Download - Cara Menghabiskan Waktu Liburan

  • 8/11/2019 Cara Menghabiskan Waktu Liburan


    Cara menghabiskan waktu liburan

    setiap anak memiliki cara untuk menghabiskan waktu liburannya masing-masing. Biasanya cara

    liburan tersebut tegantung pada banyaknya waktu liburan , kegemaran atau hobi , dan banyaknya uang

    yang disediakan , juga yang terpenting adalah teman untuk liburan , izin dari orang tua dan keluarga .beberapa orang menemukan kebosanan saat berliburan, dan ada juga orang yang hanya mempunyanyi

    waktu liburan sedikit. Berikut ini adalah beberapa cara menghabiskan liburan yang dapat dilakukan

    dalam waktu yang sedikit dan tanpa mengalami kebosanan:


    Menghabiskan waktu dengan menonton film favorit atau pergi ke bioskop untuk menonton film


    2. Menghabiskan waktu dengan berjalan-jalan ke tempat yang menyenangkan seperti tempat yang

    memiliki pemandangan yang indah

    3. Membaca buku favorit seperti komik atau novel .

    4. Menghabiskan waktu liburan untuk istirahat

    5. Menggunakan waktu liburan untuk melakukan hobby dan hal yang disukai, misalnya



    Menghabiskan waktu liburan dengan melakukan hal baru, yang jarang atau bahkan belum pernah


    7. Menghabiskan liburan dengan kegiatan positif yang sehat dengan berolahraga

    8. Menggunakan waktu luang yang cukup dengan belajar hal baru sepeti belajar memasak dan


    9. Menghabiskan waktu liburan dengan berkumpul dengan sahabat lama untuk melepas rasa rindu

    Namun, ada juga beberapa hal negative yang dapat dirasakan ketika liburan panjang, misalnya:

    1. Malas melakukan sesuatu

    2. Kebosanan

    3. Membuat otak kurang produktif

    itulah cara kami untuk menghabiskan waktu untuk liburan . Intinya liburan yang menyenangkan

    adalah berapa lama pun waktu kita liburan, kita masih tetap bisa menikmati liburan itu dengan baik.

    Anggap setiap waktu renggang adalah suatu liburan kita supaya kita tidak merasa kekurangan waktu


  • 8/11/2019 Cara Menghabiskan Waktu Liburan


    Paper Project Discuss About

    Way to Spend Holiday

    Group 7 12-3

    Andrea Gilang Fauzi (11.57.06909)

    Icha Meysarani Putri (11.57.07027)

    Noviani Ester Megawati (11.57.07117)

  • 8/11/2019 Cara Menghabiskan Waktu Liburan



    Everyone has the ways to spend their own holidays. Usually ways to spend our holiday depend on

    the Holidays time, hobby, friends to spend the Holidays, parents or family permission, and also the

    important thing is How much the money that provided to spend the Holidays. Some people get bored

    when spend their holiday, because the holidays is too long and they dont find the best way to spend the

    Holidays. But another people just have short time to enjoy their holidays, so they have to find the best

    way to spend the Holidays. These are tips from us how to spend the holiday in short time but we can also

    enjoy it:

    1. Spending time by watching a favorite movie or go to the cinema to watch the latest movies

    2. Spending time with a hang out somewhere nice like a place that has beautiful scenery

    3. Read Favorite book like a comic or novel.

    4. Spending time for a break

    5. Using Holidays time to do hobbies, for example drawing.

    6. Spend Holidays time by doing unusual things, which is never or rare we done before.

    7. Spend the holidays with positive activities with exercise or doing sport

    8. Using enough free time to learn new things to cook and paint a case study

    9. Spending time with a holiday get together with old friends to take off the nostalgia

    However, there are also some negative things that can be felt during a long holiday, for


    1. Lazy to do something

    2. boredom

    3. Makes the brain less productive

    That's our way to spend time for the holidays . The most important thing is no matter how long

    our vacation time, we have to still able enjoy the holiday well . And thinking that any slack time is a

    holiday so we do not feel we dont have much time to holidays.

  • 8/11/2019 Cara Menghabiskan Waktu Liburan



    Everyone has the ways to spend their own holidays. Usually ways to spend our holiday depend on

    the Holidays time, hobby, friends to spend the Holidays, parents or family permission, and also the

    important thing is How much the money that provided to spend the Holidays. Some people get bored

    when spend their holiday, because the holidays is too long and they dont find the best way to spend the

    Holidays. But another people just have short time to enjoy their holidays, so they have to find the best

    way to spend the Holidays. These are tips from us how to spend the holiday in short time but we can also

    enjoy it:

    1. Spending time by watching a favorite movie or go to the cinema to watch the latest movies

    2. Spending time with a hang out somewhere nice like a place that has beautiful scenery

    3. Read Favorite book like a comic or novel.

    4. Spending time for a break

    5. Using Holidays time to do hobbies, for example drawing.

    6. Spend Holidays time by doing unusual things, which is never or rare we done before.

    7. Spend the holidays with positive activities with exercise or doing sport

    8. Using enough free time to learn new things to cook and paint a case study

    9. Spending time with a holiday get together with old friends to take off the nostalgia

    However, there are also some negative things that can be felt during a long holiday, for


    1. Lazy to do something

    2. boredom

    3. Makes the brain less productive

    That's our way to spend time for the holidays . The most important thing is no matter how long

    our vacation time, we have to still able enjoy the holiday well . And thinking that any slack time is a

    holiday so we do not feel we dont have much time to holidays .

  • 8/11/2019 Cara Menghabiskan Waktu Liburan
