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Klasifikasi Tanah

Klasifikasi tanah ditemukan sekitar tahun 1880 oleh ilmuwan Rusia yang

bernama Dokuchaev. Kemudian dikembangkan oleh peneliti-peneliti Eropa dan

Amerika. Sistem ini didasarkan teori bahwa setiap tanah mempunyai morfologi

yang pasti (bentuk dan struktur) dan berkaitan dengan kombinasi faktor

pembentuk tanah tertentu. Sistem ini mencapai perkembangan pesat pada tahun

1949 dan dalam penggunaan utama (terutama di Amerika Serikat) sampai tahun

1960. Pada tahun 1960, Departemen Pertanian Amerika Serikat menerbitkan Soil

Classification, a Comprehensive System. Sistem klasifikasi ini lebih menekankan

pada morfologi tanah dan memberi sedikit tekanan pada genesis atau faktor-faktor

pembentuk tanah dibandingkan dengan sistem sebelumnya (Foth, 1994).

Klasifikasi tanah adalah pemilahan tanah yang didasarkan pada sifat-sifat

tanah yang dimilikinya tanpa menghubungkannya dengan tujuan penggunaan

tanah tersebut. Klasifikasi ini memberikan gambaran dasar terhadap sifat-sifat

fisik, kimia, mineral tanah yang dimiliki masing-masing kelas yang selanjutnya

dapat digunakan sebagai dasar untuk pengelolaan bagi penggunaan tanah

(Hardjowigeno, 1986).

Klasifikasi tanah secara garis besar dapat dikelompokkan menjadi dua

bagian yaitu klasifikasi secara alami (taksonomi) dan klasifikasi secara keteknikan

atau kegunaan. Klasifikasi alami adalah klasifikasi yang didasarkan atas sifat fisik

tanah yang dimilikinya tanpa menghubungkan dengan tujuan penggunaan tanah

tersebut. Klasifikasi ini memberikan gambaran besar terhadap sifat fisik, kimia

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dan minerologi tanah yang dimiliki masing-masing kelas yang selanjutnya dapat

digunakan sebagai dasar untuk pengelolaan bagi berbagai penggunaan tanah.

Sedangkan klasifikasi teknis adalah klasifikasi tanah yang didasarkan atas

sifat-sifat yang mempengaruhi kemampuan tanah untuk penggunaan-penggunaan

tertentu (

Ilmu klasifikasi tanah berkembang cukup pesat mulai dari klasifikasi

sederhana hingga klasifikasi yang menggunakan kaidah ilmu pengetahuan.

Di Indonesia telah digunakan beberapa sistem klasifikasi, misalnya Sistem

Klasifikasi Dudal dan Soepraptohardjo. Pada Kongres ke-5 Himpunan Ilmu Tanah

Indonesia (HITI) tahun 1989 di Medan disepakati untuk menggunakan Sistem

Klasifikasi Soil Taxonomy secara nasional. Pada sistem klasifikasi

Soil Taxonomy, tanah diklasifikasikan menurut hirarki ordo, sub ordo, great

group, sub group, family dan seri. Ada 12 ordo tanah di dunia, yaitu (1) Alfisol,

(2) Andisol, (3) Aridisol, (4) Entisol, (5) Gellisol, (6) Histosol, (7) Inceptisol,

(8) Mollisol, (9) Oksisol, (10) Spodosol, (11) Ultisol, (12) Vertisol

(Musa, dkk, 2006).

Sistem klasifikasi berdasarkan taksonomi tanah dimulai pada tahun 1951

dan dikembangkan berdasarkan nomor approximation yaitu pendekatan dan

perbaikan, Approximation ke-7 dipublikasikan pada tahun 1960. Disebut 7th

Aprroximation karena sistem tersebut dibuat dengan beberapa kali pendekatan dan

perbaikan, hingga perbaikan yang ke-7. Ada 6 tingkatan kategori yaitu : (1) Ordo,

(2) Sub Ordo, (3) Great Group, (4) Sub Group, (5) Family, dan (6) Seri

(FitzPatrick, 1983).

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Tujuan klasifikasi tanah adalah :

- Mengorganisasi (menata) pengetahuan kita tentang tanah.

- Untuk mengetahui hubungan masing-masing individu tanah satu sama


- Memudahkan mengingat sifat-sifat tanah.

- Mengelompokkan tanah untuk tujuan-tujuan yang lebih yang lebih praktis

dalam hal : menaksir sifat-sifatnya, menentukan lahan-lahan terbaik,

menaksir produktivitasnya, dan menentukan areal-areal untuk penelitian.

- Mempelajari hubungan-hubungan dan sifat-sifat tanah yang baru.

(Buol, dkk, 1980).

Di negara-negara yang telah maju pertaniannya, klasifikasi tanah

merupakan bahan penting dalam mempersiapkan rencana pengembangan

pertanian sebagai pedoman penggunaan lahan. Tujuan umum klasifikasi tanah

adalah menyediakan suatu susunan yang teratur (sistematik) bagi pengetahuan

mengenai tanah dan hubungannya dengan tanaman, baik mengenai produksi

maupun perlindungan kesuburan tanah. Tujuan ini meliputi berbagai segi, antara

lain peramalan pertanian di masa yang akan datang. Pada lahan yang telah rusak

akibat proses erosi atau longsor, klasifikasi tanah disertai dengan petanya

digunakan sebagai langkah pertama dalam usaha perbaikan kesuburan tanah

(Darmawijaya, 1997).

Suatu sistem klasifikasi tanah harus memiliki dasar pemikiran sebagai

berikut :

- Dasar klasifikasi harus jelas untuk setiap kategori/setiap tingkat. Misalnya,

pembeda yang dipergunakan diuraikan dengan jelas.

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- Pembagian akan menjadi lengkap pada setiap tingkat. Misalnya, semua

klas terbagi lagi menjadi subklas-subklas.

- Suatu klas akan selalu dibagi menjadi subklas-subklas yang

non- overlapping.

(Abdulah, 1991)

Klasifikasi tanah memiliki berbagai versi. Terdapat kesulitan teknis dalam

melakukan klasifikasi untuk tanah karena banyak hal yang memengaruhi

pembentukan tanah. Dalam melakukan klasifikasi tanah para ahli pertama kali

melakukannya berdasarkan ciri fisika dan kimia, serta dengan melihat

lapisan-lapisan yang membentuk profil tanah. Selanjutnya, setelah teknologi jauh

berkembang para ahli juga melihat aspek batuan dasar yang membentuk tanah

serta proses pelapukan batuan yang kemudian memberikan ciri-ciri khas tertentu

pada tanah yang terbentuk (

Klasifikasi tanah yang bersistem telah dikembangkan dengan maksud

menempatkan tanah ke dalam berbagai kelas (taxa) sehingga mudah diingat.

Dengan demikian tanah dapat saling dibandingkan dan pengetahuan serta

pengalaman tentang tanah di suatu tempat dapat diterapkan di tempat lain yang

memiliki sifat-sifat lain dan keadaan lingkungan yang serupa. Hampir tidak

mungkin orang mengumpulkan tanah seperti yang dilakukan oleh pakar Biologi

mengumpulkan bahan herbarium. Untuk melancarkan perbandingan antar tanah,

sering dibuat monolit tanah, yaitu irisan tipis profil tanah yang dilekatkan pada

hardboard dan diawetkan dengan plastik (Buringh, 1993).

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Sistem klasifikasi tanah yang dikembangkan oleh Amerika Serikat dengan

nama Soil Taxonomy (USDA, 1975) berbeda dengan sistem yang sudah ada

sebelumnya. Sistem klasifikasi Soil Taxonomy (USDA, 1975) ini memiliki

keistimewaan terutama dalam hal:

1. Penamaan atau tata nama atau cara penamaan.

2. Definisi horison penciri.

3. Beberapa sifat penciri lainnya.

( Soil Classification System).

Taksonomi Tanah

Taksonomi tanah adalah bagian dari klasifikasi tanah baru yang

dikembangkan oleh Amerika Serikat dengan nama Soil Taxonomy (USDA, 1975)

menggunakan 6 kategori yaitu ordo, sub ordo, great group, sub group, family dan

seri. Sistem ini merupakan sistem yang benar-benar baru baik mengenai cara-cara

penamaan (tata nama) maupun definisi mengenai horizon penciri ataupun sifat

penciri lain yang dugunakan untuk menentukan jenis tanah. Dari kategori tertinggi

(ordo) ke kategori terendah (seri) uraian mengenai sifat-sifat tanah semakin detail

(Rayes, 2007).

Sistem Taksonomi Tanah (Soil Taxonomy, USDA) merupakan sistem

klasifikasi tanah internasional, diperkenalkan pada tahun 1975 dan berkembang

cepat. Hampir setiap 2 tahun sekali diadakan perbaikan dan diterbitkan dalam

buku pegangan lapang Keys to Soil Taxonomy. Sistem ini dibangun oleh para

pakar tanah dunia, terstruktur baik, bertingkat, sistematis dan komprehensif. Dasar

klasifikasi tanah dengan pendekatan morfometrik, dimana sifat penciri horison

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dan sifat tanah lainnya terukur secara kuantitatif

( Taksonomi Tanah).

Sifat umum dari taksonomi tanah adalah :

1. Taksonomi tanah merupakan sistem multikategori.

2. Taksonomi tanah harus memungkinkan modifikasi karena adanya penemuan-

penemuan baru dengan tidak merusak sistemnya sendiri.

3. Taksonomi tanah harus mampu mengklasifikasikan semua tanah dalam suatu

landscape dimanapun ditemukan.

4. Taksonomi tanah harus dapat digunakan untuk berbagai jenis survai tanah.

Kemampuan penggunaan Taksonomi Tanah untuk survai tanah harus

dibuktikan dari kemampuannya untuk interpretasi berbagai penggunaan tanah.

(Hardjowigeno, 1993).

Dalam cabang ilmu tanah (pedologi), taksonomi tanah dibuat berdasarkan

sejumlah peubah yang mencirikan keadaan suatu jenis tanah. Karena klasifikasi

awal tidak sistematis, pada tahun 1975 tim dari Soil Survey Staff

Departemen Pertanian Amerika Serikat (USDA) menerbitkan suatu kesepakatan

dalam taksonomi tanah. Sejak saat itu, setiap jenis tanah paling sedikit memiliki

dua nama seperti : Ultisol-Podsolik Merah Kuning. Meskipun nama baru sudah

diberikan, nama lama seringkali masih dipakai karena aturan dari Soil Survey Staff

dianggap terlalu rinci (

Taksonomi tanah terdiri dari 6 kategori dengan sifat-sifat faktor pembeda

mulai dari kategori tertinggi ke kategori terendah, sebagai berikut :

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1. Ordo

Terdiri dari 12 taksa. Faktor pembeda adalah ada tidaknya horison penciri

serta jenis (sifat) dari horison penciri tersebut.

2. Sub Ordo

Terdiri dari 64 taksa. Faktor pembeda adalah keseragaman genetik,

misalnya ada tidaknya sifat-sifat tanah yang berhubungan dengan

pengaruh air, regim kelembaban, bahan induk utama, pengaruh vegetasi

yang ditunjukkan oleh adanya sifat-sifat tanah tertentu, tingkat pelapukan

bahan organik (untuk tanah-tanah organik).

3. Great Group

Terdiri dari 317 taksa. Faktor pembeda adalah kesamaan jenis, tingkat

perkembangan dan susunan horison, kejenuhan basa, regim suhu dan

kelembaban, ada tidaknya lapisan-lapisan penciri lain seperti plinthite,

fragipan dan duripan.

4. Sub Group

Jumlah taksa masih terus bertambah yaitu > 1400 taksa. Faktor pembeda

terdiri dari sifat-sifat inti dari great group (subgroup Typic), sifat-sifat

tanah peralihan ke great group peralihan ke great group lain, sub ordo atau

ordo, sifat-sifat tanah peralihan ke bukan tanah).

5. Family

Jumlah taksa dalam family juga masih terus bertambah yaitu > 8000

taksa. Faktor pembedanya adalah sifat-sifat tanah yang penting untuk

pertanian. Sifat-sifat tanah yang sering digunakan sebagai faktor pembeda

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untuk family antara lain adalah : sebaran besar butir, susunan mineral

(liat), regim temperatur pada kedalaman 50 cm.

6. Seri

Jumlah seri tanah di Amerika saja lebih besar 19.000. Faktor pembedanya

adalah : jenis dan susunan horison, warna, tekstur, struktur, konsistensi,

reaksi tanah dari masing-masing horison, sifat-sifat kimia dan mineral

masing-masing horison.

Kategori ordo tanah sampai great group disebut kategori tinggi sedangkan

kategori sub group sampai seri disebut kategori rendah. Jenis dan jumlah faktor

pembeda meningkat dari kategori rendah ke kategori tinggi (Hardjowigeno, 1993).

Taksonomi Tanah 2010

Taksonomi tanah adalah cabang dari klasifikasi tanah. Dalam taksonomi

tanah 2010 disajikan secara lengkap tentang prosedur pengelompokan tanah mulai

dari kategori tinggi sampai kategori rendah. Prosedur taksonomi tanah adalah

mengikuti :

1. Deskripsi profil tanah.

2. Penentuan horison penciri (epipedon dan horizon bawah penciri).

3. Penentuan sifat-sifat lain.

4. Pemakaian kunci taksonomi dengan urutan : ordo (ada 12 ordo), sub

ordo, kelompok besar (great group), anak kelompok (sub group),

keluarga (family) dan seri.

(Marpaung, 2008).

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Horison penciri digunakan untuk mengklasifikasikan ke dalam ordo.

Horison penciri yang terbentuk di permukaan dinamakan dengan epipedon.

Horison penciri yang langsung di bawahnya dan dapat diamati dinamakan dengan

horison bawah penciri (Darmawijaya, 1990).

Menurut Taksonomi Tanah 2010 terdapat 8 epipedon penciri yaitu :

Mollik, Antropik, Umbrik, Folistik, Histik, Melanik, Okrik dan Plagen.

A. Epipedon Mollik

Epipedon mollik mempunyai sifat perkembangan struktur tanah cukup

kuat, terletak di atas permukaan, mempunyai value warna ≤ 3.5 (lembab)

dan kroma warna ≤ 3.5 (lembab), kejenuhan basa > 50%, kandungan

C-organik > 0.6%, P2O5 < 250 ppm, dan n-value < 0.7.

