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Conservation of Historic Areas

Submitted by


Ashraf Heidar Beseiso

Level: 500

Faculty of Engineering

Department of Architecture

Post Graduate Preliminary Masters

Prof.Dr \ Wael Fahmi

“An analytical study of Islamic Cairo and European Cairo with Examples for Global experiences to maintain

Historic Areas”

Second Research

Conservation of Historic Areas


Ashraf H Beseiso

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Conservation of Historic Areas

A. The Concept of Historical Regions

Is Areas with features historical excellence are structurally and architecturally either had its origin in old ages

as medieval Coptic or Islamic, or those which have arisen during the century IX and the beginning of the century


So The areas of valuable historical and takes them to be as whole what where the buildings and fields, gardens

and streets, are set not indivisible, which supports Balance between their parts on the nature and consistency

of their components, and the type of use and activities rooms by part essential of urban heritage side to side

with the heritage architect, therefore , the qualities of Commerce and crafts and industries are part important of

considerations ultra-Sea , which needs to be maintained and strengthened in the areas of heritage in accordance

with instruments international in the field of conservation of the heritage , and the city a For compelling many

of regions , such as the korba District of Egypt , the Center of the country "European Cairo", Fatimid’s Cairo .

B. Historical areas:

I've Developed regions the historical result of the construction and demolition and construction that has the

human Nations of various cultures and religions on throughout history , and which are considered witness alive

to that life style, social, economic, and political, so that elements Architecture list value high crosses on this

style of life which was prevalent, a The areas historic that still retain historical value , style, architectural

featured, are areas that were exposed to destruction and devastation , whether resulting from disasters natural

Of war, or of the human at the time being, the demolition of the building buildings , and the Prius , which has

brought us even started paying attention , and maintain Target high with a lot of Nations, institutions and


Mosque of Ibn Tulun Down Town

Second Research

Conservation of Historic Areas


Ashraf H Beseiso

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The Causes of the Deterioration of Historic Areas

Hit Neglect , demolition , many of the area’s history and content of the parameters of artifact in countries of

the third world, which is one of the richest regions of the world the effects especially in centers cities ancient

and of focused on civilization and history, that the concept of buildings historical includes not work the architect

per but includes site urban or rural , which Discovers the proof of civilization , or the evolution of important or

an historic, and this not only on the work of art is great but also Business old the most modest and gained

importance cultural with the passage of time, due to the deterioration of buildings Historical to the causes of

many important:

1- Agents of social change in the combination of social and development concept of the family of the family

extended to Family Nuclear.

2- Factors : the nature of environmental design architect, a role which game the yard already and his absence now

, which lost houses of ancient splendor and its environment , in many of the residents therein to its roof, in

addition to contaminants environment Other impacts of negative.

3- Factors economic: the increasing importance of trade and the increasing price of land which leads to the

demolition of buildings of historical and Centre commercial place.

4- Abandonment, the abandonment of any building lead to deny the building of hygiene daily And makes him

vulnerable to the growth of plants, fungi, and insects as well as accumulation of dust which causes the

deteriorate, particularly If a period is long, the result is bad and maybe lead to ruin and demolition of the

building, and the abandonment causes many of the fragmentation of ownership, and the large family and other.

5- Degradation product of devices the Government and examples of that: conflicts between devices Supervisor of

buildings of historical, such as body effects and other that some devices State leased buildings to perform

functions not consistent with their original.

Non The existence of Centre’s sufficient to care and maintenance and registration of buildings of historical,

archaeological, there is inadequate In legislation that takes effect without attention to the area surrounding the


Substance abuse Use ,the lack of use of the building by way of appropriate lead to deterioration of the condition

Historic area planning

Was Planning an appropriate mindset of those people who lived

in that period a For the old time, and were satisfied with the

conditions and manner of their lives, because their drawings

were appropriate with their beauty and satisfaction to a simple

and small can Live in it, no matter what view what If was

healthy or not so.With Evolution of human and had No need of

the study and planning In line with the progress of civilization

and technology, so you should be planning A time long and all

the circumstances, as well as the need to be informed of all Areas

in which future expansions, and taking into account the

conditions of the environment in the design of the order

planning areas historic must conduct studies of historic length

for each of the Cases of buildings and people, and that is

planning and maintenance , and return life to them In the

organization chart of the City are located in this region, we must deal with it on The basis is a neighborhood

reacts to people of different.

Map of Islamic Historic Area Planning

Second Research

Conservation of Historic Areas


Ashraf H Beseiso

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When Layout of the areas historic should take considerations the following account:

1- Cessation of worn out area historical on road repair and maintenance of buildings, rooms, where.

2- Organizing urban area, in order to determine the uses of land, and the uses they serve, and select density

population and determine the elevations and the character of the buildings, and the terms of the appropriate

construction of to keep the value of the region, and the enactment of laws to protect and prevent the abuse of

buildings in this Region.

3- Move movement passage mechanism to outside areas of historical and make it in the narrowest border.

4- Increase awareness of civilization to the inhabitants of these areas the importance of keeping the environment


There is two methods for maintaining the heritage of civilization for architecture, method calls to not dump the

region surrounding the building Historical, and method calls to dump this region.

Building Monumental represents the historical certain of the history of the city, and not be separated this

Building archaeological periods subsequent to, so you should put building monumental in its basis from where

its relationship to the buildings and spaces around him, even appear worth of plastic and its association with

the scale which The crisis since its inception.

And here we must make a precise planning and design of the area surrounding the building, and the construction

of buildings new around it as required by the age of the methods technology in building construction without

any Connection was cut, and this does not require a dump area building archaeological. Either method of

maintaining the heritage of civilization, invites owners of this direction to dump the area surrounding the

historic building to display separately as the impact of the effects of the past without a link large configuration

planning and architectural surrounding.

Is divided into Thought the architect in this method to two-way:

Calls Direction first to find the type of contrast between the architecture of the old Mani in its varieties, and

its natural architecture contemporary to their formation, and their wearers. Either Second , it calls to find a kind

of harmony between the architecture of the old, and the Architecture contemporary which takes its

commitment to the values of civilization, and apply the latest methods , even Keep pace with the Development


In Life, and in this case become architecture contemporary surrounding the building of the historic and

extension Architecture of old.

Second Research

Conservation of Historic Areas


Ashraf H Beseiso

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The objectives of preserving historic areas

Can To say that target Basic operations of conservation is to provide an environment more conducive to human

life, Not that the scope of the concept of conservation and its link to development overall, the priorities and the

objectives maintenance varies according to the nature of each region and are linked with the circumstances ,

with respect to the ranges historical which are inherently historical , archaeological , the objective in place first

He maintained the character of the cultural protection relics , and requires access to this target deal On several

levels , most notably :

- Focus the effects and around buildings with character excellence.

