Download - 1897-12-29.pdf - The City Record


Interc.,t on Taxes ................... .................... 9(6 20 Wat,:r-me'cr Fund Nu. o................ ... ................ r4 43 Arrears of Taxes .......................~ Gtlon.....,.............. .. 49,257 65 Interest on 'faxes .......................' „ ....... ..............' x ,76, 69 Fundlor ri trect and Park Upcniugs. .... ..... ..... .......... 12.512 52 Streetlntprovement Fund-June t5, 1886. '' ............... I1,c41 49 Imerest .m Assessments ................. " ...................... 2,193 qr "! owns of Westchester . ................

I ....., ................ 14o oI

Interest-Towns of Westchest:r........ .. ........ .. .......... .. 34 90 Additions! Public Park Fund .......... 92 .. 21 Water-meter Fond No. z.......... ..... ,r ........ .............. 38 0., Int crest on Arrea My terra ................' .` ................ 17 9r Charges on Arrears of'l.axes ............ " ......................'~ 5 00 Sundry I.,cunse. ......................... Hcaly.................. 1,7t9 25 Restoring and Repaving-z3d and 24th'

Wards.............................. Haffen .................... 192 56 Restoring on rl Repaving-Department of

Public Works...................... . i Collis.......... .., ~ 848 00 Croton Water Rent Refunding Account.. Com'rs Sinking Fund ...... 95ã o; Street Incumbrance Fond ................ Waring.................... Waring....................' 17 00

•• I Dock Fund .......................... Einstein...................' 72 50 H ospital Fund .......................... Gulderman ................'. 934 00

........... Food for (;rztutdtous Vaccination.........'. 1,178 07 ............ " ................ 278 z;

ers' Fees ................ CoronArrears

Tuthill .................... 85 25 of Taxes and Assesoments,

and owm of fast Chester and Pelham. Comptroller ................' 461 49 Tapprrrr Pipe, ............. .. \Vater-meter Fund No. z ...............

Johnson ................... 505 50 „ ......,............ 30 30

llaintena ce anti Government of Parks and Places-Police Salaries, t897...., Mitchell ................. 171 57

Register's Fee, ................ Sohmer....................' 9, r71 8" Additional Water Fund ................. AI1'n........... .. ...... 652 40 General Fund ....................... Mitchell....... g4,' 5 r6 .. ...... .... .. ............... Comptroller... '9i 50

...........................I Collis...... ... let 74 .. ...........................~ Faure ......... 16q oo " ........................ " Conscience". a to " ........ Hall'en ........ 2oo 00 .. .•........ I ............... Knotht_........ 30 00 .. .:.... ....................~

3 percent. Assessment Bonds-June 15,! O'linen........ 473 ao 6,677 50

1866 ................................. Com'rs Sinking Fund ...... r5o,000 no 3 per cent. Revenue Bonds-Special-'

Board of Health .................... .. ...... 970 00 3 per cent. Revenue Bonds-S?ecial-

Re-iudexin4, etc.......... ...... 1,000 00 3% per cent. Revenue Llands-Special-~'

A,vards Street and Park Opcumg:... I ...... 250,000 co 3,5Fr5652 05

510,561,646 13

December 4. 1897. By Iialance ............................................................. S8,5So,147 43

E. & O. E., F. W. SsIrTlt, Bookkeeper. ANSON G. McCOOK, City Chamberlain. -I'IIE COMMISSIONERS 01''T IF. SINKING FUNDS OF. THE CITY OF NEW YORK. tel account W th

ANSON G. McCoaK, Chamberlain, for and during ehe week endcn, December 4, 1897.

S1,c65,469 14


DEnr. ' ON Crry DEnT.

IP .,N.Y. o IIat. .a e rlast acco'.mt Y p curreuI Dec. 4 'Street Imp, Fund.... liilon.....:'

li Sundry Ltcenscs ..... Heady....I Market 1.3. & F........ O'Brien...I

i Market Cellar Rents. " . ,.. Street Vaults..... Collis ....

Dock and Sltp Rents. Einstein .. lntere,t on Deposits-I Lank of Alicrica.. 9205 48 Bank State N . Y... 164 38 Bowery Bank...... 136 98 Central Nat. Panic . 691 78 Chase Nat. flank... 800 74 Chatham National . 363 86 Cont. Nat. bank.... 641 w Corn Ex. B.,nk.... 649 34 J ~ E. R. Nat. Bank .... 41 ro Fi, st Nat. Bank.... 350 6q Fourth Nat. Bank.. 905 82 Garfield National.. 575 34 Germania flank .... 638 85 Hanover Nat. Ilk... 958 91 Liberty Nat. Bank. 164 40 Mech. Nat. Bank...) 378 07 Mitch. and T. Ilk... 164 38 Nit Ex. Nat.Bk.~ Nat. Bank of N. A.

435 59

Nat. Bank Rep..... 273 97 411 oo

• Nat. L''way Batik.. 378 07 Nat. City Bank.... 1,302 73 Nat. Para Bank.... 1,508 22 Nat. Shoe & L. Bk.. 328 77 Nat. Union Bank .. 8o5 zo N. V. Nat. Ex. Ilk. 40 10 N. V. Prod. Ex. Ilk. 342 46 Ninth Nati uml Bk. 123 29 Oriental bank...... 4t to Phenix National Bk 125 00 Seaboard N attonal.. 516 35 I Seventh National... r66 67 Tradesmen's Nat']. 328 77 U. S. Nit. Batik.... zo8 2r West Side Bank.... 166 67 N. Y. Co. Nat. B'k.. 41 to Atlantic 'Trust CO.. 266 66

', Cont. Tr st CO .... 487 67 Trust Co ... 832 90 1 \Ian. Trust Co..... 832 86 Mere. 'Trust Co.... 8o8 19 9lctropoiitan T, Co. 164 38 Guaranty I'rust Co 164 38 N.Y. S. & '1'. Co ... ~ Sao 00 State Trust Co..... 369 87 U. S. Mtg. & 1. Co. 8a r9 Wash. frost Co.... zo5 45 Colonial Trust Co . ins 5-) Nat. Citizens' Bank. 164 38 Western Nat. Bank. 897 z6 Cent. Trust Co.... 1,223 30

22,792 62 43,311 55

~ DR. x.

r,99o,111 70 V .... DR...... CR.

............ 3 C,. 9r $9 26 I1s on

1,298 44 Io o,

5.035 78 14,053 45

Arrears_ on C. W. R .. Austen... Arrears on C. W. R..IIGilon..... Interest on C. W. K.. " ..... Croton Water R. &P. Johnson.. House Rent.......... O'Brien.., Ground Rent........ " Ferry R nt.......... •' .. Int,on Bond & Mtge. ..

116,595 68 3,692 50 709 98

40,427 64 679 o6 25 00

17,797 07 1,300 00



FINANCE DEPARTMENT. Abstract of the transactions of the Bureau of the City Chamberlain for the week ending December 4, 1897.

t 'FICI ob THE CI iv CHAMIIERi.ARc. IIJ;. WILLIAM L. STRONG, 111raj'or ; NEW Y t>IRK, December ti 15o7.

SIR- In pursuance of section 165 of the Consolidation Act of 1882, I have the honor to present herewith a report to December 4, 18g7, of all moneys received by ANSON G. J1cCOOK, Chamberlain, and the amount of variants paid by him since November 30, 1897, and the amount remaining to the credit of the City on December 4, 1897. Vei v respectfully,

JNO. ii. CAMPBELL Deputy Chamberlain. I)R. '1 ui NI,%YoR. AI.f>E I(MF:N A cl) CoNENI();, I IV OF THE CITY OF NEW ST ORK, in areor/nt .I,illt .4tNSON G, INICCOOK, Cha//tb ,' 11rin, ril/rl N, lire 7t,,'el' e'/Ni/// De'ct/n/h'r 4, 159]. Cr.

Dec. 4 To Additional 1l Uer Flt L. .. .... . 61I 317 22 I I Nov 30 By Ral..nce..... .. ........ 98,991,754 o8 ............ Al . itt ...,l W., et Fun,,, City of New York 1.86o s9 Dec. 4 j25 C5 ....... ................ ....... Atusten........... ... ... a3,O34,896 rx Antitnxine Fund ............... ..... ................. .............. z,852 83

Armory Fund ......................................................... n o no Ilrid,4eover Harlem River-3d Ave .............. ...................... r,54r 11 t'ruton Water Fund .......... ............................ ..... ... 3,607 81 Croton Water Rent Refunding Account ............................... 16 50 Department of Buildings-Special . ........................... r2 50 Department of Public Charities-Building FunrI............ 1 S,o68 50 .. ......... Department ofstreet Cleaning-New Stock, etc ....................... z,84o co ilo,- k Fund ........ .... ........ ................................ 24,125 17 Eleventh Ward Park Fund .... .......................................I 725 8o Excise 1'axes ......................................................... 3,281 03 Fire Department Fund-For Sites, etc ...................... ....... ..I 565 43 F rye hydrant Fund ................................................... 542 85 Fund for Gratuitous Vaccination ..................................... ro> 00 Fund for St reef and Park Upem rigs ................. ................. 93.704 09 Jeromu Avenue Paving, etc............ ............................. n,155 38 New East River Bridge Fund .........................................1 2,316 65 Police Department Fund-Fur Sites, etc ..............................I 1,428 CO 1'ublir. Schr,~,l Library Food ........................................... 198 45 Rapid Transit Fund Nu. 2 ............ ...............................I 53t 66 Rci nuiin,g Assessments Paid iu Error ................................ 35 52 Refunding Taxes Paid in Error .......................................' 10 40 Repricing ..................................................... ........ 2,196 45 Repaving Roads, Streets and Avenues-z3d and s4lh \yards............' 3,312 o8 Repaving. Third Avenue ............................ ............... 459 vO Restoring and Repaving-Special Fund-23d and 24th Wards ..........103 87 Restoring rind Rtpaving-Special Fund-Department of Public Works.., 1,899 34 Revenue Bond Fund-Burnside Avenue Archway ...................... 379 41 Revenue Bond Fund-Compilation of Arrears of'raxes and Assessments 1,512 45 Keveoue Bond Bund-County Clerk's Office .......................... 866 64 Revenue flood Fund-Expert Account:mts ............................. 663 00 Revenue flood Fund-Extension of Bridge over Harlem River Railroad,

Pelham Ave , etc ................................................. 24 00 Revco tie I;utt Fund-J urigtuents ......................... ..........I x0,76; 6s Revenue Bond Fund-Readjustment of Water-p.pes, 4ad St. Reservoir.. 233 94 Revenue Bond Fund-Salaries Additional Keepers in County Jail .... 333 32 Revenue Bonus. 1857 ................................................. 75o,oco 00 Riverside Park and Drive-Completion of Construction ................ 518 65,u>c Fund ............... ................................... 71,291 53 Street I,npruvement Fund-June 15, 7886 .............................. 56,o25 cz Steel Beam Structure, etc ............................................ 91 78 'Temporary Pride, Bronx River, etc .................................... .I oo Unclaimed Sala, ivs red \1'ages ..................................... 6i3 33 Water-main Fund No. z ................................4..............'. 1,x71 48 Wdliwnsbridge Sewer Fund ...........................................614 z5

Allowance to Aguilar Free library Society ............................~ $3,333 32 Allowance to Webster Free Library ...................................i 208 33 Amount to be raised by Tax Annually, etc .............................1713669 So Aquarium ................................................ ........... 276 95 Aqueduct-Repairs, M atnten:mce and Strengthening .............. 570 47 Armories and Drill-rooms-Wages ...... ....... . ................. 7,zto 00 Assoctation for Befriending Children and Young Girls ................ 557 57 Bacteriological Lahorctory ........................................... 141 18 Board of Estimate and Apporti.,n ment-Expenses of .................... 291 66 Board of Street Opening and improvement .... ....................... 187 50 Burin€ Exanhwooris for Grading and Sewer Contracts ................. 84 00 i Boulevards, Roads and Avenues, Maintenance of ..................... 991 37 Bridge over Harlem River Ship Canal-\ laintenance ................... 354 0 Bronx River Works- 7,histeoaoce and Repairs ......................... 4o tt Bronx River and other Bridges ................................. le5 .1 CITY Recono-Salaries and Contingencies ............................. 554 98 Cleaning Markets ...................... .. ...................... .... ..1 743 09 Cleaning Streets-Departntunt of Street Cleaning...... ................ 43 692 33 College of the City of New York ..................................... 437 47 Commissioners of the Sinking Fund, Expenses of ...................... 465 00 Contingencies- Comptroller's Office . . ...... ....................... 312 25 Contingencies-Di,trict Attorney's Office ..... ..................... 29 72 Contingent Expenses-Central Department, etc ................. . ... 916 70 Contingencies-Law Department............ I ........................ 776 50 Coror,ers-Salaries air! Expenses ........................ I......... 3,849 96 Department of Building,s .............................................. 30,167 13 Department of Correction ............................................ 19,814 37 Department of Public Charities ........................................ 31,025 98 Election Expenses .................................................... .,686 Ir Examining Board of Plumbers ........................................ 93 33 Flagging Sidewalks, etc ............................................... ....65o 00 Fire Department Fund ............................................... 141,831 20 Free Fluaung Baths .................................................. 66 75 Harlem River L'ridges-Repairs, Improvementand Slaiutenance ...... 189 50 Health Fttnd ......................................................... 6,451 35 Hospital Fund ....................................................... 1,279 50 Interest on the City Debt ..................................... ....... 140 00 Interest on Indebtedness Territory Annexed, etc ................ ..... 325 0o I nterest on Revenue Bonds, 1897 .................................... Io,586 8r Lamps and Gas and Electric Lighting . ............................... 13,343 10 Laying Croton Pipes ............. ...... ... ... ................. ro 4t3 42 Lithographing and Printing Final Maps and Profiles......... Maintenance aud Construction of New Parks north of Harlem River.... 1,6gt 72 Maintenance and Govermncnt of Parks and Places ...................... 9,415 ~5 Maintenance-z3d and 24th Wards .................................... 431 93 Itlomm~cnting Streets and Avenues ...................... ... ........ 66 6o New York Institution for the Instruction of the Deaf and Dumb........ 14,277 22 Narmal College .................. 9,936 32 555th St. Viaduct-Maintenance and Repairs .......................... r:.t 50 Police Fund .......... ........................................... 565,659 t4 Police Station-houses, Alterations, etc .................................. 2,916 70 Preliminary Surveys, etc ............................................. 357 95 Preservation of Puuiic Records........ 3,206 r6 Public Iluil sings-Construction and Repairs ........................... 298 00 Public Charities and Correction ...................................... 84 30 Printing, Stationery and Blank Books ................................. 704 58 Public lnstruction .................................................... 58„5z 15 Removing Obstructions in Streets and Avenues ....................... 93 30 Repairs and Renewal of Pavemeutsaud Regr.dtng ..................... 4,405 56 Repairing and Renewal of Pipes, Stop-cock,. etc ......... .............. 191 62 Toad- Streets and Avenues-Unpaved-Maintenance of, and Sprinkling I,r ro 87 Salaries-C hamberlam's Office .................................. 1

... zo3 3; Salaries-City C ,arts ................................................ 19,408 r6 Salarici-Con missiouers of Accounts .................................. 282 36 Salaries-Consulting Engineer, etc ...................... ........... 416 C6 Sa!sries-County fa,L ............................................... .1,470 g6 Salar,rs-Departure tit of Public Works ................................ . 22,89! 46 Salaries- Finance UeprA moot ........................................ 20,222 79 Salaries-1>ispectors and Sealers of Wti,ghts and Measures ............. . zoo oa Salancs-judiciary ................................................... 65,3u8 83 Sa! Department ............................. ... .. .... I,oeo oa Salaries-Comm ssioner of Street Improvements, 23d and 24th Wards... 2,755 54 5 Ircres-Ko_istcr's UtTice ............................................ 10,621 69 Salaries-Sherill's Office ........................ .................... 1,773 33 Salaries and Cuntingencies-Mayor's Office ............................ 1,749 98 sewers and Urtins-23.1 and 24th Wards... ................... ......... 1,114 ho Sewers-Repairing and Cleaning ....................... ............. 2,61; a5 St. Joseph's Institution for Improved Instruction of Deal Mutes......... 6,966 68 Street Improvements-For Surveying, Irlunumenting and Numbering Sts 24 Supplies for and Cleaning Public Ounces ..... ......................... 4,153 50 Supplies For Police .................................................... 18,,87 63 Suiluort of Indigent Prisoners in County Jail .......................... 24 42 Surveying. L:rs'mg-out, etc., a and 24th Wards ...................... 89 So Surveying, Laying-out and Making Topographical Surveys, etc 273 32 Surveys, Maps and Plans ............................................. 12 42 Telephonic Services and Contingencies ................................ 9 45


501,040 13

2,906,029 56

$3,971.498 70 8,570.147 43




fir! ee C F'in - DR. Cr. DR. CR.

Fs Iirroll ....... .... Nine en







!crnard ........... qz6 00 Manila Wrapper Paper .......... ......... a567 59 i ~59x 3o s?SSo z3 ..••.•.• ........


c! !i,est.........

139 r8

l;uljnck .......'. x,ei7 71 Blotting Paper ........................... r,o86 63 { 885 45 1,144 64 ........ ........ cni

,Icl'are,........ i 84g 00 SeaInz Wax ............................. 6 56 ........ 12 93

.... 97

I urp hv........ 4 3 5o , Paper WVeights ........................... s8 67 44 71 z3 28 ~,I \fahaut........ 162 44 ........ ........ ICtcart...........

I.Ir,m n

.......... I 244 Coo Inks ..................................... 1,3x6 6o ' 1,703 78 1,290 96 ........ .....•.. yI

....... z1 75 1liscellancous fens........... ....... ,' rn atne.......... 4n go

~ - ens................. ..... x87 55 ! 330 66 3rz 39 ........

r 1,153 00 Esterbreok's............


xu co .................. 6x1 44 696 54 655 35 ........ ........

..ii.liCan ........ .. z

_5 0o PelnstDcfiance ...........................

354 45

461 42 398 17 ........


4 3 •.......


5 5~ .............

Eller......... t,c ro o~ i l 762 oo Sleet Erasers ............................. 199 49 ' 175 25 200 13 ........ ........

oa and Penalties— x.o5x oo l

--! 10,245 93 Rubber Erasers, ...... ................ .. tzz 74 ~ 144 94 116 r6 grog z7 'i .. ...... .,

cnn a ............

$476 co ('olden Seat Ink .......................... 1

3 07

402 az ........ ...•.... ........

•,. rr ..` ..... 2,c5 w Gfuc,lagc .......... 328 94 390 62 356 28 1 ........ 53 78

2,719 7b p 9 ............ ............ .......... .. cg4,tg: 69

Dluc ~a e ups.... irs... .................. nr r~ 26 35 14 74 ........ .... ....

..nktn~ Fun d—Redenl tton ....... .... .. ............ ..... ... ,6m_ Fund—ia1crex .... - ...... .... . ............ . S1 io6 05 g Reservoirs 8 121 27 1 1 x6 ........

1'alance. .................. ....... N-,033 4 -; .......... 444 50 50 Clips. Files, etc........ .....~ ;:g5 o8 188 00


2,43,x23 25 8z,033.4e3 25 ! $445,656 55 445,656 59 ...... ....... ........ ........ ........

Rubber Bands .......... ..................I 2,738 qz 3.46 x6 3.039 87 3 7


........ $",o8r 6

l~ecem her q, 1507. I'y l;alanee. ......... ....................... c~.~ x,.423 25 ". ••----. ---$444,55 5o Oil and Rubber Sheets.................... z6 9r ! 39 45 44 99

JNO. 1I. CAMPBELL, Deputy Chamberlain, Inkstand ................................412 03 703 03 DI 69 i


tt' C\1: }I~B, ALI)t. 1t \ oND eCO }iONAL1'V OF . 'I' Iir CITY OF \E\V YORK. ill [7:CoiM11 wit/t Rules ......... ........ ................

xxo 37 x3a 3z q .... .... I ......•• I a. .NO()' G. .ICCI,.1K, Ch1z,iJ~Lrvn, ,/rorrr fl the .vc..t cr.dr1:, ii ber4, 1897. Clt. .......................... ...~.... !

- — .....' '7. - — 1897.

- — ---- -- - - -- --- — 7 ape, Ribbon, etc .............. ..... 427 76 435 83 ........ ..... .. I ........ . 4 1 ~~NCiute-..- Fe ............. ec3 r2 Nov. 3o By Balance ..... ............... 9341 oz .

Balance ..................... z:8 to Typewriter Ribbons ......... ............I t,006 73 ........ ........ ........

t, a[ 22 3ix =2

----- -_--- Ttvine ..... .............. 9 95 7548 C ........

Fasteners, Punch?+, er• ............. ....' 4246x 761 r5 Llecember q. x89;. liy B'tl mc~ ............. uaSS to ......•• .....•.. ........

)-'O. 11. C:1\11'BELL, Deputy CliamLc laic. Pins .....................................13a 71 194 53 132 32 ......•. I ........

co. I.., I. \\'. 5\IITH, Bookkeeper. Pencils ........................... ...... I,o85 78 ........ . ........ 956 67 ' ........ ':.

MA' IN, .LITER\IEN A\1) CI- NI}I(,N:\LTV OF THE CITY OF ',EW YORK, in account ^.with

IN. ANsus G. McC< olc, Chmh.r/aiu. durz,r; the -w,,ek eh,ding Defemhcr 4, IS97. CR. Penholders ............................... 511 61 ! 414 06 ........ ...... ........

i -. -. I597

- - - Shears ...................................' 86 r5 73 58 I xor 93 ........ ........ ...... Dec. 4 1a lure Fee:.... ...............

£r,;~' o~ Nov.3o By E~lanee..... .......... t33,:zx oo Miscellaneous.... ".............. ez6 84 r 30 i

.. 4 i3 3 ........ ! ........ ........

£93.121 oe I c73,I2I co Typewriter Carbon Paper ...... .. 959 xo 1,034 co ---- ------- ---- I.

c3x,e oc tieals ......... .... ............I 6t 77 72 58 --

-- -- _- . .... ............I 8 56 25 x0,276 IC

I L.:__m r s. 18..7. By Balance........... 75 I ..... ........ ........

T`:~I. II. CA1I1'BELL, Deputy Chamberla in. Paper and Fnvelop~s I

F. & 0. E., F. 1V. S`IITH, Bookkeeper. _ _

TIDE 'l. V R. _\l.ut-:R}IF.N A\D COMMONALTY OF TllE: CITY of - EW YORK. iu 7(C1,7/;r/ 7'j//j The L. \1'. Ahrens Stationer}' and Printing, Company asks thirty-five cents (35) per dozen extra for etching steel erasers and shears. This bidder offers to furnish piper water-marked '' Cit y 1)7:. l\ ~in~' U. AICC!uph, Clr<rmler,~rirr, daerir{, tkc .<<<k eudiu,;r D~itwber 4, iBgY. Cr. P P }

—.-.. — — -- Record " without extra charge. 185-. 1897. The Jordan Stationery Company proposes to furnish "Golden Seal fluid, or better." This

Dec. 4 lo -^rer_s; Be,isrereu....... =4,ez; CC \ov.3o i I,y Bilance ..................... $68,497 53 company in the schedule entitled Clips, Files, etc., does not name any price for file-boards. 'The b'a Ia,:ee ...................... c4 .i72 53 L. W. Ahrens Company proposes to furnish these file-hoards for the aggregate price of $39.25, and

Sr g.., - -, 3 I i6,a,7 53 the total of its bid in this schedule is 5255.05. The aggregate of the prices named by the Jordan

— — Stationery Company on the articles in this schedule ou which it offers bids is SISS, which, adtlell December- q , i ),. Its balance ..... ....... .b4.47a 53 to $39.25, will make the total cost of the articles named in the schedule $227.25, if the award be

JNO. H. C-111PBLLL, Deputy Chamberlain. divided between the two bidders.

E. c O. E.. F. AC. Si I I H, ltookkeeper, The L. A1'. Ahrens Stationery and Printing Company is the only bidder to submit prices on the entire paper schedule. The Jordan Stationery Company does not name any prices for the Board

THE Cv'I 'S (. ~-yexs OF THE ,INiIyG It _Nn, OF THE Guy or -NF-,V YORK, in arrn1S9 wrtlr of Ilealth s ecial ~_ards, which the L. W. Ahrens ' tatiouer Conl 3n y offers to supply for 2.c ).

ANSON G. NICCOOK, Chamberlain, for and during lire Tacek ertditt; 1Jea~rubcr4> IS97• P Y P } I I Y $55 )~ 'Tice omission of the Jordan Statjonery Company ti bid on these cards increases the discrepancy


between it ailll the

to I rec L.

AV1 efirens and Stationery

n 's J

r named.

' 3 a I P~'I'=es are the lowest for sealing wax, Re iv' IIrn,' uF ,HE: CITY al ink, mucila(~e, mucilage reservoirs,

C. pens, b f

file-boards, rubber baud;, oil and rubber sheets, inkstands, rulers, tape, ribbons, etc., typewriter I ribbons, fasteners, punches, etc., miscellaneous articles, typewriter carbon paper, seals and

9-' a, r and envelopes. tt

~ ~ !;, 1'.~Lm: I I. r I t u utt Crest a ... .................... .. ........ li ct85.3z3 35 I I P .• 4 . Irking You, P1..ctnpv,:, \u. - ... ............................... ........... x,71;,669 sf The Jordan Stationery Company names the lowest price for blotting paper, steel erasers

1'o ai,king Fund Rcdctnpuon ........................................... 54_x,970 oC (without, hotcever, stating a price for etching), clips, files, etc. (except hie boards), shears.

Io balance .................................................. 1,49;,02; x5 ose,h Cavanagh names the lowest trice for supplying manila a paper, paper weights, inks, J I Cavanagh 1 P• I P P a s',t96,9,3 15 $1,895,993 15 Gillett's pens, sponge cups, spores and pins.

-- — John H. Baird names the lowest price for rubber erasers and lead pencils. L:cernber q. 1897. By .:alaucs ................................. .. ...... PI,4)7•C23 15 Very respectfully, yours, HE\I:Y NleMILLEs, Deputy t upervisor and Expert.

(Nit. 11. CAMPBELL. Deputy l;homberinin. On motion of the Counsel to the Corporation and by the concurrent action of all the rleunliels L. ;: 1-.. ; . \`, . r l l n. DI. I r. of the Board, the followciu wa, adopted :

Resolved, That the respective contracts for furnisiliiltt stationery supplies to the various courts, — departments and bureaus of the City of New Yuri: for the year 1898 be and are hereby awarded, CO MMISSIONER OF STREET IMPROVEMENTS, 23D AND 24TH WARDS.. under the terms of the specifications' as formulated by this Board and as per schedule annexed

DxcE-n:IT. 27, 1597. hereto, to the following parties for the articles mentioned and at the prices given in their respective

To Lire .Srr; ,°,'c'i: r, , i ('.1 (7! II'. r, ni : estimates, as submitted to and accepted by this Board tOE—In curnpli _ate t1IJl ,ecti .n 51 of t.;.ap'c, 410 :II the haws of 1552, the office of Commis- To The L. W. Ahrens Stationery and Printing Company, for sealinitwax, Esterbrook's, Defiance

si• ner of Street lmprovemcnl, of the Tsven:y-thin) an-i Twenty-fourth Wards makes the following and miscellaneous pens, Golden Seal iuk, mucilage, mucilage reservoirs, clips, files, file-boards, etc., re art of its transactions for the sscek ending December 22, 1897: 1 oi! and rubber sheets, ink-stands, rulers, tape, ribbons, etc., typewriter ribbons, fasteners, putsches,

Permits Issued—For sewerc0000ctirjtls, 25 ; for Crot, n connections, 20 ; for Croton repairs, I etc., shears, steel erasers, m..scellaneous articles, typewriter carbon paper, seals, sponges, pills,

fIr placing building materials, 12 ; for crossing siuewalk with team, 5 ; for mixellancous manila paler, and paper and envelopes. us [2—total, 8z.

To The Jordan Statbnery Company, for blotting paper and penholders. poses, + i Joseph Cavanagh, for paper weights, inks, Gillutt's pens, sponge cups and twine. Public droners R eei-.,cd—For newer connections, $285 ; for restoring pavements, $52 ; for To John H. Baird, for rubber erasers and lead pencils.

of steam roller, 6—total, $343. To Eberhard Faber, for rubber bands. 1.a/orin,. Force Employed izu:xa the fleck Foremen, 14 ; As,istant Foremen, 8 ; Engineer .cam Roller. I : Carts, 6 ; Teams, 17 ; Carpenter, I ; Machinist, I ; Pavers, 7 ; hewer I L. \V•AHRENS

La:_,rers, 9 ; Laborers, 16S ; Toolmen, 4 ; Stableman, I ; Truchman, I ; Oiler, t ; Sweeper, I ; I STATIIINERV JORDAN a l ::',i t 3 }renttces, ;Fla erg, 6 ; Sounder,, Cleaners, total 308. AND STATIONERY JoseAG JoAI D.H EFA BEl:;u

pl 3 S 55 , 4— 3 cAV NAr,H. BA I R D. FauF.R. dal am1A111~ of renni-sitions drawn a on the CI,nt ptioller during the week, $It I-I.

PRINTING Co rANV. I' 1 5r r 33' i co.,TA..v.

ILec CclfUllt',

- Manila Wrapper Paper ............. .-I 5567 99 x591 30 $550 23

I tiCl~ F. ILP'I•'I::C, Commissioner.

BOARD OF CITY RECORD. Blotting Paper ............................ x,086 6g 885 45 1,144 64

MAYOR'S OFFICE, CITY IIAI.t., Ne\c YoRIK, MONDAY, 10.30 A.'II., December 13, 1897• I

F rancis wax ........•..• ........... ..... 6 56 ........ 12 93 ! .....

1'.e lions. William L. St) on.. Mayor : Francis M. Snot, Counsel to the Corporation, and

IT ward Payson \\'lids, Acting Commissioner of Pulilic Works, the officers designated by section Paper We;gnts........... •.....",.;; ,.. 'i as 67 44 71 23 26 ... t:o of the New York City Consolidation Act, met this day. Inks .................:.

The minutes of the meetings of December 9 and to were read and approved. 1,3x6 6o x,7 3 78 x,2 0 96

Miscellaneous Pens........... A request from the Commissioner of Street improvements of the Twenty-third and Twenty- ::..... •.' z87


3930 54 I .. Y-

5 35 I

........ ........

fourth \\'ards for authority to publish in the " Daily 'sews " and " 'taats-Zeitung," on December Esterbrook's......... 6[x t96 6,2 I3, 14, 20, 21, 27 and 28,a notice of a hearing to be held on December 29, 1897, was received, 5353 "" 5353 ""

1 granted y P


Pens, Defiance........... ................I 354 45

4 a I 3)8 17 ........ .... ...

of the lBoard, the

motion of the '.Mayor andbthe concurrent vote of all the members of the Board, it was S'teelt Erasers .........................••• 199 I

and, on motion of the Counsel to the Corporation and b the concurrent action of all the members a 3 6 6r z

resolved tfl'St the Commissioners of the Sinking Fund be authorized by the Board of City Record 99 49 175 23 200 13 •.•••••. ...•.... to publish in the • ` - v'='uing Post " and " Mail and Express " an advertisement in reference to the Rubber Erasers ................. [az $ 3

•••••••• 74 144 94 .it ,6 ro z7 erection of a new Court-house for the. Appellate Division of the Supreme Court. 5353""

The following report µ' ore





394 o7 a_s 02

DECE>}iF I I, I597. 1h 11oa .loVN A. SLEICHFR, Supervisor of lire City Reord New Mula


28 94 390


356 a6 l ork City Spon a Cu s .............. t 10 26 Dr::.x Stx—I have tabulated the bids for furnishing stationery supplies to the City Depart- r 53 53 • • • • "' • • meats for the year 12£98, which were opened at the meeting of the Board of City Record held on Mucilage Reservoirs............

7 35 4 i6

.. rtr Br .21 27 119 r6 .....

I)ecen1ber 9, instant, as follows : ~_-- - —_ — —






this office will become a City Department. and it a ill he necesary to have the stationery for t:te same provided by the Ct'ty RECORD. In order to be able to transact bnsisess it will be absolutely necessary to have the following books, etc., on January t, 188

Cit)' Treasin)' Department. I city ledger. I cash book.

t l k X55 03 p' G

rP6 00 ........ ........ ........ I '"'Y wo I transfer warrams.



uUher lRandsc ..........................1

2.738 42 t warrant re~tster. I warrant apppropriation ledger.

warran a tiong

3,486 r6 3,099 87 ........ g3,o8r 76 I book of trap*fer warrants. I,000 forms of No. 7.

Oil and Ribber Sheets .................... 26 9t 39 45 44 99 •••••.•• i, 000 ferrms of No. S. I,000 forms of No. 6. 500 lithographed interest check=.

Inkstands ...................... .. ...I 4 03 yo8 03 3 ........ /~ qZltl j' /~ep¢rhlte711. Zz 6ir 6 ....... ~' t cash hook. t mortgage receipt book. S on es .................... ....... P f; 734 42 5 4

'..'• ... ,...... 2 court payment receipt book?. 2 copy books. ................ . I

Rulers... ....... 'to 37 r 44 3z ........ And sundry supplies. Very respectfully,

( JOHN H. CAMIPBELL, Deputy Chamberlain.

Tape, Ribbon,etc ............. ........ 417 y6 a35 83 ....... ........ ........ i John A. Sleicher, Supervisor of the City Record, formally tendered his resignation, and the Typewriter Ribhons ...................... :,oc6 73 ........ .....,.. ! ........ ........ same was accepted by the concurrent action of all the members of the board. His honor the

thereupon 11 Henry 1 } and 'I'wine .... ........................ .. ...... gr 95

..; .. I •

6 3 r

5 75 4 ........ ........ - Expert o te City Record,e who was certi)fiedt by the New Service Commi

si I Y by City ~ommissiotl as

Fastener., Punche ,etc ............... .... i 4~4 6r having successfully passed an examination, held November 24, 1307, for promoti,m to Supervisor of the City Record, with a rating of 99.25 per cent. for merit and fitness.

tills ............ .... ................•.• 132 71 194 53 132 3~ ' ........ I On motion of the Counsel to the Corporation, and by the concurrent action of all the mem-

Pencils 1,085 .................................. 78 ........ ....... 67 956 ........ bers of the Loard, henry 11c3lil1en, I)el)uty Supervisor and Expert, was promoted to fill the

Penholders position of Supervisor of the City Record, said promotion to take effect dating from December 14, 1897. -


..............................u I 4 4

14 o6

~~••• 93 ........ . ........ Adjourned. JOIN A. SLEICHER, Secretary.

rrr ........ Shears ...................................

86 r_ 58

isce llan eous..... .... • $i

30 ..... •. • ......•.

y 959 1°

34 ........ ........ MYOR's OFFICE, CITY 1LACE, New Yosic, AVr•I)NF:5uAY, December 15, 1807, Paper .. ..............959 , o The Mons. ~'llltatll L. Strong, Mayor ; AVlllta 111 1.. Turner. , ctiti Counsel b.) the Corpora- Corpora-

seah .................................. , 77 72 58 ....... ........ tion, and General Charles H. T. Collis,'Commissioner of Public AV'orks, the officers designated by • • • • • • section 66 of the New York City Consolidation Act, this day, by concurrent action, granted the

taper and Envelo es........... 1 p 8,7;8 n; 10,276 12 I request of the Supervisor of the City Record for authority (hy and with the consent of the New Fork City Civil Service (ommisaion) to employ a competent person in behalf of the board of City

Resolved, 'That the Supervisor of the City Record be directed to notify the parties herein f Record, for a period not exceeding three weeks, to asni,t in the compilation and examination of

gained of the award of their resuective contracts and that they be required to furnish sureties the stationer}' and supplies for the City Courts, Ueparhuents :ntd Bureaus ; the compensation of

I said person to be not snore than $30 per week. act eptable to the Comptroller in time for the final execution of their respective contracts within IIls\Rl" \IcA1ILLE ~, Acting Secretary. five days from the receipt of notice of award.

Resolved, That the contractor for furnishing the shears and steel erasers be directed to etch I * "'~ the saute with the wools " Property of tile City of New York," and the price for the etching is to \IAYnit'S OtFter, Ci ry II,si t., Nt-:, Vora, 'Ctttrasn,vv, December 23, IS)7. he that stipulated in the estimate of the successful I)iclder ; and At a meeting of the Board of City Record, Itch in the Jlavoi's Oliice oil llecembicr ^_;, IS97,

Resolved, That the Contractor for the paper be directed to see that it is water-marked witlr Present—The Alavor, the Counsel to the Corporation, the Commi<sioner of Public ACorks. the words `' City Record or '1 Property of the City of New Fork,' as the Supervisor may direct. Resolved, That the salary of Carolyn McKentie, Private Secretary to the Supervisor of the

The following letter was presented, and, on motion of the Acting Commissioner of Public City Record, be fixed at the sum of fifteen hundred dollars per annum from au l alter Dccemhcr \\rorl s, and hy the concurrent action of all the members of the board, the request was granted : i, 1897.

Ci'rv- of Nisv V'oxx—OrrtcE OF THE Cris CIHAMFIERLAIN, December 13, 1897. .5'ttt,r- Approved. W. 1.. STRt (NI ,, Alavor. visor, crlr h'rcivw: hRA_yCI' NI. SCUTT, Counsel tri the 1'urporatioll.

I ani'direcicd by the Chamberlain to call your attcution to the fact that, under the new charter, CII:Akl,lIS 11.'1'. CoII I.I~, ( umnli,.5i,ner of I'uili .A'ork.,.

DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC PARKS. \IONDAV, DECEMBER 6, 1897—Rt•.cuLAtc 1lt:et t' ;, 2.30 t'.

Present—C , n)nli,=iottcrs %I,tlill;m fl'resitleut), Cruger, Fly, hlitchell. :1 rcprenentaticc t the I omptnller being present and the meetin open to the pul)lic, the estimate-box was opened anll all the e-tiu:atc- or prof !,,=al; ii in It 11:, 1 I l n I. _iIC . cn the 20th

ultimo, for the impruvcii en of Edgar Allan Poe Park, in the Twenty-fourth `'e'anl, were opened and read, as follows : J,, . 1c'e,{,i,latitzg, (;radint ,z,zd /nthruzia; the E<d rar .4/I its Poe I'ru•k, botrzt3t'd by One Ilundred and _1-itzely-seeottd Stra;, 1/t, A7tr;.rbri k e Road and the C,neozzrs,:, in the 7Zu.')tlt' fourth If ,i,'

o,% the City of YV,-io fi:wk.

\v FI.LIA Si H. nt AST ERs)N. ltA1.T. I)INN. C.IIAI LEI I.. I Iuu.A N. Co., s. I-1. DANsci rrz. A. B. M t,\ I2.1r. 1 L1.. JUHN ~lCQt' t Ir5. ITEMS. QUANTITIES. - -- - —' -- - — - - -

Price, Amount. I Price. I Amount. ('rice. 1 Amount. Price. Amount. Price. Amount. ('rice. ' Amount.

F Carth excavation .......... s,xo cubicards. 5o 40 $800 00 $0 .9 $78o no so ;o li coo i' z~ 3450 no $u 3; 4700 00 I

c.~ 50 :,coo no I 2 Kock evcavetIou ............................... ISO •1 r 50


3 Filling in place .............. .................. 400 zo z25 00 r 95

Be on 6; h 292 50 2 0_) 3 0 00 1 50 i 225 00 r 75 z6z 5o

u6, oo xo 4° .0 02 8 no so 8o no

z 50 375 cc.

5o zoo cc. 4 Mould in place ... ... .. ....... ... ..... 4,300 r 75 7.525 «' r 75 7,525 00 1 05 5,375 co j r 5o 6,450 °o = 50 6,55:, °o I z ;° 6,4o o.,

l@ti 15.800 1 (;1 avel walk, including rubble stone loundat Lon.. I r- Soo st tare feet. °8 t,

1,^6 00 1

1,264 3 z o0 or ',lo cc 0 711 oo 12 x,886 oo 4 r 23 3,90 0> 6 Sod furnished and laid ......................... 2,65° 03 79 So 04 rc.o co 02 ',. 66 z5 o3 7g 15 ,cc Su .. n; 130 ;o

Total ............................ ..1................... i .........~ $9,97. 5o G.......... Str,017


5o ..... .. -- `7(45 ..... .... 7.873 - SO,.z. ro 530.307 50

On motion, the reading, of the minutes of the previous meeting was dispensed with. j ordered printed, and when printed and approved as to form by the Counsel to the Corporation, an l he following contmunicatious were received : adverisenieut was ordered published in the CI-iY RECORD, inviting proposals for doing the work, Form the Clerk of the board of Estimate and Apportionment, transmitting copies of resolu- by the fullowiug vote

tion5 a(loptecl by the said Board, as follows : AYes—Cutnmissionei"s MMcAlillan, Cruger, Ely, Mitchell—a. (St. Approving plans, specifications anll form of contract for a bridge crossing the Harlem i From the Eitgineer of Construction—

river at One Hundred and l arty-fifth street and providing for an issue of bonds to the amount of 1st. Submitting specifications and form of contract for regulating, grading and constructing a 1,246,eoo, from time to time, as required for the work. roadway, etc., and otlrerwise inrprovm the Spuyten Duyvil I'lrlcway, horn the New York Central

2d. Approving of the plans ami specifications for a bridge connecting Pelham Bay Park I

and Hudson River Railroad to Broadway, in the Twenty-fourth \Ward. with City 1>lanrl, and authorizing the issue of bonds to the amount of $234,000 to defray the cost On motion, the same were approved and ordered printed, and is ten printed and approved as of the work. Filed. . to form by the Counsel to tIe Corporation, an advertisement was ordered published in the Cii Y

Front the Postmaster, enclosing a copy of a letter from the Postmaster-General, in relation REcolzu Inviitng proposals for doing the work, by the 1.11lowing vote to the improvements in Nlail street. Referred to Commissioner Mitchell. Ayes--Commissioners .\lc.lillan, Cruger, Ely, A]itchell-4.

From the President of the I)ry Dock Railroad Company, applying for the consent of the 2d. Submitting specifications and form of contract for constructing a roadway and appurte- Departmeut to the proposed change of motive power on said railroad. Referred to the Cam- ounces in the Pelham L'uy Park, extending the Bronx and Pelham Parkway from the Bayelrester mittee on Downtown Parks and Aquarium. road to the Ea., tern Boulevard.

From 1Irs. \•:infrecl E. Judge, respecting improvements in the roadway of Central Park, (in too lion, the same were approved and ordered printed, and olien printed and approved as \Vest, and suggesting the construction of a promenade walk along the park wall on that avenue. to form by the Counsel to the Corporation, an adverti-ement was ortlerel published in the Crr'. Referred to the Superintendent of Parks. Rttcottii, inviting proposals for tl(iiuL the svorlc, by the t'lllowing vote

From Bartow 5. \\'eels, requesting that a hearing be given on the 13th instant, at 4 o'clock Aye,—Comultssiuners ilc\hllan, Cruse", Ely, \litchell--.}. in the afternoon, to parties interested in a proposed open-air gymnasium in East River I'ark. 3d. In relation to the prep: ration of plans for the improvement of Crotona Park, in the vicin-

Granted. ity of the \lw icipal Building and stating the necessity for additional assistance to accomplish the l rom \liller Si Co., requesting permission to erect a show-window on the front of the building work. Filed.

Nos. 2 and 4 Centre street, as shown on accompanying drawings. 411). Reporting the need for additional funds for the improvement, etc., and completion of the Commissioner i\IeMillan offered the following : worl: of the improsentent of Riverside Park.

Resolved, That the consent of this Department he and the same hereby is given to the t Commissioner \lcllillan offered the following erection of a projecting window on the front of the building known as Nos. 2 and 4 Centre street, Resolved, That the Board of Estimate and Apportionment be respectfully requested to opposite the City Hall Park, as shown on a plan filed in this office by .Schickel & 1)itmars, authorize an issue of bond; to the amount of thirteen thousand dollar0, under the provisions (cf architects, such consent to take effect upon payment of a fee equal to fifteen dollars per square chapter 666 of the Laws of 1897, the proceeds to be placed tic the crcgiit of the tie rlcunt for coln- foot of the area of projection. pleting the coustructiou of the Riverside Park and Drive, tit,-, :ai i sit 1 i.(~in, I uLic(I and

Which was adopted by the following vote : I necessary. Ayes--Commi'sioners 11c\lillan, Cruger, Ely, Mitchell--4. Which was adopted by the following vote Prom the Building and Sanitary Inspection Company, offering its services in connection with Ayes--Commissioners McMillan, Cruger, Ely, 7ilitchell-1.

the erection of a public lavatory ill Riverside Park, near One Ilundrecl and Seventh street. Filed. I 5th. Reporting in relation to erecting a bridge over the I Iarr. !:ierr i0.,it ii of the New From the American Swan Boat Company, desiring permission to store their swan boats in I York, New Haven and Hartford Railroad Company, at the crossing of the Utcinx and 1'elhaur

Central Park durinc the winter season. Referred to the President. Parkway, near Raychester Station. Referred to the President. From the North River 1 lectric-light and Power Company—Applying for permission to erect From the Captain of Police—

poles and run wires for the purpo-e of furnishing electitc-lights on Washington Bridge and Park, 1st. Submitting a report of accidents, collisions and runaways in the parks during the week ou the Ilarleur River Driveway, and from the Superintendent of Parks, reporting favorably on and ending with the 4th instant. Filed,

the said application. i 2d. Reporting upon the condition of the Police horses (luring the month of November.

on mutton, the application of the North River Electric-light and Power Company, for Referred to the Committee on Police. permission to eked poles and run wires for the purpose of furnishing electric-light on \Vas11ington From the Superintendent of l'arks- Bridge and Park and on the Harlem River Uriveway, from One Hundred and Fifty-fifth street to I list. Submitting a plan for that portion of Crotona Park hounded by Third avenue, One Hun-

and -seventh street, avenue anti and -fifth street. Uyckmau sheet, was granted, upon condition that the said wires shall be placed under dred Seventy Arthu: One Ilundred Seventy grt,und, and also that 'he work shall be done without expense to this Department and under the On motion, the said plan was approved and adopted by the following vote direction of the Superintendent of Parks, who shall designate the number and locations of the I Ayes—Commis. ioneis MIcA9illau, Cruger, Ely, Mitchell-4.

poles. 2d. Reporting upon a petition of the golf caddies at \ an Cortlanclt Park, asking for an \V hich was adopted by the following vote : c increase in the rate of pay allowed, and recommending that the rate of pay for such service be Ayes—Commissioners McMillan, Cruger, Ely, Mitchell-4. I increased to twenty cents for nine holes, or thirty-five cents for eighteen holes. From \V. H. Burr, Consulting Engineer— On motion, the recommendation of the Superintendent was approved by the following vote 1-t. Reporting upon a communication of the Chief Engineer of the Aqueduct Commission, Ayes—Commissioners McMillan, Cruger, 1•:ly, Mitchell-4.

reque,ung the approval of a proposed modification of the plan of the protecting-wall which the I Prom the Director of the Menagerie, reporting upon the condition of the Menagerie during said Conuuis.. itoi is now building opposite about One Hundred and Seventy-ninth street, adjacent the month of November. Filed. to the westerly side of the Driveway, and recommending that the same lie approved, with the From the Superintendent of Supplies and Repairs, submitting a statement of the auction sale understanding that the present grade of the sidewalk shall not be disturbed ; and provided further, of condemned buildings in Central, Cedar and Bronx Parks on the 3d instant. Filed. that the number of steps shall not be greater than as shown on the said plan. ( From the Secretary of the Soldiers and Sailors' Memorial Monument Commission, in relation

On motion, the Engineer's recommendation was approved, and the plan as submitted was to the proposed changes in the matter of the site of the proposed Soldiers and Sailors' Monument

approved, by the following vote : at the entrance to Central Park.

Ayes—Commissioners ,\Ic\lrllan ; Cruger, Ely, Mitchell-4, I i\Ir. A. A. Stoughton appeared and was heard in relation to the matter, displaying plans show- From J. A. Lockwood, Assistant Engineer, submitting specifications and form of contract for ing suggested changes, etc.

the construction of approaches to the Harlem River Driveway, opposite One Hundred and Seventy- On motion, further consideration of the matter was laid over.

fifth street, together with an estimate of the cost. John Bigelow, John S. Kennedy and George L. Rives, trustees of the New York Public On motion, the same were approved, subject to the approval of the Consulting Engineer, and Library, Astor, Lenox and Tilden foundations, and John M. Carrere, architect, appeared and


submitted plans for the proposed library building to be erected on Bryant Park, together with a be removed, to its former condition, and that he keep a separate account of the cost of the same. form of agreement and a draft of the following preamble and resolutions : I Resolved, That the expense of the work be paid out of any moneys appropriated for the

Whereas, The land now occupied by the reservoir upon Fifth avenue, between Fortieth and Improvement and Maintenance of Parks ; and that, on the completion of the work, a statement of Forty-second streets, in the City of New York, has been made, pursuant to lawful authority, a the expense incurred by this Department, under these resolutions, be transmitted to the Counsel to portion of a public park known as Bryant Park ; and I the Corporation with the request that he take legal proceedings to collect the amount thereof from

Whereas, By chapter 556 of the Laws of 1897 of the State of New Vork, the Department of any persons liable therefor. Public Parks in the City of New York was authorized to remove the reservoir now occupying a On motion, the opinion of the Counsel to the Corporation was ordered requested as to the Portion of said Bryant Park, and to erect, construct, maintain, equip and furnish in said Bryant extent of the powers and duties of this Board in the matter of the foregoing preamble and Park, or in or upon any portion thereof, a suitable and appropriate fireproof building in accord- resolutions. once with plans to be made and prepared by the trustees of the New York Public Library, Astor, The President reported that upon the application of the owner of the apartment building I. r,ox and Tilden foundations, and to be approved by the Board of Estimate and Apportion- located at the northeast corner of Eighty-third street and Riverside Drive, he had given the con- nucnt of the City of -New York, such building to be used and occupied as a public library and sent of the Department, under date of the 1st instant, to a projection of three inches beyond the

arling-room by the said The New York Public Library, Astor, Lenox and Tilden foundations ; I building line of said huitdini as shown on a plan filed by James E. Ware and 1I. S. Styne-Ilarde, a"'cl I architects, such consent to take effect upon payment to the Department of a fee for the privilege

Whereas, The trustees of The New York Public Library, Astor, Lenox and Tilden founda- equal to 55 per square foot of the area of projection, such area being 6.99 square feet on the :,.Hs, have caused plans to be made and prepared by \lessrs. Carrere & Hastings, architects, and I Riverside Drive front of said building. roc said plans hay. been approved by the Board of Estimate and Apportionment of the City of

w York, being the plans now exhibited and marked °, The New York Public Library, Astor, On motion, the action of the President as reported by him was approved and confirmed by

i nox and Tilden foun lations. Plan for Library Building, Drawing \o. ," the said drawings the following vote ---Commissioners ommissi oners AIcMillan, Cruger, Ely, ➢litchell--4.

ing numbered from i to to, both inclusive ; and \Whereas, The Board of Estimate and Apportionment, by resolution adopted the 1st day, of Commissioner D1c nt r an offered the

proposals s

Resolved, 'That contracts for which proposals have been received be awarded to the lowest , comber, I S97, has authorized and requested the Department of Public Parks to remove the bidders respectively as follows ervoir now• occupying a portion of said Bryant park and to erect, construct, maintain. equip and

rr;ish in said Bryant Park a suitable and a r(r ~riate fireproof buildin • in accordance with the said .ins approved by the said Board of Estimate and Apportionment, such building to be used and

t. Erecting iron railing, etc., on Harlem River Driveway, to R. H. I food. 2• For improving a portion of Bronx and Pelham Parkway to its full width, etc,, to John

B. :McDonald. upied as a public library and reading-room by the said The New Work Public Library, Astor, and Tilden foundations, and to be constructed either of marble or Indiana limestone, or of box

3• For ironwork, etc., for pheasant yards at the Central Park Menagerie, to Smith & Ryan.

Ii other stone as may hereafter be suggested by the architects and approved by the trustees of 1 4, Erecting lavatory on Riverside Park, near One Hundred and Seventh street, to J. F.

c New York Public Library, Astor, Lenox and Tilden foundations, and by the Board of Johnson. That the proposals of the successful bidders be sent to the Comptroller for his approval of ;imate and Apportionment ; and sureties, and when so approved, that the ]'resident be authorized to eyecutc said contracts for and

\Whereas, The Board of Estimate and Apportionment has also authorized and requested the oil behalf of the Departnnt. '•'. rtment of Public ]'arks to employ Messrs. Carrere & Hastings, the authors of the said plans which was adopted by the f glowing vote

r ,he new library building. as architects, to prepare the detailed drawings, forms of contract and Ayes--Cunnni..ssiuners AicN1igguu, Cruder, Ely, 1litchell-4. ilications of the said buildin„ pinsuant to section 2 of said , ct, and to superintend the erection ' Commissioner McMillan offered the followin i.

.ti,l building, said employment of such architects to be in accordance with a contract to be aced by the Counsel to the Corporation, which contract shall contain a provision fixing the Resolved, That the contract for erecting museum build iii t, i wer-hour, 'table and closet

hensation to be laid to the said at hitects. „roue for t e New Yorl: Botanical Garden in Bronx Park lie aivii h to the Icahn 1L Parker Company, the lowest bidder ; that their proposal I,• scot to the ('owiuroller f Iris aIii rval f the

Resolved, That this Department proceed as provided in chapter 556 of the Laws of 1897, to sureties, and "hen so approved, that the President be .unhori~c(l to execute said contract for and I. construct, maintain, equip and furnish in said Bryant Park a building in accordance with I on behalf of the Department. ,aid plans approved by the Ik and of Estimate and Apportionment, said building to be which was adupte l by the following vote ,tructvd either of marble or Indiana limestone, or such other stone as may hereafter be Ayes---Commissioners \Icilltllan, Cruger, 11v, ilit,hcll-_1. _ested by the architects and approved by the trustees of The New York Public Library, Astor, Commissioner 'Mc\lillan offered the following

x and Tilden foundations, and by the board of Estimate and Apportionment, said building e firrproot ; walls to be of solid masonry : found Uions to be as much as possible of solid Resolved, 'i'hat, in viers of the success of the temporary resiriclion of that lrnrtiu,n ..f Riserside

masonry, and, if possible, of materials now on the ground ; floor construction to be of steel beams Drive lying svest of the westerly unib and cast of the sidewalk adjoining the stone \call and

runnii1i. front One Ilumlred and Fourth to One Hundred and Twentieth street for the exclusive with tua<onry tilling ; plumbing. machinery, heating, ventilating cleruic lightin„ boilers and all mechanical appliances to he of the most approved type and make ; book-stacks and book

use of bicyclist,, and in view of the cordial public approval of such restriction during the past

machinery to be as may be approved by the trustees of the library. season, the said p rtion of the Riverside Drive be and hereby is designated a bicycle path, restricted to the uses of bicycle riders only, subject to such rules and regulaticns for the government

Resolved, That in connection with the erection of -aid building, this Coard will remove the of such traffic as may be adopted from time to time by this DepartniFiit. reservoir now occupyins, a portion of Bryant 1'a.rk, such removal to be made by contract as here- \V'hiclr was adopted by the following cote ivatter provided. Ayes -Commissioners AIcAlillan, Cruger, Ely, Mitchell-4.

Resolved, That Messrs. Carrere & Ilastin s be and they are hereby employed as architects, On nwtion, at 3.55 t-. at. the Board iceut into executive session. such employment to be in accordance with the contract prepare,l by the Counsel to the Corpora- The follourleg communications were received : tion and this clay submitted to the Board. Ni hich said contract is hereby approved and ordered to I From William If. Burr. Consulting Engineer- be executed by the ]'resident and Secretary of this Board. 1st. Reporting upon a communication train the contractor t the 'ra~n;l Section of the

Resolved, That the architects be and they are hereby instructed to proceed forthwith to pre- Harlem River Driveway, in regard to payment for certain filling deposited by him in the back pare drawings, forms of contract and specifications for said building, pursuant to section 2, bays on the westerly side of the Driveway, and recommending that under the interpretation of chapter 556, Laws of 1397. Clause C of the contract for the Second Section of the Driveway rendered by the Corporation

Resolved, That the architects be and they are hereby instructed to consider and report as to Counsel in reference to the filling of the back hays, the volume of filling in question be paid for at the best method of removing the reservoir, and as to the expediency of using and employing the the regular contract price of fifteen cents per cubic yard. materials con posing said reservoir, or some part thereof, in and about the erection and construe- On motion, the recommendation of th Engineer was approved and adopted by the following tion of the new building, or as to what other use can be made of such materials, and that the vote : architects be instructed to prepare forms of contract for the approval of this Board in reference to removing said materials or selling or disposing of the same, or making other use thereof as the I

Ayes-Commissioners Mcilillan, Cruger, Ely, Mitchell-4. Inclosing bill for in Harlem 2d. payment on account of services rendered connection with the

said architects may think best. River Driveway. The President put the question whether the Board would agree to the %aid preamble and Commissioner McMillan offered the following

resolutium, and it was decided in the attirmative, a majority of all the members of the Board voting I Resolved, That the bill of William 11. Burr, Consulting Engineer, amounting to $750, on in favor thereof, as follows I account of services rendered as Consulting Engineer in charge of the 1-Iarlem River Driveway, be

Ayes- Commissioners 'Mc?lillan, Cruger, Ely, Mitchell-4. and the same hereby is approved, audited and ordered transmitted to the Finance Department for Commissioner Mitchell moved that the form of articles of agreement, as submitted and payment, chargeable against the fund provided for the irnpruvcmcnt of a public driveway in the

approved by the Counsel to the Corporation, be accepted and executed by the Department in Twelfth Ward. behalf of the City, which was carried by the following vote : Which was adopted by the following vote

Ayes-Commissioners slcNlillan, Cruger, Ely, Mitchell-4 Ayes-Commissioners DlcMillan, ('roger, Ely, Mitchell-4.

