THE LIGHT - Jamia Islamia Ishaatul Uloom

The Light- Jan, Feb, Mar 2015 1 THE LIGHT ENLIGHTENING THE HEARTS A JAMIAS QUARTERLY INITIATIVE Vol. 1, Issue 2, Jan, Feb, Mar- 2015 Price Rs. 25/= Patron: HAZRAT MAULANA GULAM MOHAMMAD VASTANVI The President of Jamia Advisor: MAULANA HUZAIFA GULAM MOHAMMAD VASTANVI Chief Executive of Jamia Editor: M. SHAMSUL HUDA QASMI Jamia Islamia Isha’atul Uloom, Akkalkuwa OFFICE: THE LIGHT Jamia Islamia Isha’atul Uloom, Akkalkuwa, Dist. Nandurbar (MS) 425415 Tel. No. (02567) 252256 Email: [email protected]

Transcript of THE LIGHT - Jamia Islamia Ishaatul Uloom

The Light- Jan, Feb, Mar 2015 1



Vol. 1, Issue 2, Jan, Feb, Mar- 2015 Price Rs. 25/=



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Jamia Islamia Isha’atul Uloom, Akkalkuwa, Dist. Nandurbar (MS) 425415

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The Light- Jan, Feb, Mar 2015 2






























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“The Light” printed at Hamdam press Malegaon and published on behalf of Jamia

Islamia Ishaatul Uloom, Akkalkuwa, Nandurbar, MS Pin: 425415

The Light- Jan, Feb, Mar 2015 3

The Qur'anic Light:

GUIDANCE OF HUMANITY Maulana Muhammad Manzur Nomani (RA)

لفي خسر إ� الذين آمنوا وعملوا لعصر إن ا�نسانوا

)(القرآن الصالحات وتوا صوا بالحق وتوا صوا بالصبر

“By the oath of time, Indeed

mankind is in loss; except those

who believe, do righteous deeds,

exhort one another to be steadfast

on the truth, and exhort one

another to exercise


A brief Overview

Allah Ta’ala takes an oath on

many things in the Quran Majid

and in this surah; He has taken an

oath on time. Whatever He has

taken an oath upon, usually serves

as testimony for what the oath was

taken for. In this case, time

testifies to the failure of human

kind except those who met certain

criteria. These are: belief in Allah

Ta’ala, carrying out righteous

deeds, exhorting one another to

the truth and exhorting one

another to exercise restraint


The Testimony of Time

Time is our primary capital. Our life

can be compared to a person selling

ice. Since the ice melts all the time,

his capital is slowly diminishing. If

he manages to sell it, he will accrue

profits, but if he is heedless, it will

vanish. This is the testimony of time,

which states that man is in loss,

unless he capitalizes on his time.

Hence, the oaths that Allah Ta’ala

takes in the Quran Majid testify to

that which the oath has been taken


Time testifies to the destruction of

man in another way as well. History

tells us of nations that lived in the

past. Some of them were successful

whilst many of them were ruined due

to their evil deeds. It is imperative to

have a clear understanding of the four

criteria of success so that we may

acquire it.

What is Imaan?

Imaan is the first prerequisite. Imaan

means to be convinced that

Muhammad (sallallahu Alayhi

Wasallam) is the messenger of Allah,

and to regard everything that he

conveyed to the Ummah as absolute

truth. A believer must therefore be

convinced about the unseen realities

that the prophet has informed us

about, such as the existence of Allah

The Light- Jan, Feb, Mar 2015 4

Ta’ala, life after death, the angels the

messengers, etc.

If a believer rejects any aspect of the

prophet’s established teachings, he

will become a kafir (infidel), even

though he believes in the rest of the

teachings of Islam.

Righteous Deeds

Righteous deeds refer to all those

actions, which the prophet has

instructed us to do. These include the

fundamental tenets of Islam as well

as morality, good conduct and noble

traits. Trustworthiness, generosity,

honesty in dealings, acquiring

knowledge and earning lawful

sustenance are but a few examples of

the righteous deeds that the Prophet

instructed us to carry out.

It should be noted that all baseless

actions that have been introduced into

Islam and are carried out under the

pretext of virtuous deeds, are actually

rejected by Allah Ta’ala and are

classified as innovations.

Lastly, Imaan and righteous deeds go

hand in hand. Every person does

good deeds according to the level of

his Imaan. Those whose Imaan is

weak, submit lesser to Allah, and

those whose Imaan is strong submit

more to Allah. Hence, the lack of

good deeds in one’s life signifies the

weakness of one’s Imaan.

Mutual Exhortation to the Truth

and to Restraint

The third and the fourth criterion of

success is to exhort one another to the

truth and to exercise restraint. The

truth refers to Islam and all its

teachings, hence, every believer must

encourage virtue and condemn vice.

Exhorting one another to exercise

restraint (sabr) means that despite all

trials and tribulations, we must at all

times remain within the parameters of

the sacred Shariah and restrain

ourselves from trespassing its limits.

Essentially, the third and fourth

criteria refer to the fundamental

obligation of ‘Amr bil Ma’ruf wan

nahi anil Munkar’ (promoting virtue

and forbidding vice).


Imam Shafi’i (RA) used to say that if

Allah Ta’la only revealed surah Asr,

it would be sufficient for the

guidance of humanity. May Allah

Ta’ala grant us the understanding of

the depth of its message. (Ameen)

One Third of the Quran

Sayyidina Abdullah bin Mas’ud (RA)

recorded that the Messegenger of Allah

said: “Is not one of you able to recite one

third of the Quran every night?” the

people said: “who could have the

strength to do so?” He said: “Well, why

not? Surah Qul huwallahu ahad. (i.e. this

surah is equal to one third of the Quran)

The Light- Jan, Feb, Mar 2015 5

The Prophetic Light:



Mercy is a special attribute of

Allah, and Rahman (the

Beneficent) and Rahim (the

Merciful) are His excellent names.

The bondsmen are blessed and

deserving of Divine Mercy to the

extent to which a reflection of this

virtue is present in them, while

those who are cruel and hard-

hearted are excluded from it in the

same proportion.

ال رسول هللا ق :عن جرير بن عبد هللا قال: � يرحم هللا من � يرحم صلى هللا عليه وسلم

الناس (رواه البخاري)

“It is related by Jareer ibn

Abdullah that the Messenger of

Allah said: “Allah will not show

mercy to them who do not show

mercy to other people.”

The word ‘other people’,

occurring in it, includes the

Muslims as well as the infidels

and the sinners. Every one indeed

has a claim upon kindness and

compassion no matter to what

class or community he belongs.

True sympathy and kindness

towards the infidels and

wrongdoers, however, would

demand that, first of all, we felt

sorry and concerned in our hearts

at the sequel of their infidelity and

transgression, and tried sincerely

to save them. Apart from it, in

cases of physical or worldly want

and suffering, also, we are

commanded to be kind and helpful

to them.

سمعت أبا القاسم :عن أبي ھريرة قال )صلى هللا عليه وسلم(الصادق المصدوق

تنزع الرحمة إ� من شقي (رواه � :يقول حمد و الترمذي)أ

“Abu-Hurairah (RA) relates that

he heard the truthful and

trustworthy Sayyidina Abul

Qasim (saw) say: “The attributes

of compassion is not taken away

from the heart of anyone except

the ill-fated.”

It shows that if the heart of anyone

is wholly devoid of kindliness and

compassion, it should be taken to

mean that he is an accursed in the

sight of Allah, for the heart of a

person who is doomed to Hell,

alone, is totally lacking in mercy.

The Light- Jan, Feb, Mar 2015 6

عن أبي ھريرة أن رج9 شكا إلى النبي صلى إمسح رأس :هللا عليه وسلم قسوة قلبه قال

اليتيم و أطعم المسكين (رواه أحمد)

“It is related by Abu-Hurairah

(RA) that someone complained to

the prophet (saw) of his (own)

hard-heartedness, the prophet

(saw) instructed him, “Caress the

head of the orphan, and feed the


Cruelty is a spiritual ailment. The

questioner had sought the advice

of the Prophet (saw) concerning

the state of his heart upon which

he was told to cultivate the habits

of caressing the heads of the

orphans and feeding the hungry.

The remedy suggested by the

Prophet (saw) is based upon a

well-known principle of

psychology, or, rather, it confirms

it. It teaches that if a mental or

emotional condition is not present

in anyone and he wants to acquire

it, he should make himself look

like possessing it, and in course of

time, it will become a part of his

nature. The method of profusion is

Zikr (Allah remembrance), as a

means to the cultivation of Divine

love, which is practiced among the

Sufis is found on the same


Nevertheless, it is a symbol of

compassion to stroke the head of

an orphan and feed the poor.

Anyone lacking this, can develop

it by following this advice.

(from page 8) Human Rights and

recognized in international human

rights law under the International

Covenant on Civil and Political

Rights (ICCPR). Article 19 of the

ICCPR states, "Everyone shall

have the right to hold opinions

without interference" and

"everyone shall have the right to

freedom of expression...”

Article 19 goes on to say that the

exercise of these rights carries

"special duties

and responsibilities" and may

"therefore be subject to certain

restrictions" when necessary "for

respect of the rights or reputation

of others" or "for the protection of

national security or of public

order, or of public health or


This is our freedom of speech and

is not absolute. It carries certain

responsibilities and is not evil or

vice. We are not, and we don’t

want to support Charlie Hebdo to

incite 1.7 billion Muslims and

insult Prophet Muhammad (saws).

The Light- Jan, Feb, Mar 2015 7

Feeling Pulse:


By: M. Burhanuddin Qasmi (The writer is Editor of Eastern Crescent and Director of Markazul

Ma’arif Education and Research Centre, Mumbai.)

Freedom of speech or freedom

of expression has been the phrase

popular in the Western part of

our planet in the recent weeks.

People are dancing, singing and

crying; on streets, market places

and at newsrooms, for a single

thing – they call freedom of

speech. They say it is their

‘democratic value’, some even

claim it is their ‘lifeline’. It is

good for all and it is absolute,

they say.

On the contrary, there are some

others who are dying because of

the same phrase. We see wars,

bloodsheds, burnings, lootings

and all that is classified as crime

or uncivilized linked with this

very phrase freedom of speech. If

it is good for all then how can it

cause violence and disorder

among us? Or is it essentially an

evil that some sick people are

dragging us to hell? What exactly

this freedom of speech is!

Ironically some in the East too

started suffering from a kind of

untreatable intellectual disorder.

They say freedom of speech is

absolute. You can speak anything

against anybody at anytime,

anywhere and in anyway; wow -

can you?

