Untitled - Ningbo British International school


Transcript of Untitled - Ningbo British International school

NBIS: Newly Authorised Chinese Test Centre We are glad to announce that NBIS is now authorized as a Chinese Test Centre for the following Chinese tests: Chinese Proficiency Test (HSK), HSK Speaking Test (HSKK), Youth Chinese Test (YCT) and Business Chinese Test (BCT). Now that NBIS has become a test centre, students in our school can take these tests on our own campus. It is also an open centre that welcomes Chinese language learners from outside the school who wish to take these tests. This authorization marks that NBIS has obtained an important national examination qualification, which is another solid step forward in the development of the Chinese Language & Culture Programme and International Education and Cultural exchange platform, another brilliant achievement.

Dates to Remember

• June 3-7 Dragon Boat Festival Holiday (No School)

• June 8-10 NBIS Outdoor Education (Primary Y4—6)

The different levels of the HSK,YCT and BCT can meet some of the levels in the Chinese Language Proficiency Scales for Speakers of Other Languages (CLPS) and the Common European Framework of Reference (CEF); details are as follows:

About the Test Chinese Proficiency Test (HSK) is an international standardized test of Chinese language proficiency that assesses non-native Chinese speakers’ abilities in using the Chinese language in their daily, academic and professional lives. HSK consists of six levels, from HSK 1 to HSK 6.

HSK Speaking Test (HSKK) assesses the test takers’ oral Chinese abilities. HSKK consists of three levels, HSKK (Primary level), HSKK (Intermediate level) and HSKK (Advanced level). HSKK is conducted in the form of audio recording. Youth Chinese Test (YCT) is an international standardized test of Chinese language proficiency that assesses the primary and middle school students' abilities to use Chinese as second language in their daily and academic lives. YCT is divided into writing and speaking tests, which are independent to each other. The writing test consists of four levels. The oral test consists of two levels. Business Chinese Test (BCT) is an international standardized test of Chinese language proficiency that assesses non-native Chinese speakers’ abilities to use the Chinese language in real business or common working environments. BCT is divided into writing and oral tests, which are independent to each other. The writing test consists of two levels, namely, BCT (A)and BCT (B). BCT(Oral iBT)are Computer Adaptive Test (CAT) and conducted via Internet. Test Registration Website:www.chinesetest.cn 汉语考试服务网 Test Center: 浙江宁波英伦外籍人员子女学校 (Ningbo British International School) Contact Number: 18967861713 Check out more details on our Official Wechat Account: https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/6Px7P2snP57cQKZE1e61nQ

Drama: Celebrating success

Top Student Actors in China from NBIS

NBIS among the top Primary and Secondary student actors in all of China.

We are proud to announce that several brave and talented students from year 5 to year 13 represented our school at the Young Thespian Drama National Festival. They all submitted performance of a high standard and were given the chance of participating in online drama workshops with drama professionals from around the world.

Among hundreds of students all over China, Ginevra (Year 5) and Thelma (Year 8) made it to the semifinals and Lucia (Year 13) received the special award of ‘Best Characterization’ among the top 6 best monologues. Well done!

More University Offers

The future is bright for our graduating students!

Happy International Children's Day at NBIS

To celebrate International Children's Day, the Reception children at NBIS took part in a variety of activities. The celebrations took place over 2 days and included an activity day and a performance. The children shared these exciting experiences with their classmates.

The first activity took place on May 27th. The children in Reception took part in different activities, such as “Fun in Clamping”, “Moving the Ball Family” and “Little Airplane”, which were all planned by their Chinese Language teachers. These activities supported the children in practicing their small muscle movements and balance, while also having fun.

The second activity took place on the afternoon of June 1st. The school Principals, teachers, children, and our special guests Ms Neta and Mr Amnon got together in our school auditorium. The children started their performance with an energetic catwalk. Then they dressed up as lovely little frogs and took us into an immersive fairy tale world. The final performance was a dance from the children’s teachers called ‘Love You’. This was to show their love and best wishes to the children on this special day.

Once the performances were complete Mr Billing, Mr Yan, and our special guests Ms Neta and Mr Amnon presented the children with a special gift each. The children shared a memorable day on this International Children’s Day and were thankful for the gifts they received.

NBIS Book Mark Competition 2022 Updates

The winners of the NBIS Bookmark Competition got a chance to see their artwork professionally printed and made into bookmarks for the whole school.

Teachers and students were excited to choose their bookmark and use it next time they are reading!

The winners of the bookmark competition were: Eloise Y2B, Emily Y8A, Hanna Y3A, Kit Y9B, Liena Y10, Mia Y6A, Nelly Y8B, Odelia Y5A, Quintus Y4B, Sophia Y10, Steven Y1B, Zhui Y10.

Check out more details on our Official Wechat Account:


Nursery A

Year 2A

Money Matters

Year 2A is learning the value of money and how to count coins and identify coins. We have learned the history behind each coin, how to write the respective symbols for notes and coins and how to count by 1’s, 5’s, 10’s and 25’s.

Primary Assembly

The Literary Magazine Club’s aim is to help students develop their writing skills across a variety of genres, promote reading throughout our secondary school, and provide a creative outlet for students. It also gives students the opportunity to carry out research and meet deadlines while working as a member of a team. This club was started by Ms. Burke-Green in 2017 and we are pleased to have you read our May issue!

“I enjoy the fact that I got to have the chance to take the role and responsibility of a leader and that I was able to lead something that allows students to improve their English skills and express their ideas.

Moreover, I enjoy editing and usually edit the magazine whenever I need something to improve my mood.”

Tithi Muljani – Chief Editor

Alyssa is in Year 8 and enjoys writing poetry, acting, drawing, and baking.

How to access the MAY issue of our magazine:


Here’s a look at what you will find in our May issue

Guests Visited NBIS

On May 27th, guests from WEG, Department of Campus Life from UNNC, and International College from Zhejiang Wanli University visited NBIS.

NBIS Principal Mr. Billing and Mr. Yan hosted a campus tour and meetings about students’ wellbeing and student activities collaborations.

Big Thanks to the Local Doctors

During the period of epidemic prevention and control, every week we see doctors in white protective suits testing teachers and children. They are doctors from Meixu Health Center in Ningbo High-tech Zone. They work hard and professionally, protect the health and safety of teachers and students. On May 31, NBIS went to Meixu Health Center to thank the doctors and wish them a happy holiday.

Kind Reminder for NBIS Community

Teachers and students, please do not travel to these areas listed below, otherwise, your travel code will have a star *, then teachers and students are not allowed to enter school with a star * on the travel code.