The Treasurer presented a report of the moneys received by the Department and deposited m From Charles A. Johnson. Foreman, applying for the po;ttic~n of General 1 oreman or Superin- in the City Treasury during the month of -November, which was ordered entered upon the minutes, tendent of Parks north of the I-Iarlem river. Referred to the President.

:,;lows : I From Ldtcin C. Gregory, Leveler, applying for promotion to the grade of Transitman, and it:\v YORK, December 3, r897. To the Honorable Board of Park Commissioners : I desiring to take the Civil Service examination for such promotion. GENTLEMEN-I have the honor to submit herewith a statement of the moneys received during On motion, Mr. Gregory's request for examination was approved.

month of Novemlber, 1897, and deposited in the City Treasury : Fran: the Captain and Surgeon of Police, reporting favorably upon the probationary service , 3. \V. Lit. G. Allen, rent, Fort Washington Park ......... .............. ... $5o oo and physical condition of men employed as Park Policemen on probation.

. I-idor Isaac, license. Central lark .......... ........................... 208 34 .1 Commissioner Cruiter offered the following j. Case & Co., license, M,Gowan's Pass Tavern ........................... 219 g8 ! Resolved, 'that the probationary service of the following.named men Ia%iug liven satisfactory, 5. A. S. Dominick, license, Van Cr rtlandt Park .. . . ....................... 30 oo II they be and herubv are appointed Park Policemen S. Li~ior Isaac, license, carrousel, October ................................ 40 04 Henry 1. Koerner, \1 illiani McCracken, ] )aniel Ilarnett, Edward Baul lauf, John J. Clark, S. Isidor Isaac, license, goat carriages, October ............................ ri 64 Frederick W. Klemm, William F. Doubleday, Patrick J. Murray, \\illiam F..\iken, John W. S. Oscar If. Riker, license, swings ....................................... 4 55 Donnelly, Thrnnas J. Ifarrington, John J. Dundon, Gustavus Felleman, Dennis II. Anderson,

I I. John Lucas, license, donkeys ............................. .......... 6 68 , Patrick F. \Walsh, John J. Ityan, John L. Cavanagh, John Boyd, J. I lenry Schalrpert, William 1'. 15. Otto Schwenk, license, Bronx Park....... ..... ................... 6 05 McDonough. t6. H. A. Smythe Martin, rent, Fort \\ ashington Park, December............ 50 00 \\ ]tich was adopted by the following vote t6. G. Donal, license, Casino ................. .......................... 750 00 Ayes--Commissioners \IcMillan. Cruger, Ely, Mitchell-4.

.. IS. T. Huth Boorman, rent, Fort \Washington Park ......................... 54 16 From the Captain of Police- tg. Alex. AWalker, bay-wmdotcs, Riterside Drive and One Hundred and Four- 1st. Recommending that Officer Augustus 11. Murphy be as,,igned to mounted duty.

teenth street ........ ...... .................................... 277 50 On motion, the assignment of Officer Murphy was ordered, a, recommended by the Captain, z3, O. Y. Raynor, license, Pelham Bay lark ............................... 25 oo and his pay was fixed at the rate paid mounted officers, by the following vote

. A. S. Dominick, icense, an Cortlandt t ar o o0 A. .. lien •train F. Gerdin license, mn,tc

430 00

Ayes-Commis Toners Nlc\Iillan, Cruger, Ely, Mitchell-4. 0 23. j S. programmes....................... - 2d. Recomrnemling that the pay of Acting Doorman Michael Halpin and Acting Stableman

2.1 Morton Britton, license, Battery Park ....................... 00

Patrick Kelly be increased to $2 per clay. 24. N. IIalluran, license, Central ]'ark .... ....... .. ..... too oo I On \notion of Commissioner .McMillan, the pay of all persons acting as Doormen and Stable- 24. George Rudolph, auctioneer, sale of condemned buildings, October 8...,,. 2J9 85 men was fixed at $2 per day, 1.y the fullmting rote 24. George Rudolph, auctioneer, sale of condemned buildings, October 26..... to 8o Ayes-Commissioners .McMillan, Cru er, Ely, Mitchell-4. 24. Isaac 1). Fletcher, bay-windows, Fifth avenue and Seventy-ninth street.... 1,192 50 3d. Reporting as to the service of Officers Thomas J. hIoey and Joseph B. Conway, and 29. R. A. Gushee, license, Claremont ...................................... 5 25 00 i recommending that they be advanced in grade and pay. 29. Jesse A. Danzig, license, Central Park, September ....................... r4 55 Commissioner McMillan offered the following : 19. Jesse A. Danzig, license, Central Park, October ......................... 5t 22li

Charles. Y. Halluck, agent, rents 659 58 30. ...................................... Resolsed, That this Board reconsider its action of February 24, 1897, and that Officers Thomas J Iloey and Joseph B. Conway be and hereby are advanced to the one thousand one hundred

$4,972 44 ! dollars per annum gra le, to take effect December 6, 1897.

FD\WARD itilITCHF,LL, Treasu er. Which was adopted by the following vote : Ayes-Canmmis,touers McMillan, Cruger, Ely, Mitchell-4,

to mnti, l )f Commissioner Mitchell, the action of this Board of May 9, 1894, in granting an I 4th. Forwarding; an application of off leers of the second grade for advancement to the first atiun of the Union Railway Company for permission to construct and operate a railroad 1 grade, and stating that lie could see no way in which the request of the applicants could be granted,

n, along and across the Bronx and Pelham Parkway, from the old Bear Swamp road to the I I White Plains road, for the purpose of connecting their line, was rescinded, by the following

for the reason that the law require: one year's service in the second grade before advancement to the first, and none of the applicants will have served the required length of time until after January

'id i Ayes-Commissioners McMillan, Ginger, Ely, Mitchell-4•

1, 1898. Filed. Frorn \\'illiamn F. DodLe, in relation to the work of arranging the roads and paths in the

I. .mmissioner Mitchell offered the following : grounds set apart for the New York Botanical Carden in Bronx ]'ark. \ hereas, Cars are not and never have l,een run, for the public convenience, on the railroad On motion, the matter was laid over to ascertain whether funds may be available for doing

e i:eretofore laid in Broadway, adjoining Van Coitlandt Park on the west side ; and I the work. \\ hereas, Said railroad has become a public nuisance and prevents the proper maintenance i Commissioner McMillan offered the following public use of the roadbed of Broadway. I Resolved, That the contract for the improvement of Edgar Allan Poe Park, in the Twenty- Re-olved, That the permit or license granted March 30, 1894, and any other permit or fourth Ward, be awarded to Charles L. Duran, the 1owe,t bidder ; that his proposal be sent to the

use heretofore granted by this Board for laying or maintaining said railroad be and the same is Comptroller for approval of the sureties thereon, and when so approved, that the President be : ereby revoked. I authorized to sign the contract for and on behalf of the Department.

Resolved, That the Superintendent be and he hereby is instructed forthwith to remove said Which was adopted by the following vote : railr~rad from so much of Broadway as borders on Van Cortlandt Park, and for this purpose that Ayes-Commissioners McMillan, Cruger, Ely, Mitchell-4. lie employ such additional labor as may be necessary, and keep a separate account of the cost The following-named bills, having been examined and audited, were approved and ordered thereof. I

transmitted to the Finance Department for paynient . Resolved, That the rails and ties so to he removed shall be sold at public auction and the A. V. Benoit, tracing cloth, etc., $16.87 ; James Biggart & Co., oats, etc., $14 ; Bonner &

proceeds paid to the Park Police Pension Fund, Van Court Company, pipe fittings, etc., $2. tg ; Owen Fitzpatrick, repairs, Seward Monument, Resolved, That the Superintendent restore the roadway, from wh;clr said tracks and ties may $40 ; Field Force Pump Company, quartz, etc., $82 ; Hiram Hitchcock, Treasurer, sundry bill


Metropolitan Museum of Art, $208.84 ; Hiram Hitchcock, Treasurer, salaries and wages, Metro politan Museum of Art, $6,664.65 ; Hencken & Co., coal, $130 ; Ilodgman Rubber Company, apron, etc., $i.86 ; C. S. Locke & Smith, solder, etc., $43.31 ; Leonard Sc McCoy, packing, $to.8o ; J. Warren Mead, agent, Auburn Prison, brooms, $[4 ; The New York Safety Tread Company, treads, $8o ; Park _ Tilford, flour, $S.35 ; R. & W. Scott, ice, $201.80 ; Todd & Co., salt, $2.25 ; Willson, Adams & Co., yellow pine, $350, 10 ; \Warren-Scharf Asphalt Paving Company, asphalt, Transverse road, 5151 ; John Batton, amount retained, 51,746.90 ; S. V. R. Cruger, reimbursement of expenses, 5300 ; Bart. Dunn, completion, etc., Riverside Park, etc., $7, ISb.23.

On motion, at 5.15 P. M. the executive session arose and the Board adjourned. WILLIAM TEARY, Secretary.

CHANCE OF GRADE DAMAGE COMMISSION. Oericl: OF THE CoMMtlssrON, RI>ont 58, No. 96 I3a(A1)w.,1Y,

Ne ' YORK, AInnNDAY, October 4, 1897, 2 o'clock P. >t. Present—llanicl I:ord (Chairman), James M. Varnunt and George W. Stephens, Commis-

sioners, Of Counsel—Robert C. Beatty, Esq., representing the Corporation Counsel ; Thomas S.

Bassford, Esq., representing numerous claimants ; J. G. Baldwin, Jr., Esq., representing numerous claimants.

The reading of the minutes of the proceedings of the previous meeting was dispensed with. The Clerk presented the following statement showing the estimated expenses of the Commis-

sion for the year 1898 :

Daniel Lord, Chairman of Commission, salary ............ .................... 53, coo 00

James M. Vacuum, Commissioner, salary .......................... .......... 3,000 co

George W. Stephens, Commissioner, salary . ................................... 3,000 00 Charles I'. Young, Stenographer, salary ................... ........ .......... 3,coo co

Lamont McLoughlin, Clerk to Commission, salary ......................... .... 2,500 00

American Surety Company, for rent of offices .................................. 1,200 00 M. A. O'Connor, for printing minutes and stationery ...... ..... ................ 1,000 00

The Metropolitan Telephone and 'l elegraph Company ...... .................... 240 00

Office and messenger boy .................. .......... ..................... 300 00

Sundries.................... .............................................. 500 00

1'ofal .......................................................... $17,740 00

Commissioner Varnum thereupon offered the following preamble and resolution, which was unanimously adapted ;

Whereas, The Clerk has presented a statement showing the estimated expenses of the Com-mission for the year 1898, which has been examined and approved by this Commission, now, therefore, be it

Resolved, That pursuant to the provisions of chapter 5J7 of the Laws of 1893, as amended by chapter 567 of the Laws of 1894, the Comptroller he and he hereby t-; respectfully requested to issue hoods for such amounts as may lie necessary for the payment of the expenses of the Corn-mission for the year iSoS front tint- to time, as 11rorided by said act ; and be it ftuthcr

Resolved, That the Clerk be and he hereby is directed to forward a copy of the foregoin<a, to the Comptroller, together with a statemeut showing the estimated expenses of the Commission for the year it 98.

The Commissioners proceeded with the trial of the following claims No. Ifs) (Margaret L. Kennedy), No. 585 (Selena Mchfien), No. 425 (Bridget Farrell and

others), No. 388 (lranl: Schlesitiger), No. 584 (I Iugh Mulholland), No. 5ç (Michael J. Becker and t. o thers), No 6 ti h Shea), No. 443 (George ll. 1'uiuter), No. 91 (Jlal„aret Shea and . 694 ( Sarah L. 5 ),

N o 460 (John McCarthy), No. ;93 (ELzal,eth Schmid), No, 559 (Michael Coyle), Igo. 614 (Jahn 1au?kner and another), No. 607 (The Northern Gas-light ( ompany), No. 779 (1'he Northern Improvement (:ompany), Ni. 775 (the Northern Improvement Company), No. 455 (Henry C. Peter and ano~hr r), No. .c56 (Henr)' C. Peters and another), No. 446 (Patrick J. hoary), No. 445 (Julia 1 ten neliein), No. 683 (Iphraim C. Gates and others), No. 914 (Elizabeth Whitler and others), No. 674 (Thomas Coughlin), No. 675 (John Fitzpatrick), No. 667 (I':dwin Uedell, executor, etc.), No. 670 (John Fitzpatrick), No. j12 (ll.ruiel Valentine).

Messrs. McCarty & Baldwin were not prepared to proceed with the trial of their claims and requested nn adjournment until October I1, 1897.

The Cur poratiun Counsel consented and the Commissioners set the trial of their cases down for that date.

The Commission, rs duly certified a hill of Lamont McLoughlin for disbursements, amounting to tire situ of $25, and instructed the Clerk to file the same in the Comptroller's office.

'the Commission then adjourned to Monday, October il, I8g7, at 2 o'clock i'. M. LAMONT McLOUGIILIN, Clerk-.

OFFICIAL DIRECTORY. Dtliartme1ofPub1icParks—Arsenal, Central Park

Sixty-fourth street and Fifth avenue, to A. M. to 4 P. M.,

section 68 of ch:~ptcr 4 O, Laws of t88v (the Consult- datiotl AeI ::t It .. lit} ,,f New York), proeidcs that I

iaturdays, ry M. Department ofDocks—Battery, Pier A, North river,

,. there slr.,1l be t> rshed in the Cvry It ec„s u, within 4 A %I• to 4 I. nl. De artnlent of 7a.res a,zd Assessments—Stewart

Building, A. ta. to 4 1. M. ; Saturdays, Is Al. d in year n s list of albore of 7y' d:in i ureter

a ny epae rs)

dinates employ: d lu any department ,,except laborers), 9 with their salaries, and residences by street nun- bodrdafBlectrica1 Control—No.1262 Broadway.

hers, and all clangrs in such subordinates or salaries Department of StreeIf Ccaxixg—No. 35 Chambers shall be SO pUOhn'l>ed it'ithin one week after they are street. g A. AI. to 4 P. 11,

,e,/e. it. hell be the duty of all the (leads of depart. Civil ServiceBoard—Criminal Court Building,9 A.M

mrnts to furn ish to the person appointed tcop ernse to 4 P. a,. the publication of the Ciro kecoi;u everything required Board of Estimate and Apportionment—Stewart to be inserted therein.” Building,

I1F•Nkl' \IcNIILLEX,SuFervisorCityRecord. Board o/ Assessors—Office, s7 Chambers street, q lllayor's UUICC—NO. 6 City Hall, 9 A. 1.1, tO 5 P. M. A. bl. to 4 I. M.

Saturdays, 9 A. 51. to t2 N. Police Departureni—Central Office, No, 300 Mulberry kureau of Licenses—No. r City Hall, 9 A. at. to 4 street , 9 A.M. to 4 1`. M.

P.M. I board of Education—No. 146 Grand street. 4o+.++zrissianerso/.4ccoxnts—Stewart Building, 9A. M, S,reri(% '9 OJrce—Old " Brown Stone L'uriding," No.

to 4 P. M' Aqueduct Commrssroners—Stewart Building, 5th

g Chambers street, o A. M. to 4 Y. +t, Register's' Or/tce—East side City Hall Park, g A. M. to

floor. 9 A. M. to 4 P- M- I Board of Armery Comurissioners—Stewart Building

4 P.M. Conzinissroner of ,jurors—Room 127 Stewart Build.

9 A. Si to 4 P. >.>. ; Saturdays, 9 A. \I, to 13 Al. lest, y A. M. to 4 P. \I. counly Clerk's O(Jice—Nos. 7 and 8 New County

Clerk o/ Common Council—No. 8 City Hall, g A. M. to Corlrt-house, g A. Al. 10 4 P. M.

4 P. M. I District Attorney s d)Oice—New Criminal Court DepartnzentoIPublic U3,rks—No. ,5oNassaustreet, Building, 9 41.21.

9 A. M. to 4 P. M• I Department a/ Street lmero:'ements, Twenty-Mira p

The City Record O ee—No, z City Hall, g A. M. to 5 A.M. to z M !e 1'rs — 'c One Hundred and r I a d tPnl - aN t a 11lt 7Z /

~ except Saturdays, r P ,I ce >t t9 1 Raonr-City Hal., open from to A. M. to 4 ScventS.riurcnth street and Third avenue, 9 A. M. tO 4 j

.At.; P. tit. ; Saturdays, to to to A. nl, Saturdays,

Y ,At.: ,turilays, rs nt. I Department o/ Buildings—No. 220 Fourth avenue, i Loraners'(7 ce—New Criminal Court Building, open t constantly. Edward F. Reynolds, Clerk,

9 A. M. to 4 P. t.:, Cenrpiroller's O fce—No. is Stewart Building, g A. M. Surrogate's Court—New County Court-house. ro.3c

to 4 1.51. Auditing Bureau—Nns. 19, zt and 23 Stewart Build.

A M. t0 4 P. At. Afrsella e Division, Supreme Court—Court-house,

Ing, g A. M. to 4 P. M. I No. r>t Fifth avenue, corner Eighteenth street. Court

bureaujor t/reCollection of-AssessmenlsandArrears I o/ Taxes and Assessments and of Water Rents—Nos.

Opens at t I. Si. Sxprerne Court—County Court-house, lo,3o A. M. to 4

31, 33, 35. 37 and 39 Stewart Building, 9 A. M, tO 4 P. M. P. M. CriwinaZ Division, Suyresne Court—New Criminal

No Money received after a P. M. Bureau Jar the Collection o/ City Revenue and of Court Building, Centre street, opens at 10.3o A. Al.

Criminal Court Markets—Nos. r and 3 Stewart Building, 9 A. M. to Court aj General Sessions—New

Building, Centre street. Court opens at rt o'clock A. at. 4 I. at. No money received after 2 P. M.

Bureau /or the Callectzon of Taxes—Stewart Build- adjourns 4 P. M. Clerk's UlUce. no A. M. till 4 P.M.

ing, 9 A. Si. to 4 P. M. No money received alter z P. M. City Court—City Hall. General Term, Room No. 20 Trial feral, Part 1., Room No. to ; Part I1., Room

LFty Chamberlain—NOS. 25 and 27 Stewart Building, I I NO 21 ; Part 111., Room No. 15 ; Part IV., Room Nu- rr

9 A. at to 4 Y M. Special Term Chambers will be held in Room No, 1y City Pal waster—Stewart building, 9 A. M,to 4 P.M. to ,. ~f t° 4 P. M. Clerk's Office, Room No. to, City Counsel to fire Corporation—Staats-Zeitung Building Hall. ° A.M. tO 4 P.M.

9 A. +t. to 5 I. M. ; Saturdays, g A.M. to Ia M. (,ort,oratzox.41lorxey—No. sag Nassau street, g A. M Court of al Sessions—New Criminal Court

to 4 P. M• Attorney for Collection of Arrears of Personal

Building, Centretre S

treet. Opens daily, except Saturday at to A. M. Clerk's office hours daily, except Saturday from o A. nl. until 4 P. M. ; Saturdays, 9 A. M. until rs M.

Taxes-- Stewart Building, 9 A. M. to 4 P. M. Bureau o/ .Street Openings—Nos, go and 92 West District Civil Courts.—First Distritct—Southwest

Broadway. I corner of Centre and Chambers streets. Clerk's office

Public Adnrixistrator—No. ttg Nassau street,9 A. M. open from 9 A.M. to 4 P. M. second District—Corner of

to 4 Y M Grand and Centre streets. Clerk's Office open iron

Department of Charities—Central Office, No. 66 g A. II, to 4 P, nl. Third District—Southwest corner

Third avenue, o A. M. to 4 I. M. Sixth avenue and West Tenth street. Court open dally Department of Correction—Central Office, No. 148 ~Suadays and legal holidays excepted) from 9 A. M. to

East 'I wrnhefh street, 9 A. M. to 4 P. M. 4 Y M. Fourth District—No, 3u First street. Court

bxanrixing Board aj Plumbers — Meets every opens9A.M.daily. Fifth District—No. 154 Clinton

'Thursday, at a P. M. Office, NO.220 Fourth avenue, street. Sixth District—Northwest corner Twenty

sixth floor. I third street and Second avenue. Court opens 9 A. M

Deparbnext—Headquarters, Nos. rs7 to 159 East .bare daily. Seventh District—No. 191 East Fifty-seventh

Sixty-seventh street, 9 A. M. to 4 P. M, ; Saturdays, ra M street. Court opens 0 o'clock (except Sundays and

Central Ufcc open at all hours, legal holidays). Eighth District—Northwest corner of

Health Department—New Criminal Court Building, twenty-third th

i d street

Eighth avenue. Court opens esandegEig Centre s,reet, 9 A. M. to 4 P M, 9 y' y

RECORD. 4813

days. Return days : Tuesdays, Thursdays and Satur. along Third Avenue six feet from the East curb days. Ninth District—No. 17o East One Hundred and line to Astor Pl.,ce, thence along Astor Place Twenty-first street. Court opens every morning at g twelve feet from the South curb line to I :dayelte o'clock (except Sundays and legal holidays). Tenth Place, thence a'ong L-Layette Place six feet from Distric.—Corner nt Third avenue and One Hundred the East curb line to lln, 'trect, thence along Elm and Fifty-eighth street, 9 A. Si. to 4 P. nt. Eleventh Sheet five feet from the Fa-t curb Iine to Alu',erry District—No. gig Eighth avenue. Court open daily Street, thence along Mulberry Strset six f-el it on the (Sundays and local holidays excepted) from g A. %I, to East curb lire to Broome Street, thence :do. ig Bn,,,mc 4 P. nt. Twelfth llistrict—\Vestr-hester, New York City Sire, t uinc feet fi om the North curb line to Ceu er Open daily (Sundays and legal holidays excepted), from Street, thence along Cen'er Street seventeen Ice> fr u> g A. nt. to4 P, nt, •1'h I rtcenth District —Corner Col am bus the l-;t't curb line to I';nk Row, thence along Park 1L•W avenue and One Hundred and Twenty-sixth street. four feet f;-urn the \Vest curb line to the Gen,ral l'st Court open daily (.sundays and legal holidays exeaptedi, Office. Iron o A. M. to 4 P. nt. Beginning at the General Post Oilier, thence along

Ciiy MagiuA-aes'Cours—Uffce of Secretary, Second Buckman srect ten feet iron the tioa:h curb lure to District Police Court, Jefferson Market, No. rz5 Sixth \Vill :un Otrcet, thence :Jong William Street ten fret avenue. First Di.tiict—•1'ontbs, Centre street. I hire from the Eris t c orb line to S,uth 15 Ilium Circet, the ice District—No.69 Essex street. Funrth District—Fifty- 1'"°g South William Street five Ieet Ir-gym the West curb seventh street, near Lexington avenue. Fifth District line to Ilrund street, the,:cc :done flroad 'street eight —One Hundred and Twenty-first stree' southeastern f:et foam the We,l ctrl, line to Stout street, thence corner of Sylvan place. Sixth llistrict—One Hundred "hung bluoe Street thirteen feet from the Souris curb and F'ilte-eighth street and Third avenue. line to Whitehall Street, th;•, cc along White all . to,,.t

lice legit from the We,t curb line to State street.

at the intersection of Norfol arld Gra't~l `Bc~'nning OFFICIAL PAPERS. . treets, tlu:net al nL, Norfolk street five feet from th,

MURNINu -" NEW YORK i'RESS,' "NEV, North curb line t.. llivision Strict, thcnccalonti llivis- iun Street five feat from the Kurth curb line to Clint h:un

Yuri: tribune-" —" Vla I and sf' " ews."

Square thence r,l,mg Chatu:tin SGi.ire twenty fc, t ft ii


Weekly—° i-eslie's \V eekly," ^Weekly Union." eekly e theta, st curb line v, P- Row, Ib •n <I aluuq Park Pr v

five tcet from the lust curb lino to Center street, then,-e "Staats- German— Lcuuny;."

HENkY 111c:11ILLEN, Supervisor. across and :dun', Park Ru. fair feet from the 11- c;t curb line to the iseneral 1' ,st Oliiee.

— --- L'ceinning at the in tarsectio:I of Park Place and West

DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS W.1y, thence :Jong I tree ['l.:ce live feet from the N(,rtl

Nr, rth c:~rh line to West Stree[.

PI•sRAMA' lssUh.I1 BY •1 HE UEl':t1.'Y\IlNl' OF Br"„inning at the intersection of Lexington Ave:ue 1Ur:I.IC WORKS OF I'RE CITI Ul' NE11' and 56tI1 Street thence ulnn., Figh y-sixth Street five 1- Ukli'I,0 TUGULAk DI_oPA'I'Cfl C(MPANY. feet Suth of the North curb to and intu P. ii. Sub-

Der si> rrtr'r er >4 uric Wu:<ss, Cou:,nsserNlce's Station K on 86th S:reet severity-five feet East of Third Urr1a: No. rbo N Aanc Si treer, Nix Yours, L)ecenrber Avenue. 24 , 1897, Beginning at the intersection of Lexingto- i avenue and

1•lO\IISSION IS HI REBV GIVEN To THE Sixty-scveuthstrert, thence :Jong Sixty-s-venth street F) "I'uLular Uispateb Company, a corporation or;an. five t, et North of the South curb to Third as n re, thcm:v ized and cxrsting under tlw 1, 1ws of thu State of New a!°ng 1hi d avenue flee foci East of the AVent cur: to York, to lake up the pavenwnts and to excavate par ions ano lit , P. (l. Sub-Station V on 'Third avenue, betrvcci of the ,tiects, :mti to lay down, con-tract and maintain Sixty-seventh and Sixty-elghtil streets. four pneumatic tubes or pipes of iron, (not execed- This permit is grouted and accept, -d -ubject to the ing nine inch bore and twelve inch H:utgr) and eoustrurtion and mriini ,tancc of said pncum.,t1,: tub, sir appurtenances, under the strets, for the trans- pipes in act ord.mce with the plans thereof filod l,v s. lid mission of mail and other platter in and '1'ubul.rr 1 )isyatcl. Company upon their a psi:ration I.. tin augh said tubes or pipes, under and this p rm t with the I lepartm':'it of Public W„rk,, . r -I to the Pr iyisiOnto r Cbaptcr 455) of the Laws of ,874, such enodifi .ltions of said plans as have becc or iii iv and Chapter 977 of the Laws of t8y5, is follows : I,: req .ir„d by the Comniis;io: Cr of Public Work,

li>.5 inning at the Grand Centrtl Yost Utlice Sub-Station ndic.,tcd by the loregoma route for laying so ii tun•,_= ., H,' tficnce -long 44t1> St. live teat from the i outh curl, or pipe; ; and al,o s ibject to tha followin r terms, a u_ litre to Lextngtunavenue t truce along 1 vu> riponavenue etuons and presto ,n, besides sucl, further pros, , Eve legit fr: m the ha-t orb ]toe to the Harte it ricer. and re.iricI>0n5 as may be hereafter front time to Limns

IBeginning at thin intersects ou of 51s1 Street and EIvbth imp ,sed by the Commis,ioner of Public \Yorks iu t:ii, Aecnue, thei.ce No: th on I,:Juh Asenue live feet Iron public nterest,l: rue West curl, line to 155th Street, thence aping t55th 1. Tue construction and maintr narce if sal I pncu- Strcet live feet Into t it South . urb line to Amsteldam matte tubes or pipe, shall be ;:Ibject to the t,:rnls, c„n- Avenue, thence nloug Amsterdam Avenue five feet train ' it,on, and oh11g iron; nil— err by the chart: -r r ., i ! the l.a-t curb line ,o rycth Street, thence along 19oth , Conl1, nv and by Ili,: Llws rf the State of New Y.,-1: Street live leer from the >uutu curb line to F.lot-- and or Ina:-ce, of the City of Vcw Fork hcretoforc :r vii th ,avenue, hence at ng Eleventh .Avenue five hereafter cnactud or ac opted. feet from the List curb line to Nagle Ace roc z e Ivi~and con, rlIr ' on of ~ lid pnm;maii - thenee along Na4:e Av<nue live f ut from the E.ct tubes or I ripe. .ind appu rten:, tires shall I so pro „-stnc l curb hue to Airr-,teid ri> Avcuue, thence along as to cause as litil(: mconvenicnce to public tract; Anlsterd:un Avenue Ii>o feet from the Fast

lira to limvsbridge road, thence along Rings- curb practic.i Ic.:, n! as may be directed by th.: C,,,nu-~

['ublic \Forks, into'- fer: sioner of an ,e as wit to hi ioge i{ lid live tent from the 1-last curb line to the the w:rtcr in urns w, scr%oce cinnec ions, or wi:! t:,- Harlan River. sewers or house co,nm-c!u,ns, or with the srr >r , -

L'e;inning at the Hudson River and .Manhattan subway C' I 05 ctions, in ::nv of said streets, Our v.::it Street, ih,nce al.m> Manhattan Street five feet fn-m such connectors ii re her to be mace. the North curb line to rz5th Street, thence along tz5th 3. \\h,—,ever wat,r-mains, ur sewers, or eunne ti is Street live feet from the North curb line to the La,t >1 >ocCith. or other irlped,ment tra encou n ter irii. rh,- kicer ; work at .uch pit i s =toad I . .t ,pped until proper ps.:ns

And to construct and maintain two pneumatic tubes and epecii,c.,uum are pgegableJ and sirlr,ii utted to ;,nd or pile - of iron and :,pnu1tcuenc-s: al trcved t the Co 1m1 -voter of Public \1irk:, r,1

Beginning at the nter -_tion of lu4tb street and n t s.a,} f r 1u tcru.:n ,f mu s.rinu, :nil .o Ei,;hth ,r 501>0, thence along to41h street five reet the imp duault .h ru I. in the plan for lay:,. Nardi of the Soath curb fin,: to Columbus Avenue 5 tub(5 or pipes, birlcre entering on the th,-:,c • a ong Cokutitr-. Aaen:,u fi, a mot trcnl die Vest work.

lire or ex Lean fm- 4. trench -nys said pneumatic tubes curh line to, I'r-st Uffiee Sit i-Station " to." Beg:uni,,C at the u,ters:ctlon o1' k,4th Sir, et and or pipe, may be L-,ur fc,-t wide and fron, three to ,ev'n

ft du' and mot i iv ahcr said tunes F.iu:.111 Accuue, thcucc alum; 84th Street five tent caul line

p tt or l: p_s lull he laid ,:,id try it 1. >r excavarf ,n sha l be til:,,d the No rt,: carb to Col.,mbus Avenue, thence along

Culunthu_; Avenno lire Ivet !rung the West curb line to with clean earth, well a>.1 fbag„qghiy ram.ncd o , lc P: st l )ITice Sub-St.rtlon " V. ' bei, g put in, nm'. the pavement shah be imm ,li-

L'eiwrinr on 581h utr.°t at the Hudson River, ately replaccd io a good and warken;rnIibe mail theu:c onq -bill StrecI live feet from the Soutll I 'tad to the W tie -at t-f,ch - n of the Cam m--: n_: curb hoe to the East Riser. I o' Pui lie \'i err, and u1 all ,espucts in accorc : e.

lvgnmug -m fiend S.r.act r il;e Hudson River, thence I >vtdr the plans ioU spxcrlcatirrrrs thcl c-for of I o aluu 1 tcltth Avenue, fi>c feet from the la t cu h line I I Lepathn,ot rf Public At'u1 ks, and chain be so t, -i,~- to 43rd Street, t.tence al:ng 43rd titreet Iii c feet iroiii the sane I by Said lip, Gar tttn v, -ars after Isu it 1 South curb litre to Van.:c unlit \yen u , u n itec sinus; in of =hn'1 hav - he'll r_lai..l ; and the t ece,s:uy .:., .. Yaturicrbllt Aec our live cei 6 an the West curb line to glans :.itch the labor I all .:ud Work sir ill be lurni,i:c t 4 "nd ..reef, thence ale u•,; 42nd atre, t cigLt feet from the by cud :u the expeo-c of sail Cow pan y. SO:lt,1 Cori) I:ne io llcpew Place, :hence along llepew g In case said Conll.any -;hall fill or neglect t Place two fe, t from die East curb line to 44tH Street, replace the I al-cment, or to <o Maintain the s •mc I,,r tliettce :Ilul(d 44> 11 i'ti et t,, I, feet Iri nt the S, Ill.r curb IrS year,, their the lA;,inn rhegYrnv-r if Public \'o1 I- _ r i - litre to Lexl ,gb a Avecue, th, pee a1i,r .~ 1,exro--loo .11e- hi 0 .0ccrsuor in authurrtv in r,-Lrer:ec titerein, :v I,. nue fi,e test from the 1•:ast curb line to 23rd 2rrer, Inpse r I for}--. ight hours nu'.i ,.'Cr' rce I on airs ,,; -S,_ thence :doll;,, a3rd .tr,ret file feat from the North caru aOeers or emi,lo;yes of said Company, shal' nlak:-ii line to 4ourth Avenue. repair, as h - finds necessary, and floe -ail Cum .r .I,

Bog ire log at the intersection of 43rd Street and nli;fil pay, on demand, ro the Iiupsrfmegnt ut 1'1 iL i-, Depew I lac., the_.. i_c. -.rl,Jtlg 4i' rd Street five fact from \forks, or ilIs succ-ssor io authority in re -cr i,- tlieSouth curb hi et tie L Ist. Kite . th,-,eta, a n cost incurred for labor .1,d uriimL.v in

L',:_innm;5 oil t;rd tin ect a: Ili,: I Iudsoe giver, thence mslang ,uch repairs, aluno 33rd Stre.-t five le t moll the South , orb line to (. I he said Company shAl place suhicient and -n: pr First Avenue, thence :ii First Avenue five : e frum g,iird:.`,,r the prexrnti in of acci.Iena, :end shall the I at t curl, 1 c t : g ttl Street, t!lence cling 34th a, t k_, p It ni_ht s .iia ,he and si It lent Ii his, :alit t Stoic, isv feet from the ..rt , line to the Last iav,r. shah l inetemnily and sane k r ,le., the i.i:y of Ne,v Be Inning on I•h;rteenth Act:title at <•;tI Stn: •t, then,:- York, its oIi ia r=, fl it :.nd . r ants, against any Iron: all m,4 I hirtcer th Avenue five feet train the r;:. sr curb all d.r,nnes, cos., .1 rd espolues uhieil they mly s.: ffer line to 2 2ncf 't. 5ut, thence along a=rid 'street five tees or to a h,ch they may bu put by rcusc n of a,p' iujmy to Irum the N„rttt curb unc to .lccn::c A, thence ,rl n'- .he prr-on ur property of auu her, resultiii root care. 9vcm:c A five feet from the East cur:' line to z;rd 1c„I1cc. or negligence on the p.trt of =aid C mp.any. Srr,c;, >1>1 C ttl ttg 2 jrd Street five feet trim the South Th,- said lo man ,an it tnlmelli:ncl r_ too vi Iron cut b ]tic to t~~e Last River,

7. , I y su' y e 1111 f,- work :ill GLli' ,ln~ I11 1I~'rlal, girl l'I - th e t h. send rub 1 1 son Ricer thenc is°iunn • on 1 t 1 ~u-ect at the Hud e 1 I g 4 bi.a and aoue<, as rapidly as the lvork pro;res,e;.

along ihuniemh A—mie five feet lr..m the 1-,ast cu.b line to 13,11 Stre-t, thence along rtth Street live test - fhe 8. uorlc shall be ctr s_r. nn 0 p in such glares

from the Nortll curb line to the 1•-ast Rifer. and for such 1,•t en•s in each street as the Commis_

I i, g at the Gun,ral Post Ullice, thence along s On of Public 0.rI s or his represe nta traces ,hall from

Par c ]'lace live. feet from tire Ncril. curb Brie to West crone to time do>,duatc ; but tiie said Company shall Yr vi l v.,y, thence :dr,ug W,st h r,,> Iuvav live lees ft• n1 Prosecu:° the w ru with all nces.ary force of labor at

the Fast curb line to I.;1 _e-kcr street, ti se aloe it tin-, and yInces as ,wd Commissioner may front

11Is'.her Strest five fcct from the S, uth curl> lin to tune to time require. Eu,gi th Avenue, thence along F;, ghtll As Critic fivr he y, All the triunes anal heads f,u• manhole- or other Finn the N.,, t11 curl, line to rail i treat, thence al' g '>~aces fur -icces :o s.i,! tubes or pip s placed on the iaJIt 5trect Ilse reef from the N rid curb line t., :Oiclh line ,d the Work, shill have ,,UL-doss c: hers and plates. Avenue, th-•: cc along Sixth .1v.:nue live feet trout the L:. All the work, Sitar tl- tiro- the wcavliton shall Ea t cu. h I ne to ct;t Strert, thence along 51st street be conluly u..ud to the bole the payment shat. be relaid. five feet fr,.m the Suulh curb lieu to Eighth Al cone. shall Ire .order the sup- 1.ieron of mst ccinr-, lvhu shat

1'e appointed by aP d iv rise their iu-tr hctiu~rs trots the Beginning at the intersection of 5tst Street and of Wurka, an.: whos:: salary sha!1 Avenue, thence along 5ist Street live f:•et from the be P oi, 1,

- .u,i nijxi be pale, y , Cam, :}•.

nee cli line t the ure,the t•.0 u ,e

feet East eorrSt

St reet nut three feat from the E.l;t curl line to G.n,evourt titreet 1,. It ml contractor, foreman, mechanic or laborer y thence alums G:u,scvoi it S. reet firs Ices fruit the North s!':ul b,: insolent or negligent in carrying out any cuIb line to \\est. street, ti,ence :long V, art street tun ,i,s>rri.tions given by any properly riot tiorize repre- feet from the h,:st curb Inne , u f,ltte ry Ylacuttcnce aloud I senleti%e of the I epartoi nt ,,f Pu,l.c Viorks, he Y,attery 1'l:,ce live feet trim uiu ,u.h ,:ur n line to -,taty shall be ho thwith d o-dlar ed ; and nor ,o enipl.>yvU on Street, the., ee alai; S,atc Street live feet from the 1t',-.t the work without the cous.•nt of the Cammrssr per of curb line to AA• hitehall Street, rite :,ce along V6 hits h.orI I PIt.'he Works. A notice ' r or„er _iveu to any con- slre_t live feet Iru.n the 1t e.t curb line to ,ouch street, Itr:utur ur foreman iu charge of any of the work shall be thence along S,,uth Street live le t front the 'A -t , urb considered a uot.ce errdcr to the said C imp. fly. Inc to Front street, t„ence along Front Street fi%e f et rz' \V TCilc-ve1-• in comcquence of the weather, or any from t .e North curb line to ..,ontgonlery Street, Process of tau, or oilier une.pected obstacle. the work

laying tubes thence along Montgomery street live met Front the of aid pneum.rt:c or pipes shall be stopped North curb line to Ch. rry Street, thence along fur so to,•g a time that the pull is travel shall be i.herry Street five feet from the Numb curb lice obstlu ,ed the street shall nmllediately be refilled and to Ea,t Street, thence along East Street five repay ed by said Company, upon notice or order from feet m ~

work s t clontemplate,l 1 in thi permit waslactually completed, alongtGrand Sr et five feet train the

i h Nort cure

inc to the Itowri y-, thence along the 13ow.ry live feet 13. the said Company shall give forty-eight hours' from the Last c.,rb lily to Broome Strict, thence along ; notice to the Water Purveyor of their de ire to com- Broome Street use feet from the Nor:h curb line to mcl.ce work :,t any I pint, end sh.,ll notdisturb the pavc- Center str.:et. I meat, commence w•,rk, or d posit material anywhere

Beginning at the intersection of Fourth Avenue and Moil the in.:pecto s are on the grounds to give the ncces- 4znd Street, thence along Fourth Avenue, twenty feet sary insiruc:iun=, and shall apply twenq-four hours in from the East curb line ro r3tlt street, thence along advance to Inc General inspector for separate permit Fourth Avenue eleven feet six inches from the West for each auction to be opened. curb line to 9th Street, thence along 5th Street six feet 14. The said Company shall give the Health Depart from the North curb line to •1"hird Avenue, thence -

meat tw•ent}--four hnttrs' mince of the time.-and place of



.+king excavation under Beach sectional permit issued was thereto affixed by order of the Board of Directors of i6o,oco old granite paving blocks, located at the yard tim the llepartment of Public \Yorks, ; rd the said the said Company ;and that he sn ned his name therrtoby Sixty-ninth street and East river. '. "n,p:my shall provide and tue such disinfectants as and the like order as Secretary of said Company ; and further ~.4I.E


ashen required by the Heath I)epar'ment. [h:rt deponent ;s acyu,inted with Jahn E. 111ilhollanr: and payment in bankable funds at the time and place b tnka a

December at, 1£91. , S. If the s:,i.t Company, their contractor or agent, knows him lobe the I deto f thesaid (ompany; that of sale, and the tern ii of the paving blocks within five I KOI'OSALS } t)R RYE STRAW. SEALED

,I.All refuse ur neglc et to carryout any of Il,e pr nis, ons I the signature of said John E. :11 lit uPand suh-cribed to [gays after the .sale by the pure haser's. If the purchaser bids ur estimates for furnishing kye Srraw during '• r i.,lairen ents at this permit, or + f the Laws of the the foregoing certificate of acceptance is in the genuine or purchasers Ltit to complete such removal within five the year r898, in conformity with samples and specifica-

and was (hereto i-n, ,, of New York, or rdin of the it • of New• handavriting of said dacs tr• m the time or sale he or they will forfeit y )ohm E. ~l ilh e said 'ton s• will be received at the office of the I)cp.+rltsotof \ . rk, in rrfcmnce to .aid aera k, the Cnmmis~ioner of subscribed by the like order of the said Board of Direct- tc,wos-e.hip of all paving blocks not removed and of the Public Chariries, No, 66 Third avenue in the CH of Y 1''.,'nl c \Von k, sh. II have the right and rower to do the ' ors, and in the presence of said deponent, moneys pa It therefor, •Ind the Department will make New York, until to o'clock A. ni. of \Vednesday, Janu.

at the co'r :Ind expense of said Company, wh'ch In wtu'e>s whr'rcof, I have hurcunto set my hancd and I such other dispustimt of such paving blocks as it may ary 5, 1898. .,,ia C ompany hereby a,rros to pay to the 1)epartmcnt seal the day and year first above written. deem proper. RvF STeAw.

hi 1V or upon Demand. [Notarial Seal.] I t-THARLES H. T. COLLIS, Commissioner of Yublic All rye straw to be delivered in installments as may I'he Comniiimsi ner of Puhlic Works reset vcs the Signed FRFUFRIC C. \\'OODWARD, Notary Public, New' + Work,.

•.: be required during the year x898,

„_ to revs k,• this permit in rase of anv violation of Its \"ork County, N. V. =96,000 pounds long, bright rye straw, weight and and con, icons, or o! au)- Laws of the t ate of DEPARTMENT OF Pr \Voaxs—CoaINisstoNER's tare not to szcred 3 pot mds per bale, weight charged as '.'. 1, rk, or or dm:otum of the City of New \+,rk, (.tInI1U`istm.I h'S OFFICE, N). 150 '\ At ti1AEE7, Oy'fCF, No. r5o NASSAU STRLEr', I%ew YORK, March recyaYed at Blackwelf5 Island•

run>idmatiun of the permission heeby go en, the Nr:r \'cnac, 1)ecember r8, 1897. zq, r8g7. The person or persons making any bid or estimate Inbolar Dispatch Company, their succ+-ors or TO SDNTRASTDFS. ~T t) .. . shall kelp :+n ac.urate aces unt of t!:eir gins, 1'ICE IS HFREBI' GIVEN TO ALL PLUMB-

11 ts. IDS OR EST(\IA'fF:S, 11CLOSED IN A Lv been be issued

shall fnrni,h the same in a scaled BivBln e, tndor.eI N or Estimate for Rye .[raw," with his or their 1 hers, to whom license has or ma ant , ta6 re p, rt the same to the CnmplrolL r B y

sesled envelope, with the title of th arrd /he to make and connect service i es, for cond uctin it er \ P S name or names, and the date of pre~entaunn, to he head

Lit of 1cw' or in AV irrng, tinder oath ur their p ~eut or prra,tn before I ' •'1 the 1,1Bfer io,forsed thereon, also the rrtirhsr I to bouw, and tenements with the dTslnhitsnA pipes ,n r. aponiaby, on ur the

of said DBpabtznem t,at the said ctTiee, on ur before [hr day

I n/ tl, :,-erk +ts iu t/re .al.'erli, atrut, will be recerveu at this city, atier said pipes have been tapped, and to Febrpary nt each year h r the precediut; cite n- '" and hour above noted, at which time and place the bids or ashmare, rccBtved will be

~ I; -Nissw,, street, corner of Sprucr: street. in the snake connections with Se'.cers or drains from houses • e r : and also, at the [sine nt muktm9 re I ~ C - i npencd by

President Lle is the I (-hie[ S.rrk's ulifce, Rnrrm Vo. t7oq-7, until tz d'cln_k and tenements with the .ewers or drains m the .ts ilipess:ud. shall ay into o.asury of the ! P•

the of said trtment, or his dui author- P }' ( •\ 'a Yn, I. to ;hc rcrt for the boor tit 'I• on Erich}, December r897. I'he bids [viii be st reels c: and

:zed agent, and read. ad wil ll be revoked in the case of any - g per centum of their

HF. B,~.tKn uF CteARt-TtES KE8BKYi, THE

twelve co„tli lt< alter KICHt ro RtyrcT At t. ult,S ot< is It OA I F1 tF DFLMED To

rett'Iplo f~,t- [hI sc Cc ud II or at No. ego Naiis.m street, at the hour plumber avho permits another to use his license and to tit- r.,on n( any j

HF. FOIR THE Py1[I1C t\I F_RFSI', AS PROVIDED IN SECTION rumor• ro stem[ nt tits use above mcnnnued, do the work of a master plumber without holding a cer-

p~~ FOR KF:GULATING AND PAVING WITH tificate of competency from the Examining Board of i , ! other mate tubes or pipes fur T rans ,stun o(; n4, cuAPTER 410, L.tus uF r88v,

No bid of estimate will be accepted from rr contract F o:hc•r n eipts , one and ,one-half per cent um . f 1- flit bee n ; r;r who er any the regal a[tans al ick

pe,cc ), 1 RI 1\% IIt ,I FO UN t I

I. ..f I',1 ea ter

to is fit arre.+rs the Cor- awarded amvperson who to O I.h

1V 1 Y (F I ( r It yro,~ receipts fur the mxt ,neceediug tw else

h\ en nr may hp

es by tl.e De- IA'iiAs C:'t K HIll rr be Baton

" I I1F'. I: HI "rD i rtnte tltc in P

debt - : H I NDRED AND F.1GH7 ]-TH1RU ~TKEF;'I', tram paetmsnls res ectin the introduction anti use of the and ctntunt their cross receipts h'r p g Por.mon upon or contract, ur who is a defaulter, as

. i per

~ucce-ed,n there:dicr. Acd the C,nn- : hing~br:die road t.. Am =ten am avenue. water and connections made with sewers and year a

~tid surety or otherwise, a on an obli3ation to the Cor- P Y d raws.

. their sites,,ois ur as,i.;n<, Shall, wheneaer re- ! No FUK T.III I,A1I\(:\\I) I h\ I\( \SIT II ,ira u•s. P r ttotl of the contract be will made as soon as ".Ct)LCISs CommissioncrofPublic i b} the s.,iJ L,mptt o.le,, steins such further fFACL'-PI I)(I' PhIF\LF\I',IIV CU\CKI•'IE' CNsK(.EaSH,"I FI)

I)F ON 1'. R'orks ractic.+I1 alt Fthe c, nin ofthebids. I of tl'el - n. i. a 1 m for -+ n ent r of the pe cent F+)L N D:A1)

L KECO ~:1 p qe g

I) ~1REE1, tram -- —___—. __ - •: the r r -~ receipt-• a> :u+ re

', %s]X - SIR

the Counsel to ! Hl'1llhEU :1A[)'II- ,A h -.ti ..+. -enti Delivery will be rcyuired t., its maids from time to -

r('ura. un of ,bc Stn t \ew }„r6 lone,.In , • c - d t, F'.lca, nth .;[emus. r RoultcarcL I 1'0 (tWNE.RS, ARCH! "I'F:CTS AAD RUiLDERS. . slid, and in such quau tot es as may be directed by the

KF.GI~LAI'1Al :1tiD P:MSG ' ~ dose in tire interests cf th • Crtt nt Aew York. DYKE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT ALL OR• satdCmm~nsswncrs.

An bider for this contract must be known to be V11 'H AE I 1'A1F- VIFV"1'. 0 Ct)A I'I, wade eon incur of the i+.a,u, .' of this permit dinances of the Common CoCoated. : pl [raved i 'S ) 1Iii'.h Y en •+ ed in and well ,re erred L-r the business, and must g 1 Ii FA )HI DATf1A, THE CARRIAG};1f AA , s a.Cr ;t,,ncc, in aIl I:, team-, c ndit on, and ro- ~ ('RF'I I p I Starch;o, 1897, and subsequent thereto, in relation to have facttry te.,timori:d, to that it effect, and the OF 1 )N}; HUNUKFD .AyD FORTY F.IGIII II ,, is attesIeu h, reundcr by the I resident and I ~7.RF:1•:I . Isom ~cac nth 1 ac cote. I the use and occupancy of sidewalks, must he coml,tied

I pc.r<on or persons t , whom the contrar t may be awarded

of the 1 alt I tr I t p, ash Comv.uty :md cer- with, and that all I otstways nntst occupy only such ,pace \o. FUR RI ULAI'I\C A\D \AVI\ W1 I11 will be re uire•d to ;give seeurit • for the erforma nce of y ) P

f' .r of such acccptano o - teomcut the; eto, in;ill I - of the sidewalkas is authorized by special ordinance of a')1'_H RUCK P.1\ D\I~EN -.A. UN )L KB 11: the co:nract b • his or their bond, with two ,uIficieo[ } - term,, toodl,pr+ aunt r, •. riot ,. b ' rc-uluuun „t } y tl:e Common Cuunctf, passed March ,o, r886, vis.: I I.h

AI:R OF ,testis=, sad+ in the Boat amoua[ of fifty o pe r cent. 3' CS ) P"- } OL \ D:1T11 )N, 7 Hi C.lI'1 .tr+i of L,irrrtors r.l ,.+ r C-mtpanc. ,h.rll be Bled 1 H E E l' •• Hor,iw.t may be placed within the stoop.liues, btu HL \1)k F:D A\D Fl FTY-F OL K"1'H S RE El' of the hid for each article.

I,e 1. anvil s<inucr of I'n!'I \1 ork., and that the I in no case to extend bee and five feet from the house- I. £ruin Eighth t-, RraQhur~t aeenuc. Each hid or estimate shall contain and state the name

r. this tmit s . I t,kr e If t. line, and shall be uarded b Iron railin s or rods to I ,' g g b - and pl cc ul reside ice of each of the pe,sons n, aking the "ING . fined H0%`l ARU f al S0N NV ILDS, Detutq : No. -. FOR REI:ULVIANTI PAVING prevent accidents to passers-by-° same, the Parties of al] persons interested at IT I im or

Commcsrcn I n11'ue,I \ti'om,.s. \t-1'I'H, a~l'II hI I'-B{,1ICK I'.4\'R IlF:NT, I 5 CI)".- Yon are further noufied that all violations now exist- them therein, and if no other person be su ititer e,teu, it lie forcco:ng pr i mils in Ili it, term,, cone it is SAKI IF Ft)1 NI)A I'IUX, T111•: I:AKKlA(;F\\'Al" I tic or such ordinances must he removed, and that all shall distinctly state that fact; also that it is made

"E\ and I. ro\Aso its. i- heieht• accepted be the 1 iii uL r I his_ ~ OF EL)( F.('O\I BE F', A\CE. t rth side of One eondiuons set Iorth m permits granted for vault or other without any conncctton with any other person talon;; patch lnmpan ' w hieh a_rce. to all the terms, condi- Hundred and F rh-fifth street to north side of t)ne purpn<es must i,e compli eci with with in si.t1 da}-s. lb 'tit e~nmate forth same purpose, and is m all respects ti( r> and r~ v nu. n, tier cut. , Huns rid and Fll Beth -t reef.

V speclnl ordinances pernuttmg court-yard mclosuresgice 1n, 6. FOR KF•GULATING A'il) P.\VING }air and without cull l-inn or baud, and that no membt•r

C, .m- no right to occupy this .pace otherwise. In .ii Or whtreel the Titular affi x , i of the Commou Cnur.cil, head of a deparuuen:, ~hicti nc Co.l e o n eau,cu its sc:d to be affi.c, d, am its 1\']'CH ArYH aL l -hLU("r: P:aYr:I~t F:a I, Uti pa CHARLES H. T. CULLIS, Commissioner of Public of it bureau, deputy thereof or clerk therein, or n

CII~CRII'I] FI IL'\lla171) . . IHF. CA RkIA(t- aecepsince to hr cse~ute~i by its frestSeuc amt Secrc'- Works. officer of the Cor uratiun,isdirect!\or indirect) i

Corp ter-

P S' nter- "1'y"- tarc, this .-th day ~~t Lecemi~er, r89-, \1AY CIF' IE\F; Hl- \LKtll A\.I FUK-tiE\ est+lrt th<rein, or in the supplies or stork to which it

E\'I'H SCRF: F: I', tri m ~eren:h to Et Itih avenue. (Cur{"'rate real.] Uel•AI:Ta1LST of PUBLIC 1\'nRR;, Coatnttsslos r:R's relies, or many part inn of the profits thereof. the \o. Fr 1k RE(;L'L \ 17\(: AND P,\\ I\<: Si~_ncd 11. BCLAR I ISI'_a1'CH LO\(Pal\1 I UrFtcE, No. :So NASSnu STFEET, Nsty I"pRlcs August 31!lHUl.t.AED, \1I I H A>PHA LT-I:LI ),K P AVE?%I ENT. ON C )N-

bid ur estimate must be verified by the oath, iu ,vritin>;, by Jsu. E. Preselect ; Rot+ERT J. FI,x, 6, 1896, Scer_tary. CFF:IE FOL;\DA17O',, 'IHF• l'AK I\ FIt HIFI

mate+,t\York,LitcandlouttyofNewYork,<:, t)F ONE HL\LRI.II AND THIR --I,IGH1'H "TUT ICE IS HEREBY GIVEN ']'HAT THE ew

of the parry or parties m',kmq tie I;timate, that the several matters stated therein are in all respectss true. p Where tort. than one is inter_ led it i, requisite person

Itrcember, KB 11 fnm tier nth to Lenox :[yetis. l~ charge for vault permits is fixed at the rate of Ez '. be (In this 2-th .a) . t' t5,.7, be :one we, ti I.

\.,. F - FOR REGULATI\I; AN)) PA\"I NG per square foot, under and pursuant to ordinance of the that the cehlFlc tTt made and subscribed by ;+II t:nd. t guest,

Count p i f N ul the state of \rw• 1 u, k, i in Cur the Lunt} \.'w' fork, n.•II}- \\ 11'1-i A~YH.a LI -PL(IC Ii 1'.-1\ E C F:\ I'. (I\ C(1S- Common Councilrrl at thereto.

and e

,f errs, c;mu• the p:u'ties tits rested.

