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Child Training Myths & Realities

An Insight to guiding parents in the proper upbringing of their Children.


Copyright © 2012 by Rabbi Ya’akov Anekwe.

Published by Lulu Publishing Company,

Raleigh, N.C. USA.

All rights reserved

Published in United State of America.

First Printed in 2012.

ISBN 978-1-300-36425-2.

Unless otherwise noted, all Scripture quotations in this publication are from

The Holy Bible, New King James Version.


Table of Contents





Teaching a Child 10

Involving Nurturing 11

Involving Provisions 11

Social and Religious Education 12

Traditional Inclinations 14

Covenant Child as a Case Study 15



Whose Command is this? 18

Why the Command 19

What are the Ways of the Commander to be taught to

Children? 20

Benefit of Heeding the Command 21



At Pregnancy level 23

At Ages 0-3 Years 24

At Ages 4-10 Years 25


At Ages 11-18 Years 27

Parent Child Level 29



The Parent Father 31

The Parent Mother 32

Both Parents 34

Synagogues and Schools as Teacher 35




Devil hand in Children 38

Social Malaise 40

Generation Curses 42



Who are they and what are their Features? 45

Are You Member of Yahweh’s Family? 48

There is Still Hope Today, if Your Child has gone

Wacky 49




APPENDIX 1 “Hosanna” 56

APPENDIX 11 “Shalom Bayit” 57



For my Wife Elfrida Anekwe.

I honestly respect her intelligent, love and perseverance. Her encouragement, support and suggestions were immense and without which this book would have been difficult to complete. While we are still young, our expectations are to love each other and grow old for our children.

“Who can find a virtuous wife? For her worth is far above rubies” (Proverbs 31: 10).



This piece of work, Child Training: Myths and Realities was created in order to address the Scriptural injunction, “You shall teach them diligently to your children, and shall talk of them when you sit in your house, when you walk by the way, when you lie down, and when you rise up” (Deut. 6:7).

It is clear fact that our children nowadays lack these teaching of the Laws of Yahweh and hence making their lives miserable right from birth through adolescent ages and to adulthood. This lack of teaching and total disobedience by the parents in harkening to this injunction carries along with it penalties which are worrisome to the parents themselves, the children and as well as the society in general.

Child Training: Myths and Realities gives an insight that will help guide parents and adults alike in giving their children a proper teaching based on moral upbringing which is the true foundation for social, spiritual and academic emancipations. In this book, the author is very careful in using the proper and unadulterated Hebrew name of our Maker and Creator of the Universe, Yahweh of Hosts as well as the correct name of His Only begotten Son, Yahsha Messiah. All other names that were been substituted to this like “Lord”; “God”; “Jesus”; “Jehovah” etc are idolatrous names that originated from the Greeks, Roman and English pagans or heathens.

Other important considerations in this book are the interpolation errors in the usage of “Yeshua” and “Yahshua”. Yeshua is not the original pronunciation of

the Hebrew word of . Hebrew language is read from right to left. Research for the Hebrew name of our Savior showed Strong’s Concordance

reference from Greek #2424 (Jesus) to Hebrew #3091 . In Yeshua, one can easily see the shortened form of Yahweh’s Name been omitted i.e. substituting “Yah” with “Ye” (Psalm 68:4; Isa. 26:4, NKJV). This makes one to

quickly reject this pronunciation-“Yeshua” which in Hebrew writing is .

Not only that the name of “Yah” was removed, there is an addition of “waw...“ ” in a wrong position hence altering the whole meaning and pronunciation. Read John 5:43 which says, “I (Yahsha) have come in My Father‟s Name (Yah), and you do not receive Me; if another comes in his own name, him you will receive”

Again, “Yahshua” is another error designed by Satan through writers of Bible to alter the Messiah’s actual name and meaning. A name above every other name here on earth and a name Yahweh gave mankind to be “saved” with. The prefix “Yah” is proper but the suffix “Shua” is misleading and wrong in complementing the prefix as “Savior”. Shua can be considered as a verb as well

as a noun forms respectively. As a verb, Shua written in Hebrew as means “To cry” according to Strong’s Exhaustive Concordance and refers to


Hebrew #7769. The verb is just supplication or request for help, not the actual act of helping, saving or salvation per se. Examples:

1. “Give heed to the voice of my cry (shua)”– Ps. 5:2.

2. “For He will deliver the needy when he cries (Shua)” – Ps.


3. “In my distress I cried (Shua) to Yahweh and He heard me” –

Psalm 120:1.

But this example in Psalm 18:41a which says, “They cried (Shua) out, but there was none to save (Y’sha #3467)” showed something remarkable. Now we can deduce that “Yeshua”-to cry out for help and “Yahshua” i.e. Yah (Yahweh) cries for help are two ridiculous definitions and hence not agreeable to the work Messiah came to do on earth. Furthermore, “Shua” as a noun has same Hebrew spelling and pronunciation. It shows up in the Scripture particularly in proper names. Examples are as follows:

1. Shua: 1 Chron. 7:32- Hebrew #7774 indicating it as proper name

of an Israelite (a woman), which means wealth according to both

Strong’s Exhaustive Concordance and Hebrew or Chaldean

lexicon of Old Covenant.

2. Eli-shua: 2Sam 5:15, Heb.#474 it means: - Almighty of riches.

Here “shua” refers to wealth, riches and opulence #7769.

Therefore, of all the Hebrew proper names in the Scriptures with suffix

“Shua”, not one means Savior. It could finally be established that:

Yeshua: He or It cry out for help

Or He or It is wealthy or rich


Yahshua: Yahweh cries out for help

Or Yahweh is wealthy or rich

Does not in any way means Savoir hence rendering them unacceptable.

Salvation in Hebrew names stand as #3467 in Strong’s Concordance. Below are examples of Hebrew names which denote Savior, Salvation or Deliverer and the suffix is pronounced as Y’sha (“Sha”).


1. Me-sha, 2kings 3:4, Gen. 10: 30, Heb. #4337 meaning

safety and is a proper name of an Israelite.

2. Eli-sha, 1kings 19:16, Heb. #477 meaning, The Almighty

Saves. He was a successor to Eli-yah the Prophet.

3. Ho-sha-yah, Neh. 12:32, Jer. 42:1, Heb. #1955 meaning,

Yah (Yahweh) has saved. And finally the actual name of

Yahweh’s ONLY begotten Son:-

4. Yah-Sha, Matt. 1:21- Heb #3091 meaning Yah (Yahweh) is

Salvation or Savior and was derived from #3068 (Yahweh)

and #3467 (Y’SHA) which denotes the work or action He

(Messiah) came to perform for mankind. Therefore, it could

be seen that mankind will be saved as written in Act 4:12

only by the Name Yahsha-- from Heb. #3091.

There is an increasing need for the whole world to know the truth that is in the Law (Torah) and that will save them (John. 8:32; 14:6 compare with Psalm 119: 142, 151) as well as the real name of their Maker and not the devil induced nomenclatures of the modern day “believers”.

Finally, it is a well-known fact that the proper name of an individual be he or she a white or black is not translated from one language to another. It is always transcribed into to in order to retain its original meaning and pronunciation. Therefore, this is also applicable to our most importance Spirit

Being who is our Maker, Yahweh and His Begotten Son, Yahsha- .



Children in broad perspective include every person in all ages. The elderly ones are children to their fathers and mothers, so also are the youths and the kids themselves. The training of these groups therefore involves a sequential passage of instructions, pieces of advice, rebuke where necessary etc which ought to be obeyed right from the onset of pregnancy to the consummation of the person’s life. This is because each stage of life of a child needs training of a particular sort which we shall read in the subsequent chapters.

Teaching a Child

Teaching involves passing instructions, imparting knowledge or creating complete awareness or understanding of ideas, issues, doctrine, challenges, sciences and the likes. A child when taught properly imbibes good ideas and the rest of useful tendencies much earlier in life time necessary for building of his or her own future adult life on a sound footing. Teaching a child at this earlier life involves repetitions on a particular issue as long as necessary and of course mild scolding and the use of cane where need be. This will enable proper implant of such idea or ideas in his or her memory site in the brain where he or she recalls same idea at intervals.

The Psalmist said that children are heritage from Yahweh-Ps. 127:3, “Behold, children are heritage from Yahweh. The fruit of womb is a reward”. In Gen. 33:5 which says, “The children whom Father Yahweh has graciously given your servant.” In these illustrations children were seen as heritage and gift from The Most High. In effect therefore, children should be groomed in and out of love, teaching them peaceful ways of living and totality of morals. What we teach each and every one of our children is what they learn to consider as right and wrong. However, for their best future, all teaching from parents, teachers or ward and guardians should involve mostly morals because in this they will reverence Yahweh which is the beginning of their wisdom (Pro. 9:10; 1:7; 8:13; 14:27; 15:33).

The question may arise, “how can we teach these morals to our children?” Very simple indeed. Our behavioral patterns in so many of our endeavors portray what our children learn. We must create time for them, telling them the need to know Yahweh at all cost, the benefits to drive from having refuge in Yahweh. Create time for vigils and searching Scriptures with them. Sometimes, parents can create fasting or praying periods to all members of their family. All these in addition to Bible studies in churches and synagogues (house of prayer), help bring children closer to their Maker (Matt. 19:13-15).


Involving Nurturing

This is a task-packed process involving the parents. A onerous responsibilities that need the help of our Savior, Yahsha for proper shaping of the child’s character and behavior in such a way as to give esteem to Yahweh. This is a critical moment in the life of the baby in the sense that he or she is filled with the Spirit of Yahweh at birth. With this Spirit therefore, he/she communicates with the Maker and hence purifies often.

At these stages of development as the nurturing proceeds he or she is attuned to every speech or words that come out of the mouth of the parents particularly, the mother whom is so close by way of breast feeding. This is why it is advised that at this stage, the mother should as a matter of equality brings to the knowledge of the baby the Name of his or her Maker Yahsha just same way she gives him or her breast milk.

The Spiritual inclination here is that as he or she sucks the breast and imbibes the feelings he or she gets, simultaneously he or she takes in the awesomeness of Yahweh. Of course, for this to be realized, the parents must be devoted Christians-a true lover of Yahweh.

Involving Provisions

Parents by way of training their children often think that it ends in going to Mr.-Biggs, kas, franchise and what have you, with their children or taking them to hotels or restaurants for eat out. These are not too bad indeed but it may go to some extent driving them away from understanding and keeping the tenth Word (Commandment) which states in Exod. 20:15, 17 that “you shall not steal” and “you shall not covet”.

These may occur in a life situation when both parents may not be able (probably during trail periods) to buy as usual. The children may contrarily decide to go in the ways of old i.e. before the said trail and start engaging in lawless acts to achieve that purpose. Therefore, in providing for our children even at earlier stage of babyhood we must endeavor to bring them home to their Maker through providing them with the Book of Covenant, playing songs of praises cassettes for their listening pleasures and meditations, occasional purchase of fast foods, clothing and foot wears of course, and some other general needs not wants. These are very important for their spiritual growth and developments as well as helping them abide in Yahsha their Savior.

For their demands (wants), do endeavor to tell them to pray over that and seek the face of Yahweh for such provision. You may eventually not fulfill that if you think it is not necessary for such possession at that material time of his or her life. They are very sensitive to these and as much as you cultivate the idea of subjecting each and everyone to praying over issues like that, you are doing not only to them a good thing but also for yourself.


Providing for the female ones is especially important so as to remove their minds from the lust of flesh which is the bane of sexual immorality among youths of this generation. Parents should endeavor to provide for their children a sound education to any level as much as the finance can take. No knowledge is a waste so goes the adage. Mention should also be made in providing for their offerings which includes tithe so as to make them prosper even in their studies (Mal. 3:8-12). When this is denied, prosperity shall be so far because Yahweh opened up the brain of a scholar, of course when you fulfill the Law.

Another most important aspect of providing for our children is the ability of parents to create out time for recreational activities like picnic, visitation of brethrens, hospitals, motherless homes and prisons, attending Yahweh’s feasts etc. This will go a long way not only to refresh their brains and practice what you may have taught them but also fulfilling the message of Yahsha as written in Matt. 25:31-40.

Social and Religious Education

There are increasing needs for parents and guardians to educate their children in the social evils of today’s world. The whole world had been deceived by Satan to believe and practice falsehood. Lot of things had been taken for granted because of this deceitfulness by her. These range from divorce to sexual immorality and to idolatry of all sorts etc. Some of these evils are often times regarded as “it doesn’t matter” slogan in the world today.

