Download - ( 12 ) United States Patent



( 12 ) United States Patent Piernot et al .

( 10 ) Patent No .: US 10,755,051 B2 ( 45 ) Date of Patent : Aug. 25 , 2020


U.S. PATENT DOCUMENTS ( 71 ) Applicant : Apple Inc. , Cupertino , CA ( US ) 7,315,809 B2

7,315,818 B2 ( 72 ) Inventors : Philippe P. Piernot , Palo Alto , CA ( US ) ; Didier Rene Guzzoni , Montsur - Rolle ( CH )

1/2008 Xun 1/2008 Stevens et al .

( Continued )


( 73 ) Assignee : Apple Inc. , Cupertino , CA ( US ) CA CA

2694314 A1 8/2010 2792412 A1 7/2011

( Continued ) ( * ) Notice : Subject to any disclaimer , the term of this patent is extended or adjusted under 35 U.S.C. 154 ( b ) by 111 days . OTHER PUBLICATIONS

( 21 ) Appl . No .: 15 / 884,262

( 22 ) Filed : Jan. 30 , 2018

Adium , “ AboutAdium - Adium X - Trac ” , available at < http : // web . AboutAdium > , retrieved on Nov. 25 , 2011 , 2 pages .

( Continued ) ( 65 ) Prior Publication Data

US 2019/0102378 A1 Apr. 4 , 2019 Primary Examiner Vijay B Chawan ( 74 ) Attorney , Agent , or Firm - Dentons US LLP

Related U.S. Application Data ( 60 ) Provisional application No. 62 / 566,109 , filed on Sep.

29 , 2017 .

( 51 ) Int . Cl . G06F 40/295 ( 2020.01 ) G06F 40/30 ( 2020.01 )

( Continued ) ( 52 ) U.S. Cl .

CPC G06F 40/30 ( 2020.01 ) ; G06F 40/295 ( 2020.01 ) ; G06F 40/35 ( 2020.01 ) ; GIOL

15/1822 ( 2013.01 ) ; GIOL 15/22 ( 2013.01 ) ( 58 ) Field of Classification Search

CPC GO6F 17/2705 ; G06F 17/2785 ; G06F 17/2264 ; GO6F 17/271 ; G06F 17/2725 ;

( Continued )

( 57 ) ABSTRACT Systems and processes for rule - based natural language pro cessing are provided . In accordance with one example , a method includes , at an electronic device with one or more processors , receiving a natural - language input ; determining , based on the natural language input , an input expression pattern ; determining whether the input expression pattern matches a respective expression pattern of each of a plurality of intent definitions ; and in accordance with a determination that the input expression pattern matches an expression pattern of an intent definition of the plurality of intent definitions : selecting an intent definition of the plurality of intent definitions having an expression pattern matching the input expression pattern ; performing a task associated with the selected intent definition ; and outputting an output indicating whether the task was performed .

39 Claims , 13 Drawing Sheets Process 800

805 Receive a natural language input

810 Determine , based on the natural language input , an input expression pattern

815 Determine whether the input expression pattern matches a respective expression pattern of

each of a plurality of intent definitions

820 In accordance with a determination that the input expression patteri matches an expression

pattern of an intent definition of the plurality of intent definitions 825

Select an intent definition of the plurality of intent definitions having an expression pattern matching the input expression pattern

830 Perform a task associated with the selected intent definition

835 Output an output indicating whether the task was performed

US 10,755,051 B2 Page 2

( 51 ) Int . Ci . G06F 40/35 ( 2020.01 ) GIOL 15/22 ( 2006.01 ) GIOL 15/18 ( 2013.01 )

( 58 ) Field of Classification Search CPC GO6F 17/273 ; G06F 17/277 ; GO6F 17/279 ;

G06F 8/10 ; G06F 8/34 ; G06F 16/23 ; G06F 16/245 ; G06F 16/258 ; GO6F

16/284 ; GO5N 5/022 ; GO5N 5/04 ; GIOL 15/1822 ; GIOL 15/22 ; GIOL 15/26 ; GIOL

13/027 ; GIOL 15/30 USPC 704/257 , 235 , 4 , 9 , 231 ; 705/37 ;

707/690 , 756 ; 717/100 , 114 See application file for complete search history .

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Server System


U.S. Patent

Digital Assistant Server 112



Processing Modules

Data & Models

Interface to DA Client

1/0 Interface to external Services

Aug. 25 , 2020


Navigation Service ( s )

Sheet 1 of 13

Network ( s )

104 .


Messaging Service ( s )

?? ATT










Telephony Service

Calendar Service

Information Service ( s )

US 10,755,051 B2

External Services





U.S. Patent Aug. 25 , 2020 Sheet 2 of 13 US 10,755,051 B2

226 236 228 230 232 233

254 247 248

Memory 202 Operating System Communication Module Contact Motion Module Graphics Module Haptic Feedback Module Text input Module GPS Module Digital Assistant Client Module User Data and Models Applications

Contacts Module Telephone Module Video Conference Module E - mail Client Module Instant Messaging Module Workout Support Module Camera Module Image Management Module Video & Music Player Module Notes Module

Portable Multifunction Device 200 Applications continued )

Map Module Browser Module Calendar Module Widget Modules

Weather Widget ( s ) Stocks Widget Calculator Widget Alarm Clock Widget Dictionary Widget

249 249-1 249-2 249-3 249-4 249-5

234 235 229 231 236 237 238 239 240 241 242 243 244 252 253

User - Created Widget ( s ) Widget Creator Module Search Module Online Video Module

249-6 250 251 255

257 Device / Global Internal State

Power System 262 224

External Port 218

203 203 203 203 RF Circuitry 208 Speaker

204 1203 Controller 222

Audio Circuitry 210 203 Peripherals

Interface 203 Proximity


Microphone 213

266 203 220 Processor ( s )

20 Accelerometer ( s ) 268 206 203

Display Controller 256

Optical Sensor ( s )

Controller 258

1/0 Subsystem intensity Sensor ( s )

Controller 259

Haptic Feedback

Controller 261

Other Input Controller ( s )

260 KU

203 203 203 Touch

Sensitive Display System


203 Optical

Sensor ( s ) 264

203 Contact Intensity Sensor ( s )


Tactile Output Generator ( s )


Other Input Control Devices


FIG . 2A

Event Sorter 270


U.S. Patent

Event Monitor


Hit View Determination Module


Active Event Recognizer Determination Module

Application 236-1



Event Dispatcher Module

Aug. 25 , 2020

Application View 291

Event Recognizer 280


Application View 291

Event Recognizer Event Receiver


Event Recognizer 280

Event Handler


Event Comparator


Sheet 3 of 13

Data Updater 276

Event Definitions


Event Data


Event 1


Object Updater 277

Event 2


GUI Updater 278

Metadata Event Delivery

283 288

Event Handler



Application Internal State 292

US 10,755,051 B2

FIG . 2B

U.S. Patent Aug. 25 , 2020 Sheet 4 of 13 US 10,755,051 B2

Portable Multifunction Device 200 306 312

Speaker 211 Optical Sensor 264

Proximity Sensor 266


308 310 is SIM card slot 312 is headphone jack

302 W ..

Touch Screen 212

1 Contact Intensity 1 Sensor ( s ) 265

ou des Dog


Tactile Output Generator ( s ) 267


Microphone 213

Home 304

Accelerometer ( s ) 268


External Port 224 FIG . 3

U.S. Patent Aug. 25 , 2020 Sheet 5 of 13 US 10,755,051 B2


Memory 470 228 230 232 233

234 229 231 236 237

Device 400 www 238 239

Operating System Communication Module Contact / Motion Module Graphics Module Haptic Feedback Module Text input Module Digital Assistant Client Module User Data and Models Applications

Contacts Module Telephone Module Video Conference Module E - mail Client Module Instant Messaging Module Workout Support Module Camera Module Image Management Module Browser Module Calendar Module Widget Modules

Weather Widget Stocks Widget Calculator Widget Alarm Clock Widget Dictionary Widget

240 241

410 242 243 CPU ( S )

420 244 247 248

430 WW

1/0 Interface

249 249-1 249-2 249-3 249.4 2495


Keyboard / Mouse 450

249-6 Touchpad 455

Tactile Output Generator ( s ) 457

250 251 252 480 482 Sensor ( s )

User - Created Widget ( s ) Widget Creator Module Search Module Video & Music Player Module Drawing Module Presentation Module Word Processing Module Website Creation Module Disk Authoring Module Spreadsheet Module


486 460

Network Communications

Interface 488 490


257 Device / Global Internal State

U.S. Patent ug.25,2020 Sheet 6 of 13 US 10,755,051 B2

Portable Multifunction Device 306

wwwwwwwwwwwwww www wwwwww www

peaker Optical en 264

Proximity 266 505 308

1 502 Current Time 504 y 506


30 D o Messages

524 Calendar

526 Photos

528 Camera

530 ++


901 Online Video

532 Stocks

534 Maps Weather


that AB

Clock Workout Notes 544

Settings 546 Support 542


App Store iTunes VoiceMe Utilities


E OO Phone 516 M518 Bwe520 Pd522

Microphone 213 ? C

Touch Screen 22 Accelerometer ( s )



FIG . 5A

U.S. Patent Aug. 25 , 2020 Sheet 7 of 13 US 10,755,051 B2



o 570




& 562


1552 Tactile Output Generator ( s ) 457 Contact Intensity Sensor ( s ) 459


U.S. Patent Aug. 25 , 2020 Sheet 8 of 13 US 10,755,051 B2

DEVICE 600 608 602



FIG . 6A





U.S. Patent

606 506 - O








Aug. 25 , 2020




632 2

1 I } 1 I

Sheet 9 of 13







I 1 1




1 I I

US 10,755,051 B2


FIG . 6B

U.S. Patent Aug. 25 , 2020 Sheet 10 of 13 US 10,755,051 B2

718 Digital Assistant System

Memory 702 720 722 724 726 728 730 758

Operating System Communication Module User Interface Module Applications Digital Assistant Module

1/0 Processing Module STT Processing Module

ASR Systems Natural Language Processing Module

Ontology Vocabulary User Data Dialogue Flow Processing Module Task Flow Processing Module

Task Flow Models Service Processing Module

Service Models Speech Synthesis Processing Module

732 760 744 748 734 736 754 738 756

704 Processor ( s )

********* XXXXXXX


10 Interface

1/0 Devices 716

708 Network Communications Interface

Wired Communications OOOOOO Courg

Car nega


FIG . 7A




Digital Assistant 730


728 Speech

U.S. Patent

Speech input

STT Processing Module

Phonetic Alphabet Conversion Module

Text String

Text String

Text Representations 732

Phonetic Representation 744



Natural Language Processing Module

Aug. 25 , 2020





User Data


Processing Module


Structured Queries

Sheet 11 of 13

Follow - Up




Task Flow Processing Module 754 Service Processing Module 756


Speech Synthesis Processing Module

Dialogue Flow Processing Module

Delayed Responses

Task Flow Models

Service Models





US 10,755,051 B2

FIG . 7B


U.S. Patent

764 NON


Restaurant Reservation

Set Reminder

Restaurant Reservation Domain

Aug. 25 , 2020

To un


Party Size

Date / Time

Subject CARD

Reminder Domain

Sheet 12 of 13



Price Range

Phone !




US 10,755,051 B2

FIG . 7C

U.S. Patent Aug. 25 , 2020 Sheet 13 of 13 US 10,755,051 B2

Process 800

805 Receive a natural - language input


Determine , based on the natural - language input , an input expression pattern

815 Determine whether the input expression pattern matches a respective expression pattern of

each of a plurality of intent definitions

820 In accordance with a determination that the input expression pattern matches an expression

pattern of an intent definition of the plurality of intent definitions

825 Select an intent definition of the plurality of intent definitions having an

expression pattern matching the input expression pattern

830 Perform a task associated with the selected intent definition

835 Output an output indicating whether the task was performed


US 10,755,051 B2 1 2

RULE - BASED NATURAL LANGUAGE intent definitions having an expression pattern matching the PROCESSING input expression pattern ; perform a task associated with the

selected intent definition ; and output an output indicating CROSS - REFERENCE TO RELATED whether the task was performed .

APPLICATIONS Example electronic devices are disclosed herein . An example electronic device comprises one or more proces

This application claims priority to U.S. Provisional Patent sors ; a memory ; and one or more programs , where the one Application Ser . No. 62 / 566,109 , “ RULE - BASED NATU or more programs are stored in the memory and configured RAL LANGUAGE PROCESSING , ” filed on Sep. 29 , 2017 . to be executed by the one or more processors , the one or The content of this application is hereby incorporated by 10 more programs including instructions for receiving a natu reference for all purposes . ral - language input ; determining , based on the natural - lan

guage input , an input expression pattern ; determining FIELD whether the input expression pattern matches a respective

expression pattern of each of a plurality of intent definitions ; This relates generally to natural language processing and , 15 and in accordance with a determination that the input

more specifically , to performing tasks in accordance with expression pattern matches an expression pattern of an intent natural - language inputs . definition of the plurality of intent definitions : selecting an

intent definition of the plurality of intent definitions having BACKGROUND an expression pattern matching the input expression pattern ;

20 performing a task associated with the selected intent defi Intelligent automated assistants ( or digital assistants ) inte nition ; and outputting an output indicating whether the task

grated in natural language processing systems can provide a was performed . beneficial interface between human users and electronic An example electronic device comprises means for devices . Such assistants can allow users to interact with receiving a natural language input ; means for determining , devices or systems using natural language in spoken and / or 25 based on the natural - language input , an input expression text forms . For example , a user can provide a speech input pattern ; means for determining whether the input expression containing a user request to a digital assistant operating on pattern matches a respective expression pattern of each of a an electronic device . The digital assistant can interpret the plurality of intent definitions ; and means for , in accordance user's intent from the speech input and operationalize the with a determination that the input expression pattern user's intent into tasks . The tasks can then be performed by 30 matches an expression pattern of an intent definition of the executing one or more services of the electronic device , and plurality of intent definitions : selecting an intent definition a relevant output responsive to the user request can be of the plurality of intent definitions having an expression returned to the user . In some examples , however , natural pattern matching the input expression pattern ; performing a language processing systems , particularly those including task associated with the selected intent definition , and out intelligent automated assistants , require extensive training to 35 putting an output indicating whether the task was performed . properly implement machine learning and are computation Performing rule - based natural language processing , as ally demanding described herein , enables an electronic device to perform natural language processing using a computationally light

BRIEF SUMMARY weight system configured to recognize and evaluate utter 40 ances of a user . Performing natural language processing in

Example methods are disclosed herein . An example this manner enhances operability of electronic devices by method includes , at an electronic device with one or more allowing for natural language processing on electronic processors , receiving a natural language input ; determining , devices without a need to train complex models or consume based on the natural - language input , an input expression relatively high amounts of computational resources . pattern ; determining whether the input expression pattern 45 matches a respective expression pattern of each of a plurality BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE DRAWINGS of intent definitions , and in accordance with a determination that the input expression pattern matches an expression FIG . 1 is a block diagram illustrating a system and pattern of an intent definition of the plurality of intent environment for implementing a digital assistant , according definitions : selecting an intent definition of the plurality of 50 to various examples . intent definitions having an expression pattern matching the FIG . 2A is a block diagram illustrating a portable multi input expression pattern ; performing a task associated with function device implementing the client - side portion of a the selected intent definition , and outputting an output digital assistant , according to various examples . indicating whether the task was performed . FIG . 2B is a block diagram illustrating exemplary com

Example non - transitory computer - readable media are dis- 55 ponents for event handling , according to various examples . closed herein . An example non - transitory computer - readable FIG . 3 illustrates a portable multifunction device imple storage medium stores one or more programs . The one or menting the client - side portion of a digital assistant , accord more programs comprise instructions , which when executed ing to various examples . by one or more processors of an electronic device , cause the FIG . 4 is a block diagram of an exemplary multifunction electronic device to receive a natural - language input ; deter- 60 device with a display and a touch - sensitive surface , accord mine , based on the natural - language input , an input expres ing to various examples . sion pattern ; determine whether the input expression pattern FIG . 5A illustrates an exemplary user interface for a menu matches a respective expression pattern of each of a plurality of applications on a portable multifunction device , accord of intent definitions , and in accordance with a determination ing to various examples . that the input expression pattern matches an expression 65 FIG . 5B illustrates an exemplary user interface for a pattern of an intent definition of the plurality of intent multifunction device with a touch - sensitive surface that is definitions : select an intent definition of the plurality of separate from the display , according to various examples .

US 10,755,051 B2 3 4

FIG . 6A illustrates a personal electronic device , according parameters designed to accomplish the inferred user intent , to various examples . inputting specific requirements from the inferred user intent

FIG . 6B is a block diagram illustrating a personal elec into the task flow ; executing the task flow by invoking tronic device , according to various examples . programs , methods , services , APIs , or the like ; and gener FIG . 7A is a block diagram illustrating a digital assistant 5 ating output responses to the user in an audible ( e.g. , speech )

system or a server portion thereof , according to various and / or visual form . examples . Specifically , a digital assistant is capable of accepting a FIG . 7B illustrates the functions of the digital assistant user request at least partially in the form of a natural

shown in FIG . 7A , according to various examples . language command , request , statement , narrative , and / or FIG . 7C illustrates a portion of an ontology , according to 10 inquiry . Typically , the user request seeks either an informa

various examples . tional answer or performance of a task by the digital FIG . 8 illustrates a process for performing rule - based assistant . A satisfactory response to the user request includes

natural language processing , according to various examples . a provision of the requested informational answer , a perfor mance of the requested task , or a combination of the two .

DETAILED DESCRIPTION 15 For example , a user asks the digital assistant a question , such as “ Where am I right now ? ” Based on the user's current

In the following description of examples , reference is location , the digital assistant answers , “ You are in Central made to the accompanying drawings in which are shown by Park near the west gate . ” The user also requests the perfor way of illustration specific examples that can be practiced . mance of a task , for example , “ Please invite my friends to It is to be understood that other examples can be used and 20 my girlfriend's birthday party next week . ” In response , the structural changes can be made without departing from the digital assistant can acknowledge the request by saying scope of the various examples . “ Yes , right away , ” and then send a suitable calendar invite on

Although the following description uses terms “ first , " behalf of the user to each of the user's friends listed in the “ second , ” etc. to describe various elements , these elements user's electronic address book . During performance of a should not be limited by the terms . These terms are only 25 requested task , the digital assistant sometimes interacts with used to distinguish one element from another . For example , the user in a continuous dialogue involving multiple a first input could be termed a second input , and , similarly , exchanges of information over an extended period of time . a second input could be termed a first input , without depart There are numerous other ways of interacting with a digital ing from the scope of the various described examples . The assistant to request information or performance of various first input and the second input are both inputs and , in some 30 tasks . In addition to providing verbal responses and taking cases , are separate and different inputs . programmed actions , the digital assistant also provides

The terminology used in the description of the various responses in other visual or audio forms , e.g. , as text , alerts , described examples herein is for the purpose of describing music , videos , animations , etc. particular examples only and is not intended to be limiting . As shown in FIG . 1 , in some examples , a digital assistant As used in the description of the various described examples 35 is implemented according to a client - server model . The and the appended claims , the singular forms “ a , ” “ an , ” and digital assistant includes client - side portion 102 ( hereafter “ the ” are intended to include the plural forms as well , unless “ DA client 102 ” ) executed on user device 104 and server the context clearly indicates otherwise . It will also be side portion 106 ( hereafter “ DA server 106 ' ) executed on understood that the term “ and / or ” as used herein refers to server system 108. DA client 102 communicates with DA and encompasses any and all possible combinations of one 40 server 106 through one or more networks 110. DA client 102 or more of the associated listed items . It will be further provides client - side functionalities such as user - facing input understood that the terms " includes , " " including , " " com and output processing and communication with DA server prises , " and / or " comprising , " when used in this specifica 106. DA server 106 provides server - side functionalities for tion , specify the presence of stated features , integers , steps , any number of DA clients 102 each residing on a respective operations , elements , and / or components , but do not pre- 45 user device 104 . clude the presence or addition of one or more other features , In some examples , DA server 106 includes client - facing integers , steps , operations , elements , components , and / or I / O interface 112 , one or more processing modules 114 , data

and models 116 , and I / O interface to external services 118 . The term “ if ” may be construed to mean " when ” or The client - facing I / O interface 112 facilitates the client

" upon ” or “ in response to determining " or " in response to 50 facing input and output processing for DA server 106. One detecting , ” depending on the context . Similarly , the phrase or more processing modules 114 utilize data and models 116 “ if it is determined " or " if [ a stated condition or event ] is to process speech input and determine the user's intent based detected ” may be construed to mean “ upon determining ” or on natural language input . Further , one or more processing “ in response to determining ” or “ upon detecting [ the stated modules 114 perform task execution based on inferred user condition or event ] ” or “ in response to detecting [ the stated 55 intent . In some examples , DA server 106 communicates with condition or event ] , ” depending on the context . external services 120 through network ( s ) 110 for task 1. System and Environment completion or information acquisition . I / O interface to FIG . 1 illustrates a block diagram of system 100 accord external services 118 facilitates such communications .

ing to various examples . In some examples , system 100 User device 104 can be any suitable electronic device . In implements a digital assistant . The terms " digital assistant , ” 60 some examples , user device is a portable multifunctional “ virtual assistant , ” “ intelligent automated assistant , ” or device ( e.g. , device 200 , described below with reference to “ automatic digital assistant ” refer to any information pro FIG . 2A ) , a multifunctional device ( e.g. , device 400 , cessing system that interprets natural language input in described below with reference to FIG . 4 ) , or a personal spoken and / or textual form to infer user intent , and performs electronic device ( e.g. , device 600 , described below with actions based on the inferred user intent . For example , to act 65 reference to FIG . 6A - B . ) A portable multifunctional device on an inferred user intent , the system performs one or more is , for example , a mobile telephone that also contains other of the following : identifying a task flow with steps and functions , such as PDA and / or music player functions .

groups thereof .


