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Penuaan Kulit Penuaan atau aging ada dua tipe yang berbeda: - penuaan intrinsik - penuaan ekstrinsikPenuaan Intrinsik Penuaan intrinsik / proses penuaan alami Karena penuaan maka produksi kolagen dalam kulit melambat dan menjadikan elastin berkurang elastisitasnya. Sel-sel kulit mati dalam stratum korneum mengalami perlambatan lepas dan timbulnya sel-sel kulit baru juga sedikit berkurang. Perubahan-perubahan ini biasanya mulai terjadi pada umur 20-an tahun, tanda-tanda penuaan intrinsik ini tidak begitu kelihatan untuk beberapa dasawarsa. Tanda-tanda penuaan intrinsik meliputi: Keriput lembut Kulit transparan dan tipis Hilangnya lemak bawah kulit yang menimbulkan pipi kempis dan mata cekung serta berkurangnya kekencangan kulit pada tangan dan leher Tulang menjauh dari kulit akibat berkurangnya kepadatan tulang dan menjadikan kulit sagging Kulit kering yang dapat menimbulkan gatal-gatal Kurang kemampuan mengeluarkan keringat yang cukup untuk mendinginkan kulit Rambut menjadi abu-abu yang selanjutnya berubah menjadi putih Rambut rontok Pertumbuhan rambut yang tidak dikehendaki pada bagian tertentu Kuku menjadi tipis, hilangnya bulan terbit pada pangkal kuku, dan kuku menjadi tidak rata.Penuaan Ekstrinsik Sejumlah faktor ekstrinsik atau eksternal secara bersama-sama dengan proses penuaan intrinsik dapat mengakibatkan penuaan kulit dini. Penuaan dini pada kulit disebabkan oleh: Paparan sinar matahari, Ekspresi wajah berulang-ulang, Gravitasi, Posisi tidur, dan Merokok.Ekspresi Wajah Gerakan-gerakan wajah berulang-ulang menimbulkan garis-garis dan keriput lembut. Dengan kulit semakin menua dan kehilangan elastisitasnya, kulit menjadi berlekuk. Lekukan ini seterusnya menjadi permanen pada wajah sebagai garis-garis dan keriput.Gravitasi Gravitasi menarik ke bawah tubuh kita. Pada umur 50-an tahun, sewaktu elastisitas kulit turun drastis, efek gravitasi semakin nyata. Gravitasi menyebabkan ujung hidung melengkung ke bawah, kelopak mata melorot, melorotnya kulit dagu, bibir atas semakin tidak kelihatan sedangkan bibir bawah menjadi lebih menonjol.Posisi Tidur Tidur dengan meletakkan wajah pada bantal akan menimbulkan keriput yang disebut garis tidur Wanita yang suka tidur miring akan mendapatkan garis tidurnya pada pipi dan dagu. Pria berkecenderungan memperoleh garis tidur pada dahinya karena pria biasa menaruh wajah pada bantal. Orang yang tidurnya terlentang atau punggung di bawah tidak menyebabkan timbulnya keriput. Merokok Merokok menyebabkan perubahan biokimia dalam tubuh yang mempercepat penuaan. Perokok yang merokok 10 batang atau lebih setiap harinya (selama 10 tahun) secara statistik mempunyai keriput yang lebih dalam. Tanda-tanda keriput wajah dapat sangat berkurang dengan berhenti merokok. Perokok yang telah merokok bertahun-tahun, keriput wajah menjadi berkurang dan kulit menjadi lebih kencang bila merokok ditinggalkan. Sinar Matahari Paparan sinar matahari ( perubahan pada kulit seperti freckles, age spots, spider veins on the face, rough and leathery skin, keriput lembut, kulit mengendor, a blotchy complexion, actinic keratoses, dan kanker kulit. Tipe penuaan akibat paparan sinar matahari adalah photoaging. Photoaging tergantung: 1) warna kulit seseorang dan 2) riwayat paparan sinar, seperti lama atau intensitas paparan. Photoaging timbul perlahan-lahan selama bertahun-tahun. Paparan sinar yang berulang-ulang mengakibatkan kulit kehilangan kemampuan untuk memperbaiki diri dan kerusakan menjadi terakumulasi. Paparan sinar UV secara berulang-ulang akan mengakibatkan rusaknya kolagen dan mengganggu sintesis kolagen baru. Sinar UV juga menyerang elastin dan merusaknya.Apa sinar UV itu?Matahari memancarkan radiasi ultraviolet: - Sinar UV C, panjang gelombang 100 290 nm- Sinar UV B, panjang gelombang 290 320 nm - Sinar UV A, panjang gelombang 320 400 nm (UVA2 = 320-340 nm; UVA1 = 340-400 nm) Sinar UV C Sinar UV C hampir semuanya diabsorpsi oleh lapisan ozone dan tidak mempengaruhi kulit karena tidak sampai pada permukaan bumi. Sinar UV B- Sinar