





• World Health Organization Organisation mondiale de la Sante














© World Health Organization 1965

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© Organisation mondiale de la Sante 1965

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Sauf erreur ou omission, une majuscule initiale indique qu'il s'agit d'un nom depose.



Introduction . . . . . . .

Principal sources consulted .

List of references .

Index ......... .


Introduction . . . . . . . .

Sources principales consul tees.

Liste de references.

Index .......... .










The compilation of this bibliography of the world literature on hook­worm disease (ancylostomiasis) was made possible through the financial assistance of the Rockefeller Foundation. It covers material published between 1920 and 1962 and thus brings up to date the bibliography published over forty years ago by the Rockefeller Foundation:


Bibliography on hookworm disease. New York, 1922. 417 p. (Rockefeller Foundation. International Health Board Publication No. 11)

In order to make the present bibliography as comprehensive as possible and to ensure a wide geographical coverage, a systematic search was made of important medical works of reference. A list of the principal sources consulted in addition to the indexes and catalogues of the World Health Organization Library will be found on page 10.

Whenever possible, references cited have been verified from the original material, and for the textbooks only the latest known edition has been cited. Serial publications, such as reports issued at regular intervals by govern­ments or private bodies, have not, in general, been included. As a general rule, titles of articles and books have been given in the original language, Cyrillic characters being transliterated in accordance with the system recommended by the International Organization for Standardization. In the case of material published in Chinese or Japanese, the title of the article in square brackets is as given in the source from which the reference was obtained.

The references are arranged alphabetically by author, each item being numbered. A combined subject and geographical index in English and in French, referring to the item numbers, will be found at the end of the bibliography. The headings for this subject index were prepared by an international group of experts on helminthiases. So far as possible, pharmaceutical preparations have been entered in the index under the name appearing in the Cumulative list of proposed international non-proprietary names for pharmaceutical preparations, Geneva, World Health Organiza­tion, 1962.



La presente bibliographie de l'ankylostomiase a ete etablie grace a l'aide financiere de la Fondation Rockefeller. Elle mentionne les ouvrages et les articles parus entre 1920 et 1962, et constitue ainsi une mise a jour de la bibliographie publiee il y a plus de quarante ans par la Fondation Rockefeller:


Bibliography on hookworm disease. New York, 1922. 417 p. (Rockefeller Foundation. International Health Board Publication No. 11)

Afin de rendre ce travail aussi complet que possible du point de vue technique et geographique, on a methodiquement consulte les ouvrages importants de references medicales. On trouvera a la page 10 la liste des principales sources dont on s'est servi en plus des index et catalogues de la Bibliotheque de !'Organisation mondiale de la Sante.

Les references ont ete verifiees, dans la mesure du possible, sur le travail original meme; dans le cas des manueis; seule la derniere edition connue est mentionnee. Les publications periodiques, telles que les rapports publies a intervalles reguliers par des organismes publics ou prives, ont ete exclues. En regie generale, les titres des articles et des ouvrages sont donnes dans la langue originale; les caracteres cyrilliques ont ete translitteres conforme­ment au systeme recommande par !'Organisation internationale de Norma­lisation. Pour les publications parues en chinois ou en japonais, on a repro­duit entre crochets le titre de }'article indique dans la source d'ou la refe­rence est tiree.

Les references sont numerotees dans l'ordre alphabetique des noms d'auteurs. La liste est suivie d'un index par matieres et par pays, etabli en anglais et en franc;:ais. Les rubriques de l'index ont ete choisies par un groupe international d'experts en helminthiases. Les preparations pharma­ceutiques sont designees le plus souvent dans l'index sous le nom qu'elles portent dans la Lisle recapitulative des denominations communes internatio­nales proposees pour les preparations pharmaceutiques, Geneve, Organisa­tion mondiale de la Sante, 1962.




Armed Forces Medical Library Catalog (Washington)

Bibliografia Brasileira de Medicina (Rio de Janeiro)

Bibliografia Medica Venezolana (Caracas)

Bibliography of Agriculture (Washington)

Bibliography of Scientific Publications of South and South East Asia (New Delhi)

Boletin del Centro de Documentaci6n Cientifica y Tecnica de Mexico. Secci6n 4 (Mexico)

Bulletin de l'Institut Pasteur (Paris)

Chinese Medical Journal. Current Chinese Medical Literature (Peking)

Current List of Medical Literature (Washington)

Documentation Bulletin of the National Research Centre. Abstracts of Scientific and Technical Papers Published in U.A.R. and Papers Received from Mghanistan, Cyprus, Iran, Iraq, Jordan, Lebanon, Pakistan, Saudi Arabia and Sudan (Cairo)

Excerpta Medica. Section 17 (Amsterdam)

Helminthological Abstracts (Famham Royal)

Index-Catalogue of the Library of the Surgeon-General's Office (Washington)

Index-Catalogue of Medical and Veterinary Zoology (Washington)

Index Medicus (New York)

Index Medicus (Washington)

Index Veterinarius (Famham Royal)

Japan Science Review. Medical Sciences (Tokyo)

Japanese Periodicals Index. Natural Sciences (Tokyo)

Medicinskaja Parazitologija i Parazitamye Bolezni (Moskva)

National Library of Medicine Catalog (Washington)

Quarterly Cumulative Index Medicus (Chicago)

Tropical Diseases Bulletin (London)

Veterinary Bulletin (Farnham Royal)

Zentralblatt fUr Bakteriologie, Parasitenkunde, Infektionskrankheiten und Hygiene. I. Abteilung. Referate (Stuttgart)

Zoological Record (London)


1. AABERG, M. E. Ancylostomiasis and hypoproteinemia com­plicated by pregnancy. Amer. J. Obstet. Gynec. 1946, 52, 854-857

ABADIE, S. H. V. 3705

ABATE, J. DE V. 2121


2. ABBOIT, 0. D. The effect of improved diet on children with a moderate degree of hookworm infection. J. Home Economics, 1934, 26, 577-580


Avitaminosis B1 in ancylostoma anaemia. J. roy. Egypt. med. Ass. 1944, 27, 290-293


Epidemiology of ankylostomiasis in Egypt. J. Minist. Hlth (Cairo), 1959, 1, No. 2, 4-12

s. ABDALLA, A. & SAIF, M. On the anthelmintic efficacy of piperazine adipate. J. Egypt. med. Ass. 1955, 38, 466-469

6. ABDALLAH, A. & SAIF, M. The trial of N-(B-oxyethyl)-N-[P-phenoxy (1'-nitro)-benzyl] dichloroacetamide in the treatment of ancylostomiasis. J. Egypt. med. Ass. 1959, 42, 574-577

7. ABDALLAH, A. & SAIF, M. Nitrated aluminium naphtholate in the treat­ment of ancylostomiasis. J. Egypt. med. Ass. 1959, 42, 654-658

ABDEL AziM, M. v. AzlM, M. A.

ABDUL-G~l, A. v. 1633

ABE, K. v. 3693

ABE, s. V. 3962

ABE, T. V. 1394, 2630

8. ABELARDO LARA, N. Algunos puntos de patologia tropical. Anki­lostomiasis. Anguilulosis. Niguas. Avicularia. Tokelau. Rev. mM. Yucattin, 1926, 14, No. 1, 6-12

9. ABEN-ATHAR, J. Rela~s da lepra corn a ancylostomose. Sci. med. (Rio de J.), 1927, 5, 674-681

ABEYSENA, F. A. v. 4015

ABrrlloL, S. v. 740


10. ABULADZE, T. E. Sostojanie nekotoryh funkcij pt:Ceni pri anki­lostomidoze [Na Gruzinskom jazyke]. In: Plan rabot i tezisy dokladov XV naucnoj sessii Instituta medicinskoj parazitologii i tropiceskoj medicini imeni S. S. Virsaladze, (Tbilisi), 1961, 27-28

11. ACHARYA, S. K. Incidence of helminth parasites in pariah dogs. Indian vet. J. 1933, 9, 210

12. ACHARYA, S. K. Incidence of helminth parasites in indigenous dogs and jackals with special reference to bookworms. Indian vet. J. 1939, 16, 7-9

13. A~IKALIN, H. c. Ankylostomiase et asystolie. Presse mM. 1952, 60, 848

14. A~IKALIN, H. c. & AKSOY, M. Les divers aspects de l'ankylostomiase en Turquie. In: V Congres internationaux de Medecine tropicale et du Paludisme. Istanbul, <;::elikcilt Matbaasi, 1953, vol. 3, pp. 198-200

15. ACKERT, J. E. Investigations on the control of hookworm disease. 4. The relation of the domestic chicken to the spread of hookworm disease. Amer. J. Hyg. 1922, 2, 26-38

16. ACKERT, J. E. Investigations on the control of hookworm disease. 13. Observations on conditions under which hookworm eggs and larvae develop. Amer. J. Hyg. 1923, 3, 26-34

17. ACKERT, J. E. Notes on the longevity and infectivity of hookworm larvae. Amer. J. Hyg. 1924, 4, 222-225

18. ACKERT, J. E. Some influences of the American hookworm. Amer. Midi. Nat. 1952, 47, 749-762

19. ACKERT, J. E. & LIGENZOWSKI, F. L. Lethal effects of acetic acid on larvae of Ancylostoma caninum in fecal-soil cultures. J. Parasit. 1949, 35, Suppl. p. 11

20. ACKERT, J. E. & LIGENZOWSKI, F. L. Chemical control of larvae of the dog hook­worm Ancylostoma caninum (Ercolani). Amer. J. trop. Med. 1951, 31, 259-266



21. ACKERT, J. E. & PAYNE, F. K. Investigations on the control of hookworm disease. 5. The domestic pig and hookworm dissemination. Amer. J. Hyg. 1922, 2, 39-50

22. ACKERT, J. E. & PAYNE, F. K. Investigations on the control of hookworm disease. 12. Studies on the occurrence, distri­bution and morphology of Necator sui/Ius including descriptions of the other species of the Necator. Amer. J. Hyg. 1923, 3, 1-25