- Search Study of elements of architecture and construction and the search method of repair and replacement.

- Search A method to deal with the region as commensurate with the value of civilization where.

- Raising the overall level and provide opportunities and services to area residents.

- Try to confirm and revitalize their historic city limits by Gates, fences and domes.

- Pedestrian traffic network linking almbuti Different archaeological.

- You must be clear goals at the regional level as well as on the Local level clearly.

Ways to deal with historic areas

Is Areas of historical in any City of wealth large represent value civilization on the level of civilization of

mankind, and the maintenance and protection This wealth of steps and important to keep the value civilization

call to protect buildings of archaeological and historical problems, restoration and renewal cannot be separated

from the call to Improve the environment, which is located by the buildings where the upgrading extends to the

social, economic, population and activities.

The Ways of dealing with buildings located in areas of historic vary due to put the building to deal with it

where you can split the to the following:

1- Removal and re- construction: it is in the case that building is bad, and there is a bug not be reformed, or fix

this bug with the cost is high, and thus become The process of reform is feasible, it is allowed to restore

construction on same lines construction and take into account aspects of functional and aesthetic.

2- Reform : this is in case the building in case structural medium where you can fix it at half the cost building bad,

here is the design and coordination of sites surrounding these buildings, As well as arenas and fields of


3- Restoration and renewal: the aim of this method is to return Buildings to character token and the historical and

archaeological, and so the restoration construction, as well as the work of finishing the internal and external

interfaces, and include also work maintenance permanent to keep the building in its original.

4- Protection: to protect the building of historical or archaeological means protecting the image Visual public

facilities, as well as protection of the environment, social and economic surroundings by.

5- Keep: they keep the building fabric and architecture properties of historical icon of historic and valuable artifact

you must keeping them in their original, includes preserving the structure of the social and economic the

structure of urban.

6- To use: is this policy to hire buildings historical in uses a new suit, and the impact and ensure the continuity of

reading and portfolio it scientifically.

7- Re rehabilitation: interested in buildings of historical and architectural, that of during upgrade the region’s

economic and social.

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Conservation of Historic Areas


Ashraf H Beseiso

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8- Maintenance: dealing with change in the areas of urban, Social, economic, and technology to ensure the

sustainability and adaptability of the region with change fast and continuous, and aimed at the continuity of the

sense of value, and certainly the character of the place and the community.

9- Substitution: the policy of "replacement" is the image adjusted for removal, and is a method for dealing with

places of underdeveloped and declining Areas history that does not please the benefit of the fix, you must

remove to create projects that help to develop those areas in its place. Only the process of substitution is trying

to alleviate the damage caused by process removals overall to structure social and economic population.

10- Renewal: are resorting to acts of "renewal" in the area of historical , for repair and renovation of housing ,

utilities, roads, services, and targeted action Come renewal of buildings and areas with valuable historical look

configurable again in line with the style and taste of year time conducting the operation , and may include The

work of renewal Open streets , and include work designing and coordinating sites public squares, fields,

gardens, and<include implicitly the work of specific policies for the removal, repair, and maintenance.

11- Development: a set of actions relating to the development of buildings and areas Of the value of heritage for

the increase in growth requirements functional for users is that recourse to the authorities the local usually to

improve buildings within the scope of the areas historic as you extend the protected and maintained as part of

the history of the region and prevent its transformation to the Islands - in within the entity City.

12- Envelope to: featuring policy promotion places or spreads the historical as policy keep on the mass of urban

heritage and cultural -based policy renewal completely but are posted on it you will develop side Social /

economic population as a way to make the development of urban which explore words as policy development

overall socially / economically / localities.

Fields of Conservation

Preservation areas Historical which are, by their nature, historical and archaeological requires comprehensive

in approach, and it can be divided into the areas of maintenance of the Areas:

1- Upgrade the structure of basic: includes methods and networks for Exchange of health, water, electricity and

telephones also include coordination of the corridors Pedestrian lighting and hygiene system and collection of

solid waste and disposal thereof.

2- Upgrading service social: comprehensive role of worship, schools and kindergartens, health services libraries

public clubs, in addition to the Services of management such as the offices of post, Telegraph and telephone,

and security such as centers Police and firefighters to the branches of departments, local.

3- Upgrading a cluster built: include buildings residential, administrative and business types and different levels,

all of which are the proportion of mass construction, which include buildings archaeological.

4- Upgrade community: includes the upgrading of areas of social, economic and cultural rights is essential for

maintaining the band heritage.

And keep in the sense of requiring coordination and integration in dealing with such areas administratively,

benchmarks and space command, which is in the heart of the management development.

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Conservation of Historic Areas


Ashraf H Beseiso

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Historical policies preserve areas

A. Dealing with buildings list within the range heritage:

When Select the method to deal with the buildings existing in the band heritage must be of the Evaluate each

of them on the basis of a programme of upgrading doing or to select Position of program maintenance with

respect to the question of assessing the building issue, Only It can be a General dealing with existing buildings

within range heritage after classified to Two main:

B. Dealing with building regular within the range heritage:

Which could be subject to a three levels of Basic:

Level I: the buildings of the poor:

In In not classified building on it badly , but If there 's a bug Construction cannot be repaired or needs to cost

high become with process repair is not feasible, as classified building on it badly If were from materials non-

coherent, or do not fall on articles at such as Tin and cardboard and straw … etc.

And in the Ranges of heritage, When you Remove a lousy must examine the image aesthetic of the region

Historical and light this is resolution deal with leave the site as Open or Construction compliance with

construction, but he prefers that you constructive On same border property lines and construction list as not

opposing it with aspects of art And aesthetic.

Level II: buildings of the medium situation:

In In General, building an average case is the building which does not have the bug In structure construction

which can be restored with costs less than half of the value and cost building If removed and was built, and is

assessing the buildings existing in the case of medium To identify the requirements for renewal and reform

both of which the individual is from the this work data detailed for all work and estimate the cost and decision

making on reform and renewal Or removal or replacement.

Level III: the buildings of the good situation:

You must that contains a project upgrading the Plan of maintenance and repair of buildings, good to not be

used and had Turn to the premises of the poor.

And in the Case ranges heritage: should that be the year for the appearance of Building commensurate with

the nature of the band's heritage, it borders the building heritage or archaeological building good but colors and

printer are incompatible with the building heritage and spoil his image Visual in this case should be to include

draft upgrading Plan for the globalization architecture stemming from the heritage of the local on the facades

of buildings new menu in Heritage range with discuss the possibility of bringing this character to the designs

of buildings emerging in the range.

