Download - Anestesi Lokal


“Tidak ada hal yang lebih penting yang dilakukan dokter gigi pada pasien selain pemberian obat pencegah sakit selama perawatan gigi”(Stanley F. Malamed)

Anastesi Lokal

Persarafan Maksila

Persarafan Maksila cont...

Persarafan Mandibula

Persarafan Mandibula cont...


Instrumentasi cont...

Instrumentasi cont...

Teknik penyuntikan dasar• Gunakan jarum tajam steril• Periksa cairan anastetikum• Periksa suhu anastetikum

(suhu kamar)• Tentukan posisi pasien• Keringkan jaringan• Pertimbangkan topikal

anastetikum• Tangan/syringe harus stabil• Jaringan harus tegang• Jauhkan syringe dari

pandangan pasien• Masukan jarum ke mukosa

• Komunikasi dan perhatikan pasien

• Deponir sedikit anastetikum• Lanjutkan suntikan perlahan• Deponir sebelum mencapai

periosteum• Aspirasi• Deponirkan perlahan• Komunikasi dengan pasien• Lepas syringe perlahan,

tutup jarum dan simpan• Observasi pasien• Isi catatan medik

Anastesi topikal

Posisi supine Retraksi bibir

Pengeringan jaringan Topikal anastesi

Stabilisasi tangan / syringe

TECHNIQUE AREA ANESTHETIZEDSupraperiosteal InjectionPeriodontal Ligament InjectionIntraseptal InjectionIntrapulpal Injection

Individual teeth and buccal soft tissueIndividual teeth and buccal soft tissueLocalized soft tissueIndividual tooth

Teknik Anastesi Maksila


Posterior Superior Alveolar Nerve Block

Maxillary molars (with exception of mesiobuccal root of maxillary 1st molar in some cases), hard and soft tissue on buccal aspect

Middle Superior Alveolar Nerve Block

Mesiobuccal root of maxillary 1st molar (in some cases), premolars and surrounding hard and soft tissue on buccal aspect

Anterior Superior Alveolar Nerve Block/Infraorbital Nerve Block

Maxillary central and lateral incisors andcanine, surrounding hard and soft tissue on buccal aspect, mesiobuccal root of maxillary 1st molar (in some cases)

Greater Palatine Nerve Block Palatal mucosa and hard palate from 1st premolar anteriorly to posterior aspect ofthe hard palate, and to midline medially

Nasopalatine Nerve Block Hard and soft tissue of lingual aspect of maxillary anterior teeth from distal ofcanine on one side to distal of canine on the contralateral side

Maxillary Nerve Block Hemimaxilla on side of injection (teeth, hard and soft, buccal and lingual tissue)

Injeksi supraperiosteal

Injeksi intraligamen, intraseptal, dan intrapulpa

Blok nervus alveolaris superior posterior

Blok nervus alveolaris superior medius

Blok nervus alveolaris superior anterior/infraorbital

Blok nervus palatinus mayus

Blok nervus nasopalatinus

Infiltrasi lokal palataum

Blok nervus maksilaris

Teknik anastesi Mandibula

Inferior Alveolar Nerve Block Mandibular teeth on side of injection, buccal and lingual hard and soft tissue, lower lip

Buccal Nerve Block Buccal soft tissue of molar region

Mental Nerve Block Buccal soft tissue anterior to mental foramen, lower lip, chin

Incisive Nerve Block Premolars, canine and incisors, lower lip, skin over the chin, buccal soft tissue anterior to the mental foramen

Gow-Gates Mandibular Nerve Block

Mandibular teeth to midline, hard and soft tissue of buccal and lingual aspect, anterior 2/3 of tongue, FOM, skin over zygoma, posterior aspect of cheek, and temporal region on side of injectio

Vazirani-Akinosi Closed Mouth Premolars, canine and incisors, lower lip, skin over the chin, buccal soft tissue anterior to the mental foramen

Blok nervus alveolaris inverior cont...

Blok nervus alveolaris inverior cont...

Blok nervus alveolaris inferior

Blok nervus alveolaris inferior

Blok nervus bukalis

Blok nervus mentalis

Teknik Gow-Gates

Teknik Akinosi

Komplikasi lokal

t. e.r.i.m.a k.a.s.i.h

drg. Helmi