Download - Audit & Compliance Committee - Board of Regents


Audit & Compliance Committee

February 2022

February 10, 2022

8:00 AM

Boardroom, McNamara Alumni Center

Docket Item Summary - 3 Uniform Guidance Audit Report of Federal Awards - 4

OHE Examination Report - Twin Cities & Rochester Campuses - 83

OHE Examination Report - Duluth Campus - 88

OHE Examination Report - Crookston Campus - 93

OHE Examination Report - Morris Campus - 98

NCAA Agreed Upon Procedures - Twin Cities Campus - 103

NCAA Agreed Upon Procedures - Duluth Campus - 118

1. External Auditor’s Review of Completed Audit Work

Docket Item Summary - 138

2. External Audit Plan

Docket Item Summary - 148

3. Academic and Research Misconduct Processes

Docket Item Summary - 184

4. Internal Audit Update

5. Information Items

Presentation Materials - 129

Presentation Materials - 139

Presentation Materials - 149

Internal Audit Update Report - 185

Docket Item Summary - 215

AUD - FEB 2022

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Audit & Compliance February 10, 2022 AGENDA ITEM: External Auditor’s Review of Completed Audit Work

Review Review + Action Action X Discussion

PRESENTERS: Sue Paulson, Controller Judi Dockendorf, Managing Director, Deloitte & Touche LLP

Nicole Hoium, Audit Manager, Deloitte & Touche LLP PURPOSE & KEY POINTS The purpose of this item is a review of completed audit work by Deloitte & Touche, LLP (Deloitte), the University’s external auditor. This item will provide a summary of the compliance audits and agreed upon procedures and reports issued by Deloitte since the December 2021 meeting of the Audit & Compliance Committee.

This agenda item will include discussion of the following reports, which are available in the docket:

OMB Uniform Grant Guidance Compliance audit Minnesota Office of Higher Education financial aid programs examination for Twin Cities,

Rochester, Duluth, Crookston and Morris campuses National Collegiate Athletic Association Agreed-Upon Procedures (Twin Cities and Duluth

campuses) BACKGROUND INFORMATION The Audit & Compliance Committee oversees external audit engagements on behalf of the Board of Regents.

This is a report required by Board policy.

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University of Minnesota Schedule of Expenditures of Federal Awards and Schedule of Findings and Questioned Costs for the Year Ended June 30, 2021 and Independent Auditors’ Reports

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Board of Regents University of Minnesota Minneapolis, Minnesota

Report on Compliance for Each Major Federal Program

We have audited the University of Minnesota’s (the “University”) compliance with the types of compliance requirements described in the OMB Compliance Supplement that could have a direct and material effect on each of the University’s major federal programs for the year ended June 30, 2021. The University’s major federal programs are identified in the summary of auditor’s results section of the accompanying schedule of findings and questioned costs.

Management’s Responsibility

Management is responsible for compliance with federal statutes, regulations, and the terms and conditions of its federal awards applicable to its federal programs.

Auditor’s Responsibility

Our responsibility is to express an opinion on compliance for each of the University’s major federal programs based on our audit of the types of compliance requirements referred to above. We conducted our audit of compliance in accordance with auditing standards generally accepted in the United States of America; the standards applicable to financial audits contained in Government Auditing Standards, issued by the Comptroller General of the United States; and the audit requirements of Title 2 U.S. Code of Federal Regulations Part 200, Uniform Administrative Requirements, Cost Principles, and Audit Requirements for Federal Awards (Uniform Guidance). Those standards and the Uniform Guidance require that we plan and perform the audit to obtain reasonable assurance about whether noncompliance with the types of compliance requirements referred to above that could have a direct and material effect on a major federal program occurred. An audit includes examining, on a test basis, evidence about the University’s compliance with those requirements and performing such other procedures as we considered necessary in the circumstances.

We believe that our audit provides a reasonable basis for our opinion on compliance for each major federal program. However, our audit does not provide a legal determination of the University’s compliance.

Deloitte & Touche LLP Suite 2800 50 South Sixth Street Minneapolis, MN 55402-1538 USA

Tel: +1 612 397 4000 Fax: +1 612 397 4450

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Opinion on Each Major Federal Program

In our opinion, the University complied, in all material respects, with the types of compliance requirements referred to above that could have a direct and material effect on each of its major federal programs for the year ended June 30, 2021.

Report on Internal Control over Compliance

Management of the University is responsible for establishing and maintaining effective internal control over compliance with the types of compliance requirements referred to above. In planning and performing our audit of compliance, we considered the University’s internal control over compliance with the types of requirements that could have a direct and material effect on each major federal program to determine the auditing procedures that are appropriate in the circumstances for the purpose of expressing an opinion on compliance for each major federal program and to test and report on internal control over compliance in accordance with the Uniform Guidance, but not for the purpose of expressing an opinion on the effectiveness of internal control over compliance. Accordingly, we do not express an opinion on the effectiveness of the University’s internal control over compliance.

A deficiency in internal control over compliance exists when the design or operation of a control over compliance does not allow management or employees, in the normal course of performing their assigned functions, to prevent, or detect and correct, noncompliance with a type of compliance requirement of a federal program on a timely basis. A material weakness in internal control over compliance is a deficiency, or combination of deficiencies, in internal control over compliance, such that there is a reasonable possibility that material noncompliance with a type of compliance requirement of a federal program will not be prevented, or detected and corrected, on a timely basis. A significant deficiency in internal control over compliance is a deficiency, or a combination of deficiencies, in internal control over compliance with a type of compliance requirement of a federal program that is less severe than a material weakness in internal control over compliance, yet important enough to merit attention by those charged with governance.

Our consideration of internal control over compliance was for the limited purpose described in the first paragraph of this section and was not designed to identify all deficiencies in internal control over compliance that might be material weaknesses or significant deficiencies. We did not identify any deficiencies in internal control over compliance that we consider to be material weaknesses. However, material weaknesses may exist that have not been identified.

The purpose of this report on internal control over compliance is solely to describe the scope of our testing of internal control over compliance and the results of that testing based on the requirements of the Uniform Guidance. Accordingly, this report is not suitable for any other purpose.

Report on Schedule of Expenditures of Federal Awards Required by the Uniform Guidance

We have audited the consolidated financial statements of the University as of and for the year ended June 30, 2021, and have issued our report thereon dated October 29, 2021, which contained an unmodified opinion on those consolidated financial statements. Our audit was conducted for the purpose of forming an opinion on the consolidated financial statements as a whole. The accompanying schedule of expenditures of federal awards is presented for purposes of additional analysis as required by the Uniform Guidance and is not a required part of the consolidated financial statements. Such information is the responsibility of management and was derived from and relates directly to the underlying accounting and other records used to prepare the consolidated financial statements. The

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information has been subjected to the auditing procedures applied in the audit of the consolidated financial statements and certain additional procedures, including comparing and reconciling such information directly to the underlying accounting and other records used to prepare the consolidated financial statements or to the consolidated financial statements themselves, and other additional procedures in accordance with auditing standards generally accepted in the United States of America. In our opinion, the schedule of expenditures of federal awards is fairly stated in all material respects in relation to the consolidated financial statements as a whole.

February 8, 2022

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Cluster, Agency, Subagency, Direct/Pass-Through, Federal SubrecipientPass-Through Entity Award # CFDA# CFDA Program Title COVID-19 Expenditures Expenditures

CLUSTERS: Research: Agency for International Development: Passthrough: International Research & Exchanges Board FY21-YouthExcel-UMN01 98.CXX Contract-United States Agency for International Development 20,212$ - $ Kansas State University A20-0163-S018 98.001 USAID Foreign Assistance for Programs Overseas 69,691 Michigan State University RC105463 UMinn Amd 7 98.001 USAID Foreign Assistance for Programs Overseas 143,773 University of California, Santa Barbara KK1976 98.001 USAID Foreign Assistance for Programs Overseas 20,434 Corporation for National and Community Service: Passthrough: University of Wisconsin - Whitewater AAC6717 94.026 National Service and Civic Engagement Research Competition 2,693 Department of Agriculture: Direct 15-JV-11242305-029 Mod 007 10.CXX Contract-Department of Agriculture 149,970 Direct 15-JV-11242305-100 10.CXX Contract-Department of Agriculture 6,561 Direct 15-JV-11242305-129 10.CXX Contract-Department of Agriculture 27,960 Direct 15-JV-11330143-055 10.CXX Contract-Department of Agriculture 766 Direct 16-CR-11242316-003 10.CXX Contract-Department of Agriculture 13,719 Direct 16-JV-11242316-142 10.CXX Contract-Department of Agriculture 3,525 Direct 17-CS-11330140-028 10.CXX Contract-Department of Agriculture 35,152 Direct 17-JV-11242309-037 Mod 002 10.CXX Contract-Department of Agriculture 9,662 Direct 18-CR-11242307-061 10.CXX Contract-Department of Agriculture 256,842 Direct 18-CR-11242307-061-01 10.CXX Contract-Department of Agriculture 52,799 Direct 18-CR-11242316-067 10.CXX Contract-Department of Agriculture 14,448 Direct 18-JV-11111136-048 10.CXX Contract-Department of Agriculture 10,616 Direct 18-JV-11242307-011 Mod 7 10.CXX Contract-Department of Agriculture 104,964 Direct 18-JV-11242315-091 10.CXX Contract-Department of Agriculture 102,448 Direct 19-CS-11090300-014 10.CXX Contract-Department of Agriculture 3,038 Direct 19-JV-11120101-037 Mod. 02 10.CXX Contract-Department of Agriculture 9,543 Direct 19-JV-11242301-062 10.CXX Contract-Department of Agriculture 17,796 Direct 19-JV-11242305-101 Mod 1 10.CXX Contract-Department of Agriculture 5,220 Direct 19-JV-11242307-047 Mod 1 10.CXX Contract-Department of Agriculture 92,732 Direct 20-CS-11090300-020 10.UXX Unid CFDA-Department of Agriculture 7,312 Direct 20-CS-11090300-022 10.CXX Contract-Department of Agriculture 36,311 Direct 20-CS-11090900-028 10.CXX Contract-Department of Agriculture 29,028 Direct 20-CS-11090900-038 10.CXX Contract-Department of Agriculture 5,536 Direct 20-JV-11221633-108 10.CXX Contract-Department of Agriculture 45,898 Direct 20-JV-11242305-018 10.CXX Contract-Department of Agriculture 59,739 Direct 20-JV-11242305-081 10.CXX Contract-Department of Agriculture 3,617 Direct 20-JV-11272139-042 10.CXX Contract-Department of Agriculture 18,006 Passthrough: Claros Technologies, Inc USDA-001 10.CXX Contract-Department of Agriculture COVID-19 11,705 US Endowment for Forestry & Communities 20-00097 10.CXX Contract-Department of Agriculture 134,655 Department of Agriculture, Agricultural Marketing Service: Passthrough: MN Department of Agriculture 149085 / PO 3000029853 10.170 Specialty Crop Block Grant Program - Farm Bill 8,425 MN Department of Agriculture 167518 PO 3000034001 10.170 Specialty Crop Block Grant Program - Farm Bill 47,744 MN Department of Agriculture 167956 PO 3000034099 10.170 Specialty Crop Block Grant Program - Farm Bill 62,842 MN Department of Agriculture 186338/PO 3000037691 10.156 Federal-State Marketing Improvement Program 27,126 MN Department of Agriculture Contract 133156 PO 3000025744 10.170 Specialty Crop Block Grant Program - Farm Bill 13,442 MN Department of Agriculture Swift 148636 / PO 3000029756 10.170 Specialty Crop Block Grant Program - Farm Bill 15,995 901 MN Department of Agriculture Swift 148638 PO 3000029757 10.170 Specialty Crop Block Grant Program - Farm Bill 25,006 MN Department of Agriculture SWIFT 149087 / PO 3000029854 10.170 Specialty Crop Block Grant Program - Farm Bill 57,951 MN Department of Agriculture SWIFT 167517/ PO 3000034002 10.170 Specialty Crop Block Grant Program - Farm Bill 29,437 MN Department of Agriculture SWIFT 167519 / PO 3000033999 Am 1 10.170 Specialty Crop Block Grant Program - Farm Bill 58,365 MN Department of Agriculture SWIFT 167949/PO3000034106 10.170 Specialty Crop Block Grant Program - Farm Bill 51,816 MN Department of Agriculture SWIFT 184523/ PO 3000037358 10.170 Specialty Crop Block Grant Program - Farm Bill 13,286 MN Department of Agriculture SWIFT 184962 10.170 Specialty Crop Block Grant Program - Farm Bill 15,961 MN Department of Agriculture SWIFT 185100 10.170 Specialty Crop Block Grant Program - Farm Bill 10,529 MN Department of Agriculture SWIFT CONTRACT No. 184955 10.170 Specialty Crop Block Grant Program - Farm Bill 21,310 MN Department of Agriculture SWIFT Contract No. 184973 10.170 Specialty Crop Block Grant Program - Farm Bill 18,756 MN Department of Agriculture Swift No. 184975 10.170 Specialty Crop Block Grant Program - Farm Bill 44,148

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Cluster, Agency, Subagency, Direct/Pass-Through, Federal SubrecipientPass-Through Entity Award # CFDA# CFDA Program Title COVID-19 Expenditures Expenditures

MN Department of Agriculture SWIFT: 167452/PO # 3000034007 10.170 Specialty Crop Block Grant Program - Farm Bill 1,051$ - $ MN Department of Agriculture SWIFT: 167511/PO3000034006 10.170 Specialty Crop Block Grant Program - Farm Bill 39,157 MN Fruit and Vegetable Growers 185102 10.170 Specialty Crop Block Grant Program - Farm Bill 2,398 Purdue University 20000317-030 10.170 Specialty Crop Block Grant Program - Farm Bill 56,798 University of California, Davis A21-0139-S001 10.170 Specialty Crop Block Grant Program - Farm Bill 7,565 University of Wisconsin - Madison 0000000120 10.170 Specialty Crop Block Grant Program - Farm Bill 36,187 University of Wisconsin - Madison 0000000213 10.155 Marketing Agreements and Orders 1,882 University of Wisconsin - Madison 838K913 Amd 2 10.170 Specialty Crop Block Grant Program - Farm Bill 82,708 Department of Agriculture, Agricultural Research Service: Direct 58-0206-9-178 Am 1 10.001 Agricultural Research Basic and Applied Research 186,118 Direct 58-3060-0-012 AMD 1 10.001 Agricultural Research Basic and Applied Research 25,911 Direct 58-3060-8-024 10.001 Agricultural Research Basic and Applied Research 96,130 Direct 58-3098-7-007 10.001 Agricultural Research Basic and Applied Research 7,530 Direct 58-5030-0-048 10.001 Agricultural Research Basic and Applied Research 19,052 Direct 58-5062-0-002 10.001 Agricultural Research Basic and Applied Research 10,302 Direct 58-5062-0-004 10.001 Agricultural Research Basic and Applied Research 5,630 Direct 58-5062-0-006 10.001 Agricultural Research Basic and Applied Research 24,937 Direct 58-5062-0-007 10.001 Agricultural Research Basic and Applied Research 59,183 Direct 58-5062-0-008 10.001 Agricultural Research Basic and Applied Research 6,992 Direct 58-5062-0-013 10.001 Agricultural Research Basic and Applied Research 129,264 Direct 58-5062-0-015 10.001 Agricultural Research Basic and Applied Research 22,946 Direct 58-5062-0-016 Am 1 10.001 Agricultural Research Basic and Applied Research 80,452 Direct 58-5062-0-017 10.001 Agricultural Research Basic and Applied Research 125,966 Direct 58-5062-0-018 10.001 Agricultural Research Basic and Applied Research 22,446 Direct 58-5062-1-003 10.001 Agricultural Research Basic and Applied Research 11,476 Direct 58-5062-1-008 10.001 Agricultural Research Basic and Applied Research 5,672 Direct 58-5062-5-006 Amendment 08 10.001 Agricultural Research Basic and Applied Research 22,824 Direct 58-5062-5-012 10.001 Agricultural Research Basic and Applied Research 16,594 Direct 58-5062-7-010 Amend. 03 10.001 Agricultural Research Basic and Applied Research 94,105 Direct 58-5062-8-015 10.001 Agricultural Research Basic and Applied Research 81,128 Direct 58-5062-8-017 Am 2 10.001 Agricultural Research Basic and Applied Research 164,554 Direct 58-5062-8-018 10.001 Agricultural Research Basic and Applied Research 58,793 Direct 58-5062-9-004 10.001 Agricultural Research Basic and Applied Research 4,535 Direct 58-5062-9-006 AMD 2 10.001 Agricultural Research Basic and Applied Research 51,524 Direct 58-5062-9-009 10.001 Agricultural Research Basic and Applied Research 32,114 Direct 58-5062-9-011 10.001 Agricultural Research Basic and Applied Research 238,511 Direct 58-5062-9-012 Am 2 10.001 Agricultural Research Basic and Applied Research 61,781 Direct 58-5062-9-014 10.001 Agricultural Research Basic and Applied Research 24,584 Direct 58-5090-1-013 10.001 Agricultural Research Basic and Applied Research 15,400 Direct 58-6066-0-009 10.001 Agricultural Research Basic and Applied Research 1,430 Direct 58-6066-0-047 AMD 1 10.001 Agricultural Research Basic and Applied Research 36,428 Direct 58-8042-5-064 A 03 10.001 Agricultural Research Basic and Applied Research 3,036 Direct 58-8042-9-046 10.001 Agricultural Research Basic and Applied Research 33,653 Direct 58-8064-9-016 10.001 Agricultural Research Basic and Applied Research 76,636 Direct 58-8064-9-017 10.001 Agricultural Research Basic and Applied Research 19,803 Direct 59-0206-0-132 10.001 Agricultural Research Basic and Applied Research 49,277 Direct 59-0206-0-133 10.001 Agricultural Research Basic and Applied Research 144,252 Direct 59-0206-0-134 10.001 Agricultural Research Basic and Applied Research 140,412 Direct 59-0206-0-135 10.001 Agricultural Research Basic and Applied Research 49,323 Direct 59-0206-0-177 Amd 1 10.001 Agricultural Research Basic and Applied Research 47,328 Direct 59-0206-0-181 10.001 Agricultural Research Basic and Applied Research 20,387 Direct 59-0206-0-182 10.001 Agricultural Research Basic and Applied Research 13,385 Direct 59-0206-6-006 Amendment 06 10.001 Agricultural Research Basic and Applied Research 2,527 Direct 59-0206-8-203 10.001 Agricultural Research Basic and Applied Research 90,915 Direct 59-0206-9-117 Am 1 10.001 Agricultural Research Basic and Applied Research 6,448 Direct 59-0206-9-118 10.001 Agricultural Research Basic and Applied Research 5,078 Direct 59-5062-1-001 10.001 Agricultural Research Basic and Applied Research 5,497 Direct 59-5062-8-001 10.001 Agricultural Research Basic and Applied Research 60,397 Direct 59-5062-9-001 Am 1 10.001 Agricultural Research Basic and Applied Research 111,614 Direct 59-5070-0-011 10.001 Agricultural Research Basic and Applied Research 7,103 Direct 59-6022-7-002 10.001 Agricultural Research Basic and Applied Research 44,721

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Cluster, Agency, Subagency, Direct/Pass-Through, Federal SubrecipientPass-Through Entity Award # CFDA# CFDA Program Title COVID-19 Expenditures Expenditures

Direct 59-6066-0-001 10.001 Agricultural Research Basic and Applied Research 3,971$ - $ Direct 59-6070-0-009/USB 2020-152-113 10.001 Agricultural Research Basic and Applied Research 23,648 Direct 59-6070-1-001 10.001 Agricultural Research Basic and Applied Research 49,892 Direct 59-6070-1-022 10.001 Agricultural Research Basic and Applied Research 19,810 Direct 59-6070-1-024 10.001 Agricultural Research Basic and Applied Research 30,643 Direct 59-8042-0-001 10.001 Agricultural Research Basic and Applied Research 50,278 Department of Agriculture, Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service: Direct AP18PPQS&T00C194 10.025 Plant and Animal Disease, Pest Control, and Animal Care 7,754 Direct AP19VSCEAH00C011 10.025 Plant and Animal Disease, Pest Control, and Animal Care 157,019 Direct AP19VSCEAH00C012 10.025 Plant and Animal Disease, Pest Control, and Animal Care 60,376 Direct AP20PPQS&T00C059 10.025 Plant and Animal Disease, Pest Control, and Animal Care 28,403 Direct AP20VSCEAH00C053 10.025 Plant and Animal Disease, Pest Control, and Animal Care 98,175 Direct AP20VSCEAH00C054 10.025 Plant and Animal Disease, Pest Control, and Animal Care 180,120 Direct AP20VSD&B000C039 10.025 Plant and Animal Disease, Pest Control, and Animal Care 295,000 Direct AP21VSD&B000C007 10.025 Plant and Animal Disease, Pest Control, and Animal Care 17,404 Direct AP21VSD&B000C008 10.025 Plant and Animal Disease, Pest Control, and Animal Care 7,802 Direct AP21VSD&B000C016 10.025 Plant and Animal Disease, Pest Control, and Animal Care 29,885 20,615 Direct AP21VSDB000C006 10.025 Plant and Animal Disease, Pest Control, and Animal Care 48,624 Direct AP21VSSP0000C010 10.025 Plant and Animal Disease, Pest Control, and Animal Care 17,329 Direct AP21VSSP0000C023 10.025 Plant and Animal Disease, Pest Control, and Animal Care 6,115 Direct AP21VSSP0000C030 10.025 Plant and Animal Disease, Pest Control, and Animal Care 29,497 Direct AP21VSSP0000C046 10.025 Plant and Animal Disease, Pest Control, and Animal Care 13,570 Passthrough: Minnesota Board of Animal Health 185140 10.025 Plant and Animal Disease, Pest Control, and Animal Care 53,495 Department of Agriculture, Economic Research Service: Direct 58-3000-8-0060 10.250 Agricultural and Rural Economic Research, Cooperative Agreements and Collaborations 18,592 Direct 58-4000-0-0017 10.253 Consumer Data and Nutrition Research 10,024 Direct 58-4000-7-0107 Am 1 10.253 Consumer Data and Nutrition Research 36,879 Direct 58-4000-8-0019 Amd 01 10.253 Consumer Data and Nutrition Research 16,321 Passthrough: Tufts University AG9002-Caspi/PO EP0187073 NCE 10.255 Research Innovation and Development Grants in Economic (RIDGE) 422 Department of Agriculture, Forest Service: Direct 15-DG-11420004-082 Mod 2 10.674 Wood Utilization Assistance (197) 7,276 Direct 15-DG-11420004-237 Mod A4 10.680 Forest Health Protection 5,582 Direct 16-DG-11420004-227 10.675 Urban and Community Forestry Program 8,888 8,156 Direct 20-DG-11094200-177 10.674 Wood Utilization Assistance 65,564 29,197 Direct 20-DG-11094200-211 10.680 Forest Health Protection 11,090 Direct 20-JV-11242305-105 10.707 Research Joint Venture and Cost Reimbursable Agreements 133,803 Direct 20-JV-11242305-118 10.707 Research Joint Venture and Cost Reimbursable Agreements 35,839 Direct I20-CS-11330180-011 Mod 1 10.699 Partnership Agreements 26,847 Passthrough: MN Department of Natural Resources 132901 PO 123255 10.664 Cooperative Forestry Assistance 7,510 MN Department of Natural Resources 170371/3-164714 10.664 Cooperative Forestry Assistance 8,674 MN Department of Natural Resources 186643 10.675 Urban and Community Forestry Program 73,835 MN Department of Natural Resources SWIFT 140264 PO 3-130060 10.675 Urban and Community Forestry Program 1,779 MN Department of Natural Resources SWIFT Contract/PO Nos. 174931 / 3-169025 10.680 Forest Health Protection 6,541 Department of Agriculture, National Institute of Food and Agriculture: Direct Non Spon Mcintire-Stennis Fund Appr 10.202 Cooperative Forestry Research 679,616 Direct Non Spon Mcintire-Stennis Fund Appr 10.203 Payments to Agricultural Experiment Stations Under the Hatch Act 5,289,252 Direct Non Spon Animal Health and Disease Research Fund Appr 10.207 Animal Health and Disease Research 113,733 Direct 2013-41520-21529 10.500 Cooperative Extension Service (394) (394) Direct 2015-38640-23781 10.215 Sustainable Agriculture Research and Education 88,842 Direct 2016-38420-25285 10.210 Higher Education - Graduate Fellowships Grant Program 24,903 Direct 2016-51300-25722 10.307 Organic Agriculture Research and Extension Initiative 162,777 12,930 Direct 2016-51300-25734 Am 3 10.307 Organic Agriculture Research and Extension Initiative 145,370 39,179 Direct 2016-67015-24457 Amd 2 / 2021-05399 10.310 Agriculture and Food Research Initiative (AFRI) 12,481 Direct 2016-68001-24921 10.310 Agriculture and Food Research Initiative (AFRI) 203,157 6,967 Direct 2016-68003-24850 10.310 Agriculture and Food Research Initiative (AFRI) 588,265 Direct 2016-70003-24775 10.217 Higher Education - Institution Challenge Grants Program (5,404) (5,404)

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Cluster, Agency, Subagency, Direct/Pass-Through, Federal SubrecipientPass-Through Entity Award # CFDA# CFDA Program Title COVID-19 Expenditures Expenditures

Direct 2017-38640-26916 10.215 Sustainable Agriculture Research and Education 951,912$ 706,929$ Direct 2017-51106-27000 10.303 Integrated Programs 39,724 Direct 2017-51106-27129 Am 3 10.303 Integrated Programs 82,486 Direct 2017-51181-27222 10.309 Specialty Crop Research Initiative 1,069,255 634,350 Direct 2017-67015-26296 10.310 Agriculture and Food Research Initiative (AFRI) 9,157 Direct 2017-67015-26633 / 2021-04099 10.310 Agriculture and Food Research Initiative (AFRI) 28,870 Direct 2017-67026-26314 10.310 Agriculture and Food Research Initiative (AFRI) 43,540 8,912 Direct 2017-68006-26231 10.310 Agriculture and Food Research Initiative (AFRI) 45,462 Direct 2018-33522-28747 10.219 Biotechnology Risk Assessment Research 132,658 Direct 2018-38640-28416 10.215 Sustainable Agriculture Research and Education 1,723,486 1,338,875 Direct 2018-51106-28772 10.303 Integrated Programs 150,438 100,975 Direct 2018-51181-28704 10.309 Specialty Crop Research Initiative 1,605,761 1,331,188 Direct 2018-51300-28563 10.307 Organic Agriculture Research and Extension Initiative 403,690 26,619 Direct 2018-67012-28038 Am.2 10.310 Agriculture and Food Research Initiative (AFRI) 18,232 Direct 2018-67013-27403 10.310 Agriculture and Food Research Initiative (AFRI) 38,517 Direct 2018-67013-27503 10.310 Agriculture and Food Research Initiative (AFRI) 148,887 Direct 2018-67013-27532 Amd 01 / 2017-06484 10.310 Agriculture and Food Research Initiative (AFRI) 149,786 36,179 Direct 2018-67013-27534 10.310 Agriculture and Food Research Initiative (AFRI) 265,942 Direct 2018-67013-27819 / 2017-08221 10.310 Agriculture and Food Research Initiative (AFRI) 48,736 Direct 2018-67013-28061 / 2017-08222 10.310 Agriculture and Food Research Initiative (AFRI) 114,157 Direct 2018-67015-28128 / 2017-05330 10.310 Agriculture and Food Research Initiative (AFRI) 213,087 50,447 Direct 2018-67015-28298 / 2017-05705 10.310 Agriculture and Food Research Initiative (AFRI) 22,639 22,165 Direct 2018-67019-27808 10.310 Agriculture and Food Research Initiative (AFRI) 41,401 1,751 Direct 2018-67023-27683 10.310 Agriculture and Food Research Initiative (AFRI) 130,535 28,531 Direct 2018-68003-27464 10.310 Agriculture and Food Research Initiative (AFRI) 467,524 Direct 2018-68005-27635 10.310 Agriculture and Food Research Initiative (AFRI) 225,335 Direct 2018-68008-27890 10.310 Agriculture and Food Research Initiative (AFRI) 64,084 1,994 Direct 2018-70005-28774 10.330 Alfalfa and Forage Research Program 80,161 33,777 Direct 2018-70027-28584 Am 6 / 2021-00257 10.500 Cooperative Extension Service 823,538 252,893 Direct 2019-33522-30200 10.219 Biotechnology Risk Assessment Research 93,551 9,801 Direct 2019-38640-29879 10.215 Sustainable Agriculture Research and Education 1,661,687 1,182,846 Direct 2019-51181-30025 10.309 Specialty Crop Research Initiative 409,692 137,945 Direct 2019-51300-30484 10.307 Organic Agriculture Research and Extension Initiative 129,156 62,098 Direct 2019-67009-29004 10.310 Agriculture and Food Research Initiative (AFRI) 252,749 109,711 Direct 2019-67011-29607 10.310 Agriculture and Food Research Initiative (AFRI) 34,190 Direct 2019-67012-29528 10.310 Agriculture and Food Research Initiative (AFRI) 72,394 Direct 2019-67013-29201 10.310 Agriculture and Food Research Initiative (AFRI) 111,758 Direct 2019-67015-29918 10.310 Agriculture and Food Research Initiative (AFRI) 364,504 Direct 2019-67017-29110 / 2018-06198 10.310 Agriculture and Food Research Initiative (AFRI) 64,921 Direct 2019-67017-29184 10.310 Agriculture and Food Research Initiative (AFRI) 45,388 Direct 2019-67017-29582 10.310 Agriculture and Food Research Initiative (AFRI) 163,302 Direct 2019-67019-29403 10.310 Agriculture and Food Research Initiative (AFRI) 109,037 41,681 Direct 2019-67030-29569 10.310 Agriculture and Food Research Initiative (AFRI) 56,823 Direct 2019-68006-29333 Amd 1 / 2021-02474 10.310 Agriculture and Food Research Initiative (AFRI) 191,337 Direct 2019-68008-29892 / 2021-07443 10.310 Agriculture and Food Research Initiative (AFRI) 29,107 Direct 2019-70005-30287 Am02 10.330 Alfalfa and Forage Research Program 90,746 Direct 2020-38640-31522 10.215 Sustainable Agriculture Research and Education 740,720 225,126 Direct 2020-51106-32357 10.303 Integrated Programs 108,407 Direct 2020-51300-32177 Am1 10.307 Organic Agriculture Research and Extension Initiative 98,860 Direct 2020-67013-30869 10.310 Agriculture and Food Research Initiative (AFRI) 93,366 Direct 2020-67013-31187 10.310 Agriculture and Food Research Initiative (AFRI) 106,571 Direct 2020-67015-31133 / 2019-05312 10.310 Agriculture and Food Research Initiative (AFRI) 64,019 Direct 2020-67015-31394 / 2019-03089 10.310 Agriculture and Food Research Initiative (AFRI) 259,422 Direct 2020-67015-31678 / 2019-05908 10.310 Agriculture and Food Research Initiative (AFRI) 93,458 Direct 2020-67017-30787 / 2019-06931 10.310 Agriculture and Food Research Initiative (AFRI) 61,293 Direct 2020-67017-33235 10.310 Agriculture and Food Research Initiative (AFRI) 9,317 Direct 2020-67019-31148 10.310 Agriculture and Food Research Initiative (AFRI) 98,402 Direct 2020-67021-30755 10.310 Agriculture and Food Research Initiative (AFRI) 214,622 Direct 2020-67021-31956 / 2019-06437 10.310 Agriculture and Food Research Initiative (AFRI) 144,558 Direct 2020-67021-32465 / 2019-07443 10.310 Agriculture and Food Research Initiative (AFRI) 160,170 Direct 2020-67021-32477 10.310 Agriculture and Food Research Initiative (AFRI) 38,506

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Cluster, Agency, Subagency, Direct/Pass-Through, Federal SubrecipientPass-Through Entity Award # CFDA# CFDA Program Title COVID-19 Expenditures Expenditures

Direct 2020-67023-33263 / 2021-00974 Am 1 10.310 Agriculture and Food Research Initiative (AFRI) 36,331$ - $ Direct 2020-67034-31739 / 2019-07137 10.310 Agriculture and Food Research Initiative (AFRI) 35,013 Direct 2020-67034-31940 10.310 Agriculture and Food Research Initiative (AFRI) 54,563 Direct 2020-68006-33037 10.310 Agriculture and Food Research Initiative (AFRI) COVID-19 182,444 80,413 Direct 2020-68008-31410 10.310 Agriculture and Food Research Initiative (AFRI) 61,512 Direct 2020-68012-31934 10.310 Agriculture and Food Research Initiative (AFRI) 298,228 55,218 Direct 2020-68014-30974 / 2019-08207 10.310 Agriculture and Food Research Initiative (AFRI) 278,851 Direct 2020-70003-30925 10.217 Higher Education - Institution Challenge Grants Program 46,102 Direct 2021-67013-34565 10.310 Agriculture and Food Research Initiative (AFRI) 6,418 Direct 2021-67015-34462 10.310 Agriculture and Food Research Initiative (AFRI) 15,667 Direct 2021-67023-33821 10.310 Agriculture and Food Research Initiative (AFRI) 2,214 Direct 2021-68014-33655 / 2010-38575A 10.310 Agriculture and Food Research Initiative (AFRI) 67,828 Direct 2021-68015-33499 10.310 Agriculture and Food Research Initiative (AFRI) 60,215 Direct BG2016-38640-25381 10.215 Sustainable Agriculture Research and Education 506,263 244,401 Passthrough: Arizona State University ASUB00000726 10.310 Agriculture and Food Research Initiative (AFRI) 5,459 College of Menominee Nation 2020UM 10.227 1994 Institutions Research Program 35,248 Cornell University 81980-10937 10.309 Specialty Crop Research Initiative 34,342 Cornell University 86588-11191 Am 2 10.303 Integrated Programs 32,028 Fond Du Lac Tribal & Community College No Award Number 10.227 1994 Institutions Research Program 2,849 Illinois State University A18-0071-S003 A03 10.310 Agriculture and Food Research Initiative (AFRI) 73,991 Iowa State University 416-41-39A 10.307 Organic Agriculture Research and Extension Initiative 6 Kansas State University A21-0411-S001 10.310 Agriculture and Food Research Initiative (AFRI) 6,143 Michigan State University RC106556J Amendment 5 10.304 Homeland Security Agricultural 28,911 Michigan State University RC108938UM 10.303 Integrated Programs 1,350 Michigan State University RC110838UM Amd01 10.200 Grants for Agricultural Research, Special Research Grants 245,285 Michigan State University RC111153B / 2020-67015-30827 prime 10.310 Agriculture and Food Research Initiative (AFRI) 6,522 Montana State University G205-18-W7165 10.217 Higher Education - Institution Challenge Grants Program 76,370 North Carolina State University 2017-0398-07 Amendment 2 10.309 Specialty Crop Research Initiative 21,197 North Carolina State University 2020/0510-01 10.310 Agriculture and Food Research Initiative (AFRI) 4,151 North Dakota State University FAR0031983 10.200 Grants for Agricultural Research, Special Research Grants 17,718 North Dakota State University FAR0033769 10.200 Grants for Agricultural Research, Special Research Grants 45,598 Oregon State University C0519A-B 10.307 Organic Agriculture Research and Extension Initiative 21,181 Oregon State University C0566B-B 10.307 Organic Agriculture Research and Extension Initiative 53,454 Pennsylvania State University 5611-UM-NIFA-5862 10.307 Organic Agriculture Research and Extension Initiative 134,257 Pennsylvania State University 5839-UM-USDA-7538 / 2018-67013-27538 10.310 Agriculture and Food Research Initiative (AFRI) 25,370 Princeton University SUB0000375 Am 2 10.310 Agriculture and Food Research Initiative (AFRI) 224,973 Purdue University F9002711902006 (formerly 8000067421-AG) 10.310 Agriculture and Food Research Initiative (AFRI) 79,521 Red Lake Nation College 2021-38424-33458 10.227 1994 Institutions Research Program 79 Texas A&M University M2002885 10.309 Specialty Crop Research Initiative 10,285 Texas Tech University 21A530-01 10.310 Agriculture and Food Research Initiative (AFRI) 1,795 The Ohio State University 60070641 old#60045862 / 2015-68004-23131 10.310 Agriculture and Food Research Initiative (AFRI) 2,017 The Ohio State University 60070649/RF0159393 (new) 60045862 (old) 10.310 Agriculture and Food Research Initiative (AFRI) 7,142 The Ohio State University 60070651 (formerly 60045862) 10.310 Agriculture and Food Research Initiative (AFRI) 1,457 The Ohio State University 60078003/PO RF01620641 10.307 Organic Agriculture Research and Extension Initiative 4,993 The University of Georgia SUB00001845 10.307 Organic Agriculture Research and Extension Initiative 26,186 The University of Tennessee - Knoxville 9500070953 Mod 1 10.310 Agriculture and Food Research Initiative (AFRI) 60,821 Two Blades Foundation No Award Number 10.310 Agriculture and Food Research Initiative (AFRI) 33,930 University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign 090457-16884 Am 1 10.310 Agriculture and Food Research Initiative (AFRI) 11,628 University of California, Davis 201603098-03/A17-0380-S003 A3 10.307 Organic Agriculture Research and Extension Initiative 6,733 University of California, Davis 201603566-07 / A17-0484-S007-A04 10.310 Agriculture and Food Research Initiative (AFRI) 90,966 University of Connecticut Subaward No. 409420 10.310 Agriculture and Food Research Initiative (AFRI) 12,026 University of Florida UFDSP00010984 10.309 Specialty Crop Research Initiative 44,045 University of Maryland 33585-Z5775001 Amendment A 10.310 Agriculture and Food Research Initiative (AFRI) 122,931 University of Maryland 91310-Z5208204 10.310 Agriculture and Food Research Initiative (AFRI) 18,656 University of Maryland 95353-Z5248202 10.310 Agriculture and Food Research Initiative (AFRI) 955 University of Nebraska-Lincoln 25-1220-0005-002 10.310 Agriculture and Food Research Initiative (AFRI) 25,297 University of Nebraska-Lincoln 25-6324-0187-010 10.500 Cooperative Extension Service 19,811 7,230 University of New Hampshire L0106 10.303 Integrated Programs 40,415 University of North Carolina Greensboro 20160394.2 10.310 Agriculture and Food Research Initiative (AFRI) 85,330 University of Wisconsin - Madison 0000000256 10.310 Agriculture and Food Research Initiative (AFRI) 146,398

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Cluster, Agency, Subagency, Direct/Pass-Through, Federal SubrecipientPass-Through Entity Award # CFDA# CFDA Program Title COVID-19 Expenditures Expenditures

University of Wisconsin - Madison 0000000367 Am 1 10.309 Specialty Crop Research Initiative 144,824$ - $ University of Wisconsin - Madison 859K040 10.310 Agriculture and Food Research Initiative (AFRI) 63,708 University of Wisconsin - Madison 862K551 10.330 Alfalfa and Forage Research Program (272) Virginia Polytechnic Inst & State University 422680-19114 10.312 Biomass Research and Development Initiative Competitive Grants Program (BRDI) 56,713 Washington State University 128314-G003918 Am. A 10.307 Organic Agriculture Research and Extension Initiative 18,072 Western Illinois University 2019-69012-29851-02/PO: N002309 10.310 Agriculture and Food Research Initiative (AFRI) 805,503 33,486 Department of Agriculture, Natural Resources Conservation Service: Direct NR183A750025C013 10.902 Soil and Water Conservation 66,014 Direct NR193A750008G001 10.912 Environmental Quality Incentives Program 43,308 Direct NR203A750008G002 10.912 Environmental Quality Incentives Program 72,503 Direct NR213A750013G005 10.912 Environmental Quality Incentives Program 11,787 Direct NR213A750013G029 10.912 Environmental Quality Incentives Program 2,850 Passthrough: Stearns County SWCD No Award Number 10.902 Soil and Water Conservation 102,180 The University of Kansas FY2021-055 10.902 Soil and Water Conservation 17,027 Department of Agriculture, Office of the Chief Economist: Direct 58-0111-18-021 10.290 Agricultural Market and Economic Research 2,439 Direct FSA20CPT0011012 Am 1 10.290 Agricultural Market and Economic Research 28,545 11,648 Department of Commerce: Passthrough: SRCCO 2018-NE-2861-2 11.CXX Contract-Department of Commerce 1,800,460 857,258 Department of Commerce, National Institute of Standards and Technology: Direct 70NANB20H175 11.609 Measurement and Engineering Research and Standards 36,994 Passthrough: The National Institute for Innovation in Manufacturing PC2.1-042 11.619 Arrangements for Interdisciplinary Research Infrastructure 8,371 Department of Commerce, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration: Direct NA18OAR4170101 Amend. 16 11.417 Sea Grant Support 108,162 Direct NA20NOS4200147 11.420 Coastal Zone Management Estuarine Research Reserves 27,876 Passthrough: Great Lakes Observing System IOOS/NBN-02 Amend 3 11.012 Integrated Ocean Observing System (IOOS) 97,799 Minnesota’s Lake Superior Coastal Program 172859/3000167003 Project 18-306-10G 11.419 Coastal Zone Management Administration Awards 8,115 Minnesota’s Lake Superior Coastal Program 172863/3000167117 Project 18-306-10H 11.419 Coastal Zone Management Administration Awards 6,614 Minnesota’s Lake Superior Coastal Program 20-306-08E 11.419 Coastal Zone Management Administration Awards 1,249 Minnesota’s Lake Superior Coastal Program Cont #163695 / PO #3-157958; 19-306-08 11.419 Coastal Zone Management Administration Awards 12,459 4,872 Minnesota’s Lake Superior Coastal Program Contract#163854 / PO#3000158096 mod 1 11.419 Coastal Zone Management Administration Awards 3,917 MN Department of Natural Resources Contract 163699/Project 19-306-10 11.419 Coastal Zone Management Administration Awards 18,799 University of Michigan PO# 3006051954 SUBK00013487 11.432 National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) Cooperative Institutes 25,000 University of Michigan PO# 3006246345, SUBK00013242 11.432 National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) Cooperative Institutes 1,436 University of Nebraska Medical Center 35-5420-2005-001 11.431 Climate and Atmospheric Research 46,043 Department of Defense: Direct HR0011-16-C-0024 P011 12.CXX Contract-Department of Defense 372,764 75,000 Direct N00167-17-D-0002/N0016718F0059 P00001 12.CXX Contract-Department of Defense 124,161 Direct N3943020P2205 (Req 1300850525) 12.CXX Contract-Department of Defense 80,651 Direct W31P4Q-18-P-0121 12.CXX Contract-Department of Defense 21,145 Direct W81XWH-15-1-0477 P00002 12.420 Military Medical Research and Development 21,941 Direct W81XWH-15-1-0520 P00004 12.420 Military Medical Research and Development 20,223 Direct W81XWH-16-1-0034 P00002 12.420 Military Medical Research and Development (93) Direct W81XWH-16-1-0380/0010866661-0001 12.420 Military Medical Research and Development (24) Direct W81XWH-16-1-0407 12.420 Military Medical Research and Development 802,441 119,280 Direct W81XWH-17-1-0081 P00003 12.420 Military Medical Research and Development 51,442 Direct W81XWH-17-1-0445 12.420 Military Medical Research and Development 145,169 Direct W81XWH-17-1-0462 P00001 12.420 Military Medical Research and Development 95,545 Direct W81XWH-17-1-0463 (PC160884P2) 12.420 Military Medical Research and Development 87,733 Direct W81XWH-17-1-0485 (PC160357P2) 12.420 Military Medical Research and Development 97,959 Direct W81XWH-17-1-0633 12.420 Military Medical Research and Development 140,513 4,572 Direct W81XWH-17-1-0635 12.420 Military Medical Research and Development 174,403 Direct W81XWH-17-1-0636 P00001 12.420 Military Medical Research and Development 419,954 Direct W81XWH-17-1-0659 12.420 Military Medical Research and Development 58,526 Direct W81XWH-17-1-0677 Amd P02 12.420 Military Medical Research and Development 230,456

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Cluster, Agency, Subagency, Direct/Pass-Through, Federal SubrecipientPass-Through Entity Award # CFDA# CFDA Program Title COVID-19 Expenditures Expenditures

Direct W81XWH1810068 12.420 Military Medical Research and Development 72,199$ 2,766$ Direct W81XWH1810319 12.420 Military Medical Research and Development 372,285 167,497 Direct W81XWH1810493 12.420 Military Medical Research and Development 294,199 Direct W81XWH1810542 12.420 Military Medical Research and Development 175,174 Direct W81XWH1810577 12.420 Military Medical Research and Development 330,976 106,728 Direct W81XWH1810582 12.420 Military Medical Research and Development 156,960 Direct W81XWH-18-1-0687 12.420 Military Medical Research and Development 173,054 Direct W81XWH1810722/0011194662 12.420 Military Medical Research and Development 13,593 Direct W81XWH1810806 12.CXX Contract-Department of Defense 121,567 Direct W81XWH1910013 - Amendment P00001 12.420 Military Medical Research and Development 181,316 Direct W81XWH1910014 12.420 Military Medical Research and Development 85,293 Direct W81XWH1910075-P00003 12.420 Military Medical Research and Development 267,077 Direct W81XWH1910099 12.420 Military Medical Research and Development 143,195 Direct W81XWH-19-1-0132 12.420 Military Medical Research and Development 252,983 Direct W81XWH1910161 12.420 Military Medical Research and Development 209,113 Direct W81XWH-19-1-0173 12.420 Military Medical Research and Development 147,512 Direct W81XWH1910243 12.420 Military Medical Research and Development 363,419 Direct W81XWH1910336 12.420 Military Medical Research and Development 94,263 Direct W81XWH-191-0610 P00001 12.420 Military Medical Research and Development 187,916 Direct W81XWH1910673 12.420 Military Medical Research and Development 803,821 Direct W81XWH1910699 12.420 Military Medical Research and Development 135,097 Direct W81XWH1910700 12.420 Military Medical Research and Development 108,930 Direct W81XWH2010070 12.420 Military Medical Research and Development 143,788 Direct W81XWH2010294 12.420 Military Medical Research and Development 152,814 Direct W81XWH2010341 12.420 Military Medical Research and Development 145,966 Direct W81XWH2010402 12.420 Military Medical Research and Development 77,050 Direct W81XWH2010509 12.420 Military Medical Research and Development 203,321 Direct W81XWH2010535 12.420 Military Medical Research and Development 168,200 Direct W81XWH-20-1-0563 P00001 12.420 Military Medical Research and Development 162,671 Direct W81XWH2010622 12.420 Military Medical Research and Development 138,571 Direct W81XWH2010659 12.420 Military Medical Research and Development 108,478 Direct W81XWH2010682 12.420 Military Medical Research and Development 258,201 34,664 Direct W81XWH2010885 12.420 Military Medical Research and Development 30,666 Direct W81XWH2020047 12.CXX Contract-Department of Defense 264,926 Direct W81XWH2020048 12.420 Military Medical Research and Development 398,884 Direct W81XWH20C0127 12.CXX Contract-Department of Defense 24,642 Direct W81XWH2110255 12.420 Military Medical Research and Development 6,029 Direct W81XWH2110397 12.420 Military Medical Research and Development 2,449 Direct W912HQ-16-C-0014 P0000 & 5 12.CXX Contract-Department of Defense 54,251 3,420 Direct W912HQ-16-C-0027 P00008 12.CXX Contract-Department of Defense 18,663 7,413 Direct W912HQ18C0024 Am P00001 12.CXX Contract-Department of Defense 23,463 Direct W912HQ19C0050 12.CXX Contract-Department of Defense 308,115 80,021 Direct W912HQ20C0041 12.CXX Contract-Department of Defense 175,091 Direct W912HQ20C0078 12.CXX Contract-Department of Defense 124,240 Direct W912HZ-18-2-0019 P00002 12.CXX Contract-Department of Defense 16,311 Passthrough: Aerosol Devices, Inc No Award Number 12.CXX Contract-Department of Defense 10,131 Boston Children’s Hospital Adjudication Committee Service Agreement 12.420 Military Medical Research and Development 4,125 Boston VA Research Institute, Inc 0213FEDaEatingDisorders 12.420 Military Medical Research and Development 13,945 Cedars-Sinai Medical Center 0001621389 / 0001767392 Mod 1 12.420 Military Medical Research and Development 8,919 Cedars-Sinai Medical Center Subaward 0001789025 12.420 Military Medical Research and Development 2,189 Center for Veterans Research & Education CVRE-03 12.420 Military Medical Research and Development 13,857 Center for Veterans Research & Education CVRE-07 Amd 1 12.420 Military Medical Research and Development 25,349 Center for Veterans Research & Education W81XWH18C0314 12.CXX Contract-Department of Defense 2,393 Craig Hospital UMN2617 12.420 Military Medical Research and Development 501,788 Dzyne Technologies Incorporated MON001-S-016-05 Mod 2 12.CXX Contract-Department of Defense 24,385 Emory University A367568 12.420 Military Medical Research and Development 40,593 Emory University Subaward A227337 12.420 Military Medical Research and Development 34,390 Fibralign Corporation 18263002 / PRO: 1906-37116A 12.CXX Contract-Department of Defense 118,225 General Electric Company PO 401146966 Amend 1 12.CXX Contract-Department of Defense 362,640 HealthPartners Institute X1832600UMN Am 1 12.420 Military Medical Research and Development 5,088

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Cluster, Agency, Subagency, Direct/Pass-Through, Federal SubrecipientPass-Through Entity Award # CFDA# CFDA Program Title COVID-19 Expenditures Expenditures

Hennepin Healthcare Research Institute 15059-03 12.420 Military Medical Research and Development 11,830$ - $ Hennepin Healthcare Research Institute 15059-03 Am 04 12.420 Military Medical Research and Development 161,898 Inertialwave, Inc No Award Number 12.CXX Contract-Department of Defense 13,277 Johns Hopkins University 151436 Mod 7 12.CXX Contract-Department of Defense 455,384 MN Veterans Medical Research & Educ Fdn CVRE-01 12.420 Military Medical Research and Development 35,896 Polaris Sensor Technologies, Inc S-20-02201 12.CXX Contract-Department of Defense 15,415 Questek Innovations LLC No Award Number 12.CXX Contract-Department of Defense 51,846 Rockwell Collins, Inc 4506408754 12.CXX Contract-Department of Defense 65,337 Rockwell Collins, Inc PO 4506677677 / FA8750-18-C-0099-8 12.CXX Contract-Department of Defense 124,164 Space Dynamics Laboratory CP0053710 Mod04 12.CXX Contract-Department of Defense 78,716 Systems Technology, Inc N6833519C0433 12.CXX Contract-Department of Defense 125,000 Technology Service Corporation TSC-1189-60000, PO#205394 12.CXX Contract-Department of Defense 3,401 The Geneva Foundation S-10753-01 Amendment 01 12.CXX Contract-Department of Defense 47,977 The Ohio State University 60067955 PO RF01548722 Amd 2 12.420 Military Medical Research and Development 115,327 The Ultran Group, Inc Ultran-Lim-1 Amend 3 12.CXX Contract-Department of Defense 278,668 The Ultran Group, Inc Ultran-MCDC-Lim-1 Amend 1 12.CXX Contract-Department of Defense COVID-19 132,406 The University of Alabama at Birmingham 000507860-003 12.420 Military Medical Research and Development 222,699 The University of Georgia E1062929 12.420 Military Medical Research and Development 62,277 The University of New Mexico 3RJU8 12.420 Military Medical Research and Development 103,240 Tissue Testing Technologies, LLC No Award Number 12.420 Military Medical Research and Development (75,133) Tissue Testing Technologies, LLC No Award Number 12.CXX Contract-Department of Defense (27,324) University of California, Irvine 2020-1425 12.420 Military Medical Research and Development 15,581 University of California, San Francisco 11030sc Amend 3 12.420 Military Medical Research and Development 361,070 University of Colorado Denver FY21.794.015_AMD5/Sub# FY16.794.012 12.420 Military Medical Research and Development 213,948 University of Illinois Chicago 17726-00 12.420 Military Medical Research and Development 50,853 University of Notre Dame 203278UMN Am 4 12.CXX Contract-Department of Defense 264,009 University of Pittsburgh CNVA00048028 (412078-2) 12.CXX Contract-Department of Defense 21,353 University of Pittsburgh CNVA00056666 (431614-7) Am 9 12.420 Military Medical Research and Development 2,206 University of Washington UWSC11235/BPO 42611 12.CXX Contract-Department of Defense 8,105 University of Washington UWSC12383/BPO # 52543 12.CXX Contract-Department of Defense 12,010 University of Wisconsin - Superior No Award Number 12.CXX Contract-Department of Defense 1 Veterans Administration CVRE-02 AMD 03 12.420 Military Medical Research and Development 60,753 Washington University in St Louis WU-21-257 12.CXX Contract-Department of Defense 29,873 Department of Defense, Advanced Research Projects Agency: Direct D17AP00028 AMD05 12.910 Research and Technology Development 292,152 153,480 Direct FA8650-18-2-7868-P00004 12.910 Research and Technology Development 559,036 50,255 Direct FA8650-20-2-7009-Modification P00002 12.910 Research and Technology Development 628,249 409,723 Direct HR0011-17-2-0001 P00008 12.910 Research and Technology Development 72,220 Direct HR0011-17-2-0038 Mod P00004 12.910 Research and Technology Development 390,120 Direct HR0011-20-1-0006 P00001 12.910 Research and Technology Development 182,474 Direct N660011824018 P00005 12.910 Research and Technology Development 75,252 Direct N660011824048 P00007 12.910 Research and Technology Development 1,241,383 584,669 Passthrough: Center for Open Science, Inc SCORE Study ID: Wetzel_zz26 12.910 Research and Technology Development 10,000 Cornell University 17-05/17-04 Am. 006 12.910 Research and Technology Development 323,119 University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign 090165-16881-05 12.910 Research and Technology Development 221,871 University of California, San Diego Reg: 104631889 PO: S9001991-Amendment #3 12.910 Research and Technology Development 114,132 University of Southern California 97307398 amd08 12.910 Research and Technology Development 45,736 Department of Defense, Defense Threat Reduction Agency (DTRA): Direct HDTRA11710045 12.351 Scientific Research - Combating Weapons of Mass Destruction 171,383 132,997 Department of Defense, Dept of the Air Force: Direct FA7000-19-2-0003 P00001 12.800 Air Force Defense Research Sciences Program 162,187 Direct FA7000-19-2-0008 P00001 12.800 Air Force Defense Research Sciences Program 53,850 31,270 Direct FA9453-20-1-0012 P00001 12.800 Air Force Defense Research Sciences Program 54,742 Direct FA9550-18-1-0115 P00004 12.800 Air Force Defense Research Sciences Program 113,160 67,259 Direct FA9550-18-1-0149 P00005 12.800 Air Force Defense Research Sciences Program 166,407 152,907 Direct FA9550-18-1-0294 12.800 Air Force Defense Research Sciences Program 69,987 Direct FA9550-18-1-0339 P00003 12.800 Air Force Defense Research Sciences Program 249,048 Direct FA9550-19-1-0034 12.800 Air Force Defense Research Sciences Program 71,754 Direct FA9550-19-1-0191 P00001 12.800 Air Force Defense Research Sciences Program 132,757 40,000 Direct FA9550-19-1-0245 P00002 12.800 Air Force Defense Research Sciences Program 242,649

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Cluster, Agency, Subagency, Direct/Pass-Through, Federal SubrecipientPass-Through Entity Award # CFDA# CFDA Program Title COVID-19 Expenditures Expenditures

Direct FA9550-19-1-0308 P02 12.800 Air Force Defense Research Sciences Program 369,438$ - $ Direct FA9550-20-1-0360 12.800 Air Force Defense Research Sciences Program 215,000 50,571 Direct FA9550-21-1-0025 12.800 Air Force Defense Research Sciences Program 57,588 Passthrough: California Institute of Technology S415021 12.800 Air Force Defense Research Sciences Program 329,166 California Institute of Technology S421700 am 6 12.800 Air Force Defense Research Sciences Program 119,323 California Institute of Technology S437970 12.800 Air Force Defense Research Sciences Program 275,632 North Carolina State University FA9550-17-1-0157 12.800 Air Force Defense Research Sciences Program 49,303 Rice University R18711 mod 7 12.800 Air Force Defense Research Sciences Program 84,052 Texas A&M University M1903681 / FA-9550-19-1-0347.02 12.800 Air Force Defense Research Sciences Program 79,916 The Ohio State University 60070849/GR114285 POFRO1568824 12.800 Air Force Defense Research Sciences Program 31,485 The Ohio State University 60071266 Am5 12.800 Air Force Defense Research Sciences Program 91,831 The University of Texas at San Antonio 1000003322 12.800 Air Force Defense Research Sciences Program 81,267 University of Colorado at Boulder 1556079 / PO # 1000971998 Amd #6 12.800 Air Force Defense Research Sciences Program 369,510 University of Dayton RSC18016 Rev 2 12.800 Air Force Defense Research Sciences Program 157,842 University of San Diego A21-0038-S004 12.800 Air Force Defense Research Sciences Program 84,087 Department of Defense, Dept of the Army: Direct W911NF-14-1-0247, P14 12.431 Basic Scientific Research 1,426,838 680,311 Direct W911NF-14-2-0035 P000012 12.431 Basic Scientific Research (40) Direct W911NF1810240 P07 12.431 Basic Scientific Research 1,464,466 1,217,852 Direct W911NF-18-1-0272 P07 12.431 Basic Scientific Research 98,291 Direct W911NF-18-1-0344 P04 12.431 Basic Scientific Research 78,747 Direct W911NF1810354 P00005 12.431 Basic Scientific Research 74,185 Direct W911NF1820175 P00001 12.431 Basic Scientific Research 23,948 Direct W911NF-19-1-0024 P00004 12.431 Basic Scientific Research 86,137 Direct W911NF-19-1-0247 12.431 Basic Scientific Research 185,881 97,542 Direct W911NF1920283 P00001 12.431 Basic Scientific Research 123,597 Direct W911NF2010098 P00001 12.431 Basic Scientific Research 100,861 Direct W911NF2010105 P00002 12.431 Basic Scientific Research 1,031,594 438,701 Direct W911NF2010114 P01 12.431 Basic Scientific Research 151,397 Direct W911NF-20-1-0156 P00001 12.431 Basic Scientific Research 72,124 2,230 Direct W911NF2010222 12.431 Basic Scientific Research 168,810 Direct W911NF2010242 12.431 Basic Scientific Research 140,140 Direct W911NF2010322 12.431 Basic Scientific Research 508,693 Direct W911NF2020161 12.431 Basic Scientific Research 281,018 Direct W912CG2120002 12.431 Basic Scientific Research 118,627 Passthrough: University of California, Los Angeles 0160 G UC269 am 5 12.431 Basic Scientific Research 175,212 University of Notre Dame 203212UMN A 007 12.431 Basic Scientific Research 50,889 Department of Defense, Dept of the Navy: Direct N00014-15-1-2294 A00001 12.300 Basic and Applied Scientific Research 5 Direct N00014-16-1-3205 P00007 12.300 Basic and Applied Scientific Research 106,351 Direct N00014-17-1-2308 A00001 12.300 Basic and Applied Scientific Research 177,560 137,294 Direct N00014-17-1-2438, P00006 12.300 Basic and Applied Scientific Research 539,840 188,624 Direct N00014-17-1-2547 P06 12.300 Basic and Applied Scientific Research 150,190 Direct N00014-17-1-2578 P00002 12.300 Basic and Applied Scientific Research 59,779 Direct N00014-17-1-2658 P00002 12.300 Basic and Applied Scientific Research 27,413 Direct N00014-17-1-2676 P03 12.300 Basic and Applied Scientific Research 1,515,488 849,627 Direct N00014-17-1-2860 P00001 12.300 Basic and Applied Scientific Research 17,717 Direct N00014-17-1-2884 12.300 Basic and Applied Scientific Research 11,423 Direct N00014-17-1-2939 Mod 2 12.300 Basic and Applied Scientific Research 69,348 Direct N00014-18-1-2196 Mod A00004 12.300 Basic and Applied Scientific Research 296,376 Direct N00014-18-1-2356 A00001 12.300 Basic and Applied Scientific Research 113,614 Direct N00014-18-1-2521 P00003 12.300 Basic and Applied Scientific Research 190,412 Direct N00014-18-1-2766 P00002 12.300 Basic and Applied Scientific Research 1,942 Direct N00014-18-1-2800 P02 12.300 Basic and Applied Scientific Research 39,264 Direct N00014-19-1-2037 P00003 12.300 Basic and Applied Scientific Research 177,055 Direct N00014-19-1-2139 P00002 12.300 Basic and Applied Scientific Research 103,586 Direct N00014-19-1-2541 12.300 Basic and Applied Scientific Research 146,602 Direct N00014-19-1-2623 12.300 Basic and Applied Scientific Research 513,199 Direct N00014-20-1-2103 P00002 12.300 Basic and Applied Scientific Research 121,725

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Cluster, Agency, Subagency, Direct/Pass-Through, Federal SubrecipientPass-Through Entity Award # CFDA# CFDA Program Title COVID-19 Expenditures Expenditures

Direct N00014-20-1-2196 A00001 12.300 Basic and Applied Scientific Research 27,425$ - $ Direct N00014-20-1-2361 P00001 12.300 Basic and Applied Scientific Research 81,379 Direct N00014-20-1-2682 P00001 12.300 Basic and Applied Scientific Research 1,119,875 280,976 Direct N00014-20-1-2717 12.300 Basic and Applied Scientific Research 56,933 Direct N00014-20-1-2732 12.300 Basic and Applied Scientific Research 111,519 Direct N00014-20-1-2747 12.300 Basic and Applied Scientific Research 16,398 Direct N00014-20-1-2767 P00001 12.300 Basic and Applied Scientific Research 22,011 Direct N00014-21-1-2166 12.300 Basic and Applied Scientific Research 4,506 Direct N00014-21-1-2590 12.300 Basic and Applied Scientific Research 16,394 Direct N00164-20-1-2004- P00001 12.300 Basic and Applied Scientific Research 273,570 Passthrough: The Marine Biological Laboratory 54114 Amendment 02 12.300 Basic and Applied Scientific Research 95,681 University of California, Berkeley 00009804 - PO# BB146300607 12.300 Basic and Applied Scientific Research 51,316 University of Notre Dame 204082UM 12.300 Basic and Applied Scientific Research 752 University of Southern California 107234489 Am 3 12.300 Basic and Applied Scientific Research 221,317 Department of Defense, National Security Agency (NSA): Direct H98230-18-1-0010 CLIN0002 12.900 Language Grant Program 1,153 Direct H98230-20-1-0009 Req#1-C0089749 12.901 Mathematical Sciences Grants 64,899 Direct H98230-21-1-0001 12.901 Mathematical Sciences Grants 8,257 Department of Defense, Office of the Secretary of Defense: Direct FA8651-20-1-0001 12.630 Basic, Applied, and Advanced Research in Science and Engineering 40,783 Direct HM04762010009-P00001 12.630 Basic, Applied, and Advanced Research in Science and Engineering 98,477 Direct W912HZ-18-2-0004 P00004 12.630 Basic, Applied, and Advanced Research in Science and Engineering 43,990 Department of Education, Institute of Education Sciences: Direct R305A160034-18 mod 6 84.305 Education Research, Development and Dissemination 164,839 Direct R305A160077-18 84.305 Education Research, Development and Dissemination 119,295 30,465 Direct R305A160080-19 84.305 Education Research, Development and Dissemination 142,539 43,308 Direct R305A170242-18 84.305 Education Research, Development and Dissemination 412,574 Direct R305A170292-19 Action 3 84.305 Education Research, Development and Dissemination 278,720 108,231 Direct R305A180265-19 Action 3 84.305 Education Research, Development and Dissemination 415,700 Direct R305A190182-05 84.305 Education Research, Development and Dissemination 338,316 77,155 Direct R305A200090-1 84.305 Education Research, Development and Dissemination 217,512 69,081 Direct R324A160064-18 84.324 Research in Special Education 78,001 Direct R324A170032 84.324 Research in Special Education 167,950 Direct R324A170101-20 84.324 Research in Special Education 352,335 146,956 Direct R324B200038 84.324 Research in Special Education 47,182 Passthrough: Arizona State University ASUB00000442 84.305 Education Research, Development and Dissemination 70,517 California State University, Chico SUB18-061 MOD 2 84.305 Education Research, Development and Dissemination 21,775 Saint Paul Public Schools ISD 625 212834 am 1 84.305 Education Research, Development and Dissemination 5,133 University of California, Riverside S-001169 84.324 Research in Special Education 28,481 University of Delaware 40810 Am 4 84.305 Education Research, Development and Dissemination 32,725 University of Maryland 64751-Z2011202-Amendment D 84.324 Research in Special Education 125,994 University of Oregon SUBAWARD AGREEMENT NO.224980A mod 1 84.305 Education Research, Development and Dissemination 142,149 University of Washington SUB # UWSC12168/ BPO # 51042 84.305 Education Research, Development and Dissemination 58,191 University of Washington UWSC9845 / BPO 24420 am 1 84.305 Education Research, Development and Dissemination 63,593 Department of Education, Office of Elementary and Secondary Education: Passthrough: Indiana University PO 0154613 84.004 Civil Rights Training and Advisory Services (also known as Equity Assistance Centers) 24,257 Department of Education, Office of Postsecondary Education: Direct P015A180083 84.015 National Resource Centers Program for Foreign Language and Area Studies or Foreign Language and

International Studies Program and Foreign Language and Area Studies Fellowship Program 301,140 Direct P015B180083 84.015 National Resource Centers Program for Foreign Language and Area Studies or Foreign Language and

International Studies Program and Foreign Language and Area Studies Fellowship Program 283,582 Direct P015B180084 84.015 National Resource Centers Program for Foreign Language and Area Studies or Foreign Language and

International Studies Program and Foreign Language and Area Studies Fellowship Program 267,178 Department of Education, Office of Special Education and Rehabilitative Services: Direct H133B130006 84.133 National Institute on Disability and Rehabilitation Research (73) Direct H325D160016 Act 6 84.325 Special Education - Personnel Development to Improve Services and Results for Children with Disabilities 141,046

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Cluster, Agency, Subagency, Direct/Pass-Through, Federal SubrecipientPass-Through Entity Award # CFDA# CFDA Program Title COVID-19 Expenditures Expenditures