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Conservation of Historic Areas


Ashraf H Beseiso

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C. Dealing with monuments and historic in scope heritage:

Differs from the Method of dealing with the buildings heritage ( archaeological and historical) about what is

followed with another that may be dealing with methods of substitution or buzzing Machine, and not fit to deal

with established heritage but method of restoration or protection, and in not correct to consider the origin of

archaeological or historical isolation on buildings located around it , what enters with established heritage in

visible image must be included also work as worthy and we used the building's heritage, as well as course For

the main access to the building heritage.

And of the Major problems of the buildings heritage as part of the services, and the care maintenance,

restoration and protection of the consumer of resources , and in projects that upgrade is preferred when dealing

with buildings heritage transferred to the investment in the projects of return economic Or after the meetings,

he exploits the building heritage by nature and potential in that a restaurant or hotel or the status of a cultural

or Hall lectures or library General...Etc, But in all cases, you must be a control on this exploitation so as to not

result in exploitation of the building of the archaeological or historical damage done.

And when you dealing with the buildings are historical points of the following key controls necessary to


- Not Allows work any modification in building archaeology itself.

- Not allows to convert any mosque to use another.

- Not Allowed to enter the building, archaeological or what about any activity or use inconsistent with the

doctrine Islamic.

- Not Allows setting any elements representing the seriousness of the origin, and this risk either due to

vibrations or the seriousness of the fire or the escalation of gases and vapors are harmful or a Noise such as

generator of emergency and the kettle and store fuel in case the necessity of the existence of these elements

can be Placed outside the building historic in a special account where all precautions safety.

Pros Operations Conservation of Historic Areas

I: Pros of urban: - Keep the continuity of mass construction, blanks, and buildings, and areas with valuable historical where lead

the same role assigned to them, or the role of the new required play.

- Protection Nature optical featured this e regions, as well as to protect the values of the moral to all of the

included It from elements of constructivism, and blanks inside.

- Protection Activities of traditional menu and in the continued practice of these areas.

II: Pros cultural: - Keep the continuity of the biggest as far as possible from the elements of heritage, values and legacy, and is

what helps to Feeling rich and rich technical architecture of these regions, in addition to contributing to the


- Sense the community of interdependence and communication between him and the events, and the values that

still carry around those areas and premises of value.

- Highlight the situation of peoples, and to take a step towards cultural World to interact with present.

III: Positive economic: - Lift The value of real estate for the building of these areas, and increase the average rental places in residential

and commercial as a reflection of natural The high level of the regions and.

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Conservation of Historic Areas


Ashraf H Beseiso

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- Avoid Cost of excess for demolition, construction and replacement.

- Encourage the movement of tourism – both internal and external – the g TEQ, thereby contributing to raising

the level Economic has as a whole.

IV: The pros of social: - Strengthening Confidence among members of the society and the State.

- Boost Relationships social among inhabitants of these areas.

- Strengthening Sense of individual belonging to the region, and the building which resides in it, which helps to

keep on those buildings, and it’s guaranteed to keep the legacy of our ancestors and stayed for a longer period

Time as possible.

- Keep the following traditions of social legacy – such as a gift – which can be of a greater attraction for these


Foundations be taken into account, and examine projects keep to areas with valuable


1- Maintenance of the Unit body areas, historic City of Cairo .And are It is the study of factors of correlation

between areas of historic and activated, and the confirmation of factors and elements of integration including.

2- Maintenance of the fabric of the urban privileged areas, and integration with the surroundings to show and

confirm the values and aesthetic, And for these regions.

3- Prevent increased density of population and construction areas, historical and so to avoid effects negative

resulting from the increase of the density of population, and construction, and is thus of course review controls

control in architecture applied to these areas, and particularly on the heights of buildings, in addition to

Activation of the role of oversight of the work of the construction.

4- Show areas of valuable historical City of Cairo to look decent as of most Sites heritage located in Egypt and is

a matter which requires the need to expedite the process development of these areas, and is a matter that will

not be without the work of study integrated is from which to study the possibilities of these areas, the main

problems being faced, and its causes, the most important Features optical characteristic of its culture and is a


5- Achieving a balance between the number of inhabitants of the areas historic City of Cairo, and the size of

facilities Basic services available to them in these areas in order to avoid problems arising from poor of these

services, which are the most important weakness of networks of Exchange to accommodate usage daily to

residents of these areas, and what followed that of problems affecting negatively the foundations of buildings

with particular historical and value , in addition to what caused such problems for the inhabitants of these

regions, as well as increase the size of aThe problems of Visual , this in addition to the problems arising from

the lack of Services for these areas compared With the number of Its population.

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Conservation of Historic Areas


Ashraf H Beseiso

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Second Research

Conservation of Historic Areas


Ashraf H Beseiso

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(1) A map showing the boundaries of the owner of the World Heritage of UNESCO.

(2) Initial map showing the property boundaries of the world and presented by the Egyptian government to the center World Heritage in 2006.

(3) Demarcation of a property's World Heritage compelling historical by URHC using GIS technique.

Examples some projects Conservation of Historic Areas

What is meant by Old Cairo?

Old Cairo or Medieval Cairo has historical precursors at somewhat different

geographical locations, in part explained by the changed channel of the Nile which

formerly flowed much closer to Old Cairo. Pharaonic Memphis and On (Heliopolis)

were located some distance to the south and north-east of present-day Cairo. A more

immediate and geographically closer precursor was pre-Arab and pre-Muslim Cairo,

called Misr-al-Fustat or Al-Khalifa, now known as Coptic Cairo. This settlement was

also occupied and fortified by the Romans. To the north-east of what are now the ruins

of Fustat, the Fatimids established the walled palace city of Al Qahira in about 1000

AD. By 1500 AD, Al Qahira or Fatimid Cairo had spread southwards and westwards

to cover the area now generally regarded as Old Cairo. Two related urban features should be noted.

To the east and south, extensive medieval cemeteries, now known collectively as the Cities of the Dead, were

developed to provide burial sites for Fustat and Al Qahira. Secondly, the port outlier of Bulaq was developed

on the eastern bank of the Nile and this district is still distinctive today as morphologically ressembling Old

Cairo despite lying just north of the present-day Central Business District of modern Cairo.

Historic Cairo

Cairo Wooded areas of historical and archaeological mission that reflects the richness of the city, not only as

the capital of the world, but also as of masterpieces of human experiences built on throughout its history, it was

included within the historic city of Cairo to the list of heritage World in the year 1979, under (Islamic Cairo)

in recognition of the important historical, archaeological and architectural absolute.

And building on the recommendation of the Board of international monuments and sites (ICOMOS), based on

the heritage of the world of historical to Cairo in record number with the standards of the guidelines for the

implementation of the Convention for the World heritage.