B. Epipedon Antropik

Epipedon antropik menunjukkan beberapa tanda-tanda adanya gangguan

manusia, dan memenuhi persyaratan mollik kecuali P2O5 < 250 ppm.

C. Epipedon Umbrik

Epipedon mollik mempunyai sifat perkembangan struktur tanah cukup

kuat, terletak di atas permukaan, mempunyai value warna ≤ 3.5 (lembab)

dan kroma warna ≤ 3.5 (lembab), kejenuhan basa < 50%, kandungan

C-organik > 0.6%, P2O5 < 250 ppm, dan n-value < 0.7.

D. Epipedon Folistik

Epipedon Folistik didefinisikan sebagai suatu lapisan (terdiri dari satu

horison atau lebih) yang jenuh air selama kurang dari 30 hari kumulatif

dan tahun-tahun normal (dan tidak ada didrainase). Sebagian besar

epipedon folistik tersusun dari bahan tanah organik.

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E. Epipedon Histik

Epipedon Histik merupakam suatu lapisan yang dicirikan oleh adanya

saturasi (selama 30 hari atau lebih, secara kumulatif) dan reduksi selama

sebagian waktu dalam sebagian waktu dalam tahun-tahun normal

(dan telah drainase). Sebagian besar epipedon histik tersusun dari bahan

tanah organik.

F. Epipedon Okrik

Epipedon Okrik mempunyai tebal permukaan yang sangat tipis dan kering,

value dan kroma (lembab) ≥ 4. Epipedon okrik juga mencakup

horison-horison bahan organik yang terlampau tipis untuk memenuhi

persyaratan epipedon histik atau folistik.

G. Epipedon Plagen

Epipedon Plagen adalah suatu lapisan permukaan buatan manusia setebal

50 cm atau lebih, yang telah terbentuk oleh pemupukan (pupuk kandang)

secara terus menerus dalam jangka waktu yang lama. Biasanya epipedon

plagen mengandung artifak seperti pecahan-pecahan bata dan keramik

pada seluruh kedalamannya.

Pada taksonomi tanah 2010, terdapat 19 horison bawah penciri yaitu :

horison Agrik, Albik, Argilik, Duripan, Fragipan, Glosik, Gipsik, Kalsik, Kandik,

Kambik, Natrik, Orstein, Oksik, Petrokalsik, Petrogipsik, Placik, Salik, Sombrik

dan Spodik.

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A. Horison Agrik

Horison Agrik adalah suatu horison iluvial yang telah terbentuk akibat

pengolahan tanah dan mengandung sejumlah debu, liat, dan humus yang

telah tereluviasi nyata.

B. Horison Albik

Pada umumnya Horison Albik terdapat di bawah horison A, tetapi

mungkin juga berada pada permukaan tanah mineral. Horison ini

merupakan horison eluvial dengan tebal 1.0 cm dan mempunyai 85% atau

lebih bahan-bahan andik.

C. Horison Argilik

Horison Argilik secara normal merupakan suatu horison bawah permukaan

dengan kandungan liat phylosilikat secara jelas lebih tinggi. Horison

tersebut mempunyai sifat adanya gejala eluviasi liat, KTK tinggi

(> 6 cmo/kg).

D. Horison Duripan

Horison Duripan merupakan horison yang memadas paling sedikit

setengahnya dengan perekat SiO2, dan tidak mudah hancur dengan air atau


E. Horison Fragipan

Horison Fragipan mempunyai ketebalan 15 cm atau lebih adanya

tanda-tanda pedogenesis didalam horison serta perkembangan struktur

tanah lemah.

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F. Horison Glosik

Horison Glosik terbentuk sebagai hasil degradasi suatu horison argilik,

kandik atau natrik dimana liat dan senyawa oksida besi bebasnya telah


G. Horison Gipsik

Horison Gipsik adalah suatu horison iluvial yang senyawa gypsum

sekundernya telah terakumulasi dalam jumlah yang nyata, dimana tebalnya

lebih dari 15 cm.

H. Horison Kalsik

Horison Kalsik merupakan horison iluvial mempunyai akumulasi kalsium

karbonat sekunder atau karbonat yang lain dalam jumlah yang cukup


I. Horison Kandik

Horison Kandik memiliki sifat adanya gejala iluviasi liat, kandungan liat

tinggi dan KTK rendah (<6 cmol/kg).

J. Horison Kambik

Horison kambik adalah horison yang terbentuk sebagai hasil alterasi secara

fisik, transformasi secara kimia, atau pemindahan bahan, atau merupakan

hasil kombinasi dari dua atau lebih proses-proses tersebut.

K. Horison Natrik

Horison Natrik adalah horison iluvial yang banyak mengandung natrium,

memiliki struktur prismatik atau tiang, lebih 15% KTK didominasi oleh


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L. Horison Orstein

Horison Orstein tersusun dari bahan spodik, berada didalam suatu lapisan

yang 50% atau lebih (volumenya) tersementasi dan memiliki ketebalan

25 cm atau lebih

M. Horison Oksik

Horison Oksik merupakan horison bawah permukaan yang tidak memiliki

sifat-sifat tanah andik dan KTK rendah (< 6 cmol/kg)

N. Horison Petrokalsik

Horison Petrokalsik merupakan suatu horison iluvial dimana kalsium

karbonat sekunder atau senyawa karbonat lainnya telah terakumulasi

mencapai tingkat, seluruh horison tersebut, tersementasi atau mengeras.

O. Horison Petrogipsik

Horison Petrogipsik merupakan suatu horison iluvial dengan ketebalan 10

cm atau lebih dimana gypsum sekundernya telah terakumulasi mencapai

tingkat, seluruh horison tersebut, tersementasi atau mengeras.

P. Horison Placik

Horison Placik adalah suatu padas tipis yang berwarna hitam sampai

merah gelap, yang tersementasi oleh senyawa besi serta bahan organik.

Q. Horison Salik

Horison Salik mempunyai ketebalan 15 cm atau lebih dan banyak

mengandung garam mudah larut.

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R. Horison Sombrik

Horison Sombrik berwarna gelap, mempunyai sifat-sifat seperti epipedon

umbrik dengan mengandung iluviasi humus yang berasosiasi dengan

Al atau yang terdispersi dengan natrium.

S. Horison Spodik

Horison Spodik adalah suatu lapisan iluvial yang tersusun 85% atau lebih

dari bahan spodik.

Berdasarkan Keys to Soil Taxonomy 2010, ordo tanah terdiri atas 12 ordo.

Yaitu :

A. Gelisol

Tanah yang mempunyai permafrost (lapisan tanah beku) dan bahan-bahan

gelik yang berada didalam 100 cm dari permukaan tanah.

B. Histosol

Tanah yang tidak mempunyai sifat-sifat tanah andik pada 60% atau lebih

ketebalan diantara permukaan tanah dan kedalaman 60 cm.

C. Spodosol

Tanah lain yang memiliki horison spodik, albik pada 50% atau lebih dari

setiap pedon, dan regim suhu cryik.

D. Andisol

Ordo tanah yang mempunyai sifat-sifat andik pada 60% atau lebih dari


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E. Oksisol

Tanah lain yang memiliki horison oksik (tanpa horison kandik) yang

mempunyai batas atas didalam 150 cm dari permukaan tanah mineral dan

kandungan liat sebesar 40% atau lebih dalam fraksi tanah.

F. Vertisol

Tanah yang memiliki satu lapisan setebal 35 cm atau lebih, dengan batas

atas didalam 100 cm dari permukaan tanah mineral, yang memiliki bidang

kilir atau ped berbentuk baji dan rata-rata kandungan liat dalam fraksi

tanah halus sebesar 30% atau lebih.

G. Aridisol

Tanah yang mempunyai regim kelembaban tanah aridik dan epipedon

okrik dan antropik atau horison salik dan jenuh air pada satu lapisan atau

lebih di dalam 100 cm dari permukaan tanah selama satu bulan atau lebih.

H. Ultisol

Tanah lain yang memiliki horison argilik atau kandik, tetapi tanpa fragipan

dan kejenuhan basa sebesar kurang dari 35% pada kedalaman 180 cm.

I. Mollisol

Tanah lain yang memiliki epipedon mollik dan kejenuhan basa sebesar

50% atau lebih pada keseluruhan horison.

J. Alfisol

Tanah yang tidak memiliki epipedon plagen dan memiliki horison argilik,

kandik, natrik atau fragipan yang mempunyai lapisan liat tipis setebal 1

mm atau lebih di beberapa bagian.

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K. Inceptisol

Tanah yang mempunyai sifat penciri horison kambik, epipedon plagen,

umbrik, mollik serta regim suhu cryik atau gelic dan tidak terdapat bahan

sulfidik didalam 50 cm dari permukaan tanah mineral.

L. Entisol

Tanah yang memiliki epipedon okrik, histik atau albik tetapi tidak ada

horison penciri lain.

(Soil Survey Staff, 2010).

Berdasarkan Taksonomi Tanah 2010, sub ordo dan great group dibagi

berdasarkan setiap jenis tanah, sebagai berikut :

• Alfisol

Sub Ordo :

- Aqualfs

Key to Great Groups : Cryaqualfs, Plinthaqualfs, Duraqualfs, Natraqualfs,

Fragiaqualfs, Kandiaqualfs, Vermaqualfs, Albaqualfs, Glossaqualfs, Epiaqualfs,


Key to Subgroups : Typic Cryaqualfs, Typic Plinthaqualfs, Typic Duraqualfs,

Vertic Natraqualfs, Vermic Natraqualfs, Albic Glossic Natraqualfs, Albic

Natraqualfs, Glossic Natraqualfs, Mollic Natraqualfs, Typic Natraqualfs, Vermic

Fragiaqualfs, Aeric Fragiaqualfs, Plinthic Fragiaqualfs, Humic Fragiaqualfs,

Typic Fragiaqualfs, Arenic Kandiaqualfs, Grossarenic Kandiaqualfs, Plinthic

Kandiaqualfs, Aeric Umbric Kandiaqualfs, Aeric Kandiaqualfs, Umbric

Kandiaqualfs, Typic Kandiaqualfs, Natric Vermaqualfs, Typic Vermaqualfs,

Arenic Albaqualfs, Aeric Vertic Albaqualfs, Chromic Vertic Albaqualfs, Vertic

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Albaqualfs, Udollic Albaqualfs, Aeric Albaqualfs, Aquandic Albaqualfs, Mollic

Albaqualfs, Umbric Albaqualfs, Typic Albaqualfs, Histic Glossaqualfs, Arenic

Glossaqualfs, Aeric Fragic Glossaqualfs, Fragic Glossaqualfs, Aeric Glossaqualfs,

Mollic Glossaqualfs, Typic Glossaqualfs, Aeric Chromic Vertic Epiaqualfs, Aeric

Vertic Epiaqualfs, Chromic Vertic Epiaqualfs, Vertic Epiaqualfs, Aquandic

Epiaqualfs, Aeric Fragic Epiaqualfs, Fragic Epiaqualfs, Arenic Epiaqualfs,

Grossarenic Epiaqualfs, Aeric Umbric Epiaqualfs, Udollic Epiaqualfs, Aeric

Epiaqualfs, Mollic Epiaqualfs, Umbric Epiaqualfs, Typic Epiaqualfs, Aquandic

Endoaqualfs, Chromic Vertic Endoaqualfs, Vertic Endoaqualfs, Aeric Fragic

Endoaqualfs, Fragic Endoaqualfs, Arenic Endoaqualfs, Grossarenic Endoaqualfs,

Udollic Endoaqualfs, Aeric Umbric Endoaqualfs, Aeric Endoaqualfs, Mollic

Endoaqualfs, Umbric Endoaqualfs, Typic Endoaqualfs.

- Cryalfs

Key to Great Groups : Palecryalfs, Glossocryalfs, Haplocryalfs.

Key to Subgroups : Andic Palecryalfs, Vitrandic Palecryalfs, Aquic Palecryalfs,

Oxyaquic Palecryalfs, Xeric Palecryalfs, Ustic Palecryalfs, Mollic Palecryalfs,

Umbric Palecryalfs, Typic Palecryalfs, Lithic Glossocryalfs, Vertic Glossocryalfs,

Andic Glossocryalfs, Vitrandic Glossocryalfs, Aquic Glossocryalfs, Oxyaquic

Glossocryalfs, Fragic Glossocryalfs, Xerollic Glossocryalfs, Umbric Xeric

Glossocryalfs, Ustollic Glossocryalfs, Xeric Glossocryalfs, Ustic Glossocryalfs,

Mollic Glossocryalfs, Umbric Glossocryalfs, Eutric Glossocryalfs, Typic

Glossocryalfs, Lithic Haplocryalfs, Vertic Haplocryalfs, Andic Haplocryalfs,

Vitrandic Haplocryalfs, Aquic Haplocryalfs, Oxyaquic Haplocryalfs, Lamellic

Haplocryalfs, Psammentic Haplocryalfs, Inceptic Haplocryalfs, Xerollic

Universitas Sumatera Utara


Haplocryalfs, Umbric Xeric Haplocryalfs, Ustollic Haplocryalfs, Xeric

Haplocryalfs, Ustic Haplocryalfs, Mollic Haplocryalfs, Umbric Haplocryalfs,

Eutric Haplocryalfs, Typic Haplocryalfs.

- Ustalfs

Key to Great Groups : Durustalfs, Plinthustalfs, Natrustalfs, Kandiustalfs,

Kanhaplustalfs, Paleustalfs, Rhodustalfs, Haplustalfs.

Key to Subgroups : Typic Durustalfs, Typic Plinthustalfs, Salidic Natrustalfs,

Leptic Torrertic Natrustalfs, Aquertic Natrustalfs, Aridic Leptic Natrustalfs,

Vertic Natrustalfs, Aquic Arenic Natrustalfs, Aquic Natrustalfs, Arenic

Natrustalfs, Petrocalcic Natrustalfs, Leptic Natrustalfs, Haplargidic Natrustalfs,

Aridic Glossic Natrustalfs, Aridic Natrustalfs, Mollic Natrustalfs, Typic

Natrustalfs, Grossarenic Kandiustalfs, Aquic Arenic Kandiustalfs, Plinthic

Kandiustalfs, Aquic Kandiustalfs, Arenic Aridic Kandiustalfs, Arenic

Kandiustalfs, Aridic Kandiustalfs, Udic Kandiustalfs, Rhodic Kandiustalfs, Typic

Kandiustalfs, Lithic, Aquic Kanhaplustalfs, Aridic Kanhaplustalfs, Udic

Kanhaplustalfs, Rhodic Kanhaplustalfs, Typic Kanhaplustalfs, Aquertic

Paleustalfs, Oxyaquic Vertic Paleustalfs, Udertic Paleustalfs, Vertic Paleustalfs,

Aquic Arenic Paleustalfs, Aquic Paleustalfs, Oxyaquic Paleustalfs, Lamellic

Paleustalfs, Psammentic Paleustalfs, Arenic Aridic Paleustalfs, Grossarenic

Paleustalfs, Arenic Paleustalfs, Plinthic Paleustalfs, Petrocalcic Paleustalfs,

Calcidic Paleustalfs, Aridic Paleustalfs, Kandic Paleustalfs, Rhodic Paleustalfs,

Ultic Paleustalfs, Udic Paleustalfs, Typic Paleustalfs, Lithic Rhodustalfs,

Kanhaplic Rhodustalfs, Udic Rhodustalfs, Typic Rhodustalfs, Lithic Haplustalfs,

Aquertic Haplustalfs, Oxyaquic Vertic Haplustalfs, Torrertic Haplustalfs, Udertic

Universitas Sumatera Utara


Haplustalfs, Vertic Haplustalfs, Aquic Arenic Haplustalfs, Aquultic Haplustalfs,

Aquic Haplustalfs, Oxyaquic Haplustalfs, Vitrandic Haplustalfs, Lamellic

Haplustalfs, Psammentic Haplustalfs, Arenic Aridic Haplustalfs, Calcidic

Haplustalfs, Aridic Haplustalfs, Kanhaplic Haplustalfs, Inceptic Haplustalfs,

Calcic Udic Haplustalfs, Ultic Haplustalfs, Calcic Haplustalfs, Udic Haplustalfs,

Typic Haplustalfs.

- Xeralfs

Key to Great Groups : Durixeralfs, Natrixeralfs, Fragixeralfs, Plinthoxeralfs,

Rhodoxeralfs, Palexeralfs, Haploxeralfs.

Key to Subgroups : Natric Durixeralfs, Vertic Durixeralfs, Aquic Durixeralfs,

Abruptic Haplic Durixeralfs, Abruptic Durixeralfs, Haplic Durixeralfs, Typic

Durixeralfs, Vertic Natrixeralfs, Aquic Natrixeralfs, Typic Natrixeralfs, Andic

Fragixeralfs, Vitrandic Fragixeralfs, Mollic Fragixeralfs, Aquic Fragixeralfs,

Inceptic Fragixeralfs, Typic Fragixeralfs, Typic Plinthoxeralfs, Lithic

Rhodoxeralfs, Vertic Rhodoxeralfs, Petrocalcic Rhodoxeralfs, Calcic

Rhodoxeralfs, Inceptic Rhodoxeralfs, Typic Rhodoxeralfs, Vertic Palexeralfs,

Aquandic Palexeralfs, Andic Palexeralfs, Vitrandic Palexeralfs, Fragiaquic

Palexeralfs, Aquic Palexeralfs, Petrocalcic Palexeralfs, Lamellic Palexeralfs,

Psammentic Palexeralfs, Arenic Palexeralfs, Natric Palexeralfs, Fragic

Palexeralfs, Calcic Palexeralfs, Plinthic Palexeralfs, Ultic Palexeralfs, Haplic

Palexeralfs, Mollic Palexeralfs, Typic Palexeralfs, Lithic Mollic Haploxeralfs,

Lithic Ruptic-Inceptic Haploxeralfs, Lithic Haploxeralfs, Vertic Haploxeralfs,

Aquandic Haploxeralfs, Andic Haploxeralfs, Vitrandic Haploxeralfs, Fragiaquic

Haploxeralfs, Aquultic Haploxeralfs, Aquic Haploxeralfs, Natric Haploxeralfs,

Universitas Sumatera Utara


Fragic Haploxeralfs, Lamellic Haploxeralfs, Psammnetic Haploxeralfs, Plinthic

Haploxeralfs, Calcic Haploxeralfs, Inceptic Haploxeralfs, Ultic Haploxeralfs,

Mollic Haploxeralfs, Typic Haploxeralfs.

- Udalfs

Key to Great Groups : Natrudalfs, Ferrudalfs, Fraglossudalfs, Fragiudalfs,

Kandiudalfs, Kanhapludalfs, Paleudalfs, Rhodudalfs, Glossudalfs, Hapludalfs.

Key to Subgroups : Vertic Natrudalfs, Glossaquic Natrudalfs, Aquic Natrudalfs,

Typic Natrudalfs, Aquic Ferrudalfs, Typic Ferrudalfs, Andic Fraglossudalfs,

Vitrandic Fraglossudalfs, Aquic Fraglossudalfs, Qxyaquic Fraglossudalfs, Typic

Fraglossudalfs, Andic Fragiudalfs, Vitrandic Fragiudalfs, Aquic Fragiudalfs,

Qxyaquic Fragiudalfs, Typic Fragiudalfs, Plinthaquic Kandiudalfs, Aquic

Kandiudalfs, Oxyaquic Kandiudalfs, Arenic Plinthic Kandiudalfs, Grossarenic

Plinthic Kandiudalfs, Arenic Kandiudalfs, Grossarenic Kandiudalfs, Plinthic

Kandiudalfs, Rhodic Kandiudalfs, Mollic Kandiudalfs, Typic Kandiudalfs, Lithic

Kanhapludalfs, Aquic Kanhapludalfs, Oxyaquic Kanhapludalfs, Rhodic

Kanhapludalfs, Typic Kanhapludalfs, Vertic Paleudalfs, Andic Paleudalfs,

Vitrandic Paleudalfs, Anthraquic Paleudalfs, Fragiaquic Paleudalfs, Plinthaquic

Paleudalfs, Glossaquic Paleudalfs, Albaquic Paleudalfs, Aquic Paleudalfs,

Oxyaquic Paleudalfs, Fragic Paleudalfs, Arenic Plinthic Paleudalfs, Grossarenic

Plinthic Paleudalfs, Lamellic Paleudalfs, Psammentic Paleudalfs, Arenic

Paleudalfs, Grossarenic Paleudalfs, Plinthic Paleudalfs, Glossic Paleudalfs,

Rhodic Paleudalfs, Mollic Paleudalfs, Typic Paleudalfs, Typic Rhodudalfs,

Aquertic Glossudalfs, Oxyaquic Vertic Glossudalfs, Aquandic Glossudalfs, Andic

Glossudalfs, Vitrandic Glossudalfs, Fragiaquic Glossudalfs, Aquic Arenic

Universitas Sumatera Utara


Glossudalfs, Aquic Glossudalfs, Arenic Oxyaquic Glossudalfs, Oxyaquic

Glossudalfs, Fragic Glossudalfs, Arenic Glossudalfs, Haplic Glossudalfs, Typic

Glossudalfs, Lithic Hapludalfs, Aquertic Chromic Hapludalfs, Aquertic

Hapludalfs, Oxyaquic Vertic Hapludalfs, Chromic Vertic Hapludalfs, Vertic

Hapludalfs, Andic Hapludalfs, Vitrandic Hapludalfs, Fragiaquic Hapludalfs,

Fragic Oxyaquic Hapludalfs, Aquic Arenic Hapludalfs, Arenic Oxyaquic

Hapludalfs, Anthraquic Hapludalfs, Albaquultic Hapludalfs, Albaquic Hapludalfs,

Glossaquic Hapludalfs, Aquultic Hapludalfs, Aquollic Hapludalfs, Aquic

Hapludalfs, Mollic Oxyaquic Hapludalfs, Oxyaquic Hapludalfs, Fragic

Hapludalfs, Lamellic Hapludalfs, Psammentic Hapludalfs, Arenic Hapludalfs,

Glossic Hapludalfs, Inceptic Hapludalfs, Ultic Hapludalfs, Mollic Hapludalfs,

Typic Hapludalfs.

• Andisol

Sub Ordo :

- Aquands

Key to Great Groups : Gelaquands, Cryaquands, Placaquands, Duraquands,

Vitraquands, Melanaquands, Epiaquands, Endoaquands.

Key to Subgroups : Histic Gelaquands, Turbic Gelaquands, Thaptic Gelaquands,

Typic Gelaquands, Lithic Cryaquands, Histic Cryaquands, Thaptic Cryaquands,

Typic Cryaquands, Lithic Placaquands, Duric Histic Placaquands, Duric

Placaquands, Histic Placaquands, Thaptic Placaquands, Typic Placaquands, Histic

Duraquands, Acraquoxic Duraquands, Thaptic Duraquands, Typic Duraquands,

Lithic Vitraquands, Duric Vitraquands, Histic Vitraquands, Thaptic Vitraquands,

Typic Vitraquands, Lithic Melanaquands, Acraquoxic Melanaquands, Hydric

Universitas Sumatera Utara


Pachic Melanaquands, Hydric Melanaquands, Pachic Melanaquands, Thaptic

Melanaquands, Typic Melanaquands, Duric Epiaquands, Histic Epiaquands, Alic

Epiaquands, Hydric Epiaquands, Thaptic Epiaquands, Typic Epiaquands, Lithic

Endoaquands, Duric Endoaquands, Histic Endoaquands, Alic Endoaquands,

Hydric Endoaquands, Thaptic Endoaquands, Typic Endoaquands.

- Gelands

Key to Great Groups : Vitrigelands.

Key to Subgroups : Humic Vitrigelands, Turbic Vitrigelands, Typic Vitrigelands.

- Cryands

Key to Great Groups : Duricryands, Hydrocryands, Melanocryands, Fulvicryands,

Vitricryands, Haplocryands.

Key to Subgroups : Aquic Duricryands, Eutric Oxyaquic Duricryands, Oxyaquic

Duricryands, Eutric Duricryands, Typic Duricryands, Lithic Hydrocryands, Placic

Hydrocryands, Aquic Hydrocryands, Thaptic Hydrocryands, Typic Hydrocryands,

Lithic Melanocryands, Vitric Melanocryands, Typic Melanocryands, Lithic

Fulvicryands, Folistic Fulvicryands, Eutric Pachic Fulvicryands, Eutric

Fulvicryands, Pachic Fulvicryands, Vitric Fulvicryands, Typic Fulvicryands,

Lithic Vitricryands, Folistic Vitricryands, Aquic Vitricryands, Oxyaquic

Vitricryands, Spodic Vitricryands, Thaptic Vitricryands, Humic Xeric

Vitricryands, Xeric Vitricryands, Ultic Vitricryands, Alfic Vitricryands, Humic

Vitricryands, Typic Vitricryands, Lithic Haplocryands, Folistic Haplocryands,

Aquic Haplocryands, Oxyaquic Haplocryands, Alic Haplocryands, Spodic

Universitas Sumatera Utara


Haplocryands, Acrudoxic Haplocryands, Vitric Haplocryands, Thaptic

Haplocryands, Xeric Haplocryands, Typic Haplocryands.

- Torrands

Key to Great Groups : Duritorrands, Vitritorrands, Haplotorrands.

Key to Subgroups : Petrocalcic Duritorrands, Vitric Duritorrands, Typic

Duritorrands, Lithic Vitritorrands, Duric Vitritorrands, Aquic Vitritorrands, Calcic

Vitritorrands, Typic Vitritorrands, Lithic Haplotorrands, Duric Haplotorrands,

Calcic Haplotorrands, Typic Haplotorrands.

- Xerands

Key to Great Groups : Vitrixerands, Melanoxerands, Haploxerands.

Key to Subgroups : Lithic Vitrixerands, Aquic Vitrixerands, Thaptic Vitrixerands,

Alfic Humic Vitrixerands, Ultic Vitrixerands, Alfic Vitrixerands, Humic

Vitrixerands, Typic Vitrixerands, Pachic Melanoxerands, Typic Melanoxerands,

Lithic Haploxerands, Aquic Haploxerands, Thaptic Haploxerands, Calcic

Haploxerands, Ultic Haploxerands, Alfic Humic Haploxerands, Alfic

Haploxerands, Humic Haploxerands, Typic Haploxerands.

- Vitrands

Key to Great Groups : Ustivitrands, Udivitrands.

Key to Subgroups : Lithic Ustivitrands, Aquic Ustivitrands, Thaptic Ustivitrands,

Calcic Ustivitrands, Humic Ustivitrands, Typic Ustivitrands, Lithic Udivitrands,

Aquic Udivitrands, Oxyaquic Udivitrands, Thaptic Udivitrands, Ultic Udivitrands,

Alfic Udivitrands, Humic Udivitrands, Typic Udivitrands.

Universitas Sumatera Utara


- Ustands

Key to Great Groups : Durustands, Haplustands.

Key to Subgroups : Aquic Durustands, Thaptic Durustands, Humic Durustands,

Typic Durustands, Lithic Haplustands, Aquic Haplustands, Dystric Vitric

Haplustands, Vitric Haplustands, Pachic Haplustands, Thaptic Haplustands,

Calcic Haplustands, Dystric Haplustands, Oxic Haplustands, Ultic Haplustands,

Alfic Haplustands, Humic Haplustands, Typic Haplustands.

- Udands

Key to Great Groups : Placudands, Durudands, Melanudands, Hydrudands,

Fulvudands, Hapludands.

Key to Subgroups : Lithic Placudands, Aquic Placudands, Acrudoxic Placudands,

Hydric Placudands, Typic Placudands, Aquic Durudands, Eutric Durudands,

Acrudoxic Durudands, Hydric Durudands, Pachic Durudands, Typic Durudands,

Lithic Melanudands, Anthraquic Melanudands, Aquic Melanudands, Acrudoxic

Vitric Melanudands, Acrudoxic Hydric Melanudands, Acrudoxic Melanudands,

Pachic Vitric Melanudands, Vitric Melanudands, Hydric Pachic Melanudands,

Pachic Melanudands, Hydric Melanudands, Thaptic Melanudands, Ultic

Melanudands, Entic Melanudands, Typic Melanudands, Lithic Hydrudands,

Aquic Hydrudands, Acrudoxic Thaptic Hydrudands, Acrudoxic Hydrudands,

Thaptic Hydrudands, Eutric Hydrudands, Ultic Hydrudands, Typic Hydrudands,

Eutric Lithic Fulvudands, Lithic Fulvudands, Aquic Fulvudands, Oxyaquic

Fulvudands, Hydric Fulvudands, Acrudoxic Fulvudands, Ultic Fulvudands, Eutric

Pachic Fulvudands, Eutric Fulvudands, Pachic Fulvudands, Thaptic Fulvudands,

Typic Fulvudands, Lithic Hapludands, Anthraquic Hapludands, Aquic Duric

Universitas Sumatera Utara


Hapludands, Duric Hapludands, Aquic Hapludands, Oxyaquic Hapludands, Alic

Hapludands, Acrudoxic Hydric Hapludands, Acrudoxic Thaptic Hapludands,

Acrudoxic Ultic Hapludands, Acrudoxic Hapludands, Vitric Hapludands, Hydric

Thaptic Hapludands, Hydric Hapludands, Eutric Thaptic Hapludands, Thaptic

Hapludands, Eutric Hapludands, Oxic Hapludands, Ultic Hapludands, Alfic

Hapludands, Typic Hapludands.