US 10,755,051 B2 5 6

Specific examples of portable multifunction devices include any number and type of user devices configured in this proxy the iPhone® , iPod Touch® , and iPad® devices from Apple configuration to communicate with DA server system 106 . Inc. of Cupertino , Calif . Other examples of portable multi Although the digital assistant shown in FIG . 1 includes function devices include , without limitation , laptop or tablet both a client - side portion ( e.g. , DA client 102 ) and a computers . Further , in some examples , user device 104 is a 5 server - side portion ( e.g. , DA server 106 ) , in some examples , non - portable multifunctional device . In particular , user the functions of a digital assistant are implemented as a device 104 is a desktop computer , a game console , a standalone application installed on a user device . In addi television , or a television set - top box . In some examples , tion , the divisions of functionalities between the client and user device 104 includes a touch - sensitive surface ( e.g. , server portions of the digital assistant can vary in different touch screen displays and / or touchpads ) . Further , user 10 implementations . For instance , in some examples , the DA device 104 optionally includes one or more other physical client is a thin - client that provides only user - facing input and user - interface devices , such as a physical keyboard , a output processing functions , and delegates all other func mouse , and / or a joystick . Various examples of electronic tionalities of the digital assistant to a backend server . devices , such as multifunctional devices , are described 2. Electronic Devices below in greater detail . Attention is now directed toward embodiments of elec

Examples of communication network ( s ) 110 include local tronic devices for implementing the client - side portion of a area networks ( LAN ) and wide area networks ( WAN ) , e.g. , digital assistant . FIG . 2A is a block diagram illustrating the Internet . Communication network ( s ) 110 is implemented portable multifunction device 200 with touch - sensitive dis using any known network protocol , including various wired play system 212 in accordance with some embodiments . or wireless protocols , such as , for example , Ethernet , Uni- 20 Touch - sensitive display 212 is sometimes called a “ touch versal Serial Bus ( USB ) , FIREWIRE , Global System for screen ” for convenience and is sometimes known as or Mobile Communications ( GSM ) , Enhanced Data GSM called a “ touch - sensitive display system . ” Device 200 Environment ( EDGE ) , code division multiple access includes memory 202 ( which optionally includes one or ( CDMA ) , time division multiple access ( TDMA ) , Blu more computer - readable storage mediums ) , memory con etooth , Wi - Fi , voice over Internet Protocol ( VoIP ) , Wi- 25 troller 222 , one or more processing units ( CPUs ) 220 , MAX , or any other suitable communication protocol . peripherals interface 218 , RF circuitry 208 , audio circuitry

Server system 108 is implemented on one or more stand 210 , speaker 211 , microphone 213 , input / output ( 1/0 ) sub alone data processing apparatus or a distributed network of system 206 , other input control devices 216 , and external computers . In some examples , server system 108 also port 224. Device 200 optionally includes one or more optical employs various virtual devices and / or services of third- 30 sensors 264. Device 200 optionally includes one or more party service providers ( e.g. , third - party cloud service pro contact intensity sensors 265 for detecting intensity of viders ) to provide the underlying computing resources and / contacts on device 200 ( e.g. , a touch - sensitive surface such or infrastructure resources of server system 108 . as touch - sensitive display system 212 of device 200 ) .

In some examples , user device 104 communicates with Device 200 optionally includes one or more tactile output DA server 106 via second user device 122. Second user 35 generators 267 for generating tactile outputs on device 200 device 122 is similar or identical to user device 104. For ( e.g. , generating tactile outputs on a touch - sensitive surface example , second user device 122 is similar to devices 200 , such as touch - sensitive display system 212 of device 200 or 400 , or 600 described below with reference to FIGS . 2A , 4 , touchpad 455 of device 400 ) . These components optionally and 6A - B . User device 104 is configured to communica communicate over one or more communication buses or tively couple to second user device 122 via a direct com- 40 signal lines 203 . munication connection , such as Bluetooth , NFC , BTLE , or As used in the specification and claims , the term “ inten the like , or via a wired or wireless network , such as a local sity ” of a contact on a touch - sensitive surface refers to the Wi - Fi network . In some examples , second user device 122 force or pressure ( force per unit area ) of a contact ( e.g. , a is configured to act as a proxy between user device 104 and finger contact ) on the touch - sensitive surface , or to a sub DA server 106. For example , DA client 102 of user device 45 stitute ( proxy ) for the force or pressure of a contact on the 104 is configured to transmit information ( e.g. , a user touch - sensitive surface . The intensity of a contact has a request received at user device 104 ) to DA server 106 via range of values that includes at least four distinct values and second user device 122. DA server 106 processes the infor more typically includes hundreds of distinct values ( e.g. , at mation and return relevant data ( e.g. , data content responsive least 256 ) . Intensity of a contact is , optionally , determined to the user request ) to user device 104 via second user device 50 ( or measured ) using various approaches and various sensors 122 . or combinations of sensors . For example , one or more force

In some examples , user device 104 is configured to sensors underneath or adjacent to the touch - sensitive surface communicate abbreviated requests for data to second user are , optionally , used to measure force at various points on device 122 to reduce the amount of information transmitted the touch - sensitive surface . In some implementations , force from user device 104. Second user device 122 is configured 55 measurements from multiple force sensors are combined to determine supplemental information to add to the abbre ( e.g. , a weighted average ) to determine an estimated force of viated request to generate a complete request to transmit to a contact . Similarly , a pressure - sensitive tip of a stylus is , DA server 106. This system architecture can advantageously optionally , used to determine a pressure of the stylus on the allow user device 104 having limited communication capa touch - sensitive surface . Alternatively , the size of the contact bilities and / or limited battery power ( e.g. , a watch or a 60 area detected on the touch - sensitive surface and / or changes similar compact electronic device ) to access services pro thereto , the capacitance of the touch - sensitive surface proxi vided by DA server 106 by using second user device 122 , mate to the contact and / or changes thereto , and / or the having greater communication capabilities and / or battery resistance of the touch - sensitive surface proximate to the power ( e.g. , a mobile phone , laptop computer , tablet com contact and / or changes thereto are , optionally , used as a puter , or the like ) , as a proxy to DA server 106. While only 65 substitute for the force or pressure of the contact on the two user devices 104 and 122 are shown in FIG . 1 , it should touch - sensitive surface . In some implementations , the sub be appreciated that system 100 , in some examples , includes stitute measurements for contact force or pressure are used


US 10,755,051 B2 7 8

directly to determine whether an intensity threshold has been volatile solid - state memory devices . Memory controller 222 exceeded ( e.g. , the intensity threshold is described in units controls access to memory 202 by other components of corresponding to the substitute measurements ) . In some device 200 . implementations , the substitute measurements for contact In some examples , a non - transitory computer - readable force or pressure are converted to an estimated force or 5 storage medium of memory 202 is used to store instructions pressure , and the estimated force or pressure is used to ( e.g. , for performing aspects processes described below ) determine whether an intensity threshold has been exceeded for use by or in connection with an instruction execution ( e.g. , the intensity threshold is a pressure threshold mea system , apparatus , or device , such as a computer - based sured in units of pressure ) . Using the intensity of a contact system , processor - containing system , or other system that as an attribute of a user input allows for user access to 10 can fetch the instructions from the instruction execution additional device functionality that may otherwise not be system , apparatus , or device and execute the instructions . In accessible by the user on a reduced - size device with limited other examples , the instructions ( e.g. , for performing aspects real estate for displaying affordances ( e.g. , on a touch of the processes described below ) are stored on a non sensitive display ) and / or receiving user input ( e.g. , via a transitory computer - readable storage medium ( not shown ) touch - sensitive display , a touch - sensitive surface , or a physi- 15 of the server system 108 or are divided between the non cal / mechanical control such as a knob or a button ) . transitory computer - readable storage medium of memory As used in the specification and claims , the term “ tactile 202 and the non - transitory computer - readable storage

output ” refers to physical displacement of a device relative medium of server system 108 . to a previous position of the device , physical displacement Peripherals interface 218 is used to couple input and of a component ( e.g. , a touch - sensitive surface ) of a device 20 output peripherals of the device to CPU 220 and memory relative to another component ( e.g. , housing ) of the device , 202. The one or more processors 220 run or execute various or displacement of the component relative to a center of software programs and / or sets of instructions stored in mass of the device that will be detected by a user with the memory 202 to perform various functions for device 200 user's sense of touch . For example , in situations where the and to process data . In some embodiments , peripherals device or the component of the device is in contact with a 25 interface 218 , CPU 220 , and memory controller 222 are surface of a user that is sensitive to touch ( e.g. , a finger , implemented on a single chip , such as chip 204. In some palm , or other part of a user's hand ) , the tactile output other embodiments , they are implemented on separate chips . generated by the physical displacement will be interpreted RF ( radio frequency ) circuitry 208 receives and sends RF by the user as a tactile sensation corresponding to a per signals , also called electromagnetic signals . RF circuitry 208 ceived change in physical characteristics of the device or the 30 converts electrical signals to / from electromagnetic signals component of the device . For example , movement of a and communicates with communications networks and other touch - sensitive surface ( e.g. , a touch - sensitive display or communications devices via the electromagnetic signals . RF trackpad ) is , optionally , interpreted by the user as a “ down circuitry 208 optionally includes well - known circuitry for click " or " up click ” of a physical actuator button . In some performing these functions , including but not limited to an cases , a user will feel a tactile sensation such as an “ down 35 antenna system , an RF transceiver , one or more amplifiers , click " or " up click ” even when there is no movement of a a tuner , one or more oscillators , a digital signal processor , a physical actuator button associated with the touch - sensitive CODEC chipset , a subscriber identity module ( SIM ) card , surface that is physically pressed ( e.g. , displaced ) by the memory , and so forth . RF circuitry 208 optionally commu user's movements . As another example , movement of the nicates with networks , such as the Internet , also referred to touch - sensitive surface is , optionally , interpreted or sensed 40 as the World Wide Web ( WWW ) , an intranet and / or a by the user as “ roughness ” of the touch - sensitive surface , wireless network , such as a cellular telephone network , a even when there is no change in smoothness of the touch wireless local area network ( LAN ) and / or a metropolitan sensitive surface . While such interpretations of touch by a area network ( MAN ) , and other devices by wireless com user will be subject to the individualized sensory perceptions munication . The RF circuitry 208 optionally includes well of the user , there are many sensory perceptions of touch that 45 known circuitry for detecting near field communication are common to a large majority of users . Thus , when a tactile ( NFC ) fields , such as by a short - range communication radio . output is described as corresponding to a particular sensory The wireless communication optionally uses any of a plu perception of a user ( e.g. , an “ up click , " a " down click , ” rality of communications standards , protocols , and technolo “ roughness ” ) , unless otherwise stated , the generated tactile gies , including but not limited to Global System for Mobile output corresponds to physical displacement of the device or 50 Communications ( GSM ) , Enhanced Data GSM Environ a component thereof that will generate the described sensory ment ( EDGE ) , high - speed downlink packet access ( HS perception for a typical ( or average ) user . DPA ) , high - speed uplink packet access ( HSUPA ) , Evolu

It should be appreciated that device 200 is only one tion , Data - Only ( EV - DO ) , HSPA , HSPA + , Dual - Cell HSPA example of a portable multifunction device , and that device ( DC - HSPDA ) , long term evolution ( LTE ) , near field com 200 optionally has more or fewer components than shown , 55 munication ( NFC ) , wideband code division multiple access optionally combines two or more components , or optionally ( W - CDMA ) , code division multiple access ( CDMA ) , time has a different configuration or arrangement of the compo division multiple access ( TDMA ) , Bluetooth , Bluetooth nents . The various components shown in FIG . 2A are Low Energy ( BTLE ) , Wireless Fidelity ( Wi - Fi ) ( e.g. , IEEE implemented in hardware , software , or a combination of 802.11a , IEEE 802.11b , IEEE 802.11g , IEEE 802.11n , and / both hardware and software , including one or more signal 60 or IEEE 802.11ac ) , voice over Internet Protocol ( VoIP ) , processing and / or application - specific integrated circuits . Wi - MAX , a protocol for e mail ( e.g. , Internet message Memory 202 includes one or more computer - readable access protocol ( IMAP ) and / or post office protocol ( POP ) ) ,

storage mediums . The computer - readable storage mediums instant messaging ( e.g. , extensible messaging and presence are , for example , tangible and non - transitory . Memory 202 protocol ( XMPP ) , Session Initiation Protocol for Instant includes high - speed random access memory and also 65 Messaging and Presence Leveraging Extensions ( SIMPLE ) , includes non - volatile memory , such as one or more magnetic Instant Messaging and Presence Service ( IMPS ) ) , and / or disk storage devices , flash memory devices , or other non Short Message Service ( SMS ) , or any other suitable com

US 10,755,051 B2 9 10

munication protocol , including communication protocols pages , or images ) that are displayed on touch screen 212. In not yet developed as of the filing date of this document . an exemplary embodiment , a point of contact between touch

Audio circuitry 210 , speaker 211 , and microphone 213 screen 212 and the user corresponds to a finger of the user . provide an audio interface between a user and device 200 . Touch screen 212 uses LCD ( liquid crystal display ) Audio circuitry 210 receives audio data from peripherals 5 technology , LPD ( light emitting polymer display ) technol interface 218 , converts the audio data to an electrical signal , ogy , or LED light emitting diode ) technology , although and transmits the electrical signal to speaker 211. Speaker other display technologies may be used in other embodi 211 converts the electrical signal to human - audible sound ments . Touch screen 212 and display controller 256 detect waves . Audio circuitry 210 also receives electrical signals contact and any movement or breaking thereof using any of converted by microphone 213 from sound waves . Audio 10 a plurality of touch sensing technologies now known or later circuitry 210 converts the electrical signal to audio data and developed , including but not limited to capacitive , resistive , transmits the audio data to peripherals interface 218 for infrared , and surface acoustic wave technologies , as well as processing . Audio data are retrieved from and / or transmitted other proximity sensor arrays or other elements for deter to memory 202 and / or RF circuitry 208 by peripherals mining one or more points of contact with touch screen 212 . interface 218. In some embodiments , audio circuitry 210 15 In an exemplary embodiment , projected mutual capacitance also includes a headset jack ( e.g. , 312 , FIG . 3 ) . The headset sensing technology is used , such as that found in the jack provides an interface between audio circuitry 210 and iPhone and iPod Touch® from Apple Inc. of Cupertino , removable audio input / output peripherals , such as output Calif . only headphones or a headset with both output ( e.g. , a A touch - sensitive display in some embodiments of touch headphone for one or both ears ) and input ( e.g. , a micro- 20 screen 212 is analogous to the multi - touch sensitive touch phone ) . pads described in the following U.S. Pat . No. 6,323,846

I / O subsystem 206 couples input / output peripherals on ( Westerman et al . ) , U.S. Pat . No. 6,570,557 ( Westerman et device 200 , such as touch screen 212 and other input control al . ) , and / or U.S. Pat . No. 6,677,932 ( Westerman ) , and / or devices 216 , to peripherals interface 218. I / O subsystem 206 U.S. Patent Publication 2002 / 0015024A1 , each of which is optionally includes display controller 256 , optical sensor 25 hereby incorporated by reference in its entirety . However , controller 258 , intensity sensor controller 259 , haptic feed touch screen 212 displays visual output from device 200 , back controller 261 , and one or more input controllers 260 whereas touch - sensitive touchpads do not provide visual for other input or control devices . The one or more input output . controllers 260 receive / send electrical signals from / to other A touch - sensitive display in some embodiments of touch input control devices 216. The other input control devices 30 screen 212 is as described in the following applications : ( 1 ) 216 optionally include physical buttons ( e.g. , push buttons , U.S. patent application Ser . No. 11 / 381,313 , “ Multipoint rocker buttons , etc. ) , dials , slider switches , joysticks , click Touch Surface Controller , " filed May 2 , 2006 ; ( 2 ) U.S.

els , and so forth . In some alternate embodiments , input patent application Ser . No. 10 / 840,862 , “ Multipoint Touch controller ( s ) 260 are , optionally , coupled to any ( or none ) of screen , ” filed May 6 , 2004 ; ( 3 ) U.S. patent application Ser . the following : a keyboard , an infrared port , a USB port , and 35 No. 10 / 903,964 , “ Gestures For Touch Sensitive Input a pointer device such as a mouse . The one or more buttons Devices , ” filed Jul . 30 , 2004 ; ( 4 ) U.S. patent application Ser . ( e.g. , 308 , FIG . 3 ) optionally include an up / down button for No. 11 / 048,264 , “ Gestures For Touch Sensitive Input volume control of speaker 211 and / or microphone 213. The Devices , ” filed Jan. 31 , 2005 ; ( 5 ) U.S. patent application Ser . one or more buttons optionally include a push button ( e.g. , No. 11 / 038,590 , “ Mode - Based Graphical User Interfaces 306 , FIG . 3 ) . 40 For Touch Sensitive Input Devices , ” filed Jan. 18 , 2005 ; ( 6 ) A quick press of the push button disengages a lock of U.S. patent application Ser . No. 11 / 228,758 , “ Virtual Input

touch screen 212 or begin a process that uses gestures on the Device Placement On A Touch Screen User Interface , " filed touch screen to unlock the device , as described in U.S. Sep. 16 , 2005 ; ( 7 ) U.S. patent application Ser . No. 11/228 , patent application Ser . No. 11 / 322,549 , “ Unlocking a Device 700 , “ Operation Of A Computer With A Touch Screen by Performing Gestures on an Unlock Image , ” filed Dec. 23 , 45 Interface , ” filed Sep. 16 , 2005 ; ( 8 ) U.S. patent application 2005 , U.S. Pat . No. 7,657,849 , which is hereby incorporated Ser . No. 11 / 228,737 , “ Activating Virtual Keys Of A Touch by reference in its entirety . A longer press of the push button Screen Virtual Keyboard , ” filed Sep. 16 , 2005 ; and ( 9 ) U.S. ( e.g. , 306 ) turns power to device 200 on or off . The user is patent application Ser . No. 11 / 367,749 , “ Multi - Functional able to customize a functionality of one or more of the Hand - Held Device , ” filed Mar. 3 , 2006. All of these appli buttons . Touch screen 212 is used to implement virtual or 50 cations are incorporated by reference herein in their entirety . soft buttons and one or more soft keyboards . Touch screen 212 has , for example , a video resolution in

Touch - sensitive display 212 provides an input interface excess of 100 dpi . In some embodiments , the touch screen and an output interface between the device and a user . has a video resolution of approximately 160 dpi . The user Display controller 256 receives and / or sends electrical sig makes contact with touch screen 212 using any suitable nals from / to touch screen 212. Touch screen 212 displays 55 object or appendage , such as a stylus , a finger , and so forth . visual output to the user . The visual output includes graph In some embodiments , the user interface is designed to work ics , text , icons , video , and any combination thereof ( collec primarily with finger - based contacts and gestures , which can tively termed " graphics ” ) . In some embodiments , some or be less precise than stylus - based input due to the larger area all of the visual output correspond to user - interface objects . of contact of a finger on the touch screen . In some embodi

Touch screen 212 has a touch - sensitive surface , sensor , or 60 ments , the device translates the rough finger - based input into set of sensors that accepts input from the user based on a precise pointer / cursor position or command for performing haptic and / or tactile contact . Touch screen 212 and display the actions desired by the user . controller 256 ( along with any associated modules and / or In some embodiments , in addition to the touch screen , sets of instructions in memory 202 ) detect contact ( and any device 200 includes a touchpad ( not shown ) for activating or movement or breaking of the contact ) on touch screen 212 65 deactivating particular functions . In some embodiments , the and convert the detected contact into interaction with user touchpad is a touch - sensitive area of the device that , unlike interface objects ( e.g. , one or more soft keys , icons , web the touch screen , does not display visual output . The touch

in por

US 10,755,051 B2 11 12

pad is a touch - sensitive surface that is separate from touch imity sensor turns off and disables touch screen 212 when screen 212 or an extension of the touch - sensitive surface the multifunction device is placed near the user's ear ( e.g. , formed by the touch screen . when the user is making a phone call ) .