Cairo Historic Boundaries (1)

Cairo Initial map (2) Cairo Historical Zones map (2)

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Conservation of Historic Areas


Ashraf H Beseiso

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Devlopment of the City :Map Cairo which issued device Central for public statistics in the year 2006 provide

evidence on Continuing the process of modernization in the period, which did not occur changes major in

Morphology The city as before, Note that the fabric of the historic impact of interventions and to Building

Models of architectural variety, as was a certain modifications to the patterns of the streets from the expansion,

to regulate the streets in places scattered.

Geographical location

City Historic Cairo, covering approximately 32 km square on the West Bank, East of the river Nile, and takes

it from all directions alive contemporary of Cairo Grand.

Been Describe the site as Web history is still intact on the scope is broad and highlight the key areas below) of

South to North):

1- The city of Fustat: and where the mosque of AMR Ibn Al-' AAS and fortress, and the fortress of Babylon with

its churches, Coptic, ruins and excavations The city of Fustat .

2- Mosque of Ahmad Ibn Tulun: and the area surrounding the Saliba and the Kabsh, and the number of effects

Mamluk Grand.

3- The Castle: and Mamluk surrounding them and the mosque of Sultan Hassan and Darb Al-Ahmar area including

streets historical such as market force which Skirted Effects of Mamluk periods and an Ottoman.

4- Cairo Fatimid: from Bab zuweila to fence North and the doors of the city

(Bab fotouh and Bab Al Nasr) Includes area on many effects the Ayyubid and Mamluk on axis main City ( El

share el Azam ) .

5- El Gabanat: from Fustat to parties North of Cairo, Fatimid, as in so many great of mausoleums and cemeteries

from various historical eras.

Ahmed Ibn Tolon Map Fostat Map El Gabanat Historical Boundaries

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Conservation of Historic Areas


Ashraf H Beseiso

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(1) A map showing the boundaries of the owner of the World Heritage of UNESCO.

(2) Initial map showing the property boundaries of the world and presented by the Egyptian government to the center World Heritage in 2006.

(3) Demarcation of a property's World Heritage compelling historical by URHC using GIS technique.

Study of Historical Development of Historic Cairo

A. the evolution of the city in 1807:

Map the campaign, the French are the map analysis first describes the morphology of

the city in the year 1807, Select points the following map for comparison with maps

of the eras following:

- Axes Core in the network of streets, like Rue goats.

- Effects Important as the gates of the city )for Al-futuh and Bab Al Nasr and Bab

zuweila( mosques ) Governor by order of God, Al-Azhar, aqmar mosque, ibn Tulun(

the Castle and the nilometer on the South of the island.

B. the evolution of the city (1807-1888):

Building The analysis of map of 1888, was identified on points following the continuing

lasting morphological urban as by contemporary, and features the city’s contemporary

, which evolved into the vicinity of the banks Nile:

- The emergence of new focal points reflecting the European urban models (such as the

field of azbakeya and Abdeen , Opera (, and reflects the evolution of the Central City

today and so on The edge of the historic city.

- Been Bridging the canals and ponds of the paving of roads and create a revival of new


- Been Construction methods in the heart tissue of urban historical, like Mohamed Ali,

who leads the field of azbakeya Castle.

- Turn Extension urban to the banks of the Nile, to the port of bulaq, and barracks and

bridge Palace of the Nile, which is the first Bridge Connects the island of Zamalek in

the banks of the Nile, the other.

- Completed Patterns of urban new textile -based than before, while embodied the morphological development

of different and differently based on the Networking System regular and models housing with elements of

architectural openness to the outside.

C. The evolution of the city (1888-1948):

Shown Map the evolution of Cairo during the early twentieth century, reflect points of

the Central and essential role Variable for the city, which was to add new facilities to

accommodate changes in social and cultural influence on the city, in this context, Been

Shed light on the changes coming:

- Complete the city’s contemporary in the areas located between the historical city and

the Nile.

- Complete Planning area "downtown" in Cairo, what distinguishes it from a central and


- Evolution Amrani, an additional between the city’s historic area and the Centre of the


- Create Neighborhood of Garden City, and partial developments on the stretch of the Nile

between the bolaq and Fustat, and construction of the Bridge, the second that connects the island of Zamalek

in the banks of the Nile.

- Expansion North of the city, connected by railway in field of Ramses, and areas of industry.

- Nick Streets of new such as Street, in the heart of the fabric of urban as by contemporary.

Urban extension (1807)(3)

Urban extension (1888)(3)

Urban extension (1948)(3)

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(1) Urban neighborhoods project in July 2010 to June 2012 Map of evaluation criteria by URHC using GIS technique.

D. The evolution of the city (1948-2006):

Map Cairo which issued device Central for public statistics in the year 2006 provided

proof On continuing the process of modernization in the contemporary period, which did

not occur changes major in Morphology The city as before, Note that the fabric of the

historic impact of interventions and operations restore building models of architectural

variety, as was a certain modifications on the street patterns of the expansion And to

regulate the streets in places scattered.

The overall assessment of the current status of the study of Historic


Stems Evaluation of tissue construction of the grades given

to the chiefdoms located in into the scope of the study, only

that, because of methodological limitations in the study ,

due to the nature of the experiment system of grades, the

results of which has been reached on the road to the total

degrees of standards is not the same meaning influential as

indicators of values , but are useful indicators and function

on values relative that can be estimated from In making the

comparisons reflect the physical features are the following

properties: 1. The number of few of the chiefdoms (11 Zones) holds the

degree of average or less than average, the majority (38

Zones) holds on higher than average.

2. 20 Zone got the scores low, which meant the loss of

valuable heritage, especially in sections El- Sayda Zeinab

and El -Mousky and Bab – El- Shareya and El- Gamalya.

3. The existence of Buildings scattered or clusters of buildings

with values of architecture, in the context of development

dominated by Buildings of unusual or inconsistent.

4. Streets patterns of historic preserved them in General,

despite the presence of abnormalities in several areas due

to the switch in lining up the streets Renovation of facades

of buildings.

5. Been To limit further keep the combination fabric of urban

historic despite operations development and extended,

because the process of renewal was in order, a piece of land

by one other.

6. Urban Fabric historic integrated and continuously without

interruption, despite a number of big of chunks of ground Space and buildings which have been demolished.

7. The existence of Activities and uses traditional in urban spaces reflect the heritage values is not material to the


8. The existence of focus relative of scores top in chiefdoms along AL- Mueazz St, because the effects of

protected premises registered for rehabilitation so that the board's top antiquities on throughout the years Ten

years for that region.

Urban extension (2006)(3)

Map of evaluation criteria (1)

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Proposed procedures for protection of historic Cairo

There The need to develop a policy of maintaining

comprehensive applied actions , sustainable clear definitions to

protect Historical Cairo, and it is to keep elements of the value of

global special physical and non- physical, policy requires

maintenance that will include the Plan management, and Tools

for planning and plans action detailed supported the laws , and

this task urgently require coordination between various

departments and bodies Concerned to prevent more of the

damage to the fabric .

