Download - Babaji in Italy June 2016 - Sonoma Ashram


Babaji in Italy June 2016

Babaji honoured us with a visit in Italy last June. He spent some time in Padua, Treviso and Rome, meeting devotees, their families and friends and receiving new visitors. Baba gave a Satsang in Padua, at Motus Mundi, a center for meditation and mindfullness. This year the italian sangha spent a ‘Triratri’ (a three days retreat) in the hills around Padua. It was a beautiful experience of peace, deepening of sadhana and closenenss to the presence of the Guru. With a small group Babaji visited Rome for a few days and gave a Satsasng during the International Yoga Day. We wish to express our deep gratitude and joy for the grace of the Guru and for the precious time we could spend together. Lo scorso giugno Babaji ci ha onorati con una visita in Italia. A Padova, Treviso e Roma ha incontrato devoti, famiglie, amici e nuovi visitatori. Il Baba ha tenuto un discorso al Motus Mundi di Padova. Quest’anno il sangha si è riunito per Triratri (3 giorni di ritiro) sui colli vicino a Padova. E’ stata un’esperienza bellissima di pace, approfondimento della sadhana e vicinanza al Guru. Il Baba ha visitato Roma con un piccolo gruppo e ha tenuto un Satsang in occasione della giornata internazionale dello yoga. Desideriamo esprimere la nostra profonda gratitudine e gioia per la grazia del Guru e per il tempo prezioso che abbiamo trascorso insieme.

Babaji giving his blessing to Elia, the newborn child of Lisa and Andrea.

A moment of peace by a little chapel along the road, during a walk in the countryside.

Babaji before his Satsang at ‘Motus Mundi’, in Padua, and then in the big hall during his talk.

More than 120 people gathered for Babaji’s talk. He invited them to a moment of silence and meditation.

For Triratri, we spent 3 days in the hills near Padua, in a beautiful and peaceful environment.

Moments of peace and solitude.

A silent breakfast together.

Daily Puja and chanting Navaratri chants in our simple temple.

Babaji daily walks in the country. Yoga class every day (with children)

At the end of the third day Babaji permformed Havan with all of us. Everybody gave his contribution to prepare the Dhuni. Especially Paul!

Paul digging in the early morning and then working with Valeria, Daniel and Giulia in the sun of a very hot day.

Giulia and the ‘send off’ in river Piave, near her home in Col San Martino

Babaji with friends and visitors in Col San Martino (this picture was taken by Chetan !)

Babaji in the train to Rome.

The Vatican

Piazza San Pietro - Vatican

Walking along the river Tevere.

Babaji near Teatro di Marcello (13 B.C.)

Babaji and a very crowded Fontana di Trevi

Piazza Navona – Fontana dei 4 Fiumi (Bernini )

Piazza Navona Santa Maria in Aracoeli (124 steps to climb !)

In Rome Babaji was invited to give a talk in Centro Studi Yoga Roma

Babaji in Santa Maria in Trastevere American Studies Center in Rome

Babaji visiting Colosseum

Babaji in front of Pantheon (meaning, from the greek, ‘temple of all gods’)

Babaji admiring the ‘dome’ of Pantheon, from whose center hole the light comes in

May the grace of the Guru continue to bless and inspire everyone.