In U.S.A, a survey showed that about 65% case of yearly marriage ends in divorce of either the husband or the wife. Even in Nigeria, divorce cases had risen to an unprecedented 35% mark. Elsewhere in developed and developing world, divorce cases are treated with ridicules and in some others law or edict had been passed and legalized contrary to conditions stated in Deut. 24:1 and Matt. 5:32 for the verse say, “When a man takes a wife and marries her, and it happens that she finds no favor in his eyes because he has found some uncleanliness in her, and he writes her a certificate of divorce, puts it in her hand, and sends her out of his house” and Matt. 5:32 as thus, “But I say to you that whoever divorces his wife for any reason except sexual immorality causes her to commit adultery; and whoever marries a woman who is divorced commits adultery”. What an evil generation?

In the world today, the issue of dating i.e. having boy and girl friends or sweet daddies and mummies respectively are considered “normal”. The game results in multiple sins of several dimensions and techniques in secondary schools, higher institutions or colleges and as well as the outside world. Parents had lots of work to do in educating our children on the perils of engaging in these obnoxious acts. Sexual immorality which results from dating as friends had grown so wild in our youths particularly in higher institutions of learning where neither the parents nor the ward is present. But if a child is groomed right


from onset about the risk in immorality of this nature, he or she will be guided throughout life.

Fornication or adultery we did know is a sin against Yahweh’s Laws. This is a sin which defiles the temple or sanctuary of Yahweh which are our bodies. A sin of this kind is forbidden by our Father Yahweh in both the Law (Torah) and the New Covenant (New Testament). This is the sin which condemns the Sodomites and the people of Gomorrah. In our world today, especially in the developed world, the issue of dating male and female partner is rampant and of no regard to righteousness. This is what we (Africans) had learnt from the Europeans and Americans. This is an ugly trend that is marring our society today. There is nothing like boy or girl friend in the Set-apart Scriptures. Therefore, our parent should teach the children against this culture.

The detrimental effects of these practices are overwhelming. When a person commits sexual immorality (fornication/adultery), it shows that he or she has no understanding and knowledge which culminates to wasting of his or her soul according to the Book of Pro. 6:32-33, “Whosever commits adultery with a women (man) lacks understanding; he who does so destroys his own soul. Wounds and dishonor he will get, and his reproach will not be wiped away”

Religiously, educating our young stars in the ways of Yahweh is very important as a solid foundation for their adulthood. The Laws of Yahweh makes our children wise (Deut 4:6). This means that for our children to be wise right round them, their first foundation in life will be their Book of Covenant (Bible) even at their earliest age. Once they are capable of handling objects, let what they play with be things (objects) that relate to the knowledge of their Maker. As they continue to grow, do not relent in your continual education in the ways of Yahweh. Enroll him or her in Bible classes in your churches or synagogue (house of prayer).

At homes create time for your own class hours even before their bedtime. Pray and make sure each and every member of the family are involved in the morning and night sessions. Parents should involve everyone in fasting and prayer at regular intervals creates vigil in which you will have more of the time to teach them Laws of Yahweh. Go together with them to churches or synagogues during services not each person on his or her own and on time. Start this attitude even at their earliest age so as to implant it in them. They will grow with it and infuse it in their own children later in their respective lives. When this is done, the child will be fully balanced in justice, fairness, peaceful, unbiased moral principles and must live by them (Deut 32:44-47; Lev. 18:5; Neh. 9:29).

If a child lives in peace, he will be peaceful and conversely. Children that are taught the Laws of Yahweh always uplift and never debase their peers. No spiritual, physical, psychological or emotional disturbances will be recorded in them. As parents, we must be diligent in teaching our children the peaceful and


humble life of our Savior, Yahsha who is the embodiment of this Yahweh’s Laws per se.

Parents must not turn them over to street trading and other evil arena. Benefits of teaching and obeying Yahweh’s Laws are enormous. With Yahweh’s Laws to guide both children and parents, we would live with honor and prestige. One can choose spouse for oneself based on chaste and virtuous conducts. Submissiveness to both Yahweh’s Laws and parents’ should be taken into considerations before choice are made (Pro. 12:4; 31-10). The youths will grow to be men eagerly working to provide for their families as well as husbands and wives responsibly teaching their own families how to respect their bodies which Yahweh has given them for His glory.

Trust is the foundation for joy, peace and love. Keeping one of Yahweh’s Laws-“do not commit adultery”, greatly contributes to contentment within a marriage. When this Law is properly kept, a man or woman can trust and know in his or her heart that when his or her wife or husband leaves their home, she or he will return to him or her undefiled.

In addition, the spiritual benefits abound and much greater as seen in Heb. 8:10-12; Ps. 31:23-24). Marriage involving male and female with full knowledge of these Laws of Yahweh remove feeling of jealously, possessiveness, suspicious, uncertainly, anxiety and inadequacy from both couples which lead to a happy and lasting relationship hence paving way for continuity in the family.

Traditional Inclinations

Parents should in addition to teaching their children the social and moral attitudes, involve them in the knowledge of their cultural background as well. Lot of evils associated with our children of today may be traced back to some lack of cultural upbringing. Children that are trained at villages seem to value life and are thoroughly exposed to the rudiments of life than that of the urban centers. They are more exposed to the real day to day house hold chores like farm cultivation; rearing of livestock etc. These go a long way in molding their lives for challenges ahead. It is then advised that parents in urban areas should sometimes in the lives of their children, send them home for this training or from time to time visit home with them particularly during their holidays or feasts. This will enable them build-up their cultural values.

Again children should be taught their native dialect and communicate with them by it so as to elude the child abuse cases being recorded in our society today. A child’s knowledge of his or her cultural background is of enormous importance in preservation and strengthening of his or her African cultural values both within the continent and the world at large.

A case of this importance was witnessed in Moscow-Russia where an Igbo-born-Nigerian student at one of the popular University had his first degree


project delayed for a year simply because he could not explain the meaning or cultural implication of presenting kola nut to a visitor. His degree project was on cultural decadence in Africa-what remedy? Two of his supervisors were from Nigeria and Ghana. From this story, one could understand that training our children in everything and excluding their background do not make such training complete.

Among the three major dialects in Nigeria, the Ibos have formed major prey to that lack of values from their culture and tradition. Echeruo, M.T.C. remarked that “prosperity and survival of any language depend solely on the extent it is preserved and enriched by each new generation of speakers”. With this idea in mind, our society could survive if our children at all levels and at various dialects in Nigeria learn their mother tongues. The detrimental effects of lack of this knowledge could be easily seen during wars or uprising.

Therefore, more efforts should be made by our parents or guardians in training our children to learn their cultural backgrounds, values and norms necessary for retaining our African heritage.

Covenant Child as a Case Study

A covenant child is one that is contracted; one with a promise; a child that is bind by a pledge. It means that the training of a covenant child should be special because the child is special and precious before the sight of his or her Maker. The question may arise as to who are these children in covenant? The Bible answered that in Gen. 15:18; 17:2; Luke 1:72-79. The same covenant was with Isaac down to the Israelites as seen in Exo. 6:4; 19:5; 34:27 etc.

It could then be said that the Israelites are promised or covenant children. But Israelites had been found to be over-comers in this evil world. Over-comers involving both the Jews (proper) and the Gentile-grafted. The training of a covenant child like mentioned earlier should be special, that is not the ways of the world but to the knowledge of Yahweh. The totality of the life of the covenant child should be koshered right from birth to his or her demise.

In Exo. 19:5-6, Yahweh said “Now therefore, if you will indeed obey My Voice and keep My Covenant, then you shall be a special treasure to Me above all people; for all the earth is Mine. „And you shall be to Me a kingdom of Priests and a holy nation.‟ These are the words which you shall speak to the children of Israel”. This means therefore, that out of the whole world, Yahweh set only the Israelites apart (Psalm 147:19-20).

We may again ask-what is this My Voice and My Covenant to be obeyed by the Israelites to warrant this special treasure before Yahweh? The answer also comes from the Scripture in Gen. 26:5 which says, “Because Abraham obeyed My Voice and kept My Charge, My Commandments, My Statutes and My Laws (Judgments)”. It therefore means that the Voice and Covenant of Yahweh revolve round the Ten Words (Commandment or Testimonies);


Statutes and Judgments. This makes Israelites special people before Yahweh, if they obey them diligently.

In Deut. 4:44-45, Moshe (Moses) too placed this same conditions or pre-requisites from Yahweh to his fellow countrymen and women. The Ten Words (Commandments) is widely acknowledged by every good Bible reader but some have altered it or even rejected some part of it for their own destruction. Now what are these Statutes and Judgments?

The Statutes are the ways Israelites relate to their Maker religiously and Judgments – the interpersonal relationship within themselves and with the outside world. They relate to Yahweh in their worship mode which as seen should be peculiar and to themselves too. These Statutes include the appointed times (feasts) which involves the sacrificial aspects as well.

These two aspects of the Laws can be read in the Books of Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers and Deuteronomy. The whole Laws are coded as 613 peaceful Laws of Yahweh of Hosts. Then in training these special treasured people or children, efforts should be made by their parents in removing their minds from the things of the world and focus them more on the things of Heaven so as to ripe the blessings associated with these promises.

It is clearly understood that most of the evils of today’s world are learnt from TV watch and listening to radios. Most of our children have no opportunity of travelling to overseas but their behaviors and activities stem from what they learnt from media. A survey in USA shows that children aged 2-5 sits for an average of 25 hours per week watching T.V; aged 6-11 an average of 22 hours per week and 12-17 an average of 23 hours per week.

This then means that by 18 years old, they have spent more time in TV-sets than that of their various schools and of course more than talking with their parents. Watching TV-sets goes with learning every good and bad side of it and as earlier mentioned children learn more at much earlier ages and grow with what they learnt.

The violent crimes and immoralities (including sexual) in our media need to be checked. One radio advertisement usually advocates the use of condom during sex. This is an abomination before the sight and ear of Yahweh. Instead of renouncing sex especially for unmarried people, Satan infuses in our media, the idea of using this object hence encouraging fornication or adultery. Remember these two series of evil doers will not inherit the kingdom of Yahweh unless they reject the acts and confess (Rev. 21:7-8).

In training these children of covenant, more time should be devoted towards the Scriptures than in watching useless programmes in TV-Sets. When this is done the wave of sin will not carry them away as it does their counterpart in the world. They must love Yahweh and reject Satan in her entirety or love Satan and reject Yahweh which is detrimental and catastrophic. 1John. 2:15-17 says, “Do not love the world or the things in the world. If anyone loves the world,


the love of Father Yahweh is not in him or her. For all that is in the world-lust of the flesh (sexual immorality), the lust of the eye (including watching evils in TV-sets), and the pride of life is not of the Father but is of the world (Satan). And the world is passing away and the lusts therein, but he who does the will (keeps the Ten Words; Statutes and Judgments) of Yahweh abides forever.”

In summary, our covenant children must be trained to be great non-conformist, great dissenters of history and social life of gentile world of today because that is our purpose of existence as Spiritual Israelites. To be Set-Apart-of separation from all other peoples in order to belong to Yahweh only.



We have seen the meaning and what it takes to teach or train our children. The question now goes:

Whose Command is this?

The answer to that is found in Deut. 6:1-2 which says, “Now this is the Ten Commandment and these are the Statutes and Judgments which Yahweh Your Heavenly Father has commanded to teach you, that you may observe them in the land which you are crossing over to possess, That you may reverence Yahweh Your Father, to keep all His Statutes and His Commandments which I command you, you and your son and your grandson, all the days of your life and that your days may be prolonged”. Verse seven went further to say, “You shall teach them diligently (painstakingly) to your children and shall talk (discuss during vigils) of them when you sit in your house, when you walk by the way (during sight-seeing; picnics), when you lie down (before bed-time), and when you rise up (before work or business of each day)”.

In Deut. 4:1-6 Moses, an elder in Israel as well as Priest and servant of Yahweh was advising his children (Israelites) to hearken to his teachings which Yahweh Himself as Father taught him (son) to teach them. In verses 9-10, he further re-iterated same teachings to children and grand children in individual homes of Israelites to be taught by the fathers of each house perpetually.

Yahsha is the Word of Yahweh according to Deut. 4:10; Exo. 34:28 (footnote NKJV) and John 1:1-18 demonstrated that Yahweh manifested Himself in a human form to save the lives of His people from the evils of that time teaching and healing them. Again, the instruction was to pass the messages from generation to generation and since Yahsha is from the route of Abraham (Chief custodian of the Law and promise) down to David, He is bound as an obedient Son to teach the real Laws (Matt. 1:17).

This is evidence in His statements in Matt. 5:17-19 which says “Do not think that I came to destroy the Law (Ten Commandments, Statutes and Judgments) or the Prophets (Books of Joshua to Malachi). I did not come to destroy but to fulfill (magnify or establish). For assuredly, I said to you till heaven and earth pass away (not yet), one jot or one tittle will by no means pass from the Law till all is fulfilled. Whoever therefore breaks one of the least of these Commandments, and teaches men (children) so, shall be called least in the kingdom of heaven, but whoever does and teaches them, he shall be called great in the kingdom of heaven”.