UV B mempengaruhi lapisan terluar kulit, epidermis, dan penyebab utama terjadinya kulit terbakar atau sunburns. - Sinar ini paling intens pada sekitar pukul 10.00 pagi sampai pukul 2.00 siang. - Sinar UV B tidak menembus kaca. Sinar UV A- Sinar UV A semula diperkirakan mempunyai efek kecil terhadap kerusakan kulit. - Sinar UV A merupakan kontributor utama terjadinya kerusakan kulit. - Sinar UV A masuk lebih dalam dan bekerja lebih efisien dalam merusak kulit. - Intensitas sinar UV A lebih konstan dibanding sinar UV B. - Sinar UV A mempunyai intensitas sama baik pagi hari maupun sore hari - Sinar UV A ini dapat menembus kaca. Efek Merusak Sinar UV A dan UV B - Kerusakan kulit berupa: keriput, imunitas rendah, gangguan kulit (penuaan dini), dan terbentuknya kanker. - Kemungkinan mekanisme: kerusakan kolagen, pembentuan radikal bebas, mempengaruhi perbaikan DNA, dan menginhibisi sistem imun. Kerusakan Kolagen Karena Sinar UV - Sinar UV merusak serat kolagen relatif cepat - Akumulasi elastin abnormal - Enzim metalloproteinase diproduksi dalam jumlah besar - Sebagian metalloproteinase merusak kolagen, timbulkan solar scars. - Pembentukan kolagen tidak normal terus menerus, timbullah keriput. Radikal Bebas Karena Sinar UV Sinar UV merupakan salah satu pembentuk radikal bebas. Radikal bebas mempunyai energi tinggi karenanya dia sangat reaktif. Radikal bebas berreaksi dengan molekul-molekul dalam sel dan merusak fungsi sel dan mengubah material genetik. Kerusakan oleh radikal bebas menimbulkan keriput akibat aktivasi enzim metalloproteinase untuk merusak kolagen. Radikal bebas dapat menyebabkan kanker dengan cara mengubah material genetik, RNA, dan DNA dari sel. Perbaikan DNA Sinar UV dapat mempengaruhi enzim yang membantu perbaikan DNA. Beberapa studi mempelajari peranan enzim spesifik {T4 endonuclease 5 (T4N5)} dalam perbaikan DNA.Efek Sistem Imun karena Sinar UV Tubuh mempunyai sistem pertahanan untuk menyerang sel-sel kanker yang sedang berkembang. Sistem imun tubuh meliputi sel-sel darah putih yang disebut limfosit T dan sel-sel kulit terspesialisasi dalam dermis yang disebut sel-sel Langerhans. Bila kulit terpapar pada sinar matahari maka senyawa-senyawa kimia tertentu dilepaskan dan senyawa-senyawa ini menekan sistem imun.Kematian Sel karena Sinar UV Pertahanan terakhir sistem imun yaitu proses apoptosis. Apoptosis: suatu proses sel bunuh diri, yaitu proses membunuh sel-sel yang mengalami kerusakan berat sehingga sel-sel itu tidak menjadi sel-sel kanker. Berbagai faktor dapat mencegah terjadinya apoptosis, termasuk paparan sinar UV, sehingga sel-sel yang rusak terus berkembang dan memungkinkan timbulnya kanker.Perubahan Tekstur Kulit karena Sinar UV Paparan sinar UV menyebabkan perubahan ketebalan kulit. Kulit menebal dan berkeriput kasar (terutama pada leher bagian belakang). Solar elastosis, yaitu akibat paparan sinar UV kulit menjadi menebal, berkeriput kasar, dan warna kulit berubah menjadi kuning. Paparan sinar UV menjadikan kulit semakin tipis, akibatnya kulit berkeriput lembut, mudah rusak, dan mudah sobek.Perubahan Pembuluh Darah karena Sinar UV Sinar UV menyebabkan dinding pembuluh darah menipis sehingga kulit ini mudah mengalami kerusakan walau hanya terkena trauma kecil. Paparan sinar UV menyebabkan telangiectasia (pelebaran pembuluh darah kapiler dan vena kecil yang permanen) pada kulit khususnya pada wajah. Perubahan Pigmen Kulit karena Sinar UV Perubahan pigmen kulit ( timbul freckle atau solar lentigo (spot coklat atau warna gelap). Timbulnya freckle ini diakibatkan oleh sel melanosit rusak dan sel menjadi bertambah besar. Freckle besar, dikenal sebagai age spots atau liver spots, dapat terjadi pada kulit bagian tangan, bahu, dan punggung atas. Bila paparan sinar mengakibatkan melanosit hancur maka kerusakan pada kulit terlihat timbulnya spot putih.Mekanisme Aksi Nutrikosmesetika Meningkatkan fungsi barier kulit Memberika perlindungan dari sinar matahari Mengurangi pigmentasi Aktivasi reseptor Antioksidan Anti-inflamasi Peptide cellular messengersPAPARAN NUTRIKOSMESETIKA INDIVIDUAL

