

The aupply u puu of the Army and Nny, die ODT, aod the l nti'UI I t" co­m ercc Com miuioo Bureau of Seu ice, a re • II focu~in1 o D thi• p rohlcm.

11ew 1111,..... An Bel,. .. Shipper. ar t' h~:rin• aaJ un cooc.nuc 10 help (I) h r mu imum l o•Jin11 : ( .') br loadin11 : 0 ) by quj, lo.r r unlo aJ ins .

• * • Mor~ than '7.000 Sa nta h folk • joia

Wllh l h~ f:armcrt, thf! l h r•to k rro<fUC• c r•. 1' r sh pprrs, anJ t he consumrrs o f all Amrri'" to h el p mrrr chr ~rruceu f&X.>J .,.;.,,our nacwn h u r•rr fhtJ .

Tlae~'re Oa The Job, Too! ht ,_.. dM A~triculnlral DrYrinrmnu ~· wr o f 5•nu h hu coc>p«rat~ _.. ar-en all alo nl& tJ.e lonr. fur .-cc p rod•n1un pu • en . throu~rh ...._, a..t t.ene.r culnanl m«thoJ•. forauaplr :

1'1le people ol the 1110ddlr Rio Grande ._how .._4ncn hu t.ea coannrJ .... ..,.._cropa. - - - -'Ilia Wb i • 81- 11'ac«r Vall~ o f _. N""' Mraico 11- bow the ....,.-a:oe t)l "lftabln hu incrrued .._ N eo 1016 catloacb ia the ,. .. , ..,_,..,..

'Ilia ....... IIOWU'I ol Ken~ ec-.,,

Cal ifnrn h, kno ... bow Santa Ff! roo('f'r­atw in •<•mr•oll our rin~t ro r an,! hi•Jb t.

T h ia y«>ar. chr ~plr in thr Tf'\U r .. ohandl~ a rf' h r. nq .o. in cl r ir firot hant \1 of ... ,, k allir • ·lii, h pr umotrt to l"o>olucf' thr •t.uch fur ta rouca and ocher imrorunr r ro Juc'IJ lhar rormrriJ C'ame from tbr ... u .. a r oou of Java.

In the r rrsent national food e mu· Jency, thea~ ~pi~ of !':an1a Fe'a A11 rirul· t ural o, .. l o pml'n t D rpartmr n t ar• w ork in1 harder than f' .. r r , d o ina nuy. tb in11 tl ·~y caa to belp food F OWUI all alona 1he liaa.

Santa Fe System lines One of America's .,..,.,...,,.,t •. -~ United for Ytctory

. . - .. ,.

11mll0'8 a1e t , h umanoty. Tht>y a r oe

ror,olll,.rntlon 111 thp hanc1a of lb .. '"f~ll:: f' l a llr • no,.n ·a Rea•••r lrfi! illl8 t llrr " t h•· Tll'lt~y~rs· a.o· f~ n1rd IJpfoo· .. •h• ••r I• one dnt 1nn ll• ~·h~r·rd' " T hill COil.llder ll of OU t ~f&l pulolll' llt'd bot • ost t lror, .. nuld k,.,. l' In mind bot h • a luable no'\ojcea It 11 a •~•·solnl Jlri'Mnl •l11y AlHI Jl'1lll· war condi· IC'outlna foo ce hl'reuly formed to t lnn" whf'n prc,hlc m1 or reemploy · pato ul the lhouean•l, -o.{ mile• of 0 111 m"nt 11r th!' thnullands o f youn~ r uutl\ Well Cout aborellne. wo

At a slmpl" nee r tn)!' r" r"· but t nno•;o, to he sure: but, K&t· mony Tl'ursdav. A I r 1l " · Ha rbnr l<'rt'd alo ng lift>'a pa t hway, the Ffi trU ••·arct,.d a \' lntltP ~f:ul , I!OO. I tb t'y do ia in o.:oncrlvabl~.­

up o o lhf!ll' na•tcat1011 an,. k>ana 1bfl:', "' t- kh .. lgnlflea t hnt 90 Pf'' ;\llcllaon . I he lu nda ml'lllala ol tiM nat •114 1 rr nt or th .. ••ud ,.n t h'•rl\' hAll Jlll l - - -,.. well k n8 • o to th t Japann41. T bf!

IT' ••n "ho hnvt' ~:nne Into the armed 111~ 11 who ha•~ come Into the ~Y. rorr f'll w11l ,,. t ht' majnr Collllide ra· w 11 h their &torky IIIII <' ah lp~. to p11 tlo n 1n C'lll lfo•mlu" Qo•l• 'l the WbllP l::ns lcn In evr1·y

onac hlae I UD . • •lpalllq. dcoptaJ •·haa<-.1 fol) <'<!Its ,..·nrt~ ro( war : ,,.,,,. •'I • • ,n, "" ll ppn-ciatlon t o loa otc t•&. a od ddt! llan , ol lhf' .. , llt:trr I'll fvr t h,• mo!l'h •· f J\lltr• h · ,, .r u ltv "'"' lrl u·l• nt bod y for

'Wt>a • h•·r , and often uoder trying r omlllloua. are doln& a s plc udhl ) Ob 1\'o• Iff' PIOUd Of tbem.''

rrt...,.., IIIII u ll lh .. tr o w a 10111 11 little In a l,•ll<·r t" l"t ''l •I pal <: •t''lf'\' I'll r :ntpJ•••rt •II t hr Patriotic ~oblpa, 4!at aa the aef"'l~e opanu

Junior Hostesses Are Badlv Needed for the Balboa USO

lbf')' a>l'~\'trtlna cona~t...t J a p ft Davi•IJM>n', A J . r.ray , Otfkf!r Thot l t l 'r ," t oq· prog ram " llahluc boa ts tuto .,mt'lea t NaY)' p.. l•·t thf' Tre-..ry .t--par1m~nt of thl' T th lt<lay . Aprol 6. the F'o:JI t•ntn· 11 01 Yf' ' at-f a. ~ .._,. a re · \\'ur Sa"l.n~1 atatr. said, ~we •n •tt · <' a r.• l VtC' t t·ry <:·.r ps 1tu. lborouahly cb~dtd ~ st~ to to Cllfl~tulat~ . your arhol•l up~n o! · .t~ Aoolol 120 d ollars WCJ rlh or ~t t>ru by Navy eapo>rta A-~llea~ne•• 111 &t'!Uf'\'f'trlf'llt. and pi- a.- " IH s tamps in t hi rd ~riod Claut'a.

Glrho o f th.- NrWf'l'rt Karbtlr Ar1•11 nnd bo-tWI't' n thr lltr--ef- 1~ '' 0 •1 Jl) yo•'l r" rtrP l•o\'ll"'ff to r4!lf• · ~t o• r 1110 .Jotnlror H nl'llesae, at the l'~'\ 1 0011 tr!':n n ul'tlln..r ,comer Ma•n I n n•l C'f'nlrnl r.trl11 from 18 t.o l R

1 rnH\' ,11!110 r<•c:1strr fn r Junior K011· t t•ti~~·" If* th,.lr parent• ~ t n c.•r tnln rt'gulaUo n11 of the 1!80 I rnunr ll Mll rllftl 1latu11 d~ aot "'""'11" r:l riJO fmm rPtrlllt t r lnr.

F·llelhlf ltv '" drtermlnl'd bv

VtcP·A•Imlra l Percy W Nelles. C. D

Clllef of N8\'al Statr. Cannlllll s llthUn& Dab t- rmen. 'I'OI·

unt•·"IS from th~ ranka of ~('~ t im•• h~n oOif and ulmoo ll f!l!ll nu• pa<r"t the f>~ mllu or t'OC' k·loothed eci*AI b .. twt'en the U.S and Alllll· ltan h01 tl~ra to p revent the hl•b­llthm •·nl of eoetJJY d e poll or , . ., (Ut'l h:H,fla

•·or !WI) Worf'lla a t thf! Nav• l K hOYI wt Wlfll~nubt"all tb" v 111 u• IJ

Ilk~ coal of b .. tt lf!sh lp VAY "' ..,..,a ::uo 1nd Wlltl" a.:a~i&'e co.a)Mie t bf' Job •

Hut l t'l Dot a ll rot1tiH .. trol woo k l'o art k~ • 1111 ll•f' d f'pt aJ r luoo !If'S. a<"IIIDI( a D 11.,011 p.rpe• dir ular ell• a nd a.and 10 u ad co.­bitt wilb eamoullac~ "J a.,.- a re a ll In a day·• work for cauu·a aanae {\JIIl!ILliii.SoeL

LAWMIKEIS II WISIIICTOI ou11lll l,.l\ o f ~"""nal lnt errlty. 110- • By COSG&I:88li!IA~ I O ICII Plllu.a.r& r lnl '"~l'llfl!lll hllltv and u~ You wiU all recall t~ story ol train twafkod fo r San F'rann~o. t •nn l"fl lovnltv tp .thf' United &taUt r lht> l'ldt•IIY woman " 'hO lay d)'in,c for a brwf mE"t'Ung t twn•: llwn I• Thn.,. wl•htn~ t o re c tllter wW br 1n Wa.,hmgto n . \Ohlh.' her famlly Sacram•·nto tu ~~ thr gm.•t•rnr •r rt'flu ' rt·d In ~orh·,. rf'fu encea wbtch drovl' madl)' across thl.' continen t , lind m ) frlt'nds tn the:- k-gi5la tun-: ~hnultl lnrh H1t' nt 11'1\.81 two knoYi'll trying to N.•nch hl•r bed-.Jdc bt'forc tho·n lol Ban mng for n 'IO t>ril-t'nd I'I'IU'1lt' tf'r reff'n'n«'- f '1)m Pft'*lll • the l'nd came. 'fh"Y burt'ly made:- f't"l-t U a nyont- want s to see mr .-rh~·r-t t'nn r'f'lntlv~a. 11, S(l 11 :O IIJlNon·tl n t ll•ast . and on Gnod t 'riday. Saturday or

A p rrllmlnnrv tr11ln tntr eourar with tlw m' W o:nr tllou~;ht JW<I I~· Eruih•r, they Will bfo n-fl'rn-d to ' l•r J unlnr llnlltrawe m odltled by I fori.' thl'y s torll'(l i panlm<; 111 tho• ' 'Liu.1r," w~ 5U!opeclou$ eye, ln<'lll nf'f'dl, ruoun'u and ataftd.. door.. tlwy hurncd 10 th(· IIC\i<.Jdt• l••ng F•""· tl'ITlf)'ing bark and dour ""'" nf r ond uct will be conducted and llo.t~·nl''<l to the mot.her's 13.llt sCottish tNnpenunent . compkott'l)• ~<hcrtly bv the profi'Mional ...,, whaspt•rl'<l Wt.tOh . 1t wa.s to St.'t' lhl' cl t,cu t~ a dtS1)1lo!Jteon tht- fril-nd · o r the club. new ca1·: With ~;rl'atest dlfhcuhy, linea ol wbic:b appears with the

Bt'Uy M. Grwnleaf ol 1111 Mln~mar dr1Vf'. Balboa. II amonc the M"West r«n.~IU in lh~ ranks n f the Women'a Army Auldliary C.orpa. ,

NUIUII 1 Of A a11111

..._ __ ,..._ .. CNI ..

~ oHI ~y was GoU'rW doowA·- liA4 luad word.! lltaln, and out f ront . A.a they sup- 'The> rouowtng w~ Wondey ro port~ twr, by the car, m 5i1mt Friday lnd~. I hopP I can talk admirat ion . one or tht' tires ~ ovt'r \li th ~ vott'n ICJmt' ol tht out nl'ht hf-s tdc ht-r . probkorrul f'I(M' bt>forf' cOn~

It wu tuW wiUI calllomia air. 'Jlwono Will not bfo timt> fo r m&n)

1be effecll were immediately no- mft"tin~. nor in man y pta~ tlceab &e ; th~ o ld lady walkl'd bac k 11\(>n:· "''' " bt- mort' t lmt> N'Xl into the house without help; and 'urnm;>r, 1r t~ k-ackors' plaM co Uvcd tor y£•ars afll.'~·ant. thmu~:h. It l !i Important now a t

'flll' J')C)I nl or tinS lfUt' StOry IS lt•ast to S('(' !!CJmt' ol you and ta lk \hat Mr. McConnac k . lht> Do•mo· to you. That is "''h y rm cominl! cratic floorf lc.adcr. and Mr. Mar- hornE'. 1ltt' t'~: tht' problrins tin, the ~publican n oor l«'adl'r. I or tran$portation and oonnt.'('1H'Ifl~ cot l C~t'thl•r last \O'ct'k and a.n · a nd !he shon tinW', art' 3J:3Jn"t II nounced t hat thl') would arran~:c:- but t tw dt'srre to brt'atht- a h ttk' a "reress" 1M-fo re and .art ... r East('r. Bannme air . and to - you. over · C'ofl&rt'u wiU tt'Chnka.lly be in shadow thaw objections. Some ol ~ but wW Teet'U for tM &1·, us who C3mt' m to the con&reu In lO\I'a tlte three days, tht>n a cor- J anuar)• want to know it w e aJ"f' pont'• euard '10111 be here and re· l n~;ht . or if we ha~~ misjudpd eeu qain. In add!tion to w hich It th(' ~iff'S o r ~ Pf"DP~t'. If • will be understood that if con&rt'S5 majority ol the IIW'mbt'rs ~~,. .CtUall)' aitl dUrinl the tWO Wl'<.'k~ l l\no 4:\5 o f W.l go tanto, and talk no controversial iaues w ill be be- to Uw peopk. tre. lbcxild COIDf'

fore it, and no roU c:al1s w ill be· I b:.rk with bettrr ·~ klt'u.. taktn . We lhouJd adopt Bob Franklin's

,.,_.,. are 0... e1 • whe tab After m uch mental debate w n h !<UI:Jorl'Stlon. and havto WV'IdOQ' Va· ~ huae •atlar te ltear'-•• mywlf. I ha vto decided to ma.kt ~aUon ror ~h u.- wile ,..14 lel nn aa all- t.M trip, a nd f ill the PhilUpa' lun«11 W eU. ~ this is writtMI " tn

CHRISTIAr\'S HUT Ba.lboa. Califoraia



Lronard MaJ·shalJ. Manager


MEN and WOMEN • w oar P,...._u.. u- ... FM:to~ , ...

S o E•pr~ s_,., KEN

S•·w IS the time lo ,::ct s tarted a nd do your part l"t'gardleu ol rurmPr ""ll"rkncl'. Rf>~:Ular pay while t r alnlne.

" 'OMEN Rl.'cetvt' n-gular startmtt wages while attending

Local VocatiOftll Schools. PLEASM'T L"';SIDE WORKING CO!It'DITIONS

Air Condi tiont'd Buildlnp !\lodem Equipment ~ ~t P t'riods for Men and Women !

APPLY TODAY 1!1! A~ An - V , 8. Elllplo:r-t 8erttDa

...... Be.dl. Calli. • •• ..,_ 8 t,_t .,._·,=-A. . ... 1:11 • . • . '-c ._..Calli. I :M A. II. lo 4 P . II. ._..,. I A. II. te 4 P . II. DaiiJ' ~ ._..,.

Ptraons now rmploytd in war lndust rit'tl will not bfo considered. Brine Social St"curity C.rd. Military Disc~fl;t'S. Dralt Card.

Married wonw-n brine m a rriaee ct'T11fieate.

.. , diHN ra tlon inr ,..a rail, with Bannin1 air , cu-rantet'() to lightf'r vf'ln," &s ttw columnists of 1 h1. Tru oo4 ~~~rp~~+t~,.._aU--4oU- humalt atlmeft-. fer thP Nb.-tiles would ll&t'li!' Uid." '-'t;-_:..;:,::::;::::;::;:::;:::;=::==:::::;;;:::=:::::=:;::=::=====::::;~ 1 e •tr ua ,.. another 90 days, until the pro- tht-no beM columnists tht-n. I &hall I I

t ioneotl 4o•a to p re tt J •••II posed surnnwr recess. a nd evt>n to have to tell you "'1\at I ronsidfor L k t L • t L • t bltn. bat .... th~ chHN fa•· provide immun ity ·~ain.~t Swiss tilt- bMt nt'WSpapt>r joke of 1943. 0 0 • 18 t e 0 • I v e • ritr ca• atraKrle a lone wltlt t iM cheest'. American chet'lt', 5o ct'nts w far. 'flMo 0 \\"1 foMit out ont- of non · ra tlo llf'd Crt' a • C' huua, worth o f ult{-d pE'IlllUts fo r about. its multitudinous "rt'lt'a..-" to the L.----------------------------.1. Rrlt , Rlut , Nufrha tr l, Lif'clrr· ,. "'"nrlrc'li visi tors, and a choice n ('Ws pai)ers o f the:- Unitt'd States.! k rantz and the ot hPrL

H you h :'IVt' l l'tonl'!l h«'R\1ly on tl115 aro ~ t nt'r:l{ of (f\nd~ - >'Oil w tll now nrrd I<> a!l)u~t your n.c nus con:. ld,•r nhly, both from 1 ht' " t r~sl<'"llt.lnolr"mt nnol n ut r i. t u•n . lll'rau<t' chrt'"" •~ partoru­hrly h>~h on I""'''• ••• nnd <'• • ~5 l'ln' " to molk liS thl' almnst I" r· ft'l' l roool. ... .. l'nu u n •trl'tth )nDr r~tl nn a l· lo• 1nu in nun>Nnu~ ln11•ninu• "ay~: '" ' rc r nl int: It to m11kt t !IO' r • r dnlfoJllin&: ~. p•~t r y hop· p on 1111 folr Tl'~ t•laf>lt t•ir• or C'••· ~rrolr di~hr~. nr ' " the aultl rd tnurh to "hit• •aucP for i"~~l'· tahlt'll. ,\J::ain , ln • l l'l~f I!J:o, ,. rnni· • nd· rhrl'•l'. ~.-r you~(''""· h•w k for 1•10d I'UII•titult maiD· d t>hn h ia:h in prnt r iiUI.

An lnvntment for every PurN


Tll• r ,. •• "'" " ti- ­.,.. t-4 ,_ __,,

o1 beer, PnceraJe or coca-cola. I 'flu -. oYW 'lo''IL~ a 5tory on hQ\1· tht-n ... u ioun '"'" to rca!<SUr<' some of Nazis' policit'!' wen- c:-limlnatm~; , m y R4'publican f rlt>ndo;, w ho ~m lml:t ll husrn~ nwn. and !"('tail<'~ . 1 concc-m1•d O\'l'r JIOS!- Ibll' e:..po,un• Tho• Madi'ra Daily Tribune. ol l to lotaliud endt>mics. MnrtM'll. Calif . carrit'd tht' stol")'

S.•riou~ly, th (' day a f tPr this undl'r the foiiO\Iinc ht-adline : -~·· . ., ,. .. •h•· Iicht rn thc- paprN< "~n"" l.A'am From l'. S Bu· ol th9 dlatrict. I lhaU be on a rt'aus."

r"' MAJOI TIOUII.I, Car GNmln • Chief. I a.n.. you nothi"- ltvf ·_.;. oM ..-. 1'M Gremlin A""Y I eMploy h troined to clamoge-wreck -destroy. Ulte every.-othet .-nt~~enc.

........ ..

~ ol u,. victim• ot the 1 n1e aurvtvlng occurllllt of tile ~n~cSe crossing a ccldi!nt ehown car sald all thrM h1d been co• lw~ 'It«'~ • ·a; faster U1:1.n the I v rrslng, cS ivHtlng the drlv~r'• wir;·w~ WIU'TlonJ:' s ignal u the car mind f rom concent ration on wbat •w:~Md thf e lrrt~dethcroulng-l al•·aya ahould be a fuli·Ume .)olt '"""-·~ _, U "~ re. OCCU· pants of the car didn't ae the for a drlvn- "ilrl\'lq hi8 ear. croui~ Yi'a tchm&n toither, tloldin( I The ~at.i nnal Satf'ty Councll U b1a STOP 5ip hlgtl. 1 conducUnr a aJI!Clal campa.Jgn to

Two of talken ~re ltilll'd atop ~w acdd«>nt.a. w h ich e''W7 """'" lhe t rain hlt t htm. day cSelaJ' 38 trahu a total of 21 tile ctn•~r:. tbe car wu badly dam· hours - a blow a t t.ramportallaa qrd aDd lhe tra1ia cklayecl one ! 3cilltlea which th~ na!-lon ca.a8Cil

FOR ALL li'PES Of" l:"S l'RA."';C'E SEE

HOWARD \V. GERRISJI Hn " '· Celltnl Aft S-.ort ~ C.aat. ..........

Ucaw and Olntract ~ W r:itten ....

N: At Vi

c or R­Nev Pla1 -t he be ftea Bout

Pl the malt port

a. of tl Ucll. Earl the : .. c: am. Mu' ... , comr I1'U

HI taUu ban


I ~ b


r§ , ~

wa. a~


• 1

l .I ... •• h r•

• • c • J I

a c t I • i


NEWPORT·BA' ROA NEWS-TDIES, Newport Beach, CalUotnla~ TJTI:tRSI"lA\', APRIL 15. 1~3 ---- -------------- - ------- --- - -----

Two Seek Floats ~001 Rivo Alto


I N OTI C E O F E L ECTI O N j CLASSIFIED ADS National Realty Assn. Presiden~ to Visit Harbor .l>fra. Edward w~rw ot Map~

Ua atnft ~tJy •ntr rt&lned the CUlt& WNA Volunteer nrY De­panmeat Au.dll.ary. Btn&o .,.-! the ~d lat.r refr'MhiiNGt. o f touted c:hee• ~&ndwlc:h-. 1&1-ll d at1d rotft:e Wf'F'f' wrvl'd. Oueau "'"F'f' Meed&Dif4 Harold J:4dy. J ohn Klnlbt'OUJh. Emil Ore«Mr. I AOn· ard Walk.,, OOI'doa Mmood. FA F.lllrk . Hc-rtren Smtlb and Albert Oc Jen

Wu~s. W~ ~d Wn. H~rl Fw M~~~r of t~ C~e~~g ~~~~-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ JtK'k BaJrd 0( the Unl~ 8Wf'81 __ I Baird ot Banta A-na avenut~ ••r " 8 oM d r>f thf' Nrwport l"each 1 Applica tion baa bern made by

- -- John J . Hayu t<e. t> ll Wu t 3r.S Cyru• Crane Willmore. prpeldent I Slrt>rt . &t11ta Ana, tor War De­

o f the National AuoclaUon ot partment permit t o IDIL&ll a moor­Real Eatate Boude. wm v l ~lt In& no.t and appurttll&DCU to G •

Newport Harbor Tuesda y, May 18 t end SO ff't't Into the Rlvo Alto, Plana a n- undf'r wa y for a lunch· f rom Lot r,, Block 433, Canal Sec ­eoa m eetlnr wblrh will be held lit lion. ln the wu t e rly port ion o f t he Balboa Yacht Club ~d will Newport Baf. Newport Be&eb. be attended by o tflcla le of t he AppHr a tlon ha.e bp<>n mad" by ,Real Eatate Boarda ln the 12UI Earl H. Hurat, 4011 Chulnel Place. Southern Calllo m la Dtat.riet. ll;ewport Beach for War Depart·

Pru6dent Wlllnlore will addreu n:ent pennlt to lnat&U a moora~ Ulr lun~heon mreUn~ and wUI , fl oat and a ppurt••nancu , to e&tend make a t our of lnapec;J.Ion or New· 30 feet lnlo the Rlvo AJto, from port Harbor durl.n~ bb brief vlat . Lot 8 . Block StO, C&naJ Sec:Uon, ln

Beeauae of tbe limi ted capacity t he wuterly portion o r N ewport ol tbe Bal~ Yacht Club. a.ale o f Bay. Ucket. wUl be nriclly limited. !:art W . Stanley , trtate director for lbe N t wport Harbor Rulty Board. Box Social Spoaaored le rbalrm~ of lbe t ommlttee on &rTan•emenu u d with Ralph P. By Sophomore Claw Kuk•y. prealdent ' of the loeal Mal Mlate orl'aDtaUoa, lt1tt appoint committee. to cal't'y out lbe pro­,..._

"-PPlnua CODal&t &A - t.b.a ~ taiftmenl Of our dslru, and ln b&*c Ollly rtpt deelna.-

OPfiCIAL u. .. AMY All CODs

24th Yagbter Squadron Insigne

Tbe 10phomore clau chan~ the hllllory of Harbor Jut W edn .. da:r. Aprtl 14. by •ponaortaa th(' f lnlt d111ce In lbe achool JY11l . 111d by ~ tht tint. bo1110CI&l,

There waa no admluloo cb&rlr f o r lbe dance. H owever. It waa r('(tulred t bat each rtrl brlnc a bolt luncb for tw o people wiUI her name UW.S. o r It on a Alp ot pa­J)('r The lunch" were au~tloned oft lo the beya by Mr. H&mblet and Mr. Allen. Every boy w t-o baught a lunch ate w lt.b ctrt whoee nam" waa ln•lde lt.

All etudenta who attended Ole dane" bad to w ear old aoc:ka, be· cauae atraet ahoee are not allowed In Dm.

QuaUty Lumber ' ' · ...

Buiktinl' Materiala


a. a Botrnn'l.a ........

llr and Mra WUilam R)'dall&n 11ntt <lau~rhter . Myn J oy. of Santa Ana _,.. I(Udll rKeaUy at th" tiom" of Ur. and Mn. Bartreo 8mJU\.

Mem.,.,. of the ·D.D.r . ctuh will M ~~ <>f Ml& 11:4 l:4kk Oil

Frlday. April D. 8c:~ or • -"Y party onr the

w"k-end waa Ole bome of and 11rt ~Earl Burdeall ot 18th lltreet. A featur« ot tile ptMrtll« wu a d iNier rv•t Saturday ne· alq.. · Enjoytn~ tM affair wen Cor­

ponS and Mrs. Robert Dye Of 'Tnl· aa, Okla., Q>f'l)Oral carr o.trom Of Mt. , Mt. J_. ll1ylut- ol Or· M Je and Mr. and Mra Richard llurdull or C'oata MeaL

Donald Scbneewelaa. former Colla M ea Maldent . wu • vbltor at tlle home ot Mr. and Un. S. A. You n.( of VII"Jinla pla r e . He haa rf'Cently fl.nlahed h l1 tralnlna a t Fort Knox. K y a nd b now ~ SI'C­

boat.a at dlnner. CuMta were Mr C·~m"'" .5 chool [' lat r lct EMfltLO\'M.NT an11 Jdra. \\'ard Baird, Ca rolyn '\ t il I' 1 ~ ll•·r••hv ( ;l w•t~ ' " the I MAN WAI\j T&D , ., , ... doh ,..•r B&Jrcl, and ll&a. ~elyn Balrd. P.•, '"'"r~ ••f tlw ~· "t•••rt n"'" h ' "'1'• c.,od .,.) .. wnu•• .. .,, .,

tAJ Edlrk . pOpular C •atl\ M•lll\ r.r l\ll' n•Rr .!'• h•'<' l P lot rlc't ••f C'r " """• ' ' ' · Mr ,__, tt .lfe

a n attll('k o f appendk: ltla. ,, ... ., d 1'11'\'tl" " fn r m.-mtM'rlt ,. , \\ O RN wAN T£0 C apabte """ ' bualnl'• man, 1_1 l'"f'ro••erlng front ~"~·· '·,un t I ' l ' l\ llf 1•rn tn " " ' ' I h f' l

Mr. at1d Mn M . E . a.tanolf II'~ lloo~tro l ,, ( T nallt.-•' 11 n f t h t N .. w. ,.. •• "' ""'~" ... ,. .. ,..,, ., '" "'••• ro MI\f'rly o f El~ avenuf'. a re now '" '"' ·lt.. , 11 l ~ rl\mml\r ~rhonl Pl .. , '"" ' .. .oc, •I""'' ""•" '"'· Ot Uvlntr in PorUancS. Of-e. " ' 1 ••til ,..,. lu•l\1 " " t h.- t hl l'\1 Frl· fie• . u•••· pe,,.,,.,.,, ra <tlo. ed •

It waa a " f ull bouae" the ntbe r ' ' '" ' ·•t ~t11v ' '17 \fl\v ::' 1. 1P4!'\ ,... •• ,. ,,. , "' . ,.,. , .. .,,._ •• ., .,,, da y at the Oraqe avenue home Of It \1111 t'f" nM t'. " ll"' l o< f' lrt•t '"I o le rl,..&o a"d <fe ,,.owlab llt t "' a.r r , and !Jra. Dt'l Ste in . V\rat or IN•nt l •<" r ,..,.,..,.. Au,.... ... a . L. all the couple entert.aloed al d lll · . Th,• '('Pl lln jt "'"'' " f •r - ~ 1;1 .... ,...,., T•- T" tflr

ner for Mr. aad Un. Ftallk Stro- ' '•• l ·•ra " ' t • • N • wl'l'rt llf'll t' h H£LP • WA,.. T[D - t. ........... ,:-ac.bela )Uld daqbter, Mar1fie, . of ml\r !'••h ·~ ·l P ltfrk't w ill tlf' F\IJierton. Tbfon the fo llowtns 1•1 •h•· ( ;1\r~t r •· " ' t h•• N''""l"' f t ~ala droppe-4 In : Mr. &Dd )In, F.l r nl ••n t n rv l"•'h<>Pl In lhr Nf>111·1'1'rt J ohn Rodleck . Mr. and Kn. Fr.d ~vh Flrn•••nt llr\· !'l'h•"'' Pl11t"ttrt

l ;fht wo' " ' h ve .,. ~··tw•t• ,...,..

afOd "•'" · e ll l""' " " ' •"' · F" . - · ~, ..... - G.M ~~- · ­l lllol w . 17--&c:bntepp of <>ranee -and Private Th" I'< 1111 w1ll tw • ,,..n tM't • ·

Joha D«lk•r wbo la wltll tbe eo· lhr h"ll r~ l•f fl ,.· ,·l•><' k A . M · ant.J Y"ANT• o - H ..... IIo ld ~.. . .. .. . ctaeer department at March Field. 7 .... ltw k I' M ... .. , "'• '" · , ............. •>«1•te

A triad "•·a lcome b 0f1le " aa bdac Th•• "" "'''r• IIPJV!I rt l r,l I•• r .. n- "'""'"• n••c"',.. • 4•)'& • .......

-.ld by tbe ~ f'rlaoc\a Of Mr clurl lh f' r l•·•·ll"n In lhl' llt>o\'f'• 5, .. , , Lid• h ie c-11 .. ,.. Kra J . c. hyne wbo an oace "'""~ '' ;o.; ,·wr>nr l Rt'Mh F.l ,.mf'" · ,...,.., ~- ,._,. ... _" 1100._ "-f'K-aptn btlc:k at 2'71 ero.dway. For larv ~~'""' Plat rtrt ano · ~. lba .,..t aeveD montba !be ralr !.ttl N~llt• Rh<>••k , l na)lt""ln r HELP WAN ra(>-<.o.."t•• e trlt ha• ~ ataytnc on a raJ\ch to lllr.. l.ol'ell.- t••rc .. nuln, Ju•1K• ... d all --~ 11 •• ..... Vlra\llla. Wra. Payu NpolU Ole Mre l>l 1rlon H n rr JudA:r ,__ ._. .. ,.. ~··• Ane,, weatber ln ~IOUlll u ' 'ml,t\fy A d UMil"l tm flf thf'"-rl.-11 1 .. - . ~r ~ ...... cold." Tbe trtp waa made t.y I nf I hi~ " '""''" t Ia """"'"'~! ht>r~\o - -------------m otor. . I IUHI " 'n•l ~ " r~rt h"""'' IF Olt SALK

Twenty-Four Stu.denta Make Honor Roll ·

t !'•gnt-.1 t •::Jw11r•l I a.f "M•r • -,,.rk ,. JI VIHO JIA881TI. M C.0"11 11.

At•r.ll 6 . lD4!\ dre ... d , • t Ill Att>e.-, Pl..c.o. CM ·

l'\lll A!Jrll I !\ 22. Z9. 11Mll. u .,_ ~- tal. ll·t••

f 0 " SA L I[ - 0-.." •••••ll•eefM ond Lie ut enant In lbe Navy ar· Endlnlf the Ullrd quarter of Ulr m nred d ivillon• I year w ith a hlgb Kholaatlt lltand­

Mr. and Mr• Roy .J. Rlcu o f log. 24 Harbor etuck"t. nam_. ~-19th at reet have Mtumed from • row IIH their• pla.c:ed on tbe de~rt 8tay. ,f' cou ple vl1l\ed honor roll :


TA~f& Of L I NOU ENT d r l U umbr•ll• ••"'· f"te ver ..... . • b .. y . , .. till AI- .... ... e ... ..... ......... ~ ..... ,,.

Catbtodral City , TWeoty-NIM Senlot'W: All~ BMk. Phyllb Palms an11 Moronc o Valley . Chlldl. J ll(' k Clark, Ed )IJ~r.

