Download - 1901.03.08.1.tif - Pine City Area History Association



The Start I o tlw !Jni h 111 llu ract fru our patrnnagt·

\\1 intend tu kt t·p 11t tht It 1d .111rl Wt' .1rt

llt illu.:r 100 iJU'.)', If 'I \ IJII, II r I IJH!t

Jl~lllh.:nl to .lc.kno\\ It d· t tilt I I tf no or

'om'wuuon. Pay us a visit and con­vince yourself that

Our Line Of

t-. len\ ·~"• in Llw utit.:.., or .uJ\\\ht r 1 ....

\II tlu lc.tdlli" tolor~ Xt LUll nd Bru~ln~

P.d.1llt -, \·..,, t'lt a ... In\ ,, LIH lm\

t "l for till BEST goodo..,,

)'t,t·ccficut·id~:Jct s JPllluS\JfDmlcffi -'\fo

• . Great American Travo•ar Says ' .

OF SPLENDOR Ball Held lo the Peuloo

Olllco Auditorium.


ITCHING Burning Scaly

HUMORS Complete External and

Internal Treatment

(Yticora THE SET $1.25

Consisting of CUTICURA SOAP to cleanse the skin of crusts and scales, and soften the thick­ened cuticle, CUTICURA OINTMENT to instantly allay Itching, irritation, and inflammation, and soothe and heal, and CUTICURA RESOLVENT to cool and cleanse the blood, and expel humor

• germs. A SINGLE SET is often sufficient to cure the most torturing, disfiguring skin, scalp, and blood humors, rashes, ltchings, and irritations, with loss of hair, when the best physicians, and all other remedies fali.

WONDERFUL CURE OF PSORIASIS. As ~~'an..J;r ~'::1 t~C~~~~,~s;;;t !:t C~~:~;

Ointment, I wish to tell you my cxperimcep that others maY' hrodit by it. I w.u so rric.vouslv afflicted that th~ matter that exuded from my pores a.fterthcscalcshad pcdcd off, would e&wc my unduclothing to actually gum to my body. After rcmain!ni' in one. positloflt sitting or lylnlf

::!i'J!;llt:o~fudco~.!d'h~~cv!'!fd ~h:O~~=~ ~~;,u=.:,':::!t~Pf~~hdl 10Thid~~~~~ ;!.!h~~~J fdrly rain (rom my coat duvc.s. I have: read none. of your tatimoni&ls that a~ to rc.pracnt a c.uc. so hAd iU mine.. But .as to the cure. I commenc:cd b.atblnr ln hot Cuti­cura SoAp suds o.Jrht and mornJnr, •r,pUcd the CutJcura Ointment. and then wra~ ~ n a shut. t two

:t!.~dd:a~aa ~tch!sb~f na~~Jnco:r:l ~:n be~!: =ro:;::,. t:f ~ban .:db:~~_::;:-an~a:,:th .. a balrr'• Hoplnr tf!t otbera may bend it by my experi­asce, and rcpcttlnr that aallltlvcnea forbldl me from chJ...

cloolnrllll' - 1. H. \,r a::::, ~ti,~ 30. 1900.

Million• of Uae Outlcura

Automatic Wringer,

A child .l 11 \Hi nor

tht• hca\it sl cl"tht

for 5 year~.

WO~ll and IRON PUMPS, or all kinus, all sizes ol Iron Pipe and fittings

Wind Mills.

Jewel Steel ~anges, Aeorrn Cook Stoves. Rt:pam; furnio;hcd for all sto,·es made in the l ~.

Paints, Brushes, Oils and White Lead.

Farmers' Attention! One -..ct \Vagon E\"cnerJ, and Neck \ okt.:.

COI1S I ~ting of

1 Evener, 2 Slngle•trees, 1 Neck Yoke, complete with clevis,

All p.Hnt·~d and ironed for .,,,,,.,,,,,_ ..................... ., .. ..