1•:arh bid or ssiina[e shall be aecainpamsed by Robot 1 k ., Lm wit to me t• Le ch Se Te a ty W t t• CKI'I'F II hi 1'HT•: CaKRI.'\t;F';\1'Al HUWARll PA151)Y 1VILD5, lleputy Commis-

- the. epu,ems to wising, of two hou.ehulders or

I'ui jrul 1 t p I Cr ml:u;~. tl c a >cr +, (IF ICE HL \IikIU AND 'F\E\I\-F'IFI'U siocero(Public\korks. -- _ fr -I ,(ders m the City of New 1 irk, with their

u r,: w- i :ch c.- e.0 cd the `d alt DTI F E'I . fn. m 1m Kterdam to E leventh s l) I . F.KS, KUILDERS. sic"! illa


t o.

respective places of bucinesa or resiJence, to the n' V' m dt tw In, rid ee :m,! mat root h~


- f A~PHALI 1.1 (ILK I':\\'IC>IF.\T, ON CU] F[,AI:GER:- AND UY(IBR8. that it the c~~ntatct awarded to the Bison p j .rt. ll th ~ ~,i. l in an., c tint[ \ea fork tL, i r ~ \,1, II

; teS, erettrc,fthe7ubul.a IIipivJComt:+mva+mI tRF1F II)L'\I+. IU\, I H F C\fRI..(IFa\\A1. I ~T f>"IICE LS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE making the c~umate. they will, on its being -o awarded, becomeboundashissosu,s for itsfaitifulperformapce,

- ,Lc C F. rate seal tOt Ie,d : ti at the sent at zed ( 11 k 111 I;' IN ('a\ F:\ CE, hum ~l)nc hundred an,l i 1.V practice of Placing concrete or other triable curb, \, "'achyire to Hundred and -thfih

and that if he shall omit or retiree to execute the sme, . . fi rcgoin~acce p' ancc is th,: cur, orate-c: I c,t the-aid -tf c . C enIVst . I ,,,, the ,trey is of this c }' is to contravention of chapter

I they shall pay ro the Corporation any tiff ,: rence between

( ::1,-,n} :md tit, reto affixed by - rdrr ,,t the 1; and No. to. (If KF:t:CI,.aTI \G :1N 1) P A \" I \ (i 5, Article XIV, section : 5t, Revised Ord manses of t897 the sum to w Inch he would ne entitled an it. c,mpletton I '. rectors of the ,.rid C mpanc, and th:rt hr s cued \\" IIH . PHAI. I BI (k K PACE:\1 F.1T. ON CON- I which reads: •'All core-stones * * * shall be of p and that which the Car,,oration may be obl.ged to I,ay

- .sane thereto by the like •rimer a- ~acretar}' of the (1. I I. Fill. SPA IlU\, I'HE CARRIAGEWAYY ~ the best hard blue or gray granite.' And this Depart- to the person or per,,us to when[ the contract may be I „mpanv ::md further, tilt .;rp+. tent i• acquainted IF t)N E H1" NOR!.LI I H - I KEET, from Lexington I men-, will find it necessary to prosecute to the fu:l awarde., at any subsequent letting, the amount In each

1 , I.It E. \ tilho. land, and knows him to I:e the I to P.,rk acmes. penalty imposed by law persons setting or making such case to be c ticulated upon the eetlmatcd amount of the -ldcet -.t tte .:ud t_„m}•iine ; that tic sicnature I \u, Ir. ii ( 1R 1t FGCl,A'II e(; ANTI PAV1\(: ; curb., whether they have broken up or removed the work by which the b+d, are tested. 'file croseut above

"1 .I,r' <:t;d John E. \1.Ih+ llaed >ul scnted to \\ IH b ,PH BLt ILk I A\ 1:\I F.1'1', t 1\ CI)\- rurb-stones prov ided by the City or not. _a1,7' - .a\ - lure_( tog .n. ceps ante is in the _ermine (-1`L 11•: I UL '. UA I ]r I\, 1'H F. (.AKKI sf I 'if Further notice rs gtren that this Department will in nr,

mentioned shall Ise .tccompanied by

the aa'h or aElirma- [ion, in w';iti g, of r: ch of the person, signing the ,ales,

'I rinng of the ,aid John F. Uirhol1and, I (IF V\ F. HL \IIR Fal A SLl SI\7 Y- 1\I H I cave entertain claims or damages to concrete or other ts I RE!. 1, from At lisle to F. gecr mbe tree:: ue. ! hcIal that caused by repair or setting he I. it householder or f, I.•: holdcriu ate City of Ne,v -.; as t l c,- .t wb~cr~bed by tic like ceder , f the SOIL! - ar: Sidewalk, are

D reel( rs, .ill in pit,, ice of sail. deponent. Each bid or eslirn:+te shall contain and state the I of hydrants, or by other work which the City does toy y-+, r k and is worth the .,mount of the s Betio} required for the crimp mien of this contract, over and above all

'a itn+%% ac hereof. I have herein[+' >c: m}• hand and I name and place of residence of each of the persons - the General good. his debts of every uatun•, and over and above his Iiabili- tLr due and }rat- first above wrut,u. I making the same', the uan,es of all per,ons inter. ' LH.1 R!.ES H. T. COLLIS, Commissioner of Pubhe ties as bail, surety or other'ice, and that he has offered

'. :,r, 1 S :+!. ested with him therein, and if no other person be 11 ol'ks• hi .ell :u a surery In good tart Ii and with the intention to --ned FK I)F.RIC C. WO()DVWARD, Notary ! so interested it sh:Il distinctly state that fact; that I -_ - - -_

I Bzc'+ttB tire bond required by ,e t. u. I rz Ofchapter 7 of

Rcxi,cd Irdmnnees I n:, Aew' 1 orb C unty, N. V. it is nude without an}• connection with an ot' er per I • tar 'ate Eu CITY CIVIL SERVICE COMM. the t of toe City ut New York, it the

be :)::ate qt _-hc,thee,.r rJ :h~ I'•>-nrrr,j fire• L)epart- !son making an estmtate the Favp. -se, ;md 1= I contact shall awan)ed to th.: person or persons

"+rut cy lie/ It ~ rks, tat• r! Uec 1111'r z;th, ' all respects fair and without spilt-ion or fraud, and that ~ \ Ew. CerxII at C(uRT Belenttve. NRw YoRlc, Dc - for whom he consents to boo surety, The adc-

IJ97,rv:ile Iu:u+ o l!rs/atch L I no member I the Common Council, bead of a depart- I pmt ra ,C,a7 yuaf)• and suffcienc} of the security offered to be

:\ I r rn. I h been Issued by Howard mein, chief of a bureau, depute thereof, ur clerk I \A11 t\A•1•IONS WILL BE HELD AS FOL- e' CorpCoipnea, is other officer of th m directl therein, or y

a1Pt'ovcd by the C. amptroper of the c sty of New York,

I'.i~ n lI'dd-, DeputT Commis,iorer of Yub~ic lr,ws • No bid or estim.ttc will he considered unless accom- ,, indirectly interested the reic, or In the suuplies or ; : ks, of the City of \etc Tut I. dated Llecctnhcr zq, 11', dnesaar, December sq, xo A. it., AKCHIT EC- panted by either a certified check upon one: of the it to

-, to the ll~b~.l:.r Ltspatch lompauy, t.. take m the work to which it relates or in any portion of the 1'L'R.~ L L)f<AUGHTS.IEN. Candidates will be re or National Backs of the City of A- is fork, drawn to S'


u:e p:+vtmrr.ts auu t,, cs• tIc.,te pciir0os of profits thereof. quired to have special knowledge in the construction of tire order of the Comptr0llcr, or money to the amount of - +tr. ens. :rid !r lay town, smite[ and Each estimate must be verified by the oath, in aeritieg, fireproof baildin,s. Examination will consist of writing, five per centum of the amount of the security required

r.ta.... two t.neimams talc, Cr pipes of iron of the party m:iloug the same, that the suvcral matters arithmetic. technical knowledge a!:d experience. for the f Irtl.tul Psrlovin, of the conlr.+ct. Such - th e• %nets, for the MNusitst-5is n of ; therein stated .re true, and mu-t be accompanied by the 1 Friday, December 3r, to A. Si., HOMEOP.ITHIC ch•-ck ur money must our be inclosed in the scaled

oF other natter under and por su:un to the ' consent, in writing. of two householders or trvehu!ders I A J1IL! NFL:ahRY. The eaomin,+ti~m will a it sis t. of ~ envelope gneaining the estimate, but rn:lst be handed .'sit its of chapter 400 of the Iaw, c f 1874, and in the City if New York. to the sliest that if the no. tract ' writing, arithmetic. technical knowledge and experience. to the officer or clerk of the De;-aruo•_nt who has

er y-7 If the law, of tfgc, :+1 ng li r Iti relict- ri-arc I is awarder to th, person making the estimate, the ; will, , S. 1\ I I.t.tANI CSR l>CI IF., secretary. charge of tire e.iimate-box, and no estimate can be :- therein cesl, rated upon cer•ten tern,,, sonde- ~ open its bang so awarded, become bound a, his sureties dep,sued in said box Until such chock or muncy has .:nci },r ct ,,m, mUUdmg a. t - lluws : for its taithful performance. and that if he shall rehire -- - ----- ' run-,d r. ur It of tl e perm t_swn iteteby given, the I or neatest to execute the same, they will pay to the Car- DAMAC E COMM. WARDS.

been eaammed by said officer or clerk and found to be correct. All such dopes ts, except that of he succese-

. I u~ or I l ep. tnh Cr mpony. thtir succe-sors or ! poratlen any difference between the sum t-, -,which lie I I fill t adder, will be returned to the per sons making ill, _l I. S all keep tint an acciriaae account of the r en'ss I would be entitled upon its comple.ton, and that which I URSURNT TO THE PROVISIONS OF CHAP-

t-. :aiu shall leper[ the same to the l omptr+~ll•.r the Corporation may be obliged to pay to thin person to P ter 537 of the Law., of r8oj, entitled '• An act same within three day, after the contract is awarded. Ii the successful bidder .hall refuse of netlect, within ills

: ae I_ it} t f New \ork, in ii Firing, under t ath if i ii hem ti:e contract shall be awarded at any subsequent I +• providinr; for ascertaining and paying the amount of days after notin - c that the eontr.,et h.s t,een awarded is I • .I I'rr>,c:ent or I reavtrer. annualla, on or Leturc I letting, the amount to be calculated upon the estimated •• damages to lauds and buildings suffered uy reason of him, to execute tire same, the amount of the deposit . - I d:,y of February of each year it r tie pre- I amouit of the wtrk by which the bid, are tested. •• changes of grade of ,[nets or avenues, matle puauant made by hirn shall be forfeited to and retained by Chu . g c,;endar %c.+r : and :.1 t the time +t nt.,king I 1 h consent la>c a uve meotiored mu .t be accost- ,• to chapter 7e of the Laws of r887, providing for the City of New Y •ri as Iiquidated da tags, for such neglect r { ,rt rS re.:eipts as at aid shall pa} into the ' paned by the oath or affirmation, in writing, on each of •• depression of railroad tracks in the 7 wenty-third and ur F fus:+l: but it he shall execute the contract within

,,,•or of Ii i y of \ ew ] ork. to the credit and for the persons ,;going the same that he is a householder or •. I wenty-1„urth Wards, in the City of New York, or I the time aforesaid, the amount of lils dcpo,at will be re- .- benefit of the ,inking Fund thereof, one per- freeh„(der m the ( any of New York, and is •.Borth the •. otherw- Ise,'• and the acts amendatory thereof and I turned to him.

it to of theIr gro-r rectip.s hSr the first twelve month: ' amount of the security required for the completion of supplemental thereto, notice is ho•reby given that Should the person or persons to whom the contract r the e,.n n ement of the use of at l ortion cf the contract, over into above all his debt, of every hi meetin s of the Commissioners a lnled ur• ma be aw,t rued itch lest or refuse to accs t the contract

gacte, p; c+,manc tube, or pipe, lot transmis-ion of mail nature and ua er and :+Love Iris'.ia billties as bail, sure ty, tan[ to sad will be held at Koom 58 Schermer. pt

within five d,y, after written IT ,ttce t}rat same h:+s ~I Cr matter, one and . ne-h:dt pecxntum , ,t their or otherwise, and that he has offered himself as surety horn Building, No. q6 Broadwa}•, in the City of New been awarded to his or their bid or proposal, or if he or

_. -, receipts for the next ,ucceedi , g nae!ve month;, and no good faith, av;th the intention to execute the bond York, nn Monday, Wednesday and Friday of each they accept but do not execute the contra, :t and give the percei.t,. Cl of tf:cir0ros.- receipt. for each .uo.eeding required be late. week, at 3 o'clock P. st., until further notice proper security, he or they will be cunsiuered as having

1 s..r there. tier. And the s.,iu Company, their -, c- No estimate will be considered unless accom- Dated New VI,RK, October 3m. 1897. al,andoned it an.; as in default to the Corpuratiin, and

1 r, o: so n. shill, w he ne% er r, quir,d b} the said panted by either a certified check upon one of the State DA\IEL LORD, JAMES ill, VA'.2NU11, GEORGE

of theirs. b- City New York, drawn the contract will be re advertised and relet, as provided

law. by 1. n,ptrl llei, e.tatute such furtherassutancss or National banks of the of to W. t f l•.PH ENS, Commissioners.

- t on for payment of tie pera nta_e of their grus; re- I the order of the Comptroller, or money to the amain[ u1 LAallnCI hlcLsiiHt.ix, Clerk. I Bidders will write out theamnunt of their estimates in -, , t- a, atoresairi, as the Conr,sel to the Corp, r:,. ion five per centum of the amoutt at the security re- _ addition to inserting tire same in figures. .. the City of \ew Yr.rk mat dcvi>e and advise in the I quired for the faithful performance of the contract. Yayuient will be made by a requisition on the Comp. ,: , rests of the City If New York.” ~ Such check or money must .Nor be inclosed in a I POLICE DEPARTMENT. troller, ut accordance wilh the terms of Of e contract.

. It is made a c! nditiun of the Issuance of this permit i sealed envelope containing the estimate, but must he YollcE llern hratrs;, Sew Yohl:, December t r8 5,

fine form of the contract, including specifications, and

,r i;s a+ea011 aace, in all its terms, col, d tons and pro- handed to the othcer or clerk of the Department 97.

Pr, andI who has charge of the estimate-box, and uo estimate p LKLlC Nl)IICF: IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT ems .- attested f -.Bretoder b}'the ,idea: .ecre-

showing the manner of payment, will be furnished at she office of the Department, and bidd•-rs are cautioned to

Dispatch t_ompoly, and cart; ticxte can be deposited in said box until such check or mone • 1 Inur Horse-, the property of the Pu!ice Department, '1uL, }

•t,,rc of the :lab examine each and all of its pro a i,ion> carefully, as the tberetu, in all of its has been examined by said officer or clerk and found tube ! will he sold at Public Auction, on Friday, December 3r,

ti lance :d ag reemcnt Board of Public Cl sue, wlIi insist upon its absolute

: 1 rms, condttiuns anU pr %isiuns, by re,olut:on r f the correct. All such deposits, except that of the success- r8y7, at ro o'clock a- +t., by Can Passed k Kearney, I Auctioneers, at their stables, \os. r3o and t?a East

en turcument in every particular. ut f ltrtcturs of -aid (. nmpony, shah Le filed with ful biPder, will be returned to the persons making the

I aid gated VEw 1 otcr., December zr, [897.

ul Pui,hc 11+,ris; and that there- same within three days after the contract rs awarded ' Thirteenth street. t!.•, l;omrni>sioner FPH\ ,'I DR, ST F llH, Pre ,ouent; JOHN P.

ll tak,:effect." If th successful bidder shall refuse or neglect, within I f;y order en lit t Board, FAU Kit Commis.~ioner,JA'IE5K E E m - .01IR\,Co •;,,,,; pus N.inert:h;, 1 L he tub u ar Di-patch l nn~pany, pursuant to the five days after notice that the contract has been WTI. H. 61YY, Chief Clerk. missioner, Department at Public Charities.

” olr,t,on u: its Board of D;rector,, iterebp certifi•.-s awarded to him, to execute the same, the amount of the PKOPFery CLERtc'S (JFFICF—POLICF DEPARTMENT OF

Ds.i -sat so s i or Pualtc CHAKII'I ES. No. 66 '1'HIR II

:l:. d declarce that it :accepts the saiu permit 55 th all its deposit made by him shall be forfeited to and retained THE Ctl v or 1\Ety 4'oKE, Ness YoRI:, November a;,

the by the City of New York as liquidated damages tar I erms, c ndtiroris and ptuii„on,. and agrees to all t8

-1 cu;, :aid prati,ir,cs of the ,a.d , semi[ andI etch neglect or refusal ; but if he 'hall execute the 97• I 1m_,

AVENUE-, NEW YoxfPs Ueeember zin x897. TO OKb COIaITRAC1 .

ci::ecu Li at hs CerHotat~ be ezecu.ed on Ie..alf of th e• contract within the time aforesaid the amount of th ~UBLIC NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT FOR hIATERIALS

Dispatch L(arl-any, un::er It seal of said deposit will be returned to him. I the 3Fth auction sale of Unclaimed and Police I insular


by its Pre id Secretary. i HE CUM( \11SSIONEk OF PUBLIC WORK, Prope,t3'aa•ill be sold at Public Auction, at Police Head- REQUIRED FOR v1'UNE AN I) BRICK ( wpa , r

RESERVES'IH6 RIGHT 10 REJI•.CI ALL BID.' I gtlarters, uu \lednesday, January 5, 1898, at r: BUILI)I'Ii, TOGETHER WITH APPARATUS orpo rite ieal.J 1GBL;1.AR DISPATCH CO11PANY, ~ RFCEI\'ED FOR ANN' PARTICULAR WORK IF' ! 'cluck a et., of the foIowing property, viz.: Watches, FUK 1'r1F: DESTRUCTION OF GARBAGE,

,signed) f'. E. INIILHOLLASU, Presidcnt; RouE.T J. fox, HE DEF11S IT FOR THE LEbl 1N'IERE',I s JewcIrv, Kevolvers, Pistols, Knives, Razor., etc„ Iron I:LACKWr,L 'S ISL,:\.\D.

J. V. ads nod Mi,cellanes Articles. For particulars 'IHE C11'Y. I Bcdst.. a ou ~<Lretary

8EALl'.IJ E H 1111)5 OK .STI\[A1'ES FOR TE

'se 1 orl<, City & County of New Yo:k, ss. forms of bid or estimate, the proper envelopes see catalogue on day of sale. ,late of

aforesaid work and materials, in accordance with

I r. t}' dayol December, 1897, before I in which to inclose the same, the specific tions and JOHN F. HAKR10'I, Property Clerk +..It this we -r~

the specifications and plats, wul be received at the office

d. a Notary Pt, blttot the St::te of New agreements, and any further information desired, can be of the D. partment of Public Charities, No. 66 Third n:c, she and. rstgn, Si I. inandl Cut,nt} ut \ew person, allycame obtained in flureau of Water Fun eyor. POLICE DEFAKTMENT—CITY OF Ness YORK, t8g6.

,rti.e avenue, in the City of New V,. rk, until Friday,

K•bcrt J. Fox, known 1„ me r, be the ~acrctars of the CHARLES H. T. COLLIn, Commissioner of Public OWNERS WANTED BY THE PROPERTY December gt, r"q7, toil ro o'clock A,vt. The persons bid furnish

kit is mpai~y, the ewrparq to des[ bxin Vi irk Clerk of the Police Department of the City of I mbuh;r Dtsx

or pBewns making any or estimste shall th certificate cf accept- New York, No. Too Mulberry street, Room No.9, for the

fn .,ud w Alen • zteutou the luregL.ings ,arms in a sBalB+i envvlupes tndors d ” Bid yr Es state

once, who being by me duly sworn, did d puss .nd say : NOTICE 01' SALE'- AT ft.IIS A. CTION. I following property, now in his custody, without claim

in the ,aid City and C ty of New \ WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER z9, r897, AT 11-3o A ants: floats , rape, iron, lead, male and female clothing for Hit teri. Is and Work Required for Stone and Brick Bit lding, togstme: with Apparatus for the Destruction

that he re,ides of the lubular In 5 O, A. v., the I)epartment of Public 11 orkn will hoots, shoes, wine, blankets, diamonds, canned goods of Garbage, Blackwell's Island," and wi.h hi or their

},.rk ; that he :s the nea'etarq 6ni a, L•, scsrp-,min seal there E- sell at acsdtn. and to the high:-git Lid, -ter or bid- liquors, etc.; also small amount money taken trot name ur names, and the date of presentation, to the head

path Company and puhltt 1Licat,• nt 6•, \Ir. I I-ev} A i. nc~r on the ground : pitsopers and lotted by Patrolmenofthis Department . I , ,s, .cis of ,and I) partmcant, at the said office, on or before the

that the seal wilIx, t '::1',

Llock,, and ahout IOHN F. HARRIOT, Property Clerk ( I;elgium day and hour above named, at which time and place the c eptar.ce is the o a p rat , said I-'In paa). and :\uoui 240,110 ' vld p..vm~


bids or estimates received will be publicly opened by the President of said Departmentent and read.


No bid or estimate will be accepted front, or con-tract awarded to, any person who is in arrears to the Corporation upon debt or contract, , r who is a defaulter, as surety or otherwise, upon any obligation to the Corporation.

The award of the contrect will be made as soon as practicable after the opening of the bids.

Any bidd( r ft r this contract must be known to be en-gaged in and well prepared for the huiness., and must have satisfactory testimonial; to that effect, and the person or persons to whom the contract may he awarded will be required to give Sr curity for till- performance of the contract by his or their bond, wish two suthci'•nt sureties, each in the penal amount of EIGHT THOU-SAND (g8,co,) DOLLARS.

Each bid or estimate shall contain and state the time :std p! cc rI resir'en.c of each of the persons making the same, the tonic sof all persons interested with him „r them therein, and if no other parson be so itwre tid, it shall distinctly state that tact ; also that it is made without any counecti,. n with anyotber person making an e1timate for the same purpose, and is m all respects fair and without collusion or fraud, and that it , mamber ,d the Common Council, head of a department, chief of a bureau, deputy thereof or clerk therein, or other ufhccr of the Corporation, is directly or indirecity interested therein, or in the suppllc, or urn to which it relates, or iu any portion of fire profits th_rcof. file bid or e-timatc must be verified by the oath, in writing, of the party or parties making the estimate, th.rt the several matters stated therein are in all mope' is true. Where mare than one person is inter-t -ted it i, requisite that Ike vise l eIc;vG'io,s be made and ,ubscribcd by all the partic= interested.

I':a. h toil or estimate shall be accompanied by th': cun-.ent, in writing, of two househ:,lders or freeholders in t lie City ut New York, w ith their respective planes of business or residem:e, to the effect that if the crntract Ic awarded to till- person Baking the estimate, they will, ,.n it• being so award':d, become bound as his sureties for it. faithful performance, and that if he shall omit or re-rose to execute the same, they will pay to the Corp ,ira-Ii'II any different bet wcen the sum to which he would be cnutled nn its completion and that tvhich the Corpora- t ,on may be obliged to pay to the person or pers ti to o I,nln the contract may be awarded at Will wbsrqDer.[ l,ning, the amount in each case to be calcuL,ted u huh the estun:ltecl amount of the stoppi n.s by which ulu bids are tested. The cc nsunt abrve mentioned -hull be acconlpncied by the oath or affirmation, in writing, of each of the persons signing the salve, that he i. a llo„sebofdcr or freeholder in the City of New York .m(i i; worth the :uuuunt of the security requir.d 6.r the c„mpletiun of tins, con Tact, necr and above all his as (if every nature, and over and atone his li:l Is, hl (Cs as hail, surety or otherwise, and that he has offered ttim-„If as a surety in good faith and with the intention to cx, cute the bond required by sectih it in of chapter 7 of the- Reviser) Ordin:mc s of time City of New York, if the ,,; tract shall bit awarded to the per-on or persons for

tchum lie consents to become surety. The adequa y old suflicicncy of ill - security ofie: mid is to be approved

lit. the Comptroller of the City of \miss York.

-No bid or estimate will he received or cons dered unhss accompanied by either it certifir-rl check upon one Chu State or National banks of t e City of New York, drawn to the order of the Comptroller, or money ii tLe amount td five per ccmtuu) of the amount of the UCurity mrquired for the faithful perform., ace of

the contract. Such check or moue}' must our be iuclo-ed in the sealed envelop-- contiuiog the estimate, but must be handed to the officer or clerk "I the Department who has charge of the estimate-box, and rte esthnate can be depreited m said box until such , heck or money ha, been examined by said officer or clerk and found to be core r. All such d,_posit,, crept that of the successful bidder, will be returned to the persons making the same within three- days after the contract is ::w'arded. if the sit,:ce,s ul bidder shall re-fuse or neglect, within live days after notice that time contract ums been :Bearded to him, to execute the same, the amount of the deposit made by him shall he forfeited to and retained by the City of sew York as liquidated damages for such neglect or refusal ; but if he shall execute tltc contract within the time aiore,aid the mtount of his deposit will he returned to him. Should the person or persons to whom the contract

any be awarded megiect or refuse to accept the contract st?llhiti five days after written notice that the same has L.s it aw'at Jed to I is or their bid or proposal, or if he or they accept but do not execute the contract and give the proper security, lie or they shall be considered as having abandoned it and as in default to the C'.rpor.t-tinn, and the contract will be readvertised and relet as provided by law.

liidders will write out the anmunt of their estimates in addition to in>c, tint; the same in figures.

Payment will be made by a requisition on the Comp_ tro ter, in accorda'.',ce with the terns of the contract.

The form of the contract, including spmicihc,atiuus, and .bowing the m:u.ncr of payment, can be Obtained at the office of John W. Marshall, architect, No. 105-IC6 L'ible, II ,use, New 1 ork City, and bidders are cauunned to e.samino each and all of their provisions carefully, as the Board of Public Charities will insist upon their absolute enforcement in every particular.

I)R. S1'I':PHEN SMITH, L'resident, JOHN P. f \URE, and FAIhIES R. O'REIATNE, Commissioners, Department of Politic Charities.

IhsPARTSn'.NT OF Imr le mC Lie AE relies, No. 66 THIRD Av"ENUE, Now Vain, December 2o, rb97,



S,EALED BIDS OR ES'1'Ip1AI'ES FOR THE ak.resaid work and materials, in accord'nce with

the specifications amid plans, will be received at the office if the Department of Public Charities, No. 66 Third avenue, in the City of New York, until Friday, December g,, 1897, untie to o'clock A. St. The person or persons making any bid or estimate shall furnish the same in a sealed envelope, indorsed " Bid or Estimate for Materials and Work required for Furnishing anc'. Erect-ing Tables at Almshouse L'arracks, Blackwr, Its Island," and with his or their name or name„ and the date of prrsentalinn, to the head of said Department, at the said office, on or before the day and hour above named, at which time and place the bids or estimates received will be publicly opened by the President of sate! Department and read.


No bid or c'timate will be accepted from, or contract awarded lo, any person who is in arrears to the Cor-liuratton upon debt Cr contract, or who is a defaulter, as surety or otherwise, upon may obligation to the Corpora-tion.

The award of the contract will he made as soon as practicable 'after the opening of the bids.

Any bidder for this contract most he known to be engaged in and well prepared for the business, and must have satisfactory testimonials to that effect, and the person or persons to whom the contract may be awarded will be requirtil to give security for the per-fonnance of the contract by his or their bond, with two sufficient suretie', ea' 'h in the penal amount of SEVEN HUNDRED AND FIFIV 750) DOLLARS.

Cacti bid or estimate shall contain and state the name and place of residence of each of the persons making the same, the names of all persons interested with him or them therein, and it no other person be so interested, it shill distinctly state that fact ; also that it is made without any connection with any other person making an estimate for the same purpose and Is in all respect; fair and without c illu_ion or fraud, and that no went-

her of the Common Council, head of a department, chief of n'eau deputy thereof or clerk thcreiu o other arot c officer of the Corporation, is directly or indirectly inter-ested therein, or in the supplies or work to which it relates, or in any portion of the profits thereof. The bid or estimate must be verified by the oath, in writing, of the party or parties making the estimate, that the several matters stated therein are in all respect.; true. Where more than one person is interested it is requisite that the VEitFIC.ATION be made and subscribed by all the parties interested.

Each bid or estimate shall be accomp:mied by the con-sent, in writing, of two housch,: ldcrs or Creel-older., in the City of New York, with their resp, ctive place; of bu%iness or reri 'mince, to the effect that if the contract be awards d to the person making the estimate, they will, on its being so awarded, become bound as hi, sw-eti s for its faitnfrl performance, and that it he shall omit or re. fuse to execute the same, they will pi to the Corpora-tion any difference letween the suns to which he sromlcl be entitled on its completion and that which the Corpo. ration may h obliged to pay to the person or per ons to whom the contract may he awarded at any subsequent letting, the amount in each case to be cticitrtled upon the estimated amount of the supple; by which the bids are tested. The cons,. nt above mentioned shall be accompanied by the oath or alit rmation, in writing, of each of the persons signing thin same, that he is a householder or freeholder in the City of New York and is worth the amount of the security required for the completion of this contract, over and above all his debts of eve natme, and over and abuvc his li;tb idles as hail, surety or otherwise, and that he has offered Itim-self as a surety in good faith aril with the ist ration to execute the Lund required by section to of chapter 7 of the Revised ()rdinasc- s of the City of New York, if the contract shall be awarded to the person or persons for whom he consents to become surety. The wisqu:icy and sufciency of the security offered is to be approved by the Comptroller of the Ci'-y of Ncty York.

Ni bid or estimate will be received or considered unless accompanied by either a certified check upon one of the State or National hanks of the Cu,, of New York, drawn to the order of the Comptroller, or money to the anlevnt of five per centum of the amount of the security required for the faithful performance of the contract. Much check or moray must •nr be Incloa,d in the scaled envelope contaieing thin esti-Trlat -, but must be handed to the officer or clerk of the Department who has ch.lrge of the estimate-b.,x, and no c>tlmate can be deposited in said bus until such chuck or money has been examined by said officer or clerk and found to be correct. Ail such deposits, except that ut the successful bidder, will be returned to the persons mom akii.g the same within three: days ate r the contract is awarded. II the sw:cessful blduer shall re-fuse or negl .ct, w'ith in five days after notice that the contract Las been awarded to hint, to execute the ,ram,,. the amount of the deposit made by Lim shrill be forfeited to and be retained by the City of \ civ V,.rk as Liquidated damages for such neglect or refusal ; but it lie shall e.xecutc the contract within the time aforesaid the autount of his deposit will be returned to Lim.

should the p,-r,on ur persons to whom the contract ncty Lc awarded neglect or refuse io accept the contract withlu flue days alter wri ten notice Ohm the saute has 1 cen awarded to his or their bid or proposal, or 1f he ur they accept but do not cxccute the contract:,nd give the pr per security, he or they shall be considered its 1Laviug ahuidtued it and a, in delailt to the Curpola-tion, and the c- ntract will be readvertised and relet as pro, ided by Ltw.

Iliddcrs will write out the amount of their estimates in .~dditioo to inverting the saute in figures.

Payment will be mu tie by a requisition eta the Comp-troller, iu :tccuruunce with the terms of the contract.

'l lie form c f the contract, includin., specifications, and showing the manner of pa} met(, can Le obtal, el ❑ t tf,e office of John Not Marshall, Na,. to- and )o6 Bible Notre, New York City, and blddcrs err, cautioned to examine each and all of th, it pruvi-ion, carefully, as the hoard of i 'ublic Churitirs will insist upon their absolute en-forcciuent in every pat- tic tar. . 1)R. STPPllh:.\ SMITH, President; JOHN 1'. FAURI- and JAMES K. O'RT:IRNE, Commissioners, Department of Public Charities.

IMPARTMENT uF PUBLIC CH-sRtT]Es, NU. 66 'i'HIRn AO"ENuE, New Yor,K, lie.ctuber 2o, t897.



SEALED BIDS OR ES'1f3IATES FOR TItE aforesaid work and materi,ds, in accordance with

the specifications and p' us, wail be receive.) at the office of the Department of l'ui,lic Chariti's. No. 66 'l'hird avenue, is the City if New' York, until Friday, D,ccm- Sad r 3m, IS97, until to o'clock A. Ni. 'The person or par-sons making any and or estimate shall furnish the same ul a scaled envelope, indorsed " Ihd or Estimate for Maten,dx :Old Work Required for laving Beau Moor ul fireproof material in Main Kitchen, Randall', Island," aid with his ur their name or names, and the date of presentation, to the Lead of said 1lepartment, at the said office, on or before the day and hour above named, ut which time and place the bill, or estimates received will be publicly opened by the President of said Department and re.,d.


No bid or estimate will be accepted from, or contract awarded to, any p--r-u.l who is iu arrears to the Cor. potation upon dl ii or conuact, or who is a defaulter, as surety or otherwise, upon any obligation to the l-or- ii ration.

The award of the contract wit! be made as soon as practic.lble after the opening of th-: bids.

Any bidd(r t r this contract must be known to be en-gagcd In and well prepared for the business, and must have satisfactory test un unials to that effect, and the person or persons to whom the contract may be awarded will be required to give se vrity for the performance cf the cunlract by his or the r hued, with two sufficient sureties, each in the penal a.nount of TWELVE HUN-DRF.D (t,2oo) DOLLARS.

Each bid or estimate shall contain and state the name and place of residence of each of the persons nta!,ing the saute, the name- of all persons interested with him or them therein, and if no other person be so interested, it shall di tim.tly state that tact ; also that it is made without any connection with any other person making an estimate for the same purpose and is in all respects fair and without collusion or fraud, and that no mem-ber of the Compton Council, }lead of a department, chief of a bureau, deputy thereof or clerk therein, or other olfica r of the Corporation, is directly or indirectly interested therein, or in the supplies or work to which it relates, or in any por Ion of the profits thereof, The bid or estimate must be verified by the oath, in writing, of the party or parties making the estimate, that the several matters stated therein are in all respects true. Where more than one person is inter-ested it is requisite that the vBRoBkAcil-x be made and subscribed by all the parties interested.

Each bid or estimate shall be accompanied by the con-sent, in writing, of two householders or freeholders in the City of New York, with their respective places of busmcs, or residence, to , he effect that if the contract be awards +d to the person making the estimate, they will, on its being so awarded, become bound as his sureties for its faithful p.'rformance, and that it he shall omit or re-fuse to execute the -Same, they will pay to the Corpora-tion any difference between the suet to which lie would be entitled on its completion and that which the Corp,ra-tion may be obliged to pay to the person or persons to whom the contract may be awarded at any subsequent letting, the amount in each case to be calculated upon the estimated amount of the supplies by which the bids are tested. The consent above mentioned shall be accompanied by the oath or affirmation, in writing, of each if the persons signing the Caine, that he as a toa.,eholdtr or Ecrc'hl-tder in the City of New York told

is worth the amount f the ~ IritYrequired for time co - p1ction of this contract, over 't d above all his debts ts of every nature, and over and above his liabilities as bail, surety or otherwise, and that he has offered hint-self as a surety in good faith and with the ictention to execute the bond reglured Ly section i2 of cbapter 7 of the Pevised Ordlnauces of the City of New York, if the contract shall be awarded to the person or pers, ms for whom he consents to become surety. The adequacy and sufficiency of the security offered is to be approved by the Contptl'uller of the City of New York.

No Lid or estimate will be received or considered unless accompanied by either a eertitied check upon one of the State ur National banks of the City of New York, drown to the order of the Comptroller, or money to the amount of Eva per centum of the amount of the security required for the faithful performance of the contr.mct Su -h check or money must (o'r be inclosed in the sealed cuvclope con taining the esti-mate, but moot be handed to the officer or clerk of the Department who ha, cl arge of the estimate-box, and no estinmte call be deposited iu said box until such check or money has been examined by said officer or clerk and fuund to be correct, All such deposits, except that ,If the successful bidder, will be returned to the persons making time same within three days after the contract is awarded. It the succes;tul bidder shall re-luse, or neglect, within five days after notice that the contract has been awarded to ism, to execute the same, the anlou ut of the dei)osit mode by him shall be forfci ted ' to and be retained by the C,ty of New York as liquid 'tad damng,s for such neglect or refusal ; hue if he shall exectuc the cuntl-,,ci within the time aforesa.d the amuuat of his deposit will be returned to him.

Should the person or persons to whom the contract may be awardee neglect or refuse to accept the contract within live day's after written notice that the sam ' has been awarded to his or their hid or proposed, or if lie or they accept but do not execute the contract and give the proper 5 -curity, he or they shall be cmi-Idered as having abandoned it and a; in default to the Corporation, anyf the contract will be ree,dverti-mid aad relet as pro-vuied by law.

Bidders will write out the amount of their estimates in additoil to inserting the same in figures.

Pavineni will tic mad, by a requisition on the Contp-troller, in accordance with the terms of the contract.

Thu form o! the c ntract, including specifications, and shewu) the mrumer o.` plynlcm, can be obtained at the office ut John W. it arsha II, Arcf:itect, Nos. .­,j-z.6 Ruble House, New Ynrk City ,;,nd boldcrs are c:uitloned to es:unine oach and all of their pros i-ions care[ illy, as the Board of Public Charities will insi-t upon their absolute enforcement in every uarti :ular,

DI<. SIl'PIH'N ShIll'H, President; JOHN P. FAURE ancf JAAll':S R. 011 El R N V, Commissioners, Department of Public Charit ie;.

DHPARt oteeNr iii ', C11ARraIES, Ni. 66 'l'IHRD Avesmm., Nr.w' Yore, December 2o, .Sq7.


Rt'a)I71RED FOR I.1,ECI'ING CENTRAL SI till-.tif)N FiASI' -1\11'..\"l'Y.sINIHS'IR1.1':1', lif I A\ LI':N SECOND AND THIRD AYI':NUT'S.

SEALED tt10S OR ESTFid-IFE, FOR THE a(u rc<aid work and materials, in u,,c~,rdauce wrth

the specifications amid plans, vwiil be received at the office of the Department of Public Charities, No. 66 Third avenue, in the City of New \York, until Friday, I)e-ceulkcr 31, x897, until to o'clock A. et. The person or persons making any bid or estimate shall furnish the ,amc in a sealed envelope, indorsed "Bid or Estimate for Materials :md Work Requ:rc'd for Erecting Central Stables on East Twenty-sixth Street, fictive un Second and Third Avenues," and with his or their name or names, and the date of presentation, to the head of said I lepartment, at the said office, on or before the day and hour above aeon, 'a1, at which time and place the bids or estimates received will he publicly opened by the Presi-dent ut said L1npartinsm and read.

THE IhisRlI it l't'nasCc' CHARITIES tiilxECitMS THE RI(;Ir l' 'I() RI.JL:CI -sit. titus'u Iii ESTI\MAl LS IF DEEStEO TO nF FOR rHL PCIV.IC INfERESr, AS r'RUCIDCU IN SEC"rtu5 64, CHli iElt 413, LAWS VF 1f582.

No bid or estimate ,vill be accepted from, or contract awarded tit, any per-on who is in arrears to the Cur-ooration upon debt or contract, or who is a defaulter, as surety or otherwise, upon any obligation to the Cor-purutlon.

"the award of the contract will be made as soon as praetleahI•- after the npeving of the bids.

Any bidder for this contract must be known to be engaged in and well prepared for the Lim-iness, 'and must h.,ve satisfactory tertirr, . ii ails to that el Sec I ; and the person „r persons to whom the contmet may be awarded will be required to give security for the performance of Cite contract, by his or their bond, with tutu suftickDt surd ins, each in the penal amount of FIF PE EN THOUSAND '.i5,-oo1 DOLLAR.

each bid or estan:ate shall contain and state the name and place of me,idence of each of the persons making the same, the mores of all persons interested with him or them eite(OIt, and if no other person be so interested it skill dlotinctly state that fact ; also that it is made without an)' connection with cony other person making an esti-matc fm- the same turps -, and is in all respects fair and srll.hout collusion or fraud, and that no member of the Common Council, h -ad of a department, chief of a bureau, deputy thereof or clerk therein, or other officer of the Crporation, is directly or indirectly interested therein, or in the supplies or work to wlucta it relates, or in any portion of the profits thereat. The bid or estimate must be verified by the oath, in writing, of the party r,r parties making the estimate that the see.-rat matters stated therein are in all respects true. Where more than one person is interested it is requisite that the VERtFtcsTt(N be made and subscribed by all the parties intereste,i.

Each bid or estimate shall be accompanied by the con. sel,t, in writing, of two householders or freehold,. rs in Cite City of New York, with heir respective places of

n business or rest ace t the effect Ih:rt It the cant de rst be awarded to the person making the estimate, they will, Ott its beio3 so awarded. uecome bound as his sureties for its faithful performance, and that if he shall omit or refuse to execute the same they w ill pay to the Corpo-ration any difference between the suns to whicl'i he would be entitled on its completion and that which the Corpo-ration stay lie obliged to pay to the person or person, to tvholn the contract may be awarded at any subsequent letting, the amount in each case to be calculated upon the esttt,ued:unuunt of the supp;ie'. by wltica the bids are tested. The consent above mentioned shall be accom. panied by the ,oath or affirmation, in writing, of each of the persons signing the same that he is a householder or freeholder it, the City of New York, and is worth the amount of the security required for the completion of this contract over and above all his debts of every nature and over and above his li.ibilities as bail, surety or otherwise, and that he has Offered himself as a surety iu good faith and with the intention to execute the bond required by section rz of chapter 7 of the Revised Ordi-mince, of the City of New York, it the contract shall be awaraed to the person or persons for whom he consents to become surety. 7he adequacy and sufficiency of the security offered is to be approved by the Comptroller of the City of New York.

No bid or estimate will be received or considered unless accompanied by either a certified check upon one of the State or National banks of the City of New York, drawn to the order of the Comptroller, or money to the amount of five per centurit of the amount of the security required for the faithful performance of the contract. Such check or money must Soc be inclosed in the scaled envelope containing the estimate, but must be handed to the officer or clerk of the Department who has charge of the estimate-box, and no estimate can be deposited in said box until such check or money has been examined by said officer or clerk and found to be correct. All such deposits, except that of the Successful bidder, will be returned to the persons making the same within three days after the contract is awarded. If the successful bidder shall refu e or neglect, within five days after notice that the contract has been awarded to him, to exec tie the came, the amount of the deposit

ma•.le by him sit dl he forfeited to and be retained by the City ut New York its liquidated damages for sure neglect

execute the col ttract within or refusal •but if he shall t.x tote the time aforesaid, the amount of his deposit will be returned to him. should the person or persons to whom the contract

may be awarded neglect or refuse to accept the contract within five days after written notice that the same has been awarded to hi; or their hid or proposal, or if he or they accept but do not execute the contract: ad give the proper security, he or they shall be considered as hxvmg abandoned it and as iu default to the Corporation, and the contract will be readvertised and relet, as prcvided by law.

Bidders will write out the amount of their estimates in addition to msertin,, the same in figures,

Payment will be made by a requisition on the Comp-troller, in accordance with the terns of the contract.

'Pile form of the contract, including specifications, and shuwin~ the manner of payment, can be obtainced at the office of Wilf.ers & Dickson, ztrchitects, No. 5q Bible Houses New fork City, and bidders are c.rltioned to esanuneeach and 'dl ut their provlstor,s carefully, as the Huard of Public Charities will Iii ,ist upon their absoimate enforcement 1u cvery I ,articular.

DR. oI'BI'Ill' S SMITH, President; JOHN P. FAURE and J %MISS R. i)'EEIRNE, Commissioners, Department ,,t Public Charilie,.

DEPART.11(?Na' OF lie<ee Cu aRl rues, No. to '1,iit.La AvLtive, NEW Yank, 11eemimbcr 2o, 18y7.


REf ;lRED FIFE ADI)hh(tN'sAN1) AI,1'1:R-ATIONS 1(1 BUII.UI\(t Ft)R RP.CEI'1lt)N Of' INs.-ANE, B6:LLf•:VUIS Ill )latmlTAl .

SEAI•l.lJ IID' OR IEYIl[AYLS FOR THE. hacesual work and uiaterials, in aceor,6mce a-th

[he spwificaiions and piano, will be r,,ceised at t he olli,-e of the Dcp.,irtnlent of Public C anti-,,, No. b6 filled ,venue, in the City r,t ?dew York, until Friday, Dee^ n- ber 3r, i8D until to o'clock A. St. 'title person or persons makin., any Lid or estimate shall furni,h . iu same In a seal,cl cn eel ,,pc, indorsed " Bid or E,timuc for telaterial, and Work Required for Atitimtu'tx and Alterations to L'uilding for Reception of Insu.e, Bellevue Ii osital' ' and w ith his or their name ur name,, and the date of piesenLiiioai, to the head of said Deparuneni, at the sail utfiice, on or before the day :Ind hour ahovo named, at which time :std place the bids or estiDcn, , received will Le publicly opened by the President , I said Department and red.

'1'HIi BOARD OF PUBLIC CHARITIES RESERVES 111 . ItIGH't' '1'O RISJ tee-u ALL Iitni OR Eti ii itA"tco in nicest,-1, TO BE F,)It THE PI'ELIC 1sI Flditi't', AS PROVIDED I', SEC '1'10N t¢, CH At'FEC 4io, L,asys ,)1' iS82.

No bid or estimate w ill be accepted tram, or contr.,ct awarded t,, any person who is in arrears to the C -r-poration upon debt or contract, or who is a detauhor. us surety or otherwise, upon any o.ligaltan to it,, Curporu tion.

'the' award of the contract will be made as soon a., practicable after the opening of the bids.

Any bidder for this contract Bust be known to be enl;aged in and well prepared for the business, and must have satisfactory testimonials to that effect, and the person or persons to whom the contract ntay be awarded will be required to give security for the psr-formance of the contract, by his r•r their bond, with two 5(1 'lieu, sureties, tact in the penal amount of FIFF- '1'F.EN THOUSAND !t5,000, DOLLARS.

F.ach bid or estima'e shall contain and state the moue and place of residence efea;h of the persons tuitakung the saute, the names of all pursuits interested with him 'it them therein, and it no other person be so interested it shall di,tiDeVy state that tact; :Ilse, that it is made vvitnoot any connection with any other per,on inakdtg an esti-mate for the -tune purpose, and in in all respects fair and without collusini or fraud, and that no member of the Common Council, Head of a Department, Chief of it Bureau, Deputy thereof or Clerk therein, or otheroific,-r of the Corporation, is directly or iii, lured I)' int,rested

- , w wl c r'li - thcrein, or in the suppli'~s , r ark to itch It re la , ur in any portion of the profit, ill nuot' The bid or esti-mate must he verified by the sat t, in writing, of the party or parties making the estimate, that the several matters ,rated therein Itre in all respects true. Where more than one person is interested it is requisite that the VeRU 1CArtu,v be made and subscribed by all the parties interested.

Each L.d or estinttatc shall be' accompanied by th., consent, in w riting, of two householder, or treeholcier• in the City of New York, with their respective place, of business ur residence, to the effect that if the calif - ct be uwardcd to the person mwktitg the esitmata, thcy II ill, un Its being 50 awar.lel, become bdiiati as 11:= sureties for its farahful performance ; and that if he s`lali omit in refuse to execute the same, they will pay to the Corporation any tiiI1eretiec between the sum to which he would be entit ed oil its cuuiDp!ctbn and that w'ilich the Corporation may beubllgcd to pay to the per-son or persons to whom the contr,,cr tall)' be awarded at :my subsequent Ir:tting, the amount is ca: It case t, be calculated upon tale esumatsd anrnmt of the supplies by which the bids are tested. The coo,ent ahove-mentioned shall Lo a'sompauied by the oath or atiirnu-tion, in w'l itlr_, , f each of the p ,rson; slgtuiu.g the stunt-, that he is a householder or frceh .Ider in the City of New Y irk, and is worth ti in amount of the secul ity requ.rcd f -r the of this c.,ntract, over and abosc .,If his debts of every nature, and over and nb,)vu his IL,-bilities a. bail, surety or other,eise,' and that he Ic,s offered himself as Nicety in good Huth, and will: the intention to execute the bond rcquu-ed by section t.: „1 chapter 7 of the Revised Ordimmcee of the City of Yen York, if the contract shall be awarded to the per>cat -n-persons for wktom he consents to become Surety. 'hhc cmi eq•.lac)' and vu tficiency of the security offered is TO be approved by the Comptroller of the City of New Y irk,

No bid nr estimate will he recciced or consider '.unless aceomp.tniod by either a csruliaJ check unto one of the State ur National Banks of the Clty of New York,

era omptroller, or draavu to t:)e aril f the G m,ncy to the amount 'd live par cc-nvnl got the amount of the security required fir the faithful perf.)rmancc of the contract, Such check or money must N O T be inclosed in the sealed envelope c -uiaini:Cg, the esti:nnte, but must he handed to iii - officer or clerk of the Dapartment who has ch:tr_e of the estimate-box ; ;ld no exit nnrte can be deposited iu sad box until <uch check or nton_-y has been examined by said Officer or clerk and found to be eoeeeei. Ali such deposits, except that of the successful bidder, will be redo-Bed to the per-suns making the same withia three days atter The con-tr.t:t is awarded. Ii the ,uceessfill bidder shall refuse or neglact, within five days after uoHce that the contract has been awarded to him, to execute the same, the amount of the deposit nettle by him shall be forfcifed to and be retained by the City of New York as. liquidated damages for such neglect or refusal ; but it he shall execute the c'ntract within the tin): aforesaid the am pint of his deposit will be returned to him. Should the person or persons to whom the contract

ntay be asnardel neglect or refuse to accept the Contract within five days after written notice that the same has been awarded to his or their bid or proposal, or if he or they accept but do not exe.ute the coo ract mid give the proper sec.lrity, he or they shall be considered as having ab;mdcned it an -I as in dmiiaott to the Corporation, and the contract will be readvertised and relet as provided by

Bidders will write out the amount If their estimate in addition b, inserting the same in figures.

Payment will lie ni,de by a requisition on the Comp-troller, in accordance with the terms of the contract.

The form of the contract, Including sp.cifications, and showing the manner of pay ment, can be obtained at the office of John W. \lar.hall, architect, Ni,,,. ro5-ro6 Bible House, New York City, and bidders are cautioned to examine each and all of their provisions carefully, as the Board of Public Charities will insist upon thitir absolute enforcement in every particular.

DR. STEPHEN S.t11TH, President ; JOHN P. FAURE and JAMES R. O'REIR\E, Commissioners, talent of Public Ch-ti itie'.


DEP.ART\IEXT nr Pi - nuc CGI.\'r!TIES, Nu. '6 THIRD less accomp: rated by either a certified check upon one of proper su rarity be or they shall be considered as having AVENUE, NEW \ ,ni-, llecemher so, r397. the Nation.d or Stab r` h.,nks of the City of New York, abandoned tt and as rn default to the torn) ation, and

TO C UN•1.1Zf\C'Tl)l~S. I drawn to the order of the Comptr,llrr, or money to the the contract will be reads'ertised and relet as provided

PROPOSALS FOR 1f.\TIi RI:\LS AND ~t'ORK I amount of )i;r per.-entum of the amount of the security by law.

F: h.11Clt: b:D P(11: RFa':\Ih~ \\ll :11;lER A- required i~,r the laithful prrf.,rroance ,if the Conti act. i The qua/ity of like articles, saJftties, gnnds, cna ~e s

' 1'IUAti ..l) H aRL!.AI HOS l'I'I'AL. • `urh check or m~,ney must DoT be inclosed in the scaled and zxere ka ndise must con ox in ,very rested t tot e

'•I: :\LICIT BI H I, l:'1TIM:\~F:J F'OR THE envelope containing the en.intate. but must be handed sau,J,les of the saxue on e-t-Tibitinu at the o/hce• of the

:ut I - i I to the ollicer or clerk at the Lieparlmcrat who has ' said /)rtartnrecrt, or, in lhr absence eJ saonbers, to the alerit;.id i+ irk d mat ry l> n accordance with - charge of the estimate-Los, and no estimate c he pri't/cct spit i/iccr/ us. Fielders ezrr erotionerf to

spemfica000s and plan;, will be received at the offiice I ,muei ted in said box until such check or money czs uci the s/,rriliccrtiorss for ar[icu/xcs of the the Department of public Charities, No. 6o Iturd i has been examined by >aid officer or clerk and flood arti -t,•s, etc., r eq,vi,rm beJhre nzad•ing their estimates.

-.n ue, Ili tae Cnv of New York, until Friday, Decem- to be correct. All such depn-its, except that of thr: ; Bidders will state the price for each article, by which ;r, rEo7, until zo o'clo k ,4. :t1. I he tenon or per- ~ ,flee,. fill bidder, will be rc turned to the person mak- the hi Is will b t tested.

- makin:4 any bid or estio,ate shall furnish. the same in, fill .ante wnhin three dnvs after the contract is Ilidders will write out the amount of their estimates in , ,soled sits ,pe l hiders, d `• liid ,+r I timate for ' ~Sr dc I If the sucC s I bidder shall refuse or sdctkci tion to inserting the same in figures, I : ri: l+ and VVolk hegt+iied f

wit h pr to and -filters- ~ neglect, within fire days .Iftcr notice that the cr:ntraet I Payment will be nmde by a requisition on the Comp-

to Harlem He i tt 1, and wit t his or their nam i , It a; been awarded to him, to execute the c+nte, the I troller. in accordance with the terms of the contract, or 1 •.mss, and the date of pre ent ton, to the head o I amount of the dep--sit made by him sh 11 be forlcued to ~ I torn time to time, as the Commissioners nmv determine. .. Hop oruraeot, at the said other, on or beiore the day ,,nd retained by the City at New \ orb as liquidated - I'Le form of the contract, including specifications, ad

hour al:oce trazued, at which tint.' and place the bids ' damages for such negl^a or I efucal : but it he ,hall showing the manner of payment, will be furnished at the r:,timate' Icce+ved Will he publicly epened by the I execute the contract within the time aforesaid the office of the D•,: partmenl, and bidder; are cautioned :dent of said I lepartment and read. arnor;nit of his de osit trill be returned to him.

I aE BOA.D OF I•I. I:LiC CHART I Di5 RESFRL•F.c THE • p to examine each and all of its provisions iinsist

carefully, ly, a-

1ir to EEjFCr At BIDS uR ESTIMMATE, IF DEFateu The Deard of Public Charities reserves the right the Eon -d e Public Gbxralie; wzll insist upon itsabso-

BE FOR t u c it'ILIC t]'IERNSI, AS Pt Ostut•:D IN to rcj,ct all bid, if deemed for the best •interests ]life enforcement in every particular.

r:ox 6.;, CH.~PTER 4to, Lawa of t88z, of the C:ty, crud no prupo>al will be accepted from, I DR. STEPI-I F;.N' S\II I'H, President; JOIN' P F;10R}i, and la\fGti K-U'BEIRiQE,C:,mmis.ioncr,,

o bid or e;'IH:ate o it l be accepted from, or contract or a contract :rn arded tu, :m}• perxon who arre:+rs -

..oded to, ary pe'sou who is in arrears to the Col- Curp„r.niou upon debt or contract, or who llepxrtment of Public Charities.

r. turn upon deg t of c+mtract, or who is a defaulter, as defaulter, .,s surety or ctherwisc, upon any obligation i ,Ly or otherwise, upon any obligation to the Corpora- I to the Corpc~raion.

DEPnRTSteNT of PUBLIC CH.tit , tcs, No. 66 THIRD

! Blank form., of proposals and speci fications, which are I `\v ExrE' :SEW Yusx, Dce.:mber 18, tSa7.

h :'le award of the contract will be made as soon as I to be strictly c tuphrd with, can he obtained on applIer. ROPOSALS FOR HD:;iPI'PAT. SUPPLIES FOR .._ ticab!e after the opng of the bids, .lion at the ollire + f the Depa totem, :a +d all ohocuucrtion the Department o} Publ,c Charities for j. '.ry bidder fur thir wolser must be known to bo en- fundshed. Scaled bids or s,flmx'ts for furnishing Ilze following Hoc- _,d in and will pr p; red for the business, and mu -t ' 1'l l•; COAL MUST I BE 1)1•:Ll\- ERF:I)


Al' SUCH pital slIpthc., will be recclrcd at the Ilepartment of %c sa ti, tact ry test uni ils to that effect, and the Public. Charities 1o, to Third avenue, in the Clty of

'l]\IE, AND IN sUCll PLACFa \S "[HE LK- New York, until r:, ~. al, of 1'hursda Uecember_o, ;on ur persons to wlwm the contract nlav be awarded 4 Y, 3 G \LY lIG fHF; C:AtiF; \t.\1' laCt<lh'IRE. z8a•. The r<on or persons making m bid or estz- -: be required tng,Ivs>ecut its for the ierf.,rncrneit ut I+.ucd N:cw 1r,vs, Itrcember 18, tFO7. pc e 1'' } anti- Ct b y his or their bond, with ttco snIRcleraf nmte shall furnish the :ame in a sealed envelope,

Artie., each}in the penal amn:mt of Ft ii R THO)L"-' ~1'E PH F:\ ti\111'11, President: NF;, P. FAURE, indorsed "Bid for Hospital Supplies," with his or their

I Conmi-sinner; IAyf E- R. O'HIER\E, Commissioner, name or nano s, and the date of presentation, to the head 1 llepartmcnt of kuL,ic Charities. I at <aid De artment, at the' said office, nn or before the bid or it.tuiicrls ,hall contain and state the name : t'

, pIaG' OI • res• dence ref ea -1 o1 the persons nlakin, ' DF.OxR-l'dE:NT OF PC'nLIC CHARITIES, NEn' Y„tzv, I day and hour above named, at which tilne and race the

same, the names of all per sons inter.- ested wah him December t8, t3g7. b» ds ores timates received will be publicly opened by the

licra: therein, and it nu usher pr r-on be c,1 iot~-restcd Presidcut, or his d:ay authorized agent, of said Depart- all dr-tinctly state that tact; also t it is mane DROTO"L" I OK 01)L0N( TEA. SEALED , mcnt:md read,

:. rut any connection a:ith any other person making an r bids or estimate, fr furnishing (,ro.;cries during g lbs., more or less, Powdered Extract Nux Vomica Ovate for the same } urp,•se and i; in all respect-, the }'ear 1£g8, iu conformity o iih sail plc- and specilica- U S. 1', Assay, in it lb, bolt., per lb,

- and without co lu-con or frau,i and that no men[- ti, n,. will be received at the ofliec of the Dc tirimeio of HeNtEoP;uHie PItF.P\RATIOy5.

f the Common Councl, head of a dep.htinert. coi_t Public Charities, No.6o I'hird a%, title, in the City of \. B.--No hid for homeopathic preparations will be .+ bureau, deputy thereot or cl+zk therein, or other New York, until to o'clock A, M. of Thursdzy, December a,.,.cpted from any one who is not ku nvn to be a manu- cr o1 the Corpnroion, is directly Cr indirectly Ju, X897. • I Lecturer of these product, r_c goiwd by the profession.

:rested thersin, or in the supplIes ur work to whic't • OotosG 'CFAs About 5, I ,s. Ordinary I)omcsuc Pinaoires ; about to relates, or in any o rti, m of the prohts thereof All goods to be delivered in institlments as may be i n,s Ordin:+n' Imported Tinctures; about .,oua oz,Orth-

I ice hid or estimate must be verified by the oath, in requo-ed during the year r8jS. n:u}• l'rit. 1'abl et s, in Loses ; about ;w oz- Ordinary ~er~tin_, of the pare or parties makm~ the estimate, oo ppmnls 0 d y lens in half chests, free from I 'llit.'1'ubl:a l frill Fabiets, that the several a tt:rs stated therein are to all all adm!xture and in uritmal package,. • 1 t i,ott.: abo:u r6 oz. Arsenic !odu'e ax : ahou e oz. respects true. AA - here more than one person is intern r No rmpt} package, arc to be retltrned to bidders or Codeine zx; about 4 r~z, H)'o,cine Hydrobro. cttcd it is requ`- to that the vE1.TFTcaTloN be made and I c. ntract,rs except such a5 are design:aed in the specili- mice 3 x; about 8 oz. .1ler:erius D„le+s t a;. sub-cribed by all Il'. - ~artles interested. e:uions.