If Yahsha came to magnify the Law as evidenced in verses 27 and 28 (Matt. 5) compare to Exod. 20:4 and Deut. 5:18, it could therefore be seen that


He (Yahsha) was even more stringent to the Laws than as given through Moses and hence harder e.g. compare Matt. 5:28-42 with Exod. 21: 24; Lev. 24:20; Deut. 19:21. Again compare Matt. 5:43 with Lev. 19.18 for the verses say, “You have heard that it was said, „You shall love your neighbor and hate your enemy” while Lev. 19:18 stated, “You shall not take vengeance, nor bear any grudge against the children of your people, but you shall love your neighbor as yourself: I am Yahweh”.

Why the Command?

The command was made for a purpose to man due to the fallible nature of human brain. This is why in the fourth Commandment of the Ten Words, He (Yahweh) started with “Remember the Sabbath day, to keep it set-apart (holy)” Exod. 20:8. The reason for this command was:

Because of His love for mankind particularly His people-Israel.

That He (Yahweh) may fulfill His promise to Abraham, Isaac and Jacob


That they may live long on earth as well as gain eternal life in the New

Jerusalem (Rev. 21) in time to come with His Begotten Son, Yahsha who

shall be King over these Israelites.

In Gen. 1:26-28 and Gen. 2:18-22, the first man was created in the image of Yahweh Himself and was given dominion over all other creatures and later woman was given as helper to the man so as to multiply in the face of the earth. Evils emerged when the command to man was faulted by Satan through the woman. This lingered till the destruction of that generation with Noah’s family saved. Later in the second generation of mankind, evils predominate again but Yahweh resolved to call out His people before destruction through Abraham who found favor before Him due to his (Abraham) obedience to the Laws (Gen 26:4-5) and faith in Yahsha (Word of Yahweh) and establish an everlasting covenant with him and down to his limitless descendants.

From Abraham’s descendants came Moshe (Moses), son of a Levite (Exod. 2:1) through whom the Laws (Yahsha in the written form) were taught to the Israelites when they came out of Egypt-sinful nations. One may then think that these Laws are particularly for Israel (Tel Aviv) of today. This is a wrong impression.


The Laws are given to mankind that they may observe like Abraham and live. Deut. 6:20-25 state, “When your son asks you in time to come (like now), saying ‘what is the meaning of the Testimonies (10 Words); The Statutes and the Judgments which Yahweh Our Father has command you? ‘Then you shall say to your son; we were slaves (in difficulties) of Pharaoh (Kings, Presidents and Governors) in Egypt, and Yahweh brought us out of Egypt (sinful world) with a Mighty Hand; ‘And The Almighty showed signs and wonders before our eyes, great and severe, against Egypt, Pharaoh, and his entire household. ‘Then He brought us out from there that He might bring us in, to give us the land of which He swore to our fathers. ‘And Yahweh commanded us to observe all these Statutes, to fear Yahweh Our Elohim, for our good always, that He might preserve us alive as it is today. Then it will be righteousness for us (condition for eternal life in heaven) if we are careful to observe all these Commandments before Yahweh Our Elohim as He has commanded us”. Compare Deut. 32:47; 30:15; Lev.18:5; Neh. 9:29 and the entire verses of Psalm 119. In these chapters and verses, the power and reasons for the command from Yahweh to teach (not to preach) our children the Torah (Laws) are emphatically stated. Do try to read them carefully.

What are the Ways of the Commander to be taught to Children?

I have made some efforts to bring to our knowledge some of the Ways of Our Commander which He instructed us to teach our children and for them to obey. I have also succeeded in intimating you that the Laws of Yahweh (Ten Words; Statutes and Judgments) which are coded in 613 peaceful Laws is Yahsha Himself.

Now, Yahweh’s Laws centers on Love. They are made up of two parts for the Ten Words (Exod. 20:3-17); one for the love of Yahweh which the first four points at while the rest of the six refer to the love for fellow human beings. On bringing together the two parts, we can arrive at this centrality of Love who is Yahweh Himself. The Statutes also point to the love of Yahweh as it concerns the way of worship by the people of Israel. The examples of these are the observance of Sabbath days; New Moon festivals; the feasts of Passover / Unleavened bread; feast of Weeks or Pentecost; feasts of Trumpet; feasts of Ingathering (or Tabernacles) etc.

These feasts had specific or appointed times of Yahweh’s months by which they are observed. There are seven appointed feasts that are being celebrated yearly in addition to Sabbath days. Yahweh called these feasts, My Feasts and commanded them as being set-apart (holy) convocations for the over-comers (Lev. 23:1-44). These constitute more of the Ways of The Most High.


Contrary ceremonies like Christmas, Easter, New Year (1st January), Advent, Lent, Valentine day est. are forbidden festivals and idolatrous hence abomination before Yahweh since they do not have Scriptural backings. These are the ways of the world which Satan and her cohorts rule as well as the ways of the gentile nations.

The Judgments of Yahweh is the third arm of the Law and also based on the love for fellow being as mentioned earlier. They are scripturally written to give prolonged life and comfort to the minds of obedient servants. Chapters 21, 22 and 23 of Book of Exodus treated these Judgments mostly although they can be seen in some other areas like in Leviticus, Numbers and Deuteronomy.

Yahsha also taught on these Ways. The message of Yahsha is on the Kingdom of Yahweh-the readiness and qualifications. The epistle of Matthew chapters five, six and seven gave insight on the type of teaching one need to impart in one’s children. In John 7:16,28 Yahsha said, “My doctrine is not Mine, but His Who sent Me” and “you both know Me, and you know where I am from, and I have not come on Myself, but He Who sent Me is true, Whom you do not know”. This declaration shows that the sound doctrine which Yahsha taught at His manifestation is the same sound doctrine of Yahweh which is the Laws (Testimonies, Statutes and Judgments as commanded Moshe).

After the demise of Yahsha, Apostles like Paul continued unabated in the same sound doctrine as in Acts 24:14; Rom. 3:21. The Ways of Yahweh of Hosts are the ways to salvation. In Jer. 6:16 it states, “Thus says Yahweh, “Stand in the ways and see, and ask for the old paths, where the good way is, and walk in it. Then you will find rest for your souls. But they said, „we will not walk in it”.

The reader should ask himself or herself, the way to this old path and try as much as he or she can to walk in it before it is too late. The ways of man and Satan are different from that of Yahweh and of course our ways are evil and wicked activities like Satan’s.

Benefits of Heeding the Command

The benefits to be derived by adhering tenaciously to the Laws of Yahweh cannot be overemphasized. It ranges from personal to family and indeed world peace bonded by love. Complete or unreserved obedience to the Laws of Yahweh of Host brings-in totality of what man as a living being needs both here on earth and spiritual life in the Kingdom of Yahweh. To obtain wisdom, man needs the Laws of Yahweh in entirety. Deut. 4:6 says, “Therefore be careful to observe them; for this is your wisdom and understanding in the sight of the people who will hear all these Statutes, and say, „surely this great nation is a wise and understanding people”.

The whole lots of Deuteronomy chapters seven, eleven and thirty treated immensely on the blessings associated with keeping or doing the Laws of


Yahweh. Psalm 19:7-11 went further to enlighten these benefits saying, “The Law of Yahweh is perfect, converting the soul, the testimony of Yahweh is sure, making wise the simple; The Statutes of Yahweh are right, rejoicing the heart (like during Shabbat and appointed feast days); the Commandment of Yahweh is pure, enlightening the eyes; The fear of Yahweh is clean, enduring forever; The Judgments of Yahweh are true and righteous altogether. More to be desired are they than gold, Yes, than much fine gold; Sweeter also than honey and the honeycomb. Moreover by them your servant is warned, and in keeping them there is great reward”. Rom. 7:12 also specified the holiness of the Law saying, “Therefore the Law is set-apart (Holy) and the Commandment set-apart, just and good” while verse 14 states that the Law is spiritual.

No wonder Yahsha said in His message that those who will worship Yahweh will do that in spirit and truth which means the Law according to Psalm 119:142, 151.

Paying careful attention and doing these Laws as commanded leads to deliverance or salvation at the second coming of Yahsha for the over-comers. This salvation for spiritual Israelites at the end of ages could be read Rom. 10:4-5; John. 1:17; Acts 13:39; Rev.15:2-3.

When every single person, submits to Yahweh’s Laws and government, the end result is an immeasurable peace, love, joy and unity which the world seek today. They seek these things but could not obtain them because of idolatrousness of their worship (god’s worship) thus negating the righteous Laws. Teaching our children the ways of Yahweh will render them undefiled ready for raising up holy seeds in their future families which are going to constitute Yahweh’s planned marriage of 144,000 saints with the lamb-Yahsha in His Kingdom. A good example of this benefits was seen in the life of Ruth a virtuous woman from whom our Savior, Yahsha rose.



At Pregnancy Level

Teaching a child at this stage seems so easy and fast in the sense that the fetus is part and parcel of the mother. Everything the mother does reflect to the fetus. It is therefore advised that mothers should take adequate care of their life even the mode of feeding at this stage. Pregnancy is a thing of joy for a lot of married people, something eagerly waited for. As soon as a woman confirms her pregnancy, antenatal cares should be resumed so as to keep the impending mother in the best possible stage of health so she can give birth to a healthy child.

This again will enable recognition of abnormalities and complication at an early stage as a way to redress the situation before maturity. Furthermore, this will help educate the mother in the duties of motherhood in relation to the baby and also dispel the ignorance and fear associated with pregnancy and labor which psychologically may affect the child later life.

The advantages of this care are enormous and had resulted in many occasions to the reduction of maternal deaths as well as considerable salvage of babies who might otherwise have died. During this pregnancy self-medication should be avoided completely as this goes directly to the fetus and may harm the developing baby. The period of pregnancy is usually a joyous, happy time when most expectant mothers are closer to their husbands than ever before.

Although women at this stage react differently, their reactions to pregnancy depend on knowledge about different aspect of pregnancy and motherhood, intelligence, temperament, health, age and marital relationship. Good marital relationship between couples at this stage through care, words of encouragement from a faithful, loving and devoted husband will promote happiness and emotional stability in pregnant women as tools for proper development of the child in the womb and eventual birth.

At this stage there are lots of actions which the impending mother needs to do as part of her which will ultimately be imbibed in the developing child and even at birth which includes: fervent prayers, songs of praises, personal encouragements and words of faith to the baby in the womb. As a training mother and a devoted one, doing these things in addition to reading Bible passages aloud while the fetus listens; help build the developing baby spiritually. Love and dedicate the baby to Yahweh, proper diet is also necessary as well as exercise like brisk work.

Personal maintenance and hygienic conditions are as well good for proper training because dirtiness and lousiness has its own adverse


contributions in child upbringing. Avoidance of harsh disposition, quarrels, overexcitement and worries are necessary because they psychologically affects the fetus and may build in their future character if their emotional stabilizers are impaired on a long exposure to these activities. Like earlier mentioned, developing baby should be dedicated to Yahweh through prayers so as to help the mother ward-off any danger from Satan during pregnancy.

A child dedicated to Yahweh will be made to reverence Him because the battle which the mother is facing at that stage is against forces of Satan who opposes all forms of command and righteousness from Yahweh.

In addition, expectant father have a role to play in his unborn child and these centers of partnership with the expectant mother. He should as usual worship and pray committing the pregnancy and delivery into His merciful Hands. The father should continue his companionship avoiding the idea of abandonment. As partners, all planning and preparations for the baby should be done together. Concerns for her pains and discomfort as well as some domestic chores should be shared.

The father should be in agreement or harmony with his wife avoiding quarrel or at worst beating which is likely to affect the unborn child. Cordiality and communicative behaviors should be developed for effective living and happy moments with the expectant mother as a way to imbibe good character to the baby even at birth.

At Ages 0-3 Years

This is the starting of the nurturing period as soon the baby is delivered. It starts with breast feeding which is one of the first ways a baby is given a feeling of security and love. Experts recommended at least one year breast feeding for new born babies. Breast feeding has been found to be more advantageous and beneficial to child training than infant or bottle feeding formula.

It contains all the nutrients needed by a baby within the next four to six months of his or her life. It is also free from germs and usually gives babies fewer infections. It helps babies grow better and more steadily gaining weight which enhance optional mental development. It contains natural antibiotics.

Crying in babies is also noticed at this stage and should be condoned by the parents. A natural phenomenon that usually goes with reason. This reason, the mother should at all cost find out so that appropriate attention can be given.

Cleanliness is next to Yahweh, an adage says. Therefore, mothers need to maintain a high degree of cleanliness in caring for a new born baby. Cleaning one’s breast properly is advised as well as cleaning the baby in a bathe so as to eliminate any trace of odor caused by bacteria during sweat on mothers.


Immunization processes also occur at this stage of the child development and should be followed closely. The additional immune response the child posses helps him or her in later life resistance to infections.

