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  • 8/9/2019 Info Istilah Decap


    For example, ink in position to be fred rom the nozzle may become dried and

    thus not fred through the nozzle. This eect is generally reerred to as "decap"

    and typically occurs when a maximum amount o time a nozzle may be idle i.e.,

    not fring or spitting ink drops! beore an ink drop may be eected rom that

    nozzle is exceeded. #n addition, "slewing decap" generally reers to the maximum

    amount o time a nozzle may be idle during a pass across a medium. $oreo%er,

    because the nozzles are mo%ing, the eects o "slewing decap" on the nozzles

    are typically worse than "decap". &s a conse'uence, slewing decap times are

    generally shorter than decap times.


    waktu non-aktif maksimum nozel luncur yang dapat diterima

    Sebelum memberikan padanannya, saya ingin memberikan analisis linguistik sbb:dalam bahasa Inggris ada kata

    limit = batas

    dan kata ini bisa menjadi kata kerja dg penambahan awalan 'de-'

    delimit = membatasi

    Dg analisis yg sama,

    cap = tutup, penutup

    decap = menutup, menutupi

    Menurut rujukan berikut ini, 'decap' merujuk pada keadaan di mana tinta yg akan disemprotkan dari noel

    mengering dan dg demikian tidak dapat disemprotkan melalui noel tsb karena waktu non-akti! "idle, tidak

    menyemprotkan tinta# maksimum noel sudah terlampaui$

    %inta yg mengering inilah yg membuat noel tsb tertutup atau tersumbat$ &arena itu, untuk menggambarkan

    keadaan ini digunakan istilah 'decap' "menutupi, yaitu tinta yg terlanjur kering sebelum disemprotkan tsb

    menutupi mulut noel#$

    adi, tintanya mengering ketika masih di noel, bukan setelah disemprotkan di atas kertas$


    slew = slide in another direction = meluncur(bergeser ke arah lain

    )g meluncur di sini tentu saja noel penyemprot tinta$

    )g terakhir dan berdasarkan uraian di atas,

    slewing decap = keadaan di mana tinta yg akan disemprotkan dari noel mengering dan dg demikian tidak

    dapat disemprotkan melalui noel karena waktu non-akti! "idle, tidak menyemprotkan tinta# maksimum noel

    sudah terlampaui ketika noel sedang meluncur(bergeser "*atatan: noel pada printer kan selalu

    meluncur(bergeser ke kiri dan ke kanan ketika pencetakan sdg berlangsung$#

    Dari semua uraian di atas, saya mengusulkan

    acceptable slewing decap time = waktu non-akti! maksimum noel luncur yg dapat diterima


    or eample, .ink. in position to be !ired !rom the nole may .become dried. and thus .not !ired through the

    nole$. .%his e!!ect. is generally re!erred to as ./decap/. and typically occurs when a maimum amount o!

    time a .nole. may be .idle. "i$e$, not !iring or spitting ink drops# be!ore an ink drop may be ejected !rom

    that nole is eceeded$ In addition, ./slewing decap/. generally re!ers to .the maimum amount o! time a

    nole may be idle. during a .pass across a medium$. Moreo0er, because the noles are mo0ing, the e!!ects

    o! /slewing decap/ on the noles are typically worse than /decap/$ 1s a conse2uence, slewing decap times are

    generally shorter than decap times$

    %o reduce the negati0e e!!ects o! decap, the spittoon typically per!orms ser0icing operations on the printheads

    as well as capping the noles when the printheads are idle !or a certain period o! time$


  • 8/9/2019 Info Istilah Decap


    waktu penguapan pelarut tinta yang dapat diterima

    Slew decap is a term o! art used to identi!y this phenomenon in which the current o! air causes e0aporation o!

    a sol0ent 0ehicle component o! the ink$ In general, e0aporation o! the sol0ent 0ehicle alters the chemical

    composition o! the ink$ More particularly, the change in chemical composition results in a less 0isible drop o!

    ink on the print medium