Specify the limits of the preservation of historic Cairo proposed

hurled into:

Region (1): Areas urban protected as before, where you keep

include weaving the urban pattern areas master Street that is

because its history to before the century IX.

Region (2) areas of urban transition, including textile origin after

the century IX, represented in more cases on the road to

construction of new streets and close to canals and lakes that were


Region (3): cemeteries , including cemeteries North and South,

which turned in part to the areas of housing , and also non- So from the regions of buried adjacent to the wall

of the city .

Region (4): areas of exploration , and includes the site of an archaeological Pavilion and parts of the walls of

the city 's historic which is Prospecting .

Region (5): areas of gardens and landscapes, natural, including the grounds of Al-Azhar and other of the

gardens within the site, and is developed around the Castle.

a. Assessment The values of heritage urban led to the proposal of the diversity in action for the protection of

areas Keep, not particularly in areas built with respect to the elements of the evaluation of different used At

have suggested building on the assessment given to the chiefdoms, the proposed Division of the region (1)

and (2) the areas of subsidiary The following:

- Areas Construction of the value of heritage areas top (1) and (2) " include the chiefdoms that I got the degrees

higher than the average (7.5 or higher), with a minimum of 2 degrees in the two least Of criteria (a) and (b)

and (e) if you satisfy one criterion only from these standards, classified zone on it (fragile), this Division ensures

that all areas of the urban fabric of the value of heritage material Or other material covered by the protection .

- Areas Construction of value the relative heritage "areas (1) and ( 2), including chiefdoms with scores less than

average (less than 7.5 points), despite astrar having Areas of focus and the pattern of streets .

Map of Regions (1)

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b. as Was proposing a partition subdirectory for region 3, which includes cemeteries, to Sub the following:

- Cemeteries With the fabric of urban residential built-in historically, reactive with areas of burial and areas of


- Cemeteries that has historically been the regions of buried where raised scattered in across the State, which has

experienced recent developments Residential character.

c. For the region (4) “prospecting” archaeological zone (5) "areas of gardens and landscapes, the General

subject of protection" is not required any Partition subdirectory.

General protection measures to areas of historic Cairo:

Has to be to strengthen measures of protection under the Act, it must apply the standards of the following:

1. Must Not be a split or expand to the streets of to improve traffic flow, Interventions

small, such as paving, maintenance and coordination of the streets is that you must

be allowed by and nothing more, and that is to improve traffic flow, but to create

squares waiting for small has allowed him to land space that doesn't exist where

values legacy, and for that purpose, to be of revision of regulations that allow to

modify the boundaries of streets and buildings.

2. Must Not allow the demolition total or partial or reconstruction for buildings

logged of before the Council up to the effects identified by the province and

national coordination , allows interventions maintenance that relate to buildings of

historic , for this purpose, to be a review of existing regulations to become

consistent With the standards .

3. Not Allows the demolition of buildings is not registered on the site only on the

basis of the Plan maintain or of real Tools for planning other accredited, in

accordance with the procedures set out in the Plan management, by developing

these Tools, to be of that permit the demolition body established by authorities

local competent on the basis of a study of the building, for this purpose, to be of

freezing all decisions of the demolition The property is temporary.

4. Must Not allow any acts of demolition without reconstruction construction in

respect of evidence guidelines Contained in the Plan , or in Tools of planning

adopted, all interventions, both acts re building or construction of buildings ,

should be subject to limits and caveats proposed Areas conservation areas ,

specifically, the heights of the buildings must be sensitive to context Urban

)which display the street and average height of buildings nearby and effects must

be located) to take into account in building new Compliance with the limits of a

piece of land and houses.

5. Has to be Of application of regulations , regulations for the architect to ensure

that the combination of interventions new fabric historic like No bulges or slots

are horizontal in the building, while you must ensure compliance with the

methods And materials construction traditional in all interventions. 6. Must only allow only interventions development limited in time may be

organized to reduce the maximum areas cut off land that Allows to combine or

split) not more than two pieces or three pieces of land).

7. Has to be From the application of the criteria for using the land to avoid activities

that harm the fabric of urban or lead to Degradation If living in it, such as

industries expanded or contaminated environment or trade activities, must of encouragement to use Adaptive

Source: Old Cairo Habitat 2002.pdf

Source: Old Cairo Habitat 2002.pdf

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monuments and buildings record and others of buildings In The site, on the cover of use activities consistent

with the context of urban history.

8. Has to be from the classification of areas of excavation the archaeological zones, all the building her in “where

you must avoid more of construction or Interventions Structure, except for the purposes of the research and

development of appearance effects.

9. Has to be from classifying parks and landscapes, natural and you can view them on the effects on the skyline

of the city as "areas All construction ", must not be affected by the work of construction and architecture.

European Cairo

Downtown district:

The treasure of Central Cairo contains nearly 300 buildings where

some banks, including the railway station buildings, Egypt and its

buildings and premises occupied by insurance companies and

hospitals "Crescent and railway and evacuation" and included some

small hotels almthalkelh treasure and paralleled the Paris Latin

Quarter hotels that are the kiss there, tourists in Cairo is a haven for

insects and rodents and moisture, and distinctive buildings,

embassies, mosques and schools such as Lycée Bab Louk and Rivoli

cinemas and Diana and theaters. And all this, and unfortunately the

treasure drop out of our hands and tuck the hustle and random NGA

and did not pay attention and did not understand its value and we

turn it into workshops and clinics, mainly to deliver a minimum of


Historical background:

The Stock Exchange is a neoclassical building, with ionic

colonnades, designed in 1928 by the French architect Georges Parcq.

The building replaced the El-Kattawi Bey Palace four years after his

death. The Cairo–Alexandria Bourse was closed in July 1961

following the state-sanctioned demise of Egypt’s private sector. The

project to rehabilitate the district was initiated in 1999 by the

Secretary of State for Governmental Affairs, with the aim to save the

Stock Exchange, since its basement had been flooded with rising

groundwater. The project started by reopening the Stock Exchange

after 36 years of closure. The building needed both renovation as a result of the under- ground water and

technological networks equipment to facilitate financial and trans- actional trading operations. Whereas the

government had initially supported a project of the New Cairo Financial Centre and the Office Park (Muqattam

Towers) which would transfer the financial centre (bank headquarters and the Stock Exchange) to Cairo’s

southern suburbs (Muqattam hills) in front of Salah El-Din’s Citadel, a group of investors strongly rejected this

idea and offered to restore the old building. They started renovating the building, but then realised the urgent

need to upgrade the surrounding area as well, since the district is regarded as the financial and commercial

centre of the city attracting foreign businessmen and brokers. The rehabilitation process was implemented by

Historic European Cairo (1)

Downtown district Map

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private sector funding supplied by consulting firms and entrepreneurs. It involved various schemes: renewal of

the infrastructure, the pedestrianisation of streets, the installation of nineteenth-century style lampposts, and the

provision of street furniture, greenery and palm trees. Decayed buildings were subjected to thorough restoration

and renovations, with facades being painted off-white to ensure harmony. Almost 36 years later, in a new era

of economic restructuring, the Cairo Stock Exchange reopened for investors in its familiar old location.

