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•fn E ~c;;-ybod)"s Mouth"


BREW This Beer obtained 3 First

Prizes at R.A. Sbow, Sydney,'12

Castlemaine Brewery AND


Doctor's Recommend



STOUT ~ Circulating amongst the Unionists and Labor Supporters of New South Wales, Victoria, Queensland South Australia, West Australia and Tasmania.

L N~~~ '1 ==~~~~~===~~~============~===~====~~~~~==============~- ~~ARDB~~ . VOL. XI., No. 17 8 "'~".~':,~.~<~;m THURSDAY, APRIL 22, 1915. ss. ~.?,~;~~.~.~.;T~o~~~,... Eight Pages ONE PENNY . l SYDNEy. _______ ... 'M THAT'S SMART! ANNUAL · P .L.L. CONFERENCE. UNITED IN.SURANCE CO., LTD.,

La dies have you ever had that oa id of ycaur dreso, rour hat, your ahoeo. Head Ofi:ce: CoYner Ceot1e a nd Hunter S ll·lf'!ets, Sydney.


hu not. Then jewel

youraelf w:th •omethin1

amar t, aomethinr new,

•ometh ing right

date. T hio



r On Tuestlny, A!lrll 13th , 1111'. Grayn- scat in !he Li !lPer H ouse. H e CO il· qnesliou, lm t the; would ue ui~rnss-1 A numuer or mollons dealing with

1 1llt>r, Mecr et'un ot ·t.l w A.\Y.r., un-' leull f· d thal UH.1 pt·olllise was not l\lr. ing lh e ~nb. j ecl or wlta l ~;u1g, or Libc.


rn il \·;ay . J.nd ll'~\mwuy adlniuh~tl'atlou nouuced !lis intrn lion or re s i gnl n ~ Jt olnHtn's to give. 1L co HI!I uJ t li e rals W(•t·~ h> ue >ell! to the Upp er \1HP referJ' ed to u committee. from tltG l!:xecu tive, stating tlult J1e give n until lte lt ntl consul le ll the House. He as"su red !lwm that th e ~1 1· . Dodd ( J unee P. l •. L.) mov ed

had !)Pan n owina te d witllOUL hi s I pa1·ty. 1l wns II OL easy to a l.lolish the sp11·it or the r ule would be sli'irtlY Lit e fo ll owin!': motio n, pr o forma: -

' know led ge ot• consen t. Th e Ch•ir ma n Upper Hmtse, n11d il would be mu ch ol.lsened in the ruture. H t he Mi ni s-I'"Pian k. Tltut only one rlass be 0 11 1 (Mr. ;\l euRhPr) ex plai ne d tha l lh e lle os easy H Liberals were appointed try was not fit to IJe lrnsted in Legis- nll rai lwal pu sKe ngP r rrains, and that

usual pmr lil-<' llau been departed ' to il b.1 a Labor Premier. ll m eant lati ,·e t'ounr-11 appoinlnwnt,; it was s leeping bel'llts b~ g rant ed only to


from in llli s instance lo allow or the that it' Liuet·als were a ppointed, Ln· nol fit to h ~ in ofticc. (A \'Oire: '".~re passc n!'et·s tn.t\elllng not less than

"---------------------------- .H·ceptanec of tbe 11ominalion o[ Ni l' . Lor n1en would lla\'f' 10 be appoilltPtl yo u prPparPd t o mnl\ C th esr men sign ! 200 mile~." 1 :------._ ____ ...., _______ .,.. _______ ~ J . C. \o\'alson, who had l<'t t for Wn g.l ill t he Ha m e number in ord er to be th e pl edge"!"' J 'l-I e was not. Two of l\!r. A. Rae •econclcd tlle motion, I

B Y SPECIAL ARRANGEMENT. WE NOW SUPPLY land . lie did not think the Con[Pl"- 1 11 a position o l "as you were," and the three were good La bor men. but "hich w as c~n·ietl.

ence ha<l suf!e1·ect slulttficatton on 1t was understood that th e Upper if they would no t sign th e pl edge hi"


lhal a <:<'Otllll. I House s !JO ul!ltl ever e xceed In numuer prounse to them sti ll he ld good. Tt RAILWAY MATTERS AND PUBLIC I The Hozolle p L L m otion-That \ a c<· t·tatn p1·opoTt10n ot the Legi sla· was not a quest ion of offi ce, but or HEALTH

a ll nOlllllHt! I Oll~ to t he LcgJs].tLI Vb ture. Conference too k the ma lteL th e SLICCeRs a [ th e lllOYPlllPIIt. or On W edhe"day lite ti rsL matter L'>

School Children's Spectacles at Half Price 4:;. 6d. Cnu t pletc- in Case . D oclnr'..:; P rt·-;criptio n.., a speciality.

A. HINGSTON, Your Official Optician, H . t , Ch b 643 G St t H k t be discussed was a. motion by Lhe

---'•n•g•s•o•n-"--·a·m-•e r•s•'----•e•o•r•g•e--r-ee_, __ a_y_m_a_r_e_._. !llOVHd of by the p L .L. l!Jx~c uti ve, ing llJ.Lt no appmnlwents should be Lho two lhiugs should be clissociaied :vtortda le P.L.L., t llnL •· ail boys and


Cou nct l be l1rst snlJmtL te cl and ap - ~ nno Jts own hands last )Nll" by assert- ~ cout se, iL m eant olllce for him , bu t I

and that suc h nom1nees sh a ll slgn l m nde unless the Executive was con· I"' Lhair minds. His promise was Rs git·lo und er th e age of tw enty-one I th e pledge befote aceept tu g such ap - ~ ~ ulte u. . bin ding now ilfi it wa s wheu he m ade Y<'ArS fo llo wing an y occ upation wh ich ,----.... ------------------.,-----& lpotn lmenl-\\US m oved by Mrs. l\1 1. Jl olm an said that wbeu tb •~ it. , necessit ares lhelt· ITavelling by rail

1 I GOVERNMENT SAVINGS BANK £500 Young. Labo u1 · Pat·ty came 1n lo otnce it was A voice: T hey have not bought it 01. u·am be allowed tu uo so at a

• OF NEW SOUTH Vt/ ALES :\lr BlAkelPy mo\'etl lhe following I un de r t il e l '~ n stttuuo n ol' N8 w Souttl 11r, ll olm a n sa ill Lhe movement Wllo qu nrler-l"u r e on a productiuu o t a cer·

MJ:~~~~~t~ Head O ffi ce: 11 MOORE ST .• SYDNEY l~i\~~t~~t I amt-ndnli~nt: "'l'hal no p e-rson sha ll \V:\IIPS, whic h rested in I he Prem uH' und er an ol>llgalion t o th em tili ('ate sign(•d Uy thei r employ ers as ue nom ina t('d to the Leg isla ti.'' e Conn· l the rig ht -to nominat e his o wn Minis· M1·s .. llacnaruara aslted wlly • re- to l lleu· bou a !lues."

Conuuil'siouers ·-H:. A. WARDEX ( President). W H. O'M. Wooo. H . D. H.~I..L,

SECURITY AND SATISFACTORY a. reo tht• ICAr.l1tliJ fE':ttur~5 of thi<> in'ltitut il.m . Uepo'iit b r~l.'ei,•rd from h . upworu•


I nterest oa id at 3~ oer cc:ot ou bnt .1. 200 aua p er ~ehn oa exc~sa to .CSOO,

31 per 2 ce nt.

tnterC'st on I Ftnt £200.

Tbe Bau k has 1 )0 Brnncne1 an tf over !1tl0 AK"e:uciea. N;;> Astenc: ie ;; at Post OffiC:(.".o


Bv ordu of lbt Co1umi;;sioneTS . J. H. tJ \. \TES. Secreta ry.

3 p er cent _

On E x ces!l to£SlrU.



el l wh o ilas nnt bee n a tinanc•a l m em- ters and his own Coun c illors. Th is re rend u nt was not take n . Th e follow in g amendment, mm·ed

uet ' of some b1·a uc h or a ffiliat ed untonl rule was, t1ow ever, mulllfied uy tl.l e Mt·. Holman sai d he was pre pa1·ed by :\1 rs. D vyPr, wa • cani f d : "That

for IIHPe y~a t·s previously, and who l pa n y <"ons tlltll lon, lllr . McG owen , by to take a. J"eferend u m on the con- boys and gi rl s un dH th e age of eigb­

ila s not ~all! the ~-~,·ognised standing ! hi ~ volu u ta ry pledge , haVIng placed tinue ct exist enee or tbe Upper Hou se tee n , rollow1ng any occ upattou, 1 e- ~ wage in the par ttcular: lnrlust.r y or / t1 1e r.elecl iun or Mini ster s ln t be ban ds Tlle1·e \Vas no obj ection to that. H e cetvlng tegs t11an ~U 1 per wee k. ua­

cnllmg (If any J In wb ,clt he '" en- or the Ca11cus. \Vh eu lt e asum ed or- ap ~ ea led to the l"crn fereuce to be \el!Ing uetore ~ a m . a ud after 5

gaged for •tht•ee y tars prlur to such fic e lu 1~n. be fol lo;_.ed th~ ~arne sall•fie d with t b~ sincerity o r the I pm lll[l\ t ravel at ~uart e r-fa r e on ,

nomlnallon .' ' cours,;; by a 'o lunta ry agr eem ent he .1iui>Lers. If th ey f-ailed tu their produ ~lion ot a certificate ttlguea by

Spea ldng la tile a me ndment, Ml'. con>e llted to a limitation or ills con - tru st, llley might be censured or de- their e m Jll oyers. "

Blal<el~l snhmllted that uo membet· slituuonnl powers. But al thal time barred from becoming caudidatts for A mot ion by the Mol'ldale P .L .L.,

of th~ tllm~m e nt ltad a right to c la im 1 lt is righ t. aB l't"l' UJi er, to nominate l1ls Parliamfnt. "That th e Qov erum eut Instruct the

the l"igltt or nominating mem bCJ"S to ' uwn Cou neillo t·s ha d uo L lJeen wltb · A de lega te: 'T'oo many m e mbers ot Rail w~y ('ommis•lone r s to issne

t he t'uuneil. He !Jope d 'the C'onrer- 1 umw n . The 1· e was no rule lu lhe Parliam ent on the Executive fo1· t hat. workm en's ""~l< l y ti ckets on the,

c· nre, wh il"h took u p c~. d efinite a !l i- P .L.L. constitution fo r bid d ing h im l o Mr. H olman : We l l, the Conterence l !rams on a simi la r bas is to the prc-/1

t uLl e on t he qu Psliou u. yea r ue for e, do so. 'l'he ruiP provltl lug lbal per- pul• th e m !h ere. It ltnd uee n the sPllt system In ro,·ce on t11e mi lways,"

woultl !J e lil 'tn un Lhis qu estiuu ol" 1 sons to be nomiuated tu the Co uu el l cu; tom of til e L i tJerals to uppoin t one was a lso carried. i Pl un lt 1. H e did not. ku ow w ha t s hal l ~ign the pl edge of lJ rospectlve l, niJ or man with a balrh of l lpp er On beh<tlf or tt1e Glehe P .T •. h, ~! • I sle ~s ( 'onl'erPnre would lake iC Mr . , me mbers was nol then in ope ra tion . House nom inees , and hP uo nlcl Hppoil tt O"Halloruu muv<>d: "'J'hallh~ inc-reas·. Holma 1t JH'rslsle tl iu his "ltilucle to- li e was :t r,·ee agen t to mal<e any pro· ten ),auor m e n for one Li beral. C n- eu I r am fan's sllou lu IJ e al once auo

"- UrLis apJJOi ll ling· a man who was noL m ise h e Llt oughL tit, atu.l he constd- elud i ng, he wa id : " You m ay fref' l y liHheu, thh; LPague Ur-l1t>ving it t.

a Laborite or if they would Lake any e1·ec1 1hal wh en he m ade the promise leave thi s m at ter to be dealt with Le in t he inl erPs t s of the whole oi l

FURNITURE ~LPps at all. hP did it was a good bargain. T he by til e :\l inistry . Let us do onr wo rk . llte workers that the ld. section

•t rut prices fo•· c~sh , or ut: the fol · Mr. 1-Tolman said i hP promise was policy llw t a party was lree te follow LeL us ha,·e our hand s free , and if i n should be r everted t o. especia ll y 011

~~~~;!:~~:-\~~Y,;•·o•:r1~~llb~ tiJ\" w e~~~~~ ma.dP tn a ny months Urfo J·e th e Con- w ith a majo1·ity or elglJt was not lhel twf'h ·e months' tJmfl Vle ar e found lO Sundays." )lt·. O 'Hallol'nn pointed 3 ti weel.l ,-: lJ5 "onh. &/· fprr•nc e. J•llHSPtl the resol ution agaillstl policy t ltPY woul d be f.r ee t o ronow have ab. used that _Pt'iv ilegP, you wi ll ou t t hat llle . ftli"PS ll<tu be~n t•aised

~~~:s\1_l;1\ 0 ~~~e-t1~ult~;., 1 ~f~a~J~~eJ ... Iyc;o n~~~~t~~ such a. cour·se. \lllth a majo r ity of on e, or la a llllno- have a11 opportunity of dea lin g with I Ues pite the rn r. t I hat Mr. Jlolm:.~.n hnd

t"'"' £<if• .; olngh I>Hl""'"d', l"; WCLI"ll· M1•• Bl a l<eley: You hall no righ t t'l r ;ty o t t wo, fo1· hl 19 13 they w enl l us. 1 Dt'OJllt·s •• that thCl' \\'O uld not be in · JUll ... s, IJev Pllt.:d ulil't'or:{, l lll'a\\o' 13/]5/-; u I ~"'k .. bf~ro,~~~ ~.t~.~~:~·a !1~: ~ill'~~:~~;~l!d tt~~\1~: do so. No on~ has a n y 1no~·e 1·igh t l i~. Lhe CO!l1!.t.I'Y two ~·e~1i nd ., ~ ~~ . auc ll ~'lr . D.oo ley, ?LL.A., in s.uppol·Un~ I creasutl. ' f' hP incre~scs pressed uu , ,.,.,1,. 1011 """h Rt.wd. Jt·vm £1Z/IO/·; tha n a nothot . Yotl h~d uo Cll CIIJll, lt was n ecessct•Y to th e mo!Jon , satd t he Prem 1er had a mos t heav ily upo n worl<i ng people

~ ~~ ii~l.-/~o~~:·J!Lui::~:11 i~~. ;~:·1\·rlo~~~r~J~~~,?r{~: right to rnomise ~to d o som~llu n g t hat m ver y mau y ar ran geme nt s, a nd weak cuse. Th e Norton Qriffi t hs' liv ing in e leetol·a los r evres~n ted b) I ·•~• beHlle<l ml•·:·w·K. t:l """""rds; ua l< is ogninst the pr incipl e of lhe pl al· p urt or suclt arrangements in vo l ved 1 co n tract nn<l the Legis lative Counel l Labor members.


J'll tl'w.::t ~·nn lil'e 'f h'ln' tnr <.;tr~ thou•

san,lR of t~thel' Rallw~l)' anll TramwJ.y :\[f" tl .

If \'OLJ or a nY ·m,.mbf' r or the ,~am n :r

l\14d l1'l'lll lll•'ll l iul •• •·Ollh' tl· ;h t lll'n.

l tl t "'~<~\ .\'Oil s.1w this :..~tl. ln th~ "('(1-

0P.C~H.\'r l)R."-1'11 make matte rs rlJCht.

'!\I.\· f(·•·).; rol' C:n\·rr nmLnt mc·n n 1'(' rre .. , ·[s~;: lr lh(.• S:\Jn(> a~ rur C'.\SH CL I R~T~,

ll t\1 I f•X tf' nd F-:fiN•!a l tP \'111:-; 1'1' I';I,VnH'nt..

} it.•;l\1 1 i ful l 'p prt· or· l .oWt'l' ~1·:1'!~ fn11n

0:-i t·: C:t.:l:\"l;)A, ftlt.·d i ll U:--11 ·: \lAY i t n ecessary.

SPENCER NOLAN, the Dentist, "'Best in the- Long Run,''

133 Livorp uol-st. (nbovc Ailu~:w o 1·t l1 ' 1),

nt"t¥t S now 's , am1 28 Oxfot·d-lt, (uext Willns') ~i 8-ydusy ,

The Shearer

would soon

.complain If

•emongst: the

·shed rations

then~ were

11ot a full sup. I'IJJII ~U ltP i , .u; du Ill lrn.Uwr. l . b r I i ' 1 1 1 1r. 111 1 form. You ca nnot bar te r the pn n· " person who· was not a mem er o appointments we re important m a l- , 1 l ' .• 1.1 c.~l.10,,- \~~~~,\~/t~,\~~~~~;~~u~l~,~r1'·nn~ 3~/:: c lpl es o[ t h ~ Labor P al'ly. the party, 'and who w ill uot be ll 1 ters. He a s l<ed wh::~t w:.ts t11e u se of g,""tllar.te ll'") ~ .~l 1.1 ~~ pstol1161 (IUI'tP<.'t~ : •. ,:~cs. A ,1,'.~~,· • IJ }fJ ths, llltoJf'utnh, l'ar PE'UI , rl l'.;"R mate., . u . .,u. u ..-- o'- <;. 'I'

(tilt till'!. and drrqliri~S... H t:>rl C' l ot h PB Cap tai n Toombs agreed with the nlPtllbPr of tile prn ty. 1/thel r passing UE-mocralic legiRlation llH\lle in view or the fHCL that th•' t.tucl:f-1.1 In ~l'~' ftl \ ':tr iPLY. B ~ A voice: lt was oa ied &t l b 1 r ' l?

h.!t< h<·n ~ross•1· s 20 / ·, sar. s 12/G, rrr E LLI N Q o pr inr·i ~l e~ embodied i n the motion , rr I to be thrown ou Y t le ouncl · I ,,.11mway n.wat·d iv oul d termina te :n ;;,tJ)l•:iu;,1u.~ll:i~·\~,tt~h~·n"~t~•;~tl~'d!rocl:~~-l l!:JJ bu lsuggPMled that Mr. H's pro- yea r 's Co nfc r·cnce. Mr Holnlan: Well, gAt inlo the t.h e en d of th e yPa r , au U th at in-

1YES! Certainly we Print Social Cards H• """''1-t< ,·J ng ~tpatrs, et <' , don• " t i iBI p - m is~ nli ght have been. whr n IL was .1r . H olm an said lhe p r omise was Ca lJin el! cr eases of pa y would most l ikely IJe

,,vJctate 1"

1"""· ~ IANOS ~ made, in lite ntlture of u concPssion mude l~n~:._ue~ore tha t." . , I N!r. Dool e~: I am prep n_rrll to stan d grun ted unuer a li>'W awa rd . Ti ll

C. FORSSBERG, • gi,•en fo1· support, wlti cll was a leg i- A ' 01re. "ell, wh) dtdn t you ap-1

OUlHtde the l Ublne L nnLtl tl IS a LailOI' wor comm e nced, :tnd, as e ,·e t·y ono

78 WILLIAM STREET, CIT Y limnte rottl"He to p ur~ue in cerl;du point him? ('a!Jin et. If" th is sysle tu is \0 allow 1 !<new , no surh incr eases wet'e g t·antecl.

3 2 R E C I p E S ~'::n::r:o~";::h::: ~~l~~u ;::~~~:,~::·rl t '::~~" p~-~.:·:. ~P;~~ ua t~~l ~:~~ po~:~~~~~~:.l,,,a~1rll~:ol;:::er& a!~ ~:: : 1 ~a;,~;· P~:~~r ~~ :: o~:sl~l~e~ll~il~~bl~ t ,~: ,i!::~ \:::s \ ~t~·e~~~.,~:·,":~l' I ::~~f i:;:~-~~~~~, BELLING PIANOS ar'l hand· fo 1·e or•· upyin!l th •· 'l' rPilHUI" Y heuc h~B I mov oment to ha,·e a fr ee han d tu net. I and t il e mutter lay l' llt irely willl t il e

tor p1 epaztn5 u va1idy or thtt mos t s ome in a ppearance , have a tlallllY IJe••«to \\lth good tone quality and a r• · Lily lt"d :I!" !L'I I l.I ~Uil. it, an d llad re-~ brea l< e\"ery rule iu till' conslillltiOn Ml". StuarL-R obe t·lson . ~I.L . A., an J r•o mmissinncr. Th tramw ay meu

lllll sponsive touch. - f' tohr>d c·on(·Prisions l1·om a Llbrrat - ( \'ol <·e~:;: :\'o, uo! J- iH ti1ne or :\fr. A. Ha\? sur,por ltHl .fhP m ot iou . were n ot lil\Ply to gl:lt any inc.:rPtt...,~

J~.:i~l-"1=-, ~ Theirdurabili\ yls m arvellous,~ Oa\ Pr nm<'nl. Jf the l'l'PmiPr 's move erlblH auJ in urtle 1· to save the move- ln reply to a question 111 regard to <luring ,tit<' w:> r , anu tile increased r and hund re d s of our cus · 1 d 1 1 I

~ had l.>l'f•n .a t:H·IiNI onr. a.n 11 e r u P 1 menL? .-\ man that \\Onl d u.ot d.o the r f'te rcndum r egH J'ciing the uboli- l'nt·es on Ruuday "as nothing lr:"ss Un e , tomor ~ have written tu pross · 1 •

\ inll their pleasure at the way was 1101 to he mat!•• reu·ospe<:tive, he l11at was not wor t h a nythl ug. ! Uo n or the Upper H ouse. tllP Pre- tha n a n outt":J);P. '!' he mall f'r wus 1

I ~ they have stood many .rears ronl d ~UllPO I "t It, and could not vol~ ~ .\ voire: ls il o llice 0 1• pr tn l'i p le ? I mi er sai d hA di<l not beli Pvf 1n ri HI<- 1 d isc ussed u)" i he \'ommissiouer un!l l -~ of constant use . 11 11 I For llw motion . e con ( _su pJ_lOr lllr . ll olmn n : There ll l'e t he men In.g th. e chances of cnnd_ idates tak-~ the UO\cl·nment, an d the Com m ission -

··-~· We fullya: u•rAnte• BELLI NO .-.. PIANOS •n• .. u an ... , thP ltlNt that Cat) n c~l no_m 1nat •o."" l w ltO wal>l offic~ £ 7 or £S 11 week iug a , referetHinm otl ~lecti~n day . er was. of co u1 ·se, a lJi e to s 110w rca-

•·ttl 0:r:,: .,.rt;,]{>;,;t;;, •• to any I CATA lOGUE a PRI CE 'LIS I IS POST FREE. Hhoul<l hP s ubJ••r l lo r.xe~ut JVP applo- ortlve. Ti"'Y have the mosl lo say. \ To asl' t lle Legisla tive (on net ! to , •• >On3 why th e lares shou ld be tn-

a<hll"e•.• nn Hl>nltrn tlnn to 111111 /(/,) • ,_ - val, bul hP coulu not ~u p port an:: :,l r. ("ullinan, A.\\'.U., rese n ted the l SP il l lOa bill rol.lbing it or its pow er! creased .

C O.P. BdX 577 , G.P.O .. SYDNEY ~~~ motion I hat wo nl<l re,·ersP ." P l ' O t~ll H•' H<"<:ll>iltion, a nt! said he knuek e ll orr u l" ve to, a ncl latH t o pa•s u !Jilt ni.J o· Tit<' molion w a 11 canled , wi th the

' macll' whPII th e JlDI"IY was Ill a dtl'f e- tP n d ~ys beroro· t ile C'onfc•nmce sat, 1 lls hln g the l 'pper l.l ouse, wou ld ai"'' d eletion oi the wordij "especia lly 011 I J 31 r en t \)ORit ion . aucl WHH receh·ing 11 0 srtlary. r iuvol\'f:l an appe>nl to thp people, who ! Sun U.ays."

LET th c :llr. l(P!Iy (Wh arf Laborers' j lllr . ll olt nan l"efeiTP<l lo "lhe slily \ werP • low in as,e n ti ng lo consliln· T he A.W .U. motion (Bourke Local '

e 0•0p• 1 338 OEOROE ST., Union) OPJlOPP<l the motio n . yappet·s •uou t otllce." a ncl went on lionnl amendment s. 1 Commlitet> and Western Branch) was i

T And not only do we print card• fo r socia ls, concerts, dances, etc., but any other class of job printing that can be suggelfted.

We guarantee you the h ighes t standr.rd of printing ex­cellence, type, lay-out, paper imprenion work &econd to none.

We &ua rantee you that pricea for the job will be abao. lutely """:ght." We guarantee you quick delivery an.i ~hat the job i. the produ.:t of union labor, at full union ra tes of pay. la there anything in this argument to induce yoU to aend Along your nex t order to your own paper ? Then post it along and ace the meaau1·e o( aatiafaclion we give you.

"THE CO-OPERATOR," 431 Kent Street, Sydney. erator do uour I s y D N E Y. f j\Jr .• lA bP" Wri;;lll, :II.L.A .• Rli PPOI't- to suy that the Hll('Cess ol the move- The moti on wa8 lost by 55 l inll·oclncPtl hy :llr. Blllk elcy. ll lead• I i I

• • .I f •nd"' ••wcutlo, Llsm••• · a c. ed t ho motlou. 11 " sn!d lw ha d llf•arJ men\ wu~ ut gt ai<P. If they ha d to 45. :lit·. Blakcle~··s um~udmen l " ~ rol!ows:- Ill P'~Inting cheape:', t i •lk~I[Q]I[E" I!ll a lot aiJoul ill~ promise made u y :l l r. be~n tl eiNilPll on that occasio n t!Jey was then pul, unu CLLrrled uy 64 \ Otes AIIH' tllllll ent C'lnu ~c H. P la!lk 3.- t.:=========

I Hol man to g ive a certain person a wou ld not lJ ~ l he 1·e ulsrusslng lhis1

to 17. j (Continue<! on Page ~ . ) --~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~.~


' PAGE T"WCJ THE. CO-OPERATOR. ______________ _. ______________________________ ~---------~----- ----------------

N.S~W. Amalgamated Railway and Tramway Association.

ger or ac ci dents on tbnt a~count l Lefore tilo; me;;tiug aud it was re- I \!r 11 'I' Juub fettle! , L,twson,l w as p !Ppa red le maJ;e au anaure· j B R Wi~e . "lt~l,tl l on of 'I'rnuej IJe h Pn Ju In l lllllllllll. nrc the beats of

sboulu be 1 n~e 1 ted us an <"amp le soi 1Pd that till~ rnatter be first plac- j an d .\1• JJ Cl) ne, gange1, Med! ow men t In 1oderene to nls a11eaJs t'nloulwm to OthPr l<'o•ms or Wo• k 111gl the ··~llau., ste "" '"" t'H' \ lbJu tio n~ F 1om the (J~IIeJal i:leereta r y r e ell beto1e M1 l•'ox, Dlstllct Supeiiu- ltutli 11 u e .oppo111t ecl collectOJs for Tlll ~e n e11 membe1~ \\ere p!oposet:l l IUs ~ < l!Vll)," b) the l io n W \1 ot t iiP ll li('P IH Oil t~P rail , "'trl'<• ll;

~~· IJ ::ile\\a Jl UUiislng lll al he bad tendellt ~ lid tli,tt o bjectio n ue llllllle lhe Ulllll t h 1'he bala nce s li ~et ot !liP and adm llled to tile bJU!lCh, alltl to ur 1 HuG"Iies l{c-Jallon or T!,tde Uu!Oi!ISIII tile lllflll I', ,,,,j ' tukenlhi"lllllll el ol r ompullngt<rue l tuthep!,tt l lc,o teaJtPISgol ngtollw ,111 11 uul 8 1110J,p co 11re J t was aclopiPa b~ c l ea~rtnce l toOtherlormsorWotl.lng!'lasR \< le,pr y nols~ ls a dl sc o1d Dut dil•

Ull wltlt th e supeil 11 lendenl o[ goods ,ard p1 mn'"es urte1 sl•pula ted 1t sho ws a c redit balance or J:l/3n il \11\,' IJY 111 '' H l ' Hidingto n { )r<i :; "' "no •'xr!' ptlon 111 th e O!UtullU

iln e:;, a nd pOJnling out tha t the m e 1 hoiiJ S to load 0 1 unload t1uc ks as lt T h is .LLnonnt "as p luued In the f11unls ' !rud e l!llon Aum llli BtJ Ullon u nci In- ot l<HOn< oillt• Pngl np "' nnilog, fo1 ' "

th od olto mputlng lime h ad not b een : c o mpel~ e mp loyees to s tay !Jack til l 01 liHl u eHst11 e1, M1 A ro1rt, to be BRANCH NOTICES 1 d usllla l nud ( ttft tln lonl•m ,'' by the manv lnatunc<'o till'\ are t ile 1ule lu-

TRA)l\IAY lit EN cnn ec ll eu, and r e feJr lng to t he In- 6 pm :w d 7 p ru on Saturdnvs to held 0 , e 1 loi the n c ~t an nu&,! 1e- lion \V G ~ IHnrc • r1ud e trnJon•sm l steucl of t h~ ~xcep tton A OREA'r AMALOA~fA'rio•~ OF ALl, S!1:l L'lO:<IS OF RAIL\VAY AN D

rr•· t.ora'eot B allw•:r a n d T •o.mway Or~ranl ... tlon In t llo 8 outlun• BoiDioplltr o) ol l tiCl!OilS Ill the boo l< - l{eeened •heeL .tnd lnsh llucks 'l'he nJ.tlte l union --- I .Jnd lndustrJ ul l"flrlenn,' b) PJOf<·3-l A s lu lfu l tlllnlnng Pllglnee r can

With JeiP•ence to ,tuv1ce Li ckct, u l- comes 11ilhln ll1e sco pe or ll!e lud us- Nl] \\ t \ \ S'J J ,t;; l'l:ll. \\ r\ ~ so1 I11111 e, lt elli<Oll or ln clustrll l de ter! the <UU K<' ol e1e ry no1se mad o

N S W . D IVISION OF THE Jegc d to h a1e been g1ven to .L ce 1taln l1la l Ca tll b) 11ay of an euslon or Rt\ ll"W A\: SIG.'IIH 1S I:Ul ,\.'IICI:I. ___ Arbitration to Hort a!J sm ' by !11r l!' by tile e ngine lie '" running, but

Railway and Tramway Employees Federation. meru1Je1 at the Port Waralah loco , the awArd and the Carters' Unwn 'l'h e Quarte rl y ~lect 111g o r u1c /\ e ll· \ A nu.,ell " file ll! :;lo flc,ll Deve- so me locomolivf's gl1e fort h a tu-

li nt bet ng obttunable through the ef- secret<Lry has the matter no\\ Ill hand The mouthly meellng of the Rail- casllc P c! Wa y I""'Hh 11 111 b~ held Japment or l'Jade ll niOJusm in Aus- j mult or ''ol cnt sounds that no ea r

se;~n · o Blltldl ng Central ~~!.~. o:;.~~~~: ( oppooito n nt ll'l n' " tollon). to •ls of t he general serretan, lt was lt \IUS also resoh ed t hat the Dls- , 11 ay Signa ls branch \\Us h el <l on the Jll Lhn Be ll c\llc l lotP I, iluHIH -StiPtt t lttllll bv Mr r: Ll ghtroot, "The 1 ra n id nltll t he 11\TIIJU R notes ~on1o LEPHONES, JI o , nedfe1n, 556 •llWt;PA Pil:R· Jeso lveu that ti ro brancli secret,t r y trtc t S up e!ln tend ent be \\TJlten to 1 5th lu st ut the Ji ead Offic e I \V c~ t . on Stlu•liu\ 11 .- t ~4th \p 11 , J.f'e<l of lndl!StJinl L~g•slallon o•1 ~ngl nes Je st> mble me n "' the11 cap-

Co-op City 3GH 'The Cooperator" IHite tlllec t to the ChtP( Commis d!UII!ng his atle n l Jon to hi . jJJ evtous The JlTE'" Iden l pir lJ Cootlmnll) .l t 7 uO p m As lhlij IH tile !list t he Aim ~ a nd lleals or lh l' \\"OJhPJS "11uu ly fOl mnl,,ng noises lt Is !lOt

P RESI DENT: t' D V~c~~~~·:.~a~~to~F.:Ji wn.y Per Wa.>) stOne! exp lalnlllg th e ca se, anti asJ, - p•om l•e "' the ca llin g or men on I""" In the cha!J meeting u[ the Jll f>oPIII ,1 u~rte 1 u 11 u b) l\! 1 r W ! •,ggle ~lon l{elatlon all• l)s l llal thr·~ ""' tn bad ordPr

1 ~r DO~ L 1n g !hu t h e ob t.un same, to vei!ty tl!e P :\1 s lillls, that 1! mea a1e ca lled (,Il l A letter \\aS rea d f1om tll e Head the buslitt'~s '" 01 th e uttuost 1111 p01 t - u! T1ad e Un ion ism lo C'o-opcral<on , t hut the; 1attle and p ountl anti

'' c .._ D ("hltc Ba;-r-~~~~~·.1-g~t'~~e) , \" ° KAVANAOH (Ut llm~ stale m e nls mude t he) •ecelve a full shift , a nd to lira" Ofllee 1e the repa)ment ot overtime auee a ~o otl ul tenuunce or m c tuiJer~ lo ptutnerslllp and Proflt-shanng , lt umblt> uud jaJ e\ervllllng n ear

M Jlnout l1't Oll!cor11 From tl1e Chief Co mm <sS•a nP r 1e his at t en tion to tbe fa ct that men \\hl ch \\Us 1ece!led is UJgently 1 equ~•te.d by M 1 '>'leredllh Atltl il Son !t hem E 11 1;1nes of llus kind gee

"· ODO:-<XBLL (lj:fl J'ci~L'ra.n~o?~mlf•n~T~{~:1~ (Rai lway• Oeneroll)). tl!e gun1ds and shunleis at t he l"e\\- are calle d nl 9 pm to work ani; 4 AnotlleJ le tte r fr om the H ead Of- Th (' nfc renre will be hel d In th! , co mparall\cl; smoolh and qu1et as

T:R!l AI!ItrJt.EJt.• OJllfllRAL s:cc :&E'l'ABYI castle yo 1ds working NeVIcast le and hour s, also lhut s ltunle rs at Port flee H~fe lred to ~1r A ('ole ':! case, :'\EWC-\Sfi.E .,. 0 10 e 0 < l they \\Oil. loose \\hila others are

El LA"LBSS ( Cle rk) CLA li DE ·rHO:IIPSO. Bullock Islan d , statmg tlJal eve r y er- Wa1a tu h 11hen n ol Jequlretl l or dutv, tl!ls mtllte1 \\US Jert '"the b and. ol fades Hall, RHI!ll), on June Jlh n l ' r el) S li~ PJing f1om being too

Truotou• .:II A O'DO:'\:-;oE:L r •. v 0 KAVA:-<A OH, o ARMS"IR0:-10 fo1t will be mad e to equalise their alP awukr ne d 3L nnea1thl) hoUJs t he see1etan 1he Qtt alle l iY :.l ce t!lo!r of New- 1 Rnd 7 \h, anu In o•d~J to CDIH the l loog uehanPtl l1om theu final goa l ,

COVlfCIL. lime and tl1at u o eases ::u e J,no\\n or the n1ght a nu ea 1ly morning to ~nou1 e 1 IN ter fr om neud OlhcP re· rn>lle ).Jo 10 1 t1affic} ~1111 IJ~ he ld I rusl or publish ing 111 ~ •epott ll r's ne- the Rr 1 a ~ h0,Jp, and ,ue uttertng con•-

1 T•·a:!llc. Por Way 1here m e n 11lih fnll lim e 111 al :-lP\\- tell llH'n • they .ue la11l ba tk or ol1' f~II Crl lo the lJun ~fe r or ~I 1 Holl 1t lli'H<It.lll t ~ 11oono l'o'ln -st l ee t, Js <es~aiY to chn <ge 0 de legate ce nt l pi ,Jin ts of the usage thel are recen-

t \'r''\i~~r-,'"cuu~~~~'fe 111~a 1 bour. J r1YRE~ TTu~>lllll• ca~ ll e ha\e lJ ee n Hent to Por t \\'ara- duty t one mun 11us no l• t• ed at '"5;; ut 11 18 Uoulb tlln b•unch ''"" 110, l ~ ft t111 v, 11111 1111 Hundu\' A IJ!ll 25th " t £1 ll " desualole that as man' l' ng untl pu ,s tl< l Ottgh the peacefu l

\\ ~Anc lted'"'" f ;,A~\tt~~Jut';',"~·;:t't't'.111 e ta b 01 the coa l )a rd • \\ill! sho t ! trme ,, m t hat he 1\0nld n ot he Jequlred In the hand s o t the sec1etan 111 3m, ,1!sa ,t[ ll;o l'l lltles Hall u nions 05 poss illl e be r epl esented counlr ) lllte a pl'ii(JalPtlr boile r sbO )l

L oco. K echanlcal. Jtallwaya Gonarall:r hooked oN, and a<ltllng t hat If par- ror that da y), uiHO that s hunteis a1 ~ The •ee J e lur, p!op oseu t1 1 1 ~e " ~" \Jnloll-sluoet :-1~1\CP'tle on Tne;dl), 111l h rh~>le•" 110rklng full ume J:ven

W / Jlii}~'~~~~R~~,,'t',,evS'dn ey J "! H~lU'OH t> Hntl\IOY Slgnnls. t •culaJ S a 1e given to tbP snpe rlllte n- not be1ng gl\cn the 2 hours' notJcel mem be Js, ,tnu tl<eh nawes 11 c1e plac \Jllil 27th, 1t 7 \0 1,111 \li m em - 1 I \\hen oN 1\0JI< en g1nee r s ha\e "

i- PDIK SrU"-'E - Sl dney. ~ ~o~"'D'!,i{.;-:~ R;t'/~';~ ~}~~~~. rl cnt of the lines the cases \1 lll b e fo l- belo1 e be in g ealletl - cd 011 t he 1 oil IJr 18 ,wd 1nlen dmg memb ers t1 e 1 c THE LANGUAGE OF LOCOMOTIVES ""'ous hub1l or l!Hiemng to no!•~• L oco. Runnln Jr, lo\\ed up l'he llltl llPt ol p L r. a lhii UL!O il Coune<llo r Yn tes, o f lilll • ,1.11 ~pPrtfulh IP([UCHteol to ttlend Husl· l or dilfelCIIt lo comothes and mnltl11

C E l';t TD fl Dl' Eveleqrh. T r . LO~O ~~~~~~~; ~~:~:;mnn Fl'om t h e co mmittee re lhe asstst- came up fo 1 tlrocuss•on and It \\U S Grad es " \\US presenl to gl\e 111 ,Id- nps o.t bot h m eet111 •s will IJ< H I Y 1111- There Is somulhtng a mu sl n " niJ ou l comments thut ,lie al11ays perltn e 1t

i\ :bA:V'/J11Jr ~:ve JeJgh t,us ~lliLnl~n l ' leetllc • >•tve~ Ultimo a nce to gua1ds \>hen sq uo.rrng up resai \CLI thHI a no tice be 111 s 1ted rn l dr@s~. 1\ilJ r h \>as llslenetl 10 llltll pudant ~IPmbfl hl\lng g i Hiane« 1 1 f 11 r ~ 1 a s t o the contlttlon of the locomo t ··~ .

