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Transcript of THE WESTFIELD. LEADER - DigiFind-It

THE WESTFIELD. LEADER The Leadinf;1 and Most Widely Circulated Weekly Newspaper in Union County

\'-THIRD YEAR-No. 34. lt, 1118.

sREE:���Eo��EBDARD \WASHINGTON SCHOOL · NEEo�:��0=1�EAR of Education Explain \ SITE POSSIBILITIES, Many �rmentl Will be Given ntir Views Regarding 11 1 to Old and lltwlnatltatlona

contemplated Locations Disinterested Architect Shows: wtlo NHd Aid


other o.ttractlo111 Ill toiWII Valuabl Adj t t I The W•tfteld Braacb of tiM N ...... made the atwadaace at e UnC 0 \work Guild of Amerloa held tbelr on IK'hool, called bJ tiM p L una! exblbllloa aa4 ... uaa Ia tH thf' Boar.J of Trade, for resent OC&tion Pariah boa• of tbe PteebJterlaa nl dlo�uulalecbool 11te1, 1 cllart'h Jelter4aJ atteruooo. Tbere than would baYe other wile lwae an llDillllai)J Jar,. tile calf'- There wen 41 P.,.._

NOT of enthualuUo •-ben. tarludlnl "'" membere of tiM NECESSARY TO PURCHAS£i Mn. Jam• 0. Clark, preeldeet and three reportera. I tbe local braaeb, pr.WecJ aad meeting wae called to orcler

porte or the yarloae .,flloere aad 00111• L. Alpero, cbal::a s!!rd '-:,� Mr. Oeor,. Starl11 Cowlee, c. lit, I underetud It 11 tbe lowaUoa 1 mitt- -re " ad. Mre. J. 8• Bar-C��m�tt�" ��tcber WM oil- aad an architect of �teat abllltJ aad l to erect on tbe Wubln1ton llollooli �::"c,;�.:. -:.::.�r:.:r ,:,��; ·

tborou1blJ familiar wltb eellool work, :�e�����olt

d::' u':h�:::C,1P;:::::!!' dariDI the paet Jear elle bad





AIIETI OVER 11,000 , 000.00 TIUII'II F.Kcl. Dennll, Deal� aad (be at preeent biiDI eDPCed lo eon· contalnlnl laboratorlee, room• lor trlbated "' prmentl Ill WtiRIIIIIII opok� lor the ao.rd of ID4aea- llderable mllDiclpal work for the cltJ drawiDI, maoaal tralniDI, commerelal aDd aleo Milt 10 IIIJ'IIIfttl to tile !...---------------------------� urrh

':.�ror�al�:t = of �oall:ere) aad wbo at tbe nq-t work, etn4J roome, tolleta, well 1'111• ::!s ��':re'::letJ for the -tera :=====================::::=====::; P 1 R uuell, lprla-ead, of 'The LMder" made a thoroqb ��!:'!.1::.'�'::-:· 1�':"�11:!,;:.!:� 1 Mlu J'loreaoe JoiiDIOD, of tiM Bonnell. J. 8. WIIIOD al10 eumlnatloo of tbe eenral 1ltea llD• torlum wltb a -tiD oa elt fcnol Boelal lllnlee Commit-, of tbe •h•w• on the q-tlon. der eon1lderat1on for .,boo! par� ellbt hundred peopl• 1 pa J I Harlem Hoepltal pye a 'flrJ lntereet-f'olllno gave bll reaeon1 for p..,..ota 111 wltb a elletch, 1rblcb we After readiDI 0,..," the repol'tll oriiDI talll on tbe work done bJ the th" purchase of tbe Clark 1bow on Pa&• I, and wblcb be be- the Enllln•re rqardiDI the eab- lilt-! memiM!re of her committee. TWt• work rty, aud Dr. I. W. lltau, lll'fH to be the proper loeaUon for faN� conditione of tbe oeotlr of tbe i1bl called the "baman ud' of tbe

,, tlw P'lret PrMbyterlaa tllrblllldiDI, u It wlll lo no war de- anoenpled portion of tbe Wubllll'- \boepltal" and abe told of 1'11ltln1 the ukell that tboee who fa'ION4 tract from the o..,_fJ 1paoe for 1011 Bcbool lite It 11 apparent from petleota eYetJ daJ a-" dol111 little nt oltea preHnt tbelr opla· pla71roaode, lnfrlo1• on tbe ll1bt Ia tb- repcrtl that If JOilr balldlq Ia erraad1 for tbem, npplJIIII tbem UlrouKh the public p.-. tbe PreMIIt balldln1, ob'flate tiM_. erected 011 tbla propertJ tbat tile I With amall IIM41 aad after tbeJ are ne follow InK explal111 Ule ,..... eeuitJ of the ehlldMn and teaeben foundation will bHe to be water-! ooon._t, ftadlal hom•. or em·

(Continued on .,... f.) redr-IDI In otorm7 weatber, u proofed and drained, and utreme j ploJmeot for them. would be the cue If the ec:bool -re care tallen to reae'l bard aad lrm The report of the -retatJ lltated

BASE BALL GAME piiiOid eome dlltant awa7, or d11troJ 1round for the footlnp. Tble woalll 1 tbat there bad heeD lf1l prmenta an7 of tbe treee o.nd further MJI add conllderabte to the ooet of tiM' r-l'fed llP to date and �he lad 1M ----- the Wubln1ton elte Ia preferable propc��t�d bulldiDI u It WOillll llmpiJ! preeent •otU to dlltrlbat4 tbem u lkhuol Le"'((le te Pllll' M a.o. for economical reUOIII and ll'f8l ble mean 'the bulldl�l of a fcnaadatlola i followe: Children'• CoantfJ Home,

-'ion Pa.rk - .......... vlewa u follow1: to llll!pcrt the foaodatloo of the pro- IW..uteld, Ill: Ellaabltb Oene1ral

Haepltal, 111; N, Y. CltJ Mteaoo, u........_. poeed balldlo1, wbteb woald baft te 100. ,..w 11: Orpbaa AIJiam, 101; I . .. Georae ll.lrlo Cowloa. be of re-laforcecl ceoerete, and Ill IDJ\ ' ar f I bl ant b&llt' ball lame II -e Hfo A .... bttect. I I ld --·1 ooet r 14 New Brunewlell: Home or DCilra ... tbe Sunday Bcbool AtbleUc • Getty Rq , Yookera. N Y. op 11 ou WOil - J rom ··1 111; St. KatbriDe'e Home, JerMJ CltJ,

will be played at RecNaUOII w.otoheoter Truot Co Bld11. 000.00 to 11,000.00 addiUooal, O'fftlno: Arthur Home, Rammlt, N. J., on Saturday o.fteruooa of thll Yonllero, N. Y., MaJ 10, UU. the Ame folllldatloD eonatracted on i JIO; Mlu Curry'a DaJ NunerJ, UO; The oppoaiDI team• will be Editor of the IAader, t:• proper�aod located!

u \ bne Bonnie Burn, 81; N, J. Chlldrea'l from the Holy TrlnltJ aad l'lnt We�tleld, N. J, 1 ��� 011

f :.ccompe�� Dl t: an. i Home BoeletJ, TNDton, II: rhurchea, aad tbe OOtl�t MJ dear 8lr-At 7011r req-t 1 am dltloo:r :��� J ex::d

11:: o:C.::d: I'Wid, for prlqte -· 111. be moot lnte....t!Qi; · herewith eubmlttlDI for 7011r ap- Street faclaa J: lllaat J'acade ol: A number of the ladle� preeeot hUe been pu fter pronl a teotatl'fe plan for tbe pro- the Wubl lk!bool, 1 ;,., •• I made abort a44reeeel 011 the work ext�nt and It Ia bolll4 11J poeed Hl1b Bcbool Balldlq to be aatoa tbat bad heeD aceompllebld 411rtlll Ia the Lef.IU that er<'<!ted In Wlltllel4, N'. J. (Contlnlle4 on pap 4�-1 the put Je&r. Tbe PNIIdent &filed nt!ld lane will tara out Ia ' that the lad I• lnterMt the children numl�''" to wltDBU tbe pm•, MEETING OF EQUAL I'.UIEANT OP (�BIN A and 1et more 1armente next Jear. b��· .�'�n�e���:�t ��':� :: FRANCHISE LEAGUE 'n) Bt.: OIVI':N AUAlN MAN; ��RKD �.l'I'AL. throughout tbe ICIBIIOD. A 1roup of youn1 peaple Ia tbe 8 moml"''" of the Town Coancll Mre. Philip lla..,rd"" to Add,.... the ConKre1at 1onal ehur�b. wbo ban Tbe recital 11'feo hJ ••• raJ, boon lnvltod to attend tbe 1ame Public on WoiDIID'a !Ia........ been 11Ud71hl mlulODI UDder tbe &Milled bJ Dr. Jon Jaclloon, on

It 11 411N'!'f"d that Mayor Evan• lttadereblp of Mlu Marlon Randolph, day eveolna lut, In the Con1r11a· ,.. A meeting of the �;qual J'raocblll 1av" 8 moot lntereetiDI HriH of, tiona! church, wae well attended. thmw the lint ball. Lea ue will take place at P'lall'l IK'eneo from life In Chloe on the Jut' Tbe prolram wae earefull7 .. teeted lew "";"�0 tick';!: a� all�l :: w..!lleld T�eatre on next Saturday J'rldar In April All thou taii:IDI part .nd all the numben prond moat 0 t •� "'""\f ra 0� aa 8

t evenlq at s: lfi, Mr. Fla11 will not wore Cbln- �tllllle TIM --' lotereet1n1 to the audleDee. The all fl�ure. JMOil ,.aye a

do have tbe DIOVIDII plctur• on tbla one atvon were roar In nu .. ber The Drat arlletl were encored at eaeb appear-pur.·ll••�d one r. an, o .. r b •

· nllol be In line wltb tbe ocraelon. The opMaer o t e ev"n reprell!nted an luternew between a, anee. of oth<>ro alread7 lotareeted lng will be Yre. Philip Snowden, a mlulonarr teacher and a natl'fel ro t woman of International reputation. woman; the eecond, a lroup of .. _. _____ ______ _, P Je<: · The peopl" of Weatneld wll lban Chione ec:hool 1lrle; Ule third, a

a rare opportunity on Satardar neo· dlepenAry eeeoe ; and the foartb, a 1n1, May 17tb, when Ethel Snowden, boye' aebool In full operation, with the Eoglleb eutrra1lat, will addr- a Rev. Dr, Stlmoon, for Jeare a mi•­Paft wua meeting at J'la&g'e Theatre. elonarJ 111 China, ID ebarp. Dr. Mn. Snowden baa for 7ear1 bMD u- Stlmoon now reeldee In WMtfteld . : ooclated wltb the 1reat reform mov• "" wor" the coetume wblcb be bad entire ly new Ill tbe hla- mens In England, lor tbou1b a JOUnl worn on the miNion field In Cblba of the Weotlleld acbool1 will be womo.n, ber 11ct1vltleo In tbeae llnee for mao7 rean. The wbole pa1eant on May 22, at 2:30 o'cloek, on beaao In her early girlhood. wu admirably done, and recel'fed pounds In front of tbe Wublnl· She Ia at p..-nt uooclated wltb areat appla1111 from tbe uadlence. It 10bool. The new pbJiloal Ia· the liln1llab National Union of Wom· Ia to be repeated bJ reqaelt In the Ml'" Constance )Iorrie, Ia, am sutrra1e, wblcb repreeentl Ule Pl'tibJtlrlan churcb on Saturday 1

lor the lnnoYatlon, and i majority of women euflra1l•t• In lllDI· eveniDI!, MaJ 11, at 8 o'clock. No 1 In charge of all tbe ar·, land. In tbla cauoe her lnlluence bu admlulon wll be cbar1ed. bat there i been one of the really bll foreee will be a all'rer olrerln1 for work In: 800 c·hildren from all the tboa1b her methode are remarllable China. All people In the town who 1

will take po.rt In a pro1ram for an entire ablence of IIDMtlonal- are lnter81te4 In the recent develop-: <'<lflBIBt of Old B111llab lam and the -klnl for notorletJ, ·mente In Cblaa are eordlaiiJ ln'flted: and Swedlab lq4111d1 to wblcb 11 wronll)' or rl1btly Imputed 1 to bl! prMMDt. '

out In clever paatomlme to tbe militant faction In Ea1land. 1 -------The entire au.alr will Mre. Snowden, Ia commoa with

FINED ••110 JI'OB 1 ••cellent work that Ia bellll other more oerloue eutrra1latl, Ia vefJI BLACK BA!fD LBTT£R, tht' new department, wblcb etron11y oppoeed to all 'flotence, and i ret'N<tly been added to tbe bae 1utrered lleeniJ from -1111 tbat 1 Joeepb Oaoteeo, wbo wu arrHted

rouroe. the work of yean Ia to be prolon1ed,: here oome montbe aao for wrlt1111 a; leoti val will be aa a welcome If not entlrel7 fruetrated bJ the Ill- i blacll mallln1 letter and bu IInce Parents of tbe cblldreo, ladled tactlca of her fanatical elat•r•. , been held In the CountJ Jail, W!\1 I foet, all reeldeot1 of tbe town, Her bueband, Philip Saowden, Ia' tried before Jadp Berpn at B:llaa· not fall to wltn- the eYent. one of the foremoet leaden of till 1 beth laet ll'rldaJ and Dned 1110. !

Labor periJ and bll 1Dte1rltJ and u·1 1 FOR VIOLATIOu tllneblnl llrmn- In all qae�U

r o�.ar I !fEW BTA'I'IOK ROW BBI:NO U8JCP. i " I bt d wronll bu earDed or m I ' OF EXCISE ORDINANCE I r 1 ":: 1 aet of "Pblllp the lneor· Lut week tbe tleket ollce aad

I the 10 �. q t bla Ulleoatll In bapaae room were remo'fed from --- ruptlble amo= Snowden hal for the old etatloa of tbe W•t boand elde I &tmue ltaUao � 87 Parltameot. made annul toure of I to the new 1tatloo on the ICut boaod •

� O'Neill With IJeUboC �everal �til beiiDDIDI ber work , llde and bereatter Uell:etl Will ODI)' : Wllbont a u-.e. the Un� 1 aa Lecture�. and, u llbe; be eold on that lldtl. Lut ll'rlda7 1

wltb C a auq extendiDI ber 11 a namb•r of the railroad laD41eape 1 lt&llu. who gave bl1 name u bu become llno711•1 tie the moat re- 1ardeoere laid oat tiM -car of the: Luclllno, and hla a44.- Beld 1111tll lt now oe � tel. · rll 111 front of tiM aew etaUoo.l otreet and C811tral a'lolle. 111ote aoruere of the ta ;" ... work Ia YefJ artlatle aad adde, before a-l'der WJ1I U' QUO.J'I'B. 1reatiJ to tbe appe&raaee of tbe l on MoDUJ e'tulaa, WOODIIEII . a roacb to the ban._ new blllld· by Chief O'Neill with 'llolat- Otto and a-an. of tbe Woodd 1: Tbe baab• aad oraameDtal l Dro•lalone of the eulat ordlo 811 Jut ollbt won tbllr -�� f t.- are planted aloaa Ule ltM of tbe the IDle of Uqaor :a�b from ArDdL aDd ProJIUeO, � driYewaJ oear81t the ltadoa. Tbe license. (be A. o. u. w., �,.. oat of ee'f&D. d -trl 1Jf the lfUI plot bu been

. wa• arreeted oa 811114&7 at 1111an crowd of rootere were on � tlll'lled lata a larue elro1llar Bowar and wu looll:ecl •P OWl' ud went bome well pleued with ted eootaiDID8 a 1ter. 111 tile oeDtre waa cbar11d wttll Mllllll Ollteome. of the 1tar wUI be place4 a Jal'tal ..... or boer.

.� ...... ., ... a·r poll tor wblcll nportptlou are aow Pleadect Dot plltr, aad JLAOO'I ftiiiA'I'BII All10• •- be.laa take• bJ a eommiU• of ciU·

lila ol Aoertisia& II- _._r..._ ••-- , ... . ........... ..... ..... ... .. , .

...... 18 Uw to ... ...... ....... H• ••••• ••• after ..... ..... Tllat 18 .............. H• .. , ... . ... ,. ......... ..... . , ...... .... ..•.. --·· .. . ..... "..... .... --··-· ... ... ...... .. -·-..... If ••ll' "-- .. ever -•• .. .. .. ...... .. ......... .... ....... .. . ..... " ... -· .... ,. ............ --· ··-·· ..... . , ...... ,. ... nart •-- _ .. ,. ...... ... .... ............ .... .............. ·- ·� ....... •• ..._, A well lllo!IC non a. a ·- ·-·- .. _ .. ..... .... ................... ...... .. -.......... -.. ·-··-_, ..... .... ...... .... r . .. _. ... ... . - --­......... ...... ... ............ , . .. .. .. ••rt....., -• ••• tiM ..... •• _____ ...... - .. ................ ... ...... ···­-· .... • .... -. • ..... rt .... --- ... _" ...... ......... , -. ......... ..................... ......... . .....__.._ ............ onttH .,.._... letlen .. --­lei•--

- ___ ... .... --.. _ ,.._.. CIM --r __ .._. ..... ......_ __ - .. - .. .--. - ClllftiU - - ...... . ...._- .... --. ... � ............ -......... _ _ ............. , ... " .. _ .. ..._ ............ ........ ......... - _,.,.. .... -......... . ......... .. _ � ..._........._ ...... -.... __. ... .,.._ _.., _______ _ � - ...... -- .. --- _ .. ........ ,< .. -...... _ ... .....,. __..... we" .. ............. ·-_____ .. __ _ _., __ ,, ..... ..-...,. .. , ... ... .. ... ... ... .... ....... ,, .

t&oo for trl&l. 'l'he data W..tlel41 Tbea� will be oae eu. wu not �ttea M ou of '!'be ld l)eeoraUon [)a)'. ''llaucer I �===:;::;=;:;�;;;::;;� I wltau.ea wu 1PI&ble J8fol' 0 will p,_t 1011-lrl to th• Botlablrl'l. plalalel4, .... _ to I· J'laa aad cJIIl4reO oa tbat da1· Weedeld pablle � ....- Uvamll ALio CW 'rllll '1'11111 or tbe maa'e h111adl lad._ lal- tilt to the pa41lMe Ia -- -- ...,..........,., M& .....,.,.,, but w- uable to f1ar- ftaO at JOV JAn llewer. I ... laiiJ C::: 1M llle .... 011 JIP t. liP DOM"'' Qlft AJWTIIOin .t. IUDOU' of Nil• - 0 ftPAirlal bJ ......... ID8 ap ' �. CIIAJIO• '1'0 I'OIIQft YQil. "iii be bel4 toa11M at I : ��� Jlla .. opp. P. 0.-A>...-.


He Was Just Oolng To M oat fallar• and •- In a man·a life are aot dlle to lack ol bniu or Ink or nlaable ldeu, bat becaaH eometblaa bappued Jut u 1111 wu IOlal to.

He wu jaet 101111 to parebue a pleoe of propertJ, bat tiM otller fellow bolllht It tbe daJ before and reapetb the bll prolt.

He wu Jaet 101111 to retire after Jearl of llanl labor, lnl& llil b•ltb broke, aad - Ulere wu a widow wltll bla oblldNII to -for.

Here Ia a man wbo ll'fld In one plaoe tor 10 ;rare: lor 10 ,_re be wu juet 10IDI to lake oar J'lre luaraooe, bat lut Mareb, lllle a thief In the nllbt, came the dreaded mouter Ire alld ltole awa7 1111 barue, bla tooll, bla fti'J' life. All 1011e and aot one dollar ol la­lllraDOit.

He bae made a aew 1tart ud be bu lltarWil rl1bt b7 ba'llal llil luaraaae wrlttellthi'CMIIII·wm. I. WeiCIIa A lloa.

Tbe •me thief mar Ylalt roar bome toallllt, are JOil preparl4. Before JOil retire oall up III·W. Or4er 7011r propertJ flliiJ co,..,...


Wm e Se Welch & Son we.,. �Pf'C*l!d .. w--.... pnpenr rw _., a ..uuoa MC1 a Mil.

Summer Cotta&e For Rent On Peconic Bay

In a �autilulgron, six slcl!ping roome, ll!parate maid's room, hath, running water in all rooma, amall atabl" and garage, Ideal water advo.nta1e1, fine roads, tradesmen call every clay. Country dub near. Addre11 Hox nil lor particulan and photograph a.

THE STARS & STRIPES A Live Su&&e•tlon

FLAG D A Y For About a month until Flas Day--June If. The ho- with·

out "Old Glory" may bluah for ite ovenipt. on ll'lac DQ', when every Ameriean home ie eltpected to ly the ltan ud lltrip-.

U '• a eafe oouclwlion that only ovenipt or forptfuln-, will leave auy of ua flqlfa• on l'lat Day, ud aotillr on that oonclu.ion we have lo&cled up ou lap laeft utll plaOt loolra like a a., faotory-Wutleld will be a blue of buntillr on l'lat DQ' if you take full ad"J&Dtap of the t!pportDJLit,. we an offer· lDf you.

A hudlome, oil dyed, fut eolol', U. 8. AmerieaD l'lq ld f.�et ln atu. 1l hithly polilhecl, IJI&I' varDWaed, 8 foot pole, ,Uded ball, lltriq rope h.J,rvd, nro potdUoa pbaalMd pole holder, all oomplete f(W tl.IIG.

F. H. Schaefer & Co. N11 P- GHis 111 •h1 pm,

N .... - ,.BifiiU 0& IIIII

·Jk'I:· ... , .'� .• y""'· ·;

·:: ·, c ·:::-'\':"'�' ,- - ' •,;

,, ,..

With the ftays aad tlayers New and Old Evt'nt!'l Now Heinl{ Pre!'lented =====at VariouR Playhou!leR =====

�.B':3 L1�111a�\=!!IJ;.!����ta.� Preet••'• T••••"• h,. ..._., "•••• ...

llillilliWt, Ulll IC., BJ. 8'tr�J-¥,· I:Ni Tho dnmln1nt feataro of the hill lo = Til•� ..._ .. t.. 1: ._ .. Mr8 o · th«! Mnaatlo,.al atory ot the prt• r!na. .....,.

n;:Q t Utll IL • I' ll· ontltlod, "llarly Ho•art'• Win." Tho mitf. w.a. ..... aat. 1:11--::-loTanthe:• pl@ee enlllll the .. ,.....oe of the talent·

......... IN 8t. u4 c•atral Park ,..., t�d company of player• tncludlna eut:b ._a.; 1· lll&le, WM. &IICII .. L I ,...., "-Yorlt .. u Benny Yaa .. r, Nlek lin· -Aqe!Uni•O.ttlal Opera Co. tore and Adele Carter. Anotller noY· �.;r•'"- !:,waJ ..:2'.:frd1� olty Which �allnnod lntereot I• the A&r.irw'l�:":·wlto"w br !"to&,.� . form ar a mlh�u,. muloal oomody, &�.ell .,_,1 o-aa .:ti; "'l'ho key lo I lt..,-t" and lo the

ML, l:lf'-"� e' lt7 •orlr of ll:d•ar A Jail lfQjOJf. Tbo •


naet• ft 11ntto Taylor. I mont of ''The Key to tfle Hurt", will .. !'��\!��·�m;;!:l »· ....... to lntrodiiOO Harold crue aDd iafi ...-._ w 414 Bt -IIY 1111, Florenee Mackie u·taJ•nc.d oomi<llaae We4. aa4 ... L l:i-"ifltll..O and Ync:alloto of •.o moan ability. Otben

t.. ...... - *llo ldu 11411 .. �.-. to tile bill an ...... B'way an4 tltll IL-•Y. ltll; Tho Artlotle Trio, laltrulllent allltl; J::la. We4. and .. t., 1:1-BIHio Wm Wlleon 111d company In "'Tile Up·


RAilWAY II . .. OIIU1Klll On f'rldaJ .. elliDI, lla)' II, till

mu•l< eommlttee or the l'lm II. II. Charcb, RahhJ, will cl- Ita -al IM>IIIOII bJ brfDIIDI Philip lpoo-. tbe well-known bel�aoto teaor, aad Mutmlltaa Plleer, the ram ... •I� llal•t. In Joint re<ltal at the chareh. Mr. l!pol)IMir 11 the 11011 of n-Uattld ltatea •aator I�Jbn c. lliOOIMI', WltiCOitiiD, aDd llu reeeatiJ WOD 1r<1at eueet�.; on I be <ODcert .ut•· He bu •tucllld under the �tell yoeal toou ... ,.. Ia IIU• eoaati'J' -Europe. Ria "Yoloe hu beea praWd hJ l•n De R-Ile aad other ramoue ......... and onl,. a few � qo 111. llobel aid Mr. t!pooaar W.. the belt ool-caato Ia Amertaa.

llu.lmlllu Pllser le Oft of \M .,...� Ylolllllilta or the ,..,., n reeltala In Berlin, Bl. Ptl'-'--· London, ud New tork, raa;,e fliln 1reat peJ'IIIaal trfll .. be, ud b .. aomtn1 to RahtraJ ehoald aleo PI'Wft a treat '"r W•tlleld mule-lo'I'VL

All W'011 - 'I'IIIIOf14lll ...-, Don't loolo r.r the llawo · al ynu •"

throll!l'h Ufo: ·

And onn wllen you lnd the•. I• 11 wl"" aad lllnd to "" :oo-wb&t

blind And took for th• Ylrtue behind tbflm.

P'or the doudte•t nlattt llu a hint of Ill! hi

8omewber11 In the •hadowa bldln&: It ta beUflr bv far to haat for a •tar.

Tha.• th@ 1rota Oft lb• IUft at.t"fna. The f!urrent of life rulla eYer aflray

To the boeom ot Ood'l ......,.t ocean. Don't Mt rour Ioree • .... nat thf! rtY@r'•

c:-nurM And th!Dir. to aJier Ita IDOtiOD.

{lon't waate a ra,... oe the anl•erH-­Remember, •t H.,..d Mfor. J"ctU.

Uon't butt at th11 atorm wttll ,.our pUDJ' form-

But bind and Jo t II •• oer ,. ..... Tho world will 110-iv �·· IU.If

'l'o oul' roar •auila to tile l�tar, Some thln•• muat K'O wro•• yoar whle

lifo loa• And tbe eooner you know tt the better.

It lo toiiJ' t• IIIII wltll tiM ...... te. And •o uDder at lut In the wl'lttfto,

wiMr maa ellapee tnto Ood'e plan A• th� water ...,., lato a � ..... aru


atho "�m::::.... , . l!o�rer; The Four llpl-11 -; AL -=.,, w':/. � aL l:lf::.f'lt C}J� lAOiollarllt. 'fernon .ad Dunlop, The 'l'lle lldlflal lltiiii!Ht of Hoell uad "Ono day at 8011ool 1 1&1'• 11 nry It,'"" Allp

V�' w�M··�� a ll:dleoa Tallr.ln• llloYI .. and the Kino· IAIIIIar e..IDJMfiJ, No. l, w .. llleW 18 brl•ht boy a •UIIi In • .,.loti. u� al·


....:• aad • J

lid 1 1 ma�oJor rnbttoa llllltlln& tM flo ... ,.,n\ of lf.oa.,•a KoMI thou•h the problem .... eomparat Yely O.or�o�:.-:'lnotroll

t. , Ill AYo.-1"- -..-.� .. aJ .,.enllll aBd att•·� •uy. ho couldn't do IL I ,.._...,,

a- JIOI'D. ... .. .,. - - "'You ohould be ullame4 llf )oou,...lf. -rt= c� . .,.,.. Cobn�U'-ta.- .,. dee• .... .,.,. llf u.. .,., .. ,..,. AI ··our a•• Oeor•• Waohl ... toa wu • 8L--ta. Tllara. ..... L- " ........... "- -- .. ���- 81111 lhltr au..u. ChM hiJDMr. r. IUfYeyor.' tor Mla4." C. Decker ac1411 al u.a.tlllut.r. 'l'hil "TIM boy looked me etral•ht In the


lr\'DY .AI'TiaHOOII AT I O'CLOCk; IAfUIIAft AT I AD ftiMMI 011 WEll. DAti At 7: • Good, wbole�e etljoylnent for YOWIIE and old. f'• can safelt allow their cblldtl'ln to attend tbeee Movinr l»idure performanc�. Pleta .... � t.M.,.........,. e1 u. Bat Attend the11 Movinr Picture 1*1ormances. It'• rreat for one bavi111 tbe blua.

.-.y lila .. OOIIft.IIDD ... tt a=.:ri-. DaDo-,... .rw .... .,a,:-: WE51FIELD THEAT�E

A.I.PU.GG. ....... Elm Street ftMl' a.-ct

Ull A•. 414·t4tb 8ta�· mata. 1'- na. - ..o-M>. elf tile eom�aa,. wtrw ••t'or •Y•• ..,, -1te4: 1 Y. --"ua'r .... , " 11 -.... u ... ., tllat tile pr .. oat .... iw�w. 1111,111111, Pou1111 collualallollllt .. . ,.. .. �� •"• at rour ... h• wu����ie:::iai:j��==�!i5��jj�i�!ii -=- u� ..... �L T:t'i:.� : : liOn Will 1M ........... Ill tbo mind• c . •. Afllelrlr, ,,.. Oomm....... •. Preoldent of tho Unltod Btatoo." utt.e' Rleb ·GirL" • • of New Yorlr. tho•tre·•oere u tho Oreal r. -..h ... •t•IS, Par" "�!Dill'-'- a . . il!l'�-....... .. aM .U..I'-\ a.. Rnlnl 1'•r. It II aato to auert that nu v a ....., -· ......__ ... ., t 1.. "' l •e !::."'\.�

w:Lt -� t:l�,.a& thoro won nner before .., many lm· L. O.C.IIIp and Chief 'f. PoUt* Tlloll. .-.-uiJ ''" new Yor tafel were

���- !=l_.��=�·:tn,e;, l:

r::.ta. =�":rn��===l=���. ��0��:�-;

r::�; �·:�� .. =!� .'!� ••• :::.:.w:: �:�� !'�� tb!

tiJr!t'���p�� Plal·nrl· I I� '� I atre ao;a_ .. al L, l:li--''Tu Purple In on• Ha.oon; •nd th•ro I• a ..,rtaln In· bllld IIIU.Ielaa, rrom l EIIMINCIJ. wllleh •• Ia 8ailaer 11t etthactton .

