Download - Social Stratification


Aysa Nadira Putri

Ayu Henidar Mulyara

Cut Ayu Rahimainita

Stratifikasi Sosial

StratifikasiSosial ?

Sistem dimana masyarakat dikategorikan dalam hierarki,

sehingga beberapa orang memiliki lebih banyak uang, kekuasaan , dan

prestige daripada yang lain

Prinsip Dasar dalam


A Trait of Society

Persists Over Generations

Universal But Variable

Involves not just Inequality, but Beliefs

Bentuk Stratifikasi Sosial

• Usia

• Jenis KelaminPerolehan

• Agama

• Etnik

• Ras


• PendidikanStatus yang


• Pekerjaan

• Ekonomi


Mobilitas SosialPerubahan posisi dalam hierarki




Bentuk Mobilitas Sosial

Caste System

• Social stratification based on ascription, or birth

Class System

• Social stratification based on both birth and individual achievement

Caste and Class System

Sistem Stratifikasi Tertutup dan


Tertutup Terbuka

Cara Mempelajari Stratifikasi Sosial

Menurut Zanden adal 3 pendekatan untuk mempelajari stratifikasi sosial

Pendekatan Objektif

Pendekatan Subyektif

Pendekatan Reputational

Mengurangi Ketidaksamaan dalam


Program Inpres Desa Tertinggal (IDT)

Program Kredit Mahasiswa

Beasiswa dan pembebasan SPP

Pembangunan perumahan rakyat murah


• Plato

– Every culture considers some type of inequality just.

• Marx

– Capitalist societies keep wealth and

power for a few.

• Spencer

– “Survival of the fittest”

Cultural beliefs that justify particular social arrangements,

including patterns of inequality

The Davis Moore Thesis

• The greater the importance of a position, the more rewards a society attaches to it.

• Egalitarian societies offer little incentive for people to try their best.

• Positions a society considers more important must reward enough to draw talented people

Social stratification has beneficial consequences for the operation

of a society

Karl Marx: Class and Conflict

• Most people have one of two

relationships with the means of


• Capitalism creates great

inequality in power and wealth.

• This oppression would drive the

working majority to organize

and overthrow the capitalism.

Stratification and

Interaction• Differences in social class

position can affect interaction.

• People interact primarily with others of similar social standing.

• Conspicuous consumption refers to buying and using products because of the "statement" they make about social position.

Stratification and Technology: A

Global Perspective

• Hunting and gathering societies

• Horticultural, pastoral, and agrarian societies

• Industrial societies

• The Kuznets curve