Device 200 also includes power system 262 for powering Device 200 optionally also includes one or more tactile the various components . Power system 262 includes a power 5 output generators 267. FIG . 2A shows a tactile output management system , one or more power sources ( e.g. , generator coupled to haptic feedback controller 261 in I / O battery , alternating current ( AC ) ) , a recharging system , a subsystem 206. Tactile output generator 267 optionally power failure detection circuit , a power converter or includes one or more electroacoustic devices such as speak inverter , a power status indicator ( e.g. , a light - emitting diode ers or other audio components and / or electromechanical ( LED ) ) and any other components associated with the 10 devices that convert energy into linear motion such as a generation , management and distribution of power motor , solenoid , electroactive polymer , piezoelectric actua table devices . tor , electrostatic actuator , or other tactile output generating

Device 200 also includes one or more optical sensors 264 . component ( e.g. , a component that converts electrical sig FIG . 2A shows an optical sensor coupled to optical sensor nals into tactile outputs on the device ) . Contact intensity controller 258 in I / O subsystem 206. Optical sensor 264 15 sensor 265 receives tactile feedback generation instructions includes charge - coupled device ( CCD ) or complementary from haptic feedback module 233 and generates tactile metal - oxide semiconductor ( CMOS ) phototransistors . Opti outputs on device 200 that are capable of being sensed by a cal sensor 264 receives light from the environment , pro user of device 200. In some embodiments , at least one tactile jected through one or more lenses , and converts the light to output generator is collocated with , or proximate to , a data representing an image . In conjunction with imaging 20 touch - sensitive surface ( e.g. , touch - sensitive display system module 243 ( also called a camera module ) , optical sensor 212 ) and , optionally , generates a tactile output by moving 264 captures still images or video . In some embodiments , an the touch - sensitive surface vertically ( e.g. , in / out of a sur optical sensor is located on the back of device 200 , opposite face of device 200 ) or laterally ( e.g. , back and forth in the touch screen display 212 on the front of the device so that same plane as a surface of device 200 ) . In some embodi the touch screen display is used as a viewfinder for still 25 ments , at least one tactile output generator sensor is located and / or video image acquisition . In some embodiments , an on the back of device 200 , opposite touch screen display optical sensor is located on the front of the device so that the 212 , which is located on the front of device 200 . user's image is obtained for video conferencing while the Device 200 also includes one or more accelerometers 268 . user views the other video conference participants on the FIG . 2A shows accelerometer 268 coupled to peripherals touch screen display . In some embodiments , the position of 30 interface 218. Alternately , accelerometer 268 is coupled to optical sensor 264 can be changed by the user ( e.g. , by an input controller 260 in I / O subsystem 206. Accelerometer rotating the lens and the sensor in the device housing ) so that 268 performs , for example , as described in U.S. Patent a single optical sensor 264 is used along with the touch Publication No. 20050190059 , " Acceleration - based Theft screen display for both video conferencing and still and / or Detection System for Portable Electronic Devices , " and U.S. video image acquisition . 35 Patent Publication No. 20060017692 , “ Methods And Appa

Device 200 optionally also includes one or more contact ratuses For Operating A Portable Device Based On An intensity sensors 265. FIG . 2A shows a contact intensity Accelerometer , ” both of which are incorporated by reference sensor coupled to intensity sensor controller 259 in I / O herein in their entirety . In some embodiments , information is subsystem 206. Contact intensity sensor 265 optionally displayed on the touch screen display in a portrait view or a includes one or more piezoresistive strain gauges , capacitive 40 landscape view based on an analysis of data received from force sensors , electric force sensors , piezoelectric force the one or more accelerometers . Device 200 optionally sensors , optical force sensors , capacitive touch - sensitive includes , in addition to accelerometer ( s ) 268 , a magnetom surfaces , or other intensity sensors ( e.g. , sensors used to eter ( not shown ) and a GPS ( or GLONASS or other global measure the force ( or pressure ) of a contact on a touch navigation system ) receiver ( not shown ) for obtaining infor sensitive surface ) . Contact intensity sensor 265 receives 45 mation concerning the location and orientation ( e.g. , portrait contact intensity information ( e.g. , pressure information or a or landscape ) of device 200 . proxy for pressure information ) from the environment . In In some embodiments , the software components stored in some embodiments , at least one contact intensity sensor is memory 202 include operating system 226 , communication collocated with , or proximate to , a touch - sensitive surface module ( or set of instructions ) 228 , contact / motion module ( e.g. , touch - sensitive display system 212 ) . In some embodi- 50 ( or set of instructions ) 230 , graphics module ( or set of ments , at least one contact intensity sensor is located on the instructions ) 232 , text input module ( or set of instructions ) back of device 200 , opposite touch screen display 212 , 234 , Global Positioning System ( GPS ) module ( or set of which is located on the front of device 200 . instructions ) 235 , Digital Assistant Client Module 229 , and

Device 200 also includes one or more proximity sensors applications ( or sets of instructions ) 236. Further , memory 266. FIG . 2A shows proximity sensor 266 coupled to 55 202 stores data and models , such as user data and models peripherals interface 218. Alternately , proximity sensor 266 231. Furthermore , in some embodiments , memory 202 ( FIG . is coupled to input controller 260 in I / O subsystem 206 . 2A ) or 470 ( FIG . 4 ) stores device / global internal state 257 , Proximity sensor 266 is performed as described in U.S. as shown in FIGS . 2A and 4. Device / global internal state 257 patent application Ser . No. 11 / 241,839 , “ Proximity Detector includes one or more of : active application state , indicating In Handheld Device ” ; Ser . No. 11 / 240,788 , “ Proximity 60 which applications , if any , are currently active ; display state , Detector In Handheld Device ” ; Ser . No. 11 / 620,702 , “ Using indicating what applications , views or other information Ambient Light Sensor To Augment Proximity Sensor Out occupy various regions of touch screen display 212 ; sensor put ” ; Ser . No. 11 / 586,862 , “ Automated Response To And state , including information obtained from the device's Sensing Of User Activity In Portable Devices ” ; and Ser . No. various sensors and input control devices 216 ; and location 11 / 638,251 , “ Methods And Systems For Automatic Con- 65 information concerning the device's location and / or attitude . figuration Of Peripherals , " which are hereby incorporated by Operating system 226 ( e.g. , Darwin , RTXC , LINUX , reference in their entirety . In some embodiments , the prox UNIX , OS X , iOS , WINDOWS , or an embedded operating

US 10,755,051 B2 13 14

system such as VxWorks ) includes various software com substantially the same position ) as the finger - down event ponents and / or drivers for controlling and managing general ( e.g. , at the position of an icon ) . As another example , system tasks ( e.g. , memory management , storage device detecting a finger swipe gesture on the touch - sensitive control , power management , etc. ) and facilitates communi surface includes detecting a finger - down event followed by cation between various hardware and software components . 5 detecting one or more finger - dragging events , and subse

Communication module 228 facilitates communication quently followed by detecting a finger - up ( liftoff ) event . with other devices over one or more external ports 224 and Graphics module 232 includes various known software also includes various software components for handling data components for rendering and displaying graphics on touch received by RF circuitry 208 and / or external port 224 . screen 212 or other display , including components for External port 224 ( e.g. , Universal Serial Bus ( USB ) , 10 changing the visual impact ( e.g. , brightness , transparency , FIREWIRE , etc. ) is adapted for coupling directly to other saturation , contrast , or other visual property ) of graphics that devices or indirectly over a network ( e.g. , the Internet , are displayed . As used herein , the term “ graphics ” includes wireless LAN , etc. ) . In some embodiments , the external port any object that can be displayed to a user , including , without is a multi - pin ( e.g. , 30 - pin ) connector that is the same as , or limitation , text , web pages , icons ( such as user - interface similar to and / or compatible with , the 30 - pin connector used 15 objects including soft keys ) , digital images , videos , anima on iPod® ( trademark of Apple Inc. ) devices . tions , and the like .

Contact / motion module 230 optionally detects contact In some embodiments , graphics module 232 stores data with touch screen 212 ( in conjunction with display control representing graphics to be used . Each graphic is , optionally , ler 256 ) and other touch - sensitive devices ( e.g. , a touchpad assigned a corresponding code . Graphics module 232 or physical click wheel ) . Contact / motion module 230 20 receives , from applications etc. , one or more codes speci includes various software components for performing vari fying graphics to be displayed along with , if necessary , ous operations related to detection of contact , such as coordinate data and other graphic property data , and then determining if contact has occurred ( e.g. , detecting a finger generates screen image data to output to display controller down event ) , determining an intensity of the contact ( e.g. , 256 . the force or pressure of the contact or a substitute for the 25 Haptic feedback module 233 includes various software force or pressure of the contact ) , determining if there is components for generating instructions used by tactile out movement of the contact and tracking the movement across put generator ( s ) 267 to produce tactile outputs at one or the touch - sensitive surface ( e.g. , detecting one or more more locations on device 200 in response to user interactions finger - dragging events ) , and determining if the contact has with device 200 . ceased ( e.g. , detecting a finger - up event or a break in 30 Text input module 234 , which is , in some examples , a contact ) . Contact / motion module 230 receives contact data component of graphics module 232 , provides soft keyboards from the touch - sensitive surface . Determining movement of for entering text in various applications ( e.g. , contacts 237 , the point of contact , which is represented by a series of email 240 , IM 241 , browser 247 , and any other application contact data , optionally includes determining speed ( mag that needs text input ) . nitude ) , velocity ( magnitude and direction ) , and / or an accel- 35 GPS module 235 determines the location of the device eration ( a change in magnitude and / or direction ) of the point and provides this information for use in various applications of contact . These operations are , optionally , applied to single ( e.g. , to telephone 238 for use in location - based dialing ; to contacts ( e.g. , one finger contacts ) or to multiple simulta camera 243 as picture / video metadata ; and to applications neous contacts ( e.g. , " multitouch ” / multiple finger contacts ) . that provide location - based services such as weather wid In some embodiments , contact / motion module 230 and 40 gets , local yellow page widgets , and map / navigation wid display controller 256 detect contact on a touchpad . gets ) .

In some embodiments , contact / motion module 230 uses a Digital assistant client module 229 includes various cli set of one or more intensity thresholds to determine whether ent - side digital assistant instructions to provide the client an operation has been performed by a user ( e.g. , to deter side functionalities of the digital assistant . For example , mine whether a user has " clicked ” on an icon ) . In some 45 digital assistant client module 229 is capable of accepting embodiments , at least a subset of the intensity thresholds are voice input ( e.g. , speech input ) , text input , touch input , determined in accordance with software parameters ( e.g. , and / or gestural input through various user interfaces ( e.g. , the intensity thresholds are not determined by the activation microphone 213 , accelerometer ( s ) 268 , touch - sensitive dis thresholds of particular physical actuators and can be play system 212 , optical sensor ( s ) 229 , other input control adjusted without changing the physical hardware of device 50 devices 216 , etc. ) of portable multifunction device 200 . 200 ) . For example , a mouse “ click ” threshold of a trackpad Digital assistant client module 229 is also capable of pro or touch screen display can be set to any of a large range of viding output in audio ( e.g. , speech output ) , visual , and / or predefined threshold values without changing the trackpad tactile forms through various output interfaces ( e.g. , speaker or touch screen display hardware . Additionally , in some 211 , touch - sensitive display system 212 , tactile output gen implementations , a user of the device is provided with 55 erator ( s ) 267 , etc. ) of portable multifunction device 200. For software settings for adjusting one or more of the set of example , output is provided as voice , sound , alerts , text intensity thresholds ( e.g. , by adjusting individual intensity messages , menus , graphics , videos , animations , vibrations , thresholds and / or by adjusting a plurality of intensity thresh and / or combinations of two or more of the above . During olds at once with a system - level click “ intensity ” parameter ) . operation , digital assistant client module 229 communicates

Contact / motion module 230 optionally detects a gesture 60 with DA server 106 using RF circuitry 208 . input by a user . Different gestures on the touch - sensitive User data and models 231 include various data associated surface have different contact patterns ( e.g. , different with the user ( e.g. , user - specific vocabulary data , user pref motions , timings , and / or intensities of detected contacts ) . erence data , user - specified name pronunciations , data from Thus , a gesture is , optionally , detected by detecting a par the user's electronic address book , to - do lists , shopping lists , ticular contact pattern . For example , detecting a finger tap 65 etc. ) to provide the client - side functionalities of the digital gesture includes detecting a finger - down event followed by assistant . Further , user data and models 231 include various detecting a finger - up ( liftoff ) event at the same position ( or models ( e.g. , speech recognition models , statistical language

merges video 5


US 10,755,051 B2 15 16

models , natural language processing models , ontology , task Widget creator module 250 for making user - created wid flow models , service models , etc. ) for processing user input gets 249-6 ; and determining user intent . Search module 251 ;

In some examples , digital assistant client module 229 Video and music player module 252 , which utilizes the various sensors , subsystems , and peripheral player module and music player module ; devices of portable multifunction device 200 to gather Notes module 253 ; additional information from the surrounding environment of Map module 254 ; and / or

Online video module 255 . the portable multifunction device 200 to establish a context associated with a user , the current user interaction , and / or Examples of other applications 236 that are stored in the current user input . In some examples , digital assistant 10 memory 202 include other word processing applications ,

other image editing applications , drawing applications , pre client module 229 provides the contextual information or a sentation applications , JAVA - enabled applications , encryp subset thereof with the user input to DA server 106 to help tion , digital rights management , voice recognition , and voice infer the user's intent . In some examples , the digital assistant replication . also uses the contextual information to determine how to In conjunction with touch screen 212 , display controller prepare and deliver outputs to the user . Contextual informa 256 , contact / motion module 230 , graphics module 232 , and tion is referred to as context data . text input module 234 , contacts module 237 are used to

In some examples , the contextual information that accom manage an address book or contact list ( e.g. , stored in panies the user input includes sensor information , e.g. , application internal state 292 of contacts module 237 in lighting , ambient noise , ambient temperature , images or 20 memory 202 or memory 470 ) , including : adding name ( s ) to videos of the surrounding environment , etc. In some the address book ; deleting name ( s ) from the address book ; examples , the contextual information can also include the associating telephone number ( s ) , e - mail address ( es ) , physi physical state of the device , e.g. , device orientation , device cal address ( es ) or other information with a name ; associating location , device temperature , power level , speed , accelera an image with a name ; categorizing and sorting names ; tion , motion patterns , cellular signals strength , etc. In some 25 providing telephone numbers or e - mail addresses to initiate examples , information related to the software state of DA and / or facilitate communications by telephone 238 , video server 106 , e.g. , running processes , installed programs , past conference module 239 , e - mail 240 , or IM 241 ; and so forth . and present network activities , background services , error In conjunction with RF circuitry 208 , audio circuitry 210 , logs , resources usage , etc. , and of portable multifunction speaker 211 , microphone 213 , touch screen 212 , display device 200 is provided to DA server 106 as contextual 30 controller 256 , contact / motion module 230 , graphics module information associated with a user input . 232 , and text input module 234 , telephone module 238 are

In some examples , the digital assistant client module 229 used to enter a sequence of characters corresponding to a selectively provides information ( e.g. , user data 231 ) stored telephone access one or more telephone numbers in on the portable multifunction device 200 in response to contacts module 237 , modify a telephone number that has requests from DA server 106. In some examples , digital 35 been entered , dial a respective telephone number , conduct a assistant client module 229 also elicits additional input from conversation , and disconnect or hang up when the conver the user via a natural language dialogue or other user sation is completed . As noted above , the wireless commu interfaces upon request by DA server 106. Digital assistant nication uses any of a plurality of communications stan client module 229 passes the additional input to DA server dards , protocols , and technologies . 106 to help DA server 106 in intent deduction and / or 40 In conjunction with RF circuitry 208 , audio circuitry 210 , fulfillment of the user's intent expressed in the user request . speaker 211 , microphone 213 , touch screen 212 , display A more detailed description of a digital assistant is controller 256 , optical sensor 264 , optical sensor controller

described below with reference to FIGS . 7A - C . It should be 258 , contact / motion module 230 , graphics module 232 , text recognized that digital assistant client module 229 can input module 234 , contacts module 237 , and telephone include any number of the sub - modules of digital assistant 45 module 238 , video conference module 239 includes execut module 726 described below . able instructions to initiate , conduct , and terminate a video

Applications 236 include the following modules ( or sets conference between a user and one or more other partici of instructions ) , or a subset or superset thereof : pants in accordance with user instructions .