VITAMIN A Beberapa bentuk vitamin A yang sering digunakan adalah retinol, retinil ester (sebagai ester asetat, propionate, dan palmitate), dan retinaldehid. Berbagai bentuk vitamin A itu sering disebut sebagai retinoid.Mekanisme peningkatan proliferasi dan diferensiasi epidermal peningkatan produksi epidermal ground substance (glycosaminoglycans [GAG] yang mengikat air sehingga meningkatkan hidrasi dan ketebalan epidermal) meningkatkan produksi komponen extracellular dermal matrix seperti kolagen (sehingga meningkatkan ketebalan dermal) mengurangi produksi kolagenase mengurangi ekspresi tyrosinaseEfektivitas Retinoid sangat poten; dosis kurang dari 1% memberikan efek signifikan. Penelitian dengan retinol (dosis 0,15%) dan retinil propionat (dosis 0,30%) selama 12 minggu memberikan pengurangan keriput wajah dan hiperpigmentasi secara signifikan. Retinaldehid dengan dosis 0,05% secara klinis efektif; Retinil palmitat efektivitas lebih rendah tetapi iritatifnya rendah sehingga dapat diberikan sampai dosis 2%.Problema Produk dan Formulasi Problema retinoid ada 2 hal, yaitu iritasi kulit dan stabilitas. Retinoid mempunyai sifat iritatif sehingga pemilihan senyawa di antara retinoid diperlukan. Retinol lebih dapat ditoleransi oleh kulit daripada asam trans-retinoat, Retinaldehid mempunyai potensi iritasi sepadan dengan retinol, Retinil ester lebih dapat ditoleransi kulit. Efek iritasi ini dapat dimitigasi dengan menambahkan ke dalam formulasi bahan anti inflamasi. Molekul retinoid dapat mengalami degradasi oleh oksigen dan sinar. Karenanya, proses produksi dan wadah diusahakan agar paparan terhadap oksigen dan sinar seminimal mungkin. Wadah impermeable dan tidak tembus sinar. Strategi lain dalam produksi kosmesetika retinoid adalah menggunakan sistem penghantaran enkapsulasi dan penambahan antioksidan dalam formulasi.Berbagai bentuk vitamin B3 : niacinamide (nicotinamide), asam nikotinat, dan nikotinat ester seperti tokoferil nikotinat, miristoil nikotinat, dan bensil nikotinat.Efektivitas Penggunaan niacinamide memperbaiki warna kulit secara signifikan, seperti mengurangi timbulnya spot hiperpigmentasi dan spot merah (red blotchiness). Vitamin B3 dengan dosis 2% s.d. 5% diperlukan untuk memperoleh efek yang dikehendaki. Senyawa miristoil nikotinat memberikan efek jika penggunaan secara topikal menggunakan dosis 1% s.d. 5%. Problema Produk dan Formulasi Problema utama nicotinamide dan ester nikotinat( terjadinya hidrolisis menjadi asam nikotinat. Asam nikotinat menyebabkan kulit menjadi merah yang intens bahkan terjadi pada dosis kecil. Kulit merah ini disebut flushing response. Pengatasannya, sediaan dibuat pada pH 4 - 7 agar hidrolisis diperlambat. Untuk mengurangi flushing response, nikotinat ester digunakan karena ester mempunyai flush response relatif kecil. Vitamin C yang biasa digunakan adalah asam askorbat, askorbil fosfat (sebagai garam magnesium atau natrium), askorbil palmitate, dan askorbil glukosid.Mekanisme Vitamin C digunakan sebagai pemutih kulit karena aktivitas antioksidan dan inhibisi tyrosinase. Vitamin C juga sebagai anti-inflamasi karena mengurangi eritema pasca operasi laser resurfacing. Vitamin C merupakan kofaktor esensial bagi enzim lisil hidroksilase dan enzim prolil hidroksilase; kedua enzim ini diperlukan dalam proses biosintesis kolagen tipe I dan III. Dengan stimulasi sintesis kolagen, vitamin C berpotensi meningkatkan produksi kolagen dan mengurangi keriput. Efektivitas Senyawa askorbat mempunyai efek antiaging pada kulit. Dosis topikal vitamin C berkisar 3% sampai dengan 17%. Penggunaan topikal vitamin C dengan konsentrasi 3% selama satu minggu menghasilkan pengurangan secara signifikan oksidasi yang diakibatkan oleh sinar UV A dan ditoleransi dengan baik oleh kulit, Penggunaan natrium askorbil fosfat 3% memberikan hasil yang relatif lebih rendah. Penggunaan dosis yang lebih tinggi, yaitu 5% sampai dengan 17% selama 12 minggu sampai 6 bulan memberikan hasil