Download - Panduan Ogre Battle 64: Person of Lordly Caliber

Page 1: Panduan Ogre Battle 64: Person of Lordly Caliber

Ogre Battle 64: Person of Lordly Caliber

Cerita berikut Magnus Gallant, baru lulus dari Akademi Militer Ischka, dan kapten pemula di wilayah Selatan Palatinus ', Alba. Seperti perang saudara meletus di negara itu, Magnus akhirnya memutuskan untuk bergabung dengan revolusi dengan pemimpinnya, Frederick Raskin, pertama membebaskan wilayah selatan dengan bantuan Zenobians ', maka Nirdam dan menyatukan dengan mereka, kemudian kembali Kawasan Timur Capitrium ke Ortodoks gereja, dan akhirnya berbaris di ibukota Latium. Namun, sepanjang jalan, batalion Magnus ', Ksatria Biru, menemukan musuh yang meningkat, dari kerajaan boneka Palatinus, dengan kekuatan dari Kudus Lodis Kekaisaran, untuk gerombolan Gelap akhirat.

Ada enam Endings mungkin, beberapa tempat Magnus akan dikeluarkan dari tentara revolusioner, karena mereka menganggapnya sebagai "rakasa" yang mengendap segalanya dengan kekerasan, menyadari tindakannya adalah sia-sia ia menghilang dan orang lupa tentang jenderal besar yang pernah menyelamatkan mereka, sehingga memastikan kehancuran Palatinus '.

Di lain ia bernama "Jenderal Magnus Gallant, wali Palatinus." Dan yang terakhir, di mana Frederick meninggal dalam perang melawan suku Dari Timur Gallea dan Zeteginia, yang ingin menyerang hak Palatinus setelah Lodis melemah, dia diberi nama: "Magnus Gallant, Raja Paladian." Aturan-Nya selamanya diingat dan putranya Aeneas Gallant mengambil Tahta, mengikuti jejak ayahnya.

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MAIN CHARACTERNOTE: Bingkai Chaos Anda akan menentukan siapa yang akan bergabung dengan Anda

sepanjang pertandingan. Jika Anda memiliki pertanyaan tentang cara kerjanya atau bagaimana untuk mengubahnya, silakan kunjungi halaman Bingkai Chaos

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Magnus: Karakter utama dari 64 Pertempuran Ogre. Pada awal permainan Anda dapat mengubah namanya dan memilih elemen nya. Jika Magnus meninggal dalam pertempuran, misi saat ini secara otomatis akan gagal. Start kelasnya disebut 'Gladiator'.

Attack: 2 attacks in front and back, 1 in middle. Basic magic in back row depending on the current weapon used.Equipment: Short Sword, Plate Mail, Blue SashElement: Your choice. Change Class: NoLegion Leader: No. Growth: HP (4-6), STR (4-6), VIT (2-4), INT (3-5), MEN (2-4), AGI (2-4)

Quest item: Alba, Edepar-Magnus mendapat medal of vigor (setelah misi 9)

Magnus: Dia berubah menjadi 'Vanguard' dalam chapter 3.Attack: 2 attacks in all rows. Advanced magic in the back.Equipment: Baldr Sword, Baldr Mail, Blue SashChange Class: NoLegion Leader: YesGrowth: HP (4-6), STR (4-6), VIT (2-4), INT (3-5), MEN (3-5), AGI (2-4), DEX (3-5)

Dio: Sebuah karakter yang secara otomatis bergabung Anda pada awal misi 1. Dia berbagi nama kelas yang sama dari 'Gladiator' dengan Magnus.Attack: 2 attacks in front and middle, 1 attack in back.Equipment: Baldr Sword, Plate Armor, Blue SashElement: Random.Change Class: NoLegion Leader: NoGrowth: HP (4-6), STR (4-6), VIT (3-5), INT (2-4), MEN (3-5), AGI (3-5), DEX (2-4)How to lose him: "If you agree to fight him before Scene 1 starts, and if you say "..." when Rhade orders you to kill Frederick, he'll leave."

Dio: Pada awal bab 3 perubahan kelas Dio untuk 'Warrior'. Hal ini hanya terjadi jika ia masih hidup atau masih dalam tentara Anda.Attack: 3 attacks in front, 2 in middle and back. Basic magic in the back row.Equipment: Blessed Sword, Baldr Armor, Blue SashChange Class: NoLegion Leader: YesGrowth: HP (5-7), STR (5-7), VIT (4-6), INT (3-5), MEN (4-6), AGI (3-5), DEX (3-5)


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Magnus: Pada awal Chapter 4, Magnus mengubah kelasnya untuk 'General'. Juga selama ini perubahan kelas potretnya juga berubah seiring dengan model karakternya.Attack: 3 attacks in front, 2 in middle and back. Does a Sonic Blast in the back row. Depending on the element of the sword changes the element of the blast.Equipment: Baldr Sword, Baldr Armor, Blue SashChange Class: NoLegion Leader: YesGrowth: HP (5-7), STR (5-7), VIT (3-5), INT (3-5), MEN (3-5), AGI (3-5), DEX (4-6)

Leia: Karakter ini otomatis bergabung Anda pada awal misi 3. Kelasnya saat ini disebut 'Blaze Knight'.Attack: 2 attacks in front and back, 1 in middle. Basic magic in back.Equipment: Spear, Breast Plate, Round ShieldElement: Random.Change Class: NoLegion Leader: NoGrowth: HP (3-5), STR (3-5), VIT (3-5), INT (3-5), MEN (3-5), AGI (3-5), DEX (3-5)

Cerita lain: Dio membebaskan Fredrick sebaliknya, tapi lolos Central Divisi. Dia tidak kembali ke Knights biru sesudahnya. Misi kemudian, dia terlihat setelah kekalahan Eurynome Rhade. Rhade telah lolos dari kematian, namun penyergapan Dio dan membunuhnya.

Dio rupanya diberikan tempat Rhade di Central Divisi dan membuat Dragoon setelah tindakan ini, dan kemudian dikirim untuk membela eksterior Fort Romulus dari Knights biru. Di sinilah ia menghadapi Magnus, dan akhirnya tewas dalam pertempuran.

Hal ini dapat terjadi jika diawal magnus bersedian malawan dio satu lawan satu.

Leia: Dalam bentuk terakhirnya perubahan kelasnya untuk 'Rune Knight'. Hal ini terjadi pada awal chapter 3 hanya jika dia masih hidup dan dalam tentara Anda.Attack: 2 attacks in all rows. Advanced magic in back row.Equipment: Thunder Spear, Baldr Mail, BucklerChange Class: NoLegion Leader: YesGrowth: HP (4-6), STR (4-6), VIT (3-5), INT (4-6), MEN (4-6), AGI (3-5), DEX (3-5)

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Other Characters

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Troi: A gold PhalanxAttack: 2 attacks in the front row, 1 in middle and back.Equipment: Spear, Plate Mail, Large Shield. Iron HelmElement: Earth. Change Class: Yes. Legion Leader: NoHow to Obtain: "Mission 04: Mylesia: Mengirim unit ke Elgorea. Troi akan menawarkan jasanya dan bergabung. "Growth: HP (4-6), STR (3-5), VIT (4-6), INT (2-4), MEN (3-5), AGI (2-4), DEX (2-4)

Quest Item: Mylesia, Elgorea Ambil Troi ke Elgorea untuk menerima Hallowed Shield (menetralkan efek abnormal seperti melumpuhkan / membatu) dari ibunya. (setelah Misi 4)

Katreda: A pink Cleric.Attack: 2 attacks back, 1 attack in middle and front.Equipment: Light Mace, Cleric's Vestment, RosaryElement: WaterChange Class: YesLegion Leader: NoHow to Obtain: "Mission 07: Gunther Piedmont: Pergi ke Cayes. Menerima tawaran gadis muda untuk menemukan ayahnya. " Growth: HP (3-5), STR (2-4), VIT (3-5), INT (4-6), MEN (4-6), AGI (2-4), DEX (2-4)

Quest Item: Gunther Piedmont, Inekell Ambil Unit Katreda untuk Inekell setelah mengalahkan panggung untuk Angel's Brooch tersebut. (setelah Misi 7)

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Asnabel: A blond hair BerserkerAttack: 2 attacks in front row, 1 in middle and back.Equipment: Francisca, Leather Armor, Iron HelmElement: FireChange Class: YesLegion Leader: NoHow to Obtain: "Mission 07: Gunther Piedmont: Bertemu kembali dengan putrinya, Katreda, Asnabel akan bergabung pada akhir misGrowth: HP (4-6), STR (4-6), VIT (4-6), INT (2-4), MEN (3-5), AGI (3-5), DEX (2-4)

Quest Item: Gunther Piedmont, Kinseya Ambil Unit Asnabel untuk Kinseya setelah Anda mengalahkan panggung untuk Helm of theFearless. (setelah Misi 7)

Liedel: A red Archer.Attack: 2 attacks in middle and back, 1 attack in front.Equipment: Great Bow, Leather Armor, Leather HatElement: WindChange Class: YesLegion Leader: NoHow to Obtain: "Mission 13: Sable Lowlands: Liedel menjadi sekutu Anda di akhir misi ini "Ini hanya akan terjadi nya Anda memiliki 'Tinggi' Frame Chaos.Growth: HP (3-5), STR (3-5), VIT (3-5), INT (2-4), MEN (3-5), AGI (3-5)

Quest Item: Heights Fair, Inze Ambil Unit Liedel untuk Inze untuk Red Branch, jenis helm. (setelah Misi 21)

Percakapan dengan Jeal

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Vad: The only obtainable Grappler.Attack: 3 attacks in front, 2 in middle and back. In back he uses Fatal Dance. Equipment: Touelno, Thunder Chain, Hachigane. Element: Wind.Change Class: No. Legion Leader: No. How to Obtain: "Mission 15: Mount Ithaca:. Vad memimpin unit mendekati dari Timur. Lakukan yang terbaik untuk menghindari unit dan pastikan bahwa Anda tidak membunuhnya secara tidak sengaja. Jika Vad selamat, dia akan bergabung. " Growth: HP (4-6), STR (4-6), VIT (3-5), INT (3-5), MEN (3-5), AGI (5-7), DEX (3-5)

Quest Item: Soathon, Shafferville Ambil vad ke Shafferville untuk Idaten's Mail. (setelah Misi 12)

Sheen: A gray winged HawkmanAttack: 2 attacks in front, 1 in middle and back.Equipment: Halt Hammer, Leather Armor, BandannaElement: Wind. Change Class: Yes. Legion Leader: NoHow to Obtain:"Mission 16: Azure Plains: Mengirim unit ke Coppermine. Sheen akan menawarkan jasanya setelah cutscene singkat "Dia hanya akan membuat tawaran untuk bergabung jika Anda memiliki sangat 'rendah' Frame Chaos..Growth: HP (3-5), STR (3-5), VIT (2-4), INT (2-4), MEN (2-4), AGI (3-5), DEX (2-4)

Quest Item: Dardunnelles, Garu Kaio Ambil Sheen ke Garu Kaio untuk Decoy Cap, yang menarik karakter netral. (setelah Misi 19)

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Ankiseth: Magnus' father, 'Solidblade' class. Attack: 3 attacks in front, 2 in middle and back. In the back he always uses 'Clay Assault'. Equipment: Blessed Sword, Plate Mail, Blue Sash. Element: Water. Change Class: No. Legion Leader: Yes. How to Obtain: " Pada awal scene 18, Wentinus (the Grim path), memilih untuk bertemu dengannya. Tetap hidup dan memiliki medium / tinggi Bingkai Chaos, memilih dia untuk bergabung. "Growth: HP (5-7), STR (5-7), VIT (5-7), INT (4-6), MEN (4-6), AGI (3-5), DEX (4-6)

Meredia: A white cloaked Siren.Attack: 2 attacks in middle and back, 1 attack in front.Equipment: Arc Wand, Fur Coat, Spell Book, AmuletElement: Water. Change Class: Yes. Legion Leader: NoHow to Obtain: "Mission 21: Fair Heights: Meredia akan menawarkan untuk bergabung dengan tentara Anda di awal misi ini "jika Leia masih hidup”..Growth: HP (3-5), STR (2-4), VIT (2-4), INT (6-8), MEN (4-6), AGI (2-4), DEX (2-4)

Quest item: Rai's Tear, Location: Melthaus, Argent

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Europea: A red haired Centurion. Attack: 2 attacks in front, 1 in middle and back.Equipment: Baldr Sword, Plate Mail, Buckler, Baldr Helm. Element: Fire. Change Class: Yes. Legion Leader: YesHow to Obtain: "Mission 22: Vert Plateau: Mengirim Magnus ke Fort Hillverich dan Europea akan bergabung dengan Anda sebagai unit tamu. Setelah misi, ia akan menawarkan untuk bergabung jika unit selamat. " Growth: HP (4-6), STR (4-6), VIT (3-5), INT (3-5), MEN (4-6), AGI (3-5), DEX (3-5)

Quest Item: Vert Plateau, Fort Hillverich Ambil Europea ke Fort Hillverich untuk Starry Sky, perisai yang memiliki 'RES' dari 50 terhadap gelap. (setelah Misi 22)

Paul: A light blond Enchanter.Attack: 3 attacks in front row, 2 in middle and back.Equipment: Fool, Magician's Robe, Amulet, BandannaElement: Earth. Change Class: Yes. Legion Leader: NoHow to Obtain: "Mission 22: Tremos Mountains"Pertama pergi ke Corpino di Tremos Mountains, untuk belajar tentang Paulus. Kemudian kepala ke Coongul dan membebaskan kota. Ketika berbicara dengan Paul, memilih opsi kedua. Setelah mengalahkan bos, menolak bantuan tentara bayaran dan Paul akan bergabung dengan Anda. note: Bahwa mendapatkan Paul berarti Anda tidak bisa mendapatkan Europea atau Biske.

