Download - Pengantar Bioetik - KG Unsoed

  • 18/12/2014


    Pengantar Bioetik(Introduction to Bioethics)

    Dr. Amalia Muhaimin, MSc. (Bioethics)Department of Bioethics, Faculty of Medicine

    Universitas Jenderal Soedirman

    TUJUAN PEMBELAJARAN1. Mahasiswa mampu menjelaskan pengertian dan konsep dasar

    moral dan etik2. Mahasiswa mampu menjelaskan hubungan maupun perbedaan

    antara etik, kode etik, dan hukum3. Mahasiswa mampu mengidentifikasi dan membedakan

    permasalahan etik dengan permasalahan yang lain4. Mahasiswa mampu menjelaskan kelahiran dan perkembangan

    bioetik5. Mahsasiwa mampu menjelaskan prinsip-prinsip dasar etik6. Mahasiswa mampu menjelaskan pentingnya bioetik dalam

    proses pendidikan serta praktek kedokteran

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    Sub topikKonsep dasar moral dan etikEtik, kode etik, dan hukumPermasalahan (isu) etikKelahiran dan perkembangan bioetikPrinsip-prinsip dasar etikBioetik dalam pendidikan kedokteran

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    What is ethics?

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    Etik (Ethic)

    = moral

    Boleh atau tidaknya suatuperbuatan

    Manusia memandangdirinya secara lebihmendalam (batiniah)

    Bersifat absolut, lebihuniversal

    Berawal dari dalam diri,tetap berlaku tanpa saksimata

    Etiket (Etiquette)

    = tata krama/sopan santun

    Cara (manner) suatuperbuatan harus dilakukan

    Manusia memandangdirinya dari aspeklahiriahnya saja

    Bersifat relatif; biasanyabersifat lokal

    Hanya berlaku dalampergaulan

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    Etik (ethic) dan Etika (ethics)

    Etik: 1 kumpulan asas atau nilai ygberkenaan dng akhlak; 2 nilai

    mengenai benar dan salah yg dianutsuatu golongan atau masyarakat

    (KBBI, 2013)

    Ethic: rules of behavior based onideas about what is morally good

    and bad (Merriam-Webster,2013)

    Etika: ilmu ttg apa yg baik danapa yg buruk dan ttg hak dankewajiban moral (akhlak)

    (KBBI, 2013)

    Ethics: 1 an area of study that dealswith ideas about what is good and

    bad behavior; 2 a branch ofphilosophy dealing with what is

    morally right or wrong (Merriam-Webster, 2013)

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    Why do weneed ethics?

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    Konsep Dasar Etik

    Konsep dasar: should and ought

    Should = seharusnyaOught = sebaiknya

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    Science and EthicsScience: Figure out the way the world is, was, or will be

    Scientific Questions: Bagaimana cara mendaur ulang sampah? Apakah efek asap rokok terhadap kesehatan? Dari manakah orang bisa tertular HIV?

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    Science and EthicsScientific Questions: Bagaimana caramendaur

    ulang sampah? Bagaimanakah efek asap

    rokok terhadap kesehatan? Dari manakah orang bisa

    tertular HIV?

    Scientific Questions: Bagaimana caramendaur

    ulang sampah? Bagaimanakah efek asap

    rokok terhadap kesehatan? Dari manakah orang bisa

    tertular HIV?

    Ethical Questions: Apakah kita sebaiknya

    menggunakan plastik? Apakah kita boleh

    merokok? Apakah kita harus

    menjauhi penderita HIV?

    Ethical Questions: Apakah kita sebaiknya

    menggunakan plastik? Apakah kita boleh

    merokok? Apakah kita harus

    menjauhi penderita HIV?

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    Ethics and Morality

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    Morals define personal character, while ethics stress asocial system in which those morals are applied. In other words, ethics point to standards or codes ofbehavior expected by the group to which the individualbelongs.

    Ethics is about societyMorality is about you

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    Ethical or Moral? OR Unethical and/or Immoral?

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    Should we/should we not??

    Hubunganmoral dan etika Ethics is the philosophical study of morality. The word is commonly used interchangeably with

    'morality' to mean the subject matter of this study;-- John Deigh in Robert Audi (ed), The CambridgeDictionary of Philosophy, 1995

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    Ethics and Law Etika:

    Ilmu tentang apa yang baik dan buruk dan tentang hak dankewajiban moral (akhlak) (KBBI, 2013)

    Hukum:Suatu aturan tingkah laku manusia dalammasyarakat, dibuatoleh penguasa atau badan resmi, bersifat memaksa, memilikisanksi tegas

    Bioethics does not look for what is legally right but for whatis humanly best! EXAMPLE??

