Download - C++ MCQ Page 1 1. In POP language the main focus is in ____.


C++ MCQ Page 1

1. In POP language the main focus is in ____.

A) Function

B) Object

C) Variable D) Classes

2. Which of the following is an Object Oriented Programming Language?

A) C++

B) C



3. Which of the following is a Procedure oriented Programming Language.

A) C

B) c++

C) java

D) c#

4. In OOP language the emphasis is on ____.

A) Object

B) Function

C) Classes

D) Variable

5. What is the main benefit of inheritance?

A) Both b and c

B) Reusability

C) Hierarchical Classification

D) None of this

6. c++ was developed by___.

A) Bjarne Stroustrup

B) Steve Joes

C) James Bond

D) Dennis Ritchie

7. Which section of c++ program is the entry point of the program execution?

A) main function

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B) Class

C) Object

D) Global declaration Section

8. To run the program is Turbo c++ which short cut key is used?


B) CTRL + F5

C) CTRL + ALT + F9

D) None of this

9. Function overloading is a feature by which we can achieve ____.

A) Polymorphism

B) Encapsulation

C) Classes

D) Abstraction

10. Wrapping up of data and function into a single unit is known as ____.

A) Encapsulation

B) Namespace

C) Inheritance

D) Data Abstraction

11. _____ is known as Container of classes.

A) Namespace

B) Header File

C) Object

D) Inheritance Classes

12. Which is the symbol of insertion operator?

A) <<

B) >>

C) ?>

D) ;

13. "To save the program in Turbo c++, which short cut key is used?"

A) F2

B) CTRL + F5

C) CTRL + ALT + F9

D) F5

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14. Which of the following programming approach used function as a key concept to perform action-

oriented tests?

A) Procedure programming language

B) Object oriented Programming language

C) Modular programming

D) Structure Programming

15. Which of the following is not a token?

A) Loop

B) Identifier

C) Keyword

D) Operator

16. which of the following is a valid identifier ?

A) float

B) amount

C) my name

D) while

17. Size of float data type is ___ bits.

A) 32

B) 4

C) 8

D) 64

18. An unsigned integer variable can store maximum ___ value.

A) 65365

B) 65535

C) 32798

D) 128

19. Which of the following is a user defined data type?

A) Class

B) Array

C) Vector

D) Char

20. Which operator is used to allocate memory allocate to a data object?

A) new

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B) delete

C) $

D) *

21. Which operator is used to release memory allocate to a data object?

A) delete

B) *

C) $

D) %

22. "To create an alias of a variable, you can use___ symbol?"

A) &

B) *

C) %

D) ::

23. The symbol of scope resolution operator is ___.

A) ::

B) :

C) ;

D) *

24. "To use the setw manipulator, which header file must be included?"

A) iomanip.h

B) stdlib.h

C) stdio.h

D) iostream.h

25. Which of the following is entry controlled loop?

A) Both b and d

B) For loop

C) Do while loop

D) while loop

26. "In c++, the return type of main function is?"

A) int

B) void

C) integer

D) return

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27. The function prototype is also known as ____.

A) Function declaration

B) Function call

C) Function Definition

D) None of this

28. Which symbol is used in call by reference function?

A) &

B) %

C) *

D) ;

29. Which of the following can be in used in inline function?

A) if condition

B) switch condition

C) for loop

D) while loop

30. Which of the following default argument function declaration is invalid?

A) "Double test (int a =5,float b,double c=4.5);"

B) "Void kahani(int a,float b,int c=1);"

C) "Void demo(int a, char b ,int c=2, char d ='a');"

D) "int test(int a=5,int b=20;int c=40);"

31. In case of function overloading which of the following is true?

A) "function names are same, type signatures are different"

B) "function names are different ,type signatures are same"

C) "function names are same , return types are different"

D) "function names are different , return types are same"

32. "If you want to allow to the function to do not change its argument, you can use____."

