Download - Abstract 3 Transnational


7/26/2019 Abstract 3 Transnational 1/2


Arti pentingnya penanggulangan kejahatan transnational crime  yangdilakukan oleh Polri dengan pertimbangan didasarkan pada lingkungan strategis

 pulau-pulau terluar yang berbatasan dengan Negara-negara lain sangat rawan

terjadinya transnational crime. Polri telah mengkategorikan kejahatan transnasional,

yakni terorrism, illicit drugs trafficking, trafficking in persons, sea piracy and armed

robbery at sea, arms smuggling and international economic crime;  kejahatan

terhadap kekayaan negara seperti illegal logging , illegal fishing , illegal mining ,

 penyelundupan, dan penyelundupan.

Adapun yang menjadi permasalahan dalam penelitian tesis ini yakni

 pengaturan kejahatan transnational crime  menurut hukum positif Indonesia,

 penanggulangan kejahatan transnational crime  di pulau-pulau terluar, hambatan

Polri dan solusi dalam penanggulangan kejahatan transnational crime di pulau-pulauterluar. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode yuridis normatif dan yuridis empiris.

Hasil penelitian tesis ini adalah:  Pertama, pengaturan kejahatan transnational

crime  di atur pada beberapa peraturan perundang-undangan yang diklasifikasi

 berdasarkan tindak pidana transnational crime yang terjadi di pulau-pulau terluar. Di

samping itu terdapat beberapa konvensi Internasional antara lain  National Central

 Bureau  (NCB)-Interpol yang mengatur tentang transnational crime.  Kedua, Peran

Polri dalam penanggulangan kejahatan transnational crime  di pulau-pulau terluar

dengan  penal policy  dan non penal policy. Penanggulangan dengan menggunakan

 jalur penal yang lebih menitik-beratkan pada sifat represif   berupa penindakan,

 pemberantasan, penumpasan kejahatan transnational crime  yang terjadi di pulau-

 pulau terluar oleh aparat kepolisian khususnya Direktorat Polisi Perairan Polda

Sumatera Utara. Pendekatan non penal policy melalui tindakan preemtif dan preventif

dilakukan melalui mengintensifkan patroli perairan, intensifikasi peran serta

masyarakat dan melaksanakan koordinasi antar lintas sektoral dalam penanggulangan

kejahatan transnational crime.  Ketiga,  hambatan Polri dalam penanggulangan

transnational crime  diklasifikasi terkait hambatan pada tatanan substansi hukum,

struktur hukum dan budaya hukum antara lain terkait masalah kewenangan

 penyidikan, yuridiksi penyidikan, penanganan tersangka dan barang bukti. Penegakan

hukum di laut banyak melibatkan berbagai unsur atau instansi lain karena luasnya

wilayah laut yuridiksi nasional serta pembagian/pengaturan zona wilayah laut yang

 berbeda-beda harus dilakukan secara terintegrasi agar tidak munculnya ego sektoral

dalam penanganan kejahatan transnational crime di pulau-pulau terluar.

Kata Kunci : Peran Polri, Kejahatan Transnational Cr ime  

Universitas Sumatera Utara

7/26/2019 Abstract 3 Transnational 2/2


The importance of transnational crime mitigation done by Polri (the Indonesian Police) is based on the consideration that the strategic environment of

the outer islands bordering the other countries is proned to the incident of

transnational crime. The Indonesian Police has categorized transnational crime into

terrorism, illicit drug trafficking, trafficking in persons, sea piracy and armed

robbery at sea, arms smuggling and international economic crime as well as the

crime against state property such as illegal logging, illegal fishing, illegal mining,

and smuggling.

The research question to be answered in this study were how transnational

crime is regulated according to the positive law of Indonesian, how the

transnational crime occurred in the outer islands is mitigated, and the constraints

 faced and the solution taken by the Indonesian Police to mitigate the transnationalcrime occurred in the outer islands.

The result of this study showed that : first, transnational crime is was

regulated in several legislations classified based on the criminal act of

transnational crime occurred in the outer islands. In addition to it, there are several

international conventions such as the national Central Bureau (NCB)- Interpol

regulating transnational crime; second the role of Polri in mitigating the

transnational crime occurred in the outer islands with penal policy and non-penal

 policy. The mitigation done by using penal policy was more focused on the

repressive nature in the forms of prosecuting, eradicating, and suppressing the

transnational crime occurred in the outer islands by the police officers especially

those from the Directorate of Coast Guard, Sumatera Utara Regional Police. The

non-penal policy approach through preemptive and preventive actions was

conducted through intensive water patrol, intensive community participation, and

implementing an inter-sectoral coordination in transnational crime mitigation ; and

third, the constraints faced by Polri in mitigation transnational crime was classified

as related to the orders of legal substance, legal structure, and legal culture which,

among other things, were related to the problems of the authority and jurisdiction of

investigation, handling of suspect, and evidence. Law enforcement at sea involved a

lot of elements or other agencies due to the extent of sea area of national

 jurisdiction, and the different sea area zoning division/regulation which need to be

integratedly done to avoid the emergence of sectoral-ego in handling transnational

crime occurred in the outer islands.

 Keywords : Role of Indonesian Police, Transnational Crime

Universitas Sumatera Utara