)lr. and Vra Hom"r Mf'llott nf LooiM Phllllpe, Torn 8am-. Flow•r atreet were dinner bc:wta to S h irle y W lue; J\lJ•Ion : Opal Bean. Wr. and Mra. Arden Long and Patr lr la Butler, ~IAN ~lllpe. d&upt e r. Nancy. Fred S hand. Hal ~ wm S a: ltll :

M.n. Ftaak VIele or Hamilton enphomorea : Richard S..kman, a tMf't baa been vllltlng at Oilman Martha Uaaoa, N orma Trtpp. JuDe H ot Sprlnp aa tbf' l'\lflt of be r Wtchtmu, June Crawford; rra.b· daugbter · ln·law. Mn. Donald m "n : Ruth A-ld r ldc e . Alan An-Vlele. drawa, Je111 Edkk. Hubb&nJ Howe,

Private Sbelby K~qy. Jr., aon J o yce J unK. ~1"011 ~ of Mr. and Shelby x.n.aey of aeo,... Yardley. 20th atreet, Ia at preaent ltatloned To quali fy for the bo nor roll, with tbe. En~rtneer Repla<"emf'ftt "a.c:h at udeol mUIIl tlave S ecii()IU. TTa!nlng Q>nter at Fort Belvoir, lie polau. "A 'a" count tJuoM

Seca"d ln ata llm• n t T a • •• d e l•nQWf'U

Tu~•d• Y . Aprtl lt. l .. l Til• T•• Cot.

IPC t Of ' I of 'lc• Wilt b e 0 ,_." c ant tf\UOU•

~ ~ f ro ,., I ~ M t o ~ P ,._ nn tt'lat d a y

c..u . . .. w .. ....... ,. • · "' tt• ••r. t~;t W C.nhat Aw . ..... .. po o-1 _.. ,. J k

rOR f>All.-<: - t otottl -1\a"le t OO II , uwd C.• tt a t ) I I A n .td•

• • • lla lboo. r... n d t, , Aprtt ' ""· ~ . 10 • ' " I O • • "' J0 ltp

U , ..,ltu nc• f'\# '" ad~ by m a u ,

~INH b • 1u r-e t h • t th• ' k •• fHi1 wn o n

I~ pro.,.r ba n ~ 1nd lhal 11 to t or ' "' to,-r • c t a m C\wnt a nd p ro iMr tv el t f"ted

I • - td • n t lca l "" ''"' y ou r elgf"t•t wre •• " " d ..,1111 you r .,. ,.., I OR "Al ( Weott" •""".. ,..,,, • .

U pt);'m• n e l>f' n t• d• ' " ""'""· flme I .. • • ato r CaaPt ute ••• t a tlktrr, m• y be uw<t at , .,. c,o.,.,,., II clw<., •••l>o• to Hp . II dl lwl'\ , o r e• .o\C:1 a'"OVftt of U ... le f On 1iAL I.- ,. ,~ AC ~•• h a rt• )'

read y belo,.. .... cll ln t ,.,. etflc.e . I g O<>d •1a,.d 0.. Ooc"•• • O rt w A ll p_•Y-"'" ...... ,d ... K C.;... ......... , ftft .... ,a Me A .... _ -·· ......

b ., ta• b Ht, ..,., or o tfwr doc"'""'"' ,.,~ C • ' t Me lf't.. w"tte•e c.a,., o.~rt ne <tucrlpllofl of , , ...,.,. ..,.,.. Ia~. JO. I ..

P l .... 101eke clllcloo payable to I_ DON • . MOlLJ!V. I ~

FREE with Wat-stamps Va.. polnta; " B'a" count on• polnl ; -·

-==============:...:!~~~f_~Pri;:v~a~t~e~.,~ntt:.~ct~ ... ~ aeqUf'ntly, a to~ of two "A 'a" and II t wo' " B'e" would place a at.u"-1"'y Ta• C.llecter .


IITOM O BI L I!f. Pub. April tl, t .. l rOJI foA L I[- Lal • 1840 C ... v••let

--- - - • ~-~ T r yeo., A- t c-111- : -


bought llais weej at

Shell Dealers and Shell Stations ~ •• lJ, S. li'iahter and ()b._ ;;,;:r~~quadron insi&ni:a ­the kind youllltters a~ colk<:t-

For Builclin&' lnformatio._. .. .. .

Bay District Lumber Co. WALTKit a. 811'tCafl. 0... .


" ............. ,

on lb• boao r roll. Eacb quarter, Harbor lludata

vie for tb&a llcllol~uc record.

Old Bicycles Should Be Repaired for Use

Building Pemu• j..., &nd that old b icycle to liM Y l ranapc•rta tti1TI f rnnt

The Ofttct> of l)rf l'nM Tranapor -N&WPOCY aAC8 taUon aaid that a Karch of attic'

1..- ..:_- - 2315.Gr4 &ad u llara 1n t.ha We&- would lt3& - a --·--·- ·· 417.4M prob&bly turn up tl'louaanct- of 1931 ·- 121 .. -- blr yd.., wblc:a. could be ~ \111'7 - - 101.• and uaed by war wo rile.nt and

,.,, ..... , ..- ·-· .... w. Oc:e•" Fr-. -.., ..... .


..... N~rt ~h'a ral"fall t o ' '"' "

t " v" a lutal of llo3 lnchea f« tM --, Wllb lJM ~- tJM Maann u acata.t 8.16 l.a.t ,.,. al Ulla u...

MISCEl.LANE"ous ! B o .ATs & SuPPLIER -c-,-0\.-~-,.-R....,..r.-• ·'"'~:-, R- tl -o--0,.,.--.,-, -.- F 0 R SALE

t tng Pho " • ,.JO W il l Cit It f o t

an41 d•H'~•• l o u t t..' a J •~•ht' & t.t•t 't'""' .,. t .,,, ""•• por t D •~ \S .

c •• u ~~o~... eo''

...... \1 · ··~· . .... .. •o..-cla u y de ·

, . ,,.... tor "" ' ' ' ' " • V htatl •• u ' .. r • ICt "'•n • "• ol•d. • •• • • . .. .. •• ....... • • p ........ .. " . ..

"'tcre fu m • " • f lo•" •• tl" ''" •• •• " · Coe\1 no m e ,.. '"•" ,.., t,t4A r . e ottto ' 11 Cle"t•, .. .._.. • . T •"- ... .,.,..,, 0..,., Mil W.

c.,,, at. Ne"'"'" · IJ U

81,.l'H A''IOAVI T-8\M..._ to• _ .. , ,.. oHido wt ta rer ~rtl\ c;., .

"''..... ,... •••••II•• a t •• ..... _ .T,_ efltJ• · ,.1111 liM •f ...... • .. a t .... .. ... • . ... ,. • .. ....... Hewe Tl - eHict, fiMw .

~ "·" ACCOUNT! NO ca"'TI"ICATaa

OtMr lol.aU. D L . CULLY

411 ..... a ......... . - w- tt• .. . .. .... AN, Co l tf . .....

., ... ..

Alae e lr

m• u .. ,, tht ft ••""· 4few.,er1 Ha•Mr ~wllllelllfOa C., ... -.. ..... .....



' 0"'• · I bed r-e tne. la r.. Uvh•l '"""· .... ,., ,., .... ltrtclled ' " ,..... . , .,,_ .. ,,_ .. , '" .... ka • ., _,....,,.. W rite 41•

c..... A ..... '" ............. . ....

.-o.. &ALl - ' " ' " ' ....., _., .. ..... , .. ---·- ..._, .... 'tull pr- ... ....... ~ ... ,. ...... .. ....

-- ---- ----- -MA~tiNE INSURANCE

- -------- -0000 eGAT·~·-V"8D

AQAIN.T ALL t.aA HAZA ... Dio '--' ,.a,_,..._.. a.rv111 .liM VA ... 'L&&T

IOif w. eo .. , ,., ""'-·· ..... 11 JtMct\, C:tllf.

~ ...... -..w .....

,.0 ,. ' A LS- Oulhur- rnotor , I " p . .. ... ... , , , •• , .... ..,. , ..

• • • • a.i t , a o tlf • nd T retiM

Mori ne • "• '"" .,., Par .. &. I T&l"llola


Ml W C•'"rel A.... 1"1\ . ... W Ne~perl .. ac ... Calli. .. ....

I Oft ~LI:- 11 lt. Ca b lr1 ... , . aur .. a rtn• J"Otor. ewcellefllt ce,_.a.

u-. ....,,. • '"'•"· V•ry ,.... oonell le . Ca ll atltr t p . m . .. .. , .. lot . , ......... " ....... . .......

-- --·- - - -' 0" aALI- It· tt II• IIH • • ~-,...,. 11\e,.,, II' .. , ,_ ....... IM4 ..... . ,_ mal" M il. ,., ...

••eo "' ,., ....... "·· •• ,.,.., er '"',.. C l" 111~, hwt l)' Hille.


WANTF:D T~ Buv w~o euv .. ,.... Du•tlllf,

...... be ... ..... c ........... ~ ......

"''·W ao.u.,

F UIIIINISHINGS F o R 5ALf: ·-,.U"'''"''u"'•· ~.-::--.... --,-.r~~,.--

"""'-ll"'"' ........ "'"'If -•"IIIIM.-.-. a...e ..... ... -......... ,.... .. ........ . ""a ., ... Ill - , .. ,., fW -.eo. ., --.. •114 tlletl .., .... , ...... "'-"'· ......... illklloiAHAN "U"NtTU.... CO.. ..... 6 . . ... - )'. ...... AM. C Alif. O.llw ............ ,,..,.,. .. . .... -· ~- ... "' ..... -~~- ., ... , , .. ., fllttt4· _., . .,

aALa- a....u '*'"',.. -.. • CINII"'I, 11 ..... -· ....... , ............ , .. ,

......_..,I'lL ... FoR RENT

IIOA 11!8NT::-_-:~::-tt-,..-,-: ..... --:-- ,---.lf'" lit .. , ........ c-. ...... ....

.. 001111 "0" I"&NT- T • ..._

..,..,., ---. -· c• .. -.- Aw., ...._,. -.-. -· ·-:- · .. ,.

in& now I In futr o r on doth, _ ..,...._-r--?tt...,O.r• fun Tic\lt ""-_,,_

caps or swraters. ' At Tlte A.._ tbrm""y maliN _.. tlltltp L~f.IT & FouNO

J rv• ; lac.k uf It na&M• veat -----... - ~ -- R-1-AI" adaool C!~. UM.ta ""*'"'-,... 542 __ ...... - .. . lln .'7.f" rMdy o¥er-tntrdl'ned b~ and

~t one of t~ insi~nia FR - while the supply l~ts-cvery ti~ you buy \ \'a r Stamps f rom JO&U Shell Uc.alcr or Shell Serv·

icc Stati o n . And e watrh for the nut .... GCW insigDC! ....


••m•mbtr, not~,,_ .. ,_,_, but th• u ilaJ•r i• your be" pid.t no ..dar• I

0flce 11 Wed: UmaT- Reduced drh•i"C maku Shell ched:-up• of "•ltr ltv. I 1nd chuwe more amportant than n u .

tlalt-Maia la ininc conrrt a i1 pftUUU ...... t.iru ud _...,w.e.

Eon, 2 Mo,tlu: OIL- Have c n l\kuu dnifttd , 8wohcd and rtlillcd with Uuldtn 5\MII M otor Oil.

• tMuua•ICAIIOM - J"llol'UII&h. corror t lubrica1ion- vital in mak. Ua( )'OUT cu lut fur l h t duntiun .

IHILL OIL COMftANY lec.rp&r•t,J

-.. ALL SET for · a r ood f ull da y'•

w ork w hen a n:~g~t in r: h~:~!l· a c he snPaka up o n r ou. )' ou 1u.trar aod ao \lt>Qs yuur work.

R t'ady for an evtninc of rel••· a lion a nd enjo~· ment- a peskt h t'adarhe ante r fe rea '1\' lth Y<!Ur !uJ1o r eal, enjo)'mrnt or N laJtallo.n...


Anti-Pain Pills u ually r eolir vf' not o nly " " ... achf', but S i•ple :o; euralcla, . Mva· nlar •••in• allll Fttactaeaal llootJJit Pains.

Do ) 'OU 0 111 Dr. Jill" A"U-Pal. Pill•~ I( IIC•t w hy not t You can

1 et l>r Miln Anti-Pain Pilla at •Jon ia t he reKular

FreJa Daily ~ ...... -.Qr.~~ -- )08U .......... nw .... ....


GORDON B. FINDLAY "Bull~r of Homee ot DiatJnc..'dGD"


S41 0 Coast Bl,·d.

fiNO - M2 ..... - ........ .. J.040.tU .u..t care In war ctntf'ra u wrll Ualn«a dec:ay.-8&Uull.. LOIT- 1 owo.o! • ro. ott• I t ,_ .......... )'. ·- • ._1_ .... U.Unp ot AU Klndl"

• . I.TWM ..,OIMl......., ........ liNt - 48t 1 ,221.4~ ,. • .,•hucll b ll8(' " tn ru ra l ar...._ lt4t.- S20 .... . ........... JIO,t33 !\lee~ ,.rt• and tl,_ .,. HOW UIIINII$ ftlftl .......

ln~2 a vallablr for r.•c:und ltlnn lnc pur- • .,.,. muvanz .,.. ~a. . Th.-y arr not aubje.ct to ra- 1

..... • - • ,....._ A _. Jan. 'hb.

~ 2t . 12

t lmiinc ru trlcllona, ••lta.r are ' D. alfOf/o• .. - ._ • ....

,_ . .. ,_...., .. a ...... Mar. Apr. May Jun. July • Aq. Sept. Oct.

23 .................... .

2U15 81.214 82..3!10 2t.081

aecond-hand bkyclu


...... __... ........ - ....

~~- ........ Watcn Yo1.1r Kidn s.'

11 lt J4 23 2e Sl

NOY. .. ao Dec. 2t

To&al ..

.Tall. ~b.


·----· 1943

~.1100 Uet

ut.SM 8.4116 e.M&

17.310 Ut5

l O.tlt . .. 280.W

d ' --1 :1.2~ 4.W 1.311

.,... : ONEWDAY

PAUL NORMAN Y AOIIT •AIL .. .A.IlD ...h._, ........ c.-.

~~ 2bt St.. N~ ~at+t ,.._,..,

We've Sold 800-of Our Typewriters to the United States Government


• Send Your Typewriters to War!

• We'll - Buy Them and Pay 'You CASH!

TYJli"WTil~' r rn:onuf:wl lltt 1 · r·nnn rtl '"JIJtiY tlu·rn ...

they m uo:t t•otnt• f rom =·''"· /\11 •r•t wa' l' 1••rn t lw h•• lrll',

the school<;, t hl' tltrho:. lt11o,inr ' " II '''' •·• ••f ;dl "''" :wd callingsJ Jn, ·nl ".:' ' ' ' 't'nrt ll' l tt I Jfo~ fi• ·< fl ' •" ' • ·\rr~\\lt• · t• •

aU mu.c;t ::r•l :. •, ,11 : •m f• "l" r ,~ r ~:" rtl ••r-; awl -.;·II ! h i" irs

to the A rnJ)' ;md ~;1\y ~() t h ;• l ' ll .,•y may :lfT IJ f : tl l'ly :md

rapidly fun' t itJII: a nrl in rfqins.: t hi•t yrtl l "ill l!l'f':t l ly ll"'i'lt

tn wlnnlns.: thr w:tr, in " ' i n~ im: r.c ·;, t•t •, " • rt''"'rins.: !-!tnlty and freedQm to a now marl a nd sllJve r id,h·n \\ r,rld.

Phone 743

..... 4 .,.,, .... , T- '"' - •••· b o• ,.,, • nd • "• • " ••nd ~ ... .,.. .. ..

Claulf'-d Ada O.t R·E·S·U-L--T·S ooaoNa D&a.IIAA

~ Professional Direttory OONKAD RICH I.._ II. D.

""11• ... ....... ~ . ., .... .....

ff-..rt ..... ..... , ............... .. Otn. au, ..._, •. ,

Dr. Wlllrecl w. Slater Pfl)'lklan an4 Sui'J.aft

ne ~ •• •a. Ceata •-. Calif.

Tf'l~ N.wport 701

DF..AN C. ftROWN, II.D. na, &.&L ......... ,... .. &9

m .AMF.R nnr.o "'- ... ,- .... ._ .... .

•• a ......... _...... - .. .. -···-···--ATTURN F.Y AT I..AW

l :O.ta M,.... ftank RvUdl•l

t"hnnt~ c2e

IIAICni .U K. HICAI 'U , t:ll.i\1'1':1.

' \ \ ' r llott~•· lv•·• • lw llo•ll•· r St• IV• II) s .. n-111,( I )' h•· l'll H••• l "

,.,.,,,, Nfi'WJ'OFf &Ill

t ·r~ta "'"~ ( 'a ltrnml•

Oordollll. ~. II.D. ...-en

..._,_ ,.... ... Otalnl ..... ...................... , .......

Ntttt .. II

Dr. M. D. Cnwfor4 ··~·· .,. ... ,. ........ ,..

PRY•IC11A.Jif _, 8t71Wit0Jlll

-~ ..... ~ .. __. .... - ,._..-

Ofi'INt IN·W HH. Ill·· It .. -- .... ..._. I

R.i\1 .17. MURTI 'AKY t :h ~tprl hy thl'l ,.,...

CIO ( 'nut Rlvd.

"" ... , ... ··" ' •" ......... .. ' , .......... , .. ., ... n ...

~'~··-· .... N. U. C.i\~11

I t ' •

,. • .,, . A ... A:. ta ............ "' ........... ~-

WHO'S WHO IN HARBOR DISTRICT 1' 1KP:I' I .At r: A""lt Kl ... ni .I..:U WUIIH-

11 W W l'lchl . 1714.1 Npl lllv•l . t "l ,tll M,.~ll 11"'-d L IIMI!f'r. l'h M&-l t loi:-X~R•\1 ( U~C~IR-- ------ - - -

t;.'"'"" B 1- •n•llhy, :H ifl ( ''" " ' nlvd Ph 402 Pla111 1111il rrm• lnu~tJca 1.1' \tUY.K f 'CI\II'ASfl'.l'- ..

( ', ,. ," M••':o 1 .t.r ( ·,. 'l..rt ••• h,.l r• "'"' pl ~tn V'"" hnmf' Ph~ 41. I flll)' r ,, , ,rlr-1 ('o f'h .. n• 1 t~lO f't.u l lf l~thWI\)' at Arctt.a ~HT-\fU' t •t 'tH. If~

N .. rn MrH v w tt r lh. 301 I W. l f'llt ra l AvrnuP J'hnnf' 17 er JJ Nrwport

I n t"Yif' F. "I ' I ' I ' I .IFA-:-; .. w Jl'IM I la rllltr Puhlhthln l r..o. T'honft 12 - 13. Nt wp<.rt o..dl.



~-'"'" lf"rbor Puhll~hlnr rr,, Ptlrm•·~ · 12 · 1:4, Nf'W'POI'1 o..dl. ar.AJ. P:I'CT-\TF., JN,.I ' R~'IIf ' P: a N OTARY f' l ' fti.J(I.-

1,..., Jt W1111 11.-., 'rJI.I~ W. Ctontn.l Anaue. ~ 3. tu·nnr:R ""~~I"'-

ltHP:r:T Mr:TAI. WORK­I Vt"l" l ' ltunbln • a Bh•t Wetal Work&~ M-. ~ JlO.

TYJ>f:WltJ1T.M- • ' N~rt ll•rhrw Puhlllhlnc ('~. ~: U - U , Newpan ._. ' VAtUr.TY sroa&-1 a..u.. 1llAnd varittr ~~ JOe. • _. .. ~ au-w.


~~------------------------------,.~~----NEWTO--~.--RT-·_BA __ LBO ___ A_N_EW ___ ~_~ ____ ._N_~~~~-~----· -C_~_if_ooru __ a_. _THU ___ RSD ___ A_~~·AP __ RIL ___ ~~5~, _1~----------------------------------

EDITORIALS ftlil ....... ..., ... 5( ·--.............. ,, 9 ............ _

ON-.. o-n, ..... c.-t .......... . _ ................ ALL .... _._ FEA·'fURES

Newport Balboa NEWS-TIMES N E W S LETTERS TO THE Questions and Answers on Meats, Fats ' Keeping American Schools Free

...... u ... u of the NEWS-TIMES AII~WI'r' to questions most com· , A. You can ge t ration book 'JWo By D AJICY HAl'JtlA.N. Garden Orove montr ask~ ubout meats and fats by preesnting Book One to your H 1 rk

C H U R c-H E S Sl.t~ t:PISG Q t:ARTI:BH rat iunmg w~: r•· made public today loca l board. and filling out a copy t Mlss Hayman ts th(' daught('r of Andn>w J ack.<;OO ayman, c e I' 'M ' 7 ._..., ~ _. ftw...,. Allwr E

~lon hyabW ill A.dvu c r 12.50 Pft" ,...- ill Or....,r County; t·oa !ID\'IC'I:~tt:S by thl' (Jfflce ot P rice Administra· of the consultl('r declarat ion which of LocllJ Board 171 , U. S . Selective Service System. ) t:l-15 per year to •lb IIOIW; 13-00 ~ )"ftr to 8cJl - · I Apr il 9, 1943 Uon · the board will provide. 1 am an American school. Cht ldren too. But they are •tend u S«nnd<:!Ma matter at tJw 1"\wtolf~ 111 Nrwport Buc:ft. CHA I$T C HUACri e v TH E SEA

1 l .lt·u r S ir I rf'IHI 111 your April Q Whllt ts tlw potnt vaJue of Q . H ow can I g<'t rat ion book 1 am a school that's free! Sad faces, faces ol tragedy and

Cal1lornia. UDCirr Uw Act o1 lbrcft l , 1879. 11

ti J:.a:l. 1s"u" tha t th•· USU Ia hav· brkk Chill ? 'JW~ lf 1 hav(' never owned 11 copy 1 Ia >• t he roundatw n fo r t hc 1 o~prcss10n. ,..,_ L 0 · co..- • ~.....- mg trouhr,.. f tndlnl: !.I('(• p ing quar . A '11tl' JlQi n t ' alu(' n r bnck chill of ra tJon book One ! 1-u t urc lea ders of your count ry They are the faces of war!

& A. MEYER EDrroR AND MA~ACER n.u·• b Srt.• .. ,t 11 311 " m I"" for -.•n tC(•m ('n. 1 would Uke dep. ·nrl" nn 1 1 ~ m c•a t con tent. O u ll A . .q,>ly to your local board on I So every night , as I walt Prtat.lac Plaat. 1011 W. Ceetral A-. N_,ort &-acb. Dll&tonua Sl4.Dday morniJir wo.-.hlp 11 ' " 'UI:~"' ' to the: USO ' " look on wit h :.10 JX'I" ct'n t o r less of mt•B t O PA form R-315. Litt le chtldren, out of mot hers' For another school day t o a tart .

A D!• tHe 1.-.1 .....,..._,_Ower S5 l'an L m. .. _. wn•l«'• 1 :w • tl~t•t r IJ/oOk And t hl'y w ill fi nd my coe;i, no pt 11 nt~ :tt a ll . with 20 to Q. llow can 1 r t>plac(' my los t a nns, !l pray -S&ADd&J • r~ll . f · na m•· th,.rc ofr• ·rt nJ: u bed fo r two ~ rwr c"n t of mc:>at , four points rat ion books! Come to ml', bew tldered, f r1ght · "Keep my chtldrt'n happy, God.

P m a l :1n)· tim r . rn ••• ot chaT" P. ""r pound. A. Apply to your local board on e ed I · h •· f-'" u.anHDITORIAL I llJd w Ill r er • e r v I c • " .... 0 n · . • , K l.'('p Am. {'ncan 5C oou ·.~.' _· 1'111' ~ , • ~ Pay A I1< >UI muin t ~:ht , S a turday ni&}lt , Q llvw !"an 1 huy a ham which P A .rorm ~- 194 . Mter car{'ful And innoc('nt o r a hard wor ld. SSOCIATION \\ ..-dn- J"Y . <" U\'f'IN dim diDnU. m) -.on hrought t WO serv iC('rnt'JI co.~· ~ M nomt<, when 1 on ly have !nvestrgatlon to asaure lhl' va lid- 1 help them, I teach them . 'Butter and Cheese

lftj'J7JI r- 16 3-l p_ m__ I hnln•' ~ l th htm Th<'y w{'r(' from 16 JIOIItl• tn !t•d s tnmpS to use in !t~ of your request, _th(' board will I love t hem. I ;JihJ JIIA ... -.. rl-aT C ... URCH OF CHR IST, ''.".' C lulo·r. Bt_. ~,. Il l Vlr~rvil le . The onc· Wt •L•k. ll!l!Ue your new r a tton books . Poa'nts May Now Be

r " ... l •· l 1 I f d I r t h Q How will I ant t 1· ""·('ry dny hundr- " - of studen ts SCIENTIST ""1 rt •u 1 • tn nn P DC~>_ or em A H \f lU wa nt a 12-pound ha m , · " ' ex rn ra ton "'v • ~"'""

-~~~~~-----------------= 1 , ,. ·1•-('P rw~a~ m um mg 1 met h ·h · 1 . ·ht po·tnt .. .. " r pound points fo r the foodll I need on my S it eagerly in m y classrooms and I Paid in Advance H Z E. ~fttral Av N-..-A licK~ w 11 N' ' 1 1~ · "" ' d ' t I' di be · • G I d d h II - ·· ,....... an•ll lwr ~n·w<·mnn trying to find you arr pn•b;~ huying for m ore It> tst as a a ttc . 1gg c up an own my a s. __

&";'~/:•• : eftldllol • .._. ~ ...._ ,..... ~ A bral\(' h of th• Mot nu Churc b 1 a 11lnr •· fr.r ht~ wife n.nd baby (6 d h th A. A consumer who r""uires ex· 1 lov(' to hear th<' t read of Pnv•nt'ot or pomt "In advance·• ...... .. ......., ........... - ............. ~ the •'\r•t · ~un ll of Chr~ Sclen- m nn ..... o ltil ... honl he h · d nev-~ than •lnP JJ•>r , .. n 1111 ' IIVC e U!IC . .. Th i f I fl _, .._ .... ..._ .. ...-L Wa ..., ... a. .. a I 5 ' :: tiJIC BrMII , :M • .. n ,.... ~ n ~ · of mon • than em•• ralton book. ))y tra r at ion points because o r il l· e r ee upon m y oors. fnr I om<· de llven e11 of butter and "' 'IJ'r ., • 1 ,.... 1 In " n. - w••n untif ln!tt --8unday. I broortl t bucl,;• •t i n~: all('ad. you m tght JIOOI ness, m ust apply to the local board My stud('n ts are m y friends. chf'e11,. t>:v dairymen or ~aleamen

•--- ~undav Srll<WW a t I 30 L m t h••m In m y hom <' fo r t wo days r1 · h h " d in t he ar<'a In which he lives, on o""r•tlog mobile conve"an~ s da ,s t 11 111 ennu~ l1 f)Otnl s 4 rtng t e t tr o r In summer when aJ I tli qu iet . ,~ - J

• ';Ill Y e rvlce a a unttl tlwy f11und 11 phlr('. fourt h "''"'k n ( ra t ionln~; •10 huy applicat ion fo"" O PA R-315. and Wht·n there a rc no re·l.'('hoings over a regular delivery route baa PubJk ~Is Week ¥. ednftday TH!Imoolal m~lnl In !Jnr ·yl'nr l 'vr h11d, 3 !1 guests lh h; submlt. with his a pp lication a O f childish g leerur voices bt-en author ized by OP A. For ett, .. . at 12 °' on t~rad onr Room 7 11


for th" nil:h t 129 l'('rviffmen and f' am h h •t I s tateme nt wri tten and s l...,ed bv amJIIe. thA housewife w ho on loofoo· t.:a.t c t 1 Av 0 dally , .. • Q I .1m a u tc· ('r , "ay -.ow .... J I n my rooms a nd on m y campu!<, ' 'Ibis week, Aprl1 12.18, t.hP publk schools o1 California. ' en "' " . 0

P" • not mor.- t h11n :.!0 o f the m weN! ahow anti ~.,. 11 ground round ~h·ak a licensed ph)'SJcla n showing why 1 have •iltl(' to think. day wanl3 a pound ef butter lett • • . .. l'lt)Oft to ~ p. IT ¥. N.ln.,..aya. 1 SO ~ ·n t ht•rr hv th e> USO. My wlf6 hA must have e• tr a --'- t l · t ' t b h th f II l '"'" _ __. ......._ na6L.n.O .. _._ ft.- ,__ •L....:- doors •- t a..... • .__ ..... .._ I c. .. .,. c• ,_, ., ... 8 and • "' Jn m\' m••at ca~r !o r sa le as "'hum· ~ ft r 11 On poln S , a er ome e 0 ow ng • nU,..

.._ u..:- uu.a. .-... ""' ·- ...,......, uwrv ..., ruor- .,....JUO. " ... ~.., P rn ,....,... .:oun-y nnlf I ~·ill , ,.,..P on thr sand soon· bul);rr·· ~ tht' am ount. s tated period, a nd a n I think of my broth~r sch ools In dav. ca n I. IVe the dellveryma.o 'Wbolft. ~ llef'W. Our scbook baw C'Qidll ""up thr ) "t"ars·· a ta.>llday• na u oaatJy 0~ I ,.r than 'iH a w lrh,. r s ll'f'p on a · explanation as to why he canoot Europe. eig ht cur rently valid • tamp11 t.o .__ way ~ t.hP tint O('tC •Mon. 23 ~'NJ"S ago. wbrn l hry Tbe public .. cordially ln•tt tod t .... n.·h fo r w" know lhl'y will soon A No You must . S('IJ t he mNtt use unratloned foods ins tead. My brothers see the faces of cover the later dellvuy. ~ 1 tn al~~ -"~and ~ th• ~ ~~~~ng In ~ ~x~~ ~r ~ u mu~ •t~k at~~t ~»nts~r -----------------------------------------made a bid for ~ ....,art aad interest by instituting k 04111C RooaL I Thl're are many other fum llift pound. und 1: rtnd It a t t he r l'Q:.Jt:.St Public SdiOOia Week. ., 1 lik,. u.... wll lin ~t 10 !'lharl' lhelr

1 of your t·u~tomer. AC'COr~n~;: t o

ol thr FULL GOt~IEL CHURCH hornf' with 11 ~rvlc•ef11an . th" con~umt'r table o r potn~. ve l· ~. the iniA!rfsl ol pan!IJ(S........nd • -e hop- ~ .,._ E'*"· C.U .... t n r c-pl ) tn thf" su~~tlon of ue,.. ~::"und mt•at sold as hAm·

public llftll!l'aly--wtll br ~ than ~ derply ccnt'Pfnl"d EYa~~Ceh8lk w n-kl ner, atrbt k~pan~ thf' m11lf in uniform In burs:<'r 1' mad(• from be-t-f n('('ks, wltb what IDS on bll!bind t.hP 8Chool doon. at ';tO P m,. n c• pt Saturday. th•• harnu:k!'l ~ ~ ni~tht a nd only n~nks. plnll'S, brtsketa, ~hanks or

'Jbe ecboo1 daildrea faop cnM:iaJ bolu'S in thrir. as }'et. <~ by P..e v aDd ~ra. lc lt ih lt h im nff t he- g rounds with tn m mtng, (lnl'l S!•Jis fo r h ve poin ts ttn.rtw. a d innPr pAll In lh<' daytl~. I per pound It IS the ?nly pre·

I ~ Uf~ hiltcJrieL ~~and puiJils arP contftwtang Sunday mo niiJIC Rn. K . C hllVf' thl~ tn S.1Y rround hamburs:c>r permitted wltb tbr llvinc-for. tllf'.day which w-ar brgris. Yei Cronk putnr. w UI .,.--ell. Wf' Jhou ld n-ml'mbf'r th~t thou Q ~\re chicken tamales r.1·

mPn n r? in t ra tning to fight for t iont>d U.. )'(1'1 ........ wtl be tbr maJtrer'S ol Amrric::a's torruOn OW. FUIST FOURSOUARIE CHURCH. u .. and d if' for Ull . and ~hould not A. No. Poultry. no ma tte r In Above aD elle, tbey wtll Dfled a ....t. practical. and cultural OF COSTA IIIESA hr kl'pt 11 t oil l imrll lnsld«> a wire whet fonn. 1s not tncluded in this edacatloa wldcb will pw them Inner ~ cetlurdt .. U.. Hltl'-a)') fmc'f' likl' th.- fanner's cow11. And. program.