mengurangi photoaging pada wajah, memperbaiki tekstur kulit, dan meningkatkan kolagen dan elastin.Problema Produk dan Formulasi Problema utama vitamin C dan turunannya adalah stabilitasnya, khususnya degradasi oksidasi. Sediaan vitamin C mengalami degradasi hampir 50% setelah satu bulan dan diikuti perubahan warna menjadi menguning. Strategi solusi problema: eksklusi oksigen selama proses produksi, penggunaan wadah tidak tembus oksigen, enkapsulasi, pH rendah, meminimalkan jumlah air dalam formulasi, dan penambahan antioksidan. Penggunaan turunan vitamin C yang lebih stabil, seperti garam magnesium dan natrium dari askorbil fosfat, dapat memperbaiki stabilitas. Banyak garam dalam produk mempunyai efek menurunkan fungsi bahan peningkat kekentalan seperti karbomer dan polimer poliakrilamid; bahan peningkat kekentalan harus ditambah jumlahnya. Turunan vitamin C non garam yang dapat digunakan adalah askorbil glukosid; hanya saja askorbil glukosid harganya lebih mahal. Problem lain, vitamin C secara topikal sulit menembus kulit, kurang dari 1% dari dosis yang digunakan secara topikal mengalami penetrasi masuk kulit. Senyawa mempunyai gugus fosfat memberikan problema penetrasi yang lebih besar; perlu penambahan bahan peningkat penetrasi (enhancer). Senyawa turunan vitamin C mengalami biotransformasi menjadi vitamin C sebelum memberikan efek; kecepatan biotransformasi perlu dipertimbangkan dalam pemilihan bahan.Vitamin E mempunyai berbagai bentuk seperti tokoferol, tokoferil asetat, dan bentuk ester lainya yang meliputi ester suksinat, nikotinat, linoleat, dan fosfat. Tokoferol alami mempunyai beberapa isomer (alfa, beta, gama, dan delta) dan isomer-isomer itu mempunyai perbedaan pada rantai samping dan potensi. Di antara isomer itu dengan cost-effective paling besar adalah alfa-tokoferol.Mekanisme Vitamin E merupakan senyawa antioksidan larut lipid. Mekanisme aksi vitamin E adalah kemapuannya untuk mengambil oksigen radikal yang ada dalam kulit. Vitamin E berpotensi untuk mencegah dan memperbaiki problema kulit akibat radikal bebas yang disebabkan oleh paparan sinar UV.Efektivitas Penggunaan vitamin E secara topikal umumnya dengan dosis yang relatif besar, yaitu sekitar 2% - 5%. Penggunaan vitamin E sebesar 5% secara topikal selama 4 bulan pada wajah memberikan hasil dengan perbaikan keriput di sekitar mata dan mengurangi inflamasi akibat paparan sinar UV. Vitamin E dengan dosis 5% digunakan pada kulit memberikan sun protection factor (SPF) > 3. Problema Produk dan Formulasi Problema produk dengan tokoferol dan tokoferil asetat yang larut lipid dalam dosis besar adalah membuat formula yang nongreasy. Problema lain berupa stabilitas terhadap oksidasi; untuk mengatasi stabilitas, tokoferil asetat digunakan. Tokoferil asetat kurang efektif dibandingkan tokoferol akibat hidrolisis menjadi tokoferol yang relatif lambat. Sunlight exposure has been linked to premature vision loss, development of cataracts, and increased risk of age-related macular degeneration (ARMD) leading cause of blindness in people over sixty-five years of age. With regard to cataract development, with age, virtually everybody will develop some degree of oxidative damage to the lenses of their eyes (the first step in cataract development) The macula is a specialized region in the back of the eye (retina) that allows you to see fine details. As cells in the macula region begin to break down, the eyes begin to lose sight in the center of the field of vision and may develop problems seeing in bright or dark conditions. Factors have been identified as risk factors for ARMD: 1. sunlight exposure 6. genetic 2. age 7. female 3. smoking 8. high saturated fat 4. diet 9. low macular pigment density 5. low antioxidant level 10. hypertensionA cataract is a clouding of the crystalline lens (clear tissue behind the pupil) that causes a gradual loss of vision.Etiology Aging is the most common cause of cataracts; in fact, most patients