Growth: HP (4-6), STR (3-5), VIT (3-5), INT (4-6), MEN (4-6), AGI (3-5), DEX (4-6)

Quest Item: Temple of Berthe, Temple of Berthe Ambil Paulus kepada Temple of Berthe untuk Robe of Abyss. (setelah Misi 28)

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Biske: The only obtainable Werewolf in the game. Attack: Day: 2 attacks in front, 1 in middle and back. Night: 3 attacks in front, 2 in middle and back. Equipment: Baldr Sword, Plate Armor. Element: Fire. Change Class: No. Legion Leader: NoHow to Obtain: "Mission 23: Capitrium: Biske, bos akhir misi ini, akan bergabung jika Anda tak ada sekutu Zenobian. Setelah mengalahkan dalam pertempuran, ia akan menawarkan untuk bergabung, atau mati.Growth: HP (5-7), STR (5-7), VIT (5-7), INT (3-5), MEN (4-6), AGI (4-6), DEX (4-6)

Quest Item: Captrium, Surina Ambil Biske ke Surina untuk Jeulnelune, jenis baju besi. (setelah Misi 23)

Carth: A white armored Black Knight.Attack: 2 attacks in every row. Magic in back row.Equipment: Satan's Bullova, Baldr Armor, Valiant Mantle, Armet. Element: Fire. Change Class: Yes. Legion Leader: NoHow to Obtain: "Mission 34: Ptia: Anda dapat memperoleh Carth sebagai sekutu jika memilih untuk pergi ke Ptia dari Romulus. Carth muncul sebagai tamu dan serangan Kastil Vitegith. Carth akan menawarkan untuk bergabung dengan Anda setelah misi jika tak ada sekutu Zenobian. " Growth: HP (5-7), STR (6-8), VIT (5-7), INT (4-6), MEN (4-6), AGI (3-5), DEX (3-5)

Quest Item: Ptia, Rete Ambil Carth ke Rete untuk Cape Runic. (setelah Misi 34)

Percakapan dengan richard

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Zenobian Allies

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Destin: The hero from the first Ogre Battle game, 'Lord' class. Attack: 3 attacks in front and middle, 2 in back. Equipment: Sigmund, Phoenix Mail, Tunic Element: Fire. Change Class: NoLegion Leader: YesHow to Obtain:"Mission 29: Gules Hills: Masukkan Magnus untuk berbicara dengan Destin dan Gilbert. Jika Aisha, Saradin dan Debonair adalah sekutu Anda, Destin dan Gilbert akan menawarkan untuk bergabung juga. "Growth: HP (5-7), STR (5-7), VIT (5-7), INT (3-5), MEN (4-6), AGI (3-5), DEX (3-5)

Debonair: A blond haired warrior. 'General' class. Attack: 3 attacks in front and middle, 2 in back. Equipment: Sonic Blade, Breidablick, Tunic. Element: Wind. Change Class: No. Legion Leader: YesHow to Obtain: "Mission 26: Tremos Mountains, Part 2: Debonair will only join if Aisha and Saradin are your allies. Send Magnus to Ibu Deli to meet Debonair."Growth: HP (5-7), STR (5-7), VIT (3-5), INT (3-5), MEN (3-5), AGI (3-5), DEX (4-6)

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Saradin: His class is much like the Arch Mage, but it is renamed 'Warlock'.Attack: 1 attack in front, 2 in middle and back. Front row he uses witch magic, middle basic magic, back advanced magic.Equipment: Hemlock, Magician's Robe, Spell book, AmuletElement: Water. Change Class: No. Legion Leader: NoHow to Obtain: "Mission 15: Mount Ithaca: This Warlock will automatically offer to join your battalion at the end of the mission."Growth: HP (3-5), STR (2-4), VIT (2-4), INT (6-8), MEN (4-6), AGI (2-4), DEX (2-4)

Aisha: a hat-less Priest.Attack: 2 attacks back, 1 attack in middle and front.Equipment: Baldr Mace, Robe of the Wise, RosaryElement: EarthChange Class: YesLegion Leader: NoHow to Obtain: "Mission 14: Audvera Heights Meskipun jalan membagi, Anda mendapatkan kesempatan untuk bersekutu diri dengan Aisha tidak peduli apa yang Anda pilih cabang. Kirim unit untuk Puld dan membiarkan dia bergabung dengan tentara Anda. Namun, jika Anda tidak memilih jawaban 1) pada akhir misi Tambang Volmus, ia tidak mungkin bergabung. "Growth: HP (4-6), STR (2-4), VIT (3-5), INT (4-6), MEN (5-7), AGI (2-4), DEX (2-4)

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Gilbert: a different colored Beast Master.Attack: 2 attacks in all rowsEquipment: Rupture Rose, Hard LeatherElement: WindChange Class: YesLegion Leader: NoHow to Obtain: "Mission 29: Gules Hills: Gilbert will join at the same time as Destin." Only if you have a high chaos frame!Growth: HP (5-7), STR (5-7), VIT (5-7), INT (2-4), MEN (3-5), AGI (3-5), DEX (3-5)

Altar of Resurrection

1.Dardunnelles, Melphy- Reach melphy on the 1st of the month between 9:00 and 17:59 to purchase an altar of resurection(after mission 8)


1.Dardunnelles, Melphy- Reach melphy on the 6th of the month between 9:00 and 17:59 to purchase condrite(after mission 8)

Needle of Light1.Dardunnelles, Melphy- Reach melphy on the 21st of the month between 9:00 and 17:59 to purchase the needle of light(after mission 8)

Note: Jika Anda tidak ingin karakter Zenobian untuk bergabung dengan Anda, Anda harus mengatakan "..." di eksekusi Fredericks. Ini akan mencegah dari menawarkan untuk bergabung dan membuka kemampuan Anda untuk mendapatkan karakter lain seperti Biske.

Ansate Cross

There are 2 steps needed to get the ansate cross

1.Zenobian Border, Karya- Rescue a nun(after mission 5)

2.Zenobian Border, Dem Vidro- Nun gives you ansate cross(after

mission 5)

Southern Cross

Ada satu langkah yang diperlukan untuk mendapatkan salib selatan

1. Latium, Vulge kemudian Gothpikki Bicara kepada malaikat dari 00:00 sampai 03:59. Anda hanya bisa mendapatkan ini jika Anda sudah memiliki pedra of bane dan virtue, the ansate cross, dan the dream crown. (setelah misi 38)

Book of Meteor Strike

1.Dardunnelles, Melphy-Reach melphy on the 1st,6th,15th,or 21st of the month between 18:00 and 21:59 to purchase the book of meteor strike.(after mission 8)

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AmazonBasic female class with a bow and arrows having

gained enough experience on her own.

Class Type: IntermediateClass Sub-type: FemaleLeadership Rank: NoneTerrain Advantage: ForestCarry: 2 ItemsUnit Size: SmallAttacks: x1 Front, x1 Middle, x2 BackEquipment: Short Bow, Leather Armor, BandannaAdvancement: Alignment, 0-100

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ArcherThough using the same weapons, the Archers skill easily surpasses

that of the Amazon.

Class Type: AdvancedClass Sub-type: FemaleLeadership Rank: UnitTerrain Advantage: ForestCarry: 2 ItemsUnit Size: SmallAttacks: x1 Front, x2 Middle, x2 BackEquipment: Great Bow, Leather Armor, Leather HatAdvancement: Neutral alignment, 20-80 STR 72+, DEX 69+

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Dragon TamerWith her thrusting sword, the Dragon Tamer commands huge dragons,

and brings out their full potential.

Class Type: AdvancedClass Sub-type: FemaleLeadership Rank: UnitTerrain Advantage: PlainCarry: 2 ItemsUnit Size: SmallAttacks: x2 Front, x1 Middle, x1 BackEquipment: Rapier, Chain Mail, Bone HelmAdvancement: Neutral alignment, 30-90 STR 72+, DEX 69+, VIT 57+

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Note: Uses Lightning in back row.

ValkyrieWarrior maiden of the gods. She attacks gracefully

with her spear, and wields the power of wind.

Class Type: AdvancedClass Sub-type: FemaleLeadership Rank: UnitTerrain Advantage: SnowCarry: 2 ItemsUnit Size: SmallAttacks: x2 Front, x1 Middle, x2 BackEquipment: Spear, Breast Plate, Round Shield, Plumed HeadbandAdvancement: Lawful alignment, 40-100 STR 72+, INT 62+, VIT 57+

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Note: Uses Healing Magic in all rows.

ClericThough forbidden to harm others, the Cleric is able to

heal her companions through her faith.

Class Type: AdvancedClass Sub-type: FemaleLeadership Rank: UnitTerrain Advantage: PlainCarry: 1 ItemUnit Size: SmallAttacks: x1 Front, x1 Middle, x2 BackEquipment: Light Mace, Cleric's Vestment, RosaryAdvancement: Lawful alignment, 45-100 INT 59+, MEN 62+

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Note: Uses Basic Magic in all rows.

SorceressBeautiful female spellcaster who's magical ability is

somewhat greater than the Wizards.

Class Type: AdvancedClass Sub-type: FemaleLeadership Rank: UnitTerrain Advantage: PlainCarry: 1 ItemsUnit Size: SmallAttacks: x1 Front, x1 Middle, x2 BackEquipment: Scipplay Staff, Witch's Dress, Spell Book, AmuletAdvancement: Chaotic alignment, 0-60 INT 62+, MEN 65+

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Note: Uses Witch Magic in all rows.

WitchThis class specializes in casting supportive spells. The

wide brimmed hat is her trademark.

Class Type: AdvancedClass Sub-type: FemaleLeadership Rank: UnitTerrain Advantage: PlainCarry: 1 ItemsUnit Size: SmallAttacks: x1 Front, x1 Middle, x2 BackEquipment: Scipplay Staff, Witch's Dress, Spell Book, Pointy HatAdvancement: Chaotic alignment, 0-60 INT 65+, MEN 68+, DEX 72+

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DianaMaster of Archery and a specialist in range combat.

Her speed and accuracy are incomparable.

Class Type: MasterClass Sub-type: FemaleLeadership Rank: UnitTerrain Advantage: ForestCarry: 2 ItemsUnit Size: SmallAttacks: x1 Front, x2 Middle, x3 BackEquipment: Ytival, Hard Leather, Plumed HeadbandAdvancement: Neutral alignment, 20-70 STR 116+, DEX 124+

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Dragon MasterThis title is given to a Dragon Tamer who can elevate

their potential above their limits.

Class Type: MasterClass Sub-type: FemaleLeadership Rank: UnitTerrain Advantage: PlainCarry: 2 ItemsUnit Size: SmallAttacks: x2 Front, x2 Middle, x2 BackEquipment: Estoc, Scale Armor, Plumed HeadbandAdvancement: Lawful alignment, 50-90 STR 127+, DEX 113+, VIT 112+

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Note: Advanced Weapon Magic used in back rows.

FreyaWarrior Maiden given divine protection from her

patron god. She excells in both physical combat and sorcery.

Class Type: MasterClass Sub-type: FemaleLeadership Rank: UnitTerrain Advantage: SnowCarry: 2 ItemsUnit Size: SmallAttacks: x2 Front, x2 Middle, x2 BackEquipment: Thunder Spear, Baldr Mail, Buckler, ArmetAdvancement: Lawful alignment, 60-100 STR 116+, INT 106+, VIT 101+

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Note: The Priest uses Healing Magic Plus in all rows.