AcKERT, J. E. v. etiam 757, 758

ACOSTA, J. v .. 2978

AcosTA CAMPOS, L. v. 518

23. ACOSTA MARTINEZ, A. Algunas observaciones de polineuritis anki­lostomilisicas. Rev. Sanid. milit. (Caracas), 1942, 1, 207-221

24. AcosTA PoLEO, S. Anquilostomiasis. In: Memorias de la Confe­rencia Sanitaria Nacional de 1930. Caracas, Ministerio de Salubridad y de Agricultura y Cria, 1931, pp. 311-313

25. AcosTA SrLvA, M. Uncinariosis. Nuevas adquisiciones en pato­logia y patogenia. Rev. Gastroenterol. Mex. 1938, 3, 27-34

Acs, L. v. 2142

ADAM, G. F. V. 1667

26. ADAM, J. Hookworm infection and asthma. Brit. med. J. 1933, 1, 121

ADAMJAN, s. s. M. V. MELIK-ADAMJAN, s. s. 27. ADAMS, A. R. D. Report on a collection of Nematodes from the Federated Malay States. Ann. trop. Med. Parasit. 1933, 27, 1-13

28. AoAMS, A. R. D. & MAEGRAITH, B. G. Clinical tropical diseases. 2nd ed. Oxford, Blackwell Scientific Publications, 1960. (Ancy­lostomiasis, Chapter 3, pp. 19-28)

29. ADAMS, A. R. D. & WEBB, L. A survey of the protozoal and helminthic infestation rates of the male prison and refor­matory inmates of Beau Bassin Prison, Mauritius. Ann. trop. Med. Parasit. 1934, 28, 25-35

30. ADLER, S. Ancylostomes in animals in Freetown. Ann. trop. Med. Parasit. 1922, 16, 293-294

31. ADLER, S. The bookworms of man in Sierra Leone. Ann. trop. Med. Parasit. 1925, 19, 138

32. ADLER, s. & CLARK, E. J. Intra-uterine infection with Ancylostoma cani­num in dogs. Ann. trop. Med. Parasit. 1922, 16, 353-354

ADLER, S. V. etiam 358

33. ADORJAN, S. L'anchilostomiasi nel Basso Congo. Rinasc. med. 1933, 10, 88-89

34. AFRICA, C. M. Studies on experimental creeping eruption in the Philippines. Philipp. J. Sci. 1932, 48, 89-101



AGBOTON, D. v. 75

AGOSTINO, E. V. 2215

35. AGRESTI, A. Il quadro sieroproteico nell'anchilostomiasi del cane. Acta med. vet. (Naples), 1958, 4, 563-569


36. AGUESSY, D. Parasitisme intestinal dans le cercle de Djou­gou (Dahomey). Bull. Soc. Path. exot. 1930, 23, 859-862

AGUIAR, A. DE V. 590

AGUIAR, J. A. V. 311

37. AGUILAR, F. J. The polyanthelmintic action of dithiazanine iodide. Verification of its effectiveness in the most common helminthiases in Guatemala. Amer. J. trop. Med. Hyg. 1959, 8, 305-306

38. AGUILAR, F. J., CIFUENTES, C. E., AGUILAR, J. F. & LABBE, F. Evaluaci6n de la eficacia del yoduro de Ditia­zanina e las helmintiasis mas frecuentes en Guatemala. Rev. Col. med. Guatemala, 1959, 10, 225-233

AGUILAR, J. F. v. 38

AGUIRRE, B. F. J. v. 3164

39. AGUIRRE PEQUENO, E. Jntroducci6n al estudio de la ancylostomosis de los mineros como enfermedad profesional. Rev. d. Trabajo (Mexico), 1938, 2, No. 7, 83-116


40. AHMAD, N. Studies on ankylostomiasis in West Pakistan. Pak. J. med. Res. 1959, No. 2, 54-69

41. AHMAD, N. & RASOOL, G.

Bephenium hydroxynaphthoate against hook­worm in West Pakistan. J. trap. Med. Hyg. 1959, 62, 284-285

42. AHMANN, C. F. & BRISTOL, L. M. The effect of diet on the worm burden of ;hildren infected with Necator americanus and Ascaris lumbricoides. Sth. med. J. ( Bgham, Ala.), 1933, 26, 959-962

~3. AIENGAR, N. A., PARTHASARATHY, S. T. & GUNDA RAo, S. Malaria and ankylostomiasis mimicking 11ppendicitis. Indian J. Surg., 1942, 4, No. 4, -W-46

AISAKI, T. v. 1865


44. AIXALA, R.

El sindrome cardio-vascular de la ankilosto­miasis. Arch. Med. interna, 1938, 4, 317-326

AIZAWA, T.v. 179

AKAOI, T. v. 126

45. AKAHOSI, S. [Experimental studies on the liver in anchylos­tomiasis. 1.-3.]. Kumamoto lgakkai Zasshi, 1959, 33, Suppl. No. 12, pp. 3177-3194

46. AKETAGAWA, H. Some experimental contributions on oral and cutaneous infection of bookworms. Jap. J. exp. Med. 1938, 16, 85-107

AKISAWA, J. V. 2521

AKsoY, M. v. 14

AKUSBA, Z. V. V. 1508

AKYOL, M. V. 2491

ALAHVERDJANC, s. A. V. 2233-2235

ALARC6N, R. V. 1438


Uncinariasis. Jornada med. 1952, 6, 260-264


Anemia verminotica e carencia das vitaminas do grupo B. (Orienta<;iio terapeutica). Hos­pital (Rio de J.), 1945, 28, 77-100

ALCARAZ, R. A. v. 2894, 2895

AwovA-KLECKovA, E. v. 406

49. ALEKSEEV, G. A. K voprosu o kliniceskom teeenii ankilosto­miaza. Med. Mysl' Uzbek. Turkmen. 1929, No. 11-12, 28-43, 124-125


11 ricambio basale nelle anemie da Anchilo­stoma duodena/e. Gazz. int. Med. Chir. 1935, 45, 545-550


Sur les facteUJs determinant le developpement des ceufs d'ankylostomes. Bull. Soc. Path. exot. 1933, 26, 930-934

ALICATA, J. E. V. 3399, 3400

52. ALLAN, W. Hookworm disease causing the blood picture of primary hemolytic anemia in an infant. Ann. intern. Med. 1927-28, 1, 605-606


Le varie frazioni degli acidi grassi insaturi del siero di sangue nell' anemia da anchilo­stoma. Rif med. 1949, 63, 198-201


11 comportamento del ferro serico negli anchi­lostomiasici. Acta med. ita/. Mal. infett. 1950, s, 158-162

ALLEN, E. v. 2855

SS. ALLEN, H. AIIkylostomiasis (hookworm disease) in a kennel of Airedales. Vet. J. 1924, 80, 439-442

ALLEN, R. F. V. 3664

56. ALLOCCO, 0. n'

Sull' anchilostomiasi nel territorio di Fermo e suoi dintorni. Med. d. Lavoro, 1933, 24, 455-456

57. ALMEDA, C. C. DE

Ancylostomose. Generalidades, estudo cli­nico e therapeutico. lmpr. med. (Rio de J.), 1932, 8, 89-91

58. ALMEIDA, A. DE, jr

As verminoses nas escolas. Ann. paul. Med. Cir. 1923, 11, 87-92

59. ALMEIDA, A. DE, jr & PESs6A, S. B. A prova de Schneider nas crian<;as e nos ancylostomados. Brasil-med. 1922, 2, 331-335

ALMEIDA, C. L. DE V. 1047, 1048, 1051, 3843


0 sindromo gastrico da ancilostomose. Con­selhos pniticos. Hospital (Rio de J.), 1940, 17, 107-112


61. ALMEIDA, T. DE, jr 0 chenopodio e a sua toxidez. Brasil-med. 1921, 2, 132-134

ALMEIDA, T. R. DE v. 793



ALTAY, H. V. 3883

ALTENHEIN, D. v. 563

62. ALVARADO, P. J. La necatoriasis y su tratamiento. Caracas, Edit. Sur-America, 1928. 15 p. (Tesis)


63. ALVAREZ, c. J., BLUM, A., PLAZA, B. & ARocA, F. Indice de infestaci6n por uncinaria. Gac. med. (Guayaquil), 1958, 13, No. 1, 15-19

ALVAREZ, G. V. 338

64. ALVES, D. Necator americanus e Trypanosoma cruzi. Gaz. clin. (S. Paulo), 1934, 32, 223-225

65. ALY, A. M., SALLAM, F. & EL-SAADANY, A. M. Haematological findings in ancylostoma ane­mia. J. Egypt. med. Ass. 1962, 45, 1022-1028

66. AMANO, T. [An experimental study of hookwom1 infesta­tion in a coal mine]. Fukuoka Acta med. 1955, 46, 464-482

67. AMARAL, A. D. F. DO, PIREs, c. D. DE A., AMATO, V., neto, FERREIRA, C.S., & FERREIRA, J. M. Observa~Oes sObre a actividade anti-helmin­tica da ditiazanina. Rev. Inst. Med. trop. (S. Paulo), 1959, 1, 41-56

AMARAL, A. D. F. DO v. etiam 231, 1173

AMATO, V., neto v. 67, 529, 2715, 3063

68. AMAYA, F. Resultados clinicos del diiododinitrophenol en el hombre. Rev. Fac. Med. (Bogotd), 1962, 30, 45-51

69. AMEuo, F. Contributo di osservazioni cliniche, per una piu esatta conoscenza del tipo di anemia degli individui affetti da anchilostomiasi. G. ita/. Mal. esot. 1933, 6, 57-72

70. AMERICAN GEOGRAPHICAL SOCIETY. World distribution of helminthiases. New York, 1952. (Atlas of distribution of diseases, plate 4)

71. AMM, H. Die geographische Verbreitung der Haken­wurmkrankheit und ihre Bedeutung fUr tropische Wirtschaftsverhiiltnisse. Wiirzburg, 1933. 125 p. (Dissertation)