Contacts module 237 ( sometimes called an address book In conjunction with RF circuitry 208 , touch screen 212 , or contact list ) ; 50 display controller 256 , contact / motion module 230 , graphics

Telephone module 238 ; module 232 , and text input module 234 , e - mail client Video conference module 239 ; module 240 includes executable instructions to create , send , E - mail client module 240 ; receive , and manage e - mail in response to user instructions . Instant messaging ( IM ) module 241 ; In conjunction with image management module 244 , e - mail Workout support module 242 ; 55 client module 240 makes it very easy to create and send Camera module 243 for still and / or video images ; e - mails with still or video images taken with camera module Image management module 244 ; 243 . Video player module ; In conjunction with RF circuitry 208 , touch screen 212 , Music player module ; display controller 256 , contact / motion module 230 , graphics Browser module 247 ; 60 module 232 , and text input module 234 , the instant mes Calendar module 248 ; saging module 241 includes executable instructions to enter Widget modules 249 , which includes , in some examples , a sequence of characters corresponding to an instant mes

one or more of : weather widget 249-1 , stocks widget sage , to modify previously entered characters , to transmit a 249-2 , calculator widget 249-3 , alarm clock widget respective instant message ( for example , using a Short 249-4 , dictionary widget 249-5 , and other widgets 65 Message Service ( SMS ) or Multimedia Message Service obtained by the user , as well as user - created widgets ( MMS ) protocol for telephony - based instant messages or 249-6 ; using XMPP , SIMPLE , or IMPS for Internet - based instant

US 10,755,051 B2 17 18

messages ) , to receive instant messages , and to view received 247 , the widget creator module 250 are used by a user to instant messages . In some embodiments , transmitted and / or create widgets ( e.g. , turning a user - specified portion of a received instant messages include graphics , photos , audio web page into a widget ) . files , video files and / or other attachments as are supported in In conjunction with touch screen 212 , display controller an MMS and / or an Enhanced Messaging Service ( EMS ) . As 5 256 , contact / motion module 230 , graphics module 232 , and used herein , “ instant messaging ” refers to both telephony text input module 234 , search module 251 includes execut based messages ( e.g. , messages sent using SMS or MMS ) able instructions to search for text , music , sound , image , and Internet - based messages ( e.g. , messages sent using video , and / or other files in memory 202 that match one or XMPP , SIMPLE , or IMPS ) . more search criteria ( e.g. , one or more user - specified search

10 terms ) in accordance with user instructions . In conjunction with RF circuitry 208 , touch screen 212 , In conjunction with touch screen 212 , display controller display controller 256 , contact / motion module 230 , graphics module 232 , text input module 234 , GPS module 235 , map 256 , contact / motion module 230 , graphics module 232 ,

audio circuitry 210 , speaker 211 , RF circuitry 208 , and module 254 , and music player module , workout support module 242 includes executable instructions to create work- 15 includes executable instructions that allow the user to down

browser module 247 , video and music player module 252 outs ( e.g. , with time , distance , and / or calorie burning goals ) ; load and play back recorded music and other sound files communicate with workout sensors ( sports devices ) ; receive stored in one or more file formats , such as MP3 or AAC files , workout sensor data ; calibrate sensors used to monitor a and executable instructions to display , present , or otherwise workout ; select and play music for a workout ; and display , play back videos ( e.g. , on touch screen 212 or on an external , store , and transmit workout data . 20 connected display via external port 224 ) . In some embodi

In conjunction with touch screen 212 , display controller ments , device 200 optionally includes the functionality of an 256 , optical sensor ( s ) 264 , optical sensor controller 258 , MP3 player , such as an iPod ( trademark of Apple Inc. ) . contact / motion module 230 , graphics module 232 , and In conjunction with touch screen 212 , display controller image management module 244 , camera module 243 256 , contact / motion module 230 , graphics module 232 , and includes executable instructions to capture still images or 25 text input module 234 , notes module 253 includes execut video ( including a video stream ) and store them into able instructions to create and manage notes , to - do lists , and memory 202 , modify characteristics of a still image or the like in accordance with user instructions . video , or delete a still image or video from memory 202 . In conjunction with RF circuitry 208 , touch screen 212 ,

In conjunction with touch screen 212 , display controller display controller 256 , contact / motion module 230 , graphics 256 , contact / motion module 230 , graphics module 232 , text 30 module 232 , text input module 234 , GPS module 235 , and input module 234 , and camera module 243 , image manage browser module 247 , map module 254 are used to receive , ment module 244 includes executable instructions to display , modify , and store maps and data associated with

maps ( e.g. , driving directions , data on stores and other points arrange , modify ( e.g. , edit ) , or otherwise manipulate , label , of interest at or near a particular location , and other location delete , present ( e.g. , in a digital slide show or album ) , and 35 based data ) in accordance with user instructions . store still and / or video images . In conjunction with touch screen 212 , display controller In conjunction with RF circuitry 208 , touch screen 212 , 256 , contact / motion module 230 , graphics module 232 , display controller 256 , contact / motion module 230 , graphics audio circuitry 210 , speaker 211 , RF circuitry 208 , text input module 232 , and text input module 234 , browser module module 234 , e - mail client module 240 , and browser module 247 includes executable instructions to browse the Internet 40 247 , online video module 255 includes instructions that in accordance with user instructions , including searching , allow the user to access , browse , receive ( e.g. , by streaming linking to , receiving , and displaying web pages or portions and / or download ) , play back ( e.g. , on the touch screen or on thereof , as well as attachments and other files linked to web an external , connected display via external port 224 ) , send pages . an e - mail with a link to a particular online video , and

In conjunction with RF circuitry 208 , touch screen 212 , 45 otherwise manage online videos in one or more file formats , display controller 256 , contact / motion module 230 , graphics such as H.264 . In some embodiments , instant messaging module 232 , text input module 234 , e - mail client module module 241 , rather than e - mail client module 240 , is used to 240 , and browser module 247 , calendar module 248 includes send a link to a particular online video . Additional descrip executable instructions to create , display , modify , and store tion of the online video application can be found in U.S. calendars and data associated with calendars ( e.g. , calendar 50 Provisional Patent Application No. 60 / 936,562 , “ Portable entries , to - do lists , etc. ) in accordance with user instructions . Multifunction Device , Method , and Graphical User Inter

In conjunction with RF circuitry 208 , touch screen 212 , face for Playing Online Videos , " filed Jun . 20 , 2007 , and display controller 256 , contact / motion module 230 , graphics U.S. patent application Ser . No. 11 / 968,067 , “ Portable Mul module 232 , text input module 234 , and browser module tifunction Device , Method , and Graphical User Interface for 247 , widget modules 249 are mini - applications that can be 55 Playing Online Videos , ” filed Dec. 31 , 2007 , the contents of downloaded and used by a user ( e.g. , weather widget 249-1 , which are hereby incorporated by reference in their entirety . stocks widget 249-2 , calculator widget 249-3 , alarm clock Each of the above - identified modules and applications widget 249-4 , and dictionary widget 249-5 ) or created by the corresponds to a set of executable instructions for perform user ( e.g. , user - created widget 249-6 ) . In some embodi ing one or more functions described above and the methods ments , a widget includes an HTML ( Hypertext Markup 60 described in this application ( e.g. , the computer - imple Language ) file , a CSS ( Cascading Style Sheets ) file , and a mented methods and other information processing methods JavaScript file . In some embodiments , a widget includes an described herein ) . These modules ( e.g. , sets of instructions ) XML ( Extensible Markup Language ) file and a JavaScript need not be implemented as separate software programs , file ( e.g. , Yahoo! Widgets ) . procedures , or modules , and thus various subsets of these

In conjunction with RF circuitry 208 , touch screen 212 , 65 modules can be combined or otherwise rearranged in various display controller 256 , contact / motion module 230 , graphics embodiments . For example , video player module can be module 232 , text input module 234 , and browser module combined with music player module into a single module

US 10,755,051 B2 19 20

( e.g. , video and music player module 252 , FIG . 2A ) . In some event ( e.g. , receiving an input above a predetermined noise embodiments , memory 202 stores a subset of the modules threshold and / or for more than a predetermined duration ) . and data structures identified above . Furthermore , memory In some embodiments , event sorter 270 also includes a hit 202 stores additional modules and data structures not view determination module 272 and / or an active event described above . 5 recognizer determination module 273 .

In some embodiments , device 200 is a device where Hit view determination module 272 provides software operation of a predefined set of functions on the device is procedures for determining where a sub - event has taken performed exclusively through a touch screen and / or a place within one or more views when touch - sensitive dis touchpad . By using a touch screen and / or a touchpad as the play 212 displays more than one view . Views are made up primary input control device for operation of device 200 , the 10 of controls and other elements that a user can see on the display . number of physical input control devices ( such as push Another aspect of the user interface associated with an buttons , dials , and the like ) on device 200 is reduced . application is a set of views , sometimes herein called The predefined set of functions that are performed exclu application views or user interface windows , in which sively through a touch screen and / or a touchpad optionally 15 information is displayed and touch - based gestures occur . include navigation between user interfaces . In some embodi The application views of a respective application ) in which ments , the touchpad , when touched by the user , navigates a touch is detected correspond to programmatic levels within device 200 to a main , home , or root menu from any user a programmatic or view hierarchy of the application . For interface that is displayed on device 200. In such embodi example , the lowest level view in which a touch is detected ments , a “ menu button ” is implemented using a touchpad . In 20 is called the hit view , and the set of events that are recog some other embodiments , the menu button is a physical push nized as proper inputs is determined based , at least in part , button or other physical input control device instead of a on the hit view of the initial touch that begins a touch - based touchpad . gesture . FIG . 2B is a block diagram illustrating exemplary com Hit view determination module 272 receives information

ponents for event handling in accordance with some 25 related to sub events of a touch - based gesture . When an embodiments . In some embodiments , memory 202 ( FIG . application has multiple views organized in a hierarchy , hit 2A ) or 470 ( FIG . 4 ) includes event sorter 270 ( e.g. , in view determination module 272 identifies a hit view as the operating system 226 ) and a respective application 236-1 lowest view in the hierarchy which should handle the ( e.g. , any of the aforementioned applications 237-251 , 255 , sub - event . In most circumstances , the hit view is the lowest 480-490 ) . 30 level view in which an initiating sub - event occurs ( e.g. , the

Event sorter 270 receives event information and deter first sub - event in the sequence of sub - events that form an mines the application 236-1 and application view 291 of event or potential event ) . Once the hit view is identified by application 236-1 which to deliver the event information . the hit view determination module 272 , the hit view typi Event sorter 270 includes event monitor 271 and event cally receives all sub - events related to the same touch or dispatcher module 274. In some embodiments , application 35 input source for which it was identified as the hit view . 236-1 includes application internal state 292 , which indi Active event recognizer determination module 273 deter cates the current application view ( s ) displayed on touch mines which view or views within a view hierarchy should sensitive display 212 when the application is active or receive a particular sequence of sub - events . In some executing . In some embodiments , device / global internal embodiments , active event recognizer determination module state 257 is used by event sorter 270 to determine which 40 273 determines that only the hit view should receive a application ( s ) is ( are ) currently active , and application inter particular sequence of sub - events . In other embodiments , nal state 292 is used by event sorter 270 to determine active event recognizer determination module 273 deter application views 291 to which to deliver event information . mines that all views that include the physical location of a

In some embodiments , application internal state 292 sub - event are actively involved views , and therefore deter includes additional information , such as one or more of : 45 mines that all actively involved views should receive a resume information to be used when application 236-1 particular sequence of sub - events . In other embodiments , resumes execution , user interface state information that even if touch sub - events were entirely confined to the area indicates information being displayed or that is ready for associated with one particular view , views higher in the display by application 236-1 , a state queue for enabling the hierarchy would still remain as actively involved views . user to go back to a prior state or view of application 236-1 , 50 Event dispatcher module 274 dispatches the event infor and a redo / undo queue of previous actions taken by the user . mation to an event recognizer ( e.g. , event recognizer 280 ) .

Event monitor 271 receives event information from In embodiments including active event recognizer determi peripherals interface 218. Event information includes infor nation module 273 , event dispatcher module 274 delivers mation about a sub - event ( e.g. , a user touch on touch the event information to an event recognizer determined by sensitive display 212 , as part of a multi - touch gesture ) . 55 active event recognizer determination module 273. In some Peripherals interface 218 transmits information it receives embodiments , event dispatcher module 274 stores in an from I / O subsystem 206 or a sensor , such as proximity event queue the event information , which is retrieved by a sensor 266 , accelerometer ( s ) 268 , and / or microphone 213 respective event receiver 282 . ( through audio circuitry 210 ) . Information that peripherals In some embodiments , operating system 226 includes interface 218 receives from I / O subsystem 206 includes 60 event sorter 270. Alternatively , application 236-1 includes information from touch - sensitive display 212 or a touch event sorter 270. In yet other embodiments , event sorter 270 sensitive surface . is a stand - alone module , or a part of another module stored

In some embodiments , event monitor 271 sends requests in memory 202 , such as contact / motion module 230 . to the peripherals interface 218 at predetermined intervals . In some embodiments , application 236-1 includes a plu In response , peripherals interface 218 transmits event infor- 65 rality of event handlers 290 and one or more application mation . In other embodiments , peripherals interface 218 views 291 , each of which includes instructions for handling transmits event information only when there is a significant touch events that occur within a respective view of the

US 10,755,051 B2 21 22

application's user interface . Each application view 291 of test to determine which user - interface object is associated the application 236-1 includes one or more event recogniz with a sub - event . For example , in an application view in ers 280. Typically , a respective application view 291 which three user - interface objects are displayed on touch includes a plurality of event recognizers 280. In other sensitive display 212 , when a touch is detected on touch embodiments , one or more of event recognizers 280 are part 5 sensitive display 212 , event comparator 284 performs a hit of a separate module , such as a user interface kit ( not shown ) test to determine which of the three user - interface objects is or a higher level object from which application 236-1 associated with the touch ( sub - event ) . If each displayed inherits methods and other properties . In some embodi object is associated with a respective event handler 290 , the ments , a respective event handler 290 includes one or more of : data updater 276 , object updater 277 , GUI updater 278 , 10 which event handler 290 should be activated . For example , event comparator uses the result of the hit test to determine and / or event data 279 received from event sorter 270. Event handler 290 utilizes or calls data updater 276 , object updater event comparator 284 selects an event handler associated

with the sub - event and the object triggering the hit test . 277 , or GUI updater 278 to update the application internal state 292. Alternatively , one or more of the application views In some embodiments , the definition for a respective 291 include one or more respective event handlers 290. 15 event ( 287 ) also includes delayed actions that delay delivery Also , in some embodiments , one or more of data updater of the event information until after it has been determined 276 , object updater 277 , and GUI updater 278 are included whether the sequence of sub - events does or does not corre in a respective application view 291 . spond to the event recognizer's event type . A respective event recognizer 280 receives event infor When a respective event recognizer 280 determines that

mation ( e.g. , event data 279 ) from event sorter 270 and 20 the series of sub - events do not match any of the events in identifies an event from the event information . Event rec event definitions 286 , the respective event recognizer 280 ognizer 280 includes event receiver 282 and event compara enters an event impossible , event failed , or event ended tor 284. In some embodiments , event recognizer 280 also state , after which it disregards subsequent sub - events of the includes at least a subset of : metadata 283 , and event touch - based gesture . In this situation , other event recogniz delivery instructions 288 ( which include sub - event delivery 25 ers , if any , that remain active for the hit view continue to instructions ) . track and process sub - events of an ongoing touch - based

Event receiver 282 receives event information from event gesture . sorter 270. The event information includes information In some embodiments , a respective event recognizer 280 about a sub - event , for example , a touch or a touch move includes metadata 283 with configurable properties , flags , ment . Depending on the sub - event , the event information 30 and / or lists that indicate how the event delivery system also includes additional information , such as location of the should perform sub - event delivery to actively involved sub - event . When the sub - event concerns motion of a touch , event recognizers . In some embodiments , metadata 283 the event information also includes speed and direction of includes configurable properties , flags , and / or lists that indi the sub - event . In some embodiments , events include rotation cate how event recognizers interact , or are enabled to of the device from one orientation to another ( e.g. , from a 35 interact , with one another . In some embodiments , metadata portrait orientation to a landscape orientation , or vice versa ) , 283 includes configurable properties , flags , and / or lists that and the event information includes corresponding informa indicate whether sub - events are delivered to varying levels tion about the current orientation ( also called device atti in the view or programmatic hierarchy . tude ) of the device . In some embodiments , a respective event recognizer 280

Event comparator 284 compares the event information to 40 activates event handler 290 associated with an event when predefined event or sub - event definitions and , based on the one or more particular sub - events of an event are recog comparison , determines an event or sub event , or determines nized . In some embodiments , a respective event recognizer or updates the state of an event or sub - event . In some 280 delivers event information associated with the event to embodiments , event comparator 284 includes event defini event handler 290. Activating an event handler 290 is tions 286. Event definitions 286 contain definitions of events 45 distinct from sending ( and deferred sending ) sub - events to a ( e.g. , predefined sequences of sub - events ) , for example , respective hit view . In some embodiments , event recognizer event 1 ( 287-1 ) , event 2 ( 287-2 ) , and others . In some 280 throws a flag associated with the recognized event , and embodiments , sub - events in an event ( 287 ) include , for event handler 290 associated with the flag catches the flag example , touch begin , touch end , touch movement , touch and performs a predefined process . cancellation , and multiple touching . In one example , the 50 In some embodiments , event delivery instructions 288 definition for event 1 ( 287-1 ) is a double tap on a displayed include sub - event delivery instructions that deliver event object . The double tap , for example , comprises a first touch information about a sub - event without activating an event ( touch begin ) on the displayed object for a predetermined handler . Instead , the sub - event delivery instructions deliver phase , a first liftoff ( touch end ) for a predetermined phase , event information to event handlers associated with the a second touch ( touch begin ) on the displayed object for a 55 series of sub - events or to actively involved views . Event predetermined phase , and a second liftoff ( touch end ) for a handlers associated with the series of sub - events or with predetermined phase . In another example , the definition for actively involved views receive the event information and event 2 ( 287-2 ) is a dragging on a displayed object . The perform a predetermined process . dragging , for example , comprises a touch ( or contact ) on the In some embodiments , data updater 276 creates and displayed object for a predetermined phase , a movement of 60 updates data used in application 236-1 . For example , data the touch across touch - sensitive display 212 , and liftoff of updater 276 updates the telephone number used in contacts the touch ( touch end ) . In some embodiments , the event also module 237 , or stores a video file used in video player includes information for one or more associated event module . In some embodiments , object updater 277 creates handlers 290 . and updates objects used in application 236-1 . For example ,

In some embodiments , event definition 287 includes a 65 object updater 277 creates a new user - interface object or definition of an event for a respective user - interface object . updates the position of a user - interface object . GUI updater In some embodiments , event comparator 284 performs a hit 278 updates the GUI . For example , GUI updater 278 pre

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pares display information and sends it to graphics module FIG . 4 is a block diagram of an exemplary multifunction 232 for display on a touch - sensitive display . device with a display and a touch - sensitive surface in

In some embodiments , event handler ( s ) 290 includes or accordance with some embodiments . Device 400 need not has access to data updater 276 , object updater 277 , and GUI be portable . In some embodiments , device 400 is a laptop updater 278. In some embodiments , data updater 276 , object 5 computer , a desktop computer , a tablet computer , a multi updater 277 , and GUI updater 278 are included in a single media player device , a navigation device , an educational module of a respective application 236-1 or application view device ( such as a child's learning toy ) , a gaming system , or 291. In other embodiments , they are included in two or more a control device ( e.g. , a home or industrial controller ) . software modules . Device 400 typically includes one or more processing units

It shall be understood that the foregoing discussion 10 ( CPUs ) 410 , one or more network or other communications regarding event handling of user touches on touch - sensitive interfaces 460 , memory 470 , and one or more communica displays also applies to other forms of user inputs to operate tion buses 420 for interconnecting these components . Com multifunction devices 200 with input devices , not all of munication buses 420 optionally include circuitry ( some which are initiated on touch screens . For example , mouse times called a chipset ) that interconnects and controls movement and mouse button presses , optionally coordinated 15 communications between system components . Device 400 with single or multiple keyboard presses or holds ; contact includes input / output ( 1/0 ) interface 430 comprising display movements such as taps , drags , scrolls , etc. on touchpads ; 440 , which is typically a touch screen display . I / O interface pen stylus inputs ; movement of the device ; oral instructions ; 430 also optionally includes a keyboard and / or mouse ( or detected eye movements ; biometric inputs ; and / or any com other pointing device ) 450 and touchpad 455 , tactile output bination thereof are optionally utilized as inputs correspond- 20 generator 457 for generating tactile outputs on device 400 ing to sub - events which define an event to be recognized . ( e.g. , similar to tactile output generator ( s ) 267 described FIG . 3 illustrates a portable multifunction device 200 above with reference to FIG . 2A ) , sensors 459 ( e.g. , optical ,

having a touch screen 212 in accordance with some embodi acceleration , proximity , touch - sensitive , and / or contact ments . The touch screen optionally displays one or more intensity sensors similar to contact intensity sensor ( s ) 265 graphics within user interface ( UI ) 300. In this embodiment , 25 described above with reference to FIG . 2A ) . Memory 470 as well as others described below , a user is enabled to select includes high - speed random access memory , such as one or more of the graphics by making a gesture on the DRAM , SRAM , DDR RAM , or other random access solid graphics , for example , with one or more fingers 302 ( not state memory devices ; and optionally includes non - volatile drawn to scale in the figure ) or one or more styluses 303 ( not memory , such as one or more magnetic disk storage devices , drawn to scale in the figure ) . In some embodiments , selec- 30 optical disk storage devices , flash memory devices , or other tion of one or more graphics occurs when the user breaks non - volatile solid state storage devices . Memory 470 option contact with the one or more graphics . In some embodi ally includes one or more storage devices remotely located ments , the gesture optionally includes one or more taps , one from CPU ( s ) 410. In some embo its , memory 470 or more swipes ( from left to right , right to left , upward stores programs , modules , and data structures analogous to and / or downward ) , and / or a rolling of a finger ( from right to 35 the programs , modules , and data structures stored in left , left to right , upward and / or downward ) that has made memory 202 of portable multifunction device 200 ( FIG . contact with device 200. In some implementations or cir 2A ) , or a subset thereof . Furthermore , memory 470 option cumstances , inadvertent contact with a graphic does not ally stores additional programs , modules , and data structures select the graphic . For example , a swipe gesture that sweeps not present in memory 202 of portable multifunction device over an application icon optionally does not select the 40 200. For example , memory 470 of device 400 optionally corresponding application when the gesture corresponding stores drawing module 480 , presentation module 482 , word to selection is a tap . processing module 484 , website creation module 486 , disk

Device 200 also includes one or more physical buttons , authoring module 488 , and / or spreadsheet module 490 , such as “ home ” or menu button 304. As described previ while memory 202 of portable multifunction device 200 ously , menu button 304 is used to navigate to any application 45 ( FIG . 2A ) optionally does not store these modules . 236 in a set of applications that is executed on device 200 . Each of the above - identified elements in FIG . 4 is , in Alternatively , in some embodiments , the menu button is some examples , stored in one or more of the previously implemented as a soft key in a GUI displayed on touch mentioned memory devices . Each of the above - identified screen 212 . modules corresponds to a set of instructions for performing

In one embodiment , device 200 includes touch screen 50 a function described above . The above - identified modules or 212 , menu button 304 , push button 306 for powering the programs ( e.g. , sets of instructions ) need not be imple device on / off and locking the device , volume adjustment mented as separate software programs , procedures , or mod button ( s ) 308 , subscriber identity module ( SIM ) card slot ules , and thus various subsets of these modules are com 310 , headset jack 312 , and docking / charging external port bined or otherwise rearranged in various embodiments . In 224. Push button 306 is , optionally , used to turn the power 55 some embodiments , memory 470 stores a subset of the on / off on the device by depressing the button and holding the modules and data structures identified above . Furthermore , button in the depressed state for a predefined time interval ; memory 470 stores additional modules and data structures to lock the device by depressing the button and releasing the not described above . button before the predefined time interval has elapsed ; Attention is now directed towards embodiments of user and / or to unlock the device or initiate an unlock process . In 60 interfaces that can be implemented on , for example , portable an alternative embodiment , device 200 also accepts verbal multifunction device 200 . input for activation or deactivation of some functions FIG . 5A illustrates an exemplary user interface for a menu through microphone 213. Device 200 also , optionally , of applications on portable multifunction device 200 in includes one or more contact intensity sensors 265 for accordance with some embodiments . Similar user interfaces detecting intensity of contacts on touch screen 212 and / or 65 are implemented on device 400. In some embodiments , user one or more tactile output generators 267 for generating interface 500 includes the following elements , or a subset or tactile outputs for a user of device 200 . superset thereof :


as :


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Signal strength indicator ( s ) 502 for wireless communica locations that correspond to respective locations on the tion ( s ) , such as cellular and Wi - Fi signals ; display ( e.g. , in FIG . 5B , 560 corresponds to 568 and 562 Time 504 ; corresponds to 570 ) . In this way , user inputs ( e.g. , contacts Bluetooth indicator 505 ; 560 and 562 , and movements thereof ) detected by the device Battery status indicator 506 ; on the touch - sensitive surface ( e.g. , 551 in FIG . 5B ) are used Tray 508 with icons for frequently used applications , such by the device to manipulate the user interface on the display

( e.g. , 550 in FIG . 5B ) of the multifunction device when the Icon 516 for telephone module 238 , labeled “ Phone , ” touch - sensitive surface is separate from the display . It should which optionally includes an indicator 514 of the be understood that similar methods are , optionally , used for number of missed calls or voicemail messages ; 10 other user interfaces described herein .