Does it mean one can abuse

others, can insult, can lie, be it an

individual, a society or an entity;

be it a government, a god-man or

God- and what not, one is

‘absolutely’ free to speak! Does

it mean one can propagate

against his own country, his faith

and even disrespect his parents

who have nourished him with

care and abuse his Lord who has

created him from a drop of

water! May be yes for some

because their freedom of speech

is ‘absolute’ – means unlimited,

unchecked, thus, ‘divine’, isn’t


Our freedom of speech is

restricted and all we can speak or

do is within certain limits. We

are just humans, not God who

can do anything and everything

The Light- Jan, Feb, Mar 2015 8

nor animals which do not enjoy

the faculty of wisdom. We do not

find either, a place to do and say

anything or everything being

‘absolutely free’ other than in a


What we understand from

freedom of speech is a political

right to communicate one's

opinions and ideas using one's

physical means to anyone who is

willing to receive them. Every

government in the world restricts

freedom of speech to a certain


Common limitations on speech

relate to libel, slander, obscenity,

pornography, sedition, hate

speech, incitement, abuse,

fighting words, classified

information, copyright violation,

trade secrets, non-diclosure

agreements, right to privacy,

right to br forgotten, public

security, public order, and public

nuisance and so on.

The term "offense principle" was

specially added to expand the

range of free speech limitations

to prohibit forms of expression

where they are considered

offensive to society, special

interest groups or individuals.

For example, freedom of speech

is limited in many jurisdictions to

widely differing degrees

by religious legal systems,

religious offense or incitement to

ethnic or racial hatred laws.

However, freedom itself is not

absolute anywhere, let alone

freedom of speech, not even in

the USA where laws against anti-

Semitism are enforced. Not in

France where a burqa-clad

Muslim woman is considered to

be a ‘real’ threat to its ‘secular

democratic’ pyramid. It is not in

Switzerland either where an RCC

structure – a minaret of a masjid

is considered to be cruise-missile

against its ‘democratic values’.

And more so it is not in the

‘symbol of freedom of speech’

(sick) Charlie Hebdo magazine

too which fired its own

cartoonist- Sine in 2009 just

because he had mocked former

President Sarkozy’s son

converting to Judaism for money

through his caricature.

We also know that the right to

freedom of expression is

recognized as a human right

under article 19 of the Universal

Declaration of .... (on page 6)

The Light- Jan, Feb, Mar 2015 9

Daily Affairs:


Mufti Muhammadullah Qasmi

[email protected]

This is the tragedy of our time

that our youths are bent on

accepting every glitter of the

modern era as fashion and symbol

of progress. There are many things

that, at first sight, seem odd,

strange and indecent, but with the

gust of advertisements, media

coverage and competitions of

commercial institutions, it is made

in to a popular fact. In recent

years, a new phenomenon has

spread among the youths - males

and females alike – to celebrate

Valentine’s Day, a holiday

dedicated to lovers. This

celebration was rarely known by

any Indian youth some decades

ago, though it might have been

celebrated in western world.

St Valentine’s Day is celebrated

on 14th February by sending

greeting cards or gifts to express

love to one’s beloved. The cards

are generally designed with hearts

to symbolize love. Now, the craze

of celebrating St Valentine’s Day

is increasing year by year in Asian

countries, especially developing

nations like India. As the

Valentine’s Day approaches

nearer florists pile up love cards,

gifts and bounties of flowers, the

general stores sell Valentine

chocolates, cakes and other gifts.

The barbers cut hearts into men's

head hair, restaurants promote

Valentine's Day dinners.

Newspapers publish romantic and

flirting messages. The satellite

channels are not lagging behind

even an inch; they present special

features and organize love-letter

competitions. Internet dating

services enjoy a rise in surfing and

telecommunication companies

record high surge in outgoing and

incoming calls.

This phenomenon is spreading

many unholy things and in our

society as well the mind of

younger generation. Of course,

love is a natural feeling and

valuable asset of human life, but

not the love that spoils their life

and involves many other wrong


The Light- Jan, Feb, Mar 2015 10

Baseless Historical Background

There is a lot of debate and

disagreement among scholars

about the origin of Valentine’s

Day. However, this is certain that

this is celebrated in the memory of

some Valentine. Also, this is

another historical fact that there

have been more than one

Valentines who were martyred in

early centuries of Christianity.

But, as far as the matter of its

origin is concerned, it goes back

to ancient Rome before the

Romans embraced Christianity. In

ancient Rome, there was

celebrated a holiday on February

14th in the honour of Juno

Fructifier, Queen of the Roman

gods and goddesses. The other day

on February 15, they celebrated

the feast of Lupercalis which was

originally a festival of shepherds,

and was primarily for the purpose

to secure fertility for the fields, the

flocks, and the shepherds

themselves. There were many

myths associated with this festival

and many dirty rituals were


When Christianity spread in

Rome, the celebration of the

pagan festivals persisted among

them. The Christian Romans

continued to celebrate these

festivals, until came Pope

Gelasius I who abolished

Lupercalis and declared in 496

that the feast of St. Valentine

would be on February 14. Thus,

the ancient Roman Lupercalis

festival was replaced by a new

Valentine’s Day.

Who was this Valentine? There is

no specific information about him.

There was more than one person

in Rome with similar name who

existed during the early years of

the church, two or three of whom

were martyred. It was said that

there were two of them, or that

there was only one, who died in

Rome as the result of the

persecution of the Gothic leader


But, why was he killed, this

question also remains deprived of

a clear-cut answer. It is also said

that Saint Valentine advocated

love and peace, therefore he was

martyred. It is also said that the

Roman emperor Claudius II

sentenced St Valentine to be

executed because of his opposition

of government order that

prohibited soldiers to marry. It is

also perceived that Valentine fell

The Light- Jan, Feb, Mar 2015 11

in love with the jailer's daughter.

The emperor offered him to

pardon and make him one of his

closest confidantes if he forsook

Christianity, which Valentine

refused and preferred martyrdom.

He was executed on 14 February

270 CE, on the eve of February

15, the festival of Lupercalis.

Thus, the pagan Roman festival of

Lupercalis was transformed into

Valentine’s Day and was called

the Feast of Lovers, and Saint

Valentine was considered to be

the patron saint of lovers.

Irrelevance of Valentine’s Day

However, whatever the reality

may be, but one thing seems clear

that none of the narrations appears

to have much to do with love or

romance that we see is observed

on Valentine’s Day. If the

Christians celebrate this day in the

memory of their martyr, then it is

something that looks sound, but

what the Muslims and other

people of faith have to do with

this? Not only it is nonsense for

Muslims and others, but also for

Christians as well, because

today’s Valentine’s Day has no

relation to the sacrifice for truth

that was offered by St Valentine,

as they claim.

And, if it is historically true that

Valentine was killed in

punishment of having love affairs

with a girl, then the entire story

takes a U-turn and instead of

being ‘a cause of pride’ becomes

‘a matter of shame’. Being a saint

he commits such kind of act. And,

more shameful is the act of those

who celebrate this day in his


The Valentine’s Day celebration is

entirely based on groundless

historical myths. How surprising it

is that if an unmeaning and

baseless ritual is celebrated by

other people of faith it is taunted

as ‘mythology’ and ‘orthodoxy’,

but if it is practiced by the western

world it becomes a symbol of

progress and intellectualism!

In the society we live, every thing

is based on commercial

foundations. Why only education,

even the human parts and human

dignity is a saleable commodity.

The culture of celebrating ‘Days’

is actually the invention of the

Capitalism, which primarily aims

at devouring the common man’s

wealth and amassing it up. The

The Light- Jan, Feb, Mar 2015 12

commercial companies give push

to ‘Celebrations’ and ‘Days’ in

order to boost their products. They

do not miss even a single

opportunity to take out money

from the pockets of people.

Schemes are announced,

concessions are declared and the

public is seduced to achieve it, in

order to be in pace with the world

and to be called progressive,

whether they are not able to afford


The Muslims’ history is full of

such personalities who bravely

sacrificed their lives in order to

guard their mission and religion.

But, Islam is a natural and simple

religion, it did not like to burden

the people with the loads of

continual festivals and

celebrations as it slows down their

march to spirituality and affect the

common man financially.

We Indians, especially Muslims,

instead of imitating the West

should be proud of our own

culture and social order where the

foundation of love, affection and

relationship is far deeper and

stronger than in the West. Why to

fall in inferiority complex, be

proud of your own invaluable

asset that is quite perfect and


Hindus were not Forcibly

Converted to Islam

Mr. Gobind Ram Channa, an educated

and enlightened Hindu writer, had

written an article in ‘Daily People’ of 8th

August 1924 owned by Lala Lajpat Rai

in the background of socail evils of

Hinduism. He wrote, “ It is absolutely

wrong to say that millions of Hindus

gave up their religion and embraced

Islam because of persecution of the

Muslim invaders or rulers. They had the

zeal for propagation of Islam,

undoubtedly, but the conversion to Islam

by the Hindus during eight centuries of

Muslim rule was not wholly due to the

pressurisations of the Muslim rulers. The

political power of the Muslims declined

with the fall of Mogul Empire. In

Deccan, central India and Punjab, Sikhs

gained power, but conversion to Islam

was not stopped in those times. This is

bitter reality that the Hindus did forsook

their religion and embraced Islam

because of their obsolete social structure

whereas, Islam has got the faculty of

absorbing the Hindus. We should not be

satisfied with the allegation that the

Hindus were converted to Islam forcibly .

For instance, prohibiting the widow

contracting marriage, social unevenness;

callous and discriminative treatment to

the low-caste communities are the factors

which led millions of Hindus to embrace

Islam. Until and Unless, there is

complete change in Hindu society, the

rate of conversion to Islam will continue

to increase.

The Light- Jan, Feb, Mar 2015 13

Spiritual Healer:


Maulana Rafique Ahmad Qasmi

Jamia Ishaatul Uloom, Akkalkuwa

Islam, the eternal and final

religion guides its followers to

eternal heavenly abode (paradise)

by practicing good deeds and

avoiding all evil acts. It increases

them and blows vital Islamic spirit

into them to come forth intently

for pleasure and approval of

Allah, Almighty and protect

themselves hellward. For the very

noble cause it focuses on the

importance of education and

knowledge rather its first

revelation touches the depth of the

hearts of the people. Let’s have a

glance on the verses accordingly:

“Read with the name of your Lord

Who created (everything) (1) He

created man from a clot of blood

(2) Read and your Lord is the

most gracious (3) who imparted

knowledge by means of the pen

(4) He taught man what he did not

know. (96/1-5)

Revelation of the holy Quran to

the holy prophet commenced with

these five verses. The holy

prophet (saw) used to seclude

himself in the cave of Hira for

worship even prior to his

appointment as a prophet. Once

when he was in the cave, the angel

Gabriel approached him for the

first time, and after pressing his

chest, said to him, “Read!” “Since

the holy prophet (saw) was

unlettered, he replied, “I don’t

know how to read. Gabriel

repeated the request thrice and

then conveyed these five verses.

This being the first revelation to

the holy Prophet (saw), he was

taught how he should read the

Quran supposed to be revealed to

him in future. The instruction

given is that he should always

start the recitation of the holy

Quran with Allah’s name.