• Aridisol

Sub Ordo :

- Cryids

Key to Great Groups : Salicryids, Petrocryids, Gypsicryids, Argicryids,

Calcicryids, Haplocryids.

Key to Subgroups : Aquic Salicryids, Typic Salicryids, Xereptic Petrocryids,

Duric Xeric Petrocryids, Duric Petrocryids, Petrogypsic Petrocryids, Xeric

Petrocryids, Ustic Petrocryids, Typic Petrocryids, Calcic Gypsicryids,

Vitrixerandic Gypsicryids, Vitrandic Gypsicryids, Typic Gypsicryids, Lithic

Argicryids, Vertic Argicryids, Natric Argicryids, Vitrixerandic Argicryids,

Vitrandic Argicryids, Xeric Argicryids, Ustic Argicryids, Typic Argicryids, Lithic

Calcicryids, Vitrixerandic Calcicryids, Vitrandic Calcicryids, Xeric Calcicryids,

Ustic Calcicryids, Typic Calcicryids, Lithic Haplocryids, Vertic Haplocryids

Vitrixerandic Haplocryids, Vitrandic Haplocryids, Xeric Haplocryids Ustic

Haplocryids, Typic Haplocryids,

- Salids

Key to Great Groups : Aquisalids, Haplosalids.

Universitas Sumatera Utara


Key to Subgroups : Gypsic Aquisalids, Calcic Aquisalids, Typic Aquisalids,

Duric Haplosalids, Petrogypsic Haplosalids, Gypsic Haplosalids, Calcic

Haplosalids, Typic Haplosalids.

- Durids

Key to Great Groups : Natridurids, Argidurids, Haplodurids.

Key to Subgroups : Vertic Natridurids, Aquic Natrargidic Natridurids, Aquic

Natridurids, Natrixeralfic Natridurids, Natrargidic Natridurids, Vitrixerandic

Natridurids, Vitrandic Natridurids, Xeric Natridurids, Typic Natridurids, Vertic

Argidurids, Aquic Argidurids, Abruptic Xeric Argidurids, Abruptic Argidurids,

Haploxeralfic Argidurids, Argidic Argidurids, Vitrixerandic Argidurids, Vitrandic

Argidurids, Xeric Argidurids, Ustic Argidurids, Typic Argidurids, Aquicambidic

Haplodurids, Aquic Haplodurids, Xereptic Haplodurids, Cambidic Haplodurids,

Vitrixerandic Haplodurids, Vitrandic Haplodurids, Xeric Haplodurids, Ustic

Haplodurids, Typic Haplodurids.

- Gypsids

Key to Great Groups : Petrogypsids, Natrigypsids, Argigypsids, Calcigypsids,


Key to Subgroups : Petrocalcic Petrogypsids, Calcic Petrogypsids, Vitrixerandic

Petrogypsids, Vitrandic Petrogypsids, Xeric Petrogypsids, Ustic Petrogypsids,

Typic Petrogypsids, Lithic Natrigypsids, Vertic Natrigypsids, Petronodic

Natrigypsids, Vitrixerandic Natrigypsids, Vitandic Natrigypsids, Xeric

Natrigypsids, Ustic Natrigypsids, Typic Natrigypsids, Lithic Argigypsids, Vertic

Argigypsids, Calcic Argigypsids, Petronodic Argigypsids, Vitrixerandic

Universitas Sumatera Utara


Argigypsids, Vitrandic Argigypsids, Xeric Argigypsids, Ustic Argigypsids, Typic

Argigypsids, Lithic Calcigypsids, Petronodic Calcigypsids, Vitrixerandic

Calcigypsids, Vitrandic Calcigypsids, Xeric Calcigypsids, Ustic Calcigypsids,

Typic Calcigypsids, Lithic Haplogypsids, Leptic Haplogypsids, Sodic

Haplogypsids, Petronodic Haplogypsids, Vitrixerandic Haplogypsids, Vitrandic

Haplogypsids, Xeric Haplogypsids, Ustic Haplogypsids, Typic Haplogypsids.

- Argids

Key to Great Groups : Petroargids, Natrargids, Paleargids, Gypsiargids,

Calciargids, Haplargids.

Key to Subgroups : Petrogypsic Ustic Petroargids, Petrogypsic Petroargids, Duric

Xeric Petroargids, Duric Petroargids, Natric Petroargids, Xeric Petroargids, Ustic

Petroargids, Typic Petroargids, Lithic Xeric Natrargids, Lithic Ustic Natrargids,

Lithic Natrargids, Xerertic Natrargids, Ustertic Natrargids, Vertic Natrargids,

Aquic Natrargids, Durinodic Xeric Natrargids, Durinodic Natrargids, Petronodic

Natrargids, Glossic Ustic Natrargids, Haplic Ustic Natrargids, Haploxeralfic

Natrargids, Haplic Natrargids, Vitrixerandic Natrargids, Vitrandic Natrargids,

Xeric Natrargids, Ustic Natrargids, Glossic Natrargids, Typic Natrargids, Vertic

Paleargids, Aquic Paleargids, Arenic Ustic Paleargids, Arenic Paleargids, Calcic

Paleargids, Durinodic Xeric Paleargids, Durinodic Paleargids, Petronodic Ustic

Paleargids, Petronodic Paleargids, Vitrixerandic Paleargids, Vitrandic Paleargids,

Xeric Paleargids, Ustic Paleargids, Typic Paleargids, Aquic Gypsiargids,

Durinodic Gypsiargids, Vitrixerandic Gypsiargids, Vitrandic Gypsiargids, Xeric

Gypsiargids, Ustic Gypsiargids, Typic Gypsiargids, Lithic Calciargids, Xerertic

Calciargids, Ustertic Calciargids, Vertic Calciargids, Aquic Calciargids, Arenic

Universitas Sumatera Utara


Ustic Calciargids, Arenic Calciargids, Durinodic Xeric Calciargids, Durinodic

Calciargids, Petronodic Xeric Calciargids, Petronodic Ustic Calciargids,

Petronodic Calciargids, Vitrixerandic Calciargids, Vitrandic Calciargids, Xeric

Calciargids, Ustic Calciargids, Typic Calciargids, Lithic Ruptic-Entic Haplargids,

Lithic Xeric Haplargids, Lithic Ustic Haplargids, Lithic Haplargids, Xerertic

Haplargids, Ustertic Haplargids, Vertic Haplargids, Aquic Haplargids, Arenic

Ustic Haplargids, Arenic Haplargids, Durinodic Xeric Haplargids, Durinodic

Haplargids, Petronodic Ustic Haplargids, Petronodic Haplargids, Vitrixerandic

Haplargids, Vitrandic Haplargids, Xeric Haplargids, Ustic Haplargids, Typic


- Calcids

Key to Great Groups : Petrocalcids, Haplocalcids.

Key to Subgroups : Aquic Petrocalcids, Natric Petrocalcids, Xeralfic Petrocalcids,

Ustalfic Petrocalcids, Argic Petrocalcids, Calcic Lithic Petrocalcids, Calcic

Petrocalcids, Xeric Petrocalcids, Ustic Petrocalcids, Typic Petrocalcids, Lithic

Xeric Haplocalcids, Lithic Ustic Haplocalcids, Lithic Haplocalcids, Vertic

Haplocalcids, Aquic Durinodic Haplocalcids, Aquic Haplocalcids, Duric Xeric

Haplocalcids, Duric Haplocalcids, Durinodic Xeric Haplocalcids, Durinodic

Haplocalcids, Petronodic Xeric Haplocalcids, Petronodic Ustic Haplocalcids,

Petronodic Haplocalcids, Sodic Xeric Haplocalcids, Sodic Ustic Haplocalcids,

Sodic Haplocalcids, Vitrixerandic Haplocalcids, Vitrandic Haplocalcids, Xeric

Haplocalcids, Ustic Haplocalcids, Typic Haplocalcids.

Universitas Sumatera Utara


- Cambids

Key to Great Groups : Aquicambids, Petrocambids, Anthracambids,


Key to Subgroups : Sodic Aquicambids, Durinodic Xeric Aquicambids, Durinodic

Aquicambids, Petronodic Aquicambids, Vitrixerandic Aquicambids, Vitrandic

Aquicambids, Fluventic Aquicambids, Xeric Aquicambids, Ustic Aquicambids,

Typic Aquicambids, Sodic Petrocambids, Vitrixerandic Petrocambids, Vitrandic

Petrocambids, Xeric Petrocambids, Ustic Petrocambids, Typic Petrocambids,

Typic Anthracambids, Lithic Xeric Haplocambids, Lithic Ustic Haplocambids,

Lithic Haplocambids, Xerertic Haplocambids, Ustertic Haplocambids, Ustertic

Haplocambids, Vertic Haplocambids, Durinodic Xeric Haplocambids, Durinodic

Haplocambids, Petronodic Xeric Haplocambids, Petronodic Ustic Haplocambids,

Petronodic Haplocambids, Sodic Xeric Haplocambids, Sodic Ustic Haplocambids,

Sodic Haplocambids, Vitrixerandic Haplocambids, Vitrandic Haplocambids,

Xerofluventic Haplocambids, Ustifluventic Haplocambids, Fluventic

Haplocambids, Xeric Haplocambids, Ustic Haplocambids, Typic Haplocambids.

• Entisol

Sub Ordo :

- Wassents

Key to Great Groups : Frasiwassents, Psammowassents, Sulfiwassents,

Hydrowassents, Fluviwassents, Haplowassents.

Key to Subgroups : Hydric Frasiwassents, Lithic Frasiwassents, Psammentic

Frasiwassents, Thapto-Histic Frasiwassents, Fluventic Frasiwassents, Aeric

Frasiwassents, Typic Frasiwassents, Sulfic Psammowassents, Lithic

Universitas Sumatera Utara


Psammowassents, Fluventic Psammowassents, Aeric Psammowassents, Typic

Psammowassents, Lithic Sulfiwassents, Haplic Sulfiwassents, Thapto-Histic

Sulfiwassents, Fluventic Sulfiwassents, Aeric Sulfiwassents, Typic Sulfiwassents,

Sulfic Hydrowassents, Grossic Hydrowassents, Lithic Hydrowassents,

Thapto-Histic Hydrowassents, Typic Hydrowassents, Sulfic Fluviwassents, Lithic

Fluviwassents, Thapto-Histic Fluviwassents, Aeric Fluviwassents, Typic

Fluviwassents, Sulfic Haplowassents, Lithic Haplowassents, Aeric

Haplowassents, Typic Haplowassents.

- Aquents

Key to Great Groups : Sulfaquents, Hydraquents, Gelaquents, Cryaquents,

Psammaquents, Fluvaquents, Epiaquents, Endoaquents.

Key to Subgroups : Haplic Sulfaquents, Histic Sulfaquents, Thapto-Histic

Sulfaquents, Typic Sulfaquents, Sulfic Hydraquents, Sodic Hydraquents,

Thapto-Histic Hydraquents, Typic Hydraquents, Typic Gelaquents, Aquandic

Cryaquents, Typic Cryaquents, Lithic Psammaquents, Sodic Psammaquents,

Spodic Psammaquents, Humaqueptic Psammaquents, Mollic Psammaquents,

Typic Psammaquents, Sulfic Fluvaquents, Vertic Fluvaquents, Thapto-Histic

Fluvaquents, Aquandic Fluvaquents, Aeric Fluvaquents, Humaqueptic

Fluvaquents, Mollic Fluvaquents, Typic Fluvaquents, Aeric Epiaquents,

Humaqueptic Epiaquents, Mollic Epiaquents, Typic Epiaquents, Sulfic

Endoaquents, Lithic Endoaquents, Sodic Endoaquents, Aeric Endoaquents,

Humaqueptic Endoaquents, Mollic Endoaquents, Typic Endoaquents.

- Arents

Key to Great Groups : Ustarents, Xerarents, Torriarents, Udarents.

Universitas Sumatera Utara


Key to Subgroups : Haplic Ustarents, Sodic Xerarents, Duric Xerarents, Alfic

Xerarents, Haplic Xerarents, Sodic Torriarents, Duric Torriarents, Haplic

Torriarents, Alfic Udarents, Ultic Udarents, Mollic Udarents, Haplic Udarents.

- Psamments

Key to Great Groups : Cryopsamments, Torripsamments, Quartzipsamments,

Ustipsamments, Xeropsamments, Udipsamments.

Key to Subgroups : Lithic Cryopsamments, Aquic Cryopsamments, Oxyaquic

Cryopsamments, Vitrandic Cryopsamments, Spodic Cryopsamments, Lamellic

Cryopsamments, Typic Cryopsamments, Lithic Torripsamments, Oxyaquic

Torripsamments, Vitrandic Torripsamments, Haploduridic Torripsamments, Ustic

Torripsamments, Xeric Torripsamments, Rhodic Torripsamments, Typic

Torripsamments, Lithic Quartzipsamments, Aquodic Quartzipsamments, Aquic

Quartzipsamments, Oxyaquic Quartzipsamments, Ustoxic Quartzipsamments,

Udoxic Quartzipsamments, Plinthic Quartzipsamments, Lamellic Ustic

Quartzipsamments, Lamellic Quartzipsamments, Ustic Quartzipsamments, Xeric

Quartzipsamments, Spodic Quartzipsamments, Typic Quartzipsamments, Lithic

Ustipsamments, Aquic Ustipsamments, Oxyaquic Ustipsamments, Aridic

Ustipsamments, Lamellic Ustipsamments, Rhodic Ustipsamments, Typic

Ustipsamments, Lithic Xeropsamments, Aquic Durinodic Xeropsamments,

Oxyaquic Xeropsamments, Vitrandic Xeropsamments, Durinodic

Xeropsamments, Lamellic Xeropsamments, Dystric Xeropsamments, Typic

Xeropsamments, Lithic Udipsamments, Aquic Udipsamments, Oxyaquic

Udipsamments, Spodic Udipsamments, Lamellic Udipsamments, Plagganthreptic

Udipsamments, Typic Udipsamments.