The most important of each of these developmental stages is the introduction of prayer in everything the mother is doing with the baby. Songs of praises with clapping of hands are also important as these go to the brain and the child recognizes each moment the mum sings and claps hand and grows with that idea. As the child grows from sitting, crawling and teething stages all playing materials should be that which draws his or her mind to the Maker, what he or she knows as his object of jokes stand very important in molding his or her character together with mum’s fervent prayers, devotion, ability to relate with others which the baby learns simultaneously.

Toilet training is another crucial aspect of child care at this stage. Change the napkins as often as possible to keep him or her neat and feel nice. Discourage the baby from yelling or crying at every demand. Try train the baby using rubber sitters so as to help himself or herself any time.

At this stage the baby has capability of catching up with whatever he sees or hears and tries to speak answering “no” to every word parent may speak. At this time try to reverse the trend by immediately teaching him or her to answer “yes” to everything including daddy’s and mummy’s instructions. When this is learned, he or she will grow to be obedient and honor their parents.

At the ages one-three years, the baby has become a toddler. The baby notice increase in weight and length as well as brain development to understand more of his or her surroundings. The baby is able to eat virtually the same food as other family members and as wider the variety of food to which you can introduce your baby at this age, the better.

As the nurturing process progresses, a child becomes lesser dependent on the mother. The child’s responses are mostly negative trying to prove his or her being capable of taking care of himself or herself. They usually grow tendency to reject food and dictate his or her choice. Parents are advised to be very watchful here because the child’s will is formed which if mishandled he or she may tend towards self-will and stubbornness. This is a period you have to pray and depend on Yahweh to break this assertion or will power. Parents are also advised to discipline their child right from this stage but with love.

At ages 4-10 years.

When a child is between the ages of 3-6 years, he or she may be termed a little explorer because they usually explore the immediate environment since they are unable to achieve anything tangible at the moment. In order to be adequately equipped to guide them into useful citizens, their trainers need to be acquitted with what is expected of a child at each stage of growth whether spiritually, physically, mentally or emotionally.


Children are nation-builders and for them to be totally fulfilled, each parent needs to have an established and growing relationship with Yahweh. They learn faster and better from what they see more than from what they hear.

Young babies are naturally vibrant and hence need to be provided with educative toys for their playing moments such as plastic building blocks, puzzle block etc and should be encouraged to skip, run, jump and play in and seek with fellow children of their age. At this stage too great effort should be made to teach them the Torah (Law) by searching the Scriptures especially before they go to bed they should be made to start memorizing the 613 codified Laws because anything they learn at this stage will be implanted and regarded as a routine of life.

Bible should be their watch word and be placed beside their beds. They will grow with this idea especially if they notice that daddy’s and mummy’s Bible is always beside their own beds. Bible story books with illustrative pictures should be made use of while teaching young children. This helps to arouse and sustain their interest. Simplified biographies of Yahsha characters should be made available to them so that they will be acquainted with the life and works of both the people of old and contemporary Christians.

Parent should not create fear in the children by not giving them the required protection or security. Show love to them by accepting some of their wrong doing at this stage because they are highly attached to members of their immediate family and all others who make them feel happy.

At ages 7-10 years their characters and needs vary. They tend to foster their self-discipline. Their varied features are based on physical, mental, social, and spiritual aspects of life. Physically, children at this group require alternate periods of rest and activity with lots of sleep usually at night. Effort should be made to engage them in activity like running, jumping and other strenuous activities. At this stage, they take cues from the playmates who parents should strive to ensure he or she is a fellow believer of same faith.

Efforts should be made not to scold them at the face of their friends as this might devastate the child. Food intake should be balanced diet with more emphasis on fruits and vegetables. This is a period of active growth hormone secretion which the child needs for rapid growth in his or her life. Any inadequacy in the child’s diet will affect him or her more quickly and more severely than it would affect an adult. Towards the end of this stage, girls usually start developing some sexual characteristics in their bodies especially children of wealthy parentage.

Mental development of children of these ages are also rewarding if properly groomed. They develop skills and may be capable of solving his or her school academic challenges like writing essay or letters. Female seems to be more brilliant than the boys due mainly to the more hormone secretions in the body and hence they mature more easily than the males. Parents should tell the stories about adventures, stories about their life and the history of their town


because at this age range they are eager to learn and their brains are ready for that.

Their intelligence quotient varies between the 80% - 100% at this age range which is indicative of their potential to learn and give clues of their behavioral pattern. Experts concluded that pressuring a child over his or her mental ability does not in any way alter his or her natural endowment, but only increases the child’s emotional burden.

Spiritually, age group 7-10 can be said to be the light of childhood and their days are the most impressionable ones. Life patterns do emerge remarkably early and the onus lies on the parents to mould their children into lovers of Yahsha Who is that natural light of their children per se. Like earlier said, children are heritage from Yahweh entrusted into the hands of parents to be trained for His esteem.

When this is diligently achieved, the Scripture according to Isaiah 54:13 which states, “All your children shall be taught by Yahweh, and great shall be the peace of your children” will then are fulfilled. Dedicate your child to Yahweh so that he or she will be taught by Him-The Perfect Teacher (Matt. 23:8. NKJV).

At Ages 11-18 Years

At Eleven years old, there are common traits among children of this age which includes self-centeredness, very argumentative on all matters; rebellious and troublesome, very vibrant and restlessness. Outside home, they are mannerly, delightful varied emotional dispositions. Boys at this age tend to cheat while girls tend to steal. Boys and girls alike are more fearful than at age 10. They are usually afraid of loneliness, of pain and of infections.

At school they are very excited about learning. They are very delightful in subjects like mathematics as a show of skills in multiplications. They possess competitive spirit and strive to be best in sports and academics. They show an inconsistency in learning pattern.

For twelve years old children, their traits are not so much far from that of eleven but they look more stable in relationship, more positive in mood and more enthusiastic than the eleven years old. They are more tolerant and organized. Not fearful as in eleven. Cheating and stealing is not as rigorous as in eleven. They take initiative, quite friendly, compassionate toward their mothers. They attain the highest level of intellectual development.

The ages 13-18 years are regarded as the teenage proper. As butterfly emerges out of a dull-looking pupa or like a chicken just after hatching, so does a 12 years old emerges from childhood into his teens. These ages mark the outshoot in body and broadened mental horizons. This is a unique phase in the life of a child serving as a transition period between childhood and adulthood. This period is also characterized by turbulence, snappy rude, moody, lazy, temperamental, self-willed and assertive.


The crucial period often passes as the most trying and difficult time for the parents as well as the teenagers. Parent usually thinks the best for the teenagers while contrarily they may have to live the way they like. Our teenagers are generally meant to serve as a bulwark and source of pride and inspiration both to their parents and the nation at large. They are there to serve as bastion of hope and continuity to the society. Their towering images, imposing profile and visible courage when positively explored, should help to change and move the nation forward.

Parents should draw their teenagers from competing and seducing pleasures of the world. Things like magazines, books, friends, games, songs and general tastes which they decided as their choice should be koshered. Regular checks should be carried out to avoid veering off and helpful substitutes being exchanged with harmful choices.

Sexual drive is very strong in these adolescent years. Parents are advised to teach their children on the perils of this evil character. Teach them the facts that deal with the human physiology as it relates to reproductive system and the moral responsibilities associated with it. This will go a long way to preventing misconception if the sex education is conducted. Parents should learn what to say and the limit to go during this education which is very important at this age. At home there should be separation between the boys and girls in a family. Privacy should be respected for all teenage groups’ boys and girls alike.

If the children are spiritually brought up, it will be a good stage to relate them to Yahweh. Seeing the parent’s devotion will enhance their attitude toward their Maker. Parents should tell their teens that they (parents) are accountable to Yahweh on them and that the purpose of training them is for eternity not for the material world. Tell them that it is only the spiritual strength they possess can prepare them for challenges and difficulties in life ahead. After these pieces of advice, parent should then go on praying and fasting to get this realized in the Name of Yahsha.

Parents should be strong, firm and of good courage in teaching them these morals as according to Joshua 1:8-9 which says, “This Book of Torah shall not depart from your month, but you shall meditate in it day and night, that you may observe to do according to all that is written in it. For then you will make your way (business, studies, work etc) prosperous and then you will have good success. „Have I not commanded you? Be strong and of good courage; do not be afraid, nor be dismayed, for Yahweh Your Elohim is with you wherever you go”.


Parent Child Level

Like earlier mentioned, parents can also be regarded as children to their own fathers and mothers. The parents form major groups of children ranging from 19-80 years old and even above. Since the parent’s father and mother are alive they are still children to them. On the spiritual reign, parents constitute the children too.

In this age range they are matured to bear responsibility of themselves as well as their families although 19-25 years can partly still be dependent on their parents. Above this, full responsibility can be held. In Nigeria, the maturity age for voting is 18 years old while in the western countries it is 19 or 20. Children range from elders to infants and before Yahweh we are all children.

To teach this group of children therefore needs proper knowledge rich in the Scriptures, sciences, arts and environments around us. The Scriptural aspects involve the Priests, Evangelists, Apostles, Pastors and Deacons etc. This knowledge of the Scriptures will enable them educate the parent child in such a way as to pass same teaching to their various children at home. The parents form children to these ministers of Yahweh and that is why they (parents) regard them as “Nna anyi” meaning “our father in Master Yahsha”. They should be taught by these groups because it is their full responsibility and was entrusted with that authority to teach by Yahweh.

Moses was given the Torah because he met with Yahweh and studied the Torah (Law) for first 40 days before coming down the mount. He was subsequently instructed to teach the same Torah to all the children of Israel. Then during his demise, Moses passed same instruction of Yahweh on teaching to the Levites (Deut. 33:10). These Levites are the Priests. The reason then was primarily to train the whole person (Israelites) for lifelong, obedient service in the knowledge of Yahweh because this is their primary point of existence on earth. The aim of learning was holiness in living-to be set-apart unto Yahweh in every dimension of life.

The end result of this holiness when observed by the Israelites is to make “all the peoples of the earth know that Yahweh is Heavenly Father and that there is no other”-1king 8:60. This Torah is therefore a heritage to Israelites (Psalm 119:111; Deut. 33:4) which says, “Your Testimonies I have taken as a heritage forever, for they are the rejoicing of my heart”. Deut. 33:4, “Moses commanded a Law for us, a heritage of the congregation of Jacob (Israel)”.

Again in Deut 31:9, 12, Moses instructs the people to act according to the Law they (the priests) teach them for the verses say, “So Moses wrote this Law and delivered it to the priests, the sons of Levi, who bore the ark of the covenant of Yahweh, and to all the elders of Israel. „Gather the people together, men and women and little ones, and the stranger who is within your gates, that


they may hear and that they may learn to fear Yahweh your Elohim and carefully observe all the words of this Law”.

This evidence also showed in 2 Chron. 17:8-9 where the priests periodically travel from town to town, gathering and teaching the people mainly parents for the verses say, “And with them he sent Levites: Shemaiah, Nethaniah, Zebadjah, Asahel, Shemiramoth, Jehonathan, Adonijah, Tobijah, and Tobadonijah-the Levites; and with them Elishama and Jehoram, the priests. So they taught in Judah, and had the Book of the Law of Yahweh with them; they went throughout all the cities of Judah and taught the people”.

From these illustrations and examples it could be seen that teaching is not only restricted to kids or infants but also parent of all categories. It is what they learn at such teachings that they would impart in their various families. This is typical Jewish way of education or teaching of morals. By so doing everyone will be equipped with the knowledge of the Torah which is our heritage as Jews both in Diaspora and in mainland Israel.



Learning constitutes the very core of the heritage that Jewish civilization had handed-down to the modern churches. They have long been referred to as “the people of the Book”. Since the Bible times to the present, they have been victims of hostility and hatred, but notwithstanding they have considered the quest for knowledge to be one of the great desideratum of their life.

Learning is the secret of Jewish survival. Ahad Ha-Am once wrote, “Jews have long known that they and their religious heritage would perish from the earth if they neglected to pass its teachings on to their children”. This is also evidenced in the Book of Prov. 4:13 which says, “Hold fast to instruction, do not let it go; guard it, for it is your life”. In that believe therefore, Raphael Werblowsky sums up in these words, “Jewish learning has always been the root and fountainhead of Jewish life……without Jewish learning, we cannot be Jews”.

The Parent Father

In the Scripture, the father bore chief responsibility for the instruction or teaching of the children in his home. The children of Abraham were to “keep the way of Yahweh” (Gen. 18:19) and the “Torah was given as a lamp to their feet and a light on that path” (Ps. 119:105). The fathers were entrusted with the Laws by Yahweh through the Levites (Priests) to teach their children as well as their wives, servants and strangers within neighborhood. All will be submissive to him because he serves as a representative of Yahsha-The Head of the church or synagogue where the father in turn will be submissive to (Eph. 5:22-27).

