Download - Overview Mikroalga




    * bersifat osmotropik

    * mengandung pigmen

    * fotosintesa (phototrophic

    eukaryotic microorganisms)

    * uniselular sampai multiselular

  • Alga renik yang terapung di air merupakan bagian dari fitoplankton (flora laut tersuspensi) ~ sumber makanan penting bagi organisme perairan

    produsen primer Menghasilkan oksigen selama fotosintesa

    ~ diperlukan oleh organisme lain

    ~ mengatasi polusi

    Juga terdapat dalam tanah

    Ukuran beragam

    Tersebar luas di alam

    Algae berukuran mikroskopis = mikroalgae

    Telaah mengenai algae = fikologi

    Kebanyakan hidup di air


    Chlorella Scenesdesmus Dunaliella Spirulina







  • MICROALGAE ?????

    Microscopic photosynthetic organisms

    Produktivitas primer

    Laut dan perairan tawar


    Primitive form of plant

    Mekanisme fotosintesis sama dengan tanaman

    Lebih efisien dalam mengubah energi dari matahari

    Kultivasi mudah

    Tidak tergantung musim



    (Bacillariophyceae) Green algae


    Blue green algae


    Fitoplankton dominan Polymerized silica (Si) Sel menyimpan : natural oil; karbohidrat (chrysolaminarin)

    Melimpah (khususnya di freshwater) Single cell atau coloni Evolutionary progenitor dari tanaman modern Sel menyimpan pati

    Struktur dan organisasi mendekati bakteri Berperan dalam fiksasi nitrogen dari atmosfer

  • Chlorella

    Termasuk ganggang hijau (green algae)

    Uniselular, mikroskopik

    Mengandung sekumpulan zat pembangun yang bergizi

    Mengandung banyak klorofil

    Mengandung vitamin, mineral, serat makanan, asam nukleat, asam amino, CGF

    Dinding sel sangat kokoh ~ sulit dicerna

    Komponen utama yang memiliki efek kesehatan : klorofil, beta karoten, Chlorella Growth Factor (CGF)

    Sebagai great normalizer

  • Aplikasi : tablet, granula atau sebagai larutan ekstrak (CGF)

    Komposisi kimiawi : Protein 60% (asam amino lengkap) Karbohidrat dan lemak Vitamin : Vit C, provitamin A, tiamin,

    riboflavin, piridoksin, niasin, asam folat, vit. B12, biotin, kholin, vit K, asam pantotenat

    Mineral : fosfor, kalium, magnesium, sulfur, besi, kalsium, mangan, tembaga, seng, kobalt

    sumber gizi suplemen protein tinggi


  • Dunaliella

    as an origin of creature, produce the -carotene to protect the body and endure the intense temperature difference of all day and increase strongly under the hard condition such as another creatures can not be alive

    halotolerant alga Dunaliella to survive in high salt

    Cell body naked (without cellwall or lorica)

    often colored red or orange owing to excess carotenoid pigments

    As a food source in aquaculture, a commercial source of -carotene, glycerol, fine chemical

  • Spirulina


    Filamentaous dengan diameter 1-12 m, cylindrical cells in unbranched, helicoidal trichomes

    Filamennya motil

    Tumbuh cepat (warm, shallow, brackish lakes)

    Habitat : tanah, fresh, brackish and sea water

  • Spirulina

    Chemical composition

    ~ human food, feed, source of natural products

    ~ protein 50-70% (bk)

    ~ lipid 16,6 % (bk)

    ~ karbohidrat 15 % (glucose, sucrose)

    ~ -sitosterol (sterol berkaitan dengan aktivitas antimikrobial)

    ~ pigmen ---- 3 kelompok :

    * chlorophyll a

    * carotenoid dan xanthophyll

    * phycobiliprotein (c-phycocyanin & allophycocyanin)

  • Diatom

    Protista berukuran besar

    Biasanya masuk dalam alga golongan Chrysophyta atau Bacillariophyta

    Golden brown algae

    Marine phytoplankton yg dominan

    Free living plankton,

    beberapa menempel pada

    tanaman,krustase, moluska

    Berperanan sbg primary productivity

    Photosyntetic algae

    Pigmen : chlorophyll carotenoid fucoxanthin

  • Nitzschia

    Diatom ujung runcing (pennate diatom) Divisi Chrysophyta Golden brown algae ~ pigmen kuning > hijau Blooming ~ perairan berwarna agak coklat muda Tumbuh baik pada kisaran suhu 15-30 oC N. closterium :

    bersel tunggal Ukuran 20-90 um Bersifat motil Neritik (tumbuh dekat daratan)

    Mempunyai aktivitas antimikroba : Nitzschia palatea, Nitzschia ovalis

  • Chaetoceros

    Golden brown algae

    Plankton neritik

    Memiliki setae ---- membentuk filamen

    ~ melayang di permukaan air

    Sel tunggal, tidak berantai

    Bercangkang cembung

    Spora di tengah sel induk

    Non motil

    Pakan alami

    C. gracilis, C. lauderi, C. peruvianus,

    C. socialis : mempunyai aktivitas antibakterial

  • Pakan alami

    Produser primer




    Bahan kimia lain

  • Microalgae in Human Nutrition

    The blue-green alga (cyanobacterium) Nostoc commune which usually grows in rice paddies or in prepared foods in the Philippines and China

    The cyanobacterium, Spirulina (S. platensis, S. maxima) was consumed has long been a traditional food in Chad

