Download - Jsa Training


    Arif Andrianto

  • TUJUAN TRAININGMenjelaskan pentingnya JSAMenjelaskan keuntungan JSAMenyiapkan informasi yang dibutuhkan untuk JSA secara lengkapMenyiapkan tools yang lengkap untuk pelaksanaan JSA

  • Apakah Job Safety Analysis itu?Metode yang digunakan untuk membagi urutan pekerjaan menjadi beberapa langkahMenilai bahaya-bahaya yang terdapat dalam setiap langkah pekerjaanMenentukan pengendalian yang dibutuhkan untuk mengontrol setiap bahaya yang diketahui

  • Dasar Pemikiran pembuatan JSA adalah :1. Setiap kecelakaan selalu ada penyebabnya2. Setiap jenis pek atau tgs dpt diuraikan ke dlm 1 atau urutan tahapan yang sederhana3. Setiap tahapan pekerjaan dpt dikenali bahayanya4. Setiap bhy yg ada di setiap thpan pekerjaan tsb dpt diatasi agar tdk menyebabkan kecelakaan.\

  • JSA VS SOP Berfungsi sbg SOPMembuat JSA bisa dibuat langsungLebih lengkap terperinciHasil analisanya dpt ditemukan type bhy yang adaDpt dipakai untuk mengevaluasi SOP

    Fungsi sbg tatacara kerja yg amanIdealnya sblm membuat SOP didahului oleh JSATidak terlalu lengkap namun bisa dipakai untuk cara kerja yg amanTdk ada penjelasan type-type bahayaTidak dpt dipakai mengevaluasi JSA


  • SIAPA YG BERTANGGUNG JAWAB DLM PEMBUATAN JSA ? 1. Org yg menguasai & mempunyai kepentingan langsung dng jenis pekerjaan yg menjadi tugas anak buahnya.2. Org yg memiliki kepentingan langsung untuk menyelamatkan anak buahnya.3. Org yg memiliki catatan paling lengkap ttg kecelakaan / nearmiss (hampir celaka).4. Org yg paling menguasai prosedur & peraturan kerja

  • KEUNTUNGAN JOB SAFETY ANALYSISMengetahui praktek kerja tidak aman sebelum kecelakaan terjadiPedoman untuk pekerja baruMemperbaiki Sistem dari Proses Kerja.Meningkatkan Keterlibatan Supervisor dalam PekerjaanDisampaikan saat toolbox meetingMenurunkan angka cederaMeningkatkan kualitasMeningkatkan produktifitasKeperluan investigasi kecelakaan

  • IMPLEMENTASI JSA DI TEMPAT KERJA1. JSA hrs diketahui dan dimengerti oleh seluruh karyawan 2. JSA hrs diikuti oleh seluruh karyawan3. Karyawan dpt melakukan keberatan jika jsa tdk sesuai lagi4. Secara reguler selalu meninjau kembali JSA yang ada

  • Setiap tingkat perkerjaan yang memiliki potensi risiko.Setiap ada perubahan sistem kerjaSetiap ada perubahan dalam prosedur kerjaPekerjaan baru

  • Isi JSALangkah kerjaPerlengkapan, alat, mesinPotensi BahayaFaktor risikoAlat keselamatan dan tindakan pencegahanOrang yang bertanggungjawab

  • DEFINISI KATA KUNCIJob task Jenis pekerjaan / tugasJob step Langkah kerjaHazard - bahayaExposure - paparanControl - pengendalianAccident / Incident - kecelakaan

  • DEFINISI KATA KUNCI - ContohJob Task mengganti bola lampuJob Step naik tangga Hazard kerusakan pada tangga Exposure cedera akibat tangga yang rusakControl inspeksi tangga sebelum digunakan dan tidak menggunakannya jika rusak Accident / Incident - jatuh dengan / tanpa cedera


  • DIMANA MEMULAI?Catatan KecelakaanKeluhan karyawanPergantian Karyawan AbsenteeismSupervisor & ManagerSafety managerPekerjaan yang memperlihatkan potensi kecelakaan / kerugian yang besar

