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SMA XAVERIUS 1 PALEMBANGAlamat : Jalan Bangau 60/1258, Telp. 358005, 368630, Palembang




1. Isikan identitas Anda ke dalam Lembar Jawaban Komputer (LJK) yang tersedia dengan menggunakan pensil 2B, sesuai petunjuk di Lembar Jawaban Komputer (LJK).

2. Tersedia waktu 120 menit untuk mengerjakan paket tes tersebut.3. Jumlah soal sebanyak 50 butir, pada setiap butir soal terdapat 4 (empat) dan 5 (lima) pilihan

jawaban.4. Periksa dan bacalah soal-soal sebelum Anda menjawabnya.5. Laporkan kepada pengawas ujian apabila terdapat lembar soal yang kurang jelas, rusak,

atau tidak lengkap.6. Mintalah kertas buram kepada pengawas ujian, bila diperlukan.7. Tidak diizinkan menggunakan kalkulator, HP, tabel matematika atau alat bantu hitung

lainnya.8. Periksalah pekerjaan Anda sebelum diserahkan kepada pengawas ujian.9. Lembar soal tidak boleh dicoret-coret, difotokopi, atau digandakan.

Listening SectionIn this section of the test, you will have the chance to show how well you understand spoken English. There are 2 parts to this section, with special directions for each part.

Part IQuestion 1 to 9Directions:In this part of the test, you will hear some dialogues or questions spoken in English. The dialogues or questions will be spoken two times. They will not be printed in your test book, so you must listen carefully to understand what the speakers say.

After you hear a dialogue and the question about it, read the four possible answers and decide which one would be the best answer to the question you have heard. Now listen to a sample question.

Diperdengarkan:Man : What about exercising tomorrow morning?Woman : All right. Pick me up at six.

Pertanyaan diperdengarkan :Narrator : What will the man do?Ditulis di lembar Soal siswa : Sample answer



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a. Come to her house.b. Give an exercise book to her.c. Leave the woman alone.d. Greet the woman.

1. a. The test consisted of one page.b. The exam was difficult for the woman.c. The woman found the exam easy.d. The woman completed the exam in one hour.

2. a. Buy a new light.b. Get new shoes.c. Eat a pear.d. Paint her walls blue.

3. a. 16.b. 15.c. 32.d. 33.

4. a. Her guests don’t like punch.b. The man left two gallons of punch.c. She has too many gallons of punch.d. She will run of punch.

5. a. They are faded.b. They are dirty.c. They are dyed.d. They are blue.

6. a. She imagined the hotel exactly.b. She agreed with the man.c. She’s been in worse hotels.d. She had other expectations.

7. a. Traffic on the bridge.b. Ice on the bridge.c. Ice on the ridge.d. Slow pace.

8. a. Four.b. Two.c. Five.d. Six.

9. a. He goes to college.b. He works for his father.c. He takes another test.d. He chooses another school.

10. a. Write the letter.b. Paint the shelves.c. Fix a shelf.d. Search for a pen.

11. a. The audience wants refunds.BAHASA INGGRIS UJI COBA III UJIAN NASIONAL 2006-2007

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b. The actors are sick.c. The electricity won’t work.d. The stage crew is on strike.

12. a. This evening.b. Next Tuesday.c. Tomorrow morning.d. Next week.

13. a. U.N. delegates.b. Earthquakes in the United States.c. A committee to study earthquakes.d. Experts on earthquakes.

14. a. The status of scientists.b. Government committees.c. Building methods.d. International experts.

15. a. 30 percent.b. 70 percent.c. 100 percent.d. 50 percent.

This is the end of the listening section

Reading Section

Text 1One evening last week, my wife and I were sitting quietly at home. Suddenly we heard a loud bang.

I supposed that the old lady in the flat above ours was moving the furniture about. My wife was afraid that the noise would wake the baby. She turned down the TV and a moment later we heard someone calling for help.

I ran upstairs. The old lady’s door was shut but I could see smoke coming through the letterbox and under the door and smell something burning. “Ring the fire brigade,” I shouted down to my wife.

I banged on the door but the old lady took a long time to answer. I was turning over in my mind the idea of breaking the door down when she finally appeared.

“I was having a bath,” she said, “when the water heater in the kitchen blew up, and I was getting dressed when you knocked.”

I took her down to our flat. Smoke was pouring out of the kitchen and the heather was in the flames. Just then I heard a fire engine arriving outside and the heavy footsteps of the firemen on the stairs. “It’s in here, “I shouted, “You turned up promptly, I must say.”