ANAN, M. V. 3731


72. Ancylostomiasis in Mrica. WHO Chron. 1962, 16, 166-171; L'ankylostomiase en Mrique. Chron. Org. mond. Sante, 1962, 16, 183-188; La anquilostomiasis en Mrica. Cron. Org. mund. Salud, 1962, 16, 183-188; Ankilos­tomidozy v Afrike. Hronika VOZ, 1962, 16, 158-162; [Ancylostomiasis in Mrica]. Shi Chai Wei Sun Tsu Chih Luei Pao, 1962, 16, 215-231

73. Ancylostomiasis and bilharziasis in Egypt. J. Amer. med. Ass. 1925, 84, 1575-1576

74. Ancylostomiasis complicating other di­sease-a reminder. Army med. Dep. Bull. 1945, No. 47, 2-3; Bull. WarMed. 1945, 6, 29

ANDRADE, G. C. DE v. 789

75. ANDRE, L. M., LAMY, L. & AGBOTON, D. Alimentation supplementaire par le lait ecreme. Ankylostomose et gains ponderaux chez l'enfant africain. Bull. Soc. Path. exot. 1954, 47, 535-539

76. ANDREOTTI, A. & SCAMARCIO, F. C. L'anchilostomiasi alle porte di Napoli. Poli­clinico, Sez. prat. 1934, 41, 54-56

77. ANDREWS, J. C. & WEBB, B. D. The effect of hookworm damage on levels of quinine attained in blood and urine of dogs following single doses of quinine sulfate. J. Pharmacol. exp. Ther. 1942, 75, 191-195

78. ANDREWS, J. M. New methods of hookworm disease investiga­tion and control. Amer. J.publ. Hlth, 1942,32, 282-288

79. ANDREWS, J. M. Modem views on the treatment and preven­tion of hookworm disease. Ann. intern. Med. 1942, 17, 891-901

80. ANDREWS, J. M. Hookworm disease control methods in Geor­gia. J. med. Ass. Ala. 1942, 11, 342-347

81. ANDREWS, J. M. Hexylresorcinol substituted for chenopodium. J. med. Ass. Georgia, 1942, 31, 71; 77

ANDREWS, J. M. v. etiam 1448, 3421


82. ANDREWS, J. S. & MALDONADO, J. F. A preliminary note on the internal parasites of Puerto Rican cattle, with special reference to those species found in calves suffering from tropical diarrhea. J. Agric. Univ. P. R. 1940, 24, 121-132

83. ANDREWS, M. N. A survey of intestinal parasites in Chinese hospital patients in Shanghai. Chin. med. J. 1938, 54, 341-350

84. ANDRINI, F. Comportamento del potere complementare nell' anchilostomiasi. Acta med. ita/. Mal. i11fett. 1950, S, 153

85. ANDRINI, F. La lipasemia nella infestione da anchilostoma. Acta med. ita/. Mal. infett. 1950, S, 153-154

86. ANDRINI, F. La diastasemia nell'infestione da anchilostoma. Acta med. ita/. Mal. infett. 1950, S, 154-156


Comportamento del potere complementare nell' anchilostomiasi. Acta med. ita/. Mal. infett. 1950, S, 31-33


Le manifestazioni di anchilostomiasi nella provincia di Genova nel quadriennio 1930-1933. lgiene mod. 1934, 27, 318-324

89. ANGRISANI, V. L'anchilostomiasi in Somalia. Ann. Med. nav. trop. 1960, 65, 369-374

ANIDo, V. v. 245

90. Ankylostomiasis in Trinidad. Carib. med. J. 1952, 14, 5-8

91. ANNONI, G.

Sui rapporti fra anchilostomi e anemia per­niciosa. Haematologica, 1942, 24, 919-925

92. El anquilostomo duodenal. Rev. Con[. sanit. nac. 1930, 1, No. 2, 36-42

93. ANSARI, M. A. R. & NASIR, A. s. Intestinal protozoa and helminths detected by rapid method amongst Borstal Jail pri­soners. Proc. 8th Pakistan Sci. Con[. (Part 3, Section of Biology) 1956, p. 49

ANTHONY, S. 0. V. 3705



[Mass treatment and prevention of hookworm disease]. Zhonghua Weisheng Zazhi, 1956, 4, 269-272

95. AN11PIN, D. N., ER§ov, V. S., ZoLO­


Parazitologija i invazionnye bolezni se/' skohoz­jajstvennyh livotnyh. 2. izd. Moskva, 1959, 492 p.

96. ANTIPIN, D. N., ER§ov, V. S., ZoLOTA­


Parasitology and parasitic diseases of livestock. Jerusalem, Israel Program for Scientific Trans­lations, 1960. (Bunostomiasis, pp. 173-176; Uncinariasis and ancylostomiasis of carni­vores, pp. 181-185)

97. ANTo:r-..1, J. S. o' & OooM, V. A supplementary basic technique for the recovery of protozoan cysts and helminth eggs in feces. (Preliminary communication.) Pub/. Hlth Rep. (Wash.), 1938, 53, 2202-2204

98. ANTONOVA, A. I. Plan likvidacii ankilostomoza na §ahtah Kir­gizii v VI pjatiletke. In: Tezisy dokladov Sredneaziatskogo sovescanija po bor'be s para­zitarnymi zabolevanjami, (Stalinabad), 1957, 31-33

99. ANTONOV A, A. I. Anki/ostomoz. Frunze, 1959. 11 p.

100. ANTONOVA, A. I. & SIDOROVA, L. N. 0 hode vypolnenija plana likvidacii ankilosto­moza na ugol'nyh §ahtah Kirgizskoj SSR. In: Sbornik trudov Kirgizskogo naucno issledova­te/' skogo instituta epidemiologii, mikrobio/ogii i gigieny. Frunze, 1959, No. 4, 258-261

ANTONOVA, A. 1. V. etiam 3488


101. AoKI, T. [Clinical observations of Dubini's ancylosto­miasis and biological features of mature larvae]. Nagoya lgaku, 1959, 80, 1062-1080

AONO, H. V. 4165

102. APARCEDO, L., LAYRISSE, M. & ROCHE, M. Further evidence for reabsorption of hemo­globin iron lost into the intestine in hookworm infected subjects. Proc. Soc. exp. Bioi. (N. Y.), 1962, 110, 67-69

103. APARICIO GARRIDO, J. La disproteinemia de la anquilostomiasis. Med. trop. (Madr.), 1961, 37, 576-583


Estudios sobre anquilostomiasis. (Nota previa). Existencia de un importante foco. Med. colon. 1950, 15, 323-329


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619. CHANDLER, A. c. Notes on some methods for diagnosis of hook­worm infection and for estimating the egg output. Indian med. Gaz. 1925, 60, 403-406

620. CHANDLER, A. c. Soil acidity and survival of hookworm larvae. Indian med. Gaz. 1925, 60, 462-464

621. CHANDLER, A. c. The rate of loss of hookworms in the absence of re-infections. Indian J. med. Res. 1926, 13, 625-634

622. CHANDLER, A. C.

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623. CHANDLER, A. c. The prevalence and epidemiology of hook­worm and other helminthic infections in India. 2. Eastern Bengal. Indian J. med. Res. 1926, 14, 195-218

624. CHANDLER, A. C.

The prevalence and epidemiology of hook­worm and other helminthic infections in India. 3. Central Western and Northern Bengal. Indian J. med. Res. 1926, 14, 451-480

625. CHANDLER, A. c. The prevalence and epidemiology of hook­worm and other helminthic infections in India. 4. Assam and the hill areas of Eastern Bengal. Indian J. med. Res. 1926, 14, 481-492

626. CHANDLER, A. c. The prevalence and epidemiology of hook­worm and other helminthic infections in India. 5. Tea estates of Assam and Bengal. Indian J. med. Res. 1926, 14, 493-504

627. CHANDLER, A. c. Soil acidity and survival of hookworm larvae. A reply to Dr Hirst's critical commentary. Indian med. Gaz. 1926, 61, 17-18

628. CHANDLER, A. c. The pathogenic effects of helminthic infections. Indian med. Gaz. 1926, 61, 157-158

629. CHANDLER, A. c. Some factors affecting the propagation of hookworm infections in the Asansol mining settlement, with special reference to the part played by cockroaches in mines. Indian med. Gaz. 1926, 61, 209-212

630. CHANDLER, A. c. The prevalence and epidemiology of hook­worm and other helminthic infections in India. 6. Burma. Indian J. med. Res. 1927, 14, 733-744

631. CHANDLER, A. c. The prevalence and epidemiology of hook­worm and other helminthic infections in India. 7. Bihar and Orissa. Indian J. med. Res. 1927, 14, 745-759

632. CHANDLER, A. c. The prevalence and epidemiology of hook­worm and other helminthic infections in India. 8. United provinces of Agra and Oudh. Indian J. med. Res. 1927, 14, 761-773

633. CHANDLER, A. c. The prevalence and epidemiology of hook­worm and other helminthic infections in India. 9. North-West India (Punjab, Kashmir, Rajputana, North-West Frontier Province, Baluchistan and Sind). Indian J. med. Res. 1927, 14, 955-971


634. CHANDLER, A. c. The prevalence and epidemiology of hook­worm and other helminthic infections in India. 10. Central India and Bombay (Central pro­vinces, Central India Agency and Gwalior, Bombay Presidency, except Sind and Hyde­rabad). Indian J. med. Res. 1927, 15, 143-157

635. CHANDLER, A. C. The prevalence and epidemiology of hook­worm and other helminthic infections in India. 11. Madras Presidency and southern States. Indian J. med. Res. 1927, 15, 159-179

636. CHANDLER, A. c. The prevalence and epidemiology of hook­worm and other helminthic infections in India. 12. General summary and conclusions. Indian J. med. Res. 1928, 15, 695-743

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762. CoRT, W. W., GRANT, J. B. & STOLL, N.R. Distribution of hookworm infestation and disease in China, as shown by the literature and answers to questionnaries. In: CORT, W. W., GRANT, J. B. & STOLL, N. R. Re­searches on hookworm in China. Baltimore, 1926, pp. 56-114 (Amer. J. Hyg., Monographic Series No. 7)