At.., 11 tileR-- dtWta Df'f'd liL In a '"" )'fti'S ....,_ ~ wua.. .._,.._ ~-- if ~nynn(' ;, to !<&l'rifk c- a nlr:ht 'l Q A N' rl' ta ll meat dealers al-- ,_ •• ..... ,..... c.r..._ ph·a~ure or 11 mt'l\ l IIWAY f rom lowed to buy ret ail cutJ of St('aks

Gilly, we IliaD need thl!m... Let &15 Pw them, and t.hP traclwrs ~ t778· J homf' IN It ~ thf' r ivi lia n. an•l chops a t anothe r retail i\ore wbo labor., valiantly to~ tJwoir liltlr storP ol lc:nowl~ Fnday, 1 .3G.. I!:. m. wonbtp ..,... ThOIL'i!nd~ or m t"n in uniform and !WII tht·m In their s to res ! _.__ IIDcel laterelt. A1JWrica • Amrrial beca o1 tee. R19 Mae Bt.nw b1 cbare•· h;~v(' died In fhP pa~ t two yeAn A Yl's. bu t they muat buy a nd ..._., oure • ~ lluadlly Scbool, 1 :30 L m. tha t l"'t'1ltaurants ml~th t s till e xis t . It'll accordtng to. th(' poin t value tt.ldeall In edlxatlon.. L!t &15 .. tal W tJwom. .. _... wonhtp 11 a. a . All lhose serv lcem<'n had a horne, of re tail cuts , as RtVl'n on the of·

8pKta.l IIWiik. putor'• RnDOn. And t hey ll'f t it . not to roam, flclal table of ronsumer potnt \'AI·

cr-dl'r wnle~. • P- a Bot to ('nt••r mto th ts di.rty fl&ht. ut-s ,_ ~-:! t:nDcelka.l • nte• ~ Tiutt you and I m ny s let"p a t nlc ht . Q How do 1 give up r ation -~ ..---- So 1t tht>y ln te r('f('re with~your 11t 11m1~t~ fo r a com bma tion pac kag••

AD•a quirt on U.. kcWatiw front-but u.. meran. T'l~NdaJ, Oft-per tetlclltnr oe ptf.'asure. C\lnt n tnm~o: 1 ouncl's o r tomato ~· DtWIIIDl!ll who~ 'lbr Four Year War ol e.,_ IIUb)lct.. Thmk of lhts at )'crur ll't!lure : lkiUl' t' and o n<' ounct- of ra u onl.-d

TburwdaJ. 10 L m.. prayft It 's our ria ~: thl'y l'urhc:- to prot ect. t'ht'eSC! I ~·-ct---4M Ql8i:p_......,. are ~ cunpla~ that ~ il5 a lilfttillc, Mra. St•,.. bl cbare• So to ttw1r plea..,u re!l ... Don't ob- f'o . You pay 8 blue p<ltn ts fo r 7 •·

....., and a deluskln.. ~ 19C3 ltatr legillatw.,-edmit tbl> KVE,.TH DAV ADVE.NTISTt )I.'CL !.. ounces of tomato saul'C and 1 red

1 cwpMnl.CXII'IaJIII.O•'"•ta. Ia .....a eft'ldftlt • ....t cona1ruc- c.- WaiRut _,... atuidl a ta. W M. R. HOUR1~AN at amp for one oun ce of ~-

..... -- .......... , "' In many a 1110011. but wbo ..... c.:.:;-8 a II II at .. I u s- -EdU,.8tJO• 0- Jl v~t!c:n;o~ ~;c:;~· !~y I kill f of~ tbat . ....,.._ 1.~ • ~· • "' A. Yes. You may sla u&hter Uve·

-.II jlllt tao .... to llalJpe for. - ....._..., :....:... 11 ._ ... aym• g Dividends, l tock you ra~ or. ft'Ct yourself ~11-"l~- llpil til the e.-. • a ... tift llftet dwwtrr ill S. F · 1

,_ yew oum tamJ4t s uae. ... -"8w.....-rt matlneP.. 9 L DL.. And In tfteneso ellt L A.. ai~ CKIII LADV :..::~:T CARMEL I Says Legion Chief edi~·l c ~~/· t he point value of

~for anyddnc: ""llerP's a honr Clll you; it's~ Bunda•--. 8 aDd 10 a m_ .. ...._ • - - .. Ou v-.t m of A. If your rl'ta lle r has bought I I ".1n r •an('t'l('n. r SJ- (' . ... .. _ f I h • II h

Da.lly CD&8II. S IL m... I <'duc' ntJOn ~~ paying dividends now u"'" uunl' o~ lCa e e ~ t ,. a q ;c "'1nw was wfwn only men 1l'ft'lt ckM'Il to thf' .a in sbips ~...rat- Un-oUolu each F'nd&y to t hl' pNtplr of this na t ion tiy you one potnt )X'r pnund fur 1'- I

. · • albrnooa a t 4 30 p. m . l"":t"''" o ( thl' t a r t that we ll rr p ut . 1.r t hl' bone ts tn a cu~ of .. m i.'a t but U.. Rulllana haw ~ aU that-and g old _ _ _ 1 C'd tro 1 th fif'ld of for w hich Yt'U a re paytn~; bonr ..... .,be) fftqU!ftt docb aft rady (() t'OIIJOfdp that 1001'1 aT. JOHN VtANHE.Y CHURCH r~h.'lt~adf><' i~~ £«,ne ll::tp~l. j ln" potnt va lur~. such as "shank: Aalerican ..._,_may be c::anying"WCJIDI!D ~ IDfll1bors. ~ Jt4 llarill« Aw .• aaiiiN leland j rumm AndPr of the AmericAn lA'· bone m : 4 potnt!l. as lu. ted on th e

- ...- 11anday m•• · 't ·lte L "bL dP rt • t of Callfom m in I o(flda l table l' f cunsumer potnt tlloulh unkJn o(f'mt. haw thus far tunwd tlalmbs ~"' Clll Lftlt.en dn-oUona eKh Frldl!)' ~~-flpt'~ t:;;; to th(' LeCtnn' :md values. t he _bon(• is }OUrs withot~t

aiCb ..... h SoriPt .up. &Kting at california ports an.en- at. p. ... thl' ('nltromia public ror full CO· I payin g addlllon<t l potn ls. even If b..t WOlDen as ca ..... ._ and fll"st and acond mates. op.'ml ton in th(' twl'nty· fourt h ob· you ask the hu t ch <' r t o bone the

even ...-- fliRI,ll.l~ MIt '' I! t'lll au Ill ,. ~<•·n·;mcr or Puhlic Sc'hoob Week . cut for you. . Tb .. S undaJ l.r~ron l'" rnonn •ub- wh1r h hl'gan Mondny April 12. Q . H ow can I &e t Ra t1on Book

, tn all lln nd .•·-" ur Th,. !\lnrhr r Commander JIApJX'I cont tnuc-rl · TWo If 1 have never had one ! 1

Sips of the Times



t ' hllfrb. T h .. F tr11 1"11111 r h ll f c'lu t•l , "llu~i<-nll y w.-, as memb4'1'11 of th•' I have a copy of Book One. l'r .• n tl -1. ·• llotol<m. • •II bfo I~'(' Anwrt(':tn vgion, a rc lntc rr !<lM r-------------------------------------------------_:_ _____ _ t n o .. c f A IO II .. fll l'll l .. Th .. <:ottt .. n In t hl' df'V.l'lopmcnt or indlvtclual· ...,._ ,.._.._ aft in ext:ranity. they tum to thri:r M&Ur.

.......... , IIDDPf'lainties. thP BibiP. aM11)'1l

ua-.,IKUII:ll 0 ~~~ II'IOft in demand than ~'ft"-in t.hP world's history. mm and •w,.,oerrJ""'*"'"'

are 8eeJdnc oew for life. lookb~g for tJw prom.isr ol llllmortality. for ..._ lt&wler raourus that makP a man

~~--~.u~~~~~~e~~ "FaJth is u.. ~or DiiinP 1iOiifd -nw.--u. BatR ~ .. '11w ~ Clll .... a.tdr fronts find this faith. 11w lolb at home. waitiac for~ nrws ol t.hP a.ttle, ('and

It too. 'Jbe Kine James WEI*-t of t.hP Billie iNdl iltJ'OIICfy in

papnlerity, but a few modem te~sdura are pliDinc alOne- AD niP,. lJUblk:atioM ad In sales an thr book standtl now.

T •• , . I• t rnm •i• IMian• •·•: r .. r e br Ism in the youth of America~ur I to ) OU •nd f)"~'" .. rrnm Ood th,. . ... , ,,,., , anti f ro:~t our 1 .,.,1 J""" educa tional insti tutions havl' al · t: bri .. . • "o It~ ' " hlm•..r t for our "''8)'!1 l! tood for thL,. Pt>rhaps t hai etn•. thai b ,. mll:h t d"" "'r ua from i~ why I hi' Americ11n boy ls II bet · thla ~t f' Ytl wur11t. ar mr•l tntt lt'r !IOidif'r : he has been t aught to tb• • •It or God anlt our F'ath,.r ·· thlll he must stand on hl.~ own ,

~ , a ro th• doo.w of ' " " oh,...p.• and part1rularly is thi!l true in .. 14 J_.. tn • P., llllft ltf' from moctrm warfa N'. I beUt-ve lh <' J«nn'e-~. - , tmr~trl door• !It AmC'ric11n ~nn I'll are t e &st in 1

~'"'· - , , m• If an, man flfll"r th,. f ield : t hey not only po~se~~ ta. he aban .,. aawf'd. and ahall tte th t> cou rage And s t Am ina r t"Quirl'd tn aDd out. anti nnd pcutur. Tb,. 1 tb l• f ro~tb Dot . llllt for to atftl. of flgh l in~t men but the l'dllCII t lnn aDd to lin. .... -10 dl'otrn, : 1 8111 thf'y havC' hed throughout t hr ir 1 - t lilat ttw, IDittht ban me. lh•l'll. pre flll res thl'm fo r modl'm I •D4 cha t u ... , mls ht hu e It more warf11N' .. ~ • ~ad••ltJ I am tbf' ~rood ahf'p­fl .. nJ t h• 1;0011 ahf'9twrd lfl.,..tb hla .lnt Sunday oC • acll month. Ill• few t h• ahHII • ~ acU'fiUe• aa announl'ed


,._ ' "'• ••"'~('' .... ,.., na ... , Edd' • nln Ia - j;('l#nN! and .,.,altll wltb K l'1 In tbP ~rr1ptu ,-... •• -Jf'IIUI

a id• d In f"l't"Oil<"l llnlt maD to God 1111 Comes the robin---come~ t.wball. Hot staahlslr. strip- ~t1 Y1 Dit man a tcu• r ..,.,. of Lo•L

__. -- o1 ... _ o1 ---,a:.- 1 1 thf' d lwtn• Prlnri rlf' of Je•u• ' 1e1ch·

Cart • · JoflftNft, Mlnlater tlt1 HaNr •tvtl., ~ ... 311 -J

CtluKb Bchool. 1 :4:1 L m. Mom mr Wonblp, h a. m TouUI voupa. H lr h Sch,),>l

- paper ..,_.... peanuts. ......... _ u-.~MIIt" aCI'S. 1"0111 In::• • . e nd 11•1• ' "'er 1rn~• of l.o•• U to llixty aD. we&rinc the s;amr look r• •f~mt, man rrn'U thr h w of lll8t• Tbr box acore ~ .. Clll the -· .,._ o1 u.. narm 1 , .. r. • ' " · • nd ""'" h b, the ta• ot

....- ... ..-- --"f, l' plrtt..· the Ia• of dl'fln,. l .nwo • Jatermedlate, Adult. 1 :30 p. m

1 alone wtth tbr lprinc ~ But this "April, aa the leagues get lf't for thr ~

pmes. thr competition ol that biggS and DKll5t signifacant pme ol aD-war-provides grim ~- Thr big k>ague piQen. acxust.omPd to .-,.-eral pre-.-uon • "ftb of training ... Southem Califomia and Di.xir, ha~~ ~ thrir tnining a. tile c:bDiy area north of Jluon:Di.UJn liM: No soft bre and palm trees. nor bathing in the surf! lnst.Pad. tlltiF wca kd out t.hP wiuter kinks In hotel quarten and on

r+-+-f---flillll!lrMt.t-.:tiR~ wtntW• c .... ....bro&~--and.._e.'I'D somr ...,.! For tlda Ia war. Ewl'y other .. gamr·· is liPCCJnd.

I':Ymtnr wnke. T:30 s-. m. Mld.weck fellow8htp a od pra~·,..

. JA•Et IE~Itc~AL Wf'dn~ay. T:30 p. m . CHURCH A bom• · llke church for hom" ·

et.*'-•· .._~ •acll 1 lcwlnr ~le Hetter, Vicar , ""· H 7 -~-::--:-7'-------

hedule of •nloce• tJ , 11-. •• _ UDday. Ofto8~~-·y rnN.E~~

~Ia ocb«t • "'K"I ....... IUU • KVOE t ·:JO L m.

Montq prayer DI.WALTO~MAIO ~ Jl_unda)'. 11 ~~ - llllMIIAN IIOUI CMw

Hoty c - muake. m, QM-"HfHOtHO -<'fflfn PO fHf HA,IOHS._

B !tel t.hla )'NI' is lOin& to br pla)'ed ~ diffiCUI· d fte. t ilt> bast-ball sroson the \·ery ess<'n(.'(' or Americnni~m a.. Tnulipartation will bP a 1Mobltm.. Oub rcxrttors ~\'t" -as cricket to the En~ish-and ~ymbolizcs a ct'r tain sonw­.._ ...,._. by the drpartur'e ol pla)"ft"S for .-.r Rn'K'E. t.J\q-indescribable in words-that we want to keep. 811111 ...Dre .eem oerta1n to go before October. •"ben t.hP wa-

- aannalb' c:ba ODe Ills .__ D18Jia&ft' ranartcl!d that any team that C8ll .......... - Clll tlw field wiD be a tbrmt this year! ... .... •• .,.. ... 'betber .. the regular Jacup leUCIIlS . ...,.... .. ~ tM1c eeft·-._ ' 11 zZ to erue b Nl ~ K'OI'fS 11"0111 .. .... a-. tile pwt American ga-r and its frimds .... tbe-c..~......SID~URanonnai•11Y

c li'"OI_~-- .... tD ... alii--. on. a wq ., · ' habit por1ion ol natiw Amrricata. iD-~~~ tile IIY' ..., ..... ID TUnW.a. and 1M South J'a.

.-Ell MilliE SERVICE



T his is • slus o( b«r

- tlrllllfhl b«r. Y n , b rocher, o ne s lau ofb«r

/HAs a good dnl like an· other. Buc this b«r is K?~ u11ttl. There's a big d iffer·

~nee . Kryzencd, amo ng

Other things, mc2ns it is

tha#Ht~- attel in fKO­d ucing fine d raughc b«r, •

' !".I. • 111trf is JIO.utbstillllt for "I'· • ' I

.Eastside Draught b«r is

- K ryzcncd. If you really aa;oy fifk b«r, it wiU pay )'OU co M swc Mxt tUM ic'a Ea.ttsidc .

••r••••• Da·auaa'l •••• • -


Mach it M~ttl'!

Pninte s c Tool F Offit•r Found SocOI!

Eul the So r hlnl•t thi rd-~ ltfa tu 1h uttlr

In g.rla t O ffice drnppe

S tan W IUI t th C' f'\'•

and ::.~

t()ftrtho folio~·•

MIH'hh Palnte

!o! ll tc>a F ound.

Tout R s. c .. S OCO!I


NEWPORT-BALBOA NEWS-TIMES. Newport &f!C'h. O.llfom t,. 'J"HURSOAY. AP'11t. •. 1 1. ~


the • • •



r.tac-hlnl11tll 2:'> 2 .92S ~<"W11·1'1ml's 7 2 MAll'S 19 8 .70. Sportlan tl 6 3

- Pnlnlt> rlf Ill 11 .:ill:.! R' O!m•c•ll :'> 4 S C Gir ls 13 H .481 j Pharml\l' tlll l' 5 4 T ool R oom 12 1:. 444 Starr k 'K C'afl' 3 6 OffiCI' 10 17 370 13ays! ore Cafe 3 6 .333 F oundry 8 19 .200 -- I socoe 6 21 .222 n '" Nt•w s-T inwto pu11h .-d Into the

Ealrily m a intaining their lud In the South Coaat Lugu_~:, the ma· chlnl1ts Friday n ight blank<'d thL thlrd-plar e PtJntcn. while the )fatee cinched aecond p lace by shu tting out the Foundry f ive.

In t he other ~onteal.l, Socoa gula took three games from lbe Office and the South Cout Glrl1 d ropped three to the T ool Room.

ll'ad !'If t ht' Cl"i<' Lc-agul' Wtdnee- , duy mghl at S pnrt land wht'n thl'y • ropped thrre gaml's ' from th" lejigup-lrar111lg Jl' J)om~>s. Plnkley'a Phnrmsr lsb . sparko•d by AI Ho r­vath, sna~gt'd two f ro m llavshnrl' Cafe, whtlt' Srortland bla nked S t a rck'll Caft'

Starting uut w tlh a low 1r)/!, AI Ho rvath rOIIPd 200, 211 for a 576 h igh t l'rlt's for lht' t'Vtnlng . Georg e Bt'ddom e set a ntw l"agur h igh fnr H'l' MUSOID Wll h a " IIWN't" 2'.!1

Ice-Capad=es,.,.,.,s_ta.,..........r ;r rio Leave Sund~y on Park Bills

Thr.-e c-naal l radf'MI wUl l l'tlw h<'N' ~undrlv fo r ~ac-rammtu t o ptuoh t h r hAiti!' for A .tal <' P"rk o ppr opriAtlr n thAt ~omf'tl ll"fot"e 11•1' As.Mmhlv WRVI and MI'IUll' ron•mlttC'I' l\to nl1 11 y .' n>t'V au l"u· '' ' '"''' ll" r T n ·•n C. I"'. Cor<! on. ("ttam . ~~ SI'C'rrt arv Herrv "Y"'c-h nncl Huntlnct,.., RHt't\ C . ot C Kecre.­tarv V\' m GAIIII'n nt'.

Jt waa 1tatHI that If th~ W•V'I

I And 1\.f<' !ln ll ~omrrlttM" w ill N"JY"rt out "do pARI!" <>n lhl' metttlllrl' l " lll ti-t' A-rrblv will vote an appro­pr)at lon "'f S29fi.OOO for t hl' pur·

.... _....._ •• • r~ lllt' o ' ,,..0 mn ... o f beaC'b be­tw~l'n Newport and Hu n tlnl'lon

I 'Rrllr hl'" ."ndf'r the dln'<'tlon of the ~t11te P11rk bnan1 '"'"re la .UCS

l i n l:lO' about $1\00.000 In that fuhd '\n(! tbAt 1\nV fY'Onlf'tll vol l'd h" th~

S tan Burwtll c:of tho• Machln lsll was the out1tandinK aa tellttc of the e\'enlng with a 213 high t:amt and [)36 hi~ aeries Team lota lB t~rther with b&Ddicaps were as follo'l!o'• :

N ewa-Timu :Ill 490 4117 1488 Sk &tlng W lzt\rd w ho will be' ODI' lr glslAtul"f' would not come out al l:f Domu 504 43~ H 5 1364 or m ony Snsppy models at the th<' f(l'nt'rnl h m<l It wiUO ht'l1

.. vrd

.,a r hln lets Painters

Mates Foundry

Sport land 4~3 512 490 US~ 1, ~>·Capadee~ WI l~h operu~ the l t4S A Po It 11l11 n<111 t nt1Av 70 prr """' Starc k 's l!r Aann a t l 'a n -Pac tf lr. u a A OJ:•'· nf lh~ f't!Venue from oU recetw4

4~7 50 1 394 1352 It'll, Tuesday n ight , Allrll 27. fo r on !ltalr lllnlll' j!OI Into thl' rark I 801 87B 7!14 2433 Pharrr a c lsts ~01 507 S41 tr>49 a llml teu ru n . T hla t• the third fund. t h .. rf'matnlng :\0 JM'r t'f't;~l l 777 66i 714 21r.s Bayllhore Cafe :145 444 ~ 16 1~05 !M'3so. on o: thta llflN'IRt'lllll r t~xtrav - \ hr l"' lt a 'lontl'd to the p nenal 741!


1\ 67l . 206

!\ • • • "~"n:at, which t oste $ !50.000 and fund. ~"''""' Df'W •·~l's .,.. be- 1

666 628 647 1941 AI Forgtt set the pa ~l!' In tht' h• ont o f t he· outstandlnc a ttrac- • n~! dr111N1 on .tatt' lanrl In the

popular T uesday n l ~:ht family g r t · l t lon• of tbe Southland. Huntlnct ron Bearh area and ll 61A 1199 724 204 1 to!(ethl'r wht>n ht> roll l'd a hot 209 - lhf'M" 11ro• ll ll produl'tlve AI thoR 576 683 651 ~ 1910 Htartlng out with fl\'e s t ra ight M~. Fn'<l Cntlm o f Udo l s ll' ~tl rt'lllly n owln t: . · the park fund ., I s~nkCII tor a perf<'cl 300, AI and h <' r dnu~:h tcr, M~. Charlt·S "'o11ht tit' ('nn lllf11'"'blv auJt'l'lf'nt f'd. 435 638 ~.8- 17? 1 '>Hakr netJ undrr preasur~ an<! S wanson o f Santa Ann. ur<' ~Jk'nd· Thf' larvcr t•llrt of m r.nlf>• aN" de-431 636 .t92 1 6;.~9 o·uJWo.l orr l !lward t he r od in~: a few days In Los AngeiH. r lvf'<l from the v.·~·~ In t he Hu n t-

lncton fll' l\('h IIM'tlnn and thoR rltl t Pn!ll have a lwava l'ont ended 1 hat a l ~< rl!f' J'Arl of JIU('h fuodl

BY POPULAR DEMAND The Hit Band Continues On • •

JOt.ou ht bl' a pt'n t In the - e are&.


A IS ELL F 16 Low Hl~th Low 1 ~~ 7 •31 2 :03

Hlp l 1 :20

HILL . "'- - .,_ • ·

AID IUS ORCIIESTII With Betty Jeanne Roszell


at the




I 1 4 4 4 0 2 I !', 17 2 •22 8 11 2 :3

4.6 1:4S

41 t:OI

6.1 t :M


10 4 .~ 0 .2 Su I ll '.! !>4 11 ·49 2 :SS

05 t .6 03 M. 19 :1 :28 9 %8 3 :22

0 .1 4 6 0 ~ T . 20 4 0' 10'09 3 :50

- o 3 4 :'1 o.T a.a (Nt>w dayllf?lt • vlac Ume. )

Tt d~,. . ,. r ta f""N' tn a.rvt.- r nr "'"',.,.,.,...,.. Wcbt fi«U.I"H • m • llto':" niJU,... p •


• •

SPORTLAND Bowling AlleyB












t ''"'' f' .-.. ,, .. , t ••f ' .. ,t int: pt '' e•Jt 1 ' ' ' ' t l h ,, .. \\ f\JC I f tlf"'ft'\' ' ' '-'1ft\' " " ' ' " ,11 • •t • '" "''"... ·· t h~ t 1\ r u u t U U•' ' t 11 ••u t h

1 ~· '" ' ' hi'" , .. n1t f •" tt ' • h o u••\\tYf>"

" ' " kt'P" t e• tt··· ... ·un\' h ~v.• mu,·h

ll••n tilll Flout .:. orA prtl'~ of· "1 •I " ' '' ' 1 h ro l !'••lltlllan<l but r twl'll

' t •·• ' '" t•• o ,. '" to ... tul"• •t UMIJ' loc&l war prtce and rat&oa • ~ ·•••'I' H••t n11 Jl"'k Jlfll' f'S wmt IIIIo• ,.,,., t thl"'•lll(hnu t f'ouUMna c '11lor .. 1nl11 , AJ111I a,

I ' " ' "'''"' ' '' 1'"' ' "' t>f-..r , ''~""' 1""'" ull•l 11 11 111••11 ""'' " IOt\f' .:.,..s ' " lhr •••••••

I ~.-. h. , .. ttt •p . , ,., r; ,.

Ul.o· au ... . .......... . .. ..... . ..... !; •U . ••••••• p.a) .... ~ ....... ~ .. ...... llul"r~; ... oundl , ....... a.,_ .... ,,._ " 1:~- rn... ..... - - ...... . nai~n&; .-u .. n ' ' " 'IOU~ Wm ' " fan~r. l• llitr ,_,.,. •~- ...... .. !Ountl ~t> lu lh.- I .U.• -n.r"' ':!.: R.. ·tor~ ,. .. ..t.-, c....-~ rtciiiO ...... .,.

.. "'" r ..... '"'' " "' tw . .. re ... ,..,_ ...._,. ••<r,... ... ....._ ..:. ,.., f""-4. Thl' ~•rrtnc n.... .. ,... .. .... ........,. It) t Atoo.,.. 111..-a. . .. • · ,...., ..... It) C arotl ~,,.._ a_.,_ p&a) ., ....... , t ..u..& ..... t~ IAIUWirr . u · .. a '!ltllll ,_,.,.,. . ... .,, ......__

-...,....._ rn--... . ........ '"" ........., ..,, , ..,. • ...,..., ....... ~ '- ... , .. - &Ma-- .......... Au- • . ..,e. ...... ...,. __ ~ ....... ... '-"- .......... ~ .... 1 .. - .. --u.. ......... ~-..... ...._.. ~ -- ..... 0 ..., ._ .. ,....,-., _...,, .!!!!...,aw4 ~ IW I yttq_t~ ., t.du.~ ........................... a. • ._._,. ............. ·.


~·, ,, o•ll thlll •lrtl•· P I' A'" n •t11ll ~""'' , . , , hMh1lr " lnvt•l\ ln.: t h• ••~> I I,,.,~ ·' ' II f>lll "Ill 1: • In I " r ff ro t

f 'lll o hr18 IIlii\' I h iHito' l t•M lhl<l\

lllr " ' ' " •!'<'• lfh· r f'ni•J'<'r f"•Un •1 ' '' " " "" " hut tn " ' ' •u•: m11v t h,•y •' hM r ll" .,,.,.;. thr o•o·llln ll'

Tlor rf' ""' '"''" ., h r. lulf'• o•f t •t tt ·~ ~ ••ttt~ t••r '""•'"f\t•netl'nt •tn""'• ''h .. ,... nnnu•l an l••tc a r.- utuk'r f :!:'ICI lll)fl l"'o•.,. lll••rr 8 " " ' trrmt .. l I 1a • • 1 11 111! '1 Thr -.·unol r rlr• "''hr•ltolf' too f<•r ltu lrl"'n•l•nt M N"N

11 n•l , h• '"" whc- 11"\nu11l aaa.. \' lll l l"'" I• '"'"1 1 21'10.000, ~ I an11t

Tl rr.- •r• ten r ulll of bft f , v~.l. 111m >. lln•t mutton A ••• llatl'd a re thr fh'f' n U IC'Ial fiT1'olf'\t cl( 1- f 11n t vrll l, f •• ur ICrllolf'• .~ lamb and t hn"f' · terlldt~• f•f m utton. .r '' ll llmllur.:r r" I• lhllrot 11 11 f!:l" ' llnd

r.,_f ""'' I• ,.,.. •lt tbe lowNt­rrtt-.... 1 " ""' • at !\.'\1' JM'r potmd

l P nrtrr h•'" "" ah'AW Ia U\f' h l&l'l·

.. ,, I'"' "'' 1\oof'f r ut . a t ~ fur

.,,.,.n atm·.-,. • nd IW\r for laf'J• ,..,,,.,. Thl• I• th• t up A• or ' • tu-.w , •• •rade

Eitht New M ... t.en Eatft' Hi·Y Club

Tl•r S• ws• .. r t l hor t'\'r I II · Y .-luh '"'""'"'t "IJ(hl n.-w ntf'mt•ra T\M'II •ltw Ar rll 1:1 tn t ill' ,.,.hoot rym Tto• '"'"""" " f• llnw, .. l thf' a nnual • I ·o t: ' '""'"r whl• h wa• hf>ld a t I I• 1nr. 1-\!llw r '•

I 'Ill••" orl' r rtr.t ln tn tbe rlub

I "r" c- • r ll r Mn'•, Onft lltncl'lun. lin• I A It rtoll:" 1 : t..nn , .,....,., Jim l< rnn,.ll. l ' • oto t ' J'I'<)fl . Ok II ""'"r u.AA IUld ~ur~to• Hplnk .

Rrnt . llitv, SrU or 1'r1ldtr wtth a Want Adl

Eddi~·· RARRF.ctTEO

SA NDWif!HES Are DelidoUI!

II001IE'S ()()N'II"ZCI'IONarf .............

..... ,. - 11!!'1!!!,~



FRIDAY Je~VENING. APRIL 16, AT 7:15 Li*oJ.o tfk. UaMe New&rUter

( )fhf>r A nJ'IOUI)r('fl'l4 'f1ls nn KVOt: Thunda y. F riday. Saturday and u ·ox. l &am. on 'Thunday, Friday, SatunJay

The New and Popular _.___ .

13AM13()() 12()0M



\ Pla~·ing Saturday and Sunday, 7::lO fl. M.

Is the Popular Meeting· Place oJ Newport Harbor at


Ll DO THEATER ...._ .... _ ...... .,......

A•h•lte tero: 8HYtre MM ... ........... ; ~··· t Tlut I nc:hadecH Ma.._. .. L at l :tl

(}aatll ••• ..._ ,..,._ • ••


..~ .. _,_ ..,Ud~ .. .. " .. -=:::s-.

...... Olllr. ...... -n... Onet C'f I I . ..A ........ Y ...... "


BALBOA '~'•••'~'•• '

., 0 ... , ....... ..

Lout -~ ol. Dou ... ..... ' hare ~ 8tarta at I:JO

~ .. , llentee ·- ... ,....,_ 1'lrfiM. IU)

Tltur.. · l"rt ....... V•rnnk a Lake In


c·,~"'l~' ' "l"n F r 11 t uri' (;.-ur i(" ""' " ' • l'rl....-111" l.ane

"'MIJ.VY.K Qt ' F..t:N" f 'ar""'• · l k>Rkt'• Hold M._

1'411Wfay • M oMDJ

f ((II ~J-: I tT TAY I..C>ft OnJA N I )I( II\: I .t-:VY



··~lfw• • t b, '1/> l IfN I'"~ " 0 •• • •• d lilt iA' (,;U l~ f(JU fNbo~ • . W••''•"~ .. , lleWtt . ,.,, ... p

An•l 11 SN-nntl Thrlll c_or


C'O M I S U " Cairn"

"RMI'I t n M~" ' 'Y&MN DoodJe DandY"


...... NEWIORJ' 8 41 Ml4 JIEWS.'I"'III.:&. Jtka;u& .... '·QIIf&al&. THURSDAY, APRIL 15, 1M3

J:bell Book Reviews Holc;l_lnteresting Session at Home of Mrs. C. L. Thorn Harbor Fe.minine Activities

Oae of tbe mo8t l~ruc:tlve ln Saturday EYemac ~. Aa­-u.a.- pt bekl wu that of tha at1e o1 Aprtl 3. tt.S. Oft Book• that Book actloo ot thC' EMil club on Shonk thf' \Vorid and ,_..,., TV-say tbe 13th a t the home of m""df<d ev~~ abou'd ~.-1 It Mra C. 1... , 1ml M 3 VIa Udo ao '''~ wnn't t.. 1t0 ~n~lllbl .. u to Saud. wh~n r urr ,.nt vol,.., <'M w~re what •·~ puruR ShC' a.t.o ~­

rwrtewed and dl«u-d by club vl~w~d "Gre~n f'tn· " by f'~t "'" W membt-nt m Ill int t'r~•te.tly aod Rtuller. a ator y of Ulfo .. xpaoraunn

• ~I.All:l~E CH .. .o\JG. F..ditor • PHONES 12 ~13

eotertalntncty. on ra:eralda.

Balboa Girl Honored with Lmen Shower Before 1\larraas;e

Tbe -ion wu o~ned by Mra. Atra ~ E ~addon p~nt....: r 11 K. V. Dill .. rbalrman, with month- "T I,. R•ntn•~r ··· bv Reat ~ ( ( «T•I unrn•m .: lll• ' p _.·r• •

• • .' " '"·~·I l k · fl <)I &lb.~• pn.or ,,, ho r 1;, nf'Wa queallou. from Time Rllu . v. hn .. !dl'ft. ~lllard L Kit- rh

11 rJ ~~· IV A

11 (" 1" , ~·•• 11• 1

maru•ne. She rud excnpla Cmm Hun r~~ommrndf'd Vs llrv '" "" · l"o'~- ,-4 h:lut...-.4 C.•~ lll) ):, .. two (lrth k~. IIIII' un how one riM1on, hv M"rd a nav~nport. " nl! [)o:roehy O.·~rd- 1.-•,..•J .11 lboutd 1"<'&<1 • book an.J the other "Th" Rohfo ," hy U (r\•d 1'\<m~h• " lJno n ~~r ,, · ,~ .. 11_ ,... ,. ,.1 h. t on the prom~>llon of booka Vol- Jl.' "' Thom 'ft rf'<''llr\11' f'nl1~l l"., ."'' ""' JM~n>nl • :Ur . n.s ,,1,... J " : . umn re~orrmt'nf"d v. l'rr : "QuleiJy. Mv c'"spt,.ln \\al'" · h\' n.·;a n:J•J,.) cJ 1 .. .. , , )I•

1 -

' 'TbeO&TkWOIIUYl,"l b)' Perctva 'F':Vf'lvn F..ntrn < · ·r.,n~ro ~ .. n~t '' I••• -....... _ 1 _ _. '' I "'- I t .... II ·• b . ..._ •- o .:•tll')f"<t> '\A ., .. .... •·,..-,:• "" ' ' \lo'n •n ; "..._,.prr m~n of' l" OU>', Y ~~uar t n oaetlr; ' 'The Ulbl ,. .,f " • 1 ~' J.I.JM ~lnt' l t.u . rJ .:ru l \11

Mlrgarel Carpenter ; " Prophet by Yo o rM " 11 •·rmp '."u n 11C a ll b1hl'"11 Wl lkm •'l~Ultnf: tt.- prv.- r ; 1 ,~. 1 J:x~rtmre.~ by Jack Jarv~r. " t-·nr 'll.:r'll!rn nn 1111 rrtt~nnw; a1"tt -nor of I( · r h.,. I .All Men Bon!. by Margar<'t ~f •v·- ('rf>~• l n f r.,., r1Ff ·· hv r ... ral•l fl,.~rd ;::;:;m>: I : """ ~ r ... Jill- ' urn•• . Kay ; "Ftom Tbia Day Forward." \'r~ F: F !'nr<IIA'IIII ak~trt~ j · '"n! .. 11~ "' nt-."" n r

G kanun.: • tut< I a~- anri • tl> r ­by Elayy~ Thane Ura. Dllta re · H uman f'{wn .. dy ' by \\"m SaruY IX•'f' 1~ ~- Mtr~ti\ P a p-

vlewed " The Humao ComNty:· by an with dlff<'rent r?&ctiOn~ rt -m l"" "'mt"nU. fOf' tho tattk- rr .. m , WUUam Sarnyu. Mn~ f'lllt~ J.fra Onnllll! Dnot tE1a• "'"trlt tu• trun , 1, am. t~,· d.· .,. ,..