._.. tltll IlL w or Broadway teroortln• dnolopmont to be tr...,•d. Cllllll'lllaa Keppler, of the bliaqli4rt Ia tbil t&rtt m•tter the eobaumer •.&n 1'o11 a' -

It wu throe uan .. 0 that tho at J.a•t eMml to ha•e a frlflnd at i cDIDIIIIttee, and bl• auoetatee, did vao ..._ U4 aL, w. o ll'war ; •Y. 1: _, .. , Monro. Bhublrt and Wm. A. Brady,

ey•rJthlnl In their power to ma"e court. .....Veil., lat., 1-" "'IIOilj. ' formlna what ••• 4e•ttned to become v • :!!:-..::: .::::::. 11�:::.�::: I :)



h•m����:�.� 11,.�:���:� ���.: ��:::��:..:"tcb-:-:e:��nt��e

a!�� ARB YOU A ltrtt8CJUBER 7 I f

ud ltb Av.-lh. l:lt; ID&I& 1:1- rnlnl of Tho Mikado. at tbo Caolno tory or the department. not, wh,. not IUB8Clli11Jil NOWT 8 ... "'JJ.o......-• The reeult of thle undertakln• wa• eo

·-=���d W...:.�.,f>\,-�l·r \iU! ;,.n:;;:;;lrret"u


Inn��. �=:� .. �� .. -... -._-.,-=-;.;-;...._.._ __

..._ ..... .....,.....,...., ...... -._ .. �-.··-•�---;;; .... -.-· �,.-... ..... ._. --�� .. --.._ ....... _____

NAY 19 h pb e!' • b 8 B t .. arouaed th•t the other manai•r• Jm- t "';�l�a.!t

o.orio Iii '?.DIYo';:!:'�· rn•dlatoly had lholr atlenlloil 4ntrll to w G .._ lttb IlL .. L B'war aad hk tho ro�IYal tdoL Almoort olmaltaneoa•· II .An., IIY. I:U; uta. ··•-llaoe"oln , ly wftb their rnlnl of ''Tho lll'l<ado," i ow rove, ra. Co., ln pi&Ja. at the Caelno. the Meeara. llhubert anri '"ll!!r.• ... , ,. ...,....., f"l:-·'.f:r: Brady reYI>od "Jim I he l'onman." at ;l;: .. r;utiror�%.,-t&. :I ... ' I tho LYriC, allalnln• an almoet oqual The Mu•lcal Capital ol America .,_. ..._ llltb lt., w. ltlt AYe.: .... eucc�•• wtth the dramatic nrodul•tlnn 1:11 ; mat. Wod. ead .. L 1:1-J Tbo nut .. ,..on 111111 oaw two mnr• Near PHILADELPHIA "Tile Womaa." reviY&Ie by the aame mana•ementl'l---· wa. ..... �·'Tb�MJ'IDOOD ....

. "PinatorP," which created a noaltlvP

Wpra":,.�,;:!� �..:.� • • ��� lt. a of'tur•>nt, . . at tile C'aolno . .ad "U«ht� ,. SPECIAL E XCV R 8 J 0 N O l"way-BY. I:U; mala., 1:11-"Her London , at the Lyric. l...aet y8&r thP

One Night Only William A. Brady Announces

A STARTLING PLA V Firat UIYorc.t�." I revtvala of importance were all mueJ- 0 ! ral-"l'otlence" and ''Tbo l'lrat.. of s nday May 2 s ROUNO TRIP TICKETS

'' Th F I PIIRrO-AJIICIII THAT CLOIII . l 'onaance, " by tho Gilbert ond SuiiiVim u e . Jllllli:T 14TUaDA1' JfiOHT Opor• Co., at tho Lyric. and eaolno. Khd ' $1 50 ami y Ole-"Lady or the llllppor.'' "Hobin Hood" at the New Amolordam. Special Train Leavea Cranford, 9:02;

,! 0 ••-"l'oor Lillie Rlcb OlrL" tho Iauer r"vlnl ohowlntr that the Westfield 9:07 A, Pf. CHILDREN 78c � Rl•� ... --··under Many FJ•••·" ) manal'ement then mo•t dl•tlnc:-tly In ... laatta.-·'The Whtp," jOI•I,OAltton had d(ltPrmtn�d to foB1�r th� : c b d'' PlaF�race <Horae An "DIYor�111&mtt Idea of l(iYtna the puhllt· f'll&.h- y up oar cone."


' 1::::.

pruontat1on• of old ravorlt• PRYOR'S BAND pk:o:EO�A �� E MA-� T ..... ��·- �, Ita.. •t Ill•' With tiM opeDID• or "lolaatho" thl• L r1e fteatN. I week. the Uat ot revtY&la wUt have been :�!!!!!!!!!!!!�!!!!!!!!!�!!!�!�� 'f coneha4.. for the preHDl Bprlna and J F A t Tbo otar rntvaJ of "AriiiOD&", Whlcll; It Will Ill U foiiOWO: "Tho Beg«Ar n our c 8 lo now at tho Lyrtc Tltoatro, lo ooneed· Student", "The Mlllado," "l'lnaforo". ' ------ - ! 0 ed to be the moet notable dramatle and "lolaatha", by the Ollbert and 8u1-! !

producllon of tbe c11rr�nt Huon. linn Opera Conapany; "Liberty Hall" I Wberpaa aome ot the atar o&lll& baYe and "Tile Am&Hnr• at the JDmplre The· •been tnore or le• dlaappohi.Un•, tbJa atre; ''Roee4&Je" aad "Arllona" at the oompaoy hu turned ""� to Ill of ,.nu· Lyric Tlle4tt1; and ''Tho Oeloha" at laely merlt. apArt frum tbe 1 Weber 6 l'lelde' Utb 8t. Theatre. IDere ramo of tbe PlN'era. Tbe le&d.IDC' Whether there will be an eq ual nunl­plare ... are Dulitln i'amum, rer·l ber of rnlvalo a J'ear trona now It lo •u.oa, Cbrrlltal Herne William rar· 11mpo•lblo to otato, but tho tronoral tm· llllm. Vlnceqt S.rrano, RaPier Holm•• prolllon -m• to prevail that tho and Walter llalo, dd tbe)' aU recel•ol movement hu till• time reached Ito uauall&l priJ.M from the arltlaa. t ollmaa. U ther. are fewer nob pro-In deKrlblq the openlnl' perform- i duc\lone lb tbe future U wUJ not be aace of "Art.aou", the New York Her-: beca1aM tho• or the preHnt year have a14 aald: "u tllrlllln• u thirteen yure'lackod patrona••· but merely tho nat­,.P. Jll'ot OJIIJ' a •eblc!Jo tor tbe dl•·, ural docilllle ot ono or lhOie carlo uo Plar at a lo� or famoue utor-lt II a monmalltl buod on puiiUc lnteraet reYIYIJ .. wortb applau41na. a play worth one recent deYelopmeat, boweYer. 1� ... aq. I quite apparent. The tendency QO" l• « « 41 I not merely to auemble atar caete, but ..__ � H-. . to ftnd the player• really beet eulted to "The Country BoJ'," bJ' Jllqar .. 1w111 Interpret tho playo or tho operettao.

to tho attraction for tile ........_ of WII « « « week. VI"'""-'-Tbo •tory le rounded upon tile old I ·•- •rk .. ,.... 1• tiM ltqe tllome of tbe wlolteibleu of tile cltJ' Atte. ""• YMn' A-. altd tbo tompto.Uoal u� lrlall ot alii Ml11 Vlralltla lilarlo, who for miDJ' who come from the pun U.-t111 aad ea- 1 yeare hu been o• of tbe moet proml· Yli"'nmeat of couatrJ' lit'• bl •arab or. nent act.r•-• lD America. h&l returned fortune. There are mo .. laqb.• tbaa; to Broad•ay alter an abeence of ftYe crlea In ''The Countr,. Bor." but the: )'eare. 111M ID&rle hu be6ft Ill and waa �·he run olo.. to tear• aom•Uaa• 1 eompel)ed to at"e up her York, but abe Ud naturalDeM per"a.dal fro111 lrat to: bae now completely recoYered and hu lut. In acte oDe &ad fogr bo .. l1b la re•umed, the role of .. MoiU��.t Beamore" tbe country lo molt ollaralDatT 4optot•: lD ''Tho O.leb&" ta� Weber and Jl'lelde' �d. wbUe tbo oec:oo<'l aa4 \lilrd uta' Uth 8t.), wlllob •h• ereo.tod when ''The ahuw phaeee of boardla• hoUM 111• lD O.leha" waa ftret Produced In New tbe metropoll• to pert.ctloa. I York at Daly'• Tbeatro. • • • • • • ::•;a:•:: .. r:-::: 7� I �':c:��==���::::::· �:�u: In tour ac ... will Ill produl"'d by Wm.: Nn• tile prima donna role In "8omo· A. Brad.)' at the Plalaleld Theatre lloa- 1 where 1n ..... at the Bre:� .. w•" "!"heatre, d&Y nl•bt, May II. u a lllaent for tile Joined the Ollblrt a !lulllvan .ol>ora Co. Ulbt!rM. I tor the revival of .. Iolanthe", which The atory of the �ar ooacema the opened at the Culao on Monday even­llouoehuld of Cllarl .. Noleoe, a w.altby .ln •. New Yurlr. bueln•• man, wbo" wlto, l « « « havln• acqu'red tbe "IIOO .. tY be�:· drift• away from her ll ... ban4 little by .._, ••• ... _,. •·--·· Uttla until eventually be lll Compelled I A epeclal matinee benetlt perform· to eeek companloublp elHwhere. an� In ald of Rowla.nd Bucke\oae will Tha 1111111 •lartli�Nr r ..... u.- .... lel��D 1>e. •I"'" �tt w • .,.r a J'leld'o Utb so. ta ...,.,W.CS wllea tile aon ol tbe Mel• Tb .. tre on ,.r14&y afternoon, Ma:t 11. ,.... •<iiM IMcomea oatan•l•d Ia till J'or •t loU\ twentr )'O&fl Mr. Buell• ... ,..811 ''-' .,. ... bt Ill• fatb ... U.H etou� bu beell preomlaeatl.r eue-ful tiM plaJ'trrl•llt ehowo tho IDOYitabl• In tbe rendltloo of oluolc comedJ' ._.ut ol a mllltep on tbe part of a roleo. He lo now Ill and Ia a- or bolp. lluoband •nd tatber, an4 rendere aa I « « 41

Mid - Season Clearance

Sale of Tailored Suits

And Coats A. remarkable price redurlog event ol utmoet Importance to you

aad e•ef'1 womaa In thl• vicinity. A general reduction on all our Tailored Garment• for a gl!oeral <leaQ·up.

All Our Suit. That were ieiJln& at hm 123 to 138, now S l6e60

Splendidly tailored &arment•. wltb all ellk-llned cOIIta, made of all wool mr.terlala, \ncludlnl eerp1, epo11p, 41a&onale, •hepherd checll:&, bedford corcJe etc. Every prment 11 tbla -aon'e modele, YerJ emart ,nd •tJIIeh; aome In plain mannlah modele, otbeu wltb trimmed cutr and I"Jven.

'nl01t Sttlte that were marked •t fNm •te.IO to 18.80, now reduced to - $11.86 Tbl• lot lncludea all our medium priced autt•; aplendld value• at

tbe racuiar priN!e. There'• 11er1ea, bedford cordi, eheck�. ll'e)' mlz· turee and other weaveo; all ll11ely tailored, wltb coati all ldlt lined. Tbe 1tyleo are amart aud becomiOI and you will lln4 all re1ular llsoa bere, aud II you don't t�et a good two aeaaon'• wear from any of tb­ttluu we'll be verJ much mlatakeD.

OwiDI to tbe eatremeiJ low prfeee OD &'- nlU we ara obllt&ed to ......._e a aomlDal cbarae tor a1.....u-.

Remarkable Coat Values Your Choiee ol All These co,ts That were setlin& up to 120


y I ' I l t I p , c I I

WITH Madge Kennedy

(Little JiliN BreWII)


Wm. Morris wa. el ,.,.._ Coneert" Co

TOiether With ' ................ eat ol prom· taent N•• Y..k playen

To 1Ht rr...ated Under Mr . BradT• PeNOnal Dlrectlon


A.leo at 44 E. Jllaln Str .. t, loJMnllle, N.J.

We certainly appreciate tbe kind and liberal patron· age ol those critical people who appreciate

our faultless

Dry Cleula&, Fucy DJtla& u• le,Url .. and the fact that we treat your clothes kindly is your

guarantee of satisfaction

Phone 14:Z· W and we will promptly call

ON ORE BROS. 106 ... Breaclltreet Wlldlld


Plumblntf, Heating and Tin W 14 Elm Street Pbone No. 454-M

I ' I • I

!.\dlotmoilt a•alnat tile nli tll&t M· Howard Tllunloa, tho ID&III lan, wllo low• ol- a,J<IIl eaun......,. 1114 ln••RCD4 tlie UDia ... ot Ia .; ... Bon· ooolal ollablq. 1011'_,. _..._.., .. ,.. tb,o oe o,.. "a-.•·• matlneo Clu lut week tor t"�: lr•t •v_ .. _ \lfiM. lift'. Thuretoa w .. J>laJ'tq Ia *12.50 [ 0.1. .... J ALLEN'S I UXOII UMJ

...,... •- ........., l'�lplala .a,4 r..a OYir to .,.atllk Ike Tb&t •to•·Ua• arU.l Wm. B. '1 llomp· · oltoot. �· eompll-ntod U•• Winter

aon &PPoan ID tb& powerlul ob .. aot Oo.rdell eta•• b&adl on tile aldU 'WI� play"'t ••411 Obj�Qt lot-•·" Tb� P""• whlcll IIIeY ope,.,.te tbe train and auto· t• aal4 to be tbe 1tronrr11t whfoll Mr.

\ mobile.

Tllompaoo b&o nor p...-ta4 hl vau4o- ------ville 4PD.t� u It .S.O.• !t ---:r.:l l\'ILL IT Bt P/11KJB18ABY IIIIIBB' I<�Y• •torr an4 a wllolaloaa4 •or..L ext 1 So ..... tow" .,.,.Uemea uw the ld-ID. lmportaaoe 11 JOMpl\ J•••reoa aa4 'T' "' •- ·• comiM'"'J' 1D. tile r611tuUq C!'MIMCJDUa. ltor o , the lltar leap onr t.D8 ralllnl "Utt." Otb&n a•• a. H. Ooldlle .... tile at the 11taU011 tba otller aaornm. aad 8Yonlq Uall'a fi¥1ouo ��trtooatat; J.•• theJ marnlld at bla Allllf· He did v ... , .. Trio It •1l<! ID ¥14,•.4SJ", Jt wltb 0110 blAt, "jut aa ..., .. u Bllverlo -allm A lillo r'i ,.... ... aa,.tblbl JOU enr aw, Tbera .. IID­olown}.JIIIII Loluel 1114 Joaaotta; Do• thlq 'I'M'J remarkab .. allollt an ld· 'fine &IICII WIIII&DUI Ia 'Tile Tranllll• I tor lumphtl a tqoe beaaue l& ,. oae ""d tb& hlllal• o,._..,,.. ol tba ..... , •• 1111 u.a, .., wltb the ' &arda; Low11 aulf Elo\i, tft!at OM· .,. ...,. ... Jar, Rar reat.oa aall ur Taallae 1.a4e buam-. J� a plaob Uley ba .. l>HD ,... tile IIJial till� ot lldlalla'• kiiOWil to jlllllp a f- wlthoat uln1 II .. &.,. 'hlldM. Ul1 U.U.-k.

Jll'l'117 � Ia tWfere��t In atyle aad material; the la\�r lncl11dln1 Ul weol � t4rry clotb, novelty 'tripe•. •ll•llllerll clltM!b, aU!. Tiler are . .-lUdl.r �llored end lllll1hed •11d IIOID• -... 11118d wltll eolortld m-ll•• ellk of 11 lin" quality, and all llOH cOOd 'l'alu• at U.e raaular pr\ee; there's about Ufteen, 10 If you want o• eollail eariJ,

WILL lUll A IUCCIIS OF AllY StcllL FUNCTIII _,_ .. ..... � ...... ll(ltita ........... .......... :JM'ra ......... A '1'111 � lia .......... BQQOJU, A WIIIDDUfO ....... or .. .lJI'JOVJIRL(RY .d7AJB. 'J'boM 01' ..... 01'........ .... .... ......... on. ....... ,_. WOitf, .............. .. _.....,. ()I ........, "" lllllta .. 1NI1....., t-. ... GO UIWII8RIII

AUe.a'a Crealu. •- aad Putrlw are uoeptknl&l for Qulttf, IJIJB'I a..taurul\ ad Twa ._, .. _,., Dopten ud Towll Ylllt.o!'l.

..-.z;a.._ ALLEN'S ..,.. ....... .. ,. ( ... ... ..... ..... 1)


Ill • ., 'II • 11 ..

I II I d , • I

LEGAL JIOncn ............,.� .. O':!'Ica.

Town of w.,1, a FIMit Ropdll& aa-M. PraY"' meetlnl tonllbt at elpt I �;r�f��;��;IP.•od, ,-ctork . ThA pa1tor will lead. publiC worohlp Sunday monlq at.

tf: !l� o'clo<k. Sermon by tbe pu­ll' RPT C J. Greeuwood.

sundaY �rhool at 11 o'eloclr. A. J)em P""Y· superlntadftt.

· y0un � l'<>ople'a meetlbll Bsnday '""'"� at 7 o ·eloall. Tople, "Bow­tN lW 8M'd". Matt. 1 8 : �·1. �der,

C)Jrl.,. Reward. l'nlon oervlre Ia P'la11'• Hall, at I e'eloek. n�v. C. J. Greenw� will .. k. Tnplr, "The ��-�e of tiMI ,.,,. . ..

· PraY•• ctrrle TIM!Iday att.enaoon

II 1 o'rlock In the eblll'eb parlor. d'e'::rt'�!�":::Provttm•���t t�A t3::: •• ��,ft��;� th

� �N�tltlon •• rfll qutred law Colt� a-da. Tllllllbt at 8 o'elooll, recuJar prayer meetlDI.

U 1\e underiiRnf'd hflrfll b)' ••r•., that h 1 e aboYe delcr1bed lm�.trovement.i :f�� be made aa

r•UUonf!d for, no part T • coli\ thereo ahaH bfl bornt� hy the own but 1ueh colt ahaU be aaee.a.d ,.ada7 moraiDI wonlllp M 1 0 : 10.

I B•nday Srhool MmO. at 1 1 : 10.

' Cbrlotlan Endaa'for mMtbal at 7 a'elo•:k,

upon lh��:.�• 3{ �"c,flhJ"'��Iont�n 8::�•: :·

.· �:tr.'· lr.,

Caroftne R. Kenl. irll�h t'!�t�:hn L&Rue E .. nlng aervlee at 1. L"rti:� I. £:R::hor

Uolr TrloltJ (R. (l,) (lhllftb, A. W. Ho ... land . , Notice I• hereby .Sven that the abo•• The �·ort y lloura DeYotlon 'bei&D � a •rfY of a petiTion rocohod by tho .... Rund•Y at the lut ma. and hollnc of the Town of Wootftold, In ... I b

t • County of Ualon, and that the -"<! Turoday morDIDI W t a Rilla Council will moot Monday, tho Booond ... . , ; I f> o 'do�ll. Tba atlteJtdiUI••I t:r of Ju11o, ltu. at •lllht o'oiO<Ok In • I•••• and very ll'lltlfyiDI. t•r':.:!��1"'ir:: • .'�!;.��:rJ' �""'1· •:! Tile Rl Rev. Blabop will admtnl• :r.���:@:;..��r0110':[0P�:Jocli::�o�:iiaf�! .., tbe Rar· rament of OonarmatJon propo .. d tmt roY m 1 be ,.n Sunday Ill 2 : 10 p. m., to a o._ wrlt1n11 with' th." T�:,n "/.�;:k at n��


111 10 r�tldron and twel'fe adslta. f��� tho tlmo meblloned for old mHI· TJo<o memh"ro of tbe Holy Na- CHARLES

�l;;';,':,KCttrk. will act u an -rt to tbe • W \ft ld N J 11 l ·l t��t...!ro'oo .111 ...• 1 ay 1. 1111. 11. R•• BtahoP from tbe Reotory to 1 ___ .PiD;ii:n;i;F;.�;;--;;;;;;:;;::--Oo <bvr :h . I r"" <.hlldr•o will reeel,.. Holy Com· aanlon �unday morniDI In a body at Oo t : l � mall.

May IH>Totlnna nary Tueaclay and rrtday • n n l n �•. at 8 o'cloell, eonaiK· 111 of Ro•ary . l.ltaoy, lnatruetlon and leaedlrllon of the Bleuecl Sacramftl

Dally rna•• at 7 a. m •

.. T. H, J, WateraoD, Rector.

''lrMt M. E. Cllaudl. T!lll •Tf'UIDI. 8 o'cloell, 1eaersl

mf'etlng In tbe cbapel. IMder, Abramo. , 9: 4 5--Brotberbood praiM In thr chapel. IAader, 8. D.

Public worablp In Prearher, ReY. F. Wataon

D.O. m . -- Rlble Scbool. CIUMI tor

ape. Ruperloteadeat, J, 1'. Jobn•

10 p. m.---Boya' prayer and t­•ervtre. Leader, H. R. Welcb. m. Epwortb IAape l .eader, Mlu lllrlam Oor·

� p. nt.- -Publlc worablp In tbe Prt•acher, ReY. 1'. Wataon , D.O. CHARLJ:8 CLARK, Town Clerk.

\\·e11tftPid. N. J., May 1, UU. 6· U·lt-Vooo f! J. 7f -----------------!1M> Mo.rond MMbodiA Cllaareb. l'tlTITIRN .tNU IOIOTICIII. ; haday, llfeacblnl at 11 a. m. lutday Sebool at I p, m. Cbrlatlan �:ndea yor, 7 p, m. Preochln K at 8 p. m.

To the l'ouncll of the T o w n of \\"ret� ftelcl. N. J. Gentlemen : -

at T���n��������g. :.71�� .. t�!nd":"i::n�! Kid-week oervlce Tueaday •••niDI, t. m., Young men'a meetln1. l'rlday, 8 p. m., Clau mMtlDI·

lnl' oa thfl propoaed hnproYement. her�� �!u:��!�fh ���!et 8t����

a���t�4� .��

Rn. J. M. Ho1prd, Putor. nue to the northealterh· curb Unt- of RlplfiY Plnt:P to be lmprovf'd by n­aettlnK' t h e e1.l1tln• curblnl' on eon­t·rete, J•avln�t hoth f(Uttfln wtth con­('rel£" : ft. a.n1l 6 tn. wid•. and aiK ln. thlC'k with underdralna and macadam· l•lnK tht� carrl&8'eway of pld �tection ol Nortb 81. tor Ito entlr" width fo • dopth nt 1 lnchel. The eolt of •ld lmpro••· meut to bf! •• .., .. .,d on the land• bene· nttf'd aecordlna: to law. A depoalt of UO.OO accompantel tbla petition u re· qulrf'd by law.

at 11

BenDOD, t

· Tho Sun•l•y night aervlcee at P'l•11'1 otlll continue to attract tbe Another large audience Ill-to a very practical and ' later·

llluotrated tall! by Dr. 8. L. l&RI Sunday DllbL C'. J . Greenwood led tbe de­••rvloo, at tbe eiOM ol wblob l.oomlo spoke from tbe text, ll&n anything nve to loY& one " Romaoa U : R. Tbe aub­

" I n Lbe Uaurer'a Grip," tbe Plrture deacrlbiDI L young

luat starting In tbe married throu1.1b tbe mn- of tbelr

money to pay tb<! bill•. and tbUI 1etU111 In Lbe "loan abaru." beautifully by tiKI Inter· or t.he young man'l employer,

of tbe 1riP or tbe ua-&lld the rebabllltatJou of tbe Ptotperlty and happln-. Dr. drew aome polllted MMGDI OD or debt and tile neacl or bu·

IUld belp, B1111day nt1bt an. C. J.

will be the apealler, and will 1141 ''Tbe ¥MUP

l>omtonlco Ftllclello Nicolo Glndltta Joa. Stnneneth \=•Jr�tl.:·(��o Cortantlno �annaq:one Oul�ppe Bonnocc•n• Oulltoppe Bonano

11.i ft. u.o fl. II. ft. 15. ft. 15. fl. iO. ft. IU ft. 18. ft. 111

Notice 1• 'tven that the abo••

�o:n�rfrot0't�e PT���n :tc;J::�tt:.�. t': the County ot Unlort., and that tbe Counctl wtll meet Monday, th!J S.cond day ot J une, un. at etaht 0 clock ln the even ln.. at the Councll Room, 111 Proopec l ltroot, Weotftolcl, NL J., to conalder the propoaed lrnprvvemeDt above mentioned. Objection• to the propoMd improvement muat be ftle4 ln wrltlns with the Town Clerk at or be· tore the ttme blenttoned for aald meet· Jq. CHAilLEII CLARK,_ Town \,;lerk.

Weotfteld, N. J . . May 1, 1811 . i·H·It-Foeo 111.14

.... _, .... .. ...... .... ...

B O Y S A N D G I R L S Secure Yaluable premium• tree tor •IIIDI our "HIIC!eo" CleaniDI Compound at to tllltlh " peelral'8. Bue ball anita, Indian aulta, TJ� writer, Wateh, U·IDeb d.-4 doll, Ball llull and Catcber'a Oton, PriDtiDI p,_, Loe .. et IUld Cbaln, Tool Cb•t and many otiMr pram· lama tor •lltng II paclrasw. Juat •nd your name and addr- 011 a poatal to

H . E. CLI NE CO., Westfield. N. J.




F R I C K E ' s 111-813 EUubeh A.n., N..., ReW St.

E L I Z A B � .:. � , N E W .J E � -� -�· �--1 Tea Biscuits

Every afternoon



Fresh Bread Twice dally


• ---at the--

AMERICAN VI ENNA BAKERY Charlet� Ludwl1, Prop.

1 1 7 Broad St. Tel . 8-R.


IIOAD & WEST JERSEY STS. All ftala Llae Can pua tile •"r

lay Sale luslinwear A Great Success Tbla Ia ..., opportualty w ..,cure the Aa- IQOda al the -t ...ark•

able ••lap la prlee. All ...., d.,..., tNeb 11114 new ptOCIIa, wbOe the I&Jl• aacl -teriala CDIUIOt help app811ltac to ftflrJ -. ,1,00 KIGHT OOWNB--Womea'a Nl1bt Gowna oJ mualln, nam-111 or llgured crepe; bllh or low nec:ll modela; prllltlly trimmed wltb lace or embroidery ; wortb u.oo; for tbla Mle . . . . . ' . . . . . ' ' . .... .I.T& U!IDII.'IUIUIILINII AT .J.oo-Wo-n'& Nl1bt OowDI and comblaatlona, of line oaloaook or crepe, trimmed wltb Aae olunY or Val. laoea and rlbbooa; alao Prln.-. 811pa, Cbeml- and PetU-Ia; aom• ell\broldere4; otber wltb line laee and embroidery trlmmlllle: moet uceptloaal nln• In tbla 1roup. .... Plii'I"'''OOATII AT lll.D-Wblt.e Petticoat. In tile new•t ef· tecta wltb llounec- of line German Val. and wide embrold4try IMiadlnlf and rlllbon. � ... ,& PB'l"l'IOOlTII AT ... oo-Wblt.e ePttleoeta, bandlomeiJ made wltb 11o11Dce of line tuclllnl and embroidery; or plaited a-- wltb tllle Val. tuerUoaa.

... 00 U!IIDKB111JBLIN8 AT 11.11&-Comblnattona, llllrU, Oonet conra and Drsw ..... In all tbe n•w•t deetl, bandlom•IJ' tleoorated wltb embroidery motif• and Val. or oluny 1-; aome baa--broidered. 11.00 U;NDRI'UillaLI:NB--Womea'a PetUoala, ObemlaM, � laiiJII, wltb Jue or embroidery trlmmlnl: a .,_t eoU.Otloll; none wortb 1- tbaa u.oo; tor tbla .... . . . . . . . . . . . . ' . . ' ' . • • . . , .., Ue :NIGHT OOWJIC.,_Womu'a Nlgbt Oowna, Cb-laM, <lo!DbJna­UoDI and Draw.,.; pretUIJ trimmed wltb «aan'Y .._ and -broS4· _...; wortb lie; for tllla aale · · . . · · . • · , . • . . . . . . • . . • . • • , • , ....

BEST Sl .lS VALUES AT 7k w-·• Dn- wltb 1M lace or -brolderJ lulrtMIIII aad �; 'f81ue fl.ll; tor tbla aale . . . . . . . . . . . . • • • • • • . • . , , , , , . • • • • • • f .. w--·• JIIP& ao...-.·tn a larp Yarlet¥ of 11&71el. la �.'j'.� or utuook: bllb -��. wttb ... tllelil .. yolt.e and laM or low aiiDII elrecta wltll pr.t'Y .... and eabrolderJ; ftl .. u.u; ror tbla aa1e at . . . • : . · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · " " · · · · · . . . . • • . . . . . . • • • f .. w-•• 01 I a, ,..._ .... ... P Ul••• trlamed wltll � brolderJ and Jtoe: YBIH ,1.111; ror dill •'- · • . . , • • . , • . • • , , . • f .. •-·• <J atluPIJ•• of ... a.alaMoll or GNJel er.- ....._, trtmme4 wla laoe or -tniiHrJ: _. llaad _llrold ... ; ftiM U.ll: ror tllla ... . · · • • . . · • • . . • • . . . . . . • • . . · . . · . . • • • • • . - .fie


.... .. ... ... __..... ,..,.. .... thll& lt .- -,. a .... .......


whk!II C. ..... .._ ... ....... ....... ... ... .... of ...... .-. \ II.M wPU '"" baJ ,_ ... Ql!ALI'n' Ia a q1llll't ot 'Wtllllllr l.haa wba& ,_ oll&ala ,.... .. ,_

btt7 OakN� ..... ... WhlaiiJ •

Try et. •

S. SCHLENGER 7 Elm ltrHt. WMtlleld, N. J.





"Tbe U,.te-Date GOOD UPAIRING 108 Jlroad lftNet lhM lten" P'IIORE 71-.1 W..Uield, N. J.


loU_, __ �":..':.!!:k�·- ..... .._.... . ._...t,

·-­•••• ••• • Tolo ... ono llf.•


... Wool .. , ""'·Cl- II....W.

" .....

Not for a Million I ( ) I 1 ott I st · nut ! Y••t how

• a rdt·�.,; vou a r,.. in your treat· on • · o o t of those million dollar eyea.

\'ou al111se them, overwork t lu·m, don ' t give t he111 the support which they nt!ed badly.

Su p p o r t ? Yea I G L AS S E S I

And en ..... ••t .. Uttle

JOHN W. W IRTH Oft!IMtrtat ... optlaan 114 BaGAD ITitEET ELIZABETH. M. J.

0.. PUpt u,-lt'e "Wlrtla" tbe Ethrt

FuU L!M ef ..,.., r ... & s.m. TONY ITEitPHONE

-·ilwN IIOWUS IIIU.RPEJID All wwlt ealW I• ... ... Iy ....

...... . ... ... w ........ ... ,. ,.__,._ . ....... ,


---218ft ..... ...... ... PAIIU.Y ••• ftl't .,.. ..



tldent that I I you will iocate JOUr eohool bulldlnl! bue I. e. fadn& Or­llltard lltrl'et, and eet ""m" b&cll from the lot line 1ay. fi' 0", In tho eeater u ahown, you will then oYereome ob,..,Uonable coadltlona ..,

· tloaect In the ICnat•een report. The butldlna ltoelf will bo 411' 0" X 146' 3" In aiM, t w o ator ... I I\ holaht, &Dd llltould be placed 10 that tllo Weat wall of tbe new bulldlnl would lllart ot 0 point U• 0" dlatant from tho Orebard Bt....,t end of the Waohtn•· toll School, It would than be looatacl

10 that the raye of the nn atrlllln• tile ll .. hOit point of the roof would 110t tllrow a ohadow on or clarllen Ill UJ W&J tbe cl-roo"'O of tlM DOW alltlq Wuhlnttoa llobool.

Tbo odY&Diqeto of thlo ptu would be Ia the omall amount of es,aa1ratiU -ry and the pade eatraaeoa to 11oth, the achool proper ud tlM oaQitorlnm. An arr&nPJDoot II llarewlth ougpaled would &lYe •oeded roomo for �ahool pllrPGMI tor ,..ra to come, an4 a lllllllar tnalldlJf eould ho conotructed In tlte fUtUM, facl•• Walnut BtrMt, wllloh would b&lonoe tile propoeed new oae, and tlM wbole worlled ap late o •orr .,u.tte and hormolllouo at1110ture. t'he nlerlor hrtcllworll,


PA ....... PLAJIK IUl.tD 9111, It· &YI .. tn....,tod lho Pater ... _ ....


