Download - Cara Format Laptop

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Cara Format Laptop New

Erwin (Jakarta) @WorleyParsons

Pagi Kawan`s,

Saya mau nanya, Bagaimana caranya Memformat Laptop Baru yg sudah di isi Linux Kernel, sebab jika di hidupkan yg keluar adalah linux kernel, terus terang saya saya 100% tidak mengerti, sudah saya coba dengan menginstall W-XP tapi tetap aja gak bisa ( Gak kebaca ama DVD ROM ), jadi please di beritahukan urutan memformat nya serta option option yg mungkin ada..sehingga Laptop (Hadiah ) bisa di jalankan sebagai mana mesti nya.

Terima kasih

Bambang Cahyono

Pak Erwin,Laptop baru driver HDD controller nggak kompetibel dengan winXP kebawah kecuali winXP Indego atau Vista saja sekalian, begitu di run cd nya ada pilihan intall dimana, besarnya partisi dan formatnya. silahkan mencoba

Sketska Naratama

Tambahan dikit walau tidak cuku nyambung dgn subjek ini,Minggu yang lalu laptop kantor yang saya gunakan crash. Boot up terus, sehingga tidak dapat masuk OS (operating system). Solusi jitu yang dilakukan adl ke tempat hardisk (HD) recovery.

Selain dapat recovery data, mrk juga dapat membetulkan HD kita yang rusak dan/atau sudah lemah utk membaca data. Silahkan datang ketempat services mrk, di daerah Bambu - Palmerah. Patokan nya, tepat dibelakang RS Harapan Kita - Jakarta.

Semoga bermanfaat dan mrk cukup membantu penyelematan data2 kantor didalam laptop yang saya gunakan. Ada 2 pilihan, mau recovery dan membetulkan HD.

Syafar Dino

Caranya untuk menjalankan 2 Operating Sistem dalam satu buah PC/Laptop, adalah pada saat instalasi, pilih untuk menginstal Linux ke partisi hardisk yg lain. misalnya untuk Windows XP di Partisi C dan Linux di D. tapi untuk yg ini perhatikan dulu space hardisk yg tersedia dan yg lebih penting kemampuan komputer anda.Hengki Santoso

Dear Erwin,

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Coba rubah dulu setting biosnya supaya hdnya terset sebagai IDE bukan sata baru install Windows dan jangan lupa haus semua partisi yang ada supaya benar2 bersih dari linux.

rifa ariefandi

Sdikit saran dr saya pak Erwin, cb bpk set dulu Bios System (pada saat restrat cb bapak tekan F2 kalo ga slh, utntuk masuk k Bios System, dan coba bpk cari menu Bootable), spy bootable system tdk dr hard disk, tp loading nya dari DVD Rom, dan d DVD Rom itu bapak masukan CD WinXP yg ada bootable. Stlh itu dari Win XP akan otomatis running dan ada pilihan untuk mengformat ulang hardisk dari Linux.

Abdullah Eli

Pak Erwin,

Caranya adalah sebagai berikut:

1. Restart laptop, masuk ke menu BIOS, ubah urutan booting jadikan DVD Rom agar didahulukan daripada booting dari hardisk.

2. Masukkan Installer Windows original, restart laptop...

3. Jika setting urutan booting sdh bener, seharusnya menu instalasi WIndowsmuncul (bukan masuk Linux)

4. Lakukan instalasi dengan benar.....


Saran dari kawan2 milis yg laen uda bener cuman ada yg kurang pas terutama soal memformat linux.Linux g bs dihapus dr partisi windows versi berapapun, jd yg bs ngilangin linux cm format dr dos.Caranya gampang aja. Di BIOS seting Harddisk harus IDE kl SATA cm terdeteksi oleh Windows XP. Cari CD Installer Win 98 yg Bootable. Boot dr CD itu, biasanya d laptop tekan tombol F12 untuk pilih boot device tp kl g ada bs d setting dr bios (caranya uda dsinggung sama teman2 milis).Kl uda msk DOS ketik FDISK trus hapus semua partisi yg ada d HD. restart laptopnya baru instal Windows XP (atau windows versi yg lain).Itu aja pak semoga bermanfaat.