} J 1'hc person or pers making to bid or estimate about tz ire. 1\h-raur. ~r,Ltb. tixboitm:mraI rx : about q Each bid r r —Halals ,}tall be accompanied by the con- p' P g }' I oz. Nterth;rae <ulph. rx ; about 4 oz. SsmgumcrcI ne N itr,

sent, i writing, of torn householder, ur freeholders in shall rurni-h the ,ante in it sealed envelope, ioctunL,el Ix ; ubo n 4 oz. 51arteine Stilph, Ix ; about 4 ,., z, Agariein the Ci - s of New York, with their rem ,ective p lace; of " 1 or Estimate for Oolong Tea, ' ii tilt his or rs ; abut 4 oz. Platinum Chlnri l,. ;ox ; about z uc. bin -:nits. or re ece, to the effect thai it the contract their name or n.+mes, an.i the date of present:ro ern, to the 1 iuhyhm,m zmoox ; ,.bout q oz, fxmuoIo Ix ; about q Oz. be ass arried to the person makil the estimate, they is ill, head of 'aid Ue,artmeint, at tilt slid office. on or bet ,rr Tuberculin ; x, cm its bouts s. awar !c•.1. bec,ime b and as his sure[ e, ter the day and tour above named, at wlrich time and place I As it is imp ,ssible to foresee what other homeopathic its laithtu rt rnn.nce, and treat if he shall omit or tit- the bids or ust rtzates reentered will be publicly opened I:y pretiaratni fuse to Cxcme the same, they will pay to the Corpora- ~ the Yresldent of sand Department. or his duly authorized bidders stills nlenc incietc t fir separate s<_e

of le l w~rupper,

tion any dificten e between tie smii to which he w',. ula be agent, and read. marks If ,rat the outside like t re bids, .roe copies of their entitled ot1 its crm!, l_ti.m c+ d that which the C:,rpora- I 1 LIE Bo.1RD of Pt'nLtC CHARITIES RESERVES THE 1 pnca-lists, git ing net pr;ces of their products, or stating tic n crag .\' bt' obliged 10 pay to tit' persr,ll Or p•. rsons to I RIGHT Ti) REIECT ALL BIDS OR Es'ri-viEs lF DEEM1tED '1'+) I the discount' alltt+t'l•(J. w'hol1i the COnct:tCt may U's :li'.+rded at ally subse, l:rent ~ BE FJk THE PUBLIC INTE:<EST, AS PR+)\IDFD 1`: cEcrlox 2~ oz ,note Of leis, Ar,tipvrtrle. r n;. orig. pack. ; letting, the ,,mount in each case to be eadeul,.tcd 64, cH U'TEIr 4te, LAWS OF r88z. zoo oz., mere or tits;, AI i.t ,1, z o,'. ri_. pack. ; 8o , oz„ upon th,. eetiircoed amount of the sup!: lies by t, Inch I No bid or estimate will be accepted from, or contract more or le-s, Pllenarktine, I1cryitr, I oz., o;ig. pack, ; the bids are lustedi. The consent above mentioned awarded ue, :wy person who is m arrears to the Cor- Imo oz., m, re or less ; s-dophen, t oz. ring. pack. ; sh,,ll be a_eompanted by the oath or athrm.aion, In punaion upon debt or contract, or who is a defaulter, its 25,) oz., a ore or less, Solt oral, I ez. orig. pack. ; ! it riling, of c.rch of tire persons :going lie sane, th,u he .Mery or Otherwise, upon any ebligation to the Cur- ~ 5,~ oz„ more or is'-- Ronal, t t,, orig. ptcl. ; +8

hnt.senolder or treen< Ider in the City of \cts Yirk L poratrvn. gro., more or Ls-, Medicine Glasses ,like sample ,horn I, 1+. is worth tltcam. unit of ti reset ,rtitv requir d for the The award of the contract will be made as soon as ; doe., nlorsor less (.'ass (1 ai,i tits, it oz. [like sample;

I:plct on t this c• ntraci. over and ab, vE all iii- debts I practicable after the opening of the bids. q doz., more .r less, Gin- (, r,+du. Iles, a cz, like sun ple'; c cr r} mature. and , s and aL nit his f +F,i as D-..livery ++ ill Le iequtr:u to ire iii rile from time to 2 dot., Inure or 1 ;, (ila-s t li,+dumr's 4 oz. ,like sample);

smctc or r ,tr,crwtse. and that he has rffersd film- time, end i:t su•: it quantities as may be directed by the 4 doe , more sir less, I 'ac; Gra oats. • r z. I he sanninle,'; ..,s a surety in good Lion and with the fete ii in to I said Ccmms=toners. z d ,z., more or Its., (,lass ( iradu.vcs. t it,. ' ~ ike ;ample;; cute tha bond r<qu,red by section tz I 1 chapter - at I Any binder her this c,ntract must be known to be en- 3 roz„ more or le-s, Gl'iss (r duilt s, by , z. (like c:+mple-;

l.t.C,V+., U Iird manes of the 1. ity I f 's ii L.. rt:, if the ' gaged in and well p: spared for the Lu>inn-'. and must zc do,„ more or le-s, (;has' I ru :ucrw>. i ,, (r like like s:unple!; i. ran Shall be awarded to the person or persons for hate s.tco,facrory te-timonials to that eff,:ct, and the ' q doz., more or lee., Jars, tluseum, w,t)t knob-, no .m he corascnrs to become suret} The adequacy person , r persons to whom the contract mac b, awarded I clamps. 5' x 6 inch ili'y.- r sample:; 4 do, , more or less, .utliu.a cc ,t the secin tv offered is to ue crpprovCd will be re; fired to give security I tie terlormance of I J:+rs, >lu'cum, se th kit bs, nu clamp;, gi; x r I i. :ch ;like'

.:he C m}tr~, her ct the City of Ncw York. the cm:ua-:t my or their bond. with two sufficient sample ; 4 uuz., more or less, Tars, \ILissrtnl, with knobs, \o brc , r sett^.:ate will Lc received or considered sureties, each in the p-n:d amount , t fifty (,o; per cent. no clamp;, 7'. x 8 inch like simple ; ; dine „ more or

.. •,'s accomfarnico by either a certifieu cl,srek up in - of the Ird forua.h article. IC's. J rs, Mu,erm,With kt bs nit c'imps -y3x1z inch ,. if the b .ts hr -National b:mks of the City of New : Each bid or estzmate shall ennt,:in and state the name ;likes mplel ; ti d. a., more r r l's-, Recta] Tube,, Tie.

, c'rawn to the or er of the Comptrollcr, or and place of re,idencc of eac!i of the persons mak£n,, : man Itke ,ample; ; a doz., ore or less, C rioometer, uey to the amocut of tiv_• per eemom of the amount ' the saute, the name, of all persons interesb_d with him 1 s,goibi,'s lik, sample) ; 3, more or less, Cautenes like the security required I the faithful pertormance I or theut therein, find if no other person be so interested sample shown , each; qi hanks, more or less each of

:he cuntrer. Such check Cr mont. mmt .OT be it shall distinctly si. ice ttmt tact ; also that it is made ! to handles Cl roc string;;, of silkworm-gut )like sample

_ ... in the se:rEd • nvelcpe cuntaurirab the esti- I without any connection w rah any other person making an shnwn), p, r h:mk.

but must be bxoctl:d to the office; or c.erk of the I estimate t.,r the sam,- put, use and is in all respects r, sir Prices are to be given net. ,,artment why has char.te ut die e't.mate-box, aid and without cehiusron or fraud. and t at no member of I The artic'es supplies, goods, wares and mcrchandi;e estimate can be deposited in said bus until .Lich the Cotnntun Council, head of a department, chief of a are to be delivered, free of expense, at the General :k C nioney has btcn ex:a,:fined by said otlictr or i bureau, deputy thereof, r,r clerk ticrein, or other officer ~ Drug 1)epartmeut i n the grounds of Bellevue Hospital, 6 anu f unit to be correct. All such J, posits, except rf the (:olporation, is directly` or in ire tly interested East rsventy--ixth street, east of First a%en,le, and are

_,t of the successful bidder, oia be returned to the therein, or in the supplies or murk to wvhicu it zclates, to be delivered in such g•:anotiss and at such times as - ,ans making the same within three day- alter the or in any portion of the pruhts thereof. The bid or esti- may be required.

: r r et is au-n:ded. It th -rccssstol bidder shall re- mate must be verified by he ,)ath, in writing, of the I The qu lit}r of f/re Ffnsf ital Subf ties ,n ust conform _ or nitg:ec t, wit:-.iu five days of Cr notice that the pan}' or parties making tine e=um.rte, that [hr several in eve ~~ respect to the speci/ka'Io,z, and scrnr¢trs, cruet tract has been aw'ardcd to him, to execute the same, m. stated therein are in all respects true, \ here I b1 /der,, are cautioned to exah,ijraC both .pccrlicaelon,

,mo::nt cf the depo,n made by him _hall b, forfeited more th..n one per-,in is Interested it is requisite th.,t the azzrl sa nzf era the art/tics required before nra ink• • „rd be retained by tile sfly ut Aew , ork as liquidated venficat~on be made and subscribed by all the parties lI tke.~r est Iles a-s, :rages fir sit [I ue!_lect or re.usal ; LOT if he shall ilacre,ted.

..cute the contract within the time aforesaid the Bidders will state the price for each article, by which

-C, runt vi 'm> d<posit will be leturnd to him. Fach bid or estimate shall be accompanied Irecd by the the bids will be te'tr d.

':uuid the person or persons to whom ;he contract the Cnt, in to

New o_ t two householders or freeholder; in fHt E,)EJ E OF Pt -uLlc CHARIr[ES RESERVES THE

the Coy ,f New' Y „rk, w't.h their cespectiv places Of RIGI[1' TO i,EJEcr ALL n1US OR CSIINIATES IF DEEMED Ito may be awarueci neglect in relus:: to acce5t the cr.rtraot business ur residence, to the effect that if the a ntract •.1- i thin fi%c dams alter s rQten notice that the s.,mb his 6E FOR TER Pl"BL.0 I S OF z8E AS tAOVluFD t~ sECn O~

ii, Cr, awarded u, his or their bid or proposal, or it he or be awarded to tge o awa m king the a oundtc , they bq, No

bi d ER q ti .rtws OF reEa.

I ,:y ac,_ ept but do not execute the cco,nact and ,`ive .

rein will' es its being sn awarded, become Louth as his \o bid ur estimate will be accepted from or contract

., proper security, he or they shall be considered as sureties for its Ctihlftt ocnert hes a and that if he poration to any person who is in arrears to the Cor-,vt„g abanduneo it and a; in dedauit to the Cerpura- `hall omit or refuse to execute the same, they -hall pay , pore tion upon debt or contract, or who is a to he C, as

.' n, ,ii d the contract will be readsertised and relet as to the Corporation any difference between the sum to I surety or otherwise, upon any obligation to the Cor-

wkich he would be (-nulled un its completion and that oration. sided by I w. P I riders 5+ILI write out the amount of their estimates pmb rse the Co rp sns to

may he ntracd to pay to the I The award of thecontract ill be made as soon as

:Iddiuon to inserting the same In figures. ~~ person or persons to wh m .he contract in s be award- practicable after the opening of the bids.

J'ayroent s4 ii we made by a requisition on the Comp- ' ed at any' subsequent leuing; the amount In each caws to Delivery writ be ritctuhcd to be made from time to

ter, iu accordance w it n the term, of the contract, be cutmhathe upon the estimated amoula laf the work time, and in such rs,quanniles as may

for directed by the

1 he form of the cunt act, specihca lions, :md by `which the bids are accompanied d, 1'he consent above men- said Commissioners, or be provided for by the specifica.

} Iii ink the manner of ;saymeoL, ecru be uss;amsd at the uuned shall lie each tiro p by the o-+th or same ti m. non.

1- ..e of the

t\. etar„ :Q1, architect, N. s. ,cr -lob Eible I In writing, of each of the persons signing the same teat Any bidder for this contract must be known to he

it mss, 15ese Yolk City, and bidders are cautioned to . he is a householder or freeholder in the City of New engaged in and well prepared for the business, and must

..:.mine ea'h and all iii their trovis-iere careful.), a, . f ork, and is worth the amount of the security required have satisfactory town metal, to that effect, and the

.•_ Bo;,r,l of Pubnc it thee. x,l! Insist upon their for the completion of this contract, over am.l above person or persons to whom the contract may b.: awarded

-rrluie enfun.ement in cvor}' particelar. all is debts of el cry nature, and aver and above his will be required to give security for the performance of

L)n. hi LPHI.N n111TH, President; JOHN P. liabilities as ball, surety or of i:erwise, and that he the contract by ht; or their bond, with two sufficient

:-\URE,:Ind J MEs C. U'HEIR1L,Cornmi,,i:,ners, t' a ntered himself as a surety in good tabth and with ! sureties, each in the penal amount of filly (5u) per cent, of

the intention to execute the bond rcgnired by section to r the bid for each article L.partmcut of Public L:harities, of chapter 7 of the Revised Ordinances of the City of r.ach bid or estimate shall contain and state

New York, if the contract shall be awarded to the per- : the name and place of residence of each of TROYO>: l.'s FUk f l ea TONS OF FRESH ill IN I sera or persons for whim he Consents to become surety, :. the persons making the mitre, the names of all

pOORA~H NC'! COAL FOR 1'HE OC1'- 1 the adcgoaeyandsurhriency of the security offered to ' persons intere,teI w ith him or them therein, and if

DOOR POUR. I beapprovedbytheCuntptrollerofthe City of New York. no other person be so interestei, it shall distinctly ROPUn, SEALED AND INDORSED AS r No bid or estimate ii iii be considered unless accum- ! state that fact ; also that it is made without any con.

above, will be received by the Board of Punt. Inc panleo by either a certified check upon one of the nectlon with any other pers in making an estimate for C haritles, :,t their office, until to o'clock A. at of I hurl- i State or National banks of the City of New York, the same purpose, and is in all respects lair and with- day, December 30, 1697, at whirl; time they w.11 be i drawn to the order of the Comptroller, or money out collusion or fraud, and that no member of toe Com-pubiicly opeuert and red by the President .,( said Beard, to the amount of five per enntum of the amount of Orion Council, hea 1 of a department, chief of a It reau, or his aut, .orfzed ages. t, for TIIREE THOC.-AND ' the secunty required for the faithful performance of deputy thereof or clerk therein, or other officer of the

acci ' t). 'rt).n , Fres,, Aimed Vi hit, Ash .sot L oai, iii the contract. Such check or money must NOT be Corpor.aiun, is elIrsetl , or indirectly iutcrested therein,

trait best qu.',ity, each tun to c.,nsrst of :u-o thousand in^lewd in the sealed envelope containing the estimate, I or in the supplies or work to which it relcrtes• or iu any hound” t. be well sere,-ncd, a it to be ae,iz'ered in the but most be handed to The officer or clerk of the Lie- portion of the profits thereof. The bid or estimate must be I. zot and tees: sine srruth of Lglnty Jauct,r strr et, to be partnient who has charge of inc estimate-box, and no verified by the oath, in writing, of the party nr parties -deject to such Inspection a- the t..omtuissioners may estimate can be deposited m said box until such check making the estimate, that the several matters stated d, rent, and to meet their approval as to ire, or money has been exanuneo by said officer or clerk therein are in all respects true. Where more than one

I uantity time and manner of delivery in every rest_est. and found to be corrr:ct. All such leposits, except person is interested it is requisite that the verification the award „t to e contract w'i.1 be made os soon as I that of the successful bidder, will be returned to the I be made and subscribed by all the D.,rlies interested,

practicable xtter the r,p•.~nmg of tire bids. persons making the saute within three lays after the Each bid Or estimate s•rall be accompanied by the con. No ploposal ,i, ill be,onsidcr eel unless accomp;miv:d by • contract is awarded. If the suctessi a I udder shall refuse I sent, in it riling, of two householders or freehold"rs in

the couscnt, in w'ri,ing, of two houscuolders or free- ' or ne_lect within five days after notice that the contract the City of New York, with their respective places of holders of the Ci.y of row Turk, ss-nh their re p-crave I hrrs been awar• ed to him, to execute the same, the business or residence, to the effect that if the contract p1 tee- of business or residene<, to the effect that it the amount ,,f the deposit made by him shall be torlotted to be awarded to the person making the estimate, they contract be au ardeu tinder that Pr,posal, they will, on ' and retained by the City of New \ orb as liquidated will, on its being so awarder!, become bound as his its Laing so awarded, i,ecome bound a; sureties in I damages for such neglect or refusal ; but if he shall exe- sureties for i s faithful performance, and that if he T1VELVE THOLSAND za,rw.j l.OELARs each, for cute the contrast within ine time aforesaid, the amount shall omit or refuse t , execute the same, they will pay its f ithlul peirrrot.'nce, whlcn cnsent must be verified of his deposit will be returned to him. to the Corporation any difference between the sum to by the justification of of the persons signing the Should the person or persons to wh ,m the contract which lie would be entitled on its completion and that same for double the amount of surety requin:d, the may be awarded neglect or refuse to accept the contract which the Corporation may be obliged to pay to the per. adequ icy and sufficiency of such security to be approved within five days after wri.ten notice that the same has son or persons to whom the contract may be awarded by the L-omptrod..-r. been awarded to his ortbelr bid or proposal, or if he or at any subsequent letting ; the amount in each case to be - Ao bid or e,tiuElle is ill b., reo:' ec I:.r crn:vd! red on. they .;cceut but do not execute the contract and give the calculated upon the estimated amount of the supplies

4S i6

by which the bids are tested. The consent ahnve men-tioned shall be accompanied by the oath or alGrma-tion, in writing, of each of the persons signing the same, that he is a householder or l: eehuldcr in the City of New York and is worth the amount of the security required for the completion of this cuntr. ,ct, over and above all his debts of every n:lture, and over and ahuve his liabili-ties as bail, surety or otherwise, and that lie has offered himself as it surety in good faith and wuh the intention to execute the bond require,I by section tz of chapter 7 of the Revised Ordinances of the City of New 1' orb, if the contract shall be awarded to th, person or persons for whom he consents to hecomo surety. The ade-qutcy and sufficiency of the security offered is to be approved by the Comptroller of the City of New York.

No hid - or estimate will be considered unless accompanied by either a certified check upon one of the State or National banks of the City of New' York, drawn to the order of the Comptroller, or mangy to the amount of five per centum of the amoturt if the security required for the faithful perform-ance of the contract. Such check or money must yo r he inclo-eel in the sealed envelope containing the c,!,- m.tte, but must be handed to the officer or clerk of tip.; Depai tment Who has charge of the estimate-box, aril no estimate can be deposited in said box until such check or money has been examined by said Officer or clerk and found to be correct. All such deposits, exe.'pt that of the successful bidder, will ue returned to the persons making the same within three days after the contract is awarded. If the successful bidder shall rc-fuse or neglect, within use day, after notice that t lie contract has been awarded to him, to execute the sonic, the amount of the deposit made by him shall be forki toil to and retained by the C,ty of New \-ork as Jiquid:Hed danlages fur such neg,cct or refusal ; but it he sit execute the contract within the time aforesaid the amount of his deposit will Le returned to him.

Should the person or persons to whom the Contrsrt may be awarded neglect or refuse to accept the contcn:L within live days after written notice that the same In it been awarded to his or their bid or proposal, or if he sir they accept but do not execute the contract and give the proper security, he or they shall be consideredas have., .th:utdoned it anti as in default to the Cort,oration, and the contract will be rcadvertised and relet, as proviLl i by law.

P.q•nient will he made by a reqekmieu on the Comp-troller, in accordance with the terms of the contract. .,r from time to time, as the C mmis,iuners to ry dcterminr.

T/re frn•ut of flee contract, fu, /it ntcrg s/beg/iirt +r and shrvzvin;' the nra,urer r/ p,ryntrnt, can be oat,: t , at the of/ice of the General Boolekee,er and Audii,a. A'o. 66 1yxin? a✓euue', clod Llrtdeec are caatmo' / Cr exaruiue sac/r rend alt of its I$ra, /s,ans ra rrfreltr, a the• b'o,rrd of Pub/ic Gbaritiec euill besot upon ilo „t•.ro- lute en/r,r4.crarrnl iu ,'f' ,•,}' fox, Yicu ,e).

his. S'l'ET'NEs yAII I'll, Proadent ; JOHN ]'. FAURE and JA\ll{S 1i.U'$EIRNE, Como+isstoros, Department of Public Chanties.

DEI'.\RT;rEVT of CtiARITtES, Ncr, 66 Tnu:u AN EtfE, NEw Yoluc, December 24, 1897.


REQUIRED FOR ADI)TlOiN TO (;ENEIR:AI, DRUG ll},l'ARISIhN-I' I(I ill•. ERICT Eli 1?V' i;l )uN ,Z Ot hEl,l.l.A LE HUSPI'1'.iL,

SE.\IsF;D PlliS OR idil'IMA'T'FN FOR 'I'11L'. ;tulle' ai 1 work and ImurIrt,tl,, nit n -.,ntunce iiItb

the spccincatzop, and pl.tns, ,.-ill ire re l at the' oils. of the Dr'1arimeit if Public Charities, Nu. 66 '1hirl avenue, in the City of Ncw Yore, until Frid.+y, J.u,-uary 7, t8g5, until to n' uck •„ tin. The person ur 1,': r- sons making any bid or~estintate shall furnish the s. nine' in a sealed emc6,pr., indorsed '' flit in I'Stinz:uc :„r Tifateri:ds and \1 ork Re um rod for Addition to 0,.- ee 11 Drug Dcpartmrnt to be Ercc;ed on Ground- Belles ire Hospital," and with his or their mime „r names, al,d rite date at prose,.tatiou, to the head of -.,t )epurtment, .it the said udicit s un or before the .Lrp

and boar above maned, at which ime and place the bids ur esl inlates re:eis eel will ire publicly opened I the l'restdeut of said Defartmcnt al;d read.

I'm F Et1A1tD OF Pl'lBlsk (,HA I, ITIY:S [['SERVES T I tit Rtt;H l' "t0 REJECT ALL l:lD' nit F.\Tl\lAlES IF OcE i1t, Ti, BF FOR 1HE 1 'COLIC in CREST, .AS PROVIDED IN Tlot 64, CHAPTER 410, Laws nF 1882

No Lid ur estimate will be accepted front, or contract aw:,rdcd to, any person who is in arrears to the Cor-poration upon debt or contract, or who is a defaiiicI-, as surely or otherwise, upon any obligation to the C Irporatixn.

'l'he award of the contract will be made as soon is practic.,b!e after the openin, of the bid;,

Any bidder for this contract must be known to be iii-gaged aged zn and well prepared for the business, and run-t have sitisfacto y testimonials to that effect, and the person Cr persons to whom the contract may be awanlcd Will be required to give security fur the performance of the contract, by his or their bond, with two ,uffn.n, it urctics, each in the penal amount of EIGH I' '1'HOU-

SaND 15,000) DOLLARS. Filch bid or estimate hall contain and state the ru+nrc

and place of residence of each of the persons ntakin, the Same, the names of all persons interested with hint or them therein, and it no other person ,ee so interested It -ball di stir ctly state that fact ; also that it is made without :m}• connection with any other person m. eking an cst+-mate for the same purpose, an,l is in all respects fair and witherut collusion or fr.'ud, and that no member of the Common _Council, Head of a Department, Chief ut it Bureau, Deputy thereuforClerk t ereiu, orotherolii cer of the Corporation, is directly or indirectly interested therein, or iu the supplies or work to wnich it relate., air in any portion of the profits thereof. The bid or estr-mate must be verified by the oath, in writing, of the party or parties making the estimate, that the several matters stated therein are in ail respects true.Where more than one person is I terwted it is requisite that the VERIFICATION be made and subscnbeu by all the parties interested.

Each bid or estimate shall be accompanied by the consent, in writing, of two householders or freeholders m the City cf New York, with their respective places of business or restdenee, to the effect that if the contract on awarded to the person making the estimate, they will, on Its being so awarded, become bound as his sureties for its faithful performance ; and that it he shall omit or refuse to execute the same, they will pay to the Corporation any difference between the sum to which he would be entitled on it. completion and that which the Corporation way be obliged to pay to the person or p;-rsons to ,rhom the contract may oe awarded at any subsequent letting, the amount in each ca,e to be calculated upon the estimated amount of the supplies by which the bids are tested. Tire consent above mentioned shall be accompanied by the oath or afJirma-tlun, m writing, of each of the persons signing the same, that Leis a householder or freeholder to tine City of New York, and is worth the amount of the security required for the completion of this contract, over and above all his debts of every nature, and over and .,bur e his lia-bilities as bail, surety or otltcrw,s', and that he has offered himself as surety in good f.dth, and with the irsIeulioo to execute the bond required by section is of chapter 7 of the Revised Ordinances o, the City of New York, if the contract shall be awarded to the person or persons nor wttom he consents to become surety. 'the adequacy and sufficiency of the security offered is to be approved by the Comptroller of the City o New York.

No bid or estimate will be rec"ived or considered unless accompanied by either a certified check upon one of the State or National banks of the City of New York, drawn to the order of the Comptroller, or money to the amount of five per centum of the amount of the security required for the faithful performance of the contract. Such check or money must NOT be inclosed in the sealed envelope containing the estimate, but mist be handed to the officer or clerk of the Department who has charge of the estimate-box; and no estimate can be deposited in is lid box until such check or money has been examined by said officer or clerk and found to be correct. All such deposits, except

WEDNESDAY, Dl:q':NIoEB 29, 1897. THE CITY RECD. 4817

that of the successful bidder, will be returned to the per. +o„s making the same within three days after the con. tract is aw:rrded. If the successful bidder shall refuse or neglet t, within five day's after iii that the contract has been aw,urded to him, to execute the came, the amount of the deposit made by him shall be forfeited to and be retained by the City of New York its liquidated damages for surlt neglect or retus.(I; but if lie shall execute the I ontract within the time aforesaid the amount of his deposit will be returned to him.

Should the person or persons to whom the contract may be awarded neglect .:r refuse to accept the contract within five days otter written notice that the same has been awarded to his or their bid or proposal, or it he or they ac( ept but (!o not execute the cuntr pct and give the proper security, he or they shall be considered as having abandoned it and as in de,ault to the Corporation, and the contract will be raadvertised and relet, as provided by low.

I3idders will write out the amount of their estimates in addition to inserting the same in figures.

Payment will be made by a tequisttion on the Comp troller, in accordance with the terms of the cutnract.

' [lie furor of the contract, Including specifications, and showing ill a manner of payment, can be obtained Lit the office of Wlth,.is & Dickson, No. 5y bible House, New York City, and bidders are cautioned to examine each ana all of their provisions carefully, as the Board of Public Charities will iltsist upon their absolute enforce-ment to every partic, far.

DR. SIEPHEN SMITH, President: JOHN 1'. FAURE and JAMES R. O'BEIRNE, Commiasionels, Department of Public Charities.

Dp.PAt2TliuNT Co. PtnIII.IC CHAKIT(Es, No. 66 'lWRin ANEtvclx t New I'ocd, December t7, 1897.



SEALED P,IDS OR FS1IMA'1'EV FOR THE ~7 afore aid work :md material;, in accordance with the speciticatlons and plans, will Ile received at the office of the Department of Public Charities, No. s6 Thud avenue, in the C ty of New York, until Friday, Jan-uary 7, ,898, until to o'cL,ck A. 'a. 'T'he person or per. soils making any bid or estimate shall furnish the same in a sealed envelope, indorsed 1' Bid or Estimate for tl:rterials and \\bra Required for I'll cling and Sit el Ceilings at City Hospit.d, Lila' kwell's Island," and with his or their name or names, and the date of presentation, to the head of said Department, at the said office, on or before the day and hour above named, at which time and place the bids or estimates received will be publicly .opened by the President of said De artment and read.

'IHE BOARD OF PUBLIC CHARITIES RESERVES 'c n RIGHT TO itelEcT Alt. BIDS (II: EStitiATEs IF DEE11FI) 't0 11F: FOR THE ,UnLIC I,Yf'FREsT, As pii0vtt)uiI) IN SEC- .i ION 64, CH:vl' TEn 410. laws <,F 188z.

No bid or ectintate will be accepted from or contract awarded to any per-on who is in arrears to the Cor-poration upon debt or contract, or who is a defaulter, as surety or otherwise, upon any obligation to the Corporation.

'she award of the contract will be made as soon as practicable after the opening of the bids.

Any budder for this contract must be knc,wn to be engaged in and well prepared for the business, and must have satisfactory testimonials to that effect, and the per-con or persons to u' hem the contract may be awarded will be required to give security her the performance of the contract, by his or their bond, with two sun III dent sureties, each in the penal suet of E161IT THOU- SAND (Soon) DOLLARS. t

1•.ach Ltd or estimate shall contain and state the name and place of residence of each of the persons nicking the same, the names of alt persons interested with him or them therein, and it nu uthcr person be so interested it s'all distinctly state that fact ; also that it is made with-out any connection with any (other person making an es• tisiate for the same purpose and is in all respects fair and without collision or fraud, and that no member of tile Common Co utcil, head of a department, chief of a bureau, deputy thereof, or clerk therein, or other officer of the Corporation, is directll- or indirectly interested therein, or in the supplies or tvork to u hies it relates, or in any portion oh the profits thereof: 'the bid or estimate must be verified by the oath, in writing, of

the party or p:,r[iec makin;; the estimate that [he several matters stated therein are in all respects true. When nture thalt one person is interested it is requisite that [lie vCRli IC.AI tos be made and subscribed Ly all the parties interested.

Each bid or estimate snail be accompanied by the Cu nsrnt, in writing, of t cu householders or freeholders m the City in! Art: York, with their respective places of

bnsines, or r,_sidenueI to the effe I that it the contract be aw ar led to the person making the estintate, they will, un its being, so avlaided, become bound as his surclies fur its faithful performance, and that it he shall unfit or refuse to execute the s. ate, they e- 11h pay to the Cur-puration any. ctffcrenre hetu euti the suet to which he would be entitled on its completion and thut which the Corporation flinty Be obliged to to the person or persons to whom the conunct may be awarded at any subsequent luting, t. e amount in each case to be calcu-kited upon tltc estimated amount of the work by which the Lids tee tested. fine consent above mentioned shall ue accompanied by the oath or aflirma-tr„n, in writing, of each of the persons signing the same, that he is it lwueeholder or freeholder in the City of New York, and is burnt the amount of the security required for the completion of this contract over and above all his debts of every nature, and over and above hi, liabilities as bail, surety or otherwne, and that lie hits offered him-self as a sure ty in good tatt}t and with the intention to execute the bond required by section la Of chapter 7 of the Revised Ordinances of the City of New York, it the contract shall be awarded to [lie person or persons for whom he consents to become surety. 11,e adequacy and suificuency of the security offered Is to be approved by the Comptroller of the City of New York.

No bid or estimate will be receivert or con.-idered unless accoap.mlwi by either a Piet tilled check upon one of the State or National banks ,'t the City of New York, drawn to the order of the Comptroller, or money to the amount Of/'vi? per C, ntum of the amount of the security requ,red for the faithful perormance of the contrlct. Such check ur money must NOT be inch'sed in the sealed anvelupe comruiing the estimate, but mulct be hounded to the oftincr or clerk of the Department who teas charge of the estimate-box, and no esunniaoe can be deposited in soil box wail such check or money has been examined by said officer or clerk and found to be correct. Al such dcpnsrts, exc! pt that of the successful bidder, will be returned to the persons making the same within n uee days after the contract us- thy areleut, If the socec,sfol budder shall refuse or neglect, within five days after n, tic that the contract has been awarded to him, to execute the same, the amount of the deposit made by him shall tie forfeited to and retained by the City ut New York as liquidated damages for such neglect or refusal ; but if the shall execute the contract Si ithm the time aforesaid the amount of his deposit will be returned to hum.

Should the person or persons to whom the contract may be awarded neglect or refuse to accept the comoract within five day's after written notice that the name has been awarded to his or their bid or proposal, or it he or they accept but do not execute the contract and give the proper security, he or they shall be considered as having abandoned it and as in default to the Corporation, ane the contract will be readvertised and relet as provided

by law. Bidders willwrite out the amount of their estimates in

addition to inserting the same in figures. Payment will be made by a requisition on the Comp-

troller, in accordance with the terms of the contract. The form of the contract, Including specifications, and

showing the manner of payment, can be obtained at the office of Withers & Dick,on, 54 [bible House, New York City, and bidders are cautioned to examine each and all of their provisions carefully, as the Board. of

I 1'nblic Charities will insist upon their ab,u,lute cr.furce-umut in every particular.

ilk . SfKl- ln;N SMI'1'li. President: IO)HN P. FAURE, and IAiIIN [I, Commi,siuners, Department of Public Charities.

Dien en 'st-NT OF PI nu.te CHARITIES, No. 66 Tlitttu AvniNuv, New Y, nue, I let trubc•r 17, rby7.


RI,'OUIRl?U FOR h[X I':1VING AN11 rI-~l:RV Hi)USE l'O lit': h:kl':C'fl':U Al' Cl .%' 1-IllS-l'ITAI. LANDINIU, III.\CKWNNI.L'S lS1.ANii.

SEAI,1?U BIDS OR I';,I'I}hA-Pl?S FOR THE a1orccuid work and tsaterials, in acc-urdy.rice

with the specifications and plans uetll he I -ceived at the office of the Department of Public Charinec, No. 66 11 ird avenue, in th,- City of New York until Friday, January 7. i8g8, until to o'clock A. M. she person or persons making any bid or estimate sh:dl tarnish the same in a sealed envelope, indorsed " (Sid or nscimate for Material, and Work required for R,•cgiiving and Ferry House to bu errctecl at City H:.spi tal Landing, h2faekwef1's Island," and with his or their name or names, and the date of preseatatien, to the head of said Depart. ment, at the said office, on Sr before the day and hour above named, at which time :old place the bills or estimates received will be publicly opened by the Presi. dent of said T )epartnlent and read.

THE BOARD (IF Cus titES RBsievns THE RIGHT TO RFJIIC't' ALL BIDS OR MS'nI Si A'1ES IF IuttF.MED Tt) Iin FOR THHE 1'cn1.IC IN'rii REST, AS Ptt(1VII, till IN SECTION 64, cuAt'tg1< 410, Laws of x882.

No bid or estimate will be accepted from, or contract awarded to, any person who is in arrears to the Cor-poratiun upon debt or cantrccl, or who is a deLm1tcr, as surety or otherwise, upon any obligation to the Corpora. tion.

The award of the contract will be made as soon as practicable after the opening of the bids.

Any bidder for this contract must he known to be en-gaged in and well prepared 'ur the business, and must have sa1isftctory tnistinttooials to that effect, timid the per-son or per-nuns to whom the contract may lie awarded will be required to give security for t!Ie pr rformance of the contract, by Liz or their 6„nd, with two suite con surctics, each in the penal amount of FIVE Ii-i0 '-SAND (5,oua) UC)LLARs.

Fitch bid or estimate shall contain rind state the name and plats of residence of each if the persons making the rune, the on tiles of all persons interested with him or them therein, and if no other person be so int•restecf it shall distinct'.y state that fact ; also that it is made without any connection with any oth,:r person making an e•timate for the cam': plrporc and is in all respects Lair and without collu:,ion or, and that no men, her of the Comm ti Council, Head of a I)cpartment, Chief of a Bureau, Deputy tt:ereof, ur Clerk thereon, or other officer of the Curpor,rti,in, Is directly or indirectly inter-te-ted thereto, or in the supplies or work to which it relates or in any portion of the profits thereof. The bid or estimate must be verified by the oath, In writing of the party or parti.s making the cstl mate, thru the several matters stated therein are in all respects true. Where more than one person is iutorested, it is requisite that the vE:<u ]CATION be made and subscribed by all the parties interested.

Each bid or c,timate shall be accompanied by the con. sent, in writing, if two householders or freehelders in the City of Ne.v York, with their rrspcctive places of business or residence, to the eff ct that if the c,:mIaet be awarded to the persr,n making the estimate, they will, on Its being so awarded, become bound as lots sun-ties [or its faithful peifi,rniance, and that if he shall menit or refuse to execute the same they will pay to the Corporation any difference between tile Bunt io which he would be entitled on its completion and that which the Corporation arty be obliged to pay to the per-son or persons to v: hom the contract may be awarded at

' suI .e ucnt felting, the amount in each case to be an} ) q mg n t, calculated olio the •stimat, d amount of the walk In Inc which the bids are n,>ted. Tile consent abuse mentiuued shall be accoutpanierl by the oath or atfmruta-tlon, in writinu4, of carh of the persons stgnitlg the some that he is it househ„lifer or free holder in the City of New York and is worth the aulaunt of the security required for the comp letion of this contract, ovrr and above all his debts of every inure, and ,.over and above his li:rbili-tics as bail, surety or othcrtvise, tell that he hats offered himself as a surety in good faith and with the intention to execute the bond required by .section 12 of chapter 7 ul the Revised OIL of the City of New Yu,re, it the contract shall be awarded to the pers-,n or persons for wh, no he consents to become surety. The adequacy and sitflictency nt the security offered is to he approved by the Comptroller of the City of New York.

Na bid or estimate %till be received or considered unless accompanied by either a certified check upon one of the State or National banks of the City of New York, drawn to the order of the Comptroller, or money to the amount of five per centum nt the amount of the security required for the faithful performance of the contract. Such chuck or money must Nor be inclosed in the sealed envelope Containing the estimate, but must lie hanged to the officer or clerk ,it the Department who has charge of the estimate-box, and no estimate can be deposited in said Lox until such check or money has been examined by said officer or clerk and found to be correct. All such deposits, except that of the successful bidder, will be returned to the persons making the s.,me Within three days aiter the contract is awarded. If the successful bidder shall refuse or neglect, within five days after notice that the contract has been awarded to him, to execute the same, the amount of the deposit made by him shall be forfeited to and be retained by the City of New York as liquidated damages for such neglect or refusal, but it he shall execute the contract within the time aforesaid the amount of his deposit will be returned to him.

Should the person or persons to whom the contract may Inc awarded neglect or refuse to a_cept the contract w-,thin five days after written notice tl-at tine Saone has been awarded to his or their bid or proposal, or if lie or they accept but do not execute the contract and give the proper security', lie or they shall be considered as h.:ving ab.mduned it and a, in default to the Corpora. tion, and the contract will be rcadvertised and lelet as provided by taw.

Bidders will write out the amount of their estimates in addition to inserting the same in figures.

Payment will be made by a requieitiun on the Comp-truller, in accordance with the terms of the contract.

The form of the contract, including specifications, and showing the manner of payment, can be obtained at the t-ffice of Wither, A L)ICksun, 54 Bible House New l urk City. and bid-hers are cantio a ed to examine each :mid all of their provisions carefully, as the Board of Public Charities w 11 insist upon their absolute enforcement in every pathcuhar.

Du. STEI'HEN S'iil'H. President; JOHN P. FAURE, :Lid JAMES R. O'IIEIRNE, Commissioners, Department of Public Chant es.

DEPARTMENT OF CORRECTION. NEW Yur. lc, December 17, 1897.

PROPOSALS FOR 3.000 POUN1>S, MORE OR less of C- npyessed Yeast. Sealed bids or estT

elates for furnishing a•-d ucliveriug, tree of all expense, at the L' ,kehuuse, It ackw.:il's Island, Contpres;ed Yeast. Ihds will be receved at the office of the Department of Correction, No. ry8 East Twentieth street, until We.ltmes- day, December aq, 1897, at to o'clock A. +L, the said Yeast to be delivered as tequtred during the year r8)8.

the person or persons Looking any but or estimate shal1 furnish the souk in a sealed envelope, indorsed " Bid or Estimate for Yea=t," and with his or their name or natues, and the date of fl resentatiun, to the head of said Department, at tine said office, on or be.ore the duy and hour above named, at which time :md place the bids or estimates received will be publicly opened by the Commissioner, or his duly authorized agent, and read.


1•:511.11.\ 1' I:s 11. OFFMIs11 1'I 1:1;: Ii of '1111•: Vfiff.Ic IA7-P.RpsY, AS I'Itt,t'In1. l) IN so',(I' I„\ (If,t:11 :\1'11•:12 4,n, LAWS (IF 1881.

Nn bid or esl imate Ii ill be accepted from, , r contract awarded to, any person who is in arrcam. to the Cnmr-poratiuin upon debt ur en ntr.Ict, or who is a doLlulter, :is Sort -Iy ur ul lie inc use, upon Lilly obligation to the Corpor.(tion.

The award of the contract Will be made as soon as practic:dd I.:ultn r fit opening of the bids.

U, livery will be required to be mach from tine to time.,urd in >u,.h quantities as may be directed by the said CoMiiimssnon, r.

,\ny bidder for this contract must be known to Inc engaged in and wvfl prepared for the business, and must hate satisfactory testimonials to that effect, and the ersnn ur ,sesuns to who p 1 m t I le contract may no awarded

will be required to give security for :h,: per h,rnn ace ut the'act, by his or their hand, with two sufficient surt2ies, each In the penal amount of fifty o) per cun1. of the hid for eetrh to-itelg,

Each bid ur estimate .;hall cpntani and state the names and phcreoi r, s:dence of each of the persons iltaking the canine, the names of all persons mniterIstcd with hint or them therein, and It no other person be so interested it Shull di,tiue1Iy state that fact ; :,Ise that it is made without any connection with any other person nicking an esti-ma'e for the same purpose and io is all rc+nec,, fair and without c„Ilu-ion or fraurl, and that no member of the Conunon Covucil, Head of it I )eparttneet, Chief of a L'ureau, Deputy thereof or Clerk therein, or other officer of the Corporation, is direct fv or indirectly interested therein, or in, the supplies or work to which it relates, or in any parlion of the profits thereof. The bid or csti-mate must be verified by the Oath, in writing, of the party or parties making the estimate, that the several natters stated therein are in all respects true. Where more than one person is interested it is requsite that the rEicrteCTlm be made and subscribed by all the parties interested,

Each hid or estimate shall be accompanied by the consent, In writing, of two house ),elders or frechuhulers, or trust or security comlgy'nnics, in the City of New York, with tf,eir respective placcs of business or residence, to tile effect that if the contract Inc awarded to the peers. in making the estimate, tltry will, on its ocin„ s., a•.varded, Leconte bound as his sit - tics for its f iithful perforni.mce, and that if he shall unlit or to uxccute the same, they will pay to the Cnrporttion any difference between the sum to which he would be entitled on it, completion and that which the Curpuratiunn may be u,bligvd to pay to the per-sot. or persons to whom the contr.,ct may be awarded at any sulisrquent letting, the amount in each case to be calcul.,ted upon the e-utlmated amount of the sup-plies by which the bids are tested. flue Cun;eni abot e nientiuuied shall be :accompanied by the oath or affirmation, iii writing, of each of the per<ons.sigrm;t, the same, that he is a householder or freeholder in the City of New fork, and is u arts the amuuut of the security- Fe-quired for thee topletion of this um tract, over and abo ve nil his debts of o'er}' nature, and over and ob"vu his lia-bilities a; bail, surety or otherwise•, and that inc has offered himself a., a surety in good frith, and with the Intention to execute the bond required by section rz of chapter 7 of the Revis, d IIrdina.lces of the (pity of New York, if the contract shall be awarrimd to the person or persons for whom he c„nsents to become surety. The adequ icy and sufficiency of the security cffered is to h, approved by the Cnmotroller of the City of New York,

No bid or estimate mutt he considered unless accompanied by either a certified check upon one of the State or National banks of the City nt New fork, drtwu t, the cr,lcr of the Cumptruller, or money to the amount of five per ucutum of the :unnuut of the s,'curity required for the faithful perform-unce,itthecontract. Such check or money must vuT be inclosed in tile seale'l envelope containing the a-ti-mate, but must be handed to the ollicer ur clerk of the Department who has charge of the estimate-box, and Ito estimate can be deposited in s:(icl hex until such check or money has bc•en examined by said officer or , clerk and found to lie correct. All such dupo;u>, except that at the successlut bidder, wl1I be rclurued to the persons making the same within three clays after the cuutract is awardecl. It the successful bidder shall ro-fttse ur ueglect, within live d,ys after notice that the co)ur'ct has been awarded to hilts, to exeaoe the saute, I the aniount of the depo-it mode uy him shall !,c turfett--d to and be retained by the City of New York as liqui-d:lted damages for such nv lect ur rcfusall : but if Ile shall execute the contract within the time aforesaid the amount nil u f It deposit osit trill be returedto him. i

,ibutdd the person or persons to whout the contract I may be :(warded neglect or re use to accepi. the contract I within tine dot'- after written untidy that the same has been awarded to his or their bid or propos<d, or it hi or they ac.:ept butt do not xecute the contract and give mite proper security, be or they trill be considered as having absmdeimoci it and as in detau!t to the Corporation, and I the c"utract will be readvertised and relet, as provided by law.

7%ne anality of (Tic I cast uncut corr/n» in in every res,6,'rt to t/ze s,uufies o/ fire s,c)ue' on ex/tr/'r!/nu at the ofice of the said De,6arlurcvrt, Bidders are cautioned to examine 1/it' stecifie,mia,is be particulars of tke 1 east, rir., IrguiIenI1•c/ore urak':'Or tkeir estiueabs.

[bidders will write out the amount of their estimates a ition o iumcernfing the s:ulle in figures. I in dd t c Payment will he made by a requi-icon on the Comp-

troher in accordance with the terms of the contract, or from time to time, as the Commissioner my, determine.

The form of the contract, includingg sae iii ations, aria ' showing the m:muccurl paymem, iviit he furnished at the ollice of the I cepartntcuut, and bidders are ca honed to examine each and all of its provisions carefully, as the CunnuntI,s.nner of the Depart.uent of Correction trill insist upon its absolute cufuroclnant in every particul!ir.

ROBLhi' I. A1-1.rlt;III, Ce,itlmsyi:mer, llcfnuetine-nut of Gurru_Liun - -- --- --

STREET CLEANING DEPT. lJu:ittu u rio, ui r `IxI,F-1 1,miriN1A6t )

Nut:v1omcd LIFE IicH.U1xl., (`

No. 3,6 Ii1tosUwA1'. )



opes and indorsed with tile name a,,ct address of the person or persons making the same, and the d lie of presentation, and a otau'mea of the work and supplies to which they relite, will be received at the office of the Department of Street Cleaning, New York Lit: B'uil'd. ing, No. 346 Broadway, in tile City of New \'ou k, until ra o'clock it. of h ednes lay, the twelfth day of J.m-nary, r. qi, at which time and place the estmtates will be opened and read for the furni-hiug and I dclivr-ry of

905,0..0 pounds Hay, of the quality and standard known as Nest Prime Hay.

77,0)0 pounds good, clean, long Rye Straw. it 025,0ew p.,unds clean No. r W. ite Clipped Onts, to

be bright, sound, well c,eaned, Lend rea-una ,ly free tram other is.on, weighing not lass than 36 pounds to the me., sured bushel

ae,,00m, pounds first quality [Iran. 3, oo p10 mm first quality Coars Silt. 8,ocu pounds first quauty Rob Salt. z,5o., ponds first quality Oil Mead. t58,000 pounds first quality green Pine-needle Bed-

ding, free train chaff. The person or persons to whom the contract may be

awarded will be required to execute such contract within five days from the chute of the receipt of notice to that effect, and in ca-c of failure or neglect so to do, he or they will be considered as having aha.iduned such contract and as in default to the Corporation, w'here-upon the Commissioner of Street Cleauwt; will readver-tise and relet the work, and so on till the contract be accepted and executed.

Bidders are required to state in their csumate, under oath, the names and places of residence, the

names of all persons interested with thelu therein, and If nn other person lie so interested they shall eliti mythp state the fact ; also. that It is made; witeuut any connection with any other p -rann rn.(k-int any bid or estimate for the above work or sup. ph,-., and that it is in all respects fair and without colht-ion ur li':uld ; and also that un member of the

I Cottonton t unncil, beau, r f it de i trimu'nt. chid of a but. nun, depots' thereof or cler!; threin, or other officer of the Cur p ,r.,tiun is i li achy <n- in .I ices I interested theroiu, ur in the supplies „r wu,rk to which it relates, nip In any portion of the pr-,fill thereof. Where mare

I than one per,on is filter-sled, it is raqulsite that the vcr1IiL,tinu uc m;Idc :old turn,-,, ribed by al, the parties interested. Fach estint.,te si,all al so be aca,mpa- uied by the coniucut, ,n writing, of two hnini-toh-uu-hi'rs or trcchoMi-ls of thin City at New York, rtirl/t 1/fir re-s/ective Places of Giiojomr or residcuce, or it gua:autee or surety company, duly aimttuurzect by law to act as surety, a- shall be .ausL,clory to the t 'u;uptrallei, to the effect that it the cmtract be awarded to the persin or persons making the estlm. Ic, they will unit its b'.-mg so: m g:,rA:d be,:ome hound as Iii, or their sureties for its faithful pomosumee in the em,ult of Ten Thousand Dollar, (-sauoe), and that if he or they shall omit or ref•,sc 'o execute the same they will pay to the City- of New York, any difference between the sum to winch he wrnHd lie entitled on its completion and that x'hich the City of New York may be obliged to pay to the person uc parsons to whom the cuntr.,ct may be subselueutly awarded. Tile euns.nt ahoy: nten-en,ncd shall be accompanied by the oath or alfiru,a-t1nun, in writing, ut each ,'t the person, signing; the same, that he is a householder ur Ire'-holder in the City of New fork, and is worth the amount of Ili', s..Curity require- for the coin pletiun of the contract, over and above all his debts-ii f every nature and ever and a/lte• /1/S h iL t/f/iecuts bit/i, aunty rrud nt/rrr'reise ; that he ha, offered himself as a surety in go ,d faith, and with an intenti,,n to cce':ute the bond required by late. The a iegttacy and sufricivmiey of the sureties ollcrcct shill be approved by time Comptroller.

l'he price mtut he written in the bid or e,ti mate, and alSun a stated in figures. perinistion will not be given by the withdrawal „f any bid „r c,tim:(te, and the right is expressly reserved by the Cummi siunerol- Street Clean-ing to reject all the Lids, if, in hi. 1u Ignt-nt, it be deem -d best for the interest of the City. NO bid will be accepted from or c,itti,t awarded to any lees u n who is in arrears to the Cutporatian upon debtor cunu-act, or who is a defaulter, as surety or otherwise, upon any obligut-tion to the i urporatioa.

t'uch bid or proposal Must be ctceornpanied by a certl-fied check on, one nt the State or Na ti anal banks of the .it ,

1 of N w 1, s -~•blc C t e tk, p }., to th: o.dur of the Com;,- troIler of saud city, for 1 ire ded >ull.trs (.e5 a), ..r money to that a:uount. On the acceptance of :ut}- ir,J, the checks or money of the an meepted I 'id_ion's tvil I hu reulrned to titcnil, and tl pan the uxe atiou of thy, c tin. trnet the u lock or money of the accepted bidder will be returned to hint.

All bids must be made with reference to the form of , ontrice and the requirements thereat r,n file at the Department of Street Cleauiutg, or they will be rt-jected.

The form nut the tdgreen1elh will' spocificatiune , s nude -mg flit nt.rrner o1pacnnent ton the articles, ni,ty be seen, a.ud turns of proposals nt.ty be obtained at the odic „f the Department.

CUAlyll-.-IONER OF SPREE'(' CLEANINI;. Dated New Y tire, t8q .

Du:PteTxinr of Srnct-r Ct.r..ixlxo, NEtt- Senn; LIFE lieuu.u,I.-.G, v u. 546 l;bu,.su,, .sr.

TO CfiN'I'R.AC I IllS. PROI-(fSAT.S FUR I;Sfh1l:ATE- FOR ,1 Rili-l.lSl-

DISPOSAL PL:1N I' IN '1•HE YARII U1. 7'lll-; DEI'\R1'.\LFxT OF s-1 R1•:I_I' CLE1\I tat;, N,s..Ic-f,41.,qrz,.tr4,416F:-AS1'FO1:IV-EICCHI'll siRh:l!T, IN hill-. LIT\" OF NEW \ORE.

BII ,S t)R 1;SlTy2Al:F,S [FOR PREPARING Ft)R and constntcling buddm,-, furnace end nitchmery'

complete for it refuse disposal plait in the yard of inn: I).: Pat[inenr of otreet l,aemin_„ No;. 403, 4,0. 4i0, 414, 4r6 I':a-t Forty-uigiutln street In the l: lt}• -d New York, well Us ruI ;deed by the Com,uis,i me - of litre .t Cleanm.; Lit the onic: of Saul Il-,partnt•ant, in the Nov, Y irk Life Building, No. 46 Y,ru_tdwt.y, in, the Cite o New Yurk, until Frid ay, rue me it., the ;,it clay ut Dscemi)er, r3:-n, at which time and place tee bids ,,r estiw,teo will publicly opened .,y, nit-c head if slid D.:p.(rtm-ant. Tlr. award of the con'ract, it :n•:.trded, Will ,e made as ,into as pectic l)Ie rift r th,. opening of the bids.

N. It - Inn Bard ,If Lstimat'e and AUportionment, by a re-uiution ode, ii'ii tlto 16th day of 4 htctn'',cr, m If ) 7, aotl,ouzcd the issue of bonds to an amount not to :c-'eed n-e tn ty-tvu thou-and lzloul:) ,h,I ur-, fur payment, c for the work uudcr the such contract, .o,d bid, in ex c.s of the (b ive-menti.,ncd amuumut will, tteroture, not Ir- outitled to lie received.

Any' uerson mal<fng a bid or estimate for the work :hall Ihrni,h the s:une''n the form, q)plied by this De-firtutinc'nt to to scaled envel 'pa to said Conm uliosi 'ner ,f Street l; heauinuR, at >:dd uffi, c, o or before the ci y :,ud hour uLuve named, which envel,pe shall be ind:rsed with tine name or name of the person or person. fire-senti In the same, the dune of its presentation, an(l a statemecI of the work to which it relates.

I lie bidder to wh ,m the award is made shall t;iv'c security fur th - faithful perfornt:mc: of the Contract It the mtoner pr,.scribed ai:d rey lined by ordinance in the sum of Twelve flu . ,usund (ta,ot.oj Dollars.

The work to be done under the co tract is to be a ,nt-menced •.t mthin live clays after the date of execution •f the contract, :url all the work to be done under the o.u-tract is to Inc fully c tin ,dctcd tcithun live cal _n,inr months from the date of said nine thou of this es,nuc;;t, or With in such further tinge :r may be a,lutr ed by Lite Cocomisslum r of Street Cleaning for -uch p.:rformaoce and completion, and the dun 4cs to be pail by the cun-tractor for each day thal the cuntr:,ct may be unfulfi;lcd after the tim_ fixed for the fulfillment thereof has expired, arc, by a clause in the contract, d_termincd, fixed and liquidated at Ffty Doll .r, p r day.

Bidders will state in their ne an.itcs it price for the whole of the work to be dune in conformity with the approved form of agreene it and the specifications therein s-t forth, by which price the bids will be te-ted. 'lines price is to cuter all expo -e.; of every kind involved in or incidental to the fulfillment of the contract, in-cluding any claim t.,at play ari-e through ni day, from any c.ulse, in the perforaun, of the work thereunder, or any ctahn for the right to toe the rent any potent- right. The ateard oh the cuntract, if awanlcd, Will be mane to the b,d, ier who is the lowest for doing the whole of the work, and whose estimate is regular it all respects.

The bidder to whom the contract sh:(ll be awarded shall, on or before the execution of tire s-ud contract, executee a good and ,ufflcien license or permission, of a fora, lu lie aCuvi (I ht- the Cu ucul to the Curpula,ion, to the 'May'ur, Aldermen and Comnto pally of the City of Nets York, to use in the construction of the work under Clue said contract and f„revc.•r afterward, as a part of said refuse disposal plant and nmacuinery in said yard in any and all patent-ri,gbt, ingem',ed in, said ,vork.

B:ddnirs will drstiec:iy wrvc out, bosh fit words and in figure-, the amount of their v-i irclrtes for the work.

The person or persons to whom the I ontract may be awarded will be required to execute the contract within five days from the date of toe receipt ofa notice to that effect ; a id, in case at failure or ue,lect so to do, he or they will be i-ousid_red to having abandond it, and as in fl fault to the Corporattou ; and the contract will be realvertised an, rebut, and so on until it be accepted and executed.

Lli,ider; are required tin state in their estimates their nant-s and places of residence, the names of all persons interested with ti-rein I 1erc:in, and if no other persm be so interested the estimate ,hill! distinctly state the fact; also, that tie estimate is made wit'auut ally connection with any other person or persons making an estimate for the same purpose, and is in all respects fair and wuhout collusion or fraud, and also that no nember of the Cotonou Cuuneit, head of a department, chi--f of a bureau, deputy ther,,of, or clerk therein, or a,,}' tiller eR-cu r or -niploree of the Cerpor.tioo of the City of New York or any of its departments, is directly

..~8i8 THE CITY RECORD. W1r1NESUnv, DECEMBER 20, 1897.

udirectly Interested in the estim:Ue, or in the I five days from the date of the receipt of a notice to that 'Phis price is to rover all expenses of ever}• kind in Wedu csda}•, I}ecember 29, 1897, at which place and :di. sor work t,+ which it retctes or in any portion of effect ; and in ca.e of failure or neglect so u+ do, he or I volved in or incidental to the fulfillmetu ,d the contract, time they will be publicly opened by said Commissioner I+robts thereof. which estimate must by verified 1i 'r they' will be considered as having abandoned it, and as I includ inz any claim that may Iri,• through delay. from and read. ath, in writin , of the party making the esumatc, in det+ult to the ('orpnratten ; and the contract will tie s any cause, in th,• performing of the work thereunder, or Any person n, ak in 4 an estimate for furnishing the e:ts

•.the several matters stated therein are in all respects rend rertised and refit, and soon until it be accepted and I

ane claim for the right to u;c' therein any pitent-right. or other material shall itti bullish the some in a seal+,) I .+ \V litre more than one person is interested, it is executed. File bidder to whom the a nt rail shall lie awarded envelope, indorsed " E,timate far (ttrnishing the Illu-

- lisite that the verification he made and subscribed Bidders are required to state in their estimates, I

shall, on or before the execution of the said contra, t, urinating 11i atonal for, and I.ightmg, F xtmguishing, Hv all the oa,tie- interested. their names and places of residence, the names of all execute a good and sufficient license or permisann, of :t Cleaning, Repairiuganti Maintaining the Public Lamps;' In +ase a hid *hall be ,unmittcd by or in behalf of any persons interested with them therein. and it no other

I form to he approved Uy the Counsel to the Corpr-ration, and :my person making an estimate for furnishing,

r p,. rate n, it must be signed in the name of such cor- person lie so interested, the estimate shall distinctly to the Mayor, Aldermen and Ct mm nally of the City operating and maintaining electric lamps shall furnish I ration by some July authorized officer or agent there- state the fact ; also that the estimate is made without of New Work, to use in the construction of the work, the same in a sealed envelope, indoriad " E,tirrate fir

It ho shall also subscribe his own name and office. If any connection with any other person or persons making I under the said contract and forever aft+ rwartls, as a part Furnishing, Operating and Maintaining Electric Lamps," . +cticable, the seat of the corporation should also be an estimate for the •ame purpose, and is in :ill of said c+mve}•or at the toot of We't One Hundred and and also with the name of the person making the same

fair without collusion York, any and all and the date of its preservation.