763. CoRT, W. W., GRANT, J. B. & STOLL, N.R. General summary of results. In: CoRT, W. W., GRANT, J. B. & STOLL, N. R. Researches on hookworm in China. Baltimore, 1926, pp. 380-398 (Amer. J. Hyg., Monographic Series No. 7)

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773. CoRT, W. W., RILEY, W. A., PAYNE, G. c. & HILL, R. B. Investigations on the control of hookworm disease. 26. An epidemiologic study of a small village on the north coastal plain of Porto Rico. Amer. J. Hyg. 1923, 3, July Suppl. pp. 61-72

774. CoRT, W. W., RILEY, W. A., SWEET, w. C., SCHAPIRO, L. & STOLL, N. R. An analysis of hookworm infestation in areas in Panama uninfluenced by control measures. In: CoRT, W. W., STOLL, N. R., SWEET, W. C., RILEY, W. A. & ScHAPIRO, L. Studies on hook­worm, ascaris and trichuris in Panama. Balti­more, 1929, pp. 62-97 (Amer. J. Hyg., Mono­graphic Series No. 9)

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777. CoRT, W. W., SCHAPIRO, L. & STOLL, N.R. A study of reinfection after treatment with hookworm and ascaris in two villages in Panama. Amer. J. Hyg. 1929, 10, 614-625


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CoRT, W. W. v. etiam 1094-1098, 1298, 1299, 2856, 2857, 2919, 3372, 3635-3638, 3646, 3652, 3716, 3718

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COUTINHO, J. D. v. 1061

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806. CRAIG, C. F. Craig and Faust's clinical parasitology. 6th ed. by E. C. Faust & P. F. Russell. Phila­delphia, Lea & Febiger, 1957. (The human bookworms, pp. 368-393)

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821. CRUZ, w. 0. Conceito patogenico da anemia na ancilo­stomose; novas diretrizes na terapeutica e no metodo profilatico desta helmintose. Bol. Acad. nac. Med. (Rio de J.), 1933, 104, 624-633

822. CRuz, W. 0. Presence d'hemolysines dans les extraits de parasites intestinaux du chien (Ancylostoma caninum et Toxocara canis). C. R. Soc. Bioi. (Paris), 1933, 114, 139-141

823. CRUZ, w. 0. Therapeutica da ankylostomose. Hospital (Rio de J.), 1933, 5, 471-476


824. CRUZ, w. 0. Da medulla ossea na ancylostomose. Mem. Inst. Osw. Cruz, 1933, 27, 423-453; On bone­marrow in hookworm disease. Mem. Inst. Osw. Cruz, 1933, 27, 454-470

825. CRUZ, w. 0. Patogenia de la anemia en la anquilostomiasis. In: Quinto Congreso Nacional de Medicina, Rosario 2 a/ 9 de septiembre de 1934. Aetas y trabajos. Rosario, Talleres Graficos Pom­ponio, 1934, vol. 3, 821-827

826. CRUZ, w. 0. Metaplasia mieloide do ba.;o na ancilostomose. Mem. Inst. Osw. Cruz, 1934, 28, 287-303

827. CRUZ, w. 0. Pathogenia da anemia na ancylostomose. Por­tadores de parasitos. Rela.;iio entre a atividade do helminto e a deficiencia de ferro na genese da doen.;a. Mem. Inst. Osw. Cruz, 1934, 28, 391-439; Pathogenesis of anaemia in hookworm disease. Parasite carriers. Relationship be­tween the activity of the helminth and iron deficiency in the genesis of the disease. Mem. Inst. Osw. Cruz, 1934, 28, 440-486

828. CRUZ, w. 0. Pathogenia da anemia na ancylostomose. 2. Causas determinantes dos phenomenos regenerativos e degenerativos nessa anemia e contribui.;3es para elucidar o seu mechanismo intimo. Mem. Inst. Osw. Cruz, 1934, 29, 263-426; Pathogenesis of anaemia in hookworm disease. 2. Causes which determine the rege­nerative and degenerative phenomena in this anaemia and contributions towards the elu­cidation of their inmost mechanism. Mem. Inst. Osw. Cruz, 1934, 29, 427-485

829. CRUZ, w. 0. Pathogenia da anemia na ancylostomose. 3. Modifica.;oes hematicas e organicas, pro­vocadas pelas simples elimina.;ao do Ancy­/ostomo e do Necator, em individuos forte­mente anemiados. Mem. Inst. Osw. Cruz, 1934, 29, 487-540; Pathogenesis of anaemia in hookworm disease. 3. Hematic and organic modifications, induced by mere elimination of Anchy/ostoma and Necator, in individuals presenting intens~ anaemia. Mem. Inst. Osw. Cruz, 1934, 29, 541-561

830. CRUZ, w. 0. Sobre a significa.;iio da eosinophilia na ancy­lostomose. Mem. Inst. Osw. Cruz, 1936, 31, 1-10

831. CRUZ, w. 0. Os nossos conhecimentos atuais sobre a ancilostomose. Acta med. (Rio de J.), 1938, 1, 495-498

832. CRUZ, w. 0. Hemoglobinometria e nivel de vida das popu­la.;oes. 1. Regiiio do nordeste (Ceani, Rio Grande do Norte, Paraiba e Pernambuco). Mem. Inst. Osw. Cruz, 1939, 34, 261-282; Hemoglobinometry and living standards of populations. 1. Northeastern zone: Cear:i, Rio Grande do Norte, Paraiba and Pernam­buco. Mem. Inst. Osw. Cruz, 1939, 34, 283-292

833. CRUZ, w. 0. Recentes aquisi.;oes na ancilostomose; con­ceito moderno sObre a patogenia, profilaxia e tratamento. In: Proceedings of the eighth American scientific Congress held in Washington May 10-18, 1940, under the auspices of the Government of the United States of America ... Washington, Department of State, 1942, vol. 6, pp. 399-408

834. CRUZ, w. 0. Hookworm anemia, a deficiency disease. In: Proceedings of the Fourth International Con­gresses on Tropical Medicine and Malaria, Washington, D. C., May 10-18 1948. Wash­ington, Department of State, 1948, vol. 2, pp. 1045-1054

835. CRUZ, w. 0. & MELW, R. P. DE

Elimina.;ao urinaria do cloreto de sodio na anemia ancilostomotica. Mem. Inst. Osw. Cruz, 1944, 41, 223-231

836. CRuz, W. 0. & MELLO, R. P. DE

Profilaxia da anemia ancilostom6tica. Sin­drome de carencia. Mem. Inst. Osw. Cruz, 1945, 42, 401-448

837. CRUZ, W. 0. & MELLO, R. P. DE

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840. CUMMING, H. s. L'ankylostomiase aux Etats-Unis. Bull. Off. int. Hyg. pub/. 1936, 28, 1500-1508


841. CUMMING, H. S.

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FIGUEIRA, F. V. etiam 799

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FOLL, c. V. v. 235

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FoNSECA, E. E. v. 2456

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FoRLEO, A. v. 540

FoRNOS, F. R. v. RonRioUEz FoRNOS, F.

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FoRTE, 0. v. 790

1089. FOSTER, A. 0. Prenatal infection with the dog hookworm, Ancylostoma caninum. J. Parasit. 1932, 19, 112-118

1090. FOSTER, A. 0. Blood studies of experimental infections with the dog hookworm, A. caninum. J. Parasit. 1933, 20, 142

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1092. FOSTER, A. 0. Further observations on prenatal hookworm infection of dogs. J. Parasit. 1935, 21, 302-308

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1097. FOSTER, A. 0. & CoRT, w. W. Further studies on the effect of a generally deficient diet upon the resistance of dogs to hookworm infestation. Amer. J. Hyg. 1935, 21, 302-318

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1100. FoSTER, A. 0. & DAENGSVANG, S. Viability and rate of development of the eggs and larvae of the two physiological strains of the dog hookworm, Ancylostoma caninum. J. Parasit. 1932, 18, 245-251

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FosTER, A. 0. v. etiam 1991

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FRYE, W. F. v. 417, 2201, 3705

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1120. FOLLEBORN, F. Dber Tetrachlorkohlenstoff als Antihelminti­kum. Arch. Schiffs- u. Tropenhyg. 1923, 27, 280-286

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Biologische Erwiigungen Uber die " Wande­rung " der Larven parasitischer Nematoden im Korper des Wirtes. Arch. Schiffs- u. Tropen­hyg. 1923, 27, 444-452


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Eine Methode zur lsolierung von Hakenwurm­und anderen thermotaktischen Larven aus Gemischen mit freilebenden Erdnematoden. Arch. Schiffs- u. Tropenhyg. 1925, 29, 470-478

1127. FOLLEBORN, F. Dber das Verhalten der Hakenwurmlarven bei der lnfektion per os. Arch. Schiffs- u. Tropen­hyg. 1926, 30, 638-653


Experimenteller Nachweis flir den Vbergang von Hakenwurmlarven aus dem Blute der Lungenarterien in die vom grossen Kreislauf versorgten Organe. Arch. Schi.ffs- u. Tropen­hyg. 1926, 30, 679-684


Hautquaddeln und " Autoinfektion " bei Strongyloidestriigem. Arch. Schiffs- u. Tropen­hyg. 1926, 30, 721-732


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Zur Epidemiologie der Hakenwurm-lnfektion. In: Congres international de Medecine tropica/e et d'Hygiene, Le Caire, Egypte, decembre 1928. Comptes rendus. Le Caire, lmprimerie natio­nale, 1932, vol. 4, pp. 27-40


1143. FtiLLEBORN, F., D10s, R. L. & Zuc­CARINI, J. A. Bericht i.iber eine im Auftrage der argenti­nischen Regierung unternommene Reise nach der Provinz Corrientes und nach Paraguay zum Studium der Hakenwurmbekiimpfung mit Bemerkungen zur Frage der Immunitiit gegeni.iber Hakenwi.irmern. Arch. Schiffs- u. Tropenhyg. 1928, 32, 441-481

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1148. FunNAWA, K. [Studies on the detection of hookworm ova by Stoll's dilution egg-counting method. 1. The patterns of distribution of hookworm ova in large test tubes]. Chiba Igakkai Zasshi, 1957, 33, 573-577

