Download - Textos Paralelos Ing-Esp_Franz Kafka

  • 8/10/2019 Textos Paralelos Ing-Esp_Franz Kafka


    Ante la ley por Franz Kafka Before the law by Franz Kafka Ante la ley hay un guardin. Un campesino se presenta frente a esteguardin, y solicita que le permita entrar en la Ley. Pero el guardincontesta que por ahora no puede dejarlo entrar. El hombre reflexiona ypregunta si ms tarde lo dejarn entrar.

    Before the law there is a guardian. A peasant presents himself in frontof this guardian, and requests that he permit him to enter into the Law.But the guardian answers that for the moment, he can not allow him toenter. The man reflects and ask if later he will be allowed to enter.

    -Tal vez -dice el centinela- pero no por ahora. -Perhaps - the sentry says - but not for the time being..La puerta que da a la Ley est abierta, como de costumbre; cuando elguardin se hace a un lado, el hombre se inclina para espiar. Elguardin lo ve, se sonre y le dice:

    The door that opens into the Law is open, as usual; When the guardianmoves aside, the man leans over to spy. The guardian sees it, hesmiles and tells him:

    -Si tu deseo es tan grande haz la prueba de entrar a pesar de miprohibicin. Pero recuerda que soy poderoso. Y slo soy el ltimo delos guardianes. Entre saln y saln tambin hay guardianes, cada unoms poderoso que el otro. Ya el tercer guardin es tan terrible que nopuedo mirarlo siquiera.

    - If your desire is so great that you try to enter in spite of my prohibition.But remember I am powerful. And I am only the most remote of theguardians. Between rooms there are also guardians, each one morepowerful than the other. Right now the third guardian is so terrible that Ican not even look at him.

    El campesino no haba previsto estas dificultades; la Ley debera sersiempre accesible para todos, piensa, pero al fijarse en el guardin, consu abrigo de pieles, su nariz grande y aguilea, su barba negra detrtaro, rala y negra, decide que le conviene ms esperar. El guardinle da un escabel y le permite sentarse a un costado de la puerta.

    The peasant had not foreseen these difficulties; the Law should alwaysbe accessible for all, he thinks, but when noticing the guardian, with hiscoat of skins, his big aquiline nose, his beard black as Tartar, thin andblack, he decides that there is need to wait while he lives.. The guardiangives him a stool and allows him to sit down at the side of the door.

    All espera das y aos. Intenta infinitas veces entrar y fatiga al guardincon sus splicas. Con frecuencia el guardin conversa brevemente conl, le hace preguntas sobre su pas y sobre muchas otras cosas; peroson preguntas indiferentes, como las de los grandes seores, y,finalmente siempre le repite que no puede dejarlo entrar. El hombre,que se ha provisto de muchas cosas para el viaje, sacrifica todo, porvalioso que sea, para sobornar al guardin. Este acepta todo, enefecto, pero le dice:

    There he waits for days and years. He attempts infinite times enteringand he fatigues the guardian with his pleas. Frequently the guardianchats briefly with him, he has questions on his country and on manyother things; But they are indifferent questions, like those of importantgentlemen, and finally he always repeats that he can not allow him toenter. The man, that has provided many things for the journey,sacrifices everything that is of value to bribe the guardian. He acceptseverything indeed, but he tells him :

    -Lo acepto para que no creas que has omitido ningn esfuerzo. - I accept it so you do not believe that you have omitted any effort.Durante esos largos aos, el hombre observa casi continuamente alguardin: se olvida de los otros y le parece que ste es el nicoobstculo que lo separa de la Ley. Maldice su mala suerte, durante losprimeros aos audazmente y en voz alta; ms tarde, a medida queenvejece, slo murmura para s. Retorna a la infancia, y como en sucuidadosa y larga contemplacin del guardin ha llegado a conocerhasta las pulgas de su cuello de piel, tambin suplica a las pulgas quelo ayuden y convenzan al guardin. Finalmente, su vista se debilita, yya no sabe si realmente hay menos luz, o si slo lo engaan sus ojos.Pero en medio de la oscuridad distingue un resplandor, que surgeinextinguible de la puerta de la Ley. Ya le queda poco tiempo de vida.

    Antes de morir, todas las experiencias de esos largos aos seconfunden en su mente en una sola pregunta, que hasta ahora no haformulado. Hace seas al guardin para que se acerque, ya que el rigorde la muerte comienza a endurecer su cuerpo. El guardin se veobligado a agacharse mucho para hablar con l, porque la disparidadde estaturas entre ambos ha aumentado bastante con el tiempo, paradesmedro del campesino.

