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Contoh Ucapan Kartu Pos Dalam Bahasa Inggris

Contoh Ucapan Kata-Kata Apology

Accept these flowers in place of the words I said. I wouldnt have made a mistake with my mouth shut. Im wrong youre right. I muffed it! Im so sorry! Ill never forgive myselfbut Im hoping you will. Im sorry. I may not be perfect, but my apology is close. Will these keys let me out of the doghouse? Im sorry.

Contoh Ucapan Kata-Kata Birthday

Celebrating you! Wishing you a year filled with the same joy you bring to others! Hoping your wishes come true year after year. Like a fine wine, you improve each year. The day you were born is a daily celebration. Wishing you a very happy birthday . . . and many more! Youre not getting older, youre getting better. May today be filled with sunshine and smiles, laughter and love. Love on your birthday and everyday. Enjoy this gift thats as beautiful as the birthday girl herself.

Contoh Ucapan Kata-Kata Congratulations

Congratulations on one of your best moments! Stunning performance! Sheer perfection! This calls for a celebration! Lets celebrate! Congratulations you did it! Hip, Hip, Hooray!

Congratulations and best wishes! A standing ovation for you! Congratulations from the whole bunch!

Contoh Ucapan Kata-Kata Love/RomanceAll my love. Love and kisses. You take my breath awaytoday and every day. With you its Valentines Day 365 days a year. I send a kiss inside the petals of each rose You are the love of my life. You are the reason Im alive. True love is friendship set on fire. (French Proverb) Roses are red, violets are blue, what would I do without you!? Always and forever. I wish there were more ways to say all that you are to me. Love always. My heart is filled with love for you. Flowers today. Fireworks tonight! I usually tell you I love you two or three times a day. Today Ill make it a dozen. How sweet it is to be loved by you! If actions speak louder than words, this is my way of shouting. I dont need a holiday to say I love you. Im delivering you a kiss to last all week.

Contoh Ucapan Kata-Kata New BirthCongratulations! May your baby be blessed, his/her road forward a blessed adventure! We share in your celebration of the new life you created! We welcome your dear new child to this world with love. Congratulations, and enjoy the years together! A little one brings so much fun! Enjoy this special time! Babies are special, babies are fun, congratulations on your new little one! Welcome to the family! Im not an expert on babies yet, but I sure can take care of Mom! Another miracle in this world. Welcome!

Contoh Ucapan Kata-Kata Get Well

Hoping these flowers brighten not only your room, but your heart. Loving thoughts are tucked inside this bundle of flowers! Good health starts with a happy heart. Hope these flowers start the job! Hope youre back on your feet soon. Hoping that youll bloom again soon.

Sending you healing thoughts and a little sunshine to brighten your Sending you some get well cheer! To brighten your day! Loving relief for your aches and pains. Wishing you a speedy recovery. We miss you! Come back soon! Hope youre feeling better soon


Contoh Ucapan Kata-Kata WeddingMay your love bloom brighter and your companionship grow sweeter with each passing year. Congratulations on you wedding. Wishing both of you a world of happiness and joy on your wedding day. May your marriage be filled with all the right ingredients: a heap of love, a dash of humour, a touch of romance, and a spoonful of understanding. May your joy last forever. Congratulations! Your wedding day may come and go, but may your love forever grow. Congratulations to the perfect couple! Congratulations to a beautiful couple. Wishing you a wonderful journey as you build your new life together. Wishing you both the happily ever after you deserve. Congratulations on your wedding day! Through the storms of life, may your love for one another be steadfast and strong. Wishing you joy and happiness on your wedding day. Congratulations! Just a note to say how happy we are for you. Wishing you a lifetime of the greatest joy, love, and happiness. Congratulations to a wonderful couple! Words are just not quite enough today/ when your love will light the way/ to a wedding filled with joy neverending/ the warmest wishes are what we are sending. Like a lighthouse on a dark night, may your love for one another always shine brightly. Congratulations on your wedding day. May the years ahead be filled with lasting joy. Congratulations to a couple whose match truly seems made in heaven!

Contoh Ucapan Kata-Kata WeddingMay your love bloom brighter and your companionship grow sweeter with each passing year. Congratulations on you wedding. Wishing both of you a world of happiness and joy on your wedding day.

May your marriage be filled with all the right ingredients: a heap of love, a dash of humour, a touch of romance, and a spoonful of understanding. May your joy last forever. Congratulations! Your wedding day may come and go, but may your love forever grow. Congratulations to the perfect couple! Congratulations to a beautiful couple. Wishing you a wonderful journey as you build your new life together. Wishing you both the happily ever after you deserve. Congratulations on your wedding day! Through the storms of life, may your love for one another be steadfast and strong. Wishing you joy and happiness on your wedding day. Congratulations! Just a note to say how happy we are for you. Wishing you a lifetime of the greatest joy, love, and happiness. Congratulations to a wonderful couple! Words are just not quite enough today/ when your love will light the way/ to a wedding filled with joy neverending/ the warmest wishes are what we are sending. Like a lighthouse on a dark night, may your love for one another always shine brightly. Congratulations on your wedding day. May the years ahead be filled with lasting joy. Congratulations to a couple whose match truly seems made in heaven!