over 50 years of age demonstrate cataractous changes. However, cataracts may also be congenital, hereditary, or associated with systemic, metabolic, or ocular diseases, trauma, radiation, maternal infection during pregnancy, electrical injuries, and drug use.Risk Factors Age over 50 years Genetic diseases (e.g., myotonic dystrophy, neurofibromatosis type 2, Lowe syndrome, Down syndrome) Drug therapy (e.g., miotics, steroids, phenothiazines) Maternal infection (e.g., rubella, cytomegalovirus), drug ingestion, or radiation therapy during pregnancy Metabolic disorders (e.g., diabetes mellitus, galactosemia, hypocalcemia) Ocular disorders (e.g., glaucoma, uveitis, retinal detachment, trauma) High-voltage electrical injurySigns and Symptoms Decreased or blurred vision (often described as a "fog") Double vision Colored halo around lights Increased refractive power of lens, allowing patients to read without glasses (i.e., second sight) Brown spots in the visual fieldDrug Therapies Some studies have suggested that high-dose aspirin therapy given for other causes (e.g., arthritis) is associated with a decreased incidence of senile cataract; however, most of the evidence is speculative. Eye drops (e.g., phenylephrine [Neo- Synephrine, 2.5%], homatropine, 2%), to dilate the pupil to provide better vision in patients with nuclear sclerotic or posterior subcapsular cataract Aldose reductase inhibitors, to prevent conversion of sugars to polyols in galactosemic or diabetic patients, thereby preventing or delaying cataract formation Prophylactic antibiotics for three weeks following cataract extraction Steroid eye drops three to six weeks following cataract extractionNutrition /Nutraceuticals ( Increase dietary antioxidants which may protect against free radical damage to the eye, especially dark leafy greens and orange and yellow vegetables. Dark berries, particularly blueberries, are rich in flavonoids, which may be protective to the lens. ( Vitamin C (500 to 1,000 mg bid to tid) is found at high concentrations in the lens of the eye and has antioxidant activity. ( Glutathione is highly concentrated in the lens and protects against UV light. Supplementing with glutathionine (200 mg bid) or its amino acid precursors (L-cysteine 200 mg bid, L- glycine 100 mg bid, and L-glutamine 100 mg bid) may be beneficial. ( Selenium (200 mcg/day) is a co-factor for glutathionine peroxidase which helps keep glutathionine in its active state. ( Vitamin E (400 IU/day) protects against free radical damage. ( Zinc (15 to 30 mg/day) deficiency may contribute to cataract formation, especially with impaired glucose metabolism occurring with diabetes or age. ( Vitamin A (10,000 IU/day) and beta-carotene (50,000 IU daily) are antioxidants that protect against light-induced damage to the eye. In terms of diet, individuals who consume fruits and vegetables at least once per day have significantly reduced risk of developing ARMD and cataracts. Among the dietary antioxidants, carotenoids appear to provide the greatest benefit two carotenoids in particulars, lutein and zeaxanthin seem to be the most effective LUTEIN and ZEAXANTHIN ( Lutein and zeaxanthin are yellow pigments found in high concentration in yellow fruits and vegetables as well as in dark green, leafy vegetables such as spinach, broccoli, kale, and collard greens. Egg yolk, corn, orange juice, honey dew melon and orange pepper are also good sources of lutein and zeaxanthin. Individuals who consume a lot of spinach reduce their risk of developing ARMD by almost 90%. ( Lutein and zeaxanthin end up concentrated specifically in the eye (in the macular region of the retina). High levels of these carotenoids in the eye serve to protect tissues by minimizing free radical damage and by absorbing damaging blue light rays. ( Lutein and zeaxanthin are the only carotenoids in the lens.UV light is filtered by the cornea and lens in the anterior aspect of the eye but visible