PriestHigh ranking Cleric who's compassionate prayer heals

the injured.

Class Type: MasterClass Sub-type: FemaleLeadership Rank: UnitTerrain Advantage: PlainCarry: 1 ItemUnit Size: SmallAttacks: x1 Front, x1 Middle, x2 BackEquipment: Baldr Mace, Robe of the Wise, RosaryAdvancement: Lawful alignment, 65-100 INT 109+, MEN 112+

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Note: The Siren uses Basic Magic in all front and middle rows and Advanced Magic in back.

SirenEven more powerful and beautiful then the sorceress,

the Siren is able to cast area effect spells.

Class Type: MasterClass Sub-type: FemaleLeadership Rank: UnitTerrain Advantage: PlainCarry: 1 ItemsUnit Size: SmallAttacks: x1 Front, x2 Middle, x2 BackEquipment: Arc Wand, Fur Coat, Spell Book, AmuletAdvancement: Chaotic alignment, 0-45 INT 125+, MEN 128+

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Note: To get a character to advance to this class, they must promote 5 or moresoldiers. Only then will the class change be available during or after chapter 3.


Class Type: SpecialClass Sub-type: FemaleLeadership Rank: LegionTerrain Advantage: PlainCarry: 2 ItemsUnit Size: SmallAttacks: x2 Front, x1 Middle, x1 BackEquipment: Baldr Sword, Plate Armor, Buckler, Baldr HelmAdvancement: Alignment, 0-100

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Note: The Princess uses Basic Magic in the front and middle rows and usesAdvanced Magic in the back. When leading a unit everyone, excluding her, gets an extra round of attack.

PrincessHer dignity and charisma are such that her

companions are inspired to perform beyond their potential.

Class Type: SpecialClass Sub-type: FemaleLeadership Rank: LegionTerrain Advantage: PlainCarry: 1 ItemsUnit Size: SmallAttacks: x1 Front, x2 Middle, x2 BackEquipment: Battle Fan, Pure White Dress, Spell Book, Dream TiaraAdvancement: Lawful alignment, 70-100

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Quest for the Princess

Anda perlu empat item untuk memajukan salah satu karakter wanita Anda ke kelas Putri sangat langka: Spellbook, Battle Fan, Pure-White Dress and Dream Crown. 

Mendapatkan Pure-White Dress: 

Kirim pimpinan unit perempuan untuk Tenne Plains, Bourdeux setelah Anda menyelesaikan peta. Anda juga mendapatkan informasi tentang apa yang dibutuhkan untuk membuat gaun itu.

Setelah Anda menyelesaikan misi Dardunnellles, masukkan kembali peta. Waktu sehingga unit Anda mencapai Dardunnelles, Melphy pada tanggal 15. Jika Anda tidak memiliki unit terbang, yang terbaik untuk memasukkan peta pada tanggal 14. Anda akan dapat membeli baut sutra 9:00-18:00.

Kembali ke peta Tenne Plains dan mengirim pimpinan unit perempuan untuk Billney. Anda akan bertemu dengan seorang penjahit yang akan menggunakan sutra untuk menciptakan Pure-White Dress untuk Anda..

Mendapatkan Dream Tiara: 

Anda bisa mendapatkan Dream Tiara setelah Anda selesai peta Blue Basilica (dalam Final Chapter). Masukkan kembali peta dan mengirim unit untuk Clemona untuk belajar tentang Gelda.

Sekarang pergi ke Crenel Canyon dan masukkan Boolem. Anda akan mengetahui bahwa Gelda telah pergi ke Perbatasan Zenobian.

dan itulah di mana Anda akan pergi berikutnya. Mengirim unit ke Elle di peta Zenobian

Border dan Anda akan menemukan lokasi nyata Gelda itu. Pergi ke Soathon, Tristle, untuk memenuhi Gelda. Dia akan memberikan surat untuk orang tua

di Clemona. Kepala kembali ke Blue Basilica, Clemona dan memberikan surat itu. Anda sekarang akan

mendapatkan Dream Tiara sebagai imbalan

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FighterEvolved solider that has gained enough experience to

fight on his own.

Class Type: Intermediate Class Sub-type: MaleLeadership Rank: NoneTerrain Advantage: PlainCarry: 2 ItemsUnit Size: SmallAttacks: x2 Front, x1 Middle, x1 BackEquipment: Short Sword, Chain Mail, Round Shield, Iron HelmetAdvancement: Alignment, 0-100

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PhalanxHeavy infantryman equipped with spear and a large

round shield. This class plays a pivotal role in defense.

Class Type: AdvancedClass Sub-type: MaleLeadership Rank: UnitTerrain Advantage: PlainCarry: 2 ItemsUnit Size: SmallAttacks: x2 Front, x1 Middle, x1 BackEquipment: Spear, Plate Mail, Large Shield. Iron HelmAdvancement: Neutral alignment, 20-80 STR 76+, VIT 70+

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Doll MasterThis class uses a doll as a weapon and commands


Class Type: AdvancedClass Sub-type: MaleLeadership Rank: UnitTerrain Advantage: PlainCarry: 1 ItemsUnit Size: SmallAttacks: x2 Front, x2 Middle, x1 BackEquipment: Marionette, Robe, Amulet, BandannaAdvancement: Neutral alignment, 20-80 INT 60+, MEN 65+, DEX 65+

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KnightKnight clad in full armor who fights for pride and

honor. His offensive and defensive capabilities are well balanced.

Class Type: AdvancedClass Sub-type: MaleLeadership Rank: UnitTerrain Advantage: PlainCarry: 2 ItemsUnit Size: SmallAttacks: x2 Front, x1 Middle, x1 BackEquipment: Baldr Sword, Plate Armor, Kite Shield, ArmetAdvancement: Lawful alignment, 40-100 STR 70+, VIT 67+

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FencerExperienced Swordsman who's distinct style allows to

move swiftly and wield a greatsword with ease.

Class Type: AdvancedClass Sub-type: MaleLeadership Rank: UnitTerrain Advantage: PlainCarry: 2 ItemsUnit Size: SmallAttacks: x2 Front, x1 Middle, x1 BackEquipment: Bastard Sword, Cloth Armor, Jin-GasaAdvancement: Lawful alignment, 30-100 STR 72+, DEX 62+

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Note: Uses Basic Magic in all rows.

WizardMale spellcaster who devotes himself on uncovering

the mysteries of magic.

Class Type: AdvancedClass Sub-type: MaleLeadership Rank: UnitTerrain Advantage: PlainCarry: 1 ItemsUnit Size: SmallAttacks: x1 Front, x1 Middle, x2 BackEquipment: Scipplay Staff, Robe, Amulet, Spell BookAdvancement: Chaotic alignment, 0-60 INT 57+, MEN 63+

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BerserkerFearless warrior with extraordinary strength and

toughness. He attacks with full might regardless of status.

Class Type: AdvancedClass Sub-type: MaleLeadership Rank: UnitTerrain Advantage: PlainCarry: 2 ItemsUnit Size: SmallAttacks: x2 Front, x1 Middle, x1 BackEquipment: Francisca, Leather Armor, Iron HelmAdvancement: Chaotic alignment, 0-60 STR 72+, VIT 67+

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Beast TamerWith whip in hand, the Beast Tamer commands

beasts, and brings out their full potential.

Class Type: AdvancedClass Sub-type: MaleLeadership Rank: UnitTerrain Advantage: MountainsCarry: 2 ItemsUnit Size: SmallAttacks: x2 Front, x2 Middle, x1 BackEquipment: Leather Whip, Leather ArmorAdvancement: Chaotic alignment, 0-60 STR 72+, VIT 67+

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NinjaMartial artist with great agility who wields a set of

claws and eliminates all who stand in his way.

Class Type: AdvancedClass Sub-type: MaleLeadership Rank: NoneTerrain Advantage: FastCarry: 2 ItemsUnit Size: SmallAttacks: x2 Front, x1 Middle, x1 BackEquipment: Iron Claw, Ninja's Garb, HachiganeAdvancement: Chaotic alignment, 0-60 AGI 52+, DEX 59+

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CataphractHeavy infantryman protected with full body armor and

an enormous shield. His impenetrable defense more than makes up for his lack of speed.

Class Type: MasterClass Sub-type: MaleLeadership Rank: UnitTerrain Advantage: PlainCarry: 2 ItemsUnit Size: SmallAttacks: x2 Front, x2 Middle, x2 BackEquipment: Baldr Spear, Heavy Armor, Tower Shield, ArmetAdvancement: Neutral alignment, 30-80 STR 124+, VIT 130+

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EnchanterConsidered the elite Doll Master, this class is capable

of breathing life into dolls and Golems.

Class Type: MasterClass Sub-type: MaleLeadership Rank: UnitTerrain Advantage: PlainCarry: 1 ItemsUnit Size: SmallAttacks: x3 Front, x2 Middle, x2 BackEquipment: Fool, Magician's Robe, Amulet, BandannaAdvancement: Neutral alignment, 25-75 INT 110+, MEN 106+, DEX 115+

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Note: Basic Weapon Magic used in back row.

PaladinAttaining knighthood, he has the ability to draw

magical power out of his sword.

Class Type: MasterClass Sub-type: MaleLeadership Rank: UnitTerrain Advantage: PlainCarry: 2 ItemsUnit Size: SmallAttacks: x3 Front, x2 Middle, x2 BackEquipment: Blessed Sword, Baldr Armor, Kite Shield, Baldr HelmAdvancement: Lawful alignment, 60-100 STR 123+, VIT 103+, DEX 103+

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Note: Sonic Boom in back row.

Sword MasterThe master swordsman who strikes are so swift that

they create powerful shockwaves.

Class Type: MasterClass Sub-type: MaleLeadership Rank: UnitTerrain Advantage: PlainCarry: 2 ItemsUnit Size: SmallAttacks: x3 Front, x2 Middle, x2 BackEquipment: Claymore, Cloth Armor, HachiganeAdvancement: Lawful alignment, 40-100 STR 127+, DEX 117+

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Note: The Archmage uses Basic Magicin all front and middle rows andAdvanced Magic in back.

ArchmageOne who stands above wizards. With his vast arcane

knowledge, he is able to cast area effect spells.

Class Type: MasterClass Sub-type: MaleLeadership Rank: UnitTerrain Advantage: PlainCarry: 1 ItemsUnit Size: SmallAttacks: x1 Front, x2 Middle, x2 BackEquipment: Arc Wand, Magician's Robe, Amulet, Spell BookAdvancement: Chaotic alignment, 0-40 INT 123+, MEN 107+

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Note: Basic Weapon Magic in back row.

Black KnightKnight clad in pitch black armor that strikes fear in his enemies. He has the ability to draw magical power out

of his weapon.

Class Type: MasterClass Sub-type: MaleLeadership Rank: UnitTerrain Advantage: PlainCarry: 2 ItemsUnit Size: SmallAttacks: x2 Front, x2 Middle, x2 BackEquipment: Satan's Bullova, Baldr Armor, Valiant Mantle, ArmetAdvancement: Chaotic alignment, 0-40 STR 117+, VIT 112+

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Beast MasterThe master Beast Tamer who can communicate with beasts and elevate their potential above their limits.

Class Type: MasterClass Sub-type: MaleLeadership Rank: UnitTerrain Advantage: Mountains Carry: 2 ItemsUnit Size: SmallAttacks: x2 Front, x2 Middle, x2 BackEquipment: Rupture Rose, Hard LeatherAdvancement: Chaotic alignment, 0-45 STR 117+, VIT 103+

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Note: The Ninja Master uses Advanced Magic in back row. Magic used is determined by target's element weakness.

Ninja MasterHead of the Ninjas, he has gained the ability to wield a

special form of magic called ninjutsu.

Class Type: MasterClass Sub-type: MaleLeadership Rank: UnitTerrain Advantage: FastCarry: 2 ItemsUnit Size: SmallAttacks: x3 Front, x2 Middle, x2 BackEquipment: Baldr Claw, Ninja's Garb, Hannya MaskAdvancement: Chaotic alignment, 0-40 INT 94+, AGI 112+, DEX 99+

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Note: Untuk mendapatkan karakter ini, harus mempromosikan 5 atau lebih prajurit.


Class Type: SpecialClass Sub-type: MaleLeadership Rank: LegionTerrain Advantage: PlainCarry: 2 ItemsUnit Size: SmallAttacks: x2 Front, x1 Middle, x1 BackEquipment: Baldr Sword, Plate Armor, Kite Shield, ArmetAdvancement: Alignment, 0-100

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DragoonAlso known as the Dragon Killer, this class is trained to

single-handedly vanquish fearsome Dragons.