The Name.....__

"OHIO, '' Ono--

Steel Ran~e, Is an ab .. olutc guarantee that it i .. the best

that can be maufactured.

For 881e at

.Scftfeuseuer' s HardV\o?,

P ne City, )VIinn • .........................

Fur!iah :'ah· lonu loth c·cutrully lox·dlNl .tho ut mtnuh·~ '1\'ulk rrmn tlu ol put

\ll llttlt "" No·wlun tukll (1art C:&Uoh uutl th ha

1 .,,:·;:~~:·m" !i~·~uhull Wood, IJLI}'mcnh to liLt ptHoh., 'It \tulrr"- ~ tu tt\lut (\Ill purticuJur COijUil' U '

j'llext Wsek.

tbt' omcrn or the blpr Unt'r , I one !mot dl"'llfWratet etrort to ofT~f't mDJ,'ll"tl~ fnfluence or the rny~tl(•rlnna plruto• Thl' nrt'a wt're< rf'o 1'httl In thf' enJl'h,..·room, the ah•am pro·ll!luto•ln Dll tlw hnllf'n wall run 11p

- a aubld.tuw or aduUerat.loa of Chtoorr '- F"OWil ~~~ .. ;~ .... ~ ... ~ .. ;1¥1~~~~~~~~~~:~ :~ eoft'ee. The raot., whlab nHmbt..

The Palm Given to Dr. Greene's somewhat • beet. ,. the part u.nd, naJe4 bJ' ~t~;;~;~r;~ I Nuwra. =~~~~.,=o!J~• ~:a~" u-=:u:,~:•a!:i :~;,~P !~'

- climate arop, but Ia auiUYawd In e'en. now

1ht Gmd 'JIU'J, tD l'eeple, Dans. ~:::!'i .. ;":'nr;~':~r:t:;~r:~\ai;=:;j:~~··~:;·~w~·~..,~~:g~;~~~~~ Dodded. • cood. atart and Ia t'onftot'd nr,. larttolJi to •~Uona of lUchlgan, UU· uola. Wl-eonaln and Sebruka. llaur-

O~d b1 °~~4~~~ ~':~~~~In SpriDI' ~:lt~d ~t~~e~ ~=r:rt~~~·,u:, =~~:~~ aprin1r wheat pnriar In the t11re, glu·a tb~ average 'leld Ia thla and other lltatd

Dr. firl'f'lt"''• Xornarn bloo•l •nd nt:r\o1 rc>m< tl_\ 111 hulet·d "the \\'orld'a (,real ~prlnb :\l~·dlnne" It hzu' ~:om~ to Ut: rnof!'Diznl h\ alrnC'111t ctc.rJ hotly 11 tho lw ·t l>nli.Slbl1• 1<prln~: mcdleinl! to t kt: .. "lntl humlrcd" or thou ... ranl!s of our JI<'OJI]" m•e 1t during tin:· 'r"r· In{;" sprm~,; montlur, to tone up :mew the rl'ia:nd n•·rH:If, nnd re-lnligorato and • nrich thr blood.

.\ t;prlng m"dlcinl' i.t n nel.'l'!ll!llly 1f on1 \>I h~ to kt't'JI In pc·rf.,ct Iu·alth and tlgor durutg the c;hnnJre• from "tnh·r to umm•-r Th11 grand llpring te>nlc, thl.-. pt'rfr:ct 11prlng mr:dh:lne, Dr. (;rt'rnt·'.o~ Xcrntra bloud nnd Rl't'\"C T"l"lnt'dy, 111 ex.1ctly wlmt the •rstem D••rtl.o~ at tlm1 t.ea~f"ln- It not only purifitl!o but rich, rf'd blood; It not only lllrrnb'1lll'n l and lnl"II:'Orntt'~ thro n•·rl"OLIII lly'!li'm, but rc-ent'r!.-ill'll nn1l rrl"ilaiUt'.S tht' n•·r\t•a by fel'dlng th•·m 1'\'1111 rent'\led lll'n-c forcl• nnd pmlt·r. II It! nut on!~- nn nid to dlg~!o· tion, hut ll crt•nle.s 'I rt'gt1lar, natural and hf'altlt~ nt t10n of the botl"els, ill"·