, .ich estimate shall be accompanied b - the con- } also that Council. head patent right,invollvedt n saidwork~w• I g Bidders are required to state in their estimates their - t. in writing, of two householders or freeholders of a department, chief of a bureau, deputy thereof Bidders will distinctly write out, both in words and in names and places of residence, th,, names of all

he City of New York, with their respective places i or clerk therein, or :my other officer or employee of I figures, the amour t of their exit .ites for the work. persons interest d with them therein, ant if no other },usiuess or residence, or of a guaranty or surety ' the Corporation of the City of New 'sock ii any of The person or perons to whom the contract may be person be so interested they shall distinctly state mn:mc duly authorized by law to act as surely, to its d+-partments is directly or indirectly inter- I awarded will be required to execute the contract within the fact ; also, that it is made without any connection

effect that if the contract be awarded to the person ested in the estimate, or in the supplies or work to : five days from the date of the receipt of a notice to that with any other person making an estimate for the satin I - persons making the estimate, they will, upon its I which it relates, or in any portion of the profits thereof, effect, and in case of failure or neglect so to do, he or sttpplic s and work, and that it is in all respects fur -Inc so awarded become bound as his or their sun- , whi-h estimate must be verified by the oa•h, in writing, they will be considered as having abandoned it, and as and without collusion or fraud, and also that no memhrr

. - for its faithful performance ; and that if said pers+n I cif the parts making the estimate that the several matters I in default to the Grcporation, and the contract will be of the Common Council, head of a department, chief of persons shall omit or refuse to execute the contract stated therein are in all respects true. it here mire ~ readvertised and relet, and so on until it be accepted a hu call, deputy there- , for clerk therein, or ether off ror

.., + will pay to the Corporation of the City of New York i tini tone J,ersox is tune nshat', i•' is requisite that tlee I and execut d. of the Corporation, is directly or indirectly interested : c difference between the sum to which said person or .'e1.' he +,rode acrd suet-gibed to by all tlre/,arties Bidders are required to state in their estimates their therein, or in tic supplies or work to which it relate;,

runs would be entitled upon its completion and that interested. mantes and places of residen.:c : the names of all persons or in any portion of the profits thereof, which estituate ., :~Sch said C:-rV'orat,on may be obliged to pa}• to In case a bid shall he suhmrtted by or on behalf of interested with them therein ; and if uo other person be must be verified by the oath, in writing, of the parts . person to whom the contract may be aw'a rded any cerpora ton , it must be signed in the name of :ucit so interested, the estimate shall di Imctly state the tact; making the same, the t the several matte r%stated thcedi _. any subsequent letting ; the amount in each corporation by some duly authorized officer or agent also that the estimate is made without any cunnccuoa are in all respects true. \ - here more than one persc»t

, c to be calculated upon the estimated amount thereof, who shall also subscribe his nun name and with any other person nr persons makmL an estimate is interested it is requisite that they ru atc be made the work to be done by which the bids are tested. I office, If practicable, the seal of the corporation should for the same purpose, and is m all respects fair and with- and subscribed by all the parties interested.

I •- consent above mentioned shall be acrom- I ;nice Ur nti xed. . out collusion or fraud ; and also, that no member of Each estimate shall be accompanied by the consent, ;n

.. +icd by the oath or atii rm:uton, in writing, a+f each Each eau mate shall be accompanied by the consent, : the Common Council, head of .+ dep:. rtmen t, chief of writing, of tw'o householders or freeholder; of the Cit the person signing the same. that he i- a householder I in w'riting, of two householders or freeholders in the a bureau;, deputy thereof or clerk therein, or any other d ,,It ho donor rr,io r frae Jhol of New York, ~ n paw, ueC or

: Iree hu ider it the late of few' York, and is worth '!I Cit}• of Nero York, :title their re.+t c,~oae /laces ,f : nllicer or emploNee of the I.. oration of the r.c.~.rdence, to the effect that if the contract be awarde+I to . :.amount of the security required for the completion I busirzrss ++r residence, or of a guaranty or surety com ; Cit}' of Netc York or any of its depa: tntents, is directly

in the e.rson nr a-son= makin *the bid or e•tim:n+•, the the contract, over and above all hi: debts

liabilities I pany duly authonz.d by law to act as surety, ' or indirectly ,utereste•t in the e-ttmate, or the stilt-

it in any of the plies or work to which relates, or prrrtion ta-IIpen ifs being so awarded hecome bound as hip nr

I. every nature and over and above his he h:i

1 to the rife that if the contract be awarded to must be vc ri find by the Probts ti ercnI ; which estimate

c . - a sureties for its faithful Pofornnam tc, and flint

Sail, surety and otherwi-e, and that himself faith and with

the per tin or person ntakin the estimate, they P P g Y oath, in writing, of the party making the estimate, if

to execute the same, if he or they shall omit or .tic it red as a surety to _rood will, upon its being so awarded, become bound ❑s

'~. several staled therein arc in all re+poets that the natters the w-ill to iht• Car >ration an • d,fferencc hetweeu y Pa1' Fc y b}' law. The Intl. t to execute the b:mtt required hit or their sureties for its faithful pe rf,rin nic , and ~,i is fmcnfcI it true, it Ii it fkall one Pee r.v the sum to which be or tbcy would be entitled upon its "cret-I iI:lacy and >utficiencs of the seen- sty oilwill be that if>a,d erson or ut sons shall omit or refuse t I

p p i / V r, rci.cite!I at the vcr; icon,:,, Lr trade nut siii completion and th:,t which the Corporation may b+: e•ct to t, royal b • the Comutroller of khe Ctt • of FP } y execute the :ontratt, they will pay to the Corpora- i U / obliy;ed to pay ro th^ pr•r,on to whom the emmuact urav U_ : Turk, after the award is made and prior to the ticn of the laity of Now' fork :noy dif- to Iy all lkr ,6111th' iutcrrstrd. awarded at :my s~bwyueut leuim;, [he ami+u It ill carte rig of the contract. ference between the sum to which said person ! In case a bid shall be submitted by or in behalf of any case to be calculated upon the estimated amount of thi-

5. estimate will be received or considered unless ac- or per+on, w::ulci he entitled upon its completion and that 1 c,irporianipn, it must be signed in the name of such work by wlncii the bids arc tested. The con,ent ab+ ce punted by either ., certified be 1. up, n of the _one I which said Corpo ratio n may he obliged to pay to the ,-orporatinn by sort(. dull •nuhorieed officer or agent mentioned shall be accent allied by the oath or affir

i+: or National banks of the City ui Nest 1 ork, drawn person to whom the contract may be awarded at any - thereof, who shall also subscribe his own name and to n o in writing, of each of the persons signing the cam. , he ori:- r of the Con,ptn~llcr. or n,onec to the auto nt , suba•quent letting. The amoent in each case to be office. if practicable, the seal of the corporation that he is a householder or freeholder in the City ufNcu:

(ice per cen:um of the amount of -ecurity n.r,uirea for calculated upon the estimated amount of thi: stork to be should also be affixed. York, and is worth the amount of security required b,r . _ I iii per (ormance of the contract. Su eh check or ' done L} l'uch the bid are I eJ. The consent above : Each estimate shall be s compat fed by the the completion of the contract, and stated in the pn,-

nee must i:ot he co loved in the scaled cncelope con- I mentioned shall be accompanied by the oath or affirma- consent, in writing. of two householders or free- posal. , over and a' eve all his debts of every nature, !-situ th,. estimate, but must be Funded to the officer tion, in a riling, of each of the persons signing the same, holders cif the City of New York, :oitl.• their ,r it,r'nz'er and of'pvn his 1 lities as it 1, aterety suit' _leek of the Department who has charge of the Eiti- ! that lie is it householder or freeholder tit the City of rrspe,lic-r places ej business or resid.nce, or ethi'rsursn, and that he ha, offered himself its a suretc In


it Lox, and m! csum.tte can be deposited in said box Neu York, and is worth the amount of the security of a guaranty or surety company duly .authorized by law good faith and with an intention to execute the bond no- _I su-:h check or money has been examined by said required for the completion of the contract, over and to act as surety, to the effect that it' the contract be ,luired by law.

+ - er or clerk and found to he correct. All above all his debts of every nature, Crud net - and a--a✓e ' awarded to the person or per-our making the estimate, "'he amount of security required it depsits, except that of the successful bi•:- leis lia6hitica,t, lail. svrr,•1i tad olk,ears,• . and that . they w ill, upon its being so awarded, bee lie bound es s on any contract

(or lighting the public eas limp hich will anrouut .. will he returned to the persons making the he has offered himself as surety in good faith aid or their sureties font httfulpttnnuncc ; and tL at if

1 to S40o,000 and upwards, shall he ; tg.,,000 ; On .,tie is. within three days titter the cot+uact is with the intention to execute the bond required Uy law. said person or persons sl-all omit or refuse to execute I contract we lit will amount to c30J,00u and III— ill'.

te d. It the su rs sful bidder shall r ece ieglect, :vithin It days after n, tice [hart the con-

i The adequacy and sufftcienes of the security offered will be subject to appro,al by the Comptroller of the

the contract, they will pay to the Corporation of the Ciry of 'yew York any difference hetwecn the sum to `4c0,oeo, shall be t25,0 o; on any contract which sill

t has been awarded to him, to execute the same, City of \e+r \ Irk after the award rs made and prior to which said per-on or per*,ms would be entitled upon it, +mount to 5z00 and less than ,00, 000, shall };,,

amount of the deposit made 1,y him shall be I rfe•tc.l the signing ,.. I the contract. I completion and that which -i.l Corporation arc}' be Sgoo,coo ;ion :my contract which will awe to to Solo,o.~+ lea. I

.wd ret:nnei b}' the L t' of 5.ew- Ynrk 'ts ]t uidated 3 y obli_ed to i to the erscm to w'h+mt the contact e p' } P and C on oo~, shall Q75.000; on any contr.+ct

will to but is less ,te.o,. which aniount .,aco thin < . maec< for such negl+-ct or refus:d ; but if he shall ex- No estimate wtti be recetvcd or considered unless I

' accompanied by either a curtifile I check upon one of the ..:e

the contract within diet afore,ai+l, the amount may be awarded at nn} subsequent letting ; the amount

; on any contract which will smou1.t to 50.000 .6o,..~:,'+ ;;fife or \automat banks of the City :,f Sew ]-erk. in each case to Ur calculated upc,n the es.fmated amount

1>ut is less than ho coo, c36,00.,: on any contract wl~ich is del osit will be returned to } im. drawn [o the order of the Compu olle•r. or none} tc the '+f the work to he demo U . which the bills arc tu•ted. ,

will amount to cgoiope but is Ins, than 56oi oCOi c24,c ; I dderc are informed th:+Ito deviation from the s eci- am+ tut of c t r C its a ut the amount of securit • I

/ir 7 The con~cnt nbr~ve in to nod shall be accompanied

p . .+cony wilt he :dhow, d, unless under fife written in- reyuired (or the fai htul perfurmaoce of the contract. b ' the• oath , r affirmation, in writing, of cock of the y - I householder

contract which will amount to gzo,oh but is Ic sc than 540,000, crz,eco; on any contract which trill amount

moms of the Lontmissioner c f 'trect Cleaniu g'

such check or money must fl he tel set in the sealed pet-so"s sr_ft f. the same, that rs a or

~ freefol.,er in the Cit ' of -.ell 1-,n k, and is wench [he to ct o h less to !;than , ; oo any cun- ec,000 tract which amount

le \ o estimare trill Ue acceptedd fr,+m. Cr muract

p Corpora- ~ cn~cln contaimn ti ;e estimate, but mtot Ue handed i

pe g Ii the Dep:+rt+nen[ ha. I to the cc or clerk of wh+, amount of the securit r( utred for Ibe com - I ti+:u of }' 1 1' '-'

w of s[c to less than Br onco, 55 nt ic-li

. aided to, any pers~ ~n who is in par{ears to the I the crntruct, over and aU•.+ve all his debts nI every I he amount of security required on cicctrio-light c„n_

upon debt or c,,ntract, or w'ho is a defaulter, as charge of the e-timate-i,ox, and no estimate can be nature, and trier and strn. his itihilftfre a.r F,rih ate•rty tract+ is az5,000

. ety or utherw'ise, upon any obligation to the Ca r. uch dep+-site I in aid box until s check or money has .+

Li + t erred o:~rrr:,vs,'; and that }tee has offered h elf rs No estimate will be received or considered tittle=,

I If I K1( Ii 'I .(I DECLINE ALI, 1' HE ESTI- been examined oy <a d officer or cl rk and found to be

c, rrect. All such deposits, except that „f the sac c ful surety in g„od faith and with the intention to execute the accompanied by either a certified check upon one of

bidder, wili i>c returned to the persons making the same V I I IS R F '-FR\ ED I F 1)1_F.A; ED FOR 1 H F bond regmred by law. Thu adequacy and sufficiency of the State or '-Aational banks of the Cit}- of New

I. I IiPF:x'L t)F THE C! lKPORA•111 5. OF THF. ' :vithin three tan's :tier the cm tract is paw see ,d. It the the security offered will I tulip. t to appn,val by the drawn to the older of the Comptroller, or money to ti,u

' Il- OF \Fall- \ i)1lc_ =u cc ul bidder shall refuse ur neglect, withi five . rtmpf1ptli1 of the Lt) ' of \ell- York, after the award amount of five per centum of the amount of the security

idler, are rcyuired t make their bids or estimate, d after notice that the contract has been aw arded to is made and prior to the signing, of the contract. required for the faithful pe+formanee of the contract.

:•_ference to the Inrm of agreement and spseifeahpms him, to execute the same. the ❑ mount of the deposit No estimate will be received or considered unless such cheek or money must Nor be inclosed in the

roved by the Curporation Counsel, copies of which ' made I him shall be forfeited to and retained by the I ace omint teii by either a ccrtilied check upon one of scaled envelope containing the estimate, but must lie

be seen upon application therefor at the office of City of 's ss 1 ork as liquidated damages far such ! 'I the State or Sational banks of the City of New or k, handed to the o l cur or clerk of the llepa rim ent roll ,

I)+p.,r+men t. : negIe_-L or refusal ; but if he shall execute the contract 1 drawn to the order of ttte Comptroller, or money to has charge of the estimate-I nx, and no in Ln con be

\I. I;ll .O\, Deputy and Acting Commissioner of within the time aforesaid, the amount of his deposit will I the amount of /ire fir renterm ut the amount of security depextied in said box until such check or money has

I-a„tf_n. -t be returned to him i . required for the faithful performance of the contract. been examined by raid officer or clerk and found to tie

'At- Ne : r. 1-ureh, December x8, 1897. Rtaders are informed that no desiation in-m the Si ;h check or money mu't riot be inclosed to the correct. All such deposits, except that of the si,ccis-t,tl

I ,ptd best ieits will be Al owed unl under the written sealed envelope c tain the estimate, but must bid , r , u ill be returned to the persons making the coin,

in-trucuons c f the a omm -skater of Street ClnonIfg. be Inrttdcd to the otticcr or clerk of the department within three days after the contract is award d. If the

+..,+r Ursa&T C: t r aNtxG, \ ew YoRr: Ltt'c

TL,.I estimate will be accepted trom or contract w'hn has charge of the e;t imate-box, and no estimate can i eeioffin bidder shall refuse or neglect, within tivc -ufN ., \a

t awarded to any person tiro is in arrears to the Cori n- i be defosited to said box until such check or money has days after notice that the conrract has been awarded 1 V CU\'I'RAC TORS. i - - been ex:unined h said officer of clerk and found to be S to him, to execute the same, the amount of the de tt P' Fi+c+• ~~~. t.

PREPAI: ration upon debt r contract, or who is a dt he ter, a, se curet}' or othc-rwisc, upon any ofibgait o to the Corpo-

All su r1tun,edtt

t the s

uing, Ui ftern wit to theptpersons the Lf I,Nrii hail he fast tea i

nl damagenedob1

I.It Citye

quidat .~ )POc .r FUR F-'Tl \I -1.1 E~ F( )R ration. \G I ( tR

I IfF. RIGHT 'f(1 DECLINE: _ALl. THF: FFT I i `sure within three days after the contract is awarded, ne;_Iect or refusal ; but ifhe shad execute the conu-act VFYOR F(>R THE UU>IP 1T I HF: FI)OT (IF

MA1F-. 1K kE: IRV- F:D 1F' DEEMED I'UR '1HI•; ' If the succes-ftd bidder shall refuse or neglect, within within the time aforesaid, the amount of his deposit '1'FIRTV- VIF,T U\F. HL•'\DRFli AND -'

IN I LREtil ( IF' I Hl- CIldI-RA I ION OF TliE five days aCernoticc, that the am:rac1 ha. been aw'anied will be returned to him. F

- I' OrRhaET i 1\ THE CIIY OF 's F Vt- t:1T`t' OF NE11” 1 URK, to him, to execute the same, the smewnf of the deposit Any further information, and die speciheations, form \ tRl'.

thd~rrc are required to make their bids or estimates mad b him shall be forfeited to and retained b the Y y' of estimate, etc., ran be obtained on application at thy, 11\l:\ IEF F 1 PREPARING FOR AND in n_ter ncr to the lurm of the agreement and sp cities- City of \e ',c \ork, a, liquidated damages for such office of the Cormnis,Lot e of Public \Yorks.

a c''r:i3inucitng n C,uvey or :+s provideii for in a [ions approved by the Co r te , ova. ion Lounscl, copies of I ne;; lent or refusal, but if he shall o sedate the contract I Nett Yr u<i, December t5, 1f9;. m of tract for the same. dn,ii;n.:eed as \o. x, for I which may be seen upon application therefor at the within the time aforesaid, the amount of his deposit will WII.I.IA\I L. .BIRO\(;, Mayor; ASHBF.I P,

C dump at the toot cf \i est One Hundr+d and l h.rty- I uthce of the Department. be returned to him. FI`1'CH, Comptroller; CHARLES H. T. CI )LLlr, ---t str•.et, in the City of Ncw ) orb. will be received F. \L GI IISUN, Iiepat}- and .loins Commisvouer of Ilidders are mtcrmed that no deviation from the spent- ('ommi-sinner if Pal+hc Work;.

ix-'.lie Con;rntrston r of Street Cleaning at the +. Wee of Street Cle_ in- ng. ficatons will be allowed, unlc>s under the :written in- - - - - - -- -- - --- ---- ate Department. in the New Yolk Lif I Id ;n;, No Dated \fw C OLK, December t8, r8g7. structions of the Commissioner cf Street Cleanin:rm.

340 ]ir(rauwc, in the Lit) of New l ork, until I-rida}• LxO estimate will be accepted from, or contract BOARD OF EDUCATION. at ra o'elc,ck it., the day of December, t8o7, 't _;1st Drf,sot- tog ut 't cone CLEANING, \ew Your awarded to, any person who is in arrears to the C':,r- which time and plan the estimate', will be pu;,hicly I Lies Britun'. G, Ni 34' llrt inuwn s. ~ p•'ration, upon debt or contract. or wvho is a defaulter, - --- opened by th+ hi,ad of said Li partment. 1'h paw and of as surety or otherwise, upon :my oblig tion to the Cor- I SEALED I ROP(-15ALS Vi ILI. I F RECEIVED the c- otracr, .1 au:trded, till be moue as seen as prac- TO CON I R:LCTVRS. Iteration. icy- the Committee on Buildings of the Board of Li able slier the opening of the bids. F',xx ''. 1'H E Rif F! 1'O DF.CL1\ I: ALL 7 HF. F.",TI- Education of the City of New Ynrk, at the Annex of

N. P..—The Board of Estimate and Apportionment, j °R(IP(ISALS FLIP F:>II'd kII:', FOR PREI'AR- \IAIE5 Its RF:',l R\ F:It IF DEE:NF:D FOR •I•HE the Hall of the I; tot rd, No 585 Broadway, eleventh by areso'.ution adopted the 14th day of October, 197, ING FORAN?I LO\i'TRlt llNG A CUN\'E\". INTEREST IIF THE CORI'URATION OF THE floor,unu] 3.go o'clock r. lit., on Tuesday, January 4, authorized the issue of birds to in amount not to ,R THE 1)1.. MI AT •IHE FOO.1' OF CIT\ - OF NEW YORK 1895, for erecting new Public School 44 on southeast exceed -even thousauu Tice hundred dollars ;c;,gco , i r \\ 1.01' ONE HL'ADRF:D AN1) THlR11'- l;;dders are icy aired to make their bids or estimates corner of Hubert and Collisterstrects. I. ayment fi r the work under the -aid contract, and I' I IZST S'I'KFE1', 11 I HE CL`1'\' OF 1 E\I' in r-f• rence to the form of the agreement and specifics- i'lans and specifications may be seen and blank pro- bids in excess of the above-meuti.,,~sd amount will, 1 ORk• I [ions, approved by the Corporation Counsel, copies of posals orals obtained at the Annex of the Hall of the Boat d.

not he untited to be received, l. '1'1'+IATES FOR PREPARING FOR AND i L~ con,tructing a Conveyor at the foot of West ' :ne -

which may be seen upon application therefor at the Estimating Room, Non.4i9 and 421 Broome street, top Any person making an estim.,te for the work she.] office of the L)epartment. floor.

furnish the -amt +n a -ealed envelope to said Contains- Hundred :Ind Tr+f niy first -trees, in the City of New F- .'(I GIBSO\, Deputy and Acting Commissionerof lice attention ofbidders is expressly called to thetime lion, r of Street Clearing, at said office, on urbetore the York, as provided I. r in a form it contract fur the same Street Cleaning, stated in the contract within which the work must be day snit hour ahove u3med, which envelope shall be dusgnated as Form So. z, will be received by the Ciao. Datou New \•ons. December t8, 1897. completed. They are expressly notified that the suc- incorsed with the name or names of the person sr per- mi-stoner o Oteet Cl,anirg, at the otico of s~.tid Depart- cesstul bidder will be held strictly to completion within sans the same, the date of its presentation, meet, in the xe+c York kite Building, No. 146 Broad- said time. and :, statement of the w rk to wfach it rc at ~ nay, in the City of 1cw \ c+rk, until Friday at r_ ~ERSONS HAVING PULKHEADS TO FILL, IN

•1'he bidder to whom the award is made shall give o'clock xi., the 3rsr des} of December, rb57, at which the vicinity ofIew York Bay, can procure material The Committee reserve the right to reject any or ail

security for the faithful performance of the contract in time and place theestimates will be publicly opened oy , for that purpose—ashes, street sweepings, etc., such as I of the proposals submitted.

the manner pr+.-crined and required by ordinance in the r th- hexd of -aio I repartmeot. 1'hc award of the con. is collected by the Department of Street Cleaning—free The party submitting a proposal, and the parties pro- sum of F„rCe'Ihou-:urd Dollars. I tract, if awarded, will be made as soon as practicable I of charge, by applying to the Commissioner of Street ~ posing to become sureties, must each write his name

1'he w,+rk to lie dune en our the contract is to be com- I after the opening .,f the bids. t Cleaning, in the Criminal Court Building. and place of residence on said proposal. • minced whit n five days after the date of execution ul - N. I,.—'I he F;nard of E+timatcar,d Apportionment, by I GEORGE E. MAKING, Je., Two responsible and approved sureties, residents of the contract, and all tl:e work to be done under the a re,olanisn ads, pted the 14th day of October, x897, Commissioner of Street Cleaning is city, are required in all cases. contract I. to be full)' ccmpletcd within seventy days author zed the issue of bonds to an amount not to exceed — - — - - . -- — -- - ------ The contra •tor shall provide bondsof suretyship of one trout the date if satin execution of tl i contract, or within I seven thousand five hundred (7,coc.) collars, for payme, nt CAS COM MISSION . of the several surety companies doing business in this such Ir.rther time as may Ii, allowed by the Lotnmtssunner ! for he work under the said contr:,ct, and bids in excess I — city, when the amount of the Did exceeds two thousand of Street Cleaning for such pc-rf rmance and completi+,n, • of the above-mentioi•ed amount will therefore not be en- ' DEItAR'fs1 }'.1 h 01-' PUBLIC \WORKS. dollars 1$2,000-. and the damage' to he paid by the Contra or for each titled en be received. j 1'O CVNTRACfO"S. No proposal will be considered from persons whose day that the c• ntract may be ;mfuLf1Iet a fter the time , Any person makicg an estimate for the week shall character and antecedent dealings with the Board of fixed for the f,Mfillment thereof has expired, are, by a ~ furni,h the s:. me in a scaled em elope to said Commis- I '. No• t- I ROPt) U FOR I:S•lL\tA'1'h:S FOR FUR- gducation render their respousibiI ty doubtful. clause in the contract, determ n l fixed and li uidated

q ,toner of Street Clean inq a; -aid ,. ffice, on or before the NISH IN(;•1'HE GAS(IR O`THF:R II.I,UMfNAT-

It is required as a condition precedent to the recep- at twenty-five z5• ollars per day. day and hour above named, which envelope shall be I\G.MATF.RNAL FO)R, A\D LI':H'fl\G, EX-

lion or consideration of any proposals, that it certified Bickers w ill state to estimates a price for the P I indors..d with the name or names of the pets-in or per. I P P

'1'WGL'fSHf \G, CLEANI\G, REPAIRING, check upon or a certificate of deposit of one of the

whole Cf the work to he done in conformity with the sons presenting the same, the date of its presentation A\D \lAl\`1'AI 1'HF: Y[;L'LIC GAS- TR State or National


approved form of agreement and the specifications there:- ~', and a statement of the work to which it relates. LA1IPSON -IHESTKEET SoAVENUES;PIERS, wbanks toth •TrustCof the iesefid eCity of New York, drawn to the order of the President of

i n set forth. by will ch price the bids wi l be tested, •g e bider to whom the au and is made shall giro PARKS AN 1) PUBLIC PLACES IN THE CITY OF 1.ORli, PERIOD OF the Board of Education, shall accompany the pre.

This rice is to cover nl! ex en=es of ever kind in- P P Y securuy for the faithful performance of the contract in CING'HF;

ONE 1'1sA K, CU~1 bIE~Cl1l' ON IA\CAKY R, Peal to an amount of not less than three per cent.

velvet in or incidental to the fulfillment of the contract, the manner prescribed and required by ordinance in the r ,g 8 }ND ENDING O` DECEMBER 3r, o1 such proposal when said proposal is for or ex- including any cl im that may arise through delay, from sum of Four Thousand Dollars, 9 r8°8 ; ANU ebeds ten thousand dollars, and to an amount any cause, in the purl, ruing of the work thereunder, or the work to be done under the contract is be corn- 0 not less than five per cent. of such p pro.

any. for tie ririltt to use therein an • patent right.

Y } P g minced within five days af,er the date of execution of a

No. ,i PROPOSALS FOR ESTIMATES FOR posal when said proposal is for an amount under ten The bidder to whom the contract shall be awarded ~ the contract, and all the work to bP done under the ~ FURNISHING, OPERATING AND MAIN- thousand dollars; that on demand, within one day after

shall on or before the execution of the said contract I contract is to be fully completed within seventy days I TAINI:'SG ELECTRIC L4MPS FOR THE the awarding of the contract by the Committee, the .aecute a good and sufficie+ t license or permission, of a ; from the date of said execution of this contract. or within 1•ERIOD OF ONE 1 EAR, COMMENCING President of the Board will return all the deposits of :orm to be approved by the Counsel to the Corporation. such further time as may be allowed by the Commis- ON AN UARY' r, ifr,8. AND F NDING ON J checks and certificates of deposits made, to the persons to The Mayor, Aldermen and Commonalty of it,•, City : sioner of Street Cleaning for such performance and DECE.HBF:R 3r, t8)8, FOR LIUHTING SUCH making the same, except that made by the person I New York, to be used in the construction of the work complction, and rheda wage sto be paid by the contractor S1'REE75 OR PARIS OF STREETS, PARKS or persons whose bid has been so accepted; and

under the said contract and forever afterwards as a for each day that the contract may be unfulfilled alter AND PUBLIC PLACES OF ]'L? E CITY OF' that if the person or persons whose bid has been part of said conveyor, at the toot of West One Hundred the time fixed for the fulfillment thereof has expired, NEW YORK AS MAY BE DETERMINED so accepted shall refuse or neglect, within five days aunt 1lrvty first street, m the City of New York, any are, by a clause in the contract. determined, fixed and UPON BY THE MAYOR, COMPT'ROLLFR, after due notice has been given that the contract is and all patent-rights involved in said work. liquidated at Twenty-five Dollars per day. AND COMMISSIONER OF PUBLIC WORKS, ready for execution, to execute the same, the amount of

Bidders will distinctly write out, both in words and Bidders will state in their estimates a price for the AFTER THE EST IMATES ARE VPENED. o ' p the deposit p or of the check or certificate o(de pant made in figures, the amount of their estimates for the work. . whole of the work to be done, in conformity with the ~STIMATES FOR THE ABOVE WILL BE by him or them shall be forfeited to and retained by

The person or perwns to Whom than eunuar.t may be approved 1,-'m of agreement and the specifications received at the office of the Mayor, in the City this Board, not as a penalty, but as liquidated dam. .,warded will be rrquired to execute the contract within therein ,et forth, by -.ehich price the bids will be tasted. Hall, in the City of New York, until to o'clock si. of ages for such neglect or refusal, and shall

~VEDNE?SDAY, DIc1MnF:R 29, I897.

be paid into the City 'Treasury to the credit of the Sinking Fund of the City of New York : but if the said pcnon or persons whn.e bid has been so accepted shall execute the contract within the time aforesaid, the amount of his or their deposit of check or ccrti licale of deposit shill be returned to him or them.


Dated New Vote, December at. 1897.

SFALF.D PROPOSALS FUR CONVEYING pupils front Morris Heights h, Publi.: School r55

and r. turn, in three stage's. uu eve. ry s,;houl-day, from and inclurim.; January a, t8;8, to and including July c, ,n98; also scaled pr.!) sale for c, ttveying pupils from Riverdale l.ibra y. Rivorfale, New York City, to Public Schu 11 146 and return, in two or more stage, on every school-clay, fronr and including Janitor ., 18.,8, to and including July r, 1898; also sealed proposals for conveying pupils front Fort Sc uyler to Public Schr of gq and return, in one or more st.,ges, on every school-day. from and includirg January 3, 1898, to and ,m. hiding J:mly t, 1898; and also Baled propu'als for , oowvir g pitP,ls from Boston road and Fifth avenue, Ea;tthe s:c•r, along L'ostnn rid to Kings-bridge road to Feu tit street, thence by the most direct routet , Public School n,r, and return, in one (Sr more stages, on aver chool~ day front and including Jant :,r v

'i , * t ; ' x 18 will be , ce.'ived 3, r8gfl, In and incluo , {, I t y q8, t I y tire Committee on Supplies of th': hoar' I of Education, at the Hall of file Ilnail, of Educa;wn, No. n.6 (;rand =u'cat, until F i.lay, Ile ear her 31, r897, at 4 o'clock r. ~L

The (:nnmEittee reserves the right to reject any or all proposals.

For terms oicontract and for information as to further requirements, inquire at the Hall of the Bo.,rd of Edu-anrun, Ni,. 146 (.rand 'trcrt.

Late I Nrw 'ii) IC, Uecemi,crif, r°,). HUGH NE! l.\ Chairman, Cummintter un ",mairJiis,


deposited in said box until such check or money has been exantined by said officer or clerk and hnuut to be correct. All such deposits, except that of the succes,-ful binder, will be returned to Elie persons making the sail" within three day: after the contract is awardo-d. If the successful bidder shall refuse or tteglect, within five days after nut Ice that the contract has been awarded to him, to ex, cute the same, the amount Of the deposit tone by him shall be forfeited to and retained by tt.c City of New York as liquidated damages for such neg- lect or refusal; but if lie shall execute the contract wil}un the nine aforesaid the amount of his deposit will be returned to him.

Iiidders are cautioned to examine the form of con.. tract and the specifications for particular, before mak- ing their estimates. Bidders will write out the amount of their estimate in addition to inserting the same in figures.

Payment for th'• Coal will be mad'' by requisition on the Comptroller, and as mare specifiral ly and particu-larly is set fr,rtht in the contract form.

Biduers are informed that nn diviatiun from the con-tract and snecihcat ions will be allow(d unless under the written instruction of the Boyd of Heath.

'the form of the agreement, including specifications, showing th^ mancer of payment, will be fnrnisiwd at the uffice of the Dr em tumsnt, Criminal Court lielilding, Centre, Whit. , Elm :and Franklin streets.

.FS G. WILSO (; ORCF: It Fury' F CHAI.I N I, i I, .R M. D., ALVAH H. IH)('Y, :AL U., FRANK MUSS, Comm nsstmu r-.

Dated Nrw YORK, 1) :camber ^u, tP97.


N,,. I. 1'till hatrsCI'lN 1FatRACE ANIl, Itl•:- TAININt; WA1,l,b, ItA1,['hIRAI)h:, RUSTIC Irl•:NCI'., S1'h:f'ti, l'L.itIF(IRINISo FIC., FO11 A1'-}'RUACH 'fn 11111 PUItlI(:. !NlLliiNrI, AND GRADING iNI) I\1I'IL(lV1NG 'l'H1; GROUND SI11tltt)l;NDIN(;, IN (;RrYI'ONA PARK, AT B IHIRD AND 'I'Ri•:11UN'1' AVENUES, IN 'L'HE CI'T'Y Oh' NEW Y(IRK.

The works mu.t be bid for separately.

No, r, .Anovi MENTtt)NED, The Engineer', estimate of the work to be done, and

by which the bid, wilt be tested, is as follows 38,000 cubic yards earth excavation. 9,00 , cu'oic yard. rr:r.k excavation. 8o,'roo cubic y:vds fillim; to hr furnished. moo cubic yards dry rubbl, mm:. my retaining-walls. zoo lined feet of brick , ulv,'rt, three firer by four feet,

egg-sh.rped, including masonry f,undatrun and cradle. aao lineal feet of brick culvert, two feet four inches by

three feet six inches, egg-shaped, including masonry foundation ,Ind cradle.

to lineal feet of pipe culvert of two (a) pipet each, thirty inches interior diameter, incluoim{ concrete iomrdati„n and cradle.

350 lineal 'eel of pip': culvert, two (z) feet interior diameter, including concrete foundation and cradle.

600 lineal fi,et rf fifteen inch vitrified stoneware drain pipe.

3,'. 00 lineal feet twelve-inch vitrified stoneware drain-pipe.

l' ,o mead le • - ,vitrifiedc 8 e.t ei rht it ch stoneware d nin- 6 r. pipe.

cu receiving-hasin=, complete. 40 road-ba'tns, complcic. 95 cubic yar. s of Lr„.en range quarry-faced masonry,

backed with heavy rubble m abutments, wing and para- p_t walls of 'right feet arch eudvert.

55 cultic yards of brick masonry in arch of eight-feet arch culvert.

:z5 cubic yards rubble-stone masonry in cement. 70 cubic yards of concrete in unnnlar tons. n,000 lineal feet of piles to be furnished, driven, etc.,

iu foundations. 8,00 1 feet, B. Al., of t,ml-er and plank to be furnished

and lair) in foundations, including iron. r 63,no square yards of earthroadway.

2,500 squ:n'e yards of rubble or cobble stone paved guuerc.

The dine allowed fur the completion of the whole work will be two hundred and sixty-five consecutive working day,.

'l'he damugcs to b= paid by the contractor for each day that the contract, or nny p:,rt thereof, may be unful- I filled after the time fixed for the completion theruuf has expired, are fixed :tt L ifty Dollars per day.

The amount of se.urity required is 'Thirty-five Thou-sand Dollars.


over mini above his liabilit ies as ball, surety orotherwise, and that lie has offered himself as a surety in good faith and with the intention to execute the bond required by section 27 of chapter 8 nut the Revised Ordinances of the City of New York, if the contract shall be awarded to the person or persons for whom lie consents to be. come surety ; the adequacy and sufficiency of the security offered to be approved by the Comptroller of the City nil New York.

No hid or estimate will he received or considered unless accompanied by either a certified check upon one of the State or National hanks of the City of New York, drawn to the ordtr of the Cump[roller, ur money to the amount of five per centum , d the amount of the security required for the faithtul performance of the contract. such cueek or money must %or be inclosed to the sealed envelope containing the estimate, but must be handed to the otfiecror clerk of the IiepnirEnncnut who has charge of the estimate-box, and no estimate can be deposited in said box until such check or money has been ex. amincd by said officer or clerk and found to be correct. All such deposits except that of the successful bidder will lie returned to the persons making the same within three days after the contract is awarded- It the successful bidder shall refuse or neglect, within five days after notice that tire contract has been awarded to him, to execute the same, the amount ut the deposit manse by hirer shall be forfeited to and rerouted b t, l n1 i e d e L t New Yurk as li a dated Y Y q damages for such neglect or refusal; but it he shall execute the contract within the time aforesaid the amount of his deposit will be returned to Irian.

N. Y,.-1'he prices must be written in the esttnnate and also stated ,u fr4itres, and all estiwates will lie con-sidered as informal which do not contain bids for all items for which bids are herein called ur which contain h,ds for items for which Inds are not herewith called ,or. Permission will not be gin'en for the withdrawal of any bid orestimate. No bid will be accepted Gram nrcon-tract awarded to any person who is in arrears to the Corporation t:porr debtorcontract, orwho is a defaulter, is surety or ,otherwise, upon any obligation to the Corporat ion

file Department of Public Parks resezvesthe right to reject any or all the bids received in response to this ad-vertisement it it should deem it for the interest of the City so to do, and to readvertise until satisfactory bids Sr proposals shall be received, but the contracts when awarded will be awarded to the lowest bidders.

Blank forms for proposals, and forma of the several contracts which the successful bidder will be required to execute, can he had, the plan, can be seen, and informa tion relative to them can be had at the office of the I lepartment, Arsenal, Central Yark. SAMUEL \IcXIILI.A\, S. V. R.CIZI:(;ER, S'11TH

ELY, I:D\VAKII •511I(HILl,, Commissioners of 1'ubltc Part.-,


uuo, None Yontc, June 21, c5yo.


THE DEPARTMENT OF BUILDINGS H \a established a branch office at ittncition of Third and

Courtlandt avenues, where all plans for the erection or alteration of buildings above the Harlem river may be submitted and filco, STEVENSON CONS'I'ALBLE, Supenutemient build.



PUBBLIC 'UlICIe 1s HCIthU1 GIVEN '1'U THE owner or owners, occupant ur occupants, of all

houses and lots, improved or unimproved lands affected thereby, that the following assessments have been com-p!eted and are lodged in the office of the 1bard of A.- sessors for egamimiti0r by all pe)-sonsinterested, viz.:

HEALTH DEPARTMENT. Lilt 5-242, No. t. Outlet ,ewer and ap!,urtenanccs in Jerome avenue, from Harlem river to Elliot street.

Ii tier u Dtcn'itmr1nFN - r, CRnt n Al. Crr ur BUIL,DING, the limits embraced by such assessments mr:lude all CtiNnt r , 15Hr're, ELM AND FRANKLIN S r seers. the several houses 'wd lots of ground, vacant lots,

'hO C( )N'TR AC'f )RS. pieces and parcels of Laid situated on-

SF:ALF:D BIDS OR ESTIMI.1 I ES FOR FtiR- No. i. Beth sides of Jarome avenue, from Flarlcm

niclong Five Hundred 'L'on, of White As' t Coal, river to Elliot street; also all the property included rig size, for the Willard I'arar-r and Reception Hos- t+'Ithi t the fml'owing area : Commsnciug at the now pant's, fuot of Fast Sixteenth street, ender the charge bridge apps ach just east of lerome avenue• at ILu-lem of he ho rd of Health, will he recciveer at the office of river and extending not :,lonc our d bridge approach the Health Department, ill th_ City of New York, until to One Hundreel and Sixty-first street ; thence eas~erly :.;o o'clock r. aL of January 4, e89$. The person along One Hundred and rtxtydirst strrvt to Walton

or person', making any bid or estinr lie shall furui,h avert tie : thence n,utherly along Walton avenue to One time same in a sealed envelope, indor-ed " B;d or Hundred and bixty-second street ; ther,ce e:uterly on a

fl. ........u:.. 1 f W'll A P k line parallel to One Hundred and Sixty-second utrcet to Estimate for to ntsh ng (-o: ur t ar ar er and Reception Hospitals," and with Iii., or their name Mott ;tv •ore ; (hence northerly along Matt avenue to Nrr. a, Anove l av,nti nNP.D. ur na:r es, :mil the date of us presentation, to the tie Hundred and sixty-fifth street; thence deter O s'enueg 2, Soo cubic yards earth excavation, head of said 11epactnEnnat, at the said office, ou or before One Hundred and 30 any -fifth street be Sheridan avenue ; too cubic yards rock exc.n.atinn, the day and hour above niariled, at which time and thence northerly along yhcrwan avenue to anec1ariva 2,400 cubic y:ards filling, in place. lace the bids ur estimates received will be ublicl place V Y

r place ; wence in a no focn,tnAy direction to the sir of ti

rl Y: p .r, r a ;oo cubic rrds moulel, to i c.

c nned b the President of said Board and read. P' y' avenue and Elliot street , thence easterly se tare i Is vitrified brick vement, incladin

1'},e Board of Health reserves the right to reject all hl{ at street to Claremont Park ; thence nrrth only

g I' II and l Yv on P•'' g

c,rncrete t.rre fe ncr

bids as in section 64, chapter or estimates, provided qro,

i aideneein tire

i Munroe srrly 'I a north, dirccttrectand aoo ,cuare feet new brill, a stone, includin concrete feet new

g g nil cc ; thence in a nurtb~_astcrly dirccunu co the fuundarion , Laws of ,882. it deemed to be for the public interest, earner of Yuppnng and' fne Hindiel and Seventy-fourth lineal feet new blue stone, six (6) inches thick, 550 of No bid or estimate will be accepted from, or contract is in

street ; uEeitee norther) to the corner r.f fin„ ff„odred } I f aced, straight and curved surface. awarded to, any person who arrears to the Cur-

debt is defaulter, and Sevemy-<ixth site t and \loin, avtreet ; thence 97,, co square feet gravel walk, including rubble-stone poraticn upon or contract, or who a as

-n rely or otherwise, upon :try obligation to the Cor- nordier,y along Al , iris avenue to Ash street ; thence fou5dannn. to a nor[h,~ustcrly dircctiut to time curter ui (Inc Hun- 350 s,lgare yards vita ifled brick pavement in walk ,„ration,

i he of the will be made as soon as award contract dr,-d and Eighty-third street aid Ryer avenue ; thence otter,, includm ~ rubble-stone fiwnd.0 ion. g g can

the opening of the bids. practicable after rmtnmg hurt eerie to the corner of fit. Jame, street .mil

ie-vt e z5o lineal fiat of Iaue-stone steps.

The Coal to be ut ('nod yuahty, arid the yuanttty that hrrk<tde avenue ; thence westerly as St, James gu lineal feet of blue-stone cheeks.

will be reyuireci will be about F,ve Hundred ;Soo; Pons street to the saner est earner of St. James >tre, It and a r en ing-basins (co r.plete).

rut \Vtatn Ash Coal, egg size, to be well screened and Jerome minor ; thence in at ,u; direction to niesterly 44 walk le `ins (complete;.

in ,uod order each ton to be c orn pmmds in accord- the corner of Funlh:,m road and Aqueduct avenue ; Bur ace bruin: tom Iete;. 'I P

!, ' acre with the specifications attached to and which form

i thence southerly and tollownig the line ut Aqueduct to Vo,cmi ~cl avenue a.,d Ogden avenue intcr,ec- a venue

r,c;uu lineal toot of r inch vitrified stoneware drain 5- NEw YORK. I)e-nobar rd, 1897.

apart of the contract afunsaid. , tion ; thence southerly .rlOgg, (tgdcr i nter:nnun• mm' Birch p i l1e,

goo lineal feet of Iz-inch vitrified stoneware drain TO CON1'P.AC'1'ORS. Delivery to be made at the time required by the Board Health; any changes m the time or place of deity. of

street ; thence easterly in birch street to the first ave- rue "act of Ogden avenue ; thence in a suuthe.nsterl }- Vipc, cF.aI,F:D PROPOSALS f'OR F'IJRXIcHING THE

be by the iio,,il direction 'A to the corner of eorlycrest ayenuc 4 o lineal feet ro-inch vitrified voneware drain pipe, l7 materials a:,d labor and doing the work required cry, however, may nmde, to writing, of 4oa> lira:al feet of s-inch vitrified stoneware drain pipe. for cun,iruvlin.' and erecting a building her time Fire Flea'. th. 't nd Union street ; thence in a sottlsesterly 400 lineal feet of 6-inch vttrltir•d sturretrare drain pipe. 4 P P

I lie above quantity is estimated and approximated direction to it point our Lind avenue about 4 90 6o eoiue yard s rubble m , n, y in f :tad l i .rtui.

lluparfm ret un the pre-m,sce Nos. 4z amid 44 Uoin-

unly, and bidders are notified that the Board of health feet north of Devoe street ; thence southerly feet ,S soil, ~a ~ :rill m ud. Jones street, will be eeec) by the Hoard of ce saidg of tbc- flue


reserves the to increase ordintinish said uantities 4 and ;ududin both sides of Iimt oven e to Scd'wt.k g b I d

hers glowed finished and gerund. re aof fin 9I' at the mite e of

stud Li L epa

Nos. r ,- and r5, Ens[ 'sixty even [k i7 and 25

by an amount not exceeding fifteen per rent, of the accrue; thence southerly along Sedgwick accrue and I

fhe time allu wed for the tom emit of the whole work time ' City estimated quantities, and the contractor will be paid in

!uchrdutg both sides thereof lit the west sidv of J..rume ~ -rvcnuc

will Inc mine hundred and twenty five consecutive work-

street, in City of N 'n Turk, until w a L8

h h time

vt ., Friday, oncd therefor only at the rate or price named the contract, ; thence wutherty along Jerome use m,c to the ing da}'s• b y p et a- i ll:e be p lic th

and glare ❑,ey will be publicly opened by the head and that in case the above-ranted quantity shall not be Harlem norm ; thence easterly aLmg the Harlem river lime damag, s to be paid by the contractor for each of said Uepurtmc nit and read, required by the Department, ne allowance will be made to the new bridge approach, the pl.,ce of beginning. day that the coon act. or any part thereof, may be un- for any real or supposed damage or loss of profit. All persons tss hose interests are affected by the above- fulfilled after the time fixed fur the cumpletinn thereof No a tintate will be received or considered after the

'l he per,, a or persons to whom the contract may be named assessments, and who are opposed to the same, has eepircJ, are feed YEyentq Dollars par day. hour nauted. awarded will be required to give security for the per- nr either of Ebert, are requested to present their ubjec- security ~fhe amount of security requited is Ten 'Thousand it information as to the amount and kmd of work to for ce of the contract by his or their bnmi, with two tio[ts, ie writing, to the Chairman of the hoard of Dollars be done, bidders are relctred to the spec;fications and sit fhc ient smut ties, each in the pet, al sum of gr,::oo. Assessors, at their office, No 320 liroadway, within Nn, An r•. IIFNTIn Ni D. 3, erawin r-, which form part of the .,e proposals•

!,,ash bid ,::r estimate shall contain and state the name thirty days from the date of this notice. Erecting fully comply to thr• terrace- will s, retaining- The form ni the agrce,nent, :mil the specifications, anti place of residence of each of the persons making the '1" HUMAS J. RUSH, Chairman ; PATRICK 151, walls, b;dnetradr, rustic fence, . tc latforms, etc., ps i p. sh-vi ng the manner of payment for the work, and

e, the names of Al persons interested with HAVL:R'1'1', JOHN W. JACOI:[; ti, L:U\1'ARll L,rm in;{ the approach to the pit. tic building in Cr ton's rms o' ro o=ats may b • 0bfaiit,l and c s plat ho of P P Y c tit plan y him or them therein, and it no other person Mc. CUE, Board of Assessors. Park it Third and Tremont avenues, in the City of be seen at the office of the Ucpartment. be so interested it shall distinctly state that New YORK I )eccml e a,, t8g7. I New York, Proposalsmtut be ntaoe for all the work con taine,l in fact; also that it is made without any connection 2,400 cubic yards earth excavation, other than in the specifications.

ST. OPENING AND IMPROVEM 'T. with any other person making an estimate for

and tt is in all respects lair and the same purpose, fuun ations, etc., included in Item No n Builder, still write out the amount of their estimate

without collusion or fraud, and that no member of 4,o'o cubic yards rock excavatiu,n, other than in

foundations, etc., included in Item No, r, figua­. in Addition to insertinq the same in

The i adding is t., lie completed and delivered within

Ul ICE IS HE'REB'Y G[\'Fi\f I H 11, '1'l1F the Common Council, head of a Department, Chief of a Bureeu, depot Y thereof, or clerk therein, or other }

,coo cubic of mould or top -suil in place. two hundred and twenty-five 2z5 clays after the execu-unit of the contract.

of the (;ur o is direct) - ur indi real inter- } } p I'New of Street Opening ant of the lie ublcc into The brae allowed for the completion ,,f the entire The yes be b for da,ua to aid each s p the c infractor tale s

ested therein, or m the supplies or work to which i• ested

tod of IVew lic k r• d, ing it fur t!~e Vublic interest so r t w.,rk will be ,mtil Jtdy [, [8y8. }' d.ty that the contract mar he untultllled after the time

or in any portion ut the profits fhe-reof. The relates, to du, Vropo'c to alter the map ur plan o! the Gtv of '1'be rLm:,;;es to be paid by the cunt ra1tot for non- for the have ~pectfied completion thereof sh_r{I expire,[

be verified Try the oath, to writing, Lid or estimate must New Yor, by laying out, w•iaening and extanJ~~g completion of tl e work within the specified time are

of the party or parties makinr( the estimate that the C arem.nt arena :, from ego feet north of Une Hundred fixt h al "I'EyritEq llnliars per day. arc fixed :mil Iiquidated at 7lventy (zo) llulktrs. i'lie award of the contract will be made as soon its

stated therein are in all respects several matters d Sixteenth sweet to Riverside, So feet south of The amount of security required i, Fifteen Thou - bids. One Hunrired and Suet en, nth street, in the 1'wellth Ward ;and I )ollars. practicable ;rater the opcmn c the i

intd true. more than one person is it is eri a be

subs, e that of said ctt)', more p.trticu!arly bounded and described as tiidd ere must satisfy themselves by personal examin Any person mxlcin~ an rst, mane Emir the work 'Ii ii

requisite that the veri tic., made and subscribed interested. ~ follows :

h non of the location of the proposed work, and by such present the came rn a sealed envelope to said Board, at

b all the tries y • p: - in the westerly line of Claremont 171 mnin at a poi other means as they may prefer, as to the nature :vnd said office, ore before the day .md hour above named,

n g • P' Y whi h envylope shall be ipresenting date the same. the of they are engaged m the coal business in the City of line of One Hundred and Sixteenth street ; thence south- I submission of an estimate, dispute or complain of such

its a of the work no which pre,entatiun ansi ,tate:nent New York, and have the plant necessary to carry out erly and curving to the right, nachos a5o feet, uist:uuc statement, nor assert that there was any misunderstand- it rebore. promptly and negn!aiJy the enotract, if it be awarded, r89.53 feet ; thence we terry and curving to the right, 1 Ing in regard to the nature or amount of the work to be

Ihe Fire Department reserve:; the right to decline to the entire satislacuon of the board r f Health, and

furms}t an undertaking for the faithful perform. must radius y5.0 feet, distance 77 2: feet, to a poict iu the alone.