    During those long years, the man observes the guardian almostcontinuously: He forgets about the others and he thinks that this is theonly obstacle that separates him from the Law. He curses his bad luck,during the first years audaciously and aloud; Later, as he ages, he onlymurmurs to himself. He returns to childhood, and in his careful and longcontemplation of the guardian, he has gotten to know to the fleas of theskin of his neck, also he begs to the fleas that they help him andconvince the guardian. Finally his sight weakens, and he no longerknows if there is really less light, or if only his eyes are deceived. But hedistinguishes a brilliance in between darkness that arisesinextinguishable from the door of the Law. He already has a short timeto live.. Before death, all experiences of those many years melt into oneanother in his mind in a single question, that until now he has notformulated . He motions to the guardian in order that he approach, sincethe rigor of death begins to harden his body. The guardian is compelledto bend down very much to talk with him, because the disparity ofstatures between both has increased a lot in the course of time,because of the peasant's impairment.

    -Qu quieres saber ahora? -pregunta el guardin-. Eres insaciable. - What do you want to know now? - asks the guardian. You areinsatiable.

    -Todos se esfuerzan por llegar a la Ley -dice el hombre-; cmo esposible entonces que durante tantos aos nadie ms que yopretendiera entrar?

    -All make an effort to arrive to the Law - the man says -; How is hepossible then than during so many years nobody more than I attemptedto enter?

    El guardin comprende que el hombre est por morir, y para que susdesfallecientes sentidos perciban sus palabras, le dice junto al odo convoz atronadora:

    The guardian understands that the man is to die, and so that his faintingsenses perceive his words, he tells him next to his hearing with adeafening voice::

    -Nadie poda pretenderlo porque esta entrada era solamente para ti. Ahora voy a cerrarla.

    - Nobody could attempt it because this entrance was only for you. Now Iam going to close it.

    Acerque: bring near

    Centinela: sentryEngaan: they deceive Abrigo: coat Agacharse: to bend over Atronadora: deafening Audazmente: boldlyCampesino: peasantCasi: almostCerrarla: to close itComienza: it beginsContemplacin: viewConvenzan: convinceConviene: it suits

    Cosas: sew

    Costumbre: habitCreas: believe Debera: it wouldshouldDebilita: it weakensDejarlo: to leave itDejarn: they will leaveDeseo: desireDesfallecientes: faintingDistingue: it distinguishesEfecto: effectEndurecer: to hardenEngaan: they deceiveEntre: among

    Envejece: he/she ages

    Escabel: FootstoolEsfuerzan: they make aneffortEsfuerzo: effortEsos: thoseEspiar: to spy Fijarse: tonoticeFrente: frontInclina: he/she bowsInextinguible: unquenchableInfancia: childhoodIntent: he/she attemptsLas/los: those

    Llegado: arrived

    Murmura: he/shemurmurs Nadie: nobodyNegra: quarter noteNingn: anyObligado: forcedParece: it seemsPerciban: perceivePermita: allowPesar: to weighPretenderlo: to seek itPretendiera: it soughtPulgas: fleas

    Rala: thin

    Rigor: rigorSaln: living roomSeores: gentlemenSiempre: alwaysSobornar: to bribeSobre: onSolicita: he/sherequestsSuplica: he/she begsSurge: it arisesTal: suchTantos: so manyValioso: valuable

  • 8/10/2019 Textos Paralelos Ing-Esp_Franz Kafka


    Blancanieves y los siete enanitos Snow White and the seven little dwarvesHaba una vez una nia muy bonita, una pequea princesa que tenaun cutis blanco como la nieve, labios y mejillas rojos como la sangre ycabellos negros como el azabache. Su nombre era Blancanieves.

    Once upon a time there was a very pretty girl, a little princess that had acomplexion white as snow, lips and cheeks red as blood and jetblackhair. Her name was Snow White.

    A medida que creca la princesa, su belleza aumentaba da tras dahasta que su madrastra, la reina, se puso muy celosa. Lleg un da enque la malvada madrastra no pudo tolerar ms su presencia y orden aun cazador que la llevara al bosque y la matara. Como ella era tan

    joven y bella, el cazador se apiad de la nia y le aconsej que buscaraun escondite en el bosque.

    As the princess grew, her beauty increased day after day until herstepmother, the queen, became very jealous. The day arrived that thewicked stepmother could not tolerate her presence and she ordered ahunter to take her to the forest and kill her. As she was so young andbeautiful, the hunter took pity on the girl and advised her to look for ahidingplace in the forest.

    Blancanieves corri tan lejos como se lo permitieron sus piernas,tropezando con rocas y troncos de rboles que la lastimaban. Por fin,cuando ya caa la noche, encontr una casita y entr para descansar.

    Snow White ran as far as her legs permitted, stumbling over rocks andtrunks of trees that were hurting her. At last, when night fell, she found asmall house and she entered to rest.

    Todo en aquella casa era pequeo, pero ms lindo y limpio de lo quese pueda imaginar. Cerca de la chimenea estaba puesta una mesitacon siete platos muy pequeitos, siete tacitas de barro y al otro lado dela habitacin se alineaban siete camitas muy ordenadas. La princesa,cansada, se ech sobre tres de las camitas, y se qued profundamentedormida.

    Everything at that house was small, but more pretty and clean than shecould imagine. Near the chimney was a small table with seven very tinyplates, seven earthenware cups and on the other side of the roomseven very orderly beds in a row.. The princess, tired, lay down on threeof the little beds, and fell sound asleep.

    Cuando lleg la noche, los dueos de la casita regresaron. Eran sieteenanitos, que todos los das salan para trabajar en las minas de oro,muy lejos, en el corazn de las montaas.

    When night arrived, the owners of the small house returned . They wereseven little dwarves that every day went to work in the mines of gold,very far in the heart of The mountains .

    Caramba, qu bella nia! exclamaron sorprendidos. Y cmo lleghasta aqu?

    Good gracious, what a beautiful girl! they blurted out surprised. And howdid she arrive as far as here?

    Se acercaron para admirarla cuidando de no despertarla. Por lamaana, Blancanieves sinti miedo al despertarse y ver a los sieteenanitos que la rodeaban. Ellos la interrogaron tan suavemente que ella

    se tranquiliz y les cont su triste historia.

    They approached to admire her taking care not to wake her up. In themorning, Snow White was afraid when she woke up seeing the sevenlittle dwarves surrounding her. They questioned her so softly that she

    calmed down and she told her sad story to them.Si quieres cocinar, coser y lavar para nosotros dijeron los enanitos,puedes quedarte aqu y te cuidaremos siempre.

    The little dwarves said if you want to cook, sew and wash for us, youcan remain here and we will take care of you always .

    Blancanieves acept contenta. Viva muy alegre con los enanitos,preparndoles la comida y cuidando de la casita. Todas las maanasse paraba en la puerta y los despeda con la mano cuando los enanitossalan para su trabajo.

    Blancanieves delightfully accepted. She was always very happy with thelittle dwarves, preparing their food and taking care of the small house.Every morning she stopped in the door and said goodby with a wave ofthe hand when the little dwarves left for their work.

    Pero ellos le advirtieron: But they cautioned her:Cudate. Tu madrastra puede saber que vives aqu y tratar de hacertedao.

    Take care. Your stepmother can know that you l ive here and will try toharm you.

    La madrastra, que de veras era una bruja, y consultaba a su espejomgico para ver si exista alguien ms bella que ella, descubri queBlancanieves viva en casa de los siete enanitos. Se puso furiosa ydecidi matarla ella misma. Disfrazada de vieja, la malvada reinaprepar una manzana con veneno, cruz las siete montaas y lleg a

    casa de los enanitos.

    The stepmother, that truly was a witch, consulted her magical mirror tosee if somebody existed more beautiful than she. She discovered thatSnow White lived in the seven little dwarves' house. She flew into arage and she decided to kill her herself.. Disguised as an old woman,the wicked queen prepared an apple with poison, she crossed the

    seven mountains and she got to the little dwarves' house.Blancanieves, que senta una gran soledad durante el da, pens queaquella viejita no poda ser peligrosa. La invit a entrar y aceptagradecida la manzana, al parecer deliciosa, que la bruja le ofreci.Pero, con el primer mordisco que dio a la fruta, Blancanieves caycomo muerta.

    Snow White, felt a great loneliness during the day, and thought that thatlittle old woman could not be dangerous. She invited her in and shegratefuly accepted the apple that the witch offered her. It seemed to bedelicious. But with the first bite that opened the fruit, Snow White fell likedead person.

    Aquella noche, cuando los siete enanitos llegaron a la casita,encontraron a Blancanieves en el suelo. No respiraba ni se mova. Losenanitos lloraron amargamente porque la queran con delirio. Por tresdas velaron su cuerpo, que segua conservando su bel leza cutisblanco como la nieve, mejillas y labios rojos como la sangre, y cabellosnegros como el azabache.

    That night, when the seven little dwarves got to the small house, theyfound Snow White on the floor. She did not breathe or move. The littledwarves cried their eyes out because they were delirious with desire.They watched over her body for three days, she continued preservingher beauty; complexion white as snow, cheeks and bloodred lips, and

    jetblack hair.No podemos poner su cuerpo bajo tierra dijeron los enanitos. Hicieronun atad de cristal, y colocndola all, la llevaron a la cima de unamontaa. Todos los das los enanitos iban a velarla.

    The little dwarves said we can not put her body under the earth. Theymade a crystal casket, and placing her there, they took her to the top ofa mountain. Every day the little dwarves went to watch over her.

    Un da el prncipe, que paseaba en su gran caballo blanco, vio a labella nia en su caja de cristal y pudo escuchar la historia de labios delos enanitos. Se enamor de Blancanieves y logr que los enanitos lepermitieran llevar el cuerpo al palacio donde prometi adorarla siempre.Pero cuando movi la caja de cristal tropez y el pedazo de manzanaque haba comido Blancanieves se desprendi de su garganta. Elladespert de su largo sueo y se sent. Hubo gran regocijo, y losenanitos bailaron alegres mientras Blancanieves aceptaba ir al palacioy casarse con el prncipe.

    One day the prince was taking a walk on his great white horse, saw thebeautiful girl in her box of crystal and he could listen to her history fromthe the little dwarves' lips. He fell in love with Snow White and arrangedthat the little dwarves allow taking the body to the palace where hepromised to adore her always. But when he moved the crystal box hetripped and the piece of apple that Blancanieves had eaten fell awayfrom her throat. She woke up from her long dream and she took a seat .There was great rejoicing, and little dwarves danced happy while SnowWhite agreed to go to the palace and marry the prince.

  • 8/10/2019 Textos Paralelos Ing-Esp_Franz Kafka


    Acercaron: they broughtnear

    Aconsej: he/she advised Advirtieron: they noticed Agradecida: grateful Alegres: cheerful Alguien: somebody Alineaban: they aligned Amargamente: bitterly Apiad: it moved to pity Aquella: that Atad: casket Azabache: jetBarro: mudBelleza: beautyBonita: beautifulBosque: forestBruja: trim glassBuscara: it looked forCasa: he/she marriesCay: he/she fellChimenea: chimneyCima: summitColocndola: placing it

    Cont: it countedCoser: to sewCreca: it grewCutis: complexionDelirio:deliriumDespeda: he/shedischargedDespertarla: to wake up herDespertarse: to wake upDespert: he/she woke upDesprendi: it removedDio: he/she gaveDisfrazada: disguisedEcho: it tossedEnamor: it fell in loveEnanitos: midgetsEntr: he/she enteredEran: they wereEscondite: hiding placeExclamaron: theyexclaimedExista: it existedGarganta: throatGran: great

    Habitacin: roomHacerte: to make youHicieron: they madeHistoria: historyHubo: there wasIban: they wentImaginar: to imagineInterrogaron: theyinterrogatedLabios: lipsLastimaban: they hurtLleg: it arrivedLlevar: to takeLlevara: it tookLlevaron: they tookLloraron: they criedLogr: it achievedMadrastra: stepmotherMalvada: evilMatara: it killedMejillas: cheeksMinas: minesMordisco: bite

    Muerta: deadNi: neitherOrdenadas: orderlyOrden: it orderedParecer: to seemPaseaba: he/she went for awaPens: he/she thoughtPequeitos: tinyPermitieran: they allowedPlatos: platesPodia: he/she couldPreparndoles: preparingthemPresencia: he/she witnessesProfundamente: deeplyPrometi: he/she promisedPrncipe: princePudo: he/she couldPuesta: settingQued: it wasRegocijo: rejoicingReina: it reigns

    Respiraba: he/shebreathedRodeaban: theysurroundedSalan: they leftSegua: it continuedSenta: it feltSent: he/she sat downSinti: it feltSobre: onSoledad: solitudeSorprendidos: surprisedSuavemente: smoothlySus: theirTierra: earthTolerar: to tolerateTroncos: trunksTropezando: trippingTropez: it trippedVelarla: to veil herVelaron: they veiledVersa: truthYa: already

    Buitres Vultures

    Un cuento corto por Franz Kafka A short story by Franz Kafka

    rase un buitre que me picoteaba los pies. Ya haba desgarrado loszapatos y las medias y ahora me picoteaba los pies. Siempre tiraba unpicotazo, volaba en crculos inquietos alrededor y luego prosegua laobra.

    Once there was a vulture that pecked my feet. He already had torn myshoes and stockings and now he pecked my feet. He always threw apeck, he flew around in restless circles and then the work continued.

    Pas un seor, nos mir un rato y me pregunt por qu toleraba yo albuitre.

    A gentleman happened by, looked at us awhile and asked me why Itolerated the vulture.

    -Estoy indefenso -le dije- vino y empez a picotearme, yo lo quiseespantar y hasta pens torcerle el pescuezo, pero estos animales sonmuy fuertes y quera saltarme a la cara. Prefer sacrificar los pies:ahora estn casi hechos pedazos.

    I told him - I am defenseless. He came and he began to peck me, Iwanted to frighten him and even was planning to die, but these animalsare very strong and he wanted to jump to my face. I preferred tosacrifice my feet. Now the pieces are almost done -.

    -No se deje atormentar -dijo el seor-, un tiro y el buitre se acab. The gentleman said - do not allow him to torture you, throw him, andthe vulture will give up -.

    -Le parece? -pregunt- quiere encargarse del asunto? - Does it seem so? - I asked - Do you want to take care of the issue? -

    -Encantado -dijo el seor- ; no tengo ms que ir a casa a buscar elfusil, Puede usted esperar media hora ms?

    The delighted gentleman said; - I don't have more than to go home tolook for my rifle, are you able to wait a half hour more? -

    - No s -le respond, y por un instante me qued rgido de dolor;despus aad -: por favor, pruebe de todos modos.

    - I don't know - I responded, and for an instant I was rigid with pain;; Afterwards I added : - If you please, try anyway. -

    -Bueno- dijo el seor- , voy a apurarme. - Okay - the gentleman said, - I am going to hurry. -

    El buitre haba escuchado tranquilamente nuestro dilogo y habadejado errar la mirada entre el seor y yo. Ahora vi que habacomprendido todo: vol un poco, retrocedi para lograr el mpetunecesario y como un atleta que arroja la jabalina encaj el pico en miboca, profundamente. Al caer de espaldas sent como una liberacin;que en mi sangre, que colmaba todas las profundidades y queinundaba todas las riberas, el buitre irreparablemente se ahogaba.

    The vulture had listened to our dialogue calmly and he missed the lookbetween the gentleman and I. Now I saw that he had understoodeverything: He flew a little, he moved back to achieve the necessaryimpetus and as an athlete that throws the javelin, he inserted his beakdeep into my mouth. I felt like a liberation when falling backwards; Thenin my blood, he satisfied all of his depths and he flooded all of hisbanks, the vulture irreparably drowned .

    Acab: it ended up Ahogaba: he/she drowned Al: to the one Alrededor: around Apurarme: to hurry Arroja: he/she hurtles Asunto: matter Atleta: athlete Atormentar: to torment Aad: I addedBuitre: vultureBuitres: vulturesBuscar: to look forCasi: almostColmaba: it filledComprendido: understoodCuento: story

    Crculos: circlesDejado: leftDeje: leaveDesgarrado: tornDilogo: dialogueEmpez: it beganEncaj: it fitEncantado: charmedEncargarse: to take chargeEntre: amongErrar: to wanderEscuchado: listenedEspaldas: backsEspantar: to frightenEstos: theseFavor: favorFuertes: strong

    Fusil: rifleHaba: there wasHechos: factsIndefenso: defenselessInquietos: restlessInundaba: it floodedIrreparablemente:irreparablyJabalina: javelinLas: thoseLiberacin: liberationLograr: to achieveMedia: he/she mediatesMedias: stockingsMirada: lookMir: he/she lookedModos: ways

    Nos: usObra: it worksParece: it seemsPas: it happenedPedazos: piecesPens: I thoughtPescuezo: neckPico: pickPicotazo: peckPicoteaba: it pickedPicotearme: to pick mePies: feetPrefer: I preferredProfundamente: deeplyProfundidades: depthsProsegua: it continuedPruebe: prove

    Puede: he/she canRato: whileRespond: I respondedRetrocedi: he/she wentbackRiberas: riversidesRgido: rigidSacrificar: to sacrificeTiraba: he/she threwTodo: everythingToleraba: it toleratedTorcerle: to twist him/herTranquilamente: peacefullyVino: he/she cameVolaba: it flewVol: it flewmpetu: impulse

  • 8/10/2019 Textos Paralelos Ing-Esp_Franz Kafka