Aroon Pardede

Ahhh kata siapa??? Bisa kok..... Kalau punya CD/DVD installer windows, begitu di boot via CD/DVD drive, installer langsung otomatis mampu menghapus semua partisi2 (partisi FAT, FAT32, NTFS, ext2,ext3 linux,etc). Juga installer windows akan 'membabat' habis boot loader

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linux (GRUB/LILO), karena pada prinsipnya windows itu egois, gak mau ada 2 OS dalam satu sistem PC.

So... untuk menginstall windows di PC yang sebelumnya pre-installed dengan linux, cukup memiliki CD/DVD installer windows (yang original ya.... hehehehe.....). Boot CD/DVD nya, jalankan proses instalasinya (klik, klik klik, 'n masukkan S/N, klik,klik lagi.... dst), 'n setelah itu..... complete..... restart, cabut DVD installer dari drive 'n.....

Jreeenggg.... windows pun ter install (dan Oom Bill Gates pun tersenyum.... hehehehe....)

Untuk pak Erwin (originator penanya), pertanyaan saya, kenapa installer XP tidak di kenali DVD ROM bapak. kalau tidak dikenali, sepertinya itu masalah hardwarenya (drive nya atau Disc nya yang problem).

Semoga membantu,

Anda Iviana

Rekan popy,

Sedikit tambahan, setahu saya partisi LinuxOS terbaca saat di Windows-management namun tidak dpt dibuka. Jadi kalo mbak Popy click partisi tersebut and then delete yaa.lenyap dan punah sudah LinuxOS tadi (dari pengalaman mbak.monggo dicoba saja)

Yang lainnya sepakat saja.

anto ryan

Pak Aroon,

Mohon pencerahan bagaimana kalo mau instal Linux ubuntu..?? rencananya sih mau dual OS (linux dan XP)

Makasih pak sebelumnya

[email protected]

Untuk dualboot Linux (apapun) dengan Windows, maka yang harus diinstall terlebih dahulu adalah Windows XP baru kemudian Linux. Alasannya adalah Linuk bisa membaca dan menulis semua format file system Windows kecuali format NTFS (hanya bisa baca) sedangkan Windows tidak bisa membaca format file system linux.. Untuk dual boot linux meminta partisi tersendiri, minimal dua partisi yang salah satunya adalah partisi SWAP yang besarnya 2 kali RAM, jadi anda bisa

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lewat windows membuatkan partisi (memakai program Partition Magic) untuk linux tersebut atau nanti linux akan membuat partisi sendiri mengambil dari bagian windows yang kosong..Sebaiknya sebelum melakuan semua action diatas anda harus membackup data anda dahulu, berjaga-jaga jika ada kesalahan. Apabila Windows dan Linux sudah terinstall, untuk bootingnya harus memakai salah satu dari linux booting yaitu GRUB atau LILO.

Selamat mencoba install Linux.

Anda Iviana Juniani

Memang lebih mudah windows diinstal dulu, tapi tidak keharusan pengalaman saya menemui kesulitan saat hrdisk SATA sulit mengenal windows, akhirnya instal linux dulu. Distro yang saat itu langsung kenal adalah Ubuntu, setelah selesai baru saya instal windows. then grub nya baru disetting.

Aroon Pardede

Pak Arif,

Sekarang linux sudah fully compatible tuh dengan partisi NTFS. Kernel-kernel keluaran baru udah bisa membaca 'n menulis partisi NTFS. Ni buktinya saya pake Ubuntu 7.10, kernel 2.6.22-14, udah bisa ngakses (baca/tulis) partisi vista saya yang NTFS.