The estimates received will be publicly opened by the any and all bids or estimates, or euhrr part there-

ance of all the provisions thereof in the manner provided northerly line of One Hundred and Sixteenth street Riverside distant 6z. 6 feet from avenue ; them: east- head of the said Department at the place and hour last of, if deemed to be for the politic interest.

by law, executed by two ho lseholders or freeholders of by 4 along the northerly line of One Hundred and above mcnt'oned and read. No bid or estimate will be accepted from, or con-

the City et New \ orb, each justifying in the penal sum Sixteenth street, distance 137.54 feet, to the westm 1), line Each bid or estimate shall contain and state the name tract awarded to, any person who to in arrears to the Corporation debt or who to defaulter,

of t,noo dollars, and agreeing that if he shall limo sn Ck.remont ave,~ue ; thence northerly and .,long said and place of residence of each of the persons making the upon at contract, a

as surety or otherwise, upon any obligation to the Car- refuse to execute the said contract, 'hey will pay to the ine, distance zo feet, to the point or place of beginning. came, the names of all persons interested with him or poration. Corporal loll any difference between the sum to which he Also beginning in raster ly line of Riverside them therein, and if no other person be so interested it Each bid or estimate shall contain and state the name would be entitled on its completion anti that which the ' avenue distant 157.98 feet as measured :long I shall distinctly state that tact ; that it is made with- and place of residence of each of the persons making the Corporation may be obliged to pay to the person or per- the said line northerly from the northerly line out any connection with any other person making an same ; the names of all persons interested with him or sons to whom the contract shall lie awarded a' any suh- of One Hundred and Fifteenth street ; thence estimate for the same purpose and is in all respects lair them therein ; and if no other person be so interested, it sequent letting, the amuuut in each case to be calculated northerly and east, rly and in curved line to the right, and without collusion or fraud, and that no member ul shall distinctly state that fact ; that it is made without upon the estimated amount of the work by which radius 6;.6a feet, distance 84.4 feet, to the southerly tine the Common Council, head of a department, chief of any connection with any other person making all esti- the bids are tested. The consent above mentioned of One Hundred and Sixteenth street , thence westerly . bureau, deputy thereat, or clerk therein, or other for the same and is in all respects fair and shall be accompanied by the oath or athrmation, and along sail southerly 1 nit, ui,tance r. feet, to the 5 54 othccr of the Corporation, is directly or indirectly inter- P Y y

r t'rause, without collusmn or fraud ; and that no member of Elie with

in writing, of each of the persons signing the same, therein, or in the supplies or work to which it re- Council, head of a department, chief of a that he is a householder or freeholder in the laity

Evesfrriq• line of R, avenue; thtnce somberly di.tide and along said line, di,tance 4u.,;3 feet, to the point or gates, or in any portion of the profits thereof. The bid ra tes,

C ommon bureau, deputy tlier, of ur clerk therein, or other

of New York, and is worth the amount of the secunry Place of beginning. estimate must be verified by the oath, in witting, ester

of the Corpora tion, is directly or mdlrrcdy interested required for the completion of this contract, over and V'. H. LIVINGSTON, Secretary. of the party or parties making the estimate that the

of therein, or in the supplies or work to which it relates, or

above all his debts of every nature, and over amt a-ove Dated New Yr,Rtc, December 18, t897. several matters stated therein are in all respects true. in any portion of the profits thereof, 'I'he bid or estimate his liabilities as bail, surety or otherwise, and that he Where more than one person is interested it is requisite p 9 must be verified by the oath, m witting, of the party or writing,

- - - ------ - ---- offered himself as a surety to good faith and with that the verification be made and subscribed by air parties making the estimate, that the several matters 'I the mtenuon to execute the bond required by law. he DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC PARKS the parties interested, stated therein are in all respects trite. Where more than

adequacy and sufliciency of the security offered is to be approved by the Comptroller of the City of New Each bid or estimate shall be accom anted b the con• V Y

- one person is interested it is requisite that the verifica- he subscribed by alt the interested, lion made and parties OF Aest- SAL, (.ENTHAL

Yurk. ll K, Rt NN YO

December r

17, PARK, New Yuux, December r7, 1897, sent, in writing, of two householders freeholders in pe si,, old the person or persons to whom the contract the City of New Vork, with their respective places of Each bid or rstimate shall be accompanied by the

i~ :unaided neglect or reluse to accept the contract TO CONTRACTORS, business or residence, to the effect that if the contract be consent, in writir(;, aJ two %aouseholders or freeholders

Ii thin five drys after written notice that the same has nEA LED BIDS OR EsI'I HA'f ES, \VI-PH THE awarded to the person making the estimate, they -

oftke City ef:Very lark, zenith their respective ¢laces hecn awarded to his or their bid or estimate, or if he J time of the work and the name of the bidder wi ll, on its being so awarded, become bound as his ofbueinesgnr residence, to the effect that if the contract r ,hey accept, but do not execute, the contract and give Indorsed thereon, will be received by the Department ,ureties for its faithful performance, and that if he be nwagtied to the person making the e;tim:ue. they will,

the proper sr curity, he or thu y shall be considered of Public Parks, at its offices, Arsenal Building, Sixty- shall omit or refuse to execute the sane they will on its being so awarded, become bound as sureties for its

as having it and as in default to the Corpo- fourth street and Fifth avenue, Central Park, until zoo pay to the Corporation any difference between the sum faithful performance iu the sum of Twenty-four Thou-

as Ina , and the contract will be readvertised and relet as lb o'clock P. Ni. of lFriday, December 31, 1897, for the to which he would be entitled on its completion and sand 24,000) Dollars, allot that tf he shall omit or refuse

provided by law, following-named works: that which the Corporation may be obliged to pay to execute the same, they will pay to the Corporation any

will be received or considered No. t. FOR CONSI RUCTING BICYCLE AND to the person or persons to ,ehom the contract may be difference between the sum to which he would be en- No bid or estimate

by either a certified check upon one unless accompanied BRIDLE ROADW Al S AND APPUR LENANCES awarded at any subsequent letting, the amount m titled ou its completion and that which the Corporation

\atonal or State banks of the City of New York, of the All ACe-N 1 Tc) THE EXIST IN(; ROADWAY IN each case to be calculated upon the estimated may be obliged to pay to the person or persons to whom

drawn the of the Comptroller, or money to the to order 'PHE BRONX AN I) t ELHAM PARKWAY, between amount of the work by which the bids tested. co the contract ma be awarded at an y q Y y uuhse tent tet-

of five per cenwm of the amount of the security amount Baar S road and In. astern Boulevard in Pelham above-mimn, id shall be accompanied ['hc consent t he

or of ; the amount in each case to be the erag

which bids

(or the faithful performance of the contrrct. regw,ed Park Bay Park, in the City of New York,

I`vi- by the oath or athimaEior i in wr.ting, of each oh the esnmated amount of the work by which the bids are

Sucn check or money must NOI, be inclosed in the FOR THE CONSTRUCTION AND

OF CRUTONA persons signing the same that heisa householder or free. tested. The consent above mentioned stall be accom-

in the estimate, b t mint be PRUYEMENT OF' A YOK1'lON holder of the City of New York, and is worth the amount pauied by the oath or affirmation, writing, of each of

sealed envelope containing of the Department who handed t" the officer or clerk ('ARK, I N '1'H h; T W h.V'1'\ -'I H1RD WARD OF of the eecurity required for the completion of [hiscon. the persons signing the s1me, that he is a householder or

can be 1'HE CITY OF NEW YORK. tract, over and above all his debts of every nature and freeholder in the City of New York, and is worth the has charge of the esGntate-bcx, and no estimate


.: :ant of the srcuritt• rcqu!rcd far the rnmpIetion of this they accept but do nm execute the contract and give 'The annual rental of the wharf property now used and assessment, as such streets are shown upon the Final act, over and above all his debts of every nature, the proper security, he or they shall l+e considered as -required fur ferry purposes is fixed at the sum of Alaps of the Twenty-third and Twenty-fourth Wards of :,cer allot :,h, vc• his liabilities as bail, surety- ,r having abandoned it and as in default to the Corpora- rto,one the City and C:•unty of 1cw Yorl:, r wise ; and that lie has offered him,rlf as a surety tion, and the contract will Le readvertised and relet as \u hid will be received which shall be less than the l A' C ON E }IUNI)RED AND FOR-I'Y-isI V-

_ ,•d faith and wi!h the iutcnnou :ct execute the bond pro ided by law. ~ minimum or upset pnce and value per annum ,•C said ' E\TH ~TRF: F:1'. from Southern I;oulevarct to Austin . ared by law. The adequacy and >uflicieney et the I )AM Fa R. -HEPFI KL.l). (l, H. LA GRANGE, franchise and the annual rental for the wharf property I place ; confirmed Novemoer az, !>;97 ; entered D: cent- - rity ofered is to be approved h)' the Comptroller and I'Fio\I.\5 STL I:t; I-, Commissioners, as tiled above. her 7, x897. Area of ass•. s ment incl odes all those lot.,

City of New York before the award is trade and The highest hiddc•r will be required to pay the I pieces or parcels of land situate, ly t L and Lciug in file . !o the ~icnmg of the contract, Ne,+; YotK, December ru, 18y7. ~ auctioneer's fee and to deposit with the Comptiol!er at I City of Ne++ York, which taken together are bounded

-,•Sim,lllC ¢orlt Pe• considered unless accompanied by TO CONTP..~CTORti, the time of sale ehe sum of Five Thous ind Five Hun- and described as follows, viz. ; r a c: rlrArel the c.s oJllW one nJ:lre hacks <l tGe City I deed j5,5ro1 llollar:. to be credited on the first quartois

PRt)YO~:1Lti FOR pi.AC:1NG FIRI{- Ott the north b •e line drawn nrallel to the norther) )' • 1• Y . -

:., l mk, dra:cu to t,:e ardor of the I. troller, ! SE9LF.11 tr the (:ity if the lace is not ex- alarm I' Icctr I Conductors Undo rll, rrtn: J will be

rent, dr to be 1pr r ha side of One H :mdred :!nd F street anJ uonry to the ntoura of Ta-elve' !/uudr.'d (r,aoc) ° : routed by the purchaser w•heu notifieJ that it is ready

r the d ist ant too s;ud nor[hcrl • siJc oduccJ and Distant loo Iect north-

Uoii,,, s, Sur h check or mom:y oust out be inclosed L}'the Cum ionerc Lead of -for I nl n at the execwion, Fil tm eat it the office of said the


'Cho le>secs will he required to give Uond, in the penal erly theefrom ; on the south Uy a line drawn parallel to

in the se:+led envelope containmG the estimate, Lut F'irc 1)eparunent, i)ep:vtmen t, --in Cif file south, rl side of I?a.a one IlunJrerl and Furtc- )

mu,tbehander to [he officeror clerk of the Department Nos. r ~nii I- Ea<t tiist seventh street, the 57 • a9 ) s } sum of F,irty-fourThoo,:wd ,:44,«,0) Dollars with taco \1", dnesda.-, aenth sheet :imi said sowherl and

who ha- char;~e nl the -` ox, aI e no e~ttmate can t o nice "' } side tire nl :' e+r York, until ta;;o .'.;lock a. ;u., by the (.'omptrollcr, distant roo feet southerly !

c t t Decenib<r on the cast a Ue " I'fn iem sureties, to br apii z , x897, at which time ancf place they will be deposited in said box until such check or money ha,

pert n t I-ront; 9 conditioned fur the faithful perforr:mce of the cove- bne drawn arallel to Austin place and distant easterly by head 1)epartment and P


been a xammed by s'[id of icer or cL. rk and fotmd io be ' publicly opened the of said uanh and cunditinns of file Icase and the payment of file i ton feet from the easterly .ire thereof ; oi, the we=t }ry correct. All such deposits, except that of tire suc- rend. rent quarterly' !n advance. a line dr_twn parall,_ I to Southern Boulevard rind dist:mt ces It I bidder, a+ill be retuned to the persons making. I No estimate will be received or considered after the i 'I-he lease will contuu the usual covenant and coedi- I ++:c,terly ro_~ fee t tn,m the w'e,terly ride thereof as such the sane mittlit three clays alter the contract is ' hour nulled. cons. in conformity with the provisions of laav and t to , It',. ets are shown upon the Final -%lap. of the'1'wr•nty- c ,~ rk t awardeu. If the succcsstill bidder shall relu e or For information a_ to the amount and kin.I f wo o rr,lmances of tl-:e Common C uncil relative to ferries, third and "l'wenty-iuunh \4'ard. of the City and County neglect, within five days after notice that the contract be done, bidders are referred to the specifications arhicb ;,ml shall provide that the lessees will maintain and of - ~i I of Ne•w Yuck. has Leen awarded t„ him to execute the same, the 1 bent p, it of these proposals. rate the terry dunnk file w ule a rm, and iII y~- u e

EAti'C H LIKED AND amount „t the uel•'usii trruie b}' him shall be forte,,, d to .i Tire specification,, are in tl•.ree sel,arate divisions. ample a- comm-latious in the way of safe and c. spacious OI en av I ore ;

ti7'KI 1. 1', from See..;n irk avenue

floe d O>;den av!.nuc; and retained bt the Loy of ,New \ork as Irguidated gadder, w!11 he required to ,uhmit their bid, for the boats and lmI cs of trips, a, to the, suff!c!vncy of

November :I December r

7, damage, for such ric,lect or retus: 1 ; but ii he shall eve- ~ entire t'-roe div, n::mirg the _ro„ a:ii tint fair each I ++ hich crew nnioda!tons the decision of the 1layor and eoofiooa. I. 1897 ; . ,•Mere

cute the contract within the time aforesaid, the amount dicisiou sr P'tl:lfcIy. I be Comu issioncr, will reserve Com ptruller sh.,ll b:: tin:.) ; also cnndii tuns tLat the les- lots, ,8;17. Area of asse,sme~ii mefndrs all those nr nl laud, siu;at _, lying pieces parcels and of his det'~u, t will be returned to him, the rift m ac c r re ect bids for :m • one or more of }, r 1 } i, <cec ,halt Bred c the ferry slip, as r:squired b)' the Ile-

Ucing to the City of V e+v 1 ork, which taken ru1J the person or persons to whom the contract the secera divisions, runent of D.,cks; th.!t durin the term of the lease they pn g together arc buuuded and cleIorihe•e a: follows, viz.: be awarded ne elect or refuse to acce n the contract t~ 1 Thu }i~rm of the acreement (showing the manner of

will erect crud 6ttild, at their o+cn expense, crud will at ail • kec time. well and cufhcientl re rn r, u+amtai❑ and } I p On the nosh by the middle Ime ul the Ub ck, bet we!•n

u five lot's after written e, tice th,!t the same has ' p:.ymert h,r the with pecifications, ma}• be seen Cnst One Hundred and 'Sixty-lint itre,•t and Nast awarded to his or their bid or proposal. os .t he or 1 and forms of

iosai may be .Limned at the office of proposals

fruders, i!: ood order, all ,ufcl smcf!fDr the floats, tricks, g

~ liund red and Sixty-fifth su'r et and said middle line .One

,cce n, but du and t.xctietc•, the contract and g!ve Uridne, and other fi stores of the 11,1 Is places, and nt Linkhc't)I front Produced from the middle line of the bincla bets ern

h nronat secure, y, he or the}• shall br considered

th1 I:ruart me nt. liiddcrs their wi11 write out the amount of estimate

the event of au} damato to the or piers '.o.,ts from ,i in ahanu~ red it anti in cefanit to t}rz a: or colli,iun Uy tho ferry-or other+Ise, ally acct- i VV'e'°dyc'res~avenue, :,r Nrent •da+enu auJ OgiJ, !r ive

ntte to file 1 u} oil a t I or t , lurris [ r. nt ,.puyten .h :non, and the contract w':11 be newfvfrti,ed end Boor in addi!icn to inserting the same in figures.

'Fie is to be cum:.leted and delivered in one week j dent or negligence on their par[, they will immeitial iy

to its tyre N. Y, t:, and 1I. R. gaihn-d; tin the south Icy ,n teed Ley' laay.

I hundred days, in and twenty' (IZC) as provide. the con 1 mparr and restore said wharf property' precious

A •.w )'urh if Jerome avenue ; tin file ,alt fy [he maclefIc Lnr of tho ':]IF,s R. '-HF I• IF:I.D, 0. H. I.:+ GRANGE, condition, free c f cost to the Cily of ; that

blocs between Woodyc ncreou•t i or Itremer avenue, Hi)11AS Il l Rtat, (,onrmi~stoners, tract. at an)' time during the.term of the lea,c the 1 fcpar!nsent I

a:'d t Keen aveDtrc i m J on the west by the t)puyt, n 7 he dama_e, to be paid by the amucrofDr for each of D xks .hall require any of the wU all property olio] for Yurt Morris L'ranch N, Y,

r~ xs F IRE Dh:i,~v! i sh•~N i. Nr<. 157 Ain tell ! frvxr:crli d.,}• that :he contract may be t tfinfiiti d after the t!me ~ f rry purpos s m ,,rice to ptocee d with water home im- uadnd c( the C. L H, 1:,

Rau) C!XTSE+SN- eta _77ifer, iS 1- ui(n. i Lte'enlLc9, -s 1Tcrii d I r the c,gmhletien there.xf shall have expired iri the oioanilyof the ferry lanrling.,the said t r ,

~q7 .arc fixed and liqu!d.~ted nt '1\a city (zo) Dollars, lessees ,hall surrender and vacate the premises, without '1'\VKNTY-THIRD ANI) 1'\\• ENTY-FOURTH TO CONT1' \C TORr 1'he award of the contract will be made as soon as any claim upon the City fo anv dantartes wi+atcaer, upon \VARDS.

i1.1:1) YR! rPO:AL, }(1 R F'l- R\1nHI\G l liE Prn,'tie.tUlea ftrt the opening of the bids, i w'ritien notice b,aq~ gta•en to the Ies-ec three months in CHARL(1'1' 1'F. ti1'k EEL, fmm lr nn!nns street r.

- aferal, :md 'abor and mine file ac ork ' e till d in An}- Perron ma6tn; nn esumae for the work shall advanca of the intention of said Department : that such Crut 1'ar f. ; cnnhrmcd tovembcr r, =~q7 : enter cl

q ! }, 'tun repa!rin~ tl:e but ~ tug .. t this Del :runert by resent the loose iu a scale) rnvclu c to said Ruard, at noucc shall speal}- by general terms oI des,~ription or P p' -

t i Recenihc[ 7, 1897, Arc a n cr. aL-sIment a:elude. all

i r .,c qu'i'tters , t Engine Co No. z', .tt \u. cad Said office, tin ur Lc fort, the day and hour above named, i roil-rence to feel lairs and s},ecit,r.: ton s ul the l.n~posud I those lots, ece, o: ucels ul 1,11d situate, l ing, and p c f'' > Fort,, th sire, t. will rib• rc ceic ed by the Board of which antelope shall be inI rsed with the name of +vurk oniaprovement the charactero1 the.aLetatiollsand

bcingm the City of \uw 1"urk, aehich, takcu tuget1, the head c t the Fire I i aeon, lit, n.une, tit the per=_on cr persons present it the )ante, the I improvements to Ile made in retard to -aid +rater-Irout, r,

b. Jescr[b••d 1.- tc linty al e mtJce :mu :, v!z ; . nussioners at - p alTccttne lase r. ccty an 1 r chts hen b auttr. r n:d [o Le lots of it, and a smtem, nt of the work to pope )' presentation _ , tfice ct aid 1t partmi-nr, \ns. -- anti tc9 Fast +- h:ch the}' remte spccifthe kind of eablec it tc demised, and upr n lea tv q; ih notice the L.-sep may a}-ink On the north b}• a line drawn p.,ranel to Cmt Pctk

eaeutIi _,reef, in the t. is e f \ca Ynrk, ttr!il the kale of the aiii wh.,rf to rsa f

:utd clfIxans rc, feet uurtherl}' tr rl

the northerly side. o',Io.-e a, at„ Ir Ci' Licccrt er ;t, r: y;, at I rupa;r. to furnish, el et property pr v I

there ! ; tin the south ra

i n time air. I I•I cz they will ! c Yu Stich• Opened bs

The Fire Dup-rt I Ot reserves the right to decline ~ of ferry privi lu;fie, u! hancht e., Uy srrrn {t nit i .e

of ich election vi on t c Lkpart meat , f Dock, and the b} a line .l raven },.u-:dlcl t„ Frc -

man street and distant too feet s. utherly from tl , e the it rd of :u.: Dc rmem :md re:.d.

Le ,received .any and all Uici+ or estimate: or an n t the rest, i} ;,d the Cinkin~ Fund within one month ~

I No soothed}• side Thereof; on the east by the :I

No estimate will or considered after the des mod t> Le for the public interest bid or e,ti- after eceivi erthe Departments dDock s

d ill oed line of the block cell East I)ne Huurr_•:f


hour named after receivi o the notice fI I

mate will Ue accented Irum, or rnu tract to, rr r Stre and Seventy-tilted street and Sub

For ant ormation as to the amount am'. kind of work to of its imcntaoo to improve tl~e water-fryant in the vtctni I ii n pla

said middle line d, fr: m the tort h, 1-:rodua r~)• 1

be clone, b defers ar,- rere; red to the spvcifica tions, s hich an}- person who is in arrears to ti.c Corporate„n t!pon ferry l i that sworn of the amounts debt or contract, or who iI a del:, rib r ac surety or of the t ding ; returns 11+nd

of ferry receipts sh.sll i•e made to the Comptroller when i boumlary tit the :vo.e of assesmct n, the middle line of form p::rt r4 the. c fr ll,c.sab. otherwi-c, upon any obligation to the Corporation. re,.}mr,.J La I,im, :urzi that the hooks of account of th ! tl e Ulocks Uetw cell F_ si ( )nc Hu dtr d and Se+enu -

lhc form of agreuv u,t, sl:n:sing [he manner of t:ach bid or estimate shall contain and state the name 1 terry shall-be subject to his i!~specuun. fl Second street and I•;ast One Hundn-d and Seve ny thir:.l pacmeI I r tl e murk, u'ah tl:e ,pc ci ficntionc, an:+, forms 1 and plr,ce of re,ruence of each of the persons making ! lease f,•r i sir: et ; thence b+ a line drawn . t iiel to the n irri ri, ui plc po>als, may he obtained at the oil v of the llc- the sane , the names of all persuus interested is rh him

1'he will contain a cm•enant providing the It,•uleva,d :md ii t: t t t«, f_et , asterl'r from tlw east.

partm nL fur boats, LuJdu:gs i of them thu-e! :: and if no other per-tin he so in to res tecf, p"'cltosc, at a valu uiou, of the nod

other cf file lesfecs used in :md actt.'Jlc neces• pn+peny r , side thereof, fr:.nt th tni idle I!ue of the bloc):,. ) Yro sa Is must be made for all of the work calls d for F''- ~ it sh.dl di,tinctiv state that fact; that it is made c ` gy p for the ration of said ferry a on the term ma- ' beau. East One HunJruJ and Scceoty- cicuul

In the sfsee:fie iions. w,tbeeit a•,}' cc nnec, ion with any other person makin _ar } f~ i street and East Un< Hundred and sever thin. )- bidders ++ail wrue out the amount of torte estimates t ~ tio., and s r1 rand of tha <es by the themt

an e.,t i:n:+te (~r thu same purp, ,~c~, and is m all respects Ic,c, !street to a li,te dr.+wn p:crdlel to Jennin_s str, ~,•; 1

it file le<scea hall out bucosue [he

11 no i eels purchasers in to inserting the same ;n h_ures. la'r an„ +citliout collusion or fraud, and that no member an,l d!st:ant too feet mnha'ly ti'„m the n„rthe, ly

The work i;, to 1•e c.,n,p'.eted ace dclnered +aithi❑ the that Lhc 1lacor, Al ; tsar 'tnuthcr firm, Itt e teed n t I e

tune sptcrticd in the contract, :~i the Common Council, he:ui tit a department, chief of a s!de tl:errut ; th mce by the westerly s.Jo tit fir}':ant. and Commonaltc ,:f the City' of New York shall n• , t lie ; bureau, de}: a }' thereof or clerk therein, or other officer street, fn to a line drawn p Ordlad to Jennm”. de cnn.d • thc-r to purchas said property to tine event The doll age to Ile paid by the contractors for each ',}' c, t the Cor ,oration. is oil eciI r me:it ce [I - interested i street :md u!stant roo tee[nt»theny-from th,- m,rthc rly F• ) - the ferriage for rat-=- _•f and char_es chides and da' that tl•e co ntrac t may br urn: 1!;lr+! ,!for the little e tilr,da s u r to the supphc•> or work tr, whir n eel rtes, ~ side u,eicof to a Ime drawn Parnf!et to Denning, s;r. r ' freight , -ed the rates nun+ :.har• ed. ,hall of exc fence s , mt -u f r :he com tLercr t shall have ex ,red p P P rr it an}- portion of the profits thereof, The Uid ur Tile tot m lease wilt h the wul }-,e required distant rco lent south a Iro the ,,rail e s:J, I of purchaser i he h t

are nxul :u d lr. m.1t I at }'en •d 11.,,..[rs. esmtate mu-t Le veri tiro by file oath, in writing, of therm I and tlunce b a Ime elraw'n wtllel to file 6c 't t;te of the C >• Y` the awarl e t the c-,ntract will be mace ss Icon as the any or arties m r tirg the estimate, that file ' to o.vec'1 can seen „flier mptrullcr. p p he Lid if deetsxce by oiathvrn fculcvard 'mff Distant loo fee[ raster I}-

practical Ie aifr r th • oper:trg of the L:d,, ri,ht to reject ,my is resera'ad caer:tl :eaatsolx state+l filrrun are m all respccts tote. I from the castcrly side theec:,f from a line cl!ana!

:1n} person m th r.; :.n c-u ~ata for thaid-t

rk rshaall e

t S PFralloI to JnrvllogS stn et and distant too tr.:: Vt"here m,. rr titan me I:ers n is interested it is requisite s tU R~nni~rolleherClomn of slv,itt<~r, of e irk!n Fund, l.res nt the same ;n a scaled c elope to oa d, fiat the %cri t cation be made:-nd subscribed by all the ) e from [tae rl} L~~ under a resolution adopted luly southerly south thereof !o t ::!d en or Lefore the day an- hour abuse mined, .nice, 1897.

-h shall be indorsed w!th the name or cati~ens-c!ope - rties ,ntcrested.

f' unwary of the, area „f i

l P `~ ASH L'EL F. FI ICH, Comptroller. s.,utherl)'

~'' h lr cku; ;,m! st -

fade bid nr estimate shall le accnnrpauie,i by the Fr-.ay-en DEPARTitES'r, Cot,ti, rRoCtra:'S OFFtce o" the writ U}' the miJdlc: line of tL,: l,etwec:: .., of the person or erson, ,resenting the same, p . ]

its ca'+se ref s ru.nritin,5-.eylava householders urjeer/roldn's 1 A1 endover avenue and Prospect av, line and -aid mid,f, ~ DecemUer 7, z8g7. ,. ~ date of prescntat wn, anti a Statement of the yr City 1 erk, ;vifk 'heir rys, ecz ire psnec.l nj rsf -Ar:a , fine pr.,drif.icd, from the northerly' EsollcLtry of [he :ni:,c

+-a k to which it relate-. /tshess,,r to thei:dect that ii the contract of tiIlel,mcn! I, a line drawn parallel to hteLLin-

: he Fire I'e Partment reserves the ri ht to decline f g oD residence be the thcy awariad to the person m.rkiug estimate,

j The ahove sale is postPor:ed to Tuesday, December ~ avenue- and distant too feet welxcAx' from the + -.!- •.id all bids or e•timates, it ueem.d to }.c .-•r the for

~ 2S, r€97, at the same hntn :uid place, eel side tiler.-of, thsrue by said -hoc riraau :-- - `. c tmsnsx. No bad or estimate will he eeceptcd

its a ll: dt bein S,aavarded, been t iesnda<suretics j itct:,ithlulperfurm:u cc in the-um: ftiecrr,tecn'1'huusaud N ASHL11-:1. 1', FI [CH, Comptroller.

1ui.!. I 1 CITY of . c++ t .+SC CiARtitt T, Cott -

}' l :' allel to Stebbins avenue and d t''tit too Itut w,,t,,, ,

or co :tract aw-girded to. ar.v t ,son wile t, m per ma: o hul acs, anti that it ii shall om t F[ae H rn front the westt rly su:e they eof to a line drawn p, r; Ii i : ~::rs u; the t trpurc.:;or, upon deist or contr.,et. or or refuse lu!'xccutc theca ur i they acill pay to the Corpo- TKULLER's Opr tc lr., 1)ece it r:r, ta97. to Jetntinf;s str~•et crud Jis:ane loo feet -uatirr I•:

. i. a Letaulter, as surety' or otherwise, upon any rnfaen firth rence Lenrcen the sum to which he +vould I ~— .mv front the south, rly live there 1 ; thence by tic mt t-''• I _ation to ti;e C~rnora~ion. be entitled tin its completion and that which the ! The above is to Thursday, December sale postponed ' ire of the block. bctw e n SfcL6iot avenue. su'i't

,._eh bad ur estimate st:a11 contain and state the name I Ccrpuraticn may ba ouii_~ed to pay to the person I 1897, at the same t o.,r and piac '1o, . I Inaer+:,le avenue Irom a line drnvn pandlcl :., .. saner of re=turner of e:,ch of the eercnr.= making the ~ or persoi s 'o w't:om to c,utract may be awarded at AeH - i i Y. l it f if, Comptrr,ller. ~ Jennints Stn et and distant 10o feet southerly' him:

:, the r:am" of all persons interested with lit i or any subs.: gsnt letting. the aniotu!t in e•cch case to lie 1 Crrr or \ cw 1', n,!:—Ft•::s r Dra'AS, sae;+r, Conte- ~ tl'e s'. utterly' side thereof to the southerly hoc nd:!r) I ' . r herein, and it nu other persr n be tu, interested it calcu :,fed upon the estim- t d a riount of the ++ork t KUft.eB•l (_Ir etc t:, l)C. Iut er e5. 18,)7. tl:c ar , .f ails-s nient as said ,freet, ate shown up: a

I distinctly- state )het fact; that it is made vith- b}. which the bids are tested, The consent ab„ve- ! the Final 1laqPs of !hr Twenty-third and 1\vvn2)•-f -,urt , . :n} concertror with any otherperson n:aktr g an e=ti- I I \Yards of the City and Cu mly of New 1::rk.

or the same purpose, and is to all respect- ttr arc mentioned shall be acc mpani i by the oath or 0.birnra- '

^ ti,,: in wt sting, of each of the ercon, si suing the canes NU I ICE LIb ASSESSNIE?. ; S I COI EN- 1' t' Tor ab,,ve ffed assessments enter^d in fir.:

-ut collusion or tracd, and that no member et the t I Ih:u he t.- a h•.~u>eholder or fredu,IJcr m the City cf New I I\ Ci ti I l~l I;TS AN I) A~ b.~ IJ ~5.

epte lest i Record of "1 ides of Asscssmcnts, kept m the ' F u!. ;<u

,r.un Council, Lead of a dep•:r:meat, chief oi- a York„ Ina i- worth the .,mount of the security required r N YL R9( 1nC r. OF SF:C I ION Dill OF THE ~ for the C ,llecticn of A,sesstucnts and Arrears of l axes -:.:u, deputy thereof or clerk t:'.erein, or other L r the complettou of this contract, over and above all 1 "Now York City Consr:lidatinn Act of thin,” as ' and Assessments and of W:!ter Rents," on the rest,,cr. • r o: the Corporation, is directly or indirec:I} his debts cf ever y nature, and over and :,hove his amended, the Comptroller of the City of New' York ~ ive dates herein above given, and unless the anwunt : -sted therein, or in the supplies or work to which ;t liabilities a. bail• surety ur othmvisor and that he hat, hereby' gives public notice cl the couhrm::tion by the assessed for benefit on any person or property

. _, or in nay portion cf the profits thereof. I lie othered ham- It as a sure t}' in good faith and w'it}t the Supremc Court, and the entering in the Cur call for the shall be paid within slxry days after the sail respco iv _ r estimate must be Ser!ued t,}' the oath, in wntmc, - Intention to execute the ba.d required be law, ' Collection of A, e. s;m, n: , etc., of :he as-essmeut for dates of entry of the assessment, interest will b

i _ part} cr parties n:,king tite est;n!•ete, tl...t tic 1'he adequacy and stethciency of the ccuurtv offered is OPF.\ I \1; ,h\D :\CQL IRI\l; 'I ITLL to the foIloav- collected thereon, as provided iu section gr7 of sa.,I ri l m:esters st:,ted ti:erern ::re rt: all respects true. to b, appros'ed by the Comptrvlier of the City of \ew I ing-miee streets and asunucs in the " New York City Consolidation Act of rbdtl."

:,re Store toan .rte person is interested it is requisite be de G}• the ,eriEr t m and subscribed all

\elk :. e!ure the award is made and prior to the signing I -f'\\•E \ i V- 1'll I1, L) \YARD. 'I'he above arse ss me itts a ie pa)'abt e t o th c Collecto r,~f , carries interested.

of the ontract. CRAM L siT K F:F. I , front R.hbrns avenue to Tim n p r ' , Assessments and Clerk of arrears, at t}!e •• l ureau t,,r Ao rs1:nrati :rill gorrsidercd rrwless acegrj•axrAd

:.::c/r l•ir1 or estrr,rate s/cra1l re rmcmu7•nuud ly the ! e,

L} 'r1Ler a crrti/i~d J.'.~k rrpnn tie nI t r. Ganke her : eo Navymafgr r;, re9i ; eimlu bpgo all bee 7, tE97. Ar• a c ss~,s~ment includes all

197. ~ the e:ol1ee oon of :1)se=aments and An ears of '1, lrs Wirt and of \t'ater ,tents," Roum 3t, Stewart to crrrt.)r~•, /taro Iron; e,, r+ldcrs rrireain//ceo Cit • \c} tkeir e o ;r crk, zediri res eta a roes .,

cl t,;e Crt}• 'y -1 t all } "ark, a:(va to the n»!cr of the /e i

those lots, piece; e r parcas of land, situate, 1. in, I rid li nebet

I Building, Letwecn the hours of 9 A: st. and a r, st„ and all _ I - peg r" f Commtrn!br, or money to the nnmrrxt n/ tight ill - and being in the C,ty of Ne,v Y„rk, whtrn taken pavmants made thereon tin or before February s, r8:,?,

- ,~:ass or ren,nc,:cc. to the effect if the contract ,fr,d ,reed S..-eufy sir-c (875 LroUars. Sucl check or rogether , re b:mailed and .iesc, ii~ed a- foaoacs, viz.: ~ widl be exempt from interest, as above provided, and wi,raeo co the person mating the irstiman, tie', im,aec least nut be mclu,ed in the sealed envelope con- Un the north by cite southerly side of Dater street and after that )ace will be charged interest at the rate ::t :, on its .,eing so awarded, e con e o - anU a ,arc ties t .tia, ng the estimate, but must be handed to the oti!eer or

I said s trtherly -ide t ro,tuc•, d from .St. :1far)'., I'ark to , seven per cent. per annum from the above rr:,pe:: in,

;s taithlul pertcrma•tee in the s,tm of Six T i.ou-and clerk ui the - Dcoartmeat rvhc has charge of the estimate- the 'southern f'ou!ev,erd ; thence by the southerly side dates of entry of tire assessment in the Record , f •. h r-ndrec 6,5co, Dollar-; anri that it lie stall :,nut b„x. an.. no estimate can be deposited in said box until or East O:-e• Hundred and Forty seventh street and iltles of Assessments in said bureau to the date of pay- : •. IUS c toe:,e'ute tire Ian: r-, .;te)• wi it pa) tr, ti Corpo- such cheek or m•.,ney I:as been extm!m d by -. aid officer or I sood loud erly side pr cluced In m the ' uuthern L'au- meet. any dtf:erence between the sum to v v.: h ne clerk and tuund to'n curr. c!. AI! such dep, sit,, except evard to toe middle line of the block bons Bell 7'imison ASHBEL P. F]1'CH, Comptroller. -:,d be entitled on its compbotion anti that +v tic r, u:at „f the succc.-aul bidder will be rc ntrned to the I lace a.rd Austin lace , on the =on!h b ' th.. north eel DFPAIi"I'\IE\1', l.0 ]I r_

Corporanon ma}' be obliged to pay to the per- 1' F' ) Y ' C[ia of Nr+i Y-( ,t, [, FIe-+ i5!'.

contrac m[.kma the same within three bi after the side rf h e St. Pare; toe TROt.t,•~K'a Ol ttcE, DcecmLer r5, x847.

. - r erson- to w.wm the contract may be awarded

' P %- ale in n urilesa ; vii ,

.contract is awarded. 11 tt e sore •-au1 bidder shall Suritncrn I:,,elccaTd ; t n tha• east by t,~e m!eoIr line r:f

l e

. .:.,y sULsequcnt lotting, the amount in eachcase to ire re tusc or neglect, within five days after notice that , the block behre n I runes a place and :\ustin place and : INTEREST 0\ CITY BONDS AND at :cd upon the estintatedt amount of the work the contract h,, Lees aw.r ded to t im, to execute the j said m+ddle lane produced tr.,n the n.rthe n Ueundary STOCKS '. tech the bids are tester.. 1'he consent a',cve

be by the oath or attcrm:r• same, the amount of the deposit made try him shalt be I of the art a tit assessment to the south,rn b_tmdar}",I ' J

IN'VEREs'LT L(, L 4NU:1RY :.-..ii neI, shall accompanied forfeited tj and retain-d by the City of Vow York as the area of -r sessu.ent, and on the west by St, 11at}'s THE I, t8c8, OV ::, to wrinr,g, of each tit the persons ctgmna file came. liquidated dam,_ , s fur such neglect ur r-.sal ; but if Park. the PC Stcrcd I'a!•a and Stocks of u;e Ctty ar.J

is t t l e L ore rsl wort) tlLe amotmt ot l the reg he strait execute the contra, I within t}ee time atoresaid $ 1 BEET iI Sim from

' County of New York will be paid on that day by the ,~.; ,at the amount his deposit will be returned to him, of

F(1N merl } p' en street, \5 est- at t}te older of the City roa Romptro4er

. r the completion of this contract, over and abocc ail Chester avenue to 11'eemau street; confirmed VocemLer 'I, and slay

Room a7, Stewart I3uilding, corner of Broadway and ._ .cuts of every ncture,and over and above his Baba!f. ~ Should the perun or persons to whom the contract I 1, is..7 ; emereu 1)ccem bee 7, I€97. Area „f awe,smeet I Chatnbers street.

as bati, surety or otherwise, and that lie has onerec ..., ' may tie t rded ne;g b_et or refuse to accept the contrail I uec fides a:1 the se lots, piece, or pare, is of la:.d situ:etc, The Transfer Books will be closed from December as a surety to good faith and +cith the intention _...Nett +within lice o;.y, aft. r written notice that the same has )yin;; tied b'. ir.g in the Cit}' of N, w \ of k, is ch, t:cken I r5 to January t, i8y,l,

-,come the i.onc rc luired uy law. The ade,tuacy i been aw'ardeu to pus or their b';J or pr„p„s.,1, or if he or n got her, are bow,ded ,nd described as follows, viz.. I

Che interest due January I, r898, on the Coupon - sufjloiln y of the see rrt) offered is t~, be they accept, but uu not •_xeccite the contract and give On the north by a line dr..wn parallel to Freein:m I Bonds and',tucks of the Ctty and Ce,unt)- of New York,

: rovetl Ly the Comptroller of toe City of few York the proper security', he or they shall be considered as street and distant rr.o itet northerly from the northerly will he paid on that day by the Knickerbocker '1'ru~t .,re the award is made and prior to the sinning of ti.c - It -u'g ai uoneu it and as in de:ault to the Corpora- side thereof ; on the s of th by \C. stchcstcr acenuC ancf Coerpany, No. 66 Broadway. cract, a n, and tl e. - ::r.-c: will be retrdverti,ed and rvlct a, East One Htn,drer :utd Sixty fifth sweet; on the east ASH HLL 1'. FITCH, Comptroller.

Le . r r~triunte aria cnrs:'dered r(nrr.r.c acro»• pro. td- c ) :. .0 I by a line drawn parallel to the Southern Boulevard and C11V of New Yoek— PISANCE DEr'ARintenT, Conte.

i t "mind rr

s k tle i/ • crrrr red .! ?cr rr one of 1heGanks I A:+l L5 Ft. 0H I-- FFIF.LIt, 0. 31. La GRANGE. I distant Ico feet easte ly from the ea_,terly side thereof TKOeLEK's OF[ icE, December 17, 1897. j r°" I T Ht r\I 9. I I I Contra”, w,,:rs, I from the nurthusly boundary of the area of :,ssess-

--lezv }nrh, d.aeeri to too orderot the Correytrnl:erar - -- - - - - -' --- - --

went to a line drawn parallel :o Home street and .•i t}' to fate nrneUtut of J.rr ee Ila,,,r red and Jweerly

Lalhuss t be - -- - - " dlaIanf IGO ale[ i0ULtfeliy frOln file SU, 'Ihtrl )' Slde !

FI\Ales f Kl f,s Y'(1h 1'HE C()LI. F:CTI:u- S i r I' o. 5 UA.rti', OF'1 Axrs, Nn• CH,tmEEKs S,iicj.I•T STEWARf BUILD- 57 „ : ;25i ouch clock or money must of m-

the Lut -cu m the>.ealed enveiupc containing estimate. FINANCE DEPARTMENT. f; ace a Lae drawn par-rant to x shrew m im le t G;, titw Tux , t)ecemberz, x897. street formerly Simpson .tlect) and do-font loo feat

t .st be handed to the officer or clerk of the Depai t- NOTICE TO TAXPAYERS. . ;:uL who has charge i the estimate-box euu nc

ave nue fand the siby to heater theterly ,a li nt ~. le: :R L >I t:v- re \ - _~!~,•tr!. i %vo avenue ; and av tue west bs a line drawn parallel N RECEk OF TAkF:ti OF Tllp CITY OF

.>„mate can tie depustted in said box tmt[I such,-'~ -..1 .f. f'. VI Ft-.k 1:1 F1::1\CH1~L. tr fll,lt nveyue dettort too fhet &

New \b here

gives noun to :ei who

. r mone - has been examined L said officer or c cr6 ysuch u found to be correct. Al de osits, exce,••

ortherly th

, ot9 7, t e THL

w e t omit o

to a the tap westerly rite thereof; from the nm drawn I h m~~ e ti THE F of t wen es h m t b hoe oil r rst

- p I~th rd re kh ast

tort r f Lw~nt}-third street. Ease river, [o Green- boundary < t the area of as~cssment to a line drawn the same to him at his ~.fficc tin or Leloru file first day uC r , to bout ar of

, -t +,t the successful bidder, wall ue returned to i t:c p,.lilt, Ero -klyn, tag, the, with the wharf property . p:u aile! to Chisholm street and distant too feet south- J:u!uniy, 1898, as provided by section 846 of the Nere persons maku!g the name w'ithm threeda,s alter tl,•,. b•;, u,_ing to the City of New' York, now used and ~ erly from the southerly -isle tLereof; thence Ly said i York City Consolidation Actof 188®. cuutract is a waruve. It the successful bidder shall required for ferry purpose,, mill be offered fur sale • line drawn parallel to Chisholm street '.rid distant Upon any such tax rtmamu,g unpaid after the first refuse or neglect, within live days after notice that the ha the Comptroller of till- City of New York, at ; rw feet southerly from the southerly side day of December, 1897, one per ce!rtum will be clmrg,-d, contract ha Lcen a+carded to him, to execute tire same, public au,.tion to toe highert b dder, at his utt=er, . thereof and said Itne product. d to a line drawn received and collected in addition to the amount iie-ewg tite amount of the ucposrt niade by him shall be for- Room 15, bt•-wart Y,ui:d ng, No. 1So IIroadway, on the p•,rallr-1 to P,arretto street and distant too feet and upon such tax remaining unpaid o❑ u!c first clan' of `etted to and retained by the City of :New York as 21st day of December, 189;, :et 12 o'clock •.t., for a term I westerly from the westerly side thereof ; thence by January, 1898, interest will tie charged, received and liquidate. damages for such neglect or refusal ; but it of five years, tr,,- the 2rst day At December, 1897, upon a line drawn parallel to Hasrtstto street and distant too collected upon the amount thereof at the rate of seven he shall execute the contras' within the tune aforesaid ~ the following feet westerly from the westerly side thereof to a line per centum per annum, to be caiculatcd from the first day the amount of his deposit will be returned to him, ~ I o i its AND CONDITIONS of S.ALE. drawn parallel to Home str. tt and distant zoo feet south- of October, 1897, on which day the assessment rolls ,md

Should the person or persons to whom the contract The minimum or upset price per annum for the fran- ' ei ly from the southerly s de thereof; and thence by a warrants for the 'Faxes of 1897 were delivered to the ma)• be awarded neglect or refuse to accept the contract chisc of the ter. y is five per ant per annum of the gross line drawn parallel to Fox street (formerly Simpson said Receiverof faxes, to the date of payment, pursuant within five days after written n tics that the same has_ ''' receipt. fir fsrriag•s of passengers, vehicles, freight. etc., sir! et) and distant loo feet westerly from the westerly to section 843 of said act- been awarded to his or their u:u o p.:I.:'u:.l, o r :t he -,r a h!cil anrurn.t per annum vrdl ! of Le less than sro. o. side thereof to the southerly Iwundary of the area of DAVID E. AUSTEN, Receiver of Taxes.




E51'IAIATES h0R PREPARING FOR AND RE-pairing and extending the Pier at the foot of West

One Hundred and Twenty-ninth street, North river, will be received by the Board of Commissioners at the head of the Dep rrtment of Docks, at the office of said Department, on Pier "A," foot of flattery place, North river, in the City of New York, until 11.30 o'clock A. nt. of

TUESDAY, JANUARY 4, 1898• at which time and place the estimates will be publicly opened by the head of said .Department. The award of the contract, if awarded, will be made as soon as practicable after the opening of the bids.

Any person making an estimate for the work shall furnish the same in a scaled envelope to said Board, at said office, on or before the clay and hour above named, which envelope shall be indorsed with the name or names of the person or persons presenting the same, the date of its presentation and a statement of the work to which it relates.

The bidder to whom the award is made shall give security for the faithful performance of thecontract, in the manner prescribed and required by ordinance, in the slim of '1\venty.five Thou,and Dollars.

The Engineer's estimate of the nature, quantities and extent of the work is as follows

in the work-Total, about 17,033 feet, B. M., measured in the work.

To Be Furnrsked by the Contractor. 23. Yellow Pine Timber, SrtxIG1t, about I3.t6o feet,

B. M., measured in the work ; Yellow Pine Timber, 511xr4r1, about 1,313 feet, B. Al., measured in the work ; Yellow Piue Timber, xlo, about 2,250 feet, B. M., measured in the work ; Yellow Pine 'timber, 5''x5'', about 2.tco feet, F. M., measured in the work.-Total, about 18,723 feet, Il. At., measured in the work.

24. Spruce or Yellow Pme Timb'•r, creosoted 4"x4", about 50,947 feet, 13. DI.; Spruce or Yellow Pine Timber, creosoted, 9"xt4", about 74 feet, B. M.-Total, about ;l,o II.

N o i'F-The Contractor will be required to furnish all the yellow pine of any dimension other than those specified in Item 22, required to do the work tinder this contra t.

z;. 7'N26", '2•'x22", "x12,"1°0 ' x 8" and %"xg" square Wrought-Iron spike pointed Dack-spikes, about

5,37' pouf's. z6. Ir/y'1, r)-xtt and %'r Wroughi-iron Screw-bolts

and Nut;, about 2,279 Pounds. 27. ;alvanized Wrought-ie m Bands, Bolts, Mouth-

pieces, 9lanhole-frames and Doors, etc., about 18,478 pounds. -

a8. Cast-iron Washers for I1" and It/s" Screw-bolts, about I,g8z pounds.

09. Wrought-trop Washers for %" bolts, about 54 pounds. 30. Labor and Material fur Temporary Centres for

Sulvor-I:oxes. 3t. Labor of every de=cription for 682 linear feet of

Oval Sower. (C) RFI'AIHINm; tune.

7 Removin about 12060 square feet of Deck and

To be Frrrnisleed by the Confeeelpr.

^. fellow Pine Timmer, ta' x ,6'1, about 3,664 feet. B. Al., mcnsured in the tcurk ; Yellow Pine 'Timber, rz" x 14'1, aoout 2,o6 feet, B 11., measured in the work : fellow Pine Timber, rd' x 1211, about 350 feet, B. M., measured io the work ; Yellow fine 'Further, Si' x Br', about 7r,600 feet, 13..91., measurl•d iu the work; Yel-Iow Pine Timber, 5" x to". about 282 feet, B. 7,L, measured in the work ; Yellow Pine Tmtber, 5" x 5", atb,'It 41 300 feet, B. JL, measured in the worts, \ chow tine Timber, 4" x 6'', about 3,312 feet, B. \L, mcasured in the a -rk ; Yellow Pine Timber, 3" x r2", ahnut 8o1 feet, IL 31., measured In the work ; Yellow Tine 1 imher, 2" x 4", about 2,146 feet. B, M., measured in the murk ; Yellow Pine Timber, z% x 8, about 930 fr-tit, B. \L, mea,ured in the sort,-;V ellows Pius "I'ttn-I>er, tt~ x mu", abort 30 fret, B. JI., measured in the work ; total, about 126,491 feet. B. 11., treasured in the iv. rk,

NTu.-The contractor wall be required to furnish all t lac yellow pine of any dimension other than those sp..cified in I tern I required to do :lie work under this cuntr.,Ct.

3, White Oak Timber, Sit x 1211, about 2,240 feet, B \L, measured in the work.

Kure-The above quantities of timber in Items r, 2 and 3 arc inclusive of extra lengths required for scarfs, laps, etc, but are ex'Tu2lec of caste.

4. White Pine, Yellow fine, Norway Pine or Cypress 10,1,- fur extensi•,n, Ioundat:0m and sewer, 474.

It is expected that these p des will have to be from al,utt 75 feet to about ro5 feet m length• to me--i time ic-,luirement- of the specificatiol.s fir driving. W'bere the leap tb exceeds 85 feet the piles ma}- be spliced, in uhick case tire lower or snail end may be of spruce.

:. Square Will yellow lime columns, exceeding 85 feet itt length, 6e,.

N,rre.-the Dep:lrtment of Docks will furnish so,soo le, t B. V. of ,"x 8't yellow pine timber fur these columns, Which amoum is included in item No. I.

6. White Oak Fcude Pilo,, about 6o feet in length, 30. 7, 2-inch White Oak Dowels for all Spliced Piles, mart

long, 248. 8. lt Tapered Locust Treenail=, 16" long, 4,5oo.

9. p 1t It 261', i8" x 2411, 3u,t x 22I, i5" X 201', c-,u x not,, ~B' x 1411 2s' x ~,1/2, x 2211, 3/mm x 20'. Syr' x 18', /' x 16'I, ~3" x 1411 X1'1 .S 1211, 3y 1I x

%a"X 14 ' , '/'I x rd' ~n x yli, %n x 8'r, 1rnI x En and -ya't x 7", square anJ Fyn x g/n, and ,tun x 81/", round \Vrought-iron, `pike-pointed Duck-spikes and, 4od. and 6" Nails and Staples, about 40,457 pounds.

Io. 2", t!=', r'i", rS's" I.' ;9", and %'t \Vrottght-iron Screw-bulls and Nuts and Lag Screw's and Screw' eyes, about 30,0 43 pounds.

I I. \'mebt-mron Str.,p-bolts, Straps, Hinges, Safety H , 2. 9 I. uum about 2,012 p funds.

2. Wrought-iron 11':uhvrs for 2.' ,• lie.• t„ ,"a •• d 'y ' Screw-bolts, obr>ttt 3,419 pounds. ;. N'rotrcht iron t alumn Shoes, shout 5,200 pounds-

, I. Cas -iron Washers for u1/'', t%", I" and ~;3" ri w- bolt,, about 7,429 pounds. c. Ifuilei-plate Arnt:,tares, about t3,o84 pound?. I. a-Cast-iron Atouring-posts, about r,Soo pounds,

-ii ii, 2 ; b-C.tstaron M10 r u,g-pests, about goo pounds, tu h, 4 : c-Cast-iron Chocks, about 225 bounds, each, 4. 17. Cast-iron lie-shoe-, about 11,450 pounds. 18. Hackmatack Knees, 4. Iy• Ib-inch Ch:,iu, a"nut 90 feet. _ I. fi„istu,iZ 9l ac hto try, similar to that now in use at

;nuer end of West Twenty-second Stmect Pier, or as m.,nufacturcd by the American Ship Windlass Com-pany, of F'anvidence, R. I.

zl. Lb ,r of Framing and Carpentry, including all t:caving of Timber. J , inting, Planking, Boiling, Splkiog,

Pnin: Pug, hiding or Tarring, and labor of every deectip-tion fur about ro,68o square feet of extension

(b.) suit FR.

To he I urn i'hed Iy the Detiart,ueut of Docks. 02. Yellow Pine, I2'• x r4", about 1,260 feet.

Oil, 191,, measured in the work; Yel.ow Pine 'limber, ,2^ x 12'1 about 7,068 feet. B. 191., measured to the work;

Yellow Pine Timber, to' r x mu", about 743 feet, B. M measured in the work; Yellow Pine Turbot, 511 x tot, about 7,725 feet, B. M., measured in the work ; Velllow Pine Timber, sir x 811 , about no f eel, B. ;\l., measured

ro . In 7 • "' q r, pointed Dock-spike,, and 4o u. N.Al , about 7,207 pounds.

38. t 1/ ', '! ii'r and t" \Yrought-iron Screw-bolts and Nuts, and Lug-screws, about 3,454 pounds.

39. Wrought-non Washers for rj" and I" Screw-bolts and, about 205 pounds.

40. Cast-iron Washers for i1/'t and Ili Screw- bolts, about 952 pounds.

4 r. Cast-iron Mor•ring-posts, about goo pounds each, 6. 40. Labor of Framing and C arpentry, including all

moving of 'I ml Jointing, Planking, bolting, Spiking, Painting, Oil ng or Tarring :md lal,or of ever}' descrip-tion.

. CLASS 11.-Rte-RAl'. 43• Rip-rap stone 1ueoi2hed and put in place over the

whole area of the extension, about 36,ico , ubic }'ards. N. l3.-As the above-mcnumlcd quantities, though

stated with as touch accuracy as is possible, in adr'aeee, are avproximate only, bidders are required to submit their cstintates upon the following express conditions, which shall applg to and become a part of every estt-mate received :

1st, kidders must satisfy themselves by personal ex. amination of the location of the proposed work, and by such other means as they may prefer, as to the accuracy of the foregoing Engineer's estimate, and shall not, at any time after the suLutis-ston of an estimate, dispute or complain of the above statement of quantities, nor assert that there was any misunderstanding in regard to the nature or amount of the work to be done.

ad. Rudders will be required to complete the entire work to the satisfaction of the 1eIcm,rtinent of flocks, and in substantial accordance with. the 2peeifts;rttons ill the contract and the plans bercin rclerred it No extra compen=ation, beyond the amount payable for each class of the wet k before rnentioned, tvtuch shall he actually performed at the price; therefor, to be specified by the lowest bidder, shall he due or payable for the entire work.

The work to he done tinder the contract is to be com-menced within live days after the date of the receipt of or notuficm Lion from the Eanginccr- in C Lief ot the Lep,trttnent of Ducks that thewnrk is rc:>dy to be b,guo, and :dl the work to he done tinder this contract i, to be fu ly completed on or belbre the cxpiration of Igo diet,= Utter the date o.' service of said not.ficat:on ; and the damages to be paid by it e contractor for each buy that the contract may be unfiul6llocl after th:: time fixed for the fullill- mrut thereof has expired, are, by a clause in the con- tract, determined, fixed and liquidated at Fifty Dollars per day.

Where the City of New York ow-tu the u-hart, pier or bulkhe..d at which the materials under this contract are to be delivered,aud the same is not leased, no charge will be made to the contractor or whati:q;c upon res ol; conveying said materials.

Bidders will state in their esdm - tcs a price for the whole of the work to be done in Class I., and a price per cubic yard for Class IL, iu contorntity with thu ap-proved form of ago entcut and the specifications there. in set forth, by w Rich prices the bids will be tested. These prices are to cover all expenses of every kind involved in or incidental to the fitllillmcnt of the contract, including any claim that may arise tlirougi delay, from any cause, in the perfurmml; of the work thereunder. I he award of the contract, if awarded, wilt be nutde to the bidder who is the luwert 1m- doing the whole ol'the uvork comjuec'cd fit both of the classes, and whose c*t!nmate is regular in ell respects.

bidders will distinctly write otrt, both in words and in figures. the amount of their estimates for doing each class of the work.

The person or persons to whom the contract may be awarded will be required to attend at this office with the sureties offered by him or them, and execute the con-tract within five days from the date of the service of a notice to that effect, and in case of failure or neglect so to do, he or they will be considered as having abari. doned it and as in default to the Corporation, aad the contract will be readvertised and relet, and so on until it be accepted and executed.

Bidders are required to state in their estimates their names and places of residence, the names of all persons interested with them therein, and if no other person be so interested the estimate shall distinctly state the fact;


Ct AS I.-EsTnOnlOc. AND Rrratxlsc PIER. 3 .

Sheathing, togctbu with the r!u'upmg fluid and Ramp, (a) Fx'r r.x ntNG t'u:x• I kick jut ,,-logs, any Decayul or Broken Fcnd ors, Chocks.

-Jim be furnisokr'l by the Oe7tavt'ifA(t of I),mi&u. Batm•-rs• Stmlc-m.aps, Crass c;,ps, all the Oak Temb`rs,

Yellow Pine Timber, tz" x I.f", about 21,e2a feet, I. all the Fencler-piles, etc., and the Mooring-posts and

B. JL, no,asw-ud in the work ; Yellow fine I iml>er, Corner Plates, etc.

about loo, 6 8 feet, B. 11., measured in the z" X t2', !o be 1m',ishcd ly the Defiartvrent of Oaks. work ; 1't-flow [line' limber, I,i' x tz'I, about S,820 feet, 3;. 1, ellow Pine Timber, no" x rz", about 33,84 feet, ;l. .Ni., nnasul-c'1 to toe work; Yell„w Pine 'Timber, I3. N., mca.0 red in the work ; Yellow Pine 1'imher, g .c I2", about 144 feet, 13, \I., measured in the .cork; 8" x 8•', about 2,556 Ices, 1i. 191., measured in the work ;

]'ell. se P ue 'Umber, to" x to", abut i,t67 feet, Yellow Fine 'I umber, 6'' x i t '', about ;zu bet, Ii. 211., B. \i., measured in the work ; Yellow Pine Timber, "I'mtber, measured in the wx ,rk . Yellow Pine 5'' x to', e" x 16', :wont 576 feet. I1. H . , measured in the work; a bout ,,975 feet, II. .91., mca,ured in th! work ; Yellow

\'ell nc Pme 'Timber, 0'' x 15" about 1.190 feet. B. Oil., Pint, Timber, 4 x to' air tit 4 ,c;;. feet, Ii. 91., measured

m,. tweed in the work ; Yellow I'tie 'Timber, 8" x r2', in the work ; Yellow Pine'lumber, 3' x ro", aLnut 3E,2,

:d nut z,c96 feet, I3. Dl., measured it time work ; \'cllov, le' t, 13. NI., measur, d in the work-total about It5,004 Pine limber, 5' x to', about 94 feet, 13. AL, measured in feet, B. Dl. , mcasurcd in the work. the work ; Yellow Pine 1umher, 6" 1 8', about 52,923 Nun- c.-It is the intentieu lit the Department of Docks it,-t, IL Al . men-tired In the work ; Yellow Pine "I -umber, to lunii h all the yclhuw pine timber rf the :tbcve dintcn- (i' s 8", aim tit 3`o feet 1;. Al., measured in the work ; starts required t„ do the work under these speci flu:;, tious, Yellow Pine Tim her, 7" r r4" about .59 feet, 11. M., I anal it still be furui-bed by the 1)'-vartment of Locks to mcasurcd in t he work ; Yellow Pine Timber, 7 s rz", I the Cuutra tor, fr e of shame, in the uvater or on n pier about 3,164 fret, li. 11., me:,cured in the wnrk ; I or l, tilkhead at one or morn points on the No,rth river Vcllnw Pine 'prober, 611 x In', tiuiummt 4.134 feet. B. 31., I water-fr.ant, snulh of \Vest Seventy-fifth street, as h' te- nl,_:,sored in the work; \'elh,w fine l'imbcr, 6" x to', ' inafter specified, and the l,,ntrecfor is to r,.ft It, care nln,ut is- feet, B. 111., measured in the work ; A'ellos for it and tr,mn-.oicrt it to the site of the work :,t his own floc I imber. 5" x In . about 20,7111 fe, it II. H., meal- i expense and risk. um-ell in the work ; Yellow Pine Timber. 41 x to ', about

To Lc Fueoie_red r_t' /he ft CE -,,77r feet, I3, pL, mea-~ured in the work ; Yellow P.lie

(eel, B. JI., in Yellow Pine Timber, "x 12", about o feet, limber, 3" .c Io'r, at out 24,x83 m ured

31'imber, B 3At., meawred In the u o I: ; Yellow Pine the; work ; Yellow Pine Timber, 4" x 6', about 56 feet, ,

2 "4 I,9c7 lest, it. \l., measured iu the work- ]3. \l., measured in the work-Total, about 291,687 feet, about

total, about 5,237 feel, I1. \l., measured to the wrork. 11.1L, mex~urcd in the work. Note-1 he Contractor will be required to trrnislr all

Nuns-It is the intention of the Department of the },show piste of any riimension other than those I I'hck, to furnish all the yellow pine timber of the specified in Item z7 required to do the work m:der this abode dimen-iot,s, with the exceptions noted in Items contract. No, a and No. 5, required to do th - work under these 1 35. 1VInie Oak Timber, 8•' x r2", about 3,920 feet B. specifications, and it so ill lie furnished by the Depart- I 111., measured in the work. mcut of Docks to the contractor, free of charge, in 36. \Vhite Pine, Yellow line, Norway Pine or Cypress the water or on a pier or balkhend at one or more Piles, 24. points on the North river water-front south of \\ rest Nine-The above quantities of timber in items 33, 34, Sevcuty-fifth stret t, as hereinafter specified. And the and 35 are Inchu-ise of extra lengths required for scarfs, contractor is to raft it, care for it and Iran-port it to the laps, etc , but are ex, lusive of waste. site of the work at his otc n expense and risk, 37, No x 26", %-,.'r x 2211 %'t x 16", 1, x t2r1, %r' x

•old ' 11 061' S bare 1Vrou =itt-iron ~ like.

also that the estimate is made without any consultation, Pine Timber, 7tt x rare abou 4,354 feet, B. M., connection or agreement with, and the amount thereof measured in the work ; Yellow Pin climber, 61 I x rztf,

has not been disclosed to, any other person or persons about 936 feet, B. 3t., measured in the work ;

malting an estimate for the same purpose, and is not ~ Yellow Pine 'timber, 510 x rot', about 3t,2zq feet, higher than the lowest regular market price for the same I B. Al., measured in the work-Total, about 149,642 kind of labor or material, and is in all respects fair and ~ feet, 13. 191., measured in the work. without collusion or fraud ; that nu combination or pool I No-v:.-It is the intention of the Departmentof Docks exists of which the bidder is a member, or in which the to furnish all the yellow pine timber of the above dtmen- bidder is directly or indirectly interested, or of which the lion5 in item I of class I., and of the dimensions in item bidder has knowledge, either per=on:d or otherwise, to I of class II., required to do the work under these bid a certain price, or not less than a certain price, 1 specifications. and it will be furnished by the Depart- for said labor or material, or to keep others from bidding merit of Docks to the contractor tree of charge In the thereon ; and also that no member of the Common I water ur on a pier or bulkhead at one or more points on Council, Head of a Department, Chief of a Bureau, the North river water-front south of West `eventy-fifth Deputy thereof or Clerk therein, or any other officer or street, as hereinafter specifi' d, and the contractor is employee of the Corporation of the City of New York, or to raft it, care for it and transport it to the site of the any of its departments, is directly or indirectly inter- I vlork at his own expense and risk. ested in the c=timate, or in the supplies or work to which To he I' srttirk eri hi the Coxtractor.