light reaches the retina. Visible light in the blue spectrum is the most damaging. The short wavelength (400-500 nm) is 30 times more damaging than long wavelength light (510-749 nm). Macular pigment absorbs blue light as it enters the inner retinal layers, reducing the amount reaching the fovea. This reduces the potential for photo-oxidation of reactive saturated lipids of photoreceptors. ARMD is the leading cause of blindness in people over age 65 ARMD affects 25-40% of all people over 65, in the USA Females have higher risk of ARMD than males People with light-colored eyes have an increased risk of ARMD ARMD and cataract risk are both related to total sunlight exposure, cigarette smoking, and dietary intake of antioxidants Antioxidant-rich fruits and vegetables are linked with lower rates of ARMD and cataracts Among antioxidant nutrients, the carotenoids lutein and zeaxanthin, appear to be the most effective in directly protecting eye health, while other antioxidant-nutrients, such as bioflavonoids, cysteine, alpha-lipoic acid, beta-carotene, and vitamin C and E, can provide additional support Lutein and zeaxanthin are the only carotenoids that concentrate specifically in the eye tissue In the macula region of the eye, lutein and zeaxanthin serve to protect eye tissues from free radical damage and from photo-oxidizing damage of light rays In modern society, people are prone to several kinds of stress and stress-induced diseases. Stress is classified into physicochemical stress, physiological stress, and psychological stress. Physicochemical stresses are caused by cold, heat, injury, buzz, exhaust fumes, and so on. Physiological stresses are the result of starvation, infection, overwork, and so on. Psychological stresses arise from anxiety, strain, dissatisfaction, disappointment, anger, and other emotions. Stressful events induce both psychological and physical hypertension, which can lead to diseases such as duodenal ulcer, depression, sleeplessness, and autonomic imbalance. The significance of the correlation between health and stress is increasing, and therefore, relaxation techniques for stress reduction are important. Relaxation methods can calm down the overly tensed organism and prevent stress-induced diseases. Mental and physical health is maintained and promoted by acquiring the habit of relaxation, which induces two essential elements, physical and psychological relaxed states. Mental state of relaxation can be recognized by observing such parameters as oxygen consumption, carbon dioxide elimination, heart rate, respiratory rate, minute ventilation, and arterial blood lactate. In the relaxed state, blood pressure (systolic, diastolic, and mean blood pressure) and renal temperature do not change, while skin resistance markedly increases and skeletal muscle blood flow slightly increases. The electroencephalogram (EEG) demonstrates an increase in the intensity of slow -waves occasionally some -waves activity. These changes are consistent with generalized decreased sympathetic nervous system activity and are distinctly different from the physiological changes noted when a person is sitting quietly or sleeping. Relaxation methods should be effective to induce the above conditions for proper relaxation. Food factors help relieve stress and induce a feeling of relaxation. For example, drinking tea for relaxation is common in many parts of the world. In Japan, the tradition of drinking green tea is considered beneficial for stress relief and general well being. The functional substance in green tea that promotes relaxation is L-theanine, an amino acid abundant in green tea leaves (1 to 2% in dry weight), It has been recognized that L- theanine is as being responsible for creating a feeling of relaxation and for promoting brain health. L-Theanine exists in free (non-protein) form, and it is the predominant amino acid (about 50%) of the total free amino acids in green tea leaves.