- otn sbj P P HEAL1 Dolle• Hozelle neRts at the P a • t • .tdVJSing th at the the "fa-operator' asl. 111 g membPIS CIPI\ a l lentiDn ~1 1 \ utes rer 01\ _ ~ •onlll IJII nl!, allt i 1 ~ fact ~ to Iilo m~el- ~1 ~~s~ ':,~:~;:ttl~~~~:111' 1 ;~:on~~ll1~~as';e~ patllculatl) of [l1e adjustment of Lb e

Tum11 Genoull:r Salarlocl o mcero Jnsttuc tr ons Issued on 20-3-14 by the 1\hO II!Slleu to JOtn a league to submit ed a 1ote of t hunk H, and 111 r espond- 111 l loe shnntrrs al Po1t \\a1atal1 \31\e ~Pur- Hati\\Uj and Locom <>-

~Y ,_HA~TR1_!ILRrn',,dL,,~,-',', AL1e1 lerhrlatda~.dt R L"-R SP.:-\ lluotl s CloJ!, D Hatbour coal u1e i s~e 1 be s uffi c1ent Jf 1he11 name• and s1g n 1oll b ook an cl 1 1 1 ll 1 '1 11 ads Ollll~ at ·,ewrn,t le le lnp Wlten 11 lor omOtl\e 10 10 fil sl t11e Engineering" 1

"" •• , o J S 10hl~~ 'l~tam \\ a\ Offic..-"t Illg, PlOlliiS€( tote ner uno H:r U{ UlH lP go P r lass condlliOll prope,.lv propottlon-

:__~ Eleotdc Light :H t.P.OH< r 1 ll.lll ~uh-tnspec to 1 complied ,,lth , also Je !tnnislliug lhat ~ 1 1 Jones JnseJt a leltel expla1n u1esh, 11 1ten 11 '"hoped tbe 1c "Ill be lllC •Jleradf\ INJUl's t • d to all en d one 1 Pd and put to ge lhet 111 a. sound an <l ====== I.oonl Sectetarleo will l<ln~fnrnloh tln\e nn d vlace of moetlnl[o, ~ g uards "•lit spare copies or drr~c- tng athanlages to be derlled etc I u better atte ndan ce ''' tb os~ •n eet•ngs I

notify any errou apponrlni' with r oopeet to to.blo below lions, 111 01 der th,tt they m,t) 1 eta•u It \\as 1 esol\ ed ! bat tire Gel m 'I ll ___ __ _ 11 oJI< manl lke manneJ "hen a ll lhe F1 ft v 111 r~ e \esse is, besid e twel\ a

__ B_B_A._~_c_H ___ s_E.cB.JlTAn r .ADDB:CtUI. IP L A.CE or MEETI NG. them, and statlllg t hat •n ruture Jl ll•ocuss•o n stan <l O\er untll next trat- GOlJ.HLK:'I I :~~ :~~lnegve~:r t;u;;~~~~~n sl:,'r~~~: cl:·~·;:~ tnle rn d G<rman steam e rs, ha>e been

.Alb\\ry •• .. , . j Ja mes Ho, ell-ot Albtu y )[eelln~s a• •u mmoned will be ,tnanged that the coal o\er- ne meeliag I --- WORKERS I ca ted, every bolt LrarP and nul , Ulr!Jsed bj t he Detenee aulhOillles o. s Atmldale - •••• u .!CLiermott, RI" ay >;tn ArmldDle c~~~[lleoullR"nt HS~ttel mAonr~; seer shall supp l~ COt;>les or lJJ S lll1ll'l'U C ----- ll l 1 I f lh G

u- • - E \ 'ELEIGH. le qnur Cl Y m ee 1111: 0 e .out EDUCATIONAL SOCIETY ttg ht , tbe on l) notses \\bleb ought to t ransports

:~;!~;~rd SltUuir .• ~ ~~~st~n~ . ~91Daayy.~tu,az!f6h:O.~~f1en 1 Bo\\ L' r; BIU.g'" Cent Sq. tlons on w alle l s of more than ordl· buJu Ut audJ ' ' as lleld 1U tht: Oll~ I 4\11 S~ttu o Ju l na1y Im por tanro \\ben a. cop y i s teiiO\\S lln l l on Sat uJ da) ~ptil t Oth I

BlaclJ:Iloatll .» • .., • Jas Rook, Bell·rd , ll1t Vlctorta • - I R~~~~~:Y ~.;'J" :;at~~,\l a~tc called for - Hec01 ved Tile m on ll.J ly me elmg of the Eve- 'fil e p, es!d en t ( :.\1! RogeJ " 1 ",9 lll

=~~~~~.i·.:~ :: ·: :" l'~~;,;~.ul~s:fl~\lp":;~~.t~·J~th~/s~ock , ~fasonic H all , 1>. W ed From same '" sauitaJ y (Lrra nge- leq;h lJJ unch llas held ut Head 0[- ,he c hai r, and theJC \\us a good ut- ~ EDUCATIONAL CONFERE NCE DQ YQU wANT CHARITY culealrn •••• I rhos Egan Culcalrn Ha lt \l o~ Stn last -rues meals a t No 4 ne st box, stating that lic e on Wednes day, 14111 In sl lenda n ce of members Caotamuud.r a •• • R l'Iu1r&'", Post Office, Coota.rnundJ a Lod!re Room 'r wn Hal:. t l t 1 t id d o Tl1e Jll e sil l l (' J R I-f Waters)

• r:lst S:tttJJdar 1e r eques s no cons ere re as n- L e1 "' ' - From H ead Office, In 1 •feJ ~nee to 1' he \\"at ke1 s l' d tlC Dl <ona l Assocm- WHEN ILL ?. C'owra • • W Adam Railway Statlon Cow•~> ,,, 'Hmmoncd able-Recened occu pi ed the chair, and there 'I\ US a men \IOJiung 011 reduced lime-As uon, \\lth th e eo 0 ~~ 1 atlon of tile

~~~~~:li'. :a ~:bo~ • : \ §'•~/!n~t~~~r~r.:~~~~;,:;~~~~; "bu~b~r 1 ~ ~~~~,~~~1~'" li~t0~1a.tur~~>d From same 1 egartllll g lh e matter of fall atlcndan ce or members uou ees a re posted uP stuttno thn t lnll ! Labot Council of :-.le\\ South \'i ales

lllvolelrrll • •. A J ~mtth s Lambe•t·st Etskvollei H~id8~~~:,>2n~3~Ye~m tlJeshunte rs rostere d to \\Orl, 12 File ne\\ membe i s \\ere enr olled ' lime "'ll be \\Oiked ," '"'; Jl! Oposed l antl the Economi c RQs.:arch hociel; , I lllrsklnov!llo . A Lane 34 Ra" so n-st Ne"l\t~~~~ J' :lll" a l lns l, ~nd W•d bou1s , and 1\ho, it 11as cia•med, ll!cl for tbe month to file th e lette r 101 futule J efc J enc~ Is al pr~sent nga ge l In on;an13Jilg

~~~f.;~~ . . . ,J\ ~ 'i:~'t~~~~~~. t~~'\;'1 g~~! , LJ,1i~ow6ct'ddr~~~~"1' H~\i ~~;",;, 1 work lhat number of hotr rs, and a \ er lt 11as uec1 ued that ll l r O'Sulll- F ro m a membeJ mah lng a cam , an Educa t ronal Con!eJe n ee on Trad ~ Ooulbu rn , . G 'Varr ing ton, Brad l e)·~t Goulburn corn Hotel ~nd rhur!:J advuung the memUet to supply the \an's case stand O\er un ttl next plaint that a pass \\as Issued to him LnlJntsrn As a confe l e nce or thls g~~~:~~l• shunter"i 18 IJ'n0jck~~1Ana.~~:~n:~ie~,r,nnS~~;;-cer- To~n Hall, 2nd 'Ihurs 1 f ntlon v-hen tbe mat meeting l

o.~>4 BIJrlUllluon st Sunnner Hill H•n<t Office, A !tern sun netessaJy n orm - • ' for tr aYelhng on a eel tain rill} , bttl namre is entirely new ln Ausltallun O unnedall .. . .. T B ed f nrl nn.!l.,ay Stn ' Gu nneda.' J ll all l'l al ~tntion 1st !lot le J 1\Jil be Immediately taken up l'h e molten rel ative to fitters as- was not allowed he was not allowed ~xpeJtence, and lls success clellend , K tuatvllle •. :~r ~ ODonne ll Pttt-•t :\for ld.\le C'nun C'hamb 2n d >;at From the Head Office re shunLAI 'l! slstu n ls duties \\US lost ani) a ve1y l to tra\c\ on the followln~ day on the ma!nl > on the euthuslasm 11 tt h whoch !~;:~ ·.nn (( lr l • - - ~- ('r',',n, key''' PROiy J\Nuon 'l\ "c'"'otH"r'raa.r"den :l!ech.tnlcs' Jn ~nrl \Ved t p t \\" t b k f f "e' I f a r l b l I ~'"" ~ - )" • - roster a Ol a ra a ' as JUg or a e l\ u ng n a\' r o e mo ron pass, so he had to P" Y the !"ill !e. re !t is talten uP by Ill~ J'J nd~ L' nlon xorDaby .., :-.r scouller Alb ert· !!.t H o rnsby ~ C:. c h ool nr Art ~ t~t Wed ..,h l -' ' ltaUway s tinalo-:- G H ~tot.e• ~llen-s t Goa nvlllo • !l end omoe 3rd rtnus s pe crfic case or a shunl ill 1\ho has ' e secle aJy getle nolo r e la lllO\e i -Dectded lo ask H ea d Ofttee to cluun mo\ement it JS ltopetl t1 at €\eJ YI

lnveuu • . . , IJ Forde, Byron Siding lnveoell · ",.,u~:,';,"~[i~, ~t da~"' 1\0iked ]~hours, also of a man \Iilo that after. :\lay 12 th the bran(ll sb a ll a Je fnnd of the tale fJom tue Col11- unl a n wrll be 1epre scnted It 16 luno• .. .. 11 Nlchollo, Ill, Juneo ••• .ot r.u11c s Hall, Junee has been worlced on his day ulf, antl mPel on ::>unda1s In stead or \Vedues- 1


pointed uut "' u ciJ~ulat JUSt JSSlled,

Ztama. • • ••••• \V ~Yallcer, 5 De\Onshlre~c:t !{lama Cou n Cham I 1s t S9.t l p l) that the gltll.t bull or tiH? srud~nts t I I 2nd Sat m d"l pa1d ou lv ordln ar\ rates nnd statiug I da' s mlsFs•onerth H 1

Offi 1 h f

:L lomoro ........ J Diel.son c / o Ratlwa.y Per Way S' tl I t F I tl<at tlJe mat ters 11111 be taken up- ~ I! p John san and ~11 H ~I Jar- rom : ea' ce~ w ~ ~d- that com e undeJ the mllucnce of lh ~ l Mu~a'e e •• ,r 0~';,er~1 "R':t\~vav Dept' Mudgee \~"';;~;·~: n~n,~n~no5 \v~d He ce1ved 11 " 11ere 11elcomed to the branch a• cnre to nn naneJal mem ers- ec -:~~::;,~:a~ .. :· lj {! ~i't',',~~n r~/£\ o.~t "~'~1~•r•;,·,\~ndJ\"t ~,;',!~,·~~ ?lt~'ln l'!,~dl\~~~ FJOw \Ir 1 Wllnrm iJy enclosing membets I ed to compile a lis t of uames and ~ssoclatiOn are n~tuJ~ll), most keen; l

Ma\tll\nll . H Hopktn,, 25 C'•o.s-st \\ \fa•tland \ Te. t tn~rs •• urranged ro ntrlbUllons' for q ua!tet', a lso from 'I• J ohnson sa id be was al- •~nd it lo H ead Office :~e~~~=~~~t~~o: '~n:~~~t d~:,elo~::~~~,l~ll~ I =~~;::naera . ·· c; .J#. ;fn1~~1,P'c~~:~f'n;'_t~~· ~~:~~~ndf"rd ~~?ti,~i ~~~~,;~01 :nJ1 S~ie :\l1 D H1 chs and ~lr Gaithner-Re- \\U)S un '\.mo.lgnmaleli" n1n n nt -\.. r'O mt>la lnt ''as I ecei~,; ed ft om R rh~ r~? 15 tlte des u e of t he T P

Nyng-an •.•••• !\. ~~~~\~1 1 11~:\., ~ /oHI~t~~~ c~~~~~~/·~~r'- c< l\CLl hearL bul h lcl JO ined lhP olhet \.Inion Uh':lnlU er stnttng he r ecPt\l'd s. no Ll('P l

:>llngan •• 11n l1"'"' Swtlo:-r 3Jf1 Fli F'rom the •ecre la•y Sl ng letort foi a !ltliPOSe li e 1\0U id do ull lllal ot a!IPaJs fJOm th e SEcretnn , ancl ex- L' nlon•sts l.> know aud d Hlnuerstn:~t I K ot<cnotle ... . . , T Oodr1 er, And eo ton st Jslln:rton Bollr VIew Rooms New- pla111111g thal he hall puld hi S monry the <r 0\\ n movemPnt O.n l s POSSJui-Newer.otle P . wr., T'etPJ F eenun 32 l"et n •t T• llngton I cas tle \\est H h ~at brunch, oskrn g mfolruatton re screens In) In il< s POll €! lo fu•lh et th e cause toll colleclor He enclosed lhP nllm , lilies nnrt polentla1Jtl€s "'the rutllle

g~~~~~~t1 ' • ·: r·"~/;){;~;~~\' \!,~'il~;:,;"!t '';, ~~~~~~~~Rall"ay Stan last Sun fOJ engines \\IIh tenders-Received o! the ASSOC !tltlon \\lllCh meant so be l of his !ICket - Declded th taR tit~ 'l'he hJsiorv o f the LabOl JllD\ €111 €1lt

P orcelw Ol!l.ce Stalf T F. RpatJ0\1 71 l~ollocl.•t W tlon Hea tl Office 3•d Tu e• FlOut tbe Head Offi ce te t he traus- muc h lo e\ eJy membeJ and he bJ l nch it,Js no J,now ledgP. of the col- l lll AustJa'ta has ll~\O i beell .tdequate-

:Ptcton .•••• \ Poei~;1 t 011 Thor ,, A1g1 !e-s t ~ ~~j~ 0t~~~~r~;·;'t•~'\~tl~;;~~ te1s of .Mr J W Hu tcbmson to t hought I h P da\ 11aA no t far dt Atan t lector be. n g ,tppotm cd Lit e sec • etnl ) 11l Wllt le n ,llld the Assoc rat•on sub

l'enrl th ·~ .. , " I' .Bolle)• J ll~h-•t, P emlth Gen \\altl n,:- l'oo:n Jst Hurst\llle bran ch, and :.\fr E Wll- llb en PI felence \\ould be gtven t o l>e llslrucled to \\Il l~ to II ea cl Office ! mtls tlla ll sh ould I.Je tlte \\OJI.. of

I Sunday ~rams to Guards and Shuu te rs' u nlon•sl s

~~-.~~':oo;vau .. ," ~~all nee, nlo'"Y 1'" CJrr r a rkes bl,tnrlt :VII JarviS thanked lhe membel s 1S i.Jn g 11 anyon e has b een nppolnteli tlw 'l'Jade llll ton mo ,e lttCnt tlscH to l

R ea tern "' ,

~y<\ney Sfnsrleton.

Store a

.. J .,;IJJ~~>,~ '< P Roplla '"' Q•Je- l\\llllamq1olePlnt t ' tFtl .i''rom \I J P 0 Hen , tender tng fo r t lt e Je . epl •on tbey ,la d gl\en ll< t houl !'le blBlHh IJelllg no tt fi P.d I help tn g,H hellng that ~x p~!len~e to-

•. ,·~ t.t~'.'~,i!l~m£' 30 sel>llmus • t E rs o cnce as ,umm •l thanks to the se re tar y and mem· Ill m F'Jom the Amalgam ated So elc tv o f gHhet and to Sift and to ,tn ,tl~se .. A I~ "\ooe c / o Fotemon Saundcrs, b f dl 1 t• 1 d 1 ~1 , Schmidl 11 as given a. chance t o Engmeers askmg th e co-operaliOn o1 11t • c '}~~~~~~~~·,r tt rl"n-st PaJJamat•a . Head Office, l s t Thuf! er s or se n ng e ,er o can o ence the bro.n ch In takmg steps to adJUSt \ Th e Assoc tat•on has been su ccessful • • T Eather, ~ faoy-st Sln~leton Rnlhlal' Stntton 1st Pay on t he death of his s on -RPceived lntervie\1 three members ln refer- a ny malteJs of common Interest to tn securing lhe selv•ces of some of

• IJ n WaJ by No 15 Store natlwaJ Sotuiday 7 SQ From Mr W C Grahame, ~1 LA' en ce to t heir contrlbullons members wotlnng In the depol -Pro- ~ lhe ablest men in <\.ustrnha to pre-' \ OJ!<"'"' P' C~r tot gh H 0 ~nn 'J hursc1a) a d' !sing t hat he \\Ill be mos t napp, The secretary was instr ucted t o llP- !

'l'e•.,orn. •. H'n!,, I M~~,: g,a~~"'n",\ ~~.~~;:',~.,> Line ~:~~~n~~n~~. ·~,•~m~n•fth to comply \\lth request to grant Mr proach all engine tlllners that do not pose'! th3t a committee of three be pale fla peJ s on the vaJio us phases o 'l'r n T m c w 11 22 w t a 11' ~~ u belong to t ile Association appointed to act with the Society on Trade Unionism The papers will be

a lWny ta o A L nr1s:!Pn nee 1 got am 1 j or~?st on ay Day an intervle\\' to exp lain his D.C· d i d b t1 C f

'l' rnm 01llceu , 1 ~'-' Hnrc1~n, ""•ld"!cr,.•:raDce,, ,R"nt•',"tnl~IIRl lv-' rieo.d Offlco Altern T oie" , cident, and claim for full pay-Re- The secreta ry adds -We hope lo matters at'fectlng the b enefit of em- read an d scusse y te on er-e c " - • , see a r eal ~ood muster at our next plo) ees I ence, whr ch \\ Ill be com posed of deJe.

~~~~~~~~~~almau f.: ~~\,f;.n 1 ~;~~~ ~\ ~~en;~~m~~~?\~ Head Offtca, Alter ~Ion eel~~~ !=";PCr~?la t } r encl a lrltt?r sJgnPd, meeti ng on :\la y 12th Wlll nll mem I From a memb er statlng tha t h"' gates, p1 1Drl pally men and women

T rt;:::o Traffic UJ. \lu l•i'J 11! IJnlllK" • I \ ndato fTon cl omce 3rd Mon A Me mber or Penrltli Branch of !hi s llPrs plPase t.eep t h e!J r eceJp ls that !CSigned fi Olll th e Assorllllon \\hen "'111 PlUCtl cal PXPf'Ii ence antl "kno"ll

'l ente •tlel<l ,\ l.vd._ H•tll " !';In 't'en tetfto• ld Cta'• n oc.m lst Frldav Asso clal !on (no namP gn e n ) re over- the rolleeto J ~ gtve th em, no matter If b ecame dc!unrt, I.Jut "lsll ed to ~<dge of the T !ade U11JU11 lllO\Cment

~~~Jr;.~~e Pow~r B'a• ~ b i~n\t ~~~~~hr~ ~i\, 'F~w~:~~-s;l:'~~l~~ tim e, etc - Th e lettet \\as not as Y. ell ! ho" small or hO '\ large the amount eonle to au arrangement about hts ut f ltfl 1 esult can o:.!CUJ <'~lJ r~lll to be rnost

L etchnnrdt ~.l'"N;~~':l\ La" J;lgln" B>lfouJ •t reccl\erl as i t \\Ou ld ha\e been h a d be as they may he re quired for ru- 1ear s 3nLl reJOin agaul - Th e serl "- ' aluablo Dll lnoch Hill \Head omce a.• advert The let-~ltu e reference In case of mistake o c- taJy was !nSlJucted to l11ro•m tl \J s l The follo\\ln g p a pers v.•ll be r ead

:::;~~~voni' g ell (~~\~:~~,\ n Y-f,~~~'g-<~ ~fh_.,.\vo~~o~no~~n,.. ~~ ~~~~,;~o~T;n !!nil~ /;~~ t ~:; s:~~e: :~!~~.:~ hts name c u trlug m cm ber thn.t th e 1\ssocln ilon h ad ' Th e Rff~ct of Indust r lUl A r btl I :lit on I

:::~~:;~'-~?r~ek ~ .. ~/Mf.:,,\~, rl~~~ ~ ~~;~~~~.~~~f> ~t!~)~,t~ r J ~~~~~;le/:;~tt~t:,r~ Sat F rom the Head Office, gl vJng e Jg,.. never be en Uefunct , and the bian ch on rrl ad e WnlDn Orgun1satlon," b v ~fr l

Watertan • • . ''"01 ge Tl ""In Po•t omce W:t le• fall 3• d Tursdny teen names of m ember s w ho had r e- " ' ERHJ CREE K ,

T n.t eo A n \Vort fl l Cl)r nwall ~t Tat ce IMeetlng!l a s summo;,~d d f 1 1 d "'!.R.nd w tck No :a IT. • tiLFl: Camila, "" '" lnon Sttee t, I C8 JV € no ces 18 QI1 8RJS y. 10 s at •

~~· llllli<ld l st Tuesday In month !hat they dropped ou t wben tl!c can- >\. ,,,retlng or tl•e Wen is C' rPck l! v,;;:~~~ncnr .nu 4 111 ~~ 11111 11 1

urfl'3 Cuml;et lua! toad IIeacl Office, 2na \Vea rella tlon OCC'Htred bt o. n c h was h e ld In the Sch ool of Atts

Electric Light J ,lli,tll 111 Pochroo d •t <:r.ttne hte•llnLS us 3UIIllll01 ed l'lOill th e IIearl omee re :\[! B on Fllda), April 9tl1, Mr PuJ cel l

!staff Changes and Promotions! E~ot Grata .... lf;:; ''" '""t" ' ' 1 use c., eta ~Ieetlngs as •um moncll Lane atlllsmg that he fhsl e 'h au"t ( ,•,ce- PH'S identr 111 ll!e chair. H\ lf , \\'\'1 S. t in e Weue1 C\c\\ co,Ji~ Goods Pm teJ

the depalllll e nt or make an at te mpt I ~ letle! w us reatl flom H<' ud ome•

.----- ....... ...., _ _.. _ _ _ _,_, to gel a rep[) and then 11 uusuccess- '"t h • ~f 1ence to lii P qnest10n of WEEh E:'IIDED lOth APHI I. , 1915. l< eepe• s ~!an E•li r k Arnlldal e, b:li·

I Halbetl Cal la gu un, Ll ~mor e 03te-

1°'11, ef~ •• to those wlw ma( h.n~. ful , tile a ssoc•a llon 1\111 t ake !liP mat- et~ht hOIIIS tu1 eha1gemen ~lso u

I ~rH .tl i..II E.<ueos , \ I ,, PP01"1"1'"'T~ te1 u~ J'he execu tl\ e ll \lfl~ stated lcllel Jegaltl ng pumpe1 Hanult ~ A ·' -' "·' ~

Tb e Gen era l See1etary Is a\- COI{R~:SPONDC::'\CE 1cteclde<l tl!al as tlils l llie 11as laul <use A l~n~tl" Li< ScHS81011 took l"o•ouJoLn e Urau ch - Call l:!oy s·

nllaula for lntcn·l 11 during tll e Prom Lb., Ellghl- hour eommdlee ra-1do"n t 1 goou tfl clen l reasons, ll nlac~ on the qu esl ron 0 1 the lell u ctl on S J>r1ce Werr!s Creek

folio,, mg hours and at no o ther e!Pct •ng tw o <lelegate8 - Lef t 01e1 " ha ll be e nto1 ePd - Hece lved


of limP lt w,t:; deci d ed that t he se- Pe1 \\' a! Buw < h -f'etll eJ 'i'llo-

ll lll~s - unlil u t!x l weet1ng al the 'l'ra des l l•' ! om the ll e>ttl O!ll ce slall ng that c1eta1) Wllte to the General See1etary mas W ).J!nness, S uathfold

.\10~D\YStoJ?JUDAYS- llall thecaseof:.Vf1 H ( Dallashaclbeell 11ur egu idlosomeofthecasesinthe T xa ltlc Uumch - lttnlor Po ilel

9 a m to JO a m, and From lhe Trades Hall managemen t tah en u p wtth th e dCJ>aJtm en t, and loca l depot Brlc Sutherland, JlA.mlllon Ua te-~ p m to 5 p m


S~TURD<\.YS-10 a m to 1 pm

eonllnlttee, re t!Je branch havtng a t ha l "ummo nses h a t! been Issued l<ecpe l J ohn Collms Uunn ed oh At-

space an the notice boa1u racing agam st 11 G Wlllram s, W J Gr ~er HOREB I tendnnt Uer l h.t l, G1ace ~1ellylllne-L:nwn-street - Decided to h a ve a. 110 sou and G :.\JcLPn u an fm 1 f'CO\ e1 y of bone

l uce placed on same ur•earR, aud adding that no w that 1 he mon th ly meeting or til e '1o1 e~ 1 ISJ1fnn11Jng Brllucl• - Labo1ers

zabHlJ AIIeru, Yarraford

'l' K\:\1 \\ -\\ ~.

A PPOJN1 :.ll~ NTS. Elec tJ tta l B t !ut rh - Cleaners Joh n 1

'>. lbe r t'<l, RtclHll tl Botl, Franct s I James Doherly ::ivtlue) Stri k er Leslre :.1 cCc1 mu ck, Ra nd \\ !CI< Coach

Painter C:rnest ll e n1~ }'letcher, l Hancltli Ck Shop Bo) Jam es Block,

nau dwtck I BRANCH MEETINGS 1 FI om the bead omce 1 e t he ca m- tlus matter 1s in lhe hands of the L• an eh "as he le\ a n Ap 11l J I th, '>11 \ Willlam Chnst1e ::iltlncy J oseph

pa1gn agamst memb ers 111 ar•cnrs , ad- 1 Court ll \\Ould not be competent fo r \' P Lo we p1es1dlng Tonge, Kog.t 1oh l!.uold O'Sbe.1. Tllllll\<·• 3p~~~~~rTl~;~,~'ch -Junior

v!smg that no meutber may 1 es1gn uu- e ither !lead Olll ce or branch to mal< e l H was decHl ed nol to sen d the Klugswood, AlbeJL Ho\\altl, Botll- C'at C' l e~ner lo Conclu etor :\1urdocll:

~E\\"C;\STJ,E ~0• HI \I lea• lhree months' nol!cc, m writing, any aiJa.ngements but t hose consl d- ~ names of m e mbers In a 11 e aJs to Head urst J ,llnes D Sinelall, Gunningall ~ t clntosh Sldue'

___ ' is gl\ en, and all d ues a 1 e pard, and ered, they wi ll ha ve to malte the1 r Office, but the secJ e t 1) v, as Jn- Dnller A lb ert Hump hiles Syunej 'l'tnm\\R) 'lalucena ll ce Bran ch_

'll 1 r t 1 1 t l 1 f I furth e r m str uctlng the sec r etary to I 0\\11 anungements by pa ying In to sttucled to ngaln notify all unllnan- Sl:top B oy Jam es n Prest\\Jdgc, Fettle ! to Ballast Guard Ed"m ' N

10 ;~sn~ ~1

0 '\;,1 ~I ~ee 'n~ ~, mark an y m embe r " resigned," un- Court - Recel\ cd c la l m emb e1 s In 01 cle1 to g1ve them Sydne) r,aiJOJ er Robe1l ~ l c\1 ur-

e\\~ao<l e ~ .. ll llrt~ c Mwu;I 18

: 11ess be has complied v.lth this rule F1om M1 A L Oa•dlner \f r; !\. a chnnce to recogntse the ~r 1e•pon sl- eh1e, West ~1a1t1and C•oen Sydne)' tn -Un oy, ·PI 1 r · · - Received advtaJn g that the m alter of '.1r J IJIIIty to th e 1\ssocwtwn and pJevent rlectrirnl lllllnch -~ A il T11mme1 R I!DIO\ ALS-RicRIG~Dn On LEFT F1ewln (Hr.mch ( ha irman) p•es1ded, ~ I c S '}' \ ' l(E

From same re yeo.rly badges -Re- Drane wou ld be attended t o as de- thel< names be111g sent clown George Henry :;chotl ehl ?:ar•a street, rHE I h -

and commcnlca en th e small o.ttend- celved l sl 1ed, also stat!ng tha t the ame nd- 1'1'\\o uew membe1s \\ ere atlmlltod, Power Hou He :-.le" c" stle '.J'rnn"'·' l 'J'Jafflc D•un ch-81eetJ•c unce, especially or llllerpsted porson e • o 1 Will J SI t! R b who should attend llowe\cr, thete j F'rom the Cble! Commissioners re menl ~f lhe Appeals Board again s < and (\\Ob' c learance from In\eJell PRO'>'IOTIO~S

1 ,' 1et s 1am • 101 s, eu en a r• lr attendance at t he stnlt, the lighting o r Ne\\caslle 1nrd, ad- ~e etio n al repre sentatives will receive Thlil)-Mie mPd!tla ha1 e been lssued Per Way n 111 nrh - F'elller to ~aidJ~e t 8Sy~n ey J 1ron:uctors H \\ rl-

und later on se, c ral otheJs put in an \lsln g that, In view or the com para- his s upport In tl!e d1recllons desired I to memhe1s tlurlng lhe quart ei , of 1 Gange r John HardiP. ( 1yon 1 <IIU ~x or o 111 owe!, tnr>

ltlve ly early r emo delling of the sta- - Rece lve tl loW I or liixt) ·slx m•tnbe t • In 1he RE'IO\ ALR ! hlllon V. allace :\I :\l!ll", John r 1

pppcnranre, "lnch made th e m eetl D!> I u H • E ~ ('l tiou arrangemen ts at Ne\\ castle •t Is F'JOIU Nlr R S Matt1n, oOII Pcl or, IHarlllJ f ,oco. B r·11uc h -.\.pplen tlce FlllPr •een, en • l xa m , a ren re

I O!i a Plrst 'nte J ~St<ng one not co n sidere d ad,•isable to in cu'r any enrlo•lng olu guide book and s ub- 1 fi:mbleton, ~e"castle SlJop tlO\S HullaJd , FlNi er tc l< J 'llt e lt el l ·wu-1 Tl te 8cerrtar; \\Ollld lllte n t thle 1 0 1 1 B k s 11

lexpeudllure In the direction rererred SC Jiptlons from members or gang- MOl':'\ 'l' \ lf' I'OHT\ I D Walson, Ne\lcaslle Cleane J s ll <a m race um~s ar tl -amue

Juncture to asK memhe!B "bo mlly R 1 d 1: Turner, Gea 1ge Lln ze), Gearge w have buslne:;s to , ame early, 01 at to at the p1esent Lime - ACt er a ece ' e ----


Tboru ton, Hamilton &toY !'ale, to b e present o.rtPI' ml nc.tea lengthy discuss ion ou the dantrers of F1•o m Mr S Corrigan, re arrang - 'l'he monthly mee tmg or the Mount Slgn tdllng B•au~h -~sslslun t Slg- Gutenb) S\dney

are rend, and be for e the correspon- l the )ard at mgllt tiome, and the lng lntenlew on re 1la tn matters 1\l th \.I PLO!Ia blanch was heltl on >\.p!llnal Wllllam 1 Lear y, Jllab o 'ft an\1\U)• \lalntenn n <e Br:tn r h -

denr~> rs finally dealt with ThiR will "safety-firs t" pamphl&ts l t \\as re~ the bran ch secretar y-Received 1Gth Jn the nnnYold&ble absence or, f-IC411es Bt anch - C' lumor C'anvas J.nbc.t-eJ S\d l18\' P King Sydney,

8nvc a lot cf unnecessary reading or t solved Tlla t !he matter be se n t on Florn a membe• le lhe curtuil m!'nt ! lie Presl(l ent M• l<'o•u too lc ti!P Woikei Char les H Drury, E'ele•gh l<' led • i<>•l n , anch - Ciea ners Ar-

~OrlPspondence. and w•ll allow mem- to the Premrer through ~l essrs W or hol l da~s during East~r tim e, and rhul • C'onespondrnre \\ as read and l Hl'JS lGSED on !,EFT THE SER- thur C Serugg, Fledell r k (' Cannon, ( Grabame and A n CaJdln~> r , suggesting lhat tills matter he placed I tlenlt Wllh Se ,ernl letrers "e ' e 1~- VIC'E PatJJ cJ; Golmnn, l'v rll J Ranktn Al-

b ra t o get home In t ime for their :'.f '&LA ' 'o\ilh a requ est tha t that h e foJ e Palilament to discuss "ltlle celted from members \Iilo do not Je- 1 . 4 inner The meettngs are su pposed par t of Royal Commissioners' reco m-- dealing willl rail"' ay mutters -Re- '''" l' thrl! pape• ' The secrcla l Y Per \\ R) Ura n ch -Fetller \\' il- IJ ell :'1/eate, SyclnPr St riit er Leslle

tn s tart n.t 10 am sharp, an d thoy mendatlon be carried out JIB tlle t reived ""~ •nslructed to take the mutter up l liam :\'larch F'ali<>y to Blnn<lro r.d \JiociC'tllo•Tma\~~l·lkRinasJoldn," IRc~n•\ISIIclokp Boy (t•ght to finlsb not la te t than )215 llrtll tJla G " ll e lal SccJel·•Jy Th e 1' rn lflc Hu m ch -Shun ler \alen - ,, ~"

po\1 er house was already In good Fr ve new members 1\ ere adm itted , ' r ~ I WIJI members pleP3e note this ' T lt JG wotkrni order, and all that was ne- and, from all ac counts, this quarter Janu ury-~fa J eh quaJler b alnnce sheet ,_---------------------------~

cessa ry 'o\&B lhe erection or a few I will s a a large enrolment of new "us adopted, nnd pJoved to be a re- ~ I SAY RAILWAY AND Frastr'l Shakespeare Hotel, poles, which could bl! removed "hen members especially from th e loco co1 t1 one fo1 L1" branch Dn J litg TRAMWAY MEN

ICJNG STREET NEWTOWN tbe Temodellln« took place, also t hat I drh ers and traffi c lost qttarter twenty-one ycatly badges I Secure your OILSKINS from the well known maker, Where ALL Railwaymen call it be pQin ted out t hat as lhe depart- Thl' matte r oC a rertal n n r m nl weJe Issued The branch sec• ~ lan I

Wlnu and Sphlts t rue to label. meat la aallllll for matters to r the Ne"aaslle having ncr ess to :-le\\· I has a few more, and anyone "'Rhtng j 11. HUGiiES, 121 Regent Street.

CHARLTE DnA:-ICfT "aafety-llrat" p a mphle l.l , the deroc- 1 cut le yard, at all times, for the 1 to l!UYP on e foJ the present QUnrtl'r Juot aho•t lioad Ofrlc• al U.o Amalumalo~ R.,Jwor aad 'rramwar Ao•~•••llon. la to or Petersh~m Inn. Mana~ror. ! tlv e ll a htlnl at =-:ewcaatle all l1 dan· \ purpoM of loadln r or unloadlnr, was l ~;ha\t ld apply ~urlY I :_ ____ .,.,.,_ ____________________ -.!



Mutual Benefit Company Ltd.



Be protected against sickness. i\!ake provision for your family at death .


BENEFITS. Rule 55, Sect1on 1, reads -''Any member who

Fhall have been such for not less than tw elve weeks and IS not m ar rears on the books of the Company more than e1ght weeks' dues m case of bemg mea paCltated fr om followmg any occupat10n for not less than th1 ee days by s1ckness 01 acc1dent shall be en­tltled to r ecetve as s1ck benefits the Slll'l of '•hree sh1Jlmgs and s1xpence per day or one pound one sh1llmg per week far a penod of th1rteen weeks If such mcapaC!ty shall contm ue beyond t hat t1me he shall be enhtled to rece1ve the sum of ten sh1llmgs and Slxpence per week f or a further pen od of thn·­teen weeks If such m capa c1ty shall contmue be­yond twenty SIX weeks he shall rece1ve such sum as the Directors ma y thmk fit ''

FUNERAL DONATIONS. Rule 59, Sech on 1, r eads -'' On pr oof of the d eath

from any cause of a finallClal member who shall have been such for s1x months there shall be pa1d to Ius w1dow or next of k m the sum of twe nty five pounds or such greate1 sum as the Drrectors may dE>ter­nune ''

CONTRIBUTIONS. Rule 54 reads ·-" Eve:-y member under the age of

forty years shall pay an entrance fee of one sh1llmg, from forty years t o fifty years two slulh ngs and SIX­pence, from fifty years to fif ty-five ' year s five sln l­lmgs, and a fort mghtly contnbut10n of one sh1lhng, and before bemg entitled to any s1cl{ allowance shall have been em olled as a member of the Company not less t han twelve weeks and shall have contnbuted not l ess than s1x sh1llmgs All membe1s shall make themselves clear on the books once m every twelve months ' '

Be independent of Charity. Help yourself. Join now and induce your matea to join.