Direct H325K170023-18A Action 4 84.325 Special Education - Personnel Development to Improve Services and Results for Children with Disabilities 272,809$ - $ Direct H325K170024-20 84.325 Special Education - Personnel Development to Improve Services and Results for Children with Disabilities 208,229 Direct H325K190023 84.325 Special Education - Personnel Development to Improve Services and Results for Children with Disabilities 268,204 Direct H327S150004 action #8 84.327 Special Education Educational Technology Media, and Materials for Individuals with Disabilities 206,589 Passthrough: University of Illinois Chicago subaward 16221 / 90RT5032-05 Am 6 84.133 National Institute on Disability and Rehabilitation Research 7,257 Vanderbilt University UNIV61316 / H325H190003 / PO P20050218 84.325 Special Education - Personnel Development to Improve Services and Results for Children with Disabilities 88,816 Department of Education, OII - Office of Innovation and Improvement: Passthrough: Saint Paul Public Schools ISD 625 311587 Amendment 2 84.411 Education Innovation and Research (formerly Investing in Innovation (i3) Fund) 119,329 Department of Energy: Direct Research Fellowship-CON72908-N Carter 81.UXX Unid CFDA-Department of Energy 7,405 Direct DE-AR0000795 Mod 0001 81.135 Advanced Research Projects Agency - Energy 575 Direct DE-AR0000804 81.135 Advanced Research Projects Agency - Energy 218,148 Direct DE-AR0001016-Modification 0003 81.135 Advanced Research Projects Agency - Energy 777,700 464,156 Direct DE-EE0008333 Mod 0004 81.086 Conservation Research and Development 255,665 38,175 Direct DE-EE0008335 mod 5 81.086 Conservation Research and Development 469,667 43,102 Direct DE-EE0008384 Mod 5 81.086 Conservation Research and Development 431,873 147,379 Direct DE-EE0008542 81.087 Renewable Energy Research and Development 48,207 Direct DE-EE0008693 Mod 02 81.086 Conservation Research and Development 189,028 110,122 Direct DE-EE0008947 Modification 0002 81.087 Renewable Energy Research and Development 227,758 35,428 Direct DE-EE0009200-Modification 0002 81.086 Conservation Research and Development 147,192 21,703 Direct DE-EE0009233 81.086 Conservation Research and Development 60,166 Direct DE-FG02-87ER40328 Mod 0039 81.049 Office of Science Financial Assistance Program 365,480 Direct DE-NE0008540 Mod 3 81.121 Nuclear Energy Research, Development and Demonstration 71,411 Direct DE-NE0008785 Mod 1 81.121 Nuclear Energy Research, Development and Demonstration 255,175 Direct DE-NE0008888 81.121 Nuclear Energy Research, Development and Demonstration 181,217 Direct DE-SC0002183 Mod. 0013 81.049 Office of Science Financial Assistance Program 84,785 Direct DE-SC0002567 81.049 Office of Science Financial Assistance Program 72,944 Direct DE-SC0008688 Mod. No. 13 81.049 Office of Science Financial Assistance Program 1,803,216 894,454 Direct DE-SC0011842 Mod 8 81.049 Office of Science Financial Assistance Program 277,207 Direct DE-SC0011845 Mod07 81.049 Office of Science Financial Assistance Program 624,702 Direct DE-SC0012069 81.049 Office of Science Financial Assistance Program 810,126 Direct DE-SC0012294 Mod 7 81.049 Office of Science Financial Assistance Program 352,701 Direct DE-SC0012702 Mod. No. 0005 81.049 Office of Science Financial Assistance Program 2,307,168 1,470,286 Direct DE-SC0014363 Mod 0004 NCE 81.049 Office of Science Financial Assistance Program 30,853 25,720 Direct DE-SC0014402 81.049 Office of Science Financial Assistance Program 83,341 Direct DE-SC0016053 mod 0004 81.049 Office of Science Financial Assistance Program 162,858 Direct DE-SC0016346 81.049 Office of Science Financial Assistance Program 227,732 Direct DE-SC0016371 mod 5 81.049 Office of Science Financial Assistance Program 1,195,303 Direct DE-SC0017809 mod 4 81.049 Office of Science Financial Assistance Program 357,917 Direct DE-SC0018056 Mod 0004 81.049 Office of Science Financial Assistance Program 144,959 Direct DE-SC0018202 Mod 2 81.049 Office of Science Financial Assistance Program 9,665 Direct DE-SC0018203 81.049 Office of Science Financial Assistance Program 40,373 Direct DE-SC0018204 81.049 Office of Science Financial Assistance Program 93,165 Direct DE-SC0019028 mod 3 81.049 Office of Science Financial Assistance Program 321,987 Direct DE-SC0019036 / 18SC502669 Mod 03 81.049 Office of Science Financial Assistance Program 53,323 Direct DE-SC0019148 / 19SC502568 Mod03 81.049 Office of Science Financial Assistance Program 189,949 Direct DE-SC0019274 81.049 Office of Science Financial Assistance Program 658,635 480,228 Direct DE-SC0019427 / 19SC502499 Mod 03 81.049 Office of Science Financial Assistance Program 184,810 Direct DE-SC0019439 Mod. 0001 81.049 Office of Science Financial Assistance Program 92,995 Direct DE-SC0020045 81.049 Office of Science Financial Assistance Program 119,889 Direct DE-SC0020133 81.049 Office of Science Financial Assistance Program 263,926 123,054 Direct DE-SC0020167 Mod 1 81.049 Office of Science Financial Assistance Program 318,160 100,349 Direct DE-SC0020185 Mod 2 81.049 Office of Science Financial Assistance Program 68,002 Direct DE-SC0020196 Mod. No. 0001 81.049 Office of Science Financial Assistance Program 105,332 Direct DE-SC0020210 81.049 Office of Science Financial Assistance Program 204,761 Direct DE-SC0020211 Mod 2 81.049 Office of Science Financial Assistance Program 160,968 Direct DE-SC0020212 Modification 0001 81.049 Office of Science Financial Assistance Program 95,668 Direct DE-SC0020214 81.049 Office of Science Financial Assistance Program 188,529

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Cluster, Agency, Subagency, Direct/Pass-Through, Federal SubrecipientPass-Through Entity Award # CFDA# CFDA Program Title COVID-19 Expenditures Expenditures

Direct DE-SC0020252 Mod02 81.049 Office of Science Financial Assistance Program 169,934$ - $ Direct DE-SC0021163 mod 1 81.049 Office of Science Financial Assistance Program 73,823 Direct DE-SC0021268 81.049 Office of Science Financial Assistance Program 14,831 Direct DE-SC0021376 Modification 0001 81.049 Office of Science Financial Assistance Program 9,216 Direct DE-SC0021395 81.049 Office of Science Financial Assistance Program 108,604 Direct PO 660663 81.CXX Contract-Department of Energy 4,922 Direct SUB-2020-10063 81.129 Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy Technology Deployment, Demonstration

and Commercialization 5,969 Direct XCS-9-92127-01 Mod 4 81.087 Renewable Energy Research and Development 35,737 Passthrough: American Inst of Chemical Engineers - NY DE-EE0007888-05-9 81.087 Renewable Energy Research and Development 202,793 American Inst of Chemical Engineers - NY DE-EE0007888-07.7 Task 7.7, BP2 81.087 Renewable Energy Research and Development 86 American Inst of Chemical Engineers - NY DE-EE0007888-07-1B 81.087 Renewable Energy Research and Development 19,393 Colorado School of Mines PO # 190800-401524-5801 am 3 81.135 Advanced Research Projects Agency - Energy 99,012 Donald Danforth Plant Science Center 23021-M Am 3 81.049 Office of Science Financial Assistance Program 141,799 Exergi Predictive LLC DE-SC0020744 81.049 Office of Science Financial Assistance Program 23,218 Illinois State University A21-0036-S004 81.049 Office of Science Financial Assistance Program 12,518 Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory 7493917 81.117 Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy Information Dissemination, Outreach, Training

and Technical Analysis/Assistance 120,522 North Dakota State University FAR0032802 81.041 State Energy Program 29,794 Resolute Marine Energy, Inc RME171011/180901 am 1 81.049 Office of Science Financial Assistance Program 40,339 Resolute Marine Energy, Inc RME191015 81.049 Office of Science Financial Assistance Program 147,665 Saht Energy, LLC CON000000085480 81.049 Office of Science Financial Assistance Program 55,168 SarTec Corporation 2019-001 81.049 Office of Science Financial Assistance Program 112,682 Stanford University Subcontract 188398 81.CXX Contract-Department of Energy 76,797 State University of New York at Stony Brook 87803 81.087 Renewable Energy Research and Development 84,525 26,630 The University of New Mexico 4889445-87AC Am 5 81.049 Office of Science Financial Assistance Program 131,530 The University of Texas at Austin UTA15-000561 Am 6 81.049 Office of Science Financial Assistance Program 132,776 University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign 090634-18283 81.049 Office of Science Financial Assistance Program 14,500 University of Colorado Denver FY21.1070.001-Amendment #1 81.049 Office of Science Financial Assistance Program 21,075 University of Delaware 51599 81.049 Office of Science Financial Assistance Program 226,402 University of Houston R-17-0010 Am 6 81.121 Nuclear Energy Research, Development and Demonstration 80,765 University of Michigan SUBK00011107 - PO#3005750268 81.049 Office of Science Financial Assistance Program 241,396 University of Notre Dame 203186UMN 81.112 Stewardship Science Grant Program 85,618 University of Notre Dame 203727UMN Am. 001 81.049 Office of Science Financial Assistance Program 122,924 University of Washington UWSC11905 / BPO48607-Amendment 1 81.087 Renewable Energy Research and Development 203,618 Volvo Technology of America No Award Number 81.CXX Contract-Department of Energy 339,032 Department of Energy, National Nuclear Security Administration: Direct 1995351 Rev 1 81.C03 Contract-Department of Energy-Sandia National Laboratory 71 Passthrough: Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory B644079 81.C07 Contract-Department of Energy-Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory 29,002 National Technology and Engineering MA 1954200 / PO 2223553 81.C03 Contract-Department of Energy-Sandia National Laboratory 25,786 National Technology and Engineering Master Agreement 1954200 / PO 2117761 81.C03 Contract-Department of Energy-Sandia National Laboratory 37,437 Triad National Security LLC Subcontract No. 523265 81.C04 Contract-Department of Energy-Los Alamos National Laboratory 23,325 Department of Energy, Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy: Passthrough: National Renewable Energy Laboratory No Award Number 81.C09 Contract-Department of Energy-National Renewable Energy Laboratory 7,610 National Renewable Energy Laboratory SUB-2020-10031 81.C09 Contract-Department of Energy-National Renewable Energy Laboratory 70,646 National Renewable Energy Laboratory SUB-2020-10129 81.C09 Contract-Department of Energy-National Renewable Energy Laboratory 98,735 National Renewable Energy Laboratory SUB-2020-10196 WO 1/Mstr SUB-2020-10079 81.C09 Contract-Department of Energy-National Renewable Energy Laboratory 3,929 National Renewable Energy Laboratory SUB-2020-10236 81.C09 Contract-Department of Energy-National Renewable Energy Laboratory 11,559 National Renewable Energy Laboratory SUB-2020-10338; TO 2 81.C09 Contract-Department of Energy-National Renewable Energy Laboratory 78,961 Department of Energy, Office of Science: Direct 650491 mod 5 81.C06 Contract-Department of Energy-Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory 814,766 Direct 9F-60207 81.C05 Contract-Department of Energy-Argonne National Laboratory 1,302 Direct PO 652444 Rev 5 81.C06 Contract-Department of Energy-Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory 1,036,165 Direct PO 667204 81.C06 Contract-Department of Energy-Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory 1,035,849 Direct PO 669022 Rev 2 81.C06 Contract-Department of Energy-Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory 94,749 Direct Subcontract #673806 Mod 1 81.C06 Contract-Department of Energy-Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory 17,656 Direct Subcontract 655138 Mod 2 81.C06 Contract-Department of Energy-Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory 34,509

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Cluster, Agency, Subagency, Direct/Pass-Through, Federal SubrecipientPass-Through Entity Award # CFDA# CFDA Program Title COVID-19 Expenditures Expenditures

Direct Subcontract No. 653446 Mod 2 81.C06 Contract-Department of Energy-Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory 269,282$ - $ Passthrough: Pacific Northwest National Laboratory 461183 81.C02 Contract-Department of Energy-Battelle-Pacific Northwest National Laboratory 60,427 Pacific Northwest National Laboratory 504235 81.C02 Contract-Department of Energy-Battelle-Pacific Northwest National Laboratory 33,020 Pacific Northwest National Laboratory 511495 81.C02 Contract-Department of Energy-Battelle-Pacific Northwest National Laboratory 9,493 Pacific Northwest National Laboratory 536790 81.C02 Contract-Department of Energy-Battelle-Pacific Northwest National Laboratory 124,883 Pacific Northwest National Laboratory 555922 81.C02 Contract-Department of Energy-Battelle-Pacific Northwest National Laboratory 16,309 Stanford University Subcontract 204507 81.C11 Contract-Department of Energy-SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory 16,807 UT- Battelle, LLC 4000172018 Mod 2 81.C10 Contract-Department of Energy-Oak Ridge National Laboratory 3,049 Department of Health and Human Services: Passthrough: Mapp Biopharmaceutical, Inc ORDER NO. 001 93.CXX Contract-Department of Health and Human Services 29,491 Terumo BCT, Inc HHS0100201600013C 93.CXX Contract-Department of Health and Human Services 82,137 Department of Health and Human Services, Administration for Children and Families: Direct 90PD0306-01-00 93.647 Social Services Research and Demonstration 6,457 Passthrough: MN Department of Human Services GRK 143870 Amendment 1 93.603 Adoption and Legal Guardianship Incentive Payments 426,886 Department of Health and Human Services, Administration for Community Living (ACL): Direct 90IF0109-03-03 93.433 ACL National Institute on Disability, Independent Living, and Rehabilitation Research 75,079 Direct 90RT5039-05-02 93.433 ACL National Institute on Disability, Independent Living, and Rehabilitation Research 464,456 38,092 Direct 90RTCP0003-02-01 93.433 ACL National Institute on Disability, Independent Living, and Rehabilitation Research 337,979 151,868 Direct 90RTCP0003-03-01 93.433 ACL National Institute on Disability, Independent Living, and Rehabilitation Research 533,608 12,230 Passthrough: Brandeis University 403315 Am 4 93.433 ACL National Institute on Disability, Independent Living, and Rehabilitation Research 24,440 Craig Hospital 2672-SCIMS-UMNBY1 93.433 ACL National Institute on Disability, Independent Living, and Rehabilitation Research 67,209 Craig Hospital UMN-2609 93.433 ACL National Institute on Disability, Independent Living, and Rehabilitation Research 16,622 Gallaudet University 0000027533 mod 1 93.433 ACL National Institute on Disability, Independent Living, and Rehabilitation Research 47,884 Innovative Design Labs Inc IDL19-HAProfiles-10 mod 1 93.433 ACL National Institute on Disability, Independent Living, and Rehabilitation Research 6,937 National Assoc of States United for Aging No Award Number 93.631 Developmental Disabilities Projects of National Significance 25,478 Department of Health and Human Services, Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality: Direct 1R36HS026659-01A1 93.226 Research on Healthcare Costs, Quality and Outcomes 1,711 Direct 1R36HS027522-01A1 93.226 Research on Healthcare Costs, Quality and Outcomes 23,946 Direct 1R36HS027699-01A1 93.226 Research on Healthcare Costs, Quality and Outcomes 6,524 Direct 5R01HS025164-04 93.226 Research on Healthcare Costs, Quality and Outcomes 331,176 43,410 Direct 5R01HS026732-03 93.226 Research on Healthcare Costs, Quality and Outcomes 285,312 Direct 5R03HS026982-02 93.226 Research on Healthcare Costs, Quality and Outcomes 37,574 Direct 7R01HS024936-04 REVISED 93.226 Research on Healthcare Costs, Quality and Outcomes 66,265 26,006 Passthrough: Hennepin Healthcare Research Institute 07406-04-06 Amendment 3 93.226 Research on Healthcare Costs, Quality and Outcomes 38,164 Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center Subaward BD524623D (previous# BD524623A) 93.C03 Contract-Department of Health and Human Services-Agency for Health Care Policy and Research 11,845 Purdue University 11000850-023 AMD#2 93.226 Research on Healthcare Costs, Quality and Outcomes 41,252 University of California, Los Angeles 1557 G VA521 93.226 Research on Healthcare Costs, Quality and Outcomes 210 University of California, San Francisco 11682sc 93.226 Research on Healthcare Costs, Quality and Outcomes 60,933 University of Michigan SUBK00009158 93.226 Research on Healthcare Costs, Quality and Outcomes 9,853 University of Michigan SUBK00011561 PO 3006383290 93.226 Research on Healthcare Costs, Quality and Outcomes 4,468 Department of Health and Human Services, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention: Direct 5 T42OH008434-15-03 93.262 Occupational Safety and Health Program 33,325 Direct 5 U48DP006414-02-00 93.135 Centers for Research and Demonstration for Health Promotion and Disease Prevention 470,688 57,932 Direct 5 U54OH010170-10-00 93.262 Occupational Safety and Health Program 1,630,785 240,969 Direct 5U48DP005022-05-01 93.135 Centers for Research and Demonstration for Health Promotion and Disease Prevention (5,988) Direct 6 R01CE002913-03-02 93.136 Injury Prevention and Control Research and State and Community Based Programs 136,789 85,765 Direct 6U01CK000357-05-01 93.283 Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Investigations and Technical Assistance 62,463 50,865 Passthrough: Aster Labs, Inc AL19-CDCAUTODENTALPHII-02 93.061 Innovations in Applied Public Health Research 59,772 Boston Children’s Hospital GENFD0001832655 93.C05 Contract-Department of Health and Human Services-Centers for Disease Control COVID-19 15,181 Boston Children’s Hospital Subcontract No. 0001763084 93.C05 Contract-Department of Health and Human Services-Centers for Disease Control 9,720

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Cluster, Agency, Subagency, Direct/Pass-Through, Federal SubrecipientPass-Through Entity Award # CFDA# CFDA Program Title COVID-19 Expenditures Expenditures

Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center 00010534477 93.421 Strengthening Public Health Systems and Services through National Partnerships to Improve and Protect the Nation’s Health 22,434$ - $

MN Department of Health 156168 93.435 Innovative State and Local Public Health Strategies to prevent and Manage Diabetes and Heart Disease and Stroke 37,383

MN Department of Health SWIFT 146997 Amd 5 93.323 Epidemiology and Laboratory Capacity for Infectious Diseases (ELC) 60,832 MN Department of Health SWIFT Contract -135679/54110 Amend #4 93.323 Epidemiology and Laboratory Capacity for Infectious Diseases (ELC) 2,988 National Environmental Health Association Grant #6 NU38OT000300-01-01 93.283 Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Investigations and Technical Assistance 65,004 National Opinion Research Center 8429.UM.01 Modification No. 01 93.C05 Contract-Department of Health and Human Services-Centers for Disease Control 2,594 State of Minnesota 194156 93.136 Injury Prevention and Control Research and State and Community Based Programs 1,096 The University of Iowa S00464-03 / g/p 11506150 93.262 Occupational Safety and Health Program 31,526 The University of Iowa S01137-01 93.262 Occupational Safety and Health Program 16,727 University of Nebraska Medical Center 34-5420-2006-208 93.262 Occupational Safety and Health Program 2,677 University of South Carolina Subaward 20-3983 Amendment 1 93.073 Birth Defects and Developmental Disabilities - Prevention and Surveillance 88,545 Department of Health and Human Services, Food and Drug Administration: Direct 1U01FD007061-01 93.103 Food and Drug Administration Research 44,054 Direct 5R01FD006100-03 93.103 Food and Drug Administration Research 456,380 Direct 5U18FD005561-05 93.103 Food and Drug Administration Research 343,320 Passthrough: Brigham and Women’s Hospital 124115 93.103 Food and Drug Administration Research 69,808 Kansas State University S17043 93.103 Food and Drug Administration Research 41,157 National Inst for Pharm Technology & Educ NIPTE-U01 MN-2020-001 93.103 Food and Drug Administration Research (302) National Inst for Pharm Technology & Educ NIPTE-U01-MN-2020-002 93.103 Food and Drug Administration Research 12,991 Department of Health and Human Services, Health Resources Resources and Services Administration: Direct 1 GA1RH39590-01-00 93.211 Telehealth Programs 61,813 15,054 Direct 4 D09HP29978-03-02 93.247 Advanced Nursing Education Workforce Grant Program 723 Direct 5U1QHP33076-03-00 93.969 PPHF Geriatric Education Centers 696,612 Direct 6 T79MC00007-32-01 93.110 Maternal and Child Health Federal Consolidated Programs 249,501 Passthrough: Assoc of Public Health Laboratories 56300-600-150-21-07 93.110 Maternal and Child Health Federal Consolidated Programs 48,231 Hennepin Healthcare Research Institute SRTR 93.C09 Contract-Department of Health and Human Services-Health Resources and Services Administration 4,175 Iowa Department of Public Health 5880HC13 93.917 HIV Care Formula Grants 53,485 Iowa Department of Public Health 5881HC13 93.917 HIV Care Formula Grants 102,611 Michigan Public Health Institute Z-38849-115-504200 93.110 Maternal and Child Health Federal Consolidated Programs 49,501 University of Illinois Chicago 17462-02 93.145 HIV-Related Training and Technical Assistance 61,990 University of Illinois Chicago 17690 93.145 HIV-Related Training and Technical Assistance 399,239 University of Illinois Chicago 18120 93.145 HIV-Related Training and Technical Assistance COVID-19 49,742 University of Pennsylvania 577042 / UH1HP29964 PO 4421317 93.884 Grants for Primary Care Training and Enhancement 3,379 University of Washington UWSC10293 / BPO29476 93.917 HIV Care Formula Grants 411 University of Washington UWSC12131, BPO50736 93.300 National Center for Health Workforce Analysis 9,030 Department of Health and Human Services, Immed Office of the Secretary of Health and Human Services: Passthrough: University of Wisconsin - Madison 807K251 Mod 2 93.239 Policy Research and Evaluation Grants (327) Department of Health and Human Services, National Institutes of Health: Direct 0005R01AA026610-02 93.273 Alcohol Research Programs 491,062 62,601 Direct 1 F30 HL151138-01 93.837 Cardiovascular Diseases Research 46,412 Direct 1 RF1 AG058081-01 93.866 Aging Research 390,657 Direct 1DP2DA049279-01 93.279 Drug Abuse and Addiction Research Programs 316,725 Direct 1F30CA250321-01 93.398 Cancer Research Manpower 37,025 Direct 1F30CA253992-01 93.398 Cancer Research Manpower 39,893 Direct 1F30CA257227-01 93.398 Cancer Research Manpower 1,386 Direct 1F30DE030354-01 93.121 Oral Diseases and Disorders Research 30,217 Direct 1F30HL152561-01 93.837 Cardiovascular Diseases Research 26,887 Direct 1F31AA028726-01A1 93.273 Alcohol Research Programs 1,940 Direct 1F31CA257218-01 93.398 Cancer Research Manpower 15,680 Direct 1F31DC019247-01 93.173 Research Related to Deafness and Communication Disorders 33,086 Direct 1F31ES030967-01A1 93.113 Environmental Health 15,047 Direct 1F31EY031558-01A1 93.867 Vision Research 7,919

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Cluster, Agency, Subagency, Direct/Pass-Through, Federal SubrecipientPass-Through Entity Award # CFDA# CFDA Program Title COVID-19 Expenditures Expenditures

Direct 1F31EY031578-01 93.867 Vision Research 29,887$ - $ Direct 1F31GM139366-01A1 93.859 Biomedical Research and Research Training 3,478 Direct 1F31HL143952-02 93.837 Cardiovascular Diseases Research 40,903 Direct 1F31HL151028-02 93.838 Lung Diseases Research 36,146 Direct 1F31NS113403-02 93.853 Extramural Research Programs in the Neurosciences and Neurological Disorders 34,470 Direct 1F32CA261169-01 93.398 Cancer Research Manpower 14,235 Direct 1F32DA051138-01A1 93.279 Drug Abuse and Addiction Research Programs 23,918 Direct 1F32DC019301-01 93.173 Research Related to Deafness and Communication Disorders 51,289 Direct 1F32EY031178-01A1 REVISED 93.867 Vision Research 50,986 Direct 1F32HD105364-01S1 93.865 Child Health and Human Development Extramural Research 7,782 Direct 1F32HL151128-01 93.838 Lung Diseases Research 86,907 Direct 1K08AG068374-01A1 93.866 Aging Research 36,669 Direct 1K08AI150425-01A1 93.855 Allergy and Infectious Diseases Research 33,101 Direct 1K08CA255426-01 93.398 Cancer Research Manpower 19,341 Direct 1K22HL137901-01 93.837 Cardiovascular Diseases Research 245,494 Direct 1K99AG070104-01 93.866 Aging Research 24,100 Direct 1K99AI139381-01A1 93.855 Allergy and Infectious Diseases Research 11,436 Direct 1K99EY030145-01A1 REVISED 93.867 Vision Research 99,644 Direct 1OT2HL152758-05 93.837 Cardiovascular Diseases Research 300,740 Direct 1P30AG066613-01 93.866 Aging Research 420,925 Direct 1P50MH119569-01A1 Revised 93.242 Mental Health Research Grants 2,279,083 14,403 Direct 1R01AA028013-01 93.273 Alcohol Research Programs 240,785 14,314 Direct 1R01AA028770-01 93.273 Alcohol Research Programs 120,774 Direct 1R01AG062307-01A1 93.866 Aging Research 157,185 Direct 1R01AG065636-01 93.866 Aging Research 409,126 Direct 1R01AG067973-01 93.866 Aging Research 231,793 28,624 Direct 1R01AG069895-01 93.866 Aging Research 188,796 Direct 1R01AI146032-01A1 93.855 Allergy and Infectious Diseases Research 358,277 Direct 1R01AI161017-01 93.855 Allergy and Infectious Diseases Research 30,522 Direct 1R01CA236948-01A1 93.393 Cancer Cause and Prevention Research 391,789 29,907 Direct 1R01CA239701-01A1 93.395 Cancer Treatment Research 335,561 81,294 Direct 1R01CA244599-01A1 93.396 Cancer Biology Research 244,986 Direct 1R01CA244645-01A1 93.395 Cancer Treatment Research 26,080 Direct 1R01CA245550-01A1 93.396 Cancer Biology Research 330,275 Direct 1R01CA248019-01A1 93.396 Cancer Biology Research 40,735 719 Direct 1R01CA248200-01A1 93.393 Cancer Cause and Prevention Research 124,445 Direct 1R01CA249393-01A1 93.396 Cancer Biology Research 87,147 Direct 1R01CA251600-01 93.395 Cancer Treatment Research 319,198 Direct 1R01CA255513-01 93.395 Cancer Treatment Research 44,893 Direct 1R01DA051005-01 93.077 Family Smoking Prevention and Tobacco Control Act Regulatory Research 261,579 Direct 1R01DA051450-01A1 93.279 Drug Abuse and Addiction Research Programs 12,076 Direct 1R01DC017114-02 93.173 Research Related to Deafness and Communication Disorders 420,246 Direct 1R01DC017613-01A1 93.173 Research Related to Deafness and Communication Disorders 201,610 50,927 Direct 1R01DK123042-01 93.847 Diabetes, Digestive, and Kidney Diseases Extramural Research 308,903 Direct 1R01DK124333-01A1 93.847 Diabetes, Digestive, and Kidney Diseases Extramural Research 232,505 Direct 1R01DK126728-01 93.847 Diabetes, Digestive, and Kidney Diseases Extramural Research 109,298 Direct 1R01EB029985-01A1 93.286 Discovery and Applied Research for Technological Innovations to Improve Human Health 102,534 Direct 1R01EY030890-02 93.867 Vision Research 268,770 Direct 1R01GM140486-01 93.859 Biomedical Research and Research Training 202,618 Direct 1R01HD099182-02A2 93.865 Child Health and Human Development Extramural Research 338,760 Direct 1R01HD100418-01A1 Revised 93.865 Child Health and Human Development Extramural Research 163,886 Direct 1R01HD102035-01A1 93.865 Child Health and Human Development Extramural Research 23,706 Direct 1R01HD103634-01 93.865 Child Health and Human Development Extramural Research 18,235 Direct 1R01HL146477-01A1 93.838 Lung Diseases Research 175,542 Direct 1R01HL150053-01A1 93.837 Cardiovascular Diseases Research 423,250 60,344 Direct 1R01HL153146-02 93.837 Cardiovascular Diseases Research 276,794 Direct 1R01HL153403-01A1 REVISED 93.837 Cardiovascular Diseases Research 24,910 Direct 1R01HL155114-01 revised 93.839 Blood Diseases and Resources Research 127,070 52,016 Direct 1R01HL155993-01 93.837 Cardiovascular Diseases Research 423,635 Direct 1R01HL157625-01 93.837 Cardiovascular Diseases Research 24,172 Direct 1R01MD015722-01 93.307 Minority Health and Health Disparities Research 73,457 23,004

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Cluster, Agency, Subagency, Direct/Pass-Through, Federal SubrecipientPass-Through Entity Award # CFDA# CFDA Program Title COVID-19 Expenditures Expenditures

Direct 1R01MH123661-02 93.242 Mental Health Research Grants 462,570$ - $ Direct 1R01MH127548-01 93.242 Mental Health Research Grants 7,775 Direct 1R01NS117968-01S1 93.853 Extramural Research Programs in the Neurosciences and Neurological Disorders 295,562 43,135 Direct 1R01NS118026-01 93.853 Extramural Research Programs in the Neurosciences and Neurological Disorders 143,761 22,596 Direct 1R01NS118330-01 93.853 Extramural Research Programs in the Neurosciences and Neurological Disorders 122,753 Direct 1R01NS118538-01 93.853 Extramural Research Programs in the Neurosciences and Neurological Disorders 263,714 71,962 Direct 1R03CA234201-01 Revised 93.393 Cancer Cause and Prevention Research 70,269 38,273 Direct 1R03CA249558-01 93.396 Cancer Biology Research 54,029 Direct 1R13AR076879-01 93.846 Arthritis, Musculoskeletal and Skin Diseases Research 15,000 Direct 1R13DK127671-01 93.847 Diabetes, Digestive, and Kidney Diseases Extramural Research 10,000 Direct 1R13HL149439-01 NCE 93.837 Cardiovascular Diseases Research 3,148 Direct 1R15AI135885-01 93.855 Allergy and Infectious Diseases Research 101,594 Direct 1R15CA195061-01 93.396 Cancer Biology Research (300) Direct 1R15GM128143-01 93.859 Biomedical Research and Research Training 197,644 Direct 1R15NS112964-01A1 93.853 Extramural Research Programs in the Neurosciences and Neurological Disorders 94,819 Direct 1R212AI144932-01 93.855 Allergy and Infectious Diseases Research 65,774 Direct 1R21AG054824-02 REV 93.866 Aging Research 56,324 2,280 Direct 1R21AG065693-01 Revised 93.866 Aging Research 110,970 Direct 1R21AG067094-01A1 93.866 Aging Research 72,348 13,608 Direct 1R21AG069792-01 93.866 Aging Research 113,045 51,078 Direct 1R21AG072566-01 93.866 Aging Research 4,280 Direct 1R21AI150158-01A1 93.855 Allergy and Infectious Diseases Research 28,262 Direct 1R21AR075281-02 93.846 Arthritis, Musculoskeletal and Skin Diseases Research 184,271 Direct 1R21AR078400-01 93.846 Arthritis, Musculoskeletal and Skin Diseases Research 7,786 Direct 1R21CA218054-02A1 93.393 Cancer Cause and Prevention Research 34,084 Direct 1R21CA235352-01 Revised 93.393 Cancer Cause and Prevention Research 212,991 Direct 1R21DA051538-01 93.077 Family Smoking Prevention and Tobacco Control Act Regulatory Research 200,798 Direct 1R21DE029601-01A1 93.121 Oral Diseases and Disorders Research 30,792 Direct 1R21DK117466-02 93.847 Diabetes, Digestive, and Kidney Diseases Extramural Research 92,270 Direct 1R21DK121242-01A1 93.847 Diabetes, Digestive, and Kidney Diseases Extramural Research 110,713 16,243 Direct 1R21DK125933-01 93.847 Diabetes, Digestive, and Kidney Diseases Extramural Research 60,731 Direct 1R21HD100840-01 93.865 Child Health and Human Development Extramural Research 203,725 Direct 1R21HD102770-01 93.865 Child Health and Human Development Extramural Research 83,005 Direct 1R21HG011251-01A1 93.172 Human Genome Research 7,492 Direct 1R21HL144559-01 93.837 Cardiovascular Diseases Research 80,960 Direct 1R21HL150424-01 93.837 Cardiovascular Diseases Research 95,211 10,416 Direct 1R21HL150428-01A1 93.837 Cardiovascular Diseases Research 65,074 Direct 1R21HL152313-02 93.839 Blood Diseases and Resources Research 221,781 Direct 1R21HL156218-01 93.837 Cardiovascular Diseases Research 44,342 Direct 1R21MH120692-01A1 93.242 Mental Health Research Grants 24,539 Direct 1R21NR019676-01 93.361 Nursing Research 51,953 10,987 Direct 1R21NS111196-01 93.853 Extramural Research Programs in the Neurosciences and Neurological Disorders 153,366 Direct 1R21NS111214-01 93.853 Extramural Research Programs in the Neurosciences and Neurological Disorders 155,910 Direct 1R21NS112413-01A1 93.853 Extramural Research Programs in the Neurosciences and Neurological Disorders 135,050 Direct 1R21NS113335-01 93.853 Extramural Research Programs in the Neurosciences and Neurological Disorders 212,853 74,340 Direct 1R21NS116260-01A1 REVISED 93.853 Extramural Research Programs in the Neurosciences and Neurological Disorders 26,276 Direct 1R21NS117978-01 93.853 Extramural Research Programs in the Neurosciences and Neurological Disorders 181,381 Direct 1R21NS118499-01A1 93.853 Extramural Research Programs in the Neurosciences and Neurological Disorders 11,945 Direct 1R21NS118785-01A1 93.853 Extramural Research Programs in the Neurosciences and Neurological Disorders 88,935 Direct 1R25CA250987-01 93.398 Cancer Research Manpower 130,266 Direct 1R25NS117356-01 revised 93.853 Extramural Research Programs in the Neurosciences and Neurological Disorders 61,451 Direct 1R25NS118756-01 93.853 Extramural Research Programs in the Neurosciences and Neurological Disorders 121,554 Direct 1R34AT011036-01 93.213 Research and Training in Complementary and Integrative Health 57,326 Direct 1R34AT011209-01 93.213 Research and Training in Complementary and Integrative Health 95,349 Direct 1R34MH121251-01 93.242 Mental Health Research Grants 204,978 136,893 Direct 1R34NS111654-01 REVISED 93.853 Extramural Research Programs in the Neurosciences and Neurological Disorders 232,192 Direct 1R35GM131814-03 93.859 Biomedical Research and Research Training 567,790 Direct 1R35GM136309-02 93.859 Biomedical Research and Research Training 371,223 Direct 1R35GM137920-01 93.859 Biomedical Research and Research Training 361,775 Direct 1R35GM138277-01 93.859 Biomedical Research and Research Training 402,365 Direct 1R35GM140837-01 93.859 Biomedical Research and Research Training 93,570

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Cluster, Agency, Subagency, Direct/Pass-Through, Federal SubrecipientPass-Through Entity Award # CFDA# CFDA Program Title COVID-19 Expenditures Expenditures

Direct 1R35GM140881-01 93.859 Biomedical Research and Research Training 19,473$ - $ Direct 1R35GM141805-01 93.859 Biomedical Research and Research Training 13,322 Direct 1R35GM141853 93.859 Biomedical Research and Research Training 49,042 Direct 1R36DA050000-02 93.279 Drug Abuse and Addiction Research Programs 25,248 Direct 1R56AG057498-01A1 93.866 Aging Research 72,433 26,253 Direct 1R56AG062307-02 Revised 93.866 Aging Research 386,444 110,424 Direct 1R56AG072410-01 93.866 Aging Research 23,426 Direct 1R56AI139200-01 93.855 Allergy and Infectious Diseases Research 105,646 Direct 1R56AI150402-01A1 93.855 Allergy and Infectious Diseases Research 80,871 Direct 1R56DK118150-01A1 93.847 Diabetes, Digestive, and Kidney Diseases Extramural Research 209,167 Direct 1R56MH122473-01 93.242 Mental Health Research Grants 343,284 Direct 1R56NS112296-01 93.853 Extramural Research Programs in the Neurosciences and Neurological Disorders 125,039 Direct 1R56NS113549-01 93.853 Extramural Research Programs in the Neurosciences and Neurological Disorders 345,687 Direct 1R61DA049386-02 93.279 Drug Abuse and Addiction Research Programs 524,609 62,634 Direct 1R61HL142696-01 REVISED 93.837 Cardiovascular Diseases Research (1,767) Direct 1R61HL151978-01A1 93.837 Cardiovascular Diseases Research 11,043 Direct 1R61MH123754-01 93.242 Mental Health Research Grants 289,133 Direct 1R61NS115089-01 Revised 93.853 Extramural Research Programs in the Neurosciences and Neurological Disorders 713,404 Direct 1RF1AG056976-01 93.866 Aging Research 471,699 Direct 1RF1AG060766-01 93.866 Aging Research 639,497 Direct 1RF1AG062135-01 REVISED 93.866 Aging Research 619,793 314,345 Direct 1RF1AG067924-01 93.866 Aging Research 131,108 Direct 1RF1AG069771-01 93.866 Aging Research 231,633 39,061 Direct 1RF1AG070296-01 93.866 Aging Research 40,896 Direct 1RF1MH116978-01 Revised 93.242 Mental Health Research Grants 598,315 452,393 Direct 1RF1MH116987-01 93.242 Mental Health Research Grants 373,561 Direct 1RF1MH117015-01 Revised 93.242 Mental Health Research Grants 635,491 Direct 1RF1MH117428-01A1 93.242 Mental Health Research Grants 352,006 103,212 Direct 1RF1MH123698-01 REVISED 93.242 Mental Health Research Grants 279,457 Direct 1RF1MH124909-01 93.242 Mental Health Research Grants 379,147 Direct 1RF1NS113287-01 REVISED 93.853 Extramural Research Programs in the Neurosciences and Neurological Disorders 601,684 333,575 Direct 1S10OD026770-01A1 93.351 Research Infrastructure Programs 349,812 Direct 1S10OD028712-01 93.351 Research Infrastructure Programs 641,999 Direct 1S10OD028717-01 93.351 Research Infrastructure Programs 1,199,774 Direct 1T32DA050560-02 93.279 Drug Abuse and Addiction Research Programs 150,528 Direct 1T32GM132029-01 93.859 Biomedical Research and Research Training 339,505 Direct 1T32GM132063-01A1 93.859 Biomedical Research and Research Training 171,801 Direct 1T32HL139431-01 93.837 Cardiovascular Diseases Research 242,822 Direct 1T32HL150452-01A1 93.837 Cardiovascular Diseases Research 65,825 Direct 1T34GM137862-01 93.859 Biomedical Research and Research Training 38,183 Direct 1U01CA224160-01 93.353 21st Century Cures Act - Beau Biden Cancer Moonshot 167,107 48,385 Direct 1U01DA051658-01 93.279 Drug Abuse and Addiction Research Programs 502,977 136,309 Direct 1U01DA051993-02 93.279 Drug Abuse and Addiction Research Programs 548,603 236,192 Direct 1U24HL151541-01 93.839 Blood Diseases and Resources Research 762,905 58,411 Direct 2P01CA111412-16 93.395 Cancer Treatment Research 170,842 Direct 2P30EY011374-21 93.867 Vision Research 261,460 Direct 2R01AI084913-11 93.855 Allergy and Infectious Diseases Research 350,087 Direct 2R01AI123146-06 93.855 Allergy and Infectious Diseases Research 91,108 Direct 2R01AI124512-06 93.855 Allergy and Infectious Diseases Research 149,491 Direct 2R01AR049899-17A1 93.846 Arthritis, Musculoskeletal and Skin Diseases Research 114,928 Direct 2R01AR063070-06A1 93.846 Arthritis, Musculoskeletal and Skin Diseases Research 177,582 Direct 2R01CA203348-06A1 93.395 Cancer Treatment Research 47,644 Direct 2R01ES023350-08 93.113 Environmental Health 578,806 126,393 Direct 2R01GM046736-24 93.859 Biomedical Research and Research Training 251,953 Direct 2R01GM113952-06 93.859 Biomedical Research and Research Training 231,528 22,508 Direct 2R01HD046697-17 93.865 Child Health and Human Development Extramural Research 601,879 Direct 2R01HD080444-06A1 93.865 Child Health and Human Development Extramural Research 420,367 175,241 Direct 2R01HL059367-19A1 93.837 Cardiovascular Diseases Research 58,798 Direct 2R01MH096773-08A1 93.242 Mental Health Research Grants 725,646 307,116 Direct 2R01NS058945-12 93.853 Extramural Research Programs in the Neurosciences and Neurological Disorders 601,882 Direct 2R01NSF081118-05A1 93.853 Extramural Research Programs in the Neurosciences and Neurological Disorders 619,789

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Cluster, Agency, Subagency, Direct/Pass-Through, Federal SubrecipientPass-Through Entity Award # CFDA# CFDA Program Title COVID-19 Expenditures Expenditures

Direct 2R15HD068176-02 93.865 Child Health and Human Development Extramural Research 21,246$ - $ Direct 2R35GM119457-06 93.859 Biomedical Research and Research Training 1,014 Direct 2R56AA024123-06 93.273 Alcohol Research Programs 92,223 Direct 2R56AR042423-26 93.846 Arthritis, Musculoskeletal and Skin Diseases Research 226,669 25,875 Direct 2R56AR055299-11A1 NCE 93.846 Arthritis, Musculoskeletal and Skin Diseases Research 223,040 Direct 2RF1AG044342-06A1 93.866 Aging Research 611,441 Direct 2T32AI083196-10 93.855 Allergy and Infectious Diseases Research 11,915 Direct 2T32CA009138-46 93.398 Cancer Research Manpower 444,359 Direct 2T32DK083250-11 93.847 Diabetes, Digestive, and Kidney Diseases Extramural Research 418,463 Direct 2T32HL007779-26 93.837 Cardiovascular Diseases Research 483,014 Direct 2U24DK106786-06 93.847 Diabetes, Digestive, and Kidney Diseases Extramural Research 1,095,047 55,619 Direct 2U45ES006184-30 93.142 NIEHS Hazardous Waste Worker Health and Safety Training 1,357,691 924,683 Direct 3F31MH124278-01A1S1 93.242 Mental Health Research Grants 20,011 Direct 3K01OD019912-05S1 93.351 Research Infrastructure Programs 28,883 Direct 3K23DK118207-03S1 93.847 Diabetes, Digestive, and Kidney Diseases Extramural Research 222,691 Direct 3P01AG043376-06S1 93.866 Aging Research 693 Direct 3P30DA048742-02S1 93.279 Drug Abuse and Addiction Research Programs 1,902,758 Direct 3P41EB027061-03S1 93.286 Discovery and Applied Research for Technological Innovations to Improve Human Health 1,085,550 Direct 3R00AG058800-03S1 93.866 Aging Research 408,412 Direct 3R01AG053217-05 93.866 Aging Research 669,672 Direct 3R01AG063543-03S1 93.866 Aging Research 856,618 Direct 3R01AI145147-02S1 93.855 Allergy and Infectious Diseases Research 629,442 Direct 3R01AI145147-02S1 93.855 Allergy and Infectious Diseases Research COVID-19 515,155 Direct 3R01AR073966-03S1 93.846 Arthritis, Musculoskeletal and Skin Diseases Research 332,078 Direct 3R01CA196873-05S1 93.393 Cancer Cause and Prevention Research 164,635 313 Direct 3R01HL126171-05 Revised 93.837 Cardiovascular Diseases Research 37,590 Direct 3R33CA217780-03S1 93.396 Cancer Biology Research 145,843 Direct 3R35GM128716-03S1 93.859 Biomedical Research and Research Training 392,543 Direct 3R35GM130353-03S1 93.859 Biomedical Research and Research Training 429,372 Direct 3T32GM008244-33S1 93.859 Biomedical Research and Research Training 777,752 Direct 3T32HD095134-02S1 93.865 Child Health and Human Development Extramural Research 345,378 Direct 3U01AI136780-02S2 93.855 Allergy and Infectious Diseases Research COVID-19 1,000,412 923,547 Direct 3U01DK106786-05 93.847 Diabetes, Digestive, and Kidney Diseases Extramural Research 480,658 139,851 Direct 3U01ES029603-03S3 93.113 Environmental Health 572,911 43,958 Direct 3U45ES006184-29S1 93.142 NIEHS Hazardous Waste Worker Health and Safety Training COVID-19 74,194 49,763 Direct 3UG3 NS107688-02 Revised 93.853 Extramural Research Programs in the Neurosciences and Neurological Disorders 1,323,583 704,462 Direct 3UL1TR002494-03S5 93.350 National Center for Advancing Translational Sciences COVID-19 80,062 Direct 4DP2EB020537-03 93.310 Trans-NIH Research Support 352,254 Direct 4R00AG056656-04 REVISED 93.866 Aging Research 194,766 Direct 4R00DE027414-03 93.121 Oral Diseases and Disorders Research 125,589 Direct 4R33NS111075-03 (formerly 1R61NS111075) 93.853 Extramural Research Programs in the Neurosciences and Neurological Disorders 288,149 47,052 Direct 4U01CA224160-02 93.353 21st Century Cures Act - Beau Biden Cancer Moonshot 404,488 76,256 Direct 5F30 OD023369-04 93.351 Research Infrastructure Programs 42,498 Direct 5F30AG057108-04 93.866 Aging Research 50,971 Direct 5F30AI131483-04 93.855 Allergy and Infectious Diseases Research 27,785 Direct 5F30CA200432-05 93.398 Cancer Research Manpower 2,135 Direct 5F30CA228261-02 93.398 Cancer Research Manpower 47,459 Direct 5F30CA232399-04 93.398 Cancer Research Manpower 51,425 Direct 5F30CA232481-02 93.398 Cancer Research Manpower 47,067 Direct 5F30DA043326-04 Revised 93.279 Drug Abuse and Addiction Research Programs 1,649 Direct 5F30DA049476-02 93.279 Drug Abuse and Addiction Research Programs 31,068 Direct 5F30DA052109-02 93.279 Drug Abuse and Addiction Research Programs 40,233 Direct 5F30DE029105-02 93.121 Oral Diseases and Disorders Research 44,153 Direct 5F30DK114942-03 93.847 Diabetes, Digestive, and Kidney Diseases Extramural Research 28,376 Direct 5F30HD093285-04 93.865 Child Health and Human Development Extramural Research 29,393 Direct 5F30HL146089-03 93.837 Cardiovascular Diseases Research 37,868 Direct 5F31AA026782-02 93.273 Alcohol Research Programs 20,627 Direct 5F31AG052329-03 93.866 Aging Research 386 Direct 5F31AG057155-02 REVISED 93.866 Aging Research 12,789 Direct 5F31AI145091-02 93.855 Allergy and Infectious Diseases Research 36,804 Direct 5F31AI147805-02 93.855 Allergy and Infectious Diseases Research 32,080

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Cluster, Agency, Subagency, Direct/Pass-Through, Federal SubrecipientPass-Through Entity Award # CFDA# CFDA Program Title COVID-19 Expenditures Expenditures

Direct 5F31AI148047-02 93.855 Allergy and Infectious Diseases Research 31,847$ - $ Direct 5F31AR073629-03 93.846 Arthritis, Musculoskeletal and Skin Diseases Research 6,699 Direct 5F31AR073642-03 93.846 Arthritis, Musculoskeletal and Skin Diseases Research 29,807 Direct 5F31CA220746-04 93.398 Cancer Research Manpower 17,927 Direct 5F31CA236190-03 93.398 Cancer Research Manpower 32,113 Direct 5F31CA243193-02 REVISED 93.398 Cancer Research Manpower 25,124 Direct 5F31CA243306-03 93.398 Cancer Research Manpower 32,137 Direct 5F31DK116498-03 93.847 Diabetes, Digestive, and Kidney Diseases Extramural Research 3,771 Direct 5F31DK123998-02 93.847 Diabetes, Digestive, and Kidney Diseases Extramural Research 31,756 Direct 5F31DK123999-02 93.847 Diabetes, Digestive, and Kidney Diseases Extramural Research 35,756 Direct 5F31DK124968-02 93.847 Diabetes, Digestive, and Kidney Diseases Extramural Research 32,445 Direct 5F31HL139090-03 93.837 Cardiovascular Diseases Research 7,113 Direct 5F31HL142313-03 93.837 Cardiovascular Diseases Research 33,716 Direct 5F31MH117947-02 93.242 Mental Health Research Grants 38,215 Direct 5F31MH122094-02 93.242 Mental Health Research Grants 35,742 Direct 5F31NS103320-02 93.853 Extramural Research Programs in the Neurosciences and Neurological Disorders 3,561 Direct 5F31NS103392-03 93.853 Extramural Research Programs in the Neurosciences and Neurological Disorders 15,223 Direct 5F31NS108625-04 Revised 93.853 Extramural Research Programs in the Neurosciences and Neurological Disorders 32,195 Direct 5F32AI147813-03 93.855 Allergy and Infectious Diseases Research 56,974 Direct 5F32AI150351-02 93.855 Allergy and Infectious Diseases Research 70,965 Direct 5F32DE028174-03 93.121 Oral Diseases and Disorders Research 62,029 Direct 5F32HL145988-02 93.838 Lung Diseases Research 7,369 Direct 5F32HL152523-02 93.837 Cardiovascular Diseases Research 63,880 Direct 5F32MH112334-03 Revised 93.242 Mental Health Research Grants 3,580 Direct 5K01AA024805-05 93.273 Alcohol Research Programs 113,381 Direct 5K01AA026349-04 93.273 Alcohol Research Programs 142,088 Direct 5K01AG064038-02 93.866 Aging Research 150,691 Direct 5K01AR070894-04 93.846 Arthritis, Musculoskeletal and Skin Diseases Research 143,068 Direct 5K01AT008965-05 93.213 Research and Training in Complementary and Integrative Health 91,012 Direct 5K01DA037280-05 93.279 Drug Abuse and Addiction Research Programs 17,778 Direct 5K01DA042902-03 93.279 Drug Abuse and Addiction Research Programs 143,420 Direct 5K01DA051598-03 93.279 Drug Abuse and Addiction Research Programs 82,132 Direct 5K01DK116934-03 93.847 Diabetes, Digestive, and Kidney Diseases Extramural Research 108,473 Direct 5K01DK125258-02 93.847 Diabetes, Digestive, and Kidney Diseases Extramural Research 117,613 Direct 5K01MD014795-02 93.307 Minority Health and Health Disparities Research 110,577 Direct 5K01MH117451-03 93.242 Mental Health Research Grants 143,676 Direct 5K01MH120278-02 93.242 Mental Health Research Grants 141,300 Direct 5K01OD027058-03 93.351 Research Infrastructure Programs 127,659 Direct 5K01TW010268-05 NCE 93.989 International Research and Research Training 118,582 Direct 5K08AI134262-03 93.855 Allergy and Infectious Diseases Research 135,659 Direct 5K08CA234232-03 93.398 Cancer Research Manpower 156,245 26,349 Direct 5K08DE027705-03 93.121 Oral Diseases and Disorders Research 99,969 Direct 5K08GM113055-04 93.859 Biomedical Research and Research Training 148,604 Direct 5K08HD099246-03 93.865 Child Health and Human Development Extramural Research 149,133 Direct 5K08HL140100-04 93.838 Lung Diseases Research 155,278 Direct 5K12GM119955-05 93.859 Biomedical Research and Research Training 767,180 143,086 Direct 5K12HD055887-14 Revised 93.865 Child Health and Human Development Extramural Research 505,666 Direct 5K23AI138851-04 93.855 Allergy and Infectious Diseases Research 149,045 Direct 5K23DC016335-05 93.173 Research Related to Deafness and Communication Disorders 185,274 Direct 5K23DK115906-03 93.847 Diabetes, Digestive, and Kidney Diseases Extramural Research 179,706 Direct 5K23DK125668-02 Revised 93.847 Diabetes, Digestive, and Kidney Diseases Extramural Research 135,809 Direct 5K23HD090324-04 93.865 Child Health and Human Development Extramural Research 121,853 Direct 5K23HL132011-06 NCE 93.837 Cardiovascular Diseases Research 128,661 Direct 5K23HL143146-03 93.837 Cardiovascular Diseases Research 230,989 Direct 5K23MH112867-05 93.242 Mental Health Research Grants 175,184 Direct 5K23MH117219-02 93.242 Mental Health Research Grants 207,186 Direct 5K23MH121220-02 93.242 Mental Health Research Grants 220,566 23,870 Direct 5K23MH123910-02 93.242 Mental Health Research Grants 101,964 Direct 5K99AI147811-02 REVISED 93.855 Allergy and Infectious Diseases Research 91,980 Direct 5K99AT010012-02 REVISED 93.213 Research and Training in Complementary and Integrative Health 4,302 Direct 5K99DC017472-02S1 93.173 Research Related to Deafness and Communication Disorders 100,414

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Cluster, Agency, Subagency, Direct/Pass-Through, Federal SubrecipientPass-Through Entity Award # CFDA# CFDA Program Title COVID-19 Expenditures Expenditures

Direct 5K99DE027414-02 93.121 Oral Diseases and Disorders Research 31,872$ - $ Direct 5K99HL144824-02 93.837 Cardiovascular Diseases Research 104,173 Direct 5KL2TR002492-04 93.350 National Center for Advancing Translational Sciences 1,149,779 Direct 5P01AI035296-26 93.855 Allergy and Infectious Diseases Research 2,410,723 Direct 5P01CA065493-25 93.395 Cancer Treatment Research 1,050,019 45,957 Direct 5P01CA111412-15 93.395 Cancer Treatment Research 1,678,878 353,646 Direct 5P01CA138338-10 93.393 Cancer Cause and Prevention Research 1,543,333 716,690 Direct 5P01CA217806-04 93.393 Cancer Cause and Prevention Research 1,538,921 502,669 Direct 5P01CA234228-02 93.396 Cancer Biology Research 1,889,562 480,558 Direct 5P2C HD041023-20 93.865 Child Health and Human Development Extramural Research 268,062 Direct 5P30CA077598-22 93.397 Cancer Centers Support Grants 4,346,658 Direct 5P30NS076408-09 93.853 Extramural Research Programs in the Neurosciences and Neurological Disorders 426,209 Direct 5P40OD010440-10 93.351 Research Infrastructure Programs 733,016 Direct 5P50HD093540-04 93.865 Child Health and Human Development Extramural Research 1,627,094 1,145,196 Direct 5P50NS098573-05 93.853 Extramural Research Programs in the Neurosciences and Neurological Disorders 869,399 88,878 Direct 5R00AA025384-04 93.273 Alcohol Research Programs 215,632 Direct 5R00DA039253-05 93.279 Drug Abuse and Addiction Research Programs 252,995 Direct 5R00DA041462-05 93.279 Drug Abuse and Addiction Research Programs 256,765 Direct 5R00DA042895-04 93.279 Drug Abuse and Addiction Research Programs 298,152 Direct 5R00HL123638-05 Revised 93.837 Cardiovascular Diseases Research 31,861 Direct 5R00HL138163-04 93.837 Cardiovascular Diseases Research 282,205 Direct 5R00MH109627-04 93.242 Mental Health Research Grants 164,807 Direct 5R01 HL051177-25 REVISED 93.838 Lung Diseases Research 326,312 60,313 Direct 5R01AA015069-10 Revised NCE 93.273 Alcohol Research Programs 192,346 Direct 5R01AA023504-06 93.273 Alcohol Research Programs 231,420 189,155 Direct 5R01AA024123-05S1 93.273 Alcohol Research Programs 54,154 Direct 5R01AA026574-02 93.273 Alcohol Research Programs 127,370 27,230 Direct 5R01AA026598-04 93.273 Alcohol Research Programs 375,697 Direct 5R01AA027544-02 93.273 Alcohol Research Programs 315,893 Direct 5R01AG020866-18 93.866 Aging Research 198,385 Direct 5R01AG031743-13 93.866 Aging Research 429,221 23,266 Direct 5R01AG041831-09 93.866 Aging Research 607,455 29,936 Direct 5R01AG043392-05 REVISED 93.866 Aging Research 62,013 26,027 Direct 5R01AG048931-05 93.866 Aging Research 448,034 139,733 Direct 5R01AG048931-05 93.866 Aging Research COVID-19 116,128 Direct 5R01AG050300-05 93.866 Aging Research 554,273 371,258 Direct 5R01AG055452-05 93.866 Aging Research 463,362 Direct 5R01AG055469-04 93.866 Aging Research 326,940 239,911 Direct 5R01AG055591-05 93.866 Aging Research 511,845 Direct 5R01AG057679-04 93.866 Aging Research 683,013 14,718 Direct 5R01AG058687-04 93.866 Aging Research 367,145 7,193 Direct 5R01AG058719-03 93.866 Aging Research 3,068,102 2,457,052 Direct 5R01AG058820-02 93.866 Aging Research 43,749 Direct 5R01AG059654-04 93.866 Aging Research 299,462 18,246 Direct 5R01AG062199-02 S1 93.866 Aging Research 909,579 Direct 5R01AG062469-02 93.866 Aging Research 435,922 Direct 5R01AG062601-02 93.866 Aging Research 716,730 Direct 5R01AG062899-02 93.866 Aging Research 507,794 Direct 5R01AG069768-02 93.866 Aging Research 163,955 Direct 5R01AG069781-02 93.866 Aging Research 160,137 21,481 Direct 5R01AG069819-02 93.866 Aging Research 254,784 Direct 5R01AG070962-02 93.866 Aging Research 166,700 Direct 5R01AI027998-32 93.855 Allergy and Infectious Diseases Research 540,367 Direct 5R01AI038903-25 93.855 Allergy and Infectious Diseases Research 348,500 Direct 5R01AI039614-24 93.855 Allergy and Infectious Diseases Research 308,480 Direct 5R01AI042792-20 93.855 Allergy and Infectious Diseases Research 391,671 275,173 Direct 5R01AI049424-13 93.855 Allergy and Infectious Diseases Research 332,257 82,280 Direct 5R01AI089728-09 93.855 Allergy and Infectious Diseases Research 473,256 111,204 Direct 5R01AI103760-09 93.855 Allergy and Infectious Diseases Research 553,842 Direct 5R01AI116678-05 93.855 Allergy and Infectious Diseases Research 61,452 Direct 5R01AI118511-05 NCE 93.855 Allergy and Infectious Diseases Research 312,114 217,755

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Cluster, Agency, Subagency, Direct/Pass-Through, Federal SubrecipientPass-Through Entity Award # CFDA# CFDA Program Title COVID-19 Expenditures Expenditures

Direct 5R01AI122742-05 93.855 Allergy and Infectious Diseases Research 254,581$ 34,618$ Direct 5R01AI123146-05 93.855 Allergy and Infectious Diseases Research 169,867 Direct 5R01AI124512-05 93.855 Allergy and Infectious Diseases Research 281,971 32,359 Direct 5R01AI125127-05 Revised 93.855 Allergy and Infectious Diseases Research 247,047 44,371 Direct 5R01AI131586-05 93.855 Allergy and Infectious Diseases Research 598,729 330,008 Direct 5R01AI132563-05 93.855 Allergy and Infectious Diseases Research 566,025 165,382 Direct 5R01AI132962-05 93.855 Allergy and Infectious Diseases Research 282,825 Direct 5R01AI134406-04 93.855 Allergy and Infectious Diseases Research 516,288 23,440 Direct 5R01AI134636-04 93.855 Allergy and Infectious Diseases Research 599,685 Direct 5R01AI136445-04 93.855 Allergy and Infectious Diseases Research 763,368 404,373 Direct 5R01AI136982-03 93.855 Allergy and Infectious Diseases Research 517,628 Direct 5R01AI139420-03 93.855 Allergy and Infectious Diseases Research 512,825 Direct 5R01AI143380-03 93.855 Allergy and Infectious Diseases Research 724,080 304,087 Direct 5R01AI143689-02 93.855 Allergy and Infectious Diseases Research 433,965 46,203 Direct 5R01AI143784-03 93.855 Allergy and Infectious Diseases Research 933,222 272,412 Direct 5R01AI143826-03 93.855 Allergy and Infectious Diseases Research 407,787 Direct 5R01AI143828-03 93.855 Allergy and Infectious Diseases Research 533,875 Direct 5R01AI146009-02 93.855 Allergy and Infectious Diseases Research 391,606 Direct 5R01AI146031-02 93.855 Allergy and Infectious Diseases Research 594,262 12,845 Direct 5R01AI147540-03 93.855 Allergy and Infectious Diseases Research 436,950 Direct 5R01AI147912-02 93.855 Allergy and Infectious Diseases Research 270,536 686 Direct 5R01AI148669-02 93.855 Allergy and Infectious Diseases Research 459,379 Direct 5R01AI150468-04 93.859 Biomedical Research and Research Training 386,491 Direct 5R01AR042423-25 93.846 Arthritis, Musculoskeletal and Skin Diseases Research 150,938 Direct 5R01AR049899-16 93.846 Arthritis, Musculoskeletal and Skin Diseases Research 104,565 Direct 5R01AR055685-10 93.846 Arthritis, Musculoskeletal and Skin Diseases Research (91) Direct 5R01AR055685-12 93.846 Arthritis, Musculoskeletal and Skin Diseases Research 419,265 Direct 5R01AR064195-08 REVISED 93.846 Arthritis, Musculoskeletal and Skin Diseases Research 335,759 Direct 5R01AR070020-05 93.846 Arthritis, Musculoskeletal and Skin Diseases Research 588,834 Direct 5R01AR071349-04 93.846 Arthritis, Musculoskeletal and Skin Diseases Research 496,842 Direct 5R01AR071439-05 93.846 Arthritis, Musculoskeletal and Skin Diseases Research 386,387 Direct 5R01AR072634-04 93.846 Arthritis, Musculoskeletal and Skin Diseases Research 376,263 41,084 Direct 5R01AR075413-03 93.846 Arthritis, Musculoskeletal and Skin Diseases Research 441,059 Direct 5R01AT009457-04 93.213 Research and Training in Complementary and Integrative Health 384,882 Direct 5R01CA081301-22 93.393 Cancer Cause and Prevention Research 468,317 Direct 5R01CA095039-13 93.393 Cancer Cause and Prevention Research 359,562 Direct 5R01CA100670-13 93.393 Cancer Cause and Prevention Research 348,308 8,539 Direct 5R01CA122320-11 93.393 Cancer Cause and Prevention Research 160,320 Direct 5R01CA142714-09 93.393 Cancer Cause and Prevention Research 566,066 37,112 Direct 5R01CA160069-11 93.396 Cancer Biology Research 307,980 Direct 5R01CA174777-08 93.396 Cancer Biology Research 374,039 Direct 5R01CA174861-05 Revised 93.395 Cancer Treatment Research 10,642 Direct 5R01CA180880-05 REVISED 93.077 Family Smoking Prevention and Tobacco Control Act Regulatory Research 123,360 Direct 5R01CA181024-06 93.395 Cancer Treatment Research 251,233 29,502 Direct 5R01CA181385-04S1 93.396 Cancer Biology Research 7,644 Direct 5R01CA183749-04 93.394 Cancer Detection and Diagnosis Research 110,604 Direct 5R01CA183764-05 93.396 Cancer Biology Research 52,374 Direct 5R01CA187027-05 REVISED 93.393 Cancer Cause and Prevention Research 215,179 Direct 5R01CA190492-05 93.393 Cancer Cause and Prevention Research 184,778 166,000 Direct 5R01CA192178-05 93.396 Cancer Biology Research 266,037 24,170 Direct 5R01CA193739-05 Revised 93.395 Cancer Treatment Research 91,564 Direct 5R01CA196215-05 NCE 93.395 Cancer Treatment Research 252,122 Direct 5R01CA196639-05 93.393 Cancer Cause and Prevention Research 153,867 Direct 5R01CA200652-05 93.396 Cancer Biology Research 225,645 Direct 5R01CA203348-05 93.395 Cancer Treatment Research 273,047 156,834 Direct 5R01CA203851-05 93.077 Family Smoking Prevention and Tobacco Control Act Regulatory Research 479,946 Direct 5R01CA204856-04 93.395 Cancer Treatment Research 322,291 64,735 Direct 5R01CA214550-05 93.394 Cancer Detection and Diagnosis Research 420,820 69,759 Direct 5R01CA215052-05 93.396 Cancer Biology Research 224,281 Direct 5R01CA218657-04 93.393 Cancer Cause and Prevention Research 543,595 18,351 Direct 5R01CA220367-04 93.394 Cancer Detection and Diagnosis Research 420,596 189,241

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Cluster, Agency, Subagency, Direct/Pass-Through, Federal SubrecipientPass-Through Entity Award # CFDA# CFDA Program Title COVID-19 Expenditures Expenditures

Direct 5R01CA220376-04 93.394 Cancer Detection and Diagnosis Research 337,622$ - $ Direct 5R01CA222005-03 93.393 Cancer Cause and Prevention Research 499,375 Direct 5R01CA225435-04 93.393 Cancer Cause and Prevention Research 305,530 Direct 5R01CA225973-03 Revised 93.395 Cancer Treatment Research 475,571 Direct 5R01CA228478-03 93.393 Cancer Cause and Prevention Research 393,922 12,448 Direct 5R01CA228760-03 93.395 Cancer Treatment Research 538,288 Direct 5R01CA229697-02 93.396 Cancer Biology Research 313,971 13,468 Direct 5R01CA231210-02 93.393 Cancer Cause and Prevention Research 306,077 1,382 Direct 5R01CA232317-03 REVISED 93.393 Cancer Cause and Prevention Research 349,014 15,779 Direct 5R01CA233562-02 93.395 Cancer Treatment Research 207,868 Direct 5R01CA237272-02 93.394 Cancer Detection and Diagnosis Research 375,215 Direct 5R01CA238439-02 REVISED 93.395 Cancer Treatment Research 471,494 Direct 5R01CA240953-02 93.394 Cancer Detection and Diagnosis Research 371,956 68,945 Direct 5R01CA241627-03 93.395 Cancer Treatment Research 432,100 Direct 5R01CA245922-02 REVISED 93.395 Cancer Treatment Research 454,712 Direct 5R01CA247681-02 93.395 Cancer Treatment Research 660,662 Direct 5R01CA253244-02 93.393 Cancer Cause and Prevention Research 214,072 Direct 5R01DA007304-29 93.279 Drug Abuse and Addiction Research Programs 321,936 Direct 5R01DA016351-11 93.279 Drug Abuse and Addiction Research Programs 251,735 Direct 5R01DA027232-08 93.279 Drug Abuse and Addiction Research Programs 207,041 39,798 Direct 5R01DA034696-09 93.279 Drug Abuse and Addiction Research Programs 370,050 Direct 5R01DA035931-05 93.279 Drug Abuse and Addiction Research Programs 3,841 Direct 5R01DA036216-05 Revised 93.279 Drug Abuse and Addiction Research Programs (418) Direct 5R01DA037229-06 93.279 Drug Abuse and Addiction Research Programs 153,763 Direct 5R01DA037904-05 93.279 Drug Abuse and Addiction Research Programs 223,682 156,005 Direct 5R01DA038106-06 Revised 93.279 Drug Abuse and Addiction Research Programs 375,915 Direct 5R01DA038615-07 93.279 Drug Abuse and Addiction Research Programs 178,262 Direct 5R01DA038984-05 93.279 Drug Abuse and Addiction Research Programs 183,980 Direct 5R01DA039464-05 NCE 93.279 Drug Abuse and Addiction Research Programs 311,010 Direct 5R01DA041808-05 93.279 Drug Abuse and Addiction Research Programs 360,580 Direct 5R01DA044283-03 93.279 Drug Abuse and Addiction Research Programs 449,709 219,042 Direct 5R01DA046320-03 93.077 Family Smoking Prevention and Tobacco Control Act Regulatory Research 195,036 49,321 Direct 5R01DA047287-02 REVISED 93.279 Drug Abuse and Addiction Research Programs 349,769 40,576 Direct 5R01DA048822-03 93.279 Drug Abuse and Addiction Research Programs 375,339 Direct 5R01DA048946-02 93.279 Drug Abuse and Addiction Research Programs 354,445 Direct 5R01DA050894-02 93.279 Drug Abuse and Addiction Research Programs 665,117 Direct 5R01DC005216-21 93.173 Research Related to Deafness and Communication Disorders 412,019 Direct 5R01DC012262-08 93.173 Research Related to Deafness and Communication Disorders 282,119 Direct 5R01DC013267-05 93.173 Research Related to Deafness and Communication Disorders 62,092 Direct 5R01DC015462-05 93.173 Research Related to Deafness and Communication Disorders 237,321 Direct 5R01DC015987-05 93.173 Research Related to Deafness and Communication Disorders 302,911 Direct 5R01DC016315-02 93.173 Research Related to Deafness and Communication Disorders 253,927 Direct 5R01DE025618-05 93.121 Oral Diseases and Disorders Research 353,698 23,920 Direct 5R01DE026117-03 REVISED 93.121 Oral Diseases and Disorders Research 34,168 Direct 5R01DE027043-03 93.121 Oral Diseases and Disorders Research 436,879 Direct 5R01DE027669-04 93.121 Oral Diseases and Disorders Research 470,955 Direct 5R01DE028059-03 93.121 Oral Diseases and Disorders Research 565,453 6,220 Direct 5R01DK053189-19 93.847 Diabetes, Digestive, and Kidney Diseases Extramural Research 356,132 Direct 5R01DK054733-19 93.847 Diabetes, Digestive, and Kidney Diseases Extramural Research 290,565 Direct 5R01DK054921-19 Revised 93.847 Diabetes, Digestive, and Kidney Diseases Extramural Research (283) Direct 5R01DK060521-19 93.847 Diabetes, Digestive, and Kidney Diseases Extramural Research 377,798 Direct 5R01DK091538-11 REVISED 93.847 Diabetes, Digestive, and Kidney Diseases Extramural Research 64,854 Direct 5R01DK091538-13 93.847 Diabetes, Digestive, and Kidney Diseases Extramural Research 346,039 53,269 Direct 5R01DK098203-05 Revised 93.847 Diabetes, Digestive, and Kidney Diseases Extramural Research 6,898 Direct 5R01DK099137-05 Revised 93.847 Diabetes, Digestive, and Kidney Diseases Extramural Research 33,919 Direct 5R01DK101402-05 93.847 Diabetes, Digestive, and Kidney Diseases Extramural Research 364,156 68,672 Direct 5R01DK102601-04 NCE 93.847 Diabetes, Digestive, and Kidney Diseases Extramural Research 18,548 Direct 5R01DK102932-06 93.847 Diabetes, Digestive, and Kidney Diseases Extramural Research 445,751 328,732 Direct 5R01DK104348-04 Revised 93.847 Diabetes, Digestive, and Kidney Diseases Extramural Research 5,756 Direct 5R01DK105953-05 93.847 Diabetes, Digestive, and Kidney Diseases Extramural Research 257,924 Direct 5R01DK106130-04 Revised NCE 93.847 Diabetes, Digestive, and Kidney Diseases Extramural Research 587,176 333,085