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    Ethics and code of ethicsKode etik: Bagian dari hukum Lingkup lebih sempit dari hukum dibuat & diberlakukan

    oleh & bagi kalangan anggota profesi Terdapat sanksi administratif/tuntunan bagi yang tidak

    menaatiPernyataan komprehensif suatu profesi yang memberikan

    tuntunan bagi anggota dalammelaksanakan profesi

    Membantu dalam proses hukum, dapat memberikanpertimbanganhakim atau memberikan bahan bagi advokat

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    What is bioethics?

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    The Birth of (Modern) Bioethics

    kidney dialysis NBC documentary in 1965 entitled "WhoShall Live?"

    The healthcare profession faced "an issue that the traditionalethics of medicine had not previously faced and for which ithad no ready response. (Albert Jonsen, UW professor of biomedicalhistory and ethics)

    Studi tentang isu-isu etika dan pembuatan keputusan yangberhubungan dengan makhluk hidup (Macer, 2006)

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    Basic Principles in BioethicsThe four basic moral principles (Beauchamp & Childress, 2009):

    1. Beneficence: manfaat/kebaikan2. Non-maleficence: menghindari risiko/bahaya/kerugian3. Respect for autonomy: menghargai otonomi *4. Justice/fairness/equity: keadilan

    *Autonomy: kemampuan individu/kelompok untukmemutuskan nasibnya sendiri dengan segala konsekuensi dantanggungjawab

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    1.1. Human dignity and human rightsHuman dignity and human rights2.2. Benefit and harmBenefit and harm3.3. Autonomy and individual responsibilityAutonomy and individual responsibility4.4. ConsentConsent5.5. Persons without the capacity to consentPersons without the capacity to consent6.6. Respect for human vulnerability and personal integrityRespect for human vulnerability and personal integrity7.7. Privacy and confidentialityPrivacy and confidentiality8.8. Equality, justice and equityEquality, justice and equity9.9. NonNon--discrimination and nondiscrimination and non--stigmatizationstigmatization10.10. Respect for cultural diversity and pluralismRespect for cultural diversity and pluralism11.11. Solidarity and cooperationSolidarity and cooperation12.12. Social responsibility and healthSocial responsibility and health13.13. Sharing of benefitsSharing of benefits14.14. Protecting future generationsProtecting future generations15.15. Protection of the environment, the biosphere and biodiversityProtection of the environment, the biosphere and biodiversity

    Universal Declaration on Bioethics and Human Rights

    Bioethics in Medical Education

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    Case:A mother comes with her child with a prescriptionfrom her previous physician which you considercontaining a lot of unnecessary drugs.

    Question:What would you do?

    (Health Ethics Teaching Guidelinesfor the SEA countries, WHO SEARO)

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    Fact of life no clear black & white answers (greyshades)

    Important to look at how we can find some balancewhen faced with conflicting ideals

    We often do not use what we have learned intextbooks in real life

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    Goals of bioethics education1. KnowledgeMenambah pengetahuan tentang: Isu-isu etik dalam kehidupan sehari-hari Prinsip-prinsip dasar etik* Keragaman nilai & budaya

    Mampu membuat keputusan yang tepatdi kemudian hari

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    Goals of bioethics education2. Skills: Mendengar aktif (active listening) dan berpikiran terbuka

    (open minded) Mengidentifikasi pendapat dan kepercayaan yang berbeda-beda (multiple perspectives) Menjelaskanmasalah dari beberapa sudut pandang Mencari informasi yang relevan Menyampaikan informasi yang diperoleh kepada orang lain skills cannot be given create situations to develop skills through interactioncritical discussion!

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    Through critical discussion: Reject dogmatism Aware of multiple social aspects Increase sensitivity to human rights & differing

    beliefs Foster empathy & tolerance

    3. Ethical Attitude + Behaviour

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    Conclusion Bioethics: the study of ethical issues and decision making

    associated with the use of living organisms Bioethics is not about thinking that we can always find one

    correct solution to ethical problems. There can be differentchoicesmade after ethical reflection.

    Bioethics is learning how to balance different benefits, risksand duties

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    Should we stop?

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    Why should we stop??

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