Class Type: SpecialClass Sub-type: MaleLeadership Rank: UnitTerrain Advantage: PlainCarry: 2 ItemsUnit Size: SmallAttacks: x3 Front, x2 Middle, x2 BackEquipment: Sword of Tiamat, Dragon Armor, Dragon HelmAdvancement: Alignment, 0-100STR 150+, VIT 150+, DEX 150+

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Quest for the Dragoon“Dalam rangka untuk menciptakan Dragoon, Anda perlu tiga item khusus yang tersembunyi di seluruh permainan”.

Mendapatkan Dragon Helm: 

Setelah misi 4, pergi ke Idorf di Mylesia dan mendengarkan informasi tentang Dragoons.

Setelah misi 7, pergi ke Gunther Piedmont, Burgunny dan berbicara dengan orang mabuk. Perhatikan jam Anda! Waktu harus antara 6:00 pm di malam hari, tapi sebelum 7:00 am di pagi hari. Setelah Anda berbicara dengan orang mabuk, masukkan Burgunny sekali lagi setelah 7:00 am untuk mendapatkan informasi tentang lokasi istrinya.

Selanjutnya, pergi ke Volmus mine, Senal. Berbicara dengan istri orang mabuk di sana.

Kembali ke Gunther Piedmont, Burgunny. Bertemu kembali dengan istrinya, ia sekarang akan menjual Naga Helms - tetapi hanya 7:00-07:00.

mendaptkan Dragon Armor: 

Setelah misi 4, pergi ke Mylesia, Idorf (jika Anda belum melakukannya sudah pada pencarian untuk mendapatkan Helm Naga)

Setelah misi 8, pergi ke Dardunnelles, Melphy pada 6 bulan kadang-kadang 9:00-6:00 untuk membeli Condrite langka. Perhatikan bahwa dibutuhkan sekitar satu hari untuk melakukan perjalanan ke Melphy dari titik pengiriman pasukan. Solusi termudah adalah dengan menggunakan unit terbang - atau masukkan peta sehari lebih awal.

Setelah misi 15, Anda akan mendapatkan Armor Dragon dari seorang seniman di Gunung Ithaca, Kynora. Anda harus datang ke sini selama siang hari.

Mendapatkan Sword of Tiamat: (Grozz Nuy)

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Setelah Anda mendapatkan Helm Naga dan Armor, kembali ke Mylesia, Idorf dan mendapatkan info tentang Pedang Tiamat.

Dapatkan Skala Naga dan info Divine Dragon di Fair Heights, Elaine setelah misi 21. Setelah misi 24, pimpinan unit Anda akan melawan naga di Celesis, Pinneg. Anda

akan menerima Pedang Tiamat sebagai hadiah.

Basic Undead Class

Yang Mati Dasar adalah unit yang bagus untuk memiliki. Jika mereka mati selama pertempuran mereka secara otomatis akan membangkitkan diri mereka di akhir. Ini memang memiliki satu dampak negatif. Jika pukulan finishing dari senjata berbasis Kudus atau mengeja unit akan hilang. Istilah ini menyiratkan bahwa unit ini selamanya hilang dan tidak dapat regenerasi.

ZombieOrang mati hidup yang terus berkeliaran di medan


Class Type: Undead Class Sub-type: MaleLeadership Rank: NoneTerrain Advantage: MarshCarry: 2 ItemsUnit Size: SmallAttacks: x2 Front, x1 Middle, x1 BackEquipment: Old ClothingAdvancement: Alignment, 0-100

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ZombiePrajurit Mati siapa kecantikan mantan tidak ada

tempat untuk dilihat.

Class Type: UndeadClass Sub-type: FemaleLeadership Rank: NoneTerrain Advantage: MarshCarry: 2 ItemsUnit Size: SmallAttacks: x2 Front, x1 Middle, x1 BackEquipment: Old ClothingAdvancement: Alignment, 0-100

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Note: Zombie Harus diserang dengan mantra api berbasis menjadi Skeleton

Drops: Halt Hammer or Torn Cloth


Found in the Wild: Volmus Mine II / Forests / Level 6Dardunnelles I / Forests / Level 8

Sable Lowlands / Forests / Level 12Dardunnelles II / Forests / Level 16

Capitrium / Snowy Forests / Level 18

Class Type: Undead Class Sub-type: Male or FemaleLeadership Rank: NoneTerrain Advantage: PlainCarry: 2 ItemsUnit Size: SmallAttacks: x2 Front, x1 Middle, x1 BackEquipment: Halt Hammer, Torn ClothAdvancement: Alignment, 0-100

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Note: Skeleton Harus diserang oleh mantra angin / api, seperti plasma bola, untuk menjadi Ghost. Juga Ghost menggunakan Nightmare di semua baris.

Drops: Torn Cloth

GhostBerkelana semangat almarhum. Karena mereka adalah non-jasmani, serangan fisik melakukan

kerusakan minimal.

Found In the Wild:Volmus Mine II / Forests / Level 6 Dardunnelles I / Forests / Level 8 Sable Lowlands / Forests / Level 12 Dardunnelles II / Forests / Level 16

Class Type: UndeadClass Sub-type: Male or FemaleLeadership Rank: NoneTerrain Advantage: SkyCarry: 1 ItemsUnit Size: SmallAttacks: x1 Front, x1 Middle, x2 BackEquipment: Torn ClothAdvancement: Alignment, 0-100

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Angel Knight ClassAngel knight dan Seraph adalah beberapa kelas yang paling sulit diperoleh dalam 64

Pertempuran Ogre. Sebuah karakter wanita law harus mati di akhir misi untuk mendapatkan Ksatria Malaikat. Mendapatkan satu benar-benar didasarkan pada LUCK. Keberuntungan adalah salah satu statistik yang tersembunyi bahwa semua karakter memiliki. Yang lebih beruntung dia memiliki, kesempatan yang lebih tinggi dia harus menjadi seorang Ksatria Malaikat. Anda juga harus memiliki semua peralatan yang tersedia untuk kelas ini, Needle of Light, Kite Shield, dan Plate Mail. Knights malaikat dapat diperoleh dalam waktu singkat dengan love and peace. Mereka hanya muncul dalam beberapa tahap, jadi gunakan item dengan bijak."mendapatkan Needle of Light:

Item ini hanya akan tersedia setelah Anda mencapai Bab 3. Mengirim unit ke Dardunnelles, Melphy pada 21 bulan. Anda akan dapat membeli Needle of Light antara pukul 9:00 pagi dan 18:00. "

Angel Knight---

Class Type: UndeadClass Sub-type: FemaleLeadership Rank: UnitTerrain Advantage: SkyCarry: 2 ItemsUnit Size: SmallAttacks: x2 Front, x1 Middle, x2 BackEquipment: Needle of Light, Kite Shield, Plate MailAdvancement: Lawful alignment, 50-100

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Note: Angel Knights use a Holy spell called Banish in the middle and back rows.

DEX 57+, INT 60+, MEN 61+

Note: Ketika Ksatria Malaikat memenuhi kebutuhan kemajuan, akan berkembang dalam pertempuran, selama misi.

SeraphThe Seraph uses two Holy based spells; Banish (middle), and Jihad


Class Type: UndeadClass Sub-type: FemaleLeadership Rank: UnitTerrain Advantage: SkyCarry: 2 ItemsUnit Size: SmallAttacks: x2 Front, x1 Middle, x2 BackEquipment: Needle of Light, Kite Shield, Baldr MailAdvancement: Alignment, 75-100DEX 137+, INT 108+, MEN 125+

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Special Undead Class Dua yang terakhir kelas, Vampire dan Lich, memerlukan item dalam rangka untuk

mendapatkan mereka. Hal ini dimungkinkan untuk mendapatkan hingga dua kelas kedua. Setelah Anda memutuskan untuk unit transformator ke dalam kelas, mereka tidak pernah bisa kembali normal.

Note: Uses Life Drain in all rows. During the day vampires return to their coffins and cannot move or attack.

VampireThe undead ruler of the night. His power is formidable,

but he must stay within his coffin at day.

Class Type: UndeadClass Sub-type: MaleLeadership Rank: UnitTerrain Advantage: PlainCarry: 2 ItemsUnit Size: SmallAttacks: x2 Front, x2 Middle, x2 BackEquipment: Count's Garment, Bloody EmblemAdvancement: Chaotic alignment, 0-50 INT 52+, MEN 63+, AGI 54+

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Quest for the Vampire"Mendapatkan Count's Garment: 

Selama misi Fair Heights, pastikan untuk mengalahkan garnison melindungi Davilof. Setelah Anda menghancurkan unit dipimpin oleh Enchanter 18 tingkat dan dua Golems, Anda akan menerima Garment Count.

Mendapatkan Bloody Emblem: 

Anda harus memilih unit dengan pemimpin dengan N atau keselarasan C (di bawah 49). Mengirim unit ini ke Elgorea pada peta Mylesia. Ketika Anda menyelidiki kota, pemimpin akan menghadapi Vampire yang akan mengajukan empat pertanyaan. Hanya jika Anda menjawab dengan benar semua empat akan Anda menerima harga: Bloody Emblem.

Jawaban atas pertanyaan-pertanyaan tergantung pada waktu hari. Gunakan tabel berikut untuk mengetahui jawaban yang benar: 

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Time Answer00:00-01:29 1 1 1 1 01:30-02:59 2 2 2 2 03:00-04:29 1 1 1 2 04:30-05:59 2 2 2 1 06:00-07:29 1 1 2 1 07:30-08:59 2 2 1 2 09:00-10:29 1 1 2 2 10:30-11:59 2 2 1 1 12:00-13:29 1 2 1 1 13:30-14:59 2 1 2 2 15:00-16:29 1 2 1 2 16:30-17:59 2 1 2 1 18:00-19:29 1 2 2 1 19:30-20:59 2 1 1 2 21:00-22:29 1 2 2 2 22:30-23:59 2 1 1 1"

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Note: The Lich uses Advanced Magic in all rows.


Class Type: UndeadClass Sub-type: Male or FemaleLeadership Rank: UnitTerrain Advantage: PlainCarry: 1 ItemsUnit Size: SmallAttacks: x2 Front, x2 Middle, x3 BackEquipment: Kerykeion, Bloodstained Robe, Book of Bane, Ring of the Dead.Advancement: Chaotic alignment, 0-30 INT 24+, MEN 51+

Quest for the Lich"Anda akan membutuhkan empat item, salah satunya adalah sangat langka: Kerykeion, Bloodstained Robe, Book of Bane dan the Ring of the Dead. Anda harus memiliki masalah menemukan tiga pertama, tetapi Cincin Mati baik-tersembunyi..

Ring of the Dead:

Setelah Anda menyelesaikan misi Celesis dalam Bab 3, masukkan kembali peta dan mengirim Magnus ke Banna Barra. Anda akan menerima surat.

Masukkan kembali peta Perbatasan Zenobian dan mengirim Magnus ke Quelluan. Dia akan menerima ring of the dead saat penyerahan surat itu. "


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Drops: Heal Leaf, Short Sword or Plate Mail


Found in the Wild: Mt. Keryoleth I / Forests / Level 15 Tremos Mt.s II / Forests / Level 21 Ptia / Forests / Level 28 Blue Basilica / Forests / Level 26 Latium / Forests / Level 31

Class Type: DemonLeadership Rank: NoneTerrain Advantage: PlainsCarry: 2 ItemsUnit Size: SmallAttacks: x2 Front, x1 Middle, x1 BackEquipment: Short Sword, Plate Mail

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Note: In the front row Gorgons use 'Gaze of Terror', which has a chance to petrify an entire unit.

Drops: Revive Stone, Composite Bow or Love and Peace


Found in the Wild: Ptia / Snowy Forests / Level 28 Latium / Forests / Level 31 Mt. Keryoleth / Forests / Level 34

Class Type: DemonLeadership Rank: UnitTerrain Advantage: PlainsCarry: 2 ItemsUnit Size: SmallAttacks: x1 Front, x1 Middle, x2 BackEquipment: Baldr Bow, Lather Armor

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Drops: Warhammer, Leather Armor orOgre Blade


Found in the Wild: Tybell / Snowy Plains / Level 30

Class Type: DemonLeadership Rank: NoneTerrain Advantage: PlainsCarry: 4 ItemsUnit Size: LargeAttacks: x3 Front, x2 Middle, x1 BackEquipment: War Hammer, Leather Armor

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Note: Basic Weapon Magic used in back row. Bos dekarabia


Not found in the Wild!This unit can only be obtained from enemy units with the item "Love and Peace".