Universitas Sumatera Utara


- Fluvents

Key to Great Groups : Gelifluvents, Cryofluvents, Xerofluvents, Ustifluvents,

Torrifluvents, Udifluvents.

Key to Subgroups : Aquic Gelifluvents, Typic Gelifluvents, Andic Cryofluvents,

Vitrandic Cryofluvents, Aquic Cryofluvents, Oxyaquic Cryofluvents, Mollic

Cryofluvents, Typic Cryofluvents, Vertic Xerofluvents, Aquandic Xerofluvents,

Andic Xerofluvents, Vitrandic Xerofluvents, Aquic Xerofluvents, Oxyaquic

Xerofluvents, Durinodic Xerofluvents, Mollic Xerofluvents, Typic Xerofluvents,

Aquertic Ustifluvents, Torrertic Ustifluvents, Vertic Ustifluvents, Anthraquic

Ustifluvents, Aquic Ustifluvents, Oxyaquic Ustifluvents, Aridic Ustifluvents,

Udic Ustifluvents, Mollic Ustifluvents, Typic Ustifluvents, Ustertic Torrifluvents,

Vertic Torrifluvents, Vitrixerandic Torrifluvents, Vitrandic Torrifluvents, Aquic

Torrifluvents, Oxyaquic Torrifluvents, Duric Xeric Torrifluvents, Duric

Torrifluvents, Ustic Torrifluvents, Xeric Torrifluvents, Anthropic Torrifluvents,

Typic Torrifluvents, Aquertic Udifluvents, Vertic Udifluvents, Andic Udifluvents,

Vitrandic Udifluvents, Aquic Udifluvents, Oxyaquic Udifluvents, Mollic

Udifluvents, Typic Udifluvents.

- Orthents

Key to Great Groups : Gelorthents, Cryorthents, Torriorthents, Xerorthents,

Ustorthents, Udorthents.

Key to Subgroups : Aquic Gelorthents, Oxyaquic Gelorthents, Typic Gelorthents,

Lithic Cryorthents, Vitrandic Cryorthents, Aquic Cryorthents, Oxyaquic

Cryorthents, Lamellic Cryorthents, Typic Cryorthents, Lithic Ustic Torriorthents,

Lithic Xeric Torriorthents, Lithic Torriorthents, Xerertic Torriorthents, Ustertic

Universitas Sumatera Utara


Torriorthents, Vertic Torriorthents, Vitrandic Torriorthents, Aquic Torriorthents,

Oxyaquic Torriorthents, Duric Torriorthents, Ustic Torriorthents, Xeric

Torriorthents, Typic Torriorthents, Lithic Xerorthents, Vitrandic Xerorthents,

Aquic Xerorthents, Oxyaquic Xerorthents, Durinodic Xerorthents, Dystric

Xerorthents, Typic Xerorthents, Aridic Lithic Ustorthents, Lithic Ustorthents,

Torrertic Ustorthents, Vertic Ustorthents, Anthraquic Ustorthents, Aquic

Ustorthents, Oxyaquic Ustorthents, Durinodic Ustorthents, Vitritorrandic

Ustorthents, Vitrandic Ustorthents, Aridic Ustorthents, Udic Ustorthents, Vermic

Ustorthents, Typic Ustorthents, Lithic Udorthents, Vitrandic Udorthents, Aquic

Udorthents, Oxyaquic Udorthents, Vermic Udorthents, Typic Udorthents.

• Gellisol

Sub Ordo :

- Histels

Key to Great Groups : Folistels, Glacistels, Fibristels, Hemistels, Sapristels.

Key to Subgroups : Lithic Folistels, Glacic Folistels, Typic Folistels, Hemic

Glacistels, Sapric Glacistels, Typic Glacistels, Lithic Fibristels, Terric Fibristels,

Fluvaquentic Fibristels, Sphagnic Fibristels, Typic Fibristels, Lithic Hemistels,

Terric Hemistels, Fluvaquentic Hemistels, Typic Hemistels, Lithic Sapristels,

Terric Sapristels, Fluvaquentic Sapristels, Typic Sapristels.

- Turbels

Key to Great Groups : Histoturbels, Aquiturbels, Anhyturbels, Molliturbels,

Umbriturbels, Psammoturbels, Haploturbels.

Universitas Sumatera Utara


Key to Subgroups : Lithic Histoturbels, Glacic Histoturbels, Ruptic Histoturbels,

Typic Histoturbels, Lithic Aquiturbels, Glacic Aquiturbels, Sulfuric Aquiturbels,

Ruptic-Histic Aquiturbels, Psammentic Aquiturbels, Typic Aquiturbels, Lithic

Anhyturbels, Glacic Anhyturbels, Petrogypsic Anhyturbels, Gypsic Anhyturbels,

Nitric Anhyturbels, Salic Anhyturbels, Calcic Anhyturbels, Typic Anhyturbels,

Lithic Molliturbels, Glacic Molliturbels, Vertic Molliturbels, Andic Molliturbels,

Vitrandic Molliturbels, Folistic Molliturbels, Cumulic Molliturbels, Aquic

Molliturbels, Typic Molliturbels, Lithic Umbriturbels, Glacic Umbriturbels,

Vertic Umbriturbels, Andic Umbriturbels, Vitrandic Umbriturbels, Folistic

Umbriturbels, Cumulic Umbriturbels, Aquic Umbriturbels, Typic Umbriturbels,

Lithic Psammoturbels, Glacic Psammoturbels, Spodic Psammoturbels, Typic

Psammoturbels, Lithic Haploturbels, Glacic Haploturbels, Folistic Haploturbels,

Aquic Haploturbels, Typic Haploturbels.

- Orthels

Key to Great Groups : Historthels, Aquorthels, Anhyorthels, Mollorthels,

Umbrorthels, Argiorthels, Psammorthels, Haplorthels.

Key to Subgroups : Lithic Historthels, Glacic Historthels, Fluvaquentic

Historthels, Fluventic Historthels, Ruptic Historthels, Typic Historthels, Lithic

Aquorthels, Glacic Aquorthels, Sulfuric Aquorthels, Ruptic-Histic Aquorthels,

Andic Aquorthels, Vitrandic Aquorthels, Salic Aquorthels, Psammentic

Aquorthels, Fluvaquentic Aquorthels, Typic Aquorthels, Lithic Anhyorthels,

Glacic Anhyorthels, Petrogypsic Anhyorthels, Gypsic Anhyorthels, Nitric

Anhyorthels, Salic Anhyorthels, Calcic Anhyorthels, Typic Anhyorthels, Lithic

Mollorthels, Glacic Mollorthels, Vertic Mollorthels, Andic Mollorthels, Vitrandic

Universitas Sumatera Utara


Mollorthels, Folistic Mollorthels, Cumulic Mollorthels, Aquic Mollorthels, Typic

Mollorthels, Lithic Umbrorthels, Glacic Umbrorthels, Vertic Umbrorthels, Andic

Umbrorthels, Vitrandic Umbrorthels, Folistic Umbrorthels, Cumulic Umbrorthels,

Aquic Umbrorthels, Typic Umbrorthels, Lithic Argiorthels, Glacic Argiorthels,

Natric Argiorthels, Typic Argiorthels, Lithic Psammorthels, Glacic Psammorthels,

Spodic Psammorthels, Typic Psammorthels, Lithic Haplorthels, Glacic

Haplorthels, Fluvaquentic Haplorthels, Folistic Haplorthels, Aquic Haplorthels,

Fluventic Haplorthels, Typic Haplorthels.

• Histosol

Sub Ordo :

- Folists

Key to Great Groups : Cryofolists, Torrifolists, Ustifolists, Udifolists.

Key to Subgroups : Lithic Cryofolists, Typic Cryofolists, Lithic Torrifolists,

Typic Torrifolists, Lithic Ustifolists, Typic Ustifolists, Lithic Udifolists, Typic


- Wassists

Key to Great Groups : Frasiwassists, Sulfiwassists, Haplowassists.

Key to Subgroups : Fibric Frasiwassists, Sapric Frasiwassists, Typic

Frasiwassists, Sulfic Haplowassists, Fibric Haplowassists, Sapric Haplowassists,

Typic Haplowassists.

- Fibrists

Key to Great Groups : Cryofibrists, Sphagnofibrists, Haplofibrists.

Universitas Sumatera Utara


Key to Subgroups : Hydric Cryofibrists, Lithic Cryofibrists, Terric Cryofibrists,

Fluvaquentic Cryofibrists, Sphagnic Cryofibrists, Typic Cryofibrists, Hydric

Sphagnofibrists, Lithic Sphagnofibrists, Limnic Sphagnofibrists, Terric

Sphagnofibrists, Fluvaquentic Sphagnofibrists, Hemic Sphagnofibrists, Typic

Sphagnofibrists, Hydric Haplofibrists, Lithic Haplofibrists, Limnic Haplofibrists,

Terric Haplofibrists, Fluvaquentic Haplofibrists, Hemic Haplofibrists, Typic


- Saprists

Key to Great Groups : Sulfosaprists, Sulfisaprists, Cryosaprists, Haplosaprists.

Key to Subgroups : Typic Sulfosaprists, Terric Sulfisaprists, Typic Sulfisaprists,

Lithic Cryosaprists, Limnic Cryosaprists, Terric Cryosaprists, Fluvaquentic

Cryosaprists, Typic Cryosaprists, Liptic Haplosaprists, Limnic Haplosaprists,

Halic Terric Haplosaprists, Halic Haplosaprists, Terric Haplosaprists,

Fluvaquentic Haplosaprists, Hemic Haplosaprists, Typic Haplosaprists.

- Hemists

Key to Great Groups : Sulfohemists, Sulfihemists, Luvihemists, Cryohemists,


Key to Subgroups : Typic Sulfohemists, Terric Sulfihemists, Typic Sulfihemists,

Typic Luvihemists, Lithic Cryohemists, Limnic Cryohemists, Terric Cryohemists,

Fluvaquentic Cryohemists, Typic Cryohemists, Hydric Haplohemists, Lythic

Haplohemists, Lymnic Haplohemists, Terric Haplohemists, Fluvaquentic

Haplohemists, Fibric Haplohemists, Sapric Haplohemists, Typic Haplohemists.

Universitas Sumatera Utara


• Inceptisol

Sub Ordo :

- Aquepts

Key to Great Groups : Sulfaquepts, Petraquepts, Halaquepts, Fragiaquepts,

Gelaquepts, Cryaquepts, Vermaquepts, Humaquepts, Epiaquepts, Endoaquepts.

Key to Subgroups : Salidic Sulfaquepts, Hydraquentic Sulfaquepts, Typic

Sulfaquepts, Histic Placic Petraquepts, Placic Petraquepts, Plinthic Petraquepts,

Typic Petraquepts, Vertic Halaquepts, Aquandic Halaquepts, Duric Halaquepts,

Aeric Halaquepts, Typic Halaquepts, Aeric Fragiaquepts, Humic Fragiaquepts,

Typic Fragiaquepts, Lithic Gelaquepts, Histic Gelaquepts, Aquandic Gelaquepts,

Fluvaquentic Gelaquepts, Humic Gelaquepts, Turbic Gelaquepts, Typic

Gelaquepts, Sulfic Cryaquepts, Histic Lithic Cryaquepts, Lithic Cryaquepts,

Vertic Cryaquepts, Histic Cryaquepts, Aquandic Cryaquepts, Fluvaquentic

Cryaquepts, Aeric Humic Cryaquepts, Aeric Cryaquepts, Humic Cryaquepts,

Typic Cryaquepts, Sodic Vermaquepts, Typic Vermaquepts, Hydraquentic

Humaquepts, Histic Humaquepts, Aquandic Humaquepts, Cumulic Humaquepts,

Fluvaquentic Humaquepts, Aeric Humaquepts, Typic Humaquepts, Vertic

Epiaquepts, Aquandic Epiaquepts, Fluvaquentic Epiaquepts, Fragic Epiaquepts,

Aeric Epiaquepts, Humic Epiaquepts, Mollic Epiaquepts, Typic Epiaquepts,

Sulfic Endoaquepts, Lithic Endoaquepts, Vertic Endoaquepts, Aquandic

Endoaquepts, Fluventic Endoaquepts, Fluvaquentic Endoaquepts, Fragic

Endoaquepts, Aeric Endoaquepts, Humic Endoaquepts, Mollic Endoaquepts,

Typic Endoaquepts.

Universitas Sumatera Utara


- Anthrepts

Key to Great Groups : Plagganthrepts, Haplanthrepts.

Key to Subgroups : Typic Plagganthrepts, Typic Haplanthrepts.

- Gelepts

Key to Great Groups : Humigelepts, Dystrogelepts, Haplogelepts.

Key to Subgroups : Lithic Humigelepts, Andic Humigelepts, Aquic Humigelepts,

Oxyaquic Humigelepts, Fluventic Humigelepts, Turbic Humigelepts, Eutric

Humigelepts, Typic Humigelepts, Lithic Dystrogelepts, Andic Dystrogelepts,

Aquic Dystrogelepts, Fluventic Dystrogelepts, Turbic Dystrogelepts, Typic

Dystrogelepts, Lithic Haplogelepts, Andic Haplogelepts, Aquic Haplogelepts,

Fluventic Haplogelepts, Turbic Haplogelepts, Typic Haplogelepts.

- Cryepts

Key to Great Groups : Humicryepts, Calcicryepts, Dystrocryepts, Haplocryepts.

Key to Subgroups : Lithic Humicryepts, Aquandic Humicryepts, Haploxerandic

Humicryepts, Vitrixerandic Humicryepts, Andic Humicryepts, Vitrandic

Humicryepts, Fluvaquentic Humicryepts, Aquic Humicryepts, Oxyaquic

Humicryepts, Lamellic Humicryepts, Fluventic Humicryepts, Spodic

Humicryepts, Xeric Humicryepts, Eutric Humicryepts, Typic Humicryepts, Lithic

Calcicryepts, Oxyaquic Calcicryepts, Xeric Calcicryepts, Ustic Calcicryepts,

Typic Calcicryepts, Lithic Dystrocryepts, Aquandic Dystrocryepts, Haploxerandic

Dystrocryepts, Vitrixerandic Dystrocryepts, Andic Dystrocryepts, Vitrandic

Dystrocryepts, Fluvaquentic Dystrocryepts, Folistic Dystrocryepts, Aquic

Dystrocryepts, Oxyaquic Dystrocryepts, Lamellic Dystrocryepts, Fluventic

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Dystrocryepts, Spodic Dystrocryepts, Xeric Dystrocryepts, Ustic Dystrocryepts,

Eutric Dystrocryepts, Typic Dystrocryepts, Lithic Haplocryepts, Aquandic

Haplocryepts, Haploxerandic Haplocryepts, Vitrixerandic Haplocryepts,

Haplustandic Haplocryepts, Ustivitrandic Haplocryepts, Andic Haplocryepts,

Vitrandic Haplocryepts, Fluvaquentic Haplocryepts, Aquic Haplocryepts,

Oxyaquic Haplocryepts, Lamellic Haplocryepts, Fluventic Haplocryepts, Calcic

Haplocryepts, Xeric Haplocryepts, Ustic Haplocryepts, Typic Haplocryepts.