Mra F . E ft~lnhotd r~vlf'wrd bru,lght n ltst • f '""""'It ho-1~$ 1,1

, . .. nd r,.a.. ,. I • _ 1

, ·I Th. " Berwatb Annthl'r ~un," hy ~o;m,.al fw m th,. !11··~-p~rt flc-ach I IIJn")' ,.,.k,- • •h ~·.~ • uh

3 mm1;~ Lot.b«1U1 ; a l110 "Land f~low t he ,, mnn ~,; l ht·m tll' inlt' ·

Mra Ja)'Ted quoted eaeerpe. ' rll• nn. 11\46." R.-rnu<l flfo \"~ 1:"~ Wind," by Al'\«'11 Nrwton Kd tl\. !1/a n. t lt•llon : ...,~ v -.a r ol r~ 10

" ' t;, ,.,._ .. not ""11" nr .. ~~t 1' · ,.;..

from " A Trt'u ury of llritlah llu- ~1 ·•On flc-lng a R,.al r .. F'800.'' Ham· • • ~;:.·-;-;::~~~~~~ ~~ ·~1 L.,. -h., JDOr."' by Warvla Blllbop, .t.fra. F r·sdir k · "~nnw Aht•\"•• T•.-n · ,., .. 4 t ho· n,...,. . , J •> [l. .ar•t•lo) W . A.. K irk revlrwl'•f "1"Yir ·•·Meat n.'""''' Jlnug:h : . .., .. ,. f't~11 Jt ;-, and tb• Fort," by Hervey Allen. l'l flc ." nark LN- : "S brna • F'..m•l }l.-.d<-lt,.,. X•·ll.,. .n \ "u .:tra ' ~l )••r wtltle Wra W 0 J.l~r1ck~l aum- ~ t ..rKYill ·•t !""n<••d 1" Fbta.n ·· 1-\rtt ~ ..: .. a.' 1

)! ••• '1• n :. \\to to·

( ltn • uno• ILuM \ t •' ,.r .. . .:-.;,.,. '''" mamt•d " f'lalii.V llsmllt nn." by JuanitA Rrdmn no.J : " \\'amlng t •• llaYJ"">C" (',,, and f<.3therifw DorOUiy Van Doren. Mra. Oon t hr "'""' ·· K rishnala ,l::bfld" au·tuJu . c;""""" ~as· Ylllumr was "N!Imber i ''Trnubll' ~h• nt Ar ," n o.,.n Tra•·~ ODe." by Doll r..-. and Mra. "G~rmlln St l'fttl'~v rtf W<orld \'..a. Oeorptte Mllll'Well touched on quPIIt ." nem~nt \\ltlUeaey Local Officers Attend

Meeting of Santa "lion~ ot Bf'madeltC'." by Jl'rao& , Fl~thm · ' 'Mo"' '"w Myatrry.­Werfel. , l .:uy Utvlnroff . "Tht Forr llt ~ ~- H . w. we~~ took for bar . the> F•1rt." u~rvey Al18 ; ·~ Ana Legion Auxiliary

topic '8unday Beat. by Jobn Ceca for a K.-y." Walt r r Du"'ntr . "Tt.~ • Holm and a1ao dl~ an arUt le Sf'~t I s Su Wldf'." ' Evel)'ll P'.atoe. I )t" )biN' ~ fill Norwpo1t

. ~rve "Bread oa uJe Cob" "·ith Coffee!

~U llidia _. ~- ...... a .,._, ... boon! One of tiM Mat waytJ ~ • aldlnu..,. WG!IIIedlll-- el dw inctutcd collce ration I That'• _,. cdd•.._ • it _.. ..., IUny mora - aape of couracc" .. ._ ... ,_ .... ,_. .,... WtD and yow reluin1 rracefully. Sene .. - ...._ _, ....... while dwy're hot, and at the puk .el ..., ._ •• b a c..-. 4 -· is bnt wtwn ~nncl imme· ~ ..._ it'• 1 _, .... pee tor aay ~ bread" tool Pollow .. ,... - dtil ,... ..._ ......_ the Corn Sticka •• • and follow ,_ - ,..._. ..... _, ..... ue4·by-tlw-family ndpe fOf' makin1 ~-- A8C t. --. .. _.. acaratcly in both recipn. Wulc of .... ill ld lliCS ...... of ..... of~. aa IOIMihiac J0U1 family ...... ._. 10 torp.. ,_ .. .

Thf' out ..-~ will be at fWoa<it and :u,..._ )bry Pa,._ fill th .. h••m f' n f Mra W H. H !lrJof't' <'•"!'lill . N ---. & , 1nrt ~ l('r-J)rt"5t · 118 Abe..loof'. Balboa lalud_ 'J'I.,.... dr-tlo.. _...... amc.IC tlw otf lll:'t'n day. Way tt . at 2 p m .. with t.lra attft161c tiw s-u .A.. unit. So

I L. 1... labf-U lind Wra Nordwan .. w. ~ LotPa .AaKillluy a• _ H L E t d C 1· t t r o-hoaee-. PSeue ..._ wr .. ~ f't'O"'Itl> • thr Olurdl fill nu~- enry ange X en S omp 1men 0 '· :;r:-~ .. ~!~, f~ :;:-.!';: u.r ,._,... Bride at Lovely Miscellaneous Sllower

Mn.. Grorc!r' o-ry fill Eureb

l Bonnie June Goodman and Lieutenant Hoke Wed in Arizona

O f s~cial In terest to their many friends In the Harbor area is the announC<'meot of' th~· mnr­riaae oC Miss Bonnie June Good­

.. man, ch arming daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Lan Goodman, and Ueu­t<'nant Robfort RC<'<'t! H okt', son of Mr. a nd Mrs. Samuel H okt•.

The wedding w a.11 quitotly !l<llt>m­nized Apnl 8 In Quartzs ite, Ariz., wit.h Mr. and Mrs. Lc:>s te r t Joy F'ttzpatrickl of ~cwport !leach as tht' att l'ndants. A grt't'n l'ns<'mblt' and &ardt>nla corsage wen• worn by the bride.

U eutenant snd Mrs. Hoke lef t t his week Cor Ta llaha.qrl'. F1a .. wh£•rt' h(' is s tallonc::d wuh tht' Air Forces.

I Tht' hnde. attended the Newpc1rt t'IPf'l.llmt.a ry schools .and wu gnld­uarro from Newport Ha rbor Un1on H 1gh ;;('hool.


Red Crosa ~ork Rnom1. o~n fr om 10 .3011. m . t o 4 :30 p. m .. ttl Palm Avt'nut'. Balboa, aewlnf. MONDAY, APRIL 16-

Amrrlcan Red ero• Work f~ooms. open 10 a . m. to 4 p. m .. U 1 Palm Str~et, Balboa. -

Wil ling Workrra Red C rOM \\'o rk R rwmll , Noye11 ruldence. Corona dt!l Mar. o~o 10 a . m. to 4 p m. Tt-"ESDAY, APRIL ! 6-

Arn~r1can Ret.! C ro• Wor k Ro<>ma, open 10·30 L m . to 4:30 p. m. ; SurglcaJ drenlnJ a, Balboa r ooma. t 11 Palm Avenue: s~wtnr

Balboa lalaod 1 ooma. 201 Grand Canal ; St'wln&, Wilting Workera Ill tnvttrd to br1a~ to tbla aw«- dr-part.-t - ~ fill a-

Inc a dcmatJon of a book or •Ofte'J' _. *' ~ .,...,. ca u.r A ,.~_."' •rl miKc-Ua- 11fta C' KPlln~t ano J.fra D. C F.a-u a contrtbutk>n to. u.e ralllll« ti-~ .. UCJ..._ _. tlw- _._ hMt~ .,.., Mrs. Jotln l'::llrt. 14ey

Coata Meaa - Ne,.:port Harbor Ltooa Club. Kai~ttr'a Cafe. noon.

brary at tb• &a.ta Aaa Alwy A1t1 war a.n..wty .. CCI- ~ 1~ Jr 1 P..uth Dr vne-1. wtwa Thr h•mn~" wu prewntf'd a 0&.. wllk!ll 11111rpo ........... fill ~ ) fr ll !lrnn · '-".,11:" ot Ea.t tala rnrs&lll:f' uf vinleta Gueru wer.-

Newport-Balboa Rotary. Whtte'a Park Av~nue, 8 :4!'1 p. m.

Mrs. Otis Weatherwax Hostess to Members

At thf' ae-'on lul n-lay lira. _. ca114J .,... bPiftc -~ to tlw JOt,....t. ~-!I.-. .. -.. bolll- at Jl~ ~De Vrtee, OeDe Eu~ene P . eoc.r aftd lin. Dt.,.. """•-• • thr South ~Ill' a nriy atfatr KPIIOJ:, Ahcf' <"'rbt irnllltn. J K H. 8m1Ut -re ~-- wtlh t111iM« 4 -.. !1111r ...... aD l l rP L"'l:"'" mtlthf'r . Mra J . A.. ~bart. n (' F.aal,.y. LouiM Zlpp. Mra. Thom In llddiUoa to ~m~t.. • aa.r ~nrt 10 ..til ..,_ ~- u.tate!. AdDnltlllr r. F: F.t"l~y w F. TtbMts. J . A. memMrll to atund&DH", ~ • - 11w n..1 _ ... , ... ~ -s uw ltYiDII': ,.... m ""'~ &rTUIP- nuutlrn5f'n 1\nd Gt'nrge LAnge. I f B 'd G cludfld Wra Geor!fe ftoetlwor. Wra ...... I"CCurat-a ... --~ mntb ~ T nnurvaal tlaW. ... i'••n•llnl: gifts but unable t o a t · 0 rJ ge fOU p 1't- L... Allen and Wra. Oeoorptle .. ac..- and tlw ,_. .................. JWadl bl~• whllf' ~ lf'Nt wr r.. M.C'~dllmf'S F rank - -Maxwell. ~ tJw ~ •P"eaot dllttnc t.we - o...-k.-r w avnto Wllloon Donald j Nt>Wport and Ba lboa ..Jriends

n.. ......_ ~inc ._ can- SpaiiWl l riJI flallkf'd by ,...._. t. l .. • •lhf>rllt . F..d Wh•tltid .. • and Carl rompns1ng the Utd and Oy<' Club

Group in Observance C?f Cad.ets' Bi~hdays

clbc1f'd .,. ~ 'll.lactrtPd GaUnan. ~ K~nl'lhlllllt ·• 1 were •pnt f' r ta ln<'d at lunr hf'on rc-Rr ' r-sbn-rnh r t)ft•flto·d ot c:ate ~~~m,. <If th~ m~n fnlk cl t oppetl , cc•nlly hy Mrs. O ils Wcat.hcrwax.

Missionary Playet r(' r' ;o.nd whiJIIM'd c....._ ,...,_ "' ro r n ·freahmPnb a ft t>r spend ing I An a rt is tic m ixed bo.uquc.t of car-..-- .._ &.a aac1 cafta. t h,. ~y "' Balboa They w .. r., I nat ions. daiSic11 and IIWPet peat< oc-

NoUnc Uw llirthda,J fll h« --. ' Features Meeting tau.-ttnc ~« ...- .,_ F:n•lcn C'hrtatJenam. Cbarle.- ~~up«Kl ~h<> ~ol~r ol the uable. c.dfot G. H- (Qjbby) ....,__ , _ _ . l pta,..,.t aftd tor~_. Ia u..., Vr\8. o., .. Ealey. J nhn Cbrillllen- In cartt ·play M rs. Harry Cottle a deli&httul ..._ ~ - 1 Ullllfr diiP ANtilw fill 11n. t:~~.lln. w. z. TlMifta- De p1t111a -. GeraJcl ~- ud Henry won first ; Mrs. Weatherwax wo11 Npd laturd!IJ'.,. ...... nw-,a.-a. . I I_, ....,. - o., ............... ......& .. ..... ~ ~;o!:~ ~and Downln& r~ .... _ .ef0...1W _., 11IIP '* ... -, .._ ....... ._. Ct'tV. nora :!,.~a15 Mn~ ""* ... eNkat.ed ........ , ......... ll.ry A.. ..._... .. ... If . -Do b eo· I h A .Cookb k~ - aude SWfttman """"" v..... the

1rz-.-~;iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiliiitlct.t. fill Oldie ftwlk ...... _.... , .... ...-..r e1 ttw a... ..._ 10 U t. OSU t t e rmy 00 travelin& prize and Mrs. Sam ? wOJ oeeur llhortly. Cow If)' ~ .- s. c s. iD H ilke was low

Two delidouJ ~ •!! w4 tlw- ct..dll -.ial lliDil If ...,., don't ~ bow ..,. rook 'nl.- Army Cook Ia Min' rf' - O thPM! pi'('!K'nl werr Mrs. Bill Uw ~t and t1w rrr: I 1 r fll ' Mn. 0 E. llatrla W thr .._. ,-- ~ by ••tlca•DJ lmowD dleU- 0 11!). Mrs. Ralph Irwin and Mrs. tM ...mnc - .,.. i1t ~ t.._J pPriad _..lin- AnMI I.-e ._ look ill U.. Anr1 c.-~ tflaa wfto .,.. ~~ fn th~ lat . l John Jla un. 81 Uw Rendenoua. ~ tllr 'bwinr-a ....,._ Ill ~y a.. et'e a "'t«bak&J e.t clnelclpDe:ata 1ft food prepara- M - Z- -JJ--B--d--

Prt'wnt weft Mr . ... Mn.. G. A - -- ., drdiP _.,...,. _..- ..... tlw Army .. butldJnc Uoe and autrttt.e 8Ctellc~. rs. e a en er AdrhJn WrichL .... ~-~ ..... ... follow's. •• a.......w.~-a ... f .. ldt A.a. Oft tJw Army eoob' .ttm-n Bridge Lunch Hostess Wricht. Mia Patricia ~ C"wdfo No 2 I..., fill lin. _,.a ..._wtf.e could etrYY 8ft 'nle Army Baku. deal ln~ with &ddw A~Mtrnon. CadPt ...,._. AD· I "-!! V... - I' "1llill lltrftt. Of rnu,_ a w-omaa cnotdnr; for larp Kale balUn«. and the 01'-red. Cadet Lifoutment Din Biclr- 1Apri1 22 81 2 fL-. _ a turity ot rh• woatd ~to do


1t,..tad roode Cookin« W&nual. Mr11. Zf'lla Bt>ndf'r wu htlllteSI! er, c.clf't William ...,lflt"'1I'I:U' I (lrdr No. l 1._ fill Mrs • ..,. ,., maltlfotaallcs ~ a I"@C'~ pn11ape me« lnter('fttoc from on MundAy whrn aht' l!nl t! rlalnl'd

~ ~ - ~ -~ .. ~ vb .. ·IbM - fnr JIC"laln .alad Ole pohll o1 v1- of po.t-war hom .. w ith a briJ I(C' 1Unl'hf'l)ll at her ctu.U'Ied Adtl GH R·E-$-U-lrT.o5 April 22 et ~~ p.-. from,..._ Army C'nok · ~ lba ra- l ai!Dk~. 'nM lattu Ia jullt a few homr nn 2Hth atrf't't Rffl roeNJ

: O nie Mo. t 1-.... u1 N~ tat.--. boik-d anol <Jkt'd. \ · n. --u.. old and the tint of 1111 w~rl' us t>d rff<'<·tl v~ly on the tablu. -n.f 51V1n.ll , M(("'~ - 164h plano April • rhry dkrd. 2 tb& onm.· m lnrf"f . lUnd In thP count ry . Guull lnclutJl'd Mr11, H11rry Ma-

Balboa Yacht Club Forms Background for Many Diversified Social Functions

A ~ocktall party at thelr U do H unter, 8t~mao Hoar, 8141wy f lllr "orne W&ll the prelude tO D I WU~. nm Ueut8lallt Clarll d lnntor Saturday at the Balboa IS. Spencer . lkcODd Ueutenant Yacht Cluh hoatt-d by M r. and loin Donald lofmwlt, Jack R.lcbardloa, (' F. Ar kennan Afte r dlnotor. J . R. W bllA!, Port llDd G<'<>rKI' Kr1as, onf' ot lh£' guellta, Mra. Wayne Harper. ~t C.p­entPrtaln<'<l wltb accordion num- tAin F C . Brewu , Crate Ooyl.e, Mfl. t Geof'l'• SaJJcbC'E, Sr.. G~orp 5an-

l nr luded In tbt" gath~rlng wer t ch.-z. Jr . flonna LPe and LaW80D c""ommodore and Mt~. Fted Hunlf', J ones. S heila Kf'rr. Soa.ny lotor­Milyor a nd Mrs etyan H1111 pn. Pat ricia and Jeao Hunter, Mf'IIHra. and Meadame• RuueD lfra. VPima Barber aod maoy Hardraatle. G. F . Pet('n. F.. n others. H ill . w . s Loucl. J ack \\tn~on . Sunday gucllta of COmmodore F.. J:;. Young. J11rk Gre~n .. . Georg~ l 11nd Mra. Hunlt were Mr. aftd Kriltl'. RoMrt Allen. Jamn EUI-~ Mra. 8 . F . Schetf'r ot Nortb Holly­son. Raymond Holtz, M.,ra. J naeph .wood and llfr. and Mra. Ro~rt_ BO!'IIo and H . R. Bal"t'ua. Welrklelo pt HoUywood.

Jo.t r . and Mra. L. L. Iabeii mtt"r-talntd a t dlnnf'r In C'el~bratton of Building Committee the fourt~eofh blrt.&day of tbtrlr daughter. Oolorea. A rreUy cake Slates Card Party r llmaxed tbP rtoput. ThP guet!U ung " Happy Birthday t o You." a crompanle!J on the p lano by Pnrt Captain Wayne B. Harper. .

Final in thP .!l~ries of dfossert­lunchcoru and bridg~ partit'S will bP sta~l'd br thf' building commit· Covf'rs wr re dl'nOtf'd Cor ~~e>ven

frit'nN! nl the dlnn<'r g iven by Mrs IN' of lhl' Ellcoll Club on '!lfUrs­L A. Blsh. ~ day. April 22. -A! . 1 p. m .m t~

Seen abntjl tb~ rtu·b over the · clubhou.~. w rl!k-rnli w~rt" Mea3 ra ant.! J.l u - ' Thr affair is open to t.hc- public dan' l'll Earl Stanley. A. s. Rich- and rc~rvat ions may be madt' 1\rth•on. J . R. P ierct- , Wrn&-1' wit h any m f•mbc:-r ol the commlt­Jnnu, Kenneth Morgan. Oraon t t'C'.

Fried Chicken Proves Mrs. Barber Feted Piece de Resistance on Her Birthday

With n fr1.ed chicken lunC'heon. Mn~. R. W. McClellan mtrrtlliM'd family mt'mbers tht> o tht'r day. the occa~ion obsl."rvina: the birth­day of the hostess. Springtime wss t>Vldenccd in the dC<'orations .

\.ut'sts included Mrs. Mary An­nin or FUIIt'rton, Mr~~. Elizabeth Sparkes and Mw J..tona Wles of Anaheim. Mrs. .A.Ibert Sparkes. M rs. Remice Hadley, M iss Bar­bara J o Hadi<'Y of Corona !kl Mar . Mn. William Cross and Mrs. Martha Sparkes ot Costa Mesa.

M rs. Velma Rarl'lf'r of Ralboa was th£' recipient of a dt'lightful d inner court t'!'y on ht'r birthday anniversa,y 'J"uf'Sday.

Mn . Jack Larson, daughter ot t he celebrant, amahged Uw alfalr a t the Vic tor Hu~o Inn .

llarpret L 8dlute , ............ ,.._._. "­ef()alll .... )

TZACIID OF PIAJICO Orp8IIR • AcsE I J ... .... : ..,~·­c.- ... ....,

PHONE: NE1''POaT 1 ...

T o make th~ day a completely happy one. Sparkes McClellan. son of tht' hou..~ld. tt'lt'pholwd f rom St. Mary's coUege where he is with theo Naval Air Corps. t o ext.OO ~arty IT"t.inp to his mot.her. :...-------------'

Ola~ ~ ... • Gnat V•rtel7 ef c-1 ~ INVITE YOU TO BROWSE AJWUND'"

c.·E. LOUCKS mwu.&Y ... 8TAT10SDY .. ... - " ....... . ,_ .........

..._ N..,..n 14M .,., •• N-..rt ..,. .. e-ta 11-. Odf.

128 at 2 p IlL , ., 1._ becon dlcwod ud .,.,._rwd. l I son. ~lr11 JIPnr_v F.ggert , Mra Dsr· LJYIS-YOIIUIID C"'rc:W No S llanw at Ml"ll t lrnt • · S k L G. } f rrll King. Mr11 Vr m t.> Rrlttnn & Pal

YOUI.-Y.. , .......... Wncflt-~- ......__ ''"c:'~ ~m pt ;:.:., .~~ ::;--~~ tor eaves If or I Mrll. F.ugene Jo 'cnelun. all o ( New- I - Ami 22 •• II :wl ... m ""il!f' : t lwad ktt~ nr parale Sgt and Mrs Cutler p•ort & nch . Mrs. Wm. Kl~lnger ' C"'rrlr No 6 llnmr , ,f )I" A · cook booll 1 • • 1 of Santa An11, IUod ld ra. Oe<l. l

For l Perfect EwnJnc You

Can't 14111~

Doublinl on the PlaDo and the Solo Vox. Pia~ inl Your Cbo&ce In ~ ular and aa..ical MUik:, Now, NJahtly at


CAFE UOt Ooati&JII&hay .... ., ........


~ ........... -.i···. ........ ,. ......

IC.r1rr 7i:J1 ~ ~rd. l"'lly . s ~y~ ~<'Cipn ' --- Dlalr 1\ ~ i&lt'r of t.lra Bendel ·. April Zz at 2 p. m. for f~g 1110 _.n. 'lltat • wby ~llcitations are bt>ing <'Xtl'ndl'd frnm Laguna Beach.

I O rdr Sn 1 1"- u1 )In 0 'Thr Army Book. publbllwd by the ~ant and Mf'!'. Kennt'th Cut -..--------------:-· 0 ma..l l90 •brt.or bou'"-a~ Governm.-nt Printing OfCu" 1 prh' " ler f1l Nrwport lft"ir;hts on the a r · ( 'IR( 'J.r: MT.F.TS APRil. t\!

LISTEN'· ~~ 21 a t 2 p m. ' 3$ ert~ta• Ia" • fin.J fOf' "' om"n"" rWal of • baby &irl born at St n w Nl'"port ll<'igh t s Circle <lf 1 cnemltt- few churc-h au~ra. J..,., .• t.c.pital. j thl' W . S . C S . of t"hrls t Church

A I Sh r 1 dub IUD<" hoot.-. l'unda)· ~:hll"'l . pic- - Befono the advent o r \he_ n~b-\o' Uw St.>a ill~ ~It'd to .... - +t--'W-eekly- pri owe-r ~iv.en . '*'· .ad ullwr uanmantt)' attaint ........ Mn. w. J . Goldfll of Sa~~~ I Thun.dll\ . April 22. st 2 p. m. In

for Don Gibsons rar. thnug!l tbn'p ar~ ac ....... or Ana ave-nw amanced a 5t<lrk the hom'r or Mr~t . o. G. & mard. l . Radio Broadcasts





THURSDAY 6 :15P- m.

KPAS • :-,PasadCha. Calif.

1110 On Your Dial

rook tx.lkl for •hr """ "It<' ~ In ~r ul Mn. Cutler . 447 Newport boulevard . ~old.. frw are df-vt'o(rd to Gutsu -~ M~ RiC'hard I

A_c a ,.......r «<f1Jf"!'r tn Mr ,_..._ for ....... r~ ...., 0 ... C · h ,..___ ' C Ll 1 and M v.-1111 eaa.nrt ...., 1 uottmar, u r war u artwn~: t , 1 •" lind Mn<. rl. . L . ndsay ~,.. .........,. .., u,.a-1. ,:ft - - Waltrr Mellott . Edward Morrill of San Mufno spent Sunday a t

0 0 ~"' ... ,.,. ~~ou~n-a~ Luncheon Arranged ..s KfttiiiPl.h su.rart. thl'ir Balboa Island llorM.

~ a c-~a ...,..._, b M K 111 ,..,. tllliclllt n~ ""' tmim- Y ~· ramer

tllr ' ... wtrrf' cllrtupod .;u. a ~ ~ dftw.. ~ and hn.,•co nuttr a 8ldiiiPB wtrrf' ..._.._ .... lift· .. 4anwa f'ratlk ...,_ s·-·- pWasaftt aft~ fnr m<'fT'Iho•,.. 0... Wlm- GeJ1adw'r R ~ l lw Bay v- Rnfic,. Clu" ,. h <1

1 ~ ao,- """" E A si-wct- w...rp ~t I:U"!!h at ttwo ~rw­~ \\l n..,.. lltltC'himoll.. Edward pnr1 •lnj:hh """"' o f M " .-,.,.,


1 AnwW ... ,.._ ~'" Bnl. Kra~r RIUf' :1 ruf )rll•- · t"Tll't pr~donun."Jted thmul!fmut th,. l'lf'-

SCT. HOKE HOM£ poinlmMit~ · ~aft ~•ani R<twrt Hrutf' 1J ~t" rnc-tuct...t Mrc(JamM W

lw'ftN' - tu~ fn!im TliJla· L Copdand (~t.•n C'ram•· r 1'-1 )'

,.._ n.1da. .-iatln.-: ,. .. p;ar- ~""""· Rk ham H:tll, , .,.mr

I• nl • )tr ,.nd "'" :: 1. , Jfn J;,. \\ mt•·orth. E.1rl :\I''"" ' a nrt 1 ~ 1 AI.~~<.• ..,...,.etBt: '-' ... ~ tn tbl' Slrm . tt nlc r hi-..- .. ...... Utl"'r dau,htf'T' --.- --

AMD NO CHAND& IN ~Ait Dlt NAitlt&T YALU& O N • HAiti:& 01' THID A8DDC IATI DN.

,uNoe INY&8TI:D NOT LAT&It THAN . T HI: "™ a, AN Y MONTH &AlliN "ltON THill: I' I .... T 0, T041[ MD .. TH.



NEWPORT BALBOA FEDERAL SAVINGS 111/d I.OAN ASSOC / AT /0 "-' ,. ,.~ tnuband. Mr an.! )C" •:-..nk ."'.\n,1. Dl"'r:a ·---------------=-1 Hr~i.IT f ~ ~ Nli<'I.-..IC .. , rn .. ~ :anrt all ,,, ..

- rr t "CD - trimminp hiJ!hU~trd a din~Wr '

:J:J:J:J VI A .. 100 r £l [P.,. 0 "'[ I !> On

.-----11111!~-------------------... h,.ld Sun<L1y hy :\tr :~n. l :\1 1" ..; ·1 NEWPQRT BEACH . CALIF"ORNIA

· Before You Bailcl or Remoclel •••


) , ........... ... ....... ... .....,. - (' ... ...... al Ia.....,­

F .. tva.._. .. ~ ._.......I _._ ........

• ......... A-.-

Kmstattw-1- o( SMPo port tl• ·t.-~ 1, c,,.,,.,.,."''''" :~ ml ('101'11, <JI•" I . ...

~t ·prandl;o l ho\1" .-md tn rhr ~==========================~~~ - n-1- • :\h'!< F. :\Jn,, r,. ' ' ' X•·" 1• · t ""'·eft. ~I r and M ,... \\' ~ llolmrs. :\lr · and ~lrc f' rr'"' Jntmson ot Santa Ana and Grt!Tt:l' Kan.cfatht-r of l.ngW-Annd

Soldier's Burden

WANTED PO'ITERY DECORATORS ~lienee De-sirable But Not Neces.~ry

Stimulating Work and Environment Quick Advancement .

If You~ Now Engaged in DefMll'le Work Plt>ase Do Not Apply



- ....

B{gFuture for

THE "SHORTY/I ...,* Applauded fo! Newness!

-:~ ~auded for Quality!

~ Cited for Service! -R.aniUn's Be-tter Coet~ Floor

t -I

• •


I l

l .


BtU:/, ~114i Ferry .Ruling By T. N. t"BRICK .. a GAINIIl8 Boya·n f lrla, thle wf'ek we're 10.

lJIC on an tour. which Ia ..:nnethlnc you do that 1.1 c ood for you. like casto r oil o r eptnach.

- Only thle tour._ not cutoroHI.IIa e t all . It'• r oU..

Wanted By Coast Guard

to b.. f un, and ~fl.nlte na1I.A& 00 wMtJMr or t.hat 'a a promiM not paaeencera 00 the .....,_ 1.8-

Wr are c olnc land ferry wtU be required t.o ob­i o v 1 e I t E cl t&ln ~ Guard ,.... Ia • · Chap1111an, wbo peeled ln the aext r- daytl. .C·

- i• • • ~ eordinC tiO amdail ol u.. .... photovapber. Cout Guard Bub-Patrol Mae, wJIIo

But we aren't sUI~ UlW monabiC Uaat nqueet KOinc ~ watcb for IRfdl nab~~~ bad been ftW l&et h im taU pie> nJctat. I

· "t~ · w~·,;: ~~~ to peek at Ilia Tedua...,.QJ, the UTTJ woWd fall "'"'" In the claarllftcaUOft ol a .,......,.

hobby w hich baa JTOWD owned boat aad would UIUa be _.. .an AJU) BlAZE Ed. whom ~v.,.yont" knowe baa .teet to the mWt.ary order, l'e .a,

.,..._ pointing h.le re~ra at peo- ~ to ~pe the ._... ........ ple.aa.U.IIt' A\.lnt Minnie •Y• ' 'Gee. ~ntly I)'Uac In lt.. 1\IMUOII u a t clldn'L• ju,ow Ilk' wu eo hand· pubbu c:an1er. 'I'M ..Uaace at '!)mr," hu bnuached out from l<lonW ic:aUOft cans. to fen)' ~ poPflln~ ahuttf'ra a t pcooplr era woulcl ~t a ~ ol

J1e Ia now opjmitl l\& eomethlf\1 ~nWe •epU'•· ._ucla .lthk'h. for lack o r a ~tter de· u ~ conveyance Ia pet:roalaed bJ llcrlpUon. we'll call a portt em· aboUt JOO,OOO per-. a ,_,.. portum. ChUJ'Cb .-oen rsdtq UM 8UDdaJ

Which le a pla~ w~ nlet "commutera" boat ~ bJ clean uttle plf• trom only tM Chrllt Qurtlll bJ the 8ea wtD M a..t ot fam lh• thrtve m ightily. aubj«t to tht aame rulinc u fw­ID the paat .uch an lnatltutlon r y ~ncera. ec-t Guard afO· woulcl havr befon u llf'd a hoc d ala lndlca'\ad. That Ia. tf du-M

· ranch. but that would be a lie tf •~ pt"nnlu.ecl to ride ferTJ attadwd to Ed'e pro~l. ~~ • 1 thout pe-. \bey wW llkewia there lan't a hotf on the pi.Ke. In be pt"nnltted t.o rt* the c:blll'da Ute rnJ aenae or the word. Even boat wtUc:b ~ lalaDd Ute papa IMP alp M lntlly at thrlr dwellrra to aAd from lkmdll1 ..n'·

nenlnf ratlona. and e \' n lr"l~ Ices. • bit If the)' don't hav napkina. While the at- ol tlwM two

• • • v- le .. .UU lD ciDullt. the CoMt 80W&IBINO ABOUT Guanl decne Ia YerJ deftnlt. con-

8putu Crorn e Wt>ldl n& ton:ls WWR Ute eppaM"nt <'1\ U~ of a nre Wbtdt brok out 8aturd 11 v evtnlf\1 In tbe hu ll of a v~l beta,- re-­co.dttloMd ae a k)cal lhl~ l*'ttJty or tlw yard ~lnlf W1Ut· helct for military purpoau.