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Cluster, Agency, Subagency, Direct/Pass-Through, Federal SubrecipientPass-Through Entity Award # CFDA# CFDA Program Title COVID-19 Expenditures Expenditures

Direct 5R01DK108893-04 93.847 Diabetes, Digestive, and Kidney Diseases Extramural Research 35,596$ - $ Direct 5R01DK109124-06 93.847 Diabetes, Digestive, and Kidney Diseases Extramural Research 583,998 120,672 Direct 5R01DK109914-05 93.847 Diabetes, Digestive, and Kidney Diseases Extramural Research 238,750 Direct 5R01DK112254-07 93.847 Diabetes, Digestive, and Kidney Diseases Extramural Research 189,878 Direct 5R01DK113091-04 93.847 Diabetes, Digestive, and Kidney Diseases Extramural Research 366,518 Direct 5R01DK113631-05 93.847 Diabetes, Digestive, and Kidney Diseases Extramural Research 704,566 Direct 5R01DK114401-04S1 93.847 Diabetes, Digestive, and Kidney Diseases Extramural Research 399,998 Direct 5R01DK114453-04S1 93.847 Diabetes, Digestive, and Kidney Diseases Extramural Research 304,367 Direct 5R01DK115720-04 93.847 Diabetes, Digestive, and Kidney Diseases Extramural Research 363,953 Direct 5R01DK117286-04 93.847 Diabetes, Digestive, and Kidney Diseases Extramural Research 843,343 215,985 Direct 5R01DK117425-04 93.847 Diabetes, Digestive, and Kidney Diseases Extramural Research 856,430 Direct 5R01DK118664-03 Revised 93.847 Diabetes, Digestive, and Kidney Diseases Extramural Research 191,752 84,105 Direct 5R01DK119456-03 93.847 Diabetes, Digestive, and Kidney Diseases Extramural Research 635,806 Direct 5R01DK121019-02 Revised 93.847 Diabetes, Digestive, and Kidney Diseases Extramural Research 434,319 76,278 Direct 5R01DK122056-03 93.847 Diabetes, Digestive, and Kidney Diseases Extramural Research 384,028 Direct 5R01DK123273-02 Revised 93.847 Diabetes, Digestive, and Kidney Diseases Extramural Research 264,254 10,060 Direct 5R01DK124201-02 93.847 Diabetes, Digestive, and Kidney Diseases Extramural Research 309,641 Direct 5R01DK124484-02 93.847 Diabetes, Digestive, and Kidney Diseases Extramural Research 374,943 Direct 5R01DK125039-02 93.847 Diabetes, Digestive, and Kidney Diseases Extramural Research 354,593 Direct 5R01DK125431-02 93.847 Diabetes, Digestive, and Kidney Diseases Extramural Research 546,770 243,437 Direct 5R01EB023880-03 93.286 Discovery and Applied Research for Technological Innovations to Improve Human Health 129,471 Direct 5R01EB028274-02 93.286 Discovery and Applied Research for Technological Innovations to Improve Human Health 392,055 Direct 5R01EB030000-02 93.286 Discovery and Applied Research for Technological Innovations to Improve Human Health 166,933 Direct 5R01ES019564-09 nc 93.113 Environmental Health 140,686 5,290 Direct 5R01ES030559-03 93.113 Environmental Health 395,376 67,932 Direct 5R01ES030765-02 93.113 Environmental Health 228,911 Direct 5R01EY015313-16 93.867 Vision Research 405,124 101,261 Direct 5R01EY017835-10 REVISED 93.867 Vision Research 26,618 7,154 Direct 5R01EY024261-07 93.867 Vision Research 499,216 Direct 5R01EY026012-04 Revised 93.867 Vision Research 205,878 Direct 5R01EY026514-05 93.867 Vision Research 277,538 Direct 5R01EY026882-05 93.867 Vision Research 336,574 Direct 5R01EY028143-04 93.867 Vision Research 398,799 Direct 5R01EY028554-04 93.867 Vision Research 426,372 Direct 5R01EY029700-02 93.867 Vision Research 322,483 127,300 Direct 5R01EY030472-03 93.867 Vision Research 129,327 Direct 5R01EY030893-02 93.867 Vision Research 289,427 Direct 5R01GM029123-35 93.859 Biomedical Research and Research Training 44,741 210 Direct 5R01GM044757-26 93.859 Biomedical Research and Research Training 399,216 Direct 5R01GM055667-24 93.859 Biomedical Research and Research Training 403,131 Direct 5R01GM057173-19 93.859 Biomedical Research and Research Training 492,372 Direct 5R01GM059152-20 93.859 Biomedical Research and Research Training 9,226 Direct 5R01GM059604-16 93.859 Biomedical Research and Research Training 12,434 (587) Direct 5R01GM064589-18 93.859 Biomedical Research and Research Training 84,203 Direct 5R01GM064742-17 93.859 Biomedical Research and Research Training 133,752 Direct 5R01GM067203-13 93.859 Biomedical Research and Research Training 247,182 Direct 5R01GM074917-13 93.859 Biomedical Research and Research Training 80,018 5,996 Direct 5R01GM084152-08 93.859 Biomedical Research and Research Training 238,852 Direct 5R01GM098550-08 93.859 Biomedical Research and Research Training 410,696 Direct 5R01GM100310-08 93.859 Biomedical Research and Research Training 238,015 Direct 5R01GM105707-09 93.859 Biomedical Research and Research Training 390,604 Direct 5R01GM113250-14 REVISED 93.859 Biomedical Research and Research Training 75,147 Direct 5R01GM113952-05 REVISED 93.859 Biomedical Research and Research Training 9,740 Direct 5R01GM113985-05 REVISED 93.859 Biomedical Research and Research Training (651) Direct 5R01GM115462-04 NCE 93.859 Biomedical Research and Research Training 118,905 Direct 5R01GM120079-04 NCE 93.859 Biomedical Research and Research Training 426,306 87,535 Direct 5R01GM121414-04 93.859 Biomedical Research and Research Training 122,171 67,951 Direct 5R01GM121498-04 93.859 Biomedical Research and Research Training 296,952 Direct 5R01GM121515-04 REVISED 93.859 Biomedical Research and Research Training 253,776 Direct 5R01GM121777 93.859 Biomedical Research and Research Training 228,944 Direct 5R01GM122787-05 93.859 Biomedical Research and Research Training 331,381

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Cluster, Agency, Subagency, Direct/Pass-Through, Federal SubrecipientPass-Through Entity Award # CFDA# CFDA Program Title COVID-19 Expenditures Expenditures

Direct 5R01GM122917-04 93.859 Biomedical Research and Research Training 363,397$ - $ Direct 5R01GM122979-04 93.859 Biomedical Research and Research Training 406,762 199,188 Direct 5R01GM123642-04 93.859 Biomedical Research and Research Training 137,176 28,676 Direct 5R01GM127379-03 REVISED 93.859 Biomedical Research and Research Training 400,358 Direct 5R01GM127872-04 93.859 Biomedical Research and Research Training 367,522 203,616 Direct 5R01GM128439-02 93.865 Child Health and Human Development Extramural Research 146,900 97,263 Direct 5R01GM129374-02 REVISED 93.859 Biomedical Research and Research Training 1,377 Direct 5R01GM130622-03 REVISED 93.859 Biomedical Research and Research Training 295,400 Direct 5R01GM130800-02 93.859 Biomedical Research and Research Training 187,331 Direct 5R01GM130858-03 REVISED 93.859 Biomedical Research and Research Training 336,060 37,313 Direct 5R01GM132596-03 93.859 Biomedical Research and Research Training 330,000 Direct 5R01GM133885-03 93.859 Biomedical Research and Research Training 341,261 Direct 5R01GM134538-02 93.859 Biomedical Research and Research Training 234,183 Direct 5R01GM134681-03 93.859 Biomedical Research and Research Training 502,235 214,348 Direct 5R01GM137603-02 REVISED 93.859 Biomedical Research and Research Training 408,961 Direct 5R01GM138833-02 93.859 Biomedical Research and Research Training 185,215 Direct 5R01HD034294-24 93.865 Child Health and Human Development Extramural Research 499,716 Direct 5R01HD043392-18 93.865 Child Health and Human Development Extramural Research 556,254 Direct 5R01HD044154-15 93.865 Child Health and Human Development Extramural Research 47,146 Direct 5R01HD044763-12 revised 93.865 Child Health and Human Development Extramural Research 344,555 65,778 Direct 5R01HD046697-15 REVISED 93.865 Child Health and Human Development Extramural Research 54,709 Direct 5R01HD047283-15 93.865 Child Health and Human Development Extramural Research 501,874 Direct 5R01HD057929-13 93.865 Child Health and Human Development Extramural Research 605,961 Direct 5R01HD067258-10 93.865 Child Health and Human Development Extramural Research 606,225 Direct 5R01HD069471-09 93.865 Child Health and Human Development Extramural Research 548,222 Direct 5R01HD073126-05 93.865 Child Health and Human Development Extramural Research 13,274 15,422 Direct 5R01HD079918-05 93.865 Child Health and Human Development Extramural Research 117,491 18,660 Direct 5R01HD082120-05 93.865 Child Health and Human Development Extramural Research 276,645 Direct 5R01HD083829-05 93.865 Child Health and Human Development Extramural Research 256,250 Direct 5R01HD084440-05 93.865 Child Health and Human Development Extramural Research 140,198 Direct 5R01HD084459-05 93.865 Child Health and Human Development Extramural Research 209,342 Direct 5R01HD088176-04 93.865 Child Health and Human Development Extramural Research 68,894 Direct 5R01HD089989-05 93.865 Child Health and Human Development Extramural Research 584,783 350,129 Direct 5R01HD090014-04 93.865 Child Health and Human Development Extramural Research 369,982 69,377 Direct 5R01HD090053-02 93.865 Child Health and Human Development Extramural Research 453,752 33,425 Direct 5R01HD090059-04 93.865 Child Health and Human Development Extramural Research 580,904 194,223 Direct 5R01HD091685-03 Revised 93.865 Child Health and Human Development Extramural Research 561,691 36,693 Direct 5R01HD092391-04 93.865 Child Health and Human Development Extramural Research 510,636 255,629 Direct 5R01HD092655-04 93.865 Child Health and Human Development Extramural Research 598,730 204,873 Direct 5R01HD094809-04 93.865 Child Health and Human Development Extramural Research 392,470 Direct 5R01HD095858-03 93.865 Child Health and Human Development Extramural Research 388,554 Direct 5R01HD095904-03 93.865 Child Health and Human Development Extramural Research 485,669 Direct 5R01HD098866-03 93.865 Child Health and Human Development Extramural Research 688,754 276,669 Direct 5R01HD100007-03 93.865 Child Health and Human Development Extramural Research 284,779 Direct 5R01HG005084-08 93.172 Human Genome Research 162,280 Direct 5R01HG008605-03 93.172 Human Genome Research 71,077 10,748 Direct 5R01HL056067-25 93.839 Blood Diseases and Resources Research 603,106 10,782 Direct 5R01HL059367-18 93.837 Cardiovascular Diseases Research 348,651 34,635 Direct 5R01HL104025-09 NCE 93.837 Cardiovascular Diseases Research 24,583 Direct 5R01HL105397-08 REVISED 93.837 Cardiovascular Diseases Research 159,869 Direct 5R01HL105550-08 93.837 Cardiovascular Diseases Research 1,654 Direct 5R01HL107572-07 93.838 Lung Diseases Research 522,745 Direct 5R01HL114567-08 NCE 93.839 Blood Diseases and Resources Research 316,503 Direct 5R01HL116476-07 Revised 93.837 Cardiovascular Diseases Research 436,193 35,105 Direct 5R01HL116720-07 93.837 Cardiovascular Diseases Research 431,419 143,526 Direct 5R01HL118979-08 93.839 Blood Diseases and Resources Research 717,950 24,453 Direct 5R01HL121093-08 93.837 Cardiovascular Diseases Research 514,299 Direct 5R01HL122323-07 93.837 Cardiovascular Diseases Research 580,168 Direct 5R01HL123699-05 93.837 Cardiovascular Diseases Research 597,359 56,673 Direct 5R01HL126637-05 NCE 93.837 Cardiovascular Diseases Research 472,601 166,319 Direct 5R01HL128580-04 93.839 Blood Diseases and Resources Research 182,347

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Cluster, Agency, Subagency, Direct/Pass-Through, Federal SubrecipientPass-Through Entity Award # CFDA# CFDA Program Title COVID-19 Expenditures Expenditures

Direct 5R01HL130072--05 Revised 93.837 Cardiovascular Diseases Research 124,179$ - $ Direct 5R01HL131049-04 Revised 93.837 Cardiovascular Diseases Research 407,603 391,498 Direct 5R01HL131579-04 93.839 Blood Diseases and Resources Research 291,423 87,393 Direct 5R01HL132874-04 93.837 Cardiovascular Diseases Research 311,944 Direct 5R01HL132906-05 93.839 Blood Diseases and Resources Research 551,305 206,369 Direct 5R01HL133823-06 NCE 93.839 Blood Diseases and Resources Research 411,485 113,004 Direct 5R01HL134791-04 93.837 Cardiovascular Diseases Research 486,943 Direct 5R01HL135046-04 93.837 Cardiovascular Diseases Research 711,389 153,754 Direct 5R01HL135895-19 93.839 Blood Diseases and Resources Research 149,071 69,058 Direct 5R01HL136640-04 Revised 93.837 Cardiovascular Diseases Research 141,573 Direct 5R01HL136679-04 93.837 Cardiovascular Diseases Research 530,918 287,452 Direct 5R01HL136757-05 93.837 Cardiovascular Diseases Research 412,554 10,440 Direct 5R01HL136919-04 93.838 Lung Diseases Research 442,324 Direct 5R01HL137204-04 93.837 Cardiovascular Diseases Research 293,586 Direct 5R01HL138332-03 93.837 Cardiovascular Diseases Research 695,098 41,097 Direct 5R01HL138490-04 93.837 Cardiovascular Diseases Research 261,365 Direct 5R01HL138539-04 93.837 Cardiovascular Diseases Research 724,381 422,612 Direct 5R01HL140971-04 93.839 Blood Diseases and Resources Research 571,862 31,905 Direct 5R01HL141288-04 93.837 Cardiovascular Diseases Research 210,134 48,002 Direct 5R01HL143390-03 93.837 Cardiovascular Diseases Research 761,101 34,394 Direct 5R01HL144130-03 93.837 Cardiovascular Diseases Research 391,223 Direct 5R01HL144582-02 93.837 Cardiovascular Diseases Research 696,032 Direct 5R01HL146501-03 93.837 Cardiovascular Diseases Research 535,682 Direct 5R01HL148599-02 93.837 Cardiovascular Diseases Research 725,805 Direct 5R01HL149709-02 93.837 Cardiovascular Diseases Research 480,035 Direct 5R01HL151740-02 93.837 Cardiovascular Diseases Research 389,726 Direct 5R01HL152166-02 93.837 Cardiovascular Diseases Research 180,815 Direct 5R01HL152215-02 93.837 Cardiovascular Diseases Research 535,078 83,777 Direct 5R01LM012982-02 93.879 Medical Library Assistance 342,795 27,142 Direct 5R01MD010586-05 Revised 93.307 Minority Health and Health Disparities Research 340,585 125,750 Direct 5R01MD010729-05 93.307 Minority Health and Health Disparities Research 539,185 82,443 Direct 5R01MD013801-02 93.307 Minority Health and Health Disparities Research 467,671 66,224 Direct 5R01MH066703-19 Rev 93.242 Mental Health Research Grants 377,837 Direct 5R01MH080318-10 93.242 Mental Health Research Grants 384,994 Direct 5R01MH084861-09 93.242 Mental Health Research Grants 212,351 Direct 5R01MH105290-05 93.242 Mental Health Research Grants 38,098 (866) Direct 5R01MH107382-04 93.242 Mental Health Research Grants 242,601 Direct 5R01MH107394-05 93.242 Mental Health Research Grants 569,943 Direct 5R01MH107491-05 Revised 93.242 Mental Health Research Grants 30,836 42,799 Direct 5R01MH111413-05 revised 93.242 Mental Health Research Grants 755,041 Direct 5R01MH111447-05 93.242 Mental Health Research Grants 821,912 85,838 Direct 5R01MH112583-05 93.242 Mental Health Research Grants 657,219 39,916 Direct 5R01MH112688-05 93.242 Mental Health Research Grants 458,393 Direct 5R01MH113748-05 93.242 Mental Health Research Grants 376,163 8,793 Direct 5R01MH115046-03 93.242 Mental Health Research Grants 633,234 161,353 Direct 5R01MH116156-04 93.242 Mental Health Research Grants 494,431 141,843 Direct 5R01MH116961-02 93.242 Mental Health Research Grants 517,267 187,266 Direct 5R01MH118257-03 93.242 Mental Health Research Grants 265,426 Direct 5R01MH118487-03 93.242 Mental Health Research Grants 288,181 Direct 5R01MH119355-02 93.242 Mental Health Research Grants 528,384 Direct 5R01MH119384-03 93.242 Mental Health Research Grants 598,515 Direct 5R01MH120589-02 93.242 Mental Health Research Grants 807,806 13,662 Direct 5R01MH122749-02 93.242 Mental Health Research Grants 516,068 Direct 5R01MH123634-02 93.242 Mental Health Research Grants 96,508 Direct 5R01MH124687-02 93.242 Mental Health Research Grants 109,274 Direct 5R01NR016705-05 93.361 Nursing Research 390,509 Direct 5R01NS018338-33 93.853 Extramural Research Programs in the Neurosciences and Neurological Disorders 356,351 Direct 5R01NS022920-33 93.853 Extramural Research Programs in the Neurosciences and Neurological Disorders 378,020 Direct 5R01NS035192-20 Revised 93.853 Extramural Research Programs in the Neurosciences and Neurological Disorders 551,723 Direct 5R01NS037019-21 93.853 Extramural Research Programs in the Neurosciences and Neurological Disorders 535,273 Direct 5R01NS038836-23 Revised 93.853 Extramural Research Programs in the Neurosciences and Neurological Disorders 324,365

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Cluster, Agency, Subagency, Direct/Pass-Through, Federal SubrecipientPass-Through Entity Award # CFDA# CFDA Program Title COVID-19 Expenditures Expenditures

Direct 5R01NS045667-18 93.853 Extramural Research Programs in the Neurosciences and Neurological Disorders 300,353$ - $ Direct 5R01NS045873-13 93.853 Extramural Research Programs in the Neurosciences and Neurological Disorders 194,666 Direct 5R01NS080816-05 93.853 Extramural Research Programs in the Neurosciences and Neurological Disorders 128,970 110,224 Direct 5R01NS086219-05 93.853 Extramural Research Programs in the Neurosciences and Neurological Disorders 739 Direct 5R01NS086312-08 93.853 Extramural Research Programs in the Neurosciences and Neurological Disorders 587,999 273,653 Direct 5R01NS088679-04 Revised 93.853 Extramural Research Programs in the Neurosciences and Neurological Disorders 91,470 Direct 5R01NS092093-05 93.853 Extramural Research Programs in the Neurosciences and Neurological Disorders 231,894 Direct 5R01NS094151-05 93.853 Extramural Research Programs in the Neurosciences and Neurological Disorders 181,451 Direct 5R01NS094176-05 93.853 Extramural Research Programs in the Neurosciences and Neurological Disorders 187,525 Direct 5R01NS094206-05 93.853 Extramural Research Programs in the Neurosciences and Neurological Disorders 488,326 Direct 5R01NS097312-04 93.853 Extramural Research Programs in the Neurosciences and Neurological Disorders 38,881 Direct 5R01NS097649-05 93.853 Extramural Research Programs in the Neurosciences and Neurological Disorders 401,545 Direct 5R01NS098781-04 93.859 Biomedical Research and Research Training 47,300 Direct 5R01NS099178-05 93.853 Extramural Research Programs in the Neurosciences and Neurological Disorders 287,036 Direct 5R01NS099653-03 93.853 Extramural Research Programs in the Neurosciences and Neurological Disorders 82,409 7,649 Direct 5R01NS104071-04 Revised 93.853 Extramural Research Programs in the Neurosciences and Neurological Disorders 253,798 Direct 5R01NS105689-04 93.853 Extramural Research Programs in the Neurosciences and Neurological Disorders 188,915 Direct 5R01NS107387-04 93.853 Extramural Research Programs in the Neurosciences and Neurological Disorders 381,898 Direct 5R01NS108686-04 93.853 Extramural Research Programs in the Neurosciences and Neurological Disorders 376,757 Direct 5R01NS109077-02 93.853 Extramural Research Programs in the Neurosciences and Neurological Disorders 335,203 Direct 5R01NS109498-02 93.853 Extramural Research Programs in the Neurosciences and Neurological Disorders 769,451 544,158 Direct 5R01NS110519-03 93.853 Extramural Research Programs in the Neurosciences and Neurological Disorders 710,513 250,113 Direct 5R01NS110613-03 93.853 Extramural Research Programs in the Neurosciences and Neurological Disorders 583,745 Direct 5R01NS110694-02 93.853 Extramural Research Programs in the Neurosciences and Neurological Disorders 301,050 Direct 5R01NS112518-02 revised 93.853 Extramural Research Programs in the Neurosciences and Neurological Disorders 353,938 Direct 5R01NS115180-02 93.853 Extramural Research Programs in the Neurosciences and Neurological Disorders 243,108 Direct 5R01NS115438-02 93.853 Extramural Research Programs in the Neurosciences and Neurological Disorders 170,917 Direct 5R01NS117822-02 93.853 Extramural Research Programs in the Neurosciences and Neurological Disorders 213,106 Direct 5R01TW010651-05 93.989 International Research and Research Training 205,015 55,096 Direct 5R03AI154388-02 93.855 Allergy and Infectious Diseases Research 36,373 Direct 5R03CA223537-02 93.393 Cancer Cause and Prevention Research 22,095 Direct 5R03CA227215-02 93.395 Cancer Treatment Research 14,511 Direct 5R03CA241879-02 93.396 Cancer Biology Research 57,939 Direct 5R03CA249461-02 93.393 Cancer Cause and Prevention Research 63,994 Direct 5R03DA045150-02 93.279 Drug Abuse and Addiction Research Programs 10,389 Direct 5R03EB027873-02 93.286 Discovery and Applied Research for Technological Innovations to Improve Human Health 60,927 Direct 5R03ES031188-02 nce 93.113 Environmental Health 61,139 16,814 Direct 5R03HD093961-02 93.865 Child Health and Human Development Extramural Research 5,556 Direct 5R03HD097715-02 93.865 Child Health and Human Development Extramural Research 103,414 Direct 5R03MH117254-02 93.242 Mental Health Research Grants 67,523 Direct 5R0NS111028-03 93.853 Extramural Research Programs in the Neurosciences and Neurological Disorders 425,527 Direct 5R18DK110732-05 NCE 93.847 Diabetes, Digestive, and Kidney Diseases Extramural Research 389,113 Direct 5R21AA025370-02 93.273 Alcohol Research Programs 3,385 Direct 5R21AA026632-03 93.273 Alcohol Research Programs 137,393 Direct 5R21AA026919-02 93.273 Alcohol Research Programs 281,538 Direct 5R21AG057038-02 Revised 93.866 Aging Research 78,331 Direct 5R21AG059068-02 93.866 Aging Research 96,280 3,512 Direct 5R21AG059410-02 93.866 Aging Research (683) Direct 5R21AG060419-02 93.866 Aging Research 168,773 50,816 Direct 5R21AG061372-02 93.866 Aging Research 161,906 18,087 Direct 5R21AG067537-02 93.866 Aging Research 198,373 Direct 5R21AI138061-02 93.855 Allergy and Infectious Diseases Research 9,126 20,354 Direct 5R21AI144311-02 93.855 Allergy and Infectious Diseases Research 161,431 Direct 5R21AI144501-02 93.855 Allergy and Infectious Diseases Research 224,730 Direct 5R21AI146440-02 93.855 Allergy and Infectious Diseases Research 201,407 Direct 5R21AI148328-02 93.855 Allergy and Infectious Diseases Research 99,156 Direct 5R21AI148876-02 93.855 Allergy and Infectious Diseases Research 205,213 Direct 5R21AI149334-02 93.855 Allergy and Infectious Diseases Research 258,181 51,792 Direct 5R21AI149395-02 93.855 Allergy and Infectious Diseases Research 204,962 Direct 5R21AI150303-02 93.855 Allergy and Infectious Diseases Research 98,067 8,153 Direct 5R21AI151427-02 93.855 Allergy and Infectious Diseases Research 231,761

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Cluster, Agency, Subagency, Direct/Pass-Through, Federal SubrecipientPass-Through Entity Award # CFDA# CFDA Program Title COVID-19 Expenditures Expenditures

Direct 5R21AI151595-02 93.855 Allergy and Infectious Diseases Research 48,946$ - $ Direct 5R21AI151617-02 93.855 Allergy and Infectious Diseases Research 69,495 Direct 5R21AI49659-02 93.855 Allergy and Infectious Diseases Research 242,101 Direct 5R21AR076167-02 93.846 Arthritis, Musculoskeletal and Skin Diseases Research 129,219 Direct 5R21CA215883-02 NCE 93.396 Cancer Biology Research 48,835 Direct 5R21CA217695-03 93.394 Cancer Detection and Diagnosis Research 14,570 Direct 5R21CA229297-02 93.393 Cancer Cause and Prevention Research 66,128 Direct 5R21CA231214-02 93.396 Cancer Biology Research 57,283 7,750 Direct 5R21CA235094-02 93.393 Cancer Cause and Prevention Research 155,824 30,532 Direct 5R21CA235385-02 revised 93.396 Cancer Biology Research 126,832 Direct 5R21CA237789-02 revised 93.394 Cancer Detection and Diagnosis Research 178,618 Direct 5R21CA246602-02 93.077 Family Smoking Prevention and Tobacco Control Act Regulatory Research 192,766 Direct 5R21DA044809-02 REVISED 93.279 Drug Abuse and Addiction Research Programs 60,469 Direct 5R21DA046188-02 93.279 Drug Abuse and Addiction Research Programs 43,667 17,061 Direct 5R21DA049446-02 93.279 Drug Abuse and Addiction Research Programs 138,957 Direct 5R21DA050120-02 93.279 Drug Abuse and Addiction Research Programs 226,850 Direct 5R21DC016359-03 NCE 93.173 Research Related to Deafness and Communication Disorders 96,466 Direct 5R21DC017019-02 Revised 93.173 Research Related to Deafness and Communication Disorders 104,728 Direct 5R21DC018070-02 93.173 Research Related to Deafness and Communication Disorders 189,714 Direct 5R21DE029276-02 93.121 Oral Diseases and Disorders Research 145,146 Direct 5R21DE029289-02 93.121 Oral Diseases and Disorders Research 187,982 7,018 Direct 5R21DE029337-02 93.121 Oral Diseases and Disorders Research 161,911 37,878 Direct 5R21DK112144-03 93.847 Diabetes, Digestive, and Kidney Diseases Extramural Research 30,448 Direct 5R21DK122832-02 NCE 93.847 Diabetes, Digestive, and Kidney Diseases Extramural Research 112,015 Direct 5R21EB028369-02 93.286 Discovery and Applied Research for Technological Innovations to Improve Human Health 126,976 Direct 5R21ES027062-02 93.113 Environmental Health 29,831 Direct 5R21GM127965-02 93.859 Biomedical Research and Research Training 18,564 Direct 5R21HD097575-02 93.865 Child Health and Human Development Extramural Research 180,356 Direct 5R21HD099473-02 93.865 Child Health and Human Development Extramural Research 183,952 Direct 5R21HD099779-02 93.865 Child Health and Human Development Extramural Research 140,829 80,718 Direct 5R21HD101075-02 93.865 Child Health and Human Development Extramural Research 155,379 49,970 Direct 5R21HG009208-02 93.172 Human Genome Research 6,107 5,807 Direct 5R21HG010380-02 93.172 Human Genome Research 117,354 Direct 5R21HL135300-02 Revised 93.837 Cardiovascular Diseases Research 3,857 Direct 5R21HL145377-02 93.839 Blood Diseases and Resources Research 105,001 63,767 Direct 5R21MH110208-02 93.242 Mental Health Research Grants 20,326 Direct 5R21MH112918-02 REVISED 93.242 Mental Health Research Grants 4,571 Direct 5R21MH119417-02 93.242 Mental Health Research Grants 26,963 Direct 5R21MH120785-02 93.242 Mental Health Research Grants 125,548 Direct 5R21MH122193-02 93.242 Mental Health Research Grants 115,486 Direct 5R21-NS099804-02 93.853 Extramural Research Programs in the Neurosciences and Neurological Disorders 75,386 Direct 5R21NS108344-02 93.853 Extramural Research Programs in the Neurosciences and Neurological Disorders 106,471 38,717 Direct 5R21NS108715-02 93.853 Extramural Research Programs in the Neurosciences and Neurological Disorders 73,370 16,272 Direct 5R21NS109505-02 93.853 Extramural Research Programs in the Neurosciences and Neurological Disorders 79,722 Direct 5R21NS112886-02 93.853 Extramural Research Programs in the Neurosciences and Neurological Disorders 125,813 Direct 5R21OD027047-02 Revised 93.351 Research Infrastructure Programs 165,415 Direct 5R21OD028214-02 93.351 Research Infrastructure Programs 139,734 Direct 5R21OD028758-02 93.351 Research Infrastructure Programs 174,406 Direct 5R24OD023041-04 REVISED 93.351 Research Infrastructure Programs 473,614 330,880 Direct 5R24OD028444-02 93.351 Research Infrastructure Programs 391,905 Direct 5R25CA200508-05 93.398 Cancer Research Manpower 42,281 Direct 5R25DA038880-05 93.279 Drug Abuse and Addiction Research Programs 13,453 Direct 5R25DA039074-04 93.279 Drug Abuse and Addiction Research Programs 25,916 Direct 5R25ES023595-08 93.143 NIEHS Superfund Hazardous Substances_Basic Research and Education 133,629 29,800 Direct 5R25GM053403-16 93.859 Biomedical Research and Research Training 49,818 26,927 Direct 5R25HL088728-14 93.837 Cardiovascular Diseases Research 122,201 Direct 5R25HL128372-05 REVISED 93.837 Cardiovascular Diseases Research 51,359 Direct 5R25NS083059-09 93.853 Extramural Research Programs in the Neurosciences and Neurological Disorders 66,108 Direct 5R33AT009110-05 93.213 Research and Training in Complementary and Integrative Health 461,851 33,831 Direct 5R33CA204510-03 93.393 Cancer Cause and Prevention Research 3,424 Direct 5R33CA246363-02 93.394 Cancer Detection and Diagnosis Research 358,712

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Cluster, Agency, Subagency, Direct/Pass-Through, Federal SubrecipientPass-Through Entity Award # CFDA# CFDA Program Title COVID-19 Expenditures Expenditures

Direct 5R33DA046084-04 93.279 Drug Abuse and Addiction Research Programs 422,073$ 74,167$ Direct 5R33HL142696-03 93.837 Cardiovascular Diseases Research 691,943 101,801 Direct 5R34AA025761-03 93.273 Alcohol Research Programs 227,043 Direct 5R34DA037888-03 93.351 Research Infrastructure Programs 3,281 2,159 Direct 5R35CA197292-06 93.395 Cancer Treatment Research 864,575 Direct 5R35GM118029-05 93.859 Biomedical Research and Research Training 351,716 Direct 5R35GM118030-05 93.859 Biomedical Research and Research Training 462,077 Direct 5R35GM118047-05 93.859 Biomedical Research and Research Training 371,517 11,143 Direct 5R35GM118079-05 93.859 Biomedical Research and Research Training 417,308 36,983 Direct 5R35GM119441-05 93.859 Biomedical Research and Research Training 196,612 Direct 5R35GM119457-05 93.859 Biomedical Research and Research Training 354,435 Direct 5R35GM119483-05S1 93.859 Biomedical Research and Research Training 488,583 Direct 5R35GM119553-05 93.859 Biomedical Research and Research Training 272,215 Direct 5R35GM124676-05 93.859 Biomedical Research and Research Training 393,791 Direct 5R35GM124896-04 93.859 Biomedical Research and Research Training 430,860 18,434 Direct 5R35GM126940-04 93.859 Biomedical Research and Research Training 356,981 Direct 5R35GM126974-04 93.859 Biomedical Research and Research Training 403,339 Direct 5R35GM127097-04 93.859 Biomedical Research and Research Training 406,677 Direct 5R35GM131688-03 93.859 Biomedical Research and Research Training 307,362 Direct 5R35GM131721-03 93.859 Biomedical Research and Research Training 328,418 Direct 5R35GM133475-03 93.859 Biomedical Research and Research Training 319,529 Direct 5R35GM133487-02 93.859 Biomedical Research and Research Training 373,628 Direct 5R35GM137950-02 93.859 Biomedical Research and Research Training 355,823 Direct 5R35HL139853-04 93.837 Cardiovascular Diseases Research 762,997 27,106 Direct 5R37AA009367-27 93.273 Alcohol Research Programs 799,080 Direct 5R37AG026160-15 93.866 Aging Research 242,793 Direct 5R37AI034495-29 93.855 Allergy and Infectious Diseases Research 495,784 9,885 Direct 5R37AI039560-25 93.855 Allergy and Infectious Diseases Research 433,731 Direct 5R37AI064046-16 93.855 Allergy and Infectious Diseases Research 396,171 Direct 5R37CA240846-02 93.396 Cancer Biology Research 342,375 Direct 5R37DA005147-30S1 93.279 Drug Abuse and Addiction Research Programs (152) Direct 5R37DK042921-29 REVISED 93.847 Diabetes, Digestive, and Kidney Diseases Extramural Research 352,155 Direct 5R37NS077657-08 93.853 Extramural Research Programs in the Neurosciences and Neurological Disorders 531,639 Direct 5R50CA211249-05 93.396 Cancer Biology Research 119,578 Direct 5R50CA211256-05 93.394 Cancer Detection and Diagnosis Research 168,751 Direct 5R61AG061903-02 93.866 Aging Research 135,251 20,823 Direct 5R61AT009995-02 / -02 REVISED NCE 93.213 Research and Training in Complementary and Integrative Health 190,462 Direct 5R61AT010712-02 & -02 Revised 93.213 Research and Training in Complementary and Integrative Health 208,205 Direct 5R61HD099743-02 93.865 Child Health and Human Development Extramural Research 394,494 140,635 Direct 5R61MH122634-02 93.242 Mental Health Research Grants 43,787 Direct 5R90DE023058-04 93.121 Oral Diseases and Disorders Research 243 Direct 5R90DE023058-10 93.121 Oral Diseases and Disorders Research 86,993 Direct 5T32AG029796-14 93.866 Aging Research 427,513 Direct 5T32AI007313-32 93.855 Allergy and Infectious Diseases Research 237,893 Direct 5T32AI055433-15 93.855 Allergy and Infectious Diseases Research 15,888 Direct 5T32AI055433-17 93.855 Allergy and Infectious Diseases Research 294,555 Direct 5T32AI083196-12 93.855 Allergy and Infectious Diseases Research 191,587 Direct 5T32AR007612-19 93.846 Arthritis, Musculoskeletal and Skin Diseases Research 585,078 Direct 5T32AR050938-15 NCE 93.846 Arthritis, Musculoskeletal and Skin Diseases Research 243,249 Direct 5T32CA009138-45 93.398 Cancer Research Manpower 90,351 Direct 5T32CA099936-15 93.398 Cancer Research Manpower 23,569 Direct 5T32CA099936-17 93.398 Cancer Research Manpower 251,953 Direct 5T32CA163184-10 93.398 Cancer Research Manpower 324,021 Direct 5T32DA007097-40 93.279 Drug Abuse and Addiction Research Programs 701,691 Direct 5T32DA007234-35 93.279 Drug Abuse and Addiction Research Programs 560,515 Direct 5T32DA037183-08 93.279 Drug Abuse and Addiction Research Programs 70,809 Direct 5T32DK007203-41 Revised 93.847 Diabetes, Digestive, and Kidney Diseases Extramural Research 180,669 Direct 5T32DK065519-15 revised 93.847 Diabetes, Digestive, and Kidney Diseases Extramural Research 2,228 Direct 5T32DK065519-17 93.847 Diabetes, Digestive, and Kidney Diseases Extramural Research 78,806 Direct 5T32DK083250-10 93.847 Diabetes, Digestive, and Kidney Diseases Extramural Research (22,496) Direct 5T32DK108733-04 93.847 Diabetes, Digestive, and Kidney Diseases Extramural Research 169,293

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Cluster, Agency, Subagency, Direct/Pass-Through, Federal SubrecipientPass-Through Entity Award # CFDA# CFDA Program Title COVID-19 Expenditures Expenditures

Direct 5T32EB008389-010 93.286 Discovery and Applied Research for Technological Innovations to Improve Human Health 35,005$ - $ Direct 5T32EY025187-05 93.867 Vision Research 132,912 Direct 5T32GM008244-32 93.859 Biomedical Research and Research Training 33,377 Direct 5T32GM008347-30 93.859 Biomedical Research and Research Training 692,437 Direct 5T32GM113846-10 93.859 Biomedical Research and Research Training 25,550 Direct 5T32HL007062-45 93.839 Blood Diseases and Resources Research 486,618 Direct 5T32HL007741-25 93.838 Lung Diseases Research (586) Direct 5T32HL007741-27 93.837 Cardiovascular Diseases Research 602,280 Direct 5T32HL129956-05 93.837 Cardiovascular Diseases Research 287,920 Direct 5T32HL144472-02 93.837 Cardiovascular Diseases Research 290,325 Direct 5T32MH015755-42 93.242 Mental Health Research Grants 284,900 Direct 5T32MH082761-13 93.242 Mental Health Research Grants 386,742 245,080 Direct 5T32MH115886-04 93.242 Mental Health Research Grants 400,331 Direct 5T32NS105604-04 93.853 Extramural Research Programs in the Neurosciences and Neurological Disorders 404,608 Direct 5T32OD010993-18 93.351 Research Infrastructure Programs 487,785 Direct 5T35OD011118-09 93.351 Research Infrastructure Programs 48,287 Direct 5T90DE022732-10 Revised 93.121 Oral Diseases and Disorders Research 529,569 Direct 5TL1TR002493-04 93.350 National Center for Advancing Translational Sciences 796,096 38,433 Direct 5U01AA026102-05 93.273 Alcohol Research Programs 359,808 Direct 5U01AG042145-18 Revised 93.866 Aging Research 190,335 Direct 5U01AI120130-05 Revised 93.855 Allergy and Infectious Diseases Research 1,026,855 5,891 Direct 5U01AI125003-NCE 93.855 Allergy and Infectious Diseases Research 615,776 348,530 Direct 5U01AI132904-06 93.855 Allergy and Infectious Diseases Research 46,026 Direct 5U01AI136780-03 revised 93.855 Allergy and Infectious Diseases Research 1,586,234 942,069 Direct 5U01AI141981-03 93.855 Allergy and Infectious Diseases Research 590,778 76,159 Direct 5U01DA041120-05 REVISED 93.279 Drug Abuse and Addiction Research Programs 289,638 290,569 Direct 5U01DA041120-07 93.279 Drug Abuse and Addiction Research Programs 1,036,080 Direct 5U01DA045523-02 REVISED 93.279 Drug Abuse and Addiction Research Programs 192,792 Direct 5U01DA046413-04 93.279 Drug Abuse and Addiction Research Programs 589,620 163,565 Direct 5U01DK057182-21 93.847 Diabetes, Digestive, and Kidney Diseases Extramural Research 187,234 Direct 5U01DK116320-03 93.847 Diabetes, Digestive, and Kidney Diseases Extramural Research 78,243 Direct 5U01DK126300-02 93.847 Diabetes, Digestive, and Kidney Diseases Extramural Research 282,193 Direct 5U01DK127367-02 93.847 Diabetes, Digestive, and Kidney Diseases Extramural Research 117,434 Direct 5U01EB025144-04 revised 93.286 Discovery and Applied Research for Technological Innovations to Improve Human Health 1,302,282 370,353 Direct 5U01EB025153-04 93.286 Discovery and Applied Research for Technological Innovations to Improve Human Health 1,656,429 1,106,747 Direct 5U01EB026978-03 93.286 Discovery and Applied Research for Technological Innovations to Improve Human Health 1,201,425 462,897 Direct 5U01HL096902-08 Revised 93.837 Cardiovascular Diseases Research 50,915 Direct 5U01HL127479-03 REVISED 93.837 Cardiovascular Diseases Research 103,322 Direct 5U01HL132852-03 93.837 Cardiovascular Diseases Research (434) Direct 5U01HL133818-03 REVISED 93.837 Cardiovascular Diseases Research 20,769 27,716 Direct 5U01MH108150-04 NCE 93.242 Mental Health Research Grants 298,240 Direct 5U01NS112125-02 93.853 Extramural Research Programs in the Neurosciences and Neurological Disorders 377,466 235,723 Direct 5U24AI118635-05 93.855 Allergy and Infectious Diseases Research 72 Direct 5U24CA199347-04 Revised 93.396 Cancer Biology Research 165,309 Direct 5U24NS100649-04 REVISED 93.853 Extramural Research Programs in the Neurosciences and Neurological Disorders 165,565 21,898 Direct 5U24NS107269-03 93.853 Extramural Research Programs in the Neurosciences and Neurological Disorders 252,465 Direct 5U2CES026533-03 93.113 Environmental Health 1,318,624 484,370 Direct 5U54CA210190-5 93.397 Cancer Centers Support Grants 1,861,870 194,187 Direct 5U54NS065768-12 93.853 Extramural Research Programs in the Neurosciences and Neurological Disorders 909,292 215,876 Direct 5UG1HL069290-21 93.839 Blood Diseases and Resources Research 175,055 Direct 5UG3CA244687-02 93.353 21st Century Cures Act - Beau Biden Cancer Moonshot 663,618 Direct 5UG3DA048386-02 REVISED 93.279 Drug Abuse and Addiction Research Programs 1,209,102 389,918 Direct 5UG3DA048508-02 93.279 Drug Abuse and Addiction Research Programs 257,358 16,333 Direct 5UH3AT008769-03 93.213 Research and Training in Complementary and Integrative Health 1,248,213 79,766 Direct 5UH3AT009651-04 93.213 Research and Training in Complementary and Integrative Health 938,420 Direct 5UL1TR002494-04 93.350 National Center for Advancing Translational Sciences 6,430,347 345,395 Direct 5UM1AI120197-03 93.855 Allergy and Infectious Diseases Research 1,441,275 1,313,228 Direct 75N91019P00689 93.C11 Contract-Department of Health and Human Services-National Institutes of Health 3,817 Direct 75N91019P00786 93.C11 Contract-Department of Health and Human Services-National Institutes of Health 14,883 Direct 75N91020P00857 93.C11 Contract-Department of Health and Human Services-National Institutes of Health 12,111 Direct 75N91020P01009 93.C11 Contract-Department of Health and Human Services-National Institutes of Health 32,225

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Cluster, Agency, Subagency, Direct/Pass-Through, Federal SubrecipientPass-Through Entity Award # CFDA# CFDA Program Title COVID-19 Expenditures Expenditures

Direct 75N92020D00006 75N92020F00001 93.C11 Contract-Department of Health and Human Services-National Institutes of Health 530,235$ - $ Direct 75N94021F00001 (TO 14) 93.C11 Contract-Department of Health and Human Services-National Institutes of Health 7,490 Direct 75N95019D00031/75N95019F00088 P00003 93.C11 Contract-Department of Health and Human Services-National Institutes of Health 935,303 Direct 75N95019P00724 93.C11 Contract-Department of Health and Human Services-National Institutes of Health 78,088 Direct 75N95020P00465 93.C11 Contract-Department of Health and Human Services-National Institutes of Health 55,000 Direct 75N95D20P00170 93.C11 Contract-Department of Health and Human Services-National Institutes of Health 3,184 Direct 7DP1DA037979-07 NCE 93.279 Drug Abuse and Addiction Research Programs 167,122 Direct 7K01AR064315-06 93.846 Arthritis, Musculoskeletal and Skin Diseases Research 37,325 Direct 7K01DK102864-06 93.847 Diabetes, Digestive, and Kidney Diseases Extramural Research 27,803 Direct 7R01AG060944-02 93.866 Aging Research 486,726 5,925 Direct 7R01AI120712-07 NCE 93.855 Allergy and Infectious Diseases Research 173,964 Direct 7R01AI126322-06 93.855 Allergy and Infectious Diseases Research 151,047 Direct 7R01AI128782-06 NCE 93.855 Allergy and Infectious Diseases Research 183,236 103,335 Direct 7R01AR064793-07 93.846 Arthritis, Musculoskeletal and Skin Diseases Research 152,299 Direct 7R01DA041730-04 REVISED 93.279 Drug Abuse and Addiction Research Programs 121,588 (308) Direct 7R01GM130588-03 93.859 Biomedical Research and Research Training 500,360 Direct 7R01HD094081-04 93.865 Child Health and Human Development Extramural Research 441,321 53,986 Direct 7R01HL136759-04 93.837 Cardiovascular Diseases Research 44,141 Direct 7R03DK122225-02 93.847 Diabetes, Digestive, and Kidney Diseases Extramural Research 102,415 Direct 7R21AI131454-03 Revised 93.855 Allergy and Infectious Diseases Research 10,457 Direct 7R21ES028549-02 93.113 Environmental Health 119,070 80,222 Direct 7R21MH109722-03 93.242 Mental Health Research Grants 10,646 Direct 7R35GM124898-05 93.859 Biomedical Research and Research Training 588,923 Direct 7R56DK119940-02 Revised 93.847 Diabetes, Digestive, and Kidney Diseases Extramural Research 160,493 Direct 8F31AI150487-02 REVISED 93.859 Biomedical Research and Research Training 33,610 Direct 9R01HL139065-36A1 93.837 Cardiovascular Diseases Research 449,105 58,417 Direct 9R01HL154734-04 93.837 Cardiovascular Diseases Research 249,882 Direct 9U01AT010326-08S1 93.213 Research and Training in Complementary and Integrative Health 751,687 386,807 Direct F30CA232303-02 93.398 Cancer Research Manpower 48,196 Direct F32GM137547 93.859 Biomedical Research and Research Training 29,969 Direct F32MH118794-03 93.242 Mental Health Research Grants 65,055 Direct HHSN268201600014I / 75N9202F00001 93.C11 Contract-Department of Health and Human Services-National Institutes of Health 125,426 Direct HHSN268201600014I / HHSN26800003 93.C11 Contract-Department of Health and Human Services-National Institutes of Health 230,326 Direct HHSN268201600014I / HHSN26800004 AMD P03 93.C11 Contract-Department of Health and Human Services-National Institutes of Health 209,923 Direct HHSN268201600014I, TO#HHSN26800001 AMD#6 93.C11 Contract-Department of Health and Human Services-National Institutes of Health 109,205 Direct HHSN268201600014I/75N92019F00038/PCT0005 93.C11 Contract-Department of Health and Human Services-National Institutes of Health 15,846 Direct HHSN268201600014I/75N9202F00002/PCT02-03 93.C11 Contract-Department of Health and Human Services-National Institutes of Health COVID-19 384,593 Direct HHSN268201700003I / Order# HHSN26800003 93.C11 Contract-Department of Health and Human Services-National Institutes of Health 99,809 36,104 Direct HHSN268201700003I /T.0.HHSN26800001 93.C11 Contract-Department of Health and Human Services-National Institutes of Health 901,099 Direct HHSN268201700003I 75N9201F00074 93.C11 Contract-Department of Health and Human Services-National Institutes of Health 14,744 Direct HHSN268201700003I 75N9201F00075 93.C11 Contract-Department of Health and Human Services-National Institutes of Health 123,981 123,981 Direct HHSN268201800006I 75N92020F00001 93.C11 Contract-Department of Health and Human Services-National Institutes of Health 358,394 Direct HHSN268201800006I P02 93.C11 Contract-Department of Health and Human Services-National Institutes of Health 422,793 Direct HHSN271201700008I/75N95020F00001 P00002 93.C11 Contract-Department of Health and Human Services-National Institutes of Health 733,177 685,145 Direct HHSN271201700008I/HHSN2710000I P00002 93.C11 Contract-Department of Health and Human Services-National Institutes of Health 134,149 69,147 Direct HHSN275201300023I / HHSN27500011 Am0003 93.C11 Contract-Department of Health and Human Services-National Institutes of Health 148,072 Direct HHSN275201300023I / HHSN27500013 Am3 93.C11 Contract-Department of Health and Human Services-National Institutes of Health 145,141 Direct HHSN275201300023I / HHSN27500015 Am2 93.C11 Contract-Department of Health and Human Services-National Institutes of Health 57,191 Direct HHSN275201300023I / HHSN27500017 93.C11 Contract-Department of Health and Human Services-National Institutes of Health 236,262 Direct HHSN275201300023I / HHSN27500018 Am4 93.C11 Contract-Department of Health and Human Services-National Institutes of Health 75,081 Direct HHSN275201700005C/4736802 Am 3 93.C11 Contract-Department of Health and Human Services-National Institutes of Health 437,149 215,057 Direct HHSN275201800004I / 75N94019F00125 TO 4 93.C11 Contract-Department of Health and Human Services-National Institutes of Health 7,614 Direct HHSN275201800004I / HHSN27500002 93.C11 Contract-Department of Health and Human Services-National Institutes of Health 501,333 Direct HHSN275201800004I/75N94020F00001 93.C11 Contract-Department of Health and Human Services-National Institutes of Health 86,302 Direct HHSN275201800004I/75N94020F00002 93.C11 Contract-Department of Health and Human Services-National Institutes of Health 265,466 Direct HHSN275201800004I/75N94020F00003 93.C11 Contract-Department of Health and Human Services-National Institutes of Health 8,953 Direct HHSN275201800004I/75N94020F00004 93.C11 Contract-Department of Health and Human Services-National Institutes of Health 124,244 Direct HHSN275201800004I/75N94020F00005 93.C11 Contract-Department of Health and Human Services-National Institutes of Health 14,295 Direct HHSN275201800004I-75N94019F00127 93.C11 Contract-Department of Health and Human Services-National Institutes of Health 429,264 Direct HHSN275201800004I-75N94019F00129 93.C11 Contract-Department of Health and Human Services-National Institutes of Health 218,534 Direct HHSN275201800004I-HHSN27500001 Am4 93.C11 Contract-Department of Health and Human Services-National Institutes of Health 18,113

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Cluster, Agency, Subagency, Direct/Pass-Through, Federal SubrecipientPass-Through Entity Award # CFDA# CFDA Program Title COVID-19 Expenditures Expenditures

Direct HHSN275201800004I-HHSN27500003 93.C11 Contract-Department of Health and Human Services-National Institutes of Health 254,963$ - $ Direct HHSNB275201800004I-75N94019F00128 93.C11 Contract-Department of Health and Human Services-National Institutes of Health 246,637 Direct NCTN (HPSI) 93.394 Cancer Detection and Diagnosis Research 35,150 Direct R01 EB 023339 93.286 Discovery and Applied Research for Technological Innovations to Improve Human Health 256,039 Direct R01GM126002-03s1 93.859 Biomedical Research and Research Training 288,903 Direct R21AG069180-01A1 93.866 Aging Research 42,994 Direct R21AI139730-02 93.855 Allergy and Infectious Diseases Research 105,493 7,941 Direct R21CA216652-02 93.395 Cancer Treatment Research 46,638 Direct R35GM124718-02 93.859 Biomedical Research and Research Training 381,826 Direct U01HL139471-01 93.837 Cardiovascular Diseases Research 413,558 Direct U01NS103569-03 Revised 93.853 Extramural Research Programs in the Neurosciences and Neurological Disorders 915,747 553,099 Passthrough: Abbe Vision Inc R43HL144220 UMN SUB 93.838 Lung Diseases Research 16,589 Advanced Medical Electronics Corporation AME19-POCaEEG-16/5R44HD085742-03 Revised 93.865 Child Health and Human Development Extramural Research 15,212 Advanced Medical Electronics Corporation AME19-SmartWatch-08 93.866 Aging Research 7,399 3,768 Advanced Medical Electronics Corporation AME20-SmartWatch2-11 93.866 Aging Research 49,768 Aerosol Devices, Inc NIH1007-UMNsub 93.310 Trans-NIH Research Support COVID-19 57,905 Agex Therapeutics, Inc 1R41NS105263-01A1 93.853 Extramural Research Programs in the Neurosciences and Neurological Disorders 112,922 Albert Einstein College of Medicine 31086A (CORE A) Am1/ P0800703 93.866 Aging Research 45,173 Albert Einstein College of Medicine 31169C (Project 2) / P0803768 Amend #4 93.866 Aging Research 545,739 Albert Einstein College of Medicine 31169C P0815690 Project 3 Am #4 93.866 Aging Research 452,719 5,727 Albert Einstein College of Medicine 311806 Project 2 / PO814633 93.866 Aging Research 183,519 Albert Einstein College of Medicine 311807 PROJECT 3 / PO814634 93.866 Aging Research 184,106 Albert Einstein College of Medicine 311833/PO 818503 93.853 Extramural Research Programs in the Neurosciences and Neurological Disorders 156,736 Allegheny Health Network 41088509 93.279 Drug Abuse and Addiction Research Programs 42,441 Andamio Games LLC 700600200103 Amd 3 93.859 Biomedical Research and Research Training 12,522 Ann & Robert H Lurie Children’s Hospital 901534-UMN Amendment 3 93.838 Lung Diseases Research 165,440 Applied Universal Dynamics Corporation AUD19-3DPrinting-04 93.853 Extramural Research Programs in the Neurosciences and Neurological Disorders 79,303 Arizona State University 16-779 93.394 Cancer Detection and Diagnosis Research 7,135 Arizona State University ASUB00000004 Am 3 93.859 Biomedical Research and Research Training 31,675 Arizona State University ASUB00000539 Amd 1 93.351 Research Infrastructure Programs 251,387 Arizona State University ASUB00000603 93.394 Cancer Detection and Diagnosis Research 129,756 Aster Labs, Inc AL19-NIHLOSTDENTURESPHII-02 93.121 Oral Diseases and Disorders Research 44,829 Baylor College of Medicine 7000001311 93.853 Extramural Research Programs in the Neurosciences and Neurological Disorders 46,450 Baylor College of Medicine PO # 7000001022 - Amendment 1 93.393 Cancer Cause and Prevention Research 62,996 Beckman Research Inst of The City of Hope PO #3000087992 (52868.2003761.669302)Am4 93.859 Biomedical Research and Research Training 73,148 Benaroya Research Inst at Virginia Mason 1/31/202FY18ITN105 Amendment 09 93.855 Allergy and Infectious Diseases Research 17,668 Benaroya Research Inst at Virginia Mason BRI Subcontract #FY19 ITN265 Am 4 93.855 Allergy and Infectious Diseases Research 2,357 Benaroya Research Inst at Virginia Mason FY20ITN362 93.855 Allergy and Infectious Diseases Research 90,063 Benaroya Research Inst at Virginia Mason FY21 ITN282 amd 5 93.855 Allergy and Infectious Diseases Research 45,191 Benten Technologies, Inc NIMHD-UM009-2020 93.307 Minority Health and Health Disparities Research 4,386 Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center 010 Am 2 93.838 Lung Diseases Research (10,159) Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center 01029162 93.121 Oral Diseases and Disorders Research 48,687 Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center 01062822 93.847 Diabetes, Digestive, and Kidney Diseases Extramural Research 27,882 Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center 01062872 93.837 Cardiovascular Diseases Research 33,234 B-Mogen Biotechnologies Inc 1/R44CA233143 93.396 Cancer Biology Research 53,340 B-Mogen Biotechnologies Inc N/A 1R41OD026567-01 Am 1 93.351 Research Infrastructure Programs 677 Boise State University 8424-PO138231-Amendment #1 93.242 Mental Health Research Grants 67,532 Boston Children’s Hospital GENFD0001885261 amd 2 / GENFD0002030885 93.879 Medical Library Assistance 31,040 Boston Children’s Hospital GENFD0001903382 93.393 Cancer Cause and Prevention Research 22,341 Boston Children’s Hospital GENFD0001928242 Amendment 2 93.839 Blood Diseases and Resources Research 46,026 Boston Children’s Hospital Subaward No. GENFD0001874095 Amendment 5 93.837 Cardiovascular Diseases Research 329,693 Boston University 4500002985 Amend 2 93.286 Discovery and Applied Research for Technological Innovations to Improve Human Health 148,557 Brigham and Women’s Hospital 117349 amd 3 93.837 Cardiovascular Diseases Research 10,429 Brigham and Women’s Hospital 122799 Am 1 93.837 Cardiovascular Diseases Research 37,680 Brigham and Women’s Hospital 123632 93.837 Cardiovascular Diseases Research 8,069 Brigham and Women’s Hospital 5U01HL130163-04 93.837 Cardiovascular Diseases Research 134,934 Brigham and Women’s Hospital 5U01HL130163-04 93.837 Cardiovascular Diseases Research 9,282 Brigham and Women’s Hospital No Award Number 93.C11 Contract-Department of Health and Human Services-National Institutes of Health 565 Brigham and Women’s Hospital PROTOCOL EAY131 - MATCH / 2015CG094 93.C11 Contract-Department of Health and Human Services-National Institutes of Health 6,978 Brown University 00001383 93.866 Aging Research 59,166

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Cluster, Agency, Subagency, Direct/Pass-Through, Federal SubrecipientPass-Through Entity Award # CFDA# CFDA Program Title COVID-19 Expenditures Expenditures

Brown University 00001473 93.866 Aging Research 38,648$ - $ Buck Institute for Research on Aging SA40008-UMN PO # 60532 93.310 Trans-NIH Research Support 5,975 California Institute of Technology S408387-02 93.865 Child Health and Human Development Extramural Research 86,001 California Pacific Medical Center 280201012-S207 / PO 28000004448 amd 4 93.395 Cancer Treatment Research 48,549 California Pacific Medical Center 280201023-S256 PO 28000007111 93.866 Aging Research 10,338 California Pacific Medical Center 280201024-S281 93.866 Aging Research 65,838 Carolinas Healthcare System Subaward #3000301333- PO#ATR10003935 93.121 Oral Diseases and Disorders Research 191,555 Case Western Reserve University RES512825 Am 2 93.847 Diabetes, Digestive, and Kidney Diseases Extramural Research 210 Case Western Reserve University RES512835 93.847 Diabetes, Digestive, and Kidney Diseases Extramural Research 701 Case Western Reserve University RES513069 Am1 93.837 Cardiovascular Diseases Research 118,958 Case Western Reserve University RES514947 93.847 Diabetes, Digestive, and Kidney Diseases Extramural Research 428 Case Western Reserve University RES515403 93.847 Diabetes, Digestive, and Kidney Diseases Extramural Research 168,432 Cell-Safe Life Sciences LLC 1-A Amendment 6 93.847 Diabetes, Digestive, and Kidney Diseases Extramural Research 158,860 Cerovations LLC 1R41DK126586-01A1 93.847 Diabetes, Digestive, and Kidney Diseases Extramural Research 65,827 Cerovations LLC 1R43NS113655-01 93.853 Extramural Research Programs in the Neurosciences and Neurological Disorders 17,541 Cerovations LLC No Award Number 93.853 Extramural Research Programs in the Neurosciences and Neurological Disorders 20,170 Children’s Research Institute 300002904-04 AMD#5 93.361 Nursing Research (11,800) Children’s Research Institute Subaward No. 30005547-06 Amendment 1 93.865 Child Health and Human Development Extramural Research 46,302 Cincinnati Children’s Hospital Med Ctr Subaward 134433 Am 9 93.837 Cardiovascular Diseases Research 61,740 Cincinnati Children’s Hospital Med Ctr Subaward 303877 Amendment 1 93.847 Diabetes, Digestive, and Kidney Diseases Extramural Research 1,896 Cleveland Clinic 1397-SUB 93.847 Diabetes, Digestive, and Kidney Diseases Extramural Research 29,745 Columbia University 1(GG012620-01) 93.853 Extramural Research Programs in the Neurosciences and Neurological Disorders 26,410 Columbia University 1(GG012772-01) (PO # G12837) Amd 3 93.121 Oral Diseases and Disorders Research 2,660 Columbia University 1(GG014245) PO# G13202 93.121 Oral Diseases and Disorders Research 18,592 Columbia University 2(GG014239-01)/ 1R01AA026861-01 93.273 Alcohol Research Programs (1,800) Columbia University 25(GG015997-01) 93.838 Lung Diseases Research COVID-19 157,517 Columbia University 3(GG010919-05), PO# G13108 93.838 Lung Diseases Research 4,206 Cornell University 83328-11164 / R01HD091125 93.865 Child Health and Human Development Extramural Research 163,830 Dana-Farber Cancer Institute 1153515 Amendment 5 93.395 Cancer Treatment Research 125,182 Dartmouth College R1358 93.855 Allergy and Infectious Diseases Research 326,207 Dartmouth College R824 Am 5 93.859 Biomedical Research and Research Training 7,072 DLH Holdings LLC PHR-SSS-S-21-005993 93.C11 Contract-Department of Health and Human Services-National Institutes of Health 164,819 Duke University A031549 93.855 Allergy and Infectious Diseases Research 156 Duke University A031759 A2 93.866 Aging Research 75,187 Duke University A031899 (A030405) 93.847 Diabetes, Digestive, and Kidney Diseases Extramural Research 13,248 1,085 Duke University A032470 93.837 Cardiovascular Diseases Research 11,408 Duke University A033131 93.866 Aging Research 40,765 Duke University A03-3212-02 93.866 Aging Research 53,023 Duke University A034133 93.395 Cancer Treatment Research 100,820 Duke University Duke SPS No. 257758 Amendment 2 93.C11 Contract-Department of Health and Human Services-National Institutes of Health COVID-19 6,902 Duke University Subaward No. 2037876, 6793_DOSE_#DOSE018 93.350 National Center for Advancing Translational Sciences 12,207 Earnano LLC Earnano NCE 93.865 Child Health and Human Development Extramural Research 20,760 East Carolina University A19-0361-S002 93.837 Cardiovascular Diseases Research 152,604 Emory University A011148 93.855 Allergy and Infectious Diseases Research 107,434 Emory University A035490 93.839 Blood Diseases and Resources Research 306,231 Emory University A140674 93.879 Medical Library Assistance 48,162 Emory University A322446/A374096 Amd 1 93.853 Extramural Research Programs in the Neurosciences and Neurological Disorders 278,604 Emory University A324563 - Amendment 4 93.855 Allergy and Infectious Diseases Research 39,455 Emory University A434939 93.866 Aging Research 36,218 Emory University A484376 93.855 Allergy and Infectious Diseases Research 281,273 Emory University Subaward # A234181 Amendment 1 93.847 Diabetes, Digestive, and Kidney Diseases Extramural Research 3,111 Emory University Subaward #A381521 Amendment 1 93.837 Cardiovascular Diseases Research 47,419 Emory University T942022 AMD#2 93.855 Allergy and Infectious Diseases Research 64,940 Emory University T951649 AMD 03 93.855 Allergy and Infectious Diseases Research 222,222 Florida State University R000002839 93.865 Child Health and Human Development Extramural Research 1,832 Fox Chase Cancer Center 1804101 93.C11 Contract-Department of Health and Human Services-National Institutes of Health 24,392 Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center 0000898497-218443 93.395 Cancer Treatment Research 1,947 Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center 0000928696 amd 4 93.C11 Contract-Department of Health and Human Services-National Institutes of Health 51,404 Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center 0001034884/Project: 225178 93.395 Cancer Treatment Research 9,922 Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center 0001041456 NCE 93.855 Allergy and Infectious Diseases Research COVID-19 154,000 Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center 0001041477 Amd 02 93.855 Allergy and Infectious Diseases Research 958,814

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Cluster, Agency, Subagency, Direct/Pass-Through, Federal SubrecipientPass-Through Entity Award # CFDA# CFDA Program Title COVID-19 Expenditures Expenditures

Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center 0001064624 93.837 Cardiovascular Diseases Research 15,486$ - $ Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center 221436 93.395 Cancer Treatment Research 18,546 Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center Subaward #0001021335 Amendment 1 93.839 Blood Diseases and Resources Research 118,264 Gillette Children’s Specialty Care GL1712 93.865 Child Health and Human Development Extramural Research 12,884 Hackensack Meridian Health, Inc Subaward 19018-G10050 / PO 224226 93.855 Allergy and Infectious Diseases Research 204,240 Harvard Medical School 152427.5114587.0022 Amendment #1 93.855 Allergy and Infectious Diseases Research 463,354 Harvard Medical School 229713 Amendment 2 NCE 93.853 Extramural Research Programs in the Neurosciences and Neurological Disorders 2,375 Harvard University 116071-5089700 amd 8 93.393 Cancer Cause and Prevention Research 62,280 Harvard University 116071-5115099 93.353 21st Century Cures Act - Beau Biden Cancer Moonshot 33,735 Harvard University 116093-55118078 93.393 Cancer Cause and Prevention Research 133,259 Harvard University 116349-5077672/5R01AG048037-05 Rev Am 6 93.866 Aging Research 29,718 Harvard University 130346-5097334 Am 4 93.393 Cancer Cause and Prevention Research 35,359 HealthPartners Institute 85285270 X1301200UMN amd 4 93.394 Cancer Detection and Diagnosis Research 8,582 HealthPartners Institute 85285270-X1700800 UMN Amd 3 93.866 Aging Research 37,806 HealthPartners Institute X1669100UMN am 2 93.837 Cardiovascular Diseases Research 46,261 Hennepin Healthcare Research Institute 00227-03 Amd#1 93.847 Diabetes, Digestive, and Kidney Diseases Extramural Research 11,520 Hennepin Healthcare Research Institute 07292-1 am 7 / previous # 07292-1 amd 6 93.866 Aging Research 136,004 Hennepin Healthcare Research Institute 07373-2 amd 5 93.279 Drug Abuse and Addiction Research Programs 5,922 Hennepin Healthcare Research Institute 07416-1 (Prev: 07327-1) 93.839 Blood Diseases and Resources Research (820) Hennepin Healthcare Research Institute 07481-1 93.279 Drug Abuse and Addiction Research Programs 421 Hennepin Healthcare Research Institute 15019-3 Amendment 1 93.837 Cardiovascular Diseases Research 31,082 Hennepin Healthcare Research Institute 15039-1 93.855 Allergy and Infectious Diseases Research 3,263 Hennepin Healthcare Research Institute 15040-Pravetoni Amendment 2 93.279 Drug Abuse and Addiction Research Programs 18,039 Hennepin Healthcare Research Institute 15067-1-BakerR21 93.837 Cardiovascular Diseases Research 6,773 Hennepin Healthcare Research Institute 15105-03 AMD3 93.866 Aging Research 107,495 Hennepin Healthcare Research Institute 15105-04 93.866 Aging Research 12,079 Hennepin Healthcare Research Institute 15113-01 93.279 Drug Abuse and Addiction Research Programs 60,030 Hennepin Healthcare Research Institute 15139-1-Jacobson Am 2 93.855 Allergy and Infectious Diseases Research 149,614 Hennepin Healthcare Research Institute 15139-2-Staley Amend 2 93.855 Allergy and Infectious Diseases Research 8,923 Hennepin Healthcare Research Institute 15139-3-Wu Amd 2 93.855 Allergy and Infectious Diseases Research 17,421 Hennepin Healthcare Research Institute 15141 - UMNJoseph 93.279 Drug Abuse and Addiction Research Programs (1,471) Hennepin Healthcare Research Institute 15203-1-01CR 93.847 Diabetes, Digestive, and Kidney Diseases Extramural Research 50,502 Hennepin Healthcare Research Institute 15212-1 93.279 Drug Abuse and Addiction Research Programs 40,644 Hennepin Healthcare Research Institute 15248-3 93.279 Drug Abuse and Addiction Research Programs 45,051 Hennepin Healthcare Research Institute 15249-03-UMNVock 93.279 Drug Abuse and Addiction Research Programs 2,803 Hennepin Healthcare Research Institute 15308-01 Amendment 1 93.279 Drug Abuse and Addiction Research Programs 19,541 Hennepin Healthcare Research Institute 15308-02 93.279 Drug Abuse and Addiction Research Programs 25,647 Hennepin Healthcare Research Institute 15312-10 / previous # 15260-10 93.279 Drug Abuse and Addiction Research Programs 9,362 Hennepin Healthcare Research Institute 15312-9 / previous # 15260-9 93.279 Drug Abuse and Addiction Research Programs 9,362 Hennepin Healthcare Research Institute 15318-14-03FFS 93.866 Aging Research 24,503 Hennepin Healthcare Research Institute No Award Number 93.866 Aging Research 4,011 Houston Methodist AGMT00000792 / 3079 / 4332 93.853 Extramural Research Programs in the Neurosciences and Neurological Disorders 6,930 Houston Methodist AGMT00003054 93.853 Extramural Research Programs in the Neurosciences and Neurological Disorders 7,376 Houston Methodist AGMT00004333AM1 93.853 Extramural Research Programs in the Neurosciences and Neurological Disorders 62,361 Houston Methodist AGMT00004487AM1 93.853 Extramural Research Programs in the Neurosciences and Neurological Disorders 193,179 Imbio, LLC Subaward # 21-03 93.393 Cancer Cause and Prevention Research 19,806 Immusoft Corporation 1/R43NS120264 93.853 Extramural Research Programs in the Neurosciences and Neurological Disorders 25,474 Immusoft Corporation No Award Number 93.859 Biomedical Research and Research Training 293,466 Indiana University IN4689100UMN Amendment 4 PO 0117895 93.865 Child Health and Human Development Extramural Research 30,956 Innovative Design Labs Inc IDL19-ArMannPh2-09 Amendment 2 93.866 Aging Research 9,025 Innovative Design Labs Inc IDL19-BariManPH1-14 Amendment 1 93.847 Diabetes, Digestive, and Kidney Diseases Extramural Research 10,040 Innovative Design Labs Inc IDL20-05_G18-2_MrStemP2 Amendment 1 93.859 Biomedical Research and Research Training 71,919 Innovative Design Labs Inc IDL20-08_G23-1 93.866 Aging Research 10,296 Innovative Design Labs Inc IDL20-11-G24-2_WearableSimPh2_UMN Am 2 93.859 Biomedical Research and Research Training 68,692 Innovative Design Labs Inc IDL20-16-G26-2 93.173 Research Related to Deafness and Communication Disorders 7,696 Innovative Design Labs Inc IDL20-16-G26-2 93.173 Research Related to Deafness and Communication Disorders 31,693 Jaeb Center for Health Research IXT5 NCE 93.867 Vision Research 161 Jaeb Center for Health Research No Award Number 93.867 Vision Research 385 Jaeb Center for Health Research No Award Number 93.C11 Contract-Department of Health and Human Services-National Institutes of Health 18,840 Jaeb Center for Health Research PEDIG/PCSOR-CO2 93.867 Vision Research 9,309 Joan & Sanford I Weill Med College 192656 93.853 Extramural Research Programs in the Neurosciences and Neurological Disorders 55,545

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Cluster, Agency, Subagency, Direct/Pass-Through, Federal SubrecipientPass-Through Entity Award # CFDA# CFDA Program Title COVID-19 Expenditures Expenditures

Joan & Sanford I Weill Med College 203028-2 amd 1 93.279 Drug Abuse and Addiction Research Programs 16,612$ - $ Joan & Sanford I Weill Med College 203538/193572-11 / 183723-11 old number 93.855 Allergy and Infectious Diseases Research 113,293 Johns Hopkins University 2002825182 Mod 5 93.847 Diabetes, Digestive, and Kidney Diseases Extramural Research 28,391 Johns Hopkins University 2002869214 amendment 5 93.847 Diabetes, Digestive, and Kidney Diseases Extramural Research 6,176 Johns Hopkins University 2003043569 Amend 5 93.847 Diabetes, Digestive, and Kidney Diseases Extramural Research 8,636 Johns Hopkins University 2003081760 93.866 Aging Research 292,442 Johns Hopkins University 2003150437 Am 5 93.847 Diabetes, Digestive, and Kidney Diseases Extramural Research 16,858 Johns Hopkins University 2003379587 amd 3 93.866 Aging Research (159) Johns Hopkins University 2003455787 Am 5 93.866 Aging Research 471,405 Johns Hopkins University 2003488832 amd 2 93.837 Cardiovascular Diseases Research 8,698 Johns Hopkins University 2003574654 Amend 1 93.121 Oral Diseases and Disorders Research 27,878 Johns Hopkins University 2004089232 Amd 2 93.866 Aging Research 78,378 Johns Hopkins University 2004325088 Mod 3 93.855 Allergy and Infectious Diseases Research 9,724 Johns Hopkins University 2004379592 Am 1 93.865 Child Health and Human Development Extramural Research 17,370 Johns Hopkins University 2004502906 Am 1 93.837 Cardiovascular Diseases Research 11,161 Johns Hopkins University 2004526271 Am1 93.837 Cardiovascular Diseases Research 930,408 Johns Hopkins University 2004879659 93.846 Arthritis, Musculoskeletal and Skin Diseases Research 9,881 Johns Hopkins University 2005021783 93.847 Diabetes, Digestive, and Kidney Diseases Extramural Research 25,324 Joslin Diabetes Center, Inc 100059 Am 3 93.847 Diabetes, Digestive, and Kidney Diseases Extramural Research 26,413 Joslin Diabetes Center, Inc 100072 Amendment 3 93.847 Diabetes, Digestive, and Kidney Diseases Extramural Research 13,000 Joslin Diabetes Center, Inc 100073 AM 2 2UC4DK101108-02 93.847 Diabetes, Digestive, and Kidney Diseases Extramural Research 1,233 Kaiser Fdn Res Inst RNG200279 amd 3 93.847 Diabetes, Digestive, and Kidney Diseases Extramural Research 2 Kaiser Fdn Res Inst RNG200279-04 Amendment 5 93.847 Diabetes, Digestive, and Kidney Diseases Extramural Research 1,134 Koronis Biomedical Technologies Corp KBT20-EFIntervention-04 93.242 Mental Health Research Grants 18,584 Koronis Biomedical Technologies Corp Subaward #KBT19-Neonate-12 - Amend #2 93.865 Child Health and Human Development Extramural Research 24,998 La Jolla Inst for Allergy & Immunology 24109-03-198-391 93.837 Cardiovascular Diseases Research 30,708 La Jolla Inst for Allergy & Immunology 30039-02-198-381 93.C11 Contract-Department of Health and Human Services-National Institutes of Health 45,149 Leidos Biomedical Research, Inc 13XS134Q8 93.C11 Contract-Department of Health and Human Services-National Institutes of Health 55,863 79,338 Leidos Biomedical Research, Inc 13XS134T11 93.C11 Contract-Department of Health and Human Services-National Institutes of Health 100,832 75,197 Leidos Biomedical Research, Inc 16X054Q1 93.C11 Contract-Department of Health and Human Services-National Institutes of Health 123,120 Leidos Biomedical Research, Inc 16X054Q2 93.C11 Contract-Department of Health and Human Services-National Institutes of Health 483,839 Leidos Biomedical Research, Inc 16X054Q3 93.C11 Contract-Department of Health and Human Services-National Institutes of Health 202,512 Leidos Biomedical Research, Inc 16X054Q5 93.C11 Contract-Department of Health and Human Services-National Institutes of Health 21,923 Leidos Biomedical Research, Inc 16X054Q6 Mod 12 93.C11 Contract-Department of Health and Human Services-National Institutes of Health 144,718 Leidos Biomedical Research, Inc 16X054Q7 93.C11 Contract-Department of Health and Human Services-National Institutes of Health 61,390 Leidos Biomedical Research, Inc 16X054Q8 (600. 93.C11 Contract-Department of Health and Human Services-National Institutes of Health 276,766 6,499 Leidos Biomedical Research, Inc 16X054Q9 93.C11 Contract-Department of Health and Human Services-National Institutes of Health 4,361 Leidos Biomedical Research, Inc 18X107CF2 93.C11 Contract-Department of Health and Human Services-National Institutes of Health COVID-19 838,256 800,304 Leidos Biomedical Research, Inc 18X107CF3 (Replaced: 13XS134Q10) mod 5 93.C11 Contract-Department of Health and Human Services-National Institutes of Health 1,649,762 1,386,554 Leidos Biomedical Research, Inc 18X107CF4 mod 3 93.C11 Contract-Department of Health and Human Services-National Institutes of Health COVID-19 5,645,137 5,192,913 Leidos Biomedical Research, Inc 18X107CF5 93.C11 Contract-Department of Health and Human Services-National Institutes of Health COVID-19 8,623,558 7,436,108 Leidos Biomedical Research, Inc 18X107CF6 93.C11 Contract-Department of Health and Human Services-National Institutes of Health COVID-19 7,487,634 5,306,121 Leidos Biomedical Research, Inc 18X107CQ1 93.C11 Contract-Department of Health and Human Services-National Institutes of Health (24,063) Leidos Biomedical Research, Inc 18X107CQ7 93.C11 Contract-Department of Health and Human Services-National Institutes of Health COVID-19 249,940 Leidos Biomedical Research, Inc 20CTA-DM0015 Mod 4 93.C11 Contract-Department of Health and Human Services-National Institutes of Health COVID-19 1,090,112 Leidos Biomedical Research, Inc 21X091 - F1 93.C11 Contract-Department of Health and Human Services-National Institutes of Health 251,615 Leidos Biomedical Research, Inc Task Order F1 - Subcontract 21X107Q 93.C11 Contract-Department of Health and Human Services-National Institutes of Health 11,717 Lifespan 712-7522 Amendment 2 93.242 Mental Health Research Grants 20,477 Loyola University of Chicago 210415-Minnesota Am3 93.837 Cardiovascular Diseases Research 72,344 Luminary Therapeutics Inc No Award Number 93.395 Cancer Treatment Research 55,098 Luna Innovations Incorporated Subgrant No. 3485.02UMN 93.C11 Contract-Department of Health and Human Services-National Institutes of Health 6,544 Magee-Womens Research Institute 6591 Am2 93.866 Aging Research 20,296 Makerere University MUWRP-UMN001 93.989 International Research and Research Training (82) Marpam Pharma LLC R41AI155031-SA / R41AI155031 prime 93.855 Allergy and Infectious Diseases Research 98,149 Massachusetts Eye and Ear Infirmary 530750 93.173 Research Related to Deafness and Communication Disorders 73,493 Massachusetts General Hospital 232888 Am2 93.395 Cancer Treatment Research 15,430 Massachusetts General Hospital 232951 Am1 93.395 Cancer Treatment Research 11,886 Massachusetts General Hospital 237365 93.393 Cancer Cause and Prevention Research 62,996 Massachusetts General Hospital Subaward No. 231512 Amendment 2 93.242 Mental Health Research Grants 96,514 Massachusetts Institute of Technology S4442 - PO 527577 93.397 Cancer Centers Support Grants 158,578 Massachusetts Institute of Technology S4527 / PO 150195 Amd 04 93.242 Mental Health Research Grants 79,877

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Cluster, Agency, Subagency, Direct/Pass-Through, Federal SubrecipientPass-Through Entity Award # CFDA# CFDA Program Title COVID-19 Expenditures Expenditures

Massachusetts Institute of Technology S4546 / PO# 140744 Am 3 93.279 Drug Abuse and Addiction Research Programs 100,897$ - $ Massachusetts Institute of Technology S4730 - PO 288653 Amendment 2 93.242 Mental Health Research Grants 27,703 Mayo Clinic - Arizona REG-262464 93.855 Allergy and Infectious Diseases Research 292,809 Mayo Clinic - Jacksonville MIN-232483-02 - CREST-H -- Amendment 2 93.853 Extramural Research Programs in the Neurosciences and Neurological Disorders 2,264 Mayo Clinic - Jacksonville REG-251795-01 / PO #67839658 93.859 Biomedical Research and Research Training 123,617 Mayo Clinic - Jacksonville UMN-232390-04 / PO 67191461 AMD05 93.853 Extramural Research Programs in the Neurosciences and Neurological Disorders 131,681 Mayo Clinic - Scottsdale REG-233918-03/PO 67572837 93.353 21st Century Cures Act - Beau Biden Cancer Moonshot 165,961 Mayo Clinic - Scottsdale UMN-271434 / PO 67468903 amd 1 93.838 Lung Diseases Research 43,487 Mayo Clinic - Rochester 64881331 AMD 7 93.393 Cancer Cause and Prevention Research 2,003 Mayo Clinic - Rochester REG-201232-06 amd 10 (PO#66645875) 93.865 Child Health and Human Development Extramural Research 47,125 Mayo Clinic - Rochester REG-212376-01 Am 3 /PO 66461867 93.361 Nursing Research 8,751 Mayo Clinic - Rochester REG-213137-05/ PO#67296266 Amendment #7 93.866 Aging Research 15,781 Mayo Clinic - Rochester REG-214591-05/PO 64715172/66883976 93.351 Research Infrastructure Programs 61,789 Mayo Clinic - Rochester REG-233617 / PO 67304963 AMD 05 93.866 Aging Research 48,197 Mayo Clinic - Rochester REG-242396-02 / PO 67352812 93.866 Aging Research 89,446 Mayo Clinic - Rochester REG-244457-03 / PO #67447155 93.867 Vision Research 33,985 Mayo Clinic - Rochester REG-253968 / PO #67277679 /PO 67962549 93.847 Diabetes, Digestive, and Kidney Diseases Extramural Research 62,216 Mayo Clinic - Rochester REG-254500-01/PO 67305907 (PO 66694844) 93.350 National Center for Advancing Translational Sciences 140,378 Mayo Clinic - Rochester REG-256112-01 / PO 67230486 Amd 3 93.866 Aging Research 489,340 Mayo Clinic - Rochester REG-258771/PO #66915139 93.846 Arthritis, Musculoskeletal and Skin Diseases Research 22,398 Mayo Clinic - Rochester REG-260249/PO #67468380 93.853 Extramural Research Programs in the Neurosciences and Neurological Disorders 19,761 Mayo Clinic - Rochester REG-270649 / PO 67448860 93.847 Diabetes, Digestive, and Kidney Diseases Extramural Research 41,666 Mayo Clinic - Rochester REG-274154 / PO 67614740 93.866 Aging Research 7,353 Mayo Clinic - Rochester Subaward UMN-260175/PO #67610716 Amend 2 93.853 Extramural Research Programs in the Neurosciences and Neurological Disorders 12,528 Mayo Clinic - Rochester TUM-182363/P.O. #67607288 93.397 Cancer Centers Support Grants 17,252 Mayo Clinic - Rochester UMN-182363/PO #67016723 93.397 Cancer Centers Support Grants 41,126 Mayo Clinic - Rochester UMN-213364/PO #67055339 Amendment 4 93.837 Cardiovascular Diseases Research 72,485 Mayo Clinic - Rochester UMN-231278-05/PO#67525094 93.350 National Center for Advancing Translational Sciences 454,979 Mayo Clinic - Rochester UMN-231778-06 / PO 68110670 93.242 Mental Health Research Grants 166,877 Mayo Clinic - Rochester UMN-242021-02;PO#67351359 93.395 Cancer Treatment Research 204,719 Mayo Clinic - Rochester UMN-273898 / PO 67575564 93.853 Extramural Research Programs in the Neurosciences and Neurological Disorders 35,605 Mayo Clinic - Rochester UMN-274013 / PO #67588088 93.350 National Center for Advancing Translational Sciences 19,080 Mayo Clinic - Rochester UOM-182363 PO 67607287 93.397 Cancer Centers Support Grants 39,706 McGill University PT86060 93.855 Allergy and Infectious Diseases Research 191,098 Medical College of Wisconsin R01CA238562 - PO 6174993 93.395 Cancer Treatment Research 39,450 Medical University of South Carolina A00-3327-S009 Amd 2 Terminated 93.847 Diabetes, Digestive, and Kidney Diseases Extramural Research 2,556 Medical University of South Carolina A00-3656-S008 Amd 3 93.847 Diabetes, Digestive, and Kidney Diseases Extramural Research 3,859 Medical University of South Carolina MUSC18-063-8B465 / A00-2240-S008 NCE 93.865 Child Health and Human Development Extramural Research 1,962 Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center BD518885D 93.393 Cancer Cause and Prevention Research 25,379 Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center BD523809C amendment 2 93.393 Cancer Cause and Prevention Research 4,858 Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center BD526729 Am. 1 93.395 Cancer Treatment Research 59,496 Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center BD527081 93.397 Cancer Centers Support Grants 81,630 Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center BD527171 93.393 Cancer Cause and Prevention Research 54,117 Metselex, Inc Subaward 1R41NS113732-01A1 Amd 1 93.853 Extramural Research Programs in the Neurosciences and Neurological Disorders 192,685 Minnetronix Medical, Inc Subaward 4 93.853 Extramural Research Programs in the Neurosciences and Neurological Disorders 34,830 Moai Technologies, LLC Amendment 3 93.866 Aging Research 185,869 Mount Sinai School of Medicine 0255-8271-4609 amd 5 93.113 Environmental Health 16,722 Mount Sinai School of Medicine 0255-A911-4609/0255-A913-4609 93.847 Diabetes, Digestive, and Kidney Diseases Extramural Research 248,266 Mount Sinai School of Medicine 0258-A418-4609 / 0258-A428-4609 93.C11 Contract-Department of Health and Human Services-National Institutes of Health 553,314 Nanocomposix, Inc 7127-01 93.242 Mental Health Research Grants 280,622 National Jewish Health 20072212 / 2U01HL089897 93.838 Lung Diseases Research 1,899 National Jewish Health 20125202 93.855 Allergy and Infectious Diseases Research 94,690 National Marrow Donor Program BMT CTN PROTOCOL #1702 93.839 Blood Diseases and Resources Research (493) National Marrow Donor Program BMT CTN PROTOCOL #1703/1801 93.839 Blood Diseases and Resources Research 51,663 National Marrow Donor Program BMT CTN PROTOCOL #1704 93.839 Blood Diseases and Resources Research 13,730 Nationwide Children’s Hospital 700198-0521-00 93.847 Diabetes, Digestive, and Kidney Diseases Extramural Research 16,691 Nationwide Children’s Hospital 700210-0720-02 Amend 1 PO 4604403-0-46 93.353 21st Century Cures Act - Beau Biden Cancer Moonshot 148,643 Nationwide Children’s Hospital Subaward No. 700196-0420-00 Amendment 2 93.865 Child Health and Human Development Extramural Research (3,884) Neuro Devices, Inc R42TR000462 93.350 National Center for Advancing Translational Sciences 163,627 Neurotype Inc No Award Number 93.273 Alcohol Research Programs 3,555 New England Research Institutes Prime: U24HL135691 Am 4 93.837 Cardiovascular Diseases Research 9,661

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Cluster, Agency, Subagency, Direct/Pass-Through, Federal SubrecipientPass-Through Entity Award # CFDA# CFDA Program Title COVID-19 Expenditures Expenditures

New York Blood Center, Inc PO#NYB107956 - VIM-NIH554 93.855 Allergy and Infectious Diseases Research COVID-19 184,600$ - $ New York Blood Center, Inc VIM-NIH689 / 1R01AI157975-01 / PO NYB101 93.855 Allergy and Infectious Diseases Research COVID-19 269,743 New York University 16-A0-00-006256-01 project # 112544 93.310 Trans-NIH Research Support 291,725 New York University 17-WU-CN-100003 93.847 Diabetes, Digestive, and Kidney Diseases Extramural Research 4,802 New York University 19-A1-00-1001708 Am 1/Project # 113913 93.242 Mental Health Research Grants 187,073 New York University Subaward No. 19-A0-00-1003237 93.310 Trans-NIH Research Support 63,201 Northern CA Inst for Research & Educ YAF2194-02 93.866 Aging Research 31,255 Northwest Indian College NWIC-SA24226-UMN Amend 4 93.859 Biomedical Research and Research Training 37,226 Northwestern University 60039432 UM A03 93.837 Cardiovascular Diseases Research 4,896 Northwestern University 60054546 UMN 93.310 Trans-NIH Research Support 31,289 Northwestern University 60054779 UMN 93.847 Diabetes, Digestive, and Kidney Diseases Extramural Research 54,330 Northwestern University 60055096 MINN 93.853 Extramural Research Programs in the Neurosciences and Neurological Disorders 505,637 Northwestern University 60055357 UM 93.838 Lung Diseases Research 59,700 Northwestern University 60055432 UM 93.396 Cancer Biology Research 138,511 Northwestern University 60056711 MINN 93.233 National Center on Sleep Disorders Research 54,064 Northwestern University 60057133 UMN 93.837 Cardiovascular Diseases Research 101,288 Northwestern University 60057351 UM / PROJ0017159-21 93.837 Cardiovascular Diseases Research 73,058 Northwestern University 60057482 UMN 93.853 Extramural Research Programs in the Neurosciences and Neurological Disorders 22,437 Northwestern University SP0056474 60054823 UMN 93.C11 Contract-Department of Health and Human Services-National Institutes of Health 41,182 Northwestern University SP0064431 60057520 93.C11 Contract-Department of Health and Human Services-National Institutes of Health 39,532 Nous Imaging, Inc R44MH121276_Sub2 AMD#1 93.242 Mental Health Research Grants 27,925 Nous Imaging, Inc R44MH122066_II_Sub2 93.242 Mental Health Research Grants 80,131 Nous Imaging, Inc R44MH124567_Sub2 93.242 Mental Health Research Grants 112,777 Nuborn Medical, Inc 1R41HD104305-01 93.865 Child Health and Human Development Extramural Research 11,475 Ocean State Research Institute , Inc 122208 Amend 1 93.838 Lung Diseases Research 51,663 Oregon Health & Science University 1011723_UMINN 93.242 Mental Health Research Grants 194,066 Oregon Health & Science University 1016160_UMN am 1 93.279 Drug Abuse and Addiction Research Programs COVID-19 6,908 Oregon Health & Science University 1016803_UMINN 93.279 Drug Abuse and Addiction Research Programs 210,926 Oregon State University P0465A-A 93.866 Aging Research 31,679 Pennsylvania State University 5675-UM-DHHS-2573 A3 93.242 Mental Health Research Grants 13,875 Pennsylvania State University S001496-DHHS 93.866 Aging Research 30,550 Pennsylvania State University UMNHG008983 Am. 2 93.172 Human Genome Research 137,286 Photonic Pharma LLC S1/2019 93.866 Aging Research 87,838 Platinum Group Coatings, LLC 1R44NS103714-1 93.853 Extramural Research Programs in the Neurosciences and Neurological Disorders (761) Posit Science Corporation No Award Number 93.242 Mental Health Research Grants 62,159 Posit Science Corporation No Award Number 93.242 Mental Health Research Grants 39,246 Purdue University 11000509-013 93.113 Environmental Health 106,041 Recombinetics, Inc Subaward No. 1U24OD026641-01 Amendment 2 93.310 Trans-NIH Research Support 189,255 Research Foundation for Mental Hygiene 146008 93.279 Drug Abuse and Addiction Research Programs 665,088 12,777 Research Foundation for Mental Hygiene PO 144763 93.279 Drug Abuse and Addiction Research Programs 662,064 115,685 Reshape Lifesciences Inc 1R43DK122846-01 Amend 1 93.846 Arthritis, Musculoskeletal and Skin Diseases Research 24,797 Rush University 5P30AG010161-30 93.866 Aging Research 27,197 Rush University Medical Center 15120306-Sub01 Amend 4 93.847 Diabetes, Digestive, and Kidney Diseases Extramural Research 19,654 Rutgers University Subaward No. 1219 - PO#1259850 amd 1 93.859 Biomedical Research and Research Training 73,676 Safetraces, Inc 2R44ES025070-02-02 Am 1 93.113 Environmental Health 47,176 San Diego State University Foundation SA0000591 93.273 Alcohol Research Programs (2,893) San Diego State University Foundation SA0000771 (former SA0000712) 93.279 Drug Abuse and Addiction Research Programs 58,943 Saneron CCEL Therapeutics, Inc No Award Number 93.853 Extramural Research Programs in the Neurosciences and Neurological Disorders 181,483 Scripps Research Institute Dba Calibr 5-27301 93.838 Lung Diseases Research 31,603 Scripps Research Institute Dba Calibr CAR-T SUB under R01CA208398-04 93.395 Cancer Treatment Research 10,165 Social & Scientific Systems, Inc PHR-SSS-S-19-005728 93.C11 Contract-Department of Health and Human Services-National Institutes of Health 69,116 Sonovol, Inc R44HL138185-02 Amendment 3 93.838 Lung Diseases Research 68,284 St Jude Children’s Research Hospital 111978071-7931017 93.C11 Contract-Department of Health and Human Services-National Institutes of Health 72,626 Stanford University 61595906-126418 Amd 4 93.866 Aging Research 11,356 Stanford University 61867425-125439 Am 5 93.853 Extramural Research Programs in the Neurosciences and Neurological Disorders 100,522 Stanford University 61909337-133224/R01AG059791 Amd 2 93.866 Aging Research 17,185 Stanford University 62411531-139122 93.865 Child Health and Human Development Extramural Research 97,795 State University of New York at Stony Brook 83346 / 2 / 1151052 93.855 Allergy and Infectious Diseases Research 207,445 Stategics, Inc R44TR001596 AM2 93.350 National Center for Advancing Translational Sciences 164,934 Sylvatica Biotech, Inc No Award Number 93.847 Diabetes, Digestive, and Kidney Diseases Extramural Research 5,483 Sylvatica Biotech, Inc R44CA228758 Amd 01 93.396 Cancer Biology Research 80,643

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Cluster, Agency, Subagency, Direct/Pass-Through, Federal SubrecipientPass-Through Entity Award # CFDA# CFDA Program Title COVID-19 Expenditures Expenditures

TDA Research, Inc 6103.002.RB.UMN.18.01 Mod 002 93.121 Oral Diseases and Disorders Research 48,575$ - $ Temple University 263158 UMinn 93.242 Mental Health Research Grants 103,764 Temple University 266008-UMN - PO# 613878 93.286 Discovery and Applied Research for Technological Innovations to Improve Human Health 67,709 Texas A&M University M1901897 Amd01 93.113 Environmental Health 115,781 Texas Tech University 18052NS Am. 2 93.853 Extramural Research Programs in the Neurosciences and Neurological Disorders 10,023 The Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia 00033922_SUB96_01 93.395 Cancer Treatment Research 6,331 The Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia ALTE1621/FP00021561_SUB44_01 - Mod 1 93.395 Cancer Treatment Research 10,952 The Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia FP00023693_Sub142_01/Activity 9400710617 93.U01 Unid CFDA-Department of Health and Human Services-NIH 12,557 The Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia FP00025505_SUB76_03/PO 20227605 Amend2 93.395 Cancer Treatment Research 17,658 The Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia FP00025505-SUB39_03/ PO 2022747 93.395 Cancer Treatment Research 111,636 The Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia FP00026100_SUB02_01 93.395 Cancer Treatment Research 700 The Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia FP00026529_SUB163_01 93.395 Cancer Treatment Research 61,201 The Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia FP00026529_SUB338_01 93.395 Cancer Treatment Research 37,767 The Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia FP00026529_SUB411_01 / PO 20098569-RSUB 93.395 Cancer Treatment Research (112) The Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia FP00026529_SUB543_01/PO 20110749 RSUB 93.395 Cancer Treatment Research 7,754 The Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia FP00026529_SUB625_01/PO 20210917-RSUB 93.395 Cancer Treatment Research 29,465 The Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia FP00026537_SUB07_02 Amendment 1 93.395 Cancer Treatment Research 5,988 The Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia FP00028127_SUB46_01 93.399 Cancer Control 19,736 The Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia FP00030519_SUB112_01 93.395 Cancer Treatment Research 150 The Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia FP00034094_SUB02_01 - PO# 20240892-RSUB 93.399 Cancer Control 20,969 The Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia PEP CTN - PO9500120719-04C 93.395 Cancer Treatment Research 11,548 The Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia PO #20199247/FP00026529_SUB476_02 Mod1 93.395 Cancer Treatment Research 15,508 The Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia PO 20199270-RSUB 93.395 Cancer Treatment Research 7,444 The Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia PO 961991-RSUB 3200100121 Am 5 93.855 Allergy and Infectious Diseases Research 190,136 The Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia Sub FP0025505_SUB18_01 93.395 Cancer Treatment Research 72,368 The Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia Subaward 3200880522 /PO #200012330 Mod3 93.865 Child Health and Human Development Extramural Research 2,945 The Children’s Mercy Hospital 601164 / R01HL148463 93.837 Cardiovascular Diseases Research 621 The Emmes Corporation 1UC4DK114839-01 93.847 Diabetes, Digestive, and Kidney Diseases Extramural Research 13,132 The Emmes Corporation Application ID 1UC4DK114839-01 Mod 1 93.847 Diabetes, Digestive, and Kidney Diseases Extramural Research 19,975 The George Washington University 18-B03 / 5U01DK094176-07 Am1 93.847 Diabetes, Digestive, and Kidney Diseases Extramural Research (41) The George Washington University 20-B03 / U01DK094176 93.847 Diabetes, Digestive, and Kidney Diseases Extramural Research 293,129 The George Washington University Clinical Center #28/R01DK104845 NCE 93.847 Diabetes, Digestive, and Kidney Diseases Extramural Research 17,680 The George Washington University S-DDP2021-JC27 93.847 Diabetes, Digestive, and Kidney Diseases Extramural Research 277,199 The George Washington University S-EDS1516-AT49 Amend #6 / R01DK104845 93.847 Diabetes, Digestive, and Kidney Diseases Extramural Research 6,959 The George Washington University S-GRD1718-SC28/S-GRD1819-SC28/S-GRD1920- 93.847 Diabetes, Digestive, and Kidney Diseases Extramural Research 611,685 The George Washington University S-GRD1920-SC42 93.847 Diabetes, Digestive, and Kidney Diseases Extramural Research 2,179,905 The Hope Foundation PROTOCOL S1803 93.395 Cancer Treatment Research 3,323 The Nathan S Kline Inst for Psychiatric Research 26526 93.242 Mental Health Research Grants 52,097 The Ohio State University 60071085/60077292 Amend 1 93.837 Cardiovascular Diseases Research 6,092 The Ohio State University 60072429 Amd 1 93.837 Cardiovascular Diseases Research 50,000 The Ohio State University 60076073 Amendment 2 93.847 Diabetes, Digestive, and Kidney Diseases Extramural Research 676 The Ohio State University 60078267 / PO#RF01616493 93.865 Child Health and Human Development Extramural Research 22,621 The Ohio State University Sub 60064928 Amend 2/PO #RF01532505 93.393 Cancer Cause and Prevention Research 136,413 The Ohio State University Sub No. 60073082 (PO #RF01592303) 93.393 Cancer Cause and Prevention Research 126,611 The Ohio State University Subaward 60075024/PO #RF01595615 93.847 Diabetes, Digestive, and Kidney Diseases Extramural Research 1,835 The Research Foundation of SUNY 100-1142202-79260 Amendment 3 93.279 Drug Abuse and Addiction Research Programs 27,473 The Restful Jaw Company, LLC Uppgaard - SBIR Amendment 4 93.121 Oral Diseases and Disorders Research 30,273 The State University of New York Buffalo Subaward R1239017 93.286 Discovery and Applied Research for Technological Innovations to Improve Human Health 44,775 The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill 5107612 / 5R01AG044034-09 93.866 Aging Research 12,063 The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill 5108310 / 4R37AR049003-16 93.846 Arthritis, Musculoskeletal and Skin Diseases Research 10,242 The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill 5109091 Am 3 93.865 Child Health and Human Development Extramural Research 26,082 The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill 5113661 93.242 Mental Health Research Grants 34,958 The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill 5116342 93.837 Cardiovascular Diseases Research 25,791 The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill 5116387 93.C11 Contract-Department of Health and Human Services-National Institutes of Health 121,811 The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill 5116708 (5113276) 93.837 Cardiovascular Diseases Research 18,780 The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill 5117434 / 5116698 93.865 Child Health and Human Development Extramural Research 27,825 The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill 5119569 (prev. 5112638/511149) 93.C11 Contract-Department of Health and Human Services-National Institutes of Health 31,304 The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill 5119571 (prev. 5109542, 5112637,5115794) 93.C11 Contract-Department of Health and Human Services-National Institutes of Health 24,176 The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill 5119603 93.855 Allergy and Infectious Diseases Research COVID-19 271,381 The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill 5119741(previously 5115793) 93.C11 Contract-Department of Health and Human Services-National Institutes of Health 40,510 The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill 5119832 93.C11 Contract-Department of Health and Human Services-National Institutes of Health 217,777

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Cluster, Agency, Subagency, Direct/Pass-Through, Federal SubrecipientPass-Through Entity Award # CFDA# CFDA Program Title COVID-19 Expenditures Expenditures

The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill Subaward No. 5115834 Amendment 1 93.393 Cancer Cause and Prevention Research 23,104$ - $ The University of Alabama at Birmingham 000504515-SP001-SC001 NCE 93.307 Minority Health and Health Disparities Research 71,994 The University of Alabama at Birmingham 000511740-001 Am 4 93.837 Cardiovascular Diseases Research 84,230 The University of Alabama at Birmingham 000518568-T002-001 93.C11 Contract-Department of Health and Human Services-National Institutes of Health 29,262 The University of Alabama at Birmingham 000521125-SC003 A02 93.393 Cancer Cause and Prevention Research 83,337 The University of Alabama at Birmingham 000521543-SC003 Amd 03 93.397 Cancer Centers Support Grants 40,488 The University of Alabama at Birmingham 000526031-SC004 93.839 Blood Diseases and Resources Research 37,453 The University of Alabama at Birmingham 000528250-SC006 93.837 Cardiovascular Diseases Research 22,474 The University of Alabama at Birmingham HHSN272201100036C/000406279-004 Amend 5 93.C11 Contract-Department of Health and Human Services-National Institutes of Health 79,995 The University of Alabama at Birmingham Subaward #000522211-SC009 Amendment 02 93.855 Allergy and Infectious Diseases Research 17,661 The University of Alabama at Birmingham Subaward 000526841-SC003 93.353 21st Century Cures Act - Beau Biden Cancer Moonshot 32,160 The University of Arizona 560351 93.393 Cancer Cause and Prevention Research 162,531 The University of Iowa cS02184-01 93.879 Medical Library Assistance 20,193 The University of Iowa S00747-02 93.350 National Center for Advancing Translational Sciences 33,656 The University of Iowa S01590-01 93.879 Medical Library Assistance 11,974 The University of Iowa S01592-01 93.879 Medical Library Assistance 19,412 The University of Iowa S01993-01 93.879 Medical Library Assistance 8,732 The University of Iowa Subaward #S00538-02 Amendment 06 93.847 Diabetes, Digestive, and Kidney Diseases Extramural Research 4,052 The University of New Mexico 3RGH6 Amendment 2 93.394 Cancer Detection and Diagnosis Research 11,657 The University of Toledo F-2019-15 93.859 Biomedical Research and Research Training 5,709 The University of Utah 10041913-028/PO #U000225480 Am 3 93.173 Research Related to Deafness and Communication Disorders 246 The University of Utah 10050224-02 93.310 Trans-NIH Research Support 26,610 The University of Vermont 29168SUB53362 Am 2 NCE 93.837 Cardiovascular Diseases Research 130,054 The University of Vermont AWD00000123SUB00000051, Amendment 1 93.837 Cardiovascular Diseases Research 52,479 Tufts University 103589-00001 / NIH173 PO: EP0202087 93.866 Aging Research 17,229 Tufts University NIH003 AMD#3 93.853 Extramural Research Programs in the Neurosciences and Neurological Disorders 24,654 University of Texas Health Science Ctr at Houston 0012348B AMD#3 93.837 Cardiovascular Diseases Research 17,309 University of Texas Health Science Ctr at Houston 0012700A amendment 4 93.847 Diabetes, Digestive, and Kidney Diseases Extramural Research 55,423 University of Texas Health Science Ctr at Houston SA0000218 93.865 Child Health and Human Development Extramural Research 94,422 University of Tennessee Health Science Center 21-4943-UMN 93.847 Diabetes, Digestive, and Kidney Diseases Extramural Research 37,992 University of Oklahoma Health Sciences Center RS20200688-01 93.393 Cancer Cause and Prevention Research 15,016 University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center 3001389553 93.C11 Contract-Department of Health and Human Services-National Institutes of Health (6,639) University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center 3001541840 93.077 Family Smoking Prevention and Tobacco Control Act Regulatory Research 18,857 University of Abuja Teaching Hospital 1UG3HL152381-01_TGI_001 93.840 Translation and Implementation Science Research for Heart, Lung, Blood Diseases, and Sleep Disorders 51,537 University of Alaska Fairbanks UAF 18-0031/PO 0519175 mod 4 93.242 Mental Health Research Grants 46,923 University of California, San Diego 105651703 Amendment #4 93.847 Diabetes, Digestive, and Kidney Diseases Extramural Research 194,345 University of California, San Diego 122016827 PO S9002400 93.837 Cardiovascular Diseases Research 173,080 University of California, San Diego 703963 93.279 Drug Abuse and Addiction Research Programs 87,464 University of California, San Diego 76275816 (S9001409) Amd# 003 93.113 Environmental Health 22,399 University of California, San Diego KR 703849 93.279 Drug Abuse and Addiction Research Programs 146,250 University of California, San Diego KR 703880 93.242 Mental Health Research Grants 26,720 University of California, San Diego KR 704113 93.847 Diabetes, Digestive, and Kidney Diseases Extramural Research 5,978 University of California, Berkeley 00010111 / 7R01AI135118-02 93.855 Allergy and Infectious Diseases Research 110,189 University of California, Berkeley 00010441 93.310 Trans-NIH Research Support 145,306 University of California, Davis A19-1542-S001-A02 Amd 3 93.837 Cardiovascular Diseases Research 310,326 University of California, Davis A20-4339-S001 93.859 Biomedical Research and Research Training 5,165 University of California, Irvine 2018-3681 93.847 Diabetes, Digestive, and Kidney Diseases Extramural Research 291,213 University of California, Irvine 2019-1233 93.837 Cardiovascular Diseases Research 47,963 University of California, Los Angeles 1644 G VA264 Am 5 93.865 Child Health and Human Development Extramural Research 745 University of California, Los Angeles 2000 G XQ011 93.242 Mental Health Research Grants 79,928 University of California, San Francisco 10725SC 93.394 Cancer Detection and Diagnosis Research 26,928 University of California, San Francisco 11298sc Amd 02 93.855 Allergy and Infectious Diseases Research 255,245 University of California, San Francisco 11302sc 93.847 Diabetes, Digestive, and Kidney Diseases Extramural Research 5,187 University of California, San Francisco 11643SC Amend 02 93.855 Allergy and Infectious Diseases Research 300,481 University of California, San Francisco 8561sc Am8 93.847 Diabetes, Digestive, and Kidney Diseases Extramural Research 5,996 University of California, San Francisco 9441sc Amendment 4 93.853 Extramural Research Programs in the Neurosciences and Neurological Disorders 4,248 University of California, San Francisco 9973sc 93.242 Mental Health Research Grants 82 University of California, San Francisco Subaward 11866sc Amendment 2 93.855 Allergy and Infectious Diseases Research 6,211 University of California, San Francisco Subaward 12141sc 93.847 Diabetes, Digestive, and Kidney Diseases Extramural Research 1,981 University of California, Santa Barbara KK1746 93.838 Lung Diseases Research 46,340 University of Central Florida 22206111-02 93.866 Aging Research 5,816

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Cluster, Agency, Subagency, Direct/Pass-Through, Federal SubrecipientPass-Through Entity Award # CFDA# CFDA Program Title COVID-19 Expenditures Expenditures

University of Chicago FP063361 Amendment 4 93.859 Biomedical Research and Research Training 55,276$ - $ University of Cincinnati 009844-013 93.142 NIEHS Hazardous Waste Worker Health and Safety Training 26,819 University of Cincinnati 009844-013 93.142 NIEHS Hazardous Waste Worker Health and Safety Training COVID-19 23,905 University of Cincinnati 011266-136086 Amendment 2 93.853 Extramural Research Programs in the Neurosciences and Neurological Disorders 33,544 University of Cincinnati 012043-136086 93.853 Extramural Research Programs in the Neurosciences and Neurological Disorders 6,622 University of Cincinnati 012044-136086 93.853 Extramural Research Programs in the Neurosciences and Neurological Disorders 5,769 University of Cincinnati 012340-136086 93.853 Extramural Research Programs in the Neurosciences and Neurological Disorders 652 University of Cincinnati 012765-136086 93.853 Extramural Research Programs in the Neurosciences and Neurological Disorders 128 University of Cincinnati Stu010785-136086 Amendment 2 93.853 Extramural Research Programs in the Neurosciences and Neurological Disorders 24,535 University of Colorado FY18.209.004 FY21.209.003_AMD4 93.279 Drug Abuse and Addiction Research Programs 622,124 University of Colorado Denver FY20.001.014/FY21.001.012_AMD2 93.307 Minority Health and Health Disparities Research 25,964 University of Colorado Denver FY20.001.020_AMD5 93.847 Diabetes, Digestive, and Kidney Diseases Extramural Research 25,941 University of Colorado Denver Subaward FY19.741.001/Project 2-5-A7510 93.847 Diabetes, Digestive, and Kidney Diseases Extramural Research 8,604 University of Connecticut 420728 Amd 1 93.837 Cardiovascular Diseases Research 237,404 University of Connecticut 428897 Amendment 1 93.847 Diabetes, Digestive, and Kidney Diseases Extramural Research 227,195 University of Florida SUB00001661 / R01AI141810 93.855 Allergy and Infectious Diseases Research 150,627 University of Florida SUB00002009 Amendment #1 93.853 Extramural Research Programs in the Neurosciences and Neurological Disorders 172,997 University of Florida UFDSP00011573, Amd No.4 93.393 Cancer Cause and Prevention Research 44,427 University of Florida UFDSP00012040 Amd 3 93.859 Biomedical Research and Research Training 114,774 University of Houston R-19-0097 Amend 1 93.853 Extramural Research Programs in the Neurosciences and Neurological Disorders 30,724 University of Illinois 16376-01 93.394 Cancer Detection and Diagnosis Research 4,989 University of Illinois 16391 am 1 93.113 Environmental Health (12) University of Illinois Chicago 16601-02 93.395 Cancer Treatment Research 9,027 University of Kansas Medical Center AWD-0001931 93.865 Child Health and Human Development Extramural Research 63,951 University of Kentucky 3200002124-19-048 PO #7800004457 93.853 Extramural Research Programs in the Neurosciences and Neurological Disorders 10,336 University of Maryland 55359-Z0084201 Mod E 93.865 Child Health and Human Development Extramural Research 434,542 University of Maryland 60838-Z0120201 Amendment C 93.173 Research Related to Deafness and Communication Disorders 89,889 University of Maryland 64883-Z0158202 Am A 93.855 Allergy and Infectious Diseases Research 182,573 University of Maryland 68740-Z0198201 / 3R01HD053654-12S1 Amd B 93.865 Child Health and Human Development Extramural Research 10,844 University of Maryland, Baltimore F302839-2 PO 1000003908 93.855 Allergy and Infectious Diseases Research COVID-19 10,792 University of Massachusetts Dartmouth 30662-Minn 93.847 Diabetes, Digestive, and Kidney Diseases Extramural Research (3,870) University of Miami OS00000126/PO SPC-001505 Amd 1 93.855 Allergy and Infectious Diseases Research 152,541 University of Miami PO# SPC-000258 / Subaward No. OS0000611 93.279 Drug Abuse and Addiction Research Programs 110,178 University of Miami SPC-000259 OS00000220 / Formerly 669093 93.847 Diabetes, Digestive, and Kidney Diseases Extramural Research 7,865 University of Michigan 3003647173 Am 5 93.286 Discovery and Applied Research for Technological Innovations to Improve Human Health (4,615) University of Michigan 3003917272 93.310 Trans-NIH Research Support 26 University of Michigan 3004822520 Am5 5U01AG009740-32 300661744 93.866 Aging Research 529,558 University of Michigan 3006018045 (Sub No. 3004206309 Am 5) 93.394 Cancer Detection and Diagnosis Research 33,241 University of Michigan PO 3005472741 93.853 Extramural Research Programs in the Neurosciences and Neurological Disorders 133,817 University of Michigan SUBK00004108-ESETT amendment 72 93.853 Extramural Research Programs in the Neurosciences and Neurological Disorders 11,611 9,750 University of Michigan SUBK00007162 / PO 3005250935 93.866 Aging Research 1,985 University of Michigan SUBK00007941 am 2 93.077 Family Smoking Prevention and Tobacco Control Act Regulatory Research 16,550 University of Michigan SUBK00008190 93.394 Cancer Detection and Diagnosis Research 93,701 University of Michigan SUBK00009647/ PO 3005572628 93.853 Extramural Research Programs in the Neurosciences and Neurological Disorders 5,164 University of Michigan SUBK00009775 A 2/ PO #3005056947-Amd. #4 93.279 Drug Abuse and Addiction Research Programs 237,588 University of Michigan SUBK00009776 PO# 3005049085 Am 3 93.279 Drug Abuse and Addiction Research Programs 8,014 University of Michigan SUBK00009845 - PO3005076034 Am 5 93.393 Cancer Cause and Prevention Research 24,445 University of Michigan SUBK00010859/ PO 3005987705 93.847 Diabetes, Digestive, and Kidney Diseases Extramural Research 728 University of Michigan SUBK00011848 / PO 3006007033 93.121 Oral Diseases and Disorders Research 16,005 University of Michigan SUBK00012850 93.837 Cardiovascular Diseases Research 36,236 20,268 University of Michigan SUBK00013555 93.866 Aging Research 8,772 University of Michigan SUBK00013635-005/NCT04355767/3006197526 93.840 Translation and Implementation Science Research for Heart, Lung, Blood Diseases, and Sleep Disorders COVID-19 28,158 21,660 University of Michigan SUBK00013665 / PO 3006243933 93.172 Human Genome Research 64,241 University of Michigan SUBK00013748/PO 3006280330 93.121 Oral Diseases and Disorders Research 3,715 University of Michigan SUBK00014512 93.853 Extramural Research Programs in the Neurosciences and Neurological Disorders 4,181 University of Michigan SUBK00014545 93.838 Lung Diseases Research 1,012 University of Michigan SUBK00014817 93.273 Alcohol Research Programs 43,175 University of Michigan SUBK9210CSPR-001 Am 3 93.853 Extramural Research Programs in the Neurosciences and Neurological Disorders 58,446 58,446 University of Missouri C00054503-1 amd6 93.121 Oral Diseases and Disorders Research 18,797 University of Missouri C00067338-1 Amd 1 93.837 Cardiovascular Diseases Research 79,576 University of Missouri C00067876-1 93.859 Biomedical Research and Research Training 79,579

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Cluster, Agency, Subagency, Direct/Pass-Through, Federal SubrecipientPass-Through Entity Award # CFDA# CFDA Program Title COVID-19 Expenditures Expenditures

University of Missouri C00069141-3 93.865 Child Health and Human Development Extramural Research 130,682$ - $ University of Montana PG20-61096-01 93.C11 Contract-Department of Health and Human Services-National Institutes of Health 214,129 University of Montana PG21-61170-01 93.C11 Contract-Department of Health and Human Services-National Institutes of Health 427,745 University of Nebraska Medical Center 34-2001-2002-001 Am 5 93.855 Allergy and Infectious Diseases Research 71,220 University of Nebraska-Lincoln 34-5321-2003-010 Am 4 93.865 Child Health and Human Development Extramural Research 30 University of North Texas RF00205-2020-0275 93.307 Minority Health and Health Disparities Research 7,252 University of Notre Dame 203156UMN Am. 02 93.866 Aging Research 37,769 University of Oregon 217300B 93.279 Drug Abuse and Addiction Research Programs 66,609 University of Pennsylvania 569701 PO: 3714109-Amend01 93.866 Aging Research 238,976 University of Pennsylvania 577658 Amd 4 (PO# 4349030) 93.847 Diabetes, Digestive, and Kidney Diseases Extramural Research 3,093 University of Pennsylvania 578134 / PO #4551906 93.866 Aging Research 24,450 University of Pennsylvania 578136 PO 4452548 93.847 Diabetes, Digestive, and Kidney Diseases Extramural Research 11,393 University of Pennsylvania 580141 PO 4611177 / 5U01DK103225-07 93.847 Diabetes, Digestive, and Kidney Diseases Extramural Research 21,129 University of Pennsylvania 580496 93.853 Extramural Research Programs in the Neurosciences and Neurological Disorders 1,695 University of Pennsylvania 580598 93.847 Diabetes, Digestive, and Kidney Diseases Extramural Research 56,747 University of Pennsylvania 580695 / PO 4565233 93.855 Allergy and Infectious Diseases Research 14,790 University of Pennsylvania Award No R01-HD-098269-02 Amendment 1 93.865 Child Health and Human Development Extramural Research 819 University of Pennsylvania Subaward No. 576894 - PO#4539473 93.847 Diabetes, Digestive, and Kidney Diseases Extramural Research 66,735 University of Pittsburgh AWD00000172 (134229-2) 93.837 Cardiovascular Diseases Research 39,493 University of Pittsburgh AWD00000243 (134445-32) 93.350 National Center for Advancing Translational Sciences 37,737 University of Pittsburgh AWD00000265 (133352-1) Amendment 1 93.866 Aging Research 49,686 University of Pittsburgh AWD00003030 (135216-1) 93.837 Cardiovascular Diseases Research COVID-19 7,544 University of Pittsburgh CNVA00046691 (133106-22) 93.838 Lung Diseases Research 6,441 University of Pittsburgh CNVA00052180 (128591-2) 93.846 Arthritis, Musculoskeletal and Skin Diseases Research 9,739 University of Pittsburgh CNVA00052280 (128823-1) Am 3 93.242 Mental Health Research Grants 15,057 University of Pittsburgh CNVA00057719 (129976-3) 93.847 Diabetes, Digestive, and Kidney Diseases Extramural Research 21,525 University of Pittsburgh CNVA00059060 (131131-1) 93.847 Diabetes, Digestive, and Kidney Diseases Extramural Research 14,461 University of Pittsburgh CNVA0061690 (713658-21) 93.838 Lung Diseases Research (768) University of Pittsburgh CNVA0062045 (131810-2) 93.837 Cardiovascular Diseases Research 620 University of Rhode Island 0008393/011921/PO 0000174484 93.837 Cardiovascular Diseases Research 9,989 University of Rochester 416460 am 5 93.865 Child Health and Human Development Extramural Research 61 University of Rochester 417397G/UR FAO GR510825 93.C11 Contract-Department of Health and Human Services-National Institutes of Health 50,428 University of Rochester 417398G / UR FAOGR510826 93.C11 Contract-Department of Health and Human Services-National Institutes of Health 191,370 University of Rochester 417515G / GR510785 93.865 Child Health and Human Development Extramural Research 65,429 University of Rochester 417516G / URFAO: GR510783 Am 2 93.865 Child Health and Human Development Extramural Research 30,521 University of Rochester 417647G Amend 1 / GR510850 93.837 Cardiovascular Diseases Research 1,446 University of Rochester 417868 Am 2 / URFAO: GR510868 93.847 Diabetes, Digestive, and Kidney Diseases Extramural Research 34,744 University of Rochester 5UH3OD023349-05 93.310 Trans-NIH Research Support 22,842 University of South Florida 1210-1078-00-A Amd 2/7R01HL125353-05 93.839 Blood Diseases and Resources Research (734) University of South Florida 6118-1082-01-B Am4 / PO P000000935 93.866 Aging Research 28,616 University of South Florida 6163-1050-00-AI 93.847 Diabetes, Digestive, and Kidney Diseases Extramural Research 815 University of South Florida PO #0000232760,0000241987 Amendment #12 93.C11 Contract-Department of Health and Human Services-National Institutes of Health 69,429 University of South Florida Sub No. 6163-1082-10-BT PO P000006645 93.847 Diabetes, Digestive, and Kidney Diseases Extramural Research 262,054 University of Southern California 107811817 Am 2 93.866 Aging Research 127,957 University of Southern California 109626572 Am1,Ref 135139221, PO 50911083 93.837 Cardiovascular Diseases Research 22,722 University of Southern California 111319089 Amendment 2 / PO #10747163 93.866 Aging Research 98,940 81,763 University of Southern California 140027350 (131711412,114046901,103433103 93.853 Extramural Research Programs in the Neurosciences and Neurological Disorders 61,673 University of Southern California Subaward No. 78431037 am4 / PO# 10474607 93.847 Diabetes, Digestive, and Kidney Diseases Extramural Research 166,637 University of Texas at Houston 3001389570 93.C11 Contract-Department of Health and Human Services-National Institutes of Health 16,651 University of Toronto Subgrant 1 - 504069 Am 6 93.172 Human Genome Research 81,916 University of Virginia GB10900.PO#2290585 93.855 Allergy and Infectious Diseases Research 10,515 University of Washington BPO: 18306/Subaward: UWSC 9393 93.837 Cardiovascular Diseases Research 17,059 University of Washington BPO24439 UWSC7773 Amendment #11 93.853 Extramural Research Programs in the Neurosciences and Neurological Disorders 25,671 University of Washington BPO32084 UWSC8534 Am 3 & 4 93.837 Cardiovascular Diseases Research 2,120 University of Washington Subaward UWSC12838/BPO 56867 93.847 Diabetes, Digestive, and Kidney Diseases Extramural Research 20,233 University of Washington UWSC10599 / BPO No. 33091 Am 2 93.273 Alcohol Research Programs 20,192 University of Washington UWSC10600 / BPO No. 33095 93.273 Alcohol Research Programs (1,760) University of Washington UWSC10691 BPO34132 Am 4 93.310 Trans-NIH Research Support 341,022 University of Washington UWSC10941 BPO51279 Amd 2 93.837 Cardiovascular Diseases Research 104,352 University of Washington UWSC11326 BPO No. 42349 93.879 Medical Library Assistance 76,280 University of Washington UWSC11429/ BPO45110 93.855 Allergy and Infectious Diseases Research 11,070

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Cluster, Agency, Subagency, Direct/Pass-Through, Federal SubrecipientPass-Through Entity Award # CFDA# CFDA Program Title COVID-19 Expenditures Expenditures

University of Washington UWSC11434 BPO 43327 93.866 Aging Research 32,347$ - $ University of Washington UWSC11474 (BPO43611) 93.838 Lung Diseases Research 2,750 University of Washington UWSC11819/BPO 47670 93.273 Alcohol Research Programs 11,622 University of Washington UWSC11898 / BPO48473 93.242 Mental Health Research Grants 80,648 University of Washington UWSC12254/BPO51538 93.839 Blood Diseases and Resources Research 107,768 University of Washington UWSC12335 / BPO 52225 93.866 Aging Research 5,933 University of Washington UWSC9910 / BPO# 25359 / 33204 / 33209 93.389 National Center for Research Resources 153,074 13,902 University of Washington UWSC9986 / BPO#: 26006 Am 5 93.865 Child Health and Human Development Extramural Research 58,937 University of Wisconsin - Madison 0000000681Am 1 93.865 Child Health and Human Development Extramural Research 30,326 University of Wisconsin - Madison 0000000776 Mod 1 93.866 Aging Research 103,162 University of Wisconsin - Madison 0000001060 93.847 Diabetes, Digestive, and Kidney Diseases Extramural Research 15,272 University of Wisconsin - Madison 754K445 Mod 4 93.C11 Contract-Department of Health and Human Services-National Institutes of Health 25,204 University of Wisconsin - Madison 754K482 Mod 4 93.C11 Contract-Department of Health and Human Services-National Institutes of Health 458 University of Wisconsin - Madison 769K016 Mod#3 93.C11 Contract-Department of Health and Human Services-National Institutes of Health 190 University of Wisconsin - Madison 769K705 Mod#4 93.C11 Contract-Department of Health and Human Services-National Institutes of Health 10,785 University of Wisconsin - Madison 774K745/T.O. HHSN26100011 Mod #3 93.C11 Contract-Department of Health and Human Services-National Institutes of Health 85,013 University of Wisconsin - Madison 774K756/T.O. HHSN26100011 Mod #4 93.C11 Contract-Department of Health and Human Services-National Institutes of Health 47,933 University of Wisconsin - Madison 844K664 / 1P01AI132132-01A1 93.855 Allergy and Infectious Diseases Research 39,716 University of Wisconsin - Madison 894K692 93.866 Aging Research 7,645 University of Texas Health Science Center San Antonio 167330/167328 93.866 Aging Research 29,201 University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center GMO 170303 93.859 Biomedical Research and Research Training 93,460 University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center GMO 190910 PO 000001599A Am2 93.837 Cardiovascular Diseases Research 23,396 University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center PO0000002072 GMO210908 93.866 Aging Research 12,764 Vanderbilt University UNIV60508 A2 - P19038230 93.393 Cancer Cause and Prevention Research 152,741 Vanderbilt University UNIV61455 93.837 Cardiovascular Diseases Research 106,650 Vanderbilt University Medical Center VUMC67586 Amendment 3 93.393 Cancer Cause and Prevention Research 48,643 Vanderbilt University Medical Center VUMC85962 93.350 National Center for Advancing Translational Sciences COVID-19 144,294 Vanderbilt University Medical Center VUMC88582 93.837 Cardiovascular Diseases Research 25,251 Veterans Medical Research Foundation 098750002-324244 93.847 Diabetes, Digestive, and Kidney Diseases Extramural Research 356,892 Virginia Polytechnic Inst & State University 412513-19114 Amd 01 93.279 Drug Abuse and Addiction Research Programs 112,936 Vitristor, LLC 1R43DK126551-01A1 93.847 Diabetes, Digestive, and Kidney Diseases Extramural Research 289 Wake Forest University 109-101720-551083 93.866 Aging Research 304,983 Wake Forest University 5U54DA031659-09 93.077 Family Smoking Prevention and Tobacco Control Act Regulatory Research 2,214,282 600,583 Wake Forest University WFUHS 114489 (prev114488 ,14486,114487) 93.837 Cardiovascular Diseases Research 3,800 Wake Forest University WFUHS 552702 Amd 2 93.866 Aging Research 42,817 Washington State University 127687 G003651 Amendment G 93.307 Minority Health and Health Disparities Research 53,840 Washington State University 127687 G004294 93.310 Trans-NIH Research Support COVID-19 45,120 Washington State University 130996 G003858 Amd A / SPC001664 93.273 Alcohol Research Programs 25,498 Washington State University 130996-SPC001524 (formerly G004057) 93.273 Alcohol Research Programs 11,882 Washington State University 132471 G003958 93.866 Aging Research 20,558 Washington University in St Louis PO 2940333H / WU-19-416 93.242 Mental Health Research Grants 175,050 Washington University in St Louis Subaward WU-20-494 Mod 1 / PO #2941732H 93.242 Mental Health Research Grants 67,714 Washington University in St Louis WU-17-375-MOD-4 93.859 Biomedical Research and Research Training 15 Washington University in St Louis WU-18-436 Amendment 2 PO 2933781G 93.866 Aging Research 4,262 Washington University in St Louis WU-19-328-MOD-1/PO 2939513H 93.865 Child Health and Human Development Extramural Research 39,884 Washington University in St Louis WU-19-437 Mod 4 / PO 2940231H 93.242 Mental Health Research Grants 697,059 Washington University in St Louis WU-20-484 MOD 02 93.866 Aging Research 235,497 Washington University in St Louis WU-20-63 MOD 3 / PO 2940450H 93.866 Aging Research 596,060 Washington University in St Louis WU-21-18 MOD 1 93.279 Drug Abuse and Addiction Research Programs 35,943 Washington University in St Louis WU-21-297 -Mod-1 PO #2940767K 93.866 Aging Research COVID-19 52,291 Washington University in St Louis WU-21-300 / PO 2940657K Amendment 1 93.866 Aging Research 56,041 Washington University in St Louis WU-21-8 MOD01 93.242 Mental Health Research Grants 51,672 Westat, Inc 6426-S06 93.C11 Contract-Department of Health and Human Services-National Institutes of Health 22,695 Westat, Inc Subcontract No. 6410 93.C11 Contract-Department of Health and Human Services-National Institutes of Health 5,466 Westat, Inc Subcontract No. 8954 93.C11 Contract-Department of Health and Human Services-National Institutes of Health (3) Yale University GR104981 / GR107853 Amd 03 93.837 Cardiovascular Diseases Research 22,138 Yale University GR110065 (CON-80002443) 93.859 Biomedical Research and Research Training 66,533 Yale University GR111879 (CON-80002852) 93.279 Drug Abuse and Addiction Research Programs 209,037 Yale University Subaward GR111849 (CON-80002851) Mod 1 93.242 Mental Health Research Grants 2,570

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Cluster, Agency, Subagency, Direct/Pass-Through, Federal SubrecipientPass-Through Entity Award # CFDA# CFDA Program Title COVID-19 Expenditures Expenditures

Department of Health and Human Services, Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration: Direct 5H79TI081900-02 93.788 Opioid STR 21,491$ - $ Passthrough: MN Department of Human Services SWIFT 162875 / PO 3-71377 93.788 Opioid STR 239,421 New York University 107139 / PO# M190266822 93.243 Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Projects of Regional and National Significance 25,251 Department of Housing and Urban Development, Assistant Secretary for Community Planning and Development: Passthrough: University of Illinois Chicago 17408 14.228 Community Development Block Grants/State’s program and Non-Entitlement Grants in Hawaii 2,086 Department of Housing and Urban Development, Office of Lead Hazard Control and Healthy Homes: Passthrough: University of Illinois 17807 14.906 Healthy Homes Technical Studies Grants 11,837 Department of Justice, Office of Justice Programs: Direct 2020-MU-MU-0040 16.560 National Institute of Justice Research, Evaluation, and Development Project Grants 46,135 Passthrough: RTI International 1-312-0217211-65965L / 888-15-05-36 16.560 National Institute of Justice Research, Evaluation, and Development Project Grants 30,715 The University of Iowa g/p # 15701800 / PO 1001910930 Am 03 16.560 National Institute of Justice Research, Evaluation, and Development Project Grants 37,832 Department of State, Bureau of Educational and Cultural: Passthrough: International Research & Exchanges Board FY20-YALI-PM-UMN-06 19.009 Academic Exchange Programs - Undergraduate Programs 7,721 Department of the Interior: Direct 140G0221C0002/0040513756 15.CXX Contract-Department of the Interior 5,971 Department of the Interior, Bureau of Reclamation: Direct R21AC10130-00 15.506 Water Desalination Research and Development 20,186 Department of the Interior, National Park Service: Direct P17AC00246 mod 0005 15.945 Cooperative Research and Training Programs - Resources of the National Park System 140,773 Department of the Interior, National Park Service: Direct P17AC01116 Mod 0003 15.945 Cooperative Research and Training Programs - Resources of the National Park System 111,436 Direct P17AC01153 15.945 Cooperative Research and Training Programs - Resources of the National Park System 13,498 Direct P18AC00073-02 15.945 Cooperative Research and Training Programs - Resources of the National Park System 12,283 Direct P20AC00366 15.945 Cooperative Research and Training Programs - Resources of the National Park System 3,940 Passthrough: Northland College P19AC00256NC01 15.945 Cooperative Research and Training Programs - Resources of the National Park System 10,730 Department of the Interior, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service: Direct F16AC00053 15.655 Migratory Bird Monitoring, Assessment and Conservation 1,557 Direct F18AC00038 Amd 2 15.678 Cooperative Ecosystem Studies Units 98,814 Direct F18AC00817 15.678 Cooperative Ecosystem Studies Units 5,446 Direct F18AC00875 15.662 Great Lakes Restoration 2,986 Direct F18AC00960 15.678 Cooperative Ecosystem Studies Units 12,510 Direct F19AP00480 15.657 Endangered Species Recovery Implementation 30,559 Direct F20AC00223 15.678 Cooperative Ecosystem Studies Units 13,270 Direct F20AC00270-01 15.662 Great Lakes Restoration 160,030 Direct F21AC01205-00 15.657 Endangered Species Recovery Implementation 21,521 Passthrough: Ball State University F19AC00023 Amd 2 15.678 Cooperative Ecosystem Studies Units 57,553 Grand Portage Band of Chippewa Indians No Award Number 15.639 Tribal Wildlife Grants 45,850 Department of the Interior, US Geological Survey: Direct G16AP00064 S7 15.805 Assistance to State Water Resources Research Institutes 119,314 Direct G18AC00345 0002 15.808 U.S. Geological Survey Research and Data Collection 17,455 Direct G18AC00352 amd 1 15.805 Assistance to State Water Resources Research Institutes 11,028 Direct G19AC00043 15.808 U.S. Geological Survey Research and Data Collection 1,672 Direct G19AC00206 15.808 U.S. Geological Survey Research and Data Collection 52,213 Direct G19AC00222 15.810 National Cooperative Geologic Mapping 1,901 Direct G19AC00237 15.805 Assistance to State Water Resources Research Institutes 92,138 41,446 Direct G19AC00302 15.808 U.S. Geological Survey Research and Data Collection 16,231 Direct G19AC00320 15.808 U.S. Geological Survey Research and Data Collection 8,924 Direct G20AC00096 15.808 U.S. Geological Survey Research and Data Collection 41,035 15,998 Direct G20AC00238 15.810 National Cooperative Geologic Mapping 191,513 Direct G20AC00427 15.805 Assistance to State Water Resources Research Institutes 39,551