A) const argument

B) Default argument

C) inline function

D) function overloading

33. Which of the following function part can come more than once in a program?

A) Function call

B) Function definition

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C) Function prototype

D) None of this

34. Which of the following function prototype is valid?

A) "void test(int a,float b, float c);

B) “void test(int a,float b float c);"

C) "void test (int a,float b,c);"

D) "void test(int a float a float b,c);"

35. Which of the following is inline function definition is valid?

A) inline double square(int a){return a*a;}

B) inline double square(int a;){return a*a;}

C) inline double square(int a)(return a*a;)

D) None of this

36. Which is the extension of c++ program?

A) .cpp

B) cpp

C) c

D) .c

37. Declaration of class includes ____.

A) Both c and d

B) Return statements of function

C) Declaration of function prototype

D) Declaration of data member

38. The members of structure are ____ by default.

A) Public

B) Private

C) Protected

D) All of this

39. The members of a class are ____ by default.

A) Private

B) Public

C) Both a and b

D) Protected

40. A class defined inside a class is known as _____.

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A) Nested class

B) Local class

C) Outer class

D) Parent class

41. A class defined inside a function is known as _____.

A) Local class

B) Outer class

C) Child class

D) Global class

42. A static member variable is initialized to ____ when an object is created of its class.

A) 0


C) 1

D) Random value

43. "Which of the following statement is correct to create the pointer to ""a"" member variable x (type

int) of class Demo?"

A) int Demo::* p = & Demo :: a;

B) int *p = &a;

C) int Demo *p::&p =1;

D) None of this

44. Which of the following statement is correct to access the member variable x(type int) of class demo

using pointer to object ?

A) p->a

B) p::.a

C) p.a

D) p.a*

45. A constructor is a special kind of member function because____.

A) It has same name as its class name

B) it takes parameter

C) it constructs object

D) None of this

46. A Constructor can take parameter.

A) True.

B) False.

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C) partially true

D) None of this

47. A destructor can be overloaded.

A) False.

B) True.

C) Both a and b

D) None of this

48. You can only define one constructor in class.

A) False.

B) True.

C) partially true

D) None of this

49. Which of the following is the correct structure of destructor for class ABC?

A) ~ABC(){}

B) ABC{}~()

C) ABC()

D) Delete ~ABC

50. Constructor is invoked when____.

A) Object Initialize

B) Object Destroyed

C) after run the program

D) None of this

51. Which of the following statement does correctly describe the casting operator function?

a) it must not specify return type

b) it must be a class member

c) it must not have any argument

d) all of above

52. Operator overloading is also known by the term _____

a) Runtime polymorphism

b) Compile time polymorphism

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c) Both a & b

d) None of above

53. Which of the following operator can be overloaded?

a) sizeof()

b) ?:

c) *

d) ::

54. Which keyword is used to specify an operator overloading function?

a) Operator

b) Overload

c) Overloading

d) Function

55. Overloading a unary operator using member function will require _____ arguments.

a) 0

b) 1

c) 2

d) None of above

56. Overloading a binary operator using friend function will require _____ arguments.

a) 0

b) 1

c) 2

d) None of above

57. Which of the following operator cannot be overloaded using friend function?

a) =

b) ?:

c) ==

d) ::

58. Identify the correct syntax for casting operator function.

A) Operator Data_Type()



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b) Return_Type operator Data_Type()



c) Return_Type operator Data_Type(arguments)



e) Operator Data_Type(arguments)



59. Select the proper syntax to overload unary – operator using friend function.

a) Friend void operator –();

b) Friend void operator –(object);

c) Friend void operator –( object1, object2);

d) Friend operator –();

60. Select the right syntax to overload binary * operator using member function.

a) Void operator *();

b) Void operator *(object );

c) Void operator *(object1,object2 );

d) operator *();

61. Which of the following statement(s) is true , if a derived class is publicly inherited from a base class?

I) The public member of the base class become public member of the derived class

II) The public member of the base class become privete member of the derived class

III) The public member of the base class are inaccessible to the object of the derived


IV) All of the above.

a. I only

b. Both I & II

c. Both I & III

d. IV only

62. Consider the following code segment :

Class A


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int a;


int b;

void inp();


Class B:A


//members of B


Which of the following statement(s) is NOT true regarding the above code ?

