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Definition: Forensic entomology is using insect biology to determine specific aspects of a crime.

Area: It can be used to determine time of death, whether or not a body hasbeen moved, and also if the victim had been intoxicated with any substances. !!!!(found out the dead body due to insect!)

Insects are also prime examples of Locard's principle when solving a crime. The history of forensic entomology dates back to as early as the thirteenth century, and is still been developed today. There have been many cases involving forensic entomology to help solve the crime as evidence, usually about eighty-five percent of all reported species in decomposition are insects.() It has come to be an enormous aspect in forensic science use as evidence.

The first aspect that insects are useful in solving a crime is determiningtime of death or postmortem intervals. Insects arrive on the body very soon after death. By determining their life cycles, and age it can help estimate time of death. There are four main types of carrion species that are found on a body: necrophagous, predators and parasites of the necrophagous, omnivourous insects, and hunting spiders.

(1) The first group of necrophagous deals with insects that feed directly on the corpse. They usually depend on decaying remains as a food source, so they are very aggressive in their search for food. This is why they arrive at the dead remains only minutes after death. They include both flies and beetles.Flies are usually the first to arrive to the deceased body. The most common one is the blowfly, which is metallic green or blue. Their life cycle is what helps to determine how long a body has been decaying. Their life cycle is developed in six stages. The first stage is the adult fly, which locates the body to feed and reproduce. Second, the adult fly lays eggs in mucosa membranes, so the eggs are near a food source. These membranes include the eyes, ears, nose,mouth, any open wounds, and the genitals or anus if they are exposed. Theyusually are not attracted to postmortem wounds, because they do not produce as much blood as perimortem or antemortem, because the heart is nolonger pumping the blood. This occurs approximately twenty minutes are death. Then about ten till thirty hours later the eggs hatch with the first instar larva, which is about one to two inches long. It immediately beginsto feed on tissue, and increase in size. They then shed their cuticle eleven to thirty-eight hours later to begin

their second instar, which is complete in another eleven to twenty-two hours. After another twenty to ninty-six hours the third instar is molted and the larva begins to move away from the body. They move to a drier place away from predators, and parasites to pupate. This process occurs forty tofive hundred and four hours later. At first it is a white or ellow color, and then turns to a reddish brown color. After four to eighteen days it becomes an adult fly, it rarely returns to the same body unless there still is a decent amount of tissue left. It usually begins producing five to eighteen days after it completes its pupate.

The other category of necrophagous is the beetles. They along with the flies are usually the first species to arrive to the body. They usually arrive after the body has dried. To differentiate between beetles and fly maggots, you need to look and see if they have any legs. Fly maggots do not have any legs, whereas beetle maggots have three pairs of legs. They are also either white robust and hairless, or dark brown, slender, and quite hairy.

(2)The next types of carrion species are predators, and parasites of the necrophangous. The predators include bury beetles, rove beetles, and hister beetles. They eat the eggs and maggots other beetles and flies. Parasites are made up of ants, bees, and wasps. Small wasps are especiallycommon on the body as a parasitic to the maggots and pupae of flies. They lay their eggs either inside or outside of the maggots or pupa. The eggs then hatch and feed on the developing fly. Depending on what kind of wasp there are also depends on what flies were there.

(3)The third type includes omnivorous insects also including specific types of ants, wasps, and some beetles. They feed on the other insects as well as the body. Wasps will eat other adult flies, and also feed on the fluids from the body. By eating the adult flies it can disrupt decaying for up to a day. The last species are hunting spiders. They make webs in and around the body to catch insects. The body provides an ideal habitat for the spiders to catch their prey. Although these are the insects that use the body as asource of food they are not the only insects that gain food from the body.There are also soil-dwellers that obtain food from the fluids from the body that seep into the ground. They are usually mites, springtails, roundworms, and nematodes. The fluids that seep into the soil usually stay

there for several years after the death.

Variety: By determining what insects are on the body, and what stage of development they are in can help determine postmortem intervals, especially in the cases of flies. There are a few factors that do play into delaying or speeding up the decaying process with insects. A few aspects that will delay insect activity are burying a body which also delays decomposition, covering the corpse especially tightly, being in thewater, cold weather, and the height of the body from the ground, for example in a hanging. Only insects that can fly can reach the body, so it delays activity, but insects do feed off of the "Drip Zone" under the body, where the fluids have landed. Some factors that speed up the process are the body being outside as opposed to inside, hot and humidweather, and if the body has been burned, because there are so many open wounds that attract the insects.