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Cluster, Agency, Subagency, Direct/Pass-Through, Federal SubrecipientPass-Through Entity Award # CFDA# CFDA Program Title COVID-19 Expenditures Expenditures

Direct G20AC00428 15.805 Assistance to State Water Resources Research Institutes 103,440$ - $ Direct G20AC00434 15.808 U.S. Geological Survey Research and Data Collection 71,594 Direct G20AC00457 15.808 U.S. Geological Survey Research and Data Collection 34,571 Direct G20AP00075 15.814 National Geological and Geophysical Data Preservation 16,904 Direct G21AC10091-00 15.808 U.S. Geological Survey Research and Data Collection 5,782 Direct G21AC10100-00 15.808 U.S. Geological Survey Research and Data Collection 5,042 Direct G21AP10176-00 15.805 Assistance to State Water Resources Research Institutes 2,204 Passthrough: America View Incorporated AV18-MN-01 15.815 National Land Remote Sensing Education Outreach and Research 22,206 Department of the Treasury: Direct Fed Reserve Bank-CON80679-J Serido 21.CXX Contract-Department of the Treasury (831) Department of the Treasury, Departmental Offices: Passthrough: MN Department of Health 183558 21.019 Coronavirus Relief Fund COVID-19 300,493 MN Department of Health Title V - Coronavirus Relief Fund 21.019 Coronavirus Relief Fund COVID-19 45,000 Department of Transportation: Passthrough: Transportation Research Board TRANSIT-84/SUB0000823 mod 4 20.CXX Contract-Department of Transportation 10 University of Wisconsin - Superior GSY4-UMD-001 20.CXX Contract-Department of Transportation 51,554 Department of Transportation, Federal Highway Administration: Passthrough: MN Department of Transportation 1003325 WO 99 20.200 Highway Research and Development Program 226,155 MN Department of Transportation 1044644 20.215 Highway Training and Education 135,804 Department of Transportation, Federal Transit Administration: Passthrough: Community Transportation Assoc of America No Award Number 20.514 Public Transportation Research, Technical Assistance, and Training 8,098 Department of Transportation, Maritime Administration: Passthrough: University of Wisconsin - Superior GS META 8T2-UMD-001 PO#0000008973 20.819 Ballast Water Treatment Technologies 21,548 University of Wisconsin - Superior GS Mod 13, T2, RA1, P2-UMD-001 20.818 Great Ships Initiative 6,372 University of Wisconsin - Superior GS MOD 14, T3, RA2, P2-UMD -001, PO 926 20.818 Great Ships Initiative 28,826 University of Wisconsin - Superior GS MOD 14, T6, RA5, P2-UMD -001 20.818 Great Ships Initiative 88,606 University of Wisconsin - Superior PO # 8828, GSY3-UMD-001 20.819 Ballast Water Treatment Technologies (794) Department of Transportation, Office of the Secretary: Passthrough: Florida Atlantic University RR-K78/FAU SP#16-532 am 4 20.701 University Transportation Centers Program 128,233 Department of Veterans Affairs: Direct NS Prog VA Res IPA’s 64.UXX Unid CFDA-Department of Veterans Affairs 320,485 5,519 Direct 36C24E18C0023/PO 501D16014 64.CXX Contract-Department of Veterans Affairs (95,849) Direct 36C24E18P0088 / PO #618D02006 64.CXX Contract-Department of Veterans Affairs 2,903 Direct 36C24E19D0011 618D12004 64.CXX Contract-Department of Veterans Affairs 3,300 Direct 36C24E20D0015/36C24E20N0103 PO 618002008 64.CXX Contract-Department of Veterans Affairs 1,320 Direct 36C24E20D0025/36C24E20N0122 64.CXX Contract-Department of Veterans Affairs 440 Direct 618-D02014/36C24E20P0225 64.CXX Contract-Department of Veterans Affairs 10,780 Direct PO 650D93029 64.UXX Unid CFDA-Department of Veterans Affairs 14,539 Direct VA240-14-D-0022/618-D72028 P00004 64.CXX Contract-Department of Veterans Affairs 9,034 Environmental Protection Agency: Direct 00E02480 66.034 Surveys, Studies, Research, Investigations, Demonstrations, and Special Purpose Activities

Relating to the Clean Air Act 19,507 Direct 00E02740 Mod 2 66.461 Regional Wetland Program Development Grants 126,173 Direct 00E02785 66.436 Surveys, Studies, Investigations, Demonstrations, and Training Grants and Cooperative Agreements -

Section 104(b)(3) of the Clean Water Act 66,208 Direct 00E02942 66.469 Great Lakes Program 200,318 Direct 83998301 66.436 Surveys, Studies, Investigations, Demonstrations, and Training Grants and Cooperative Agreements -

Section 104(b)(3) of the Clean Water Act 18,477 Direct CR-83940001-1 66.511 Office of Research and Development Consolidated Research/Training/Fellowships 258,419 Direct FP-91778501-1 66.514 Science To Achieve Results (STAR) Fellowship Program 16 Direct FP-91781701-1 66.514 Science To Achieve Results (STAR) Fellowship Program 284 Direct GL-00E0198-0 66.469 Great Lakes Program 182,256 5,672 Direct X9 - OOE02448 - 1 66.717 Source Reduction Assistance 18,236

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Cluster, Agency, Subagency, Direct/Pass-Through, Federal SubrecipientPass-Through Entity Award # CFDA# CFDA Program Title COVID-19 Expenditures Expenditures

Passthrough: Carnegie Mellon University 1080358-364687 66.509 Science To Achieve Results (STAR) Research Program 41,288$ - $ Carnegie Mellon University 1080358-364688 66.509 Science To Achieve Results (STAR) Research Program 25,020 Carnegie Mellon University 1080358-364690 66.509 Science To Achieve Results (STAR) Research Program 269,951 Central Michigan University F63354 66.469 Great Lakes Program 19 Central Michigan University F64661 66.469 Great Lakes Program 26,892 Central Michigan University Sub. # F62951 66.469 Great Lakes Program 337,001 Claros Technologies, Inc No. 001/68HERD19C0024 66.CXX Contract-Environmental Protection Agency 3,595 MN Department of Agriculture SWIFT 181056/ PO 3000036788 66.604 Environmental Justice Small Grant Program 10,821 MN Department of Health 122274 66.472 Beach Monitoring and Notification Program Implementation Grants 7,394 MN Department of Health SWIFT 177561 Am 2 66.432 State Public Water System Supervision 136,582 MN Pollution Control Agency Contract No. 150063 / PO 3000023046 66.605 Performance Partnership Grants 41,456 MN Pollution Control Agency SWIFT 159120 PO 3-24358, Ag. Int. 212866 66.469 Great Lakes Program 64,655 19,386 MN Pollution Control Agency SWIFT: 183595/PO: 3000027281 66.605 Performance Partnership Grants 18,219 North Carolina State University 2015-1596-03 66.509 Science To Achieve Results (STAR) Research Program 31,827 University of Massachusetts 21-015881 C 01 66.509 Science To Achieve Results (STAR) Research Program 8,073 University of Washington UWSC10112 amd 3 66.509 Science To Achieve Results (STAR) Research Program 10,174 National Aeronautics and Space Administration: Direct 190937+108530 80NSSC18K1528 43.001 Science 142,626 Direct 80NSSC17K0295 P00003 43.001 Science 111,222 92,244 Direct 80NSSC18K0261 P00005 43.012 Space Technology 150,266 88,683 Direct 80NSSC18K0742 P00003 43.001 Science 93,654 Direct 80NSSC18K1118 43.001 Science 46,167 Direct 80NSSC18K1277 P00003 43.001 Science 70,548 Direct 80NSSC18K1367 43.001 Science 86,068 6,271 Direct 80NSSC18K1370 Sup P00003 43.001 Science 30,254 Direct 80NSSC18K1393 P00002 43.001 Science 28,330 Direct 80NSSC19K0305 43.001 Science 138,763 38,616 Direct 80NSSC19K0306 43.001 Science 90,941 Direct 80NSSC19K0318 P00002 43.001 Science 147,747 49,365 Direct 80NSSC19K0842 43.001 Science 128,929 6,680 Direct 80NSSC19K0868 43.001 Science 56,452 17,332 Direct 80NSSC19K0959 43.001 Science 97,985 Direct 80NSSC19K1333 P00001 43.001 Science 47,957 Direct 80NSSC19K1431 43.001 Science 52,216 Direct 80NSSC19K1672 P00002 43.008 Office of Stem Engagement (OSTEM) 45,397 Direct 80NSSC19K1687 43.008 Office of Stem Engagement (OSTEM) 46,869 Direct 80NSSC20K0465 P00003 43.001 Science 188,871 Direct 80NSSC20K0614 P02 43.001 Science 157,109 Direct 80NSSC20K0718 P00001 43.001 Science 180,794 6,080 Direct 80NSSC20K0876 43.001 Science 87,329 Direct 80NSSC20K0927 P00001 43.001 Science 108,029 Direct 80NSSC20K1061 43.001 Science 97,582 Direct 80NSSC20K1166 43.012 Space Technology 56,047 Direct 80NSSC20K1233 43.001 Science 1,464 Direct 80NSSC20K1269 43.001 Science 100,350 Direct 80NSSC20K1294 43.001 Science 26,827 Direct 80NSSC20K1331 43.001 Science 162 Direct 80NSSC20K1485 43.001 Science 30,611 Direct 80NSSC20K1717 P00001 43.001 Science 4,327 Direct 80NSSC21K0030 43.001 Science 36,296 Direct 80NSSC21K0595 43.001 Science 27,631 Direct ama80NSSC20K0186 43.001 Science 124,444 Direct HST-AR-15015.003-A 43.001 Science 31,952 Direct HST-AR-15791.002-A 43.UXX Unid CFDA-National Aeronautics and Space Administration 33,577 Direct HST-AR-15792.002-A 43.UXX Unid CFDA-National Aeronautics and Space Administration 55,713 Direct HST-AR-16134.001-A Am 1 43.C02 Contract-National Aeronautics and Space Administration-Space Telescope Science Institute 38,465 Direct HST-AR-16144.002-A 43.C02 Contract-National Aeronautics and Space Administration-Space Telescope Science Institute 862 Direct HST-AR-16155.002-A 43.C02 Contract-National Aeronautics and Space Administration-Space Telescope Science Institute 862 Direct HST-GO-14601.002-A 43.C02 Contract-National Aeronautics and Space Administration-Space Telescope Science Institute 4,803 Direct HST-GO-15067.002-A 43.UXX Unid CFDA-National Aeronautics and Space Administration 9,830

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Cluster, Agency, Subagency, Direct/Pass-Through, Federal SubrecipientPass-Through Entity Award # CFDA# CFDA Program Title COVID-19 Expenditures Expenditures

Direct HST-GO-15076.001-A 43.UXX Unid CFDA-National Aeronautics and Space Administration 1,350$ - $ Direct HST-GO-15126.003-A 43.C02 Contract-National Aeronautics and Space Administration-Space Telescope Science Institute 24,411 Direct HST-GO-15243.004-A 43.CXX Contract-National Aeronautics and Space Administration 128 Direct HST-GO-15275.003-A 43.UXX Unid CFDA-National Aeronautics and Space Administration 11,095 Direct HST-GO-15470.001-A am 3 43.C02 Contract-National Aeronautics and Space Administration-Space Telescope Science Institute 48,436 Direct HST-GO-15626.015-A 43.001 Science 38,136 Direct HST-GO-15643.007-A-Amendment #6 43.001 Science 73,529 Direct HST-GO-15647.021-A 43.C02 Contract-National Aeronautics and Space Administration-Space Telescope Science Institute 15,677 Direct HST-GO-15812.002-A 43.001 Science 1,201 Direct HST-GO-15902.005-A 43.UXX Unid CFDA-National Aeronautics and Space Administration 17,549 Direct HST-GO-16162.003-A 43.C02 Contract-National Aeronautics and Space Administration-Space Telescope Science Institute 862 Direct HST-GO-16278.001 43.C02 Contract-National Aeronautics and Space Administration-Space Telescope Science Institute 258,725 Direct HST-GO-16292.002-A 43.C02 Contract-National Aeronautics and Space Administration-Space Telescope Science Institute 862 Direct HST-GO-16294.002-A 43.C02 Contract-National Aeronautics and Space Administration-Space Telescope Science Institute 2,271 Direct NNX14AK73G 43.001 Science 226 Direct NNX14AQ05G 43.001 Science 38,467 Direct NNX15AB38G NCE 43.007 Space Operations 130,628 Direct NNX15AI18H Supp 9 43.008 Office of Stem Engagement (OSTEM) 700,744 375,733 Direct NNX16AG67G 43.001 Science 67,251 Direct NNX16AH75G 000003 43.001 Science 9,302 Direct NNX16AK90G Supplement 5 43.001 Science 28,542 Direct NNX16AL60G 43.001 Science 13,286 13,286 Direct NNX17AK18G S07 43.001 Science 271,942 29,360 Passthrough: Aster Labs, Inc AL19-NASAGAMEPHI-01 43.CXX Contract-National Aeronautics and Space Administration 30,149 Ctr for Advancement of Science in Space GA-2019-008 43.007 Space Operations 124,008 77,518 Georgia Institute of Technology AWD-102499-G3, PO-50067 (RK558-G3), Am 5 43.001 Science 229,467 Jet Propulsion Laboratory 1659411 43.001 Science 3,581 Jet Propulsion Laboratory 1661333 43.001 Science 21,361 Jet Propulsion Laboratory RSA 1646027 43.001 Science 75,203 Jet Propulsion Laboratory RSA 1651443 43.C01 Contract-National Aeronautics and Space Administration-JET Propulsion Lab 20,000 Johns Hopkins University JHU / APL #137188 Mod 24 43.CXX Contract-National Aeronautics and Space Administration 1,081,440 495,621 Michigan State University RC110834A 43.001 Science 14,765 Michigan Technological University 1607060Z9 Am 8 43.012 Space Technology 62,370 Montana State University G200-19-W7671 Am 1 43.012 Space Technology 9,497 Montana State University G302-21-W8962 43.008 Office of Stem Engagement (OSTEM) 606 New Jersey Institute of Technology (NP) 997415 43.001 Science 9,143 New Jersey Institute of Technology (NP)996644 43.001 Science 27 Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory Subaward No. SV0-09022 43.001 Science 2,117 Space Science Institute SUBAWD 000937 43.001 Science 70,753 Systems Technology, Inc 80NSSC18C0134-1 43.CXX Contract-National Aeronautics and Space Administration 13,118 The Adler Planetarium Subagreement 3103-01 Am 1 43.001 Science 12,442 The University of Arizona 526308 Amd 02 43.001 Science 254 The University of Toledo F-2019-20 / 80NSSC18K0730 - Amd 5 43.001 Science 27,379 Universities Space Research Association SOF 06-0089 43.UXX Unid CFDA-National Aeronautics and Space Administration 16,601 Universities Space Research Association SOF 06-0094 43.CXX Contract-National Aeronautics and Space Administration 15,099 Universities Space Research Association SOF 07-0005 43.UXX Unid CFDA-National Aeronautics and Space Administration 15,844 Universities Space Research Association SOF 07-0010 43.UXX Unid CFDA-National Aeronautics and Space Administration 18,413 Universities Space Research Association SOF 07-0027 43.UXX Unid CFDA-National Aeronautics and Space Administration 14,284 Universities Space Research Association SOF 07-0031 43.UXX Unid CFDA-National Aeronautics and Space Administration 23,986 Universities Space Research Association SOF-06-0004 Woodward 43.UXX Unid CFDA-National Aeronautics and Space Administration 1,639 University of California, Berkeley 00007447 / 975268 / BB00071821 43.CXX Contract-National Aeronautics and Space Administration 339,569 University of California, Berkeley 00010302 / PO BB01341227 43.CXX Contract-National Aeronautics and Space Administration 156,616 University of California, Berkeley Subaward # 00010479 43.001 Science 41,533 University of California, Irvine 2016-3350 am 2 43.001 Science 1 University of California, Santa Barbara KK2037 43.001 Science 24,933 University of Maryland 87928-Z6267205 43.001 Science 35,068 University of Maryland 91185-Z6301201 43.001 Science 2,196 University of Wisconsin - Madison 775K972 Am 3 43.001 Science 109,925 Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution Proj. No. 23142700 / Sub. No. A101473 43.001 Science 116,504

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Cluster, Agency, Subagency, Direct/Pass-Through, Federal SubrecipientPass-Through Entity Award # CFDA# CFDA Program Title COVID-19 Expenditures Expenditures

National Endowment for the Humanities: Direct FEL-267745-20 45.160 Promotion of the Humanities Fellowships and Stipends 37,643$ - $ Direct FEL-267903-20 45.160 Promotion of the Humanities Fellowships and Stipends 30,000 Direct HAA-263807-19 45.169 Promotion of the Humanities Office of Digital Humanities 26,971 Direct HT-272556-20 45.169 Promotion of the Humanities Office of Digital Humanities 13,158 5,544 Direct PW-264041-19 45.149 Promotion of the Humanities Division of Preservation and Access 21,973 10,025 National Science Foundation: Direct NS Prog NSF Res IPA 47.UXX Unid CFDA-National Science Foundation 32,282 Direct 1762884 47.041 Engineering 79,154 Direct 1339246 Amendment 001 47.074 Biological Sciences 99 Direct 1452068 Am 003 47.049 Mathematical and Physical Sciences 53,245 Direct 1452488 47.041 Engineering 47,896 Direct 1453538 47.041 Engineering 28,932 Direct 1454259 Am 2 47.041 Engineering 64,804 Direct 1454904 47.074 Biological Sciences 18,291 18,267 Direct 1458060 47.076 Education and Human Resources 33,957 Direct 1459008 47.075 Social, Behavioral, and Economic Sciences 17,609 Direct 1462297 47.050 Geosciences (85) Direct 1462676 47.041 Engineering 934 Direct 1462807 47.041 Engineering 7,259 Direct 1515377 47.050 Geosciences 114,713 Direct 1524814 47.076 Education and Human Resources 18,058 Direct 1525953 47.070 Computer and Information Science and Engineering 62,344 Direct 1526085 47.070 Computer and Information Science and Engineering 61,936 Direct 1526693 47.070 Computer and Information Science and Engineering 9,010 Direct 1531330 47.070 Computer and Information Science and Engineering 270,917 Direct 1533151 47.075 Social, Behavioral, and Economic Sciences 24,810 Direct 1539833 47.075 Social, Behavioral, and Economic Sciences 59,941 29,789 Direct 1540195 47.050 Geosciences 4,946 Direct 1543311 Am 2 47.050 Geosciences 165 Direct 1544887 47.070 Computer and Information Science and Engineering 51,333 Direct 1546727 47.074 Biological Sciences 245,563 108,467 Direct 1552764 47.041 Engineering 109,360 Direct 1553234 47.041 Engineering 29,370 Direct 1553255 Am 1 47.041 Engineering 124,960 Direct 1554936 am 004 47.050 Geosciences 99,502 Direct 1558308 47.075 Social, Behavioral, and Economic Sciences 60,673 Direct 1560239 am 001 47.041 Engineering 9,943 Direct 1560247 47.041 Engineering 41,557 Direct 1563920 47.070 Computer and Information Science and Engineering 129,003 Direct 1601961 47.049 Mathematical and Physical Sciences 62,992 Direct 1602394 47.070 Computer and Information Science and Engineering 37,617 Direct 1602512 47.050 Geosciences 19,031 Direct 1602940 47.050 Geosciences 2,911 Direct 1605080 am 1 47.041 Engineering 20,377 Direct 1605719 Am 003 47.041 Engineering 18,574 Direct 1607670 47.049 Mathematical and Physical Sciences 88,785 Direct 1607835 47.070 Computer and Information Science and Engineering 85,510 Direct 1610408 47.049 Mathematical and Physical Sciences 16,956 Direct 1610832 47.049 Mathematical and Physical Sciences 861 Direct 1611047 47.049 Mathematical and Physical Sciences 83,529 Direct 1611680-Amendment #1 47.049 Mathematical and Physical Sciences 36,324 Direct 1617718 47.070 Computer and Information Science and Engineering 88,993 Direct 1619254 47.070 Computer and Information Science and Engineering 12,440 Direct 1622483, am 1 47.049 Mathematical and Physical Sciences 732 Direct 1623976 47.074 Biological Sciences 4,227 Direct 1628962 47.041 Engineering 31,590 Direct 1631133 am 001 47.041 Engineering 52,876 Direct 1634263 47.041 Engineering (11) Direct 1634894 47.041 Engineering 11,415 Direct 1636437 47.075 Social, Behavioral, and Economic Sciences 23,888 19,328

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Cluster, Agency, Subagency, Direct/Pass-Through, Federal SubrecipientPass-Through Entity Award # CFDA# CFDA Program Title COVID-19 Expenditures Expenditures

Direct 1637875-Amendment #2 47.070 Computer and Information Science and Engineering 290,759$ - $ Direct 1644748 Mod 47.076 Education and Human Resources 183,664 Direct 1651575 Amendmnet #4 47.070 Computer and Information Science and Engineering 77,743 Direct 1651825 Am 001 47.070 Computer and Information Science and Engineering 98,193 Direct 1654609 47.074 Biological Sciences 9,139 Direct 1655144 Am 001 47.074 Biological Sciences 5,132 Direct 1657891 47.075 Social, Behavioral, and Economic Sciences 8,315 Direct 1659963 Am 003 47.050 Geosciences 29,342 8,476 Direct 1659989 47.041 Engineering 13,889 Direct 1662250 47.041 Engineering 156,919 Direct 1664297 Am 2 47.049 Mathematical and Physical Sciences 1,519 Direct 1665392 A003 47.049 Mathematical and Physical Sciences 47,421 Direct 1702816 47.050 Geosciences 72,079 Direct 1703439 47.041 Engineering 31,570 Direct 1704604 47.070 Computer and Information Science and Engineering 130,089 Direct 1707578 47.049 Mathematical and Physical Sciences 108,045 Direct 1708275 47.041 Engineering 102,434 Direct 1708769 47.041 Engineering 89,957 Direct 1708887-Amendment #2 47.041 Engineering 34,049 34,095 Direct 1710024 am 001 47.049 Mathematical and Physical Sciences 162,097 Direct 1711226 47.049 Mathematical and Physical Sciences 25,419 Direct 1711402 47.076 Education and Human Resources 25,473 Direct 1711471 47.041 Engineering 38 Direct 1712033 47.076 Education and Human Resources 47,467 Direct 1712619 47.076 Education and Human Resources 474,401 257,175 Direct 1712656-1 47.049 Mathematical and Physical Sciences 58,342 Direct 1712706 47.049 Mathematical and Physical Sciences 7,582 Direct 1713691 47.049 Mathematical and Physical Sciences 634 Direct 1714196 47.074 Biological Sciences 54,511 Direct 1714276 Amd 2 47.074 Biological Sciences 64,884 47,184 Direct 1714487 47.049 Mathematical and Physical Sciences 30,631 Direct 1714490 Am 1 47.049 Mathematical and Physical Sciences 8,315 Direct 1714614-01 47.050 Geosciences 32,023 Direct 1714805 47.070 Computer and Information Science and Engineering 131,848 Direct 1715200 Am 001 47.070 Computer and Information Science and Engineering 123,519 Direct 1717834 47.070 Computer and Information Science and Engineering 31,415 Direct 1718456 47.070 Computer and Information Science and Engineering 12,555 Direct 1719492 47.050 Geosciences 87,812 Direct 1722507 Amendment 002 47.074 Biological Sciences 57,313 Direct 1722738 47.070 Computer and Information Science and Engineering 133,137 Direct 1724011 47.074 Biological Sciences 184,470 Direct 1724781 47.050 Geosciences 90,155 Direct 1727096 47.041 Engineering 134,974 Direct 1728056 47.075 Social, Behavioral, and Economic Sciences 3,403 Direct 1728168 47.075 Social, Behavioral, and Economic Sciences 52,840 Direct 1734815 47.076 Education and Human Resources 280,065 Direct 1736679 47.050 Geosciences 122,058 Direct 1737827 47.074 Biological Sciences 26,958 Direct 1737918 47.049 Mathematical and Physical Sciences 24,343 Direct 1738369 47.075 Social, Behavioral, and Economic Sciences 310,579 Direct 1739191 47.041 Engineering 746,459 Direct 1743329 47.041 Engineering 2,875 Direct 1745638 Am 2 47.049 Mathematical and Physical Sciences 344,724 Direct 1748102 Amd 001 47.074 Biological Sciences 21,898 Direct 1748398 47.041 Engineering 2,353 Direct 1748625 Amd 5 47.074 Biological Sciences 143,312 Direct 1749727 Am. 002 47.050 Geosciences 89,192 Direct 1749981 Amendment No. 001 47.070 Computer and Information Science and Engineering 34,938 Direct 1750225 47.041 Engineering 61,317 Direct 1753154 47.049 Mathematical and Physical Sciences 109,910 Direct 1753632 47.074 Biological Sciences 96,944

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Cluster, Agency, Subagency, Direct/Pass-Through, Federal SubrecipientPass-Through Entity Award # CFDA# CFDA Program Title COVID-19 Expenditures Expenditures

Direct 1754044 47.074 Biological Sciences 39,613$ - $ Direct 1754616 47.074 Biological Sciences 68,954 Direct 1755498 47.050 Geosciences 35,041 Direct 1756558 47.050 Geosciences 101,724 Direct 1757390 47.075 Social, Behavioral, and Economic Sciences 49,834 Direct 1757451 Am 004 47.050 Geosciences 198,441 98,825 Direct 1757916-Amd 003 47.070 Computer and Information Science and Engineering 92,987 Direct 1758814 47.050 Geosciences 22,483 Direct 1759071 47.050 Geosciences 31,822 Direct 1759798 47.049 Mathematical and Physical Sciences 76,419 Direct 1763761-Amendment 004 47.070 Computer and Information Science and Engineering 137,982 Direct 1764186 47.049 Mathematical and Physical Sciences 207,886 Direct 1800110 47.049 Mathematical and Physical Sciences 120,329 Direct 1800355 47.049 Mathematical and Physical Sciences 50,392 Direct 1801527 47.049 Mathematical and Physical Sciences 74,909 Direct 1803505 47.041 Engineering 61,090 Direct 1804702 47.041 Engineering 185,348 Direct 1804840 47.041 Engineering 34,292 Direct 1807461 Am. 2 47.070 Computer and Information Science and Engineering 720 Direct 1808160 47.041 Engineering 67,080 Direct 1809194 47.041 Engineering 123,883 Direct 1809240 am 2 47.041 Engineering 22,733 23,522 Direct 1809723 47.041 Engineering 32,230 Direct 1812537 47.070 Computer and Information Science and Engineering 139,063 Direct 1812695 47.070 Computer and Information Science and Engineering 28,852 Direct 1813342 47.076 Education and Human Resources 231,020 Direct 1813526 47.050 Geosciences 192,252 Direct 1814322 47.070 Computer and Information Science and Engineering 74,835 Direct 1814753 47.070 Computer and Information Science and Engineering 103,064 Direct 1814759 47.070 Computer and Information Science and Engineering 53,575 Direct 1815584 47.074 Biological Sciences 137,831 Direct 1815621 47.070 Computer and Information Science and Engineering 179,122 Direct 1815757 47.070 Computer and Information Science and Engineering 133,635 Direct 1816348 47.070 Computer and Information Science and Engineering 85,078 Direct 1816406 47.070 Computer and Information Science and Engineering 34,736 Direct 1816740-Amendment #1 47.049 Mathematical and Physical Sciences 121,467 Direct 1816917 47.049 Mathematical and Physical Sciences 136,416 Direct 1818293 47.074 Biological Sciences 344,617 Direct 1821266 47.049 Mathematical and Physical Sciences 56,789 Direct 1821788 47.076 Education and Human Resources 92,993 Direct 1822065 47.074 Biological Sciences 13,219 Direct 1822192 Am 4 47.050 Geosciences 141,203 Direct 1822683 47.070 Computer and Information Science and Engineering 65,283 Direct 1823530 Am 2 47.050 Geosciences 86,534 47,172 Direct 1827517 47.041 Engineering 57,750 Direct 1827948 47.050 Geosciences 128,754 Direct 1829168 47.075 Social, Behavioral, and Economic Sciences 34,362 Direct 1829255 47.075 Social, Behavioral, and Economic Sciences 38,889 Direct 1829708 47.070 Computer and Information Science and Engineering 38,037 Direct 1829895 Amend. 1 47.050 Geosciences 136,823 Direct 1830418 Am 001 47.049 Mathematical and Physical Sciences 42,059 Direct 1830640 47.075 Social, Behavioral, and Economic Sciences 141,211 44,774 Direct 1830950 47.041 Engineering 548,734 104,706 Direct 1831140 47.041 Engineering 438,490 74,700 Direct 1831944 Amendment No. 004 47.074 Biological Sciences 873,420 Direct 1833402 47.074 Biological Sciences 143,798 Direct 1834251 47.049 Mathematical and Physical Sciences 402,144 Direct 1834856-01 47.049 Mathematical and Physical Sciences 58,240 Direct 1835067 47.070 Computer and Information Science and Engineering 74,910 Direct 1838159-Amendment #3 47.070 Computer and Information Science and Engineering 305,182 Direct 1838315 Amd 3 47.041 Engineering 73,320 46,268

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Cluster, Agency, Subagency, Direct/Pass-Through, Federal SubrecipientPass-Through Entity Award # CFDA# CFDA Program Title COVID-19 Expenditures Expenditures

Direct 1839103 47.041 Engineering 27,075$ 12,407$ Direct 1839286 Am 5 47.076 Education and Human Resources 4,039,223 Direct 1840249 47.041 Engineering 21,498 Direct 1840818 Amendment 001 47.075 Social, Behavioral, and Economic Sciences 40,711 Direct 1841006 47.050 Geosciences 85,016 Direct 1844331 47.074 Biological Sciences 290,294 Direct 1845364 47.070 Computer and Information Science and Engineering 27,970 Direct 1845709 47.041 Engineering 112,832 Direct 1846031-Amendment #2 47.070 Computer and Information Science and Engineering 52,710 Direct 1846854-Amendment 3 47.049 Mathematical and Physical Sciences 41,656 Direct 1847610 47.041 Engineering 168,378 Direct 1849757 47.070 Computer and Information Science and Engineering 85,538 Direct 1850871 47.075 Social, Behavioral, and Economic Sciences 162,232 41,954 Direct 1850914 47.075 Social, Behavioral, and Economic Sciences 37,159 Direct 1851106 47.050 Geosciences 81,544 Direct 1851990 47.049 Mathematical and Physical Sciences 18,500 Direct 1852382 47.041 Engineering 62,703 Direct 1852842 47.075 Social, Behavioral, and Economic Sciences 920,954 Direct 1854162 47.049 Mathematical and Physical Sciences 49,120 Direct 1855575-002 47.049 Mathematical and Physical Sciences 56,919 Direct 1856491 47.049 Mathematical and Physical Sciences 67,805 Direct 1856589 47.049 Mathematical and Physical Sciences 140,575 Direct 1901635 amd2 47.049 Mathematical and Physical Sciences 4,199,847 1,586,768 Direct 1901802-002 47.049 Mathematical and Physical Sciences 112,242 Direct 1901915 47.074 Biological Sciences 74,660 Direct 1903151 47.049 Mathematical and Physical Sciences 58,046 Direct 1903420 47.049 Mathematical and Physical Sciences 12,485 Direct 1903564 47.041 Engineering 50,977 Direct 1903606 47.050 Geosciences 47,983 Direct 1903880 47.070 Computer and Information Science and Engineering 70,065 Direct 1905204 47.049 Mathematical and Physical Sciences 103,859 Direct 1906654 47.076 Education and Human Resources 91,586 Direct 1911678 47.041 Engineering 33,388 Direct 1912646 47.049 Mathematical and Physical Sciences 111,929 Direct 1914447 47.049 Mathematical and Physical Sciences 7,116 Direct 1915363 47.076 Education and Human Resources 331,368 Direct 1915842 47.049 Mathematical and Physical Sciences 62,504 Direct 1915952 47.041 Engineering 20,678 Direct 1916025 47.041 Engineering 123,892 Direct 1917323 47.041 Engineering 76,428 Direct 1917424 47.070 Computer and Information Science and Engineering 20,942 Direct 1923700 47.070 Computer and Information Science and Engineering 21,164 Direct 1924799 47.050 Geosciences 29,920 Direct 1925506 47.050 Geosciences 1,331 Direct 1928166 Am 1 47.049 Mathematical and Physical Sciences 97,791 Direct 1928318 47.050 Geosciences 95,523 Direct 1932596 47.075 Social, Behavioral, and Economic Sciences 162,800 Direct 1932771 amd 2 47.050 Geosciences 80,627 Direct 1934182 47.074 Biological Sciences 125,552 Direct 1935834 47.041 Engineering 86,139 Direct 1937514 47.050 Geosciences 18,034 Direct 1939226 47.074 Biological Sciences 117,452 Direct 1939303 47.050 Geosciences 100,258 Direct 1939956 47.049 Mathematical and Physical Sciences 112,466 Direct 1940068 47.041 Engineering 5,296 Direct 1940128 47.050 Geosciences 77,431 Direct 1942916 47.074 Biological Sciences 85,424 Direct 1943715 47.041 Engineering 84,477 Direct 1944020 47.074 Biological Sciences 1,995 Direct 1944782 Am 1 47.050 Geosciences 35,818 Direct 1945525 47.049 Mathematical and Physical Sciences 115,741

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Cluster, Agency, Subagency, Direct/Pass-Through, Federal SubrecipientPass-Through Entity Award # CFDA# CFDA Program Title COVID-19 Expenditures Expenditures

Direct 1947406 47.074 Biological Sciences 28,777$ - $ Direct 1948058 47.050 Geosciences 53,598 Direct 1949884 47.049 Mathematical and Physical Sciences 92,532 Direct 1949895 47.050 Geosciences 88,754 Direct 1950469 47.075 Social, Behavioral, and Economic Sciences 41,790 Direct 1951443 47.041 Engineering 24,097 Direct 1952539 47.049 Mathematical and Physical Sciences 12,071 Direct 1953528 47.049 Mathematical and Physical Sciences 88,039 Direct 1954973 47.050 Geosciences 435,212 Direct 2002156 47.041 Engineering (33) Direct 2002441 47.050 Geosciences 12,969 Direct 2002852 47.049 Mathematical and Physical Sciences 38,688 Direct 2003208 47.049 Mathematical and Physical Sciences 61,881 Direct 2009256 47.075 Social, Behavioral, and Economic Sciences 52,683 Direct 2013217 47.049 Mathematical and Physical Sciences 168,319 Direct 2015120 47.049 Mathematical and Physical Sciences 61,965 Direct 2015210 47.074 Biological Sciences 28,448 Direct 2018642 47.075 Social, Behavioral, and Economic Sciences 1,220 Direct 2018658 47.041 Engineering 30,865 Direct 2020002 47.075 Social, Behavioral, and Economic Sciences 30,327 Direct 2020695 47.083 Integrative Activities 77,913 Direct 2022253 47.074 Biological Sciences 7,289 Direct 2025156 47.050 Geosciences 3,464 Direct 2027000 47.041 Engineering 1,080 Direct 2028946 47.070 Computer and Information Science and Engineering COVID-19 70,968 Direct 2029474 47.041 Engineering COVID-19 175,740 Direct 2030036 am 2 47.074 Biological Sciences 35,360 Direct 2030509 47.074 Biological Sciences COVID-19 99,504 Direct 2032354 47.041 Engineering 22,606 Direct 2034385 47.041 Engineering 5,472 Direct 2034840 47.041 Engineering 25,000 Direct 2038293 Amendment 001 47.074 Biological Sciences 43,648 Direct 2038722 47.049 Mathematical and Physical Sciences 60,388 Direct 2039575 47.070 Computer and Information Science and Engineering 12,264 Direct 2042194 Am 1 47.041 Engineering 5,636 Direct AGS 1752268 47.050 Geosciences 61,552 Direct AGS 1840891 47.050 Geosciences 127,579 Direct AGS 2002474 47.050 Geosciences 15,969 Direct AGS-1429512 47.050 Geosciences 2,480 Direct AGS-1640337 47.050 Geosciences 40,534 Direct AGS-1748115 47.050 Geosciences 81,963 Direct AGS-1903504 47.050 Geosciences 53,553 Direct AGS-2035847 47.050 Geosciences COVID-19 100,438 Direct AST - 1908823 47.049 Mathematical and Physical Sciences 112,982 Direct AST 1714204 47.049 Mathematical and Physical Sciences 104,283 Direct AST 1714205 47.049 Mathematical and Physical Sciences 57,561 Direct AST 1716602 47.049 Mathematical and Physical Sciences 129,564 Direct AST 1814181 Am 004 47.049 Mathematical and Physical Sciences 65,050 Direct BCS 1758285 47.075 Social, Behavioral, and Economic Sciences 5,215 Direct BCS-1241807 am 3 47.075 Social, Behavioral, and Economic Sciences 1,283 Direct BCS-1749255 47.075 Social, Behavioral, and Economic Sciences 9,752 Direct BCS-2039998-01 47.075 Social, Behavioral, and Economic Sciences 13,094 Direct CBET 1700771 47.041 Engineering 99,098 Direct CBET 1701534 47.041 Engineering 81,238 Direct CBET 1702352 47.041 Engineering 95,174 36,926 Direct CBET 1703334 47.041 Engineering 39,975 Direct CBET 1704332 47.041 Engineering 67,071 Direct CBET 1705687 47.041 Engineering 9,734 Direct CBET 1845366 47.041 Engineering 114,023 Direct CBET 1926303 47.041 Engineering 74,184 Direct CBET 1930825 47.041 Engineering 29,551

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Cluster, Agency, Subagency, Direct/Pass-Through, Federal SubrecipientPass-Through Entity Award # CFDA# CFDA Program Title COVID-19 Expenditures Expenditures

Direct CBET 1935968 47.041 Engineering 112,895$ - $ Direct CBET 1937641 47.041 Engineering 146,827 Direct CBET 2016879 47.041 Engineering 89,359 Direct CBET 2017071 47.041 Engineering 68,987 Direct CBET 2028652 47.041 Engineering 71,074 Direct CBET 2028909 47.041 Engineering COVID-19 154,472 Direct CBET-1350709 47.041 Engineering (2) Direct CBET-1351303 47.041 Engineering 85,424 Direct CBET-1510654 47.041 Engineering 11,458 Direct CBET-1606008 47.041 Engineering 1,354 Direct CBET-1916030 Am.002 47.041 Engineering 85,645 Direct CBET-1943988 47.041 Engineering 79,522 Direct CBET-2002635 47.041 Engineering 33,525 Direct CBET-2023932 47.041 Engineering 58,729 Direct CBET-2038173 47.041 Engineering 75,933 Direct CBET-2046527 47.041 Engineering 49,939 Direct CBET-2051313 47.041 Engineering 1,766 Direct CCF 1617771 Mod 003 47.070 Computer and Information Science and Engineering 122,393 Direct CCF 1617884 47.070 Computer and Information Science and Engineering 158,883 Direct CCF 1628929-Amd 004 47.070 Computer and Information Science and Engineering 17,422 Direct CCF 1651881 am 004 47.070 Computer and Information Science and Engineering 65,242 Direct CCF 1725420 47.070 Computer and Information Science and Engineering 88,513 Direct CCF 1901134 47.070 Computer and Information Science and Engineering 198,431 Direct CCF 1907785 47.070 Computer and Information Science and Engineering 106,825 Direct CCF-1438286 47.070 Computer and Information Science and Engineering 35,315 Direct CCF-1553042 am 4 47.070 Computer and Information Science and Engineering 13,931 Direct CCF-1910385 47.070 Computer and Information Science and Engineering 23,235 Direct CCF-1954749 47.070 Computer and Information Science and Engineering 143,937 Direct CCF-2036064 47.070 Computer and Information Science and Engineering COVID-19 105,860 Direct CHE 1665010 am1 47.049 Mathematical and Physical Sciences 116,812 Direct CHE 1665389 47.049 Mathematical and Physical Sciences 167,717 Direct CHE 1665391 47.049 Mathematical and Physical Sciences 49,679 Direct CHE 1807330 47.049 Mathematical and Physical Sciences 81,032 Direct CHE 1942223 47.049 Mathematical and Physical Sciences 77,406 Direct CHE 2003199 47.049 Mathematical and Physical Sciences 228,092 Direct CHE 2051087 47.049 Mathematical and Physical Sciences 27,227 Direct CHE-1413862 47.049 Mathematical and Physical Sciences 194,919 205,416 Direct CHE-1464416 am 2 47.049 Mathematical and Physical Sciences 6,733 Direct CHE-1552849 Am 002 47.049 Mathematical and Physical Sciences 55,936 Direct CHE-1904071 47.049 Mathematical and Physical Sciences 151,970 Direct CHE-1904858 47.049 Mathematical and Physical Sciences 143,337 Direct CHE-1954751 47.049 Mathematical and Physical Sciences 108,506 Direct CHE-1955186 47.049 Mathematical and Physical Sciences 200,879 Direct CHE-2003246 47.049 Mathematical and Physical Sciences 139,734 Direct CMMI - 1742823 47.041 Engineering 136,660 Direct CMMI 1661666 47.041 Engineering 83,007 Direct CMMI 1727757 47.041 Engineering 51,013 Direct CMMI 1760689 47.041 Engineering 69,259 Direct CMMI 2100765 47.041 Engineering 12,749 Direct CMMI-1454293 47.041 Engineering 6,353 Direct CMMI-1563198 47.041 Engineering 14 Direct CMMI-1935514 47.041 Engineering 24,427 Direct CMMI-2038403 47.041 Engineering 225,662 Direct CMMI-2038559 47.041 Engineering 3,416 Direct CMR 1725272 47.049 Mathematical and Physical Sciences 236,813 Direct CNS - 1618339 47.070 Computer and Information Science and Engineering 79,822 Direct CNS - 1737633 Amendment Number 002 47.070 Computer and Information Science and Engineering 595,617 401,391 Direct CNS - 1915122 Amd 05 47.070 Computer and Information Science and Engineering 86,655 Direct CNS 1829156 Amd Number 003 47.070 Computer and Information Science and Engineering 5,958 Direct CNS 1901103 47.070 Computer and Information Science and Engineering 58,473 Direct CNS 1919631-Amendment #3 47.070 Computer and Information Science and Engineering 263,362

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Cluster, Agency, Subagency, Direct/Pass-Through, Federal SubrecipientPass-Through Entity Award # CFDA# CFDA Program Title COVID-19 Expenditures Expenditures

Direct CNS 1919965 47.070 Computer and Information Science and Engineering 34,179$ - $ Direct CNS 1931208 47.070 Computer and Information Science and Engineering 142,547 Direct CNS 2042836 47.070 Computer and Information Science and Engineering 35,966 Direct CNS-1617729 47.070 Computer and Information Science and Engineering 72,832 Direct CNS-1646543 47.070 Computer and Information Science and Engineering 63,304 Direct CNS-1836772-Amendment 3 47.070 Computer and Information Science and Engineering 69,587 Direct CNS-1908566-002 47.070 Computer and Information Science and Engineering 187,694 Direct CNS-1939033 47.070 Computer and Information Science and Engineering 183,872 Direct CNS-2000302 47.070 Computer and Information Science and Engineering 118,530 Direct CNS-2003033 47.070 Computer and Information Science and Engineering 27,409 Direct CNS-2016397 47.070 Computer and Information Science and Engineering 27,667 Direct CNS-2027596 47.070 Computer and Information Science and Engineering 162,608 66,080 Direct CNS-2050540 47.070 Computer and Information Science and Engineering 42,966 Direct CNS-2103256 47.070 Computer and Information Science and Engineering 86,266 16,759 Direct DBI 1561390 Amendment 002 47.074 Biological Sciences 432 Direct DBI 1601461 47.074 Biological Sciences 528 Direct DBI 2042159 47.074 Biological Sciences 40,670 Direct DBI-1919462 Am.001 47.074 Biological Sciences 66,987 30,644 Direct DBI-2018592 47.074 Biological Sciences 1,434 Direct DBI-2021898 Am. 001 47.074 Biological Sciences 745,163 228,485 Direct DEB - 1556529 Amd03 47.074 Biological Sciences 123,877 Direct DEB 1753621 Amendment 002 47.074 Biological Sciences 43,734 Direct DEB 1753859 Amendment No. 003 47.074 Biological Sciences 149,382 Direct DEB 1754026 47.074 Biological Sciences 8,285 Direct DEB 1754246 47.074 Biological Sciences 279,682 Direct DEB 2017843 47.074 Biological Sciences 75,035 Direct DEB 2019518 47.074 Biological Sciences 67,655 Direct DEB 2045382 Amendment 001 47.074 Biological Sciences 53,650 Direct DEB 2045610-Amendment #1 47.074 Biological Sciences 13,758 Direct DEB 2113746 Amendment 001 47.074 Biological Sciences 2,329 Direct DEB-1542513 Amendment 001 47.074 Biological Sciences 64,311 Direct DEB-1555997 Amendment 004 47.074 Biological Sciences 79,774 Direct DEB-1556649 Amendment 003 47.074 Biological Sciences 119,342 Direct DEB-1845334 Am. 2 47.074 Biological Sciences 151,396 Direct DEB-2050455-Amendment 002 47.074 Biological Sciences 13,331 Direct DGE 1922512 47.076 Education and Human Resources 528,097 Direct DMR 1452180 47.049 Mathematical and Physical Sciences 33,317 Direct DMR 1654318 am 4 47.049 Mathematical and Physical Sciences 108,576 Direct DMR 1704456 47.049 Mathematical and Physical Sciences 157,255 Direct DMR 1708177 47.049 Mathematical and Physical Sciences 7,161 Direct DMR 1708874 47.049 Mathematical and Physical Sciences 6,331 Direct DMR 1741801 47.049 Mathematical and Physical Sciences 135,323 Direct DMR 1801993 47.049 Mathematical and Physical Sciences 207,787 Direct DMR 1806419 47.049 Mathematical and Physical Sciences 62,809 Direct DMR 1807124 47.049 Mathematical and Physical Sciences 162,866 Direct DMR 1838977 47.049 Mathematical and Physical Sciences 99,164 Direct DMR 1852044 47.049 Mathematical and Physical Sciences 24,038 Direct DMR 1929311 47.049 Mathematical and Physical Sciences 87,333 Direct DMR 1944498-Amendment #1 47.049 Mathematical and Physical Sciences 86,444 Direct DMR 1944557 47.049 Mathematical and Physical Sciences 72,910 Direct DMR 2002817 Am 1 47.049 Mathematical and Physical Sciences 42,629 Direct DMR 2003668 47.049 Mathematical and Physical Sciences 104,259 Direct DMR 2003706-Amendment #1 47.049 Mathematical and Physical Sciences 59,872 Direct DMR 2011401 47.049 Mathematical and Physical Sciences 1,237,727 Direct DMR 2037654 47.049 Mathematical and Physical Sciences 76,893 Direct DMR 2103630 47.049 Mathematical and Physical Sciences 10,235 Direct DMR-1420013 47.049 Mathematical and Physical Sciences 1,703,179 Direct DMR-1554609 47.049 Mathematical and Physical Sciences 120,639 Direct DMR-1608937 Am 1 47.049 Mathematical and Physical Sciences 20,716 Direct DMR-1708287 47.049 Mathematical and Physical Sciences 65,753 Direct DMR-1719692-Amendment #2 47.049 Mathematical and Physical Sciences 181,131

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Direct DMR-1904853 47.049 Mathematical and Physical Sciences 232,569$ - $ Direct DMR-1921629 47.049 Mathematical and Physical Sciences 343,234 Direct DMR-1922165 47.049 Mathematical and Physical Sciences 57,661 Direct DMR-2003454 47.049 Mathematical and Physical Sciences 155,914 Direct DMS 1665007 47.049 Mathematical and Physical Sciences 1,080 Direct DMS 1712564 47.049 Mathematical and Physical Sciences 79,883 Direct DMS 1721216 47.049 Mathematical and Physical Sciences 53,003 Direct DMS 1752184 Am 003 47.070 Computer and Information Science and Engineering 71,284 Direct DMS 1839077 47.049 Mathematical and Physical Sciences 301,516 205,060 Direct DMS 1912048 47.049 Mathematical and Physical Sciences 87,988 Direct DMS-1344235 47.049 Mathematical and Physical Sciences 77,723 Direct DMS-1349724 Am 5 47.049 Mathematical and Physical Sciences 1,360 Direct DMS-1351590 47.049 Mathematical and Physical Sciences (5) Direct DMS-1352216 47.049 Mathematical and Physical Sciences 29,056 Direct DMS-1659047 47.049 Mathematical and Physical Sciences 19,394 Direct DMS-1853357-Amendment #1 47.049 Mathematical and Physical Sciences 67,508 Direct DMS-1902903 47.049 Mathematical and Physical Sciences 272,226 177,190 Direct DMS-1906129 47.049 Mathematical and Physical Sciences 15,039 Direct DMS-1907391 47.049 Mathematical and Physical Sciences 148,730 Direct DMS-1916014 47.049 Mathematical and Physical Sciences 119,830 Direct DMS-1944925 47.049 Mathematical and Physical Sciences 52,256 Direct DMS-1945179-Amendment #1 47.049 Mathematical and Physical Sciences 71,066 Direct DMS-1949896 47.049 Mathematical and Physical Sciences 80,390 Direct DMS-1956092 47.049 Mathematical and Physical Sciences 141,070 Direct DMS-2000288-Amendment #1 47.049 Mathematical and Physical Sciences 56,496 Direct DMS-2001101 47.049 Mathematical and Physical Sciences 80,348 Direct DMS-2001257-Amendment #1 47.049 Mathematical and Physical Sciences 30,210 Direct DMS-2006731 47.049 Mathematical and Physical Sciences 14,009 Direct DMS-2009352 47.049 Mathematical and Physical Sciences 47,029 Direct DMS-2011324 47.049 Mathematical and Physical Sciences 60,099 Direct DMS-2015550-Amendment #2 47.049 Mathematical and Physical Sciences 46,043 Direct DMS-2016216 Amendment No. 001 47.049 Mathematical and Physical Sciences 41,688 Direct DMS-2022303 47.049 Mathematical and Physical Sciences 15,781 Direct DMS-2053288 47.049 Mathematical and Physical Sciences 2,841 Direct DRL - 1657088 47.076 Education and Human Resources 190,047 Direct DUE 1829157 47.076 Education and Human Resources 69,961 7,062 Direct DUE-1432383 47.076 Education and Human Resources 106,383 Direct DUE-1432414 47.076 Education and Human Resources 56,274 Direct DUE-2000527 47.076 Education and Human Resources 96,346 Direct DUE-2030342 47.076 Education and Human Resources 214 Direct EAR - 1727203 47.050 Geosciences 12,793 Direct EAR 1642268 Amd 06 47.050 Geosciences 399,827 Direct EAR 1660873 Amd 02 47.050 Geosciences 2,601 Direct EAR 1903710 47.050 Geosciences 13,568 Direct EAR 1944998 47.050 Geosciences 41,696 Direct EAR 1951112-01 47.050 Geosciences 1,046,839 Direct EAR 2016215 47.050 Geosciences 73,958 Direct EAR 2022433 _00 47.050 Geosciences 113,898 Direct EAR 2054597 47.050 Geosciences 23,768 Direct EAR-1246761 am 022 47.050 Geosciences (781) Direct EAR-1338322 47.050 Geosciences 38,084 Direct EAR-1462347 Amendment 004 47.050 Geosciences 2,874 Direct EAR-1550787-Amendment #3 47.050 Geosciences 1,676 Direct EAR-1550805 47.050 Geosciences 12,586 Direct EAR-1550913 47.050 Geosciences 21,906 Direct EAR-1602788 47.050 Geosciences 23,461 Direct EAR-1620582 47.050 Geosciences 7,594 Direct EAR-1620604 47.050 Geosciences 1,777 Direct EAR-1624691 47.050 Geosciences 127 Direct EAR-1656969 47.050 Geosciences 1,030 Direct EAR-1754061 47.050 Geosciences 86,773

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Direct EAR-1755805 47.050 Geosciences 65,463$ - $ Direct EAR-1803725 Amend 1 & 2 47.050 Geosciences 35,029 Direct EAR-1807165 47.050 Geosciences 23,553 Direct EAR-1812752 47.050 Geosciences 150,508 Direct EAR-1813508 47.050 Geosciences 74,658 Direct EAR-1827220-02 47.050 Geosciences 59,008 Direct EAR-1827277 47.050 Geosciences 28,821 Direct EAR-1847612 47.050 Geosciences 42,087 Direct EAR-1849465 47.050 Geosciences 35,189 Direct EAR-1850683 47.050 Geosciences 66,480 Direct EAR-1904159 47.050 Geosciences 59,418 Direct EAR-1925884 47.050 Geosciences 65,118 Direct EAR-1946911 47.050 Geosciences 71,196 Direct EAR-1946945 47.050 Geosciences 226,829 Direct EAR-2003076 47.050 Geosciences 6,125 Direct EAR2023061 47.050 Geosciences 17,604 Direct EAR-2054177 47.050 Geosciences 21,903 Direct ECCS 1453921 47.041 Engineering 134,836 Direct ECCS 2045239 47.041 Engineering 3,088 Direct ECCS 2124834 47.041 Engineering 18,389 Direct ECCS-1508993 Am 1 47.041 Engineering 2,190 Direct ECCS-1509040 47.041 Engineering 16,517 Direct ECCS-1509277 47.041 Engineering 33,639 Direct ECCS-1542202-Amendment #008 47.041 Engineering 267,198 18,664 Direct ECCS-1936560 47.041 Engineering 135,011 Direct ECCS-2025124-Amendment #2 47.041 Engineering 556,322 Direct ECCS-2030096 47.041 Engineering COVID-19 26,499 Direct ECCS-2102312 47.041 Engineering 51,477 Direct EEC-1941543 47.041 Engineering 1,410,327 665,524 Direct EF 1934496 47.074 Biological Sciences 171,194 Direct EF-1638519 Amendment 002 47.074 Biological Sciences 5,236 Direct EFMA 1741660 47.041 Engineering 353,296 238,558 Direct HRD-1540661 47.076 Education and Human Resources 50,159 Direct ICER-1643277 Am 3 47.050 Geosciences 17,013 Direct ICER-1740697 47.050 Geosciences 10,720 Direct ICER-2022931 47.050 Geosciences 32,066 Direct IIP - 2031325 47.041 Engineering 49,543 Direct IIP 2043044 47.041 Engineering 2,221 Direct IIP 2050871 47.041 Engineering 22 Direct IIP 2105866 47.041 Engineering 13,805 Direct IIP 2120068 Amd 1 47.041 Engineering 6,555 Direct IIP-1439622 Am 7 47.041 Engineering 653,932 Direct IIP-1439728 Am 11 47.041 Engineering 266,256 Direct IIP-1919036 47.041 Engineering 133,661 Direct IIP-1919190 47.041 Engineering 104,314 Direct IIP-2016330 47.041 Engineering 51,647 Direct IIP-2016390-Amendment #3 47.041 Engineering 111,714 Direct IIP-2041968 47.041 Engineering 20,020 Direct IIS 1525045 47.070 Computer and Information Science and Engineering (21) Direct IIS 1901099-Amendment #4 47.070 Computer and Information Science and Engineering 175,611 Direct IIS 1907855 47.070 Computer and Information Science and Engineering 138,154 Direct IIS 1908104 47.070 Computer and Information Science and Engineering 21,192 Direct IIS 1908711 47.070 Computer and Information Science and Engineering 43,807 Direct IIS 1927190 47.070 Computer and Information Science and Engineering 114,035 Direct IIS 2006894-Amendment #3 47.070 Computer and Information Science and Engineering 3,427 Direct IIS-1328722 Amendment 005 47.070 Computer and Information Science and Engineering 365,400 Direct IIS-1704074 Am 001 47.070 Computer and Information Science and Engineering 199,169 150,310 Direct IIS-1748541 47.070 Computer and Information Science and Engineering 3,821 Direct IIS-1849107 47.070 Computer and Information Science and Engineering 91,555 Direct IIS-1901423-Amendment 4 47.070 Computer and Information Science and Engineering 207,925 Direct IIS-1939606 Amendment 001 47.070 Computer and Information Science and Engineering 86,863 61,245

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Direct IIS-2011542 47.070 Computer and Information Science and Engineering 29,763$ - $ Direct IIS-2022894-Amendment #1 47.070 Computer and Information Science and Engineering 60,751 Direct IIS-2024581-Amendment #1 47.070 Computer and Information Science and Engineering 167,434 Direct IIS-2029535 47.070 Computer and Information Science and Engineering COVID-19 127,732 Direct IIS-2040459 47.070 Computer and Information Science and Engineering COVID-19 17,046 Direct IOS 1556674 47.074 Biological Sciences 13,306 Direct IOS 1645460 47.074 Biological Sciences 290,729 Direct IOS 1856724 47.074 Biological Sciences 126,062 Direct IOS 1933076 47.074 Biological Sciences 14,394 Direct IOS 1934384 47.074 Biological Sciences 552,101 376,125 Direct IOS 2029549 47.074 Biological Sciences 145,281 Direct IOS-1354745 47.074 Biological Sciences 21,588 Direct IOS-1452831 Amendment 004 47.074 Biological Sciences 35,765 Direct IOS-1656318 Amendment 002 47.074 Biological Sciences 112,552 Direct IOS-1802848 47.074 Biological Sciences 102,137 6,457 Direct IOS-1856744 Am 001 47.074 Biological Sciences 586,018 160,533 Direct IOS-1914611 Amendment 001 47.074 Biological Sciences 2,076 Direct IOS-1933291 47.074 Biological Sciences 91,874 Direct IOS-1935351 47.074 Biological Sciences 179,682 Direct IOS-1935458 47.074 Biological Sciences 80,812 Direct IOS-2025297 47.074 Biological Sciences 137,258 Direct MCB - 1616854 47.074 Biological Sciences 66,044 Direct MCB 1613677 47.074 Biological Sciences 6,281 Direct MCB 1613809 Amendment 002 47.074 Biological Sciences 61,488 Direct MCB 1715293 47.074 Biological Sciences 36,915 Direct MCB 1901145 47.074 Biological Sciences 20,244 Direct MCB 2017932 47.074 Biological Sciences 95,722 Direct MCB-1915154 Amd 001 47.074 Biological Sciences 148,299 Direct MCB-2042704 am 002 47.074 Biological Sciences 106,595 Direct OAC 1835530 47.070 Computer and Information Science and Engineering 121,766 728 Direct OAC 1934634-Amendment 3 47.070 Computer and Information Science and Engineering 92,563 Direct OAC 1934721-Amendment 001 47.070 Computer and Information Science and Engineering 268,125 Direct OAC 1938914 47.070 Computer and Information Science and Engineering 132,695 Direct OAC 2037773 47.070 Computer and Information Science and Engineering 140,257 83,190 Direct OAC-1916252 47.070 Computer and Information Science and Engineering 44,684 Direct OAC-1931304 47.070 Computer and Information Science and Engineering 141,302 Direct OAC-1939916 47.070 Computer and Information Science and Engineering 63,177 Direct OCE - 1737368 47.050 Geosciences 50,446 Direct OCE-1434352 Amend 001 47.050 Geosciences (1,402) Direct OCE-1635560 47.050 Geosciences 52,599 Direct OCE-1736677 47.050 Geosciences 33,037 Direct OCE-1822556 Amendment 005 & 006 47.050 Geosciences 407,938 Direct OCE-1822557 amend. 4 47.050 Geosciences 97,304 Direct OCE-1948646 47.050 Geosciences 219,922 Direct OCE-2016614 47.050 Geosciences 1,041 Direct OCE-2016615 47.050 Geosciences 48,335 Direct OISE-2020174-Amendment #2 47.079 Office of International Science and Engineering 17,900 Direct OPP 1916982 47.078 Polar Programs 34,422 Direct OPP 2102294 47.078 Polar Programs 8,425 Direct OPP-1744989 47.050 Geosciences 50,393 Direct OPP-2001033 47.078 Polar Programs 21,883 Direct OPP-2032463-Amendment #1 47.078 Polar Programs 50,509 Direct PHY 1705603 47.049 Mathematical and Physical Sciences 11,667 Direct PHY 1757388 Am 2 47.049 Mathematical and Physical Sciences 104,428 Direct PHY 1806630 47.049 Mathematical and Physical Sciences 110,076 Direct PHY 1806798 47.049 Mathematical and Physical Sciences 17,357 Direct PHY 2010970 Am 1 47.049 Mathematical and Physical Sciences 48,528 Direct PHY 2011675-Amendment #1 47.049 Mathematical and Physical Sciences 22,685 Direct PHY 2049645 47.049 Mathematical and Physical Sciences 3,803 Direct PLR 1638970 47.050 Geosciences 387,088 Direct PLR-1419935 006 amend 12 47.050 Geosciences 117,114

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Cluster, Agency, Subagency, Direct/Pass-Through, Federal SubrecipientPass-Through Entity Award # CFDA# CFDA Program Title COVID-19 Expenditures Expenditures

Direct PLR-1559691 A10 47.078 Polar Programs 4,168,769$ 347,275$ Direct SES 1729117 47.075 Social, Behavioral, and Economic Sciences 46,401 Direct SES 2020863 47.075 Social, Behavioral, and Economic Sciences 141,026 Direct SES-1357452 Amd 8 47.075 Social, Behavioral, and Economic Sciences 21,298 Direct SES-1825768 Am 1 47.075 Social, Behavioral, and Economic Sciences 224,054 113,090 Direct SES-2032371 47.075 Social, Behavioral, and Economic Sciences COVID-19 188,939 Passthrough: Aerosol Devices, Inc 1853240 47.070 Computer and Information Science and Engineering COVID-19 23,827 Arkansas State University 17-106-19 47.070 Computer and Information Science and Engineering (3,194) Berd LLC No Award Number 47.041 Engineering 33,246 Bscs Science Learning 18-006 47.076 Education and Human Resources 58,825 California Institute of Technology S386510 (Formerly 44E-1098314) 47.050 Geosciences 5,176 Carnegie Mellon University 1122455-370030 47.075 Social, Behavioral, and Economic Sciences 10,094 Carnegie Mellon University 1122767-428510-Amendment #1 47.070 Computer and Information Science and Engineering 95,883 Carnegie Mellon University 1123422-427030-Amendment #1 47.070 Computer and Information Science and Engineering 31,677 Carnegie Mellon University 1123493-439541 47.070 Computer and Information Science and Engineering 25,530 Cellulose Sciences International, Inc RI 01 47.041 Engineering 32,294 Clemson University 2271-206-2014423 Amendment 1 47.041 Engineering 21,280 Colorado State University G-30111-01 47.049 Mathematical and Physical Sciences 4,655 Colorado State University G-35866-01 / DEB-1413925 47.074 Biological Sciences 5,001 Computing Research Association CIF2020-UMN-54 47.070 Computer and Information Science and Engineering 60,177 Cornell University 76961-10788 and 76961- 10341 47.074 Biological Sciences 300,740 Cornell University 7878877-10864 Am 4 47.049 Mathematical and Physical Sciences 8,493 Cornell University 79433-20663 Amd 2 47.049 Mathematical and Physical Sciences 78,699 Cornerstone Genomics, LLC 2025936 47.041 Engineering 26,555 CRDF Global OISE-16-62789-0 47.079 Office of International Science and Engineering 5,624 Cryoocyte, Inc 1913772-01 47.041 Engineering 24,251 Dordt University No Award Number 47.070 Computer and Information Science and Engineering 12,274 Florida Atlantic University UR-K161 Am. 1 47.074 Biological Sciences 48,153 Harvard University 124296-5117308 47.041 Engineering 21,563 Insight Sensing Corporation 77723 47.041 Engineering 52,876 Iowa State University 420-72-24 / 420-72-45 47.041 Engineering 17 J Craig Venter Institute JCVI-18-019 Mod. 3 47.074 Biological Sciences 42,712 Johns Hopkins University 157142 47.050 Geosciences 30,601 Johns Hopkins University 2003129510 Amd 04 47.075 Social, Behavioral, and Economic Sciences 34,063 Loyola University of Chicago 521360-UMN 47.041 Engineering 2,691 Michigan State University RC104177UMINN 47.049 Mathematical and Physical Sciences 15,776 Michigan State University RC108100UMN Amd 3 47.074 Biological Sciences 303,183 Michigan Technological University Sub # 1603040Z4 / PO # P0098194 47.041 Engineering 82,504 Middle Tennessee State University 537225-77778-01 Am 3 47.076 Education and Human Resources 11,862 Missouri Botanical Garden NSF08115UOMTC 47.074 Biological Sciences 13,281 New Jersey Institute of Technology 997213 PO#UP006596 47.041 Engineering 41,412 Pasadena City College 2000281UMN / 2000281 47.076 Education and Human Resources 27,188 Pennsylvania State University 5556-UM-NSF-6863 Am. 4 47.074 Biological Sciences 56,629 Pennsylvania State University 5942-UM-NSF-4313 47.049 Mathematical and Physical Sciences 67,570 Pennsylvania State University S000995-NSF 47.049 Mathematical and Physical Sciences 11,508 Princeton University SUB0000265-2 47.070 Computer and Information Science and Engineering 68,425 Princeton University SUB0000351-Amendment #2 47.041 Engineering 73,511 Purdue University 10001171-021 47.070 Computer and Information Science and Engineering 75,055 Purdue University 10001257-013 47.070 Computer and Information Science and Engineering 101,862 St Cloud State University PO 73798/Req 106604097 47.076 Education and Human Resources 22,204 Stanford University 61942785-134448 47.049 Mathematical and Physical Sciences 254,234 The University of Arizona 125164, Amendment 5 47.050 Geosciences 18,903 The University of Arizona Subaward #544293 Am 1 47.049 Mathematical and Physical Sciences 2,882 The University of Georgia SUB00002384 47.075 Social, Behavioral, and Economic Sciences COVID-19 10,378 The University of Utah 10043662-S1 / PO# U-88311 47.049 Mathematical and Physical Sciences 130,154 The University of Utah 10047899-MINN/PO U000152712 47.041 Engineering 104,380 The University of Utah 10055084-S6 / PO U000270689 47.049 Mathematical and Physical Sciences 44,805 The University of Utah Sub. 10043668-UMD 47.050 Geosciences 40,310 University of North Carolina at Charlotte 2019-0737-01-UMN 47.070 Computer and Information Science and Engineering 11,374 University of California, San Diego 109256450 MP invoice # S9002104 A2 47.049 Mathematical and Physical Sciences 105,925

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Cluster, Agency, Subagency, Direct/Pass-Through, Federal SubrecipientPass-Through Entity Award # CFDA# CFDA Program Title COVID-19 Expenditures Expenditures