- Ustepts

Key to Great Groups : Durustepts, Calciustepts, Humustepts, Dystrustepts,


Key to Subgroups : Typic Durustepts, Lithic Petrocalcic Calciustepts, Lithic

Calciustepts, Torrertic Calciustepts, Vertic Calciustepts, Petrocalcic Calciustepts,

Gypsic Calciustepts, Aquic Calciustepts, Aridic Calciustepts, Udic Calciustepts,

Typic Calciustepts, Lithic Humustepts, Andic Humustepts, Vitrandic Humustepts,

Oxyaquic Humustepts, Oxic Humustepts, Aridic Humustepts, Typic Humustepts,

Lithic Dystrustepts, Torrertic Dystrustepts, Vertic Dystrustepts, Andic

Dystrustepts, Vitrandic Dystrustepts, Aquic Dystrustepts, Fluventic Dystrustepts,

Aridic Dystrustepts, Oxic Dystrustepts, Humic Dystrustepts, Typic Dystrustepts,

Aridic Lithic Haplustepts, Lithic Haplustepts, Udertic Haplustepts, Torrertic

Haplustepts, Vertic Haplustepts, Andic Haplustepts, Vitrandic Haplustepts,

Anthraquic Haplustepts, Aquic Haplustepts, Oxyaquic Haplustepts, Oxic

Haplustepts, Lamellic Haplustepts, Torrifluventic Haplustepts, Udifluventic

Haplustepts, Fluventic Haplustepts, Gypsic Haplustepts, Haplocalcidic

Universitas Sumatera Utara


Haplustepts, Calcic Udic Haplustepts, Calcic Haplustepts, Aridic Haplustepts,

Dystric Haplustepts, Udic Haplustepts, Typic Haplustepts.

- Xerepts

Key to Great Groups : Durixerepts, Fragixerepts, Humixerepts, Calcixerepts,

Dystroxerepts, Haploxerepts.

Key to Subgroups : Aquandic Durixerepts, Andic Durixerepts, Vitrandic

Durixerepts, Aquic Durixerepts, Entic Durixerepts, Typic Durixerepts, Andic

Fragixerepts, Vitrandic Fragixerepts, Aquic Fragixerepts, Humic Fragixerepts,

Typic Fragixerepts, Lithic Humixerepts, Aquandic Humixerepts, Andic

Humixerepts, Vitrandic Humixerepts, Aquic Humixerepts, Oxyaquic

Humixerepts, Cumulic Humixerepts, Fluventic Humixerepts, Pachic Humixerepts,

Entic Humixerepts, Typic Humixerepts, Lithic Calcixerepts, Vertic Calcixerepts,

Petrocalcic Calcixerepts, Sodic Calcixerepts, Vitrandic Calcixerepts, Aquic

Calcixerepts, Typic Calcixerepts, Humic Lithic Dystroxerepts, Lithic

Dystroxerepts, Aquandic Dystroxerepts, Andic Dystroxerepts, Vitrandic

Dystroxerepts, Fragiaquic Dystroxerepts, Fluvaquentic Dystroxerepts, Aquic

Dystroxerepts, Oxyaquic Dystroxerepts, Fragic Dystroxerepts, Fluventic Humic

Dystroxerepts, Fluventic Dystroxerepts, Humic Dystroxerepts, Typic

Dystroxerepts, Humic Lithic Haploxerepts, Lithic Haploxerepts, Vertic

Haploxerepts, Aquandic Haploxerepts, Andic Haploxerepts, Andic Oxyaquic

Haploxerepts, Andic Haploxerepts, Oxyaquic Vitrandic Haploxerepts, Vitrandic

Haploxerepts, Gypsic Haploxerepts, Aquic Haploxerepts, Lamellic Haploxerepts,

Fragic Haploxerepts, Fluventic Haploxerepts, Calcic Haploxerepts, Humic

Haploxerepts, Typic Haploxerepts.

Universitas Sumatera Utara


- Udepts

Key to Great Groups : Sulfudepts, Durudepts, Fragiudepts, Humudepts,

Eutrudepts, Dystrudepts.

Key to Subgroups : Typic Sulfudepts, Aquandic Durudepts, Andic Durudepts,

Vitrandic Durudepts, Aquic Durudepts, Typic Durudepts, Andic Fragiudepts,

Vitrandic Fragiudepts, Aquic Fragiudepts, Humic Fragiudepts, Typic Fragiudepts,

Lithic Humudepts, Vertic Humudepts, Aquandic Humudepts, Andic Oxyaquic

Humudepts, Andic Humudepts, Vitrandic Humudepts, Fluvaquentic Humudepts,

Aquic Humudepts, Oxyaquic Humudepts, Psammentic Humudepts, Oxic

Humudepts, Cumulic Humudepts, Fluventic Humudepts, Pachic Humudepts,

Eutric Humudepts, Entic Humudepts, Typic Humudepts, Humic Lithic

Eutrudepts, Lithic Eutrudepts, Aquertic Eutrudepts, Vertic Eutrudepts, Andic

Eutrudepts, Vitrandic Eutrudepts, Anthraquic Eutrudepts, Fragiaquic Eutrudepts,

Fluvaquentic Eutrudepts, Aquic Dystric Eutrudepts, Aquic Eutrudepts, Oxyaquic

Eutrudepts, Fragic Eutrudepts, Lamellic Eutrudepts, Dystric Fluventic Eutrudepts,

Fluventic Eutrudepts, Arenic Eutrudepts, Dystric Eutrudepts, Rendollic

Eutrudepts, Ruptic-Alfic Eutrudepts, Humic Eutrudepts, Typic Eutrudepts, Humic

Lithic Dystrudepts, Lithic Dystrudepts, Vertic Dystrudepts, Aquandic

Dystrudepts, Andic Oxyaquic Dystrudepts, Andic Dystrudepts, Vitrandic

Dystrudepts, Fragiaquic Dystrudepts, Fluvaquentic Dystrudepts, Aquic Humic

Dystrudepts, Aquic Dystrudepts, Oxyaquic Dystrudepts, Fragic Dystrudepts,

Lamellic Dystrudepts, Humic Psammentic Dystrudepts, Fluventic Humic

Dystrudepts, Fluventic Dystrudepts, Spodic Dystrudepts, Oxic Dystrudepts,

Universitas Sumatera Utara


Ruptic-Alfic Dystrudepts, Ruptic-Ultic Dystrudepts, Humic Dystrudepts, Typic


• Mollisol

Sub Ordo :

- Albolls

Key to Great Groups : Natralbolls, Argialbolls.

Key to Subgroups : Leptic Natralbolls, Typic Natralbolls, Xerertic Argialbolls,

Vertic Argialbolls, Argiaquic Xeric Argialbolls, Argiaquic Argialbolls, Xeric

Argialbolls, Aquandic Argialbolls, Typic Argialbolls.

- Aquolls

Key to Great Groups : Cryaquolls, Duraquolls, Natraquolls, Calciaquolls,

Argiaquolls, Epiaquolls, Endoaquolls.

Key to Subgroups : Vertic Cryaquolls, Histic Cryaquolls, Thapto-Histic

Cryaquolls, Aquandic Cryaquolls, Argic Cryaquolls, Calcic Cryaquolls, Cumulic

Cryaquolls, Typic Cryaquolls, Natric Duraquolls, Vertic Duraquolls, Argic

Duraquolls, Typic Duraquolls, Vertic Natraquolls, Glossic Natraquolls, Typic

Natraquolls, Petrocalcic Calciaquolls, Aeric Calciaquolls, Typic Calciaquolls,

Arenic Argiaquolls, Grossarenic Argiaquolls, Vertic Argiaquolls, Abruptic

Argiaquolls, Typic Argiaquolls, Cumulic Vertic Epiaquolls, Fluvaquentic Vertic

Epiaquolls, Vertic Epiaquolls, Histic Epiaquolls, Thapto-Histic Epiaquolls,

Aquandic Epiaquolls, Duric Epiaquolls, Cumulic Epiaquolls, Fluvaquentic

Epiaquolls, Typic Epiaquolls, Lithic Endoaquolls, Cumulic Vertic Endoaquolls,

Fluvaquentic Vertic Endoaquolls, Vertic Endoaquolls, Histic Endoaquolls,

Universitas Sumatera Utara


Thapto-Histic Endoaquolls, Aquandic Endoaquolls, Duric Endoaquolls, Cumulic

Endoaquolls, Fluvaquentic Endoaquolls, Typic Endoaquolls.

- Rendolls

Key to Great Groups : Cryrendolls, Haprendolls.

Key to Subgroups : Lithic Cryrendolls, Typic Cryrendolls, Lithic Haprendolls,

Vertic Haprendolls, Inceptic Haprendolls, Entic Haprendolls, Typic Haprendolls.

- Gelolls

Key to Great Groups : Haplogellols.

Key to Subgroups : Lithic Haplogellols, Andic Haplogellols, Aquic Haplogellols,

Oxyaquic Haplogellols, Turbic Haplogellols, Cumulic Haplogellols, Typic


- Cryolls

Key to Great Groups : Duricryolls, Natricryolls, Palecryolls, Argicryolls,

Calcicryolls, Haplocryolls.

Key to Subgroups : Argic Duricryolls, Calcic Duricryolls, Typic Duricryolls,

Typic Natricryolls, Aquic Palecryolls, Oxyaquic Palecryolls, Abruptic

Palecryolls, Pachic Palecryolls, Ustic Palecryolls, Xeric Palecryolls, Typic

Palecryolls, Lithic Argicryolls, Vertic Argicryolls, Andic Argicryolls, Vitrandic

Argicryolls, Abruptic Argicryolls, Aquic Argicryolls, Oxyaquic Argicryolls,

Calcic Pachic Argicryolls, Pachic Argicryolls, Calcic Argicryolls, Alfic

Argicryolls, Ustic Argicryolls, Xeric Argicryolls, Typic Argicryolls, Lithic

Calcicryolls, Vitrandic Calcicryolls, Petrocalcic Calcicryolls, Pachic Calcicryolls,

Ustic Calcicryolls, Xeric Calcicryolls, Typic Calcicryolls, Lithic Haplocryolls,

Universitas Sumatera Utara


Vertic Haplocryolls, Andic Haplocryolls, Vitrandic Haplocryolls, Aquic Cumulic

Haplocryolls, Cumulic Haplocryolls, Fluvaquentic Haplocryolls, Aquic

Haplocryolls, Oxyaquic Haplocryolls, Calcic Pachic Haplocryolls, Pachic

Haplocryolls, Fluventic Haplocryolls, Calcic Haplocryolls, Ustic Haplocryolls,

Xeric Haplocryolls, Typic Haplocryolls.

- Xerolls

Key to Great Groups : Durixerolls, Natrixerolls, Pallexerolls, Calcixerolls,

Argixerolls, Haploxerolls.

Key to Subgroups : Vertic Durixerolls, Vitritorrandic Durixerolls, Vitrandic

Durixerolls, Aquic Durixerolls, Paleargidic Durixerolls, Abruptic Argiduridic

Durixerolls, Cambidic Durixerolls, Haploduridic Durixerolls, Argidic Durixerolls,

Argiduridic Durixerolls, Haplic Palexerollic Durixerolls, Palexerollic Durixerolls,

Haplic Haploxerollic Durixerolls, Haploxerollic Durixerolls, Haplic Durixerolls,

Typic Durixerolls, Vertic Natrixerolls, Aquic Duric Natrixerolls, Aquic

Natrixerolls, Aridic Natrixerolls, Duric Natrixerolls, Typic Natrixerolls, Vertic

Pallexerolls, Vitrandic Pallexerolls, Aquic Pallexerolls, Pachic Pallexerolls,

Petrocalcidic Pallexerolls, Duric Pallexerolls, Aridic Pallexerolls, Petrocalcic

Pallexerolls, Ultic Pallexerolls, Haplic Pallexerolls, Typic Pallexerolls, Aridic

Lithic Calcixerolls, Lithic Calcixerolls, Vertic Calcixerolls, Aquic Calcixerolls,

Oxyaquic Calcixerolls, Pachic Calcixerolls, Vitrandic Calcixerolls, Aridic

Calcixerolls, Vermic Calcixerolls, Typic Calcixerolls, Aridic Lithic Argixerolls,

Lithic Argixerolls, Ultic Argixerolls, Lithic Argixerolls, Torrertic Argixerolls,

Vertic Argixerolls, Andic Argixerolls, Vitritorrandic Argixerolls, Vitrandic

Argixerolls, Aquultic Argixerolls, Aquic Argixerolls, Oxyaquic Argixerolls, Alfic

Universitas Sumatera Utara


Argixerolls, Calcic Pachic Argixerolls, Pachic Ultic Argixerolls, Pachic

Argixerolls, Argiduridic Argixerolls, Duric Argixerolls, Calciargidic Argixerolls,

Aridic Argixerolls, Calcic Argixerolls, Ultic Argixerolls, Typic Argixerolls,

Aridic Lithic Haploxerolls, Lithic Ultic Haploxerolls, Lithic Haploxerolls,

Torrertic Haploxerolls, Vertic Haploxerolls, Andic Haploxerolls, Vitritorrandic

Haploxerolls, Vitrandic Haploxerolls, Aquic Cumulic Haploxerolls, Cumulic

Ultic Haploxerolls, Cumulic Haploxerolls, Fluvaquentic Haploxerolls, Aquic

Duric Haploxerolls, Aquultic Haploxerolls, Aquic Haploxerolls, Oxyaquic

Haploxerolls, Calcic Pachic Haploxerolls, Pachic Ultic Haploxerolls, Pachic

Haploxerolls, Torrifluventic Haploxerolls, Duridic Haploxerolls, Calcidic

Haploxerolls, Torripsammentic Haploxerolls, Torriorthentic Haploxerolls, Aridic

Haploxerolls, Duric Haploxerolls, Psammentic Haploxerolls, Fluventic

Haploxerolls, Vermic Haploxerolls, Calcic Haploxerolls, Entic Ultic Haploxerolls,

Ultic Haploxerolls, Entic Haploxerolls, Typic Haploxerolls.