A) The public member namely ‘b’ and inp() of class A become

privete members of class (B)

B) The public member namely ‘b’ and inp() of class A can be

accessed by the member functions of class B

C) The public member namely ‘b’ and inp() of class A are

inaccessible to the objects of class B.

D) None of the above

63. The benefits of inheritance is ______.

a) Reusability

b) Hierarchical classification

c) Distribution

d) Both A & B

64. If a class is deriving from a derived class ,it is known as ____inheritance

a) Single

b) Multiple

c) Hierarchical

d) Multilevel

65. If a class is deriving from more then one class ,it is known as ____inheritance

A) Single

B) Multiple

C) Hierarchical

D) Multilevel

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66. Which of the following visibility modifier is has the lowest visibility?

A) Public

B) Private

C) Protected

D) Default

67. In which type of inheritance one class derived from more than one base class?

A) Multilevel inheritance

B) Multiple inheritance

C) Hierarchical inheritance

D) All of the above

68. Which of the following is default visibility modifier in c++?

A) Public

B) Private

C) Protected

D) None of the above

69. The protected members can be accessed ____

A) Within same class

B) In all classes of current program

C) In the same class and in the derived class

D) In the same class and in the main function.

70. Which of the following statement(s) is true according to the following statement?


a) P must be a pointer variable

b) The value of ptr is assign to the variable p

c) The address of the pointer ptr assign to the pointer variable p

d) The value of the variable that the pointer ptr is pointing to is assign to the variable p

71. The virtual function should be declare in ____ class.

a) Base class

b) Derived class

c) Both base & derived class

d) None of these

72. Which of the following statement(s) is true?

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I. A base class pointer can point to derived class object

II. A base class pointer can point to base class object

III. A derived class pointer can point to derived class object

IV. A derived class pointer can point to base class object

a) Only IV

b) Only I & III

c) Only I , II & III

d) Only II , III & IV

73. Which of the following statement about virtual function is false?

a) A virtual function cannot be a member function of a class

b) A virtual function cannot be static member

c) A virtual function can be accessed by base class pointer.

d) A virtual function can be friend of another class

74. Which of the following definition for pure virtual function is false?

a) virtual void test()=0;

b) virtual void test(int a=10)=0;

c) virtual int test()=0;

d) virtual void test();

75. What is the full form of RTTI?

a) Real Time Type Information

b) Real Time Task Identifier

c) Runtime Type Identification

d) Runtime Type Interpretation

76. If the name & prototype of functions in both the base class & derived class are same, then which

version of the function will be called by the derived class object.?

a) Base class

b) Derived class

c) Both base & derived class

d) Either base or derived class

77. What would be the output of the following code?


cout.setf(ios::left,ios::adjustfield );

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cout<<”i/o operation ”;

a) Operations$$$

b) i/o operation

c) i/o operations$$$$$$

d) i/o operations$$$$$$$

78. which class is the base class of iostream class?

a) istream

b) ostream

c) streambuf

d) Both a& b

79. What would be the output of the following code?

int a=56.789;


a) 56.1

b) 56.7

c) 56.8

d) 56.78

80. Which flag is used to specify hexadecimal no. format?

a) ios::basefield

b) ios:: hex

c) ios::hexa

d) ios:: base

81. Identify the correct statement for setting scientific notation ?

a) cout.setf(ios::scientific,ios::floatfield) ;

b) cout.setf(ios::floatfield,ios::scientific);

c) cout.setf(ios::scientific);

d) cout.setf(ios::scientific,ios::basefield );

82. Identify the correct statement for setting internal alignment using manipulator ?

a) cout<<setiosflags(ios::internal,ios::adjustfield);

b) cout<<setiosflags(ios::internal);

c) cout<<setf(ios::internal);

d) cout<<setf(ios::internal,ios::adjustfield);

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83. Whiich of the following function(s) oprens a file named “sample” for writing only?