In Exo. 24:1-12, Moses went up the Mount and studied the Laws and proclaimed it when he came down to the elders of Israel who accepted to perform or keep them and hence entered into covenant to uphold the Law. After this they were then qualified to see, wined and dined with Yahweh. In verse 12, which states “Then Yahweh said to Moses, “Come up to Me on the mountain and be there; and I will give you tablets of stone, and the Law and Commandments which I have written, that you may teach them”.

Moses serves as the father of Israel entrusted with the responsibility of teaching the Law to the children of Israel (to elders and ministers first). Then the elders and ministers will carry these same teachings to the synagogues and to their individual homes. The instruction here is teaching diligently, not vicariously nor preaching even.

Religious instruction, like charity, we know begins at home. The association of father with teacher may be traced back to the Sumerian


civilization where the head of a school was called “school-father”, and the pupils called “school sons”. In Bible, teachers (priests) are called “fathers” and relationship between master and servant (e.g. Elijah and Elisha) is also expressed as “father” and “son” (2 kings 2:3, 12).

Furthermore, in many chapters of the Book of Proverbs, the writer regularly addresses his students as “my son”. In Bible too, we saw fathers as the main instruments in the learning process and as teacher to his children. They served as a living and dynamic communicator of divine truth which is in the Laws of Yahweh.

The fundamental goal of parental instructions was to transmit an ethical and historical heritage of his region or society. Fathers are bound in respect of their sons, to circumcise them, teach them Torah, take wives for them and as well teach them craft. This is typical of Jews (Gen. 24:1-9). Moreover, the joy and religious satisfaction of these sections of people was for a grandfather to hear a grandson recite a portion of Torah.

Therefore, of all the 613 codified Laws of Yahweh, one of the most important for understanding Jewish heritage of learning was “……. And teach them to your children and your grandchildren” Deut. 4:9 compared with Psalm 78:5-6 which say, “For He established a Testimony in Jacob, and appointed a Law in Israel, which He commanded our fathers, that they should make them known to their children; That the generation to come might know them, the children who would be born, that they may arise and declare them to their children”.

Training or teaching within home also included acquiring an appropriate skill, craft or trade for making a living. Sons often time learn as an apprentice of his father, uncle or someone else. Skills of farming and sheep tending can also be taught to the sons in a home by the father. Daughters remain with their mothers to learn various domestic procedures like weaving and cooking. It is therefore clear that totality of moral teachings and instructions for the well-being of the children (boys and girls) are the full responsibility of the father of the house while the mother assists or helps to see that this is appropriately enforced on the children.

The Parent Mother

Virtuousness is required by women of all ages. A virtuous woman has all the required parameter for child teaching or training in the Ways of Yahweh (Prov. 31:10-31). Virtuous woman transverses all aspect of life (rich or poor) of her head or husband.

To this effect, they are capable of training their children particularly the daughters the way to follow for eternity, they are devoid of slander, backbiting, gossip, jealous, envy, hatred, deceit, bitterness etc which are things our children will be discouraged of and since she did not possess them, their children too will


be devoid of them. Good examples of these women are Ruth, Naomi, Dorcas, Elizabeth etc.

Like the virtuous women of Bible, women of today should open their mouths with wisdom and speak always the Laws of The Most High which is the Laws of kindness, righteousness and justice. They should teach their daughters to respect and be submissive to their husbands. Prov. 13:3 says, “He that keeps his mouth keeps his life; but he that opens wide his lips shall have destruction”. Mothers should set good target or petition their children lives to Yahweh their Maker and strive towards accomplishing this when their heart desires are met with.

In 1Sam 1:27-28, Hannah knew what she wanted for her child, hence wasted no time but prayed fervently and instructed Samuel in the reverence of Yahweh just according to her vow during pregnancy for the verses say, “For this child I prayed , and Yahweh has granted me my petition which I asked of Him. „Therefore I also have lent him to Yahweh; as long as he lives he shall be lent to Yahweh”. Elizabeth too was so eager and fulfilled her dream in John the Baptist who was a forerunner of Yahsha Messiah.

She molded him in such a way as to fit in Yahweh’s-given role before creation. Have you taught of these women and their activities in relation to their children and their Maker or is Athalyah an example for you to emulate? Athalyah was a wicked woman who taught her son to perform wickedly in such a way that his life was consumed up in wickedness (2 Chron. 22:1-7). The question still asks you to examine yourself on the values you are passing unto your children, whether they are of salvation unto Yahweh or of demise unto Satan and her cohorts.

The qualities possessed by virtuous woman that excels her are humility and submissiveness or obedience to her husband or head. In the Scripture, Yahweh passed instruction on headship in a home showing women their role as helpmates to their husbands. Yahweh plainly shows that wives must always be in submission to their husbands, performing their duties under the direction of their heads or husbands. Such women who are submissive to their husband are greatly blessed by Yahweh here on earth and heaven above (Eph. 5:23-33; 1 Cor. 14:34-38; Col. 3:18-25). When a woman is obedient to her husband, then Yahweh will consider her fit to accept authority and not rebellious like Eve.

Satan deceived Eve because of her rebellious attitude to Yahweh’s injunction passed by her husband (Adam) hence she committed idolatry by allowing someone other than her husband to teach her. Rebels against the Laws of Yahweh are sin and women that rebel against the instruction or Law of Yahweh on headship of women commits sin.

The role of women is basically to be righteous helper to their husbands in the work of bringing forth the set –apart seeds (children). A righteous woman is a crown to her husband e.g. Rebecca, Bilhah, Rachel, Leah, Sarah, Zilpah etc should shine forth as bright lights from the Scriptures and to help guide women


to apartness and teaching of the young women of nowadays in the reverence to The Most High (Prov. 12:4; 14:1;18:22; 19:14).

Mothers should teach their daughters on the risks and consequences of current social evils like sexual immoralities, alcoholism, visiting club houses, dishonor to husbands. Effort should be made by mothers in guiding their daughters on performing home chores so as to prepare them for future family life with their husbands which are a serious case that disorganize marriage in homes. Love at all level should be imparted to the children by the mothers in addition to morals through Scriptural studies.

In terms of rebuke or passage of instructions by father, good mothers must be supportive or else she is indirectly tearing down her husband’s worth and respect. When a child does wrong, she corrects on the spot and does not need to wait for the father’s arrival before right behaviors are ensured. In that vein, the child will honor and respect her even at the absence of the father.

Both Parents

Children are indeed gifts and blessings from Yahweh and He promised that parents will not be ashamed over their children. He will surely fulfill this promise but parents have lots of duties and responsibilities toward ensuring the fulfillment of this promise by Yahweh. Boys and girls show their individualities in the way they progress from stage to stage of maturity which parents must therefore realize that each child is unique.

As the child develops physically, socially, spiritually, mentally and emotionally, the child needs a lot of parental guidance, training in righteousness, counseling and prayers to reduce the stress and difficulties he or she passes through. Channel appropriately his or her energy; mould his or her character, teach him or her the way and help him or her to grow into an acceptable individual in the society. Every parent must provide the atmosphere which is conducive for all-round development of the child.

The parents must always be around to give the much needed understanding, affection, compassion, care and encouragement that is required for proper and well-balanced upbringing of the child. They should endeavor to set forth tasks that commensurate to the level of development of the child and must be lead as much as possible to accepting Yahsha at a tender age before he or she becomes adolescent that eventually rebels.

Each parent must depend on Yahweh for help and commit the child to our Master Yahsha because He has promised all-round development to our children, if we will co-operate with Him. Parents must repent of their sins and accept Yahsha as the source of power and knowledge.

In the real sense, good up-bring of the young ones and training is what distinguishes us from the animal kingdom. As children gain knowledge through all they hear and see, their personalities develop. Occasionally, a child becomes


disobedient to parent’s instructions, and then there is a need to repeat the command. But if you discover that his or her refusal is not based on his or her inability or lack of understanding but an outright parental defiance, then a strict step is to be taken.

Punishment is one major practical step in child training but it should be the last resort. You will need to consider the age and severity of the offence before you mete out the punishment. These vary from rebuke, food deprivation, mild or corporal punishment etc. The Scripture says, “Wisdom is found on the lips of him (her) who has understanding, but a rod is for the back of him (her) who is devoid of understanding” (Prov. 10:13). Again in the Book of Prov. 23:24-25 which state, “The father of the righteous will greatly rejoice, and he who begets a wise child will delight in him. „Let your father and your mother be glad, and she who bore you rejoices”.

The rejoicing and gladness of these parents come only when they restrain their children from doing whatever please or seem best to them. On the other hand, forgive a child when he or she shows remorse on wrong doing. Prove this forgiveness to him or her if eventually he or she desists entirely from such behavior. A child may want to play on your intelligence so be firm but flexible not enforcing or punishing at every situation.

Like earlier mentioned, child training should begin at cradle so as to exploit the critical years of his or her childhood lives and traits. In doing this there should be a good or cordial father or mother relationship. When the father instructs, corrects or rebuke any erring child, she (mother) must support him to emphasis the importance of parental authority which must not be questioned on their child training processes.

Child training is akin to sprinters in athletic who know the importance of starting a race at the shot of a gun (at pregnancy) and sustaining the momentum throughout the race (during nurturing, exploring, near adolescent stages, adolescent period) unto the breaking of the tape (at full maturity). Parents usually fail in this race when they do not obey the Word of Yahweh in training up their children. Although none desires to fail hence to succeed therefore costs something which usually are: - time, devotion and dedication to train these children in an acceptable way of The Most High.

Synagogues or Schools as Teacher

Like we knew, priests (Levites) were custodian and expounder of Torah in Ezra 7:6, Ezra was described as a priest and teacher well versed in the Torah of Moses, which Yahweh Elohim of Israel had given.

Again, good Prophets are also regarded as the champions of moral righteousness and social justice. They urge people to return to the ethical and spiritual teaching of Moses as did in the Book of Amos 5:21-24 which state, “I hate, I despise your feast days, and I do not savor your sacred assemblies


Though you offer Me burnt offerings and your grain offerings, I will not accept them, Nor will I regard your fattened peace offerings. Take away from Me the noise of your songs, for I will not hear the melody of your stringed instruments, but let justice run down like water, and righteousness like a mighty stream”.

Another recognizable teaching force is the wise men. Wisdom school may attract students that seek to be disciple by one of the sages of the day. Eccl. 12:9-10 state, “And moreover, because the Preacher was wise, he still taught the people knowledge, yes, he pondered and sought out and set in order many proverbs. The Preacher sought to find acceptable words; and what were written were upright-words of truth (The Law)”.

The wisdom literatures of ancient Israel are mainly found in the Book of Proverbs, Ecclesiastes, Job, Song of Songs and certain Psalms and the mentor or patron of wisdom writings and literatures was King Solomon. Although the wise men reflect on perplexing issues of life and making prudent observations on them as seen in Books of Job and Ecclesiastes respectively, the most common function of the sages was to counsel people needing practical advice for proper living. This is found in the Book of Proverbs. It abounds in instructions and maxims for would-be learners.

Most of the stipulations emphasized the success or well-being of the individual and stressed reward in this life for following the proper course of action. The Hebrew wisdom surpasses intellectual pursuit; it was practical; established on Yahweh-given principles of right and wrong. These principles had to be fleshed out in daily living, in the common-sense dimensions of interpersonal relationships (Judgments). They never viewed wisdom as mere factual data or as purely cognitive, but rather was skill in applying knowledge to specific area. In effect therefore, it implied the knack, technical know-how or capacity to perform a particular task.

During the inter-testament period, the institution of synagogues that emerged with newly established Scribal schools, gave their attention to studying, interpreting and copying the Scriptures. They are recognized as the official teachers of Israel spiritual heritage which is the Law of Yahweh. In the Scripture, Sirach and other notable Scholars established houses for teaching the Torah (Law).

The synagogues gradually became the centre for study in the Community of Jews. In Nigeria today, same objectives are been carried out in our synagogues and schools (Community of Yahweh Academy at Jos-Plateau State) involving the teaching of Yahweh’s Laws. Our children and indeed the whole community are benefitting immensely in these training processes.

Our universities and colleges of education should also serve as teaching areas not only of sciences and arts but also moral aspect of life. Effort should be made by lecturers to implant in our children what seems to be lacking from the training given by their parents not helping to spoil what had been started on a


good ground. But, it is quite unfortunate nowadays that these institutions are den of evils and corruptions of all sorts.

These are sites forbidden to lay one’s holy eyes. Teachers in both secondary and tertiary institutions suppose to complement the actions of the parents in their child training processes. All training, studying and teaching require discipline.

Accordingly, the Book of Proverbs advocate the use of the rod as part of training processes, “he who spares his rod hates his son, but he who loves him disciplines him promptly” (Prov. 13:24) and in Prov. 22:15 it says, “Foolishness is bound up in the heart of a child, the rod of correction will drive it far from him”.