'nlnl quick ac tion on the put of the plant'• fire d l'pa rtment the clamqe wu prectlc1111y r f'IC'IIrtbte and tt.. btaM IIAcl brf'n extlnJ'IIall· ed.prsor u, arrival o r theo city tJre clepartmrn1 ~vrn mf'n w lwl hal1 aided ln

fi«'!Unc 1~ blue ..,,. ,.,. ellchUy rffect~ by cuhon monn• l«k .ru and ·~ ~ea v,.n lnhAII&t o r ti'Nt· ment by thf' o·ny di'JlArtmrnt. They wen: Joe C.rver . J ohn llr· wtn. Floyd Jamaeon. ~ld Youn~ . 0 I! Du~. W L C"raOI' e nd W . M Brorn. All"'""'"' 11bll' to mum to wottt In a ahort w hile

LU8DIO PIGS cernmc c1Y1U... who dallft to 10

• bnard a.ny boat lD the ~. R J h Ph ·11· J:d ... ftltabllahed 1\lmeelf on 0~ than mwddpa~Jy 0' '"'" ep. 0 n I IPS tr ........ ,...... a.,... onrlooklnc the b&y. lle'a ,.m owned boat.. Aftaor CtU., U. ...... ,. &II OCD

'Trawl Net' Measure Facing Opposition In Legislature loc.ted acija~nt to D~Arrel Kine'• May 1 all mut b&Ye Ooult o.rd Set H b v· •t .,.,.... ..... draft ...

huc'e k1nl"dom. where be 111«-ntlflcaUon carda. s ar or 1St the lerrtfte rtllll .. ...,.._ 6e taiL ~ evrrylhlng f rom hround dcJS.I Servtcemett Ill uauonn wtU not lnl In IIIUW _. and ,.... flO&. OaMI_.._ .. ~U. ..,. to c:&r1"0t.. Thia ot oourae. Ia In ~ requJN'd t.o ollta1a M canJ late Thl·s Month unlftl"'. u.. ................ ,..,q u1.eeD \e .ua.-W, .. Ute Coet& Mae area. ,_-. tM fad ol Ullelr Uldtonll ~eent plea t.o .a,......_., _... _... ~ .~-~-

UVDAL~ Df ... ..ovr AOC.....-

roun luacloua .. Yo'bo have IZHIIblp. Tba lltatue at boJa and Concr-nan J ohn 1>1\llllp. of fo r what a. * .. r1Md M *a d. ~ ,..._ lulta ....... - ... ._ ... ,..._~,..-

So. c-t CIT •• ., UMMP.E. ...... forHtenpY~

Wlt.h __, • tt a GM * .,_ ........ ,._. .. .................


1H bu biC f1r lda. l n ~ flddll MI'Vi"~r u _.,fldeel praa1 of ·dt· l • ed .,...... ..,.e.- t. ........ p , • w - --.- ..,_II!!I"I!RII.a.o-

only one purpolk"' to crow nlee ~ria undet' tM ac• of 14 ,.._. 11 the 22nd Dlatrict , wtuch lncludae t!taD!rJMt ~ ..._.. ..., tit ... ~ .... :;~l,;~~~ a.n4 blc ancl tat eo that people etiU 111 cloullll. oMdU. _.. tiiM• ~. will ••t News-\ d._ of ~ ....... .. .. .m. 1 • ,.._ II! 1!1 wm Aooll at &Mat and ftm.U1il ~ ~ ta, '''faan- •• ,u,. _,... LM .-1 ~ ,.._ "iilft"a....,...-. • _ . ~ ..., ,..,, .._. ._ i!lat doUIItiNI~ ~ wt1l two ~ acoordlnc \o W9rd lf\6 and ataDd ......._ ..; U. Jolt Jteporl t.o W. .tf•d-. IWoft In OofOM ... ...., ,... .. •• 0 route! Let nw at '.m. '"'-' do nnt be aubject t.o U. OIWr. I ~ved today by the loca.l Cham· tlultthe U. 8 . Anll1 U. NaYJ IIIIa bedc lrom Sacram•to tNa nllllt. Moat -~ .__. tw ,_ .,..., ..,._ we eat!" ln on»r to ~ • ....., ,._, : beT of Commerce. rt a .. -.,«ary Ka.ny Welch o1 Mra. Da&ay f'\ltto. ....., .,.. ......... ._....'"""·-- tiJMflei'Y ,.,. - ... -

Aller l~ to Ed awhile. we nf ciUMnaltlp mUIIt be P~·J Exact time ol hla vl•t ... IIOt ~ ·wtahln« 'to voluntMr for N~rt Ha rbor Ctlemb.r In a car operated lltJ aatl aa. ,...._._ .....a..r ~ cllacovered that the~ tan 't a pleu- In tl\l.a conrwc:Uoll riOter a btrUI be-en detennlnl'd u 1t w ill nee•· 0 ._rvaUon cluty wttlt u. ~ Com~metq who met and OOfller- man of r.....una ac-• r..nllt- at ,..,. ... C>1tfraL antrypt anywh,.~ than a lhnv· cuUfk ate. bepU.mal ~ « j aanly haVI' to ~ work•d IJ1l.O a F'1«~ Command_,..~ to red wtlh ~Nf'mblyrnan C1J* CoftN, drlvw of u.. ,._ ,...._.... ......,., .. ......_. _. tftC lft&lfta ~~ wlth all bU Utlle M turallzatlon papera wtll be &.C- I buay ecltedu~~ Hte llonenry pro- «-ontact Chief ObeerYW ft. L. Boyd Wat.aon. Chairm._n of the A.....n· wu lllao hl.lrt All _,.. ftl-rtl boo -~ w ~ U. ..... plck'ta. who all are r1!1ed up ao l'«'p~. If none ' or~ f~ 1 vactea tor ham to luve Wuhlnc\Oft for dut y • Corona .a Mar. or bly 6alun,r ~1~. tn l&ntA Ana eommualty r, , t hf' ,...., •• ·~ ..._,.. _ .... pretty they look Iller thf'y wrnl Are available. the applicant may 0 . C. tomorrow fnr San F'rancreco, Chleof Obeernr A. L. Plnkley, at In contrrrinK with -Nr Welch. Jllt.AI Mr H•...,.. Mid to w~Uakeo School ro r Glrta. o r filf' a 11trttemmt to that dfect..,.. eenral uaye In Ulf' Nortbern Cmlta ,._ 'MioN IAt..neteci lD the O ranat county uaemblyman Th,..., ~ • .,.,.. t~ •t · Clt iM'f ,.,...,.....,..._., ,_._. eomrpla«. muat u company It wtth any two part of lh(' atHif' hf' wall come OCD wortl may conlac.'\ DeputJ rurti:W'r 11tet•d t ha t In Yll'w or the fiiAJ~ta Ana Community awwptal 1•tat.r<l "' lhf' pa. .. t ~ ,__ ~reo 1en' t any · • melt, or a ny · of lhr fo llowtnc fon1111 of proot: eoulh and •·•tt ma k., hl11 local ap- Com mander S hl'rm&n a t Ute OCD ~· amount of tlahlnc y.r•terday mon\lnc for lnJurWe ,.... "'"''' """ u ( • .,.., .. ..,y 1a ttw ..,_,

lbing lfke that. unlf'M you can F'~tml ly ~rdll CBible. etc. l . re· JN"•rance prio r tu r .. tun~n&' to offl~ on McP'adlkn plaee, It wu befoM' th• t·um m ln l'f' a nd t two lim· rl'l~l In a tw~ar rTUih whkll •huf• a 11lf ..........,.",. .r t hf' .. ,. ame'l IIIlo the fut urr a nd de~ec' f"'lrt. of Cenaua. am.u. pt'Opert}' Waahm&'ton on Apnl 30. ld ltrd tlml' for o·nmth.,.rallnn o r a.ny ()t'rurrM In u.. cllm:-ua* a Mit A nt~ !)ttll<lln.. ,.......Ut Ia tw a vque navor or vork chope I adf-ntl flf'd ~pt'r cllpp(nca.


Wtwn It w:u leame tJ that a •a A. pll'll wa aiM made for m OI'I' o f tho• m.-u ur"• · It w"• nut lllcrly mil,. Mat ne u.. An:hetl Opf'raton a1w .unt •If ~ ..... ._... ..._. Tbey all eat lrke tht•y had ra· lmmi~Uon rec:ordll. ~ Wr.t Co&r!t tnp WIUI Jllanned an ni Jl'ht "''lllfhr~n at tile Fourtb In· that ~hi' " t rawl nrt " bill would of tiM' vrhlcl" lnvolvtid w•re Ret day tu ,.,...,, tlw ....,.. ut ,._ latt«

Uon carde. ~nrolojt iH. lnaurance po~ ln¥tteUon .,. • .,. , .. u('(l jOintly by 1,.rr ,.rto r Cnmmand'a ~,...tlon mall~ miJI'h hrrulway J uJu Tay10f' a.ncl Bet. Jotm Oeralcl wurtc And thry a ll comt !rom euch mlll l.ll rv da.!K:harge papt'f'll. defenae I Mayor Clyan tf """· l ' rH idc'nt poru at Corona IM1 liar and eo. U•• •·auuoa"n w ruo al~ madfo of Wrltf'. both of the Ana}' Air .......

cood rarnllare tha t t h•·Y don't rven pla nt idmllttcaUon cardll atncla• · ' W. Joe Lon~tm•O>Or I)( thf' Cham~ t• "'""'" Gu.rat.. at the meetlnc Billa 184y and 18811 which affect '""- Injured ••"' An~ K,..... 11pt>ak to ordinary Jlll{ll wh•• du.ln' t ~~~ ,.,, j)4'ntt>nJI who have lc'nowled,re I of C Jm m rl"'" 11nd Wll rtl' r S pirer . W""' Of'put y r nmma.ncler !her- abalonr CIRhlnl( """ Mr W•t.on no•r and Clara (lmtth. boUt o r llan· arrive on their morn \'f'ralon of I"' th,. '"eta. M other tonne of

1 chalrman of lhr H11rbor Commlr- man llnd ll R SaY)' Dultp Jam .. u p1"'_.<1 hi~ ,,..,,,, ,. tu h• v,. the h Ana. v--ncen In Uw Ta~

the Mayn ower. I•W't lmf'otary nidencl. alon T Rvlnr li nd Mno Ta'!lor. \he fonn· Vl f'Wfll of ltK"I\1 ln ll·r.-•1• un huth f'&r, and Wllbam 8ma.lley, lU AY· Ed ie rtl ilung llrll cha rgn IK'~n- , In a ddiUnn. the arpllcant muat f'r r. ... n~ldi nl' Shook. who were &II· meuurra All fl•hllll( '"~ a•I•Unn •r••"" at~t~ Coeta Mra.. • ,....

Whnlrul,. lnVMIOII of Stud.-ntM Slatf'd for l':Ut.-r \\',...k

tiflcally H ia . •)'lit em lA liO good f'I'O\'td l' three front-view pbotAJe BALL GAlli: KLATF.Il troduc~ by C<lnrad lhoot! , loeal 11 bl'lnlf c <>M ir h •r r•l hy n < lla miM'r w nl(er In the Wlllte car that Al l of lht> lrtt\1' nonk<'Ni hnvc l one anl1 r-half tncbel aquaft., The South Co&/11 Com pllny baee hulldlng r ontr..-tor. of C'nm m"fl.,. ' '" 011" 11 1",. h•·Adrd by 1

'"' .. , , ......,. s _,...ti Jt..-or .. been thriving 1!1) llaa t h i!\ piRI'f' ill w htl'h mull t ~ made from ~- b&ll t t-am .1• next .SundRy echrd· Hf'ln7. K'ILII!f'r "'"* fut1 h•·r l'flm · Scarcity of n.·-rtfoi"M r>r•·p•llll~ l• rr-~•lrf ....,.., _ _ ...... bl'comln« " c,•nl t-r '!' ryes tor Uvn l Note : PhotDit made by ma· l ulf'd t o rlay thf' P tn c-ent.ra Mel"' prowl! of J U M•·N .. lly "'" I W M. ~- ""·' ' • • "*' •·•• ' '"" "r'lnc thf' ~lftd pic· ra lllera . nnd tlw I>IJ!S Y_ou 4>"1- M- amu went _. sdm• l cb&nta' l n m In lhal d l )! J!lArt.ln I !~~~L~!!~!...~t!P-~~Wt.n~n&moor__ - for Sund•y IIIHIUI!l't - f.AW ~ IJ•· •J.!.• ' •of LJioll\ 1M

• "J ~ I •- .. y - ' ' ''"' "' ' ' ' • , ~. •II"""'' - t a-. liifibl aay Dley ~ ma .. ng prga 11 ,.,. not a ct'l'pteble u they are Mark• le caplal n ••f tt1r Jnral o r- An Atl~'mpt "1 l< ' IIIIC '"" ' ,.. " ·~ -~-h n ld l I ........ , r • .,,, 11\hf' r PerpJpvln, uso ,.,, ... I • , . . . ...... " ,, ·-~ ..... eye• at l m roun•l tn (AM t oo rapldlJ CM f'B1 tcanlzaUon . o t her m PmiM'nt lnclud· • ~ •·n ... m .. .. . • • " "' • -

~ • • f I i V 8 1 r hRmtlf'r otrlrln!Jo ' " hn\'•• lhl' Lrt11 ,..,II lilt\ • " ' ' ''"P''..,•"' .... MftC""' • purpn!!"'e l . The applicaUon onn ng f'rn to .omf'JOO , m. nnll lt<'t . v~ry bl P IGS Ba R T J .... An" "'"• r 11,., , 111 ,. fl(fa• •• lll n tlnn a lint• ,.f th•• l"hlf'f fiNJ " " ' • our H,.. 10111 1\ 11 1,.. \\"HF.S must ~ rndorwd by eome "P'J· rnea, a ym o rwJ udor . a r.... ... 1 ' RI

AJLF.N'T KOGS h blf' j)4'ntnn tl!llldlnlf In the \tl · r Walton. Onnaltl W•~ rJJI. t.flllro lm ID9 upoD all cltiMU h» -·o~r•l• rr pr«-IH'ntll l h '" Rl N•'I4'(Yi rt H•rhnr r.-ntly •·.,nfronllnl thr lor•l 1 , .,. ,. ' " u ... tao! tlwt te.. ~-II ant• 18 .. - H ld C ou I I tb " - --od WaJl.oaaoa• ..... l"• for " "" tlft)' "" ' h "''' "k lhl' ll'ole '""""" ' ~" •• th• draall• lad• otf • n• ~ · t ..,rtntt••• .a tlun Yo ..,,._ . E vrr)'thln,J(I r lcRn lll\d shmanc rlnrh· o r by lhl' .•TIP c • em· ·-nnon. aro ll~ nrng , "'t,r I' o • ,......, ..- .. . I ..t .,.

at hi• pla rf' T hl' m:~ma pt~ll of ! ployt-r. the mly ~ptk>n to thll l C' Bonner. Rnynor 1- a n ni'J'. \\ a l· l Tbe Mayor uore " We all kaow llow funl'llnn ''' • u• h ' '"fl ' l1v h<' lnlt l <> w•· k ••not .~ptna . ..... , mm• • · , .,,.,., 111 • II l to rr; h " ho•..., &Ad ~-that t a- trr Unkr r Gt'n~ C m I r •nd Paul vilaltbla mon• 1 Ia to otu -••o• IIJlJlrOvl' f"•t mii JI (r.r IN al fl• hln« l l• •n,. fllr vl• lt inl( r rvt .... m,.n 11 1•-1(• • 1 •1 11.. """''' .,_"' r .... fontaa

high P4' 'SII; rce !I ('JlAro•ntly I< M'p nlll' !w-InK ownera o p I • H . . •,. [ I bnll tll tu trnv,.J In Ml'llll •n Wlll t:' r'l I WH~ ' ''fl" rl l'fl at " ,.....,.nt m,....tllll! • r •·• . fh., ,. ,, ?an'"" «-r4 ol ,..,.._ going a b<m l thPt r h tuH nl'sa Jtratl· boata and eport Ctaht'nnen wt I I' unt. ceu••·" • We mllat aJ do our JNI"' . I"' tho• ••ommtltf'(' . • .. .. ,.b ,. ,,._ ,_. In ,_,., .._. __. lly which Is . of cotonw. brm,~ti nK nnt bP ,...qulrrd to llf'C'U~ mdorM- AI t hAt t lmr It """• po rlnt~'tf ,...,, • n•l • •l<lofl"'' ,J ,,.1,.• thla ,.....,._ 'nlor baby pljta In to t ht' w~trld 110 th~y m t"nla I hill ,..h ilt' hnm 11 ho,.pttallt y Ia bo'- , ,. .. 1., 111 , " "'' ' " ' 4 11 ""' fiUlke llA can produc• mol'i' Jli,Jl!l ••lc. <'~~rd!l ""' IMIM'd locally oniJ t y M 1., • .,, . .,,.-~ ,Mt v •tvrn . t hf' ctf'm ,•n•l flet ...........

1 BaM ro-- Th G Th t · Y L d ey .. .. .. .. ~ .. •r, ..... ,." .. ~ ... ,..... .,.,.., And they a ll nlnk rnr. t••ntrdly, a t tht! Sub-Patro on....._.~, ey iVe eir lVes-- QU en OUI On f" r rnnm• """ r·~ m"r" than a 1 ... 1,,. 1 •

1,,.,, It It t .. wttrkl-"".

-.-!ally w hen thPl r bar ka ar<' ! ~lAnd whf'rf' houra a re maintain· """ ' ,,. 1.,..,1" '(' thlo IIIIJIJlly I n • ·ld l· ~-· b •· f 8 to 5 p m ' lu "'"'"'ill' • n~r l h• t ,.,.. pol¥• ._ ecrat.ctled. ex~pt ~h•• Ill(' " ont'tl. ~'d r<>m L m. · · • t h tlun. tl\l' 1,,..1 y .. ar·a tnnu• .. r • hlp wh.leh Arl' O t~hty And thi'Y only The U nited S t a t e s o f Ame r ica . . • that place where y o u ~r.-w up ltntl wIll ' I "llrtl w .. r kr ra li nd Armv ul fl • <'f• 1'"' 10" 1 1

y ·~ · ··· I- •oft • ' '111 ...

t h b l h h • ''"'" "'' II h ••·• f•~ U.. c--'-c eat alx days a w .. ,.k. ""r r pt ,. Opening of Fun Zone ia the grandest country in all thf' world . • • ia in eerio ua tro u e. w u · m t·lHI II 11 1111 ,,.fl nu a va l Iaiii" quartrna 1n ,.., , k ·~ , 1 '" . , ,.,., ,.nKw.r mama pig~~ w•th Lhr httlt- onf'll. y o u , y o ur life • • v nur pro perty. your family, a.nd all y o u kno w a bt,u l your t h f'rtMh · I t hr ""' " "''" rt•, h••' "'" ,,,. .,, .,.., ' ' " " ' ' ' ' ... u ,.,., ,.,,.t~ '"'"' tw whk:h crt • ·~•al menu on Sun- Set for Satu.rday ,.,,mm••r•·l"l h•ntt ••trl•·• cia'!· ed country a nd WHY (Jf life. is in immediat.e &nd terrifying dangtr frn m the m oHt N' •• ··· •lnllr nlan• W"rr ,,,..,, ..... ... ...... ..... ....... •IU..J!Cil .. ~

1 ntl 1 U f the W•c•t ,... , ,. •t•· ., , t 1..- tt r . u ,,,_,,...,.,.,.,.IJ ...... Thtr4' 1.1 1'\'t'n oM motht-r pig n • c pa on ° .... ruthless ene my whu ever set f o rth to conquer, destroy a.nd e nslavt- . ..d hut thr c-ha irman, P A , .,. ,"'

wbo tnactu~d " hlp no doubt sca110n y•t expert~ by tbe COli· l'r ln• trur t,.•l thr r omm lt1,..."'"" bfottll \ '"'' while ~din« thf' l!lai f"l' from cern. Balboa Fun Zone bu bHn Make n u m istake about it ... we are in dire, direct tro ubh· and th{' tone anti l ·l· JCI V P !hi' mAI1f'f' rOM I,..nollnn Tl .... .,., • • •• od ......... , •• u l l(rVf, ..

.... .. - . thl g 8 ... _ put In top __._.. _ ... .,_ 1 ~-I I• ' " ' ' - . .. ,,.,, '' .. , ., '"'"' .......... a --'"'ty ,,...._. or l!llmr n ""' • """"" ..,..._,....., h d b ld .a., t J( e yt ur an ..... p-n•-d V. f'lfrrr ,_ .,m · ~ ~ .. - .... .,..."' ' 11 ..- r 1•- only thing you C it••" ns o f N ew nort Beac can do, an I ou uu. tK 0 ' ' ' " ,,.... .~,. · ~ 1 tf rarr .... ......... hu rrer lved th\11 n•w tf'elltmrnt thrQucnout ancl Ia a ~ or .. .-.. r ' m·,.nd~tUmwt at ~ ntlC'\ ,.._ 11 tar of .,.., , h tt< ·- "" ' n w ..... " for mctu~d bonee which altnwe l §4:f openinr on Bafii'nlij. money . .. God kno wH, o ur lads a r e giving their Uvea ! m••,. tln« 11 tlli lll • '=" ' ' ' •~ H..rtJnr """"

__ ... I t ... a - tand a Ann~·A--t to ... ,_ -"f~t .. _ n rrl•·l r••tw• J•• -,, •r••• . - ... r'-."'" folke .. ,.. p g11 o fen · ~ ,_,.....,.,"'.. ...._ "'1 ..... f It waa atc,_d thai ,.,..,.,.. rr • "" ,...,

few cla1'1 atler the lll'l'ldent hy ~ ...... made today .,. AI AAderaon. Our Govemmt:nt launc h ed itB Second War Loan Drive this Wt.'Ck , :lllk in ){ ll r '"" tl!V) WIIIJid h&VI' . I'IPJI~nla · 11<'1••........ ...... "' ·~· ...... r ,, I~ of piM and oth~r m f'dlrAl Jlhl'nnm· genial proprMtm' ol Ute ~." 13 bill io n s d o lla r !:! with whic h t o prosecute the war. It i.e up t o the J>«'" Jih-. wh" ar• · 11 v" •t thr ttrpot wbrn foA&t,.r .,. ... It u •- 4

ma. and ehe ('on1rntf'dly ie rtl ll!ln« w ho M"port.ecl that Ute merry-p- ,the Ktuc kho lc.1£• r s in the most beneficent corporation on earth, lt• Httppo rt t he Wt·ro~ S..avlnlf , , ., t~ Lne Ana•·lr• I •u• ' " Ill<" ' •' t l ll ••t ""llilab~ hf'P b!ltr h or tu tu,.,. memtw-n or round and Cerrta wheel are reedy lndlll'tl •m cl'l1ter and that t-IICAr· ,,.,,..,1 .. . ,.,,. I•U 1 1< u l• rly "'"" •lfiiC·

- th •OCL oj~gdol}l_A«'IIPi ll'. her t o go wltb MW t~ a.ncl~lm~~;·:U __ r r l:811UC: anu the ...Board of Dire.c1on . B.u,y_all you _CAP. t., t,.tl""wrJOtn brdtetrttwul~ try ·~ -· ' t ..... ~ ~..., ~ ,..,_ llhattl'rrd thl«h provement.. ani \bit- milCh 1 rommltlH C,offH and cSnl.a,rhn tlt.o "'' '"" ' l ttrr. ""'1 lw ~-

So the lltt lr nnrjlt KI'I'Jl {Ill l{ rt'IW• llPW equlpmrnt hall bern addld. The PreS~:S . in k et:ping with its well eouklered policy, has n o t l:UikeJ f u r 81 . • l"ft •provldrd by"" R4!CI C roea ('an _ • lrl• '"' &: .. 1 "" ...... ~ ,J ,, . .. u ..... lq . Ute mam" on r11 k l'f'p on be- Amon& ~ ol aldU t.o be • vertising o f war bondH t o be paid f o r by buaineM firma o r private f't t tZ(>n.fl . ' 111r t,.n r..o,. •ro•J 1 .... ... a.. ttu, ·vn~ ... OtJ ~1ft• m 11mu. 11 nd t ho> Jlll ftA rm~ (••a t ured will be · an• archery ,..,_,. bo ... _ th th tnt( a ........ ard u-..-. ._t.tant t., ·'"''« .. 11 A J•..- _ , , t••.Y U..l ..... -~ belie f being tha t e very nnaalble cent abould go into hUll r a e r a n 1 .... ,... ,_..,,,~, keep on lnlf n llllty r!'m ll rtca whlt·h provtcte. exactJnc and.....,.,.,. ,......... J UtrH1nr Clyde Allhen. w•• v.-0'1· ., ,.....,,.,,. ' ' ' ,,, .,... • .,.M .,.. ,..-,. . to each othrr a hnut thf' wAr IUlt'l uoua put.lme f« ~ eo lncllMd. n~wtlpapcr'a cash box . ln keeping with' tbia policy, t he Preu h u d <"<: linf.'l t o CX· r 'lml'd u a ,_ m-a-r ot t hf' , ... ,..,, ,,, ... . ul')-tnc J)t•.,..r1y wtth· rondfllon of thr ~tock mArl<rt . and w hill! ll le underat.ood Ulat .wtm· ploit the patrio tism of the people by eoUeitina advertiaing for the lkd Cros&, the ~troup In order that · U... w•rrtc ""' ttl# .. ,,.....,, " ' Uw ..,...,_ • •II u a rHUlt Ed Ia doln« IIOm~thlnl wtU ..... M ~ on U S 0 a.nd s imila r o rgani.&ationa. AU publietty o f theee wo rthy e&U&efl which ap. .• may bl' carr1~11 on more ettln~nt· f.u• f'Oountv ,..,, '"""" ,.,., wt• -.oC .-J lfnnd fo r his MUDtry Itt r ro- Ute bey b'orft. wtUt aome plain h tv, two lf'Dinr hoet-. wtll h., ,.,.. 1M' lf ltrrn u~ • """"'"" lllf a OM cluMn« lartcf' qlllln tltlu of rork of ~ nd hncy oontstAt alatH before pean in this paper iM donated by publlaben, who ~ O?n tent t o ..ell t Cl_!' an.~tr br In charwe of cia~ ' '"'" " In tiM' f""• l i• ...... '-" a a>m· hitch JlediKrr~. the ..._ •• encl. Added tiU ,_,. advertiAing spac e o n a bona fide •COIDJDercial baaia. '"'m• and entMtallliMnt at Ill# m ron p ntrtft " f•·• • ~..,.,.ttl ,..,.....

And 111 ~Mol hf' hun't talcm will be a 11n ahop wl\lch m&J nalbtl4a 'branr.h. Mra. R. A. Orm• ~w to ~ lnt~ !' .,.._ • t'VI'fl on~ ~lrtUM' nf a pt,; s tn« not be I'NdJ' tor 8abard&J"a



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. ..... " Uw rtvtr, .... .d ,.. • alltd II taM ..... ...... .. ' .... - 011 .... ... at .... ... .... ...... ~ ... Jla\t••

, ... -­..... ...... .... " u.. · jf'rW "-a... • the ,. .... .... •r tile

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..... Ebell Book : Session at H

ODe of tbe • ,.t held Book .ecUon ot U 1\leeday the 13th Mn C. L. n om Sou d. wh~n 1 u n ,.r ""'"'ect and ,die llleJnlwNt m• Ill b utertailllnrty.

Tbe - lon w u K. V. OUt• . cbatnn ly n-• quMtlor marutne She re., two 11 rtJc It>~. ttii C'

abould read a bool oo the promotion 1111'1~11 N'Cnrrml'nN!

"'lbe Dark Woma Wnn . " Exrer lml'n JtlrJraret Carpentt J:xptcctebc.e.'' b )l .J a All Men Bom. by Kay; "From 'I'll Ia by E la)')'t.N' 'Mllme. viewed "The Huou W illiam SarnyM

lin F . E l lel " Beneath Anolh l'r : LothClUI : also "u Wtnd," by Af111ea Mn Jayred qu from " A Ttcaaury .1110r." by II arvla W, A. KJ rk rl'viC'W and the Fort," by willie Mn W D . mari&•·d "na111v Dorothy v "" i>or Dourtaa' Ynluml' o..:· by Doe l 'a Oeor,.tu Muwel "Booc ot Bt-made Werfel.

Mn. H . M . Welt top6c " 8uaday Be& Holm and a1.o dl•

~ woo. ana uoar or A

... u. ftnt to

.. .,~tyto\ 'l'llllnlcn )'OW' • ~ ....... (

.•. ltw7~

... ~nail!

-- l!lltaMied ..-. _f&~ M. D. Cll

OPI'OMrr ·- •.. ,., a.. ... ..._a:-,.

Wm. 4 . lilalnrd ud W . H. HltdUnU. OwDen and Publlaben WM. 4 . ll4XWELL. JCclttor

'fll . H . H.J'1'aQlA.llf, Orculat.lon and 4dve~ NELL MUIUIAROER. Local Newa Editor - -------one .,._ ll.u beea ad~ed a Dewepaper of c-enJ cii'QilaUorl by

~ ot Uw au,.nor Court ot ~·County and Ia f.ully quallned to ~ a1J ~ ot lilpl ooUc• ud ad~at.l

8UB8CRIPT10 N RATU: la ~ OoUAty, . tl.OO per ,.ar. 0\ltade ot Oraap Ccluaty, tl.IO

A co~nt in an eutern. newspaper prote.ts ap1Dat the new VIctory Cherry Pie, which he deecribea as a coococ:tioD of raiaina and cranberry aauce. In our opinioo lt'• u bad u mince pie without any meat in it. But wbo Deed& pie, anyhow!

--------·--------Tbe cable aay. Senor Wu.uoli.Di plana removal of tbe

lt&U&D aeat of JOftf"'llM'lt from Rome to Bolopa or IIOIDC

other cit)' deemed aa!er from A..Wed in.v~rs. 1t we m&)'

Judie from n Duce'• crandiloquent decrees, the capital aupt well have been in "bolopa" ricbt along.



nw COUlal ...__ ~ .. A ... -.v .a:udalta ot the literatu('e ol dae J:nlhb oUter VldJ.- ea.rb' rn.q -- h .. • ... a.api)ed fsgures that acree ill abowillc t.bat tnc u ,...._ '-~. D. • tine '!~at* ue uppermO&t an the t.boucbta of poeta, on· Hl(hland Pan. wu 1D11M .._ ........ wrilen. Tbe)· ~ Death, Mother and Love. lwr'• F~ ,._,.... o•er ·Uw ""~at t.lw 1 , ... .._ It • 8at ~. iD a way. that Death lead8 all other tuwct.~on ut MacArthur ~ tapics ill • illteftst or the buman race. Viewed in ita moet ·~ ~ ~-L ..,.. · tic liPl it iii t~ u-ag, dy of tracedie&-tbe king of

c • ,. ..., waa aa cs- •- -._ ,j --~ • c .... · · ~t rqotMr. ,.,.. ,....,. t.e ._ • ..._ ·~ _,..t a \ ·aih.:o:u .unatJan, prof~ belief in Santa Ana o-mwuty ....,.... dae tn ' tjnn of the <kad to a sphere of &b.otute bliu

~:."::~· ~ ::;:_ ': ~ ~ for reunion m the ultimate Tomorrow, flnda who bad a.ppanmtly ...._ ...,. .. ,_ pill • P.Pignant a.od l1Jla£8uageable beside the body of tbe cn.ab. Ilia ....,... dad as the primitive ~vage who aee11 D~ (lim·

Tbe-'dlcar lD w1lk:lt 11m. a.ry ._ oiiiKM tw,"'Dd t be dark borden of the grave "''aa . , nc--~~~ . . Char&ea B,...._,., 1• ot C::U. ,__ AI~ fltliloeopby of t.he Wiaest baa found itaelf impo-dlt-l()n and w u furtbrr oc: ,..., tat Wore this supreme &Orrow of the human family. Em­by tN \'lct•m '• .,......._ .;._ .,.__ ~ ~ baa lilted thoUMP<b f &,rrv Uw1r ,~ .. ~ ~ rom ter i....ncta. aNI e«p 1nr1a It IAL 1M ....... ol despoDd to the peab of raptW"'WW coll!ldou&-ter ot Camp ~ - ollife. found tus own optimism belp&e. and wort.bleu .. _~.~ ...... cra.dunc .....,.. a. Ware ·· dea1.b of a little boy whom be mourned u bo,_ IIU<UrVIUV ~ U Ulr ... fill -- ......... ' r-' Arthur bou.Jeftnl ttw car~ -:z • 1M 11W.t b~ and agnorant father. No cry of t~ <"'-..t tup ... , 11rt ttw ....... 887 M hi aou1 surpraases in poignancy the "Threnody" c:urtt. roJW 0\'ft' t.- tillla _, wtida -..- tM puaing of hia beloved one Ml- to I"'NNl 011 l t. ..... ,.._ a. . . apot ... ~ u.t ..,..._ _.. ftnl lla .-1 .-omen have- o\·ercome their iDdividual terror appUed thr ear aaa..,...w, 11ft a. Of .._.. ":J plu&o6opby and sheer pbyaical bravery in every ~7 ~ !t '~ w~...,_ pa:u...,_ of workl But they bave never been able to --..--. ,..,.. aea.teat _,,.. .. 3:22 L m.. ,..-.. • 80ITOW ol the moumer: Time alone baa atiDed Priva~ Bradky - ..__.. ... 1M • In 5 c and dried th~ tears o.f earth'• bereft.