84. which of the following line(s) opens a file “test.txt” in input mode?

a. Ifstream f(“test.txt”);

b. Ifstream f;“test.txt”);

c. fstream f;“test.txt”,ios::in);

d. all of the above

85. which of the following file modes does not allow writing data in the filw?

a. ios::app

b. ios::out

c. ios::in

d. ios::ate

86. which function is used to find the current position of the output pointer?

a) seekg()

b) tellg()

c) tellp()

d) seekp()

87. which of the following statement will move the input pointer to the 10th character in a 100 character


a) fileobj.seekg(10,ios::cur);

b) fileobj.seekg(10,ios::end);

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c) fileobj.seekg(90,ios::beg);

d) fileobj.seekg(-90,ios::end);

88. Which of the following is not the error handling function?

a) fail()

b) good()

c) read()

d) eof()

89. Which of the following function is used to write objects into a file?

a) put()

b) write()

c) et()

d) writeobject()

90. Identify the syntax of main() function to pass command line argument .

a) int main()

b) int main(int n, int *a[])

c) int main(char n,char *a[])

d) int main(int n,char *a[])

91. Which symbol is used to specify more than one file modes in open function?

a) &(and)

b) | (or)

c) + (plus)

d) , (comma)

92. Which Block handles the exception?

a. Finally block

b. Catch block

c. Try block

d. None of the above

93. Which of the following keyword is used to report an exception?

a. Try

b. Catch

c. Throw

d. All of the above

94. Which of the following symbol is used to catch all type of exception?

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a. catch(all exception)

b. catch(::)

c. catch(*)

d. catch(…)

95. Write the syntax to specify the int & char type exception for function abc().

a. void abc() throw int , char

b. void abc() throw (int),(char)

c. void abc() throw (int , char)

d. void abc() throw int char

96. What happens if the program generates an exception and it is not handled?

a. The program gives wrong output

b. The program is terminated as the exception is generated

c. The compiler reports about the exception and the program continues.

d. None of these

97. If an exception is not caught, then it is ignored.

a. True

b. False

98. Using exception handling, you can also detect syntax error in the program.

a. True

b. False

99. An exception can be generated by ____

a. A syntax error

b. A logical error

c. Hardware problem

d. A runtime error

100. Consider the following code segment:

template <class temp>

Class sample



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Identify the correct syntax for declaring a dynamic array of character using the above template .

a. sample <char> characterArray;

b. sample <datatype> characterArray;

c. temp <char> characterArray;

d. temp <datatype> characterArray;

101. In the following template declaration, Temp stands for _______

a. An integer data type

b. A class name

c. A generic data type

d. A predefined class

102. What is syntax to declare a class template of one parameter?

a. class <template T>

b. template <class T>

c. template <T>

d. class <T>

103. Identify the correct template definition.

1) Template <class T>

Class test


//class definition


2) Template <class X,Y>

Class test


//class definition


3) Template <class X, int a>

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Class test


//class definition


4) Template <class X,Y,int a>

Class test


//class definition


a. 1

b. 2

c. 1 and 2

d. 1 and 3

104. Full form of STL is ____

a. Special Template List

b. Standard Template List

c. Standard Template Library

d. Special Template Library

105. Which of the following is not a component of STL?

a. Templates

b. Containers

c. Iterators

d. Algorithms

106. Which function is used to delete the last element of the vector?

a. erase()

b. delete_last()

c. pop()

d. pop_back()

107. Which function is used to delete all the elements of the vector?

a. erase_all()

b. remove_all()

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c. clear_all()

d. clear()

108. If a template function is overloaded, then which version will be called first when the function is


a. Ordinary function

b. Template function

c. Whichever is created first

109. Which of the following container follows LIFO approach to insert and delete elements?

a. Vector

b. List

c. Stack

d. Queue