Disobedience leaves one in lawlessness which is sin and rebel not only to fellow man but also to Yahweh our Maker. Before this command to teach our children His ways was issued, Yahweh who is Spirit Himself had seen the effect not abiding in this command will have on man as a whole. Another command in Prov. 22:6 say, “Train up a child in the way (of Yahweh) he or she should go; and when he or she is old, he or she will not depart from it.” These are all geared at making man gain eternal life prepared for them and especially the called out ones. Man stood against these commands and life had been detrimental since then.

This single act of disobedient is what brought man here and in this condition of wretchedness. It started with Eve who eventually lured her husband (Adam) to disobey Yahweh’s commands. As a result man was brought lower from his height. This showed the destructive tendencies of disobedience. The destruction persisted till this moment resulting in wars, hatred, fighting, sexual immoralities, diseases, murder, sorcerers, slandering, idolatries, lies etc which we know cannot take man into Yahweh’s kingdom (Rev. 21:8).

Devil hand in Children

Devil as we all know is an angel of beautiful posture full of ego and pride. War or battle which is one of the features of the angel started in heaven according to Rev. 12:7-19. Battle for supremacy, recognition sent her out of heaven or Garden of Eden (Isa. 14:12-14) and man was replaced there. Having seen this replacement, the (Satan) used another of the features-slandering or backbiting with Eve who then co-habited Garden of Eden with Adam. And as usual, it worked out immediately by convincing Eve to go against what her husband instructed her.

Satan in the same vain had deceived the whole world today through another of her features-deceit or lies. The world today believed these lies in such a way that the same command given to Adam at creation time which was later transposed or bequeathed to Moses is no more existing. The lie stated here that these Laws had been annihilated by Yahsha’ sacrificial blood. The children of the world and even some of the called-out ones tend towards this false or wicked doctrine.

Satan or devil is spirit being and the battle or war she engages with man is spiritual and do also manifest in the physical reign. When the spiritual battle is won by this our archenemy, it is a sure matter that the physical battle will manifest or be accomplished. That is why it needs much prayer every time or


ceaselessly as Scripture describes it. Eph. 6:12 says, “For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against principalities and powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this age, against spiritual hosts of wickedness in the heavenly places”.

To fight these powers, one needs to walk in the spirit and guard oneself with the whole amour (Ten Words, Statutes and Judgments) of Yahweh as Eph.6:14-18 stipulates, “Stand therefore, having girded your waist with truth, having put on the breastplate of righteousness, and having shod your feet with the preparation of the gospel of peace; above all, taking the shield of faith with which you will be able to quench all the fiery darts of the wicked one. And take the helmet of salvation, and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of Elohim; praying always with all prayer and supplication in the Spirit, being watchful to this end with all perseverance and supplication for all the saints”. When our children do not gird their waist with these amours, the consequences are very devastating as mentioned above.

The battle with Satan starts even at pregnancy till birth, nurturing, adolescent and full maturity of a child. In USA, teenage crimes have increased to an alarming rate marking the highest in the world today. It has been recorded that about 45-50% of 7-10years old boys are now growing up fatherless, no reverence to Yahweh and are surrounded by defiant, delinquent and criminal adults and are likely to end up in such manner as their trainer. This is a result of negligence to the Law against sexual promiscuity or fornication leading to illegal pregnancy and subsequent birth of bastards in the society.

Satanic influences in our children can be clearly seen in our society world-over. In one university in the western region of Nigeria, news carried that some students possibly cult members invaded female hostels and used machetes to cut all the students seen at the moment killing some and raping others simultaneously. In Palestine, infants as young as five to ten years old boys were being trained in shooting and using arms in wars and violence against Israelites. These are satanic rebels against the sixth commandment, “You shall not murder” (Exo. 20:13).

The worst influence of Satan to the children of the world comes from the modern day Preachers in various churches who stand on the podium to expound lies to their fellow Satan-deceived-believers. These servants of Satan stand to make rejection of Yahweh’s righteous Laws given to man, hence causing untold hardship, suffering, misery and total hatred throughout the universe. Although devil joins her dealings with man in righteousness and evil hence placing him (man) in the middle as a way of tossing him, but only the spiritual minds and eyes given by our Master, Yahsha can save you from this Satanic soccer.


Social Malaise

Detrimental effect of disobedience to the righteous Laws of Yahweh is manifest in the lives of mankind. It results in the suffering been experienced in the world today which ranges from diseases to death. Some of these evils are adultery or fornication; abortion; wearing of men’s wears by women and vice versa; hatred; idolatry; diseases etc.

It is clear that one-third of the world population is suffering from one disease or the other. These diseases are acquired by one evil act or the other and usually lead to untimely death. In Deut 7:15 it says, “And Yahweh will take away from you all sickness, and will afflict you with none of the terrible diseases of Egypt which you have known, but will lay them on all those who hate you”. Again in Lev. 26:14-39, consequences of disobedience to the Laws of Yahweh were laid down for man. Therefore, the sickness we are suffering today like fever, hypertension etc as in Lev. 26:16 are as a result of our disobedience to His Laws.

Idol worshiping in many of our churches today is another evil being committed against our Maker. In Deut. 4:12, 15-19, we are told that no one has seen the form or shape of Yahweh and that we should be careful not to carve image of any form in His resemblance not to talk of worshiping that image for the verses say, “And Yahweh spoke to you out of the midst of the fire. You heard the sound of the words, but saw no form, you only heard a voice. „Take careful heed to yourselves, for you saw no form when Yahweh spoke to you at Horeb out of the midst of the fire, „lest you act corruptly and make for yourselves a carved image in the form of any figure; the likeness of male or female, „the likeness of any animal that is on the earth or the likeness of any winged bird that flies in the air, „the likeness of anything that creeps on the ground or the likeness of any fish that is in the water beneath the earth. „And take heed, lest you lift your eyes to heaven, and when you see the sun, the moon, and the stars, all the host of heaven, you feel driven to worship them and serve them, which Yahweh your Elohim has given to all the peoples under the whole heaven as a heritage”.

The gospel of John 5: 37 also warned of this idol worshiping for the verse says, “And the Father Himself, who sent Me, has testified of Me. You have neither heard His voice at any time, nor seen His form”. But nowadays in our churches, we noticed images of assorted types been worshipped by so-called “believers in Christ”. Idolatry leads to spiritual blindness.

Hatred and rancor lead to war in our society. This has ravaged the Middle East, Africa and indeed the world in general. From Sierra-Leone to Madagascar and from Sudan to Zimbabwe or South Africa, wars and wars have devastated the whole continent caused by hatred among groups in those regions. In the Middle East, Israel is surrounded up by bundles of enemy warring against them.


In Europe and indeed America, the story is same. The Northern Ireland is warring with their neighbors while America and Arabs are on their side. All are consequences of not adhering to the tenets of Laws of Yahweh-a peaceful solution to solving problems and relating with fellow human beings.

Fashion has brought its consequences. Women and men alike have negated the stipulation in Deut. 22:5 which says, “A woman shall not wear anything that pertains to a man, nor shall a man put on a woman‟s garment (wear), for all who do so are an abomination to Yahweh Your Elohim”. To them it was a mere write-up, something frivolous, forgetting that Deut. 32:47 told us, “For it (wearing of trousers and knickers by women) is not a futile (vain) thing for you, because it is your life and by this word you shall prolong your days in the land which you cross over Jordan to possess”. It is of no doubt that these useless acts look attractive to men and eventually leads to sexual acts or assaults.

Abortion which is a result of promiscuity is an evil that had fully destroyed our society. This contains two crimes or sins in one. The sin of adultery or fornication and the sin of murder all embedded in one. Abortion as mentioned above has marred our youth and married women alike. What do we derive from all these mess?

Divorce cases are not left out in the evils of not obeying Yahweh’s command. Yahsha gave only one command for divorce case and that is if the woman is met being unfaithful to the head or husband then you can now give her certificate of divorce but apart from that, the Law forbids divorce, but in our society today, the case is similar to drinking of water.

In USA and Europe, divorce has become the number one accepted solution for marriage problems and settlement and like pathogenic bacteria, divorce breeds more divorces. Children from these homes are of course not resilient ending up in alcoholism, drug and sex addictions, anger and violence.

Adultery or fornication are sister words that cannot be separated and which culminates to one central act-lust of flesh or sexual immorality. The Scripture stated that our bodies are temple of Yahsha and must be kept set-apart unto The Most High for His esteem (1Cor. 3:16-17).

In the society at large, adultery and fornication have risen to a tumultuous stage and even trying to surpass what happened in Sodom and Gomorrah. Exo. 20:14 stated it clearly, “You shall not commit adultery (fornication)”. In campuses, this evil act has become unquenchable. Students even leave their studies to travel far and wide in search of their mates. Some even die in the cause of their journey or actions.

The result of this act in the recent past is the introduction of HIV or AIDS infection. This disease has no known cure and can never be cured because it was introduced into the world by The Most High to wipe out the perpetrators. Ask yourself if you want to die the next hour? If yes, continue to engage in


sexual acts but if no, please renounce adultery or fornication today after reading this book.

The occurrence of these evils in our society depend largely on the failure of our parents to fight Satan and groom our children in the ways of The Most High starting earlier in their infancy even at pregnancy as written above. Some of these indices of failure are:

Wrong or faulty foundation: Instructions and corrections in love should be part of disciplinary measures in training a child to become mature and responsible adults in future.

Bad examples and sinful lifestyle of Parents: The lives of the parents are the children’s first hand books to read. This reading starts early and once it is bad the child emulates it and passes on as he or she grows.

Wrong perspective in Parenting: The task of child training demands a high level of commitments on the part of parent which involves discipline in all aspect of life namely physical, social, academic and particularly spiritual development and not merely one or two of these areas.

Sparing the rod and spoiling the Child. Cane should be applied to correct a child’s rebellious behaviors but should be done in love, moderately and especially after many verbal corrections and pieces of advice.

Delay in leading a Child to Yahsha: It is pathetic that parents fail to give their children spiritual training early in life, may be due to the parent’s ignorance of Yahweh’ saving mercy. A child who is not brought into personal encounter with Yahsha will be lost eternally, no matter what other successes are recorded in the child’s life because Yahsha (Law) is the real foundation on which every other virtues can develop (1Cor. 3:1-23). Prayers as a way of talking to Yahweh is useful in this spiritual training because divine power is released to guide the child to fulfill the primary purpose of his or her creation hence intercession by parents is highly needed.

Disobedience to Yahweh’s Commandments: Some parents blatantly disobey Yahweh’s commands and their children follow after. They tell lies, cheat, defraud, steal, fight, smoke, drink etc. They become worldly in every bit of their life and of course damnable life awaits them and their children.

Being Over-protective: While parents should do their best to protect their children from dangers that abound in the society, being over-protective is counterproductive.


Exodus 20:4-6 says, “You shall not make for yourself a carved image-any likeness of anything that is in heaven above, or that is in the earth beneath, or that is in the water under the earth. „You shall not bow down to them nor serve them. For I, Yahweh your Elohim, am a jealous Elohim, visiting the iniquity


of the fathers upon the children to the third and fourth generations of those who hate Me, but showing mercy to thousands, to those who love Me and keep My Commandments”. From these verses, one could see that idolaters and every other sinner hated The Most High and hence possesses these curses to their 3rd and 4th generations.

Therefore, most of our problems are traced back to the sins of our forefathers who went away from the instructions of The Most High. The Laws are pure, perfect, faithful, righteous and truth (Ps. 119:86, 151, 142. 160). For one to deviate from these qualities packed in the Laws means spiritual or eternal death to one’s third and fourth generations unless Savior’s deliverance and mercy comes on time in one’s life.

Some children also misbehave outside their homes and incur the wrath of some occult ones who pronounce curses on them. The world is been cursed because mankind will not listen, nor heed the voice of our Creator. Isa. 24:4-6 says, “The earth mourns and fades away, the world languishes and fades away, the haughty people of the earth languish. „The earth is also defiled under its inhabitants, because they have transgressed the Laws, changed the Ordinance, broken the everlasting Covenant. „Therefore, the curse has devoured the earth, and those who dwell in it are desolate. Therefore the inhabitants of the earth are burned, and few men are left”.

The Prophets, Apostles and our Savior, all taught that sin is the breaking of Yahweh’s Laws as written in 1John 3:4, “Whoever commits sin, transgresses also the Law, for sin is the transgression of the Law of The Most High”. In Deut 28:16-68, the consequences of disobedience to the Laws were clearly outlined for mankind.

These curses on mankind are what Sciences call infections by viruses, bacteria, parasites and fungi. Unclean foods and animals like pigs, crayfish, shrimps etc, when consumed as against the command usually lead to diseases or sickness or infections.