=~~:;.~n!i~::r;~;:c:n'; :~~~:·c~i~~lng ore In (net, It 1.11 JU5t \\bat people nt-f'd

to make lhem~>l'il nnd kt·i·p tbt•m wclJ durin!( tht5e months &n thrrnh•nfn:; lolhtdz enllh of n.ll.nml when It 111 ron­llltlt.'rcd thnt Dr. Greent•'a Xern1rn l!lood and nrne remedt· lit mode I'D· Urt'ly fr om purt', ht•alth-gtl"ing l"eJ,:t'· tnhlt- rtml'dlcll, and that people J!ITe it more te~tlmomals of cure thnn nnv otht•r renu·d~ on t•nrtb, no on<" ean

~;~~;~~~~z~r:::i~i~~:~~~r~;~;;751;.1:: St . Jcnu•y C"lt,l S. J, sny"':-

"lwo troubl~d with Rick h('(ldarhr . and cnuld not Rlrep on m·('onnt or th<" pal111 In m:r hrrul. r wna aufierm~ mght and day with zly"1)1('p11ln, coultl not eat anythm~ 1ny atomoeh would 11our-.n I bad to Rtnrq• mp>elr 10 l>~tl"r

~~~n;;, 't:~. !o11~:~~~u~~~~~~~;~.~~):'c: anti f wat1 !oHm~ nwn\" In llesh 110 thnt my frii'Bdl hardly knt'w mt. 1 tried acrerol rcmedlc11, but without D\all. At J.ut IIO!nt'Ont' rt'rommenUctl Dr. Grccat''J.Xervurnblood and non·erem· etly. I tried Ool:' bottle and begnu to lmprore. I "'tnrh·d in to ca.t all rtghl;

~~r~~!l1 £~~~1:'~~t':~ .. XYa~~~a~~~_; ,':j~~~:~~~; and RlltJr s tomach W1•ntanay ln11rd tbrtc bottlrll, nn<lcnuld lliCt'P all night wtth t'lllt", I U<;;<·d 1br;: boltlt•>~, nnd {,·Jt like o. ntow mun I cnn now do a hnrd dny's work witlumt any troublt', nnd I nm a.s happJ- 111 n hl.rd 1n 1pring I wua 110 mt~Crnbh•, nh,ny• Jtllltr.rlng, nlnnys in pain, but noldl am Ilk~ a nl.'w man."

un at ais to teo toru, the aTorAIP rrowo wiU ~·• &lleald one rood H.UOD for crop rotation. Spnn1r whaat. wu mb&Ddoned Ia muy aectJona beeana.e ltaft'orded aaaeouleat paaturr In nrly aprtnr for tlHlt. peet. tbt- ehloeh bur. ADd Jt &DJ crop Ia Sl"'WD for 11. numbt'l' of Jrusln aucen­llion Ita irlaof'Ct. encomlea are ap\ t.o &e• cumulate Jn dangrroua numben. Alao IIIJprloua fungi arc found to where tbt plant£ faYorable propapUon are rrown for JeO.I"''.

!'armers ha,.c long alnoe eoncedtd that certain grain• rreatlJimpOYerlah the aoll, and yet ha,.e not .riYen ciU'eful •udJ aa to thco adYantage pined bJ

trammcoled, will nC1'er ubaust her food , and the farmer u-bo followa

wlll not complain of worn­that all p!CLDta hDYe wlae crop rotation. Xaturco,Ulelt.un·~;~~~~~~!~~~~~~~i~~~~~!!

CHICKORT ROOTS AND LEAVES. powerofcxtnactlngplant

prlre a.a alx to eight doUnr11, nnd tho 1!1r~;:!,!'u:n~undamuc.o.J

:~~. o\~~~'\i~~~r~;C'"~t$~~0~~::~::;, ro~!~~ c;:r::!a'tha ::; o !o1r ~t·oson nud on orcrnge yield on the MUJIP

nud pr1cl.', the profit 1.s .somt'" not bern I~~~~~~~~~ more than from growing !lorn or 0 t'fOP rotation tba.t '"ht'at. prlrtlnr fertility.

'flte TRrletlrs commonly R'fOU'D are rotntlona that will be aucce-Drunl" lt'k, )fngdeburg nod Schlu- I one lt'Ctlon mny not be auece•·

~;~~c,1~;~~: ~~: :r~re01 il~~:tr:::nd~ c~~=t~~~~:: ::::~~~~~~~~I ~~~~~~~:::-::::-:•j ~~~~::::~~::E~~=:E~= forrn, Ftg. b, tlu• roota of crops in eluded In t.hefr ro-1 ~ burg bl!!lng- aome\• hnt , u profito.ble for lmmtdl· harder to dtg, ate m=keta or a• feed for atoek, nnd ductlve. Schlcalaeho tbua mllrkettd In tht' couden11cd forma blunt, thick root, l-'1g. a, ofalock or their produet.....-cnl•es, milk paratlre11 enay to dlg. A butttr. of mer.Uum ricbnen. and I U onee thla 1Ubjcct r. tl~e beat lOti. In fact, nny 10il grupcd by a. !nrmer Ita ponibilitlel ~nil nllow a good root dc,elopment a- to hla lndl•idual condltiona will be ts aultable. A light dre1111lng of 11t11blo unfoldell 11..1 lu! atudit'l the problem mo.nure Ia uaed, but the_ but puc- But don't ignore thla !rl'l'Cll afrr{eultural tlce Ia to apply rnnnurc tn e:~:ccs1 to problem.-Colrnnn'a Rural World, the crop whu:h precedes clllcorr.