University of California, San Diego 79408827 (MP invoice #S9001468) Amd 005 47.074 Biological Sciences 196,958$ - $ University of California, Davis A18-0585-S002-A01 47.075 Social, Behavioral, and Economic Sciences 11,901 University of California, Santa Barbara KK1989 Amendment 4 47.074 Biological Sciences 134,030 University of California, Santa Cruz A16-0434-S001-P0604315 47.049 Mathematical and Physical Sciences 7,689 University of Colorado PO -1000878227 47.050 Geosciences 11,272 University of Florida UFDSP00011886 Project P005335 47.075 Social, Behavioral, and Economic Sciences 29,350 University of Hawaii at Manoa MA1349 47.075 Social, Behavioral, and Economic Sciences 91 University of Maryland 58686-Z4808003 Amendment B 47.074 Biological Sciences 66,610 University of Maryland 84553-Z3275201 47.075 Social, Behavioral, and Economic Sciences 5,964 University of Michigan 3004628722-01 47.041 Engineering 97,635 University of Michigan PO-3005121088 / SUBK00008284 47.074 Biological Sciences 958 University of Michigan SUBK00008483 / PO 3005200385 / 1805085 47.041 Engineering 2,936 University of Nebraska-Lincoln 25-0536-0049-004-Amendment #1 47.076 Education and Human Resources 54,424 University of Notre Dame PHY-1806631 - MN Sub 47.049 Mathematical and Physical Sciences 1,924 University of South Carolina 18-3488, PO 2-36691/USC 17880-FA17, Am 3 47.041 Engineering 8,769 University of South Dakota UP1700296-UMN1 47.079 Office of International Science and Engineering 54,304 University of St Thomas 2018-33-1 47.070 Computer and Information Science and Engineering 22,774 University of Texas Rio Grande Valley 1523577 (1) 47.049 Mathematical and Physical Sciences 8,808 University of Texas Rio Grande Valley 1906885 47.076 Education and Human Resources 23,820 University of Washington UWSC 10747 / BPO #34724 47.041 Engineering 127,099 University of Wisconsin - Madison 0000000846 47.049 Mathematical and Physical Sciences 467,886 University of Wisconsin - Madison 600K110 Amendment 4 47.074 Biological Sciences 476 University of Wisconsin - Madison 631K050 PTE Fed#1503408 am 6 47.049 Mathematical and Physical Sciences 382,582 Washington State University 133480 SPC001261 47.041 Engineering 48,993 Peace Corps: Direct Req. 20200454 / Order No. 1145PC20P0039 45.C05 Contract-Peace Corps 27,023 Social Security Administration: Passthrough: University of Michigan SUBK00014590 PO 3006261470 PO 3006261648 96.007 Social Security Research and Demonstration 46,628 University of Wisconsin - Madison 0000001151 96.007 Social Security Research and Demonstration 15,637 United States Postal Service: Direct 6HQOIG-19-B-0081 Am 002 99.C01 Contract-United States Postal Service 5,733

Total Research and Development Cluster 578,187,375 85,484,444

Student Financial Aid Department of Agriculture, National Institute of Food and Agriculture: Direct Non Spon Hatch Act Fund Appr 10.203 Payments to Agricultural Experiment Stations Under the Hatch Act 14,390 Department of Education: Direct 84.007 Federal Supplemental Educational Opportunity Grants 5,213,839 Direct 84.033 Federal Work-Study Program 1,945,908 Direct 84.063 Federal Pell Grant Program 41,069,374 Direct 84.268 Federal Direct Student Loans 320,749,280 Direct 84.379 Teacher Education Assistance for College and Higher Education Grants (TEACH Grants) 71,580 Department of Health and Human Services: Direct 93.342 Health Professions Student Loans, Including Primary Care Loans/Loans for Disadvantaged Students 4,635,990

Total Student Financial Aid 373,700,361 -

477 Cluster Department of Health and Human Services, Administration for Children and Families: Passthrough: MN Department of Health No Award Number 93.558 Temporary Assistance for Needy Families 155,435 MN Department of Human Services GRK 135734 93.558 Temporary Assistance for Needy Families 26,475

Total 477 Cluster 181,910 -

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Cluster, Agency, Subagency, Direct/Pass-Through, Federal SubrecipientPass-Through Entity Award # CFDA# CFDA Program Title COVID-19 Expenditures Expenditures

CCDF Cluster Department of Health and Human Services, Administration for Children and Families: Direct 90YE0211-01-01 93.575 Child Care and Development Block Grant 3,424$ - $ Passthrough: Child Trends, Inc 17105.UMinnesota.01 Mod 1 93.575 Child Care and Development Block Grant 160,696 MN Department of Human Services 114205 Am. No. 3 93.575 Child Care and Development Block Grant 35,213 MN Department of Human Services NS Prog-St of MN CARES Passthrough funding (Child

Development Center) 93.575 Child Care and Development Block Grant COVID-19 87,025 MN Department of Human Services NS Prog-St of MN CARES Passthrough funding

(PS Children’s Programs) 93.575 Child Care and Development Block Grant COVID-19 46,750 University of Missouri C00070722-1 93.575 Child Care and Development Block Grant 34,613

Total CCDF Cluster 367,721 -

Child Nutrition Cluster Department of Agriculture, Food and Nutrition Service: Passthrough: Baylor University USDA-FNS-CN-20-RSMDP-TX-03 10.579 Child Nutrition Discretionary Grants Limited Availability 184,826

Total Child Nutrition Cluster 184,826 -

Economic Development Cluster Department of Commerce, Economic Development Administration: Direct ED20CHI3070037 11.307 Economic Adjustment Assistance COVID-19 93,933

Total Economic Development Cluster 93,933 -

Federal Transit Cluster Department of Transportation, Federal Transit Administration: Passthrough: MN Metropolitan Council SG-2019-009 20.507 Federal Transit Formula Grants 233,433 30,540

Total Federal Transit Cluster 233,433 30,540

Fish and Wildlife Cluster Department of the Interior, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service: Passthrough: MN Department of Natural Resources 190941 - T1929B - MC143989 15.611 Wildlife Restoration and Basic Hunter Education 6,115 MN Department of Natural Resources No Award Number 15.611 Wildlife Restoration and Basic Hunter Education 7,000 MN Department of Natural Resources SWIFT 160131 T-Number 1929B 15.611 Wildlife Restoration and Basic Hunter Education 65,679

Total Fish and Wildlife Cluster 78,794 -

Food Distribution Cluster Department of Agriculture, Food and Nutrition Service: Passthrough: Hunger Solutions Minnesota No Award Number 10.568 Emergency Food Assistance Program (Administrative Costs) 18,219

Total Food Distribution Cluster 18,219 -

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Cluster, Agency, Subagency, Direct/Pass-Through, Federal SubrecipientPass-Through Entity Award # CFDA# CFDA Program Title COVID-19 Expenditures Expenditures

Health Center Program Cluster Department of Health and Human Services, Health Resources and Services Administration: Direct 1 H8DCS360680100 93.224 Health Center Program (Community Health Centers, Migrant Health Centers, Health Care for the

Homeless, and Public Housing Primary Care) COVID-19 46,046$ - $ Direct 1 H8ECS384700100 93.224 Health Center Program (Community Health Centers, Migrant Health Centers, Health Care for the

Homeless, and Public Housing Primary Care) COVID-19 265,504 Direct 1 H8FCS40905-01-00 93.224 Health Center Program (Community Health Centers, Migrant Health Centers, Health Care for the

Homeless, and Public Housing Primary Care) COVID-19 97,449 Direct 6 H80CS00241-18-06 93.224 Health Center Program (Community Health Centers, Migrant Health Centers, Health Care for the

Homeless, and Public Housing Primary Care) (89,788) Direct 6 H80CS00241-19-05 93.224 Health Center Program (Community Health Centers, Migrant Health Centers, Health Care for the

Homeless, and Public Housing Primary Care) 3,113,015

Total Health Center Program Cluster 3,432,226 -

Highway Planning and Construction Cluster Department of Transportation, Federal Highway Administration: Passthrough: MN Department of Transportation 1003325 WO 132 am 1 20.205 Highway Planning and Construction 44,858 MN Department of Transportation 1003325 WO 136 Am 1 20.205 Highway Planning and Construction 117,428 MN Department of Transportation 1035427 20.205 Highway Planning and Construction 79,009 MN Department of Transportation 1036215 20.205 Highway Planning and Construction 48,585 MN Department of Transportation 1036217 20.205 Highway Planning and Construction 13,408 MN Department of Transportation 1036342 WO 6 Federal Project TPF-5(455) 20.205 Highway Planning and Construction 104,401 MN Department of Transportation 1036342/ WO 27-Amendment #1 20.205 Highway Planning and Construction 9,952 MN Department of Transportation MnDOT Agreement No. 1036299 20.205 Highway Planning and Construction 66,028 MN Department of Transportation MnDOT Contract No. 1045432 20.205 Highway Planning and Construction 12,133 MN Metropolitan Council SG-2020-020 20.205 Highway Planning and Construction 15,000 MN Metropolitan Council SG-2020-022 20.205 Highway Planning and Construction 44,108

Total Highway Planning and Construction Cluster 554,910 -

Highway Safety Cluster Department of Transportation, National Highway Traffic Safety Administration: Passthrough: City of Duluth Damion # 2020-14193, 24005 20.600 State and Community Highway Safety 3,074 City of Duluth No Award Number 20.600 State and Community Highway Safety 3,317 MN Department of Public Safety A-ADMIN20-2020-UMREGENTS-002 20.600 State and Community Highway Safety 105,750 MN Department of Public Safety PT_176026_PO_3-73043 20.600 State and Community Highway Safety 80,680

Total Highway Safety Cluster 192,821 -

Medicaid Cluster Department of Health and Human Services, Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services: Passthrough: MNsure No Award Number 93.778 Medical Assistance Program 8,260

Total Medicaid Cluster 8,260 -

SNAP Cluster Department of Agriculture, Food and Nutrition Service: Passthrough: MN Department of Human Services GRK%165331 10.561 State Administrative Matching Grants for the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program 5,530,487

Total SNAP Cluster 5,530,487 -

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Cluster, Agency, Subagency, Direct/Pass-Through, Federal SubrecipientPass-Through Entity Award # CFDA# CFDA Program Title COVID-19 Expenditures Expenditures

Special Education Cluster (IDEA) Department of Education, Office of Special Education and Rehabilitative Services: Passthrough: MN Department of Education 103568 Am 2 84.173 Special Education Preschool Grants (2,603)$ - $ MN Department of Education SWIFT Contract No: 178457 Am 1 84.173 Special Education Preschool Grants 88,245

Total Special Education Cluster (IDEA) 85,642 -

TRIO Cluster Department of Education, Office of Postsecondary Education: Direct P042A150142 - 19 84.042 TRIO Student Support Services 78,074 Direct P042A160173-19 Mod 5 84.042 TRIO Student Support Services 393,830 Direct P042A200469 84.042 TRIO Student Support Services 201,315 Direct P047A170735 84.047 TRIO Upward Bound 560,160 Direct P047A190626-21 Action 5 84.047 TRIO Upward Bound 524,837 Direct P217A170152-20 Action 5 84.217 TRIO McNair Post-Baccalaureate Achievement 353,203 Direct P217A170298 - 20 action 7 84.217 TRIO McNair Post-Baccalaureate Achievement 226,053

Total TRIO Cluster 2,337,472 -

Total Clustered Programs 965,188,390 85,514,984

NON CLUSTERED PROGRAMS Auxiliary Department of Transportation, Federal Transit Administration: Passthrough: MN Metropolitan Council CARES ACT - Other (University Transit) 20.507 Federal Transit Formula Grants COVID-19 1,085,532

Total Auxiliary 1,085,532 -

Higher Education Emergency Relief Fund (HEERF) Department of Education: Direct HEERF-CARES Act - Asian American 84.425L Higher Education Emergency Relief Fund (HEERF) Minority Serving Institutions (MSIs) COVID-19 106,690 Direct HEERF-CARES Act - Institutional 84.425F Higher Education Emergency Relief Fund (HEERF) Institutional Portion COVID-19 60,556,300 Direct HEERF-CARES Act - Institutional 84.425F Higher Education Emergency Relief Fund (HEERF) Institutional Portion COVID-19 100,922 Direct HEERF-CARES Act - Native American 84.425L Higher Education Emergency Relief Fund (HEERF) Minority Serving Institutions (MSIs) COVID-19 232,897 Direct HEERF-CARES Act Funding - Student 84.425E Higher Education Emergency Relief Fund (HEERF) Student Aid Portion COVID-19 25,637,041 Passthrough: MN Office of Higher Education Contract No. 182879/Encumbrance No. 6398 84.425C Governor’s Emergency Education Relief (GEER) Fund COVID-19 103,076

Total Higher Education Emergency Relief Fund (HEERF) 86,736,926 -

Operations & Maintenance Department of Homeland Security: Direct FEMA-UMD Glensheen Flood Cleanup 97.CXX Contract-Department of Homeland Security (208)

Total Operations & Maintenance (208) -

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Cluster, Agency, Subagency, Direct/Pass-Through, Federal SubrecipientPass-Through Entity Award # CFDA# CFDA Program Title COVID-19 Expenditures Expenditures

Public Service Agency for International Development: Passthrough: FHI 360 Disaster Relief Fund PO21000820 98.001 USAID Foreign Assistance for Programs Overseas 226,233$ - $ Corporation for National and Community Service: Direct 20SRNMN005 94.002 Retired and Senior Volunteer Program 80,927 Department of Agriculture: Direct FSIS-C-28-2019 10.CXX Contract-Department of Agriculture 84,886 Direct FSIS-C-28-2020 10.CXX Contract-Department of Agriculture 148,732 Department of Agriculture, Agricultural Marketing Service: Passthrough: MN Department of Agriculture 148646 / PO 3000029758 10.170 Specialty Crop Block Grant Program - Farm Bill 31,475 MN Department of Agriculture 167515 / PO 3000034004 10.170 Specialty Crop Block Grant Program - Farm Bill 39,107 MN Department of Agriculture 167516 / PO 30000034003 10.170 Specialty Crop Block Grant Program - Farm Bill 29,129 MN Department of Agriculture 185101 / PO 3000037463 10.170 Specialty Crop Block Grant Program - Farm Bill 28,201 MN Department of Agriculture 185104 / PO 3000037466 10.170 Specialty Crop Block Grant Program - Farm Bill 16,902 MN Department of Agriculture SWIFT 148656 / PO 3000029760 10.170 Specialty Crop Block Grant Program - Farm Bill 22,200 MN Department of Agriculture SWIFT No. 149093/PO 3000029855 10.170 Specialty Crop Block Grant Program - Farm Bill 1,419 Department of Agriculture, Agricultural Research Service: Direct 58-5062-1-002 10.001 Agricultural Research Basic and Applied Research 2,108 Passthrough: CIMMYT Int’l Maize & Wheat Improvement No Award Number 10.001 Agricultural Research Basic and Applied Research 5,126 Iowa State University 021220A 10.001 Agricultural Research Basic and Applied Research 16,590 Department of Agriculture, Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service: Direct AP19VSNVSL00C009 10.025 Plant and Animal Disease, Pest Control, and Animal Care 43,157 Direct AP19VSNVSL00C036 10.025 Plant and Animal Disease, Pest Control, and Animal Care 98,941 Direct AP20PPQFO000C455, 0001 Agr.#6000014666 10.025 Plant and Animal Disease, Pest Control, and Animal Care 21,202 Direct AP20VSD&B000C090 10.025 Plant and Animal Disease, Pest Control, and Animal Care 147,581 Department of Agriculture, Economic Research Service: Direct 59-1000-9-0023 Am 1 10.250 Agricultural and Rural Economic Research, Cooperative Agreements and Collaborations 11,297 Passthrough: Syracuse University 30643-05091-S01 10.253 Consumer Data and Nutrition Research 1,968 Department of Agriculture, Farm Service Agency: Direct 2018-70026-28936 10.421 Indian Tribes and Tribal Corporation Loans 85,087 Direct 27-015-0416007513 10.435 State Mediation Grants 241,538 Direct 27-015-0416007513 10.435 State Mediation Grants 118,320 Department of Agriculture, Food and Nutrition Service: Passthrough: MN Department of Education 170324/PO 23511 10.575 Farm to School Grant Program 6,929 Department of Agriculture, Foreign Agricultural Service: Direct FX17TA-10960R007 10.960 Technical Agricultural Assistance 9,992 Direct FX19TA-10960R012 10.960 Technical Agricultural Assistance 3,102 Direct FX20TA-10960R012 10.960 Technical Agricultural Assistance 11,741 Department of Agriculture, Forest Service: Direct 17-DG-11420004-277 10.674 Wood Utilization Assistance 44 Direct 19-DG-11420000-076 10.674 Wood Utilization Assistance 22,639 Passthrough: MN Department of Natural Resources 150655 Amd 2 10.675 Urban and Community Forestry Program 454 MN Department of Natural Resources 169962/3-164239 10.675 Urban and Community Forestry Program 59,616 MN Department of Natural Resources 170204 10.678 Forest Stewardship Program 27,617 Department of Agriculture, National Institute of Food and Agriculture: Direct Non Spon Hatch Act Fund Appr 10.203 Payments to Agricultural Experiment Stations Under the Hatch Act 613 Direct Non Spon Smith-Lever Fund Appr 10.511 Smith-Lever Funding (Various Programs) 9,892,789 Direct Non Spon RREA-NFF Fund Appr 10.515 Renewable Resources Extension Act and National Focus Fund Projects 69,563 Direct 2015-41520-23815 am 6 / 2021-00110 10.500 Cooperative Extension Service 53,267 Direct 2017-38640-26916 10.215 Sustainable Agriculture Research and Education 2,238 Direct 2017-41580-26921 10.500 Cooperative Extension Service 72,776 Direct 2017-46401-27163 10.500 Cooperative Extension Service 3,474 Direct 2017-70006-27278 10.329 Crop Protection and Pest Management Competitive Grants Program 246,072 Direct 2018-38504-28733 10.319 Farm Business Management and Benchmarking Competitive Grants Program 1,820 (1,257)

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Cluster, Agency, Subagency, Direct/Pass-Through, Federal SubrecipientPass-Through Entity Award # CFDA# CFDA Program Title COVID-19 Expenditures Expenditures

Direct 2018-41520-28908 Am 5 10.500 Cooperative Extension Service 1,010,076$ 357,011$ Direct 2018-46100-28784 10.500 Cooperative Extension Service 54,761 360 Direct 2018-70017-28605 10.311 Beginning Farmer and Rancher Development Program 150,743 10,460 Direct 2018-70020-28864 10.328 National Food Safety Training, Education, Extension, Outreach, and Technical Assistance

Competitive Grants Program 44,955 Direct 2019-38504-30097 10.319 Farm Business Management and Benchmarking Competitive Grants Program 278,062 29,782 Direct 2019-38640-29879 10.215 Sustainable Agriculture Research and Education 14,327 6,505 Direct 2019-41520-30099 10.500 Cooperative Extension Service 81,474 Direct 2019-46100-30279 10.500 Cooperative Extension Service 141,571 13,556 Direct 2019-49400-30459 10.311 Beginning Farmer and Rancher Development Program 161,332 Direct 2020-38414-32003 / 2020-01933 10.226 Secondary and Two-Year Postsecondary Agriculture Education Challenge Grants 42,958 1,519 Direct 2020-38504-32480 10.319 Farm Business Management and Benchmarking Competitive Grants Program 164,632 31,323 Direct 2020-38640-31522 10.215 Sustainable Agriculture Research and Education 4,591 Direct 2020-70020-33023 / 2021-03496 10.328 National Food Safety Training, Education, Extension, Outreach, and Technical Assistance

Competitive Grants Program 58,253 18,957 Direct 2021-68006-33837 10.310 Agriculture and Food Research Initiative (AFRI) 5,856 Passthrough: Amherst H Wilder Foundation 2017-33800-27060 Amendment 2 10.225 Community Food Projects 17,486 Auburn University 20-HDFS-205212-UM 10.500 Cooperative Extension Service 144,342 Iowa State University 021546C 10.525 Farm and Ranch Stress Assistance Network Competitive Grants Program 29,409 Iowa State University 4163031C / 2018-70020-28877 10.328 National Food Safety Training, Education, Extension, Outreach, and Technical Assistance

Competitive Grants Program 1,360 Main Street Project No Award Number 10.311 Beginning Farmer and Rancher Development Program 49,729 Michigan State University RC108266UMN / 2018-68008-27887 10.310 Agriculture and Food Research Initiative (AFRI) 1,578 Michigan State University RC110122UMN 10.303 Integrated Programs 11,012 7,656 Michigan State University RC110122UMN2 (formerly:RC107820I) 10.303 Integrated Programs 15,811 6,437 North Central Risk Mgmt Education Center 2018-70027-28586/Sub 25-6324-0187-013 10.500 Cooperative Extension Service 13,314 South Dakota State University 3TC495 10.217 Higher Education - Institution Challenge Grants Program 20,022 Texas A&M University S18-0902-502013 10.217 Higher Education - Institution Challenge Grants Program 12,181 University of Illinois 101598-18126 10.525 Farm and Ranch Stress Assistance Network Competitive Grants Program 55,810 University of Missouri C00073490-1 10.500 Cooperative Extension Service 5,908 University of Nebraska-Lincoln 2018-70027-28586/Sub 25-6324-0187-016 10.500 Cooperative Extension Service 3,201 University of Nebraska-Lincoln 25-6324-0187-009 10.500 Cooperative Extension Service (19) University of Nebraska-Lincoln 25-6324-0187-109 10.500 Cooperative Extension Service 15,455 White Earth Tribal & Community College 404459-43007 / 2018-47002-28632 10.500 Cooperative Extension Service 6,452 Department of Agriculture, Natural Resources Conservation Service: Direct NR183A750008G011 AMD 2 10.912 Environmental Quality Incentives Program 206,777 Direct NR183A750025C018 10.903 Soil Survey 63,215 Direct NR1874820002C002 10.902 Soil and Water Conservation 43,040 27,486 Department of Agriculture, Office of the Chief Economist: Direct 58-0111-19-008 10.290 Agricultural Market and Economic Research 3,880 Direct 58-0111-19-020 10.290 Agricultural Market and Economic Research 27,983 Direct 58-0111-20-011 10.290 Agricultural Market and Economic Research 8,950

Department of Agriculture, Rural Business Cooperative Service: Direct 138169065 10.351 Rural Business Development Grant 69,760 Direct 138169065 10.868 Rural Energy for America Program 52,993 Passthrough: Iowa State University 023108C 10.352 Value-Added Producer Grants 45,735 Department of Commerce, Economic Development Administration: Direct ED16CHI3030035 11.303 Economic Development Technical Assistance 138,015 Direct ED18CHI3030032 11.303 Economic Development Technical Assistance 112,544 Department of Commerce, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration: Direct NA18OAR4170101 Amend. 16 11.417 Sea Grant Support 1,157,300 Direct NA18OAR4170127 Amendment 1 11.417 Sea Grant Support 1,540 Direct NA19OAR4170388 11.417 Sea Grant Support 286,194 190,018 Direct NA20OAR4170053 11.417 Sea Grant Support 35,632 Direct NA21OAR4170092 11.417 Sea Grant Support 2,070

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Cluster, Agency, Subagency, Direct/Pass-Through, Federal SubrecipientPass-Through Entity Award # CFDA# CFDA Program Title COVID-19 Expenditures Expenditures

Passthrough: MN Department of Natural Resources 170295/3000164592 mod 1 11.419 Coastal Zone Management Administration Awards 9,523$ - $ MN Department of Natural Resources 190705 PO: 3-184640 11.419 Coastal Zone Management Administration Awards 9,327 Purdue University F0008309702055 Amend 1 11.417 Sea Grant Support 15,437 University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign 097126-17818 11.417 Sea Grant Support 6,930 Department of Defense: Direct FA8810-17-P-0001 12.CXX Contract-Department of Defense 98,503 Passthrough: General Dynamics 07ESM758877 12.CXX Contract-Department of Defense 5,301 Purdue University 13000771-038-Mod-01 12.CXX Contract-Department of Defense 39,935 Department of Defense, Dept of the Navy: Direct N00014-19-1-2018 P00005 12.300 Basic and Applied Scientific Research 176,536 Department of Education: Passthrough: American Institutes for Research 0471000004/ 91990018C0046 84.CXX Contract-Department of Education 231,809 24,855 Department of Education, Institute of Education Sciences: Direct R324A180178-19 Action 5 84.324 Research in Special Education 123,137 Passthrough: MN Office of Higher Education #120157 84.372 Statewide Longitudinal Data Systems (1,495) MN Office of Higher Education SWIFT 169718 / PO 6082 84.372 Statewide Longitudinal Data Systems 72,553 Department of Education, Office of Elementary and Secondary Education: Passthrough: University of California, Los Angeles 0070PYB345 84.368 Competitive Grants for State Assessments (formerly Grants for Enhanced Assessment Instruments) 52,764 University of Wisconsin - Madison 0000000422-Modification #1 84.283 Comprehensive Centers 468,969 Department of Education, Office of Postsecondary Education: Direct P015B180116 84.015 National Resource Centers Program for Foreign Language and Area Studies or Foreign Language

and International Studies Program and Foreign Language and Area Studies Fellowship Program 251,378 Direct P017A200011 84.017 International Research and Studies 28,981 Direct P031L200009 84.031 Higher Education Institutional Aid 75,949 Direct P031X150001 - 19 84.031 Higher Education Institutional Aid 102,133 Direct P031X200010 84.031 Higher Education Institutional Aid 191,106 Direct P031X200014 84.031 Higher Education Institutional Aid 182,290 Direct P382B160009-19 Act 4 84.382 Strengthening Minority-Serving Institutions 311,808 Passthrough: Central Lakes College PO31F180002 84.031 Higher Education Institutional Aid 61,892 Department of Education, Office of Special Education and Rehabilitative Services: Direct H325K150304 - 18 84.325 Special Education - Personnel Development to Improve Services and Results for Children with Disabilities 44,764 Direct H326G160001 -19 Action 15 84.326 Special Education Technical Assistance and Dissemination to Improve Services and Results for

Children with Disabilities 2,289,543 638,131 Direct H326Y170004 -19 action 5 84.326 Special Education Technical Assistance and Dissemination to Improve Services and Results for

Children with Disabilities 2,217,238 1,002,764 Direct H327S170015 -19 Action 6 84.327 Special Education Educational Technology Media, and Materials for Individuals with Disabilities 563,030 Passthrough: Assoc of University Centers on Disabilities 22-16-8829 84.418 Promoting Readiness of Minors in Supplemental Security Income 332 MN Department of Education SWIFT 101069 Am 2 84.181 Special Education-Grants for Infants and Families 35,870 The University of Texas at Austin UTA16-001046 84.326 Special Education Technical Assistance and Dissemination to Improve Services and Results for

Children with Disabilities 64,550 Vanderbilt University UNIV 58780 PO# P19016116 84.325 Special Education - Personnel Development to Improve Services and Results for Children with Disabilities 61,091 Department of Energy: Passthrough: MN Department of Commerce 122344/9240 81.UXX Unid CFDA-Department of Energy 3,069 MN Department of Commerce 169704/3-12886 81.UXX Unid CFDA-Department of Energy 9,328 Department of Energy, Office of Science: Passthrough: Pacific Northwest National Laboratory 562815 81.C02 Contract-Department of Energy-Battelle-Pacific Northwest National Laboratory 1,551 Department of Health and Human Services: Direct NS Prog DHHS-CDC Res IPA 93.UXX Unid CFDA-Department of Health and Human Services 76,300

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Cluster, Agency, Subagency, Direct/Pass-Through, Federal SubrecipientPass-Through Entity Award # CFDA# CFDA Program Title COVID-19 Expenditures Expenditures

Passthrough: The Lewin Group Proj. # 01.05645.170/75FCMC19F0007 mod 2 93.CXX Contract-Department of Health and Human Services 139,167$ - $ Department of Health and Human Services, Administration for Children and Families: Direct 90CT7004-04-00 93.648 Child Welfare Research Training or Demonstration 110,747 20,116 Direct 90CT7004-05-00 93.648 Child Welfare Research Training or Demonstration 248,164 38,860 Passthrough: MN Department of Health Grant Agreement #108414 - Amendment 2 93.092 Affordable Care Act (ACA) Personal Responsibility Education Program 103,846 MN Department of Health Grant Agreement 188585 93.235 Title V State Sexual Risk Avoidance Education (Title V State SRAE) Program 39,490 MN Department of Human Services Contract 182096 93.603 Adoption and Legal Guardianship Incentive Payments 281,529 MN Department of Human Services GRK 129752 93.658 Foster Care Title IV-E 362,548 MN Department of Human Services JPK% 156215 93.566 Refugee and Entrant Assistance State/Replacement Designee Administered Programs 12,157 Ramsey County SSD 20-047 UOFM INTERN 93.658 Foster Care Title IV-E 781 University at Albany, SUNY 13-89268 93.648 Child Welfare Research Training or Demonstration 135,289 Department of Health and Human Services, Administration for Community Living (ACL): Direct 90ARCP0002-03-00 93.433 ACL National Institute on Disability, Independent Living, and Rehabilitation Research 96,076 Direct 90ARCP0002-03-00 93.433 ACL National Institute on Disability, Independent Living, and Rehabilitation Research 17,332 Direct 90DDC50035-01-00 93.632 University Centers for Excellence in Developmental Disabilities Education, Research, and Service COVID-19 354 Direct 90DDUC0070-02-02 93.632 University Centers for Excellence in Developmental Disabilities Education, Research, and Service 29,896 Direct 90DDUC0070-03-01 93.632 University Centers for Excellence in Developmental Disabilities Education, Research, and Service 586,469 Direct 90DNPA0001-02-01 93.631 Developmental Disabilities Projects of National Significance 138,963 85,115 Direct 90DNPA0001-03-01 93.631 Developmental Disabilities Projects of National Significance 276,600 8,179 Passthrough: Rush University 20062507-Sub01 93.631 Developmental Disabilities Projects of National Significance 31,072 Department of Health and Human Services, Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality: Direct 75Q80118F32007 /HHSA29032007T 93.C03 Contract-Department of Health and Human Services-Agency for Health Care Policy and Research 49,269 Direct 75Q80119F32009/ HHSA290201500008I 93.C03 Contract-Department of Health and Human Services-Agency for Health Care Policy and Research 37,180 Direct 75Q80120D00008 / 75Q80120F32001 93.C03 Contract-Department of Health and Human Services-Agency for Health Care Policy and Research 399,201 5,663 Direct 75Q80120D00008 / T.O. 75Q80120F32002 93.C14 Contract-Department of Health and Human Services-Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality 33,448 Direct 75Q80120D00008 / T.O. 75Q80121F32003 93.C14 Contract-Department of Health and Human Services-Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality 64,165 Direct UPIID: 75Q80119F32008 / HHSA29032008T 93.C03 Contract-Department of Health and Human Services-Agency for Health Care Policy and Research 47,347 47,347 Passthrough: IMPAQ International, LLC Internal Contract # 2812 (prev # 2810) 93.C03 Contract-Department of Health and Human Services-Agency for Health Care Policy and Research 115,413 The University of New Mexico 3RJK7 Amend 2 NCE 93.C14 Contract-Department of Health and Human Services-Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality COVID-19 218,288 Department of Health and Human Services, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention: Direct 1NU58DP006910-01-00 93.334 The Healthy Brain Initiative: Technical Assistance to Implement Public Health Actions related to

Cognitive Health, Cognitive Impairment, and Caregiving at the State and Local Levels 196,530 83,832 Direct 200-2016-92268 Order 0005 93.C05 Contract-Department of Health and Human Services-Centers for Disease Control (2,829) Direct 200-2017-92107 / 75D30120F00004 93.C05 Contract-Department of Health and Human Services-Centers for Disease Control 65,053 Direct 5 U48DP006414-02-00 93.135 Centers for Research and Demonstration for Health Promotion and Disease Prevention 648,879 Direct 5U48DP005022-05-01 93.135 Centers for Research and Demonstration for Health Promotion and Disease Prevention (6,976) Direct 6 NU1ROT000005-01-03 93.391 Activities to Support State, Tribal, Local and Territorial (STLT) Health Department Response to

Public Health or Healthcare Crises 1,142,814 667,097 Direct 6 NU53DD000007-03-01 93.998 Autism and Other Developmental Disabilities, Surveillance, Research, and Prevention 445,372 Direct 6U48DP006414-02-02 93.135 Centers for Research and Demonstration for Health Promotion and Disease Prevention COVID-19 15,604 Direct 75D30119D03754 Task Order 0003 93.C05 Contract-Department of Health and Human Services-Centers for Disease Control (5,999) Direct 75D30119D03922 Order 2 93.C05 Contract-Department of Health and Human Services-Centers for Disease Control (6,131) Passthrough: Assoc of University Centers on Disabilities 30-21-8814 93.421 Strengthening Public Health Systems and Services through National Partnerships to Improve and

Protect the Nation’s Health 53,458 Council of State & Territorial Epidemiologists Purchase Order: 7475 93.421 Strengthening Public Health Systems and Services through National Partnerships to Improve and

Protect the Nation’s Health COVID-19 18,514 Fairview Health Services CON000000037589 93.080 Blood Disorder Program: Prevention, Surveillance, and Research 9,354 International Organization for Migration UMN-IOM Service Agreement 93.283 Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Investigations and Technical Assistance COVID-19 1,702,808 518,125 MN Department of Health 141686, amendment 1 93.084 Prevention of Disease, Disability, and Death by Infectious Diseases 1,738 MN Department of Health 173545 / PO 3-73008 93.426 Improving the Health of Americans through Prevention and Management of Diabetes and Heart

Disease and Stroke 3,687

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Cluster, Agency, Subagency, Direct/Pass-Through, Federal SubrecipientPass-Through Entity Award # CFDA# CFDA Program Title COVID-19 Expenditures Expenditures

MN Department of Health 180555 93.426 Improving the Health of Americans through Prevention and Management of Diabetes and Heart Disease and Stroke 15,703$ - $

MN Department of Health 188940 93.439 State Physical Activity and Nutrition (SPAN) 3,752 MN Department of Health 3-108747 Amend 7 93.283 Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Investigations and Technical Assistance 2,672 MN Department of Health H1201-3000068209 (Contract# 164600) 93.323 Epidemiology and Laboratory Capacity for Infectious Diseases (ELC) 180,897 MN Department of Health H1201-3000068545 (Contract# 165001) 93.323 Epidemiology and Laboratory Capacity for Infectious Diseases (ELC) 61,054 MN Department of Health Swift 107507 Amendment #6 and 7 93.283 Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Investigations and Technical Assistance 278,324 153,417 MN Department of Health SWIFT 155913 / PO 3-76001 93.426 Improving the Health of Americans through Prevention and Management of Diabetes and Heart

Disease and Stroke 67,315 8,575 MN Department of Health SWIFT 169152 / 000512145-006 93.184 Disabilities Prevention 36,233 Department of Health and Human Services, Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services: Direct 75FCMC20F0053 / GS-10F-067CA 93.C07 Contract-Department of Health and Human Services-Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services 1,753,988 Direct HHSM-500-2015-00558G 93.C07 Contract-Department of Health and Human Services-Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services 728,651 Passthrough: National Opinion Research Center 8622.UOFMN.01 93.C07 Contract-Department of Health and Human Services-Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services 21,342 National Opinion Research Center 8917.UMN.01 / previously 8001.UMN.01 93.C07 Contract-Department of Health and Human Services-Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services 395,725 National Opinion Research Center PSA 8425.SHADAC.01 93.C07 Contract-Department of Health and Human Services-Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services 7,425 National Opinion Research Center PSA 8425.UOFMN.01 93.C07 Contract-Department of Health and Human Services-Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services 16,828 State of Tennessee 31865-00903 amd 2 93.624 Community Health Access and Rural Transformation (CHART) Model (241) Department of Health and Human Services, Food and Drug Administration: Direct 1U18FD006938-01 93.103 Food and Drug Administration Research 845,954 Direct 5U18FD005561-05 93.103 Food and Drug Administration Research (2,919) Direct 5U18FD006151-04 93.103 Food and Drug Administration Research 38,909 Direct 5U18FD006863-02 93.103 Food and Drug Administration Research 118,714 Passthrough: Brillient Corporation 754F40119F19090 93.C08 Contract-Department of Health and Human Services-Food and Drug Administration 11 Brillient Corporation 754F40119F19090 MOD002 93.C08 Contract-Department of Health and Human Services-Food and Drug Administration (7,400) Eagle Global Scientific LLC EGS0061 93.C08 Contract-Department of Health and Human Services-Food and Drug Administration 20,412 MN Department of Agriculture 118796 / PO 22162 93.103 Food and Drug Administration Research 69,038 National Inst for Pharm Technology & Educ NIPTE-U01-MN-2020-003 93.103 Food and Drug Administration Research 33,685 Department of Health and Human Services, Health Resources and Services Administration: Direct 1 T1MHP390650100 93.969 PPHF Geriatric Education Centers COVID-19 90,625 Direct 2U1CRH03717-17-03 93.155 Rural Health Research Centers 433,913 Direct 4G22RH30357-04-03 93.211 Telehealth Programs 373,363 Direct 4GA5RH37464-01-01 93.211 Telehealth Programs COVID-19 400,773 Direct 5 D87HP31254-04-01 93.059 Training in General, Pediatric, and Public Health Dentistry 184,731 Direct 5U1CRH03717-16-04 93.155 Rural Health Research Centers 151,246 Direct 5U27RH01080-18-04 93.241 State Rural Hospital Flexibility Program 1,162,429 524,782 Direct 5G01RH32157-03-00 93.211 Telehealth Programs 193,099 74,786 Passthrough: Assoc of University Centers on Disabilities Subaward 9-21-8840 93.877 Autism Collaboration, Accountability, Research, Education, and Support 11,096 Fairview Health Services CON000000070761 Amend 3 93.110 Maternal and Child Health Federal Consolidated Programs 14,890 Hennepin Healthcare Research Institute HHSH250201500009C / SRTR Lake 93.C09 Contract-Department of Health and Human Services-Health Resources and Services Administration 2,626 Hennepin Healthcare Research Institute HHSH250201500009C/SRTR Kandaswamy 93.C09 Contract-Department of Health and Human Services-Health Resources and Services Administration 1,137 MN Department of Health SWIFT Contract 147077 Amendment 2 93.870 Maternal, Infant and Early Childhood Home Visiting Grant 218,319 National Opinion Research Center 8004.UMN.01 93.C09 Contract-Department of Health and Human Services-Health Resources and Services Administration 133,512 State of Minnesota 63671GRK%125881/3000052884 Amd 3 93.917 HIV Care Formula Grants 305,489 University of California, San Francisco Agreement #10898sc Amendment 03 93.110 Maternal and Child Health Federal Consolidated Programs 196,039 Department of Health and Human Services, Immed Office of the Secretary of Health and Human Services: Passthrough: Emory University A428810 Amd 1 93.825 National Ebola Training and Education Center (NETEC) 8,098 Emory University T767712/ T922404 / A082855/A254685 93.825 National Ebola Training and Education Center (NETEC) 37,108

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Cluster, Agency, Subagency, Direct/Pass-Through, Federal SubrecipientPass-Through Entity Award # CFDA# CFDA Program Title COVID-19 Expenditures Expenditures

Department of Health and Human Services, National Institutes of Health: Direct 75N91020P00487 93.C11 Contract-Department of Health and Human Services-National Institutes of Health 3,500$ - $ Direct 75N91020P00735 93.C11 Contract-Department of Health and Human Services-National Institutes of Health 16,500 Direct HHSN261201700087A 93.C11 Contract-Department of Health and Human Services-National Institutes of Health 182,503 Direct HHSN271201700592P 93.C11 Contract-Department of Health and Human Services-National Institutes of Health 31 Passthrough: CSRA, LLC 7SK00001DB/GSN010/PO107-111841 93.C11 Contract-Department of Health and Human Services-National Institutes of Health 1,355 Department of Health and Human Services, Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration: Direct 1H79TI083262-01 93.788 Opioid STR 161,605 Direct 1U79SM080009-03 93.243 Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Projects of Regional and National Significance 534,511 119,453 Direct 5H79TI081900-02 93.788 Opioid STR 266,979 Direct 6H79SM062175-01M002 93.243 Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Projects of Regional and National Significance 144,324 Passthrough: MN Department of Human Services 114525 Amendment 3 93.958 Block Grants for Community Mental Health Services 847,016 837,575 MN Department of Human Services 138118 93.104 Comprehensive Community Mental Health Services for Children with Serious Emotional Disturbances (SED) 199,673 134,302 MN Department of Human Services GRK% 110808 Am 4 93.958 Block Grants for Community Mental Health Services 44,867 MN Department of Human Services No Award Number 93.104 Comprehensive Community Mental Health Services for Children with Serious Emotional Disturbances (SED) 207,633 University of Wisconsin - Madison 0000000896/1H79SM081733-01 93.243 Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Projects of Regional and National Significance 24,774 Department of Homeland Security, Federal Emergency Management Agency: Passthrough: MN Department of Natural Resources 158526/ 3000151743 97.045 Cooperating Technical Partners 9,059 MN Department of Public Safety 147344 97.047 BRIC: Building Resilient Infrastructure and Communities 5,213 MN Department of Public Safety No Award Number 97.047 BRIC: Building Resilient Infrastructure and Communities 97,461 MN Department of Public Safety No Award Number 97.047 BRIC: Building Resilient Infrastructure and Communities 166,246 MN Dept of Homeland Sec & Emer Mgmt A-SHSP-2019-UNIVMN-019 97.067 Homeland Security Grant Program 91,480 Department of Justice, Office of Justice Programs: Direct 2019-VM-BX-0011 16.320 Services for Trafficking Victims 98,463 Passthrough: Minnesota Judicial Branch Contract No. 146263 16.585 Drug Court Discretionary Grant Program 13,570 Minnesota Judicial Branch No Award Number 16.585 Drug Court Discretionary Grant Program 18,325 MN Department of Health Contract No. 188595 Amendment 1 16.831 Children of Incarcerated Parents 4,538 MN Department of Public Safety A-CVS-2020-CUHCC-025 16.575 Crime Victim Assistance 177,287 National 4-H Council 2018-JU-FX-0005 16.726 Juvenile Mentoring Program (3,573) National 4-H Council Prime award 2019-MU-FX-0002 16.726 Juvenile Mentoring Program 58,354 Department of State: Direct SLMAQM20GR2508 19.700 General Department of State Assistance 40,333 Department of State, Bureau of Educational and Cultural: Passthrough: Institute of International Education 3000194504 19.010 Academic Exchange Programs - Hubert H. Humphrey Fellowship Program 274,949 Institute of International Education HHH1901_UMN_7.1.19 19.010 Academic Exchange Programs - Hubert H. Humphrey Fellowship Program 15,449 Department of State, Office of the Coordinator of U.S. Assistance to Europe and Eurasia: Passthrough: American Councils for International Education SKZ100-19-CA-0149 19.900 AEECA/ESF PD Programs 7,713 Department of State, Office of the Under Secretary for Public Diplomacy and Public Affairs: Direct S-CH500-14-GR233A 19.040 Public Diplomacy Programs 31 Direct SJA80020GR0054 19.040 Public Diplomacy Programs 5,074 Direct SKE50020GR0100 19.040 Public Diplomacy Programs 42,007 Direct SUP30019GR0065 19.040 Public Diplomacy Programs 4,670 Department of the Interior: Direct 140D0418P0073 15.CXX Contract-Department of the Interior 10,047 Department of the Interior, Bureau of Land Management: Passthrough: The Ohio State University 60064794/RF01614956 15.232 Joint Fire Science Program 12,670

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Cluster, Agency, Subagency, Direct/Pass-Through, Federal SubrecipientPass-Through Entity Award # CFDA# CFDA Program Title COVID-19 Expenditures Expenditures

Department of the Interior, National Park Service: Direct P16AC00370 Mod 3 & admin Mod 4 15.945 Cooperative Research and Training Programs - Resources of the National Park System 442$ - $ Direct P16AC01557 15.945 Cooperative Research and Training Programs - Resources of the National Park System 21,112 Direct P18AC00138 15.945 Cooperative Research and Training Programs - Resources of the National Park System 1,536 Department of the Interior, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service: Passthrough: MN Department of Natural Resources 161944/ PO 3_156055 15.662 Great Lakes Restoration (68) MN Department of Natural Resources 171123/300165354 15.662 Great Lakes Restoration 1,647 Department of the Interior, US Geological Survey: Passthrough: University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign 078687-15713 (was 2015-06806-03) 7 15.805 Assistance to State Water Resources Research Institutes 18,480 Department of the Treasury, Departmental Offices: Passthrough: MN Department of Health 185526 Amendment 1 21.019 Coronavirus Relief Fund COVID-19 341,825 MN Department of Human Services Contract 187424 21.019 Coronavirus Relief Fund COVID-19 22,931 Department of the Treasury, Internal Revenue Service: Direct 20-LITC0411-02-00 21.008 Low Income Taxpayer Clinics 100,455 Department of Transportation: Passthrough: MN Department of Transportation 1003325 WO 121 20.CXX Contract-Department of Transportation 135,740 MN Department of Transportation Contract # 1003325, Work Order 127 20.CXX Contract-Department of Transportation 32,040 Department of Transportation, Federal Highway Administration: Passthrough: National Cooperative Highway Research Prog HR 20-24(129) SUB0001466 Unit #905 20.200 Highway Research and Development Program 43,025 Transportation Research Board HR 17-64 20.200 Highway Research and Development Program 48,479 Department of Veterans Affairs: Direct NS Prog VA Res IPA’s 64.UXX Unid CFDA-Department of Veterans Affairs 158,164 Direct Amendment P0001 PO #618D12009 64.CXX Contract-Department of Veterans Affairs 19,097 Direct PO #618-D02006 Contract #36C24E20P0115 64.CXX Contract-Department of Veterans Affairs 8,013 Environmental Protection Agency: Direct X7-83675501-0 66.436 Surveys, Studies, Investigations, Demonstrations, and Training Grants and Cooperative Agreements -

Section 104(b)(3) of the Clean Water Act 33,933 11,430 Passthrough: Extension Foundation SA-2020-51 66.716 Research, Development, Monitoring, Public Education, Outreach, Training, Demonstrations, and Studies 10,588 Extension Foundation SA-2021-50 66.716 Research, Development, Monitoring, Public Education, Outreach, Training, Demonstrations, and Studies 7,684 MN Department of Agriculture 176240 / PO 3000035859 66.605 Performance Partnership Grants 20,000 Whitewater River Watershed Project No Award Number 66.460 Nonpoint Source Implementation Grants 14,716 Medicaid and CHIP Payment and Access Commission: Direct MACP16417T3 05.CXX Contract-Medicaid and CHIP Payment and Access Commission (MACPAC) 404,087 Direct MACP19417T2 05.CXX Contract-Medicaid and CHIP Payment and Access Commission (MACPAC) 73,345 Direct MACP21275T1 05.CXX Contract-Medicaid and CHIP Payment and Access Commission (MACPAC) 105,790 National Aeronautics and Space Administration: Direct 80NSSC20M0028 43.008 Office of Stem Engagement (OSTEM) 120,404 Direct 80NSSC20M0111 P00002 43.008 Office of Stem Engagement (OSTEM) 187,588 2,605 Direct NNX15AI18H Supp 9 43.008 Office of Stem Engagement (OSTEM) 14,484 National Endowment for the Arts: Direct 1858467-42-20 45.024 Promotion of the Arts Grants to Organizations and Individuals 12,073 Direct 1858618-33-20 45.024 Promotion of the Arts Grants to Organizations and Individuals 9,925 Direct 1864993-33-21 45.024 Promotion of the Arts Grants to Organizations and Individuals 40,000 Passthrough: Arts Midwest 00027199 45.025 Promotion of the Arts Partnership Agreements 3,500 National Endowment for the Humanities: Direct HAA-271653-20 45.169 Promotion of the Humanities Office of Digital Humanities 32,805 Direct HC-275086-20 45.169 Promotion of the Humanities Office of Digital Humanities 174,542 Small Business Administration: Passthrough: MN Dept of Employment & Economic Dev SC118903 Am.6; SBDC-19-0009-S-FY19 59.037 Small Business Development Centers 267 Abt Associates, Inc Professional Service Agreement No. 50804 96.CXX Contract-Social Security Administration 730

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Cluster, Agency, Subagency, Direct/Pass-Through, Federal SubrecipientPass-Through Entity Award # CFDA# CFDA Program Title COVID-19 Expenditures Expenditures

The Institute of Museum and Library Services: Direct CAGML-247399-OMLS-20 45.312 National Leadership Grants 41,101$ - $ Direct LG-36-19-0035-19 45.312 National Leadership Grants 282,492 Direct LG-70-16-0010-16 45.312 National Leadership Grants 56,921 Direct MA-30-18-0295-18 45.301 Museums for America 21,367 Direct MA-35-19-0151-19 45.301 Museums for America 253 Passthrough: Brown University 00001530-01 45.312 National Leadership Grants 8,446 MN Department of Education 159895 45.310 Grants to States 1,226,462 MN Department of Education 159906 45.310 Grants to States 79,998 MN Department of Education 5455 / SWIFT 188638 45.310 Grants to States 50,000 United States Institute of Peace: Direct 95314420P1QA00915 91.CXX Contract-United States Institute of Peace 118,792

Total Public Service 49,091,654 5,706,822

Instruction Department of Agriculture: Direct Nat’l Adv Silviculture Prog-CON84359-M

Windmuller-Campione 10.CXX Contract-Department of Agriculture 90,313 Department of Agriculture, Forest Service: Direct 20-DG-11132762-352 10.684 International Forestry Programs 368 Department of Agriculture, National Institute of Food and Agriculture: Direct Non Spon Hatch Act Fund Appr 10.203 Payments to Agricultural Experiment Stations Under the Hatch Act 428,466 Direct 2016-38420-25288 10.210 Higher Education - Graduate Fellowships Grant Program 8,158 Direct 2019-38413-29022 10.220 Higher Education - Multicultural Scholars Grant Program 65,500 Direct 2020-70024-32376 10.336 Veterinary Services Grant Program 49,694 3,151 Passthrough: Iowa State University 416-23-31A / 2017-70003-26376 10.217 Higher Education - Institution Challenge Grants Program 10,844 Department of Defense: Passthrough: CRDF Global STP0-19-65977-0 12.CXX Contract-Department of Defense 4,630 Department of Defense, Office of the Secretary of Defense: Passthrough: Institute of International Education 0054-UMN-14-CHN-280-P01 12.550 The Language Flagship Grants to Institutions of Higher Education (923) Institute of International Education 0054-UMN-14-CHN-280-P08/3000187732 12.550 The Language Flagship Grants to Institutions of Higher Education 304,530 Institute of International Education 0054-UMN-14-SSC-280-P06 12.550 The Language Flagship Grants to Institutions of Higher Education (42,759) Institute of International Education 0054-UMN-14-SSC-280-PO9/3000209108 12.550 The Language Flagship Grants to Institutions of Higher Education 129,816 Department of Education: Passthrough: Minneapolis Public Schools Spec Dist #1 89575 84.CXX Contract-Department of Education 18,227 Department of Education, Office of Elementary and Secondary Education: Direct T365Z160084 - 19 Action 7 84.365 English Language Acquisition State Grants 413,677 Direct T365Z160115 Mod 7 84.365 English Language Acquisition State Grants 263,760 25,358 Department of Education, Office of Postsecondary Education: Direct P200A180089 Action 5 84.200 Graduate Assistance in Areas of National Need 217,770 Department of Education, Office of Special Education and Rehabilitative Services: Direct H325D130017 action 6 84.325 Special Education - Personnel Development to Improve Services and Results for Children

with Disabilities (983) Department of Health and Human Services, Administration for Children and Families: Passthrough: MN Department of Human Services GRK 129722 93.658 Foster Care Title IV-E 1,746,580 MN Department of Human Services GRK 129722-Amendment #5 93.658 Foster Care Title IV-E 323,242 216,025 MN Department of Human Services JPK 160374-Amendment 4 93.658 Foster Care Title IV-E 34,589

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Cluster, Agency, Subagency, Direct/Pass-Through, Federal SubrecipientPass-Through Entity Award # CFDA# CFDA Program Title COVID-19 Expenditures Expenditures

Department of Health and Human Services, Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality: Direct 3T32HS000036-29S1 93.225 National Research Service Awards Health Services Research Training 14,132$ - $ Direct 5K12HS026379-03 93.226 Research on Healthcare Costs, Quality and Outcomes 511,397 193,786 Department of Health and Human Services, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention: Direct 5 T42OH008434-14-03 93.262 Occupational Safety and Health Program 4,435 Direct 5 T42OH008434-15-03 93.262 Occupational Safety and Health Program 248,316 67,756 Direct 6 T42OH008434-16-03 93.262 Occupational Safety and Health Program 1,488,494 131,304 Department of Health and Human Services, Food and Drug Administration: Passthrough: National Inst for Pharm Technology & Educ NIPTE-U01-MN-2019-002 AMD#1 93.103 Food and Drug Administration Research (1,495) Department of Health and Human Services, Health Resources and Services Administration: Direct 4D85HP28496-05-02 93.059 Training in General, Pediatric, and Public Health Dentistry 79,771 Direct 5 K02HP30810-05-00 93.976 Primary Care Medicine and Dentistry Clinician Educator Career Development Awards 159,972 Direct 5 T08HP39285-02-00 93.925 Scholarships for Health Professions Students from Disadvantaged Backgrounds 307,890 Direct 5 T20MC07469-15-00 93.110 Maternal and Child Health Federal Consolidated Programs 18,122 Direct 5 T32HP22239-10-01 93.186 National Research Service Award in Primary Care Medicine 290,405 Direct 5 T73MC12835-12-00 93.110 Maternal and Child Health Federal Consolidated Programs 655,452 Direct 5A22HP30946-05-00 93.124 Nurse Anesthetist Traineeship 15,447 Direct 5T71MC00006-44-00 93.110 Maternal and Child Health Federal Consolidated Programs 451,624 Direct 6 T76MC00005-64-01 93.110 Maternal and Child Health Federal Consolidated Programs 356,078 Direct M01HP31332-01-00 93.732 Mental and Behavioral Health Education and Training Grants 206,227 Direct T76MC00005-63-00 93.110 Maternal and Child Health Federal Consolidated Programs 2,973 Passthrough: University of Illinois Chicago 17719 93.884 Grants for Primary Care Training and Enhancement 4,512 Department of State, Office of the Coordinator of U.S. Assistance to Europe and Eurasia: Passthrough: American Councils for International Education SKZ10020CA0029 19.900 AEECA/ESF PD Programs 5,140 Department of the Interior: Direct Nat’l Adv Silviculture Prog-CON86960-M

Windmuller-Campione 15.CXX Contract-Department of the Interior 9,794 Direct Nat’l Adv Silviculture Prog-CON86959-M

Windmuller-Campione 15.CXX Contract-Department of the Interior 9,794 Department of Veterans Affairs: Direct NS Prog VA Res IPA’s 64.UXX Unid CFDA-Department of Veterans Affairs 15,550 National Aeronautics and Space Administration: Direct 0080NSSC18K1150 P00003 43.012 Space Technology 56,768 Direct 80NSSC17K0158 P00005 43.012 Space Technology 74,120 Direct 80NSSC19K1129 P00003 43.012 Space Technology 58,650

Total Instruction 9,109,067 637,380

Total Non Clustered Programs 146,022,971 6,344,202

TOTAL FEDERAL EXPENDITURES 1,111,211,361$ 91,859,186$

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The accompanying schedule of expenditures of federal awards (the “Schedule”) includes the federalgrant activity of the University of Minnesota (the “University”) and is prepared on the cash basis ofaccounting. The information presented in the Schedule is presented in accordance with therequirements of the U.S. Office of Management and Budget Circular Part 200—Uniform AdministrativeRequirements, Cost Principles, and Audit Requirements for Federal Awards. Therefore, some amountspresented in the Schedule may differ from amounts presented in, or used in, the preparation of theUniversity’s consolidated financial statements.

The University passes through certain funds to subgrantee organizations. Expenditures incurred by thesubgrantees and reimbursed by the University are presented in the Schedule but not in theconsolidated financial statements of the University. The University is also the subrecipient of federalfunds, which have been subject to testing and are reported expenditures included as pass-throughs inthe Schedule.


The University utilized facilities and administrative rates that have been negotiated with and approvedby its cognizant agency, the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, and are effective for theperiod July 1, 2018 through June 30, 2023.

The rates agreement effective July 1, 2018 stipulates that the F&A rates remain unchanged fromFY2019 to FY2021. Therefore, in FY2021, the Hormel Institute rate remained at 55% and the OrganizedResearch rate remained at 54.0%.


Some of the program, grants and/or other awards included in the Schedule are contracts, which do notreport CFDA numbers. The expenditure amounts related to these programs, grants, and/or otherawards have been reported, generally, at an agency level.


Amounts reported in the Schedule for the Federal Perkins Loan Program represent administrative andcollection costs. No new loans have been disbursed after June 30, 2018 under the Federal Perkins LoanProgram. As of June 30, 2021, outstanding loans under the Federal Perkins Loan Program are$19,875,612.


Within the Schedule there are negative amounts which represent a credit or adjustment, net theexpenditures incurred.

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The following schedule is a reconciliation of total expenditures as shown on the Schedule to the general ledger accounts included in the operating expenses reported on the consolidated statement of revenues, expenses and changes in net assets for the year ended June 30, 2021, which is included as part of the University’s consolidated financial statements.

Schedule of expenditures of federal awards 1,111,211,361$ Federal loan program amounts provided by Student Finance Office not directly included on the consolidated financial statements (Federal Direct Loan Advances-CFDA 84.268, Federal Work Study-CFDA 84.033, Pell Grant Program-CFDA 84.063, SEOG-CFDA 84.007, TEACH-CFDA 84.379 & Health Professions Student Loans-CFDA 93.342) (373,685,971)$ Less HEERF-CARES Act Institutional portion received used to recover lost revenue (60,789,197) Expenditures of federal program dollars included in consolidated operating expenses 112,932,373 Less expenditures not included on the consolidated statement of revenues, expenses, and changes in net assets (equipment, buildings, and structures) (203,420,753) Difference of prior-year overdrafts added back and current-year overdrafts subtracted out 2,144,664 Adjustments for expenditures of federal program dollars included in consolidated operating expenses and/or expenditures of non-federal program dollars included in consolidated operating expenses 228,724 Less cash to accrual basis adjusting journal entries (year-end close) 6,316,904 Less federal pass-through grants not on the consolidated statement of revenues, expenses, and change in net assets (130,637,827)

Subtotal Single Audit expense adjustments in federal fund class (646,911,083)

Expenditures of non-federal dollars included in consolidated operating expenses 3,445,875,728 Internal Sales included in consolidated operating expenses (288,852,721) Depreciation included in consolidated operating expenses 215,847,147 Non-depreciation and internal sales accrual basis adjusting journal entries (year-end close) (341,117,339)

Total operating expenses as shown on the consolidated statement of revenues, expenses and changes in net position for the year ended June 30, 2021 3,496,053,093$

* * * * * *

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Financial Statements

A. Type of auditors’ report issued: Unmodified

B. Internal control over financial reporting:

• Material weakness(es) identified? _____ Yes __X__ No

• Significant deficiency(ies) identified? _____ Yes __X__ None reported

C. Noncompliance material to financial statements noted? _____ Yes __X__ No

Federal Awards

D. Internal control over major programs:

• Material weakness(es) identified? _____ Yes __X__ No

• Significant deficiency(ies) identified? _____ Yes __X__ None reported

E. Type of auditors’ report issued on compliance for major programs: Unmodified

F. Any audit findings disclosed that are required to be reported in accordance with 2 CFR 200.516(a)? _____ Yes __X__ No

G. Identification of major programs:

CFDA Number Name of Federal Program or Cluster

Various Research and Development Cluster* Various Student Financial Assistance Cluster* 10.511 Smith-Lever Funding 84.425 Education Stabilization Fund 93.283 Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Investigations and Technical Assistance *This program has various unidentified CFDA numbers.

H. Dollar threshold used to distinguish between Type A and Type B

programs: $3,333,634 for Type A programs

I. Auditee qualified as low-risk auditee? __X__ Yes _____ No

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No financial statement matters are reportable matters.


No matters are reportable matters.

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None reported in prior years.

* * * * * *

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The purpose of this report cover is to identify each Minnesota Office of Higher Education

Financial Aid Program covered by this report package UNIVERSITY OF MINNESOTA MINNEAPOLIS, MN



* Minnesota State Grant Program

* Student Educational Loan Fund * Non-AFDC Child Care Grant Program * Minnesota State Work Study Program * Minnesota Indian Scholarship Program

* Minnesota-North Dakota Reciprocity Program * Minnesota-South Dakota Reciprocity Program

* Minnesota-Wisconsin Reciprocity Program *Manitoba Reciprocity Program

*Minnesota Dream Act *Minnesota Teacher Candidate Grant

*Refunds *Public Safety Officer's Survivor Grant


DELOITTE & TOUCHE LLP Certified Public Accountants

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TEL. NO. +1 612 625 6300

FAX. NO. +1 612 624 3318

PRESIDENT: Joan T.A. Gabel


Suzanne Paulson, Controller

LEAD AUDITOR: Judi Dockendorf FIRM’S NAME: Deloitte & Touche, LLP ADDRESS 50 South Sixth Street, Suite 2800

Minneapolis, MN 55402 TEL. NO. +1 612 397 4000 FAX. NO. +1 612 397 4450 Minnesota Office of Higher Education Programs Examined: *Minnesota State Grant Program *Student Educational Loan Fund *Non-AFDC Child Care Grant Program *Minnesota State Work Study Program *Minnesota Indian Scholarship Program *Minnesota-North Dakota Reciprocity Program *Minnesota-South Dakota Reciprocity Program *Minnesota-Wisconsin Reciprocity Program *Manitoba Reciprocity Program *Minnesota Dream Act *Minnesota Teacher Grant *Refunds *Public Safety Officer's Survivor Grant Other campuses/locations considered as part of this entity and covered or excluded by this examination are: *University of Minnesota–Twin Cities *University of Minnesota–Rochester Institution’s Primary Accrediting Organization: Higher Learning Commission Other Accrediting Organizations: Additional accrediting organizations available upon request Records for the accounting and administration of the Minnesota Office of Higher Education Financial Aid Programs are located at (provide location): University of Minnesota – Twin Cities

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INDEPENDENT ACCOUNTANTS’ REPORT We have examined management of the University of Minnesota – Twin Cities’ (the “Twin Cities Campus”) assertion that the Twin Cities Campus complied with Minnesota statutes, rules, and procedures governing its participation in the Minnesota Office of Higher Education (OHE) Financial Aid Programs for the year ended June 30, 2021. The Twin Cities Campus’ management is responsible for its assertion. Our responsibility is to express an opinion on management’s assertion based on our examination. Our examination was conducted in accordance with attestation standards established by the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants, Government Auditing Standards, issued by the Comptroller General of the United States; the Audit (Attestation) Guide, Audits/Attestation Engagements of Federal Student Financial Assistance Programs, issued by the U.S. Department of Education; Office of the Inspector General and the Guide for Compliance Audits of Programs Administered for the 2020-2021 Academic Year dated July 2, 2021 issued by OHE. Those standards require that we plan and perform the examination to obtain reasonable assurance about whether management’s assertion is fairly stated, in all material respects. An examination involves performing procedures to obtain evidence about management’s assertion. The nature, timing, and extent of the procedures selected depend on our judgment and sample sizes prescribed by OHE, including an assessment of the risks of material misstatement of management’s assertion, whether due to fraud or error. We believe that the evidence we obtained is sufficient and appropriate to provide a reasonable basis for our opinion. In our opinion, management’s assertion that the Twin Cities Campus complied with Minnesota statutes, rules, and procedures governing its participation in the OHE Financial Aid Programs for the year ended June 30, 2021 is fairly stated, in all material respects.

January 11, 2022

Deloitte & Touche LLP Suite 2800 50 South Sixth Street Minneapolis, MN 55402-1538 USA

Tel: +1 612 397 4000 Fax: +1 612 397 4450

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Accountants’ Comments on the Resolution of Prior Audit Findings, Recommendations and Questioned Costs

No findings, recommendations, or questioned costs were disclosed in the 2020 OHE accountants’ report.

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Instances of Material Questioned

Program Population Sample Noncompliance* Costs

Minnesota State Grant Program 7,710** 40** 0 0Student Educational Loan Fund 907 45 0 0Non-AFDC Child Care Grant Program 123 35 0 0Minnesota State Work Study Program 966 45 0 0Minnesota Indian Scholarship Program 25 19 0 0Minnesota-North Dakota Reciprocity Program 300 5 0 0Minnesota-South Dakota Reciprocity Program 387 5 0 0Minnesota-Wisconsin Reciprocity Program 4,224 5 0 0Manitoba Reciprocity Program 14 5 0 0Minnesota Dream Act 53 27 0 0Minnesota Teacher Grant 74 28 0 0Refunds 73 4 0 0Public Safety Officer's Survivor Grant 1 1 0 0

* Material noncompliance is defined as any error greater than $10,000 and all instances when a state statute or other law was found to have been violated.

No examination findings or questioned costs were identified.

** The Twin Cities campus does the set-up/programming/equations, runs the batch packaging process, and posts Minnesota State Grant awards for Crookston, Duluth, Morris, and Twin Cities/Rochester students. Rochester operates under the Twin Cities campus for all financial aid purposes. We looked at Crookston, Morris, Duluth, and Twin Cities/Rochester campuses in total for our examination purposes, however, the population and sample noted herein represent just the Twin Cities campus population and selected sample.

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The purpose of this report cover is to identify each Minnesota Office of Higher Education

Financial Aid Program covered by this report package UNIVERSITY OF MINNESOTA MINNEAPOLIS, MN



* Minnesota State Grant Program * Student Educational Loan Fund

* Non-AFDC Child Care Grant Program * Minnesota State Work Study Program * Minnesota Indian Scholarship Program

* Minnesota-North Dakota Reciprocity Program * Minnesota-South Dakota Reciprocity Program

* Minnesota-Wisconsin Reciprocity Program * Manitoba Reciprocity Program

* Minnesota Dream Act * Minnesota Teacher Candidate Grant * Midwest Student Exchange Program

* Refunds


DELOITTE & TOUCHE LLP Certified Public Accountants

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TEL. NO. +1 218 726 7106

FAX. NO. +1 218 726 6535

PRESIDENT: Joan T.A. Gabel

CHANCELLOR: Lendley Black


Suzanne Paulson, Controller

LEAD AUDITOR: Judi Dockendorf FIRM’S NAME: Deloitte & Touche, LLP ADDRESS 50 South Sixth Street, Suite 2800

Minneapolis, MN 55402 TEL. NO. +1 612 397 4000 FAX. NO. +1 612 397 4450 Minnesota Office of Higher Education Programs Examined: *Minnesota State Grant Program *Student Educational Loan Fund *Non-AFDC Child Care Grant Program *Minnesota State Work Study Program *Minnesota Indian Scholarship Program *Minnesota-North Dakota Reciprocity Program *Minnesota-South Dakota Reciprocity Program *Minnesota-Wisconsin Reciprocity Program *Manitoba Reciprocity Program *Minnesota Dream Act *Minnesota Teacher Candidate Grant *Midwest Student Exchange Program *Refunds Other campuses/locations considered as part of this entity and covered or excluded by this examination are: *University of Minnesota–Duluth Institution’s Primary Accrediting Organization: Higher Learning Commission Other Accrediting Organizations: Additional accrediting organizations available upon request Records for the accounting and administration of the Minnesota Office of Higher Education Financial Aid Programs are located at (provide location): University of Minnesota – Duluth

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INDEPENDENT ACCOUNTANTS’ REPORT We have examined management of the University of Minnesota – Duluth’s (the “Duluth Campus”) assertion that the Duluth Campus complied with Minnesota statutes, rules, and procedures governing its participation in the Minnesota Office of Higher Education (OHE) Financial Aid Programs for the year ended June 30, 2021. The Duluth Campus’ management is responsible for its assertion. Our responsibility is to express an opinion on management’s assertion based on our examination. Our examination was conducted in accordance with attestation standards established by the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants, Government Auditing Standards, issued by the Comptroller General of the United States; the Audit (Attestation) Guide, Audits/Attestation Engagements of Federal Student Financial Assistance Programs, issued by the U.S. Department of Education; Office of the Inspector General and the Guide for Compliance Audits of Programs Administered for the 2020-2021 Academic Year dated July 2, 2021 issued by OHE. Those standards require that we plan and perform the examination to obtain reasonable assurance about whether management’s assertion is fairly stated, in all material respects. An examination involves performing procedures to obtain evidence about management’s assertion. The nature, timing, and extent of the procedures selected depend on our judgment and sample sizes prescribed by OHE, including an assessment of the risks of material misstatement of management’s assertion, whether due to fraud or error. We believe that the evidence we obtained is sufficient and appropriate to provide a reasonable basis for our opinion. In our opinion, management’s assertion that the Duluth Campus complied with Minnesota statutes, rules, and procedures governing its participation in the OHE Financial Aid Programs for the year ended June 30, 2021 is fairly stated, in all material respects.