�.. of tile new butldlaa of •nlcl 1M almllar to tltoM ued In Waelllntton Bchool.

An aheolutely llroproof bulldla• of tlM obln'e dlmenolona with re-lnfoi'Oid oonorele lloon, IJPium hlocll par­Utlona or partltlono maclo of allannel lroao, conrad with expanded metal tatli" and plutend both aldOl, Iron lltafl'l, alate roof, and boated by dl· mat radiation, with heated frull olr for Yentllatlon furnlobed bJ plenum ran. Iron ranae water clollllt OJtltem 1e the boeoment, could be conatrucWd ror 17 centa per cubic foot or a 1ota1 eaa of e7e,MII.OO, which would not taelude tho aradlna of around• ond furulahlnl• of ochocl.

I be& to remain, Youro very truly,



(Contluued from pogo 1 . )

•• i

• . I '·




' l t. "" ' . ; ' . ;.�

.,. lill


I ·'



Roa4 from tho Hud..,n CouulJ .... Yard to Paealc. tho Aulomobllt .. Ill A-rtoa Tourln11 l>•part���tat ,.. porte tblo lllgllway In e xc•ll••t """' After IMYinll tbo Boulnard tht ra 11 oYer cobblHtofte for a dlltance of a U,. Uo mon thaD two mlloa but tht b&luot le O�tr �acadam ln tine eond.lt101

I'Ll" lA" OW a-DAY MOToa ft1p � lll IIII.U OP GOOD lOla Tbo OOI!IIPiotloa or oonotrucUoa wwk Port laftoroon Roa4. •-lolo

I :W�t·��:0�t�·! b�"'u�couectln• rouw '-" and Port Jd.,_

. �\'allal>lo an ncollent on1--, trip 6t lllloot nne hundr•<l and 111M IMJto W'ltll ·- roado all tho "ar 0111 tat odAd attraatlon of ocenorr ..._ Ute a�. T-1• routo. .,b..., .,.

prepared by the Tour1n1 Dltoerl­t .. Aatomoblle Club ol ....

tho aout h ohoro of ""'r to Patoho11uo. lloro It turu aWiJ Jrem the Don and leada to Port Jdot.

... aad tile BrldllePort ferrr. ,._ ...... port tile Booton Pool Roool 11 llil8oWed te Portohoator. from wtdoll ..... a .. totar .. made conneetliC 11 iraw 116eltoUe wltll tho Pel ha10 l'ul· tray. -.uow1n11 are tbo runnln& ...... tlou tor tho trip.

ar-n• tbo Quoonoboro Brld1e frta ••w Yorll CIIJ', Tllompoon non• • IIIJiowed to u,. Haw Queena Bo•le­'ftllf .... bwo7 Indo from Wlnllold -19'�aMaoa.' Tile ncttllent con41U• ef tba BoaleYal'll lo a 11root tomotatloo Ia ......•lt•aP" IIIII .. ro ahoul4 bo -

.. .... mar raoul! from rn.._ . IIPeo4 ordiDII.DCO.

4t J...&oa CW�noctlon .. ma4o wta U.. .. ,...olt ao.d. which with 1 .. ... HliuaUoa, tM Old loutb Countrr 11eet ....... lUI osoollaDI run to Pate ..... Wllh tllo o&ooptlon of a abort'* tnulor oonotruotlon between &,­and 8a)'Yillo. The Merrick Roa4 1111 baon r-ntlr m.....Samleed &1- t• aatlra lOili! lb. It wlndo oloDI lho 101111 of tbe Hoard of l�duratlon and R. H. •lion o( tba llland with lbo ..,.. Colliu, In reaponte to tbe motion brancoboo Qll eltbor oldo meoUq " mo .. ltJ Dr. 8tMBo: ploeao, fortnlllll a canopy of bul'lllll

O!l•'rmaa Plto .. er, In olpelq the ,.. ... PAIUIIN'l' 'I'II&CIIIliUI' � .. (a' PIJfB PltiOG8AII buda. Muy lntorutlnK •lllaaee .. "' " "- ot lift I ba'ljt ... •• tt" The ohlldr• woa- -•• te oro. •

p..- en tho nn aloag tblo rooto. • mttUq alated th� It b&4 bttll • -001 1,�-��arablf 'Aedfto.' d the oti"Mt to ...aoh tile pi&Jpound, 0&\N'l' IKl1IOOI. BLlDCI' OPI'ICIIJUI '1'0 BB RII!Q)BBIIID eladlq RockYillo con tor. Baldwla. ••�1'1 oee a;4 tbe ..... � Qle *"""" � fa or whleh mlaht rNUit In a 8erlouo accl· TlM llrot fonnot meetln& of tbe The Pannt-Teactlen' Auoclatlon, Freeport, Merrlek. Maaeapoqua, .U.Itr· 0101017 worll" 1114 .,_.W,...el" lit ._. C'fil't iii'O rti, iftuiW 00 dent. Puent-Toachere' Auoclatlon of tho of the McKinley 110hool hoft &r• Ylllo, BallrloD ud BayYIIIo. Tblo lit· To Uroo Lent Voten or 8111 ., : W.aHt .... Mtweaa Protpe0& and Tbe objection• to the Park alto are Grant achool wao held 111 the Grant ranged a nry llno pr.oKram of muokl tor towD Ia of lntoreot u one of �

'1'11• Board of lildUO&tlN I'WCIIII· CI&J\ •ttett.o. many and aro futlJ undentood and Bulldlna yeaterd&J afternoon with and recltatlono for tho nenlD• meet- Ia';�:;: ���!h:;:�or ,c;:to:,:ulo �-meUf the PllTcli&fiJ of tbo plo� of 1. Tbo cpet 11 t 1 8 . 000, wblcb lo do not require further dl8allllloa at about thirty pnoent. Mn. Barrio Ins to be held In the McKinley IChool away from tbo ahore and runa 411'11111r &1'011111 ooraer ot llltll t114 W.Jaltl !IDIJ tT •oo 1110,.. than the pr!Ge of thlo tlmo. called the meetlna to order, and Mlu next TuMC!ay nenlna. Thla propam aeroao tbo Iolud onr tho Port Jolor­•treiU &ad tile ereo&l� of ' ...... the alte' propoeod bJ the BMM of In all reapecto and from all otand- ottenpr acted u teQiporary _,.. will coMlot of muolc bJ tile H .. h 8on Rood. tllroqb Medford to f-ort hi· llo""' llatldlq tW.OII ror tile fol· J4"caijQD on Ole corner of 8ta ond polnta 1 conoldor tile Clarll property tary. The committee appointed to Sohool Oroheltra; reeltatloll, Ruth faraoD. Tble Ia a rooonllr comploW ,.,..._. reuou: ... ale11l 1treeto, wbloll ll Ul.OOO, and the beat. u we an to build for the draw a conotltutlon pi'OHnted tbelr Clarll; plano oolo, A4etaldo J'lDii Btate Road ud I• In uc•l�:":,.:

1. T ... pr-.r•aUon of the Wuh- � <narll: pro"rty lo more t�an future and not for the next two or report and the conotltutlon wu dumb bell drlll, lith arade 111holan: Atd

Po": �����" ��0 0

�·�r:out •l•b-toa IAeol ptq for DlnY .,..nC aM t� fll lara• •• the lll111 aad Walnut three Y���� aln.cerely your�. adopted a, read. The nomlnotlna recitation, Loula Wll� ; Hta•atlao : •• : .. :r!. lAD• lllland soun4 tao., Patlr ....,..... otretta oUe.

RALPH H. COLLINS. L'Ommlttee pr-nted the followlDa Childhood, lrd arode , lrlah Jib, «h tho motorlat In Brtdlloport the 1arp11 1. Tbe Clarll propertJ will re- C&Ddldateo for omce: 1 They were grade ; oong, lnd &rode ; muole, Or· maDufaoturtn• ellJ' Ia conoocllm I. TU aroud 101 liJ U• feat 0&11 quire Yery little lr&dlq (oniJ wbat unenlmouoty eleeted : Prealdent, Mn. cheatra. The pi"Mident, Mn. A. J. l,MYIN Brtdll•port the Booton -be MI'GJIIM M ' tott eqql or Ia neceM�rJ ID diQlq Ole oellar, WILL WORK FOR Bunnell; llrot vlce-prealdent, D. R. Plato, wlll 1M In charp of the atrolr. Rood Ia followed through ratriiiW. ,.,_. UM .......... ... II , ...... e\c.) , a-.4 ao lllllnl Ill. THE THIRD WARD Starry ; ucond '1168-p.....aOent, Mn. wben menr rellcla of Colonial il&r• .,. tiollll 00 the Weahle .... Parl alte. a. The Clarll lalld lo drJ and hu Co:a; treaourer, Mn. C. H. Danll ; WILL ABK JIOR DIPROVIIliiJlirrB. to be founcL louthport and w�:1':: -ta M Bb b t1 •mall tarmlna towna. to Norwa · 1. 8y 1111rollulal thla plot a utulll dralaa ... to olio froiD ono lmpro-•& ,_...._ BaYe ll'ln& aecn ry, ro. 110 u; e:aeeu .,. At the meeting of the J'ourth Word kaeplllg to tbo Poat Road wo pill Tu Payen would not bo hurdenlna to thrM feet h'-h•r than tho lldo- Recular MeeUq aa4 lllee& committee, Mro. Nlcholu, Jln. Dlota Taxpa1en' Auoclatlon, held In the tbrougll Darlon. Horton. stamfd themaolna with tile coot of additional walllo and tho ot....,to do not hue and Mn. Coen. The reautar miMit· McKinley IIChool lut nenbl• 0 rao- llluua IUid Oroenwlcb to Portchtoltr. aroand for pi&J around purpo- oniJ ateap ..,.._ Oil-. InK• will be held on the llrot Monday Iutton waa paoeed to ull the' councll Praotloally all the town• alonl 1M ·

•· Tlloo ci.rll tl.\e Ia lalp wuah Thera wao oonoldorohle enthua- of each month, except July, Auauat to malle lmprovemento 00 Union routo from Brld11eport to Portcbootor '· lllnatneen wbo han made bor- to � ltM:�\e &W lltGeilaary laom ohown hy thooe who attended and September. The anuuat meetlnl Huel and Scotch Plalno avenuOI and are lntoroot1n11 from o.n hlotorlcal,: lpp and examined tho ooll and arch- addltlo)¥ la tbe .._. __ oad otiU Ill•• the lint formal meetlnl of the Third lwlll be held the II rot Monday In •prll. ll'lrot otreet A few llluotratlona 'were won u oculo atiUidPoln11;.

a;::':...., lteeto ho bon been OOMUtted · ·�"1""- w d 1 t A taU

· 1e tllo eoat of ...,.,. m&l(l\ con w &tuple ""'Ill for piU 1ro11n.. ar IDProYemen 1100 on, abown to teat Ole new otereoptlcon H tho route leado doW11 1M viae aaalnot erec:tlna a bulldlnl on I. Tltll -· lltil II yell ·located which wu held In the town hall lut BRIDOIIl A ORII:AT 8UOOBII8. lantern recently lnatalled In the ���!�:';, P:� Hill. made famou br Ole Wuhlnlton llohoot arouada ow-

and e&IJ to ,.._.. ,,_ all porta of evenlnl. Juat aa we are aolna to pr- we achool. It wu decided to bold o lee· OoDoral Putii&JII'o ll'-bt from tho IIIli• 1111 to the pr:ae�cet 0:11 q�l::au� ud town u well of ftolll &1M trolloJ ud The committee appolDWd to draw are Informed that tbe bonellt brtdae ture to be ltluotraled on the aeeond lah. Beuroon OreeDwleb and Por': water, and t e ae o ere no WuhlDitoa tolaool. TlM achool up a eonatltutlon and oat of by-lawo lnow In prQinu at the home of Mro. Tueeday of nut month. tor the Byram Rlnr mark• tho CeO· eeollODllcal way of drolDin& tho oub- wovtd be PQU 1041 feat from the made tholr report ond their reeom- Ill. c. Lewlo, on Carlton Road, 10 a dary betweoD Haw York Btato aod ourf- water.

ud a'"-Mt 1100 fOil from tbe mendatlono, after a few amendment& 1 Th _ re 11,._ tah'- Dectlout. • d r -· .,... en adopted The omoero eleeted lfiiO auc-. e,v a '1 ._ Owlq to yarloua ltrotchoo ull 0 Ao qaluot o bulldlllf caa the Olull Waohlngton oohool, which lo •- w ·

ocattend on the broad pla .. u and YOU!IIO BLll!ID IIA!II, 18 JIIOn old, atructlcn 0., tlo ao.too Pool Rod bo· St.-t olle the Board .._._ended than a IIYe-mlnute walll In eltller were u.

followo: Pl'ealdent, c. Stacy apaclouo lawna. The entire proceed• wlohu worll caning chain. Ad· twoon Ryo aad How Rochelle. tbe fol· the llllm and Walnut BtrMt aile for caM that would 1M near enou1h to Bender, Ylce-prealdent, R. H. Mid- will he donated to the Dlatrlct Nure- dreu Albert Krelnhop, Summit lowlq "tow fro .. tbe main route 111 the followlna nuono: brlna the IICboolo under the ume ou- dledltch; ';'reta� 1 !· 8,:11 Croa.l; Ina Auoclatlon. Mro. Lewla de8erveo annue, below Gron otreet. li·U·tf adYie&llle : tara '1. The CCIIII of the WalDilt

1round lo t l l,OOO, U qoln1t o mini· mum coat of t18,000 for the Clorll otreet property.

penlalon and eliminate tho ar1u- treaourer, · R. e c · e pree • 1reat prai,. fQr Ole worl< that ohe At Libert)' llqvaro, Portcheotor:.,• ment of additional npenoe In that dent appointed tho followlq, who, u.a done In aid of thlt worthy cauae rl�rbt lato w .. tcl\ootor A .. auo, ..,_

r ,_,1 with the oftlcere, will conotltute the · follow to Pu.-. ..... atnet. where • ......... . executive commlttM: J. w. DaYia, turn .. ......... rrom Purcbue I. Belq a llhort dlatance lrom the c. T. Renro, aad •· H. oo-ld. MI88K8 RIUJIUD8 llliiTiilBTAIN tum n�rbt tnlo •unt Polb'• Ro

�d. trolley there would be no noiM nul.. Brief outline of wbat the orpn· The ll)emhero of the l.adJea' Ttauro- tumiDg rl•bt tato Mort� ·:�:: . 1. The yeariJ uc ... coot of ance from that IICiurce. laatlon wu formed for were 11Yen hy day Afternoon Pinochle CIQb with eroaoiDI '"'!�.-..�-4� At mlnlotratlon and lllled charae wtU be 7. The �ehool would bo on a otreet Preeldent Bender, J'ormer Council· thelr huobando, were ent.e�Cid bJ :�....!:'':'� tnto saoon• not leu tban U,lill, ao antnot tUli 68 feet wide, which lo cuned, addlq man O.wald, R. H. lllddledltch, J. tbo Ml- Rlcharda, of St. ¥arllo Road. tboD rlgbt 1.,10 Old u.moroa .. for the coot of admllllotratlon and to the ortlltle oppeai'UiolO. H. Penchon ond othen. 1 annve, l .. t Saturday Pl&ht. There Road How '""' left Into Palmer maintenance made noce-I'J bJ a a. The children would not bon to Mr. Penchoen, aftjlr endonlnl tht. were live tablea and after lbe 1amea Du�. bear left tnto Weaver "'"'' AI bulldlna on the Walnut 8trHt olw. crou a puhllo otreat to ..-oil the remark• of the otber apeakero, aald wero llnlaMd refreohmqto wen turD rtgbt at Q-ker Rldll• Roa"N.,... 1 1 111 be m 1 1 to pi&J&round, u they would If o 10hool that he thou1ht that one of the llrot Hned and 0 aoclal �· •JoJed. Wyk&IIJI Golf 01ub turn left 1�1�0 Ml1f ' 1· Th • UY 01 w

bo ;.u 1 ° ��I 1 wu built on the llll m ud Walnut thlnao the auoclatloP 1hould talle up Tban were top prlaea tb ladlel win- Arter croulq r•


not retire the neoe-ry 0 0 r 1 otreeta olte. wu to - If 110methlaa coudl not be nlDa, Mr1. Hall, M�. Ool'lloa, Mlu Rochon� turn rl•�: ���0 ��: •• . yRro. a U located on tho Clorll prop- done to have tbe rallroad lnJ a walll N•ttlo Carnee, Mlu llllale Hall and I and bear :.


In k road anrl bear '· Weatlleld would 1M pay-IDa ertj the bulldlnl could he lieai1Ded at the approach .to the Mot-bound ota• l MI-a. Bndlleld. The lelltlemen win- ::� ';.�1:.,' ��way. Tht• latter t7,000 for plo;yarouPd purpo- oniJ, In the moat con•enlent manner, u tlon In place o! Ole preaent cruohed nero were, Mr. DroeiCIIer, of Cran- way proYidoo o•oollent 11olng to = wb lch, In our judamoot, II not n- arouud apace would be unlimited, atone. H.t alated that It waa Yery · ford ; Mr. Carnea, Mr. '8rad4eld, Mr. • ork Cltr. Tb• abon detour 1•�'!:., ..... UrJ Your Board of Education bu tbla wollld mean •- coat lD coutruc- hard on thot llh0118 and ruhben of BnJdor and Mr. Baller. hilly roado througll a beoutlfu

...,. bee� atudylD• thll queatlon tor tbe tlon thoae who were oompaUed to walll If JOU neglect you r health�n of Weotobooter oouoty. No gr• ,... • • OY r lt

________.. h dlclently alet�ll to ca poot twentJ moutha &Dd after conoid- 10. Aa Ole aroundo aroun4 our • · OOLUMBIAIII CIIWLiil TO DJNE. ntalle aure or dry-shod, comfortable owever, are au erln& the above aa well u many other "�ta are "'•llltalned u para ud Truatee Davia alated that the Board footwear by bavlns ua do tbe any IDconwDioDoe· r tt lllledl .., . ...,. ..... of �!lueatlon had aranted tha uaocta· The memben of Ole Columbian - � phuu 0 tho ma " uqua Y playaroundo tbla would &In Ulo ohll· tton perml•loo te hold their IDMI- Circle of Weatlleld wlll &lYe their POLic• AO'ftY• U LONU IlL. =�n:,

u�:u::� '!':dm;::u�h:,�:�� dren • parll •,P� play1round 111 0 dlt· ID& In the Uneoln oehool ond that tbe II rat o�nuat banquet 'tn Arcooum Hall S H 0 E Tbe Tourtllll o.partment :' 0�:'; ..:;

f H .. h leront part 0 on. nec-ry arraupmeato would be nut Wedneed&J ennlp• .lmona tomoblle Clllll ol �earlca r P larlr

II II It fi

:;:pe�� ��:I th�;reoUon ° a The Board of l:lldllo&tlon will Ht mado for 1'-htlna and aeatlna 1110118 who will attend a�d malle the Lon• Iolu4 polloe are ;a���: 00 ll Dl ereon. fortb the reuono they conllder Ia It wu hroqht out bJ oil the '•peall· •peeebea are Oeoeral Oolllnu and REPAIRING oetl••· Oa tbe lllerrlok :;:t VorJ relpt)CtfUIIJ oubQiltled, favor of the •1111 ond WJinut lti"Mto era that the oraanlaotloa W&f not o J udp ConnoliJ, of lil\laobeth ; Hon. town of llprlqft�d •:

r� 1n on .• ra-J• BOARD or IIDUO • .,ION. olte, eonoaqu111U1 I wlll alate a tow "lllcllen' club," but formed In the In- � C . .ID· Brodhead, of Plalnlleld ; E. J. !'::-:::::r:ro;!r��oua of Ita dlaadnataaw: tereot of the town ot tar1e and par- l!lweeney, of Bayoue; Attorney Brit- For the muddJ, wet aprlq "IOIQ" alroadr beaD llHd troa• tn to To the Editor of the lAndor: The land hu 11 nrJ bod lr&de, lie- tlcularl;y Ole Thtr• ward. ton, of Ellaoboth. ll'wm•r Ractor Jou'll want atout, Hnleeahle foot· aiODII tllte roa<J. In the At Ulo public IDaetlD& hell\ at ln1 ten to twain foot hlaher on ope The prealdent otated t\ot he hoped · r.tber BJer ud the ti-t Rec\or wear ond we opeotallae Oil �aa aaotller trap 11 Ill WUh1qton �a hoot lut olde than tho other, an4 aa tho lot Ia tbot 0 1 .... , lnle .... t wouln be tall .. i l'alber Watlei'IOil, wlll oleo lJIOil� the old oh001 1D thla eon4ttloll, 1ratloa aad llot-D Babyl:';. anll wu decided that the od•-tea U1e bad appeara- If ' lar1e aad thot tile ot&UlloUon would 1M ollort add-. It Ia upecWd that LOW CH4RGBB--PROMPT WORK • .,.,.. two •-7ciO copo threa ll .. h 10bool lltea 1hoald ...,. bulldllll on oo 1mall ' lot OOilld not kept actt'fe ud aot dlo of dry rot. u ; t'Hn will 1M about Ulree hundred vt1111. betwoe• In at tew WOr4a at poulhle tboir H 0\'0NODlO, 10 11111U1J llJallar Ol'pnlqtlona han, p-l. . II 0a Loll: = ::::::tlul .uilbOiriCIIII!. arsumuto In ta•or of tile 'l'Jul lt�llldlal could aoi IMI UYa!IP4 I • """

. ��al. .. ....... 1'-. '00� '"'- .,.u .... ao4 11 dlel. la tiM moat eonv ..... �r :• POll .... AJQ) .401'1 · LIIADU "CliNT-A· WORD" ......, ..... "'- 'lhU �r �� . a0Loril4 10 kNP 4• • m-llor of th., oolllGdltN .,._ ot lbe lqt ao4 ,.._ t e

ID --y p•oa WOND"'• _0........ . I Ill •a- •-a• -- 1111 __.. llfli'l*' w .... o,tYIDII oYOI twenty-live and allo tile 1a1Miem.1Dlt- ........ ••- • are - ... --· -• -- .,0_1 ....._

• II • II l• ,. • • ...


llf• Jol· ....

On Duty In the Sick-room •yES, Mother, Charles ia much better tod Oh, I feel fine. We have an extension t�Y·

, phone ln

t Chu1

1ea• room now and it •v:

ae so many 1 epa. can lit with Cllulea .very llinute and .take care of my houaehold duties at the same ttme. No; it la not expenlive-only lfty cents a month in relidencea. "

Perhaps an Extension Telephone c:onllected with the main � in JfOflr home would lighten the bouaeliold dutieia. Why not have one? The coet t. eo ....U.

N E W Y OR. K. (i) 'I'EL&PHONI CO. .& ..

• •w-.. s-.. ,... • .,.,. •••. a·r " sa

ADVERTISERS SPECIALS Not Paint --- The WONt llll8�h fill pt.I11Ua1 II

WHAT THE IEJICHANTS HAVE not pattlnl o• nat llOIU alloat t o

To OFFE p.r eent ; 1011 lleaD roar moneJ a ,_r

R and D&J 10 Jl&ll' cellt tor lt. --- Palllt ...,.M 1111.,.. te eome Cown

......... r.<�--.u 11' 111 o.. IIi p.r C��ttt to malre 10 w OQt oa AdYWtlillac o..a.-. - � tile job, fdr ...... do DOt 10 down. OuefiiO, All 11M .............. Tile WOI'It llllttalre II �!MaD" _.., u "Wha& Yn paint. It -e. from 10 Jl&r tmt to

Wut" Will be PCMDid 100, lint -t. and aaother Ia "ear. The,.... Wbat a Uar "e!Mat" I•! "Put-otr" Ia bad enou1h ; "theep" Ia ten tim"

"Bilow lie!" All rlabt; aome to worM>.

Charlie Clarlr'• DEVOll:. Lad ... ! • ...:.11 r Oeo. W. Balro!r 1811a tt .

...- or bllrplu Ia nr ----------­adYerts.tal eolumna. if J'OII ••led a maid adYWU. Ill O'Donnell D---

the "8118Ctal Notloa" 110'••••· D&'Uit., J 8 CleftLI.W.. .&•D 9a.& ........ • ni •• · �� �

1mpaa, are .uu .. .....,. •- ,_ Clltp _ _..,

• 'Ma001 boaect ud bolaed . Tru{"k· Tile Laader 18 dnot.d •leiJ to IBr "' all kta4L •••• o....tta1

the DDiltle lllterwt, lllld IIU DO Mr..ll -41•1 ud _..., a �-tau,. oolltteal or .,., ea� to .,.,.._ ' -... ••• c-tNI .&- . n- •·•·

Kodalre! New eatalop Jut ar- .......,......., •· .1. riYed. Come In and pt oM. We -:::::.·· -:__:·:_:·_:_::::::::::=== atlll haYe ,lOme nl"" ramera barptaa. I" Ba!mann • Photo Btudlci, Broe.d Bt. A d Cloualt tile llu Wllo Kaon" n rew Krup II lM 11J·word Ill W..uteld It Nf11ra to Walter 1. 1-. of "tile MQ C!OrHr" Ia tile J'lat•lroa Bulldlq, who 11 u autllGrtll oa w-.eld Nlll lltatlll. TIIOM wllo flllro•ll• blm do well.

Bbad II raaalq line now aad tk orden are rua1111 allead of tile Qlt' PIJ at the WIRtald Marlret, .. It .. boo•• )'011 to order •riJ tor rn..,. The belt Ia alwara foud at tiM old reliable Woodnal'a W..uteld llarlret.

Wutflel•'• I.e••••• Taliu

.. ,....... w...-..e�a�, _. fit a ...... � a.t..t , ....... . ealeet ....

We Make It Good-

WD.IO., l.eell Apat, Wbetller It be for tbe brld .. wbllt P r • 81 • t D e l l Y I r I I •

the luaebeoa, the art.era- tea or the more eldllorate dbuler, a 11o1 of flabdtY. •· I a.,.,.,., will atwa,. 11e ta Jr .. pta1 �====================== with tile tabla NQDI81tea. Tlleee de-

You Get It Freeh [_, bas of ..,_ Bont-1 ucl a-.... --• where you pt it, il ........_. 11) he s­lecdy keeh. In nwy boa i1 �eked - C......._ c.ti6cate. like the abcwe, .... ..., 1111 111111111 11M cudy � il f.U. Ilbort of pededioll lD., ....

IJ. lleloua, p��re aad bealtllful candtee 110 EAIT BltOAD ll'l'lliET

l it WORL nuPBOh Tt.L J. f. IIJLLn'r

W or I & Millett The Leadln1 Real Estate Broken

W•deld Iu Blook

roa BOUIU '1'0 UKT I BOU .. lOB ULI I • IVILDINO BITBI .urD fAJUU IX OBOIO. ucmo•a. We llan a full l!R ._ Ult l8oK 4clirable looaUo111, uut ..

piNM yo• 1t1Ul prioll ud ...... MONBY TO LOAlf o• lORD UD MORTOAGB.

_Profit With Safety Jo bolter lanetaeat caa be made by a periOD of amall mMDa tbaD tbe

,....._ o! a taw IIIIa,.. of

are IICC!ePtable oa all occulona. WESTFIELD, NEW JERSEY J'nitebaJ PbarmaeJ Ia the local ... DCJ.

Coal prtce. adYaDN ueb moat h. ----- --�- -­April prleee are tbe low .. t, ao It be­boo•• tile careful llouaekeeper to order NOW for tha winter auppl1 . Tel-.lloDil Tuttle Broa., 414 W..,..,ld wbo will book JOUr requNt and d.,_ liver at 1our ronveoleore, tht>lr hiKh Qllllllt1 "tebl1b ooal, well orrt,.,nf'd and free from olate. Tutt le Telephone 4 1 4 Weatnetd.


PATE NTS· . ." ��������;:-.�:!.'� .. ����!����·� ·.:.:··; 11-·r1l·ll•>ll f••t ,.II ala"CM " '"' ' ' 1 ,, ,, '.afrlliAiul l l \ >• • · •• ' ' I '' ' '' ' , �:�rr.::� .. t���:·.·.:\�:: .. � : �: : . . �.·" .. "P .. �� � •.-r :

Ita AD P'\Q'8 11 '"'d 1'1 t,.., .. , , . .. 1 1 , , , , ..: o:··s·w·IFt , co. P A T .IIIII T L A W Y a •a, 303 8e¥Ooth Sl.. Wuhlnelon. D. C.

F'or Sale by R. F. Hohenatein


Sold by ovrr 4,000 authorized � !ale. A.-. and 56 � lllorro in the Uail.d S..... and t­ad.. We inolruct d � Salee Apnll ll) ­from us lrf!CJIIfJDily and lo re1um for full credit UIJ' box ol � 1101 in peried condition . Write fur � lntereMin Booldet h .., .. ,"''""' fJUrit\r ... q,•dt.,. .... ·-·""'' '" •• � ...........

J A L I J A CIIfr.l Fnatcber Pharmacr Co.

W•tliet.l, N. J.

Mutual Building and Loan Associatiol" �---------------------------.. \

.t.U moDOJ 18 ID-.4 ID ,.,. bellt of all Meurttloa

First Mortgage on Real Estate . fte UPIDM of dol ... .......... 18 D0 .. -.1, M4 U., prolt to lilian• lltllln 18 "''"" I'M\ .. ,. � ... � � b'Dia ..,- other eouroo .,..

- llle -e Moaa'ttJ. ..... o ... Dallal' eaob; IDitlaUoo r-. TwoD,J•IVI C.DI& flhlib la6>raatroa ·llt.la417 lllht.laed.

ILUWLD .. W.&LWOa'l'll, _,.

N E L S O N A R C H B O L D Carpenter and Bullder

All Branches of Carpentry Repalrinl Promptly

Attended to 113 EUCLID AVENUE Tele ...... "ufiQUoa

TilEY la,K � 1Pf19�.1f0 IT DOW WhO IJIId tr.o!ll air. llld aDD• !11\ .. tl llJ dJ1Y111f. ._rollfll- l!loa­

iOII!-ladn lildl u4 pu'N oRDe In IM. t;CI'"I� wruucl\fl W111tde'ld In a ban41iome ud c:omfort&lllt rJI, ..ouNd at Bar·

ton'a. No need of k .. PIDI honea

when JOU C1lll blre one at auob reuonallle ftlurlll u JOU can at Bartoa'a.

Wm. H . Barton IJnrr u• ._..., Stdl•

J � M C 8 M O F r' � T T lc 8 0 N � ...... a. ... te� ua4 BuDden ��'

Wlll8Tf.lBLD, N. J.

• •WlahM IIIO , ......... .. . EOW ARD N. tJRQWN, Funeral Dtrector··Embalmer


'ftlepllaa .. ._.. .......... .........

C. B. HANN �\tft�ft .... ....., •• I.


kap•rf alllloiJ._.,.. a n- at 111r ..... "'"" .. ... ..... --·· aUft. Ill.. •r•at Hie Ia ..,_.. •·•.n .... .rtlel•

Jet• ..... "" .... .. ,. .. , ., .. ,, ••• It wfU �· ... .. _ ....... _.....

BJ l'•r••l• Poet, Ea•r ...