Moreover, it was an indication

that the preaching of true faith

among the staunch unbelievers

was though a difficult task; he

should start it with Allah’s name,

placing his trust in His help. Since

the holy prophet had a doubt how

he would read while he was

unlettered, verses three and four

The Light- Jan, Feb, Mar 2015 14

consoled him that imparting

knowledge is only in Allah’s

power. It is who made the pen as

an instrument for writing and

imparting knowledge otherwise

pen in itself has no inherent power

to convey any message, now

Allah can teach anyone whatever

He wills without the mediation of

pen and he would certainly teach

the holy prophet (saw) whatever

he would need to discharge his

duties. (Al-Quran)

The comprehensive meaning of

“Qira” refers not only to a

particular person or occasion but

also given a universal direction.

And this kind of comprehensive

meaning, as we have seen, runs

throughout the Quran for those

who will understand.

Think, these five verses contain

reminding of knowledge (Ilm)

three times, reading (qirat) two

times and writing once. Moreover

there are about 80 verses in the

holy Quran that enlightened the

path of learning and education by

emphasizing and stressing on its

importance and its receivers alike.

This declaration came into light

when the ignorance and lack of

knowledge prevailed all over the

world. Some people who had it

were overwhelmed by the other

side. No guidance at all- neither

for themselves nor for others,

absolutely fallen in darkness, as if

the existence of being is on the

brink of destruction and the pit of

fire. In this critical situation

Muhammad (saw) was sent as a

last apostle for the guidance of

whole mankind with two basic

things- knowledge and true belief

(Iman). These two ethics are

moral principles that can only

ensure the existence of this

Ummah (followers of Islam) and

uplift them among others. These

are two lights. Aforementioned is

an internally one whereas the last

one sheds the light outerly and

externally. In case, they are

deprived of one of them, will fall

in darkness, cannot approach the

target and achieve the goal. It will

result in humility and disgrace.

The reason being this Allah (swt)

says: “And Allah will raise those,

in ranks, who have believed and

are given knowledge. Allah is well

aware of what you do.” (AL-


When the Muslims adopted these

means of upliftments they were

crowned with success and honour,

wherever they reached; there were

only the leaders on the

The Light- Jan, Feb, Mar 2015 15

groundwork of intrinsic values.

Focusing on the importance and

significance of education, there is

a noble saying of the Prophet of

Islam that receiving education is a

strict obligation on every Muslim.

UNO declared in its international

manifesto that to get education is a

right of human being whereas

Islam plays a distinguished role

accordingly. It confesses, a duty

obligated on its followers; that

they can’t rid of it while one can

give up his due out of no

objection. It means, to the Islamic

jurisprudence, if one loses his

heart and feels nervous in the

educational field, can’t be excused

and pardoned. Rather, a person on

a part of his children does not take

enough care of their education and

instruction may get scolding for or

punishment duly.

The shadow of sorrow and grief

fell upon our community when we

gave up laying emphasis on

aforesaid points. Moreover we got

the knowledge and education

divided into two- modern and

Islamic. Whereas Islam has no

scope for it but alas! It is seen

widely throughout the world,

particularly in Indo-Pak. Those

who are aware of Islamic

knowledge, are unacquainted with

modern system of education, the

other side is supposed to be put on

the entirely opposite. It is very

unreasonable turning for the

believers in Allah, the supreme

being as well as does not have the

harmonious concordance with the

Islamic philosophy. To get the

eyes closed form, though it is of

one side, is not a sign of

prosperity and goodwill. I humbly

request to give goodwill on both

sides. I am sure we can approach

the goal and achieve the aim. The

authority management and

prudence have to set out plans to

carry out and bring the very

purpose forward to a fruitful end.

Allah Almighty has guided His

prophet to do dua (prayer) to

increase the knowledge, “O My

Lord! Advance me in knowledge.”

(Al-Quran- 20/114) So we should

always pray for increase in our

knowledge, which can never at

any given moment be complete.

If non-Muslims are helpful to

advance our knowledge, we must

not get ourselves back because it

is heritage of Muslims and things

lost by them, they are the real

owners. They should get it back at

any cost as Abu-Hurairah (RA)

has narrated that the holy Prophet

The Light- Jan, Feb, Mar 2015 16

(saw) said, “A talk of wisdom is

an object lost by Muslims.” So

wherever it lies he deserves it

more, as it was done in the battle

of Badr, that its captives imparted

knowledge with illiterate Muslims

on condition of setting them free.

Acting upon these guidance our

ancestors left no stone unturned to

receive knowledge even from

Greek Roma, Brahmins of India

by making extraordinary efforts

and a lot of endeavor.

Concluding I would rather say that

the proper Muslim attitude is

neither to renounce this world nor

to be so grossed in it to forget

spiritual future.

Do Not Lie

Asma Bint Umais (RA) narrated: I

was the friend of Sayyidah

Ayeshah (RA) who prepared her

and presented her to the prophet. I

had some other woman too with

me. The prophet had only one

bowl of milk to serve his guests.

He drank from it and then gave it

to Sayyidah Ayeshah (RA) who

felt shy. We prompted to her, “ Do

not turn back the prophet’s offer,

take it.” She took it hasitatingly

and drank from it. The prophet

(SAW) said, “Let your friends

drink from it, too.” We submitted,

“We have no desire.” He said,

“Do not combine hunger and

falsehood.” I asked, “Oh

Messenger of Allah! If one of us

desires something but says, “I do

not desire, then is it a lie?” He

said, “A lie is recorded in the

record of deeds as a lie and a

minor lie as a minor lie.”

Do Not Lie to Children

Abdullah ibn Aamir (RA)

narrated: During my childhood,

the prophet (SAW) once visited

us. I went out of the house to play.

My mother called me, “O

Abudllah! Come here, I will give

you something.” The prophet

(SAW) asked my mother, “What

do you intend to give him?” She

said, “I will give him a piece of

date.” He said, “If you had not

intended to give him anything

then that would have been

recorded in your record of deeds

as a lie.”

We learn, therefore, that it is

forbidden to lie or say anything in

a jest to quieten a weeping child.

The Light- Jan, Feb, Mar 2015 17

Special Feature:




By: A. Naseeb Khan

Prof. Jamia Millia Islamia, Delhi ([email protected])

A true slave of the Lord exerts a

lot of energy to conquer his

failings by virtue of his faithful

remembrance of Allah and His

injunctions. He stays faithfully

aware of what the Qur’an says: In

the remembrance of Allah Do

hearts find satisfaction. (Surah:

Al-Ra’d, 13; Verse: 28). If anyone

withdraws himself From

remembrance Of the Most

Gracious We appoint for him A

Satan to be an intimate companion

to him. (Surah: Al Zukhruf; Verse:


The Prophet (pbuh) is reported to

have said: Satan sits in the hearts

of people, gripping their hearts

and attention. When a slave of the

Lord brings himself to His

remembrance, Satan withdraws

himself, quite insulted. When the

slave of the Lord puts away His

remembrance from his mind,

Satan joins him. He persuades him

into talking nonsense, and traps

him in the mesh of foul desires.

The Qur’an announces the

punishment for turning away from

Allah’s remembrance: But

whosoever turns away / From My

remembrance / Verily, for him is a

life narrowed down / And We

shall raise him up blind on the day

of judgement. (Surah: Taha, 20;

Verse: 124)

Narrowing down of life is aptly

interpreted as follows by the

writer of Tafseer-e-Khazainul

Irfan: Narrowing down of life

refers to narrowing down of life at

four places: in this world, in the

grave, in the next world and in

religion. Narrowing down of life

in this world means indulgence in

bad deeds and bad habits due to

one’s failure in following Allah’s

message and guidance. Devoid of

fear of the day of judgement, he

will be trapped by the deadly sins.

He is in darkness, on hard times

and never rests at peace.

According to Abdullah Ibn Abbas,

narrowing down of life in the

The Light- Jan, Feb, Mar 2015 18

grave means: the grave will

narrow itself to press the dead so

tightly that one side ribs will

penetrate into the other side ribs.

Narrowing down of life in the next

world means punishments in hell

where the sufferer will be offered

fetid water, blood and pus to drink

and cactus to eat. Narrowing down

of life in religion means

narrowing down the ways towards

piety and virtues. Abdullah Ibn

Abbas is of the opinion: It does

not matter whether the slave of the

Lord is endowed with much or

less. What matters is his fear of

Allah. If he is devoid of fear of

Allah, he has no portion in virtues.

The Qur’an exhorts us at

numerous places to fear Allah and

be mindful of our duties towards

Him, and thus towards His created

beings. It says: O you who

believe! / Fear Allah as He should

be feared / And die not except in

the state of Islam. (Surah: Ale

Imran, 3; Verse: 102). We are

advised still more: Follow what

has been sent unto you from your

Lord / And follow not any other

protectors and helpers against

Allah. (Surah: Al-Araf, 7; Verse:


Piety – consciousness and fear of

Allah as well as seed-bed of

righteousness– begets reverence

and love for Allah. So His true

slaves do tend to perform noble

deeds and shun everything that

incurs His wrath. Fear of Allah

and acts of noble deeds are the

true marks of loyal believers. He

created us for carrying out His

commands worshipfully and

showing true sense of gratitude to

Him for His precious gifts to us.

Exercising thankfulness to Allah

does not consist in mere verbal

acknowledge of His benefactions.

Its true spirit lies in one's acts of

bringing one’s organs of body into

the worship of Allah and wise

avoidance of transgression of the

limits set by Him.

A true slave of the Lord shows

gratitude: for eyes by suppressing

his desire to cast a brazen look at

something forbidden and by

covering others’ weak points; for

ears by guarding them against

hearing something forbidden and

by keeping others’ secrets that

they accidentally hear; for tongue

through the utterance of upright

and sacred words and by

safeguarding it against indulging

in scandal mongering, backbiting,

abuse and utterance of words that

injure others’ feelings. He

exercises his gratefulness to his

The Light- Jan, Feb, Mar 2015 19

Lord for his hands by extending

help to the needy and by waging

war against all sorts of evil; for

legs by taking lawful steps for just

and right cause, for doing good to

the people, for keeping knowledge

square with the march of time and

for disseminating the truth.

Similarly, he expresses his

thankfulness to Allah for his heart

by showering love and care onto

the people. For the intangible gifts

of his Lord, he shows gratitude by

doing what is noble and refraining

from all that is ignoble.

Ours is a time of training and

testing in this temporary world. So

we must strain every nerve to be

successful by virtue of our

unswerving adherence to the

injunctions of Allah. Let's read

what the Qur'an says: Allah is

with those / Who restrain

themselves / And with those who

do good. (Surah: Al -Nahl,16;

verse: 128).

Allah does not want us to lapse

into slumber. He warns us again

and again: O mankind! Fear your

Lord! / For the convulsion of the

Hour / (Of judgement) will be / A

thing terrible. (Surah: Al-Hajj, 22;

Verse: 1). So, our limbs and

faculties endowed to us for

seriously high purposes of life

should not be misused by us.