Icon 518 for e - mail client module 240 , labeled “ Mail , ” Additionally , while the following examples are given which optionally includes an indicator 510 of the primarily with reference to finger inputs ( e.g. , finger con number of unread e - mails ; tacts , finger tap gestures , finger swipe gestures ) , it should be

Icon 520 for browser module 247 , labeled “ Browser ; " understood that , in some embodiments , one or more of the and 15 finger inputs are replaced with input from another input

Icon 522 for video and music player module 252 , also device ( e.g. , a mouse - based input or stylus input ) . For referred to as iPod ( trademark of Apple Inc. ) module example , a swipe gesture is , optionally , replaced with a 252 , labeled “ iPod ; " and mouse click ( e.g. , instead of a contact ) followed by move

Icons for other applications , such as : ment of the cursor along the path of the swipe ( e.g. , instead Icon 524 for IM module 241 , labeled “ Messages ; " 20 of movement of the contact ) . As another example , a tap Icon 526 for calendar module 248 , labeled “ Calendar ; " gesture is , optionally , replaced with a mouse click while the Icon 528 for image management module 244 , labeled cursor is located over the location of the tap gesture ( e.g. ,

“ Photos ; " instead of detection of the contact followed by ceasing to Icon 530 for camera module 243 , labeled “ Camera ; " detect the contact ) . Similarly , when multiple user inputs are Icon 532 for online video module 255 , labeled “ Online 25 simultaneously detected , it should be understood that mul

Video ; " tiple computer mice are , optionally , used simultaneously , or Icon 534 for stocks widget 249-2 , labeled “ Stocks ; " > a mouse and finger contacts are , optionally , used simulta Icon 536 for map module 254 , labeled “ Maps ; " neously . Icon 538 for weather widget 249-1 , labeled “ Weather ; " FIG . 6A illustrates exemplary personal electronic device Icon 540 for alarm clock widget 249-4 , labeled 30 600. Device 600 includes body 602. In some embodiments ,

" Clock ; " device 600 includes some or all of the features described Icon 542 for workout support module 242 , labeled with respect to devices 200 and 400 ( e.g. , FIGS . 2A - 4 ) . In

“ Workout Support ; " some embodin ts , device 600 has touch - sensitive display Icon 544 for notes module 253 , labeled “ Notes ; " and screen 604 , hereafter touch screen 604. Alternatively , or in Icon 546 for a settings application or module , labeled 35 addition to touch screen 604 , device 600 has a display and

“ Settings , ” which provides access to settings for a touch - sensitive surface . As with devices 200 and 400 , in device 200 and its various applications 236 . some embodiments , touch screen 604 ( or the touch - sensitive

It should be noted that the icon labels illustrated in FIG . surface ) has one or more intensity sensors for detecting 5A are merely exemplary . For example , icon 522 for video intensity of contacts ( e.g. , touches ) being applied . The one and music player module 252 is optionally labeled “ Music ” 40 or more intensity sensors of touch screen 604 ( or the or “ Music Player . ” Other labels are , optionally , used for touch - sensitive surface ) provide output data that represents various application icons . In some embodiments , a label for the intensity of touches . The user interface of device 600 a respective application icon includes a name of an appli responds to touches based on their intensity , meaning that cation corresponding to the respective application icon . In touches of different intensities can invoke different user some embodiments , a label for a particular application icon 45 interface operations on device 600 . is distinct from a name of an application corresponding to Techniques for detecting and processing touch intensity the particular application icon . are found , for example , in related applications : International

FIG . 5B illustrates an exemplary user interface on a Patent Application Serial No. PCT / US2013 / 040061 , titled device ( e.g. , device 400 , FIG . 4 ) with a touch - sensitive “ Device , Method , and Graphical User Interface for Display surface 551 ( e.g. , a tablet or touchpad 455 , FIG . 4 ) that is 50 ing User Interface Objects Corresponding to an Applica separate from the display 550 ( e.g. , touch screen display tion , ” filed May 8 , 2013 , and International Patent Applica 212 ) . Device 400 also , optionally , includes one or more tion Serial No. PCT / US2013 / 069483 , titled “ Device , contact intensity sensors ( e.g. , one or more of sensors 457 ) Method , and Graphical User Interface for Transitioning for detecting intensity of contacts on touch - sensitive surface Between Touch Input to Display Output Relationships , " 551 and / or one or more tactile output generators 459 for 55 filed Nov. 11 , 2013 , each of which is hereby incorporated by generating tactile outputs for a user of device 400 . reference in their entirety .

Although some of the examples which follow will be In some embodiments , device 600 has one or more input given with reference to inputs on touch screen display 212 mechanisms 606 and 608. Input mechanisms 606 and 608 , ( where the touch - sensitive surface and the display are com if included , are physical . Examples of physical input mecha bined ) , in some embodiments , the device detects inputs on 60 nisms include push buttons and rotatable mechanisms . In a touch - sensitive surface that is separate from the display , as some embodiments , device 600 has one or more attachment shown in FIG . 5B . In some embodiments , the touch - sensi mechanisms . Such attachment mechanisms , if included , can tive surface ( e.g. , 551 in FIG . 5B ) has a primary axis ( e.g. , permit attachment of device 600 with , for example , hats , 552 in FIG . 5B ) that corresponds to a primary axis ( e.g. , 553 eyewear , earrings , necklaces , shirts , jackets , bracelets , watch in FIG . 5B ) on the display ( e.g. , 550 ) . In accordance with 65 straps , chains , trousers , belts , shoes , purses , backpacks , and these embodiments , the device detects contacts ( e.g. , 560 so forth . These attachment mechanisms permit device 600 to and 562 in FIG . 5B ) with the touch - sensitive surface 551 at be worn by a user .

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FIG . 6B depicts exemplary personal electronic device cursor or movement of a contact on a touch screen display 600. In some embodiments , device 600 includes some or all ( e.g. , by using a tab key or arrow keys to move focus from of the components described with respect to FIGS . 2A , 2B , one button to another button ) ; in these implementations , the and 4. Device 600 has bus 612 that operatively couples I / O focus selector moves in accordance with movement of focus section 614 with one or more computer processors 616 and 5 between different regions of the user interface . Without memory 618. I / O section 614 is connected to display 604 , regard to the specific form taken by the focus selector , the which can have touch - sensitive component 622 and , option focus selector is generally the user interface element ( or ally , touch - intensity sensitive component 624. In addition , contact on a touch screen display ) that is controlled by the I / O section 614 is connected with communication unit 630 user so as to communicate the user's intended interaction for receiving application and operating system data , using 10 with the user interface ( e.g. , by indicating , to the device , the Wi - Fi , Bluetooth , near field communication ( NFC ) , cellular , element of the user interface with which the user is intending and / or other wireless communication techniques . Device to interact ) . For example , the location of a focus selector 600 includes input mechanisms 606 and / or 608. Input ( e.g. , a cursor , a contact , or a selection box ) over a respective mechanism 606 is a rotatable input device or a depressible button while a press input is detected on the touch - sensitive and rotatable input device , for example . Input mechanism 15 surface ( e.g. , a touchpad or touch screen ) will indicate that 608 is a button , in some examples . the user is intending to activate the respective button ( as

Input mechanism 608 is a microphone , in some examples . opposed to other user interface elements shown on a display Personal electronic device 600 includes , for example , vari of the device ) ous sensors , such as GPS sensor 632 , accelerometer 634 , As used in the specification and claims , the term " char directional sensor 640 ( e.g. , compass ) , gyroscope 636 , 20 acteristic intensity ” of a contact refers to a characteristic of motion sensor 638 , and / or a combination thereof , all of the contact based on one or more intensities of the contact . which are operatively connected to I / O section 614 . In some embodiments , the characteristic intensity is based Memory 618 of personal electronic device 600 is a on multiple intensity samples . The characteristic intensity is ,

non - transitory computer - readable storage medium , for stor optionally , based on a predefined number of intensity ing computer - executable instructions , which , when executed 25 samples , or a set of intensity samples collected during a by one or more computer processors 616 , for example , cause predetermined time period ( e.g. , 0.05 , 0.1 , 0.2 , 0.5 , 1 , 2 , 5 , the computer processors to perform the techniques and 10 seconds ) relative to a predefined event ( e.g. , after detect processes described below . The computer - executable ing the contact , prior to detecting liftoff of the contact , instructions , for example , are also stored and / or transported before or after detecting a start of movement of the contact , within any non - transitory computer - readable storage 30 prior to detecting an end of the contact , before or after medium for use by or in connection with an instruction detecting an increase in intensity of the contact , and / or execution system , apparatus , or device , such as a computer before or after detecting a decrease in intensity of the based system , processor - containing system , or other system contact ) . A characteristic intensity of a contact optionally that can fetch the instructions from the instruction execution based on one or more of : a maximum value of the intensities system , apparatus , or device and execute the instructions . 35 of the contact , a mean value of the intensities of the contact , Personal electronic device 600 is not limited to the compo an average value of the intensities of the contact , a top 10 nents and configuration of FIG . 6B , but can include other or percentile value of the intensities of the contact , a value at additional components in multiple configurations . the half maximum of the intensities of the contact , a value As used here , the term “ affordance ” refers to a user at the 90 percent maximum of the intensities of the contact ,

interactive graphical user interface object that is , for 40 or the like . In some embodiments , the duration of the contact example , displayed on the display screen of devices 200 , is used in determining the characteristic intensity ( e.g. , when 400 , and / or 600 ( FIGS . 2A , 4 , and 6A - B ) . For example , an the characteristic intensity is an average of the intensity of image ( e.g. , icon ) , a button , and text ( e.g. , hyperlink ) each the contact over time ) . In some embodiments , the charac constitutes an affordance . teristic intensity is compared to a set of one or more intensity As used herein , the term “ focus selector ” refers to an input 45 thresholds to determine whether an operation has been

element that indicates a current part of a user interface with performed by a user . For example , the set of one or more which a user is interacting . In some implementations that intensity thresholds includes a first intensity threshold and a include a cursor or other location marker , the cursor acts as second intensity threshold . In this example , a contact with a a “ focus selector " so that when an input ( e.g. , a press input ) characteristic intensity that does not exceed the first thresh is detected on a touch - sensitive surface ( e.g. , touchpad 455 50 old results in a first operation , a contact with a characteristic in FIG . 4 or touch - sensitive surface 551 in FIG . 5B ) while intensity that exceeds the first intensity threshold and does the cursor is over a particular user interface element ( e.g. , a not exceed the second intensity threshold results in a second button , window , slider or other user interface element ) , the operation , and a contact with a characteristic intensity that particular user interface element is adjusted in accordance exceeds the second threshold results in a third operation . In with the detected input . In some implementations that 55 some embodiments , a comparison between the characteristic include a touch screen display ( e.g. , touch - sensitive display intensity and one or more thresholds is used to determine system 212 in FIG . 2A or touch screen 212 in FIG . 5A ) that whether or not to perform one or more operations ( e.g. , enables direct interaction with user interface elements on the whether to perform a respective operation or forgo perform touch screen display , a detected contact on the touch screen ing the respective operation ) rather than being used to acts as a “ focus selector ” so that when an input ( e.g. , a press 60 determine whether to perform a first operation or a second input by the contact ) is detected on the touch screen display operation . at a location of a particular user interface element ( e.g. , a In some embodiments , a portion of a gesture is identified button , window , slider , or other user interface element ) , the for purposes of determining a characteristic intensity . For particular user interface element is adjusted in accordance example , a touch - sensitive surface receives a continuous with the detected input . In some implementations , focus is 65 swipe contact transitioning from a start location and reach moved from one region of a user interface to another region ing an end location , at which point the intensity of the of the user interface without corresponding movement of a contact increases . In this example , the characteristic inten

US 10,755,051 B2 29 30

sity of the contact at the end location is based on only a above the press - input intensity threshold ( e.g. , a “ down portion of the continuous swipe contact , and not the entire stroke ” of the respective press input ) . In some embodiments , swipe contact ( e.g. , only the portion of the swipe contact at the press input includes an increase in intensity of the the end location ) . In some embodiments , a smoothing algo respective contact above the press - input intensity threshold rithm is applied to the intensities of the swipe contact prior 5 and a subsequent decrease in intensity of the contact below to determining the characteristic intensity of the contact . For the press - input intensity threshold , and the respective opera example , the smoothing algorithm optionally includes one tion is performed in response to detecting the subsequent or more of : an unweighted sliding - average smoothing algo decrease in intensity of the respective contact below the rithm , a triangular smoothing algorithm , a median filter press - input threshold ( e.g. , an " up stroke " of the respective smoothing algorithm , and / or an exponential smoothing algo- 10 press input ) . rithm . In some circumstances , these smoothing algorithms In some embodiments , the device employs intensity hys eliminate narrow spikes or dips in the intensities of the swipe teresis to avoid accidental inputs sometimes termed “ jitter , " contact for purposes of determining a characteristic inten where the device defines or selects a hysteresis intensity sity . threshold with a predefined relationship to the press - input The intensity of a contact on the touch - sensitive surface is 15 intensity threshold ( e.g. , the hysteresis intensity threshold is

characterized relative ter more intensity threshold , X intensity units lower than the press - input intensity thresh such as a contact - detection intensity threshold , a light press old or the hysteresis intensity threshold is 75 % , 90 % , or intensity threshold , a deep press intensity threshold , and / or some reasonable proportion of the press - input intensity one or more other intensity thresholds . In some embodi threshold ) . Thus , in some embodiments , the press input ments , the light press intensity threshold corresponds to an 20 includes an increase in intensity of the respective contact intensity at which the device will perform operations typi above the press - input intensity threshold and a subsequent cally associated with clicking a button of a physical mouse decrease in intensity of the contact below the hysteresis or a trackpad . In some embodiments , the deep press intensity intensity threshold that corresponds to the press - input inten threshold corresponds to an intensity at which the device sity threshold , and the respective operation is performed in will perform operations that are different from operations 25 response to detecting the subsequent decrease in intensity of typically associated with clicking a button of a physical the respective contact below the hysteresis intensity thresh mouse or a trackpad . In some embodiments , when a contact old ( e.g. , an " up stroke ” of the respective press input ) . is detected with a characteristic intensity below the light Similarly , in some embodiments , the press input is detected press intensity threshold ( e.g. , and above a nominal contact only when the device detects an increase in intensity of the detection intensity threshold below which the contact is no 30 contact from an intensity at or below the hysteresis intensity longer detected ) , the device will move focus selector in threshold to an intensity at or above the press - input intensity accordance with movement of the contact on the touch threshold and , optionally , a subsequent decrease in intensity sensitive surface without performing an operation associated of the contact to an intensity at or below the hysteresis with the light press intensity threshold or the deep press intensity , and the respective operation is performed in intensity threshold . Generally , unless otherwise stated , these 35 response to detecting the press input ( e.g. , the increase in intensity thresholds are consistent between different sets of intensity of the contact or the decrease in intensity of the user interface figures . contact , depending on the circumstances ) . An increase of characteristic intensity of the contact from For ease of explanation , the descriptions of operations

an intensity below the light press intensity threshold to an performed in response to a press input associated with a intensity between the light press intensity threshold and the 40 press - input intensity threshold or in response to a gesture depressintensity thresholdsmetimes referred including the press input are , optionally , triggered in lightpress ” input.An increase of characteristic intensity of response to detecting either : an increase in intensity of a the contact from an intensity below the deep press intensity contact above the press - input intensity threshold , an increase threshold to an intensity above the deep press intensity in intensity of a contact from an intensity below the hyster threshold is sometimes referred to as a “ deep press ” input . 45 esis intensity threshold to an intensity above the press - input An increase of characteristic intensity of the contact from an intensity threshold , a decrease in intensity of the contact intensity below the contact - detection intensity threshold to below the press - input intensity threshold , and / or a decrease an intensity between the contact - detection intensity thresh in intensity of the contact below the hysteresis intensity old and the light press intensity threshold is sometimes threshold corresponding to the press - input intensity thresh referred to as detecting the contact on the touch - surface . A 50 old . Additionally , in examples where an operation is decrease of characteristic intensity of the contact from an described as being performed in response to detecting a intensity above the contact - detection intensity threshold to decrease in intensity of a contact below the press - input an intensity below the contact - detection intensity threshold intensity threshold , the operation is , optionally , performed in is sometimes referred to as detecting liftoff of the contact response to detecting a decrease in intensity of the contact from the touch - surface . In some embodiments , the contact- 55 below a hysteresis intensity threshold corresponding to , and detection intensity threshold is zero . In some embodiments , lower than , the press - input intensity threshold . the contact - detection intensity threshold is greater than zero . 3. Digital Assistant System

In some embodiments described herein , one or more FIG . 7A illustrates a block diagram of digital assistant operations are performed in response to detecting a gesture system 700 in accordance with various examples . In some that includes a respective press input or in response to 60 examples , digital assistant system 700 is implemented on a detecting the respective press input performed with a respec standalone computer system . In some examples , digital tive contact ( or a plurality of contacts ) , where the respective assistant system 700 is distributed across multiple comput press input is detected based at least in part on detecting an ers . In some examples , some of the modules and functions increase in intensity of the contact ( or plurality of contacts ) of the digital assistant are divided into a server portion and above a press - input intensity threshold . In some embodi- 65 a client portion , where the client portion resides on one or ments , the respective operation is performed in response to more user devices ( e.g. , devices 104 , 122 , 200 , 400 , or 600 ) detecting the increase in intensity ofthe respective contact and communicates with the server portion ( e.g. , server

one or


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system 108 ) through one or more networks , e.g. , as shown One or more processors 704 execute these programs , mod in FIG . 1. In some examples , digital assistant system 700 is ules , and instructions , and reads / writes from / to the data an implementation of server system 108 ( and / or DA server structures . 106 ) shown in FIG . 1. It should be noted that digital assistant Operating system 718 ( e.g. , Darwin , RTXC , LINUX , system 700 is only one example of a digital assistant system , 5 UNIX , iOS , OS X , WINDOWS , or an embedded operating and that digital assistant system 700 can have more or fewer system such as VxWorks ) includes various software com components than shown , can combine two or more compo ponents and / or drivers for controlling and managing general nents , or can have a different configuration or arrangement system tasks ( e.g. , memory management , storage device of the components . The various components shown in FIG . control , power management , etc. ) and facilitates communi 7A are implemented in hardware , software instructions for 10 cations between various hardware , firmware , and software execution by one or more processors , firmware , including components .

