Download - CertsHero Oracle 1Z0-1041-20 Dumps PDF - Guarantee Success (2021) 

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    Using our Oracle Cloud 1Z0-1041-20 certification exam preparation material is more cost-effective,less time-consuming, and offers you more time to practice real Oracle Cloud Platform EnterpriseAnalytics 2020 Specialist 1Z0-1041-20 certification exam questions and verified mock exams.Mastering the 1Z0-1041-20 certification exam with our 1Z0-1041-20 Dumps, based on feedbackfrom experts and successful exam takers that have used our 1Z0-1041-20 certification exam.CertsHero provides you with the best quality Oracle Cloud 1Z0-1041-20 certification exampreparation material. The Oracle Cloud Platform Enterprise Analytics 2020 Specialist 1Z0-1041-20exam material contains a huge number of valid and verified mock exams that will enable you topractice and get prepared for the real 1Z0-1041-20 certification exam from CertsHero. Oracle Cloud1Z0-1041-20 certification exam from 1Z0-1041-20 exam questions are designed and created by over90,000 top experts and technology crackerjack. Accordingly, the Oracle Cloud Platform EnterpriseAnalytics 2020 Specialist 1Z0-1041-20 certification exam preparation material has a special focus onthe more complex question types and tough real exam scenarios.

    Information about Oracle 1Z0-1041-20 Exam

    Vendor: Oracle

    Exam Code: 1Z0-1041-20

    Exam Name: Oracle Cloud Platform Enterprise Analytics 2020 Specialist

    Number of Questions: 82

    Certification Name: Oracle Cloud

    Exam Language: English

    Promo Code For 1Z0-1041-20 Dumps: SAVE20

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    Oracle 1Z0-1041-20 PDF Questions & Answers:

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    CertsHero Practice Exam Software is built to develop your speed and accuracy and that will let youget accustomed to the real exam environment. The Oracle Cloud 1Z0-1041-20 certification examsoftware contains a great number of verified mock exams that simulate the real Oracle CloudPlatform Enterprise Analytics 2020 Specialist 1Z0-1041-20 Practice Test. This will help you inbetter self-assessment and enlighten your weak areas to improve them. Our 1Z0-1041-20certification exam software can keep track and store all your previous exam attempts then willpreview the changes and improvements for each attempt. Using our practice exam software you willbe able to customize different mock exams based on the time or question type or both of them. Theperiodically updated and revised 1Z0-1041-20 exam software is available to be downloaded on allWindows PCs.

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    Using our Oracle Cloud 1Z0-1041-20 certification exam material will help you gauge your realOracle Cloud Platform Enterprise Analytics 2020 Specialist 1Z0-1041-20 exam preparation and helpyou to improve and focus more on getting certified easily from the first attempt. It is therefore; veryimportant to get our 1Z0-1041-20 exam preparation material and devise your 1Z0-1041-20certification exam preparation strategy. Practice for the Oracle Cloud 1Z0-1041-20 certificationexam with dozens of tough questions that are updated and covering all Oracle Cloud PlatformEnterprise Analytics 2020 Specialist 1Z0-1041-20 exam sections. Time is precious and using ourproducts will guarantee you will be certified from the first attempt without wasting your time ormoney.Get a move on and join us now to get your next Oracle Cloud certification from CertsHero.

  • Question No. 1

    If we select the Oracle Analytics Cloud Enterprise Edition, which are the options available to selectwhile creating the service?

    A. Business Intelligence - Enterprise Reports Pixel Perfect Reports Data VisualizationB. Business Intelligence - Enteprise Reports Data Visualization EssbaseC. Business Intelligence - Enterprise Reports Pixel Perfect Reports EssbaseD. Essbase Pixel Perfect Reports Data Visualization

    Answer: B

    Question No. 2

    What is true about setting up Usage tracking?

    A. You need to restart after modifying the connection pool.B. You need to set up a connection pool in Oracle Analytics Developer Client Tool.C. You need to set up a connection pool in Data Modeler.D. It is only available in Enterprise Edition.E. It is available in both Essbase and Enterprise Edition.

    Answer: A, B, D

    Question No. 3

    Which are the steps to upload the wallet to set up a connection with OAC?

    A. Go to the oracle website and sign in - Download the - Proceed without Virus scan.- Use this zip file to upload it in DV console. - Upload it.B. Go to the oracle website and sign in - Click over the hamburger menu icon. - SelectConsole. - Click connections - Click over the top-right hamburger icon. - Proceed without Virusscan. - Choose wallet.sso - Upload it. C. - Go to the url/dv/ui - Click over the hamburger menuicon. - Select connections - Click over the top-right hamburger icon. - Proceed without Virusscan. - Choose - Upload it.D. Go to the url/dv/ui - Click over the hamburger menu icon. - Select Console. - Clickconnections - Click over the top-right hamburger icon. - Proceed without Virus scan. - Choosewallet.sso - Upload it.E. Go to the url/dv/ui - Click over the hamburger menu icon. - Select Console. - Clickconnections - Click over the top-right hamburger icon. - Proceed without Virus scan. - - Upload it.

    Answer: D

    Question No. 4

    Describe what is the aim or the main functionality for the BI Ask?

    A. To search for specific Visualizations.B. You can search for a column names, select them and add a visualization to your project.C. You can search for column names, select them and quickly see a visualization containingthose columns.D. To search for specific Projects.

  • Answer: C

    Question No. 5

    Which is the maximum row count for unformatted files?

    A. 500kB. 1.2 millionC. 2.2 millionD. 800kE. 3.2 million

    Answer: C

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