1149. FUnNAWA, K. [Studies on the detection of hookworm ova by Stoll's egg-counting method. 2. The relation between the population mean and the sample mean of the number of hookworm eggs in a large test tube]. Chiba lgakkai Zasshi, 1958, 33, 1078-1083

1150. FunNAWA, K. [Studies on the detection of hookworm ova by Stoll's egg-counting method. 3. The failure to detect eggs in relation to the number of examinations]. Chiba lgakkai Zasshi, 1958, 34, 422-425

1151. FunNAWA, K. [Studies on the detection of hookworm ova by Stoll's egg-counting method. 4. Number of counts to be sampled for drawing inferences about the population mean]. Chiba lgakkai Zasshi, 1959, 34, 1342-1344

FunNAWA, K. v. etiam 2531

1152. FuJISAWA, T. [Clinical studies on hookworm disease. 1. Clinical findings, with special reference to the prognosis]. Jap. J. Parasit. 1957, 6, 535-541

1153. FunsAwA, T. [Clinical studies on hookworm disease. 2. Duration of the infection and subjective symptoms]. Jap. J. Parasit. 1958, 7, 12-16

1154. FUJISAWA, T. [Clinical studies on hookworm disease. 3. The efficacy of successive administration of tetrachlorethylene, with additional reference to the resistance of hookworm against some anthelmintics]. Jap. J. Parasit. 1958, 7, 650-656

1155. FUJISAWA, T. [Clinical studies on hookworm disease. 4. 4-iodo-3-methyl-1-hydroxy-6-isopropylben­zene]. Jap. J. Parasit. 1958, 7, 657-660

1156. FUJITA, E. [Experimental studies of anemia substances of hookworm. 1. Anemia substances in the culture medium of hookworm]. Nippon Shokakibyo Gakkai Zasshi, 1954, 51, 186-195

FunTA, H. v. 4165

FumA, R. v. 2340

1157. FUJITA, T. [Studies on ancylostomiasis. 1. Subjective symptoms and degree of anemia. 2. Body strength and fatigue]. Yokohama lgaku, 1955, 5, 241-263

1158. FUJIWARA, M. [The significance of larval count data obtained from the quantitative culture method of faeces in Ancylostoma duodenale, Necator americanus and Trichostrongylus orientalis infections]. Niigata lgakkai Zasshi, 1961, 75, 63-87

1159. FUKUDA, A. & KATSURADA, F. Dber eine neue Species Necator. Trans. Jap. path. Soc. 1925, 15, 252-253

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FUKUTOME, S. v. 2658, 2659



1162. FURQUIM, M. V. Ancilostomose em lactentes; infesta~o placen­taria. Arch. Pediat. (Rio de J.), 1943, 15, 489-498; Bol. Soc. med. e cir. Siio Jose do Rio Pr~to, 1944-45, 17-18, 73-81

FURTADO, R. E. v. 2451

1163. FURUYAMA, T. [The influence of temperature on the develop­ment of the infective larvae of Ancylostoma duodenale and Trichostrongylus orientalis out­side the host]. J. Chosen med. Ass. 1933, 23, 441-508, 30-31

FURUYAMA, T. v. etiam 1843

FusFDMIT, J. v. 2590, 2591

GAAFAR, M. v. 175

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1166. GABALD6N, F.

Anquilostomos. Divulgaciones a modo de conferencias a campesinos y analfabetos. Bol. Minist. Salubr. (Caracas), 1935, 3, No. 25-26, 176-180

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GALVAO, A. L. v. etiam 2443

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GAMBINI, G. v. etiam 309


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GHALIOUNGUI, P. v. 341, 342, 2217

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GIAMMIRO, A. v. 3690

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GIBBS, K. E. Y. 1226


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GIGITASVILI, M. S. K. v. etiam 955

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1237. GIGLIOLI, G. Trends in the incidence of hookworm and Ascaris infestation in British Guiana. W. In­dian med. J. 1962, 11, 30-39

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Gastro-intestinal lavage with water at compa­ratively high temperatures for removing worms from dogs. Amer. J. trop. Med. 1926, 6, 341-346

1361. HALLINAN, T. C.

Drug resistance in malaria. Brit. med. J. 1953, 2, 135-136

1362. HALLINAN, T. C.

Drug resistance in malaria. W. Indian med. J. 1959, 8, 132-134

HAMADA, H. v. 3823, 3824

1363. HAMIT, H. F. & CoRTESE, P. T. An extemporaneous study of intestinal para­sites in Philippine scouts. Milit. Med. 1957, 121, 84-90

1364. HAMPTON, G. G. Use of carbon tetrachlorid for removal of hookworms in human beings. A preliminary report. Amer. J. trop. Med. 1922, 2, 381-387

HAMPTON, G. G. v. etiam 2051, 2728 HANDA, K. v. 2532

HANNUM, c. A. v. 2101


HANSEN, M. F. v. 316

1365. HANSON, H.

Hookworm and malaria. Sth. med. J. ( Bgham, Ala.), 1930, 23, 426-428

1366. HARA, K.

Liver function in experimental ancylostomiasis. Gunma J. med. Sci. 1956, 5, 173-189

1367. HARA, K. & KOBAYASm, M. [An obstinate epistaxis and duodenal ancylo­stoma infestation]. Otolaryngology (Tokyo), 1961, 33, 127-130

HARA, Y. v. 1851

1368. HARADA, F.

Investigations of hookworm larvae. 1. On the phototropism of infective larvae of Ancy­lostoma caninum. Yokohama med. Bull. 1952, 3, 34-38

1369. HARADA, F. [The fly as a carrier of hookworm larvae]. lgaku to Seibutsugaku, 1953, 29, 28-30

1370. HARADA, F.

[Oecological studies of hookworm larvae]. Kagaku Ryoho Kenkyujo Iho, 1953, 23, 215-216

1371. HARADA, F.

Investigations of hookworm larvae. 2. On the lateral migration of infective larvae. Yoko­hama med. Bull. 1953, 4, 288-293


1372. HARADA, F. Investigations of hookworm larvae. 3. Bio­logical observations of infective larvae in migration towards vegetables. Yokohama med. Bull. 1954, 5, 212-229

1373. HARADA, F. Investigations of hookworm larvae. 4. On the fly as a carrier of infective larvae. Yokohama med. Bull. 1954, 5, 282-286

1374. HARADA, F. Studies on hookworm larvae. 5. Further observations on infective larvae in migration towards vegetables. Jap. J. med. Sci. Bioi. 1957, 10, 121-128

1375. HARADA, F. Studies on hookworm larvae. 6. On the be­haviour of infective larvae living in the compost manure (a preliminary experiment). Jap. J. med. Sci. Bioi. 1957, 10, 129-139

1376. HARADA, F. Studies on hookworm larvae. 7. Migratory behaviour of infective larvae developed in the seed-bed. Jap. J. med. Sci. Bioi. 1957, 10, 141-148

1377. HARADA, K. [Pathophysiological studies on hookworm disease (A-8) (Pathological investigations on the intestine infected with bookworms]. lgaku Kenkyu. Acta medica (Fukuoka), 1959, 29, 4147-4170

1378. HARADA, Y. Wakana disease and hookworm allergy. Yonago Acta med. 1962, 6, 109-118

1379. HARADA, Y., ITO, K. & MIYATAKE, M.

[A sterilized method for culturing hookworm larvae]. lgaku to Seibutsugaku, 1957, 44, 50-53

1380. HARADA, Y. & MoRI, 0. [A simple culture method of Ancylostoma duodena/e). Igaku to Seibutsugaku, 1951, 20, 65-67

1381. HARADA, Y. & MORI, 0. A new method for culturing hookworm. Yonago Acta med. 1955, 1, 177-179

1382. HARASAWA, S.

[Four cases of ancylostomiasis treated with nematolyt, a new vermifuge]. Shinshu Igaku Zasshi, 1954, 3, Suppl. pp. 276-278

1383. HARBORD, R. S.

Observations on the incidence and treatment of hookworm in dogs. Irish vet. J. 1954, 8, 251-255

1384. HARE, K. P. Preliminary report on an experiment in coolie­line sanitation. Indian med. Gaz. 1938, 75, 609-611

1385. HARE, K. P. An experiment in coolie line sanitation. Effect on hookworm incidence. Indian med. Gaz. 1940, 75, 86-88

1386. HARE, K. P. & DurrA, S. C. The comparative value of oil of chenopodium and tetrachlorethylene as anthelmintics for use in mass treatment. Indian med. Gaz. 1939 74, 198-201

HARINASUTA, C. v. 1681, 1682

1387. HARPER, P. Complications of hookworm disease. Brit. med. J. 1932, 2, 535

1388. HARRrs, A. H. & DoWN, H. A.

Studies on the dissemination of cysts and ova of human intestinal parasites by flies in various localities on Guam. Amer. J. trap. Med. 1946, 26, 789-800

HARRIS, A. H. v. etiam 3649

HARVEY, R. H. v. 1767

HARWOOD, P. D. v. 1974, 1977

1389. HASEGAWA, K. [Ober die Widerstandfii.higkeit der reifen Larven der parasitiiren Nematoden]. Taiwan lgakkai Zasshi, 1929, No. 291, 561-587

1390. HASHIMOTO, T. [Ober die Beziehungen zwischen den Inva­sionen gewisser Parasiten und den Schwanger­schaften ihrer Endwirte]. J. Kumamoto med. Soc. 1934, 10, 776-792

1391. HASLAM, J. F. C. A short hookworm campaign in the Pomeroon District, British Guiana. Trans. roy. Soc. trap. Med. Hyg. 1927, 20, 354-356

1392. HASSAN, A. & SALAH, M.

Investigation on carbon tetrachloride intoxi­cation. J. Egypt. med. Ass. 1935, 18, 207-214

HASSAN, A. v. etiam 3291

1393. HASSLER, E. Ober Hakenwurminfektion und volkstiimliche Antihelminthica in Paraguay. Arch. Schiffs.- u. Tropenhyg. 1928, 32, 409-410