Class Type: DemonLeadership Rank: UnitTerrain Advantage: PlainsCarry: 2 ItemsUnit Size: SmallAttacks: x2 Front, x2 Middle, x2 BackEquipment: Evil Axe, Hard Leather

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The Hawkman Class

Drops: Halt Hammer, Bandanna or Leather Armor

HawkmanTemperamental and aggressive, this class can move

without terrain restrictions.

Found in the Wild: Crenel Canyon I / Roads & Plains / Level 3Mylesia I / Roads & Plains / Level 5 Volmus Mine II / Roads & Plains / Level 6 Dardunnelles I / Roads & Plains / Level 8 Crenel Canyon II / Roads & Plains / Level 9

Class Type: Demi HumanClass Sub-type: MaleLeadership Rank: NoneTerrain Advantage: SkyCarry: 2 ItemsUnit Size: SmallAttacks: x2 Front, x1 Middle, x1 BackEquipment: Halt Hammer, Leather Armor, Bandanna Advancement: Alignment, 0-100

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Note: The Vultan uses 'Wind Shot' when in the back rows.

Drops: Baldr Club, Hachigane or Hard Leather

VultanDescended from the ancient clan of noble Hawkmen,

once said to have ruled the heavens.

Found in the Wild: Wentinus I / Roads & Plains / Level 16 Dardunnelles II / Roads & Plains / Level 16 Wentinus II / Roads & Plains / Level 34

Class Type: Demi HumanClass Sub-type: MaleLeadership Rank: UnitTerrain Advantage: SkyCarry: 2 ItemsUnit Size: SmallAttacks: x2 Front, x1 Middle, x2 BackEquipment: Baldr Club, Hard Leather, HachiganeAdvancement: Lawful alignment, 40-100STR 103+, AGI 97+, DEX 80+

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Note: The Raven uses 'Thunder Arrow'' when in the back rows.

Drops: Baldr Axe, Armet or Hard Leather

RavenHawkman who fell in the way of darkness. Extremely

violent, a Raven finds pleasure drawing blood.

Found in the Wild: Wentinus I / Roads & Plains / Level 16 Dardunnelles II / Roads & Plains / Level 16 Aurua Plains I / Roads & Plains / Level 32

Class Type: Demi HumanClass Sub-type: MaleLeadership Rank: UnitTerrain Advantage: SkyCarry: 2 ItemsUnit Size: SmallAttacks: x2 Front, x1 Middle, x2 BackEquipment: Baldr Axe, Hard Leather, Armet Advancement: Chaotic alignment, 0-60STR 99+, AGI 93+, DEX 77+

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Other Demi Humans

Note: This unit uses 'Throw a Kiss' in front and middle row. It will power up friendly units. In the back the Faerie uses 'Magic Missile'.

Drops: Heal Leaf or Silver Hourglass


Found in the Wild: Mylesia I / Plains / Level 5 Mylesia II / Plains / Level 11 Sable Lowlands / Plains / Level 12 Mt. Ithaca / Plains / Level 13 Fair Heights / Plains / Level 17

Class Type: Demi HumanLeadership Rank: NoneTerrain Advantage: SkyCarry: 1 ItemsUnit Size: SmallAttacks: x1 Front, x1 Middle, x2 BackEquipment: Tiny Clothing

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Note: This unit uses 'Throw a Kiss' in front and middle row. It will power down enemy units. In the back the Gremlin uses 'Abyss', which can cause sleep'.

Drops: Heal Seed or Quit Gate


Found in the Wild: Mylesia I / Forests / Level 5 Volmus Mine II / Plains / Level 6 Mylesia II / Forests/ Level 11 Mt. Ithaca / Forests / Level 13 Fair Heights / Forests / Level 17

Class Type: Demi Human Leadership Rank: NoneTerrain Advantage: SkyCarry: 1 ItemsUnit Size: SmallAttacks: x1 Front, x1 Middle, x2 BackEquipment: None

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Note: Menggunakan 'Pumpkin Smash' di depan dan baris tengah. Jika diblokir, serangan akan membagi kesehatan musuh. Di bagian belakang, Pumpkin head menggunakan 'Pumpkin Shower'. Serangan ini damage besar ke musuh dan Pumpkin head.


Found in the Wild: Highland of Soathon / Forests / Level 11 Tremos Mt. II / Forests / Level 21 Ptia / Forests / Level 28

Drops: Heal Leaf or Dowsing Rod

Class Type: Demi Human Leadership Rank: NoneTerrain Advantage: ForestCarry: 2 ItemsUnit Size: SmallAttacks: x2 Front, x1 Middle, x1 BackEquipment: Plain Clothing, Glass Pumpkin


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Jika Anda suka binatang, maka itu adalah ide yang baik untuk berinvestasi beberapa waktu dalam menciptakan sebuah Beastmaster. Beastmaster ini memberikan semua binatang di unit mereka dorongan 15% di kekuatan serangan. Beast Tamer juga memberikan dorongan ini, tetapi hanya satu 10%.

Semua binatang, dengan pengecualian dari Hellhound dan Cerberus, bisa terbang. Kemampuan ini membuat mereka berguna dalam Vultan / Raven tim. Tim terbang lebih cepat dari semua orang lain, jadi combo ini dapat sangat membantu tentara Anda.

Binatang-binatang 'besar' karakter, yang berarti mereka mengambil 2 slot karakter pada unit jika dibandingkan dengan 1 karakter normal slot. Anda hanya dapat memiliki maksimum 2 pada setiap unit tertentu.

Terakhir, jika Anda ingin meng-upgrade binatang Anda maka harus naik level dalam pertempuran selama misi, setelah mendapatkan semua persyaratan yang diperlukan statusnya.

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Griffin Line

Note: The Griffin uses the attack 'Wind Shot' in the back row.

Drops: Power Fruit

Class Type: BeastLeadership Rank: NoneTerrain Advantage: SkyCarry: 3 ItemsUnit Size: LargeAttacks: x2 Front, x1 Middle, x2 Back



Found in the Wild: Crenel Canyon I / Highlands / Level 3 Zenobian Border / Highlands / Level 5 Gunther Piedmont / Barrens / Level 7 Crenel Canyon II / Highlands / Level 9 Mt. Ithaca / Highlands / Level 13

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Note: The Opinincus uses the attack 'Wind Storm' in the back row.

Drops: Angel Fruit, Crystal of Precision or Stone of Quickness


Found in the Wild: Celesis / Snowy Plains / Level 20 Temple of Berthe II / Highlands / Level 22 Romulus / Barrens / Level 24 Tybell / Highlands / Level 30 Mt. Keryoleth II / Highlands / Level 34

Class Type: BeastLeadership Rank: NoneTerrain Advantage: SkyCarry: 3 ItemsUnit Size: LargeAttacks: x2 Front, x1 Middle, x2 BackAdvancement:MEN 105+, AGI 127+, DEX 91+

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Wyrm Line

Drops: Power Fruit


Found in the Wild: Tenne Plains / Barrens / Level 2 Mylesia I / Highlands / Level 5 Volmus Mine II / Highlands / Level 6 Mylesia II / Highlands / Level 11

Class Type: BeastLeadership Rank: NoneTerrain Advantage: SkyCarry: 3 ItemsUnit Size: LargeAttacks: x2 Front, x2 Middle, x2 Back

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Note: The Wyvern uses the attack 'Fire Breath' in the back row.

Drops: Cup of Life, Champion Statuette or Angel Fruit


Found in the Wild: Temple of Berthe II / Barrens / Level 22 Tremos Mt. I / Highlands / Level 23 Latium / Highlands / Level 31 Wentinus II / Highlands / Level 34

Class Type: BeastLeadership Rank: NoneTerrain Advantage: SkyCarry: 3 ItemsUnit Size: LargeAttacks: x2 Front, x2 Middle, x2 BackAdvancement:STR 140+, AGI 124+, DEX 102+

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Hellhound Line

Drops:Power Fruit

Class Type: BeastLeadership Rank: NoneTerrain Advantage:MountainsCarry: 4 ItemsUnit Size: LargeAttacks: x3 Front, x2 Middle, x1 Back


Found in the Wild: Crenel Canyon I / Forests / Level 3 Zenobian Border / Barrens / Level 5 Alba / Barrens / Level 8 Crenel Canyon II / Forests / Level 9 Highland of Soathon / Barrens / Level 11

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Note: Cerberus uses the attack 'Mesmerize' in the back row.

Drops: Angel Fruit, Goblet of Destiny or Flag of Unity

Class Type: BeastLeadership Rank: NoneTerrain Advantage:MountainsCarry: 4 ItemsUnit Size: LargeAttacks: x3 Front, x2 Middle, x2 BackAdvancement:STR 139+, VIT 138+, MEN 90+


Found in the Wild: Gules Hills I / Forests / Level 16Gules Hills II / Highlands / Level 23 Barpheth / Barrens / Level 27

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Other Beasts

Note: The Cockatrice uses the attack 'Petrify' in the back row.

Drops: Revive Stone or Scroll of Discipline


Found in the Wild: Audvera Heights / Forests / Level 12 Mt. Keryoleth I / Highlands / Level 15 Temple of Berthe II / Snowy Highlands / Level 22 Romulus / Highlands / Level 24Mt. Keryoleth II / Barrens / Level 34

Class Type: BeastLeadership Rank: NoneTerrain Advantage: SkyCarry: 4 ItemsUnit Size: LargeAttacks: x2 Front, x1 Middle, x2 Back

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Note: The Sphinx uses 'Evocation' in the back row. This attack is exactly like Dark Quest.

Drops: Angel Fruit or Altar of Resurrection


Found in the Wild: Argent / Snowy Forests / Level 29 Latium / Highlands / Level 31 Mt. Keryoleth II / Highlands / Level34

Class Type: BeastLeadership Rank: NoneTerrain Advantage: SkyCarry: 3 ItemsUnit Size: LargeAttacks: x2 Front, x1 Middle, x2 Back

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DRAGONSIf you like dragons, then it is a good idea to invest some time in creating a Dragon Master. Dragon Master's give all dragons in their unit a 15% boost in attack power. Dragon Tamer's also give this boost, but only a 10% one.

Starting out you will need to find some dragons, since they are unobtainable in any starting army. Dragons pop up almost anyway, so they are not hard to find.

Lastly, if you wish to upgrade your dragon you must have it level up in battle during a mission after it has obtained all necessary status requirements.

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Drops: Heal Seed

Class Type: DragonLeadership Rank: NoneTerrain Advantage: PlainsCarry: 3 ItemsUnit Size: LargeAttacks: x2 Front, x1 Middle, x1 Back

Young Dragon---

Found in the Wild: Tenne Plains / Forests / Level 2 Volmus Mine I / Forests / Level 2 Zenobian Border / Plains / Level 5 Gunther Piedmont / Plains / Level 7 Dardunnelles I / Barrens / Level 8 Alba / Highlands / Level 8

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Mature Dragons

Note: The Thunder Dragon uses the attack 'Lighting Breath' in the back row.

Drops: Heal Seed or Sum Mannus

Thunder Dragon---

Found in the Wild: Dardunnelles I / Barrens / Level 8 Sable Lowlands / Barrens / Level 12 Mt. Keryoleth I / Barrens / Level 15 Gules Hills I / Barrens / Level 16 Celesis / Barrens / Level 20 Gules Hills II / Barrens / Level 23 Ptia / Snowy Barrens / Level 28Latium / Barrens / Level 31

Class Type: DragonLeadership Rank: NoneTerrain Advantage: PlainsCarry: 4 ItemsUnit Size: LargeAttacks: x2 Front, x1 Middle, x1 BackAdvancement:Neutral alignment, 20-80 Wind ElementAGI 61+, DEX 81+

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Note: The Red Dragon uses the attack 'Fire Breath' in the back row.

Drops: Heal Seed or Sword of Firedrake

Red Dragon---

Found in the Wild: Sable Lowlands / Barrens / Level 12 Audvera Heights / Highlands / Level 12 Azure Plains / Highlands / Level 14 Fair Heights / Highlands / Level 17 Tremos Mt.s II / Highlands / Level 21 Blue Basilica / Highlands / Level 26 Aurua Plains I / Highlands / Level 32

Class Type: DragonLeadership Rank: NoneTerrain Advantage: MountainsCarry: 4 ItemsUnit Size: LargeAttacks: x2 Front, x1 Middle, x1 BackAdvancement:Neutral alignment, 20-80 Fire ElementSTR 108+, AGI 61+

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Note: The Earth Dragon uses the attack 'Acid Breath' in the back row.