Allah will take the account of

every organ. He forewarns: Surely

the hearing / The sight, the heart /

All of those shall be questioned

of. (Surah: Al-Isra, 17; Vesrse:

36). Now those who mix truth

with falsehood and refuse to

accept Allah’s light and guidance

will be herded with Satan and his

companions to face the dire

consequences of their

disobedience to Him. The Qur’an

states in clear terms: Whosoever

recommends a good cause /

Becomes a partner therein: / And

whosoever recommends / And

helps an evil cause / Shares in its

burden / And Allah has power

over all things. (Surah: Al-Nisa, 3;

Verse: 85). The foregoing verse is

also corroborated by the traditions

of Prophet Muhammad (pbuh).

‘One who guides someone

towards good deeds will be

worthy of as many rewards as the

doer himself.’ (Muslim)

Essentially based on virtues which

never outlive their usefulness,

Islam invites people to join hands

to repel and prevent hostilities and

ruthless tyranny, brutal violence

against humanity, and to uproot

terrorism. The Qur’an says:

…then fight you all against the

The Light- Jan, Feb, Mar 2015 20

one that outrages against other /

Until it complies with the

commands of Allah. (Surah Al-

Hujurat, 49; Verse: 9). It further

questions: What's wrong with you

/ That you fight not in the cause of

Allah, and for those who are weak

/ Ill treated, oppressed / Among

men, women and children / Whose

cry is, ‘Our Lord ? Rescue us from

these towns / Whose people are

oppressors. (Surah: Al-Nisa, 4;

Verse: 75)

Islam heads off efforts to nip the

degenerate culture causing death

to essential human good in bud,

and strives against those who defy

laws, spoil long-accepted

civilities, religious and social

scruples, strike terror with brutal

barbarity, and put people to death

in a shameless manner with cold

disregard and disrespect for any

principle of right and wrong. It

commands people to: Help one

another / In righteousness and

piety. (Surah: Al- Maida, 5;

Verse: 2). At the same time it

commands: But do not help one

another / In sin and rancour / Fear

Allah: for Allah / Is strict in

punishment. (Surah: Al-Maida, 5;

Verse: 2).

It announces severe punishments

for those who perpetrate acts of

terrorism and carry out violence

causing genocide and massacres.

The Qura’n explicitly says: The

way of blame is only / Against

those who oppress / Men with

wrong-doing / And insolently

transgress / Beyond bounds

through the land / Defying right

and justice / For such there will be

a painful punishment. (Surah: Al-

Shura 42; Verse: 42)

True faith entails piety which

leads man to conscious and joyful

submission to the Will of Allah,

positive doing of good, self-

restraint, safeguard against evil,

steadfast righteousness and firm

strength of spirit with its roots

striking deep. By virtue of piety

alone one cultivates good manners

and noble qualities of mind and

character; avoids evil and

unseemly behaviour, and conducts

oneself in a responsible and

conscientious manner in every

sphere of life. Allah advises: O

you who believe! When you hold

secret counsel / Do it not for sin

and wrong-doing / And

disobedience to the Messenger,

Muhammad (pbuh) / But do it for

righteousness and self-restraint /

And fear Allah, to Whom / You

will be brought back. (Al-

Mujadila, 58; Verse: 9)

The Light- Jan, Feb, Mar 2015 21

Those who breach the order set by

Allah should not run away with

the notion that their ruthless acts

will earn them any good. The

Qur’an says: Think not that Allah

/ Does not heed the deeds / Of

those who do wrong / He but

gives them respite / Against the

day when / The eyes will fixedly

stare in horror. (Surah: Ibrahim,

14; Verse: 42). On the day of

judgement, one of the essential

articles of faith, the scales of

justice will be set up and everyone

will be paid the recompense of his

/ her deeds good or bad. The

Qur’an explicitly says: Then shall

anyone who / Has done atom’s

weight / Of good, see it / And

anyone who / Has done an atom’s

weight / Of evil, shall see it. (Al-

Zalzalah; Verse: 7-8).

A true slave of the Lord cannot be

a dastardly villain to turn a deaf

ear to His warnings: We shall set

up scales / Of justice for the day

of judgement / So that not a soul

will be dealt unjustly in the least /

And if there be the weight of

mustard seed / We will bring it to

account / And enough are We to

take account. (Surah: Al- Anbiya,

21; Verse: 47). It goes without

saying, nothing but noble deeds

done with the sincerity of heart

will avail us on this day when we

will give our account, which will

be taken strictly on the basis of

personal responsibilities. Then the

truth will shine with unquestioned

splendour, but evil, faced with

nerve shattering grim realities,

will be thrust into darkness to

suffer the dire consequences.

Controlling One’s Tongue

* Abu Saeed Khaudri (RA)

narrated in a famous hadith that

when the son of Adam (AS) begins

a new day, all organs of his body

implore the tongue: “fear Allah

with regard to us for if you remain

straight, we also shall remain

straight and if you are crooked we

also shall be crooked.” (That

means our safety lies in your

being straight, and if you are

crooked, then woe to us!)

* Umme Habibah (RA) narrated

the following from Allah’s

messenger (SAW): “The son of

Adam is ruined by his talk unless

his talk consists of bidding good

and forbidding evil and

remembering Allah.” (This kind of

talk is of benefit to him.)


The Light- Jan, Feb, Mar 2015 22

Reminding Benefits:


By: Syed Abul Hasan Ali Nadwi (RA)

(Speech delivered in England years ago, but applicable to all Muslims living in Muslim

minority countries)

“All praise is due to Almighty

God, Allah, and may He, the

Exalted, bestow His peace and

blessings upon Prophet

Muhammad, upon his good and

pure family, as well as upon all of

the noble companions, and upon

those who follow them in

righteousness until the Day of


Dear Brothers in Islam,

Muslims shoulder a momentous

responsibility in a country where

Islam is not the dominant religion,

where Western values and an un-

Islamic way of life hold the upper

hand and in which personal and

partisan interests are top of the

agenda and self-gratification is the

goal of life. In such cases,

Muslims, particularly when they

are in the minority, face a difficult


What is imperative is that they

should have unshakeable faith, a

conduct marked by boldness and

thoughtfulness, and absolute

conviction in the message with

which Allah has endowed them.

They should live by a high

standard and not suffer from any

inferiority complex. If they do not

do so, they will simply be seen as

imitators of Western civilization

and will not gain any respect. And

in this eventuality, they will not be

able to play an effective and

significant role, which may draw

others' attention and bring about

any change.

A Muslim in the Persian Court

Let me relate an incident, which

illustrates this point well. It

demonstrates a devoted Muslim's

conduct, a man who had full

confidence in his message. For

him, all the outward forms of

glory and luxury had no

significance whatsoever. Rather

he felt pity for those given to a life

of indulgence and luxury. This

incident dates back to the early

days of Islamic history. What

prompts me to relate it to you is

that this incident contains

abundant lessons and is full of

insight and advice.

The Light- Jan, Feb, Mar 2015 23

The commander-in-chief of the

Persian army, Rustum, who was

next only to the Persian Emperor

in his glory and power, asked the

commander of the Muslim army,

S'ad bin Abi Waqqas, Radi-Allahu

anhu, to send to him someone who

could explain to them why the

Arabian nomads and bedouins had

come to Persian centers of

civilization and great military

power. For they bore no

correspondence to Arabia.

One can well visualize what

opinion Rustum had of the Arab

bedouins whose lifestyle was

certainly inferior to Rustum's. For

the Arabs lived in tents, and their

staple diet was dates and camel's

meat. Rustum had utter contempt

for the Arabs. He, however,

summoned someone who may be

able to explain to him the Arab's

purpose and motives in engaging

in a battle with the Persians.

An Ordinary Muslim, An Extraordinary Human Being

It is one of the miracles of Islam

that it elevated all Arabs to a lofty

and high standard in that they took

pride in their faith, in Allah, and

in Islam, and lived by the message

of Islam. Sa'd bin Abi Waqqas

selected Rab'i bin 'Amir, Radi-

Allahu anhu, for this purpose.

Rab'i bin 'Amir is a somewhat

obscure figure in Islamic history.

He did not have much to his

credit. I am not relating this

incident for its own sake or for its

sheer interest or because it affords

some gratification to our

nationalistic pride; the reason why

I narrate it to you is to give you

some idea of Rab'i's tremendous

faith and confidence, which he

displayed before the commander-

in-chief of the Persian Empire.

This enabled him to speak freely

and boldly before Rustum. This

may help you compare and

contrast his response with your

own conduct, conviction, power of

faith and your attitude towards

Western culture, civilization and

its hegemony. This may also serve

as a vantage point for observing

how we have been discharging our

responsibilities and how we

respond to the prevailing Western

civilization, which holds general

currency in the contemporary

world and a position of leadership

and superiority.

Rab'i bin 'Amir appeared in

Rustum's court. His dress was

marred with patches and darning

marks. He was carrying an

ordinary sword and shield. He

entered the Persian camp riding an

ordinary horse. Dressed in his

unimpressive outfit he entered the

court, crushing its plush carpets.

He tied his horse and approached

Rustum. As he was armed with his

shield and sword, guards at the

The Light- Jan, Feb, Mar 2015 24

entrance objected and asked him

to lay down his weapons. Rab'i

bin 'Amir refused, saying that he

had not approached Rustum on his

own, rather Rustum had invited

him. If the guards did not let him

enter in his armed state, he would

return to his camp. Rustum

allowed him to retain his arms.

From Narrowness to Spaciousness

Underwhelmed by the sumptuous

setting of the court, Rab'i

approached Rustum with great

confidence. Rustum asked him

what had brought the Arabs to

Persia? With his indomitable

courage and conviction, which

owed it's origin to the divine

Scripture and the Prophet's

message he elegantly said:

"Allah (the Almighty) has sent us

so that we may liberate fellow

human beings from subservience

to other fellow human beings and

bring them to obedience to the

One True God. We are here to

take them from the narrowness of

the world to it's spaciousness.

Our aim is to free them of the

persecution perpetrated against

them by other religions. We want

to bless them with the justice and

equity of Islam."

Dear Friends and Brothers!

What Rab'i said about Islam's

message and its primary goal with

full conviction and what he said

about releasing men from the yoke

of other religions' injustices and to

bring them under Islam's justice

and equity is not all surprising.

For this was his very faith.

However, part of his utterance,

that in which he says they had

been sent to free the Persians from

the narrowness of the world to its

spaciousness, amazes me. Had he

referred to the narrowness of this

world and spaciousness of the

Hereafter, it would not have

perplexed me in the least. For

every Muslim believes in this

truism and Rab'i belonged to the

early days of Islamic history when

Muslims were full of conviction.

However, as I pointed out, I am

amazed by his utterance that the

Muslims were to liberate fellow

human beings from the

narrowness of this world and to

take them to its spaciousness. In

other words, Rab'i told Rustum

that the Muslims had not come out

of Arabia attracted by booty or

any material considerations, which

would accrue to them. Rather,

they felt pity for their fellow

human beings. They intended to

free them from their narrow and

dark cells. For the Persians and

non-Muslims appeared to them as

caged animals leading only an

animal-like existence. For the

The Light- Jan, Feb, Mar 2015 25

Persians were slaves to their own

desires and fashions of the day.

They were so much bound by their

own traditions and customs that

they could not do anything on

their own. They needed help and

support at every step.