Another way entomology is useful in an investigation is to be able to tellif a body has been moved. Insects are usually specific to their habitat, and if a body is moved with species that are not common to the surroundings, then it is obvious that the body had been moved from its original place. This can even be determined within a few miles of the different habitats. Also, with Locard's principle at the scene of a crime the perpetrator either leaves behind or takes something with him. This is also frequent in the case of insects. Often an individual will take something back with him. An example would be the case of the man in Kentucky who was found guilty because of the chigger bites he received while at the scene of the crime. The chiggers were particular to only thatarea, which gave evidence of him being at the scene of a crime. Another example is in a case in Texas where a crushed grasshopper was collected atthe scene of a crime on the victim. Later the suspected killer was found to have the missing leg of the grasshopper in his pant leg cuff. The striations of the break matched each other, which is particular to the only way a grasshopper can break their legs. (27)

The next way forensic entomology can be useful in solving a crime is through toxicology. Many times a corpse may be so decayed that they no longer have any tissue left. As a result any maggots left on the body are collected to see if there is any substances in their system. This can range from drugs to various other toxins. Also by testing the maggots evenif there is tissue left it provides more evidence as to what a person consumed before death. An example is of a fifty-eight year old man, in Honolulu who had a history of suicide attempts. He was in an advanced

stage of decomposition when found. Next to him was found an insecticide called Malathion, with a great amount of it missing. In order to prove that he had committed suicide by drinking the Malathion they tested the maggots on his body, and found that they were indeed contamined with the insectiside. Many tests have been done on maggots to see the effects of drugs on them, but besides growing a little faster in some stages, there are no drastic changes in them as a result of drugs and toxins.

history: The history of forensic entomology can date back to the thirteenth century in China. A man named Sung Tz'u known as a Chinese death investigator wrote The Washing Away of Wrongs. In it he documents the first known case using forensic entomology to solve a crime using blowflies. In 1668, a man by the name of Francesco L. Redi studied rottingmeat both exposed and protected from rotting meat. He proved to discredited the belief that maggots came from rotten meat under the right conditions. The first documents of observations as using insects for forensic use was in the 1880's by the German and the French. The first manto use them as indicators was Bergeret. His report included the first timethat they were noted for estimating postmortem intervals. A man by the name of J.P. Megnin published various articles on entomology making medical and legal professions aware that entomology is useful in forensic investigations. Since then numerous research has been conducted to perfecttheir findings, in terms of the cycles of many insects. Today more and more studies are conducted learn more about the use of insects for forensic entomology.

In conclusion, forensic entomology is an important factor in investigatinga crime scene. They provide important information such as time of death, which is frequently used in cases. They also can place a person at the scene of the crime, or tell if the body has been moved, such as in the cases in Texas and Kentucky. Lastly they also can determine any drugs, or toxins in the body such as the man who committed suicide. Forensic entomology provides as a key role in many crime scenes, as it is now used all the time, and is continuing to develop even more reliable information.

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Estimating Time of Death

There are many different methods for determining time of death ofa corpse. First is to take the temperature of the corpse. The body immediately begins to cool as blood ceases to pump through it. So starting with a normal body temperature and subtracting the temperature of the corpse can help in estimating time of death. Also determining how far into the rigor mortis stage the body is also reveals information. If a body has been dead for quite some time, forensic entomologists use the presence and life

cycles of Calliphoridae (flies) and Coleoptera (beetles) on the body to help determine time of death. Examining the life cycle ofblow flies and beetles on the body as well as the environment around the body (i.e. weather, temperature, precipitation, etc.) that might affect those insects is one of the best ways of estimating a time of death.

Within minutes of death blow flies arrive and lay sacks of about 250 eggs on the body’s orifices such as mouths, nostrils, and genitals as well as any open wounds. In the first 24 hours these eggs hatch into first stage maggots. As they feed they molt into second-stage maggots and after several hours molt into third-stage maggots. If there are a significant number of third-stage maggots feeding on the body it can cause the body’s temperature to rise.

Movement of Corpses at Crime Scenes

After the cells in a body cease to function, certain insects (flies and beetles) and bacteria find the body immediately, and begin to colonize it. The space underneath the body also attractsthese bugs and others.  It is when a forensic entomologist compares the environment of where the body was found with the information from the body (i.e. stages of rigor mortis and decomposition) that they may determine if the body had been movedafter death.

Determining Cause of Death

Forensic entomology can be useful in finding out the cause of death in many different ways. Over time as a body decomposes, it becomes harder and harder to test blood and urine samples or examine stomach contents for traces of poison. However, because maggots feed on the dead body, it is possible to extract that

information from dissecting the maggots themselves.  Also blowflies are attracted to the body’s orifices as well as open wounds. Most blowflies will find any open wounds on the body and be concentrated in those regions.;_ylu=X3oDMTByMjZkZ2prBHNlYwNzcgRwb3MDNgRjb2xvA3NnMwR2dGlkAw--/SIG=12bu16e35/EXP=1382461499/**http%3a// (柔 D 柔柔柔)