Thunda)', April 15, 1NI



INOREDIENT&-One tryt>r rabbit, cut ln Pteeee, oua ~ ~n chopped pa.raley. one-halt teupoon Mlt, on•e leldh ta&· ~n pepper one-t.ourth teupoon nutmer. one clove prtlc, two table.poona Vinepr. four t.abk'spoona buller. two on1orw, .uo.d, one-ball cup hot water, four tablelpoona nour. oDe ud a Mlt cupe boiUnc water.

IO:THOD-Soak the rabbit tor one hour 1D • marlDAdl made by addlnc the aeuonln&a to the vlnecar. Melt butter In a dHp ~vy frying pa n. add onlon.a and brown. 444 nblllt wi\h marinade a nd hot water . Cover tightly and cook 30 mta­utee or until tender. Remove ra.bblt plocea to a aervtnc diah. .kdd· tlour to 011ion and bUtter lD ~ pan and blend w.U. 4cld boll~ water and cook un W thick and amooth. Pvur onr rabbit.

OCEAN FRONT MARKET* Wan)' ahrewd obaervers were convinced that Pre:Udent

RooMvelt'• plan for a c&orified W P A. or cradle-to-crave "'a:da1 .ecurit)'," wW be the principal isaue in the 194-4 .,_utential election ; but we think it will depend largely upoD wbo the CU41idata are, whether the war ia atill in pi'OIT-. aJWS maD)' other factors.

lAe All' ............... .-.e .. .. So I ua1J .-.-.!.-.. t o ~wo 1.n a ~ om......, " may n-Htt Y r ..,.._.g tbe period of hUJDa.D I<O. N. CAMPBELL> All oooupallla o1 ttw car ......, aW • ~rably bt»yond its preseat spe.n ; better un-•nJUftd..U. waq1.r\C ~ ............. of t he latn1 uf ~lure ought reaaonabl)' to add 2110 OCEAN FRONT oan:a cAa ••••cwa ~ ~ tn tile a t'eragt 1•f human existence. But deatl Not Open on Sun :lay

--------·--------CouideriDc the m.i11iona of tona of food that have been

~~Upped from America to our f ichtinc men and allies in ciAit&Dt Ianda, it ia not aurpriaing that ret.ailers are often lbort a few ttema. By the wa)', bow would you like to bt» ftPUDc or Jape on the detlert or in the jungle Uld DOt lmow where your next meu of chow wu coming

Ttw •nD0Clt'111 ~ . .... • • ' table law, whose inviolabilJty iutinctively im-habltuaUy ~ out --. ~ .. I bdt u pon ~ hllman couciowlne.a. AU dreams ._,. r-..e ...... Yoa.r Bado• ·-· ·n an ~~~~-.~ tnftk ......... a , whirh ~conquer thw kmg 4>r terror.. are onty f!J.pi.M. 6 3 3 *We Deliver In al~. rsa tr.. ... ,__ - da · - L - 11 • •

• ·hicb oc:narral s-.,.. di~ for Xat u._re Iii wtse tn placing a limit on the apan Act.;-~ to a ...,....t - tlk ola -·· yon.. Nothing could bt! more incongruoWI than BUY U. S. WAR BONDS!

~u. =-::::-:;-~ a- oallin ng his day : he a·ould be out of touch with life '----------------------.J IO'f\C"' bua. c.t •• ,._. ;, ,: at ewrt point. ~ the gr.n·e woultt tw-Nlme a refuge of Car .. aDd~ Uw ....._ .......r.t to him. - ·

from! , ; 1".:~ to Maruw •~ .,._ .. .,... --------• lrlt bla bua to ~ DIP ....._ '!'I.e pnt~t trouble tri: h aU religions and philosophies

8uppoMdly in the inter.t of national unity, Democrat· '"r .,..,Ut <>tnot:r Y'll"tPl ........_, of (or.w ynN t.::S th.&t tbt-y have wasted their best ener­ic NalJoaal Cbainnan Walker auuested a very abort preai- :;_Jr ::_'~ ~. = ~.ill tftallng c~f . Death. rather than Life. Since Death ia ct.t.i&J campa.ip next year. ~publican ChairmaD Spa.ngJer ard coupe ~ a8d .,, ,,. illleritallle. the ob\'IOUS lessom t.o ~ ww man ia to accept _ re""'lad that auch an arra.n---nt would be unfair by Chaunory Drudt ~ ..._ s. il • ..a.rally as the sun and t o de\•ote bis tbOUJbt ... .........-, a-- ·-- land. ,. k11 ,,.,.. ...... ... ... . l the stud f l..if to .U. party, aiDce the Democrat& have already picked their front ~ ot taw Orwdl _, twSpt:s

0 Y

0 e .

e~Ddldate. Preeident Roo.evelt" could aettle the whole mat- - •·= !lrl I '!'111ft i& no religiua so pernicious and ~moralizing aa If be would aay frankly whether he will uk for a fourth •'OIIIIDfG ..,. ~ tW wtltidl tnches man that the chief end of life ia to 110

...... IJWtk:atica u..t ......_ ..=..- he • to~ the.terron; or heU or win the joys o! heaven . • local b'aiMI1 ~ .. ... ~ nfniDrd from (or the sake or tmmunity from punish-

ODe of ·the create.t deterrent. to national unit)' la the :!:!,. '-:._ta ;:._ ~ "'.= 8lllll -.1 cood door iD lbe hope of reward are both rom· •uM"nr and uncertainl)' of official action b)' varioua ._. ....w..-_ ,._ .,, ~ • ttr oaly to the coward. Tbe good citiz.en ia not the Wub.IDctoD In food raUonlnc fa.rm legbdatioll ret"t'h-..ct ~~ ,_ taw u - w1to obey-. the laWII thn1ugb f~ of them. but ia the army draft replationa, income tax eh~gee and other ~~ !!e~ ~ill .. ~ ~ do .,.._ U.. hec:aWJe ~ ~·es in their . ju8tice .. II portaat .. tten. the ...,_ in charp with the reapooaibility C"~lea wtt.ll a ,-w. t_....... ...._ ~ ,.,._.lew the future. let h1m budd sut.t.a.ntiaDy, With -to be •-up ill the air.•• Orden and ndee prom~ ~ ~ ot ,...,. ~ t.ltle ~ t.bat the fouodalioo Wd in thaa tile will be a atart ~ an ~ to ..., · aupplanted b)' otherW tomorrow or 0~ ~ "t..4.._ _;: '' • tuaw• 1M 'Dill ideal au~....tructure poesi~ in the next ..t ..-.. Tbe people are wUUDr to do whatever ia required llll4 ttu

7 rw-riWd WUnF~= 'ftd ia 1M-- riew of the bcJ' and the one that ~D

Elegant Gifts and Precision Watch Repairing


At H. R. Trott's Sycamore at Fifth Street

SANTA ANA Phone 5618 ol. U... but •'"- baYe a bard time •--' .. • to k- up with ~oci&Uoa ,._Pi~.__ appeal to tile~ IIWl.

-~ -~- -r -It 8DII ot11rr ......, ._-, - ----..-...-.. ..... C'W'I-~ tbe-orden. Grutillr it ia a bic tuk. lAw ..-.. ...... ~ 1 t _ • "'BBt e I nee deatb end all -r·

It doel - there DoWd be more atabillt1 and rr-ter 123 &. c-tnJ •- · Very ~ ..appoR it doet. So mucb the more in-BUY U.S. WAR BONDS!

. For l Perfect E\

Can"t 11.18 B


Doubllna on tS and the Solo v . Inc Your Ololo u1ar and Caalc Now, Nlahtl)' at

SAM SEA Ff car

u---.-4~ - -DA.NCING

FINE FO )' . .

....... _. . ..........

,......_ill tbe plaDa for icoftomy and aolidarity • ..,...&.,. ~ iifiawtiuw ,_tile ..U of 'real courage to win all that tile lr:-:::::::::::;::.:.:· ::-:-=.::._:.__,:_:.,_-_:-:....._.======~ -------• ~~aa,. • ..,... ot w..w w., 0 liddll hefOft Priac up the struggle. Tbe man who hopes for 11

A Uttle IDddeat which -Occurred wben Allied troope ~ ~ • ,. ,_. PI " .... a~~ bu es.cuae for his mistakes and failures : .at.ered tbe bol)' lla.lem city of Kairouan, in Tullisia. type. ::': ~ ~-:;: tile ~ wlto _. ~g IK'yond the shadowy horizon but ts.. tbe attitude of eooquered people in a ICOre of count..riee. cle! enw ottlcrn at ~ Uw ....... ....._ -- «<o al his work here and now. If any man rr.cbDMD &Dd Arabe creetec1 the Allied

80ldiera with yard W'Cittl« . ..,.. ..,..._ ..... '9'. sbould 81f11111R from life the last drop of worth and work

dreea and Jewl8h ciU.U tore the Star of Joeepb 1abeJa !.::.:::?: ~::,; ::S:: ud ~ it ia the dillbelit-ver in immo~ty. from tbelr coat& &Dd M.omped them into the ground. UDder rlt•~nt ,.._.._ ttl Uw .... ~- Deatla iiJ .ty aDOther demonstration of the great law &ll edict by Hitler the Jewa were compelled to wear a dis- fort.But ........ ol ... it ..... wDiida runs through all the acheme of thin-tbapllbbac be.dp to &how that the)' bad been abom of 1a ~ ~1w"::: o~-:! W1aat eta"- ia to tight. hate to lovt>. uglioea to beaut;: the lut abrecJ of 'civil Uberty, &Dd lt ia no WODder that they U n•tf'd S tatn umy. _..,. ...t -. j fa~~...t to tndJl. De-ath is tn Life--the sharp contrast were overjoyed wbeD Engliah. French and American troops In" ("t)flNI ~ .- Uloe m.aD _.., c~ wllidl bnnp-' the .tre:ngth and worth of the good

wtt11 tlw li'O<opa lido lJip .... oil . droft tbe N&DI out of their dty. God apeed the day wbea batt~. man _,... ~orta u.r Ld us ClMIW to rq;ard it u the 11kull at the feut of tbe forcee of dvili&ation and freedom m~y liberate other woundl'd •n lhr t.w -.,.ral t.1w happiaw::so; a..t Ieana to understand it as it really ia. the spur


" We Ours~h:" tM Retter Srrt•e bJ1 S''rt'i'tU Othn-• Bm"

~HONE N EWPORT 56 1 • I 10 BRO ... O WA'(, C:OIITA ME.A

•I!Mcw 'la Duvpe UMt A-. m An w.'bo ~'- -.mtaaJ ~•' to tnlest Jirillc today . ..., .... 1.0- - a .lk. .....,_,.., ·

C'ha~l. Oft~ Oil u.. ...... ·-:-...;;;~~~:-=:---:-:-:-------------==1~ ,;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;;;:;;;:=::;;;;;::::;;.;;;;;::====~;;;;~~~~~---~ --------·--------Kprtl 13th wu the 200tb anniversary of the birth of

Tbomu Jeffenoo, ooe of America'• immort.&»--euthor of tbe Declaratioa of IDdependence and the father of democ· racy in UUa country. Ria uncompromising hatred of t)'r&n­ll)' and bia lrte&dfut faith ln the priDclples of juatice made him a leader of oppreued peoples everywhere. 'The doc­trlnee he enunciated in the formative period of the repub­lic are u appUeable to the problema of this modem age as they were to thoee of colonial times. Many votumefl have been written to eulogize this great man and many monu­mebta have been erected in bia memory. but the thlng that makea untold milliona love him ia bia record of achievemeot ill tbe ca\llle of Ubert)'.

field I• CbaplaJ• ~ ... - wi6 Last of tb.e Sullivans

--------·--------lfMa"'e ·Chianc Kai-abek, who prolongt'd her at.ay in

CallfOI'Ilia to recuperate from the rigors of her triumphal tour, hu CODe eaat again and hopes to have another confer· tDOI wtth the Pratdent befoftUe-*vee Ameriea. Ooe Or­&DP eounty editor, commeotin1 upon the outbunt of ea­Ua ...... with which the Madame wu gre<ted e\·erywbere. -.,. '"put of the enthuaium wu a personal tribute. It rep~•ent.ecl America'• admiration for a woman who p(...

---~at Oii IUDe Wile tbe 11RrsSJbte-eombtnatioD ot tullty. cbanD. IDtellJCellce, wide learning, unaurpueed strength of ......-. u aalted otficial ~ition and heroiam of apirit. But tbe tribute wu Olll)' partly personal. In Ita tremeodom ~ to MJDe. Cdanr America aJ.o waa expreuing its ~of the O»fn•e people. Friendship bt»tw<'efl Am· tr1oa ud eldDa .. tndJtioD,al. And AmericaDI who haw bad ~ to beeciiDe ..-1lY acquainU!d with ChineN haw c11ep ud ....... atfectloD for them. But ~eral .American · ia new-an out-

pvwth ol. tM ,.,.._ aaa• daa ID tM fue of odd8 that would• a ._ wPm- ,,,,_ ..

that our lloyw do ,_L u u.r.j ,.._ lt. ia a )IJio to.-. God..;. ..._ C..Wornia FK!un 8enice

~ t.twom .--~I ~ to aD America is the example aet by the Sulli-~::-~ u!:" a;~~n~,:; na fa.auly ol Waterloo. Iowa. patriot.&. every one. hu~ ~ t t'Pi that tbrfr ct~;t.- 5 . A JOOtbera Jo. is normally borne in s ilence; she weepe '"'';"' t.hry Aft .-...._ I quid.~)- •beD -*'dy can see or bear. but inconsolably for

.-h~tnn h.u 1ta c--.mpn _. twr soul · __ .__. Bu ... · ,_.u. ~~n It c-annoe w Gp-<"teJ l'"J' • ~ t .. rs. SuUi,·an. since the death ll111 t · "'"" lnMtieT may n.d • ol ~ rn-e- wllo Wftlt 00.-n with tht> u.s.s. Juneau. bas r hnr iJisn ot bUt .....,...... tam. ~te· rttlled bf.r sola& aad 'taken up the difficult job her go, •em -



"'H0~£ NEWPO"T 10 :1 4 ..0

P , 0 , 8 0 K ~01

8 A L. 8 0 A 18L. A N0, C A L.I ...

I'OIT1JMUI\"'nc b ta ,.....,u.. ...... ttal- -- ... __ Get Beha·nd th Se d W Lo lion r.r ;._,pan,. Ball ..., ._ 1I::J:w)W .....,.. ...... aslred ber to do. She bas been speaking in war e con ar an that In tN t:';utf'd liUtftl umf'd plaDts. .-purrillc pi'Odudion efforts which e\•entually will ._ __________ ..:...::..:.:.:.:.::....:.:..=:...:==:.:._.J f nrres Uw ~- "" ..- dfldll kd will UU. war. ~ for such public appearances ahe •111 ~ ... Uw - ~- , IJIIdoubt-A-. • lion from • ltGn.all Cd.bollt ~ . O:Ui j r.- it ~ _bardfotrt task she has ever been la in u tbcRCta ..,. .,._ a C'at.llnlk- ped But Sullinn has ac~ted the responaibil-• Baptlalt put« ,_,. 8lbrillttn tn dy in brbalf ol otJter war mothen. and her courage ia a

Carpets, Rugs and Upholstering CLEANED

ttw- lut ..prttuaJ _.. to# a ~- I ...._... ~- of · · • ...._ to an. 1'1'\th Day A.._U.C . Uw a~ .,. "6-"""- ~"' ..,.,........., may l"ft''f'f.-. 11H n-1 ...-.. ~a l _Dad .. Sullifta. tpo. has winked back tears of grief for A COMPI.-ITE LINE OF tM _,.....,..., •-..... • a

1 Ilia ~We &ost _. Bia IIIWtlft.age to Americans repeated FLOOR COVERINGS

Mf'thodlft ~ ... ~. · ' . 1n tt- o1 ~ ~~ 1110

I ......, --&-.,..t hw penuuent-sponsort'd t our of shipyards FOR YOUR REQUIUMINTS C'luh. jwJt .. m u... of ,_.! and war Cart oriel. ill .bard-bitting. terw and truthful : "Ev· ------,.,.."' . ,n .... trirtl"'l ~ 1'0' I ft'Y ODe of us ia ill tJlia war up to his neck :" Of that s imple LUDLDJI CARPET wo••• •ru(."a1 ta""- ...,. .. • _.._I fact -• te1 --llkr the t:ntte4..St•'• • too ma.ay. -onaD& y. are not yet wholly aware ; too Phone 2806 SANTA ANA 1622 s. Nain St. r rt.ta 111wo t lw' ,...._ rir .....,. Jit f~ WT lin'" out thDnrarwithout~~tJiftlt~======""r!'!!:::!I'--~------....:._:,;=:..:::_J. to oblltf'ratf' aD ~ dilfn-- put thP lmr< clap .cap.' .. Dad" Sullh-'an's aane. ~ ---:"'-------------~~-----....::::::::::::::::::: f'arco. tn "'up.a A.awttca .. t!llr f

N'1 i«i~ . .. -a .. I'V'Ial. ~-~ allould ..... . r ·-·· .... ·- ·-· tnr; ret. 1.-t wwk. t.eft ill California. Genn'ieve Sullivan. pret- 01' ......... g .uuOI'IDadoa ~ ch.apt.ai1-. -nw with ty 20-year~ld. lad tile Jut ~tn 116 brotMrs wrote be--

~~ ~..,_ ~=.:C. u:m lOft tJwir llbip ... ~ end enlisted in the W A VEe. ·-,._ lmpl ' on .,.. - a.t-.-. --n.e leal I aa ., fGr ., brotben' abipmatM." abe said. lllgllllrl-- ... UIIblr "-. kit! -. an..r DIP ..,diML a.. '"ia to ftJirft 1D00rr NaY)' man lor aea duty ... ~ Ill II Ull ~-,:-,..:~to~ Gearnr"'•· ...... aDd willing to tio her part for ber . WALTSA S. SPICER, O....r

-"o .,.. ~ • • tbr ... ol. die Su.Uinns. The Sullinu-an ord- ••••oaT 8E&CB

... W'

..n...-.. . ==' ... .L

. .


' .

. G. E. Tohill I'II'I'R':I.AJf ud ~N

- o..a • ~ •• ..,. T a a 5 ..... .... a.:--· ·---·--~· Dr. Obed Lucas

Dal'llll •

-~ •- ()lutra,l ,.._ .... JI&Wi"081' 8&Aal


Mra. '- P'ryw, a2 P1aww A I I WID CAS ftiD'"I' str-r.t, wu ~ ,........,. a t a ILU.~ 8'1" JIDA.~ mt"C"tm~ ot Uw ~ dull. An tnnot'aUon tn car 1t...Una

Mr. and Jln.. ~ RuU.Cr rnftboda waa rrporte<l to aherlff's furmorrly of %71t C,.,... aYeaUe o fficeN tb.l.e v.•Nk by Erw1n Tonn•• h11vc- moved \0 Trabuco C&lal"'D 517 Balboa atrMt. <Aala Mt'ell.

..VIC&'t III:Lb FOil Ofta L \ ' AIIIIEIIT

··- "

oo. K l'rnp Yambert, wt1o tor Sanitary Dt.trlct lbe put tour ywan bad .-4e-4 at ... Ora~e avenue. p&.-d and Farm Market &Wa1 ll'rl<lll)' at S.wttUe Vettr· u '1 boepllal, aced et yeare. t:H)' Atwnwy R&y OVenol&.ar

JD. T'am~rt . " ' ho wu a na• v i llWilHiflOII Heatb. Who WU ttw ot C~<iar Raplda. towa waa .-aer at Tu..aay·e m .. l . a ~ War nler&ll At h ' '"- 0! ~ta JIMa Cl\am~r o1 d ON ot t h,. '*'"' he- N-~nlllted In ~II\IJWf'<"C', ,~a,.. • ck!Lal~ ,__ the Army ani! afth ..,vent ytari 1uue of the> n~r)' atepa lo be forelp wn·tc-1', " ' tunwd to Vanlt. ~~~ed Ul ~ formaUon of a ""tw" be en~acect in ttw r.elaur- •.&1\la..r)' c111U1ct.

Wht'rt' Jlr. ~ wOl ~ Upon ~ fn.m1 hla r t sJ·

~========~====~~ •n ra.neb wurtL • ~. Friday ~\'t'runJ. two w~~ r P\'t . Sbf'lby ~. Jr~ - ol aurpn.ect to - anotbf'r autona"· C aBd liN. ....., L. k · !;1~ puallln.J tu. car away f rom nag)', Ia CU:I'fttiUJ lt&Uoaed CU.. i ta parktq placr m f1ont o f h1a E ngineer ~t TraJatUIIc home. Obc.ainin1 a .22 nne, h" Ct>nln , Fort BeiYolr, Va. ,.. tntD tilt" •t.-t, -"• •utao~ t hr• ,

:\I'll bWIInt>u unt il 1929 wt..on ttw Slldl a dlalrlct tw 11&111. ~ld ~ laiMd c:Umat• br&an t o alfrct 1\la uf IUfUt' lf'n\ f~x!blllt~ t.> CQv•r ~lth. fW anct ,.,. Tambert ~.~.ny U~'\ ul thto eanltary ca.~· o·11me tD California at that tJmr. lion from 1artN&ar and traah 'cull·

DR. C. J. CARTER · DIE ....

'n"- Plata.' 8pedalty l'llaDe 1Uf

.......... , ..... c-. ...

Dr. 14. D. Crawford o • ~ o • .~,. a a • 'I'

.,_ l!:samlned rna- Filled


408 hnl N•uoa.J B .. lt Bid<;~ . Saat.a ,..., c~.t

TU..I:I'UOS£ u Pntdw• 1'\o- N•wport 718

~.- ......... CJpapd bv ~, Sra

Cl UWI8 aALft _., a.o..&--...._ .....

............ ._. t%

Harold L lolmson ~

....,.. ..... b Aeto. Hoa ... Bo.u

............. Da l!lily

~- Phone t20

li•S.Vetnml ....... c u• 1 Is .. •n

..... ...._.. ;Ma' 0.. • ,_,. aperloenC'e Jn

..,_... IarKe &lid &mall AMDlAUI

80.Aalll]lfG - IIA'I"'IIl'CG AWiiViiiG - c:LII'ftJIG Dr. S. N. WALkERDtNE

UIOI OoMt H.P...J o.- ballilar

............ JtiD


ria• rood CacM•"• - - ·


Official 0 . P. A. Tire Inspector

• 1'M Qo'l'enl8ellt llOW ••YI

70'1 .. y rec:.p your l ire•

wlt1wMt c:ertiticate !rom tM Ratioa Boud


~ and Central

Phone 1406


~ 8pMtSJ,sp



• ... ~--·-~· ...... ,.._.,.

-==-at .................... a...&~

~'t.. Robert Nea.on. - ot Mr. tlmit8 tor Uw pf(){'t'Uion tn l\01ll 11n<1 Jlrt A 0 N~laoft ol .. W. ~ !Wilbe-r driver obcoye<!_ h a W'~~n •t.-t . ' haa ~ tr&NirW" <'OIIUIIUd. Tonne firt'..C. Th~ • M t r ,>d from th<lo Anny Alr Cor1Je wmt wtl4 Dllt'ttle occupant of t ilt' s.. ho<•l at Clearwaler, 1"1&... tD T- car waped ta·um the \',... !- r1'11Jw. C&Uf. hkw aDd flfod Ult., t~ darknt'el

Pvl 0 1<'k J-, - ol Mr. aDd Tlw otMr car ttwon halted and "' '""· J llhn Jo~ of 21015 ~ 'nlnM lftrned that Ita O<"cupnnll. ·p·tonut·. 11 aid to be ~~~~~ R uth LH ol Santa Ana. and Don r .Uuwm~ a fteetlt aUadl ol ....- P . Raton, Cc:.ta Jln,., h tel ~ raot>ma which P.Ul "'- la 'lM a.a. JMUii.DC t~ Tontw rt'tltdl'n<'•· when Jlll:\1 at LOw?j l"''dd, Oolo~ a m.aD ba.Jtf'CI t~m. ukm~t I f lh~y

Lutht-r E . Kftu.IJ', wllo ,__._ W'OUld pua11 h ill nar tu lt~t It ft ll rt · ly r ... uled 011 Eldta a._., ... fOCI. Ttwy we" •Imply cornplylq t.. ... n actvaftft'CI 14 OW I'UIIIL ol • .,.._ wtt.ll tbe l"l'qut'St, thl'y t old oW· ltl)n mACbillilub' .ale. It wu -. w.t~ wa.a tw.l.J and tht tumN lb.l.e Wftk. He .. lllaU.... ~~ tJ»rf wu not locatl'd 'l l l~ Naval ..,. f".v('n WUik. ~tTICII POll DIVOIK'E

WsilAN 0 . BelaU. - ol llr. lira. 11a.r1e 1£ fbtwor on Satur­llnd Vra. H~Co IWiaa. 1TI7 ~ day fiW aatt lor divorCf' from _.._._, hU _..... ia t.lw NaYJ ltabrrt C. Plabrr whom ah4' m"r-111'\di r IN_. cllrill6oul for l1-,.ar rW La ltoltywood In 1_,1, A cc.;rd. •loJ yout.h.a, It - .-need ~

<1 1y by ~~ Onace Ooa8ty lle- ~~ lo UW ~p&..ont tho> "''llfl~

r· rultlnc ~- IM',.,.... __ ~~are __ ~~ ~ o f thla yur

Mr. aDd lira. Fnak VWe. JW7 ~ 80l'GRT Hamlltnn ~ Aft tbe prcNCI t:andparf'nt. ot a ~ boJ, Frank Vir~ U . who wu ~ ...

• ··n tly ' " thrir - UMI .....,._ tr•· lnw. Jlr and Mn. o.aJd Y\df' ••' flitiiiUI Jlet ...-.. .

WllllaJUI C . ~ - ol r,rt. and Jln . .._ R . ......_.., .,, ~~ FIMrfT .r.l'Nt. Ia - lila· t tnned At ttw U~ S. Nanl TnlnliiC

J. L •nt.Jeoy on &atuntay nl· f'd •t for an annulm~nl from Aaaa Joyt>e Bftll~ )· . A.JI Jrroun4a 1M' ~ that h~ wu unly 20 Yt'&n o14 and did n<'l hA\'1' th.­~ of hb p&n'nlJI v.·hen he mun.ct lin •nt~y l:ut &opt . -

!'; 'II' Nil nnr Farncut. ldallo, ~ 8CIIOOL l'OI'SG~ '4 h~ two 1.1 brtn1 llliltnlded la IK'lLD PIAlQ;S FOil A&.WY

·- f"""-,_...... ef - ... R l'f'c-h lnJr the ~ncntula~ ol

f nf'tldl 11 C'hartell P' Cook ot 1.0 20th ftrN"t wbo hu_,_ ~ ~ n ' ' "'J t o the rank ot captaht. r~rt Cook.. who 1a a ~ ot :\.lr. and Jlra. WUftft L Cooll ot r,.~, VN:l. le connf'C'If'CI wtt.ll tbe \VfSt Cout Army Air ,._ Trnfntn~ rA>nter at Sauula Aaa.

'II•• C11thrry-n Brilacll.. ..... t.-r of Vr and Mn P' E.. s.u.dl

1 • .. rm,.r l'ftll~la ot Callla II-.

I ~st Sa turday ~ llw llddt of '1'homQ Pf'!fthaUS ~ the U . 8 . M~nnf' eo.,., Uw ePftiiiiOUlJ tall-nl[ rlarl!' at 1"~m~a. Art&. llr. &11!1 ).!rs. ~~ ... Mal ol u.m .. ,. holch&w ..,_ _. ""' now ltwi"'' at lllanta A-..

Buy War Bollds Now

......... ···­PEftiiA!fSJifTa IIILUJDr'8

~na~w~&-• c ..... .._ ..__

Pnlol dlat ~n KN~mmt.r !K'hool )~"• MAy play an mportant part In tn!ntut« our t\Jtllrt' v.·ar nyrr. WU lr! VPn TuHday by Bill Crow. ~ lnatructl)r at Ca.­ta Jla. cnmmar .-hoot. who

~t.-4 a pair of tua 1\ude-nlll ~n a p~ at Uw Uona club June eonm~

'ne boya. both df Whom -~ I N~btb ~ puplla. Wf'l"oP Jl Hf'1Uitoft and Walter M tllljllan. two II( the ~ c-nthu.l"ath' ll<oricen tn Ute Kttoot'a ~ly Ia~ p~nm ot bulletin~ mndf'l ai r · craft f~W ldentltJcatlon pu~ at U. local •rmy Air s-. 'Ow Ana)"'a ...S for audl m.odes. wu erplatuMod to U... Unon1 by .Jtm. whnr Wall.f'r told of ttw way In W'lakb they al"oP C'Ofl&trueiN!. '!'be loalJ adtool hu beef~ ukoed 14 ~ In Brftah-t""" pl&ne~~ and wnra1 of ~ mc)Mlj w,..,. f'1ddbitf'd by lfr. err-. wtlcl al110 ~ a Cennan llr.-.rwtunldt ~1. 'Mie ooutrucUnn Jlf">IO'&m ~ ...,.,....y abnut thre~ wtoelu 11«1). two •Jd.

An &eU\'t' mt'mber ot CouUtn• lrul w actual inat.&UaUon ot UIOPW ­f'()lt Veteran• ot P' Wan, h• ,.,. ~nd mlfh\ ev.n be CONlr\led llDo tooll a lcHn lntrrMt tn af· !11 00\'4'r tbr eutUnc oC weecSa pn falra ot Calumplt Camp United \'al'ant Iota. Rpantab War Vrtt'r&nt. l!lurvtvora Upon l'Oftclualo n uf the daacue­inclyct. hta wtff'. Juana. or ca.ta a~u.n, C. W, T•Winklt., ..dWnnan M-. and a broth .. r , Arthur ,. ••t the MJU\ary commJl~ ..., .. dl· Yambert. Ban F'rana.t'O. ·~·teet to contact buant ot

8erricea v.·opno bt>ld " Uflervlaora With a ~ towlll'd momiull' at Ha rolcf K. Grauel ''l~WIC tb• propoeiUon fur-f'llJpel whel't' ITW!.uhwn of lN tber. 1 V)"W wert' aAIIJited by uw Rno Tlw Cb&mbet- U.O vo&.e4 to lend Carl B . JOII"-On ot Caata ~~- at. ntoral badL1nl tb a pro~ C"onurnmlty chu rch. Ent01nblllrnt lal'lll.r'a m&ftlf't wbere mnall·_. wu at Jleii"OM ~bbt'y rancaen o( the community m1fh\ v.1th Ca.hamplt poft uawv ln Hll lhrlr ~lola V.C't.abiN . .... rharp. and otlwr prod~'t'. Jr:atablt.ahnwnt

--- ----- uC IUCb a rnartret wu propoaed COSTA IIDA C11tJ11CB1:8 by Horace Parkrr, Jr .. chairman

{'OIII•tJNITf Clii1J1IC8 ..,( Uw ACYtcu:ltura commfltft, and wal ~Yell OWl wbliJeheart...S ap­proval ol oUter director.. REV CAIU. JOHN80N,

Ptlont~ 311-J Runday, t :411 a . m - lkmday

M'hool 10:45 a. m .- Jlomtna WONI!tp. 1:30 p. m. YOUJll Peop"'-' Ep­

worth~• 1:30 p . m.- Oo•JIC'I Mrvtee.

Wf'dnt'eday, 7 .30 p m - JIWwftk N>rvlcr of prayer and pl'llllie.

"nlunudaJ. 7 ·45 p m.~r re­h~anal.

........ 1"0171&8Ql1AU C11U11a1 RAT BOATRIGHT. PUtor

Fnday. 7 p. m Evanpllatic ..,.rrice.

Sunday, t :30 a m - Bunday ...-hoot. ~ for all IC"·

t t ·OO a . m .-Mom lnlf worablp. e 00 p. m.- CNJI&Ckra. i 00 p. 1111. Eventnc llftVIor. TuNday. 1:30 11 m - Kid·wHk

,.,.n1ce. Tl\unday, 10 a m _ Prayer

tnHUq. n ;u. OOU'EL AM&MBLY

Jl:ldn aad Und Street REV. If. C. CftONlC. Putor

..._ I'TS-J

BundQ aoMol. t :30 a.. m. Vorn- ..-hlp. JJ o'eJodl .. , Younc ~Sunday 1 :30 p. 111. £van~ IJU'YIOH, 7 :30 p. m . • ..,..)"t'r mHt.l"' Tueaday aerT·

'"" · 7 :30 p . ... rraae ~. 'ntunday, T:ao.

MJ:\'F.N'i'll aA1" AJ)~-·-1 Church of Cbr1M Bac~s .. W_.... Ill .. ~ .,..., a.buoiA&)'. t;lO.

. Preeelll~ a.vtoe, 11 a. m. Wrdneld1'Y "*~tat ~. 1:30.