., o., ,,. ... w ..... 'fe .. ,. .. lat ._ New .a.r ... .,., !lew Y.n.., Pe ... ,.J ... -·• •• o•-•·

.. • .,_... ,.... .... "r• ........ .. .,._ .. -.......... THE "BEEHIVE" N K W J KIIOI\ 'M lHIOI'I'lJ\Ci (JBNTR•

411 r-• ••- w-... . ··· -· ... ..... .. NEWARK Telephone r.IIOO-Ihrll:et-J'i,y��


Of Bur Matchles� May-limO Bargain Festival o•seo•t•ded all previou11 recorda for outlyintr citiea ae well u rr. all

11 �l»,y Sale. The multitude of re· ;�11rLII of Newark are ftooking to

m&rkable otl'eriJip, \opt)ler with toot... DIS. count ou.r atore to !Jet �heir dlare of the

our liberal 10% diloo1111t, ban 7Jl .uny wonderful barlf&iDI. In the

nrily erowded our store every erowus 1.\Jat pour in and out of our

hour witl1 women who ue enth� f atwe daily IIIAT be aeen women

ialll ic in the fulleat II8DI8 of the or from diJta.nt New Jereey citiflB, word. The attraction� we are p9t- who Qome becauae they know a sale

l ing forth thill week an 10 .., This Week Only of th¥a�ind, backed liP by the L. above any ever offered before in 1:1. \'laut 6 Co. name i1 to be de-point of quality and lown8fll of pend.!d 'Upon and i• ae renuine ae price 1 hat tile peqple hom all the we can make it.

Bverythiq, wl\h •UT f.w a.oepUou, lD \hll great ltore, lm� for ita reliabtlit7 11 to boM1tJ o1 ...... , IIICl ......- ofl meroh&ndiM, wlll lal "ld ei\h8r i\ u.iallY .=qed priCMII or a iilooun\ of 10 per teD\ ,... Ute NpW �· t'bJa �' of

10 par 01_. � " .._.aot.ell. � •�a�-. UJill .... : ftllJ IAI.I . rGJ TQ """' OBLY, Ql), II' YOO f�OIIdll Ill .0'1' IA'IIUAO!JOaY, .a11IY WILL U OJDIDn'LLY urtnmm>.

IX'IIAIIDINARY BAIUS AI SfEaALLl REDUCED riiCa Jltl . . lllo ruO)' IVi]M Orepe, apecial, yard . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19o .... .... lilk 'lop Orlb Gomf�Ja. •J*W. fi!Ob . . . . . tUO ..... 110o uui !Hio 1\ripe Linen Bnlti.Dp, 1peci&l, yard . . . . . . llo Ber p White Bmb. :&rd. Voile Drea I..enath-1. 1pec. each ill a.r: tUO Bemltitohed Lunch Napld1111, 1pecial . . . . . . . . . 91 a.r. tU6 Bleaqhld �in Damuk, apeoial, yard . . . . . . . . 1 .10 .... 19o LiDA DaiDIIt 'fray Olo.U. I)HICial . . . . . . . . . . . . . . MD Jter. eeo Jrilh BaUD Hnak Oueat Tow• , 1peoi&l . . . . . . . . DOc Be&'· 9o lhableaclulcl Mulin, 11peoial, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . To aer. 30o Unbleached lhlltin&'. • yard . . . . . . . . . . . . . . aoo

�· tic l'anoy Pique Buuian Oorcl lllld OwdWOJ, •1*• yd. llle Woma'a .... 12'!1o t.o lk LiaeD Jl. 1. � 8llla We ... 4h to l1 �p. llowen ud rou.c-, ..U . . . . . . . . . . . .. &•a.osiUid �.98 Unt.ritllmed ... .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9

to � a.cty to Wa&r Suit Ba�, .,aoial. . . . . . . . . .• �oUe and Lln&erie W"ailta, a\. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .to tile AwuiDa' llaMrial, 1peeial, yard . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "J' l · .... llo OrMil. BW'Iap, yard . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • ,

wo-·· lll)o ?, ol. i'we � - Wo••· .. . . . . . . . . . . . Men 'a �- t/S.OO Terey :aobl. ; .....,. . . . . � . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

..,. ll rruok .... ,. &114 Dna Goodl, IIJM., Jd., 'gill TJIIB II J1BUL Y A IBUO'liOB 01' '1'101 B1JIIDOVI .... CJ..J.Dfl O.lf� Dl � .. y ...... ""'""

L . .1. PLt\\JT � CO • 7 U 'fO 7ll BROAD n .. �8WA�¥:. til. �

JroaDp& ....... .... ., "' ..... .....

"WANT ., Pay �------------------------�--------...... _.



- ,- "

arou• *0111l tliM llllanCIW or lltnol't lite to the abrogation of IOU, ��ee&a• It S. JUt lllle a lllla4 w IUihinjJton lite propotlition. 4rata .... w·•�· Pari! ta a ., ., ., ...,...... ... •••-•n &9 low IQICR." ... ..._ ... ... IIUII.D,a;IIW �. Thla letter HJ8 that the laud The adveDt of the Women '• Club

... ,.. • .....,.LD LBA - PUJI'I'IIfG will hold the foundation without into the flel.d o� lo-&lfD rvaLaaar•a co••••"· the auggeRted expenae. But more, Wolllft uul cal economtca 11 a

I.U.TIIP. J. Llllll. 114ttor and Preii!Mot read what the oontractor hu to :laonomt-. Wl'lcome one. Juat a. Llfl:..o. V!.,.-Pr .. tdent aad -..&arl' what the man mem-• WIT-.· c. PIIUtlt, T...-rer lAY : Alf llfDEPKifDiilJif'l' lfBW8P&PBR "Wo��tllel4 a-4er, her of th� houae�o�d knowa about ----·-- ----·· --- - ·- Weftftt�l4, N. J. I hi' pract1oe of CIVIC economiCI u M'riiCUL P&Paa ,_ ,.. Mr. Walter J. LM : applied to the home would hardly 'I'OWII or w........,aLD Dear llr: -Repi7IDI to 7011r fill " o.l d " d lfOIU)IIOB or o&aWOfiD lt�tter of M8J arl.'l, will .. 7 that 1 a two page o ger • an

•oaovaa or aolllf7&11111Da bad full ch&rle or the Wubln1ton what be doPS not know would fill ...._, o .... ., .::� .. ,....,. .._ School bull41nl that wu ereote• all the booka of tbe Weatfteld Li-

�� �� ._ - In Wntrlel4, N. J., In ltOl, and b W h "th · t t - '" �- ,,.,. -·-� will allo 117 that the 1round wu rary. e watc WI m ern Yei'J wet, but there waa no qulcll- the future actio oR of the Town

Terrne: .. . ..... .. ........ . _ a _

A&Yel'llelna a.teo raralelled Upoa AppUo&Uoa. -Te;epboDM: �JO-= J;Pt.::::::. : : : : : : : : : : : : : : !!I

un4 In 111ht at the time. Council in regarO: to ita treatmeut Tbe ball4inl 414 not eeUie u4 f · f th W •

1 would eall the pound eultable o tbe IUII(tlatlona o e omen 1 tor aa7 bulldiDI of that 4-rlp- Club. It il very pouible that eaeb tlon. member of the conncil, with tlle

Mr. Wlleon Potter wu the arab- , f u--- th t lteet and be an4 1 loolled Into the e:r.ception o one man, reaUMnl a

matter nr7 eareru117. bil re-election to the conneil de-Youn trul7, pendl upon hia attitude to the de-\llped l A. N. CARPICNTIIIl."

m�nda of thia Club. Tbe Pl'88i­,.:oto u;.=::.-:-::;-:; lha& ,... Theae letterll are on ftle at the dent of the Board of Trade, a molt will ..u - .., or te1ep1M1M - .., Leader oftlce and can be read by influential gentleman in thia com­_... plll'taiiiJq to lbe to ... tho11e who are interellted. munity hu e:r.preued bil belief .....,_ tOT u4 toe. ftl'r. Cow)pa ' plan, now that the that ot:r tele�apb aerviae il ade-

MPriAtla•1>ept . . . . . . . . • . • . • • • • • • :G

Over Four Hundred and Eighty Million Dollars

Paid-for Life Insurance was

Issued during 1912 by

POIUIT P. •YIIIf. ......... t

lBDRUDAY, IU.Y 16, 1818. bu�bear of quic�d andd b


d quate. The Women '• Club thinkl ---- --- - �P � � � an e , �� � h be � � �����������������������������5���������

lfOTIV8 '1'0 ADVKRTJalllM. provide• for a build.inl which will will be a o�nteet of power, or will ..... � ... ::::::..':.=c.:::-....: not harm the preaent buildiDI nor the Club of Weatfleld women per· ... , Ia thll dice lfOT l.lT- TBAlV deatro) light at a coat of t'7&,481J. mit their appeal to be plotoed on 'ftlaDAY lfOOif or_.. trMil to Ia- Th� loggia connection 10lvea the th t bl 1

t d to drift into _... pablkaCAoa tile - ..-, e a e, neg ec e , tb11 oblivion of forgetfulne• t Can

There aeem1 little doubt that the You, wbo are votera of w:- the Club defend itself against W uhinjJton aite field, are called upon to �rotl!et e " ){•ae maj

eat y t , WlllhiDI'on ll\8 will be the ae - town from an l'rror o f JlldlflDeDt. fl. fl. fl. \U Bel\. lection of the We uk you to vote for

." com�on 'rhe advent of the new dances

people for a senae. " Forget the myth teal qUICk· Bl'l'm t o have taken tbe new Hi1b School. The Board of �nd J)ut younwlvea on record

llodern whult' country by 1torm. Education and tbe enpeen ban u vottng fo� ('C?nomy, eflloiency Duablc. Parent• have been per­evidently been dooeived by ap- and aeath�ltc tne�la. In other m:tting their sood and pearancee, for e:r.pertl tell ua that �orda, cut �ur

h�allot fo� a build- well-brought-up daugbtera to par­

the ground ia well adapted for 101 °0 Sctheb


i tnst

don 1111te. . ly ticipate in tbeae orriea of the . Tbe oo Joar co echve buildin1 pUI'JIOML . danoe. Everywhere one soea where

Tbil fact will permit the Board and aepahrately

d afre mo


Wg he

ha.ven there ia dancing the different

f E . d 1 O.. L th and eart to I' t>at t. e &II tog- T o duoatJon to apen - wan e . · forma nf thl' Tango and rot are •110,000 uked for from tbe public. ton Rite proJect. . Unfo:u;te� to be eeeu. The variou1 country It meana that tbe Wuhinston �ach ar�m




dm�t t 11bli � • cluba have foraaken solf and ten-

rt · tb b t d oh t IDjftOD 111te U a e IDto 0 VIOD. . , d ) . h R prope Y 11 e ea an eape1 Fl 1 id b dd" . ld Dtl t.o tn n ge to t e craze. e1-

l Hi h rat t wu H t e a 111on con

AUCTION SALE ! ProepeatlYo ttt•••n at

the Ale of tho ro•l­•ORH of

D. B. Collins on --

Friday, May 30th aro lnYlt.. to Itt• \

throuah the


p aoe. It meana that tbe 1 ad i di tauranta and botell have opened School buildin1 on the not be � . e. � 1 arr:wen�

h •· their ball rooma, where tbe pu- � ��===�===����

lltreet eide and the futlll'tl IOhool ap�a� 10 t 10 amo e. . er a ions may be arou1ed to tbu detri- =-------- --------- -- --- ----)luildinl on tbe Walnut atreet aide obJections

. lwcrune atomtcal and ment of mental and pby&ical

will rive Weatfield the moat 10&1- to be VIewed throurb powerful health. Even the eonntry dlatricta OBITUARY. niftcent aohool in New Jeraey at lenlel. Then the trump card wu hav11 modified the old faabioned William 8· Hale.

the leut pouible OOit. played, the �uick:aand1, �d be- '"'Dial dance into a form of tbil William s. Hale 41e4 at hi• home, b ld I tb luutd tb th .. � 1161 Hllhlan4 avenue, yeeterda7 Read the article of Mr. Oeorp 0 e qutc I, "" e e:r.cu1111 for l mornln1. at�r an llln• of about one " li " f "ta at lid ••- ·

Starin Cowle1, a civil en!Jineer of 1 .pperyne� 0 1 0 ure, I ·

Westftelo.l thus far baH been free year. Mr. Hale wu born In Ithaca,

,reat ability. It il 00 another ed mto obliVIon. f th" d M . N. Y., and moved to Wfletflel4 about Do not be be iled and charmed rom 11 l&eue. ay we rematn forty-three yean a1o. He wu con-page, and, when read, cannot but b d 1 t

Ill Th W ah free . Bo far u we know, our own necte4 with the llrm or c. P. H. Gll-

convinoe any fair-minded man that . Y u ce arrumenta. e a • IJvlf Club hu not opened ite doora bort, Arcbltecte, of New Yorll Clt7.

the WubinjJton lite projeot will IDgton aite atandl out aa t�e molt to thia iru uit and we bo e that He waa a member of the Eplecopal . reuonable the moat beautiful and Q Y P ' church of which at one time he live Westfield the moat practical th t ' "bl W 'lid h for ita own Hke, it may never do an active worller and leader or

and beautiful aohool iu New Jer- e moa 18011 e.. e m ave 80. Tbe whole matter really reatl choir, belnl a mualclu of merit.

ny. Mr. Cpwlea hu done bon- a achool, the law 11 ad&mant. . with the arentl and the arent• Ia eunlved b7 a widow. on• IOD,

dredl f th dl f d llan Vote for the belt-the Wuhin1- � . ' . P Harry M., and one dau1hlir, Harriet 0 OUIIUI o o t "te 1 1vl,o permit thetr children, old or A., all re��l4ente of thla pw:e. The

worth of municipal buildiu1. Juat 00 11 vonnr to rrvel in thil new form of funeral aervlcee will be held from now be ia en1a1ed in buildlnr 8 tl fl. � iibt>rt�m are nnworth of bein ble late re��l4enee on Bllhla�4 ne-

The Pearsall Company



we can get . We know that nothing short of

the best wall papers and fair prices will bring it. We have none but abaolutely

current styles. Let ue show you our lines

of wal l paper decorations and sugrest ideas

adopted to the room you wish to decorate.

H. RUSSELL " CO., Inc. 11 PROSPECT ITaB£1' , ... .. WII'I'FIELD. II. J,

h · 1 · y . . The Board '• I'IBOlal or1an an- 1 I nue, on Frlda7 afternoon, at 8 . ao oap1ta 1D onkera whioh Will coat . llot'ially reoopiud in our com- will be oon4ucte4 b7 the a ..... Dr . .. _______________________ _ over •100,000. Hil opinion il the 0?�cea that If tbe munity. Starr aultte4 b7 Rev. H. Rlllb, or apert•1 opinion. He teU. 01 that A lplendld Cltisena vote for the tbe Ep!Kopal church. Interment

it il pouible to build a aohool to Oampatp. purcbaee of tbe lot SCHOOL NOTES ;�';....�

w�a4e In the tamll7 plot In

meet every requirement 66.:r.140 °0 Walnut 1treet, the The CountJ Bpelllnl Conteet will

feet and that it can be p�t 00 the Board will not iuue bondl to build be held In RoMile to-morrow at-

1 ' " th . . . . a aohool bonae for some time. Thil ternoon. There will be a number WOULD a•JB"" ,1.000. ot WI out hiitinr e1ther qwek- or w .. tlltll4 etu4ente to compete ,. ..,

aand or water. But more th8ll becauae the preaent bond market tor the bonon. The Men'a Club of tbe Bethel

t.hia, there il abundant evidenoe il poor f01· municipal bondl. Mlu Morrie, the pb7alcal euper- Bapt11t church will conduct an all-4aJ

ha · k _._ - .. n. th Compare with the above 1tate- Yleor, wll chaperone the 70UUI ladlee rall7 In that church on Su4Q nest t t qwc Ban ... are a -y -- at . of the bl&b ecbool on an outln1 to with Mrvlcee at 11 a. m. and I and the proiMi.ty conatitutin1 Wuh . went the letter lflven out by the Ecbo Lalle on Satullda7 at�rnoon of 8 p. m. The battle CI'J of the men inston paJk il the very belt fur Board from the Aaaiatant Commla- tble weell. Gam• and refrubmenta Ia uooo which aum th•7 will &1'7 f d . aionl!f of Education Meredith. He will be part of the afternoon pro1ram. to raiN. ReY. J. A. Jordon 11 the oun at1on plllpOML Ruuell Ooltra and Clll!or4 EwiDI, putor or the church u4 will it .... all

Here il the letter of the 811p. wrote that Weatfield MUST have of the bllb �ebool tracll team . were the &��letlllce In ble power to help Pl.....t•• b 11•• tf JISUIAICE eer and former eohool truatee who additional achool room AT ONCE. entered Ia the Columbia UnlnnltJ the Mn'e Club w euceee4 In -- f had oh d "+h th buil�l-- The two conditiona are confiict- &amee, Jut Saturday afternoon, tor errorte. Or Bti'NWiq tr LMalq Oa mu to o w1,.. e , ....._ . . . the bait and quarter mile dub ... of the preient aohool. He il a man 101· It w?uld be well for the Olti- Ewln1 qualllle4 In bl1 beat and came ARII YOU A IUBBCRIBIIR! U _ .... ... lltrtpae of intelrity and hone&ty. Hil abil- zena to thinlr. thi1 over. It would In a!J:tb In the finale. not, wbJ not SUBSCRIBII NOW!

ity ia not to be que.tioned. Read be well alao to have t�e membflra ):::::::::::::::::;:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::; this and tunile when the word of the Board recownle the two . J " quiokaand" il m811tioned. •tatementa.

"I ,..4 with lntareat the dla-They tell Ul if we purohaae the

cuulona on ecbool boUM alta, a11o lot now for .11,000 that no 1ohool report b7 en•lneen and arobl- will be built until the bond mar­teet. You oqbt to remember ket il better. In other wordl at (the editor) all about the " . . . ' teo& trouble when Han7 KDllbt, u'}'o the Olttzenl Will pay �50 a J. 0. Clarll, Green an4 Corer cop- year until the property il uaed. 1UtutM the Bohoo1 Commlt&M Thill mllBDI that the Board of Edu-wben Wub1D1ton l!dlool wu . . built, about 11101, u4 Pottar wu cation beli�ve that thla particular appointed, At that Ume be wu plot will moreaae in value over bll1141q a aobool at tl)50 a year. Again, it il the eon-R. 1., or which the f · · •L- h bo d Bohool Ia a 4apllcate, aDd A. N. le�UI 0 OplDlOD .... t i e D Carputer, ooatnctor, or Nor- markf t will not better itaelf for at wlcb, Conn., buUt both. leut two yeara. Tbe period for

"BqPit rov. wrlw them ull- dj . . . 1q 11 tta17 bad &IIJ trouble wltb rea uatment, tak.in1 mto the ut-tbe llftiUD4 wbu th., bull& Wub- nation the e«eot of tariff ohanse•, tqtoa Bobool, otbU' thu It belq the e«eot of advene railroad lel(ia-�!� ':.�t �:� b:!� ':o '�: lation, and the re-eatablilhiDI of tb .... toDI a aquare root, If prop- municipal Oftdit muat oover oYer erlJ 4ealped u4 It lila to O&ri'J two yeara at the Ytry leut. iliaC wellbt. Tb a._ h ''I tulll1aH the po•ad an4 e ...... te uy1 we muat ave a lo1m4attoa for the Bohool Com- new achool NOW. Whether we buy mluet aM pull4 tb- Ra" or limply build, we hava the word JOil teteetld anr .,.., Potter of the Board thai t.hey muat act at ou teU \.lle loacl tbele oan'1· ONCE. Tbll feature . IM8Dll to U1 all ci&J with loU ot -.. ud prooedure whioh wUl eoeroe the

''W e T ak e the Tar Out of Tarvia''

In Chlldnn'• Cloth•, Carpeta, Rq.. etc. ' The ltMt nmedy for thl. 111.adleu peet ••• prenleat In W•dleld.


Frutchey Pharmacy Co. BROAD AND ELK lftD'I'I

"Tbllre are ao qlllllbudll lt'l to prevent the of I urallJ the aeepap will ronow . lrom DlldlaJ, \o.arll, l'rolliM& &M voter�� mto YotiDr tor the Walnut •••HI••••• .. •••�•••-••••4••••• ... 1•.1


Youaa Peotl•.


C hinese ' ,; 0-9 �·" at

· � . ..

. .

F111T 11. E. CHUR� UJIWAY, N. J.

FrWay Ewenln •• Play aa .. .... .. _.


NOTICE Ta tlae PuWlG of lV

.,.. .............. are aow .. - fOI' ......... aad ... aa- •• 1111 lllada. WIOUH VLBAJIIINO A llPI�CLIWI.

Or4ara attea4e4 to bJ

CBA& H. WEBB ....

& & BlOWN

Is It Worth ,6.00

Per Year

to knu\0· that fOUl dt'ed•, mo� ._ pollclea 01ul uth"r valuahl..,. are al*>lately lafe'l' Tbe to. or •u·<hiPntal d..,.trartloa of 011e fNIP"'' qtR - a 1arp r>p<'n.., to y011.

Our \'aalte ...., of tbe tblel& OOIIItrlleUoa IIIII _, protf'C'tro hy the - moden dftiftll. 1 upcot'doD la't'lt.ed.

T"E Peoples National Bank of Wntfteld

c ....... ...... ud· Prea,.at ltNDta

T H E .. I L L I O :N D O L L A R B A N K

ltll. I LOCAL NEWS IN BRIEF Rchool Elt'l'tton - ,.._..,. -- 1' Ml• MetloD lr't'lnr, of Central •••

, .... May 1 0 . nue, waa the IUMt of Ml• JeDet Mr. Leonard Appleby \'lalted f1'1ulla' s ..... of North PleiDDeld, tblll we10k. 1

In !lomenlllfl Jut WMik, I Mn. O..Orp Lord, of New Yorll 1 11:. A. Walt• and femll), of a- CltJ, IJiaDt the w•k end wltb frlendl !

ple�e. mond on Saturday to Newerll. on IADos e\'e'Dlll. I Atte11t1on 11 called to tbe aotlfle of , Mn. V. 0. 811rtla, of B11elld .,.... the Ml•lonery Pareant ID eDOtbM' nue, left Jut Batarde:v for ell elltlllld· eolumn of tble l•ue. ! ed otay at Atlutlc City.

Tile rerular meettnr or Willard : Stuart 8aantt.n, a ltudent at lA­W. C. T. U. will b• beld 011 Tawda,., , blab, epeat th Wftll e11d at the home May 10, at s · 30 o'�lock. i of ble mother 011 EucMd ennQI.

Mr. eDd Mro. C'hariM T. H:r-llp, of ' C. N. Coddllll, of tba Boalnard, Proepeet 1tre..t, artl on au elltuded baa parchued a Rambler tourlnr oar \'lilt wltb rr;..ndl In Joliet, 111. j tbrourb the Darby Motor Car Co.

Mr. liild Mn. JobD A. Mum,, of ll4n. Dr. Du111aa. of St. Peal'1 Brooklyn, formerly of thla tcr4l'll, .,1• lti'Mt, 4Dterta1Ded the 111- Keifer, lted frleDdl here lut wwll. of Nt1w York City, Oftr thfl ••k end,

II I l-. r. W. Wlt.tlle, of Broad 1tr"t, r. eud lin. J · F. Cowperthn te, will eDtertllla the memben of the of Kimbell nenutl, will ull for Baa- Utr'D PIDoeble Club, at bl1 bo- tbla laad the letter part or tbla -tb. ne��lnr. 11111 Maraaerlte Oreen'II'C04, of s..e tiM .-Jblllty for another l!:lm ltlMit, eDttlrtelned tbe II� bulldlns OD tbe Welblnlton eebool TeJQtor, of BrooklyD, darma t1ae put lrroaDdl u abo- In dlqram on pare week. t , aDd \'Ote •-rdlnrly.

lin. Martin o.-,, of Peril 1ti'Nt, Ml• hn11le .....,., .... of Brook-e��tertelned tbtl memben ot tbe lyn, bel been tile 111•t of lin. Tlce, Brldp Club at her home oa lloaday l of Hlrblud annue, duriDI tbe peat eftern-. week.

Mr. eDd lin. William 001114, of lin. P. H. IIDDJ, of W•Uield e\'11-Euclld nenue, e��tertelned a llamber nue, bu bleD entartaiDIIII reletl\'el of frlellda at brldre 01 l'latllrday -. from Greenwood Loake durlnr the peat lnr lut j weell. · Cbarlft Powell , of AlbUI')' Peril, Mlu Carrie Kennedy, crt Welnat baa parcbaMcl a boue 011 eeatral etr .. t. will entertain the -'beft of

, annue, lllld will abortly ""DPY It the OuiJa Club at dinner oa tH --� wltb bla family. ln1 of May U . lin. Retbban, of IIJ'8tiO. Coull., 8. C. Howell of Cb•tnut ltreet. wbe 1 wbo bel beaD .,laiUDI her daurlltar, has been erltlrally Ill at bla b-e for , lin. 8a11ndera, of Euclid ueaue, bu th• put four WMIII, 11 Nported kl be l. n�tumed to her bome. on tbe road to reeo•ery. lin. Wlnlller, of Jereey City, a

The Board of Parll Commleatonen · former reel•ut of thl1 towo, bu adjourued tbelr r•rular m"Unr from been tbe rueet of Mn. C. J!l. Beech• lut ennln11 until tonl11bt. u tbere l lold durln1 tile put weell.

. •a• not a quorum pr-nt. Bt>lon mellln11 up your mind re-t' 0 R M � 1"-1 .John c. Ro...,rane of North .,.... prdlnr the eehool lltuatloa, read tbe ' b ' editorial on pap I, eDd ertlet• on. It II elmoet too obvlouo to need poiDtiDI out that nne, hal been entertaiDIDI bll mot er : PAll• 1 a'nd 4, eDd 1'ote auordllllly. a apeelalty ehop or eotabllohed reptuatlon lbould Mro. John W. RDI...,rena, of BI'ODII· · Mlu Etbel Appley, who Ia attead­be too jealoul or Ito good name to take ebancee. lyD, darlnr the peat -11. 1111 11Chool 00 LoDI llland lpent the ID ecceptlar a dlatrlbutlnc a&eney for E.._ Harry Miller, of C..ntral nnue, ••II end at tbe bome or her pareate Jloalery, we took no rbancea-aDd we knew lt. !!tat• llflllt for tbe "8tat1" llllr re- It H 1 lnterrlty of quality, rood 1tyle en<! belutr or porto the aele tblo w•ll of a four- 0 11 err 10


ue. M ... f llnllb mark the E•erw.,... product. r. an n. eorae . v.le. o ryllndt�r to luu Rcadder, and • 1 New Bruuawlcll annae, Rahway, en-It 11 rood enou1b to 1raee our abell'•, eDd It "Rob Cat" roadater to R. II. D . .Jeell· I tertalned Donald Gordon of tbla hal found place tber lor that reaeou. E\'ery 1011 •

pair 11 woven aa carefully u boelery can be. · place, over BaDdey. every pair 11 nawleH--<lr 11 not�we will replace Tbe reaular monthly mMtiDI of Ml• laebelle Du1benell and Ml• It with a pair that 11 Dawl-. tbe Adnnl!tl Club will be beld at tbe Ethel !lartorloua, of the Boulnard, lme and liCk tbe Pair. fl.IIO to .. the Bo• born• of Mr. and Mn. II. T. Camea, : w ill laue 011 Saturday of thll weell

or Hl11hland anDae, on l'rtdey .WD• l' for a •l1lt wltb frle11d1 In Welt Vlr-"All tha� the name lm•U•" ln11 of thla wMII. 1lnla. a-rno MoDday •••niDI, June I, Mr. and lin. Dnuu, of Harrlaou ''OLD SHOP-NEW caEAnONI"

for the rompllmental')' reeltel to be neDue, wbo ban bela Ylalllnl C LA R K 1 s Wettflel. Ba .. NIIklf alven In tbe auditorium of tbe Waah- 1 lrlond• In New Yorll Cl� for tbe put lnJton l<'hool by th• memben of tbe four weella, returned to their bome

: 1 EITAILIIHBD •- 1 1 Hl�rh Rcbool OIH Club. I on Friday Jut. I � .. B .,. 0" D ,.;;:, T A e e T Tbe RDI'Iel and Llt8nl')' Circle of D. A. Carroll, of Broolllyn, bu ., ill "" "" 0

th" Firat Method lit Cbarcb, will meet parcbued tbe Tbompeon bouM 00 011 Friday afternoon, ·0r tbla w"ll, at Hlllalde ennue, and after ••teDaln

We Sell ''OLEO" AS

" 0 L E 0 " And Not As



DLBPBOK• .ot 110-116 .Aft DOAD .,....,.




Proper Straw Hats ULTRA BTYLIBH

Sueb a wide ranre of Dobbl' atyl• ere bel111 1bo- tbla --. you may ploll and chooee aa your faney dlotatea. !lome IIIIa tbe b treme Hlrb Crow11 wltb the uw-tootb edp othen' tbe Low Orowa wltb tbe doable thick brl111, and atlll otben prefer tbe rerular oeble edre Bennett or lpllt Hata.

Soft Btrawa, too, ID !lpllt, Mar.lllnaw and tbe eMr-popalar Gull• lne P1111emu.

•• 00 FOR EXQBLLKMOII •• 00 FOR PEJUI'IIKl'l'lbR Olll!WUfll P.lN.lii.U. fii,OO AND ... 00

G O R D O N Leadlnl Hatter and Furnleher



lntaiUI••t lenkle •••ndabla "•nhudlae o,... EYDnlnla


SUGHRUE'S . SCHOOL of DANCING Prector'a E .. t Jai'HJ ltreat Theatre BuUdlnlt ELIZABETH, N. J,

3 o'cloell. at the borne of Mn. 0. W. laltenllona are eompleted will IICC!UPY lleattyl, ID Bton•lllp Peril. It wltb bla family.

Mlu Etta Bbleld, of ll:ut Broad Mlu Olin Clark, daulbtflr ol Mr. ��"AR' V SPRJNG tb bolenhlp end lira. Chari• Clerk, of Clar" a.. a.. 1 etrM't, hal won ano er ee atr11t will 8Dtertaln a number of her The freab, new BpriDI V...U.blea

you've heeD enylnr for tb- ••UID · -bere tbey are: General Danclnl Every Tue•day and Saturday ::

In tb" tlnlnnlty of Cblearo. Mlu little 'rrleuda tomorrow afternoon to Rhlt�ld 11 • �rnduate of tbe local Hlrb oelebnte bar elrbtb birthday. Rrhool aDd Va-r Collep. Mr. Paul Deardaley, of !lome"llll, Prlnte � a lpealalty r� .. -•· 1.-uo The N'port of two e&tnMn and Mr. F. 1 •. Job1110n, lira. W. Doremu• ---------------------------- th� builder of tbe P'""Dt eebool, wbo aDd Mlu Jenuy Woodratr, of New-


W H Y il it that when we once make a suit fer a lady or • rentleman that they always "come-back" and recommend us to their friends

BECAUSE We are just as particulRr about the ftt of the garment •• they are

BECAUSE just as soon as a new iabric or style is out it reaches our style shop

BECAUSE l·s combt'ned with economy in price Perfect workmanship

Tbe Clnnlftlt THAT'S WHY

Preulalt Dyainl and Re,.triDI Y O U R WAY

we do is

The New York Tallorin& Co. A. GOLDBERG, I'Np.


F R IE NDLY I NTEREST , Tba frtaodly lntereat of our depealton

and the IMd will and eenfld•llGI of the

pubUa are valuable .... ta of thl• aan:. and matarlal •••nalN In Ita aontlnu

1rowtb uul euceea•·

1 To them •• attrlbuta aur ••landld

,ro .... a. 1 Tha ..,.wat af the amallDDt bel.! ...

boldar aad that of tbll lariD aof70Ntloll we aor41al1J wahaJM allka.


r I 0 r L I" B O ll i B .A H K r o a B O K I

P o • t O f l t c e B u l l d l n l

enmlned tbe anllabllltJ of tbe arll, were the w"k-eDd �ooo�•ta of Mr. Waebln&loll acllool aroa1ldl for ell aDd lin. Leonard Appleby, of tbe additional balldlnr, will be f�and Ill Doulenrd. the leadiDI edltortr.l 011 pep · The Btata Board of lklucatloD uy1 Tbe Cbarcb of Ooc1 end Balnta of we MUIT be.,. more eobool fao:llltlea Chrlat. of Plalnlleld, will bold llr· - diiiDtar•ted arcblteet 1bowe, oa ..te• BaDday e.ular, at 7 : 10, at pare t, It Ia po811ble to put It on tbe Hu1b'1 bell, WeattMid, oorner Rab- Wuhln1ton achool rrouDda at lower way nenue and BprtDI .treat. All eoet. Vote aeeordiDrly.

are weloome. Tbe member• of tbe Dorcaa Society

Dulde1 the abon, we OU'I'J' a eplendld, reuonebly prtoed U.e ol fancy and 1taple ..-rl•.

Order tocley of THIS lroMrl'•

The lloeqalto l!hrtennlnetlon Board of tbe J'lnt Pr•bytarlu oburoll will will ebow a tbe PluboaM l'rtday 1 bold a "Camp J'lre" In tbe Parlab aDd 8atarday enDiap, ID one reel, H- 011 Tbtu'ldeJ e.,ullll, May 11, tb" worll of tbe IDipeetor, DDt! the at a o'oloall. RefrMbmeDtl will be llle ol the m01qalto. Tble Ia In ed· M"ed ud a uoyel aDtartalnmeDt -;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;' dillon to tbe PlayboaM'I reruler et- pro't'lded. � trentlotl. Three caadldat• were IDitlated

LawrenGe'8 Market ��"��

Tbere will be • tree llllt•N OD IDto the order ol the Pride of W•t· ChrlatlaD BeleDee ID tbe Cbarcb et field COUDCII Daqbten Of America, Crnford nnt Tueaday enniDI, May at the meetiDI beld on J'rldey evea· IOtb. William D. MI!Craellen, C. 0. 1n1 lut. The delree team of tbe B . . member of tbe Mother Cbareb, ID Bllaabetb Couoll, Jlio. ,0, did tbe Jloeton. Mall.. will be tbe lecltarer. lDitlatory work. The public are ID1'1tad to be pr-t. Ma,.or J:naa, Coucllmu DeCamp,

LAGG R EN 6. G R E E N E ... odMI ..... Awnin&• and Window Shade•



W E G O I V E a Y W H E a E

The N�Uiar monthly m•t1n1 of Ae�eaeor Cnerl• H. DIDIIlan, C. 11:. the Equal rrraacblee IAaiUI, of W•t- Pearull, Jud1e 11:. R. Colllna and W. fteld, will be bald MoDday, May lll, J. s01ert,·Jr . • will 10 to Hl1b Drldll at 3 o'cloell, at the bome of Mrs. r. 8· 011 Tburaday eveniDI to attend tbe Rtur�tla, fiOB Boulevard. All mem- auuual banquet of the Board or Trade ;����������������������������� bere ere cordially IDVIted to atteDd, of tbet plao:e. The trip will be wade and any 'll'bo are dealroaa of alp� by automobile. tbe eonotltutloD are yery welcome. I The m-ben of tbe 8. A. C. held

Tbe Dalay Supper, held at the · a mMtiDI aDd were eDtartaluad at Branch Milia Chapel J'rtday ..,.,niDI, the home of JCdwiD Shield, oD Broad waa lu everJ wey a 1rend •u-. atreet, o�' lilaturdeJ . e1'eaiDI lut. botb Dnantially and otberwlae, and There were twuQ'-four memben It glvee great credit to lire. Old- praaDL Tbe n1111D1'1 euterteiD· Ludlow aDd lin. Cbarlee PlenoD, JJWIIt haeluded IODII by ........ who arr&Died tbe culaiDI. 0\'er two Baeblll&ll aud UDderwoo4, eDd MY• hundred people partook of the meal. 1,.1 olrfer tl'lclla by Prof. J'red DoH-

Large rODINiatlonl Wire prlllllt rar. &efr-.bmente end ID\Oir.el Will at the Baptlet cburrb Jut 8uaday. A 11ned dariD• the eYeDIDI. , 1peclal aenlce oceupled tbe bour l MaJor II:YDDI wu lDIUeted IDto tbe !rom 12 to 1 o'doell. W. A. Damp- order or J'oreaten at the m"tlD1 of 18y preelded. Short eddr•HI were tbat orpulaatloD oD lloDday evllll• made by A. J'. Or1111t, .tt. E. Needblllll, 1a1. Owle• to the feot U.t the J. w. 0111'11 eDd L. 0. VeDD. The Mayor r-tly bed the mlafortaDe Mlu• MarloD KeDaey eDd EI8IDOr to be tbropD fro111 a bllrM, tile For­Garcia IIDI a duet aDd Stanley Jouea -:llall' "loat" wu oYerfad oa BUD• IIDI a eolo. At'the cl.oM of the Mr- lfay 10 Uaat lle would be • llttle vlee the paa:or, Re1'. C. J. Or• I· ai"PY ud aot up to bla uual ilt&lld· wood, baptised Dn of tbe JOUDI peo- ard of playfuiD-. It Ia reported pie. The 11rvlce wu yery lmpr- tbet &he Mayor e11joyed the rio &A­lye. ! 11101t u IIIUoll u H ••JoY• • ride oa

RQmoud W. Bmltb, - of ,...... 1 bta fe't'ortta eorrel. bolder C. A. Smltb, of tbl Boulevard, left 00 P'rtday lut for JapeD, 't'la.l DOIU OOMKITn:II IBift'l. I ID elibt IIIODtH' Ball J'rau�laeo. �: tllet oouDti'J· He Tile J:liCial Commltt.. of tbe towa


We make a apeclal object of turuin1 out latmdryworlr: that dtl. The llhirta that we launder fit like DeW. The aollan that we launder are 10 lhaped that they wlll llt jlllt u the maker iDtended. E•e17 prmeut, from the 1mallelt to the larp�t, il h&Ddled with 1uch care and precil­loD that we paraatee "'D1'7 piaae to bD per­feet�)' laudered.

U we are uot 1'ttlD1 JOur laaudJrtrorlr: it would •rWD17 pay JOU to trive ua a Uial.

IES�fl£11 DEAl I HAND L_JIJDIY JO-n Pruped Street " Telephone 131-W

or • Jl&�: ·��ereat of the O..eral ooudl bald • •"tiD• 1u& e'NIIIDI ,_ lD Co

• wbo are erectiDI ID tbe towu bell. It Ia reported tlla& Blectrle mpany,

tb Tolllo J:lec:UiG tbe nb)lct "' diiCantoa wu tbl ap­a lerP P•aDt ��'w..!111 • aabarb of pllcalloa of tbe Craeford Golf ClaiJ CompiiiiY

M at 11 ltb wUI relll\'1 the for a club 118011, end tb&t the &oWU Tolllo. r. w

oniiiUllatton who auo,..,- p't'e hll opiJitoa Ulat tbe 1aper1Dtand:t �=� eoulltlJ. H� wUI wwu eouell oould uot lfllllt -h I will retum urten Ia tbe Alllll'l- lleelue. bat that the -ria wcnal4lll!:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::� mall• bla beadq ' liD" .. be a� &o. call eoiOIIJ' a& 'f ol!ollaaD-

/, . ,

Plm-..._ .u.. ...... u.u lltr Tnuieah



Nri Aveae Betel "'-' ._....... ... ,...._, ... tNIICIMat ...... ...._ ... ....... ... &•to•aldle ......... . ..... IAU&J •

............ debr .. .....

Nertii Aw.u WeetflaW �------------� 1 Fresh Fish1

Ahraya .. aale .


BANANAS Ia rge, fine f r u i t , caref

_u lly

sf'lected and not ripened 10 a sub-cellar. Always the bewt.

OMNQF.8 Florida and California, all and priu., but one quality·-tbe �t.

ALL KINDS of FRUIT and always the best, which is the cheapest in tbe end.

Ala a.m. .... OyfteN D u G H I ' s Ja .... n The Btl Fruit ami WestlieN :;,: Market c • ..r..u.nery lton

BI'OIId and Proepec:t St.. H. S. MAN N I NG, Prop. �==�=======� ...... ... • .. .... lkreet -;:

Tel. IN Olllee •• El• lt.



II O D E il A T E R A T E I

WMtfleld, New Jei'Hy

T. H. Watkin's Ridin& Sehool

In new Qreuu P L A l lf P 1 · � .. , , J .

Sweet Thin&

Louis Glasser

Statieller ••II Newsdealer New•,.,.r . .... lllapai-Dell.,.,.. h ... .._ •.

1 18 E. lnant. Te1. 3U-J

l 'f ... tr u• Jtwta.

--.u S'IIUIB'I' ...... lt• �r


.nn\faliy 81LVEIW4Q cur �

-... .. � . ...... �, ..... .... l�Pt

Alexander Hunt

�& "'Rm AVENUE P•tia& ud Wellpaperia&


Orders promptly .Ule4 for all sizes. The best grades and clean 8CI'eened.

April prices are the lowest. Don't neglect to order your

winter supply during this month.

T lJ TT t.. � DAOS. Ctal, .._ .. ,, .._., laflrltl, IIIII W•k

.... ... om., .-1 Y .... C.rner W ...... Aft. ... IJrlnl 1t.

This is a store that satisfies every de•tre of the dweller in the city home, the aeashore cot­tage or the mountain bungalow.

This is a store that fills every want in Furniture, Draperiea, F l o o r C o v t r i n g s, Household Goods and Outdoor Needs.

Thla la a store that sells only tood• ol dependable character and aella them at the lowut poulble prlcea and oa a plan of payment that ..... l\ e.-y 191' all to buy.

Wt Rt·walw.btt•r Flll1\lt\lft. We Clean an• Store Lace C...-talna. Wt Pl.ce Fun and Rut• ln Cold 8torat•· We Jlake lllp Coven anti A.waln ... We Fumlah He.-.. Ce�lete-Piakln.

aU the Selectlona-Auurinl Perfect Harmony anti the Greatnt Ecenomy.

HAH N E & Co Bree•. New •• lhllrr • Streetl, NEW All, It J.


� :.::...:::.__ -�-�--- ---- -

--- --- - ::;-r i I ' ' ) I ()


.. .. ..

, If II •

II • '

.... ':..:...--------....., IOI.oYIIPH! P4R1l WILL Ofn

G A Rw 0 0 D Oi'I:RA'I'hl nuow ta:r 80 IIANY HEAR LECTURE t

W!lle Olflllplc Pari!, Newarll'a n- W� "-blr 11a11 Pllled ran Ill eatertalnaent raeort baa c.....,_ ._ --�-come tamou beeaa�e nt Ita beautltal , J' . .. _,. ._.._

ecenerr, quint 4llecl.rleal etrNtl 1184 An nnvauall:r tar..- r.nd141aoe tiled

Bn:r WOtlllded iD OM, ... I.-d) Qtdte a.dlJ Ibn hi ou- - Olla

Tlml � cotr N1 1 1· Mt:ETINO. optendld aceommodatloDI for Ylalt--mbly ball ot the Wntlleld

"r. John 1 1 . CllRh waa dul:r aworn ora, It Ia the blrb �lau pertormucea thflatr. buiMinr ta1t Thun4a:r "--

bTbe larp aamller of aaiiDmOIIIIel

';. RM'ordP•· • IIV'!ID at tbe o.,..ra Honoe, tbat draw

ln1 to hear Jolla J. Rlellar I!Ye bill t at were n tile ftrloaa eou•tr roada

• !ll..,.t com mit t..., was autborlaed tbouunda of people to tbat ala· tamou lecture ou "Bu Rar," wbleb on 8w.a..,. atwnaeoa ma4e tile two

run 1 ! 2 Inch pipe under the aide- resort to enJ<-J' the artlatlc co:� 0 ' be llaa beautltull:r lllutrated bJ' daDIWOUA CON41rl ••r W•tleld

to lk to drain property on tbe aortb era portormancq, p- IDftna of tbe ltereoptleoa. Tbe lea- more ......,_ tbul n�aal aad al-

•• of !'lorth avenue, on wbtcb coa- Somewhat a departure from tare waa ntremel:r late,..tlaa aad t- Mllklnu beppened no

:::rtbie water 111111, alloo to clean out lona HUoniJ, tbe manapm601 P:�j WOlldertnllJ welt P,_.ted bJ Mr. 11- _,. 1-.

.. old rulvert. Tbe Borouch Cieri! P,_.,t malnl:r tbe comle operu b Hleller. At tlle CIOnllr of tbe Bprlapld

lnotrurted to communicate wltb ltl.ndard anthon, under tbe 41,.! Otber featurea of tbe eftllhlll'l and New Pnl'ftdnM road• two �•n

: eountJ authorltlel about tbe mat- tlon of tbe Franklin BICiott Co Prnwr•m ""' plano aoloa and dHta ran Into -b otber. A larp tourlnr Producllona wilt 111 P-tld • .,;.,. bJ tbe Ill- Tra,.nor, and aoloa bJ ear own�'bf Jh'. W. 0. Doblon, of

-;,. public Service co . wu notltlld eMD1n1. lnillulllnl Bulla:r and 00 Ill•' lleCartb{. of Jerea:r Cltr. Poqblleel)lle, N. Y., wu runnln11:

cbange the llrht trom tile middle 8aturda:r atternoona, wltb 1 weelll Followlal t e entert&ln1Dot due- -t on tbe llpTie ... ld ��� wben "

: Walnut 1treet tn tile corner of cbanp of bill. Tbe Wednelda:r mai. IDI waa Ia order and tllla t•taN waa Repl tourtna eaT, drtftn bJ' tbe own-

1ftiDII and Nortb annue. In- heretofore I!Yen will 111 omit· IIlio'" bJ' Dllrlr eftPJ' oae p-t. llr . ... ler, of JerMJ' CltJ, ltarted

••· H-ler , chairman of LleenM tell. Tille eoamiU.. Ia allu .. et tile af· to man tbe turn from tile New Pro•-aald aenral pe441en baa Tbe Produclnl departmnta an In

fair were well pleiM4 wiUI tile ,._ ldeaee rna«. Mr. Dobaon'1 c'llalltrflur

laat -- ud bad tbe band• of Dan y0001 one t till of tbelr elorta llotb from 1 e- made • qul�ll tsrn to tbe lett of tbe

to paJ tbelr lloen• oa Bat- prominent •tan or "Tbe 'Plnll C:.... .. unelal •w IOI!Ial llaadpohlt. road .. 4 hlrlJ paabld tbe amaller

�· but 110 tar bad not abowa ap. Compan,., and c. L. lla:Jbood tt_ ear onr l�o tile llltcb, b,_.lna tile

.r. cononr atated that nataral talented IDIIIIcal 41NCtor wb� baa Sl'AHED A"E1l CARD u•E troat •bee! .... ...... of ua. lmaller tPDP oo WilloW IMBUe WeN been IIIOelltld wltb tbe Winter Qar. -- �lr.

1f81t Inconven.._ to tbe Ilea maa..-•t. o.o.u.a A_.., ....._ OoiR7 ._ Tbe laf'I'IJ' oar wu aot llaa .....

• II. Tbe Rtreet committee waa Tbe principle Prima donna will of O.ttlna ANt .._._ In tile Dobaoa .-rtr ,_ Mr. aad 111 c&a4 to 1nveat11•te. Ml• rerae Roaera, late 11ar ot tbe

· --- Mn. DoiiMe aall IOD, wbo Nllelftll 1 llJ'I Prllr- waa reported bJ tbe riN Row MDid Co. M._ Roren ONited llon�J��a. �at o•er tile left ere IDd tile �&Df·

ltt..e. tbe IIDII•nl role In rranell WldtDeJ'• Domlnleo Taecoplno aad feu�. � SupplJ committee recommend· production of "ll:r Little rrtend." R..- aat Ia • tlabt o.., a oa,. Ia tile -Iller oar wwe Mr. aad 1 pul'f"h&.., of new blllaw tor Bbe alao plaJ'ed tbe principal role In ID tbe boue .. 1 Cntnl •-· 011 Mn. Miller, of Jti'MJ Cltr; Mr. and

.. cUmen . Thl• matter waa aet tbe Chocolate Soldier, wben tbat fiDI· hsd&J lut, aad tbe .. bt ....,. Ia 1 Ill• Otto If tblt towa. Altbouab = until tbe ne1tt meetlna. 0111 IIICI!elll •aa Prodacld In Loadoa e11tt1n1, wbktll ..... tbe pollee wwt lllldl:r htabtened ao - In tble partJ

A .,.,.. of allest tttt to I JWI' ap. Ia Ml&lea 141 w for .neral bDllra. wu ln,urld. Bleb drl_. 1111uM4 . 1 boO Ill waa pi'OCDred from n mullcal comedJ uperluM, Ruaao nldentlr 101 tbl lleat of tile the ntber for tbe acetlhll&. aad It Ia '::untant. Tbla matter wa.l aet Ro1era baa appeared In moat of tbe atralr aa be all but -lpe<l lila frtead prokbte 1 law aslt will rMslt.

gtde lor further coullleratlon. atandard operaa abroad. Ml• Roa- before tbe llaht •aa ended. lad 0. At atlost tile •- Ume t- ..,. Tbo htrelng of a doa cateber wu en 11 1 •lvadou• J'ODnl la4J wltb 1 •• lltpllr..,. br otllen wbo - In �.a- toaetber at tile con• ot aroat

rtfer� to tho Pollee Committee. Yolce of 1111lelent ranp to carrr tile Pll'tJ. Taecoplno wu � to •trwt and BpPIJIIIIelt l'f'IDH. One Jllleetlaneouo bllll amoslltilla to tlar0111bout &he entire aQIIItorlum. the ollce of Dr. Laird. oa Ollntral -.. ot t'lle can •M belli& driMD bJ Rarrr

1171 u were ordered pal.. In tbe teeor part, tilt companJ aue, wbere It wu toaad a-., te Hepman, of Craaforll. Itt. H ....

Tbo """'tlnl! adjourned until Tu- will hiYe • eapable artlat In Artbllr t���r.. fuiiJ • t.en It� Ill tilt maa wu tarnllla Clle corner wben bla

,. 11,, zoth Tbe tall council waa Burclll:r, at preaent leadlnl teaor man 1 �4 to tutea doWD bla lllalp, car wu bit aquareiJ In tbe middle bJ 1' nt wltb "Tbe ROle Maid" Compan:r. Mr. after wblell lloe wu -t to bill .._e 1 ear drl'fea bJ O't'ereaer of tbe Poor ,.... · Burclll:r. In addition to �IDI 1 on Firat ltreet. Ruao made I!IMMI Wilbur, of KeDIIWortll. lin. J. T.

nAMI:i.'HALL. remarllabiJ plllllnl •oloe, Ia an bla _,. &Dd Ia now belnl lluae.d Riddle, of Oran... wbo waa In tbe

Tbo Garwood Be bool Bue Ball IIUI won their third conaec:utln •lc­llrl' on Friday afternoon by defeat­., tbe �rotrh Plalna team by 1 -re 11 11 to v. B11ncblna bitt at lbe

actor ot marlled peraonallty. He baa bJ tbe pollee. Jlepman car, waa thrown out and been aaoclated with man,. Broadwar The tiD&Dt of tbe bo- In wlllcb badly InJured. The cara were both companlea. tbe llbt oeeurred waa arreawd ant dama11d to aome ellleat. Dr. Laird

time made tbe 'flctor:r euy local boya. Schwab twirled 1

Geo. PoultneJ, aa leadlnl baritone, lloeld, ebarpd wltb 'flotation of tbe •a• eummonell to attend tbe InJured comea wltb 1 aplendld 1'8eord, baY- ad• lawa, u It Ia laid beer Iliad memben of tbe partJ. Tbe untortu­lnr plaJid for two Jlln tbe leadlq been aei'Md to tile maa darlq Ute nate onea were tallo to tbelr bome male role In Madame Bberl')'. Pre•- aame of carda precedln1 tbe .... t. bJ Harrr Miller, or tbla plaae. loua to tbat en1arement be played ;�::::::::::::::::::::;:::::::• an Important part wltb "Tbe Bal- 1110 0•0 kan Prlneeao." He po-uea a won- 01110 011110 -

leada tbe Let11ue wltb none lo.t.

of Weattleld, will plteb tho l.aurel A. C. In tbe pme to pllyed agalnat tbe Youn1 llen'a

on Saturday . game acheduled between tbe team and the Cranford Boye'

Monday w11 poetponld on of rain.

ln. Klem , of North a'fenue, Ia ,._ from ber recent llln-.

and M rs. David Leonard apent In RabWIJ.

Hall Signal Co. are preparlnl and are preparlnl tor

of bualneu. New bandl are tlllen on and double time will

bet! ln.

Amelia Becker 11 ata:Jlnl In Yorll City wltb ber dau1bter, 0.0. Graft. Georre and Herman

are :.ooplng bacbelon' ball . . A. D. Waobburn apent lion­Ill Brooklyn with ber auat, Mn. White.

George Llndoey ret11rnell Sat· from llernardnllle, where be

apendlog a weck'a 't'acatloo. and Mra. Cbarlea O ... OfJ are

for a trip to Bolton, Vt., to of Mr. GreJOr:J.

de•fully appealln1 volee and Ia a aplendld actor.

0Yerton Doyle baa been en11red one of tbe principal comldlana. Mr. Doyle'a worll will be remembered In connection wltb lut aeaaoa'• OIJ'IDplc Pal'll CompanJ. The man11ement of Ol:rmple Pari! talln oecaalon to q. pr- Ita 1rat1tude tor tbe app-la· tlon and encourapment wbleb till mualc-tovln1 public baa 10 1eneroua­ly beetowed In the paat.


Tbe Dale:r Supper beld In tbe Branch Mille chapel on FrldiJ neniDI lut pro,._. a wonderful au- not oaiJ aoclall:r but llnanclallJ, •• 1 neat 1um waa reallaed tor tbe benellt of tbe chapel fund. The eupper waa aened under tbe penonal direction of lin. G. E. Ludlow, and tbou wbo were fortunate enou1b to attend MJ' tbat abe 1urpa.ett all ber pN'ftoua recorda tor mallln1 "1ood tblnp."



and Mrs. Georre and Mr. and 1 Edward McMan111 are 'fllltlnl

II. S. McManus, of Tblrd a'fenue. :

FREE LECTURE . . . ON . . .

Christian Science . . . BY . .

William B. McCrackan, C. 0. B. Of New York City

� .r tile Board of IActureeblp of 1M Nolber Chun:b of Chrlll loleadal la Boatoa, �

TUESDAY EVE., MA. Y lOth 1. 15 P. M.

IN THE CHURCH EDIFICE lpdqflalll Ave., Cor. MUa Street,



Van Jluaklrk bu reeonred ��� recent lllneu and 11 able to I' again. Dre department b11.d a tell drill

and a l1r1e percental• of tbtnkln1 there wae 1 ret i out. The alarm waa found i

perlectlJ, but aeventy·tl'fe or the boae was ao rotten II Wher.e • IS the M an

It could barely bold water. Pines dk>d at tbe Elisa·

General Hospital , laet We4n.,.. 1 He lean·• a widow and slit cbll- � D. Washburn took an elabty-tlve trip In b i• machine to NetCOill•

· lut l:latu rday. Ooorge Jlecker attenc.\ed a IUf· meeting In New York laat

party of gypaleu are en­In • dump of woodl at lbe es-

o! Centre street. There 7 5 horses, 111 well aa cblck· anrl other animate, wblcll

car., o! by tbe children. Tbe il• !alrly 11ood order. ot tna Home and Bcbool

w ill be beld In tbe acbool Th uroday afternoon, at I

The purpoH of lbll meetlnl a vrogramme for the eom·

Whido will be prlntiHI and amuogot tbe memben. A I be ll'f8n to the olau Ia.-geot rt�pr-DtatlDD of

L!re�ut. businen meet1n1 wblclo pre­•oclal euterta!nmeat tbe ,._

th� "State CouDcll of MoUI• Wbk:b was beld at Treatoa, U, was read bJ tile prellllenl. B. McM�nue. Tbla waa tbe of tbe �t"" uUI

In tbe tall 'l'be pro-lha entertalnalea� .U u

Who .says he can't wear ready-made clothes ? We want

to meet him face to face and •how him where " Rothberg"

clothes are the equal to merchant tailored garmenta In ftt -and workmanship--and auperlor to tailor made clothes In

style. W hat'• more we want to 5how him where he

.save from $3 to $7 on a .suit and be drested u well •• any

man would care to be.

SPRI NG SUIT§--$ 1 2, $ 1 5, $ 1 8, $20



p rtlcular attention to the care of the details of the Young

:en's Oracluatlon Suits. Come In to look--you "'on't be uked to buy.

ROTHBERG'S ''Most Things Men Wear"

2 1 4 W e Front Street, Plainfield TELEPHONI3 OOS •


.................... pwwr&+MI

L�t IJs St•rt You Ho�ll�k•�pln6 W� Can Do It Best 11nli C:heapea t



Removal Sale! EJ�h da.r_ b_ri_y1 Ill nMrer to our NEW ROME at C'l MARKET STREST, and dMphe the heaviest "!tina we hne

evw er.perienced, dlere atill remain• a tremendoua ato�k "'-' •ut be dhpoaed of before movlna day . We are determiMd to optll our new liON with an entirely new ptook. To IC:COI'JI. pHetl tblt, - have cioN� 4)11r !r• to Jos1 -��' been .0.. reprllle4. and the 111oat DllA8TIC PIUCE CU'ITING hu betll relerted to on ne-t atytel a!MI m•t dependable quaUtl• ol FU RN ITURE, CARPETS, RUOS,

BEDDI NGS, RANOES, ETC • Oolnl Now At lA•• Than Wholesal� Cut

Youna eoaplw pia& te .. OIINk .... DI ud hOlM fal'llllllen, rellttlna for &be Sprtna. ou't •for.ll to .... ftlla 1ale. Take our alll'fioe--


Brass Be�

l·incb Allen Z·lnch Posta

Ezactly Lilu 1 hi.J Cut 110


.. lllwmll

T h ree- Piece f>a r lor Su i te Act ual $40.00 Val ue 120 Mahogany



This Golden Oak $1 9 Table a n ct S i v C.h.n l,r•c;: • •

Tabk I> �.l·I IILII !up � : . J c > l c J I I L '" " l·c� l . Chairs nave • baniater back and ecn uine leatbar llllp aeat.


S1G .. ..... ...... ... . . . .. u ...

. un. ru• .......... .. ....

Princess Dresser


.... $14 ....... .... .... ...... .... .....

Chiffonier IIIIMIIIM ... $14 ..... ...... " .... .. ::.a.,:

I .....

S P O R T S A.ll the .. tMt N-• In


RRROII8 Bl JM1llfm.LI£1If OJVIIIi 1 1111ootera. L. Daabl WOII tlrllt prlle, BOili1BVILLII 11'1118'1' OOUif'r K&rf pin: Orator lleOoaatd, of Rol­

elle Council, llteOI!d, 1tlelr piD; Dclei'-Tbe Cntral New Jerllllf ��� rer, third, tte elup; Barratt, fonrtll,

opened at Bomenlllot Batard&J, Dun- cull button• nat Thand&J nlllbt,

ellen belli& tbe attraetlons, With Jf&J' 11, Bro. P9ter Ta B:Jck. of rtre­\VarrJ lldAUihlln on tile mnnd. aide Council, will entertain lte mem-

Tbe raw ••tiNtr kept all but a few bera and frlenda wllb an hour or awar from the park. llalAqhlln mort� of magic, concludlnl wltb a held 1111 oppcmnta down to tift tlltl rt�productlon of Hondlnl'l famou1 bot 1011 hla tim pmt� tbrou1b Dine ' oecaiJfl work from r-.ulatlou pollee lnfteld erron, more than half made handrutra, lei Iron manaelel, '111&11 In the .. ,...,th wlleu tbl hODII team bop, etc. put four run� o..-er tbfl pan and llwed The room will be open to non-up tbe 1ame. n>Pmb�r• at t o'cl�k. llalre tbl8

fRATERNAL BOWLING LEAGUE : '1'..:"• A\' lllaMJU. Tbll week tiNt new 1roufad1 at vour oll!b t out and brlnl JOur nellb-1 n. Plno A · Uunelleo will he opened and In ban6- b

. or. - - 86�.,. .__. rJifAL I'I'Aitnl !'l'fl or 'I'IU III o\r<•anurn . . . . 14 U.4 1 1 ataod 11118. NMI'IJ UOO w u ra._. . w. L.. �. e. !�,!':.i�;� : : : . . . . . . :: :::m m:u by popular aubecrtptloo aDd wltb a WYAL AMOOiA'I'IOK. =.-:. · · · · · · · · · · · · ·

· : :: = l:.e;:J:• . . : : : : : : : : : : U :UU m.u warm d&J a sreat crowd 18 npecMd. The Lorat Bowlen fMI about U.4 0 Y- · .'.'. : : : : : : : : : : II n = h0�10fl . . . . . . . . . . . :: :f:m m:u Bcor•: DUN.,LL..... .

richer now the -D 18 O"fW. For • ...._ · · · · · · · · · · · · · 11 :: 111 1 @ on · · · · · · · · · · .. ""' four coneeeutl"fe mate bee =-· : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : C 84 = AS BALL

•.B. R. H. P.O. A. B. three out of the four of tba ... •-· · · · · . . . · · · · · · 10 " j B E Gldclee, lb. . . . . . 4 o 0 4 1 1 team• tbiJ either wou the 111'1• RRD lOCK Wll'f .. Aft I --- Dlaon, e . . . . . . . I I f I I 1 10t all three raa•. Look out for

OP LBAOUR IICIIBDULB GRANT IKliiOOL LBAD8 LBAGUE. Wolf, ef . . . . . . . . 4 1 O

I 1 0 out rear. ! The memben of tbe Grut �ebool p . . · 4 0 0 1 1 Tomorrow 4n'8UIDI tbiJ npeet to

Tbe lA&IU• bowllnl 11!U011 wu 1 baH ball team ban won two Lindbloom, I f . . . 4 0 1 1 0 0 ban a tine time. Tb• orator prom-broqbt t.o a cl081 Friday nl1bt wben I' In the .. riM now heiDI plaJ8d bJ Martin, lb. . . . . . I 0 0 I 1 0 l8el another of bl8 nonl atante. tile Junlora and Red Men rolled their tbe younr; entbualute from tbe ....,_ 11ontr011, rf. . . . . 4 0 0 I 0 0 I!:Yerr one of wblcb 10 far bu been lilt HriM. 8Gidner

1 thre


l a11


•J ... the ! eral ICboole of the town. Tb- Bar-. lb . . . . . 4 0 0 I 0 I 100 per eent aupertlne. A lar1• at-llrlt pme bJ mill Dl I J ' r;aml!8 are played on P'rldaJ and Bat- 11 . . • • • . • 4 1 1 0 1 4 tendanee 18 prom ... d. Se•eral ean-aparee and oniJ aeored n. Tbe In- � urdaJ afternoon• on tile ground• on - - - - .....: - dJd&tel are to be Initiated. rrtdar dl8nl were oniJ balltewl plnl. Euclid aYnae. Tbe lln•up and float 14 4 I 14 I I e•eoln1 a bnncb of tbe brotbon will

Tb• Junlon weat after till aeeond I journey In autoa to ArllDilOD Conn-with a ..-enr;eanee With lllnnlck top l ""oree were u followa: BOIIERVIL\11:. ell to belp tb'!lm celebrate tbelr IOtb


• • • BEDDING . .


R. N. FRENCH & SOl E L M S T R E E T a n d N O R T H

man. Whalen pulllled blm Ja11t u i .._cllq of OI•IIL A.B. R. H. P.O. A. B. annlnnarr. The boJI are 011 the bard and both put down a •PAr• and I W. L. Pc. cunnlqbam, If. 4 1 0 0 0 0 jump for application• all the time. ����������������������������� four atrllrea In a ruw. , Grant . . . . . . . . . . . I 1 . 7 & 0 P'renta, lb . . . . . . 4 1 0 0 1 1

The J unlora capturlal the MCODd McKiol- . . . . . . . . 1 1 7110 T 11 0 1 11 I 0 and the 11rta , Lincoln

-'. . . . . . . . . . 1 1 :1100 ��=· l� : : : : : : 4 l l lO o 0 8TATE WILL AID ROAD BUILDING

Tbe Jut pme wu the Indiana' all · Wublnr;ton . . . . . . 0 4 .000 Grt..-. IL . . • . . 1 1 o 1 t 0 Word wu reeel"fed Jut wMk from the waJ, aner tile third frame, and Porter, rf . . . . . . 4 1 I 1 1 0 Colonel Bto"fana, Btata Road Com mil-at 1 1 : 1 0 the camp llree bad burned GRAi'IT VII. M'KINLB:Y. Nolan, cf . . . . . . . I 0 0 0 I 0 aloner, to the ••act tllat the Btete oat end tape were 10unded and all Be G 1 1 11 Kl 1 1 Conti, lb . , . . . . . 8 0 0 I 1 I aid will be glftD In tbe building of wu onr anUI faiL looree: I ore: rant, ; 0 n 11' · Kraft, p . . . . . . . . 4 0 0 0 0 0 Broad 1treat oat to Sprlnltlled aYe-

JUNJOU GRANT II'KINLEY - - - - - nne. Thla lmpro..--at bu been Bllotwell . . . . . . . . 111 .

1 7 1 lU Randall . . . . . . . . . p . . . r. Mutrloannl 14 T I 1 7 I diiiCrlbed In a PreYiOUI lllue of the MoOwlre. · · · · · · . c . . · · · · · · Clpltella l..eader, and the atatement that It Winter . . . . . . . . . 1 4 1 111 1 11 i TownleJ . . . . . . . . lb . . . . . . . . Knapp Score bJ lnnlnp and awnmarr: will add 1,..u, to the Importance Woodru• . . . . · · · 1111 ��: 1118 Coen . . . . . . . . . . . lb . . . . . . . . . . Ro.. Dunellen . . . I 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 o--4 of the town Ia .., • ., true. The road, Dll.oDI . . . . · · · · !:� 111 !�: \ Mcllabon . . . . . . . lb . . . . . . . . . . Qulpp somer't'llle . . 0 1 0 1 0 0 4 0 a-7 when completed, will connect wltb lllnnlck . . · · · · · • I Duke . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . Walbe:rr, Two-bue lllte--TorpeJ, I ; Wolf, the new paftllleut tbet Ia belna laid Totala . . . . . . . 114 1111 IIU Pf•:••r · . . · · · · · . If · · · · · . . HarriiOn Wlltae. Baerltloe bit, rrente. Stolen on the Wftt aide ol the tnulk and Wa ab, Wftp · · · · · ef. · · · · · · · · • Hann b-Wolf, llarUn, Olson, I. l'tnt make a eonnact1n1 link bet- the RJID MD. BIOiterman · · · · · . rf . . . . . J. baH on bala-.o• llcLaqblln, I; o• two llnftt roada In the CountJ. It

BarelaJ . . • . • . • • 1 4 7 111 180 C. BradJ. · : · · · · · rf . · . J. Kraft, I. Peeled ball, Dison. UmpiN, 11 eetlmated bJ l!lull-r Van Whalen . . . . . . . . 111 111 1 1 7 Umplr-Newell, llalfallon. D&IIIJ. the coet of the road will be about \lr&J . . . . . . . . . . . lU 1 4 0 1 70 $35,000. Baldner . . . . . . . . n 101 1 04 GRANT VB. WASHINGTON. GOLF ..... . . . . . . . . . . . 1 1 7 1114 1 11 4

Bcore : Grant, 1 7 ; Wublngton, I. WBIITJi'IELD OLUB TO

$-- £_ 'MlJR.IU Y, 'l'RIII A OOTIOJifiiiiiR Totala • • • . • • • 1 4 1 717 711 GRANT. WAI!IHINGTON.

Janlora--14 atrlke1; lit aparu; 11 Randall · · · · · · . • p . . . . . . . . . . . Ro.. IU VIII MO IIIIAliOJif -� AIID APPilAII-apllta; li 1 mi-. Jlnuahl, McGwlre, c . . . . • . . . . . . Hann

Red llen-14 1trlke1; 68 1parea; Towni•J . . . . . . . . lb . , . . . . . . Brown 18 aplite; 17 milia. Coen . . . . . . . . . . lb . . . . . . . . . . Bard

C. Rof . . . . . . . . , . 8b . . . . . • . .

FRATERNAL LEAGUIII ATiiiiRAOBII. 0. Rllfl'/ · . . · • • · · . 11 . . · . · · TbompiOD

Tbe We�ttleld Golf Club red book 18 ��� 11 l-:�� •::,rn:.,r .::4°0:,.�':.���� cut and contalna 118t of ennta for �y:::_bo�


0• �':.�a';:ro;:!:.�•To!

r�! Ull, u well u tho nam .. of the of- very rouonable. Furniture au4 china

tlcera commltt- and m-ben. The crate4 and paollod wltb care. Trunk• tint �nnt will take plano II&J 10, �:� Room�: ae w. Jl'ftmt at..

___ I McMahon, Duke . . If . . . . . . . . . Cooper Baker WIDn• of Reeae Medal. Wal1h, C. BradJ . . ct . . . . . . . . R. Hann

mornl-.and afternoon. Bunte ume Two Jl'l-. Tile tlnal match of tbe aeuon waa ' Pfellrer · · · · · · ' · · rf. · · · · · · · · Blocker

aa lut Jear. Plalntleld, M. I. The club cbamplonablp wUI be

'Pboae eee

rolled Friday evenln& between the , mpfn���-Roy and Newell. Red Mea and Junlon, tbe former ba..-- I ---In& tbe honor of roiiiDI tbe openiDI Ot!MTRAL NIIIW IBRIIIIIY LEAGUE. and ctoaln1 match or tbe ecbedale. l':.der dlu.-ble weather

played In June. The handicap eom­mltee cup will be abot orr duriDI JuiJ. Tbe oo..-ernor'a Cup In Septem­ber and Dr. R. R. Sinclair Cup In October.


The tournament bu been • moet aue- i tiona the qpenfo1 date In tile Ceotral eeuhtl one and tbe ODIJ unpleaunt . New Jer .. J' Lealue from a ftnapclal f•ture to mar It •u the eapulllon outlook ••• dl�eoura1ID1 to Ita pt·o­of tbe Mooae team for dltiObeJIDI the motera u only 11 few hundred dyed-rule•. 'II la-the-wool fana wltneaeed tbe r;amea I<'K,\Tio:KNAI. Ll<!i\lll!K TO HOLD Much rl't'&lry ealated etwMn the at Plalnlleld and 8omervJ,IIe. With BANQUtn' ON MAY 117 teama and It wu unfortunate the line bot weatht�r whleb we aoon hope Red Men were compelled to drop : to enjoy let 01 hope the grounda will The repreaentatlvea or the Fra­

Radln and lleyer, wblcb weakened : be pocked to overllowiDI and that ternal Bowlin& Lea�ae held a meet­the team llfty per cent, and much l aucceu will crown the ellort..,r tbe lug laot eveniDI at Mooney'• H?tel, credit mu1t be IIYeD Capt. BarcliJ : director& of tbe Lealue. � and every 10d1e waa repreaented ell-and bla rl1bt bower. John Whalen, cPpt tbe Foreatera. The moetln&


Por Rollable Help. All Madoualltlea. Good Blt.aUona.

U.ce: IIIMI W. Front 8&., PlaiD.tlel.t 'Pboae ...


Meeta Beaon4 an4 Fourtb Tburoda:ra or eacb mouth at I p. "'·· In ArcaOIIIn Hall OIIYer W. HaiL Re.ant, 110 Clark lt. llu.ene 0. Hanfor4. Collector. 111 oa•­le:r An. W. O.or�re W. Peek. ho':r. Ill l'lr•t Bt.

for rolling tbe oeaoon tbrou1h with waa full or entbuolasm and two appll----------------new men. PLAINFI ELD WINS CLOIU: IHME catlona were recelv6d for tbe fall

The object of tbe lea1ue waa to In- OVER HIUH RtUOOE tournament. creaM the memberablp and ba..-e a 1 Tb 1 b The following olllcen were re-mora fraternal reello1 In the Yarloua 1 • open 81 or 1 e llue ball aea- elected : A. E. Bnydar, prealdent ; G. lod1ea. I . :�• 11 Plalnlleld wu aterted orr In A. Schaefer, aecretary; F. K. W inter,

Tbe Royal Arcanum team won tbe I league •tJie Baturd!t.J with a braM treaaurer Mr Snyder waa elected

MRS. R. HEINECKE Graduate ChlreJodilt


--- P h n o 141-1 -I ll ....... lltreet, Weetlteld, N. J.

A. B. F la11 tropbJ, aDd lint moneJ, \ :;and and • parade frCim Park • .., .. by au un� "fote.

$ 1 6 alao bad bl1b team �M;CN and ue to the lrounda. After the Tbe Lea1ue ..-otod to lncreaae the tea� averap. 1 ;,-;.�-�P •�d maJbe tbe playera entraoce fee to Ull a team, of wlllcb --------------The ,-oreatera took aeeond place

1 eed 1· MaJor Stewart loiHd U will be uaed u forfeit moneJ ror and t10 while tbe Yeomen noHd out \ over tbe tint ball and the Central the comiDI aeuon. tbe W�dmen for tblrd moneJ $II New JeneJ IAa�ae ••• on Ita ••Y It ••• the unauhuoua wlah of tbe ' · ! for UU Tbe C. D . ReeM wotdal for bl1b In- F d ·1 k lea1ue member• to bold a banquet dlvfdual ...,.r•1• wu won bY l!ldward re er c 108 ud Randolph, two TueadaJ evenln1. M•J 11 , at Moon-Baker, or tbe Areanum team, with wt�ll-known twlrlan, dl8bed up .. ..-en ey'• Hotel, at whlcb time all tbe 1 78.30 for &4 ••mae. Frank Coa, ' h�t� apiece, but the Qu- CltJ cbapa prl8ea will be preaented to the wln­lut year'a winner, wu MCODd wltb 1 the breaka and won out 6 to 4 . nen. Tlckete will be ready tomor-1 7 4 . 3 6 , and John Tobin wu placed ac

;h• wind blew olouda of duat row and maJ be procured or A. E. third. W. TownleJ won the bowlln1 roo':" the ��amo:� �,! cb\lled tbe Snydor or any or the team captelna. obiJ!• for bl1b �eore, gtnn bJ tlwJ V. bl

en 10 •J • 00 or or • The lint fall meet1n1 bu been aet J. �o.nb Co., and Frank lllnnlek H

ne crab and theJ were bappJ when for September 9, wben tbe new ap­wou aecond blr;b ecore priM, a 1llk B:l�

d ��· 1�8 a!blrd oat In Hlllb pllcatlona will be a<lted upon, aod

umbrella, p .... nted bJ F. H. Bcb.aef- 1e 1 n n · ore: tbe lint match will be rolled In e r A Co.

The olllelal anr11• are:

. . . . . . . . . . . . . ,, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . '' . . . . . . . . . . . . . u . . . . . . . . . . . 14 . . . . . . . . . . . 14

HIGH BRIDOI!I. , A.B. R. H. P.O. A. 1!1.

t'{lo J · Walton, ld . . . 6 0 1 a I 0 JI'IRE8JDIC OOUMOIL. nt.a C. Walton, Bb . . . 1 I o o a o A 100d number Qf Flrealde memben HU� J. Alberta, If . . . . II 1 1 0 0 0 turned out Tbarl4aJ en111D1. The 111 Hand, c. . . . . . . . fi 0 1 6 1 0 dutlea were completed In 100d time lJ£11 H. Alberta, ct . . . 4 0 0 1 0 0 and the abootfut arr&Died bJ Orator

�ed iYCYCUI 11 8.00


PHILIP fliECBA"IC, Pnp. Pllol'k A't'e., Near Ub lk., PlaiDfteld.

Opon 'Until 10 P. II. D.Uy.

DO IT NOW �� O�LLAB PBR YliAR . . . . . . . . . . . . 61

. . . . . . . . . . . . 11

. . . . . . . . . . . . 14 '' 14 . . . . . . . . . . 40

¥-�·�··ba.,b· · · : : : : : : : n

nut Anderaon, rf . . . I 0 I o o o F. Wubburn wu en.loJM by 4 0 1111-fi Blnclalr, 11 . . . . . I 0 0 1 1 o -;;;;;;-;;-;;;--;;;;;;-.;-;;;.·· ;,;;· --;;;;;;;:.--;;;.··-;;-;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;;;;:�;;;;:;;;;;;;;;;:;;;;;;;;;:;;;;;;:.-;:.-;;··;;-;;-;;;--;;;;;;:.-;:.·--;;;;·--1.1 Appr, lb . . . . . . I 0 1 11 0 o -1 : HawleJ, lb. . . . . 1 1 0 I 0 O ltOOII ... IUAII NllollmG "*'UaLY WITII UU Frederlckaon, p.. 4 0 1 0 II 0 ftUI'IIOIIII --W CBAI. IIIAifl ·::::::. : : : : : :t . . . . . . . . . . . " . . . . . . . . . . . 41 . . . . . . . . . . . 11 w ••• t.,rtw .... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 . . . . . . . . . . . . 41 . . . . . . . . . : . . u :::: : : : : : : : n . . . . . . . . . . . ::

41 ·'

I iK:..:.=---• H < < � , .. =.=.=-:_:·:_: : : :�: . : 1

:::::: : : : : : : .


i!J::: aa --;- 1 a; u o 841R DRESSINq PARLOR llt1IO Ower W-1111 • -. I PU.IHFJIIILD. .. A • y E. • E A Il l • U .1 A B R H O 110 ._. ltreet, IIUialloeda, New .1-y ln:!1 . • • • P . . A. Ill • lll.fa Wllltama, 11. · · . . 4 0 0 1 a 1 IL\IIlMIII-, IIIAIII'OOIIIG, IIAJIICUa ... , JIAIIAGING 110 Oralll. lb. . . . . . . 4 1 1 I I 1 CIIILDUII'II lL\111 CV'nllle WIL\VIIIG taU' stetunp, lb · · · · a ll 1 1 1 0 iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiitiiii_.iiiiiiMiiiiiiitiiiiiMiiiiiiiih 1 a:af Berpn, It. . . . . . I 1 1 0 0 o tiH Nel10n, e. . . • . . . I o 1 7 1 o 1 ,· Oarre�, lb . . . ' 0 1 lt o o

0 1 1:1: Miller, rf. . . • . . . I 0 0 'I 0 1 •· Dorman, ef . . . • . I 1 o o 11 o M.fl ll&Ddolpb, p. . . . . t 0 1 o 11 o Hi:f 11 a ? u u 1 tt :U Boar• bJ lnntnp and lumm&rJ: ft Hill II Brl4 ... I 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0-4

·ll PlaiDtleld . . 0 1 I 0 0 1 1 ' :a-li I · rtnt buo WI erru,._H .. II Brlqe, ·I I. Left OD �RIP Brldp, t ; · Plalatleld, 7 . Two-bul blta--J. Waltoil, l'n4ertokloll, H.._.. a­Oil batla-o• Randolpll, I; o• klklon, i. Hit bJ pltola&I'-1IJ I'H4-vloluon, 1 : l&uiiDI lllta-81aalalr, ANV, Berpn, HelMa. 8\Mallll out-bJ Rudolpll, t. lltoiAD baM. Bt.ll-1 hlp. Time of pme, 1 luMar and U mlnu&ea. UIQIN. ........._

ATTENTION ! n. w-e-t etoaJr .,



Hl ...... de lacyoiM, ,II U, ..... ...... .._ ...........


Day • 1 8 the Caterer


899 Broad St .. , Newark, N. J.



William J. Bo&ert, Jr. NEWSDEALER and STAnONEJt

II Elm StrMt Phone 874

...... ... Cortlanllt H7-L WeatlleW

G . R . S H O T'W' E L L « Mothlq made Ia &be ,......., U.. hi wba& - be roaa<l Ill IDJ' Mocll. 41 Jifo order too larp or fle ....U 10 111. C U 700 ban aome oY ..... ...._. � &baa ,... wtah to b&•• JU&IIe lale &be aa- ltJiee. _.. 10 - for deelaDa Jt.Dd rethnalea. 81 N1111U ltrMt

WO L r= O X PIER CHANT TAILOR FormerlJ wh.b 1to1en, Peel 4: Co, aad Rah •" Co.

48 Ela ltreet, Weatfleld, N. J Telep"""" 188-W


Fine Mleflu Suitll and Overcoats

For Sale

At Very Low Prices

..,Jo:I,Dt:IUJ TO Blft'IDMAJK. ' 'I'll• mombero ot the Yoaq Peo­

Jit'l BocleiY of the Con1repUonal . eawreJl. will 1Jift u atertabnaat • �· llountalnalde Borouah Hall 011 �1 �•Pnlnc, Ma7 II, the 11� ti wblco • •II be donated to the lloaa­IIIJtold• r�apel . A ftf'7 tine protrram .. bee• 1 rran1ed whleh OOll&tlltll In fll'l of te•eral mlai&U91 Mtll, aoap, ��r��Rmontal mualc ftlld lflllll8 apeclal t&taroa. Bta .. wm �� tr• the _..r of Broad and J:lm atreeta, .,_..,ld , In time for the netartahl­.. t.

. ...... ....._. IIIIW ,.._ .&WD ltBW liaiu :r- Rlftr to "-'loot, tllooo to

':'I.e Tourt,.. Do II\" Bptoo. A ,.,...,. ..,heclolo ot abo111 IIIObllt Club of

part•eat of tho AOtO• ..... ,. forty llllllatec Ia -llltal- ho·

��� ...... aoto: ... r10& bU .,_'P&tecl a k'i:-" Rhi....,Hft Ut4 R"'4out. Jl'rom oYtr 111 taU.. .�.,::'br&c!IIB a Utili w•=t� llle r..,.te lea41 In a oautb­a moot piN · r<JO•I tt.r.,... 1 ' ,. 41rocrtloo tbro•t• .. ,..,,.1 York Btat• a..T"::: -tlo10 or Mo• a�:': lneladl... Harlo7, .......... ..,,

tn�r Friday art Jer .. y, llr -t· I "1>0110<'� to 1111-•llle. Tho "'"lor­

"KPIIIJrtenC!e no d���':� �otort•t• wtn 0�1 ::' �:� eornph.'ted aboat td mU•• the entlrto dta:ar..Cf'l by n eomplt�U•• ltop •houl:·

beThe h.tarda7 laneheon

•••llla1. Am•l• t l , flo&rlr l!haDitaJ' 1"ery ood made at llllellYill• a-. procM4 at • IIIOde::: la atrordH able .� thl

·��mmfMlatl naa are &1'&11·

OIIJoJ'ln�r tho - • rate of -· -· • 1 -oe. How��JY nery •••• tb. roate lac lt'IJen.-tlle, a Jthl•••t run of -un:'· tho motorlot ftndl ... It In� ahout thlrtF·two mlha, tbtoaBII -... ablecl t:�� to ..... Frida,. WIU ... .... ltal eountr)' ...... ....... torlllt tllr011Bh b,. makt

mpl.!'t• tllo trtp 1ft two dan lr>riAB Olen. rhmt_,..,rt Wul'\el>oro Baton!

n. ..,.,. aornlq otartl oa rddobac .... lllo. Oodt!lrro,. . ..... ....... : flun� and Iunday ot to Port Jonla. plctu,...,. .. ,, .. tu·

eon Itt I -.Je,. tbo ... t bank of Ha<l atecl al tbo Juftctlon ot tbo Dolawaro

•••�tecl••r to RfltMboek. the roat� lfoYo .... ak IUftta. Froa Pwt Jet·

Hudaon I;� tllroaBh ,...,. attrocU" �

.. rout. !eat. tllroap lloe btaatl·

rl1"er at ••r town•. eronta• tbe 7 of the Delawarw. oa U. ,..D ..

at Roftd �h;"":tr a landln�r Ia oldo of tho IUftr, CllroaBb

1 h ou or taantoll, and wlloro tho ot4 ......... ...,_ 0 t • loft. a Motllwaotorl)'

ho -n. Dl...,..u, IIIII __.. fbllowod throu�rh lntorootln�r altd Ilk""" te lltla7'1".1' "ale; :ountry to Pvrt Jet'Oia T-. roatol ,._ . T•• re1ito ,._ P.itl .rena 10 .,

.. ,. Ia alona O.taware Rt•er to bela· le repht.- with .,hiMUd _ .. ,,. ,. .. I

Water Oap and then a Ptoft 011e of tiM .....- ••· o P cture-aue New Je,..,. towu are tDI ot dM towr. DitlawaN po-d on tho war to !few Ytr• Tile Wa...- 0.. 111efl& lr ...... lite IIIBIIt diYorolty of econory alolllr thio

. roato ltop Jtr tile ....,,. 4aJ.

�th tho added 1114ueomont of eomtort• Contlnalnlr tllrouBII tho Do"iawaro h tOUI �·IIGIIIOIIt •altao ... t ... 6 Yalta)', Willi tho o!l .. OD t ... r ...... tho molt enJo,.abl" one at tlt.ll Ma801l. ""Tte to bltctft 11111bnt"t'il ...a, Drett Followln• ar. runntn• dlrH"tloae t PeBft17lYaDia •tn..,.a. Al ........ tile the tour: or Delaware RIYer eroe.e to �l .. ba.

ltattlnB from Now fork. Broodw lf. J., and P""'oodiDB at a lelaurolr .. �;

lo followed paoot y a)' of -"" tllro .. ., •--� t y · •• an Cortland Par• t .. --•aF, w.,h iDB ·

0 onkoro. Tile dllt .... to Yo•••ro ..... All ....... ... t.,.o,, .. Oftr to about tweiYo alhl and tho ran II

lehooloy'l llountaln Into <hrmu Val­our a ftDo Olltllalt road. Colltlnalq

ler. Tho•oe throuBh IIIJNM. CJ!eotor on Broadway, after _.... throe b

a,. lloa411&& *• ..,.,. io .,.,, ... own. Chttty Bpua,.., ,. .. .._.., the lftotorr.t '::"'•"'"• Morrt•town, �ontlnue on t:» catche• �rUmp-.,• nf tt•• HHIOft Rl

CoftYen.t. ll&diiOft . Chatbam. ••rla.aeld wllb tho ma.leotlo PallaadM ,.,:r, to Walltllol4. an loapr-I'Oo backl{tound to tiM WI: ------

JdN'fl CU!B RKIOY lln'Blf"'O n�n.., ot water. Tile ro111o Indo ot.rt.l�rM on tbro•�rh HUlin•• alld Tbo llen'o Club of lhe Vtnt ll. S. Uobba rorry. At thll latter .,.._,

ellllft'· about 76 1tron1, 118tea .. \o a Wullln•toa'o hoa4quarten Ia oUU ELECTRIC SPARKS

•t lnt<'r�oltDII lectllre on "RIIISJ4 ltandln�r and wn� be touad lntorootla OeC!UIOIIDIIJ there I• a teadellCJ

-'trMkPd Rpeclt:led--8potted," hJ not only from an hlotorlo ol&nGI>61n� to Bill tbe q-UoD of lutrrap allllt·

Dr. J. (' Howell, of the HaiMJ Street hut alon for II• quaint boaul y A labtot IJ I'OnfllMd With that of dr-nt0'1'1&.

ellarth, NPwarlt:. The aubJect wU hal hoon """'•d markln• lhlo Inter - then JOur beet friend& Mldom

-d.rfully handled and prooiMI a ··��� roll< of Rnnlullonary da)'o lOR mu�h lleotp worryiDI In JOUr

-1 and �ntPrtalnlnl oM. Follow-• routo now loado thoruah tnln�r· behall

ton, w here •tandl th@ home of w .. h •

.. the IPrt ur .. a double quartet MDI <DI{ton tr•lnk to Tarrytown. In Tal'fY· Straw bDt _..,n opened April ht

..,.,..1 oeh·<·tlono •nd the eommltteot lu wn thr rnutorlol will ftad many In· In Bt. LoUII, whtcb lo a MIDI·troplaal

_,od a very appeti&IDI lunch . The toreotln• land marlto. lncludll•• a moau- town 11tuateo at the Junction of tbe

ablr """ un der the apeclal char1e of mont marklnll" tbe ••act opot who ro Eada brldp and the wall Jrnown

Dr. W. \\' Gill who pto'Oed hla 1111111 lh• Brltloh opy, Alldro' wao eaptnrod. brewerJ. !; .. :,�•

wOld llut<h l:hurch yard In Bleepy Wa eoaeume more 1u1ar per oaplta

ll&ry I 1\'�kh to Wm. A .IIOtl&n, llll!ltb•eatNly •Ide of Boulevard, 1 1 0

fill ooutl . . aol<'rly o f Wuhlnlton Bt. H. C. I.O<·kwood Co. to Wm. A. llor·

pa, J r. , lot �. block 1 , Mann Parlt:. Wm. A M organ to H. C. Loelt:wood

lot• i 6 - 7 7 , Woodruff map. Holen �: Hardln1 et ••1. to Elln·

Wl C. Ml'Cllntoclt:, northwe1toriJ Dudh•y avenue, 100 feott north·

of Lawrence aven u.e. ('. J obnaton et al. to Mary

. ooutherly side Broad St., L. U NPwman'�t.

Irvin •. · •;r�!" ;!':r:·�t:�n w�:•n•t�n In Amerlea tban aay otber eoutrJ

oonllnuoo alon��: tho Hudooa thr::�: 08 earth. Our predominant eharaetar­outnln•· whoro tho otalo prloon 11 lo·

latle.-• oweet tooth and nreet cat-.d, to P•�k•lllll. locatttd 0111 the bill•

women. ovorlooklnl{ tho Hudoon. lklhnee lnalato that Dr. rrlt..t ... a,w'•

C'onllnulnl( alon. tho Albany l'oot turtle would be more conYin�lnl If It

Road tho motortot puooo throu•h oar· did not w•r a price taa. rlaon. Cold l!prln11 and arouli4 rtob· If Secreta,. of tbe N&'r)' Daniela kill Moulllaln to Flohltlll. Thoa oomel Jr•pe 011 DbollabiDI, be may 1008 WaJoplnl{oto P'allo and l'oul{hkoepolo, abollab the - Mrpoat. :�::� thf' nnt nl•ht atop ahould t.. No, Cor.ella, a aoldler II not en-

lleparllnK rrom l'outrhk•opolo, 1\atur- titled to a penalon for IMIIDI! half·

da)' I'.H)rn�nK. thf' rout" lead• throu•h lbot. llytt� Park to llhtnerhflt!k. 11•••tn« •orn., Tbe Rualan otloer wbo committed matrnlftcont ••tatoo. Horo t u mtn1 toft 1u lelde In an aeroplane evidently bft. wo come to Rhlnoclllr whor• tho terry u ... ed In lalt:IDI time by tbe fore­hi boardfld for a •hort .. n a("ro•• the 1oc1r:.


DANCING Tuesday, Thur1day and S a tu r d a y Ev e n l n& s

Cavallo's Orchestra

All New AttractiollS, Restauraat uti Ice Cteara rartor G R A N D O P E N I N G , MAY 3 0 t h

.. Bobcat" Speedster

11425 a • •'•

Two Farbous Ma rion Roadsters

Westfield Gara1e 138 ELM STREET Teh,hene 14f

What is Good Plumbing ? It is plumbing that eom­

bines the three points of re­liabm�.y, lonr service, and thorough sanitation.

It Is odr aim to fumiah plumbi'Qg aemee that 1ri1l meet tJi8ae requirements exactly.

Ask \1\ for pr ices on ........... ftxtureil.


Touriq R.oadat•

11,71 c .....

M . J . TO B I N. ELE C T R I C I AN

A.ll ordera P"'mptiJ atteaded t.o.


Relktnt't! : 8 1 7 NOR'I'R AVS., ..-r Tel. UB-R

--·- - ·- - ·� --------


AII IUMe ll lt .. ..._. orncz. 101 WaTFIILD At'-

We print bill hoa4a. letter II .. tt• nlqpa"' olroul.,re. aUla�-...

_"'f· diiiB •nllounoeme"t., f#l•l. llcl9jj, bellf• Iota, pro•rame. po .. era. I .,_.. llli4 ovor)'tblnl{ done ID a INt•elue pUt obop. Wo ma•• a lpaelattr or prlatl .. by ·lawo ud other boolla. aa4 �amDIN< may be aeen at our omoe. It you bYe t�.ny llrl nt lnac to Ue done, brlnJ It her•·

-----:===----�-=�----:---:----:-----�-:---:-:---:=--:-:--=::-::---:-:---:--------:::----:--:--:-=�=--=-===-�--------...:.·.:.r::.h •�l::. .. ::•dvr, Prlnten of Qualit Y.

All Records for Low Prices on Fine Goods are Broken Now! The people will ftnck to this store to share In thls dbtrlbut.lon of hich grade, serviceable, Men'• Spring and Summer Suits Hata, Caps Pur·

nishlngt, the like of which has never been .seen before. Come get yours while the .elections are unbroken. '

A backward season, combiaed with slo": movement of �rch�dile and large purchases of new goods made at the bottom of the madret, has resulted in

our findinll ourselves heavily overstocked. B11r orders are conung tn e�ery day and we must have the space on our shelves and cou.Qtlen for this etock To make a clearance sale and put our dependable, .A No. 1, Suits and �umiahings for Men, Youths �nd Boys into the handa of working men and aU other� appreciate wonderful bargains, we have put pnces down to the pomt where goods are almost JPVen away.

We must have room. This sale Is for I S days only . . Come In and look around. Prices to suit �erybody o


No J.

����--������� .. �·�·������������============���;;��;;�;;������;;;;�:;���a;;.... a.IO ll.... . .. . OIW •

INTEGRITY WINS. • --; . . . . . .... . . . . . . . . . . ... . O�C GC�T-A-WORD

CJ,A fiiHI FI IC U ADVICRTIHICM iilNTS Pilgrim Joe Comes Through Sev·

eral Encount� HOUSE DRESSES Full of Style and Beauty

DO NO'I' 'I'IILIGPRONiil YOUII AD. All ••ftrt� -.. r ta. .. -. ... -=.r::.:�� :.-w;.�c..: .. y�"N:.:���=-

IG� PIIIIIIGN<JIIID IIOOKKIICWIP- and I tHPDfJI{fll�hf!r �llted , ltead)· (lOBI f inn A I dr•"• 1'., ca r,. I A"ader�,_ 1 4 _ 2 t HIS COLORS ARE FLYING. The Style features from the latest costumes have

been adopted for these beautiful and becoming morning dresses. They are house dresses raised to real beauty, in which one may well reeeive or pay a morning's neighborly call. Shapely, perfect fitting, neatly made ot perfect materials, and priced extremely low-these dresses are worth your careful investigation. You will certainly find a great deal of proper pride and satis­faction it I you select one or more ot these beautiful dresses.

