Download - DAFTAR PUSTAKA - · 47 2010. 13. Acharya SD, Ullal SD, Padiyar S, Rao YD, Upadhyaya K, Pillai D, Raj V. Analgesic effect of extracts of Alpinia Galanga rhizome in mice.

Page 1: DAFTAR PUSTAKA - · 47 2010. 13. Acharya SD, Ullal SD, Padiyar S, Rao YD, Upadhyaya K, Pillai D, Raj V. Analgesic effect of extracts of Alpinia Galanga rhizome in mice.



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Lampiran 3

Tabel Konversi Perhitungan Dosis

(Laurance & Bacharach, 1964)

Mencit 20 g

Tikus 200 g

Marmot 400 g

Kelinci 1,5 kg

Kucing 2 kg

Kera 4 kg

Anjing 12 kg

Manusia 70 kg

Mencit 20 g 1,0 7,0 12,25 27,8 29,7 64,1 124,2 387,9

Tikus 200 g 0,14 1,0 1,74 3,9 4,2 9,2 17,8 56,0

Marmot 400 g 0,08 0,57 1,0 2,25 2,4 5,2 10,2 31,5

Kelinci 1,5 kg 0,04 0,25 0,44 1,0 1,08 2,4 4,5 14,2

Kucing 2 kg 0,03 0,23 0,41 0,92 1,0 2,2 4,1 13,0

Kera 4 kg 0,016 0,11 0,19 0,42 0,45 1,0 1,9 6,1

Anjing 12 kg 0,008 0,06 0,1 0,22 0,24 0,52 1,0 3,1

Manusia 70 kg 0,0026 0,018 0,031 0,07 0,076 0,16 0,32 1,0

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Lampiran 4 Perhitungan Dosis Aspirin Dosis lazim aspirin sekali adalah 325-650 mg pada manusia dewasa. Dikonversi ke mencit yang beratnya 20 gram menjadi: 0,0026 x 500 = 1,3 mg/20 gramBB Produk X Dosis lazim Produk X 15-30 ml pada manusia dewasa. Dikonversi ke mencit yang beratnya 20 gram menjadi: 1. 0,0026 x 30 = 0,078 ml/20 gramBB ≈ 0,1 ml/20 gramBB 2. 0,0026 x 4(30) = 0,312 ml/20 gramBB ≈ 0,35 ml/20 gramBB

Page 10: DAFTAR PUSTAKA - · 47 2010. 13. Acharya SD, Ullal SD, Padiyar S, Rao YD, Upadhyaya K, Pillai D, Raj V. Analgesic effect of extracts of Alpinia Galanga rhizome in mice.


Lampiran 5 Hasil Penelititan

Mencit Ke

Jumlah Geliat

15 Menit I 15 Menit II

K 1 K 2 P 1 P 2 K (-) K (+) P 1 P 2

1 5 8 3 1 8 6 0 0

2 6 3 5 0 3 0 2 0

3 11 1 4 0 7 1 3 0

4 4 2 7 0 6 1 9 0

5 8 1 3 0 7 0 0 0

6 4 3 3 0 2 2 1 0

Page 11: DAFTAR PUSTAKA - · 47 2010. 13. Acharya SD, Ullal SD, Padiyar S, Rao YD, Upadhyaya K, Pillai D, Raj V. Analgesic effect of extracts of Alpinia Galanga rhizome in mice.


Lampiran 6 Analisis Data



Page 12: DAFTAR PUSTAKA - · 47 2010. 13. Acharya SD, Ullal SD, Padiyar S, Rao YD, Upadhyaya K, Pillai D, Raj V. Analgesic effect of extracts of Alpinia Galanga rhizome in mice.


Jumlah geliat 15 menit I

Page 13: DAFTAR PUSTAKA - · 47 2010. 13. Acharya SD, Ullal SD, Padiyar S, Rao YD, Upadhyaya K, Pillai D, Raj V. Analgesic effect of extracts of Alpinia Galanga rhizome in mice.


Jumlah geliat 15 menit II

Page 14: DAFTAR PUSTAKA - · 47 2010. 13. Acharya SD, Ullal SD, Padiyar S, Rao YD, Upadhyaya K, Pillai D, Raj V. Analgesic effect of extracts of Alpinia Galanga rhizome in mice.


T-Test (K1)

Paired Samples Statistics

6.33 6 2.733 1.1165.50 6 2.429 .992

Jumlah geliat 15 menit IJumlah geliat 15 menit II


Mean N Std. DeviationStd. Error


Paired Samples Correlations

6 .422 .405Jumlah geliat 15 menit I &Jumlah geliat 15 menit II


N Correlation Sig.