The Lifestyles of Rich, Famous, and Ignorant

It is borne out by history that

when the Persian emperor

Yazdgar escaped from his palace,

he felt thirsty on his way. He

entered a house and was offered

water in an ordinary glass. He

refused to drink it in such an

ordinary glass, for he was used to

taking water in gold and silver

vessels. If a Persian wore a crown

worth less than one hundred

thousand dirham or if he did not

have a palace with fountains and

an orchard, he did not enjoy any

respect in that society.

In other words, Rab'i pointed out

to him that they were the slaves of

their slaves; for they depended

totally on others. The Muslims,

however, wanted to liberate them

and take them to freedom. The

Muslims had not come to Persia

for their own interests. Rather they

had taken this long, arduous

journey for the sake of the

Persians themselves. They did not

lack anything in their own

homeland. For the Arabian

Peninsula is vast enough.

However, they felt concerned

about the unnatural way of life to

which the Persians were addicted.

The Muslims were not slaves to

their own desires. Nor were they

addicted to good dress and food

and to a train of slaves. They led a

life of absolute freedom in the

desert and thanked Allah for

whatever they received.

Allah had sent them to liberate

those whom He wills from

subservience to fellow human

beings and to bring them to the

obedience to Allah, to free them

from the narrowness of this world,

to bring them to its spaciousness

and to enable them to benefit from

Islam's justice and equity by

freeing them of the oppression of

other religions. For the Persians

had been a target of other

religions' persecution, and had led

a contemptible life. They did not

enjoy any real peace or happiness.

Bring Them What They Are Missing

Let me once again emphasize that

you should play an independent,

effective and fundamental role in

society. Your life should be an

ideal one which may draw the

attention of others. It should excite

the minds of the local people who

may be compelled to contrast their

own life with yours. Your life

The Light- Jan, Feb, Mar 2015 26

should make them curious for

gaining sound information about

Islam. However, if you slavishly

imitate the Western lifestyle and

degrade yourselves, there will not

be and cannot be any distinction

between you and the local people.

In this case, they will not feel any

attraction towards you. Nor will it

make them reflect on you or hold

you in esteem. They will not

consider you a model to emulate.

However, when you present

before them a unique way of life,

it will make them curious. They

will be forced to approach you,

seeking the source of your

worldview. They will naturally

ask you how you learnt these high

values and noble ideals. They will

be keen to have literature about

Islam and the biography of the

Prophet Muhammad (saws).

You should, thus, explain to them

what made you different and what

helped you attain your noble

character. This will make them

respectful towards you - Insha


My Dear Muslim Brothers!

You must present a model and an

ideal way of life, which may make

them interested in studying Islam

and eager to know the source of

your guidance, which enabled you

to follow a particular way of life

and worldview.

No Inferiority Complex, No Imitation

This is the only way in which you

can play an effective role in non-

Islamic societies. However, if you

assimilate yourself fully into their

society and take to their way of

life, as a result of either some

inferiority complex or out of sheer

imitation whether in the U.K., or

in India or in Africa or in any part

of the world, you can never

influence them nor can you ever

bring about any change in them,

even if you live in their midst for


Finally, I must thank you for

listening to me with such

attention. I apologize for any lapse

that I may have committed.

Praise be to Allah, the Lord of the


Control Your Anger

* Abu Hurairah (ra) narrated: Allah's

Apostle said, "The strong is not the one

who overcomes the people by his

strength, but the strong is the one who

controls himself while in anger."


* Abu Huraira(ra) narrated: A man said

to the Prophet (saw) , "Advise me! "The

Prophet (saw) said, "Do not become

angry and furious." The man asked (the

same) again and again, and the Prophet

(saw) said in each case, "Do not become

angry and furious."(Bukhari-6116)

The Light- Jan, Feb, Mar 2015 27

Women's Corner:


By: Khalid Baig

كن????تم خي????ر أم????ة أخرج????ت للن????اس ت????أمرون اE بالمعروف و تنھون عن المنكر وتؤمنون ب?


"You are the best of peoples

evolved for mankind, enjoining

what is right, forbidding what is

wrong, and believing in Allah."

[Al-i-'Imran 3:110]

Muslims have been given the task

to be the witnesses to Truth for the

entire mankind and to stand up for

what is right. This is a logical

consequence of one's belief and

one's love for humanity. If you

know that there is a right path that

will lead to eternal success and

that all others will lead to the

exact opposite, it is natural to let

others know about it. But it is also

needed for one's own protection.

For we live in a world where each

other's thoughts and acts influence

others; when a people stop calling

others to the right path, they

themselves become the target of

their calls to the other paths.

The results of our collective

dereliction of responsibility in this

matter are all around us to see

today. The campaign launched

internationally in the name of

women's rights and gender

equality, which has recently

gained lot of momentum, is one

example of this.

Equality is a slick and catchy

slogan. But what does equality

actually mean? In mathematics if

two variables are equal, one can

be substituted for the other

without changing the result in any

way at all. If men and women are

equal in this sense, then a woman

can do anything a man can do and

vice versa. You can substitute one

for the other everywhere. Thus a

woman can be a truck driver, a

coal miner, a prison guard, or

what have you. Similarly a man

can become Mr. Mom, replacing

the mother in taking care of the


That such mathematical equality is

absurd is manifest to anyone who

knows the biological and

psychological differences between

men and women. Yet this is

precisely the direction that the so

called gender equality campaign

has blindly taken. It aims at

replacing the complementary

relationship between men and

women with a competitive one.

The result can only be a social

upheaval of unprecedented scale.

The Light- Jan, Feb, Mar 2015 28

Some people in the societies that

for centuries refused to consider

women as human beings or to give

them any rights have gone to one

extreme from the other. Islam has

nothing to do with such nonsense.

When women had no rights in the

world, it declared: "And women

shall have rights, similar to the

rights against them, according to

what is equitable." [Al-Baqarah

2:228]. That remains its

Command today and forever.

Similar rights, not same rights.

Equity, not a blind equality. Both

men and women are equal in their

humanity, in their accountability

before Allah, in their

responsibility to perform their

assigned tasks and be judged

based on their performance. But

their assigned tasks are not the

same. They have been given

different capabilities by their

Creator and the tasks based on

those capabilities. This

differentiation is not an error that

needs to be corrected. It is the

only basis for building a healthy

and prosperous society. Islam

liberates a woman from the

modern tyranny of having to

become a man in order to get a

sense of self worth and


If Muslims had done their job,

they would be asking for universal

rights for women as given by

Islam and generally ignored in the

world today. Based on our dismal

performance, and the current

discourse on the subject, that

would be quite a revolutionary

and liberating act. Islam's

universal declaration of women's

rights would include the


1. Men and women have been

given dignity by their Creator, but

forces of immorality and darkness

attack it in many ways. A

prevalent form of this attack on

women is pornography.

Pornography is an affront to the

respect and honor of women and

produces an atmosphere where

other crimes against them become

possible. In many countries it has

become an "industry" and they are

exporting this filth to all parts of

the world. Newer technologies,

especially the Internet have also

become mediums of choice for the

purveyors of filth, posing a serious

threat to morality everywhere.

Pornography must be condemned

and all trade in porn banned

universally in the same way that

dangerous drugs are banned.

2. Prostitution must be recognized

as a despicable act of exploitation

of women. No one who condones

it can be taken seriously in their

claims to respect women's rights.

3. It is the responsibility of the

husband to provide for the family.

The Light- Jan, Feb, Mar 2015 29

Islam has freed the women from

this responsibility so she can take

care of the home. All efforts to

snatch this freedom and economic

security from the women and

forcing them out of the home into

the labor force must be resisted.

4. Homemaking is a very

honorable job and a serious

responsibility; it is the foundation

on which healthy societies can be

built. The societies that disrespect

homemaking lose the homemakers

and result in broken homes as can

easily be witnessed in many parts

of the world. It should be

recognized that the trend to

belittle the task of homemaking is

anti-family and anti-society and

must be curbed.

5. It is a Muslim woman's right to

dress modestly, wear hijab, and

refuse to be put on display. This

right must be accepted universally

and any effort to restrict this right

must be recognized for what it is:

Religious discrimination and/or


6. There is only one legitimate

form of the family, that created by

the union between a man and

woman as provided in all revealed

religions. Any other form is not

only immoral, it poses a serious

threat to the humanity.

7. Families should be protected

from outside intrusion, especially

intrusion by governments as much

as possible. This also includes

intrusion in the name of help. For

resolution of family disputes,

Islam suggests a three phase


A) Resolve the conflict within the


B) Resolve it within the family be

involving elders from the families

of husband and wife.

C) As a last resort resolve it

through courts of law.

There is great wisdom in this

approach. Sayyidna Umar (RA)

said in a directive to the justices:

"Refer the family disputes to the

families (so they can resolve them

within the family with the help of

elders), for the judge's verdicts

create hatred and malice."

Ignoring this scheme can only hurt

the families that this new plan

purports to help.

Best Islamic Traits

Narrated 'Abdullah bin 'Amr: “A

man asked the Prophet, "What

Islamic traits are the best?" The

Prophet said, "Feed the people, and

greet those whom you know and

those whom you do not know." (Al-


The Light- Jan, Feb, Mar 2015 30

Religious Discourse:


M. Iftekhar Ahmad Qasmi

Jamia Islamia, Akkalkuwa

As a matter of fact, you have to

know that every action stands to

be in a pressing need for firm

knowledge. If a man knows the

real fact, he would act

accordingly. For instance, there is

a lion inside anyone’s room; he

knows that the lion is thereby in

the room. So, he would not

certainly be courageous to enter

the room. And, on contrary to this,

he considers that very lion sitting

inside the room as a cow, he will

willingly go into the room, sit

beside the lion, because he

considers the lion as a cow.

This very example is there in the

book namely “Taqrir-e-Dilpazir”

by Hazrat Maulana Muhammad

Qasim Nanautavi, the founder of

Darul Uloom, Deoband. By citing

this example, Hazrat Maulana

Nanautavi (RA) wants to prove

the face that all deeds and actions

in Islam have to be performed

with constant knowledge and firm

faith in Allah, the All Hearing and

All Seeing.

Our final Prophet (saw), therefore,

laid much stress and emphasis on

acquiring knowledge and placing

trust in Allah (swt). He used to

send delegations to the people

living in different places for no

other reason than to teach them

and make their faith firm in Allah,

the exalted. Once upon a time our

apostle (saw) sent a very large

number of his noble companions

for preaching and teaching the

tenets of Islam as Bukhari and

Muslim report this event. The

person serving the Prophet (saw),

Hazrat Anas bin Malik (RA)

relates that some people came to

the holy Prophet (saw) and

requested him to deploy some

persons to go with and teach them

the holy Quran and the sayings of

the Prophet (accordingly). He sent

with them seventy persons of

Ansar who were renowned as

Qurra (reciters of the holy Quran),

among them was my maternal

uncle Haraam. These people were

as pious as to say that they

devoted themselves in learning

The Light- Jan, Feb, Mar 2015 31

and teaching the divine

instructions of the holy Quran.