.. tel .. lll••• •••r ••Y•rttat••· -------------- -----.&7 A IAtRIVJCa,.....Lot cnrnf"r l'rn•pect and Jl'errt• Pl.. l ZOx l i O ; w i l l t' llChltnae

tor lot or amal l hnullft; an.r rtt�t•ora� able on.r ac(•eptf•d A d d r-f'a�t A. W .1 .,...., lAader. � - l f · t

;-..c;;.;=;�;-;u�ck Uuyf1r, comfort� able bouM In nne condltlon ; V rooru1, •ll Improvement•: •uod neiKhhorhood Prtcu t•.ooo: euy term• or

,., wlp rent

wltb opUon to "urchaH . �... C. Btut

1-l&hd, Ill )(a)·e Ill. 4· · l

aAIIN tor rent. n . . t t o Methodlat

����e�,s[,c:,a,:a:�r��� .. �nqutr• u:�/�1

-;;;;;;or-;;;;;;.-.;; paid ror part:r wbo will buy my houM, al l uate4 about HYen mtnulel trom Wtllfte14 •tallon. Ad4reu Ambler, Leader of· lice.

... GHT lUNNY orru;IU tor rent ID new buUdln• ; centrally located. la· quire Water Company. 101 W. Broad atreot. 1 · 1 1-tf

·�:f•J::'r�·���:.��!tO: .• �·��:r�� room houae and tao etorea; Jol i 1' · 1'J2. Good bualneaa location. For full par· �:����r ::.v�� •. ·!,re�or�rc,:�r·p. •:.•

CBUAoUDJ'rCIDb� .ru,•,���u�lo�!tn�:��: . . t·IO·Il

co,::�LTc.�!�:r·��.:-�':!�Jb•N�� JIUUIIIiY, REAL EIITATIC. tf

OOO.BOPOLITAN AND QOOD BOUIE· KB&PINo--lllaeb ono yoar for U.IO; r ... price 13.00. Shampanore 'a 8Ull· acl'lptlon A•encrL 110 Watehun, A.Ye­nue, I•lalnlleld, N. J. - ll· tl

J'OB •A L-.....Round dlnln• table, ma· "bin-. kitchen cablne\. toldln• •o· cart, bedatead. 401 80uth ,venue.

--·--� -·-- LOA 1f on bend anrt m•>rt · Na•h. I ���1m lltrtlf't 6 - 1-4 · 2t

J'OII aU.II Oil IIBNT-HoUM 11nd barn near alation; Jar•e frounda, fruit and ���;-���·· Paul . Poekhami-�t-ii

roa lALII 1-�- B••• oa let ·-·-Ia ... � ........ llarpla •• If.-.

'P•r•• te ••lt. Coaaodt

lterbert 1. Bbrame PcaNall llullllln.J

I PnoP«d -1

A Cool lhoaption In the T-n ef "" High Ia Turnocl to Woll Paylnl In· vootmont - Tho Woohiftl M .. hiM M�n Vantllulohod at Loot..

By M. QUAD. ICe!>rrl .. hl, 1113. bJ Ao,oclato<l I,ltorarr Preoo.)

I AM movlnl ""r""" the rnaatrr with a Jovially [ltllnted waiJOil. Ll•l•a for the olrnlno o>f IIQ' bra• bead.

B .. e JOU JIOI a palo 7 Are JoD lodloed to tiOOIDJ thouJI,'b111 ? Have JOO jiOt hn<.'kaebe, eamchP,

blllldll••be or anJ other onrt of a<'b<''! Do JOUr eara rlDI? Do J'OD eo.JoJ' tbr IDO!Ot awtol di'1'Htno?

Jlo rnu wont 10 11<1! to be 100 J'88ro old, and tht>n oomP m<>rl!?

l.nok tor nod wn lt fnr Plllfrlm J OI!. HP ran "'rnoTP all your lronbl .... NnnP

0 R i � � �

Prices Will Surprise You Pleasantly



.... ,., ..... ..... w I. J. lOSEimW., Prtt.

0 a &

W E S E L L:,Jr.U T T E R l C K P A T T E R N S oao oao

allnu! thnt," ... ,.. tbe maJor. "WliJ, I keet• a h""tll' In a clpr bol[ myaelt, and 1 · ·•n't AAJ' that be II oulrerlor BDJ'. Stro uK••r. dOI'tl It happen tbat JOUr bop­per I• anythinl or a llgbter?"

ft:a'l ....._. PLAGliD lJI A. BTA.IIOB BOX. ol m7 reme<ll"" are to be found at dll· rwpotable drug otol'M. Tbe7 are not or­find •• premloDll with tea or <'\l!l'.,...

Wlth tbe band a-plaJing tbe taoe of o-n. Old Plq Hat" I wu dre wlog DIP tbl bnm of Ace Hl�rb with a aong Ill m7 burt. In m7 pocket I bad • wad at money about ao hll: ao a oblnlr!e; tbBn wu lliJ' old boea 8114 tllliJ'pe oat· at; tbere waa m7 bbUq de��r and m7 puahopper Ia a bottll. Aod, to orown all, there waa m7 Pll�m Palo Aile nator, the trandeot aad oobl•t reiD· 1117 for bumuu allmeota plat•ed befnr" tbl public .to"" till! MaJioww eawe to anrbor and tbe pll�m fatben went looklol for bPrbo and roota.

Tbera ara other medlclo• on lh" market, but onl7 an allevlatnr. Wbt'n J'DU b07 a bottle of It yoo can ban juol •• mucb t·onOdenee to Ita vtrton aa In tbl word or R memtA!r of roDIII'M•

Nn tmet baadlee It You don't bue tn dln7 wltb • nu•m­

ber of tbe leJJialatul'@. Tbere Ia no wbaok oomlq to IIJP al·

dermrm of Jour ward. It onotbee a broken beut •• well ••

• broken leg. He P .. la Qiclcly,

None pouloe wlthoot • J'llllt•r la1181 on tbe bottlP. Tbe 7allewer the lalK'I tbe mol'8 il"nulne tbe eoateotll.

A8 1 waa aaJiq, 1 felt 11447 over my DliOJ virtu .... aa 1 wu drlvlnt alon�t. and 1 entel'l'd tbe towa umed wltb m.1· bat on my eAr and el[bllaNtjoo In m�· beart. 1 wao �ooo made aware tbat my -.lenme woo not wbat It ebould ht•, a ad 1 apt>e�IIIY a��eertaloed the ro U"l' thereof. A •eller of wublog maobln...,. wbo bad propoaed • partnenobh> wit h Dll and b u ll 1-n tamed down Hltd a<'bed for reveop bad bl'en In lilt• towo for two deJa opreadlna atorl"" to m7 4etrlmenl. He bad made a H(K'I'IHI point on m7 Jm�Ubopper, makln�t out tbat I waa •·mel to aolwala and there­fore roordld and wl�ked at mr burt. I bad akl•ly reaebed tbe tavern wbere 1 waa IIOIDI! to put ltp wbeo a knot of ebolt'O aucl eminent cltlzen8, beaded by tbe DIOJ'OC', appeared, aad tbe latter Did:

-rbll town of At'O Bllrb balo't ou 9WJ morb on bo.m.a, but It Ia raady to bank 1111 Jut dollar on aenliment. A mtter wbo will 110 at It dellbernt<'ly and mallclouaiJ' to blut tbe lite or "n m-t ll'll•bopper II not welt•otr\0> IIIIIOIIIr • You bave •Joat llvP Dllnll• Ill wlW!III \:D akata!"

"Only J""t enoutb to malntala blo rllfhtA In t hla world."'

"RekaoP. If he waa • bit of • llgbter and JOtl hnd '10 to bac•k blm I woald brlna out my beetiP. Tbe towo of Ace Hlah baa tr.o vlrtuee lo Ita credit. but w" dearlr lov• • llttle ""np o.ow and then.'' I Intimated m7 wllllopMI to brlDI about a trepd7 and proclored m7 dough, and be aent for ble beetle aad IOOD bad blm OD band. Tbe ID_.tll were plaeecl Ia au IIIDPt)' atareb bol[ on tbe I!I'IIU, and tbootb I alwa71 atrlu to toller In tbe footatep1 ot la�IJ'. I tboo�rbt It no wroq to take aa mao7 aide belli aa were offered. One of tbeoe -for �wu wltb tbl waablq m•­<.'bloe man. Tbe7 Jelled to tbe beetle to 110 to and make the aplloteN 117, wblle I .. ld not • word

In live mlnltll it wa• all over, and the beetle 1•7 Oil bla back •• deed u a pnlltldan eanabt wltb tbe 11004• on blm. Tbe orowd woo tlumb tor • mlolt, and men bei(IID ID 1(1'owl at me. Then the feellnt <'hanl!"d, and I waa ebeered and applauded aad given tbl fNedom ot tbe town In • tobaeco bol[.

For two de71 l took tlnt;nlel at 10 centa a take, and when I wu readJ' to leave I bad aloo dlo(lOIIed of three doaeo bottle• of my allevlator. TbP waeblng mucbloto man bad departed ab""d or m... bot fnor mllee out of town be woo awnltln�r IDJ' <'Omlor. Aa 1 dro•e up btl BHid:

"'ld fntUd, l WHnl tbem .., back." uNot akaaaly," 1 replied, In all ldnd·

110811. "Mebbt! you don't know that bell bath DO fury JlkP ft WOIIIIID aeoroed 1" "Bot J'OU halo'! wearing pettleoata."

The Duel. "Bot I ve been !ICOmed jolt the aame,

and one of 01 Ia 110ln1r to .. t broken boa• I"

1 MW tbat It waa oae ot tllloae niH wbera IDJ' allevlltor woold fall to care, IIDd 1 pt duwo tram tile waiJOil and took orr m7 coat and pl'8fl8red to np­bold 1117 booor. He of tbe wnblog Dllebloe-warranted to do tile l&l'II'I!MI famiiJ' wuhlog to tw811Q- mlnotee wltbout Injury to tbe molt delicate fab­rte.-waa not l0111r Ill rollllq. Bla e7ee we... rollloa u4 ble t•tlll dalllllog, lllld aoy one not depeo41q on Provl-4ellce mllrbt bave tarae4 ud lied at tbe aiPt. Aa It wu. 1 met blm with a �bt . band awlq tbat rolled blm over Oil the JII'UII, aad wblle be WU WOO· derlq wbere be woa at l plied ou to blm aa4 pve blm tbat tor wbleb he hankered.

He waa • licked mao lnlllde ot tbr"" mlolta, ud wbeo I mounted m7 n­blcle aad drove &WOJ' be was alttlnu: up and reallalog that be wbo hatb hi• quarrel jUIIt II Ju•t tbe fl'ller to glvl' tbl otber one • IJOOd wallot>lntr.

"'llr," .. ,. 1 In NpiJ', ''do 1 look like a edtt. wbo'd ataal food trom ln lroot ot a erk'ket or atrtk• u orpbao 11'""" boppar wttb • elub"'

Tlllere wu peace to WJ' bll8rt uo I drove on. 1 wu oayiDif to myself tbat 1'trtae and lntacrlty were tbe two Jok-11111 to tbe pack wbeo a mao t1dtllll a bUn4 boea turned to oa - tram a � ud atumped - for • trade. WileD I did not allow •Ill' pwat amount � .......... Dl be pret,eDdtll .. rerotl· .... 1111 Ullmal u one Nola 11om b!m twv ,..,. beforl 11.114 �..., tbat 1 11ft 1111 ble PI'OJ*V. A mu M7 ba a twta brQtber tD llllllplV ... ltlll be pod-ad Oil tbl pma ol bl1dt I •w tbat lila wu taWQ tblaalll tlll top or ble II&&. Ud I IIIDlle4 llealpiJo at 1111111 u4 1111J llllft wiUa4 at tbl - lillie. ' !:;: l'llt otr IIIII 11111111 111114 aDd ...... u tt ... WVIIId IUIItttielll mille 1ltlltMr Gl' DO. (JMq 1117 llltllllled lalllelllal • lick � .,. ...... u4 --.. u Ill tbl cKber -. tMt Pro•­� .... wttll - ....... . ��nee, 1 a.e fad .... ..._. IL

.. Mot aklaeiJ', bot balll't It true tbat J'QD .... <'111'1'71q around a bopper In a bottle •1111 ble w11J 8114 diUrea 1 It II f1ll' bop.,.a to bop, to plaJ aad pmbol. tD frllk ud trolk. Wbea roo ban 110t - eorlm4 liP Ill • bottle, wbat mllllt bll tMUnp be1"

"I'll lbow J'OII," t1Q1 1', u I brlq out tbl bottlfo. "1 toond tllltl lllopper on a wkle pnide two ,. ..... qoo. Be waa eol4 ud bUIIP7. Be bad been allan· dolllll 8114 Wl&r afftld. Ba wu Ia peril 114 bid llftll Dp bopla. I NIC!ue4 blm, Ud be bu lleea wttlll • efer lllo..e, u4 t .... balll't 8 GaJ' tlllat lie dOD't tr)' til t.ai11J lall patltiJdl. Oeee a d07 I lit W. owt tD .-tona lall elreu acta, • rau...·

,. ..... till � Wltla tlllat I paalad tM ...... oat OD

.. ..... ... be ..... ... IIIVWt for ... ...... ..... lall diRe ... a-........ . tbl ..a.,

........ ... 't _ .. .. ...... ....

Tllla bhllrlr - .. .a llld. Be .... . tudJ 110116 .._ .. .. ........ I W aattltlf blla wttll I .-r ,._.. blow 1 felt It mr ht:r tD ftDop W. • ,_ .._ _ tD !IIaaw all PG4 wW •

1 11ft blm � ....... 8114 ....... U be allpt, aDd u I "-• C1D I waa flba tD aal' tn m,


. . . �· -·. \ r ·. . _, . • ,'lrk . ,. � .... . -. NOTICE!

The Genuine Boys' Scout Shoe is sold in Westfield at

SILBERG BROS. Exclusive Agency Avoid Substitutes

Insist on medal with each pair

F R E E I FR E E l Wltb n11r1 alll& of el�--1 wtU p-t 1117 Clll&o_. with a bell to matda tbe nl& frae of ebarp. &a-tai i'tldaetloll oa Blae llerp llaltlap. H. SIEDNER,

Telephone 288-:a THE TAILOR


Scudder's Cash Market 9 Elm Street


S P E C I A L F O R S A T U R D A Y Choice Leg L.amb lOc per lb Home Dressed Chickens at l4c per lb Four Quarters of Lamb with Chops on

at 15c per lb.

V E G E T A B L E S Choice A5paragu• - Berries

S P E C I A L 0 N P 0 T A TaO E S 40c per ba•ket

bEEF------ PORK------VEAL

George M. Scudder, Inc=.

"He wbo te••kl,.. IDtearlt:y tBc.llill B bayetat'k."

Aad tortber: uvlrtue !!Ita eotbrolled 011 a moootalo

IIOP ant! can't be baole4 otr ber DOlt b7 tbe aeck. It tboll WOilldlt pt the *t ot virtue a(IJ'Nd lltleiQ' IT paper at ber feet 8114 IIIDlle .oftiJ.'"

ADd acalll: "H_.,.. .... ........ ao.a tD PIIJ'

-... tbaa to par -t. blat 111a w11o 1a a q u 1111 lllterwt will - 01' ..... "- Ida brlltlea tllllniiJ,•



"'We ban an lt;nowo tbe..e you ...

people. We bove """" tbem �w tl'olll eblldreo, aad now that lb�)

llltered t be holy .. t» te or Otl garbape 10ma of their ol<l trlen•l•,..


llllllbbol'll IDIIJ' b11Ve 001118 lpt'<"IOI to aaJ' to tbem." . . "''"" l'ol' a mo.,nt tb�re ,. .... no �1:1 1.,.n. tD tbta auutllOtloo. fbeu trow b ldl' &IGil emeJ'Ile4 tilt' fntber of tbe r '

Wllo dlllven.od blwll81f .,. tallow•: "' alll't t.'ertalo tllut I 1'8° add ·::.�

..... Important to wb111 II s been �ort ftlll. after a 10181110 llDd UII<'OIIl •

a111a ��a- abollt blm wblob lK'traJ8f * -baml•tnJOl Ills eye tort.

�.: • fell llPOil a 1J14:bbor' a polltk tl • ...-t. wlllo woald uever IIIYe ��rid


.. oJd lll&ll'll ,.18_.. Oil MrtHIII ma bel'll

, ...- to tarUr ,.top�. Tbe rot ,.. ; .._ llrllbte....S, ae4' Ill an 1J18pl ..., lie e��elllmad: ba re aD4 "11M - -���� 8 ..,ad e o

.. wlllldl q�.PI not 11ft .... ectedU.. • e.n· Blnk 1a llll'a, aDd 1 Qoaltl

bjed Ill

111 a ,_ wordl oa tb1 • ..... l'lloni!"--J1al'901'111 Beall'·

AU TOV ,:,::::1::.;, JJ .. . ...

' '

!t!� WESTFIELD LEADER rrrr l'oultry lmp�-.t P 0 U L T R Y S E C T I 0 N


City thosen for the Annual Convention to be

Held in August


Mlddleee� l'ollnty Poultry AHD<'Iatlon with nrty chart er memben and 011_ llort - Pl11eon Judi!I'A. and al8ur�d the .(er8t!y �ont1n11•nt tbulaam JIDOUI!h for IIYe bnndred In numbl!ra thla ohow to one of that the �otniDI ahow to be held nut They're l'bl PD\lltrymen. The om�r�

tbe lineal In the United 8tatea. . l•b<>r Day wonld 1M! C!Ondurted on elected were· p ld Th dlff.,rent llnanclal 11-. • rea ent, orpln Tat�. THIDR II'IR8T .t-.. "· Metuchen; vlc&-prealdent. George En- • • --dlcott, J r . , New Brunawlcll ; 10eretary The International Poultry A-la- ' Earl Owen, New Bru01wlcll · tr_: lion, or New York, will bold Ita llrat ; UIVI'l THIC BOY A. (.,"ft.\!IIUK.

aurer, Jooepb Baler, New Bru�awlok · annual e11blbltlon at the AadltoriDa, ; AlmOMt enry boy IIIIM to hue librarian, Mlu Lucy \VIIaon, Ne.; BDiralo, N. Y., NoY-bl!r II, II, U, pete. Wby not rtn him 111me tllat Brunowlcll. Beven membl!ra 11011• 18 &lid U. The promoten are 0.0. i will PI'Oft a prolt u well u to IIYe atlt11te, together wltb the a bon or- Urba11, Jr., H. W. Pottle, J. 0. 11-, i blm ama-aU Ally boy e&ll care

TRY PROMISED llcera, a permanent board of director� of Buffalo; Ho11. Joe. R-11, of To- · for a few cblelleaa 111 the back :rard Of POUL They are: Rufuo Delalleld, 8oatb ro11to, and H. A. Knee, Wellaad, Call. I without lnterferflll with bl1 oehool

Plal111leld; Harmon Aabley, Bound The olllcen are : Pr•ldeat, JIUII• l work, for a ,_ mlnat. bafore a11d 11 th� •·lect lon of the American Brook; Oeor1e A. Vlebmann, New 0. Moore ; vl,...prealdent, H. A. a .... : ; atter ecbool wltb a little work on

Aoondatlon the YOW. were Brunowlck ; W. A. Bmltb, Metuchen · treuurer, If. W. Pottle, ud eecre- i llalurdayo will be all tbe time tbat 011 Mon day, at the ollee of Howard Bmltb, Perth Amboy ; Job� tary, J. H. Ornonotedt. ' they will require.

commtuloner, 0. L. x ... H. Loll, New Bruna wick, and H. R. Tbe obJect or tbe InternaUonal ! In many of tbe eltlea In the Middle fl•nver•. Ill. Tbe beaTiat Lew to, N�w Brun1wldr. Poultry Aaoelatlon 11 to bold In Baf- .1. Weal, boy• baft formed goal try dDIIII r�cord�d had to ba OOIUlled falo .,.cb :rear a b ltrb eta. poaltry In tbelr .flbool1. Two eltlea are 111'·

111 unusual lntere�t In tbe nblbltlon run on otrlctly balln- 1111 tbe boya replar lnllntctlon, one

Olllrtal flraaA of t.htl Ill- 1..., ... ..... tatlon '"" l'nnltl')' lftl111'0..-t

Day Old Chicks O U R S P E C I A L T Y

Freah Ea• at all Tim•

J. w. D A V I S WMtlleld, N. J. lu l73

The eaotern Yale wu Yery O!IIIC GRA!IID BROW· prlnrtplea, wbere the brwden fnnll \ tbronlb a nJrbt eebool and oae reoulto abowed. II. B. Tbe Hareratown, lid., •bow will be North, Eut, Boutb and W•t, u well \ tbroulb the IOC!Ial oeatrii mo'ltlmeat. j�iii;iii;iii;iii;iii;iii;iii;iii;�iii;iii;iii;iii;iii;iii;iii;iii;iii;iii;iii;����iii;�ii� of Amenia, N. Y . , wu beld Oct. 11-1 7 . The followlnl Jnd ... u from Canada, ean annually -- ! Here tbe bo71 ptber for dleeuaolon

8. T. Campbeii, or bue been aelected for tbe dlll'etent pete for ·tbl liberal prl .. to ba of- , of tbelr problem• and for leeturea by Ohio. �retary and W. 0. breedo: fered by tbla new orpnlatloa. I well llltormed poaltrymen of tbe

Ru!!alo, N. Y., U. R. ll'label, Geo. o. Brown-Brabmaa Cocbllll Many breeden have arriYed at t1Mo lnel1bborbood. Tbe IIIIDbatb Y. II . . and C. D. Clneland, of Brabma bantama, all turllej., uee t eonclualoa tbat oome of our winter C. A. bu already formed 1neb a ct .... N. J . , memben of tbe broqae. P

j •bowa are held too late In tbe -•· There Ia no reaeon wby half a do1en board. Chaa. McCiaYe-Bronle turlleya 1 and too many are crowded lllto one InCh club• oonld not be formed. The

City wa• cbOMn' 'Ill tbe white Mlnorcu La Fleeba C ' 1 month. 8o tbe man ... mant of tb,. people UH In a :rear many mllllona

tbe annual conYentlon t!le Coetre, pet 11�11. ' "'.,. \ lllternatlonal Poultry Auoelatlon bu l dollare' worth of poultry and agp. ....,k In Au1u1t. Tbl1 1bonld Wm. G. Mlnlcb-Andalu•laDI black decided to ntend the obow _. by If tbe bo71 took up tbl1 work tbey biJ boom for poultry In tbS. M lnorcao pme bentama ' 1 boldiDI an earlier 1bow, ballnlnl r.ould produr.e much of tbl1 product

of the country. Richard Olle-Qr lnat B 11 ltbat no bl!tter time tor boldlq a abo• rlr;ltt 1t the doon of tbe eon1umer. --- eyeo Hamburp Ho:dan1°111' uc

• could be aeleoted tban TbiUI�Yiq Alain, the time 1pent wltb bS. 8quarr GerdeD 8how to be w. B. Atherton-Anea'nu, Aemrl- week. l!:llblblton wbo 1bow and wtn chlclla111 will be time well 1pent, for

Jhld OPr. 8 1 to 1 ... 11. can Domlnlqueo, Pollab, Polllb Ba . I at that time will ba In a pneltlon we know be 11 not wltb eYII eomp&n• tam a Red ca 1 !I 1 b 0 1 aell tbelr wlnnere u otbar 1tocll to lon1 or 1nlrerln1 for want of 10111•

Cbflel D. Cleveland, -retary ' P ' · pan 1 · 1 other� wbo nblblt at the later abowa. tbln1 to do IUld ptllnl Into ba4 1Q8rlntendent to be of tbeMadl- J. H. Drevenotedt-Wblte, black,

1 In other word• 11 will or.te a - bablll limply to llll ln time. Let blm .... ,. Garden abo'lJ, bu laoned buff, Columbian and Partrld .. Wnn- and ea\-ty market tor bllb e� ... ltoell - that 'lJorll can be u lnWI'fttlq In wbleb be tella that dottea, Wyandotte Bantam•, Cornlab, ___ · u an:rtblnl 111 tllll world proTided

Madloon Square 8bow wtll white IUld dark. 1 - like It December 3 1 , 1918 , to Jan- I Oeo. H. Bur1ott-Letrborn1 aad · "• VOIOE I'ROII TO ORlVII. Anothe,'ntaable tblnl for the boy

1, 1 9 1 4 . Thla Ia from Wednea- · Lelbom Bautamo. I Tbe unnpeeted happened lut Ia the fact that In mallln1 bS. coop w Monday nlgbt, lncludm. Ball· I J. C. Krlner--l!tandard pmea, Ru- : week wben all the e11blbltor• at the aDd appllue.., he may pin bard 11na� the e1blbllofl Ullple time , matru, Cocbln Bantam1, eJ:eept black la•t obow of tbe Richmond County \ tralnlnl tbat will ba nluable no both way1. Kr. Cle1'• and ornamental. ! Alrleultural 8oclety reMIYed a let- matter wbat be dON In after life.

pledle• the obo'lJ mnqement ! Hu1b A. Rooe--Camplnea, black I ter from "Mort' Vanderbilt reqn•t· Po\lltry '-PIDI 11 not bard work lin a modern and up to date Cocbln Bentama, Rumpleao, Fri-. lnl their preeenee at Port Richmond, land ma.t of tbe labor lnYoiYed t1 of

wltb a poltey by wblcb tbe Pbeaaanta. i 8taten Ialand, lut Friday mornln1, aacb a natuN tb�t a boy oan eaolly I will win, re1ardleu of wbo l Henry P. 8chwab--PI:rmoutb Rockl : to r-he premium• won lut Bep- do 11. OIYe blm a 1tart and enroura1&-tbem. He prom I- IUllform , and Plymouth Rock Bantam1. 1 tember. Hope wu abcnat allalldoaed ment and - what he doe• with 11.

aiiiOiute enforcement of tbe rulea Lortn1 Brown-Lan11obana, Dork- or .. ttllll any money won at tbll l :

etll meot every one half wa;r. i ln111, Javu, Rhode loland Redo, ln- 1 abow, but for tbe third Ume a new ------- ------1 dian Runner Duokl. I �rowd hu obtained control of tbe Entba�laate of lll4cl'- Herman Holle - Lallenvelden, l ooetety and tbe:r uy that they wllt DO IT NOW

HuiMH'rlhfl Count .......,�t.e , ll'aYerolleo, 110lden and •llnr laoed, I wear rnbben to keep their feet warm for THill ., �·- allver penelled Wyandottea. nut Beptembar, ebould It rain. How- P A. P R R

Jllddleaex County, N. J., pout- 1 A. J. Braun-Waterfowl. ever, tbe new ero•d came acrou 1 Ol'rR OOLio.\R PICR YEAR

bave met and or11,nlnd tbe : C. E. Twombly, Oeo. Ewald, G. B. wltb 70 per cent of the money won

A � e rlean Poultry Sale• Co. 38 luclay Street, Phone 1811 Barclay

Ahraya In 8tocll


POULTRY ltAIIER8 No matter what you wut-lnanbatore, Brooders, HaYen, Coop,

Feed• of all aorta at all Prlceo, Orlt, Oharooal,. K•t Barap, J'ee4 Tronrhl. Pountaln•, lluroiMn, N•t I!:IP. Pnrltan Obloll Pood "0. K." Poultry Litter, H- a Clark'• Pu-a-eea, Wbltln1'1 Roape.; ud Wblte IJiarrb- R-ed:r, and a Pull Line of otbar Remedlee and 111-llaneov• Snppllel.


lllXCLli81VIIl NIIW YORK AOIINTS for Obu. A. OJpben' "Buf· falo" and "Mandy I.Ae" lncubaton, International Jlanltary HoYere.

" Buffalo," 140 E11 lncabator, en: 1 1 0 1111 llae, .d. We'll be Glad to 8bow You Anrtblnl. Bll lllu1trated Oatalo1ue FRIIII.

Call, telephone, or write for anytblnl, or Information and prloee.

Americu rllltry Sales Co., 31 larclay St., lew y erk ' ' 1 2 -bour" Raneocu Table 11111 rrnb IIYery Day from tbe

Farm at Brown'• Milia, New Jeroey.


Harmony fark No. 1 21 Acres

Harmony rark No. 2 46 Acres

Springfield Road and Glenside Ave. Sprin&fleld Road and Westfield Ave.


We Will


Have Exceptional Values Yearling

Announcement Later of Great Importance to the

Poultry World

During Stock

the Next 30 Days .on

We are Pleased to Announce That in a Few Day• We Will Open to the Publle THE HARMONY PARK TEA REST '

At Harmony Park No. 1

W SoUelt Your Patrona&e for We Will Serve Dell&htlul Home-made 8� with • the Very Choleeat of T- , .

SYDNEY R. CLARKE,· Mlr· ' . Tel. 833-W W..W.W

110MB V.U.UABLII BBALTII RlNTM Dr. C. A. CafJ', of tbe Alabama Col­

��· atatlon, IIYea eome ucellent ad­� to tboH eDII.Ieci In tbe poultry bualneu eltber on a lar1e ot amall aeale. In tbe Alabama Collese Bul­lttln, No. 1 38, be makea tbe follow­l,tlr au11eatlona for tbe ellmluatlon or ��qme poultry trouble:

For lateetlaal wor .... 1. Iaolate Infected bird• and de­

atroJ or dlalnfec:t tbelr dropplns• yb lie beiDI treated.

I. Put one to two 4rama of copper of aulpbate In Acb pllon of drlnli:-1111 water for one weeli: ; or

8, Powdered po�raJlfote root berli:, followed bJ two or tbree tabl• apoonfula of cutor oil.

4. 011 of turpentlu, ODe to t1fO teupoonfula, followed ID four to lib lloun wttb caator oil.

&. Powdered eao�tonln In lln to el1bt sralD <!- Ia •peelaiiJ' 100d for round worma. e. Obopped up pumpli:ln eeed for tape WOfllll,

..... � 1. Bubnltrate of blamutb, ODe to

four sralna, two to three tlmea per da7: or

1. Pulyerlaed claellona berli:, one to two 1ralna, tbNII tl.mea per daJ, ud

1. QulnlDe, o-ltlltb to oa•llalf p;)ln, two tlm81 per d.,. 6. DrJ feed, or 'eoll.IID •• '.U.IIUJ molat feed.

Voutlpa*loa. 1. EpN111 ealta, tweDtJ to tblrtJ'

1ralu lll eDt tabl81pooDtul of water; or

I. Outor ott, one to two taupooa­tula; or

a. ca1oa... - to two (I'&IIUI, and •. left feed,

..... u...

QaiM TMte .. ,_ � Don't Judllt nobodJ bJ tbe

ttont bedroom fUrniture U..t ain't i paid for Jet. -lit. Bepa b-Ile.

Tb<' Old lla nrl gh•• JOII 1111 Idea of wot thlnt:M I"' 4·umln' to. \\' h_r. a few yt'll no 11�0 a lin Ilk<' lhlo wonlol 'aTe 'od a eouph• nf Mnrdlnoa In; p'r'nl•" three.-Punt'IJ

1\. Pll'fDEB. Prop.

I'll MOBBU AVDlm Phoae l81T·W Bttaabetb. N. I.



We Guarantee What We Sell - - - .--... -And our warranty is born of the rt�l wlu, we know is in every article that 2oa -J, of our .tore. We arc atill sticking to the good, ol.l. fuhiooecl rule of "�'1 tiiOrlll « ...,.., btlt:i" an4 we find it ia a real biiiU... bailder.

What do you 'need that we handle l NfiV il a good time to find out .,., we 1011 and how we ��ell it.

You'll �e clad you in­vesti�rated.

The Bi8 Hardware Store Broad and Elm Strut. WeltfteW, J.