Communications module 720 facilitates communications one or more signal processing and / or application specific between digital assistant system 700 with other devices over integrated circuits , or a combination thereof . network communications interface 708. For example , com Digital assistant system 700 includes memory 702 , 15 munications module 720 communicates with RF circuitry more processors 704 , input / output ( I / O ) interface 706 , and 208 of electronic devices such as devices 200 , 400 , and 600 network communications interface 708. These components shown in FIGS . 2A , 4 , 6A - B , respectively . Communications can communicate with one another over one or more com module 720 also includes various components for handling munication buses or signal lines 710 . data received by wireless circuitry 714 and / or wired com

In some examples , memory 702 includes a non - transitory 20 munications port 712 . computer - readable medium , such as high - speed random User interface module 722 receives commands and / or access memory and / or a non - volatile computer - readable inputs from a user via I / O interface 706 ( e.g. , from a storage medium ( e.g. , one or more agnetic disk storage keyboard , touch screen , pointing device , controller , and / or devices , flash memory devices , or other non - volatile solid microphone ) , and generate user interface objects on a dis state memory devices ) . 25 play . User interface module 722 also prepares and delivers

In some examples , I / O interface 706 couples input / output outputs ( e.g. , speech , sound , animation , text , icons , vibra devices 716 of digital assistant system 700 , such as displays , tions , haptic feedback , light , etc. ) to the user via the I / O keyboards , touch screens , and microphones , to user interface interface 706 ( e.g. , through displays , audio channels , speak module 722. I / O interface 706 , in conjunction with user ers , touch - pads , etc. ) . interface module 722 , receives user inputs ( e.g. , voice input , Applications 724 include programs and / or modules that keyboard inputs , touch inputs , etc. ) and processes them are configured to be executed by one or more processors accordingly . In some examples , e.g. , when the digital assis 704. For example , if the digital assistant system is imple

mented on a standalone user device , applications 724 tant is implemented on a standalone user device , digital include user applications , such as games , a calendar appli assistant system 700 includes any of the components and I / O 35 cation , a navigation application , or an email application . If communication interfaces described with respect to devices digital assistant system 700 is implemented on a server , 200 , 400 , or 600 in FIGS . 2A , 4 , 6A - B , respectively . In some applications 724 include resource management applications , examples , digital assistant system 700 represents the server diagnostic applications , or scheduling applications , for portion of a digital assistant implementation , and can inter example . act with the user through a client - side portion residing on a 40 Memory 702 also stores digital assistant module 726 ( or user device ( e.g. , devices 104 , 200 , 400 , or 600 ) . the server portion of a digital assistant ) . In some examples ,

In some examples , the network communications interface digital assistant module 726 includes the following sub 708 includes wired communication port ( s ) 712 and / or wire modules , or a subset or superset thereof : input / output pro less transmission and reception circuitry 714. The wired cessing module 728 , speech - to - text ( STT ) processing mod communication port ( s ) receives and send communication 45 ule 730 , natural language processing module 732 , dialogue signals via one or more wired interfaces , e.g. , Ethernet , flow processing module 734 , task flow processing module Universal Serial Bus ( USB ) , FIREWIRE , etc. The wireless 736 , service processing module 738 , and speech synthesis circuitry 714 receives and sends RF signals and / or optical processing module 740. Each of these modules has access to signals from / to communications networks and other com one or more of the following systems or data and models of munications devices . The wireless communications use any 50 the digital assistant module 726 , or a subset or superset of a plurality of communications standards , protocols , and thereof : ontology 760 , vocabulary index 744 , user data 748 , technologies , such as GSM , EDGE , CDMA , TDMA , Blu task flow models 754 , service models 756 , and ASR systems etooth , Wi - Fi , VoIP , Wi - MAX , or any other suitable com 758 . munication protocol . Network communications interface In some examples , using the processing modules , data , 708 enables communication between digital assistant system 55 and models implemented in digital assistant module 726 , the 700 with networks , such as the Internet , an intranet , and / or digital assistant can perform at least some of the following : a wireless network , such as a cellular telephone network , a converting speech input into text ; identifying a user's intent wireless local area network ( LAN ) , and / or a metropolitan expressed in a natural language input received from the user ; area network ( MAN ) , and other devices . actively eliciting and obtaining information needed to fully

In some examples , memory 702 , or the computer - readable 60 infer the user's intent ( e.g. , by disambiguating words , storage media of memory 702 , stores programs , modules , games , intentions , etc. ) ; determining the task flow for ful instructions , and data structures including all or a subset of : filling the inferred intent ; and executing the task flow to operating system 718 , communications module 720 , user fulfill the inferred intent . interface module 722 , one or more applications 724 , and In some examples , as shown in FIG . 7B , I / O processing digital assistant module 726. In particular , memory 702 , or 65 module 728 interacts with the user through I / O devices 716 the computer - readable storage media of memory 702 , stores in FIG . 7A or with a user device ( e.g. , devices 104 , 200 , 400 , instructions for performing the processes described below . or 600 ) through network communications interface 708 in

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FIG . 7A to obtain user input ( e.g. , a speech input ) and to five highest ranked ( n = 5 ) candidate text representations are provide responses ( e.g. , as speech outputs ) to the user input . passed to natural language processing module 732 for intent I / O processing module 728 optionally obtains contextual deduction . information associated with the user input from the user More details on the speech - to - text processing are device , along with shortly after the receipt of the user 5 described in U.S. Utility application Ser . No. 13 / 236,942 for input . The contextual information includes user - specific “ Consolidating Speech Recognition Results , ” filed on Sep. dat , cabulary , dor preference relevant the user 20 , 2011 , the entire disclosure of which is incorporated input . In some examples , the contextual information also herein by reference . includes software and hardware states of the user device at In some examples , STT processing module 730 includes the time the user request is received , and / or information 10 and / or accesses a vocabulary of recognizable words via related to the surrounding environment of the user at the phonetic alphabet conversion module 731. Each vocabulary

word is associated with one or more candidate pronuncia time that the user request was received . In some examples , tions of the word represented in a speech recognition pho I / O processing module 728 also sends follow - up questions netic alphabet . In particular , the vocabulary of recognizable to , and receive answers from , the user regarding the user 15 words includes a word that is associated with a plurality of request . When a user request is received by I / O processing candidate pronunciations . For example , the vocabulary module 728 and the user request includes speech input , I / O includes the word “ tomato ” that is associated with the processing module 728 forwards the speech input to STT candidate pronunciations of / t?'merrov / and / ta'matov / . Fur processing module 730 ( or speech recognizer ) for speech ther , vocabulary words are associated with custom candidate to - text conversions . 20 pronunciations that are based on previous speech inputs STT processing module 730 includes one or more ASR from the user . Such custom candidate pronunciations are

systems 758. The one or more ASR systems 758 can process stored in STT processing module 730 and are associated the speech input that is received through I / O processing with a particular user via the user's profile on the device . In module 728 to produce a recognition result . Each ASR some examples , the candidate pronunciations for words are system 758 includes a front - end speech pre - processor . The 25 determined based on the spelling of the word and one or front - end speech pre - processor extracts representative fea more linguistic and / or phonetic rules . In some examples , the tures from the speech input . For example , the front - end candidate pronunciations are manually generated , e.g. , speech pre - processor performs a Fourier transform on the based on known canonical pronunciations . speech input to extract spectral features that characterize the In some examples , the candidate pronunciations are speech input as a sequence of representative multi - dimen- 30 ranked based on the commonness of the candidate pronun sional vectors . Further , each ASR system 758 includes one ciation . For example , the candidate pronunciation / to'merou / or more speech recognition models ( e.g. , acoustic models is ranked higher than / ta'matou / , because the former is a and / or language models ) and implements one or more more commonly used pronunciation ( e.g. , among all users , speech recognition engines . Examples of speech recognition for users in a particular geographical region , or for any other models include Hidden Markov Models , Gaussian - Mixture 35 appropriate subset of users ) . In some examples , candidate Models , Deep Neural Network Model , n - gam anguage pronunciations are ranked based on whether the candidate models , and other statistical models . Examples of speech pronunciation is a custom candidate pronunciation associ recognition engines include the dynamic time warping based ated with the user . For example , custom candidate pronun engines and weighted finite - state transducers ( WFST ) based ciations are ranked higher than canonical candidate pronun engines.Thermor speech recognition models and the cation . This can be useful for recognizing proper uns one or more speech recognition engines are used to process having a unique pronunciation that deviates from canonical the extracted representative features of the front - end speech pronunciation . In some examples , candidate pronunciations pre - processor to produce intermediate recognitions results are associated with one or more speech characteristics , such ( e.g. , phonemes , phonemic strings , and sub - words ) , and as geographic origin , nationality , or ethnicity . For example , ultimately , text recognition results ( e.g. , words , word strings , 45 the candidate pronunciation / t?'memrou / is associated with the or sequence of tokens ) . In some examples , the speech input United States , whereas the candidate pronunciation is processed at least partially by a third - party service or on / ta'matou / is associated with Great Britain . Further , the rank the user's device ( e.g. , device 104 , 200 , 400 , or 600 ) to of the candidate pronunciation is based on one or more produce the recognition result . Once STT processing mod characteristics ( e.g. , geographic origin , nationality , ethnicity , ule 730 produces recognition results containing a text string 50 etc. ) of the user stored in the user's profile on the device . For ( e.g. , words , or sequence of words , or sequence of tokens ) , example , it can be determined from the user's profile that the the recognition result is passed to natural language process user is associated with the United States . Based on the user ing module 732 for intent deduction . In some examples , STT being associated with the United States , the candidate pro processing module 730 produces multiple candidate text nunciation / te'merrou / ( associated with the United States ) is representations of the speech input . Each candidate text 55 ranked higher than the candidate pronunciation / ta'matou / representation is a sequence of words or tokens correspond ( associated with Great Britain ) . In some examples , one of ing to the speech input . In some examples , each candidate the ranked candidate pronunciations is selected as a pre text representation is associated with a speech recognition dicted pronunciation ( e.g. , the most likely pronunciation ) . confidence score . Based on the speech recognition confi When a speech input is received , STT processing module dence scores , STT processing module 730 ranks the candi- 60 730 is used to determine the phonemes corresponding to the date text representations and provides the n - best ( e.g. , n speech input ( e.g. , using an acoustic model ) , and then highest ranked ) candidate text representation ( s ) to natural attempt to determine words that match the phonemes ( e.g. , anguage processingmodule732for intent deduction , where using a language model ) . For example , if STT processing n is a predetermined integer greater than zero . For example , module 730 first identifies the sequence of phonemes in one example , only the highest ranked ( n = 1 ) candidate text 65 / ta'merrov / corresponding to a portion of the speech input , it representation is passed to natural language processing can then determine , based on vocabulary index 744 , that this module 732 for intent deduction . In another example , the sequence corresponds to the word “ tomato . ”

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In some examples , STT processing module 730 uses reservation ) , and “ party size ” are each directly linked to the approximate matching techniques to determine words in an actionable intent node ( i.e. , the “ restaurant reservation ” utterance . Thus , for example , the STT processing module node ) . 730 determines that the sequence of phonemes / t?'merov / In addition , property nodes " cuisine , ” “ price range , corresponds to the word “ tomato , ” even if that particular 5 “ phone number , ” and “ location ” are sub - nodes of the prop sequence of phonemes is not one of the candidate sequence erty node “ restaurant , " and are each linked to the “ restaurant ofphemes for that word . reservation ” node ( i.e. , the actionable intent node ) through

Natural language processing module 732 ( “ natural lan the intermediate property node " restaurant . ” For another guage processor ” ) of the digital assistant takes the n - best example , as shown in FIG . 7C , ontology 760 also includes candidate text representation ( s ) ( “ word sequence ( s ) ” or 10 a “ set reminder ” node ( i.e. , another actionable intent node ) . " token sequence ( s ) " ) generated by STT processing module Property nodes " date / time ” ( for setting the reminder ) and 730 , and attempt to associate each of the candidate text “ subject ” ( for the reminder ) are each linked to the " set representations with one or more “ actionable intents ” rec reminder ” node . Since the property “ date / time ” is relevant to ognized by the digital assistant . An " actionable intent ” ( or both the task of making a restaurant reservation and the task “ user intent ” ) represents a task that can be performed by the 15 of setting a reminder , the property node “ date / time ” is linked digital assistant , and can have an associated task flow to both the " restaurant reservation ” node and the " set implemented in task flow models 754. The associated task reminder " node in ontology 760 . flow is a series of programmed actions and steps that the An actionable intent node , along with its linked concept digital assistant takes in order to perform the task . The scope nodes , is described as a " domain . ” In the present discussion , of a digital assistant's capabilities is dependent on the 20 each domain is associated with a respective actionable number and variety of task flows that have been imple intent , and refers to the group of nodes ( and the relationships mented and stored in task flow models 754 , or in other there between ) associated with the particular actionable words , on the number and variety of actionable intents ” that intent . For example , ontology 760 shown in FIG . 7C the digital assistant recognizes . The effectiveness of the includes an example of restaurant reservation domain 762 digital assistant , however , also dependents on the assistant's 25 and an example of reminder domain 764 within ontology ability to infer the correct " actionable intent ( s ) ” from the 760. The restaurant reservation domain includes the action user request expressed in natural language . able intent node “ restaurant reservation , " property nodes

In some examples , in addition to the sequence of words or “ restaurant , " " date / time , ” and “ party size , " and sub - property tokens obtained from STT processing module 730 , natural nodes “ cuisine , ” “ price range , ” “ phone number , ” and “ loca language processing module 732 also receives contextual 30 tion . ” Reminder domain 764 includes the actionable intent information associated with the user request , e.g. , from I / O node “ set reminder , ” and property nodes “ subject " and processing module 728. The natural language processing " date / time . " In some examples , ontology 760 is made up of module 732 optionally uses the contextual information to many domains . Each domain shares one or more property arity , supplement , and / or further define the information nodes with one or more other domains . For example , the contained in the candidate text representations received from 35 " date / time ” property node is associated with many different STT processing module 730. The contextual information domains ( e.g. , a scheduling domain , a travel reservation includes , for example , user preferences , hardware , and / or domain , a movie ticket domain , etc. ) , in addition to restau oftware states the user device , rinformation1 rant reservation domain 762 and reminder domain 764 . lected before , during , or shortly after the user request , prior While FIG . 7C illustrates two example domains within interactions ( e.g. , dialogue ) between the digital assistant and 40 ontology 760 , other domains include , for example , " find a the user , and the like . As described herein , contextual movie , ” “ initiate a phone call , " " find directions , " " schedule information is , in some examples , dynamic , and changes a meeting , ” “ send a message , ” and “ provide an answer to a with time , location , content of the dialogue , and other question , ” “ read a list , ” “ providing navigation instructions , ” factors . " provide instructions for a task ” and so on . A " send a

In some examples , the natural language processing is 45 message ” domain is associated with a “ send a message ” based ne .. , ntology760.Ontology760ahierarchica actionable intent node , and further includes property nodes structure containing many nodes , each node representing such as " recipient ( s ) , " " message type , " and " message body . " either an “ actionable intent ” or a “ property ” relevant to one The property node “ recipient ” is further defined , for or more of the “ actionable intents ” or other “ properties . ” As example , by the sub - property nodes such as “ recipient noted above , an " actionable intent ” represents a task that the 50 name ” and “ message address . ” digital assistant is capable of performing , i.e. , it is “ action In some examples , ontology 760 includes all the domains able ” or can be acted on . A “ property ” represents a param ( and hence actionable intents ) that the digital assistant is eter associated with an actionable intent or a sub - aspect of capable of understanding and acting upon . In some another property . A linkage between an actionable intent examples , ontology 760 is modified , such as by adding or node and a property node in ontology 760 defines how a 55 removing entire domains or nodes , or by modifying rela parameter represented by the property node pertains to the tionships between the nodes within the ontology 760 . task represented by the actionable intent node . In some examples , nodes associated with multiple related

In some examples , ontology 760 is made up of actionable actionable intents are clustered under a “ super domain ” in intent des and property nodes . Within ontology 70 , ach ontology 760. For example , a “ travel ” super - domain actionable intent node is linked to one or more property 60 includes a cluster of property nodes and actionable intent nodes either directly or through one or more intermediate nodes related to travel . The actionable intent nodes related to property nodes . Similarly , each property node is linked to travel includes “ airline reservation , ” “ hotel reservation , ” one or more actionable intent nodes either directly or “ car rental , ” “ get directions , ” “ find points of interest , ” and so through more intermediate property node . For on . The actionable intent nodes under the same super example , as shown in FIG . 7C , ontology 760 includes a 65 domain ( e.g. , the travel ” super domain ) have many prop “ restaurant reservation ” node ( i.e. , an actionable intent erty nodes in common . For example , the actionable intent node ) . Property nodes “ restaurant , " " date / time ” ( for the nodes for “ airline reservation , " " hotel reservation , " " car

US 10,755,051 B2 37 38

rental , ” “ get directions , ” and “ find points of interest " share of candidate actionable intents . Natural language processing one or more of the property nodes " start location , " " desti module 732 can select one or more candidate actionable nation , " " departure date / time , " " arrival date / time , ” and intents from the set of candidate actionable intents based on " party size . ” the determined intent confidence scores . In some examples ,

In some examples , each node in ontology 760 is associ- 5 an ontology ( e.g. , ontology 760 ) is also used to select the one ated with a set of words and / or phrases that are relevant to or more candidate actionable intents from the set of candi the property or actionable intent represented by the node . date actionable intents . The respective set of words and / or phrases associated with Other details of searching an ontology based on a token each node are the so - called “ vocabulary ” associated with the string are described in U.S. Utility application Ser . No. node . The respective set of words and / or phrases associated 10 12 / 341,743 for “ Method and Apparatus for Searching Using with each node are stored in vocabulary index 744 in An Active Ontology , ” filed Dec. 22 , 2008 , the entire disclo association with the property or actionable intent repre sure of which is incorporated herein by reference . sented by the node . For example , returning to FIG . 7B , the In some examples , once natural language processing vocabulary associated with the node for the property of module 732 identifies an actionable intent ( or domain ) based “ restaurant includes words such as “ food , ” “ drinks , ” “ cui- 15 on the user request , natural language processing module 732 sine , ” “ hungry , ” “ eat , ” “ pizza , ” “ fast food , ” “ meal , ” and so generates a structured query to represent the identified on . For another example , the vocabulary associated with the actionable intent . In some examples , the structured query node for the actionable intent of “ initiate a phone call ” includes parameters for one or more nodes within the includes words and phrases such as “ call , ” “ phone , ” “ dial , ” domain for the actionable intent , and at least some of the “ ring , ” “ call this number , " “ make a call to , " and so on . The 20 parameters are populated with the specific information and vocabulary index 744 optionally includes words and phrases requirements specified in the user request . For example , the in different languages . user says “ Make me a dinner reservation at a sushi place at

Natural language processing module 732 receives the 7. ” In this case , natural language processing module 732 is candidate text representations ( e.g. , text string ( s ) or token able to correctly identify the actionable intent to be “ restau sequence ( s ) ) from STT processing module 730 , and for each 25 rant reservation ” based on the user input . According to the candidate representation , determines what nodes are impli ontology , a structured query for a “ restaurant reservation ” cated by the words in the candidate text representation . In domain includes parameters such as { Cuisine } , { Time ) , some examples , if a word or phrase in the candidate text { Date } , { Party Size } , and the like . In some examples , based representation is found to be associated with one or more on the speech input and the text derived from the speech nodes in ontology 760 ( via vocabulary index 744 ) , the word 30 input using STT processing module 730 , natural language or phrase " triggers ” or “ activates ” those nodes . Based on the processing module 732 generates a partial structured query quantity and / or relative importance of the activated nodes , for the restaurant reservation domain , where the partial natural language processing module 732 selects one of the structured query includes the parameters { Cuisine = " Sushi " } actionable intents as the task that the user intended the and { Time = “ 7 pm ” } . However , in this example , the user's digital assistant to perform . In some examples , the domain 35 utterance contains insufficient information to complete the that has the most " triggered ” nodes is selected . In some structured query associated with the domain . Therefore , examples , the domain having the highest confidence value other necessary parameters such as { Party Size } and { Date } ( e.g. , based on the relative importance of its various trig is not specified in the structured query based on the infor gered nodes ) is selected . In some examples , the domain is mation currently available . In some examples , natural lan selected based on a combination of the number and the 40 guage processing module 732 populates some parameters of importance of the triggered nodes . In some examples , addi the structured query with received contextual information . tional factors are considered in selecting the node as well , For example , in some examples , if the user requested a sushi such as whether the digital assistant has previously correctly restaurant “ near me , ” natural language processing module interpreted a similar request from a user . 732 populates a { location } parameter in the structured query

User data 748 includes user - specific information , such as 45 with GPS coordinates from the user device . user - specific vocabulary , user preferences , user address , In some examples , natural language processing module user's default and secondary languages , user's contact list , 732 identifies multiple candidate actionable intents for each and other short - term or long - term information for each user . candidate text representation received from STT processing In some examples , natural language processing module 732 module 730. Further , in some examples , a respective struc uses the user - specific information to supplement the infor- 50 tured query ( partial or complete ) is generated for each mation contained in the user input to further define the user identified candidate actionable intent . Natural language pro intent . For example , for a user request “ invite my friends to cessing module 732 determines an intent confidence score my birthday party , ” natural language processing module 732 for each candidate actionable intent and ranks the candidate is able to access user data 748 to determine who the actionable intents based on the intent confidence scores . In " friends ” are and when and where the “ birthday party ” 55 some examples , natural language processing module 732 would be held , rather than requiring the user to provide such passes the generated structured query ( or queries ) , including information explicitly in his / her request . any completed parameters , to task flow processing module

It should be recognized that in some examples , natural 736 ( “ task flow processor ” ) . In some examples , the struc language processing module 732 is implemented using one tured query ( or queries ) for the m - best ( e.g. , m highest or more machine learning mechanisms ( e.g. , neural net- 60 ranked ) candidate actionable intents are provided to task works ) . In particular , the one or more machine learning flow processing module 736 , where m is a predetermined mechanisms are configured to receive a candidate text integer greater than zero . In some examples , the structured representation and contextual information associated with query ( or queries ) for the m - best candidate actionable intents the candidate text representation . Based on the candidate are provided to task flow processing module 736 with the text representation and the associated contextual informa- 65 corresponding candidate text representation ( s ) . tion , the one or more machine learning mechanism are Other details of inferring a user intent based on multiple configured to determine intent confidence scores over a set candidate actionable intents determined from multiple can

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didate text representations of a speech input are described in 736 to make a phone call , set a calendar entry , invoke a map U.S. Utility application Ser . No. 14 / 298,725 for “ System and search , invoke or interact with other user applications Method for Inferring User Intent From Speech Inputs , ” filed installed on the user device , and invoke or interact with Jun . 6 , 2014 , the entire disclosure of which is incorporated third - party services ( e.g. , a restaurant reservation portal , a herein by reference . 5 social networking website , a banking portal , etc. ) . In some

Task flow processing module 736 is configured to receive examples , the protocols and application programming inter the structured query ( or queries ) from natural language faces ( API ) required by each service are specified by a processing module 732 , complete the structured query , if respective service model among service models 756. Service necessary , and perform the actions required to “ complete ” processing module 738 accesses the appropriate service the user's ultimate request . In some examples , the various 10 model for a service and generate requests for the service in procedures necessary to complete these tasks are provided in accordance with the protocols and APIs required by the task flow models 754. In some examples , task flow models service according to the service model . 754 include procedures for obtaining additional information For example , if a restaurant has enabled an online reser from the user and task flows for performing actions associ vation service , the restaurant submits a service model speci ated with the actionable intent . 15 fying the necessary parameters for making a reservation and As described above , in order to complete a structured the APIs for communicating the values of the necessary

query , task flow processing module 736 needs to initiate parameter to the online reservation service . When requested additional dialogue with the user in order to obtain addi by task flow processing module 736 , service processing tional information , and / or disambiguate potentially ambigu module 738 establishes a network connection with the ous utterances . When such interactions are necessary , task 20 online reservation service using the web address stored in flow processing module 736 invokes dialogue flow process the service model , and send the necessary parameters of the ing module 734 to engage in a dialogue with the user . In reservation ( e.g. , time , date , party size ) to the online reser some examples , dialogue flow processing module 734 deter vation interface in a format according to the API of the mines how ( and / or when ) to ask the user for the additional online reservation service . information and receives and processes the user responses . 25 In some examples , natural language processing module The questions are provided to and answers are received from 732 , dialogue flow processing module 734 , and task flow the users through I / O processing module 728. In some processing module 736 are used collectively and iteratively examples , dialogue flow processing module 734 presents to infer and define the user's intent , obtain information to dialogue output to the user via audio and / or visual output , further clarify and refine the user intent , and finally generate and receives input from the user via spoken or physical ( e.g. , 30 a response ( i.e. , an output to the user , or the completion of clicking ) responses . Continuing with the example above , a task ) to fulfill the user's intent . The generated response is when task flow processing module 736 invokes dialogue a dialogue response to the speech input that at least partially flow processing module 734 determine the “ party size ” fulfills the user's intent . Further , in some examples , the and “ date ” information for the structured query associated generated response is output as a speech output . In these with the domain “ restaurant reservation , ” dialogue flow 35 examples , the generated response is sent to speech synthesis processing module 734 generates questions such as “ For processing module 740 ( e.g. , speech synthesizer ) where it how many people ? ” and “ On which day ? ” to pass to the user . can be processed to synthesize the dialogue response in Once answers are received from the user , dialogue flow speech form . In yet other examples , the generated response processing module 734 then populates the structured query is data content relevant to satisfying a user request in the with the missing information , or pass the information to task 40 speech input . flow processing module 736 to complete the missing infor In examples where task flow processing module 736 mation from the structured query . receives multiple structured queries from natural language

Once task flow processing module 736 has completed the processing module 732 , task flow processing module 736 structured query for an actionable intent , task flow process initially processes the first structured query of the received ing module 736 proceeds to perform the ultimate task 45 structured queries to attempt to complete the first structured associated with the actionable intent . Accordingly , task flow query and / or execute one or more tasks or actions repre processing module 736 executes the steps and instructions in sented by the first structured query . In some examples , the the task flow model according to the specific parameters first structured query corresponds to the highest ranked contained in the structured query . For example , the task flow actionable intent . In other examples , the first structured model for the actionable intent of “ restaurant reservation ” 50 query is selected from the received structured queries based includes steps and instructions for contacting a restaurant on a combination of the corresponding speech recognition and actually requesting a reservation for a particular party confidence scores and the corresponding intent confidence size at a particular time . For example , using a structured scores . In some examples , if task flow processing module query such as : { restaurant reservation , restaurant - ABC 736 encounters an error during processing of the first Café , date = Mar . 12 , 2012 , time = 7 pm , party size = 5 } , task 55 structured query ( e.g. , due to an inability to determine a flow processing module 736 performs the steps of : ( 1 ) necessary parameter ) , the task flow processing module 736 logging onto a server of the ABC Café or a restaurant can proceed to select and process a second structured query reservation system such as OPENTABLE® , ( 2 ) entering the of the received structured queries that corresponds to a lower date , time , and party size information in a form on the ranked actionable intent . The second structured query is website , ( 3 ) submitting the form , and ( 4 ) making a calendar 60 selected , for example , based on the speech recognition entry for the reservation in the user's calendar . confidence score of the corresponding candidate text repre

In some examples , task flow processing module 736 sentation , the intent confidence score of the corresponding employs the assistance of service processing module 738 candidate actionable intent , a missing necessary parameter ( “ service processing module ” ) to complete a task requested in the first structured query , or any combination thereof . in the user input or to provide an informational answer 65 Speech synthesis processing module 740 is configured to requested in the user input . For example , service processing synthesize speech outputs for presentation to the user . module 738 acts on behalf of task flow processing module Speech synthesis processing module 740 synthesizes speech

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outputs based on text provided by the digital assistant . For In operation , at block 805 , the electronic device ( e.g. , user example , the generated dialogue response is in the form of device 104 of FIG . 1 ) receives a natural - language input . In a text string . Speech synthesis processing module 740 con some examples , the electronic device is electronic device verts the text string to an audible speech output . Speech 104 ( FIG . 1 ) . synthesis processing module 740 uses any appropriate 5 The natural - language input can include a speech input or speech synthesis technique in order to generate speech a text input . In some examples , the natural - language input outputs from text , including , but not limited , to concatena includes a request for the electronic device and / or another tive synthesis , unit selection synthesis , diphone synthesis , device , to perform a task . For instance , in the example “ Set domain - specific synthesis , formant synthesis , articulatory temperature to 70 degrees , " the natural language input synthesis , hidden Markov model ( HMM ) based synthesis , 10 includes a request for an electronic device , and optionally , and sinewave synthesis . In some examples , speech synthesis for a digital assistant of the electronic device , to set a desired processing module 740 is configured to synthesize indi temperature for a thermostat . In some examples , the natural vidual words based on phonemic strings corresponding to language input may further specify one or more parameters the words . For example , a phonemic string is associated with for the requested task . “ 70 degrees ” , for instance , may a word in the generated dialogue response . The phonemic 15 specify the desired temperature . In another example , the string is stored in metadata associated with the word . Speech natural - language input “ Call Ross ” , includes a request for synthesis processing module 740 is configured to directly the electronic device to initiate a telephone call and further process the phonemic string in the metadata to synthesize specifies a parameter “ Ross . ” Whether the natural - language the word in speech form . input is directed to calling a contact or calling a business

In some examples , instead of ( or in addition to ) using 20 may be determined by the electronic device , for instance , by speech synthesis processing module 740 , speech synthesis is disambiguating the parameter based on another input and / or performed on a remote device ( e.g. , the server system 108 ) , based on context information of the electronic device . and the synthesized speech is sent to the user device for At block 810 , the electronic device determines an input output to the user . For example , this can occur in some expression pattern based on the natural language input . In implementations where outputs for a digital assistant are 25 some examples , the input expression pattern is the natural generated at a server system . And because server systems language input , or a variation thereof . By way of example , generally have more processing power or resources than a the electronic device may add , remove , or replace one or user device , it is possible to obtain higher quality speech more words of the natural - language input to provide the outputs than would be practical with client - side synthesis . input expression pattern . In some examples , the electronic

Additional details on digital assistants can be found in the 30 device replaces words of the natural language input with U.S. Utility application Ser . No. 12 / 987,982 , entitled “ Intel other words ( e.g. , synonyms of the replaced words , generi ligent Automated Assistant , ” filed Jan. 10 , 2011 , and U.S. cized versions of the replaced words ) . By way of example , , Utility application Ser . No. 13 / 251,088 , entitled “ Generating the electronic device may replace the term “ U.S. ” with and Processing Task Items That Represent Tasks to Per “ U.S.A. ” or United States . In yet another example , the form , ” filed Sep. 30 , 2011 , the entire disclosures of which 35 electronic device may replace the term “ Thursday ” with are incorporated herein by reference . " weekday ” . In some examples , the electronic device 4. Process for Performing Rule - Based Natural Language replaces words of the natural - language input with one or Processing more regex expressions , for instance , to better facilitate FIG . 8 illustrates process 800 for performing rule - based matching , described in further detail below . As an example ,

natural language processing according to various examples . 40 the natural - language input “ Play the Beatles ” may be modi Process 800 is performed , for example , using one or more fied to “ Play the # entity_name ” or “ Play the # artist ” . In electronic devices implementing a digital assistant . In some some examples , the input expression pattern is a pattern of examples , process 800 is performed using a client - server speech , such as a particular syntax structure . By way of system ( e.g. , system 100 ) , and the blocks of process 800 are example , the electronic device , based on the natural - lan divided up in any manner between a server ( e.g. , DA server 45 guage input “ Set temperature to 70 degrees ” , may provide an 106 ) and a client device , such as the user device 104. In other input expression pattern “ Set [ setting ] to ( parameter ] ” , or a examples , the blocks of process 800 are divided between variation thereof . the server and multiple client devices ( e.g. , a mobile phone In some examples , the natural language input corresponds and a smart watch ) . Thus , while portions of process 800 are to a domain . As described , domains include , but are not described herein as being performed by a user device , it will 50 limited to , “ restaurant reservation , ” “ find a movie , ” “ initiate be appreciated that process 800 is not so limited . In process a phone call , ” “ find directions , " " schedule a meeting , " " send 800 , some blocks are , optionally , combined , the order of a message , ” “ provide an answer to a question , " " read a list , " some blocks is , optionally , changed , and some blocks are , “ providing navigation instructions , ” “ provide instructions optionally , omitted . In some examples , additional steps may for a task ” . In some examples , the natural - language input be performed in combination with the process 800 . 55 may correspond to one or more home automation domains

Generally , the process 800 may be implemented to per ( e.g. , " thermostat " , " lighting " ) . Consider , for example , the form rule - based natural language processing , for instance natural - language input “ Raise temperature by 10 degrees . ” using an electronic device . As described in further detail Because the natural - language input includes a request below , in some examples , an electronic device receives a directed to controlling temperature , the natural - language natural - language input and determines an input expression 60 input would correspond to a thermostat domain . The ther pattern based on the natural language input . If the input mostat domain may be a subdomain of a home automation expression pattern is determined to match an expression domain ( e.g. , superdomain ) in some instances . In some pattern of an intent definition , the electronic device selec examples , determining an input expression pattern of the tively identifies an intent associated with the intent defini natural - language input includes determining a domain of the tion . Thereafter , the electronic device may perform a task 65 natural language input . The input expression pattern is , corresponding to the identified intent and , optionally , pro optionally , assigned to the domain of the natural - language vide an output indicating whether the task was performed . input . As will be described in further detail , the domain of


US 10,755,051 B2 43 44

an input expression pattern may be used to identify one or a task handler for execution of the task . A response for the more intent definitions determined to best match the input intent definition for setting a desired temperature includes , expression pattern . for instance , providing a desired temperature value to Once the electronic device has determined an input another device ( e.g. , thermostat ) and / or indicating whether

expression pattern based on the natural - language input , at 5 the temperature setting was successfully set . block 815 , the electronic device determines whether the In some examples , an intent definition includes a precon input expression pattern matches each of a plurality of intent dition field identifying one or more preconditions . Each definitions . In particular , the electronic device determines precondition identified in this manner may indicate a set of whether the input expression pattern matches one or more criteria that must be met ( e.g. , satisfied ) before an input patterns of the intent definitions . 10 expression pattern is matched to one or more patterns of an

Generally , an intent definition is a rule - based object used intent definition . In some examples , if a precondition is not to identify and / or categorize types of natural - language met , the electronic device forgoes matching the intent defi inputs ( e.g. , utterances ) , and optionally , allow for perfor nition associated with the precondition to the input expres mance of tasks associated with the type of natural - language sion pattern . A precondition may , for instance , require that a input . In some examples , an intent definition specifies a 15 previous natural - language input be associated with par pattern to which natural - language inputs and / or input ticular domain or type . expression patterns are compared to determine if a match In some examples , an intent definition includes a validator exists . field identifying one or more values for parameters of the

In some examples , an intent definition includes one or intent definition . The validator may , for instance , specify more fields . As an example , an intent definition includes a 20 that a threshold value or a range of values , for instance . By domain field identifying a domain of the intent definition . In way of example , a validator for an intent definition to set some examples , a domain field specifies multiple domains temperature to a desired value may specify a temperature for an intent definition . In some examples , a domain field range of 50-85 degrees . In response to a user request to set may specify a domain ( e.g. , home automation ) and / or one or temperature to a value outside of the range ( e.g. , “ Set more subdomains included in the domain ( e.g. , thermostat , 25 temperature to 150 degrees ” ) , the validator indicates that the lighting ) . An intent definition for setting a desired tempera input expression pattern is invalid for the intent definition . ture of a thermostat may be included in the domain “ home In some examples , an intent definition includes one or automation , ” or a subdomain of the home automation more slot filling fields . Each slot filling field corresponds to domain , such as " thermostat ” . a parameter that must be determined ( e.g. , assigned a value )

In some examples , an intent definition includes a type 30 before the electronic device can perform a task ( as indicated field identifying a type of intent definition . The type of an by the response field , for instance ) . Typically , parameters for intent definition corresponds , for instance , to a respective slot filling fields are determined by the electronic device , for intent of the domain to which the intent definition belongs . instance , based on co of the electronic device ( e.g. , Accordingly , if , as described below , the electronic device location ) , or are determined based on input provided by a selects an intent definition as a result of a matching process , 35 user , for instance , during a dialog between the user and a the electronic device subsequently performs a task associ digital assistant . In an intent definition for a ride - booking ated with the intent corresponding to the type of the intent application ( e.g. , Lyft , Uber ) , the intent definition includes a definition . An intent definition for setting a desired tempera slot filling field for a pickup location , for instance . ture of a thermostat may be of type “ Set Temperature ” , Generally , in operation , the electronic device matches identifying an intent to set a desired temperature of a 40 ( e.g. , sequentially matches ) the input expression pattern to thermostat . one or more intent definitions . In some examples , when

In some examples , an intent definition includes a pattern matching an input expression pattern to an intent definition , field identifying one or more patterns to which syntax of an the electronic device first evaluates any preconditions speci input expression pattern is compared . In some examples , a fied by the intent definition ( e.g. , as specified by a precon pattern includes regex dialect . Accordingly , in some 45 dition , validator , or slot filling field ) . If one or more pre examples , a pattern includes one or more macros ( e.g. , conditions are not met , the electronic device determines that subpatterns , regex macros ) , named entity expressions ( e.g. , a match does not exist . If all preconditions are met ( or no # entity_name ) , named capture group expressions ( e.g. , preconditions exist ) , the electronic device determines “ $ group_name = " ) , and / or optional expressions ( e.g. , whether the input expression pattern matches one or more “ < $ optional_name = > " ) . Macros used in this manner can 50 patterns of the intent definition ( e.g. , a first pattern and a be located anywhere in the pattern , including within char second pattern of the intent definition ) . This includes , for acter classes , and may be designated , for instance , using a instance , comparing syntax structures of the patterns , for symbol ( e.g. , “ @ ” ) . In some examples , the implementation instance , in accordance with any regex expressions . of named entity expressions is leveraged by way of span In some examples , prior to the electronic device matching matching , described further below . An intent definition for 55 the input expression pattern to intent definitions , the elec setting a desired temperature of a thermostat may , for tronic device selects a subset of intent definitions from a set example , include the following patterns : of intent definitions to match with an input expression

' @set temperature ( $ temperature = [ \\ d \\ . ] + ) ' , pattern . As an example , the electronic device may identify ' make sure temperature is ( Stemperature = [ \\\\ . ] + ) ' which intent definitions of a set of intent definitions share a In some examples , an intent definition includes a response 60 domain ( e.g. , superdomain , subdomain ) with the input

field identifying a task corresponding to the intent of the expression pattern . intent definition and optionally , the manner in which the task In some examples , determining whether a match exists is is to be performed . In some examples , the response field further based on context of the electronic device . For includes one or more executable instructions , that when example , matching may be based on prior natural language executed by the electronic device , cause the electronic 65 inputs provided to the electronic device . Consider , for device to perform the task identified by the response field . In instance , the natural - language input “ Do it again ” . If such an this manner , the electronic device need not provide a task to input were provided after the input “ Raise the temperature



US 10,755,051 B2 45 46

by 5 degrees ” , only intent definitions corresponding to an electronic device may reserve the user a ride to the airport . intent to raise the desired temperature on a thermostat will The type of car for the reservation may be user - specific , for potentially match . instance .