The Sl'loretary is in a ttendance at Head OHrce, Bowen' s

Chambers, every Monday night betwe en the hours of 8 aod 9 p.m.


l\11· S (l 11RUW\ (t 'liatJ<nnu l, HuuJwwk \\' o1k Shops ?t l r· ,I IJ A 1,1•1 Hnnth\l ~ k \Y ot ll Shops. l\ lr· 11 DA \ 1 ~, LoPn llttJ tllfllg' ?11< J 1 ~\ RRs, ILttl P t' t W u\ ?Ill' \V, J I A l't'l'fiJJJL\1\ <1~< • rh r.lll Ltnt>s -:\11· \ '. 1\ AVA"'ACUJ, l ll< 11 tn l'u\tl'l llouse. 'II1- J. LO:-:C 'l tam Stgnnl> :\lr· .] l\1< I)Q:->1\LU , \\ltJit Tln~ p,,"~' lion r \lr r' ~r~WTO ·, 'l'1.1m Po•r \Y _\lt·. :\1 A 0 1)0'\ \ El,l ; H.u! l'e. \\'n y :\ l t \V SAIH: , JUul ' •'1alfc

~Il A. l WALl1AlE, •, T1ua~n · 1) T rn• 11 'ft·afli'!.

Any further inform .. ti•m. 11-tc., i ladly suppi:ed by

CUS MUI.DER, Seuet.ry. 142 Trafalgar Street




~~be ~3t Maher I

U urber· Crty Tnttcl' sa ll s Cl ub)

\\'Ill, !W L\\lt>;G


LEGER. Tt!E. TURF. ( 'o lllpto m tsP led pas l Lll e A g1eat cro" d \\itne~sed lhe spotl l the :-\econd dt\I Sion , .11Hl \\On haH a smoke wh1 l sl l he usudl pul\ry-hnliP'

fiOltl 8!1\,•r (:\Jil t!, i' !Hl Uenlrl!Hl , \\' J t\1 ,lf \ b(' Ot v e~terdd) le ngth l r om thP tal)! nn!Sill llg T'r\ r outme ~oes Tllt•v :-i ol Y (tl(_' }\ 1"\l

Uuot.l 111 .1 b.trkWlll(l po s tl lOII . bil l I n thf' hr,t lill tq toll ol lhe !'lying A~u1n and .\l e t vr•na ,, go o d Lhtrll \\nllts brlglt lr•ntllg liP .lly C:o111 , W IN OR PLACE ALL EVENTS

P .~G!~ TIIHE1f.


Finals. Boxing & Wrestling .A'l J 11 I ,


FRIDAY NIGHT NEXT, 23rd APRIL Popular Seleclion5 by the Randwick Worksho~s Entertain­

ment Clubs' Orchestra from 7.30 to 8 p.m.

ADMISSION 1 /m Don't miss this treat.

T it< .\ .J 1 1

, ,11

hul<l ·' t.t ee ot eel!ng' .1 1 lilt' llt.I L UPnl.tlltl 11as tn ehn t g<' IJ ~n<ll\dp S pant"ll C.tpsv led to ti!P Acl\anr t!lg was rourllt, llOllllte :\Jtnt wbut about ,11 e s tltn g .tlld lh!' Plloh- P t iSf\1 llt 'lll (' lt•ttr, ,lflll th• • li i'>IPI II<' T ('n,IP I!o lot fei iPtl tu O r la\'lus H n r•

I. 11 1\U tlU\\I(h ( n ol.:.t,!- ~ 4111 Ill ~uu ut I! UIU ];Jlli.H'Il itll.t• Blbh 8llllll< e \\J.!$ th t C' ... 1 1UJloHgs, hut Ul thP liom e tUI'I1 hllh, anti ('ocnlia nC'Xt as- ~:. hove-can l:l t \')P? }i{H\t:J\1?'1, this f ) l'~l: l'lpl iO ll ()! 1llP lll11H h nl l \\\Oil g hPJ' .:\'u \\O llrt PJ", \\hen u b loke ba ll


, UP lg'"" 1

, 11

111 ,omp a n ' 111 1h !lrm.IIHI nt lite ,· , ll· l.loc k Jl\Ht 1Nl I t out :\ot·tlt S t ar J.orll 1J o pe 1\PIIt 0111 a 1\:trm fa- ~eat htougltl Lo llghl a t•onple u f " ""I d1 .11 "" ~ glten h \ a IP.ul l n l'. <'II LH :t n:llnl' lil<t• !h t l

nE,'4.LINC. t 1\U \\ , .. ).t :;Juuld 'dl ~t lll g l~H t b ~- lllllung-.. 1 l)llt .:tltli P 11 ~1 11- mdt> P ild.H--Il lu the 11111 home \OIILt:' IJI thE' tlr~t llhi S\ 011 or the 14 0 ~hovers- Jn- r h l t'l Ill tlll-' pt-·T~O[l :-; or c l. lllufd Pd lllmw who :tr l u a ll~ ~il\\ ll :\ ILd dl~l :\o figllt y \\'llso n for-

:....~---~------~-1 IO!r- l u• ll!JhliL'l I d~ lU ll t ltlt:t-' 1 Ill ::; ltlh~ .llHI \l r>J J\IIHt:\ \Pd l; \ .I \t-•ngih 1.-: l~t r l\lu.· l. ,\,l'!o< n nt t! OIIbled. nJid \\011 lt ~uHll rnp but thr dJ sta TH €' \\8S too r q~lle dlld I ) Jcl\H I ~OII, \\ilo out- ('0 1l 'illl f> Jabl tl ,\Ulll"i•• llltlll ~Dill~ \\I'll- ft•iltll to\\' \IC'\ I .IhOII,

! l ltll\ ~tt llw ti!Li ul toll:' .\o\HP ll a n LI- lt~1tll IJ P !ll.tlld IIH PI) 11ont :-\mth Sto1 r. \\Jt h ~ I shO J' t lo1 hislil, mg,nnrlhPnnl\ Hllf'd , ::!h0\€'<.1 c.tlltl )1u ..., ht• tl Liud oLhet\\J:ielt~ts t\t.~u ta\ hi·d r~hullt m.lgn!ltct'lll ll rol t \\P:-1 I:Ji t,i.;PJ \ r o~j~ .tn, 1 2 1.

! .t p "' 't"'"' 1,, "" '.\lltJJ .. ) " "" ,1 glUIIIIII .11 l hP tll\t J'""l' • "'"' ' " ""n;; \l u 11t z .1 ,;n od h11il, f1 upP<b l u nt!lt lhll'd plare. S11· \l ooreltPl rl led bv ~c tagg eti iUIIII~ t· 1 h nullliUII HA 1 1Jtl t lill'gm,tll .1nl! lll llllt l'. .1n11 .tll tb.:ttlh0.11 lo • "''""'"" ll l, ou pcln' 8, \V. POPE IJO IJ IJ' daut ,1

'i .J\\ ,1 )' \\on l,y It'll Jt .. n):;til:; f1om :\leJr' J- l\lll i:;ti+' l<l ~11th .• 1n d L.1 ]\Jllln IH'Xl. ,t le ngth ul the I.N!;'Pr, hut Hon eJ'-1 arHI 1.. J ~.Hr 11 1 the hNI\ V .l!Ht I1g-ht Kt lift !Jut lhr• Vl ~llll l.tct tf'tUillllK t11,1t l )Jp w JtJ an 1~ .t l?.t ne! on t , out L\. e o ther

I ~Ll t' 111

t..•-..:ei.'!:J!:3 l\1.! ubu or tlle ~ putH mn.x, w1til llPmt~nd ... t. lal J" lllll'tl, HtJ ti t.t !.:HI\ o~r\c ld \Pd by Lln ec lf'n gll l ~ m oon, fi n lH h lng tn•.-;l, ~nt up 111 um e t!h ls l un :-; l·'o t' rhoRf' n ot lllg ll u p Jn l1 1 \\:ls .1 \\11\ntg PlltH.Il sPnl out w t lll <ll.lp ~~ too t->Oh fl

M c n.hc>l Ca~yTatteru. li' ~!C lub, Sydi\~y . I ...J ll 1'\ 111 l'l.l~t.:l I ll lilt • llH Jt.lll:' H.dtl' ro ll'l h l:l.. llll t-;'JIIft l'litjUI' 11 P XL. llnto lht:t H lr~\l!:;hl Jn lhP ~P('O IHI lll - 10 l'eCOI'd ~l dNtd G len Helle ~Htsh -~l!Uve r y HIIP!l('t-' Jt I ~ .l dol elul lilt~ llPh1 bill lnd ellll ltl' lll{t'lll\0 11 8 , Ulltl: Th e !:i ('JII J- [Jll. ll S 1Hl1Jj)('JI os thll

I' ,


1 1 •

11 1 1 , \!

11 Rl l\l' l Lud \\ P ill ou1 f ,LVOJ !ll' iu Llif' d ~J OJJ bu l Cun J PRc h fin ~:-. hPtl \Pt y wa s fu ut t1t, F'i1ebe\J flrU1, aud DPlo- spectacle Yuu tt~t,l 11 1 \\Jt.~~t l1n ~ 11 JIIHL l.1111l t• U w iH·Je ll dill mosL , PdiJt' l goP~ t u !JI (1!:3l-l, ,lJld the finale

LEGER. LECER. \\,, ... "'li"J•• udt•d fo· nn, Hltllllh 11 f'U ltl::t11 ~ l :.tld '!-3, .tnd dt llw hUill l~l f..t :s t, an d beut n~>r l;v a h €>n. Ll Ct.ll1 s r.tine n Pxl ht.>ol\s .tllout · g ant ~'-' tng l-> " an d · •rh - l! allll J w1ll tni<P piM P on l·'t HLt\, ~~: rU R oll .1l \ t.ll '\ I \ l ' ll )U ) I t • ' ' t"_, uu I I ~~ H ll .... ~ll l \\ll(J I t1d..:< 'J'aJLlllllli to l (l\ 111 11'1\ I> \·' lO'l j)h• ol ] PJ U.~l h., ltOitl Jol a .:-1J HI La no :-> E' l Pt! .lt iltP lllrn l.llg llHtt Pro:'' 'll'O.:-i-hllttofi\H,'' .trlCI lntlw ,,e .... f1n d pl.tfl', \til l ,·u<:ul:.tltll g-ln p 10 !lie lt ._\lld r 11J S.lltll iP l t v. ill

WARWICK FARM, Saturday. 1 \ lt!o t\ in Lt l'~ < liiJ dt 'H u.nthu tk 011

B :.tL ilt• .. 11 .d t ~dd) 11 .. rtmt~H S11\P 1' 1 in the HPro11d rll\t ~ I()IJ lnil Julu lln - .lll ~o J h; ut thro\\~. hut tl u •v tl t' \ l' r l lu llll b<·ll . \\.tb liJJ 111 t lllt-' \ltu ld - JJU\ \011 to hu o\\ t llP H .. lJ 0\\8 it il

ROSEBERY, Wednesday. ~ttuJtl.n. l::i Ull o~ up tl'l lt JCP , bttr 0


:1.6 r..u \ lno J\ , fl tll o\P I .1 \\ J illlt~r a t flit' J::: l1111g fn sl, '"o n nHPh r1·om Ln Hoh0 appedJ 1n t hl.:' c:llun lp10 llH hJI.)S \ 11 one 111 ~ 1o IILLtal<l IJ.d\ {J H lOUHt, ht.' w.b[nuL ~ate to J;l\e chcPI\ to ,

to tht~ JJII Zt'!Jg ::u l'icll an al\ o\\-1 1 t~..., d hu1 J, u h Dt-' llnl JII l1 11 1~ 1 llll ~ \\lth Pantonllm e a goocl third, and l st?t-s •~ a. coupl p ot' hell\ IJPautlfullv ou1. .JIId tills }J UIJI'l' Js prp p.IJ PU t.o -

Wm and 1, 21

3 all Evenh .tlllt' <':Juld 1101 lJI• 1

].J llll'll 1 \\ ( 11, l wt~l lum hv h .d i .l ]P n gt h 1 \',.Jl('lt!l. fourth 1 JHOlJO I ! IOtH.:! d. and lllll :-~<·lr L1 mpn g rub S\\1 '..l l t h at Lilt Jt'IPJ(•P l::i count wa.s RIFLE SHOOTING. Stn.rting P l'ice a.ny\vhete Srt l~'' r~ 111 l id !JP ,11 d \Pr) ~·n~l 111 I;l' 1tll f• V>~ l '• .t ~oo cl til1 rd, Ho h 1!1111- I Chotus QuePn ea~ih \\OH lhe 11111 Parll otlJPt In tllP ,:.a 1'!-: .111d br eat he ' nut 111 I l Ull' \\Jlh tllt· h l' i l 1101 nn ) -

Lllt' :'\:o\Ll ..:. ¥

1 h Ill d \ lCh. u a s o.\ nnd Hw1lP t \t a ll l nnrlh, ll op•l. I.::L off 1' 01 tl te :\Tai "tf' n ll t:tndtcnp I on earl! othP r .ltHI sl!o\P .tn d bunt J llin~ ltkP it TIH'I{' oug ht to be

~o.IIUllLt\ filii!, :\ ilr\".1 ~JX·h, dlHI ~\ l • r J i\\1'~ I TIH'' n~~ t didRJO ll nl lh P 11 2 !fa n- l and t,\\e~t cllld :::tO III f'lJ H1 f\S :-.\\Pi.ll, un~ some lh ' IIJJ!tt~ (IJ\ ('1'101l lot onlookf'Jfj noeLB l ' B\ 1{\JL\\~.-\\" .\\IUU·

il IH'\ 1, \\hill' 1. 1t;P10 n .. lsllf:' d ~~·~O'tt ! tlt r :Jp \\ellt to St i ... P (Jl\ \\hO \\011 Jll( ~-, ltl Sl t r ll f) (I J'IOd a :-3 lllf• I E'IE' I f'l' {!1 \' P~ n tu ~(J b\ ~Oill l' 11 ~ t•ll 10 th<• aulom,:t-\\ ' I I S1 n ll 11, lh·• .1 Jl Jll Pill a< • r H-1 1' 1

ASSOCIATED (~ACING CLU BS 11 It., srn t ~ d 0 11

I!D\.il 1 .tddt " "''d · i.J st 1\ lt O>~t \1 1f,s \111 n 1\lllt l{ agltme tJ oc1 1011. I r iP:tll '.ill "" t111ng to lt c i>tll ~ "' l'. ill' <•iul '"co n•l ·

\\ HI\ 011

Sctl llttl.l\, Uttl \\e l l ,\1 11h' \J IRnz1, l~f !'ll s;rnt tnd Jc\1l t !JJI..!~ fllinl Th ~ fav Ol'ltP BolJa dll :\laid )be ph otog l',lpl! Pd .llHI f Jamrtl ol ll t'l s \1.t\(h t hP 11 'h' lee liS Ills h.tnd

t t-'\1 11 1.,11 tilt• h.11t-n11 1t• llWl \\rrh lllle J fe t· e •H·e ~~ll l} nnrl [it I To g PI ou l o IJO X1Jig' 'l'h t.l !:i lun- 11"' 1 , o111d l.tll b, an d h PJHc' the atKll-li nl " h cl t'PP l e 11!1 l .lll Lh<~L he 11<111 I T ltr · l'o l lo11l nt; WCJl' the pt·tze·wl n·

l'lJ\I,tll.t .t ncl t!h 11 wt'l a. 1\f'l1 t hP l hf" fillJ Sh \\as uo \\IH'l(' < Jv:.; Jl1 H' \\:1" daJd \\as ldg-h Ltkt~ll all ro u nd l1lt' ll ts 'l'l tt' ll:lt1 ll'<' lll\,l!J. t \Jh l:Olll -los l '" '"~' """"~ tit.• t',H •

1 1 l 11 :\ 11 I r 1 1 1. !t I' Tl 1 11 1 1111, 11 '"" to lf>llnt IJe loJ<' t il t' lwll "


111 tit!' llslldl mollthlv Jlltzc shoot,

T hP ll! gl: I lt <. Pl.t\1', 01 rl0(1 !;()\!';, j}t)Pl1 Lll ~P{'(' 1011::-i Ill IC' OV H P ,\11 (•Jlll, all( \.1 ' \~ 1\P'\t )JP.e p .u Jt~s (,\ 101 " P(('l .l m e u- flit (] on SaluJCI<.! Y, J7 th lnRt:lnt con-PONY ~RACES.

lo t l-t ..! }.HJ IIJt:-; ,ll ltJ•IilllOII( ( t\"tc) lli<..U}I Hlld hn r {\\O 1\ 0iil tll b!, \1, IS IJIPk- 1 ~\1,11\i\lltl. finH;IJpcJ \\(•Jl 111 thf' RP r -lt wn -0

S HaJ\ Pl" \\ hO~P li g h t llrltlH' fl.tlll n \~1 l!,t'/ll. llO lHP(l It llOf',r.- ns nl d .tJOIJb, Ill !-'.hOl !-1. ,U 200 ~ ,J Jd R. 'rhe

011 R ntllJ(l.J\, 1 ~ .uliL'd

111 ~l \\I ll

101 ,_ tl tor tJ JHI'il 111 0111\ \


1onU di\' IR!Oll. nud JU St \\On lr·om H ~ l · IS Jarrlm c nnd \\l 1o m£ •,hlll'£-F; ~1hont tl ll\ (!j, .. l llll \\ IH!li1•}J !h~-' J,l \ 11.:' 11 boxm lwlld!i,lp~ t Jt · 11HI 1t lied 111 lJiarkeb;: 1915. NEXT IVlEETINOS :

Rosebery, Wed., April 20 Kensington, Sat. May, 1

:1<rate 10 Dt.J II]r•llt' "· •~ ll l f.;t Olll .lllfl .11 t hC' fu:~ l~llh:ll'lh~ l :\~::t;l~:~O I:~l l~ ~~~:P:-;~~~~~l~llt t \\0 )ard.:::l tOII t tllfh(•:-; , .tllCI \illO ltn- : 1c:~t<;~rll\\: l;fl'11f ~ ~~~~~·:l.J~~:·: ~~,H~~~~~ ~:llit~ F' IH l•f'lt ( 4 ) ·I ~. \\' BJ e Wfll (?) i S,

11' \ ~t• \\'t •Jt,~ 1 11111tl 1 1P dt ('~H~ I Hl.t\'SI \: !.J•Ion:~s 1 cl In lu o~J J, ~ tn~t'H; t•orn .til}' p ut h1H mnu 011t \\t lh n JOlt . 1 .. L.Jn~ll1t'J (\IIJ 4 :--.,, i-'1 nunnoy (sc r)

on R • \lldt\ lr' lllt•·d 111

·' dcnd hfl. t l l~ ult' l i.1J II F' l , \\t tll B ,IJ .. H1J llt.' nf'\: t , :111 '1 1 t' r o m Lac.!\ .\ ymer, :\l al\ an a, and Poa uuller thP 11Ptrl .111othP J r,uf' oc·- 1, !;, \ \n,Jw" 11 1\l \\ t~ 01'1' ny1 4 7 \ \ bhn (::;c l) -tfi, I[ A uk en s

]),~f\\(un•" nul ( 1 \ II'J'\ I hP otllPt ~ t 11 tl · d o ff D!.l l ,l t 11f' Jtlcl Cuu nutPnce l ke 11 E>.Il1t>\, t he \\t->IIPJ and , tlw 1 '£•J P{' .11 1d lN' b .' tiH• clrwlc ( 1 •ll) ( \ lOl l tHt:l) •I ) ('n p tLllU


.lll· \\t' ttl'l ll,tnd t<~ltJ d\ lLilllh\itl.l ll\ t11rPF 1 ... 1 U~tll•,,•ttht•lu \ l- milf'll 0 11l ~rltl?firsldiii:::donol'1ht? ..\ -.,ot llln -lm tddle ronlr'~ldllt \\ liOi sJ H s tr~ \\lltl ~11!. • r r -ull o 1 tiH· 111\! 1h ma\ rl n \ \.' 1 · l J:-::.

Phnne~OR. 11 Ellzabo thStro•t th e L lllll' d.l\ ,tl• 1

ll'<t ll iP\l Ill .t de ar! t;n ic tlll net, 1\Ltll' UolJnd•ne n. rouplt' <ltrap fell !o Ttu SIII Ot tln 11ho" ,.. .Ji ildlll bll ~ lll h~- l ii<P l• tllllh0 t !n il tllt o both b<"• ~oo t! l t ell\l lllll r <•J l ~illl\ 1• •ll lll ll' 1 1

"" 1 1 ~, ,(' 11~ 1 ' \'::~~ t l~ ~ !


01 lrllg th :3 Fttttl lt;l' oft \\.1s a good ',\:I) by half a leng th f t om (~app noli<~ \ t ltJO\\ ,\ JP 11110 tht\t 1JJ,1

h\ (]11111- lt l 1 P n.H llH;: la tl\ ~tl un~ \Hii, ,ttl{l 11 lt I ~ :s_ ~l tg,!J,l:i {I)

'I'll• "''" knn"ll l'h•><m>ll•m ,. ,.. Sn• lle~~nw ?'IllS got holtl of a '" " 11' ll'O il t of t h e olltPJS D t:tbler!r slt ll I who lerJ to t he Le!(et Latly Wlll llon pion c\ .) t'HHO n ll l•' lltl.\ 1 a ll at- > 1>11 1 <Pllu r•(' th< IZP of ,) ll11tn \ 'S 11 rad I~;~ ' · ('OO jll'l I B< I I 44

• G W ,l ll e r

t nh """'"· to''" '"''" ''"''"" ""''" .. 1

;.; 1 1

l k 1

llll whr 11 hP.ttlH wPrP lt11n e d ror l was a good th t rd, and C' lat·enre next l wntualetl 'h i•,libtO \\ · 11 e lt ll 11hn 1 tnd mnu n11 ~" 111~ t t tlllenrl' to ftn s!1-l ;. 44

' IJ .\l,ll?u P 11 11 44

• W,


: .~·,~~1J0 ,1 1 ~J 1 ,_'~~nrt~!:"~."r~'u r ~'r"',';;.'.m~~~~. ~:~~r cl.' ~:11111 'l~'~':.:JIIl;:~, : 1~0;:, ;n;:.'L ltCilll'. 'l il t Hob~dt11e look rltuee .t ! ~n.nalast nir j n~t \\On th e sec on d , hii JC J., li1; llll' ll C>i t i11 ~1<'.\ l stvle , l n r,s , ll \\Ill ~o .1 10 11 1; 1\3) t o lm· l 8'"~:,~',"1 a\ : c \~) 44'•: J P~tnLet (GJ 4 ~•

&. 1he ':{1eJu.1' cu 1~ thp lt•:\I J 11ptantP and rom 1ng on\ '1 n clr V1"'10ll rrom Rtalto, \\Jth ~ladJm anrl on f' sonte\\h::tt .Ill( J ilt F \ lr-1 JI 0\ 111~ both lll~ lJ fJ XJJl g diH.l 11 1)3, po-

H1 ndrads ol pcvptP hn\~ Jnpn H 1rn P<~. CI; t'" 111::.., Il l-' h.ltl n u 111 01\P\ btJI I hP\' JH'I- ~ - a ' ' '

~ ... t~,~~~~~~s :n~;~~t~t!...,, :~ t" l~~~ o~l~e a~·~:; ~': ::,I\JdNI htm t u b no k htg h e i K 111 111~ ~', 1 '" I\ 110 111 l h t· fa~ t - 11 lll ~hllli'. l ' hu - 1Zaska a b3d thu·d ('a r t \1\, \\l!o, altP J bf•tu l\ ldJO t ked pu laJ !t \ l 1\f'll• , il h J arnlo thiti:l Stt' lte• tPald I ------- l drJ>\n fOI'l\' tltll e ten r 11n1s an d nbott

1 Th1· b "" '""' "'"•·' ('ltlttn 9 7 1

, Hi l l TRAMWAY MEN VISIT THE t tjd In ur.<! till\, ln ter ,,:tl p.tlllll ln a. Ct\llf~le ;i.ltll' I'H llltllt" ' i h' IJO J:;• liP IJ rtl'k t"l \ ' • · ~ · ,., r- u <- g:

: ,l!~~~'~s ,~~~c: ;/11:~~~;1~ttl1:':~, '~\~ 1 ";1~;!· .. 1! ~~~~~~ wn~ 10 n. ll d\l t)P\r.utr ro~ c•Jool, , thP tott1 1h , l tum llltlt .tud Dlab~t)lh ANTICIPATI0!4.JS. j!:.. l\1'> tllffPJr nt ltm l"s artu~lh r tl \\1- •1 Jl MANNING ~ .,"•: ,~~::\7 ~·o n~:···,~~,\ry~rr~:t~ ~:,~"..~H I Ll ilet ll f\ o · •'I m a l.r :1 m:u- : ~~~-,',~t.u~.c~ll:~":::.:e\'~~tltome \\ Cr e h o l<~ ,~ :~o::~d~:~lt h1~\sel ,.~ 1 ~~u:;IJ:\:'~~1 on':~~~~,: ~ R . & 1'. ( l. l'B 'lO t BX\"li~X'r . I F •Tilt>:'! 5 6 9 li l:llJre, PCJS~ rref• rrncu talJie k e t With f llt' Oh} tll ,l Jl b sp)O::;ll I or :..111-~ j" f ~ 'li .. ,~·-~~) ~~~~:~. du L o ngs chnmpa, :!83 ot\H'l hOJ' Rl-1 (' f' lll-40 was Pl ~UI P a 11 )'e(l-\Jo a\ WARWI K srientlfle opponflnt, f1. n ::\T P.l lltll ll' --- _\ pall) of ('I IC' h.eiPI's, pr·incl pa1]y

Tl"'''' ;H ,, r ll a in llotsP-u\ltH' t , 111 o ''"' 111 til e Youlhltd Stak es , nnll C FARM. In, lhe 11av, tr tlth \lallllin~ llud IIO L \11hlll Sto!t , ., li11s L11re <l ertder lll<n ! tom the\11\irl< wor l •ho pll,

!rOVES t or \\ ood ~llor<:o ke

11 t f'l' ~eu 111 , t u i\l P r 10111 tl thP rnt ; knn r kPcl UJ) his li ght hond llt' nllglr l ul h ucl knnl"l,& nl thf" ' { nncl T \H: l t('d TU!Pl:.' d111 111g tlte ~~ast~: I holi•

L:ntllll!Hl who 111:.1\ UJ('p\ \\ lth t touUl P ' n 1 ( Hl1 RD11"'~ shC' rt\v. Th P \.I(' \\Ill

110 1 ::itan fl .1 \ ul lialt "' !tu ong !J P \\ :1~ llP \t.: , Bu~ra or Glend\\J~!...._ , ha\ e made things hn l !'or r: . ld•J 1n l n~l1tutr, HtHl he rPI PJec l Li mong st A d.t\ .; 111d plt~J ed l\\ll ~lnr,.., le -Jn n itH· a

Fuel f r.Jm £'!.-7-6

. 1 1

l.J {J olliJh~tl and \\011 f ' t~J\y f1om Lo1d 1tlle fi nn l ~ sit 1:1. lhe 11 f' o -Opc• tl1 0l ' ' lgn oli g~lllH~ I \11~ and !r(,nd SJ)Oll, Olt l llla 1l ll\'::i, Ollt' dgdlllHt tl!t' I.O\\f"l :.\1a~1 ..

I flgJ~ t'.' 1 Pll Bt .lll rnrmg JOJ~P~ unc e~ 1 \lctl l , " 1lh '4 t• W lL Pland a gooll 11\tlll l<""AK=.\1 STA ~< I~S. ::;ot t.:l out n~ foliO\\ !-; - ll C'n\tC'H R l·' tlllt\\ lus l !'h p \'liJ:-:; \,C I'e ns ioi- 11111g .1 11 ' 1 lllt' uLllfl' fl2"alll~t ~t1 ·nn d

1 0 ~-' 1111 "'<1 up 111 '1" 1Y I>II SIIll'?s tn con- 1 ,11 a n •la 11 a s !Otl!tlt :'oiiJtrli ftl llt . autl U!.tt\\ela 01 Sll Regtnold l3aket :\llr!rll e E: I' \1 In P tf lte Jo"'- ilHI'l el !11 th e lll<t mal r lt Lite Tt·am-

neruo n \\llh "llnlf'gt'l !i Pd' potlt rs La P e nua n e xt, 11l11 lP Pot l tatt 11l11p · ~ 'L YI:'\G H~:"l llll ' AP ' doesn't r,et •cu JPll bl lleane\' s KO. Bun!.lm s - F' J Smi l lt 81 KO 1 lld,l Ull' ll scoted a IOt .tl ol 2~0. J.

o n s~~l;:,l~(~:~:· t~·r~~\0\~1;(1 K£\\\l~t: sl ~;I~~~ p t-> d Ill. >-:uwarn ElJya 0) Lad) .r\ntnll h' ~Pfo~tfnli~n '\\~Plt£'1. n Flnla.\ \1.~ 1\lll nu n s ~ i'l tlie seC'O Utl spaxl!l 11.t\OIPJt (11 u' ~G, f{ F utiPfl Hle ( a

1 ltl

1 b . :r'11 1n, ' r otun a nrl A1111fet \\ PI'P Ot st JliVENI L E H ~:\Oll AP . tgll l.a11 son if he ""' "1> np in lt11l e t 7 1~ " lltsPcl the 11hlle fldg

1Saxln lh -\ JelllnnsJ B 1:: Uorm.Hl

C:Jaflon S lO\l Hn' e, PPn gt\Pn a ,w ' "';P~ gOing 111 lh~ ('up, nncl 011 t of Beanl.n or BI'Jillu JJI:; ume 1~enLher R Bu ~li n an t am ol .\ L ilP l"' tl 7 11 t o bf> llob.te d 1n l (h fttLl llnP ) 2LJ, \\' L .. aw ( h Sulltngs )

Hpr11 ill •· r :_ • 11 ~ 111 Tofua lP d f lOTll r·nm \Y Bt-11 You pn,·s \0\lr ll10J1P\ :.l.n•l lll e htRI l Oll tll -t7 \\ ,.'\ -' \ille (r Hn d h\\Oi l h )

T ile ~llrn<lanPe at TlntHlwiclc on Tt '•l ' ' l!u t us Rhowrrl I he \\0\ pn'l WARWT C' I\ 11.\:-.:DJ t'-\P lakes lOU t' r· hoico , a s the amo t Pu r s l· '<' ailt<'t ' ' \\ :\oJih 8 11. ltnr! a 411, T :\,tllt.tntel l< !),""· h Long-

lim~y huA Bb'Of\ lnt.Ph th.c (1111~ Sare CTue Sa f l! rrlU j was P~t tm atPtl ut 25,00° I lltlif~ pol e f rom rrot11:J, 1' 11111 .1 1111 orra, Siruou J."'ris co 01' F11'nt ~le t'u\ 1 of tlll flX PPIIP(l h ap pfl'11I'lgR j) C. Jl\ l.3 \\Ill 0 \'( I 1-' \ , ~ l\ 0 \ d('n 8 1 ..! \\lJJ~l!) 40 Jl(l \!12. th e rhlfl srorf- IS.

for lu(arrh, t:t 1omu, \\mn r r•s u t l ' C'HH IIOLk on ~ai tn £l ayl I \\" 110 ll1 £'P h !! PlHI Oeml m u t t}1e 8\ the 1\a\ the (11Hl l!i a t e V

P h,.um :ltlsm !'icf:nlrn Lurntm;;o Liver a~l\ !"

1 R Ill :111 I a l ') tlg lit e l\ tlH-' O!dCI' was i..• L•' {!~um llflXt Satu l'tl~l) P,.\( ' 1: \VI •' I...T\~ 1 ~ tO- " Igbt. ( ' ll Hor , 8 1.!, 1 an~PLl Sf d Bnd •• ~(J Jt' l .u'\f'J \ l tll\lllll g tt\n m hnocl,E'd up

) \tn t"~ ' l'it'l; ih!P .. l'll £'s, ( f" n ··,~J nehliltL 1 WPJ 'Tf' \\llltf" , \o rn n Pf, .n.n c 1 n, HO\',\l ltntus, tltJ Pc le n g ths f1om . Lad) \-Iascot 0 1 t 'o ol . \. 1r t llte 22nd J.lo ul t 11 t ill' SPC"untl tound i715, \ LaurH• tc l )ct \OJP II I l i>7, G.

1 r111 11lt l!'1 ll<'fl \} C'o1c1s A<Jthmn An nern lo fL.l})}}\, i\} 1s:;; Rf' abtP I , .111{1 Cla1.1 \T Pn , , . . )tight, l-l / 4 / l5. 11 1

i•un ~~lc;o~~(o;L!~~;,P~'.:•\ .. :~,r vt~:.':t~B~en~l:doi§l:~;j l Til t' Tr lnl bdm ol d ('up , ovr r two .~:~1;: ~10,11111\PildtfoUI~~·:~lllt:fL:t:· ~;~'/\O ,1\ J\d SPORTING SPARt\lETS WA-S--H-Il·-L-OUT 8 ~~:~>{~~ ~ ~~~~\~ , /:~~·~ . ~::d J~he l~;~~( ~l't;r~ ! Iul .. Jt-' 111 (not. 0'11) J(IJ, .ln d r; J~. ,

11 f' , C" IetJOh \\ or l ~ s~a .. 1 , >~ 1 1111

l rs, at \\.f llJIJ P"ton (NZ), 0 11 ., \ ... O!ll"' _ was a mod£>J'ate tl!ti'cl, and a ller- 1 Sul l1n ;•s (t ('ofl'Pj, b 'J'oh,\) 5G, 1> eu1g

I ~"> il ll j( r I JJ ( :. J \\\J P!l t\1•· 11 \)'okC' IW\f' l rf 'd (l\ grJt a cha.!l(' P t n \ J f' l l I tl

li uu 1• s to 10 pm u 1o 3 1,m sundM• Sllu HL1

v \\ilS \\'Oil lJV \V .. lt st•\ p 111 tn : 11 Ui:i R 1 'l 11 11 u tl vanC tJ 01 l.ept~ With CaiHtto..uu tl 1

{ 1

<"' I \Ill ge P t ~. P~(~1~o;~ n~~~nt~~~~ \ /''t'~~~·~t!. .~~11111 ~·fs,er ~~ hf' tillH' IK :tn .-\.uRtra-1 ".l ~ll : •ht \\<l!i J PUt llP ~ , ti:P 0~ 1 .lFHtl1'1 b t- :\1isK l't> lJ .. L nex t. - - • - I !U lt" BT !•' • . , , ' ~ t ·t:·t .l F'n l\ e\ ~) 0 . ouL pOJnlerl I{ + In !hP nJ.H ch ,\g,11 nst 111e Sti'O ild

,Joiie)l h st rr e: t. I hh nmht' I . 111 2, Jll:il. Ill IICHll ol (Jft:l, lolna ttlHI rl.'d / i l'~l di\J o.: !Oll ot the 141 llan- A s~uil n& tacp !m t\1 (> 1\la·,\ :1\.11 I l ." Bll.l\(: .(: 1.\ b:-, ,J.-\Lh ,) ll \\ 811. ~ ' fl l.-.trH l tPam the Tt ,\111Wa\ ruen

•••••••••••••• la•t .m t Notcl '" '"'' " ' di< IJl \\Pnl to Ell f' u :llo o re , \\UO led r Jtamptonslll!J took pi Me on Lahe ( l.l ~-! •, t :\1•,\1' 1•,1 II•, U \ 11 . 'Ll·~Itls - B '" \\ lle;ht. ~ 13 lllll "OO<P\1 2~0 B!';ainsl 101 l'offc•y knork-

1 Js lwl. :>Lowfotrl T" ho i•IIS, 'llllll:tlr , N:tii'.O tool< r har?"P a t the dt s lnnee, i "' t " lhe stt .tigh t 1\'llh Wee Luc ll Th~ Ill 8 I 1' 1 101{) l.'i fH E l lr . I' 1. \olln g 0111 of vatn tnJ o nnd nne ''cl llll Jl'l no! ont '\c\ tl le 4 0 ln d

;·r,.r;0 Y.,r;,~~ " 1f,1,\~n~~1;} r~r ~,b~~ ~·\11Nl'1~o,; •. \~~~ nncl '\ mlJ P 1 \\ood \\f'tP tPilllnf'd WlU-1 nnd ·' l it tiP lul'thPt on lo o1.::Pc1 uHlJ - latLer \\a s a. t~tP s e co nd, ~u td lonn. I a\\U I J.l ~n -~ tt~\~ ,l~ , ll~ ch._nn ~ ---- ..\ llul dJin~Oil ''o 'l on ·• forl t.IJI IIo m! l ln \O if' ll :-:o L.tU iltJ. \\HS lhe , ~n l:r r !lt!HI " tJaN•t.l f'han<"..:? t'ltllll "' \\ 11-- 1\fi'S :t f n .dhut r.. l on ~nl lii'Ci'I Y l Jlii P, !Jttt r ln·tn ll \l t-1 , J1nhd! l llg rast, go t l tllltd Hhol llllJ ,lll{\ \{ ' trraba ~\e l"e to- ~ 0 11 lll\:1 e up 11 d ll<' , ,\11 r\e\C"Il~ \L-\H\. E I Lot · ~ \ii~ ~ t\: t; tl\ UOl'U I {' Jiffollll i.l!Hl '1' 0 \Jl ll o ul, dJP \\ ~:.l Ollf' ('I lhr hOll\0 l<'Uill to )'(•U( h hl tr

i ··~ 71t>~·,~l'df~ _lln~r~ ,: ,~~ - c~;~~~~n~~~~~·~~<-n l~ln !4~b ll lgh \\,IS WPl l b nr l<Pd 10 tlH' llJl Ill itll1 P to hPdT 111111 In a ht>,ld gfl'the r rll routtl t plar._P-, \\t;tle llaur- :\~~~~~: ~~~ :n. ~~~\·~l~IJa, l ~ ll' \\lt, l :\Ill~. lhyP I CJ_..!I Il f'R. 1:woting 5 :{

~:~.:~~!ll~f~l ~lte~.I ' P {'t •llliJ..l Ht~l\\tl)' :-:; t a - Clh Tall's f'llp 011 SdlUl'tl.l\', lJIIt fh ~ K l tl'~ h lllltgll 1111\~hf'fl l.t sl Ill lhild laB! beal tho oth E: I'S The r.na110\IJHI ol t hr. ('rtch et ('om- \oV PltPr~·-~T rher k Ptt ,tt r. 'f' )\p T!amW .. \\' ftH?n llf1 d a goo cl

' , !vl 0luoHtn e \up w inner d tll noL lJo l,l place \lhtlr '" Olll e t ""nw•l lollu\\Hll Sll lnhave n unll 1 a dy '<J e r re t were l I ·' l I (Uy ' P at< In n ') tli e rl<e <l T .I 0'\1~111 .tlld "Tt< l ~;t'" 111111' '""\ PII JOye\1 th e tme l\ e s tho· " • ~ ' ... , - 1 p ~;~ JLJOil w.ts fOil<. Uut't un ~alu l t :.t ' I

~ nt h! li Y 1'1 PP Rllnnn Ji" J tsro, A!Pronnf" r , M~ nn,nn- ~ f J !'S L Lo sl!O\\ out 111 the second d!\l - i n finP \\PlltllE· I ( '1une hds IJHit e d rtght Jllto t h P i pas;:;ecl In lil s e ll rhH 111 the fourth t:1ughly ~ H lf'c:H\l~lf ~ "' u,·t ln;.r llnl'-~h 1'ul t:hrl\\ - ---- 1111 :\pthLie, ( ' ltcltl ev !llt-' , HOYLII \{tlfns ~Jon and a t th e h o m e Lu rn le LI fi'OtU I :\fo r tll 8)'1ll j 1 o f k S fllJ t. light IH l!JH dt> rlSJ \t> \i111 u\ et' -

;1 ·J:~!,';~ \1~~~~'. 1,~1 :~·,nl\'l'\~t;', ~ 'l~;l: 1 ::\ 11~\ ·: ,~·/,~. .1\ltl r.ll lll ft->1' I Ltll; .... ~e!l Th~ l,i''l lt"IJI" ' ' \IUS fir-..t . e' \\ I . tl f' \\ \\P(' s I CITY TATTERSALL'S ' ' " ~u • ago, look~d st11e wtnn<· t ~ of th e l'om- .IIJ•1•ll\ JJ!Il , a11t1 1<'11 g tullg,. t ltP !JI'l·

~ :~:.\\1J1~~ ... ;;..~ 1 :":~·~~n~.1~ 1 :~, :;'t 11 .~··•;, ~:;~' .. • • 1 \H• filst to ~dlow out i n thf' (' lub l mlu lh~ ~ tra1ght, and f' OIIl Jng on \\011 p etll ton, WC'nt un tiE' ! LO \\'~ste rn Su- mJ~lllg ~oungH t1 \ t lti R ll ! t 11p t ile lad - AMALGAMATED RAflWAY ~.:~ ~ ~·; ~i;[;:-.::':JJf'l~~~~;~~ .. 1 o:~',''J~!:'\~ .~.\~l~, 1,;~~\. \\.fltP I wu e 0\rp n nor, D.tllll 111 • JJIIf'l) f1om l .. ad) \l ercer l \\tlh ( ' ali- lltul>c; by nm f' w JckPls :l nll l\\O runs r! P1 0r l'.t ul P antl 101·t1111 p \thU't r10 111

l li,H I;;<;~JL"""· "~'".""":""" . • I W i :'i.XI~ H:-. , S I', IH!II •: HI..; , 1'0;,'.1' 1' 1'1 1<1 l'llze and lj o iJl!lP Skirl. bill pha a dose lltlld Rllanhal'en Alleu W cstetn Subutb~ n ow hold t he t hot, h o \\as ee t Ld in!) lll c\; y to"'" ' AND TRAMWAY SERVICE ASSOCIATION . • :.~~; ~~~~;!\:r~~)~~~ .. J!)Jd':;'i.;;~vJE''J't> IHo, t ii~'7 - J,)O~i'i' tO \S t \\hc·n g .) .tlg nanum .lnd .:\'fe LJ JllH' \-' rollnh pbce, and Lanc.l'dCa De beat 1914 - 15 prt::mlei'Ship. IJ> a 'k o " l u sonl~ tounU~:-J l1e

).! \P.K rAu B;: lntcotl u cl fona, utomot \ \\'t'l'E' shOW Jn~ th e way lo Thlld r 11 z(~ lbe others 1

On Satutday Docker took 3 ''le- d1d 1~' t la) a glo\e on the elusi\'P H ill 1

BlbllN1lul<r, 4 to 1 (Cl•flonl. 7. I :tn<l Ow Pn rto e. Al the h olf-mt !e l Lord C'as l le r eagh wa s l11e elert 10 1 kets for 9, · .,;,\ Dupa111 4 fot 4G but 1n th e last couple he seemetl t~ I A MASs MEETING 'l'O WEAX ME)l'. Lad y D e nma11, 8 to l 01 ahP r ), 8 , fJanum led b) two l e ngths rt·om T htrcl the fttst division of the }[alu en lian- o 11 ~ also diu well, hts re co td bemg have got Htll ' s m ensure b eLlet and

':o •n oltc r 1\o \\' lo ng YO't hole l>Pen , Co lugr, 6 to 4 (MrL3glt lan) T" l'l~e . nnll en l Plln g the ;tratghl Da- tll cup, bu t he ne\er looke rl a winner ' 3 !OJ {{ , was dotng veiy nice ly \\'lJe tller lte ,

'Wo.r)ln g, thPIP 1s l:l\ 1:" 1} hope ur ~orn~ Tnrtunus, 1 0 to I (F' Ruc;:sell). num stil l sh o\\ell lhe way to 'l'hJICl aftel a fu r long had been t ra ve rsed . \\'Ottld hu1•e gained " potttts d ec!slo tt l plt•t..- r cco \ e1 y. lJr J onl:!)j' Vlto.l\ty Pills I I ~ h"'" been known to Sllc • emarkable • • - •Royal Latlt!te. 8 to I (Smtth) . Ptlze, with rtoya l LRddle and Hobble Handsome Lad l ed at lite three Is doubtlnl, and It Is a lso dottblrttl

a u lts af t er a fe" rlos f's \Yr l te to 15b At BOXING :.ra.rket·s tree t, Sydney, explain ) OUI 'Thl rtl Ptlze, 16 t o 1. Rklt t a l the h eR d or thP othe r s. rurl ongs, but Cho ru s QuP.en wns fi rst • 1\ hat m1ght have hnpppned had fill!

< and you wJll recei\"e expert a.dvlce t l 11 t Roy" 1 I addle just l e d t th t t hi d 1 te ' s ~ nre, . " '


1u o e s r a g . an corn ng ou won 1 1

been allowed to fight Otl tnsteatl or

-t_••_•_· ____________ 1 'T'hinl T"l'!z e, an d a good ftnl s h 10S111t· e asily from Hand som e Lall wlltt --- being ronnte u ottl. I le ,, 0 uld b"l'"

j A fl lorious !lnv pt•rvnllNI tor tl•e " ' CLUB SECRETARIES J11 t'elt n g nt Hunt!wtck on Salu tda )'. ed tn the judp,0 tlPclartng "~end !:at VIolinist n fair third Lord Ca s tle- ( By' Pautao .") 'ueen d a Z<"d a btL r e tlumly, but th en

w•lto,. and thf' gotng punnHl oul exce llent h el\\'0r n lhPHe two , 1\lll le wen oe I'Ntgh and (' t own Gem \\Ste fourth , I he has bPen tn th~ same fix betute

W J MOUNTAIN STIU.ET Rporl onrnrd w t!h the l!ul<ll e w as a AOO<l th ltd M e rrlnwe w,ts l attll Ro n g llitd next l'IX ' rt' HI·~ ,;. I :lllu com e out t op Std Rulll\an

.. AMOR, SYDN£Y. Rar e, Ior \lhir·h J?Jul~ Pi a ~ PI slartPil rout Il l, F.llsl:tn fil th, Kirllhtllt :'I!XIh I \lllnPr'• Daughlet· prnc! tcallv led S 'l' \1)11 \1 d toppe tl him rwfr r Ill oue l'lllllttl lot

Monufaetu•••ofT,adoUnlon Emblomo I >llgll liV llllllPt' t h.lll l ll'manil, ~! Prtl· ,!1111 Toa•t 11"'' • wltil• :lfandowa whip- all lite IIR)' in the SPcond c!H•l~ ion Thts Aftemoc.u -.l ll;tlnee: li:l'!1ie t IPnglhy rount, bu t tha t \I US all hel I

pp1] !n. : and \\011 PUHt ly IIOlll t'l'aLh\' , Who d1d UOOLI\\Ill .IP,\s} 11 tlll'h, ); ddte ru~tl\1 tlo , >iiiU Jtmnn w~nt tl,rough

Contracto ttoA::~Ii:;.::~~:h~::lwa.yaudTr•m- Ulfl. ~ lllll] HlbbPnl\Jkl• l n ot gpt t oo \\t'll awny fl'Onl tll P bar- l::iUJllS y Ji~rR l\ STllllll (j ltHllHl ~ PdClJ. 1u a <:;j i(• (PRslnl tin :~h.

ASCOT I 11 01'. Run n1 RHige was u fait' t hird. , Saturda), ~VIII ,:4 l! e 1111 lletu- ThPt e .11~ onl) une 01 rwo t ltln g•l

I r I I "'110111\ Ui l u n 11\l:. '•t' L.JIJI III H:d I' I I I I r lb d ll f ALL IN FORMATION >uu tn:J\ uql tlll cttlur ,,. lll"' 'Jtt ·. ... • "n ('::t.e lel' out , an 1e a\Oiite, , leu lBelglUill) v Fta n k Lougluey l wo 1th 1u r nl 1u n 1ng 1 e~:;a J dlug th e con·

Dllcl"' .>'uut p~~~~ RHII.IJ,,C~IduEtuu J•'P rt llfl,rH~-xt I (USA.),lO!l L Slb t eH I 0HP w.ts tlte ttPn!F~nUous ! \V tlln t:> •·~ , ~ P . BHlf"r ~, Pt.t~l p0~ 11 1 o n ~. BJPwery C:Jrl 1Ptl to \\ilhi n a tP w Sulurday, :\1aJ - ll arolf l llfnrlVo.JCk nmounl ol m1H~es llltl 111gPd , 11 by both

Corner Maitland Road and Beaumont St., ISLINGTON, Newcastle R lu! k]~!('k, :: >:. \0 1 (f'U I'll e), ~. yard • 1' ""' ' hom e In !hp lhll'd tlll'i· (N s W . ) v. J eff Smith (Us A). j m on . Tlt ry \\ PI'P 80 ~li!Ch 111 Hrlton l

·~m,hl~lec• uJ .. 1 t n,S \\' I••\.tllllllf'ltiK'IIIv.l\ tllldlltlll\\llVSt:l~lr.'t"A•souflttuu Cttlll'f?a<h,4 lOJ (1Jill0l1), 3 S\011, bUt (!'USOl bc~ at. hef lL lJpad ----- tll:ct L]t(lV lf'lt fl\' lltlll ( h f'l s SOll]f'!JJ\l('S j

SPECTACLES MADE TO CORRECT ALL DEFECTS !~l ieu }lt•o t e, 1 ~ lo I (Ulake), 7 • .VIy<·ee wu~ a rntr tlllrll \ J lss Frunces l Next Saturday will seen. return o f whtl s t tn llllu-ai t', I tom all sorts ot l

BAKER'S STADIUM !',r""'·<i Jmec:u~'" ' ?>1r R !, fl-\ Id•, R

NEXT SATURDAY NIG HT, APRIL 24th , at 8 30 pm . great Inte rnational welterw11~hl contest ·


Two SIX'•round prelimmaues, commen canl!l' at 7 .45 p .m . aharp,

Prict& · 10s reserved, Ss :i~ • ..! "' E\lery Thursd.ty Aflemoo,tCrea.l Bo-ciiH! t-latlnPe,

0 L Y MP I A, NEW TOW N. ~;·,';: ·"·~ ', ": :\\:';"~ FRIDAY, 2Jrd APRIL, at 8 o'clock. MIXED PROGRAMME

AtlHll Pow e ll " · P e u :.y Younp. frank Lee v . Tornmy Brownie e. MONDAY, 26th APRIL, at 8 30 p.m Mtddleweigh t Conteot :

LARRY FORAN v. ARTHUR EVERNDEN. I'Hi l. l..., )-. 1 .. • uul 1 ..

~E'I 'I1 h \ 'l' l ' UH\\'-01. \ ' \11 '1\ l' l )'\"'"A., I' ..,\111<11\\' lt. \ 1~ '*\'ISC ifo\

Ut ile .'\<'11, 2 to J (\Vtlll, ) , l l o ut·th, and Zytltum Mf!h . the Loughrey-Dem ltu fight This a 11gle" untl tn all so t•ts of p os ttton iJ

Chorus Que e n , 0 to l (Connelly), Uol<len.Galtntlet pra~ t l c nllv IPd all 'i papet last lime flgllle\1 onl tltot the Jftll box"d lltlh the g rea LPt' J ll dguteot .

U . ! be "" Y 111 the llrsl tll\' tslon of the Ametlcan had \IOU, anci 110n b~ a b111 mod~ 11 h abtl ot pull t 11 g 0 1P1

:11luet·'s Daughter , 8 to 1 (S~ n rtt P ) , I W l'ilet· !TanciH·ap, a~l~ 11 on easllv u i, trgin - llus lim<' ll is up to llim by whnl look eJ lti<P a lPtllft< ngltl, but

l rom Hap!do, lltlh l• atry Lad a good I pulling mote " ginger." or r ather llt- trl 1ealt 1 \' lttn\lru onl~ \\ith the or"'"

ln t ~ol , 5 to 4 (DIIyPr), 4 . lh t ~Li . l •e<' llon nlo hi s 11ork. to s how wbal giOI P !Te tloes lt w e ll lho11gh , ant!

llold e l! uaunllet. 1 ~ to 1 (:\utiiP), . ! ::t s lrr \fet·re r lrtl all th e way ln


11 e ra11 do Atmi8SH plngAin~ Is nei - it rak es" <lo"e obsPt ' lt'l to tltBcov''' l

u . Ill e r s p ectaru lor uor enrh u s tng, nor tll.tL th e I'PHOiln lllu g \\,Iilo~ ~ a te uol

I 1U R1Pr ~ ! Pr<'P I', I ll to 1 rsm yl lte),[ N s w TROTTING doeH it (a tl h the I'PfPI'PP'H Pye. bu t \\hat th PI "''''Ill, 111. • c'lu·s RACES J il j,o ughte) ' 'l ak e s ,, llllUUit•" he T ile ' "'" unli Oi llg of lllll ""' n

x !l onpyn1oun, '> to 1 (Town sontl) ,l l "tlgh ll o ha1e lit tle d lft l c·ul l ) In earn- lttt le IIHill <' nt 111 lite 1 11lt Till!'"'"!"

lt, • l ing t he tleClsion OJ rourso ll e mllll J buug u ud m,l'\Aell, rt.111l tv.nsltld 11gll l

xSir \1 aote0P!Jl, ~ to 1 (F.vanAl, 4 ! Epping Racecourse, Glebe, Is a goa<l un e. ant! both uwn hale r ouud, so thuf hi" htH·I< """'" tt;;ht

l o lt, G to I ITvlerl. ~. I SAT. NEXT, APRIL 24, 1915


Railway and Tramway Employees WILL BE H E LD AT THE




The consideration of plans for an Annual Railway and Tramway Art Union, or Picnic and the appointment of a suitable Com· mittee to work out the details.

There is a splendid opportunity of orgamsmg an Art Union on similar hnes and as successful as the Druid•' or Eight Houl' Celebrations.

The help and advice of every member of the Railway and Tramway is required.

Kindly make it convenient to attend and give the mov .. ment a push along. This means YOU.

~~ Le on, 8 lo I lli ootll. 2. :\Ialvann. r. to 4 (('oak l, 10

Trustworthy, 5 to l (Co ooolly). 1 06 ENTRIES 1 06 LARGE FIELDS.


had llte l'athet· or u hiding 1101!1 LPS .tga!nst ('111111 " rhPRt In thlH j!Ool ·

nat'<'Y , bul el e n on [01'111 Lough - du n C' lunP lwn!l,ell .Timmv" f<'\\ lt attl

rey stand ~ out as the lug le ~l tliun~• Oil<·~ ~1 nt1 Jam e• 11141 h li! i Pil!flPI' !lull 1 Thr. slamateurs can et! each other sla • led lo Hl.t m b 'll'k any old ho\\ H ead Office: Bo w e n Bu ilding•, CLAUDE THOMPSON,

up In the sem t-ftnal s nu Tuesda y l u•t lll"ll Ihe b<'ll went, and Jimnw Central Square, General Secretary. 10 .

Dunalasln.! r, 4 to 1 (S\\onson), 6 . l nlghl 'r he nsual p uslung un<l shol'- ~.111H' 11 11 f.,, th e n P <I r01111d s11 l l holl -! ----------------------------l n g in tlte w t estllng was a shnue more tng with "~"·•Ill l n he 11, n l af i Pt

' A IIVP"Jno:a IIUIT I First Race: 1.30 p.m. ml e rPsling lha n u~unl, bul dat·n C' lunP, an11 t·ush Prt lt lm Io thr rop e~ I LO~FI or POWr:: rt pPr01 80P>I'\ll\ r ~>,. t nrf'tl l ov hiM \\""ondPifUI '(tall!\' fnl.llf' t Tr~>at~ ... '

~~:~·m~~~~~~·a.n:t~:~t 1g :~~ } 't'~~ ~ :~· 1 ch(l~~~ ~:fi ,)~ 1~~1nnl}31 ~;:,~:~~1\;s,.tr~·~~~,~ ~;" r.1 ,rta~l~~~ t'\ ~ 11 ( 1 r~ I'\S\ 1 · 1 : ft.\l~ ,.,, 0111 S7 /8 STAND . &ants 75 s• , L••les, 3s &d j l1ltle Th1s pnner suggPR t R l lta i eurh ('lune :;~w ung alert n nd mhMwd H l \1

lt 'u, Xo l • il 1·' 11. St\1 ..... \1 shon1'''' 11', t eontestanl iJe HuppJlPli \dlh a !J.tliug, swt1ng n l r rt nnd miRA~cl. :111(1 aR hP I

~~:!h!~~O:h: ~m1~~grr ~a~ 0 ~~1:lh~{: B~~~~P~~~::P·1 ;•:t~ trn~~';v;' 0 ~:~~~: ~r Rltl:P;~:~;lls~: ~~J(}~ "~·· 1~~~! tl ;'.:~~.;~ 1\'~l ~~~.~t· ... ~1 at\11 n·g~:J/.: LEGER, 2s hook or \\ ool-hool\ 01 .wha 1 Pvt: r the , harkrll n.way 3 fu ll· nrm tl ~lit np~ ~~~ck s:~~~a.;e~~~~sec•~r:e~ct ~!~0 ;311~~~c~~.,~~DI~~~:Pr' r. 1 !1t~rll 1,~~:1~~~ 0r~o~l~f>.1~~':t11~~1 a":re~~ In~ lhf M~. l~xp•· rl t' n tJ\ru.o, Pnbl'llakuble l Alln3ndale, B~dJJlllttl, Ltlyfield, and im plement Is lhe \\hillhPs weAr, an d ~wing nlmed by f :H'k at nolhlng t n

atrktl~ co,,nthwuuJ per.,tJ n ally or tJ) lt:tt.-:- Write clr (all fo r free book , valuable Cuat ~~·;,'~;~~ r'~~~~t~~~· ~~J~,i~'!~R Pl'i t' t' • Spt<ri ct l Tram-; \\Ill run \'ta (~ eorge be all a\\ e d one go od tllg ID to get a pal't lruln r rnnght thP 'F'e-::tthPrwP! gh ~ tn'orm!Ulcm. M \ X COT• li !i 4l G eo r"i!l •treet 8 Ll ou rs from ,. hts rpool -11reet. I I Str~C't ~\t:ry few uunutes Fan.•, 2d . Sydney. ' Phon e, Cl\ ; t OG~. Jl ouro, 9 a m eo 6. 3G pm.; Soruraay, 9 a.m to 1 p.m & . J . KOW&JI.D LOCJI:TJI&, R . C Hungr rford, Sec. gr i p , and then !lle audleD 0C CaD f' h a mplon ralt' 4tnd~r the p oint, and only, Frl4lily, i a. m . to 10 p na .Att .. ; houu. ' phone. Wavnley 261 , A.lbe.l't 11uUcl!DI'•, 110 B&tla.ur•t~et ,, Ott;r J I ._ ___ _, ______________________ ..:! c

3r 4 :rloor) , t'-·---------_, _ __ _.

1s~ttle dOI\' D to bave " cb~ l and a

1 ~-· r be spun . ~obodJ wu m ore sur-


\ ' l 'l.\1, \Yf_.; l\ h 'lF.'-:-1 l. 'l H I ~ D E. NEWTON MEDICAL HERBALIST





~!1 I) lnlh ~run, , 11 ~' ngal<, bllll

G~tll trunsiPII• d tu 11 .tl.tlttll I


TE tUJ S 10 SUBSCRlBEflS. \Vlthin the Common" ea llh

(l n Advance Only) 6/· posted .! / 6 '-'os teU.

S;dn P) ;; os stn rtiPli a ll Saturdo; 1 1'h e f'amiJ be ll 'l'es lomon la l Commot­

m on1J1o 6 1\h <'n tllP 1\o•t edlttun ol th ·• t.•e d~s1r~ tu omp rPss lJra n r lr "eC I P·

•; e n llli'\ Pll l'' IB camP uul with dolllll P lc~ll!'' unJ ot he"< \\ll h the llf' t<'•" 't v

lJR:i:l l l l Ji t' l l!t-' Ud!itl~l? .lllllOllll(iJl g ,\ 11 01 ~P lHf lllg Ill all llllOUil h-t IU llf:l' t i t' d

u; tit<> Plld ol Jlii'Ht'nl n1on 1h 'I hP 'lllg ( IHIPLI•lTI•l 'l'hX 'I', \ll Alr ll \1 1 \llllun sp rr• luf\ 11 t

hlg- I tllwul! s h ut ll tntl on g iJl.lllthPs gP nPr n ll ; 11.11 <' •holl ll .t 'rht- to ll owrng lH the lull IPX:l o( llw Nyuga" liiUillll '" tu SJriiiPY Oil I

EDll'tJHtAL :IIATll'R It must be Uls t lnc tly und et s tood tll a l " I' he Co-operator L td ' 11 alone

l'e lponsiiJle fot u.ll ad l to l llll mattcl avpcuain.; 111 tbt s h1sue

tu liPI <'S> cltlzPns ru s lnu lht> vapPt s ponl.Jll<'Otls u r•l 1e to m.ul, th ei r ap 1 tile• r rc<11L order or hts ll on ur M r hi" annual l ~a;r• 1

boJ,, lull } <'~t.ecllng to tnHI 1 lo n gl""'"~tlnn ol 111 ( umpbell H lon g Jus t1re "Limunds, llltl ed ~l n l t h t ~U 1 ,

ATIT! CT.ES A N D C0:\'1R IRU'r•ONS hHl of d ~ at! .1 nd \\OliiHle tl und t.ut hful HP 111rn In the rn nHe of

1 ;.u y1 ng lhe uwurd or 1111 UOitrnmcl,t 111 1, C'ol\1.1" enrrgr tlr'l

llut 11 p 1e ttg i PL'liJiy "li i!Jil HP <l 1111iOili HIIl Ill gr1wrn l, .1111! Il l!•' \mal-~ llallwu)s (.ru llll No J ll o;ud 1h l, b ran ci l serrPiut; 1\ul 1 11 " 11111 t u Spa.c~ ~lll Ue gl\eu for ~ontt \ butl o u s und 31 t1Cle!i tlen l tng with any

J Glptu l subj~ct " e wJll do u ut be!St t o authenth.;ate iill facts lit' Ut In, a na wheJA "e ca nno t do so "ill vl nce znatte 1 In u.n open column whet ct Y.o "ill uot lJe tes-ponsl ble feu th o O~Jlnlons ext~resse~

lJ) flll tl !hu t thu casual! I<' ~ , ll!;d llltled" 111 IJ.tlll r u l.ll, .lnd ll IH lilt i lldl'" 0111) those rlaSSIH u t i,lbOI II PUtl Olllc~ last 1\ttl,

l lhc.nght b1 lhf e nd of :'!""' LIP,u l \\l lh In Judg t l1 11111llnn s

\Ill 1 Llle I'Hepllo n or one pussen- lllOIIIh 111\0ilP di'Hillng to OHHIHt 11111 a i\:11U O!hl' l th0"81'H Stllh .lK 11,\ICh * ' "' I


....... , ~ant agents a t all depo ts, work.shops, o.nd coun try centri&, Whll " i Jl bt1 paid f o t t helt •en lees.

grr, .Ill H Thomas, or Temola, who h,l\l' hull Ull ll iJ IJUILUIIih u t rlorng so m eu !;ox li ght atlPllllaul~. ett•, \\I ll ~1 1 nncl.Pll, or l hl' \]l•trO]J lttlltf l

diNilatPI 111 the tlny .tl tltt' Vase )[os- 1-lr,m r h ~{'tll l 1111e" .onu olhets ln tP- co m e 111 nndPr a SPCOIHI 1 ntl.tlluO St all , 1 ~ on holrd.I\S, ns rs ul ~o '-


ll ol lund, of ll < le ns bnr gll

LECAL l1ESPONSJB1UTY n hflst all ou1 Luslneoss In connec ti on ~ Jth free services to ou r

ren del s " fll be conducted In goull fai th aud t he b es t se1 \fee n.nd advlct gl\~ u It must be un<h:l:s t ood that all such senlce 1a or a ! rler.dly Olil.tUI S. u.nJ. \' ithvut leg..t l tesponslbll ll>

Pl ta l, co ns tslod or nothrng worse thOII r ested 111 11 o !Jllgo bv to n1u rdtng l !'il ls 1nullPI pa'me ll t• lor P thP <'onll

s ho e!, and .1 br aslon~ ot a m1na 1 e h a- .1mount~ RUllsrr·1lW d IJetore tlJe m011tb 111 I<'Pll11w r y Inst. .1nrl agoln on ;\lmrlt fiualll l1 PIIJ!'lll \lltn 11 " ' ' nHrl'h 10

racte1 On FrlcJ,t; night the Temora rloses l ~ tlt, o n u notice of m o tion fli Nl I>Y •' lluenre ul e r liH· •JmaR II ut l~xetet

Printed un tl l'ubllslied by A A Catto, tor THE CO-OPERATOR L1'D

mall left Sy t!u ey ut S 10 o clocl, , the !\.malgamated R Rr lwu; ant! T1 am- I

<llrver A Sptke o~nd hreman A :\1or- £550 TAKEN FROM THE SAFE wa; ::ll' l\ lr <' AssorrntJOn, a nd tile am- ha' huu anothe r elm,P sll,lle ut Ulna-

timet• being In char ge at t h e t1rst e 11- da1ll of ftl r ll u rcl f'or •sh illr 'l' s 1'

11:;. * ,.. .. I

tSla. Kent street, Sydney,' NSW.

~~:· l~ nd drlV€1 A Brown uud fit,_ RTT,:i'' OI ' I ri•' H'~ 1'\ ' 'I 'l' ·"I C'lfi\1 fo rd a ppear ~cl for the Ama!g.l I lll ' tJPclOr ( Ot1lo!, or lh p Pr w 1\' .11 l:l lleeter Ill {!harge oe the u J • '" · ' nwtetl, and ~11 Hr e tn ni l forth~ rh,pfl ll ll l ~t ll l le , Is on le.11P Il l IS out lo l

THURSDAY, APRIL 22, 1915. e~co nd en g1 n e 'l'he t rain arrl; ed .1t nJ,;por Com mi ~s1onrr 'l'bc Ull!lrd ;;as seP "" much of the rs lantl 1 onlltn•ll

Blnal on g at about 4 a m, an d was ;£d ~~follows- U» he can accomp!lnled b) lllrs

standing at the pla tform ou the ma111 On Saturday nlgllt the clerlr tn I ( 1J B\ Inse ttin g 111 C'lnnse ( 1 1 al l t'oote I

THE DRINK PANIC )l ne ready to bac k In to tue loop to eh:uge or the 1<~ 1enue room ut t h e the romm e Hreru e n t thP \\ords unlll ~ ~ ,,

allow llw llmHetl e xpr e•s from A lbur ) flu s h r u tlr r 'a l:lnv '! r am Depot p la ce d the,, lli rallon or ' Ollr J uu•• J9Hi" I

to pass th1ough According to th P thP tukrug~ 10 a sale 1n th e s tron g- nnll by lnsPr i lng at 111p Pl'u or the 111 T'Lll\urd~ 1''J 111 1

'""" "l '11

I \\'IllS 1' 11'1-l, lb Hllfl elillg 111ih t d\"

accounts g i\ Bn, th e hm lteu \IUS u ut room Ill th e vr P•e nce of a po\lcemuu •uld ' lnw,p I hP IIOJtls tftr l 1ll e Px-

W arcond<llons In theUn lled Klng- r do not bear or bodies or men gomg cx p.,('te d or 11as ex pec ted to puss on Th e sate 11as Jo,J,ed a~ " '' s .tl so the p dallon ot ,our l nnr, I'JIG liP 01 aiJIPll hand _ * ,.

dam brought about un a Jtrflcml state on ':1 be nde r " und losmg vul uo.!J le the outs<d e of ll~> T emora t1a1n , th e• si long 10 0:1~ On \lo 11 day bag• ro11-


rl1nn1; h ours or Jailor oF siiNI rharge- 1\lr (' L t• Br .•loll 0 1 lhP 111 11 eP'

of things 'fbe otd!Dary Joutme Jl time T he pulse of the nnlron 1s llrst .tccou nts are not c lear on lh1s lallllng fuaO 11 P 1e lliiSSJng There mrn and 1ssistnnt shNI rilargenH'n I

I s tea d y, and 1Ls ge u e rnl cond<tron IS poont The hm1tcd ex p1 ess was 111 had uee n no voo lence used the d oors shall\" 111 nel)-slx hour" pe r fmt- branth of thr \ sRorlallon, has bern

!Jusmess oud wdnst r y has b een ludely normal Why then s hould th ele be c h<~rge or di'IVe i B;lnes a nd firem<~n had Sllllply bE-en unlocked anrl lhe l nq;hlll periOd dlvld r tl "f11 as PI tc-' pt o moiPu la nl ~ht oflliCI at Buu nlllt

broken 1nto, anrl d1s01gaor satwn pr>'- made a headlo11 g, excttablo cn tJ e,, vot Da l e;~ Jrom Tuneo, 1l le ft Al bu Jy tl money taken awav tn Lhc coolest tocau lc Into not mOll' tlwn 1110;., ne.Jt Tll,ln o~ 11' congro~lul .llP 1


> nr ls to a cx:tcnt Iuthcrto never ex·, to do something th,u nobod y thou ght LO 45 ,,n F'11dn;y mght rhe !net mannet poss i ble The ou est10n 11, da;s 01 ni ght ~ of e <g 'tt hours cnch u upon his ptom~l 10~1 * I

p el lc nced lJ) tlJ~ B tl llsll peopl< of doing a few mouths ago? The lh.H Uyrnos hull slo11el1 dol\n to lo UI \\here d l tl the tobi.Jers JtlOcure dupll- (21 Dy <l ole t tn g th e 1101tl qun1- Inspector lt nllts !'et \\av IJuptui­

Qut te nnnu.tllY, th e excitement .u ,s-


troops at the f1on t have b oon su pplre,! rnrles nn haul on npp t oachrng l:l1 n a- cute keys, Th e t h elt may hove tnken let" 111 the l.t st lr11 c or\ lnusc (12) , rnent, 11ho succeed ll ~11 J S W1l

aug from th ese novel condlttOns \\lth s p tn ts a ll tlnou ::; h the campntgn long and tha t lte sow the llghts or plnce at any I line bet~;een hal f-past and In 111Be1l1ng the 1\0rd • half" n1 llams ( reured) scnetl a tcw yeats I ma kes 1t se l f mantfest m a vauety ,Lnd tt has pt oved a comfort to m ,llll the Tomor.t tram at the platfot m, en- 0110 011 Sunday 111 0111 111 g and ~ hcu thrreof on the Jiay-Ndll ,liHlera sectwu Jluy I 0 1 wn)s, nnrl 1t may be-alt hou g h of them OUI own ttoops 1n Egyl, t 11bl<el 111111 to J ~mb Ius b1al(es qn and o'clock on ' 1ond,ty mo rning The ( ') 13y l nsc r t on g the ,,o,ds "ha lf to Bathu1st 1' "goou as L\\u rungs

" e have 110 evi dence that such ts t he have also flee access to wiJatcvct al - t edure tloP lmcc or the ll11PUCI ll oo t s of the safe an d of the Si lon g- 01' 1lle1 t1 1e wotd 'whe1e' 111 the up th e J,uhl el lnopc•llor lf,ulls Is u

c ase-that aue of 1ts mamfe~ta tnns coh ollc bevmages th ey choose to >bout twenty-one pe rso ns 111 a ll w c1e 10001 llere closed, but unlocked "hen fir st ltn e a! the th11d par .lgroph of ho~plta l coli cto l and ls>ues ce rttl l·

19 anlilCt eased consurn[lt lon of a lco- drml,, and wh;, theJefotc, shou ld .n]u1cd, r hiP!Iy passengets on the tile clerks resumetl 1\0 rk 0 11 ~1onda y Uauso (17) ca le~ tor the su hse11 ll e r s 111 Ins sec-

hohc llquots The unp1scedented de- th er e !Je mor·e r cst uctwns pl aced lnmtcd and mcludrng n number ~ ~ mornmg (4) By the rn serl10n or a new tlon ll ls name 11as rnarhertentlv

mand for the 1 a pld mnnufaclure of upon those t hat 1ema1n behtnd than l<'cdc t a{ m embers who were t etmnm g l clause t ead l11g as follo11s -Ern on11tted fto.n thQ lrst ol cerllficate

" at mnmllons n eed s to be m et by an such as have hereto for ex isted? There la S\ dn e\ Th e damngo to ro ll mt; THE PRIZES. pl o> ees Acting rn IJighe1 c; 1 ades- hold e r ~ 111 the a11nual 1 epotl

mm• unl • speerlmg up' an the pa1t 1s no guu1nntee t llnt the consumptwn 'toc l, 1s not as g rea1 as one w ou ld An employee a 11le t Prl to .1cl 111 01 to

o [ the worltmon, .tnd b ecau se those of liquor "tll be,, pmt less, or th a t J,a vp P•f!PelPd 1t to be The e n g 1ncs _ - • __ t r lleve 01 act1or anolhPT In a higher J,!t 'rhonns < IH\1 ro1d, or the

m e n lla\ o llllolt Jetspond edthm llblet ntlhacny- atbn: ~oe~~lt':l:la bc~,a:.y ~:te~pl~etto a~ a:: otlrllccoeulcsnellii,,RI:eds,w~v\~:· ~~~ntleth~lso~• ~I~~ TRY AND WIN ONE gr ar!IP Is h all, "htlst so em play ed, be L\\e'aelrl,,\~ohn~~11~.1sttrcl\1 ~Jiyt I>~~~~ ~~ ar~~\'e ,h ~~ n~ 1 111 \1 1 c 1 1 "as ou~; ,., p.ur t 10 1111n tmu n1 1 ,\le pa yab le to

ougbt to do , lbe lt lack of zeal has e\OI)body suddenly urtuous Thete tnc rt' Prtll shops on tltelt own whee ls, , emp lo yees in such hrgher grade pro- llesldenl illnglnee1's Ofttre to orgnn

b dP attltbuted to thetr excesstve 1s ever y posst bll Jty that hom o dr1nl<· anrl 1t 1s not antrclp tted that t11ey l vtdrrl tha t such nl!nrmum b e not less tS!' the hospital ltltld buslnes3 on the

dnnlong ltablls ~'lam th ese cncum·l'ng, with 1ts consequ ent t erup tat1ons ,;ill be 'er) long out of oomm<sslo n \ num ue r of letters ha;e been r e- than t h e rat e h e Is ah ead) recelltng ubovement10ned consl ru clroll ;;o ll,s

slnnces has ansen an alcohol p alllc, t o WJmen and )anng peop le w ill 111 )llght Ofh cP r John S tl vesler C'oltel , cell et! at H ead Offrce as ki ng qnes t1ons And ol •s ftnth Pl OHieretl t h at the He h Hs n!Jearly made u start, a I ll

anti the Go;ernment appears to h:nc e t ease a hundJedfold tf lhls p an1cl( y or B 1nalong has b ee n aneqled anti I C!n tlve La the Jll "es offerell by the n~peul on th e mnltels mentioned 10 eonld not be engaged 1n ,, beltel

bee sucKPd 1nto the vortex anclts pte- movement to clasP publlc-houses n c ll~rged 111lh cnn•rng the death of t \ssoclauan Th e rules s tale d tstlnct- Clauses (rl, (e), (JI n nd (f) or 1101k both for the hard-up hosp•tuls

paling to take rllnsttc steps to ad· few hours earli er IS successful To the pn~srnge 1 n J Thomas, the 1n- !I that no question s 1\tll be an swe red :he nollce 01111 011 011 !Jc and the snmP and srck runt! tnotuunee for the meu

mtnl stcr what IS lm aglnetl to be a the lem pctate pe rson, t he r losmg or ~ue,t on "has• bod> commenced at untt l the necess ttv a\tses Tile con at herb} diS ll!I SSerl , plavlcled t hat ' ll ' ''" '' l*l llno*,l, *of tlle flnsltlon t

mnrh needo<l conect1ve T hts 8Ucl- the public- house ut un ea rller hour Yass on Monday lest dales fro m the d nte or publica the rtgh l be t eseJ ;ed to the s atd As- En~g•lne;r s ~nt r~. on llte \\'.ard ; ll-

den reallsatlan a[ un ev tl that has wi ll he n mallet or lttlle rnte r e•t, ll~ ll I Jth Aprtl 1 9 15 Llo lll and •o c~olllo n rn th e event of a ' " 'lu r l,on

been kno>~ n to exist stnce lhe d:tlln a ut! the lUiete rate bur boozer IS l llc cl) I ""I \ne pllzes Th e "All grades" will of the fue hn en's ".tges 1J ell1'\ sh o\1 1! ~Jnfielrl dtq,!Jcat<on 1\orhs has pi a-

o f htstor)' and the Lmpetu ous tlesue to do less hnrm tn lns favonle hau nt AN UNBUSINESS·LIKE POLICY rlea l ju"lll-el e n gen etou•IJ -Wi tb tC• •lale bern caused by ll le opernuon lli\ Se d to t.ll.e up t he hospital fund

~a deal ;;lth it m an extrao rdmary ll!lllsat~rlotrnlewsoci1nldlldleo mh~cldstrllolfhtrllrg's "o~~~ a ll of tllo :t llatd, to re-open !lw clolnr agenc) on the ~bo~e :rllon

wa), Is proof t ha t the p s)chaloglcal ' Ja! Eed hy C' lause (f) o f th e nollce or

c ondi t iOns ate n ot normal Tb ls 19 tamll)' T he drink evll Is not gomg The C lucr Ratlwn v Comml~stoner l mollon herei n, th a t th e Boa r d ;;ns C.Ir Dan ~r rCnrtb; of the fl es1de nl

an aspec t o! the matter that enthu- to be slnin m t llls way El\en if the hns been traHllmg tlnong lt the New SLOWING DOWN WJOng In n ot rnaklllg p t ov lslon safe- Engl!1eer's Office at L elchhardt. has

~llsts m ;\ustralla have tailed to see movement Is earned to a successful ll:tn gtlnludtl diSt llJct, anhd! at !n; crell he gunrd lng to fuelmen a six pence per Ipllraotntlelrssedolltolllleoockonasfltretttc lbloonspi''taolrkFsunlnd

'rheu 0.1 e attemp•lng to foment a !ISSu e on a wave of sill" ~enttment, ~a e t Jat tunng s tonr h e harll r , , , shl t ex tt o. which they h orotofore re-EJmllar panic lll a cou ntry In "hich the problem \\t ll strll r ematn wlllt IPCCI\ed no l ess than seventy depu - ALLEGATIONS REFUTED celved for workll1g night sh ift that \lclmt~ We generail)' find good

t he condJt1ans are altoge ther dlfle- ns and \\ Ill in all probablhty become talion~ protrsllng against the reduced And it tS tUlt h er ordeJ c d that the \\Ollte rs somel\ here, and there are I

rent If 11 ":ts expedien t to Tceep I more acute "hen the 1 ea~ l lon tak es train senices !\. Singleton message n on e beLte1 t han the collectors o f the

J!Ullll c-holls~ bats ope n n ntll eie\e n placP The no• rn a l m• n ts neither , ates I tat tn uus;;el to a tequest I n the course or un addtess t o e d fo t the o r clm nry hotll s o f labor or * ~ t

1 appeal U8 regardB th e tn tes of pay fix:- C'onstrucllon branch

1 o'clock .tt n<ght In JulY, 1914 , lt tsl the fana ti cal tlevll-dr<ving tcelot,tl made b; a local d eput ntwn, t hat ltades lliiiOnlsls ut F'ootsc t ay ( \ 'Jc I employee~ IO \\ham th is a\\at d ap-

no lP•s expcdtent to l<oep them open arllarate nol t he "lllSIJ-salnralcd Singleton passe ngets be nllo;;ed to t erAntl;, ~Ir r' en to u , ~lll R ' t! e pre- plies and .111 other matters set for t h Tn P R 11!\\a) Otnrels' o\.,gor~atlo u to that hour ln Apri l, 191 5 \\'e a t e: fllps nman lac, but lh!' commo n garrl Pn tra;el bl the Bllobane mall, th e cntetl t he s uggestions that ha ve lJeon rn the noU tP or motion ant! not rue n - nre asJ,mg tor tl1P Ilgltt of re pr ese n

1 f It • tl t 1 m 1 (Iller Comrni>Stonet sa rd l!Jat no talion on tile \\a1 l"uud l'owmltt'< 1

no t mannfaPttlllllg huge supp tea o ;nr c v a, nerRon ln las su ClPn ' made t hat !\.usltaltana are ntlopl!Dg toone tl In this at dei do stand ove r l l Is S" t<l ll1", l lll·'v nsi,e d fo J tills not

~ Jmaments, a na the workers are not SPif control to be temperate 111 elPf\· amou nt or argument coul d con vu~r o the "slo;ung do ;;n" process \fr o:en eJ a lly " .. c ..