1394. HATAYAMA, T., SUZUKI, E. & ABE, T. [A rare symptom of hookworm disease]. Tohoku Igakkai Zasshi, 1954, 49, 77-79


1395. HATCH, C. Parasites in dogs and cats. Irish vet. J. 1961, 15, 41-47

1396. HATCHETT Tratamento da uncinariose pelo naphtol B. Brasil-med. 1922, 36, 315

HATTORI, J. V. 684

HAUGHWOUT, F. G. v. 2052, 2053

1397. HAUSHEER, W. C. Recent methods in the diagnosis and treatment of ankylostomiasis. J. Port-of-Spain med. Soc. 1924, 4-18

1398. HAUSHEER, W. C. & HERRICK, C. A. The place of the smear in hookworm diagnosis. Amer. J. Hyg. 1926, 6, Suppl. No. 2, pp. 136-148

1399. HAUSHEER, W. C., HERRICK, C. A. & PEARSE, A. s. Evaluation of the methods of Stoll and Lane in light hookworm infections, and accuracy in diagnosis of the Willis floatation method. Amer. J. Hyg. 1926, 6, Suppl. No. 2, pp. 118-135

HAUSHEER, W. C. V. etiam 3647, 3648

1400. HAVENS, L. c. & CASTLES, R. The evaluation of the hookworm problem of Alabama by counties. Trans. med. Ass. Ala. 1930, 63, 184-190; J. prev. Med. (Baltimore), 1930, 4, 109-114

1401. HAYASHI,E., TAKAMURA, S.,SUGIYAMA, K. & SUGIYAMA, T. [Fundamental studies of anthelmintics. 8. Stu­dies on the anthelmintic effect of 4-iodothymol against hookworm]. Jap. J. Parasit. 1959, 8, 909-912

1402. HAYASHI, S. [Biochemical study on the nature of anemia in ankylostomiasis]. Aichi Igakkai Zasshi, 1924, 31, No. 2

HAYASHI, S. V. etiam 3339

HAYES, F. A. V. 799

1403. HAYES, T. H. Hookworm as a new health problem in St. Croix. U.S. nav. med. Bull. 1928, 26, 281-292

HAYMAN, J. M., jr v. 2604

1404. HE SE-BON & SEMENOVA, E. G. Ankilostomidoz po nabljudenijam gospitalja sovetskogo Krasnogo Kresta v g. Phen'jane (KNDR). Med. Z. Uzbek. 1961, No. 10, 60-61

1405. HEADLEE, W. H. Epidemiological studies of helminth infections in an Egyptian village. Soil pollution and soil infestation. Amer. J. Hyg. 1933, 18, 695-711

1406. HEES, H. Die Hakenwurmkrankheit, unter besonderer Beriicksichtigung der nervosen Erscheinungen, Temperatursteigerung und Allotriophagie. Arch. Schiffs- u. Tropenhyg. 1926, 30, 141-148

HEFT, w. M. v. 3683

1407. HEGNER, R., ROOT, F. M., AUGUSTINE, D. L. & HuFF, C. G. Parasitology. New York, Appleton-Century­Crofts, 1938. (Subfamily Ancylostominae, pp. 418-438)

HEGSTED, D. M. v. 4020

1408. HEILIG, R. Practical aspects on general anasarca, espe­cially in malarial nephritis and hookworm disease. Indian med. Gaz. 1941, 76, 519-523

1409. HEILIG, R. The pathological heart conditions in hook­worm disease and their causes. Indian med. Gaz. 1942, 77, 257-261

1410. HEILIG, R. Studies on hookworm infection. J. Indian med. Ass. 1952, 21, 356-362

1411. HEILIG, R. & VISWESWAR, A. Influence of anti-anaemic treatment on the gastric function in hookworm disease. Indian med. Gaz. 1942, 77, 385-390

1412. HEILIG, R. & VISWESWAR, A. Iron-refractory anaemia in hookworm disease. Indian Phycn, 1942, 1, 359-367; J. trop. Med. Hyg. 1942, 45, 113-116

1413. HEILIG, R. & VISWESWAR, S. K. Does a hookworm toxin exist? Indian med. Gaz. 1943, 78, 578-583

HEIMLICH, C. R. v. 2455

1414. HEINE, W. Der augenblickliche Stand der Ankylostomiasis (Wurmkrankheit) in den Tropen und Sub­tropen. Quakenbriick, Kleinert, 1936. 51 p. (Dissertation med. Akademie Dtisseldorf, 1937)

1415. HEINE, W. Epidemiologie und Bekampfung der Ankylosto­miasis in der Welt. Ergebn. Hyg. Bakt. 1938, 21, 157-268


1416. HEINE, W. Die Hakenwurmkrankheit und ihre Bekiimp­fung im deutschen Bergbau und in der Welt. Z. Desinfekt. 1938, 13, 163-165, 178-180

HEINE, W. V. etiam 451

HEINZ, H. J. V. 1219

HELLER, J. V. 1549

HELMEISTER, 0. V. 3931

HELMY, M. v. 153-155

1417. HEMMING, G. R. Respiratory complications of Ascaris infesta­tion in Fiji. Med. J. Aust. 1956, 1, 501-502

1418. HEN BEN GoN

Obezrezivanie fekalij i pocvy ot jac i licinok ankilostomid himikalijami, primenjajuscimisja v kacestve udobrenij. Med. Parazit. (Mosk.), 1960, 29, 96-98

1419. HENDERSON, H. E. Incidence and intensity of hookworm infesta­tion in certain East Texas counties with com­parison of technics. Tex. Rep. Bioi. Med. 1957, 15, 283-291

1420. HENDERSON, W. F. Antiperistalsis in duodenum; a presumptive sign of intestinal parasitosis. (Preliminary report). J. Amer. med. Ass. 1925, 84, 493-494

1421. HENDERSON, W. F. Duodenal antiperistalsis, further observations. J. Amer. med. Ass. 1925. 85, 1462-1465

HERCUS, C. E. v. 1009

1422. HERMANT, P. & CILENTO, R. W. Rapport de la mission chargee d' effectuer une enquete sur la situation sanitaire des i/es du Pacifique, octobre 1928 a avril 1929. Geneve, Societe des Nations, Organisation d'Hygiene, 1929. 116 p. (C. H. 829)

1423. HERMANT, P. & CILENTO, R. w. Report of the mission entrusted with a survey on henlth conditions in the Pacific islands, October, 1928 to April, 1929. Geneva, League of Na­tions, Health Organisation, 1929. 116 p. (C. H. 829)



L. A.



La tos como sintoma de la uncinariasis. Rev. med. veracruz. 1928, 8, 18-21


Aspecto mexicano en relaci6n con la clinica y el tratamiento de la uncinariasis. Medicina (Mh), 1947, 27, 481-493


Distribuci6n geognifica y patologia de la uncinariasis en la Republica Mexicana. Bol. epidem. (M h), 1949, 13, 111-115

1427. HERNANDEZ PACHECO, D. El problema de la anquilostomiasis en !as minas de Espafta. Med. Paises ea/id. 1928, 1, 39-53

1428. HERNANDEZ PACHECO, D. La anquilostomiasis de superficie, peligro sanitaria social en las nuevas zonas de regadio. Rev. Sanid. Hig. pub/. (Madr.), 1959, 33, 487-497


PALLARES, J. & AGUAYO CALZON, J. Historia y tratamiento de la anquilostomiasis. Farmacoter. act. 1947, 4, 692-701



Desparasitaci6n intestinal masiva aplicada a programas de salubridad. 1. Tetracloretileno. Bol. epidem. (M ex.), 1957, 21, 107-112


Algunos aspectos epidemiol6gicos de la unci­nariasis en Mexico. Bol. epidem. (Mex.), 1958, 22, 1-9

HERRERA, c. s. V. SAENZ H., c. 1432. HERRERA GUERRERO, F. lnforme del medico de sanidad de Los Teques. In: Memorias de la Conferencia Sanitaria Na­ciona/ de 1930. Caracas, Ministerio de Salu­bridad y de Agricultura y Cria, 1931, pp. 237-245



Uncinariasis en un lactante de 8 meses. Bol. med. Hosp. infant. (Mex.), 1955, 12, 57-60

1434. HERRICK, C. A.

A quantitative study of infections with Ancy­lostoma caninum in dogs. Amer. J. Hyg. 1928, 8, 125-157

HERRICK, C. A. v. etiam 1398, 1399

1435. HESSE, A. J. On the free-living larval stages of the nema­tode Bunostomum trigonocephalum (Rud.), a parasite of sheep. J. Helminth. 1923, 1, 21-28


1436. HETHERINGTON, D. C. Some new methods in nematode technique. J. Parasit. 1922, 9, 102-104


K. R. A year's hookworm and yaws work in the Solomon Islands. Med. J. Aust. 1929, 1. 856-861

1438. HEVIA, H., SCHENONE, H., KLEIN, 0. & ALARCON, R. Distomatosis cutanea asociada a erupci6n reptante. Bol. chil. Parasit. 1958, 13, 57-59

HEWITT, R. V. 2858

1439. HEYDON, G. M. Notes of the treatment of the intestinal para­sitic worms which may be met with in Austra­lia. Med. J. Aust. 1926, 2, 39-44

1440. HEYDON, G. M. The differences between the infective larvae of the hookworms of man. Med. J. Aust. 1927, 1, 531-538

1441. HEYDON, G. M. The effect of light and of drying on infective hookworm larvae. Med. J. Aust. 1927, 2, 611-614

1442. HEYDON, G. M. Observations on conditions affecting hook­worm ova and larvae. Med. J. Aust. 1927, 2, 640-645

1443. HEYDON, G. M. The influence in hookworm infection of the species of worm and of the race of man and on the characters of the larvae as a means of determining the species distribution. Med. J. Ausr. 1927, 2, Suppl. pp. 206-208

1444. HEYDON, G. M. Creeping eruption or larva migrans in North Queensland and a note on the worm Gnatho­stoma spinigerum (Owen). Med. J. Aust. 1929, 1, 583-591