- Ustolls

Key to Great Groups : Durustolls, Natrustolls, Calciustolls, Paleustolls,

Argiustolls, Vermustolls, Haplustolls.

Key to Subgroups : Natric Durustolls, Haploduridic Durustolls, Argiduridic

Durustolls, Entic Durustolls, Haplic Durustolls, Typic Durustolls, Leptic Torrertic

Natrustolls, Torrertic Natrustolls, Leptic Vertic Natrustolls, Glossic Vertic

Natrustolls, Vertic Natrustolls, Aridic Leptic Natrustolls, Leptic Natrustolls,

Aquic Natrustolls, Aridic Natrustolls, Duric Natrustolls, Glossic Natrustolls,

Typic Natrustolls, Salidic Calciustolls, Lithic Petrocalcic Calciustolls, Lithic

Calciustolls, Torrertic Calciustolls, Udertic Calciustolls, Vertic Calciustolls,

Universitas Sumatera Utara


Petrocalcic Calciustolls, Gypsic Calciustolls, Aquic Calciustolls, Oxyaquic

Calciustolls, Pachic Calciustolls, Aridic Calciustolls, Udic Calciustolls, Typic

Calciustolls, Torrertic Paleustolls, Udertic Paleustolls, Vertic Paleustolls, Aquic

Paleustolls, Pachic Paleustolls, Petrocalcic Paleustolls, Calcidic Paleustolls,

Aridic Paleustolls, Udic Paleustolls, Udic Paleustolls, Calcic Paleustolls, Entic

Paleustolls, Typic Paleustolls, Aridic Lithic Argiustolls, Alfic Lithic Argiustolls,

Lithic Argiustolls, Aquertic Argiustolls, Torrertic Argiustolls, Pachic Udertic

Argiustolls, Udertic Argiustolls, Pachic Vertic Argiustolls, Vertic Argiustolls,

Andic Argiustolls, Vitritorrandic Argiustolls, Vitrandic Argiustolls, Aquic

Argiustolls, Oxyaquic Argiustolls, Pachic Argiustolls, Alfic Argiustolls, Calcidic

Argiustolls, Aridic Argiustolls, Udic Argiustolls, Duric Argiustolls, Typic

Argiustolls, Lithic Vermustolls, Aquic Vermustolls, Pachic Vermustolls, Entic

Vermustolls, Typic Vermustolls, Salidic Haplustolls, Ruptic-Lithic Haplustolls,

Aridic Lithic Haplustolls, Lithic Haplustolls, Aquertic Haplustolls, Torrertic

Haplustolls, Pachic Udertic Haplustolls, Udertic Haplustolls, Pachic Vertic

Haplustolls, Vertic Haplustolls, Torroxic Haplustolls, Oxic Haplustolls, Andic

Haplustolls, Vitritorrandic Haplustolls, Vitrandic Haplustolls, Aquic Cumulic

Haplustolls, Cumulic Haplustolls, Anthraquic Haplustolls, Fluvaquentic

Haplustolls, Aquic Haplustolls, Pachic Haplustolls, Oxyaquic Haplustolls,

Torrifluventic Haplustolls, Torriorthentic Haplustolls, Aridic Haplustolls,

Fluventic Haplustolls, Duric Haplustolls, Udorthentic Haplustolls, Udic

Haplustolls, Entic Haplustolls, Typic Haplustolls.

Universitas Sumatera Utara


- Udolls

Key to Great Groups : Natrudolls, Calciudolls, Paleudolls, Argiudolls,

Vermudolls, Hapludolls.

Key to Subgroups : Petrocalcic Natrudolls, Leptic Vertic Natrudolls, Vertic

Natrudolls, Leptic Natrudolls, Glossic Natrudolls, Calcic Natrudolls, Typic

Natrudolls, Lithic Calciudolls, Vertic Calciudolls, Aquic Calciudolls, Fluventic

Calciudolls, Typic Calciudolls, Vertic Paleudolls, Petrocalcic Paleudolls, Aquic

Pachic Paleudolls, Pachic Paleudolls, Aquic Paleudolls, Oxyaquic Paleudolls,

Calcic Paleudolls, Typic Paleudolls, Lithic Argiudolls, Aquertic Argiudolls,

Oxyaquic Vertic Argiudolls, Alfic Vertic Argiudolls, Vertic Argiudolls, Andic

Argiudolls, Vitrandic Argiudolls, Aquic Pachic Argiudolls, Pachic Argiudolls,

Aquic Argiudolls, Oxyaquic Argiudolls, Lamellic Argiudolls, Psammentic

Argiudolls, Arenic Argiudolls, Abruptic Argiudolls, Alfic Argiudolls, Oxic

Argiudolls, Calcic Argiudolls, Typic Argiudolls, Lithic Vermudolls, Haplic

Vermudolls, Typic Vermudolls, Lithic Hapludolls, Aquertic Hapludolls, Pachic

Vertic Hapludolls, Vertic Hapludolls, Andic Hapludolls, Vitrandic Hapludolls,

Aquic Cumulic Hapludolls, Cumulic Hapludolls, Fluvaquentic Hapludolls,

Fluventic Hapludolls, Aquic Pachic Hapludolls, Pachic Hapludolls, Aquic

Hapludolls, Oxyaquic Hapludolls, Vermic Hapludolls, Calcic Hapludolls, Entic

Hapludolls, Typic Hapludolls.

• Oxisol

Sub Ordo :

- Aquox

Key to Great Groups : Acraquox, Plinthaquox, Eutraquox, Haplaquox.

Universitas Sumatera Utara


Key to Subgroups : Plinthic Acraquox, Aeric Acraquox, Typic Acraquox, Aeric

Plinthaquox, Typic Plinthaquox, Histic Eutraquox, Plinthic Eutraquox, Aeric

Eutraquox, Humic Eutraquox, Typic Eutraquox, Histic Haplaquox, Plinthic

Haplaquox, Aeric Haplaquox, Humic Haplaquox, Typic Haplaquox.

- Torrox

Key to Great Groups : Acrotorrox, Eutrotorrox, Haplotorrox.

Key to Subgroups : Petroferric Acrotorrox, Lithic Acrotorrox, Typic Acrotorrox,

Petroferric Eutrotorrox, Lithic Eutrotorrox, Typic Eutrotorrox, Petroferric

Haplotorrox, Lithic Haplotorrox, Typic Haplotorrox.

- Ustox

Key to Great Groups : Sombriustox, Acrustox, Eutrustox, Kandiustox, Haplustox.

Key to Subgroups : Petroferric Sombriustox, Lithic Sombriustox, Humic

Sombriustox, Typic Sombriustox, Aquic Petroferric Acrustox, Petroferric

Acrustox, Aquic Lithic Acrustox, Lithic Acrustox, Anionic Aquic Acrustox,

Anionic Acrustox, Plinthic Acrustox, Aquic Acrustox, Eutric Acrustox, Humic

Rhodic Acrustox, Humic Xanthic Acrustox, Humic Acrustox, Rhodic Acrustox,

Xanthic Acrustox, Typic Acrustox, Aquic Petroferric Eutrustox, Petroferric

Eutrustox, Aquic Lithic Eutrustox, Lithic Eutrustox, Plinthaquic Eutrustox,

Plinthic Eutrustox, Aquic Eutrustox, Kandiustalfic Eutrustox, Humic Inceptic

Eutrustox, Inceptic Eutrustox, Humic Rhodic Eutrustox, Humic Xanthic

Eutrustox, Humic Eutrustox, Rhodic Eutrustox, Xanthic Eutrustox, Typic

Eutrustox, Aquic Petroferric Kandiustox, Petroferric Kandiustox, Aquic Lithic

Kandiustox, Lithic Kandiustox, Plinthaquic Kandiustox, Plinthic Kandiustox,

Universitas Sumatera Utara


Aquic Kandiustox, Humic Rhodic Kandiustox, Humic Xanthic Kandiustox,

Humic Kandiustox, Rhodic Kandiustox, Xanthic Kandiustox, Typic Kandiustox.

- Perox

Key to Great Groups : Sombriperox, Acroperox, Eutroperox, Kandiperox,


Key to Subgroups : Petroferric Sombriperox, Lithic Sombriperox, Humic

Sombriperox, Typic Sombriperox, Aquic Petroferric Acroperox, Petroferric

Acroperox, Aquic Lithic Acroperox, Lithic Acroperox, Anionic Acroperox,

Plinthic Acroperox, Aquic Acroperox, Humic Rhodic Acroperox, Humic Xanthic

Acroperox, Humic Acroperox, Rhodic Acroperox, Xanthic Acroperox, Typic

Acroperox, Aquic Petroferric Eutroperox, Petroferric Eutroperox, Aquic Lithic

Eutroperox, Lithic Eutroperox, Plinthaquic Eutroperox, Plinthic Eutroperox,

Aquic Eutroperox, Kandiudalfic Eutroperox, Humic Inceptic Eutroperox, Inceptic

Eutroperox, Humic Rhodic Eutroperox, Humic Xanthic Eutroperox, Humic

Eutroperox, Rhodic Eutroperox, Xanthic Eutroperox, Typic Eutroperox, Aquic

Petroferric Kandiperox, Petroferric Kandiperox, Aquic Lithic Kandiperox, Lithic

Kandiperox, Plinthaquic Kandiperox, Plinthic Kandiperox, Aquic Kandiperox,

Andic Kandiperox, Humic Rhodic Kandiperox, Humic Xanthic Kandiperox,

Humic Kandiperox, Rhodic Kandiperox, Xanthic Kandiperox, Typic Kandiperox,

Aquic Petroferric Haploperox, Petroferric Haploperox, Aquic Lithic Haploperox,

Lithic Haploperox, Plinthaquic Haploperox, Plinthic Haploperox, Aquic

Haploperox, Andic Haploperox, Humic Rhodic Haploperox, Humic Xanthic

Haploperox, Humic Haploperox, Rhodic Haploperox, Xanthic Haploperox, Typic


Universitas Sumatera Utara


- Udox

Key to Great Groups : Sombriudox, Acrudox, Eutrudox, Kandiudox, Hapludox.

Key to Subgroups : Petroferric Sombriudox, Lithic Sombriudox, Humic

Sombriudox, Typic Sombriudox, Aquic Petroferric Acrudox, Petroferric Acrudox,

Aquic Lithic Acrudox, Lithic Acrudox, Anionic Aquic Acrudox, Anionic

Acrudox, Plinthic Acrudox, Aquic Acrudox, Eutric Acrudox, Humic Rhodic

Acrudox, Humic Xanthic Acrudox, Humic Acrudox, Rhodic Acrudox, Xanthic

Acrudox, Typic Acrudox, Aquic Petroferric Eutrudox, Petroferric Eutrudox,

Aquic Lithic Eutrudox, Lithic Eutrudox, Plinthaquic Eutrudox, Plinthic Eutrudox,

Aquic Eutrudox, Kandiudalfic Eutrudox, Humic Inceptic Eutrudox, Inceptic

Eutrudox, Humic Rhodic Eutrudox, Humic Xanthic Eutrudox, Humic Eutrudox,

Rhodic Eutrudox, Xanthic Eutrudox, Typic Eutrudox, Aquic Petroferric

Kandiudox, Petroferric Kandiudox, Aquic Lithic Kandiudox, Lithic Kandiudox,

Plinthic Kandiudox, Aquic Kandiudox, Andic Kandiudox, Humic Rhodic

Kandiudox, Humic Xanthic Kandiudox, Humic Kandiudox, Rhodic Kandiudox,

Xanthic Kandiudox, Typic Kandiudox, Aquic Petroferric Hapludox, Petroferric

Hapludox, Aquic Lithic Hapludox, Lithic Hapludox, Plinthaquic Hapludox,

Plinthic Hapludox, Aquic Hapludox, Inceptic Hapludox, Andic Hapludox, Humic

Rhodic Hapludox, Humic Xanthic Hapludox, Humic Hapludox, Rhodic

Hapludox, Xanthic Hapludox, Typic Hapludox.

• Spodosol

Sub Ordo :

- Aquods

Universitas Sumatera Utara


Key to Great Groups : Cryaquods, Alaquods, Fragiaquods, Placaquods,

Duraquods, Epiaquods, Endoaquods.

Key to Subgroups : Lithic Cryaquods, Placic Cryaquods, Duric Cryaquods, Andic

Cryaquods, Entic Cryaquods, Typic Cryaquods, Lithic Alaquods, Duric Alaquods,

Histic Alaquods, Alfic Arenic Alaquods, Arenic Ultic Alaquods, Arenic Umbric

Alaquods, Arenic Alaquods, Grossarenic Alaquods, Alfic Alaquods, Ultic

Alaquods, Aeric Alaquods, Typic Alaquods, Histic, Plagganthreptic Fragiaquods,

Argic Fragiaquods, Typic Fragiaquods, Andic Placaquods, Typic Placaquods,

Histic Duraquods, Andic Duraquods, Typic Duraquods, Lithic Epiaquods, Histic

Epiaquods, Andic Epiaquods, Alfic Epiaquods, Ultic Epiaquods, Umbric

Epiaquods, Typic Epiaquods, Lithic Endoaquods, Histic Endoaquods, Andic

Endoaquods, Argic Endoaquods, Umbric Endoaquods, Typic Endoaquods.

- Gelods

Key to Great Groups : Humigelods, Haplogelods.

Key to Subgroups : Lithic Humigelods, Andic Humigelods, Aquic Humigelods,

Turbic Humigelods, Typic Humigelods, Lithic Haplogelods, Andic Haplogelods,

Aquic Haplogelods, Turbic Haplogelods, Typic Haplogelods.

- Cryods

Key to Great Groups : Placocryods, Duricryods, Humicryods, Haplocryods.

Key to Subgroups : Andic Placocryods, Humic Placocryods, Typic Placocryods,

Aquandic Duricryods, Andic Duricryods, Aquic Duricryods, Oxyaquic

Duricryods, Humic Duricryods, Typic Duricryods, Lithic Humicryods, Aquandic

Humicryods, Andic Humicryods, Folistic Humicryods, Aquic Humicryods,

Universitas Sumatera Utara


Oxyaquic Humicryods, Typic Humicryods, Lithic Haplocryods, Aquandic

Haplocryods, Andic Haplocryods, Folistic Haplocryods, Aquic Haplocryods,

Oxyaquic Haplocryods, Typic Haplocryods.