Chicory dou be11t nhen follo"in!f BRACING CORNER POSTS. 11ome cereal crop hke whent, bnrley --or ont11, All .IIOilll 0.1 the eert'nl ill l:lp(l• t h .. Proper E:cunu lo• ol Thh l ""~~~~~;:==:;;:::;:;:;:~~~~~~=-:=' ~=~~~~ hn.rl"eatcd the lontl abould be "\\"ork Dl'pf!nda thO! liul alow... j' plowed alx mchta deep. Tlu!l .surface o f A ll "\\·Ire ..-ta cl• •· should be harrowed alter e•ery roi11, or once In two weeka until late fall, The uaefnlnesa of a wire fence wht'n It abould be plowed len lnobca lnrgt'l1 depcndll upon the atabllltJ

;~:e~~rr~~,.::r~~~ntl~~e·~:~~e~::~~u~e ~[r~~~ ~~~:rlt~o,':. It~~~~ ~~ea d~~~~~ r::~~:::i::==:==:==:==:==:==:!::::~~~~~~~~~~=== low until plo.nttng time. U1icory aet nnd ,,.ell braced. II the comer 1hould be sown nt corn phmtm~ po"t I• drawn but nn jnell from ft.l time, when the weather hoi become upright poaltion the ll'"iru •lackeD fa.lrlr aettled. Se:~d Ia put In wllh n nnd a looae w1re fence I• tL poor and gnrdl.'n dnU nt the rnte of two one. pouml• per ncrt'. lt ahould be plnnt· common fault !11 In plncinR' the l'd about one-third of an Inch detp, brace too high on tht' po1t, nnd the in rOl<'ll 15 to 111 lnllhrl apnrt. The po11t l.s drnwn out of line. cultlmllon ahould be aimdnr to thnt In thla •cellon our fences are gt!!D·

R"t'"en beet!ll. Hnncsttng ~hould i>f'· t'rally of two wlrn and four feet gin In October, tht later the bctlrr high. with the aecond wire :.!0 Inches before froaL 1l1e haneatmg Ia aim· 1lnr to thn.t of beets. The roola nro ~ent to thl" factory, lvhere tht'y are then carefully wa11hecl, cut into pieces of Irregular ,hnpe about half

~~n!~~h J~~11di1~:;~~~- and roa.ated.- l .. ¥=d~~~...-iioo:"!"'!!'J 1 Uae Dr. flrt'rnt •._ ~··rnzra blood anti

ncr\ I.' remedy thi~ 11prlng. for IL 111 the dlllCOTt•ry unrl prt·lltrlJ•tlon of n. we-ll­known phy11icinn, llr. rtrt•t•nr, of 3~ W. HUt St., !\i'\\" York f1iy, 1\hO he r•·11ponot1ble for lt.'l IW"nrfidul nrtion, llh la& lc.- fo r .. ,...,.. Dall tlhoc• , DUACE FOR CORNI::R POST

-~~:'~:'":';~:,~:'~:~~:,~:"~:;~.:~:~~~:~~:~l::;~:l"=~~:oe=;of I ~~~r:;;rl;~~th;~~~~~in~~;:~r~r :,~:~ ~f~~:d ~~:~~=i ~~~~e c~~~l!rtb; r ~:::11!oo:n:u~~~n~o:t;;;,"';;:~l :~~~ below the wire, nnd Lhe 11cc·

Thirty dollars

Wonde r ful W ashington

'Tho••trQ'fltln stlt•'


Great Northern R.ail way

Wuhlltl[lon.tfcnt,h•••-lltrlbcttar ..,...rtanlllrtthe"'ant•thcrp•n

.. 1 ... f.Jnltord ~letu


PIMit Cllmalc In Atn«rlu No Rl~ I uti Blll•

N~:~ ttuvy flcpcntc fM Clotlllnj. Vuy uult s ..... -ln IMimt JUUon~

IteM at all fiMOuln•ndfru!tU!IId.

N1:1 Ctop f'alluru Plet~tyr~l frtt Uind, and Cholu.I.Dull••

lor Sale 11 Lo• Prius. Good •'hrlldt.

Good Prtcu Good School• and Churchu.

~u~~~~n/~Yn!e:::;red~~~~~ ~~!d ~~~~ ~~:c:110~h~::~ ::10

1~ ff!t:tc l o~u,;.ra~:t Jock 11Jtlngln thn.t coat only SJ:!, n.nrl ~en feet "Ill do 1f t'Xtra care 11 takeD