Tapi, setuju dengan saran pak Arif. Kalau mau install dual-OS (windows & linux), sebaiknya memang windows dulu yang diinstall. Soalnya windows memang agak egois, tidak (atau sulit banget...) mengijinkan ada OS lain dalam satu komputer. So.. urut2an dari format laptop (sesuai dengan judul subject ini :)

- boot computer menggunakan CD/DVD installer windows- jalankan instalasi windows- atur pada saat instalasi agar partisi windows (NTFS/FAT32) tidak 'memakan' seluruh ruang HDD- selesaikan instalasi windows sampai tuntas- Apabila lupa mengatur langkah ke-2 (atur partisi), bisa menggunakan software pihak ke-3, seperti


Pake DVD Windows original memang bisa hapus partisi linux cm kl mau hapus sampe bersih pake FDISK saja lebih fleksibel karena kita bisa atur partisinya mulai dr tipe, ukuran, dll.Memang ada bnyk cara buat hapus partisi & dual boot. Terserah user mau pake cara mana yg lebih mudah.

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Kl mau dual OS urutan instal OS sebenarnya g begitu penting krn masing2 OS punya tipe partisi sendiri2. Mau Linux dl ato Win dl ato Mac dl.. Install saja Win dl kl sdh baru instal Linux nya. G usah kuatir Win nya bakal hilang selama msh ada space di HD yg cukup untuk instal Linux.

Aku sepakat mslh DVD P. Erwin, masalahnya ada d hardwarenya. Kl P. Erwin brani buka laptopnya y buka aja biar bs dicek kl g brani ya bawa k servis resmi laptopnya.

Erwin (Jakarta) Erwin@WorleyParsons

Wah Trim Kawan`s..Urusan Laptap Pembagian Vendor udah selesai..ama Orang Glodok..he..he..C/W IDR 100.000 + Ongkos Ke Glodok VV IDR 100.000 Jadi Total IDR 200.000...

Ternyata permasalahan ad adi DVD ..kata nya si Sidekick di Glodok....BTW..Terim`s ya KAwan udah support.

[email protected]

Pak Pardede dan semuanya,Saya setuju dengan pak Pardede tentang linux yang sudah bisa baca dan tulis di NTFS, tapi tidak semua linux langsung bisa menulis di NTFS karena untuk itu harus diinstall package ntfs-3g, mungkin Ubuntu telah menginstall ntfs-3g secara default sehingga ubuntu langsung bisa menulis di NTFS.Sekarang sudah ada satu tehnologi yaitu OS Virtualization, yang intinya adalah suatu OS bisa berjalan didalam suatu OS lainnya. Ada beberapa package / program yang bisa melakukan Visualization, seperti VirtualBox, VMWare, XEN, Virtuozzo, dua yang terakhir sering dipakai di system web server linux untuk VDS (Virtual Dedicated Server) sementara dua yang pertama sering dipakai di system desktop baik Linux maupun Windows.

Syafar Dino

Cara instalasi Windows XP dan Linux Ubuntu7.1.... (Dual Booting)Spesifikasi komputer keluaran terbaru, saya semuanya dapat menggunakan sistem dual booting. tetapi sebaiknya anda terlebih dahulu mem-back up semua data2 anda demi keamanan seperti yg dikatakan oleh rekan2 sebelumnya. Dan yang lebih penting anda harus mempunyai CD/DVD Windows yg bootable.

Berikut step by step procedure instalasinya dengan anggapan bahwa anda sebelumnya menggunakan Windows XP sebagai OS pada PC/Laptop anda skrng.

semoga bermanfaat..