1445. HIERONYMI, E. Hautreaktionen im unspezifischen Wirt durch wandernde Parasitenlarven. Dtsch. tieriirztl. Wschr. 1953, 60, 325-326


1446. HIGO, A. [An experimental study on the migration route and the development of Ancylostoma duode­nale in pups after cutaneous infection]. Kyoto Furitsu Ikadaigaku Zasshi, 1961, 70, 851-872

Hwo, A. v. etiam 4162

1447. HILBURG, C. J. Control de la anquilostomiasis en el Paraguay. Bol. Ofic. sanit. panamer. 1955, 38, 10-19

1448. .HILL, A. W. & ANDREWS, J. M. Relation of hookworm burden to physical status in Georgia. Amer. J. trop. Med. 1942, 22, 499-506

1449. HILL, H. C. Observations on Ancylostoma and Toxocara infection in experimental and stock dogs. J. Parasit. 1946, 32, 210

1450. HILL, R. B. Algunos recientes descubrimi~ntos relacio­nados con el control de la uncinariasis. Bol. Asoc. med. P. Rico, 1922, 16, 210-215

1451. HILL, R. B. Investigations on the control of hookworm disease. 25. The use of the egg-counting method in an intensive campaign. Amer. J. Hyg. 1923, 3, July Suppl. pp. 37-60

1452. HILL, R. B.

Hookworm reinfestation in sanitated and unsanitated areas. Sth. med. J. (Bgham, Ala.), 1925, 18, 665-668

1453. HILL, R. B. The estimation of the number of hookworms harbored, by the use of the dilution egg count method. Amer. J. Hyg. 1926, 6, Suppl. No. 2, pp. 19-41

1454. HILL, R. B. Hookworm reinfestation for three years after treatment in a sanitated area in Porto Rico, and its bearing on permanent hookworm control in the group studied. Amer. J. Hyg. 1926, 6, Suppl. No. 2, pp. 103-117

1455. HILL, R. B. The amount and distribution of hookworm infestation in Porto Rico. P. R. Hlth Rev. 1926, 2, No. 3, 3-8

1456. HILL, R. B. Hookworm infestation in an unsanitated dis­trict, after an intensive treatment campaign. J. prev. Med. (Baltimore), 1927, 1, 537-545

1457. HILL, R. B. La anquilostomiasis en Venezuela. Gac. med. Caracas, 1929, 36, 17-19

1458. HILL, R. B. & BENARROCH, E. I. Anquilostomiasis y paludismo en Venezuela. Caracas, Editorial Elite ,1940. 204 p.


1459. HILL, R. B. & EARLE, W. c. The presence of Ancylostoma duodenale in Porta Rico. Bot. Asoc. med. P. Rico, 1924, 18, 6-7

HILL, R. B. v. etiam 773

1460. HILLER, W. Zur Diagnose der Ankylostomiasis. Arch. Schiffs.- u. Tropenhyg. 1932, 36, 343-344

HINDAWI, A. Y. V. 1634, 3671

1461. HINMAN, E. H. & BAKER, D. D. Helminthological survey of 1,315 dogs from New Orleans with special reference to age­resistance. J. trop. Med. Hyg. 1936,39, 101-104


1462. HIRAI, M. [On the numerical relation between the passed eggs and the number of the infesting worms in ascariasis and ancylostomiasis together with a notice on the method of counting parasites' eggs]. Keio lgaku, 1926, 6, No. 8, 973-994

1463. HIRAKAWA, I. [A new method for counting of hookworm larvae]. lgaku to Seibutsugaku, 1957, 43, 209-210

1464. HIRAKAWA, I. [Studies on the infection modes ofhookworms. The experimental oral infection to humans with infective larvae]. Chiba lgakkai Zasshi, 1959, 35, 242-265, 22

HIRAKAWA, l. V. etiam 2533

1465. HIRAKI, K. & lNOUE, M. Studies on eosinophils in bone-marrow tissue culture of the human sternum. Part 1. Obser­vations on the behaviors of eosinophils in bone-marrow tissue culture of the sternum in patients with various eosinophilia. Acta Med. Okayama, 1959, 13, 57-64

1466. HIRAKI, K. & lNOUE, M. Studies on eosinophils in bone-marrow tissue culture of the human sternum. Part 2. Study on the causative factor of eosinophilia in hookworm disease by means of bone-marrow tissue culture with a special reference to the relationship with allergic reaction. Acta Med. Okayama, 1959, 13, 65-70

1467. HIRAKI, K., YoNETANI, K. & NAKAT­SUKA, G. [Hookworm anemia from the standpoint of iron metabolism]. 2. Tokyo lji Shinshi, 1954, 71, 317-318

1468. HIRAKI, K. & YoNEYA, K. [Hookworm anemia and iron metabolism]. Tokyo lji Shinshi, 1953, 70, 429-430

HIRAKI, T. v. 2804

1469. HIRST, L. F. Investigations on the epidemiology of hook­worm disease in Colombo. 1. On the isolation and identification of infective nematode larvae. 2. Observations on the viability of hookworm larvae. Ceylon J. Sci., D, 1924, 1, 1-31

1470. HIRST, L. F. Soil acidity and survival of hookworm larvae; a critic1l commentary. Indian med. Gaz. 1926, 61, 14-17

1471. HIRST, L. F. Hookworm disease and Ceylon sewage works. Ceylon J. Sci., D, 1932, 2, (Pt 5) 245-275

HISHINUMA, Y. V. 1549, 3168, 3169, 3171

1472. HITCH, J. M. Systemic treatment of creeping eruption. Arch. Derm. Syph. (Chic.), 1947, 55, 664-673

1473. HITCH, J. M. & lRALU, V. Studies relating to creeping eruption. Sth. med. J. (Bgham, Ala.), 1960,53,447-453

1474. HIWADA, R., YAMAZAKI, Y. & MA­RUO, H. [A survey on the parasitism of Ascaris lumbri­coides and bookworms among the employees of Fukuchiyama National Railway Corpora­tion]. Kotsu lgaku, 1961, 15, 279-283

1475. l-IIYEDA, K. Distribution of parasites and parasitic diseases in Manchoukuo. J. orient. Med. 1934, 21, 39-56

1476. HIYEDA, K. & SuzuKI, M. [Parasites of Manchurians]. J. orient. Med. 1933, 18, 759-767, 50-51

HIZANISVIU, A. 0. V. 1715

Ho, Lien-Yin v. 1516

Ho THI SANG v. 436-439

1477. HOBSON, S. Carbon tetrachloride in the treatment of hook­worm disease with report of cases. New Orleans med. surg. J. 1923, 76, 80-84

1478. HooES, P. J. & KEEFER, G. P. Hookworm disease. A small intestinal study. Amer. J. Roentgenol. 1945, 54, 728-742

1479. HooGMAN, J. H. Ankylostomiasis on the gold mines of the Witwatersrand. Irish J. med. Sci. 1934, 6 series No. 101, 203-222


1480. HoosoN, V. S. Intestinal parasites in the Sudan. J. trop. Med. Hyg. 1923, 26, 244-245

1481. HOEKENGA, M. T. The incidence of human intestinal parasites in northwestern Honduras. Amer. J. trop. Med. 1950, 30, 757-759

1482. HOEKENGA, M. T. Treatment of multiple intestinal worm infec­tions with piperazine citrate. Amer. J. trop. Med. Hyg. 1955, 4, 1088-1090

1483. HOEKENGA, M. T. Experiments in the therapy of human trichu­riasis and hookworm disease. Amer. J. trop. Med. Hyg. 1956, 5, 529-533

1484. HOPPLI, R. & FENG, L. c. The presence of anticoagulin in the esophagus of Bunostomum trigonocephalum from the intestine of sheep. Arch. Schiffs.- u. Tropen­hyg. 1933, 37, 176-182

1485. HOPPLI, R. & KESSLER, A. Zur Frage der Giftigkeit von Tetrachlor­kohlenstoff. Arch. Schiffs.- u. Tropenhyg. 1924, 28, 205-210

1486. HOERLEIN, B. F. The evaluation of various chemical agents in the treatment of soil infected with larvae of the dog hookworm Ancylostoma caninum. N. Amer. Vet. 1950, 31, 253-262

1487. HOERLEIN, B. F. Further studies on the chemical treatment of soil infected with larvae of the dog hookworm (Ancylostoma caninum). Vet. Med. 1951, 46, 350-355

1488. HOEVEN, J. A. VAN DER & RIJPSTRA, A. C. Animal parasites prevalent in the human intestine in Central South New Guinea. Trop. geogr. Med. 1962, 14, 350-354

1489. HOFF, H. & SHABY, J. A. Two cases of polyneuritis (beri-beri?) due to ankylostomiasis. J. trop. Med. Hyg. 1939, 42, 157-158

1490. HOFF, H. & SHABY, J. A. Nervous complications in ankylostomiasis. J. trop. Med. Hyg. 1939, 42, 360-362

1491. HOFF, H. & SHABY, J. A. Observaciones sobre la localizaci6n de la reabsorci6n de la vitamina B1 en el hombre; tratamiento de los sintomas neurol6gicos de la anquilostomiasis por la vitamina B1 • Rev. argent. Neurol. (Rosario), 1943,8,252-255

1492. HOFFMAN, F. G. Hookworm infection. Report of four cases. Med. Bull. Europ. Command, 1951, 8, 486-492

1493. HOHOL'KOVA, N. A. Opyt likvidacii ocaga ankilostomidozov na ~ahtah goroda Lengera. In: Trudy gel'minto­lo!Jiceskoi laboratorii Akademii Nauk SSSR, 1959, 9, 362-363

HOLGUIN, J. V. 1312

HOLLAND, E. V. 875

1494. HOLLIDAY, P. B., jr Hookworm anemia in a young child . .T. Tenn. med. Ass. 1950, 43, 451-453

1495. HOLMES, M. J. Hookworm control in Australia. Health (Melbourne), 1925, 3, 45-48

1496. HOLTON, C. F. Syphilis, malaria and hookworm disease as industrial hazards in the south. Sth. med. J. (Bgham, Ala.), 1938, 31, 1011-1016