Geographic location

Northern limit:

starting field of Ahmed Helmy North Railway Station West Street vector

Egypt customs and street azbakeya, and jalaa street down to the Corniche El


Western border:

starting from Corniche El Nile intersection with Abdel Moneim Riad to

Simon Bolivar square to Sheikh Rihan to Aini street down to the street Dr.

Handoussa even field of the Gulf's mouth.

The eastern limit:

starting field of Gulf in the South and then to the street the foreigner and

Yusef Al Sebai and alsbaaine street down to field Ahmed Helmy.

Southern boundary: Fom El Khalej

Pedestrianisation of the Stock Exchange


Downtown at night Downtown in 1952

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Scopes of protection

This area includes two ranges:

- Scope (a): includes the overlap with the historic Cairo.

- Range (b).

The causes of the distortion of the region:

- Heart The capital has become its beauty but felt that the processes of distortion that is, lack the sense of beauty

to make others do not appreciate in value like adding designs especially shops trading even though it was not

suitable for the model which is characterized by buildings of the region or model building The caked.

- Holders Apartments they make what appeals to them from changes in interfaces external to porches and

balconies until If the nature of the.

- And embodied Changes in buildings themselves so Add to it - new - functionality and style different in design

On the floors, original to the building, the facade is a mixture of designs discordant.

- Non Respect the laws regulating construction led to chaos on the architecture has happened this Distortion

since time long since fire Cairo, 1952 where it gave some buildings Known as compared the architectural

excellence of the number of ministries has resulted in poor use distortions many and varied perspectives, even

Areas of historical value map (1)

Down Town

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on the level of thought design, spread culture housing popular and less attention to aesthetics, which is in the

shape design of facades of buildings.

And became The search for identity is reflected in the style of the design , the swing thought between Islam

and Egyptian and Western has Attempts to follow the style of the Middle carries the features of specific.

Urban issues within the region

1. Infringement On the buildings of archaeological within districts :

We find Many of the buildings of archaeological may offend some use either of the above individuals The

housing or of the bodies and agencies of Government to exploit them as services especially by like projects

Services such as schools and health units or stores generally have , in addition to the residents and tenants of

buildings archaeology who abuses them without A control to it which leads to rapid deterioration of the

situation, the Architecture of the building without the slightest regard for keeping it and maintain it and address

the problems that might appear .

2. Stacking Traffic within districts :

Where The streets in the area are not commensurate with the transfer in times talk, both transporting passengers

or goods not having systems alternative to transport goods keeps on these areas historically has led to a

multitude of areas choking traffic as the lack of areas allocated to waiting cars in and around the area have

Impact negatively on the region because of the vibrations, which are caused by car pollution resulting from her


3. Deficiencies In the processes of restoration and conservation of the buildings archaeological within

areas of historical :

Where is there a clearly defined method of dealing with the buildings and area historical society And the method

of conservation and restoration of monuments are the method complies with the requirements of the bodies,

international and UNESCO in Dealing with the humanitarian.

4. Demolition Removal of buildings of value :

Air conditioning deformation building facades

Source: Google

Add new floors do not belong to the building style

Source: Google

(1) Areas of historical value map by the national system for coordination civilization using GIS technique.

(2) Limits and requirements of the Cairo area Khedivial approved by the Supreme Council for Planning and Development Alamranihtbaka

Law No. 119 of 2008 and its implementing regulations.

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Up Course in some cases to demolish and remove many of the buildings and especially of value and non-

registered and other buildings multiple floors in pursuit behind the return.

General protection measures for the area:

Split into 3 levels of maintenance:

1- Level (a): buildings of the plant are maintained of all internal and external components unchanged with

hearing the restoration and employ them.

2- Level (b): buildings and enterprises are maintaining their facade and allow some adjustments in the facades

of others overlooking the main street.

3- Level (c): buildings of the plant are maintained only with full change façades in behind these facades.

And procedures at three levels (2):

1. No Division or fragmentation of plots on my domain (a) and (b) shall not be more than one building on a piece

of land.

2. The license may not demolition only after reviewing the position property of real estate inventories.

3. Do not put canutat adaptation of the streets bordering the main interfaces.

4. The pipes are blocked and gas exchange architectural handlers commensurate with the architectural design and

the physical character of the building.

5. Commitment to the original openings to shops according to the original design of the interfaces with the need

to keep the same type of finishes.

6. You must plant streets, squares and areas that you use appropriate protection means the protection of existing

buildings from water damage.

7. Standardization of pavement type handlers finishing, specifications, measurements, and May not address the

sidewalks with mate rails with polished surface or soft depending on the processed material for sidewalks.

8. Treatment and repair of sidewalks and streets bumps (the mend) without distortion or damage to the


9. The implementation of pedestrian crossings and handicapped and disabled people on the sidewalks.

10. Keep all the outdoor furniture in elements of lighting columns.

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Global experiences to maintain historic areas

The French experience in dealing with historic areas:

One of the highlights to be mentioned here is the

(Haussmann) In the 19th century of

comprehensive remodeling of Paris, and his

work can be diagnosed as a traditional romantic

directions in dealing with heritage and urban

structure of ancient cities, where he opened wide

and straight streets surrounded on both sides by

a number of buildings with themes and specific

altitudes without taking account of the nature and

the needs of social and functional aspects,

including those from the interior spaces.

It should be noted here that the historical centres

which is the kernel of a large number of

prestigious French cities which are often what

takes place in those cities are affected by the

nature of urban growth and urban in General

which can summarized in French cities with two

main directions:

1. Peripheral direction wrapped around old city centres that expanded a ring circuits takes place and linked by

radial routes emanating from the Center.

2. Growth on the industrial zones in cities, which are often what are located near major traffic arteries and of

different types.

Initially the biology is divided into several sectors,where population occupied (and poor) segments on the

periphery of the city, while respect for the Wii Centre On Each Commercial buildings, cultural and

administrative task, and was home for the rich, and of areas with very high prices for real estate, and over time

and with the buildings the Centre lost splendor dispensable, population movement started in reverse, where the

rich are moving to outlying areas and surrounding PA cities while the left central areas (particularly residential)

to be a haven for the poor and working classes specifically In line with its weaker material.