I it relates, or in tiny portion of the profits thereof, and 2. Yellow Pine Timber. 4" x Is', about ito feet, B.M., has not been given, offered or promised, either directly measured in the work ; Yellow time Timber, 3" x I2", or indirectly, any pecuniary or other consideratmn by ai,out 66, feet, 11. 11., measured to the work ; Yehow the bidder or anyone in his beh:df with a view to in- Pine Timber, 4" s :o", aeuut 29,623 feet, f3. 32 mcas- , Nuencing the eeslori or judgment of such officer or uled in the strum k ; Vell ,w Pine Timber, ,jo x Io', about employee in this or any other transaction heretofore z feet, 11. \1., ntrtsurcd in the work ; Yellow Pine

5 had I,tth this Ile 1rto,vnt, which estimate must he verified by the oath, in writing, of the party making the

.° i,n h'' muboiut t r,32gt , work~;rbell:isv Pi ie Ti ub, r, 20 x 411 about feet

e<umate, that the several matters stated therein are . 13 M., measured in the work-total, about 57,833 feet, in all respect, trite, likere noore 6/mutt one person i B DL mca,tn-ed in the work. , is in:e, ecia,t it is requisite that the m ri/icrrti„n be Note: - I•ue Cunlractor will be requited to furnish all ruade rind s:,hscrzbcrt to Gtr all the fi,u-ties zuteres/ed, the yellow pine of any dimension other than those

III case I bid shall he suhmit,ed by orin behalf of any specified in iten: r required to do the work under this corporation, it must be signed in the name of such cur- I contract. purauun ILy =pine duly authorized officer or agent thereof, 3. W h ite Oak Timber, 811 x xzrr, 448 feet, B. H., meas- wtto dull alvo subscribe his own name and office. If tired in the work. practicable, the seal of the corporation should also be Nut F•-f Ile above quantities of timber in items I; 2 axed. and 3 are Inclusive, of extra lengths required fur scarfs,

Each estimate shall be accompanied by the consent laps, etc., but are exclusive of waste, in writing, of two householders or freeholders in 4, 91-hite Pine, Yellow fine, \orsvay fine or Cypress the City of New York, nil//u their res/,ec/ir ,e places of Piles, '93. business or residence, to the effect that if the contract (it is expected that these Piles will have to be about be awarded to the person or persons making the I from 72 to 85 feet in length, to meet the requirements of estimate, they will, upon its being so u w'nrded, become the sp, clftcauons for driving'. bound as his or their sureties for its faithful perforce,. 5, AAEtc Oak Fcndrr Flex, about 6o feet Ion t g. 4• ante ; and that it said arson or ersons shall omit or refuse to execute the crmtract, they will pay to the Cor- 6. ?y" x 2Fi'' Iy" x ~ " x r6", %s" x 14", j;," X tz", ' '

. .. xm2', ?/ X 2U', 1/ 'x'", u.,xt4". % 'xr2l, %..xrn.,, potation til the City of \cw York any difference between I s,n..`14.. ,2..x10.,^x6" square and 5H"x8,`_1', and the sum to which said person or persons would be '/11 x81/'I~rowid Wrought-iron Dock-'pikes and 4ed, entitled upon its completion and that which said Cur. Nnil<, .tL-nit no, tgz pounds. poranon may be obliged to pay to the person to whom 2•• I'!. • I jj", Ion"' and I" Wrought iron Screw- the contract may be awarded at any sttbsequen t bolt and Nuts ak or to 554 pounds. letting, tire amount in each ca=se to be calculated upon 8. I! 1-g • crews, about 5; pomids. „" the estimated amount of the wor,, to be dune by which 1~'rot t-iron Str., s and Stray bolt S

q' 1' p 1 - 4 t .1 '1 'lie the bids are tested. consent above mentioned

shall be accompanied by the oath or affirmation, in writ. - Pounds. Ia. \Yrought-iron about 186 pounds.

ing, of cosh of the persons signing the s:mle, that he is a it rf rs,

I I. Cas;-iron Washers for t'/y•', I%x" and I•' 'screw huuschidder or freeholder in the City of New York and bolts, abrmt 5,672 pnunus.

Werth the amount of the security required for the Culler-plate Armatures, about 13,081 pounds. completion of the contract, over and aeove all his debts 13.

13' `r• Cast-Iron Muuring-post, about r,8uo pounds

of every nature, and over and a/o✓c his lirrr'iliti,'s as eaeh, z. bail, srrn ly rutdm'1rrmtri=e, and that he has offend him- self as a surety in good faith and wilh the intention to • Cast-iron \IoorI >ts. about yon pounds each, t.

14• Dlatcrt f and I l profor painting, oiling and htrring.

'Ihe execute the bond required by law. adequacy and de;

r5• Labor of every description I r elNout 8,300 square sufficiency nl the securi ty offered will lie srbjeet to ~ le•et of pier. approval by the Comptroller cl the City of New York , alter the award is made and prior to the signing of the I Ct.',ss ll.-Exrcestos ro Pmet, New er. contract. To be I'irr,riskert ly the Ocpartnieuic o/ Docks.

r. Yellow Pine 1 imber, us" x 14, about 32,802 feet, No estimate will be received or considered unless

I I-i. At., measured in tie w rk ; Yell w Ymi'Limbee, Iz'r accum wicd by eifbeea certified check a Ion one nl the

or State Nation tl banks of the City of New York, dralcn l x a fac•t i ];. ,l", or red in 1 be work , Pine

Timm ,ut l chow I'tne Tim her, to x rz ,about 3,380 :cut, 13. AL, vellum

to the order uC the Comptroller, or money to the :unount d in Ih,- w ,rk ; YellowY,ue'timber, to" x to", of five Ier centruu of the amount of security re- bout 592 feet, 13. AI , measured to th. work; Yellow quired for the faithful perforntance of the contract.

ine"'"r, Pie limbe, S"x16',. ai>out 5/r feet, B.M., me.,-ured lit Such check or money must not Le inclosed in the he work; Yellow f'iue 7'unber, Sr' x 15"2j,,0( 2.96o feet, sealed envelope containing the estimate, but must li measured in the w, .rk ; Yellow- Piue'l'imber, 811 x be handed to the officer orclerk ofthe Department who fl'' , 2,312 feet, 11. H., measured in the vvurk ; has charge of the estimate-box, and no estimate can be t Yellow Piue I mm Le 81 ' x lo", a1 our 3,4 feet, B. \I., deposited in said box until such check or money has ' ineclAwe,I in the work; Ye II sv Pine I tutu r, 8 x 8", been examined by said officer or clerk and found to he about 4tt feet, 13. \L, measured in the work ; Vellum correct. All such deposits, except that of the successful Pine •limiter, y" x t4"', :d,uut 817 feet, B. M., measured bidder, a ill be returned to the persons making the same in the work ; \'ellow trine limber, 7" x ma', about 5„uz within three days after the contract is must minded, if the feet, B. M., measured in the work ; fellow Pine Llm- successlul bidder shall refuse or neglect, within five her, 6" x I2", about t • r52 legit B. H. measured in the days alter notice that the contract has been awarded to work ; Yc:Ico • Pine I imbcr, 5'rxro", about 39,138 feet, him to execute the same, the amount of the deposit It 11., measured in the tvork-total, about uSii,684 ices, made by ]aim shall be forfeited to and retained by the L NL, measured in the work. (fee Irate following item City of New York as liquidated damages for such I in class 1.) neglect or refusal; but if he shall execute the contract within the time aforesaid the amount of his deposit will Y'o be PiuOvis!S 1 iy the fontractor,

be returned to him. z. Yellow in 'Timber, 3" x t2", about 7cz feet,

Bidders are informed that no deviation from the 1'' U, me''sured in the work; Yellow Pine ework ; 4'" x 10 37,-6o feet. B. DL, measured iu [he work; ,about

s ecifications will be allowed unless under the written P ' Yellow Pine 1'lmriber, 3' x to", ab'ut 31,738 fort, B. Al., instructions of the Engineer-in-Chiet. -d in th'- work ; Yellow Pine 1unber, 6'v 8" No estimate will be accepted from, or contract about 376 feet, 13. :11,, measured iu the work ; Yellow

awarded to, any person who is in arrears to the Lurpu- I fine Limber, 2" x 4", a! out 2,587 feet, I3. M., measured ration, upon debt or contract, or who is a defaulter, as ! in the work-total, about 72,163 feet, I3. il., measured surety or otherwise, upon tiny obligation to the Corpora- I in the war C. N, r,I ,-'l'he contractor will be required non. to furnish all the yellow pine tinderof any dimension

In case there are two or more bids at the same price, for Class II., other than mho-'e specified iu Item i re- which price is the lowest price bid, the contr:,et, if quired to do the work under this contract, awarded, will be awarded Ly lot to one of the lowest

3. White (lab Timber, 8" x r2", 448 feet, I3. \f., bidders measurea in the work. :: •1HE RI(;HT' 'lO DECLINE ALL THE ES'1'I-

DIA"1'1:~. 15 RI•:S}•-1:VID Ile 1)EICVIE:]) Ff)It SHE Plt

l[c i,\ rx~i ei11atr (piles Ilmvc Pil sW346e eted th e will 1\"1'hl1 st' OF '1'HG CORPORAT'IONr OF 'I' HP: to be 'xl t f o 74 to 85 I in Ien,,tim to meet the Cl fS (11 NEW 1'I112lC. I requirements at the•r fi,r ,driving.)

slid-hers are requesteel, in making their bids or esti. to the blank for that t males, use prepared purpose 5. White Oak Fender I Irs, about 6o feet long, 14•

the Department, a copy of which, together with the form 6 ;b" x ,6", %~•' x 22", -,3•' x t6" j "' s :4", 78" it 12'", , d show ink the of a~recment, including Spec,ic tons an i 31 ' x ez", 3.j" x sd' ~i" x IS', ;s" x t6', % - x t I'. 3•j" .c

mannerof payment or the worl;, can be obtaincd upou ' ", '2 x y', >. 54 ',z 0,0 I',„" x 6 square toil -` v8.:" : id "xb round

Nl rought-iron llock- application therefor tt the o Bice lit the Uepa rim en t.

EUAVARU C. f)'BR1EN, ElWIN LIN,11:1N, slitkcr land4cd.'Nails,.tbo:u 23,872 Pound.,

JOHN .\1V \KS, hononiss noers of the .Department uI 7. _t'4h Wrought-iron Scrc •:

Ducks. Bolts and .Nub, about 15,906 pounds.

Dated N I~av Toes, October 14, 1897. 8. i ''t I, ig .rcresys. about 53 pounds. g • Vs r- ught-trop Straps au;d Str p-bolts, about 434


TO CONTRAC'T'ORS. (No. 624.) Io. \Vlmught-iron Washers, at:o:ti zr6 pounds. PROPOSALS I OR 191'1ALATE.-; FOR I'RLPAR- 'I. C-1,t-iron Vi he s f 4 t and IIf screw-

l.A(; FOR 1A1) I-.XIL`.HI\t.; I'If:l-' \i 'i9 bolts, abort7,;;9pouuI 2<, AND ALW 21, NORTH RlVl.R, NE-iR 12. Boller-plate Arurrmres, about 13- 84 liptuh12s

'IHE 1)1) I' OF CIAAIBERS AAl) I)LANL: 13. a. Cost-iru.1 3lcorung frosts,:tb„tit 18,00u pounds

ST I:I' E:'1'S. I each, z. b, Lust-trout lMooring Post,, about goo pounds

L _ I L.\I_Y1'ES FOR PREPARING FOR AND 1 each, z. t4' Materials and I for p nutng and tarring,

1i c xtend in = I'iets, new 20 and new n, North river, etc toe a

- r5. Labor of every description for about ta,5oo square

near the fur.; en Chambers and t-uaue streets, will be ;e- ~ feet of pier.

ccived Icy Ille Boar., of Commissioners at the head of the Department of Docks, at the office of said Depart.

N. s the above-inmtt0ocl qu:me ilea, though with is pr eui e in ods•ubce t stated with as atoh ay,bydde

m0nt, ran Pier " A,' foot at 13~ufery place, North river, s

iubmi, are appep.cimate only, bidders are required in the City 01 New York, until 11.30 A. Al. of

o [heir cstimcues upon ti.e tullown,g express conditions,

THURSI iAY, HECE\IL'E'R 3e, 1897, which shall apply to and become part of every estimate at which time and place the c=tunates will be publicly received : opened by the head of said Department, The award of I 1st. Ihdders must satisfy themselves, by personal ex- tfte contract, if awarded, will ho made as soon as practi- ' amination at the location of the prop.sed work, and cable after the openi,r- of the bids, by such other means as they may prefer, as to the

Any person making au estimate for the work shall accuracy of the foregoing Engineer'sest,mate, and shall furui-h the same in a sealed envelope to sand Board, at not at any time after the submission of an estimat, dis- Sald office, on or before the d-ly and hour ab:,ve named, pute or complain of the above statement of quantities, .which cis elope sh:dl i e indorsed with the natne or nor assert that there was any misunderstanding in n Ames of tlio p. r'ou or persons presenting the same. the regard to the nature or amount of the work to be done. date of its presentation, and a statement of the work to (21 Bidders will be reyui red to complete the entire wh elm it relates, work to the sati,staetion of the Lepartntent of Locks,

The bidder to rvl,om the out is made shall give I and in substantial accordance with the ,pecifications of security Our the faitlditl pertorm:mce of the Lori in the contract and the plans therein referred to. Ni, extra the mumlcr prescribed and rcgeired by ordinance, in compensation, beyond ttic amount payable for each class the sum of E:even I housand Dollars. i,f the work before ment,oned, which shall be actually

The Engineer's estimate of the nature, quantities and perlonmd, at the prices therein, to be specified by extent of the work is as follows: the lowest bidder. shall he due or payable for the

CLASS I.-Exrils=tnN To Puce, New so. entire u-orb. To bd P'u...rtshert Ly time Dr4ertrxc..t J Dock-,. '[he work to be done under the contract is to be com-

I. Yellow Pine l imbcr, rz'1 x 14", about 26,838 feet menced within fiec dayo after the date of the receipt of a B. \l., uteasu red in the tvul k ; ) choty Pine "I'im her, I notification from the Engineer-in-Ctc:ef, that the work 12I' x 1211, about 76 092 feet, B. i11., measured in the , or any part of it, is ready to be bogun, and all the wolk work ; Yellow Pine Timber, ton x rzrt, about 3,88o feet, x'I to be done under the contract is to cc fully completed 11. \L, ntea-urcd in the w,rk, Yellow Pin- Timber, Io" x I on or before tile expiration of sixty days after the date of toll, about 82 feet, 13. JI., measured in time work; Yellow - service of said nofiflswloll ; and the damages to be paid Pine '1tmber, ,in x I61 , about 576 feet, B. Ti],, measured by the mori1raetor for each day that the contract may in the work; Yellow Pore limber, 8'tx r5'I, about be unfulfilled after the time fixer) for the fulfillment I,550 feet, I3. 1st., mcasure I in the work; Yellow fine thereof has expired, are, by a clause in the contract, 1uuber, 31 ' x list about t,9zo feet, B. 111., measured determined, fixed asd liquidated at Fifty Dollars per in the work ; Yellow Pine Timber SIP x toll, about day. q3 feet, B. M., measured in the work ; Yellow Pine i All the old material to be removed under this contract, Timber, 811 x 8,11 about 629 feet, 13. M., measured excepting the cast-iron mooring puts, is to be relin. in the work ; Yellow Pine Timber 7't x 14", about quished to the Contractor; and bidders must estimate 653 feet, B. 31., measured in the work ; Yellow• the %aloe of such old material when they consider the

4S22 THE CITY RECORD vV1I xEDAv, DECEMnEI: 29, 1897•

t•-,_c for which the), do the work under this contract. 1)1\G SELTING I All parties and persons interested in the real estate Nr r REGUI.:\T1\(:, (R set forth and described in the petition of The Mayor, ,\is much material will be removed by the, CURB-S-I UV N, L:\\'I \l; Ct<O \1':\I. IBS, AN1l taken or to be taken for the purpose of opening the said Aldermen and Commonalty of the City of New York,

\\ here the City of New } ork awns the w•harl, pier or PLACING V- ENCFti IN WoODLAWY ROAD, ,tree[ or avenue, or affected thereby, and having any and also in the notice of the application for the said 1 Ikhead at which tilt materials under this contract at•o front Jerome avenue to Bronx Park. claim or demand on account there , ,f, are hereby re- order thereto attached, filyd herein in the office of the t ! c delivered, and tilt, same is n: t [cased, it Ii ,e I quired to present the same. J[tip verified, ton the tin- Clerk of the City and County of New York on the ad clay .. 1! be made to the contractor for ultartage upon ces- "1'IVI:, N^ RF,I:Ll.A (: R.A 1)( (. 9ET1'I\G dersigned Commis ioners of Estimate and Assessment, , of December, =897; and a just and egmt.,hle estimate _ ronveyin~ said materials. -A l I. Rl -tiTONF:S, F I.AI;(.I sI. I Fl I. Sil)F'\1LF. S, ;rt our otlice, No no and West Broadway, in ya and assess anent of the value :,, the benefit ,tn1 advantage

I'i,ldc•rs will at in their estimates a price for the I-AV I VU CIO sVt Al Kb AA D PT Nt. I P" Al .l• the City of New York, with such affidavits or other of sail street or avenue so to be opened or laid out and ie of the wrrk to be done iu each class in con- IN ( ,N F. HI NDRF.I) AN 1) NINF`PY-SF:A'F.N I proofs as the said owners ur claimants nay desire, turmeel, to the respective ,oveers, lessees, liartics and

:. Icy with the approved form c vgrecment and the SIR EI•:'1'. front Ah chsn r aceuue to B.nnbridge anon It I within twenty days after the date of this notice. persons respectively entitled to or interested in the said licatinn, [herein set forth, by w ::•_:. or .ces the b tio. g. 10k CUASTRUC"I'1AG 'sl \A F Z AND I And .ce, the said (..ommissioners, will be in attend- respective lands, tenements, he reditameu is and premises he tested These prices are to cover all exp . of Al 'I L I. I I s AACFa I\ F: -A ,1 (Ps F: HLr \ HUNDRED ! ❑ nee at our said office on the r4th day of January, 1898, not required fi,r the purpose of 01 aiutt i layimtout and

rc kind involved to ..r incidental to the fulfillment AN I) P i GH"I'Y-'El OND ST RFE F, from the exist- at to o'clock in the forenoon of that day, to hear the said forming the same, but benefited thereby, and of ascer- ,tic contract, including any claim that may arise : in:, sewer to lcr.lrec avenue to Aqueduct avenue, , pas rtics and persons in relation thereto, and at such taming and defining the es tent and bnruulares of the

through delay, from any cause, in the performing of I East. ! time and place, and it such further or other time and respective tn,cts or parcels of land to be taken or to be the wVC'rk thereunder. the award ccf the contract, if i \'„ R E ( ; I - L \ l'INt;. GRADING, SE1'TI N( I place as v-c may appoint, we will hear such owners in assessed therefor, and of pertbrnriny the trusts and d uties awarded, will lie m a e to the bidder ash is th,• lcwest Cl'RI.-ti l't)S hti. F'I.:\l:ta\G i Hi, ti1DF:\4' Al, K' r.I(Iton thereto and examine the proofs of such claim- raluired of its by chapter t,6, title 5, at the act entitled for doing the whole of the work core pried in bath LA VI \l; CRUSE\}':\i. \ND PLACI Nt ; b'1•iNCl:s '~ ant or clainiantt, or such adduional proofs and allega- "An act to coesolydate lilt„ (Inc act ,and to declare the • classes, anii whose estimate is regular in a!I respects.

. ' IN I.A F':\1 FTT1•: A\"EN UE. from Longwood avenue '~~ [tons as ntay ti•en be oiler tty ,,tell owner, or on he- special and local laws -uU=cttag public in« :rests ill the

Bidders wall distinctly write at both in w- ord, and half of The Afa -or, Aldermen and Commonalty of the Ilron~ r to tha river. City of New York," pasted July ,, 1882, and the acts or

in figures. the amount of their estimates for doing each City of New York. trts . f acts ill addition thereto or amendator thereof. P Y etas- ui the nark, c:rch =,area'= must contain the name place of I), fed NEW A oit. Decenthr r z,•, t8 97• the All part res and persons ed in the real estate

The or persons to whom the contract may be persor, ! residence of the person leaking the <anrc, the names o1 'it] - EV1:1NUh:L L'I.Lt ?N~ 1'I I•: L, FRANCIS V. S.

pu rpo lakun or to be ttken for the purpose of opening the s:ud

be rcj Ire I to attend at this ot1 ce avith the awarded will all persons tnterested with him therein, and if nn other f•:1., S. ' I'aL' LLLA':AN, Cumntisstoners. J. ~tre,t or avenue, or alt ected there'oy, ana having any

h him sureties offered }

or [heat, and execute the con- cr=son be su interested it shall distineti} state that fact. P•' I,.,n' l', Llt' C claim or de[nand on account th rreul, are hereby require I I 1 hat ,t rs made without an f connection with an}• other j

tract utthin lice da}-s (roan t} :e dare ~,f the erg ice cF a rk •nil is to I — duly to present the same, ~eritied, [u us, the unders:ynrd notice t e, ti at e ff ect, and in case of [attar= or t ,lect so

person making an d for the same wo .t , ithta all respects t t r amt rr ,thnut coilUsiou or fraud. 'That nu In It e matter of the applicationn of 'I he Ai tyor, Alder- (-+o'mia inners of Fsti n I and Assesment, :u our

to do, Ice or the}' will be considered as having aban - othce, Room Na. r, fourth fluor, No. z Tryon 1k ((5 in cite Boned it and as in default to the Corporatioty, and the

m men nail Gquiri tab of the City of New Yuro, of the Common Council, head of a c,tl

er in, or tine, tcI yes er the same has not

~ chi=t of a bureau, deputy thercuf, or clerk therein, or relative- to ac chof at

gniring City of tiuu- fork, with .nth affidavit-or ache,- pi of as contract will be readcertised and relet and su tin until

other o1hcer of the Cur ,erat•on, is directly ur mdirectl - E HUNDRE] t I 7 been heretofore acquired. t„ 1?AS f the said owner. or claim.aus may desire, with!n twenty

i[ be accepted and executed. t' (although not }'et named in the estimate or in the qeork to axhich it 4N I1 FURTIFI'l1 87"IZ ci

aaerest=d d,~a,c titter the date of chi+ nuttcr.

Bidders are required to state in their esnmatsi their rektcs or in the profits thereof. by proper authority , from St. Aura's av,:trne to I"cast in ' And axe, the said lallminro,unrrs, will bemattendance_

said oil the 8th day of )icitat,y i ,BaN i at x:, at our osl[ce names and place, rf residence, the uam.v> cl all persons Each I id or estimate must be verified b}• the oath, in avenue. in the'fro'emy-third Araid of the City of New o'elnck in the forenoon of that day, to hear the =aid rrrtcvected with II dl til=rere i and tf nu other persun be +a.[1ank, of the tit}- reak1n_ the same, that the several ! 1-nik i a.the same ilni be.a here cofarc lard out and

L'' .

and in relation thereto, and at such pacnes per,on: so interested the estimate shall dist[ri [Iv- state the manor, ei s ac true, and must be a,_compa• destgr.ated as a first-class street or roam. ther n tated r such [archer or other time au,l time :and place, and at fac : also that the estimate is m ,dc avid:utn an} on - lied u\- the consent. in wri'.ing, of ttvo househo!dcrs ur t, URSL. s, TO TH I: ti I -\'1'U'I- ES IN SUCFI t we may appoint, we will I such co%n(rs in place

n, connection or a - em,nt with, ar.d the :tiro out tree hr Id s in the o i[y of New f"crk, to the c if ct that ' r cases made and provided, notice is here1 given relatinn thcrct and ex.unt to the pion[, of such c:manna[ I has not been }' o!her person or it the contract is awarded to the person making the ' that an a, tic Ition will be made to the tie ,rein= Lotirt I I F .u: makmz an esumatc cur the sane par fore, and they ar upon its being awarded, cecomd of the State of few Y„rk, rt a ereo Term of ul

and inty

or or such .n n .I by such awa=y or tin b ill G,c

y then e )), s ch ner, a 3elia I I tna}, then be : I 'her than the law,nt regalia market price for the

t r

t'nd Court, to be held at Part ]N . thereat, in the Cue my

I t ti for its

h h°und as his tbto. polote refu le

Ill s l a t City VI;, ur, Aldermen :and Commoualt f the Cit t 1'ew

cruet a y y„ y:,

kmc. o. labor or minarill, and in all respects t h.:t [tile shall refuse or neglect to execute the same, I Court-house, in the City :~f New Yorl:, on Friday, the York. nI a ithrnn callus[= n orfraud ; th::t no coal! in.,tirn i they tatll p:q- to the Corporation anv difference bet ween t.t da ' of December, t8 t the o~cnin, t the Court 3 } 97. I " rya I t:+red \ x V"n„ t., I}ecember rq, r897. I 51 ct whic': the il[qil=n,a nnanbrr,or to which tlt e sum to w. hi he w- ordd be entitled a ion its cony ,lc- i ii it clay, or a= -:.:on thereafter :u counsel can be I !

o JOHN H. RI lN, FRANCIS Htt;Gl r-~S, CH _l,-

r iot is utrectl} of mrtrectic interested,: r,~i avhtch

ot,-h, - der has knowlcd tiler,3 rson:d tit dhr to [ion and that which the Corporal ma be obliged to I heard thereon, ur the appointment of Commissioners of

he t

pay to tie person to whom the cuo[ac: shall be awarded Estimate and -\sse>sment in the above-emit Icd n,attnr. IllI,T0I PIt 11 N, Conuut.siuners.

J,,t{_1 L'. 1 %t ,IN, Clerk. ertairr price or not leers than a c eta n orice for said at alp hubsequent letting ; the amount to be al Then and extent of the in[prm emem hereby mit=re[- or material, rr to keep: thus from L, I t [her, on, :>u that nu member,~f the Common l'ou ' i H- of

cut: the upon the estimated amount of the work by which the ecl is tl:e acquisition of title by The )f ayor, aldermen

ti e a

' bids arc tested. I and Commonalty :d the City ,If Kew- 1', -rk, for the use of In tit matter rd the a licatio I of The \tr rn-, Alder- pp 1• -.,rt:nent. lief of a flureau, Ucput} thereat,, or i Ilse last above mentioned must be accom- '; the public, Coal ,he land, and premises, With the build- consent m, n and Commonalty of the City of New S ark,

C.,:'n tnercin. or an'L

other officer or empivaec of the ~ by the or a[1tIt,atha, in wrilin~, of each of I tags thereon and the apI(rt 131ces thereto 1 In think panied oath relative to aeq:at,ng title, sl rev the sau:c has not

Cot, orate n of tire it\ of New York, or any of its p si-,attic the same. that he is a householder regn ired for the opening; of a cc r Lain street nr avenue the ersrms been h retof r acquired. t., the lanes, t:nten[ent= anal _ } den:,riments, is dire=ct} ur (I I C fl mtt,rIt I in the p i noavn as I'.ast On Hunilrc I e,t I F,xt fie tit street, Irum ireeholder t the City of New• York, and :s wortlr the I or t h •-Bit. on. nts requrrcd for the p, rpose of open uj

estim.rte, :~r n. ti,e scI Folic, or week tI a,1i,ich it rci aces, f, has amu::nt of the >ecurity required for the completion of St. nti's ac!'nue to Locust avenue, m the "C o•e~,ty-tit;rd 1 LIMAID IN \': E' UE althoo,,h nut yet marled 11 or in an urtu profits tit! re and not il=ea 7. P t g

1ven, aEiend cr nn mi>ed, either r.irea1} or inc.tre \t tint of the Lit) of "sell' \"ark, tieing the tulloa i t, the contra, t, over :aid ab"ve all Ito de i t of ceery ) " pr ,per authoritc), frog 1i 1,cabtt avcnue to Fcath- •tly,

his liabilities as bail, curet des=aac d Iun, p ce: , r eat,etily of land, viz : ! nature, and over and :+bon e }•, at,ba i I.ig s tit • --,m,• h :c r,a eIt her etoO, I an}• f e. U }' or •II ,omid=regI I } the Dfddol, or

his bcltali to intluencin_,. tffte;action aroil ieraaise, and that he has ofiercd ft elf ,u surctp, i t . ":A.” ,gut :m., daxtgnatad is a tint-etas, Cr or r,urt i i~, aI } one m t,oti a a-iCs

-('en! nt officer or employ:= to this )t any in good faith, with the intention to execute the bond Beginning nt a point in the western line of Cypress the 1\venty-fourth Ward of the City of New 1"ork. or lad-

traaead101 heretofore had with tlo department, other ~ renuire[: I law. 1 ace,sue -t start tot.52 feet s utbcrly f ore the into rs c-

be d b}- the oath, i:r 511 tin„ .rhich estimate recut er_r,t \o be accom iron of the w,•stern It uc of Cypress at, ear., with tilt,: estimate will Coaddvred unless -r \\"F, T0TI( F IS 11 F: I IlY GIYi V CHA I Ill

fib party m ing the estimate, that the several m:u- panted b} either t certified check upon one at_ tilt, ,Cuii ii line of i•:ast One Hundred and Forty tirxt l r Supreme Coirti,h,~.,ring Bat, Ilie te th6da}' of .Novetnb

tcrs sL,.ted therein are m 'a!I respects true. if 7rrrt State• or Notional banks ul the Cit}• of New- fork, ,true[, line i8y7. Comnn;sruner of Fst:mat,. and Axlc•sm=at for to

urore tlau ONzI"•i,ao is iuterrstrd rt is 1equtsite that drawn t.I the order:,I the Comptroller, or mane) to the ,st. Thence s„utherly anon, the wu.tern of

tite c=t,hre,i%nx be urea= laud Sulvcrz •ed to (,r,r,7 ih. am lint office per cent:tin of ti amount of the ,rcurlts otcylir,•s, avenue I , r P.u.48 fen'. purpose or makh ": just and c luitable cstunate Z'sle~sm,•nt f tit lea .and Jama;e, if ally, or :,t tin

p~ crt:en 1 1 rst, d, 1 is deflecting degrees ru ire l Inr I I ttt (fill per formal: c tit the c, a trac t. z i. hence to y7 t3 minutes I' }• • feet benefit and 'tdv'tnt"tg" n ally, as the case m.:}" be. to the

In case a bid shall be sube tte,l by or m behalf ofan}• •-,:'=tr check or mo!:ey must \ol be inclosed in a c' seconds to the right for 8x,06 to tire ea,tera I 'e'eXctmc owner,, lessees, parties:md persons re'pect-

eorporati,:n it must be signed in the name vt such car- scaled emelUee containing the esamatc, but mu =t be . line of at,. Ann's avenue. Dee '~, Thence nortnerl}- along the eastern line of St. Itauded to the otlicer or clerk of the :,rtment .cito ;d. 'a'eIy =ntitl.•d tit or inter:;,ted to the Land,, r:nemch td y

p0(011 II by (St duly autlicrized officer or agent (or oo.rx feet. hereditament. and premises required fur the purpose by there t, wl:o shall at-n subscribe his own name and has char¢= o` the csrmote-box, and no e-timate can be Atin'a a~ roue

1'her ce easterly for 3r5 feet to tl:e pouri of be- 'n'1 ttr c"n~eyuenee of opening tha aboa•e-mentioned office. It pr• etiwble, the seal it the corporation should de osttrd in said Los until such check o- mane}• has 4'1}• .y.

F 1 street or I, enua-, the same being partictdarly set forth also be aniixeti. ' ginning. been examiucd by said officer or clerk and found to be g g•

"Is and descrilncd in the petition of the May Ir, Aldermen

Each rs;irnale sita'.1 Le accompanier! by the cotarnt, correct. Al! suer deposit=-, except that of the success t: ii ['.arc rL •'

in writing, et two hon=eholtiers rr freeholders in the bidder, will he returned to the persons in king the ,ante B, inniue at a ioiut in the ea_,tc rn line of t'y press- 1 I of the City of o ld er[ :1-o to

the n t ce (it t h• i tel

Cit}~oi \ew ]'ark, trrt%r ;brit, res/~rctr.- c•~Ircc•s r{i~usi- within tlrrce da}- aft, r the contr::ct i> awarded. If the avenue distant t,u.=z fe,rt sr,ut'icriy from the in.ersec- the hock f tit the fur the s:,L order thereto tin iot~ien attnche•.I, tiled hercm ru tacufTicr „fth,•laerkul the City

news or residence, to the effect that it the cori be succedul bidder shall refuse or neglect, within live lull of the eastora line of bspr..s as eau,- acith the and C''t[nts• of Nuty York tin the ad day of I)vicember ata.,rd•. J to the person or persons making the esnmate, days after notice that the contract has been aw:,rded to southern line of last one Hundred and Forty-fir-[ r~97.:(ril :, just and equitable a>tunate and they w ill. cm its Lich •_ so act arde.i, bee, -me botmd as him, [u execute the same. tile amount „t the deposit street,

5Ii I t ree[ of the value of the benefit an 'l advantage of said street

his ur their s :reties for its faithful periurmance,' and made I. bran shad be forfeited t„ and rned b rite }' }' tsc. Thence sourherly along the eastern line of Cypress or aventn- so to be opened ur laid out and f maOtI, to the that If said per- It or persons >I emit or renae to City of \ -, York as liquid:: t damages for such ne-,- I accrue for ra 4 f et. respective •owners, 1, ,secs, psr-its :utd penon< respect- e it the c,lntcu_ t, the\- wit! pay to t!x Lorporat n of lust or relusa] ; but it lie Shall execute the contract zd. 'There e c.,sterly deflecting 8z degrees 46 mirmtes .e }, entitled to or interested in the said r pecttve the late ,+t New \ et k any dittereflee between the urn to within tit„ -ime atures.tid the amount of his dep-it ' 40 sec-n d, to the left for 402.12 feet to the western line jands, tencmunt,, he r lit .tilt ents and premi<,-•-+ nut re- whicl, said pea sou er pe'r s a oula be entitled '.upon its ill be returned to him. of Robbins mina=. quinni for the purpose of opeoiug, layin.; out and Eornri nq completion and that which said C rado1 ma} be J he Conirnfi inner of Street impruvem?nts of the 3'I Fhuncc northerly along =aid lit e for 6o. 48 feet. the same, but I) nelited iheni)(", :nod of ascertaining .tnd obl_ed to (a} E-, cite person to whom the contract may '1'wetn}-third and 'I sent}-i„arch 1\ aids reserves the .t •.h• l li=n=e westerly for qoz +z feet to the point of defining the : stem arid boundaries of the respective be au ardcu at any suhsegnent letting, the amount in each right to reject all bids rccew ed for any particular work beginning, tracts or parcel- of land to lie taboo or to be assessed case to be calculated upon the estimated amount of the if he deems it for the be-t interests of (lit City. PARCEL C. ~ therelcr, and of performing the trusts and duties re- w ,.rk to be done, by wh the bids are tested. Blank forms of bid or estimate, the proper enveiupes' Beginning at a pOnt in the eastern line of Robbins quired of tt be chapter t6, title 5, of the act untitled Tire co:cerrt Oh c Iteaoonwi 'h.:ll be accomp:m:ed by fir. wl iclt to recta-= the saute, the s ecitications and I avenue distant -z - het southerly from the 1n[Y8=c- ' 37- "Au aet to consolidate lilt,) one act an,I to declare the the oath or av:rm: I mn, i ,wt,. [tng, of each of the persons .,.,regiments, and a::}- )mfirer iuiur it tI dcsir, d, can I tion of ,aid line w ash the southern line of F aI U,:c Hwt- special and lueal Ltw s aftccnnc public titere.,t in the S '- the call e. that he is a h r tree n , wort oltor is of i -, ired at this ante=. I dred and Furry-first street. e Cloy of No,. York, ' passed July 1, visa, :,n I the act, or in t!:e l:uy oIN vac `:ark, and is acorth the amount of tnc Lt rL 1~ F'. I-11 E\, C ner of street lm- rst. 'Thence southerly along the eastern line of Rob- :Al parts oiact, in atlditio theret.I ur 11011 tore there. t. security require:. liar the completion of the contra .1, 'tray emccts,'l wuniv-third and 'iw=M[v-fourth \Aards, hire a% 011(15 for 60.48 led. • All parties and persons intelested in the real e,ta, over ant! a'. eve all his debt ,d evert' t,ature, I , a;,rr 1' zd. Ii ice e:ate8 deflecting Sz degrees 4h minutes > [alien ur to be taken for the purpose of opening the and arcvr Gie Ii ~t Gilt. e, at, ('nil, surrt ~ rtad oEJt:r:xis., J qo second., to the left for 3Ilb.51 feet to the western line street or avenue, „r affected thereby, and ha=m.; :a auri that he has utlereu himself as sur il g,-od faith tsItIit.. 1> H EN F:L'Y CIV"EN •I' HAT THE of ..utln-n; Baulcratd. claim:It, demand tin account thereof, are hereby r~ and with the intention to execute cite bond r quired by e t-:, mn,i ssioner of Itreet Improvements of the -;d. Thence northeaaerly along ,aid fine for 69 3t feet. quired to present the ,:tale, d I• vertticd, 10 u;, tit laac. II e adequacy and sufficiency of the se urity went\-:;.fir I and I went}'-fourth 11 all ill the City of I 4th. l hence x-csturl}' for 430.St feet to the point Of nndrrsigned L.mtmis-inners of FStim[tc an i tUse--- otlercd will be -abject to appr,,val by the Lomptn ,aer of dew ) orb will, :+t his oibc. , :-. , rner of Third avenue and beginning. Clme, at our office, No-. ,, :, and 9a We-t ilroadwa - , i:: the L:t', of Ner. 'I art: after the award is n[ and prior I.a,t a Hun h,:d at d enlc-<.-eenth ,tree[, in -aid I siieoi. " u ” tic City of Naw York, with such all id,:vits ur otlr,:r . .. a ning of the cunt: act, tits'. on the z9til ua} . of it b,: r, ib i7, hear . td ' P,egimting III point in the western in of Walnut prof as the s.tid c aners r elutm:and ml }• desire:,

estimate will be received or considered unless _ consider all et.teu[cm,, QUJ-tIoao tau; evidence avenue, distant zoo feet southerly from the inter-ecrion Within twenty da}s:dter the date of this notice. parried by eithar a certrtied chuck upon one of the that may l,e then and there offered in reference to the of said line earth t,:c southern line of East one Hundred ,

And C„umns be we, the s:ud +:oa=rs, will m attenu- or \atonal tanks r.t the Lit}' of New York,drewn c_ntemplatcd oh go nn I revision cf sew,.ra„c plans in and Fonts -first street. order of the Comptro!lc r, r n: one}- to the amount , tl:e 1\a en third and 'Twenty-foort!r \a ards pro f. ared rst. I her c outh• rly along the western line of h' ii ante at r or aid office „n tiro 8 h day of J.111(1 i }', 15.,-,

Is r re,rtuor .2

of the ails tot of sccurit) t equn-ed under ch -tilt,- r 7z+ nt t L::ws of 1887, and rI pier ' nut avenue f it 6c h et. at Iz o'clock nuut .,I ,hat d,ty, to h,:ar the said earn, -

faithful of the contract. Such check ..c performance 545 ' I the Laws of x8)o, the ga neral character and ex- l zd. •I 'hence w I.etcrl} dcflec ti no go -legrees to the right and persons in relation thereto, :and at ouch tun.•

not „e inclosed in the scaled en pe ne}' mu..[ 'i. tent et the contemplated changes being as follows : for z7= 55 feet. and .lace, and at such further or other time .,n,i

ling the estimate, but must be handed to the Two ewerage Plans in relation to the I 3d, 'Thrace westerly deflecting So dez roe<.z mid utes list. Glace as are a we will hear such uwn=t,, in

r or clerk of the tle pa Cm St who has chage of the Le Creek \~'.uer,hed. : 5^ sc It nds u, the lttt for 709.26 feet to the eastern line ye[t's relation thoretu and examine the proofs of sucl: claim..tit

ate-}ox, and no csnn,ate can be deposited in said of Sou[le rn Btu levard. =d, One (+" Se wcraee Plan m relation to the Crom Bite for 69.3[

or claim ants, or such additional prti and ally gal. as rt'ay then be offered by ouch owner, nr on behalf ..t

.:at :l such check or money has been esan:med I ;tit. I hence northeasterly along said we:,' Creek ll'atcrshed. hhe Mayor, Aldermen and Commonalty of the City „i

..fftcer,-r clerk and foundto be correct. All such feet. New ,.its, except that of the successful bidder, t ill 6e 'Thence \l,l s r r ph ms ho cim u Is contemplated changes are I 5th. easterl}' deflecting =cJ degrees 57 minute,

)ate I Ntvl \•oilrn, llecemiler x597. 4, ;:ed to the person, leaking the same within three at:. - .5Ilil,ItirilI . 1 . 5- .icl t( CC. _o -cared: to the right for 678.9 feet. IAA' III McC1Ckbi N II.I,II.\I 1-I. B:\RKER,

- after the contract is aw an eel. If the succ-ssf.:l I t f F. I1.\I FI'.N U,. nmtis t vet It Street Ian- rth. I hence easterly for 277.94 feet CO the point of DA1'1 ) lit )1•:H L,ER, Comn,usionets.

o[a~der shall refuse or neuleet, within fi.e doss .tt.Lr -I\, pr, , _mi.,t- c: the r.} t.. (rti ;u,.. 1\cc a}-fourth beginning. t . F F. Y,['t O, .;terk.

notice that the contract has been awarded to him, to \\ ant . PAtecee " E." execute the same, the amount of the :leposit male by - Beginning at a point in the eastern line of 'Al I - him shall be forfeited to and retained Ly the City of New

SUPREME COURT, aaenue dtsrmt zoo feet southerly from the intersection In the matter tit the application of the Cmnmissioner It York as liquidated d::makes fur such neglect or refusal; of said line with tit, southern line of F One Hundred Street Improv a meats of the Twenty-third and i to but if he shall en c to tilecontra t within the tune aI . and Flirt)-first street (north Wards of the City of New York fur and on said the amount of his d, l:osit will be returned to him. I a tr . matter of the at,e ir_ation of The Alasor, Al Cr tst. 'fir=m:o southerly al-ing the eastern line of Will- behalf tit The \I or Aldermen and Commonalty „f

fiitiders are informed that no deviation from the n:et , nd C ,mmo it ..Id dr City of New v'ork, rci nut acunuc for fo feet. the Cit}• of tiew York, relative to .requiring title for speaficatiuns viii be :.11owved unless under the written tiv: to acqutriug title, wherever the same has not bcvtt td. Thence easterly deflecting 90 degrees to the lelt the use of the public to -ill t:ie lands in tee and ti case. instructions of the Lngineer-in-Chief. heretofore ac:.luired, to the lands, tenements and for 3:t,, feet to the western line of Locust avenue. ments in lands required fir the construction ((fan c!e-

No estimate will be accepted from or contract award- bercJix.trmatx required for the purpose of opening : qd, "Thence mIt,cher1y along said line for 6o feet. sated r„adway, viaduct nr oridge aver the tr;,cks of tile ei to any person who is in arrears to the Corporation b..1.,T C11,I: HL NDI' FD AND EI[ IHTl - I 4tb. Thence westerly for 390 feet to the point of New York and Hagen Railroad, and the Put i Morris upon ttelit Cr contract, or who is a defaulter, as surety I NINTH .EIF:ET ;although not yet named by Leginning. Branch of the New York mid H:+rlem Railroad, ,on- or otherwtse, upon any obligation to the Corporation. proper authority), front \\ ci ,ter avertxe to "third East Ode Hucdeed and Fortieth street is designated nectin_ slelrose avenue from last Use Hun,ircd toil

In case there are two or more Lids at the Sam's pri:e, a%ouie, as the same has been heretofore laid out and I a- a =treet of the first cL,se, and is shown on section t,5 Sixty-third street to the junction of Webster m,ttae

which price is the lowest price bid, the contract, it i designated as a first-class street or road, in the 1 tit the Final Maps and Profiles of the 'Twenty-third and and Brook avenue at East One Hundred and Sixty- aacarded, will be awarded by lot to one of the lowest '1' e, ty-fourth Wurd of the City of New York. I wenty-fourth 1i ards at the City of New York, filed in fifth street, in the 1\venty-third Ward of the City of

bidders. 1 OTICF: IS HEREBY GIVEN THAI WE, THE the office of the Commissioner of Street Improvements New York, pursuant to the provisions of chapter 68o

THE RIGHT TO DECLINE ALL THE E:,Il. underrigneu, were appointed fly an order of the of the Iwentc-third and Trtenty.fourth \bards of the of the Laws of t(97.

hl.\ 1 }:S 1., RESL.RVED 1F DEEMED FOR THE Supreme Court, bearing date the to h day of N„ien[Ler, (:it}' of few York on June t3, +F9 t , ill the o ice of the URSUAN'1' "TO '1'HF. STATUTES IN SUCK

I \'I F REST' Iii THE CORPUFA11ON OF THE - ,meet t97 Commi. iom_rs of Estimate .+nd A-usfor of the Lit and County of New l crk on June cases made and provided and pursuant to chapter

CI'1Y OF NE\\' YUkh. the ur, ose of maki^., a ust and c uitable estimate ar,d t5, r-91, and in the (I cc of the Secretary of State of p J q 690 of the Laws of r897, notice is hereby ivcn

It idders are rc quested, in making their bids or esti- 1 assessment at the loss and damage, if arty, or of the the Stat New York on June +5, r89y. that an application will be made to the Sup -emu Court

ates, to use the blank prepared for that purpose by m h j oeneftt and suvantage, if any, as the case may : Dated New Pori, Decereber so, [897. t•f the st:.tu of New fork, at a Special Term of said

the Department, a copy of which, together W-tth the I Lt-, to the respectite owners, lessees, parties and FRANCIS .11.'COTY, Cuan~cl to the Corporation, \u• I Ruw, tiew York Cny. Ccurt, to held at Part 1[I. thereof, io the County

form of the agreement, including specifications, and persons respecncc!y entitled unto or interested in the ryun Court-house, to the City Now Yore, oe l'hot,sfahe


showing the manner of payment for the work, can be - lauds, tenement_, hereditaments and prenitses required the 3cth day of llecemher, 897, at the opening of the ,

obtained upon application therefor at the office of the I for the purpose by and in consequence of opening the ' tit the matter of the application of The Mayor, Alder- Court on that day, or as s, on thereafter as counsel can Lteuartment. above-mentioned street or avenue, the same being par- men and Commonalty of the City of New fork, rela- he heard thereon, for the appointment of Comruissioners

1!.UVi ARD C. O'BRIEN, EDWTN EINSTEIN, I ticularly set forth and described in the petition of 1 he ; ttvc to acquiring tt[le, wherever the same has not been ul E,timate and Assessmcut in the above-entitled matter- JOHN MONKS, Commissioners of the Department Mayor, Aldermen ,arid U-mmonalty of the City of New I heretotorc acquired, to the lands, tenements and I he nature of the improvement hereby intended is of Docks.

; York, and also to the notice of the application for the I hereditaments required for the purpose of opening thereto filed hersin in the of ' said order attached, office

the acquisition if title by the Mayor, Aldermen and Dated New Yi,xs, December t., x897. FASI ONE HUNDRED AND NINETY-SIXTH Commonalty of the City of New York, for the use of

- __ _____ the Clerk of the City and County of New York on the I STREET although not yet named by proper author- the public, to certain lands in fee and to casements

— - - - - oil day of Ltccem brr, ifg7, and a lust and equitable est:- : icy,, from Jeronr_ avenue to Marian avenue, as the in lands required for the construction of an elevated

STREET IMPROVEMENTS, 23D triate and arse-smentof the valueof the benefit and ad- j same has been heretofore laid out and designated as a roadway, viaduct or bridge over the tracks of the

AND 24TH WARDS. vantage of said street or avenue so to be opened or laid I first-class street or road, in the Twenty-fourth Ward New York and Harlem Railroad and the Port Morris

-- - --- - _ rut and formed, to the respective owners, le-sees, par- i of the City of New York. ' Branchof the New York and Harlem Railroad connecting

--' Irr._t>ttst.r: +7, x6 7. ties and espect re =elit=e •entitled to interested in p p y OTICIi IS HI:RF:hY GIVEN THAT WE, 'I HE the said respective lands, thep ed

s and lfelrose avenue , from East One Hundred and Sixty-

Ly the urps, of op ning, l third street to the unction of Webster avenues nil Brook ) TO CCU\T1Z:~C1 uRS. premises not required for the purpose of opera ng, laying tin I rs tgned, were appointed an order of

Court, bearing date day 'November, avenue, at East Une Hundred and Sixty-fifth street, in FALED BIDS OR E:;11 \l e1Is' FOR EACH OF S

out and form mg the same, but benefited thereby, and Supreme the r rth of I Commissioners of Estimate and Assessment for the the Twen y third Ward of the City of New York, pur-

the [allowing-mentioned works, with the title of of ascertaining and defining the extent and boundaries +8q7, e tracts cr of land to be taken or purpose of making a just and equitable estimate and of the respective parcels

suant to the provisions of chapter 680 of the Laws of be the work and moue at the bidder indorsed thereon,

assessment of the loss and damage, rf any, or of the t6 The lots, i=ces or pa eels of land to acquired 97 p P q also the number of the work, as in the advertisement, to be assessed therefor, and of performing the trusts and I [n tee are Lounded and desctihed as follows, viz. : will be received by the Con: missioner of a[reet Improve- 'ae be, duties required of us by chapter to, title 5, of the act petit and advantage. if any, as the case may to the

lessees, re- Beginning at a in the northern line of East One point re=nts of the 'twenty-third and 'lwent}'-fourth Wards, entitled ” All act to eaasolidare into one act and to de- i respective owner,, parties and persons

in the lands, tent- Hundred and Sixty-third street distant 152.87 feet at hi; ofhce, Third "venue anti One Hundred and dare the special and local laws affecting ptublic interests sportively entitled unto or uuerested

New York," re=nts, hereditament, and premises required for the easterly !rain the intersection of the northern line of Sevenp--,=e=ach sire, t, until tr o'clock a. at. on Fri- m the C+t) of passed Juty r, +ssz, and the I

by and in consequence of opening the above- East One Htmdred and Sixty-third >treet with the day, December 3t,, 1897 at which time and hour they will , acts er parts of acts in addition thereto or amendatory , purpose

being eastern line of Courtlandt avenue. be puulicly opened : thereof. mentioned street or avenue, the same particularly

the City of New York, to certain lots, pieces or parcel. of land, with the buildings thereon and the appurte-nances tIureln bclun;_ing, situate, Iving and being in the Twelfth Ward of the City of New York, for the purpose of widening the Fast One Hundred and '1'h irticth s'rect nod southwest approach to the bridge over the Harlem river. connectiu, the no therly end of Third avenue, in the Twelfth Ward of sniu cit}', with the southerly end of Third acenno, in tlle'I us nun ty-third Ward of said city. under and to pursuance of the provisions of chapter 473 of the laws of rhgz and the various statutes an endatnry thereof anu all other statutes in such C, sc made and pr ,vided, the e' i sent and approv,d of the Board of Estimate and Apportionment of the City of Ne,v Vu rk to such acquisition having been fir-t had and obtained, and the Cuntmi-si:,ner of Pubiic Works deeming it nec-ess:vy th;tt the s:un•: - h,-uld lie acquireu for the afore-said purpose, heirs•.; the 6dluwing lots, pieces or parcels of land, and bounded and described as follows :

t'AtiCF.I. " A." Beginning at a point on the easterly line of Lcsiggton

avenue distant h4 feet nerthcrty front the corner fonneul by the intersection of the nnrtherlv line of East One Hundred and 'I'hirtieth str et with the ea.terly line of Lexington avenue, and running thence easterly p trallci

feet westerly front the westerly side thereof from"a line drawn parallel to ,Marcy place and said line produced and di=taut too feet uior,herly from the north-erly side thereof to the prolongation westerly of the middle line of the blocks between East One Hundred nod Sixty-seventh street :std Fist One Hundre I and Sixty-ci_-htin street, as <uch streets are shown upon the Final Aiaps of the Twenty-third • nd Twenty-fourth words of the City and County of New York, excepting from said area all streets, avenue. and roads or portions tIt reef beret hors' legally opened, as such area is shown upon our benefit maps deposited as aforesaid.

Fourth—That our report herein will be presented to a Special 'term of the Supreme Court, Part III., of the State of New fork, Si, be held to and for thy' City and Cowl q' of New York, at the County Court-hoe so, in the City of New York, on the ,5th day of February, 1898, at the opening of the Court on that day, and that then and thrre, or as soon thereafter as counsel can be heard thereon, it m tion will be made th:rt the said report be confirmed.

Datecl Now Yes rte, f )eceorbcr 8, 1897. WII,BFR bic13RIDE. Chairman: HAROLD H.

SDMITH, SAVI'L A. I IRETA(, Commissioners. H extra DC F,. nut ucsr Jh.sLmvta, Clerk.


rt. Thence easterly along the northern line of Fast One Hundred and Sixty-third street for a.o4 feet,

ad. 'Thence northerly deflecting gl devices H3 minutes 35 seconds to the left for 59.4n feet.

3d. Thence westerly curving to the left on the arc of a circle whose radius drawn southerly from the northern extremity of the preceding course forms an angie of 9 'degrees 48 minutes 8 seconds to the we,t with said course and whose radius is 480 feet for 80.40 feet.

4th. Thence southerly for 563.78 feet to the point of beginning.

lieginnmg at a point in tie western line of Brook ave-nue distant 3'.85 feet southerly from the intersection of the western ]tile of Brook tven ne with the southern line of Fast ( )ne Hundred and Sixty-fifth street.

rst. 'I hence southerly along the western line of Brook :need ue for 36.33 feet.

2d. Thence southwesterly deflecting 47 degrees 9 minutes ;9 seconds to the right it r 42,61 feet.

;d. 'Thence southerly deflecting 29 degrees no minutes t4 seconds to the left for zrr.z8 feet.

4th. Thcuce northerly curving to the right on the arc of a circle of 583.0 feet radius for 286.o feet to the point of beginning.

The easements and right of w-ay to be acquired are over, under or through the following lots, pieces or par-ccls of Iartd, viz. :

iic.inning at a point in the eastern line of Park avenue (lc,;;: lly „pened as Railroad avenue, West), distant 7.2-, feet sotnhwestet I), from the intersection of the eastern ltie of Park avenue with the southern line of East One Hunured and Sixty-filth street.

rst. 'I hence northeasterly along the eastern line of Park avenue for 7.2o feet to the southern lino of Fast One Hundred and Sixty-fifth st rest.

ad. 'l'hence easterly along the southern line of East Orte Hrndred and Sixty. fifth street for 76.58 feet to the wyc.-tei It line of Brook avenue.

3t, 1. I'hence southerly along the western lute of Brook avenue for gr 85 feet.

4th. , I'hence southerly curving to the lei on the arc of a circle whose radius drawn easterly from tl.e norther, extremity of the preceding course forms it angle of 56 degrees 8 minutes 29 seconds to the north with the southern prolongation of said course and whose radius is ;8; feet for 286.o i feet.

y lt. "I hence ,outherly on a line forming an angle of 7- degrees 55 tr.inuten t second to the east with the .•-tc,n prolongation of the radius of the preceding

o.,:tr-c drawn through its southern extremity, for 400.62 feet.

6th. Thence westerly curving to the left on the arc of n circle whose radius drawn southerly from the S iithern extremity of the preceding course forms an aryde of y degrees 48 minutes 8 seconds to the west with the southern prolon;;:uion of said course and Si iisr• radius is 480 feet fir 80.40 feet.

tl,. 'I hence northerly for 7ca.93 feet to the point of he:inthug.

' 1-he above pieces or parcels of land are shown on estton 6 of the Final Maps and Profiles of the T'wenty-

third and T\senty-fuvrtIi Wards of the City of New York, filed in the office of 'lie Commis'inner of Street Improvements of the "fwccity-third and Twenty-fourth Wards of the City of New York on .Augnst 6, ri95, in the office of the Register of the City and County ut Nety York on Au;u t 7, 7895, and in the office of the Secre-rary of State of the State of New- York on August 9, 1895.

I tined New Yuta<, I )ecentber t7, 1897. hKANCIS M. SI,( ', Cretin,ei to the Corporation, In the niitie•r ill the appltcat ii it of 1 h Mayor, AI-

N''. a 1 rynn Row, New York City. dcrm,n and Commonalty of the City of New York, actingoy and through the Board of I)actrs, r lads to acquiring right iii title to ❑nd p rise svon of the wharfaime rights, terms, casement., emolumenis and privileges appurtes tilt to Pier No. ;z. }(ant river, not now (iii sued by the AI_ayr ,r, Aldermen and C ,utntonalty of the City ul Ncw \ urk • and all right, title and inter-est in and to soil pier, or any t, rtiou thereof, not now owne•tl by the )layor, Ald mien an I Connnonalty . f the City of Ai w Yurlc, to be taken for the ,rttprovemsnt of the water-front of the City of New York, on the Fast river, "tt is, near C utharin~: Flip, porsu.uu n, file plan heretofore adopted by the said Board of I locks :md approved by the Commissioners of the Sinking Fund.

W l•:,'1'HE UNDERSIGNED COMMIS-4IONERS of Fsl;mate and Assessment iu rho above-

entitled matter, ]tetchy give notice to all persons inter-ested in this procecdine. :utd to the owner Sr on tiers, Occupant Di neeetjn:cu of all listens and lot_ and ini-proved and unimproved lunch or wharf property, and all persons interestu d therein, Sr in any rights, privilege. or interests pertuuorte;c theret u, ;diect ed thereby, and to ill others tvhunt it may concern, to wit

First—'1'list ,,,, have completed our pr chminar}' report and our csu iii ate and assessment, and that all persons interested in this proceeding, or in any of the upl.rods, lands, lands uud, r water, premise,, buildings and wharf property affected thereby, and having objections thereto, do present their ,aid objectors, in wrrt..og, duly veri-fied, to its, at our uflcc, Rooms 312 :utd 353, No, 2H3 Broadway, New S'orh City, on or 1 store the atilt ca} of that we the said Cant mis.iouern is ,anuu ' r8 8, t L I }, g hear I roe, Si object hug tcuhin the ten week days~ncst after the said aith d.+y of January, tdq`t, and fur that purpose will be in attendance at our said office uu each of iii, ten days at 3 O'clock i. at.