Contoh Ucapan Kata-Kata AnniversaryFor all these years you have been my first thought in the morning and my last thought at night. Every year with you is sweeter than the last. You are my endless love. You have dressed my hopes and dreams with rainbows. Still looking forward to spending the rest of my life with you. Id do it again . . . and again . . . and again! My love for you grows and grows with each passing year. One rose for every year youve brightened my life. If I had to do it over, I would marry you again and again. With many happy wishes for joy in your hearts. Happy anniversary, to my partner, my best friend.

Ucapan Kata-Kata Menyambut RamadhanKartu Ucapan Ramadhan adalah ucapan kata-kata selamat untuk menyambut bulan suci Ramadhan. Biasanya dalam bentuk kartu ucapan selamat, sms, atau puisi yang berisi katakata mutiara dan hikmah Ramadhan. Bagi yang sudah terbiasa mengirimkan kartu ucapan, sms, email, atau puisi kata-kata mutiara ramadhan, tentu setiap tahun selalu mencari kata-kata yang berbeda, unik dan terasa segar dan baru.

Kata Marhaban ya Ramadhan, Selamat menunaikan ibadah puasa, dan Selamat Ramadhan adalah ucapan ramadhan yang paling sering kita dengar dan lihat, baik dalam sepanduk, banner, tag iklan, maupun kartu pos. Apakah anda ingin koleksi kartu ucapan ramadhan yang lebih banyak, dalam posting ini saya sertakan kata-kata mutiara ramadhan yang selain digunakan untuk kartu ucapan, Anda juga bisa menyitirnya dalam doa, kultum, ceramah agama, maupun meteri ceramah setelah sholat tarawikh bulan Ramadhan.

Ucapan Ramadhan 1432 HDalam kerendahan hati ada ketinggian budi. Dalam kemiskinan harta ada kekayaan jiwa. Hidup ini terasa indah jika ada maaf. Menyambut Ramadhan, mari saling memaafkan.. LeMbaYung Raj@b MeRedUp Prlhan di SaMbuT dg PsoNa RaMaDHaN KiNi HaRi BeRgAnTi BuLaN SkaLi Lgi Di PeRTMuKaN Dg M@RHaBAN Ya RaMaDH@N SckiN HaTi Dg SgALa MeMaAfKaN Wishing u 1 month of ramadan, 4 weeks of barkat, 30 days of forgiveness, 720 hours of guidance, 43200 minutes of purification, 2592000 secs of Nuur..!! Selamat Ramadan 1432H Dalam kerendahan hati ada ketinggian budi. Dalam kemiskinan harta ada kekayaan jiwa. Hidup ini terasa indah jika ada maaf. Taqabalallahu Minna Waminkum Melihat segalanya dengan hati yang bersih, tanpa mengharap pujian manusia2. semoga menjadi Ramadhan yang berkah,& berdoamengharap istiqamah di jalan-NYA.Taqabalallahu Minna Waminkum Perkataan yg indah adlh ALLAH Lagu yg merdu adlh ADZAN Media yg terbaik adlh AL QURAN Senam yg sehat adlh SHALAT Diet yg sempurna adlh PUASA Kebersihan yg menyegarkan adlh WUDHU Perjalanan yg indah adlh HAJI Khayalan yg baik adlh ingat akan DOSA&TAUBAT 80% 90% 100% Completed. All of ur mistakes has been deleted from my database. Please restart urself for the changes to takes effect. Happy Ramadhan.. Minal Aidin Walfaidzin..

The holy month of Ramadan, For all Muslims has begun. Praising Allah through the day, From dawn to dusk we fast and pray. We pay zakah (charity) for those in need, Trying hard to do good deeds. Pergilah keluh, ku tak mau berteman dengamu. Silahkan kesah, kau bukan takdirku mujahadah adalah temanku, dakwah adalah nafasku, dan Allah adalah kasihku Maafkan segala kesalahan Andai semua HARTA adalah RACUN, maka ZAKATlah penawarnya. Jika seluruh UMUR adalah DOSA maka TAQWA & TOBAT obatnya, jika semua BULAN adalah NODA maka RAMADHAN adalah pembersihnya. Sebelum cahaya padam, Sebelum hidup berakhir, Sebelum pintu tobat tertutup, Sebelum Ramadhan datang, saya mohon maaf lahir dan bathin. he poro menungso. jaman wis ra toto ati wis angel ditoto maksiat nang kene kono wis podho kakehan duso alhamdulillah wulan poso wis teko ayo podho elingo marang gusti kang kuoso marhaban ya syahru romadhon JALAN2 DI KOTA SEMARANG, BELI JAJAN RASA UDANG JAGA HATI JGN SAMPAI GARANG, APA LAGI PACARAN DI JALAN Di Bulan Ramadhan Hati tidak sebening XL & secerah MENTARI. Banyak khilaf yg buat FREN kecewa, kuminta SIMPATImu utk BEBASkan diri dari ROAMING dosa selama hidup. Karena kita harus FLEXIbel utk menerima pemberianNYA. Ijinkan aku untuk MENGISI ULANG Maaf dariku ini. MARHABAN YAA RAMADHAN.Read more: