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Page 2: Target audience

Gender Action movies attract generally a male audience, as it is stereotypical for men to be drawn to ‘Violent’ films. Men would typically take a bunch of their male mates to go and watch an action film rather than their girlfriend, unless she loves violence.

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As these films have a diverse cast (some white, some Asian, some black), we can assume that the film would appeal to a wider range of races than if it were an all white cast. People from the middle class generally have the luxury of being able to watch movies regularly, so they would be the main audience.

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Most male teenagers love a good adrenaline burst. So watching a movie filled with action which is sure to get your heart pumping would appeal to those who have not yet reached adulthood. This interest in the action genre could continue into adulthood, extending the age range into the 40+ zone. However, sometimes adults prefer to ‘slow down’ from then, which mean the genre can lose the 50+ range. Action films appeal to the younger generation, making them the majority and the primary audience.

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Income bracket: B – C2 and E

This means that they range from middle class (B), to skilled working class (C2). I have included E because students may enjoy the film. Because of what income brackets the target audience are in, possible jobs include teachers, graphic designers, clerical workers, electricians, plumbers, and those in E, students. Usually, an action film targets the middle class at C level. However, due to the injection of aspects of a comedy genre, the bracket it expanded to include those who would enjoy the film for it’s more intellectual and challenging material.