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  • 7/22/2019 Gastritis Erosif Patofisiologi


    NSAID menyebabkan disfungsi mitokondria, menurunkan permukaan hidrofobik mukosa

    lambung, menurunkan barier epitel lambung sehingga menyebabkan ulserasi lambung.

    NSAID menghambat COX 1 yang menyebabkan penurunan aliran darah ke lambung dan

    menurunkan produksi mukosa lambung !CO"#sehingga menyebab ulkus gaster

    NSAID menghambat COX$ sehingga menurunkan re#epitelisasi lambung dan meningkatkan

    akti%asi leukosit adhesion neutrofil sehingga menyebabkan mikroiskemia lo&al yang

    meningkatkan rea&ti%e o'ygen spe&ies, sehingga menyebabkan ulserasi lambung

    ACR Clinical Classification Criteria for Osteoarthritis of the knee:

    Using history and physical examination

    Using history, physical examination and radiographic findings:

  • 7/22/2019 Gastritis Erosif Patofisiologi


    Using history, physical examination and laboratory findings:

    Reference: Altman, R, et al.: Arthritis Rheum 29:109, 19!".

    Diagnostic criteria

    American College of Rheumatology criteria for the classification and reporting

    of osteoarthritis of the knee[34]

    #linical and laboratory diagnostic criteria:

    Knee painplus at least $ of the follo%ing 9 criteria: age !" years& stiffness #3"

    minutes& crepitus& bony tenderness& bony enlargement& no palpa$le %armth& '(R )*0mm+hour& R )1.*0& syno-ial fluid signs of A.

    #linical and radiographic diagnostic criteria:

    Knee pain plus osteophytes, plus at least 1 of the follo%ing criteria: age !" years&

    stiffness )0 minutes& crepitus.

    American College of Rheumatology criteria for the classification and reporting

    of osteoarthritis of the hip[3!]

    /uidelines state that patients are classified as ha-ing hip A if pain is present plus either 1 hipinternal rotation 1$& pain present on internal rotation of the hip& morning stiffness of the hip for3"0 minutes& age 4$0 years, or 2 hip internal rotation )1$& '(R 3*$ mm+hour. 5f no '(R %as

    obtained, hip flexion 311$ is substituted 6sensiti-ity !"7, specificity 8$7.

    atients may also be classified as ha-ing A if they ha-e pain plus 2 of the follo%ing

    radiographic criteria: osteophytes 6femoral or acetabular& oint space narro%ing 6superior, axial,and+or medial& '(R )20 mm+hour 6sensiti-ity !97, specificity 917.
  • 7/22/2019 Gastritis Erosif Patofisiologi


    American College of Rheumatology criteria for the classification and reporting

    of osteoarthritis of the hand[3&]

    /uidelines state that patients may be classified as ha-ing clinical A if, on examination, there ishard tissue enlargement in-ol-ing at least 2 of 10 selected oints, s%elling in ) ;# oints, and

    hard tissue enlargement of at least 2