~~~::e aal~~~~~~~~;"i1l:ml~!ltw~O" ":::~:rrc! 10


t~t:- method fa like that "lth lhftl"ed ht'mlnck ahi11gltll In .ctln•n hdow. The are clrar 1q1a, nnd It Ia a fair roof to·dny or the ground and tlit'f arf' at the Sawed ht'mlock llhlnJCira, 11\ inrh"tl lop, ''herl' thf'y are a llhlt'ld to the Inn,, coat hr.rt' $:! 40 prr l.OOO. ,\bo ~Ytrr n• wr ll a.s a pfotcetlon to

~~~~;n;~~;1,.1~n~~~~~=c~1 ~~::~""'~1::. ~~~t"c ~:~;~~~:~~~~ h;::;:a.r:,r:fth 'l'htiiC will ln"'t only 11bnut 12 Y"o.r11 hrn•y. •mootb wlro are stretched In \VillcOnllln plnr ahlnglf'll nre mndt' from hottom of corner post t o top

~~~:" w~~~:~t n;~~t·:: ~ne:;'' .:n :::J ~l!gb~~;o~~top:•;n~~d ea~~=~ t.wl•ted hl'fnlnck 11hlnglra, hut tht'ae eo11 t All to thl'l drpth the ~orner poata thrrt'