During the day they used to bring

water to the mosque and gather

wood for fuel, that they sold and

its sales they led their day and

night, its sale proceeds, they

would purchase for those who

remained in attendance at the

mosque and other poverty-prone


The 70 Ansars were sent by the

holy prophet Muhammad (saw)

with those comers who had asked

for preachers. (And what

happened thereafter? Do you

know?) All Ansars were

slaughtered treacherously before

reaching their destination. While

they were being killed, they

prayed to their Creator, Allah the

Almighty. “O, Allah! Convey our

message to our prophets that we

have reached the final abode and

are pleased with you and you are

pleased with us all. (in this hadith

it is also reported) that a man

approached Hazrat Haraam, the

maternal uncle of Hazrat Anas,

from his backside and at once

thrust his spear and pierced

through his body, then Hazrat

Haraam exclaimed: ������ � ��

(By the Lord of Ka’aba, I got my

real victory). On the other hand,

the prophet (saw) informed the

companions, “Your brethren have

been slain.” At that very miserable

time, they prayed to Allah to

convey from them that they were

pleased with Thee, and He was

pleased with them.

You know well that our prophet

Muhammad (saw) face

uncountable miseries in the way

of Allah to give the real

knowledge and faith to the slaves

of Allah, Almighty.

The reason being this, he hankered

to try his best to reform the people

and mould them in the mould of

ultimate justice and final success.

He used to remind the people that

the Day of Doom is coming nearer

and nearer. That day, the day of

resurrection, is not far away from

us when people would be like

scattered moths. Allah says

disclosing the reality related to the

day of judgement:

���� ��� �������� ���� �� �������� ������ "

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(The striking event, what is the

striking event? And what may let

you know what the… (on page 36)

The Light- Jan, Feb, Mar 2015 32

Final Peace:


M. Khursheed Ahmad Dawood Qasmi

[email protected]

To beautify the world, once Allah

(SWT) infused the spirit into the

image of Adam (AS) and

commanded the angels to bow down

before him, at once they followed

the commandment, while the

accursed Satan denied the order only

to express his superiority. Not only

denying was adequate, but he also

got ready to argue with Him. Due to

his defiance, Allah (SWT) drove

him out from His court and declared

Paradise prohibited for him forever.

After Allah expelled him out, he

challenged he would use all his

approaches to mislead the coming

slaves in the world till the Day of

Judgement. The Almighty Allah has

described his challenge to inform

His slaves in the following words:

“(Iblis) said: Because You have sent

me astray, surely I will sit in wait

against them (Human beings) on

your straight path. Then I will come

to them from before them and

behind them, from their right and

from their left, and You will not find

most of them as thankful ones (i.e.

they will not be dutiful to you.)”

(Surah A’araf: 07, verse: 16-17)

The Supreme Lord showing the

kindness and pity on human beings

sent down countless messengers and

prophets at different times and at

different places in order to guide

them from being misled by Iblis.

The series of prophet-hood

continued for a long time. At last the

Holy Prophet Muhammad (SAW)

was sent down to take out the

humanity, absorbed in wrongdoings

and worshiping the idols, from

darkness to light. He was the last

and final messenger of Allah. The

prophet-hood was sealed on him and

after him no other prophet of any

kind will come to the world.

Last and Final Messenger

The series of the prophet-hood came

to an end after the last and final

messenger Muhammad (SAWS).

The Holy Qur’an says: “Muhammad

is not the father of any man among

you, but he is the Messenger of

Allah and the seal of the Prophets”

(Surah Ahzab: 33, Verse: 40). And

the Holy Prophet was not meant for

a region, or a nation, but he was for

the whole humanity. Allah says:

“Say (O Muhammad) O mankind!

The Light- Jan, Feb, Mar 2015 33

Verily, I am sent to you all as the

Messenger of Allah….” (Surah

A’araf: 07, Verse: 158). The Prophet

(SAWS) fulfilled his job and the

responsibility honestly. He invited

the whole humankind towards the

oneness of Allah and enlightened

the hearts of a good number of

people, thus, they entered the fold of

Islam in crowd wholeheartedly.

Ummah and Invitation

After the Prophet (SAW) left for

heavenly abode, the same duty was

laid down on the shoulders of his

Ummah. It must be noticed that the

Ummah is not like grass grows itself

on the earth, but Allah, the

Almighty, bestowed them the

human entity to safeguard Islam till

the Day of Judgement. It, therefore,

is the obligation of the Ummah to

convey the message of Allah

towards the common folks and to

enjoin the right and forbid the

wrong. Therefore, the title of Khair-

e-Ummah (the best of people) has

been conferred on them. The

Glorious Qur’an says: “You (true

believers in Islamic Monotheism,

and real followers of Prophet

Muhammad and his Sunnah) are the

best of people ever raised up for

mankind; you enjoin Al-Ma’ruf

(Islamic Monotheism and all that

Islam has ordained) and forbid Al-

Munkar (polytheism, disbelief and

all that Islam has forbidden), and

you believe in Allah…” (Surah Aal-

Imran: 03, verse: 110)

Under the commentary of this verse,

Allama Shabbir Ahmad Usmani

(RA) writes: “O Muslims! Allah the

Almighty has admired you as the

best nation among all what was

already in His eternal knowledge.

The news had been given to the

former prophets that the Last

Messenger Muhammad (SAWS)

would be more prominent than

others. Similarly his Ummah would

be more prominent than others.

Therefore, it would be blessed with

the highest honour and the nobility.

It would find the perfect and

complete Shariah. The door of

education and knowledge would

open for them. All branches of

belief, deed and piety would be

refreshed with their efforts and

sacrifices. It would not be restricted

to a particular nation, state or

country, but the circle of its activity

would enclose the whole world and

all branches of human life.”(Tafsir-

e-Usmani Page: 82)

Today, when we analyse the present

circumstances of the society, we

conclude that the every steps of

human beings is going from bad to

worst. Every kind of illness has

taken root in it. People are indulged

in infidelity, paganism, polytheism

and innovation. Bribery, deception,

forgery and embezzlement have

The Light- Jan, Feb, Mar 2015 34

become the integral part of human

society. They are chained with

fetters of the customs and rituals.

They have taken fancy to crimes of

all classes.

The most regrettable aspect is that

the best Ummah, the bearer of

prophetic job, the accountable to the

mission of showing the straight path

to the common people, is suffering

from lots of practical, mental and

spiritual disorders. It is, therefore,

essential for this ailing Ummah to

recover from it. When it recovers

and understands the importance and

necessity of Allah’s mission, it shall

stand up to guide the people, from

idol worshiping, paganism,

infidelity and polytheism, towards

Allah’s commandment as the

companions of the prophet and our

pious forefathers did. Being the best

of people, it should teach the people

the message of a true religion-

Islam, the natural way of life. It

must inspire them to the grand

palace of Paradise against the

worldly narrow huts. In such case,

the Ummah would appropriately

deserve the title, ‘the best of


Dawah Mission and Ulama

The holy Prophet (SAWS) said

regarding Ulama: “Verily the Ulama

(scholars) are the heirs of the

Prophets, verily the Prophets do not

leave behind gold nor silver

(wealth), they only leave behind

religious knowledge” (Mishkat Vol:

1, Page: 34) The Hadith means

Ulama are the scholarly inheritors of

the prophets. And if it is so, the

responsibility of propagation of

Islam, the guidance of the people to

virtuous deeds, prohibition from

misdeeds, compliance with

commandments of Allah, the

Almighty, and inspiring others to its

compliance, lies on the shoulders of

Ulama. Indeed, it’s Ulama’s

responsibility, till the doomsday, to

educate the Ummah, be it is Ummat-

e-Ijabat (Those accepting Islam) or

Ummat-e-Da’wah (Those rejecting

Islam) and quench the thirst of those

thirsty for Islamic teachings.

Code of Da’wah

The work of Islamic invitation is as

much important and significant as it

requires the wisdom, beautiful

preaching and heedful attention.

And some so-called preachers

commit grave mistakes in this

respect. Therefore, there arises a

question- “what kind of method

should be adopted while preaching

Islam? What kind of principles

should be enforced? How to call

people towards Islam?” Allah, the

Almighty, taught its rules and

regulations to His messengers and

prophets when they needed. So, the

preachers must follow it at the time

The Light- Jan, Feb, Mar 2015 35

of Da’wah and preaching. The Holy

Qur’an says: “Invite all to the way

of thy Lord with wisdom and

beautiful preaching and argue with

them in a way that is better”. (Surah

Nahl: 16, verse: 125) A prominent

and well-known Mufassir Mufti

Mohd. Shafi Sb Usmani (RH) writes

in the commentary of this verse:

“There have been described three

points in the verse above: (1)

Wisdom (2) Beautiful preaching (3)

Argument in a better way. Some

commentators of Hadith say, “These

three points are based on three kinds

of people. Invitation with ‘wisdom’

is for scholars, call with ‘beautiful

preaching’ is for general people and

call with ‘argument’ is for those,

doubtful or denying to accept the

invitation only because of their

enmity and stubbornness.” He

further writes: “To invite the folks

to the way of Allah, the Almighty, is

indeed the responsibility of

messengers. Ulama of this Ummah

fulfil the responsibility of dawah as

their representatives. It is, therefore,

obligatory upon them to learn

Da’wah techniques from the

prophets themselves. Da’wah,

deviating from the way mentioned,

causes enmity and conflict.”

(Ma’ariful Qur’an, volume: 5, P:


When Allah sent His Prophet Moosa

(AS) for Da’wah to Pharaoh, He

taught him the following method

described in the Glorious Qur’an:

“And speak to him mildly, perhaps

he may accept admonition or fear

(Allah).”(Surah Taha: 20, Verse: 44)

In this verse, the lesson of mild and

soft speaking and good manner has

been given to exercise at the time of

invitation to Pharaoh, the cruel and

tyrant king. It demands that the

above mentioned manner adopted

by the prophets must be kept in

mind while preaching occasions.

And preaching must be performed

according to the addressee and time

as well. If it is connived in, the

invitation shall end in fruitless and

the preacher will fail.

Giving Up Dawah (Invitation)

At present time, we experience most

of the Muslims are in miserable

conditions, even for trifle things of

life; like bread and butter. They are

beaten and oppressed, are being

tortured, terrorized and killed wolrd

over. The respected ones are

humiliated, be in their homeland or

out of it. Cruel and blood-shedding

rulers are set upon them. The

Muslim countries are being captured

and vandalised now and then. The

glorious places as mosques, shrines,

cemeteries, graveyards and

madrasas are targeted and destroyed.

The chain of these problems and

issues is endless and knows no

ending. Let alone Muslim enemies

be overthrown, Muslims have no

The Light- Jan, Feb, Mar 2015 36

powerful means for their defence

against them. Of all these, the basic

reason is that Muslim Ummah has

relinquished the mission of Islam.

Maulana Abul Hasan Ali Nadvi

(RA) writes here: “When the

Ummah of the prophet gives up

Islamic Mission, it will suffer from

many severe disasters and disgraces.