  • TIGA LANGKAH PROSEDUR JSAKetahui beberapa langkah kerja pokok dari jenis pekerjaanCatat bahaya-bahaya yang terdapat pada setiap langkah kerjaTentukan bentuk pengendalian yang dapat mencegah timbulnya kecelakaan dari tiap bahaya yang diidentifikasi

  • LANGKAH-LANGKAH PEMBUATAN JSA Memilih Jenis PekerjaanMenguraikan PekerjaanMengenali BahayaMengontrol & Mengatasi Bahaya

  • 1. Memilih Jenis Pekerjaan Dlm memilih jenis pekerjaan diprioritaskan :

    1. Memiliki jml kecelakaan terbanyak2. Menimbulkan cedera terparah (ekstrime)3. Memilih potensi terjadinya kecelakaan tertinggi4. Baru atau sedang dalam masa perubahan

  • 2. Menguraikan Jenis Pekerjaan 1. Tahapan pekerjaan tdk terlalu mendetail , terlalu luas & yg scr umum dilakukan2. Dlm uraian tahapan jangan disebutkan bahaya atau kehati-hatian yg diperlukan3. Uraian tahapan pekerjaan hrs dibuat menurut normal pelaksanaan pekerjaan tersebut.

  • > Contoh menguraikan Pekerjaan mengganti ban bocor yg terlalu sempit :Parkir MobilKeluar dr mobilMembuka kotak perkakasdst> Contoh menguraikan tahapan Pekerjaan terlalu luas :Melepas roda yg bocorMemasang roda serepDst

  • > Contoh menguraikan pekerjaan yg benar :Parkir mobilLepas ban serepMemasang dongkrak di bawah mobilMenaikkan dongkrakMelepas baut roda yg bocorMelepas roda yg bocorPasang roda serepPasang baut rodaTurunkan dongkrak, lepas ganjal mobilSimpan dongkrak & ban yg bocor

  • 3. Mengenali Bahaya Yang Bisa Timbul Untuk dpt mengenali bahaya yg timbul di tiap tahapan pekerjaan, perlu memakai sikap pertanyaan sebagai berikut :Dptkah para karyawan kontak dng arus listrik, bhn kimia, radiasi, gas, cairan, udara, bising2. Dptkah karyawan terpukul oleh benda yg bergerak/melayang, benda yg jatuh3. Dptkah karyawan terbentur benda yg diam , bergerak dan benda yg tajam4. Dptkah karyawan jatuh pd tempat yg aman , tempat yg lebih rendah5. Terlalu memforsir pd waktu mengangkat, mendongkrak, menarik dan menjangkau

  • 4. Mengatasi Bahaya Yg TimbulBahaya bisa dicegah dng cara :1. Merubah kondisi fisik, Contoh : Engineering Control, Adm Control.2. Merubah prosedur kerja3. Merubah frequensi pelaksanaan pekerjaan4. Alat Pelindung Diri

  • CONTOH JSAMengganti Ban MobilNoThp PekerjaanBhy yg bisa timbul Cara yang Aman untuk MengatasiParkir kendaraan Kalau mundur bisa menabrak orang

    Mobil bisa bergerak / meluncur

    Dongkrak bisa jatuh kalau permukaan tanah tidak rata

    Kendaraan dijalankan orang lain waktu pekerjaan sedang dilakukanPeriksa ke belakang dan komunikasi dng karyawan yang lain bahwa akan mundur

    Rem parkir di pasang, gigi dimasukkan dan roda diganjal dari 2 arah

    Ratakan tempat menaruh dongkrak, atau pilih tempat yg rata

    cabut kunci kontak, pasang kartu lockout1. Memasang DongkrakKepala bisa terbentur body kendaraan atau terkena knalpot yang panas Harus berhati-hati agar tidak terbentur atau terkena knalpot panas 2. Mengambil rodaCedera tulang belakang karena salah angkat Angkat dng tenaga kaki, bukan dengan punggung 3.