January 11, 2022

Deloitte & Touche LLP Suite 2800 50 South Sixth Street Minneapolis, MN 55402-1538 USA

Tel: +1 612 397 4000 Fax: +1 612 397 4450

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Accountants’ Comments on the Resolution of Prior Audit Findings, Recommendations and Questioned Costs

No findings, recommendations, or questioned costs were disclosed in the 2020 OHE accountants’ report.

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Instances of Material Questioned

Program Population Sample Noncompliance* Costs

Minnesota State Grant Program 2,444** 45** 0 0Student Educational Loan Fund 316 40 0 0Non-AFDC Child Care Grant Program 3 3 0 0Minnesota State Work Study Program 295 42 0 0Minnesota Indian Scholarship Program 30 23 0 0Minnesota-North Dakota Reciprocity Program 65 5 0 0Minnesota-South Dakota Reciprocity Program 38 5 0 0Minnesota-Wisconsin Reciprocity Program 912 5 0 0Manitoba Reciprocity Program 2 2 0 0Minnesota Dream Act 3 3 0 0Minnesota Teacher Grant 8 6 0 0Midwest Student Exchange Program 84 5 0 0Refunds 31 2 0 0

* Material noncompliance is defined as any error greater than $10,000 and all instances when a state statute or other law was found to have been violated.

No examination findings or questioned costs were identified.

** The Twin Cities campus does the set-up/programming/equations, runs the batch packaging process, and posts Minnesota State Grant awards for Crookston, Duluth, Morris, and Twin Cities/Rochester students. Rochester operates under the Twin Cities campus for all financial aid purposes. We looked at Crookston, Morris, Duluth, and Twin Cities/Rochester campuses in total for our examination purposes, however, the population and sample noted herein represent just the Duluth campus population and selected sample.

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The purpose of this report cover is to identify each Minnesota Office of Higher Education

Financial Aid Program covered by this report package UNIVERSITY OF MINNESOTA MINNEAPOLIS, MN



* Minnesota State Grant Program * Student Educational Loan Fund

* Non-AFDC Child Care Grant Program * Minnesota State Work Study Program * Minnesota Indian Scholarship Program

* Minnesota-North Dakota Reciprocity Program * Minnesota-South Dakota Reciprocity Program

* Minnesota-Wisconsin Reciprocity Program * Minnesota Dream Act

* Minnesota Teacher Candidate Grant * Refunds


DELOITTE & TOUCHE LLP Certified Public Accountants

Page 93 of 215



TEL. NO. +1 218 281 8343

FAX. NO. +1 218 281 8040

PRESIDENT: Joan T.A. Gabel

CHANCELLOR: Mary Holz-Clause


Suzanne Paulson, Controller

LEAD AUDITOR: Judi Dockendorf FIRM’S NAME: Deloitte & Touche, LLP ADDRESS 50 South Sixth Street, Suite 2800

Minneapolis, MN 55402 TEL. NO. +1 612 397 4000 FAX. NO. +1 612 397 4450 Minnesota Office of Higher Education Programs Examined: *Minnesota State Grant Program *Student Educational Loan Fund *Non-AFDC Child Care Grant Program *Minnesota State Work Study Program *Minnesota Indian Scholarship Program *Minnesota-North Dakota Reciprocity Program *Minnesota-South Dakota Reciprocity Program *Minnesota-Wisconsin Reciprocity Program *Minnesota Dream Act *Minnesota Teacher Candidate Grant *Refunds Other campuses/locations considered as part of this entity and covered or excluded by this examination are: *University of Minnesota–Crookston Institution’s Primary Accrediting Organization: Higher Learning Commission Other Accrediting Organizations: Additional accrediting organizations available upon request Records for the accounting and administration of the Minnesota Office of Higher Education Financial Aid Programs are located at (provide location): University of Minnesota – Crookston

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INDEPENDENT ACCOUNTANTS’ REPORT We have examined management of the University of Minnesota – Crookston’s (the “Crookston Campus”) assertion that the Crookston Campus complied with Minnesota statutes, rules, and procedures governing its participation in the Minnesota Office of Higher Education (OHE) Financial Aid Programs for the year ended June 30, 2021. The Crookston Campus’ management is responsible for its assertion. Our responsibility is to express an opinion on management’s assertion based on our examination. Our examination was conducted in accordance with attestation standards established by the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants, Government Auditing Standards, issued by the Comptroller General of the United States; the Audit (Attestation) Guide, Audits/Attestation Engagements of Federal Student Financial Assistance Programs, issued by the U.S. Department of Education; Office of the Inspector General and the Guide for Compliance Audits of Programs Administered for the 2020-2021 Academic Year dated July 2, 2021 issued by OHE. Those standards require that we plan and perform the examination to obtain reasonable assurance about whether management’s assertion is fairly stated, in all material respects. An examination involves performing procedures to obtain evidence about management’s assertion. The nature, timing, and extent of the procedures selected depend on our judgment and sample sizes prescribed by OHE, including an assessment of the risks of material misstatement of management’s assertion, whether due to fraud or error. We believe that the evidence we obtained is sufficient and appropriate to provide a reasonable basis for our opinion. In our opinion, management’s assertion that the Crookston Campus complied with Minnesota statutes, rules, and procedures governing its participation in the OHE Financial Aid Programs for the year ended June 30, 2021 is fairly stated, in all material respects.

January 11, 2022

Deloitte & Touche LLP Suite 2800 50 South Sixth Street Minneapolis, MN 55402-1538 USA

Tel: +1 612 397 4000 Fax: +1 612 397 4450

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Accountants’ Comments on the Resolution of Prior Audit Findings, Recommendations and Questioned Costs

No findings, recommendations, or questioned costs were disclosed in the 2020 OHE accountants’ report.

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Instances of Material Questioned

Program Population Sample Noncompliance* Costs

Minnesota State Grant Program 473** 3** 0 0Student Educational Loan Fund 19 14 0 0Non-AFDC Child Care Grant Program 10 8 0 0Minnesota State Work Study Program 37 19 0 0Minnesota Indian Scholarship Program 7 6 0 0Minnesota-North Dakota Reciprocity Program 114 5 0 0Minnesota-South Dakota Reciprocity Program 22 5 0 0Minnesota-Wisconsin Reciprocity Program 81 5 0 0Minnesota Dream Act 1 1 0 0Minnesota Teacher Grant 3 3 0 0Refunds 2 1 0 0

* Material noncompliance is defined as any error greater than $10,000 and all instances when a state statute or other law was found to have been violated.

No examination findings or questioned costs were identified.

** The Twin Cities campus does the set-up/programming/equations, runs the batch packaging process, and posts Minnesota State Grant awards for Crookston, Duluth, Morris, and Twin Cities/Rochester students. Rochester operates under the Twin Cities campus for all financial aid purposes. We looked at Crookston, Duluth, Morris, and Twin Cities/Rochester campuses in total for our examination purposes, however, the population and sample noted herein represent just the Crookston campus population and selected sample.

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The purpose of this report cover is to identify each Minnesota Office of Higher Education

Financial Aid Program covered by this report package UNIVERSITY OF MINNESOTA MINNEAPOLIS, MN



* Minnesota State Grant Program * Student Educational Loan Fund

* Non-AFDC Child Care Grant Program * Minnesota State Work Study Program * Minnesota Indian Scholarship Program

* Minnesota-North Dakota Reciprocity Program * Minnesota-South Dakota Reciprocity Program

* Minnesota-Wisconsin Reciprocity Program * Manitoba Reciprocity Program

* Minnesota Dream Act * Midwest Student Exchange Program * Public Safety Officer’s Survivor Grant

* Refunds


DELOITTE & TOUCHE LLP Certified Public Accountants

Page 98 of 215


ROOM 309 BEHM 600 E 4TH ST

MORRIS, MN 56267

TEL. NO. +1 320 589 6020

FAX. NO. +1 320 589 6399

PRESIDENT: Joan T.A. Gabel

CHANCELLOR (acting): Janet Schrunk Ericksen

CONTACT PERSON & TITLE: Suzanne Paulson,

Controller LEAD AUDITOR: Judi Dockendorf FIRM’S NAME: Deloitte & Touche, LLP ADDRESS 50 South Sixth Street, Suite 2800

Minneapolis, MN 55402 TEL. NO. +1 612 397 4000 FAX. NO. +1 612 397 4450 Minnesota Office of Higher Education Programs Examined: *Minnesota State Grant Program *Student Educational Loan Fund *Non-AFDC Child Care Grant Program *Minnesota State Work Study Program *Minnesota Indian Scholarship Program *Minnesota-North Dakota Reciprocity Program *Minnesota-South Dakota Reciprocity Program *Minnesota-Wisconsin Reciprocity Program *Manitoba Reciprocity Program *Minnesota Dream Act *Midwest Student Exchange Program *Public Safety Officer’s Survivor Grant *Refunds Other campuses/locations considered as part of this entity and covered or excluded by this examination are: *University of Minnesota–Morris Institution’s Primary Accrediting Organization: Higher Learning Commission Other Accrediting Organizations: Additional accrediting organizations available upon request Records for the accounting and administration of the Minnesota Office of Higher Education Financial Aid Programs are located at (provide location): University of Minnesota – Morris

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INDEPENDENT ACCOUNTANTS’ REPORT We have examined management of the University of Minnesota – Morris’ (the “Morris Campus”) assertion that the Morris Campus complied with Minnesota statutes, rules, and procedures governing its participation in the Minnesota Office of Higher Education (OHE) Financial Aid Programs for the year ended June 30, 2021. The Morris Campus’ management is responsible for its assertion. Our responsibility is to express an opinion on management’s assertion based on our examination. Our examination was conducted in accordance with attestation standards established by the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants, Government Auditing Standards, issued by the Comptroller General of the United States; the Audit (Attestation) Guide, Audits/Attestation Engagements of Federal Student Financial Assistance Programs, issued by the U.S. Department of Education; Office of the Inspector General and the Guide for Compliance Audits of Programs Administered for the 2020-2021 Academic Year dated July 2, 2021 issued by OHE. Those standards require that we plan and perform the examination to obtain reasonable assurance about whether management’s assertion is fairly stated, in all material respects. An examination involves performing procedures to obtain evidence about management’s assertion. The nature, timing, and extent of the procedures selected depend on our judgment and sample sizes prescribed by OHE, including an assessment of the risks of material misstatement of management’s assertion, whether due to fraud or error. We believe that the evidence we obtained is sufficient and appropriate to provide a reasonable basis for our opinion. In our opinion, management’s assertion that the Morris Campus complied with Minnesota statutes, rules, and procedures governing its participation in the OHE Financial Aid Programs for the year ended June 30, 2021 is fairly stated, in all material respects.

January 11, 2022

Deloitte & Touche LLP Suite 2800 50 South Sixth Street Minneapolis, MN 55402-1538 USA

Tel: +1 612 397 4000 Fax: +1 612 397 4450

Page 100 of 215

Accountants’ Comments on the Resolution of Prior Audit Findings, Recommendations and Questioned Costs

No findings, recommendations, or questioned costs were disclosed in the 2020 OHE accountants’ report.

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Instances of Material Questioned

Program Population Sample Noncompliance* Costs

Minnesota State Grant Program 448** 3** 0 0Student Educational Loan Fund 22 17 0 0Non-AFDC Child Care Grant Program 2 2 0 0Minnesota Indian Scholarship 1 1 0 0Minnesota State Work Study Program 43 25 0 0Minnesota-North Dakota Reciprocity Program 27 5 0 0Minnesota-South Dakota Reciprocity Program 52 5 0 0Minnesota-Wisconsin Reciprocity Program 32 5 0 0Manitoba Reciprocity Program 1 1 0 0Minnesota Dream Act 1 1 0 0Midwest Student Exchange Program 17 5 0 0Public Safety Officer's Survivor Grant 1 1 0 0Refunds 3 1 0 0

* Material noncompliance is defined as any error greater than $10,000 and all instances when a state statute or other law was found to have been violated.

No examination findings or questioned costs were identified.

** The Twin Cities campus does the set-up/programming/equations, runs the batch packaging process, and posts Minnesota State Grant awards for Crookston, Duluth, Morris, and Twin Cities/Rochester students. Rochester operates under the Twin Cities campus for all financial aid purposes. We looked at Crookston, Duluth, Morris, and Twin Cities/Rochester campuses in total for our examination purposes, however, the population and sample noted herein represent just the Morris campus population and selected sample.

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Deloitte & Touche LLP Suite 2800 50 South Sixth Street Minneapolis, MN 55402-1538 USA

Tel: +1 612 397 4000 Fax: +1 612 397 4450


Board of Regents and Athletic Director Mark Coyle University of Minnesota Minneapolis, Minnesota

We have performed the procedures enumerated below to assist the University of Minnesota Athletics Department (the “University”) in evaluating whether the accompanying Statement of Revenues and Expenses and the related notes (the “Statement”) are in compliance with the National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA) Bylaw and FY2021 Financial Agreed-Upon Procedures dated March 10, 2021 (“NCAA Bylaw”) for the year ended June 30, 2021 (“the subject matter”). The University is responsible for the subject matter.

The University has agreed to and acknowledged that the procedures performed are appropriate to meet the intended purpose of assisting the specified parties in evaluating the subject matter. The procedures performed are specified in NCAA Bylaw

We make no representation regarding the appropriateness of the procedures either for the purpose for which our report has been requested or for any other purpose. Accordingly, this report may not be suitable for either the purpose of which this report has been requested or for any other purpose. The procedures performed may not address all the items of interest to a user of this report and may not meet the needs of all users of this report and, as such, users are responsible for determining whether the procedures performed are appropriate for their purposes.

For the following agreed-upon procedures, if a specific category was less than 4.0% of total revenues or expenses, no procedures were performed for the specific category. Any differences are noted as findings.

The procedures and associated findings are as follows:

Agreed-Upon Procedures Related to the Statement of Revenues and Expenses

• We obtained Statement for the year ended June 30, 2021, as prepared by Management, and included in Exhibit A to this report.

• We recalculated the total dollar amounts on the Statement and compared the amounts on each line on the Statement to the corresponding amounts on the reconciliation prepared by management between the University’s general ledger and the amounts on the Statement, noting no exceptions.

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• We compared the dollar amounts on management’s reconciliation to the University’s general ledger and recalculated the total presented in the Statement, noting no exceptions.

• We compared current year recorded revenue and expense amounts over 10% of the total prior year revenue or expense amounts, respectively, to prior year recorded amounts and current year budgeted amounts obtained from the University recorded in the Statement and general ledger, and obtained explanations from management for any variances in excess of 10% in revenue and expense amounts.

Agreed-Upon Procedures Related to Revenues

• We compared and agreed each operating revenue category reported in the Statement during the year ended June 30, 2021, to supporting schedules provided by management, noting no exceptions.

• We haphazardly selected 13 operating revenue transactions from the operating revenue supporting schedules provided by management and compared and agreed the date, name, dollar amount, and description to supporting documentation, noting no exceptions.

• We recalculated total ticket sales during the year ended June 30, 2021, noting that ticket sales related revenue was less than 4% of total revenues; no further procedures were performed.

• We inquired of University management as to whether the University received student fee revenue during the year ended June 30, 2021, noting that it did not; no further procedures were performed.

• We inquired of University management as to whether the University received direct state or other governmental support during the year ended June 30, 2021, noting that it did not; no further procedures were performed.

• We recalculated the total direct institutional support recorded by the University during the year ended June 30, 2021, noting the total direct institutional support received was less than 4% of total revenues; no further procedures were performed.

• We inquired of the University management as to whether the Athletics Department incurred transfers back to the University during the year ended June 30, 2021, noting that it did not; no further procedures were performed.

• We recalculated the total indirect institutional support recorded by the University during the year ended June 30, 2021 and compared with expense payments, cost allocation and other corroborative supporting documentation, noting no exceptions.

• We recalculated total guarantees during the year ended June 30, 2021, noting the revenues derived from guaranteed contests was less than 4% of total revenues; no further procedures were performed.

• We recalculated total contributions during the year ended June 30, 2021 and compared to the related revenue reported by the University in the Statement. We inquired of University management as to whether the University received contributions of money, goods, or services directly by an intercollegiate athletics program from any affiliated or outside organization, agency, or group of individuals not included above that constituted 10% or more in aggregate of all contributions received for intercollegiate athletics during the year ended June 30, 2021, noting there were none; no further procedures were performed.

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• We recalculated the total amount of in-kind donations during the year ended June 30, 2021, noting the in-kind donations were less than 4% of total revenues; no further procedures were performed.

• We inquired of University management as to whether any employees of the University received compensation and benefits provided by a third party during the year ended June 30, 2021, noting that none did; no further procedures were performed.

• We obtained and inspected agreements related to the University’s total media (broadcast, television, radio) rights received by the University through its conference offices during the year ended June 30, 2021. We compared and agreed related revenues to a summary statement of all media rights identified, the University’s general ledger and recalculated totals, noting no exceptions.

• We compared the amounts recorded in NCAA distributions revenue for the year ended June 30, 2021 to general ledger detail and other corroborative supporting documents and recalculated totals, noting no exceptions.

• We recalculated the University’s total conference distributions and participation in revenues from tournaments during the year ended June 30, 2021, noting conference distributions were less than 4% of total revenues; no further procedures were performed.

• We recalculated the total of program sales, concessions, novelty sales, and parking during the year ended June 30, 2021, noting these were less than 4% of total revenues; no further procedures were performed.

• We obtained and inspected agreements related to the University’s participation in revenues from royalties, licensing, advertisements, and sponsorships during the year ended June 30, 2021 for the relevant terms and conditions. We compared and agreed the related revenues to the University’s general ledger and the Statement, and recalculated totals, noting no exceptions.

• We inquired of University management as to whether the University received sports camp revenues during the year ended June 30, 2021, noting that sports camps at the University are independently owned and are not operated by the University; no further procedures were performed.

• We recalculated the total athletics restricted endowment and investment income during the year ended June 30, 2021, noting endowment and investment income were less than 4% of total revenues; no further procedures were performed.

• We recalculated the total other operating revenues during the year ended June 30, 2021, noting other operating revenues were less than 4% of total revenues; no further procedures were performed.

• We obtained and inspected agreements related to the University’s revenues from post-season football bowl participation during the year ended June 30, 2021 for the relevant terms and conditions. We compared and agreed the related revenues to the University’s general ledger and the Statement and recalculated totals, noting no exceptions.

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Agreed-Upon Procedures Related to Expenses

• We compared and agreed each operating expense category reported in the Statement during the year ended June 30, 2021, to supporting schedules provided by management, noting no exceptions.

• We haphazardly selected 12 operating expense transactions from the operating expense supporting schedules provided by management and compared and agreed the date, name, dollar amount, and description to supporting documentation, noting no exceptions.

• We selected a haphazard sample of 40 students from the listing of University student aid recipients during the year ended June 30, 2021. We obtained student account detail for each student selected and compared total aid to the student’s detail in either the NCAA’s Compliance Assistant software or entered directly into the NCAA Membership Financial Reporting System. We performed the following procedures for each selected student’s detail reported in either the NCAA’s Compliance Assistant software or entered directly into the NCAA Membership Financial Reporting System:

o Recalculated the full-time equivalency value for each selected student-athlete in all sports.

o Recalculated Grants-in-aid and inspected that the full grant amount was entered into the NCAA Compliance Assistant software or NCAA Membership Financial Reporting System as a full year of tuition (not by semester or quarter).

o Recalculated Grants-in aid revenue distribution equivalencies in accordance and agreed that only eligible expenses per NCAA Bylaw 20.02.7 are included.

o Inspected that each student athlete selected was only counted once, regardless of multiple sport participation and did not have a revenue distribution equivalency greater than 1.00.

o If a selected student received a Pell Grant, we inspected support that the value of Pell Grants received by the student was not included in the calculation of equivalencies or the total dollar amount of student athletic aid expense for the institution.

o If a selected student received a Pell Grant, we traced the student’s grant to the Pell Grants reported for Revenue Distribution purposes in the NCAA Membership Financial Reporting System.

• We recalculated athletic student aid totals for each sport and overall. No exceptions were noted as result of any of these procedures.

• We recalculated the total amount of the University’s guarantees expenses during the year ended June 30, 2021, noting the guarantees expenses were less than 4% of total expenses; no further procedures were performed.

• We obtained and inspected a listing of coaches employed by the University during the year ended June 30, 2021 and selected five coaches’ contracts that included football, and men’s and women’s basketball from the listing. For each selection we compared and agreed the financial terms and conditions of each selection to the related coaching salaries, benefits, and bonuses recorded by the University in the Statement during the year ended June 30, 2021. We obtained and inspected payroll summary registers for the year ended June 30, 2021 for each selection. We compared and agreed

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payroll summary registers for the year ended June 30, 2021 to the related coaching salaries, benefits, and bonuses paid by the University to the expense recorded by the University in the Statement for the year ended June 30, 2021. We compared and agreed the totals recorded to the employment contracts executed for the sample selected and recalculated totals. No exceptions were noted as a result of our procedures.

• We inquired of University management as to whether any coaches were employed by third parties during the year ended June 30, 2021, noting there were none; no further procedures were performed.

• We selected five support staff/administrative personnel employed by the University during the year ended June 30, 2021. We obtained and inspected the payroll summary register for the year ended June 30, 2021 for each selection. We compared and agreed payroll summary registers for the year ended June 30, 2021 to the related support staff/administrative salaries, benefits, and bonuses paid by the University to the expense recorded by the University in the Statement during the year ended June 30, 2021 and recalculated the totals, noting no exceptions.

• We inquired of University management as to whether any support staff/administrative personnel were employed by third parties during the year ended June 30, 2021, noting there were none; no further procedures were performed.

• We recalculated the total amount of the University’s severance payments during the year ended June 30, 2021, noting the severance payments were less than 4% of total expenses; no further procedures were performed.

• We recalculated the total amount of the University’s recruiting expenses during the year ended June 30, 2021, noting the recruiting expenses were less than 4% of total expenses; no further procedures were performed.

• We obtained documentation of the University’s team travel policies and compared and agreed to existing University and NCAA related policies. We obtained general ledger detail for the year ended June 30, 2021, compared to the total expenses reported in the Statement, and recalculated totals, noting no exceptions.

• We recalculated the total amount of the University’s equipment, uniforms, and supplies expenses during the year ended June 30, 2021, noting the equipment, uniforms, and supplies expenses were less than 4% of total expenses; no further procedures were performed.

• We recalculated the total amount of the University’s game expenses during the year ended June 30, 2021, noting the game expenses were less than 4% of total expenses; no further procedures were performed.

• We recalculated the total amount of the University’s fundraising, marketing, and promotion expenses during the year ended June 30, 2021, noting the fundraising, marketing, and promotion expenses were less than 4% of total expenses; no further procedures were performed.

• We inquired of University management as to whether the University had any sports camp expenses during the year ended June 30, 2021, noting that sports camps at the University are independently owned and are not operated by the University; no further procedures were performed.

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• We recalculated the total amount of the University’s spirit group expenses during the year ended June 30, 2021, noting the spirit group expenses were less than 4% of total expenses; no further procedures were performed.

• We obtained a listing of debt service schedules, lease payments, and rental fees for athletics facilities during the year ended June 30, 2021. We selected and compared five facility payments including the top two highest facility payments to additional supporting documentation. We compared the amounts recorded to the amounts listed in the general ledger detail and recalculated totals, noting no exceptions.

• We obtained general ledger detail of direct overhead and administrative expenses during the year ended June 30, 2021. We made five selections of transactions, agreed them to supporting documentation, and recalculated totals, noting no exceptions.

• We obtained the University’s general ledger detail for medical expenses and medical insurance for the year ended June 30, 2021 and compared to the total expenses reported in the Statement. We made five selections of transactions, agreed them to supporting documentation, and recalculated totals, noting no exceptions.

• We recalculated the total amount of the University’s membership and dues expenses during the year ended June 30, 2021, noting the membership and dues expenses were less than 4% of total expenses; no further procedures were performed.

• We recalculated the total amount of the University’s other operating expenses and transfers during the year ended June 30, 2021, noting the other operating expenses and transfers were less than 4% of total expenses; no further procedures were performed.

• We recalculated the total amount of the University’s student-athlete meals (non-travel) expenses during the year ended June 30, 2021, noting the student-athlete meals (non-travel) expenses were less than 4% of total expenses; no further procedures were performed.

• We recalculated the total amount of the University’s football bowl expenses during the year ended June 30, 2021, noting the football bowl expenses were less than 4% of total expenses; no further procedures were performed.

Agreed-Upon Procedures for Division I Financial Reporting

• We compared and agreed the sports sponsored reported in the NCAA Membership Financial Reporting System to the Calculation of Revenue Distribution Equivalencies per the squad lists of the University, noting no exceptions.

• We compared grants-in-aid revenue distribution equivalencies for the year ended June 30, 2021 to grants-in-aid revenue distribution equivalencies for the year ended June 30, 2020 per the NCAA Membership Financial Reporting System, noting no variance greater than +/- 4%; no further procedures were performed.

• We obtained the University’s Sports Sponsorship and Demographics Forms submitted to the NCAA for the year ended June 30, 2021 and compared that the countable NCAA sports reported by the

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University met the minimum requirements set forth in NCAA Bylaw for the number of contests and the number of participants in each contest that is counted toward meeting the minimum-contest requirement. In accordance with the NCAA FY2021 Financial Agreed-Upon Procedures dated March 10, 2021, for this reporting year, sports expected to be sponsored by an institution, as reported on the institution’s 2020 Sports Sponsorship and Demographics form, would qualify as a sponsored sport for the purposes of revenue distribution. Based on these considerations, no exceptions were noted as a result of our procedures.

• We agreed the NCAA countable sports reported by the University for revenue distribution purposes within the NCAA Membership Financial Reporting System, noting no exceptions.

• We compared the number of sports sponsored for the year ended June 30, 2021 to the reported total of sports sponsored for the year ended June 30, 2020 per the Membership Financial Report Submission, noting no variances; no further procedures were performed.

• We agreed the total number of Division I student-athletes who, during the academic year, received a Pell Grant award and the total value of these Pell Grants reported in the NCAA Membership Financial Reporting System to a report of all student-athlete Pell Grants generated out of the University’s financial aid records, noting no exceptions.

• We compared Pell Grants for the year ended June 30, 2021 to Pell Grants for the year ended June 30, 2020 reported in the NCAA Membership Financial Reporting System, noting no variance greater than +/- 20 Pell Grants; no further procedures were performed.

Agreed-Upon Procedures for Other Reporting Items

• We inquired of University management as to whether there were any Excess Transfers to Institution or Conference Realignment Expenses during the year ended June 30, 2021, noting there were none; no further procedures were performed.

• We obtained repayment schedules for all outstanding intercollegiate athletics debt as of June 30, 2021 and recalculated annual maturities provided in the schedules obtained. We agreed the total annual maturities and total outstanding intercollegiate athletic related debt to supporting documentation and the University’s general ledger.

• We agreed the total outstanding institutional debt as of June 30, 2021 to supporting documentation and the University of Minnesota’s audited financial statements, or the University’s general ledger, noting no exceptions.

• We inquired of University management as to whether there were athletics dedicated endowments as of June 30, 2021 maintained by the University of Minnesota Athletics Department, the institution and affiliated organizations, noting that the Statement does not present any fund or net asset balances; no further procedures were performed.

• We obtained a schedule of athletics related capital expenditures as of June 30, 2021 and general ledger detail of capital expenditures and compared to the total expenditures report, noting no exceptions. We haphazardly selected five transactions, compared to supporting documentation and recalculated totals, noting no exceptions.

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Agreed-Upon Procedures for Affiliated and Outside Organizations

• We obtained the list of all affiliated and outside organizations that contribute funds to the University of Minnesota’s Athletics Department, a summary of which is included as Exhibit D.

• We obtained the related statements of contributions for the year ended June 30, 2021, from the officers of the affiliated and outside organizations via confirmation directly with the affiliated and outside organizations, noting no exceptions on confirmations received. The confirmation for Fast Lane Fans was not received.

• We agreed the dollar amount of contributions received from the affiliated and outside organizations to the general ledger of the University, noting no exceptions.

• We directly confirmed cash balances recorded as of June 30, 2021 by the affiliated and outside organization and reviewed the related year-end bank reconciliations, noting no exceptions on the confirmations received. The confirmation for Fast Lane Fans was not received.

• During the year ended June 30, 2021, the Fast Lane Fans organization was dissolved. As such, no confirmation procedures were performed. Prior to dissolution, the remaining cash balance was contributed by the Fast Lane Fans organization to the University of Minnesota Foundation. We agreed the contribution from the Fast Lane Fans organization to supporting documentation and receipt by the University of Minnesota Foundation.

We were engaged by the University to perform this agreed-upon procedures engagement and conducted our engagement in accordance with attestation standards established by the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants. We were not engaged to and did not conduct an examination or reviewi engagement, the objective of which would be the expression of an opinion or conclusion, respectively, on the subject matter. Accordingly, we do not express such an opinion or conclusion. Had we performed additional procedures, other matters might have come to our attention that would have been reported to you.

We are required to be independent of the University and to meet our other ethical responsibilities, in accordance with the relevant ethical requirements related to our agreed-upon procedures engagement.

This report is intended solely for the information and use of the University of Minnesota Athletics Department, the Board of Regents and management of the University, and authorized representatives of the NCAA, and is not intended to be, and should not be, used by anyone other than these specified parties.

December 22, 2021

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EXHIBIT A UNIVERSITY OF MINNESOTA – MINNEAPOLIS, MINNESOTA University of Minnesota Athletics Department – National Collegiate Athletic Association

STATEMENT OF REVENUES AND EXPENSES FOR THE YEAR ENDED JUNE 30, 2021________________________________________________________________________________________________

OtherMen’s Other Men’s Women’s Women’s Nonprogram

Football Basketball Sports Basketball Sports Specific Adjustments Total

REVENUES: Ticket sales - - - - - - - - Direct state or other government support - - - - - - - - Student fees - - - - - - - - Direct institutional support - - - - - 2,244,747 - 2,244,747 Less-transfers to institution - - - - - - - - Indirect institutional support - - - - - 5,987,303 - 5,987,303 Indirect institutional support-athletic facilities, - debt service, lease, and rental fees 24,645 194,251 218,896 Guarantees - - - - - - - - Contributions 8,111,424 1,877,886 1,205,994 94,394 517,237 3,679,304 - 15,486,239 In-kind - - 4,500 - - 1,467 - 5,967 Compensation and benefits provided by a third party - - - - - - - - Media rights 30,921,416 7,730,354 - - - 38,800 - 38,690,570 NCAA distributions - 1,895,245 62,457 - 91,818 1,972,338 - 4,021,858 Conference distributions (nonmedia and nonbowl) - 554,305 - - - 96,100 - 650,405 Conference distributions (bowl) 6,092,887 - - - - - - 6,092,887 Program, novelty, parking, and concession sales - - - - - 1,503,137 - 1,503,137 Royalties, licensing, advertisements, and sponsorships - - - - - 7,777,725 - 7,777,725 Sports camp revenues - - - - - - - -

Athletics-restricted endowment and investments income - - - - - 1,505,390 - 1,505,390 Other operating revenue - - 12,806 - 59,328 1,255,450 - 1,327,584 Bowl revenues - - - - - - - -

Total revenues 45,125,727 12,057,790 1,310,402 94,394 862,634 26,061,761 - 85,512,708


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UNIVERSITY OF MINNESOTA – MINNEAPOLIS, MINNESOTA University of Minnesota Athletics Department – National Collegiate Athletic Association

STATEMENT OF REVENUES AND EXPENSES FOR THE YEAR ENDED JUNE 30, 2021_______________________________________________________________________________________________

OtherMen’s Other Men’s Women’s Women’s Nonprogram

Football Basketball Sports Basketball Sports Specific Adjustments Total

EXPENSES: Athletic student aid 4,753,371 672,703 3,107,763 747,369 5,610,564 21,451 - 14,913,221 Guarantees - 195,000 - 22,638 - - - 217,638 Coaches salaries, benefits, and bonuses paid - by the university and related entities 10,774,290 3,456,994 3,575,751 1,316,675 3,851,458 13,064 - 22,988,232 Support staff/administrative salaries, benefits, and - bonuses paid by the university and related entities 2,647,610 296,635 296,664 242,618 516,581 14,046,454 - 18,046,562 Severance payments 972 191,737 32,857 - - 18,844 - 244,410 Recruiting 297,493 18,053 10,601 19,689 28,672 2,683 - 377,191 Team travel 692,124 580,562 1,243,388 469,972 1,433,506 - - 4,419,552 Sports equipment, uniforms, and supplies 818,512 119,872 505,348 81,362 631,955 90,266 - 2,247,315 Game expenses 250,784 257,749 160,417 127,761 161,526 109,478 - 1,067,715 Fundraising, marketing, and promotion 26,977 6,142 998 4,410 113 462,253 - 500,893 Spirit groups - - - - - 521,044 - 521,044 Athletic facilities debt service, lease, and rental fees 1,736,536 - 1,009,086 - 982,262 7,057,025 - 10,784,909 Direct overhead and administrative expenses 2,779,100 304,890 1,095,879 245,803 1,408,854 6,066,191 - 11,900,717 Indirect institutional support - - - - - 5,987,303 - 5,987,303 Medical expenses and insurance - - - - - 5,851,475 - 5,851,475 Memberships and dues 3,900 - 3,995 871 4,410 146,454 - 159,630 Student athlete meals 819,416 83,056 270,936 33,882 211,362 969,172 - 2,387,824 Other operating expenses 286,430 112,765 186,838 40,714 88,651 489,938 - 1,205,336 Bowl expenses 168 - - - - - - 168

Total expenses 25,887,683 6,296,158 11,500,521 3,353,764 14,929,914 41,853,095 - 103,821,135

NET SURPLUS/(DEFICIT) 19,238,044 5,761,632 (10,190,119) (3,259,370) (14,067,280) (15,791,334) - (18,308,427)


See notes to statement of revenues and expenses

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UNIVERSITY OF MINNESOTA - MINNEAPOLIS, MINNESOTA University of Minnesota Athletics Department-National Collegiate Athletic Association


The information on operating and gift-related revenues and operating expenses is presented in accordance with the principles stated in the NCAA Agreed-Upon Procedures manual dated March 10, 2021, which contained policies and procedures related to the administration of NCAA Bylaw

Revenue Recognition—The amounts in the Statement were obtained from the University’s general ledger, which is maintained on an accrual basis. The University prepared the Statement using the basic accounting and revenue recognition principles set forth in the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants Audit and Accounting Guide entitled “Not-for-Profit Organizations” (the “NFP Audit Guide”) and in the National Association of College and University Business Officers publication entitled “College and University Business Administration,” and revenue is presented on an accrual basis. The Statement presents a net surplus (deficit), but does not present any fund or net asset balances. In addition, changes in loan, endowment, or plant funds related to intercollegiate athletics are not included in the Statement.

The University records depreciation on physical plant and equipment; however, depreciation is not part of the Statement. Revenues include all unrestricted and restricted resources earned during the year to the extent that such funds were expended for current operating purposes. Ticket sales are recorded as revenue during the year in which the related event is scheduled. Revenues related to events scheduled subsequent to year-end are deferred.

Contributions—Contribution revenue included in the Statement represents contributions given to the University based on the donor’s instructions. There were no individual contributions in excess of 10% of all contributions received for the University for the year ended June 30, 2021.

Gifts—Revenues include amounts received directly from individuals, corporations, associations, foundations, clubs, or other organizations that are designated or restricted by the donor for the operations of the athletics program.

Investment and Endowment Income—Revenues include unrestricted and restricted investment and endowment income to the extent expended for operations of intercollegiate athletics.

Revenue Allocations—Revenues include subsidies from the University of Minnesota. These amounts are allocated by the University’s management.

Capitalized Assets—Land, buildings, and other property are recorded at cost, if purchased or constructed, or at market value on the date of gift, if received by gift or bequest.

Expenses—Expenses included in the Statement are presented on a cash basis.

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UNIVERSITY OF MINNESOTA - MINNEAPOLIS, MINNESOTA University of Minnesota Athletics Department-National Collegiate

Athletic Association


Balance at Balance atJune 30, 2020 Additions Disposals Transfers June 30, 2021

GROSS BUILDING: Aquatic Center — Canoe Storage B 110,421$ -$ - $ -$ 110,421$ Athletes Village Excellence Center 227,021 227,021 Athletes Village Football Performance-Indoor Football 255,399 255,399 Bierman Field Athletic Bldg 3,205,666 3,205,666 Bierman Field Athletic Bld-Ren 7,571,682 7,571,682 Bierman Field Clubhouse 26,332 26,332 Bierman Field Clubhouse-Tool R 1,000 1,000 Bierman Field Clubhse-Stre Shd 1,250 1,250 Bierman Wrestling Practice Room 2,406,101 2,406,101 Cowles Stadium, Jane Sage 2,670,696 2,670,696 Driving range bldg, golf crse 228,536 228,536 Field House, UMN — renovation 21,109 21,109 Field House, University of Min 1,477,379 1,477,379 Gibson/Nagurski Football Facil 12,694,581 12,694,581 Golf club house 35,565 35,565 Golf course projects 397,862 397,862 Golf course tunnel 82,500 82,500 Golf Team Practice Course 418,327 418,327 Gymnasium 108,535 108,535 Gymnasium — Pool and Renovation 3,946,734 3,946,734 Gymnasium — Renovation 2,865,255 2,865,255 Intercollegiate Athletics - Athletes Village 147,961,671 147,961,671 Mariucci Arena 23,909,760 23,909,760 Mariucci Locker Room Upgrade 136,116 136,116 Maturi Sports Pavilion Performance Center 3,242,875 301 3,243,176 Peik Gymnasium 1,149,106 1,149,106 Replacement fieldturf in indoor practice facility 475,078 475,078 Ridder Arena and Bselne Tns Fac 20,774,551 20,774,551 Robbie Stadium Support Building 48,791 48,791 Robbie Stadium, Elizabeth Lyle 2,779,205 2,779,205 Siebert Stadium 7,614,850 7,614,850 TCF Stadium 281,999,119 281,999,119 Tennis crts 1715 5th St S.E. 335,076 335,076 Track and field stadium 975,170 (975,170) - Track and Field storage bldg - - Track and Recreation Sports Bubble 18,516,442 18,516,442 Turf Management Ctr, golf crse 49,602 49,602 Turf Mgmt Center golf crse-ren 1,034,754 1,034,754 U of Minnesota Boat House 4,894,450 4,894,450 Williams Arena — Wmns Locker Rms 832,715 832,715 Williams Arena 2008 Addition 1,111,115 1,111,115 Williams Arena and Sprts Paviln 21,926,971 21,926,971 Year-Round Golf Facility 3,379,719 3,379,719

TOTAL BUILDING 581,899,089$ - $ (975,170)$ 301$ 580,924,221$

GROSS EQUIPMENT 20,630,208$ 299,109$ (196,720)$ -$ 20,732,597$

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UNIVERSITY OF MINNESOTA - MINNEAPOLIS, MINNESOTA University of Minnesota Athletics Department-National Collegiate

Athletic Association

LONG-TERM DEBT REPAYMENT SCHEDULE AS OF AND FOR THE YEAR ENDED JUNE 30, 2021_____________________________________________________

Original Loan Outstanding Interest Amount Related Principal Amount of Rate to Athletics Athletic Debt at Charged to FY21 Debt

Project Dept Project June 30, 2021 Athletics Service

Athletics facilities project $ 40,000,000 $ 1,293,559

4.28 % $ 1,348,962 Various facilities projects 3,370,449 795,265 3.00 - 3.80 218,896 Huntington Bank Stadium 28,000,000 16,354,435 2.50 1,710,550 Huntington Bank Stadium 25,000,000 11,977,000 0.22 25,986 Athletes Village 66,517,750 61,077,360 3.30 3,950,000 Athletes Village 33,372,000 22,273,000 3.00 699,638 Track & Field Facility 19,000,000 17,441,101 3.30 1,128,000 Aquatic Center HVAC 3,200,000 2,856,177 4.00 286,022 TOTAL $ 218,460,199 $ 134,067,837 $ 9,368,054

General obligation (GO) bonds or commercial paper (CP) supported by the full faith and credit of the University of Minnesota (the “University”) are issued for various capital projects. When a project related to athletics facilities is funded by external debt, the Athletics Department is generally charged its applicable share of debt service for that debt.

Huntington Bank Stadium (formerly TCF Bank Stadium (the “Stadium”)), completed in July 2009, was financed with various debt issuances, private donations, corporate sponsorships, student fees, game-day parking fees, and other University revenues. The debt issuances supporting the Stadium included GO bonds Series 2009A, with a par of $41,000,000, GO bonds Series 2009B with a par of $17,035,000, Special Purpose Revenue Bonds (State Supported Stadium Debt) Series 2006, with a par of $137,250,000, and CP Series D totaling $25,000,000.

Repayment of $28,000,000 of the $41,000,000 GO Series 2009A is an obligation of the Athletics Department. The remaining $13,000,000 of the $41,000,000 of GO Series 2009A is funded by student activity fees, which are not part of the Athletics Department and is not included in the long-term debt repayment schedule above. Repayment of the GO Series 2009B is funded by a separate contractual agreement that is not included in the activity of the Athletics Department and is not included in the table above.

Principal payments on the $25,000,000 of CP Series D are being funded by pledged gifts as they are received by the University of Minnesota Foundation (“UMF”) and/or Athletics Department revenue. Fiscal year 2021 charges to the Athletics Department are based on the actual interest and fees the University paid on the CP.

The state-supported Stadium debt is a special limited obligation of the University, and is not included in the long-term debt repayment schedule above. Specified transfers are expected to be made by the State of Minnesota (the “State”) pursuant to legislation providing for the appropriation of such transfer from the general fund of the State for the payment of the state-supported Stadium debt. On August 26, 2015, the University issued Special Purpose Revenue Refunding Bonds Series 2015A. The Series 2015A was issued in the par amount of $90,075,000 to defease and refund the Special Purpose Revenue Bonds Series 2006. The State is

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expected to continue to make the specified transfer for the Series 2015A pursuant to amended legislation. There are no other revenues nor assets of the University, nor the full faith and credit of the University, that are pledged for repayment of the principal or interest on the state-supported Stadium debt.

Athletes Village, completed in January 2018, was financed with various debt issuances, private donations, and corporate sponsorships. The debt issuances supporting Athletes Village included GO Bonds Series 2017A in the amount of $66,517,750 and CP Series G in the amount of $33,372,000. Principal payments on the $33,372,000 of CP Series G are being funded by pledged gifts as they are received by UMF on behalf of the University.

The Track and Field Facility, completed in October 2018, was financed with GO Bonds Series 2017A in the approximate amount of $19,000,000 and private donations. The cost included the relocation of the recreation sports bubble and softball field.

The Aquatic Center HVAC project was substantially completed in the summer of 2019. The Athletic Department’s responsibility for one-third of the approximate $12,600,000 project cost was funded by GO Bonds series 2019A in the approximate amount of $3,200,000.

The Athletic Department finished the fiscal year (FY) 2021 with a cash deficit due to the disruption in revenue during FY20 and FY21 as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic. During FY21, the Board of Regents approved the issuance of an internal loan to the Athletics Department to address the cash deficit. Prior to the close of FY21, a transfer-in of $21,500,000 was recorded for the loan to the Athletic Department, with plans to issue Commercial Paper for $21,500,000 to fund the loan during the Fall of FY22. Exhibit C is comprised of external debt and does not include internal loans. The Commercial Paper was issued on November 17, 2021, and thus not included in Exhibit C as external debt outstanding as of June 30, 2021.

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UNIVERSITY OF MINNESOTA - MINNEAPOLIS, MINNESOTA University of Minnesota Athletics Department-National Collegiate

Athletic Association


June 30, 2020 June 30, 2021

Beginning To or On To or On Ending

Cash Cash Behalf of Behalf of Non University Cash

Balance Receipts Program Boosters Activity Balance

MEN’S ACTIVITY: Baseline Club $ 21,410 $ 5,528 $ 0 $ 25,434 $ 0 $ 1,504 Dugout Club 33,419 4,108 4,175 15,172 228 17,952 Goal Line Club 85,289 30,210 0 1,067 0 114,432 Golden Dunkers 28,863 2,202 7,500 1,491 0 22,074 Graceful G/G 15,534 0 0 790 0 14,744

Takedown Club 17,004 30 0 (3,121) 0 20,155

Total men’s activity $ 201,517 $ 42,077 $ 11,675 $ 40,832 $ 228 $ 190,859

WOMEN’S ACTIVITY: Courtside Club $ 24,366 $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 $ 24,366 Fast Break Club 3,451 0 0 67 0 3,384 The Inside Track (Friends Of Mn) 56,753 0 0 0 0 56,753

Power Play 4,114 19 0 770 4 3,359

Total women’s activity $ 88,684 $ 19 $ 0 $ 837 $ 4 $ 87,862

BOTH—Fast Lane Fans $ 22,684 $ 0 $ 22,684 $ 0 $ 0 $ 0

TOTAL ACTIVITY $ 312,885 $ 42,096 $ 34,359 $ 41,669 $ 232 $ 278,721

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Deloitte & Touche LLP Suite 2800 50 South Sixth Street Minneapolis, MN 55402-1538 USA

Tel: +1 612 397 4000 Fax: +1 612 397 4450


Board of Regents and Athletic Director Josh Berlo University of Minnesota Duluth, Minnesota

We have performed the procedures enumerated below to assist the University of Minnesota Duluth Athletics Department (the “University”) in evaluating whether the accompanying Statement of Revenues and Expenses and the related notes (the “Statement”) are in compliance with the National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA) Bylaw 6.2.3 and FY2021 Financial Agreed-Upon Procedures dated March 10, 2021 (“NCAA Bylaw 6.2.3”) for the year ended June 30, 2021 (“the subject matter”). The University is responsible for the subject matter.

The University has agreed to and acknowledged that the procedures performed are appropriate to meet the intended purpose of assisting the specified parties in evaluating the subject matter. The procedures performed are specified in NCAA Bylaw 6.2.3.

We make no representation regarding the appropriateness of the procedures either for the purpose for which our report has been requested or for any other purpose. Accordingly, this report may not be suitable for either the purpose of which this report has been requested or for any other purpose. The procedures performed may not address all the items of interest to a user of this report and may not meet the needs of all users of this report and, as such, users are responsible for determining whether the procedures performed are appropriate for their purposes.

For the following agreed-upon procedures, if a specific category was less than 4.0% of total revenues or expenses, no procedures were performed for the specific category. Any differences are noted as findings.

The procedures and associated findings are as follows:

Agreed-Upon Procedures Related to the Statement of Revenues and Expenses

• We obtained Statement for the year ended June 30, 2021, as prepared by Management, and included in Exhibit A to this report.

• We recalculated the total dollar amounts on the Statement and compared the amounts on each line on the Statement to the corresponding amounts on the reconciliation prepared by management between the University’s general ledger and the amounts on the Statement, noting no exceptions.

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• We compared the dollar amounts on management’s reconciliation to the University’s general ledger and recalculated the total presented in the Statement, noting no exceptions.

• We compared current year recorded revenue and expense amounts over 10% of the total prior year revenue or expense amounts, respectively, to prior year recorded amounts and current year budgeted amounts obtained from the University recorded in the Statement and general ledger, and obtained explanations from management for any variances in excess of 10% in revenue and expense amounts.

Agreed-Upon Procedures Related to Revenues

• We compared and agreed each operating revenue category reported in the Statement during the year ended June 30, 2021, to supporting schedules provided by management, noting no exceptions.

• We haphazardly selected 13 operating revenue transactions from the operating revenue supporting schedules provided by management and compared and agreed the date, name, dollar amount, and description to supporting documentation, noting no exceptions.

• We recalculated total ticket sales during the year ended June 30, 2021, noting that ticket sales related revenue was less than 4% of total revenues; no further procedures were performed.

• We compared student fees reported by the University in the Statement for the year ended June 30, 2021 to student enrollments during the year ended June 30, 2021. We obtained and documented the University’s methodology for allocating student fees to the intercollegiate athletics program and recalculated totals. We noted a difference of $70,730 between the recalculated totals based on student enrollments, and the amount recorded in the Statement due to student exemptions, refunds for withdrawals and petitions.

• The athletics department does not report that an allocation of student fees should be countable as generated revenue attributable to a sport; no further procedures were performed.

• We inquired of University management as to whether the University received direct state or other governmental support during the year ended June 30, 2021, noting that it did not; no further procedures were performed.

• We compared the total direct institutional support recorded by the University during the year ended June 30, 2021 to the institutional support of budget transfers documentation and other corroborative supporting documentation, noting no exceptions.

• We calculated the total amount of the University's transfers back from the athletics department during the year ended June 30, 2021, noting that the transfers back from athletics were less than 4% of total revenue; no further procedures were performed.

• We inquired of University management as to whether the University received indirect institutional support during the year ended June 30, 2021, noting that it did not; no further procedures were performed.

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• We inquired of University management as to whether the University received any guarantees during the year ended June 30, 2021, noting that it did not; no further procedures were performed.

• We recalculated total contributions during the year ended June 30, 2021 and compared to the related revenue reported by the University in the Statement. We inquired of University management as to whether the University received contributions of money, goods, or services directly by an intercollegiate athletics program from any affiliated or outside organization, agency, or group of individuals not included above that constituted 10% or more in aggregate of all contributions received for intercollegiate athletics during the year ended June 30, 2021, noting there were none; no further procedures were performed.

• We inquired of University management as to whether the University received any in-kind donations during the year ended June 30, 2021, noting that it did not; no further procedures were performed.

• We inquired of University management as to whether any employees of the University received compensation and benefits provided by a third party during the year ended June 30, 2021, noting that none did; no further procedures were performed.

• We recalculated the University’s total media (broadcast, television, radio) rights received by the University through its conference offices during the year ended June 30, 2021, noting these were less than 4% of total revenues; no further procedures were performed.

• We recalculated the University’s total NCAA distributions revenue for the year ended June 30, 2021, noting NCAA distributions were less than 4% of total revenues; no further procedures were performed.

• We recalculated the University’s total conference distributions and participation in revenues from tournaments during the year ended June 30, 2021, noting conference distributions were less than 4% of total revenues; no further procedures were performed.

• We recalculated the total of program sales, concessions, novelty sales, and parking during the year ended June 30, 2021, noting these were less than 4% of total revenues; no further procedures were performed.

• We obtained and inspected agreements related to the University’s participation in revenues from royalties, licensing, advertisements, and sponsorships during the year ended June 30, 2021 for the relevant terms and conditions. We compared and agreed the related revenues to the University’s general ledger and the Statement, and recalculated totals, noting no exceptions.

• We recalculated the University’s total sports camp revenues, noting sports camp revenues were less than 4% of total revenues; no further procedures were performed.

• We recalculated the total athletics restricted endowment and investment income during the year ended June 30, 2021, noting endowment and investment income were less than 4% of total revenues; no further procedures were performed.

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• We recalculated the total other operating revenues during the year ended June 30, 2021, noting other operating revenues were less than 4% of total revenues; no further procedures were performed.

• We inquired of University management related to revenues from post-season football bowl participation during the year ended June 30, 2021, noting there were none; no further procedures were performed.

Agreed-Upon Procedures Related to Expenses

• We compared and agreed each operating expense category reported in the Statement during the year ended June 30, 2021, to supporting schedules provided by management, noting no exceptions.

• We haphazardly selected 12 operating expense transactions from the operating expense supporting schedules provided by management and compared and agreed the date, name, dollar amount, and description to supporting documentation, noting no exceptions.

• We selected a haphazard sample of 27 students from the listing of University student aid recipients during the year ended June 30, 2021. We obtained student account detail for each student selected and compared total aid to the student’s detail in either the NCAA’s Compliance Assistant software or entered directly into the NCAA Membership Financial Reporting System. No exceptions were noted as a result of our procedures.

• We inquired of University management as to whether the University had guarantees expenses during the year ended June 30, 2021, noting that it did not; no further procedures were performed.

• We obtained and inspected a listing of coaches employed by the University during the year ended June 30, 2021 and selected five coaches’ that included football, and men’s and women’s basketball from the listing. We noted that four of the five coaches selected were non-contract employees, and thus contracts were not applicable. For the one contract employee selection we compared and agreed the financial terms and conditions of the applicable contract selection to the related coaching salaries, benefits, and bonuses recorded by the University in the Statement during the year ended June 30, 2021. We obtained and inspected payroll summary registers for the year ended June 30, 2021 for each selection. We compared and agreed payroll summary registers for the year ended June 30, 2021 to the related coaching salaries, benefits, and bonuses paid by the University to the expense recorded by the University in the Statement for the year ended June 30, 2021. We compared and agreed the totals recorded to the employment contract executed for the applicable contract employee selection and recalculated totals. No exceptions were noted as a result of our procedures.

• We inquired of University management as to whether any coaches were employed by third parties during the year ended June 30, 2021, noting there were none; no further procedures were performed.

• We selected five support staff/administrative personnel employed by the University during the year ended June 30, 2021. We obtained and inspected the payroll summary register for the year

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ended June 30, 2021 for each selection. We compared and agreed payroll summary registers for the year ended June 30, 2021 to the related support staff/administrative salaries, benefits, and bonuses paid by the University to the expense recorded by the University in the Statement during the year ended June 30, 2021 and recalculated the totals, noting no exceptions.

• We inquired of University management as to whether any support staff/administrative personnel were employed by third parties during the year ended June 30, 2021, noting there were none; no further procedures were performed.

• We inquired of the University’s management as to whether the University had severance payments during the year ended June 30, 2021, noting that it did not; no further procedures were performed.

• We recalculated the total amount of the University’s recruiting expenses during the year ended June 30, 2021, noting the recruiting expenses were less than 4% of total expenses; no further procedures were performed.

• We obtained documentation of the University’s team travel policies and compared and agreed to existing University and NCAA related policies. We obtained general ledger detail for the year ended June 30, 2021, compared to the total expenses reported in the Statement, and recalculated totals, noting no exceptions.

• We recalculated the total amount of the University’s equipment, uniforms, and supplies expenses during the year ended June 30, 2021, noting the equipment, uniforms, and supplies expenses were less than 4% of total expenses; no further procedures were performed.

• We recalculated the total amount of the University’s game expenses during the year ended June 30, 2021, noting the game expenses were less than 4% of total expenses; no further procedures were performed.

• We recalculated the total amount of the University’s fundraising, marketing, and promotion expenses during the year ended June 30, 2021, noting the fundraising, marketing, and promotion expenses were less than 4% of total expenses; no further procedures were performed.

• We inquired of University management as to whether the University had any sports camp expenses during the year ended June 30, 2021, noting sports camp expenses were less than 4% of total expenses; no further procedures were performed.

• We inquired of University management as to whether the University had any spirit group expenses during the year ended June 30, 2021, noting that it had none; no further procedures were performed.

• We obtained a listing of debt service schedules, lease payments, and rental fees for athletics facilities during the year ended June 30, 2021. We selected and compared five facility payments including the top two highest facility payments to additional supporting documentation. We compared the amounts recorded to the amounts listed in the general ledger detail and recalculated totals, noting no exceptions.

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• We recalculated total direct overhead and administrative expenses during the year ended June 30, 2021, noting these were less than 4% of total expenses; no further procedures were performed.

• We recalculated the University’s total medical expenses and medical insurance for the year ended June 30, 2021 , noting these were less than 4% of total expenses; no further procedures were performed.

• We recalculated the total amount of the University’s membership and dues expenses during the year ended June 30, 2021, noting the membership and dues expenses were less than 4% of total expenses; no further procedures were performed.

• We recalculated the total amount of the University’s other operating expenses and transfers during the year ended June 30, 2021, noting the other operating expenses and transfers were less than 4% of total expenses; no further procedures were performed.

• We recalculated the total amount of the University’s student-athlete meals (non-travel) expenses during the year ended June 30, 2021, noting the student-athlete meals (non-travel) expenses were less than 4% of total expenses; no further procedures were performed.

• We inquired of University management as to whether the University had football bowl expenses during the year ended June 30, 2021, noting that it did not; no further procedures were performed.

Agreed-Upon Procedures for Other Reporting Items

• We inquired of University management as to whether there were any Excess Transfers to Institution or Conference Realignment Expenses during the year ended June 30, 2021, noting there were none; no further procedures were performed.

• We inquired of University management as to whether the University had outstanding intercollegiate athletics debt as of June 30, 2021, noting it did not; no further procedures were performed.

• We inquired of University management as to whether there were athletics dedicated endowments as of June 30, 2021 maintained by the University of Minnesota Duluth Athletics Department, the institution and affiliated organizations, noting that the Statement does not present any fund or net asset balances; no further procedures were performed.

• We obtained a schedule of athletics related capital expenditures as of June 30, 2021 and general ledger detail of capital expenditures and compared to the total expenditures report, noting no exceptions. We haphazardly selected five transactions, compared to supporting documentation and recalculated totals, noting no exceptions.

We were engaged by the University to perform this agreed-upon procedures engagement and conducted our engagement in accordance with attestation standards established by the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants. We were not engaged to and did not conduct an examination or review engagement, the objective of which would be the expression of an opinion or conclusion, respectively, on

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the subject matter. Accordingly, we do not express such an opinion or conclusion. Had we performed additional procedures, other matters might have come to our attention that would have been reported to you.

We are required to be independent of the University and to meet our other ethical responsibilities, in accordance with the relevant ethical requirements related to our agreed-upon procedures engagement.

This report is intended solely for the information and use of the University of Minnesota Duluth Athletics Department, the Board of Regents and management of the University, and authorized representatives of the NCAA, and is not intended to be, and should not be, used by anyone other than these specified parties.

January 13, 2022

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EXHIBIT A UNIVERSITY OF MINNESOTA – DULUTH, MINNESOTA University of Minnesota Duluth Athletics Department – National Collegiate Athletic Association

STATEMENT OF REVENUES AND EXPENSES FOR THE YEAR ENDED JUNE 30, 2021_______________________________________________________________________________________________

Men’s Women’s Other Non-Program

Football Basketball Basketball Sports Specific Total


Ticket sales 4,378$ 721$ 646$ 53,793$ 294,400$ 353,938$

Direct state or other government support - - - - - -

Student fees - - - - 1,523,197 1,523,197

Direct institutional support 511,671 172,917 176,452 2,436,626 3,320,338 6,618,004

Less—transfers to institution (6,162) (1,953) (2,020) (87,002) (19,822) (116,959)

Indirect institutional support - - - - - -

Indirect institutional support—athletic facilities

debt service, lease and rental fees - - - - - -

Guarantees - - - - - -

Contributions 13,600 - - 9,538 1,075 24,213

In-kind - - - - - -

Compensation and benefits provided by a third party - - - - - -

Media rights 2,600 - - 68,742 - 71,342

NCAA distributions - - 12,660 89,611 6,616 108,887

Conference distributions (non media and non bowl) - - 5,714 38,371 7,500 51,585

Program, novelty, parking and concession sales - - - - 7,864 7,864

Royalties, licensing, advertisement and sponsorships 53,260 10,721 10,421 336,240 174,286 584,928

Sports camp revenues 165,588 37,987 - 30,852 - 234,427

Athletics restricted endowment and investments

income 110,354 50,976 18,539 198,460 20,764 399,093

Other operating revenue 3,000 - - 16,491 355,553 375,044

Bowl revenues - - - - - -

TOTAL OPERATING REVENUES 858,289.00$ 271,369.00$ 222,412.00$ 3,191,722.00$ 5,691,771.00$ 10,235,563.00$


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EXHIBIT A UNIVERSITY OF MINNESOTA – DULUTH, MINNESOTA University of Minnesota Duluth Athletics Department – National Collegiate Athletic Association STATEMENT OF REVENUES AND EXPENSES FOR THE YEAR ENDED JUNE 30, 2021_______________________________________________________________________________________________

Men’s Women’s Other Non-Program

Football Basketball Basketball Sports Specific Total


Athletic student aid 494,017$ 219,266$ 195,046$ 1,422,122$ - $ 2,330,451$

Guarantees - - - - - -

Coaching salaries, benefits and bonuses paid by the

university and related entities 569,179 193,202 172,255 2,285,758 - 3,220,394

Coaching salaries, benefits and bonuses paid by a third party - - - - - -

Support staff/administrative compensation, benefits and

bonuses paid by the university and related entities 1,780 - - 427,094 1,317,731 1,746,605

Support staff/administrative compensation, benefits and

bonuses paid by third party - - - - - -

Severance payments - - - - - -

Recruiting 20,429 1,968 2,247 34,517 - 59,161

Team travel 2,546 24,040 39,933 581,454 - 647,973

Sports equipment, uniforms and supplies 71,360 10,040 8,941 272,200 3,759 366,300

Game expenses 8,817 11,121 11,466 224,845 7,738 263,987

Fund raising, marketing and promotion 18,970 1,417 1,417 71,381 23,439 116,624

Sports camp expenses 27,474 13,655 2,400 8,215 - 51,744

Spirit groups - - - - - -

Athletic facilities debt service, leases and rental fee - - - 408,731 11,000 419,731

Direct overhead and administrative expenses 14,444 4,215 6,593 105,947 104,076 235,275

Indirect institutional support - - - - - -

Medical expenses and insurance 9,524 2,774 1,075 61,100 245,710 320,183

Memberships and dues 2,898 2,898 2,898 70,442 3,956 83,092

Student-athlete meals (non-travel) 593 122 - 35,485 - 36,200

Other operating expenses - - - 920 11,206 12,126

Bowl expenses - - - - - -

Bowl expenses—coaching compensation/bonuses - - - - - -

TOTAL OPERATING EXPENSES 1,242,031 484,718 444,271 6,010,211 1,728,615 9,909,846


(UNDER) EXPENSES (383,742)$ (213,349)$ (221,859)$ (2,818,489)$ 3,963,156$ 325,717$

See notes to statement of revenues and expenses (Concluded)

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UNIVERSITY OF MINNESOTA - DULUTH, MINNESOTA University of Minnesota Duluth Athletics Department-National Collegiate Athletic Association


The information on operating and gift-related revenues and operating expenses is presented in accordance with the principles stated in the NCAA Agreed-Upon Procedures manual dated March 10, 2021, which contained policies and procedures related to the administration of NCAA Bylaw 6.2.3.

Revenue Recognition—The amounts in the Statement were obtained from the University’s general ledger, which is maintained on an accrual basis. The University prepared the Statement using the basic accounting and revenue recognition principles set forth in the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants Audit and Accounting Guide entitled “Not-for-Profit Organizations” (the “NFP Audit Guide”) and in the National Association of College and University Business Officers publication entitled “College and University Business Administration,” and revenue is presented on an accrual basis. The Statement presents a net surplus (deficit), but does not present any fund or net asset balances. In addition, changes in loan, endowment, or plant funds related to intercollegiate athletics are not included in the Statement.

The University records depreciation on physical plant and equipment; however, depreciation is not part of the Statement. Revenues include all unrestricted and restricted resources earned during the year to the extent that such funds were expended for current operating purposes. Ticket sales are recorded as revenue during the year in which the related event is scheduled. Revenues related to events scheduled subsequent to year-end are deferred.

Contributions—Contribution revenue included in the Statement represents contributions given to the University based on the donor’s instructions. There were no individual contributions in excess of 10% of all contributions received for the University for the year ended June 30, 2021.

Gifts—Revenues include amounts received directly from individuals, corporations, associations, foundations, clubs, or other organizations that are designated or restricted by the donor for the operations of the athletics program.

Investment and Endowment Income—Revenues include unrestricted and restricted investment and endowment income to the extent expended for operations of intercollegiate athletics.

Revenue Allocations—Revenues include subsidies from the University of Minnesota. These amounts are allocated by the University’s management.

Capitalized Assets—Land, buildings, and other property are recorded at cost, if purchased or constructed, or at market value on the date of gift, if received by gift or bequest.

Expenses—Expenses included in the Statement are presented on a cash basis.

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UNIVERSITY OF MINNESOTA - DULUTH, MINNESOTA University of Minnesota Duluth Athletics Department-National Collegiate Athletic Association CAPITAL ASSET ACTIVITY AS OF AND FOR THE YEAR ENDED JUNE 30, 2021______________________________________________________

Balance at Balance atJune 30, 2020 Additions Disposals Transfers June 30, 2021


Malosky Stadium 8,665,411$ -$ -$ -$ 8,665,411$ Sports and Health Center 14,473,414 - - - 14,473,414 St Louis Bay Aquatic Center 13,072,991 - - - 13,072,991 Ward Wells Field House 1,486,328 - - - 1,486,328

TOTAL BUILDING 37,698,144 - - - 37,698,144

GROSS EQUIPMENT 157,351 - - - 157,351

TOTAL 37,855,495$ -$ -$ -$ 37,855,495$

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Presentation to the Audit & Compliance Committee of the Board of RegentsDeloitte & Touche LLPJanuary 20, 2022(to be presented February 10, 2022)

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Presentation to the Audit & Compliance Committee of the Board of RegentsCopyright © 2022 Deloitte Development LLC. All rights reserved. 2

January 20, 2022

Audit & Compliance Committee of the Board of RegentsUniversity of Minnesota1300 South Second StreetMinneapolis, MN 55455 USA

Dear Members of the Audit & Compliance Committee of the Board of Regents:

We have prepared the following comments to assist you in fulfilling your obligation to oversee the financial reporting and disclosure process for which management of the University is responsible.

This report is intended solely for the information and use of management, the Audit & Compliance Committee of the Board of Regents, and others within the organization and is not intended to be and should not be used by anyone other than these specified parties.

Yours truly,

cc: Management of the University of Minnesota

Deloitte & Touche LLPSuite 280050 South 6th StreetMinneapolis, MNUSA

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Presentation to the Audit & Compliance Committee of the Board of RegentsCopyright © 2022 Deloitte Development LLC. All rights reserved. 3

The other services provided to the University of Minnesota by Deloitte & Touche LLP related to fiscal year 2021 included both audit and audit-related services.

A summary of the other services performed includes:

Summary of other services for 2021

Service Requirement Objective Assurance Provided?

OMB Uniform Guidance Federal Compliance Audit Office of Management and Budget Test compliance with federal grant requirements


Minnesota Office of Higher Education Financial Aid Programs Examination

Minnesota Office of Higher Education Examine compliance of state financial aid programs


NCAA Agreed-Upon Procedures – Twin Cities NCAA Bylaws Assess compliance with NCAA bylaws established for Division I athletics related to specific items


NCAA Agreed-Upon Procedures – Duluth NCAA Bylaws Assess compliance with NCAA bylaws established for Division II athletics related to specific items


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Presentation to the Audit & Compliance Committee of the Board of RegentsCopyright © 2022 Deloitte Development LLC. All rights reserved. 4

OMB Uniform Guidance Federal Compliance Audit

• Audit report on the schedule of expenditures of federal awards for the year ended June 30, 2021, to be issued in February 2022

• Audit performed in accordance with auditing standards generally accepted in the United States of America; the standards applicable to financial audits contained in Government Auditing Standards, issued by the Comptroller General of the United States; and the audit requirements of Title 2 U.S. Code of Federal Regulations Part 200, Uniform Administrative Requirements, Cost Principles, and Audit Requirements for Federal Awards

• OMB Uniform Guidance audit required for entities with federal expenditures during a fiscal year in excess of $750,000

• The University’s federal expenditures for the year ended June 30, 2021 were approximately $1.111 billion

• The University continues to qualify as a low-risk auditee

Summary of other services for 2021 (cont.)