Drops: Heal Seed or Axe of Wyrm

Earth Dragon---

Found in the Wild: Alba / Forests / Level 8 Azure Plains / Forests / Level 14 Mt. Keryoleth I / Forests / Level 15 Fair Heights / Forests / Level 17 Vert Plateau / Forests / Level 19 Temple of Berthe II / Forests / Level 22

Class Type: DragonLeadership Rank: NoneTerrain Advantage: PlainsCarry: 4 ItemsUnit Size: LargeAttacks: x2 Front, x1 Middle, x1 BackAdvancement:Neutral alignment, 20-80 Earth ElementVIT 109+, MEN 98+

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Note: The Blue Dragon uses the attack 'Breath of Cold' in the back row.

Drops: Heal Seed or Cyanic Claw

Blue Dragon---

Found in the Wild: Gunther Piedmont / Marsh / Level 7 Sable Lowlands / Highlands / Level 12 Gules Hills I / Marsh / Level 16 Gules Hills II/ Marsh / Level 23 Tybell / Marsh / Level 30

Class Type: DragonLeadership Rank: NoneTerrain Advantage: MarshCarry: 4 ItemsUnit Size: LargeAttacks: x2 Front, x1 Middle, x1 BackAdvancement:Neutral alignment, 20-80 Water ElementAGI 61+, DEX 81+

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Note: The Platinum Dragon uses the attack 'Sacred Breath' in the back row.

Drops: Heal Seed or Ytival

Platinum Dragon---

Found in the Wild: Crenel Canyon II / Barrens / Level 9 Highland of Soathon / Highlands / Level 11 Capitrium / Snowy Highlands / Level 18 Vert Plateau / Snowy Highlands / Level 19 Celesis / Snowy Highlands / Level 20 Barpheth / Snowy Highlands / Level 27 Argent / Snowy Highlands / Level 29

Class Type: DragonLeadership Rank: NoneTerrain Advantage: SnowCarry: 4 ItemsUnit Size: LargeAttacks: x2 Front, x1 Middle, x1 BackAdvancement:Lawful alignment, 65-100 VIT 114+, INT 73+, MEN 101+

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Note: The Black Dragon uses the attack 'Rotten Breath' in the back row.

Drops: Heal Seed or Kerykeion

Black Dragon---

Found in the Wild: Mylesia II / Forests / Level 11 Capitrium / Snowy Barrens / Level 18 Tremos Mt.s I / Forests / Level 23 Barpheth / Forests / Level 27 Tybell / Forests / Level 30

Class Type: DragonLeadership Rank: NoneTerrain Advantage: PlainsCarry: 4 ItemsUnit Size: LargeAttacks: x2 Front, x1 Middle, x1 BackAdvancement:Chaotic alignment, 0-35 STR 112+, INT 73+, DEX 84+

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Venerable Dragons

Note: Quetzalcoatl uses the attack 'Radiant Gale' in the back row, which has a chance to stun enemy units, and uses 'Thunder Breath' in front and middle rows.


Only obtainable by advancement or 'Love and Peace'.

Class Type: DragonLeadership Rank: NoneTerrain Advantage: PlainsCarry: 4 ItemsUnit Size: LargeAttacks: x2 Front, x2 Middle, x2 BackAdvancement:Neutral alignment, 25-75 AGI 93+, DEX 121+

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Note: Flarebrass uses the attack 'Crimson Note' in the back row, which has a chance to power down enemy units, and uses 'Fire Breath' in front and middle rows.


Found in the Wild: Aurua Plains II / Highlands / Level 36

Drops: ???

Class Type: DragonLeadership Rank: NoneTerrain Advantage: PlainsCarry: 4 ItemsUnit Size: LargeAttacks: x2 Front, x2 Middle, x2 BackAdvancement:Neutral alignment, 25-75 STR 156+, AGI 93+

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Note: Ahzi Dahaka uses the attack 'Earthquake' in the back row, which has a chance to power down enemy units, and uses 'Acid Breath' in front and middle rows. Earthquake does not damage flying units.

Ahzi Dahaka---

Found in the Wild: Mt. Keryoleth II / Forests / Level 34

Drops: Bracer of Protection, Heal Pack or Naga Ring

Class Type: DragonLeadership Rank: NoneTerrain Advantage: PlainsCarry: 4 ItemsUnit Size: LargeAttacks: x2 Front, x2 Middle, x2 BackAdvancement:Neutral alignment, 25-75 VIT 157+, MEN 130+

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Note: The Hydra uses the attack 'Clear Disaster' in the back row, which has a chance to induce sleep on enemy units, and uses 'Breath of Cold' in front and middle rows.


Found in the Wild: Wentinus II / Marsh / Level 34

Drops: Snow Orb, Heal Pack or Mirror of Soul

Class Type: DragonLeadership Rank: NoneTerrain Advantage: MarshCarry: 4 ItemsUnit Size: LargeAttacks: x2 Front, x2 Middle, x2 BackAdvancement:Neutral alignment, 25-75 MEN 138+, DEX 121+

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Note: The Bahamut uses the attack 'Divine Ray' in the back row, which has a chance to induce sleep on enemy units, and uses 'Sacred Breath' in front and middle rows.


Found in the Wild: Aurua Plains II / Highlands / Level 36

Drops: ???

Class Type: DragonLeadership Rank: NoneTerrain Advantage: SnowCarry: 4 ItemsUnit Size: LargeAttacks: x2 Front, x2 Middle, x2 BackAdvancement:Lawful alignment, 75-100 VIT 162+, INT 105+, MEN 133+

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Note: The Bahamut uses the attack 'Evil Dead' in the back row, which has a chance to induce sleep on enemy units, and uses 'Rotten Breath' in front and middle rows.


Found in the Wild: Aurua Plains I / Forests / Level 32

Drops: Angel Fruit, Goblet of Destiny or Urn of Chaos

Class Type: DragonLeadership Rank: NoneTerrain Advantage: PlainsCarry: 4 ItemsUnit Size: LargeAttacks: x2 Front, x2 Middle, x2 BackAdvancement:Chaotic alignment, 0-25 STR 160+, INT 105+, DEX 124+

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The Golem Family

Clay Golem: Your standard golem.Attacks: 3 attacks in front, 2 in middle, 1 in back.How to Obtain: Found in wild.

Stone Golem: An upgraded Clay Golem.Attacks: 3 attacks in front, 2 in middle, 1 in back.Advancement: Found in wild.A Clay Golem will change into a Stone Golem when attacked by petrification.

Baldr Golem: An upgraded Stone Golem.Attacks: 3 attacks in front, 2 in middle, 1 in back.Advancement: Found in wild. A Stone Golem will change into a Baldr Golem when attacked by a wind based attack.

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Zoshonel Grueza

What are Elem Pedras?"How to Unlock1st Pedra :Choose at the start of the game.2nd Pedra :Train a unit at Mylesia after Mission 4.3rd Pedra :Train a unit at Mount Ithaca after Mission 15.4th Pedra :Train a unit at Gules Hills after mission 20.To get the Pedras you must train your units at a certain location 5 times."

Harnella Berthe

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Virtue and BaneBesides the four main Pedra, you can also unlock two others from side quests in the

game. These two elements, or rather attributes, control alignment in the game. Alignment changes how people speak in the game, and also determine what classes they can change into. Alignment can be changed, unlike a characters element.The Goddess of Virtue Ishtar and the God of Bane Asmodee.

"How to Unlock the Pedra of VirtueSetelah Misi 20 pergi ke Gulus Hill, Muji. Berbicara dengan seorang pria tentang

putrinya. Lalu pergi ke Volmous, Volmous Mine dan belajar bahwa putri di Mount Ithaca. Pergi ke Mount Ithaca, Caltovich dan memberikan surat ayah nya padanya dan sebagai imbalannya ia akan memberikan Pedra of Virtue tersebut.

How to Unlock the Pedra of BaneSetelah Mission 12, pergi ke Soathon, Jiram. Dapatkan beberapa info tentang anjing

yang hilang. Kemudian cari Hellhound dan kembali ke sana. Berikan anak Hellhound dan dia akan memberikan Pedra of Bane tersebut. "


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Spells 101

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Fire Spells

Fireball when used by things like Wizards/Sorceress

Ray of Paralysis when used by Witches (causes Stun)

Fire Storm when used by things like Siren/Archmage/Princess/Freya/Lich

Fireball Plus when used by things like two Wizard/Sorceress

Fire Storm Plus when used by things like two Siren/Archmage/Princess/Freya/Lich

Ray of Paralysis Plus when used by two Witches. (causes larger area of effect Stun)

Water Spells

Ice Blast when used by things like Wizards/Sorceress Slumber Mist when used by Witches (causes Sleep) Ice Field when used by things like

Siren/Archmage/Princess/Freya/Lich Ice Blast Plus when used by things like two

Wizard/Sorceress Ice Field Plus when used by things like two

Siren/Archmage/Princess/Freya/Lich Slumber Mist Plus when used by two Witches.

(causes larger area of effect Sleep)

Wind Spells

Lightning when used by things like Wizards/Sorceress/Valkyrie

Shock Bolt when used by Witches (causes Stun) Thunder Flare when used by things like

Siren/Archmage/Princess/Freya/Lich Lightning Plus when used by things like two

Wizard/Sorceress/Valkyrie Thunder Flare Plus when used by things like two

Siren/Archmage/Princess/Freya/Lich Shock Bolt Plus when used by two Witches.

(causes larger area of effect Stun)

Earth Spells

Acid Vapor when used by things like Wizards/Sorceress

Poison Cloud when used by Witches (causes Poison) Crag Press when used by things like

Siren/Archmage/Princess/Freya/Lich Acid Vapor Plus when used by things like two

Wizard/Sorceress Crag Press Plus when used by things like two

Siren/Archmage/Princess/Freya/Lich Poison Cloud Plus when used by two Witches.

(causes larger area of effect Poison)

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Combining Two Different Element


Now that you know about the normal combination plus spells, you can experiment with combining different element spells. There are tons of spell combination left to discover! Please do note that some elements can not combine! Such as Fire and Water, Wind and Earth.

Inferno - Advanced wind/bane combination spell w/sleep effect. Red evil symbol bulges up and damages all enemies.

Atmosphere - Advanced wind/water combination spell w/sleep effect. Blue line globe appears and explodes out at all enemies.

Blue Spiral - Advanced earth/water combination spell w/poison effect. Blue water spirals up and splashes over all enemies.

Doom - the advanced bane/flame effect spell. Purple claw hand grabs enemies. Poison effect.

Bind Flare - the advanced wind/flame effect spell. Rings come up and bind enemies. Paralyze effect.

Lava Flow - Advanced flame/earth combination spell w/paralyze effect. Green light cuts a volcano in the earth and lava oozes out to damage all enemies.

Bane Spells

Word of Pain when used by things like Wizards/Sorceress

Nightmare when used by Witches (causes Sleep) Dark Quest when used by things like

Siren/Archmage/Princess/Freya/Lich Word of Pain Plus when used by things like two

Wizard/Sorceress Dark Quest Plus when used by things like two

Siren/Archmage/Princess/Freya/Lich Nightmare Plus when used by two Witches. (causes

larger area of effect Sleep)

Poison Lime - the advanced water/earth effect spell. Ice crystals come up around feet with green bubbles. Poison effect.

Black Breeze - the advanced bane/wind effect spell. Purple slime oozes up on enemies. Sleep effect.

Dark Flame - Advanced bane/flame combination spell w/power down effect. Purple flames come together and blaze in one big flame engulfing all enemies.

Plasma Storm - Advanced wind/flame combination spell w/paralyze effect. Purple balls of electricity form together and zap all enemies.

Deep Sleep - the advanced water/wind effect spell. Blue sheep swirl around enemies heads. Sleep effect.

Poison Plant - the advanced flame/earth effect spell. Mushrooms sprout up and release green bubbles. Paralyze effect.

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Drakonite SpellsMereka adalah buku langka yang tidak dapat menggabungkan dengan orang lain,

tapi itu membuat untuk itu untuk wilayah pengaruh dan kekuasaan yang dimilikinya. Ada empat buku, dan di sini adalah bagaimana untuk menemukan mereka!

"Tempest: Head to Blue Basilica, then to the stronghold of Surite. From there head down and to the right, across the river.

White Mute: Found in Argent, to the right of the stronghold of Carella.

Annihilation You can buy this book in the store in Alba. Specifically the stronghold of Vertze. It costs quite alot of money, however. Another one can be found in Barpheth, just head to Sondrio. From there head down and to the right and wonder around until you find it. 