In some examples , determining whether a match exists Thereafter , at block 830 , the electronic device performs includes leveraging span matching . If , for instance , a user 5 the task associated with the selected intent definition ( recall makes a request including a named entity ( e.g. , “ Play the that in some examples a response field indicates a task for Beatles ” ) , the electronic device , optionally , replaces the the electronic device to perform in the event of a match ) . named entity with a generic regex expression , which may After performing the task , at block 835 , the electronic device thereafter be used with matching spans during the matching outputs an output ( e.g. , visual , auditory , and / or tactile out process . In this manner , the characteristics of the named put ) indicating whether the task was performed ( e.g. , entity may be observed during the match , while strict whether the task was performed successfully ) . adherence to specific terms or names is avoided . As described , an intent definition includes , optionally , a

In some examples , the electronic device determines the validator field that indicates a range by which values of degree to which an input expression pattern matches an parameters are determined to be valid or invalid . Generally , expression pattern of an intent definition . In some examples , validation of parameter values is performed at any stage of the degree to which a match exists is determined by the operation . Accordingly , in some examples , parameter values number of characters of the input expression pattern , or a are validated prior to matching an input expression pattern substring thereof , matching a pattern of an intent definition . to patterns of intent definitions . In this manner , the electronic In other examples , the degree to which a match exists is 20 device avoids needlessly comparing the input expression determined by the number of words of the input expression pattern to patterns of intent definitions in which a parameter pattern matching a pattern of an intent definition . value is invalid . In other examples , parameter values are

In accordance with determination that the input expres validated after determining parameter values for a selected sion pattern matches an expression pattern of an intent intent definition . In this manner , the electronic device definition of the plurality of intent definitions ( block 820 ) , at 25 ensures that all values for an intent definition are validated block 825 , the electronic device selects an intent definition prior to execution of a task . In yet other examples , parameter of the plurality of intent definitions having an expression values are determined during multiple stages of operation , pattern matching the input expression pattern . In some including but not limited to prior to matching an input examples , the electronic device selects the first intent defi expression pattern to patterns of intent definitions and after nition determined to match ( e.g. , sufficiently match ) the 30 determining parameter values for a selected intent definition . input expression pattern ( e.g. , resulting in a degree of match that satisfies a predetermined threshold ) . In some examples , In some examples , if a parameter is determined to be invalid ,

the electronic device may forgo matching the pattern of the the electronic device selects an intent definition best match intent definition to the input expression pattern of the ing the input expression pattern . By way of example , the electronic device may assign each intent definition a score 35 natural - language input , determine that the input expression ( or a score for each pattern of the intent definition ) and select pattern does not match the pattern of the intent definition , or the intent definition assigned the highest score . It will be forgo performing a task according to a response of the intent appreciated that other matching methodologies may be definition after determining a match exists between the input implemented as well . expression pattern and the pattern of the intent definition . In

In some examples , once an intent definition has been 40 some examples , in forgoing performing a task associated selected , the electronic device determines whether one or with an intent definition , the electronic device may perform more parameters of the selected intent definition require a an alternative task . By way of example , the electronic device value ( e.g. , parameters required by the intent definition , but may provide an indication to a user specifying that the task not specified by the natural language input ) . In some associated with the intent definition was not performed , for examples , determining values in this manner includes deter- 45 instance , because one or more parameter values were mining whether a parameter requires a value such that a task invalid . associated with the selected intent definition can be per In some examples , the electronic device determines that formed . If a value is required , the electronic device deter no intent definitions match an input expression pattern . In mines ( e.g. , automatically determines ) the value , for response , the electronic device forgoes selecting an intent instance based on context ( e.g. , location , operating state ) of 50 definition and / or performing tasks associated intent defini the electronic device . Additionally or alternatively , the elec tions and , optionally , indicates that no match was found . tronic device requests the value from a user , for instance , by The operations described above with reference to FIG . 8 providing a query to the user . In some examples , the query are optionally implemented by components depicted in includes prompting a user to select from a list of predeter FIGS . 1-4 , 6A - B , and 7A - C . For example , the operations of mined values . In some examples , the query includes a 55 process 800 may be implemented by any device ( or com natural language output , such as a natural - language speech ponent thereof ) described herein , including but not limited output . After providing the query , the electronic device to , devices 104 , 200 , 400 , and 600. It would be clear to a receives from the user an input indicating a value for the person having ordinary skill in the art how other processes parameter and assigns the parameter the value accordingly . are implemented based on the components depicted in FIGS .

In some examples , a default value may be used for 60 1-4 , 6A - B , and 7A - C . parameters requiring a value . By way of example , a user In accordance with some implementations , a computer may request that the electronic device “ Play the Beatles ” , readable storage medium ( e.g. , a non - transitory computer and in response the electronic device may determine a readable storage medium ) is provided , the computer - read default volume for playback of music associated with the able storage medium storing one or more programs for request . In other examples , values are user - specific . By way 65 execution by one or more processors of an electronic device , of example , a user may request that the electronic device the one or more programs including instructions for per “ Reserve me a ride to the airport , ” and in response , the forming any of the methods or processes described herein .

US 10,755,051 B2 47 48

In accordance with some implementations , an electronic steps for safeguarding and securing access to such personal device ( e.g. , a portable electronic device ) is provided that information data and ensuring that others with access to the comprises means for performing any of the methods or personal information data adhere to their privacy policies processes described herein . and procedures . Further , such entities can subject them

In accordance with some implementations , an electronic 5 selves to evaluation by third parties to certify their adher device ( e.g. , a portable electronic device ) is provided that ence to widely accepted privacy policies and practices . comprises a processing unit configured to perform any of the Despite the foregoing , the present disclosure also con methods or processes described herein . templates embodiments in which users selectively block the

In accordance with some implementations , an electronic use of , or access to , personal information data . That is , the device ( e.g. , a portable electronic device ) is provided that 10 present disclosure contemplates that hardware and / or soft comprises one or more processors and memory storing one ware elements can be provided to prevent or block access to or more programs for execution by the one or more proces such personal information data . For example , in the case of sors , the one or more programs including instructions for advertisement delivery services , the present technology can performing any of the methods or processes described be configured to allow users to select to “ opt in ” or “ opt out " herein . 15 of participation in the collection of personal information The foregoing description , for purpose of explanation , has data during registration for services . In another example ,

been described with reference to specific embodiments . users can select not to provide location information for However , the illustrative discussions above are not intended targeted content delivery services . In yet another example , to be exhaustive or to limit the invention to the precise forms users can select to not provide precise location information , disclosed . Many modifications and variations are possible in 20 but permit the transfer of location zone information . view of the above teachings . The embodiments were chosen Therefore , although the present disclosure broadly covers and described in order to best explain the principles of the use of personal information data to implement one or more techniques and their practical applications . Others skilled in various disclosed embodiments , the present disclosure also the art are thereby enabled to best utilize the techniques and contemplates that the various embodiments can also be various embodiments with various modifications as are 25 implemented without the need for accessing such personal suited to the particular use contemplated . information data . That is , the various embodiments of the

Although the disclosure and examples have been fully present technology are not rendered inoperable due to the described with reference to the accompanying drawings , it is lack of all or a portion of such personal information data . For to be noted that various changes and modifications will example , content can be selected and delivered to users by become apparent to those skilled in the art . Such changes 30 inferring preferences based on non - personal information and modifications are to be understood as being included data or a bare minimum amount of personal information , within the scope of the disclosure and examples as defined such as the content being requested by the device associated by the claims . with a user , other non - personal information available the As described above , one aspect of the present technology content delivery services , or publically available informa

is the gathering and use of data available from various 35 tion . sources to improve the delivery to users of invitational What is claimed is : content or any other content that may be of interest to them . 1. An electronic device , comprising : The present disclosure contemplates that in some instances , one or more processors ; this gathered data may include personal information data a memory ; and that uniquely identifies or can be used to contact or locate a 40 one or more programs , wherein the one or more programs specific person . Such personal information data can include are stored in the memory and configured to be executed demographic data , location - based data , telephone numbers , by the one or more processors , the one or more pro email addresses , home addresses , or any other identifying grams including instructions for : information . receiving a natural language input ;

The present disclosure recognizes that the use of such 45 determining , based on the natural language input , an personal information data , in the present technology , can be input expression pattern ; used to the benefit of users . For example , the personal determining whether the input expression pattern information data can be used to deliver targeted content that matches a respective expression pattern of each of a is of greater interest to the user . Accordingly , use of such plurality of intent definitions ; and personal information data enables calculated control of the 50 in accordance with a determination that the input delivered content . Further , other uses for personal informa expression pattern matches an expression pattern of tion data that benefit the user are also contemplated by the an intent definition of the plurality of intent defini present disclosure . tions :

The present disclosure further contemplates that the enti selecting an intent definition of the plurality of intent ties responsible for the collection , analysis , disclosure , trans- 55 definitions having an expression pattern matching fer , storage , or other use of such personal information data the input expression pattern ; will comply with well - established privacy policies and / or performing a task associated with the selected intent privacy practices . In particular , such entities should imple definition ; and ment and consistently use privacy policies and practices that outputting an output indicating whether the task was are generally recognized as meeting or exceeding industry or 60 performed . governmental requirements for maintaining personal infor 2. The electronic device of claim 1 , wherein the one or mation data private and secure . For example , personal more programs further include instructions for : information from users should be collected for legitimate in accordance with a determination that the input expres and reasonable uses of the entity and not shared or sold sion pattern does not match an expression pattern of an outside of those legitimate uses . Further , such collection 65 intent definition of the plurality of intent definitions , should occur only after receiving the informed consent of forgoing selecting an intent definition of the plurality of the users . Additionally , such entities would take any needed intent definitions .


US 10,755,051 B2 49 50

3. The electronic device of claim 1 , wherein determining determining whether a parameter of the selected intent whether the input expression pattern matches a respective definition of the plurality of intent definitions is within expression pattern of each of a plurality of intent definitions a predetermined range , comprises : wherein performing a task associated with the selected

determining , based on context of the electronic device , 5 intent definition comprises : whether the input expression pattern matches a respec in accordance with a determination that the parameter tive expression pattern of each of a plurality of intent of the selected intent definition is within the prede definitions . termined range , performing a first task ; and

4. The electronic device of claim 1 , wherein determining in accordance with a determination that the parameter whether the input expression pattern matches a respective of the selected intent definition is not within the expression pattern of each of a plurality of intent definitions predetermined range , performing a second task dif comprises : ferent than the first task .

determining ; for at least one intent definition of the 12. The electronic device of claim 1 , wherein determin plurality of intent definitions , whether precondition 15 ing , based on the natural - language input , an input expression criteria has been met . pattern comprises :

5. The electronic device of claim 1 , wherein determining , determining a domain of the natural language input . based on the natural - language input , an input expression 13. The electronic device of claim 1 , wherein determining pattern comprises : whether the input expression pattern matches a respective

identifying an entity of the natural language input ; and 20 expression pattern of each of a plurality of intent definitions replacing the entity of the natural - language input with a comprises :

span , determining whether the input expression pattern matches wherein determining whether the input expression pattern a first respective expression pattern of each of a plu

matches a respective expression pattern of each of a rality of intent definitions ; and plurality of intent definitions includes determining 25 determining whether the input expression pattern matches whether the span matches a span of at least one intent a second respective expression pattern of each of a definition of the plurality of intent definitions . plurality of intent definitions .

6. The electronic device of claim 1 , wherein selecting an 14. A non - transitory computer - readable storage medium intent definition of the plurality of intent definitions having storing one or more programs , the one or more programs an expression pattern matching the input expression pattern 30 comprising instructions , which when executed by one or comprises : more processors of an electronic device , cause the electronic

selecting a first intent definition of the plurality of intent device to : definitions determined have an expression pattern receive a natural - language input ; matching the input expression pattern . determine , based on the natural - language input , an input

7. The electronic device of claim 1 , wherein selecting an 35 expression pattern ; intent definition of the plurality of intent definitions having determine whether the input expression pattern matches a an expression pattern matching the input expression pattern respective expression pattern of each of a plurality of comprises : intent definitions ; and

determining a matching score for each intent definition in accordance with a determination that the input expres having an expression pattern matching the input 40 sion pattern matches an expression pattern of an intent expression pattern ; and definition of the plurality of intent definitions :

selecting the intent definition associated with a highest select an intent definition of the plurality of intent matching score . definitions having an expression pattern matching

8. The electronic device of claim 1 , wherein the one or the input expression pattern ; more programs further include instructions for : perform a task associated with the selected intent

determining whether a parameter of the selected intent definition ; and definition requires a value ; output an output indicating whether the task was per

in accordance with a determination that a parameter of the formed . selected intent definition requires a value : 15. A method , comprising : prior to performing a task associated with the selected 50 at an electronic device with one or more processors :

intent definition , determining a value for the param receiving a natural - language input ; eter . determining , based on the natural language input , an

9. The electronic device of claim 8 , wherein determining input expression pattern ; a value for the parameter comprises : determining whether the input expression pattern

outputting a request for a value for the parameter ; matches a respective expression pattern of each of a receiving an input indicative of a parameter value ; and plurality of intent definitions ; and assigning the parameter the parameter value . in accordance with a determination that the input 10. The electronic device of claim 8 , wherein determining expression pattern matches an expression pattern of

a value for the parameter comprises : an intent definition of the plurality of intent defini in response to determining that the parameter of the 60 tions :

selected intent definition requires a value , automati selecting an intent definition of the plurality of intent cally assigning the parameter a value . definitions having an expression pattern matching

11. The electronic device of claim 1 , wherein the one or the input expression pattern ; more programs further include instructions for : performing a task associated with the selected intent

further in accordance with a determination that the input 65 definition ; and expression pattern matches an expression pattern of an outputting an output indicating whether the task was intent definition of the plurality of intent definitions , performed .






US 10,755,051 B2 51 52

16. The non - transitory computer - readable storage 24. The non - transitory computer - readable storage medium of claim 14 , wherein the one or more programs medium of claim 22 , wherein determining a value for the further include instructions for : parameter comprises :

in accordance with a determination that the input expres in response to determining that the parameter of the sion pattern does not match an expression pattern of an selected intent definition requires a value , automati intent definition of the plurality of intent definitions , cally assigning the parameter a value . forgoing selecting an intent definition of the plurality of The non - transitory computer - readable storage intent definitions . medium of claim 14 , wherein the one or more programs

17. The non - transitory computer - readable storage further include instructions for : medium of claim 14 , wherein determining whether the input 10 further in accordance with a determination that the input expression pattern matches a respective expression pattern expression pattern matches an expression pattern of an of each of a plurality of intent definitions comprises : intent definition of the plurality of intent definitions ,

determining , based on context of the electronic device , determining whether a parameter of the selected intent whether the input expression pattern matches a respec definition of the plurality of intent definitions is within tive expression pattern of each of a plurality of intent 15 a predetermined range , definitions . wherein performing a task associated with the selected

18. The non - transitory computer - readable storage intent definition comprises : medium of claim 14 , wherein determining whether the input in accordance with a determination that the parameter expression pattern matches a respective expression pattern of the selected intent definition is within the prede of each of a plurality of intent definitions comprises : termined range , performing a first task ; and

determining , for at least one intent definition of the in accordance with a determination that the parameter plurality of intent definitions , whether precondition of the selected intent definition is not within the criteria has been met . predetermined range , performing a second task dif

19. The non - transitory computer - readable storage ferent than the first task . medium of claim 14 , wherein determining , based on the 25 26. The non - transitory computer - readable storage natural - language input , an input expression pattern com medium of claim 14 , wherein determining , based on the prises : natural - language input , an input expression pattern com

identifying an entity of the natural language input ; and prises : replacing the entity of the natural - language input with a determining a domain of the natural - language input .

span , 27. The non - transitory computer - readable storage wherein determining whether the input expression pattern medium of claim 14 , wherein determining whether the input

matches a respective expression pattern of each of a expression pattern matches a respective expression pattern plurality of intent definitions includes determining of each of a plurality of intent definitions comprises : whether the span matches a span of at least one intent determining whether the input expression pattern matches definition of the plurality of intent definitions . a first respective expression pattern of each of a plu

20. The non - transitory computer - readable storage rality of intent definitions ; and medium of claim 14 , wherein selecting an intent definition determining whether the input expression pattern matches of the plurality of intent definitions having an expression a second respective expression pattern of each of a pattern matching the input expression pattern comprises : plurality of intent definitions .

selecting a first intent definition of the plurality of intent 40 28. The method of claim 15 , further comprising : definitions determined to have an expression pattern in accordance with a determination that the input expres matching the input expression pattern . sion pattern does not match an expression pattern of an

21. The non - transitory computer - readable storage intent definition of the plurality of intent definitions , medium of claim 14 , wherein selecting an intent definition forgoing selecting an intent definition of the plurality of of the plurality of intent definitions having an expression 45 intent definitions . pattern matching the input expression pattern comprises : 29. The method of claim 15 , wherein determining whether

determining a matching score for each intent definition the input expression pattern matches a respective expression having an expression pattern matching the input pattern of each of a plurality of intent definitions comprises : expression pattern ; and determining , based on context of the electronic device ,

selecting the intent definition associated with a highest 50 whether the input expression pattern matches a respec matching score . tive expression pattern of each of a plurality of intent

The non - transitory computer - readable storage definitions . medium of claim 14 , wherein the one or more programs 30. The method of claim 15 , wherein determining whether further include instructions for : the input expression pattern matches a respective expression

determining whether a parameter of the selected intent 55 pattern of each of a plurality of intent definitions comprises : definition requires a value ; determining , for at least one intent definition of the

in accordance with a determination that a parameter of the plurality of intent definitions , whether precondition selected intent definition requires a value : criteria has been met . prior to performing a task associated with the selected 31. The method of claim 15 , wherein determining , based

intent definition , determining a value for the param- 60 on the natural - language input , an input expression pattern eter . comprises :

23. The non - transitory computer - readable storage identifying an entity of the natural - language input ; and medium of claim 22 , wherein determining a value for the replacing the entity of the natural - language input with a parameter comprises : span ,

outputting a request for a value for the parameter ; wherein determining whether the input expression pattern receiving an input indicative of a parameter value ; and matches a respective expression pattern of each of a assigning the parameter the parameter value . plurality of intent definitions includes determining






US 10,755,051 B2 53 54

whether the span matches a span of at least one intent in response to determining that the parameter of the definition of the plurality of intent definitions . selected intent definition requires a value , automati

32. The method of claim 15 , wherein selecting an intent cally assigning the parameter a value . definition of the plurality of intent definitions having an 37. The method of claim 15 , further comprising : expression pattern matching the input expression pattern further in accordance with a determination that the input comprises : expression pattern matches an expression pattern of an

selecting a first intent definition of the plurality of intent intent definition of the plurality of intent definitions , definitions determined to have an expression pattern determining whether a parameter of the selected intent matching the input expression pattern . definition of the plurality of intent definitions is within

33. The method of claim 15 , wherein selecting an intent a predetermined range , definition of the plurality of intent definitions having an wherein performing a task associated with the selected

intent definition comprises : expression pattern matching the input expression pattern in accordance with a determination that the parameter comprises : determining a matching score for each intent definition of the selected intent definition is within the prede

having an expression pattern matching the input termined range , performing a first task ; and in accordance with a determination that the parameter expression pattern ; and

of the selected intent definition is not within the selecting the intent definition associated with a highest matching score . predetermined range , performing a second task dif

ferent than the first task . 34. The method of claim 15 , further comprising : determining whether a parameter of the selected intent 38. The method of claim 15 , wherein determining , based

definition requires a value ; on the natural - language input , an input expression pattern in accordance with a determination that a parameter of the comprises :

selected intent definition requires a value : determining a domain of the natural language input . prior to performing a task associated with the selected 39. The method of claim 15 , wherein determining whether

intent definition , determining a value for the 25 the input expression pattern matches a respective expression param pattern of each of a plurality of intent definitions comprises : eter . 35. The method of claim 34 , wherein determining a value determining whether the input expression pattern matches

for the parameter comprises : a first respective expression pattern of each of a plu outputting a request for a value for the parameter ; rality of intent definitions ; and receiving an input indicative of a parameter value ; and determining whether the input expression pattern matches

a second respective expression pattern of each of a assigning the parameter the parameter value . 36. The method of claim 34 , wherein determining a value plurality of intent definitions .

for the parameter comprises :



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