    Many countries such as the USA, Thailand, China, India and Australia and sold as a health food and dietary supplement. The green microalgae and Dunaliella salina are also farmed and sold as dietary supplements

  • Microalgae in Aquaculture and Animal Nutrition

    Mikroalgae merupakan sumber pangan yang penting bagi manusia maupun industri aquacultur

    especially the larvae and spat of bivalve

    molluscs, penaeid prawn larvae and live food organisms such as rotifers

    algae juga merupakan sumber pangan alami bagi hewan kultur ~ aquaculture feed additve

    Microalgae such as Dunaliella salina, Haematococcus pluvialis and Spirulina are also used as a source of natural pigments for the culture of prawns, salmonid fish and ornamental fish



    Beberapa jenis mikroalgae mengandung carotenoids dalam jumlah tinggi seperti

    -carotene, astaxanthin and canthaxanthin Karoten ini dapat diaplikasikan secara luas

    sebagai pewarna dan antioksidan alami Pertama kali -carotene dikembangkan secara

    komersiel adalah halophilic flagellate, Dunaliella salina

    Australia is now the major producer of natural

    -carotene from Dunaliella

  • Lanjutan Carotenoids

    Beberapa masih bisa hidup pada kondisi ekstrim Pure -carotene or mixed carotenoids are sold as

    a nutritional supplement and natural food colouring

    Dried Dunaliella powder is also sold as a feed

    additive for aquaculture to pigment crustaceans such as prawns

    Astaxanthin is used as a pigmenter for farmed

    salmonid fish as well as a dietary antioxidant ~ dihasilkan oleh Haematococcus pluvialis

    (chlorophyte) yang merupakan freshwater alga

  • Biopigmen lain

    The phycobilin pigments

    produced by cyanobacteria, rhodophytes and cryptophytes (i.e. phycocyanin and phycoerythrin)

    Sebagai food colouring

    Sebagai bahan yang diperlukan

    dalam kosmetika Sebagai fluorescent dyes for flow

    cytometry Spirulina, Dunaliella

  • FATTY ACIDS Beberapa jenis mikroalga: Porphyridium cruentum (rhodophyte) Monodus subterraneus and

    Nannochloropsis spp (eustigmatophytes). Phaeodactylum tricornutum and Nitzschia

    spp (the diatoms) mengandung sejumlah lipid dan polyunsaturated fatty acids cukup tinggi

    The omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs), eicosapentaenoic, docosahexaenoic and arachidonic acid ~ essensiel untuk manusia dan hewan

  • Lanjutan Fatty acids

    Marine algae such as diatoms and eustigmatophytes are especially rich sources of these PUFAs and have been proposed as a source for commercial production

    Docosahexaenoic acid is now produced by heterotrophic culture of the dinoflagellate Crypthecodinium cohnii for use as a supplement in infant formulas and as a dietary supplement

    Eicosapentaenoic acid production from the

    diatom Nitzschia

  • Omega 3 polyunsaturated fatty

    acids (PUFA) Nutraceuticals: Docosahexaenoic acid [DHA, 22 : 6 (n-3)] and eicosapentaenoic acid [EPA, 20:5(n-3)] are essential polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFA) in the human diet. These PUFA may reduce the risk of coronary heart disease and alleviate inflammatory diseases.

    Pharmaceutical leads: DHA and other novel

    bioactive PUFA can be chemically modified by

    adding or changing functional groups within

    different regions in the molecule

    (combinatorial chemistry) in order to

    enhance/change the bioactivity and hence

    lead to the synthesis of new pharmaceuticals.

    Other unusual fatty acids are likely to be


    Aquaculture: Microalgae are used as essential live feeds

    and supplements in the aquaculture of larval and juvenile

    animals including oyster spat, juvenile abalone, finfish

    larvae and rotifer.

  • Hydrocarbons (oil) and liquid fuels

    Alga hijau Botryococcus telah diidentifikasi

    sebagai sumber minyak

    Botryococcus braunii mensintesa sejumlah hydrocarbons dengan kandungan minyak lebih dari 86% of dry weight

    Produktivitas hydrocarbon paling tinggi

    terjadi pada fase exponensial suatu pertumbuhan dibawah kondisi nutrien yang bagus khususnya N yang tinggi

    Alga ini juga dapat tumbuh pada saline media

  • Bioactive molecules Selain alga yang memproduksi toksin, beberapa

    alga laut juga merupakan sumber komponen bioaktif yang bisa diaplikasikan pada manusia, hewan maupun budidaya

    Skrining dari mikroalgae telah ditemukan antibiotik,

    antiviral, antikanker, antiinflamatory, hypocholesterolemic, and many other pharmacological activities

    Aktivitas antitumor telah diisolasi dari dinoflagellate Amphidinium sp, beberapa senyawa cytotoxic dari cyanobacter

    Growth promoter

  • Antimikroba dari mikroalga


  • Raceway Ponds used for the culture of Spirulina platensis by Microbio in Calipatria, California (Courtesy A. Belay)

    Culture of Nannochloropsis for aquaculture feed in an aerated deep tank in Hawaii


    Centre-Pivot ponds for the culture of Chlorella in Taiwan. Largest ponds are about 0.5 ha in area.

    The large open ponds used for the culture of Dunaliella salina at Hutt Lagoon, Western Australia, by Congnis Nutrition and Health. The largest ponds are about 250 ha in area