Meteor Strike: Head to Dardunnelles, and go to the town of Melphy. The time needs to be between 18:00 and 21:00 on either the 6th, 15th, or 21st of the month. Found in Ptia, below and to the right of the town of Furge"

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Chaos FrameBingkai Chaos adalah stat yang tersembunyi yang diperoleh atau hilang selama

permainan. Setelah Anda telah mengalahkan permainan, Chaos Bingkai nomor Anda ditampilkan setelah kredit, dan itu akan berkisar dari 0-100. A 'tinggi' Frame Chaos berarti Anda harus mendapatkan sekitar 65-100 poin, dan 'rendah' Frame Chaos harus berkisar antara 0-35 poin. Anda dapat memiliki 'netral' Frame Chaos juga dan itu berkisar 36-64 poin. Bingkai Chaos Anda adalah penting untuk dua hal. Ini menentukan siapa yang akan bergabung dengan tentara Anda, dan apa akhir Anda akan menerima.

Perubahan terbesar dan paling jelas ke frame chaos Anda adalah dari menangkap atau membebaskan kota. Orang bisa menggunakan persamaan sederhana untuk menentukan Bingkai Chaos mereka saat ini. Menangkap kota, bingkai Anda turun dengan 2, dan kota-kota Pembebasan frame Anda naik sebesar 0,5

Meskipun ada hal-hal lain yang perlu dipertimbangkan ketika menghitung Bingkai Chaos Anda, formula ini adalah yang paling dekat Anda bisa mendapatkan ke Chaos Bingkai sejati Anda tanpa banyak pekerjaan.

How do you 'Liberate' or 'Capture' towns?Di bawah ini adalah panduan visual yang akan menjelaskan setiap komponen

tentang cara untuk melakukan ini. Hanya untuk gambaran singkat, Anda perlu tahu keselarasan unit dan semangat dari setiap kota yang diberikan Anda ingin membebaskan atau menangkap. Juga, Anda hanya dapat melakukan ini ketika Anda aktif dalam misi dan kota saat ini dalam kepemilikan tentara musuh.

Unit Alignment

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Untuk menentukan keselarasan dari setiap unit yang Anda butuhkan untuk melihat keberpihakan dari karakter dalam unit tersebut. Dalam 64 Pertempuran Ogre, semua karakter dalam unit yang sama yang baik sah, Chaotic, atau netral, kecuali Anda berebut karakter sering. Mereka dapat berkisar dari yang murni dalam keselarasan (seperti 0-10 C, N 45-55, dan 90-100 L), atau di tengah keberpihakan (seperti 11-34 C, 35-44 N, 56 - 64 N, 65-89 L). The 'rata-rata' dari unit Anda adalah apa yang akan Anda gunakan untuk menentukan apakah mereka dapat menangkap atau membebaskan kota. Meskipun saya belum menguji hal ini, saya menganggap para pemimpin unit keselarasan yang paling penting saat menentukan ini.

How do I find out the Morale of a town?You can find the morale, which is located under the town information, when you are active on any given map. When deciding to capture or liberate, the morale will show what kind of unit you should send. In the first example below, Norle has a morale of 80. Sending a Lawful unit (75-95 L) will result in a liberation! If you wish to capture, you would send a Chaotic unit (0-35 C) or Neutral unit (45-55 N). And in the second example, Sceni, it would be the opposite. Send a Chaotic unit to liberate, and a Lawful or Neutral unit to capture. Neutral units from 35-64, can liberate any town that has a 'medium' or neutral morale.

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How do I know if I Captured or Liberated a town?Every time you take a town you will receive a message from the unit leader. If they say, 'Liberated' the town was liberated, and if they say 'Captured' the town is then captured. 

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Neutral Towns and RecapturingIn some maps you will find towns that are 'green'. These towns are not owned by you or the enemy army. If you want to lower your Chaos Frame, then you should take these towns, because you can never liberate them. And if you want a high Chaos Frame, leave them alone. At the end of the mission they will become yours.

If the enemy army manages to recapture one of the towns in your control, this will lower your chaos frame. So once again, if you want a high Chaos Frame, then protect your towns.

Sword popular for its ease of use.

Type: SwordElement: PhysicalSTR +3

Sword forged from Baldr, a metal that increases one's magical ability.

Type: SwordElement: PhysicalSTR +5, INT +3

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Sword chiseled from an ancient boulder, belived to contain the spirit of a god.

Type: SwordElement: EarthSTR +7, VIT +5Res Wind +4Res Earth -1

Curved single-edged sword with a broad blade designed to slash the opponent.

Type: SwordElement: PhysicalSTR +8

A dragon slayer made from the scale of a firedrake.

Type: SwordElement: FlameSTR +8Res Fire -1Res Water +4

Forged by an Elven blacksmith, the blade of this sword emits an unceasing red glow.

Type: SwordElement: FlameSTR +9Res Water +3

Baldr sword blessed by a priest.

Type: SwordElement: VirtueSTR +9, INT +3Res Dark +3

Sword of lightning made from the scale of a thunder dragon.

Type: SwordElement: WindSTR +11Res Wind -1Res Earth +4

Sword chiseled from unmelting ice.

Type: SwordElement: WaterSTR +13Res Fire +4Res Water -1

Bloodthirsty sword which urges the wielder to fight.

Type: SwordElement: BaneSTR +14Res Holy +4Res Dark -1

The altered form of a young man, who transformed himself to search for the soul of his true love.

Type: SwordElement: PhysicalSTR +15, MEN +11

Broad-bladed sabre tempered in the eastern kingdom of Zipang.

Type: SwordElement: EarthSTR +16Res Wind +8Res Earth -3

Fiendish sword used by the swordsmen of the netherworld. A greatsword with undulating blade, often used for ceremonial purposes.

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Type: SwordElement: Bane, Sleep EffectSTR +17Res Holy +8Res Dark -3

Type: SwordElement: PhysicalSTR +18

The flaming sword of Surt, said to consume the world by fire at the time of Ragnarok.

Type: SwordElement: EarthSTR +18Res Fire -3Res Water +8

Sword made of jade which contains the power of unholy water.

Type: SwordElement: WaterSTR +18Res Fire +8Res Water -3

Holy sword said to have been brought from the heavens by a fallen angel.

Type: SwordElement: VirtueSTR +18Res Holy -1Res Dark +4

Sword that holds the power of Notos, god of the south wind. One of the four Relics of Wind.

Type: SwordElement: WindSTR +19, AGI +5Res Wind -2Res Earth +7

A shining sword of virtue which grants the wielder the ability to communicate with the gods.

Type: SwordElement: VirtueSTR +21Res Holy -3Res Dark +8

The sword used by an ancient hero to slay the evil dragon Fafnir.

Type: SwordElement: PhysicalSTR +22

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Common, large, double-edged sword designed to do damage but it's sheer size.

Type: Great SwordElement: PhysicalSTR +6

Daito, exotic long sword of the East, that amplifies its wielder's power.

Type: Great SwordElement: EarthSTR +7, DEX +3Res Wind +4Res Earth -1

Greatsword with an oversized guard.

Type: Great SwordElement: PhysicalSTR +9

The legendary warsword of Sigurd.

Type: Great SwordElement: PhysicalSTR +11

Sacred sword found in the tail of a dragon. It looks tarnished, but emits bright light when brandished

Type: Great SwordElement: VirtueSTR +11Res Dark +2

Daito, exotic long of the East, with the power to create blades of wind.

Type: Great SwordElement: WindSTR +12, DEX +4Res Wind -1Res Earth +4

Sword forged in the netherworld that freezes what it hits.

Type: Great SwordElement: WaterSTR +12Res Fire +4Res Water -1

Daito, exotic long sword of the East, that becomes engulfed in flame when brandished.

Type: Great SwordElement: FlameSTR +13, DEX +4Res Fire -1Res Water +4

Sword tempered with lightning by Thor. The lost technology of the ancient Mistralians entrapped the power of bane in this sword.

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Type: Great SwordElement: WindSTR +14Res Wind -3Res Earth +8

Type: Great SwordElement: BaneSTR +14Res Holy +8Res Dark -3

Legendary long sword carved from a scale of the elder dragon.

Type: Great SwordElement: PhysicalSTR +15

Dragon slayer made of the Tiamat's fang.

Type: Great SwordElement: PhysicalSTR +15

Daito, exotic long sword of the East whose blade is bedewed at all times.

Type: Great SwordElement: WaterSTR +17Res Fire +8Res Water -3

BalmungTwo-handed sword made from the claw of the

evil dragon, Fafnir.Type: Great SwordElement: PhysicalSTR +19

Holy sword, also known as the Demon Slayer, for beheading countless evil beings.

Type: Great SwordElement: VirtueSTR +22Res Holy -4Res Dark +10

Gigantic weapon forged by the Ogre; its form is too irregular and unrefined to be acknowledged as a sword.

Type: Great SwordElement: BaneSTR +25, INT -4Res Holy +15Res Dark -10

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Light, sharp-tipped sword designed to thrust at the joints in armor.

Type: Thrusting SwordElement: PhysicalSTR +4

Light, sharp-tipped sword with a knuckle guard on its hilt.

Type: Thrusting SwordElement: PhysicalSTR +6

Sword made from a frozen peridot.

Type: Thrusting SwordElement: WaterSTR +7Res Fire +4Res Water -1

Thin blade of light created by the element of virtue.

Type: Thrusting SwordElement: VirtueSTR +7Res Dark +3

Dagger used for parrying attacks. It has a peculiar shape, but is very easy to handle.

Type: Thrusting SwordElement: PhysicalSTR +8

Sword chiseled from a Dragon Gem, a jewel with the ability to communicate with dragons.

Type: Thrusting SwordElement: PhysicalSTR +13

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Steel, easy to use spear, capable of inflicting large amounts of damage.

Type: SpearElement: PhysicalSTR +5

Spear made of Baldr, a metal that increases one's magical ability.

Type: SpearElement: PhysicalSTR +7, INT +3

Magical spear with the power of thunder.

Type: SpearElement: WindSTR +7Res Earth +3

Osric, King of Zamora's spear of ice.

Type: SpearElement: WaterSTR +8Res Fire +4Res Water -1

Legendary spear discovered in Mount Volcana.

Type: SpearElement: FlameSTR +9Res Fire -1Res Water +4

Spear that holds the power of Zephyros, god of the west wind. One of the four relics of Wind.

Type: SpearElement: WindSTR +12, AGI +5Res Earth +6

Javelin that draws power from the earth and enhances the wielder's ability.

Type: SpearElement: EarthSTR +12Res Wind +8Res Earth -3

Spear found in the lair of the dragon, Isebelg.

Type: SpearElement: WaterSTR +14Res Fire +8Res Water -3

Its spearhead is made of the horn of a unicorn, with divine inscriptions engraved on it.

Lance of damnation that harms even the gods.

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Type: SpearElement: PhysicalSTR +15, INT +2

Type: SpearElement: VirtueSTR +16Res Holy -1Res Dark +4

Spear of an evil deity that absorbs grief and despair, and grants power to its wielder.

Type: SpearElement: BaneSTR +17Res Holy +6Res Dark -2

Lance of pure silver, carried by the holy army when they descended from heaven.

Type: SpearElement: VirtueSTR +18Res Holy -3Res Dark +8

Blazing spear tempered with the eternal flame of the netherworld.

Type: SpearElement: FlameSTR +21Res Fire -3Res Water +8

Rare magical spear with a will of its own.

Type: SpearElement: BaneSleep EffectSTR +24, INT +6Res Holy +10Res Dark -4

Staff carved from the Scipplay Cypress tree.

Type: StaffElement: PhysicalSTR +1, INT +3

Wand favored by experienced spellcasters, which enhances the user's magical ability.

Type: StaffElement: PhysicalSTR +3, INT +5

Staff with a feather of the eagle Hraesvelg on its tip. It grants the holder mastery over wind.

Staff of Hermes with two serpents intertwined around it.

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Type: StaffElement: WindSTR +4, INT +7Res Wind -3Res Earth +8

Type: StaffElement: BaneSTR +4, INT +7Res Holy +8Res Dark -3

The staff that spews forth flame and incinerates evil.

Type: StaffElement: FlameSTR +6, INT +8Res Fire -3Res Water +8

Staff which converts the magical power of its wielder into blades of ice.

Type: StaffElement: WaterSTR +4, INT +10Res Fire +8Res Water -3

Staff carved from an ancient tree, whose roots spread throughout the continent of Zeteginia.

Type: StaffElement: EarthSTR +3, INT +11, MEN +1Res Wind +6Res Earth -2

Silver staff, told to have formed from the severed arm of Nuadu, that heightens its wielder's wisdom.

Type: StaffElement: VirtueSTR +5, INT +12Res Holy -3Res Dark +8

Staff made in the likeness of Jormungand, the gigantic serpent that encircles the world.

Type: StaffElement: EarthSTR +4, INT +15Res Wind +8Res Earth -3

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Small, light wooden bow that is portable and easy to handle, but lacks strength.