It will be deprived of all kinds of

heavenly help, and all these will be

only because of not fulfilling its

duty and not showing respect to the

the mission. And their activity will

involve neglecting that noble

obligation. The carelessness shall be

widespread due to the forgetfulness

of the duty. The main route of

misleading shall open on them.

They would be divided among

various sects and groups. The

people will be destroyed. And (as

we see) these are happening, but

they will learn the loss on “Day of

Resurrection”. Ummah shall be

asked and reckoned in front of

Allah, the Almighty.” (Qur’ani

Ifadat, Page: 93)

Whatever has been described in this

piece of writing is reflecting the

necessity of Dawah for this Ummah

to adopt it strictly, seeking the help

and aid of the Supreme Lord. It

should try its level best to preach

and protect the mission- Allah’s

beloved and chosen religion. Or

else, it is not hard and difficult for

Him to ruin this creation as former

ones, and make a new entity on the

surface of the earth, that will follow

the commands. Therefore, the

Ummah is much needy, before

Allah, and He is Eternal, Carefree,

Unconcerned and Non-needy among

all. The Glorious Qur’an describes

this fact in these verses: “O

mankind! It is you who stand in

need of Allah. But Allah is Rich

(Free of all needs), Worthy of all

praise. If He willed, He could

destroy you and bring about new

creation. And that is not hard for

Allah.” (Surah Fatir: 35, Verse: 15,

16, 17)

(form page 31) striking event is? (it

will happen) on the day when people

will be like scattered moths and

mountains will be carded wool) All

the people would certainly be made to

appear before their God to render an

account of themselves. The advent of

Prophet Muhammad (saw) has

ushered in the last phase of human

history when the layers of darkness of

infidelity piled and piled. Mankind

stands to be closer and nearer to its

eventual end, the final apostle himself

confirmed this in a hadith, he pointed

to two of his fingers and displayed, “I

am and the Hour are like these two

fingers.” So we have to make our

actions in accordance with the real

knowledge comes from Allah in the

shape of the Quran and Hadith. May

Allah enable us to do virtuous deeds!


The Light- Jan, Feb, Mar 2015 37

Children’s Column:


Today, upon a bus, I saw a very

beautiful woman

And wished I were as beautiful.

When suddenly she rose to leave,

I saw her hobble down the aisle.

She had one leg and used a crutch.

But as she passed, she passed a


Oh, God, forgive me when I


I have two legs; the world is mine.

I stopped to buy some candy.

The lad who sold it had such


I talked with him, he seemed so


If I were late, it'd do no harm.

And as I left, he said to me,

"I thank you,

you've been so kind.

It's nice to talk with folks like you.

You see," he said, "I'm blind."

Oh, God, forgive me when I


I have two eyes; the world is


Later while walking down the


I saw a child I knew.

He stood and watched the others


but he did not know what to do.

I stopped a moment and then I


"Why don't you join them, dear?"

He looked ahead without a word.

I forgot, he couldn't hear.

Oh, God, forgive me when I


I have two ears; the world is mine.

With feet to take me where I'd go,

With eyes to see the sunset's glow,

With ears to hear what I'd know.

Oh, God, forgive me when I


I've been blessed indeed, the

world is mine.

Do You Know?

The Prophet (saw) loved me, so

you should too,

I am sunnah and look beautiful

on you.

By 'You' I mean the men, not

the women folk,

Because on the women I will look

like a huge joke.

(see answer on page 46)

The Light- Jan, Feb, Mar 2015 38



Faith-Enhancing Trip to South Africa (Part-2)

Maulana Huzaifa Ghulam Muhammad Vastanvi

Translated By: Shamsul Huda Qasmi

After a brief description of Africa

and South Africa, I would shed

light on African black and white

people, the history of Islam and


Islam in Africa:

As we mentioned earlier the

continents are five in number and

the second largest one is Africa

among them. The history of Islam

and Muslims in Africa and in

South Africa both are different

areas under discussion.

Islam and Muslims in Africa:

Africa is one of the oldest

continents of the world. Some

maintain Africa is the homeland

of the first human being, it means

human being appeared in Africa in

its early stage, though it is not

true, because the primitive history

of human being belongs to our

first prophet and forefather Hazrat

Adam (pbuh) and human kind is

not an evolutionary creature as

said by the Qur'an and Hadith. In

fact Allah (swt) gave life to

Human kind as a special creature.

It was educated and trained during

its stay in paradise and descended

the earth in a certain region of Sri

Lanka or Arab Island in

consequence of an error. The latter

view is preferable.

Those who tried to attach the

primitive history of human kind to

African soil are the western

philosophers, historians and the

writers associated with the

western school of thought. They

deliberately seek most of the

support from the theory of

evolution (Darwin's Theory) to

promote their materialistic views.

They hold the same idea and

conspiracy in referring the early

history of human being to Africa.

They believe the first human

being appeared, thanks to the

evolution, was African black man.

It is nothing but fallacy and

The Light- Jan, Feb, Mar 2015 39

conjecture and there is no

evidence to prove it. (They follow

nothing but conjecture, and

conjecture is of no avail in (the

matter of) truth. (Al-Qur'an)

Africa is called Black and Dark

Continent too either because of

being discovered it late or on

account of the people there being


History of the Black in South


Historians say the Blacks living in

South Africa in fact are the

migrants from the Eastern Nigeria

or Northern Africa and set the foot

in Arab in 8th

century through the

Red Sea and Persian Gulf. Though

Islam in Africa had reached in its

early age in 641 AC via Egypt, the

Arabs and Muslim historians

called this area Black homeland.

Some Historians say the farmers

came from North and spoke Bantu

played key role in building South

Africa. Currently there are 75%

black in Africa divided into

various tribes. Now Zulu is the

largest tribe, then Xhosa, the tribe

Nelson Mandela belonged to. In

South Africa, one more tribe,

Milton, is found, came into

existence with intermarriages of

Asians, Europeans and the Blacks.

History of the White in South


The Europeans traveling to nearby

regions especially to Spain learnt

a lot from Muslim institutes. New

inventions came into being. The

world experienced a wonderful

change in industry and

transportation with the discovery

of machine. But with the lack of

markets to sell such products, they

contemplated over it and decided

to capture the world economically

and politically with the name

“Discovery of the New World”,

thus they planned to leave their

home countries and spread across

the globe. The major hurdle on

their way was the strong political

and religious force of Muslims,

the Ottoman Caliphate. Ottoman

Caliphate was the force to

terminate Byzantine Era and the

credit goes to the caliph,

Muhammad Al-Fatih, who

conquered Constantinople in 1453

AC, thus the Christian forces

fighting against Muslims for 8

centuries came to an end. He did

not stop there but continued

heading towards Europe and

conquered Bulgaria in 927 H,

The Light- Jan, Feb, Mar 2015 40

Buda in 932 H and sieged Feina,

the capital of Lamsa, located in

the heart of Europe.

It was too a great achievement of

Ottoman Caliphate to safeguard

the Northern Africa from

Crusades. It was the Northern

Africa where Muslims migrated to

after the fall of Granada in 987 H.

The Ottoman Empire joined

Algeria with the Caliphate and

Tunis was liberated from the

hands of Spanish Empire on this

occasion, followed by Tripoli in

926 H.

So, the Ottoman Caliphate proved

to be an iron wall before the

European attacks and as a result

Islam and Arabic in Africa

remained intact.

The Ottomans turned the Red Sea

into an Islamic one, could be used

by Muslims only. However, many

Islamic areas got connected with

Ottoman Caliphate and remained

united in the chain of unity. The

entire region from east to west

(from Iraq to Morocco) had

entered the fold of Ottoman


The time Europe witnessed

industrial revolution, all shipping

sea routes were under control of

Muslims as it was necessary to

pass through Turkey to go from

Europe to Asia and a strong

Islamic Caliphate was established

in Turkey. Apart from the sea

routes, Islamic world controlled a

major part of land transportations

routes too since the Islamic world

was located in the middle of the

earth and was a passage for whole

world. Since Turkey joins Europe

and Asia, the Europe was obliged

to pass through Turkey.

At the end of the 11th

century AC,

the Christians waged wars against

Islamic world in the name of

crusades, spread over two

centuries and 12 big battles among

Muslims and Christians took

place. In the beginning the

crusaders succeeded but later

Muslim got cautious. Asaduddin

Sherkwa, Salahuddin Ayyubi,

Ashraf Khalil and Ibn Khallidoon

expelled the crusaders out of

Islamic World till 1491 AC but on

the other hand, finally, Andalusia

fell in 1492 AC after defending

itself for 200 years.

These crusade wars helped Europe

strengthen its economic condition

that resulted in an industrial

revolution in 17th

century and the

products in abundance made them

The Light- Jan, Feb, Mar 2015 41

worried to explore new markets.

They, therefore, began their

attempt to reach India, a great

nation, a highly civilised and

affluent country ruled by Muslims

then. Andalusian institutes

provided them with useful

information of world map and sea

routes. Trade opportunities

escalated as the produces grew.

So, they thought it a right time to

set foot in India and for that their

European sailors took safe route to

reach there. They named this

immoral campaign “Discovery of

New World”.

The Explorers who started this

campaign are as under:

(1) Henry (1394-1460) was a

Portuguese. The western coast of

Africa and Ghana are said to be of

his discovery.

(2) Bartholomeu Días (1450-

1500), a Portuguese and Vasco Da

Gama (1469-1524) reached South

Africa, Madagascar and Malabar

of West India.

(3) Christopher Columbus, an

Italian, discovered America.

(4) Ferdinand Magellan, a

Portuguese (1480-1521), explored

southern tip of South America and

into the Pacific Ocean.

(5) John Cabot (1450-1498) was

an Italian, set foot on Northern

America from Britain.

(6) James Cook (1728-1779)

sighted Australia and New Zealand.

(7) Jacques Cartier (1490-1557)

discovered North America and

established a presence for the

French in modern-day Canada.

These are the famous European

explorers of the new world.

European People specially

Portugal, Britain, France, Holland,

Belgium, Italy, Germany and

Spain not only inhumanly

occupied the different parts of the

world in the name of ‘discovery of

new world’ but also enslaved the

people mentally and ideologically

and left no stone unturned to

dominate and subjugate the local


Malaysia, India, and coastal areas

of Arab gulf like Egypt, Sudan,

Uganda, Tanzania, Eretria, Ghana,

Iraq, Jordan and Palestine

remained under the occupation of


The Light- Jan, Feb, Mar 2015 42

France occupied China, Mali,

Chad, Nigeria, Senegal, Algeria,

Tunis, Guinea, Syria and


Libya and Somalia tasted the

control of Italy.

Russia occupied Siberia, Western

Turkistan, Islamic states of Adel

(Adal Sultanate), Iran and Islamic

states of Caucasia. Holland

brought Indonesia and South

Africa under its control and

Belgium subjugated Congo, a

central African country.