Most Attractive L A K E N V E L D E R S


L . E . O S GO OD 1. C. White Lechom• Standard Bred and UtlUty

WeNiud An., ::::. Weatfleld TELEPHONE ell




Pl'tll· _... t.:. Jr. trfll" jllled

II �

WII ..


P. T R A Y N O R Elm au-t, w •• u�.ew, N. J.

DII·B-TA ... RIJII-&-rA DRYKAIB II. DU ... .. wvii, N. I. ..... :.=.a ..... ......... pw.HeW. " ...


� .

---- 'l'lm � L&ADD, WIIDn&D4Y, MA.Y 16. 1t!J. ' �-��--.. �-.... ... . __ ,...........__,_ ..... _ ___ ...._.,..,._ __ -· �·- . .... � ���· - --�- - . -----.....--� ..... �"':" Ul·.••.:�� ..... !J �Ht bt. ··ett•J . . tk I ... - ----- - - ·-Will -...�.�)�";,.:_: DAWotR'I XIlX Ia Wbo'f::o':a a!d a !all

,quan�t� UUWiil I &rtt. Tbta and freab Wlltflr abould be before her at all ttmea. The u.., of tobaeco�l . • for


nesto broody beno eannot '� ''{l reeommended. T ' · t D g broody hen 'll'lll 118Dd 't . ... Of ' li tobaccc• .J!j!

. ·�fODl!h ' t)JII feat••ti BUT 'll'blcb Jlff 9tmP.f vermt11• · · ! CHANGES HIS ., ...

He Start• Clut to Have 1 Row With the Butcher.

Rlifi'Jff'R -T rfJtff�+'fHf' AMI Aftet. .. ..,pllnt the..l1l.

MelJ IC"""f r�,�� rid � ::::.!::' t:.-c�"''ei' :, r.'f 111111 w..,. P'w CIKiel" itt . .

1!1Lt11�iUJlllllf:.rto':V :UaW •r M. QuAg. to uae for tbe deotrucllon ol dt.eue ICI>p�•t. 1111. by Adotod UtWVJ """'ATCHim IN THE LITTER. gPrml and loaect -11. Malle a PNoo. 1 ..... p pracltlce or aulvburlalns everJ pout- DUR1NO tbe panic of tour ,_,. Uotber otorr wil l tell JOU of wbat trJ bou101 prior to llmewubln& u. tp Mft. ..,.._ lc* tM' aa• J'rtll Clark,., of HarmoaJ Parll:, Ia If lulpbur fum11 •Ill not deetrOJ Ill· llf' - �{ 1111. W It a .,..· �P on Rprtn&lleld Road. He IHICt -ta and dlaeaM mlero"- then benk. 111M� Ulat time neq • ,.u.wllht'd aucc- Ill tbe new notbllll el��e on earth •Ill. Tbe .ul- time tbat Mr. Bow- 11aa bapp!IDid tD

.. tore. pbur candl11 now obtalnabl@ for COial boale • bit lll'IJ or Ia .. aile baa Mr. llareball, wbo baa 111111 poul· fuml&&tla& purpoeea DIIJ be uled or bel« 1Mr brea� for fwr lie wotal4 •• trfiiiD for J. C. Br&dJ, of Ola41toM, the 'P0\'7dlred aulpbur m&J be placed -- Usat -'i belli! Ill wtkll llle bal

jlllld for I N!Iand tbla w .. k. On � bot cln•eN, tile latter buta1 ...., 011 �It bJ fDDI DJ� .... It tooh like old d&JI to - Hll&fJ .,.... put Into a lllallow Iron paa, Be wu ....., ao � ...... ., !lilt

'ltll beet In the ranka aptn. The But Wblcbe•er metllod of 0111, Ule ot'-r dtH!Ioon. and u lie •teNd IIIler auletant IHICrel.afJ apent a pburlsla& Ia adopted. the bulldlnl tile llloaea •bP �11ed out:

""'"ab le •-!on In ue P • n ·• 1111 to be d .. lt wltb mu1t bt readere4 0 I b 0 t d ·::·t Ifill -! I can't lieu ltr' ,... I l l be I ' 7" wt._t'f'' ... ol tbeee d&JI w lOme &&I' • proof aplnet tbe eecape of f1m11. ;;,t ... Veuble llec!urt-.� jaltaral •peclallet. lo tbe cue of open fi'OIIt bou- It 11 _,� .., ..... 1 w. H. Tueroer, of Deecb Cr11t, Ia a 1ood plaa to pqtfl atro111 brown &lid o�.n't·l .... a·Cebt·• -• wek to tbe real life of tbe bucolic. paper over tbe opeolnp to render bu ba8Wd. � tow week& on the farm wltb real tbem alrtllbt durt111 the fumtpu111 "1 .- tiM buk 18 all 1'1811L on.. hra will do oo111• heal! lood to &DJ proc-. Wbeo the aulpbar lal:lted waa Ill old wnmaa ecrubblllc

. tile ._.

.... "" al ctted " l"ir r " , " �... tb�r of the bulldiDJ ab . .._ u:i etooa. &DCJ •be .,..,. -·�urer Slor,ll, cl qulcii:IJ and rutened ft;bby bee

.ven tot'' tlletl lht Wllat mr two da�t4in. an4 . ould be ll:ept futened tor tWn· ou llom .. 10 .,.,1 rP'ff' sund•J toot\n1 ty-fo'!r boun, after wblcb the Interior "'ttie o!.r tnlot." '1

ken 7arda. or tile 1tructure should be atre4 tllor- "iii{ bow r· Tbere were Iota or •la"ora a� ou&biJ before beln1 llmewaab.U. The "'flliJ 1.,. Jr<>ll\lr to I'IIIR prll'tltl mlouo rhlrten raucb• on Tbe h!mllatln& of poultfJ boa- Ia a pin, and 1 ha , .• �omP home tD write told Road laat llund&J. attended to beat •ben the !o'll'la can 1 oDt 1 WII'IIIUJI In 1,..hnlf of the AmPrl· ... revort<d •• YlfJ lf)Od. be IIOiated to frMb quarten without 1 Phlllt• Longcor, of lkotcb Plalna, beln1 checked of I&JIDI. I 11 goln� Into the Buff Orplogton I' flrlety. The eccretary IOld " Phil" t.un:WA!IH 18 NJ<(••:KM.\K\' . .,111, sood otoct. -- I IJT. t:�el has ··ertalnly 10tten out l ntf'rlono of . All 8trndu,.... Khould ulro flot•k of W h ite Wyaodottea tb U..t l'oa& of IL lfrlnr, and hao oome n ice place to

hop t h<'lll also. 'Tharllo" Hinger reporta 1ood bua-

11 ... and R'"'d reeu lta wltb bla Mam­•Oih /wnhntor. He dSHrVII to WID oat lor he t n·ot• everybody wltb 1qaare d••nl Hut tbe IMWt of wbolo pla nt I• M re. Singer, who Ia al· nyo on t ho alert to aee that tbiD11 Ill right. 'Tnrln" l l�nry Holm11 I&JI be

Llmew&ah If properly prepared baa yet to be beaten ao a puriDer and cleaneer and the lnterlora of all •tructurea aro benellted b) an appli­cation of lt. Poultry hou.,.. ohouhl be llmewaohed at i.,..t twice 11 year, w hile brood coop1 a.nd hroodt•ra 1 abould be treated prior to tenanth11 fre1h hatrhee of ch lckehl, To prl'­pare llmewa�b the lime ( unll&ted )

would Ilk•• to know bow to feed tbe should be put Into a pall and bollh11 hleka to k•w , tbem warm tb- cold 'll'ater poured over It to olate lt. It :., 1 then abould be etralned throuMh a J:hn B. llavl• II e:�perlmentlnl piece of coar.., oacklog held over a�­

trltb 1 n"w breed of belckena tbat other pall to remove the oollda. 1 o rtal 1 w i ll mall:e blm famoua If the etralned llquldt obould be addt•d �- b

n Y d oome aalt, liquid fat or lOft ooap and NR7 rf'f' on. Ed Marenghl report• 1110d p�troleum. ' When prepared tbe l lmewaah Ia bit ne" Incubator and &110 ebould be of the tblckn- of c ream � not Into the rlnl for tbe Barred and •bould be applied wblle bot, ult­loeta at the tall abowa. lng a brulb to ooat the plain aurfacee '"TRJR t• t &IITA(NLY &IS I.,'' and an old prdeo 1yriD1'e to deal can peopl�. Tbe d•d line bu �D lBOUT YOUNG CHICKEN&. wltb tbe coroen, craclla aud crev- rea�bed at t .. t. Aootber rile aod tbe

Juot a few word• more about tbe Ice•. Another good llmewa1b and people "'Ill •·ry fill' blood.'' chkko. You can never learn one that bu adbeel•e propertle• maJ "Tbe IM<Jpl� 1"" alw&JI CfJIIII for

tb I ed b t tb I I be Prepared bJ diii011'1DI lime wttb IIOmetblnl'. ' bnt tber llf'nr do auJ· tb�:ko• ���u� re: ��ta �:;:•r

a:d bolito& 'll'lter and etralnlog It and tblal." are al waya acceptable. Of then addl111 oome wbltln&, liquid � will no,., with Bowoer to IC'dd

tbere Ia one teacher tbat II 11111 and Mit. Alum Ia a 100d tblnl Wb tbl Howoere Mt down to cUn •• well aa aeyere, and tbat to Impart drying and adbMI't'e qual·

ner ;:,�re ••• 1 line ata�k •&Jdbl ""'"m'""''"' If you are on Jour ltlea to lime� and an addition of tbem In the ra�. aod Mre. �r

ma�:·�;tb:�·:::sf tb; ·�o It to tbe m lztul'il :Ill be of beneP,t. �� .... W

... �:�f. ��� them tbll �". · ;if � FJPMMIIOA"�'fiC HA8 E � tn.t �� · · 1 lf!lll: blrda oat ��� . t . . ,t 00� m' ' "I .... , �'1 4IJ! f't a fair ·� ·· and fot th •. ""

. . It I D t J>ermal\lanete of potub 111 101�011 a fair to llfdhitii k, llilkb U ooe fowl aay go-. · · n1 f .. d m"'ll a caplt_,J cteaneet ""d Ia· en bllt IQ'II'b.. • t 1""· co..,...

. . • masb tp. �t'b�, . �· t . u .... m·t&Dt for JIM ..-abllll "If

.� DJ IIOql to bunk • �� ��� a 1111!"·" !o feed weC ln , .,. . , : tiJtt 0Uiba lllcj trtnlln1 V� aif4 lfO AfJ-r \he ,.,,..., II In a crumbiJ e lt Je(; • r the ecrdbbllli out of cOOp1,'ft'r od· "Tb butcll r .. ad ,1 ,.. .. bl8 bMt." Don't be afraid to cut up a lot of era and even tncubatora prior to put· rep� Ml'l. �ow..,r. •r lor tho youn1atera If they ban IDI them Into u��e. Tbe chemical 1110 "Tben be lied, and 1 will 10 0,.1r rraas ruo1. If you will cut clover mall:ea 1 good etalD for wood'll'orll: a� tell blm 101 l'n &ot to ba•e a and feed them you are tJiviDI aDd ataod varnlablnl over. To mall:e row wltb blm about 110 often to t•p one of the belt and moat -��- tbe ataln, enough CfJit&la abould be b1lu b&lfWIJ bo-'." of leeds. Don't Jet 1117 one 1•t dluolved In water to 1taln • clean "1 abouldn't 10 o't'er and ratea a crazy at.uut beef acrapa. Tbere piece of timber the dealred ebade.

fu•. We ba•• "Iff Uttle tD complala oome good beef aerep1 and tbere Notbln& could be pN!pared more eu- ot .. whole lot of chemically prepared lly and notblnl &l•ee to tbe 'II'OOd to �But 11a oeede - plaiD talk." '-f ""'"''" that even make poor fer- wblcb It 18 applied • DIONI ruetle ap- Tan 111tnu1411 later be entered tba Wilen. One of tbe beet laytn• pe111 pearance. An appliance atallled wttb bllkber abop 'll'ltll blood Ill bl8 eJe, t1 birds In lfnlon county tbta HUOD permaa&anate of potuh, dried thor- but before be coal4 uJftodl ba cau1bt -· saw • bee! acrap fr0111 tbe llrat ou&bly and then varnl•bed '11'111 tall:e alpt of 1 pllou JDJ taae« wttb tbe to the preaent time. Howe't'er, 10me be&tlniJ u far u 'll'e&rablllty bakber'l Dame. and tbe -• ot � whn l.,some lean raw· meat W&l and lutlnl appearance are concern- e:rplalued: t� ieu a weell: In limited quanti- ed. OIYe It a trial .>II tbe oe:r.t ne'll', "I J•l.t lOt that Jq from mJ brotb· h. Don't let any one teh you tbat cleau appliance that needa coatln&. up tbe IUite toclaJ. Be WJOIIt M, •be or il koowo bow mucb animal - IDtD Ule lllllnufa�tun ot peacb brandJ lloct • )·oung bird need-. lt'a all Plenty of water tbeae warm d&yL , tbree .,_ aau epd 11u NJit ma a work from atart to llnlah and Be aure tbe youDJ cblcu are well aample of bl8 oldeaL toa are poated tho �• per I men t 1tatloa eaJ• tbll ahadeC oa wtnee ud 111Cb, and I Wllb Jao'd ftourlshed on tbla and tbe otber Do · �ot ne&lect that ban prden tell - wlaat JOU UIIDII of lt." "ent down hill, wb7 that Ia ODIT another d&J, "It muat be ordinarY otulf It made perhaps, of many coutrlbuUDI ef· Talre lood care of tbat Incubator 1111 tbla countrY," o*"ecl Mr. Bowler · As " 0 1 1 1" Wittman AJI: "J'IIld alter tbe lut batch come off. Do u be tDJed wttb tbe cort. "We bne "hat )our llocll: 11 and tbeu you not 'll'&lt until the nest eprl111 to clAD Ule paac...._ but we don't - tD

how wbo 1a wbo " 1 b t 10 at It now. Take out tbl lulow bow to - u.-. I'll tute lt. ---· t��r�01tat and OO't'er 'll'ltb oil to keep boWI't'tr.•

ONE HELPS THB OTHER. It from ruatln&. Store It Ill a .Srrl a. lifted the Jq 1114 too- a awal· lace Do not aiiDW the metal pll'tl tow and tben Rood tor a mlDIIte ard condltlou are Ideal for fo r�t out In the cellar. a1118CII:IDI bl• llpe. Tllat peecb bl'ilDdJ l:!hade Ia n-aury for poul· Set tbe alarm for t : 30 tbele d&JI wu not eo ordlDUJ u be bad looked the orchard provldll tbe Y81'J' d t out and - \Jl&t tbe JOUIII ' faf,

of shade tbat Ia d•lred, wblla �:tell:� ,et plenty of 1reeo feed. J'eecl "Ia JS pretty tatrr Mked U1e bateb· rrouud '" not all 1baded, !111'1DI early 111 the day u JOU can If •· •uu an opportunltJ to drr tbe aur· 11 want qllfell: matnrltJ. "1 llboukl 11111." replied Mr. Bow-Culttvattou bellll o-rr to yo� poultrr fall to ll:eep u be took a 10111 awll and looked the proper mulcb 111 tbe or· m� Be aura you know wbat .,.., wile over lt. ''TIIat Ia at llut P• tbe laud freeh aud ,uarde accoun ' an , wpt JOU reeeln nen J:X .tall'. \'oar brntbeNa-law bu

110 common to poQIUJ rtu 0:-��p" but balf a d(II8Jl blrde. d- �err 'll'ell - •11'7 well tnt� t of yardi111 oa laad without Tb

J 11 a �&tlafletlon In ll:nowlq Wl&la a taw more nan GPtrltaee __..::_ ere t p!Uit pa,.. CYID If JOU Be took aootlser drink. looUd ,._ W betber JOU befo d COD till Bed' attract 11111 aad l�ta In are not tl')'lal to mall:e money. dian re an ,; espertaaN and tbe oreba• dlat

· II If yt�u 00 1011pr need aettllll belli. "Witb • few more :- _,... wltb uoe elfectl't'e meau• for be careful bow J09 bJ.U tb-.� � eu amac:: ::'"' IDIIIIUt,.,.,.._ �· PoultrJ will for- Roll,lll bfOdllDJ te not wba' ._, lb• ll'relleb and &et maur bup aad Ill· want. You wtn oniJ InJure tbe b�d �:� Hk to aend blm IIIJdl a PrettY u�•�<nJct11ve to tbe orebardL l.eeomla • Impatient. aemove • • , llatl;ber "Would alao belp to ferUIIal the ::oodJ ben: to a cool open coop for plOd:.· :.:: ��af' · 10 that tbe comblaaUou of a few d&JI wttboat -ta.

JOII 111 _.. All 11....., Ia a rood oue for fila .,. ... ,. I• ....-farmer or the lf'.U w!UI �w. prl�"""' lott•!:-��-•:�•: "No* at aU. Bal I lud "- � . ulan.� - - .- ttl II tDIIT ����� tn IN -vel£] olrG � ' In &tiOna. lloo • _ .... .._ ..... , tbo-. It lilaJ taft I dl.. nooanoem .., all J!N& aao1 • ...,..., ,... ....., -· lot& · .,.rf!!le. 1 a llrel· .. Print trilla fll bolfT, You f'&D tell JODI' llrotll· •yf/foy In• •o:· a �clalty of priDIIIII' -'--Ia- .... t ....._ aik11- Ia all rlall&. ohof.. We ma tt

bookl. and l&lnP1fl'• __... ... ...- ,..., bo· awl end other

oflloe It •nu ha•• 4 ...... fill It -ld lllp do'll'a I .ftar N .,. .. �' c;.:,r dnn• ·hrtnW tt b•re ....... __ """ ,;tf;" ..rl..tere .,; ''f!f}J· Ttl • r: ,-� . .. . .. .

I ;:':.r�t •!'!!! t:.' � .....

"'l'baall:a. 11r. MJ bnltllwtll-la� wm be biCblJ p!Mied. WOtl't JOG taltl �In &114 - If tbe bcocl7 llla't Up tu time' IAt It Hnpr oe Joar toa111e a :!!·biD��

.. �

.·� .. �. ·�

Ult��at ba4 tbe IOUDd n� � • . tri be" �. .,,�· .. -���·· , ,':.'�·.n .

X l>ra tha. ... r � Iter. f ' W.. M dfli Jo ... · . . r-r·�,,._ ... �t . ... .. ,.. 1011 . •

.,, wtn, olr, ond tbanko to JOU o�roln . You Will P""IW•IY I'P<''"'" I Jill of It fOIIIreelf Dfll.t Wf'lk."

Wbeft Mr. po,.....r aot bla belhteek IIICJ« bl8 arm and otarted for boale h• ron •lid oily aod IIIOd natured. A atrwt car pe-..1, and be uoddod and Allied at tbe �a. A fi"'l''r'• boJ �·- •IDaC wltb a buket ot pot&· ..... lad ... - pettlld 011 ... bet't &IIIII tald ta ll:eap rlltlt 0t1 If be Wanted tD bP preekllet at tllo Uatted lltlltM. Mr. Bo..- ....... bJ tbe blllmnt loor a.DCJ .,., ... tilt t'OH ''old .... , .. .. ... balldet 1Mr lilt ftllall,. Be waa Jauplnl .. be "*t lill tD tbe lllttlq room, and aftllt a ICIIII loall: at �•• MJ'I. ao ... _ a•ll:ed :

"Well, dl4 JOI tM8t wit� a fUDJ &dftutare wblle lllttiDI JOUr m11t r•

Ht La...,.. .. H_ "1 4M. �· ll.' .. r• 111 taa&bed

"'Q, wllet N tilt bW-.s old ewl of • • leolllllf •*,. ••t JOII, Pf'Otllbly. lbe .... 't baa ..

rou· laDJb lllle tllat tor ... IDOtltbl. \lnlat ••• tbe tua r•

''WbJ, I -ba, 1111. bal It wa• Juat too rkb flit' anJtMn&. I �•n't talk ot It wttaont almo.t rboklna. IIJ Cli'Ot'JII, bot I WIAb 70a bad heea tbflnlr'

"Rot what wao ItT' perelaled Wno . Bow Hr. �u wu In f'Wca10 teu JNll 11'0· ba, ba, ba! 1 wae 1101111 a Ioiii BtetP atl'1'et juet bflblnd an old roo.ter whfou all of a andden a.-11a. ba, bat lilly, I �•n't tflll 1 1 ! lt'l too fllaDT r'

"What wae IJMJ ,..tar dalq ae the ot ...... u•

"Re wa.- be, ba, bat-walll:lq ah>nK. Oon't aok me to tell JOD tbe rMI. I •·on't do lL wltboot cbokiJIIr•

Mr. BowMr _.lied •ell: and fortb and olappood bl8 1,.. &lid IIINW purple In tbe fot'f!, and lbe cat Nt Up and looked at blm out nf eJM •• 1111 u MDI'en. KlttPD and �at, 1be ba4 bean Ill tbe Be"""r famliJ tor ,_,.., aDd aiM> hAd II.Vt!r -I! tbe bead ot tbe famllJ MO affPd...t ,..,o,..., Mra. Bow•r ••• al110 looklnl. n111l •• a •uaplcloa bepn 111 llfOW In h••r hH rt •be Inquired:

"Did tbe bu�ber ull JOU out to drink wbf'n yuu botqbt the mNt?"

''l'oUI'M Dot-11&, ba, bal 1 Wllob JOU rould ba•e oeen tbat ol4 roo.ter. No. Tbe bukber didn't Mk me out to drink. ne bad • Jul of peach brendJ, a ad wb1111 he atruc!ll: au kJ •tlot tbl t ol4 aooatflr'o hHia--ba, lie, ba I"

Mr. llewear w..,.. � Alld ... treated JOU to ,...,.. bnll·

dJ'I'' •be ull:ed. llad to te•te of It to tell blm

r It ••• XJ:XX or not. Wbeu Ia llew up tbat ol4 rooater bl8 wlnp and clawed tbe elr

���· �":f.O"'fTL. �.f:. :.::::: ., apoptuJ. 'J'bta

IW&J Ill a loUa dla a • i' looked ·� llf'lo.

ll 't •1 and allled : It cOd � ' t 1DT Ooaaln Joe

7 J01> wu a mt&llb' IIOOd tt.l· --DIII'btJ K<>od. I can't tbl8 of blm without �rJiq." "Do JOU realise," •be aaked, know· lq Ule trutb at Jut. •c1o 10U l'llllu �� you are lntoucated'l''

"Me lntosJcated r• be NPIJed u be llhal&bteaed 11p. "Ne1'1r, lllr-nevl!r: Tbat old cat'• ea druull: u • lord, but I'm all rlabt, all rllrbt. Wbat makee Jou tblnll: J'DJ 'to:lkated7 MllbtJ tuu· llJ' roo caa't - dlat 1'111 10ber and Ule cat ba1 a Jq on. 8b&J, Ml'l. Bow· -· ata't JOU eofl')' tor mJ poor Cou•· 1a .;roer•

"I'm _., lOri')' for JOO, You OUKbt to be ubaml!d of JOUrMitl" "WIIat abookl I be 'ablmed 'bout?

Don't -14 me, d1rllq. I don't tblok Pm IDIDI tn 111'1 't'lrJ IOq, aocl tiMon JOG won't ba•e IIIJ bubb1. Yon woa't maii'J •11111 It I die ar.&. wtll rou � ..

"I'll balp you upetaln to bed," 1bl' Mid u abe fOlie up and toell: 111m by dla &1'111.

•yea��, llelp me upetaln. 'ca- I won't Un 1oo1- 1'4 like to II•• a bun· tred JNn. Mn. BowW, bat tbat old cat woo't let me. Oall - bubbT aDd NJ 7011 lo're me r•

Tbere WBM a pmceaatou down tbe baiL It ••• eompceed ot Connol-ur Bow.r, bla IDdiJPIIat wife abel tbtt w08111f1111 cat,.,tnd tbeb' � wu alow 11114 �atrlc. Tile p10C8111lon bad cUf&eoltT In pttlJJt DJ!iltalra. 1111 lllr. Bow- balte« oa • .,.,. •tap to WIIIO, but It wu taaiiJ acc»lllp!Jabed. and two mlnotal later be tell forward UJIOII Ilia bed and wblapenct u ba cloae4 �18 • ., .. ,

"Zbat bnndJ 18 J:XJ:][, aDd JOa tall' Jftl' .,.._-tn.fa1r Mr. ea­MJe 10. Mr. Boweer ..... asakll 1111 Ddelatak11r'

.... ., ... ,. Lilla. To know &nJOWII Joa

11:- l't'lfJiblal. - Ntw WOfttL



=-·�=-.,..,.,,.. .......... IIP1 tpD llfl' ... .. til lfPOOA'II

� - � - � - -. ... ... • ...... of ltJit. Golclrlaf aa4 Ntlru II Qe JlftdN' Ulll , .... ba all 0111' prllllnltl uul ........ ........ wldala ... GOIII.IDIUI4 rov attnttoa 11 Ute .a. .. ..a. .. ,m u ...._ ... pri-.

lftDfo avm tt• nwom lftllfG OVDOOA" tlt V.WA&DI


NEW YQII CITJ IVBW�Y l'l'�Jf '"' �0 ..


May Muslinwear Sale

Tl,.. 1'-mbe,...r Maf MaJ,. ur nmollnw<'ar rn<•l•f Wnmea who haft ohopped at otJ"'r atu.- t<'ll "" that, •aualltJ �ouotcl.-1, Bamblraw ,..._ are the lowMt In the MPtropolltaD J)lot.rlct. If J'otl IMIJ• ... dala&r u....,...., wlthla tJ•• n�•t II• mo•the. br all - malw raur .....,.._ DOw.

RICU. JMJc VKDKRWI>lAK. 47<>-<:omblnatlon CorHt Coftr &Dd Draw· era, or Conet Cover ancl 8klrt. Cambric drawera. lllllrtiJ ot caDibrle. Sbort •lllrta of line naln100ll: or cambrlo. C beml-. rr.acb a�le coraet co't'lfl . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • . . . . . • . . . . . · . • · · . • • • fl RICU. 81k' UNDKRWI!lAU. Tllc>-Comblnatlon tarmente of ualaaook. Wrw wltb 1- lnaertlonl. Short Bklrta. Drawere of ual-k. Lon& or ebort cbemiH of line nalnaook. J'r.ncb oorHt coyera, 11Atl7 trimmed. Special . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . • . . . . . . . . . . . . . . · . ,.., • 81.00 UN''!WfllAR. 118c>--Gowua of uatuaook, oambrlo or

Cambrltl· nalnaooll: aklrta, lace or embro�!l llouooee. ·:����� . .. . . . . ��. ��? .����·.b. �.'!� .·��

t. �!.�.,:�. ��� .�:

�i:i.0:���#.(w.'f#��;���i�� Nfl:.11."\,� "�:�.!:. .. •tJl'b��u lll.elf&r..11 ::o:: bt'IRWIOila .;;'1::1; of lace:::;iblfn� 4�;"'fV.•Wili';ea, tbla Nde . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • . . • • . . . • • • • . • • flM 81 .110 AND 81.7& UND�RWEAR, 81.87-<lowna of u&ID-k or e&Dl• brlc or nalnaooll:. Sll:lrta or cambric or natoaook. Combination pr­menta. Lon& or 1bort cbemiMa. Floe oaluaooll: darwera; apeo. 81.8f ar.o. 811.80 UNDKR'WKAR, 81.8'1'-Bklrta of nalo-11:, lawn or oam­brle. Lon 10r abort cbem..... Drewen and ll'reuob etyle col'Mt co't'era, made of line naln100ll: ; a peel a I . . . • . . . . . . . . . . . . • . . · • 81.8'1' ... 00 AND ... 60 U NDI!lR'WEAR. 811.e.-all:lrta of line embroider)' or lace. Oowu of nalnaooll:. Combination &&rmeota of nalnaooll: or Cblna 11111:. Lo111 or abore cbeml111 of natn10oll:. rreacb ltJI• cor-let conra. Drawera of naln100k. Special . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. ... llCO IMie FRBJIIOH CHIIM181!l8, 7a-Women'a band made ll'reaeb Cbe.P .... of llllt QMIJ� DaPJIOOt, embroidered In diiDtJ d•ltu, Ill •ood nrlety; embroidered ereteta; re&ular Uc cbeml-. apeolal 7-. WOIUIIJII'I 81.00 DRAWKB8, 88o-Women'a band-made Jl'reuob drawen of line quality o.alnaook, trimmed wltb eealloped rulfl11 and apr&JI of embrolderT In ll't'llrel dNIIDI · • . . . . . . . . . . . . . � . . . • . 811o

Le Bamberger & Co. NEW ARK, N. J.

M I . C O J'I l'I U T E R , S T O P at 147 GltEENWICH ST. nMI' LIBERTY

For Cbolee

Beef, Veal, Lamb, Pork, Provisions, Poultry The New Liberty Market

L a. REYD, Pro,.



Goal and LrumJ>er Moulcltnl and Ma10n•' �-tf.erl4"· . .

Klndllnpood and FertiiiHn. .. .. •: C1Bi aa. • _. Cr111111.-. L J.

ON .. - ...... will NDetft ....,& .........

181 WWIIULD LUDU. wm>lUID.I.Y, IU.Y 1� 1IJJ.

. -·--

ROBERT W. MURRAY, Auctio�eer

Will Offer For Sale On

' ' AT 2 P. M.

Handsome Stucco Residence and Large Stable of

D A V I D B . C O L L I N S



I �

' . , � ' . . ,

. ....... '

' '

---- A T T H E ----

WESTFIELD, N. J. 0 N · p L 0 T 1 6 0 8 Y 3 0 0 F E E T

D E S C R I P T I O N O F P R O P E R T Y � I'IU'1' I'LOO:a ooutau or UlnrJ, lTdO n., U'fiDc JOOJD. l8dl ft., uut 4lDlDI 1'0011a, lidO n. •\in loar

k't.1llaec1 in 8pnd � from MliOHd lop. IJ'bnr7 pau1ed T ft., wt\b ' IKp bam-in bookoa•; UW., roo.a ,...... 1ft., IJIMII above IIIAIIopllJ in oordo-q le&\her, cliJalq room pueW 1ft., 11pM1e Uo'YI in lllk �.

Ki\oha lUIO ft., buU.'a �U, bl.O f\., u.d to. box room in wiDe· oR ..aon I'LOO�'YIIl w room� lUll ft., lbl.l n., lkll ft., 11z11 ft., lUll ft., lkl.O ft., lkl.O ft., ...

\wo bMh rooma b18 ft., u.d 8d8 ft. OR 'fBJlU) :rLOO:a-Btmw room lkll ft., u.d Ull'll room� lWl ft., 1h1J ft., ud 10x12 ft., oae bMh ..... 8d

ft., u.d 1&\io .,.., '1'6\ in oellar. 'l'olll\ uul la'Ya&G17 OD 1m loor. a.. ud ello\rio �Dune \llroqhou\. Ample oloM& roaa.

.1.11 IIIUopDJ cloon u.d ou\ 1'- lmolll oa IIOODd floor. Jlo\ ,.... 1JaWm or MMmr· Modena Nble. 'W't4e ooa­.. clri'Yift1. Ool\ $66.800 w b1li1cl fov ud OM half JIU'I lip, pu"tDC l1IJnW in I& ood • Mable OOIIIiN or 1u'p Oil'·

_dip room wtUl Ull'll rep1ar u.d Olll boz dall Oil In\ tloor; hni-Uab'dl or .,... OlllltlllHd, \henfon, nitable for ....... CJoMhmM '1 room lo1ld !I&J loft OO'YWI Upnallnl JOritOil or idabll. ...

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