1Jollnra pl'r 1 000 Rrd ~trlnr ahoUIII h11 p ut Into t he lf1'011Dd eneh

mnkt'll .rood •hln!flt.~. b~t ,-.bite er~lnr will decide aceordlnl( to 11011 and tbe mnkra poor llhlngll'~ -L. n. Ketchum. nc-tlnn of froat I ftnd t hat In moat

In Countr;r Otntll!mnn. ~~n~:~. •:~:: ~·~ere!::.,fe~!u~ df~~~ l mpnrt•art nr naot Crop• . W(JIIld b,. neer11aarr In some plsce11,

Tht' !fto"'l"ll' of root l'rnpsln thla nml p<"rhnJUI pll'ru two to four feet rount ry Ia only fltcon,Jn.ry to ~rrotn <~nzl In lt'ngth 11plkf'd on the Ricin at the hay, hut In I urop~ hel'lll, rnrrot• and holtnln of tlu• po11!1 fnr anehorL tnrniJ" are mor~ highly thnn l~xrt'pt In Jl lorr• whrore It Ia quite nny other l'ropa, and It 111 In l'nJrlnml. """t part of the .}'t'llr or In low pln~t'll "he1'1' turnip• Off' IBfll"IY u~ezl, thnt "'hrr" thto !Itt nf the wire !11 eon• WI' (lfOI'Ufl' our brat •pl'rimPn!l of rnt llhirfahle """ '""' our lntermedlnte tlr ~hl'rp and 1\YIIIf'. Srnrly nil of tht' pnt!ltl 11nly riR"ht lnehf'll cil'rp, an11 purl' hf!!~tlll of lin• 11fn"k In thf' roun· two rocll apart wht'rfl Ullt'd only 111 a 1 ry rnm" nfiR"IDIIIIy from ,\n rnlllf' 11nd hnr11o fron"t', tUI moat of It ll•'t"' of Inn<! thnt "'Ill pfodtl!'t' ~ OOo It! -J. )1. Rice, In National 8t~kman 111111nzl110f l)ll]olhy hny"I'\IIJ JlfOdllf'l' ~'J ----01)1) J>OIHU]a of manf(rll, &1111 th" !In Th• •••• .,.. D••• Ill W l•t• r , 1lot'k will thrln• bflll'ron thr mnn(lrl• 1hll hr11t plaee for a ll lclnrla a f 11nd h~ty thBn on hny or h•rt• 11111111'< lllot'"· llonp•tula, eh•, I• an the m•· Th" llthnr "''Jnlrrrl In It"'" runt rrnp~ nnr" ht'ftp. It I• an athn.ntra~re t o 11 murh ,......, than f11rmrrlr, •nd It will kl'r(l mannrfl •nm .. what damp (no• P"Y to l.e•tiJI'I' thr lnhor It the ll•e atork and when all rrftUfl mallrr 11

o!"' !~':~~~~tt~~;:: 1,Wl~'D"~~~ mull\ a•n a. prnnt whrn ~~;t:.~;r~1 ;~n ;; ,';:•:a~~,:n WONilJ:IIP'Uf.WA!IIUNr.TON,"'l"••••· )f\dtl~tnn hol•l• title to o-rer half a In the hl'ap Ia turnroc1 OYI'r 111 lf'R t l -===========ti=3t::~~ r-•tac.." •rt~:~·:-;,ASS, :~~~:.a~;~~~;:!tt'.~Jflmaryachool onf'e du~=~u~:: lh~~~=r at ";J:~ thai'

F. 1 WHb::~· A.- ,cos.(;c;::~. iu.. 'f'11e atatt' n! n'ublnrton proml•e• Lo :;m~::"u~fh:~:'!rh~l•'~h.m:d.i1~~

L....--...!!!~1.!:1..!!=---' I ~.a .!:rr~:;:;~c- of b .. , IQptl tn of t~llf ~=~·~~'1:: ..... will J nnal


Bring in your


Produce, And take advan a e o he