In modern times, stress has become the root cause of many abnormalities in our metal and physical conditions. The state of relaxation is a basic requirement not only to relieve stress but also its side effects. In Japan, drinking green tea for relaxation has been customary from ancient times. Research on green tea has revealed that L-theanine, an abundant amino acid found in green tea leaves, can bring about a state of relaxation. L-Theanine commercially sold as Suntheanine has been shown to induce both psychological and physiological relaxation. Suntheanine induces strong -waves in the brain, which clearly indicates its psychological relaxation effects in humans. Suntheanine has also been found to alleviate the symptoms of PMS and reduce caffeine-induced excitation as well as blood pressure in hyperactivity by suppressing the central nervous system.The cruciferae are the family of plants that include the various familiar members of the species Brassica oleracea.Examples include: Broccoli, cabbage, cauliflower, kale, Brussels sprouts in the US.A striking and characteristic chemical property of cruciferous plants is their high content of glucosinolates.Glucosinolates and their isothiocyanate hydrolysis (breakdown) products are well-known protectors against carcinogenesis, suggesting that greater intakes of these vegetables may lower the risk of several types of cancer.

The Unusual Phytochemistry of Crucifers Glucosinolates are the precursors of isothiocyanates (mustard oils). Glucosinolates play protective and evolutionarily important roles in plants, including: Allelopathy Suppression of growth of neighboring plants Specific positive and negative feeding cues For some insects Broad antibiotic properties Including nematocidal, antimicrobial, antifungal, antiprotozoal, and insecticidal activities When food is prepared or chewed, or in response to plant injury by predators, the enzyme myrosinase which accompanies the glucosinolates is released. This is the enzyme responsible for hydrolyzing glucosinolates to isothiocynates. In the absence of myrosinase (when food is cooked and myrosinase is heat inactivated), humans have the ability to efficiently convert glucosinolates to isothiocynates through the action of microflora in the GI tract.In the Health Professionals Follow-up Study, bladder cancer was only weakly associated with low intake of fruits and vegetables, but high intake (5 or more servings/week versus 1 or less servings/week) of cruciferous vegetables was associated with a statistically significant 51% decrease in bladder cancer.prostate cancer risk was found to be reduced by cruciferous vegetable consumption in a population-based case-control study carried out in western Washington state. Three or more servings per week, compared to less than one serving of cruciferous vegetables per week resulted in a statistically significant 41% decrease in prostate cancer risk.A case-controlled study in China found that intake of cruciferous vegetables, measured by urinary secretion of isothiocyanates, was inversely related to the risk of breast cancer.The quartile with the highest intake had only 50% of the risk of the lowest intake groupIn the Nurses Health Study, a high intake of cruciferous vegetables (5 or more servings/week versus less than two servings/week) was associated with a 33% lower risk of non-Hodgkins lymphoma.The isothiocyanates have already been established as playing a role in modulating the activities of enzymes involved in the metabolism of carcinogens, especially by the induction of phase 2 detoxification enzymes.Vitamin K and vitamin B complex vitamins obtained by synthesis in the small intestineVitamin D can be synthesized by the skin when exposed to sunlightWATER SOLUBLE VITAMIN