1497. HOMEZ CHAcfN, J. La dermatitis verminosa serpiginosa en Mara­caibo. Estudio sobre doscientos casos. Rev. Soc. mt?d.-quir. Zulia, 1954, 28, No. 7, 43-61

1498. HOMPESCH, H. Dber die Verbreitung von menschlichen Ein­geweidewiirmem in verschiedenen europiii­schen Liindem. Zbl. Bakt. 1943, 150, 208-215

HoNAIN, A. v. 2457

HONDA, S. v. 1808

1499. Hooo, M. The present status of hookworm infection in Florida. Amer. J. trop. Med. 1947, 27, 505-516

1500. Hookworm anaemia. Lancet, 1934, 2, 1116-1117

1501. Hookworm anaemia: acute and chro­nic. Lancet, 1934, 1, 759-760

1502. Hookworm infection in India. In: Intergovernmental conference of Far-Eastern countries on rural hygiene, Bandoeng, Java, 1937. Preparatory papers relating to British India. Geneva, League of Nations, 1937, pp. 92-98. (Series of League of Nations Publi­cations. 3. Health. 1937.3.6)

1503. Hookworm infestation and absorp­tion. Nutr. Rev. 1960, 18, 168-169

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INGUL'SKAJA, I. I. V. 2109, 2110

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1580. INTERNATIONAL CoMMISSION ON Zoo­LOGICAL NOMENCLATURE Necator Stiles, 1903 (Class Nematoda), an invalid name inadvertently placed on the " Official List of Generic Names in Zoology " in " Opinion " 66: validation of, under the plenary powers. Bull. zoo/. Nom. 1950, 4, 300-301

1581. INTERNATIONAL CoMMISSION ON Zoo­LOGICAL NOMENCLATURE Necator Stiles, 1903 (Class Nematoda): vali­dation of erroneous entry in the " Official List of Generic Names in Zoology". Bull. zoo/. Nom. 1950, 5, 93


1582. INTERNATIONAL CoMMISSION ON Zoo­LOGICAL NOMENCLATURE Opinion 201. Validation, under the plenary powers, of the generic name Necator Stiles, 1903 (Class Nematoda) (correction of an error in Opinion 66). Opin. int. Comm. zoo/. Nom. 1954, 3, 269-273



IRALU, V. v. 1473

IRIE, T. V. 4094


1583. lsA, H. [Studies on non-fertilized ova of canine hook­worm]. Tokyo lji Shinshi, 1956, 73, 309-310

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ISHAQ, M. v. 1557-1559

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IsHIHARA, T. v. 3500

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lsmi, N. v. 2518

lsmi, T. v. 1837

lsmi, Y. v. 2797

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1587. lsmKAWA, M. [A study of eggs of Ancylostoma. 1. Observa­tion of eggs with polarizing microscope]. Nagoya lgaku, 1956, 71, 188-190

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1591. ISHIZAKI, T. et a/. [Clinical studies on hookworm carriers. 4. An investigation into several components in blood with regard to manifestation of main symptoms]. Jap. J. Parasit. 1959, 8, 642-648

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1594. ISIDZAKI, T., KUTSUMI, H. & Ku­BOTA, H. [Studies on the side-effect of tetrachlorethy lene and 1-bromo-2-naphthol, and the prevention and treatment of them]. Jap. J. Parasit, 1962, 11, 467-477

1595. ISHIZAKI, T., KUTSUMI, H., KUMADA, M., KOMIYA, Y., ARAKI, H., TAKAYAMA, H., 0KADA, K. & NOZAKI, S. [Clinical studies on hookworm carriers. 7. Allergic aspect of the symptoms produced by hookworm infection]. Jap. J. Parasit. 1961, 10, 211-220

ISHIZAKI, T. V. etiam 1866, 1867

1596. lsmzuKA, T. [Investigations of parasite carriers in specific environment. 2. On constitution and physical function of hookworm carriers]. Osaka lka­daigaku Zasshi, 1957, 16, 194-197

1597. ISHIZUKA, T. [Study on serum proteins of ancylostomiasis]. Osaka Ikadaigaku Zasshi, 1959, 19, 353-393

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ITAKURA, T. V. 1605, 1606

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1603. ITO, J., \VATANABE, K., NOGUCHI, M., MOCHIZUKI, H. & MAEKAWA, T. [An investigation of the helminth parasites of dogs in Shizuoka Prefecture. 2. Toxocara canis and Ancylostoma caninum]. Jap. J. Parasit. 1959, 8, 13-18

1604. ITO, K. [Influences of various drugs on larvae of hookworm in vitro and the prevention of its cutaneous infection with iodine tincture). J. Yonago med. Ass. 1958, 9, 1122-1133

ITO, K. v. etiam 1379

1605. ITO, M., ITAKURA, T., SAKAMOTO, J., UEMATSU, H., SAKAGAMI, T., OzEKI, T., TANIGAWA, H., MATSUYAMA, H. & SAWADA, S. [Clinical observations on ancylostomiasis complicated with pulmonary tuberculosis]. lryo, 1958, 12, 155-159

1606. ITO, M., SAKAMOTO, J., ITAKURA, T., UEMATSU, H., SAKAGAMI, T., OzEKI, T., TANIGAWA, S., MATSUYAMA, H. & SAWADA, S. Epidemiological study on ankylostomiasis complicated with pulmonary tuberculosis. lryo, 1958, 12, 54-56

ITO, M. v. etiam 2800

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ITO, S. v. etiam 2521, 2658, 2659

!To, T. v. 2521, 3729

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IWATA, S. V. etiam 968

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IZUMI, M. V. 4165

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KITAYAMA, H. v. 969

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1842. KOBAYASID, Harujiro On the distribution of the hookworm in Chosen (Korea) and South Manchuria. In: Proceedings of the third Pan-Pacific Science Congress, Tokyo October 30th-November llth, 1926. Tokyo, National Research Council of Japan, 1928, vol. 2, pp. 2552-2561

1843. KO BAY ASID, Harujiro, CmBA, E. & FURUYAMA, T. On the incidence and degree of infestation with hookworm and Trichostrongylus orienta/is in Keijo (Seoul) Chosen. Acta med. Keijo, 1929, 12, 66-71

1844. KOBAYASID, Hidekazu Morphological difference among mature larvae of Necator americanus and three other species of Ankylostomidae. Taiwan lgakkai Zasshi, 1928, No. 275, 16-18, 132-150

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1847. KOBAYASHI, M. et al. [On the serum protein in experimental ancy­lostomiasis. 2.]. Gifu Ikadaigaku Kiyo. Acta scholae medicinalis in Gifu, 1959, 7, 524-528

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KOBAYASID, M. V. etiam 1361, 2597-2600

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1850. KOBAYASHI, T. Sur les phenomenes regeneratifs des hematies dans les anemies de l'ankylostomiase. Sang, 1929, 3, 129-148

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1854. KOIKE, Y. [The mode of infection of bookworms: expe­rimental studies on oral infection of the infec­tive larvae to the human host]. Chiba lgakkai Zasshi, 1960, 36, 1133-1149


KOIKE, Y. v. etiam 2535

1855. KOINO, S. [Specific distinction of hookworm larvae. 1. Distinction of encysted larvae of Tricho­strongylus orientalis, Ancylostoma duodenale, Necator americanus and Ancylostoma caninum. 2. Incidence of infection with Ancylostoma and Necator as seen from the studies of the larvae]. Keio lgaku, 1927, 7, No. 9, No. 10

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1856. KonMA, Y. [Anatomical studies on the development of Ancylostoma caninum]. Niigata lgakkai Zasshi, 1961, 75, 1232-1242

KOLLE, W. v. 449

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1858. KOMAKI, S. & TERASHI, M. [Epidemiological and clinical studies carried out in a severely hookworm-infested village in Miyazaki Prefecture]. Kyoto Furitsu lka­daigaku Zasshi, 1959, 65, Suppl. 3, pp. 1860-1864

KOMAKI, S. V. etiam 2653, 2654


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1860. KOMIYA, Y. [Hookworm and hookworm disease]. Tokyo, Sekibundo, 1958. 93 p.

1861. KOMIYA, Y. [The cause of hookworm anemia, its effect and treatment. The recent trend of parasite studies]. lgakuno-doko, 1959, 23, 73-93

1862. KOMIYA, Y. et al. [Ancylostoma infestation among residents in Tokyo City]. Nippon Koshu Eiseigaku Zasshi, 1955, 2, 551-554

1863. KOMIYA, Y. et al. [The anthelmintic effect and the side reactions of 4-iodo-thymol preparation for ancylosto­miasis and examination on the ratio of the negative for hookworm ova after adminis­tration of the chemical]. Jap. J. Parasit. 1959, 8, 835-842

1864. KOMIYA, Y. et a/. [Study on thick smear technic with cellophane cover for stool examination for helminth ova]. Jap. J. Parasit. 1960, 9, 61-68

1865. KOMIYA, Y., Al:SAKI, T., 0TAKE, s. & TSUKAGOSHI, K. [The field model experiment of the hookworm control by exercising the repeated mass treat­ment in winter]. Jap. J. Parasit. 1953, 2, 157-163

1866. KOMIYA, Y., ISHIZAKI, T., KUTSUMI, H. & KUMADA, M. [The anthelmintic effect of bephenium hydro­xynaphthoate on Necator americanus]. Jap. J. Parasit. 1960, 9, 706-710

1867. KOMIYA, Y., ISHIZAKI, T., SATO, S. & NAGAI, R. [The incidence of hookworm infection in the Tokyo Prefecture]. Jap. J. pub/. Hlth. 1955, 2, 23-26

1868. KOMIYA, Y., KOBAYASHI, A., KUTSUMI, H., K01IMA, K., KUMADA, M. & OGAWA, H. [On the mass treatment of hookworm infection. 4. The comparative study of the anthelmintic effect of 4-iodo-thymol and 1-bromo-naphthol (2) preparation]. Jap. J. Parasit. 1960, 9, 195-198

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