"~ "v ALA-"iCII& or IIAIL H Wok • IOftC tuDe fUr U.

mAll ol Prl\·ac~ Rotlart Harrta, of Pot!Jiburgh.. \1) e&lleh up W1lh tum In Tunlala Rut wha It did be n·('~IVed an I C<'UUUn&Jatioft of J00 lrlten 1n o•n t del1YW7- JOO from tu. htkr and 1110 froa bia IWelt­heart.

L. E . BrookA uked that the houl .. vlll'd etDp aiJn on Bro&ctwa'y ll\ 0~ be c~e.S to ball ll'alhc: - OI'IIAIAI ln.t\.Md ol " n U.. former au-t. In wpport ••f hla raqueet he III'U,.. •~towtna t.Ut traffic on Broedway •• lftOft tAan \W1c:~ tbat wtuc:h ~ <>r...-e awnue. The mat· lrr ... ref.,nd tD the traftlc: llafety c.mnlttM

A prot.Nt aaa.tnat preMnl toea. \ton ot the nUontno~ board wu nopt.ered by ~ Opp wbo ct. t' that loc:aJ f&rlof'IW w~" fo J"Ced to drive- elpt mit... -.c:h lime tJwoy nwd to contact \he buard. ln addltkm 14 1oae nf pao­llne and Urea hf' <"l ttod th~ k)AI of

llUUl bount and •'*f'd If • branch offiC't' ooul4 nO\ boo o~f'CI loca11y to bandit' appllutlona and minor bual,_,

'Mie e«rrtary waa lnatruct•d to wrfte the Btat.e RaUonlnt Bc.rd In I'ONiecUon wtth tht' matter.

PrHldent R . W. Bart!ne prMld· f'd at the mMtlnJ' With A. W . Olb­bnn tor the flrat Urrw func:Uonln~ In tht> n4'W role Of lif'O'IIItary.

Dl1AJ. INtn'A.J..IATIO!f .cT B1" POfn' ..\HD Atnm.lllln'

Man. for a .lf'•lnt lnatallatlon of offklen nn April 23 ... ,... fo""u­lalCd followlnr: lul Friday'• elec­tion rn.rtln« of CoutiiM po~~t and a~lllu'y Vett>rana of Jl'ontp WaN.

Janwa Sullivan, ,..._ond lli•Lrict COmmander of VpYI. will act ll tfUil.alhnJ orncer, fn r th• pollt. ow- achedul~ t o &~~~Um~ thei r n~w duU..,belnl' hrack!d by Km· rwth Brown, n~wly l'led.ed au~­aor to Command~tr Floyd Horlard. Jlr. Hortant. In t um , y,•fll bfo In· •laUed aa quartl'rmiUilt'r. Vf'ryl Inman. adjUtant : A R Gin,.,... wnlor via- p1't'• lo1ent. and Val Wnoda, junior vi~ prealoll'nl

OPEN FOR THE Mn. Pear l Rrt1wn will be ln­

elall~ a11 pr.-aldl'nl of thf' aullll · lary. ., ofll re now held by Mn. Mabt'l Gtn«J'&II. O th4'r auxiliary or­fk'en will lnclw1,. Mno Lurlh· [)(l<tlt. l"r"'tary; Mra. <lln~rru, t"•uurt'r: Mrt Mlnnl~ & y o1. aen­lor vtCO! pre~~ldf'nt ; Mra Ruf'l H of ­fard. fun lnr vic:~ pno•ldl'nt : Mn. AMI F Phr, l'haplaln , 11111'1 Mrt May Wooda. JP:U ilrd Mr11. Opal Watl.f'r of Anaheim Will hr thl' ,,.. . atalllnl' l)ftiC#r ·


SH Ye Ferris Wheel Merry - Go - Round

(with New So1191)

Archery • Sling Shot


Fun in the Kitchen Dart and Balloon Games

Milk Bottles, Etc., Etc .


~ .. ~.;..... ___ --~

'nw <'f'l"t'mony. whlr h. t• t.u ~ ~ 1ft l~ A~n ~~ hall bforlnnlnlf at ,. p m . wlfl hr OJWln to lhf! publlr ft4of"'llhm4'nt. w111 be wned.

*The Balboa Marine Hardware Compaay


- a fu 11 line of Marine Hardware I o r comnreroial and plea 1 u r • b o a t o~rator1

- - at

111 aa .. ••~

:auy War Beads



~n~ 17711

---Shell Marine Products




ter '

I thfo Mt)' ftnod\4or

(Af'f that ....... ~ bnut the Mhc>r 12 q liar-

l'c.t- a f ~k.r • ot­., ......

att tottwy f'fMtld .. , ........ . ltlle" (W

thltte .. ..... .. eta ,.,._ .,., a-t .. ,.,., UftfnrtoW ....... " ) opw~&.t• IUI4 .... "' t'atco ... tn daM' ~r ,_,. &.!4 u .. ... n-nm trert that ..... etty ...... " «tr-­"\t ....

...... wtlo INiar liM ta 11n~r. .... at. and ,....

Mae and .... ,, ..., .......... ~. .... ....... ....

taUnn oa IO&rcl .. .... ... tllat .. •· ._a lntM te .. ,. ... eand•

l:llloU'• .... ........ .... '­Dt. ~ nt ttOM

In eM r.jl>t"W

hfl'ft ... l11r o.uut

• *" u.. odra'-' rw t2ftl. r .. r uw

r~ . WU UIIP•

pric•­,,,,.. ..., r·rt.·4 ~1ft tJtf., Wbr ......

•r••n• ~· vl••u• II(.






...... EbellS. Session

ODe of _llllp,. ~ 8rCUD ~ytbl Mn. C I. Soud, whq ...W.ecl .. membtont r -~rta1nlq

Tbe .... K. v. Dllt .. ))' newa • ma,Uine. f t wo llrtlde llbou)d read Oil the pi"'O wn~11 rt>t'OII!

''TIM Dati Wrt>n : ''EX& Mlrgaret C EllJk'rlf'l'lt'e,' .AD Ieo BO Kay; 'TroD b)' Elayytre Yiewed "'lbl WIIUam 8u

Knl. F . "&.neeth AI Lotbpll : a wand," by · Kn. Jayr trom " An -r:: by 'IV. A. Klrll and lbe Fo ~ Mn JB&rirf'<t' " I Dorothy VI Doupa' • OM." by I Ceor,..U. "aoq ol I Werfel.

Kn. H . J ........... ' llalaancta

.,........ ~J .... ~~cl ...... ., ... ......... • •• Uwy ....... ...... ,...._.

~----~~-~· IL

NEWPORT-RAJ~ PRESS Tbunday, April ia, 1MI

~IS ..r EI1IA Ill- AS POSSill -liE IAII.OAN DIVE Of~,.~ a.....IMiylngW« loftda.lut ...... w. LMft ...... 13 blllloft dollars

I}~ 1/~ · Ai~ ~~- I_ I Local Girl Accorded '1014 euuJ "f(JM/1, 1r8~ Special Honors for

Mr. anct Mra. otdl Whlt.eon. J~c: ·~r1 n-•09v..- w \ 'ah •e Improvement r ·m~rly of Ne\Yl)ort Hel(bt.a, ~"' ~...r .... ...r-a u.. .:.Lu.! .UJ

ha•·e rented the Vogel property at ... .uCAcou a-~ 01 I.Ac- vra~~­(•08 W . BJ, avenue. vvun•y ~u.uw-~oo.Jc WWAea a u.uo..

Mr. a nd M nl. J ,ihn Lopez Of "~"' •• UUI ~lUft Jwl.ej w . .:..U'­

('urona del Mar are the parent.& of ..... AJ:WL. ·' duughl~r. born MQI'Iday at Or· MJa . .:..unuel. i'!wnu. tUH l.. liOw• "'~'' county hoapltal . . .el Jlhwe, :.c:wj,IUI'L. &II t:.UL<:rL,...u·

Lt 11 nd Mnl. Hltrold Lambrrtaon .. ,_ wuay !ur >&le.i!lU.ra u! " ~ ._,., 1 r ::n6 E. Hurr. Balboa, are the ~nJ. u.wq -~~~Jnvp • JO ~ l•v at St.,Joaf'ph hoapltal. ~f r and M r11. Sherman WMt, 111

:.!6th Blr••e l. Newport. are the par­, .,,,. of a daughter hom Friday at ..; 1nta Ana Community hollpltal.

Not:ce of Intention to wed baa

I h•···n fll<·d by Edith P ntriel• WU· ltl' n M 500 E . Surf. Balboa. and Ki'nneth W Cox. Kanau qty, K o .

Avlrtllon Cadet Vlncf'nt Hftly, 10on or Mr. al)d Mra. Jr!.ark Ji~ly of 1304 S. Bay Front, Ia home ( r•t.m Yuma on two week• tw'· lnugh.

\,..U~C1-,: •~'-'• ! Ul ~t.A M~ \ ­

WU.WIY l.olW''\;.u . ; UUuw~ U1C 1.1~­

<lii:IWI w~eu,,_, UM: atwuwvu .,,... '" ue ulitVuLAN w •w~.

4 IJ-W~ W the &-&Wt.ii ,,~ "!u bt: Uo!W UW. eVCJWI& tLl '-111 .oi l ..... nWTtl D)' \Ae ..._ boeU:M 11.11 Lll4l event lleUl& Mra . .at. l:. ~ ..... •Uut ot &ibo& .la&aDd.. &no: 1\ u. ue ~&&all~ by Mn. w: tt. f ru.tL) ..Uid Mra. ~lh ~·

Mn. U«lqln& ~ ~~~;.!· \\'.

S ignal holll"' that have come to " Je!~nae work~r wrN dl.e­' !vlk>d h r re lhUI Wel'k wtth UW ar­f l\'a i <> f the April 1uue of '"Sky R1o..h:-r. off•t·tal bouAe OJ"'&n of . .;or th Amencan Alrcnft.

In a IJ11t of IS" "mployeea wbo ' 11 warded a total of 12446 for

t·rv<lut'llun 8U~gc'aUOftl otfered the t•umpllny durinc March. UM u ""<! .• r Ellzabeth D . ~ olkt ly l>odge t wu aecond from lfw top tn U)r acale of Importance.

Th.., auggesUon wblcb broqht 1~.0 to :\f rs Adame &lid her work· ~ partner. Jame8 K. Klnd4ll. •n•·Pmc'd a ' 'nlutlble lmprovemt>nt

. h1• h c .. uld ~ made upon Ow t \'<lraul:c• unloadlnc valves an · Musta ngs." "B-25's" and Othtlli ~nAh Ani(• riCIUI planee. '!"» ~­L' ·51 run hu &lh'&dy ~n adop~

' l<l wtll not only save the com-




uz oua ~ III':I..ICCI10N or TO'I'II AJtD o•-roa CIIILDaE!If AND &DVLft c- '

Wallets, Key Chains Evans Purses, Compacts

NEW u:a.ECnON or

Costume Jewelry and Earrings

C:. •• £0liCIC8 1•.,.1•, Slaflo•u Plt&'M 15S9 R COSTA MESA .... _ ..... ftel,... ............ ...

81 ..................... ..,. Ralph MRU. owner of the E leu·

triC' Gril l in Balboa , hu bou(bt t li t' bulldln.K formr rly occupied by rhrist Ch11rch by the Sea and wUI rl'mndl!l It' fo r tnfe purpoaea.

Cenu-.1 a veDua. .bu ~ tNlll

OUJ&nd wbftoe abe vial~ at th .. E . 11:. Sep&Uih "'-e, belnc )OinNl there by her eon. Cpl. J ohn Luk•• of Fort Ord. WbUa ln tht- nurth Mra. Lul(Jt aJ.o apent a -k with her aon·ln·l&w an_'d 'daua'hter. ){r ll.nd Mra. l:n-etl Tout of Chh o

1' .ny money but ~111 t"Pault In l~H NftDJ»"C Blvd. 111nre dependable performance of 4---------------------------+ tllf' planet.

!\ft-. , A<t'\mJJ. ·-.·ho took an acUw ;:===:::::::::::::.;;:===-~ Our ~••• '* Oou•.-1 II ""-clftl VIctory ..... ..,._through lallalloft and tlvough .__ ....... n. ....-y you pay 1ft tuae II a dltect

w I .uiiR to the war artd the COlt ol """""' .............. .

,_ __, ,_ ,.,., 1ft W• loftde II a'1¥iirt • ..... Oou.,..lnt whldl wll be poW back to

,.. wttll h•tetett. ~·" pu lftweet In War .... .,.., help ....... .., of Vktoty !!!!!! - .... ,..,.. .. peace which .. to COiftL

_ ............ -c.. •• •. _ ............. ....

The Vogl!l prn~r'ty at IWMS W . Bhy avrnul' hu been pureraa.ed by R11lph Gra vt'a who hu already 1'\kPn poMe..Uoq. Wr. Gravee, wt1o 111 nt1W wllh the Lon« Beacb 8blp­huildlng t'f> mpany. will be remem· bert.'<! a. • formrr motion plrture !lt n r In the old alll'nt .cla)'ll.

Mra rha rl •·a Sonnrman of 1110 · 't.urt llVf'nul'. returned horne 1.-t w<•vk nftt'r llf>{'ndl n~t a few day. wtth ht"r eon, Robert Bloom. a th ird • claaa ~tty oftt~r at the Alnmed11 Air Bue. Dunne her ab­~,..Jl<'l' •hi' wn11 a «Ueat at the home uf Mr. andMr11. "BiackJe" Bepauch formtr ff'llidenta of HunUn,ton fkon ch who IU'e now loca~d a t Oakland, &nd alao vi.tted her bro thl'r -in-lllw and tlater. Kr. and M r• E r rt•tt T out of Chico. 'nte Tout• fo rml'rly <'Onducted a tent :tnd •wnin~~r bu11ln- at 23rd ~ l reet and Cout boulevard, ln ;-./rwport .

A1aerlea's :rood &nergeney

A--...... .. 8•ntaF•


........ ., ........ "'-!tiN ................ ,, ................... ..

....... - .. ......... .._.beak. of ~ .... U~~ ..... hadu· .,, ......... fnle Mel ..... w. ... ., CaUfonJa M4 .... So.da--. ._,.....,_lcaelt .... .._. ladlle ,....,.._ Ml •H'I dt a oiiDocl.

-.... - ..... ..... ...... t' P•.,. ........ VIe-_, Gu4 ... aloa1 dael.r ralhoacl'a ,._,,_.,........__,. ••• , ,, .......... - .. Suca Pe

................... tria. OW an wtdl.,.. ,_. .. pu

...................... _poclolu. ....,._,......,...._can..., .............. ~-· .. -~.,., ................. , ........

Can an few ud laoart are predoua. 1.-, ~tow • fniah• car tcaddt idle boldt beck lood ot otbu 'tical wa.r freiabr frOta folkt who aeed iL uaoMd cubic'- tquaadut .,haltpeca.

11M tuppfJ npuu or .... Arm, tDd N .. ,. dM ODT, ud dae la ... care eo.. _.ce eo..Jteloa &veta of '-"ice .,. all ,_. .. - dalt probl-.

.... ,. ... An ........ SIUppen IM!ptq ud aa coCilue to help (1) b, ..ul•u• loediaa; (2) b, qaickKIC*Ii-.;U)bpcpck•.-ioed'D41·

* * * Non thea ,,000 S.eca Fe follu ioia with tiM fa.rmen. rhe li"'10ck produc· ••• the tbippen, aad 1be co .. -•u ol all Aawtca ro · ~e&p •- the arnt .. t food criala - ..Uoa bu ... faced.

Califonia, 11- t.ow Suca h coopa­...c& laacaaP'al 0111 riea rot aDd blipc. nit ,ear, tiM people Ia the Tau

Pullaadle an briaJiq Ia ibelr W. IIAnett of wu:y k.Ar wb.lda prom!•• to prod•c-e dM •ucla for capioca ud odaer lmponut prodwctt daat lo~WetiJ ca.. fro. me cuan .roou of)aft.

Ia tiM ,.._, udoDal loocl -~ a-q,thete .,.ople ofS..C. Pe'1 Aariod­ltlftl De..elop•eat Depanmeat an woclunJ harder rhea .... doita~ .....,.. IWaa caa 10 IMlp Joocl ,.._. all

Santa Fe System Lines OM of America~• Railroada­

M UniiH fw Victory


Rec~lvtnc the ~tulat•uns of b1enda are Kr. &nd M~ Hor· ace Parbr, jr., 217 Grand Can~l. who lut 8Dturcl&y bec:aml' th<' of a baby .ut J udith _Lff The n- amva.J. wt1o Ia the ••-<:· ond cloaugbter In tlM Parker f:unl­ly, w4Nrhed liUl pouDCia antl 6< \'en ounce. a t birth. UM evt>nt oc.ur · rinr at St. J~b h<J8Pilal Mr Parker Ia a -ber of Uw high school faculty.

I' "t m working out the lmprow- '"I • ··nt . is a gTaduate of Newport WHA Tl 0 N L Y 0 N E KEY? llurb<)r Unl•m HJch aehool &lid No Deed to be continually lncon\'eni~oced by tbe a· .,, uc •' :li!RIWd In n tW!!p8per work late.nce of only onr key when you have nHd lor two l' t lht' Hubor prior to ent~rmc ot UU'ee. It only taku a Jllfy to make a clupUcata, t ht' dc•(c•n!<t' f ie let. She lot a daueh· and w~ clo It ri~ht whtl• you WaiL

t•·r nf Judge and lfn.. 1>. J . Doctcw. BA.&OLD L oiOIINSON. (AeL If ..

Herbert k Joluwon. jr ~t~ >n .. r Mr. &lid Mn. H. L . John .. >n of 1111 N . Bay Front. n-<lt-n ll)' ('n · tCat.ed In the 0. 8 . Naval Ro>5• n·~> IUid Ia now located at tht' ~a,·al

Trainlnc Statolon In San Dtf'gc, Ou_dng Harbor Hlfb .ch'll•l day11 ht> wu a baaa dnlmmrr w1t h 01(' school blind &lid lmm~l:ta t f>h· prior to hla enllatmf'nl Wtlll a mt>mbrT of the Balboa bhnd dl · vlalon of tb~ Newport Rtonrh riN' dtopartmrnt .

Mn. Mary Stanley, 18Z9 Ct n · tral avenue, wu ~eu at 11 r t•· cent pinochle party pl&nnt d u a ~ 'PilOu ClaM , , Ctu1at Church by ~ &oR. H igh IICOre WU WOil by liM! Wral~·

Fowler, 2nd b)' Ueut HowArd Muon &lid eon.olatJon bv V<:>n H Ft>rgu.on. ftefralunent,' fit but · tl'ncotch p.. and wfJ~ weN' aene4 to Lieut. and M rs. )(.uon, Mr. &lid Mra. f'erruMn. Mr &n<t Mn, J ohn Woodworth, Ll~ut And Mn. Fred WoodWorth and Mn P'owler.


~l ·•lonBh w ho m ay br relying " " pno\'ld<'nCo> o r t he ration board t • nut •mi\l tl'a lly r t n l'w their " B "

n <1 ··c " IPS rat•on booka. an tl\'IS<•d t hat thr burden of renewal • • • n th~m."t>l\·e.a alone and that '' ·y w• il b<• ~nt no not 1c:e prior to

· '(por •tou:1 uf t he SUPJ!I ~mrntal

" ' l.lltl bnolul. ~:'C pu:c t u>n <hll' O( f'UCh bt.)()k Ill

"'•' tl un tl.s f:\t'P. Approximat~ly

• "'' ' •>r I hr. e Wt'('k..ll prior t.o that !,tt •· th•• m••t orut should appear

·o t I he• \\'ar Prl<'•• an I llwmJ o tru·<' In lhf' Balboa Inn hould lng a nd C'rlmpltt lo· the neca· q,ry rPni'Wl\1 r •• nn, which ~ mor" • tn plr th"n tht> onJ:inlll applk a · I IM I The' n•hu 1••'8 t il"t' l~tlon ~, .... , ,..1 111 ' L" I h · pltwt'<l on fl!t> w!UI t he apj>h<', l w n ·•n•l thr •pt"f'(Jom · • t .. r ""'"J:I n~ 1!1 , . .,II

Afte r l"t"<'f'l\ I n~: thr blank, the ~ a.''"""'' p<tn..f ''· •II :H't upon the , ·~ !0" 11nd nool l f~· lhP APfllle&Jit, rn tu•n oo:a rd t• ft1MI:lll'l ll&ld.



For Your Signs .._....,.

112 Eut ~ Ann~ A b?"eh of 'nW! ~~oUter Cllureh.

'Mie Flnt Church· oC Cllrist. SclrnU.t. In Boeton. Kua.

Sunday achool at 1;10 a. m . SUnday ~rvi«" at 11 a. m .

- Tt>11Umonllll mt't'tlf\C each Wf'd· nt'ltday at 12 :00 noon.

TilE liMN IIAJif Specialty·


---- - ~ ..... --.... --------~

· . ••• ...,.,.... 8L. ... ~ ... • .... -

(SINCE 1932)

t Balboa Balboa Island 1 Get Behind the Second War Loan Re11dlnl:" mom. 711 ICut Omtral

nvrnu~. or--n dally 12 noon. to 5 fl. m . Wt>dnl'l'dAy! 1 :30 to 15 :30 p . l m . Clo~~ed SundRyll and hoUclayw nfttlonlllly nb~f'n·rd

Thr publk lt1 <'o rdi&Dy lnvtt~ to nttl'nd and 111M' the .._..;. room.

C'UJUHT cm:rti(,. In' 'fBE 8EA I CommunIty Metboc&lt)

OPEN! E . D . . GOODEU..

Sunday Khool a t t :IO a. m . Morning woro<h lp, 11 o'clock. E vening worehlp. 7:30. W~ni'.!Hiny ~>wn l ng. patJudl feJ.

IOWI!h lp d lonl' r At 8 :30. ~ M"rvl<'f' At 7 <10

O(' R J .AO\' UF IIOUlft' CARMI:L c,-\nrouc anraca

REV. P J BF:AI\T, ~ Sunc.llly M:uSNI Bl 8. 10 &lid 11

a . m,

!o!T. oiOHs \ ' JASSO (o.t~M~ie ) 311 M&rlne A\'e .. Balboa taland

REV. P J . BEARY, Prlat - SundR)' MUll at 8 :30 a. m.

~T • .JA)It:!'4 t:P18VOI'AL F:br ll Clubh e>USI'. Newport Beach

REV. W. J . HAT'I'ER, Vicar Phone !197

Rt"aldi'nce, 1 !141 <>oe.n Blvd . Schrdulfl nf ~

9 :30 a . m ., Chun::b 8cllool. p tl m ., Momlnc pr&J'ft' and

~~ennon .

Firat Sunday in month. 11 a. m ., Hoi)' Communion.

Other actl,·itte1 aa umounced.

SOTICE OF PnU.IO JD:,UIDlO Notice Ia hnt>bv gtna tbat Ule

Plannln~ Commi~lon ot tbe City 1

of :-.iewport Brach. Callfoml&. wtn2 hold " public ht.'arlnc upon thr mattt>r, !!1 thl' applicaUon of H . , B<'njanun Robison for a .tdeyiU'd rt ny· pt>rcent setback YU'iaMe. l 19. Block 11, &elton 2, ot BaiiMia Island. lhl' 1111mr hl'rng USe Nortb· t•ut cornu of Park A....ue DDd Collina Stret't. Balboa i.lud, and h&\ing t o do Witb certaaa ..._..I tlon on tbt buU~ loedld ....,... on. -

The will ~· biM Ia dwl City Council Ch&mtlen, ~BaD. Newport Beach. Calif. .at • p. •~ Wedne~<~ay, April 2llt. ltll. I

By order of thr Cba1Jo1DDD. C. HAROLD H OPKJMII. H OW A.RD W . SEAOJk ..,...


• Renovated Redecorated and Ready!


..... Six-Piece aa.d ·


BUY U.S. WAR BONDS! '130 P • ._ UftJIIDAY e.oo •· .. •••••w

-, . .




Tlaunday, April US, 1M3


D'l IRI!P'I lor

• , 1 135 Hlqbwey 10 1

Jut lut of 'l"be Arc:bu 0 '!erpau


R. G. Chambers aaA.L JCSTATI!: - INSURANCE

Phone •oo ~00 Newport Blvd. , Coat& Kua

.,., ...

Virg's Garage - ONtral Pboae Ul

M~M~ ., ... L. ............. ..

no you wt.b tM ..... ....... happy!

Th~n remember, cla7 bJ da7, J 1.111t to acltter. _... ot lldn-...

Aa you pu. ~ u. W&7. For the pleuur. ot t,tw oaany

May be otU ... tne.d to oae, As the band that pl&Dt. u acom

Shelt.era a.nn1ea from the .wa. - J:lla Wbeeler WUcox

• • • 0 ne of t b e ~women tn Hubor area Ia Mra. llarpnt Jean DuBarry of ...,.. Colo-orty-wbo rec.nt-­ly bec&me t h • ow ner of a bandllorM trop­Ical a e a I b e )I p r •e aentM l.n

hnnor o f hu birthday annlnr­•ary. Accompanytnc the token 11 111 R neaUy-ldtered .croll cany­tnl: tht> aignaturH of every mem­"· r •>f C'n K. ,ltOth Infantry. 'nW '<<"roll. which Ia addn•ed to ''IA4y OuBarry," further ~tM the OuBarry l'ftldence u "N.wport Honor Home."


'"*' perllape the~ "1J1 • o)m• ~ a mu ~ JNII 00<:'1 s t.a· ttooe4 at Poet .0 1n N-l'UI't lteed1 1114 he will •Y· " WQ • buck up f~Uow, t.IMft ~·.on 1M* ot tbln~a )'0\1 can do with -arm . . . The tt.neet pltno ....-k 1 ev~r l'la.rd wu pla)'ed by a ... who bad no handl at all . . ."

• • •

.......... =--~ w,. .. ..-.~ ...... .... t tw ~ flltMIC ..... ... tnw1 ..u. ............... ~ ,._.,._. ........ ~ ......... .... -- ...... ,. ~ "-197 Wftdl .. elllliiMt • a ts-

Tbe mom.tna mall broucbt two oyd. w...- .a -.,.__,.a. !etten ot more than p&MII\I an-' cc-~ .0 De a.- W111a. lerut . . . ''Kl" JobMon. t'JC· ....,..,.. .- • ............. ._..

Newporter , wrote from Poujo:b boaJ'd ._ •• 0 t tta .. ,.._ kHpelt-, N . Y . on etaUo nery .. ~ of~ • W ik mta wtlk• The ~leon Hou.e. "Pouebk•'<'tl haw W... 2 • Uy _. 1le'e Lee.dll\l Hot~l ." The Hua.a·,ra, Pr I' 0 at ..... P . -....., --' he aaya, Ia tuiJ of broken ~u ; L W . an.P _.. ..... • • Poultlkeepete ta not ~ out ; conuatttM .. ellllad ..a _..,... It hU bHn 28 belov.- r.ero ~ Ia 1M Alilpllll • aa Ill· Ht- alao report. that be bad JU6t r<Wt to ...... ~ adtila • nnlahecl wortt on a Navy \'t'Ut'l appeat. ,.._ ... -. 0 1.,... of dOO borwpo..,er and t l\1<1 able er-a ...... _. '!-- ...., u.t plenty of Gold Braid tTOm Wash ~ f• ..a- .., 1M LM Aa­lnpn wu there tor U\~ t <'St. pia .,.,_ MW ..,.. ..,.,... aa " l 'm to be In Newport, R . I ~ S ,al· 11...... ....... fiJI a..t _. u.l urdty; Brooklyn. N. Y .. ,._.Jay t'Utift' MtJ1a • _. ........ &nd Wuhll\ltOn. D. C .• 'Ml\u'llda)' wallY ............. e.G.._,. o r 1"11cky. Mi-a. J . ta tired or lraY· aad ~ e lll\l and noeryUJne Wt- ltt't tbot I• 1...,...., • ....,.. ,..... car packed wanta to head ror Cal· un••l - 7 .. , 0.. ~~~ : ." - . ltl ... s-r'W .. ....,..

The oUMr m1•h•• Ia from liar- rdkf ,_ _. -' U. ......_ per B. Henry or Ulf' old 8oulh o1 De ............ ..._ S... Club ... You' ll ~ .. ,..,...,. fiJI ,..._. • .,. that a couple oc ~are aco F"rrend ~ ta - _. ,_ Harper &hook the -d of N-- boo11 o1 tM On ... ._. ~ pott from hla te.t and .et forth "--1d.... - .. • ... to eetabl1eh a UlopitD colony on r.~ a,.. _. W . _.., the lala.nd ot Oalrot•. ott PaAama e nd L W. ..._.. __.. • •

&.an' .&1Q) N.& \'Y 'IdE l\"Dia IAJC&L YOl,_ Dl ~I CALL

narty- _, ()lit ot ,. ...., wtt ~ a-tta ~ a. u. -~ .. ~ ~ -Afdl I .... ..._ M'lt 11•• d ,_ ~l-~ A.-y . ... ~ ......

....... -·. \o .,....t fill

...... J Heya&ft. diMt dfttl ol tlw ..... ......,..,

Of tJa\e -~ .._ - ,._ u. ....,._ ....... Ollila -­• ftd lat....... Ha""-1 w . Jlloorak , .............. ~ .... ,_ ~-yY .rnm uwl u. followtil8 W1lo M n ~..t r- "-""Y ~: ~ .......................... lliraJIUf'y hall-.. J- Kay ,.. •• -. Duriuw "-FY .......... Job ~ Aart.y ... rr.... .. ,...... •• - all , . ea.ta ..__ ..................... !'fkll. ~,~ .... ......

J-.U. ............... ......

~ Jr.C•'bz ld .......... ,._... ~J. A,nl • . INS. Taa Ooaecioor'a oMt. W1ll M Ofllll mette aly ,_ I A M to I P,.__,._. .. , .,~ ...... byeed,

,.,_. k ~ U.t clliedl • .-..a ... . .......-r Mall and u.t It .. •. r ._.,. ~ .--t uad ~


Matletex Bathing Suits Play Clothes

··Hawaiian Trunks Handbags from Haiti


Sllllj~S~ BALBOA

-and further Saya, .. Buy War Bonda" .......... L. Schade

The atory behind tbe rttt ta found in ·the DuB&rry record of ll<>.!i pllalit y. Be«fnnlnC Dec. • • 1941 . Mr. and Kn. DuBarry haw lwhl "o~nho~" evoery evenlftC, ~·n te rtslnlng from nine to 20 1101-Uil·r s from PO.t •o. which auppUM the breakwater aentriel and beKh rn tro l. Dunne thla 11-month per-­lnd. Mrs. Du.Barry hU baked hun­dr·~ds nf plea and calcea and brew· r• l gullnM or coffee.

s-m. the war tntmerect W1tll ~ te • 11$rdor tile .... hla plane. I~I'Mpa Uw world ._, t n J ollll _..... ._... . ., .... qulta Nady tor Utopia . a Any· ert.w lnt_ ...... ..,. .-.. a how, he'e at!U In Patu1mt · ..,. ~ - .. II • - ...._. ..,. wl'ltlns: a book, "Uft- and ldt'ala.- «"O ....,.... wD a. fila

""' ...... l • ..s-UcaJ W1~ - .._--t- M IIW wttJl ,.,_ ..... - ~- ..........

(M 'u MWI&c Tt•.&dM:n A.11 of C.llforula I

ftACBU OF I'Lo\NO Orpa»& - A ClC'ompaut ...._I 11'7 Ooldf>nrod Aveaue

which h t' exptoele to pub11111 . . 'fter lbe war.

()o,,_ ciet Mar PHONE: NE\\'I"tlRT 10-tl

I.-on. Olven at honw of P\lpll Jt Dalrf'd

1111101 100 .. 1111 SAbDO






Th~ post · • per110nnel hal cbanc· Pd ma.ny time. but .-eh company, upon being tranaferred. hU prH· •·nt t>d the DuBarrya wtth 110me lit· til' t nk t'n of u~m. l n addition. ru.ony or the men have written ••rrsonal lettt'n of appftdaUon fu r t he hol pitallty which wu 110 -:•· r~o rously bt'lltowed dunnc their >t •Y ht>re.

Llludablt' u Ia thla record of ~ ... od Samarltant.m, It ha.l bMn Mr. DuBarry'a unique pnvllece to h<>sl n w a boon etlll CTe&ter than ho1Sf"tla llty .. the boon of mor­ule

Mr DuBarry hu no banda. yet hr os r• n acrompllahed plan~ and " In rend{'r the moat dlfflcult •1urn1>ers bt>ttt'1' than 81 per cent ••f th,. folka who eonlltdn them· M<•h •,.s nouAiclana . . . Can't you ,.,. ry w e ll Imagine that 110meday

l lllf•re w111 be a 110ldln Jytn1: In a hoepltal-or In a foxho!- matm· rd . an arm rone. a lee ... and he , Ill lw hel\rUick and dl.courqed

f rom t•ontt"mptatlnc a f\lture ex­llltence ae a cripple.