When I got back to our flat, my wife was making the old lady a cup of tea. Soon afterwards, the fire chief came in to ask a question. It turned out that the fire was not very serious and the firemen were already putting it out. When they left, my wife went up with the old lady to help her clean up the mess.

When she returned, my wife remarked: “It’s all right now. Nothing wad damaged except the water heater. But wasn’t it lucky that the baby slept through the noise?”

She took the teacups into the kitchen and I heard the scream and the cups crashed to the floor. When I got there, the water dripping from the ceiling and forming a pool on the floor. The baby woke up at last and began to cry.


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16. What type of text is used by the writer?a. Spoof.b. Recount.c. Description.d. Exposition.e. Narrative.

17. What is the story about?a. A disastrous accident.b. A confused old lady.c. A fire brigade in action.d. A small accident in the kitchen.e. A surprising event in the evening.

18. The writer suspected that something was wrong when ….a. There was a loud noise.b. Furniture was being moved about.c. His wife was afraid of the noise.d. The smoke was going through the letter box.f. There was a cry for help.

19. Which of the following statements is TRUE?a. The old lady hurried to the door when the writer knocked loudly.b. There was great damage on the flat after the fire.c. The noise in the old lady’s flat didn’t disturb the baby.d. The writer kicked the door open to save the old lady’s life.e. The old lady immediately called the fire brigade.

20. After reading the story, we know that ….a. The fire cause a leak in the ceiling of the writer’s kitchen.b. The old lady was good at cleaning her house.c. The baby was startled by the sound of the fire engine.d. The old lady always enjoyed drinking tea with the writer’s wife.e. The fire occurred because the old lady had been careless,

Text 2

CASABLANCA, September 24 - A flash flood swept across the coastal plain about 100 miles southwest of here, killing scores of villagers in a market place yesterday morning.

Reports from the area said 75 bodies had been counted, and dozens of people were missing.The flood followed heavy rains which filled the coastal plain’s dry creek beds to overflowing. The

flood crest, several feet high, hit the village of Khemis Nagua at mid-morning yesterday as farmers from the surrounding area joined townsfolk in an open market place.

The roaring waters swept the village’s flimpsy dwelling places, the market sheds, shoppers, cattle and farm implements for miles across the unobstructed plain.

The flood was over almost as soon as it started, the report said, as the crest swept out to sea. Rescue workers quickly moved into the area from Safi, about 25 miles further south. – UPI.

21. The type of the text above is a/an ….a. Argument.b. News itemc. Spoof.d. Exposition.e. Anecdote.

22. When did the flood happen?BAHASA INGGRIS UJI COBA III UJIAN NASIONAL 2006-2007

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a. On the morning of Sept. 24.b. In the afternoon of Sept. 24.c. In the afternoon of Sept. 23.d. On the morning of Sept. 23.e. The passage doesn’t provide the answer.

23. In which country is the village which was flooded?a. In Khemis Nagua.b. In Casablanca.c. In Marocco.d. In Safi.e. In Algeria.

24. What happened to the creek beds?a. They were flooded.b. They were swept for miles.c. They were ruined by the flood waters.d. They were probably swept out of the flimsy houses.e. They were full of cattle and farm implements.

25. What happened to the crest water eventually?a. It went down the drains.b. It was evaporated by the sun.c. It soaked into the ground.d. It went into the creek beds.e. It went into the sea.

Text 3

Whales are the largest animals on earth. Bigger than elephants, they may grow 95 feet long, and weigh 150 tons. A baby blue whale, just born, can be 23 feet long and weighs 3 tons.

Although whales live in the oceans and swim like fish, they are not fish. They are mammals, like cows and elephants. Unlike fish they bear young alive, not as eggs. Their babies live on their mother’s milk. They breathe through their lings and hold their breath when they go under water. If they cannot come to the surface to breathe fresh air, they will drown. They are warm-blooded. Fish, however, lay aggs, breathe oxygen in the water, and are cold-blooded.

Whales lives in the oceans. In the winter some of them go to warm waters to breed and in the summer most of them go to cold waters to feed. There are two kinds of whales, whales with teeth (toothed whales) and whales without teeth (baleen whales). The toothed whales eat fish and squid, which they can catch with their teeth, although they swallow their food without chewing it. The baleen whales eat plankton (small sea animals and plants). When they find plankton, they open their mouths and swim into plankton. When they close their mouths, they squeeze out the water and swallow the plankton.

Whales have few enemies. Only human beings and the killer whales. And whales do not seem to fight among themselves. They usually live from 20 to 30 years.