Then "Le Corbusier" strict release, perfect in his city which He named (city of joy), strict regulations and

distribution of life activities and social events with the sharpness that led the city lacked a sense of realism.

Arc de Triomphe - Champs Elysées

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The maintenance and development of the French regions and historic buildings:

France enjoyed a range of laws protecting historic areas and buildings, as well

as the architectural heritage by people themselves, for the competent

authorities to find balanced solutions consistent with heritage values in

conservation and development, in addition to observance of requirements of

modern populations. After There was a significant migration of historical areas

and the central areas of cities to its rickety buildings and lack of basic

conditions of adequate housing, turning the population into urban housing

Authorities tried to find plans for the renewal of old districts (for the poor) and

protect the cities from their miserable but not Often Process, Given ً Enormous

costs, and limited financial returns, so did succeed in this endeavor and was


The intervention of the owners of capital in these areas, removed a large

number of buildings and high towers were built and modern place, where those

towers to do any links to the old dismantled historic urban fabric of the region,

the most important objective is to return the material to the argument

(corrected chaos afflicting the old areas).

In the 1960s featured a tourist demand trends the importance of neighborhoods of historic areas, but these were

the directions to place oblivious to life and society in which he lives, the priority here for the State of the

buildings and their appearance, and without any regard for social and demographic backgrounds. Here is

another problem, as the tourist objectives cannot be the basis for the renovation, maintenance and perpetuation

of cities, especially ً Important cities including, without regard to their social structure, because this would be

to turn them into museums instead As cities for living and housing. At the end of the 1970s was a new law is

concerned with the restoration, maintenance and improvement of historic areas through well thought out plans

to revive those areas while maintaining its architectural and urban, social, and historical features and population


The square houses some of Lille's

Areas have been preserved

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In the period (1850-1947CE) Study and analysis of all the buildings of historical and architectural value that

already require attention and then document the activities previously Lead-in those buildings, as well as

Proposing appropriate urban activity after renovation and sustainability, or in some cases very few The

Committee recommends that competent to demolish the building to undermine or submitted or not to adapt to

the situation, and it’s The situation is rare.

In General, the competent authorities have dealt with the heritage buildings and historic areas of French

according to the following three formats:

1. Renovation attempts : The first ideas for the renewal of some popular Parisian

neighborhood, and the basic idea from logo to reorganize these neighborhoods and

fight the foot and use of land, the urban fabric with low density, because most of

the low-rise buildings and a large number of warehouses and workshops operated

large land surfaces. Andthe renovation of the massive advertising campaign aimed

at attracting investors and convince them of the viability of this process.

2. Attempts to keep : chose "rupees" in Northern France, is an industrial city, 200

meters from the municipality and the area of 12000 M as a perfect model of the

urban fabric and in this city located business and craft on the streets outside and

have high housing units inside there are large gardens and private courtyards and

factory for spinning has stopped working, rather than torn down revival of this

project area includes:

· Front part Where Fill the ground floor When Commercial and artisanal activities, first turned to the second

floor offices and allocated for housing where took 40 housing units with an internal courtyard and corridor

linear movement, has heightening directly from the final roof vents and the final surface have been employed

with some sports and recreational activities.

· In the middle section were allocated upper floors to provide 30 single housing unit

(Studio) and ً G ً For the bottom Desk plate and public activities and provide a

direct connection between this part and the rest of the district by a covered rear


· The adjacent site is formatted and converted to a public garden represents a link

with the cultural center is located on the opposite side, and with the restoration of

some nearby buildings.

3. Improvements : You chose an apartment building in the 1st District of central

Paris: consists of five floors and is located in the pedestrian zone, the objective of

the project is to maintain the same function for the building with the energy

exploitation of spaces of the building according to the following steps:

· Structural study of the condition of the building and its ability to accept excess loads arising from the idea of

adding a mezzanine for the final housing unit.

· The inner courtyard has been exploited in a vertical connection elements starting from the first round.

· Been preserved the original architectural character interfaces with improvements and repair, maintenance and

cleaning process was limited to keeping one of the old buildings that have the features and characteristics of

the traditional Parisian architectural heritage.

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The General bases of the French experience, the reasons for their success:

1. The culture of conservation that protect historic areas and buildings and by the

citizens of urban heritage, although most districts keep belong to the poor and

middle classes.

2. The financial resources planned and implemented governmental and non-

governmental and adopt the flexibility in planning and implementation.

3. Provide expertise and experience in the formulation and development of

standards, leading to:

· Select the heritage areas of historical and architectural value that already require

attention and documentation activities.

· The capacity of technical authorities assume their responsibilities and fulfil the


· Development of the foundations must be adopted in developing the design.

4. Pressure on venture capitalists for not implementing their investment with high

profit on the territory and maintain.

5. Participation of multiple disciplines that have been able to make a successful

standards because the subject is not the physical aspects of urban planning, but

also social, cultural and political.

The former Yugoslav Republic's experience in dealing with historical areas:

The continuation of urban life for a long time in Yugoslavia (over 2,000

years in the 7th) has left a legacy the ensuing Diverse for this feature,

many urban and rural entities and individual buildings are classified in

different classes:

Ancient cities with small intrinsic value: This category includes some

of the very old cities like Dubrovnik, wekorgola, Hvar, Trogir, bogiltg,

out and other cities historic Centre occupies a prominent part of urban


Urban entities include historical regions of high architectural value: This category includes big cities, as

the city of split, for example, that compose exceptionally important historic Centre as a whole (including the

dioklishian Palace in the first place), as well as those cities which, within the framework of the old town, the

entities and NJ Such as Ljubljana, secretly thieve, may West and many others.

the old cities of significant environmental value: These

towns form a large class series cities of the 7th District.

Kabanat individual and cultural and historical value and

environmental outside cities and locations: This category

make up a large number of the monument trusteed historical

units located outside the urban and rural areas, such as many

archaeological sites The forts Churches The monasteries

Castles, and other examples of military architecture Services

Structure (The remnants of old roads and bridges network and

ask other plant). Old City of Dubrovnik

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There are along the Adriatic coast from From Istria and

montigharo, towns and settlements of landmarks like the urban

and rural areas of the Mediterranean, and many individual

buildings are of architectural and cultural character of the

Mediterranean and Western Europe in the middle ages, Slovenia

and Northern Croatia wevogvdina, generally in northern Serbia

and complexes and individual buildings reflect many different

directions to Central Europe. in southern Serbia and Macedonia

there are traces of medieval Byzantine nature. in Central, South

and South-East of Yugoslavia , Especially in Bosnia and

Herzegovina and Macedonia, cities and, in addition to individual

buildings, on the characteristics of Islamic architecture. In

addition to the different impact of these elements and their mutual relations, reflected in old buildings, the local

nature of his presence.