Type: BowElement: PhysicalSTR +3

Long bow reinforced with yak horn.

Type: BowElement: PhysicalSTR +4

Bow made of Baldr, a metal that increases one's magical ability.

Type: BowElement: PhysicalSTR +6, INT +3

Bow of pure silver, carried by the holy army when they descended from heaven.

Type: BowElement: VirtueSTR +7Res Holy -4Res Dark +10

Legendary bow of the ancient kingdom of Habiram. Its arrows never misses their mark, even in a sandstorm.

Type: BowElement: EarthSTR +8Res Wind +8Res Earth -3

Bow of the thunder god Thor. The arrow becomes engulfed in lightning and penetrated through the foe.

Type: BowElement: WindSTR +9Res Wind -3Res Earth +8

Bow made from many materials, giving it more flexibility and durability. Found within a massive block of ice, this bow freezes its target instantly.

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Type: BowElement: PhysicalSTR +10

Type: BowElement: WaterSTR +14Res Fire +8Res Water -3

Crescent-shaped bow used by a maiden to shoot an arrow to the heavens to deliver a lover letter.

Type: BowElement: VirtueSTR +15, DEX +4Res Holy -3Res Dark +8

Great bow made from the bone of Ji'ylga, who was promised eternal pleasure in exchanged for his soul.

Type: BowElement: BanePetrify EffectSTR +16, INT -2Res Holy +10Res Dark -4

Light, compact mace that is easy to wield.

Type: MaceElement: PhysicalSTR +2, INT +3

Mace made of Baldr, a metal that increases one's magical ability.

Type: MaceElement: PhysicalSTR +3, INT +5

Holy mace that emits white light from the jewel mounted in its head. Mace blessed by Holp, the god of wisdom, with the power to pulverize the forces of evil.

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Type: MaceElement: VirtueSTR +4, INT +9Res Holy -1Res Dark +4

Type: MaceElement: VirtueSTR +3, INT +13Res Holy -3Res Dark +8

Study fan made of iron plates.

Type: FanElement: PhysicalSTR +4

Ceremonial heart-shaped fan.

Type: FanElement: VirtueSTR +7, AGI +5Res Holy -1Res Dark +4

Wooden doll, articulated with steel wires.

Type: DollElement: PhysicalSTR +5

Peculiar doll resembling a jester that conceals numerous weapons.

Type: DollElement: PhysicalSTR +7

Angel doll very popular among children.

Type: DollElement: VirtueSTR +9Res Holy -3Res Dark +8

Doll of CurseA cursed soul is entrapped in this doll.

Type: DollElement: BaneParalyze EffectSTR +10Res Holy +8Res Dark -3

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Statue set with the Stone of Destiny that confines the sentience of a god.

Type: DollElement: VirtueSTR +13Res Holy -4Res Dark +10

Doll given as a birthday present. Its power reflects the battalion leader's.

Type: DollElement: Flame, Earth,  

               Wind or WaterSTR +5, VIT +4, INT +4,MEN +4, AGI +4, DEX +4 Stats increase in conjunction with Magnus.

Whip made of a sturdy strip of leather.

Type: WhipElement: PhysicalSTR +4

Whip of thorns made from a crimson rose.

Type: WhipElement: PhysicalSTR +5

Whip that imparts evil thoughts to those it strikes. Commonly used by priests of the occult.

Type: WhipElement: PhysicalSTR +7

Sacred whip that leaves trails of pure white light when wielded.

Type: WhipElement: VirtueSTR +11Res Holy -1Res Dark +4

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Whip used by vampires to capture virgins.

Type: WhipElement: BaneSTR +13Res Holy +4Res Dark -1

Iron claw attached to the forearm, primarily used in hand-to-hand combat.

Type: ClawElement: PhysicalSTR +5

Claw made of Baldr, a metal that increases one's magical ability.

Type: ClawElement: PhysicalSTR +5, INT +3

Dragon slayer made from the claws of the blue dragon.

Type: ClawElement: WaterSTR +8Res Fire +4Res Water -1

Cursed claw inbued with the spirit of a black cat.

Type: ClawElement: BaneSTR +11Res Holy +4Res Dark -1

Thunder dragon's claw that courses with electricity. It is said that the wielder of this claw attacks with a ferocity of a wild beast.

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Type: ClawElement: WindSTR +12Res Wind -1Res Earth +4

Type: ClawElement: EarthSTR +13Res Wind +4Res Earth -1

Demon's claw, tipped with a portion of hell's inferno.

Type: ClawElement: FlameSTR +14Res Fire -1Res Water +4

Unique weapon that changes shape according to its wielder's will.

Type: ClawElement: VirtueSTR +17, INT +5Res Holy -1Res Dark +4

Hammer used for smashing rocks.

Type: 1-Handed HammerElement: PhysicalSTR +4

Small hand axe that can be wielded with relative ease.

Type: 1-Handed AxeElement: PhysicalSTR +5

Cudgel made of Baldr, a metal that increases one's magical ability.

Type: 1-Handed HammerElement: PhysicalSTR +6, INT +3

Axe made of Baldr, a metal that increases one's magical ability.

Type: 1-Handed AxeElement: PhysicalSTR +7, INT +3

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Cursed axe used by demons to behead their foes.

Type: 1-Handed AxeElement: BaneSTR +8Res Holy +3

The flail of Order of Alnari which emits heat and light when swung.

Type: 1-Handed HammerElement: FlameSTR +10Res Water +3

Silvery axe suited for battle in cold climates, hence its nickname, Winter General.

Type: 1-Handed AxeElement: WaterSTR +11Res Water -1

The beautiful hammer told to have arisen from the tear of Basque, god of the sea.

Type: 1-Handed HammerElement: WaterSTR +15Res Water -3

Hammer that holds the power of Euros, god of the east wind. One of the four Relics of Wind.

Type: 1-Handed HammerElement: WindSTR +16, AGI +5Res Wind -1Res Earth +6

Broad-bladed axe designed to slay dragons, often used for execution.

Type: 1-Handed AxeElement: EarthSTR +18Res Earth -3

Holy hammer engraved with ten commandments of Filarhh, the sun god.

Type: 1-Handed HammerElement: VirtueSTR +19Res Holy -3

Huge, blood-drenched cleaver.

Type: 1-Handed AxeElement: BaneSTR +21Res Holy +10Res Dark -4

The axe of flame forged at Muspellheim.

Type: 1-Handed AxeElement: FlameSTR +23Res Flame -5Res Water +15

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Pointed hammer designed to puncture armor.

Type: 2-Handed HammerElement: PhysicalSTR +7

Large axe resembling a scythe, sucks the soul from its foes.

Type: 2-Handed AxeElement: BaneSTR +8Res Holy +3

Magical axe that spouts roaring flames at the wielder's will.

Type: 2-Handed AxeElement: FlameSTR +9Res Fire -1Res Water +4

Axe found in the fountain located at the very bottom of the world.

Type: 2-Handed AxeElement: WaterSTR +9Res Fire +3

Colossal hammer of Thor, the thunder god.

Type: 2-Handed HammerElement: WindSTR +10Res Wind -1Res Earth +4

Hammer with the power of the earth used by Galf, the general of the netherworld.

Type: 2-Handed HammerElement: EarthSTR +11Res Wind +4Res Earth -1

Hammer that draws out the full potential of its wielder.

Type: 2-Handed HammerElement: PhysicalSTR +13

Axe that holds the power of Boreas, god of the north wind. One of the four Relics of Wind.

Type: 2-Handed AxeElement: WindSTR +17, AGI +5Res Wind -3Res Earth +8

Huge wooden club carved from the branch of Yggdrasil, the world tree.

Type: 2-Handed HammerElement: EarthSTR +18Res Wind +10Res Earth -4

Axe engraved with runic inscriptions.

Type: 2-Handed AxeElement: VirtueSTR +21Res Holy -4Res Dark +10

Steel axe capable of splitting a large tree in two with a single stroke. Hammer which arose from the blood of Dagda, god of life and death. One

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Type: 2-Handed AxeElement: PhysicalSTR +23

of the Arcane Instruments of Bane.

Type: 2-Handed HammerElement: BaneParalyze EffectSTR +26Res Holy +15Res Dark -5

Character Bios

hugo Miller 

Usia: 46. pensiun dari dinas aktif di Angkatan Darat Palatinean. Menjabat sebagai Penasihat Divisi Southern Magnus, tapi membelot juga. Sarankan Magnus pada keputusan dan rencana pertempuran, tetapi meninggalkan keputusan di tangannya. Memiliki koneksi ke Ankiseth, dan karena itu berfungsi anaknya.

Fredrick Raskin

Page 122: Panduan Ogre Battle 64: Person of Lordly Caliber

Usia: 48. Memimpin pemberontakan melawan bangsawan Palatinean karena ia tidak menyukai struktur sosial. Tujuannya adalah untuk menghapuskan perbedaan kelas dan kemerdekaan keuntungan dari Lodis, tetapi tidak menghilangkan bangsawan dan raja. Seorang politisi dan diplomat pertama, ia tidak mengambil bagian dalam pertempuran, namun memiliki iman dalam Magnus sebagai seorang komandan.

richard Glendale

Kakak Baldwin Glendale. Richard adalah pertarungan terberat. Dia dikenal sebagai Richard "dengan DragonHeart" karena keberanian dan perbuatan keberanian.

 baldwin Glendale

Salah satu musuh yang paling signifikan yang pernah Anda hadapi dalam permainan. Dia adalah adik dari Richard Glendale. Salah satu orang paling berpengaruh di Kekaisaran Lodis.

Procus Dulmare

Raja Procus masih tinggal di Platinus karena ia menyadari bahwa ia tidak bisa menghentikan tentara menaklukkan Kekaisaran Lodis Kudus. Dia menyerah dan diizinkan untuk mempertahankan royalti nya.

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Cerita (Misi) A. Prologue Scene 1 - The Southern Reaches (Tenne Plains) Scene 2 - Sparks (Volmus Mine I) B. Chapter 1 Scene 3 - First Assignment (Crenel Canyon I) Scene 4 - The Path Diverges (Mylesia I) Scene 5 - True Intentions (Zenobia Border) Scene 6 - The Revolutionary Army (Volmus Mine II) Scene 7 - A New Beginning (Gunther Piedmont) Scene 8 - The Infernal Aura (Dardunnelles, the Crossroads I) Scene 9 - Liberation of Alba (Alba) C. Chapter 2 Scene 10 - Idealism and Realism (Crenel Canyon II) Scene 11 - Warriors of the Fallen Kingdom (Mylesia II) Scene 12 - The Steadfast (Highland of Soathon) Scene 13 - Thoughts (Audvera Heights) Scene 14 - City of the Past (Sable Lowlands) Scene 15 - Uncertainty (Mount Ithaca) Scene 16 - A Legendary Land (Mount Keryoleth I) Scene 17 - Visitors from the West (Azure Plains) Scene 18 - The Grim Path (Wentinus I) D. Chapter 3 Legion FAQ Scene 19 - The Setting Sun (Dardunnelles, the Crossroads II) Scene 20 - Brigade of the Radiant Cross (Gules Hills I) Scene 21 - The Eastern Orthodox Church (Fair Heights) Scene 22 - Suspicion (Vert Plateau) Scene 23 - Mercenaries (Tremos Mountains I) Scene 24 - The Rebel (Capitrium, the Land of Advent) Scene 25 - The Bearer of Knowledge (Celesis, the Eastern Church) Scene 26 - No Man's Land (Tremos Mountains II) Scene 27 - Child of the Covenant (Temple of Berthe I) Scene 28 - Gateway to Another World (Temple of Berthe II) E. Final Chapter Scene 29 - The March to Latium (Gules Hills II) Scene 30 - Betrayal/Separate Ways (Romulus) Scene 31 - Royal Blood (Fort Romulus*) Scene 32 - The Disillusioned (Ptia, the Secluded Land) Scene 33 - Insanity (The Blue Basilica) Scene 34 - Lord of Remus Keep (The Tundra of Argent) Scene 35 - Denizens of the Netherworld (Barpheth) Scene 36 - Advocates of the Darkness (Tybell, the Wicked Land) Scene 37 - March on the Captial (Latium) Scene 38 - Promises (Winnea, Capital of Palatinus*) Scene 39 - The Battle Rages On (Aurua Plains I) Scene 40 - Pressure (Wentinus II) Scene 41 - Adversaries (Castle Talpaea*) Scene 42 - The Sleeping Goddess (Mount Keryoleth II) Scene 43 - Caliber (Aurua Plains II) F. Ending

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Missi 1.

Tenne Plains, Buchanan..witch cerita tantang 5 elemen pedal..(stabilo)

Missi 2


Missi 3