OffiCIAL u. I. AllMY Ala CODI

I 24tb Ylgbter - MOORE makes !I Squadroo lnsipe Better Ice _ Cream I ·


._.,s. Confectionery :noo QCIAH FRONT

Pbooe 73

roa Ofatia.ur~ sa

Howard W. Gerrish 1111 W. O.tral A­,...,.,. ....... Qalll. ........


i..'ic..e &Dd Co•t~ Boada W ri I tal

......., _ _..,. ______ _ WORK BASKET

IW8n N . Gallagher

Stamped Goods and l ' &m!'4 •

lfn• werll ... tnactl- orau. wM ...,..._ of Ma&eriala

.,._ ta% w If . .,_._, s-t.a Aaa - __ _._I


. l I

FREE with War Stamps

bougit tllil .,., at

SheU Deolws and Shell Statioru ~ your U.S. F icbtrr and~ tcrYa.tion Squadron inlicnia­tM kind younpten •~ collect­ing now! In full color on cloth, they're juat r iaht to KW on pockrts, caps or twa~ You en one of thelc insiania FREE. - while the supply lam-n-ery t ime }'OU buy \Var Stampa frum your Shell Dnler or Sbcll ScrY-ice S tation . And e watch for the nest DCW insigne!


Rtm~mber,Jiot 1M Jl«tt•talllr, but die talnttla,. ia your ~lit pide ~I

o .. ce Q Wid: UnaT- Jlr&arecl clrf.tar ..._ &bell cbeciL-vpe of _, lnal _. c:M.rtt moff 1111ponat _. ,..., •

• • • lt there'• any &ancua«e we Aln·

ericana know leM about th&.n Chi· n ( lt' and Hlnduatanl. It mldt be RUIIII&n . .. Thor~forot. conetdn'· able lntei'Ht ta belnc ••~ Ill a local wom&n'e ambition to con· dut't a Ru.lan Ia~ clalll:

lnaUaator of ~ Idea Ia Kn. I.Adla Strothn. of Ml El M~ avenur. a natlv~ o r Slbert.a wbn aerv~d ttlrouch the f rnt· Worid War u a nurw In the Army ol "'- Cau .tD4 ..u.t.equcnllJ_ ~ t o thle country u tlle bridf! ot -Am~rican eoldler.

She baa .U.dy eoata.cted ._.. Anny AJr Bale and etc'ht orncen have alplfifod their i rrteft;ft In takl nc t h e courw. After all. tr llD

American a irman " ' U fo~ doW--n In Rulllia It would C'f•rta lnly ~ t u hie advant&«• If hf! could &M tho directlon t o lhe nnn'81 -pnr1 or could Inform our Rl.llllian &JI­of what.evoer atrat.egic lnform•Uon he mlcht have. Mn. 8trnthf'r a ­plalned that abe would not at­tempt to rtw her lltudenta a hall Ruaatan vocabulary but -w '-<!b them l8olelt.ed ...,., wtddl they wvuld be ~"~~a.t apt to need ..

WhJch Ia remindful of a ll1.ory attributed 'to lllnrique Karia fte.­marque, author or MAll Quid .. the WMtem Front."

Shortly the book wu pu~ llahed an Amf!rlean wom&A -*eel Remarque why he didn't OOI'M to Ammea. JW uld h4' had h.-ttated «UA«e -.ned 110 dltnc-uJt •'J ba"' to do 110 bean.we thfo 'JI;nl'fl.atl lan­nev.-r bHn able to ae.rn but• fnr ~.···

" And wt\at 1ft th"J!M ~ W'O­

m&n ukf!d. "Good mornlnc . ham and t'KP-

1 love JOU. and IOOd bye." _ ._., •ld.

"Wlth tttc.o W'Ordl!. Mr Rf.. marque." ehe dec Ia l"'d. "y~>u t'Ou \c\ tour m y country from ('OIUt t ... coaat and leave with a frieno1 In every town."

~·-"* UIC I-~~ Paul ......... .... ,n...,. fill

San ,...,.._....,. CW. uwt at ,..._t - .me- .. ......., .... tnn.ta-1. .... -..... ~ .. April ........ .t .... local <-"* . ..._ ...,._. OIIM r'll& ..... thr 1iilpnac ......... .._ ., ~ ......... ,......

P oiii.Uar; Cllllll .._ .._ ...,_ _.. 1ft_.._ ..... ~. w1w ..... ld8ti:J ..., ... ., .. tary wtll - ..... r.allllfB. ... pr'ij(ftliiiiOAiir -.. ... and u. ...... ., A--. Mr.

If ,_,._,., k _.. l11 ~.

t- - y k ••f'd at 'u. n~U~~t.r af ct.dl • ..._ or dad ._,...., ot cull .. ,_.,. ..,_ ~

0.. oftkoe AU pa,_..c. ....W.S k &.cc::Gm·

paJIW by tu ... n. -..1. or otMr lo~t ............ ~..,. ot

P""'P"'Y ""- ....u C'lwc:U ,.,..... to DO!'C 8 -..oa.&T. c~ 'l'u OIDodor.

Df'IIFE*....,.com~Tor ~ lft.&ft or c.u.sJ"'CCA&

.,. Aw..U.~ tot!Nh or a&~n•

I Rrip'r .__... ... - _. &LIM 81/W.II .,.,.. ...... ~--.... ... ... .. .., w1ilolf' ~ •' ... ._ .._ ....._ CITT or M&WNMf II&ACB. bJ a__..,._.. • .... ..,_ • • l dfd _,.. Uo11 fill tM KOOd RatarU. .... cte.. ......wr.

' '1 wp · ...-y - , ,_ .. .... malw U. • 5 W 1 fill - C J ~. • U. Dd t=fe tad an JOW lJ ... _.. AoodMII ~ Ia U. ... ttef it ,_ .................... c-t ol ... O..ty ot Oraap. hjm . y- w01 .._ .._ tM ..... ._.. '0 ;I 'at ftW .. tM OtDc:. ~ ~ft ., ... 1 #'J , ... ~ ., ..... ' ... cw _.... .......___......- ..:.....- ..... , ... o..ty. -- .n~ •~ -- ,._......,fill U. .... fill 0711-

Mr ......... ,.._ 40 114 ,...,.. ..... 014 1 .... \o: t.taro.cta U. .,..._ fiJI ... W . C. J . ....... IlDlA C. ....... M.allloq, - w I G ~ JIWIL ._ -.. IIOY L. IWPRDC111. ~ ~ ._ ......_ IIAl'tK or AJOaUC A HA'ftOif·

OlredAin ,_ U.- .._ ... AI. "''Wl1n AXD IIA YnCOII A8-VOIIH ...-. _.. a. p • 1q MJCIA'I'IOII. a JleUoaee.l Balllltac •lfdH· c. a-t. ..... ...,_ A I ,._ ,_,_ Ia ......... C Do6t, ...... "'--a. • 0 I I ...... _, haly Jll.uonal .,_, C' ~ ...,_ IDiill. ..... ~ .:::....:·,_,, .,.,... ... ~ _. _.. W' . ...... ~ AJQ) w P\-)'toll ..... ~-.- • _,......_ ~. Dlt ......... ITM'mber. T- uor ~ to a....-r ln

- .u- ._.... .p1Mt ,.,. ., ~AT _,..&aW' U. ...,_ __... ~tJIT Ia U.

"-"-1 J ...._ ., Da ~ ... !i1er ea-t .,/ u. Mat• ol Odfenlt.. a _. f nr ~ ODunty

.udl .-. c.- ... - · - ., ~ -' ll> -- Qp CUf'll( ~at T 7 if"'• ~ , eqlrdl:t......,.. u 1UWI W. ._,_ tn« ('II( ...... .... -......y ..... llr. ~ .... ~ - ,.,. , Dill Boow-.. who .. au:&


...... A ... - · tl ......... wtttdn u.- ~- .... , ... ee-ty , ()nnr. - wttNil t fte- Matioa&l ....... ...... ta.ty ._,._ If ..n-~ .,lwulwn. d~ tJw ~ _. ...,Dw ... ,_ an antln.ctl that _....

,._ ~ aad .,_,. .... .,.,.,. " r not pan. .._... ._ .... ., ~..... t hor Jlla'nUrt W1D tab th~ Jncal ~"''f'ftlftW'IIIt ..._ .,_ ~t for any ....-y or dtm· t im<>' fnr .,......W1lf I& 1 ...._ .... ~ In ,Jw eom,-tnt.

.. ~ llpOft t'Ofttnrl. or W1l1 affliY to Ulor C'fturt frtr any oC~ ~ ~ Ill thfo romplaJnt

Cift'ft ~ "'" !lend antt -• fJI ._.,. ·a J 1rkw OJu.rt nt ,._, C•.un-ty nt ~- ,., ratlf"""•· tNe .U. .. y of AP"l 1N3 I S&A.L BUPI!RIOil COURT OltAl'IOE C()t. "STY I

• .1 IDIJTH. <"uunty C1ert: ,., U. -..... ol CaJifonila. In and ftw Ulor c--ty of ()ran« ..

..... ft ; ... 211) 8 po tra'..-n BalldlllC lkftta AI'IA r a llfoml._ At~ fM Maan Uft

...... April 1:\110

ttiii-Mahttaial•l correct all pn-. ... u tina .........

Efler1 2 M0tttlu: I Oil- H .. e enakeue .,... ... t' lvolwd and r~fi!Wcl wiG O.W.


Bead's ....... ~ · 1\ ., '' L•\ ll fU R N IA


a•a .... IICAnotl-~ cornet~_ ........ ~ac.,-cer .... ~!*-~



. .






l •

Rates ,..,." ... ••

%.16 ,, .. TA MESA

l'li l l\lftF.R II

fater __ ~ers;



, ... thfo dty r or ltnothcot' lf' fft<1 that ot • ......., ~

athout Ow anothe-r 12 rntlna Bar·

• n•u ... t ov~ a tllf'f oo-aaer ....... ol ... I brlna ltv atlnr~Wy

It y eould aot " .... ~~ .· ... 11"1\1 like It ~ ll' h thtn1 u ...... la- .. .,. ..... ~ 11<111 ~ ()&Itt

"" dttfit ... t 1 unlortoW ,...'" a&cl It

' ... ~·· .. and Ullat men ra~-

' In ctaa., I tbelr III'Y r4' laid "" ron• rmm 1 •ltert that

--· ottr •• tile .... 'n&d d..__. II 11 etlo ...

ut lMt Mt

~-= =·~ ,_ .... m..,... .............. " wu .... '"'* ftt>Mt ,.,_, n-al'h , w ho ill ,.., tiM An• riwr, tr U..wtat• .,. and .... .. MH &nd .Wt If nU boud .... ,. bPntnl r11Jlnl. ~ plannll\l t k atlon na

bo&rd -• .... . &Dd lift that• .-.. Ma ._m..r ••

Ute plllll· flft aNI de­r.- JalloU'a

' ..... ikh m-. kl UM tall IPDt a 141&­lcl t'rf •• 0110

.r '" uw I ,.,JHt.ef lhfln ...

..... , O&llt »UiftU. lllld rallll4 , nr UtiO. .. ,,., uw 1'71'1 t WIUI u• -1 prk'e .._ , ,,, ... and e pr1r • :ta .. llt otter I, Wh l' l'lltft ) ,r, na drl 't'VI•na• rtf• na•d• an1l


t ing


01111 -.... 'hllit ..... .... .... .... ..... '!Ill

Jt. ... . 17 • ...,. two .... -·

• "-7: .,. ..... 11vtllla .... .._ .... ...... ..... ,._ - ·· W. A. and tl _... -n. o.rou n..p a...-OIIorl' ..... . .,. ..... lllflle • .....



.... - ar• mr liiAJift ~ ,t Ntote4 ~ lt. ~. IM-'1 a • Cllllta ._ Jll ·-.. -a.etar.l (J,CIS ~~ ::-




.. .,.; :,_7~ ~· - "' __ _ ............. taM ,...a& ,..,. .. llllullr7 8diiDol at ro.t ..... -.. OL. ...... M ._ completed LOCAL WOMEN DEVOTE

u.w '--- omcen traiJa1AI. 500 HOURS SERVICE Aa. ........... tat 8HViCe AUI· 1. , Iaiit ,_,., 11e _... _,t to TO HOSPITAL WORK ~ • ....., Teua. for h1a

--~· ~ 1'01.& DaiOLIIIIIJ:D

1 .A. 111M ,_. ud power unit

- k~ down In ttw 3000 Wollk • W. 01at1a.1 annut. Bun· - ......_ po~aqe• ~ Ac· ~ lo .-rU Wt Oft the pole. t111e ....._. wu appal"ltffliY In· IMdM 1117 a ..,_. car wtueb

2 ,, .... ~lllJ &.he ,_ 1 .. ...,..tenee. T1» driver Mt .... b 1 1

~ lri'OI.&X o.rdDa 0,.. IU DUl1a aftnue,

, ... .., to _pollee U.t h1a bk:ycw lllilld .._ MoleB Sunday ~m«m ,._ u. Kut s-.dL nw vehl · de-~ .. a W..unt n,.r. red wtUI wblte tnm. wtlh .......... ..uc- Urea.

rno M1ft roa nTJU.ouoH 1INUr ............ Harry Da.rt.y.

., llarda ,..., ....., approYal fur­

...-. tMN.. ._ t.Hn In the army a ,_,.. ... hu IW't'ft' bact a fur· ..,.. .._.,_

LIDO ..... tilt

• ' ... , .... t:U ...,,_111M~ .. l :tl o.. ...... --. ..... ,:11

A~ 4~ Junion and Bervlco .._ aoe. Clalldfta u~ TU lac.

............ ~

• , S • o.IIJ, A,.tl II

-...a.-& Olfa llleeve" •.& ....... Y~ ... "

c..a.aa WED.

....... ftw.-. ~ n "'WWila ,, I .. ODie" .. .,...~

Balboa ftm&ftm ......

c.-tnp at T:OO 6 t :J5

Lut ~e Bbowinc ot • Dout.le Feature Procnm S lntJo at 1:110. - A.dul .. : Sk. lndudlntt TU. ~ ,. ... and JuniMW

ac . TU

... lmilll .a" --(:! .......... bun-

ca.o.p ...... - PNdDa LAM

"'-"-· ..... --­""(W ..... " ... ... Oilapuklll 'nlrtllfto ............

Twu of the tbi'M Ora.nce l'oun ty women who hava a lven Ute areat· rat number of lwurt HI:VI<:e tu the volunt..:r nurae• au.le prorram, are well knc1wn to loc.l ruldeniJI . at wu · revealed t~day. They ar~ Mn. Dean Holcumb of :1:.!8 El ModeM avenue, N~wport Hetrhu ~tnd Mra. lilt.edm&n B. Hoar of Or­a.nre. a prominent member of Sal· boa Yaehl C lub and a frequent vtaltor at the Harbor.

Each of the wom r n hu KJven more than 600 houn· voluntec!r IN'.r\'h:l' at Oranae county hoepltal. their rec;ur<M belnr exc«ded In the county only by Mra. R. L. Te4. ford of SIUita Ana who hu M · ••ot rd 1004 houra to hollfllt&J duty.

SIX othn local wom~n r«:elved th .. lr raJ)II and Cf'ttlflcatf!'a at a tea c1v~n tat~ lut week by Mn. A J. Mdllnth1n. <'Ount y ch&Jr ma n of nuraea· ajclea. I nclUded In tM • .,xtette wrrf' Me..Jamr1 VIrginia Hn,.-. Vlf11nla Lanjte, E llae Pat· tr,_,o and Ruth Baldwin. a ll of Balboa, and Mn. Florence Wal· lace and Mrs. Clai re Wricht eo. llil Meu ·

A n- clau Ia etarttnr: next _...k under 1ponaorahlp of tha NeYo'pclrt Harbor branch of Rl'd er.:... . . . ACKERMANS ARE HOSTS AT SAT. EVE DINNER

Mr. &Ad Mn. C. E.Ackerman. ol tha Ackerman Boat company, _,. boeu Saturctay eventnc at a party honorilll' 'a croup of thtlr local friend~! and bualn~u uao· d atee.

Following l'oclltal la. v.•h1ch wu~ -~ In the Ackerman home on Lido law. ttw croup adjourn~ to Ban,o. Yacht Club /o r dJnntr and dan<'lnr. W\'f'r&l •l't'i" llll ai'Cordlon numben being clv~ by Georre Knaa.

0 u ~ a t 1 lncludf-d Commodore &act Mn. Fred Hunle. Mayor and Mra. Clyan H Hall , and Mrl!an &lid _,Hdamea Ja<"k GrHne. Ru. eeiJ Rankutle. 0 F Pet~n. E . R. Hill, W 8 , Loud. Jaclt Wlt.on. &. 8 . Tounr-. <H<~rcc Knaa. R.obt Alkn. Jamett Elllaon. Raymond Hol&.a. aad Mr. H . R. Barcua.

• • • .......,,u• ANNlVI'!aHA&Y ~IITDm'HD

Mra. Conrad Shook. whoee birth. clay annlveraary wu an •ve-nt of Jl'riday. wu rompllm f'ntf'd Satur­day eftntnr at " .urprille dinner party c1v~n by Mr and Mn. J"'ouuJJ Varnum of 317 Diamond avuu. Hllfhll~thllnl' tM affair wu 'Lh~" blr\bdu c.ak~ wltb nndlre and lc~ cream.

In addition to the honoree and Mr . l!lhook. l'Ut'8b lncludl'd Mr. and Mra. 0 . Z. 1\obtrt.aon. former ,_ctent.a of B"lboa bl•nd. "'~ ctrow cto.n from Met~tebello fof' t~ O<'CUion . Mr. a nd Mn. J ohn Allen. a nd thf' Sh~· I''Jn ·ln·law and daur:h ter. En•ll'll a nd Mn. J:~mra Taylor

P',arller In thP dsy Mn. S hook had Pntl'rtalnt'd fnr mrmben of h,.r br1dA'e t'lub. thoee taklnlf part bloln« Mesdames ~ Crook, 0 r a c 11 Smith, Otella N~t.on, " P'~I'Jr .. B~tllry and Aileen Cega~kl ,

all of P:/\l'lf' Rock,. sn!l Mr8dRmet~ Loulllf' Smith And LnuiM Mnnhsll, Balboa bland. Ft~lllowlng lun l."h · I' ln 11t U rlnz K. t .. •r 'a &y Shore C"llfl'. IJll' jll"f•up sdjournl'd to lhf' Shook hnml' fo r card•.

F.nslgn T11 ylor lA 11pen.u ng threl' w~ka furluu lth with MMI Taylor •t thr hnml' of hl'r parents. lhf' vuun~t NAvy n111n hAVIng just a r­ri\'ed from Chic-ag o w l\4>rc• tK- ~1\3

In tMJ intnc . . . National President of Realty Boards fo Visit Harbor


'r.. c. L. Thom hOme. MJ UdD wu on Tuuday U. ~ ,_ a m~nr of Newport .... a.u club boOk eectloA. _...,_sa ,.. 1th Mn. Tbom be­&-. ...._ ~~ne P . Conaer Mrs. Dt&on H. Srnlth .

Approxlmat.ely 160 lnvlt.ecl .,..... lin. K . V 0 1lu. ChiUJ"'I\&Q, were preeent Friday even!~ at a op...a u.e met·Un& v.ith tlle plano recital riven In the BelmoDt mouauaa, new11 qtle•tloM hom Shore• 1tu<llo ol Urban Cnecb. ' 'Tt-" maca.zu•<' tullowlnc whlcb 211 Argunne avenue. Of •pecial abe NOommendPd the foUowlq 1nte re1t lo Harbor dweUara wu booka, "The Dark Woman." " l:x· the appuranoe of three ~t P t> rll11ua." "Profit by HELP w A..llo~ - Man tw • .• _. .... ,

Jlrla. the Ml- Paula CU. ~ ... " f llr All Men Born." Ue. fkoverly Orace and "Froun Tllla Day l•orward" Walker. aJao P'N an ext ended

M1a1 Grllce, who Ia a ~IWIU•rl '"be .11wnan Com~:· lU' ot MT. and Mn. VIetor r . 1Jam lluoy~n

of 321 Alvarado place, BaJboa, 11n. c. w. Jayred read ex.ceruta ====::;.....;;;;;....;;;;;;.......-=-.....;== ~; ll v e t w o numben, "Sour- 11'0111 .. .A. Tn-uury of Bnu.b

FOB SALE re~: · by Handel, And " NoetUIDII," mor:" Mra. F' E . Reln11old lOp. i , No. 2 ) by Cbopln. ....... "Beneath Another Sun, ---- ,._ Paula Cutle, daUChter of and "t&nd Beluw the Wind," anct FOR SA.LE 8 m•ll diiWic ~ Vlf1rinla Cutl~. 2015 E . B&J Mn. W . A, Kirk. "The Fore.t and and atJL '.cltatn; eaar-'. Balboa, played " Au Rou«," tile ........ A review of fut 11ft W1tll fCMir; a.. by Schutt , an d"Oopall" by Mou. JlamUt.c." wu gJV~n by Mn. w . s ide eNiftllble. lin. N ....... ZU aorgllk,y. D. ~1. Mn.. Dona.ld DoUI· E. Bay ave~ s..u.oa.. ttl

Third of lh~ local younc 1u ....s.wln& "Number OM." by wa, Miu Edna WaJ.ker. Doa ..._, and Mn. Georcette of Mr. and Mrw. ll:d Walker .......U, "Song of Bl'madette." lUI 27th street. Her num~ ......_ bv r.trs. H. M. Welah

COLLAPSIBLE BABY BUOOY Wlth pad. ~. ~ $4.50_ Good oondiUoa . SUI Fill· ~y Ave .. Newport &e.dL Tp eluded "Interm~uo." (Op. UT, lftchlded "S~nday ae.t," Green

2 1 by Brahms and " A Glct4y 0111," rtn," and sn art ie~ from the ===;.... ________ _ tbert. Satunlay Evening P011t. " Boob AUT08 POll SALE

AttendJnr from the Harbor That Shook the World." 11n. 8 . w~re Mr and Mn. Orace 11. lladdpn gaw· a re•ume of "'1'be FOR SALE 1130 C'beTrokt;

dauchter, Be-verly, an c1 8traqer'' a nd Mr• w. L Kllllot1 gueeiJI. Mr. and Kn. Harold ~d "VIIlley of Decillion" Ahrendt, Mn. Bruc~ McBride and and "'nw R,.ll,. .. "QuietlY My

.:ood 4 7~ It Urea. F.o prk1t. $20. C.alt at llkb a1ld C...tral. Fred Wirta. Te

Capt. Hart : Ml'll. C&IUe ADd Captain WaltJ' ·· waa ~viewed by --==--=--==--"==--==-----= daught~r. Paula. were acc:ompa. Mn. on,om, who •lao recommend· FOR KENT nled by 'Mra. Addle Ha"'b. Dr. H. fld "Coqo Son~: : · "The Bible of E. StaJher and Mr. and Mn. How· the World" an<! ''Ttle Creed of ard Kreace. Dr. and Mn. kJft. Chn.t." Mra s ontwall revinrflcl tor~ R . Monaco and their two ' "!'be Rum&n Comedy." anti Mra. Ed anct It wu announr~ that the next

ROOM TO R.E.VT In ck(ene.> wwtl· K 'a rHidence to man dd-1 workr r . 123 E . Cenlral -'"~ Balboa. Te

Walker. completed the party. rnMti~ will ~ May 11 at the ____ .....;;;;;.... ____ -=== • • • home ot Mra Wayu B. Harpe-r. MISCt;LIANrotJ8

l'i l '&PIUHE P.urT'I' 111 AbaJon~ IIV~fiU~. wtwre Mn. F'~llcltaUon• w~n In order for

M111 Ooloree Elder who lut Sat.· urday e\~nlll&' celebrat.ed ber 14Ua b~tthday a.nn1n.--ry at Balboa Yacht Club. AlUiouch Uae paltJ had bt-~n ptannecS limply u a tua.. oy arrarr;- "DolO,_- _,.. pae-uwlJ !IIUrpn~ed upon an1vinc at U. table to find It oenteNd wltb a handaomely • decorated bh1~J cak~ beanlll' ber nama anct •• c.&ndlee. In actdttion, Port Oapt.UD Wayne B. Harper pi&Jed Ud Iaiii', "Happy BUtbda.7 to You." and r ood wlahea were forthcom-111&' from ajJ. 8barlnc the oa......_ tlon were her parenta, llr. ADd Mn. L . L. ubeU. 103 N . BaJ Front. and a friend, MIM 8htrle7 C'l'amer .


L. L. te.ll "nd M,.. P'. 1'!. NonJ.. BICY Cl.£8..-8old. l"fttt.ed • ...

1 wall wtn br rn-h!»t~. ~- pa.Jred. voce~· .. * llaia at.. uona itW>Uld br ma~ by pbc:mlnc 1 Balboa. and 208 ll.ariJw 4~ 1Jt..W. 'nil' ('ha iJ1N.A, Inv1ted Mcll Balboa lal.aDd. Ill nwrnber of 1 he IM!<'tiMI t o brina- [ . - I a Moll or cuh donation at thlrt LAWN MOWI;RA ~, tfme f« thl' "rollin~" llbra'7 atT And kept llh.arp - ,.ear, •L t1\e Arfity Air Baae ~ltal. 1 2003 IDY~. ea... Jlll.a.

IJl addit ion t o t~ prnioualy


J.- II. Genae--. Up. -Uoeed. lh~ meeUnc wu at-~ by )oft'&ltamH Don D. 11c-

1P AINTINO anct ~

eau-_ ~tnr Grace, MoD• Fme-- ~ ...u-te.. .__ -.. lae. o.orr~ Homier and 1l. L. r1ed. A. J . Bartola. U4 "-•~ ~ BJvcl., Coet.a M-. ......_ ...-w . . . ~

800 A vtatlon Cadets Eajoy Beach Picnic ~,.. Wlll a b~ ctay for ap­

pi'CJidmately eoo aviation c:acteu trona tllle Army Air Sue wbo .._ eencted ~n Newport for a loac· pauu..t ...... picniCs

DRF.88JC.AK:JNO - Alteriac ... ll'lenCtinc doM ,__...,. lira. Perlliaa, ~rd boualr tn. .&... twlm at.reet, Oft Mewpoct ...._ Coet.a 11-. Tp


St., eo.ta II-. Ra*t ,.,..._ Phone your Ol'dfto Ia ....,. ....

.. _ _._ • a i --..-...... -............. c-.. ---....... .................. --- ................. ...._. ....,___ ,,_...._......, .,, ,.._.,....,.. ....... s n. ,,.. . • no....,. . .... ,.,.......,...~_. ... ';

J'.a6cG.,' ........... ............ .._ ___ __

--... . u -..-..,._.I s I • _ _. ... c..... ... ·.--·.·. I ... M..__.~M~)- ..... a _._ .,zs..,._... • .--...a~_.,__ .... _. -. 11 ._ • .._._.z pdua.__ .. _.,_ ...__._ _ __,, 5 -n.- ............ ..... ..... ................ ~ ......... ...... ............. -.___ .... _ I · ·---~ ..... _,.._..,.;~......,--............ ..... ,. .. ·s • ..-...-m._,_,...._._,._ .. ...._ ... _._ •• __ ... __ ._.._~ ....................... __ ....... fll!'lllla_._. 5 ·--'-ililila·------Wanted, Pattery Deanllrs

hperieace clesi.nble bat DOt DeC I I zuy. hat...tmg work .ud ea..uo..-t. QWck adYa.Deement. U yoa _. SlOW

iD defease work please do DOt ~-

- ""': . -Phone 2359

121 Coat Highway eon.. IW Mu



For Local People and Sea viee Ilea ..... ._ ...... -.&~

Mr. &nd Mra. R. A. Tieman. popular members dl tile ltaJboe l.lland aummer colony, ban u­nouncflcl the encac~ment ot UMtr daughter, Mlu Sally Buanas Tl~ma.n. wbo 1a to be Uae brtde o1 Lt. Rlchard C. Seaver of Camp Roberta. Date ot the weddl~ bu not been eet.

The ft•• -.apanlea partlctpaUnc provlclecd tWr own t.rarwpon.aUon and at the ame Ume r ot In aome pod ...ct • 111"Wk. marehlnc the nve mJ'- ,_ Ute bUt to the beaell Ul4 Nt1lnli'Qi ~In the aame fuhlon.

we wU1 baft It ....,. r.r ,__ lf::-:::---------=--.,..,."'=="'==----------..... PboDe Ul..-6ltt

Ml• Tieman I• a atUdent at Stnnrord where •tw Ia maJortnc In l."hemklal entrlnMrfR(.Lt. Beav­

. n aon ot Mr and Mn. Byron Seaver of Loe Ang~lu. att~nd ·

ed Pomona colli'C~ prior to t"nler· Ina- the aervlce.

• • • FOl'Km ANNI\'EII.SAaY

Oonsld O rtt'ga nf 30th elrt'et l~t•t Thuraday <'l'!t'hra tl"d hl1 fourth blrthday' nnnlvcnsry. many

Upon an1YlJIC at the Haiti« th~y w... permitted to folJow their OWil ~Houw •UI u .. of dl'partwe lat. 1ft the ~rTIOOil­Ma ny rame equipped with .wim· nllnlt ln.lnlu aDd tbe OCt'AII front p~34:·nt~d a mld·.u.mmer upect with bathen and aanct-lounc'ers on rvny aide. Some rent.ed Oaht~ tarkll' &net tuted tbelr luck on Ute plt'r while otJMn rented blcyc!N for " tum Oft the boardwalk.


FOR SAL& 11-Coot Cna6aa- r, "-P· Unh·-.1 llarine motor; ""ry rooct ronclltJon. J450 ~ 857-M 0, caJJ 2S ae.coe BaJ.-4ttl.

h;' ;e.g n...-l.y. April 15. tiiil ..... • will he d...t ..dt n.....t.y I .....

OWDIG 10 THE SCAIIClTT 0. MA1DJ.I S 1R DE COMPil..l.m 10 DO nos.

W1th appetJt. aharprnl'd by fril'n<ls I!'Mlhtrln~t fur the.' ocru lon thl'l r lnvlcontJftl' pre-picniC' hike. Gamts wtrl' rlayl'tl and In• rres.m. the• , a tlrl• ate hot q 1 u lonr u C':. k ... blm b•l n.~ ond rraokt'r jack 1 lhl'y wrre to be found In local scrvl'd. r sf•'"· the-y next ~ away all

IF YOU HAVE A BOAT and 1011 are no t malcin« ..,_,. wtUl •1 -ut Me! Have PGOO wOIQ o1 -... ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;.-. -. -. -. -----------------.

aha.rk M'-11 and cur. ft 'a .._...

Tholl(• sttt'ndlng Wt'rl' Dickie t h• ,.,.. 1,.tln1' Ice cream. drank all R•cklnM". J immy M•~ry. Michael th r r 1t y·a aoda pop, playflcl marble Mvry, Ro~rn•onc:l Munoz. Mn. mn• t11n,·s . bou,-bt beach eouvenln Anna Blahop. l..owl'll Pontln ~r. rnr l h<' home foJb. huntfd - ­'Mrw. Ray Munoz. Ml<'hR~l Archil · "h••IIN t'ncqM In Impromptu lt•ta , Mn. MRym•• M11llny. ~hry 1 wr· ·~ll a ng and Ju· Jitau contHU Lilu Snldl'r . O.>rothy H11rln MAry 11nl1 1 hrn~ (be N~rt USO Loulae Pontm~t. Pnullnr ArC'hUleta w h••,.. .:alton. of corte~ were BArbar a J e-an Ort•· ~tn hr.•\,., ... a nct •rTed.

l n th~ t'\'t>ninJit thl' Ort tl:ll hnm" :O.!A n,· memben of Ute group llad wu thl' ll<'ent of 11nnth,.r Jitll thl'r· " " t pri'\'IOU&Iy made tbe acquaint­Ing. thol!<' l11cludrd ~1ng Mr snd nnre ••f the Paclnc ocean and as Mra T l'd PnntlnJit, Mrs Rablo Ott. rr~ult fk>ri ved a .peclal thrill from R111w Jont'll. "Grsntlmll .. Jll(' Mu· th•• '" 1 n1 ton, r hoza. Mn~ Emer111 J n"""· t'vnn Brookwl'll nnd Mr. 11nd Mno 1'11111 Arrhult'ta . . . F.ARI.Y aDN8TATDIENT


lleUOD now. LETa . 00!-a. J . Newport-Balboa ~. ..

FOR SAL&-l._ft. ~ ......

-d~-·~ .... lly wttb Inboard I RP air I 1 ~ Bendia forward .... ...._. ,_...., aeellmt ....... w--annrer for uUIIt)r • ,_ Cl&ll Fred ~ 2112. mt


1 OCEAN FRONT c:otta.,. ta w .. N_,port. Full pric. ..... U. l eral tft1Da. R.. C. Pattlwr . .... Newport Blvd.. eo.ta ..__;...... ttl


hardwood aoor.. .. lrwunedlat. ' dd ......

~· 0

ORCANDIE5 Cool. Crisp for

Clothes far u.e Younger~


SHIR1W A.ISTEit5 Two pirre n.- .......



ORKDV-S 13110. MOO dowa. tel,_. ...U. -R. c. Patwr. 1111 ~ ~~.... .,,\. .................................. .