Conservation directions are in the former Federal Republic of Yugoslavia "is one of the richest experiences we

must memorialize and intersect.

The experiences of some Yugoslav cities in the area of maintenance and Historical areas in the 1970s:

Following the new administrative and financial systems, has

made a number of Yugoslav cities, especially during the 1970s,

the resultsAConcrete protection and reorganization of the

historical centres, we shall confine ourselves here to those cities

only and focus on those that had special significance.

Zagreb (Zagreb), the capital of Croatia, was addressing the

problems of historical city centres by the regional Institute for

the protection of cultural property, in addition to munchAE

housing (Stanoivest ) And invested large amounts of old


And made the city of sirayivo (Sarajevo), Bosnia and Herzegovina, the great efforts by the Institute of cultural

property and other institutions (such as: departments of city planning, University and other) to sustain and

renew the bashagarshi is an ancient Center of Islamic architectural style. in 1970, the City Council approved a

programme for the restructuring of the region, aimed at protecting or dilapidated buildings and the reunification

of the business area as a whole and uses modern, so that this part of the city with its good health , To meet the

requirements of business, tourism and culture.

Belgrade has developed, largely capital during the yearsPrior to 1970 In their activities for the protection and

presentation of historic areas have a contemporary , especially the area of Zemun (Zemun) and Belgrade and

to get the financial altsihlat, the experiences of Urban Institute for the protection of cultural monuments

deserving special attention. the Institute has succeeded, through various activities on the maintenance, in the

collection of sufficient funds from twelve different source protection fund and organize the Belgrade fortress,

Belgrade culture funds , And from the budgets of some municipal districts in large cities. And others.

In ahold (Ohrid)was the reorganization of the old town district and individual buildings, renovation in mostat

(Mostar) , we find examples of reconstruction and the modern use of the main group of buildings adjacent to

the old bridge, and in bogitili (Politely) where the alteration of Islamic-style houses in the architecture to suit

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the requirements of the modern tourism and service, and other towns and settlements are considered

investigation and documentation as a basis for design and implementation of projects.

Revival of the historical Centre of the city of split (Spilt):

The city of 180,000 people, and Is Located in Central East Coast lladriatk, and Represent the administrative

centre and the cultural and economic main 7th. and many cultural monuments, Was Its economy is

characterized by rapid growth as Adopted Still dependent Industry, shipyard, and returns to port, Seasonal

waldaemih trade and tourism.

The main historical and architectural value For the city At dioklishian

(Diocletian's Palace) is the heart of the city. And is One of the

architectural monuments of the late Roman period, and is good on the

outer framework vocabulary such as doors, and towers, And the tomb

of dioklishian, and the temple, and others add to the Palace there in

historical and architectural effects split, as some churches and houses

that date back to pre and during the era of alromansk and some late

Gothic palaces, and other buildings of the modern renaissance,


They can be summarized Stages of development work for the city of

split, Yugoslavia To:

Document and analyses case studies: They represent the first stage

of the development work for the city and followed the procedure in the

survey documentation and analysis.

Analyses have shown the study area many very important results, for

example, a comparison of the analysis of the commercial use of space

with analysis of the health and living conditions showed that most of

the ramshackle buildings located in disadvantaged areas of vital

functions, and used the ground floor of buildings mainly for storage while warehouses

and other commercial events related to active life in the region are located in buildings

housing supreme value.

In all projects they worked on it Applied actions the methodology included the following


· Study of urban development of the region: This was done by studying graphics showing

historical stages of the territory and the city as a whole.

· Clear existing situations: Detailed architectural survey of buildings that include graphics

for eachPart, Together with photographic surveys (Photo Surveys), to study the situations and renovation


· Investigation of A N J : Included detailed historical and architectural analysis with additional investigations

Like(Fossils, plaster walls And other) .

split panorama

Diocletian's Palace

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The General bases of the Yugoslav experience, and the reasons for their success:

To restore the bitter. Akz . historicE Yugoslav cities , can be summarized in three main phases:

1. The protection of historic sites within the regions and regional schemes.

2. Protection of the historical Centre’s of towns and other areas of environmental concern in the framework of the

basic designs.

3. Protection, restoration and revival of historic sites within the outlines, urban and architectural designs.

The protection and revival of cultural and historical heritage in the first and second phases one paragraph

integrated within the complex environment of urban planning, so this summary only shows the methods for the

protection and restoration of cultural heritage And historic. phase III (detailed plans and projects of historical

sites) the HA have covered the whole area. So, this stage make up the core of the methodological procedures,

starting with the initial studies and ending with the implementation.


Make a regional map archaeological Egypt all governorates and cities where it is not without Egyptian city

sometimes even Egyptian villages - areas or historic buildings or archaeological are important and must be

defined by not limited to tourist activity on the famous places in major cities , but extends to every place in

Egypt has clear from the study that we are lacking in Egypt inclusiveness in dealing with historic districts in

the country as a whole , and we ignore the historical areas and secondary cities , areas of historical and

archaeological sites in major cities , especially Cairo and Alexandria and some neighborhoods Finally shorter

attention of researchers and research bodies The government , which led to the neglect of the rest of the study

areas, historical and archaeological other cities that have played an important role in the history of Egypt,

ancient and modern , which is imperative to him the importance of studying these areas to preserve the

architectural and urban heritage and activating the role of municipalities in the preparation of it. And have

several returns are important mainly relieve crowding tourist seasons specific to famous places by opening

areas of cultural tourism to other places and publicity work required her definition of the local and international

level , as well as the preservation of these areas interest them and restoration of what he needs from the effects

of it.

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1. Urban growth of cities and its impact on the Egyptian archeological sites

2. A Walk through the Islamic City , Jim Antoniou

3. Cairo Khedivial , Monitoring and documenting the architecture and Imran in downtown Cairo,

Soheir Zaki Hawas

4. Urban conservation , Soheir Zaki Hawas

5. Old Cairo Habitat Int 2002

6. European Cairo IDPR 2010_W Fahmi

7. Cairo's European Quarter- List of Restoration Projects


9. Limits and requirements of the Cairo area Alkhdioahalmatmdh of the Supreme Council for Planning and

Development Alamranihtbaka Law No. 119 of 2008 and its implementing regulations

10. Aboukorah, Omnia. "Between a Secular Management System and International Standards of Protection: the

heritage of Cairo's old quarter."

11. The Restoration and Conservation of Islamic Monuments in Egypt. Cairo, Egypt

12. The Cairo Heritage : Essays in Honor of Laila Ali Ibrahim

13. Management of the World Cultural Heritage Sites , Yasmen Sabry Hegazy