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7 Rental Property Maintenance Tips

for Beginner Investors

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Maintenance – when it comes to a consistent flow of repairing, all actions are necessary to keep a

business in good condition, especially in a rental property. As an owner of an investment property, you are responsible for ensuring that a tenant can

live comfortably. This does not only mean that objects which are broken must be repaired or

replaced but also periodic inspection and the care of elements that can wear out.

The Australian government has determined that it is the responsibility of the landlord for rental

property maintenance. Here, we are sharing 7 tips for rental property maintenance that must be

followed if you want to attract tenants.

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1. Get to know about your rental property

As a landlord, you must be aware of the condition of your property. Do you know what is going well and what not with your property? Do you talk to your tenants at periodic intervals? It is always wise to stay updated and take the required steps at the right time. For instance, do not wait for the water pipes to leak when they are a little cracked. Get it fixed before it starts to overflow. When you are aware of your property, the chances of such happenings will not arise.

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‘M inor maintenance’ is understood to mean: tasks that can be easily performed by a tenant and that cost little. Examples include securing loose parts, oiling hinges or venting the central heating system. All matters fall under minor maintenance, and therefore tenant can do without asking the landlord. Things that have broken down at the hands of the tenant must also be repaired by the tenant himself.So, you can have a healthy conversation with tenants on the things they fix by themselves.

2. Minor maintenance for the tenant

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Maintenance that is more difficult to carry out or involves a lot of costs is automatically at the expense of the landlord. Examples of this are the exterior painting, the maintenance ofbuilt-in appliances and the replacement of the central heating boiler. This does not only concern repairs of things that are broken but also work to keep the house in good condition. Think of painting the garden fence before wood rot occurs.Of course, as the owner of a home, you also want the property to remain in good condition. It is therefore advisable to draw up a maintenance plan. In it, you record which major and minor maintenance must be carried out in a certain period. A property manager is helpful to plan out things and track the record of all the costs.

3. Major maintenance for the landlord

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When considering some repairing or replacement work in the property, the landlord should take care of the legal liabilities. Before visiting the property for inspection or repair work, you must give notice to the tenants. You should only drop at the time when the tenants are fine; otherwise, it won’t be convenient for them.

4. Take care of legal responsibilities

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This one is important to take into account. Do not work too much with rental maintenance.Recognize the fixes that need expert service. It is best to know what you can do by yourself and where you need the help of pros. Thus, you will be able to complete the repairing work quickly. Be transparent with the tenants about how much time the maintenance would take, so they’ll be ready instead of being annoyed.

5. Take Help of Professionals When Required

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6. Be smart

This rental property maintenance tips is going to be a huge money saver for the landlord. All you need is to work smart and don’t invest in the things that will cost you in the long run.Use power-smart bulbs and led lights that will help you in saving electricity bills. Invest in water-saving taps and environment-friendly items. Taking care of these things will not only help you in saving energy bills, but they also need less maintenance as compared to non- environment friendly objects.

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7. Hire an Expert Property Manager

Managing a rental property needs a lot of work. Being a landlord, you do not want to miss out on anything, be it repairing work or collecting the rent. A property manager will be your right helping hand in this. Hiring a professional property manager means you can stay carefree about your investment. A pro- property manager will do the required inspections, consider all the rental maintenance work and make sure that the repairing is done on time. If you are thinking about how a property manager will help you with all the management, we have shared that in our next blog. Keep reading!

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