- Humods

Key to Great Groups : Placohumods, Durihumods, Fragihumods, Haplohumods.

Key to Subgroups : Andic Placohumods, Typic Placohumods, Andic Durihumods,

Typic Durihumods, Typic Fragihumods, Lithic Haplohumods, Andic

Haplohumods, Plagganthreptic Haplohumods, Typic Haplohumods.

- Orthods

Key to Great Groups : Placorthods, Durorthods, Fragiorthods, Alorthods,


Key to Subgroups : Typic Placorthods, Andic Durorthods, Typic Durorthods,

Aquic Fragiorthods, Alfic Oxyaquic Fragiorthods, Oxyaquic Fragiorthods,

Plagganthreptic Fragiorthods, Alfic Fragiorthods, Ultic Fragiorthods, Entic

Fragiorthods, Typic Fragiorthods, Oxyaquic Alorthods, Arenic Ultic Alorthods,

Arenic Alorthods, Entic Grossarenic Alorthods, Entic Alorthods, Grossarenic

Alorthods, Plagganthreptic Alorthods, Alfic Alorthods, Ultic Alorthods, Typic


• Ultisol

Sub Ordo :

- Aquults

Key to Great Groups : Plinthaquults, Fragiaquults, Albaquults, Kandiaquults,

Kanhaplaquults, Paleaquults, Umbraquults, Epiaquults, Endoaquults.

Universitas Sumatera Utara


Key to Subgroups : Kandic Plinthaquults, Typic Plinthaquults, Aeric

Plinthaquults, Plinthic Plinthaquults, Umbric Plinthaquults, Typic Plinthaquults,

Vertic Albaquults, Kandic Albaquults, Aeric Albaquults, Typic Albaquults,

Acraquoxic Kandiaquults, Arenic Plinthic Kandiaquults, Arenic Umbric

Kandiaquults, Arenic Kandiaquults, Grossarenic Kandiaquults, Plinthic

Kandiaquults, Aeric Kandiaquults, Umbric Kandiaquults, Typic Kandiaquults,

Aquandic Kanhaplaquults, Plinthic Kanhaplaquults, Aeric Umbric

Kanhaplaquults, Aeric Kanhaplaquults, Umbric Kanhaplaquults, Typic

Kanhaplaquults, Vertic Paleaquults, Arenic Plinthic Paleaquults, Arenic Umbric

Paleaquults, Arenic Paleaquults, Grossarenic Paleaquults, Plinthic Paleaquults,

Aeric Paleaquults, Umbric Paleaquults, Typic Paleaquults, Plinthic Umbraquults,

Typic Umbraquults, Vertic Epiaquults, Aeric Fragic Epiaquults, Arenic

Epiaquults, Grossarenic Epiaquults, Fragic Epiaquults, Aeric Epiaquults, Typic

Epiaquults, Arenic Endoaquults, Grossarenic Endoaquults, Aeric Endoaquults,

Typic Endoaquults.

- Humults

Key to Great Groups : Sombrihumults, Plinthohumults, Kandihumults,

Kanhaplohumults, Palehumults, Haplohumults.

Key to Subgroups : Typic Sombrihumults, Typic Plinthohumults, Andic

Ombroaquic Kandihumults, Ustandic Kandihumults, Andic Kandihumults, Aquic

Kandihumults, Ombroaquic Kandihumults, Plinthic Kandihumults, Ustic

Kandihumults, Xeric Kandihumults, Anthropic Kandihumults, Typic

Kandihumults, Lithic Kanhaplohumults, Ustandic Kanhaplohumults, Andic

Kanhaplohumults, Aquic Kanhaplohumults, Ombroaquic Kanhaplohumults, Ustic

Universitas Sumatera Utara


Kanhaplohumults, Xeric Kanhaplohumults, Anthropic Kanhaplohumults, Typic

Kanhaplohumults, Aquandic Palehumults, Andic Palehumults, Aquic

Palehumults, Plinthic Palehumults, Oxyaquic Palehumults, Ustic Palehumults,

Xeric Palehumults, Typic Palehumults, Lithic Haplohumults, Aquandic

Haplohumults, Aquic Haplohumults, Andic Haplohumults, Plinthic

Haplohumults, Oxyaquic Haplohumults, Ustic Haplohumults, Xeric

Haplohumults, Typic Haplohumults.

- Udults

Key to Great Groups : Plinthudults, Fragiudults, Kandiudults, Kanhapludults,

Paleudults, Rhodudults, Hapludults.

Key to Subgroups : Typic Plinthudults, Arenic Fragiudults, Plinthaquic

Fragiudults, Glossaquic Fragiudults, Aquic Fragiudults, Plinthic Fragiudults,

Glossic Fragiudults, Humic Fragiudults, Typic Fragiudults, Arenic Plinthaquic

Kandiudults, Aquic Arenic Kandiudults, Arenic Plinthic Kandiudults, Arenic

Rhodic Kandiudults, Arenic Kandiudults, Grossarenic Plinthic Kandiudults,

Grossarenic Kandiudults, Acrudoxic Plinthic Kandiudults, Acrudoxic

Kandiudults, Plinthaquic Kandiudults, Aquandic Kandiudults, Andic Kandiudults,

Aquic Kandiudults, Plinthic Kandiudults, Ombroaquic Kandiudults, Oxyaquic

Kandiudults, Sombric Kandiudults, Rhodic Kandiudults, Typic Kandiudults,

Lithic Kanhapludults, Plinthaquic Kanhapludults, Arenic Plinthic Kanhapludults,

Arenic Kanhapludults, Acrudoxic Kanhapludults, Fragiaquic Kanhapludults,

Andic Kanhapludults, Aquic Kanhapludults, Ombroaquic Kanhapludults,

Oxyaquic Kanhapludults, Plinthic Kanhapludults, Fragic Kanhapludults, Rhodic

Kanhapludults, Typic Kanhapludults, Vertic Paleudults, Spodic Paleudults,

Universitas Sumatera Utara


Arenic Plinthaquic Paleudults, Aquic Arenic Paleudults, Anthraquic Paleudults,

Plinthaquic Paleudults, Fragiaquic Paleudults, Aquic Paleudults, Oxyaquic

Paleudults, Lamellic Paleudults, Arenic Plinthic Paleudults, Psammentic

Paleudults, Grossarenic Plinthic Paleudults, Plinthic Paleudults, Arenic Rhodic

Paleudults, Arenic Paleudults, Grossarenic Paleudults, Fragic Paleudults, Rhodic

Paleudults, Typic Paleudults, Lithic Rhodudults, Psammentic Rhodudults, Typic

Rhodudults, Lithic-Ruptic-Entic Hapludults, Lithic Hapludults, Vertic Hapludults,

Fragiaquic Hapludults, Aquic Arenic Hapludults, Aquic Hapludults, Fragic

Hapludults, Oxyaquic Hapludults, Lamellic Hapludults, Psammentic Hapludults,

Arenic Hapludults, Grossarenic Hapludults, Inceptic Hapludults, Humic

Hapludults, Typic Hapludults.

- Ustults

Key to Great Groups : Plinthustults, Kandiustults, Kanhaplustults, Paleustults,

Rhodustults, Haplustults.

Key to Subgroups : Haplic Plinthustults, Typic Plinthustults, Acrustoxic

Kandiustults, Aquic Kandiustults, Arenic Plinthic Kandiustults, Arenic

Kandiustults, Udandic Kandiustults, Andic Kandiustults, Plinthic Kandiustults,

Aridic Kandiustults, Aridic Kandiustults, Udic Kandiustults, Rhodic Kandiustults,

Typic Kandiustults, Lithic Kanhaplustults, Acrustoxic Kanhaplustults, Aquic

Kanhaplustults, Arenic Kanhaplustults, Udandic Kanhaplustults, Andic

Kanhaplustults, Plinthic Kanhaplustults, Ombroaquic Kanhaplustults, Aridic

Kanhaplustults, Udic Kanhaplustults, Rhodic Kanhaplustults, Typic

Kanhaplustults, Typic Paleustults, Lithic Rhodustults, Psammentic Rhodustults,

Typic Rhodustults, Lithic Haplustults, Petroferric Haplustults, Aquic Haplustults,

Universitas Sumatera Utara


Arenic Haplustults, Ombroaquic Haplustults, Plinthic Haplustults, Kanhaplic

Haplustults, Typic Haplustults.

- Xerults

Key to Great Groups : Palexerults, Haploxerults.

Key to Subgroups : Aquandic Palexerults, Aquic Palexerults, Andic Palexerults,

Typic Palexerults, Lithic Ruptic-Inceptic Haploxerults, Lithic Haploxerults, Aquic

Haploxerults, Andic Haploxerults, Lamellic Haploxerults, Psammentic

Haploxerults, Arenic Haploxerults, Grossarenic Haploxerults, Typic Haploxerults.

• Vertisol

Sub Ordo :

- Aquerts

Key to Great Groups : Sulfaquerts, Salaquerts, Duraquerts, Natraquerts,

Calciaquerts, Dystraquerts, Epiaquerts, Endoaquerts.

Key to Subgroups : Salic Sulfaquerts, Sufic Sulfaquerts, Typic Sulfaquerts, Aridic

Salaquerts, Ustic Salaquerts, Leptic Salaquerts, Entic Salaquerts, Chromic

Salaquerts, Typic Salaquerts, Aridic Duraquerts, Xeric Duraquerts, Ustic

Duraquerts, Aeric Duraquerts, Chromic Duraquerts, Typic Duraquerts, Typic

Natraquerts, Aeric Calciaquerts, Typic Calciaquerts, Sulfaqueptic Dystraquerts,

Aridic Dystraquerts, Ustic Dystraquerts, Aeric Dystraquerts, Leptic Dystraquerts,

Entic Dystraquerts, Chromic Dystraquerts, Typic Dystraquerts, Halic Epiaquerts,

Sodic Epiaquerts, Aridic Epiaquerts, Xeric Epiaquerts, Ustic Epiaquerts, Aeric

Epiaquerts, Leptic Epiaquerts, Entic Epiaquerts, Chromic Epiaquerts, Typic

Epiaquerts, Halic Endoaquerts, Sodic Endoaquerts, Aridic Endoaquerts, Xeric

Universitas Sumatera Utara


Endoaquerts, Ustic Endoaquerts, Aeric Endoaquerts, Leptic Endoaquerts, Entic

Endoaquerts, Chromic Endoaquerts, Typic Endoaquerts.

- Cryerts

Key to Great Groups : Humicryerts, Haplocryerts.

Key to Subgroups : Sodic Humicryerts, Typic Humicryerts, Sodic Haplocryerts,

Chromic Haplocryerts, Typic Haplocryerts.

- Xererts

Key to Great Groups : Durixererts, Calcixererts, Haploxererts.

Key to Subgroups : Hallic Durixererts, Sodic Durixererts, Aquic Durixererts,

Aridic Durixererts, Udic Durixererts, Haplic Durixererts, Chromic Durixererts,

Typic Durixererts, Lithic Calcixererts, Petrocalcic Calcixererts, Aridic

Calcixererts, Leptic Calcixererts, Entic Calcixererts, Chromic Calcixererts, Typic

Calcixererts, Lithic Haploxererts, Halic Haploxererts, Sodic Haploxererts, Aridic

Haploxererts, Aquic Haploxererts, Udic Haploxererts, Leptic Haploxererts, Entic

Haploxererts, Chromic Haploxererts, Typic Haploxererts.

- Torrerts

Key to Great Groups : Salitorrerts, Gypsitorrerts, Calcitorrerts, Haplotorrerts.

Key to Subgroups : Aquic Salitorrerts, Leptic Salitorrerts, Entic Salitorrerts,

Chromic Salitorrerts, Typic Salitorrerts, Chromic Gypsitorrerts, Typic

Gypsitorrerts, Petrocalcic Calcitorrerts, Leptic Calcitorrerts, Entic Calcitorrerts,

Chromic Calcitorrerts, Typic Calcitorrerts, Halic Haplotorrerts, Sodic

Haplotorrerts, Leptic Haplotorrerts, Entic Haplotorrerts, Chromic Haplotorrerts,

Typic Haplotorrerts.

Universitas Sumatera Utara


- Usterts

Key to Great Groups : Dystrusterts, Salusterts, Gypsiusterts, Calciusterts,


Key to Subgroups : Lithic Dystrusterts, Aquic Dystrusterts, Aridic Dystrusterts,

Udic Dystrusterts, Leptic Dystrusterts, Entic Dystrusterts, Chromic Dystrusterts,

Typic Dystrusterts, Lithic Salusterts, Sodic Salusterts, Aquic Salusterts, Aridic

Salusterts, Leptic Salusterts, Entic Salusterts, Chromic Salusterts, Typic

Salusterts, Lithic Gypsiusterts, Halic Gypsiusterts, Sodic Gypsiusterts, Aridic

Gypsiusterts, Udic Gypsiusterts, Leptic Gypsiusterts, Entic Gypsiusterts, Chromic

Gypsiusterts, Typic Gypsiusterts, Lithic Calciusterts, Halic Calciusterts, Sodic

Calciusterts, Petrocalcic Calciusterts, Aridic Calciusterts, Udic Calciusterts,

Leptic Calciusterts, Entic Calciusterts, Chromic Calciusterts, Typic Calciusterts,

Lithic Haplusterts, Halic Haplusterts, Sodic Haplusterts, Petrocalcic Haplusterts,

Gypsic Haplusterts, Calcic Haplusterts, Aridic Leptic Haplusterts, Aridic

Haplusterts, Leptic Haplusterts, Udic Haplusterts, Entic Udic Haplusterts,

Chromic Udic Haplusterts, Udic Haplusterts, Leptic Haplusterts, Entic

Haplusterts, Chromic Haplusterts, Typic Haplusterts.

- Uderts

Key to Great Groups : Dystruderts, Hapluderts.

Key to Subgroups : Aquic Dystruderts, Oxyaquic Dystruderts, Leptic Dystruderts,

Entic Dystruderts, Chromic Dystruderts, Typic Dystruderts, Aquic Hapluderts,

Oxyaquic Hapluderts, Leptic Hapluderts, Entic Hapluderts, Chromic Hapluderts,

Typic Hapluderts

Universitas Sumatera Utara