!>pPnd ing any m ore mane) an alro- llung and, fortunately for Austral1a ltlln, aud th at p eople ;;ould ha ve to F'enton sald there 1;er e no better ======~ lo ss than l!uee l lDICs, an d rece1 1ed l no r tlp l ; The Exerulh e is natural­

~ ~ r uff led, and fu1 t h e1 steps wtll Le hohr beletngcq than they IHnP bern this class of person makes lltl llte b u lk at•commodatLJ their b usin ess to the wo r!,me n and \\Oikl\omen In t he

tu tlle hautt of dolng In the past \Ve of thP nation se r Vlre FIOm this statement it m av 1\arld tba n \\ere to be found l n !\us­u. gatlteJed lhn.t t11e Slate Rall\\:t\ 9 ltnlia He claim ed that if tbete was

uu n ot ".~~t f:JJ th e bene fit o r the am e11 dence of lac I, of effl c1encl i n

peopl~. hut lbal the people c:xtst fa, th e n • rn g geue ruuon, the fau l t 1\as


tile be n~ht ot til l' t a ll\\ays, "hlr h Is enlorely that of t h e ver; people wbo l~P~llll ~~~ls~~'~:~~e 1~::~~~~~~~ 1111 u 1ev~1snl or tne ust~ally accep ted co mJJlnlned ·rhev ha d to get d o11n l. o odea The o•cllnaty prl\ate !Jusln esJ halt! !arts Statlstlcs shO\\ e cl that the po l li ng flg111eS of the la s t o\.p peal•


l.thlll tO 8PCU1€ a SPill on the ('Q[tl• l

mil teP

"' * Tam es ~forau rh10f c!Prk In tlr•

Dr Airl r. l Ralli\ UJ Superlllt entlent' s

Off1 ce Sl dney has ur.e n tJ ansterre~l

to the Goods \lnnugpr's On1 rc 'lhe l\)ngan Observer" reports a I

s end-off t.J ~Jessre W Mulheron, mau who d esrres to make D succe~s the u;erage output of Australia n la- Boalll e lec tron 'rh ey nr ~ us fo ll cl\; --

ot Iu s enlerptlse-wbnte\ er tbat en- hor was greatPr tha n P;et berare He Tramw ays C'a rt o ll 2'>"9, Cn rupb ell fore l~u;lng his fo rm •r offl ,e.

i lart f lle report ,ays that the popu- te rp ttse ma; be-endeavo rs to ar- d1d not b• loeve eilhe1 tn 'speed ing-20 ~u. Dto\ln

69 C, r nnPo .:er,, C'l) de s \i • anu r:. sefton, or the local tramc MR. R. CORISH'S CANDIDATURE :vlora n \IUS presented \\lllt a go ld

11nlclr chai n an<! o. so;e rPign ptu s e I Tl1e D istrict Superint endent ( '.lr

Smlthl madP t11e p1e•e ntntron, and , hi A apple 1ntl\e 1AI11lllkS 11e1e sup­

por ted b' the o\ssi~lant SupPtinten­llo n t Dlr r•ro\\) ~[I L l' homp•Jon

l arlt; or the t\\O gueots ma\ bes t be ruol!noclate hls sel\lces la lhe n PP J A up" or '•loll'' ng-tlolln' bu t In a fati 1 09, ~1cl\enzle 97, Ha) es 47, lnfot

\ !1 fl C'o11sh , who Is nomlnat~tl of 111 customers In t ha l , m 0 st sue- llu ng He did not llllnt t he d eg r ad- mal 50

'l'otul G9""

m eusll!ed ~) Ill complnnentary ut- ill the se lection IJ~IIot tor the ciiOILC ceost,r l b usoness mrn 1\ll l a c1mtl lrrs tng system of Amer ica, wh r!~ ll man ' Hallwo.ys ('n mpbell 8468, (i)cle

tr ra u rr•s or the sum~ lull\ \\ell wtsh- at u LniJor r,mr! rda te to con test the Ill~ sr•u•l at sllccess '" r uhtiP .\•J llas loo old at 40, and lho fou r ,o7t ('Jiloll J78t , l~IO"n 1C2~ Cls lh~ ( h,lflmun, ~!r I<' \V Lyle, Da ii !'J vacancy bus been I'll' r,dt'' • consllllltP a uu•lnPs•,, stages of the wolhP r' R llrt- \\P r e I l u.n"o 1~8.' H B\es ~~ 4 \l c K euzh•

satu tr.t lit hatll.rlu\\11 ~ir \lulhcJon llil!t !hP altd, 11n1l r ptesPnt rourltllons, atP idll~ue roltls cubeJrulosls tleoth n e Jl !, Ju fo rm u l ~ 1 1 'fot tl, 1 7,~50 lll hr~ probotlonory day, "hen lie Inception I l ls cnreet GI 'PJJosNI to be con<lurted an b,tRlllP"S helili'led llut the gll•at bulk or \us_l r•1c f lutlon took plnre tn l 'ebru- of Orange snrreet!< \lr "\loran In the

va s wothlng unurr onp ot tile s llffe.t com mPnced !mrs, on~ wou ld nallllllll; ex: pect llns t r alrus IIOii<Prs hellP;ed In 11 fn lr l ary, 1913. lt•s t1lct l:lupennlendent'; Offi ce

1 1 J,lll not"" of the lla<lllll) DPpar t- p,ull ramc 11110 CXJ" tenre c lldlllili conuncte 1al IHincrple to lw/"n~e ran coHdlllon s anrl 111 gl\l ng n ---

111< 111 lm l lite sulrllll•ss ol Ius tl1 cn rcr r,~nlstt! hu t appn rentl; Jl IS not fall l(\lllll 111 la1Jo 1 for wlla t they n- ~ HO rm FP.I ~1'

~u p<>rlor o Nt ccr w.ts pt ollably tl1e llrs l lfiP"l' 01 lilt• J><utv eve r srnce The poltc; of the 'ew RQ~ ,b Wales ICI· J 1 ~, 1 ' P,•r! ,tl n~u c rnlly ' ,,qJ" I s a gale-THE POOR AI\D THE WAR

si• P,•rng-stonP to !J1~hPr liHI mo oe luuk ,111 a rlhe Jl llrt 111 the old South Ho~ll" ,\\ IJ1 J}dlllii PIIt sNms to h<> tu _ keeJJe r ruldletl to hn\ 1-pnl of nfte1

l <•sponslh l<> poH1t1ans i\lr Mulhrton H)tln e) fight, ;;hen 'llessrs l<' IO \IPI> g11p H llllllll<\llltl se111ee, and the rr I the t!Ppu otiiiCIIl negle cts" pPnl!'d .qJ- ~lr Tootlll a. membe r ot the

l1nd 11 Oli<r il conetrrntlou"ly, nnu 1 ul- unrl 11 tggs put up UH La !Jot can ell- suit IS t h t l lnstra<l of hP ip u tg t liP PRUSSIANISM. p!lt allor'" fc11 a le ve l r• r o• •111g to be Blltl~lt llous ol 1 0111 monH 1 ecen tl;

ftll• d 1h1 df'rn.lnd ~ o! the offirP to da t es, .md HuiJsequenlly, upon Ius Stair to d e1 rlu tl and cx ~und comm~·~ ' b llnderl nn tl l1e IIRs to go oN dul y, suld ' l'he Ill II e\t~ 111 01 1,ar ll u ll t ~u -

l nt <IP<ilt ol i11mselt .1nd U8 hi~ l emuval to Heulenl he wotl<etl il anl\; 1l urtuallv hl otl,B prog1ess and • - berause at ln s 1~ 11 l>oco ming HOI' ta 1y p 1111 e1 w!J uuld 01 , Pm~ I OJPtl ut u

lltus'"l 10 sll< 11 au Jmportnnt town fo r ~lt :\1t0owon on lwo ocrastuiiH dtHtlllll.t!'IH rl <'\P IOPUI (·n l Those whu ~ 11ee k 01 tl 0 agn 3 nntlnllst ea- lll rouglt ron l\lluPtl l\ullc111g OH•r l imp l ilw tile piPHel ll tu lllu k •• 111 ~

11 s WatPrtull IPII•tletl, to tht ent1relluuva>stng u en t ly e;ery ~lcc tiOII 111 .tdlorat, tllr m1ne1Hil1p or the rull- ~r l ~tl\as ptoseluted under the l)pf••nce Hlttu v metal hulln r. ol runrse ob- lne~ ol !he 1w 01 us 1umloJi uiJiu anti

Stlrs!UrJHJ\1 ol tile D<pRrlmcnt HP- t he 0111 slon Ml c 011s h tlllt-1\ !Jom Ill} < ln pl tva!P tll~lll.dlsls coultl no> \ il, arttl the .uea ofli<PI s ubnlltted to l nl n ed a me tl1 cn l cP r llllrute lu l ho t 1 br !~; t 11 unu tltPertnl .I s cl!CUWHiilllc!'H

ferrm~ to \11 St rton he h a tl lcnown se lr b~a r l and "ou l llllo poll tlc, tl \lOll< bP VI OI!dPll WILh betl('l ar;umenls th" l'otut lllal a cnaet nruBt at all eftP<t' 1\UIIIll .tll ull ll'" the dut; <>f the

blln to be I d tlrgent obliging an ti and nearly lost his job uecause he t h n n t lose that a r e bring suppiiPrl to l ltmes, \\llCihel In 111\ltorm or· n ot , tlll AIIer No t he depnlll]t Pnl \\ou ld Uolrli111H'nl to u<e a ll the means ' "

h 111l \\01h1n,; ;onng lf'i low, and his as!{ed :VIt• ARhton some lh 'mll; llir C'illel ( OI11111 1AArou c r , IJnt o!Jt-y Lh e ol'de r· or h rR su pl' ti OI o ft lce r , no t pa 1 In H1tc h a cu cu n1 sta n ce tlwlr J1011 e1 lo p or;~n l the pool r1u 111

r r ii\O ial In \I<'rllo\\ .Bu lh ll:ts jusu- quesltons Whrlo In Goulburn .t may lJr .Jtlllo ll , 11 !VII llatpct, Ill rh~ cla i m ' a s such un exl r·a o r'tl l nllry --- IJelng explooled Ul those 1\hu ue '" I fi rd 1\RS pJest den t of tlte local P L I~ f01 llv 'aparll; or managpr \or r. pllvatr Olle that tho~o lnLPresled "' !be ruse! Fl":'l" fJ.l •nS AS I'O~r, ~HII ' I' F H S rh<> h"~' L uC using lllf>ll 1\eullll Ill u

Tli•• (hurt man PlPBenlrrl i\!r Mu!- t~>o te r ms and h~. 1\llh othe rs, In- comp Ill\, g,ne ultPranro lo snnll .lrl \\lute toll"' \li nlsle. loo Del'ence and • :.lor-VI est" do~lres to knOll \\hP lllUIIIl e l that Is oppo sed lO the puiJIIc

h e ron '\lilt a s ll,t\lng outfit nntl pipe, duced \!r Hall (now Attorne)- unhn sl nPss-lrkP senlomPnls Ius POHI· .tslcPd his ru lll lg on llie m aLlei lL 18 thrr l'Plt lcrs a r t> oblrgPd to unload Inte rest

r emarl.ln g 1hat \\hen 111 ,, mote co n- Geuetal) la fight :\lr tlon wou ld not be a vc1y p81ma n~nl g r,ltlfyo n g to lea rn that l he :Viln lster coni al 111ght, afte r <l otng a hard 1 -"!""'------~--""!!!~-

o r prare ant! tl11 nk of t he i!uys he he put up for select ro•J a 11 d was onl y foolish c l:llm When a lad Is rn unt- l ale obliged to pu l l Plghllo ''' " m'IPs GOVERNMENT ADVERTISEMENT l " nla! <hmr he migh t s moke !he PIPe W cr rl\va does n ot uphold th e atea o rrt cer• tla y'A work. and a iRo >~helhe r Lh eyl

I PPnt 111 N)ngnn lllll•n lhP the rmo- defeated 111 the callot b v a few lot es HOW TO RENDER FIRST AID TO Falm he IS 1<U iJJect to m llltat y dl sr l- home ~llle l 4 pm th<>n un loa d cau l I ' F II• Id~'\1'11 "' ss~~H;--m Ptl'r """ onll l l 2 111 LhP shade Tn 1 913 :\-lr Corl s b 11as selected to THE INJURED pin!' but out o l unform he 1s 11 free for lra l c• He wishes to know llhe- '' \\ \:\T!ll~ • ' "

T u '>l1 ilefton be handed an mscr1bed rontest the seat agam st :\Ir agent NPveilheless u. lad may rea- l lher they 110111 d be JU Sllfted In relus- '

nl•:d.Ll , and sa1t1 he conlrl evet look Gonroy, and aplled about 1 2,000 sonably ue eX JlPcleu La treat lns areo. lug to '10 it

u pon lt as 11 toltcn of the goer! wlslte" vo(es He app lie·• fo r r e-em- ffi 111 1 11 t 11 1 r• j Answer No A r ef u sal on th e part " u Un der th e ausprces ot the Ral l\\aY 0 cer w 1 c 11 ty o. a lmes '·

ol t h r publ1c o\ Nyngan ant! t h e stal'f plo;ment In the Railway S r- and TramiiUy i\mbulance Corps, u atea offi cer8 are allo \\ed to gl•lloohs h of a tallway emp loyee Is never justi-

With \\ham he \\llS engaged vice after his de feat, bu t was tu l n- course of In s tru c tion IS tu be gl\en !deaR Into lhel r !wads suc h as tha t finbl e, in structions have to be obe;ed

The Chairman's remall s wPrp s up- at tllA Rallllay IuslllULP, commeneln g give n exp ression to at Baihut st , we 0\ e J t lme , hov.e; e r should !Je pattl

p mtrtl bo 1l f'S8 r R Centauh, Long, sloner, Johnson, v.ho admitted that on the 26 l h lnsl, an d termlnalmg 9hall soon hod ourselves under the

Rotl ger•, W .ttson (on bPh:llr or r a il- he had been a raithfu l se rva nt and an Aug us t 3Oth Jn structlon cau l ses 11ee l or t>r u ssl a nl s m, and that IR whn.t CORRESPONDENCE.

BOYS or from J4 to 16 ) s o t :t&t' .IJe 11111tcd to uppl), o n o r !Je- 1

loll• t'1e 2 1th APRil~. 1 91u, fo1 ap

po1ntru~nt a s TICLLGRAPH MES­

St.;NO I ~ H. ut Post Offices lu SYDNE\ und SUl:IUHl:IS I

The commen cr ng sul,n y tor Tele-wn} s tare J, each or whom spoke of had a n ex:celleat record. 01 one an d tbree-quarte r hours' dura- th e All ies aro endeavonng to deatro1

th l' man il' qualrtl~s of both the Whrle ln ooulburn Mr Corlsh tton, wi ll be held every Monday at for ever

gu~sts illessrs JrOJ rl, D Roddy, P one or the chie f promoters or 11. eo- 10 ao a m unll 7 30 pm All em -

1 gr aph ~1 ssen gers os FIFTElE N

---- I SH lLul NGS p et wee !{ Jlsing to " o\.ustrulrnn'a" l ~ ll!' I on the sub- 0:--11; POONn p81 week alter one

8 Antlll and • nutc hPr also s poke In opcrallv e society In tbat town. p loyeeR a re Invited to th ese meetings SHORT TIME IN THE SIGNAL

Afte r the WeJTiwa Pan test ~Tr I willch are free P assPs \\I ll lie grant- , DEPARTMENT p rat E!'\\ or thy tones jePI of • Senlo t llY 111 Ser' Ice" 1s h e ld

1, e.~r 's ser, ICe '

I u;er, l1n;lug arll;cd loo la te- for puiJ. l Tlte) o r ~ ASSURED PHOSPEC'TS

Corlsh was ol'fe r e d a posl lJOn ln the 1 e ll la any em ployees wh o, living at

office at t he Hallway and Tramway a tllslan ce, wis h la atten d, a ppllco­

Assoclallon <JU accoun t of the good loons ror passe• mus t be m ade to

\\Ork be dill ror uni onism 1\hlle a rt- supe ri or ofll ce1S Examinations 11111

:\-l r Vlulh Pron , re~pondrng, snld the

on lJ s perch 11• was u sed to m a k1n g

w as • Change h~re fo r C'obur, flvr D:J inutra r efreshmen ts" He hearti ly

th ankr•d lh m for th<'lr krnd r emarks nnd presr nt, and said that the m an- lng as secretary at Goulburu

11er In whlrh he earrled ou t h is \\ork se ;en years

tor bo held In SC?ptember Su ccessru l stu dents will be a\\ntded C'erti Hcates, anr l members who pa•c t h e e ll1cl en cy examination wlll be granted the ;ar­

ious m ed als or ban fo r ;~blch lltey

are quallfted At the latter examlnn· lion, marlts will be &'lven for ttm'l!, ef!lclency, naatneaa, lmprovhatlons, atretcber maklna , &tretobu drill , and

l ~cnilon In lllls tssu e fot cn pable lulls, as e; ery opportu- 1

nlt y •s given them to advance to

L ust mon lll the Associa tion MR. E. YATES AS ORGANISER hlghet pos1Non10

bt ou.:hlu nd er the notice of th e Cam- I Full part lcn lars

mlsslonc t the fact that so me or the lllf' ll In th e Signal Department (tbe I :\fr. E. Yates, one of tile A~soc la-

1 ega 1 dlng tbe Examrnatran, "1111 h 1s to be h e ld on

the A fte tnoon or SATUR DAY, 1st

1AY JQJ5, may b e o!Jtalnotl from

the Office or the Commonwea lth Pub­

ti c Se t'VIce rn spectar, The Bonklnl'

House, 228 Pltt-street, Sydney, I D C McLACHLAN,




Organising W FE


At lh l' b ~ l 11\t 't t 111 g ol I},., 1:,, 11111 ' c '""I.J, 1 I! tot o \\ t,

g'l\ 1 l t {l) ~t lll tll tbt I u) 1 11~1 ! ll t -..111!.{ ~~ 111111' l 'llttiJ\ 11 \\IS t\t l ltl t• d fli Hl ill .llldlilUII (<I t ill .IJ!Jhllltl\11< 111 nl \} o 11 I 11 hh t~ llt,llt rt (JJg,clltsll llll'lltiJ•r , lt.lll l1 ndi'tl' ,11111 ,,,JJ,,tur,

1l1 1'uughotl! lit •• ;-\!.1!1• sltr•Hid l11 <~llc 11 .I '}"'' 1 11 tlldltr•l\ 11' 111'1 111

du 111dr Jl' 111!• 111 u l g,tl\1"111~ 11 11tl, \\ lilt !lit •·rt d

\\ ,.., I• Sdl\ 1! ltJ dtUJ tll' ...t ")t li t'S ul Ill 'l

/l! \\ 1111 lldJt t s


A111 l<l ,'lllhc 1 ol tltr· ;\~IALUA \1 \11 J) 111i 1ndt c Ill\! t 1l11'

111'\1 1\lll lll JI' I S \\Ill lJ< J< IIStll!tc l 1\ lill ill> \J I li',tdc' \\dl<}l

.t h <lndsomt, 11l111hiL h ll li'· JI Itl!', ' rn,trl• 111 Att\1111 1 1 hr"

, 1}(-' oh 1t111111ldt 111 ~ lll lt tHt rd 1 11 1Lkr lol gold plri1P llu\ lit gt10d

io look 11]11111, llsr' l 1d .lnd se 11 ttr•o~ult' \o 01 11 Tilt IJIISSI"""

r I 1111(' ol Ll1' s< 11 dl hr 11 dill 111 ' A ll (JI ltl< ~ 111 111


Isn't 1t a beauty? . OnP o[ t lwr n 1s 1 11111s f111 1~ lli'W Ill< 11 tl" h, .11111 •tnoth r r

h\0\ IIS for 101\t ]Htl' !111 ~ ,H: il ,\1J dlll1111,Ji t11t ht lll•lllillt' ' l' r,

for u11e ta 1 t oti: now

ADDITIONAL PRIZES F ot lhosr 11 ho ohl.1tn 1·, 11111 nt rl " h't' 1 lllllcl-rJitH' r'hl'

: s I\ I' ll ::t~ .t n "\ !I C:11d< s 11 llr· h 11 dl IJ,• jl ll'~lllil'd 'l'h1,

11 dlJ e:1tbl.) <•onvt>tl tlH <tllltll' mlo .1 Ul'LitoOtll !•lo~l, 11b 1~h 111ll look 11ell on the dressmg tublP


Surely it ls worth wmmng·.

OTHER PRIZES l•'o t'th nsP who h<1 11' \IO U uuc 01 11tOJ <' .\11 ( 1 ,,] ,., 111trhP~

01' b ed 1 !lOlu rlock ea,,.,, thc1 e 11tll bt• ol h <' t pttZt ~ ,n ,JJl,dJl • uJ un equall l' 1aln,1bil· r hal !tlll 1 'l'he,t' uta' IJ~ sJ!Pr tr tl and c bta111nhlt> nhtead of th e 11U!d11'~ should the \\Jll UeJ~ ~o d ·Si l l'

, Xo1 is th ts nll Tu o1dcr to rneoma go l lramh tl il~< ' J ', tht'

Lx l'r.U!IIP has t1Pt'ldrd to ollr•r a se JJ t's of S]Wt ral pr'lZI'S us .~u

• x tl\1 tndn ument lo t o l. l::un1n ~ n r. l\ tnemuc 1, .Jilll JtS[JlJ> tu g cl 11 bat 1 t' u1.\Jlls of 100 \ ··n 1 h badg t'S ( nwd,dsJ


(Ftt r C'uttttl t I ' l1r';lllr•!t Sp, J c t.tttPs ()tlh )

! ~ 1 \'l' pttZ''' lott 1\r,lll ~ lt :-;,, r 1'1'1Htl<'• IIIII!Si' IJI~ntl!l~ lll,

l "~ t' n l )w,t_ P• 'l'CI't li dgt of \I'.Jtil l~o1tlg !s lo t fltP ,-\}•1 ,1 ltt tll

111 1.111 t I, 1 !-!I ol ( .} , Clllt •rl ,\(CO ld 111 g t <1 }H I (I'll t l !j l' 11l l1 1.111< il 1111 111

lJP1 ,} Hp , [) , r , ](J 1 ~ ) Total value £2/ 10/ 'I }t,.,p "11 g11od jll !~( s

COMPETITION No 2. (}-,<11 ( 11\ l:l.tiHll St'Citl .lll c, .J tll l Co llt •c•ln i ,)

1<'11 1' J)IIZ<K (tit til l)!;(' dl,jlOKlol/5 Ol l\i; llllhJ ll 1111' }, n .J•!I~ f ut lltt• Ap1tiJt1111 qn.11t11 (to !11 tl•trd,cl Ullclltl111g tu 1 ~ 1 r • rrtug 1 o u lt~h ) Total value £2/ 10/- 'f lr v"' ,l\, ,111 p1 hlng [If I?.I•S


(Open to All)

' l't 11 jlliZ 'S to !Jr• it\1 oll'ci f' d to llrr • lltOSt 111< lll<ll!OllN 11011 11 111 ~'''t' rn I hP 1111 ~gor n g 'l'otal value £5.

:"\o ~ J ll'l!.tl ~ 11i1 11, Ul l' H41111Ni lJil( a}} jlli Y<'S 1111 t>lllljH'

ltlrons 1, 2 anrl 3 111tht be clatllH'd b~fore 30th ,t 11 n·, l 'lli

'fVRR il ne In u g reat meaAut~ to th P

a s• lstuncP hfl r ecelvea at tlH• h and s

ef his sta" Mr Sefton also return­a<! thanks, a nd said tho.t he wa s tleaeed {O Jenve Nyngo.n w ith a tol(en

of eatum from t.llt public and hla

ltlJOW•WOrka ..

~rr Corlsh Is a st rong ad voca te or the prrn cl ple or prere r ence to union­

Ists, and r ecently be d lcl splendid organlalng work !or the "Amalgnm­

ated" In ra et, bls enthuaiaam !or Labor 14eall bu v.·on rcr blm tba

tiiJIIOt 0C loll tlla' kiiOW blm , " viva voce ,"

sl rlke rs l were wotking averllme and tlon 's councillors, \\Ill dell\ e r an uti

w e re not ucl ng IJald accofdln~~; to the dress on in tlu sl rlul unioni sm at the

p:roll slo ns of tne awa1d, wblcb pro- nex t m eeting or the Penrltb branc h

;•!deli for o;ertlme rates The reply Mr. Yates Is an earnest worker, a received by the General Secretary &'OOd oraanlser, and a rood all·

Will to the effect that there had beeu round man . I t Is to be hoped tha t

a mlaatJprehen•ion In the matter, and !hue will be a aooll a~ttndanoe at

"ault&blt direction ball bun liVID." Peurlth to hear blm W, J. CLEMENS,

itQrttt.rY,. 1•••••• .. 31•••••••••••••••••·~·

T hur<Li n1·, AfA'il ~2, 1915. THE CO-OPE~ATOR. PAIS:I~ fo'l\'hl ------------------------------------- ------------------------P.l.l. CONFERENCE

1 Stvernl motions oovet' ln & th ~ m un I '!'h e J'l'"Oi u liuli lJ)' tl:e lll'ic k l.t) e r s, iu 111 inquiry bratlolt of )'w llr depart- I " 'f'h nt UlP. r J •in r lpl~ o f e qual pay \ Sena to r Ornnl was preflenled wlt b l LABOR LEAGUES. 1111 '· 11 " Slek ll uli •luce he lw•'. u•• ll 1 .t~t: H lt.'!Ll ut ilu~I,.dt Is \vere. on Lh\.! ' "! 'I JUf v iu.'C \\ 01 k I.Je !"0 1 t.Jit.ld\.' 11 b y lJ.\'. . u u t hat~ beeu so I'UJt> ly ~ll ak~u Oy t'u r WU I' k ot t'(,Jll u. l meJ'it I.Jt' L'roug ht a ISO I ll hunting \\ a te Ll !u nu·o~ult lu n ' dceti!U s~c r t:t ary , rr~le r-l n b has gont · t' t1 lJ ll 1 ll ll d l l 1 e ll at 1 l ll 1 • · 1 Il l ' " u.head ~Y leap~ a11t.l bou nds. Althou& U ( ('ullllll ue u trom Pa~e l.) :;~~~: "~.'; ~ ""~~ .'~ .~t~t1t~~:lt h~~ e ~~ l ~el~q::;·~~~ ~'. ~.;·''~ ~,:e~1o;':':.~·",:',:t~',~,pl o·~· ~e:>"" ,~,:',~ , \\:~ ~~:; t111:t s i c::,~~te: eg~;~~" ,::,,,\uc•h ~~a~ su1~m\~~e~\~' t :::u~~.~~:,, e ,1,' 0w~~.:- 1\ ~;,.~1. 1 ~ ~::~. i~"t!:!:l t~l'~~;u:'~~v:.~~~~~ :· ~a~~~ \\ 1!.: I. I 11 ~ U'l'O~ I'.L. L. only tlt n·.· mon t lt s Jf t!te year h.aQ ttadua.dh:ndvu ur lhese l!l(jlltlltlon u. th d IJ,\ tht: l'' l: d t• l'lill•J l\.HJ jh•l'D' ( lnlon. II\LJI\11') Uti Li t~ wlight t·~L \UIU(' to :.lily er~· ll ult.ll, U!lll \U:I.~ C'ltiTI~ct . l;r·o oc· h !·H•t wllh diamol\d ti Ullll u r•ttlJY. ,.~llllf ', Lilt-~ tn(•ome \\OS llf)UJ'h £ \5U.

t ion uf < lam:ie l ·l. t.L llJl::ititu tl n ~· till' 1 ·~·~·. tu lhl::' r•lcd!.1tl ut :.u~i)lt~\1:) ' 'l•::) u 1·e l.! lllP lU!CU l) ien• \\ t;rk ::shall b ~ alJu- l!l\oln~ Utt~ flltlll'~ uf oue. il' nut l•\ U, 11on~; IU\OJ' illt~. til~ P:•hulJih~ l!JtiPilt or u. t'l'l'errPl\ to l ht\ early drt\ fi or thP the \\'1'\ling- Lo n br·n 111•11 P . I. . L. w.HI tollu\'ling l'~1 l'l'lt:J. lt ~lltl' d ,'l \.·~ re ('0 1114 \ tl e n.'d . 'l'b ~· ln "i t- u ~r i~ h t jJ tJL-lic officers \'.' I! O IU:I\1-" :-nu·- Gll·ls' l.uUur· Hun~u u, ~ t ud l u Lt\ ul' o ~ l~I O YenH" H l. li e l·on si d(l' l"t l th lll tlt P hl·ld tJII l•'ri tlu y, lti tlt In~!. ' I 'll ~ \'i C'P-~ T ile ~rc~ idenl untl olh~ l iJ stt ppor le ~ 1 .. 1 'l'ha l ~ ~Jdli li..; i.lli L, \l' ll• ll',ll d tJ ~ tn,-nttu :t t· tl \\LL~ :~ trutl\ out . uull ti JH PPet.l~ll In pJ·ote r• ling Lll~ puUII c: in \P- 1Lllr·owiug opPit Ill wnnJ f:'ll t~nd gl 1'i !-' pu ny hnd d(Hlt• wv ll In ili t\\'(l ll t,\'·fln· )'l'( •Mi df-•nt 1 \l r. T . 'l'unnl~y) >; ' l:t H tu t11e r PmarkH of' J\lr .. \l t" Uer mott , a~HJ l . ,.:-: bt· t.'Lill\JH119.ut•il! n uiitJt. Uk IN!JUSTRIAl SUBJECTS J:l'i, k \aH~ rs ' l'l"~w lull on WlHI t arr h •t.l,1