    Welcome supervisors and pass out the note-taking guides. Set the stage for the meeting by thoroughly explaining:- Why are we here- Expectations from the audience during and after the training- Format of the meeting (informal, discussion oriented)- Length of the meeting- Planned breaks, etc.

    It is important that supervisors recognize the business need for completing and using JSAs and that they are the primary resource in this process as they are the level of management that is the closest to the work being performed.

    A brief review of facility accident results may be appropriate to emphasize the importance of this topic and the role that each supervisor plays in bringing these losses under control in the future.

    Explain each objective of the training and that the supervisors will be expected to take this information and tools and complete JSAs on selected job tasks at the direction of the Safety Director or other manager.

    Further explain that we will come back to this slide at the end of the course and all present will be able to comment on whether each of the objectives was met.Review each point individually and explain that key words used in the presentation such as hazards and controls will be clearly defined in just a few minutes, so that we all mean exactly the same thing when we use these key words. (These definitions are also contained in the reference guide that all supervisors will receive for future reference and use).

    TRANSITION: Now that we have an idea of what JSAs are about, lets review the benefits of applying the use of JSAs in a systematic way...Review the benefits of completing JSAs. If we can identify unsafe work practices before an accident occurs, we can take the steps necessary to decrease injury rates and, in many instances, re-design the job process, equipment or tools to also boost quality and productivity rates.We will return to the concept of how safety, quality and productivity interact in just a few minutes.TRANSITION: Now that we have discussed the primary benefits of utilizing JSAs, lets review the various ways that JSA information can be used...The audience will find definitions of each term in their reference guides. Refer supervisors to their reference guides for the first time. Explain that this contains a number of tools that are designed to assist them in the JSA process. Ask them to turn to the definitions page and review the key definitions with them.To help them understand the terms hazard, exposure and control, give them the following situation of driving a car.A situation we can all relate to is driving our car on a wet, slick road surface.Ask the audience to name a hazard (slippery road)Ask them to list a corresponding exposure (collision or run off the road accident due to loss of steering control or loss of braking control).List a corresponding control (reduce speed to account for the slick conditions and reduce the degree of the exposure).TRANSITION: Lets review another example of these key terms as applied to the workplace so that we all fully understand them...Review this quick example of a defective ladder. Explain that it is possible to have more than one exposure for each hazard and also possible to have more than one control for each hazard. Make sure that all are comfortable with the terms before moving on.

    TRANSITION: Some people feel that safety is not compatible with production efforts and/or quality efforts. Actually, in most cases, these three work hand in hand. Lets see why...Safety isnt a person or thing. It is not your Safety Coordinator and it is not a written safety manual. It is a process, specifically the way our workers perform their jobs collectively each day. At times, they have the proper equipment, tools, job instruction, training and attitude to perform their jobs safely. At other times however, one or more of these elements may be lacking.Similarly, productivity and quality are the results of the same process as workers complete their jobs each day. Either they have and use the prerequisites to perform the job successfully or they dont.Frequently, the method that is the safest way to perform a specific job task is also a highly productive one that results in a high level of quality as well. (Provide an example). Occasionally, this is not true and a compromise solution may be needed to balance the three goals. (Provide example).All three of these ingredients are intertwined in the same process and all three directly and collectively impact the companys bottom line results. Therefore studying and improving job methods is extremely important to us all.Make sure this point is understood & accepted.Review each of these as sources of information in prioritizing job tasks that need to studied immediately. Initially, the job tasks being studied will be high exposure tasks. Over time, the exposure from job tasks being studied should continually decrease. However, other factors such as new accidents, equipment changes, and process re-design are likely to continually shuffle the priorities of job tasks to be studied. Job Safety Analysis is a continual process that does not carry a completion date.

    TRANSITION: If, after using all of the above information its still not clear as to which jobs should be prioritized for JSA usage...

    Briefly describe the 3 steps that comprise all JSAs. (Dont spend a lot of time here unless questions develop. Details and tips for completing each of these three steps will be developed later in the presentation).TRANSITION: Lets now cover several important tips on the proper completion of all JSAs...