Jamia Islamia Ishaatul Uloom

Akkalkuwa, Dist. Nandurbar (MS) 425415

Contact: (02567) 252256, 08983527375

Email: [email protected]

Indian Subscription:

Copy Price: Rs. 25

Annual Fee: Rs.100

Foreign Subscription:

Annual Fee: $ 20 (Dollar)

£ 15 (British Pound

The Identity in the Fingerprint

While it is stated in the Qur'an that

it is easy for God to bring man

back to life after death, peoples'

fingerprints are particularly


"Yes, We are able to put together

in perfect order the very tips of his

fingers." (The Qur'an, 75:3-4)

The emphasis on fingerprints has

a very special meaning. This is

because everyone's fingerprint is

unique to himself. Every person

who is alive or who has ever lived

in this world has a set of unique


That is why fingerprints are

accepted as a very important proof

of identity, exclusive to their

owner, and are used for this

purpose around the world.

But what is important is that this

feature of fingerprints was only

discovered in the late 19th

century. Before then, people

regarded fingerprints as ordinary

curves without any specific

importance or meaning. However

in the Qur'an, God points to the

fingertips, which did not attract

anyone's attention at that time, and

calls our attention to their

importance-an importance that

was only finally understood in our


The Light- Jan, Feb, Mar 2015 43

Newsflash of Jamia: By Abu-Muhammad Qasmi

[email protected]






The second gathering upon the

completion of memorizing the

Quran was held on 18 December,

2014, Thursday, after Zuhr prayer

in the mosque of Hifz Section of

Jamia. The auspicious meeting

was presided over by the

President, Maulana Gulam

Muhammad Vastanvi under the

supervision of Hafiz Mohammad

Ishaque Vastanvi, the director of

Hifz section, in the presence of

many great scholars and valued

guests like Maulana Abdur

Rahman Sahib, teacher of Jamia

Hansot, Maulana Muhammad

Sahib Hanslot from England, Mr.

Babu Hussain Bhayyat from

Canada and the teachers of Hifz


The 275 students recited the last

surah of the Quran and thus

entered the fold of honourable

Huffaz and the number of total

huffaz of Jamia increased to

16743. (All praise be to Allah)

Later, the president of Jamia,

Maulana Gulam Muhammad

Vastanvi, congratulated the

students, their teachers and the

administration while offering his

pieces of advice to all. The

auspicious gathering came to an

end with the sincere prayer of the

Director of Hifz Section, Hafiz

Muhammad Ishaque Vastanvi





Jamia Akkalkuwa always strives

to create educational awakening

among the community, since

educational competitions in every

field are on rise but our youths,

keeping them busy in needless

activities, try to distance

themselves away from this noble


Jamia, therefore, organized 26

‘Quranic’ competitions in the first

phase, in 22 states under the title

The Light- Jan, Feb, Mar 2015 44

of “All India Quranic

Competition”, wherein about 5000

students from different Madaris

participated enthusiastically. The

competitions began on 4th


and ended in February. After 26

Quranic Competitions in different

states, Jamia will hold “All India

Quranic Competition” in its

campus on 4, 5, 6 March 2015,

wherein the students, securing the

first and the second ranks in

provincial competitions, will take

part. The experts in the respective

field with international repute will

be invited to judge. The successful

students will be given valuable

prizes for the encouragements.

Jamia has already successfully

organized seven competitions in

last 20 years. Al-Hamdulillah,

educational awakening among the

people, through these

competitions, can be witnessed

largely as several such

competitions are organized at

different places in the country

round the year.




A very significant Annual

function for distributing prizes to

the students was held in Jamia’s

grand Maimani Mosque, under the

guidance of Maulana Gulam

Muhammad Vastanvi, the

president of Jamia, in the presence

of all valuable teachers and

students of Jamia, on 15

December 2014, with the sole

purpose to promote the academic

competition among the students

and make a healthy atmosphere of

learning in Jamia campus.

The prizes were given to the

students with the holy hands of the

president and some other

respected guests. Thus, the

students were encouraged and the

meeting ended with the words of

heartfelt prayers.



The controller office of

examinations announced the date

of half-yearly exams in Jamia and

its branches, to begin from 18th

December 2014 to 8th January

2015, and from 3rd January 2015

to 11th January 2015 in its


With the announcement of half-

yearly exam dates, the students

threw themselves into the

preparation and are studying late

The Light- Jan, Feb, Mar 2015 45

nights to secure distinguished

marks in their respective subjects

and surpass their fellows.

After the examinations are over,

there is a vacation of 20 days till

27 January, 2015. During this

period the educational activities

shall remain closed till the Jamia

reopens on 28 January, 2015.



Jamia Akkalkuwa with District

Job, Centre for Guidance of

Personal Job and some other

organisations, held a big JOB

FARE in its ITI campus, to hunt

for the talent in various fields. The

CEO of Jamia, Maulana Huzaifa

Gulam Muhammad Vastanvi,

graced the fare with his presence

along with other highly respected


Delegates coming from different

states like Gujarat, Madhya

Pradesh, Rajasthan and

Maharashtra offered valuable

pieces of advice while addressing

the students and selected 300

students for vacant posts.

Among others, Mr Akbar Patel,

Professor Tauheed Mujawar and

the principal of IIT College Mr

Ilyas Patel were present in the

programme. The teachers of Jamia

IIT extended full support to make

this event a great success.




We are pleased to inform you that

Jamia, along with its educational

and welfare activities, keeps itself

busy in expanding its circle to

health and medical fields. Jamia

so far has constructed as many as

10 dispensaries and hospitals and

thousands of needy people are

daily benefited from it with no

charge. Three year before Al-Noor

Charitable hospital was

established with the MBBS

College, which presently has 300

beds. The ground floor has been

completed and the second and the

third floor are under construction.

Daily poor and needy people

come to the hospital for medicines

and their treatments. They are

provided medicines, treatments

and operations etc. freely. The

detail is as under:

The hospital has 300 beds and a

team of 110 expert doctors. The

hospital provides the facilities

like- surgery, Medicine, maternity

The Light- Jan, Feb, Mar 2015 46

and Pediatric treatments, eye,

nose, throat specialty, sonography,

orthodontics, etc.

An average of 688 out-patients

and 254 inpatients are daily

benefited from the hospital. Both

out and inpatients are provided the

facilities like laboratory, x-ray,

sonography, medicines freely.

Around 90 patients of x-ray daily

visit the hospital and about 50

patients for sonography.

Moreover, the hospital organizes

camps from time to time at

different places and patients are

diagnosed there without charge by

our expert doctors. They are

treated and operated freely. Al-

Noor Hospital is turning to be a

great boon to the poor.

The hospital offers its services to

all irrespective of caste and creed.

The hospital bears the cost of

medicines monthly around of Rs

10 Lakh and of operations of Rs

15 Lakh. More than one hundred

doctors are busy in offering their

appreciated services.

The Identity in the Fingerprint

While it is stated in the Qur'an that

it is easy for God to bring man back

to life after death, peoples'

fingerprints are particularly

emphasized: "Yes, We are able to

put together in perfect order the

very tips of his fingers." (The

Qur'an, 75:3-4)

The emphasis on fingerprints has a

very special meaning. This is

because everyone's fingerprint is

unique to himself. Every person

who is alive or who has ever lived

in this world has a set of unique


That is why fingerprints are

accepted as a very important proof

of identity, exclusive to their owner,

and are used for this purpose around

the world.

But what is important is that this

feature of fingerprints was only

discovered in the late 19th century.

Before then, people regarded

fingerprints as ordinary curves

without any specific importance or

meaning. However in the Qur'an,

God points to the fingertips, which

did not attract anyone's attention at

that time, and calls our attention to

their importance-an importance that

was only finally understood in our


Do You Know?

Answer: Beard

The Light- Jan, Feb, Mar 2015 47

(from page 48) with full intent to

implement their well-planned

agendas. An absurd theory of

'Love Jihad', 'Homecoming'

(Conversion) and 'Bring

Daughters-in-law and Save

Daughters' (Marry Muslim Girls)

have become the catchphrases of

the right-wing activists spoiling

the centuries of the religious

diversity in the country. Their

treacherous plan to forcefully

convert poor Muslims and

Christians is not only poisoning

the peaceful atmosphere of the

societies but also posing a

challenge to its multi-faith

constitutional commitment, since

every individual enjoys the

freedom of religion and faith as a

fundamental right guaranteed by

Indian constitution article 25.

Freedom to faith is a principle

that supports the free will of an

individual or community to

manifest belief, practice, worship

and observance recognised by the

Article 18 of Universal

Declaration of Human Rights

too. Islam has acknowledged it in

the Qur'an, saying, "There is no

compulsion in faith. The correct

way has become distinct from the

erroneous." In another verse, a

similar message is given, "And

had your Lord willed, those on

earth would have believed, all of

them together. So, will you (O

Muhammad) then compel

mankind, until they become


Such issues in the world of

intolerance have become matters

of great concern for Muslim

scholars. It is high time for

Muslim organisations setting

aside their differences to counter

cohesively the Hindutva plan and

widen the Islamic awakening

among the masses as Islam with

no doubt is a universal light to

guide the whole humanity. The

eternal battle between truth and

falsehood started since the

beginning of this world and will

continue to the last day. But

Allah says in the glorious Qur'an,

"They wish to blow out the Light

of Allah with their mouths, and

Allah rejects everything short of

making His light perfect, no

matter how the disbelievers may

hate it."


* Writers and columnists are welcome

to send their write-ups suitable for

publication in the magazine but the

editor reserves the right to publish it or

reject it altogether without assigning

any reason.

The Light- Jan, Feb, Mar 2015 48



[email protected]

TODAY the entire world may cry

out to have reached the peak of

human civilization and claim to

have attained the glory of grand

success in its life style, but the

practices of people world over

seem to be contrary to their

proclamations. The more the

world is advancing to science and

technology, the more fanatical the

modern world is becoming.

People are feeling less secure

today because of incessant

increase in fanaticism and

discrimination across the globe for

various reasons and the irony is

that the governments are

allocating huge funds for buying

high-tech weaponry to make them

safe and secure. People have not

forgotten yet the merciless

bloodbath of innocent children,

men and women in Iraq and

Afghanistan in the name of so-

called peace and stability in the

region. Our eyes are still filled

with tears over the deadliest attack

of its kind on the army school in

Pakistan taking many precious

lives of innocent students. The

blasphemous attitude of the

French magazine, Charlie Hebdo,

towards Islam under the guise of

press freedom and the consequent

attack on the magazine's office

killing the staff clearly shows the

hypocrisy of the world and a huge

vacuum of tolerance to be filled in

the self-styled civilized world.

India, known for its multicultural

and religious diversity, is no

exception in rising intolerance and

extremism as the people here are

burnt alive in communal violence

erupts for nothing or over a trifle.

The communities are heading to

fight for their supremacy and

control over the nation and

becoming radicals and intolerants

towards others. Minority

communities are feeling restless

over various issues since the new

government was formed in the

centre. Many saffron organisations

and their offshoots emerged liked

mushrooms and launched scathing

attacks on the rival communities...

(on page 47)