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Basic concepts· Hard disks can be split up into partitions · Each partition is treated as if it was a separate hard disk drive · Operating systems must be installed on separate partitions · The boot loader decides which operating system to start Hard disk partitionsYour hard disk can be split up into many separate partitions, in asimilar way that a large room can be partitioned by dividing walls. Eachpartition, while still being on the same physical device, is treated as beingentirely separate to other partitions - it is as if you have multiple harddrives installed rather than just one. In Windows, each partition has its own driveletter. You might have a C, D and E drive which, while being treated asseparate devices, are in fact all stored on the same hard disk.For operating systems to be able to co-exist on the same computer, theyshould be installed onto separate partitions. This means that, to dual-bootbetween Ubuntu and Windows, you must partition your hard disk in a suitablemanner.By partitioning your disk, you are splitting the storage capacity of yourhard disk into separate, differently-sized chunks. You should choose the sizesof each partition carefully to prevent running out of storage space on apartition.Because each partition is treated as a separate device, each partition mustbe formatted with a filesystem. Formatting is the process ofcreating a filesystem on a partition. A filesystem is a method which anoperating system uses to store your files - there are many differentfilesystems, each with its own advantages and limitations. Common filesystemsused in a dual boot system include NTFS, FAT32, and ext3. NTFS, to which Linuxcannot safely write data, is the default filesystem used by Windows. Ubuntutreats this filesystem as read-only. ext3 is a native Linux filesystem that canbe accessed from Windows using various tools such as ext2fs. FAT32 (also knowas vfat) is a filesystem to which Linux can write safely. Hence, in a dualsystem, a FAT32 filesystem is commonly used as a way of sharing files betweenLinux and Windows.There are two different types of partition. Primary partitions cancontain only one filesystem and a maximum of four of them can be used on a harddisk. Extended partitions can contain many other partitions, but onlyone can be used per hard disk.The boot-loaderWhen your computer initially starts up, it quickly checks itself forproblems and then passes control over to a program called a boot loader.The boot loader stores a list of operating systems and partitions stored on thecomputer, and decides which operating system to start up. Once it makes achoice, the operating system it selected is then in control of the computer.When setting-up a dual-boot system, the boot loader must be made aware ofthe changes which are being made. Ubuntu will install a boot loader for you,which allows you to choose which operating system to start each time thecomputer boots up. This boot loader is called GRUB.Booting from the install CDIn order to install Ubuntu, you must start your computer using theinstallation CD. While most computers will start from the installation CD ifyou simply insert the CD and then restart the computer, some computers mayrequire additional steps to allow this.If your computer does not start from the installation CD if you insert itand then restart the computer, use the following steps:1. Restartyour computer with the CD still inserted in the drive2.

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Whenthe computer restarts, look very carefully at the initial screen it shows. Lookfor an option such as <F10> Boot Order or Press DELto enter setup and press the key which is noted (e.g. the Deletekey). There are many different variations, so please see your computer manualif you are unsure which button you need to press.3. Findthe options relating to Boot Order, Boot Sequence or similar.Ensure that your CD drive is first in the boot order by following theinstructions on-screen.4. Oncesatisfied that your CD is first in the boot order, save your changes andrestart the computer. It should now start from the Ubuntu installation CD.If you are still unable to boot from CD, please seek support from one ofthe Ubuntusupport channels.If it has booted from the CD successfully, Ubuntu will load. This may takea while, as a cut-down copy of Ubuntu must be started from the CD.Setting up a dual-boot configurationThis section provides the procedure required to set up a dual-boot systemwith Ubuntu and Windows XP.1. Fromwithin Windows, run the Windows defragmentation tool on the Cdrive. This can be accessed by going to Start→ Run, typing defrag in the boxprovided and then pressing OK.2. Defragmentationmay take a very long time, up to several hours. Once it has finished, insertyour Ubuntu Desktop CD into your disc drive and reboot your PC.3. Followthe instructions given in the Installing Ubuntuchapter until the installer shows the screen titled Prepare disk space.4. ChooseManually edit partition table. The disk partitioning tool will start,showing a list of the partitions currently set up on the computer.5. Selectthe partition which contains Windows. You may be able to identify it from itssize or label. Once you are sure that you have identified the correctpartition, press Enter.6. Onthe screen which appears, select Size: and press Enter.7. Onthe message which is shown, press Yes and then press Enter.8. Typein a new size in Gigabytes (GB) for your partition. It is recommendedthat you reduce the size of the partition by at least 10 GB inorder to provide enough space for Ubuntu on the hard disk.9. PressEnter to apply the changes. This may take some time tocomplete.10. In the free space which has now been made,create a swap partition of around 500 MB. See Partitioningyour disks for more information on this.11. Also, create a partition for your Ubuntuinstallation, of at least 10 GB.12. Select Finish partitioning and writechanges to disk to permanently apply your changes. This operation may takea while, and cannot be reversed.13. Finish installing Ubuntu according to theinstructions on-screen or the Installing Ubuntuchapter.