26. What type of text is used by the writer?a. Report.b. Exposition.c. Recount.d. Argumentation.e. Narrative.

27. The difference between whales and fish is that whales ….BAHASA INGGRIS UJI COBA III UJIAN NASIONAL 2006-2007

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a. Do not have to come to the surface to get fresh air.b. Will die if they cannot get oxygen in the water.c. Deliver their young like elephants do.d. Are mammals that are cold-blooded.e. Can easily breathe when they are under water.

28. Which of the following is TRUE about whales? a. Whales are generally 95 feet long and weigh 150 tons.b. A new-born baby whale may weigh one-fiftieth of its mother.c. Big animals living in the oceans tend to be their enemies.d. Like fish, whales can live in all kinds of waters.e. Their life-span is usually longer than human beings.

29. Whales occasionally go to warm waters ….a. To get more food.b. To avoid winter.c. To get fresh air.d. For reproduction.e. To feed their babies.

30. From the text we can conclude that ….a. A whale can eat both squid and plankton.b. Toothed whales chew their food before swallowing it.c. The two types of whales live in different waters.d. Ballen whales swallow the water containing plankton.e. Each type of whale eats a specific kind of food.

Text 4

As the cost of gas and oil for home heating has gone up, many Americans have switched from these fuels to wood for heating their homes. In 1973, approximately 200,000 wood-burning stoves, intended for home use, were sold in the United States; 1979, this figure had reached one million; and by the end of 1981, there was as many as seven million home-owned wood-burning units in operation in the U.S.

In addition to low fuel bills, many people choose these stoves because their initial cost is very low (the prices range from $50 kits to $5,000 to-of-the-line models), and because new technology has made wood fires more efficient, cleaner, and, therefore, safer than ever before.

One new technological feature of this type is the catalytic combustor which adds about $100 to $200 to the cost of the stove, but which causes much more complete combustion and produces more heat.

A second cost-saving innovation is a device which agitates the wood, increasing the amount of oxygen that reaches the centre of the wood pile, and leading to more efficient combustion. The real advantage of this device is that it allows the owner to make use of cheap sources of wood such as dirty woods chips (an industrial by-product) that have almost no commercial value, cost as little as $20 a ton, and burn very inefficiently in furnaces without an agitator.

31. According to the passage, the number of wood-burning stoves sold for home use ….a. Went up five-fold over a six-year period.b. Rose to seven million during seventies.c. Multiplied thirty five times between 1973 and the beginning of 1981.d. Increased by 6,800,000 over an eight-year period.e. Weakened during the end of the seventies.


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32. According to the author, which of the following is not a factor in the recent increase in popularity of wood-burning stoves?a. Their greater cleanness than in the old days.b. The high cost of alternative heating fuels.c. The wide range of prices.d. The relatively cheap cost of their energy source.e. The invention of cost-saving innovation.

33. Which of the following is an example of an innovation in wood-burning stoves?a. Dirty wood chips.b. The catalytic combustor.c. $5,000 to-of-the line models.d. Industrial by products.e. Oxygen agitator.

34. Which of the following is not TRUE?a. Wood-burning stoves are safer and more efficient than they used to be.b. No factories exist for the purpose of producing dirty wood chips.c. Both catalytic combustor and wood agitator save money in the long run.d. Wood-burning stoves with catalytic combustors cost between $100 and $200.e. A ton of dirty wood chips cost about $20.

35. From the text we may conclude that ….a. Many Americans have switched from hydrocarbon-based fuels to wood because the price of

the latter has risen.b. Catalytic combustors increase the amount of pollution caused by wood-burning stoves.c. Agitators are a cheaper addition to wood-burning stoves than catalytic combustors.d. The need for stoves exploded more in 1973 than any period of time.

Text 5

By Javanese standards the Musi river is both very broad as well as long, comparable to those found on the big island of Kalimantan, formerly Borneo. The river flows right through the city, cutting it in two halves called the Ulu bank and the Ilir bank and linked by a bridge of considerable size and length, called the Ampera Bridge. If visitors do not care to make an interesting or unique boat trip down the river, they could still take a walk halfway over the bridge to see the vast panorama surrounding them, rare at any other place in Indonesia. Down below they will see unbelievable traffic of boats, big and small, crisscrossing water lines without accidents as if steered by the most able navigators. From the same spot both halves of the city are clearly visible as well. And if the time is right, sunrises and sunsets as witnessed from the bridge would be an unforgettable sight of beauty. Worthwhile noticing are the floating restaurants and shops on both sides of the river, and other curious scenes of daily habits of the city's inhabitants.

An annual event is the Bidar Race, held on or around Independence Day, each 17th of August. Measurements of the competing boats are 24 1/2 m long and only 0.75 m wide, each boat carrying as many as 50 oarsmen.