B-complex group and vitamin C Can be dissolved in water Cannot be stored by the body in large amounts Daily intake required to prevent deficienciesFat-Soluble Vitamins

Vitamins A, D, E, K Present in both plant and animal foods Stored in the liver and fatty tissues Daily intake not requiredVitamin A

Required for growth and development of bones and teeth

Necessary for other processes


Integrity of mucosal and epithelial surfaces

Cholesterol and steroid synthesis

Essential for night vision

Dietary supplement

Infants and pregnant and nursing women

Deficiency states

Hyperkeratosis of the skin

Night blindness

Other conditions

Skin conditions

Acne, psoriasis, keratosis follicularis

Ingestion of excessive amounts causes toxicity Irritability, drowsiness, vertigo, delirium, other symptoms

Increased intracranial pressure in infants

Generalized peeling of the skin and erythema over several weeks

Vitamin D

Fat soluble Sunshine vitamin

Responsible for proper utilization of calcium and phosphorus Actually a group of analog steroid chemicals

Different chemicals, produce same effect

Vitamin D2 (ergocalciferol)

Plant vitamin D

Obtained through dietary sources

Vitamin D3 (cholecalciferol)

Produced in the skin by ultraviolet irradiation (sunshine)

Vitamin D2-containing foods Fish oils, salmon, sardines, herring

Fortified milk, breads, cereals

Animal livers, tuna fish, eggs, butter

Endogenous synthesis in the skin

Necessary for normal calcification of bone and teeth

Dietary supplement Treatment of vitamin D deficiency

Treatment and correction of conditions related to long-term deficiency: rickets, tetany, osteomalacia Prevention of osteoporosis

Long-term ingestion of excessive amounts causes toxicity Hypertension, weakness, fatigue, headache, many others GI tract effects

CNS effects

Vitamin E

Fat soluble Tocopherols

Dietary plant sources Fruits, grains, cereals, vegetables, oils, wheat germ

Animal sources Eggs, chicken, meats, fish

Exact biologic function of vitamin E is unknown

Believed to act as an antioxidant Dietary supplement

Antioxidant Treatment of deficiency Highest risk of deficiency in premature infants

Very few acute side effects GI tract

CNS effects

Vitamin K

Fat soluble

Three types: K1, K2, K3 Dietary sources of K1:Green leafy vegetables (cabbage, spinach), meats, milk

Vitamin K2 synthesized by intestinal flora Essential for synthesis of blood coagulation factors in the liver Vitamin Kdependent clotting factors:II, VII, IX, X

Dietary supplementation

Treatment of deficiency states (rare) Antibiotic therapy

Newborn infants


Reverse the effects of certain anticoagulants (warfarin)


Most abundant mineral element in the body

Accounts for 2% of body weight

Highest concentration in bones and teeth

Efficient absorption requires adequate amounts of vitamin D

Calcium requirements high for

Growing children

Women who are pregnant or breast-feeding

Essential for normal maintenance and function of:

Nervous, muscular, skeletal systems

Cell membrane and capillary permeability

Catalyst in many enzymatic reactions

Essential in many physiologic processes

Transmission of nerve impulses

Contraction of cardiac, smooth, and skeletal muscles

Renal function, respiration, and blood coagulation

Several other functions

Calcium deficiency: hypocalcemia

Infantile rickets

Adult osteomalacia


Many other conditions associated with calcium deficiency

Inadequate intake of calcium or vitamin D


Malabsorption syndrome

Many other causes

Used to treat various deficiency states

Dietary supplement for women during pregnancy and lactation

Hypercalcemia may occur with therapy

Anorexia, nausea, vomiting, constipation


Calcium salts will bind (chelate) with tetracyclines to produce an insoluble complex

Magnesium One of the principal cations of intracellular fluid

Essential for enzyme systems associated with energy metabolism

Required for:

Nerve physiology

Muscle contraction

Dietary sources

Vegetables and other foods

Required in higher amounts in those with diets high in protein-rich foods, calcium, and phosphorus

Causes of Deficiency:




Long-term IV feedings


Metabolic disorders (hyperthyroidism, diabetic ketoacidosis)


Nutritional supplement

Treatment of magnesium deficiency

Anticonvulsant in magnesium deficiency

Preeclampsia and eclampsia

Tocolytic agent for inhibition of uterine contractions in premature labor

Many other uses

Adverse effects are due to hypermagnesia: Tendon reflex loss

Difficult bowel movements

CNS depression

Respiratory distress

Heart block