'econd—lbat the abstract of our said estimate and assessment, together with our damage map and also all the affidavus, caftnates and othi r documents used by its in making our report, have been dot ,i in the Bureau of Street It )punmg, in the Law Debartmt nut of the Cityttof New Ys'k, at the office of ,aid Bureau, at Nov go and en AVest Broadway, in the said city, there to remain untd the 24th day of January, rsg8.

I hird—T'hat our report herein will In presented to • the aupren,e Court of the State of New York, at a Special Term, P , rt III., thereof, to be hold in the i County Czeurt-hour.-, in the (:ity of New S'ork, on the 29th day of 1•'elruary, 1898, at the opening of Court on that day, and that then and there, or as soon there-after as counsel can lie heard thereon, a motion will lie made that the said report be confirmed. and for such other and further relief as may he lust and meet.

hated Ntiw Puns, December t7, 1897. \fH.6IIl L.\RRFMORE, C]tairmau; WILLIAM

11. LA\VRF:NCe, W91. I. ELLIS, Commissioners. JOHN A. Hnaau.nenRv, Clerk.

In the matter of the application of Charles H. T. Collis, Commissioner of Public, Works of the City of New York, for snd in behalf of the Mayor, Aldermen and Commonalty of the City of New York, relative to acquiring title its Le to certain lots, pieces or parcels of laud, in the "lvch1h \yard of the City of New York, for the pmpase of widening the East One Hundred and Thirtieth street and southwest approach to the bridge over the Harlem river, conncn Ling the north-erly end of Third avenue, in the Twelfth Ward of said city, with the <•utherly cud of 'Third avenue, in the Twenty-third Ward of said city, pursuant to the pro-visions of chapter 413 of the Laws of 1892, entitled " An Act to provide for the construction of a draw-bridge over the Harlem river, in the City of New York, and for the removal of the present bridge at Third avenue, in said city," and the various statutes amendatory thereof and all other statutes in such case made and provided.

PURSUANT TO THE PROVISIONS OF CHAP-ter 413 of the Laws of r8ga, entitled. "An Act to

provide for the construction of a drawbridge over the Harlem river in the City of New York, and for the removal of the present bridge at Third avenue in said City," and the various statutes amendatory thereof, and all other statutes in such case made and provided, notice is hereby given that all application will be made to the Supreme Court of the State of New York, at a Special Term of said Court, tube held in Part III. thereof, in the County Court-house, in the City of New York, on the zoth day of January, 1898, at the opening of the Court on that day, or as soon thereafter as counsel can be heard thereon, for the appointment of Commissioners of Esti-mate and Apportionment in the above-entitled matter.

The nature and extent of the improvement hereby in-tended is the acquisition of title in fee, in the name and on behalf of the Mayorlayor, Aldermen and Commonalty o

,crest sbu f ; It ersce northerly phr:lle1 with it mu. t I In the matter of the anp1ication of The \Iensor, Alder - crly side of Third us enue 38 feet ; thence southwesterly ! men and Crororosu2Itv of the Citv of fiery York, ;.t Cu; feet : tllcuce west crly parallel to the ti rst-m eu Stoned relative to acquiring title, wherever the same has hot course and distant therefrom t' feet 310 feet to the east- been heretoture .acquired, to the lands, tenement, and erly line of L•.xinslnus avenue, and drctuce s .etb,crfy hereditament: required f r the iii -ne Se of opening along the shed easterly line if Lexington avenue t6 feet EAST' 11Nlr- HCNI)RI?ll ANI F:II;I{'1'Y-Sh;CONIJ to the point or place of beginning. STREET Andrews avenue (althougn not yet named

rA nceL '' Si,'' by proper authority), from the Cr. nnn Aqueduct to

Beginning at the corner termed by the intersection of Icrans avenue, as the ,ante h:u been heretofore tail

the westerly line of Le vingtan avenue with the northerly out and desien:,ted a t fii,t. cl.tss street or road,

line of Eat Onr: Hundred and Thirti~ th strecl and run- , in the Twenty-fourth Ward of the City of New ] ork.

ntng thence noithcrly along stud wcstcrly fine of Lexln-g- N O'l'ICN In HEREBI' GIVEN I'HA I WE, THE too ay. issue 6o feet; thence westerly parallel with ,ail umlcr-i..gned, ta, rr nppoiuted by an order of the northerli line of Fast (Ine Hundrod and 'I lutticth Su orcme Court bearing date the aid day of November,

I ,trent and distant thnrefnununa 6o feet 40; feet to the east-' r8g7, Commissioners of F;,timat,- and Asse.sment for erly Inc of Park an,-nuC ; thence southerly :dong the the purpose of making a just and equitable estimate and easti rly line of Park avenue 6o feet to the nnr1hcrI}. a•.es.ment of the loss a d damage, if any, ur of the liuc ut East One Hundred and Thirtieth ,tru~t, and heneht and advantage, if any, as the cisc may be, to the thescc easterly along said northerly line of I•:eut Onc rr:spective owners, lessees, p:u-this and persons respect- l1widred and 'Thirtieth street 405 feet to the point or I ivcly entitled unto or interested in the lands, tenements, plaice of beginning. I her_ditameuts and premises reyuin•rl for the purpn.e by

'1'he fats, pieces or parcel. of land above clescrilued are and its connequence of opening the above-ntentroned street or avanne, the some lies ¢ ularly s, t turth turtle shown on t cc etc iii map untitled " 31 lip of L,ncts required

, for the r:ids min; of the Last t )nc I lundrod :n:d 'Thirtieth and described in the petition of~the Mayor, Aldermen

street :ntd soothe: cst appr,.,ac It to the brings over Hurlern and Co'mmiuna!ry of the City of New Yoro, and also

river, chapter 413, I ,aws of 18uz ; chant en 716, Laws of Ln the notice of the application for the said order tin ens to

1896; ch;tpt:u fifo, Laws u I , g '' which said map was attar.hed, filed herein in the office of the Clerk of the (tiny approved by the Bonus d of Estimate and Appor. City and County of New Yolk on the 10th day of Decem-

tiontncnt of the City of Note York by r.-sobtttnu '. lul}v bet, 1807, and a just and equitable estimate and asse-s-

:tdopte,.l on th ,! tath day of Octob^t, x597, and filed in mint ill the value of the bsnout and advantage of ,•u-I the office of the Department of Public Works of the street 'Sr avunuc so to be unencd or laid nut and formed, Cily,d New 'ft rk, • to the respectivc nx"ncr., lessees, uattic, and pets ats

mice N Fw Yoi, r.fluc-mler no, r8 )7 , respectively entitled tuner interested in the said re-pect-

FRANC15 >1. SCOT1', Cuurrel to the Corporation, 'c' lands, tenement:, hrreditantcnts and prentis.s not

No zTryon Row, Ness York City. rcquirerl fur tb,- purpose of opening. layin, out and I...irtimg the,ante, lout benefited thereby, and rib aster-

- dining and defining the estem ami of the re- In the matter of the application of T-he Mayor Alder- Stun - inn to be pcaive tracts ur parcels of land b, b^ taken

men and Commonalty of the City of New York, rela- ;l'sescd therefrr, and of uuototmitg the trusts and five to acquiring title, wherever the name has not been duties required of on 1:y chapter r6, title 5. of the act heretofore acquired, to the lands, t-nements soul cntitlo I ° An act t, c,r,ol idste into one act and todu- hereditamrnis ruleirel for tilt, puruose r'f u ,pervinr clare the special and local law: all _ctnnq public totsvca- 1 ASL' ONE HUNDRED AND 'IX'1'Y-SIXTH in theCity of Ncw Yark," passed July 1, 1882, and the S I'kF:1:'1' (although not yet n2mtd by proper acts or p trt, of acts in addition theretn or nsorsndatury uetfisurhy), from Jerome as-u nuc to the Cancer=c, tfi'-u-eoi. as the same has been }terutofore mid out an,i All parties and per=ons interested in tite real estfin designated sus a !first-chtss street or road, in the St best or to be taken for the parties -'o of openias,; the sat: ! veiny -third Ward to the City of New York. street or :tv'•nue, or affected 11, Jrn•h}-, acd ]taring an}'

h'.l'HF-UNDERSIGNED':O',lA1 IS4;lONERS claim or ctcm:md on acenu:u thereof, are herebyrequired V V of Estimate and A--'es,or,ni in the above. to present the samo, dill}' t stilled, to n-. the undcr-i>gn.•d

entitled utatter, bereby give notice to all persons inter- O1°tmis-t rs 1 Fstim iteand 15ses+ntent, nit in, r o lice,

ested in this proceeding, and to the owner or owners. \o<, 90 mu it \1 c-t Brrrtdus ,y, is the City of Now York,

occupant or occupants, of all Muses and lets and tcith s:tch affidavits or other proof" as the said owners r:r

improved and unimproved Lands iSected thereby, and c !aorta its may d„stre, within twcuty days after the date

to .dl others whim it umy ounce- rut, to wit : of thin notu:e,

l trst—T'hal we h:rce completed our estimate and And we, the said Com sit .-iouirr.., will he in attenlanee asses-ment, and that all persons lute-rusted in this at our said silken oil the t3th day of January. IS.)S, at to proceed ii, e, or in any of the land, affected thereby", o'clock in the Iweeo00 of that -la}. to hear the sail

and having ubie;tionc thereto, do present their said parties and persons in rclatiun t Inert tin, and :tt such objections, in writing, to us at our office, Nos, g_ o and oz time and place, and at such further or other time and West iiroadw;p', ninth floor, in s yid cite, on or before pLo-e its we may au-p 11th, we wib heir such uwncrs in the sad clay of J :nuary , ub9S, and thut we, the said relation thereto and exam in. the proof, of such clhimulo Camorul0ne1 s, will hear oartie•s s.-, oljcctine within or claini.mts, „r such a dlul,noroI pr<ir Is ;nod allegations the ten week days ocxt:dter the laid azd clay of lannary, as tttay then be oft, red by such owner, or on hchaff of x898. and for that purpose will be in attenr:ante at the 1layor, Ald~nuen and Commonalty of rho City of our said „Iii' e on each of s•tid ten days at 4 u'elo.le r. ,L N'ow hark.

Second-1-hat the ab.tract of our said estimate and I5ite.l N I'w A,ueg, Dere nber zt, t897. assus,tnent, together with our danutge and benefit I l,I1''6CfR'u W. H:1RT]dlltff;, HFR\iAN ALS- maps, and, also aI the affidavits, Ustistates and other Ith RG. fYTF,R i. Al1L\'EI-I, Goorrtnwioncr., documents used by its to milking our report, have been 11. Di F. Ira rinses .. Clark. deposited in the Bureau of Str:. et Opening, in the --- ------ " Law Department of the City nit New York, Nus. no and I In the matter of the ap;Tic,,1ion of hhe Mayor, Alder. 92 W'e,t hroadw•ay. in said ..ity, there to remain unit! nten and Cnnetronalty of the City of New York, the 24th day of January, 1898. relative to utcquiri:,q title, wherever the same has

'Third—That tilt limits of our assessment for benefit o"t heeu her mfnre acquired, t•, F Vof ONE

include all these lots, or of I:md, situate, pieces parcels H C t)hF F) AN I5 1 HIR IN-NIN'I'if SrRI:E L'

lying anJ being in the City of New %:rc6, which taken n , although not yet named by Inroper auth n y ;, from

to,:ether are bounded and described as follows, viz.: ?I• Ann's avenue t, Locust avenue, in rh,~ T'wcmy third Ward of the City of Nets York, On by line 11al.,- the ucrth a drawn pa rallcl to y place as the same has be :-n heretofore laid out and desig-

:,nd di'tant too finer northerly from the nornberly side thereof from a line drum n par:dlel to Jerome :n•entr_ .1111 i tinted its a first-class stress or road.

distant coo lest westerly form the westerly side the', I (: RaUAN1' I't) T'HE sT:\TCIRS IN SUCH to a line drawn per.dlcl to Je...nue utvenue and di,tant I P cases made and provided, notice is hereby given I in t'-c5 , a-ti rly from the easterly side tl.crcoi ; also i,y I tba- an application us II be made to the Supreme Curt ins the middle line of the blocks hi ttveen Clarke place and I the stn"af Nu"w 1orl:, at a ypecial'Ccc m of said Court, 11.,rc}- ii. cc- and said middle line produced Cr' nut a line ' to be held at fart I I I. thereof, in the County Court-huu-'-, drawn parallel to Jerome :;v, nue and du-taut too feet in the City of New York, on Friday, the gist day I I casterly from the e tsterly side there it to a line dr.tivn Drcestbcr, r8g7, at th- Opening of ,Inn Court ,-n that parallel to thr Grand hettIevhrd and caneunur.,c and dis- I day, or as soon thereafter as counsel can lie heard There- tant too tcet ea,tcrlyI fiutn the ecsterlv side there, ,, : also on, for the appoinrntent of Cummins 1, att -rs of Est. I,, t,- by a hue drawn fi,in 1cf to last One l lundred and Sixty- and Assessment in the n limes-rrtii'fed Toaster. 'I'be amt h sheet and u i stint rco feet norther]}' from the no rill - inns tune and extent of the impn,rr m cot hereby' intend.-(I Pell, side thereof from a line drawn p::ratlel to the Grand is ti,. acquisition of title by:I'he \Lty.,t, .i llermen and Pont yard and Concourse ;stud distant too Sect , aaen-la' . Commouaid>- of the I. ity of Aew York, for the use of tilt- Iron the easterly sine there-of to the westerly side of Clay u public, to all the lends ar.d premises, with the lirddings avenue ; on the .ouch by ills mi:ldle line of the blocks thereon and the appurtenances thereto heloegmg, rc- betwcen E:,.t Uue Hundrod and Sixty-seventh street and gctired fur the opening of a certain street or avenue Fast One Hundred and Sixty-eighth street and said known its lust One H mdred and 'I hiny-ninth street, middle line produced from a line drawn par:dlel to front 5t. Ann's nice it to Lo_ust :avenue, in the L sventy- Jerome avenue and distant too feet westerly front the this \\"ard of the City of Nea' hurk, being the fullowin~j- Westcrly side thereof to the Grand Boulevard and Con- do scribed lots, pieces or parcels of Lutd, viz.: enurse ; also by a line drawn parallel to Fast One t' ' 't' Hundred and Sixty-eighth 'tre- t and distant roc feet in the eastern line of SL Bey;tttning

int in at a prnnt .loo's suuthcrly from the south'-rly side thereof, from the front intersec- Grand Boulevard and Concourse to a line drawn parallel avenue dts;ant 2oo.08 feet fontliCuy the

to the (,rand Boulevard and Concourse and dist:.nt too tion of the es-' em line of St. Ann's avenue is , the

feet easterly from the easterly side thereof; also by a northern line of East 0 n Ilundred and Thirty-eighth

line drawn parallel to East One Hundred:utrl Sixty-ninth street' 155. Thence northerly along the eastern line of St. street and distant too feet southerly from the southerly feet. side thereof from a line drawn parallel to the Grand Boule- Ann's avenue for 6i.on

earl and corsourte and distant too feet easterly from ed. Thence easterly deflecting qr degrees 34 minutes

the easterly side thereof to the westerly side of Cloy 35 seconds to the right for 839.90 feet se the west,:rn line

avenue ; on the oast by a line drawn parallel to the of Cyprus avenue. Inuenue southerlyalong the western line ofCypress 3d• Grand Boulevard and Concourse and distant Tice, feet

easterly Trent easterly t the easterl side thereof from the middle avenue for 60.48 feet, '1 hence westerly for 845.85 feet to the point of 4th line of the blocks between Clarke place and Marcy

beginning. place and said middle line produced to a line dr.rwn par- p" n." -aaecL allel to East One Hundred and Sixty-ninth street and

distant too feet northerly from the northerly side thereof ; Beginning at a point in the eastern line of Cypress also by the westerly side of Clay avenue from a line avenue distant aot.6o feet northerly front the intersec- drawn parallel Co East One Hundred and Sixty-ninth tion of the eastern line of Cypress asenue with the street and distant ico feet northerly from tt.e northerly northern line of East One Hundred and Thirty-eighth side thereof to a line drawn parallel to East One street. Hundred and Sixty-ninth street and distant tat. Thence northerly along the eastern line of

too feet southerly from the southerly side Cypress avenue for 60 48 feet.

thereof ; also by a line drawn parallel to the .Grand ad. Thence easterly deflecting 97 degrees t3 minutes Boulevard and Concourse and distant too feet easterly 20 seconds to the right for 462.12 feet to the western from the easterly side thereof from a line drawn line of Robbins avenue, parallel to East One Hundred and Sixty-ninth street 3d. 'Thence southerly along the western line of and distant Too fey t southerly from the southerly side Robbins avenue for 60.48 feet.

thereof to a line drawn parallel to Fast One Hundred 4th. Thence westerly for 462.12 feet to the point of and Sixty-eighth street and distant rco feet southerly beginning. from the southerly side thereof; also by the westerly rAecxt. "C." side of the Grand Boulevardand Concourse from a liue Beginnin; at a point in the eastern line of Robbins drawn parallel to East One Hundred and Sixty-ci¢hth avenue distant aot.6o fcct northerly from the intersection street and distant too feet southerly from the southerly of the eastern line of RubLins avenue with the northern side thereof to the middle !,rte of the blocks between line of East One Hundred awl Thirty-eighth street. East On Hundred and Sixty-seventh street and East rst. Thence northerly along the eastern line of Rob- One Hundred and Sixty-ei hth street ; and on the west bins avenue for 60.48 feet, by in lice drawn parallel to Jerome avenue and distant toe ad. Thence castes ly deflecting 97 degrees 13 minutes

been duly seie-ted, located and laid out by the Beard of Street Opening and Improvement of the City of New York as and for a public park, under and in pursuance of the provisions of said chapter 320 01 the Laws of 1887, being the following-described lots, pieces or parcels of land, namely :

All those lots, pieces or parcels of land in the Twenty-second Ward of the City of New York, bounded and described as follows, to wit

t AnciL "A," Beginning at the intersection of the westr'rly lime of

Eleventh avenue with the southerly line of West Filty-thira street, and thence (t I running wc.terly along said southerly line of West Fifty third street for a oistauce of 800 feet to the easterly line of 'I welfth aveuuu : thence 12 running southerly aslvm' said easterly line nul "f1eellth avenue for a distance of zoo fast and ro inches to the northerly lice of West Fifty-second street ; thence ;3t running easterly along said northerly line of West Fifty-sr-coed street for a distance of Cu, feet to the westerly line of Eleventh avenue; thence (4) running northerly along said westerly line of Eleventh avenue for a distance of aoo feet to inches to the place or point of beginning.

PARCEL " n." Beginning :it the Lnletsectinn of the westerly line of

Eleventh avenue with the rouuherfy line of West Fifty-fottrth street, and thence (:) ruunusslu3 westerly along said southerly line of West Fifty-fourth stre -t for a distance of 8co feet to the easterly line of 'Twelfth ava-nue; thence 'a) rat ning sr ulh,rly along said easterly line of 'Twelfth avenue for a distance of on feet and In inches to the northrtly line of \V,•st Fitt}--third street ; thence u ; rucning caste,ly along said northerly line of West Fifty-third street for a oistance of So, feet to the westerly line of Eleventh avenue ; thence '4' running northerly afoot, said westerly line of 151ecenth avenue for a distance of zoo feet and to ,inches to the place or point of beginning.

The lots, pieces or parcels of land al:ove described arc shown on two similar saps, plans and profiles, accompanied wish cxplhnest„ry remarks, made by the I)epar,mcnt of Public Parks, each of which is e rtitled " Dlap , it public park west of Eleventh avcnuc, between Fifty- second and Fifty-fourth streets. in the T'cvt,,nd AV;trd Of the City of New Y. rk," one of which said maps is tiled in the office of Si e Register of the City and Cotmty of New York, and the other of

iv ouch is filed in the office of the Department of Public Parks in said city.

1'he said Beard of Street Opening and Improvement, under and in pursuance of the provisions of said chap-te - 320 of the Lau' s of ,887, has dint,: 'mined that Tile proportion of the expense to Inc incurred in acquiring the land for such park Io be assessed upon the property, per.uns and t Stan -s to be hut mcfit'•d by the acquisition and construction of such park shall be twenty-live per cent., or one-qahrter of such t,mpcn,c ; and scud Boartf has also determined that the area within which sroah expense shall lm so a,sessed shall be as follows : (;ti the north by Fill y--,ixth street ; on the -ouch by Forty-eighth street: on the cast by Ninth avenue, and on the west by "tscIfih aeentic.

Dated N cw Yeas, Itncember 24. 1897. I-RANCIS 7s1. SCI IIT,

Counsel to the t orporatton, No. a Tryon Row, New York City.

In the matter of the application of T'he Mayor. Alder-men and Commonalty of the City of New York, to ascertain the In-s and damage and compcnsati, s for the land, and prom i-es laid , is t, set apart and appro. printed for and as a I'ut his lark, pursuant to the pr,- 't-tuns of alt a, t entitled " .'tis act to proside for the 2cymsiibn and construction of a Public Mirk at the je...Luet of Fast One Hundred and Eighty-first Street, Sedgw;ck avenue and Cedar avenue, Ito the '1\verty-fumth Ward of the City of New York," being chapter 6.4 of the Laws of ,897.

P CkSU:1NT' TO THE sTA"f"Ul'(ss IN SUCH cases made and provided, and pursuant to chapter

C,4'i1 the lasts of 1697, notice is hereby given that art al,p ligation tvitl be made to the Supreme Court of the ~t,tr of New York, : t a Special 'berm of said Court, I : lie held at Part I11. thereof, in the County Court-Ii nut<c, in the City of New York, on Frid ty, 1 ecembc•r

,8 .7, at the opening of the Court on that d. y, or :,s rwn thereafter as counsel can I'e heard thereon, Inn the

:q,}: ,yin tment of Cum mi~,sioners of Estimate in the above-entitled matter.

'I he above-' ntitled proceeding i~ for the purpose of ;n crtainiug the loss and damage and compensation for the lands and prcmi,es taken for a Public Park pursusnt to >sld chapter 654 of the L.nos of rd97. The said lands and },remises are ootmdeu and desc : tbed a, follow, viz.:

la_inning at it point in the eastern line ill Ce ar ave-nuc rli-t:mt 112.55 fe'• t su,ttherly from the intersection of th .:a,tcrn line ofCedar avenue with the e:uthern line el I.-st ( )ne Hundred and F,t>;hte-filet street 'an the Sam' i. laid down on section r6 of the Final Maps of the

\v nt ~-fourths \yards . '1'weut '-this andl e 1 ) lit. 'Thence easterly nit right angle to Cedar avenue

for roe. 33 feet to the western line of Sodgwick avenue. zd, -I-hcuce nurthcas:erly- :dung the western floc of

Sedwitk avenue for 768.'8 feet to the northern Inc of Last One Hnndred a-d Eighty-first street .,s hti,.i down on suction r6 of the Final SLp. ut the T'weut}-third and Ywoeh-t' Wards•..

3d. Thence westerly deflecting 114 degrees z8 min-ttltes 54 seconds to the left for lob. 34 feet clung the northern line of said Fast One Hundred and Eighty-first strret to the eastern [tile of Cedar avenue.

4th. "Thence southwesterly along the c stern line of Cedar avenue for 74I.h1 feet to the point of beginning.

And as shown on three ,imdar mrtps, entitled '' _flap Cr P1 :n, showing the location of a public park at the juncti.,n ut East one hundred an•.1 Eighty-first street, Sedgwvick avenue and Cedar avenue, to the Twenty-fourth Ward of the City of New York, laid out and set apart .is a public park under authority of chapter 6=4 of the Laws of 1897,' and filed o;te in the office of the Register of the City and County of New York on July 13, 1897, rme in the office of the Secretary of the-State

of New I otk out July 14,'397, and one in the

office of the Department of Public Parks on November tE

3~ Dated New Yon, December 8, 1897. FRANCIS M. SCO1'1', Counsel to the Corporation, I

No, a Tryon Row, New York City.

In the matter of the application of the Board of Street Opening and Improvement of the City of New York, by the Counsel to the Corporation of said city, relative to acquiring title by The \layor, Aldermen and Com-mona!ty of the City of New York, to certain lands, tenements, hercditaments and premises in the Twenty-second W..rd of the City of New York, hounded by Eleventh and Twelfth avenues, West Fifty-second, West Fifty-third and West Fifty-fourth streets, duly selected, located and laid out as and for a public park, under and in pursuance of the provis - ions of chapter 320 of the Laws of 1887.

JRSU-INT TO THE PROVISIONS OF CHAP- ter ter 320 of the Laws of 1887, notice is hereby given

that an application will be made to the Supreme Court of the State of New York, at a Special 'Term of said Court, to be field at Part III. thereof, in the County Courthouse, in the City of New York, on Friday the 2rst day of January, 1898, at the opening of the Court Ott that day, or as soon thereafter as counsel can be heard thereon, for the appointment of Commissioners of Estimate in the above-entitled matter.

The nature and extent of the Improvement hereby intended is the acquisition of title by The Mayor, Alderman and Commonalty of the City of New York, to certain lands, tenements, hereditaments and premises in the'I'wenty-second Ward of the City of New York, bounded by Eleventh and Twelfth avenues, \Vest Fifty-second, West Fifty-third and West Fifty-fourth streets, n fee simple absolute, the same to be appropriated, con-crted and used to and for the purposes specified to said hapter Sao of the Live, f 1887, said property having


so seconds to the rieht for 247.50 feet to the western line I northerly side of East One Hundred and Twenty-ninth parties so objecting within the ten week days next after OT10E IS H hxC,tsY I- 1 v i;,N I ne+t VV c,

nt Southern Boulevard, I line

strect 294.88 feet and distant ea,terly from the the said 24th day of January, r89b. and for that purpose by the undersigned, were appointed an order of Supreme Court, bearing date the rith day of November, ;d. l'hence southwesterly along the wcsccen of

S, uthern Boulevard for 69.3r feet. "Third easterly side of avenue 55. }36 feet ; thence

southeasterly on a curve turning to the right with will he in acccnd.mce at our said office on each of said ten clays at 3 o'clock e.M.

T897, Como[yssi0ners of Estimate and Assessment for the

4th. Thence westerly for ao5,zo feet to the point of I a radius of e87.c69 feet, 107.734 feet to a Second—That the abstract of our said estimate and purpose of making a just and equitable estimate and Lc tinning point on the northerly 'ide of said land of said assessment, [o.,other with our damage neap and ai.o all assessment of the loss and elam:,ge, if any, or of the

PARCEL " u." I city which point is distant northerly from the the afli la2 its, estimates and other documents used by benefit and advantage, tf any, as the case may lie, to the 1ic„inning at a point in the western line of \Valnut northerly stele of Fast One Hundred and '1•wenfv-nsrnh its in making our report. have been deposited in the respective owners, lessces, poetic; and persons respect

avenue di-tant 225 feet northeasterly from the intersec- street s18.84 feet and it stant easterly from the easterly Bureau of Street Openings in the Law Ilepartrnent of ively entitled unto or interested in the lands, tenements. tion of the western line of Walnut avenue with the : side of Third avenue c;o.86 feet, and thence northwest- the City of New York, at the office of said Bureau, at hereditaments and premises required for the purpose northern line of Last One Hundred and Thirty-eighth erly along said northerly line of s lid land of said city Nos. qc and 9z West Broadway. in the said city, there to by and in consequence of opening the above,-mentioned street: fog z66 feet to the point or place of beginnin,. remain until the z4th day of January, ib~S. street or avenue, the same being particularly set forth

1st. Thence nerthcasterly along the western line of l he lots, pieces or parcel, of land above described are Third—That our report here n will be presented to asd ,Inscribed in the petition of The Mayor, Aldermen

Walnut avenue For 6o feet. shown on a certain map entitled ” \lap of lands re- the Supreme Court of he State of New York, at n and Commonalty of the City of New York, and also in z l. Thence northwesterly dclecting go degrees to the qurred fir the construction of the South Third avenue . ecial Term, Part Itl., thereof, to Ue held in the the notice of the application for the said order thereto

left for z56.fq !get. approach to the bridle ocor Harlem Pit er, under chap- P County Courthouse, in the City of New York, on the attached, filed herein in the off e of the Clerk of the City

;d. 'ihet cc westens I fleetlnZ S decrees az minutes t,•r 4[;, Laws of 1892, and under chapter 7r6, Laws of z th ca of Februar •, r8 ` ct the u enin - of Court on and County of New fork on the 2d clay of llecember, -secret 5. 1ds to the left for 8ro.z feet to the eastern line 1 7 _

r8 6, and mtder cha t •r 6to, Law. of r`o " which said 9 P c . 7 5 y ) P g that da •, and that then send there, or as soon thercaher In [8 and a lust ;md a uitable estimate and assessment 97• I q f South. rn Bouleuar 1. I map was duly approved by the Board of Estimate and as coon el can be heard thereon, a motion will be mane

of the value of the benefit and advantage of it street 4th. Thence south west erl}• along the eastern its of App, rrtionment of the (it of New fork by re s lution that the said report he confirmed, tend for such other

or avenue s„ to be , pened or laid out and formed, to the Southern Boulevard fur 69._ r feet. duly ado pied ou [lac ri th day of Jttne•, rs97, and file,: in noel further relict as may be j.tst and meet.

respective owners, lessees, parties anti person, respect. interested the said 9th. Thence easterly deflectin • rzo de rees 2 minutes ti g the otlicc of the Department of Public \Yorks o}' the City D,tted ew Yo, K. lleccmUer r7, r8g7. land entitled to or respective b,

s. coed, to the left fur 840.=S feet. ,6th.

of New York. WII i UR I.ARRI•;\IORF:, Chairman; WILLIAitf i,i Is, tenements, her eJ its me it and premises not for the of n peeing, layurq out and required purpose Thence southeasterly for 254.50 feet to the point All parties and persons intere,ted in the real estate M . LAWRENCE„ w\I. J . ELLIS, Commissioners, but benefited ul beginning, taken or [o he taken for the aforesaid purpose or atTected J°"' A. Fies~t.mcney, Clerk, forming the same, thereby, and of ascer-

boundaries PANCEt. " e." thereby, and having any claim or demand on account [Ruing and defining the extent and of the or of bind to lie taken or to be respective tracts parcels Beginning at a point in the western line of Locust av- thereof. are hereby required to pre+eut the ssmr, duly

tnue uwst.«nt 225 feet northeasterly from the intcrsec- verified, to us, the undersigned Commis-Toners of Fsti- In the matter of the appltrrtion of Lite player, Alder- assessed th-refor, and of performing the trusts and [ion of the western line of Locust avenue with the north- mate and our otTice. R, am No. a, on men and Commonauty of the City of New York, duties regetred of us by chapter t6, title g, at the act ern hie of F:a-t One Hundred and Thirty-eighth troet. the fourth floor of the titan L:- Zoo u:,g lit Id n, '5u. z acting b}• a through the D partment of Docks, rein • entitled '• An act to consolidate i to one act and to

rst. Thence northeasterly along the western line of Tryon Row, rn the City at sew York, avith such afi[- ties to acquiring title to the wharf property, rights, declare the special and local laws Lffecting public titter- I. cost av emte for 6o test. davits or other nro- its as the owners or claimants may terms, easement,, emolument, and privilege, of and to ests in the City of New Yurk," passed July r, t83z, and

ad. "Thence northwesterly deflecting co degrees to the deci,e, within thirty- (30) days alter the date of this the lands and the sands necessary to be taken for the the acts or parts of acts in addition thereto or amenda. le't it r 350 feet to the eastern l inc of \Walnut avenue. i notice 1Jccembcr 6, it9-;. improvement of the water-[runt of the Lets' of New tort' thereof.

;d. 'Thence southwestcr;y along the eastern line of ~ And w e. the said Co,untissioners, will be in attendance York, on the .'Werth river, between \\'e-t Eleventh and All p:trues and persons interested in the • real estate \\ alnur avenue fur fe Let. at our said office on the 8th Jay of January, tIeS, at Bank streets and between W st street and il•ir• taken or to be taken for the purpose of opening the said

4th. Thence southeasterly for 350 feet to the point of ! 10.30 o'clock ,n the forenoon of that day, to hear the said teenth avenue, to the plan heretofore adopted street or avenue, or affected thereby, and having any beginning. panics anti per-on. in relation thereto. by the'' aid Board of Docks and approved by the claim or dentamt on account thereof, are hereby required

East One Hi r. decd and Thirty-ninth street is l And at such time and place and at such further or Commissioners of the 'inking Fund, to present the ,ante, duly verified, to us, the undersigned

designated as it street c f the first class, and is other time and place as we may appoint we will hear p c such owners art ex :mine the r oofs of such claimant or

WE,'IHE L'NDERd1Gtiee COMMISSIONERS Commissioners of Estimate and A;-essrrtent, at our 0th' e, No.. qo and qz We+t Htoaelwav, in the City of

hown on section r of the Final \1a and Pro- Map'. to or such adds:Tonal f, and ~ Ii tions as pro

of Est and :1 s~e~smcnt iu the above- inter- New York, with affidavits nr other proof; as the lsuch

'1'wenry \Cards Lle, of the -thud and Twenty-founts of the City of New fork, filed in the office of the Corn• may th be offered by such owner Cr on Uchall of the

may then

entiticd matter, hereby eive nonce to all persons in this and to the owner or owners, coed proceeding,

s:ciu owners or claim amts may desire, within twenty

tai oner of Street improve ntents nt the Twenty-third A_I t , :\lJermen noel Cummc-nalty ei the C y of' Sew „ccupa it or « cc ,pants, of all F.ouses and lots and tin- days after the date of this nattce.

d `1\er nt}--fourth \I'., rd s or the Cit}' of 'sew York on rk proved anti unimproved I mds or wharf property, .arid all And ,e e, the said Commt iutiers, will be in attendance at our said office on the 8th day of January, 1898, at

lone r;, IS94, in the office of the Reeistcr of ' the Cit• and Count of New I ork on June t

Dated V eat YORK, U a•mher 6. iSg7 DAVID LIVEN I'RI 1T, P E I'ER P,OW E,

persons tilt •r,ste,d there n, or in any rights, privileges ` „t- interests thereto, affected thereby nd pertaining

ro o'clock in the forenoon of that Jay, to hear the

State ARTHUR INGRAH;\ \I, Lommissioners. y~ II ta•

4 and in the office of the Secretary of of the ~ to all others whom rt may Go vein, to sit t sai.1 parties and person; in ralation thereto, and at

J ES A. C. Iot.K>ox, Clerk. such time and place, and at such further or other time state of New \rk on little r5, iS94. I First—That we have completed our preliminary report and pl ice a.c we may appoint, we will hear such owners

bitted NFCr Tito K, Ua cember ao, rF ~ and our es,imate and assessment, and that all persons in r, latioo thereva and examine the proofs of such FRANC1~ \I. SCOOP, Counsel to the Corporation , Fn the matter of the a lication of the Board of street pp interested in this proceeding, or in an\• of the lands, claimant or cLrimants, or such additional proofs and

No. a Tr} on Row•, . ess or City.

O aenine and Improvement of the L'n of New York, F 1 ) P emises, buildings and wharf property affected

allegations as may then Lu offered by such owner, or on - b • the Counsel to too Co oration of s., id Cit , rela- } p ) thereby and haaing of jections thereto, do present

behalf of Mayor, Aldermen and Commonalty uC the ]r. the matter of the a> !ication of Charles H. Collis, { p five to ac uirin title b y the Mayor, AWrrmen and q g } } their said obj,~HnAs in writing, duly verifi (1, to

Ness' Cite of New Yurk . C issi oiler of Public \1'ork< of the City at New Comet naIi) of the C }' of New \'ork, to certain us, at our office, Room; 3,z and 3r3• No z?3 I) ,fed V rw 's I K, December tq, r8n7. \ ; k, f,ir and in behalf of 1 he \1 or Aldermen and lands, tenements, hr re I taco t is and premises in the l;roadav ay, few Yorl: laity, on or before the 24th day of

? d Commissioners, will hear ED\ti•ARt) E. S1cGALLi WILLIAM J. CARROLL, e :nmonaltp of the Cut% of New ) ark, relative to ac- I Seventeenth \Yard o the City of Sew York, bounded •1 January, r 89 ; that we• the,a GF,t)R(E ]1, VAN HOb:SEN, Commissioners, ,Hair nu title in fee to certain lot,, pieces or parcels of by Hr ttston, Norfolk, St fins n and Essex streets, duly Pattie, so ut,jecttng within the t week d s next a'tcr

H. ua F. BALUwt a, Clerk, J. in the Twelfth Ward of the Cit}- of New York, selected. L,cated and laid nut as and f,,r a public park the said z lth day of January, 1898, and In that purpose __ -

i r the purpose of the construction of the south Third or playground, tinder and in purwance of the provis- w"rll be in attendance at our said office on each at said

.\ <rnue ttppro:,ch to the bridge over the Harlem ions of chapter tee of the Lanes of t8S7, chapter 093 of ; ten days at 4 o'clock Y. M. In the matter of the application of the Mayor, Alder- ,.y er, connecting the norther~y end nl I'Lird avenue, the Laws of r8q; and chapter 676 of the Law. of x897, Second—That the abstract of our said estimate and men , nd Commonalty of the City of New York, to ,he Fm lfth .l nod of said city. with the s, .utheriy

AN1' 'I 'O THE PK(1VItilON3 OF CHAP. assessment, together with our damage map and also all

I by an ,L through the Counsel to the Corporation, to

title to certain lands in thsTwen:y-third Ward acquire cc .. of Third avenue, in the Twenty-third Ward of

I,! cit -, ur-u.,nt to the pi ovision, of chapter 413 of } p F P 4 3

pLRSL 1 ter 320 of the L:rws of .887, ch,pier 293 of the

the affidavits, estimates and other documents used by i us iu making our report, have been depos,tcJ in the y p p; of the City of New fore as and f a pubic ark,

t!:c Laws of rb9z, entitled '' :1n Act to provide fur the Laws of 1895 and ch:,pter 6; 6 of the L .: of if97, Bureau of Street Openings in the L:.w Department of under and pursuant to ttte provisions of chapter 224 of ns: ructi not a draaa-bridge over the Harlem river, r-tice is hereby' given that an application in ii be made the City of New York, at the office , f said B.ireau, at the Laws of rd96, as amended by chapter 70 of the ti., City of New fork, and for the removal of the to the Supreme Court of the State of New. York, at a Nos• oo and q2 Vi I road w aa, in the =aid city, there Laws of 18)7.

pr,<ant sludge at 'third avenue in said city,° and the Special Term of said Cane[, to U~ held to Part 111. to roman until the s4th day of January, [8.)8. \TO110E IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT WE, THE statutes amendatory the roof, and all other thereof, in the Court-house in the City of New C ounty

Third—'1'h:,t our report herein well be presented to 1V undcrsi;;neci, were ateppo statutes in such case made and pro%iced. S-ork, on Thursday. the a_th day of January, rag :, at the thee r5th day of October,

IS H EREBY GIV EN THAT Vs E, THE ~701, ICE as counsel can be heard thereon, for the appoictment of Term, Part III., there, ,f, t , be held in the County Court- I 1897, and filed and a tc,ed in the pill e of the Clerk of the

undersigned, were appointed by an order of the Commissioners of Estimate to the above-entitled matter. house, in the city of New1•ork, on the a th day of Feb- Cityand lay I Cost Its oiNewYo:kon the gthc ofNovember.

Supreme ('uurt, bearing die the zbth day of October, roar}•, 0898, at the opening ofCourt onthat day, andth+t 1897. Cornmtssonersol'Apprais:al for thepurposeo`ascer-

rSq•±, and filed anti entered in the office of the Clerk hereby The nature and extent of the Improvement then and there, or as soon thereafter as counsel can he tauung and apprai;img, the compensation to be made to

oI th, City and Ccun:}- of \ ew t, ark on the 9t1 day- I by Mayor, intended is the acgmyiti , it of title the .-hider- hcard thereo a motion will be made that the said the owners and all persons interested in the real estate

C .0 leer t 897, Commi-stoners of Estimate and . men and Commonalty A the City of New York to cur- reportrep he confirmed, and for such other and further hereinafter described and laid out, appropriated or dcs-

Apportionmentt for the purpose of masking a tat and to in lands, tenements, here lttaments and remise, ,n p Ue ' rst and met. relict )' I~ a ed N agnate' by said chapter z.q of the Laws of 1896, as

le estimate of the loss and damage, to the respect- the Scvcn tee nth \Ca~~d .:f the City of New fork.

Essex flared Net YORK, Urcember [ 18 '~~v amen,'.cS chopter 70 of the Laws of r8)7, as

ice owners, lessees, parties and persons respectively 1 e o° bounded by Houston, \urf,Ik, Stanton and A\ ill' [;DDKIN, Chairm+97 WILLIA1t B. and for a public park in the Twenty third ward of the

cntitled unto or interested n i the lands tenement., , street-, i n le ab,ol ute , the s attic to be a ro- i n fee si p P~ L:LLISON, R'ILBUK LARREMORE, Cu.nmrssiort City of New Vork, and proposed to be taken or affected

her editamerts and urem e, required, and t he acquired Pis toted, converted and used to and for the puruc,ses Laws

EMMIL F. yl.5cnte. Clerk for the purposes- named in said act, and to perform such

in tee in the name of and fern nd i:t behalf of The \]titer, , specified in chapter no of the of ,887, chapter 293 other duties as : are by said act prescribed,

and Comore nalt}• of the Cft}• of New h ark, .aldermen of the Laws of iSgp and chapter 676 of the Law's of 1697, The real estate so proposed to be taken or affected

i,.r the purpose a the construction of the ~ouut ii rd situ property having been duly selcctcd, located and '1 In the matter of the application of he flay or Alder- for said ournoses comprises all the lands, tenements, -. _approa

laid out by the Bard of Street Opening and Improve- men and l nrnmoonhy of the City of New York, rela- hereditament; and prrmtse• not now owned or the title eslit

2h to the bridge over the Harlem riser, the northerly end of "Third avenue, in the .

meat of the C. ,~f \ew Y,.rk as and for a he park Uses to oreui title wherever the some ha ; not lands

cqg and premises I to which is not vested in the Mayor, Aldermen and

! •-'air \\'ard of said cif}, v:ith the southerly end of of the or pla}y:ruund, t inder and in pursuance of t pro-

Laws hereto ore acquired, to the hereto

I fur B DE Commonalty of the City of New York, within the limits Iavenue, in the 'twenty-third 'i's of said city. _..,i

eisions of laid chapter 3zo of the of chapter of tl required the purpose of opening f by r or boundaries of the parcels of bend laid out, appropriated f :,nt to the provisions of ch!pter;r3 of the Law, of 293 °f the Law's of [8.:5 and chapter 676 of the I_:. or ,a.V E\UE !although not yet named by proper or Jes,gnatcd for said public park Uy yard chapter

.. of 1897, being the folio wing-described lots, pieces or 'tuthonq• , between Tremont avenue and East One 224 of the Laws of [8g6, as amended by chapter 70 01' nd the various statatec amendatory thereof, and

statutes in such case male and provided, ,Par ., they eels of land, namely': Hundred and tieventy-eighth street, as the same has the L..lws of r8g7, namely: On the north by the south-

, the following-described lots, pieces or parcels of ~',

All those lots, pieces or parcels of land in the Seven- been heretofore laid out and designated as a first.class street or road, in the Twenty-fourth Ward of the City

erly line of One Hundred and Sixty-second street ; on

.. . . teenth Ward r,1 the Cit • of New York, bounded and }

of New York. the east by the westerly line of CromwrJls avenue

Y.~IRCEL " A." described a, follox s. to wit : as fir s loth as the southerly line of One Hundred }'

1:,zining at the corner formed by the intersection of Beginning at the northeasterly corner of Stanton and N O"I ICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT WE, THI' and Sixty-first street, and south of that point

U,,- easterly -ide of 1'Lird avenue with the northerl • Essex strea is; thence northerly along the easter'}' line under si_ned, were appointed by an order of the by the northwesterly line of the channel of

. of bass One Hundred and ' street of EsSe.r street, distance z9S feet ; a inches; thence ~ supreme Court, licarin~ date the nth day of November, Cromwell's creek ; on the south by said t orth.

. easterly and parallel with Houston street, distance 17;

runrin thence northerly aloe slid esrerl stele of

1 1097, Cumuli sinners tit Fstimate and Assessment for the westerly line of the eh.mnel of Cromwell's creek and

aid ex- 1 t c avenue tpo.83 feet to the f rnred b f feet 6?' inches ; thence norther In and nearly parallel t'' Ni rfolk street, distance to, feet, to the southerly line

purpose of making :t just and equitable estimate and the easterly bu!khe I line of the Harlem river, and

rsenue of` the southerly side of East One Htm- ' _. t asessmeet of the loss and damage. if any, or of the ~ on the west by the easterly bulkhe id line of the

ion d of Houston sir=et : thence easterly al-;ng said line, dos ; benefit and advan t,tze, it any, as the case may be, to the Harlem river to the lands slow or formc~h, belong.

' and '1 ninth street with the tel side

I !;,rd ae- mutt : thence easterly along the said booth- Lance 25 f 21% inches, to the southwester is corner of I re,ue iii ve ov tiers, lessees, parties and persons respect- ing to the \Vest Side and Yonk rs Kea lrotd or

of East O:•e Hundred and Twen'y-ninthstreet, Houston and \orfolK strt et s : th«-n a suuther~}• and ' ive:y entitled unto or interested in the lands, tenemen t~, Railway Company ; thence running easterly and

- .. feet s~ ~t,therly, oar ill with the castere, ; thence ' long the westerly line of Norfolk sired distance 398 I hereditaments and premises required for the purpose by bounded by the lands of said company to Sedgwick

ni Third as feet ; thence southwesterly ... g9.9z feet a/ inches, to the northerly tine of t tion street ; and in consequence of opening the above-mentioned avenue ; thence a tin rennin eacterl across

g Y feet to the nor trrcny side cf East One Hundred thence tiesterly at n4 said li•,.e, ui-tame a feet n inches; 7 street or avenue, the same l,em ,rticclarl - ct forth g P Y `' avenue to the southerly hoe of One Hundred a idgwick

th"Ace n, rtherly and par:, llel , o -Norfolk =tree[, (7 istance ! and described in the petition of The 1l ayor, Aldermen and Sixty-first street or the p.—agcway leading from Twenty-eighth street, and thence westerly along 98 feet z itches : +hence westerly and parallel to St.,ntoo and Comm>n lty of if e City of New York, and ako in Sedtw•ick avenue to Summit avenue ; thence runn mG I said ,,, rtherly side of Fast One Hundred and street, di-'ance 8- feet and ;! inch; thence sou: ft rlyand , the notice of the application for the said order thereto southeasterly along the southerly line of One Hundred I a.c2(esL,Eh street r-o feet to the oint or lace of P P parallel to Norfolk str et, iitance 98 feet a itches, to I at'ached, filed hen in in the office of the Clerk of the I and'sixty-first street ur said passageway to the westerly -' „nntr'g' tie northerly' line of Stontrnr street ; thence tc sterly City and County f .Now \ ark on the zd day of Dec 'm- line of Summit avenue : thence running southwesterly

1 lie title to so much of the lands atove described in : along the northerly line of Stanton street. distance 73 ber, 1897. and a iu•t and equit lie estimate :tcd a.cses,ment along the we;terly line ofSumm'tavenue to the southerly 1'.,rc eI "A" as are owned bv the Manhattan Railway' feet and ?: inch, to the p,.int or place of begmnina. i of the value of the benefit and advantage of- s Lid street or line of One Hundred and sixty-first street ; thence run - h .n,part is to be acquired for the aforesaid purp- .e, "I tee lots, piece, or parcels of land above described are ! avenue so to be opened or laid out and formed, t., the re- ning southeasterly clung the southerly line of One , a-I , ct, however, to the perpetual right of said corn- ,hoavn c.n two similar maps, l,ian, and profile, thereof. snecttve owners, lessees, partie+and pers„ns respectively Hundred and Sixty-first street to the westerly line of I ., ,is successors and assigns, to maintain ..nd''perate e,ccumraAied with explanatory remark', made by the entitled to or interested m the said respective lands, Ogden avenue : thence again running s,utherly in a

elevated r;,ilroad above the s:+i.l lands ps it now Department of Public R'ork,, each of which is entitled j tenements, hereditaments and premise, n-,t required strareht line to the southeasterly corner of Jerome -, and to construct and maintain additional tr,,ck-, .. sh,,t,'ing a pill lie park or playground hounded by for the purpose of opening, laying out and forming I avenue and One hundred and sixty-second street, the

~`. I platforms above said Iands and above the lands lieu r,n, \, rfolk, St.,.,tun and Es-cx streets, in the the same. but benefited thereby, an l of ascertaining p or FLrce Of beginning, inclIt I ll the lands within , ce described in Parcel " A," and to be acquired herein ~,vein( enth Ward of the City of New fork, as Lid out and d, fining the extent and bon ;dories of the respective said bounds, excepting and reserving therefrom all pub-

I r -aid ai prosch, lying betsceen the land, of said corn- and est., I I slice b}• the L' and of Street Opening and tracts or parcels of land to be taken or to be assessed ' I is s Teets, avenues or places nc,w laid out acr,ss or over 'F ,ny :,n the north line of One Hurd,e1 and s euty- Improvement." one of which s rid maps is filed m the 1 therefor, and of performing the trusts and dudes re- any part of said land and shown on the official field map;

c,_h' h S rest, .and in '1'h;rd aaenr.e, and One Hundred office of the P,egi•te, of the City and Count y if New , quired of us by chapter r6, title 5, of the -act entitled of the Commissioner of Street Improvcmentc of the :viiI to e,,tc-ni'nh street, a; shown on the map submit. York, :md the othet of which is hl d in the office of the ' •' An act to consdid:tie int- one act and to declare the Twenty-third arid Twenty-fourth Wards of the City of t•.:.! to tl.e Board of Estimate and .Apporti_nment of the Lte1'artmcnt of l'u6hc Parks in said city. I special and local laws affecting ptibiic inten•sty in the New York - C,-a of 'c 'I irk on the [6th day of June, r8q-, en- Date,; \, w Y"rK. Lrcembr-r 23, r£97. I City of New Ycrk,^ passed July t, 1882, and the acts All parties and persons, owners, lessees or other per.

' 'ii 'b -.! " \ lanhatt. n Rail ay C•~mpanv, propose d'third 1'RANCI> \l. `Cr )TT, Cou^sal to the Corporation, ! or parts of acts in addition thereto or amendatory sons interested in the real estate above describe.[ and to -1a out, I n. inal, flay z,, rSu7l J.\\'a'er house, CFuo f 7y„ 2 -1'r} Row, -New York City. thereof. be taken for the purposs of said public park, or any I. nglneer," and to operate its said road in connection All parties and Persons interested in the real estate part thereof, or affected by the proceeding, had tinder a, an such additional Cr., cks and platforms, taken or to be taken for the purpose of opening the said or authorized by •aid act, chapter a of the Laws o f

6, by Lacs r8 as amendr,d cha ter of the o~ r8 "u raR[EL -° In the matt, r of the app!hcanon of the ayo , Aldermen nt the of 'se York, acting and Commit'h

the fi b street sir avenue, or affec+ed the reU and havin any

- y' g 9 Y P 7 97• and

basing any cl.,im or demand on account thereof, are g i formed by the intersection . at the tt f 'I ItliZ, 'i

e 1 to by and the' nzh the Board of Docks, relative to acqutr- d claim or demand on account [hired, are hereby required 1 regwred to present the same to u•, duly ve, ified, i rJ avenue acith the no th- ri the easterly side of

Hundred ing right and title h, :uI I po=session of the wharfage, du]}'

severiticd, to us, the under- to present the same,

ned Commiss ion ; of Estirra to and Assessment, at I [vale such affidavits Cr other proof in support y side of Last On and 1wcnty-ninth rights, terms, ea-ement:, emolun nts and prind e-e

our Office, Nos. and West Broadway, in the City 90 92 tit teuf as the said owner or claimant may dsire, ,,thin ste-er-t l and r. inning thence northerly :long ,aid ca. trrly

f 7 bird nr.6 feet to Laid heretol re Im- avenue 7 appurtenant t the bulkhead on the so ; therly side of

of New fork, with such affid:«.rts or other proofs as use sixty day- after the date of this notice f November 8,

by the \favor, Aluerm,n and Commonalty of luired Soutlt s•r,." I, beginning at a It let en 'aid buckhe'ad seven[;)•-two snd t'd ty-eight hundredths E) feet 'id owners orclainiants may desire, within twenty days t897), at or office, Nos. go and qz West Broadway,

t'i't City of New York for au approach to the 7

easterl from the cash-r1 - i r of Caiharme Ali cc, after the date of this notice. ninth Otto , in the City of New York.

sou 'f it rd .Avenue bridge; thence tl; e -„terl}' along he fended ; thence ru nnin,4 ca,terly along said s utherl)• And we, the said Commtssi once s, will be in attendance And we, the said Commissioners, will be in attend. !':wetly side of said land beret, fore acquired by I side rf South stre•_t one hundred :+nd nine and s x y• at our said office on tee 8th day of January, i898, at ro ance at our said office on the r8th nay of January, 1898,

it, -aid city for said purpose i75$ feet to a point I Aire hundredths cog.-q feel, necessary to betaken o'clock in the forenoon of that day, to hear the said i I at twelve o'el•,ck noon of that day. to hear the said

~i bleb is distant nonherly rg3.2z Ir et from the north- {ur the ~mpr,aement of the water-front of the City of parties and pers,.nc in relation thereto, and at such Parties and persons in relation therein, and in case any I such person or claimant shall desire it suet time and _, iy side of East One Hundr J and 'J u erny-ninth i New Yk, on the East river, pursuant to the plan ! time and place, and at such further or other time and

street and distant casterlt• 156.87 feet from the east- I he eto'ore adopted by the said Department of Docks ~ place as we may appoint, we will hear such owners m place Li offer further and additional proofsor testimony, « rI yid- of I bird avenue ;thence southeasterly and still and approved Ly the Commissioners of the Sinking 'reintton th r , and examine the proofs of •uch claimant `uch person or claimant will be heard or said proofs or

,;,L said land of said city on a curl tenting to Lund. ':' or claim.,nts, or such additional proofs :ind alle,oti'its as testimony will be received by its. 'I .. right with a radius of rho r3 feet f r.t7 feet : thence

E, I HE U NDERSIGN EC) COMMI:nSIO\ ERS I may then lie offered by such owner, or on behalf of The And at such time and place, or at such further or other i herly and parallel with lb ,rd avenue ,6.07 f~-ct I W rf ~~n late and A?se,sment in the above- Mayor, Aldc rmen and Co ~u mon.lily of the City of New time and pl.ic as we may appoint, we will hear the westerly parallel with East One Hu; cited arar: entitle-d matte:, hereby ,give not•.,e to all persons inter- 1 ork. proofs and allegations of any o,aner, Ies,ee or other I ~cen}•-ninth street z5 feet; thence southerly pan2ilcl

1•ast e-trd in dais proceedin ~, ,,nd to the owner or owners, 1' {fated NEw YORK, December r 18 4. 97. erson in an wa entitled to or int rested in such real P Y Y

+ •h'Third avenue So feet to the northerly side tit nr occupants of all house. and lots and im- ", GEf)RGH', \I. V aN H >EiEN, JAS. B. BKADI estate, or any part or parcel threot, and also such I , ne Hundred and Twenty-ninth street, and thence west. provednt

proved and ucimproa eu 1-mds or wharf property, and \\ - ILLIA\F Al. LAWRENCE, Commissioners. as ma be then off red on behalf P Y roofs and or, A der

- long the sail herly side cf rast Une Hundred sire :+lt per=ons interested therein, or ir. any right, priv loge; Jura Y. Dens Clerk. of the \layor, Aldermen and Commonalty of the City

d Twenty-riuth street t8o feet to the point or place of or mtrre,t t per o ng thereto. affected thereby, and to of New York.

. ginning, PARCEL " C.”

all others whom it may cou to wit: matter I In the atter of the application of The Mayor, Alder- 'S Dated env 5 )Oi< Nuvembc•r 8, r8g7.

CHARLES L. GUY, WILLIAM H. BARKER, lbsinnin, at a point on the easterly side of land First—That we have con.pleted our preliminary report nice :aid Commonalty of the City of New York, relative HENRY H PORTER, Commissioners.

f. r,totore acquired by the Mayor, Aldermen and and our estimate and assessment, and that all persons to acq, uring title, wherever the same has not been THE CITY RECORD. Lrninnoaitv of the City of New York for an approach interest:d'tnthis proceeding, or in any of the uplands, herttofore acquired, to the lands, tenements and

the new third Avenue Bridge distant northerly lands. lands under water, premises,buildirgs and wharf hereditaments required for the purpose of opening HE Cl I'V RECORD IS PUBI.1aH Ell DAILV, from the northerly side of E,,st One Hundred and ' propertyaffected thereby, and having objections then to, RYER AVENUE. (although not yet named by proper

I ttenty-ninth street 265.476 feet and distant easterly do present their said objections in writing, duly verified, authorityl, from Tremont av flue to Burnside avenue, 1 Sundays and legal holidays excepted, at No. 2

from the easterly side of 1 hard avenue 37.605 feet ; I to us, at our ofhce, Rooms 312 and 313, No.z33 Broad- as the same has been heretofore laid out and dcsig. City Hall, New York City Annual strhscrtptton, $9.30,

tler.ce m,rtheasterl}• along -aid land of said city 34.39 I way, New York City, on or before the 24th day of jan- nated as a first'cktss street or ro,d, in the Twenty- postage prepaid. HENRY MehIILLEN,

5.e-t to it point which is distant northerly from the nary, t8g8 ; that we, the said Commissioners, will hear fourth Ward of the City of New York. Supervisor.