36. What is the purpose of the text?a. To tell the reader about the history of Musi river.b. To describe the Ampera bridge.c. To give the readers the description of Musi river.d. To tell the legend of Musi river.e. To compare between rivers in Sumatra and rivers in Kalimantan.


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37. How is Musi river described?a. It is long and broad.b. It is narrow and long.c. It is wide and short.d. It is shallow and broad.e. It is deep and narrow.

38. “…the Ulu bank and the Ilir bank and linked by a bridge of considerable size and length, called the Ampera Bridge.”

The underlined word could be replaced by the word … .a. Separatedb. Connectedc. Comparedd. Cute. Spread

39. The condition when we are about to see the sun is … .a. Sunsetb. Sunrisec. Sunlightd. Sunspote. Sunray

40. “Worthwhile noticing are the floating restaurants and shops…”It could be concluded that the restaurants and shops are… .

a. Near the riverb. Far away from the riverc. On the bridge . d. On the river.e. Sunk into the river.

Text 6

A man was mending a street lamp when he saw a pretty young woman and three children get into a car which was in the garden of a house near him. He saw that the car had a flat tyre and tried to warn the woman, but it was to late – she was already driving the car out of the garden and into the busy street. When she had got there, she stopped the car at the side of the street, got out and looked at the flat tyre. The children stayed in the car. Very soon another car stopped, and the driver offered to help her. The young woman accepted his offer, and the man changed the tyre for her.

When she had thanked him, and he had gone, she drove the car back into the garden, got out with the children and went back to her work in the house – with clean hands.

41. The type of the text above is a/an ….a. Spoof.b. Anecdote.c. Narrative.d. Argument.e. Description.

42. Why did the man want to warn the young woman?a. She didn’t know that her car had a flat tyre.b. The car wouldn’t run when the tyre was flat. c. He thought that the woman didn’t know that the tyre of her car was flat.d. Something wrong would happen if she drove away with a flat tyre.e. The woman would have an accident by driving her car which had a flat tyre.


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43. Why did the woman stop her car at the side of the street?a. Her car could not run.b. To see what was wrong with her car.c. She was sorry that she had a flat tyre.d. To change her flat tyre by herself.e. To get some help to change her flat tyre.

44. After reading the text, we can conclude that ….a. The young woman was careless.b. The young woman was clever.c. The man was sorry that she didn’t care about his warning.d. The young woman was foolish that she didn’t listen to the man’s warning.e. The young lady didn’t hear what the man said.

45. “A man was mending a street lamp…” The underlined word means ….a. Preparing.b. Checking.c. Installing.d. Repairing.e. Turning on.

Text 7

A potato farmer was sent to prison just at the time when he should have been digging the ground for planting the new crop of potatoes. He knew that his wife would not be strong enough to do the digging by herself, but she could manage to do the planting; and he also knew that he did not have any friends or neighbours who would be willing to do the digging for him. So he wrote a letter to his wife which said, ‘Please do not dig the potato field. I hid the money and the gun there.’

Ten days later he got a letter from his wife. It said, ‘I think somebody is reading your letters before they got out of the prison. Some policemen arrived here two days ago and dug up the whole potato field. What shall I do now?’

The prisoner wrote back at once, ‘Plant the potatoes, of course.’

46. Why was the potato farmer sent to the prison?a. He killed a policeman.b. He didn’t want to work hard.c. The passage doesn’t tell it.d. He had stolen a gun and some money.e. He wanted his wife to dig the field.

47. It was a very bad time for the farmer to go to prison because ….a. It was planting time.b. His wife couldn’t do the planting.c. His neighbours didn’t like him.d. His wife was alone at home.e. It was harvest time.

48. Which of the following is TRUE?a. The policeman came to the field ten days after the farmer wrote his letter.b. Although the potato farmer was in prison, his field was ready for planting.c. The policemen succeeded in finding the hidden money and gun.d. Though the farmer’s wife was not strong, she was able to dig the field.e. The policemen were willing to help the farmer to dig the field.


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49. The potato farmer wrote the letter ….a. To ask his wife not to tell anybody where he hid the money and the gun.b. To tell his wife to show the policemen where he hid the money and the gun.c. To admit that he had stolen the money and the gun.d. To share his secret with his wife.e. To get his field dug up by the policeman.

50. What do you think about the potato farmer?a. He was foolish to tell his secret in his letter.b. He was a good husband because he didn’t want his wife to dig the field.c. He was so good that he could make the policemen dig his field.d. He was clever to get his field dug up.e. He was hated by all of his neighbours.

This is the end of the reading section