l'e !:l t s. a11ll 1 t'uur tlH·~ may b f:" JJI'e- vos i t iUil :i in tlil' Ht:.ttP l'ulJih• HPn'i('e, ~ t' J.I!'I ur ils t!'(\H tPil l' l' , ~ I I'd. urunt ul - thl t'ltuir·. nll p lHigPtl t!H~ m~o::f'lves to lndLH'n tiJI :-;e\(·n.• pun bltnH•llt nl' any0 11e Hll umt.:ndntl~ ut Ul'lldu~ fu r lh e d ~ll-' f i on Judil·ell If tile mn lt~·t · IH fu r th er pro- ~lliiJj l' i l u co mp ptlthl' PXilllli ll~l tlo n :.s . ·'· " :-s pu h P, ~:lt utin:ot. jiJa t, in lt PI' op!JllLJH, .\lr. J. .\ . \ 'illlt:-l\ (JJI'e~ldPnil 11 1111 tlH•I t f ellow l'mployePs to Uecoml OTht•J llw tt qnLdiJtt•d m t· d ku. l IJl'ae ti- On ''l'hut·~ da) Jdt.,dtl th e ('unt'cJ'f'liN ut ,ill \\uJ b uf lt·r •· b w" lJPi ll g lost . eet'tlf'd w ' t ll . ' ' .\J r . !lo ll ~uitl: "Thet•e A m ut iou IJ Y lil t• ~liu v a:; ~i~t uniH, :.ale. \\Uillf-'ll shUI1ltl n dtt, a ll a cth·e part ill ~lr· Toruli Y {\il'l'·f1 l'P Hidl ·nt) WPl' f? 111l!1111JIIl'~ ur th e (•lu iJ . l oLIIII-"r;) ,~·IJ;, tn~at \t'i1t'tcul d i~t->:bl'M. w us as l'- ed IJy :\I., ·. O'Hal lonlll (Uit: LH' J 'I'll~ n_...;ulllllou Uy the Sll o p A sMI ~- t~ uo suc h inftu ntlul IJl'l"dOti!'' lug t hut th~ l :drlv ('Ju t i n~ Ac t bt~lt h o l .abot 11JOVPI11Plll uppcjn t .. •Ll a ~: udtlitlollu\ dt• l f"r; nt P:-J Lo j ThP sr·rrela1'Y, Ill n~p ly l u ~. ~uld he ((') l•~l'e • -• trentnlllll 1:1 1 a , \ puldil' tu n• m o\t' 1111 d i:~ quuli f1c·a tillUS in JI.>U IO· tunt~ <t!HI \VHI't·Jwu ~w h:mploy tli'H' .\ f t~."3o lu t lou Urol: ~ lrt ton\u t'd lJy t.UllLIJid Pd tu ~l (·,~ ord .l n e ~ '~l tll tilt' J dUt- ~ \ r t--~L iullun h , l h l• liliT :-\ t \111, llll. \\.t · lll nglo ll Hu l.t>ague , n n t..l ro ll !il d PI't'Cl that Ill' WLHJ tloi l!g ll \8 . l'll Uy t lH; ~~~('l'Uti\'e II]J UU .\ltl , J . l·'L,i.lcl'at\)11 provi lll11l{ I'm• li t(' ('}o:-;in~ the Uli!'\; l uy ers ;•utl(' ll' lllllg prison 101111 thllilll!, the hi ~ ( \\~PI\.~ or ll€:\l p L!J·. ,~ hu t the i! )Jl!;!'\11(! he ul...;u lu thu Ho~~llal ('urni\'" 1 COI.Il·jdul)', :tJJd il W U:i u j)\Pa!illl'e lO him; ho::!plUtl~ :wll ttl:::peus~lrtt'~; ::1arnc to t~n~l !~:~l t. IJtJl ul'tt' r f•omlidcl'iug th lj . . I L I J 1 ~ " I.H' UlJl'l\ to iw th ::tt'\~S :.llH.l. at t!Ul~lli t u ut t.dt Ui':i, i: ~ t"iudi11~ l'lleUlL~t~;;' and to- a or )Jl 'uUu Ns w aH uti\ ClllP to 1'1-'ll • ·~s~HHiou \\,ls a~I'('Pd upon UJlH •n tlt->d t u l t•H d tit~ S3. lllcl a:::t t hP mlttt:>(l, llis 1\ • .)lJ€ wa s Lli ut thL' eluLJ will kt: ~ l) I:!Uit ull rtu !:l :;t_I-J. • t>r ;it :iOU I ~ l en gliJ ( 'oai'P reure n ·-. l• ru· c·o uif;ts ' Uusi ues!!leb, i.Ll I; lJ .nl. rl' om '' Tita t ~t· i~o ll ! allot· Le conHned l\( \ hln I ,,. ,rrhe 1\ Jo.t Jon or llu_.:~ Al_nalga mated / l•'l' d e rul pleUgP ' A J ett~ r· tu.h·orJI\ng the P"'tahlish~ i n <: rPuulng ln mem i.H•rshlp, H e couhl ·1'tod l o ~o. I I Wi..ll:l po lu tPU ou t\ M o u tl r,v:; to Ft·lt.l:tY~ . U11ll ut 1 p .m . t he ~r i~o r~::;, uuU t hat Ko tlHlnu fa f'· J ll ut 11.. 1s I n t ile oest JIITPr'P~t!-:1 or TlJe Pl'entlt'r opuu~t:t.1 the llHd io u, lll l'-' 11 1 or tla~ )JI' OJHHNI \\' fl'st'!l' ll Ois-'no t !We why all thP C' llll)loy cou ld tdl Ft·~..~e ~,.L ..;t!i\.J . .tiun at' l lle ro ~ ·- tht\1 n~ \lt' . .. :ngli!:!h hull o pp ol:led L-~' -lon ~ a t.Ll l ' do ;::;, wnu mov t' tl I.Jy ~\lr . t ur~U DJ' tJt'CtUucc:nl be not used or !:iOid th~ I'OJ11U1 Unlly l lla l a l l e11glnt>::L cur - and 011 lwfng pu l t ilt- \'Uting wu .~ ll lt' l llu H ~ilul at Orunge \\R ~ nttuw~u lno l j uin, as the rni Pl:l uLimitted nil mu la ::illh U.I'::!UU ( tiOl,; J lo a. ll pu i.JII r· , uot· t•atll !l tl ntt·~" lie !we..! U ~) t Mafft,;'n·Li "-" ltltll'l ,,, . , .t:' r[,.,u n. ' i'lit-' mo tion wil~ i rl Oll ti iJu tompetltion ." tttHl was car- 1 l ·' " h I 1 1 11 ..::~ \1.,,u - r :J.b~::i, l'illl l <·,l r .s, w u~; ul l.i, anu o~ -ar ellllRI. Th e l.'hai r'nl uu r uleU tha.l ~ to s :.till u\-l' l' 11 11 1 u e "i rn eetln~. tll(•mhf't'S ~:~lxt}' ) eo r s of lit e oud h~,s.~ als. olli Y Jlt>:Hlh! . anti \JI' . ~feag her sa id! ('. 't'r\(-' 1.1. lJut tt ~ the l't>rtui~!ttl two- rlecl. rulli n g-~·H ucl;- ~- h ou l d be B1 :UhTI'adured Lwu -tltil'll !3 mujoJ' \Ly wat; nect!-1:1-H\1' \' T lte Ht" C' I'I'La ry r rpo l·i eJ h is ll tle ntJ- undt>r. Ti l t' ~UYHJC'lltS Wf..'I 'E' small t• l ll t'lC Htio n of s.ny p t~ rson su f- lhg, efl't'c·t et t ill• nwtioll wouiLi l>c to I Ulinls mujorll)' 11 12l.'e!-''::! UI'Y for I liP a!- .\ r et:l.. llt t i o u l;y t h e H.n i lwuy \\ro rl \- I y liH! Hta t c I n Stu te workHhu ps," for .::HH! It an ull~ratlon a~ t he pia l. :llllt'~ uM d PIPgult• at I he J-l .L ; J..,, ('on- and tl ll' lvneltt s g r eat. A meiU\Jt·r tt.rin!! rrull'l. \€tlt'l't"Ui t.l \ :ll!~tl:ieS . 1 J!t-1' the ('C~l~titu!IC!l .... llttl lll~;~rer.;n• tCI'tl.ticn of thP .lJ }UUOt'ltl Wlt H Il.l l :sP- er· ' t , III011 ror the rollo\\l ng UlllPIJt.J- W~Hi t" UI'Ilt•t l. 101'111 , li011~E:qtli:1 Jtly t he wotton \\ aS~ I t' n~IIL'l', :..tlltl ~~U \ 0 Ull Ulltllne ur lt lt; ( On ly )J i.ti tl 1 ~ P I' \VeP I<, alld fo r U•' l It I S !:> \'l'l'l.! JHIIIiShLHL:Il t of uuyou e lllnl'l\ llun i.t lU J't' 11\:tjoril) \\o'OUltl U l' t.".lll't; ll il COll l t.l !JUt Utt ~l:l t'ri ~l! iutu I r llH:llt t o t-he p lal l'O I'm : "Tha t l ile 1n- T he t1t: ll 0 J'U1 S!:'CI'ilfut·y or th e lmH. ILU "'Ill+.:.S.S u.tttlJH.It->LI tu wli ll e he \\US ilf~ l ~tl·ht· tl ~ .. - per weE'k si ck Vll)', ,,llu \\ilt'lti.l} 01' u et;lig~n ll y L'UI UUlll ll i - 'JI.'['2:"~l <l 'Y lU c·:tl'l'~ it. TI! P Pt' t.'lll\(' 1' it'll. dt~~~ru l l...;lq pllt es A ('t IJe so otn en dPd ''>\ t ll ~lll!U!lllit•Li t\lr . ( . 'J 1lHliU~Sull), 'I'll" '\r ullt '· ' 1' .1 .. 1., !'P"flill t J'utl jJ I'U-Ithflre. he !1\!40 f PIJOf'teU Ill ~ bubi!Jel:iS ~ll l t.l ut tklllll £1G, PI' on t he d eath or · 1 ,· , :111 t<lltl tl•t•m he inten tl13d LO U' 1Po i n t ""tu "eJ·mll o f tlJe uiJOIJ't'u tJ ur' "l"fl "' 1 u ... - - "' h!llt-l't.'Ul ULtL':l~l!::l t u ullt...:l'::.. · ... "' ~" .. ~ 1110\'t:! t.l

1' n1u 1 tht- Uo \' t'l'tlnlclll U~ vidln~ ~H l.u lw r me ull; ~J·s Llo at ll! til l! lt uih\uy L Pug ue _an d Jl ospltli l l t is \\ i fl~ ~7 10 -. H a l f mem U ~ J'S p.t :,· ~gl 8L";u t.·u. tiult u l' tu~ peu l)l~.: us t o ~~~t:'.~11 1~~:·~ 111~t~\'i~l1 :.~1 ~u~ IJ~~: t~~t~:d1131t\\u~ MORE INDUSTRIAL MATTERS ~~:~·:/;.~:~ :~~· ~r~~~~ \~.~ ~~t ~/~~~1~ 11 U~~a ltl~~ usk

1eu to r·t:

1-'- ill ! In Lllelr rurm t-~ r lt:a :-;, tl tr ... e mouths' ot'Q: ti.U l~J ug \ u (11'a t'Jt1~1 1a1 1 t·omntitte~ al:! tl~ le ga te fi'Olll tl d per \\t:t•k 1.uu.l rec eh·e 1 21 ... ah;ll t1 t 1 ., " ' u 1 "tt.l · · ' • vu• tlons lJUc• rail way ofti..Jal ; pe n a- I · ~ · ·· ·· 1 puy, un d £ 1 1 u • a t dea th ; and •t lJ:.~\ :.:::t~~r~· u~~~ \ ::~~·r ~·.~l~ ::l.:~~~·:s~~~s 1 ti l!l, nud it' 'l~t·Y w er t- p repa red tn tlu~nw:·~·i ~~ ~~· ·ut:: .. :t~l ·. u.t:Je-u. lt ~l~~'auli;~ ~u ~~f l'~fcr l ed t o the r,abo r l'oundl. I l !st?d u\\ lu g tu tlltl rer~ll L Ua.rllu~ !l a I' .. E·U.t·h yPar·. WLHi lo!:lt. J t wus llr r· !tlrd to promotP ano l hPr I he r. nd of thP \'f-'i.i l' the surpl us mouey \!r l:ll ~l k C I ~' gu\·t' un t: ).Pel\ ent ud - \~r'-t~':'-'t!~~·;~. : :, t\li~·u ~~;·~~l:tll~r·a huud ,'' l t IJI !dlefo't>, a.u ~l l~le ru iluwiu !!. motl un PREFERENCE TO UNIONISTS bol' ~t,~lk e . lJt" ~:tld that th~ Uo\t:r'n · lll :'l~ ~H'~~~~L~1:/,~~l~l~:~~~l~~~h.;.n \.~,. u~~~~~~ ~~:~l·! I~Ja r_~l·\:,;~.'l .~l ll tdlalnu<eg ·,,~en l\1\t'ee,JtJolet sa·-l '! ,",,' ae sn·,,,~ri~-·.IUr!Li .et.tuat\y amongst tAl llnt4. Ull tln• t!Ubj(!!'l. \\lt idl \\aS ] itl- \\,\ :i t..:U I't' ittd Uy GJ vot l~ S to -11 : "'l'hut l tH::' llt huLl i ~ltUI'(ld Ill~ dP c· l~luu ol' ll\0 I } t:i r 1 t . " . ._ ,, !~,., ll to with ('\Psl' att C~ IItiou. ;.t 1nl .\ ~r·..;ululiun 'uy tilt' \\'om Pn \Vor k- U S l 1 f l' l la ~L co nrt n• n.·t~, uud hall done no .. an t :... or \\L.;11lPU \ut~ u~. uc \\t:l'~ IH'ut11"1 lro nl ~UmP to \ Jr . A. :--;orrls, l . I t . I l h''i ~ · onl'et·tnt.:t: u i11•'U IU tl 'e dt!. :":llrab tl - tt .. a tt l' l :lY a LPI'IIUOn a mo ton J!' th e lll 'O tJOsllltl in ta\'O l' of ~tut~ lot-lwl!o li ng bP E~n ro,· ."IJo ttt lPtl tn oi t lll ."' ~A. t t h e PtHl of hull year Pnch melll•

M r J . D. j,'ltlgl.:'raiJ l:ii.~I.'Ollc..!-..·d tile Pr:..' 'niu_.J, " Th at~ Sta tt.> tiUI'll l. Sllll - it y or illlUl t'llia t e ~ l t'i)"i b~: in ~ t •. IIH:• u to Ill he Hlarlo;ati th' s Sut"lel_r, !:le elc i ng lU thing. T hP 0111 .' \\U.Y t u r'O I' !'P Th~ Gu- \l::!l'i !t~l. I ill lilt' ( ' o,' l' .. 'l 110" 111 1·:,1 .. ·' notil"l' l ' "f)''_ Ur r I'PC'P i\'Pil a r ~~ru nt.l uf 0\'Pl' :JO / - fo r 111 otiull. LH 10 tl 1.1t r>:-;L; .• IJJi~:~lwd fo r m en , bP u·t .1 Li 1 l \f>J'nmen t to "ru nt jlJ '-tlre 10 t il e mP n ... . ., .- .. , TllP "\Jitl i!:l·c r ror· H~nllh, ~.rr . F l<"''· c;iabii-.:ll t.•U ' -> r \\Omen, nntl 1Jl aced br ing HlHitlt lllr ('losi n g or :1 olc ls an d lUr e ur L rat on r.t\\Ltt' s 111:1( e I' P ro- wn::; ror liiF'!Ilo to s t~·jl·p ~ n I thQ onlv Th e mo tion of t h(' Pu l nt t- r~· l 'n ion l!c~eni u g {'A.!:\P Wfl-1 mPnlionet!, and !he monP ~· he ltn cl p:.uU In. There ·und t•r· th,.. n cpnr tmC' nt or La!Jor nn<l \\l'tP Hhop•i at 6 P 111 " [4ptr ·i ,P anli t o ha\'(' them lss uP<l - . ~ • t • • '' That no lllf'lmLcl'shi J) o t' an <-' mp loy- the f.:t?r n~tary waf.l i nslrurteU t o make. was nollling t:l prevent the em ploy-£' 1:-.. l:'p~ke ar l~o ush!Pt'rt lJ !t.l lPtHH il Oil t\ p tllll en cl m L·nr In 1:1\ 0 l' of tlrcfcl-1 \\ltllln s.l:x mo ll th ?. f r om til e d utc or \\' ay to rn a lc<' 8Uc·lt n Bt r ihe rf'l'er ti vc I eeH worl<l ng north of \o\'e rr\s Creek te tltr- ~tdJJ'•'cl. fl t• sai.l hP hucl .~rcat-~r lJ~tl \lst ry,·• was rarried. b l h c flt :o\l <.:t l !l ng or tlte lJo 'tl'{l \\as I "·l S to ha\O I one u11; 111 11011 " o r t hu ers' an:wriut1ou IJC u \lowed to ller·on1e thr n PCe:-1 .:U1ry arrangemenls t o affo rd

·· eud u m npou Lhr q ueHt lo n "as lust ' ! ~ ' . . , ) .,t . . \V allerawang- b~"' coming tnem bet·s, ail Ll' iJ In i.:! lt· :l~'ttl LH·ilitil'b for trc;tt- .\ r rsol tttlo u from the Sou tll 1\cn- ti t) 'o lt', to 44 l tl!Ji etl. Th~ \-linJr,L('r for \t\'mk !:l Rnid l "llule ul lil t' t.\.11\\ U\ .::;'lJ\·lre He ur to r e mutn mc nl bet·s ot the l .. L .L .. lrclleJ. men w~rr ap poin t ed to collect t.hel r Jl!f·•tt t h:~.n •ll roti!J1Hh50t"Y uodlil': l tlon.l·"'•ill!4ton .P L . l.. . .' : l s l<i n ~· fo r tlH' <~m PiH l- :\lr. H o lrn :tn l' f'fu sc d to un~wc r a tit(' ll f'\\' .-\rlJ i t.rat ion Hil l would pt'O- l h o ~>e cl. t 11 at . tht\ t.lltl ('o would ron·1·e- whe n w.ns d !~ru_ss~;.d · . OH HOllll' .L~lfll:~!lt moner and issue them pPnce car ds . . \1 p t rsP n t !itt.v prt· <'<·nt. or <'-'"''" '"''"I ol t h <' JtHlll sl mll Ja w •o n; tu nu mb er ot' queHllons pu t bv ~lr . ('ul- lltlc ro t· <'OIItlnuouH a wat't ls. :\lr. ~~u t h .t u n to ll 1\0u ld l1C In e xtste n re ,Jl:~ ol>Ie m• "~' ' Hhull n to be_lil. el) _lo NEW ENGLAND RAilWAY EM- :\ lr. F . v\"ont·ll is the collector a t "'I'< not tr•·aletl llH'Uit·ally al all, aH tl );iYo \\ 'o~::• s lloal·dspower to fi:< the li Han ( .\.\V .Ll .), o." t he gr:o u nd lltUt .\I una)' cumplu ln od t hat hi • union ' !or tl would bt' ·~~le lu d e mand ln- 1 ' , '"~'. "' Lh~ :'·,~nt of tl•e mo;JOa. b<'Jng PLOYESS' MUTUAl SICK \V r J't'is C:rrrk, and l\1r . ru . A. Vih ea t-tllir;y-li\c lll'l' ~·~·Il l . , •. -('1'1' I I'P<ltl· d b)-' prH.:t'~ ot i' Om m otl!t t('s n ~ wc.l l nR of ! t hPy were nrgu me n LH ra t h er thun l hud Lo wa l l two and a ha l f years for lstead or Iequcs t. c~~J( C <l. .. \ t t c t ,H,I \\.l18. p ~ ~n d: d o. ~ll. tll~ CLUB. ill>'\ IH'Ii r nc r<l cl~t•m i sl.; or by qu;~(');s. wn~t·s. W•IB eonsl tl e rcd In conJunc t ion , Llo upon the subj ec t or lh e :\or- ua awar d . and ha d e ,· enluall)· to The moti o n ""' nmen,led to rea d, dn c r toJ s c~ f tl."·. \\ oJ!tl nell~papor lcr (sl gn~l src liunm~n) collecls f rom 11 •w d prqJ:trrd a u ill somrwiHH mnro with a re;o lu tio u hy th e ".-1.11 Oratl c~" ~lllL"c . 1'~~th schem-e. · I threaten lo st rll<e in o t·iler to ob tain an !I was ra nll'd, t h at th e men ue woul<~ be I ncl ti; lb le , a~ membct·s oC -- • - \ BaJ '"b" to\\ .ll langarra Tb ey " ' Ill t odPr'atr lhnn t h<" mo1ion, u11d th cy 1 Ahboc: iallo n , ''that the scope or tltt' on '

1 , . it . jrom pcn saJcd in ::; t ntu~ and flnanc iall y. l t h fl :'\ (' \\'"pap (l t' Propnetot·:-; .\:3s.o.~t a ~ Th £> quarter ly mcettng of t he abo ve eo i\ PCt the 1:1on f' y fortn~~:~~y , t heo;·,: '"'~!I d hr nhle t o \WC' how il \\Orlcf.D d 1 !\ec'c~•j.:ary <'ommoditlt.•s Commissio n ! Th e re~o l utiOn ~ ui.J m lttcd by the' ) Jr . :\lfougher. speuhiug on the su b- The uC\\ pre!ihle n t. :\Jr . J. D. Pltz- tt on , r.nd t hn t llte P t· f'mieJ·, \lr .Jrlle nti cn~d <"iul> \\~ts he ld at the l wiH' ll convcntent, tahe I Boo t Trad e Employees F e llerallon, . . . I . , Jhll 'lltd others wonll 1 e n~·e •t 1 . . I SH'l' pa) and at tend to lhem gen~l'-

b Pfo :·r. prcf" lC' ding- ru rth(lr. H e Ue- ~ bC' rn lnrgc· d . il Hll tnn cl e il permanent . . I J~t·l. ('Olldem ne d t he mann er 111 wlltch g erald, oc cup l!..H\ l he cha1r on Sa tur- ' • ' { 1 · 1 rt • r a1 lway stattOJJ, .\tnt ldale, ou the . . 1l •·'e<l in the od11 e;ti.)n of chl lcl r r n in C'ommigslon li xing u m~ximum price! tha t e,·en· \\'orluhop b n Npnppetl tho la w hn tl been aumlnh:tered, a nd tlUJ' n igh t. I th e 111 0110 11 was lost. l v l h inst. Tile president (~1r . J. T. i ull). r rganl to the maltPr, so 1011~ n~ llH•y fol' ni l •w l cab lP commo d ill rs ." 1 '' llh a firtH n ttl eht•st, a n cl tllat ~)ne rr: tt ri..~NI t he pl'a c ticP of :lJJpolntin g Pr·ior t o t'Plirl ng rrom lhe r h air :vrr.l T ho llom0buGh m ot i on t h at mcm J .\.\\'ebb) orcu pi ed t he chair, and l h e Tld' rmployecs sh ould prov ide fo l' "l•"' l't." not t oo young-. Th(' G o \' C-' ru~ \ l\·lr. i.~ ~IP\1 !::::li d Lhe n ew Judustna l 0~1, 111 ~~.·cc ~~~ <: ap~.ble or r endann g lnc;:~puble cltuirmen nnd the unn ecrs- 1:.\I eug·h e l' S:ll d Lh e prcs id cll l of th e- 1brrs ol' le3.g ues sho uld lwlong tu thelmtf' \ i ll g was a luirly r eprcsentutire j sirl\llf?SS or arc l c~ (' nts, nnd not be de-111ent \\':lS not dPprndi ng u 1wn G er - Di.;;rnt~·s Hill provide:fl that the In du ::\-j flr::ol o:~ld, ' 'as ~utli e tl. tHHY tlupli cnti un or c\·iLlelH'f'. l'.I..L. ,, 1~s till' dcmocT Hi ir ru le r ot' u nionR iu th~it· a,·orat ion waH C'H r'- one. j JJPlhlClnL on l1 1~ 1r .. fcl l ~w- wor1\ers to m any fol' ~nln1.r~au. a~ h a d been s~tg- trial t '.Olll l ~ltnuld l .n ~ ·~ powPt' to ti~ c·On ... t he. JHOtHJ I~ n~. ~f l' . Urcn nnn Ou Ochnll' o f' the ljAmnl~atnn tNl" l tli C' Slalt'. 'J'l11• sl r engt-11 ot' the Lnhoi' t !Ptl, UH wa~ ul so !l~e- l'cunp'{ie m ~.t l o n The m·r of P ct:;·m~nl to collec- s,..n d out f-m bsc npLIOn l1sls fo r t hem . Jt t·h toLI.. f or th P. ~pC'ctnc waa b PJilb' thr pttt ('C'S 01 rommod1ili"S ns well fl 8 (· 11 11 ,\ 1ii11 S). Con lc TeJtco co nd e mn - .\fr.('. ThOll11MOH more(\: " l, hut. Jll'C- l11 0\'em eut wr u ld he on ly through in - thatn oenl ploy C~ rot\uborl :( •ntln l llled tlli'H W:t!; (llstHs::w d at l N ig tlt, +.\nd .t l m lnu l'actnrf"d ill Lon.d on . . I qf wac:. rH. ThC'. JlO'\.'P l'b o.r t.h e .:\'ert"s- Prl lhu hull'-lim o ~->YtitC·In ,\ tlii tl dec id rl l J'e n.~n C' c to_ uni.oni s. l s he mad e a r.o n- 1 d.ll.~ tr·1 a_1 o r ganisa ti on . Jl e was a be- ~ ~1~.· a m ember or~~ L <.l iJOr L eng u r \\.· ho r~·>~d r eso_ lr t~cl that in rutnre ull col · ~ d Ill l 11 la a"k !hat:> 44 ho u r w0ek be pla ce d l't r 11 G t l l • 11 " j t ·' t 1 1 l I l 11 b l•:n' l ly t•1r 1notton wos earnc .. ~a ry t Olil ll1 0( ~~~s omntl£~ton wm 1 c _ . f'l lton u sr rv1ce 111 a orcrnmeu lP\'er tll T' L' \·o.u ou, pca ceaule r pas- 1s 110 pr e parcu o stgn a 1 c~l' a r a 1011 f'(· or s sna c pnld one shill i ng prr Some queer t hings happen la. C' aotrrlJJtry P. L.L. m o\·ect· "_Th o.t

1 bl· ntrrg-c U in lhe lndu ~::otr ial Co u rl , 011 th~ Statu te .B~olc ,. .... , ciC'partment!i, the railw ~'l.ys . . t ram wnys, sib le, bu l when t lliug~ Uid not r~ad ily . lhil t he .employs unlo u lal.Jor an d pa y!3 )' t' Jr fo r t'''~ l') m ember, the amounL '?lolr' ~ nussia. At Smolensk a ma· l r~l"' la iton br 111 t 1o duced PTO\tcllll~ nnd tll1!; \VOlll{l cost the Hn1ons noth- 1 Dming the ea TI J d a) s dl Lttl:' Con- and In nil commi BRJOn s, boar l1. s,j re~ .wnd t u the co nt:~ltlullon lt snoulct l union \\ages. \tu he lalteu frot n the funlh:i. tnmontal l o ttery tak es place f our t h.ll all 111 tlPt n tl\' rases be atte nd ed "''· leletJee ~[r. Ltmontl 'taletl. duJlng tnlRls, OJ' o thet· ltorii Ps cont rolled Ol'l be hlllTi cd up U e beli e ved that th~ 1 Th e quarl l' rly balance-sheet was' t i m es a vcar. A vou ng maiden Is IJI a qu.tiJfl,•d metltcal officer, to be: ~ d e legal • rx pr·Pssc<l lh c opinion h i• rcl'e1 nee : o t h~ ll a li-"Worl< e t" parllalll r o n trolle<l b) lh e Govern- d a y ~<Its comlng \\ben orart u n •onl•m l . . . _ , r:•acl nnd ad OJH e d, on the molioa ot 1


r a ffl ~d. 5.000 ti cket's being Issu e d , at p 101 1ued '" t h~ (l oy~ 1·nm en t' T he t'lnl t he Confr1enrr •h01lltl not he raRe. <1Jnl a n lJtrtuc n t lal pcr,on has 1 m~n t O! subsld ised by Gol e ,·nme Jtt IIOn l tl d 1sapp en1, a nd that o ne lng, The au thor of toe l'tdtcutous \Jr. Mc Det·m otl, seron!led by ~ lr . one r o uble each. The money ls giYen mollon wa, made Lo read lltnl a q 11 ,,.1 <ot ldled v.tth \Unt sle11al pl Olli JSPs ,1 r oretved dt ll er r tll oontl ltons to those funtl•" u ni ted, resonant 1Di ce IIOuld speak , "ll ymn ot !fa te" hn: been d eeo t·ated Tillr y. :O lr .. \TeDPrtnotl congrn tu l>Hrd to !he g irl as her dowry, and tla liflct.l miuwifc be also in allr ndan ce, /IJnt >hon lu ea:· tl eflnitely wh a t il tl tli L wou ld hr11· o been extended to n The. )l lnl• ter fnt· Wot'l<" sa id that nlfot· LaiJo r . lly 1he Kui oer. 1 ha1'e no wo rds 1h• •ecrettoJ')' Plr. Green) for the bu-1 hold Pr of the lu c· ky licl<c t m a rr ies the nnd \\O.S r:aJTi~~ll as amendP d. I \\'nnU•d. l;' ly , lhr molian· th a t sly grog l!ie ller in :1 11 a rvies' c:t mp. l_· lll ilnd IJPPll u.:artef~ w l1ir h WO \l ld .\1r. F'lt zge t'alcl rPpliNl, nntl a vote sutfirie n ~troug lo condemn lhe iu- ~i nc·:::~ lil\e manner in which h e l\eiJL girL Sometimes , ror n ronsi der ati on , A mo t;on ~rought ro r wnrd by th~ thr Nerpss at·y (\1mmod lties Commis- ) l r. l l all Hniu he h a d written lo ~fr. m<·~l the c·asc . \Vlth 1111 a<ltlillonl.hal or thanl; s to )Jr. )leagher wa s car-~ fnm y of su ch an a ct , seei n g that the li:o IJool< s, ulso the manuer in wh ich I he assi gno her •to another man . Ill Surry H illo P .L.T.. p 1·oposi n g th e es-1 , in iJ' n1:ttlc a perm n ne n l IJ otl)' to J,R mond an~ a ' ked fo r the name of prPfrren ce be recognised as a prlll- f l'i Ptl. Several F ederal member ; pre - h ynllt was directe d agau1st th e r;, cc he rom pil etl the bul C~nre-shect. ll P onse sh e dec lines 10 marry the maa tnbl lshment of a fo undling hom e wusjl d c.ll with the prices of commodities t his pPrs on , u nci )lr. Lamon-l. in t h e l'iple in making pt·omolion s the mo- , sen t bore tr aces or h:tl'ing been nncl nalion ot his ow n mo ther.- said llwy •11 fPit n•r) grateful 10 .1 1· ·.vho has won her , t he money 11 car r ied . was carrjed. 1 courso or his reply, sal d: "My faith ' lion wus r n rr led. /t h rough the mil l at Dinalon&. . L or tl Oeorg e Hamlltoa, Green tor the inLeresl he ha d t~lten equally d ivided between t nem,


On Satu nl1.y, Ht h Do cembe r, 19 12, the l' lr st Subdivision of

th lt M;:gnlficent Estate waa offer.d for sa le , ond atloin~d a RE ·


T he Second Subdivision, wh ic h w ill be s ubm itt ed yo u on Satur­

d a y, Ap ri l 24th, compriEo s the flnts t soctlon c f the Ettate, and

w il t undoub tedly dr aw an immense attenuancc, an d be anot he r

re cord-breaki ng e'w'cnt. No o"..h ~;- pr:~p crty in er ~round Oydney

oan compare w ith Its oltuat lon, accessibility to tram, beach, a~d

•lty--or equal its surroundi ngs and viewc in sc:nlc cplend or-

T ho &~ove photograph shows t h e Bell ev ue HIII·Scndl t r am·

line on t he Blr rlga·ro• d to Bond!. it runs r ight throug h t he Eo­

t ;tt, wh ich Is but ;a few minutes' wa lk of a~ ndl E!e ic h ltoc lf .

Th is beautiful rccident l:: t subcrb Is going ahead by leaps a nd

bounds-magnificent roo ldenccs Qoing up ropidly on the Flrct

Subd!·• lsl on and In the Immed iate vi cinity. T he above p ic ture

la an act ll al aketch ef tho Estate a nd Its superb surround-




Great Auction

Sale Saturday,


At 3 p.m.


lngo. On one s ide the deep blu e of the mighty Pac ific Oculi

the ;otuon oiinds_ of llondl Buch, with Ita huee orowds of merry 'if"' ~ . ~

•u rfers; on the other t he spa rkling w a ters of the Harbor, dott ..

with shipping, yachts , and motor launches-and the graceful

sweep o! Roae aay. Rig ht In f ront t he refreshing green of the

Golf L inks, backed by a nobt~ expanse o! verdant hllla, relieved "• here and there by sta te ly ed ifices and pictureoque homes. Those

who are enthuoiuts in surfing, boating, golfing, have trere aburt-• ~~. ~ dant fa cili t ies !o r enjoying these healthful paotimae right at their

door, The tram service Is e xootlont- f rom Circular Quay rltht

home--faro 3d. Tho Eotae. lo op lend idl y aerved with woll·ma ..

roads, which will be kerbod, g utt ered, an<! blue-meto lled, From

a residential or lnveotment point of view thla Eahte wil l

mend Itself to you. Get a pten-tho dem an d la already very

~eavy-and ••• the property before day of ule. Loll average

50" 1i0ft, of ~l<cellent soli for ga ;dent anlli law,..

Torrens Title CALL 0" WRITE FOR PLANa.



--- -- ..


Dl :::iEASE IN Al\! BU

OtRMS ROUl f D t'KOM 11111: 1 :\UNORY

It ts onlyda!<.east:s th :~.t :1 1 e tnfcclaous thnt can lJ In ambltsh, 1 ~.: Hly to IHIIH:h deat h nmong~t 1he wu ucs of n hunu.: uut ,d e11 \\c ~~;u r~.; h th e l tOIII c for tile ll.'~ldtc~t pl~(c.: ol ntubu..,ll \\c find l l li t lh l ]l\IIHll} ] hb I ~ l l!l HCtHent t;f

fact ~ hli) prm dlle tla c ltllllLhy t.:IU. m~ md clt:all"'~.:~ t:\U\ '~-..:t:k thl: cluth~..:;-, \\e \\t.: u. om \)etl, 1 lbk, kttt:lu::n, ltH.i btth hnc.:n, dm!b tu\~ d .. unl curL.1.11t~ Notlung dnotb:. twd cn.tJ tc:s the germ:, lt r ... cc h of dtsCd'>t bO tealld\ •~ t1 H'''t' , to amhu~l the tndnt .. ht ng fli~c.,.,e i:"l"rmtltct dnu~\\l" 11 111'-l bcgmlll th t: laundry.

N t\.t a~ tu the mdh\lt.l me1e d t lll~lll ~ l!t

" ol cn~'ngb I ,, su u1e d~-oc '"'e Cr!tlll" wa\ laugh at I oilm,.:- '' 1tt'1 1111d 1\l~n t: \t:ll Utced m o.. Ollllnonc t .. n1to.;, o f so 1p:-.11dS 1 he u lll) \\ay to d e- tl \\nil tht.: d1~c he gc •m l't tu kill tl, becuuo,;e tl'- I le • ~ 11 1 p tH\ c t t ~ • 111fc ct, md onl y w hen de u l , ... 11 h llnlle~s !!tU '' e ll11P•l not e> nh he-~ m \\lth !he l11undn, !Jut ll iU:O,l lind a )aund" .. utp \\hah JS d:,u l :,I lung dJ:.Illlect\nl

1111::. lnlll z:. 't \.IS to tbe hn d pHnt 'H hn·e th(' plnc t.: 111d " t: I n•m tl e ;11dhod. L1 tebt1uy So~ ll gnt:S 11 " th~ lil t: \ll S Jt 11\:\\ he llllt' tha t J l.}ll\r dt•~!ht! g t: lll h l.wgh 1\l o 1dtnlt\ snnp-

bllt fi t' '- • 1 ll lllt'bllu \ lo1 Jt 1111\ !::l l Le,; l t'

ll lt' ll1.l t>tt'd that I 1ld uu\ h.m tl a )hlnr~< t:u 1t

S vap ht ';) pt t\ td tb gc: t UJ d t' -.1 10 \lllg jKJ\\t' J dl O\ e l l ilt." \\ UJ !d 111 lw-.i-.n1a1 .. h~u. l .. tlld plucs ot ~uhh. 1 ~:"• 11 wd 111 P"' Ut" h u tll t: .. h) lht" }nii H.ilt>(\ t iHJlh tt HI ln till l lundt \ I tkl llu) Soup gtot tu tltt' \\t:t kh Jn1hn.,h 11f d~-o t ~• :. t' \\ htrt tl l! t: t!" ho u"'c HtH..I hod) 111\el\ ll l d tt serd" of dl..,CH-.;,e, In nt>; ll nn1 IH lllt tltt:Jt unl,uah and I db tltl m ) cl \\Ill Ill J tlelmuy ~u tp ~~ , perfect l uJrHit) ... uq.>, liHI fJUill tl\ Lt tllll t)

l tthlX tltt: 1110"'t dd1 t :.tit.:: ~dJ!IC ..., t:lllt: t g C' it\ S\111\\)

p !t:.., of h tr. tnl napl t) I d. hu I) ' o q> ch t'l.,

Ut t , ou~hl' l l tilt- h Ul(h or ... tun tl1l nul -. , he: tng a ~; funtltu m ultj 1 t ~om '' ,...,h ... t uHI nHI I tt lt In t• k t~ t h 111 kttl hen :lJtd ltn uo.;,clll lt.l I tl t: l tfebuov So:tp "I H: H \ O ll " Ill lt " t.: Jt h (l\\ \ OU

\\ Ill, tl 1"' t\\\ah \ pt: i fC ll "Pip md pclll<:l Dt~tnkrt mt 1 d.,;bu l \ Soap ... 1 l:u mdt' o,;n tp t hat \\ill pcr fN tl1 1 1n t tht' tJ, .., c:: t~t g lt ll\"

a mblt 'dtt.:tl 111 t h t: l 1und n li nt" ptt\cllltnt: th e r. eel\, ''nslt Ue ... u mt n g a. d t,:,t: t:~~! c urtt::l

·------- - ---- ---- --

1;-.J rltl-:: pas l a ('0 11 ~ 1 df:l a.b 1 e beneht has bet:n cou fe• zed on U\tt 'cJLlt ~~ lly thJ::; OIHt: e 11n<lt:J t\ld ng- Ci ty ~hoppill e. Oil

lht:l! Ueh3 ) f r\ 1UI\t.-ld 1110\~ h::t "' 11J~\ l.J ~;c n mutJ , IJ\ tho t u _~.; u .., cnnmL hi t h e "~"' c dit t {' H~ \-\1'10 }w .. bui ld u; IWl j tHlllll l iS tH ( :..tjJU C l Y ~L k€'t>ll )dlO\\ltlig<: Ol \UIUth :\ llll thus ;:~ he: !iltoultJ t u bh.: t o t f'nl.ic l a. 1 1 ul ~ 1:: 1' t Ct! t o ul\1 countt) l !l e ud '-'~ 'J lie ( o uPt'l u fur b Sllltj \ l u lt LUt Ho) t.:c Is alJic to buy nl.Hw l utPI~ to tilt b e~ t d th antug t ttm..l u 11 ln\ll~tiLill ~ ~ e:\tE.' ndtd to Jeadcnt t1l l t ) this ~e ,, ! c P 'Jhl~tl! 1s no chatgt: co llec ted any\"~ h~ll;! fo 1 ttt ls

THI :-i P \Gl: ts tlevoled

i,~,\!,'~~~:~~f '~0omt~~~

'I,. -"T_h_e_R_e_w_a_r_d,_o_f _a_t_h-in_g __ ,..

~ ~ well done-is-to have done it."