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Presentation to the Audit & Compliance Committee of the Board of RegentsCopyright © 2022 Deloitte Development LLC. All rights reserved. 5

OMB Uniform Guidance Federal Compliance Audit (cont.)

• Five major programs identified and tested in the current year

• Unmodified opinions on compliance for all major programs

• No significant deficiencies or material weaknesses in internal control over financial reporting or internal control over compliance

• No material instances of noncompliance for major programs

• No findings or questioned costs were identified

Summary of other services for 2021 (cont.)

Major federal program 2021 Federal Expenditures

Research and Development Cluster $578,187,000

Student Financial Assistance Cluster 373,700,000

Higher Education Emergency Relief Fund 86,737,000

Smith-Lever Funding 9,893,000

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Investigations and Technical Assistance


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Presentation to the Audit & Compliance Committee of the Board of RegentsCopyright © 2022 Deloitte Development LLC. All rights reserved. 6

Minnesota Office of Higher Education Financial Aid Programs Examination

• Compliance examination for state grants performed in connection with federal compliance audit

• Required procedures are outlined in the Financial Aid Programs Audit Guide issued by the state of Minnesota

• Reports on compliance issued for each campus (Twin Cities, Duluth, Crookston, Morris)

• Reports issued in January 2022

• No findings were identified

Summary of other services for 2021 (cont.)

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Presentation to the Audit & Compliance Committee of the Board of RegentsCopyright © 2022 Deloitte Development LLC. All rights reserved. 7

NCAA Agreed-Upon Procedures – Twin Cities

• Procedures performed for the University of Minnesota – Twin Cities Athletic Department’s compliance with NCAA bylaws

• Procedures are established by the NCAA for Division I athletics and include procedures over:

− Revenues

− Expenses

− Capital assets

− Debt

− Affiliated organizations (Booster Clubs)

• Report issued in December 2021

• No findings were identified

Summary of other services for 2021 (cont.)

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Presentation to the Audit & Compliance Committee of the Board of RegentsCopyright © 2022 Deloitte Development LLC. All rights reserved. 8

NCAA Agreed-Upon Procedures – Duluth

• Procedures performed for the University of Minnesota – Duluth Athletic Department’s compliance with NCAA bylaws

• Procedures are established by the NCAA for Division II athletics and include procedures over:

− Revenues

− Expenses

− Capital assets

• Report issued in January 2022

• No findings were identified

Summary of other services for 2021 (cont.)

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About Deloitte

Deloitte refers to one or more of Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu Limited, a UK private company limited by guarantee (“DTTL”), its network of member firms, and their related entities. DTTL and each of its member firms are legally separate and independent entities. DTTL (also referred to as “Deloitte Global”) does not provide services to clients. In the United States, Deloitte refers to one or more of the US member firms of DTTL, their related entities that operate using the “Deloitte” name in the United States and their respective affiliates. Certain services may not be available to attest clients under the rules and regulations of public accounting. Please see to learn more about our global network of member firms.

Copyright © 2022 Deloitte Development LLC. All rights reserved.

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Audit & Compliance February 10, 2022 AGENDA ITEM: External Audit Plan

Review Review + Action Action X Discussion

PRESENTERS: Sue Paulson, Controller Judi Dockendorf, Managing Director, Deloitte & Touche LLP

Nicole Hoium, Audit Manager, Deloitte & Touche LLP PURPOSE & KEY POINTS The purpose of this item is discussion of the University’s external audit plan. This plan sets forth the audit scope, objectives, and approach to be used by Deloitte & Touche, LLP (Deloitte) for conducting the University’s FY 2022 financial and compliance audits. Members from the Deloitte engagement team will provide an overview of the audit plan, including the firm’s assessment of audit risks, testing approach, and timelines for the FY 2022 audits.

BACKGROUND INFORMATION This report is presented annually in conformance with Board of Regents Policy: Board Operations and Agenda Guidelines.

This is a report required by Board policy.

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2022 University of MinnesotaPlanned Scope and Timing of the Audit and Other Services

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2022 University of Minnesota—Planned Scope and Timing of the Audit and Other ServicesCopyright © 2022 Deloitte Development LLC. All rights reserved. 2

Deloitte & Touche LLP50 South Sixth StreetMinneapolis, MN 55402USA

Tel.: +1 612 397 4000Fax: +1 612 397

January 20, 2022

The Audit & Compliance Committee of the Board of RegentsUniversity of Minnesota1300 South Second StreetMinneapolis, MN 55455

Dear Members of the Audit & Compliance Committee of the Board of Regents:

We are pleased to present Deloitte & Touche LLP’s 2022 client service plan for the University of Minnesota (the “University”), including an audit of the consolidated financial statements of the University (the “financial statements”) as of and for the year ending June 30, 2022, in accordance with auditing standards generally accepted in the United States of America (“generally accepted auditing standards”).

We have prepared the following comments related to the planned scope and timing of our audit to assist you in fulfilling your obligation to oversee the financial reporting and disclosure process for which management of the Company is responsible.

This report is intended solely for the information and use of the Audit & Compliance Committee of the Board of Regents, management, and others within the organization and is not intended to be and should not be used by anyone other than these specified parties.

Yours truly,

cc: The Management of the University of Minnesota

Page 140 of 215

2022 University of Minnesota—Planned Scope and Timing of the Audit and Other ServicesCopyright © 2022 Deloitte Development LLC. All rights reserved. 3

Planned Scope of the Audit

We will plan and perform our audit to obtain reasonable assurance about whether the financial statements are free from material misstatement, whether caused by error or fraud.

Materiality Internal Control Internal Audit Function

Materiality is the amount we use as our basis for planning the scope of our audit of the Company’s financial statements and is the amount of misstatement we judge to be material to the financial statements on which we are reporting. The determination of materiality is a complex issue requiring consideration of qualitative and quantitative factors and is a matter of professional judgment taking into account our knowledge of the entity, our assessment of engagement risk, and the reporting requirements for the financial statements. Our consideration of materiality is influenced by our perception of the needs of users of the Company’s financial statements.

We do not plan to adopt a control-reliance strategy in the performance of our audit of the financial statements.

We do not plan to use the work of the internal audit function.

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2022 University of Minnesota—Planned Scope and Timing of the Audit and Other ServicesCopyright © 2022 Deloitte Development LLC. All rights reserved. 4

As of the date of this report, we have identified certain significant risks, including fraud risks. A significant risk is a risk of material misstatement of the financial statements that requires special audit consideration.

The significant risks we have identified during our risk assessment procedures are listed below. We will separately communicate any additional significant risks we identify as we perform our audit procedures.

Significant Risks

Significant Risks Significant Risks

Management override of controls

Presumed risk pervasive across all entities due to the unpredictable nature.

Valuation of alternative investments

Management uses significant assumptions and judgments in developing the valuation of these investments.

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2022 University of Minnesota—Planned Scope and Timing of the Audit and Other ServicesCopyright © 2022 Deloitte Development LLC. All rights reserved. 5

Significant Risks (cont.)

Areas of Significant Risk Description of Significant Risk Planned Procedures

Management override of controls

The risk of management override of controls is pervasive. Because of the unpredictable nature of this risk, it poses a risk of material misstatement resulting from fraud and is thus an area of audit focus.

• Test the appropriateness of journal entries recorded in the general ledger and other adjustments made in the preparation of the financial statements by obtaining an understanding of the Company’s financial reporting process and controls over journal entries, making inquiries of individuals involved in the financial reporting process, and selecting journal entries and other adjustments for testing.

• Review accounting estimates for bias and evaluate whether the circumstances producing the bias, if any, represent a risk of material misstatement due to fraud.

• For significant transactions that are outside the normal course of business, or that otherwise appear to be unusual, evaluate whether the business rationale (or the lack thereof) of the transactions suggest that they may have been entered into to engage in fraudulent financial reporting or to conceal misappropriation of assets.

• Perform analytical procedures on the financial statements to identify unusual trends in account balances and ratios.


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2022 University of Minnesota—Planned Scope and Timing of the Audit and Other ServicesCopyright © 2022 Deloitte Development LLC. All rights reserved. 6

Significant Risks (cont.)

Areas of Significant Risk Description of Significant Risk Planned Procedures

Valuation of alternative investments

The valuation of alternative investments, specifically level 3/NAV investments, is susceptible to estimation and management judgment. Management uses significant assumptions and judgments in developing the related valuation of these level 3/NAV investments.

• Review the valuations provided by external investment managers and management’s analysis to evaluate how positions are marked to market for a selected sample. Assess the underlying assumptions used to determine fair value for alternative investment vehicles.

• Update our understanding of the University’s investment portfolio and consider investment strategies or products that pose control or financial reporting risks.

• Understand and document the oversight and monitoring procedures performed by management when investing in new funds, quarterly and annually. Obtain an understanding of the internal controls and perform design and implementation procedures over the monitoring of and reporting on on-going invested funds.

• Review transactions at or near the balance sheet date which support the valuation of the investment for a selected sample.

• Confirm directly with external investment fund managers and request related audited financial statements to verify underlying value of alternative investments for a selected sample. Perform rollforward procedures from the funds’ audited financial statement date to June 30, 2022 through benchmark procedure.

• Benchmarking procedures:– Segregate investments into asset classes based on underlying holdings.– Identify asset classes that represent audit interest and increase extent of testing within that asset class

• Perform detail testing of purchases and sales activity.• Perform look-back procedures.• Obtain most recent unaudited fund financial statements.


We will separately communicate any additional significant risks we identify as we perform our audit procedures.

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2022 University of Minnesota—Planned Scope and Timing of the Audit and Other ServicesCopyright © 2022 Deloitte Development LLC. All rights reserved. 7

The following is a summary of services to be provided in 2022:

Scope of our audit and related work

Financial Statement Audits Requirement Objective Assurance Provided?

University of Minnesota Consolidated Financial Statements

Accounting principles generally accepted in the United States of America (“GAAP”)

Express an opinion on whether the University’s consolidated financial statements, excluding the discretely presented component units are presented fairly, in all material respects, in accordance with GAAP


Government Auditing Standards, issued by the Comptroller General of the United States (“GAGAS”)

Report on the University’s internal control over financial reporting and on its compliance with certain provisions of laws, regulations, contracts, and grant agreements based on an audit of consolidated financial statements performed in accordance with GAGAS

RUMINCO, Ltd Insurance Act of 1978, Bermuda Monetary Authority

Audit of statutory financial statements to be performed by Deloitte Bermuda


Compliance and Agreed-Upon Procedures

Requirement Objective Assurance Provided?

OMB Uniform Guidance Federal Compliance Audit

Office of Management and Budget Test compliance with federal grant requirements Full

Minnesota Office of Higher Education Financial Aid Programs Examination

Minnesota Office of Higher Education Test compliance of state financial aid programs Full

NCAA Agreed-Upon Procedures –Twin Cities

NCAA Bylaws Assess compliance with NCAA bylaws established for Division I athletics related to specific items


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2022 University of Minnesota—Planned Scope and Timing of the Audit and Other ServicesCopyright © 2022 Deloitte Development LLC. All rights reserved. 8

Planned Timing of the Audit



University Consolidated Audit

Audit planning and risk assessment ● ● ●

Perform interim audit procedures ● ●

Perform final audit procedures ● ● ●

Conclude and report ●

Compliance Audit and Agreed Upon Procedures

Compliance audit planning and risk assessment ● ●

Compliance requirements testing ● ● ● ●

Compliance audit conclude and report ● ●

NCAA agreed-upon procedures ● ● ●

Page 146 of 215

About Deloitte

Deloitte refers to one or more of Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu Limited, a UK private company limited by guarantee (“DTTL”), its network of member firms, and their related entities. DTTL and each of its member firms are legally separate and independent entities. DTTL (also referred to as “Deloitte Global”) does not provide services to clients. In the United States, Deloitte refers to one or more of the US member firms of DTTL, their related entities that operate using the “Deloitte” name in the United States and their respective affiliates. Certain services may not be available to attest clients under the rules and regulations of public accounting. Please see to learn more about our global network of member firms.

Copyright © 2022 Deloitte Development LLC. All rights reserved.

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Audit & Compliance February 10, 2022 AGENDA ITEM: Academic and Research Misconduct Processes

Review Review + Action Action X Discussion

PRESENTERS: Quinn Gaalswyk, Chief Auditor

Tina Marisam, Director and Title IX Coordinator, Equal Opportunity and Affirmative Action Frances Lawrenz, Associate Vice President for Research Tamar Gronvall, Director, Office for Conflict Resolution Boyd Kumher, Chief Compliance Officer

PURPOSE & KEY POINTS The purpose of this item is to discuss faculty and staff academic and research misconduct processes, as well as some recent improvement efforts. The Office of Internal Audit issued a report on Academic and Research Misconduct in October 2021. The audit found the risks were well-managed, and no report issues were identified. However, several different units across the University use varying processes for handling faculty and staff academic and research misconduct, and the audit did identify some considerations for improvement. This agenda item will include:

A brief overview of the audit report and results. Presentations on unit-specific misconduct reporting and response processes from Equal

Opportunity and Affirmative Action, the Office of the Vice President for Research, the Office for Conflict Resolution, and the Office of Institutional Compliance.

An update on efforts related to two areas for improvement identified in the audit report: definitions of academic and research misconduct in policy, and misconduct case reporting and system management.

This is a report required by Board policy.

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Academic and Research Misconduct Processes

Quinn Gaalswyk – Chief AuditorTina Marisam – EOAA Director and Title IX CoordinatorFrances Lawrenz – Associate Vice President for ResearchTamar Gronvall – Director, Office for Conflict ResolutionBoyd Kumher – Chief Compliance Officer

Audit and Compliance CommitteeFebruary 10, 2022

Page 149 of 215

Academic and Research Misconduct Audit Report• Reviewed academic and research misconduct

procedures effectiveness, efficiency, and fairness• Confirmed:

– Overall risk is well-managed; no report level issues– Processes vary between responding units – Some considerations for improvement

Page 150 of 215

Considerations for Improvement

• Two considerations for improvement directly impact the Board of Regents– Consistent Academic and Research Misconduct definition– Comprehensive combined misconduct reporting and/or

using a common misconduct management system• State of remediation efforts covered at the end of the


Page 151 of 215

Other Analysis & Improvement Efforts

• Faculty Misconduct Taskforce– President initiated systemwide effort to advise on faculty

misconduct response processes– Recommendations expected May 2022

• Provost’s Task Force on Faculty Behavior in Graduate Education– Review and advise on processes for handling potential

issues between faculty and graduate students– Recommendations expected March 2022

Page 152 of 215

Misconduct Response Units & Annual Estimated Cases Reviewed• Equal Opportunity and Affirmative Action: 600 to 750• Office of the Vice President for Research: 6 to 12• Office for Conflict Resolution: 150 to 250• Office of Institutional Compliance - UReport: 225• Student Conflict Resolution Center: 650 to 800• Office of Human Resources - Employee Relations: 90• Medical School Mistreatment and Harassment Oversight: 20 to 25• Senate Judicial Committee: 1 or 2

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Presentation to the Board of Regents

Audit & Compliance Committee

Tina Marisam, EOAA Director and Title IX Coordinator

February 10, 2022

Page 154 of 215

• EOAA responds to system-wide reports of discrimination, sexual misconduct, and related retaliation.

– Except, campus student conduct offices (and not EOAA) respond to discrimination and related retaliation reports involving student respondents.

• EOAA responds to concerns through informal problem-solving processes and formal investigation processes.

EOAA’s Primary Functions

Page 155 of 215

• Informal processes consist of non-disciplinary strategies aimed at stopping potential misconduct and preventing future concerns.

• Informal processes may include: informing the respondent about the concerns, coaching, the provision of supportive and educational resources, and monitoring.

• Informal processes may be appropriate in cases:– with an anonymous complainant; – where the alleged conduct does not rise to the level of prohibited conduct; – where the complainant does not want an investigation and an informal

problem-solving process may effectively address the alleged conduct; or– where academic freedom or free speech protections likely apply.

Informal Problem-Solving Process

Page 156 of 215

• Formal processes consist of, among other things, an investigation, a decision on responsibility, potential discipline, and an opportunity for appeal.

• Investigations are conducted by EOAA staff members.

• Investigations incorporate procedural fairness protections, including: – written notice of the allegations;– written information about the applicable process, policies, and resources;– an opportunity for parties to decline to participate in the investigation;– an opportunity for parties to provide evidence and identify witnesses;– an opportunity for parties to bring an advisor to process meetings;– an opportunity to comment on the relevant evidence gathered; and– an opportunity to appeal.

Formal Investigation Process

Page 157 of 215

Employment Discrimination

FY2019 FY2020 FY2021(preliminary)

Reports 365 365 326

Investigations 45 53 36

Findings 15 24 13Some processes are ongoing.

Page 158 of 215

Student Sexual Misconduct

FY2019 FY2020 FY2021(preliminary)

Reports 299 266 176

Investigations 28 20 8

Findings 19 15 4Two grievance processes

are ongoing.

Page 159 of 215

Research Misconduct Frances Lawrenz

Associate Vice President for Research

Page 160 of 215

What is Research Misconduct?

• Research Misconduct is:• Fabrication, Falsification, or Plagiarism

(collectively “F, F, or P”) in proposing, performing, reviewing or reporting research

• UMN Policy also defines other fraudulent actions inresearch or other scholarly activity as researchmisconduct

Page 161 of 215

Finding of Research Misconduct• Conduct must be:

• “Research Misconduct”• A significant departure from accepted practices of the relevant

academic community• Committed intentionally, knowingly, or recklessly• Proven by a preponderance of the evidence (more likely than


Page 162 of 215

What are the Specific Steps ?1. Complainant makes allegation2. Allegation review – by RIO3. Data sequestration - by RIO, OGC, OIT, and

Dep’t/College Official4. Inquiry – by RIO or Inquiry Panel5. Investigation – by Investigation Panel6. VPR makes final misconduct decision; other channels

for discipline and appeal

Page 163 of 215


• By Funding Agency: Barred or suspended fromreceiving federal research support; requiredmonitoring; misconduct finding publicized; in rarecases, criminal charges, fines

• By Others: Dismissed from program or from U;degree revocation, retractions, reputational harm toself and colleagues

Page 164 of 215

Office for Conflict Resolution (OCR)Office for Equity and Diversity (OED)

Tamar Gronvall, J.D. (Director)(she/her/hers)

Page 165 of 215

Office for Conflict Resolution (OCR)

Who We Serve:

Provide timely and highly competent services to Employeesat all 5 System Campuses & Extension:Twin Cities, Duluth, Morris, Crookston, Rochester

Available to Non-Labor represented U Employees; • All Faculty; tenured, non-tenured, P&A faculty,• All Professional & Administrative (P&A) staff,• All Civil Service,• All Student workers & Grad Student workers, Post-docs

Page 166 of 215

Office for Conflict Resolution

How We are Unique:

• Independent, from Human Resources, OGC,President or Provosts’ office, other Universityunits.

• Impartial, but advocate for a fair process andresolution for all, and helping everyone to do theright thing.

• Confidential, informal assistance.

Page 167 of 215

Office for Conflict ResolutionWhat We Do & How We Can Help:

1. Informal Assistance (Ombuds) & Strategic Consultation:confidential, individual strategy session(s), option of facilitateddialogue, circle-process (new). Unique opportunity to have difficultconversations in impartial setting. Process moves quickly, preservesand improves on-going relationships.

2. Formal Assistance (Grievance Process): University’s internalgrievance process, violation of policy, regulation. Restrictions ontime and issues, process takes several months to conclusion.

3. Teaching & Outreach: Teaching at unit’s request, tailored towardrelevant unit issues. Raise awareness of OCR resources, addressmisconduct so can be timely addressed.

Page 168 of 215

Academic & Research MisconductCommon Themes Seen at OCR:

1. Inappropriate Discriminatory, Biased or Bullying Behavior.

2. Fear of Retaliation for Raising Concern or Reporting.

3. Concerns Reported to Dept. Leadership or HR, no accountability, failureto make mandated reports to EOAA or provide resources.

4. Tenured Faculty Leadership failure to hold colleagues accountable.

5. Lack of Accountability of Leadership in units with repeated problems.

6. Employees Impacted leave Employment at the U for more professionalworkplace.

Page 169 of 215

How OCR Addresses Misconduct1. Informal Assistance (Ombuds) Process:• Prompt, confidential and direct consultation and coaching with individuals

involved and impacted, regarding best employment practices and U policies.• Prompt referral and consultation with formal U processes, EOAA, UReport,

OHR.• Option for facilitated dialogue, mediation where appropriate.• Increases awareness, compliance, reduces lawsuits and expensive employee


2. Formal Assistance (Grievance) Process:• Oversee the U’s formal employee grievance process, must show violation of

law, U policy or procedure.• Due process and jurisdictional guidelines in policy.• Peer hearing process and recommendation subject to Provost review.• Final Provost decision subject to binding arbitration or judicial review.

Page 170 of 215

Increased Demand for OCR ServicesFY 2020 Stats:• Informal Assistance/Ombuds Consultations: 142*• Facilitated Dialogues/Mediations: 13• Formal Grievance Petitions Pending: 12 (4 cont’d, 8 newly

filed)• Trainings: 14

FY 2021 Stats: • Informal Assistance/Ombuds Consultations: 220*• Facilitated Dialogues/Mediations: 25• Formal Grievance Petitions Pending: 5 (5 cont’d).• Trainings: 14

FY 20 to FY 21: 60% Increase Informal Assistance

100% Increase Facilitated Dialogues/Mediations

Page 171 of 215

Academic and Research Misconduct –Office of Institutional Compliance

Boyd Kumher – Chief Compliance Officer

Audit and Compliance CommitteeFebruary 10, 2022

Page 172 of 215

Office of Institutional Compliance

• The University Compliance Program was establishedin 2006 and follows the elements of the FederalSentencing Guidelines. The program managesapproximately 225 hotline reports each year, conductsannual compliance reviews of key risk areas, andconvenes quarterly meetings of the ExecutiveOversight Compliance Committee and CompliancePartner Committee.

Page 173 of 215

Administrative Policy: Reporting Suspected Misconduct• Establishes behavior expectations:

– “Preamble: All members of the University community are expected toconduct University-related business with honesty and integrity, andmust comply with all governing rules, regulations and policies.”

• Establishes reporting expectations:– “Reporting Misconduct: Community members or other individuals who

have a good faith belief that there has been a violation of local, state,or federal law or University policy governing any University activity, orthat red flag indicators of potential misconduct exist, should reporttheir concerns…[.]”

Page 174 of 215

Investigation conducted per procedures in the Investigating Reports of Misconduct Policy and summary report provided to OIC.

UReport Management ProcessUReport Submitted

UReport Consultative Team (UCT)Chief Auditor, Chief Compliance Officer, Attorney for Office of the General Counsel, Vice President for Human Resources

Is there enough

information to proceed?



Employment & HR

Health & Safety



Property & Facilities

Assign UReport based on allegation type



OIC leaves feedback for the Reporter and closes the UReport.


Academic EOAA Privacy

Student Concerns

UCT reviews summary report and may recommend further actions if warranted.

Page 175 of 215

Defining Misconduct

• Challenge: Board of Regents Policy: AcademicMisconduct and Administrative Policy: ResearchMisconduct use the same definition of misconduct:– “The fabrication or falsification of data, research procedures, or data

analysis; destruction of data for fraudulent purposes; plagiarism; abuse ofconfidentiality; or other fraudulent actions in proposing, performing,reviewing, or reporting the results of research or other scholarly activity. Itis particularly important to distinguish research misconduct from honesterror and the ambiguities of interpretation that are inherent in thescientific and scholarly process, but are normally corrected by furtherresearch.”

Page 176 of 215

Defining Misconduct

• Collaborative Approach– Provost– Research Administration– Internal Audit– Compliance– Director for Policy Management

Page 177 of 215

Defining Misconduct

• Recommendations– Change the name of Board of Regents Policy: Academic

Misconduct to Research Misconduct– Revise the definition of Research Misconduct to clearly

focus on research and other creative activity– Make corresponding changes throughout both documents

to ensure consistency once a common definition is approved

Page 178 of 215

Defining Misconduct

• There is an overarching Administrative Policy: ReportingSuspected Misconduct that is broad enough to capturemisconduct that is not specifically covered in ResearchMisconduct:– A violation of local, state, or federal law or University policy, or

noncompliance with sponsor regulations or requirements. Thisincludes both Board of Regents Policies: Code of Conduct andStudent Code of Conduct. A few examples of misconductmight include sexual harassment, theft, plagiarism, or a breachof the privacy policy.

Page 179 of 215

Comprehensive Reporting• In collaboration with stakeholders a plan is being developed to

aggregate data from key compliance risk areas, potentiallyincluding:– Athletics– Department of Environmental Health and Safety– Equal Opportunity and Affirmative Action/ Title IX– Office for Community Standards– Office for Conflict Resolution– Office for Equity and Diversity– Office of Human Resources– Office of Internal Audits– Office of the Vice President for Research– Student Conflict Resolution Center

Page 180 of 215

Comprehensive Reporting

• Potential Benefits– Trend recognition– Reduce duplication of effort– Better informed decisions

Page 181 of 215

Common Case Management Platform

• Benefit: Allow for consistent documentation and allowother units to view cases outside their unit, whilemaintaining appropriate confidentiality.

• Plan to explore options– Identify potential users– Identify potential products– Discuss feasibility with stakeholders and leadership

Page 182 of 215

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Audit & Compliance February 10, 2022 AGENDA ITEM: Internal Audit Update

Review Review + Action Action X Discussion

PRESENTER: Quinn Gaalswyk, Chief Auditor PURPOSE & KEY POINTS The purpose of this item is to update the committee on Office of Internal Audit activities, results, and observations.

Since the last internal audit update in October 2021, 32% of the outstanding

recommendations rated as “essential” were resolved by University departments. This is less than the expected implementation rate of 40%; however, nearly two-thirds of the unresolved recommendations are from audits in their first remediation review period.

Of the unresolved outstanding recommendations rated as “essential,” 42% are past due; this is an improvement from last period’s 76%. In response to these results, President Gabel sent a memo to her leadership team on January 24 reemphasizing the importance of timely implementation of audit recommendations and that units provide the Office of Internal Audit with plans for remediating outstanding items.

All outstanding “essential” recommendations were resolved for six audits. An updated control evaluation chart is included in the docket for each audit to show

progress made on remediation of “essential” items. Nine audit reports containing a combined total of 3 recommendations rated as “essential”

were issued in the last four months. Other information important to the Audit and Compliance Committee for its oversight of the

internal audit function is also provided, including summaries of: time spent on planned audit work and potential adjustments to the audit plan, audit activity, reports issued since October 2021, SNAP reviews, and other informational items.

BACKGROUND INFORMATION This report is delivered three times per year, as required by Board of Regents Policy: Board Operations and Agenda Guidelines, to help the committee fulfill its fiduciary responsibilities under its reserved authority for oversight of the internal audit function.

x This is a report required by Board policy.

Page 184 of 215

Internal Audit Update

University of Minnesota Regents Audit and Compliance Committee February 10, 2022

This report includes: • Audit Observations/Information/Status of Critical Measures/Other Items• Status of “Essential” Recommendations & Bar Charts Showing Progress Made• Audit Activity Report• Audit Reports Issued Since October 2021• SNAP Review Summary

Details for any of the items in this report are available on request. Individual reports were sent to the President, Provost, Vice Presidents, and Chancellors about these internal audit issues.

Audit Observations/Information

Status of Critical Measures

As part of our ongoing efforts to provide the Audit and Compliance Committee with critical information in as concise a format as possible, we have developed the following charts to present a quick overview of work performed by the Office of Internal Audit.

The first chart, “Essential Recommendation Implementation,” provides our overall assessment of the success University departments had during the last period in implementing our essential recommendations. Readings in the yellow or red indicate implementation percentages less than, or significantly less than, our expected University-wide rate of 40%. Detailed information on this topic, both institution-wide and for each individual unit, is contained in the next section of this Update Report.

The second chart, entitled “Resources Spent on Planned Assurance Work,” is our assessment of the amount of time we have been able to devote to planned audit work. This assessment includes our progress on completion of Tier 1 and Tier 2 audits on the FY 2022 audit plan, as well as any audits that were substituted for Tier 2 audits to address higher priority needs. Readings less than green could be influenced by a variety of factors (e.g., insufficient staff resources; increased time spent on non-scheduled audits or investigations).

The final chart, “Time Spent on Non-Scheduled Audit Activities,” provides a status report on the amount of time consumed by investigative activities, special projects and other management requests. We estimate a budget for this type of work, and the chart will indicate whether we expect that budget to be sufficient. Continued readings in the yellow or red may result in seeking Audit and Compliance Committee approval for modifying the Annual Audit Plan.

Page 185 of 215

Essential Recommendation Resources Spent on Time Spent on Implementation Planned Assurance Work Non-Scheduled Audit Activities

Other items:

• Quinn Gaalswyk was named by the Board of Regents as Chief Auditor effective January 3rd.

• The Office of Internal Audit currently has four vacant positions: IT audit manager, IT auditor,and two financial auditors.

• Due to our recent open positions, we expect some Tier 2 audits and other planned IT auditactivities may not be completed, but still intend to complete all Tier 1 audits. If some auditsare unable to be completed these will most likely be: University Recreation and Wellness,Supplier Automated Clearing House (ACH) transfers, and/or Athletics Financial Activities.

• All Office of Internal Audit staff transitioned to working remotely in March 2020 due to theCOVID-19 pandemic. Currently, we are utilizing a hybrid approach with some staff reportingto the office periodically and/or conducting audit work in-person as needed. In most areasaudit work continues relatively smoothly thanks to the prompt and helpful assistance ofUniversity personnel; however, there are some units highly impacted by the pandemic whereadditional accommodations have been required.

Time spent on assurance audit work is in alignment with what is expected and budgeted for the year to date.

Time spent on investigations, special projects and management requests is less than expected and budgeted for the year to date.

Implementation rates were 32% for the period; less than our expected rate of 40%. However, 64% of remaining items are from audits in their first review period.

Page 186 of 215

Status of Essential Recommendations

Past Due On-Schedule Complete

Report# Audit NameOpen Recs -Past Due

Number ofEssential Recs(Report) Status (Follow-up Period)

1919 UMD Fine Arts, School of FY19 1 7 Partially Implemented

1926 Weisman Art Museum FY19 1 9 Partially Implemented

2007 Facilities Management District Operations FY20 3 6 Completed

Not Implemented

Partially Implemented

2009 Psychiatry & Behavioral Sciences Research FY20 1 2 Not Implemented

2010 Disaster Recovery of Information Systems FY20 0 9 Completed

2011 Emergency Management & COOP FY20 1 6 Completed

Partially Implemented

2012 Veterinary Diagnostic Laboratory FY20 1 8 Completed

Partially Implemented

2020 Public Safety IT, Dept of FY20 1 8 Completed

Partially Implemented

2026 Lab Medicine and Pathology FY20 0 5 Completed

2101 Central Job Scheduling FY21 4 7 Not Implemented

Partially Implemented

2106 University Health & Safety FY21 2 10 Partially Implemented

2112 Baseball & Softball Compliance & Ops FY21 1 2 Completed

Partially Implemented

2114 Anatomy Bequest Program FY21 0 3 Completed

2116 Business Services' Application Development FY21 1 3 Completed

Partially Implemented

2121 CSE Dean’s Office & Reporting Centers FY21 0 7 Completed

2122 Telehealth Security & Compliance FY21 0 4 Completed

Not Implemented

Partially Implemented

2123 Board of Regents Internal Reporting FY21 0 1 Partially Implemented

2124 Northrop FY21 1 2 Completed

Partially Implemented

2127 UMD HR FY21 1 4 Completed

Not Implemented

Partially Implemented

2201 Graduate School FY22 0 2 Completed

2203 OIT Service Desk & Device Management FY22 0 7 Not Implemented

Partially Implemented

2205 Dentistry, School of FY22 6 27 Completed

Not Implemented

Partially Implemented

2207 Canvas & Unizin FY22 0 5 Completed

Not Implemented











































TotalRecommenda ons

CompletedRecommenda ons 28

87 % Completed

% of Open Recs Past Due 42%

32% June 2021

Oct 2021 36%


Past Comple on RatesCurrent Period

Page 187 of 215

Audit/Report Date

Status- Partially Implemented or

Not Implemented

Responsible Administrator Summary of the Issue/Risk Involved Current Comments From Management

UMN Duluth Fine Arts March 2019

Partially Implemented

Jeremy Youde

# of Items: 1

Weisman Art MuseumJune 2019

Partially Implemented

Alejandra Peña-Gutiérrez

# of Items: 1

Current Status of Recommendations Rated as "Essential" That Are Over Two Years Old and Are Not Fully Implemented

Tweed management should improve inventory and valuation records for its art collection. Specifically, Tweed should:• Complete the in-process physical inventory, including ensuring

the records of art in the inventory database are accurate and complete.• Schedule and conduct periodic inventories and appraisals of the

art collection.

The Tweed Museum’s efforts to complete a physical inventory have been hindered by staffing and the COVID-19 pandemic. The COVID-19 pandemic created limitations associated with in-person work on campus, which considerably impacted the Tweed’s ability to conduct an inventory. To-date, Tweed has physically inventoried approximately 8,000 items of the 10,000 artworks it holds. While the Tweed continues to inventory its collections and is currently about half done with the physical inventory of the Nelson gift of Native American objects, an exact timeline for completion cannot be determined until the pandemic has receded and the University provides the Tweed with the necessary resources to complete the project. Tweed and UMN Duluth College of Arts, Humanities, and Social Sciences (CAHSS) leadership remain in ongoing conversations with UMN Duluth administrators to identify funding sources for timely completion of this project.

In addition to making progress on the physical inventory of its collections, the Tweed has finalized a strategy to appraise what are believed to be its highest value artworks. In early 2022, the Tweed plans to obtain cost estimates to appraise these items.

The Tweed’s former longtime director retired in June 2019, and the new director started in January 2020, just prior to the start of the pandemic. Since that time, the director has been working to address Tweed’s essential audit recommendations, and this item is the only one remaining.

WAM should work with the vendor and/or OIT to improve the artwork inventory database’s logging capabilities to ensure they are able to obtain all necessary authentication and activity logs including logs of deletion of artwork from the inventory.

Financial and vendor issues have delayed full compliance, but WAM has now completed planning and arrangements to have the necessary software installed. The Provost's office has agreed to cover the costs of the audit module, and the contract has been approved by OGC and has been signed by both parties. WAM is on the vendor's schedule for installation and training for March 2022.

Page 188 of 215

Audit/Report Date

Status- Partially Implemented or

Not Implemented

Responsible Administrator Summary of the Issue/Risk Involved Current Comments From Management

Facilities Management District OperationsSept. 2019

Partially Implemented

Partially Implemented

Dave Hutton

# of Items: 3

Not Implemented

● District Operations (DO) should identify areas to review and trend available data on a more detailed level to analyze the efficiency of its workforce, and benchmark performance. This may include: • Developing and review labor hour efficiency for individuals in the same district and craft. • Analyzing service request data for similar buildings and crew size. When a higher number of custodial service requests are identified, DO should investigate and deploy tactics to reduce the number of repeat or uncleanliness service requests received by that crew. • Reviewing call center agent schedules and analyzing hours required to meet customer and FM needs. This can be done by utilizing the historical monthly data available on number of calls received, average talk time, number of emails responded to, number of web requests responded to and an estimate of the number of hours spent on other project tasks. DO should consider how Tririga will affect call agent duties as implementation may change agent roles and responsibilities. • Requesting a supply closet trend analysis from UMarket or use the data provided by UMarket to complete a trend analysis on which closets are purchasing more supplies compared to other closets. DO should also create an average supply cost per closet to use for tracking. When fluctuations occur, these could be researched to determine appropriateness.

● DO should establish a process for monitoring and enforcing compliance with internal procedures as well as updating procedures that are no longer current.

● DO should work towards increasing the timeliness of completing work orders in the system. This may include establishing standards for work order completion. DO should increase oversight, monitoring controls and training to ensure staff are accurately entering work order data. This will provide more accurate data to analyze for timely completion of work orders.

● Tririga is live, however, reporting functionality is still under development. Data reporting and analysis is included as a part of the Maintenance Process Project underway, led by the University Services Project Management Office (PMO). Tririga system performance and learning curve issues have slowed progress significantly, however our focus and commitment remain strong. The PMO project completed solution identification and development September 21, 2021. Realistic completion and implementation across the FM Districts will be achieved by June 30, 2022.

● Internal process standardization and enforcement is a major focus of the Maintenance Process Project underway, led by the University Services Project Management Office (PMO). The Project Charter includes documenting step by step processes and producing user friendly reference guides and training materials to enable standardization of maintenance processes from end to end. The PMO project has rolled out processes that are being monitored and enforced. Additional processes have been rolled out and monitoring to ensure enforcement is in development. FM Districts new business model requires program managers to develop monitoring and enforce any new processes going forward. Realistic completion and implementation across the FM Districts will be achieved by June 30, 2022.

● Maintenance work tasks are produced in the new Tririga system and are being completed in a timely fashion. Development of reporting functionality prevents comprehensive reporting of completion rates and is in scope of the Maintenance Process Project underway, led by the University Services Project Management Office (PMO). The PMO project completed solution identification September 21, 2021. Tririga system performance and learning curve issues have slowed progress significantly, however our focus and commitment remain strong. Realistic completion and implementation, including management monitoring and enforcement across the FM Districts will be achieved by June 30, 2022.

Page 189 of 215

Audit/Report Date

Status- Partially Implemented or

Not Implemented

Responsible Administrator Summary of the Issue/Risk Involved Current Comments From Management

Psychiatry & Behavioral Sciences - ResearchSept. 2019

Not Implemented Sophia Vinogradov

# of Items: 1

Emergency Management and Continuity of Operations Oct. 2019

Partially Implemented

Katharine Bonneson

# of Items: 1

Veterinary Diagnostic LaboratoryJanuary 2020

Partially Implemented

Laura Molgaard

# of Items: 1Total: 8

The Department of Emergency Management should improve oversight mechanisms to ensure the Emergency Management Policy Committee and building emergency plans (BEP) training is consistently performed and commensurate with responsibilities. BEP training processes should also be improved to ensure it is formal and includes a log tracking training completion and lessons learned.

A workgroup has been formed to develop the needed Building Emergency Plan (BEP) training module for those with specific BEP roles and the broader University community. The group will develop the appropriate content, work with the training management team to convert the content into a Canvas course and plan the launch. Training will be tracked via Training Hub with customizable reports available on demand. Training for EMPC members, which is a different set of training requirements, is currently tracked via Canvas. This EMPC training system was implemented two years ago and is effective.

Implementing the BEP training program has stalled due to a lack of clarity around training breadth and requirements and personnel turnover in the Department. The Emergency Management team has turned over all of its positions and will be populated by an entirely new set of employees this spring. One of the team’s first priorities will be to wrap up this project and launch the training program. Estimated launch date is fall of 2022.

The VDL should establish a robust IT oversight and coordinated support model, as well as consider the long-term viability of the VLMS system. This may include establishing an IT strategy for all VDL IT services and defining clear communication lines between all support functions. Formal documentation should be created detailing the VDL IT needs which should establish clear responsibilities for all required parties. In addition, the VDL should strongly consider leveraging available solutions provided by University IT functions to increase efficiencies, reduce improper segregation of duties, and ensure backup needs are addressed.

The VDL has progressed in developing an IT oversight and coordinated support model. The VDL participated in a comprehensive IT review of the College of Veterinary Medicine (CVM) conducted by the University of Minnesota Office of Information Technology (OIT) and has formed an internal IT Advisory Committee made up of key faculty, staff and IT personnel to define short term operational needs and provide management with direction on scope, priorities and resource needs for projects. An IT Governance Committee has been established that includes additional external IT professionals from OIT and Auxiliary Services Information Services along with a consultant experienced in laboratory information system conversions. This group will assist with the formal review of information system needs and consideration of resource options.

Psychiatry leadership should ensure any changes to the work plan are approved once institutional leadership delineates a specific approval process and approver(s). They should also confirm the appropriateness of the prior changes and the definition of ‘management’ in this context.

On October 31, 2019, President Gabel charged Vice President for Research Cramer and Vice President for Clinical Affairs Tolar with jointly designing a governance and approval structure for the review and evaluation of proposed major alterations to the original Advancing Human Research Protections (AdvancingHRP) implementation. As part of this delegation of authority structure, Vice Presidents Cramer and Tolar established an AdvancingHRP Assessment Committee to identify and evaluate major alterations to the original implementation and advise University senior leaders about their effects including any potential for increased risk to human research participants, especially those who are most vulnerable. The AdvancingHRP Assessment Committee's work was initially envisioned to begin in early spring 2020; however, the pandemic caused leaders to delay the start of this work until fall 2020.

The AdvancingHRP Assessment Committee has met over the last year and is currently in Phase 2 of its work. This includes discussing and addressing Recommendation 1. The committee outlined a draft process at its meeting in August 2021 and will have a final discussion on the draft process at its next meeting. This process will be included in the Committee's final report to the two Vice Presidents.

Page 190 of 215

Collaborative Assessment Status Update Below is an update provided by OIT management on steps taken to address risks identified in the June 2020 Identity and Access Management Collaborative Assessment. Identity and Access Management (IAM) Status Update: (Provided by Management) This is the 5th status update to the Identity and Access Management collaborative assessment conducted by Internal Audit and The Office of Information Technology. The IAM program has continued to evolve and execute on the strategy introduced during the October 2020 update and will continue to adapt our priorities to best serve the University’s IT needs. As discussed during the May 2021 audit committee update, staffing challenges will continue to slow progress on remediating issues identified in the 17 of the 25 IAM components reviewed. In some cases, the IAM team has adapted to this challenge by implementing a ‘Center of Excellence’ model such as for system ‘de-provisioning’ across the University. While this enables progress to continue, it will not be at the pace initially anticipated and, if unchanged, will necessitate the institution’s acceptance of the inherent risk associated with some findings. Since the October 2021 update, IAM has continued its efforts to expand automation of access through the recently established Center of Excellence service model. Notably, the Center of Excellence has integrated 23 applications with 17 more in flight. In addition, IAM has shifted focus to technology fundamentals to ensure availability and resiliency of critical services such as authentication. Finally, the IAM program has continued to drive modernization efforts by preparing IT systems and business processes for a future product resulting from the Identity Governance Administration RFP. This RFP is a vital part of an efficient resolution to several findings in the IAM Collaborative Assessment. Below, we have provided a table that outlines several of the accomplishments made on our mitigation plan, as well as a high-level update on our current strategic direction for the IAM program since the October 2021 update. The “Accomplishments” column in the table highlights some of the key steps we have taken related to the identified risk, and the bolded items are ones added since our last update.

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Page 192 of 215

Accomplishments (continued):

Page 193 of 215

Strategic direction: As outlined in the previous audit period, the IAM Program is focused on providing value to the University by optimizing the IAM team’s capabilities, streamlining its work execution, modernizing its technology, and providing its partners with transparency:

1. Reduce technical debt: The IAM program must be responsible for fewer technologies that provide greater value. Supporting legacy systems not only introduces many forms of risk, but it also ties up resources keeping teams from work that would be more valuable to the University.

2. Focus on high value work: The IAM program must focus on work that has the most

value for the University. The IAM team now decides during quarterly planning which features to focus on and which initiatives to pause or include in the backlog.

3. Predictable, measurable, and well-managed workloads: Our workloads need to be

well-managed, measurable, and most of all, predictable. Predictable means that we need team members focused on work that comes from approved sources and those sources should be used universally. From those approved sources we will measure how much work is flowing into the teams so that we can plan and react according to changes. Well-managed means that leadership needs to continuously evaluate the conditions the teams are working within to determine how we can best meet the current demands.

4. SAFe implementation: The IAM Team is also committed to continuing our Scale Agile

Framework (SAFe) journey by establishing and partnering with other teams in OIT to develop a Solution Management plan. Supporting this change in organizing how we work will help IAM to get more work done, provide transparency of our work to our partners, and will help OIT collaborate on large initiatives such as Next Gen Med.

5. Program Execution: The conditions the University is currently facing will continue to

evolve and with that the IAM Team will also need to change what it works on, how it performs that work, and with whom they will partner. The IAM Team will use its roadmap to help define work, organize the order that work needs to occur, identify impacted stakeholders, and to organize resources so that changes can be efficiently delivered. The IAM Team will collaborate with University Information Security, Office of Internal Audit, Office of Human Resources, Academic Support Resources, and other key stakeholders to review the IAM roadmap, make decisions, and execute on the technology and business process changes needed to resolve the risks identified in the IAM Collaborative Assessment. This is the strategic step where the decisions and changes to processes and technologies will be performed as outlined in the Office of Information Technology’s response to the IAM Collaborative Assessment. As those decisions and changes are made, periodic updates will be provided to this committee.

Page 194 of 215

Original Report Evaluation Previous Audit Period Evaluation Current Audit Period EvaluationUMD Fine Arts (Mar 2019)

Weisman Art Museum (Jun 2019)

Progress on Implementation of Audit RecommendationsThe bar charts shown below are presented to provide pictorial displays of the progress units are making on implementing audit recommendations rated as "essential." The bar chart included in the original report is shown in the left column, along with updated bar charts showing the previous audit period and the current status of the "essential" recommendations only (those bars that have red segments). The chart in the center column displays the status as of October 2021, while the chart on the right represents the current status. Charts are not presented for investigations. Charts for those units having implemented all "essential" recommendations during the current audit period are shown at the end of this report.

Tweed Museum Operations





Cash Receipts


Risk Assessment

Information & Communication


Control Environment

Tweed Museum Operations





Cash Receipts


Risk Assessment

Information & Communication


Control Environment

Tweed Museum Operations





Cash Receipts


Risk Assessment

Information & Communication


Control Environment



Cash Receipts, ISO/ESO


Inventory Processes


Risk Assessment

Information & Communication


Control Environment



Cash Receipts, ISO/ESO


Inventory Processes


Risk Assessment

Information & Communication


Control Environment



Cash Receipts, ISO/ESO


Inventory Processes


Risk Assessment

Information & Communication


Control Environment

Page 195 of 215

Original Report Evaluation Previous Audit Period Evaluation Current Audit Period Evaluation

Facilities Management District Operations (Sept 2019)

Psychiatry & Behavioral Sciences - Research (Sept 2019)




Training/Safety Compliance


Work Order Processing


Risk Assessment

Information & Communication


Control Environment




Training/Safety Compliance


Work Order Processing


Risk Assessment

Information & Communication


Control Environment




Training/Safety Compliance


Work Order Processing


Risk Assessment

Information & Communication


Control Environment

Progress on Advancing HRP

Sponsored Projects


Risk Assessment

Information & Communication


Control Environment

Progress on Advancing HRP

Sponsored Projects


Risk Assessment

Information & Communication


Control Environment

Progress on Advancing HRP

Sponsored Projects


Risk Assessment

Information & Communication


Control Environment

Page 196 of 215

Original Report Evaluation Previous Audit Period Evaluation Current Audit Period Evaluation

Emergency Management and Continuity of Operations (Oct 2019)

Veterinary Diagnostic Laboratory (Jan 2020)

COOP Distributed Processes

EM Distributed Processes

Governance & Oversight

Central EM/COOP Services

Risk Assessment

Information & Communication


Control Environment

COOP Distributed Processes

EM Distributed Processes

Governance & Oversight

Central EM/COOP Services

Risk Assessment

Information & Communication


Control Environment

COOP Distributed Processes

EM Distributed Processes

Governance & Oversight

Central EM/COOP Services

Risk Assessment

Information & Communication


Control Environment

Information Systems



Lab Safety/Controlled Sub

Accounts Receivable/Revenue


Risk Assessment

Information & Communication


Control Environment

Information Systems



Lab Safety/Controlled Sub

Accounts Receivable/Revenue


Risk Assessment

Information & Communication


Control Environment

Information Systems



Lab Safety/Controlled Sub

Accounts Receivable/Revenue


Risk Assessment

Information & Communication


Control Environment

Page 197 of 215

Original Report Evaluation Previous Audit Period Evaluation Current Audit Period Evaluation

Dept of Public Safety IT (May 2020)

Central Job Scheduling (July 2020)

System & Infrastructure Mgmt

Change Management

Vendor & Partner Mgmt

Logical Access

IT Governance

Risk Assessment

Information & Communication


Control Environment

System & Infrastructure Mgmt

Change Management

Vendor & Partner Mgmt

Logical Access

IT Governance

Risk Assessment

Information & Communication


Control Environment

System & Infrastructure Mgmt

Change Management

Vendor & Partner Mgmt

Logical Access

IT Governance

Risk Assessment

Information & Communication


Control Environment

Job Schedule Operations

System Security


Risk Assessment

Information & Communication


Control Environment

Job Schedule Operations

System Security


Risk Assessment

Information & Communication


Control Environment

Job Schedule Operations

System Security


Risk Assessment

Information & Communication


Control Environment

Page 198 of 215

Original Report Evaluation Previous Audit Period Evaluation Current Audit Period Evaluation

Baseball and Softball Compliance and Operations (Dec 2020)

University Health & Safety (Sept 2020)




Information Systems

Building/Food Codes

Radiation Safety

Biosafety Occ Health

Environmental Health/Safety

Risk Assessment

Information & Communication


Control Environment




Information Systems

Building/Food Codes

Radiation Safety

Biosafety Occ Health

Environmental Health/Safety

Risk Assessment

Information & Communication


Control Environment




Information Systems

Building/Food Codes

Radiation Safety

Biosafety Occ Health

Environmental Health/Safety

Risk Assessment

Information & Communication


Control Environment

NCAA Compliance

Financial Compliance

University Compliance

Risk Assessment

Information & Communication


Control Environment

NCAA Compliance

Financial Compliance

University Compliance

Risk Assessment

Information & Communication


Control Environment

NCAA Compliance

Financial Compliance

University Compliance

Risk Assessment

Information & Communication


Control Environment

Page 199 of 215

Original Report Evaluation Previous Audit Period Evaluation Current Audit Period Evaluation

OIT Business Services' Application Development (Dec 2020)

Telehealth Security and Compliance (Mar 2021)

Process Management




Risk Assessment

Information & Communication


Control Environment

Process Management




Risk Assessment

Information & Communication


Control Environment

Process Management




Risk Assessment

Information & Communication


Control Environment

Compliance & Privacy


Strategy & Sustainability

Risk Assessment

Information & Communication


Control Environment

Compliance & Privacy


Strategy & Sustainability

Risk Assessment

Information & Communication


Control Environment

Compliance & Privacy


Strategy & Sustainability

Risk Assessment

Information & Communication


Control Environment

Page 200 of 215

Original Report Evaluation Previous Audit Period Evaluation Current Audit Period Evaluation

Northrop (Apr 2021)

Board of Regents Internal Reporting (Apr 2021)

BOR Reporting

Risk Assessment

Information & Communication


Control Environment

BOR Reporting

Risk Assessment

Information & Communication


Control Environment

BOR Reporting

Risk Assessment

Information & Communication


Control Environment

Information Systems



Cash Receipts/Ticketing


Risk Assessment

Information & Communication


Control Environment

Information Systems



Cash Receipts/Ticketing


Risk Assessment

Information & Communication


Control Environment

Information Systems



Cash Receipts/Ticketing


Risk Assessment

Information & Communication


Control Environment

Page 201 of 215

Original Report Evaluation Previous Audit Period Evaluation Current Audit Period Evaluation

OIT Service Desk and Device Management (Aug 2021)

UMN Duluth Department of Human Resources (Aug 2021)

Employment Eligibility I-9s

Background Checks

Merit & Appraisals

Staff Data & Document Mgmt

Mgmt of Employee Concerns


Risk Assessment

Information & Communication


Control Environment

Employment Eligibility I-9s

Background Checks

Merit & Appraisals

Staff Data & Document Mgmt

Mgmt of Employee Concerns


Risk Assessment

Information & Communication


Control Environment

Device Configuration Mgmt

Physical Device Mgmt

Help Desk Training & Admin

Incident & Problem Mgmt


Risk Assessment

Information & Communication


Control Environment

Device Configuration Mgmt

Physical Device Mgmt

Help Desk Training & Admin

Incident & Problem Mgmt


Risk Assessment

Information & Communication


Control Environment

Page 202 of 215

Original Report Evaluation Previous Audit Period Evaluation Current Audit Period Evaluation

Canvas and Unizin (Sept 2021)

School of Dentistry (Sept 2021)

Information Systems



Sponsored Projects

Controlled Substances


Academic Process

Affliation Agreements

Private Practice Activities

Cash Receipts & A/R

Patient Records

Risk Assessment

Information & Communication


Control Environment

Information Systems



Sponsored Projects

Controlled Substances


Academic Process

Affliation Agreements

Private Practice Activities

Cash Receipts & A/R

Patient Records

Risk Assessment

Information & Communication


Control Environment


Canvas System Mgmt

Canvas Logical Access

Canvas Governance

Risk Assessment

Information & Communication


Control Environment


Canvas System Mgmt

Canvas Logical Access

Canvas Governance

Risk Assessment

Information & Communication


Control Environment

Page 203 of 215

Original Report Evaluation Previous Audit Period Evaluation Current Audit Period Evaluation

Disaster Recovery of Information Systems (Oct 2019)

Laboratory Medicine and Pathology (June 2020)

Fully Implemented "Essential" Recommendations During the Past Audit Period

DR Plan & Maintenance

DR Operations

DR Governance & Oversight

Risk Assessment

Information & Communication


Control Environment

DR Plan & Maintenance

DR Operations

DR Governance & Oversight

Risk Assessment

Information & Communication


Control Environment

DR Plan & Maintenance

DR Operations

DR Governance & Oversight

Risk Assessment

Information & Communication


Control Environment

Sponsored Projects


Information Systems

Internal/External Sales



Risk Assessment

Information & Communication


Control Environment

Sponsored Projects


Information Systems

Internal/External Sales



Risk Assessment

Information & Communication


Control Environment

Sponsored Projects


Information Systems

Internal/External Sales



Risk Assessment

Information & Communication


Control Environment

Page 204 of 215

Original Report Evaluation Previous Audit Period Evaluation Current Audit Period Evaluation

Anatomy Bequest Program (Dec 2020)

Baseball and Softball Compliance and Operations - Support Unit (Dec 2020)

Information Systems


Lab Safety

Financial Overview

Donation Process


Risk Assessment

Information & Communication


Control Environment

Information Systems


Lab Safety

Financial Overview

Donation Process


Risk Assessment

Information & Communication


Control Environment

Information Systems


Lab Safety

Financial Overview

Donation Process


Risk Assessment

Information & Communication


Control Environment

NCAA Compliance

Financial Compliance

University Compliance

Risk Assessment

Information & Communication


Control Environment

NCAA Compliance

Financial Compliance

University Compliance

Risk Assessment

Information & Communication


Control Environment

NCAA Compliance

Financial Compliance

University Compliance

Risk Assessment

Information & Communication


Control Environment

* There is still one remaining essential recommendation in the Baseball and Softball Compliance and Operations audit; however, the "Support Unit" portion of this audit has completed all recommendations.


Page 205 of 215

Original Report Evaluation Previous Audit Period Evaluation Current Audit Period Evaluation

Graduate School (July 2021)

CSENG Dean's Office and Reporting Centers (Mar 2021)

Sponsored Projects

Safety of Minors


NIST 800-171


Information Systems


Academic Processes


Risk Assessment

Information & Communication


Control Environment

Sponsored Projects

Safety of Minors


NIST 800-171


Information Systems


Academic Processes


Risk Assessment

Information & Communication


Control Environment

Sponsored Projects

Safety of Minors


NIST 800-171


Information Systems


Academic Processes


Risk Assessment

Information & Communication


Control Environment

Sponsored Projects


Diversity, Equity, Incl.



Risk Assessment

Information & Communication


Control Environment

Sponsored Projects


Diversity, Equity, Incl.



Risk Assessment

Information & Communication


Control Environment

Page 206 of 215

Audit Activity Report Scheduled Audits Completed Audits Of:

• State of Minnesota COVID-19 Testing Contract • Academic and Research Misconduct • Minnesota Partnership for Biotechnology and Medical Genomics • Employee Immigration (Collaborative Assessment) • School of Public Health (Health Policy & Management) • University Emergency Funds • College of Science and Engineering (Industrial and Systems Engineering) • College of Science and Engineering - Dean Transition Review • Hubert H. Humphrey School of Public Affairs – Dean Transition Review

Began/Continued Audits Of:

• UMN Duluth Health Services • Energy Management • COVID-19 Research – Pre-award Processes • Family Medicine and Community Health • Real Estate Office • Housing and Residential Life • UMN Duluth Chancellor’s Office • Retirement Incentive and Hiring Pause • Disability Resource Center • Veterinary Medical Center

• Completed one “SNAP Review” on the following topic: COVID-19 Emergency Leave.

Investigations • Performed investigative work on three issues in accordance with the University Policy on

Reporting and Addressing Concerns of Misconduct. Special Projects • Provided consulting services related to University payroll exception testing. • Provided technology consulting in several areas including high risk data storage, identity

and access management, vendor management, and information security and compliance. Other Audit Activities Participated in the following:

• President’s Cabinet • Senior Leadership Group • President’s Policy Committee • Policy Advisory Committee • Board of Regents Policy Committee • Executive Compliance Oversight Committee • Institutional Conflict of Interest Committee

Page 207 of 215

• IT Leadership Committees • HRPP Advisory Committee • Research Compliance Committee • Research Cyberinfrastructure Champions • Highly Restricted Readiness Workgroup • Enterprise Architecture Group • Diversity Community of Practice • PEAK Advisory Council • BioMADE Governance Committee • University of Minnesota Foundation Audit Committee • Fairview Health Systems Audit Committee • Metropolitan Council Audit Committee • Association of College and University Auditors (ACUA) Committee on Athletics

Page 208 of 215

Report # Issue Date# of Essential Recs. Total # of Recs.Overall Assessment Adequacy of MAP

Report # Issue Date# of Essential Recs. Total # of Recs.Overall Assessments: Adequacy of MAPGood


Academic and Research Misconduct



Audit Reports Issued Since October 2021

State of Minnesota COVID-19 Testing Contract




Good Satisfactory

Due to the audit not resulting in any issues considered either “essential” or “significant” a control evaluation chart was not developed for this report.

The State of Minnesota established an emergency contract with the University of Minnesota and Mayo Clinic as a collaboration for rapid widespread testing for COVID-19. The original aim of the contract was to provide the means for every person in the State with symptoms of COVID-19 to get tested and identify emerging "hotspots" of infection for rapid intervention and to conduct groundbreaking research on COVID-19 to better understand the infection and means to cure or prevent the infection. There were two phases to the contract that was fully executed on April 22, 2020. There were also two amendments that changed funding, expectations, and deliverables. The primary reasons for the amendments were to increase the total obligation of funds for testing in Phase 2. Thetotal awarded amount was $59,700,000. UMN testing started in late April 2020. May 2020 was the first full month of testing with approximately 18,000 tests performed that month, and a high in November 2020 of nearly 234,000 tests. Based on the work performed, we believe the University’s execution of the processes utilizing the funds it received from the State COVID-19 Testing Contract generally meets the commitments and regulations governing the funds received. A recommendation was given to ensure insurance information is provided in required reports to the state.

This audit reviewed processes around misconduct by faculty and staff only. Several University offices receive concerns from reporters regarding faculty/staff misconduct. Individual unit supervisors/deans/heads may also receive concerns, as well as several other central units. From the results of the audit work performed, we believe the offices and individuals that receive reports of misconduct by faculty and staff have processes in place that are effective, efficient, and fair; however, formal grievance processes are varied and have the potential to be inconsistent throughout the University, particularly with regard to discipline. Our detailed testing of a sample of cases from main units receiving reports for attributes noted in the applicable policies and procedures did not show any substantial deviations from procedure. However, some considerations for improvement were identified including: 1) a consistent, agreed-upon definition of misconduct in Board and administrative policies, 2) use of a common platform for case management and/or combine case reporting, and 3) to revise policies to require approval for any deviations from recommended discipline and require monitoring that recommended discipline has taken place.

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Report # Issue Date# of Essential Recs. Total # of Recs.Overall Assessments: Adequacy of MAP

Report # Issue Date# of Essential Recs. Total # of Recs.Overall Assessment Adequacy of MAP

A control chart was not developed for this audit as it was performed as a collaborative assessment.

MN Partnership for Biotechnology and Medical Genomics


2211 Nov-210 8


Employee Visa and Immigration Support Collaborative Assessment

2210 Oct-210 3


The Minnesota Partnership for Biotechnology and Medical Genomics, formed in 2003, is a unique and collaborative venture among the Mayo Clinic, the University of Minnesota, and the state of Minnesota. The Partnership seeks to position Minnesota as a world leader in biotechnology and medical genomics applications that will result in important new medical discoveries, thereby improving health care for patients and supporting the development of new business and jobs in Minnesota. Each year the University receives $8 million from the state for the Partnership program and awards 4-6 joint projects jointly proposed by the University and Mayo Clinic through a competitive selection process staffed by experts from both institutions. Investments have helped Partnership investigators from the University and Mayo Clinic to attract additional new NIH grant funding and funded more commercialization awards to help researchers bridge the gap to production of new drugs or technologies. The Minnesota Partnership is governed by a joint Steering Committee of research and administrative leaders from both institutions. The projects we reviewed were clearly tied to the strategic plan for the Partnership and are in compliance with institutional and legal requirements. Three recommendations involve assessing overall research outcomes, creating guidance materials, and obtaining important and up-to-date approval documentation to follow the University document retention policy.

Employment visas enable U.S. employers to hire a foreign national without authorization to work in the U.S. when the position and the individual meet certain criteria. Employees that require visa support at the time of hire and/or in the future may be able to obtain work authorization via their employment at the University. The University units that are primarily involved with supporting employee immigration are International Student and Scholar Services (ISSS), Office of the General Counsel (OGC), and the Office of Human Resources (OHR). Based upon collaborative discussions with these primary support units and other work performed, OIA believes the processes for supporting employee visas are effective in managing legal compliance risks. ISSS, OGC, and OHR are managing the particular processes assigned to them well overall. As a decentralized process, there is no one unit, process owner, or group responsible for holistically managing visa processes to ensure efficiency, effectiveness, and desired service level. As a result, despite significant effort and oversight of each units’ internal activities, there are inconsistencies in the efficiency and effectiveness of the processes. We discussed the preliminary results of this collaborative assessment with senior management. They plan to establish a task force as part of the broader PEAK initiative comprising representatives from all units with visa-related duties to review this report and the University’s visa support processes holistically.

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Report # Issue Date# of Essential Recs. Total # of Recs.Overall Assessments: Adequacy of MAP

Report # Issue Date# of Essential Recs. Total # of Recs.Overall Assessments: Adequacy of MAP


2212 Jan-22


School of Public Health - Health Policy & Management


University Emergency Funds

2213 Jan-221 3

Good Satisfactory

Health Policy and Management (HPM) is a division within the School of Public Health. HPM has a public health charter and focuses on issues that affect both the efficiency and fairness of the distribution of all types of healthcare services (preventive, remedial, and maintenance) to populations. We believe HPM has developed a control environment and a system of internal controls that address most major business risks; however, we did identify compliance and technology risks that need to be addressed. HPM's healthcare data research portfolio continues to increase, which increases risk that HPM is not part of the University's healthcare component. A recommendation was made to reconsider becoming part of the University’s healthcare component to ensure proper review and handling of healthcare data contractual agreements.

University of Minnesota students and staff have been challenged, often financially, by the COVID-19 pandemic. The University has long-standing emergency funds as well as new funds created in response to the pandemic that are meant to alleviate financial strain caused by unforeseen emergencies. The various emergency funds available to students, employees, and University units along with the related processes for reviewing and approving applications for emergency grants were the focus of this audit. We believe the University has developed a control environment and a system of internal control that addresses most major business and compliance risks related to emergency funds; however, an essential issue was noted and a recommendation made for the University of Minnesota Rochester to route emergency fund payments to students through the financial aid system to prevent over-awarding of aid.

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Report # Issue Date# of Essential Recs. Total # of Recs.Overall Assessment: Adequacy of MAP

Report # Issue Date# of Essential Recs. Total # of Recs.Overall Assessment: Adequacy of MAP



Due to the audit not resulting in any issues considered either “essential” or “significant” a control evaluation chart was not developed for this report.


College of Science and Engineering - Dean Transition Review



Industrial and Systems Engineering


Good Satisfactory0

From the results of the audit work performed, we believe the activities of the former CSE dean reflect a prudent use of University resources and thoroughness in the necessary administrative functions required for a smooth transition for the new dean. The interview with the Assistant Dean for Operations and CFO, as well as a review of HR and financial data noted no significant new or increased deferred compensation agreements, and no large financial transfers to the former dean's new position. Administratively, all expense reports, vacation leaves, performance appraisals, and Reports of External Professional Activities submissions of direct reports have been completed and approved.

Industrial and Systems Engineering (ISyE) is a department within the College of Science and Engineering. It has 20 employees and a budget of $3.7 million. ISyE focuses on the design, planning, and management of complex, large-scale systems such as global supply chains, healthcare delivery systems, financial services systems, and other critical business infrastructure. From the results of the audit work performed, we believe ISyE has developed a control environment and a system of internal control that addresses most major business and compliance risks. The audit resulted in no essential recommendations and only three recommendations rated significant. These recommendations are intended to assist ISyE in their efforts to improve procedures and controls in purchasing, payroll processes and hiring.

Page 212 of 215

Report # Issue Date# of Essential Recs. Total # of Recs.Overall Assessment Adequacy of MAP


Due to the audit not resulting in any issues considered either “essential” or “significant” a control evaluation chart was not developed for this report.

Humphrey School of Public Affairs - Dean Transition Review

Jan-220 0

Good NAFrom the results of the audit work performed, we believe the activities of the former dean and the former interim dean reflected a prudent use of University resources and thoroughness in the necessary administrative functions required for a smooth transition for the new dean. Interviews with core staff members, as well as a review of HR and financial data noted no new/increased deferred compensation agreements or inappropriate spending. Administratively, all expense reports, vacation leaves, and Reports of External Professional Activities submissions of direct reports have been completed and approved. The only notable issue identified is that performance appraisals were not completed for all direct reports of the former dean and the former interim dean. The HHH leadership has been informed and acknowledges that this needs to be addressed.

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SNAP Review Summary SNAP reviews are highly focused reviews conducted on a single University process or activity. These reviews are designed to be completed quickly, and often leverage data analytics to minimize unit disruptions. They are intended to provide prompt results to business process owners so that potential problems can be addressed prior to formal audit reviews. The following is a summary of the SNAP review we conducted this reporting period. COVID-19 Emergency Leave We reviewed COVID-19 Emergency Leave hours reported by employees to ensure reported hours followed the guidelines provided by the Office of Human Resources.

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Audit & Compliance February 10, 2022

AGENDA ITEM: Information Items

Review Review + Action Action X Discussion

PRESENTERS: Quinn Gaalswyk, Chief Auditor PURPOSE & KEY POINTS The purpose of this item is to report engagements with external auditors.

Deloitte & Touche LLP was engaged to perform procedures in connection with the University’s Commercial Paper Offering documents. As this engagement was solely to perform attestation procedures in connection with the bond offerings, it did not present an independence issue with regard to Deloitte. The fees for this engagement totaled $10,500.

At its August 2021 meeting, the Board of Regents approved a contract with KPMG LLP to

provide consulting and support services to the PEAK initiative. This contract was extended to include November and December 2021 at a cost of $250,000. The contract scope did not change. No impairment of independence was identified in the original scope of work and, as this is a continuation of the same work, no impairment issues should arise. Payments totaled $250,000 for this work during the extension period. This contract extension is being reported to the committee out of an abundance of transparency.

BACKGROUND INFORMATION Engagements with external audit firms that do not require prior approval are reported after the fact to the committee as information items, in conformance with Board of Regents Policy: Board Operations and Agenda Guidelines.

x This is a report required by Board policy.

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