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14. On rebooting your computer afterinstallation, you should be presented with a list of operating systems to boot.Ubuntu should have automatically detected your Windows installation and addedan option to boot it on this screen. You can select it using the arrow keys onthe keyboard, and can start it by pressing Enter.Planning your dual-boot configurationWhen setting up a dual-boot system, you must make some important changes tothe way your computer operates. While these changes are routine, there is thepossibility that they could go wrong. By planning your dual-boot setup you canreduce the risk of error.Finding out about your current hard disk drivesetupIn order to decide how to partition your hard disk ready for dual-booting,you will need to know how it is currently partitioned.You need to find out the total storage capacity of your hard disk drive andthe layout of the current partitions. This can be done from within WindowsXP by using the Disk Management Snap-In.1. PressStart → Run. The Rundialog should appear.2. Type diskmgr.mscinto the box provided and press Run.3. The DiskManagement Snap-In shows the status of all of the storage devicesconnected to your computer. Find the device with the C: drive on it.This should be your primary hard disk (if you have more than one installed).4. Notedown the total capacity of the hard disk and also the order and size of all ofthe partitions on the disk (if there is more than one).Deciding what partitions to useWindows will probably use one or two partitions only, though these arelikely to take up the entire hard disk. You must decide how much disk space youwill need for Windows, and how much you would like to be able to use in Ubuntu.Settingup a dual-boot configurationThis section provides the procedurerequired to set up a dual-boot system with Ubuntu and Windows XP.1. Fromwithin Windows, run the Windows defragmentation tool on the Cdrive. This can be accessed by going to Start→ Run, typing defrag in the boxprovided and then pressing OK.2. Defragmentationmay take a very long time, up to several hours. Once it has finished, insertyour Ubuntu Desktop CD into your disc drive and reboot your PC.3. Followthe instructions given in the Installing Ubuntuchapter until the installer shows the screen titled Prepare disk space.4. ChooseManually edit partition table. The disk partitioning tool will start,showing a list of the partitions currently set up on the computer.5. Selectthe partition which contains Windows. You may be able to identify it from itssize or label. Once you are sure that you have identified the correctpartition, press Enter.6. Onthe screen which appears, select Size: and press Enter.7. Onthe message which is shown, press Yes and then press Enter.8. Typein a new size in Gigabytes (GB) for your partition. It is recommendedthat you reduce the size of the partition by at least 10 GB inorder to provide enough space for Ubuntu on the hard disk.9. PressEnter to apply the changes. This may take some time tocomplete.10. In the freespace which has now been made, create a swap partition of around 500 MB. See Partitioningyour disks for more information on this.

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11. Also,create a partition for your Ubuntu installation, of at least 10 GB.12. Select Finishpartitioning and write changes to disk to permanently apply your changes.This operation may take a while, and cannot be reversed.13. Finishinstalling Ubuntu according to the instructions on-screen or the Installing Ubuntuchapter.14. Onrebooting your computer after installation, you should be presented with a listof operating systems to boot. Ubuntu should have automatically detected yourWindows installation and added an option to boot it on this screen. You canselect it using the arrow keys on the keyboard, and can start it by pressing Enter.