When the Law of fornication or adultery is broken the result is breeding of HIV or AIDS viruses and diseases which is only one of over 100 sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) that your child could get even if he uses the so-called condom that the media houses advertise foolishly. These curses pass from generations to generations of children until there is repentance and total change or renouncement.

An example of this generation curse is seen in King David’s adultery act with Bathsheba in 2Sam.11: 2-5; 12:14-15, 19. In these chapters and verses, King David being lustful engaged with Bathsheba in adultery. She was the wife of Uriah the Hittite and gave birth to a son who later died (a curse placed by The Most High). Because of this evil act which subsequently resulted to another evil (killing of Uriah himself), The Most High disapproved of this King David’s behavior and demonstrated it down to his descendants. Solomon his son


received that by marrying 700 wives and 300 concubines which made him the most amorous man ever existed.

In Gen. 3:17 which states, “Because you have heeded the voice of your wife, and have eaten from the tree of which I commanded you, saying „You shall not eat of it‟, cursed is the ground for your sake, in toil you shall eat of it all the days of your life”. Here, the ground was cursed for the sake of man’s disobedience. The curse was for things to be hard for man. This is the genesis of our hardship and eventual death which is contrary to the divine plan for man during creation.

Gen. 4:11-13 showed another curse against Cain as a result of disobedience to the commandment-Do not kill or murder for the verses say, “So now you are cursed from the earth, which has opened its mouth to receive your brother‟s blood from your hand. „When you till the ground, it shall no longer yield its strength to you. A fugitive and a vagabond you shall be on earth”. And Cain said to Yahweh, “My punishments are greater than I can bear!” Deut. 27:26 says, “Cursed is the one who does not uphold every word of this Law, by carrying it out”. Then the people shall say, “So be it”.

The acceptance of keeping these Laws when it was proclaimed by Moses made the Israelites to enter into snare because they turned against it and committed lots of iniquity and were suffering from it up till this generation. A Covenant with The Most High must not be broken lest one’s family line suffers from perpetual damnation.



Who are they and their Features?

Yahweh’s children according to the Scriptures mean emphatically the Israelites and over-comers in this sinful world of Satan and her agents. They are called the Saints according to Rev. 14:12 which says, “Here is the patience of the Saints; here are those who keep the Commandments of Elohim and the faith of Yahsha”. And in Psalm 50:5, “Gather my Saints together to Me, those who have made a covenant with Me by sacrifice”. They are the people who will inherit the Kingdom of Yahweh.

They are the sons of Yahweh who purse righteousness; living faith; love Yahweh and fellow man; patience, gentleness just according to 1 Tim. 6:11-12 which say, “But you, O man of Elohim, flee these things and pursue righteousness, godliness, faith, love, patience, gentleness. Fight the good fight of faith, lay hold on eternal life, to which you were also called and have confessed the good confession in the presence of many witnesses”. They are children who flee from youthful lusts and pursue righteousness, faith, love, peace and those who call on Yahsha out of pure heart. They are able to teach, have patient, humble and truthful.

Yahweh had plan to create man in his image and likeness and man to procreate fellow man in the same image of Yahweh before the emergence of sin and subsequently man was created or born in the image of Adam and no more in that of Yahweh (Gen. 5:3). He set His righteous and perfect Laws before him (Adam) and commanded him to walk in His ways. In that ways of Yahweh, man would have been made like Him so as to enter into His Kingdom without any element of sin and be ruled by 613 peaceful Laws.

In His immeasurable wisdom, Yahweh placed in man the capability to consider, compare, think and use similes in order to bring forth the perfect character that He demands from each of His children.

Noah and his family found favor in the sight of Yahweh as first after creation that are obedience to His command and proved themselves to Him by making right decisions and living righteously. The first generation passed and Abraham from the lineage of Shem (son of Noah) emerged as the second who found favor before Yahweh by being obedient to His Laws (Gen. 26:5) for the verse says, “Because Abraham obeyed My voice, kept My charge, My Commandment, My Statutes and My Laws (Judgments)”. Gal. 3:6 compared to Gen. 15:6, “Abraham believed in Yahweh, and He accounted it to him for righteousness”.


Yahweh started His plan of salvation using Moses from the lineage of Levi, son of Jacob to lead His children who are “promised” descendants of Abraham through Isaac into His Kingdom. Yahweh then entrusted him (Moses) with this peaceful Laws coded in 613. He commanded him to believe, do them and hence teach His people Israelites these Laws so that they shall be perfect and set-apart like Him (Yahweh).

He (Yahweh) also showed him the pattern of His Kingdom (Tabernacle in Heaven) and instructed him to build it on earth exactly as it is in heaven so as to offer clean and living animal sacrifice which He (Yahweh) called His food (Numbers 28:1-3; Exo. 25:40). Yahweh knew very well that His Laws will develop perfect character within those who utterly submit to them. Yahweh being the perfect Father formed a plan to build a family of perfect beings just like Himself who would always show true love and concern for others.

Yahweh is His mighty power and wisdom continue this plan of salvation from Joshua, son of Nun down to David, Yahsha (who is the salvation of Yahweh proper), apostles and even to the present day priests. Like He said that in the last days, that His people will be recalled or gathered from the countries where they have gone on captivity, He is at present gathering Israelites in this part of the world for that ultimate salvation plan (Ezek 20:33-36).

Elsewhere in the world, He is also gathering His people (children) bound together by Laws of love, righteousness and perfection. These Laws were designed by Him to govern us now on earth as an identifiable sign as well as govern everyone who had been chosen to be part by His Kingdom for all eternity.

These people will constitute His children--ruling beings who have overcome their carnal minds and desires in this world and having practiced, kept and upheld every-bit of these 613 codified Laws.

The family per se will consist of:-

Yahweh, the heavenly Father and Supreme Head of all things


Yahsha Messiah--the begotten Son of Yahweh (Please, remember

that this is not Trinity, but the salvaging act of Yahweh), the

Heavenly High Priest in the perfect altar of Heaven.

The 144,000, the house of Over-comers (Spiritual Israelites), set-

apart Priest-hoods, co-heirs with Yahsha Messiah.

Others that join the family or Commonwealth of Israel by adoption.

Some as servants or slaves and billions of set-apart (holy) Angels.


These children will not be ashamed to perform acts of loving kindness; neither will they be ashamed to show humility that is seen in Yahsha Himself, serving everyone and acted as an example. These children are being trained here on earth as a practicing arena showing shadow of Yahsha’s perfection actions in the spiritual Kingdom of Heaven just as described in Philippians 2:1-30.

These children were created as fleshly beings, so that they could prove to The Most High when tested that they could overcome carnal ways of life and be ready to live perfect, spiritual-minded and righteous life with Yahsha Messiah in the Kingdom.

The principle for this training and testing is based on the 613 codified Laws. He went on to ordain teachers for this purpose to be realized. But regrettably, this training and testing is not free-for-all affair but by His special invitation. To engage in this training, one must possess the card i.e. you must be called-out one. It is through this learning process for His Laws and subsequent proof that the children will always conduct themselves properly within His Kingdom and earthly families respectively, that they will qualify to be members of His eternal family.

Keeping His Covenant is the only way we can come into total unity with Him. Yahweh’s children are built with those who make vows to keep His established Covenant. And their ultimate expectations are stated in Rev. 3:5, 12 and 21 which say, “He who overcomes shall be clothed in white garment, and I (Yahsha) will not blot out his name from the Book of life; but I will confess his name before My Father Yahweh and before His Angels. “He who overcomes (Saints), I will make him a pillar in the Tabernacle of My Father, and he shall go out no more, I will write on him (at his forehead) the name of My Father and the name of the city of My Father, the New Jerusalem, which comes out of heaven from My Father”. “To him who overcomes I will grant to sit with My Father on His throne”.

They shall be singing the Moses’ songs of deliverance (i.e. the Laws or Commandments kept) as well as the song of the Lamb (i.e. the faith or belief in Yahsha)--a victorious songs saying, “Great and marvelous are Your works, Yahweh El Shaddai! Just and true are Your Ways (613 codified Laws), O King of the Saints! Who shall not reverence You, O Yahweh, and glorify Your Name? For You alone are Set-apart. For all nations shall come and worship before You, for Your Judgments have been manifested (Rev. 15:3-4)”.

Yahweh knew very well the works of Satan the devil right from creation time. Because of this pre-knowledge, He tried to avoid confusion even if Satan attempts to plant her own children in the same place He did (as it is today), He instituted a seventh day rest and worship called “Shabbat day” as a sign to identify these children of His.

We all are aware that man in his small measure respect anything sign or covenant mark especially when it is between two individual in business dealings,


then the respect that Elohim accord sign is more enormous and indelible as exemplified in the Noahic Covenant of rainbow (Gen. 9:13-17) which is noticed even today regardless of the thousands of years ago when Noah’s existed.

As well in Gen. 17:10-11, another sign postulated by The Most High is still seen in our flesh today; notwithstanding thousands of years ago our father Abraham existed. These are thorough indications that The Most High never changes according to stipulation in Mal. 3:6 which say, “For I am Yahweh, I do not change; therefore you are not consumed, O sons of Joseph”. If you are watchful enough each of these signs mentioned above was consolidated or sealed by animal sacrifice as written in Gen. 8:20-22 and Gen. 15:9-21 respectively. These signs are perpetual covenants.

Like I earlier mentioned, The Most High called Shabbat day a sign of recognition between Him and the over-comers perpetually according to Exo. 31:12, 17; Ezek 20:12, 20 saying, “Moreover I also gave them my Shabbats, to be a sign (like the rainbow and circumcision above mentioned) between them (over-comers) and Me, that they might know that I am Yahweh Who sanctifies

them”. The name Yahweh, (YHWH, Blessed be He) shall be the sign on the foreheads of these over-comers and they as well shall see the His face (Rev. 22:3-4) for the verses say, “And there shall be no more curse, but the throne of Elohim and of the Lamb shall be in it, and His servants shall serve Him. „They shall see His face, and His Name shall be on their foreheads”.

Are You Member of Yahweh’s Family?

Having read carefully what constitutes Yahweh’s family or children, you may wish to ask, Am I really a true member of this treasured family or children of The Most High? If yes, what have I done or expected to do for myself, my own little earthly family and the society? But if no, then the only thing is to continue to live while waiting for your total demise.

If your answer to the above question is yes, then brethren, a call for total repentance and confession is knocking on your door (heart) today. Repent from your sins and evil acts, confess them and go on for immersion baptism where you shall reconcile unto The Most High through Yahsha Messiah. This is a rigorous process which starts your true race of salvation receiving the set-apart Spirit of Yahweh which enables you for this race.

Significance of immersion baptism to this very race of salvation cannot be overemphasized (Acts 2:38-39; 1Cor.10:2-4; Gal. 3:27; Col. 2:12; 1 Pet. 3:21). We were bought at baptism and which simply means that we were all owned initially by someone (Satan). In the Book of Rom. 6:16 it says, “Do you not know that to whom you present yourselves slaves to obey, you are that one‟ slaves whom you obey, whether of sin leading to death, or of obedience leading to righteousness?”


When we are baptized by immersion, the perfect sacrifice of Yahsha’s blood covers our past sins. The price is paid then, hence He owns us according to 1Cor. 6:20 which says, “For you were bought at a price; therefore glorify Elohim in your body and in your spirit, which is Elohim‟s”. When baptized, one possesses laid down qualities necessary for attainment of life in His Kingdom and have life full of sound character and doctrine as exemplified in Titus 2:1-14.

There is Still Hope Today, if your Child has gone Wacky

It was Yahsha who said, “Let the little children come to Me, and forbid them not; for of such is the kingdom of Yahweh” (Mark 10:14). He recognized the potentials in children and saw that through them, the future could be built, if adequate attention was given to them.

Unfortunately His disciples at that time, probably, zealous for their Master’s honor and prestige endeavored to resist the children. But Yahsha called the children to Himself and declared that they are the very kind of people of who His Kingdom is made for. This signified that for one to gain eternity, one must possess the mind and heart of a child before Yahweh.

Just as Our Great Master, Yahsha showed His displeasure for the rebuke of those children by His disciples, so is Yahweh displeased with parents who neglect the training of their children in the way they should go (Prov. 22:6).

Children as we all know are surrounded by lots of alternatives, some are bad and others are good. Some tend to deceive, others tend to motivate and without discretion and direction, a lot of them frantically try to respond to nearly every bit of stimulus and in the process, they become prime candidates for a breakdown. Early training is an answer to such breakdown.

Consider a case of Mrs. Nwanne, a chief executive of a bank. Her life ambition had been to become a top executive of a bank or finance institution from on-set of her professional career as a young lady in the banking industry, she had worked hardly to achieve this life ambition. She was brilliant and highly educated for that purpose.