Paired Samples Test






MeanStd. DeviationStd. Error Mean


95% Confidence Intervalof the Difference

Paired Differences

tdfSig. (2-tailed)

Jumlah geliat 15 menit I -Jumlah geliat 15 menit II

Pair 1

Page 15: DAFTAR PUSTAKA - · 47 2010. 13. Acharya SD, Ullal SD, Padiyar S, Rao YD, Upadhyaya K, Pillai D, Raj V. Analgesic effect of extracts of Alpinia Galanga rhizome in mice.


NPar Tests (K2)

Wilcoxon Signed Ranks Test


5a 3.00 15.000b .00 .001c


Negative RanksPositive RanksTiesTotal

Jumlah geliat 15 menit II -Jumlah geliat 15 menit I

N Mean Rank Sum of Ranks

Jumlah geliat 15 menit II < Jumlah geliat 15 menit Ia.

Jumlah geliat 15 menit II > Jumlah geliat 15 menit Ib.

Jumlah geliat 15 menit II = Jumlah geliat 15 menit Ic.

Test Statisticsb


.039ZAsymp. Sig. (2-tailed)

Jumlah geliat15 menit II -

Jumlah geliat15 menit I

Based on positive ranks.a.

Wilcoxon Signed Ranks Testb.

Page 16: DAFTAR PUSTAKA - · 47 2010. 13. Acharya SD, Ullal SD, Padiyar S, Rao YD, Upadhyaya K, Pillai D, Raj V. Analgesic effect of extracts of Alpinia Galanga rhizome in mice.


NPar Tests (P1)

Wilcoxon Signed Ranks Test


5a 3.70 18.501b 2.50 2.500c


Negative RanksPositive RanksTiesTotal

Jumlah geliat 15 menit II -Jumlah geliat 15 menit I

N Mean Rank Sum of Ranks

Jumlah geliat 15 menit II < Jumlah geliat 15 menit Ia.

Jumlah geliat 15 menit II > Jumlah geliat 15 menit Ib.

Jumlah geliat 15 menit II = Jumlah geliat 15 menit Ic.

Test Statisticsb


.089ZAsymp. Sig. (2-tailed)

Jumlah geliat15 menit II -

Jumlah geliat15 menit I

Based on positive ranks.a.

Wilcoxon Signed Ranks Testb.

Page 17: DAFTAR PUSTAKA - · 47 2010. 13. Acharya SD, Ullal SD, Padiyar S, Rao YD, Upadhyaya K, Pillai D, Raj V. Analgesic effect of extracts of Alpinia Galanga rhizome in mice.


NPar Tests (P2)

Wilcoxon Signed Ranks Test


1a 1.00 1.000b .00 .005c


Negative RanksPositive RanksTiesTotal

Jumlah geliat 15 menit II -Jumlah geliat 15 menit I

N Mean Rank Sum of Ranks

Jumlah geliat 15 menit II < Jumlah geliat 15 menit Ia.

Jumlah geliat 15 menit II > Jumlah geliat 15 menit Ib.

Jumlah geliat 15 menit II = Jumlah geliat 15 menit Ic.

Test Statisticsb


.317ZAsymp. Sig. (2-tailed)

Jumlah geliat15 menit II -

Jumlah geliat15 menit I

Based on positive ranks.a.

Wilcoxon Signed Ranks Testb.

Page 18: DAFTAR PUSTAKA - · 47 2010. 13. Acharya SD, Ullal SD, Padiyar S, Rao YD, Upadhyaya K, Pillai D, Raj V. Analgesic effect of extracts of Alpinia Galanga rhizome in mice.


NPar Tests

Kruskal-Wallis Test

Page 19: DAFTAR PUSTAKA - · 47 2010. 13. Acharya SD, Ullal SD, Padiyar S, Rao YD, Upadhyaya K, Pillai D, Raj V. Analgesic effect of extracts of Alpinia Galanga rhizome in mice.


NPar Tests

Mann-Whitney Test


6 8.75 52.506 4.25 25.50

126 9.00 54.006 4.00 24.00



Jumlah geliat 15 menit I

Jumlah geliat 15 menit II

N Mean Rank Sum of Ranks

Test Statisticsb

4.500 3.00025.500 24.000-2.177 -2.423

.029 .015



Mann-Whitney UWilcoxon WZAsymp. Sig. (2-tailed)Exact Sig. [2*(1-tailedSig.)]

Jumlah geliat15 menit I

Jumlah geliat15 menit II

Not corrected for ties.a.

Grouping Variable: Kelompokb.

Page 20: DAFTAR PUSTAKA - · 47 2010. 13. Acharya SD, Ullal SD, Padiyar S, Rao YD, Upadhyaya K, Pillai D, Raj V. Analgesic effect of extracts of Alpinia Galanga rhizome in mice.


