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Festival Kue Bulan adalah tradisi masyarakat Tionghoa yang dirayakan setiap tanggal

limabelas bulan kedelapan Imlek. Festival ini juga dikenal sebagai Festival Pertengahan Musim

Gugur. Masyarakat Tionghoa merayakaan "zhong qiu jie" ketika bulan berada pada puncak

kecerahannya disepanjang tahun. Menurut legenda, Dewi Bulan yang tinggal di istana kaca,

keluar untuk menari dibawah bayang - bayang bulan. Kisahnya berawal ketika pada suatu masa

ada sepuluh matahari bersinar bersamaan diatas langit. Kaisar meminta seorang pemanah

terkenal untuk menembak sembilan diantaranya.

Ketika tugas itu berhasil dilaksanakan, Dewi Surga Barat menghadiahkan sebutir obat

hidup abadi pada sang pemanah. Istri sang pemanah menemukan obat itu tanpa sengaja dan

meminumnya. Karenanya ia lalu diasingkan ke bulan. Menurut legenda, kecantikan istri sang

pemanah mencapai puncaknya pada hari perayaan kue bulan.

Sekarang masyarakat Tionghoa merayakan festival ini dengan tari - tarian dan doa sambil

menikmati keindahan sang bulan, tentunya sambil menyantap kue bulan. Meskipun ada banyak

macam kue pada tradisi Tionghoa, kue bulan hanya dihidangkan pada perayaan kue bulan saja.

Salah satu jenis kue bulan tradisional berisi pasta biji teratai. Dengan besar seukuran telapak

tangan, kue bulan yang padat berisi biasa dipotong menjadi empat lalu dihidangkan. Ada yang

berisi kuning telur asin ditengah, melambangkan bulan purnama dan rasanya sangat lezat.

Jenis yang lain ada yang berisi empat kuning telur (melambangkan empat fase bulan). Disamping

pasta biji teratai, bahan isian lain yang sering dijumpai adalah pasta kacang merah dan kacang

hitam. Ada juga kreasi lain yang eksotis, yaitu kue bulan berisi pasta teh hijau dan kue bulan

berkulit salju (ping pei), salah satu variasi dari Asia Tenggara yang dibuat dari tepung beras

ketan. Karena cara membuatnya yang cukup rumit, kebanyakan orang memilih membeli kue ini

daripada membuatnya sendiri. Anda bisa menemukan kue ini di toko – toko kue khas Asia mulai

pertengahan bulan Agustus.


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Mooncakes festival is a chinese tradition which held in 15th day of 8th month in lunar calendar

every year. This festival also known as mid-autumn festival in four season’s countries. The celebration

began when the moon is at its maximum brightness for the entire year, the Chinese celebrate "zhong

qiu jie." Children are told the story of the moon fairy living in a crystal palace, who comes out to dance

on the moon's shadowed surface.

The legend surrounding the "lady living in the moon" dates back to ancient times, to a day when

ten suns appeared at once in the sky.

The Emperor ordered a famous archer to shoot down the nine extra suns. Once the task was

accomplished, Goddess of Western Heaven rewarded the archer with a pill that would make him

immortal. However, his wife found the pill, took it, and was banished to the moon as a result. Legend

says that her beauty is greatest on the day of the Mooncakes festival.

Today, Chinese people celebrate the Mid-Autumn festival with dances, feasting and moon

gazing. Not to mention mooncakes. While baked goods are a common feature at most Chinese

celebrations, mooncakes are inextricably linked with the Moon festival. One type of traditional

mooncake is filled with lotus seed paste. Roughly the size of a human palm, these mooncakes are quite

filling, meant to be cut diagonally in quarters and passed around. Some of them has a salty yolk in the

middle, representing the full moon, is an acquired taste.

More elaborate versions of mooncakes contain four egg yolks (representing the four phases of

the moon). Besides lotus seed paste, other traditional fillings include red bean paste and black bean

paste. More exotic creations include green tea mooncakes, and ping pei or snowskin mooncakes, a

Southeast Asian variation made with cooked glutinous rice flour. Given the difficulty of making them,

most people prefer to purchase their mooncakes instead of making them. You'll find them at Asian

bakeries beginning around mid-August.


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The legend surrounding the "lady living in the moon" dates back to ancient times, to a day when

ten suns appeared at once in the sky.


The Emperor ordered a famous archer to shoot down the nine extra suns. Once the task was

accomplished, Goddess of Western Heaven rewarded the archer with a pill that would make him

immortal. However, his wife found the pill, took it, and was banished to the moon as a result.


his wife found the pill, took it, and was banished to the moon as a result. Legend says that her

beauty is greatest on the day of the Mooncakes festival


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