At first she realized that making herself available in the circle of her fellow professional colleagues brings her into the limelight and she did just that by attending every gatherings of “who is who” in the financial institutions. Her busy schedule in office, coupled with her commitment to numerous social engagements almost took her away from home.

On the other hand, her politician husband was pre-occupied with maneuvering and scheming for position in his party at Abuja-Nigeria. He was frequently involved in nocturnal meetings and tours even overseas. At home, he was busy taking calls and hosting fellow politicians and supporters. Their only little son, Mike, after returning from school keeps himself happy and busy by fixing his eyes to TV-set, he has knowledge of every bit of programmes in both local and foreign channels.


He was in the best school and his parents hoped he would excel even above them in academic brilliance but this was contrary because he grew to be a dullard, delinquent teenager, notorious at school and a real menace in the neighborhood.

In several occasions, the principal had threatened to expel him but the passionate pleas of the mother and her sympathizers had continued to restrain him from getting it done. He had several cases of drug and related offenses. It was too heart-breaking and agonizing for her mother that she lamented, “My son seems to have inner radar that detects what irritates me. What I value, he disdains. I preach neatness to him, he is sloppy, his clothes are very repulsive and his hair always untidy. I treasured peace and good neighborliness but he is quarrelsome and notorious. I abhor tobacco because of the lung cancer it causes but he smokes like chimney. I switched to kindness but to no avail. I employed reasoning but my gentle persuasion had fallen on deaf ears. In frustration therefore, I resorted to threats and punishment, it hardened him the more. Then, I came to realized that success in career alone cannot secure happiness in life”.

From this story, one could see that years of parent’s ignorance, indifference, neglect, insensitivity and ultimate parents-child deprivation had caused this family their only Elohim’s given child. As a grown up child, the situation is still retrievable only if the parents run to Yahsha who is the Light in the presence of darkness-who is the author and great rebuilder and finisher of our faith. In Joel 2:24-26 it says, “And the floors shall be full of wheat, and the fats shall overflow with wine and oil. And I will restore you the years that the locust hath eaten, the cankerworm and the caterpillar, and the palmer worm, My great army which I sent among you. And you shall eat plenty and be satisfied, and praise the Name of Yahweh your Elohim that have dealt wondrously with you; and My people shall never be ashamed”.

This is a promise that is hope bound. The Most High is out to help you rescue your child from the hand of enemy, Satan if only you can accept in totality and run to Yahsha. It may look impossible because of the extent of the damage but before Him nothing whatsoever is impossible.

There is still time for repentance because some people erroneously think that their problems have risen to such a level that The Most High cannot forgive them. Anytime you resolve to totally desist from evil acts and turn to Yahweh Your Savior, He is there to accept you like a lost child. He will help you guide, rebuild, repair the bridge which Satan broke and satisfy your heart desires over your children. Prov. 28:13 says, “He who covers his sins will not prosper, but whoever confesses and forsakes them will have mercy”.

In addition, as a parent you must make an open and honest confession of your failures before your children. If they are near, pick courage and do so face to face but if not write letters to them or call on phone. You must not hold any fault backwards and must show deep remorse for your actions. At the end,


ask for forgiveness from them which if they do sincerely, you have succeeded in one step. Start at this stage to show your maximum love and return to what you suppose to have done earlier.

Teach them and do not allow your failures to overshadow your authority as parent starting with prayers and fasting so as to recover the lost ground. As you play your own part, Yahsha (the invisible Head of the house) will surely play His own part. Soon your child will begin to open up to your counsel.

Furthermore, you must open up channels of communication with your children and avoid future strained relationships. You as parents must exhibit some level of acceptance, understanding and loving but being sensitive to their behaviors and ready to correct or rebuke where necessary. Criticisms should be avoided to barest minimum during rebuke or scolding as this may tantamount to re-awakening the old wounds.

Children should be allowed to choose careers that seems best to them only advice them on the merits and demerits of each career they may come up with. They may take a choice of course based on their ability and interest but just guide them on the part to success. Parents should ensure they live a challenging Christian life and that they might through your life win their children back to Yahsha. Pray and commit the life of the child to The Most High for shielding and guiding from the evil association and influences.

Although your child has gone wacky or wayward and he or she has done things you do not approve of, as you surrender your own life to Yahsha, you will be breaking down the barrier that prevents your prayers from being answered. The Bible is covered with examples of men who spent years wandering far from home and then finally returned to the faith of their fathers and mothers. The way of a prodigal person is hard and filled with thorns, but The Most High has a way of calling a person back to a place of faith and trust.

In contemporary times for many years the mother of Andy Nwokolo prayed that The Most High would save her son and make a preacher out of him. A wicked son who have landed in prisons severally but the mother still prayed for him, believing that Elohim would answer her prayers. One afternoon, she received a telegram that her son was dead. She rejected that message and went on to pray fervently with weeping. Because of her believe, she recounted Elohim’s promise of blessings proclaimed on her child once and reaffirmed her total believe on the manifestation of that blessings.

She got up and sent a message to the prison authority claiming that it was a mistaken identity that her son was not dead and indeed it was later confirmed that it was really wrong information given to her. Soon afterwards, Andy became saved and was released from prison and now a mighty soul winner and preacher of the word of Elohim-Praise Yahweh! Halleluyah. This is a big lesson and challenge to all mothers.


As a parent, please refrain from spending much time thinking about your failures. Rather keep your mind on the challenges ahead praying and trusting The Most High to work through the problems. Remember, with Him all things are possible. It is never too late; there is still unlimited hope today for you!

Are you a parent? You should learn from the two stories above. Children should be made to have the spiritual focus in life. There is need for an early teaching of the fundamental truth that life is basically spiritual. All the currents of society flow in the opposite direction and all the teachings and training of the secular likewise.

It is a fatal flaw to neglect this basic teaching at home which are the first, most important, Elohim-ordained and probably the only place where it may be taught properly. You must therefore run to Yahsha in total surrender today in order to cleanse you from sin and purge your life to enable you be a model to your children and help them attain their best for Yahweh their Maker while here on earth.



The goal of teaching, training and transforming a child must be holistic: affecting the mind, the spirit, the use of his or her hands, eyes, ears, tongue and some other members of the body as well as other people, especially fellow children and their parents. Nurturing and providing for them should start from their childhood ages and giving academic or intellectual upbringing as they grow. A child social environment as well as religious and traditional education is of utmost importance in child training and teaching in the reverence of The Most High. A special consideration should be laid on special children i.e. children of promise or children of covenant so as to really make them achieve the purpose of their creation.

Teaching or training the children in the ways of The Most High is very necessary for their future existence and longevity both here on earth and for eternity. That is why Prov. 22:6 says, “Train up a child in the ways he should go, and when he is old he will not depart from it”. The ways mentioned here are the Laws of Yahweh and the living faith in Yahsha. The benefits to be accrued as a result of obedience to these Commandments are enormous consisting inter-alia prosperity, wisdom, long-life, knowledge, protection and ultimately gaining eternal life in the Kingdom of Yahweh.

These training should start as a matter of fact from the time of pregnancy down to the birth of the child. And as the child is delivered from the womb, the training or teaching proper starts from ages 0-3 years and up to adolescence ages of 18 or 19 years as the case may be. Training parent child level from 20 years and above should also be carried out by the specialized teachers concerned. The training or teaching here are in advance form and must be carried out diligently by the priests or related minister of The Most High.

The responsibilities of this teaching lie mostly on the shoulder of the father who is the head of his family or home. He is the custodian and expounder of the Torah in his little home. It is the father who will teach his household the Law and command the whole family to be obedient to the Commands of The Most High who is the heavenly Father over him. The mother on her side will help enforce the Law as handed by her husband to the children particularly to the daughters. She will teach them to be obedient to their husband when they grow and marry. Also mothers will teach them the risks abound in social evils of the day. Parents in unison should enforce or teach their children the Laws of The Most High as brought from the synagogues or churches which are their spiritual homes. Schools and churches should also serve as teachers to the children, complementing the efforts of the parents at home. Schools should impart morals as well as sciences, technologies and arts.

The consequences of disobedience to training or teaching children in the ways of The Most High are so great and detrimental to their lives. This is


evidenced in devil’s hand in children right from pregnancy. Defiance of this order means obedience to Satan whose works are usually fatal resulting in social mishap on our children’s lives. These mishaps and evil like miscreants, stealing, murder, abortion, divorce, sexualities, immoralities, hatred, disobedience, covetousness lead to curses either of generation or immediate. These curses are in form of diseases e.g. HIV or AIDS; wars; armed robbery, hardship and spiritual death.

In order to elude these curses one should identify oneself with the family of The Most High who are called over-comers or saints recognized by their peculiar signs and qualities which are constituent of their perpetual covenant with Him.

In conclusion therefore, parents and adults should teach or train their children in the moral or spiritual aspect of life right from the on-set of pregnancy to maturity. This training or teaching should base strictly on the Laws of Yahweh which is embodied in the 613 codified peaceful Commandments in addition to their secular education in sciences and arts. Parents should also continually engage their families in prayers inviting Yahsha Messiah into the lives of their children for proper molding and shaping so as to be valuable not only to themselves and society but also to their Maker, Yahweh of Hosts.

May heavenly Father, Yahweh bless your soul while you do that in Yahsha’s Mighty Name. Praise Yah!



Thomas Nelson Publishers: The New King James Bible (NKJV), 1994.

House of Yahweh: The Prophetic word, 2001.

Kumuyi, W.F: “Mirror” – Christian Women, 1999.

Mark Cornellie: The handwriting on the wall (The

Publication of remnant of Yahweh).

Obi, I.U: The child’s inability to speak his/her mother tongue (a paper presented to “The day of the African child”, Orile Synagogue June, 2002).

Rumuyi, W.F: “Mirror”: Christian women, 2000.

Tyndale publication: The Living Bible (Paraphrased), 1971.

Yisrayl Hawkins: Reconsidering Yahweh’s Laws of

Slavery and marriage obligations, 1994.

Klopfenstein, J.D: “The faith” – Assembly of Yahweh, vol. 55, 1991.

Marvin, R.W: “Our father Abraham” – Jewish Roots of Christian

Faith, 1989.




A weak transliteration.

Mark 11:9-10 says, “Those who went before and those who followed cried (shua) out saying, “Hosanna! Blessed is He who comes in the Name of Yahweh, „blessed is the kingdom of our father David that comes in the Name of Yahweh! Hosanna in the highest!” This is during the triumphant entry into Jerusalem by Yahsha. This same plea by the multitude of followers was culled from Psalm 118:25-26, “Save now, I pray, O Yahweh! O Yahweh, I pray send now prosperity, „blessed is he who comes in the Name of Yahweh. We have blessed you from the House of Yahweh”.

The author transliterated the word “Hosanna” only to Greek and stopped. This is supported by Webster’s New Encyclopedic dictionary (New revised edition, 1996, pg 481). In Strong’s Greek #5614, it refers to Hebrew origin #3467 and #4991 respectively. Here you see Heb. #3467 as y‟sha mentioned (Refer to how to use this Book above). Again #4994 is pronounced as “naw” which means O’ now I beseech or pray! Therefore, when combined together “Hosanna” should sound like “y‟sha-na”. But from Ps. 118:25, we saw that this word simply means save us now, O’ Yahweh as what the crowd was crying out for. Hence their cry or shouting was “y’sha-na O’ Yahweh! y’sha-na!” mean “Save us now, O’Yahweh! Save us now!” which literally means:-

“YAH-SHA-NA” when using the short form of Yahweh (Yah)- Exo. 15:2; Ps. 68:4; Isa. 12:2. These are overwhelming evidence and explanation that are very clear to all matured minds.



Shalom Bayit

This is a Hebrew word for “a peaceful home”. Many homes nowadays are marred by internal strife, conflict and tension but homes that are built up by Laws of The Most High are happy ones made by “Sar Shalom” which means “Prince of Peace” known widely as Yahsha Ha’Meshiyakh (Isa. 9:6).

In traditional Jewish homes “Shabbat shalom” (Sabbath peace) makes the appropriate Sabbath’s eve greetings among members of individual homes. The father on arriving from synagogue blesses his sons and daughters thus: For the sons, he places his hands on their heads saying, “May Yahweh make you like Ephraim and Manasseh”. Then for his daughters he prays, “May Yahweh make you like Sarah, Rachel, Rebecca and Leah”. Collectively he prays: May Yahweh bless and keep you. May Yahweh make His face to shine upon you and be gracious to you all? May Yahweh lift up His countenance upon you and grant you all shalom” (Numbers 6:24-26). All the children reply in unison, so be it, praise Yahweh!

I wished hereby to recommend this same sort of prayer to all right-ruling fathers so as to ensure a type of peace (shalom) that is been given by Yahweh Our Savior (Yahsha). When this is carried out diligently in our various homes, then we can be sure of bequeathing good legacies and heritage down to our generations.