NPar Tests

Mann-Whitney Test


6 8.25 49.506 4.75 28.50

126 8.17 49.006 4.83 29.00



Jumlah geliat 15 menit I

Jumlah geliat 15 menit II

N Mean Rank Sum of Ranks

Test Statisticsb

7.500 8.00028.500 29.000-1.708 -1.613

.088 .107



Mann-Whitney UWilcoxon WZAsymp. Sig. (2-tailed)Exact Sig. [2*(1-tailedSig.)]

Jumlah geliat15 menit I

Jumlah geliat15 menit II

Not corrected for ties.a.

Grouping Variable: Kelompokb.

Page 21: DAFTAR PUSTAKA - · 47 2010. 13. Acharya SD, Ullal SD, Padiyar S, Rao YD, Upadhyaya K, Pillai D, Raj V. Analgesic effect of extracts of Alpinia Galanga rhizome in mice.


NPar Tests

Mann-Whitney Test


6 9.50 57.006 3.50 21.00

126 9.50 57.006 3.50 21.00



Jumlah geliat 15 menit I

Jumlah geliat 15 menit II

N Mean Rank Sum of Ranks

Test Statisticsb

.000 .00021.000 21.000-2.994 -3.083

.003 .002



Mann-Whitney UWilcoxon WZAsymp. Sig. (2-tailed)Exact Sig. [2*(1-tailedSig.)]

Jumlah geliat15 menit I

Jumlah geliat15 menit II

Not corrected for ties.a.

Grouping Variable: Kelompokb.

Page 22: DAFTAR PUSTAKA - · 47 2010. 13. Acharya SD, Ullal SD, Padiyar S, Rao YD, Upadhyaya K, Pillai D, Raj V. Analgesic effect of extracts of Alpinia Galanga rhizome in mice.


NPar Tests

Mann-Whitney Test


6 5.00 30.006 8.00 48.00

126 6.08 36.506 6.92 41.50



Jumlah geliat 15 menit I

Jumlah geliat 15 menit II

N Mean Rank Sum of Ranks

Test Statisticsb

9.000 15.50030.000 36.500-1.497 -.411

.134 .681



Mann-Whitney UWilcoxon WZAsymp. Sig. (2-tailed)Exact Sig. [2*(1-tailedSig.)]

Jumlah geliat15 menit I

Jumlah geliat15 menit II

Not corrected for ties.a.

Grouping Variable: Kelompokb.

Page 23: DAFTAR PUSTAKA - · 47 2010. 13. Acharya SD, Ullal SD, Padiyar S, Rao YD, Upadhyaya K, Pillai D, Raj V. Analgesic effect of extracts of Alpinia Galanga rhizome in mice.


NPar Tests

Mann-Whitney Test


6 9.33 56.006 3.67 22.00

126 8.50 51.006 4.50 27.00



Jumlah geliat 15 menit I

Jumlah geliat 15 menit II

N Mean Rank Sum of Ranks

Test Statisticsb

1.000 6.00022.000 27.000-2.850 -2.292

.004 .022



Mann-Whitney UWilcoxon WZAsymp. Sig. (2-tailed)Exact Sig. [2*(1-tailedSig.)]

Jumlah geliat15 menit I

Jumlah geliat15 menit II

Not corrected for ties.a.

Grouping Variable: Kelompokb.

Page 24: DAFTAR PUSTAKA - · 47 2010. 13. Acharya SD, Ullal SD, Padiyar S, Rao YD, Upadhyaya K, Pillai D, Raj V. Analgesic effect of extracts of Alpinia Galanga rhizome in mice.


NPar Tests

Mann-Whitney Test


6 9.50 57.006 3.50 21.00

126 8.50 51.006 4.50 27.00



Jumlah geliat 15 menit I

Jumlah geliat 15 menit II

N Mean Rank Sum of Ranks

Test Statisticsb

.000 6.00021.000 27.000-3.011 -2.286

.003 .022



Mann-Whitney UWilcoxon WZAsymp. Sig. (2-tailed)Exact Sig. [2*(1-tailedSig.)]

Jumlah geliat15 menit I

Jumlah geliat15 menit II

Not corrected for ties.a.

Grouping Variable: Kelompokb.

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Lampiran 7

Dokumentasi Penelitian

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Lampiran 8



Nama : Hizkia Christian Wilianto

NIM : 22010112130079

Tempat/ tanggal lahir : Bekasi, 27 Oktober 1993

Jenis kelamin : Laki-laki

Alamat : Jl. Gondang Timur 4 No. 66B, Bulusan, Tembalang

Nomor telepon : -

Nomor HP : 08561921992

E-mail : [email protected]

Riwayat Pendidikan Formal

1) SD : SD Kasih Bunda

Lulus tahun : 2006

2) SMP : SMP Negeri 1 Bekasi

Lulus tahun : 2009

3) SMA : SMA Negeri 1 Bekasi

Lulus tahun : 2012

4) Universitas : Univ. Diponegoro Fakultas Kedokteran

Prodi Pendidikan Dokter

Masuk tahun : 2012