So E mer son sa1d . It looks as thou g h the rew ard for h a v mg


'J'ho~ t \\ ho d('~lt e advice ~ttc unltt>d t u "rite dl J ~.:C t to Violelt:J 13oyc~ ca1 e of tbt Co opt::l a 1o1 ~111d evPr)' cam· tntl1lt C'allon " ll l recelve PI omsH attention

TEETHING POWDERS tng-go" n and a parr or CORJ slip- 1 per s at hantl 11 you have to gt> t up u1 \


'file folio" lng let te1 '~~<~as Wllllen

nrg hl to atlend to ball\ Ne~ l ecl or T ee t hing po\\tler s "'e undoubted- till" seemrug ly lr ltllng pr erauuun nr.t v \\' e \\er e ,Ill brought up 1\! Lh t he The lulest rd e as for tres ale • lmplc

11 suotlu ng Should uue lh~refOJe, be t hto cau•e ur \ely so;rluu. c lr cs l !Ilea th.u rt "u s baLl IIWIIIIPIS tu 'a"u Ill the ext reme, btll let> allract ile

!ut the sake u r 'lult:lilt& tile clt!lu, col u s One I "" ' ' Lh<'> ull•~• da1 ' """'" l ~0\\ -,, e Ult: tult.l tll,tl \:..l\\11111!; lt:i lh e Ptl l1lf:liPh u ! l\\ (J l\UJY-\\hlle l:.t!oi~t."'boi, IH I IUlt' I H~ :"Jiglttl ll ~ d l f> UIUH:' tiiLll\

gll e the ru 1 Uuu l allOI'I a he a ltlt l lJuiJI to nr - ~ ltl~s l , u11• '" ' nH1~• !'he 11leu 11 t 1 u

I tt. LOtq.Jlt= of 1nr hes lon g, liuugltl!;' 111 t> 't'(t lb a~o u 1 1 ~ Hll l ::lt!S au

lliiS h li 4ll e•li un tllllL lll!IUY lllO- 4UIIe t he l!.lblt ol Ut' lll g r~ u thllll\ 1( l OllieS I!Ulll ~l\le ll!a 1\U e le IIPIIY 110111 t he !'lidS ut a 1111) l111Sied U0\1 lJJUUil!UIIe l s ur ::it l'l!OillUS• 1-iObjJI-

Ll! e l o """ th e nr;;ht Jl • ~ ttlllle unn Pceosu", p<' u ple allouu d 111 ouch numbe1s !but of liusshl n luald al so ot au 1VOI) I Itl \\ e ll uelo re YOU LIO,)OU ought to l ,w<.l \\I ll UPS[IO) ) DUI c b unce oi a l lii !'Sal ea ve1y llll)JOi laultollSI Ue Ja s lnul e 1he hUIHI WII( ill g, whrch IS i.Jeaull

u nd e r sL.rnd t his p o rnt The 1er y good night 's 1esl 11 g reat lliU JO itl y of (If no t al l ) tee th- ~ ron 1 SU\1 •I comp letlllg 11 plam llrUII SE lull) tl e.u aud eas) to Ietu.! lli tha t

Jng )JO\\ders con lam some prevara- fhe atlvan tuge of v,t\\ll lll g or lut h ed hol y n e l most ,u rress tulb ol I 1\omun

lio n or mcrcun MY BEST RECIPE. '"l '" lhu l 11 '" ·' preven tulll "nollrm tre con s rste<l or a lung i t 1s n ul onlv ura nl! f nli) 1\I!I Le n

No'" tu e Jru ' ' 18 a 11 ex t1emP\y JJ OW- '~el l :..l.B u C' LJJe l(UJO\\ sl ti J.l of bla ck t afffltc~s JJl.Jl.Jon :.lJH.I lt'! t:!a.S) to Jf' lU 1:1~ VIlnt , Uu L iL

I Ill V ur I eHIIesti J\~ 8S 1\ ht ch IS sard w I I e r rul u r ug ll 18 or tmmense 1aJue " a rlhcr e ncJ t11t1nto a ong I>O nt , an<l l li a e tl•o " il ea l la sa> 1\h lclt

a t lr m ee, ,tnd rl urld o ubled lJ ha• saved I (' \ S!; l ~ BO I , I ' S OP IU:EF. lle the mu in c.tuse 01 11 ~ 1168 " dged ,111 lhto 11ay t onnd \IIth the !loll Is helplul and rnsp11111~ many a babJ s lrte, wheu gtven ns Th rs IH an ex cellent 1\U)' of usrng H \Oil get 11110 the hdbtl of ~a lii\ OlleHl un rglnable looped etl!;rng J .tm sure lOll \\Oultl lik e a p~P\1 prestrrbed b' a d octor It also ha s up left-o1 e1 meat Requiled llaH !l ing 111 ~h l •1111 1 1110111111 g 111 the ngh urh as one sees on l he edge or g oo ti o~e - Ill\ shou ltl t•r at a le tter wnlte n

undoubtealv dest r oyed many a babl s pound of cou k Pd meat, one pound o f ""'' so th.ct th e re tS absolute re ~~ lhr s great 1nd 1\0IIdHinl wour.tll

Rex Luncheon

Cheese s o well 1s to h a ve to make m ore of 1t up


to t h e same sample O rders b y pos t and by w u e are stream

mg 111 fl o m all o ver I the coun try Ke ep on b ny u tg " R ex"

Che~', e.

Its flavour w1ll no t v ary Its qualliy Will r e m am the s am e The same llttle h e lpmg after each m eal w1ll st11l co n tm ue t o

ass1st the d1gest10n

" Rex" C heese 1s m t h e boo m , b ecal1 Se 1t contam s a ll the good pom t s of perfectly n p e n e d fu ll Cre:J.m Cheese, and I S e conom1

cal to use Y Oll s pread 1t WJ t ho ,,t b utter- Ji !S c o lllplet e w !te n

1t ::omes t o yon .

All Grocers Sell Jt m T m s .

O ther Rex Canned De!.ca cie s are·-

Jl rnn P a te Pl~s r 'l l ll ]Il l\ llh ti n~

\ t'!i. l!ll. f o iH IIf' r' !l" J 111 11 h I o n g ll d :l 111 l ~ lh 111. llnS

I I d t t 11 [a lhrrken luxatrou o1 th,. tnu scl es the e ft ect •· ,, 1 ,:-life , "he n g11e11 by people 11 h o don L mas1e po a o , a g r a ny - Suc h eclg rn g can 11 0\\ ue lJongtl uY 11ho IJ1okc uowp lilt' bU111e1s and !eel

---------- ----\ unclers tand rts 1tature ln thiS" rv ed g ra t) or ,,,u ce on e teaspoon f ul of sard lo IJ & t e wail< .tb le he J.lld and I" mu<lr UHerl lot "h llJ - th e lVI\ rot lhe g •eaL arm) ol nobk

Ladies! Be Patriotic\ tt olten '"g11e n , 11 tec tt11 ng po11 ders c hop ped paisi e ) one teaS J>oonful or I ll 1ou r ~el tll rtt1i.Jie 11 n g rn11~rlJi l on to tbe edges of cinr 1101116 11 11hu ar e dPvot 111g Lhe11 111~ s

Silt!I;"J,l Tvn .., ut: s Ill J, l l) 11\J tin s ~ ncl

P. ~x Bl:.tllll 1 U!d IOI ro u l Jll i' I) UI

I 0 1 k H!U\\ 11 l l t. 11 11 "

J u!l. Hu11 ~11 0 di '11; ti ns

Uy molhen:i ...... lto uo uol Musv ect l l !:) c ho!J ptHl gheild u Reasonin g \ULII e\ t~ l \ ner\P 011 edge s u g~est 10 on 111 1\s to th e sei\He ul u1tulunU 111 hospitals

Aokyou<ehemootfo• presence there I l''trst mash the boiled potatoes IOnlsell 111 11t you must '""" and a Ano tl1 e 1 brt of 1ibl>on \\as 1\0lltHI al ho m e ,tnd on lite lWltls ol SOIIOIV

KRESOLVO I Tl a mo the r sho u l tl gile too many ftn ell su lhat til~v a re f re e f rom •ense 01 •~ l lel .111<1 e1e11 urd angurs lr abtuutl at tire Jll eselll

of s uc h po 11 ue1g 1101 kno 111 ng 11 t1.u ,, \ ttl!nps, au dr ng a SIU.lll lu ru)J ot unt - a\\akeiiH ,ulli 1011 tee ! • ~ste d :Jt te r e 1•• •al t tm es , to g11e il a 1en 11.1 1- d .t 1

~ IADE IN AUSTR AUA 11\ t.hPm Ulld qU!l~ · ~nola ! tl or thc , tPt """ s u Hili Pnl milk tu make !llelll [ 1\U Ul lil!ee 'ltll eHS l ll l allt•mplo 11 thal \\ ci S al l Ulll al li PLI IllS" J.lo! e ll(e ::-l i!; ltl!nga le h,s

1n10t e-adof I r eal effo<t the\ mav· have 9 n Lll e cluld l t;Oit and cH?dlll\


\ou a t t: ltr ~..\ tl uut , ~a\\n uU:::>oluteh 10 s tmtlat lJO\\S lJla cPd slanl\\li:H:! ntuch to 1SU\ llJ ll e l l t: lltl 110t ,tlone

Lvtol mad e tn G erm any I (l>e!:ildeH HOotlung tU s h e ma' qu,te1

(ut rhe meal tlliO \e t \ sma ll llt ce, J P i a "ltH g; ~ttlll g t \tng- \UU J ::,e li to the tl o n g cul1::; an d d0\\11 t e nl t e l tOH l ut tu littt~e~ bu t tu 11 s :1J I tn th ts da~

------- ------- posorbh tlo a g r ea t deal ol ha1111 f1 e t rum s k111 auli g11 s lle :.\ltX t1 e''"''" " e ,u\ll the eft ec l •• as tt JO U 1 I!IIP I\ -lnckell mu"i111 hluu"l' the e f- ol II Onhl e \\h e n Bo muc h de pends on

Jt 16 ah\a'? s dange tOlH~ LO gn e an\ \\ tt li t ht: ghe 1ln n and patt;;lev and h utJ 1t td (\.. H~~lful doze rec t 1 ~ Uatntv and u 11 rommou t lit• r 0 11111 g .... ~ttHI Ill£.& qut Pinf":sS of spt·

klntl or llllXLLJle.:; Ul J,JO\\tlen::i ut \\luch f:HIOHg lt Sll U Ct:!' 10 1110\slen Jt. \\el l a~ lt \Oi l H UII~ r I IOlll 1\ eadachP l.Ji fH; B' t he \\aY, I IIOIHP lhal ltn v 'i ll1 - l ll l \\! Ill" Ill ( lt \\Oll1 Pil Jt~ed to possess

vo 11 do nu l kno\\ llle llu e com pos•- a tas"e r o lP 11 1lh u un mr xltii P Is 1t, s e '"" ""l g i.lll d "' !h e t11~1 >;tuge (i t: bo ' ' ' o r lo o p. ut 11111~ l ,ttlti<>• 1 !1 11•m•eile' S l11 b~blll•

l .. v,k u 11 d ~ ~ ut l J 1\ltJ lln s . })O::at:::!, In III.J pt Jnts

8RA ..


Curer• of 11 R ex I H anu and Ba.conl.

Packei& ' or ' &ex ' P ut e rood P :a: o<l uc tlr

t 1on aud t ill~ holds g ooll e\e tJ mo 1 e l iiiO<..;t uuinlt~ Ie .,., Ltn g .,., ,11 ~m. al\ JJ iat · l ll i ~ Hctul Lu Lt: t t ettlilll tU J e Jl 1\u .. lU \\ S ut lJ O\\ S n1e 11111 C h Ill 1t>- \ \1 \ \ (oilY lJe._u J."' JeilHis, - ':\ow

wn li 111 talll• 111 ,u1 111 , 11 ~<lu ll~ e t! fireprool 1\.lte casse r o les 01 Ia - ! 10 11 a 1e une ol th e peo ple 1\IIO t;;(l q lHHl on li te s 1e~1 es of lite ne\\ Pol o nre more •goci.pPt<l to )Oil a ll \ 1) (he le,l\e n- ne, e r no~>y 01 self-as- l'h e that he


mah tll case > U ~Olll l b ree- pa ! lS fU ll D! l t l e pi P'~ etl ll ) ~U\\IIl ll g J IUII"b [U I !he d Pr/11,\(IOII at <llfl o \el) lJebt f~ l e~Ll!lgS ,t lld t JI,l llh S (O \UI ',e![lll~ l oOd bl ess yOU a ll , m } deUI, 1\.\S getung \tl l assurtng 1e port;

A ~OI' HI•:I~ H\ ~ (, 1. 1{ the mrxture :-; 011 tlt e1e ' " "omPlltrng 111 the tue a ilaH >; utidtn l' bPcome an importan t dl al l - lo 0111 1Je g1n 11 e1s good cotll- lie~• i11 eu d• -FJ"OREN UE NIGH!'- f r om a ll the branrhes a nd h e ll a tl

There'" ano t her tlau ~e • l u tl.r ng rn (0\er the me a l 0\l llt p otato h eap ~ ~pall al luge lner lrom the pfte cl np- tnalle • a !;e t o ou r dPa l old \\ Oi ke r s, pP><<e J::'\GAL8 been a ble to pa) lire i rea• urer clos e

the•e polld e r s ot \\ltHlt most parents rng l t lle ll " ' the renl1e , anti mall< rl ou th e mu •r les la \11111!; cl ~ li s lll e P larn s h ll t ru ffs ni e mo•tly rather frbh CCilll.:tg r too, per "t l e r a nc e, ror on £i00 lll e re \\ere a lot o[ me ll

are quite unallal~ lhal rs tbe Llan- ne utl ) 111 i h a fork j lnngs , d rUII> u " " '" " 1o ium e or lr e~h dPPJl und "'""' alP prpPd 01 1 to tlw , 0 pP! e 1e1e LO lit e e ud 1, <s tlrHl cult WHAT THE RAILWAY AND TRAM· srck, anll the lllalllle na nee acrounts

ge r lo the rutur e ol the ball\" teeth I All thi s t an lJe dunP 0\ e rniglli all dolln rnLU lh P c heHt llhllh IJIIII 1\.liiOII Hhlltsleete Wllh LhP s am e ma- a nd neeu, a Hl !J c tltl e ii ~ I!'.Y than WAY HOSPITAL FUND IS \\e r e blg TJ e h opea elei\Ol1e 1\0ultl

You ma) sa\ lloll on Pa rllt ran i then nt xl mo rnin g llll you hate tn Hes the b lood 1e,1cllng uvon the n e r te 11,tl as l ltr blou se 11 0 1 r repe d e \ l•> 1J e g 111 " " " 1101k l u b e 1 goo•l msu re h11nsel[ aganrst s rckness, au d.

teellung po\\ d e r s al'!ect teeth'" flle l , tJa ts l u pul th Pil l rn l u a sl! arp 01en 1ous sy l tcm aL onrP Patrgue anti tl~ - r l11n e 01 s .tlln Aud they ! Pa ll \ tlo nurse on e urust b ~ a good woman DOING. h ave the comlo ! L o[ not bemg depea •

undoubted!) c.tll h OI\ e\ e r , fo r th e \ a nu heat a11d brOil n them 11" e"" IOn a 1 e bol h depentleuc Ltpon pO I IJt t ton an ·' are pro1 1 1 ~<1 11 rt h ball 1 J iJ ---•- -- d en t on Stale atd fo r ftospr tal treat.

t reason that m e r c UI ) h as a \ery bad .,,, ' u '' h e r ~ 1\ e ~ r ail all agt Pe t,. l ll e ol effec t

011 the delelopmen t a. nd calci

1 :L:G tl C l" ri H 'I'S, sone tl b lood , a nd t 11o or th r ee t eal but lons to mat<h lu colour , and real old s t a r ) HuL some o! us are new A. BIG ~l ,tL'I/ '.rEX ~XCiii lULL. _ m e n t H e coul d no t Jt e lp noting

ncatron or the tee t lt I RPCfUIIed Tluee hud-IJ or led eggs !good \dl\ll S 1)10\!d e a Bt>l e ndid ton rr bullonltoles lO l h t rarl str ange co! n r rr! e ni s \\here m eu 1111 0

rhr s latter rs th~ IHOcess IJv "ht ch on e '"'' egg one ounce of but! et , one and stimulan t lo t're ne i\01tS ',ys te m ro r •11 man ne r of n et and lace \>\ h.rt rs •I to be ltk e a "oman ' t e ll out of the fund fell 111 Last ' r 11 11 f 11 1 ai r \lllhout any tl anger o f aflel u ep r es- lllon ' e S pPnr l ll utton s rath e r la rge L •'-e a. ll ;) ma 11 ., 1 ~ 1 y woman 1s 'ea1 to11a r ds rl <:lose he had noted

teel h beco me lt atd irom the deposr t l ouu ce o o ur nne gr o 111 1 <, I " 1o. m eL n g of lhe commrllPe 11as a t June a teaspoo nful or le moH-JU tce, saH, ~ • on llal lt• l• o t~ es '"" do no \\long a llll sometlntes sa rtl a s " \\Oi tl o f con- beld al ~h ~ Jnsu t ute ou t lle 1 2l ll w s t, He felt st rong b~ t ha

Th e admtnlsltatlon or mercury as a pep pe t ll yln g t a l , bread c r umbs Then , Y.t llll rn g hy s tr etching the app en• on bolh fr o nt and rulfs tempt somellmes a" "- word olten u e r \\hen the l e \\e re pr e e n t - :\-11 prese nce of such a good m ee trng, and

I Shell an d coai sely cltop the eoo lted mu sc les, unci the r e laxal ro n 11 111 \ populat "ay ol f1nbln n g off the udnll!allun 1I Sw a m ( pt esrde n t), ;vl esst s J \\. he \\US thanHul to all tbe S)mpa•

;~~~~~~~n:,1/~ :~·;~ep~10a/es: PP~~~~.:~~:~; I eggs \! elt the butle\ 111 a saucepan du ces rs excell e n t The motemeul R ' e ev ~H o l a sof t lJrocalietl ~Ilk bl ouRe " ~\ hat ma lces ,1 gooll woman 10 th e ( atr, G H l<ed d re an d J W Wllgnt thel1c wotker s he \\as m t ouch w1lb .

th at even ll h tle a ba b l IS cutting It s s t'l rn th e fl our, let ll cook fol a pro;,~ue;n~e~~:~~~o~~~:~: n~~llnl1sae:sag~'e ~~~~ ~~~::1 '/:,~~:lo~fol•a:~ac;~l~~to'~~·a:~~~ b ette r m hlghei ur hol le r nature - (1 1Ce-prest d ents), ~'lt Huben .l:lu r. h- 0\.C'COU::<ITS

fi r st teeth the gc1n s of the second mtnute , then add the mrlk ancl s ill 'Y " I ~maltc pr a r lrce ol ya.l n rng ex- c!o "n \\ li b a rath er broad ban d o r quie t n ess, g entle ness, patie nce, endur- more (au<l!lot). ~~~ . W . A Cu n eo The follo\\lng accounts 'l'lere theiL set are thel e ahcla tl l UIIC.err.e~lh lhe l rt over u fi r e unl!l the pan"da, ,tS lhP aner , folbearan ce - forbearan ce \\ llh (secre ta r) ) and the folloii! Ug com- read :?.nd passed ror payment-

--------------:. fir st sel H yo u le cl<' <> "e 'y g l\ e pow - ' mrxture IS term d can be r olled me rGes to g e l lh rs eftee t a< pa r t o f bla • k veil ot l!bbon bell\ee n loh",P II I lhe pa llen ls h ei rcl lo\\ st ude n t s he • lllltlee - .Ylessr s H D WI!gh t (Au- !ol umnuul o l the l{utiiH1Y a nd T t a m•

-'" l d e r s IIIJich for all 'ou k no" eon tarn atiU) lrom the s id e< of the pan tile rou t ine tr e llnwnl o f ohPoil\ ,\ sh o rt I\\O ltP l Jabo t net, snp eliOIS h !: r equal s \-l e n e~d dlt Ollt ee ], Lu ckha rd (Gas \Votk s), '"" H us ptl.l llun rJ \< counts rn e ' e "t"

this dru g, you may be do rng nnmen se \ 'I hen a dd t he c h oppe d eggs, lemon- lf vou ar e too st out ) Otl U1e to e d gecl \IIth lhe same lnrP shoulrl a\Jole ,dl to r ememb e r till\ \\C come 0 J ovre (81 e lelg'l) No rmuu hll lltl od tuu1 l•llssc tl h i the lolllnu ttee Qll

ll a ''lll to \ OLII IJa by's "M(Jil d set at ]Ul(e alld secl SOll lll g rrutn t he l fa\\ 11 r omplete thP nerh l Jl ftont \\ht\ e a l to l f'd l\1 to be. l~lligh t flen cf' \\ P ) 1 J' I ' ore I sou (Per W av 1 ep.ll t ll1 en t), -' 'ltJI Il fl tlt, 1U1 ;).

teeth l mtx lu r o OIL to <I pla te, a nd allow tl Th e u , rf lOll 31 e l oo lllln va\\nlllg till \' fla t ed g rng of lhr> R,tme IS ca r- cour e to o bel \ a o ne \\O S c t P! :Jb ie


I l

1 1\111 rlo good 111 t hat tl tmp roves th ~ rl ed all r o uiHl tire neckband 10 gover n "lio lwd nu t leu1nt lo obe ) J' Sc ll ule r (Dt\I Rional l~ ngln eer ' s Of- Hospi ta l No D a1s s d .

I hatP l rt lle <louh l th rt th e mo <l e t n o coo aJl e l •l e ond cout!ler.tcls l hnt ten- 1 ll 1 I b ftcH). lusvector ~l!tc h e l l (Tram P " I. ISldn ey llo s pJta l .. b 'l l Q

llal) l t Of gl\' ' '' " tee t l1111g po tl <lel s "O S hape 11 11110 t h e fo r m ol h l tl e Job- 11 rr l re bl o use 18 esl tn P< 0 e l No one 11 1s 1e1 a b le Lo t ea ch "ha " , , b 1 ( C 1 ~ " 1 fl ff l Wa y), J h. ·' 1C 0 se u a r anc \ Bulmaru l l osprtul H 1 ~ 1 G !--------------'l la\lshly and rnclr srllmrnaleh has sle r url lets, b r us h t hem 1\lth b e ate n d ell r J l o "OilY \1 nch so a e n a e c swo rn llilh " s h ll t of soft Jiu ll bl ac k , llas n o~ aule to !Pall! \>\ e all ha'e Waggon Shops), S Hmseu, W A. St \ ta cents .. 24U 25 14 l

mo r e than a Ullle to do \IIth th e bad egg, a nd r oat \\1\11 u umbs J,ay peo ple 11 ho a re lh •n sa lrn , a ltll\ pom le rl basqne back lo olJe y a s \\ell as lo colllmao ll all Olll JA~E'"~o~, :~~t?rTi':::~oc~~·uM.~~l teel h of the pr e sE!n t gene•aliOn You them asrde In a cool place One deep Single ya\\ n \S good tn a nd lt on l , \\Ill! th e edgPs prped anti illes Fraser, G A.rdrll (Rand\llck Ttams ), S t Joseph's 49 5 t an<l Magnetic H mlou uu d :PhychJc H er - rts e lf li n t l 11 0 o r three mrnntes d E' a """tbPII of bl a ck 1e lvet 11bbon H Ealon (Ti am Departm ent, N<l"th K lama 12 t ballots wr ll h a t dlJ etel find ,ll\l,\11 Ol woma n Wh e n nee d e d lot breakfas t , heat toletl to the exel o rse se\er al limes n ftn rs hed oN al the lrg ht- h a nd Who do es tt b Pst? Sydn ey) and ~- ro\\nseucl (T! a m Nellcaslle 48

v~i ~~i,~od~~c~~~~~;~~,. :,'~.,~~~~;·~f or fo i lY-I tve Ho\\adays 1\llh a Ha lll a deep tan of/a\unlr~ a fau~t smo\e da' pl o tl ures qut te a r ematkable e r- llllh a double b ol\ go ing up ~~~ ~ m:;,~s,sa t:n~~~ ~~ll~ou~l;'~P~a:~~ ~ll:;~ Departn:enl Ultrm o) femo r a G ~¥.;~~~\ "'(,ctH 11~1~~ 1n 1~1~1\t; , 8 1

'1k,, l sound sel or [Pel h an d girls of a 11ses r a m 1. • ert 1y a e11 eu- fe ll COH IHcS P O:-;oEN C ii; Woll on go g 49

e. nd manv o p etatiol~ h '' bu•n pre· l \\enl\ \PlY often hn. \ ~ nlore than l lctd ~~ t a llln e untll a goltle n btO\\n, 110 \\11 m.,lk~s a nt re ftn JSh, and she ' 'I ll have ht t own \\ay , As c\ Apologies ''ere t e ce n ed f ronl Tureld H

2 11 0 1 2 lt


' n t ed I" t ~ !~l n .... o!JI r !IJ!I 1" "/'nu n t one f.ll~e tooth It \\as l Ht tdi~' Pver l rlruu tlteiJI ou p ct ~eJ, and se Tve \\ Jib I Jl'llsl ':,UggeHt " to ;,:out s P l f t ha t KPems l o Lllng lhe l \\O tog e ther in! l1ltUl\. or t espelt Slle ah\UYs knows 6l 10 Onl\F're<I•ITe•b,u•r ll rl alll••Pn•u- \OUat e l e l \ l!l ed thatno t hrngi.Jul amal\ e llous llav ho ,, to o\Je) , h OIItov!l eupl! erowu~1ess r s \\ \ ::-l e \\PllandJ F llrll • c u" sc 81 11 3 t l on~ t il t put t iP pn o::: nn 11l } Dl .... IHt!i l!'t so m 0111 g t eat.-g- J d ndmoth e l s cla ys, l f ll eLI PUJsl ey an U lll OV~ n b 1 ea d :lll<l L ' c for n o n·attendanc e , and the [Ollo" -1 1\lar ti c ln lll e

:~~ !~~'la':~~cl rtnr 1 ~,~~u 1{, ( , ~ ~~~~ rql~ a i ' Jrr. [ , 0~ 1 but 111 those cla)s l e-eth1ng powcl ts llul ret 1 'ct\\ n lng ' " 11 t elle\e you, and )OU wa~" mg conespo nd eJHe \\a~ tead -- Goulbutn 4:~ 44 1~ 1 :

t o,7<ll ;u~~ ~•I I all • .;;~an":'~, ', ;~ " h,lll/; and were not 1\ h a I t he'' .t l e llOW' and i n 11 l ou [1 efe r· 11, vou ra n fry t h e m a~,~~~ a'~!~~~~~;:~·,;: to another b e HQUSHQLO HINTS • I rh e n a good " oman sltoulcl be Prom and to ~!I 8 8 1~ 1 eon11n • Anmdale - 24 l l i eonse qu e nre s rond lee t h h ad a be l cutle ts ovPrnrgh! And t P-f l l or heaL ! Is 'cutclilng," ao j L1 ~ r ough 'f llo rouglln ess '" u nur•e lrom R!Hl to \lr '" E ' a n s, Dl s ln ct Queaubevan 10~ J O JS

te r ch an ce Lhe ru u~ 111 til e OIPII rn the morn1ng cau se ' 311nrng • I" ..c maller of li t e 01 d euth 10 th e Supe rm lend e nl" O Nr ce , orange, from

Jiidl ~e,lhu• Hl .. un"u " " I il \1 It IS fflt safe t to oll t ntn n !HOpP r ~l e r \boril J,no\\ S - • - - - p.rt reut Or , lalii PI, \\llhout ll she and to '<11 Jl C'ur rr P, late co ll erlo r Hay, 84 9

~\~~~~~~!,\~ihl'~~~~ \"' ,t•~o J,\Ft ' ~ i';}l ~'; n" ~ ·:/,\ t' ~ ~~'i pJ eHr ttptwn flo m a Uo<toJ fo i som~->- nl ~ \ll I .~ EO 11\'1 ) ~! h e t: lf flr t upon the lletvous svs- "\\'\H H\U L ~~ P\PI~ H. J':-, no nu t se E~peclully t hmoughncss a t Bathul ~ l l'rotn nnd Lo Gua rd Tot -

~~'h"r7t~~~~-~"•; ·:;," " lo"''.\~ ,\' \ :: ·~;,'"')~'",tl,;.~.~ llung to Aooth e lJaby If n e ceSH!IIJ Requrred Srx oil ces of Ja w !t arn a !em " 1\CHHl e rfulll soolhmg and Je" t- \\'hen l go to a n e\\ ho usn I al - '" l h~ unoeen work Do t hat \\ ell, rens, co ll ector at fn nee , fro m and lo T otals .. • 1 229 142 1 4

~""' '" >{ "" ' •<I'"' " ' ""''' '"' •h"~'' bu t llu s \\tll be verv r a r Ply ne eded rr q uartel' o f an lnclt lhlck, one tea- l rul !'h e ln cl rnai ron lo s leev" nl- k r l t h I and the oth er will he done well, too Inspector Smith, P el Vl'ay , Bourl<e, neparlmenls P atrenls from Loco.,

t"~•11 ,~ 0"1"1 ; . ',', lt, ,\' 11 ~~u~//.~1 ';'1 11 u\~\\11 1 ,111 ~~~~c~W 1 111 e lrtlle o ne Is out of doors all l t l opoonrul each o r m1xed. must ard , \moct ltupossii.Jle to resi s t, and so t h e \\avsma ea. pom t o IRvtng enut - 0 b l h t t 15, Pm V'l ay, 14, Trams, 4., Tra ffic, u ~ ' n sery ... ails papered ' ' tllt a '' as lrr ng 011 L care mol 8 a ou w " mea 8 ft om and to 1\1r J A \Nltr te late col

f ,ll a PU40 1111 ln lPI\h\\ "end lol Olll 11 b l I h c hutney, ancl lemon-) u lce, two tea- y,l\\lllllg c ur e 18 l eromme nd ed to suf- n I 1 1 tt u - ' . - 4 , Slgnalhng, 1 Tot al, 31. BiJc Cla l cr.n s ultol lon to11n 111l lel' \\I l l '' " \ possrJ Y can e a n < f yo u tr' t P d pape r· s o that th e 111 evl tallle grubby 11 :, eHJeowan'doga,onus ak


11,, on

011 hat•e lector at the g as wotlts, from aud

p nsted '" " "'"" ' .- h o "" l ' " for 1l '" simple pl an or glvrng lt a war m bath s poonfu ls of F'l en cl! mu star ' one fe1ei s from ins omnra ) Y to Inspector Steel P e r Wa) 'l'emora, ~ lbcel!au eous Accounts.

g:n~~L~;,.~r~~;'d,;::n ege of Hea \lh 5< If Jt IS t es tless In lhe e venrn g A ou nce of bu tle r , sail , caye nne , brown - Ir vou s leep l.oadl\' practrse ya wnrn g ~~~~e~~mea:s~~Y ';':~~: v~~ t he chrldren g race • asked a mltuster o! a house- from :.\1r Beaumont, applyln& for a Refund t o :.\1r Bea umont £ I 4,

bath has a wo nll el rul eft'ec t 1n sooth - ed c tumbs , \\atet cJ ess and I c laxa\ion f~r a fel'l m rnutea be- It t h e toom1 s a l ready pap e! ed With UJald Beca use I c lean 11llder t he r e fund •\\b!ls t in Jenner p riva te has- J enner P r ll•ate Has-

! 1 1 t 1 t 1 thPm f 9. r ord111 0ry paper I have the 1\ ails d!s- 11111 8• " S , , p\ta l ; a n d several Othe r minor ln-

r';_ll~l;l:\ ~h~n~l: t oa~'.~::, Y or tl~ ~rnso but of a growl! person but tt Is sp e- chutney, l e mon- j Uice, s alt, and ail !y a nd deeply b el\\een the yawns, m fecle d anll varnrsh ed over as th is ! " Now, \\hat d oes like a woman qu !r!ea f r om various places-The w!th t h e l und-Re-\\ hen •oglllatlng P•'l s nr• reqlll•erl It l llg l lle nerv~s no t on l y of a baby I iVllx together th e mu stards, ch opped lo re yo u get In t o bed, breathing qur et- t ' a tho exce llent rep ly p lt a l, no t In agreemen t

~ ~~lego[i\m,~~~ I e"•l~l "o~Jn\~\~;,:~~~.~ · '~g~~~ crall y e ftl cac!ous In the ca se of the much 01 as little cayenne as you l! k e, and th rnkrng only of how tired vou nn~\\BIS tlte .same pmpose The me~tn when !t !a sai d !a contempt~ co r responden ce \\as rece iv e d cel pt s ploduccd- li

!~~~~~ ~~~~l\J~ ,\ o ~'' 7~"i-e;~;;,~·.'~~~~gh ~~ ~o baby :1~11: the but t er as smoolltly as pos- reel \\hen yo u begrn to ya wn 18 e r 11 111 last lll!ce as long and ~an Does it not mean what Is p et ty. :.\1r J W Wllgb t m oved , and :.\1r d ays, 15/- pel 1\eelt 1 H •

l o ne• of 45b \farl, el Alilo t Ry dnoy I Thu s lhe brai n IS n ot allo\\ed to 1 P Little seltlshness sma ll meann esses, Schuler seconderl -' That '1• Beau- 'Co-oper a tor'-His Acll lc• l" all'" " th o best W tl t e anc! 1'KF.THDiG 1'R 0l' B fJRS Ril l ear h sl rce ot ham once or gel ten He nn <l st1un g up a nd the ri g!ll bP lrPP L clean hv s tmply WIP'iug ove r J a'o S) foo lt sh tolk! ng un mont's aecouHL 101 1e fu n d of 1 51_ p 11 nuug Jet ler-lleads

~IJ t ,ln 11 rcee o! co•t • Ti me n1e a fOil Slmp le 11a>s 111 l'"'e to k~ep rt from cu rlin g up 1rondli ton for 1eslful s le ep Is qu teliJ 1\llh a \let clot h <IIV)' , e

1 u ' ' -

Kl N G TEA 11hirlr you can gne rehe f iu leeth rug l 'ipread the devtl pnsle thlcklv ou !ntlncPrl the patient's m nt ll bPtnl'o l :'>IS'I'E \ D 0~, A D Ufl1'F.R

1'":~~'~ss•,~h!\oev~v~ft:>;. a •l~·be ' lllre a pet \leek be par d " -Car !led (' o ;, ~~~~u;lna l"und cardl

llrmes - one srd e or ear h ahce t beu coat rl i l al,pn up 11 1th vn11n 1ng 11In cl! 1s the "- hltle debate took pla ce Ol e r the

wo m a n' In the Itob le seusa o ! the q uestion asked iJ, 1n s per tor Stnllh ll UUU)

1 H th e gum s .tte hot, swollen , \\Ill! the c r umlls l na l u •al pH'c m so r e>r s lePp us ed lo keP p a du ster spectal il \lo rd s let us blil.l ely ttght a gar nsl ull )f Bo ur k e as to wh e the l the \\lit To 11 n s~nd and ['o -

s marllng, and painful, dip y ou r 1111 - ~ !,a, the s i1ces ( ctumbed Side np- _ 101 1 nlllJiu~ tlte knii<>R afte r lltey h ad suc h 11011111111 sh \\ ea knesse• Let us ~: e r -tr p rn r r .. , h lenron-JIII<e a n cl rull "a"ts 1 uu a ~; r ~>aseu ~n r1 11 on u r bak- ueen cl c uneu Hntno11 1 Ira\e a l> el- lJ .t n:<Jous 10 do 1\tll uo t ro1 selfl fl h or a n eU\plo,ee llho

1198 "


0 an

1 " ;,~~ ~ . \:~o2 :~~0u\' Re- H

lt on lll ~lll 1'\('IPI 11111111 11 c ry 111g 111 - rng -1111 and 1;111 1 01 bak., Lhe m 101 j ' "l f< and pl.t r e the tomril of' s on u re r plan l mereil III)Je mv Jcn11 e• l! t f tl 1 d d enrp toyee, could bec ome a nHmlJer P ee l\ ('ash

c1ea~e" l ot a mtnnle gre~trellei 1111l l ergltl or t <• ll llllltu!"" The ove n huld ll !(- 1111 rPatly fu t th e I\IU!I!fng I 11el l 1111h 111'11Bpape r after clea n 111g I 11 '1

'1'1"' u

01 •

1 ~ :u,n~~k:~1 u"p '"~~:The secretary Hatt! t h t;r e \\ UH not lun g !'re """'" ' " AUG~neere. f 11 1 o "' ca u"e we 1" c 111 tile rul es to debar any 111111'a ' till - ~" 011111

aoo!l o ow mu s t IJe !O halp 01 11 vo u ::u e g1111lng ~llonl I11Leen minu tes L>elore brPak- th is lt k es •ll t h e d11Hl o R, g11es 11 , ,,llue our 110111111 g not a.• lt mal,es l 1 >lellt' LU 1l" Pelt\ ( a"h

___ III._O_G_Nu_u_:-~-:-T-.AL-u_:._A_o_:o-.~-8-- R p:unU~~:a~l~~~~ :~v co l~'h~atet: 1~fle~ I ' ll'~: , :~"~~: e h'~,~"\ h~v' I,Pj~:cklv afle r I ~a~:\, ~~:lid t~~ ~~;, •::;,otl~ tl;l:~~:;u~tl• l~ :~~~ :\1~:·:~ , ~~~ extra polish, and sal ea tllY I ~s•o\ :,e,::/, ~~ ,~'~:~~~:a ~~s ~~~~~'e\,~~~~ :':~~~~· l~ u~~ a:t ~ ~~: ~ ~~~~kn olrh~~co~~~·;'~:- ~~',o~\ut, }'eu an d

DRINKS BEST. I• 6d p P.r lb

J 0

0 u

• (Tllt J' irm thr.t Joo o.t the c ou>blnt). ho t and parn fu l • fll \\ash e u ' ress Juund ur hol uutle red t oast, auLI sene HHI ( .H'r ",\TER BOTTLRF;. :· ·~ u all \e p u o our e ow-crea - played in tile Ser vrce r oui LI bec o m e •

mo>l r elreHIIIII!( 11hen Lbe a rou llr 1a 11 rs r oukru g<tiiiiShing 1t 111t h tu lls l broh e u ' the n p u t ea r !L on a little 1 1 u 1 1 1 1 t 1 ll I male~ whose husba n tb v.Pre 11 0

t em -

E. L. KINGSLEY & eo. ~ RlllJ a kno ll o r S\11;81 0 11 lhe gum I You LUll IJI ~P •<Ie the Alt ces Ol et - , >e ll ho l J III! Se 111) b r ll 100\11 1\Blei - botlles ··~;Ill s J h ale wrrt t en lo QUI begin - subSCilUCIS 11

" cons!tlerecl tills \\~S I 'l'hono 203 L I DCOr.IBE rf the ~krn s~e m• har t! uvet a tooth tll ghl all l eall J fe r gllillug la tbe / onr e n \leek llll h a mrx t u re u f VJIHl 1 d a con t 1aLl irllou but perhaps it \\as

K;:~r~~~~~od'!,:~~~~~~~k'~o~~:~~:;~r; ~:~·~g toute•ft ~ lt 1 rim often sales1mo turu g 1 ~<I"" ,\ IJ ~ S W OY g,u a ncl 1\aler lhrs k eeps tberu bea n- ::~:~ 111.,1~a~"~":::ttl~:,'. ye:,": 111 1~~~~ ~~ :~:~~atli:e :~~~el:t1e 1 tl~:t~01111111 ttee or 1 0 :~1:1~0 :::: ~~~~·:,g e~~ ~ee 1 ~1~1~~~ 0:1 ~~:

18• r~~ve~ :llo~,n~ 1':f.e 1 llr a t rhoea or f.-Tl Pl<'F D 1'0 \1\ 'r O I ';;l I Tills ma!t es a ve ry p leasant ehanl(e ,llfull) <l~an a nd bright rng wrll IJ e the tt r st to say lltat they The preArtlent said li e 11 as 11 utte ''""' e<1ur p a 11 tl tru 11 ,~01 t to tlw; rt l

William Metcalfe & Co. ron~l! palion la go UIHheck eJ '!'he RPQ\III e d Six e\ e ll H!,ed ft l 111 In - ! ftOill rlle tl Pggs und bill' OII He4UII - '1'0 PH .. : \l ; )i 'l' J ,!.U Rt ' :!<:\' 1'\'(, OUT. ate only begl llll PIS - they ha ve JUSt sure that l l \\1\~ the out ome or a ol " ·" e ll'!\ Qlalluhle tnHn n t 10 'HI D


Funeral Directors and Embalmers

Church Street. Parramatta


1 tt

11 b b

1 n1 t1u~s filL> ounres o f rook e d ham \ Pd Hix P!.:g• Yrx la1g" •ilces of

1 I l ea rnt h ow to tearn un u how to teach 1o te b v th e commntee and th at b e to tl elea l 0111 e n e 111 1 ~~ lit J' i"hll

a PI r a'1'1

gPneral iyl ef ])011 ~ 0 Y n- t o n gue m er e one oun ce or uu l- IHIC OII c u t lh rnlJ one teaspoo n fu l ot Somel i mes llben ma lung a roly- ' Wh e n ll teJ tll .lln th e respon,tbr - 11 as In ravo 1 ol it ' 11\e II Uo ll ~ n 111111~ In Austra.ll \ ,\ rll < reas 1ng 10 llll·lll v o Ul it'J wa ter , , ' \ 1 ILl tl 1 n• o ul In th e

l b tl r l l e! hu ll HI! OUII Ctl or i1eHi l 1\h!lP <lwppell ~II Hlr•y sail pP p~e· po \ Jllll Ill ~ le J~ll IU Ill ) ol llli! St' 01 ~Isle ! , then tile batll el ~11 Wr lgllt said he 1\ 0 IIhl test lt II O!h lng; 0\CIIlllle to 1\!Cel l h c de·

~~',:r t;ll\~1

811 ,~~ 11 11

1; '~\,:" 1111;~;ty~fo~: ClllmiJs , 011 e tPuHpoonfu l or r hopp~d He le cl u large Hhaii O\\ ftl f' ptool IJull,'ug "~ slw u ltl l.H• ' Lel " ' n ol \\eUI \ ot In gt v ln~ 11 ollto ol " 111 01 to u tu tht' '"""'t" ul t he l! erc n t·~ D"JIRIInwnt.

h01118 a• 1\I Ur h plio,phAlP nr soda M pu .-lel allflnt •• IalJ iespoonf l! l o fl tll hh (Il l the ba .ou llllO o ne- Inch l u Pll' \CIIl th is I ta~e a P•;ce or ! \\ P ll ll o l a ~. \\' !' 1\l ll n o t Iotget tlr.d ell cl that €111piolees ' lli ve" ll hO <P 1'110 lllill iOII \U ida or rlot h one an d

\\Ill l\e o r, a. thr e PIW•l ':. '' preN• 1'1\IR tlwk ~ ' a ' y 01 • uu fl n few brown~u "qllal~>• Ul l lt el eaboul s La) tltese btPHI IWd r rumh iP it Olel the ~ ll etl - ~ once"" " ere Ign or a nt, tllesome be- ~ hu•llauds 1\e l e ln the Setv!c' pro 'quute r llllllrou '"'ds ot fl•nnel tUi d

j ls qnife safe and the QII<Lilll l v ma\ be crumbs Kea s onrng, LoaB t • q u ur e , In t he cl! ' h uad rook l lr e nr Ull l ~ast e ' uProre s prendtng the JBUl ~Inn~'" W e wrtl n o t lHugh al the!! llded the ll ife \IllS also an em piO\ee I u <Illll rl PI o l a mill ion blnnk pts are

I I I l 1 lr D I \\ ts h '"Jle and Hlalk thw toma- lul hve u rluui !'S rn a • h.u p O\PII theu l o n ri ll s auso r bs th e B\ l UP and pr e - m .-t,t hPs, b ut tl shH ll be our prrd e ol!oultlbe allo\\ed lo join the hosprl a l !lOll ' " cour.e "' nr n nufanu t ~ s 1!(111 V ncl r ea se < tln ecll'SS:lr l'! IS- loPs Hemme n ro u nd piece f ro m thP [11111 lh~m ul t:l uud cook ou llte other ltn l s rt escaplllg d uring the bo!l\og to ll <'l p ~11 ltho come unde1 our In- fund This "as sup J>0 1ted bv 'l!r I 'llol!ul!a hu, "'nl to the . tnn t .. n ..

l leved • l alk end of each Scoo p ou t ~nou~<:h ,, Jtl e ULH:<i 'l' S \ L('l<JPA~ " fltoo ncP ' f OI\II Send an d the motion 1\ll l be lu~ 111 "'"' P pr epa11ng lO gu tu .h• con rnue '11 ren cons pa ron s re - I I · .. of the p11lp to Je," e lL ca11h fu r t h" NPxl ta l, e I h P u re h ou t of !h P O\Pn I We all seP how much ea•!e r 1t 1, place d on n ext month '• 'lluslnessj !lUll\ 711 1\11 m~n of M-1 1 1anks, ' 1t U

Muaufac:tunrt of every d1•e r\pt lon of Work•• I Momo n• l• H E '\lJT•I " DO:'>I"I' ,.;" F OR $( \l ftlng tald ng r a re n ot to pua b lireulc lht! P~KS C" t efnllv inlo lt 011 r linrl the fo llo ll lng a n exceil('nt to Rlllk lo th e le\el or thP IO\\ thnn 3tJ ~H horses anll 3098 vahtcl e.

a&Uwa7 ot. " " d E r.ot-ot, L14comt.o \lf)IIII• H' throu gh litE' si d es I til e top o f the ba r on Pnl th e d i sh m ethod or clean ing , 1\lt hou t sc r atch- ~ lo ri se lo llt P li lg h, b ut wp all hno11

N o order too la rge _ No no tno wm eJ1 Don' t omit to keep a warm drPss- 1 :\!e l l the bu tl er In a sa urep 11n, sdct l back 111 thP o >Pn un d bake ll H con l ing the ena mel , a s au ce pan tha t haa h ow soltlre r s \\PIP l nugh t to tigh t In

-----------------------·-- \ the rho ppPd rrum lis, par" le\ le nt " untrl the eggs a l e llg llll v "Pl gol h tlln l ! 'hP oiJl l tmes , gnlnsl dtsp e rMe o tld s,

C anti eno ugh BQliNI IO \\All moist en ~1 1 ' lh Pn s pllulde tl1e Rtu rure or ear lr j r u l<e a IIP I dishcloth nnd clip I! Hl.tndlll!\ stroultler to sl!o ulu e t, an d

A. LAR C Q M B £ & Q • Season tills rnlxture eaiefully "lth 11 rlh saiL pepper a nd pur sir-' a nu !nlo n rd lnar' ga1d e n mon lcl llub1

l> a• k to ba ck Lfl us each and all so

MASONS EAST ST LIDCOMBE 1pt>pper and sal t and ra refulh RI ! thelse11e aJ onre j the burnt part s 11 el l 111th lhls A ,,s t ntl , nnd no t .<lone. In th e good

MONUMENTAL • •• tomatoes 1\llh ll ll eapl n g !t up on The ba con an d parsiPv ran' b P rut 1ft\\ r ubs 11111 lake e \ erv s ign of ,a" "' ' la•t ns Le (lnlet W hat Is

KERBING. HEADSTONES, MONUMENTS and TOMBS. All patterntla the top an d th e IU11ne r la rd read) tu t he ll lsh 1• IJU rn' alia) Th e gauceptln s hnuld oald a bout t il e lcuven' Woman's In -

boo Ra1hn1• and all other branch•• or tho trade •"•c.•ued on moot I S prinkle t hl3 llllle heap 1\ltlt a b~forehaull bul lh .!l rs reallv a ll the I then be 11 ashed In lb e u su a l' wav and f!u ,• nLe e'"' hJs ueen and should b e, Rea.onable TeriDI an an,- pa.=-: of th• State 'Phon e, t4 L•d comiN few crumbs, "!po an) blta o!f t ltaj l)repal a tiou tll!s d!ib e ntal!s . tile ~oaU!el will be q u lls' uninjured , quiet and gentle In Ita work!nr, like

_o\. high-gra de E r!llsh Cocoa, "lth an exqurs!lel: tklrcate flavour. M ade b y Cad bury'1


Week's War News AI HIJ I~

\on de i Uoltz ''ha has returned Tu1 I e1


A Z ppel n II S!lcd lite IDIIe)

l I

rt t:s and J) ~ 1en) \'vt8 1. pJrn

dl tated all t n r 111 01 eme nt o n

pa r t of the :..ll, es th e de 1 b emg to ease the pos,tlo 1 on the Eastern fl OP tier T he enem) mad e fU11ous co un ter nttacl s "lncl \\ er e repulsr d 11 tl

n sfo1 tun es ton has 110 1fled O\\ n e 1s th a t tlfe l I aunt 10n He1nsto f C: 1111111 !\m C.lHl 9 m n ~ s 11 11 erase 1101

~ado 1 1 \mC' L .t h::ts c t ct l ait" l 111 ne nplo' 11g non 1 ontsLs 0 1 non

t mal s tl nt the l s h " ' " 1 1 r r 1rh ' nnanctal m e mh ei s The South \\ales GOir tnm e n ts " l r tend\ to tteat fa l m ne t s 1 a e derlde<l to suppo!l a 11 0

pear, IJ1 tn 1 and F1n nre promp t!) non 1 st11 ke 10 sec111e a tll entl p er 11101 mrcl the l nlted States tlHl t to l rei 1 \\ UI bonus

\ " ' ll 1isll stt mr llld 1 G1ee

'""' ha I e been lO p edoed lu the stole tll l t he maltcl has hcen 'a c

l'\otth Sea rull) note ! and 1 11 1 no t escap e at 'l'lele are " 7 8 Getman \essels In l tent lon at the prope t time

terned '' British ports It IS Jll O \n olher Ditch \esse! has been po•ed rhat one o f these s i all repllrle l s k

e\CI Y Rritlsll st~amer that IS su" r.ermnn prop er (} "ilh n t h e Br l rompa r otl\e eMc Ol the German subm o l lnco li Rh I m plre Is tnlued at t !ons "er e ga ned and consolldatcrl T here Is talk of Holland dl nwlng £"On

000 000 T he Daii'Y M ~l!

"' r J ohn French states tllat fterce t h u 8 , ord agai n st Ge man) o ln g 5 l~g~ots t hat llHB Eha ttl d be

ID the slnl !ng of Dulcl lessels Tl e upon OI C)nnsentr d en" rnsua tt <5 Inalo JaiJJr n P e f r rman submn ln~s e desc r led "' \ o n l llndenbeig IS n ow r epmted

n dnv lrlltlP< nr l he I"' "'" I I nasl ed ss a oslns lob ot l of fllor \\llh the Ge tm u n gulluntr) or !he 81 l1o 1 p 1 '"h ontce1s a1p npn•onrrl tn C en rra l S t a fr

t ·~~: Br tl h ( 0\0lllmPnl IS •late ] Mndgriltllo fott!PS> In sol tan cou I Th e So I h Arll cnn H O!SP or As

finemrn t I Re li11JI) hos adopted n specia l !ox of to 1 l\e p IIC nsPd ' h r at f rom i\1gen 1 11 e Austr ans nl t ncl NI Jtnllnn ld 1 na to the "' t ~ 1t o £2 000 OuiJ ttoops on tll~ Austro Ita li a n fr onti er £ii 00 000 on the p ro f ts or t h e ~o

\on de Gollz 1 I o l!~s returner! \ Bell 1 papel fo , casts o. sepa 1 t ~ l m lnrs to ( ons t antl10pl ~ nfo1 1 eel the T 1r 00 ce 11 Ill Hu •sla as !he e Is n o hope

l l•h Go1crnmcnt I at Ge ll<lllY ca r or l!rtor:; on th e enste1n fro1l!cr THE DALLEY BY n o affotll to sen J :1 s1ngle b attal!onll Jlea\) sna\\slo1ms a r e lmp~d ng •

1 r t l e 1 n•slstunrr l he 1' rrl sh opF I 0 tons 11 t IH f a1 pntl11ans r.e r ELECTION \\ 1 \ ll nrst 1 '"PlOOciled Ge1manl 111 ~ 1 1 ~ 1 niO!cements are b eing ri sh ed •

1ul Ieo' n~ fu1k \ 1 tiH lt 1cl and t o tl 0 1 ,znl p 185 Th e Ru ss 1\1 o - - +--

a IOihe r 1'1111 "h ~' lP! "l <I th n l 1 Ule rapt IP<l 111 1111POIIan t pos lt ionl The ballot fot tbe seler uon o r a

I !Jk' I I lr 111 ~onrl le u SP I O lhlfr Jlll cs ftom tl1e Pass J nbo roul clo te loron~otDalle y

r atP peare tal~ place to lli OJ l0\1

U! tll l Atm nl Inn 'l'r pt z IS c r 1-\.PH.r Hl foi!OII I!l g ae ell d a t "ed nollln ecs

d!l•d 'i h ot I! n •t 'g 11 e Hubm lln r No\ om !all r epnr e el tl a t I '~nh H H Bra tllPI "~ P!tt Steel ~ 1 r J"on ne! l aul H l'>h !lP <II lll ioi mei of tiP Pr ilsh I ::u , porl

s ppng r le ( 11101

lmpP 1'-ln otall l v.h!rh \OS altarke rl hi a B llllli n H

(ha C<IJO \O n Jloll\\egg o ppose~ l tll IS b tO! j)NIO boat tlPStlO jP I Ill t h e

Ult the huse a>•r n tet/ Ae gean Sea llerP dtOIInecl and tlat

to If (\lent) Re\ en are llllSSing I he o m

THE CO-OPERATOR. FOR l me lillJIOI UP Ol.H a lnld 01 ~lU ll( ~ l r

to lh e gC I1 01RI 1111 or ( 1111 SP!Ia n t.

I f I he 111011 r nt nr e~ of llls l u~l lJ 11 1 11 bt !P lated u nd 1~ \le\\ ed U\ ou t

r""'"' "~~;~~~~v.' ' '"' J


'iome of t hr V. e lsl! m ncrs a ' e as! Ice s of ll e de~tro\ e r (Germans fr~ I n~ fUJ a n• Pnt PI r rent honus Ut d I ll e GoebPn) h:ll e lJeen rn le rn e d tl

r ent e n to down tools u nle8s th eir ( hlos moun t u ~1 o adle Stree t Roze ll e G

rr JllP t 18

gl an led Th e Br !sn submarine F,1 S "en! ( Gllle• pte 1 92 St J o hn s Road Assc n 1

orl hilchener Sl)S that the most aground'" the Dardanelles l 11en ty / Glebe J ames J ohnston W G Mah ill) n1e wo1lh 4uoung H e ~• 1 11 - at leas t at t he h ands of the Confe r

offrc tl\e ""l of st tv ng off ronsc!IP tour oC the Cl ell ''ere tcscued and oney Unlot St l eet Balm am W J Th e resu lts or t h e b ll la the Cl li t ence an d tool Jts place amongs t the 1 "


I• ro fill th e 'orkshops "11

h se,en ate missi n g 0 Bne n ~ 07 Nelson Str ee t Annan SctvJCe mu st he aclVLnlageo us "' otlret ptess r e presen la t11es In the or I bol nPc~ssary for the production of The bombardment or the Darda dal e i\rthur Rae G lenone vi a m an dta\\lng a s~ lal) of £200 a yea r tilnary course I 111

tnlllons n elles has r ec ommen ced j Hornsby J S Rallford Nor t h A v w ll l be t e lteved from exe•cls1ng that Conference had b een silting for Am~nrnn o flkrls in Cermn n y are The G£>rn1ans announc e a m ore ef enue Lel r hhard t H Set msha I thlift ll hl CI1 he now has to t!gltllo~ a bout etgllt or nine dn )s \\he n th e I

In tul r 11

'l" I Ho thr treatmen t b ) th r fectlvP bl oc k~ d e or Eng land from <"J E 1erslel Hooe St1eet Balma u1 A Tin ft of cou t se '"a d 111! P1 esldent ~1r R D :\{eaghet pa ss I (

1 mans of Brtt!sh Pt lsonrrs day by t he u•e or subma1ines of a I Ste11 art 2 L.!ttle Ste phen Street Ba l ed do11 ' ' a letter srgned Mr (' ~


l\Pf' It \\ Ill n e~ d to be mll"h mnl n ( Turner 26 Dock Road Bol a man Js foJc ed t o save e\ Cly penn ) Lee President ot the A J A abJe ct

APRlf Hl morp effertile befo re !t v.ll l be man of I s salary-11lu c b la llttle moro lng to the r e presenta ll\es or the ro rho F'1rnrh 1epo1t tit< rapt nr of wo r lhv or thP n a m e of bloc lrade ln gs Rail" ay Squar e S)dne) llla n a li vi ng 'I age-In ord et that Ill' o perator and Bnrrlet Truth s


~ u ' Ions n tl c \1 gor "~ ll < r 1ct at British Frenrh and Brig! a n OH \Jr J ~I orga n 9 W1 s b~ ach Sire I fat his ~lng nt the pres s tab le since lhP)

l pclt11 of the ba)onet mPn havp bepn doing effP tile \\Otlr R o?.e ll e Is the retu 1nlng officer rol s eem s to m e a thr tt that y,e1e n ot members of th e A 1 A When

I J,Jt rl•u lilh to \1 1!1 lllh - 111 1 ran ee on ! B~!g!um loy, Jn g nr~ the d e put y r ~lu rnlng offi ought not to be fo rced 01 tl e ra m the ('o operator rPpr rsenln i iiP or

l I I o 111ief! at d 11 • 1ng -total I 1he 1 nn r h rap11 r Nl Po !S Brnl P 111 P I ~ - 11 o?.r iiP W \ 01 ng 19 'llapo lll1111 lll Rl th l ~ m ~as 11r r men,u~r'3 rl>ed u t the h al l the letle t 11as se nt

I I I I" C'hampagno nrtP r a rlav " flgl r.c , lPo 11 St rtPI HozPlle llalmaln J I o! lhe [li lt SPI\lOe w 11 b e reil~ ed rJoy,n fot his p e tu ~al :\lr '11 enghe r \ 111110 or n ••ln~lll S I r d Serlice and at!lan r ed llatr a mile on a c n ll ouston J> tul StrPet Balm!un East or lilt! A 11alt w 11 be t el!~l e d of \\U S imme<llate!l ilfor m e d that tllc l

n I' ' l ' ' " lre ~n g1 1i<d to c nn1 11 nrr1H front l ll} llp ll ~11 Co mmer ro rd Cec!ly tl 1at con sta n lly o1e1hang1 n g d eact1

C'o op e talot r ApiesenlnU'e 11as a l

d 11" 11 o fol{ht al ~<uP fhupcllP ! hP JLnllnns rl r o1e bncl Ati Rtr la n St r ert nPar C'allan P u rl< I e!cl1 thol at a11 time llose d epp ntJe nt on1

Labo r unionist n nrl a [,n!Jor Leaguer

o\ ~1nnJson of tl e la tP W f UIII lroo~s tllat !n1a ]Pd Jla ly on the Iron hard! :\T Den rn e Drayto n Stre~t I him may be left 111 llwut an } mea1 ~ or manl venrs stand ing and !he re- I

• 11 it lHP ll k!llrl nt lhP flonl I!Pr n t \aliP Sail la le lrh hard l 1\llna ndnle N Boutke (lf 6\lJlPOlt llha tsoevet H e I Ill b e j presentnll\e or a L nbOl paper I hose

• 1 mPmiJor or the ll onqe of ' fhP ilrt 1 I lrPoil1Pni o r the C:er ForP•t lodge A (' \Vallace 1 22 r ollrv ~'l of any anxlell Jn r esp e t et \\ark on behnlr of the mo1 e m ent

IIII U I ~ man H In flrltl sh ro lonl1• I• tllP >\!gram H a nd l"orest l odge tllosr )Pals \\lllch onl!"hl to be )ours 1\0Uld be \P IIlna11nto nearll e\ef\1

\ liPnc are J 1111 of tile rnptHIP of lhrm£> 01 an n1t1 Jr In n Cerma111

The pltnc! pol pollln~ lrooth IR the of r rst nn<l penre nnd \\ h1rh "'" "o de lega te \lr ~l eaghe In medla te ly

'" 1 of I os I p~rAr" si!O\\S !hat ne"•PIJHI rile ( o lognP Oawt! P :\Tason lr ll ul l D n1ling l:itree t T!o oflen )ear s o f llonb le nnd penur,ol3 JndtrntPd that t h e~P rredpn tlnls \\Pia l

llr I k 1\00" I110Sl (]ll!lrul! on~ tl! ' Thp ptlll r ftogg!ng or GP!lllans Ill ZP!l at \\hl!l l t hP ballot 11111 he 1CSS UJll Ol)\ij ( QUI rctll~d (\Ill Se! I D111 JJle and the ro operni01 re p p

Cl • t hr n~; rrnctlrlll) n mo lllt:lln o r Ne 1 r, 1 npa lJ 1 Austra li an troops I~ eo !ll tPcl an d IIH lrran rh boo th s 01~ 1nnts There a l P man\ O~< l s1 xtJ srntat1ve hI S rontlllued to !Je prPsent

mud fhp I IPnrh t1 1rk b~gnn on Ctled as an ln slanre :\fasan1c Jl a ll Darlrng Sl 1 e~l !to en" of age l o ate 11 altl ng fo 1 l1 1a t at t he Sltlt ngs of Lonfe t e n ce I h All

\lll il 't h an d l h~ posr l!O n "as not <\ rror~ l ng to a T'~lrnp,Jn~ message 7.l:' ll c V. o rktngmen" Jn stl tute D nr relle[ I tl c pt ese n t t1nw l!Hl I e \ rr lw found lt necess nn Tlull

'dnr11 """I April 10 th R 1 ljll , lhe Russ ians h a1~ rnptllrPd n se ries ling StreN 11oz~lte Rmit l s H all llo th in !< th at the llOJOilt) or nw mbr r H 11! 1! no rl oubl admit that Ita leg

t ma t1 e J •·~L.n a 11ere so r r u~L r<l o r Pll~ l tions a long a sevent} mile z<>lle fo r r tl y fi eld Joy,n !fall Lelch w1ll agtec w1t1 me lhn t 1 sho uld not ha s been as ra r ns the Cooperator

tl ev Vl•r• "'" blo lo connt•r attnrk I front In tho C' arpnth!Sn ~ h n rd t 1 nppen R llull John s t one l!U\ r b re n doi n g llll tl 11) If I had no l r ep r rse nta t! ve Is co n rPrned gen tl v T l1o "'oc ' ' "~ o 1 '" I nr'< 111 Pn rll tula r ~ of th e bat tl e at NPuv~ S i reN Anr andnle A (' Walla ce ~

11Jr!'ught fon\ n rd thi s meostu e a s a pulled

a rter t m• • '' J lijt '" rftell t IPI C'h" wl ' e 'ho1 lh al tho enga)l'ement l 2 9 Wlgrnm Hoad Foreet Lodge muttrr or u rgent necessity In or l e1 1

\ s far a• the representative of the

a ga1n al a.o• •d nn!l elrllluol h s ur /""s t~IIIfic at ll meq ~la R•es or thP South Annandale was to be app oint la r r l!r ' e those senants nn rt ~:Jve Rnrncr 1 ru l l Is ronrerned we arej

ceede d aml det r a in sto ms l! 't m~ I" 1 enemy ware blown to frarroen t~ h1 eu last n lrht 1

thrm prlvllages whlrh nt the pr•aent able lo .ala to that this man b1.1 b"!l



th<> all P1 uu1on a n d o 11 wool rn1sed so gloom) a s i 011 t h s h e Ha !11 ay Hid Tram\\ ay

pros pect 1h tl economy 111 Ill d r cc Se\ re Aosocl:ltiOn should h a c no l o '" seem e 1 an 1111pew tn e n ece~s LY nghl or a l once

S nee then lwwcve1 the sl l has g n I Lilo Chau man sa d the rtght of a du Ill b r iglte n c<l u 1L I now unl coo t 1 on to a pp eal \\ELs I CELJ!y d ec id ed

srmo g 1et t cat si ophe sl 011ld hn n I h) !h e f1ct of Iegi s liation Once re

P 1 our p osition seems fai r!) nssuted g!slered L I ad th e lght of appear

1 'rIll "O far ns ndnstt ts liP ne ancr lle cou ld n ot a lia 1 time to bt

tlln.lll sul'fet m g t hrough the" 11 con tnhen 11p " th a cont es ~ be tweea

Ul OllH It was l ques l!On of whlcll nn oa tepresr He 1 t he peopl e for

11 bom tl P Ho 11 d "as asl ed to make un a11atd

or 1 I Jieplltotlecln lJman M frort l111s J)a t rula1 trade but it fol ia \\~ sa d tht , 1 s o ne po , e1 rn th e f r o m th e vte11 e'prrssed abo10 ll at I unton hr H ]ll ese led 1 bomp


Mr. Richard Corish. W 1th ~nrh a strong

n111 s t n ol calllltla l s tn th e fir ld fot t be Dalley Sf'lrc tw n 11. IS not un-1! 11 t11 a l tbnt a c ons1Jer­abl o nmonnt of confuswn ~hould ex r~t. Jtt iht m 1nds a( th t UniOJJISts and LP •gul'lt~s "ho a1 e called u pon to mak e th t selee 1ton '1 hat the ba llot w11l r esult. m the choiCe of a " el turd and cap a blo man ts the ardent hope of " et) t rue Labor1te

The purpose of 1hta

leaflet I~ to reromu J~a bor 'ot ers that )fr RICHAR D CORTSH 1s not makmg h s fhsL nppea1nncr as an as )HI nut f or Pnrlwmeutary hnno 1 ~ J~a bolltf'S \1 11l 1 • mr mbet t h e splPndtd

fi ght l11 pulup ng11nst A 1T Como} al '\Vr11 11 n m 19ll 11ben he t ool, on an a hn1,( I' pc lps, b1! t le 111t hont fn nds 01 otgln sllJO nm one of the btggt>st nnd m ost d!lll(ull se al ~ " ~ew South \\rn l ~s l t 1s gem1a lly recogn 1~rd thnl t he good 110!1< Ion In~ '' ( o u ~h on that occns1on pnltd. tbe \l a~ fot 1\lr r~ 1u c h's \Hior, ll\ 1 llltJn 111 ol sr,<'n ' otrs tf lnr,t ~l ect•on That fi ght lrd to the rl I Si ll hsn l ol ''' l ou"h f1 om the Ruth\ 1) nnd. 'I ram\\ ay Dep !I tm1 11t a f tPL

set \ HP txl nrllllg' m 1 20 \tars ~u c h 1 ~ the 11 a:; m \\ht <' h Labor 111 n 11ho fough t tOltl tg< uus h fot th e <'nuse of th r1 1 fello 11 \\ Ot k e rs w e1e \JCttnl ,rd

M1 RIUI \H D CORl~H, clut ng h1 s 1011g sen 1ce m th e R ad11 w nnd Tt ll llll 11 ll pulut u t, \IA S u \\!lll<II 0 \111 aul ueltve achocnte ol th P nwn s r 1glts 111d 1 p ISt., ltllt battlrt fo 1 ll1l' Am t' nded Appeal Bon1d. 1 0 1 mnny y H < lu "1' s rH lRt' lo tlt L Hr11 h1 11 Ullloa 11t Goul bmn, nn l touk an euet gl'l!C plllf 111 p!<putmg- clmm~ Jo1 '1\ ngcs HoB!ds He 11 ns 1lsn fo11nller of the local ( o o p t 1111nc ~OCJth an d ndrd as <'c reto ry unttl ill 'I I Ill l m to

!he fi,:;ht 111 ""'1 11\1 1 l\ !1 ( or t~h haR bern ti\lCe a del egatr 11l ( 11111,,rnc= holdsth P h1ght st cHdcn tlAls for fitst aJd m the Ratlilay e r;J cP ,, 1 1tn gm~ &I a close 11hulent o f polttJca and economtcs, &ncl la a fiu ent ntHl etl'ect pl11t forro apeaker

:VIato'l' Q, Kt.'l'&nark, Vtt1aut Ttac ~· .... .....,


d sn !'sed tb c C 1mpbell ll ssenled

ANTHONY HORDERNS' PRICE, 12/-~ .. , ~1 1 U~ 12 \01"' Jl\ F'OS I l fl / 6

(0\IJ>I I I ~ I l"T 01 J OS I I HI I ON


1 Ol I cl do 01 ~ l 11

ll p~ I el tiP S SLai dIll)':

i t '>o o mai s halllng )ltld tl e J:ul lng a t lie 0 I er g laHs

B v 5 14 aucl d tnaglng ll at 1e 1 c e con s HieJed th e ltmuge 1as caused

and tile IHilet slops 0 /11 1915 I by HhO l lJge of at 1 JC a lt be burst \ppellunt J>l ca tl e d no t gu1l tl th Jtn c , 1 es or ,ai e l 01 top or Jno l L 111 s tle h ead si UJ le! the CJO\\I

Clyde said rhaL on Ja •ncl he '"" ultn Lim e on tli

1 cltatge " ' d L nno' 'as t 1de1 ui , as o'erhaule 1 on . 8/ 1/ 14 1l u\ \\ er e breaking up :-<o 8

bUbut l.>an n I b aLl t een~ l ltll:ittuc

lions to malt e up thi s l1 u1n 1 1 :'\o H e cl1opped th e 13 1a 1 u d


walked past him a d I e spn e to lou r hi m a, I Ll e lnspecto nod led I IS Jas Jet I ox "" d ll at nenny lnlcl

HP (HIJpelltnl) h 1>1 th~' \\eJe to mal<e No 8 lP on ~o z ma1 sh~lll Jg road In the brake vat on t he s trai g ht q

'" ' s aw ll at No ~ toad \\a s fo u l-1 c then ell OJ ped ~o ~ road r le t and the I 1enl y totll

b1 11 e ot l HS

d amngP as <lone ll e B oa1d d s 11 • 0 ed rn e appeal

h t ~lr (an pbcll sad I e 1as <a t ,fie 1 thut ll e evHl e n ee ll"xed

resp or1sib lilY on th e appe tl a 11

af)p eal 11 as 11 ph eld

( 1"'11 !lUl l I I 1 IHII \

S n 1 11~ ou I contlt c tor llu\\

Ill g st1 ee l 8 / pe r da} 1 a. dlsmbs

a small bunch \\hlch 1as s t ck ng out o F I h e r LSe

S Butt JU11Jor porter sa tl that he 1 us 11 ork 1g 11 l th Ba r l holome 1 rh e re 1 aR a ra se of grape, opeu on

o 1e e nd a nd grapes st1clung out 0 1

It B ulholon el\ took so ne ot these

THE BOARD t1 tl e se11l e tla / / b) ro1 u se1

lous ras h rare llc l<et 1 regular 11 safe pasHuge

:--m ,1 ~C'Ol"' tlU / 3/lo) ve l les Into the coli lh Dlsnissed by default appellant not est lllha tJI 11as l Ull Into and IJrol<~ u

to take some bakes oiT li e den n(1 1 appPa t lng l til / ' / J l ol

" l•o" 1,,

08 ol lilll\\ay men that Den ny gav~ h m I o huntl r la ~ r I (CIIe l "" 1

U •> l e aplf'lill l 'ho '"" delended

ToM! (IIJ)IIn H f> h!Stdealtw ll h H~ coul d S\\ ParposlthelytlalDen i (! I l<l 1:


1""'" : ':':r':,\1

olest ff ) 1\II'IHIPIH~If,:\',\fs F.1(' i trv the Uen e HI Secel ll) or l e

~ pass a t 91

, a m aHl tie las t toltl h m ihe linin 11aH to b nad e up T<' ( \\ P1o ll portm Svdn ev Re I Analgtllut e tl

c ood• ju Ht abou t 12 orloc k Tl!e1 e In No 2 marshalling road Ill SI) \\ !\PRH lS 1 11u r HO: 11n e Stafi 8 / pe r tlQ '"s btt t1 sclatmed I esponslbtlll

w a8

non e t h Pn 11011 1 4 '0 p 01 Wheu l The Boa d d smlssed the appe,l nuetl .£ 4 1 cl r P 1101ed f om lll or lc I Smith

nunn j)J~" u him Ju called out Good htl ?.1r C'ampbe ll di ssented con Rider 1)1{1\ FR \'Ill ( 0\DlCIOR AT 1 10rkl ng ( 11 /3/lo ) on the folio\\ log JU UI\ lllh he ' "" Hhunllng 1l t l e


was 111

the office when Ounn gnve ter andappellan lshoul d begil e nthe Ed111d John l o JglnJ s t drn er 1 r P~ul th g ll e pe rn11 Ss!On fo r No came from b~h lncl s om e tru ~ k s antl eP ll~ De!JOI \1 KleJ n~xt m o tilg I on hv tn lnRpPcto ll e For J?;ol d av anu was not !)lUg !lawn l !l' l lllg the r e "as " doubt alrot l the m nt ~ \11 I <llaJ g<" - ( 1) C'a t LeJiJU )" J f?jl" ~0 th e rn Exlend ed ro llle \ !Ti c kl e

lh PRtarr to IJSmore 1he DlstJirtbeJefltofit :-.iorlh S)dley 10 / per da) \\asl4ldo llPU<Renger train (u 4lpm1

ltnesstskedhmho•therolfllllS lw l "ndhelorgotlo enlOJ selt llh enhP

SupPl l l lendenl ga\e hllll no 1

eason --- ll1 ed Ill (18 1 19lo) 101 WUlll ol exS clne \) toen t~ J tleblocksecton IIHI he sa1d All 1lght \\ ilness rnuw lracl< lohn son old hlln next got1t f1om tlJ P passenger

bP\:Jild saying UatP ln ll "ou ld Lake i F c\fll~(. ro AIVJ FJ~ n 10 UOifiH ra Je In checking ul c>utlu tors IUl lf u ls l o ne Pa r k(anterbury a t ""l , llen CllllP on I!Je lturl s tnd ptlshetl llOJnlng llu l If } p jln ed less 'Je

eharge Appbllanl concluded that R ~~ Evuns sleam d111 e r K oga n11 g ju1 r tal 11 that I e failed to sails pm "Ill le th e li ne at t ante 1 burv ll em ba ck I, l"l nltl uol be sho1 t ol 11 e £1 !"'!!!!!!'!!!!!!'!!~----------h !a suspenolon was owl

1g to hi s ap l 1ah 1 3 / pe r dal 11as I ed uceu to fy h lmsell Uut th e e!ltles tll ereon 1as s~t fr u m the do1n main ltne to l!Kpt'rtoJ ~~nf fl ru l!l sai d he Halle lu 111 bnteT) ll • odd 110\l tH! RAILWAY EXAMS QUESTION

pli cal on r01

t e l er H~ to ltl Dunn l the poslrlon or molo1 c leaJeJ at 8/ agreed 111lh 1he ll ekel• lntl r ke tctLsell th e ncec on se ~latfolm 10a d nnd ln(luillPH In to the gatPH lr el ng lrroken l l•d ti m e tu gPl lom~ lltl bar k 1<- - S t hat

11 '" where lle kepi it Th P Pls l per da) for one month 8 /3/ 15 ror lrefote placing his Jllllals t o the en "hi le lt 1t 10nd \\UR oc( up!Pd by No I ant! Lolh mm sai d ll PI I ro Jght 1o1e h e wn. d e to ~lg 1 on J o l 11 ~0n AND ANSWERS

tr let Bup rmtend ent uld tell htm that falling to pay proper atten ti on lo l trles 5 / 3/19 1 6 ~ 1~~ cto11n local passenge r tral1 \\ l lch l l iu r ks or g ta vel and stood them clear lid 11 0t aslc hlm ro1 l1 e £ 1 1t llJsl

h e ""B 11

lhe llsmore office at 2 ~0 "nler In the boll~r or motor No 64 Albe r t (' Tavlor con duct or Norll arr!led al 5 68 Pm (2) Ca n terbury of tlw points or the gravel sldln~ he onh aslc ed ro1 the bag and whe RRD BOOK 2 /"

pm Apf)ellant d eDied a aklng Dunn iA \\lth the reaull that considerab le Sydne} 9 / per day "as reprimand 3 / 2 / 15 (a) Improperly gave tram Jno A H lrk te a••lslnnt guard wttness came back \\Jth it he nsk ea

h ow he got l u tile ofllce Tbe lie- damage was occasioned to the motor l ed and oraeretl to lose pay for t!me l arrl\al signal to Hurlstone Park tor said tbat Smith sent him a h ead and for the change His reasons tor not NSW UOOKST\LL 00.

k ets aud thlniS were lll the drawer Appellant pleaded not cullty l'llt durinl the lnvesll iat!on of the j o 4 ballast tralu be fo re the lra!n he opened bolll gates and fixed tbe tPI IIng Johnson of h !s alster 1 atate AlfT\VHJllJUII '



hu s llP\ e r rere vPd

anpler Ju•ll nratlon T lli AT 11 ~!P rs T O RtJJl n l P >1. PO\\ I R·

FliT A~ D \ lCOHOl S l '>10:-1 !':llOll n lWI UO~ AI L

n~""~'~ A'> n c n \ nl,... rs :-:ow S il O \\" 10 HI:; ! Ill 1RliE PATTt

0~ PH OCH I ss u1 d PJOIIded 11r llt'll

llJliJian 11 e un l\ and tll• r pllne ot Ot 1 for ._., nlact Hnl •I 11 mort' pro­

llded lh P men hu1e th e goo11 sense

t o 1emaln sol ldll o g~n1setl 1lurl nc all the v!clss ltudPs ot lhe "ar thPrt

Is no reason wbv e1en greater pr•

r:reae sbeat• aot H aade Ill tile htur ..